MaintNorm / train_company_b.norm
nlp-tlp's picture
Initial commit
61f45cd verified
VU1914 <id>
Hydraulic hydraulic
oil oil
in in
diff differential
AV0573 <id>
C/O change out
pos position
6 <num>
Valve valve
Extension extension
UQ9701 <id>
Reverse reverse
alarm alarm
faulty faulty
GO8941 <id>
Air air
horn horn
stuck stuck
on on
DU7016 <id>
C/O change out
Purge purge
valve valve
replace replace
front front
right right
indicator indicator
DO7053 <id>
Bolts bolts
missing missing
Right right
Track track
AE2918 <id>
Investigate investigate
issue issue
with with
a/c air conditioner
system system
Uj0190 <id>
Swing swing
pump pump
5 <num>
temp temperature
sender sender
fault fault
DN9817 <id>
Replace replace
failed failed
fuel fuel
pump pump
L/H left hand
QR0218 <id>
F <id>
ACC accident
C/O change out
BLOWN blown
TRACK track
TENSION tensioner
DO7053 <id>
engine engine
shuting shutting
down down
CC0233 <id>
Replace replace
Hyd hydraulic
Oil oil
AI9714-Inspect <id> - inspect
Operator operator
Seat seat
VU1914 <id>
Replace replace
seat seat
backrest backrest
adjuster adjuster
BC4051 <id>
Transmission transmission
overheating overheating
2000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
VLV valve
Spring spring
MV3594 <id>
UM4228 <id>
RH right hand
Lift lift
cylinder cylinder
tube tube
U/S unserviceable
DU7016 <id>
electric electric
horn horn
not not
working working
PD2335 <id>
- -
Linebore line bore
501 <id>
bucket bucket
to to
suittals suittals
main main
isolator isolator
not not
working working
AL6487 <id>
250hr <num> hour
Service service
- -
Out/stding outstanding
PO's POs
replace replace
backing backing
ring ring
for for
flushing flushing
seals seals
250H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Wtr water
Truck truck
XK9760 <id>
VU1914 <id>
- -
Lower lower
LH left hand
headlight headlight
blown blown
UY2435 <id>
250hr <num> hour
Service service
- -
VN2231 <id>
c/o change out
#13 number <num>
injector injector
500H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
UQ9701 <id>
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Loader loader
960E <id>
ll3870 <id>
fire fire
supression suppression
frame frame
cracked cracked
SM2291 <id>
ladder ladder
lower lower
fault fault
repaired repaired
connector connector
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
TRK track
Roll roller
7 <num>
RH right hand
QR0218 <id>
FW9593 <id>
Reseal reseal
diff differential
lube lube
pump pump
FN5736 <id>
LH left hand
final final
drive drive
making making
metal- metal
QR0218 <id>
Engine engine
0 <num>
Midlife midlife
rebuild rebuild
JZ9248 <id>
Blown blown
pos position
6 <num>
tyre tyre
MR0229 <id>
no no
drive drive
JA0341 <id>
Troque torque
convertor convertor
hose hose
leaking leaking
UQ9701 <id>
High high
beam beam
U/S unserviceable
Gz8007 <id>
Eng engine
oil oil
leaking leaking
250H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
XW7976 <id>
CD3914 <id>
C/O change out
All all
tyres tyres
3M <num> month
Mech mechanical
Cond condition
Ball ball
Stut stud
Crack crack
Test test
XW7976 <id>
XH1714 <id>
repair repair
shaft shaft
cover cover
8000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Eng engine
Tune tune
IT4005 <id>
OK5862 <id>
Fix fix
compressor compressor
dhutdown shutdown
fault fault
DB2637-Inspect <id> - inspect
Bucket bucket
C/O change out
Leaking leaking
hydraulic hydraulic
hose hose
500H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Truck truck
Outdoor <sensitive>
BC1618 <id>
MV3594 <id>
Investigate investigate
coolant coolant
entry entry
MY6517 <id>
C/O change out
Grease grease
pod pod
AE2918 <id>
a/c air conditioner
not not
working working
LL3433 <id>
replace replace
U/S unserviceable
oil oil
& and
fuel fuel
counters counters
PH6610 <id>
Leaking leaking
Radiator radiator
coresirs core
F <id>
XS7870 <id>
Blade blade
& and
draft draft
arm arm
repairs repairs
AL6487 <id>
leaking leaking
diff differential
cooler cooler
hose hose
BG0988 <id>
Valve valve
caps caps
missing missing
Pos position
5&6 <num> and <num>
JZ9248 <id>
repair repair
lighting lighting
fault fault
TY8010- <id> -
Repair repair
oil oil
leak leak
at at
fitting fitting
RI7496 <id>
- -
Replace replace
ignition ignition
barrel barrel
GO8941 <id>
Replace replace
onside onside
mirror mirror
NF4651 <id>
Headlights headlights
out out
SM2291 <id>
Investigate investigate
coolant coolant
leak leak
LD3192-Inspect <id> - inspect
Operator operator
Seat seat
pos position
7 <num>
tyre tyre
blown blown
fire fire
suppression suppression
bottle bottle
cradle cradle
cracked cracked
FN5736 <id>
Failed failed
pto PTO
and and
auxillary auxiliary
driv drive
XH1714 <id>
Re-shim reshim
tray tray
pads pads
JZ9248-C/out <id> - change out
Turbo turbo
Primary primary
RHT right
REAR rear
DU7016 <id>
R right
Reverse reverse
light light
loose loose
AL6487- <id> -
Replaced replaced
Leaking leaking
Steering steering
Hose hose
BG0988 <id>
Replace replace
coolant coolant
hoses hoses
dy1928 <id>
fan fan
motor motor
case case
drian drain
hose hose
u/s unserviceable
DB2637 <id>
- -
ADJUST adjust
UM5 <id>
AIR air
COMP compressor
CUT cut
IN/OUT in / out
DB2637 <id>
Replace replace
hyd hydraulic
tank tank
reliefs reliefs
DO7053 <id>
5 <num>
x x
cutt cut
edge edge
bolt bolt
missing missing
JA0341 <id>
Emergency emergency
gate gate
latch latch
broken broken
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
TRK track
Roll roller
3 <num>
LH left hand
DB2637 <id>
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Hyd hydraulic
Cyl cylinder
Rip rip
Lift lift
IT4005 <id>
MR0229 <id>
C/O change out
Engine engine
oil oil
& and
filters filters
QR0218 <id>
Dash dash
lights lights
not not
working working
in in
cab cabin
AF5037 <id>
Pump pump
Drive driveshaft
Uni universal joint
U/S unserviceable
BC4051 <id>
No no
symbol symbol
for for
cab cabin
switches switches
PD2335 <id>
Repair repair
Reverse reverse
Light light
SS0308-Fire <id> - fire
Suppression suppression
Inspection inspection
CD3914 <id>
C/O change out
Faulty faulty
crank crankcase
press pressure
senso sensor
TY8010 <id>
Replace replace
u/s unserviceable
lights lights
NF4651 <id>
Carry carry
out out
brake brake
WFH01762 <id>
XW7976- <id> -
C/O change out
pos position
7 <num>
turbo turbo
AF5037 <id>
Electric electric
window window
switch switch
missing missing
UM4228 <id>
Blade blade
linkage linkage
pins pins
250H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Grader grader
AE2918 <id>
SM2291-C/out <id> - change out
Uni's universal joints
Eng-Pump engine - pump
Drv drive
brake brake
cooling cooling
hose hose
leaking leaking
on on
r/h/r right hand rear
Replace replace
failed failed
left left
hand hand
Pump pump
drive drive
6103 <id>
1000H <num> hour
Insp inspection
Hyd hydraulic
Cyl cylinder
Mast mast
Lock lock
RH right hand
UF2558 <id>
XK9760 <id>
RR rear right
cannon cannon
no no
directionals directionals
only only
up up
UN7986 <id>
Repair repair
Air air
Conditioner conditioner
PH6610 <id>
crankcase crankcase
err error
JS <id>
Low low
level level
switch switch
Engine engine
oil oil
FV0302 <id>
fuel fuel
cap cap
missing missing
500H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
XH1714 <id>
CC0233 <id>
C/out change out
u/s unserviceable
RH right hand
tilt tilt
cyl cylinder
UQ9701 <id>
Recharge recharge
afff AFFF
system system
DO7053- <id> -
C/Out change out
worn worn
Ripper ripper
tip tip
Ripper ripper
Tip tip
AI9714 <id>
Minor minor
leaks leaks
around around
Hyd hydraulic
tank tank
UM4228-Inspect <id> - inspect
Hyd hydraulic
Cyl cylinder
Blade blade
Tilt tilt
LFT left
UN7986 <id>
offside offside
clearance clearance
light light
u/s unserviceable
3M <num> month
Mech mechanical
Cond condition
Ball ball
Stut stud
Crack crack
Test test
LD3192 <id>
AF5037 <id>
Diagnose diagnose
and and
repair repair
spray spray
faults faults
RT3290 <id>
Tray tray
jolts jolts
seomtimes sometimes
when when
raised raised
AF5037 <id>
Front front
cannon cannon
u/s unserviceable
RW7142 <id>
Blown blown
RH right hand
Bucket bucket
Cyl cylinder
Hose hose
CD3914 <id>
int intermittent
wipers wipers
not not
turning turning
off off
Horn horn
blocked blocked
with with
dust dust
/ /
dull dull
sounding sounding
2000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
PH6610 <id>
XW7976 <id>
RH right hand
rev reverse
n and
Lh left hand
pos1 position <num>
light light
u/s unserviceable
XH1714 <id>
pump pump
drive drive
shaft shaft
failed failed
250H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Wtr water
Truck truck
663I <id>
RZ2293 <id>
OK5862 <id>
c/o change out
rotation rotation
shaft shaft
seal seal
SM2291-Fire <id> - fire
Suppression suppression
Inspection inspection
SM2291-C/out <id> - change out
Engine engine
NF4651 <id>
Fit fit
new new
version version
rear rear
BT0391 <id>
Pos4 position <num>
inside inside
oil oil
leak leak
BG0988 <id>
Lower lower
A/C air conditioner
compressor compressor
gaurd guard
crack crack
TV3998 <id>
C/O change out
HYD hydraulic
tube tube
RHS right hand side
of of
boom boom
3M <num> month
Mech mechanical
Cond condition
Ball ball
Stut stud
Crack crack
Test test
UY2435 <id>
AL6487 <id>
- -
modular modular
does does
not not
self self
assign assign
BD3257 <id>
Repair repair
door door
strut strut
arms arms
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Excavator excavator
T954A <id>
RW7142 <id>
RT3290 <id>
Repair repair
stripped stripped
rear rear
sump sump
plug plug
PD2335 <id>
refit refit
loose loose
and and
damaged damaged
QR0218 <id>
Losing losing
power power
booming booming
up up
& and
slewing slewing
RW7142 <id>
Front front
window window
cracked cracked
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
TRK track
Roll roller
6 <num>
LH left hand
OO9426 <id>
fuel fuel
primmer primer
pump pump
failed failed
4000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Eng engine
Tune tune
GO8941 <id>
ll3870 <id>
fast fast
fill fill
bkt bracket
broken broken
am0388 <id>
tray tray
lift lift
cylinder cylinder
AE2918 <id>
8 <num>
x x
work work
lights lights
blown blown
AL6487-C/out <id> - change out
Engine engine
MV3594 <id>
Engine engine
water water
pump pump
leaking leaking
DO7053 <id>
Need need
fire fire
extinguisher extinguisher
LHS left hand side
Cab cabin
8000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Repl replace
Turbo turbo
Prim primary
RR right rear
VN2231 <id>
250H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
VU1914 <id>
UQ9701 <id>
park park
brake brake
release release
hose hose
leaking leaking
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
TRK track
CHN chain
RH right hand
UF2558 <id>
OO9426 <id>
250hr <num> hour
Service service
& and
Inspection- inspection -
250H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
RT3290 <id>
LD3192 <id>
Minor minor
oil oil
leak leak
dv1176 <id>
hand hand
rail rail
repairs repairs
DB2637 <id>
Replace replace
Pos position
5 <num>
RH right hand
Carrier carrier
roller roller
IT4005 <id>
R/H right hand
Ladder ladder
Broken broken
UN7986 <id>
Coolant coolant
tank tank
readings readings
faulty faulty
UF2558-Inspect <id> - inspect
Hyd hydraulic
Cyl cylinder
Tong tong
Clamp clamp
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
TRK track
Roll roller
8 <num>
LH left hand
QR0218 <id>
RZ2293 <id>
brake brake
relay relay
valve valve
leaking leaking
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Carry carry
Roll roller
No number
1 <num>
RH right hand
QR0218 <id>
EZ7111 <id>
Minor minor
oil oil
leak leak
near near
Trans transmission
XW7976-C/out <id> - change out
Uni's universal joints
Eng-Pump engine - pump
Drvp/nR drive
DU7016 <id>
Replace replace
Hyd hydraulic
oil oil
FW9593 <id>
500hr <num> hour
Service service
& and
Inspection inspection
PH6610 <id>
1000hr <num> hour
Service service
& and
Inspection inspection
REAR rear
WIPER wiper
NEEDS needs
REPAIRING repairing
DU7016 <id>
Low low
power power
engine engine
fault fault
AL6487 <id>
pto PTO
input input
seal seal
leaking leaking
EZ7111 <id>
Fit fit
new new
version version
rear rear
EZ7111 <id>
Replace replace
seized seized
pos position
7 <num>
turbo turbo
repair repair
AV0573 <id>
Cracked cracked
Suction suction
tube tube
VN2231 <id>
cover cover
for for
quick quick
fill fill
missing missing
VU1914 <id>
Oil oil
leak leak
from from
dipstick dipstick
UF2558 <id>
flushing flushing
seals seals
250H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
UN7986 <id>
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Operator operator
Seat seat
AI9714 <id>
QR0218 <id>
Repair repair
hyd hydraulic
oil oil
leak leak
WK1566-C/out <id> - change out
Turbo turbo
Primary primary
RHT right
REAR rear
MY6517 <id>
- -
Replace replace
fuel fuel
tank tank
AF5037 <id>
Electrical electrical
issue issue
with with
lights lights
FW9593 <id>
Change change
out out
pos position
0 <num>
tyre tyre
SS0308 <id>
- -
LT left
F front
Cyl cylinder
Susp suspension
Error error
BG9236 <id>
Sunvisor sunvisor
for for
cab cabin
needs needs
replacing replacing
JD8905 <id>
Bolt bolt
missing missing
on on
blade blade
cut cut
edge edge
Change change
out out
pos5 position <num>
tyer tyre
worn worn
out out
UF2558 <id>
Deck deck
Bush bush
Housing housing
Worn worn
Out out
AI9714-C/out <id> - change out
Turbo turbo
Primary primary
LFT left
FRNT front
NF4651 <id>
COMP compressor
AWAITING awaiting
PARTS parts
xx7425 <id>
Diff differential
cooler cooler
pump pump
leaking leaking
UY2435-C/out <id> - change out
Turbo turbo
Primary primary
RHT right
FRNT front
250H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
XH1714 <id>
SM2291- <id> -
Install install
precleaner pre-cleaner
dust dust
valves valves
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Rear rear
Diff differential
Pivot pivot
RT3290 <id>
RZ8994 <id>
Oil oil
leak leak
at at
Rotary rotary
joint joint
LV7795 <id>
TURBO turbo
PRESSURE pressure
14PSI <num> PSI
CONSTANT constant
OK5862 <id>
replace replace
head head
up up
proximity proximity
switch switch
Tray tray
anchor anchor
point point
inspectionsPM inspections PM
SS0308 <id>
fit fit
new new
break break
cooling cooling
hose hose
LD3192 <id>
Air air
Conditioner conditioner
Pressure pressure
Switch switch
U unserviceable
UY2435 <id>
Minor minor
Hyd hydraulic
leak leak
near near
main main
res reservoir
4000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Eng engine
Tune tune
PD2335 <id>
IT4005 <id>
Replace replace
scarifier scarifier
tips tips
BC1618 <id>
Replace replace
engine engine
ster steering
llsy assembly
XS7870 <id>
Replace replace
Ladder ladder
power power
pack pack
RT3290 <id>
Trans transmission
electrical electrical
fault fault
DN9817 <id>
Replace replace
radiator radiator
clamps clamps
XS7870 <id>
Oil oil
leak leak
RHS right hand side
Bottom bottom
track track
rollers rollers
BT0391-Cam <id> - camshaft
Inspection inspection
PY9512 <id>
Replace replace
flushing flushing
seals seals
BC4051 <id>
Numbers numbers
on on
right right
side side
needreplace need replace
JZ9248 <id>
Cab cabin
door door
seal seal
missing missing
UM4228 <id>
Emergency emergency
ladder ladder
is is
bent bent
r/h right hand
coolant coolant
relief relief
valve valve
leaking leaking
JA0341 <id>
- -
Engine engine
Bay bay
Light light
Blown blown
VU1914 <id>
Reverse reverse
camera camera
very very
dark dark
UQ9701 <id>
tray tray
coming coming
down down
hard hard
TV3998 <id>
RH right hand
vision vision
mirror mirror
missing missing
UY2435-C/out <id> - change out
Uni's universal joints
Eng-Pump engine - pump
Drv drive
DN9817 <id>
Replace replace
exhaust exhaust
flex flex
R/H right hand
LIGHT light
OUT out
RW7142-Fire <id> - fire
Suppression suppression
Inspection inspection
OO9426 <id>
Compressor compressor
cooler cooler
hose hose
u/s unserviceable
TO0487 <id>
- -
Fan fan
motor motor
hose hose
leaking leaking
AE2918 <id>
Pos position
4 <num>
brake brake
overhaul overhaul
250H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
UN7986 <id>
PY9512-C/out <id> - change out
Hyd hydraulic
Motor motor
Cooler cooler
Fan fan
POS position
7 <num>
PY9512 <id>
Repair repair
Air air
Conditioner conditioner
500H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
BT0391 <id>
qx <id>
bucket bucket
inspection inspection
TO0487 <id>
- -
REPLACE replace
BLOWN blown
HOSE hose
BG0988 <id>
Fit fit
park park
brake brake
alarm alarm
to to
machine machine
BD3257 <id>
Modular modular
Screen screen
LL3433 <id>
LH left hand
outer outer
Door door
Handle handle
sloppy sloppy
cab cabin
6M <num> month
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Fire fire
Suppression suppression
CZ6065 <id>
EZ7111 <id>
Hydraulic hydraulic
oil oil
leak leak
RZ8994 <id>
repair repair
boom boom
cracks cracks
l/hand left hand
side side
QR0218-Inspect <id> - inspect
Track track
Roller roller
5 <num>
LFT left
XW7976 <id>
Wiggins Wiggins
quickfill quickfill
cover cover
DO7053 <id>
F <id>
ACC accident
Repair repair
RH right hand
engine engine
bay bay
door door
DN9817 <id>
extra extra
lighting lighting
GO8941 <id>
Cracks cracks
in in
headboard headboard
FN5736 <id>
rotate rotate
Pos position
3 <num>
tyre tyre
seat seat
base base
1408 <id>
does does
not not
tilt tilt
up up
or or
down down
DU7016-Valve <id> - valve
Spring spring
Inspection inspection
UQ9701 <id>
-COMP - compressor
AWAITING awaiting
PARTS parts
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Idler idler
RF right front
BC4051 <id>
XK9760-Fire <id> - fire
SUPPRES suppression
LOW low
ON on
GAUGE gauge
BD3257 <id>
Wiper wiper
arm arm
mounting mounting
plate plate
u/s unserviceable
FW9593- <id> -
Repairs repairs
to to
diff differential
lube/cooler lube / cooler
syst system
Os3652 <id>
Drill drill
Rod rod
Support support
Arm arm
pin pin
u/s unserviceable
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Joy joy
Stick stick
RH right hand
DN9817 <id>
reverse reverse
camera camera
u/sNG unserviceable
UF2558-C/Out <id> - change out
Hyd hydraulic
Cyl cylinder
Feed feed
VTD6 <id>
etals etals
CD3914 <id>
Minor minor
air air
leak leak
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Rear rear
Diff differential
Pivot pivot
RT3290 <id>
RW7142 <id>
Fit fit
New new
Centre centre
Lip lip
Shroud shroud
DN9817 <id>
Boilys boilermakers
to to
repair repair
bucket bucket
LL3433-Engine <id> - engine
Tune tune
7000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Repl replace
Fan fan
PLY pulley
BRG bearing
XS7870 <id>
250H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
XF3996 <id>
3M <num> month
Mech mechanical
Cond condition
Ball ball
Stut stud
Crack crack
Test test
MR0229 <id>
Be8381 <id>
rear rear
axle axle
lube lube
pump pump
leaking leaking
QR0218 <id>
- -
Repair repair
R/H right hand
Track track
Frame frame
CrackOLO crack
BC4051 <id>
1000hr <num> hour
Service service
3M <num> month
Mech mechanical
Cond condition
Ball ball
Stut stud
Crack crack
Test test
CZ6065 <id>
OIL oil
LEAKS leaks
AT at
TRANNY transmission
PUMP pump
XK9760 <id>
RHR right hand rear
Exhaust exhaust
bellows bellows
leaking leaking
UM4228 <id>
2x <num> x
work work
lights lights
blown blown
on on
cab cabin
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
TRK track
Roll roller
7 <num>
RH right hand
UF2558 <id>
OO9426 <id>
Feed feed
fault fault
BT0391 <id>
5V <num> V
supply supply
err error
System system
Low low
Voltage voltage
UY2435 <id>
Air air
leak leak
near near
side side
of of
door door
CHANGE change
OUT out
POS position
4 <num>
TYRE tyre
ripper ripper
control control
valve valve
mount mount
bolts bolts
1000H <num> hour
Insp inspection
Hyd hydraulic
Cyl cylinder
Blade blade
Lift lift
RH right hand
IT4005 <id>
2000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Wtr water
Truck truck
663I <id>
RZ2293 <id>
XK9760 <id>
Reseal reseal
Pos position
1 <num>
Duo duo-cone
EZ7111 <id>
Suspension suspension
cylinder cylinder
low low
AV0573 <id>
Repair repair
Air air
Conditioner conditioner
GO8941 <id>
- -
REPAIR repair
TARNS transmission
FAULT fault
DB2637 <id>
aa1 <id>
hyd hydraulic
return return
manifold manifold
hose hose
blow blow
XK9760 <id>
Wiper wiper
Washers washers
motor motor
faulty faulty
FW9593 <id>
Windrow windrow
light light
pos1 position <num>
not not
working working
CZ6065-C/out <id> - change out
Turbo turbo
Primary primary
RHT right
REAR rear
QR0218 <id>
UM5 <id>
hoses hoses
u/s unserviceable
500H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
AI9714 <id>
BT0391 <id>
Minor minor
diff differential
oil oil
leak leak
EZ7111 <id>
- -
Cooling cooling
system system
flush flush
and and
change change
ZJ7104 <id>
Replace replace
24v <num> v
to to
12v <num> v
converter converter
LV7795 <id>
- -
Install install
precleaner pre-cleaner
dust dust
valves valves
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Carry carry
Roll roller
No number
9 <num>
RH right hand
OO9426 <id>
BG9236 <id>
Sunvisor sunvisor
adjust adjust
n and
lock lock
not not
workin working
RW7142 <id>
- -
No no
air air
adjustment adjustment
on on
seat seat
BT0391 <id>
c/o change out
broken broken
aux auxiliary
pump pump
drive drive
guard guard
500H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
FV0302 <id>
BG0988 <id>
Emergency emergency
gate gate
hinge hinge
broken broken
AE2918 <id>
safety safety
rail rail
missing missing
top top
AL6487 <id>
Engine engine
not not
reaching reaching
high high
idle idle
1000H <num> hour
Insp inspection
Hyd hydraulic
Cyl cylinder
Blade blade
Lift lift
RH right hand
GE2963 <id>
FW9593 <id>
NEW new
TYRES tyres
POS position
1&2 <num> and <num>
ROTATE rotate
POS position
3 <num>
PH6610 <id>
diff differential
lube lube
pump pump
leaking leaking
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
AI9714 <id>
TV3998 <id>
Hammer hammer
has has
bolts bolts
missing missing
ZL <id>
Grease grease
system system
fault fault
AF5037 <id>
500hr <num> hour
Service service
& and
Inspection inspection
DB2637 <id>
A/c air conditioner
changeover changeover
relay relay
u/s unserviceable
QR0218 <id>
- -
C/O change out
BN7 <id>
HP high pressure
Hoses hoses
OK5862 <id>
Replace replace
exhaxst exhaust
manifold manifold
gaskets gaskets
250H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
BG9236 <id>
FW9593-Fire <id> - fire
Suppression suppression
Inspection inspection
AI9714-C/out <id> - change out
Turbo turbo
Primary primary
LFT left
REAR rear
DN9817 <id>
- -
Engine engine
repairs repairs
FN5736 <id>
500hr <num> hour
Service service
- -
250H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Shovel shovel
O804 <id>
DB2637 <id>
replacment replacement
teeth teeth
for for
get GET
trailer trailer
QR0218 <id>
Replace replace
Blown blown
Aircon air conditioner
Pump pump
Hose hose
ce0052 <id>
LHS left hand side
windrow windrow
light light
deteriated deteriorated
JA0341 <id>
Replace replace
missing missing
parts parts
UY2435 <id>
pos position
6 <num>
tyre tyre
flat flat
EZ7111 <id>
Aircon air conditioner
Guard guard
Replace replace
JZ9248 <id>
Emergency emergency
gate gate
latch latch
missing missing
XF3996 <id>
engine engine
over over
heating heating
Replace replace
starter starter
motors motors
TY8010 <id>
REPAIR repair
LEAK leak
FROM from
TANK tank
RETURN return
PIPE pipe
pc7071 <id>
lh left hand
hoist hoist
cyl cylinder
fell fell
off off
ordered ordered
cyl cylinder
3M <num> month
Mech mechanical
Cond condition
Ball ball
Stut stud
Crack crack
Test test
GO8941 <id>
FV0302 <id>
Pre prelube
error error
constantly constantly
kg5443 <id>
oil oil
return return
hose hose
u/s unserviceable
XH1714 <id>
rear rear
after after
cooler cooler
temp temperature
err error
SM2291 <id>
Backlight backlight
bulb bulb
8 <num>
display display
250H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
CZ6065 <id>
AE2918 <id>
F <id>
Steering steering
rock rock
damage damage
PY9512 <id>
hyd hydraulic
Activation activation
switch switch
u/s unserviceable
3M <num> month
Mech mechanical
Cond condition
Ball ball
Stut stud
Crack crack
Test test
WK1566 <id>
250H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Wtr water
Truck truck
261E <id>
CD3914 <id>
XF3996 <id>
fuel fuel
filters filters
plugged plugged
DO7053 <id>
air air
filters filters
pluged plugged
AV0573 <id>
In in-cabin
sun sun
visor visor
faulty faulty
250H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
UN7986 <id>
QR0218-Inspect <id> - inspect
Bucket bucket
Steering steering
oil oil
leaks leaks
from from
suction suction
pipe pipe
UY2435 <id>
Rotate rotate
Pos position
1 <num>
4 <num>
9 <num>
1 <num>
tyres tyres
AE2918 <id>
reseal reseal
circle circle
dve drive
& and
adjust adjust
circle circle
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
TRK track
Roll roller
4 <num>
LH left hand
UF2558 <id>
XH1714 <id>
leaking leaking
hose hose
on on
tc torque converter
lockup lockup
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
TRK track
Plates plates
RH right hand
TV3998 <id>
JD8905 <id>
- -
Leak leak
from from
Ripper ripper
Grease grease
Bank bank
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Carry carry
Roll roller
No number
1 <num>
RH right hand
RW7142 <id>
RT3290 <id>
F <id>
Mirror mirror
is is
smashed smashed
UY2435 <id>
Replace replace
#6 number <num>
fuel fuel
injector injector
DU7016 <id>
Revers reverse
Alarm alarm
U/S unserviceable
250H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
LV7795 <id>
QR0218 <id>
Replace replace
UM5 <id>
engine engine
fan fan
500H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Loader loader
960E <id>
PD2335 <id>
LH left hand
top top
outter outter
head headlight
u/s unserviceable
vg8480 <id>
TWO-WAY two-way
FAULT fault
250H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
BT0391 <id>
OO9426 <id>
C/O change out
Dust dust
Curtain curtain
Control control
Lever lever
IT4005 <id>
change change
out out
Remove remove
unseize unseize
and and
components components
OO9426 <id>
Replace replace
flushing flushing
seals seals
OK5862 <id>
feed feed
pump pump
fault fault
RZ2293 <id>
Air air
con conditioner
thermostat thermostat
not not
wking working
Air air
Con conditioner
blowing blowing
warm warm
QR0218- <id> -
Replace replace
fuel fuel
tank tank
breather breather
250H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
PH6610 <id>
VN2231 <id>
Replace replace
Reverse reverse
Camera camera
DB2637-Inspect <id> - inspect
Operator operator
Seat seat
replace replace
ripper ripper
shank shank
protector protector
pins pins
BC4051 <id>
L/eng left engine
door door
supp/bracket support bracket
cracked cracked
KI2123 <id>
A/C air conditioner
Drive drive
leaking leaking
JD8905 <id>
500hr <num> hour
Service service
& and
Inspection inspection
XF3996 <id>
L/bottom left bottom
light light
out out
QR0218-Inspect <id> - inspect
Track track
Roller roller
8 <num>
LFT left
QR0218-Insp <id> - inspection
Carrier carrier
RHT right
Roller roller
No number
5 <num>
RHT right
EZ7111 <id>
Payload payload
metre metre
U/S unserviceable
3M <num> month
Mech mechanical
Cond condition
Ball ball
Stut stud
Crack crack
Test test
NF4651 <id>
DU7016 <id>
Replace replace
leaking leaking
2721A <id>
Mech mechanical
Repl replace
Fuel fuel
Inject injector
J4 <id>
QR0218 <id>
PH6610 <id>
Date date
tag tag
fire fire
suppression suppression
bottle bottle
TY8010- <id> -
Engine engine
Tune tune
JZ9248 <id>
Heater heater
hose hose
blown blown
near near
tapess tapes
in in
UM4228 <id>
Electrical electrical
fault fault
DO7053 <id>
- -
Crack crack
on on
RHS right hand side
of of
tilt tilt
ram ram
shroud shroud
500H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Dozer dozer
A14V <id>
DO7053 <id>
1000H <num> hour
Insp inspection
Hyd hydraulic
Cyl cylinder
Boom boom
Lift lift
LH left hand
DN9817 <id>
LV7795 <id>
Moderate moderate
Eng engine
Oil oil
Leak leak
XF3996-Install <id> - install
precleaner pre-cleaner
dustvalves dust valves
RZ8994 <id>
500hr <num> hour
Service service
& and
Inspection inspection
BT0391 <id>
C/O change out
Pump pump
drive drive
uni'soise universal joints noise
RZ2293 <id>
Door door
switches switches
us unserviceable
JZ9248 <id>
Engine engine
oil oil
leak leak
onto onto
belly belly
plate plate
CD3914 <id>
Investigate investigate
driveline driveline
vibration vibration
TV3998 <id>
Grease grease
line line
leak leak
hose hose
on on
hammer hammer
CC0233 <id>
500hr <num> hour
Service service
& and
Inspection inspection
JZ9248 <id>
Minor minor
rear rear
diff differential
oil oil
leak leak
BG9236 <id>
LHS left hand side
Tray tray
lights lights
not not
working working
GO8941 <id>
Grease grease
system system
may may
not not
be be
working working
UN7986- <id> -
C/out change out
Steering steering
Ball ball
Studs studs
LD3192 <id>
Replaced replaced
grease grease
dump dump
valve valve
2000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Loader loader
960E <id>
PD2335 <id>
AL6487 <id>
Diff differential
cooling cooling
hose hose
leaking leaking
Beacon beacon
mount mount
broken broken
DB2637 <id>
Crack crack
in in
windscreen windscreen
10000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Repl replace
DRV drive
SFT shaft
Eng-Tran engine - transmission
AI9714 <id>
PH6610 <id>
air air
con conditioner
fan fan
motor motor
u/s unserviceable
GY9113-Fire <id> - fire
Suppression suppression
Inspection inspection
WK1566 <id>
Air air
drain drain
sticky sticky
FV0302 <id>
- -
AirCon air conditioner
compressor compressor
coil coil
u/s unserviceable
LV7795 <id>
ETHER ether
INJEC injection
CONTROL control
577 <id>
TO0487 <id>
Oil oil
leak leak
from from
aircon air conditioner
comp compressor
drive drive
250H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Wtr water
Truck truck
261E <id>
CD3914 <id>
2000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
VLV valve
Spring spring
CZ6065 <id>
UY2435 <id>
Replace replace
pos position
5 <num>
brake brake
cooling cooling
hose hose
3M <num> month
Mech mechanical
Cond condition
Ball ball
Stut stud
Crack crack
Test test
LL3433 <id>
TO0487 <id>
Replace replace
control control
cable cable
UF2558-Inspect <id> - inspect
Operator operator
Seat seat
6M <num> month
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Fire fire
Suppression suppression
RI7496 <id>
Plw916 <id>
Replace replace
Scarifier scarifier
Tips tips
AL6487 <id>
Pos2 position <num>
Brake brake
Cooler cooler
Hose hose
mnor minor
leak leak
AE2918 <id>
Diagnose diagnose
and and
repair repair
pk park
brk brake
alarm alarm
OK5862 <id>
Machine machine
level level
indicator indicator
faulty faulty
500H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
UY2435 <id>
UN7986 <id>
change change
out out
water water
pump pump
GO8941 <id>
Air air
pressure pressure
guage gauge
fault fault
& and
alarm alarm
Am2477 <id>
C/O change out
worn worn
bogie bogie
guides guides
8000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Repl replace
Thermos thermostats
VN2231 <id>
BT0391 <id>
Cab cabin
seals seals
leaking leaking
dust dust
FN5736 <id>
Hand hand held
fire fire
ext extinguisher
U/S unserviceable
CD3914 <id>
Faulty faulty
wiring wiring
Enviro environmental
spray spray
3M <num> month
Mech mechanical
Cond condition
Ball ball
Stub Stud
Crack crack
Test test
JA0341 <id>
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
TRK track
CHN chain
LH left hand
OO9426 <id>
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
FV0302 <id>
RZ2293-Inspect <id> - inspect
Operator operator
Seat seat
blown blown
pos position
9 <num>
tyre tyre
UM4228 <id>
Ladder ladder
bracket bracket
RHS right hand side
BC1618 <id>
right right
front front
spring spring
leave leave
broken broken
Kh7583 <id>
COMP compressor
AWAITING awaiting
PARTS parts
BC4051 <id>
Repalce replace
turbo turbo
mount mount
bolts bolts
QR0218 <id>
investgate investigate
hyd hydraulic
temp temperature
o/heat overheat
PH6610 <id>
Clearance clearance
COMP compressor
WAITING waiting
ON on
PARTS parts
AI9714 <id>
Minor minor
rear rear
engine engine
oil oil
leak leak
CZ6065 <id>
Wont won't
hold hold
2nd second
gear gear
up up
ramps ramps
LV7795 <id>
Catwalk catwalk
onside onside
missing missing
bolts bolts
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Carry carry
Roll roller
No number
8 <num>
LH left hand
RW7142 <id>
RZ8994 <id>
C/O change out
SLEW slew
BLOCKING blocking
VALVE valve
BG0988 <id>
F <id>
acc accident
damage damage
to to
rock rock
ejector ejector
PD2335 <id>
Trans transfer
pump pump
press pressure
sensor sensor
u/s unserviceable
250H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Grader grader
IT4005 <id>
RT3290 <id>
Oil oil
leak leak
@ at
air air
comp compressor
air air
con conditioner
fault fault
XF3996 <id>
Onside onside
hoist hoist
ram ram
minor minor
leak leak
DN9817 <id>
C/O change out
cooler cooler
pump pump
3 <num>
discharge discharge
hose hose
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
LD3192 <id>
RT3290 <id>
steer steering
hose hose
U/S unserviceable
ed6472 <id>
engine engine
oil oil
filler filler
cap cap
missing missing
VN2231 <id>
Engine engine
derating derating
MR0229- <id> -
C/out change out
Steering steering
Ball ball
Studs studs
PH6610 <id>
Reverse reverse
Siren siren
Inop inoperable
px9754 <id>
top top
left left
light light
u/s unserviceable
GY9113 <id>
bolts bolts
missing missing
from from
radiator radiator
BT0391 <id>
oil oil
leak leak
torque torque
converter converter
FN5736 <id>
1000hr <num> hour
Service service
- -
Out/stding outstanding
PO's POs
AL6487 <id>
Cab cabin
window window
needs needs
resealing resealing
DB2637 <id>
C/o change out
Cracked cracked
Pos position
8 <num>
Adaptor adaptor
+ and
Tooth tooth
JZ9248 <id>
250hr <num> hour
Service service
- -
Out/stding outstanding
PO's POs
BG9236 <id>
Replace replace
strut strut
guard guard
KI2123 <id>
2000hr <num> hour
Service service
& and
Inspection inspection
JZ9248 <id>
Aftercooler aftercooler
Gauge gauge
Faulty faulty
XW7976-C/out <id> - change out
Turbo turbo
Primary primary
RHT right
FRNT front
Failed failed
pos position
5 <num>
turbo turbo
Replace replace
3M <num> month
Mech mechanical
Cond condition
Ball ball
Stut stud
Crack crack
Test test
EZ7111 <id>
DB2637 <id>
ENG engine
#2 number <num>
COOLANT coolant
TEMP temperature
LIGHT light
ON on
BG9236 <id>
Trans transmission
hose hose
leaks leaks
RZ2293 <id>
Right right
centre centre
spray spray
switch switch
broken broken
Lc4532 <id>
TC torque converter
filters filters
plugged plugged
AI9714 <id>
- -
C/O change out
PLUGED plugged
FUEL fuel
FILTERS filters
QR0218 <id>
hyd hydraulic
overheating overheating
C/O change out
HYD hydraulic
COOLER cooler
3M <num> month
Mech mechanical
Cond condition
Ball ball
Stub Stud
Crack crack
Test test
TO0487 <id>
PH6610-C/out <id> - change out
Uni's universal joints
Eng-Pump engine - pump
Drv drive
RT3290 <id>
Cab cabin
Floor floor
mat mat
replace/repair replace / repair
AE2918 <id>
500hr <num> hour
Service service
- -
Out/stding outstanding
PO's POs
TO0487 <id>
Investigate investigate
engine engine
noise noise
SM2291-C/out <id> - change out
Uni's universal joints
Eng-Pump engine - pump
Drv drive
DB2637 <id>
Supply supply
hose hose
fittings fittings
Flex-Tube <sensitive>
AI9714 <id>
Repair repair
Engine engine
Pre prelube
Fault fault
EZ7111 <id>
Replace replace
LHF left hand front
clearance clearance
light light
BT0391 <id>
air air
con conditioner
U/S unserviceable
WK1566-C/out <id> - change out
Uni's universal joints
Eng-Pump engine - pump
Drv drive
Be8381 <id>
Steering steering
control control
valve valve
leaking leaking
QR0218-Inspect <id> - inspect
Hyd hydraulic
Cyl cylinder
Boom boom
Lift lift
RHT right
KI2123 <id>
eng engine
oil oil
over over
full full
- -
fule fuel
in in
oil oil
EZ7111 <id>
ERR error
FV0302-Fire <id> - fire
Suppression suppression
Inspection inspection
WK1566 <id>
Fuel fuel
cap cap
missing missing
250H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
CZ6065 <id>
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Sprockets sprockets
LH left hand
UF2558 <id>
FV0302 <id>
Sunvisor sunvisor
U/S unserviceable
Retracting retracting
when when
down down
AF5037 <id>
Repair repair
RHR right hand rear
not not
working working
MR0229 <id>
Minor minor
oil oil
leak leak
on on
belly belly
plate plate
RZ2293 <id>
C/O change out
Pos position
4 <num>
+ and
8 <num>
Tyres tyres
CZ6065- <id> -
C/out change out
Steering steering
Ball ball
Studs studs
BT0391 <id>
Bottom bottom
RHS right hand side
headlight headlight
blown blown
OO9426 <id>
flushing flushing
seals seals
IT4005 <id>
LHF left hand front
wheel wheel
bearing bearing
bad bad
VN2231 <id>
POS position
2 <num>
TYRE tyre
NF4651 <id>
L/H left hand
Clearance clearance
light light
out out
Replace replace
bucket bucket
tips tips
X x
7 <num>
PH6610 <id>
- -
Install install
precleaner pre-cleaner
dust dust
valv valve
500H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
AL6487 <id>
Rear rear
Rotating rotating
Beacon beacon
U/S unserviceable
DO7053 <id>
L/H left hand
final final
drive drive
leaking leaking
at at
mount mount
xx7425 <id>
Air air
leak leak
from from
signal signal
airline airline
Jd4618 <id>
Aircon air conditioner
Belt belt
Broken broken
6M <num> month
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Fire fire
Suppression suppression
QR0218 <id>
CD3914 <id>
- -
VARI variable
rate rate
not not
working working
spray&can spray and can
CD3914 <id>
Cannon cannon
Directions directions
back back
to to
Front front
IT4005 <id>
HYD hydraulic
QUICK quick
FILL fill
HOSE hose
LEAK leak
JA0341-C/out <id> - change out
Turbo turbo
Primary primary
LFT left
FRNT front
RW7142 <id>
Steinberg <sensitive>
to to
supply supply
and and
fit fit
cab cabin
mounts mounts
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Operator operator
Seat seat
VU1914 <id>
RW7142 <id>
Fan fan
pump pump
discharge discharge
hose hose
rubbed rubbed
UM4228 <id>
500hr <num> hour
Service service
-Out/stding - outstanding
PO's POs
6M <num> month
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Fire fire
Suppression suppression
DO7053 <id>
JZ9248 <id>
C/O change out
rear rear
acumulator accumulator
bladder bladder
SM2291 <id>
ENG engine
Cool cool
Fan fan
Speed speed
ERR error
MV3594 <id>
Minor minor
leak leak
on on
Torque torque
Conv converter
& and
Diff differential
QR0218 <id>
Bucket bucket
crowd crowd
too too
slow slow
XW7976 <id>
reverse reverse
camera camera
facing facing
downward downward
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
TRK track
Adjuster adjuster
RH right hand
RW7142 <id>
RZ8994 <id>
Inspect inspect
on on
bucket bucket
RW7142- <id> -
Replace replace
hydraulic hydraulic
level level
sender sender
3M <num> month
Mech mechanical
Cond condition
Ball ball
Stut stud
Crack crack
Test test
AV0573 <id>
dd1938 <id>
inspections inspections
RZ8994 <id>
Bucket bucket
Repairs repairs
Gouge gauge
adaptors adaptors
CD3914 <id>
Repair repair
heater heater
control control
Knob knob
u/s unserviceable
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
FN5736 <id>
3M <num> month
Mech mechanical
Cond condition
Ball ball
Stut stud
Crack crack
Test test
LL3433 <id>
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Carry carry
Roll roller
No number
6 <num>
RH right hand
TV3998 <id>
DB2637 <id>
BJ7 <id>
C/O change out
Injectors injectors
500H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
VN2231 <id>
AV0573 <id>
Fit fit
new new
version version
rear rear
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Sprockets sprockets
LH left hand
OO9426 <id>
SM2291 <id>
2000hr <num> hour
Service service
& and
Inspection inspection
UN7986 <id>
coolant coolant
pos position
5 <num>
turbo turbo
l/h left hand
outer outer
light light
out out
MV3594 <id>
Investigate investigate
low low
eng engine
oil oil
level level
250H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Dozer dozer
A14V <id>
DO7053 <id>
DO7053 <id>
2 <num>
x x
worklights worklights
out out
AE2918 <id>
C/O change out
blade blade
slide slide
broken broken
3M <num> month
Mech mechanical
Cond condition
Ball ball
Stub Stud
Crack crack
Test test
FN5736 <id>
SS0308 <id>
Repair repair
fuel fuel
leak leak
on on
engine engine
TY8010 <id>
Bucket bucket
repairs repairs
XK9760 <id>
Investigate investigate
brakes brakes
dragging dragging
Sm2715 <id>
Worklights worklights
out out
DO7053 <id>
Isolation isolation
tag tag
out out
point point
switches switches
MR0229 <id>
#15 number <num>
cylinder cylinder
head head
leaking leaking
co change out
wz2768 <id>
steering steering
suction suction
pipe pipe
u/s unserviceable
GO8941 <id>
Cab cabin
Eng engine
Shutdown shutdown
switch switch
NOT not
worki working
RW7142 <id>
hyd hydraulic
cooler cooler
fan fan
fault fault
XW7976 <id>
RH right hand
intake intake
pressure pressure
fault fault
PY9512 <id>
Rotation rotation
pump pump
failed failed
DU7016 <id>
Lockout lockout
red red
strobe strobe
light light
blown blown
3M <num> month
Mech mechanical
Cond condition
Ball ball
Stut stud
Crack crack
Test test
EZ7111 <id>
QR0218-Inspect <id> - inspect
Track track
Roller roller
7 <num>
RHT right
FN5736 <id>
Emergency emergency
brake brake
cover cover
OK5862 <id>
mast mast
lock lock
pin pin
light light
sensor sensor
u/s unserviceable
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
TRK track
Roll roller
5 <num>
LH left hand
OO9426 <id>
UY2435-C/out <id> - change out
Turbo turbo
Primary primary
LFT left
REAR rear
DU7016 <id>
ACCESSORT accessory
DRIVE drive
SEAL seal
LEAKING leaking
XK9760 <id>
Water water
tap tap
6 <num>
fill fill
drills drills
faulty faulty
10000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Repl replace
DRV drive
SFT shaft
Eng-Tran engine - transmission
PH6610 <id>
4000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Repl replace
Fan fan
PLY pulley
BRG bearing
CD3914 <id>
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Bucket bucket
RZ8994 <id>
NF4651-C/out <id> - change out
Uni's universal joints
Eng-Pump engine - pump
Drv drive
GO8941 <id>
Tray tray
repairs repairs
AE2918 <id>
circledrive circle drive
not not
turning turning
engine engine
breather breather
t-piece T-piece
hoses hoses
split split
JD8905 <id>
broken broken
grease grease
line line
AV0573 <id>
Pos position
0 <num>
tyre tyre
u/s unserviceable
CC0233 <id>
- -
No1 number <num>
blade blade
ram ram
light light
U/S unserviceable
250H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Excavator excavator
TU082 <id>
RZ8994 <id>
DO7053 <id>
Two two-way
power power
cutting cutting
in/out in / out
XK9760 <id>
1000hr <num> hour
Service service
& and
Inspection inspection
PH6610 <id>
- -
Minor minor
tranny transmission
oil oil
leak leak
AL6487 <id>
LHR left hand rear
BRAKE brake
COOLING cooling
HOSE hose
LEAKING leaking
c/o change out
front front
steer steering
accumulator accumulator
GO8941 <id>
charging charging
fault fault
Hyd hydraulic
Lock lock
Out out
u/s unserviceable
ZJ7104 <id>
1000hr <num> hour
Service service
& and
Inspection inspection
2000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
DU7016 <id>
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Pivot pivot
SFT shaft
BRG bearing
UF2558 <id>
JZ9248 <id>
t/c torque converter
out out
speed speed
sensor sensor
err error
UN7986 <id>
Repair repair
coolant coolant
leak leak
l/h left hand
bank bank
JD8905 <id>
Fuel fuel
filter filter
leaking leaking
Replace replace
aftercooler aftercooler
water water
pump pump
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
TRK track
Roll roller
8 <num>
LH left hand
DB2637 <id>
LV7795 <id>
Investigate investigate
issue issue
with with
a/c air conditioner
system system
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
TRK track
Roll roller
5 <num>
LH left hand
UF2558 <id>
BD3257 <id>
Ladder ladder
lowers lowers
sometimes sometimes
by by
itself itself
FN5736 <id>
Investigate investigate
fault fault
with with
a/c air conditioner
system system
steering steering
ball ball
grease grease
lines lines
off off
XH1714 <id>
Repair repair
rock rock
ejector ejector
mount mount
RT3290 <id>
- -
C/O change out
AIR air
COMP compressor
GASKET gasket
3M <num> month
Mech mechanical
Cond condition
Ball ball
Stut stud
Crack crack
Test test
UN7986 <id>
UN7986-Fire <id> - fire
Suppression suppression
Inspection inspection
Bucket bucket
Repairs repairs
CZ6065 <id>
Greaseline grease line
protector protector
plate plate
missin missing
JA0341 <id>
Minor minor
Oil oil
Leak leak
5/6 <num> / <num>
Hub hub
UM4228 <id>
- -
Front front
Head head
Light light
Blown blown
JD8905 <id>
L/H left hand
reverse reverse
light light
out out
GE2963-Fire <id> - fire
Suppression suppression
Inspection inspection
AV0573 <id>
C/O change out
Pump pump
drive drive
uni's universal joints
UM4228 <id>
250hr <num> hour
Service service
& and
Inspection inspection
JD8905 <id>
1000hr <num> hour
Service service
& and
Inspection inspection
DU7016-C/out <id> - change out
Uni's universal joints
Eng-Pump engine - pump
Drv drive
500H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
BG9236 <id>
JA0341 <id>
fire fire
alarm alarm
u/s unserviceable
JZ9248 <id>
Air air
Horn horn
U/S unserviceable
BC4051 <id>
exhaust exhaust
flapper flapper
broken broken
off off
LD3192 <id>
engine engine
oil oil
filters filters
pluged plugged
tm8584 <id>
c/o change out
pos position
2 <num>
lower lower
brake brake
cooling cooling
hos hose
Replace replace
brake brake
cooling cooling
pumps pumps
JA0341 <id>
Reseal reseal
pos position
2 <num>
duo duo-cone
FW9593 <id>
Replace replace
Blown blown
pos position
9 <num>
tyre tyre
QR0218 <id>
Bucket bucket
bollard bollard
missing missing
500H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
JA0341 <id>
UN7986-Valve <id> - valve
Spring spring
Inspection inspection
RT3290 <id>
2000hr <num> hour
Service service
& and
Inspection inspection
JA0341 <id>
High high
temp temperature
diff differential
for for
LH/RH left hand
exhaust exhaust
XH1714 <id>
minor minor
diff differential
filter filter
oil oil
leak leak
c/o change out
leaking leaking
tranny transmission
hose hose
OK5862 <id>
Rotation rotation
fault fault
AL6487 <id>
ROTATE rotate
POS position
6 <num>
& and
8 <num>
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Carry carry
Roll roller
No number
8 <num>
LH left hand
OO9426 <id>
UQ9701 <id>
Air air
con conditioner
faulty faulty
WY0117AK <id>
Suspension suspension
bouncing bouncing
at at
40kph <num> kPh
TO0487 <id>
Arm arm
rest rest
u/s unserviceable
VN2231 <id>
Engine engine
C/O change out
- -
Eng engine
Cost cost
ND5744 <id>
on on
Anchorage anchorage
Points points
on on
300W <id>
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Bucket bucket
QR0218 <id>
WK1566 <id>
2000hr <num> hour
Service service
- -
BG0988 <id>
Replace replace
pos position
8 <num>
wheel wheel
end end
UN7986-C/out <id> - change out
Uni's universal joints
Eng-Pump engine - pump
Drv drive
RW7142 <id>
Crestkin <sensitive>
to to
repair repair
bucket bucket
roll roll
VN2231 <id>
500hr <num> hour
Service service
& and
Inspection inspection
AL6487- <id> -
Diff differential
Cooler cooler
Hose hose
Leaking leaking
QR0218-Engine <id> - engine
Tune tune
TK8 <id>
R/RR right rear
Ke0674 <id>
- -
Fan fan
hose hose
Leaking leaking
MV3594 <id>
250hr <num> hour
Service service
LD3192 <id>
- -
Excessive excessive
smoke smoke
2000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Drill drill
O08S <id>
OK5862 <id>
NF4651 <id>
- -
Investigate investigate
coolant coolant
entry entry
NF4651 <id>
Rear rear
grease grease
injector injector
fault fault
FV0302 <id>
Dash dash
lights lights
U/S unserviceable
Speed speed
& and
Gear gear
SS0308 <id>
Coolant coolant
leak leak
Job job
completed completed
waiting waiting
for for
parts parts
2000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Loader loader
094U <id>
GY9113 <id>
GY9113 <id>
Replace replace
both both
diff differential
oils oils
AF5037 <id>
Rotate rotate
Pos position
1 <num>
Tyre tyre
AI9714 <id>
Belly belly
plate plate
bolt bolt
missing missing
AE2918 <id>
C/O change out
U/S unserviceable
light light
Lb4701 <id>
air air
leak leak
LV7795 <id>
- -
Fuel fuel
breather breather
missing missing
RZ2293 <id>
Driver's driver's
side side
window window
faulty faulty
PD2335 <id>
Air air
horn horn
not not
working working
UF2558-Insp <id> - inspection- inspection
Mast mast
Raise raise
Cyl cylinder
Pin pin
RHT right
LOW low
LV7795 <id>
Eng engine
lube lube
ERR error
investigate investigate
RW7142 <id>
Steinberg <sensitive>
Supply supply
new new
boomE boom
LV7795 <id>
Oil oil
leak leak
behind behind
front front
Balancer balancer
on on
planetry planetary
and and
hub hub
leaking leaking
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
TRK track
Roll roller
0 <num>
LH left hand
UF2558 <id>
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Carry carry
Roll roller
No number
8 <num>
LH left hand
OO9426 <id>
bn6308 <id>
replace replace
rear rear
axle axle
trunion trunnion
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
TRK track
Roll roller
8 <num>
LH left hand
WR4778LR <id>
dv1176 <id>
fire fire
supp suppression
batt battery
low low
3M <num> month
Mech mechanical
Cond condition
Ball ball
Stut stud
Crack crack
Test test
RZ2293 <id>
UF2558-Insp <id> - inspection- inspection
Mast mast
Raise raise
Cyl cylinder
Pin pin
LFT left
UP up
JZ9248 <id>
LH left hand
front front
clearance clearance
light light
blown blown
TO0487 <id>
Replace replace
engine engine
coolant coolant
Px <id>
Has has
a a
lower lower
power power
issue issue
7000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Repl replace
Jockey jockey
PLY pulley
BRG bearing
XS7870 <id>
ZB3832 <id>
Brake brake
Foot foot
Valve valve
Leaking leaking
Air air
AF5037 <id>
electric electric
window window
not not
working working
BG9236 <id>
Cab cabin
seat seat
needs needs
replacing replacing
VN2231 <id>
A/C air conditioner
Fan fan
speed speed
only only
works works
on on
5 <num>
XF3996 <id>
oil oil
level level
dipstick dipstick
U/S unserviceable
QR0218-C/out <id> - change out
Swing swing
Box box
LFT left
REAR rear
500H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
FW9593 <id>
DU7016 <id>
electrical electrical
issue issue
a/c air conditioner
fan fan
and and
tray tray
KI2123 <id>
Clearance clearance
lights lights
on on
tray tray
u/s unserviceable
BC4051 <id>
46397 <num>
Service service
& and
Inspection inspection
AL6487 <id>
637 <num>
Tray tray
lights lights
out out
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
MR0229 <id>
GE2963 <id>
park park
brake brake
error error
SW switch
ERR error
JZ9248 <id>
Investigate investigate
issue issue
with with
ladder ladder
DU7016-Fire <id> - fire
Suppression suppression
Inspection inspection
VN2231 <id>
pos position
0 <num>
Brake brake
Cooling cooling
Hose hose
Leaking leaking
AI9714 <id>
- -
Fuel fuel
Breather breather
Cap cap
Missing missing
GE2963 <id>
Modular modular
screen screen
backlight backlight
bulb bulb
u/s unserviceable
UY2435-C/out <id> - change out
Drv drive
Shaft shaft
Eng-Trans engine - transmission
VU1914 <id>
Oil oil
leak leak
G3 <id>
wheel wheel
end end
FN5736 <id>
Repair repair
Throttle throttle
Fault fault
TO0487 <id>
Replace replace
antenna antenna
RW7142 <id>
Rplce replace
faulty faulty
grease grease
press pressure
switch switch
DB2637 <id>
- -
Stick stick
cracks cracks
AE2918 <id>
Welding welding
mods modifications
for for
Trimble trimble
FN5736 <id>
air air
con conditioner
fan fan
s/u--fit unserviceable - fit
new new
am0388 <id>
pos position
9 <num>
strut strut
pins pins
removed removed
GO8941 <id>
- -
REPAIR repair
TRAY tray
UP up
FAULT fault
ladder ladder
is is
stopping stopping
on on
the the
way way
down down
MY6517 <id>
Replace replace
the the
air air
compressore compressor
next next
SM2291 <id>
Dust dust
leak leak
operators operators
side side
window window
3M <num> month
Mech mechanical
Cond condition
Ball ball
Stut stud
Crack crack
Test test
LV7795 <id>
Uq9508 <id>
Replace replace
rotary rotary
head head
oil oil
UF2558 <id>
depth depth
counter counter
issue issue
CC0233 <id>
roof roof
liner liner
falling falling
off off
2000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
RT3290 <id>
TY8010 <id>
cab cabin
pressure pressure
u/s unserviceable
RZ8994 <id>
250hr <num> hour
Service service
& and
Inspection inspection
250H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
VN2231 <id>
DU7016 <id>
Fit fit
new new
version version
rear rear
Qz2751 <id>
C/O change out
damaged damaged
high high
pressure pressure
hose hose
VN2231 <id>
Minor minor
Oil oil
Leak leak
Front front
and and
Rear rear
T/C torque converter
GE2963 <id>
Access access
Ladder ladder
not not
working working
KI2123 <id>
Fit fit
6 <num>
new new
front front
tyres tyres
SS0308 <id>
ladder ladder
fault fault
PH6610-Engine <id> - engine
Tune tune
FW9593 <id>
boarding boarding
ramp ramp
gate gate
latch latch
broken broken
JZ9248 <id>
Fit fit
new new
version version
rear rear
TO0487 <id>
Replace replace
pos position
8 <num>
tyre tyre
UY2435-C/out <id> - change out
Turbo turbo
Primary primary
RHT right
REAR rear
TO0487 <id>
Retarder retarder
U/S unserviceable
1000H <num> hour
Insp inspection
EQL equaliser
Bar bar
OUT out
BRG bearing
RH right hand
DO7053 <id>
VU1914 <id>
tc torque converter
temp temperature
err error
250H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Wtr water
Truck truck
261E <id>
AF5037 <id>
VU1914 <id>
Replace replace
Aux auxiliary
Water water
Pump pump
Leaking leaking
MV3594 <id>
2000hr <num> hour
Service service
& and
Inspection inspection
UY2435 <id>
Minor minor
engine engine
oil oil
leak leak
underneath underneath
BT0391 <id>
Replace replace
pos position
7 <num>
tyre tyre
EZ7111 <id>
Replaced replaced
blocked blocked
aircon air conditioner
filters filters
KI2123 <id>
fuel fuel
dilution dilution
in in
eng engine
oil oil
RZ8994 <id>
Replace replace
check check
valve valve
250H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
EZ7111 <id>
EZ7111 <id>
ROTATE rotate
POS position
2 <num>
RT3290 <id>
Emergency emergency
step step
U/S unserviceable
DB2637 <id>
C/O change out
cracked cracked
windscreen windscreen
KI2123 <id>
hose hose
leaking leaking
RT3290 <id>
oil oil
leak leak
DB2637 <id>
C/Weight counterweights
Light light
U/S unserviceable
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Hyd hydraulic
Cyl cylinder
Dust dust
Hood hood
OO9426 <id>
500H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Shovel shovel
O804 <id>
QR0218 <id>
RW7142 <id>
Crane crane
hire hire
for for
Boom boom
QR0218 <id>
Metal metal
plates plates
loose loose
clam clam
cylinders cylinders
TV3998 <id>
Lineboring line boring
refer refer
hid HID
light light
u/s unserviceable
DB2637 <id>
- -
EXHAUST exhaust
LEAK leak
TO0487 <id>
Steering steering
hose hose
change change
out out
250H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
GO8941 <id>
UN7986 <id>
- -
Ladder ladder
faulty faulty
on on
raising raising
C/O change out
RH right hand
ripper ripper
tilt tilt
cyl cylinder
hose hose
damaged damaged
BC4051 <id>
Charge charge
Air air
Conditioner conditioner
500H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
TO0487 <id>
TV3998 <id>
investigate investigate
noise noise
from from
ring ring
gear gear
AL6487 <id>
broken broken
grease grease
line line
rht right
steer steering
ram ram
TY8010 <id>
BUCKET bucket
AND and
STICK stick
REPAIRS repairs
DO7053-Insp <id> - inspection
Equalizer equalizer
Bar bar
OUT out
Brng bearing
LFT left
500H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
LD3192 <id>
500H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
FV0302 <id>
250H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
VU1914 <id>
KI2123 <id>
Boarding boarding
Ladder ladder
not not
Working working
XK9760 <id>
Repair repair
rust rust
hole hole
in in
floor floor
cab cabin
GO8941 <id>
Wipers wipers
U/S unserviceable
c/o change out
cutting cutting
edges edges
250H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Loader loader
L90E Lloyd
RI7496 <id>
250H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
AV0573 <id>
PD2335 <id>
Repair repair
leaking leaking
R/H right hand
fuel fuel
rail rail
steel steel
shanks shanks
SS0308 <id>
Repair repair
rear rear
brake brake
cooling cooling
leak leak
3M <num> month
Mech mechanical
Cond condition
Ball ball
Stut stud
Crack crack
Test test
SM2291 <id>
BG0988 <id>
Washer washer
bottle bottle
cap cap
missing missing
Aq1321 <id>
Seat seat
Damper damper
U/S unserviceable
JZ9248- <id> -
Rear rear
steering steering
accum accumulator
leaking leaking
OO9426- <id> - fire
Suppression suppression
Inspection inspection
CC0233 <id>
Low low
power power
issue issue
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Hyd hydraulic
Cyl cylinder
Tilt tilt
PD2335 <id>
AE2918 <id>
Replace replace
r/h right hand
lower lower
blade blade
slide slide
nd7666 <id>
repairs repairs
to to
enviro environmental
spray spray
TO0487 <id>
Check check
strut strut
heights heights
RZ8994 <id>
Replace replace
A/C air conditioner
7 <num>
Compressor compressor
Seals seals
FN5736 <id>
Replace replace
frt front
brake brake
cooling cooling
screen screen
AV0573-C/out <id> - change out
Uni's universal joints
Eng-Pump engine - pump
Drv drive
Ww0780 <id>
Down down
shift shift
err error
WK1566 <id>
OIl oil
leak leak
inside inside
pos position
0 <num>
UQ9701 <id>
A/C air conditioner
Issue issue
PY9512 <id>
No no
depth depth
gauge/ gauge /
U/S unserviceable
CD3914 <id>
Cannon cannon
& and
Spray spray
rate rate
faulty faulty
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Control control
VLV valve
UPPER upper
OO9426 <id>
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Hyd hydraulic
Cyl cylinder
Bucket bucket
RH right hand
DB2637 <id>
CZ6065-C/out <id> - change out
Turbo turbo
Primary primary
LFT left
FRNT front
BG0988 <id>
Replace replace
drivers drivers
door door
light light
switch switch
KI2123 <id>
500hr <num> hour
Service service
& and
Inspection inspection
NF4651 <id>
Replace replace
Thermostat thermostat
PH6610 <id>
Rotate rotate
Pos position
7 <num>
tyre tyre
XW7976 <id>
2000hr <num> hour
Service service
& and
Inspection inspection
UF2558 <id>
250hr <num> hour
Service service
& and
Inspection inspection
UY2435 <id>
boarding boarding
gate gate
hinge hinge
weld weld
u/s unserviceable
WK1566 <id>
Boarding boarding
Gate gate
Latch latch
Not not
Working working
UM4228 <id>
Driver's driver's
door door
top top
hinge hinge
broken broken
4000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Shovel shovel
O804 <id>
QR0218 <id>
CC0233 <id>
top top
840 <num>
worklights worklights
out out
Na <id>
Right right
hand hand
platform platform
bolts bolts
Broken broken
XF3996 <id>
Diff differential
oil oil
leak leak
1000H <num> hour
Insp inspection
Hyd hydraulic
Cyl cylinder
Blade blade
Lift lift
RH right hand
UM4228 <id>
DO7053 <id>
fire fire
suppression suppression
bracket bracket
fallan fallen
CC0233 <id>
oil oil
leaks leaks
from from
dozer dozer
control control
valv valve
SM2291 <id>
Tray tray
repairs repairs
Right right
hand hand
rear rear
corn corner
REPLACE replace
BLOWN blown
POS position
3 <num>
LV7795- <id> -
brake brake
hose hose
needs needs
to to
be be
replaced replaced
FW9593 <id>
low low
power power
FW9593 <id>
EXHAUST exhaust
BELLOWS bellows
HEAT heat
SHIELD shield
MISSI missing
1000H <num> hour
Insp inspection
Hyd hydraulic
Cyl cylinder
Wrench wrench
Hold hold
UF2558 <id>
MR0229 <id>
Replace replace
U/S unserviceable
heater heater
control control
valve valve
2000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
BG9236 <id>
250H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce serial
Grader grader
JD8905 <id>
SS0308 <id>
Repair repair
T/C torque converter
Temp temperature
Fault fault
JD8905 <id>
Repair repair
Articuation articulation
Sensor sensor
Fault fault
KI2123 <id>
Leaking leaking
Aircon air conditioner
drive drive
seal seal
LV7795 <id>
Aircon air conditioner
drive drive
leaking leaking
oil oil
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Shovel shovel
DN9817 <id>
RW7142 <id>
- -
REPLACE replace
FRONT front
CRANKSHAFT crankshaft
SEAL seal
JA0341 <id>
Dent dent
in in
headboard headboard
PH6610 <id>
blown blown
hoist hoist
screen screen
hose hose
4000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Tune tune
A4 <id>
L/F left front
QR0218 <id>
500H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Grader grader
JD8905 <id>
PD2335 <id>
grease grease
line line
broken broken
be6428 <id>
investigate investigate
smoke smoke
from from
under under
dash dash
QR0218 <id>
Replace replace
pos position
2 <num>
cap cap
on on
bucket bucket
Find find
BJ7 <id>
fault fault
CC0233 <id>
Air air
cond conditioner
fan fan
motors motors
N/W not working
UY2435 <id>
Payload payload
metre metre
u/s unserviceable
2000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
VLV valve
Spring spring
WK1566 <id>
A/C air conditioner
auxillary auxiliary
drive drive
leaking leaking
PH6610- <id> -
Repair repair
Air air
Leak leak
nd7666 <id>
hand handrail
mod modification
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Control control
VLV valve
J2 <id>
DB2637 <id>
DU7016 <id>
oil oil
leak leak
from from
brake brake
screen screen
hose hose
IT4005 <id>
Repair repair
Beacon beacon
Lamp lamp
CZ6065- <id> -
c/o change out
coolant coolant
flow flow
switch switch
VN2231 <id>
Repair repair
ladder ladder
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Hyd hydraulic
Cyl cylinder
Lift lift
PD2335 <id>
FN5736 <id>
Engine engine
oil oil
leaks leaks
AL6487 <id>
Fit fit
new new
version version
rear rear
UY2435- <id> -
C/out change out
Steering steering
Ball ball
Studs studs
TV3998 <id>
Repair repair
minor minor
crack crack
in in
the the
stick stick
GO8941 <id>
broken broken
grease grease
line line
pos position
5 <num>
ti2034 <id>
diff differential
lube lube
pump pump
leaking leaking
XK9760 <id>
brake brake
oil oil
leak leak
pos position
9 <num>
Job job
opened opened
FW9593 <id>
pump pump
drive drive
shaft shaft
failed failed
SE7351- <id>
fit fit
additional additional
flushing flushing
valve valve
XS7870-Inspect <id> - inspect
Hyd hydraulic
Cyl cylinder
Ripper ripper
Lift lift
RHT right
BG0988 <id>
pin pin
come come
out out
of of
dogbone dogbone
XS7870 <id>
install install
Camera camera
WK1566 <id>
Engine engine
oil oil
consumption consumption
high high
0 <num>
CD3914 <id>
major major
vibration vibration
when when
full full
revs revs
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Carry carry
Roll roller
No number
6 <num>
RH right hand
OO9426 <id>
XK9760- <id> -
engine engine
overheating overheating
BG9236 <id>
Repair repair
Air air
Cond conditioner
Fans fans
UF2558 <id>
c/o change out
flushing flushing
seals seals
QR0218 <id>
- -
INSPECT inspect
AND and
RECTIFY rectify
DAMAGE damage
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Slew slew
Ring ring
DN9817 <id>
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Sprockets sprockets
RH right hand
OO9426 <id>
AI9714 <id>
Reseal reseal
steering steering
pump pump
BG0988 <id>
- -
REPLACE replace
DOG dogbone
BOLT bolt
DU7016 <id>
- -
Install install
precleaner pre-cleaner
dust dust
valves valves
ND5744 <id>
Replace replace
A/C air conditioner
hose hose
Stolen stolen
for for
4549 <id>
QR0218 <id>
c/o change out
all all
3 <num>
adaptors adaptors
XK9760 <id>
hoist hoist
diverter diverter
valve valve
leaking leaking
BG0988 <id>
250hr <num> hour
Service service
& and
Inspection inspection
LD3192-Valve <id> - valve
Spring spring
Inspection inspection
BC4051 <id>
diagnose diagnose
trans transmission
overheat overheat
fault fault
4000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Repl replace
Sprockets sprockets
LH left hand
CC0233 <id>
MR0229 <id>
Coolant coolant
leak leak
at at
cyl cylinder
heads heads
VN2231 <id>
low low
power power
boost boost
pressure pressure
err error
DU7016 <id>
Transmission transmission
failed failed
RZ2293 <id>
Repairs repairs
to to
Enviro environmental
Spray spray
System system
VU1914-C/out <id> - change out
Turbo turbo
Primary primary
LFT left
FRNT front
GO8941 <id>
small small
reverse reverse
mirror mirror
missing missing
GE2963 <id>
Modular modular
issue issue
DU7016 <id>
Pos position
8 <num>
turbo turbo
cartridge cartridge
turned turned
PD2335 <id>
Fire fire
Extinguisher extinguisher
Missing missing
LM8022 <id>
Park park
Brake brake
Lever lever
u/s unserviceable
DN9817 <id>
check check
for for
charge charge
fault fault
LL3433 <id>
Replace replace
Pos position
3 <num>
& and
0 <num>
tyre tyre
XK9760 <id>
C/O change out
Pos position
0 <num>
+ and
9 <num>
Tyres tyres
VN2231 <id>
- -
Install install
precleaner pre-cleaner
dust dust
valve valve
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Operator operator
Seat seat
PH6610 <id>
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Wtr water
Truck truck
663I <id>
RZ2293 <id>
RZ8994- <id> -
Replace replace
Boom boom
cylinder cylinder
hose hose
TY8010 <id>
Labour labour
to to
assist assist
with with
track track
c/out change out
RW7142 <id>
Repair repair
leak leak
at at
pump pump
3 <num>
reg regulator
block block
UY2435 <id>
retarter retarder
valve valve
U/S unserviceable
CD3914 <id>
Enviro environmental
spray spray
filter filter
blocked blocked
PO's PO's
BG9236 <id>
Pos position
4 <num>
Reverse reverse
spot spot
light light
U/S unserviceable
SS0308 <id>
No no
payload payload
on on
VIMS/Modular VIMS / Modular
] ]
OO9426 <id>
Tramming tramming
fault fault
FN5736 <id>
Minor minor
leak leak
behind behind
hydraulic hydraulic
tank tank
BT0391 <id>
Torque torque
converter converter
oil oil
leak leak
AE2918 <id>
replace replace
worn worn
cutting cutting
edges edges
GO8941 <id>
handrail handrail
missing missing
clamp clamp
1000H <num> hour
Insp inspection
Hyd hydraulic
Cyl cylinder
Blade blade
Lift lift
LH left hand
IT4005 <id>
wy9899 <id>
rmove remove
damaged damaged
ladder ladder
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Wtr water
Truck truck
261E <id>
CD3914 <id>
RZ2293 <id>
PUMP pump
ERRORS errors
Replace replace
R/H right hand
rear rear
E emergency-stop
JZ9248 <id>
Rear rear
steering steering
accumulator accumulator
leak leak
OO9426 <id>
Repair repair
Starting starting
Fault fault
XF3996 <id>
Minor minor
torque torque
converter converter
oil oil
leak leak
FW9593 <id>
C/O change out
AUXILLARY auxiliary
WATER water
PUMP pump
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Operator operator
Seat seat
TO0487 <id>
AI9714 <id>
Fit fit
new new
version version
rear rear
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Carry carry
Roll roller
No number
6 <num>
LH left hand
UF2558 <id>
ND5744 <id>
Replace replace
brake brake
relay relay
valve valve
AI9714 <id>
Simple <sensitive>
chain chain
wire wire
gateg gate
SM2291 <id>
Air air
horm horn
disconnected disconnected
1000H <num> hour
Insp inspection
Hyd hydraulic
Cyl cylinder
Blade blade
Lift lift
RH right hand
BC4051 <id>
QR0218-C/out <id> - change out
Brake brake
Swing swing
LFT left
FRNT front
CD3914 <id>
- -
SIMPLE <sensitive>
modifications modifications
to to
modul module
1000H <num> hour
Insp inspection
Hyd hydraulic
Cyl cylinder
Rod rod
Load load
Swing swing
LOW lower
LD3192 <id>
Backlight backlight
on on
dash dash
U/S unserviceable
QR0218-Inspect <id> - inspect
Slew slew
Ring ring
Blowing blowing
smoke smoke
3M <num> month
Mech mechanical
Cond condition
Ball ball
Stut stud
Crack crack
Test test
AV0573 <id>
stabliser stabiliser
bush bush
worn worn
1000H <num> hour
Insp inspection
Hyd hydraulic
Cyl cylinder
Ctrlz controls
Clamp clamp
OO9426 <id>
BT0391 <id>
Repair repair
System system
Voltage voltage
Fault fault
PY9512-Insp <id> - inspection
Mast mast
Raise raise
Cyl cylinder
Pin pin
LFT left
UPR upper
EZ7111-C/out <id> - change out
Turbo turbo
Primary primary
LFT left
REAR rear
FN5736 <id>
Reseal reseal
cooler cooler
pipe pipe
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Operator operator
Seat seat
RT3290 <id>
RW7142 <id>
Crane crane
hrie hire
to to
load load
out out
bucketk bucket
fo for
SS0308 <id>
- -
Install install
precleaner pre-cleaner
dust dust
valves valves
GY9113 <id>
Cab cabin
door door
window window
cracked cracked
LV7795- <id> -
diff differential
cooler cooler
hose hose
u/s unserviceable
XK9760 <id>
Front front
access access
ladder ladder
coming coming
away away
UN7986 <id>
repair repair
headlight headlight
fault fault
QR0218 <id>
Oil oil
leak leak
unfer under
carriage carriage
XW7976 <id>
engine engine
oil oil
filters filters
pluged plugged
Front front
A/C air conditioner
Relay relay
u/s unserviceable
Rear rear
A/C air conditioner
Belts belts
loose loose
BD3257 <id>
Invesigate investigate
high high
hyd hydraulic
oil oil
temp temperature
JZ9248 <id>
Rectify rectify
fuel fuel
dilution dilution
sa4068 <id>
main main
water water
pump pump
u/s unserviceable
BG0988 <id>
dog dogbone
pin pin
out out
xw7695 <id>
cracked cracked
walk walkway
and and
hand handrails
250H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
NF4651 <id>
BC4051-Fire <id> - fire
Suppression suppression
Inspection inspection
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Dozer dozer
501T <id>
UM4228 <id>
KI2123 <id>
Broken broken
Aircon air conditioner
guard guard
VN2231-C/out <id> - change out
Pump pump
Steering steering
DO7053 <id>
Exhaust exhaust
UI79206 <id>
Zk2486 <id>
r/h right hand
eng engine
fan fan
mounting mounting
o-ring o-ring
am0388 <id>
live live
fuel fuel
lock lock
out out
not not
working working
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
TRK track
Plates plates
RH right hand
OO9426 <id>
JZ9248 <id>
Air air
horn horn
cover cover
missing missing
AF5037 <id>
Bolt bolt
missing missing
off off
radiator radiator
grill grill
SS0308 <id>
8v <num> v
supply supply
error error
issue issue
RT3290-Inspect <id> - inspect
A-Frame A-frame
Brng bearing
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
TO0487 <id>
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Artic Artic
Hitch hitch
PD2335 <id>
GO8941 <id>
Left left
R rear
Strut strut
cover cover
missing missing
FV0302 <id>
Repair repair
Dash dash
lights lights
PD2335 <id>
RH right hand
rear rear
ladder ladder
gate gate
latch latch
TV3998 <id>
Replace replace
hammer hammer
control control
pedal pedal
QR0218 <id>
replace replace
failed failed
servo servo
hose hose
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Operator operator
Seat seat
XS7870 <id>
SM2291 <id>
RHRear right hand rear
Rev rev
Light light
U/S unserviceable
CC0233 <id>
Rear rear
Trany transmission
rock rock
guard guard
damaged damaged
UF2558-Inspect <id> - inspect
Hyd hydraulic
Cyl cylinder
Wrench wrench
Holding holding
RT3290 <id>
Change change
POS1 position <num>
Spindle spindle
Bolt bolt
DO7053 <id>
LHS left hand side
arm arm
rest rest
lowering lowering
RZ8994 <id>
Exhaust exhaust
blankets blankets
require require
change change
VN2231 <id>
missing missing
oil oil
filler filler
cap cap
UM4228 <id>
Replace replace
A/c air conditioner
vent vent
louver louver
Change change
out out
Flatteries batteries
JZ9248 <id>
Rear rear
steering steering
accumulators#1 accumulator number <num>
250H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Shovel shovel
DN9817 <id>
Hl2367- <id> -
replace replace
missing missing
guard guard
bolts bolts
AL6487 <id>
Change change
oil oil
filters filters
1M <num> month
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Wksp workshop
Crane crane
ZB3832 <id>
500H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Dozer dozer
A14V <id>
BC4051 <id>
3M <num> month
Mech mechanical
Cond condition
Ball ball
Stut stud
Crack crack
Test test
VN2231 <id>
4000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Drill drill
O08S <id>
PY9512 <id>
UM4228 <id>
check check
a/c air conditioner
fault fault
L/Hrear left hand rear
hid HID
not not
working working
XS7870 <id>
Blade blade
skin skin
cracked cracked
FN5736 <id>
Metal metal
on on
diff differential
mag magnetic
plug plug
GO8941 <id>
Air air
leaking leaking
from from
line line
outside outside
FW9593 <id>
Park park
brake brake
door door
alarm alarm
faulty faulty
PY9512 <id>
Replace replace
failty faulty
alternator alternator
DU7016-C/out <id> - change out
Turbo turbo
Primary primary
RHT right
REAR rear
UM4228 <id>
Crack crack
in in
blade blade
liner liner
LHS left hand side
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
TRK track
Roll roller
9 <num>
RH right hand
DB2637 <id>
UN7986 <id>
500hr <num> hour
Service service
- -
QR0218 <id>
camera camera
light light
on on
stick stick
u/s unserviceable
C/O change out
-{ -{
} }
[ [
right right
hand hand
] ]
CLAM clam
CYL cylinder
done done
10/05/0011 <date>
2000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
AI9714 <id>
3M <num> month
Mech mechanical
Cond condition
Ball ball
Stut stud
Crack crack
Test test
XH1714 <id>
TO0487 <id>
leaking leaking
pos position
9 <num>
brake brake
cooling cooling
hose hose
QR0218 <id>
C/O change out
BJ7 <id>
EXHUAST exhaust
BLANKET blanket
250H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
SM2291 <id>
TV3998 <id>
Hyd hydraulic
hose hose
leaking leaking
1000H <num> hour
Insp inspection
Hyd hydraulic
Cyl cylinder
Wheel wheel
Lean lean
JD8905 <id>
DB2637 <id>
REPAIR repair
CRACKS cracks
AT at
STICK stick
TO to
BOOM boom
2000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce serial
Grader grader
IT4005 <id>
XF3996- <id> -
LH left hand
hoist hoist
cylinder cylinder
leaking leaking
P plug
MV3594 <id>
Diff differential
oil oil
leak leak
UY2435 <id>
found found
fuel fuel
hose hose
hard hard
2put to put
on on
C/O change out
Leaking leaking
diff differential
cooler cooler
hose hose
XW7976-C/out <id> - change out
Uni's universal joints
Eng-Pump engine - pump
Drv drive
CD3914 <id>
spay spay
filter filter
plugged plugged
DN9817-Fire <id> - fire
Suppression suppression
Inspection inspection
VN2231 <id>
Pos2 position <num>
Brake brake
cooling cooling
hose hose
MV3594 <id>
Fire fire
Surpressant suppressant
in in
red red
in in
bottle bottle
VU1914 <id>
flat flat
pos position
1 <num>
tyre tyre
TV3998 <id>
hydraulic hydraulic
leak leak
from from
slew slew
RW7142 <id>
Dash dash
broken broken
JD8905 <id>
250hr <num> hour
Service service
& and
Inspection inspection
3M <num> month
Mech mechanical
Cond condition
Ball ball
Stut stud
Crack crack
Test test
XF3996 <id>
os outside
7 <num>
wheel wheel
end end
duo duo-cone
leaking leaking
MR0229-C/Out <id> - change out
# number
75 <num>
Faulty faulty
Injector injector
Ass assembly
DB2637 <id>
C/O change out
front front
A/C air conditioner
condensor condensor
fans fans
kg5443 <id>
eng engine
oil oil
leak leak
nd7666 <id>
rear rear
work work
light light
u/s unserviceable
RT3290 <id>
RH right hand
indicators indicators
U/S unserviceable
Repair repair
LW <id>
Brake brake
oil oil
cooling cooling
hose hose
rubbing rubbing
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Idler idler
LH left hand
TV3998 <id>
DN9817 <id>
- -
C/O change out
Pos position
8 <num>
Load load
Roller roller
KI2123 <id>
Bottom bottom
headlight headlight
is is
blown blown
RZ2293 <id>
Sun sun
shade shade
broken broken
AE2918 <id>
Repair repair
handrail handrail
DB2637 <id>
Boom boom
cyl cylinder
/carbody / carbody
grease grease
inj injection
UQ9701 <id>
REMOVE remove
AND and
RE-SEAL reseal
POS position
8 <num>
FINAL final drive
TV3998 <id>
Measure measure
slew slew
ring ring
deflection deflection
Kh7583 <id>
Retarder retarder
control control
u/s unserviceable
manual manual
250H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Dozer dozer
501T <id>
UM4228 <id>
VU1914-C/out <id> - change out
Turbo turbo
Primary primary
LFT left
REAR rear
AE2918 <id>
Fit fit
park park
brake brake
alarm alarm
to to
machine machine
ID <id>
Engine engine
fails fails
to to
start start
BC1618 <id>
250hr <num> hour
Service service
& and
Inspection inspection
an4180 <id>
coolant coolant
overheating-investigate overheating - investigate
250H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
PH6610 <id>
SS0308 <id>
air air
leak leak
AV0573 <id>
Windrow windrow
light light
u/s unserviceable
UN7986 <id>
Replace replace
trans transmission
hoses hoses
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Carry carry
Roll roller
No number
4 <num>
RH right hand
QR0218 <id>
BG0988- <id> -
c/o change out
a/c air conditioner
compressor compressor
LV7795 <id>
Transmission transmission
failed failed
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
VN2231 <id>
QR0218 <id>
Boily boilermaker
repairs repairs
to to
the the
bucket bucket
XH1714 <id>
Rectify rectify
Eng engine
oil oil
Consumption consumption
DU7016 <id>
main main
waterpump waterpump
us unserviceable
QR0218-Inspect <id> - inspect
Idler idler
RHT right
BC4051 <id>
Fuel fuel
pressure pressure
reading reading
inaccurate inaccurate
FV0302 <id>
Carry carry
out out
brake brake
WFH01762 <id>
Ww0780 <id>
emergency emergency
ladder ladder
gate gate
latch latch
u/s unserviceable
kg5443 <id>
splash splash
gaurd guard
mods modifications
AE2918 <id>
Repair repair
emergency emergency
ladder ladder
OO9426 <id>
feed feed
creeping creeping
XS7870 <id>
Cab cabin
floor floor
rubber rubber
split split
UN7986 <id>
C/out change out
pos position
1 <num>
tyre tyre
sd5430 <id>
lip lip
shroud shroud
reoairs repairs
UF2558 <id>
Depth depth
gauge gauge
not not
working working
UY2435 <id>
2000hr <num> hour
Service service
- -
Out/stding outstanding
PO's POs
LV7795 <id>
Hoist hoist
buddy buddy
fitting fitting
leaking leaking
LD3192 <id>
pos position
6 <num>
strut strut
Leaking leaking
934 <id>
4000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Eng engine
Tune tune
NF4651 <id>
UQ9701 <id>
2000hr <num> hour
Service service
- -
RZ8994 <id>
Hyd hydraulic
Temp temperature
High high
FN5736-C/out <id> - change out
Uni's universal joints
Eng-Pump engine - pump
Drvitti drive
VU1914 <id>
roto rotochamber
bypassing bypassing
F <id>
QR0218 <id>
Fuel fuel
tank tank
smashed smashed
rock rock
fall fall
AF5037 <id>
Cab cabin
needs needs
resealing resealing
Me9685 <id>
C/O change out
Cab cabin
pressuriser pressuriser
DO7053 <id>
oil oil
leak leak
JZ9248-C/out <id> - change out
Turbo turbo
Primary primary
LFT left
REAR rear
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Operator operator
Seat seat
CZ6065 <id>
fr5442 <id>
r/h right hand
headlight headlight
out out
grease grease
fault fault
VN2231-C/out <id> - change out
Turbo turbo
Primary primary
RHT right
REAR rear
System system
Voltage voltage
Low low
DN9817 <id>
Replace replace
rh right hand
eng engine
front front
crank crank
seal seal
OO9426 <id>
Loss loss
of of
Feed feed
Rotary rotary
Controller controller
Su suction
ov0269 <id>
ladder ladder
lever lever
LD3192 <id>
steering steering
oil oil
leak leak
LW <id>
Camshaft camshaft
Cover cover
Leaks leaks
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Hyd hydraulic
Cyl cylinder
Pin pin
Pull pull
CC0233 <id>
RW7142 <id>
- -
grease grease
sample sample
of of
the the
slew slew
ring ring
2000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
VLV valve
Spring spring
AI9714 <id>
NF4651 <id>
2-way two-way
co-axial co-axial
needs needs
conduit conduit
LD3192 <id>
Fuel fuel
breather breather
missing missing
UQ9701 <id>
short short
in in
headlight headlight
wiring wiring
QR0218 <id>
Reseal reseal
rotary rotary
conection connection
plugs plugs
GY9113 <id>
Seat seat
height height
control control
u/s unserviceable
3M <num> month
Mech mechanical
Cond condition
Ball ball
Stub Stud
Crack crack
Test test
AI9714 <id>
CC0233 <id>
Right right
Ram ram
Cylinder cylinder
Leak leak
DO7053 <id>
bottle bottle
RHS right hand side
9 <num>
be be
recharged recharged
RZ8994 <id>
Grease grease
pipe pipe
on on
bottom bottom
of of
rotary rotary
RT3290 <id>
Headlight headlight
bracket bracket
broken broken
BT0391 <id>
Replace replace
#8 number <num>
Rocker rocker
cover cover
AL6487 <id>
Drain drain
& and
flush flush
cooling cooling
system system
G <id>
Replace replace
Engine engine
oil oil
cooler cooler
due due
t to
4000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Eng engine
Tune tune
AL6487 <id>
SM2291 <id>
ladder ladder
raise raise
fault fault
Uj0190 <id>
Reseal reseal
#3 number <num>
MainPump main pump
Mount mount
Oring o-ring
lockup lockup
fault fault
in in
T/Convertor torque convertor
3M <num> month
Mech mechanical
Cond condition
Ball ball
Stut stud
Crack crack
Test test
XW7976 <id>
AE2918 <id>
Right right
rear rear
indicator indicator
light light
blown blown
XH1714 <id>
Repair repair
Reverse reverse
Lights/Alarm lights / alarm
XH1714 <id>
Repair repair
battery battery
box box
lid lid
UQ9701 <id>
COMP compressor
AWAITING awaiting
PARTS parts
MV3594-Fire <id> - fire
Suppression suppression
Inspection inspection
UF2558-Inspect <id> - inspect
Hyd hydraulic
Cyl cylinder
Rod rod
Guide guide
DB2637 <id>
- -
TOOLING tooling
REQUIRED required
250H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Dozer dozer
A14V <id>
BC4051 <id>
1000H <num> hour
Insp inspection
Hyd hydraulic
Cyl cylinder
Rod rod
Load load
Swing swing
RH right hand
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Carry carry
Roll roller
No number
2 <num>
LH left hand
UF2558 <id>
BC4051 <id>
Missing missing
internal internal
hyd hydraulic
tank tank
bolt bolt
- -
FN5736 <id>
Replace replace
J2 <id>
turbo turbo
chargeair chargeair
hose hose
RJ7752 <id>
Steinberg <sensitive>
labour labour
to to
strip strip
TY9640OT <id>
Sm2715 <id>
Ripper ripper
boot boot
Lost lost
RZ8994 <id>
RH right hand
Boom boom
cyl cylinder
leaking leaking
heavily heavily
ND5744 <id>
replace replace
damaged damaged
rocker rocker
cover cover
XK9760- <id> -
C/O change out
549 <num>
fuel fuel
injectors injectors
FV0302 <id>
oil oil
cap cap
missing missing
GO8941 <id>
no no
drive drive
ND5744 <id>
Fit fit
new new
diff differential
lube lube
solenoid solenoid
JD8905 <id>
steering steering
alarm alarm
comes comes
onN on
Kh7583 <id>
Turbo turbo
coolant coolant
leak leak
KI2123 <id>
minor minor
leak leak
transmission transmission
DN9817 <id>
Slow slow
tram tram
left left
track track
JA0341-C/out <id> - change out
Turbo turbo
Primary primary
RHT right
REAR rear
AI9714 <id>
Coolant coolant
flow flow
switch switch
tube tube
leak leak
BT0391 <id>
2000hr <num> hour
Service service
& and
Inspection inspection
Repair repair
leaking leaking
steering steering
suction suction
line line
TO0487 <id>
Onside onside
air air
filter filter
cover cover
seal seal
250H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
BT0391 <id>
DN9817 <id>
REPLACE replace
LH left hand
MACHINE machine
ENGINE engine
HARNESS harness
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
TRK track
Roll roller
9 <num>
RH right hand
DB2637 <id>
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
A-Frame A-frame
BRG bearing
RT3290 <id>
UM4228 <id>
- -
Blade blade
repairs repairs
gf2573 <id>
headboard headboard
repairs repairs
BG0988 <id>
Air air
con conditioner
not not
running running
cold cold
RZ8994 <id>
- -
Change change
out out
L/H left hand
Bucket bucket
Cylinder cylinder
DO7053 <id>
Repair repair
Park park
Brake brake
Lockout lockout
Switch switch
SM2291 <id>
Cooling cooling
system system
hoses hoses
FW9593 <id>
engine engine
oil oil
level level
fault fault
WK1566 <id>
Diff differential
pump pump
motor motor
hose hose
leaking leaking
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Idler idler
LH left hand
OO9426 <id>
1KH <num> hour
Insp inspection
Mast mast
Raise raise
Cyl cylinder
Pin pin
LH left hand
UP up
OK5862 <id>
tm8584 <id>
investigate investigate
for for
coolant coolant
entry entry
1000H <num> hour
Insp inspection
Hyd hydraulic
Cyl cylinder
Blade blade
Tilt tilt
RH right hand
UM4228 <id>
TY8010 <id>
Track track
Press press
Hire hire
Costs costs
g g
2000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
VLV valve
Spring spring
PH6610 <id>
1000H <num> hour
Insp inspection
Hyd hydraulic
Cyl cylinder
Boom boom
Lift lift
LH left hand
QR0218 <id>
PD2335 <id>
Fuel fuel
Filter filter
plgd plugged
qf2136 <id>
missing missing
UN7986 <id>
Repair repair
faulty faulty
ladder ladder
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
WK1566 <id>
PY9512-Fire <id> - fire
Suppression suppression
Inspection inspection
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Ride ride
Strut strut
G3 <id>
BG0988 <id>
Headlight headlight
U/S unserviceable
1000H <num> hour
Insp inspection
Hyd hydraulic
Cyl cylinder
Blade blade
Tilt tilt
LH left hand
CC0233 <id>
BG9236 <id>
Engine engine
coolant coolant
leak leak
ripper ripper
light light
out out
2000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce serial
Grader grader
AE2918 <id>
dd1938 <id>
grease grease
issue issue
on on
backboard backboard
AF5037 <id>
replace replace
cannon cannon
cylinder cylinder
XW7976 <id>
Diff differential
cooler cooler
hose hose
leaking leaking
2000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
TO0487 <id>
GO8941 <id>
Replace replace
drivers drivers
window window
RW7142 <id>
Rear rear
Air air
Con conditioner
U/S unserviceable
CD3914-C/out <id> - change out
Turbo turbo
Primary primary
RHT right
FV0302 <id>
1000hr <num> hour
Service service
& and
Inspection inspection
Repl replace
Uni universal joint
Eng-Pmp engine - pump
Drive drive
FV0302 <id>
PO's POs
FN5736 <id>
Pre prelube
error error
on on
RZ8994 <id>
RH right hand
eng engine
fuel fuel
pump pump
u/s unserviceable
BT0391 <id>
Fuel fuel
cap cap
missing missing
UN7986 <id>
DIFF differential
COOLING cooling
HOSE hose
LEAKING leaking
AL6487 <id>
Regas regas
and and
test test
A/C air conditioner
system system
AI9714 <id>
Minor minor
diff differential
oil oil
leaks leaks
250H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Excavator excavator
UB6141 <id>
TY8010 <id>
JA0341- <id> -
Install install
precleaner pre-cleaner
dustvalves dust valves
3M <num> month
Mech mechanical
Cond condition
Ball ball
Stut stud
Crack crack
Test test
FW9593 <id>
UM4228 <id>
Tranny transmission
dipstick dipstick
for for
DG95 <id>
CD3914 <id>
Spray spray
system system
Water water
pump pump
leak leak
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
TRK track
Roll roller
6 <num>
LH left hand
RW7142 <id>
BG9236 <id>
Crack crack
in in
fuel fuel
tank tank
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
TRK track
Plates plates
RH right hand
RW7142 <id>
C/O change out
Rear rear
Condenser condenser
Fans fans
Gh7816 <id>
Ripper ripper
Tyne tyne
tips tips
worn worn
NF4651-Inspect <id> - inspect
Operator operator
Seat seat
LO8920 <id>
Replace replace
both both
sheave sheave
wheels wheels
DN9817 <id>
r/h right hand
front front
travel travel
motor motor
u/s unserviceable
FN5736 <id>
back back
light light
u/s unserviceable
VN2231 <id>
Pos position
4 <num>
Brake brake
hose hose
leak leak
BG0988 <id>
2000hr <num> hour
Service service
& and
Inspection inspection
XS7870 <id>
Electrical electrical
faults faults
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
TRK track
Roll roller
Group group
LH left hand
TV3998 <id>
BC4051 <id>
- -
Tag tag
Out out
switch switch
not not
working working
KI2123 <id>
Purchase purchase
rear rear
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Loader loader
Y95R <id>
RI7496 <id>
2000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
VLV valve
Spring spring
EZ7111 <id>
bolts bolts
holding holding
dust dust
rubber rubber
broken broken
DU7016 <id>
Air air
con conditioner
faulty faulty
250H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
FW9593 <id>
WK1566-Fire <id> - fire
Suppression suppression
Inspection inspection
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Hyd hydraulic
Cyl cylinder
Stick stick
RH right hand
DN9817 <id>
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Operator operator
Seat seat
DN9817 <id>
TO0487 <id>
L/HR left hand rear
Strut strut
guard guard
missing missing
XK9760 <id>
Tap-Spraybar tap spraybar
stiff stiff
to to
turn turn
off off
250H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
LD3192 <id>
MV3594 <id>
Re-seal reseal
oil oil
leak leak
at at
a/c air conditioner
drive drive
gi85 <id>
01 <num>
ripper ripper
boot boot
fallan fallen
off off
AF5037 <id>
Fire fire
ext extinguisher
bracket bracket
on on
cab cabin
bent bent
XH1714 <id>
Rotate rotate
Pos position
2 <num>
1 <num>
& and
5 <num>
tyres tyres
1000H <num> hour
Insp inspection
Hyd hydraulic
Cyl cylinder
Tong tong
Clamp clamp
OO9426 <id>
DB2637 <id>
c/o change out
rear rear
a/con air conditioner
condensor condensor
fans fans
PY9512 <id>
Reciever receiver
tank tank
cracked cracked
BLINK <sensitive>
DN9817 <id>
Control control
valve valve
u/s unserviceable
see see
long long
txt text
FH34296 <id>
Engine engine
pre-lube prelube
error error
UF2558-Insp <id> - inspection- inspection
Hyd hydraulic
Cyl cylinder
Centraliser centraliser
Swing swing
UQ9701 <id>
Replace replace
fan fan
hose hose
+ and
A/C air conditioner
Belt belt
FW9593-Engine <id> - engine
Tune tune
UQ9701 <id>
t/c torque converter
outlet outlet
screen screen
housing housing
leaking leaking
VU1914 <id>
500hr <num> hour
Service service
- -
BD3257 <id>
air air
horn horn
doesn't doesn't
work work
LL3433 <id>
- -
Replace replace
brake brake
cooling cooling
lines6ats lines <num>
TY8010 <id>
C/O change out
Tee tee
Hose hose
1000H <num> hour
Insp inspection
Hyd hydraulic
Cyl cylinder
Blade blade
Lift lift
LH left hand
CC0233 <id>
AV0573 <id>
cracked cracked
fuel fuel
tank tank
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
TRK track
Roll roller
7 <num>
RH right hand
UF2558 <id>
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Idler idler
RH right hand
QR0218 <id>
Replace replace
burn burn
brite bright
lights lights
2000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
VLV valve
Spring spring
BG9236 <id>
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Slew slew
Ring ring
QR0218 <id>
1000H <num> hour
Insp inspection
Hyd hydraulic
Cyl cylinder
Blade blade
Lift lift
LH left hand
UM4228 <id>
250H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Truck truck
508-3 <id>
LL3433 <id>
AV0573 <id>
Front front
struts struts
low low
AI9714 <id>
Fabricate fabricate
tool tool
for for
fuel fuel
farm farm
BT0391 <id>
Investigate investigate
aftercooler aftercooler
temp temperature
VN2231 <id>
- -
fuel fuel
leak leak
FW9593 <id>
ELEC electric
HORN horn
NOT not
WORKING working
XK9760 <id>
500hr <num> hour
ServiceGSAP service GSAP
1KH <num> hour
Insp inspection
Mast mast
Raise raise
Cyl cylinder
Pin pin
RH right hand
UP up
OO9426 <id>
3M <num> month
Mech mechanical
Cond condition
Ball ball
Stut stud
Crack crack
Test test
XH1714 <id>
PH6610 <id>
Hydraulic hydraulic
oil oil
leak leak
500H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
AV0573 <id>
1KH <num> hour
Insp inspection
Mast mast
Raise raise
Cyl cylinder
Pin pin
LH left hand
UP up
UF2558 <id>
DO7053 <id>
Bonnet bonnet
mounts mounts
worn worn
Repairs repairs
to to
bucket bucket
gouge gouge
& and
weldn welding
cracks cracks
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Bucket bucket
DB2637 <id>
500H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Grader grader
AE2918 <id>
JA0341 <id>
500hr <num> hour
Service service
- -
2000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
VLV valve
Spring spring
BT0391 <id>
TY8010 <id>
2000hr <num> hour
Service service
- -
Out/stding outstanding
PO's POs
DO7053 <id>
LH left hand
Pos3 position <num>
inner inner
minor minor
bogie bogie
pin pin
u/s unserviceable
MR0229 <id>
# number
9 <num>
& and
8 <num>
cyl cylinder
head head
coolant coolant
leaking leaking
system system
low low
voltage voltage
nn0374 <id>
vg8480 <id>
rotate rotate
pos position
9 <num>
tyre tyre
BG9236 <id>
repair repair
engine engine
fuel fuel
leak leak
FV0302-C/out <id> - change out
Uni's universal joints
Eng-Pump engine - pump
Drvit drive
h <id>
MV3594 <id>
Eng engine
Oil oil
lk- level
sump-fill sump - fill
pipe pipe
BG9236 <id>
Replace replace
switching switching
unit unit
RT3290 <id>
Replace replace
accessory accessory
drive drive
unis universal joint
bn6308 <id>
drop drop
gate gate
XW7976 <id>
Dash dash
backlight backlight
blown blown
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Carry carry
Roll roller
No number
8 <num>
LH left hand
DN9817 <id>
BC4051 <id>
machine machine
numbers numbers
on on
cab cabin
OO9426 <id>
unusal unusual
hyd hydraulic
noise noise
on on
fast fast
feed feed
AE2918 <id>
air air
con conditioner
warmectionnt warm
XW7976 <id>
repair repair
leaking leaking
steering steering
acc accumulator
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Joy joy
Stick stick
RH right hand
RZ8994 <id>
MR0229-Inspect <id> - inspect
Operator operator
Seat seat
MV3594 <id>
Coolant coolant
leak leak
from from
oil oil
cooler cooler
BD3257 <id>
Replace replace
missing missing
tooth tooth
RZ2293 <id>
Cannon cannon
derating derating
- -
low low
H20 H2O
pressur pressure
WK1566 <id>
RZ2293 <id>
Fit fit
permalubes permalubes
to to
bulk bulk
water water
pump pump
MV3594 <id>
Replace replace
voltage voltage
protection protection
module module
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Operator operator
Seat seat
XW7976 <id>
DO7053 <id>
replace replace
fire fire
ext extinguisher
bracket bracket
BC4051 <id>
bolt bolt
missing missing
RH right hand
track track
- -
INVESTIGA investigate
LV7795 <id>
250hr <num> hour
Service service
6M <num> month
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Fire fire
Suppression suppression
TV3998 <id>
QR0218- <id> -
C/O change out
No2 number <num>
A/C air conditioner
compressor compressor
1000H <num> hour
Insp inspection
Hyd hydraulic
Cyl cylinder
Rip rip
Lift lift
LH level
GE2963 <id>
A/Con air conditioner
U/S unserviceable
LL3433 <id>
Access access
Ladder ladder
not not
working working
500H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
SM2291 <id>
DN9817 <id>
repair repair
lh left hand
a/c air conditioner
system system
JD8905 <id>
oil oil
leak leak
- -
Remove remove
Service service
Test test
NF4651 <id>
Leak leak
on on
fuel fuel
tank tank
TO0487-C/out <id> - change out
Turbo turbo
Primary primary
RHT right
FRNT front
MV3594 <id>
C/O change out
ENG engine
OIL oil
& and
FILTERS filters
500H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Drill drill
O08S <id>
OK5862 <id>
BG9236 <id>
2000hr <num> hour
Service service
& and
Inspection inspection
F <id>
BG0988 <id>
rock rock
ejector ejector
damaged damaged
sterring steering
oil oil
leakage leakage
XW7976 <id>
1000hr <num> hour
Service service
- -
diagnose diagnose
vims VIMS
error error
4000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Tune tune
J4 <id>
R/RR right rear
QR0218 <id>
horn horn
not not
working working
REMOVE remove
TRANS transmission
OVERHAUL overhaul
PARK park
BRAKE brake
VU1914 <id>
Rotate rotate
pos position
3&5 <num> and <num>
tyre tyre
BG0988 <id>
FIT fit
NEW new
A/C air conditioner
COVER cover
ON on
CAB cabin
RT3290 <id>
Park park
brake brake
hose hose
leaking leaking
AL6487 <id>
LH left hand
rear rear
strut strut
guard guard
missing missing
AE2918 <id>
Leak leak
Pos position
1 <num>
Duo duo-cone
seal seal
RT3290 <id>
RH right hand
deck deck
rusted rusted
out out
DO7053 <id>
5 <num>
x x
rear rear
work work
lights lights
blown blown
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
TRK track
Roll roller
0 <num>
RH right hand
DB2637 <id>
MY6517 <id>
Fit fit
safety safety
bar bar
at at
top top
of of
ladder ladder
JZ9248- <id> -
Engine engine
Tune tune
TO0487-Fire <id> - fire
Suppression suppression
Inspection inspection
UM4228 <id>
Floor floor
mat mat
needs needs
replacing replacing
MR0229 <id>
LH left hand
exhaust exhaust
temps temperatures
hi high
reported reported
VN2231 <id>
brake brake
cooling cooling
hose hose
leaking leaking
PD2335 <id>
C/O change out
U/S unserviceable
Jack jacket
water water
pump pump
MV3594 <id>
Steering steering
filter filter
plate plate
cracked cracked
XF3996 <id>
CHANGEOUT change out
POS position
0 <num>
AND and
3 <num>
NF4651 <id>
investigate investigate
issue issue
with with
the the
2 two-way
QR0218-Inspect <id> - inspect
Track track
Roller roller
5 <num>
RHT right
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Operator operator
Seat seat
SS0308 <id>
investigate investigate
9 <num>
volt volt
supply supply
fault fault
vu5237 <id>
air air
line line
leaking leaking
on on
compressor compressor
zs8919 <id>
c/o change out
pos position
4 <num>
& and
8 <num>
tyres tyres
Bonnet bonnet
lift lift
cylinder cylinder
u/s unserviceable
Change change
out out
JA0341 <id>
external external
flap flap
for for
cab cabin
filter filter
UF2558 <id>
Engine engine
over overheating
Investergate investigate
DO7053- <id> -
Engine engine
Tune tune
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Operator operator
Seat seat
FN5736 <id>
SS0308 <id>
1000hr <num> hour
Service service
& and
Inspection inspection
IT4005-Fire <id> - fire
Suppression suppression
Inspection inspection
ladder ladder
u/s unserviceable
DN9817 <id>
- -
Repair repair
door door
latches latches
NF4651 <id>
lights lights
not not
working working
OK5862 <id>
Oil oil
press pressure
gauge gauge
U/S unserviceable
PC4305LG <id>
pump pump
burnt burnt
out out
TO0487 <id>
Fire fire
supression suppression
u/s unserviceable
TRAY tray
LIGHT light
OUT out
PY9512-Insp <id> - inspection
Mast mast
Raise raise
Cyl cylinder
Pin pin
RHT right
UPR upper
QR0218 <id>
Skid skid
plate plate
on on
clam clam
has has
cracking cracking
SE7351- <id>
replace replace
water water
pump pump
FV0302 <id>
Grease grease
line line
broken broken
steer steering
linkage linkage
Pos position
3 <num>
strut strut
leaking leaking
grease grease
2000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Repl replace
Uni universal joint
Eng-Pmp engine - pump
Drive drive
DU7016 <id>
KI2123 <id>
Fit fit
new new
version version
rear rear
OK5862-Inspect <id> - inspect
Hyd hydraulic
Cyl cylinder
Tong tong
Break break
OO9426-Inspect <id> - inspect
Track track
Plates plates
LFT left
BG0988 <id>
oil oil
leak leak
DB2637 <id>
c/o change out
revolving revolving
lights lights
500H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
LV7795 <id>
DN9817 <id>
- -
Fit fit
R <sensitive>
South south
BG0988 <id>
exhaust exhaust
stack stack
clamps clamps
broken broken
OO9426 <id>
boss boss
clamp clamp
6 <num>
compressor compressor
leaking leaking
Hoist hoist
hose hose
leaking leaking
DB2637 <id>
- -
C/O change out
HOSE hose
FROM from
TO to
FAN fan
PUMP pump
DB2637 <id>
Remove remove
all all
tooth tooth
caps caps
GY9113 <id>
Replace replace
bonnet bonnet
raise raise
rocker rocker
switc switch
3M <num> month
Mech mechanical
Cond condition
Ball ball
Stut stud
Crack crack
Test test
PH6610 <id>
IT4005 <id>
machine machine
number number
missing missing
RZ8994 <id>
Replace replace
Batteries batteries
AL6487 <id>
C/O change out
O-Ring o-ring
Valve valve
Pos position
6 <num>
gf2573 <id>
fuel fuel
filters filters
plugged plugged
JD8905 <id>
High high
coolant coolant
temps temperatures
constantly constantly
investigat investigate
airhorn airhorn
u/s unserviceable
JD8905 <id>
Fuel fuel
Temp temperature
High high
KI2123 <id>
CHANGE change
OUT out
FRONT front
TYRES tyres
MV3594 <id>
Replace replace
Pos position
1 <num>
+ and
7 <num>
Tyres tyres
VU1914 <id>
Pos1 position <num>
Turbo turbo
clamp clamp
u/s unserviceable
OO9426 <id>
Tool tool
joints joints
worn worn
1000H <num> hour
Insp inspection
Hyd hydraulic
Cyl cylinder
Rip rip
Pitch pitch
LH level
CC0233 <id>
WK1566 <id>
Transmission transmission
leak leak
BG0988 <id>
Replace replace
mudflap mudflap
behind behind
fuel fuel
tank tank
LL3433 <id>
Replace replace
U/S unserviceable
air air
compressor compressor
BD3257 <id>
Repair repair
kick kick
outs outs
FW9593 <id>
-INVESTIG - investigate
T/C torque converter
Fan fan
pump pump
oil oil
leak leak
coolant coolant
low low
warning warning
RZ8994 <id>
2000hr <num> hour
Service service
- -
Outstd/ing outstanding
1000H <num> hour
Insp inspection
Hyd hydraulic
Cyl cylinder
Boom boom
Lift lift
LH left hand
TV3998 <id>
JA0341 <id>
boost boost
sensor/harnes sensor / harness
foltie faulty
JZ9248 <id>
leaks leaks
on on
strg storage
tank tank
and and
lines lines
TY8010 <id>
Engine engine
oil oil
dipstick dipstick
is is
missing missing
AL6487 <id>
C/O change out
pos position
1&2 <num> and <num>
Tyres tyres
FN5736 <id>
Modular modular
antennae antennae
faulty faulty
Be8381 <id>
Won't won't
isolate isolate
250H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
CZ6065 <id>
No no
high high
beam beam
XS7870 <id>
Hyd hydraulic
oil oil
temp temperature
gauge gauge
not not
working working
CC0233 <id>
250hr <num> hour
Service service
- -
Out/stding outstanding
PO's POs
CC0233 <id>
- -
Repair repair
leaking leaking
centrifugal centrifugal
filt filter
XK9760 <id>
- -
#11 number <num>
CYL cylinder
BLOWING blowing
SMOKE smoke
CD3914 <id>
Drive driving
Vibration vibration
@ at
1400/1700rpm <num> / <num> RPM
LV7795 <id>
Relace replace
Coolant coolant
hoses hoses
split split
yoke yoke
on on
ram ram
end end
has has
loose loose
bolts bolts
PY9512 <id>
Mast mast
pivot pivot
block block
bolts bolts
u/s unserviceable
PY9512 <id>
water water
leak leak
from from
mast mast
RW7142 <id>
binding binding
up up
tramming tramming
in in
reverse reverse
MV3594-Cam <id> - camshaft
Inspection inspection
2000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
XW7976 <id>
TO0487 <id>
Engine engine
prelube prelube
error error
on on
TO0487 <id>
Brakes brakes
slow slow
to to
release release
fault fault
3M <num> month
Mech mechanical
Cond condition
Ball ball
Stut stud
Crack crack
Test test
FV0302 <id>
No number
4 <num>
A/C air conditioner
Compressor compressor
U/S unserviceable
3M <num> month
Mech mechanical
Cond condition
Ball ball
Stut stud
Crack crack
Test test
KI2123 <id>
CC0233 <id>
rear rear
window window
has has
crack crack
all all
the the
way way
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Carry carry
Roll roller
No number
9 <num>
LH left hand
TV3998 <id>
DN9817-C/out <id> - change out
Swing swing
Box box
RHT right
FRNT front
Zk2486 <id>
replace replace
starter starter
motors motors
PY9512- <id> -
Replace replace
discharge discharge
hose hose
PY9512 <id>
Seat seat
does does
not not
swivel swivel
qq3045 <id>
thortle throttle
poss possible
err error
RZ2293 <id>
Needs needs
new new
wiper wiper
blades blades
KI2123 <id>
Replace replace
t/c torque converter
wiring wiring
harness harness
DO7053-Insp <id> - inspection
Equalizer equalizer
Bar bar
OUT out
Brng bearing
RHT right
RD2020-Inspect inspect
Operator operator
Seat seat
2000H <num> hour
BD3257 <id>
2000hr <num> hour
Service service
& and
Inspection inspection
SS0308 <id>
RHS right hand side
brake brake
hose hose
oil oil
leak leak
FV0302 <id>
Fuel fuel
gauge gauge
not not
working working
AI9714 <id>
C/O change out
Pump pump
drive drive
uni's universal joints
1000H <num> hour
Insp inspection
Hyd hydraulic
Cyl cylinder
Tong tong
Break break
OK5862 <id>
DB2637 <id>
Replace replace
UM5 <id>
cabinet cabinet
pressurizer pressurizer
PY9512 <id>
move move
location location
of of
rear rear
camera camera
JA0341 <id>
diff differential
cooler cooler
fan fan
leak leak
UM4228-Inspect <id> - inspect
Hyd hydraulic
Cyl cylinder
Blade blade
Lift lift
LFT left
500H <num> hour
BD3257 <id>
82624 <num>
Service service
& and
Inspection inspection
BD3257 <id>
F <id>
C/O change out
FRONT front
WINDSCREEN windscreen
MR0229 <id>
250hr <num> hour
Service service
- -
500H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Excavator excavator
TU082 <id>
RZ8994 <id>
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
UY2435 <id>
TY8010 <id>
Air air
Horn horn
U/S unserviceable
CC0233 <id>
Re replace
blown blown
hyd hydraulic
hose hose
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
TRK track
Roll roller
0 <num>
RH right hand
OO9426 <id>
XK9760 <id>
Replace replace
cracked cracked
RHR right hand rear
exh exhaust
bellows bellows
MY6517 <id>
front front
king king
pins pins
worn worn
AF5037 <id>
Left left
rear rear
brake brake
temp temperature
err error
on on
RZ8994 <id>
C/O change out
U/S unserviceable
Car carbody
light light
pc7071 <id>
c/o change out
pos1 position <num>
& and
pos2 position <num>
GY9113 <id>
needs needs
new new
cutting cutting
edge edge
AL6487-C/out <id> - change out
Uni's universal joints
Eng-Pump engine - pump
Drv drive
BG0988 <id>
500hr <num> hour
Service service
- -
Lc4532 <id>
tray tray
LH left hand
clearnace clearance
u/s unserviceable
1000H <num> hour
Insp inspection
Hyd hydraulic
Cyl cylinder
Tong tong
Break break
PY9512 <id>
500H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Wtr water
Truck truck
663I <id>
RZ2293 <id>
RZ2293 <id>
7194 <num>
7071 <num>
- -
Site site
insp inspection
by by
T&S <sensitive>
RW7142 <id>
500hr <num> hour
Service service
- -
Out/stding outstanding
PO's POs
1000H <num> hour
Insp inspection
Hyd hydraulic
Cyl cylinder
Tong tong
Break break
UF2558 <id>
RZ8994 <id>
Has has
a a
big big
delay delay
in in
bucket bucket
crowd crowd
BG0988 <id>
Replace replace
R/H right hand
inlet inlet
press pressure
sens sensor
Replace replace
windscreen windscreen
SS0308 <id>
Repair repair
Diff differential
& and
Air air
Pressure pressure
Sensor sensor
250H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
AL6487 <id>
XF3996 <id>
Pos position
9 <num>
tyre tyre
u/s unserviceable
BD3257 <id>
fan fan
return return
filter filter
pluged plugged
FN5736 <id>
Replace replace
coolant coolant
flow flow
switch switch
XK9760 <id>
Req's requires
new new
interior interior
light light
globe globe
number number
plate plate
loose loose
3M <num> month
Mech mechanical
Cond condition
Ball ball
Stut stud
Crack crack
Test test
BG9236 <id>
RT3290 <id>
Fleet fleet
numbers numbers
required required
on on
sides sides
l/h left hand
h/light headlight
out out
EZ7111 <id>
oil oil
fiters filters
pluged plugged
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Shovel shovel
O804 <id>
DB2637 <id>
500H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
XF3996 <id>
TO0487 <id>
Replace replace
AC air conditioner
Thermo thermostat
control control
Knob knob
QR0218-C/out <id> - change out
Hyd hydraulic
Motor motor
Swing swing
RHT right
REAR rear
Yx <id>
Live live
fuel fuel
lockout lockout
U/S unserviceable
BC4051 <id>
fire fire
braket bracket
missing missing
1000H <num> hour
Insp inspection
Hyd hydraulic
Cyl cylinder
Blade blade
Lift lift
RH right hand
DO7053 <id>
AL6487 <id>
Top top
right right
headlight headlight
blown blown
XH1714 <id>
Park park
brake brake
alarm alarm
fault fault
500H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
FN5736 <id>
UF2558 <id>
Replace replace
batterys batteries
+ and
Starter starter
motor motor
VU1914 <id>
COOLANT coolant
LEAK leak
FROM from
#15 number <num>
CYLIND cylinder
KI2123 <id>
Pos position
8 <num>
planetary planetary
making making
metal metal
DB2637 <id>
Replace replace
#1 number <num>
boom boom
arch arch
hose hose
DB2637 <id>
Stick stick
and and
Elephant elephant
ear ear
mount mount
crac cracked
PY9512 <id>
dust dust
hood hood
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
TRK track
Roll roller
8 <num>
RH right hand
UF2558 <id>
250H <num> hour
BD3257 <id>
250hr <num> hour
Service service
& and
Inspection inspection
XS7870 <id>
500hr <num> hour
Service service
- -
COMP compressor
PARTS parts
Replace replace
two two-way
cable cable
and and
antena antenna
JZ9248 <id>
Replace replace
missing missing
bolts bolts
DB2637 <id>
c/o change out
jumper jumper
cable cable
and and
socket socket
VN2231 <id>
Replace replace
operator's operator's
seat seat
UM4228 <id>
c/o change out
u/s unserviceable
pos position
0 <num>
tyre tyre
Gp3982 <id>
missing missing
nut nut
on on
strut strut
DN9817-C/out <id> - change out
Swing swing
Box box
RHT right
REARg rear
SS0308 <id>
Coolant coolant
leaks leaks
rhs right hand side
front front
engine engine
rear rear
axle axle
overheating overheating
DN9817- <id> -
REPAIR repair
BLOWN blown
A/C air conditioner
HOSE hose
10000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Repl replace
Thermos thermostats
663I <id>
RT3290 <id>
AE2918 <id>
Blade blade
slides slides
worn worn
COMP compressor
fabricate fabricate
set set
squares squares
AI9714 <id>
Reseal reseal
fan fan
pump pump
Repair repair
leaking leaking
altenator alternator
drive drive
BC4051 <id>
repair repair
work work
lights lights
pos position
9 <num>
blowout blowout
LD3192 <id>
Repair repair
Air air
Conditioner conditioner
AL6487 <id>
Hyd hydraulic
oil oil
leak leak
RHS right hand side
rear rear
of of
engine engine
FN5736 <id>
Adjust adjust
rear rear
camera camera
CD3914 <id>
1000hr <num> hour
Service service
& and
Inspection inspection
UM4228 <id>
repair repair
work work
lights lights
AE2918 <id>
RH right hand
tandem tandem
oil oil
leak leak
inspect inspect
oil oil
le level
1000H <num> hour
Insp inspection
Hyd hydraulic
Cyl cylinder
Rod rod
Lodr loader
Lock lock
UF2558 <id>
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
TRK track
CHN chain
LH left hand
UF2558 <id>
2000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
VLV valve
Spring spring
NF4651 <id>
PD2335 <id>
Auto auto
lube lube
error error
LV7795 <id>
a/c air conditioner
compressor compressor
tripping tripping
out out
RT3290 <id>
broken broken
mirror mirror
LV7795 <id>
Replace replace
Aux auxiliary
water water
pump pump
MV3594 <id>
Oil oil
leak leak
at at
air air
con conditioner
drive drive
XK9760 <id>
batterys batteries
U/S unserviceable
MY6517 <id>
Air air
leak leak
under under
cab cabin
yo7636 <id>
#8 number <num>
recepticle receptacle
u/s unserviceable
RZ8994 <id>
Replace replace
plug plug
logic logic
block block
GY9113 <id>
500hr <num> hour
Service service
& and
Inspection inspection
PY9512-C/out <id> - change out
Alternator alternator
2000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Repl replace
Uni universal joint
Eng-Pmp engine - pump
Drive drive
R right
500H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
BG0988 <id>
bolt bolt
missing missing
from from
alternator alternator
WK1566 <id>
Tray tray
minor minor
repairs repairs
Leaking leaking
hyd hydraulic
fan fan
motor motor
hoses hoses
XK9760 <id>
Repair repair
u/s unserviceable
beacon beacon
wiring wiring
MV3594 <id>
Fit fit
new new
version version
rear rear
DB2637 <id>
C/O change out
Pos position
7 <num>
2 <num>
2 <num>
3 <num>
Teeth teeth
FW9593 <id>
Hyd hydraulic
oil oil
leaks leaks
near near
t/c torque converter
& and
fueltank fueltank
TV3998 <id>
47133 <num>
Service service
- -
Out/stding outstanding
PO's POs
250H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Truck truck
508-3 <id>
LL3433 <id>
LV7795 <id>
Cab cabin
seal seal
may may
be be
worn worn
qe9619 <id>
c/o change out
2ndery secondary
parkbrake park brake
release release
hos hose
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Hyd hydraulic
Cyl cylinder
Sideshift sideshift
IT4005 <id>
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Control control
VLV valve
B2 <id>
DB2637 <id>
SM2291 <id>
Pos1 position <num>
light light
blown blown
BC4051 <id>
Cab cabin
seals seals
leaking leaking
dust dust
bad bad
CC0233 <id>
BD3257 <id>
C/O change out
Blown blown
pos position
8 <num>
Tyre tyre
250H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
XW7976 <id>
DN9817 <id>
R/H right hand
Side side
work work
light light
u/s unserviceable
EZ7111 <id>
Oil oil
and and
gas gas
rear rear
struts struts
with with
60W <num>W
DB2637 <id>
replace replace
hyd hydraulic
level/temp level / temperature
sender sender
SM2291 <id>
rear rear
of of
Tranny transmission
oil oil
leak leak
DO7053-C/out <id> - change out
Track track
Chain chain
RHT right
PD2335-C/out <id> - change out
Pump pump
Implement implement
VARIABLE variable
OK5862 <id>
Replace replace
Alternator alternator
tensioner tensioner
OO9426 <id>
hole hole
in in
tiger tiger
hose hose
CD3914 <id>
tranny transmission
hoses hoses
oil oil
leaks leaks
2000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
VLV valve
Spring spring
VU1914 <id>
ZB3832 <id>
Monthly monthly
Service service
& and
Inspection inspection
BC4051 <id>
Requires requires
pins pins
for for
blade blade
protector protector
AI9714- <id> -
C/O change out
G3 <id>
F/D final drive
outer outer
planetary planetary
XK9760 <id>
R right
H hand
S side
RADIATOR radiator
MOUNT mount
BOLTS bolts
Boom boom
pin pin
squealing squealing
AL6487 <id>
Replaced replaced
Steering steering
Hose hose
FV0302 <id>
Brake brake
cooling cooling
return return
hose hose
leaking leaking
1000H <num> hour
Insp inspection
Hyd hydraulic
Cyl cylinder
Boom boom
Lift lift
RH right hand
RW7142 <id>
XF3996- <id> - <id> - repair / replace
HOSE hose
ON on
DIFF differential
COOLER cooler
DB2637 <id>
Repair repair
cracks cracks
on on
stick stick
CC0233 <id>
High high
intake intake
air air
temp temperature
issue issue
UY2435 <id>
Repair repair
engine engine
oil oil
leak leak
Pos position
9 <num>
brake brake
cooling cooling
hose hose
leaking leaking
QR0218 <id>
Goldfields Goldfields
to to
roll roll
116 <id>
backboard/ backboard
KI2123 <id>
C/O change out
POS position
5 <num>
TYRE tyre
PD2335- <id> -
recharge recharge
fire fire
suppression suppression
VN2231-C/out <id> - change out
Turbo turbo
Primary primary
LFT left
REAR rear
250H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
BG0988 <id>
XW7976- <id> -
Coolant coolant
leak leak
from from
radiator radiator
Repair repair
various various
coolant coolant
leaks leaks
t <sensitive>
XH1714-C/out <id> - change out
Uni's universal joints
Eng-Pump engine - pump
Drv drive
PY9512 <id>
Repair repair
coolant coolant
leak leak
at at
turbo turbo
XS7870 <id>
Bolt bolt
missing missing
RH right hand
track track
DO7053 <id>
Repair repair
Air air
Conditioner conditioner
FV0302 <id>
C/O change out
pos position
9 <num>
& and
2 <num>
tyres tyres
AF5037 <id>
Leaking leaking
Torque torque
convertor convertor
hose hose
250H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce serial
Grader grader
AE2918 <id>
XF3996-Fire <id> - fire
Suppression suppression
Inspection inspection
ec6466 <id>
blade blade
repairs repairs
AE2918 <id>
missing missing
blade blade
guide guide
TY8010 <id>
pos position
8 <num>
tooth tooth
fell fell
off off
Replace replace
unis universal joints
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
TRK track
Roll roller
2 <num>
LH left hand
QR0218 <id>
DU7016 <id>
Tray tray
Position position
Fault fault
FV0302 <id>
- -
Rotate rotate
pos3&6 position <num> and <num>
repace replace
pos position
8 <num>
BC4051 <id>
Bolts bolts
missing missing
L left
& and
R right
tracks tracks
QR0218 <id>
Fuel fuel
system system
issue issue
with with
BJ7 <id>
3M <num> month
Mech mechanical
Cond condition
Ball ball
Stut stud
Crack crack
Test test
UQ9701 <id>
UY2435 <id>
C/O change out
PUMP pump
DRIVE drive
UNIS universal joints
BG9236 <id>
Tray tray
rope rope
pin pin
faulty faulty
FW9593 <id>
Air air
horn horn
not not
working working
DN9817 <id>
c/o change out
l/h left hand
engine engine
servo servo
pumps pumps
2x <num> x
MV3594-C/out <id> - change out
Uni's universal joints
Eng-Pump engine - pump
Drv drive
RZ2293 <id>
Investigate investigate
headlight headlight
short short
DN9817-C/out <id> - change out
Swing swing
Box box
LFT left
FRNTn front
DU7016 <id>
rear rear
aftercooler aftercooler
temp temperature
err error
gk5982 <id>
27 <num>
hr hour
bucket bucket
shut shut
500H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Drill drill
O08S <id>
PY9512 <id>
3M <num> month
Mech mechanical
Cond condition
Ball ball
Stub Stud
Crack crack
Test test
BG0988 <id>
1000H <num> hour
Insp inspection
Hyd hydraulic
Cyl cylinder
Rod rod
Lodr loader
Lock lock
OO9426 <id>
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
CZ6065 <id>
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Idler idler
BC4051 <id>
JZ9248 <id>
coolant coolant
leak leak
C/O change out
R/H right hand
front front
brake brake
cooling cooling
hose hose
3M <num> month
Mech mechanical
Cond condition
Ball ball
Stut stud
Crack crack
Test test
BT0391 <id>
250H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
KI2123 <id>
QR0218 <id>
Replace replace
operators operators
seat seat
BG0988 <id>
retarder retarder
light light
on on
dash dash
1000H <num> hour
Insp inspection
Hyd hydraulic
Cyl cylinder
Rip rip
Pitch pitch
RH right hand
CC0233 <id>
AV0573 <id>
- -
Install install
precleaner pre-cleaner
dust dust
valves valves
VN2231 <id>
Brake brake
hose hose
pos2 position <num>
oil oil
leak leak
UF2558 <id>
Angle angle
hole hole
lock lock
pins pins
switch switch
u/s unserviceable
2721A <id>
Mech mechanical
Repl replace
Fuel fuel
Inject injector
A4 <id>
DB2637 <id>
CD3914 <id>
Change change
Enviro environmental
Hydraulic hydraulic
filter filter
JA0341 <id>
Altenater alternator
overcharged overcharged
UM4228 <id>
repair repair
brake brake
door door
alarm alarm
BG9236 <id>
Re remount
mount air
A/C conditioner
compressor compressor
LV7795 <id>
Rotate rotate
Pos position
5 <num>
2 <num>
tyres tyres
PH6610 <id>
rear rear
after after
coolant coolant
err error
Repair repair
Alternator alternator
R right
Term terminal
Wiring wiring
DN9817 <id>
c/o change out
r/hand right hand
lta LTA
water water
pump pump
PD2335 <id>
Bucket bucket
lever lever
control control
sticking sticking
PY9512 <id>
flushing flushing
seals seals
PY9512 <id>
- -
C/O change out
low low
air air
pressure pressure
reg regulator
CZ6065 <id>
Interior interior
cab cabin
light light
blown blown
OO9426 <id>
Replace replace
supercharge supercharge
relief relief
valve valve
250H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
BG0988 <id>
AF5037 <id>
Water water
level level
gauge gauge
not not
working working
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Operator operator
Seat seat
RZ2293 <id>
FN5736 <id>
Lower lower
offside offside
light light
fault fault
BG9236 <id>
Brake brake
cooling cooling
# number
76408 <num>
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
TRK track
CHN check
RH right hand
OO9426 <id>
RW7142 <id>
Repair repair
various various
cracked cracked
handrails handrails
AF5037 <id>
Inspect inspect
POS1 position <num>
& and
6 <num>
Strut strut
Heights heights
KI2123 <id>
Replace replace
pos position
8 <num>
tyre tyre
XK9760 <id>
Rear rear
beacon beacon
light light
broken broken
P Farley
- -
23g <id>
Franna Franna
inspection inspection
1000H <num> hour
Insp inspection
Hyd hydraulic
Cyl cylinder
Level level
Jack Jack
LF left front
UF2558 <id>
BG9236 <id>
Right right
hand hand
centre centre
tray tray
light light
fail fail
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
TRK track
Roll roller
7 <num>
RH right hand
UF2558 <id>
repair repair
belly belly
gaurd guard
pin pin
holder holder
8000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Repl replace
Turbo turbo
Prim primary
RF right front
VN2231 <id>
MR0229 <id>
seat seat
suspension suspension
u/s unserviceable
DU7016 <id>
Inside inside
cab cabin
light light
bulb bulb
blown blown
XH1714 <id>
oil oil
leak leak
PH6610 <id>
Minor minor
diff differential
oil oil
leaks leaks
UM4228 <id>
Ladder ladder
not not
operating operating
TO0487-C/out <id> - change out
Turbo turbo
Primary primary
LFT left
REAR rear
BC1618 <id>
500hr <num> hour
Service service
& and
Inspection inspection
RZ8994 <id>
change change
out out
3 <num>
OK5862 <id>
move move
location location
of of
rear rear
camera camera
JD8905 <id>
Cutting cutting
edges edges
loose loose
EZ7111 <id>
Sun sun
Visor visor
Needs needs
Tightening tightening
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
TRK track
Roll roller
6 <num>
LH left hand
OO9426 <id>
1000H <num> hour
Insp inspection
Hyd hydraulic
Cyl cylinder
Mast mast
Lock lock
LH left hand
UF2558 <id>
SS0308 <id>
Investigate investigate
issue issue
with with
a/c air conditioner
system system
JD8905 <id>
Alt alternator
belt belt
adjuster adjuster
U/S unserviceable
Park park
Brake brake
62034l <id>
UY2435 <id>
- -
Air air
leak leak
RW7142 <id>
STEINBERG <sensitive>
to to
carry carry
out out
stick stick
repai repair
2000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Drill drill
HR950 <id>
YC <id>
UF2558 <id>
CZ6065 <id>
1000hr <num> hour
Service service
& and
Inspection inspection
ti2034 <id>
body body
up up
sensor sensor
not not
reading reading
BC4051 <id>
Komatsu Komatsu
labour labour
track track
job job
us3396 <id>
seat seat
shokky shock absorber
u/s unserviceable
AL6487 <id>
fire fire
supression suppression
fault fault
IT4005 <id>
2000hr <num> hour
Service service
& and
Inspection inspection
TV3998 <id>
Replace replace
missing missing
bucket bucket
bolts bolts
4000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Repl replace
Sprockets sprockets
RH right hand
CC0233 <id>
UY2435 <id>
trani transmission
fault fault
Diagnose diagnose
and and
repairThrottle repair throttle
Sensor sensor
fault fault
LL3433 <id>
250hr <num> hour
Service service
- -
UY2435 <id>
Lacks lacks
power power
OO9426 <id>
Replace replace
flushing flushing
seals seals
AF5037 <id>
500hr <num> hour
Service service
- -
Out/stding outstanding
PO's POs
KI2123 <id>
replace replace
transmission transmission
hoses hoses
REPLACE replace
BATTERIES batteries
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
JA0341 <id>
brake brake
cooling cooling
hose hose
leaking leaking
no no
tray tray
lights lights
Fh6610 <id>
Low low
Eng engine
Oil oil
Level level
Fault fault
RT3290 <id>
C/out change out
L/H left hand
hoist hoist
cyl cylinder
with with
RZ2293 <id>
XW7976 <id>
Repair repair
front front
brake brake
cooling cooling
mount mount
PY9512-C/out <id> - change out
Drv drive
Coupling coupling
AE2918- <id> -
grease grease
system system
fault fault
JD8905 <id>
belt belt
on on
alternator alternator
BT0391-Inspect <id> - inspect
Operator operator
Seat seat
RT3290 <id>
oil oil
leak leak
from from
trans transmission
filter filter
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Hyd hydraulic
Cyl cylinder
Pin pin
Pull pull
XS7870 <id>
RW7142 <id>
BUCKET bucket
AND and
STICK stick
REPAIRS repairs
BD3257 <id>
A/C air conditioner
issue issue
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
NF4651 <id>
JZ9248 <id>
jacket jacket
water water
pump pump
u/s unserviceable
250H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
GO8941 <id>
SM2291 <id>
Pos position
6 <num>
turbo turbo
failure failure
FN5736-C/out <id> - change out
Uni's universal joints
Eng-Pump engine - pump
Drv drive
250H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Dozer dozer
A14V <id>
DO7053 <id>
30000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Repl replace
Boom boom
TU082 <id>
DN9817 <id>
MV3594 <id>
- -
REPAIR repair
COOLANT coolant
ENTRY entry
FAULT fault
JA0341 <id>
Bottom bottom
right right
headlight headlight
blown blown
AE2918 <id>
ENG engine
door door
broken broken
250H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
UQ9701 <id>
2000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
FW9593 <id>
UN7986 <id>
COMP compressor
WAITING waiting
PARTS parts
QR0218 <id>
cab cabin
gets gets
very very
dusty dusty
during during
shift shift
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
TRK track
Roll roller
2 <num>
LH left hand
QR0218 <id>
UQ9701 <id>
1000hr <num> hour
Service service
& and
Inspection inspection
2000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Dozer dozer
M76S <id>
CC0233 <id>
JZ9248 <id>
front front
steer steering
accum accumulator
bladder bladder
u/s unserviceable
UN7986 <id>
Rear rear
steering steering
accumulator accumulator
u/s unserviceable
UQ9701 <id>
Cab cabin
light light
cover cover
missing missing
BG0988-Inspect <id> - inspect
Ride ride
Strut strut
POS position
8 <num>
AE2918 <id>
Replace replace
Pos position
5 <num>
Tyre tyre
OK5862 <id>
250hr <num> hour
Service service
& and
Inspection inspection
DV1298- <id>
Backup backup
Alarm alarm
not not
Working working
Zc9338 <id>
- -
Electric electric
Air air
not not
working working
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Idler idler
RH right hand
OO9426 <id>
DN9817 <id>
- -
Boom boom
repairs repairs
- -
LABOUR labour
PLA planned
Reseal reseal
leaking leaking
fan fan
pumpamp pump
DO7053 <id>
change change
out out
TO0487 <id>
Change change
out out
Pos position
4 <num>
5 <num>
3 <num>
& and
0 <num>
tyres tyres
RW7142 <id>
C/O change out
GREASE grease
INJECTORS injectors
FLOODING flooding
gk5982 <id>
F <id>
acc accident
damage damage
to to
access access
ladder ladder
DN9817 <id>
- -
C/O change out
RH right hand
STICK stick
CYLINDER cylinder
UY2435 <id>
Damper damper
guard guard
cover cover
missing missing
Ju4745 <id>
undercarrage undercarriage
grease grease
fault fault
TV3998 <id>
pin pin
come come
out out
bucket bucket
UQ9701 <id>
Startup startup
prelube prelube
fault fault
UM4228 <id>
Grease grease
Fault fault
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Ride ride
Strut strut
B2 <id>
BG0988 <id>
jw8087 <id>
eng engine
oil oil
level level
sw switch
U/S unserviceable
Secondary secondary
steering steering
alarm alarm
came came
on on
250H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
FW9593 <id>
FN5736 <id>
Pos position
3 <num>
strut strut
noisy noisy
AI9714 <id>
62 <num>
cylinder cylinder
err error
UF2558 <id>
Cab cabin
blind blind
is is
not not
pulling pulling
down down
LD3192 <id>
Air air
con conditioner
Hi/Lo high / low
Press pressure
Switch switch
faulty faulty
TY8010 <id>
RHS right hand side
Bucket bucket
WK1566 <id>
minor minor
oil oil
leak leak
above above
rear rear
of of
T/C torque converter
PD2335 <id>
250hr <num> hour
ServiceGSAP service GSAP
COMP compressor
FW9593-C/out <id> - change out
Turbo turbo
Primary primary
RHT right
FRNT front
CD3914 <id>
500hr <num> hour
Service service
& and
Inspection inspection
FN5736 <id>
Reverse reverse
camera camera
view view
backwards backwards
FN5736-C/out <id> - change out
Turbo turbo
Primary primary
RHT right
FRNT front
OO9426 <id>
flashing flashing
light light
on on
mast mast
U/S unserviceable
GO8941 <id>
no no
power power
in in
a/c air conditioner
fan fan
speed speed
MV3594 <id>
air/con air conditioner
u/s unserviceable
when when
stationary stationary
MR0229 <id>
ROTATE rotate
POS position
4 <num>
& and
4 <num>
MR0229 <id>
- -
High high
Exhaust exhaust
Temp temperature
QR0218 <id>
pos position
4 <num>
tooth tooth
missing missing
AE2918 <id>
Trans transmission
charge charge
pump pump
reseal reseal
XF3996 <id>
Pos1 position <num>
greaseline grease line
broken broken
BG9236 <id>
Airhorn airhorn
not not
working working
QR0218 <id>
Eng engine
1 <num>
throttle throttle
U/S unserviceable
a/c air conditioner
filter filter
blocked blocked
PY9512 <id>
replace replace
exhaust exhaust
manif manifold
gasket's gaskets
12000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Repl replace
Swing swing
Box box
LF left front
QR0218 <id>
MR0229 <id>
Leaking leaking
diff differential
fan fan
motor motor
hose hose
Pos position
1 <num>
rock rock
penertration penetration
CZ6065 <id>
Tranny transmission
hoses hoses
leaking leaking
TO0487 <id>
oil oil
leak leak
rear rear
of of
eng engine
BC4051 <id>
03732 <num>
Service service
& and
Inspection inspection
VN2231 <id>
steering steering
control control
valve valve
leaking leaking
fr from
Hi/Lo high / low
press pressure
Switch switch
faulty faulty
AI9714 <id>
Steering steering
oil oil
leak leak
from from
str steering
pump pump
TY8010 <id>
Wear wear
plate plate
inside inside
bucket bucket
worn worn
DU7016 <id>
Coolant coolant
level level
fault fault
DB2637 <id>
C/O change out
Swing swing
Hose hose
BJ7 <id>
Pump pump
3 <num>
250H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
LV7795 <id>
JD8905 <id>
Greae grease
system system
failing failing
AV0573 <id>
Electric electric
horn horn
on on
dash dash
not not
working working
TV3998 <id>
Repair repair
windscreen windscreen
perspex perspex
RM <id>
Aircon air conditioner
thermo thermostat
knob knob
does does
not not
vary vary
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Dozer dozer
M76S <id>
CC0233 <id>
Adjust adjust
wheel wheel
alignment alignment
MR0229 <id>
Low low
engine engine
ppower power
fault fault
IT4005 <id>
Replace replace
scarifiers scarifiers
CD3914 <id>
starter starter
U/S unserviceable
QR0218 <id>
investigate investigate
Cab cabin
door door
seals seals
worn worn
AV0573 <id>
Pos1 position <num>
strut strut
bolts bolts
loose loose
AF5037 <id>
- -
C/O change out
Leaking leaking
hyd hydraulic
cooler cooler
hose hose
XF3996 <id>
Possible possible
minor minor
leak leak
on on
fuel fuel
tank tank
AL6487 <id>
STRUT strut
PRESS pressure
ERR error
12000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Repl replace
Brake brake
Swing swing
RF right front
QR0218 <id>
engine engine
lack lack
of of
power power
XK9760 <id>
LH left hand
side side
eng engine
oil oil
filter filter
minor minor
leak leak
BG0988 <id>
F <id>
Pos position
5/6 <num> / <num>
rock rock
ejector ejector
bent bent
UF2558 <id>
Fit fit
drop drop
bar bar
between between
handrails handrails
investigate investigate
metal metal
found found
in in
trans transmission
screen screen
WK1566 <id>
- -
Reverse reverse
Camera camera
Mounts mounts
QR0218 <id>
replace replace
missing missing
bollard bollard
JA0341 <id>
Repair repair
Tray tray
Up up
Sensor sensor
JD8905 <id>
Blade blade
slide slide
cyl cylinder
wiper wiper
seal seal
leakin leaking
DB2637 <id>
Replace replace
Pos position
7 <num>
Lip lip
Shroud shroud
JA0341 <id>
Minor minor
engine engine
oil oil
leak leak
@ at
rear rear
Repair repair
holed holed
exhaust exhaust
on on
0516 <id>
Repl replace
Uni universal joint
Eng-Pmp engine - pump
Drive drive
JZ9248 <id>
VN2231 <id>
- -
RECTIFY rectify
LOW low
POWER power
FAULT fault
FN5736 <id>
Fuel fuel
cap cap
missing missing
PH6610 <id>
eng engine
oil oil
by-pass bypass
tube tube
leaking leaking
DU7016 <id>
accessory accessory
drive drive
seal seal
leaking leaking
CZ6065 <id>
reverse reverse
cam cam
needs needs
adjustment adjustment
250H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
SM2291 <id>
2000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
UY2435 <id>
6M <num> month
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Fire fire
Suppression suppression
VU1914 <id>
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
KI2123 <id>
KI2123 <id>
Investigate investigate
coolant coolant
entry entry
FW9593 <id>
TC } [ torque converter
OUT output
TEMP temperature
12 <date>
EVENTS events
XH1714 <id>
no no
reverse reverse
alarm alarm
PD2335 <id>
RHS right hand side
boarding boarding
gate gate
latch latch
u/s unserviceable
be6428 <id>
back back
rest rest
u/s unserviceable
handle handle
broken broken
AF5037 <id>
Changed changed
out out
Enviro environmental
Filter filter
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
TRK track
Roll roller
2 <num>
RH right hand
OO9426 <id>
AL6487-Fire <id> - fire
Suppression suppression
Inspection inspection
1KH <num> hour
Insp inspection
Mast mast
Raise raise
Cyl cylinder
Pin pin
RH right hand
UP up
PY9512 <id>
XW7976 <id>
repair repair
headlight headlight
fault fault
AL6487 <id>
Check check
air air
comp compressor
cut cut
out out
pressure pressure
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
TRK track
Roll roller
6 <num>
RH right hand
DN9817 <id>
VU1914 <id>
fuel fuel
cap cap
missing missing
SS0308 <id>
Fit fit
new new
version version
rear rear
BD3257 <id>
Replace replace
the the
lift lift
cyl cylinder
hose hose
500H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
SS0308 <id>
FN5736 <id>
#8 number <num>
31 <num>
11 <num>
cam cam
covers covers
leaking leaking
BC4051 <id>
Rear rear
camera camera
distorted distorted
when when
moving moving
BG9236 <id>
brake brake
cooling cooling
hose hose
leaking leaking
rear rear
BD3257- <id> -
Engine engine
Tune tune
250H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
JA0341 <id>
Me9685 <id>
Repairs repairs
to to
Rear rear
Aircon air conditioner
QR0218 <id>
Free free
fall fall
valve valve
u/s unserviceable
on on
-Stick stick
GO8941 <id>
ROTATE rotate
POS position
2 <num>
& and
8 <num>
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
TRK track
Roll roller
9 <num>
RH right hand
DN9817 <id>
MR0229-C/out <id> - change out
Turbo turbo
Primary primary
LFT left
REAR rear
UY2435 <id>
coolant coolant
leak leak
from from
cooler cooler
pipe pipe
EE <id>
Fuel fuel
level level
error error
showing showing
on on
LV7795 <id>
Right right
rear rear
reverse reverse
light light
adjust adjust
RW7142 <id>
Air air
horn horn
fault fault
BC4051 <id>
Access access
ladder ladder
U/S unserviceable
MR0229 <id>
Rotate rotate
Pos position
3 <num>
tyre tyre
OO9426 <id>
depth depth
counter counter
u/s unserviceable
MR0229 <id>
tranny transmission
hoses hoses
weeping weeping
VU1914 <id>
Emergency emergency
ladder ladder
pushed pushed
back back
1000H <num> hour
Insp inspection
Hyd hydraulic
Cyl cylinder
Boom boom
Lift lift
LH left hand
DB2637 <id>
250H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
UY2435 <id>
EZ7111 <id>
cap cap
for for
fuel fuel
point point
missing missing
IT4005 <id>
Repair repair
Air air
Conditioner conditioner
DN9817 <id>
Replace replace
Main main
Pump pump
# number
5 <num>
sd5430 <id>
repairs repairs
to to
structure structure
PD2335 <id>
C/O change out
Blown blown
coolant coolant
hose hose
UM4228 <id>
DRIVERS drivers
DOOR door
HINGE hinge
U/S unserviceable
BC1618 <id>
Fit fit
drop drop
bar bar
on on
upper upper
deck deck
UM4228 <id>
ladder ladder
fault fault
MV3594 <id>
Low low
Eng engine
Level level
Oil oil
Fault fault
BG9236 <id>
Fuel fuel
tank tank
filling filling
cap cap
missing missing
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
TRK track
Recoil recoil
RH right hand
RW7142 <id>
OO9426 <id>
Replace replace
coolant coolant
hose hose
RZ2293 <id>
Modular modular
Not not
Working working
kg5443 <id>
water water
canon cannon
repairs repairs
DB2637 <id>
250hr <num> hour
Service service
& and
Inspection inspection
250H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Wtr water
Truck truck
261E <id>
CD3914 <id>
LL3433 <id>
250hr <num> hour
Service service
& and
Inspection inspection
AL6487 <id>
Minor minor
oil oil
leak leak
back back
of of
engine engine
IT4005 <id>
WORK work
LIGHT light
RELOCATION relocation
AND and
UPGRADE upgrade
UY2435 <id>
pump pump
drive drive
shaft shaft
U/S unserviceable
UN7986 <id>
Engine engine
water water
pump pump
leaking leaking
BC1618 <id>
- -
Front front
LHS left hand side
spring spring
pack pack
broken broken
RZ8994 <id>
l/hand left hand
engine engine
lta LTA
w/pump water pump
c/o change out
QR0218-Inspect <id> - inspect
Track track
Roller roller
6 <num>
RHT right
dd1938 <id>
replace replace
lipshroud lip shroud
lock lock
AV0573 <id>
Minor minor
torque torque
converter converter
leak leak
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Ride ride
Strut strut
V1 <id>
RT3290 <id>
FW9593 <id>
250hr <num> hour
Service service
1000H <num> hour
Insp inspection
Hyd hydraulic
Cyl cylinder
Blade blade
Tilt tilt
RH right hand
IT4005 <id>
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Operator operator
Seat seat
AL6487 <id>
2000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
EZ7111 <id>
1000H <num> hour
Insp inspection
EQL equaliser
Bar bar
OUT out
BRG bearing
LH left hand
BC4051 <id>
MV3594 <id>
Park park
brake brake
door door
alarm alarm
not not
working working
EZ7111 <id>
cracks cracks
in in
decking decking
OK5862 <id>
Replace replace
water water
hose hose
on on
mast mast
CD3914 <id>
Fit fit
permalubes permalubes
to to
bulk bulk
water water
pump pump
XH1714 <id>
Leaking leaking
Brake brake
Cooler cooler
Pipe pipe
TY8010-C/out <id> - change out
Fan fan
Pulley pulley
Brng bearing
JO59186 <id>
Rotation rotation
gague gauge
U/S unserviceable
WK1566-C/out <id> - change out
Turbo turbo
Primary primary
LFT left
REAR rear
VU1914-C/out <id> - change out
Turbo turbo
Primary primary
RHT right
FRNT front
3M <num> month
Mech mechanical
Cond condition
Ball ball
Stub Stud
Crack crack
Test test
FN5736 <id>
BC4051 <id>
Repairs repairs
to to
ladder ladder
Power power
Step step
BG0988 <id>
Repair repair
cracks cracks
in in
tray tray
500H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Dozer dozer
C21Q <id>
GE2963 <id>
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Hyd hydraulic
Cyl cylinder
Hoist hoist
LH left hand
RT3290 <id>
BC4051 <id>
Supply supply
hose hose
fittings fittings
Flex-Tube <sensitive>
DU7016 <id>
electric electric
horn horn
not not
working working
250H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Dozer dozer
M76S <id>
XS7870 <id>
XS7870 <id>
Top top
left left
light light
cable cable
broke broke
on on
cab cabin
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
A-Frame A-frame
BRG bearing
XK9760 <id>
XK9760 <id>
Replace replace
l/h left hand
mud mudguards
JZ9248 <id>
C/O change out
Seat seat
dampener dampener
XW7976-Fire <id> - fire
Suppression suppression
Inspection inspection
VN2231 <id>
Repair repair
Crack crack
above above
Cab cabin
GO8941 <id>
Lineboring line boring
refer refer
FV0302- <id> -
C/out change out
pump pump
Drive drive
uni's universal joints
CD3914 <id>
Electric electric
Window window
Not not
Working working
XS7870 <id>
Engine engine
fan fan
fault fault
- -
overheatingb overheating
blown blown
hose hose
MV3594 <id>
oil oil
leak leak
BC4051 <id>
REPAIR repair
COST cost
OF of
FINAL final
DRIVE drive
DU7016 <id>
Interior interior
light light
blown blown
KI2123 <id>
RH right hand
rock rock
ejector ejector
mount mount
bent bent
DU7016 <id>
Lacks lacks
Power power
wont wont
pull pull
220t <num> tonne
in in
2nd second
DU7016 <id>
- -
Replace replace
both both
fan fan
motor motor
hoses hoses
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Shovel shovel
O804 <id>
QR0218 <id>
MR0229 <id>
Fit fit
new new
version version
rear rear
AI9714 <id>
- -
Install install
precleaner pre-cleaner
dust dust
valves valves
AI9714 <id>
Pos position
3 <num>
valve valve
extension extension
leaking leaking
JZ9248 <id>
- -
Install install
precleaner pre-cleaner
dust dust
valv valve
water water
injection injection
NF4651 <id>
Re reseal
leaking leaking
radiator radiator
seals seals
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Operator operator
Seat seat
KI2123 <id>
XS7870 <id>
Thumb thumb
rocker rocker
switch switch
pos position
fault fault
1000H <num> hour
Insp inspection
Hyd hydraulic
Cyl cylinder
Rod rod
Load load
Index index
OO9426 <id>
c/o change out
steering steering
hose hose
1000H <num> hour
Insp inspection
Hyd hydraulic
Cyl cylinder
Blade blade
Tilt tilt
RH right hand
CC0233 <id>
SM2291 <id>
Fit fit
1 <num>
new new
front front
tyres tyres
GO8941 <id>
tray tray
no no
lift lift
MR0229 <id>
Drivers drivers
door door
hard hard
to to
open open
JZ9248-Valve <id> - valve
Spring spring
Inspection inspection
LV7795 <id>
Brake brake
filter filter
WFH01762 <id>
JS <id>
aircon air conditioner
thermo thermostat
contrl control
u/s unserviceable
AL6487 <id>
Ladder ladder
not not
lowering lowering
correctly correctly
AV0573 <id>
Oil oil
leak leak
Eng engine
Bay bay
ab ab
Belly belly
Plate plate
RW7142 <id>
Service service
flap flap
switch switch
faulty faulty
RZ8994 <id>
L/H left hand
Eng engine
L/H left hand
Turbo turbo
failure failure
RZ8994- <id> -
Replace replace
RH right hand
idler idler
assembly assembly
am0388 <id>
brake brake
air air
relays relays
leaking leaking
1000H <num> hour
BD3257 <id>
1000hr <num> hour
Service service
& and
Insp inspection
AV0573 <id>
2000hr <num> hour
Service service
& and
Inspection inspection
TV3998 <id>
Send send
quick quick
hitch hitch
for for
repairs repairs
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
TO0487 <id>
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
TRK track
Roll roller
7 <num>
RH right hand
OO9426 <id>
Diagnose diagnose
R/H right hand
Air air
Con conditioner
Repair repair
L/H left hand
A/Con air conditioner
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Control control
VLV valve
LOW low
UF2558 <id>
UN7986 <id>
c/o change out
seat seat
shocky shock absorber
GE2963-C/out <id> - change out
Battery battery
LFT left
FV0302 <id>
steer steering
hose hose
u/s unserviceable
FW9593 <id>
Replace replace
pos position
8 <num>
tyre tyre
SS0308 <id>
Rr right
Strut strut
Greaseline grease line
Guard guard
Missing missing
R/H right hand
REVERSE reverse
LIGHT light
&R/H and right hand
CABLIGHT cabin light
OUT out
TO0487-C/out <id> - change out
Uni's universal joints
Eng-Pump engine - pump
Drv drive
3M <num> month
Mech mechanical
Cond condition
Ball ball
Stut stud
Crack crack
Test test
BT0391 <id>
IT4005 <id>
A/C air conditioner
Issue issue
DB2637 <id>
Air air
Presure protection
Switch switch
Top top
Of of
Hydtank hydraulic tank
XK9760 <id>
Replace replace
the the
seatbelt seatbelt
PY9512-C/out <id> - change out
Battery battery
Az3749- <id> -
broken broken
hinge hinge
bottom bottom
on on
gate gate
PY9512 <id>
water water
filler filler
pipe pipe
leak leak
500H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Grader grader
IT4005 <id>
LL3433 <id>
Replace replace
grease grease
pump pump
Reverse reverse
alarm alarm
not not
working working
BT0391 <id>
Eng engine
oil oil
scav scavenger
pump pump
bearing bearing
U/S unserviceable
250H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Drill drill
HR950 <id>
YC <id>
UF2558 <id>
MV3594 <id>
8 <num>
x x
catwalk catwalk
bolts bolts
on on
side side
missing missing
BD3257 <id>
Broken broken
hand hand
rail rail
weld weld
on on
ladder ladder
ql7243 <id>
rear rear
ladder ladder
latch latch
PD2335 <id>
Remove remove
pin pin
and and
clean clean
up up
XK9760 <id>
Replace replace
worn worn
brake brake
tube tube
ass assembly
UN7986 <id>
Drivers drivers
seat seat
armrest armrest
cant can't
adjust adjust
MV3594 <id>
Repair repair
fuel fuel
leak leak
RW7142 <id>
Grease grease
alarm alarm
going going
off off
constantly constantly
FN5736 <id>
Payload payload
meter meter
not not
registering registering
WK1566 <id>
Throttle throttle
issue issue
UF2558 <id>
hyd hydraulic
breakout breakout
has has
bent bent
pin pin
GE2963 <id>
Rr return
Idlers idlers
shaft shaft
spinning spinning
in in
mount mount
6M <num> month
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Fire fire
Suppression suppression
KI2123 <id>
RZ2293 <id>
Brake brake
lockout lockout
not not
working working
LW <id>
Leaking leaking
Brake brake
Cooling cooling
Hose hose
FW9593 <id>
C/O change out
Pos position
3 <num>
Tyre tyre
XR0124 <id>
c/o change out
srarifiers scarifiers
TV3998 <id>
Gauges gauges
power power
cutting cutting
out out
Lng long
txt text
PH6610 <id>
cant can't
get get
2nd second
gear gear
up up
ramps ramps
1M <num> month
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Wksp workshop
Bobcat Bobcat
LM8022 <id>
Gridken <sensitive>
to to
refurbish refurbish
clam clam
in in
perth Perth
TV3998 <id>
fit fit
quickhitch quickhitch
and and
rockbreaker rockbreaker
BD3257 <id>
left left
hand hand
dash dash
lights lights
out out
XH1714 <id>
- -
eng engine
oil oil
filter filter
plg plug
stg stage
4 <num>
XW7976 <id>
Pos position
7 <num>
tyre tyre
worn worn
out out
DU7016 <id>
Replace replace
U/S unserviceable
engine engine
scavengeG scavenger
BG9236-Fire <id> - fire
Suppression suppression
Inspection inspection
QR0218 <id>
u/s unserviceable
RH right hand
pos position
4 <num>
carrier carrier
roller roller
QR0218 <id>
power power
pack pack
9 <num>
& and
7 <num>
3M <num> month
Mech mechanical
Cond condition
Ball ball
Stut stud
Crack crack
Test test
KI2123 <id>
LD3192 <id>
Hydraulic hydraulic
ladder ladder
sticky sticky
8 <num>
grouser grouser
bolts bolts
missing missing
bogie bogie
retaining retaining
PY9512 <id>
A/C air conditioner
Issue issue
DB2637 <id>
missing missing
bolts bolts
from from
track track
frame frame
BC4051 <id>
C/O change out
Blocked blocked
air air
cleaners cleaners
2721A <id>
Mech mechanical
Repl replace
Fuel fuel
Inject injector
A4 <id>
QR0218 <id>
TV3998 <id>
hammer hammer
missing missing
bolts bolts
& and
nuts nuts
DN9817 <id>
Undercarriage undercarriage
lube lube
dump dump
valve valve
u/s unserviceable
FN5736 <id>
Air air
leaking leaking
under under
the the
main main
tank tank
CC0233 <id>
ladder ladder
not not
working working
Qz2751 <id>
broken broken
joystick joystick
WK1566 <id>
Driver's driver's
side side
windrow windrow
light light
blown blown
PD2335 <id>
Replace replace
fuel fuel
tank tank
vent vent
valve valve
UN7986-C/oUni's <id> - change out universal joints
Eng-Pump engine - pump
Drv drive
QR0218 <id>
Replace replace
9 <num>
stage stage
secondary secondary
relief relief
500H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
BT0391 <id>
SM2291 <id>
Rotate rotate
all all
rear rear
tyre tyre
pos position
3&6 <num> and <num>
rim rim
SS0308 <id>
LHR left hand rear
Light light
hanging hanging
down down
XF3996-C/out <id> - change out
Turbo turbo
Primary primary
LFT left
FRNT front
RT3290 <id>
battery battery
light light
keeps keeps
coming coming
on on
2000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Wtr water
Truck truck
261E <id>
AF5037 <id>
AL6487 <id>
500hr <num> hour
Service service
& and
Inspection inspection
AE2918 <id>
Hyd hydraulic
pump pump
leaking leaking
oil oil
Grease grease
System system
failing failing
DU7016 <id>
diff differential
oil oil
leak leak
from from
diff differential
cool cool
hose hose
250H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
RT3290 <id>
DU7016-C/out <id> - change out
Drv drive
Shaft shaft
Eng-Trans engine - transmission
250H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Dozer dozer
A14V <id>
BC4051 <id>
Faulty faulty
A/C air conditioner
Binary binary
press pressure
switch switch
BD3257 <id>
missing missing
pin pin
CD3914 <id>
crank crankcase
pressure pressure
error error
FV0302 <id>
Hydraulic hydraulic
pump pump
leak leak
250H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
S service
Truck truck
Granite granite
22H <id>
QL3290R/M <id>
TO0487 <id>
lh left hand
air air
box box
mount mount
bolts bolts
missing missing
BG9236 <id>
C/O change out
pos position
8 <num>
+ and
4 <num>
tyres tyres
and and
rims rims
BT0391 <id>
- -
Install install
precleaner pre-cleaner
dust dust
valves valves
1000H <num> hour
BD3257 <id>
1000hr <num> hour
Service service
& and
Inspection inspection
Bg5714 <id>
Coolant coolant
Leak leak
From from
turbo turbo
pipe pipe
R/S right side
DO7053 <id>
left left
eng engine
door door
cover cover
split split
QR0218-C/out <id> - change out
Brake brake
Swing swing
LFT left
REAR rear
JD8905-C/out <id> - change out
Jockey jockey
Pulley pulley
Brng bearing
AL6487 <id>
Front front
Strut strut
Hieghts heights
Variation variation
AE2918 <id>
Pos position
7 <num>
brake brake
overhaul overhaul
AV0573-C/out <id> - change out
Turbo turbo
Primary primary
RHT right
FRNT front
QR0218-Inspect <id> - inspect
Hyd hydraulic
Cyl cylinder
Bucket bucket
LFT left
C/O change out
leaking leaking
diff differential
cooling cooling
hose hose
PD2335 <id>
Top top
Left left
Headlight headlight
Loose loose
DB2637 <id>
Tooth tooth
metric metric
camera camera
not not
workingtW working
JD8905 <id>
AIR air
CON conditioner
UN7986-C/out <id> - change out
Turbo turbo
Primary primary
RHT right
FRNT front
GE2963 <id>
no no
power power
to to
camara camera
GO8941 <id>
need need
proper proper
sunvisor sunvisor
EZ7111 <id>
pos position
7 <num>
tyre tyre
flat flat
c/o change out
all all
rears rears
KI2123 <id>
Smashed smashed
planetry planetary
RT3290-Inspect <id> - inspect
Ride ride
Strut strut
POS position
6 <num>
KI2123 <id>
TC torque converter
charge charge
hose hose
to to
filter filter
UM4228 <id>
Repair repair
Blade blade
Tilt tilt
Fault fault
MR0229 <id>
driver's driver's
door door
handle handle
stiff stiff
MY6517- <id> -
Replace replace
RH right hand
window window
regulator regulator
XK9760 <id>
Transmission transmission
repair repair
costs costs
2x <num> x
Offside offside
lights lights
U/S unserviceable
kg5443 <id>
park park
brake brake
wont wont
release release
MV3594 <id>
ERR error
Eng engine
Pre prelube
LD3192 <id>
BASE base
FOR for
FIRE fire
SUPPRESSION suppression
BOTTLES bottles
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Hyd hydraulic
Cyl cylinder
Stick stick
TV3998 <id>
A/C air conditioner
blowing blowing
warm warm
Condenser condenser
blocked blocked
250H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Truck truck
508-3 <id>
LL3433 <id>
AI9714 <id>
250hr <num> hour
Service service
3M <num> month
Mech mechanical
Cond condition
Ball ball
Stub Stud
Crack crack
Test test
CD3914 <id>
500H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
AV0573 <id>
RZ2293 <id>
Wiper wiper
blade blade
arm arm
loose loose
250H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Drill drill
O08S <id>
PY9512 <id>
UM4228 <id>
c/o change out
pos position
0 <num>
8 <num>
and and
2 <num>
tyres tyres
XS7870 <id>
C/O change out
Tranny transmission
Hose hose
WK1566 <id>
boarding boarding
gate gate
hinge hinge
broken broken
MV3594 <id>
Tray tray
Up up
Sensor sensor
Fault fault
FN5736-C/out <id> - change out
Turbo turbo
Primary primary
LFT left
FRNT front
BG0988 <id>
Replace replace
missing missing
lamp lamp
cover cover
XF3996 <id>
air air
leak leak
on on
brake brake
valve valve
SM2291 <id>
Investigate investigate
plugged plugged
eng engine
oil oil
filte filter
QR0218 <id>
BUCKET bucket
AND and
STICK stick
REPAIRS repairs
OO9426 <id>
Rod rod
support support
BG9236 <id>
- -
Install install
preclean pre-cleaner
dust dust
valves valves
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
XF3996 <id>
RT3290-Replace <id> - replace
Hyd hydraulic
Cyl cylinder
Hoist hoist
LFT left
CD3914 <id>
change change
diff differential
& and
final final
drive drive
oils oils
4000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Repl replace
Jockey jockey
PLY pulley
BRG bearing
CD3914 <id>
LD3192 <id>
Replaced replaced
the the
dump dump
valve valve
on on
the the
gr grader
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
TRK track
Roll roller
0 <num>
RH right hand
UF2558 <id>
OK5862 <id>
Top top
front front
LH left hand
jack jack
oil oil
leak leak
RW7142 <id>
Repair repair
hand hand
rails rails
AF5037 <id>
Left left
Centre centre
Spray spray
Not not
Working working
Za8047 <id>
blade blade
offset offset
switch switch
fault fault
250H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
EZ7111 <id>
BC4051 <id>
Reverse reverse
camera camera
not not
working working
250H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
EZ7111 <id>
250H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
VU1914 <id>
1000H <num> hour
Insp inspection
Hyd hydraulic
Cyl cylinder
Level level
Jack Jack
RR right rear
UF2558 <id>
3M <num> month
Mech mechanical
Cond condition
Ball ball
Stut stud
Crack crack
Test test
GO8941 <id>
PD2335 <id>
TRN transfer
pump pump
pressure pressure
error error
XH1714 <id>
Repair repair
steer steering
oil oil
leak leak
AF5037 <id>
c/o change out
pos position
2 <num>
& and
7 <num>
tyres tyres
and and
rims rims
12000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Repl replace
Hyd hydraulic
Mtr motor
Swing swing
RF right front
QR0218 <id>
UQ9701-Engine <id> - engine
Tune tune
AF5037 <id>
cannon cannon
repairs repairs
c/o change out
pos position
9 <num>
& and
6 <num>
for for
wear wear
px9754- <id> -
replace replace
broken broken
onside onside
mirror mirror
KI2123 <id>
diff differential
press pressure
hi high
falt-- fault -
diagnose diagnose
oil oil
pressure pressure
problem problem
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
TRK track
Roll roller
8 <num>
LH left hand
DN9817 <id>
DO7053 <id>
repair repair
worklights worklights
1000H <num> hour
Insp inspection
Hyd hydraulic
Cyl cylinder
Boom boom
Lift lift
RH right hand
QR0218 <id>
MR0229-Cam <id> - camshaft
Inspection inspection
XK9760 <id>
- -
machine machine
losing losing
air air
pressure pressure
1000H <num> hour
Insp inspection
Hyd hydraulic
Cyl cylinder
Blade blade
Tilt tilt
LH left hand
BC4051 <id>
250H <num> hour
BD3257 <id>
250hr <num> hour
Service service
& and
Inspection inspection
SS0308 <id>
Repairs repairs
to to
muffler muffler
DN9817 <id>
Crane crane
hire hire
to to
load load
out out
bucketnd bucket
i <id>
RW7142 <id>
Fit fit
Grease grease
Fitting fitting
to to
Bucket bucket
NF4651 <id>
- -
Steering steering
oil oil
leak leak
Bonnet bonnet
mount mount
broken broken
& and
bolt bolt
missing missing
DU7016 <id>
low low
engine engine
oil oil
level level
err error
FN5736 <id>
Replace replace
engine engine
coolant coolant
BG9236 <id>
fuel fuel
filters filters
plugged plugged
TO0487 <id>
low low
oil oil
level level
fault fault
TV3998 <id>
2000hr <num> hour
Service service
& and
Inspection inspection
LL3433 <id>
Air air
compressor compressor
module module
o/heating overheating
RZ8994-Fire <id> - fire
Suppression suppression
Inspection inspection
BG0988 <id>
Hinge hinge
for for
accelerator accelerator
pedal pedal
loose loose
QR0218-Inspect <id> - inspect
Track track
Roller roller
9 <num>
RHT right
EZ7111 <id>
Gear gear
selection selection
elect electrical
fault fault
BG0988 <id>
Reseal reseal
Trans transmission
Charge charge
Pump pump
QR0218 <id>
Replace replace
BJ7 <id>
batterys batteries
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Slew slew
Ring ring
RW7142 <id>
4000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Eng engine
Tune tune
CD3914 <id>
CD3914 <id>
Sun sun
visor visor
broken broken
TO0487 <id>
- -
Install install
preclener pre-cleaner
dst dust
valves valves
QR0218 <id>
- -
REPAI repair
OVERJEATING overheating
FAULTS faults
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Hyd hydraulic
Cyl cylinder
Lift lift
RH right hand
PD2335 <id>
l/h left hand
tray tray
lights lights
not not
working working
BC4051 <id>
REPLACE replace
BULK bulk
FUEL fuel
FITTING fitting
CC0233 <id>
bent bent
belly belly
plate plate
BG0988 <id>
Replace replace
washer washer
pump pump
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Operator operator
Seat seat
FW9593 <id>
500H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
BG9236 <id>
VN2231 <id>
Investigate investigate
Low low
Power power
& and
Repair repair
DN9817 <id>
cab cabin
side side
horns horns
not not
working working
RZ8994 <id>
Replace replace
operators operators
seat seat
250H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce serial
KI2123 <id>
DB2637 <id>
BJ7 <id>
fuel fuel
injector injector
C/O change out
BG0988 <id>
Windscreen windscreen
washer washer
don't don't
work work
DN9817 <id>
LH left hand
eng engine
LH left hand
turbo turbo
leaking leaking
oil oil
FV0302 <id>
- -
Repair repair
cracked cracked
steering steering
tank tank
mo mo
RW7142 <id>
Replace replace
lip lip
shroud shroud
BC4051 <id>
Hydraulic hydraulic
leak leak
back back
Tranmission transmission
fire fire
suppression suppression
controller controller
battery battery
flat flat
UQ9701 <id>
RT right
F front
SUSP suspension
CYL cylinder
52 <num>
07 <num>
EVENTS events
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Ride ride
Strut strut
V1 <id>
RT3290 <id>
Throttle throttle
possition position
error error
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Idler idler
RH right hand
UF2558 <id>
BC4051 <id>
- -
Install install
beacon beacon
standgsC stand
CD3914 <id>
Replace replace
Hyd hydraulic
hoses hoses
spray spray
system system
AE2918 <id>
failed failed
circle circle
drives drives
XW7976 <id>
Air air
horn horn
not not
working working
XF3996- <id> -
C/out cover
Steering steering
Ball ball
Studs studs
KI2123 <id>
- -
Oil oil
Leak leak
Air air
Start start
Motor motor
UQ9701 <id>
Eng engine
oil oil
cooler cooler
bypass bypass
tube tube
leak leak
XW7976 <id>
Rectify rectify
Eng engine
Oil oil
Consumption consumption
LV7795- <id> -
eng engine
oil oil
leak leak
- -
inspection inspection
plate plate
MV3594 <id>
- -
Engine engine
Vibration vibration
750-900RPM <num>-<num> RPM
CZ6065 <id>
- -
Emergency emergency
gate gate
latch latch
broken broken
OO9426 <id>
air air
con conditioner
OO9426 <id>
- -
Fit fit
drop drop
bar bar
between between
handrails handrails
AI9714-C/out <id> - change out
Turbo turbo
Primary primary
RHT right
REAR rear
BD3257 <id>
fuel fuel
Gauge gauge
US unserviceable
8000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Repl replace
Turbo turbo
Prim primary
LF left front
VN2231 <id>
DN9817 <id>
Repair repair
Rear rear
Air air
Conditioner conditioner
LW <id>
Eng engine
Oil oil
Spinner spinner
Hose hose
Leaking leaking
OO9426 <id>
Access access
ladder ladder
hand hand
rail rail
welds welds
u/s unserviceable
CZ6065 <id>
Steering steering
hose hose
worn worn
QR0218 <id>
c/out change out
rotary rotary
conection connection
ec6466 <id>
wear wear
plate plate
r&r repair and replace
FN5736 <id>
pto PTO
input input
seal seal
leaking leaking
XF3996 <id>
Steering steering
hose hose
C/O change out
AL6487 <id>
Hose hose
leaking leaking
fan fan
Drive drive
DU7016 <id>
C/O change out
Faulty faulty
seat seat
2000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
CZ6065 <id>
UM4228 <id>
Fit fit
starter starter
motor motor
DO7053 <id>
replace replace
broken broken
eng engine
oil oil
dipstick dipstick
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
TRK track
Roll roller
8 <num>
LH left hand
UF2558 <id>
RT3290 <id>
Replace replace
brake brake
pressure pressure
switch switch
DO7053 <id>
98309 <num>
Service service
& and
Inspection inspection
250H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Drill drill
HR950 <id>
OO9426 <id>
PD2335 <id>
No no
wheel wheel
chocks chocks
XK9760 <id>
A/c air conditioner
knob knob
missing missing
Replace replace
NF4651 <id>
Replace replace
Pos position
0 <num>
+ and
0 <num>
Tyres tyres
TO0487 <id>
Replace replace
Pos position
8 <num>
Tyre tyre
UY2435-Fire <id> - fire
Suppression suppression
Inspection inspection
NF4651 <id>
Seat seat
Loose loose
AE2918 <id>
RH right hand
Front front
light light
blown blown
XH1714 <id>
Cracked cracked
steer steering
tank tank
suction suction
tube tube
1000H <num> hour
BD3257 <id>
1000hr <num> hour
Service service
& and
Inspection inspection
IT4005 <id>
a/c air conditioner
compressor compressor
drive drive
leaking leaking
ov0269 <id>
replace replace
plugged plugged
air air
filters filters
broken broken
prelube prelube
bracket bracket
VU1914-C/out <id> - change out
Turbo turbo
Primary primary
RHT right
REAR rear
2000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
MR0229 <id>
UN7986 <id>
Minor minor
eng engine
oil oil
leaks leaks
@ at
rear rear
GE2963 <id>
L/H left hand
ENG engine
door door
latch latch
broken broken
BG9236 <id>
Fuel fuel
priming priming
pump pump
u/s unserviceable
NF4651 <id>
Pos position
3/4 <num> / <num>
Rock rock
Ejector ejector
bent bent
er7645 <id>
fit fit
rock rock
breaker breaker
CZ6065-C/out <id> - change out
Turbo turbo
Primary primary
RHT right
FRNT front
AF5037 <id>
- -
C/O change out
Pos position
4 <num>
wheel wheel
end end
ph7776 <id>
grease grease
cover cover
repairs repairs
DN9817 <id>
Gridken <sensitive>
to to
repair repair
broken broken
clam clam
OO9426 <id>
2 two-way
water/air water / air
valve valve
u/s unserviceable
AF5037 <id>
Offside offside
worklight worklight
bulb bulb
blown blown
BG0988 <id>
F <id>
R/H right hand
rock rock
ejector ejector
damaged damaged
LV7795 <id>
- -
TWO two-way Cat
FAULTY faulty
QR0218 <id>
Swing swing
hose hose
under under
UM5 <id>
u/s unserviceable
LV7795- <id> -
Diff differential
filter filter
plate plate
missing missing
JD8905 <id>
Replace replace
Cutting cutting
edges edges
AL6487 <id>
- -
am/fm AM / FM
radio radio
needs needs
new new
aerial aerial
TV3998 <id>
Hyd hydraulic
hose hose
on on
stick stick
leaking leaking
JA0341 <id>
pos position
3 <num>
brake brake
cool cool
hose hose
leaking leaking
MY6517 <id>
Cooling cooling
system system
repairs repairs
1000H <num> hour
Insp inspection
Hyd hydraulic
Chamber cylinder
LH left hand
DB2637 <id>
Repair repair
Module module
cracks cracks
Bg <id>
Fuel fuel
filter filter
housing housing
leaking leaking
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
GO8941 <id>
DN9817 <id>
Replace replace
pos position
8 <num>
cap cap
on on
bucket bucket
DN9817 <id>
c/o change out
r/h right hand
alternator alternator
R right hand
Terminal terminal
NF4651 <id>
Replace replace
Turbo turbo
Timer timer
FW9593 <id>
- -
slow slow
to to
build build
REVS revs
sluggish sluggish
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
TRK track
Roll roller
9 <num>
LH left hand
DN9817 <id>
2 <num>
volt volt
supply supply
error error
3M <num> month
Mech mechanical
Cond condition
Ball ball
Stut stud
Crack crack
Test test
XK9760 <id>
ti2034 <id>
grease grease
pump pump
u/s unserviceable
Turbo turbo
tubes tubes
bolts bolts
missing missing
& and
bkts brackets
broken broken
ov0269 <id>
l/h left hand
track track
frame frame
rollers rollers
collapse collapse
replace replace
low low
pressure pressure
steering steering
sensor sensor
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Hyd hydraulic
Cyl cylinder
Stick stick
LH left hand
DB2637 <id>
UM4228 <id>
Minor minor
leak leak
R/H right hand
front front
lift lift
ram ram
JZ9248 <id>
FIT fit
NEW new
TYRES tyres
POS position
1&2 <num> and <num>
ROTATE rotate
5&6 <num> and <num>
250H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Dozer dozer
M76S <id>
XS7870 <id>
PO's POs
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
TRK track
Roll roller
2 <num>
RH right hand
QR0218 <id>
12000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Repl replace
Swing swing
Box box
LR left rear
QR0218 <id>
500H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
KI2123 <id>
QR0218-C/out <id> - change out
Brake brake
Swing swing
RHT right
REAR rear
BD3257 <id>
Grease grease
gaurd guard
protecter protector
broken broken
off off
JA0341 <id>
Replace replace
pos position
8 <num>
tyre tyre
AF5037 <id>
Brake brake
temp temperature
error error
6M <num> month
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Fire fire
Suppression suppression
TY8010 <id>
RW7142 <id>
Replace replace
Broken broken
Grease grease
FittingO/R fitting O/R
RC0661 <id>
C/O change out
HYDRALIC hydraulic
FILTER filter
ORDERING ordering
THES this
wipers wipers
not not
working working
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Hyd hydraulic
Cyl cylinder
Bucket bucket
LH left hand
QR0218 <id>
XK9760 <id>
Electrical electrical
fault fault
XW7976 <id>
very very
low low
power power
reversing reversing
uphill uphill
6M <num> month
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Fire fire
Suppression suppression
GO8941 <id>
TS961 <id>
air air
con conditioner
fan fan
speed speed
u/s unserviceable
RZ8994 <id>
Grease grease
initiator initiator
harness harness
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Hyd hydraulic
Cyl cylinder
Tilt tilt
RH right hand
GY9113 <id>
500H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
UQ9701 <id>
ND5744 <id>
replace replace
pump pump
drive drive
shaft shaft
DU7016 <id>
tray tray
coming coming
down down
hard hard
FW9593 <id>
Rotate rotate
pos position
2 <num>
4&5 <num> and <num>
tyre tyre
SS0308 <id>
Lube lube
control control
valve valve
leak leak
Qz2751 <id>
repair repair
grease grease
leak leak
in in
back back
board board
GE2963 <id>
250hr <num> hour
Service service
& and
Inspection inspection
WK1566 <id>
Headboard headboard
supports supports
bent bent
AE2918 <id>
Reseal reseal
trans transmission
charge charge
pump pump
SM2291 <id>
diff differential
leak leak
QR0218 <id>
F <id>
Damage damage
to to
fuel fuel
tank tank
ck8155 <id>
Replace replace
LH left hand
exhast exhaust
clamp clamp
500H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
CZ6065 <id>
RZ2293-Inspect <id> - inspect
A-Frame A-frame
Brng bearing
XK9760 <id>
LHS left hand side
catwalk catwalk
mounts mounts
cracked/broken cracked/broken
UN7986 <id>
Aircon air conditioner
runs runs
hot hot
when when
stationary stationary
FV0302 <id>
Hydraulic hydraulic
oil oil
leaks leaks
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Operator operator
Seat seat
FN5736 <id>
TY8010 <id>
Cooler cooler
return return
pipe pipe
coupling coupling
leak leak
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
TRK track
Roll roller
5 <num>
LH left hand
RW7142 <id>
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
TRK track
Roll roller
6 <num>
RH right hand
UF2558 <id>
500H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Grader grader
AE2918 <id>
AI9714 <id>
Grease grease
system system
fault fault
heater heater
tap tap
u/s unserviceable
AE2918 <id>
RH right hand
rear rear
inspection inspection
door door
bent bent
500H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
WK1566 <id>
VN2231 <id>
Rotate rotate
Pos position
2 <num>
& and
5 <num>
tyres tyres
Sm2715 <id>
lights lights
out out
x3 x <num>
RW7142 <id>
Steinberg <sensitive>
quote quote
repair repair
RHstick right hand stick
cyl cylinder
XH1714 <id>
grease grease
fault fault
DB2637 <id>
Pos position
2 <num>
lip lip
shroud shroud
come come
off off
bucket bucket
LV7795 <id>
Emerg emergency
platform platform
cracked cracked
weld weld
RZ2293 <id>
250hr <num> hour
Service service
& and
Inspection inspection
PD2335 <id>
Fuel fuel
filters filters
plged plugged
losing losing
power power
EZ7111 <id>
Fit fit
new new
induction induction
tube tube
GO8941 <id>
- -
Grease grease
system system
Fail fail
c/o change out
flat flat
battery battery
in in
fire fire
suppression suppression
sys system
CZ6065 <id>
Fuel fuel
gauge gauge
faulty faulty
BC4051 <id>
Hydraulic hydraulic
tank tank
mounts mounts
faulty faulty
TO0487 <id>
250hr <num> hour
Service service
JD8905 <id>
C/O change out
Cutting cutting
edges edges
FW9593 <id>
missing missing
oil oil
cap cap
DN9817 <id>
- -
Scaffolding scaffolding
for for
boom boom
repairsERJ repairs
GY9113 <id>
250hr <num> hour
Service service
- -
XW7976 <id>
Ladder ladder
getting getting
stuck stuck
going going
down down
3M <num> month
Mech mechanical
Cond condition
Ball ball
Stut stud
Crack crack
Test test
AL6487 <id>
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Hyd hydraulic
Cyl cylinder
Dust dust
Hood hood
UF2558 <id>
JA0341-C/out <id> - change out
Turbo turbo
Primary primary
RHT right
FRNT front
VN2231 <id>
clearance clearance
lights lights
not not
working working
250H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Wtr water
Truck truck
XK9760 <id>
1000H <num> hour
Insp inspection
Hyd hydraulic
Cyl cylinder
Rip rip
Pitch pitch
RH right hand
GE2963 <id>
SS0308 <id>
C/O change out
leaking leaking
heater heater
taps taps
Air air
Con conditioner
Warm warm
TO0487 <id>
C/O change out
Retarder retarder
Valve valve
SS0308 <id>
c/o change out
worn worn
pos position
0 <num>
and and
6 <num>
tyres tyres
1000H <num> hour
Insp inspection
Mast mast
Raise raise
Cyl cylinder
Pin pin
LH left hand
LOW lower
BJ <id>
REPAIR repair
FAILED failed
PUMP pump
DRIVE drive
YXFT40b <id>
AF5037 <id>
Filter filter
blocked blocked
Enviro environmental
spray spray
AE2918 <id>
Shim shim
Bolt bolt
Missing missing
2000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
VLV valve
Spring spring
FN5736 <id>
DO7053 <id>
RFront right front
Bonnet bonnet
Bracket bracket
Broken broken
QR0218-Inspect <id> - inspect
Track track
Roller roller
2 <num>
RHT right
Trans transmission
charge charge
pump pump
mount mount
leakingg leaking
fr from
replaced replaced
blade blade
wear wear
plates plates
EZ7111 <id>
Reseal reseal
coolant coolant
tubes tubes
ks2171 <id>
no no
air air
presure pressure
IT4005 <id>
- -
Rod rod
not not
in in
place place
under under
t/circle t/circle
500H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
NF4651 <id>
1000H <num> hour
Insp inspection
Hyd hydraulic
Cyl cylinder
Rod rod
Load load
Swing swing
LH left hand
DO7053 <id>
- -
LH left hand
corner corner
bonnet bonnet
cracked cracked
XH1714 <id>
Plug plug
Pos position
8 <num>
Strut strut
Investigate Investigate
and and
rectify rectify
exhaust exhaust
leaks leaks
GE2963 <id>
Left left
arm arm
rest rest
keeps keeps
droping dropping
down down
GO8941 <id>
250hr <num> hour
ServiceGSAPCOMP service GSAP compressor
CD3914 <id>
500hr <num> hour
Service service
- -
Out/stding outstanding
PO's POs
QR0218 <id>
- -
Change change
out out
L/H left hand
Track track
pins pins
DU7016 <id>
Replace replace
Interior interior
Light light
Globe globe
UF2558 <id>
1000hr <num> hour
Service service
& and
Inspection inspection
COMP compressor
OUTSTANDING outstanding
4000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Eng engine
Tune tune
JZ9248 <id>
RW7142 <id>
cab cabin
riser riser
pressuriser pressuriser
u/s unserviceable
EZ7111 <id>
HOSE hose
WORN worn
RT3290 <id>
Torque torque
convertor convertor
charge charge
hose hose
leak leak
250H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Shovel shovel
DN9817 <id>
250H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Excavator excavator
T954A <id>
RW7142 <id>
VU1914 <id>
Fit fit
new new
version version
rear rear
UQ9701-C/out <id> - change out
Uni's universal joints
Eng-Pump engine - pump
Drv drive
SM2291-Valve <id> - valve
Spring spring
Inspection inspection
LD3192 <id>
Fuel fuel
breather breather
7 <num>
fuel fuel
tank tank
missing missing
RW7142 <id>
c/o change out
blown blown
hyd hydraulic
o'rings o-rings
RZ8994 <id>
L/H left hand
Front front
tram tram
motor motor
u/s unserviceable
FN5736 <id>
Replace replace
main main
drive driveshaft
uni's universal joints
LHF left hand
Strut strut
Leak leak
PY9512-C/out <id> - change out
Starter starter
Motor motor
LWR lower
FW9593-C/out <id> - change out
Uni's universal joints
Eng-Pump engine - pump
Drvl drive
DO7053 <id>
250hr <num> hour
Service service
- -
CD3914 <id>
Drivers drivers
side side
window window
tint tint
scored scored
LD3192 <id>
Pos position
7 <num>
grease grease
line line
disconnected disconnected
GE2963 <id>
R/H right hand
tilt tilt
ram ram
grease grease
hose hose
off off
RH <id>
Grouser grouser
plate plate
fallen fallen
off off
CM <id>
Fan fan
in in
cab cabin
broken broken
10000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Cam camshaft
XW7976 <id>
1KH <num> hour
Insp inspection
Mast mast
Raise raise
Cyl cylinder
Pin pin
LH left hand
UP up
PY9512 <id>
BD3257 <id>
Bucket bucket
crowd crowd
dropping dropping
fwd forward
fault fault
NF4651 <id>
Rotate rotate
Pos position
9 <num>
6 <num>
& and
9 <num>
tyre tyre
Replace replace
rear rear
swing swing
motor motor
z <id>
FN5736 <id>
A/C air conditioner
belt belt
cover cover
broken broken
UF2558 <id>
hydraulic hydraulic
leak leak
EZ7111 <id>
vacuum vacuum
cleaner cleaner
broken broken
Inspect inspect
an an
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Carry carry
Roll roller
No number
9 <num>
RH right hand
DN9817 <id>
AF5037 <id>
repair repair
left left
rear rear
light light
fuel fuel
breather breather
faulty faulty
FN5736 <id>
Replace replace
pos position
0 <num>
outer outer
planetary planetary
1KH <num> hour
Insp inspection
Mast mast
Raise raise
Cyl cylinder
Pin pin
RH right hand
UP up
UF2558 <id>
DO7053 <id>
12Volt <num> volt
charger charger
point point
not not
working working
BC4051 <id>
live live
fuel fuel
lock lock
fault fault
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Artic Artic
Hitch hitch
GY9113 <id>
VN2231 <id>
Exhaust exhaust
manifold manifold
leak leak
Investigate investigate
feed feed
fault fault
PD2335 <id>
Repair repair
engine engine
oil oil
leak leak
at at
front front
6M <num> month
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Fire fire
Suppression suppression
OK5862 <id>
QR0218-C/out <id> - change out
Swing swing
Box box
RHT right
FRNT front
500H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Dozer dozer
M76S <id>
CC0233 <id>
SS0308 <id>
Replace replace
Pos position
8 <num>
brake brake
cooling cooling
hose hose
UM4228 <id>
1000hr <num> hour
Service service
& and
Inspection inspection
BG9236 <id>
500hr <num> hour
Service service
- -
Out/stding outstanding
PO's POs
1000H <num> hour
Insp inspection
EQL equaliser
Bar bar
OUT out
BRG bearing
LH left hand
GE2963 <id>
BT0391 <id>
Backlights backlights
on on
dash dash
blown blown
1000H <num> hour
Insp inspection
Hyd hydraulic
Cyl cylinder
Blade blade
Tilt tilt
LH left hand
UM4228 <id>
500H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Dozer dozer
754I <id>
UM4228 <id>
VU1914 <id>
Ladder ladder
issue issue
3M <num> month
Mech mechanical
Cond condition
Ball ball
Stut stud
Crack crack
Test test
RT3290 <id>
BG0988 <id>
Steering steering
oil oil
leak leak
OO9426 <id>
Hyd hydraulic
oil oil
leak leak
RH right hand
pump pump
DN9817 <id>
500hr <num> hour
Service service
& and
Inspection inspection
WK1566 <id>
250hr <num> hour
Service service
SS0308 <id>
pos position
7 <num>
strut strut
press pressure
err error
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Dozer dozer
A14V <id>
DO7053 <id>
Ge5247 <id>
Fuel fuel
Filters filters
plugged plugged
JD8905 <id>
afff AFFF
issue issue
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Hyd hydraulic
Cyl cylinder
Bucket bucket
TV3998 <id>
BT0391 <id>
Ladder ladder
Mirror mirror
loose loose
JZ9248-C/out <id> - change out
Turbo turbo
Primary primary
LFT left
FRNT front
DU7016 <id>
Front front
left left
right right
strut strut
low low
errors errors
EZ7111 <id>
Fire fire
ext extinguisher
bracket bracket
on on
deck deck
loose loose
3M <num> month
Mech mechanical
Cond condition
Ball ball
Stut stud
Crack crack
Test test
CZ6065 <id>
BG9236 <id>
Fit fit
new new
version version
rear rear
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Carry carry
Roll roller
No number
8 <num>
LH left hand
OO9426 <id>
OK5862 <id>
Comp compressor
oil oil
pressure pressure
sw switch
u/s unserviceable
2000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
AL6487 <id>
CZ6065 <id>
Repair repair
emergency emergency
gate gate
TY8010 <id>
Carry carry
out out
midlife midlife
service service
eng engine
NF4651 <id>
Repair repair
steer steering
oil oil
leak leak
CD3914-Fire <id> - fire
Suppression suppression
Inspection inspection
ph7776 <id>
emergency emergency
ladder ladder
repairs repairs
BD3257 <id>
RH right hand
rear rear
ladder ladder
bent bent
ec6466 <id>
tilt tilt
cylinder cylinder
gaurds guards
BT0391 <id>
Minor minor
oil oil
leak leak
in in
Eng engine
Bay bay
Ww0780 <id>
fuel fuel
and and
coolant coolant
leaks leaks
JA0341 <id>
oil oil
leak leak
from from
diff differential
filter filter
CD3914 <id>
Replace replace
engine engine
hood hood
gas gas
strut strut
IT4005 <id>
diff differential
lock lock
broken broken
MAIN main
ISOLATOR isolator
WILL will
NOT not
ISOLATE isolate
AV0573 <id>
Boarding boarding
gate gate
latch latch
missing missing
DB2637-Inspect <id> - inspect
Track track
Roller roller
3 <num>
RHT right
1000H <num> hour
Insp inspection
EQL equaliser
Bar bar
OUT out
BRG bearing
LH left hand
DO7053 <id>
XK9760 <id>
door door
latch latch
U/S unserviceable
JZ9248 <id>
C/O change out
AUXILLARY auxiliary
WATER water
PUMP pump
XW7976 <id>
Fit fit
new new
version version
rear rear
UN7986 <id>
Replace replace
operators operators
seat seat
SS0308 <id>
Brake brake
Errors errors
GO8941 <id>
rotochamber rotochamber
cracked cracked
jj7515 <id>
cab cabin
h/rail handrail
mods modifications
TO0487 <id>
Windrow windrow
light light
u/s unserviceable
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
TRK track
Roll roller
9 <num>
LH left hand
UF2558 <id>
OK5862 <id>
2000hr <num> hour
Service service
RZ8994 <id>
- -
C/O change out
BLOWN blown
HOSE hose
XS7870 <id>
diagnose diagnose
eng engine
vibration vibration
DU7016 <id>
Ambient ambient
air air
temp temperature
error error
PD2335 <id>
Repair repair
Ladder ladder
A/C air conditioner
freezing freezing
up up
XW7976 <id>
Hyd hydraulic
oil oil
leak leak
RHS right hand side
rear rear
of of
engine engine
pto PTO
shaft shaft
snapped snapped
AL6487 <id>
10000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Cam camshaft
DU7016 <id>
GO8941 <id>
park park
brake brake
light light
outside outside
blown blown
DO7053 <id>
8 <num>
x x
front front
work work
lights lights
missing missing
CZ6065- <id> -
Repair repair
Engine engine
oil oil
leaking leaking
AE2918 <id>
install install
Trimble trimble
KI2123 <id>
Fab fabrication
stand stand
for for
tyre tyre
fitters fitters
DB2637 <id>
C/O change out
Cracked cracked
pipe pipe
on on
valve valve
bank bank
AF5037 <id>
T/C torque converter
charge charge
hose hose
leaking leaking
XK9760 <id>
c/o change out
cab cabin
floor floor
mats mats
worn worn
RZ8994 <id>
Fit fit
bucket bucket
to to
machine machine
Inspect inspect
FS fire suppression
System system
LD3192 <id>
Reposition reposition
reverse reverse
camera camera
RZ8994 <id>
- -
REPAIR repair
HYD hydraulic
LEAK leak
ON on
BOOM boom
vk7300 <id>
emergency emergency
ladder ladder
repairs repairs
FV0302 <id>
dickie dickie
seat seat
missing missing
air air
button button
DB2637-C/Out <id> - change out
Hyd hydraulic
Rotary rotary
Join joint
EZ7111 <id>
-Pos - position
9 <num>
oil oil
leak leak
inside inside
hub hub
UY2435-C/out <id> - change out
Turbo turbo
Primary primary
LFT left
FRNT front
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Bucket bucket
RW7142 <id>
TV3998 <id>
fit fit
and and
repair repair
hammer hammer
SM2291 <id>
R/fr right front
idicater indicator
and and
park park
light light
U/S unserviceable
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Control control
VLV valve
V1 <id>
DB2637 <id>
3M <num> month
Mech mechanical
Cond condition
Ball ball
Stut stud
Crack crack
Test test
MR0229 <id>
CC0233 <id>
RHS right hand side
Cannon cannon
Cracked cracked
MQR429 <id>
Air air
Horn horn
U/S unserviceable
modula modular
XF3996 <id>
HANDRAIL handrail
BEHIND behind
CAB cabin
FAULTY faulty
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
TRK track
Roll roller
2 <num>
LH left hand
QR0218 <id>
DO7053 <id>
rocker rocker
cover cover
leak leak
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Carry carry
Roll roller
No number
6 <num>
LH left hand
DN9817 <id>
LD3192 <id>
Reverse reverse
light light
u/s unserviceable
GO8941 <id>
Drivers drivers
window window
overly overly
scratched scratched
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
TRK track
Roll roller
2 <num>
LH left hand
DB2637 <id>
QR0218 <id>
Repair repair
cracks cracks
in in
stick stick
AL6487 <id>
Investigate investigate
cooling cooling
leak leak
UN7986 <id>
Repair repair
Diff differential
Pressure pressure
Error error
DN9817 <id>
S/N serial number
004668 <id>
Engine engine
Warning warning
Li light
EZ7111-C/out <id> - change out
Turbo turbo
Primary primary
RHT right
FRNT front
Bg5714 <id>
Windrow windrow
light light
U/S unserviceable
DB2637 <id>
Fit fit
new new
bollard bollard
AE2918 <id>
F <id>
Fire fire
Extuish extinguisher
bracket bracket
replaced replaced
JD8905 <id>
Cooling cooling
system system
repairs repairs
JA0341-Fire <id> - fire
Suppression suppression
Inspection inspection
WK1566 <id>
Fuel fuel
Breather breather
Missing missing
250H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Dozer dozer
C21Q <id>
GE2963 <id>
BO-2173 <id>
- -
Fit fit
7 <num>
Flow flow
Meter meter
RW7142 <id>
Replace replace
pos position
9 <num>
cap cap
on on
bucket bucket
AF5037 <id>
Front front
cannon cannon
u/s unserviceable
gk5982 <id>
bucket bucket
repairs repairs
AF5037 <id>
Water water
level level
lights lights
faulty faulty
AF5037 <id>
Oil oil
leak-water leak - water
pump pump
moter motor
filter filter
UF2558 <id>
3rd third
rod rod
proxy proximity
wrong wrong
PD2335 <id>
Failed failed
center centre
drive driveshaft
uni's universal joints
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Carry carry
Roll roller
No number
0 <num>
RH right hand
UF2558 <id>
OK5862 <id>
replace replace
blocked blocked
fuel fuel
filters filters
MR0229 <id>
Replace replace
Prelube prelube
relay relay
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
TRK track
Roll roller
0 <num>
RH right hand
QR0218 <id>
KI2123 <id>
ALT alternator
Drive drive
leaking leaking
JD8905 <id>
low low
auto auto
lube lube
pressure pressure
UQ9701 <id>
RHS right hand side
Revers reverse
light light
u/s unserviceable
BG0988 <id>
F <id>
Repair repair
damaged damaged
cat cat
walk walk
damag damaged
JZ9248 <id>
leaking leaking
fan fan
pump pump
suction suction
pipe pipe
idler idler
wheel wheel
frame frame
fab fabrication
for for
transport transport
250H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
BT0391 <id>
BG9236 <id>
steering steering
telescope telescope
adj adjuster
u/s unserviceable
250H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
SS0308 <id>
RI7496 <id>
repair repair
implement/attachment implement / attachment
lock lock
PY9512 <id>
Chain chain
lube lube
tank tank
required required
refillin refilling
BG0988 <id>
1000hr <num> hour
Service service
& and
Inspection inspection
TO0487 <id>
system system
voltage voltage
low low
fault fault
250H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Dozer dozer
501T <id>
UM4228 <id>
OO9426 <id>
Inspect inspect
RHS right hand side
feed feed
ram ram
seal seal
U/S unserviceable
MR0229 <id>
Low low
engine engine
power power
fault fault
AE2918 <id>
Grease grease
pump pump
missing missing
LV7795-Valve <id> - valve
Spring spring
Inspection inspection
AE2918-Fire <id> - fire
Suppression suppression
Inspection inspection
Main main
batteries batteries
U/S unserviceable
2000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
VU1914 <id>
PD2335 <id>
Refit refit
missing missing
tooth tooth
1000H <num> hour
Insp inspection
Hyd hydraulic
Cyl cylinder
Boom boom
Lift lift
RH right hand
DB2637 <id>
QR0218 <id>
C/O change out
U/S unserviceable
RH right hand
clam clam
cyl cylinder
hose hose
LD3192-Fire <id> - fire
Suppression suppression
Inspection inspection
missing missing
A/C air conditioner
cover cover
Blocked blocked
filters filters
QR0218 <id>
500hr <num> hour
Service service
& and
Inspection inspection
SM2291 <id>
Missing missing
catwalk catwalk
bolt bolt
under under
onside onside
WK1566 <id>
Transmission transmission
electrical electrical
fault fault
2000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Truck truck
Outdoor <sensitive>
BC1618 <id>
BT0391 <id>
Needs needs
a a
new new
rear rear
truck truck
number number
XK9760-C/out <id> - change out
Radiator radiator
MV3594 <id>
coolant coolant
leak leak
bleed bleed
off off
line line
XF3996 <id>
Fit fit
new new
version version
rear rear
MV3594 <id>
lose lose
hose hose
on on
pump pump
OK5862-Insp <id> - inspection
Mast mast
Raise raise
Cyl cylinder
Pin pin
RHT right
LWR lower
DN9817- <id> -
replace replace
air air
conditioner conditioner
driers driers
CZ6065- <id> -
REPAIR repair
COOLANT coolant
LEAK leak
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
AL6487 <id>
RC0661 <id>
Monthly monthly
Service service
& and
Inspection inspection
UF2558 <id>
Gauges gauges
not not
working working
NF4651 <id>
Exhaust exhaust
Leak leak
AF5037- <id> -
RECTIFY rectify
STEERING steering
OIL oil
OVERHEATING overheating
EZ7111 <id>
replace replace
trans transmission
hose hose
FV0302 <id>
Fit fit
new new
version version
rear rear
WHEEL wheel
CHOCKS chocks
MISSING missing
KI2123 <id>
Investigate investigate
issue issue
with with
a/c air conditioner
system system
500H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
FN5736 <id>
XW7976 <id>
Valve valve
extensions extensions
needed needed
4000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Eng engine
Tune tune
UQ9701 <id>
carousel carousel
loose loose
JD8905 <id>
Front front
left left
light light
in in
cab cabin
loose loose
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Idler idler
RH right hand
TV3998 <id>
AF5037-Fire <id> - fire
Suppression suppression
Inspection inspection
MR0229 <id>
Change change
out out
Pos position
4&6 <num> and <num>
tyre tyre
TV3998 <id>
Has has
a a
minor minor
oil oil
leak leak
on on
slew slew
ring ring
Air air
Con conditioner
Fault fault
OO9426 <id>
Carasouel carousel
popt popped
bolt bolt
needs needs
loctite Loctite
SM2291 <id>
C/Out change out
Engine engine
- -
Costs costs
LL3433- <id> -
Replace replace
damaged damaged
alternator alternator
QR0218 <id>
Fit fit
strong strong
backs backs
to to
engine engine
frames frames
BG9236- <id> -
A/C air conditioner
FAULT fault
Straighten straighten
engine engine
cover cover
OK5862 <id>
250hr <num> hour
Service- service -
COMP compressor
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
TRK track
Roll roller
7 <num>
LH left hand
OO9426 <id>
UY2435 <id>
Minor minor
transmission transmission
oil oil
leak leak
JA0341 <id>
DIFF differential
LUBE lube
PRESSURE pressure
431 <id>
ERROR error
IT4005 <id>
Speedo speedometer
U/S unserviceable
DN9817-C/out <id> - change out
Hyd hydraulic
Motor motor
Cooler cooler
Fan fan
POS position
3 <num>
VU1914 <id>
Both both
front front
reverse reverse
lights lights
loose loose
gj4910 <id>
door door
hinge hinge
repairs repairs
BD3257 <id>
bucket bucket
tilt tilt
back back
fault fault
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Carry carry
Roll roller
No number
7 <num>
RH right hand
DB2637 <id>
500H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Excavator excavator
TV3998 <id>
JD8905 <id>
Replace replace
U/S unserviceable
starter starter
Engine engine
wiring wiring
damaged damaged
RZ8994- <id> -
REPAIRED repaired
3X <num> x
BROKEN broken
LINES lines
JZ9248 <id>
F <id>
Damage damage
to to
emergancy emergency
laddertow ladder tow
TO0487 <id>
Issue issue
with with
grease grease
lube lube
system system
FN5736 <id>
Replace replace
Pos position
7 <num>
brake brake
cooling cooling
hose hose
OK5862 <id>
replace replace
air air
solenoid solenoid
valve valve
AL6487 <id>
- -
dust dust
entering entering
cab cabin
GO8941 <id>
Re reoil
& and
gas gas
pos position
9 <num>
strut strut
EZ7111 <id>
REPAIR repair
OIL oil
LEAK leak
AT at
L/H left hand
STEER steering
VALV valve
IT4005 <id>
2 <num>
x x
scouring scouring
tip tip
missing missing
ph7776 <id>
patch patch
up up
h/rails handrails
on on
boom boom
RW7142 <id>
Inspect inspect
Carrier carrier
Roller roller
No number
2 <num>
LH left hand
250H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Dozer dozer
M76S <id>
CC0233 <id>
AI9714 <id>
ladder ladder
fault fault
DB2637 <id>
- -
C/O change out
FIRE fire
SUPP suppression
SWITCH switch
ON on
BOTTLE bottle
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Hyd hydraulic
Cyl cylinder
Feed feed
RH right hand
OO9426 <id>
GO8941 <id>
pls please
change change
seat seat
to to
new new
model model
UN7986 <id>
coolant coolant
leak leak
PY9512-Insp <id> - inspection
Mast mast
Raise raise
Cyl cylinder
Pin pin
RHT right
LWR lower
TV3998-Fire <id> - fire
Suppression suppression
Inspection inspection
JD8905 <id>
air/con air conditioner
warm warm
XK9760 <id>
Repair repair
Washer/wipers washer / wipers
JD8905 <id>
Screw screw
loose loose
top top
dash dash
inside inside
DO7053 <id>
replace replace
worn worn
bogie bogie
pads pads
JD8905 <id>
Replace replace
U/S unserviceable
fuel fuel
filter filter
stud stud
BD3257 <id>
Issue issue
with with
hands hands
free free
2 two-way
FV0302 <id>
- -
A/C air conditioner
Compressor compressor
u/s unserviceable
wz2768 <id>
fuel fuel
tank tank
leak leak
NF4651 <id>
Coolant coolant
leak leak
at at
pos position
3 <num>
turbo turbo
500H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Shovel shovel
DN9817 <id>
VU1914 <id>
front front
accumulator accumulator
bladder bladder
failed failed
7000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Repl replace
Battery battery
RH right hand
M76S <id>
CC0233 <id>
R/H right hand
MUBFLAP mudflap
MISSING missing
DB2637 <id>
1000hr <num> hour
Service service
- -
AE2918 <id>
Grease grease
line line
leak leak
ripper ripper
housing housing
UEQ1163 <id>
Air air
clearner cleaner
outers outers
blocked blocked
DN9817 <id>
Header header
tank tank
filler filler
neck neck
different different
RL3828 <id>
Boom boom
creeps creeps
down down
AL6487 <id>
Minor minor
Torq torque
Conv converter
leak leak
GO8941 <id>
change change
out out
pos position
9 <num>
&2 and <num>
CC0233 <id>
C/out change out
u/s unserviceable
LH left hand
track track
group group
XF3996 <id>
- -
REPAIR/REPLACE repair / replace
A/C air conditioner
BLOWER blower
FANS fans
OO9426 <id>
replace replace
final final
drive drive
mag magnetic
plugs plugs
RT3290 <id>
Repalce replace
grease grease
pump pump
XS7870 <id>
Power power
step step
repairs repairs
XH1714 <id>
Repair repair
fire fire
supression suppression
6M <num> month
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Fire fire
Suppression suppression
AI9714 <id>
eng engine
overheating overheating
LV7795 <id>
Minor minor
torque torque
converter converter
oil oil
leak leak
BD3257 <id>
250hr <num> hour
Service service
- -
Out/stding outstanding
PO's POs
CZ6065 <id>
Eng engine
oil oil
leak leak
top top
back back
eng engine
XW7976 <id>
driveline driveline
failure failure
XS7870 <id>
Supply supply
hose hose
fittings fittings
Flex-Tube <sensitive>
PV1568 <id>
fuel fuel
guage gauge
not not
working working
MR0229 <id>
#14 number <num>
rocker rocker
box box
leaking leaking
XW7976 <id>
Investigate investigate
Throttle throttle
Pos position
Sensor sensor
RT3290 <id>
Fuel fuel
leak leak
@ at
Transfer transfer
pump pump
RT3290 <id>
- -
Window window
Washer washer
doesnt doesn't
work work
dd1938 <id>
F <id>
Emergency emergency
ladder ladder
repairs repairs
MV3594 <id>
Replace replace
seat seat
belt belt
buckle buckle
UF2558-Fire <id> - fire
Suppression suppression
Inspection inspection
JZ9248 <id>
Modular modular
Goic Goic
display display
is is
cracked cracked
GO8941 <id>
Repair repair
front front
handrail handrail
CD3914 <id>
reverse reverse
camera camera
lens lens
GO8941- <id> -
Engine engine
Tune tune
SS0308 <id>
dove dove
tail tail
repairs repairs
DB2637 <id>
Replace replace
UM5 <id>
RH right hand
Camshaft camshaft
Ko4962 <id>
Repair repair
Charging charging
Fault fault
AI <id>
Dash dash
backlights backlights
not not
working working
Rectify rectify
electrical electrical
faults faults
low low
voltage voltage
AF5037 <id>
Wiper wiper
control control
loose loose
needs needs
tighten tighten
xx7425 <id>
drive drive
vibration vibration
JZ9248 <id>
Coolant coolant
leak leak
LHside left hand side
of of
engine engine
IT4005 <id>
Blade blade
light light
blown blown
needs needs
replacing replacing
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
EZ7111 <id>
am0388 <id>
modify modify
pully pulley
gaurd guard
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Hyd hydraulic
Cyl cylinder
Tilt tilt
LH left hand
GY9113 <id>
OK5862 <id>
Grease grease
system system
issue issue
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Ride ride
Strut strut
V1 <id>
BG0988 <id>
OK5862-Insp <id> - inspection
Mast mast
Raise raise
Cyl cylinder
Pin pin
LFT left
LWR lower
FW9593 <id>
Door door
alarm alarm
fauilty faulty
CC0233 <id>
pto PTO
driveshaft driveshaft
rubber rubber
mounts mounts
u/s unserviceable
DB2637 <id>
c/o change out
pos position
adaptor adaptor
and and
tooth tooth
LV7795 <id>
Air air
Horn horn
not not
working working
COMP compressor
AWAITIN awaiting
BC1618 <id>
2000hr <num> hour
Service service
& and
Inspection inspection
JA0341 <id>
diff differential
cooler cooler
fan fan
hose hose
leaking leaking
BT0391 <id>
Pos position
2 <num>
Valve valve
cap cap
missing missing
WK1566-C/out <id> - change out
Uni's universal joints
Eng-Pump engine - pump
Drv drive
VN2231 <id>
rear rear
lights lights
us unserviceable
MY6517 <id>
Bulk bulk
Grease grease
Pump pump
failed failed
3M <num> month
Mech mechanical
Cond condition
Ball ball
Stut stud
Crack crack
Test test
NF4651 <id>
DB2637 <id>
- -
Installation installation
of of
camera camera
system system
fr5442 <id>
engine engine
oil oil
leak leak
from from
w/pump water pump
BC4051 <id>
precleaner pre-cleaner
base base
missing missing
CC0233 <id>
broken broken
RH right hand
side side
door door
window window
AI9714 <id>
500hr <num> hour
Service service
- -
VN2231-C/out <id> - change out
Turbo turbo
Primary primary
RHT right
FRNT front
TY8010 <id>
swing swing
drive drive
visi VISI
guage gauge
filler filler
UY2435-Cam <id> - camshaft
Inspection inspection
BG0988 <id>
Crack crack
onside onside
rock rock
deflector deflector
Fault fault
in in
side side
lights lights
500H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
WK1566 <id>
em3180 <id>
leaking leaking
air air
from from
the the
govener governor
QR0218 <id>
missing missing
tooth tooth
XK9760 <id>
Sun sun
Visor visor
Broken broken
UF2558 <id>
- -
REPAIR repair
ENG engine
OIL oil
HOSE hose
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Operator operator
Seat seat
LD3192 <id>
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
TRK track
Recoil recoil
LH left hand
RW7142 <id>
RW7142 <id>
Elec electrical
Fault fault
Swing swing
Brake brake
coming coming
on on
UF2558 <id>
alternator alternator
failed failed
FW9593 <id>
Eng engine
cool cool
temp temperature
issue issue
250H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Wtr water
Truck truck
663I <id>
RZ2293 <id>
1000H <num> hour
Insp inspection
Hyd hydraulic
Cyl cylinder
Tong tong
Swing swing
OO9426 <id>
PD2335 <id>
change change
Filters filters
grease grease
line line
on on
rod rod
support support
AI9714 <id>
Replace replace
missing missing
pos position
6 <num>
strut strut
cover cover
RT3290 <id>
Right right
rear rear
strut strut
hose hose
clamp clamp
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
TRK track
Roll roller
9 <num>
LH left hand
OO9426 <id>
UQ9701- <id> -
C/out change out
Steering steering
Ball ball
Studs studs
ck8155 <id>
pto PTO
shaft shaft
U/S unserviceable
MV3594 <id>
- -
POS position
1 <num>
windrow windrow
light light
loose loose
PH6610- <id> -
2x <num> x
Tranny transmission
Charged charged
Hose hose
Leaking leaking
th <id>
bucket bucket
inspection inspection
JA0341 <id>
Minor minor
leak leak
hydraulic hydraulic
pump pump
PD2335 <id>
Repair repair
Burnt burnt
Ladder ladder
Wiring wiring
C/Out change out
A/C air conditioner
Change change
over over
relay relay
base base
Electrical electrical
fault fault
CC0233 <id>
Supply supply
hose hose
fittings fittings
Flex-Tube <sensitive>
TV3998 <id>
small small
leak leak
behind behind
pumps pumps
SM2291 <id>
Low low
power power
fault fault
TO0487 <id>
Minor minor
leak leak
around around
Trans transmission
investigate investigate
low low
engine engine
oil oil
level level
fault fault
RZ2293 <id>
Engine engine
Oil oil
Dilution dilution
RT3290 <id>
Fit fit
park park
brake brake
alarm alarm
to to
machine machine
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Idler idler
LH left hand
UF2558 <id>
VN2231-C/out <id> - change out
Uni's universal joints
Eng-Pump engine - pump
Drvcing drive
QR0218- <id> -
W workshop
C/Out change out
Fuel fuel
Injectors injectors
GDC6 <id>
3M <num> month
Mech mechanical
Cond condition
Ball ball
Stut stud
Crack crack
Test test
BG9236 <id>
AE2918 <id>
Manufacture manufacture
blade blade
slide slide
XK9760 <id>
c/o change out
exhaust exhaust
clamp clamp
broken broken
on on
LHS left hand side
UQ9701 <id>
L/hand left hand
reverse reverse
light light
out out
DB2637 <id>
Replace replace
UM5 <id>
fuel fuel
cooler cooler
fans fans
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Idler idler
RR right rear
BC4051 <id>
3M <num> month
Mech mechanical
Cond condition
Ball ball
Stut stud
Crack crack
Test test
FW9593 <id>
UM4228-Inspect <id> - inspect
Hyd hydraulic
Cyl cylinder
Blade blade
Tilt tilt
RHT right
XW7976 <id>
Hydraulic hydraulic
ladder ladder
sticky sticky
SM2291 <id>
LHF left hand front
clearance clearance
light light
wiring wiring
issue issue
OIL oil
Leaking leaking
from from
brake brake
control control
valve valve
BT0391 <id>
Fit fit
new new
version version
rear rear
DN9817- <id> -
C/O change out
R/H right hand
ENG engine
A/C air conditioner
COMMPRESS compressor
AE2918 <id>
- -
REPLACE replace
SUMP sump
GASKET gasket
& and
ROCKER rocker
CO cover
GO8941 <id>
pos position
5 <num>
strut strut
collapsed collapsed
RC0661 <id>
Replace replace
hydraulic hydraulic
pumpRLMK pump
H <id>
BC4051-Inspect <id> - inspect
Hyd hydraulic
Cyl cylinder
Blade blade
Lift lift
RHT right
1000H <num> hour
Insp inspection
Hyd hydraulic
Cyl cylinder
Wheel wheel
Lean lean
IT4005 <id>
WK1566 <id>
Fit fit
new new
version version
rear rear
AI9714 <id>
Minor minor
oil oil
leak leak
above above
pos position
7 <num>
DN9817 <id>
Boom boom
creeping creeping
down down
XS7870 <id>
Repair repair
Headlights headlights
RW7142 <id>
rear rear
window window
cracked cracked
250H <num> hour
BD3257 <id>
250hr <num> hour
Service service
Inspection inspection
Coolant coolant
leaks leaks
after after
cooler cooler
T T-joint
1000H <num> hour
Insp inspection
Hyd hydraulic
Cyl cylinder
Boom boom
Lift lift
RH right hand
RZ8994 <id>
SS0308 <id>
Lube lube
control control
flashing flashing
fail fail
DO7053-C/out <id> - change out
Track track
Chain chain
LFT left
1000H <num> hour
Insp inspection
Hyd hydraulic
Cyl cylinder
Blade blade
Tilt tilt
RH right hand
BC4051 <id>
JD8905 <id>
Repair repair
Lights lights
OK5862-C/out <id> - change out
Hyd hydraulic
Motor motor
Cooler cooler
Fan fan
POS position
0 <num>
XW7976 <id>
Throttle throttle
position position
fault fault
GE2963 <id>
C/O change out
Fan fan
belt belt
Tensioner tensioner
bearings bearings
DO7053 <id>
LH left hand
pos2 position <num>
inner inner
minor minor
bogie bogie
pin pin
u/s unserviceable
PY9512 <id>
Repair repair
Ladder ladder
Conrol control
3M <num> month
Mech mechanical
Cond condition
Ball ball
Stut stud
Crack crack
Test test
PH6610 <id>
FV0302 <id>
Headlights headlights
out out
RZ8994 <id>
Replace replace
air air
con conditioner
condensor+ condensor
GE2963-C/out <id> - change out
Alternator alternator
Drivers drivers
door door
window window
elec electric
adjt adjustment
swt switch
u/s unserviceable
MV3594- <id> -
C/out change out
Steering steering
Ball ball
Studs studs
12000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Repl replace
Hyd hydraulic
Mtr motor
Swing swing
RR right rear
QR0218 <id>
KI2123-C/out <id> - change out
Uni's universal joints
Eng-Pump engine - pump
Drvshift drive shaft
DU7016 <id>
Interior interior
cab cabin
light light
blown blown
LV7795 <id>
500hr <num> hour
Service service
- -
LD3192 <id>
Minor minor
Oil oil
Leak leak
Behind behind
TC torque converter
UQ9701 <id>
Fit fit
new new
version version
rear rear
DB2637 <id>
Replace replace
bucket bucket
tooth tooth
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
TRK track
Roll roller
0 <num>
RH right hand
DB2637 <id>
SS0308 <id>
500hr <num> hour
Service service
- -
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
TRK track
Roll roller
8 <num>
LH left hand
DB2637 <id>
DO7053 <id>
fire fire
ext extinguisher
backet bracket
u/s unserviceable
outside outside
cab cabin
Replace replace
RH right hand
turbo turbo
ingnt ignition
VN2231- <id> -
C/out change out
Steering steering
Ball ball
Studs studs
GO8941 <id>
eng engine
shutdown shutdown
switch switch
u/s unserviceable
shutdown shutdown
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
TRK track
Plates plates
LH left hand
OO9426 <id>
500H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Excavator excavator
UB6141 <id>
TY8010 <id>
ZJ7104 <id>
Replace replace
faulty faulty
alternator alternator
GO8941 <id>
Re replace
kit kit
air air
dryer dryer
DB2637 <id>
Repair repair
F1569 <id>
cabinet cabinet
mounts mounts
XH1714 <id>
engine engine
oil oil
filters filters
pluged plugged
QR0218 <id>
Repair repair
Air air
Conditioner conditioner
JD8905 <id>
- -
C/O change out
FUEL fuel
BREATHER breather
Repair repair
Both both
A/Con air conditioner
systems systems
MV3594 <id>
LH left hand
Exhaust exhaust
manifold manifold
leak leak
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Hyd hydraulic
Cyl cylinder
Lift lift
RH right hand
PD2335 <id>
BG0988 <id>
Replace replace
High high
Vis visibility
Numbers numbers
1000H <num> hour
Insp inspection
Hyd hydraulic
Cyl cylinder
Mast mast
Raise raise
RH right hand
UF2558 <id>
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Hyd hydraulic
Cyl cylinder
Rod rod
Guide guide
UF2558 <id>
DO7053 <id>
L/H left hand
engine engine
door door
pillor pillor
broken broken
RZ8994 <id>
c/o change out
blown blown
hyd hydraulic
hose hose
IT4005 <id>
BATTERYS batteries
U/S unserviceable
JA0341 <id>
Water water
pump pump
leakinggi leaking
3M <num> month
Mech mechanical
Cond condition
Ball ball
Stut stud
Crack crack
Test test
MV3594 <id>
jc0467 <id>
pos1 position <num>
turbo turbo
coolant coolant
leak leak
AV0573 <id>
Replace replace
Pos position
5 <num>
Strut strut
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Artic Artic
Hitch hitch
PD2335 <id>
PD2335 <id>
1000hr <num> hour
Service service
& and
Inspection inspection
JA0341 <id>
C/O change out
Pos position
7 <num>
& and
6 <num>
tyre tyre
worn worn
out out
DB2637 <id>
Both both
hyd hydraulic
tank tank
air air
regs regulators
u/s unserviceable
VU1914 <id>
TC torque converter
OUT output
TEMP temperature
20 <num>
RZ8994 <id>
c/o change out
r/h right hand
engine engine
lta LTA
o'ring o-ring
RZ8994 <id>
- -
Investigate investigate
hydraulic hydraulic
overheat overheat
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
TRK track
Roll roller
2 <num>
RH right hand
QR0218 <id>
DO7053 <id>
Leaking leaking
Radiator radiator
DB2637 <id>
C/O change out
Pressuriser pressuriser
on on
N5799 <id>
Cab cabin
SS0308-C/out <id> - change out
Turbo turbo
Primary primary
LFT left
FRNT front
XK9760 <id>
Repair repair
Greese grease
system system
fault fault
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Operator operator
Seat seat
XF3996 <id>
CC0233 <id>
ripper ripper
control control
valve valve
falling falling
off off
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Operator operator
Seat seat
QR0218 <id>
UM4228 <id>
Repair repair
Park park
Brake brake
Door door
Alarm alarm
VN2231 <id>
Fit fit
new new
version version
rear rear
DN9817-C/out <id> - change out
Hyd hydraulic
Motor motor
Cooler cooler
Fan fan
POS position
0 <num>
500H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Shovel shovel
O804 <id>
DB2637 <id>
PO's POs
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
EQL equaliser
Bar bar
DO7053 <id>
6M <num> month
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Fire fire
Suppression suppression
UM4228 <id>
LV7795 <id>
BOOST boost
PRESSURE pressure
SENSOR sensor
FOLT fault
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Carry carry
Roll roller
No number
2 <num>
RH right hand
UF2558 <id>
BY <id>
Tranny transmission
pump pump
leak leak
500H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
XW7976 <id>
AI9714 <id>
Max max
BIAS bias
sec section
fault fault
on on
JD8905 <id>
blade blade
wear wear
strips strips
missing missing
CD3914 <id>
turn turn
signal signal
U/S unserviceable
UM4228 <id>
Replace replace
batterys batteries
LV7795 <id>
Fit fit
new new
version version
rear rear
JA0341 <id>
Replace replace
pos position
2 <num>
rim rim
GO8941 <id>
- -
Backing backing
light light
to to
Gears gears
blown blown
500H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Drill drill
HR950 <id>
OO9426 <id>
DP4940 <id>
Install install
modular modular
and and
two two-way
radio radio
DU7016 <id>
Rear rear
after after
cooler cooler
temp temperature
error error
GE2963 <id>
Replace replace
missing missing
track track
guide guide
bolts bolts
rear rear
lights lights
not not
working working
FW9593 <id>
Hydraulic hydraulic
pump pump
No1 number <num>
bad bad
leak leak
UN7986- <id> -
Coolant coolant
flow flow
Switch switch
Err error
GO8941-Fit <id> - fix
2-way two-way
remote remote
head head
WK1566 <id>
Repair repair
coolant coolant
leak leak
AE2918 <id>
Repair repair
Air air
Conditioner conditioner
RW7142 <id>
C/O change out
Pos position
1&5 <num> and <num>
Tooth tooth
BG9236 <id>
Replace replace
U/S unserviceable
brake brake
cooling cooling
hos hose
TV3998 <id>
Hose hose
leak leak
on on
rock rock
breaker breaker
3M <num> month
Mech mechanical
Cond condition
Ball ball
Stut stud
Crack crack
Test test
SM2291 <id>
FN5736 <id>
Check check
earth earth
leads leads
for for
security security
MR0229 <id>
- -
Radiator radiator
relief relief
valves valves
leaking leaking
QR0218 <id>
UM5 <id>
surging surging
whilst whilst
in in
idle idle
FW9593 <id>
Trans transmission
Hoses hoses
leaking leaking
AI9714 <id>
1000hr <num> hour
Service service
& and
Inspection inspection
7000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Repl replace
Turbo turbo
Prim primary
RH right hand
XS7870 <id>
QR0218 <id>
Swing swing
pumps pumps
84 <num>
& and
02 <num>
o/heating overheating
VN2231 <id>
Cracks cracks
in in
fire fire
suppression suppression
mounts mounts
BC4051 <id>
371257 <num>
Service service
& and
Inspection inspection
WK1566 <id>
leak leak
inside inside
hub hub
pos position
5/6 <num> / <num>
LV7795 <id>
LH left hand
rear rear
strut strut
gaurd guard
missing missing
bolt bolt
pos position
5 <num>
turbo turbo
failed failed
AL6487 <id>
broken broken
grease grease
plug plug
TO0487 <id>
Pre prelube
error error
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Operator operator
Seat seat
NF4651 <id>
BD3257 <id>
Replace replace
front front
tyres tyres
GE2963 <id>
Eng engine
door door
wearin wearin
hole hole
in in
fastfill fastfill
UQ9701 <id>
- -
Breather breather
Cap cap
Missing missing
from from
Tank tank
VU1914 <id>
Pos position
6 <num>
Strut strut
Leaking leaking
Grease grease
UQ3614 <id>
INSPECT inspect
EXHAUST exhaust
BRAKE brake
OPERATION operation
UQ9701-C/out <id> - change out
Turbo turbo
Primary primary
LFT left
FRNT front
PD2335 <id>
missing missing
AE2918 <id>
A/C air conditioner
not not
working working
PY9512 <id>
rotary rotary
swivel swivel
seals seals
leaking leaking
EZ687 <id>
o-ring o-ring
hanging hanging
out out
pos position
4 <num>
balljoint balljoint
6M <num> month
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Fire fire
Suppression suppression
FN5736 <id>
TY8010 <id>
LHS left hand side
Inside inside
handrail handrail
mounting mounting
Change change
out out
starter starter
motors motors
FW9593-C/out <id> - change out
Turbo turbo
Primary primary
LFT left
FRNT front
SM2291 <id>
C/O change out
leaking leaking
fan fan
hoses hoses
XW7976 <id>
RESEAL reseal
TRANS transmission
PUMP pump
AL6487 <id>
pos position
4 <num>
wheel wheel
end end
leaking leaking
DB2637 <id>
VBANK vertical bank
LIGHT light
WIRING wiring
U/S unserviceable
Ko4962 <id>
Repair repair
damage damage
to to
wheel wheel
chocks chocks
and and
BC4051 <id>
Replace replace
missing missing
exh exhaust
rain rain
cap cap
Evaporator evaporator
Fan fan
U/S unserviceable
Repair repair
headlights headlights
XS7870 <id>
Investigate investigate
issue issue
with with
a/c air conditioner
system system
Control control
Relay relay
#1 number <num>
faulty faulty
Diagnose diagnose
and and
repair repair
Ladder ladder
fault fault
QR0218 <id>
Repair repair
Air air
Conditioner conditioner
COMP compressor
AWAITING awaiting
PARTS parts
RT3290 <id>
High high
beam beam
does does
not not
stay stay
on on
CC0233 <id>
repair repair
ripper ripper
work work
lights lights
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
XH1714 <id>
MY6517 <id>
replace replace
u/s unserviceable
starter starter
motor motor
QR0218 <id>
Fabricate fabricate
gauges gauges
4000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Eng engine
Tune tune
FW9593 <id>
7000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Repl replace
Battery battery
LH left hand
M76S <id>
CC0233 <id>
XS7870 <id>
Air air
con conditioner
fan fan
U/S unserviceable
EZ7111 <id>
pos position
3 <num>
turbo turbo
braket bracket
U/S unserviceable
BT0391-C/out <id> - change out
Turbo turbo
Primary primary
RHT right
REAR rear
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Hyd hydraulic
Cyl cylinder
Rod rod
Guide guide
OO9426 <id>
Az3749 <id>
Park park
Brake brake
Relay relay
valve valve
leaking leaking
BG9236 <id>
Air air
horn horn
s is
sticky' sticky
fault fault
BG9236 <id>
Chk check
Brk brake
Fltr filter
Pld Pld
Immediately immediately
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
EQL equalizer
Bar bar
UF2558 <id>
MV3594 <id>
500hr <num> hour
Service service
- -
Out/stding outstanding
PO's POs
12000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Repl replace
Brake brake
Swing swing
RR right rear
QR0218 <id>
Ss6628-Air <id> - air
Con conditioner
Compressor compressor
corroded corroded
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Hyd hydraulic
Cyl cylinder
Pin pin
Pull pull
CC0233 <id>
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Operator operator
Seat seat
JZ9248 <id>
6M <num> month
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Fire fire
Suppression suppression
PH6610 <id>
RZ2293 <id>
Sunvisor sunvisor
wont wont
adjust adjust
LV7795 <id>
- -
REPAIR repair
POS position
0 <num>
OVERSTROKE overstroke
FAULT fault
remove remove
and and
fit fit
cannon cannon
BC4051-C/out <id> - change out
Sprockets sprockets
RHT right
AI9714 <id>
c/o change out
pos position
0 <num>
and and
6 <num>
tyres tyres
be6428 <id>
indicators indicators
not not
working working
XS7870 <id>
Inspect inspect
Hydraulic hydraulic
system system
L-Text long text
BG0988 <id>
Thumbscrews thumbscrews
missing missing
from from
aircon conditioner
R <id>
LM8022 <id>
REPLACE replace
BROKEN broken
WINDOW window
HANDLE handle
1M <num> month
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Wksp workshop
Crane crane
ZB3832 <id>
RZ8994 <id>
Engine engine
wouldn't wouldn't
start start
constock constock
AV0573 <id>
Pos position
6 <num>
inside inside
hub hub
oil oil
leak leak
FN5736- <id> -
Metal metal
in in
rear rear
axle axle
oil oil
PH6610 <id>
2way two-way
ext extinguisher
speaker speaker
crackly crackly
- -
c/out change out
AF5037 <id>
Water water
Level level
not not
working working
PH6610 <id>
2000hr <num> hour
Service service
& and
Inspection inspection
LV7795 <id>
Minor minor
oil oil
leak leak
on on
belly belly
plate plate
JD8905 <id>
fuel fuel
leak leak
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
TRK track
Roll roller
6 <num>
LH left hand
QR0218 <id>
EZ7111 <id>
Suspension suspension
Rear rear
Right right
Leaking leaking
Oil oil
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
TRK track
Roll roller
Group group
RH right hand
TV3998 <id>
DB2637 <id>
C/O change out
UM5 <id>
Alternator alternator
RZ8994 <id>
Replace replace
A/C air conditioner
Compressor compressor
1000H <num> hour
Insp inspection
Hyd hydraulic
Cyl cylinder
Level level
Jack Jack
LR left rear
OO9426 <id>
DB2637 <id>
C/O change out
Hyd hydraulic
Tank tank
Relief relief
Front front
459 <num>
XS7870 <id>
- -
A/C air conditioner
no no
good good
AV0573 <id>
Heater heater
hose hose
leaking leaking
250H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
VN2231 <id>
VN2231-C/out <id> - change out
Radiator radiator
XF3996 <id>
500hr <num> hour
Service service
& and
Inspection inspection
XK9760 <id>
Fit fit
Park park
brake brake
alarm alarm
to to
machine machine
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
TRK track
Roll roller
5 <num>
RH right hand
QR0218 <id>
DO7053 <id>
Hydraulic hydraulic
access access
ladder ladder
faulty faulty
XW7976 <id>
Diff differential
fltr filter
switch switch
error error
on on
DU7016-C/out <id> - change out
Turbo turbo
Primary primary
LFT left
REAR rear
3M <num> month
Mech mechanical
Cond condition
Ball ball
Stut stud
Crack crack
Test test
LD3192 <id>
250H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
AI9714 <id>
XW7976 <id>
C/O change out
rear rear
steering steering
accu accumulator
bladder bladder
XW7976 <id>
Steering steering
oil oil
leak leak
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Hyd hydraulic
Cyl cylinder
Stick stick
RH right hand
TY8010 <id>
FN5736-C/out <id> - change out
Turbo turbo
Primary primary
RHT right
REAR rear
BG0988 <id>
broken broken
lefthand left hand
side side
mirror mirror
JZ9248 <id>
Emerg emergency
Ladder ladder
pin pin
missing missing
NF4651-C/out <id> - change out
Turbo turbo
Primary primary
RHT right
REAR rear
2000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
XH1714 <id>
SM2291 <id>
alarm alarm
on on
vims VIMS
doesn't doesn't
work work
LD3192 <id>
Carry carry
out out
brake brake
WFH01762 <id>
TY8010 <id>
RH right hand
stick stick
cylinder cylinder
weeping weeping
DO7053 <id>
Repair repair
Cab cabin
Roff roof
Lights lights
BG0988 <id>
Missing missing
top top
rear rear
vision vision
mirror mirror
XW7976 <id>
NEW new
TYRES tyres
POS position
1&2 <num> and <num>
CHANGE change
3&4WO <num> and <num> WO
waterpump water pump
oil oil
feed feed
line line
leakin leaking
@ at
lower lower
f front
JD8905 <id>
solenoid solenoid
lockup lockup
fault fault
JA0341-C/out <id> - change out
Uni's universal joints
Eng-Pump engine - pump
Drv drive
FN5736 <id>
Deisel diesel
overflow overflow
filter filter
u/s unserviceable
2000H <num> hour
Repl replace
Uni universal joint
Eng-Pmp engine - pump
Drive drive
VU1914 <id>
AF5037 <id>
Access access
Ladder ladder
sticking sticking
on on
Way way
Don down
CZ6065 <id>
tray tray
fault fault
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Operator operator
Seat seat
BG9236 <id>
TV3998 <id>
C/O change out
FRONT front
UPPER upper
WINDOW window
CRACKED cracked
DN9817 <id>
Replace replace
pos position
7 <num>
cap cap
on on
bucket bucket
JZ9248 <id>
Fit fit
new new
reverse reverse
camera camera
JA0341 <id>
torque torque
converter converter
pump pump
leak leak
XW7976- <id> -
LOW low
POWER power
FAULT fault
XF3996 <id>
Set set
the the
wheel wheel
alignment alignment
1KH <num> hour
Insp inspection
Mast mast
Raise raise
Cyl cylinder
Pin pin
RH right hand
UP up
OK5862 <id>
XF3996 <id>
drivers drivers
seat seat
rises rises
and and
falls falls
DGP038 <id>
C/O change out
Flushing flushing
Seals seals
PY9512 <id>
Fit fit
signage signage
to to
drill drill
XK9760 <id>
Rear rear
working working
light light
u/s unserviceable
NF4651 <id>
- -
Engine engine
oil oil
leak leak
F <id>
DB2637 <id>
Emergency emergency
Ladder ladder
bent bent
CC0233 <id>
Beacon beacon
mount mount
is is
broken broken
BG9236 <id>
Eng engine
breather breather
'T' T-pieces
u/s unserviceable
6M <num> month
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Fire fire
Suppression suppression
ND5744 <id>
Repair repair
handrail handrail
250H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Dozer dozer
A14V <id>
DO7053 <id>
SS0308 <id>
feul fuel
filters filters
block block
DO7053-C/out <id> - change out
Sprockets sprockets
RHT right
zy7355 <id>
replace replace
missing missing
roller roller
cap cap
bolt bolt
nd7666 <id>
retarder retarder
hand hand
U/S unserviceable
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Artic Artic
Hitch hitch
GY9113 <id>
UM4228 <id>
JOBS jobs
COMPLETED completed
AWAITING awaiting
COSTSna costs
RT3290 <id>
A/con air conditioner
not not
very very
cold cold
250H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
MR0229 <id>
LV7795 <id>
boost boost
fault fault
12000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Repl replace
Swing swing
Box box
RR right rear
QR0218 <id>
UQ9701 <id>
RIGHT right
FRONT front
SUSPENSION suspension
CYLINDER cylinder
BT0391-C/out <id> - change out
Uni's universal joints
Eng-Pump engine - pump
Drv drive
LV7795 <id>
Rubber rubber
to to
offside offside
mirror mirror
missing missing
UM4228 <id>
Repair repair
Starting starting
Fault fault
DB2637-Fire <id> - fire
Suppression suppression
Inspection inspection
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Operator operator
Seat seat
UN7986 <id>
AV0573 <id>
c/o change out
worn worn
pos position
6 <num>
tyre tyre
Change change
out out
Rear rear
A/Cooler aftercooler
Sensor sensor
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Idler idler
RH right hand
OO9426 <id>
TO0487 <id>
lower lower
offside offside
headlight headlight
u/s unserviceable
Replace replace
A/C air conditioner
belt belt
DB2637 <id>
c/o change out
stick stick
bucket bucket
clam clam
hose hose
NF4651 <id>
diff differential
lube lube
pump pump
leaking leaking
GY9113 <id>
Change change
cutting cutting
edges edges
outsides outsides
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Hyd hydraulic
Cyl cylinder
Pin pin
Pull pull
GE2963 <id>
BC1618 <id>
1000hr <num> hour
Service service
& and
Inspection inspection
PD2335-C/out <id> - change out
Pump pump
Brake brake
Cooling cooling
AL6487 <id>
fuel fuel
filters filters
plugged plugged
QR0218 <id>
front front
work work
lights lights
u/s unserviceable
NF4651 <id>
Coolant coolant
leak leak
on on
upper upper
deck deck
LL3433 <id>
Flex-Tube <sensitive>
to to
fit fit
coolant coolant
meters meters
AL6487 <id>
Investigate investigate
vibration vibration
fault fault
CZ6065 <id>
coolant coolant
leak leak
DU7016 <id>
Investigate investigate
engine engine
vibration vibration
KI2123 <id>
Grease grease
lube lube
fail fail
VU1914 <id>
2000hr <num> hour
Service service
& and
Inspection inspection
DB2637 <id>
- -
Purchase purchase
of of
stick stick
camera camera
All all
e <id>
XF3996 <id>
leak leak
under under
roto rotochamber
RZ2293 <id>
Wiper wiper
blades blades
require require
replacing replacing
NF4651-C/out <id> - change out
Radiator radiator
OO9426 <id>
Head head
creeps creeps
up up
usning using
carousel carousel
VN2231 <id>
Oil oil
leak leak
near near
Alt alternator
LHS left hand side
front front
inner inner
light light
u/s unserviceable
OO9426-C/out <id> - change out
Hyd hydraulic
Motor motor
Cooler cooler
Fan fan
XF3996 <id>
Leak leak
on on
hose hose
ab ab
diff differential
filter filter
DN9817 <id>
Repair repair
to to
major major
clam clam
cracks cracks
gouge gouge
UQ9701-C/out <id> - change out
Turbo turbo
Primary primary
LFT left
REAR rear
1000H <num> hour
Insp inspection
Hyd hydraulic
Cyl cylinder
Level level
Jack Jack
LR left rear
UF2558 <id>
air air
leaks leaks
TV3998 <id>
- -
Cooling cooling
system system
flush flush
and and
change change
AF5037 <id>
Pos position
6 <num>
Brake brake
temp temperature
error error
MR0229-C/out <id> - change out
Turbo turbo
Primary primary
LFT left
FRNT front
VN2231 <id>
Adjust adjust
strut strut
heights heights
& and
pressures pressures
KI2123 <id>
Minor minor
leaks leaks
on on
Diff differential
& and
T torque converter
Me9685 <id>
F <id>
Replace replace
damaged damaged
emer emergency
ladder ladder
KI2123 <id>
Missing missing
1 <num>
wheel wheel
chock chock
Alternator alternator
O/Charging overcharging
500H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
LD3192 <id>
1000H <num> hour
Insp inspection
Hyd hydraulic
Cyl cylinder
Boom boom
Lift lift
RH right hand
TV3998 <id>
DO7053 <id>
Top top
right right
blade blade
light light
out out
emergency emergency
gate gate
and and
latch latch
faulty faulty
UY2435 <id>
500hr <num> hour
Service service
& and
Inspection inspection
RZ2293 <id>
Raise raise
height height
of of
handrails handrails
2000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Drill drill
HR950 <id>
YC <id>
UF2558 <id>
LD3192 <id>
reseal reseal
steering steering
pump pump
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
SM2291 <id>
CC0233 <id>
Fan fan
hose hose
u/s unserviceable
4000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Eng engine
Tune tune
VU1914 <id>
RZ8994 <id>
C/O change out
blocking blocking
valve valve
us3396 <id>
repair repair
front front
pto PTO
guard guard
QR0218 <id>
Replace replace
various various
hyd hydraulic
hoses hoses
SS0308 <id>
Replace replace
U/S unserviceable
battery battery
isolator isolator
NF4651 <id>
C/O change out
faulty faulty
clearance clearance
light light
BG0988 <id>
Replace replace
Broken broken
Muffler muffler
Clamp clamp
DN9817 <id>
Replace replace
Tri-Power Tri-Power
retaining retaining
bolts bolts
DO7053 <id>
intermittant intermittent
2 two-way
operation operation
JZ9248 <id>
High high
beam beam
light light
arrangement arrangement
Grease grease
system system
Fail fail
Diagnose diagnose
source source
of of
metal metal
in in
conv conveyor
scrn screen
DN9817 <id>
Leaking leaking
hose hose
on on
slew slew
filter filter
DN9817 <id>
Replace replace
a/c air conditioner
condensor+ condensor
AE2918 <id>
replace replace
worn worn
cutting cutting
edges edges
DU7016 <id>
Investigate investigate
issue issue
with with
a/c air conditioner
system system
FW9593 <id>
Replace replace
pos position
0 <num>
turbo turbo
cartr cartridge
clamp clamp
interier interior
light light
& and
elec electric
horn horn
not not
working working
NF4651 <id>
COOLANT coolant
LEAK leak
AT at
JACKET jacket
WATER water
PUMP pump
TY8010-C/out <id> - change out
Turbo turbo
Primary primary
LFT left
NF4651 <id>
- -
Install install
precleaner pre-cleaner
dust dust
valves valves
OO9426 <id>
oli oil
leaks leaks
from from
hyd hydraulic
pump pump
DB2637 <id>
c/o change out
tq3 <id>
coolant coolant
flushing flushing
valve valve
UM4228 <id>
1 <num>
Belly belly
plate plate
bolts bolts
missing missing
250H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Dozer dozer
M76S <id>
CC0233 <id>
qx <id>
remove remove
electrical electrical
cabinet cabinet
VN2231 <id>
Sply supply
sprg spring
loaded loaded
gate gate
latches latches
BT0391-Fire <id> - fire
Suppression suppression
Inspection inspection
WK1566 <id>
bottom bottom
driving driving
light light
u/s unserviceable
AL6487 <id>
Sun sun
Visor visor
Broken broken
AV0573 <id>
Repair repair
Air air
Conditioner conditioner
OK5862 <id>
Boilys boilermakers
to to
repair repair
plate plate
over over
proxy proximity switch
EZ7111 <id>
Minor minor
fuel fuel
leak leak
from from
tank tank
MV3594 <id>
Minor minor
Hydraulic hydraulic
pump pump
oil oil
leak leak
XF3996 <id>
Rotate rotate
0 <num>
2 <num>
& and
7 <num>
tyre tyre
GZ05236 <id>
LHS left hand side
Headlight headlight
flashing flashing
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Idler idler
LH left hand
REAR rear
BC4051 <id>
JA0341 <id>
Fuel fuel
tank tank
leak leak
OO9426 <id>
F <id>
FREE free
JAMMED jammed
ROD rod
UF2558-Inspect <id> - inspect
Hyd hydraulic
Cyl cylinder
Tong tong
Swing swing
1000H <num> hour
Insp inspection
Hyd hydraulic
Cyl cylinder
Wrench wrench
Hold hold
OO9426 <id>
OK5862 <id>
oil oil
leak leak
bottom bottom
of of
mast mast
TY8010 <id>
250hr <num> hour
Service service
& and
Inspection inspection
MR0229 <id>
pos position
1 <num>
turbo turbo
elbow elbow
u/s unserviceable
12000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Repl replace
Final final
Drv drive
LH left hand
DB2637 <id>
XF3996 <id>
Replace replace
worn worn
steering steering
hose hose
250H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
TO0487 <id>
CC0233 <id>
throtle throttle
sensor sensor
u/s unserviceable
SM2291 <id>
Torque torque
converter converter
harness harness
1000H <num> hour
Insp inspection
Hyd hydraulic
Cyl cylinder
Mast mast
Lock lock
LH left hand
OO9426 <id>
BC4051-C/out <id> - change out
Sprockets sprockets
LFT left
BC4051 <id>
- -
REPLACE replace
CAB cabin
SWITCHES switches
RZ2293 <id>
broken broken
weld weld
@ at
mirror mirror
MY6517 <id>
250hr <num> hour
Service service
- -
2000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
VLV valve
Spring spring
AL6487 <id>
JA0341 <id>
Trans transmission
cooler cooler
water water
pipe pipe
leaking leaking
RZ8994 <id>
repair repair
r/hand right hand
fuel fuel
tank tank
crack crack
blown blown
hydraulic hydraulic
pipe pipe
DB2637 <id>
- -
REPLACE replace
DASH dash
LIGHTS lights
BT0391 <id>
Leaking leaking
hose hose
from from
TC torque converter
lockup lockup
valve valve
UQ9701 <id>
Pos position
5 <num>
cylinder cylinder
error error
on on
MV3594 <id>
- -
ROTATE rotate
POS position
4 <num>
& and
6 <num>
TYRES tyres
1000H <num> hour
Insp inspection
Hyd hydraulic
Cyl cylinder
Ctrlz controls
Swing swing
UF2558 <id>
DN9817 <id>
- -
C/O change out
LH left hand
Idler idler
OK5862 <id>
Isolation isolation
switch switch
box box
LL3433 <id>
repair repair
tail tail
light light
wiring wiring
AL6487 <id>
- -
air air
horn horn
not not
working working
l/h left hand
exhaust exhaust
temp temperature
sensor sensor
faulty faulty
BG9236-C/out <id> - change out
Uni's universal joints
Eng-Pump engine - pump
Drv drive
DO7053 <id>
Repairs repairs
to to
track track
links links
TV3998 <id>
Replace replace
Operators operators
Seat seat
LW <id>
Hydraulic hydraulic
Leak leak
RZ2293 <id>
Drivers drivers
window window
fault fault
DO7053 <id>
Repair repair
RH right hand
carrier carrier
roller roller
mount mount
VN2231 <id>
Replace replace
Pos position
7 <num>
Brake brake
Cooling cooling
Hose hose
investigat investigate
engine engine
oil oil
leak leak
UF2558 <id>
Rotation rotation
fault fault
VU1914 <id>
Coolant coolant
flow flow
switch switch
faulty faulty
UF2558 <id>
Door door
hard hard
2 to
open open
from from
outside outside
IT4005 <id>
fit fit
XK9760 <id>
Left left
rear rear
worklight worklight
turns turns
on/off on / off
BG0988 <id>
fire fire
ext extinguisher
tags tags
expired expired
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
TRK track
Roll roller
4 <num>
LH left hand
DB2637 <id>
LD3192 <id>
Cab cabin
light light
u/s unserviceable
QR0218 <id>
- -
BUCKET bucket
REPAIRS repairs
AF5037 <id>
Enviro environmental
filter filter
fittings fittings
oil oil
leaks leaks
QR0218-C/out <id> - change out
Hyd hydraulic
Motor motor
Swing swing
LFT left
FRNT front
LL3433 <id>
C/O change out
U/S unserviceable
Grease grease
pump pump
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
A-Frame A-frame
BRG bearing
RZ2293 <id>
FW9593 <id>
Investigate investigate
issue issue
with with
the the
seat seat
1000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
TRK track
Roll roller
1 <num>
LH left hand
DB2637 <id>
LD3192-C/out <id> - change out
Uni's universal joints
Eng-Pump engine - pump
Drv drive
LD3192 <id>
- -
Steering steering
pump pump
oil oil
leak leak
NF4651 <id>
backlight backlight
bulb bulb
blown blown
MV3594 <id>
deck deck
coolant coolant
gauges gauges
faulty faulty
250H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
BG9236 <id>
WK1566 <id>
C/O change out
leaking leaking
steering steering
hose hose
2000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
FN5736 <id>
CZ6065 <id>
low low
engine engine
oil oil
fault fault
3M <num> month
Mech mechanical
Cond condition
Ball ball
Stut stud
Crack crack
Test test
XK9760 <id>
DO7053 <id>
engine engine
over over
heating heating
QR0218 <id>
BJ7 <id>
B2 <id>
temp temperature
sender sender
leaking leaking
2000H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
MV3594 <id>
RZ8994 <id>
Grease grease
fault fault
UF2558 <id>
Torque torque
& and
is is
slow slow
Rear rear
Air air
Con conditioner
not not
cold cold
Ze7762 <id>
diff differential
leak leak
EZ687 <id>
Faulty faulty
fuel fuel
gauge gauge
EZ687 <id>
new new
wiper wiper
blades blades
needed needed
DN9817 <id>
BUCKET bucket
AND and
STICK stick
REPAIRS repairs
BC1618 <id>
rear rear
lights lights
not not
working working
UQ9701 <id>
Re-seal reseal
diff differential
lube lube
pump pump
AL6487 <id>
check check
payload payload
& and
wheel wheel
alignment alignment
AV0573 <id>
Isolation isolation
switch switch
loose loose
IT4005 <id>
Tine tyne
cap cap
missing missing
x x
4 <num>
NF4651 <id>
Reseal reseal
steering steering
pump pump
SM2291 <id>
Replace replace
diff differential
pressure pressure
sensor sensor
SS0308 <id>
- -
Pos position
6 <num>
brake brake
cooling cooling
hose hose
U/S unserviceable
UN7986 <id>
Fit fit
new new
version version
rear rear
KI2123 <id>
Brake brake
relay relay
valve valve
leaking leaking
air air
Wg9323 <id>
20% <num>%
derate derate
BT0391 <id>
Retarder retarder
very very
stiff stiff
to to
operate operate
XK9760 <id>
- -
Investigate investigate
coolant coolant
entry entry
UM4228 <id>
Repair repair
starter starter
motor motor
wiring wiring
QR0218 <id>
RH right hand
boom boom
cylinder cylinder
leaking leaking
250H <num> hour
Mech mechanical
Svce service
Haul haul
Truck truck
MV3594 <id>
PY9512- <id> -
repair repair
damaged damaged
dust dust
hood hood
DN9817 <id>
Boom boom
repairs repairs
Gouge gauge
& and
weld weld
cracks cracks
UQ9701 <id>
250hr <num> hour
Service service
AE2918 <id>
circle circle
drive drive
stuck stuck
no no
rotation rotation
Recharge recharge
FSSystem fire suppression system
AE2918 <id>
Front front
wipers wipers
slightly slightly
bent bent
BC4051 <id>
Wiper wiper
washers washers
not not
working working
UF2558-Insp <id> - inspection- inspection
Mast mast
Raise raise
Cyl cylinder
Pin pin
RHT right
UP up
PY9512 <id>
replace replace
u/s unserviceable
chip chip
deflector deflector
AI9714 <id>
engine engine
oil oil
filters filters
plugged plugged
BC4051 <id>
replace replace
blade blade
lift lift
hoses hoses
CZ6065 <id>
coolant coolant
leak leak
FN5736 <id>
C/o change out
Shock shock
Absorber absorber
Seat seat
BC4051 <id>
Hyd hydraulic
ladder ladder
not not
working working
UN7986 <id>
Mirror mirror
missing missing
BG9236Coolant <id> coolant
hose hose
leaking leaking
at at
r/h right hand
bottem bottom
AI9714Altenater <id> alternator
adjuster adjuster
broken broken
belt belt
u/s unserviceable
TY8010 <id>
Engine engine
runs runs
rough rough
QFinanceto <sensitive> to
sc scope
SS03084L/FRsusspension <id> left front suspension
presure pressure
sensor sensor
u/s unserviceable
FW9593removeand <id> remove and
repair repair
catwalk catwalk
mounts mounts
WK1566 <id>
C/o change out
coolant coolant
riser riser
orings o-rings
engineV1 engine <id>
OK5862 <id>
Replacement replacement
drive driveshaft
forDR1442 for <id>
XK9760top <id> top
RH right hand
indicator indicator
has has
no no
power power
1000 <id>
Mech mechanical
SvceTruck service truck
508-3 <id>
LL3433P/O <id> PO
QR0218C/O <id> change out
RHbucket right hand bucket
cylinder cylinder
stauff STAUFF
clam clamp
XF3996Left <id> left
front front
susspension susspension
leaking leaking
oil oil
DO7053Blade <id> blade
wear wear
plates plates
cracked cracked
and and
worn worn
Reseal reseal
A/C air conditioner
driverriveTR37b driver <id>
PH6610blown <id> blown
a/c air conditioner
hose hose