MaintNorm / test_company_c.norm
nlp-tlp's picture
Initial commit
61f45cd verified
Hoist hoist
Brake brake
Switch switch
operation operation
Air air
Horn horn
Relocate relocate
14/10/0011 <date>
Load load
bucket bucket
4 <num>
repair repair
lighting lighting
060 <id>
boom boom
light light
24 <num>
to to
check check
I <id>
LK621 <id>
Rinachi <sensitive>
Services services
Plan plan
dragline dragline
5 <num>
ylc2 <id>
contactor contactor
errors errors
house house
lights lights
out out
check check
busbar busbar
connections connections
SCO8 <id>
DMG damage
L/H left hand
dump dump
chain chain
worn worn
Wu3186 <id>
Park park
Brake brake
Relay relay
valve valve
leaking leaking
5635 <id>
HV high voltage
Maintenance maintenance
Electrical electrical
Left left
cab cabin
aircon air conditioner
e/leakage earth leakage
flt fault
Cable cable
work work
ll124 <id>
04/05/0011 <date>
Need need
to to
change change
brake brake
pads pads
Swing swing
1 <num>
Exhaust exhaust
Fan fan
#6 number <num>
Tripping tripping
c/b circuit breaker
Change change
oil oil
Drag drag
Box box
#1 number <num>
complete complete
Flashing flashing
light light
U/S unserviceable
replaced replaced
adjust adjust
air air
con conditioner
vents vents
mech mechanical
protect protect
wiring wiring
around around
engine engine
8664 <id>
24WK <num> week
RHS right hand side
Prpl propel
Pinion pinion
Shaft shaft
Test test
060 <id>
Tugger tugger
Winch winch
0 <num>
- -
Rope rope
Req required
replacing replacing
keeper keeper
pin pin
fallen fallen
out out
on on
repair repair
link link
47 <num>
monthly monthly
cabinet cabinet
inspections inspections
Services services
tripping tripping
on on
O/Load overload
Inspect inspect
Ropes ropes
Prior prior
to to
Long long
Week weekend
a/c air conditioner
not not
cooling cooling
Replace replace
bucket bucket
060 <id>
D/line dragline
7off <num> off
&8on and <num> on
replace replace
worn worn
pto PTO
driveshaft driveshaft
universal universal joint
snapped snapped
drag drag
chain chain
VistaCam <sensitive>
system system
not not
working working
New new
Dry dry
Air air
Hose hose
Reels reels
Needed needed
hm5190 <id>
emergency emergency
ladder ladder
repairs repairs
grease grease
leaks leaks
on on
stick stick
5635 <id>
Bucket bucket
Overhaul-Mechanical overhaul - mechanical
BKT bucket
# number
1 <num>
Break break
cables cables
replace replace
invincible invincible
fitting fitting
over over
fridge fridge
& and
Dragline dragline
0 <num>
Shutdown shutdown
AssistanceDragline assistance dragline
5 <num>
deliver deliver
2 <num>
kwik Kwik
tips Tips
RHS right hand side
ballast ballast
board board
smoke smoke
detector detector
U/S unserviceable
WASTE waste
OIL oil
HOSE hose
REEL reel
U/S unserviceable
CM condition monitoring
Inspection inspection
Excavator excavator
pos position
6 <num>
tyre tyre
flat flat
MOBILE mobile
5H <id>
Internal internal
Labour labour
W44 week <num>
ZH6907 <id>
C/out change out
pos position
2 <num>
tyre tyre
526 <id>
Pre-shut pre-shutdown
tub tub
internal internal
inspection inspection
RHR right hand rear
tremmel trammel
wheel wheel
snapped snapped
off off
drag drag
rope rope
slipping slipping
throgh through
socket socket
Change change
Management management
for for
cable cable
winches winches
compressor compressor
not not
starting starting
Drag drag
gen generator
overvoltage overvoltage
alarm alarm
Remove remove
cable cable
from from
line line
rear rear
module module
work work
lights lights
loose loose
4 <num>
boom boom
lights lights
out out
trace trace
& and
repair repair
hyd hydraulic
oil oil
leak leak
RH right hand
steer steering
ram ram
W/Place workplace
Insp inspection
Trucks trucks
Bays bays
North north
& and
South south
JH250 <id>
fortnightly fortnightly
inspection inspection
Write write
testing testing
procedure procedure
for for
MG motor generator
sets sets
pair pair
link link
in in
the the
drag drag
chain chain
cable cable
work work
ll124 <id>
08/07/0011 <date>
assisted assisted
vistacam <sensitive>
Right right
A A-frame
lights lights
out out
Weld weld
keepers keepers
in in
repair repair
link link
98 <num>
Week week
Tool tool
Inspection inspection
'O' <id>
Crew crew
Trucks trucks
driver driver
seat seat
radio radio
faulty faulty
replacement replacement
required required
Re-fit refit
Tool tool
to to
measure measure
foot foot
movement movement
Crop crop
41 <num>
metres metres
out out
of of
drag drag
ropes ropes
RH right hand
DOOR door
OPENING opening
MECHANISM mechanism
FAULTY faulty
RHS right hand side
drag drag
chains chains
snapped snapped
C/O change out
upper upper
hoist hoist
chains chains
Coolant coolant
quick quick
fill fill
connector connector
U/S unserviceable
Replac replace
no no
power power
in in
cab cabin
- -
A A-frame
Walkways walkways
526 <id>
- -
Profile profile
both both
Sets sets
As as
Reference reference
4SO134 <id>
Changeout change out
YV4 <id>
Thrust thrust
Bearing bearing
Oil oil
Auxillary auxiliary
Power power
Generator generator
propel propel
blower blower
motor motor
No number
5 <num>
u/s unserviceable
Monitor monitor
CV9 <id>
flashover flashover
and and
connections connections
hoist hoist
brake brake
fault fault
Take take
LH left hand
F/Drive final drive
Oil oil
Sample sample
Replace replace
both both
connecting connecting
ring ring
to to
link link
pin pin
`afe safe
Fabricate fabricate
winch winch
rope rope
bracket bracket
7897 <id>
Drag drag
Drum drum
Flame flame
Hardening-Mech hardening - mechanical
walking walking
cam cam
lube lube
pump pump
u/s unserviceable
Replace replace
wear wear
blocks blocks
on on
rear rear
roller roller
frame frame
cable cable
re-route reroute
fuel fuel
injector injector
lines lines
lines lines
leaking leaking
Fortnightly fortnightly
clean clean
ll124 <id>
sub sub
oil oil
leak leak
from from
r/h right hand
final final
drive drive
8664 <id>
48WK <num> week
Foot foot
Pins pins
Clevis clevis
Weld weld
Key key
broken broken
off off
in in
ignition ignition
REPLACE replace
BROKEN broken
DRIVERS drivers
DOOR door
HANDLE handle
5635 <id>
Drag drag
Motor/Blower motor / blower
Connection connection
Insp inspection
Dove <sensitive>
742K <id>
- -
500 <num>
Hr hour
Service service
heater heater
hoses hoses
at at
bottom bottom
front front
of of
cab cabin
u/s unserviceable
MOBILE mobile
Step-up step-up
Labour labour
W43 week <num>
DIFFERENTIALS differentials
inspect inspect
drive drive
brakes brakes
getting getting
low low
track track
rollers rollers
8 <num>
& and
8 <num>
getting getting
hot hot
rhs right hand side
No no
power power
in in
cab cabin
- -
reset reset
Weld weld
up up
hoist hoist
rope rope
house house
sheave sheave
roller roller
s side
Cracking cracking
found found
on on
48WK <num> week
Boom boom
Pt point
Shaft shaft
8664 <id>
Drag drag
Rope rope
Change change
24/03 <date>
Cable cable
move move
dragline dragline
003 <id>
Clean/Inspect clean / inspect
Repair repair
75mm <num> mm
Crack crack
to to
RHS right hand side
Lifting lifting
Hook hook
060 <id>
LH left hand
drag drag
drum drum
brg bearing
sample sample
high high
Cu copper
RH right hand
TRACK track
ROLLERS rollers
FAILED failed
Reset reset
limits limits
and and
assist assist
VISTACAM <sensitive>
Bolts bolts
missing missing
r/h right hand
cam cam
frame frame
Nuts nuts
in in
060 <id>
noise noise
in in
swing swing
pinon pinion
zero zero
shoe shoe
error error
replace replace
faulty faulty
rear rear
cable cable
winch winch
outlet outlet
L/H left hand
propel propel
cam cam
frame frame
grease grease
swivell swivel
miss missing
ladder ladder
pivot pivot
broken broken
COOLANT coolant
RESIVOR reservoir
LOW low
COOLANT coolant
SENSOR sensor
N/W not working
7897 <id>
- -
Renew renew
Dump dump
Rope rope
Drag drag
Gen generator
6 <num>
needs needs
to to
be be
skimmed skimmed
C/O change out
drag drag
chains chains
RHR right hand rear
A-Frame A-frame
leg leg
& and
deformed deformed
gridmesh gridmesh
replace replace
all all
engine engine
belts belts
7897 <id>
Horiz horizontal
Fairleads fairleads
Sheave sheave
C/Out-Mech change out - mechanical
5635 <id>
Hoist hoist
Chain chain
L/H/Upr left hand upper
Changeout-Mech change out - mechanical
Replace replace
on on
Bkt bucket
# number
6 <num>
526 <id>
D/line dragline
Remove remove
544 <num>
cables cables
from from
run run
Down down
with with
e-stop emergency-stop
probs problems
060 <id>
Bucket bucket
#8 number <num>
Requires requires
strip strip
for for
trans transmission
shaft shaft
requires requires
replacing replacing
replace replace
alternator alternator
Assist assist
with with
field field
loss loss
fault fault
finding finding
Hoist hoist
Gen generator
N0 number
2 <num>
Noisy noisy
/ /
Sparking sparking
5 <num>
monthly monthly
Rear rear
Cabinet cabinet
Service service
FO678 <id>
Boat boat
Inspection inspection
& and
Prep preparation
Change change
out out
the the
riser riser
shrouds shrouds
I <id>
CM condition monitoring
Wear wear
Debris debris
Analysis analysis
Dragline dragline
526 <id>
Loose loose
Drivers drivers
Mirror mirror
Post Post
5H <id>
Lean lean
for for
Remington <sensitive>
Wksp workshop
WK week
98 <num>
Swing swing
motor motor
temp temperature
alarm alarm
change change
bucket bucket
on on
KD208 <id>
534 <id>
Daily daily
Inspections inspections
Not not
starting starting
Bb6250 <id>
blade blade
offset offset
switch switch
fault fault
078 <id>
- -
500 <num>
Hr hour
Service service
7897 <id>
Intake intake
Fan fan
No13 number <num>
Overhaul-Elec/Mech overhaul - electrical / mechanical
manhole manhole
cover cover
TIGHTEN tighten
LH left hand
STEER steering
U-BOLTS U-bolts
LR2095 <id>
Trans transmission
hose hose
leaks leaks
8664 <id>
Drag drag
Chain chain
change change
hoist hoist
slack slack
rope rope
sensor sensor
repairs repairs
improve improve
Argon <sensitive>
H14H <id>
- -
Rear rear
Diffidential differential
Changeout change out
5H <id>
Lean lean
for for
Remington <sensitive>
Wksp workshop
WK17 week <num>
fill fill
and and
adjust adjust
boom boom
chord chord
air air
pressures pressures
Crack crack
at at
boom boom
point point
of of
526 <id>
straighten straighten
or or
replace replace
bent bent
steering steering
arm arm
RH right hand
front front
drive drive
mudflap mudflap
holder holder
broken broken
Prep prepare
4X <num> x
dump dump
links links
for for
next next
use use
Excavator excavator
014 <id>
Daily daily
Inspections inspections
7897 <id>
Lube lube
Serv service
Aux auxiliary
Dove <sensitive>
Eng engine
-Mechanical - mechanical
8664 <id>
4WK <num> week
Electrical electrical
Service service
perma permalubes
missing missing
8664 <id>
24WK <num> week
415V <num> V
Distribution distribution
Service service
c/o change out
cam cam
lube lube
drum drum
Boom boom
press pressure
monitoring monitoring
system system
improve improve
Rope rope
Clevis clevis
Weld weld
& and
Crank crank
Bolts bolts
BR8769 <id>
oil oil
cap cap
missing missing
replace replace
relays relays
A A-frame
Clevis clevis
Weld weld
& and
Pin pin
Lube lube
tank tank
shut shut
off off
valves valves
leaking leaking
replace replace
torn torn
mudflap mudflap
LHF left hand front
pos position
#1 number <num>
wheel wheel
Pre pre-summer
Audit audit
A/Con air conditioner
units units
#348 number <num>
hydraulic hydraulic
filters filters
need need
replacing replacing
Replace replace
various various
drak drag
shute chute
rollers rollers
Replace replace
on on
BKt bucket
# number
1 <num>
454D/I <id>
oil oil
leak leak
at at
the the
front front
of of
engine engine
Cable cable
work work
li648 <id>
23/11 <date>
Install install
Air air
Reels reels
to to
swing swing
Decks decks
REPORTED reported
DRAG drag
GEN generator
FAULT fault
EC7782 <id>
Replace replace
r/h right hand
lower lower
blade blade
slide slide
Rotate rotate
dirt dirt
chute chute
rollers rollers
007 <id>
Axton <sensitive>
Hire hire
Truck truck
- -
2000 <num>
Hr hour
Service service
Tripped tripped
sub sub
outlet outlet
Hoist hoist
brake brake
# number
9 <num>
microsw/s micro-switches
jammed jammed
closed closed
brocken broken
key key
in in
ignition ignition
switch switch
Air air
Leak leak
in in
Seat seat
Hose hose
Zone zone
72 <num>
Fire fire
system system
sensor sensor
isolated isolated
oil oil
leak leak
swingbox swingbox
8 <num>
526 <id>
Audit audit
air air
fittings fittings
for for
non non-compliance
7897 <id>
Drag drag
No2 number <num>
Input input
Shft shaft
Frnt front
C/out-Mech change out - mechanical
TRACK track
ASSEMBLY assembly
- -
IDLER idler
PIN pin
COMING coming
OUT out
hv high voltage
reset reset
66kv <num> kV
sub sub
fault fault
replace replace
side side
engine engine
bay bay
door door
struts struts
LK621 <id>
Engine engine
Midlife midlife
retarder retarder
lever lever
very very
sloppy sloppy
& and
u/s unserviceable
Map map
out out
Sx969 <id>
cable cable
route route
Dropbox dropbox
Failure failure
7897 <id>
High high
Voltage voltage
Maintenance maintenance
5635 <id>
Hoist hoist
Mtr motor
/ /
Blower blower
Connections connections
FRONT front
SWAYBAR swaybar
BUSHES bushes
engine engine
cuts cuts
out out
damaged damaged
cable cable
work work
replace replace
E-stop emergency-stop
switches switches
ripper ripper
boot boot
on on
bucket bucket
pick pick
missing missing
526 <id>
lower lower
deflect deflect
twr tower
ladder ladder
loose loose
r/h/s right hand side
mirror mirror
loose loose
8664 <id>
Susp suspension
Rope rope
Radiography radiography
Locn location
7 <num>
Replace replace
System system
'K' <id>
Pressure pressure
Switch switch
VM9436 <id>
diff differential
lube lube
pump pump
leaking leaking
both both
rear rear
diff differential
oils oils
need need
replacing replacing
replace replace
209 <num>
under under
bench bench
down down
light light
oil oil
evac evacuate
hose hose
u/s unserviceable
TRANSMISSION transmission
- -
CANT can't
CHANGE change
GEARS gears
Clean clean
filters filters
on on
electrical electrical
cabinets cabinets
5H <id>
MOBILE mobile
LABOUR labour
W/ with
START start
4/8/8 date
Replace replace
lower lower
Track track
Roller roller
Boom boom
Light light
on on
2nd second
crossover crossover
not not
working working
rear rear
wiper wiper
switch switch
handle handle
/ /
knob knob
missing missing
Split split
cable cable
for for
shot shot
lhs left hand side
track track
broken broken
Swing swing
brakes brakes
coming coming
on on
now now
and and
then then
5635 <id>
Weekly weekly
Inspection-Electrical inspection - electrical
L/H left hand
car car
worklight worklight
not not
working working
Cgantry gantry
chain chain
broken broken
statutory statutory
stickers stickers
missing missing
5635 <id>
526 <id>
Condition condition
Monitoring monitoring
Inspection inspection
3Month <num> month
Tool tool
Insp inspection
I <id>
Crew crew
- -
Trucks trucks
- -
Drag drag
Bull bull
Gear gear
Teeth teeth
Rhs right hand
Hoist hoist
hood hood
sheeves sheaves
repairs repairs
Broken broken
handrail handrail
RHS right hand side
boarding boarding
ladder ladder
air air
con conditioner
fans fans
not not
working working
remove remove
& and
spray spray
weeds weeds
at at
the the
sub sub
for for
NR2 <id>
EG0635 <id>
Pos position
6 <num>
lip lip
shroud shroud
come come
off off
bucket bucket
dummy dummy
receiver receiver
for for
the the
banlaw Banlaw
721 <num>
u/s unserviceable
No no
low low
beam beam
at at
all all
Has has
High high
and and
park park
Safety safety
- -
Hatch hatch
covers covers
for for
ext extinguisher
frame frame
Roof roof
light light
#5 number <num>
out out
on on
LHS left hand side
of of
dragline dragline
Mast mast
pendant pendant
ropes ropes
replacment replacement
42347 <num>
Monthly monthly
Ansul Ansul
System system
Service service
Elect electrical
& and
Services services
Upgrade upgrade
Dump dump
block block
sheave sheave
locking locking
up up
LH left hand
travel travel
motor motor
U/S unserviceable
Check check
lh left hand
travel travel
motor motor
leaking leaking
oil oil
2 two-way
cutting cutting
out out
Fire fire
Alarm alarm
LH left hand
Transfer transfer
Cabinet cabinet
BK9 <id>
5635 <id>
Exhaust exhaust
Fan fan
No2 number <num>
Overhaul overhaul
Elec/Mech electrical / mechanical
5635 <id>
Swing swing
Motor/Blower motor / blower
Connect connect
Inspect inspect
Resample resample
oil oil
on on
both both
compressors compressors
bucket bucket
teeth teeth
missing missing
7897 <id>
Ropes ropes
Changeout-Mechanical change out - mechanical
blowen blown
hose hose
on on
boom boom
Fire fire
ext extinguisher
out out
of of
date date
Carry carry
out out
general general
lighting lighting
repairs repairs
RHS right hand side
tooth tooth
& and
adaptor adaptor
missing missing
Check check
all all
brush brush
heights heights
motors motors
and and
MG's MG's
Refitted refitted
lh left hand
drag drag
chain chain
pin pin
replace replace
hose hose
to to
water water
pump pump
7897 <id>
060 <id>
Dragline dragline
CM condition monitoring
Shutdown shutdown
Inspection inspection
oil oil
leaking leaking
down down
swing swing
shafts shafts
4 <num>
1 <num>
& and
0 <num>
Cracks cracks
in in
hitch hitch
movement movement
on on
steering steering
column column
Replace replace
3 <num>-way
Hitch hitch
Ass assembly
060 <id>
D/L dragline
7897 <id>
DRAG drag
ROPE rope
Changeout-Mechanical change out - mechanical
will will
not not
start start
bracing bracing
cracked cracked
7897 <id>
2 <num>
Weekly weekly
Service-Electrical service - electrical
Slack slack
Rope rope
Detectors detectors
Maint maintenance
genset generator set
3 <num>
current current
out out
of of
balance balance
dropped dropped
power power
at at
sub sub
Drag drag
loop loop
9 <num>
Grd ground
Fault fault
Inact inact
5635 <id>
Weekly weekly
Inspection-Mechanical inspection - mechanical
Hydraulic hydraulic
hose hose
leaking leaking
replace replace
both both
front front
headlight headlight
assemblies assemblies
Replace replace
brake brake
hose hose
- -
Swing swing
Shaft shaft
# number
3 <num>
fan fan
belt belt
running running
off off
fan fan
belt belt
tensioner tensioner
Jump jump-start
machine machine
3 <num>
monthly monthly
Lower lower
Disconnect disconnect
Service service
8 <num>
monthly monthly
Left left
Transfer transfer
Cabinet cabinet
Service service
brake brake
booster booster
leaks leaks
when when
trailer trailer
brakes brakes
Check check
lube lube
to to
rear rear
L/H left hand
dirt dirt
chute chute
roller roller
H-link H-link
grease grease
hose hose
u/s unserviceable
Bucket bucket
work work
oil oil
leak leak
from from
around around
sump sump
area area
drag drag
guide guide
roller roller
fell fell
off off
8664 <id>
48WK <num> week
Hoist hoist
Intermediat intermediate
Shaft shaft
Repair repair
RHS right hand side
top top
rail rail
crack crack
Shoes shoes
are are
out out
sync synchronous
compressor compressor
shutdown shutdown
rear rear
camera camera
not not
working working
swing swing
#5 number <num>
lube lube
pump pump
motor motor
noisy noisy
Repair repair
hoist hoist
slack slack
rope rope
limit limit
bracket bracket
SAFE safe
secure secure
hyd hydraulic
pump pump
trolley trolley
Gus <sensitive>
set set-up
for for
cable cable
handleing handling
Change change
seperators separators
on on
both both
compressor compressor
coolent coolant
roll roll
IW3172 <id>
Tray tray
minor minor
repairs repairs
Swing swing
generator generator
overvoltage overvoltage
alarm alarm
REAR rear
CABLE cable
HOIST hoist
RUN run
INTO into
ROCK rock
fault fault
on on
sync synchronous
motor motor
package package
missing missing
bolts bolts
in in
dirt dirt
sheave sheave
pedestal pedestal
Seat seat
belt belt
u/s unserviceable
BRAKES brakes
SETTING setting
Cracked cracked
platform platform
support support
FLH front left hand
2nd second
level level
Replace replace
worn worn
on on
Bkt bucket
# number
5 <num>
060 <id>
D/line dragline
TEST test
PORTS ports
TO to
BE be
FITTED fitted
TO to
MODULE module
Argon <sensitive>
GI4 <id>
- -
2000 <num>
Hr hour
Service service
RH right hand
Front front
Propel propel
Gearbox gearbox
oil oil
sample sample
060 <id>
- -
Point point
Box box
External external
Crack- crack -
Vertica vertical
Exhaust exhaust
inlet inlet
broken broken
Hand handrail
post post
crack crack
on on
A A-frame
platform platform
cable cable
plan plan
for for
526 <id>
cable cable
move move
washers washers
not not
working working
Air air
Conditioning conditioning
9 <num>
Wk week
Service service
7897 <id>
Portable portable
Tools tools
& and
Equip equipment
Inspect inspect
engine engine
exh exhaust
flex flex
/ /
pipe pipe
& and
rain rain
cap cap
u/s unserviceable
Cracks cracks
in in
fairleeds fairleads
slack slack
rope rope
eye eye
broken broken
off off
OR8 <id>
monitor monitor
flash flash
clean clean
up up
DMG damage
8664 <id>
Tub tub
Compart compartment
Circum circumference
Dia diaphragm
Insp inspection
Remove remove
cover cover
& and
inspect inspect
L/H left hand
Bearing bearing
SA923 <id>
December December
12 <num>
Shutdown shutdown
labour labour
replace replace
broken broken
drain drain
taps taps
on on
air air
tanks tanks
7897 <id>
Drag drag
Drum drum
Bearing bearing
Changeout-Mech change out - mechanical
5635 <id>
Set set
Bearing bearing
Pedestal-Clean clean
cutting cutting
edge edge
lose lose
Dragline dragline
003 <id>
sub sub
inspections inspections
Motor motor
is is
Missing-Fit missing - fit
new new
Motor motor
BV2631 <id>
engine engine
hard hard
to to
start start
Grease grease
L/H left hand
& and
R/H right hand
propels propels
engine engine
shutdown shutdown
Drag drag
g/box gearbox
output output
shaft shaft
leaking leaking
7897 <id>
Pre-Service pre-service
Inspection-Mechanical inspection - electrical
clamps clamps
are are
missing missing
need need
replacing replacing
Banlaw Banlaw
to to
repair repair
defects defects
found found
on on
servic service
replaced replaced
3 <num>
kwik Kwik
tips Tips
diesel diesel
quick quick
fill fill
leaking leaking
RH right hand
side side
Bucket bucket
pin pin
retainer retainer
bolt bolt
missing missing
hl6720 <id>
grease grease
module module
on on
backboard backboard
broken broken
Close close
out out
electrical electrical
backlog backlog
7897 <id>
Propel propel
Cam cam
LH left hand
Overhaul-Mechanical overhaul - mechanical
loose loose
fitting fitting
on on
propel propel
hose hose
under under
tub tub
refit refit
old old
air air
tank tank
removed removed
from from
246 <id>
Replace replace
conduits conduits
on on
fan fan
motors motors
fit fit
limit limit
switches switches
to to
hoist hoist
brakes brakes
power power
supply supply
to to
the the
gui GUI
u/s unserviceable
Argon <sensitive>
GI4 <id>
- -
Machine machine
Service service
1000hr <num> hour
replace replace
rear rear
cab cabin
latch latch
assemblies assemblies
7897 <id>
Internal internal
Exam examination
of of
Fixed fixed
Equipment equipment
Tighten tighten
bolts bolts
on on
walking walking
cam cam
replace replace
missing missing
RH right hand
handrail handrail
bolt bolt
060 <id>
- -
LHS left hand side
Boom boom
Foot foot
Crack crack
Repair repair
repair repair
gearshift gearshift
fault fault
not not
selecting selecting
top top
up up
pedestal pedestal
bearings bearings
oil oil
REMOVE remove
BROKEN broken
DIFF differential
ROD rod
BOLTS bolts
no no
a/c air conditioner
fans fans
missing missing
hoist hoist
rope rope
clamp clamp
blinker blinker
dipper dipper
switch switch
n/w not working
OIL oil
LEAK leak
UNDER under
BELLY belly
PLATE plate
DD1106 <id>
Replace replace
lip lip
shroud shroud
C <id>
Drag drag
Motor motor
Blower blower
Connections connections
Scope scope
potential potential
storage storage
on on
dragline dragline
noisy noisy
swing swing
motor motor
9 <num>
Repair repair
sled sled
door door
Ansul Ansul
system system
beeping beeping
No no
power power
to to
machin machine
hoist hoist
brake brake
control control
valve valve
leaking leaking
hose hose
on on
h H-link
Mark mark
up up
map map
of of
cable cable
run run
and and
positions positions
Air air
compressor compressor
outlet outlet
temp temperature
o/temp overtemperature
Major major
cable cable
reroute reroute
Ph742 <id>
8664 <id>
bucket bucket
change change
out out
Rinachi <sensitive>
Exc excavator
- -
Machine machine
1000hr <num> hour
Service service
FI463 <id>
fortightly fortnightly
sub sub
inspection inspection
Grease grease
leak leak
- -
top top
of of
Grease grease
Pump pump
526 <id>
# number
3 <num>
air air
comp compressor
leaking leaking
from from
oil oil
cooler cooler
7897 <id>
Repair repair
Walkways walkways
& and
Handrails handrails
control control
room room
recirc recirculation
fan fan
mounting mounting
loose loose
Retension retension
the the
on on
dragline dragline
6 <num>
Clean clean
out out
front front
of of
shoe shoe
NC <id>
fortnightly fortnightly
electrical electrical
inspection inspection
Replace replace
bonnet bonnet
components components
C/O change out
Drag drag
rope rope
sockets sockets
for for
trial trial
Fire fire
ext extinguisher
requires requires
service service
REPLACE replace
INTERCOOLER intercooler
HOSES hoses
Noise noise
in in
no number
4 <num>
swing swing
g/box gearbox
coupling coupling
area area
Install install
wear wear
package package
on on
BKT bucket
0 <num>
Drag drag
motor motor
6 <num>
flash flash
over over
repair repair
damaged damaged
hoist hoist
drum drum
guard guard
Tripped tripped
Install install
Air air
Cond conditioner
for for
VistaCam <sensitive>
Control control
Room room
LHS left hand side
rod rod
end end
1-2mm <num>-<num> mm
movement movement
trace trace
and and
repair repair
oil oil
evacuation evacuation
pump pump
n/w not working
I <id>
cutting cutting
edges edges
falling falling
off off
Borken broken
bolt bolt
on on
swing#5 swing number <num>
pinion pinion
Batteries batteries
need need
replacing replacing
- -
Fairlead fairlead
Swivel swivel
Frames frames
replace replace
bottom bottom
steer steering
shaft shaft
universal universal joint
Cable cable
Work work
27/01/0011 <date>
5635 <id>
Propel propel
Coupling coupling
Lube lube
& and
Inspection inspection
Fortnightly fortnightly
clean/inspection clean / inspection
ll124sub <id> sub