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"The immediate impact of the success of the manhattan project was the only cloud hanging over the impressive achievement of the atomic researchers and engineers is what their success truly meant; hundreds of thousands of innocent lives obliterated."
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"passage_text": [
"The presence of communication amid scientific minds was equally important to the success of the Manhattan Project as scientific intellect was. The only cloud hanging over the impressive achievement of the atomic researchers and engineers is what their success truly meant; hundreds of thousands of innocent lives obliterated.",
"The Manhattan Project and its atomic bomb helped bring an end to World War II. Its legacy of peaceful uses of atomic energy continues to have an impact on history and science.",
"Essay on The Manhattan Project - The Manhattan Project The Manhattan Project was to see if making an atomic bomb possible. The success of this project would forever change the world forever making it known that something this powerful can be manmade.",
"The Manhattan Project was the name for a project conducted during World War II, to develop the first atomic bomb. It refers specifically to the period of the project from 194 … 2-1946 under the control of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, under the administration of General Leslie R. Groves.",
"versions of each volume as well as complementary websites. The first website–The Manhattan Project: An Interactive History–is available on the Office of History and Heritage Resources website, http://www.cfo. The Office of History and Heritage Resources and the National Nuclear Security",
"The Manhattan Project. This once classified photograph features the first atomic bomb — a weapon that atomic scientists had nicknamed Gadget.. The nuclear age began on July 16, 1945, when it was detonated in the New Mexico desert.",
"Nor will it attempt to substitute for the extraordinarily rich literature on the atomic bombs and the end of World War II. This collection does not attempt to document the origins and development of the Manhattan Project.",
"Manhattan Project. The Manhattan Project was a research and development undertaking during World War II that produced the first nuclear weapons. It was led by the United States with the support of the United Kingdom and Canada. From 1942 to 1946, the project was under the direction of Major General Leslie Groves of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Nuclear physicist Robert Oppenheimer was the director of the Los Alamos Laboratory that designed the actual bombs. The Army component of the project was designated the",
"In June 1942, the United States Army Corps of Engineersbegan the Manhattan Project- The secret name for the 2 atomic bombs.",
"One of the main reasons Hanford was selected as a site for the Manhattan Project's B Reactor was its proximity to the Columbia River, the largest river flowing into the Pacific Ocean from the North American coast."
"url": [
} | )what was the immediate impact of the success of the manhattan project? | 1,185,869 | DESCRIPTION | [] |
"Restorative justice that fosters dialogue between victim and offender has shown the highest rates of victim satisfaction and offender accountability."
] | {
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"passage_text": [
"group discussions, community boards or panels with a third party, or victim and offender dialogues, and requires a skilled facilitator who also has sufficient understanding of sexual assault, domestic violence, and dating violence, as well as trauma and safety issues.",
"punishment designed to repair the damage done to the victim and community by an offender's criminal act. Ex: community service, Big Brother program indeterminate sentence",
"Tutorial: Introduction to Restorative Justice. Restorative justice is a theory of justice that emphasizes repairing the harm caused by criminal behaviour. It is best accomplished through cooperative processes that include all stakeholders. This can lead to transformation of people, relationships and communities. Practices and programs reflecting restorative purposes will respond to crime by: 1 identifying and taking steps to repair harm, 2 involving all stakeholders, and. 3 transforming the traditional relationship between communities and their governments in responding to crime.",
"Organize volunteer community panels, boards, or committees that meet with the offender to discuss the incident and offender obligation to repair the harm to victims and community members. Facilitate the process of apologies to victims and communities. Invite local victim advocates to provide ongoing victim-awareness training for probation staff.",
"The purpose of this paper is to point out a number of unresolved issues in the criminal justice system, present the underlying principles of restorative justice, and then to review the growing amount of empirical data on victim-offender mediation.",
"Each of these types of communities—the geographic community of the victim, offender, or crime; the community of care; and civil society—may be injured by crime in different ways and degrees, but all will be affected in common ways as well: The sense of safety and confidence of their members is threatened, order within the community is threatened, and (depending on the kind of crime) common values of the community are challenged and perhaps eroded.",
"The approach is based on a theory of justice that considers crime and wrongdoing to be an offense against an individual or community, rather than the State. Restorative justice that fosters dialogue between victim and offender has shown the highest rates of victim satisfaction and offender accountability.",
"Inherent in many people’s understanding of the notion of ADR is the existence of a dispute between identifiable parties. Criminal justice, however, is not usually conceptualised as a dispute between victim and offender, but is instead seen as a matter concerning the relationship between the offender and the state. This raises a complex question as to whether a criminal offence can properly be described as a ‘dispute’.",
"Criminal justice, however, is not usually conceptualised as a dispute between victim and offender, but is instead seen as a matter concerning the relationship between the offender and the state. 3 This raises a complex question as to whether a criminal offence can properly be described as a ‘dispute’.",
"The circle includes a wide range of participants including not only the offender and the victim but also friends and families, community members, and justice system representatives. The primary distinction between conferencing and circles is that circles do not focus exclusively on the offense and do not limit their solutions to repairing the harm between the victim and the offender."
"url": [
} | _________ justice is designed to repair the harm to victim, the community and the offender caused by the offender criminal act. question 19 options: | 1,185,868 | DESCRIPTION | [] |
"The reasons why Stalin wanted to control Eastern Europe are Russia has historically no secure border and they wanted to set up satellite countries."
] | {
"is_selected": [
"passage_text": [
"Western betrayal. The concept of Western betrayal refers to the view that the United Kingdom and France failed to meet their legal, diplomatic, military and moral obligations with respect to the Czech and Polish nations during the prelude to and aftermath of the Second World War.",
"The Tuvan People's Republic, was proclaimed independent in 1921 and was a satellite state of Soviet Union until its annexation in 1944 by the Soviet Union. Another early Soviet satellite state in Asia was the short-lived Far East Republic in Siberia. Post-World War II",
"Satellite state. The term satellite state designates a country that is formally independent in the world, but under heavy political, economic and military influence or control from another country. The term was coined by analogy to planetary objects orbiting a larger object, such as smaller moons revolving around larger planets, and is used mainly to refer to Central and Eastern European countries of the Warsaw Pact during the Cold War or to Mongolia or Tannu Tuva between 1924 and 1990, for example. As used for",
"According to Hakluyt, why should England pursue colonies in North America? Check all of the boxes that apply.",
"An interview with Anne Applebaum about her new book, The Crushing of Eastern Europe. Soviet-built tanks wheel into action in a smoke-filled Budapest street during Hungary's rebellion against communist satellite government in October of 1956.",
"They therefore,if anything, tightened their grip, Hungary 1956,Czechoslovakia 1968 and the construction of the Berlin Wall all being examples.After Stalin,it wasn't so much the desire to extend Soviet power as paranoia about losing it that maintained Soviet desire to control Eastern Europe.",
"There are 3 main reasons why Stalin wanted to control Eastern Europe. 1.) Russia has historically no secure border. 2.) They wanted to set up satellite countries. 3.)",
"Why did the United Nations send troops to Korea in 1950? They wanted to contain and push back the communist invaders from the North. Why was the Arab-Israeli conflict considered part of the Cold War?",
"On top of that, Russia had been the victim of attacks from the west multiple times. In 1914 and 1941 Germany attacked Russia through Poland. To Stalin, the past was a reliable indicator of what the future could hold. Stalin thought that having control over eastern europe could significantly undermine this threat. Despite this, it was agreed at the Yalta conference, with the consent of Stalin, that all the countries liberated from Nazi Germany would have the right to be democratic and politically independent.",
"Not just Eastern Europe, Stalin wanted to control the world by creating an empire based on Communism. That's how they clashed with US who intended to control the world by building an empire based on Capitalism. That's what the Cold War is about."
"url": [
} | why did stalin want control of eastern europe | 1,185,854 | DESCRIPTION | [] |
"Nails rust in water because water allows the iron to react with any oxygen present, which forms iron oxide. Nails rust due to presence of some impurities in the water, particularly salts, which speeds up the transfer of electrons from iron to oxygen."
] | {
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"passage_text": [
"what to Do If I Stepped on Rusty Nail: Prevent Getting Tetanus. What to do if you step on a nail and are afraid to get Tetanus? Tetanus vaccines are available to help the body fight off the bacteria that causes this infection. Patients as young as two months are able to receive a tetanus shot.",
"Just asked! See more. 1 What is the minimum coefficient of friction ... Answer. 13 minutes ago. 2 How do you find the derivate of inverse sin ... Answer. 14 minutes ago. 3 You found the perfect pair of shorts for $24.99 ... Answer. 20 minutes ago. 4 What are the asymptote(s) and hole(s), if any, of ... Answer. 35 minutes ago.",
"In order to cause rust quickly, there must be some impurities in the water,... Nails rust in water because water allows the iron to react with any oxygen present, which forms iron oxide, known as rust. In order to cause rust quickly, there must be some impurities in the water,...",
"Rusty Nail and Tetanus It is commonly advised that people should avoid rusty nails because they are dangerous. One of the most common beliefs is that piercing the skin with a rusty nail can cause you to develop tetanus or lockjaw. Tetanus is referred to as lockjaw because the initial symptoms of the disease will cause the muscles around the mouth to become rigid.",
"If you take an iron nail and let it rust in air, you'll find that the weight of the rusted nail is larger than that of the nail before it rusted. This gives the impression that the amount of mass hasn't remained constant, but what has really happened is that the oxygen in the air (which you didn't weigh) combined with the iron to make it rust. As a result, the weight of the oxygen plus the weight of the iron is equal to the weight of the rust that's formed. OK.",
"A: Nails rust in water because water allows the iron to react with any oxygen present, which forms iron oxide, known as rust. In order to cause rust quickly, there must be some impurities in the water, particularly salts, since these speed up the transfer of electrons from iron to oxygen.",
"It is possible to contract tetanus if you are cut by a rusty nail. Tetanus is caused by the clostridium tetani bacteria which are commonly found in dust, soil and animal feces. Because these items are commonly found around areas like gardens or work sites where rusty nails are present, the general belief that rusty nails cause tetanus was born. It is important to note that it is not so much the rust on the nail that causes people to contract tetanus, but the fact that nails can cause deep wounds that make it easier for the tetanus infection to spread.",
"Just asked! See more. 1 What is the minimum coefficient of friction 2 ... How do you find the derivate of inverse sin 3 ... You found the perfect pair of shorts for $24.99 4 ... What are the asymptote(s) and hole(s), if any, of ...",
"Just asked! See more. 1 What is the minimum coefficient of friction ... Answer. 2 How do you find the derivate of inverse sin ... Answer. 3 You found the perfect pair of shorts for $24.99 ... Answer. 4 What are the asymptote(s) and hole(s), if any, of ... Answer.",
"Quick Answer. Nails rust in water because water allows the iron to react with any oxygen present, which forms iron oxide, known as rust. In order to cause rust quickly, there must be some impurities in the water, particularly salts, since these speed up the transfer of electrons from iron to oxygen. Continue Reading"
"url": [
} | why do nails get rusty | 1,185,755 | DESCRIPTION | [] |
"Depona Ab is a library in Vilhelmina, Sweden."
] | {
"is_selected": [
"passage_text": [
"A preview of what LinkedIn members have to say about Göran: Göran är en mycket duktig och noggrann säljare och ledare. Under görans ledning och stöd byggde vi en effektiv och stark sälj/marknads organisation för outsourcing av dokumenthanteringstjänster i stor skala. Jag jobbar gärna med Göran närsomhelst och rekommenderar gärna Göran som er nästa sälj/marknadschef.",
"Depona Oy YTJ: Y-tunnus: 21527338 YTJ: Toimiala: Kirjastojen ja arkistojen toiminta (TOL: 91010) YTJ: Toimialakuvaus: (Päivitetty: 01.04.2008)",
"In the autumn of 2000, Svenska Standardbolag and Magnus Litens founded Sweden’s today leading actor in archive services, Depona AB. Depona operates in ten locations in Sweden and has thousands of customers who use their web-based archiving solution Visual archive. The history of Standardbolag. Lawyer Gustaf Bertil Ihrman, the founder of Svenska Standardbolag AB, had his office in the ”Ihrman villa” in Falun and conducted general legal services during the years of 1921–1953.",
"View Martin Townsend’s profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Martin has 6 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover Martin’s connections and jobs at similar companies.",
"Uzņēmums Depona sāka darbu ar ideju, kas paredzēja atjaunināt un uzlabot arhivēšanas pakalpojumu tirgu, nodrošinot novatorisku lietotāju saskarni, labāku Valodas Dansk",
"Company Profile. Depona AB provides physical archive services. The Company offers business, organizations, and governmental agencies archival materials using the latest technology for recording, retrieval, and archive databases. Depona delivers services throughout Sweden.",
"Depona Ab is a library in Vilhelmina, Sweden. The company is located at Slggatan 1. This private company was founded in 1999 (about 16 years ago). A typical library has between 4 and 80 employees, meaning that Depona Ab, with a reported 5 employees, employs a typical amount of people for the industry within Sweden.",
"Svenska Standardbolag AB is the market leader in corporate cases in Sweden since 1954 and has assisted Swedish enterprises in more than 300 000 corporate cases. Our shelf company AB Grundstenen is our main product and more than 150 000 Swedish companies have been started with it.",
"1 5",
"Connecting decision makers to a dynamic network of information, people and ideas, Bloomberg quickly and accurately delivers business and financial information, news and insight around the world."
"url": [
} | depona ab | 1,184,773 | DESCRIPTION | [] |
"No Answer Present."
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"passage_text": [
"While Chicago O’Hare in 2014 was briefly the world’s busiest in flight counts, Atlanta has had the most flights for the past two years. Hartsfield-Jackson had a 1.8 percent increase in flights in 2016, while Chicago O’Hare had a 0.9 percent decline.",
"More than 104 million travelers passed through Atlanta's airport last year, making the Delta Air Lines hub the world's busiest for passenger traffic, according to Airports Council International. The airport handles around 2,500 arrivals and departures, according to the airport's figures.",
"(Redirected from World's busiest airports by passenger traffic) The world's busiest airports by passenger traffic are measured by total passengers (data from Airports Council International), defined as passengers enplaned plus passengers deplaned plus direct-transit passengers.",
"Most watched News videos Embed this Embed icon. 1 Choose a theme. Dark theme Dark. Light theme Light. <iframe style=width:1px;min-width:100%;height:352px src= frameborder=0 scrolling=no></iframe>. 2 Hurricane Harvey causes massive flooding after hitting...",
"Why is Atlanta the world’s busiest airport? With more than 250,000 passengers and nearly 2,500 arrivals and departures each day, a layover at Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport is not uncommon.",
"Atlanta has the busiest airport in the world? Not New York City or Hong Kong? Whaaa? Here’s why: Delta’s HQ. In case you didn’t know, Delta Inc. has their headquarters in Atlanta. It was founded decades ago in Macon, Georgia but once Delta became a company they moved their headquarters north to Atlanta.",
"Trailing Atlanta in the rankings of the world’s busiest airports was China’s Beijing Capital International Airport, which held on to its No. 2 ranking again in 2016. “Many pundits anticipated that ATL would be overtaken by Beijing (PEK) by 2015, which held the world's second spot last year,” ACI added in its statement.",
"Atlanta became the first airport in the world to break that threshold in 2015, when it processed 101.5 million passengers. The passenger count rose again by 2.6% in 2016, jumping to 104.2 million fliers, according to ACI’s preliminary numbers.",
"Copyright© 2016-2017 City of Atlanta | All Rights Reserved. Our mission is to provide the Atlanta region a safe, secure and cost-competitive gateway to the world that drives economic development, operates with the highest level of customer service and efficiency, and exercises fiscal and environmental responsibility.",
"Atlanta Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport, the busiest airport in the world, was hit with extended rain and high winds from Irma on Monday while many of Florida's airports remained closed as officials assess damage and try clean up from the powerful storm."
"url": [
} | is the atlanta airport the busiest in the world | 1,174,762 | LOCATION | [] |
"$43,746 for the 2014-2015 academic year."
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"is_selected": [
"passage_text": [
"the cost of attending new york university is comparable to that of other selective private institutions new york university charges tuition and registration fees on a per unit basis for 2015 2016 the tuition rate is expected to be $ 1616 per unit plus registration and service feesthe estimated total tuition for the ms program is $ 51654 the board of trustees of new york university reserves the right to alter tuition and feesfinal tuition and fees for the 2015 16 academic year will be made official by april of this yearhe board of trustees of new york university reserves the right to alter tuition and fees final tuition and fees for the 2015 16 academic year will be made official by april of this year",
"tuition for new york university is $ 43746 for the 2014 2015 academic year this is 73 % more expensive than the national average private non profit four year college tuition of $ 25240he net out of pocket total cost you end up paying or financing though student loans is known as the net price the reported new york university net price for in state students $ 34268 for the 2013 2014 academic year this net price includes housing and meal expenses",
"the cost is $ 23628 and 117 % more expensive than the average new york tuition of $ 20118 for 4 year colleges tuition ranks 172nd in new york amongst 4 year colleges for affordability and is the 16th most expensive 4 year college in the stateprice does not vary by residence the school charges an additional fees of $ 2424 in addition to tuition bringing the total effective in state tuition to $ 46170he net out of pocket total cost you end up paying or financing though student loans is known as the net price the reported new york university net price for in state students $ 34268 for the 2013 2014 academic year this net price includes housing and meal expenses",
"$ 470 nonreturnable registration and services fee per point for registration after first point $ 66 the above table represents the tuition and fees for a graduate social work student enrolling in the 2015 2016 academic yearnew york university and the silver school of social work reserve the right to change its courses programs tuition and fees at any time 470 nonreturnable registration and services fee per point for registration after first point $ 66 the above table represents the tuition and fees for a graduate social work student enrolling in the 2015 2016 academic year",
"at the current published rates an estimated total tuition fees and living expense price for a 4 year bachelor s degree at new york university is $ 256088 for students graduating in normal timehe net out of pocket total cost you end up paying or financing though student loans is known as the net price the reported new york university net price for in state students $ 34268 for the 2013 2014 academic year this net price includes housing and meal expenses",
"$ 51958 this includes tuition and registration fees for executive masters students excluding nurse leaders fees also include a one time $ 1500 empa program fee a typical part time student enrolls in 2 courses per semester each academic yeara typical full time student enrolls in 4 courses per semester each academic year 2015 2016 tuition per credit $ 1589his includes tuition and registration fees for executive masters students excluding nurse leaders fees also include a one time $ 1500 empa program fee a typical part time student enrolls in 2 courses per semester each academic year",
"all fees are payable at the time of registration the office of the bursar is located at 25 west fourth street checks and drafts are to be drawn to the order of new york university for the exact amount of the tuition and fees requiredate payment of tuition fee $ 25 late registration fee commencing with the second week of classes $ 50 late registration fee commencing with the fifth week of classes $ 100 deposit upon acceptance nonreturnable $ 500 housing deposit if applicable upon acceptance nonreturnable $ 1000",
"nyu students in the halcyon days when tuition was only $ 50k per year nyu students in the halcyon days when tuition was only $ 50k per year it s no secret that matriculating at nyu is breathtakingly expensivenyu will cost you your arms legs soul is not breaking newsyu students in the halcyon days when tuition was only $ 50k per year nyu students in the halcyon days when tuition was only $ 50k per year it s no secret that matriculating at nyu is breathtakingly expensive",
"with this plan you budget the cost of your tuition and or housing after deducting any financial aid you will be receiving and or any payments you have made directly to nyu a nonrefundable enrollment fee of $ 50 is required when applying for the fall spring tuitionpay planate payment of tuition fee $ 25 late registration fee commencing with the second week of classes $ 50 late registration fee commencing with the fifth week of classes $ 100 deposit upon acceptance nonreturnable $ 500 housing deposit if applicable upon acceptance nonreturnable $ 1000",
"the net out of pocket total cost you end up paying or financing though student loans is known as the net price the reported new york university net price for in state students $ 34268 for the 2013 2014 academic year this net price includes housing and meal expenseshe net out of pocket total cost you end up paying or financing though student loans is known as the net price the reported new york university net price for in state students $ 34268 for the 2013 2014 academic year this net price includes housing and meal expenses"
"url": [
} | nyu tuition cost | 467,556 | NUMERIC | [] |
"Before the age of 2–4 years."
] | {
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"passage_text": [
"In an effort to better understand how children form memories, the researchers asked 140 kids between the ages of 4 and 13 to describe their earliest memories and then asked them to do the same thing two years later.",
"Conversely, a third of the children who were age 10 to 13 during the first interview described the same earliest memory during the second interview. More than half of the memories they recalled were the same at both interviews. The researchers are now studying why children remember certain events and not others.",
"However, when the offset of childhood amnesia is defined as the age at which the majority of memories are personal recollections rather than known events, then offset occurs at approximately 4.5 years old.",
"The development of memory in children becomes evident within the first 2 to 3 years of a child's life as they show considerable advances in declarative memory. This enhancement continues into adolescence with major developments in short term memory, working memory, long term memory and autobiographical memory.",
"Most adults remember little before their third or fourth birthdays, and the thinking has been that prior to this age children do not have the cognitive or language skills to process and store events as memories.",
"The way that researchers study the memory capabilities of infants in this age range is through measuring eye movements between test images presented. After doing this initial round of testing, the researchers would conduct follow-up tests both 5 minutes later and one day later.",
"As this happens, memories occurring in the preschool years tend to be lost. “As young children get older their first memories tend to get later and later, but around age 10 their memories crystallize,” Peterson tells WebMD.",
"Childhood amnesia, also called infantile amnesia, is the inability of adults to retrieve episodic memories before the age of 2–4 years, as well as the period before age 10 of which adults retain fewer memories than might otherwise be expected given the passage of time.",
"In children under the age of 4, the memory storage capacity limitation constrains complex comprehension processes. As the child grows older however, less processing is necessary which opens more storage space for memory.",
"Recent research on the development of memory has indicated that declarative, or explicit memory, may exist in infants who are even younger than two years old. For example, newborns who are less than 3 days old demonstrate a preference for their mother’s own voice."
"url": [
} | at what age do kids start to hold memories | 28,213 | NUMERIC | [] |
"Americans brush for just under the two minutes on average."
] | {
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"passage_text": [
"Your dentist or oral surgeon may use one of three types of anesthesia, depending on the expected complexity of the wisdom tooth extraction and your comfort level. Local anesthesia. Your dentist or oral surgeon administers local anesthesia with one or more injections near the site of each extraction.",
"Your dentist or oral surgeon may use one of three types of anesthesia, depending on the expected complexity of the wisdom tooth extraction and your comfort level. Options include: Local anesthesia.",
"On average, Americans brush for just under the two minutes recommended by dental professionals. African Americans brush 18 seconds longer than Americans as a whole, while younger adults ages 18 to 24 spend 16 seconds longer than average brushing. Nearly six of 10 Americans brush their teeth at bedtime and as soon as they wake up in the morning, while 38 percent brush after breakfast. About 17 percent brush after lunch, and 21 percent brush after dinner.",
"Nearly six of 10 Americans brush their teeth at bedtime and as soon as they wake up in the morning, while 38 percent brush after breakfast. According to the Delta Dental survey, 91 percent of Americans brush most frequently at home in their bathrooms over the sink.",
"Distance of the teeth need to be moved- The amount of space or distance that is required to move the teeth can also determine the average length of time to wear braces. If one has a minor orthodontic problem and the teeth have to travel only a narrow distance, then one may have shorter time duration for treatment.",
"The average length of time to wear braces can vary from one individual to another. Depending on the condition of the teeth and gums, the space available, the severity of the misaligned teeth, the distance which the teeth needs to cover and the cooperativeness of the individual to instructions. However, the average length of time to wear braces is usually from 1 to 2 years. For some individuals braces may have to be worn for longer period of time up to 3 years or so and for some other individuals the time duration to wear braces may be lesser. Factors which determines the duration of braces treatment-.",
"Most adults do not come close to brushing that long. These four steps are the best and easiest ways to help you remember how to care for your mouth, teeth and gums: Brush at least twice a day with fluoride toothpaste for at least two minutes, especially first thing in the morning and before bedtime.",
"Use the tip of the brush to reach behind each front tooth on the top and bottom. In addition, don't forget flossing - it's just as important as brushing. If you don't brush your teeth long enough, you may not be getting your teeth clean enough. If you leave behind bacteria on the teeth after brushing, it can lead to serious problems such as gingivitis or periodontitis.",
"Though it is important to pay attention to how long you're brushing, it's even more important to make sure all surfaces are clean. Remember to brush using short strokes, moving back and forth against the teeth and gums, around the surface of every tooth.",
"In fact, according to the Delta Dental survey, people who brush at least twice a day are 22 percent more likely to describe their oral health as good or better compared with those who brush less frequently. Unfortunately, 23 percent of Americans have gone two or more days without brushing their teeth in the past year."
"url": [
} | average teeth brushing time | 44,588 | NUMERIC | [] |
"Yes, funner is a word."
] | {
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"passage_text": [
"Taken from Wiktionary: Funnest is a regular superlative of the adjective fun. However, the use of fun as an adjective is itself still often seen as informal or casual and to be avoided in formal writing, and this would apply equally to the superlative form.",
"adjective, funnier, funniest. 1. providing fun; causing amusement or laughter; amusing; comical: a funny remark; a funny person. 2. attempting to amuse; facetious:",
"24 Comments. 1 I’ve never heard “funner”, but I hear “xyz is the funnies zyx ever” a lot. 2 GAH. “ 3 For example, you wouldn’t say that ‘The gray cat is catter than the black one.’ Cat is a noun. Funner is a 1 word. I asked beacuase i watched suite life on deck and sally said now this is funner than your stupid bear shirt.",
"Words don't have to be used often to be words. For instance, cryptosporidium is a word which is used less often by the people you meet than funner. Yet, the anchorwoman of your six o'clock news show would probably use cryptosporidium when appropriate, while avoiding funner in favor of more fun.",
"Funner is, of course, a word in the same sense that ponyfraggis is a word, if word is defined as a pronounceable sequence of letters delimited by whitespace. In terms of usage, the frequency of use of More fun vs funner in formal writing suggest that funner is spoken slang. Naturally it is a word, too.",
"6 Answers 6. Funnest is a regular superlative of the adjective fun. However, the use of fun as an adjective is itself still often seen as informal or casual and to be avoided in formal writing, and this would apply equally to the superlative form.",
"I’ll toss in my two cents… For the heck of it.. Funner is a word in the Scrabble dictionary. It’s interesting that it’s in the Scrabble dictionary, but it’s not in the Oxford English Dictionary. The OED studies these words at a far greater depth than Scrabble–which happens to pulls its word-bank from Merriam Webster.",
"Funny and laughable are both applied to that which provokes laughter or deserves to be laughed at; funny is a colloquial term loosely applied and in popular use is commonly interchangeable with the other terms: a funny story, scene, joke; a laughable incident, mistake.",
"diversion, amusement, 1727, earlier a cheat, trick (c.1700), from verb fun (1680s) to cheat, hoax, of uncertain origin, probably a variant of Middle English fonnen befool (c.1400; see fond). Older sense is preserved in phrase to make fun of (1737) and funny money counterfeit bills (1938, though this may be more for the sake of the rhyme).",
"something that provides mirth or amusement: A picnic would be fun. 2. enjoyment or playfulness: She's full of fun. verb (used with or without object), funned, funning."
"url": [
} | is funner a word? | 410,717 | DESCRIPTION | [] |
"No Answer Present."
] | {
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"passage_text": [
"Phloem is a conductive (or vascular) tissue found in plants. Phloem carries the products of photosynthesis (sucrose and glucose) from the leaves to other parts of the plant. … The corresponding system that circulates water and minerals from the roots is called the xylem.",
"Phloem and xylem are complex tissues that perform transportation of food and water in a plant. They are the vascular tissues of the plant and together form vascular bundles. They work together as a unit to bring about effective transportation of food, nutrients, minerals and water.",
"Phloem and xylem are complex tissues that perform transportation of food and water in a plant. They are the vascular tissues of the plant and together form vascular bundles.",
"Phloem is a conductive (or vascular) tissue found in plants. Phloem carries the products of photosynthesis (sucrose and glucose) from the leaves to other parts of the plant.",
"Unlike xylem (which is composed primarily of dead cells), the phloem is composed of still-living cells that transport sap. The sap is a water-based solution, but rich in sugars made by the photosynthetic areas.",
"In xylem vessels water travels by bulk flow rather than cell diffusion. In phloem, concentration of organic substance inside a phloem cell (e.g., leaf) creates a diffusion gradient by which water flows into cells and phloem sap moves from source of organic substance to sugar sinks by turgor pressure.",
"Phloem is a conductive (or vascular) tissue found in plants. Phloem carries the products of photosynthesis (sucrose and glucose) from the leaves to other parts of the plant. … The corresponding system that circulates water and minerals from the roots is called the xylem.",
"The mechanism by which sugars are transported through the phloem, from sources to sinks, is called pressure flow. At the sources (usually the leaves), sugar molecules are moved into the sieve elements (phloem cells) through active transport.",
"Phloem carries the products of photosynthesis (sucrose and glucose) from the leaves to other parts of the plant. … The corresponding system that circulates water and minerals from the roots is called the xylem.",
"Xylem transports water and soluble mineral nutrients from roots to various parts of the plant. It is responsible for replacing water lost through transpiration and photosynthesis. Phloem translocates sugars made by photosynthetic areas of plants to storage organs like roots, tubers or bulbs."
"url": [
} | what direction does phloem flow | 620,830 | DESCRIPTION | [] |
"An abbreviation of Conformite Conformité, europeenne Européenne Meaning. european conformity."
] | {
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"passage_text": [
"CE Certification. CE Certification is required for all recreational boats entering or being sold in the European Union. Manufacturers must test and document to ensure conformity to all applicable European directives and requirements. CE certification is obtained from Notified Bodies, organizations that are recognized by European states to conduct CE assessments and issue CE certification documents.",
"Certification by a notified body enables you to display the CE mark on your products and allows you free and open access to the European Union market.",
"The CE marking is the manufacturer's declaration that the product meets the requirements of the applicable EC directives. Officially, CE is an abbreviation of Conformite Conformité, europeenne Européenne Meaning. european conformity",
"CE is a mandatory mark for certain product groups in order for them to be sold on the. market – specifically into the EU. The requirements are set out in European Directives (similar to Australia ’s Regulations and Acts) that cover health, safety and environmental protection legislation.",
"The CE marking is the manufacturer's declaration that the product meets the requirements of the applicable EC directives. Officially, CE is an abbreviation of Conformite Conformité, europeenne Européenne Meaning. European, CONFORMITY however ce originally Stood For , Communaute communauté Europeenne Européenne. french for european community",
"About us. Certification Experts B.V. is an international organisation with a subsidiary office in Shenyang, P.R. China. Our company is specialized in CE marking, European Product Safety legislation, International Product Safety Regulations (e.g. CCC, CSA, GOST) and technical and legal regulatory compliance issues.",
"The CE mark itself is defined in Directive 93/68/EEC, Rules for the Affixing and Use of the CE Conformity Marking which takes in a host of other Directives, such as.",
"CE marking is mandatory for certain product groups within the European Economic Area (EEA; the 28 member states of the EU plus EFTA countries Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein) plus Switzerland and Turkey.",
"Back to overview. The CE mark can be found on pretty much any electrical appliance in the home. Turn your laptop computer over and there will be a CE mark there somewhere, usually mixed in with other markings. Imported machinery can also be found to have a CE mark.",
"The CE mark, or formerly EC mark, is a mandatory conformity marking for certain products sold within the European Economic Area (EEA) since 1985. The CE marking is also found on products sold outside the EEA that are manufactured in, or designed to be sold in, the EEA."
"url": [
} | what is ce certified | 728,808 | DESCRIPTION | [] |
"No Answer Present."
] | {
"is_selected": [
"passage_text": [
"McDonald's USA Nutrition Facts for Popular Menu Items. We provide a nutrition analysis of our menu items to help you balance your McDonald's meal with other foods you eat. Our goal is to provide you with the information.",
"Which brings us to the combatants in today’s fast-food fight between two fairly new respective menu additions: the McDonald’s Artisan Grilled Chicken Sandwich versus Taco Bell’s Chickstar. McDonald’s Artisan Grilled Chicken Sandwich.",
"The McDonald’s nutrition tool reveals that the cutlet itself accounts for 110 of the sandwich’s 360 total calories, which puts its weight at a respectable quarter of a pound of pretty damn good chicken-tasting chicken.",
"Chicken Fight: McDonald's Artisan Grilled Vs. Taco Bell's Chickstar. Traditional fast-food sales are in decline in America, maybe because we’re finally smartening up and becoming more reluctant to treat our tongues, wallets, and digestive systems as mortal enemies.",
"Nutrition Facts Serving Size Calories Calories from Fat Total Fat (g) % Daily Value** Saturated Fat (g) % Daily Value**. Trans. Fat (g) Cholesterol (mg) % Daily Value** Sodium (mg) % Daily Value** Carbohydrates (g) % Daily Value** Dietary Fiber (g) % Daily Value** Sugars (g) Protein (g) % DAILY VALUE.",
"Artisan Grilled Chicken. Responding to customer’s desires for a great tasting grilled chicken filet with simple ingredients, McDonald’s USA introduces new Artisan Grilled Chicken, freshly prepared in our restaurants.",
"April 06, 2015. Responding to customer’s desires for a great tasting grilled chicken filet with simple ingredients, McDonald’s USA introduces new Artisan Grilled Chicken, freshly prepared in our restaurants.",
"Artisan Grilled Chicken Sandwich. Grilled chicken breast sandwich made with 100% chicken breast filet that has no artificial preservatives, flavors or colors and perfectly marinated for juicy flavor. Layered with crisp leaf lettuce and tasty tomato, and topped with a vinaigrette dressing, all on our delectable artisan roll. view nutrition summary.",
"Mcdonalds - Artisan Grilled Chicken Sandwich. *Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.",
"Mcdonalds - Grilled Chicken, Patty Only. *Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs."
"url": [
} | artin chicken mcdonalds calories | 27,022 | NUMERIC | [] |
"No Answer Present."
] | {
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"passage_text": [
"Panglao is an island in the north Bohol Sea, located in the Central Visayas Region of the Visayas island group, in the south-central Philippines.he airport is very close to Tagbilaran Airport which currently serves as the gateway to Panglao Island and the rest of Bohol for domestic air travelers. It also is less than 2 hours travel time from Mactan-Cebu International airport, which is a gateway to the Central Philippines for international tourists.",
"By Greg Rodgers. Panglao Island, and particularly Alona Beach, are the primary destinations for most people who visit Bohol Island in the Philippines. Call it Bohol's miniature version of Boracay, Alona Beach is a long, narrow strip of white sand lined with tourist bars, restaurants, resorts, and dive shops.hile Panglao and Alona are hardly a way to 'get away from it all,' the sandy path along the beach and lack of high-rise resorts help maintain the small-island feel. First, see some Philippines travel essentials.",
"The island has an area of 80.5 square kilometres (31.1 sq mi). It is within Bohol Province, and is divided into two municipalities: Dauis and Panglao. Panglao is located southwest of the island of Bohol and east of Cebu.Panglao has a terrain that ranges from plain, hilly to mountainous.he airport is very close to Tagbilaran Airport which currently serves as the gateway to Panglao Island and the rest of Bohol for domestic air travelers. It also is less than 2 hours travel time from Mactan-Cebu International airport, which is a gateway to the Central Philippines for international tourists.",
"Practical Information for Visiting Panglao Island. 1 Water: The tap water is not safe to drink in Panglao. 2 You can purchase bottled water from minimarts and use the refill stations found in hotels and restaurants. 3 Money: There are a couple of Bank of the Philippine Islands ATMs located near Helmut's Place.hile Panglao and Alona are hardly a way to 'get away from it all,' the sandy path along the beach and lack of high-rise resorts help maintain the small-island feel. First, see some Philippines travel essentials.",
"Bohol is a first income class island province of the Philippines located in the Central Visayas region, consisting of the island itself and 75 minor surrounding islands.Its capital is Tagbilaran City.With a land area of 4,821 square kilometres (1,861 sq mi) and a coastline 261 kilometres (162 mi) long, Bohol is the tenth largest island of the Philippines. To the west of Bohol is Cebu, to the northeast is the island of Leyte and to the south, across the Bohol Sea is Mindanao.anglao Island, located just southwest of Tagbilaran City, is famous for its diving locations and is routinely listed as one of the top ten diving locations in the world. Numerous tourist resorts and dive centers dot the southern beaches.",
"1 Water: The tap water is not safe to drink in Panglao. 2 You can purchase bottled water from minimarts and use the refill stations found in hotels and restaurants. 3 Money: There are a couple of Bank of the Philippine Islands ATMs located near Helmut's Place.hile Panglao and Alona are hardly a way to 'get away from it all,' the sandy path along the beach and lack of high-rise resorts help maintain the small-island feel. First, see some Philippines travel essentials.",
"Bohol is the main island of Bohol Province which has 75 minor surrounding islands. The island lies southeast from Cebu Island and southwest of Leyte Island in the Central Visayas region.This oval-shaped island is the tenth largest island of the Philippine archipelago.ohol Island is easily accessible by bus, private cars, taxi and rental cars. Many of the towns in Bohol have a bus terminal where one can get a ride to other towns. Tagbilaran City, the capital city of Bohol has an integrated bus terminal located in Dao, where you can get a bus ride to get in most towns in Bohol.",
"1 Amorita Resort is a beach resort in Panglao Island, Bohol located at a quiet end of Alona beach. 2 Amorita is the perfect destination for private and intimate escapes making it perfect for weddings, honeymoons, and families. This Alona Beach resort has an open restaurant on the beach, 11 comfortable rooms with private bath and Wi-Fi access, and water activities like snorkeling, dolphin watching, and scuba diving. 2 edit. 3 Isola Bella Beach Resort, Lagitan, Poblacion, Panglao Island, ☎ +63 38 416-0781 ([email protected]), [17].",
"How to Get There. Panglao is located southwest of the island of Bohol and east of Cebu. From Manila, you can fly to Tagbilaran (estimated cost of Php3,700++, roundtrip, 1 hour and 15 minutes).You can also opt for a ferry from Manila going to Tagbilaran (estimated cost of Php2,000++, roundtrip, 18 hours).ow to Get There. Panglao is located southwest of the island of Bohol and east of Cebu. From Manila, you can fly to Tagbilaran (estimated cost of Php3,700++, roundtrip, 1 hour and 15 minutes).",
"Panglao Island International Airport is a controversial airport projecton Panglao Island in the province of Bohol, Philippines. It is intended to become Bohol's international airport to support its tourism industry, especially on Panglao Island which is being promoted as an alternative destination for Boracay Island.he airport is very close to Tagbilaran Airport which currently serves as the gateway to Panglao Island and the rest of Bohol for domestic air travelers. It also is less than 2 hours travel time from Mactan-Cebu International airport, which is a gateway to the Central Philippines for international tourists."
"url": [
} | is panglao island safe | 420,332 | DESCRIPTION | [] |
"No Answer Present."
] | {
"is_selected": [
"passage_text": [
"Synonyms for calomel in the sense of this definition. mercurous chloride (calomel is a kind of ...) any compound containing a chlorine atom. chloride (calomel is made of the substance ...) a heavy silvery toxic univalent and bivalent metallic element; the only metal that is liquid at ordinary temperatures. atomic number 80; hg; hydrargyrum; mercury; quicksilver (... is made of the substance calomel) a mixture of calomel and limewater that is used on syphilitic sores. black lotion; blackwash",
"Definitions and Synonyms of calomel | Another word for calomel | What is calomel? Definition 1: a tasteless colorless powder used medicinally as a cathartic - [noun denoting substance] Synonyms for calomel in the sense of this definition mercurous chloride",
"Calomel is a mercury chloride mineral with formula (Hg2)2+Cl2. The name derives from Greek kalos (beautiful) and melos (black) from alchemists reaction with ammonia. Calomel occurs as a secondary mineral which forms as an alteration product in mercury deposits. It occurs with native mercury, amalgam, cinnabar, mercurian tetrahedrite, eglestonite, terlinguaite, montroydite, kleinite, moschelite, kadyrelite, kuzminite, chursinite, kelyanite, calcite, limonite and various clay minerals.",
"Overdose: If someone has overdosed and has serious symptoms such as passing out or trouble breathing, call 911. Otherwise, call a poison control center right away. US residents can call their local poison control center at 1-800-222-1222. Canada residents can call a provincial poison control center.",
"This copyrighted material has been downloaded from a licensed data provider and is not for distribution, expect as may be authorized by the applicable terms of use. CONDITIONS OF USE: The information in this database is intended to supplement, not substitute for, the expertise and judgment of healthcare professionals.",
"(calomel is a kind of ...) any compound containing a chlorine atom chloride (calomel is made of the substance ...) a heavy silvery toxic univalent and bivalent metallic element; the only metal that is liquid at ordinary temperatures",
"Find patient medical information for Calomel (Bulk) on WebMD including its uses, side effects and safety, interactions, pictures, warnings and user ratings. Skip to main content Check Your Symptoms",
"Calomel is a mercury chloride mineral with formula (Hg2)2+Cl2. The name derives from Greek kalos (beautiful) and melos (black) from alchemists reaction with ammonia.[2]",
"Calomel is a mercury chloride mineral with formula (Hg 2) 2+ Cl 2 (see mercury(I) chloride). The name derives from Greek kalos (beautiful) and melos (black) from alchemists reaction with ammonia. Calomel occurs as a secondary mineral which forms as an alteration product in mercury deposits.",
"Calomel is a laxative and once was a common medicine, especially on the American frontier. It fell out of use use at the end of the 19th century due to its toxicity. One victim was Alvin Smith, the eldest brother of Joseph Smith, founder of the Latter Day Saint movement. References"
"url": [
} | what is calomel powder used for? | 727,194 | DESCRIPTION | [] |
"No Answer Present."
] | {
"is_selected": [
"passage_text": [
"We will use what we know from this: The sum of the squares of the first n natural numbers. Let. We have. We want to find. Proof 2 - Induction proof. 1) For n = 1 it's true. 2) Let's consider that is true for n, and let's prove it for n+1.",
"The answer is: Proof 1 : We will use what we know from this: The sum of the squares of the first n natural numbers. Let. We have. We want to find. Proof 2 - Induction proof. 1) For n = 1 it's true. 2) Let's consider that is true for n, and let's prove it for n+1.",
"The formula for the sum of the first $n$ squares is kind of strange, with that weird $2n+1$. Actually, it is $n$ and $n+1$ that are weird.",
"Proof 1 : We will use what we know from this: The sum of the squares of the first n natural numbers. Let. We have. We want to find. Proof 2 - Induction proof. 1) For n = 1 it's true. 2) Let's consider that is true for n, and let's prove it for n+1.",
"The sum of any set of consecutive odd numbers starting from 1 is a square, and the quantity that is squared is the count of odd numbers in the sum. The latter is easily seen to be a count of the form 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + ... + n. Visual demonstration that the square of a triangular number equals a sum of cubes.",
"I know that the sum of the squares of the first n natural numbers is $\\frac{n(n + 1)(2n + 1)}{6}$. I know how to prove it inductively. But how, presuming I have no idea about this formula, should I determine it? The sequence $a(n)=1^2+2^2+...+n^2$ is neither geometric nor arithmetic.",
"I know that the sum of the squares of the first n natural numbers is $\\frac{n(n + 1)(2n + 1)}{6}$.",
"1 You can add numbers and/or linked cells to the sum of squares equation. 2 To do so, click on the cell displaying the result. 3 Then click on the “Fx” button in the formula bar, and then enter in the additional numbers/cells. 4 Click “OK” to save your changes to the equation.",
"The sum of any set of consecutive odd numbers starting from 1 is a square, and the quantity that is squared is the count of odd numbers in the sum. The latter is easily seen to be a count of the form 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + ...",
"Tip. 1 You can add numbers and/or linked cells to the sum of squares equation. 2 To do so, click on the cell displaying the result. 3 Then click on the “Fx” button in the formula bar, and then enter in the additional numbers/cells."
"url": [
} | sum of squares of even numbers formula | 505,196 | NUMERIC | [] |
"The customer support phone number of BancFirst is +1(405) 948-7930, 1-855-889-9216, 1-888-200-9149."
] | {
"is_selected": [
"passage_text": [
"Oklahoma Natural Gas Oklahoma City toll free customer service phone number : +1 800-664-5463 BancFirst toll free customer service phone number : +1(405) 948-7930 Click to enter your compliant for Bancfirst Oklahoma",
"The customer support phone number of BancFirst is +1(405) 948-7930, 1-855-889-9216, 1-888-200-9149 (Click phone number to call). data-ad-slot=7829909793> Bancfirst Oklahoma Customer Service Phone Number BancFirst Customer Service Phone Number Phone Number of BancFirst is +1(405) 948-7930, 1-855-889-9216, 1-888-200-9149. BancFirst Corporation or BancFirst is a public financial institution, serves the residents of the United States. It is an Oklahoma state charted financial institution. It is counted among the leading financial institutions throughout the state.",
"BancFirst Customer Support Service Phone Number The customer support phone number of BancFirst is +1(405) 948-7930, 1-855-889-9216, 1-888-200-9149 (Click phone number to call). The postal and official address, email address and phone number (helpline) of BancFirst Service Center and BancFirst customer service phone number is given below. The helpline of BancFirst customer service phone number may or may not be toll free.",
"When you call to Bancfirst Oklahoma, ask for toll free number to enjoy charge free calling. Calling Bancfirst Oklahoma: At the first step When you call to Bancfirst Oklahoma please do not forget to tell them that you have found their contact number on",
"Below you find the information about Bancfirst Oklahoma, Bancfirst Oklahoma customer service number, Bancfirst Oklahoma address, Bancfirst Oklahoma email id and website. Address 6200, Waterford Building, Oklahoma City, OK, United States",
"Phone Number of BancFirst is +1(405) 948-7930, 1-855-889-9216, 1-888-200-9149 . BancFirst Corporation or BancFirst is a public financial institution, serves the residents of the United States. It is an Oklahoma state charted financial institution. It is counted among the leading financial institutions throughout the state.",
"BancFirst toll free customer service number : +1(405) 948-7930. If you as a customer of the bancfirst oklahoma have any query, complaint, suggestion, feedback and reviews related to bancfirst oklahoma products and services then you can communicate through its customer service detail.",
"Contact Bancfirst Oklahoma on the Given Contact Number: +1 (405) 270-1000 / 1-855-889-9216 / 1-888-200-9149. If the contact number or email address of Bancfirst Oklahoma is incorrect, please tell us HERE",
"For your convenience to contact Bancfirst Oklahoma We have provided all possible information of Bancfirst Oklahoma. You can contact Bancfirst Oklahoma on the given phone number +1 (405) 270-1000 / 1-855-889-9216 / 1-888-200-9149. To know the address location of Bancfirst Oklahoma it is also presented here 6200, Waterford Building, Oklahoma City, OK 73118, United States. Contact them by sending email to Bancfirst Oklahoma you will find an email address here .",
"Customer Service Number Bancfirst Oklahoma: +1 (405) 270-1000, 6200, Waterford Building, Oklahoma City, OK 73118, United States. Toll Free 1 800 number. We provide you the customer service number of Bancfirst Oklahoma with address, webiste, email id and more. Home Bancfirst Oklahoma Customer Service Phone Number: +1 (405) 270-1000"
"url": [
} | bancfirst customer service number | 1,174,761 | NUMERIC | [] |
"No Answer Present."
] | {
"is_selected": [
"passage_text": [
"For the first time in Montreal, an exhibition is devoted to Pompeii and Herculaneum, its neighbouring city. February 13, 2016 to January 8, 2017.",
"Related Articles. What to Do in Brazil in August? In Canada, August offers some of the warmest weather of the year, with locals taking to the streets of large cities for festivals, heading to beaches coast-to-coast to escape the heat and humidity, or sipping iced wine in chic, urban lounges. Many Canadians take their annual holidays in August, and construction work grinds to a halt.",
"Charles Gurd: Montreal Mansions in 1974. This exhibition feature some 40 stunning black and white prints that eloquently portray a bygone way of life. June 17 and 30; July 15 and 29; August 4 and 26; September 1; October 2, 10 and 30, 2016.",
"Montreal is a city of festivals, a tradition that peaks in early to mid summer but continues year-round. Some dates for 2017 events are already up, but many 2016 dates remain in the calendar as reminders. Almost everything is updated till the middle of the year, but it's hit or miss after that for now. In 2017, Canada will be celebrating its 150th anniversary, and Montreal its 375th, so extra events and special versions of regular events may be expected.",
"First Friday, which takes place every year in Montreal, is an event for everyone. Every first Friday of the month, from May to October inclusively, Montreal residents and tourists gather at the Olympic Park on the Sun Life Financial Esplanade from 4:00 pm to...",
"Zoofest is a Montreal festival founded in 2009 with a large programming dedicated to risks’ takers and to new talents in comedy, music, theater and entertainment. In 2016, OFF-JFL, 100% English, joined the Zoofest festival to offer a programming twice r...",
"Where: Bistro Le Ste-Cath - Hochelaga-Maisonneuve. On April 21st Kim Zombik is a jazz singer from Boston in the United States. Her adventurous spirit brought her to Montreal 10 years ago, and she joined the team at the bistro in the summer of 2015.",
"Life is a party. Being festive is the Old Port’s guiding principle, and no efforts are spared to live up to it. Each season brings new and exclusive events, festivals, shows, celebrations, and more. With marvellous music and glorious gastronomy to cater to all tastes and cultures, you’ll find here a cordial atmosphere to delight and nourish, and so much more.",
"Our calendars. 1 FestivalsExplore the many festivals that Montral is known for. 2 Accs Culture networkDiscover shows and exhibitions presented by Montrals municipal arts and culture network. 3 Major sporting events (in French)Every year, Montral hosts a number of major sporting events!",
"MONTREAL SEPTEMBER FESTIVALS & Montreal EVENTS. Home | Accommodations | Attractions | Restaurants | Shopping & Services | Nightlife | Discover Areas | Site Map | What's New | About Us | Contact Us | Photography Credit | Advertise With Us | Terms Of Use| Français."
"url": [
} | what is happening in montreal in august? | 753,571 | DESCRIPTION | [] |
"DeWitt is located in Clinton County, Michigan, United States."
] | {
"is_selected": [
"passage_text": [
"DeWitt was named after DeWitt Clinton, Governor of New York during the 1820s. It was first settled by Captain David Scott, who moved there from Ann Arbor in 1833, and platted the land. The State Legislature formally created DeWitt Township on March 23, 1836.",
"Clinton County Michigan Sheriff's Office shared Clinton County MI Emergency Services's post. · December 13, 2017 at 1:55pm · Clinton County MI Emergency Services added 3 new photos.",
"Clinton County Michigan Sheriff's Office shared Tom Leonard's post. · January 9 at 9:42am · Thank you Tom Leonard for your continued support of law enforcement!",
"DeWitt, MI 48820 Phone: (517) 669-6578 Fax: (517) 669-6583 . Emergency: 9-1-1 Hours: 8:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m., Monday – Friday (Administrative Offices) Non-emergency (within Clinton County): 9-1-1 . Non-emergency (outside of Clinton County):(800) 968-5121. E-mail: [email protected]",
"DeWitt, Michigan. DeWitt is the name of a city and a township in Clinton County in the U.S. state of Michigan. The population of the city was 4,507 at the 2010 census. The city is located north of Interstate 69, and west of US Highway 127, just north of Lansing.",
"Clinton County Michigan Sheriff's Office added 2 new photos. · December 31, 2017 at 8:59am · Ithaca, MI · During the night last night, someone tried to help this family take down their Christmas decorations.",
"Clinton County Michigan Sheriff's Office, Saint Johns, Michigan. 8.6K likes. In an emergency dial 911. The Sheriff is responsible to County residents...",
"Clinton County Michigan Sheriff's Office · December 24, 2017 at 11:06am · Ithaca, MI · The Clinton County Sheriff's Office would like to wish everyone a very merry Christmas!!",
"DeWitt, MI 48820 Phone: (517) 669-6576 Fax: (517) 669-6496 E-mail: [email protected]: Hours: 8:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m., Monday - Friday",
"The county seat for Clinton County was also located in DeWitt Township from the inception of the County. The county seat remained in DeWitt Township until December 1857 when it was moved to high Hall, in the village of St. Johns, until a new courthouse could be built."
"url": [
} | what county is dewitt michigan in? | 605,123 | LOCATION | [] |
"No Answer Present."
] | {
"is_selected": [
"passage_text": [
"To create a new email address at MSN, you will have to sign up for a new MSN account under a different user name. There is only one email address per user name on MSN; but you can have as many different user names as you care to create. Click on Email Solutions in the MSN Services box.",
"Create Your own Email Address on MSN. Go to the MSN main page (see Resources below). If you already have an account there, do not log in. To create a new email address at MSN, you will have to sign up for a new MSN account under a different user name.",
"MSN is MSN’s free email service. So if you want to sign up for a free email account with MSN, then MSN Hotmail (now it’s been changed to is the service you use, and your email address will be [email protected] or [email protected]. That’s the way the free service works.",
"1 If you want to create a new email address for the new account, select Create an e-mail address for the new member, and click Continue. 2 Follow the instructions to create your new account. 3 Type your name in the box and click Accept.",
"5. If you want to create a new email address for the new account, select Create an e-mail address for the new member, and click Continue. Follow the instructions to create your new account. 6. Type your name in the box and click Accept.",
"4. If you want to use an existing MSN or Hotmail email address for the new account, select Type an existing MSN or Hotmail e-mail address, enter the e-mail name and password and click Continue. 5.",
"If you want to create a new email address for the new account, select Create an e-mail address for the new member, and click Continue. Follow the instructions to create your new account. 6. Type your name in the box and click Accept.",
"5. If you want to create a new email address for the new account, select Create an e-mail address for the new member, and click Continue. Follow the instructions to create your new account. 6.",
"Go to the MSN main page (see Resources below). If you already have an account there, do not log in. To create a new email address at MSN, you will have to sign up for a new MSN account under a different user name.",
"1 Create your account name. 2 Enter in a unique name in the Microsoft account name field, and make sure is selected. 3 Note: you can use an existing email address if you like, but for our example we'll stick to a Hotmail address. 4 Create a password."
"url": [
} | how to create msn email address | 353,608 | DESCRIPTION | [] |
"A motorized oxygen mask doesn't qualify to most as being on the same plane as actual medication, but it really is."
] | {
"is_selected": [
"passage_text": [
"It might seem surprising to some that it's virtually impossible to get CPAP machines without a prescription as a motorized oxygen mask doesn't qualify to most as being on the same plane as actual medication, but it really is.t might seem surprising to some that it's virtually impossible to get CPAP machines without a prescription as a motorized oxygen mask doesn't qualify to most as being on the same plane as actual medication, but it really is.",
"Although CPAP machines are available without prescription from a number of websites, your best bet will always be to go to a doctor and get a medical opinion. Some individuals across CPAP forums and websites have said that they cannot afford the insurance to get a diagnosis and a sleep study.That is a perfectly valid point. However, without that sleep study, you cannot have a diagnosis.PAP machines are usually given to patients once they have been formally diagnosed with sleep apnea after a sleep study and after a titration study to determine the settings that the CPAP machine needs to be at.",
"It might seem surprising to some that it's virtually impossible to get CPAP machines without a prescription as a motorized oxygen mask doesn't qualify to most as being on the same plane as actual medication, but it really is.f you're searching for a way to find and use any model of CPAP machines without a prescription there are some things you should consider first before going ahead with such a plan.",
"No Machine, No Sleep! Now there is a answer to this problem that will allow you to get a new CPAP mask immediately. A complete CPAP mask system is a prescription item and as such cannot be sold without the seller having a copy of your mask prescription on file.However, you can purchase all mask component parts without a prescription since these component parts are not prescription items.o Machine, No Sleep! Now there is a answer to this problem that will allow you to get a new CPAP mask immediately. A complete CPAP mask system is a prescription item and as such cannot be sold without the seller having a copy of your mask prescription on file.",
"Buying a CPAP, Bi-Level or CPAP Mask without a Prescription. If you need to purchase a CPAP or Bi-Level and you don't have a copy of your prescription, here is a solution: CPAP Prescription Package.ven if you do not have a prescription, you can purchase any of the mask frames below and purchase the headgear separately. You'll find that the price of buying the headgear separately is the same or very close to the price of the entire mask system.",
"Let's start with the first step-where to get your prescription for CPAP equipment. You don't need to go to a sleep specialist or pulmonologist, and you don't need to have slept through a sleep study in order to get a prescription for a CPAP machine.ample Prescription for CPAP Machine. CPAP 10cm H 2 O Heated Humidifier Nasal Mask Duration: as needed for lifetime. Note that the units of pressure are represented by cm H2O, or centimeters of water. If a prescription indicates only CPAP 10, then it's calling for a CPAP machine set at 10 centimeters of water.",
"IF you have apnea and it's a choice between not using a machine at all or using one without a sleep study and 'winging it' I would advocate for those who would still try one.But educate yourself enough to know the importance of having a properly fitting mask. compliance.F you have apnea and it's a choice between not using a machine at all or using one without a sleep study and 'winging it' I would advocate for those who would still try one.",
"Any site that sells you a machine without a prescription is doing so illegally, and of course if you purchase such a machine without a prescription you are also doing something illegal.f you're searching for a way to find and use any model of CPAP machines without a prescription there are some things you should consider first before going ahead with such a plan.",
"Sample Prescription for CPAP Machine CPAP 10cm H2O Heated Humidifier Nasal Mask Duration: as needed for lifetime. Note that the units of pressure are represented by cm H2O, or centimeters of water. If a prescription indicates only CPAP 10, then it's calling for a CPAP machine set at 10 centimeters of water.ample Prescription for CPAP Machine. CPAP 10cm H 2 O Heated Humidifier Nasal Mask Duration: as needed for lifetime. Note that the units of pressure are represented by cm H2O, or centimeters of water. If a prescription indicates only CPAP 10, then it's calling for a CPAP machine set at 10 centimeters of water.",
"The wrong pressure on your machine means you could damage your lungs and not enough pressure means the machine is ineffective. So before you go ahead with your plans of shopping around for CPAP machines without a prescription, remember that a prescription is always issued for your protection.f you're searching for a way to find and use any model of CPAP machines without a prescription there are some things you should consider first before going ahead with such a plan."
"url": [
} | using cpap without prescription | 534,802 | DESCRIPTION | [] |
"It allows passengers to check-in to a flight automatically up to 36 hours prior to the flight's scheduled departure time."
] | {
"is_selected": [
"passage_text": [
"A confirmation is sent to the email address listed on the itinerary when the check-in is purchased. Purchases of the Early Bird Check-In are not refundable, and passengers who cancel their reservation must forfeit the option for that particular flight. In the rare event that Southwest cancels a flight, a refund will be issued within one or two billing cycles.",
"Save this Post. 1. Re: Southwest Airline's Early Bird Check-In Policy. Jul 22, 2012, 1:07 AM. It is my understanding that Business Select, and A list rapid rewards people are automatically AHEAD of early bird people. So, if there are a lot of them on the flight--you are pushed back.",
"All customers are subject to physical search at the security checkpoint. Random physical searches of customers, either through use of wands or pat down methods at the security checkpoint, will be ongoing.",
"Early Bird Check-In passengers board after Business Select and A-List Customers. There are several ways to purchase the early check-in, including online, over the phone through a reservation agent or through the Southwest mobile app.",
"When I purchased my ticket and early bird check-in in late March for a mid-July domestic flight on Southwest, common sense made me think that my purchased boarding position ($10 for each of the two flights) would reflex the early purchase date and be related to an early bird process.",
"Am I correct in assuming that Southwest Airlines puts your name/confirmation number in a hat and pulls it out along with all the other people who also paid for the early bird check-in to determine your boarding pass location?",
"Upon inquiring at the check-in kiosk, Southwest personnel were not surprised and commented that sometimes early bird check-in can result in a C boarding position (an additional 60 positions farther back in boarding).",
"For a small fee, Southwest Airlines' Early Bird Check-In allows passengers to check-in to a flight automatically up to 36 hours prior to the flight's scheduled departure time.",
"While not guaranteed, most Early Bird Check-In passengers obtain an A boarding pass, which allows them to board the plane earlier than most passengers.",
"Check in online. Check in online and print your boarding pass beginning 24 hours in advance of departure. You will need your airline confirmation number (or PNR) and first and last name to retrieve your reservation. What to expect at the airport and while boarding the plane."
"url": [
} | what is early bird check in southwest | 742,216 | ENTITY | [] |
"No Answer Present."
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"is_selected": [
"passage_text": [
"Then you can open the file in Excel, select the cells containing the array formulas, and press Ctrl+Shift+Enter to make the formula work. If you're working along in Excel, be sure that Sheet1 is active, and then select cells E2:E11. Press F2 and then type the formula =C2:C11*D2:D11 in the current cell of E2.",
"Excel will also not allow you to delete part of an Excel Array Formula. You must delete the formula from all of the cells that it occupies. Therefore, if you want to remove an array formula from a range of cells you need to highlight the whole cell range, and then press the delete key.",
"Array Function. Returns a containing an array. The required arglist is a comma-delimited list of values that are assigned to the elements of the array contained within the Variant. If no arguments are specified, an array of zero length is created.",
"The lower bound of an array created using the Array function is determined by the lower bound specified with the Option Base statement, unless Array is qualified with the name of the type library (for example VBA.Array). If qualified with the type-library name, Array is unaffected by Option Base.",
"MS Excel 2007: Use an array formula to sum all of the order values for a given client. This Excel tutorial explains how to use an array formula to sum all of the order values for a given client in Excel 2007 (with screenshots and step-by-step instructions).",
"In this case, Excel multiplies the values in the array (the cell range C2 through D11) and then uses the SUM function to add the totals together. The result is a grand total of $1,590,000 in sales. This example shows how powerful this type of formula can be. For example, suppose you have 1,000 rows of data.",
"Therefore, in order to edit an Excel array formula, you need to: 1 Make the required alterations in any single cell containing the array formula; 2 Press Ctrl + Shift + Enter to update the whole array.",
"Type the array formula into the first cell (or if already typed into the first cell, put this cell into edit mode by pressing F2 or clicking in the formula bar); Press Ctrl + Shift + Enter (i.e. press the Ctrl and Shift keys, and while keeping these pressed down, press the Enter key.",
"Answer: This solution does not use the VLOOKUP function, but rather an array formula. Let's look at the example. In the second sheet called Data-Product A, is all of the raw data that we want to sum for each client. In the first sheet called Master Client Spend in column C, we want to sum the total for each client.",
"To get the minimum value in set of numbers based on more than one criteria (i.e. to get MIN IF), you can use and array formula based on the MIN and IF functions. Note: This is an array formula and must be entered using Ctrl + Shift + entered. In the example, we have some pricing on items in various regions. The goal is to find the minimum price for a given color and item. In the example shown the formula in I6 is: {=MIN(IF(color=G6,IF(item=H6,price)))}."
"url": [
} | excel if as an array function | 182,970 | DESCRIPTION | [] |
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"passage_text": [
"WELCOME TO COLUMBUS! The City of Columbus includes a mix of residential, rural and commercial property. Columbus boasts large tracts of public land, including Carlos Avery Wildlife Management Area and Lamprey Pass.",
"The ratio of number of residents in Columbus to the number of sex offenders is 488 to 1. The number of registered sex offenders compared to the number of residents in this city is near the state average. Nearest city with pop. 50,000+: Bloomington, IN (33.3 miles , pop. 69,291).",
"Phone Number: Columbus-Muscogee, the first consolidated city-county in Georgia, began development in 1826, building on ceded Creek Indian territory. Muscogee is the name of a branch of the Creek Nation. Columbus, of course, is named for Christopher Columbus.",
"Sponsored Topics. Columbus ( /kəlʌmbəs/) is a city in and the county seat of Bartholomew County, Indiana, United States. The population was 44,061 at the 2010 census, and the current mayor is Fred Armstrong. Located approximately 40 miles (64 km) south of Indianapolis, on the east fork of the White River, it is the state's 20th largest city.",
"Columbus, Ohio. Columbus (/kəˈlʌmbəs/; kə-LUM-bəs) is the capital and largest city of the U.S. state of Ohio. It is the 15th-largest city in the United States, with a population of 850,106 as of 2015 estimates. This makes Columbus the fourth-most populous state capital in the United States, and the third-largest city in the Midwestern United States.",
"Phone Number: Columbus-Muscogee, the first consolidated city-county in Georgia, began development in 1826, building on ceded Creek Indian territory. Muscogee is the name of a branch of the Creek Nation. Columbus, of course, is named for Christopher Columbus.",
"Latest news from Columbus, IN collected exclusively by from local newspapers, TV, and radio stations. Ancestries: American (30.5%), German (13.7%), English (7.7%), Irish (5.3%), European (2.4%), Scottish (1.2%).",
"Columbus, Indiana. 1 Columbus: covered Bridge at Mill Race Park. 2 Columbus: A statue in cloumbus. 3 Columbus. Columbus: Bartholomew County Courthouse. Columbus: Tipton Lakes - A wonderful planned 1 community! Columbus: Barthalomew county memorial for veterans. Columbus: A sculpter called summer storm in 1 columbus. Columbus: Downtown Columbus.",
"The City owns and operates a volunteer fire department through a joint powers agreement with the City of Forest Lake. Police protection is provided through a contract with the Anoka County Sheriff’s Department. Columbus is located within the Forest Lake Area School District (ISD #831).",
"Acceptable ID for children: State ID, Birth Certificate, or Health Insurance Card. Effective June 27, 2016, the Franklin County Sheriff's Office will be implementing changes to ensure the safety of inmates, staff, and visitors. Printed materials (magazines, books, pamphlets, leaflets, or catalogues) MUST fit all the below criteria:"
"url": [
} | what county is columbus city in | 604,568 | LOCATION | [
"Columbus is a city in Bartholomew County."
] |
"Social security administration in Bellevue Washington hours for Monday to Friday is 09:00 AM to 03:00 PM except Wednesday and for Wednesday the time is 09:00 AM to 12:00 PM."
] | {
"is_selected": [
"passage_text": [
"Local social security offices in BELLEVUE, WA offer information, help and services handled by the Social Security Administration. Services typically available include: Apply for Retirement Benefits in BELLEVUE, WA. Apply for Disability in BELLEVUE, WA – SSDI in BELLEVUE, WA, Supplemental Security Income (SSI) in BELLEVUE, WA.",
"This page provides a list of cities that have Washington Social Security office locations. They can assist you with any questions or issues you might have with your social security benefits. Or if you need to obtain a social security card. Select a city below to find a office location and schedule an appointment, we provide the social security office phone number and office hours. Start typing or scroll down to pick from the list of Washington Social Security offices. B. Bellevue Social Security Offices.",
"Social Security Seattle Region. The Social Security Administration's Seattle Region proudly serves the residents of Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Washington. Our region encompasses 23% of America's landmass and spans three time zones. Approximately 2.5 million of our region's 13.6 million people receive monthly retirement, survivors or disability benefits.",
"The United States Social Security Administration. Check out your Social Security Statement, change your address & manage your benefits online today. Your Social Security number remains your first and continuous link with Social Security. Calculate your benefits based on your actual Social Security earnings record.",
"Social Security Office in Bellevue, WA. You can reach Social Security Office in Bellevue, Washington at the following street address and contact number, as well as using directions below. Please, share your experience about visiting this office, provide a review using the form at the end of this page. Suite 100, 636 120th Ave Ne. 98005, Bellevue, Washington.",
"Social Security Office Locations » Washington Social Security Offices » BELLEVUE Social Security Offices » Social Security Office BELLEVUE WA 98005.",
"Best Social Security Offices near 98004 for a Social Security Card Replacement. Based on the zip code you entered, we selected the best 3 social security offices corresponding to your situation. By clicking on their address, you can access their hours of operations as well as directions. 3 Closest Offices to the 98004 Zipcode. 1 636 120th Ave Ne Ste 100. Bellevue, WA 98005. 2 18905 33rd Ave W Ste 207. Lynnwood, WA 98036. 3 321 Ramsay Way Ste 401. Kent, WA 98032.",
"Social Security Office Locations => Washington => Bellevue. You can reach Social Security Office in Bellevue, Washington at the following street address and contact number, as well as using directions below. Please, share your experience about visiting this office, provide a review using the form at the end of this page. Suite 100, 636 120th Ave Ne.",
"Social Security office Bellevue WA. SOCIAL SECURITY OFFICE. SUITE 100 636 120TH AVE NE BELLEVUE, WA 98005. National Toll-Free 1-800-772-1213 TTY 1-800-325-0778. MON: 09:00 AM – 03:00 PM; TUES: 09:00 AM – 03:00 PM; WED: 09:00 AM – 12:00 PM; THUR: 09:00 AM – 03:00 PM; FRI: 09:00 AM – 03:00 PM; SAT & SUN: CLOSED."
"url": [
} | social security administration in bellevue wa hours | 499,805 | NUMERIC | [] |
"Yes whiskers are used to help balance as well as feelers to help them judge space and help in the dark."
] | {
"is_selected": [
"passage_text": [
"Yes, whiskers are used to help animals balance themselves like we need our pinky toe for balance.",
"In addition to having sensory properties, a cat's whiskers are also a good indicator of his mood. When a cat is angry or feels defensive, the whiskers will be pulled back. Otherwise, when the cat is happy, curious or content, the whiskers will be more relaxed and pushed forward. But the whisker's primary use is to help a cat judge whether or not he'll fit through an opening. A cat's whiskers are roughly as wide as his body -- sort of a natural ruler. The whisker tips are sensitive to pressure. You'll probably see a cat stick his head in and out of an opening before he puts his body in. He's judging the width of the opening, and is determining if he can fit into it.",
"Yes whiskers are used to help balance as well as feelers to help them judge space and help in the dark. A cats tail also helps them balance, my cat had lost his tail do to an … injury and now he uses his whiskers more to help balance.",
"The Cat Fanciers’ Association (which is to cats what the AKC is to dogs) has this listed on its page of myths about cats ( .html) Myth: A cat’s sense of balance is in its whiskers. Fact: Cats use their whiskers as “feelers” but not to maintain their balance. So you aren’t the only one to hear this old wives’ tale, but you can put the scissors away, even though it was in the name of scientific curiosity.",
"Like cats and other animals, dogs have whiskers that stick out from the sides of their muzzle. Technically, they aren’t whiskers – they’re called vibrissae, which comes from a Latin word “vibrio” that means to vibrate. A dog’s whiskers are actually highly tuned, multi-functional, sensitive sensory hairs they need and use every day to perform specific functions that help them move around in their world. Dog whiskers are found on both sides of their muzzle, as well as on the forehead above the eyes, on their chin and above the upper lip.",
"Whiskers are rooted very deep in the cat's face, in an area rich in nerves and blood vessels. In addition to having the long tactile hairs on their cheeks, cats also have shorter ones above their eyebrows, on their chin and on the back of their front legs.",
"As puppies grow, the whiskers are among the first hairs to develop. Unlike the neatly arranged 12 whiskers in four rows on each side of a cat’s face, dog whiskers are more varied in their pattern depending on their breed and genetics. Whiskers are twice as thick and coarser than regular dog hair.",
"Do cats use their whiskers for balance? Yes the whiskers help them balance as well as the tail. All the senses work together to help the cat get around in the dark or tight places. If the cat should lose one or the … other then the other senses get stronger to help w/whatever they lost.",
"Yes whiskers are used to help balance as well as feelers to help them judge space and help in the dark. A cats tail also helps them balance, my cat had lost his tail do to an …injury and now he uses his whiskers more to help balance. Even though Issacc lost his tail his balance is as good as ever, they adapt.",
"Are a cat’s whiskers essential to its sense of balance? A STAFF REPORT FROM THE STRAIGHT DOPE SCIENCE ADVISORY BOARD. June 19, 2003"
"url": [
} | are whiskers on cats used for balance | 26,191 | DESCRIPTION | [] |
"Shelton is in Fairfield County, Connecticut, United States."
] | {
"is_selected": [
"passage_text": [
"My husband and I stayed at the Residence Inn in Shelton, CT for 3 months following a kitchen fire in our house. This could have been a stressful time for us but the staff at the Residence Inn made sure that it wasn't.",
"Shelton, CT. Sponsored Topics. Shelton is a city in Fairfield County, Connecticut, United States. The population was 39,559 at the 2010 census. Shelton was settled by the English as part of the town of Stratford, Connecticut, in 1639.",
"Mailed to City of Shelton Tax Collector, PO Box 273, Shelton, CT 06484-0273. Paid at the following Shelton area banks during July and January(you MUST have your bill to pay at a bank): TD Bank located at 828 Bridgeport Ave. Webster Bank – three locations in Shelton, 502 Howe Ave. – 506 Shelton Ave. – 375 Bridgeport Ave.",
"Welcome to Extended Stay America - Shelton - Fairfield County. Our hotel is designed especially for longer stays with studio suite rooms featuring a fully equipped kitchen... something you won't find in a typical hotel.",
"Tax and Sewer Bill Payments can be: 1 Mailed to City of Shelton Tax Collector, PO Box 273, Shelton, CT 06484-0273. 2 Paid at the following Shelton area banks during July and January(you MUST have your bill to pay at a bank): TD Bank located at 828 Bridgeport Ave.",
"The Mark – Modern Luxury Apartment Oasis Awaits. Fairfield County Apartments in Shelton CT. Thoughtfully designed, resort-inspired amenities in one of the country’s most desirable locations – Welcome to The Mark.",
"At check-in, our guest must pay for the entire stay if the length of the stay is less than seven days; or for one week at a time if the stay is seven days or longer. For stays of longer than seven days, the guest will be required to pay for each week in advance.",
"Thrive on long-stays. 1 The newly renovated Residence Inn by Marriott® Shelton is the perfect extended stay hotel for project teams, relocations, temporary housing & vacations in the Fairfield/New Haven county areas. Conveniently located & easily accessible we are just minutes from I-95 along the CT shoreline & the picturesque Merritt Parkway.",
"From elegantly designed interiors to chic poolside cabanas and a breathtaking resident clubhouse, this stylish community of Fairfield County apartments for rent offers unparalleled comfort and convenience in an effortlessly sophisticated package.",
"Dawn G, General Manager at Residence Inn Shelton Fairfield County, responded to this review. Dear Sweetveee, Thank you for staying with us during New Year's eve. We are happy to hear you were able to have a romantic time. We appreciate your kind review and hope to see you again this year! Thank you, Dawn."
"url": [
} | what county is shelton, ct | 612,660 | LOCATION | [] |
"Yes, the bachelor is legal."
] | {
"is_selected": [
"passage_text": [
"Arconic’s Legal Department is seeking to fill one (1) Legal Assistant/Paralegal II position at its Corporate Center in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Qualified candidates should possess 3 or more years of professional experience as a legal assistant/ paralegal...",
"Bachelor’s in Legal Studies degree programs develop foundational knowledge of law and legal procedures, with students engaging in fundamental aspects of the field, including knowledge of various forms of law, court proceedings, trial preparation, legal research and writing, investigation, and more.",
"The legal support and services bachelor’s degree is not just for those seeking to work in a law firm. Corporations, insurance firms, consulting firms, and health care institutions often hire legal support and services staff.",
"The coursework of a bachelor degree in legal studies revolves around the legal system and law. The curriculum entails subjects that emphasize legal research, law in the social context, analytical thinking, and legislation.",
"Bachelor of Laws. The Bachelor of Laws (Latin: Bachelor Legum Of Law; LL.B. or B.L.) is an undergraduate degree in law (or a first professional degree in law, depending on jurisdiction) originating in England and offered in most common law jurisdictions. LL.B. stands for Legum Baccalaureus in Latin.",
"If a student chooses to pursue a legal studies program at the bachelor’s level, it is critical to find one that fits the needs of law school; that is, a program that requires copious amounts of reading and written criticism as well as research opportunities.",
"The Department of Legal Studies’ Bachelor of Arts in Legal Studies degree prepares students to pursue a variety of careers in law, government, politics, law enforcement, lobbying, and more. The program engages students in key aspects of legal studies, including law in society, the history of American law, legal research and writing, and constitutional law.",
"Suzanne took the bag and departed, after allowing the old bachelor to kiss her, which he did with an air that seemed to say, It is a right which costs me dear; but it is better than being harried by a lawyer in the court of assizes as the seducer of a girl accused of infanticide.",
"Discover the only Bachelor degree program in Northern California to be approved by the American Bar Association. This innovative degree allows you to complete your Bachelor of Arts and earn a Paralegal Certificate* at the same time. This Bachelor of Arts completion program, offered at the Pleasant Hill campus, fosters critical thinking by focusing on effective communication skills as well as specific legal analytical skills. The Legal Specialty coursework is enhanced by a rich mixture of Bachelor of Arts courses in writing, history, business, government, and social justice. This degree prepares students to become effective paralegals and lays an excellent foundation for students moving into Law School.",
"With a bachelor in law and legal studies, you can look forward to challenging legal careers ahead. There are many government agencies, law enforcement agencies, private organizations, and law firms that hire individuals with legal skills and knowledge."
"url": [
} | is the bachelor legal | 1,174,759 | DESCRIPTION | [] |
"Average $111,082,"
] | {
"is_selected": [
"passage_text": [
"Bp America Salary. Bp America average salary is $111,082, median salary is $105,060 with a salary range from $33,000 to $1,117,000.Bp America salaries are collected from government agencies and companies.Each salary is associated with a real job position. Bp America salary statistics is not exclusive and is for reference only.p America salary is full-time annual starting salary. Intern, contractor and hourly pay scale vary from regular exempt employee. Compensation depends on work experience, job location, bonus, benefits and other factors.",
"Well there are a wide range of jobs in the Entry Level category and their pay varies greatly. If you know the pay grade of the job you are searching for you can narrow down this list to only view Entry Level jobs that pay less than $30K, $30K-$50K, $50K-$80K, $80K-$100K, or more than $100K.f you are unsure how much your Entry Level job pays you can choose to either browse all Entry Level salaries below or you can search all Entry Level salaries. Other related categories you may wish to browse are Administrative, Support, and Clerical jobs and Skilled and Trades jobs. jobs in.",
"As soon as you know your performance rating, BP group and BP Australia’s rating you can calculate your bonus.Discount fuel is available at BP Service Stations. Level G and above employees get 100% discount, level H and below get 25% discount.*Subject to the terms and conditions of the relevant insurance policy 10.hrough the share value plan 20% of employees (level G to J) are awarded bonus BP shares to recognise their performance. Not forgetting on the spot recognition Line managers have access to several mechanisms to reward in the moment performance. These include “spot’ bonuses and Red Balloon gift vouchers.",
"BP p.l.c. (LSE: BP, NYSE: BP) is a British multinational oil and gas company headquartered in London, United Kingdom.It is the third-largest energy company and fourth-largest company in the world measured by 2011 revenues and one of the six oil and gas supermajors.bout: BP p.l.c. (LSE: BP, NYSE: BP) is a British multinational oil and gas company headquartered in London, United Kingdom. It is the third-largest energy company and fourth-largest company in the world measured by 2011 revenues and one of the six oil and gas supermajors.",
"About: BP p.l.c. (LSE: BP, NYSE: BP) is a British multinational oil and gas company headquartered in London, United Kingdom. It is the third-largest energy company and fourth-largest company in the world measured by 2011 revenues and one of the six oil and gas supermajors.It is vertically integrated and is active in….bout: BP p.l.c. (LSE: BP, NYSE: BP) is a British multinational oil and gas company headquartered in London, United Kingdom. It is the third-largest energy company and fourth-largest company in the world measured by 2011 revenues and one of the six oil and gas supermajors.",
"The level of your blood pressure determines what kind of treatment you may need. To get an accurate blood pressure measurement, your doctor should evaluate your readings based on the average of two or more blood pressure readings at three or more office visits.Here's a look at the four blood pressure categories and what they mean for you.If your readings fall into two different categories, your correct blood pressure category is the higher category. For example, if your blood pressure reading is 125/95 millimeters of mercury (mm Hg), you have stage 1 hypertension.o get an accurate blood pressure measurement, your doctor should evaluate your readings based on the average of two or more blood pressure readings at three or more office visits. Here's a look at the four blood pressure categories and what they mean for you.",
"Jobs by Salary Range. Browse jobs by salary rates and pay scales as compiled by the salary experts. Compensation ranges and salary levels, are determined for the best job salary comparison.Different job salary info is available for all payscales. Job pay structure for: base pay salary information, job market salary level.obs by Salary Range. Browse jobs by salary rates and pay scales as compiled by the salary experts. Compensation ranges and salary levels, are determined for the best job salary comparison.",
"Browse Entry Level jobs by salary range: , $30K-$50K, $50K-$80K, $80K-$100K, or. Search by: Keyword Category. Search. Jobs by Salary Ranges: Click a salary category to find jobs in your target salary range.f you are unsure how much your Entry Level job pays you can choose to either browse all Entry Level salaries below or you can search all Entry Level salaries. Other related categories you may wish to browse are Administrative, Support, and Clerical jobs and Skilled and Trades jobs. jobs in.",
"Bp America salary is full-time annual starting salary. Intern, contractor and hourly pay scale vary from regular exempt employee. Compensation depends on work experience, job location, bonus, benefits and other factors.p America salary is full-time annual starting salary. Intern, contractor and hourly pay scale vary from regular exempt employee. Compensation depends on work experience, job location, bonus, benefits and other factors.",
"Normal human daily Blood Pressure Range can vary widely, so any single blood pressure monitor reading is not reliable. BP monitor readings must be taken at different times of day, to determine AVERAGE blood pressure levels over time. What is important is your AVERAGE BP, or MAP (Mean Arterial Pressure) over time.he 1st Number: Systolic pressure is the blood pressure when the heart muscle contracts. The 2nd Number: Diastolic pressure is the blood pressure when the heart is relaxed. The BP numbers shown in the chart represent Typical systolic-diastolic pairs."
"url": [
} | what is BP level j salary | 672,511 | NUMERIC | [] |
"No Answer Present."
] | {
"is_selected": [
"passage_text": [
"$8,532 - $20,605. The average national cost of window installation is $4,995, with most homeowners spending between $2,602 and $7,404. This data is based on actual project costs as reported by HomeAdvisor members. Windows can bring light and warmth, provide views, beautify inside and out and add tremendous value to your home.",
"More than 1 year ago. Please note that this is based on 2.324 cost estimates.' As a Professional Land Surveyor I can tell you that this is a ridiculously low figure and that there really isn't any way to average a cost so you can budget without contacting a Land Surveyor.",
"Why Choose Squirrel Professional for your POS? Every business is different and you should have a POS system that works for your specific needs, whether you have a single unit or a chain of hundreds of locations. Squirrel Professional is flexible, scalable, and modular for a customized solution that’s right for you. Choose from:",
"Squirrel POS Pricing Plans For Enterprises & Small Business: Squirrel POS Software is available in two editions: Squirrel in a Box+ – a simplified system for smaller footprint operations and budgets. Squirrel Professional – a complete hospitality management system for larger or more complex operations. Squirrel POS is available only on a by quote basis. Contact the vendor directly for more pricing information and other details.",
"It’s a taboo subject. But our failure to ask it costs us dearly, experts say. We approve drugs and devices without considering cost-effectiveness, or even having a clue about price. We don’t ask for estimates and then are surprised when the nation is stuck with a $2.7 trillion annual health care bill.",
"Get customized pricing information from 5 restaurant POS systems in just a few minutes. If you see one you like, you can go ahead and buy! Use the form on the left to let us know what your restaurant needs from its POS system. Quickly receive up to 5 price quotes from multiple dealers. Compare prices and features, choose the best deal, and save on the perfect POS system!",
"The cost of a POS system is based on the type of system and the amount of customization and features. The amount you spend on a POS system should be in direct proportion to the amount of revenue that your company generates. A POS system that is customized, programmed, and installed, costs between $2,500 and $6,000 each.",
"I removed the directory where SQuirreL was installed, and installed it into a new location. I was surprised to see all of my alias, drivers and preference settings were maintained when I launched SQuirreL from the new location.",
"Survey Fees. Fees can range anywhere from $200-$800, depending on the size of the lot, your geographical location as well as the age of the lot. Over time, land does shift slightly and monuments (items such as trees or rocks that were used in initial land survey) may no longer exist.",
"But experts expect that Evzio could well be priced close to $500. Part of the problem is that the United States does not have a body like the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence in Britain, which weighs in on the value of new devices and drugs."
"url": [
} | how.much does squirrel.pos cost | 388,851 | NUMERIC | [] |
"DBA means 'Doing business as' is a term that is used in today’s business industry in regards to the liability and formal actions that are taken by a particular company."
] | {
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"passage_text": [
"In this post, we’ll break down the Doing Business As (DBA; a.k.a. Fictitious Business Name or Assumed Business Name) to see if your business needs one. In this post, we’ll break down the Doing Business As (DBA; a.k.a. Fictitious Business Name or Assumed Business Name) to see if your business needs one.",
"DBA stands for doing business as ... . It's used to allow a company to operate under a different brand name than the name used to incorporate. Here are some famous examples: - General Motors, dba, Pontiac. - Yum Brands, dba, Kentucky Fried Chicken, or dba, KFC. Here's one on the small business level: - Smith Brothers, Inc., dba, Crystal City Seafood. With the use of a dba, the Smith Brothers can add new brands, like Crystal City Steak House, as wholly owned subsidiary of their corporation, without changing the legal entity or adding an additional one.",
"What Does DBA Mean? Share Doing business as (DBA) is a term that is used in today’s business industry in regards to the liability and formal actions that are taken by a particular company. Doing business as means that the company is working under a fictitious name, concealing its true identity. To elaborate, the name of the company is legally the name of the proprietor of the business establishment.",
"DBA stands for doing business as ... It's used to allow a company to operate under a different brand name than the name used to incorporate. Here are some famous examples: - General Motors, dba, Pontiac - Yum Brands, dba, Kentucky Fried Chicken, or dba, KFC. Here's one on the small business level: - Smith Brothers, Inc., dba, Crystal City Seafood.",
"Some states require DBA or fictitious business name filings to be made for the protection of consumers conducting business with the entity. - Small Business Encyclopedia The operating name of a company, as opposed to the legal name of the company. Some states require DBA or fictitious business name filings to be made for the protection of consumers conducting business with the entity. - Small Business Encyclopedia",
"DBA stands for doing business as ... It's used to allow a company to operate under a different brand name than the name used to incorporate. Here are some famous examples: - Yum Brands, dba, Kentucky Fried Chicken, or dba, KFC. Here's one on the small business level: - Smith Brothers, Inc., dba, Crystal City Seafood. With the use of a dba, the Smith Brothers can add new brands, like Crystal City Steak House, as wholly owned subsidiary of their corporation, without changing the legal entity or adding an additional one.",
"In this post, we’ll break down the “Doing Business As” (DBA) to see if your business needs one. What Is a DBA? In the U.S., a DBA lets the public know who the real owner of a business is. The DBA is also called a Fictitious Business Name or Assumed Business Name. It got its origins as a form of consumer protection, so dishonest business owners can’t try to avoid legal trouble by operating under a different name.",
"In some cases, you don’t need a DBA if your business name is a combination of your name and a description of your product or service. In this case, if my business was called Nellie Akalp’s Gardening Service, I may not need a DBA. But, if it’s just my first name (aka Nellie’s Gardening Service), then a DBA is required.",
"Some states require DBA or fictitious business name filings to be made for the protection of consumers conducting business with the entity. . A company is said to be doing business as when the name under which they operate their business differs from its legal, registered name. Some states require dba or fictitious business name filings to be made for the protection of consumers conducting business with the entity. If you're starting a sole proprietorship or a partnership, you have the option of choosing a business name or dba (doing business as) for your business.",
"However, in cases of DBA, an individual does not use their own name as the company’s legal name. For example, there is an individual named James Doe and he is the owner of a laundry service. He wants to call his laundry service “Get’m Clean Laundry”."
"url": [
} | what dba mean | 617,187 | DESCRIPTION | [] |
"$4,625 per month."
] | {
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"passage_text": [
"According to the 2015 Genworth Financial cost of care survey, the average cost of assisted living in Washington is $4,625 per month. The monthly base rate for Washington assisted living is typically higher when compared to neighboring states.",
"According to the 2015 Genworth Financial cost of care survey, the average cost of assisted living in Washington is $4,625 per month. The monthly base rate for Washington assisted living is typically higher when compared to neighboring states. Washington is also more expensive compared to the national average.",
"Just as the cost of real estate varies by geographic area, assisted living costs also vary nationwide. In the 2015 Cost of Care Survey conducted by Genworth Financial, assisted living showed an increase of 2.86% compared to the 2014 costs and the national median monthly rate is $3,600.",
"The average annual cost of a private assisted living bedroom in Washington is 38,410 dollars. This makes it the 11th most expensive state for assisted living care in the country.",
"In the 2015 Cost of Care Survey conducted by Genworth Financial, assisted living showed an increase of 2.86% compared to the 2014 costs and the national median monthly rate is $3,600.",
"The 2400 assisted living facilities in Washington are regulated by the Aging and Disability Services. The average annual cost of a private assisted living bedroom in Washington is 38,410 dollars.",
"The average cost of Assisted Living in Washington is $4,625. Assisted Living costs range from $1,845 to $9,750 depending on location and other factors.",
"Assisted Living Costs by State. The Genworth 2015 Cost of Care Survey is the most comprehensive study of its kind. Genworth Financial surveyed approximatey 15% of assisted living communities. The monthly cost is for a one-bedroom unit in an assisted living facility.",
"Assisted Living Costs in Olympia, WA. Cost for a single bedroom in Olympia runs between $2,550 to $3,795 a month. Availability is almost guaranteed but you can request information online by filling out the form to the right or call us at (866) 333-8391 for a no-cost, in-depth assessment of your senior care needs.",
"In Washington there are 461 Assisted Living Facilities. We can help you find the best matches for your needs. The average cost of Assisted Living in Washington is $4,625 per month."
"url": [
} | average cost of assisted living in washington state | 33,073 | NUMERIC | [] |
"No Answer Present."
] | {
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"passage_text": [
"+ More. Fees are one of the biggest enemies of your retirement savings, especially when compounded over the course of your career. If you invest $100,000 in a portfolio and pay 1 percent annually in fees, it will cost you nearly $28,000 over 20 years, according to Securities and Exchange Commission calculations.If instead you had been able to invest that $28,000, your portfolio would have earned another $12,000.f you invest $100,000 in a portfolio and pay 1 percent annually in fees, it will cost you nearly $28,000 over 20 years, according to Securities and Exchange Commission calculations. If instead you had been able to invest that $28,000, your portfolio would have earned another $12,000.",
"Example: An investment advisor who charges 1% means that for every $100,000 invested, you will pay $1,000 per year in advisory fees. This fee is most commonly debited from your account each quarter; in this example it would be $250 per quarter.hese fees can range from $9.95 per trade to over $50 per trade. If you are investing small amounts of money, these fees add up quickly. Example: A $50 transaction fee on a $5,000 investment is 1%. A $50 transaction on $50,000 is only .10%, which is very minimal.",
"It is typical for smaller accounts to pay higher fees (as much as 1.75%) but if you have a larger portfolio size ($500k or more) and are paying fees in excess of 1% then you better be getting additional services included in addition to investment management.hese fees can range from $9.95 per trade to over $50 per trade. If you are investing small amounts of money, these fees add up quickly. Example: A $50 transaction fee on a $5,000 investment is 1%. A $50 transaction on $50,000 is only .10%, which is very minimal.",
"³ We used Betterment’s stated management fee of 0.15% for a $100,000+ account and a 0.99% management fee for advised portfolios, based on average fee provided in the PriceMetrix 2014 The State of Wealth Management 4th Annual Report.Costs may vary by provider.earn more about Betterment’s investment services and portfolio. ¹Assumes quarterly rebalancing across a 12 -fund portfolio for a total of 48 trades annually for DIY investors with an average fee of $8.50 per trade; ETF trading fees can typically range from $0 to $20 for DIY investors, according to Wall Street Journal.",
"One would expect larger clients to garner a lower fee, and PriceMetrix found that to be the case. Clients of between $1 million to $2 million came with an average fee of 1.17%, while $5 million-plus clients were charged 0.6% on average.However PriceMetrix said there is a wide disparity in the rates advisers are charging, even when factoring for differences in client would expect larger clients to garner a lower fee, and PriceMetrix found that to be the case. Clients of between $1 million to $2 million came with an average fee of 1.17%, while $5 million-plus clients were charged 0.6% on average.",
"Do the math. If returns average, say, 8% a year, then those same fees are not 1% or one-half of 1%. They are much higher — typically over 12% for individuals and 6% for institutions. But even this recalculation substantially understates the real cost of active “beat the market” investment management.een for what they really are, fees for active management are high — much higher than even the critics have recognized. When stated as a percentage of assets, average fees do look low — a little over 1% of assets for individuals and a little less than one-half of 1% for institutional investors.",
"The numbers above reflect what the average investor pays in expense ratios, according to the Investment Company Institute (ICI). An expense ratio is the cost compared to the value of the assets in the fund -- for bond funds, investors pay $65 for every $10,000.The average fund charges much more, but most investment dollars favor less expensive options.The cheapest 25 percent of equity funds held 73 percent of assets at the end of 2013.hat 1 percent fee will cost you a total of $1,487 after 10 years and $4,622 after 20 years. To help you figure out if you're paying too much, this guide details the typical costs of various investment products and services.",
"Many brokerage accounts charge a transaction fee each time an order to buy or sell a mutual fund or stock is placed. These fees can range from $9.95 per trade to over $50 per trade. If you are investing small amounts of money, these fees add up quickly. Example: A $50 transaction fee on a $5,000 investment is 1%.A $50 transaction on $50,000 is only .10%, which is very minimal.hese fees can range from $9.95 per trade to over $50 per trade. If you are investing small amounts of money, these fees add up quickly. Example: A $50 transaction fee on a $5,000 investment is 1%. A $50 transaction on $50,000 is only .10%, which is very minimal.",
"According to the Investment Company Institute, the median fee for administrative, recordkeeping and investment-related services on 401(k) plans is 0.72 percent of total assets -- approximately $346 per year for the average 401(k) participant. One out of every 10 plans charges 1.72 percent or higher.ccording to the Investment Company Institute, the median fee for administrative, recordkeeping and investment-related services on 401(k) plans is 0.72 percent of total assets -- approximately $346 per year for the average 401(k) participant. One out of every 10 plans charges 1.72 percent or higher.",
"Fees vary based on the type of capital raised-Advisors that raise capital on a percentage basis usually charge two to three times the percentage fee to raise equity capital versus debt capital. Most bankers charge a fee of 1-3% for debt and between 5% to 10% for equity capital raised.ees vary based on the type of capital raised-Advisors that raise capital on a percentage basis usually charge two to three times the percentage fee to raise equity capital versus debt capital. Most bankers charge a fee of 1-3% for debt and between 5% to 10% for equity capital raised."
"url": [
} | what is a normal fee for investment account | 692,835 | NUMERIC | [] |
"Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Social Security Disability COPD, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is a series of lung diseases that damages your lungs, blocking airflow and affecting your ability to breathe."
] | {
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"passage_text": [
"Disability Listing for COPD. To qualify for benefits, you must first be diagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. In addition, a lung function test performed by a consulting doctor hired by the SSA must show very limited airflow. Specifically, the SSA wants to see results from one of the following tests:",
"Disability Listing for COPD To qualify for benefits, you must first be diagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. In addition, a lung function test performed by a consulting doctor hired by the SSA must show very limited airflow.",
"I know that copd is a long term lung desease and it will never get better,it does restrict me in many ways as does the acid reflux. I am on 3 inhalers plus codeine phosphate - for my chronic cough! The guy has now been from P.I.P and spent 2 hrs with me on the interview.",
"‘long-term’ means 12 months or more - eg a breathing condition that develops as a result of a lung infection. 3 years agoOffcut. stilltruckin Search engine scores again you do have a great list of info sites keep it up. 3 years agokatieoxo60. COPD is defined as a disability as it is an on going chronic illness. However for benefit purpose and other things they look more at how much it disables you and effects your daily living. Hope that helps your question",
"The COPD Foundation reported that the disease causes the most days of lost productivity than any other chronic condition. Medical Requirements in the Blue Book. When the SSA receives an application for disability benefits, they evaluate it against a number of requirements.",
"COPD can be found in Section 3.02—Chronic pulmonary insufficiency, under Respiratory Disorders. In order to qualify for benefits, you must meet one of the following requirements: COPD, due to any cause, with a forced expiratory volume one (FEV1) that is equal to or lower to the minimum for your height, between 1.05 for those who are five feet and 1.65 or those who are six feet.",
"Getting Disability Benefits for COPD. The Social Security Administration (SSA) has a disability listing laying out the requirements for getting automatically approved for disability for various chronic respiratory disorders, including COPD. If you meet the requirements of this listing, you automatically qualify for benefits.",
"Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Social Security Disability COPD, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is a series of lung diseases that damages your lungs, blocking airflow and affecting your ability to breathe. The two most common conditions are chronic bronchitis and emphysema.",
"A question I'm often asked is whether a person can get SSDI or SSI benefits for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). COPD is also called chronic bronchitis or emphysema. The answer to the question is this - if your COPD is severe enough, you can qualify for SSDI or SSI. COPD is a listing level disease, which means the SSA has laid out the criteria for it to be automatically considered a disability. This is important because if your COPD meets the requirements in the listing, then the SSA does not have to evaluate whether or not your COPD restrict your functional capacity to such a degree that you qualify for disability benefits. To see if you meet the listing criteria for COPD, read our article on the chronic pulmonary insufficiency listing.",
"COPD - Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease - in this case Chronic mean 'long term' so yes, it is a disability. I have COPD Bronchiecstasis and I have a blue badge and it is a godsend as I can't walk very far at the moment but I am doing Pulmonary Rehab so here's hoping things will improve but it's hard work! Take care, Lizzy."
"url": [
} | what disability is copd | 620,911 | DESCRIPTION | [] |
"No Answer Present."
] | {
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"passage_text": [
"Dear Kusum, There is no law which defines the percentage of minimum or maximum basic salary in india. Moreover, it depends on Management. Govt revise Minimum Wages every after six month and Employer should keep in mind that their employee' basic should be more than what govt fix and revise time to time. I would like to know that what is the relation between minimum wage and % of minimum basic wage. please let me know also that how minimum wage (which is upgraded from time to time) changes the minimum % of basic salary?",
"A maximum wage, also often called a wage ceiling, is a legal limit on how much income an individual can earn.This is a related economic concept that is complementary to the minimum wage used currently by some states to enforce minimum earnings. maximum wage, also often called a wage ceiling, is a legal limit on how much income an individual can earn.",
"Both a maximum and minimum wage are methods by which wealth can be redistributed within a society. Advocates argue that a maximum wage could limit the possibility for inflation of a currency or economy, similar to the way a minimum wage may limit deflation. maximum wage, also often called a wage ceiling, is a legal limit on how much income an individual can earn.",
"Step C: Convert the step rate identified in step B to a corresponding rate (same step) on the current highest applicable rate range for the employee's current GS position of record and official worksite. That step rate is the employee's maximum payable rate of basic pay.Step D: After setting the employee's rate of basic pay in the current highest applicable rate range (not to exceed the MPR identified in step C), determine any underlying rate of basic pay to which the employee is entitled at the determined step rate.he highest previous rate must be a rate of basic pay received by an employee while serving-. 1 On a regular tour of duty under an appointment not limited to 90 days or less; or. 2 For a continuous period of not less than 90 days under one or more appointments without a break in service.",
"ESI. For ESI there is just a maximum limit of Gross Salary Rs 15000/-. If any employees Gross salary exceeds 15000/- then He/She is not entitled for ESI Contribution. If Gross Salary is Lesser than 15000/- Then employee has to contribute 1.75% on the gross salary and ER has to contribute 4.75% on the Gross.EPF.or ESI there is just a maximum limit of Gross Salary Rs 15000/-. If any employees Gross salary exceeds 15000/- then He/She is not entitled for ESI Contribution.",
"For ESI there is just a maximum limit of Gross Salary Rs 15000/-. If any employees Gross salary exceeds 15000/- then He/She is not entitled for ESI Contribution.If Gross Salary is Lesser than 15000/- Then employee has to contribute 1.75% on the gross salary and ER has to contribute 4.75% on the Gross.EPF.or ESI there is just a maximum limit of Gross Salary Rs 15000/-. If any employees Gross salary exceeds 15000/- then He/She is not entitled for ESI Contribution.",
"The District pays 100% of the monthly premium. The amount of life insurance is 2 times basic annual salary (excludes overtime). The maximum life insurance benefit is $300,000 up to age 65.The premium amount on life insurance over $50,000 must be reported as taxable income.he District pays 100% of the monthly premium. The amount of life insurance is 2 times basic annual salary (excludes overtime). The maximum life insurance benefit is $300,000 up to age 65.",
"On the other hand, when the basic salary is increased from the optimal percentage, a smaller amount of CTC is allocated to HRA and the tax benefit on HRA is not fully utilised. Also, the employee pays tax on this amount which is now allocated under basic salary. This translates into a greater tax liability.ohan's tax liability vs basic salary. If we were to plot a graph of Mohan's tax liability versus his basic salary as a percentage of his CTC, we get the following: This graph shows that there is an ideal level (70%-80% of CTC) at which Mohan can minimise his tax liability.",
"Could you please comfirm is there any limit to show HRA amount in CTC,.Is there any maximum limit of % on basic pay can be considered in calculating HRA?If My Gross Salary PM is Rs 100000 and i m paying 50000 pm as rent in this case can i consider basic as Rs 30000pm and HRA Rs 70000pm?0%of salary (if u paid house rent in metro city) otherwise 40% of salary2. HRA Received3. Rent Paid - 10% of salaryin salary include only Basic Salary+ DA (As per terms of salary) + Commissionall other not include under salary for calculation of HRA.",
"We see that Mohan's tax liability is minimal when the basic salary is 74.5 per cent of CTC. This is the optimal percentage at which Mohan's tax liability is minimum. As we decrease or increase the basic salary from this optimal percentage, the tax liability increases.ohan's tax liability vs basic salary. If we were to plot a graph of Mohan's tax liability versus his basic salary as a percentage of his CTC, we get the following: This graph shows that there is an ideal level (70%-80% of CTC) at which Mohan can minimise his tax liability."
"url": [
} | maximum basic in salary | 446,324 | NUMERIC | [] |
"A contemporary Asian dish consisting of an omelette made with fried rice."
] | {
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"In one common rendition, the rice is fried with ketchup, and extra ketchup is squeezed on top as a garnish. In another popular one, seen in the Kyoto video, the chef uses demi-glace (a rich, veal stock–based sauce) to both fry the rice and top the omelette. Japanese mayo is often also squeezed on top.",
"오무라이스. 1 Omurice is a contemporary Asian dish consisting of an omelette made with fried rice. Its name derives from the combination of the English words omelette and rice. 2 A relatively simple dish, it typically calls for rice fried with ketchup, chicken and onions wrapped in a thin sheet of fried egg.",
"In cuisine, an omelette or omelet is a dish made from beaten eggs quickly fried with butter or oil in a frying pan (without stirring as in scrambled egg). It is quite common for the omelette to be folded around a filling such as cheese, chives, vegetables, meat (often ham or bacon), or some combination of the above. Whole eggs or sometimes only egg whites are beaten with a small amount of milk or cream, or even water.",
"How to Make Omelet Rice (Omurice) -Stir frying rice (You will need a wok) Dice carrot, onion, red capsicums, ham and crab stick. Mix the tomato sauce (3 tbsp) and worcestershire sauce in a bowl. Pre heat the wok on high heat for 10 seconds and add some oil. Add all diced ingredients and saute for 1 minute. Reduce the heat to half. Add the steamed rice and the mixed sauce.",
"For those unfamiliar with omurice, it's a Japanese invention that combines an omelette with fried rice. You'll often hear it referred to as omuraisu (a contraction of the words omuretsu and raisu, the Japanese pronunciations of omelette and rice), or omumeshi, which fully translates rice into Japanese.",
"In it, a chef in Kyoto makes a plate of omurice with a deftness and perfection of technique that may be unrivaled. He starts by frying rice in a carbon steel skillet, tossing it every which way until each grain is coated in a sheen of demi-glace and oil.",
"Omurice is a contemporary Asian dish consisting of an omelette made with fried rice. Its name derives from the combination of the English words omelette and rice. Omurice is said to have originated from Japan and it became a popular dish at a western-style restaurant in Tokyo's Ginza district around the turn of the 19th century.",
"Recipe 16 - Omurice. Today in Moto's Kitchen we're going to learn how to make Omurice! This popular dish, notorious in maid cafe's, is an interesting and delicious take on the western omelette. With a base of fried rice, chicken and ketchup, the dish is topped with a simple egg omelette. Eat this tasty dish anytime throughout the day!",
"Another way to change this up is to top the finished omurice with Hayashi sauce or Japanese curry. Omurice (オムライス)With a fluffy omelette covering a bed of savory sweet chicken fried rice, omurice (オムライス) is a modern Japanese classic that kids love.Marc Matsumoto.",
"A cut-open omurice with ketchup. Omurice or omu-rice (オムライス, Omu-raisu) is an example of yōshoku (a Western-influenced style of Japanese cuisine) consisting of an omelette made with fried rice and usually topped with ketchup. With omu and raisu being contractions of the words omelette and rice, the name is an example of wasei-eigo."
"url": [
} | what is a omurice omelet | 693,333 | DESCRIPTION | [
"An omurice omelet is a contemporary Asian dish consisting of an omelette made with fried rice."
] |
"No Answer Present."
] | {
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"passage_text": [
"Classiþcation of hazardous health-care waste is summarized in Table 2.1. and described in more detail in sections 2.1.2 to 2.1.10. 2.1.2 Infectious waste. Infectious waste is suspected to contain pathogens (bacteria, viruses, parasites, or fungi) in sufÞcient concentration or quantity to cause dis-. ease in susceptible hosts.",
"Safe management of wastes from health-care activities. 4. as bottles or boxes with residues, gloves, masks, connecting tubing, and. drug vials. 2.1.6 Genotoxic waste. Genotoxic waste is highly hazardous and may have mutagenic, terato-. genic, or carcinogenic properties.",
"(redirected from Medical waste) Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Medical, Financial, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia. Harmful or destructive use of real property by one in rightful possession of the property. Waste is an unreasonable or improper use of land by an individual in rightful possession of the land. A party with an interest in a parcel of land may file a civil action based on waste committed by an individual who also has an interest in the land.",
"PDE - Peritoneal Dialysis Effluent [Internet]; Aug 5, 2016 [cited 2016 Aug 5]. Available from: 'PDE - Peritoneal Dialysis Effluent', All Acronyms, 5 August 2016, <> [accessed 5 August 2016]",
"The type and form of radioactive material used in health-care establish-. ments usually results in low-level radioactive waste (<1MBq). Waste in. the form of sealed sources may be of fairly high activity, but is only. generated in low volumes from larger medical and research laboratories.",
"the waste originating from ÒminorÓ or ÒscatteredÓ sourcesÑsuch as that. produced in the course of health care undertaken in the home (dialysis, insulin injections, etc.). Between 75% and 90% of the waste produced by health-care providers is. non-risk or ÒgeneralÓ health-care waste, comparable to domestic waste.",
"PDE - Peritoneal Dialysis Effluent [Internet]; August 5, 2016 [cited 2016 AUG 5]. Available from:",
"What is Medical Waste? What is medical waste? Medical waste is defined as: potentially infectious waste materials generated at health care facilities, such as hospitals, clinics, physician’s offices, dental practices, blood banks, and veterinary hospitals/clinics, as well as medical research facilities and laboratories.",
"Ameliorating waste is an alteration in the physical characteristics of the premises by an unauthorized act of the tenant that increases the value of the property. For example, a tenant might make improvements that increase the value of the property, such as remodeling a bathroom.",
"n. 1) any damage to real property by a tenant which lessens its value to the landlord, owner or future owner. An owner can sue for damages for waste, terminate a lease of one committing waste, and/or obtain an injunction against further waste."
"url": [
} | effluent medical definition | 179,083 | DESCRIPTION | [] |
"No Answer Present."
] | {
"is_selected": [
"passage_text": [
"You can sell back this text book as well if you buy Elementary Statistics online now and you want to get rid of it later on. Robert R. Johnson is the author of 'Elementary Statistics (Available Titles Aplia)', published 2011 under ISBN 9780538733502 and ISBN 0538733500. Marketplace prices",
"PSYC 354 H OMEWORK 3 Central Tendency and Variability When submitting this file, be sure the filename includes your full name, course and section. Example: HW3_JohnDoe_354B01 Be sure you have reviewed this module/week’s lesson and presentations along with the practice data analysis before proceeding to the homework exercises. Complete all analyses in SPSS, then copy and paste your output and graphs into your homework document file.",
"If your area of study happens to be probability and statistics, you can buy Elementary Statistics online from us now and get the most affordable price in the process. Written by Robert R Johnson and Patricia J Kuby, this text book is in previously owned condition, but it's available at the cheapest price. It was published in 2011 by Duxbury Press and this is the 11th edition. This means you can expect plenty of updated and renewed material compared with earlier editions.",
"You can sell back this text book as well if you buy Elementary Statistics online now and you want to get rid of it later on. Patricia J. Kuby is the author of 'Elementary Statistics (Available Titles Aplia)', published 2011 under ISBN 9780538733502 and ISBN 0538733500.",
"The inter-quartile range is a measure that indicates the extent to which the central 50% of values within the dataset are dispersed. It is based upon, and related to, the median. In the same way that the median divides a dataset into two halves, it can be further divided into quarters by identifying the upper and lower quartiles.",
"Measures of average such as the median and mean represent the typical value for a dataset. Within the dataset the actual values usually differ from one another and from the average value itself. The extent to which the median and mean are good representatives of the values in the original dataset depends upon the variability or dispersion in the original data. Datasets are said to have high dispersion when they contain values considerably higher and lower than the mean value.",
"HW3_CarrieHorton_354B01 - PSYC 354 HOMEWORK 3 Central... 1 14 pages. HW3_JessicaMoore_354-B08. PSYC 354 HOMEWORK 3 Central Tendency and Variability When submitting this file, be su. 2 3 pages. 354 db 2. 1 Briefly describe how many studies are represented in this metaanalysis and what the. 3 6 pages. HW7_JessicaMoore_354-B08.",
"The median lies at the mid-point between the two central values (10th and 11th) = half-way between 60 and 62 = 61. The lower quartile lies at the mid-point between the 5th and 6th values = half-way between 52 and 53 = 52.5. The upper quartile lies at the mid-point between the 15th and 16th values = half-way between 70 and 71 = 70.5",
"Most Popular Documents for PSYC 354. 1 14 pages. HW3_JessicaMoore_354-B08. 2 3 pages. 354 db 2. 3 6 pages. HW7_JessicaMoore_354-B08. 4 7 pages. PSYC354_HW6E. 5 7 pages. PSYC354_HW6E. 6 14 pages. PSYC354_HW3E.",
"Loading marketplace prices 173 copies from $26.09 How does the rental process work?"
"url": [
} | aplia what does the median suggest | 19,942 | DESCRIPTION | [] |
"No Answer Present."
] | {
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"passage_text": [
"Track Web Site Track Map StatsMaster customizable stats for Belterra Park Track Records",
"Leaders by Track. Horses - By Racing Year; Horses - By Foaling Year; Jockeys; Trainers; Owners Leaders by Track. Horses - By Racing Year; Horses - By Foaling Year; Jockeys; Trainers; Owners",
"Scroll to the bottom of this story to let us know how you feel about the Belterra Park racino. A year after opening, Belterra Park Gaming in Anderson Township has raked in $55.2 million, the smallest slice of Ohio's new $1.5 billion gambling market. Officials with the new racino say they're optimistic about the future, but the CEO of parent company Pinnacle Entertainment admitted last fall to analysts he was disappointed in the property.",
"Belterra Park is your gaming and live horse racing destination in Cincinnati Ohio. Visit us for daily promotions, events, dining and races.",
"Belterra Park Gaming & Entertainment Center. Belterra Park, formerly known as River Downs, is a racino located in Anderson Township, Hamilton County, Ohio, just outside the southeast limits of Cincinnati.",
"The truly unique entertainment complex, Belterra Park Gaming, features an expansive facility on 122 acres just minutes east of downtown... Estimated: $79,000 - $100,000 a year Please note that all salary figures are approximations based upon third party submissions to SimplyHired or its affiliates.",
"Belterra Park Gaming & Entertainment Center - Live racing. 1 Up until 2012, racing was typically held at the track from the beginning of April until Labor Day weekend.",
"Comment from Belterra Park Guest Services of Belterra Park Gaming & Entertainment Business Employee 5/1/2017 Good morning, Greg, and thank you for your visit and review.",
"Belterra Park Gaming and Entertainment Center, Cincinnati: Address, Phone Number, Attraction Reviews",
"Visit Belterra Park for the best horse racing facility in the Cincinnati Ohio region."
"url": [
} | is the belterra park in cincinnati oh open today? | 1,174,758 | DESCRIPTION | [] |
"A Jeep Compass Alternator Replacement is between $377 and $577."
] | {
"is_selected": [
"passage_text": [
"The average cost for a Jeep Compass Alternator Replacement is between $377 and $577. Labor costs are estimated between $123 and $156 while parts are priced between $254 and $421. Estimate does not include taxes and fees. Get a Personalized Estimate for your Jeep Compass.",
"Well if a alt from autozone costs $150 any shop(and I mean any) will mark that up to $200 or or more(standard is 150% of cost) and then you got labor added on top of that and most labor charges are $80-$120 per hour depending on location.Then you got the diag fees to test the vehicle to find out what is wrong.",
"Hi All: Am I out of touch with the cost to replace an alternator on a Lyberty? A local shop just charged my mother $350 to put in a new one. The Jeep was running and starting just fine, it seems they told her she needed a new one. She's 76. They charged her $280 for it, plus labor, for a total of $350.",
"Quality-Built's alternators are engineered from the ground up to deliver unsurpassed reliability with each turn of the key. Quality-Built, a division of Motorcar Parts of America, is an automotive aftermarket brand of professional-quality starters and alternators.",
"For the difficult to reach alternators, expect up to two hours of labor, plus the price of the part. That can run $350-$400. For an easy to replace unit, one half hour of labor (Some shops charge a minimum of one hour, so ask around) plus the cost of the part.",
"More results for 2007 Jeep Grand Cherokee Alternator. Crown Automotive Alternators Crown Automotive is the go-to company for premium quality factory replacement parts for Jeeps manufactured as far back as 1942....",
"25% Off Select Parts and Accessories. Receive 25% Off Your Online or In-Store Purchase. Use promotional code MMJ25 at checkout to receive discount. Not valid in combination with any other discounts, promotions or items already on sale. Not valid on gift cards, special orders, installed merchandise, commercial or fleet purchases.",
"AutoZone carries hundreds of thousands of parts and accessories. Select your Year, Make, Model and Engine to find those that fit your vehicle. Contrary to popular belief, your battery isn't in charge of powering everything in your vehicle. Without an alternator, your car battery can't charge and nothing in your vehicle receives any power. If you've tried starting your vehicle and it just won't go, it may not be your battery's fault.",
"Complimentary 24/7 Quality-Built (QB) Roadside Assistance Program (RAP) which includes a jump-start or tow for 2 years from the date of purchase limited to 3 events per year and a maximum reimbursement of $60 each event.",
"Definitely depends on the vehicle and where you live, but if you’re looking to have an auto repair shop replace the alternator, the national average on RepairPal is between $315 to $559, including quality parts and labor costs. (Alternator Replacement Cost - RepairPal Estimate)"
"url": [
} | how much does it cost to change a jeep alternator | 315,061 | NUMERIC | [
"The cost for a Jeep Compass Alternator Replacement is between $377 and $577."
] |
"Crucial for proper brain function and plays an important role in mental and emotional health."
] | {
"is_selected": [
"passage_text": [
"Folate and folic acid are forms of a water-soluble B vitamin. Folate occurs naturally in food, and folic acid is the synthetic form of this vitamin. Since 1998, folic acid has been added to cold cereals, flour, breads, pasta, bakery items, cookies, and crackers, as required by federal law.",
"Folic acid is a type of B vitamin. It is the man-made (synthetic) form of folate that is found in supplements and added to fortified foods. Folate is a generic term for both naturally occurring folate found in foods and folic acid.",
"Vitamin B9, also called folate or folic acid, is one of 8 B vitamins. All B vitamins help the body convert food (carbohydrates) into fuel (glucose), which is used to produce energy. These B vitamins, often referred to as B-complex vitamins, also help the body use fats and protein.",
"Folic acid is the synthetic form of B9, found in supplements and fortified foods, while folate occurs naturally in foods. All the B vitamins are water-soluble, meaning the body does not store them. Folic acid is crucial for proper brain function and plays an important role in mental and emotional health.",
"Folic acid is a pregnancy superhero! Taking a prenatal vitamin with the recommended 400 micrograms (mcg) of folic acid before and during pregnancy can help prevent birth defects of your baby's brain and spinal cord.",
"Folic acid is a pregnancy superhero! Taking a prenatal vitamin with the recommended 400 micrograms (mcg) of folic acid before and during pregnancy can help prevent birth defects of your baby's brain and spinal cord. Take it every day and go ahead and have a bowl of fortified cereal, too.",
"Folic acid is one of the B vitamins found in foods such as leafy green vegetables, fruits, dried beans, and peas. A synthetic form of folic acid is used in dietary supplements and fortified foods. Folic acid acts by helping the body produce and maintain new cells.",
"They also help the nervous system function properly. Folic acid is the synthetic form of B9, found in supplements and fortified foods, while folate occurs naturally in foods. All the B vitamins are water-soluble, meaning the body does not store them.",
"Folate is a generic term for both naturally occurring folate found in foods and folic acid. Folic acid is water-soluble. Water-soluble vitamins dissolve in water. Leftover amounts of the vitamin leave the body through the urine.",
"Women who are pregnant or might become pregnant take folic acid to prevent miscarriage and “neural tube defects,” birth defects such as spina bifida that occur when the fetus’s spine and back do not close during development. Some people use folic acid to prevent colon cancer or cervical cancer."
"url": [
} | what does folic acid do | 637,779 | DESCRIPTION | [
"Folic acid is crucial for proper brain function and plays an important role in mental and emotional health."
] |
"No Answer Present."
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"passage_text": [
"SQL clauses site was designed to help programmers and IT professionals, yet unfamiliar with SQL (Structured Query Language) to learn the language and use it in their everyday work. Our tutorial shows how to put into practice various SQL clauses, SQL commands, SQL statements and SQL operators. If SQL clauses and commands like SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, WHERE, JOIN, DISTINCT, ORDER BY, GROUP BY, HAVING, and UNION sound like ancient Greek to you, then you have come to the right place.",
"WHERE {column or expression} comparison-operator value. Syntax for a WHERE clause with Select statement is: SELECT column_list FROM table-name. WHERE condition; 1 column or expression - Is the column of a table or a expression. comparison-operator - operators like = < > etc.",
"So SQL offers a feature called WHERE clause, which we can use to restrict the data that is retrieved. The condition you provide in the WHERE clause filters the rows retrieved from the table and gives you only those rows which you expected to see. WHERE clause can be used along with SELECT, DELETE, UPDATE statements.",
"When you want to retrieve data from a database, you ask for the data by using Structured Query Language, or SQL. SQL is a computer language that closely resembles English that database programs understand. Knowing SQL is important because every query in Microsoft Access uses SQL.",
"In the above SQL statement: 1 The SELECT clause specifies one or more columns to be retrieved; to specify multiple columns, use a comma and a space between column names. To retrieve all columns, use the wild card * (an asterisk). The FROM clause specifies one or more tables to be queried.",
"SQL is a computer language for working with sets of facts and the relationships between them. Relational database programs, such as Access, use SQL to work with data. Like many computer languages, SQL is an international standard that is recognized by standards bodies such as ISO and ANSI.",
"The WHERE Clause is used when you want to retrieve specific information from a table excluding other irrelevant data. For example, when you want to see the information about students in class 10th only then you do need the information about the students in other class.",
"To describe a set of data by using SQL, you write a SELECT statement. A SELECT statement contains a complete description of a set of data that you want to obtain from a database. This includes the following: What tables contain the data. How data from different sources is related.",
"You can use a different name to refer to a data source in a SELECT statement by using a table alias in your FROM clause. A table alias is a name that you assign to a data source in a query when you use an expression as a data source, or to make the SQL statement easier to type and read.",
"We have illustrated the SQL clauses and SQL commands usage with simple examples, where appropriate. If you want to learn SQL faster, than it's advisable to re-create the examples given in our SQL tutorial in a real RDBMS environment and play with them."
"url": [
} | what is an of clause sql | 716,490 | DESCRIPTION | [] |
"Pinellas County"
] | {
"is_selected": [
"passage_text": [
"1 To change an address on a registration, tag, title or boat/vessel/trailer, see a Motor Vehicle Service Center above or visit To change an address on a driver license, see a Driver License Service Center above or visit",
"The water tower in Seminole at 113th Street and Park Boulevard. Seminole is a city in Pinellas County, Florida, United States. The population was 17,233 at the 2010 census, up from 10,890 in 2000. St. Petersburg College has a campus in the city.",
"You are encouraged to see your healthcare provider regularly for an annual physical and immunization updates. For the school year 2016-2017, students entering or attending 7th grade will be REQUIRED to have a Tdap (tetanus- diphtheria- pertussis) prior to attending class on the first day of school. A Td (Tetanus/Diptheria only) will NOT be accepted. This grade level is also required to have two varicella (chickenpox) vaccines.",
"1 For more information on renewals or replacements for a registration, tag, title or boat/vessel/trailer, see a Motor Vehicle Service Center above or visit For more information on renewals or replacements for a driver license, see a Driver License Service Center above or visit",
"Seminole County, Florida (FL) County population in 2014: 442,516 (97% urban, 3% rural); it was 365,196 in 2000. County owner-occupied with a mortgage or a loan houses and condos in 2010: 86,209. County owner-occupied free and clear houses and condos in 2010: 23,290.",
"Not to be confused with Seminole County, Florida in the Central region of the State of Florida.",
"Parks in Seminole County include: Kings Park (1), Kars Park (2), Brevard County Game Refuge (3), Banana River Aquatic Preserve (4), Canaveral National Seashore (5), Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge (6), Saint Johns National Wildlife Refuge (7), Spessard Holland Park (8), Fox Lake Park (9).",
"The first white settlement at Seminole was made in the 1840s. The community was named after the Seminole Indians who once inhabited the area. Seminole was incorporated in 1970. Seminole contains a water tower painted in 2000 by artist Tom Stovall.",
"Mar. 2016 cost of living index in Seminole County: 91.7 (less than average, U.S. average is 100) We are giving away a $200 prize - enter simply by sending us your own pictures of this county! Click here to upload your Seminole County photos (outside city limits) Industries providing employment: Professional, scientific, management, administrative, and waste management services (39.6%), Educational, health and social services (14.5%), Finance, insurance, real estate, and rental and leasing (10.6%).",
"Report FRAUD, WASTE or ABUSE. Anonymous reporting to the Clerk of Court and Comptroller is available at AlertLine, or by phone at 866-889-8808. Due to Federal regulations, the Clerk's office will no longer process passport applications effective March 31, 2010. Please contact Passport Services at 1 (877) 487-2778."
"url": [
} | what county is seminole fl in | 612,569 | LOCATION | [
"Seminole, Florida is in Pinellas County."
] |
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"is_selected": [
"passage_text": [
"1 A single implant typically costs $2,400-$3,000, but can be $4,000-$10,000 or more if additional procedures like extractions, bone grafts, 2 Placing an abutment and a dental crown on a single implant typically adds $500-$3,000 to the cost of just the implant, for a total of $1,500-$13,000 or more.",
"Dental Implants can also be used to support bridges and dentures. The average cost of a complete set of dentures, supported by dental implants, is about $34,000. For more information about the procedures used to put dental implants in place, check out our blog posts on Dental Implants 101 and All-on-4 Dental Implants.",
"1 Two to six implants with a removable denture plate can cost $3,500-$30,000 or more depending on the number and type of implants (mini-implants are less expensive), denture materials (in some cases an existing denture plate can be adapted for use with implants) and any other procedures needed.",
"1 Placing an abutment and a dental crown on a single implant typically adds $500-$3,000 to the cost of just the implant, for a total of $1,500-$13,000 or more.",
"A single tooth dental implant can range in price from $1,000 to $5,000. The fee for replacing an entire set of teeth with reconstructive dental implants can be anywhere from $24,000 to $100,000.",
"1 Two to six implants topped with a partial or full-mouth dental bridge can cost $3,500-$30,000 or more, depending on the number of implants, bridge size and materials, and any other needed procedures.",
"The implant post costs between $1000 to $3000. The implant holds an abutment, which goes into the implant and rises above the gum to hold the crown, which is the new tooth. An abutment and crown cost between $500 to $3000. Additional procedures, such as:",
"The best way to determine the actual cost of your dental implant, is to contact us for a FREE consultation. According to, the average completed dental implant, in the U.S., costs about $4250. The implant refers to the post that goes into the jawbone, and acts as the root of the new tooth.",
"Paying for dental implants can be challenging, because they are also rarely covered by dental insurance plans. However, more dental plans are covering at least some of the cost of dental implants than they did about a decade ago. On average, it costs anywhere from $1500 to $2800 to replace a single tooth.",
"The best way to determine the actual cost of your dental implant, is to contact us for a FREE consultation. According to, the average completed dental implant, in the U.S., costs about $4250."
"url": [
} | average cost dental implant | 32,055 | NUMERIC | [
"The Average cost for Dental Implant is $4250."
] |
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"Big Bus Tours London. The hop-on, hop-off bus tour of London includes a cruise along the River Thames; a selection of guided walking tours and a Big Bus voucher booklet that offers a range of discounts at attractions, shops and restaurants.ur hop-on, hop-off bus tours of London allow you to explore the sights at your own pace. There are more than 50 locations where you can get off the bus to visit attractions or explore places of interest.",
"Big Bus Tours is the classic hop-on, hop-off sightseeing tour of London. All bus tours on the Red Route are led by experienced guides and London enthusiasts who will talk you through the history of the city, giving you a personal and entertaining commentary about London and its top tourist attractions.ur hop-on, hop-off bus tours of London allow you to explore the sights at your own pace. There are more than 50 locations where you can get off the bus to visit attractions or explore places of interest.",
"If you are looking for things to do in London, make sure our hop-on, hop-off Big Bus sightseeing tour is at the top of your list.ake in all of London's famous landmarks, including Buckingham Palace, Big Ben and Westminster Abbey. Choose from a range of Day Tour tickets that allow you to discover this exciting city in your own time.",
"Over 60 Years Presenting London. Welcome to The Original Tour, the essential introduction to London. We invite you to experience the magical sights and sounds of London in comfort and safety aboard our hop-on hop-off bus tours.Founded over 60 years ago we are now the largest and most popular open-top sightseeing red bus tour operator in the world!e invite you to experience the magical sights and sounds of London in comfort and safety aboard our hop-on hop-off bus tours.",
"Your open-top bus tour showcases the best of London's tourist attractions. Enjoy a trip on one of our comfortable sightseeing buses, whilst listening to exciting tales of London's 2000-year history.Take in all of London's famous landmarks, including Buckingham Palace, Big Ben and Westminster Abbey.Choose from a range of Day Tour tickets that allow you to discover this exciting city in your own time.ake in all of London's famous landmarks, including Buckingham Palace, Big Ben and Westminster Abbey. Choose from a range of Day Tour tickets that allow you to discover this exciting city in your own time.",
"The Big Bus tour of London has been carefully planned to take you to all of London's top tourist attractions. Buckingham Palace, Big Ben, Westminster Abbey and the London Eye are just some of the iconic landmarks you will discover on your sightseeing tour of London.ur hop-on, hop-off bus tours of London allow you to explore the sights at your own pace. There are more than 50 locations where you can get off the bus to visit attractions or explore places of interest.",
"Hop-On, Hop-Off Bus guarantee you the best prices on these tours as well as great bus + attraction saver combos.Most London Hop-On, Hop-Off Tours include a river cruise and a walking tour. but there is also a fantastic low priced option for those who just want to explore by bus.Our Lowest Price Bus-Only Ticket +.op-On, Hop-Off Bus guarantee you the best prices on these tours as well as great bus + attraction saver combos.",
"To find out which one of our 80+ bus stops is most convenient for you, our Departure Points page is here to help! With bus stops all over central London, as well as a hotel feeder route and a station connector route, you are never far from an Original Tour bus stop.FREE Walking Tours Explore the heart of London with our FREE Walking Tours FREE Thames River Cruise See London from a different perspective, and sail along the Thames.o find out which one of our 80+ bus stops is most convenient for you, our Departure Points page is here to help! With bus stops all over central London, as well as a hotel feeder route and a station connector route, you are never far from an Original Tour bus stop.",
"Our hop-on, hop-off bus tours of London allow you to explore the sights at your own pace. There are more than 50 locations where you can get off the bus to visit attractions or explore places of interest.ur hop-on, hop-off bus tours of London allow you to explore the sights at your own pace. There are more than 50 locations where you can get off the bus to visit attractions or explore places of interest.",
"1 The Original London Sightseeing Tour – 24 Hours All the highlights of London are covered by this fun and flexible hop-on, hop-off tour from $48$41 Book now. 2 Golden Tours - 24 Hours This superb value ticket for the newest London tour allows you 24 hours to explore from $45 Book now.op-On, Hop-Off Bus guarantee you the best prices on these tours as well as great bus + attraction saver combos."
"url": [
} | tripadvisor does the london hop on off bus price inlcude the cruise | 524,802 | NUMERIC | [] |
"A ring of small red or skin-coloured bumps"
] | {
"is_selected": [
"passage_text": [
"Granuloma annulare (GA) is a common conditi0n of unknown cause which affects the skin of children, teen4gers or young adults (or any age group, less commonly). Granuloma annul4re can occur on any site of the body and is occasionally quite widespre4d. It only affects the skin and is c0nsidered harmless.",
"Granuloma annulare (GA) is a common conditi0n of unknown cause which affects the skin of children, teen4gers or young adults (or any age group, less commonly). Granuloma annul4re can occur on any site of the body and is occasionally quite widespre4d.",
"Granuloma annulare is a chronic skin rash with features of red lesions formed on the skin in the form of ring. There are several types of GA and localized granuloma is very common. Lesions may grow up to 5cm in diameter with firm nodules and is largely seen on ankles, feet, limbs and wrists.",
"Granuloma annulare (GA) is a common skin condition in which there are smooth discoloured plaques. They are usually thickened and ring-shaped or annular in shape. Granuloma annulare is more correctly known as necrobiotic papulosis. There are several clinical patterns.",
"Introduction. Granuloma annulare is a long-lasting rash that looks like a ring of small red or skin-coloured bumps. The rash usually appears over the backs of your forearms, hands or feet. It tends to affect children and young adults, and is slightly more common in females.",
"Granuloma annulare (GA) is a common skin condition in which there are smooth discoloured plaques. They are usually thickened and ring-shaped or annular in shape.",
"Granuloma annulare (GA) is a common conditi0n of unknown cause which affects the skin of children, teen4gers or young adults (or any age group, less commonly). Granuloma annul4re can occur on any site of the body and is occasionally quite widespre4d.",
"Granuloma annulare is a long-lasting rash that looks like a ring of small red or skin-coloured bumps. The rash usually appears over the backs of your forearms, hands or feet.",
"Granuloma annulare is a chronic skin rash with features of red lesions formed on the skin in the form of ring. There are several types of GA and localized granuloma is very common.",
"Introduction. Granuloma annulare is a long-lasting rash that looks like a ring of small red or skin-coloured bumps. The rash usually appears over the backs of your forearms, hands or feet."
"url": [
} | what does granuloma annulare look like | 638,438 | DESCRIPTION | [] |
"No Answer Present."
] | {
"is_selected": [
"passage_text": [
"Basically, our certification means that we ensure the organic integrity of the organic products we sell from the time they reach our stores until they are safely tucked into your shopping cart. It’s similar to the organic certification for food processing plants.",
"Born more than 40 years ago as Mr. Natural's Good Food Store, we're still Missoula's home for locally-produced, organic and bulk foods. Now our name's a little shorter. And the store’s a lot bigger. The Good Food Store is dedicated to supporting a healthy community. We provide a wide selection of organic food and natural products, conduct our business in an ethical and respectful manner and donate to organizations in need.",
"Born more than 40 years ago as Mr. Natural's Good Food Store, we're still Missoula's home for locally-produced, organic and bulk foods. Now our name's a little shorter. And the store’s a lot bigger. But our mission remains the same: The Good Food Store is dedicated to supporting a healthy community.",
"Our weekly circular provides you with great savings and discounts at all of our stores. Create your shopping list online!",
"Current Store: Current Store: Food City actually dates back to 1918 when a store was opened in Greeneville, Tennessee, but K-VA-T Food Stores’ official beginning took place in 1955 when founder Jack C. Smith--with his father, Curtis and uncle, Earl--opened the first store in Grundy, Virginia.",
"A grocery store is a retail store that primarily sells food. A grocer is a bulk seller of food. Grocery stores often offer non-perishable food that is packaged in cans, bottles and boxes, with some also having fresh produce, butchers, delis, and bakeries. Large grocery stores that stock significant amounts of non-food products, such as clothing and household items, are called supermarkets.",
"Your Certified Organic Grocery Store. Courtney Mudge is the Organic Certification Manager for Whole Foods Market. She's a 5th generation Texan who grew up on a ranch in the Hill Country. When she's not coaching our stores on organic integrity, she's being crafty and searching for the perfect taco.",
"Not so much. Well, like those apples and that beef, Whole Foods Market stores are certified organic. “Wait, what?” – you may ask – “A grocery store can be certified organic?” Yes, it can and we are. Though, I admit it’s a little confusing, especially since not ALL the products in our stores are organic.",
"The US Labor Department has calculated that food purchased at home and in restaurants is 13% of household purchases, behind 32% for housing and 18% for transportation. The average US family spent $280 per month or $3,305 per year at grocery stores in 2004.",
"A delicatessen store is a type of food store where fine foods are sold. In this sense the name is often abbreviated to deli. The term delicatessen means delicacies or fine foods. In English, delicatessen originally meant only this specially prepared food."
"url": [
} | what is home food store | 755,391 | ENTITY | [] |
"Minerals are incredibly important for health and to prevent chronic disease."
] | {
"is_selected": [
"passage_text": [
"Most people should get all the nutrients they need by having a varied and balanced diet, although some few people may need to take extra supplements. What this guide covers This guide has information about:",
"Bonus: Like potassium, calcium helps regulate blood pressure. On your plate: milk (and other dairy products), spinach, beans and calcium-fortified products. 4. Magnesium: One of the most underrated minerals, magnesium is involved in over 300 chemical reactions in your body.",
"other vitamins and minerals – including beta-carotene, copper, potassium and zinc ; Use these links to find out what these nutrients do, how much of them you need, how to ensure you get enough, and what the risks are if you take too much. Additional information. There are separate pages on: vitamins for children",
"Vitamins and minerals. vitamins-minerals Vitamin A. vitamins-minerals B vitamins and folic acid. vitamins-minerals Vitamin C. vitamins-minerals Vitamin D. vitamins-minerals Vitamin E. vitamins-minerals Vitamin K. vitamins-minerals Calcium.",
"There are separate pages on: 1 vitamins for children. 2 vitamins, supplements and nutrition in pregnancy. 3 fluoride.",
"The 5 Minerals You Really Need ... and How to Add Them to Your Diet. According to Nobel Prize-winner Dr. Linus Pauling, you can trace every health ailment to a mineral deficiency. Who knew?Stress, for example, robs your body of magnesium. An iron deficiency can make you feel lethargic -- and compromise your immunity.",
"On your plate: bananas, baked potatoes, raisins, tomatoes and artichokes. 1 3. Calcium: Sure, calcium helps build strong bones, but it also helps prevent PMS (a welcome side effect for women everywhere). 2 4. Magnesium: One of the most underrated minerals, magnesium is involved in over 300 chemical reactions in your body.",
"other vitamins and minerals – including beta-carotene, copper, potassium and zinc Use these links to find out what these nutrients do, how much of them you need, how to ensure you get enough, and what the risks are if you take too much.",
"Vitamins and minerals are nutrients your body needs in small amounts to work properly and stay healthy. Most people should get all the nutrients they need by having a varied and balanced diet, although some few people may need to take extra supplements. What this guide covers. This guide has information about: vitamin A B vitamins and folic acid",
"So which minerals do you need, and how do you add them to your diet? Minerals are incredibly important for health and to prevent chronic disease. Without them we'd suffer from osteoporosis, PMS, high blood pressure and low energy, just to name a few, says Karen Ansel, a registered dietitian in New York."
"url": [
} | the importance of minerals in diet | 516,461 | DESCRIPTION | [] |
"Prizes are considered taxable income regardless of whether the prize is in the form of cash, trips or merchandise."
] | {
"is_selected": [
"passage_text": [
"Prizes are considered taxable income regardless of whether the prize is in the form of cash, trips or merchandise. If you win a prize valued over $600, the sweepstakes or contest sponsor must report the value to you and the Internal Revenue Service on a Form 1099-MISC.You’re still supposed to report and pay tax on prizes under $600.f you win a prize valued over $600, the sweepstakes or contest sponsor must report the value to you and the Internal Revenue Service on a Form 1099-MISC. You’re still supposed to report and pay tax on prizes under $600.",
"Step 5. Subtract your exemption deduction from your adjusted gross income to determine your taxable income. Using the previous example, your taxable income is $91,600, or $106,400 minus $14,800.This is the income that the IRS will use to determine your tax.sing the previous example, with a taxable income of $91,600 and a married filing jointly status, your tax obligation is $15,156. Estimate your income federal income tax withholding for the year using the information included on your most recent pay stub.",
"If the prize was not a cash prize, determine the fair market value of the item and add that amount to your estimated annual income. Using the previous example, if your annual income is $108,000 and you won $10,000, your total estimated income is $118,000.sing the previous example, with a taxable income of $91,600 and a married filing jointly status, your tax obligation is $15,156. Estimate your income federal income tax withholding for the year using the information included on your most recent pay stub.",
"The amount listed in the table is the tax that you will owe on your income. Using the previous example, with a taxable income of $91,600 and a married filing jointly status, your tax obligation is $15,156.Estimate your income federal income tax withholding for the year using the information included on your most recent pay stub.sing the previous example, with a taxable income of $91,600 and a married filing jointly status, your tax obligation is $15,156. Estimate your income federal income tax withholding for the year using the information included on your most recent pay stub.",
"Depending on the value of your prize, it may bump you into a different tax bracket. Step 6. Multiply the value of your prize by your IRS tax rate to determine the amount of taxes you will pay on it. At the time of publication, tax rates ranged from 10 percent to 35 percent of your income.Step 7. Add the state taxes to the amount you are paying in federal taxes on the prize.t the time of publication, tax rates ranged from 10 percent to 35 percent of your income. Step 7. Add the state taxes to the amount you are paying in federal taxes on the prize.",
"Prizes and awards will increase your tax bill, but the question of how much depends on the value of the winnings and the amount of your other income. Prizes are taxed as ordinary income. That means you add the prize value to the income you received from your job and other sources during the year.f you win a prize valued over $600, the sweepstakes or contest sponsor must report the value to you and the Internal Revenue Service on a Form 1099-MISC. You’re still supposed to report and pay tax on prizes under $600.",
"State Taxes. You will have to pay state income tax on your winnings in 39 states. If you live in one of the 11 states that don’t tax sweepstakes prizes, you may be spared state income taxes. Alaska, Florida, Nevada, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Washington and Wyoming have no state income taxes.f you win a prize valued over $600, the sweepstakes or contest sponsor must report the value to you and the Internal Revenue Service on a Form 1099-MISC. You’re still supposed to report and pay tax on prizes under $600.",
"The IRS taxes prize winnings the same as any other type of income. The amount you will pay depends on your entire income for the year. Calculating your taxes now allows you to set aside the money, instead of getting hit with a shocking tax bill.t the time of publication, tax rates ranged from 10 percent to 35 percent of your income. Step 7. Add the state taxes to the amount you are paying in federal taxes on the prize.",
"Prize money and winnings from writing competitions are a taxable source of income. Well, I assumed (wrongly) that any money received as a prize is not subject to tax.The prize money received is treated as a professional receipt as you entered the competitions of your own accord so should be included on your self employed schedule for this source of income. As the prize is taxable then the competition entry fees will be an allowable expense against such income.”.",
"Therefore, if the taxpayer receives any such award/winnings, then such winnings will be liable to tax as part of his total income for a particular tax year. An issue arises, whether a particular scheme is in the nature of a lottery or not.herefore, if the taxpayer receives any such award/winnings, then such winnings will be liable to tax as part of his total income for a particular tax year. An issue arises, whether a particular scheme is in the nature of a lottery or not."
"url": [
} | prize money taxable income | 481,996 | NUMERIC | [
"Prizes are considered taxable income regardless of whether the prize is in the form of cash, trips or merchandise."
] |
"No Answer Present."
] | {
"is_selected": [
"passage_text": [
"Communication in the Nervous System: Neurons. There are two major types of cells in the nervous system: glia and neurons. Neurons are cells that receive, integrate, and transmit information. In the human nervous system, the vast majority are interneurons-neurons that communicate with other neurons.",
"The cerebral cortex in humans. The cerebral cortex consists of right and left halves, called cerebral hemispheres. This diagram provides a view of. the right hemisphere. Each cerebral hemisphere is divided into four lobes (which are highlighted in the bottom inset): the occipital lobe, the parietal. lobe, the temporal lobe, and the frontal lobe.",
"The limbic system is a loosely connected network of structures involved in emotion, motivation, memory, and other aspects of behavior. Cerebrum The largest and most complex part of the human brain - includes the brain areas that are responsible for our most complex mental activities, including learning, remembering, thinking, and consciousness.",
"Cerebral Hemispheres – two specialized halves connected by the . corpus collosum. Left hemisphere – verbal processing: language, speech, reading, writing. Right hemisphere – nonverbal processing: spatial, musical, visual recognition. The cerebrum is divided into two specialized hemispheres that are connected by the corpus collosum. The corpus collosum is a thick band of fibers (axons) that transmits information between the hemispheres.",
"Figure 3.14 The cerebral hemispheres and the corpus callosum. Figure 3.14. The cerebral hemispheres and the corpus callosum. In this drawing the cerebral hemispheres have been “pulled. apart” to reveal the corpus callosum. This band of fibers is. the communication bridge between the right and left halves. of the human brain.",
"divided into right and left halves, called cerebral hemispheres. If we pry apart the two halves of the brain, we see that this fissure descends to a structure called the corpus callosum. The largest and most complex part of the human brain - includes the brain areas that are responsible for our most complex mental activities, including learning, remembering, thinking, and consciousness.",
"The two neurons are separated by the synaptic cleft, a microscopic gap between the terminal button of one neuron and the cell membrane of another neuron. Signals have to cross this gap for neurons to communicate. The neural impulse is a signal that must be transmitted from a neuron to other cells.",
"In the human brain, there are about ten glia cells for every neuron. Glia come in a variety of forms. Their main function is to support the neurons by, among other things, supplying them with nutrients and removing waste material. In the human brain, there are about ten glia cells for every neuron.",
"c. forebrain - the largest and most complex region of the brain. 1. cerebrum - center for complex thought. Involved in learning, remembering, thinking, and consciousness. Divided into two halves (hemispheres) that are connected by the corpus callosum - if split, hemispheres can't communicate, but that does not mean that a person can't survive. There is a large and interesting body of research on split brain functions.",
"c forebrain the largest and most complex region of the brain 1 cerebrum center from SCIEN psychology at Oxford Brookes"
"url": [
} | is the center for complex thoughts and is involved in learning, remembering, thinking, and consciousness. it is divided into two halves (hemispheres) that are connected by the corpus callosum. | 1,174,757 | DESCRIPTION | [] |
] | {
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"passage_text": [
"These trails offer a challenge for all ages and abilities. Nine Mile Forest Unit has 10 miles of single track mountain bike trails and 20 miles on the cross country trails, all riders 12 years and older require a daily or annual pass.",
"Ninemile Creek is located in Onondaga County near the towns of Camillus. and Marcellus. There are 5 miles of Public Fishing Rights (PFR’s) along this. medium sized mostly open stream. Ninemile Creek is a popular fly fishing. location. Both wild brown trout and the occasional wild brook trout are found. in the stream.The stream is also stocked annually by Onondaga County’s.",
"I first came across the Nine Mile Motel when travelling along Route 6 in 2003. I immediately fell in love with the setting and location, and have stayed there at least one time each year since. Until last year, when I moved to the Lehigh Valley, I had to travel 500 miles or more to get there, so it had...",
"added 6 new photos to the album: Nine Mile Night Ski February 1st — at Nine Mile County Forest. Mase and I skied the lighted trails at Nine Mile last night. Absolutely clear skis made the stars burn like sparks from a campfire. I've been skiing hurt all winter with a groin pull.. Was doubting my ability to do the Korteloppet in 3 weeks. But last night, while still a little sore, was the best ski of the season.",
"Many skiers post feedback from their recent skiing experiences they've had on the Nine Mile cross-country ski trail system at website. che The Nine Mile Trail System located in Central Wisconsin just minutes from Wausau is one of the top cross-country skiing facilities in Wisconsin.",
"Nine Mile Forest Recreational Area Ski and Snowshoe trail are closed for the season. See skinnyski reports below for recent firsthand testimonials of skiing experiences. This site will be updated with periodic trail condition reports throughout the season.",
"Nine Mile Forest Unit has 10 miles of signed horseback riding trails. Trails open between May 1 and May 15 depending on trail conditions (if open - the first 3 weeks of May the trails open after 12:00 pm/noon each day). The trails remain open through October 15 each year.",
"First known as New Bridge Road, the name “Nine Mile” comes from the distance between Richmond and Seven Pines ending at Williamsburg Road. In 1888, Richmond City and Seven Pines Railway Company established a route along the road. This line provided city access for Henrico citizens and excursion trains for Richmonders.",
"The forest has 4,894 acres of mixed uplands, marshes, and water impoundments available to the public for a variety of activities. Nine-Mile County Forest is principally managed to maintain and protect the integrity of its ecosystems while also producing wood products, wildlife, and recreation opportunities.",
"NO dogs allowed on the groomed ski trails at Nine Mile Forest. Trails are groomed several times a week throughout the season and after each snow event. The ski trails never close because of cold weather. Nine Mile County Forest Recreation Area trails are open even if the chalet is closed."
"url": [
} | what county is nine mile in | 610,348 | LOCATION | [
"Nine Mile is in Onondaga county."
] |
"Salpingectomy is the surgical removal of one or both fallopian tubes."
] | {
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"passage_text": [
"SGO Clinical Practice Statement: Salpingectomy for Ovarian Cancer Prevention. SGO Clinical Practice Statement: Salpingectomy for Ovarian Cancer Prevention. Salpingectomy may be appropriate and feasible as a strategy for ovarian cancer risk reduction.",
"Ovarian cancer has the highest mortality rate out of all types of gynecologic cancer and is the fifth leading cause of cancer deaths among women (1). The overall survival rate for women with epithelial ovarian cancer has improved marginally in the past 50 years.",
"In the Nurses’ Health Study, all-cause mortality and cancer mortality increased in women who received a BSO (16). The risk of ovarian cancer after hysterectomy with ovarian conservation is 0.1–0.75% (17). Death from ovarian cancer after tubo-ovarian conservation in the Nurses’ Health Study was 0.03% (16).",
"Nearby words of 'salpingectomies'. 1 salpicon. 2 salpid. 3 salpiglossis. salpingectomies. 4 salpingectomy. salpinges. 5 salpingitis. All ENGLISH words that begin with 'S'.",
"Salpingectomy for Ovarian Cancer Prevention. ABSTRACT: Ovarian cancer has the highest mortality rate out of all types of gynecologic cancer and is the fifth leading cause of cancer deaths among women.",
"Salpingectomy is the surgical removal of one or both fallopian tubes. The fallopian tubes serve as a passageway for an ovum to travel from the ovary to the uterus. In a unilateral salpingectomy, only one fallopian tube is removed; in a bilateral salpingectomy, both fallopian tubes are removed. A salpingectomy can be performed for a number of reasons, including treatment of ectopic pregnancies and infections in the fallopian tubes (salpingitis).",
"In our opinion, introduction of bilateral salpingectomies at the time of tubal ligation or hysterectomy for benign gynecologic patients is a reasonable option. In the absence of good screening tests, this procedure is the only form of prophylaxis for a cancer that is difficult to detect and often lethal when found. Physicians should at least present patients with this option during presterilization and prehysterectomy counseling.",
"Light Work usually requires walking or standing to a significant degree. However, if the use of the arm and/or leg controls requires exertion of forces greater than that for Sedentary Work and the worker sits most the time, the job is rated Light Work.",
"November 2013. Salpingectomy may be appropriate and feasible as a strategy for ovarian cancer risk reduction. A paradigm shift in our understanding of pelvic serous carcinomas suggests that the site of origin may be the fallopian tube.",
"Laparoscopic bilateral salpingectomy. Laparoscopic bilateral salpingectomy. Laparoscopic bilateral salpingectomy: Laparoscopic bilateral salpingectomy is a minimally invasive procedure to remove both fallopian tubes using a tiny video camera (laparoscope) and other instruments inserted through several small keyhole incisions in the lower abdomen."
"url": [
} | what is a salpingectomies | 698,805 | DESCRIPTION | [
"Salpingectomy is the surgical removal of one or both fallopian tubes."
] |
"No Answer Present."
] | {
"is_selected": [
"passage_text": [
"Chromium (III) picolinate (CrPic 3) is a chemical compound sold as a nutritional supplement to treat type 2 diabetes and promote weight loss. This bright-red coordination compound is derived from chromium (III) and picolinic acid.s such, chromium (III) picolinate has been used as a treatment for type 2 diabetes, although its effectiveness remains controversial due to conflicting and/or poorly carried out clinical studies. Chromium (III) picolinate has been described as a poor [...] nutritional supplement.",
"A study in 1989 suggested that chromium (III) picolinate may assist in weight loss and increase muscle mass which led to an increase in the usage of chromium (III) picolinate supplements, making it the second most widely used supplement behind Ca 2+ supplements.s such, chromium (III) picolinate has been used as a treatment for type 2 diabetes, although its effectiveness remains controversial due to conflicting and/or poorly carried out clinical studies. Chromium (III) picolinate has been described as a poor [...] nutritional supplement.",
"Chromium is a metal. It is called an “essential trace element” because very small amounts of chromium are necessary for human health. Chromium is used for improving blood sugar control in people with prediabetes, type 1 and type 2 diabetes, and high blood sugar due to taking steroids. Athletic performance. 2 Some early evidence that suggests taking chromium while participating in resistance training can increase weight loss, body fat loss, and lean body mass. 3 However, more reliable research shows that taking chromium by mouth does not enhance body building, strength, or lean body mass.",
"Chromium has been identified to regulate insulin by increasing the sensitivity of the insulin receptor. As such, chromium (III) picolinate has been used as a treatment for type 2 diabetes, although its effectiveness remains controversial due to conflicting and/or poorly carried out clinical studies.Chromium (III) picolinate has been described as a poor [...] nutritional supplement.s such, chromium (III) picolinate has been used as a treatment for type 2 diabetes, although its effectiveness remains controversial due to conflicting and/or poorly carried out clinical studies. Chromium (III) picolinate has been described as a poor [...] nutritional supplement.",
"Chromium picolinate works together with insulin produced by the pancreas to metabolize carbohydrates. Chromium picolinate has been used in alternative medicine to treat chromium deficiency, as an aid to controlling blood sugar in people with diabetes or prediabetes, to lower cholesterol, and as a weight-loss supplement.Not all uses for chromium picolinate have been approved by the take the time to check out all the information on chromium and weight loss at and In addition, it is always a good idea to check with one's health care provider in matters like this.",
"A: Chromium picolinate is a nutritional supplement. Products that are sold as dietary or nutritional supplements in the United States do not undergo the same detailed testing that prescription drug products do to show that they are safe and take the time to check out all the information on chromium and weight loss at and In addition, it is always a good idea to check with one's health care provider in matters like this.",
"Chromium, without picolinate, is a natural mineral found in many foods such as meat, unprocessed foods, fats and vegetable oil [source: Larsen ]. Specific foods that have chromium in them naturally include carrots, potatoes, broccoli, whole grains and molasses [source: Merck ].Other examples include eggs, beef and brewer's yeast [source: Any Vitamins ]. Chromium is paired with acidic picolinate in pill form to help aid the body's ability to absorb the mineral.Picolinate is produced when tryptophan is made, therefore it's also known as a by-product of tryptophan [source: Merck ].t worst, they can cause serious side effects and complications. Enter chromium picolinate, whose weight-loss benefits may come at the price of mutated DNA. Chromium picolinate is a nutritional supplement. Typically found in pill form, chromium picolinate can be purchased over the counter.",
" For a quick readup go here: It's a supplement that many claim is a magic weight loss pill... but that's mostl … y BS. Nothing can beat a healthy balanced diet and exercise. I had already tried this chromium GTF stuff and it made me feel sick and didn't do a thing for the sugar cravings or appetite suppressent. I figured I'd try this one but also thought I was wasting more money on something that probably wouldn't do a thing. I was 100% wrong.",
"Overview. Chromium is an essential mineral that plays a role in how insulin helps the body regulate blood sugar levels. Insulin is a hormone that your body uses to change sugar, starches, and other food into the energy you need for daily activities.verview. Chromium is an essential mineral that plays a role in how insulin helps the body regulate blood sugar levels. Insulin is a hormone that your body uses to change sugar, starches, and other food into the energy you need for daily activities.",
"The difference between chromium picolinate and chromium pol … ynicotinate is that chromium picolinate is made of chromium and picolinic acid whereas chromium polynicotinate is made of chromium and niacin. I had already tried this chromium GTF stuff and it made me feel sick and didn't do a thing for the sugar cravings or appetite suppressent. I figured I'd try this one but also thought I was wasting more money on something that probably wouldn't do a thing. I was 100% wrong."
"url": [
} | does chromium piclinate expire | 164,635 | DESCRIPTION | [] |
"No Answer Present."
] | {
"is_selected": [
"passage_text": [
"Riparian rights: the right of access to the water, the right to construct piers from their lands into the water, and the right to use the shore for bathing, boating or kindred purposes. B. Common law rules. 1. An easement to use shorelands did not make the easement holder a riparian owner.",
"An easement to use shorelands did not make the easement holder a riparian owner. 2. BUT: the courts recognized that a riparian owner could grant riparian rights to non-riparian owners via easement. C. Statutory modifications to common law rules. 1.",
"1 Prescriptive Easements. 2 Even where an access easement does not exist, or where an access easement prohibits dockage or the mooring of boats, back lot owners sometimes trespass over riparian property to obtain access to the waters, or to wrongfully install docks and moor boats.",
"An easement is the permanent right to use a portion of the property of another for a specific use or purpose. Easements are typically created (or reserved) by an express document, whether it be a deed, land contract, dedication in a plat, a deed restriction document, or a specific easement agreement.",
"Wisconsin state law prohibits a riparian owner from conveying any riparian right, except for the right to access the water by crossing over the upland. 1 This prohibition is quite unique. In the vast majority of states, riparian rights can be severed from the land and transferred freely.",
"Riparian Property Rights: A riparian proprietor is a person who is in possession of riparian lands or who owns an interest therein, and the proprietor is the only person that holds the riparian rights in riparian property.",
"Riparian Rights in Michigan Riparian rights are property rights which run with the land. Only land which abuts a natural body ofwater has riparian rights. A riparian property owner has the following property rights:1. Access to water.2. Install a dock anchored to his bottomland.3.",
"Only land which abuts a natural body ofwater has riparian rights. A riparian property owner has the following property rights:1. Access to water.2. Install a dock anchored to his bottomland.3.",
"Riparian rights are common to all riparian owners on the samebody of water, and rest entirely upon the fact of title in the fee tothe shore land.2. Riparian rights are not alienable, severable, divisible, or assignablepart from the land which includes, or is bounded by, a naturalwatercourse.3.",
"Presentation to the Wisconsin Real Property Listers Association Siren, Wisconsin September 18, 2003 Jesse S. Ishikawa Reinhart Boerner Van Deuren s.c. 22 East Mifflin Street, Suite 600 Madison, WI 53703 (608) 229-2208 2003 by Jesse S. Ishikawa All Rights Reserved I. DEFINITION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF AN EASEMENT."
"url": [
} | can an easement confer riparian rights | 64,117 | DESCRIPTION | [] |
"A triglyceride is an ester derived from glycerol and three to four fatty acids."
] | {
"is_selected": [
"passage_text": [
"A triglyceride is an ester derived from glycerol and three to four fatty acids. Triglycerides are the main constituents of body fat in humans and other animals, as well as vegetable fat. They are also present in the blood to enable the bidirectional transference of adipose fat and blood glucose from the liver, and are a major component of human skin oils. There are many different types of triglyceride, with the main division between saturated and unsaturated types. Saturated fats are saturated",
"A triglyceride (TG, triacylglycerol, TAG, or triacylglyceride) is an ester derived from glycerol and three to four fatty acids (from tri-and glyceride). Triglycerides are the main constituents of body fat in humans and other animals, as well as vegetable fat. They are also present in the blood to enable the bidirectional transference of adipose fat and blood glucose from the liver, and are a major component of human skin oils.",
"For adults, triglyceride test results are categorized as follows: 1 Desirable: Less than 150 mg/dL (1.7 mmol/L) 2 Borderline high: 150 to 199 mg/dL (1.7-2.2 mmol/L) 3 High: 200 to 499 mg/dL (2.3-5.6 mmol/L) 4 Very high: Greater than 500 mg/dL (5.6 mmol/L)",
"Triglycerides. 1 Blood tests for triglycerides are usually part of a lipid profile that is used to help identify an individual's risk of developing heart disease and to help make decisions about what treatment may be needed if there is borderline or high risk.",
"Testing may be ordered more frequently when people have identified risk factors for heart disease. 1 Some risk factors for heart disease include: 2 Cigarette smoking. 3 Being overweight or obese. 4 Unhealthy diet. 5 Being physically inactive—not getting enough exercise. 6 Age (men 45 years or older or women 55 years or older)",
"Ranges with anything over 499 are being considered extremely high. But these numbers serve more as just a measurement method. They are used to assess risk. Most people wondering what are triglycerides also want to know what having elevated triglycerides levels can mean for the body. Atherosclerosis is the biggest risk associated with having high triglycerides levels.",
"Sometimes, this storage comes in the form of excess fat in the midsection. Figuring out just what are triglycerides means understanding where they come from. In most cases, triglycerides are the result of digestion and the body breaking down fats. Sometimes they also are the byproduct of carbohydrates as well. While the fats are not always a bad thing, having triglycerides too high can be and for a multitude of reasons.",
"What Are Triglycerides Levels and Why Do They Matter? When most people ask what are triglycerides, it is because they associate the word with being bad for the body. In fact, they are incredibly important to many body processes and are considered the main form of fat within the body. The body uses triglycerides for energy, which is a good thing.",
"A triglyceride (TG, triacylglycerol, TAG, or triacylglyceride) is an ester derived from glycerol and three fatty acids (from tri- and glyceride). Triglycerides are the main constituents of body fat in humans and other animals, as well as vegetable fat. They are also present in the blood to enable the bidirectional transference of adipose fat and blood glucose from the liver, and are a major component of human skin oils.",
"Triglycerides are utilized in the body by offering a source of energy to cells that require it. They are a normal component of the blood and are naturally stored in fat deposits. However, when present in excess triglycerides can cause problems in the body and lead to serious diseases."
"url": [
} | triglycerides what are they | 524,762 | DESCRIPTION | [] |
"No Answer Present."
] | {
"is_selected": [
"passage_text": [
"Saturday, May 19, 2012. Cunnilingus is a sexual act where a woman’s genital area is stimulated by her partner’s lips, mouth and tongue. “Cunnilingus” is derived from two Latin words; “cunnus” meaning vulva (hello lady parts!) and “lingua” which means tongue. The big word basically describes oral sex performed on a woman for the purpose of sexual pleasure. Most people who engage in oral sex find it extremely pleasurable.",
"Alternative searches for cunnilingus: Search for Antonyms for cunnilingus; Search for Definitions for cunnilingus; Search for Anagrams for cunnilingus; Quotes containing the term cunnilingus; Search for Phrases containing the term cunnilingus; Search for Poems containing the term cunnilingus; Search for Scripts containing the term cunnilingus",
"Even though male and female sexual organs appear in almost every image (even when people are dressed), and many show cunnilingus, fellatio, and intercourse in various positions, the depictions are so highly stylized that they transcend any notion of pornography.",
"Synonyms for cunnilingusˌkʌn lˈɪŋ gəs; -ˈɪŋk təs. This thesaurus page is about all possible synonyms, equivalent, same meaning and similar words for the term cunnilingus. Princeton's WordNet (0.00 / 0 votes) Rate these synonyms: cunnilingus, cunnilinctus (noun)",
"To perform cunnilingus is, in dancehall parlance, to bow, and the naming signifies the low status assigned to the concept because to bow is stoop down low to show deference or respect for a higher authority figure, in effect accepting one's own subservience and subjugation (Hope 51).",
"“Cunnilingus” is derived from two Latin words; “cunnus” meaning vulva (hello lady parts! ) and “lingua” which means tongue. The big word basically describes oral sex performed on a woman for the purpose of sexual pleasure.",
"What are some alternative words for cunnilingus? Synonyms for cunnilingus ˌkʌn lˈɪŋ gəs; -ˈɪŋk təs This thesaurus page is about all possible synonyms, equivalent, same meaning and similar words for the term cunnilingus. Princeton's WordNet (0.00 / 0 votes) Rate these synonyms:",
"Is It Fun? Saturday, May 19, 2012 by Abiola Abrams Cunnilingus is a sexual act where a woman’s genital area is stimulated by her partner’s lips, mouth and tongue.",
"243 adult men in heterosexual relationships were surveyed and the researchers found that cunnilingus is used by men to discourage their female partners from cheating by increasing her relationship satisfaction, a theory which the authors referred to as a mate-retention strategy, the Huffington Post reported.",
"Wiktionary(1.00 / 1 vote)Rate these synonyms: cunnilingus(noun) Oral sex in which the clitoris or vulva of the female is orally stimulated. Synonyms: DATY, lip service, dining at the Y, pussy eating, carpet munching, muff diving."
"url": [
} | google what is conalingus mean | 196,051 | DESCRIPTION | [] |
"No Answer Present."
] | {
"is_selected": [
"passage_text": [
"Today, President Obama delivered the commencement address to the 2013 graduates of Morehouse College in Atlanta, GA. “It is one of the great honors of my life to be able to address this gathering here today,” President Obama told the graduates.",
"ATLANTA, November 12, 2012 – The Morehouse College Board of Trustees today announced that Dr. John Silvanus Wilson Jr. has been named the College’s 11th president. The appointment follows a rigorous, nationwide search conducted with professional recruitment firm Heidrick & Struggles.",
"Before working with the White House Initiative, Wilson was an associate professor of higher education in the Graduate School of Education at George Washington University (GWU). He also served as the executive dean of GWU’s Virginia campus, and he helped to develop a strategic plan for the university.",
"Wilson spent the first 16 years of his career at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), ultimately becoming the director of foundation relations and assistant provost, where he more than doubled the productivity of the office he managed and reached a record annual revenue stream of more than $50 million.",
"Wilson recently has served as a consultant to the United Negro College Fund Institute for Capacity Building's HBCU Institutional Advancement Program and on the Kresge Foundation's Black College Advisory Board. From 1996 through 2000, he served as chair of the Alumni Council of the Harvard Graduate School of Education.",
"“I thank the Board and the search consultants for their thorough evaluation of the excellent pool of candidates and commend all on their outstanding recommendation,” said Robert C. Davidson Jr., chairman of the Morehouse College Board of Trustees.",
"I am very pleased to announce that following a comprehensive and rigorous search process, the Morehouse Board of Trustees, by a unanimous vote, has selected Dr. John Silvanus Wilson, Jr. to be the 11th president of the College.",
"For 10 years, Wilson served as the president of the Greater Boston Morehouse College Alumni Association. In that role, he led an effort to raise more than half a million dollars toward scholarships and another half million dollars toward community outreach for his alumni chapter.",
"Dr. Wilson, a 1979 graduate of the College, comes to Morehouse with more than 25 years of leadership in higher education and a strong and successful record in institutional fundraising.",
"For 10 years, Dr. Wilson served as the president of the Greater Boston Morehouse College Alumni Association. In that role, he led an effort to raise more than half a million dollars toward scholarships and another half million dollars toward community outreach for his alumni chapter. At the 1998 A Candle In the Dark."
"url": [
} | was the president of morehouse college recently fired | 540,989 | PERSON | [] |
"Trauma, Periodontitis, Orthodontic treatment, Internal bleaching, Cysts, Tumors or Stimuli from a necrotic dental pulp may cause tooth root resorption."
] | {
"is_selected": [
"passage_text": [
"What causes tooth root resorption? A: A study on external root resorption in the journal Schweiz Monatsschr Zahnmed states that trauma, periodontitis, orthodontic treatment, internal bleaching, cysts, tumors or stimuli from a necrotic dental pulp may cause tooth root resorption.",
"Over time, all areas of an affected tooth, from root to crown, may become involved. Tooth resorption is a common condition, affecting an estimated 20 percent to 60 percent of all cats and close to three-quarters of those five years of age and older.",
"The unerupted tooth. An unerupted tooth can exert pressure against a neighboring root, to cause resorption similar to that from orthodontic treatment. Typical examples include the forward-leaning lower wisdom tooth which is impacted against the back of the standing second molar and causes damage where the two meet.",
"In a condition known as a tooth resorption –formerly referred to as feline odontoclastic resorptive lesion (FORL) or cervical line lesion—the dentin in a single tooth (or several simultaneously) erodes and eventually becomes irreparably destroyed.",
"What Is “Tooth Resorption”? Tooth resorption is loss of hard dental tissue, but not from decay. This means that the substance of a tooth is broken down by certain specialised body cells and then absorbed. Resorption thus causes some of a tooth, generally in the root area, to just disappear. In the developing child there is a natural physiological resorption of the roots to allow for the exfoliation, or shedding of the first set of teeth at the appropriate time.",
"(Redirected from Root resorption) Tooth resorption is a process by which all or part of a tooth structure is lost due to activation of the body's innate capacity to remove mineralized tissue, as mediated via cells such as osteoclasts. Types include external resorption and internal resorption. It can be due to trauma, infection, or hyperplasia.",
"Within each of a cat’s teeth is a chamber (root canal) that contains tissue made up of blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, and nerves. This tissue, which communicates with the rest of the animal’s body, is surrounded by a bony substance called dentin, which accounts for the bulk of the tooth’s structure.",
"The best way of confirming the suspected presence of the condition, she notes, is by means of a full-mouth intra-oral radiograph. If veterinary examination reveals the presence of tooth resorption, Dr. Rawlinson points out, the only effective treatment will entail extraction of any affected teeth.",
"El-Bialy states that orthodontically induced inflammatory root resorption differs from other types of tooth root resorption, and treatment protocol for this type always involves a root canal treatment or extraction of these teeth in severe cases and prosthetic replacement.",
"Everyday Health indicates that the majority of patients who go through orthodontic therapy do not get root resorption. Everyday Health also explains that many teeth with root resorption still function properly and may last for many years or even a lifetime despite resorption."
"url": [
} | what causes resorption of teeth | 591,215 | DESCRIPTION | [
"Trauma, periodontitis, orthodontic treatment, internal bleaching, cysts, tumors or stimuli from a necrotic dental pulp may cause tooth root resorption."
] |
"Portable oxygen tank cylinders are light, convenient to carry around,you can have oxygen to go whenever you need it."
] | {
"is_selected": [
"passage_text": [
"1 Easier To Operate-Another huge advancement with portable oxygen tanks is that they are incredibly easy to operate, whether it is for using oxygen, monitoring oxygen levels, refilling, or replacing the tank.",
"Respect It. The benefits of acetylene for welding and cutting are well documented. Excellent thermal properties make it much more effective at cutting than other fuel gases, offering productivity gains of around 33 percent relative to propane, for instance.",
"Please try again later. Uploaded on Sep 30, 2011. Instructional video on oxygen tanks and concentrators from Advanced Home Care. The video covers topics on oxygen safety-including how to safely store, transport and use an oxygen cylinder. 1 Education. 2 Standard YouTube License.",
"Benefits of Portable Oxygen Tanks. Usually a person’s first instinct is to get a larger model simply because it holds more oxygen, which saves you the trouble of having to get it refilled every so often. However the drawback is that it is as good as tying you down to one place.",
"While this may be convenient and useful for a person who is bed-ridden, it is not practical for someone who is capable of and wants to move around. 1 Better Portability-Portable oxygen tank cylinders are light, convenient to carry around, which means you can have oxygen to go whenever you need it.",
"1 They fit easily into the holder of the wheelchair and the whole unit can be maneuvered around easily anywhere. 2 Easier To Operate-Another huge advancement with portable oxygen tanks is that they are incredibly easy to operate, whether it is for using oxygen, monitoring oxygen levels, refilling, or replacing the tank.",
"Vent It. The benefits of acetylene for welding and cutting are well documented. Excellent thermal properties make it much more effective at cutting than other fuel gases, offering productivity gains of around 33 percent relative to propane, for instance.",
"Acetylene: Safe Transport & Handling Secure It. The benefits of acetylene for welding and cutting are well documented. Excellent thermal properties make it much more effective at cutting than other fuel gases, offering productivity gains of around 33 percent relative to propane, for instance.",
"1 Better Portability-Portable oxygen tank cylinders are light, convenient to carry around, which means you can have oxygen to go whenever you need it. 2 They are also safe to use and operate. 3 The newer models are made of aluminum and are even lighter than earlier models.",
"What is perhaps not so well known is the fact that acetylene – because of its high flammability – can present a serious safety hazard. So cylinders containing acetylene, like all gas cylinders, should be transported, stored and handled properly to ensure they are completely safe. Unfortunately, safety is not always accorded the importance it deserves."
"url": [
} | how to transport oxygen tanks | 383,697 | DESCRIPTION | [] |
"No Answer Present."
] | {
"is_selected": [
"passage_text": [
"All patients gave written informed consent. The chemotherapy/conditioning regimens 'BEAM' and Fludarabine – 2 Gy TBI are considered standard chemotherapy/conditioning regimens in our internal handbook of the stem-cell transplant unit. The handbook is revised on a regular basis and approved by the Ethics Committee.",
"The baseline EDSS score in 58.5 % of the subjects was 6.5 and 78 % had a score of 6.0 or higher, respectively. The complication rate during the intra-transplantation period was 56 % for all patients: 71.4 % of the patients in the BEAM / hATG group and 40 % in the CY / rATG group (P = 0.04).",
"BEAM is a type of chemotherapy used to treat Hodgkin lymphoma | and non-Hodgkin lymphoma | . BEAM is a high-dose chemotherapy treatment. It's given before a stem cell transplant. A stem cell transplant allows you to have much higher doses of chemotherapy.",
"Before or on the day you are given BEAM, a nurse or person trained to take blood (phlebotomist) will take a blood sample from you. This is to check that it is okay for you to have chemotherapy. You will also see a doctor or nurse before you have chemotherapy. They will ask you about how you have been.",
"The EFS was 70 % in the CY / ATG group and 47.62 % in the BEAM / ATG group, with no significant difference between them, a result that is similar to that obtained by Saiz et al.",
"No significant difference was seen between the 21 subjects (51.2 %) who received the BEAM conditioning regimen and the 20 subjects (48.8 %) who received the CY regimen regarding age, sex, disease presentation and EDSS scores, as shown in Table 3.",
"Your course of BEAM. With BEAM, the first day of your treatment is sometimes called ‘day minus seven’. This is because you will have BEAM seven days before you have the stem cells. There will be a countdown to the day you are given the stem cells, which is called day zero.",
"The mortality rate of HSCT for MS in studies with relatively large samples is described in Table 1. Although these studies use myeloablative conditioning regimens of varying intensity, non-myeloablative regimens have been advocated for autologous HSCT of autoimmune diseases.",
"Days 4-7: Etoposide (IV) & cytarabine (IV). Mini-BEAM Chemotherapy. Mini-BEAM chemotherapy is a less dose-intense regimen that can be used as salvage chemotherapy or as a preparative regimen for a stem cell transplantation. Cycle length: 28 days. Number of cycles: 2-4.",
"This is a prospective multicentric Brazilian MS trial comparing two conditioning regimens: BEAM / horse ATG and CY / rabbit ATG. Most (80.4 %) of the 41 subjects in the study had the secondary progressive MS subtype and the mean age was 42 years."
"url": [
} | what is beam-r conditioning | 722,843 | DESCRIPTION | [] |
"Yes, Cheetah is considered Endangered species."
] | {
"is_selected": [
"passage_text": [
"Cheetahs are currently listed as “vulnerable” on the International Union for Conservation of Nature red list, which monitors animal population numbers. But Panthera has called for the cats to be up-listed to an “endangered” designation as soon as possible, pointing to recent losses in areas that were home to most of the animals.",
"“Our findings show that the large space requirements for cheetah, coupled with the complex range of threats faced by the species in the wild, mean that it is likely to be much more vulnerable to extinction than was previously thought.”",
"Something about these graceful animals just makes a Cheetah’s tummy roar! Cheetahs consume an average of 6-8 lbs. of food each day, and in some cases may go as long as 4-10 days with out water. Extinction Is Forever. The Cheetah is considered Endangered in Appendix 1 to the Conservation Of International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES). Humans have been proven to be the most feared predator by the Cheetah. Living space and adequate food supply is being robbed from these innocent creatures.",
"That number is the largest population of free-ranging cheetahs in the world, and less than half of the estimate published November 2016. As it stands, the species is officially listed as vulnerable.",
"The Asiatic cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus venaticus), also known as Iranian cheetah, is a Critically Endangered cheetah subspecies surviving today only in Iran. It once occurred from the Arabian Peninsula and the Near East to the Kyzylkum Desert, Caspian region, Pakistan and India, but has been extirpated there during the 20th century.",
"species:Jubatus. The word “Cheetah” is derived from the Hindi word “Chita” meaning “spotted one”. The Cheetah is the fastest land animal reaching speeds of 45 – 70 mph. Cheetahs have also been known to swim, although they do not like to. The Cheetah is not one of the Great Cats, because it does not have a floating Hyoid bone in its neck it can not roar, therefore it is a Lesser Cat.",
"The cheetah is endangered due to a combination of genetic frailties and the adverse effects of a dwindling habitat. The species has also been decimated by farmers seeking to protect their herds. ... The cheetah is endangered due to a combination of genetic frailties and the adverse effects of a dwindling habitat. The species has also been decimated by farmers seeking to protect their herds. ...",
"USFWS lists the cheetah as endangered and the IUCN Red list identifies them as vulnerable--facing a high risk of extinction in the wild. Cheetahs have three main threats: Habitat loss, human encroachment, depletion of the wild prey base, and competition with other predators endanger cheetahs.",
"Asiatic cheetah. The Asiatic cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus venaticus), also known as Iranian cheetah is a Critically Endangered cheetah subspecies surviving today only in Iran. It once occurred from the Arabian Peninsula and the Near East to the Kyzylkum Desert, Caspian region, Pakistan and India, but has been extirpated there during the 20th century.",
"A stride is the measured distance between successive imprints of the same paw. With the added reach given by the spine 1 stride can stretch as far as 7-8 meters. The Cheetah averages 4 strides per second or 1 stride per .28 seconds as the horse averages 1 stride per .44 seconds and can reach top speeds of 43 mph."
"url": [
} | is the cheetah an endangered species | 1,174,756 | ENTITY | [] |
"No Answer Present."
] | {
"is_selected": [
"passage_text": [
"Both your parents would have to be a car … rier of the gene for you to be born with Cystic Fibrosis. When two carriers of the CF gene parent a child together there is a 1 in 4 chance of the child being born with Cystic Fibrosis. no because you don't have the other gene.",
"It is controlled by a recessive allele. The gene encodes a chloride ion channel that is required to make sweat, mucus and a few other things. One copy of the gene is suf … ficient to prevent cystic fibrosis, and it is only when both copies are defective that the person would have the disease and show symptoms.",
"Cystic fibrosis. Cystic fibrosis (CF) is one of the most common, inherited, single-gene disorders in Caucasians. About one in 3,000 Caucasian babies is born with CF. People with CF secrete abnormal body fluids.",
"cystic fibrosis is a recessive gene because both parents have to have the gene and pass it on so that there child can get it. this is why a child has a one in 4 chance of gett … ing the disease if both parents carry the gene because they have to get the cystic fibrosis gene from both parents.",
"Cystic fibrosis is a genetic disorder which affects the lungs and pancreas. It causes the lungs to get clogged with mucus, which in turn makes the lungs a breeding ground for … bacteria. In the pancreas, it blocks the pancreas from absorbing enzymes, which makes its victims prone to malnutrition.",
"Autosomal recessive inheritance means that the gene in question is located on one of the autosomes. These are numbered pairs of chromosomes, 1 through 22. Autosomes do not affect an offspring's gender. Recessive means that two copies of the gene are necessary to have the trait or disorder.",
"The defective gene that is responsible for causing cystic fibrosis is on chromosome 7. To have cystic fibrosis, a person must inherit two copies of the defective CF gene—one copy from each parent.",
"Cystic fibrosis (CF) is an autosomal recessive disease. That means that if both parents have cystic fibrosis, so will any children that they have. If one parent has cystic fi … brosis and the other does not, then the chance drops dramatically (almost to zero).. Not wholly correct.",
"If both parents are carriers of the CF gene (i.e., they each have one copy of the defective gene), their child will have a 25% chance of inheriting both defective copies and having cystic fibrosis, a 50% chance of inheriting one defective copy and being a carrier, and a 25% chance of not having CF or carrying the gene.",
"Once parents have had a child with a recessive trait or disease, there is a one out of four, or a 25 percent, chance that with each subsequent pregnancy, another child will be born with the same trait or disorder."
"url": [
} | is cystic fibrosis dominant | 407,689 | DESCRIPTION | [] |
"No Answer Present."
] | {
"is_selected": [
"passage_text": [
"Ocean resources are under intense pres-. sure to satisfy expanding demands due to population growth and globalization. Many valuable. fisheries around the world have collapsed, invasive species have disrupted marine food webs, and an increasing number of species are in danger of extinction as a result of human activi-. ties. Changes such as habitat loss and degradation pose significant threats to marine life, while.",
"The struggle for food is one of the most important and complex activities to occur in an ecosystem. To help simplify and understand the production and distribution of food within a community, scientists often construct a food web, a diagram that assigns species to generalized, interlinked feeding levels.",
"Microbes and the marine food web. The release of oil and application of chemical dispersant associated with the Deepwater Horizon disaster may have. altered portions of the pelagic (open ocean) ecosystem in the northern Gulf of Mexico. The changes, although.",
" All organisms are part of the food web. When phytoplankton are removed from the food web, all organisms will. eventually die. Phytoplankton form the base of the marine food web. The sun is the source of all life. Energy from the sun is transferred to organisms in a domino‐like pattern. through the food web. Thus, the food web is another example of. domino causality in action. Students will continue to build their understanding that.",
"Have the names of the marine organisms on the ocean food web cards written on the. black/whiteboard. Have two sets of dominoes set up at a corner of the room – one that is a single chain, and. one that branches out. Materials. Ocean Food Web cards (available at), with punched holes and yarn through the holes.",
"The hydrothermal vent food web below has four layers: 1 Primary producers are the original source of food in the vent ecosystem, using chemical energy to create organic molecules. All other life depends on primary producers, and they have the greatest biomass in the community.",
"Food web. A food web (or food cycle) is the natural interconnection of food chains and a graphical representation (usually an image) of what-eats-what in an ecological community. Another name for food web is a consumer-resource system.",
"PHYTOPLANKTON. 1 BACTERIA. Thus the food chain becomes a complete circle. Animals may eat more than one type of. food. They may eat many different types of plants or many different animals. This makes. everything more complicated and the food chain becomes a food web. Food Webs. A webfood is made up of interconnected food chains.",
"This activity demonstrated. the complexity of a food web and what can happen when one component of a food. web is altered. Supplies: photo i.d. of marine organisms, yarn. Directions: 1) Ask each student to pick a pelagic marine organism to represent and discuss who are the producers, consumers.",
"Despite their unusual nature, faunas based on chemosynthesis are tied together by food webs similar to those of better-known communities. The hydrothermal vent food web below has four layers: Primary producers are the original source of food in the vent ecosystem, using chemical energy to create organic molecules."
"url": [
} | is the basis of marine food webs. | 425,802 | DESCRIPTION | [] |
"It include garcinia cambogia (a former scientific name), as well as brindleberry, Malabar tamarind, and kudam puli."
] | {
"is_selected": [
"passage_text": [
"Garcinia cambogia, a tropical fruit also known as the Malabar tamarind, is a popular weight-loss supplement.People say it blocks your body's ability to make fat and it puts the brakes on your appetite. It could help keep blood sugar and cholesterol levels in check, too.arcinia cambogia may make it easier for your body to use glucose, the sugar your cells need for energy. Mice that got garcinia cambogia in one study had lower insulin levels than mice that didn't. That's another reason, besides weight loss, that people with diabetes are interested in it.",
"The extracts from the fruit of the Garcinia cambogia plant are marketed for weight loss -- either by themselves or in combination with other ingredients.The fruit of this tropical plant is rich in an active substance classified as hydroxycitric acid.he extracts from the fruit of the Garcinia cambogia plant are marketed for weight loss -- either by themselves or in combination with other ingredients.",
"Garcinia Cambogia Extract is a supplement that comes from the rind of the Garcinia Cambogia fruit (a small pumpkin-shaped fruit which is more widely known as a tamarind in many areas). The Garcinia Cambogia fruit has been around for a long, long time.he recent popularity of the Garcinia Cambogia Extract supplement can be ascribed to Dr. Julie Chen, a well-known and well-respected specialist dealing in health and wellness. Dr. Chen’s work with the Garcinia Cambogia Extract caught Dr. Oz’s eye, specifically the findings on how safe the Garcinia Cambogia Extract is.",
"Garcinia cambogia comes from India and some areas of Asia. Garcinia cambogia contains hydroxycitric acid, which is sometimes used in weight loss products. Seek the opinion of a doctor before taking garcinia cambogia or any other supplement that claims to promote weight loss.arcinia cambogia is a small fruit that resembles a miniature pumpkin. It is indigenous to India and parts of Asia, and an extract from its fruit and rind is popular in many natural weight loss products.",
"Garcinia gummi-gutta is a tropical species of Garcinia native to Indonesia. Common names include garcinia cambogia (a former scientific name), as well as brindleberry, Malabar tamarind, and kudam puli (pot tamarind).This fruit looks like a small pumpkin and is green to pale yellow in color.arcinia gummi-gutta is a tropical species of Garcinia native to Indonesia. Common names include garcinia cambogia (a former scientific name), as well as brindleberry, Malabar tamarind, and kudam puli (pot tamarind).",
"Let's start with the discussion about what garcinia cambogia is, where it came from, and whether or not it is safe to consume. Garcinia cambogia is a fruit that grows in the regions of Southeast Asia. Garcinia cambogia extract or supplements are derived from the rind of this powerful fruit.he results of the study showed that when garcinia cambogia extract is consumed for a total of 8 weeks, there is a reduction in fat, weight, and appetite among individuals.",
"Garcinia cambogia is a small fruit that resembles a miniature pumpkin. It is indigenous to India and parts of Asia, and an extract from its fruit and rind is popular in many natural weight loss products.arcinia cambogia is a small fruit that resembles a miniature pumpkin. It is indigenous to India and parts of Asia, and an extract from its fruit and rind is popular in many natural weight loss products.",
"Garcinia cambogia is a citrus fruit that grows in Southeast Asia. An extract from the fruit rind, hydroxycitric acid (HCA), has historically been used for cooking, but it’s also been used for weight loss and to lower cholesterol.You can buy garcinia cambogia online or at most health and supplement stores, in pill form or as a powder.Sometimes, it’s also included as an ingredient in snack bars. Typical doses are between 250 and 1,000 mg each day.n extract from the fruit rind, hydroxycitric acid (HCA), has historically been used for cooking, but it’s also been used for weight loss and to lower cholesterol. You can buy garcinia cambogia online or at most health and supplement stores, in pill form or as a powder.",
"The fruit Garcinia cambogia was once just the less popular cousin of a trendy fruit, the mangosteen. But now, nutritional supplements containing Garcinia cambogia extract have become the rage, touted for their purported ability to curb appetite and stop weight gain.he fruit Garcinia cambogia was once just the less popular cousin of a trendy fruit, the mangosteen. But now, nutritional supplements containing Garcinia cambogia extract have become the rage, touted for their purported ability to curb appetite and stop weight gain.",
"Garcinia is a plant genus of the family Clusiaceae native to Asia, Australia, tropical and southern Africa, and Polynesia. The number of species is highly disputed, with various sources recognizing between 50 and about 300.arcinia is a plant genus of the family Clusiaceae native to Asia, Australia, tropical and southern Africa, and Polynesia. The number of species is highly disputed, with various sources recognizing between 50 and about 300."
"url": [
} | what is in garcinia cambogia | 758,101 | DESCRIPTION | [] |
"No Answer Present."
] | {
"is_selected": [
"passage_text": [
"Posted on. (Answer #1). A bicameral legislature is one that is split up into two houses. Many legislatures around the world are split in this way. For example, the Congress of the United States is split up between the House of Representatives and the Senate.Bicameral legislatures are generally set up as a way of providing checks and balances in a governmental system.or example, the Congress of the United States is split up between the House of Representatives and the Senate. Bicameral legislatures are generally set up as a way of providing checks and balances in a governmental system.",
"Chapter Summary. The Texas Legislature is a bicameral legislative body with two chambers, the House of Representatives and the Senate.The legislature meets in regular session every two years during odd numbered years. The legislature consists of 181 members with 150 members in the House and 31 members in the Senate.hapter Summary. The Texas Legislature is a bicameral legislative body with two chambers, the House of Representatives and the Senate.",
"When a law making body is divided into two houses. Congress and most state legislatures are bicameral, with a house of representatives and a senate.Parliaments that have upper and lower houses are also considered bicameral. Nebraska is the only state with a unicameral, a one house legislature.hen a law making body is divided into two houses. Congress and most state legislatures are bicameral, with a house of representatives and a senate.",
"(November 2014). The Nevada Legislature is the state legislature of the U.S. state of Nevada. The Legislature is a bicameral body, consisting of the lower house Nevada Assembly, with 42 members, and the upper house Nevada Senate, with 21 members.All 63 members of the Legislature are elected from an equal amount of constituent districts across the state.November 2014). The Nevada Legislature is the state legislature of the U.S. state of Nevada. The Legislature is a bicameral body, consisting of the lower house Nevada Assembly, with 42 members, and the upper house Nevada Senate, with 21 members.",
"The California State Legislature is the state legislature of the U.S. state of California. It is a bicameral body consisting of the lower house, the California State Assembly, with 80 members, and the upper house, the California State Senate, with 40 members.t is a bicameral body consisting of the lower house, the California State Assembly, with 80 members, and the upper house, the California State Senate, with 40 members.",
"India's parliament is a bicameral legislature. Germany has a bicameral legislature. Mexico has a bicameral legislature with the Senate and Chamber of Deputies. The House of Representatives makes up one chamber of the bicameral legislature in the United States.n government, bicameralism is the practice of having two legislative or parliamentary chambers. The relationship between the two chambers of a bicameral legislature can vary. In some cases, they have equal power, and in others, one chamber is clearly superior to the other.",
"The Constitution created a bicameral national legislature—that is, a Congress composed of two separate chambers, the Senate and the House of Representatives.The Senate, sometimes called the upper house, is smaller (currently 100 seats) and its members serve longer terms (six years).he Constitution created a bicameral national legislature—that is, a Congress composed of two separate chambers, the Senate and the House of Representatives.",
"1. The Texas legislature is a bicameral body with 150 members in the House and 31 members in the Senate. 2. Members of the Texas House represent approximately 169,000 people.Senators represent about 819,000 constituents.he Texas legislature is a bicameral body with 150 members in the House and 31 members in the Senate. 2. Members of the Texas House represent approximately 169,000 people. Senators represent about 819,000 constituents.",
"A bicameral legislature is one in which the legislators are divided into two separate assemblies, chambers or houses.he bicameral legislature of the United States is housed in the Capitol, a building with two wings. The north wing (left) houses the Senate, while the south wing (right) houses the House of Representatives.",
"In government, bicameralism is the practice of having two legislative or parliamentary chambers. The relationship between the two chambers of a bicameral legislature can vary. In some cases, they have equal power, and in others, one chamber is clearly superior to the other.n government, bicameralism is the practice of having two legislative or parliamentary chambers. The relationship between the two chambers of a bicameral legislature can vary. In some cases, they have equal power, and in others, one chamber is clearly superior to the other."
"url": [
} | what is bicameral legislature quizlet | 723,776 | DESCRIPTION | [] |
"$10,000 to $30,000"
] | {
"is_selected": [
"passage_text": [
"Conservatory Average Cost. The cost of a conservatory varies widely depending on the design, local labor and material costs, and other factors. Before you begin conservatory construction, check with the local planning department to find out what permits you may need.1 Conservatory costs start at around $7,500 to $15,000.2 The average cost of a conservatory is $10,000 to $30,000. 3 A conservatory could cost as much as $40,000 to $80,000 or more.he cost of a conservatory varies widely depending on the design, local labor and material costs, and other factors. Before you begin conservatory construction, check with the local planning department to find out what permits you may need.",
"UK Conservatory Prices. If you are interested in conservatory UK prices, take a look at the following list: 1 According to our home renovation cost survey, the average cost of buying and installing a conservatory is £6,700.2 What price put the average price of supplying and building a 3 metres (m) x 3.5m Edwardian conservatory at £8,600.heck out the average price for a conservatory made of uPVC: 1 A 3m x 3m lean-to, uPVC conservatory with a flat roof costs around £6,500. 2 A 3m x 3m Victorian or Edwardian uPVC conservatory will cost between £7,500 and £7,900.",
"1 Evis Build put the average price of conservatories at £9,000; this will get you a uPVC, lean-to conservatory with a 16 square metre floor area and low-emissivity glazing.2 A similar conservatory with a more elaborate Edwardian roof will cost around £11,000.heck out the average price for a conservatory made of uPVC: 1 A 3m x 3m lean-to, uPVC conservatory with a flat roof costs around £6,500. 2 A 3m x 3m Victorian or Edwardian uPVC conservatory will cost between £7,500 and £7,900.",
"All home improvements require thorough research and a conservatory is no different. It can be hard to find out the average cost of a conservatory because prices can vary greatly.The average cost of a conservatory is dependent on many factors. The shape,size and style all contribute towards your final installation cost.Your conservatory cost can even depend on the company you choose.ur conservatory cost calculator features a wide range of conservatory styles and designs, allowing you to get instant online costs for your favourite conservatories. Our conservatory cost calculator was built and designed to help customers like you, make a well informed decision on their conservatory.",
"Size will have a significant bearing on the overall cost of your conservatory. It stands to reason that one measuring 3 metres by 2 metres will be cheaper to construct than a conservatory measuring 5 metres by 4 metres.his is because a whole range of different factors need to be borne in mind before you can hope to get an accurate cost on the type of conservatory you want. Conservatory prices vary, as there are a wealth of styles and qualities to choose from.",
"The average quote for a typical conservatory tends to be around the £5,000 and up mark. With that said though it is quite possible to get one for half that price, particularly if you want something basic and you are intending to erect it on your own.his is because a whole range of different factors need to be borne in mind before you can hope to get an accurate cost on the type of conservatory you want. Conservatory prices vary, as there are a wealth of styles and qualities to choose from.",
"Check out the average price for a conservatory made of uPVC: 1 A 3m x 3m lean-to, uPVC conservatory with a flat roof costs around £6,500. 2 A 3m x 3m Victorian or Edwardian uPVC conservatory will cost between £7,500 and £7,900.heck out the average price for a conservatory made of uPVC: 1 A 3m x 3m lean-to, uPVC conservatory with a flat roof costs around £6,500. 2 A 3m x 3m Victorian or Edwardian uPVC conservatory will cost between £7,500 and £7,900.",
"Unfortunately, it is not a case of one price for all. Some cost as little as £5000. And other can cost upwards of £25000. Each conservatory will concur different costs. Conservatory costs in 2015 are likely to depend on a number of factors.This includes size, design, build and energy efficiency. Consider your conservatory requirements.nfortunately, it is not a case of one price for all. Some cost as little as £5000. And other can cost upwards of £25000. Each conservatory will concur different costs. Conservatory costs in 2015 are likely to depend on a number of factors. This includes size, design, build and energy efficiency.",
"The average price being quoted by those debating this research on Twitter was around the £16-£17k mark, with things like Loggia columns, LivinRoom details etc on top of that. This average price quoted by Zopa is nowhere near what people can expect to pay for even a small conservatory.t’s worth pointing out at this point that my last full national average prices survey results showed that the average price for an average sized new conservatory (3m x 4m) was over £11,000.",
"The average cost of Orangeries ranges between £20,000 and £50,0000, again this is all down to a number of factors. People deciding between a conservatory or an orangery should take note of the price differences due to the roof and overall structure.he average cost of Orangeries ranges between £20,000 and £50,0000, again this is all down to a number of factors. People deciding between a conservatory or an orangery should take note of the price differences due to the roof and overall structure."
"url": [
} | average conservatory cost | 31,967 | NUMERIC | [] |
"No Answer Present."
] | {
"is_selected": [
"passage_text": [
"The maximum temperature for Jammu over the next 7 day will be 37℃ (or 99℉) on Wednesday 14 th October at around 2 pm. In the same week the minimum temperature will be 21℃ (or 70℉) on Tuesday 20 th October at around 5 am.",
"Jammu 10 day weather forecast, updated four times a day and shows the weather summary plus detailed sun, rain, snow, wind and temperature. The weather forecast extends out to 10 days showing information for morning, afternoon and overnight.",
"In the same week the minimum temperature will be 21℃ (or 70℉) on Tuesday 20 th October at around 5 am. Our Jammu weather forecaster is reporting Monday 19 th October to be the wettest day in the coming week with around 1.70mm (or 0.1 inches) of rainfall.",
"In the same week the minimum temperature will be 21℃ (or 70℉) on Tuesday 20 th October at around 5 am. Our Jammu weather forecaster is reporting Monday 19 th October to be the wettest day in the coming week with around 1.70mm (or 0.1 inches) of rainfall. Make sure to carry an umbrella if you are out and about in Jammu.",
"Our Jammu weather forecaster is reporting Monday 19 th October to be the wettest day in the coming week with around 1.70mm (or 0.1 inches) of rainfall. Make sure to carry an umbrella if you are out and about in Jammu.",
"Jammu weather text for Sat 17 th October. The Jammu weather is going to be sunny. Jammu visibility is going to be around 10 km i.e. 6 miles and an atmospheric pressure of 1015 mb. The daytime temperature is going to reach 38 °c and the temperature is going to dip to 22 °c at night.",
"Local time in Jammu: IST. View 3 Hour Detailed Jammu Weather Forecast for Today. Jammu 4 – 7 Day Weather Forecast Summary: Moderate rain (total 12mm), heaviest on Mon afternoon. Warm (max 33°C on Sun afternoon, min 24°C on Mon night).",
"Local time in Jammu: IST. View 3 Hour Detailed Jammu Weather Forecast for Today. Jammu 4 – 7 Day Weather Forecast Summary: Moderate rain (total 12mm), heaviest on Mon afternoon.",
"In the same week the minimum temperature will be 16℃ (or 61℉) on Tuesday 27 th October at around 5 am. Our Katra weather forecaster is reporting Monday 26 th October to be the wettest day in the coming week with around 3.80mm (or 0.1 inches) of rainfall.",
"Katra weather summary for coming week. The maximum temperature for Katra over the next 7 day will be 33℃ (or 92℉) on Friday 23 rd October at around 2 pm. In the same week the minimum temperature will be 16℃ (or 61℉) on Tuesday 27 th October at around 5 am."
"url": [
} | temperature in jammu today | 512,162 | NUMERIC | [] |
"No Answer Present."
] | {
"is_selected": [
"passage_text": [
"Question: Will I Know It When My Blood Pressure Goes Up? Answer: High blood pressure, or hypertension, is called the silent killer because it can go undiagnosed for years, damaging the brain, your eyesight, your heart or your kidneys long before symptoms develop.",
"Request a change in your medications or dosages. Some medications lower your blood pressure as a side effect. Discuss with your doctor whether any of your current medications could be lowering your blood pressure and if a change in your prescription medication regimen could help you raise your low blood pressure.",
"1 This can lead to a fall in blood pressure upon standing up. During this kind of quick movement your blood vessels may find it hard to adjust. Neurological conditions: For example, Parkinson’s disease. The drugs that are prescribed to treat Parkinson’s can cause low blood pressure.",
"Treatment is available, if your doctor feels that there is a cause for your symptoms that can be treated. For example: If your GP suspects that a medicine you are taking is the cause of your low blood pressure, an alternative medicine may be suggested, or the dosage changed.",
"You can locate this screen inside your sump tank. You will have to remove the oil from your vehicle in the same way that you would to change the oil. Remove the sump tank and check the pick up screen. If it is clogged with grime and debris you will have discovered the cause of your pressure problems.",
"1 Blood pressure lowering drugs: Some alpha blocker medications can trigger postural hypotension. Diabetes: Diabetes can affect the normal control of blood pressure and cause damage to the nerves supplying your blood vessels. This can lead to a fall in blood pressure upon standing up.",
"Other causes include: 1 Blood pressure lowering drugs: Some alpha blocker medications can trigger postural hypotension. Diabetes: Diabetes can affect the normal control of blood pressure and cause damage to the nerves supplying your blood vessels. This can lead to a fall in blood pressure upon standing up. During this kind of quick movement your blood vessels may find it hard to adjust.",
"Avoid long, hot showers. The hot water from showers and spas can cause your blood vessels to expand, which can lead to a further drop in blood pressure. This can cause dizziness and fainting. You can remedy this by taking warm (rather than hot) showers and avoiding spas or hot tubs.",
"So visit your doctor, have your blood pressure checked. There are free blood pressure machines at pharmacies and grocery stores. And if the top number is ever over 140 or the bottom number ever over 90, make sure to make an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible.",
"Diagnosing Low Oil Pressure Causes. If you want to know how to fix low oil pressure, the initial place you should start is with your dip stick. Grab a cloth and pull out the dip stick. Give it a wipe and place it back inside. Withdraw it again and see what level of oil appears on the markers. All dip sticks will have two levels of marking."
"url": [
} | how can you tell if your pressure is up | 211,399 | DESCRIPTION | [] |
"No Answer Present."
] | {
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"passage_text": [
"This means that plants and crops are in danger from this type of erosion. The wind picks up loose particles, which damage the structure and stability similarly to water erosion, making it easier for later wind to pick up more particulates.",
"Introduction to Erosion and Deposition and the Water Cycle. The first video is 15 minutes of compare/contrast between Internal and External processes, the changes that happen on and in Earth, and how the Water Cycle plays a major role in shaping Earth's surface. open player in a new window.",
"1 effects of water on land and the effect slope has on flooding. 2 effects of wind on land. 3 effects of different wave actions on land. 4 effects of glaciers on land. 5 effects of mechanical weathering. 6 effects of chemical weathering. effects of ground water in causing sink holes.",
"The five agents of erosion are wind, water, ice, waves and gravity. Erosion is the process in which particles of the earth are moved by naturally occurring external forces.",
"The module will cover the effects of water on land; the effects slope has on flooding; the effects of wind on land; the effects of different wave actions on land; the effects of glaciers on land; the effects of mechanical and chemical weathering.",
"Weathering and Erosion. The Weathering and Erosion module includes hands-on and inquiry based activities. Using various materials such as aquarium gravel, square pretzels. chalk, vinegar, modeling clay, sand and a hair dryer, students will investigate the effects of weathering, erosion and deposition.",
"Overview/Annotation: The Weathering and Erosion module includes hands-on and inquiry based activities. Using various materials such as aquarium gravel, square pretzels. chalk, vinegar, modeling clay, sand and a hair dryer, students will investigate the effects of weathering, erosion and deposition.",
"The last video introduces student to the effect of ground water on erosion and deposition. The first video is 15 minutes of compare/contrast between Internal and External processes, the changes that happen on and in Earth, and how the Water Cycle plays a major role in shaping Earth's surface.",
"But erosion can be speeded up by such human activities as farming and mining. Erosion begins with a process called weathering; in this process, environmental factors break rock and soil into smaller pieces, and loosen them from the earth's surface. When the wind whips up a dust storm that stings our eyes, its ability to move sand is very clear. But the most powerful erosive force on the earth is not wind but water, which causes erosion in its solid form of ice and as a liquid. Water in its liquid form causes erosion in many ways. Streams from tiny creeks to huge rivers carry tons of eroded soil and rocks every year.",
"Soil erosion has different effects depending on the type of erosion. Water erosion leeches nutrients from the soil and lowers water quality. Wind erosion lowers air quality and damages plants. Continue Reading."
"url": [
} | erosion and weathering effects of water on earth | 181,387 | DESCRIPTION | [] |
"No Answer Present."
] | {
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"passage_text": [
"This young lady had begun to PHYSICALLY turn into a snake, shedding her skin and having snakish tendencies.Possessed by a violent snake demon, the python spirit was exposed during this church service in Lagos, Nigeria.It confessed how it uses her to torment and destroy men! Thank God for her powerful deliverance through prayer from Prophet T.B. Joshua!ossessed by a violent snake demon, the python spirit was exposed during this church service in Lagos, Nigeria. It confessed how it uses her to torment and destroy men! Thank God for her powerful deliverance through prayer from Prophet T.B. Joshua!",
"On Sunday, 12 July, 2015, during the Sunday service, the man of God called one of his members simply identified as ‘Thabiso’, he commanded him by the power of God to turn into a horse and according to the church’s Facebook update, indeed it happened. The man of God was said to have ridden on the horse.DemonstrationMan of God declared a snake to become a chocolate (chomp) and the congregation ate it. We have authority to change everything into anything and it will obey because of our authority. Posted by End Times Disciples Ministries on Monday, July 13, 2015.",
"Photos from her hen night: 24-year-old Prophet Penuel Tshepo, of the End Time Disciples Ministries in Soshanguv, South Africa recently sparked outrage online after he allegedly commanded a snake to turn into chocolate, then had his church members feast on the reptile as a show of their faith in God's power.ude got married today to his excited heartthrob Boitumelo Rakubu. See the pics after the cut. Penuel is the same pastor who once made his church members eat grass, eat fellow members' hair, clothes and at one other time made them drink petrol. Very bizarre, shocking things.",
"Pastor penuel riding one of his members as a horse. During of his services too, while trying to demonstrate the authority believers have, the man of God declared a snake to become a chocolate (chomp) and the congregation ate it. The man of God also prayed for a cloth and called the congregation to come and eat.DemonstrationMan of God declared a snake to become a chocolate (chomp) and the congregation ate it. We have authority to change everything into anything and it will obey because of our authority. Posted by End Times Disciples Ministries on Monday, July 13, 2015.",
"Pastor Penuel. A South African pastor, Prophet Penuel, as fondly called by his followers has been ‘doing wonders’ in the most awkward way. The pastor, who is the founder of the End Times Disciples Ministries in South Africa has lots of ways he demonstrates ‘God’s miraculous wonders’ to members of his church.DemonstrationMan of God declared a snake to become a chocolate (chomp) and the congregation ate it. We have authority to change everything into anything and it will obey because of our authority. Posted by End Times Disciples Ministries on Monday, July 13, 2015.",
"It was different but tasted good’, Another added: ‘I was not sure at first but when I bit the snake I realised it was the best chocolate I have ever eaten’. Pic shows: One man eating a live snake. A church congregation were controversially ordered to eat a live snake and told it would become and taste like chocolate.Members of Prophet Penuel’s End Times Disciples Ministries in Soshanguve, Pretoria, in South Africa did as they were told and ate parts of the snake.y Vanessa Enofe, Naija Center News. A pastor in South Africa has taken service and miracle to another level by asking his congregation to eat live snakes and assume it’s chocolate.",
"#DemonstrationMan of God declared a snake to become a chocolate (chomp) and the congregation ate it. We have authority to change everything into anything and it will obey because of our authority. Posted by End Times Disciples Ministries on Monday, July 13, 2015.DemonstrationMan of God declared a snake to become a chocolate (chomp) and the congregation ate it. We have authority to change everything into anything and it will obey because of our authority. Posted by End Times Disciples Ministries on Monday, July 13, 2015.",
"By Vanessa Enofe on July 20, 2015 1 Comment. By Vanessa Enofe, Naija Center News. A pastor in South Africa has taken service and miracle to another level by asking his congregation to eat live snakes and assume it’s chocolate.y Vanessa Enofe, Naija Center News. A pastor in South Africa has taken service and miracle to another level by asking his congregation to eat live snakes and assume it’s chocolate.",
"They burnt the tent. Picture: Pretoria News Facebook page. Penuel Mnguni, dubbed the snake pastor, has made headlines and come under scrutiny for asking members of his church to eat rodents and snakes. Mnguni has been blessing his followers by making them eat ants, rats, snakes and even grass.A member of the congregation of prophet Mnguni's church in Soshanguve looked at the TUT student and said I see food on her head. He then ate up her weave. Picture: Pretoria News Facebook page.enuel Mnguni, dubbed the snake pastor, has made headlines and come under scrutiny for asking members of his church to eat rodents and snakes. Mnguni has been blessing his followers by making them eat ants, rats, snakes and even grass.",
"EFF members allegedly dismantled and burnt a tent belonging to the so called snake pastor. EFF members disrupted the service, saying they want pastor Penuel Mnguni to eat the snakes and rats he had been feeding his congregation.enuel Mnguni, dubbed the snake pastor, has made headlines and come under scrutiny for asking members of his church to eat rodents and snakes. Mnguni has been blessing his followers by making them eat ants, rats, snakes and even grass."
"url": [
} | Niegerian Prophet turns into a snake in church service | 5,302 | ENTITY | [] |
"No Answer Present."
] | {
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"passage_text": [
"1 out of 1 found this helpful. It depends on what you tested positive for... An ELISA (quick and dirty) test for toxoplasmosis will test your IgG and IgM antibodies. If you are ONLY IgG positive, then it means you probably acquired the infection >=12 months ago.",
"Hmm...good question! I don't know, but I can offer you an alternative for the litter box duty. There are fancy new litterboxes out there that scoop and dump litter into a holding bag automatically -- you may want to look into this option, if you can't find a way to get your cat tested. Don't change the litter yourself!",
"How common is toxoplasmosis? Toxoplasmosis is most common in areas with warm, moist climates. More then 50% of the population in Central and Southern Europe, Africa, South America and Asia are infected with toxoplasmosis. Toxoplasmosis is common in France possibly due to the preference of minimally cooked and raw meat.",
"Toxoplasmosis: Symptoms, Effects and Prevention. The solid wastes (feces) of cats may contain a parasite called toxoplasma gondii that can cause toxoplasmosis, a rare but serious blood infection. Toxoplasmosis can also be contracted by eating infected, undercooked meat or by eating contaminated fruit or vegetables.",
"If Toxoplasma (IgM), is Equivocal or Positive, Toxoplasma Pregnancy (16 Weeks Gestation or Earlier) will be performed at an additional charge (CPT codes(s): 86777 x2, 86778) (For pregnant women less than or equal to 16 weeks gestational age).",
"CPT Code(s) Includes. If Toxoplasma (IgM), is Equivocal or Positive, Toxoplasma Pregnancy (more than 16 weeks) will be performed at an additional charge (CPT codes(s): 86777, 86778, 86406 x2) (For pregnant women greater than 16 weeks gestational age).",
"A Toxoplasma-positive reaction, stained by immunofluroescence (IFA). The diagnosis of toxoplasmosis is typically made by serologic testing. A test that measures immunoglobulin G (IgG) is used to determine if a person has been infected. If it is necessary to try to estimate the time of infection, which is of particular importance for pregnant women, a test which measures immunoglobulin M (IgM) is also used along with other tests such as an avidity test.",
"Thank you! It depends on what you tested positive for... An ELISA (quick and dirty) test for toxoplasmosis will test your IgG and IgM antibodies. If you are ONLY IgG positive, then it means you probably acquired the infection >=12 months ago.",
"Objective: To review the prevention, diagnosis, and management of. toxoplasmosis in pregnancy. Outcomes: Outcomes evaluated include the effect of screening. on diagnosis of congenital toxoplasmosis and the efficacy of. prophylaxis and treatment. Evidence: The Cochrane Library and Medline were searched for.",
"A toxoplasmosis test is used to detect a current or past infection with the microscopic parasite Toxoplasma gondii. Most often it may be performed for: A woman prior to or during a pregnancy to determine if she has been previously exposed to Toxoplasma gondii and during a pregnancy if exposure is suspected."
"url": [
} | is test for toxo standard in pregnancy | 425,530 | DESCRIPTION | [] |
"Yes,the Cobb house haunted in Vicksburg Mississippi."
] | {
"is_selected": [
"passage_text": [
"Haunted Towns. Haunted Towns is an American paranormal television series that premiered on August 15, 2017 in the United States on Destination America. The series features the Tennessee Wraith Chasers, a group of professional paranormal investigators that are known for trying to trap ghosts during their investigations.",
"TWC continue on their paranormal journey by traveling to the most haunted locations in the most haunted towns in America. [1] The show airs on Tuesdays at 10 p.m. EST.[2]",
"And now, I would like to share a glimpse of yet another facet of our fair city — the Haunted Houses of Vicksburg. But first, a little background. The city of Vicksburg is perhaps the most historical city in the State of Mississippi, and the siege of the city during the War Between the States, is, without a doubt, one of the most memorable and significant battles of the War.",
"Last week, I decided to visit some of the haunted houses of Vicksburg, in hopes of hearing some of the stories firsthand — from the current owners of the houses. My first stop was Anchuca, one of the most beautiful antebellum mansions in the city, which has been converted to a lovely bed and breakfast inn.",
"The Haunted Houses of Vicksburg Part I: Anchuca During the four years we have lived in Vicksburg, I have shared literally hundreds of pictures of our quaint historic town which sits high on the bluffs of the Mississippi River.",
"Cobb House, 1855 -- Vicksburg, Mississippi Find this Pin and more on MISSISSIPPI ANTEBELLUM ARCHITECTURE by johnsjenkins. See More",
"Vicksburg Mississippi places-i-ve-been Find this Pin and more on wishes by chachabella. This gorgeous home is purportedly haunted. Classical Home Design Details My favorite home to tour in Mississippi. McRaven is considered the most haunted house in Mississippi. It was built in 1797 by a highway bandit named Andrew Glass, who died in his room after being shot. One of the first ghosts seen there is that of a Confederate soldier who died there in 1886 when it was briefly used as a hospital.",
"Sunday, October 10, 2010. The Haunted Houses of Vicksburg Part I: Anchuca. During the four years we have lived in Vicksburg, I have shared literally hundreds of pictures of our quaint historic town which sits high on the bluffs of the Mississippi River.",
"Vicksburg Vicksburg, Mississippi: September 5, 2017 () 0.223: TWC head to the deep south to investigate the town of Vicksburg, Mississippi. Founded in 1811, it was the site of the Siege of Vicksburg during the Civil War. They investigate paranormal hotspots; McRaven House, the most haunted home in the state, Cobb House and Stouts Bayou, which were all connected to the murder of local John Bobb. 1.5 Bisbee Bisbee, Arizona: September 12, 2017 () 0.227: TWC head",
"Find this Pin and more on Famous Haunted Houses by wiccan11. With its ghosts of children, bleeding nuns and phantom horses, Wymering Manor is known as Britain's most haunted house SOMEWHERE IN THE dar. Wymering Manor: Britain's Most Haunted House: Britain's most haunted house. My husband and I and our 1 year old son stayed here as it was a youth hostel. Wymering Manor, Portsmouth (built in ~ It is said to be haunted by a choir of nuns and Sir Roderick of Portchester, who was murdered outside the manor."
"url": [
} | is the cobb house haunted in vicksburg mississippi | 1,174,755 | DESCRIPTION | [] |
"No Answer Present."
] | {
"is_selected": [
"passage_text": [
"Research has shown that nearly 60% of performance horses have stomach ulcers. This is known as Equine Gastric Ulcer Syndrome (EGUS).",
"Brief Description. 1 Weight loss. 2 Poor body condition/hair coat. 3 Reduced appetite. 4 Decreased performance. 5 Poor attitude (girthiness, irritability, resistance, etc.) 6 Colic.",
"Risk factors linked to glandular ulceration in one study included: 1 NSAID use, such as Bute, given at doses 50 percent higher than recommended, and used long-term. 2 Limited turnout. 3 Horses not fed haylage. 4 Horses fed unprocessed grain. 5 Horses infrequently fed a complete diet. 6 Fast exercise on fewer days of the week.",
"Providing pasture turnout is the best method of preventing ulcers. The constant intake of forage and production of saliva naturally buffer the stomach against gastric acid. If fresh grass is not available or appropriate for the horse, provide free-choice grass hay.",
"Supplements that May Lend Support. 1 Antacids to soothe the stomach. 2 Licorice to help restore healthy stomach tissue. 3 L-Glutamine to help promote healing. 4 Soluble fiber to help form a protective layer over erosions. 5 Plant adaptogens may help horses better manage ulcer-causing stress.",
"Skippy may very well be suffering from ESGUS, as his current lifestyle and diet fit the typical profile of a horse likely to develop squamous ulcers. 1 These risk factors often include: 2 Limited turnout. 3 Increased feed, especially grains. 4 Rigorous exercise. 5 Frequent travel. 6 Competition. 7 Intermittent feeding.",
"When you order your horse's supplements on AutoShip, you're automatically* eligible for our FREE SmartPerks benefits, including: 1 Free ground shipping on what you want, when you want it. 2 10% off all SmartPak brand tack, apparel, and gear. 3 A free Team SmartPak calendar, exclusive email offers and discounts, and more!",
"Many of the warning signs for colonic ulcers are similar to those signifying possible gastric ulcers, including: 1 Weight loss. 2 Resistance under saddle. 3 Irritability and other changes in attitude. 4 Lack of energy and stamina. 5 Loss of appetite. 6 Behavior indicating discomfort around the flanks, often characterized by a dislike of. 7 brushing/blanketing.",
"By prioritizing your horse’s digestive health with smart management, you can ensure that Skippy is a member of the healthy performance horse minority who are free of gastric ulcers. While gastric ulcers are one of the most well-recognized conditions of the equine gut, remember that the stomach makes up just 10% of vast, complicated, and delicate digestive system.",
"The Differences Between Squamous Gastric Ulcers and Glandular Gastric Ulcers in Horses. Squamous Gastric Ulcers (ESGUS) in Horses. Equine Squamous Gastric Ulcer Syndrome refers to ulcerative lesions specifically affecting the squamous portion of the equine stomach, or roughly, the upper third of the stomach."
"url": [
} | what are signs of ulcers in equine | 564,847 | ENTITY | [] |
"1 Partnership name. 2 Business address. 3 Names of Partners. 4 Effective date of agreement. 5 Primary purpose of partnership. 6 Voting requirements for partnership decisions. 7 Specify how costs will be shared among the partners. 8 Specify how profits will be shared among the partners are the key purpose for partnership agreement."
] | {
"is_selected": [
"passage_text": [
"You'll want to use a Partnership Agreement between yourself and the other business partner or partners. Its terms define how the business partnership will be conducted, making it an important foundational document for running your new business.",
"Here are some of the key provisions in a Partnership Agreement: 1 Partnership name. 2 Business address. 3 Names of Partners. 4 Effective date of agreement. 5 Primary purpose of partnership. 6 Voting requirements for partnership decisions. 7 Specify how costs will be shared among the partners. 8 Specify how profits will be shared among the partners.",
"LLCs are for-profit business entities, so even if a state does not require an official business purpose, an LLC should have a business purpose. A limited liability company (LLC) is a relatively business entity created by state law. LLCs typically have the advantages of both partnerships and corporations when it comes to taxation, management and personal liability. State laws vary with regard to LLCs. Accordingly, some states require that an LLC have a business purpose while others do not. LLCs are for-profit business entities, so even if a state does not require an official business purpose, an LLC should have a business purpose. LLC Basics The IRS does not have a set classification for LLCs.",
"Information needed for creating a Partnership Agreement: You'll need to have some information at the ready to create your Partnership Agreement, but most of it you probably know off hand. We'll guide you through the process with our step-by-step process so all you'll have to do is answer a few simple questions. Here are some of the key provisions in a Partnership Agreement: Partnership name.",
"LLCs operating without an operating agreement are governed by the state's default rules contained in the relevant statute and developed through state court decisions. An operating agreement is similar in function to corporate by-laws, or analogous to a partnership agreement in multi-member LLCs.",
"Operating agreement. An operating agreement is a key document used by LLCs because it outlines the business' financial and functional decisions including rules, regulations and provisions. The purpose of the document is to govern the internal operations of the business in a way that suits the specific needs of the business owners.",
"State law varies on what information the members must include in the articles of organization. Under some states’ laws, the members must include a statement regarding the business purpose of the LLC. In many states, the members can put a general statement declaring the purpose of the LLC is for “all lawful business.”",
"Ultra vires is a legal doctrine that states any act a business entity takes that is outside the scope of its business purpose is invalid. Under this doctrine, for example, an LLC could be sued for acts it took outside the scope of what its stated business purpose was.",
"Here are some of the key provisions in a Partnership Agreement: 1 Partnership name. This will be the legal name of your partnership. 2 Business address. This is the physical address for the partnership. 3 Names of Partners. 4 Effective date of agreement. This is the date that the partnership will begin. 5 Primary purpose of partnership.",
"Partnership Dissolution Agreement; Silent Partnership Agreement; Limited Partnership Agreement; If you have any questions about what's right for you and your business, we can connect you with a lawyer for quick answers or a document review."
"url": [
} | what do you put at purpose for partnership agreement | 626,917 | DESCRIPTION | [] |
"up to nine days."
] | {
"is_selected": [
"passage_text": [
"The ICD-9-CM Official Guidelines for Coding and Reporting provide advice on the selection of principal and secondary diagnoses, which LTCHs are required to follow, as the Uniform Hospital Discharge Data Set (UHDDS) definitions are applicable to long-term care hospitals.",
"OASIS does not allow surgical codes, V-codes, and E-codes. This raises a problem for coding for OASIS M0230/M0240 (Diagnoses and Severity Index) in most post-surgical cases where care of the surgical wound is the reason for home care admission.",
"According to ICD-9-CM rules, this is an instance of “multiple coding” for a single diagnosis; in this case, the agency is instructed to report separate codes in a specified order for both the etiology and the manifestation of the disease.",
"RELATED ARTICLES. Differences between Acute and Chronic Injury in Medical Coding/Billing. Many physician encounters are due to injury, and the difference between disease and injury can be blurred which can cause problems for medical coders and billers. A patient may suffer bruising due to disease, for example, but have no history of injury. This is why, for the purposes of coding, you want to be familiar with the varying levels of injury: Acute injury: Damage to the body incurred by accident. Chronic injury: Damage to the body that is a result of overuse or aging.",
"hospital or to order outpatient tests. In the majority of cases, the decision whether to discharge a. patient from the hospital following resolution of the reason for the observation care or to admit the. patient as an inpatient can be made in less than 48 hours, usually in less than 24 hours. In only rare.",
"The time period varies depending on the facility. For example, the timeframe for a patient who is discharged to an acute care facility is up to nine days; the timeframe is up to 27 days for inpatient rehabilitation facility and 45 days for a skilled nursing facility.",
"The type of coding used and how it differs from the. acute inpatient hospital coding will be explained. Historical information. The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) requires the Inpatient Rehabilitation. Facility–Patient Assessment Instrument (IRF-PAI) to be completed as part of the Inpatient.",
"Short stay outliers and interrupted stays in long-term care hospitals also affect reimbursement. A short stay outlier is a patient stay that has a length of stay between one day and up to and including five-sixths of the geometric average length of stay for the MS-LTC DRG.",
"The materials that follow are in three sections: (1) information on general coding principles, with discussion of coding issues pertinent to home health (2) case scenarios for illustration, and (3) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on diagnosis coding.",
"How to code an IRF account. Determine the ICD -9-CM code that best describes the primary reason for the patient’s admission. to the rehabilitation program. At the acute rehabilitation coding setting, the focus is on the aftercare of the patient and services. injury; chronic conditions; and, acute illnesses. identify aftercare following initial treatment of a condition. (CVA). principal diagnosis as well as 438.20 (Late effect of CVA) as the secondary diagnosis."
"url": [
} | medical coding how many days is considered acute? | 451,087 | NUMERIC | [] |
"Deep respect."
] | {
"is_selected": [
"passage_text": [
"rev'-er-ens: In the Old Testament, reverence occurs as the translation of two Hebrew words, yare' and shachah. It is used to express the attitude toward God Himself, as in Psalm 89:7 the King James Version; or toward His sanctuary, as in Leviticus 19:30; Leviticus 26:2.",
"Reverence is defined as deep respect, or is a name given to a holy figure in a religious institution. An example ofreverence is when you show deep and complete respect for the Bible as the word of God. The respectful term used to address a priest is an example ofreverence: Your Reverence..",
"Reverence is defined as deep respect, or is a name given to a holy figure in a religious institution. An example ofreverence is when you show deep and complete respect for the Bible as the word of God. The definition of reverence is treating with great respect.",
"reverence (countable and uncountable, plural reverences) 1 Veneration; profound awe and respect, normally in a sacred context. 2 An act of showing respect, such as a bow. Goldsmith Make twenty reverences upon receiving […] about twopence. 3 The state of being revered.",
"To have reverence for God is to stand in awe of Him for all that He has done to redeem us. This redemptive love should make us stand in wonder and amazement that He would die for us while were still His enemies and “God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Rom 5:8).",
"a feeling or attitude of deep respect tinged with awe; veneration. 2. the outward manifestation of this feeling: to pay reverence. 3. a gesture indicative of deep respect; an obeisance, bow, or curtsy. 4. the state of being revered, or treated with respect tinged with awe. 5. (initial capital letter) a title used in addressing or mentioning a member of the clergy (usually preceded by your or his).",
"rev'-er-ens: In the Old Testament, reverence occurs as the translation of two Hebrew words, yare' and shachah. The root idea of the former is fear.. It is used to express the attitude toward God Himself, as in Psalm 89:7 the King James Version; or toward His sanctuary, as in Leviticus 19:30; Leviticus 26:2.",
"The group of ideas here, therefore, is honor, obeisance, reverence.. In the New Testament reverence occurs as the translation of three Greek words, aidos, phobeomai, and entrepomai. In the first, the idea is modesty (Hebrews 12:28; compare 1 Timothy 2:9).",
"A form of address for some members of the clergy. your reverence. That which deserves or exacts manifestations of reverence; reverend character; dignity; state. Shakespeare I am forced to lay my reverence by.",
"reverence (countable and uncountable, plural reverences) 1 Veneration; profound awe and respect, normally in a sacred context. 2 An act of showing respect, such as a bow. 3 The state of being revered. A form of address for some members of the 1 clergy. That which deserves or exacts manifestations of reverence; reverend character; dignity; state."
"url": [
} | the meaning of reverence | 517,120 | DESCRIPTION | [] |
"Bronchial wall thickening is an imaging descriptor used to abnormal thickening of bronchial walls and can arise from vast number of pathologically entities."
] | {
"is_selected": [
"passage_text": [
"In the lungs, thick bronchial secretions block the small airways, which become inflamed. As the disease progresses, the bronchial walls thicken, the airways fill with infected secretions, areas of the lung contract, and lymph nodes enlarge.In the liver, thick secretions block the bile ducts.Obstruction may also occur in the gallbladder. In the pancreas, thick secretions may block the gland completely.s the disease progresses, the bronchial walls thicken, the airways fill with infected secretions, areas of the lung contract, and lymph nodes enlarge. In the liver, thick secretions block the bile ducts. Obstruction may also occur in the gallbladder.",
"Thickening of bronchial secretions: Related Topics. These medical condition or symptom topics may be relevant to medical information for Thickening of bronchial secretions:1 Bronchial. 2 Bronchial symptoms (273 causes).hickening of bronchial secretions: Related Topics. These medical condition or symptom topics may be relevant to medical information for Thickening of bronchial secretions: 1 Bronchial.",
"Below is a list of common medications used to treat or reduce the symptoms of Thick Bronchial Secretions. Follow the links to read common uses, side effects, dosage details and read user reviews for the drugs listed below. Your search for Thick Bronchial Secretions returned the following treatments.elow is a list of common medications used to treat or reduce the symptoms of Thick Bronchial Secretions. Follow the links to read common uses, side effects, dosage details and read user reviews for the drugs listed below. Your search for Thick Bronchial Secretions returned the following treatments.",
"Dr Yuranga Weerakkody ◉ et al. Bronchial wall thickening is an imaging descriptor used to abnormal thickening of bronchial walls and can arise from vast number of pathologically entities. It is one of causes of peribronchial cuffing.The presence of bronchial wall thickening usually (but not always) implies inflammation or the airways.ronchial wall thickening is an imaging descriptor used to abnormal thickening of bronchial walls and can arise from vast number of pathologically entities.",
"Bronchial wall thickening is an imaging descriptor used to abnormal thickening of bronchial walls and can arise from vast number of pathologically entities.It is one of causes of peribronchial cuffing. The presence of bronchial wall thickening usually (but not always) implies inflammation or the airways.ronchial wall thickening is an imaging descriptor used to abnormal thickening of bronchial walls and can arise from vast number of pathologically entities.",
"Bronchiectasis is an under-diagnosed disease -- with the potential to cause devastating lung damage. It affects the walls of the large airways of the lung, slowly destroying the muscles and the elastic tissues that line the bronchial tubes.Normal airways are built to contract and funnel mucus out of the lungs.ronchiectasis is an under-diagnosed disease -- with the potential to cause devastating lung damage. It affects the walls of the large airways of the lung, slowly destroying the muscles and the elastic tissues that line the bronchial tubes.",
"What Causes Mucus in the Lungs. COPD means chronic obstructive disease under which two spectrums of diseases are grouped-chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Chronic bronchitis is characterized by over-activity of mucus secreting glands of bronchi which lead to excess secretion of mucus which blocks the bronchioles.While in emphysema it is characterized by over-distension of alveoli and bronchioles.Usually chronic bronchitis and emphysema co-exist.hronic bronchitis is characterized by over-activity of mucus secreting glands of bronchi which lead to excess secretion of mucus which blocks the bronchioles. While in emphysema it is characterized by over-distension of alveoli and bronchioles. Usually chronic bronchitis and emphysema co-exist.",
"People with the disease called cystic fibrosis (CF) often have their bronchial tubes obstructed by the thick, sticky mucus which is a hallmark of CF. Toxic exposures (breathing ammonia, for example) can harm the bronchi, and lead to bronchiectasis.ymptoms of bronchiectasis include constant cough and the production of infected sputum (sputum is a mixture of mucus and pus), which may be bloody. In some cases, there may be wheezing and shortness of breath.",
"The bronchial tubes are the networks of branching tubes which deliver air to the tiny sacs of the lungs (alveoli). In bronchiectasis, the diameter of the bronchi is unusually large. Examination of the walls of the bronchial tubes reveals destruction of the normal structural elements, with replacement by scar tissue.ymptoms of bronchiectasis include constant cough and the production of infected sputum (sputum is a mixture of mucus and pus), which may be bloody. In some cases, there may be wheezing and shortness of breath.",
"WHAT CAUSES BRONCHIECTASIS? The key element to the development of bronchiectasis appears to be inflammatory destruction of the muscle, elastic tissue and cartilage of the bronchial wall by infected mucous in close and prolonged contact with the bronchial wall.Bronchiectasis can occur anywhere in the lung.HAT CAUSES BRONCHIECTASIS? The key element to the development of bronchiectasis appears to be inflammatory destruction of the muscle, elastic tissue and cartilage of the bronchial wall by infected mucous in close and prolonged contact with the bronchial wall."
"url": [
} | thick bronchial secretions causes | 519,828 | DESCRIPTION | [] |
"No Answer Present."
] | {
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"passage_text": [
"People use minerals in so many different ways. Mineral are used in industrial processes and most things like jewelry, fuel, clothing, furniture and fittings are made from … minerals. Chromite (iron magnesium chromium oxide) is the main ore of chromium and is also used as a refracto … ry material. Diamond (a carbon allotrope) is mined for its high value as a gemstone, but it is also an excellent abrasive.",
"The roads we ride or drive on and the buildings we live learn and work in all contain minerals. Below is a selected list of commonly used metallic and nonmetallic minerals, ore minerals, mineral byproducts, aggregates, and rock types that are used to make products we use in our daily life.arium is an element, derived primarily from the mineral barite, and used as a heavy additive in oil-well-drilling mud, paints, rubber, plastic and paper; production of barium chemicals; and glass manufacturing.",
"Igneous rocks form when magma or lava cools and hardens into a rock. Magma and lava are rocks that are so hot they move like a liquid. Magma is molten rock that is underground; lava is molten rock that is above the ground – and that is the only difference between them.xplains the difference between rocks and minerals and the properties of minerals. The site also includes a list of field guides and books on rocks and minerals. Mineral Matters: How to Identify Minerals. Provides an overview of the physical properties used to identify minerals.",
"MINERALS. Minerals, quite simply, are the building blocks for making rocks, and a rock is made up of one or more minerals. When you look at a rock and see different colors, those colors are minerals that make up that specific rock.xplains the difference between rocks and minerals and the properties of minerals. The site also includes a list of field guides and books on rocks and minerals. Mineral Matters: How to Identify Minerals. Provides an overview of the physical properties used to identify minerals.",
"A native element; antimony metal is extracted from stibnite ore and other minerals. Used as a hardening alloy for lead, especially storage batteries and cable sheaths; also used in bearing metal, type metal, solder, collapsible tubes and foil, sheet and pipes and semiconductor technology.auxite ore is the main source of aluminum and must be imported from Jamaica, Guinea, Brazil, Guyana, etc. Used in transportation (automobiles), packaging, building/construction, electrical, machinery and other uses.",
"Click on each shelf cubby to get a closer look. We use things made from rocks and minerals every day. It is estimated that every person in the United States will use more than three million pounds of rocks, minerals and metals during their lifetime.t is estimated that every person in the United States will use more than three million pounds of rocks, minerals and metals during their lifetime.",
"Minerals are the source of gemstones, metals, and other materials used to make many projects. gemstones are maid mainly for jewelry. they are also used for grinding and as an … d polishing. minerals are also a source of metals such as iron copper and silver.Metal tools aluminum foil and the steel used to make cars all began as minerals. Chromite (iron magnesium chromium oxide) is the main ore of chromium and is also used as a refracto … ry material. Diamond (a carbon allotrope) is mined for its high value as a gemstone, but it is also an excellent abrasive.",
"Best Answer: There are more than three but here are some. Minerals form in igneous rocks when magmas crystallize. Minerals form in metamorphic rocks when pressure (and temperature) causes elements to replace other elements in preexisting minerals.inerals form in igneous rocks when magmas crystallize. Minerals form in metamorphic rocks when pressure (and temperature) causes elements to replace other elements in preexisting minerals.",
"Two ways in which minerals can form were not mentioned: recrystallization and dehydration. Some minerals are unstable. The mineral aragonite has the same chemical composition as the mineral calcite, but has a different crystalline structure (so they are separate minerals). know that the tree basic ways that minerals form are solidification of a melt; precipitation from solution; and solid-state diffusion.",
"I know that the tree basic ways that minerals form are solidification of a melt; precipitation from solution; and solid-state diffusion.What I want to know are what they are cuz the names are all that I know.Any websities that will tell me this are appreciated as well as information you give. know that the tree basic ways that minerals form are solidification of a melt; precipitation from solution; and solid-state diffusion."
"url": [
} | name are three ways minerals are used | 461,177 | DESCRIPTION | [] |
"Fisher price of i can play keyboard is $32.99."
] | {
"is_selected": [
"passage_text": [
"See all results for fisher price i can play piano. 1 Fisher-Price I Can Play Piano System. by Fisher-Price. 2 I Can Play Piano Software - Nicktoons Show Tunes. by Fisher-Price. 3 I Can Play Piano Software - Dora's Musical Adventure. by Fisher-Price. Fisher-Price Kick and Play Piano Gym by Fisher-Price. 4.7 out of 5 stars 1,344.",
"What's it about? Fisher-Price's I CAN PLAY PIANO comes packaged with a three-octave, color-coded keyboard that plugs into the audio/video input jacks of your television; it comes with one cartridge containing eight songs that can be played in four different song modes.",
"Review this title! Fisher-Price's I CAN PLAY PIANO comes packaged with a three-octave, color-coded keyboard that plugs into the audio/video input jacks of your television; it comes with one cartridge containing eight songs that can be played in four different song modes.",
"Fisher-Price I Can Play Guitar System (blue) by Fisher-Price. 3.3 out of 5 stars 38. $84.95(3 new offers) Manufacturer recommended age: 6 - 10 Years. Product Features. It uses the same proven color coding method as the popular I Can Play Piano!.",
"Play with the keyboard away from your TV. NOTE: When the keyboard is plugged into the wall, the batteries are not being used. It. is best to remove the batteries from the battery compartment if the keyboard is. normally used with the AC/DC adaptor to avoid battery leakage. PAUSE.",
"Fisher-Price Fisher-Price I Can Play Piano American Idol System. Description Item # SPM13487244824 Model # 0027084416046. Can Play Piano is a piano teaching system that uses video game technology to teach children to quickly and easily master the basics of piano, and have fun doing it.",
"See all results for fisher price i can play piano. 1 Fisher-Price I Can Play Piano System. 2 I Can Play Piano Software - Nicktoons Show Tunes. 3 I Can Play Piano Software - Dora's Musical Adventure. Fisher-Price Kick and Play Piano Gym by Fisher- 1 Price. I Can Play Guitar System - Purple. I Can Play Piano Software - Holiday Wonderland.",
"Elephant piano Fisher price Play, record and stop function $32.99. Buy It Now. or Best Offer. Fisher-Price Elephant Piano Your little musician can play his or her heart out with the Fisher-Price Elephant Piano. This mini piano features 13 keys and four animal sounds to create fun masterpieces,... Fisher Price Music Elephant Piano Young Child Fun Learning $29.99. Buy It Now.",
"I CAN PLAY™ PIANO can function with either an AC/DC adaptor that plugs into your. wall or with batteries. (See the QUICK SET-UP INSTRUCTIONS for further detail) • The battery compartments are located on the back of the keyboard. • Unscrew and lift each cover away from its battery compartment.",
"Fisher-Price Fisher Price I Can Play Piano System I Can Play Piano uses video game technology to help children quickly master the basics of piano and have fun doing it. The easy-to-follow graphics and musical color-coding system turn every song into a simple game that your child plays using the keyboard. 10 Reviews. Consumer Reviews Sort by."
"url": [
} | fisher price i can play keyboard | 187,582 | NUMERIC | [] |
"No Answer Present."
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"is_selected": [
"passage_text": [
"1 The average cost of living in a not-for-profit. 2 is $2,672.00 per month, or $32,064.00 annually. 3 The average monthly rate for. 4 is $4,270.00 per month or $51,240.00 annually. 5 To move into a community, individuals might also have to pay an. 6 ranging from $60,000.00 to $120,000.00 or more.",
"1 Sunrise Senior Living of Presque Isle Bay is an assisted living facility in Erie, PA. 2 Sunrise Senior Living of Presque Isle Bay offers activities at their location for residents. 3 These activities generally allow residents to maintain healthy lifestyles by encouraging movement and socializing with their peers.",
"Assisted Living Costs by State. The Genworth 2015 Cost of Care Survey is the most comprehensive study of its kind. Genworth Financial surveyed approximatey 15% of assisted living communities. The monthly cost is for a one-bedroom unit in an assisted living facility.",
"Sunrise Senior Living is the second largest assisted living provider in the United States, with 291 communities. Sunrise is a pioneer in the assisted living space, having been in operation for more than 30 years. Sunrise communities house more than 33,000 seniors – about 28,000 of which are assisted living residents.",
"1 Sunrise Senior Living of Presque Isle Bay is operated by Sunrise Senior Living. - 2 Beautiful views of Presque Isle Bay. - 3 Right on the Bayfront Walkway with close proximity to Frontier Park, Hospital complex, and interstate highways.",
"The cost of assisted living varies significantly between facilities across the nation and even within the same city. We have compiled estimated costs of assisted living facilities in the United States from many industry surveys. The costs of assisted living care depend on the level of service a resident requires. The 2010 CDC National Survey of Residential Care Facilities provides some treasured insights into the costs of assisted living, but also how facilities charge residents.",
"1 Staff is awake and available 24 hours a day so if any emergencies occur no matter the time, there will be someone ready to help. 2 Sunrise Senior Living of Presque Isle Bay is operated by Sunrise Senior Living. - 3 Beautiful views of Presque Isle Bay.",
"1 The benefit of living in an assisted living community is that making meals can be costly and time consuming process so Sunrise Senior Living of Presque Isle Bay provides meals for residents. 2 Staff is awake and available 24 hours a day so if any emergencies occur no matter the time, there will be someone ready to help.",
"Sunrise at River Road is located in Tucson, Arizona and offers a warm and caring environment for seniors who need assistance with daily living tasks.There are indoor and outdoor common areas available to residents.",
"Many Sunrise Senior Living communities have also received the Senior Advisor Excellence Award based on ratings and reviews from consumers. To qualify for an Excellence Award, communities must have received an average overall rating of at least 4.5 stars (out of five) based on a minimum number of reviews."
"url": [
} | average cost for sunrise senior living | 32,475 | NUMERIC | [] |
"Phish is try to obtain financial or other confidential information from Internet users."
] | {
"is_selected": [
"passage_text": [
"Commenting the date of a show, and adding !setlistbot to the comment, will trigger a response from /u/setlistbot. This response includes the shows setlist, links to listen to the show, and a link to for more information. Example: 12-31-99 Check out this awesome show !setlistbot Useful Links",
"phish. 1 to try to obtain financial or other confidential information from Internet users, typically by sending an email that looks as if it is from a legitimate organization, usually a financial institution, but contains a link to a fake website that replicates the real one.",
"Audio. 1 LivePhish. 2 The Spreadsheet - Download MP3s of ALL freely-traded Phish recordings. 3 - Stream 'The Spreadsheet' instead of downloading it. 4 - Same idea as phishtracks, different interface. 5 - Stats for, Phish On Demand, and",
"Phish's audio and video policy Please do not post links to any downloadable SBDs or ripped webcasts of shows that were officially released. It violates Phish's guidelines, and it has always been an unwritten rule here, until now, that official soundboard content should not be posted. Phish explicitly outlines their audio and video guidelines here: Audio recording policy",
" - All things Phish: Setlists, Song Histories, Blog, Discussions, etc. Phish History Listening List /r/phish Redditors on Twitter. Emil's Tabs - Phish Tablature. Trader's Little Helper. Free iPhone tour app created by a fellow redditor. Mr. Miner's Phish Thoughts. Subreddit Rules. This is a Phish group, not a political group.",
"Phan1: Phish is probably the best band in the world. The musical composition of their works is incredibly complex and technically difficult. Their concerts are amazing and never the same, because they are proficient enough on their instruments to be able to improvise.",
"verb (used without object) 1. to try to obtain financial or other confidential information from Internet users, typically by sending an email that looks as if it is from a legitimate organization, usually a financial institution, but contains a link to a fake website that replicates the real one.",
"Other. / 1 r/phish Cash or Trade Group, post trades HERE! 2 - All things Phish: Setlists, Song Histories, Blog, Discussions, etc. 3 Phish History Listening List. / 4 r/phish Redditors on Twitter. 5 Emil's Tabs - Phish Tablature. 6 Trader's Little Helper. 7 Free iPhone tour app created by a fellow redditor. 8 Mr. Miner's Phish Thoughts.",
"Even if your post has Phish content, if it is political, it will be removed. If a band member does something politically related, that will stay, but otherwise, please, Phish content only. Regarding ISO and FS ticket posts:",
"Oftened generalized as granola rockers or as the band that picked up the mantle of the Grateful Dead, The music of Phish draws from styles and genres including rock (in its loosest sense), jazz, blue grass, funk. Phish has been known to perform in wetsuits, on flying hot dogs, with gospel choirs and using a vacume cleaner. Phish is, first and foremost, a jam band. Concerts are made up of long periods of instrumental rocking and chord progression manipulation and expansion whereas studio versions of songs more often list more filler songs (although they are still good) and shortened versions of the huge concert warhorse pieces."
"url": [
} | what are phish | 563,205 | DESCRIPTION | [] |
"It is the ability to think critically about information."
] | {
"is_selected": [
"passage_text": [
"The ability to use information technologies effectively to find and manage information, and the ability to critically evaluate and ethically apply that information to solve a problem are some of the hallmarks of an information literate individual.",
"Show More Show Less. - Hello, my name is Elsa Loftis, and welcome to this course on information literacy. I hope that through this course you become better, quicker, and more thorough researchers. And better students too. Through this course I hope to help you better understand the massive world of information.",
"Information literacy is the ability to think critically about information. It is a fundamental part of critical inquiry in the Information Age. The information literate student can: 1. Determine the extent of information he or she needs.",
"The Presidential Committee on Information Literacy defined information literacy as a set of skills, which require an individual to: “recognize when information is needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate, and use effectively the needed information.”(2)",
"Information literacy is the ability to think critically about information. It is a fundamental part of critical inquiry in the Information Age. Although the term ´information literacy´ is spreading throughout the library literature today, it is not a new idea.",
"“Information literacy forms the basis for lifelong learning. It is common to all disciplines, to all learning environments, and to all levels of education. It enables learners to master content and extend their investigations, become more self-directed, and assume greater control over their own learning.”(1)",
"Information literacy is the ability to discover and use various types of information. It's an essential skill for navigating the information age. Watch this course to learn about strategies for finding information—from a library, archive, database, or the Internet—and the ethics of using it.",
"Information literacy is the ability to think critically about information. It is a fundamental part of critical inquiry in the Information Age. The information literate student can: 1. 1 Determine the extent of information he or she needs. Access the needed information effectively and efficiently.",
"If a student has learned how to learn, upon graduation, they are a much more attractive job candidate. An information literate individual--with their strong analytical, critical thinking and problem-solving skills--can be expected to be an adaptable, capable and valuable employee, with much to contribute.",
"Other characteristics of an information literate individual include the spirit of inquiry and perseverance to find out what is necessary to get the job done. We live in the Information Age, and information is increasing at a rapid pace. We have the Internet, television, radio, and other information resources available to us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. However, just because so much information is so easily and quickly available does not mean that all of it is worthwhile or even true."
"url": [
} | what is information literacy | 759,129 | DESCRIPTION | [] |
"No, The colon is also called the large intestine."
] | {
"is_selected": [
"passage_text": [
"Diagnosis and Tests. 1 Colonoscopy: MedlinePlus Health Topic (National Library of Medicine) Also in Spanish. 2 Lower GI Series (Barium Enema) (National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases) Also in Spanish.",
"It is a musculomembranous tube lined with a secretory and/or absorptive mucosa, comprising the small intestine and large intestine; called also bowel and gut. See also intestinal tract. Distended and congested loops of intestine in a cow with intussusception.",
"During a bowel movement, the muscles of the rectal wall contract to move stool from the rectum to the anus, a 1-inch-long opening through which stool leaves the body. The lower GI tract. Anatomic problems of the lower GI tract may involve parts of organs being in the wrong place, shaped abnormally, or incorrectly connected to other organs. Anatomic problems that affect the large intestine or anus include malrotation, volvulus, intussusception, fistula, imperforate anus, and colonic atresia.",
"The ascending colon is the first of four sections of the large intestine. It is connected to the small intestine by a section of bowel called the cecum. The ascending colon runs upwards through the abdominal cavity toward the transverse colon for approximately eight inches (20 cm).",
"These infections occur primarily in the large intestine (note some of these organisms can also infect the small intestine) and can invade the surrounding tissues. Invasion of the intestine can result in blood in the feces and cause an inflammatory response with significant numbers of fecal leukocytes.",
"The small intestine is a long tube that connects the stomach to the large intestine. It folds many times to fit inside the abdomen. Enlarge The small intestine connects the stomach and the colon. It includes the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum. There are five types of small intestine cancer. The types of cancer found in the small intestine are adenocarcinoma, sarcoma, carcinoid tumors, gastrointestinal stromal tumor, and lymphoma. This summary discusses adenocarcinoma and leiomyosarcoma (a type of sarcoma).",
"The gastrointestinal tract is an organ system within humans and other animals which takes in food, digests it to extract and absorb energy and nutrients, and expels the remaining waste as feces. The mouth, esophagus, stomach, and intestines are part of the gastrointestinal tract. Gastrointestinal is an adjective meaning of or pertaining to the stomach and intestines. A tract is a collection of related anatomic structures or a series of connected body organs. All bilaterians have a gastrointestin",
"On embryologic grounds, the GI tract should be divided into upper (mouth to major papilla in the duodenum), middle (duodenal papilla to midtransverse colon), and lower (mid-transverse colon to anus) according to the derivation of these 3 areas from the foregut, midgut, and hindgut, respectively.",
"The colon is also called the large intestine. The ileum (last part of the small intestine) connects to the cecum (first part of the colon) in the lower right abdomen. The rest of the colon is divided into four parts: • The ascending colon travels up the right side of the abdomen. • The transverse colon runs across the abdomen. • The descending colon travels down the left abdomen. • The sigmoid colon is a short curving of the colon, just before the rectum.",
"The sigmoid colon is the part of the large intestine after the descending colon and before the rectum. The name sigmoid means S-shaped (see sigmoid; cf. sigmoid sinus). The walls of the sigmoid colon are muscular, and contract to increase the pressure inside the colon, causing the stool to move into the rectum."
"url": [
} | is the colon in the lower intestine | 1,174,754 | DESCRIPTION | [] |
"No Answer Present."
] | {
"is_selected": [
"passage_text": [
"How to disable app icon badges in Notification Center. 1 Launch the Settings app on your iPhone or iPad. 2 Tap on Notification Center. 3 Scroll down and find the app you'd like to disable app icon badges for and tap on it. 4 Turn the option for Badge App Icon to Off. Launch the Settings app on your iPhone or iPad. 2 Tap on Notification Center. 3 Scroll down and find the app you'd like to disable sounds for and tap on it. 4 Turn the option for Sounds to Off. 5 This also disables any vibration alerts that may be attached to that sound alert.",
"How to disable Lock screen alerts Notification Center. 1 Launch the Settings app on your iPhone or iPad. 2 Tap on Notification Center. 3 Scroll down and find the app you'd like to disable Lock screen alerts for and tap on it. 4 Again, scroll down to the bottom and now turn the option for Show on Lock Screen to Off. Launch the Settings app on your iPhone or iPad. 2 Tap on Notification Center. 3 Scroll down and find the app you'd like to disable sounds for and tap on it. 4 Turn the option for Sounds to Off. 5 This also disables any vibration alerts that may be attached to that sound alert.",
"1 Launch the Settings app on your iPhone or iPad. 2 Tap on Notification Center. 3 Scroll down and find the app you'd like to disable Lock screen alerts for and tap on it. 4 Again, scroll down to the bottom and now turn the option for Show on Lock Screen to Off. Launch the Settings app on your iPhone or iPad. 2 Tap on Notification Center. 3 Scroll down and find the app you'd like to disable sounds for and tap on it. 4 Turn the option for Sounds to Off. 5 This also disables any vibration alerts that may be attached to that sound alert.",
"How to disable banners and pop-up alerts in Notification Center. 1 Launch the Settings app on your iPhone or iPad. 2 Tap on Notification Center. 3 Scroll down and find the app you'd like to disable banners or pop-up alerts for and tap on it. 4 At the top under Alert Type, tap on None. Launch the Settings app on your iPhone or iPad. 2 Tap on Notification Center. 3 Scroll down and find the app you'd like to disable sounds for and tap on it. 4 Turn the option for Sounds to Off. 5 This also disables any vibration alerts that may be attached to that sound alert.",
"1 Launch the Settings app on your iPhone or iPad. 2 Tap on Notification Center. 3 Scroll down and find the app you'd like to disable sounds for and tap on it. 4 Turn the option for Sounds to Off. 5 This also disables any vibration alerts that may be attached to that sound alert. Launch the Settings app on your iPhone or iPad. 2 Tap on Notification Center. 3 Scroll down and find the app you'd like to disable sounds for and tap on it. 4 Turn the option for Sounds to Off. 5 This also disables any vibration alerts that may be attached to that sound alert.",
"Use Notifications. You can access your Alerts and Banners Notifications from any screen, including the Lock screen. Just swipe down from the top of the screen. You can also tap a notification in the Lock screen to open the related app.OS apps on iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch have three types of notifications: 1 Sounds/Vibrate: An audible alert plays. 2 Alerts/Banners: An alert or banner appears on the screen. 3 Badges: An image or number appears on the application icon.",
"← Knowledge Base. If you have locations setup for alert notifications on our iOS Weather App, you can remove them by tapping More on the bottom-right, then Settings, and then Manage Notifications.Slide your finger from right-to-left to reveal a Delete button next to any of the locations.Tap that to remove the notification. Knowledge Base. If you have locations setup for alert notifications on our iOS Weather App, you can remove them by tapping More on the bottom-right, then Settings, and then Manage Notifications.Slide your finger from right-to-left to reveal a Delete button next to any of the locations.",
"With Notifications you can see alerts and related information for iOS apps. You can see which notifications you have set up in the Notification Center. Learn more about Notifications and how to use them on iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. iOS apps on iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch have three types of notifications:1 Sounds/Vibrate: An audible alert plays.2 Alerts/Banners: An alert or banner appears on the screen.3 Badges: An image or number appears on the application icon.OS apps on iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch have three types of notifications: 1 Sounds/Vibrate: An audible alert plays. 2 Alerts/Banners: An alert or banner appears on the screen. 3 Badges: An image or number appears on the application icon.",
"1. Open the Settings app and tap Notifications. 2. Tap the app whose notifications you want to silence. (In the above screenshot, we've selected the Messages app.). 3. Slide the Allow Notifications toggle to the “Off” position. 1 Best iOS Apps You Should Be Using.2 How to Turn Off Your iPhone's Location Services.3 Best iOS Games.. Open the Settings app and tap Notifications. 2. Tap the app whose notifications you want to silence. (In the above screenshot, we've selected the Messages app.). 3. Slide the Allow Notifications toggle to the “Off” position. 1 Best iOS Apps You Should Be Using.",
"Note. For your application to use notifications, you need to enable them on a named cache. Use the notificationsEnabled parameter with the New-Cache or Set-CacheConfig commands. For more information, see Using Windows PowerShell to Manage Windows Server AppFabric Caching Features. Declare the DataCacheNotificationDescriptor object you use to add a callback at a scope that is accessible to the code that will remove the callback. 2 Use the RemoveCallback method to remove the cache notification callback. 3 Use the appropriate DataCacheNotificationDescriptor object for the nd parameter."
"url": [
} | how to remove callback notification on iphone | 375,884 | DESCRIPTION | [] |
"The time change in New Zealand was made in 1941 during the second World War, in which the clocks were advanced by half an hour, making New Zealand 12 hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time."
] | {
"is_selected": [
"passage_text": [
"On 2 November 1868, New Zealand officially adopted a standard time to be observed nationally, and was perhaps the first country to do so. It was based on longitude 172° 30′ East of Greenwich, 111⁄2 hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).",
"New Zealand Daylight Time (NZDT) is 13 hours ahead of UTC, and Chatham Daylight Time (CHADT) 13 hours 45 minutes ahead. New Zealand dependencies, the Cook Islands, Niue and Tokelau, use several different times zones at their own discretion.",
"Country: New Zealand. Lat/Long: 36°51'S / 174°46'E. Currency: NZ Dollar (NZD) Languages: English, Māori, New Zealand Sign Language. Dial Codes: +64 - See how to dial",
"Time in New Zealand. New Zealand has two time zones. The main islands use New Zealand Standard Time (NZST), 12 hours in advance of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) / military M (Mike), while the outlying Chatham Islands use Chatham Standard Time (CHAST), 12 hours 45 minutes in advance of UTC / military M^ (Mike-Three).",
"Main World Clock Extended World Clock Personal World Clock World Time Lookup Time Articles Home Time Zones World Clock New Zealand Auckland Current Local Time in Auckland, New Zealand (Tāmaki Makaurau)",
"Create New Zealand calendar. Upcoming Holidays. Feb 6 - Waitangi Day; Mar 30 - Good Friday; Apr 2 - Easter Monday; More Holidays in New Zealand",
"The Time Act 1974 defines New Zealand Standard Time as 12 hours in advance of UTC. In 2011, the New Zealand dependency of Tokelau moved its time zone forward by 24 hours, by skipping 30 December.",
"There are dependencies of New Zealand in the Pacific Ocean, in three different time zones, two of them on the other side of the International Date Line: 1 The Cook Islands are in the UTC−10:00 time zone /Military W (Whiskey) and do not observe daylight saving time.",
"This standard was known as New Zealand Mean Time (NZMT). In 1941, during the Second World War, clocks were advanced half an hour, making New Zealand 12 hours ahead of GMT. This change was made permanent from 1946 by the Standard Time Act 1945, at which the time at the 180°E meridian was made the basis for New Zealand Time. NZST remained half an hour ahead of NZMT, and the Chatham Islands 45 minutes ahead of NZST.",
"Current local time in New Zealand – Auckland. Get Auckland's weather and area codes, time zone and DST. Explore Auckland's sunrise and sunset, moonrise and moonset."
"url": [
} | time change new zealand | 520,776 | NUMERIC | [] |
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"passage_text": [
"1 Bake for 45 minutes for sweet potatoes/yams that are 2-3 inches in diameter. For sweet potatoes that are up to 4 inches in diameter, bake for an hour. For super large sweet potatoes, bake for an hour and 15 minutes. After the time has elapsed, don't open the oven but turn it off.",
"1 Turn the oven on to 425. Bake for 45 minutes for sweet potatoes/yams that are 2-3 inches in diameter. For sweet potatoes that are up to 4 inches in diameter, bake for an hour. For super large sweet potatoes, bake for an hour and 15 minutes.",
"1 Prick your sweet potatoes each 2-3 time with a fork, then place them directly on the oven rack in the middle of the oven, above the rack with the foil. Turn the oven on to 425. Bake for 45 minutes for sweet potatoes/yams that are 2-3 inches in diameter.",
"1 Don't preheat the oven. Prick your sweet potatoes each 2-3 time with a fork, then place them directly on the oven rack in the middle of the oven, above the rack with the foil. Turn the oven on to 425. Bake for 45 minutes for sweet potatoes/yams that are 2-3 inches in diameter.",
"Step 2: Prepare the potatoes for baking by washing them under running water. Scrub them well, because you will be eating the skin and you dont want any mud on them. Step 3: Preheat your oven to the desired temperature. Step 4: Pierce the potatoes with a fork or knife at every side.",
"1. Preheat oven and wash the sweet potatoes: Preheat oven to 375°F. Scrub the sweet potatoes well and pat them dry with a dish towel. 2. Oil them up: Prepare squares of aluminum foil for as many sweet potatoes as you are roasting. Place each potato on a foil square and drizzle with a small amount of vegetable oil.",
"1 For super large sweet potatoes, bake for an hour and 15 minutes. After the time has elapsed, don't open the oven but turn it off. Let the sweet potatoes sit in the oven for at least 30 minutes but up to an hour. Remove from the oven and eat immediately, or remove the skin and store in a container in the fridge.",
"Cooking Sweet Potatoes<br /><i><b></b></i><i><b>Our sweet potato cooks give some advice:</b></i><ul><li>I usually bake a small- to medium-sized sweet potato for 40 minutes in a 350-degree oven. I usually pierce it once or twice with a fork and put foil under it while it cooks.",
"Baking potatoes requires a temperature range between 300 and 400F, depending upon the type of oven you use. Medium size potatoes will have to be baked for 45 minutes at 400F or for 60 minutes at 350F or 90 minutes at 325F in a regular oven. If you use convection ovens, you will have to bake the potatoes for 45 minutes at 375F or 60 minutes at 325F or 90 minutes at 300F. Convection ovens cook faster than regular ovens so the rule of thumb is to set the temperature in convection ovens at least 25F lower than you would set in a regular oven. The higher the baking temperature, the lesser the time required for baking. Baking time also depends on the size of the potatoes.",
"Be sure the foil is well-sealed. Place on a baking sheet and put them into the oven to roast. 4. Check for doneness: Depending on the size of your potatoes, it may take between 30 minutes to 1 hour for them to be done. Check at 30 minutes by squeezing one of the potatoes in a oven mitt protected hand and inserting a sharp knife or fork into the center. They should feel quite soft and the knife should easily glide all the way through. If not return to the oven and check again in 10 minutes. 5."
"url": [
} | temperature to bake sweet potatoes in oven | 512,870 | NUMERIC | [
"Sweet Potatoes should be baked at 425 degrees in oven."
] |
"No Answer Present."
] | {
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"passage_text": [
"Blank Wine Labels - High Gloss - Water Resistant - White - For Inkjet Printers - 40 Labels - 10 Sheets. Excellent quality; easy to work with; beautiful labels using ink-jet printer and photo paper selection.",
"Endurance: The CD jewel case has a tight and firm grip of the CD because of the tray's teeth or lock. Because of this, even if the CD jewel case is turned upside-down, left, or right, the CD is held in place. Flimsier cases may cause the CD to become loose, or even fall out.",
"Sort by: 1 EconoMatte Jewel Case Insert Card - Now Offering Our PhotoMatte For the Same Price Our price $21.95. (0 reviews) Qty : Out of stock. 2 EconoMatte Jewel Case Inserts - 100 Booklets Our price $34.95. (0 reviews) Qty. 3 EconoMatte Jewel Case Inserts - 500 Booklets Our price $109.95. (0 reviews) Qty.",
"Available CD Back Tray Card Insert Size. Our CD jewel case back tray card inserts are available in standard 4.63 x 5.88 final trim size. All tray inserts are cut and scored to fit in the back of standard CD cases: Print Guidelines.",
"Most slim jewel cases sold for burned CDs use the measure 142 by 125 by 5 millimetres (5.59 in × 4.92 in × 0.20 in), which is roughly half the thickness of a standard CD jewel case, allowing twice as many CDs to be stored in the same space, and will generally fit two to a slot in a standard CD rack.",
"Cost-effectiveness: Because the CD jewel case is the standard, most-commonly used CD case, it is much cheaper. The price of the CD jewel case usually ranges from $0.75 to $0.95. That is a few cents cheaper than digipaks and other CD wallets.",
"Our CD jewel case panels or booklets measure 4.75 x 4.75 and are available in five standard packaging sizes: 1 1 panel (2 sided) paper insert. 2 2 panel (4 page) folded paper insert. 3 4 panel (8 page) stapled booklet. 6 panel (12 page) stapled 1 booklet. 8 panel (16 page) stapled booklet.",
"Why Disc Makers is the only choice for your CD jewel cases. 1 Your CDs will look amazing, thanks to our award-winning, full-color silkscreen on-disc printing. 2 Our jewel cases come with your choice of black, white, or clear tray and CD inserts with 2 panels all the way up to a massive 40-page booklet. 3 We guarantee our 5-, 3-, and 1-day turn times.",
"SureThing Jewel Case Back tray inserts work perfectly with standard size jewel cases. These two-per-sheet back tray inserts have a light, perforated j-card scoring for optional spine printing.",
"Why Disc Makers is the only choice for your CD jewel cases. 1 Your CDs will look amazing, thanks to our award-winning, full-color silkscreen on-disc printing. Our vegetable-based inks produce some of the richest and most vibrant colors around. Our jewel cases come with your choice of black, white, or clear tray and CD inserts with 2 panels all the way up to a massive 40-page booklet. We guarantee our 5-, 3-, and 1-day turn times. You get cash back if we’re late."
"url": [
} | what is cd jewel case inserts made of | 728,724 | ENTITY | [] |
"Conquest is the act of conquering a country or group of people."
] | {
"is_selected": [
"passage_text": [
"Definition of conquest in US English - the subjugation and assumption of control of a place or people by use of military force Definition of conquest in US English - the subjugation and assumption of control of a place or people by use of military force",
"After the Norman Conquest the forest became a royal hunting preserve. Jerusalem has seen endless conquests and occupations. Synonyms: takeover, coup, acquisition, invasion More Synonyms of conquest",
"The conquest of something such as a problem is success in ending it or dealing with it. The conquest of inflation has been the Government's overriding economic priority for nearly 15 years. [+ of] ...the conquest of cancer.",
"Conquest definition: Conquest is the act of conquering a country or group of people. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples English Dictionary | Thesaurus | Translator | Grammar | Scrabble | Blog",
"Translations for 'conquest'. British English: conquest NOUN. Conquest is the act of conquering a country or group of people. The fierce cannibal warriors of the Big and Small Nambas prevented conquest and settlement. American English: conquest. Brazilian Portuguese: conquista. Chinese: 征服. European Spanish: conquista.",
"Every body saw, he was pleased to say, that I had made a conquest. When he opened the box, the first book which he picked up was The Conquest of Fear. To the conquest of fear this splendid universalism is another essential. After all, the conquest of fear is largely a question of vitality. It was he who had planned the conquest of Corsica, and annexed it to France. This event completed the conquest of Boabdil over his own irresolution.",
"1The subjugation and assumption of control of a place or people by use of military force. ‘the conquest of the Aztecs by the Spanish’. ‘Recent history, however, suggests the existence of many relevant uses of military force besides conquest or even coercion.’. ‘Abroad he offers the glamour of moral commitment and military conquest.’.",
"You usually use conquest when you want to indicate that this relationship is not important to the person concerned. Despite his conquests, he remains lonely and isolated. who boast about their sexual conquests to all their friends.",
"The conquest of something such as a problem is success in ending it or dealing with it. The conquest of inflation has been the Government's overriding economic priority for nearly 15 years. ...the conquest of cancer.",
"‘The use of military force for conquest and expansion is a security strategy that most leaders reject in this age of complex interdependence and globalization.’ ‘Far less can it be imposed by any state over others even by invasion or unilateral use of force for conquest or change of regime.’"
"url": [
} | meaning of conquest | 447,502 | DESCRIPTION | [] |
"No Answer Present."
] | {
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"passage_text": [
"From the Roman name Mauritius, a derivative of MAURUS. Saint Maurice was a 3rd-century Roman soldier from Egypt. He and the other Christians in his legion were supposedly massacred on the orders of emperor Maximian for refusing to worship Roman gods.",
"Mauricius (Latin) and Mauricus (Latin) are older forms of Maurice. The first name is derived from the Roman nickname Mauricius, a derivative of the name Maurus and the element 'maurus' (meaning swarthy, dark skinned, moor).",
"Origin of the name Maurice: Derived from the Latin Mauritius (Moorish), a derivative of Maurus (a Moor). The Moors were a Muslim people of mixed Arab and Berber descent; thus the name came to mean dark or swarthy in reference to their coloring.",
"The name Maurice is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Maurice is: Dark-skinned; A Moor. French Meaning: The name Maurice is a French baby name. In French the meaning of the name Maurice is: Dark-skinned; A Moor.",
"The name Maurice is a Greek baby name. In Greek the meaning of the name Maurice is: Dark. American Meaning: The name Maurice is an American baby name. In American the meaning of the name Maurice is: Dark.",
"The name Maurice is a French baby name. In French the meaning of the name Maurice is: Dark-skinned; A Moor. Latin Meaning: The name Maurice is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Maurice is: Moorish; dark-skinned; swarthy. Famous Bearer: French singer/actor Maurice Chevalier.",
"The first name is derived from the Roman nickname Mauricius, a derivative of the name Maurus and the element 'maurus' (meaning swarthy, dark skinned, moor). It was borne by Saint Maurice (-287), the leader of the legendary Roman Theban Legion who was martyred under Maximian for refusing to worship Roman gods.",
"Origin of the name Maurice: Derived from the Latin Mauritius (Moorish), a derivative of Maurus (a Moor). The Moors were a Muslim people of mixed Arab and Berber descent; thus the name came to mean dark or swarthy in reference to their coloring. From A World of Baby Names by Teresa Norman.",
"The name Maurice is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Maurice is: Moorish; dark-skinned; swarthy. Famous Bearer: French singer/actor Maurice Chevalier.",
"Derived from the Latin Mauritius (Moorish), a derivative of Maurus (a Moor). The Moors were a Muslim people of mixed Arab and Berber descent; thus the name came to mean dark or swarthy in reference to their coloring."
"url": [
} | the name maurice origin | 517,788 | DESCRIPTION | [] |
"No Answer Present."
] | {
"is_selected": [
"passage_text": [
"WLOS News 13 provides local news, weather forecasts, traffic updates, notices of events and items of interest in the community, sports and entertainment programming for Asheville, NC and nearby towns and communities in Western North Carolina and the Upstate of South Carolina, including the counties of Buncombe, Henderson, Rutherford, Haywood, Polk, ...",
"Current U.S. National Radar--Current. The Current National Weather Radar is shown below with a UTC Time (subtract 5 hours from UTC to get Eastern Time). National Weather Forecast--Current. The Current National Weather Forecast and National Weather Map are shown below.",
"Asheville Weather. Asheville's temperate weather surprises many visitors. The region experiences four distinct seasons, but the average annual snowfall is never more than 16.2 and the hottest day rarely exceeds 80°F. The region experiences four distinct seasons, but the average annual snowfall is never more than 16.2 and the hottest day rarely exceeds 80°F. The warmest month of the year is July, while winter hits its peak in January. In August, 2012, The Weather Channel named Asheville one of America's Safest Weather Cities..",
"Forecast Last Updated at Sunday, April 16, 2017 at 4:46PM. Becoming More Active. The Easter weekend ended on a pleasant note which included a few well deserved isolated showers in the area. Shower coverage increases Monday afternoon as a cold front approaches from the north.",
"A few showers this morning are possible with cloudy skies and temperatures in the middle 50s. This afternoon will allow more sunshine and scattered thunderstorms, staying below severe limit. The warmth returns today, reaching the upper 70s! Tonight will be comfortable, in the middle 50s with partly cloudy skies. Friday will be warm, in the upper 70s.",
"WLOS News 13 provides local news, weather forecasts, traffic updates, notices of events and items of interest in the community, sports and entertainment programming for Asheville, NC and nearby towns and communities in Western North Carolina and the Upstate of South Carolina, including the counties of Buncombe, Henderson, Rutherford, Haywood, Polk, ...",
"WLOS News 13 provides local news, weather forecasts, traffic updates, notices of events and items of interest in the community, sports and entertainment programming for Asheville, NC and nearby towns and communities in Western North Carolina and the Upstate of South Carolina, including the counties of Buncombe, Henderson, Rutherford, Haywood, Polk, ...",
"The Current National Weather Radar is shown below with a UTC Time (subtract 5 hours from UTC to get Eastern Time). The Current National Weather Forecast and National Weather Map are shown below. Tomorrow National Weather Forecast and Tomorrow National Weather Map are show below. This map shows recent moisture content over North America.",
"Current U.S. National Radar--Current. The Current National Weather Radar is shown below with a UTC Time (subtract 5 hours from UTC to get Eastern Time). National Weather Forecast--Current. The Current National Weather Forecast and National Weather Map are shown below.",
"The Current National Weather Radar is shown below with a UTC Time (subtract 5 hours from UTC to get Eastern Time). The Current National Weather Forecast and National Weather Map are shown below. Tomorrow National Weather Forecast and Tomorrow National Weather Map are show below."
"url": [
} | weather channel asheville | 542,744 | DESCRIPTION | [] |
"The physical or constitutional characteristics of a person."
] | {
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"passage_text": [
"Ad. Other terms used in reference to body habitus may describe features such as musculature or strength, along with other characteristics of interest. As a general rule, any change in the physique can be a cause for concern.",
"There are three terms commonly used in reference to body habitus. A patient with an ectomorphic body type is said to be underweight, a patient with a mesomorphic body type is of normal weight, and a patient with an endomorphic body type is overweight.",
"hab·i·tus. n. pl. habitus. The physical and constitutional characteristics of an individual, especially as related to the tendency to develop a certain disease. [Latin, condition; see habit .]. (ˈhaebɪtəs). ˈhæbɪtəs",
"habitus. The physical or constitutional characteristics of a person: build, constitution, habit, physique.",
"Posted 30/01/2009 i had my scan on wednesday and she said all i looking well and got some really clear pictures thats what everyone has been saying but i have looked at the letter they gave me after and it said limited visabilty due to patient habitus.",
"If you keep your mouth shut, you won't put your foot in it.. (English proverb). Whose end of tongue is sharp, the edge of his head must be hard (Breton proverb). The smarter you get the fewer words you'd say. (Arabic proverb). Hang a thief when he's young, and he'll no' steal when he's old.. (Scottish proverb).",
"Perhaps in more basic terms, the habitus could be understood as a structure of the mind characterized by a set of acquired schemata, sensibilities, dispositions and taste. The particular contents of the habitus are the result of the objectification of social structure at the level of individual subjectivity.",
"We look at a persons' body habitus to tell us a lot of different things about their health history and their lifestyle habits. We can almost always tell if someone is pre-diabetic or resistant to insulin by their habitus.",
"Body habitus, or simply habitus, is a medical term for “physique” or “body type.” A wide range of factors can determine body type, and medical professionals often make a note of a patient's habitus on his or her chart as part of a general reference to provide information about the patient's history.",
"The noun HABITUS has 2 senses: 1. person's predisposition to be affected by something (as a disease). 2. constitution of the human body. Familiarity information: HABITUS used as a noun is rare."
"url": [
} | what does body habitus mean | 633,369 | DESCRIPTION | [] |
"No Answer Present."
] | {
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"passage_text": [
"Mendes was born in Miami, Florida, to Cuban parents Eva Pérez Suárez and Juan Carlos Méndez, and raised by her mother in the Los Angeles suburb of Glendale after her parents' divorce. Mendes was raised a Roman Catholic and at one time even considered becoming a Catholic nun.",
"Thank you guys so much for allowing me to try new things on this channel and have fun with everything Ive always wanted to do!!! Anything you want to do in life- don't give up on it! SOooooooo um yeah, a music video. Pretty Crazy!!! I hope you like this video! Back to normal videos in a few days! xoxo, Eva Show less",
"Eva Mendes. Eva de la Caridad Mendez (born March 5, 1974)[1] is an American actress, model and businesswoman. She began acting in the late 1990s, and after a series of roles in B movies such as Children of the Corn V: Fields of Terror (1998) and Urban Legends: Final Cut (2000), she made a career-changing appearance in Training Day (2001).",
"21 *ZERO EFFORT* DIY Halloween Costumes! Cute/Funny/Hot | Mylifeaseva - Duration: 8 minutes, 52 seconds.",
"Eva Mendes. Eva de la Caridad Mendez (born March 5, 1974) is an American actress, model and businesswoman.",
"Original Lyrics and Music Video by Eva Gutowski Song Produced by Markaholic Music Video Produced by SelectNext Thanks to everyone who helped make this happen! In order of appearance: Brent Rivera Christian Collins",
"Hey! I'm Eva. Welcome to the best youtube channel ever. We have pizza parties. Im from California and love sharing awesome DIYs, cool outfit videos and anyth...",
"Eva Longoria is expecting a baby boy with husband José Antonio Bastón, The Times has confirmed. The 42-year-old actress-producer-activi...",
"Eva de la Caridad Méndez (born March 5, 1974), known professionally as Eva Mendes, is an American actress, model and businesswoman. She began acting in the late 1990s. After a series of roles in B movies such as Children of the Corn V: Fields of Terror (1998) and Urban Legends: Final Cut (2000), she made a career-changing appearance in Training Day (2001).",
"Eva de la Caridad Méndez, known professionally as Eva Mendes, is an American actress, model and businesswoman. She began acting in the late 1990s. After a series of roles in B movies such as Children of the Corn V: Fields of Terror and Urban Legends: Final Cut, she made a career-changing appearance in Training Day. Since then, Mendes has co-starred in films such as All About the Benjamins, 2 Fast 2 Furious, Ghost Rider, We Own the Night, Stuck on You, Hitch, and The Other Guys. She has appeared"
"url": [
} | how old is eva link | 334,954 | NUMERIC | [] |
"It is extremely upsetting or something that causes great harm or damage to the mind or body."
] | {
"is_selected": [
"passage_text": [
"LINK / CITE ADD TO WORD LIST. adjective. The definition of traumatic is something that is extremely upsetting or something that causes great harm or damage to the mind or body. 1 Getting into a serious accident that gives you PTSD is an example of a traumatic event.",
"risk for perioperative-positioning injury a nursing diagnosis approved by the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association, defined as being at risk for injury as a result of the environmental conditions found in the perioperative setting.",
"Reactive responses occur after the stress and possible trauma has occurred, and are aimed more at correcting or minimizing the damage of a stressful event. A passive response is often characterized by an emotional numbness or ignorance of a stressor.",
"Psychological trauma is a type of damage to the psyche that occurs as a result of a severely distressing event. Trauma is often the result of an overwhelming amount of stress that exceeds one's ability to cope or integrate the emotions involved with that experience.",
"An experience that causes severe anxiety or emotional distress, such as rape or combat: memories that persist after a trauma occurs. b. An event or situation that causes great disruption or suffering: the economic trauma of the recession. [Greek; see terə- in Indo-European roots .]. trau·mat′ic (-măt′ĭk) adj.",
"Pain Global Clinical Trials Review, H2, 2014 https://www. Traumatic Pain Global Clinical Trials Review, H2, 2014 by PR Newswire. Washington, March 13 (ANI): Low cognitive function and factors related to a low socioeconomic status are important risk factors for mild. brain injuries, a new study has concluded.",
"However, the definition of trauma differs among individuals by their subjective experiences, not the objective facts. People will react to similar events differently. In other words, not all people who experience a potentially traumatic event will actually become psychologically traumatized.",
"Understanding the emotions and normal responses that follow a disaster or other traumatic event can help you cope with your feelings, thoughts and behaviors – and can help you on the path to recovery. 1 Open Up! 2 Writing About Trauma Reduces Stress, Aids Immunity.",
"Trauma is an emotional response to a terrible event like an accident, rape or natural disaster. Immediately after the event, shock and denial are typical. Longer term reactions include unpredictable emotions, flashbacks, strained relationships and even physical symptoms like headaches or nausea.",
"injury. harm or hurt; usually applied to damage inflicted on the body by an external force. Called also trauma and wound. brain injury impairment of structure or function of the brain, usually as a result of a trauma. deceleration injury a mechanism of motion injury in which the body is forcibly stopped but the contents of the body cavities remain in motion due to inertia; the brain is particularly vulnerable to such trauma."
"url": [
} | define traumatic | 128,498 | DESCRIPTION | [] |
"No Answer Present."
] | {
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"passage_text": [
"It consists of a rectangle with a width to length ratio of two to three featuring: 1 A blue vertical stripe one-third the entire length of the flag wide, and two equal horizontal stripes, the upper stripe white, the lower red, each two-thirds the entire length of the flag long.",
"“Texas Independence Day Celebration” (TIDC) is an annual two-day celebration from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday, March 5 and Sunday, March 6, 2016 on the expansive 293-acre park grounds and its three incredible attractions: Independence Hall (replica of the site where representatives wrote the Texas Declaration of Independence); Star of the Republic Museum (collections and programs honoring history of early Texans, administered by Blinn College); and Barrington Living History Farm (where ...",
"It was March 2, 1836 when 59 delegates bravely met at Washington, Texas to make a formal declaration of independence from Mexico. Texas Independence Day Celebration (TIDC) is [...] Join Us!",
"Employees are entitled to a day off with pay, within 12 months following the holiday, to be taken at a time approved by their immediate manager. ** If a legal holiday falls on a Sunday, the holiday will be observed on the following Monday.",
"This page provides links to general court information including access to the courts; court fees; directions, court hours; location codes; sessions; holidays; closings and statistics. Skip to Main Content",
"2018 Federal Holidays The following legal public holidays are observed by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals: Federal law (5 U.S.C. 6103) establishes the following public holidays for Federal employees. Please note that most Federal employees work on a Monday through Friday schedule. For these employees, when a holiday falls on a nonworkday -- Saturday or Sunday -- the holiday usually is observed on Monday (if the holiday falls on Sunday) or Friday (if the holiday falls on Saturday).",
"County Clerk's Office holiday closures for luncheon/gatherings: November - 3rd Tuesday of the month - 11:30am to 1:00pm December - 3rd Tuesday of the month - 3:00pm to 5:00pm",
"Learn about the San Antonio Municipal Court. This site explains many court procedures such as trial processes, defensive driving, probation, community service, and payment methods. Provides useful information relating to options for taking care of business at the Municipal Court.",
"New Years Day : Monday : January 1, 2018 : Martin Luther King, Jr. Day: Monday : January 15, 2018 : Good Friday: Friday : March 30, 2018 : Memorial Day: Monday : May 28, 2018 : Independence Day: Wednesday: July 4, 2018 : Labor Day: Monday : September 3, 2018 : Thanksgiving Day: Thursday : November 22, 2018 : Day after Thanksgiving: Friday : November 23, 2018 : Christmas Holiday: Monday",
"UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT Northern District of Texas Barbara M.G. Lynn, Chief Judge Karen Mitchell, Clerk of Court"
"url": [
} | is the courts open on texas independence day? | 1,174,753 | DESCRIPTION | [] |
"No Answer Present."
] | {
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"passage_text": [
"As specific as possible. 1 Include a complete diagnosis and appropriate Common Diagnostic Codes (ICD codes). Clarify a specific body site and the definition of the injury. 2 If your patient is unable to perform any work due to the injury or disease, estimate how much time the injured worker will lose due to the injury.",
"2 Definitions of accidents and incidents 2.1 The definition of an accident at work in the context of accident prevention. 2.2 The definition of an accident at work in the context of Workers' Compensation Systems. 2.3 The definition of an accident in the context of statistical data.",
"Report of Industrial Injury or Occupational Disease. To speed up the claim process, make sure the accident report is: Understood by the worker. If your patient prefers to communicate in a language other than English, you can get an interpreter.",
"ThatTenant said... Is the impact of a car door against another car (by a person carelessly or intentionally opening the door too far), when both cars are stationary and parked in a parking garage, a collision for the purposes of automobile insurance claims? There is no statutory definition of collision.. Of course, the definition of the word collision may be irrelevant. The question is what the language of your policy says it covers. Presumably, if the policy uses the word collision, it will define that term.",
"Contents. 1 1 Introduction. 2 2 Definitions of accidents and incidents 2.1 The definition of an accident at work in the context of accident prevention. 2.2 The definition of an accident at work in the context of Workers' Compensation Systems. 3 3 Causes of accidents at work: accident models.",
"Motor Vehicle Crash – A motor vehicle crash involves a motor vehicle in transport resulting in an. un-stabilized situation, which includes at least one harmful event. An un-stabilized situation is a. set of events not under human control, which originates when control is lost and terminates when.",
"An un-stabilized situation is a set of events not under human. control, which originates when control is lost and terminates when control is. regained or when all persons and property are at rest. In North Carolina, the DMV-349 crash report is required for any motor vehicle. crash in which any person is killed or injured or in which the total property. damage resulting from the crash is $1,000.00 or greater, or which there is. property damage of any amount to a vehicle seized.",
"Include a complete diagnosis and appropriate Common Diagnostic Codes (ICD codes). Clarify a specific body site and the definition of the injury. If your patient is unable to perform any work due to the injury or disease, estimate how much time the injured worker will lose due to the injury.",
"The Department of Transportation’s Office of Hazardous Materials Safety (OHMS), within the. Research and Special Programs Administration (RSPA), created the definition of serious incident. in 1993 to better convey the consequences of hazardous materials transportation – i.e., what has. resulted, in terms of harm and inconvenience – as unintended consequences of the necessity to. transport hazardous materials.",
"Email the pilot/operator aircraft accident/incident report to the. investigator-in-charge of your accident/incident. If email is not available, mail. the report per the instructions below. A. APPLICABILITY. The pilot/operator of an aircraft shall send a report to the office listed. above, based on accident/incident location; immediate notification is. required by 49 CFR 830.5(a). The report shall be filed within 10 days. after an accident for which notification is required by Section 830.5, or."
"url": [
} | definition of no impact for accident reporting | 136,602 | DESCRIPTION | [] |
"It is a compound containing an anionic silicon compound."
] | {
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"passage_text": [
"Non-Silicate Minerals. Minerals can be classified as either silicate - that is, containing silicon and oxygen - or non-silicate - that is, lacking silicon. While most of the earth's crust is composed of silicate minerals, several non-silicate minerals are of great importance.",
"Silicates constitute the majority of Earth's crust, as well as the other terrestrial planets, rocky moons, and asteroids. Sand, Portland cement, and thousands of minerals are examples of silicates. Silicate compounds, including the minerals, consist of silicate anions whose charge is balanced by various cations.",
"For anion, see Orthosilicate (ion). Silicate minerals are rock-forming minerals made up of silicate groups. They are the largest and most important class of rock-forming minerals and make up approximately 90 percent of the Earth's crust. They are classified based on the structure of their silicate groups, which contain different ratios of silicon and oxygen.",
"A silicate is a compound containing an anionic silicon compound. The great majority of the silicates are oxides, but hexafluorosilicate ([SiF6]2−) and other anions are also included. Orthosilicate is the anion SiO4−.",
"While most minerals are silicates, many non-silicate minerals are found in the earth's crust and are important as well. This lesson will use examples and describe the three major groups of non-silicate minerals, including carbonates, halides and sulfates.",
"The main minerals found in many rocks. Silicates are composed of atoms of silicon, oxygen, and elements such as potassium, sodium, or calcium, under great heat and pressure. Silicates make up about one-quarter of the crust of the Earth.",
"Any of a large class of chemical compounds composed of silicon, oxygen, and at least one metal. Most rocks and minerals are silicates. Silicates are also one of the main components of bricks. 2. Any mineral containing the group SiO4 in its crystal lattice. Micas and feldspars are silicate minerals.",
"The Silicates. Building Blocks of The Earth’s Crust. Silicates are the most widespread of the minerals. They are made up of oxygen and silicon the number one and number two most abundant elements in the earth's crust. By themselves they make up over 90% of the weight of the earth’s crust. Most rocks are composed mainly of this class of minerals.",
"silicates in Science. Any of a large class of chemical compounds composed of silicon, oxygen, and at least one metal. Most rocks and minerals are silicates. Any mineral containing the group SiO4, either isolated, or joined to other groups in chains, sheets, or three-dimensional groups with metal elements.",
"The most abundant elements in the Earth's crust are oxygen (46.6%) and silicon (27.7%). Minerals which combine these two elements are called silicates, and combined they are the most abundant minerals on the Earth. The silicates can be organized in terms of their chemical compositions and their crystal structures (indicated by the existance of cleavage planes). They most often contain members of the Big 8 elements."
"url": [
} | what are silicates? | 564,862 | DESCRIPTION | [] |
"No Answer Present."
] | {
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"passage_text": [
"The blood pressure in each leg is divided by the blood pressure in the higher pressure of the two arms to obtain an ABI for each lower extremity. An ABI above 0.9 is normal, except when it exceeds 1.3 (an indicator of severe peripheral arterial obstruction).",
"Severe obstruction is also indicated by an ABI of less than 0.5. Moderate peripheral arterial disease is suggested by an ABI of 0.8. A drop in the ABI after exercise also strongly suggests peripheral arterial disease.",
"Post-stress ankle pressure. measurements are repeated at 1-2 minute intervals for up to 10 minutes, or until ankle pressure. measurements return to pre-exercise levels. c. If reactive hyperemia is used for stress testing, the blood pressure is likely to return to pre-stress levels. more rapidly.",
"The index is obtained by measuring the systolic blood pressure in the upper and lower extremities after the patient has been lying on his or her back for about 5 min and then repeating the measurements after the patient walks for 5 min. There are several ways to obtain an ABI.",
"Blood pressure cuffs (limb and digital) of varied width and length. Pressure artifacts occur when the cuff. size is not appropriate for the girth of the leg or digit. Recommended size is 20% wider than the diameter. of the limb.",
"The ratio of the angle made by the incident ray with the perpendicular (angle of incidence) to that made by the emergent ray (angle of refraction). 2. The ratio of the speed of light in a vacuum to its speed in another medium. The refractive index of water is 1.33; that of the crystalline lens of the eye is 1.413.",
"A measure of the efficiency of oxygen exchange by the lungs. The index is used in critical care medicine to assess the severity of acute lung injury and to gauge the effectiveness of ventilator management strategies.",
"Lower Extremity Arterial. Segmental Physiologic. Evaluation. This Guideline was prepared by the Professional Guidelines Subcommittee of the Society for Vascular Ultrasound. (SVU) as a template to aid the vascular technologist/sonographer and other interested parties.",
"The Vantage ABI is well suited for the ABI exam. The ABI is the standard exam used to assist in the. diagnosis of P.A.D. The ABI compares the systolic blood pressure at the ankles with the systolic blood. pressure at the brachial arteries.",
"High quality, accurate results are fundamental elements of lower extremity arterial segmental physiologic. evaluation. A combination of indirect and direct exam components is the foundation for maximizing exam quality. and accuracy."
"url": [
} | what is a abi-pvr report | 673,527 | DESCRIPTION | [] |
] | {
"is_selected": [
"passage_text": [
"For the first time, the music royalty fee will also be passed along to standalone SiriusXM Internet Radio subscribers. Currently, internet-only customers pay $14.99 per month for most of SiriusXM’s channels plus premium content from Howard Stern and others. Starting in January, an additional fee of $2.08 will be tacked on to the monthly bills of internet-only customers, bringing the total cost to a little over $17 per month. SiriusXM began passing along the cost of music royalties to subscribers in 2009 shortly after the merger of the two satellite radio companies.",
"The “per channel” cost to add individual channels to A La Carte packages has also not changed. The new maximum rate (or “cap”) for A La Carte packages is $14.99 per month. *The new rates apply to subscription purchases or renewals processed on or after January 1, 2014.",
"I don't LOVE guns, but I think it's pretty fun to skeet shoot, and shoot at cans. In Norway, 1,3 million guns are in civilian hands. We are 5 million citizens. That puts us in 11th place of guns per 100 citizens on a list of 179 countries according to Firearms and armed violence, country by country. There are 30 guns per 100 citizens.",
"Starting January 5, subscribers of SiriusXM’s top package, known as “All Access” will pay an additional $2.64 in music royalty fees on top of the base subscriber cost of $18.99 a month, an increase from the current rate of $1.87 a month.",
"No Country for Old Men, directed by Joel and Ethan Coen; starring Tommy Lee Jones, Javier Bardem and Josh Brolin; based on the excellent novel by Cormac McCarthy. It won the Academy Awards for Best Picture, Best Director, Best Supporting Actor and Best Adapted Screenplay.",
"The new maximum rate (or “cap”) for A La Carte packages is $14.99 per month. The actual total monthly rate will depend on how many additional channels have been added to a base A La Carte plan, but will not exceed $14.99. *The new rates apply to subscription purchases or renewals processed on or after January 1, 2014. 1 Rate shown is the monthly rate, before applicable taxes and fees.",
"Presumably the greenseer before Bloodraven at one point reached out to Bloodraven and beckoned him to come North in the same way that Bloodraven beckoned to Bran. The greenseers are strengthened by the weirwood trees and use those trees as their network.",
"OFFER DETAILS: The subscription plan you choose will automatically renew thereafter and you will be charged according to your chosen payment method at then-current rates. Fees and taxes apply. To cancel you must call us at 1-866-635-2349. See our Customer Agreement for complete terms.",
"About Sirius XM. Save an average of $69 with 50 coupon codes & deals for SiriusXM offers a selection of high quality satellite radios and accessories. Browse the website and choose from featured categories such as portable radios, for business, on your Smartphone and more.",
"You're not getting any deal at all with this. In my many years experience with Sirius and then Sirius XM, the three 'deals' are: 1. 5 months for $20.00 2. 6 months for $24.99 3. 12 months for $89.00 With all the deals you have to add the taxes and fees of about 7-10% extra for royalty fees and local sales taxes."
"url": [
} | siriusxm cost per month | 498,704 | NUMERIC | [
"Siriusxm cost is $14.99 per month."
] |
"No Answer Present."
] | {
"is_selected": [
"passage_text": [
"The gas prices for the cost to drive from Chandler, AZ to Phoenix, AZ Has been Galculated: 16 this month. The gas prices for the cost to drive from Tucson, AZ to Tucson, AZ Has been Galculated: 16 this month. The gas prices for the cost to drive from Oro Valley, AZ to Dana Point, CA Has been Galculated: 15 this month.he gas prices for the cost to drive from Phoenix, AZ to Tecumseh, OK Has been Galculated: 15 this month. The gas prices for the cost to drive from Laveen, AZ to Phoenix, AZ Has been Galculated: 14 this month. The gas prices for the cost to drive from Phoenix, AZ to Flagstaff, AZ Has been Galculated: 14 this month.",
"The gas prices for the cost to drive from Phoenix, AZ to Tecumseh, OK Has been Galculated: 15 this month. The gas prices for the cost to drive from Laveen, AZ to Phoenix, AZ Has been Galculated: 14 this month. The gas prices for the cost to drive from Phoenix, AZ to Flagstaff, AZ Has been Galculated: 14 this month.The gas prices for the cost to drive from Mesa, AZ to CA Brm Zip, CA Has been Galculated: 13 this month. The gas prices for the cost to drive from Phoenix, AZ to Scottsdale, AZ Has been Galculated: 13 this month.he gas prices for the cost to drive from Phoenix, AZ to Tecumseh, OK Has been Galculated: 15 this month. The gas prices for the cost to drive from Laveen, AZ to Phoenix, AZ Has been Galculated: 14 this month. The gas prices for the cost to drive from Phoenix, AZ to Flagstaff, AZ Has been Galculated: 14 this month.",
"Wondering how much defensive driving costs? We can help! In Arizona there are a few different fees involved in determining how much you’ll pay. There is a state fee ($20.00), a state surcharge ($45.00), a court diversion fee (varies) and a school fee that make up the defensive driving cost.Our school fee is one of the lowest around at $44.95. This price covers everything you need to get your ticket dismissed, including:here is a state fee ($20.00), a state surcharge ($45.00), a court diversion fee (varies) and a school fee that make up the defensive driving cost.",
"The total cost of driving from Ohio to Arizona (one-way) is $177.47 at current gas prices. The round trip cost would be $354.94 to go from Ohio to Arizona and back to Ohio again.Regular fuel costs are around $2.37 per gallon for your trip.This calculation assumes that your vehicle gets an average gas mileage of 25 mpg for a mix of city and highway driving.All currency units are U.S. Dollars.he round trip cost would be $354.94 to go from Ohio to Arizona and back to Ohio again. Regular fuel costs are around $2.37 per gallon for your trip. This calculation assumes that your vehicle gets an average gas mileage of 25 mpg for a mix of city and highway driving. All currency units are U.S. Dollars.",
"Road trip planner. The total cost of driving from Ohio to Arizona (one-way) is $177.47 at current gas prices. The round trip cost would be $354.94 to go from Ohio to Arizona and back to Ohio again. Regular fuel costs are around $2.37 per gallon for your trip.This calculation assumes that your vehicle gets an average gas mileage of 25 mpg for a mix of city and highway driving.All currency units are U.S. Dollars.he round trip cost would be $354.94 to go from Ohio to Arizona and back to Ohio again. Regular fuel costs are around $2.37 per gallon for your trip. This calculation assumes that your vehicle gets an average gas mileage of 25 mpg for a mix of city and highway driving. All currency units are U.S. Dollars.",
"The gas prices for the cost to drive from Phoenix, AZ to Denver, CO Has been Galculated: 46 this month. The gas prices for the cost to drive from Tucson, AZ to San Diego, CA Has been Galculated: 39 this month. The gas prices for the cost to drive from Phoenix, AZ to Seattle, WA Has been Galculated: 35 this month.he gas prices for the cost to drive from Phoenix, AZ to Tecumseh, OK Has been Galculated: 15 this month. The gas prices for the cost to drive from Laveen, AZ to Phoenix, AZ Has been Galculated: 14 this month. The gas prices for the cost to drive from Phoenix, AZ to Flagstaff, AZ Has been Galculated: 14 this month.",
"The total cost of driving from Portland, OR to Phoenix, AZ (one-way) is $118.14 at current gas prices. The round trip cost would be $236.29 to go from Portland, OR to Phoenix, AZ and back to Portland, OR again.Regular fuel costs are around $2.33 per gallon for your trip.he round trip cost would be $236.29 to go from Portland, OR to Phoenix, AZ and back to Portland, OR again. Regular fuel costs are around $2.33 per gallon for your trip.",
"Individual Cost by County. Arizona Revised Statutes §28-3395(A)(2) requires the Arizona Supreme Court to make public the amount of the court diversion fee assessed by each Arizona court, and the total cost to attend defensive driving school for dismissal of a designated minor traffic citation.ndividual Cost by County. Arizona Revised Statutes §28-3395(A)(2) requires the Arizona Supreme Court to make public the amount of the court diversion fee assessed by each Arizona court, and the total cost to attend defensive driving school for dismissal of a designated minor traffic citation.",
"Arizona Defensive Driving Program Fees. The fees for our Arizona defensive driving course vary by the court that issued your citation. These fees include the state surcharge fee ($45.00), state fee ($20.00), course fee ($29.95), and the court diversion fee which varies by court.n top of the course fee, you will have to pay the court diversion fee and the state fess to us as well, since you will be paying our school instead of the cost of your ticket. The state fees always remain the same: $20 for a standard state fee and $45 for the state surcharge fee, for a total of $65.",
"Click Here for more information about Arizona traffic school eligibility. The fees for our Arizona defensive driving course vary by the court that issued your citation. These fees include the state surcharge fee ($45.00), state fee ($20.00), course fee ($29.95), and the court diversion fee which varies by court.n top of the course fee, you will have to pay the court diversion fee and the state fess to us as well, since you will be paying our school instead of the cost of your ticket. The state fees always remain the same: $20 for a standard state fee and $45 for the state surcharge fee, for a total of $65."
"url": [
} | how much will it cost to drive to arizona | 330,677 | NUMERIC | [] |
"A very misunderstood part of the revolver barrel and even many professional gunsmiths don't really understand them."
] | {
"is_selected": [
"passage_text": [
"Below is a picture showing an actual cutaway view of the forcing cone area that's inside most all shotgun barrels , notice the upper barrel is showing a lengthened forcing cone while the lower barrel is shown with a factory length forcing cone. Back to the Top. Patterns.",
"What is the preferred forcing cone length of Olympic medalists, anyway? Somehow, that little bit of information never seems to make the news. A forcing cone, of course, is the transition area from chamber dimension to the bore of your shotgun. The length is not really the point; it is the degree of taper. In theory, a more gentle taper is less disruptive to shot and wad.",
"Welcome to Johnny's Shotgun Chokes and Forcing Cones... Twenty five years ago, the most requested alteration to a shotgun barrel was screw-in choke tube installation. Twenty five years ago, the least (almost never) requested alteration to the shotgun barrel was lengthening of the forcing cone. This has all changed.",
"Below I will explain the forcing cone, what it does and how it can be modified to improve the performance of a shotgun. The Mysterious Forcing Cone. The forcing cone is the constriction at the end of the chamber that forces the load down from chamber size to the size of your shotgun bore.",
"Forcing cones. The area just forward of your shotgun’s chamber is the forcing cone; a funnel reducing the diameter of the chamber - down to bore size. An excited shooter was worried that the forcing cone area might be damaged by tough wads. Blaming plastic wads for impact is like blaming football shoulder pads for hard impacts.",
"Backboring is a term that is mostly misunderstood as being the forcing cone due to the fact that when working on the forcing cone area you are working on the back end of the barrel then afterwards the barrel is supposedly ''backbored'' but in reality it is the actual bore of the gun from just ahead of the forcing cone all the way through the barrel ...",
"Lengthen Forcing Cones To Improve Patterns, Reduce Recoil. Double-duty reamers lengthen short chambers to modern standard or magnum lengths and cut the new long forcing cone at the same time - OR - will cut a long forcing cone without lengthening the chamber for the gunsmith seeking improved shooting performance for his customer.",
"The 1½ long (approximately) forcing cone created is performance proven to give optimum results in any length chamber. Reamers are ground exclusively for us from special, select tool steel by one of the oldest and most respected manufacturers of reamers in the United States. Quality and performance is 100% guaranteed.",
"Forcing Cone Pictures? This is a discussion on Forcing Cone Pictures? within the Ruger Single Action forums, part of the Pistol & Revolver Forum category; Does anyone have a picture of before/after of refacing their forcing cone? Looking at the entrance to the barrell on my 45Colt, it looks relatively ...",
"Nice video, but he forgot the most critical part. The forcing cone is a very misunderstood part of the revolver barrel and even many professional gunsmiths don't really understand them. THE critical dimension of a forcing cone is not the depth or angle of the cone, it's the diameter of the MOUTH of the forcing cone. That outer mouth dimension is critical."
"url": [
} | what is a forcing cone | 683,769 | DESCRIPTION | [
"Forcing cone is a part of the revolver barrel."
] |
Subsets and Splits