MaintNorm / train_company_c.norm
nlp-tlp's picture
Initial commit
61f45cd verified
7897 <id>
Propel propel
Motor motor
Blower blower
Connections connections
Spray spray
Subs subs
for for
spiders spiders
operators operators
reported reported
excessive excessive
movement movement
broken broken
chain chain
on on
cable cable
tower tower
LK621 <id>
Rinachi <sensitive>
Daily daily
Inspections inspections
WK week
22 <num>
excitation excitation
fault fault
REPLACE replace
BROKEN broken
BONNET bonnet
ASSM assembly
replace replace
broken broken
low low
flow flow
nozzle nozzle
repairs repairs
to to
bucket bucket
steer steering
hubs hubs
have have
water water
contamination contamination
CM condition monitoring
526 <id>
Routine routine
Vibration vibration
Survey survey
rear rear
diff differential
top top
v V-rod
bolts bolts
broken broken
CHECK check
BRAKE brake
PAD pad
THICKNESS thickness
vacuum vacuum
fitting fitting
still still
broken broken
in in
intake intake
ma manifold
6 <num>
x x
Cracked cracked
handrails handrails
upper upper
platform platform
Air air
con conditioner
Filters filters
blocked blocked
Air air
con conditioner
filters filters
to to
be be
changed changed
ELECTRICAL electrical
- -
WIRING wiring
PROBLEM problem
Boom boom
pendant pendant
ropes ropes
replacment replacement
Hoist hoist
Hood hood
Sheave sheave
Roller roller
Shaft shaft
unable unable
to to
start start
sets sets
Engine engine
overheating overheating
Remove remove
all all
excess excess
maintenance maintenance
spares spares
INSPECT inspect
HV high voltage
CABLE cable
ROUTE route
Modify modify
handrail handrail
@ at
Boom boom
Point point
Hoist hoist
walkw walkway
8664 <id>
48WK <num> week
LH left hand
Hoist hoist
Drum drum
Shaft shaft
Test test
A/C air conditioner
not not
working working
receiver receiver
drier drier
u/s unserviceable
060 <id>
House house
& and
Boom boom
Lights lights
U/S unserviceable
module modular
problems problems
fuse fuse
carrier carrier
burnt burnt
out out
Drag drag
resolver resolver
fault fault
Clean/replace clean / replace
cabinet cabinet
filters filters
Sheath sheath
damage damage
on on
tub tub
trailing trailing
cable cable
assist assist
with with
new new
swing swing
brake brake
adjustment adjustment
cable cable
work work
ll124 <id>
16/06/0011 <date>
NP2767 <id>
Wiper wiper
blades blades
require require
replacing replacing
replace replace
drivers drivers
door door
strut strut
Dump dump
block block
worn worn
req requires
changing changing
Tub tub
cable cable
damaged damaged
REPAIRS repairs
AS as
PER per
PD-NQ5398 <id>
UR4465 <id>
Change change
out out
blade blade
C/O change out
both both
dump dump
Blocks blocks
rlh right hand
cam cam
grease grease
line line
u/s unserviceable
5635 <id>
Hoist hoist
Chain chain
R/H/Upr right hand upper
Changeout-Mech change out - mechanical
Cable cable
work work
05/06/0011 <date>
SA923 <id>
LK621 <id>
Rinachi <sensitive>
Daily daily
Inspections inspections
WK11 week <num>
bolt bolt
missing missing
RH right hand
front front
engine engine
mount mount
Swing swing
# number
1 <num>
c/o change out
us unserviceable
duo duo-cone
seal seal
Re-stock restock
bucket bucket
teeth teeth
in in
sled sled
replace replace
top top
exhaust exhaust
crossbar crossbar
bolt bolt
dump dump
rope rope
broken broken
rope rope
Pos# position
9/10 <num> / <num>
wheel wheel
nut nut
indicators indicators
missing missing
hoist hoist
resolver resolver
faults faults
Q- <id>
0 <num>
Weekly weekly
Service service
Electrical electrical
Emergency emergency-stop
inspections inspections
cab cabin
lights lights
require require
replacing replacing
replace replace
relief relief
valve valve
on on
hoist hoist
rope rope
sys system
LH left hand
rear rear
module module
door door
latch latch
u/s unserviceable
Replace replace
Track track
Rollers rollers
as as
required required
Auto auto
grease grease
system system
u/s unserviceable
rota rota
light light
not not
working working
replace replace
R/h right hand
hoist hoist
hood hood
thrustplate thrustplate
bolts bolts
Blown blown
headlight headlight
Replace replace
F/Drive final drive
Duo duo-cone
seals seals
& and
Bearing bearing
Flashing flashing
light light
u/s unserviceable
Loose loose
centre centre
pintle pintle
lower lower
bolt bolt
RP85 <id>
Monthly monthly
Inspection inspection
Tripped tripped
at at
sub sub
9 <num>
monthly monthly
Left left
Fan fan
House house
Service service
Bucket bucket
tooth tooth
missing missing
A-4807 <id>
Weekly weekly
Inspection inspection
Electrical electrical
Resample resample
PX9 <id>
Thrus thrust
Bearing bearing
damaged damaged
drag drag
ropes ropes
C/O change out
spool spool
pins pins
plc PLC
time time
change change
required required
- -
Sus suspension
Rope rope
Mast mast
End end
Loc location
9 <num>
Drag drag
generator generator
overvoltage overvoltage
alarms alarms
8664 <id>
4WK <num> week
Pre pre-service
Day day
Meetings meetings
changeout change out
selector selector
switches switches
<STAT> statutory
85 <num>
Wk week
Fire fire
System system
Service service
SU1902 <id>
DRIVERS drivers
DOOR door
HINGE hinge
U/S unserviceable
CM condition monitoring
Vibration vibration
Analysis analysis
Dragline dragline
#105 number <num>
8664 <id>
Diesel diesel
Gen generator
Set set
Service service
Repair repair
the the
gate gate
latch latch
on on
top top
of of
tub tub
Replace replace
rh right hand
trammel trammel
rollers rollers
and and
bushes bushes
060 <id>
Chge change
U/S unserviceable
grease grease
inj injector
on on
fairleads fairleads
Lh left hand
drag drag
rope rope
pulled pulled
out out
of of
bottle bottle
bolt bolt
R/H/S right hand side
shoe shoe
retainer retainer
bolt bolt
broken broken
oil oil
leak leak
from from
engine engine
air air
compressor compressor
cable cable
work work
- -
reroute reroute
LH left hand
side side
steer steer
inner inner
wheel wheel
arch arch
liner liner
7897 <id>
Pre-Service pre-service
Inspection-Electrical inspection - electrical
dump dump
rope rope
060 <id>
House house
crane crane
has has
broken broken
bolt bolt
in in
cro crown
calibrate calibrate
hoist hoist
drag drag
limits limits
8664 <id>
Drag drag
Chain chain
Change change
out out
C/O change out
7 <num>
monthly monthly
Soft soft
Start start
Panel panel
Service service
monitor monitor
CE3 <id>
pedestal pedestal
oil oil
leak leak
high high
temp temperature
indicated indicated
on on
propel propel
bushings bushings
Bucket bucket
liner liner
plate plate
repairs repairs
replace replace
split split
coolant coolant
reservoir reservoir
Nuts nuts
missing missing
off off
pedals pedals
swing swing
genset generator set
tripped tripped
Drag drag
No number
9 <num>
Open open
Pinion pinion
Gear gear
Inspection inspection
check check
exhaust exhaust
brake brake
operation operation
blinker blinker
& and
bracket bracket
under under
cab cabin
u/s unserviceable
Weekly weekly
Service service
Mechanical mechanical
#105 number <num>
Wk week
18 <num>
replace replace
flasher flasher
unit unit
for for
Hazards hazards
CM condition monitoring
Elec electrical
Vibration vibration
Analysis analysis
060 <id>
bad bad
oil oil
sample sample
information information
RH right hand
steer steering
hub hub
LH left hand
bottom bottom
step step
assembly assembly
bent bent
KD208 <id>
Vibration vibration
Analysis analysis
04/02 <date>
7897 <id>
Set set
Pedestal pedestal
lube lube
checks checks
fix fix
hole hole
in in
cable cable
cross cross
over over
gantry gantry
base base
Truck truck
Mtce maintenance
Supt support
4W <num> week
work work
order order
audit audit
MOBILE mobile
Step-up step-up
Labour labour
W48 week <num>
reported reported
bucket bucket
pin pin
fell fell
out out
Remove remove
chains chains
from from
spreader spreader
bar bar
8664 <id>
4YR <num> year
General general
House house
Oil oil
Change change
Insp inspection
Inspect inspect
Isolation insulation
Test test
Motors& motors and
Gen generator
Sets sets
P air
Conditioning conditioning
0 <num>
Wk week
Service service
Set set
5 <num>
Overspeed overspeed
switch switch
to to
be be
adjusted adjusted
FR3594 <id>
Replace replace
Batteries batteries
5635 <id>
Tub tub
Hook/King hook / king
Post post
Clearance-Mech clearance - mechanical
Replace replace
worn worn
tub tub
scrappers scrappers
door door
will will
not not
open open
Refit refit
manual manual
extension extension
rod rod
flow flowmeters
on on
rear rear
of of
module module
n/w not working
- -
Tub tub
Lifting lifting
Flange flange
Weld weld
FULL full
BRAKE brake
CHECK check
& and
CALIPER caliper
REPAIR repair
VistaCam <sensitive>
system system
issues issues
5635 <id>
Hoist hoist
Motor/Blower motor / blower
Connection connection
Insp inspection
DE8488 <id>
Water water
Level level
not not
working working
Replace replace
Battery battery
Isolator isolator
on on
534 <id>
Inspect inspect
mud mud
bucket bucket
cutting cutting
edge edge
Flush flush
Engine engine
Coolant coolant
System system
060 <id>
#3 number <num>
propel propel
has has
bad bad
oil oil
analysis analysis
repor report
Update update
SA923 <id>
elect electrical
drawings drawings
offsite offsite
up up
grade grade
improvements improvements
& and
repairs repairs
8664 <id>
48WK <num> week
General general
House house
Insp inspection
8664 <id>
24WK <num> week
Suspension suspension
Reeving reeving
Rope rope
Insp inspection
Argon <sensitive>
H14H <id>
- -
Overhaul overhaul
Park park
Brake brake
Despragg desprag
Drag drag
ropes ropes
Clean clean
filters filters
on on
all all
cabinets cabinets
change change
out out
u/s unserviceable
grease grease
pumps pumps
060 <id>
Boom boom
Cranage cranage
2 <num>
Capacity capacity
Study study
4 <num>
Fitted fitted
71 <num>
Week week
Tool tool
Inspection inspection
Dayshift dayshift
Crew crew
Spare spare
Cubicle cubicle
E/L electrical
relay relay
U/S unservicable
Rinachi <sensitive>
Exc excavator
- -
Machine machine
Service service
500 <num>
Hr hour
- -
Tub tub
Lifting lifting
Hooks hooks
Replace replace
Dump dump
Equaliser equaliser
replace replace
fuel fuel
cap cap
NC <id>
external external
lights lights
not not
working working
CABLE cable
TO to
BE be
OUT out
IN in
LINE line
fit fit
conveyor conveyor
rubber rubber
on on
front front
bumper bumper
R <id>
Check check
operation operation
of of
brake brake
release release
swit swit
side side
engine engine
mounts mounts
have have
movement movement
5635 <id>
Hoist hoist
Motor/Blower motor / blower
Lube lube
inspection inspection
Fortnightly fortnightly
clean clean
and and
restock restock
of of
FI463 <id>
Right right
deck deck
mcc MCC
strip/clean/inspect strip / clean / inspect
Fit fit
shim shim
behind behind
hoist hoist
brake brake
4 <num>
7897 <id>
- -
Rope rope
Work work
During during
Shutdown shutdown
66 <num>
limits limits
Rear rear
tunnel tunnel
rollers rollers
worn worn
House house
Em emergency
Exit exit
lights lights
not not
working working
L/H/S left hand side
Dump dump
rope rope
damaged damaged
front front
grill grill
assem assembly
not not
closing closing
properly properly
24wk <num> week
swing swing
master master
switch switch
service service
C/O change out
cracked cracked
hoist hoist
trunnion trunnion
links links
LH&RH left hand and right hand
replace replace
leaking leaking
fitting fitting
in in
large large
airtank airtank
loosing loosing
drag drag
Cable cable
work work
KD208 <id>
06/06/0011 <date>
Barriers barriers
for for
MG motor generator
Sets sets
64729094 <num>
Fortnightly fortnightly
clean clean
and and
restock restock
of of
JH250 <id>
REPLACE replace
10AMP <num> amp
C/B circuit breaker
FOR for
TRANSFER transfer
SW switch
MOTOR motor
1 <num>
Monthly monthly
Area area
PPE/Respirator PPE / respirator
Inspection inspection
8664 <id>
48WK <num> week
Swing swing
Box box
Floor floor
Welds welds
Insp inspection
Grind grind
and and
blend blend
arch arch
impact impact
marks marks
rh right hand
track track
fallen fallen
off off
drag drag
loop loop
7 <num>
grnd ground
fault fault
- -
propel propel
7897 <id>
Vert vertical
Fairlead fairlead
Guide guide
Rollers rollers
C/Out change out
check check
torque torque
on on
gen generator
set set
coupling coupling
bol bolt
Refitt refit
L/H left hand
y Y-link
pin pin
East east
W workshop
O/head overhead
Crane crane
3Mth <num> month
Stat statutory
Insp inspection
Repair repair
general general
machine machine
lighting lighting
oil oil
leaking leaking
from from
dip dip
stick stick
pipe pipe
ripper ripper
fell fell
off off
High high
& and
Low low
flow flow
fuel fuel
nozzles nozzles
U/S unserviceable
Broken broken
top top
beam beam
stay stay
RHS right hand side
3rd third
from from
rear rear
Module module
not not
pumping pumping
fuel fuel
REPLACE replace
WORN worn
OUT out
AIR air
TANK tank
HOSE hose
access access
step step
on on
lhs left hand side
track track
bent bent
changeout change out
of of
more more
hose hose
reels reels
Make make
labels labels
as as
required required
RE1535 <id>
Repair repair
hyd hydraulic
oil oil
leak leak
Replace replace
intermediate intermediate
gear gear
& and
shaft shaft
7897 <id>
Swing swing
No4 number <num>
Motor motor
Changeout-Elec/Mech change out - electrical / mechanical
Rebuild rebuild
Bucket bucket
# number
6 <num>
Air air
Receiver receiver
Manual manual
Bypass bypass
Install install
replace replace
swinging swinging
bottom bottom
step step
assemblies assemblies
lift lift
point point
on on
boom boom
damaged damaged
246 <id>
- -
500 <num>
Hr hour
Service service
C <id>
5 <num>
Weekly weekly
Service service
Electrical electrical
Motor motor
/ /
Blower blower
Connect connection
Check check
Repair repair
Cracked cracked
Fuel fuel
Module module
exhaust exhaust
stack stack
above above
muffler muffler
u/s unserviceable
wear wear
plate plate
bolts bolts
missing missing
Adjust adjust
Tracks tracks
Room room
Overtemp overtemperature
alarm alarm
on on
REPLACE replace
LHS left hand
SEATBELT seatbelt
trace trace
source source
of of
coolant coolant
leak leak
at at
radiator radiator
bottom bottom
pos position
#1 number <num>
& and
#2 <num>
shocky shock absorber
mounts mounts
loose loose
change change
out out
u/s unserviceable
dump dump
valve valve
8664 <id>
Drag drag
Rope rope
- -
change change
04/07 <date>
MISSING missing
REAR rear
REVOLVING revolving
LIGHT light
LENS lens
Extra extra
needed needed
at at
parts parts
cleaner cleaner
JU9279 <id>
Repair repair
Air air
Conditioner conditioner
060 <id>
remove remove
drag drag
chains/rigging chains / rigging
for for
trans transmission
dump dump
rope rope
came came
out out
of of
socket socket
ih6278 <id>
cracked cracked
walk walkway
and and
hand handrails
Resample resample
with with
DTS <sensitive>
kit kit
& and
then then
change change
oil oil
CM condition monitoring
- -
RHS right hand side
Camshaft camshaft
Cracked cracked
Monitor monitor
replace replace
dash dash
solenoid solenoid
valve/core valve / core
leak leak
LH left hand
rear rear
Z Z-cam
housing housing
loose loose
060 <id>
Dump dump
block block
sheave sheave
cracked cracked
req requires
repla replacing
LIGHTING lighting
- -
FLASHING flashing
LIGHT light
C/O change out
R/H right hand
drag drag
hitch hitch
pin pin
L/H left hand
Front front
ramp ramp
cylinder cylinder
mount mount
cracked cracked
Dirt dirt
Chute chute
Sheave sheave
Replace replace
monitor monitor
air air
loss loss
from from
f <id>
chord chord
replace replace
wiper wiper
linkage linkage
mechanism mechanism
SAFE safe
modify modify
yellow yellow
tag tag
storage storage
box box
KD208 <id>
Sub sub
Inspection inspection
DRN <id>
bump bump
rubber rubber
RH right hand
guard guard
to to
step step
broken broken
Replace replace
clamps clamps
on on
discharge discharge
hose hose
I <id>
bucket bucket
pin pin
release release
cylinder cylinder
u/s unserviceable
Test test
heater heater
function function
on on
air air
con conditioner
unit/s units
oil oil
leak leak
coming coming
from from
oil oil
cooler cooler
centre centre
gougen gauge
brass brass
in in
grease grease
sample sample
Hoist hoist
pony pony
drive drive
motor motor
stopped stopped
working working
3 <num>
monthly monthly
Left left
Fan fan
Service service
7897 <id>
Boom boom
Deflect deflection
Shve sheave
Lower lower
O/haul-Mech overhaul - mechanical
I <id>
lr lower
lube lube
system system
faulting faulting
Major major
cable cable
rerout reroute
ll124 <id>
Platform platform
support support
cracks cracks
above above
LHS left hand side
Crane crane
air air
leak leak
on on
walk walk
paddle paddle
Inspect/Replace inspect / replace
Fuel fuel
Tank tank
Breather breather
5H <id>
Lean lean
for for
Remington <sensitive>
Wksp workshop
WK week
91 <num>
compressor compressor
tripped tripped
oil oil
sucker sucker
not not
working working
lube lube
fault fault
hoist hoist
rope rope
lube lube
replace replace
dash dash
lights lights
not not
working working
Scope scope
up up
to to
hardwire hardwire
Pony Pony
drives drives
grease grease
leak leak
opropel propel
cam cam
Rinachi <sensitive>
Exc excavator
- -
2000hr <num> hour
Service service
7897 <id>
Swing swing
No2 number <num>
Vertical vertical
Shaft-Mechanical shaft - mechanical
replace replace
engine engine
intake intake
hose hose
D drag
shackle shackle
on on
the the
dump dump
rope rope
Fire fire
system system
fault fault
fuel fuel
tank tank
leaking leaking
and and
rusted rusted
out out
cam cam
lube lube
empty empty
C/O change out
R/H right hand
Lower lower
dump dump
socket socket
Front front
RHS right hand side
fire fire
alarm alarm
Light light
Vehicle vehicle
680 <id>
Inspection inspection
WK week
05 <num>
Bucket bucket
tip tip
missing missing
Top top
LHS left hand side
access access
hinges hinges
cracked cracked
W/Place workplace
Insp inspection
South south
Workshop workshop
WK43 week <num>
precleaner pre-cleaner
bowls bowls
on on
air air
con conditioner
damaged damaged
Rear rear
springs springs
sagging sagging
REMOVED remove
276 <num>
CABLES cables
FROM from
SUPPLY supply
Drag drag
rope rope
shute shute
has has
hole hole
in in
R/H/S right hand side
33 <num>
Week week
Tool tool
Inspection inspection
'O' <id>
Crew crew
- -
Field field
LH left hand
REAR rear
MODULE module
MOUNT mount
BROKEN broken
replace replace
LH left hand
and and
RH right hand
bonnet bonnet
guides guides
C/O change out
r/h right hand
drag drag
socket socket
REAR rear
LUBEBAY lube bay
DOOR door
BROKEN broken
I <id>
pear pear
link link
5635 <id>
Swing swing
Motor motor
Blower blower
Lube lube
inspect inspect
Check check
Locking locking
of of
Elect electrical
Control control
Cab cabin
A/Con air conditioner
Front front
Brace brace
Broken broken
replace replace
damaged damaged
fitting fitting
l/h left hand
propel propel
MAKE make
UP up
HEADLIGHT headlight
MESH mesh
COVERS covers
exhaust exhaust
brake brake
not not
working working
Boom boom
light light
out out
on on
1st first
row row
from from
house house
I <id>
replace replace
u/s unserviceable
coupling coupling
grease grease
pump pump
REPLACE replace
WORN worn
OUT out
SHAFT shaft
DL dragline
060 <id>
Weekly weekly
Inspection inspection
Mech mechanical
front front
revolving revolving
light light
still still
not not
working working
Fit fit
Cupboard cupboard
for for
Two two-ways
Mobile mobile
C/Hut crib hut
scope scope
up up
a/c air conditioner
leak leak
Clar <sensitive>
5172R <id>
- -
Yearly yearly
Air air
Conditioner conditioner
Insp inspection
Genral general
lighting lighting
repairs repairs
on on
down down
day day
low low
range range
not not
engaging engaging
replace replace
missing missing
ripper ripper
tooth tooth
pin pin
oil oil
gun gun
Repair repair
rhf right hand front
tremmel trammel
wheel wheel
MOBILE mobile
Step-up step-up
Labour labour
W week
80 <num>
PARTS parts
WASHER washer
PUMP pump
BROKEN broken
Remove remove
the the
twist twist
link link
chains chains
Repairs repairs
to to
high high
flow flow
diesel diesel
hose hose
A-Frame A-frame
Beam beam
Roller roller
Assembly assembly
Fit fit
air air
intake intake
under under
filter filter
housing housing
u/s unserviceable
no no
start start
- -
no no
electrical electrical
power power
pin pin
came came
out out
of of
equleiser equaliser
bar bar
o <id>
system system
lube lube
fault fault
no no
two two-way
Large large
hose hose
reel reel
swivel swivel
leaking leaking
Hydraulic hydraulic
leak- leak -
Unknown unknown
7897 <id>
Swing swing
No3 number <num>
Inter intermediate
Shft storage
LH left hand
C/out-Mech change out - mechanical
Replace replace
L/H left hand
Drag drag
Drum drum
Brg bearing
KD208 <id>
weld weld
repairs repairs
to to
whinch winch
frame frame
7897 <id>
Hoist hoist
No4 number <num>
Motor motor
Overhaul-Elec/Mech overhaul - electrical / mechanical
propel propel
system system
lube lube
leak leak
Sub sub
ZK-776 <id>
Repair repair
/ /
Replace replace
EXIT exit
lights lights
6 <num>
monthly monthly
Right right
Deck deck
Service service
RH right hand
FRONT front
AIR air
TANK tank
LOOSE loose
Reverse reverse
alarm alarm
fault fault
quick Kwik
tip Tip
missing missing
off off
bucket bucket
Replace replace
Oil oil
in in
Drag drag
G/Box gearbox
# number
9 <num>
adjustments adjustments
to to
walkway walkway
above above
#4 number <num>
swing swing
bo bolt
Audit audit
fairlead fairlead
sheaves sheaves
Harold <sensitive>
PY5 <id>
Crop crop
Damaged damaged
Drag drag
ropes ropes
on on
10/11/0010 <date>
Remove remove
DDD0 <id>
and and
install install
BKT bucket
4 <num>
Front front
cable cable
winch winch
intermittant intermittent
C/O change out
spreader spreader
bar bar
links links
12/02 <date>
Replace replace
front front
suspension suspension
bushes bushes
@ at
bolts bolts
TRACE trace
& and
REPAIR repair
HYDRAULIC hydraulic
LEAK leak
C/O change out
connecting connecting
links links
& and
spreader spreader
bar bar
link link
L/H/S left hand side
Intermediate intermediate
dampner damper
roller roller
u/s unserviceable
EG2892 <id>
Install install
modular modular
and and
two two-way
radio radio
replace replace
worn worn
out out
engine engine
fan fan
belt belt
I <id>
Replace replace
Track track
Rollers rollers
as as
required required
Air air
conditioning conditioning
still still
n/w not working
correctly correctly
ML33 <id>
Cable cable
Reroute reroute
dump dump
rope rope
socket socket
LK621 <id>
Rinachi <sensitive>
2000 <num>
Hr hour
Service service
replace replace
broken broken
bucket bucket
leveller leveller
rod rod
D <sensitive>
to to
Vac vacuum
all all
panels panels
ripper ripper
pin pin
RH right hand
DRAG drag
ROPE rope
CLAMP clamp
BROKEN broken
Oil oil
Leak leak
grease grease
alarm alarm
on on
u <id>
system system
5635 <id>
Attactment attactment
Accessory accessory
Inspection inspection
Check check
oil oil
level/for level for
leaking leaking
on on
all all
pedes pedals
8664 <id>
Dump dump
Rope rope
break break
old old
cable cable
run run
m9 <id>
backing backing
plates plates
missing missing
off off
rear rear
brakes brakes
modify modify
chock chock
stand stand
at at
HV high voltage
wash wash
pad pad
Replace replace
3 <num>-way
Hitch hitch
Assembly assembly
060 <id>
D/Line dragline
Replace replace
faulty faulty
amp amp
attenuator attenuator
replace replace
ISO68 ISO <num>
&15W and <num> W
oil oil
filter filter
assemblies assemblies
replace replace
damaged damaged
bus busbars
crane crane
#3 number <num>
HV high voltage
check check
inerconnections connections
on on
BUS bus
E emergency-stop
REPAIR repair
WIRING wiring
ON on
LUBE lube
MODULE module
US56 <id>
Annual annual
Statutory statutory
Registration registration
grease grease
leak leak
Y <id>
system system
loosing loosing
trany transmission
oil oil
Replace replace
leaking leaking
wiggins Wiggins
diesel diesel
gun gun
Machoona <sensitive>
JP <id>
095-6HY <id>
24 <num>
Wkly weekly
Lube lube
Srv service
No no
start start
- -
jump jump-started
ok okay
OVER temperature
ALARM alarm
IW3172 <id>
boarding boarding
gate gate
hinge hinge
broken broken
Repair repair
bent bent
collector collector
arm arm
greaser greaser
not not
pumping pumping
Pony Pony
drive drive
remote remote
not not
releasing releasing
brakes brakes
Install install
500m <num> metre
cable cable
in in
run run
5635 <id>
Intake intake
Fan fan
No12 number <num>
Overhaul-Elec/Mech overhaul - electrical / mechanical
replace replace
grease grease
line line
RHS right hand side
walk walk
broken broken
dump dump
rope rope
Align align
Swing swing
Brakes- brakes -
Martin&Brooks <sensitive>
5635 <id>
- -
Take take
Oil oil
Samples samples
Comp compressor
# number
41 <num>
Floor floor
hatch hatch
hinge hinge
cracked cracked
away away
7897 <id>
Roller roller
Circle circle
Assy assembly
Changeout change out
Mech mechanical
drain drain
pipe pipe
under under
module module
u/s unserviceable
8664 <id>
48WK <num> week
Roller roller
Path path
Chocks chocks
Insp inspection
house house
fan fan
86 <num>
U/S unserviceable
replace replace
coolant coolant
pipe pipe
on on
top top
of of
engine engine
bucket bucket
leveller leveller
rod rod
end end
u/s unserviceable
CM-NDT condition monitoring - NDT
BOOM boom
FOOT foot
PINS pins
Dragline dragline
Shutdown shutdown
Tender tender
Bus bus
Driver driver
LK621 <id>
Rinachi <sensitive>
Daily daily
Inspections inspections
WK09 week <num>
high high
wall wall
chain chain
broken broken
replace replace
fairlead fairlead
anchor anchor
ropes ropes
692 <num>
CABLES cables
REMOVED removed
Loose loose
swing swing
pinion pinion
bolts bolts
swing swing
No6 number <num>
replace replace
RH right hand
steer steering
spring spring
centre centre
bolt bolt
reset reset
after after
425 <id>
sub sub
testing testing
Install install
remote remote
close close
for for
outlets outlets
1-3 <num>-<num>
Load load
dump dump
rope rope
sleds sleds
QZ7/VX9 <id>
grease grease
system system
not not
working working
Label label
Remaining remaining
WkSp workshop
Lube lube
Bays bays
Replace replace
014 <id>
Bucket bucket
Hydraulic hydraulic
Cylinder cylinder
5H <id>
Lean lean
for for
Remington <sensitive>
Wksp workshop
WK week
10/11 <date>
drag drag
has has
been been
tripping tripping
since since
program program
mod modification
trace trace
&repair and repair
tacho tachometer
n/w not working
c/o change out
brake brake
shoe shoe
hoist hoist
motor motor
2 <num>
Main main
Isolator isolator
needs needs
clean clean
out out
7897 <id>
7 <num>
Weekly weekly
Service service
Electrical electrical
Drag drag
Drum drum
Shaft shaft
No number
3 <num>
u/s unserviceable
LABOUR labour
FOR for
MOBILE mobile
STEP step-up
W32 week <num>
13/1018 <date>
8664 <id>
48Wk <num> week
Clean clean
Fairlead fairlead
Frames frames
Replace replace
hyd hydraulic
pump pump
coupling coupling
C/O change out
dump dump
connecting connecting
Links links
5635 <id>
Propel propel
Camshaft camshaft
Bush bush
LH/RH left hand / right hand
Inspect inspection
R/H right hand
outside outside
verticle vertical
roller roller
u/s unserviceable
change change
lube lube
filters filters
Headlight headlight
out out
light light
- -
replaced replaced
Oil oil
leakage leakage
reduction reduction
drive drive
output output
Replace replace
retainer retainer
bolts bolts
for for
Dump dump
sheaves sheaves
Replace replace
the the
spare spare
cell cell
contactor contactor
shutdown shutdown
cab cabin
latch latch
light light
staying staying
on on
on on
dash dash
Drag drag
gen generator
exciter exciter
fault fault
Replace replace
lamp lamp
holder holder
in in
A A-frame
light light
060 <id>
- -
W79 <id>
S48 <id>
Chord chord
Thickness thickness
Insert insert
500m <num> metre
cable cable
reported reported
ground ground
fault fault
sort sort
out out
injecting injecting
EL electrical
units units
change change
out out
u/s unserviceable
vent vent
valve valve
f <id>
system system
ZH6907 <id>
Investigate investigate
issue issue
with with
a/c air conditioner
system system
FOX <sensitive>
883X <id>
500hr <num> hour
Service service
quickttip Kwik Tip
and and
adaptor adaptor
missing missing
ripper ripper
mount mount
pin pin
out out
Scope scope
up up
wiring wiring
for for
new new
cable cable
winches winches
RH right hand
rear rear
taillight taillight
broken broken
replace replace
both both
060 <id>
L/H left hand
rear rear
house house
door door
latch latch
u/s unserviceable
Battery battery
clamps clamps
stripped stripped
& and
wont won't
tighten tighten
8664 <id>
Daily daily
Electrical electrical
Inspections inspections
Hoist hoist
Hood hood
Entry entry
Shaft shaft
Crack crack
Test test
JAw jaw
shroud shroud
cracking cracking
genset generator set
temp temperature
sw switch
us unserviceable
relay relay
valve valve
leaking leaking
and and
needs needs
replacing replacing
Hoist hoist
#2 number <num>
relocate relocate
oil oil
catcher catcher
drain drain
hose hose
C/O change out
drag drag
chains chains
with with
18+2's <num>+<num>'s
Broken broken
bolts bolts
on on
swing swing
pinion pinion
5&6 <num> and <num>
crack crack
repairs repairs
l/h left hand
transitional transitional
corner corner
VM9436 <id>
repair repair
headlight headlight
fault fault
Replace replace
leaking leaking
oil oil
sight sight
glass glass
Upper upper
hoist hoist
pins pins
require require
c/o change out
remove# remove number
2 <num>
swing swing
motor motor
from from
service service
Drag drag
& and
Hoist hoist
Resolver resolver
Gearboxes gearboxes
Leaking leaking
Grease grease
leak leak
below below
walkway walkway
L/H left hand
Weekly weekly
Service service
Mechanical mechanical
CENTRE centre
CAB cabin
LIGHT light
REQUIRES requires
REPLACING replacing
Argon <sensitive>
H14H <id>
- -
Machine machine
Service service
500HR <num> hour
LK621 <id>
Track track
Chain chain
Change change
Out out
grease grease
lines lines
leaking leaking
on on
boom boom
Safe safe
Fabricate fabricate
Lock lock
box box
stands stands
QUICK quick
HITCH hitch
OIL oil
LEAK leak
HYDRAULIC hydraulic
SYS system
- -
OIL oil
LEAK leak
SLEW slew
RING ring
VV8293 <id>
retarter retarder
valve valve
U/S unserviceable
3Month <num> month
Tool tool
Insp inspection
Respon response
Wk week
12 <num>
Emergency emergency
Exit exit
Lights lights
Faulty faulty
LH left hand
F/Drive final drive
Severe severe
Oil oil
Sample sample
result result
ENGINE engine
- -
STALLING stalling
bracket bracket
for for
to to
boom boom
f/light floodlight
to to
repaired repaired
REMOVE remove
FRONT front
STEER steering
WHEELS wheels
& and
INSPECT inspect
Tool tool
Inspection inspection
- -
Paul <sensitive>
DOORS/WINDOWS doors / windows
- -
NEEDS needs
NEW new
WIPER wiper
BLADES blades
8 <num>
x x
dirt dirt
chute chute
poly poly
pads pads
missing missing
JA3006 <id>
Fuel fuel
Breather breather
Missing missing
Swing#5 swing number <num>
lube lube
pump pump
not not
working working
replaced replaced
broken broken
grease grease
line line
fitting fitting
Replace replace
parts parts
wash wash
fluid fluid
ELECTRICAL electrical
- -
LOST lost
ALL all
ELECTRICS\ electrics
110v <num> V
tripped tripped
Replace replace
u/s unserviceable
lockers lockers
MOBILE mobile
5H <id>
Internal internal
Labour labour
W46 week <num>
Bucket bucket
# number
4 <num>
Fit fit
Wear wear
Package package
Onsite onsite
Cable cable
reroute reroute
15/05/0010 <date>
no no
lights lights
dragline dragline
2 <num>
zone zone
96 <num>
fire fire
alarm alarm
faulting faulting
Check check
wiring wiring
UG8 <id>
pedistal pedestal
1 <num>
Straighten straighten
tub tub
hooks hooks
grease grease
line line
bucket bucket
526 <id>
King king
post post
req requires
purging purging
with with
grease grease
L/H left hand
Final final
Drive drive
oil oil
sample sample
- -
ABNORMAL abnormal
cut cut
down down
kick kick
plates plates
Replace replace
Fuel fuel
Filter filter
REPLACE replace
CAB cabin
SUNVISOR sunvisor
broken broken
pin pin
on on
3 <num>-way
hitch hitch
Clean clean
and and
HV high voltage
rooms rooms
8664 <id>
24WK <num> week
Emergency emergency
Lighting lighting
Service service
Modify modify
1 <num>
to to
4 <num>
drag drag
hitch hitch
MX7 <id>
CM condition monitoring
- -
No number
8 <num>
Lower lower
Swing swing
Bearing bearing
Grease grease
hoist hoist
motor motor
field field
loss loss
Investigate investigate
Qualitroll Qualitroll
on on
Main main
TX transmitter
060 <id>
'F' <id>
grease grease
sys system
has has
intermittent intermittent
fau fault
Conduct conduct
GD9992 <id>
repairs repairs
as as
noted noted
Reload reload
the the
drag drag
rope rope
sleds sleds
Rinachi <sensitive>
Exc excavator
- -
Machine machine
Service service
Check check
Rear rear
Fire fire
extinguisher extinguisher
Machoona <sensitive>
Exc excavator
- -
Electrical electrical
Section section
680 <id>
Insp inspection
to to
be be
fitted fitted
betwean between
M <id>
& and
W <id>
Drums drums
Sort sort
out out
electrical electrical
container container
8664 <id>
12WK <num> week
Walk walk
System system
Insp inspection
Runing running
5635 <id>
Drag drag
Chain chain
L/H left hand
Changeout-Mechanical change out - mechanical
change change
out out
r/h right hand
dump dump
connecting connecting
pin pin
526 <id>
sw switch
# number
8 <num>
brake brake
req requires
adjusting adjusting
Electrical electrical
Stat statutory
Testing testing
Day day
21 <num>
March March
Replace replace
Drag drag
Blower blower
No number
3 <num>
cable cable
work work
No no
start start
- -
low low
battery battery
volts volts
RIPPER ripper
BOOT boot
REQUIRES requires
REPLACING replacing
5635 <id>
Weekly weekly
Elect electrical
Inspection inspection
Argon <sensitive>
H14H <id>
2000 <num>
Hr hour
Service service
Drag drag
motor motor
8 <num>
has has
a a
faulty faulty
temp temperature
sensor sensor
blinker blinker
stork stork
assembly assembly
in in
cab cabin
u/s unserviceable
LH left hand
rear rear
pressure pressure
regulator regulator
broken broken
No no
power power
or or
lights lights
in in
xcab cross-cabin
Machine machine
lost lost
power power
<STAT> statutory
41 <num>
Wk week
Fire fire
System system
Service service
816 <num>
<STAT> statutory
Elec electrical
90 <num>
Wk week
HV high voltage
Service service
install install
hammers hammers
into into
rope rope
boxes boxes
5635 <id>
Swing/Hoist/Drag swing / hoist / drag
Breathers breathers
C/Out-Me change out - mechanical
246 <id>
- -
1000 <num>
Hr hour
Service service
scope scope
up up
rubber rubber
bonnet bonnet
latches latches
Replace replace
Kwik Kwik
tips Tips
on on
Bkt bucket
# number
7 <num>
060 <id>
D/line dragline
5 <num>
monthly monthly
Right right
Fan fan
House house
Service service
lost lost
quick Kwik
tip Tip
house house
fans fans
shutdown shutdown
Inspect/Replace inspect / replace
Track track
Rollers rollers
blank blank
cab cabin
window window
blown blown
in in
by by
watercart water cart
Hoist hoist
slack slack
rope rope
would would
not not
reset reset
DMG damage
Replace replace
set set
off off
Kwik Kwik
tips Tips
Bkt bucket
# number
0 <num>
end end
of of
line line
switch switch
not not
closing closing
5H <id>
INTERNAL internal
LABOUR labour
MOBILE mobile
W/ with
START start
25/08 <date>
Restock restock
the the
hoist hoist
and and
drag drag
rope rope
sled sled
Motor motor
Field field
Loss loss
faults faults
replace replace
all all
drive drive
shockies shock absorbers
REPLACE replace
LHS left hand
LARGE large
AIR air
TANKS tanks
Westrac Westrac
Air air
Intake intake
Up-date update
5635 <id>
Drag drag
Coupling coupling
Lube lube
& and
Insp-Mech inspection - mechanical
centre centre
bearing bearing
U/S unserviceable
Cracked cracked
handrail handrail
joint joint
at at
stanchion stanchion
walk walk
around around
greese grease
line line
hobo hobo
526 <id>
Weekly weekly
Electrical electrical
Insp inspection
do do
not not
excute execute
MACHINE machine
HAS has
LOW low
POWER power
Hoist hoist
brake brake
valve valve
leaking leaking
crack crack
in in
1st first
step step
off off
track track
and and
Quick quick
Hi high
- -
Sus suspension
Rope rope
Boom boom
End end
Loc location
5 <num>
chain chain
snapped snapped
Fire fire
system system
trip trip
Disc disc
Brake brake
Swing swing
Retrofit retrofit
2500FP924 <id>
hoist hoist
rope rope
lube lube
e end
o of
l life
press pressure
switch switch
not not
c closing
R/H/S right hand side
Lower lower
grease grease
spray spray
u/s unserviceable
Oil oil
tap tap
leaking leaking
Cable cable
re reroute
22/07/0011 <date>
electrical electrical
isolations isolations
for for
walk walk
fault fault
diff differential
lock lock
leaking leaking
air air
into into
dropbox dropbox
replace replace
leaking leaking
accessory accessory
drive drive
assm assembly
Replace replace
blown blown
hydraulic hydraulic
hose hose
on on
trailer trailer
REPAIR repair
TOOLBOX toolbox
ASSM assembly
Roll roller
L/Hand left hand
Drag drag
chain chain
180Deg <num> degree
299Y/Zmst <id>
LH left hand
pos position
#1 number <num>
steering steering
wheel wheel
hub hub
cap cap
leaking leaking
Channel channel
4 <num>
won't won't
transmit transmit
from from
dragline dragline
REPLACE replace
CAB cabin
LIGHT light
ASSEMBLIES assemblies
KI673 <id>
Rinachi <sensitive>
Daily daily
Inspections inspections
WK09 week <num>
Vq162 <id>
Fortnightly fortnightly
sub sub
inspection inspection
Re resynchronous
shoes shoes
UP6955 <id>
Repair repair
exhaust exhaust
leaks leaks
dump dump
rope rope
pulled pulled
through through
Replace replace
Mirror mirror
broken broken
grease grease
lines lines
on on
'h' H-link
again again
Drag drag
# number
5 <num>
leaking leaking
oil oil
from from
pipe pipe
union union
060 <id>
re-route reroute
cable cable
around around
tub tub
Dragline dragline
lighting lighting
repairs repairs
060 <id>
Hoist hoist
t7 <id>
has has
hot hot
spot spot
Electrical electrical
fault fault
6.6kv <num>.<num> kV
under-voltage under-voltage
7897 <id>
- -
Weekly weekly
Rope rope
Work work
LOW low
TRANSMISSION transmission
OIL oil
LEVEL level
5635 <id>
- -
Skim skim
Swing swing
Generator generator
No number
7 <num>
526 <id>
#2 number <num>
swing swing
pinion pinion
refit refit
& and
motor motor
connec connection
replace replace
both both
headlight headlight
assemblies assemblies
Vertical vertical
Fairlead fairlead
Brg bearing
Replacement replacement
L/H left hand
A/C air conditioner
compressor compressor
bracketing bracketing
& and
belt belt
u/s unserviceable
Sync synchronous
motor motor
8 <num>
trip trip
relay relay
CLEAN clean
& and
SEAL seal
ELECTRICAL electrical
COMPONENTS components
Replace replace
stop stop
pad pad
rubber rubber
on on
boom boom
point point
no number
24volts <num> volts
no no
a/c air conditioner
wiper wiper
blades blades
worn worn
out out
7897 <id>
Drag drag
No3 number <num>
Motor motor
Overhaul-Elec/Mech overhaul - electrical / mechanical
5635 <id>
Drag drag
Ropes ropes
RH right hand
Changeout-Mechanical change out - mechanical
both both
boom boom
point point
lights lights
out out
ladder ladder
switch switch
faulty faulty
hose hose
swivels swivels
u/s unserviceable
DMG damage
rock rock
damage damage
to to
front front
window window
replace replace
signage signage
rear rear
of of
truck truck
Loose loose
air air
con conditioner
belts belts
trace trace
& and
repair repair
tail/brakelights tail / brake lights
stay stay
on on
grease grease
reel reel
jammed jammed
060 <id>
Boom boom
foot foot
measurement measurement
Size/move size / move
P burst
hose hose
lube lube
system system
Y <id>
mike <sensitive>
/ /
exhaust exhaust
brake brake
not not
working working
Rock rock
bucket bucket
repairs repairs
required required
noise noise
in in
swing swing
box box
no number
8 <num>
remount remount
front front
mudguard mudguard
brackets brackets
acess access
walk walk
way way
hand hand
rail rail
cracked cracked
Outside outside
cab cabin
H/Rail handrail
cracked cracked
General general
switchboard switchboard
inspection/clean inspection / clean
MUD mud
BUCKET bucket
CUTTING cutting
EDGE edge
REQUIRED required
7897 <id>
Hoist hoist
No2 number <num>
Inter intermediate
Shaft shaft
C/Out-Mech change out - mechanical
inspect inspect
and and
reset reset
lighting lighting
circuit circuit
007 <id>
Axton <sensitive>
Hire hire
Truck truck
- -
1000 <num>
Hr hour
Service service
GD <id>
fortnightly fortnightly
clean/inspection clean / inspection
main main
breaker breaker
tripped tripped
Provide provide
Fixed fixed
Air air
Outlet outlet
at at
A/Con air conditioner
units units
R/H right hand
drag drag
chain chain
snapped snapped
at at
socket socket
end end
060 <id>
Set set up
drag drag
drum drum
for for
audit audit
060 <id>
'h' <id>
sys system
air air
regulator regulator
leaking leaking
req requires
ch change
- -
Mast mast
Apex apex
Welds welds
r/h/s right hand side
track track
pin pin
coming coming
out out
remove remove
888 <id>
signage signage
off off
passengers passengers
door door
CAPACITY capacity
STUDY study
& and
LABOUR labour
Rigging rigging
work work
on on
KD208 <id>
7897 <id>
Drag drag
No2 number <num>
Input input
Shft shaft
Rear rear
C/out-Mech change out - mechanical
IW3172 <id>
Cooling cooling
system system
pressurising pressurising
REPL replace
7897 <id>
- -
External external
Exam examination
of of
Fixed fixed
Equipment equipment
5635 <id>
- -
Skim skim
Swing swing
Generator generator
No number
9 <num>
Shoe shoe
pin pin
cap cap
on on
walk walk
leg leg
loose loose
{ {
} }
[ [
left left
hand hand
side side
adjust adjust
hoist hoist
brake brake
# number
6 <num>
boiler boiler
maker maker
repairs repairs
needed needed
to to
rear rear
reel reel
Injection injection
test test
right right
fan fan
house house
CM-NDT condition monitoring - NDT
- -
Hoist hoist
Bull bull
Gear gear
Teeth teeth
R/H right hand
sincronised synchronised
the the
walking walking
gear gear
Trunion Trunion
cracks cracks
r/h right hand
side side
dump dump
shackle shackle
loose loose
Swing swing
Brake brake
# number
4 <num>
Rebuild rebuild
Tail tail
lights lights
not not
working working
Replace replace
qqhn <id>
to to
vjl <id>
on on
298 <num>
main main
CB circuit breaker
re-calibrate recalibrate
drag drag
limits limits
Sensor sensor
cables cables
to to
be be
connected connected
broken broken
leafs leafs
in in
drive drive
springs springs
Pin pin
missing missing
l/h left hand
d/rope drag rope
socket/arch socket / arch
bar bar
7897 <id>
- -
Hoist hoist
Motor motor
Blower blower
Connect connect
Checks checks
5635 <id>
- -
Grease grease
Tugger tugger
Winches winches
zone zone
18 <num>
fire fire
alarm alarm
cable cable
work work
ll124 <id>
REPAIRS repairs
REQUIRED required
TO to
FRONT front
LADDER ladder
<STAT> statutory
12Wk <num> week
Elec electrical
Tool tool
Test test
& and
Tag tag
FO678 <id>
Replace replace
drag drag
sockets sockets
-Wedges - wedges
pulled pulled
thro through
8664 <id>
Upper upper
Y Y-link
c/o change out
LK621 <id>
Rinachi <sensitive>
Daily daily
Inspections inspections
WK week
54 <num>
Fit fit
new new
floor floor
mat mat
to to
cab cabin
repair repair
wiring wiring
to to
park park
brake brake
switch switch
LH left hand
lower lower
module module
door door
bent bent
5635 <id>
Bucket bucket
Overhaul-Mechanical overhaul - mechanical
jkg1 <id>
fire fire
sytem system
discharged discharged
5H <id>
Lean lean
for for
Remington <sensitive>
Wksp workshop
WK week
42 <num>
Replace replace
worn worn
on on
5635 <id>
Bkt bucket
# number
5 <num>
propel propel
ground ground
fault fault
Drag drag
Gen generator
#4 number <num>
Sparking sparking
MOBILE mobile
Step-up step-up
Labour labour
W46 week <num>
INSPECT inspect
RETARDER retarder
STILL still
NOT not
WORKING working
#4 number <num>
PROPEL propel
Oil oil
Sample sample
ABNORMAL abnormal
Boom boom
lights lights
out out
- -
investigate investigate
fault fault
Replace replace
Broken broken
Grease grease
Lines lines
7897 <id>
Swing swing
No3 number <num>
Vertical vertical
Shaft-Mechanical shaft - mechanical
Lost lost
lights lights
inside inside
reset reset
CB circuit breaker
Elec electrical
3 <num>
Wk week
A/C air conditioner
Filter filter
Cleaning cleaning
load load
roller roller
hot hot
L/H/S left hand side
bucket bucket
hitch hitch
pin pin
missing missing
526 <id>
RHS right hand side
lower lower
cam cam
frame frame
damaged damaged
- -
Drag drag
& and
Hoist hoist
Drum drum
Pedestal pedestal
Bolt bolt
set set
drag drag
limits limits
swing swing
generator generator
over overvoltage
Replace replace
Ripper ripper
Boot boot
Pin pin
loose loose
cross cross
bar bar
behind behind
steer steering
shackles shackles
highwall highwall
chains chains
broken broken
210mm <num> mm
crack crack
in in
Compartment compartment
96 <id>
855 <id>
No no
start start
replace replace
battery battery
ok okay
VistaCam <sensitive>
screen screen
not not
workiing working
after after
powerup powerup
quik Kwik
tips Tips
worn worn
out out
RHS right hand side
Diagonal diagonal
roof roof
beam beam
stays stays
cracked cracked
MOBILE mobile
5H <id>
Internal internal
Labour labour
W11 week <num>
Swing swing
Gearboxes gearboxes
2 <num>
7 <num>
8 <num>
& and
8 <num>
Gearing gearing
audit audit
Drag drag
Gen generator
#4 number <num>
arcing arcing
assist assist
vistacam <sensitive>
in in
recal recall
on on
system system
RH5571 <id>
C/out change out
L/H left hand
hoist hoist
cyl cylinder
with with
NP2767 <id>
Replace replace
GA1 <id>
Armature armature
Change change
oil oil
UG8 <id>
Geg5 <id>
Dove <sensitive>
742K <id>
- -
1000 <num>
Hr hour
Service service
now now
complete complete
Bulk bulk
fuel fuel
gun gun
leaking leaking
wont won't
start start
hyd hydraulic
oil oil
leak leak
on on
boom boom
7897 <id>
A A-frame
Anchor anchor
Leg leg
Pins pins
Inspect inspect
field field
crib crib
mount mount
monitors monitors
Leica Leica
system system
not not
operating operating
RESET reset
BUTTON button
TO to
MOVE move
TO to
CAB cabin
Clean/service clean / service
all all
lights lights
in in
fan fan
houses houses
I <id>
fault fault
on on
grease grease
system system
l/h/s left hand side
propel propel
Loss loss
of of
drag/propel drag / propel
motions motions
DRAG drag
MOTOR motor
BRUSHES brushes
WEARING wearing
VERY very
QUICKLY quickly
install install
pinion pinion
on on
swing swing
case case
#4 number <num>
requires requires
reseting resetting
adapter adapter
and and
quick Kwik
tip Tip
broken broken
Cable cable
work work
Ph742 <id>
20/04/0011 <date>
swing swing
gen generator
3 <num>
sparking sparking
24wk <num> week
soft soft
start start
cabinet cabinet
service service
DMG damage
dump dump
rope rope
failed failed
lost lost
kwik Kwik
tip Tip
REPLACE replace
ACC accumulator
DRVE drive
SEAL seal
/ /
FIT fit
SPEED speed
SLEAVE sleave
Aux auxiliary
Generator generator
no no
go go
5635 <id>
CM condition monitoring
Walk walk-through
Insp inspection
#05 number <num>
Swing swing
0 <num>
need need
to to
adjusted adjusted
brake brake
# number
6 <num>
swing swing
pinion pinion
cracked cracked
req requires
replacing replacing
OD4260 <id>
handrail handrail
missing missing
clamp clamp
Add add
cable cable
to to
dragline dragline
003 <id>
run run
8664 <id>
Susp suspension
Rope rope
Radiography radiography
Locn location
0 <num>
BUCKET bucket
TOOTH tooth
CAME came
OFF off
5635 <id>
CM condition monitoring
Walk walk-through
Inspection inspection
repair repair
leaking leaking
swing swing
7 <num>
pedestal pedestal
seals seals
5635 <id>
Swing swing
No2 number <num>
Lower lower
Bearing bearing
C/Out-Mech change out - mechanical
repair repair
leaking leaking
grease grease
gun gun
replace replace
LHF left hand front
corner corner
bonnet/blinker bonnet / blinker
shroud shroud
pos position
#3 number <num>
#3 <num>
& and
#9 <num>
brake brake
slack slack
adjuster adjuster
u/s unserviceable
no number
4 <num>
pinion pinion
broken broken
bolt bolt
Swing swing
Motor motor
6 <num>
Pole Pole
insulation insulation
u/s unserviceable
Replace replace
bonnet bonnet
CM condition monitoring
- -
Tub tub
Interiors internals
Ripper ripper
boot boot
fell fell
off off
7897 <id>
Bleed bleed
Duct duct
Fan fan
No2 number <num>
O/haul-Elec/Mech overhaul - electrical / mechanical
lost lost
rotalarm rotalarm
lense lense
Update update
last last
1 <num>
days days
minvu MinVu
reports reports
SA923 <id>
main main
hoist hoist
needs needs
fuses fuses
replaced replaced
Cropped cropped
Drag drag
Ropes ropes
01/08/0011 <date>
Repair repair
boat boat
access access
ladder ladder
replace replace
dump dump
block block
shut shutdown
light light
coming coming
up up
on on
dash dash
Pony Pony
Drive drive
AIR air
Motor motor
Remove remove
Inspect inspect
possible possible
hot hot
joint joint
& and
reestablish reestablish
7897 <id>
- -
Propel propel
2nd/3rd second / third
Inter intermediate
Pinions pinions
Insp inspection
drag drag
chain chain
install install
window window
in in
drum drum
cover cover
for for
greasin greasing
INSTALL install
MAG magnetic
SCRUBBER scrubber
DRAG drag
GBOX gearbox
4 <num>
SA923 <id>
5 <num>
boom boom
lights lights
out out
500m <num> metre
cable cable
to to
be be
taken taken
out out
of of
run run
Replace replace
Track track
Chains chains
Field field
Mtce maintenance
Supt support
4W <num> week
work work
order order
audit audit
Repair repair
leaking leaking
altenator alternator
drive drive
CHARGING charging
SYSTEM system
- -
ALTERNATOR alternator
NA and
BRACKET bracket
replace replace
isolator isolator
handles handles
on on
Service service
FI0830 <id>
Swing swing
No1 number <num>
Lower lower
Bearing bearing
C/Out change out
reported reported
no no
coolant coolant
pump pump
operation operation
Add add
cables cables
for for
walk walk
RH right hand
mirror mirror
broken broken
Replaced replaced
damaged damaged
tub tub
curtains curtains
several several
wires wires
broken broken
on on
lh left hand
rope rope
@sheave at sheave
Upgrade upgrade
grease grease
couplings couplings
at at
lube lube
reels reels
REPLACE replace
RH right hand
HEADLIGHT headlight
ASSM assembly
CABIN cabin
CONTROLS controls
- -
NO no
SPEEDO speedometer
OR or
AIR air
GAUGE gauge
air air
leak leak
r/h right hand
propel propel
brake brake
Installl install
drag drag
socket socket
and and
wedges wedges
8664 <id>
12WK <num> week
Clean clean
Operator operator
Cab cabin
Roof roof
Replace replace
cabinet cabinet
pressuriser pressuriser
fans fans
O/L overload
bases bases
for for
fan fan
6+9 <num> and <num>
u/s unserviceable
remove# remove number
5 <num>
swing swing
pinion pinion
REPLACE replace
INJECTOR injector
RETURN return
LINE line
Replace replace
Dipstick dipstick
Hard hard
stand stand
area area
clean clean
up up
Service service
Brake brake
Recalibrate recalibrate
bucket bucket
engine engine
low low
on on
power power
Replace replace
Drag drag
motor motor
2 <num>
Pack pack
up up
drive drive
chassis chassis
in in
store store
knock knock
in in
engine engine
RH right hand
hoist hoist
drive drive
output output
seal seal
has has
leakage leakage
Purge purge
Lower lower
Swing swing
Bearing bearing
# number
6 <num>
left left
hoist hoist
deflection deflection
roller roller
u/s unserviceable
fault fault
find find
d/l dragline
6 <num>
walk walk
drag drag
fault fault
steer steering
hub hub
caps caps
require require
replacing replacing
Check check
Propel propel
Field field
Loss loss
Alarms alarms
Inspect inspect
and and
grease grease
tunnel tunnel
roller roller
bearing bearing
CM condition monitoring
- -
Boom boom
Cluster cluster
Inspections inspections
Pre pre-shutdown
No number
9 <num>
Swing swing
box box
input input
seal seal
u/s unserviceable
hoist hoist
rope rope
damaged damaged
need need
replacing replacing
C/O change out
bucket bucket
to to
BCL8 <id>
rear rear
drive drive
brake brake
linings linings
getting getting
low low
7 <num>
house house
lights lights
need need
repair repair
Safe safe
Safety safety
signage signage
for for
service service
days days
change change
out out
lower lower
spreader spreader
bar bar
Drag drag
gen generator
overvolts overvoltage
alarms alarms
Replace replace
aerial aerial
and and
2 two-way
aerial aerial
8664 <id>
24WK <num> week
Air air
Compressor compressor
Service service
Left left
hand hand
rear rear
access access
doorhandle doorhandle
broken broken
REPLACE replace
LH left hand
DRIVE drive
MUDGUARD mudguard
BRACKET bracket
lost lost
drag drag
excitation excitation
shoe shoe
error error
lost lost
lights lights
and and
power power
in in
cab cabin
grease grease
system system
fault fault
-low - low
press pressure
REPLACE replace
LH left hand
TOP top
SPOTTER spotter
MIRROR mirror
Replace replace
Resistor/Check resistor / check
Ground ground
Fault fault
Warranty warranty
Boom boom
Light light
Protection protection
CV-487 <id>
Earth earth
Continuity continuity
Indication indication
Replace replace
Lube lube
Room room
Door door
Handle handle
007 <id>
Axton <sensitive>
Hire hire
Truck truck
- -
1000 <num>
Hr hour
Service service
L/H left hand
drag drag
rope rope
pulled pulled
out out
of of
bottle bottle
bolts bolts
shutdown shutdown
site site
lost lost
power power
FIRE fire
SYSTEM system
- -
FIRE fire
EXTINGUISHER extinguisher
SYSTEM system
Front front
MG motor generator
motor motor
level level
stairs stairs
to to
2nd second
level level
6 <num>
monthly monthly
Crows crows
Nest nest
Service service
rear rear
axle axle
booster booster
blown blown
diaphram diaphragm
Broken broken
rh right hand
pear pear
link link
Grease grease
all all
motors motors
on on
KD208 <id>
P#2002 <id>
Dump dump
Chain chain
Changeout-Mechanical change out - mechanical
CU1809 <id>
turbo turbo
line line
oil oil
leaks leaks
Repair repair
Chassis chassis
Crack crack
RHF right hand front
trammel trammel
base base
smashed smashed
Need need
to to
move move
LH left hand
rear rear
dirt dirt
chute chute
rollers rollers
Check check
Rope rope
Tension tension
MOBILE mobile
5H <id>
Internal internal
Labour labour
W03 week <num>
Check check
Ph742 <id>
cable cable
run run
and and
mark mark
up up
map map
drive drive
spring spring
elephant elephant
feet feet
u/s unserviceable
LHS left hand side
rear rear
pipe pipe
leaking leaking
above above
tyres tyres
seat seat
base base
is is
stuffed stuffed
- -
repair/ repair /
replace replace
R/H right hand
drag drag
chain chain
failure failure
Replace replace
front front
shoe shoe
No number
6 <num>
drag drag
brake brake
8664 <id>
48WK <num> week
Tugger tugger
Mounts mounts
Insp inspection
ground ground
fault fault
in in
propel propel
Replace replace
swing swing
brakes brakes
all all
9 <num>
CLEAN clean
MOBILE mobile
WORKSHOP workshop
WEEK week
08/09 <date>
REAR rear
AXLE axle
BRAKES brakes
AND and
SENSORS sensors
U/S unserviceable
inspect inspect
throttle throttle
still still
not not
working working
Work work
lights lights
u/s unserviceable
check check
service service
and and
park park
brake brake
operation operation
replace replace
loose loose
battery battery
box box
mount mount
bolts bolts
FUEL fuel
LEAK leak
FROM from
TOP top
OF of
TANK tank
swing swing
blower blower
motor motor
fan fan
has has
bolts bolts
missing missing
MOBILE mobile
Step-up step-up
Labour labour
W39 week <num>
replace replace
temp temperature
compressor compressor
supply supply
hose hose
Some some
lights lights
out out
Air air
lubricator lubricator
on on
bording boarding
steps steps
leaking leaking
quick Kwik
tip Tip
fallen fallen
off off
W/Place workplace
Insp inspection
South south
Workshop workshop
WK week
29 <num>
Power power
Cord cord
requires requires
tagging-Leica tagging - Leica
Sys system
dragline dragline
6 <num>
stereo stereo
headunit headunit
replacement replacement
cutting cutting
edges edges
worn worn
out out
hoist hoist
generator generator
2 <num>
chattering chattering
intercoms intercoms
working working
intermittantly intermittently
hose hose
leaking leaking
on on
stick stick
cylinder cylinder
Floodlights floodlights
underneath underneath
rear rear
of of
house house
Replace replace
L/H left hand
rope rope
bottle bottle
bolts bolts
to to
Inspect inspect
and and
certify certify
lifting lifting
points points
7897 <id>
Intake intake
Fan fan
No6 number <num>
Overhaul-Elec/Mech overhaul - electrical / mechanical
Fortnightly fortnightly
sub sub
inspection inspection
JH250 <id>
grease grease
leak leak
on on
r/h right hand
walking walking
cam cam
lube lube
swiv swivel
Windscreen windscreen
washer washer
bottle bottle
broken broken
Bottle bottle
bolt bolt
pump pump
repairs repairs
re-install reinstall
track track
Modify modify
Rim rim
stand stand
Replace replace
gate gate
latch latch
onto onto
top top
of of
tub tub
gen generator
sets sets
not not
starting starting
060 <id>
Drag drag
Ropes ropes
Changeout change out
- -
Mechanical mechanical
No no
throttle throttle
8664 <id>
12WK <num> week
Shoe shoe
Pin pin
Retainer retainer
Bolts bolts
miricle miracle
hitch hitch
pin pin
broken broken
quick Kwik
tips Tips
missing missing
on on
bucket bucket
LOBB <sensitive>
replace replace
Gas gas
control control
stations stations
o <id>
system system
greaser greaser
short short
cycling cycling
8664 <id>
12WK <num> week
Clean clean
Shoe shoe
Access access
Walkways walkways
LH left hand
front front
mudflap mudflap
on on
the the
drive drive
torn torn
off off
Repair repair
HV high voltage
c/b circuit breaker
5 <num>
isolation isolation
locking locking
handle handle
HV high voltage
HOT hot
JOINT joint
tempory temporary
repairs repairs
on on
slip slip
ri ring
8664 <id>
24WK <num> week
Crows crows
Nest nest
Service service
UB0 <id>
neutral neutral
plane plane
adjust adjust
c/b circuit breaker
5 <num>
wouldn't wouldn't
close close
7897 <id>
Swing swing
No1 number <num>
Gear gearcase
Overhaul overhaul
-Mech - mechanical
several several
body body
lights lights
not not
working working
line line
excitation excitation
fault fault
replace replace
drag drag
shackle shackle
r/h right hand
At at
least least
the the
front front
1 <num>
rollers rollers
U/S unserviceable
General general
light light
cleaning/repairs cleaning / repairs
steering steering
column column
tilt tilt
mechanism mechanism
u/s unserviceable
rear rear
crane crane
fault fault
6 <num>
monthly monthly
Disconnect disconnect
Switch switch
Service service
fit fit
flashing flashing
low low
coolant coolant
light light
to to
dash dash
771 <num>
cables cables
to to
go go
in in
Drag drag
rope rope
lube lube
- -
System system
U <id>
faulting faulting
repair repair
cable cable
pipe pipe
Change change
out out
Hoist hoist
Motor motor
4 <num>
FU4218 <id>
Engine engine
fan fan
fault fault
- -
overheatingb overheating
Replace replace
Grease grease
lines lines
on on
bucket bucket
Cable cable
crossing crossing
Damaged damaged
3Month <num> month
Tool tool
Insp inspection
Drill drill
Crew crew
- -
Heavy heavy
7897 <id>
Centre centre
Horiz horizontal
Fairlead fairlead
Sheave sheave
C/Out change out
7897 <id>
Hoist hoist
Motor motor
Blower blower
Connections connections
repair repair
chain chain
Replace replace
dump dump
socket socket
wasahers washers
Machine machine
end end
Argon <sensitive>
GI4 <id>
- -
Machine machine
Service service
250hr <num> hour
Chain chain
hooks hooks
safety safety
latches latches
u/s unserviceable
Replace replace
both both
drag drag
chains chains
algue algae
bloom bloom
module module
diesel diesel
tank tank
Dragline dragline
move move
cable cable
work work
and and
spotting spotting
Hoist hoist
motor motor
6 <num>
making making
squealing squealing
noise noise
Make make
fit fit
guide guide
to to
small small
quick quick
fill fill
hose hose
Ground ground
fault fault
warning warning
- -
drag drag
loop loop
5 <num>
shaft shaft
requires requires
rear rear
uni universal joint
& and
slip slip
yoke yoke
Replaced replaced
drag drag
drum drum
pony pony
actuator actuator
boom boom
lights lights
fir fire
syatem system
fault fault
Crack crack
in in
rear rear
L/H left hand
90 <num> degree
transition transition
adaptor adaptor
& and
tooth tooth
fell fell
off off
- -
Sleds sleds
- -
IX687/469 <id>
OF775 <id>
VEZ697 <id>
change change
out out
quick Kwik
tips Tips
24wk <num> week
operators operators
panel panel
service service
5635 <id>
Hoist hoist
Coupling coupling
Lube lube
& and
Inspection inspection
REPLACE replace
FRONT front
DIFF differential
PINNION pinnion
SEAL seal
support support
bracketing bracketing
rear rear
of of
cab cabin
u/s unserviceable
5635 <id>
Lower lower
Vert vertical
Sheave sheave
Bngs bearings
C/Out change out
in in
cab cabin
lost lost
power power
wiper wiper
blade blade
missing missing
Reload reload
the the
rope rope
sleds sleds
RH right hand
pos position
#5/6 number <num> / <num>
brake brake
caliper caliper
changeout change out
c/o change out
u/s unserviceable
quick quick
release release
valve valve
Upper upper
spreader spreader
bar bar
cracked cracked
Hydraulic hydraulic
Hoses hoses
at at
rear rear
of of
cab cabin
rusting rusting
fuel fuel
tanker tanker
will will
not not
start start
W/Place workplace
Insp inspection
North north
Bucket bucket
& and
Body body
Pad pad
blinker blinker
stork stork
broken broken
& and
needs needs
replacing replacing
inspect/stock inspect / stock
inventory inventory
8664 <id>
2YR <num> year
General general
House house
Insp inspection
reported reported
engine engine
stopped stopped
CABIN cabin
CONTROLS controls
- -
TACO tachometer
GAUGE gauge
U/S unserviceable
Hoist hoist
rope rope
entry entry
sheave sheave
888 <id>
- -
2000 <num>
Hr hour
Service service
DX8213 <id>
Re-seal reseal
diff differential
lube lube
pump pump
cam cam
lube lube
MOBILE mobile
5H <id>
Internal internal
Labour labour
W week
40 <num>
Fault fault
loop loop
impedence impedance
test test
Amp amp
control control
headlights headlights
& and
retaining retaining
clips clips
u/s unserviceable
Rock rock
hit hit
windscreen windscreen
lost lost
power power
in in
the the
cab cabin
Repairs repairs
to to
Propel propel
Spray spray
Bars bars
Replace replace
Missing missing
Pin pin
on on
Ladder ladder
Align align
brushes brushes
UB0 <id>
hoist hoist
loop loop
3 <num>
ground ground
fault fault
warning warning
Replace replace
Kwik Kwik
tips Tips
on on
Bkt bucket
# number
5 <num>
REPLACE replace
U/S unserviceable
JOCKEY jockey
WHEEL wheel
Adjust adjust
Drag drag
#2 number <num>
brakes brakes
to to
standard standard
fabricate fabricate
scrapper scrapper
to to
clean clean
top top
of of
tub tub
TURBO turbo
- -
CLAMP clamp
MISSING missing
MECHANICAL mechanical
- -
FUEL fuel
HOSE hose
ZX7 <id>
sparking sparking
5H <id>
Lean lean
for for
Remington <sensitive>
Wksp workshop
WK13 week <num>
Hoist hoist
brake brake
#2 number <num>
needs needs
adjusting adjusting
Replace replace
on on
bucket bucket
5 <num>
BZ4344 <id>
tray tray
fault fault
7897 <id>
- -
High high
Voltage voltage
Maintenance maintenance
Check check
Hoist hoist
bullgear bullgear
teeth teeth
at at
joints joints
060 <id>
Hoist hoist
gen generator
6 <num>
pedastal pedestal
bearing bearing
o/temp overtemperature
Brake brake
fault fault
light light
coming coming
on on
repair repair
leaking leaking
inline inline
lubricators lubricators
7897 <id>
060 <id>
Condition condition
Monitoring monitoring
Inspection inspection
Safe safe
platform platform
to to
center centre
crane crane
5635 <id>
Tub tub
Hook hook
Greasing greasing
/ /
Inspect inspect
pear pear
link link
broken broken
on on
dragchain dragchain
PI5 <id>
main main
CB circuit breaker
suspect suspect
weld weld
repair repair
floor floor
L/H left hand
drag drag
pedestall pedestal
cab cabin
hood hood
lining lining
falling falling
down down
Open open
motor motor
inspection inspection
covers covers
5635 <id>
5 <num>
Weekly weekly
Lube lube
Service service
REAR rear
WINCH winch
U/S unserviceable
MOBILE mobile
Step-up step-up
Labour labour
W40 week <num>
GREASE grease
TRANSMISSION/ transmission /
DROP dropbox
SHAFT shaft
replace replace
dump dump
ropes ropes
re-route reroute
cable cable
run run
8664 <id>
8WK <num> week
Filter filter
Replacement replacement
trans transmission
accessory accessory
drive drive
leaking leaking
8664 <id>
General general
House house
Insp inspection
wiper wiper
not not
working working
No no
key key
power power
Swing swing
# number
8 <num>
encoder encoder
shaft shaft
seal seal
leaking leaking
Machoona <sensitive>
Exc excavator
- -
Mechanical mechanical
Section section
680 <id>
Insp inspection
Cracked cracked
lacing lacing
identified identified
in in
report report
propel propel
brake brake
1& <num> and
8 <num>
release release
fault fault
Replace replace
F/D final drive
Duo duo-cone
seals seals
large large
high high
flow flow
reel reel
leaking leaking
on on
rear rear
blown blown
grease- grease -
system system
alarming alarming
check check
& and
gas gas
a/c air conditioner
Jaw jaw
shroud shroud
cracking cracking
REPLACE replace
TOP top
CAB cabin
LIGHT light
ASSM assembly
house house
light light
to to
be be
replaced replaced
Repair repair
chassis chassis
cracks cracks
as as
per per
report report
make make
spare spare
dump dump
rope rope
Loosing loosing
comms communications
on on
operators operators
screen screen
Install install
Visual visual
Break break
Switch switch
blown blown
hose hose
r/h right hand
final final
drive drive
replace replace
missing missing
hand hand
rail rail
on on
boom boom
grease grease
pump pump
leaking leaking
out out
of of
shaft shaft
seal seal
replace replace
RH right hand
rear rear
perspects Perspex
window window
Replace replace
circulation circulation
filter filter
- -
drag drag
#2 number <num>
brake brake
S-cams S-cams
bushes bushes
worn worn
out out
STILL still
CUTTING cutting
OUT out
TOP top
CAB cabin
LIGHTS lights
WONT won't
TURN turn
OFF off
radiator radiator
cap cap
needs needs
replacing replacing
LIGHTING lighting
- -
1X <num> x
A A-frame
LIGHT light
OUT out
Final final
Drive drive
Oil oil
Samples samples
required required
P location
6 <num>
sus suspension
ropes/wires ropes/wires
broken broken
LH left hand
lwr lever
slack slack
rope rope
sensor sensor
brackets brackets
Swing swing
gen generator
field field
fault fault
Replace replace
swing swing
coupling coupling
bolts bolts
#3 number <num>
060 <id>
join join
cables cables
Workshop workshop
clean clean
up up
as as
per per
list list
faulty faulty
contactor contactor
ripper ripper
shank shank
pin pin
missing missing
DL dragline
060 <id>
Dump dump
Block block
Lubrication lubrication
strong strong
backs backs
and and
bolt bolt
broken-LH broken - left hand
outer outer
Weld weld
crack crack
columns columns
above above
propels propels
Air air
compressor compressor
No number
8 <num>
start start
circuits circuits
restart restart
mg MG
sets sets
Hoist hoist
brake brake
# number
7 <num>
replace replace
brake brake
lining lining
Bucket bucket
# number
4 <num>
Patch patch
Repair repair
inspect inspect
& and
repair repair
coolant coolant
leak leak
on on
engine engine
Supply supply
Sled sled
clamp clamp
missing missing
bolt bolt
trace trace
&repair and repair
brake brake
retarder retarder
not not
working working
E <id>
2 <num>
Weekly weekly
Service service
Electric electric
060 <id>
Drag drag
rope rope
lube lube
hoses hoses
damaged damaged
when when
br brake
Inspection inspection
repair repair
drag/propel drag / propel
transfers transfers
4 4WD
light light
staying staying
on on
Dove <sensitive>
Machine machine
Service service
Data data
resolver resolver
fault fault
- -
reset reset
plc PLC
drain drain
#2 number <num>
gearcase gearcase
for for
inspection inspection
Replace replace
R/Hand right hand
Drag drag
chain chain
060 <id>
D/line dragline
reser reset
hoist hoist
and and
drag drag
limits limits
Replace replace
Thimble thimble
In in
RH right hand
Tugger tugger
Rope rope
02W <id>
to to
be be
installed installed
in in
boily boilermaker
bay bay
A/C air conditioner
compressor compressor
pulley pulley
u/s unserviceable
Dash dash
Alarms alarms
Swing swing
2 <num>
Drive drive
Gearing gearing
Inspection inspection
Ground ground
fault fault
drag drag
loop loop
4 <num>
quick Kwik
tip Tip
on on
bucket bucket
missing missing
swing swing
box box
no number
5 <num>
input input
leaking leaking
reported reported
broken broken
lube lube
lines lines
on on
lift lift
arms arms
I <id>
dump dump
block block
Cracked cracked
Weld weld
Front front
wall wall
RHS right hand side
I I-beam
crows crows
nest nest
drum drum
wind wind
U/S unserviceable
bulk bulk
diesal diesel
meter meter
not not
working working
Swing swing
motor motor
unbalance unbalance
fault fault
cameras cameras
not not
working working
drivers drivers
door door
latch latch
striker striker
plate plate
u/s unserviceable
UP6955 <id>
Repair repair
coolant coolant
leak leak
l/h left hand
bank bank
5635 <id>
House house
Roller roller
Bushes bushes
Greasing greasing
Resocket resocket
Hoist hoist
Ropes ropes
526 <id>
- -
Overhead overhead
Cranes cranes
& and
Supports supports
cable cable
move move
from from
one one
bench bench
to to
another another
brake brake
calipers calipers
seizing seizing
up up
#104 number <num>
S/Down shut down
Machine machine
Owners owners
Lab laboratory
TXF5150 <id>
Remove remove
existing existing
weld-on weld-on
wing wing
shroud shroud
7897 <id>
Swing swing
No1 number <num>
Inter intermediate
Shft shaft
RH right hand
C/out-Mech change out - mechanical
cheak check
ropes ropes
Alt alternator
not not
charging charging
Various various
lighting lighting
repairs repairs
required required
Clar <sensitive>
5172R <id>
- -
Machine machine
Service service
250hr <num> hour
Install install
Magnetic magnetic
Filter filter
SA923 <id>
JqyquZPru5 <id>
LK621 <id>
Travel travel
Trans transmission
Duo duo-cone
Seals seals
C/Out change out
GREASE grease
SYS system
- -
NOT not
PUMPING pumping
Repais repairs
to to
L3 <id>
Boom boom
cluster cluster
drag drag
loop loop
6 <num>
flts faults
Grease grease
leak leak
at at
bottom bottom
of of
Centre centre
pintal pintle
dump dump
rope rope
came came
out out
R <id>
cable cable
work work
brake brake
fault fault
HV high voltage
tripped tripped
left left
side side
tugger tugger
winch winch
rope rope
us unserviceable
526 <id>
Chain chain
Hoist hoist
RHS right hand side
Ladder ladder
- -
Damaged damaged
Bag bag
trace trace
& and
repair repair
air air
leak leak
in in
air air
system system
replace replace
#1 number <num>
swing swing
transmission transmission
filter filter
Arc arc
Net net
Project project
Sprotty Sprotty
Replace replace
Top top
Carrier carrier
Rollers rollers
replace replace
blown blown
oring o-ring
Dirt dirt
chute chute
sheve sheave
bolts bolts
need need
to to
be be
wired wired
set set
limits limits
R/H/S right hand side
winch winch
rope rope
bird bird
caged caged
Inspect/clean inspect / clean
hoist/softstart hoist / softstart
cabinets cabinets
defect defect
report report
seat seat
compressor compressor
n/w not working
UR4465 <id>
Repair repair
battery battery
isolator isolator
pick pick
up up
pipe pipe
leaking leaking
front front
diff differential
of of
007 <id>
Both both
Rear rear
Struts struts
U/S unserviceable
install install
# number
3 <num>
swing swing
motor motor
YR1007 <id>
Cooling cooling
system system
pressurising pressurising
RH right hand
propel propel
brake brake
rubbing rubbing
Argon <sensitive>
H14H <id>
- -
Final final
Drive drive
LH left hand
Centre centre
C/out change out
AIR air
CONDITIONING conditioning
- -
AIR air
CON conditioner
MOUNT mount
BOLTS bolts
stop stop
warning warning
light light
coming coming
up up
on on
dash dash
Load load
the the
drag drag
rope rope
sleds sleds
Half half
of of
battery battery
box box
lid lid
missing missing
tighten tighten
#4 number <num>
swing swing
box box
cover cover
bolts bolts
C <id>
- -
Weekly weekly
Rope rope
Work work
526 <id>
boom boom
handrails handrails
cracked cracked
mid mid
pipe pipe
8664 <id>
8098 <num>
Emergency week
Stop emergency-stop
Service service
Install install
anti anti
roll roll
pads pads
changed changed
contaminated contaminated
engine engine
oil oil
REPLACE replace
LEAKING leaking
QUICK quick
FILL fill
NOZZLE nozzle
7897 <id>
Drag drag
No4 number <num>
Motor motor
Overhaul-Elec/Mech overhaul - electrical / mechanical
REPLACE replace
TRANSMISSION transmission
WIRING wiring
HARNESS harness
Investigate investigate
Dirt dirt
and and
Water water
entry entry
F/Drive final drive
hoist hoist
for for
HV high voltage
cable cable
no no
outward outward
motion motion
RH right hand
STEER steering
SHACKLE shankle
BUSHES bushes
NEED need
REPLACING replacing
Replace replace
LHS left hand side
Engine engine
Bay bay
Door door
latch latch
trace trace
and and
report report
source source
of of
eng engine
oil oil
leak leak
MOBILE mobile
5H <id>
Internal internal
Labour labour
W51 week <num>
REPLACE replace
DRIVE drive
BRAKE brake
PADS pads
End end
for for
end end
the the
upper upper
hoist hoist
Chains chains
Sample sample
lube lube
tank tank
& and
feed feed
line line
to to
Drag drag
Brg bearing
LH left hand
side side
large large
air air
tank tank
fitting fitting
leaking leaking
8664 <id>
1WK <num> week
Sled sled
and and
Bucket bucket
Insp inspection
Hoist hoist
equaliser equaliser
broken broken
Rope rope
off off
sheave sheave
5635 <id>
Weekly weekly
Rope rope
Work work
WK week
74 <num>
# number
5 <num>
swing swing
brake brake
spring spring
plate plate
worn worn
req requires
re replacing
Replace replace
tail tail
and and
clearance clearance
lights lights
060 <id>
- -
Z07 <id>
D18 <id>
Chord chord
Thickness thickness
crop crop
drag drag
ropes ropes
bulb bulb
out out
in in
left left
rear rear
house house
light light
air air
filter filter
indicator indicator
u/s unserviceable
Drag drag
motor motor
9 <id>
screaming screaming
sub sub
fire fire
system system
gone gone
off off
front front
grill grill
assm assembly
requires requires
replacing replacing
supply supply
hoses hoses
to to
cab cabin
tilt tilt
ram ram
u/s unserviceable
zone zone
13 <id>
Flame flame
detector detector
fault fault
- -
isolated isolated
LOOSE loose
WHEEL wheel
STUDS studs
ON on
POS position
9/10 <num> / <num>
rope rope
oil oil
sys system
U <id>
not not
working working
Jay <sensitive>
FJ1 <id>
hoist hoist
brakes brakes
faulty faulty
pin pin
had had
fell fell
out out
of of
spreader spreader
bar bar
5635 <id>
Exhaust exhaust
Fan fan
No3 number <num>
Overhaul overhaul
Elec/Mech electrical / mechanical
THROUGH through
SHAFT shaft
SEAL seal
LEAKING leaking
CP9404 <id>
oil oil
leak leak
Slack slack
rope rope
tripping tripping
dragline dragline
sub sub
tripped tripped
on on
E/C electrical
drop drop
power power
to to
sets sets
install install
hand handrail
returns returns
BRAKES brakes
WONT won't
HOLD hold
DUE due
TO to
AIR air
LEAK leak
REVOLVING revolving
LIGHT light
SWITCH switch
ON on
DASH dash
IS is
BROKEN broken
5635 <id>
Tunnel tunnel
Roller roller
Inspection inspection
Mech mechanical
locate locate
new new
screws screws
for for
cabinet cabinet
door door
Shave/scrape shave / scrape
ped pedestal
bearing bearing
YV4 <id>
pump pump
revolving revolving
frame frame
lighting lighting
repairs repairs
LK621 <id>
Rinachi <sensitive>
Daily daily
Inspections inspections
WK week
22 <num>
diff differential
lock lock
switch switch
wiring wiring
broken broken
Rear rear
Centre centre
CAble cable
Winch winch
Leaking leaking
OIl oil
Broken broken
pair pair
link link
Dragline dragline
fan fan
testing testing
Lobb <sensitive>
KD208 <id>
CM condition monitoring
Oil oil
Sampling sampling
Dragline dragline
060 <id>
fire fire
system system
bottle bottle
bracket bracket
broken broken
Replace replace
Fuel fuel
Pump pump
MOBILE mobile
5H <id>
Internal internal
Labour labour
W42 week <num>
Power power
to to
compressors compressors
tripped tripped
Cable cable
Move move
- -
cable cable
out out
guage gauge
on on
compressor compressor
air air
reg regulator
u/s unserviceable
CABIN cabin
- -
SEAT seat
U/S unserviceable
Replace replace
brake brake
solenoid solenoid
valves valves
on on
swing swing
2 <num>
Bucket bucket
4 <num>
repairs repairs
Argon <sensitive>
H14H <id>
- -
Machine machine
Service service
250hr <num> hour
engine engine
shut shut
down down
issue issue
idle idle
timer timer
u/s unserviceable
7897 <id>
Boom boom
Point point
Sheaves sheaves
Overhaul-Mech overhaul - mechanical
won't won't
change change
gears gears
CU1809 <id>
Drive driveshaft
worn worn
out out
gbx gearbox
power power
supply supply
fault fault
Mast mast
Weld weld
Repairs repairs
2500FP924 <id>
Investigate investigate
Unusual unusual
noise noise
from from
DE <id>
N03 number <num>
cover cover
off off
motor motor
888 <id>
- -
500 <num>
Hr hour
Service service
heater heater
control control
knob knob
missing missing
coolant coolant
leak leak
front front
of of
engine engine
LK9 <id>
arcing arcing
cable cable
reroute reroute
after after
shot shot
RADIO radio
COMMS communications
- -
TWO two-way
DROPPING dropping
OUT out
lh left hand
propel propel
lube lube
fault fault
coolant coolant
pump pump
not not
working working
Roof roof
lights lights
not not
working working
8664 <id>
Swing swing
Rack rack
Pinion pinion
Insp inspection
Argon <sensitive>
H14H <id>
- -
Final final
Drive drive
RH right hand
Front front
C/out change out
unload unload
new new
bucket bucket
/ /
load load
old old
bucket bucket
7897 <id>
Drag drag
No2 number <num>
Gear gearcase
Overhaul-Mech overhaul - mechanical
BOTTOM bottom
RADIATOR radiator
HOSE hose
WORN worn
Transfer transfer
cam cam
lube lube
drum drum
to to
outside outside
neutral neutral
plane plane
check check
on on
ZX7 <id>
REPLACE replace
LH left hand
STEER steering
REAR rear
GUARD guard
MUDFLAP mudflap
Remove remove
oil oil
from from
swing swing
area area
Noise noise
in in
lh left hand
walk walk
assy assembly
lost lost
lip lip
shroud shroud
526 <id>
- -
No number
7 <num>
Swing swing
Brake brake
Shoe shoe
U/S unserviceable
estop emergency-stop
missing missing
Change change
oil oil
UG8 <id>
Qbr8 <id>
R/h right hand
motor motor
control control
centre centre
tripped tripped
Cable cable
work work
Rear rear
door door
jammed jammed
Park park
brake brake
switch switch
u/s unserviceable
Power power
tripped tripped
off off
at at
sub sub
VistaCam <sensitive>
screen screen
position position
ot not
updating updating
vegetation vegetation
removal removal
7897 <id>
Swing swing
Motor motor
Lube lube
Argon <sensitive>
H14H <id>
- -
Final final
Drive drive
RH right hand
Rear rear
C/out change out
5H <id>
Lean lean
for for
Remington <sensitive>
Wksp workshop
WK week
55 <num>
Flush flush
& and
Change change
Oil oil
YV4 <id>
Thrust thrust
Inspect inspect
& and
Replace replace
track track
rollers rollers
as as
requi required
7897 <id>
Swing swing
No3 number <num>
Gear gearcase
Overhaul overhaul
-Mech - mechanical
7897 <id>
Prop prop
Lower lower
3rd third
Pin pin
Shaft shaft
C/Out-Mech change out - mechanical
Inspection inspection
& and
Windaq WinDaq
Recordings recordings
Hoist hoist
Mtr motor
split split
and and
remove remove
old old
cables cables
Walk walk
Chain chain
Fault fault
dragline dragline
5 <num>
fault fault
comms communications
error error
swing swing
temp temperature
alarm alarm
on on
removed removed
isolation isolation
External external
power power
supply supply
dip dip
REPLACE replace
ENGINE engine
FAN fan
BELTS belts
chech check
drag drag
ropes ropes
AIR air
COMPRESSOR compressor
#2 number <num>
TO to
BE be
BOLTED bolted
DOWN down
& and
FI fitted
8664 <id>
Auxiliary auxiliary
Sheave sheave
Platform platform
Install install
change change
out out
figure figure
of of
8 eight
exit exit
lights lights
in in
sub sub
out out
recrify rectify
fault fault
in in
circuit circuit
fox fox
888 <id>
- -
1000 <num>
Hr hour
Service service
EG0635 <id>
Replace replace
RT7 <id>
cabinet cabinet
pressurizer pressurizer
replace replace
fan fan
belt belt
8664 <id>
24WK <num> week
Roller roller
Path path
External external
Insp inspection
Replace replace
brush brush
arm arm
Hoist hoist
gen generator
6 <num>
Loose loose
wheel wheel
studs studs
pos position
7/Wheel <num> / wheel
studs studs
ok okay
operators operators
seat seat
mechanism mechanism
u/s unserviceable
- -
Swing swing
Shaft shaft
# number
7 <num>
5635 <id>
Intake intake
Fan fan
No9 number <num>
Overhaul-Elec/Mech overhaul - electrical / mechanical
Boom boom
Lube lube
Ball Ball
Valve valve
Replace replace
repair repair
highwall highwall
chain chain
swivel swivel
on on
Ramp ramp
0 <num>
not not
working working
7897 <id>
Aux auxiliary
FOX <sensitive>
Engine engine
Lube lube
Service service
straighten straighten
rock rock
guard guard
on on
bucket bucket
test test
and and
tag tag
equip equipment
drag drag
generator generator
exiter exiter
fault fault
A <id>
line line
air air
reg regulator
leak leak
REPORTED reported
RIPPER ripper
BOOT boot
MISSING missing
exhaust exhaust
fan fan
1&5 <num> and <num>
not not
running running
No number
7 <num>
Swing swing
brakepads brakepads
worn worn
Argon <sensitive>
GI4 <id>
- -
2000 <num>
Hr hour
Air air
Con conditioner
Service service
8 <num>
monthly monthly
earth earth
leakage leakage
tests tests
kwik Kwik
tip Tip
lost lost
swing swing
hoist hoist
brakes brakes
not not
holding holding
repair repair
accident accident
damage damage
shoe shoe
handrail handrail
r/h right hand
swing swing
faults faults
/Change / change
out out
motor motor
r/h right hand
duo duo-cone
leaking leaking
7897 <id>
Intake intake
Fan fan
No12 number <num>
Overhaul-Elec/Mech overhaul - electrical / mechanical
LK621 <id>
Rinachi <sensitive>
1000hr <num> hour
Services services
Plan plan
AIR air
CONDITIONING conditioning
- -
A/C air conditioner
BLOWING blowing
HOT hot
AIR air
Replace replace
bolts bolts
on on
retaining retaining
cover cover
repair repair
coolant coolant
leak leak
from from
sight sight
glasses glasses
neutral neutral
plane plane
adjustment adjustment
ZX7 <id>
0 <num>
5mm <num> mm
compressor compressor
hyd hydraulic
motor motor
output output
shaft shaft
u/s unserviceable
C/O change out
drag drag
rope rope
sockets sockets
Replace replace
Oil oil
in in
Hoist hoist
G/Box gearbox
# number
4 <num>
no no
swing swing
LH left hand
front front
guard guard
bracket bracket
broken broken
Pressure pressure
relief relief
valve valve
- -
test test
or or
replace replace
Escort escort
bucket bucket
to to
KD208 <id>
bucket bucket
calibration calibration
with with
leica Leica
LR2095 <id>
Engine engine
coolant coolant
leak leak
pa0223 <id>
drive drive
vibration vibration
rn1308 <id>
diff differential
lube lube
presure pressure
error error
Replace replace
Operators operators
Seat seat
Clean/inspect clean / inspect
all all
machine machine
cameras cameras
8664 <id>
12WK <num> week
Pedestal pedestal
Service service
Modifications modifications
to to
cable cable
boat boat
3WS145 <id>
oil oil
leak leak
bucket bucket
grab grab
P129 <id>
- -
1000 <num>
Hr hour
Service service
LH left hand
external external
mirror mirror
bracket bracket
loose loose
007 <id>
Axton <sensitive>
Hire hire
Truck truck
- -
500 <num>
Hr hour
Service service
Unable unable
to to
drain drain
air air
off off
seat seat
W/Place workplace
Insp inspection
- -
4015 <id>
Hardstand hardstand
Area area
macine macine
shut shutdown
check check
steering steering
kingpins kingpins
& and
frt front
w/bearings wheel bearings
radio radio
reception reception
very very
bad bad
Bonnet bonnet
latch latch
missing missing
Record record
all all
resolver resolver
information information
repair repair
various various
lights lights
n/w not working
No no
dash dash
power power
Dispensing dispensing
pump pump
alternator alternator
not not
charging charging
Electrical electrical
Optimisation optimisation
Study study
RHS right hand side
air air
tank tank
straps straps
broken broken
LK621 <id>
LHS left hand side
Carrier carrier
Roller roller
Change-out change out
7897 <id>
Hoist hoist
No2 number <num>
Gear gearcase
Overhaul-Mech overhaul - mechanical
Replace replace
Drag drag
Ropes ropes
060 <id>
#2 number <num>
swing swing
gearcase gearcase
re-build rebuild
track track
repair repair
J junction
box box
exhaust exhaust
fan fan
7 <num>
Some some
grease grease
points points
not not
taking taking
grease grease
Hoist hoist
brake brake
release release
probs problems
Replace replace
precleaner pre-cleaner
housing housing
replace replace
quick Kwik
tip Tip
walking walking
cam cam
lube lube
fault fault
room room
over overtemperature
alarm alarm
alt alternator
u/s unserviceable
LH left hand
crane crane
intermittant intermittent
faults faults
060 <id>
- -
LHS left hand side
Lower lower
Apex apex
4 <num>
Crack crack
Repair repair
Repair repair
A/C air conditioner
system system
repair repair
air air
switch switch
repair repair
grease grease
auto auto
lube lube
timer timer
reset reset
a A-frame
lights lights
rear rear
cab cabin
latch latch
assm assembly
elect electrical
trigger trigger
switch switch
Set set-up
bolt bolt
racks racks
Create create
Wiring wiring
Prints prints
Light light
& and
Power power
Board board
RH right hand
Quick Kwik
tip Tip
missing missing
Drag drag
Rope rope
crop crop
5metres <num> metres
Oil oil
dirty dirty
change change
& and
check check
breathers breathers
etc etc
Mount mount
fire fire
ext extinguisher
master master
brake brake
isolator isolator
valve valve
very very
tight tight
478 <id>
Rinachi <sensitive>
Daily daily
Inspections inspections
LH left hand
rear rear
storage storage
compartment compartment
damaged damaged
Check check
lubrication lubrication
#1 number <num>
8664 <id>
Susp suspension
Rope rope
Radiography radiography
Locn location
2 <num>
reported reported
air air
leak leak
near near
no-2 number <num>
compressor compressor
Replace replace
0 <num>
Adaptors adaptors
& and
teeth teeth
Foxy-Electrical Foxy - electrical
projects projects
Filter filter
Fan14 fan <num>
not not
working working
battery battery
box box
mount mount
bolts bolts
loose loose
RH right hand
Side side
Camera camera
not not
working working
Replace replace
seat seat
dampener dampener
trace trace
and and
repair repair
exhaust exhaust
brake brake
n/w not working
Swing swing
overvoltage overvoltage
trips trips
X x
1 <num>
SU1902 <id>
REMOVE remove
BLADE blade
AND and
DRAFT draft
ARMS arms
Banlaw Banlaw
3748 <id>
nozzle nozzle
broken broken
RHS right hand side
traction traction
motor motor
seal seal
leaking leaking
stop stop
pad pad
fallen fallen
out out
of of
boom boom
point point
sheave sheave
Inspect inspect
HV high voltage
Earths earths
Replace replace
R/H right hand
dump dump
socket socket
a/c air conditioner
fan fan
not not
working working
on on
all all
speeds speeds
Replace replace
handrails handrails
at at
rear rear
of of
sheave sheave
replace replace
faulty faulty
headlight headlight
rotary rotary
switch switch
transmission transmission
bell bell
housing housing
bolts bolts
missing missing
trace trace
& and
repair repair
hyd hydraulic
leak leak
from from
artic Artic
area area
985 <id>
Argon <sensitive>
H14H <id>
2000 <num>
Hr hour
Service service
service service
wont won't
go go
into into
propel propel
pcr PCR
bus bus
supply supply
breaker breaker
shunt shunt
trip trip
U/S unserviceable
REPLACE replace
REAR rear
LUBE lube
MODULE module
CONTROL control
I <id>
C/B circuit breaker
for for
Aux auxiliary
from from
small small
Gen generator
Set set
U/S unserviceable
replace replace
faulty faulty
condenser condenser
fans fans
WARRANTY warranty
L/H left hand
Shoe shoe
Pin pin
Walked walk
Out out
F/Drive final drive
Duo duo-cone
seals seals
& and
Bearing bearing
engine engine
coolant coolant
leak leak
Hoist hoist
motor motor
over overtemperature
DX8213 <id>
park park
brake brake
release release
hose hose
leaking leaking
060 <id>
L/H left hand
Cam cam
frame frame
rear rear
joint joint
bolts bolts
loose loose
cable cable
repair repair
LH left hand
steer steering
spring spring
U-bolts U-bolts
loose loose
replace replace
wfc WFC
contactor contactor
MOBILE mobile
5H <id>
Internal internal
Labour labour
W39 week <num>
Checkout checkout
HV high voltage
room room
with with
heat heat
gun gun
UG8 <id>
Cracks cracks
- -
cable cable
tray tray
supports supports
Fortnightly fortnightly
sub sub
inspection inspection
ll124 <id>
sub sub
Inspect inspect
& and
Record record
Surge surge
Arrestors arrestors
& and
HV high voltage
Fu fuses
OIL oil
LEAKS leaks
FROM from
REAR rear
COMPARTMENT compartment
hme HME
951 <id>
fault fault
W/Place workplace
Insp inspection
- -
4354 <id>
Maint maintenance
Blg building
Upper upper
Lvl level
replace replace
cutting cutting
edges edges
8664 <id>
3YR <num> year
Motor motor
Mounts mounts
Insp inspection
6 <num>
Cab cabin
Windows windows
repotred reported
Cracked cracked
- -
Inspect inspect
Replace replace
#1 number <num>
hoist hoist
lube lube
filter filter
7897 <id>
Hoist hoist
No1 number <num>
Motor motor
Overhaul-Elec/Mech overhaul - electrical / mechanical
Start start
diesel diesel
genset generator set
7897 <id>
Hoist hoist
No1 number <num>
Inter intermediate
Gear gear
Changeout-Mech change out - mechanical
MOBILE mobile
5H <id>
Internal internal
Labour labour
W40 week <num>
bucket bucket
repairs repairs
02/04 <date>
Repairs repairs
from from
Sept September
thermo thermography
report report
HYD hydraulic
PUMP pump
- -
MAIN main
- -
COOLANT coolant
PUMP pump
U/S unserviceable
Hoist hoist
Drum drum
End end
Spiders spiders
& and
Bolt bolt
526 <id>
Dragline dragline
- -
Rem remaining
8 <num>
to to
be be
Finished finished
lost lost
ripper ripper
boot boot
Reolace replace
#2 number <num>
drag drag
lube lube
filter filter
drag drag
limits limits
reset reset
Weld weld
grease grease
tray tray
frame frame
cable cable
work work
003 <id>
14/11/0009 <date>
Check check
condition condition
of of
all all
hydraulic hydraulic
hoses hoses
Crop crop
drag drag
ropes ropes
and and
replace replace
thimble thimble
replaced replaced
relief relief
valve valve
on on
A <id>
system system
replace replace
precleaner pre-cleaner
elements elements
x x
1 <num>
lost lost
air air
pressure pressure
WarrantyReplace warranty replace
shaft shaft
seal seal
on on
compressor compressor
Dirt dirt
Chute chute
Sheave sheave
Segment segment
Replace replace
060 <id>
Weekly weekly
Inspection inspection
Mechanical mechanical
trace trace
and and
repair repair
evacuation evacuation
pump pump
n/w not working
air air
horn horn
n/w not working
needs needs
replacing replacing
FIT fit
TAPE tape
TO to
ELECTRICAL electrical
COMPONENTS components
replace replace
primary primary
fuel fuel
filter filter
bowl bowl
Grease grease
lines lines
at at
bucket bucket
damaged damaged
Ladder ladder
support support
chafing chafing
lacing lacing
on on
mast mast
REPORTED reported
NO no
ENGINE engine
START start
insulation insulation
under under
cab cabin
fallen fallen
down down
fit fit
new new
recycling recycling
pump pump
TO to
CATALOGUE catalogue
PUMPS pumps
526 <id>
Pre pre-service
Inspect inspect
Electrical electrical
5H <id>
Lean lean
for for
Remington <sensitive>
Wksp workshop
WK week
03 <num>
06 <num>
Check check
hoist hoist
motor motor
temps temperatures
Roll roller
Drag drag
shackles shackles
at at
bucket bucket
end end
Shoe shoe
error error
unable unable
to to
walk walk
inspect inspect
for for
cross cross
contamination contamination
in in
tank tank
lost lost
dcs DCS
screens screens
LH left hand
rear rear
wheel wheel
chock chock
box box
loose loose
hyd hydraulic
oil oil
laek leak
Ground ground
faults faults
when when
walking walking
Becketed Becketed
dump dump
rope rope
trial trial
Cable cable
move move
RETARDER retarder
NOT not
WORKING working
CORRECTLY correctly
Bucket bucket
# number
6 <num>
Nose nose
Repairs repairs
trace trace
& and
report report
air air
leak leak
from from
valve valve
24wk <num> week
services services
mcc MCC
service service
060 <id>
cracks cracks
in in
diagonal diagonal
braces braces
in in
fr front
light light
out out
- -
Hoist hoist
Final final
Drive drive
Pinion pinion
Shafts shafts
A A-frame
lights lights
out out
LK621 <id>
Rinachi <sensitive>
1000 <num>
Hr hour
Service service
5 <num>
monthly monthly
test test
and and
tag tag
Sx969 <id>
no number
3 <num>
swing swing
box box
input input
seal seal
leaking leaking
right right
walk walk
motor motor
brakes brakes
sticking sticking
Replace replace
the the
pie pie
warmer warmer
L/H left hand
Middle middle
Roof roof
Light light
Replace replace
dump dump
socket socket
washers washers
oil oil
leak leak
@ at
pony pony
drive drive
pinion pinion
drag drag
final final
drive drive
segments segments
u/s unserviceable
repair repair
boom boom
lights lights
not not
done done
on on
service service
Resocket resocket
drag drag
ropes ropes
replace replace
cab cabin
latch latch
asem assembly
sensors sensors
7897 <id>
Tub tub
Hook/King hook / king
Post post
Clearance-Mech clearance - mechanical
scope scope
up up
A/C air conditioner
not not
cold cold
scheduled scheduled
replacment replacement
of of
centre centre
bearing bearing
6 <num>
boom boom
lts lights
out out
Reported reported
coolant coolant
won't won't
pump pump
#2 number <num>
Hoist hoist
Blower blower
Terminal terminal
Box box
loose loose
Bulk bulk
fuel fuel
nozzle nozzle
not not
working working
properly properly
Sync synchronous
motor motor
field field
unbalance unbalance
RHR right hand rear
Tremel trammel
wheel wheel
snapped snapped
off off
R/H/S right hand side
Fairlead fairlead
frame frame
cracked cracked
060 <id>
- -
L4 <id>
Cluster cluster
Inspect inspection
R/H right hand
Final final
Drive drive
oil oil
sample sample
- -
ABNORMAL abnormal
replace replace
tooth tooth
and and
adaptor adaptor
LK621 <id>
Rinachi <sensitive>
Daily daily
Inspections inspections
WK07 week <num>
TAILSHAFT tailshaft
SLIDE slide
ASSEMBLY assembly
WORN worn
5635 <id>
Renew renew
Swing/Hoist/Drag swing / hoist / drag
Breather breather
Replace replace
quick Kwik
tips Tips
on on
060 <id>
bucket bucket
Repair repair
cracks cracks
in in
the the
front/ front /
top top
of of
arch arch
Rollers rollers
u/s unserviceable
P replace
armature armature
on on
Hoist hoist
genset generator set
6 <num>
5635 <id>
Drag drag
Chain chain
R/H right hand
Changeout-Mechanical change out - mechanical
5635 <id>
Intermediate intermediate
Ropes ropes
Adjust-Mech adjust - mechanical
0 <num>
monthly monthly
test test
and and
tag tag
A <id>
Lube lube
system system
main main
gauge gauge
u/s unserviceable
Both both
outer outer
headlights headlights
cracked cracked
8664 <id>
Dump dump
Connecting connecting
Links links
- -
bowtie bowtie
drag drag
chain chain
fault fault
CMVA condition monitoring vibration analysis
Investigate investigate
Poor poor
VA vibration analysis
result result
Air air
Lubricators lubricators
Replace replace
swing swing
generator generator
overvoltage overvoltage
rh right hand
top top
cab cabin
flood flood
missing missing
R/H/S/Inner right hand side inner
Shoe shoe
retainer retainer
bolt bolt
broken broken
RV0327 <id>
missing missing
pin pin
A A-frame
air air
sys system
leaking leaking
loosing loosing
air air
wiring wiring
to to
control control
solenoid solenoid
faulty faulty
CHECK check
STEERING steering
& and
STEER steering
W/BEARINGS wheel bearings
E/L electrical
Trials trips
on on
LH left hand
rear rear
door door
XH9110 <id>
Leaking leaking
Radiator radiator
Repair repair
all all
interior interior
lighting lighting
0 <num>
teemp temperature
alarms alarms
up up
at at
same same
time time
repair repair
ibs IBS
adjusting adjusting
gear gearboxes
bleeder bleeder
screw screw
on on
filter filter
mount mount
broken broken
W/Place workplace
Insp inspection
- -
4927 <id>
West west
Erection erection
Pad pad
Hoist hoist
generator generator
4 <num>
was was
sparking sparking
Roof roof
Lighting lighting
Repairs repairs
C <id>
Weekly weekly
Service service
Electrical electrical
INSPECT inspect
& and
REPAIR repair
P-STEERING power steering
PIPE pipe
LEAKING leaking
Recocket resocket
hoist hoist
ropes ropes
renew renew
tub tub
input input
11kv <num> kV
adaptor adaptor
upper upper
spreader spreader
bar bar
cracked cracked
-replace - replace
12/02 <date>
CM condition monitoring
Inspection inspection
Excavator excavator
1500 <num>
Hr hour
5H <id>
Lean lean
for for
Remington <sensitive>
Wksp workshop
WK week
54 <num>
Fire fire
system system
alarm alarm
Swing swing
pinion pinion
bolts bolts
broken broken
both both
drive drive
axles axles
require require
bump bump
stops stops
CM condition monitoring
- -
Boom boom
Cluster cluster
Inspection inspection
boom boom
lights lights
tripped tripped
broken broken
grease grease
lines lines
on on
boom boom
& and
h H-link
Walk walk
Shoe shoe
Bolts bolts
Replace replace
L left
H hand
S side
chain chain
hoist hoist
faulty faulty
lower lower
button button
Light light
Vehicle vehicle
680 <id>
Inspection inspection
WK10 week <num>
Clar <sensitive>
5172R <id>
- -
250 <num>
Hr hour
Service service
Cutting cutting
edge edge
bolts bolts
missing missing
5635 <id>
Drag drag
Ropes ropes
Changeout-Mechanical change out - mechanical
C/O change out
the the
riser riser
shrouds shrouds
LH left hand
bonnet bonnet
locator locator
broken broken
rear rear
perspects Perspex
window window
broken broken
Monthly monthly
Sub sub
Inspections inspections
a/c air conditioner
wiring wiring
to to
compressor compressor
faulty faulty
MOBILE mobile
5H <id>
Internal internal
Labour labour
W33 week <num>
11-17/18 <date>
to to
Calibrate calibrate
Load load
Cell cell
reported reported
engine engine
will will
not not
start start
Install install
a a
in in
Hoist hoist
Drum drum
Lost lost
all all
lights lights
and and
power power
7897 <id>
Swing swing
No1 number <num>
Motor motor
Changeout-Elec/Mech change out - electrical / mechanical
014 <id>
Excavator excavator
Daily daily
Inspections inspections
C/O change out
risers risers
SA923 <id>
DTS <sensitive>
inspect inspect
guide guide
needed needed
coolant coolant
reel reel
P <id>
Weekly weekly
Rope rope
Work work
R623 <id>
- -
250 <num>
Hr hour
Service service
REPORTED reported
OPERATORS operators
SEAT seat
DEFECT defect
Boom boom
Lights lights
to to
be be
Modified modified
Rope rope
needs needs
to to
be be
lubricated lubricated
526 <id>
# number
9 <num>
drag drag
brake brake
cover cover
damaged damaged
Oil oil
leak leak
on on
'T' <id>
coupler coupler
Replace replace
bonnet bonnet
strut strut
Repair repair
oil oil
leak leak
060 <id>
HV high voltage
INTERLOCKING interlocking
no no
boom boom
lights lights
Degreaser degreaser
bath bath
requires requires
a a
light light
Hoist hoist
Pony Pony
drive drive
actuator actuator
u/s unserviceable
SG6 <id>
High high
Side side
wall wall
Mica Mica
Hoist hoist
Drag drag
Fault fault
CH8047 <id>
Coolant coolant
flow flow
switch switch
faulty faulty
R/H/S right hand side
Dump dump
rope rope
damaged damaged
26/08 <date>
GD <id>
fortnightly fortnightly
sub sub
inspection inspection
H high
V voltage
Collector collector
Earth earth
Shoes shoes
need need
replacin replacing
Tyco Tyco
to to
conduct conduct
repair repair
work work
noted noted
bottle bottle
bolt bolt
pulling pulling
bolt bolt
thread thread
damaged damaged
5635 <id>
Weekly weekly
Service service
Electrical electrical
Skim skim
swing swing
gen generator
2 <num>
replace replace
cracked cracked
front front
grill grill
assembly assembly
526 <id>
Dragline-Re-Install dragline - reinstall
Swg swing
Motor motor
No number
0 <num>
HYDRAULIC hydraulic
OIL oil
LEAK leak
5635 <id>
Hoist hoist
Chains chains
Changeout-Mech change out - mechanical
Repair repair
cable cable
boat boat
at at
dragline dragline
Swing swing
Loop loop
5 <num>
ground ground
fault fault
warning warning
and and
8664 <id>
1WK <num> week
Mech mechanical
Insp inspection
Runing running
l/h left hand
drag drag
roller roller
u/s unserviceable
Left left
fan fan
mcc MCC
strip/clean/inspect strip / clean / inspect
connect connect
boom boom
air air
to to
maint maintenance
line line
MG motor generator
Set set
3 <num>
Pedestal pedestal
4 <num>
low low
oil oil
remove remove
hand hand
rails rails
inspect inspect
& and
replace replace
sheave sheave
segment segment
bolts bolts
3 <num>
monthly monthly
Left left
Deck deck
Service service
end end
of of
line line
press pressure
switch switch
playing playing
up up
install install
overcentre overcentre
latches latches
for for
tool tool
P fabricate
and and
install install
cabinet cabinet
5635 <id>
House house
Roller roller
Bushes bushes
Grease-Mech grease - mechanical
Recheck recheck
wheel wheel
bearing bearing
adjustment adjustment
Check check
and and
repair repair
rear rear
house house
doors doors
Cable cable
unwrap unwrap
from from
tub tub
replace replace
4 <num>
bottom bottom
track track
load load
rollers rollers
dust dust
entry entry
into into
cab cabin
door door
vents vents
3Month <num> month
Tool tool
Insp inspection
Crew crew
- -
Mobile mobile
reported reported
drag drag
shackle shackle
pin pin
coming coming
out out
hyd hydraulic
oil oil
leak leak
Dump dump
rope rope
pin pin
missing missing
5635 <id>
Drag drag
Motor/Blower motor / blower
Lube-Electrical lube - electrical
PX9 <id>
Pedestal pedestal
8 <num>
- -
Oil oil
Sample sample
required required
cab cabin
jacking jacking
cylinder cylinder
ends ends
u/s unserviceable
Drag drag
tun tune
roller roller
bracket/bearings bracket / bearings
Replace replace
broken broken
bolts bolts
Swing swing
6 <num>
Pinnion pinion
exhaust exhaust
flexi-joint flexible joint
near near
turbo turbo
is is
broken broken
li648 <id>
missing missing
cntr centre
pintle pintle
bolt bolt
open open
electrical electrical
room room
for for
vistacam <sensitive>
downloads downloads
Rear rear
Hoist hoist
Drum drum
Cross cross
beam beam
fit fit
lights lights
sync synchronous
motor motor
1 <num>
relay relay
fault fault
trip trip
lube lube
module module
door door
latches latches
need need
replacment replacement
Need need
to to
change change
hoist hoist
brake brake
3 <num>
disc& disc and
pads pads
munber number
2 <num>
quick Kwik
tip Tip
work work
light light
out out
Phones phones
not not
working working
Assist assist
leica Leica
replace replace
lube lube
module module
mount mount
bolts bolts
LH left hand
headlight headlight
u/s unserviceable
Replace replace
RH right hand
clearance clearance
light light
REPAIR repair
EXHAUST exhaust
BRAKE brake
N/W not working
LK621 <id>
Lower lower
Roller roller
Change change
Out out
7897 <id>
- -
Sus suspension
Rope rope
Mast mast
End end
Loc location
1 <num>
Re-socket resocket
drag drag
ropes ropes
526 <id>
monitor monitor
coupling coupling
seal seal
tv9 <id>
for for
leaks leaks
air air
ride ride
seat seat
valve valve
broken broken
Gq142 <id>
Fortnightly fortnightly
sub sub
inspection inspection
U <id>
system system
low low
pressure pressure
fault fault
Replace replace
O/L overload
Unit unit
for for
Transfer transfer
Switch switch
LHS left hand side
lost lost
ripper ripper
tyne tyne
rejoin rejoin
highwall highwall
chain chain
front front
bonnet bonnet
assembly assembly
requires requires
replacing replacing
OIL oil
LEAK leak
ON on
15W/40 <num>W/<num>
OIL oil
GUN gun
Rock rock
damaged damaged
machine machine
cable cable
cracked cracked
handrail handrail
on on
A-frame A-frame
swing swing
pinion pinion
9 <num>
- -
has has
6 <num>
broken broken
bolt bolt
5635 <id>
Internal internal
Exam examination
Of of
Fixed fixed
Equip equipment
7897 <id>
- -
Boom boom
Foot foot
Clevis clevis
Weld weld
& and
Pins pins
7 <num>
monthly monthly
Lube lube
Panel panel
Service service
526 <id>
Duo-cone duo-cone
seals seals
leaking leaking
# number
5 <num>
swing swing
injector injector
pump pump
linkages linkages
need need
refurb refurbishing
tighten tighten
loose loose
propel propel
frame frame
bolts bolts
change change
out out
u/s unserviceable
pump pump
on on
LL lower left
Resocket resocket
Hoist hoist
ropes ropes
on on
060 <id>
D/line dragline
earth earth
leakage leakage
trip trip
on on
qkg0 <id>
8664 <id>
Machine machine
End end
Drag drag
Shackle shackle
2 two-way
not not
working working
LH left hand
REAR rear
DRVE drive
BRAKES brakes
NOT not
ADJ adjusting
CORRECTLY correctly
throttle throttle
sticking sticking
Install install
Dump dump
Valves valves
no1 number <num>
hoist hoist
generator generator
flashed flashed
over over
5H <id>
Lean lean
for for
Remington <sensitive>
Wksp workshop
WK week
03 <num>
sideflow <sensitive>
to to
clean clean
Dyna Dynavanes
Emergency emergency
Lights lights
to to
be be
replaced replaced
no no
flashing flashing
light light
C <id>
Repair repair
Walkways walkways
& and
Handrails handrails
Open open
circiut circuit
pilot pilot
fault fault
on on
cable cable
engine engine
mounts mounts
0 <num>
monthly monthly
Em emergency
Lights lights
Service service
Finish finish
& and
Commision commision
9 <num>
Install install
wear wear
Package package
in in
bucket bucket
6 <num>
FU4218 <id>
Blade blade
& and
draft draft
arm arm
repairs repairs
No number
1 <num>
pinion pinion
leaking leaking
on on
pony pony
drive drive
side side
grease grease
leak leak
on on
boom boom
8664 <id>
Dump dump
Rope rope
Make make
Up up
7897 <id>
- -
Internal internal
Exam examination
of of
Fixed fixed
Equipment equipment
replace replace
steering steering
column column
cover cover
B- <id>
system system
lube lube
alarming alarming
check check
and and
report report
if if
diff differential
locks locks
working working
Ordering ordering
for for
bucket bucket
walking walking
cam cam
lube lube
XFox <sensitive>
742K <id>
- -
500 <num>
Hr hour
Service service
REPLACE replace
LH left hand
DRIVE drive
SPRING spring
TRUNNION trunnion
CAP cap
Broken broken
Shoe shoe
pin pin
retainer retainer
bolt bolt
NO5830 <id>
fuel fuel
guage gauge
not not
working working
Change change
out out
No1 number <num>
Drag drag
Motor motor
replace replace
pump pump
coupling coupling
rear rear
of of
module module
rescoket resocket
drag drag
ropes ropes
07/01 <date>
ground ground
fault fault
on on
propel propel
Weekly weekly
Inspection inspection
Electrical electrical
#105 number <num>
Wk17 week <num>
060 <id>
#1 number <num>
Drag drag
motor motor
to to
be be
changed changed
out out
replace replace
worn worn
out out
wiper wiper
blade blade
drag drag
loop loop
5 <num>
ground ground
fault fault
in in
propel propel
Replace replace
no number
9 <num>
swing swing
coupling coupling
bolt bolt
526 <id>
LHS left hand side
Propel propel
Wing wing
Floodlight floodlight
Out out
Cable cable
work work
as as
requested requested
by by
production production
Knee knee
link link
retainer retainer
bolts bolts
broken broken
propel propel
pto PTO
drive drive
shaft shaft
worn worn
needs needs
replacing replacing
New new
schematics schematics
to to
be be
checked checked
with with
wiring wiring
5635 <id>
A A-frame
Anchor anchor
Leg leg
Pins pins
Inspect inspection
SN3358 <id>
RH right hand
side side
carier carrier
roller roller
Put put
patch patch
on on
tail tail
cable cable
monitor monitor
fresh fresh
flash flash
DV7 <id>
Replace replace
A <id>
lube lube
system system
air air
valve valve
drag drag
ropes ropes
broken broken
Rear rear
Flashing flashing
light light
u/s unserviceable
C/O change out
Risers rims
Bucket bucket
2 <num>
Repairs repairs
5635 <id>
Intake intake
Fan fan
No8 number <num>
Overhaul-Elec/Mech overhaul - electrical / mechanical
HOSE hose
Reel reel
leaking leaking
for for
Eng engine
oil oil
AV4451 <id>
Hyd hydraulic
hose hose
leaking leaking
Left left
deck deck
mcc MCC
strip/clean/inspect strip / clean / inspect
MOBILE mobile
5H <id>
Internal internal
Labour labour
W04 week <num>
Inspect/service inspect / service
drag/walk drag / walk
cabinets cabinets
Sort sort
out out
earth earth
continuity continuity
relay relay
at at
sub sub
fit fit
new new
outer outer
RH right hand
air air
tank tank
bracket bracket
as as
526 <id>
Blow blow
out out
Gensets generator sets
compressor compressor
not not
working working
RETARDER retarder
BOTTOM bottom
COOLANT coolant
PIPE pipe
DAMAGED damaged
W/Place workplace
Insp inspection
Upper upper
Floor floor
Maint maintenance
Build build
Return return
the the
U U-tube
spreader spreader
bar bar
AO8864 <id>
Reseal reseal
coolant coolant
tubes tubes
diff differential
bottom bottom
control control
arms arms
u/s unserviceable
swing swing
brake brake
5 <num>
disc disc
warped warped
broken broken
hitch hitch
pin pin
crowd crowd
system system
hydraulic hydraulic
hose hose
blown blown
DE8488 <id>
repair repair
left left
rear rear
light light
5635 <id>
Intake intake
Fan fan
No6 number <num>
Overhaul-Elec/Mech overhaul - electrical / mechanical
no no
walk walk
FIT fit
NEW new
BOLTS bolts
TO to
BATT battery
BRACKETING bracketing
broke broke
a a
grease grease
fitting fitting
off off
the the
bucket bucket
ar arm
7897 <id>
- -
Weekly weekly
Rope rope
Work work
WK week
87 <num>
Machoona <sensitive>
JP <id>
095-6HY <id>
Mech mechanical
680 <id>
Insp inspection
WK week
46 <num>
REPLACE replace
A/C air conditioner
& and
ALTERNATOR alternator
BELTS belts
HV high voltage
procedure procedure
total total
isolation isolation
of of
ll124 <id>
turbo turbo
drain drain
pipe pipe
broken broken
The the
transducer transducer
on on
#6 number <num>
swing swing
is is
leaking leaking
Cable cable
work work
for for
re-route reroute
leak leak
out out
back back
of of
injector injector
pump pump
060 <id>
- -
F9 <id>
missing missing
poppet poppet
valve valve
drag drag
loop loop
6 <num>
ground ground
fault fault
W/Place workplace
Insp inspection
- -
8778 <id>
South south
Erection erection
Pad pad
LK621 <id>
Front front
Idler idler
Change change
Out out
Inspect inspect
bucket bucket
for for
missing missing
grouser grouser
bolts bolts
LHF left hand
& and
RHR right hand rear
drive drive
wheel wheel
spacers spacers
u/s unserviceable
Reset reset
drag drag
limits limits
after after
rope rope
work work
Replace replace
circulation circulation
filters filters
replace replace
power power
steering steering
hoses hoses
Bucket bucket
repairs repairs
change change
out out
on on
loan loan
hoist hoist
motor#1 motor number <num>
DMG damage
boom boom
hose hose
squashed squashed
5635 <id>
Propel propel
Coupling coupling
Lube lube
& and
Inspect-Mech inspect - mechanical
KD208 <id>
Shoe shoe
pin pin
28 <num>
Week week
Tool tool
Inspection inspection
'T' <id>
Crew crew
Mobile mobile
#348 <id>
9 <num>
Weekly weekly
Lubrication lubrication
Service service
LH left hand
side side
rear rear
hose hose
reel reel
swivel swivel
leaking leaking
leak leak
on on
top top
of of
gear gearbox
Ladder ladder
switch switch
playing playing
up up
Cracked cracked
stanchion stanchion
2nd second
landing landing
- -
inside inside
8664 <id>
16WK <num> week
Clean clean
Below below
MG motor generator
Sets sets
Handrail handrail
broken broken
sister sister
sheave sheave
platform platform
dump dump
rope rope
requirers requires
changing changing
drag drag
limits limits
8664 <id>
12WK <num> week
Hoist hoist
Drag drag
Coupling coupling
Service service
Fire fire
extinguisher extinguisher
missing missing
Machoona <sensitive>
JP <id>
095-6HY <id>
Elect electrical
680 <id>
Insp inspection
high high
wall wall
drag drag
chain chain
broken broken
Reset reset
drag drag
limits limits
blue blue
hi-flow high-flow
fuel fuel
gun gun
still still
leaking leaking
W/Place workplace
Insp inspection
Fitters fitters
North north
Crib crib
Hut hut
WK12 week <num>
Loop loop
0 <num>
drag drag
trip trip
Paddles paddles
out out
of of
synch synchronization
REQUIRES requires
NEW new
ENGINE engine
BELTS belts
8664 <id>
Lower lower
Hoist hoist
Chain chain
Wh5092 <id>
Repair repair
damage damage
to to
wheel wheel
chocks chocks
and and
Replace replace
missing missing
RH right hand
rear rear
view view
mirror mirror
Replace replace
tub tub
cable cable
fire fire
alarm alarm
activated activated
Replace replace
missing missing
dump dump
pin pin
inspection inspection
for for
cab cabin
lights lights
to to
be be
fitted fitted
Bay bay
0 <num>
Coolant coolant
hose hose
valve valve
leaking leaking
Replace replace
R/H right hand
Drag drag
shackle shackle
Propel propel
Final final
Pinions pinions
L/H left hand
Up up
& and
Low low
GREASE grease
LINES lines
- -
BROKEN broken
rh right hand
shoe shoe
cantilever cantilever
ladder ladder
h/rail handrail
cracked cracked
Replace replace
LH left hand
& and
RH right hand
Track track
Links links
Hoist hoist
Hood hood
Roller roller
Detector detector
accessory accessory
drive drive
on on
gearbox gearbox
leaking leaking
HV high voltage
Room room
alterations alterations
project project
Cable cable
work work
ll124 <id>
13/05/0011 <date>
lube lube
fault-alarm fault - alarm
f <id>
system system
fault fault
FC8725 <id>
C/O change out
Pump pump
drive drive
uni's universal joints
Tub tub
Cable cable
u/s unserviceable
after after
being being
hit hit
by by
rock rock
# number
7 <num>
propel propel
brakes brakes
req requires
relining relining
060 <id>
WBE00 <id>
Brake brake
Test test
6Mth <num> month
STAT statutory
reported reported
bucket bucket
arch arch
cracking cracking
quick quick
hitch hitch
cylinder cylinder
fittings fittings
damaged damaged
Change change
Oil oil
PX9 <id>
Akh <id>
Small small
RH right hand
Fan fan
not not
working working
Fortnightly fortnightly
clean clean
of of
dragline dragline
309 <id>
sub sub
inspect inspect
for for
lights lights
to to
be be
fitted fitted
blown blown
hose hose
on on
the the
boom boom
Weekly weekly
Service service
Mechanical mechanical
#105 number <num>
Review review
cable cable
handling handling
options options
high high
wall wall
chain chain
shackle shackle
broken broken
broken broken
grease grease
lines lines
on on
h H-link
change change
filters filters
Replace replace
Swing swing
Pinion pinion
Bolts bolts
Unload unload
bucket bucket
5 <num>
C/O change out
drag drag
sockets sockets
type type
ac air conditioner
in in
plc PLC
room room
not not
working working
W/Place workplace
Insp inspection
- -
6285 <id>
Truck truck
Nth north
& and
Sth south
Bay bay
mounts mounts
brackets brackets
for for
the the
tank tank
loose loose
lights lights
not not
working working
lubricate lubricate
top top
of of
cam cam
frame frame
#5 number <num>
& and
0 <num>
injector injector
line line
clamp clamp
rubbers rubbers
worn worn
Resample resample
& and
Change change
oil oil
7897 <id>
Dump dump
Block block
Lubrication lubrication
air air
leak leak
from from
front front
diff differential
lock lock
cylinder cylinder
All all
lights lights
to to
be be
T tested
and and
T tagged
Boom boom
Foot foot
Clevis clevis
Weld weld
& and
Pins pins
I <id>
Replace replace
Drive drive
Sprockets sprockets
50% <num>%
done done
7897 <id>
Hoist hoist
No1 number <num>
Input input
Shft shaft
Rear rear
C/out-Mec change out - mechanical
LH left hand
side side
bonnet bonnet
locator locator
u/s unserviceable
6.6kv <num>.<num> kV
undervoltage undervoltage
trip trip
Replace replace
worn worn
rigging rigging
on on
060 <id>
D/line dragline
7897 <id>
Mast mast
Sister sister
Deflect deflect
Sheave sheave
Overhaul overhaul
replace replace
wortn worn
adjusting adjusting
rods rods
retarder retarder
cooler cooler
hoses hoses
u/s unserviceable
526 <id>
trial trial
limit limit
switches switches
on on
hoist hoist
brake brake
7897 <id>
Drag drag
No2 number <num>
Inter intermediate
Shaft shaft
Changeout-Mech change out - mechanical
5635 <id>
Pre pre-service
Inspect inspect
Mechanical mechanical
Cracks cracks
in in
guard guard
rail rail
@ at
access access
RHS right hand side
Fan fan
belt belt
loose loose
tefol Tefol
to to
sort sort
out out
hoses hoses
unrolling unrolling
issue issue
5635 <id>
Bucket bucket
Insp inspection
/Grease / grease
Dump dump
Block block
Mech mechanical
Install install
during during
Nov19 <date>
Shtdwn- shutdown -
SA923 <id>
CM condition monitoring
- -
Additional additional
Vibration vibration
Survey survey
8664 <id>
48WK <num> week
Drag drag
Intermediate intermediate
Shaft shaft
Change change
oil oil
seal seal
on on
#4 number <num>
Hoist hoist
input input
shaft shaft
Compensating compensating
winding winding
connection connection
blown blown
of off
cutting cutting
edge edge
needs needs
replacing replacing
QC3 <id>
requires requires
locking locking
bolts bolts
to to
be be
fitted fitted
Index index
Bullgear bullgear
R/H right hand
lost lost
a a
quick Kwik
tip Tip
Remove remove
All all
from from
dump dump
4 <num>
NC <id>
fortnightly fortnightly
clean/inspection clean / inspection
Swing swing
Gear gearbox
# number
3 <num>
Case case
Bolts bolts
Replace replace
TOP top
FUEL fuel
FILTER filter
SUPPLY supply
HOSES hoses
U/S unserviceable
no no
trailer trailer
brakes brakes
Index index
Bullgear bullgear
L/H left hand
Replace replace
incoder encoder
shaft shaft
& and
seal seal
swing swing
1 <num>
chain chain
broken broken
on on
the the
handrail handrail
Inact inact
5635 <id>
Weekly weekly
Inspection-Electrical inspection - electrical
sync synchronous
motor motor
field field
out out
of of
sync synchronous
Changeover changeover
Power power
Switch switch
Handle handle
Broken broken
Propel propel
Blower blower
4 <num>
& and
0 <num>
contactor contactor
fault fault
Change change
Diff differential
Oil oil
REPLACE replace
RHS rear
DOOR door
HINGES hinges
& and
STRICKER strainer
evaporator evaporator
core core
blocked blocked
up up
Overfrequency overfrequency
trip trip
Lube lube
room room
cabinet cabinet
fan fan
u/s unserviceable
Sync synchronous
faults faults
upon upon
start start
up up
RP85 <id>
Service service
526 <id>
Weekly weekly
Elect electrical
Inspection inspection
/ /
Blow blow
Out out
Filter filter
house house
lights lights
tripping tripping
Aux auxilliary
TX transmitter
CB circuit breaker
8 <num>
monthly monthly
Air air
Conditioning conditioning
Service service
hi high
flow flow
receiver receiver
on on
module module
leaking leaking
Set set-up
Bkt bucket
# number
5 <num>
ready ready
for for
work work
No number
2 <num>
Air air
Compressor compressor
Failed failed
Crib crib
Room room
Pressurising pressurising
Fan fan
Mtr motor
US unserviceable
Tracks tracks
need need
adjusting adjusting
rear rear
steps steps
on on
back back
of of
module module
u/s unserviceable
No no
power power
in in
crib crib
room room
area area
P#Change change
hoist hoist
#3 number <num>
input input
seal seal
#1 number <num>
swing swing
lube lube
pump pump
flow flow
fault fault
28 <num>
wk week
soft soft
start start
cabinet cabinet
service service
Mine mine
Monitoring monitoring
Repairs repairs
Need need
to to
move move
worn worn
roller roller
sister sister
sheave sheave
R <id>
check check
busbar busbar
connections connections
UQQ4 <id>
re rewelded
drag drag
brake brake
release release
prox proximity
switch switch
grease grease
leak leak
calibrate calibrate
bucket bucket
Panel panel
Pressure pressure
switch switch
u/s unserviceable
jump jump-start
7897 <id>
Swing swing
No2 number <num>
Motor motor
Changeout-Elec/Mech change out - electrical / mechanical
7897 <id>
Boom boom
Deflect deflect
Twr tower
Upper upper
O/haul-Mech overhaul - mechanical
Inspect/Replace inspect / replace
missing missing
Rock rock
Bucket bucket
Bolt bolt
reseal reseal
quick quick
release release
valve valve
fire fire
panel panel
battery battery
alarm alarm
Cpurge purge
outboard outboard
bearings bearings
on on
drag drag
& and
hoist hoist
cable cable
wire wire
end end
exposed exposed
under under
seat seat
Make make
up up
dump dump
rope rope
- -
13/09/0010 <date>
replace replace
drivers drivers
side side
seat seat
base base
LH left hand
pos#1 position number <num>
steer steering
hub hub
water water
contamination contamination
Stock stock
the the
Sled sled
985 <id>
- -
500 <num>
Hr hour
Service service
Branxair Branxair
to to
repair repair
heater/ heater /
a/c air conditioner
not not
wo working
TO to
BE be
DELETED/INACTIVE deleted / inactive
blown blown
hydraulic hydraulic
hose hose
on on
boom boom
Grease grease
lines lines
U/S unserviceable
Passenger passenger
side side
door door
rusted rusted
out out
Fire fire
Alarm alarm
- -
Drag drag
walk walk
cubicle cubicle
Swing swing
No number
4 <num>
Inspect inspect
Drive drive
coupling coupling
REPLACE replace
TRANSMISSION transmission
COOLER cooler
HOSES hoses
L/H/S left hand side
Lower lower
suspenion suspension
rope rope
pin pin
retainer retainer
reported reported
poor poor
a/c air conditioner
operation operation
Centre centre
Pin pin
Adjustment adjustment
change change
scr SCR
and and
fuse fuse
in in
drive drive
parkbrake park brake
indicator indicator
light light
going going
on on
& and
off off
060 <id>
# number
2 <num>
swing swing
gearcase gearcase
leaking leaking
at at
duo-co duo-cone
9 <num>
and and
2 <num>
fans fans
not not
running running
broken broken
drag drag
rope rope
Make make
up12x up <num> x
A4 A<num>
copies copies
of of
KD208 <id>
drawings drawings
Replace replace
bonnet bonnet
sides sides
398 <id>
the the
bucket bucket
end end
drag drag
shackles shackles
Drag drag
motor motor
2 <num>
alignment alignment
checks checks
Dragline dragline
003 <id>
fortnightly fortnightly
sub sub
clean clean
#2 number <num>
DRAG drag
Oil oil
Sample sample
ABNORMAL abnormal
repair repair
fuel fuel
leak leak
under under
centre centre
of of
module module
Remove remove
off off
XO6 <id>
R/H right hand
boom boom
lamp lamp
broken broken
R/H right hand
roller roller
in in
hoist hoist
hood hood
u/s unserviceable
Replace replace
boom boom
clearance clearance
marker marker
Audit audit
Missing missing
Motor motor
Cover cover
Latches latches
FRONT front
LUBE lube
MODULE module
BOLTS bolts
LOOSE loose
Tub tub
Unwrap unwrap
KD208 <id>
compress compressor
no1 number <num>
control control
panel panel
needs needs
sealing sealing
Reset reset
power power
after after
outage outage
trans transmission
grinding grinding
on on
downshift downshift
sometimes sometimes
clean clean
& and
repair repair
elect electrical
connect connect
on on
starter starter
engine engine
won't won't
start start
Replace replace
Pedestal pedestal
Bearing bearing
Seals seals
MG motor generator
#1 number <num>
TRANSMISSION transmission
- -
NO no
GEARS gears
L/H left hand
hoist hoist
link link
keeper keeper
replace replace
swing swing
brake brake
cylinder cylinder
u/s unserviceable
bottom bottom
radiator radiator
support support
bracket bracket
broken broken
Fan fan
Filter filter
Cleaning/ cleaning /
Replacement replacement
Conduct conduct
Pre pre-summer
A/Con air conditioner
Audit audit
#479 number <num>
REPLACE replace
BRAKE brake
PADS pads
& and
LEAKING leaking
BOOSTE booster
Broken broken
Shoe shoe
pin pin
retainer retainer
bolts bolts
air air
con conditioner
stopped stopped
working working
8664 <id>
24WK <num> week
Hoist hoist
Drag drag
Transmission transmission
Insp inspection
Replace replace
both both
dump dump
ropes ropes
replace replace
missing missing
rtd RTD
j junction
box box
lid lid
Change change
out out
the the
lower lower
dump dump
sockets sockets
FXW8 <id>
panel panel
c/b circuit breaker
sw switch
handle handle
linkages linkages
u/s unserviceable
Assemble assemble
spare spare
vetical vertical
fairlead fairlead
sheave sheave
Hydro hydrocarbon
up upgrade
to to
propel propel
system system
ZH6907 <id>
C/O change out
pos position
7 <num>
tyre tyre
W/Place workplace
Insp inspection
- -
8305 <id>
Mobile mobile
Nth north
& and
Sth south
Bay bay
REPLACE replace
FAN fan
RESISTOR/ resistor /
INTERIOR interior
FAN fan
US56 <id>
Service service
Repair repair
boom boom
lights lights
x2 x <num>
exhaust exhaust
stay stay
support support
bar bar
broken broken
off off
7897 <id>
Hoist hoist
Chain chain
R/H/Lwr right hand lower
Changeout-Mech change out - mechanical
Renew renew
Dump dump
Rope rope
Ground ground
fault fault
alarms alarms
drag drag
loop loop
8 <num>
Check check
pedistal pedestal
bearing bearing
levels levels
on on
service service
Drag drag
shackle shackle
pin pin
walking walking
out out
assist assist
leica Leica
on on
dragline dragline
REPLACE replace
U/S unserviceable
REMOTE remote
CONTROLLER controller
BATT battery
CHAR charger
Fit fit
Call call
sign sign
stickers stickers
Inspection/Audit inspection / audit
of of
Machine machine
Housekeeping housekeeping
Replace replace
blue blue
ties ties
on on
sets sets
BULK bulk
FILL fill
REQUIRED required
FOR for
GREASE grease
FILL fill
POINT point
ELECTRICAL electrical
DRIVE drive
- -
CANT can't
FIND find
GEARS gears
Repair repair
Links links
drag drag
stopped stopped
check check
new new
bearing bearing
reported reported
hoist hoist
brakes brakes
not not
holding holding
replace replace
serpantine Serpentine
fan fan
belt belt
7897 <id>
Intake intake
Fan fan
No3 number <num>
Overhaul-Elec/Mech overhaul - electrical / mechanical
ZK-776 <id>
Earth earth
Continuity continuity
Indication indication
5H <id>
Lean lean
for for
Remington <sensitive>
Wksp workshop
WK week
45 <num>
Weld weld
up up
cracked cracked
hoist hoist
hood hood
roller roller
shaft shaft
MOBILE mobile
5H <id>
Internal internal
Labour labour
W48 week <num>
Welding welding
outlet outlet
tripped tripped
End end
for for
End end
drag drag
chains chains
526 <id>
D/line dragline
broken broken
and and
lost lost
teeth teeth
LK621 <id>
Travel travel
Transmission transmission
Change change
Out out
upper upper
spreader spreader
bar bar
y-link Y-link
cracked cracked
remove remove
9 <num>
cables cables
from from
inline inline
engine engine
running running
rough rough
on on
startup startup
Hoist hoist
Lube lube
Pump pump
No number
1 <number>
EL electrical
Failed failed
Crack crack
repair repair
to to
RHS right hand side
corner corner
shoe shoe
UG8 <id>
Ped pedestal
Bearing bearing
0 <num>
overtemp overtemperature
Check/Fit check / fit
Isolation isolation
signage signage
Make make
up up
dragline dragline
sub sub
inspection inspection
sheet sheet
LH left hand
CENTRE centre
WORK work
LIGHT light
ON on
THE the
MODULE module
N/W not working
set set
4 <num>
overspeed overspeed
trip trip
C <id>
E/L electrical
Test test
Medium/High medium
Voltage voltage
generators generators
sparking sparking
No number
1 <num>
Swing swing
box box
Input input
seal seal
leaking leaking
Toddy <sensitive>
to to
make make
changes changes
to to
KD208 <id>
brakes brakes
locked locked
on on
526 <id>
Gantry gantry
Tower tower
repairs repairs
Propel propel
grease grease
fault fault
Pos position
3&4 <num> and <num>
hub hub
damaged damaged
W/Place workplace
Insp inspection
West west
Erection erection
Site site
Loose loose
wiring wiring
on on
franna Franna
Two two-way
u/s unserviceable
Shoe shoe
Pin pin
Fit fit
Limit limit
Switches switches
li648 <id>
cable cable
work work
greasepump grease pump
run run
out out
of of
fuel fuel
r/h right hand
drag drag
chain chain
broken broken
INSTALL install
STRAIN strain
GAUGES gauges
ON on
KD208 <id>
Power power
trip trip
RH right hand
handrail handrail
needs needs
missing missing
bolt bolt
replacing replacing
fit fit
quick quick
release release
valve valve
replace replace
air air
tank tank
fittings fittings
in in
large large
tank tank
REPLACE replace
SIDE side
VISION vision
MIRROR mirror
REPLACE replace
LHS left hand
HEADLIGHT headlight
Fire fire
alarm alarm
- -
King king
pin pin
inhibit inhibit
fault fault
Replace/upgrade replace / upgrade
faulty faulty
cameras cameras
fan fan
belt belt
tensioner tensioner
u/s unserviceable
REPORTED reported
NO no
A/C air conditioner
OPERATION operation
Clean clean
Hoist hoist
gearbox gearbox
floor floor
area area
- -
Swing swing
Rack rack
Bolts bolts
mg motor generator
set set
no2 number <num>
not not
synchronising synchronising
Machine machine
wont won't
start start
bottom bottom
steering steering
shaft shaft
universal universal joint
worn worn
Disc disc
Brake brake
Swing swing
Retrofit retrofit
8133SK027 <id>
pear pear
link link
broken broken
on on
rhs right hand side
chain chain
7897 <id>
1 <num>
Weekly weekly
Service service
Mech mechanical
5H <id>
Lean lean
for for
Remington <sensitive>
Wksp workshop
WK week
6563 <num>
Machoona <sensitive>
JP <id>
095-6HY <id>
Mech mechanical
680 <id>
Inspection inspection
RHR right hand rear
pos#9&#10 position number <num> and <num>
spider spider
rim rim
spinning spinning
on on
E/L electrical
Relay relay
unit unit
faulty faulty
replace replace
faulty faulty
delvery delivery
valve valve
resco Resco
to to
measure measure
operators operators
cab cabin
window window
Replace replace
Seat seat
Adjustment adjustment
cable cable
replace replace
broken broken
regulator regulator
/ /
lubricator lubricator
Loose loose
swing swing
pinion pinion
bolts bolts
swing swing
No1 number <num>
LH left hand
steer steering
hub hub
inspection inspection
plug plug
missing missing
FI463 <id>
sub substation
corroded corroded
battery battery
term term
Repair repair
top top
rail rail
crack crack
Walking walking
Cam cam
Guide guide
Frame frame
L/H left hand
& and
R/H right hand
Skim/stone skim / stone
ZX7 <id>
vee V-set
brush brush
boxes boxes
engine engine
stopping stopping
running running
out out
of of
fuel fuel
Replace replace
ISO68 ISO<num>
fitting fitting
060 <id>
Door door
to to
hoist hoist
rope rope
rollers rollers
hinges hinges
us unserviceable
Drag drag
bearing bearing
end end
cap cap
temp temperature
alarm alarm
well well
not not
pump pump
grease grease
8664 <id>
48WK <num> week
AFrame A-frame
Structure structure
Insp inspection
change change
out out
trunion trubnion
bushes bushes
985 <id>
Argon <sensitive>
H14H <id>
500 <num>
Hr hour
Service service
cable cable
work work
for for
walk walk
from from
shutdown shutdown
pad pad
Replace replace
the the
missing missing
handrail handrail
install install
foot foot
pedal pedal
workshop workshop
drill drill
press pressure
5635 <id>
Exhaust exhaust
Fan fan
No5 number <num>
Overhaul overhaul
Elec/Mech electrical / mechanical
Aux auxiliary
Generator generator
would would
not not
transfer transfer
over over
Two two-way
issues issues
L/H/S left hand side
Wing wing
shround shround
broken broken
off off
Sync synchronous
Motor motor
0 <num>
LH left hand
Bearing bearing
o/temp overtemperature
alarms alarms
7897 <id>
0 <num>
Weekly weekly
Service-Mech service - mechanical
og original
gear gear
lube lube
fault fault
Bucket-3 bucket - <num>
R/H right hand
nose nose
snapped snapped
off off
7897 <id>
Prop prop
Upper upper
3rd third
Pin pin
Shaft shaft
C/Out-Mech change out - mechanical
Take take
cable cable
out out
of of
line line
High high
Voltage voltage
Collectors collectors
Shoes shoes
and and
Cables cables
HV high voltage
Collector collector
Rings rings
Isolator insulator
Suspect suspect
Drag drag
loop loop
9 <num>
unbalance unbalance
Cable cable
reroute reroute
24/12/0011 <date>
526 <id>
Weekly weekly
Mech mechanical
Inspection inspection
FUEL fuel
SYS system
- -
WIGENS Wiggins
NOZZEL nozzle
LEAKING leaking
8664 <id>
48WK <num> week
House house
Entry entry
Struct structure
Insp inspection
Hoist hoist
Drum drum
shaft shaft
RH right hand
Outer outer
bearing bearing
cracke cracked
5635 <id>
Repair repair
Walkways walkways
& and
Handrails handrails
bulk bulk
tank tank
RHS right hand side
grease grease
alarm alarm
u/s unserviceable
Cable cable
work work
as as
requested requested
Swing swing
gen generator
overvoltage overvoltage
fault fault
House house
Fan fan
#9 number <num>
drawing drawing
excess excess
current current
relace replace
exhaust exhaust
fan fan
Replace replace
2 <num>
upper upper
hoist hoist
chain chain
Y Y-links
isolator isolator
box box
needs needs
refurbish refurbishing
888 <id>
Clar <sensitive>
5172R <id>
- -
500 <num>
Hr hour
Service service
Over overtemperature
on on
hoist hoist
pinion pinion
Check check
Drag drag
bullgear bullgear
teeth teeth
at at
joints joints
060 <id>
Vertical vertical
Guide guide
Roller roller
# number
4 <num>
C/O change out
Turn turn
Cutting cutting
edge edge
FI463 <id>
sub sub
inspection inspection
RH right hand
dump dump
rope rope
pin pin
came came
out out
start start
cable cable
reroute reroute
for for
060 <id>
DMG damage
broken broken
wire wire
boom boom
end end
GREASE grease
SYS system
- -
GREASE grease
VALVE valve
ON on
BOOM boom
Horn horn
not not
working working
S/D shutdown
- -
Dragline dragline
2 <num>
Shutdown shutdown
Overhead overhead
Costs costs
Dove <sensitive>
742K <id>
- -
3000 <num>
Hr hour
Service service
please please
note note
431 <id>
main main
incomer incomer
rcd RCD
won't won't
trip trip
Replace replace
filters filters
and and
breather breather
5635 <id>
Upper upper
Vert vertical
Sheave sheave
Bearing bearing
C/Out change out
- -
House house
Walkways walkways
N0 number
4 <num>
drag drag
motor motor
input input
shaft shaft
seal seal
leakg leaking
dropped dropped
rod rod
out out
off off
carousel carousel
safe1 safe <num>
j <sensitive>
u-bolt U-bolt
locking locking
jig jig
Elec electrical
3 <num>
Wk week
Pre pre-service
Insp inspection
7897 <id>
FO678 <id>
SN3358 <id>
live live
fuel fuel
lock lock
fault fault
7897 <id>
2 <num>
Weekly weekly
Lube lube
Service service
- -
Sus suspension
Rope rope
Boom boom
End end
Loc location
2 <num>
7897 <id>
Bucket bucket
Changeout-Mechanical change out - mechanical
57 <id>
OIL oil
TRANFERING transferring
TO to
COOLANT coolant
Assist assist
with with
li648 <id>
sub sub
move move
Hoist hoist
NO number
7 <num>
Flow flow
Switch switch
u/s unserviceable
main main
lts lights
out out
repair repair
cab cabin
floodlight floodlight
7897 <id>
Cleaning cleaning
of of
Machine machine
each each
day day
Drag drag
generator generator
7 <num>
Sparking sparking
Isolation isolation
Tx transmitter
Deck deck
Fluro Fluro
Missing missing
test test
prospective prospective
earth earth
grid grid
site site
drag drag
motor motor
8 <num>
field field
loss loss
accelerator accelerator
pedal pedal
u/s unserviceable
7897 <id>
Hoist hoist
No2 number <num>
Inter intermediate
Gear gear
Changeout-Mech change out - mechanical
flashing flashing
light light
globe globe
u/s unserviceable
Replace replace
LH left hand
trunnion trunnion
pin pin
washers washers
checked checked
out out
cracked cracked
fuel fuel
tank tank
Hoist hoist
slack slack
fault fault
dropbox dropbox
check check
& and
drain drain
plug plug
u/s unserviceable
Fit fit
valve valve
to to
opperator operator
seat seat
526 <id>
Sys system
B <id>
grease grease
pump pump
not not
working working
P construct
shelving shelving
HV high voltage
room room
0 <num>
RH right hand
Winch winch
E emergency-stop
Wiring wiring
to to
be be
checked checked
reported reported
grease grease
system system
u/s unserviceable
repair repair
LH left hand
hoist hoist
entry entry
sister sister
sheave sheave
mun mount
24wk <num> week
lube lube
panel panel
service service
Multiple multiple
faults faults
after after
power power
outage outage
faults faults
- -
Hoist hoist
Bull bull
Gear gear
Teeth teeth
R/H right hand
Drag drag
gen generator
field field
exciter exciter
trips trips
require require
oil oil
pressure pressure
s/w switch
& and
key key
start start
KI673 <id>
Rinachi <sensitive>
Daily daily
Inspections inspections
WK week
40 <num>
7897 <id>
Boom boom
Point point
Assembly assembly
Overhaul-Mech overhaul - mechanical
Lh left hand
drag drag
shackle shackle
u/s unserviceable
- -
Center centre
Pintle pintle
& and
Gussets gussets
Connect connect
cables cables
for for
walk walk
house house
light light
out out
left left
side side
Replace replace
beacon beacon
and and
rewire rewire
repaired repaired
quick quick
fill fill
hose hose
and and
conector connector
8664 <id>
24WK <num> week
Centre centre
Pin pin
Wear wear
Insp inspection
SU1902 <id>
2 <num>
Belly belly
plate plate
bolts bolts
missing missing
5H <id>
Lean lean
for for
Remington <sensitive>
Wksp workshop
WK week
10 <num>
12 <num>
Camera camera
not not
working working
replace replace
faulty faulty
wiring wiring
at at
e-stop emergency-stop
7897 <id>
- -
Portable portable
Tools tools
& and
Equip equipment
Inspect inspect
V <id>
system system
lube-high lube - high
pressure pressure
Tighten tighten
handrail handrail
around around
fairleads fairleads
Reloacte relocate
5 <num>
LV low voltage
parkup parkup
humps humps
HYD hydraulic
PIPING piping
& and
HOSES hoses
- -
BLOWN blown
HOSES hoses
Swing swing
motor motor
field field
loss loss
trips trips
Generator generator
Burn burn
Marks Marks
to to
be be
cleaned cleaned
82 <num>
Week week
Tool tool
Inspection inspection
Dayshift dayshift
Mobile mobile
cables cables
split split
Fortnightly fortnightly
inspection inspection
JH250 <id>
REPLACE replace
BROKEN broken
HEADLIGHT headlight
Air air
Horn horn
Relocate relocate
15/10/0011 <date>
Brakes brakes
smelly smelly
in in
house house
Swing swing
no number
5 <num>
Swing swing
brake brake
release release
light light
staying staying
on on
24wk <num> week
two two-way
charge charge
panel panel
service service
replace replace
broken broken
LH left hand
headlight headlight
7897 <id>
Boom boom
Deflect deflect
Structure structure
Upper upper
O/haul overhaul
DX8213 <id>
t/c torque converter
outlet outlet
screen screen
housing housing
leaking leaking
Mast mast
Foot foot
Clevis clevis
Weld weld
& and
Pin pin
ripper ripper
pin pin
broken broken
install install
handrails handrails
KI673 <id>
Rinachi <sensitive>
Daily daily
Inspections inspections
Air air
Con conditioner
Filters filters
U/S unserviceable
- -
replace replace
Added added
cable cable
in in
line line
FUEL fuel
TANK tank
- -
TIGHTEN tighten
LATCH latch
8664 <id>
16WK <num> week
Clean clean
Fan fan
House house
sd shutdown
remove remove
chord chord
material material
from from
shut shut
site site
Argon <sensitive>
H14H <id>
- -
Machine machine
Service service
1000hr <num> hour
MG motor generator
set set
drop drop
out out
fault fault
START start
FITTING fitting
BOTH both
TRACK track
CHAINS chains
put put
inline inline
lost lost
R/H right hand
kwik Kwik
Tip Tip
& and
adaptor adaptor
anti anti
2 two-block
switch switch
u/s unserviceable
r/h/s right hand side
drag drag
chain chain
broken broken
change change
both both
front front
and and
rear rear
diff differential
oils oils
7897 <id>
House house
Roller roller
Cond condition
& and
Lube lube
Insp inspection
REQUIRED required
ON on
BUCKET bucket
Investigate/Replace investigate / replace
Bucket bucket
grease grease
lines lines
gen generator
set set
wont won't
run run
Relocate relocate
Waste waste
Oil oil
etc etc
985 <id>
Argon <sensitive>
H14H <id>
2000 <num>
Hr hour
Service service
Replace replace
crib crib
room room
door door
hinges hinges
7897 <id>
Hoist hoist
Chain chain
Lower lower
Changeout-Mech change out - mechanical
526 <id>
External external
Exam examination
Of of
Fixed fixed
Equip equipment
Refit refit
H/V high voltage
pressure pressure
cleaner cleaner
Drag drag
loop loop
overvoltage overvoltage
warnings warnings
W/Place workplace
Insp inspection
Mobile mobile
Bays bays
North north
& and
South south
Swing swing
Gen generator
Overvolt overvoltage
Alarm alarm
coming coming
on on
060 <id>
- -
L4 <id>
Cluster cluster
Inspect inspect
/ /
Repair repair
Sample sample
Engine engine
Oil oil
Due due
to to
Bad bad
Report report
AIR air
CONDITIONING conditioning
- -
AIR/CON air conditioner
NOT not
WORKING working
pos position
7 <num>
drive drive
hub hub
seal seal
leaking leaking
set set
2 <num>
no not
start starting
monitor monitor
wear wear
in in
hoist hoist
chains chains
42mm <num> mm
left left
replace replace
access access
door door
to to
revolving revolving
frame frame
Change change
oil oil
Drag drag
Box box
#2 number <num>
replace replace
heater heater
hose hose
under under
front front
grill grill
P reclamp
Hoist hoist
ropes ropes
at at
tail tail
Propel propel
fault fault
while while
walking walking
LR2095 <id>
repair repair
engine engine
fuel fuel
leak leak
Compressor compressor
Number number
4 <num>
Tripped tripped
out out
Purge purge
Centre centre
Pintle pintle
Bush bush
figure figure of eight
on on
the the
dump dump
chain chain
broken broken
078 <id>
Argon <sensitive>
GI4 <id>
- -
1000 <num>
Hr hour
Service service
complete complete
swing swing
pinion pinion
5 <num>
has has
2 <num>
broken broken
bolt bolt
526 <id>
R/H right hand
cam cam
roller roller
overgreasing overgreasing
loose loose
gears gears
no no
oil oil
8664 <id>
24WK <num> week
Clean clean
Inner inner
Revolving revolving
Frame frame
Reset reset
swing swing
overvolts overvoltage
alarm alarm
Escort escort
Boom boom
7897 <id>
Weekly weekly
Inspection-Electrical inspection - electrical
align align
brush brush
arms arms
XW7 <id>
9 <num>
monthly monthly
H high
V voltage
Collector collector
Service service
Transfer transfer
motor motor
c/b circuit breaker
tripping tripping
RH right hand
rear rear
wheel wheel
spacer spacer
spinning spinning
u/s unserviceable
TIGHTEN tighten
REAR rear
EXHAUST exhaust
BAFFLE baffle
CLAMPS clamps
drag drag
loop loop
1ground <num> ground
falt fault
warning warning
Intake intake
fans fans
8 <num>
& and
5 <num>
indication indication
not not
working working
RHS right hand side
Boom boom
Point point
Handrail handrail
Standchion stanchion
broken broken
Drag drag
rope rope
lube lube
poor poor
Change change
out out
Hoist hoist
motor motor
0 <num>
Fan fan
filter filter
inspection inspection
ll124 <id>
Cracks cracks
in in
the the
dirt dirt
chute chute
Synch synchronous
motor motor
# number
2 <num>
no no
start start
060 <id>
- -
Lube lube
fault fault
cab cabin
side side
a A-frame
light light
needs needs
a a
ballast ballast
monitor monitor
coupling coupling
seal seal
zx5 <id>
for for
leaks leaks
Order order
closed closed
Disregard disregard
Replace replace
bolts bolts
and and
seal seal
up up
roof roof
cover cover
blown blown
hyd hydraulic
hose hose
on on
final final
drive drive
replace replace
grease grease
gun gun
Small small
RH right hand
Fan fan
not not
working working
lost lost
power power
and and
lights lights
Change change
out out
the the
hitch hitch
links links
Tidy tidy
up up
the the
rigging rigging
8664 <id>
12WK <num> week
Reeving reeving
Sheave sheave
Rotation rotation
Assist assist
7897 <id>
Exhaust exhaust
Fan fan
No1 number <num>
Overhaul overhaul
Elec/Mech electrical / mechanical
CLEAN clean
MOBILE mobile
WORKSHOP workshop
W week
21 <num>
- -
13/1018 <date>
crossbrace crossbrace
behind behind
steer steering
springs springs
bent bent
8664 <id>
1WK <num> week
Bucket bucket
& and
Sled sled
Insp inspection
New new
fluro fluro
needed needed
#2 number <num>
propel propel
motor motor
Bucket bucket
side side
wall wall
worn worn
and and
cracking cracking
060 <id>
Mast mast
deflection deflection
rollers rollers
plastic plastic
brea break
replace replace
engine engine
belts belts
e <id>
system system
grease grease
leak leak
7897 <id>
Drag drag
Chain chain
Changeout-Mechanical change out - mechanical
A/Con air conditioner
not not
cool cool
REPLACE replace
BLOWN blown
HYD hydraulic
HOSE hose
ON on
REAR rear
MODULE module
JG9322 <id>
ladder ladder
leaking leaking
oil oil
Top top
rail rail
cracks cracks
in in
bucket bucket
No no
240v <num> v
power power
Replace replace
Drive drive
Sprockets sprockets
Service service
Panel panel
full full
of of
dust dust
lost lost
power power
at at
the the
sub sub
Machine machine
lost lost
all all
power power
060 <id>
Spraybar spraybar
r/h/r right hand rear
propel propel
to to
be be
replaced replaced
tub tub
hook hook
bent bent
r/h right hand
shoe shoe
temil tremmel
walk walkway
has has
cracked cracked
RH right hand
air air
tank tank
strap strap
broken broken
7897 <id>
Swing swing
No2 number <num>
Inter intermediate
Shft shaft
LH left hand
C/out-Mech change out - mechanical
Collect collect
all all
field field
HV high voltage
test test
and and
LV low voltage
kits kits
Inspect inspect
and and
trim trim
suspension suspension
ropes ropes
Machine machine
cable cable
u/s unserviceable
3Month <num> month
Tool tool
Insp inspection
W <id>
Crew crew
- -
1st first
Response response
Transmission transmission
lost lost
gears gears
W/Place workplace
Insp inspection
Ground ground
Floor floor
Maintenance maintenance
Cracked cracked
platform platform
support support
FRH front right hand
2nd second
level level
6 <num>
weekly weekly
Service service
428 <id>
fuel fuel
counter counter
still still
not not
working working
Inspect inspect
heater heater
in in
cab cabin
not not
working working
Replace replace
Windscreen windscreen
Wiper wiper
blade blade
DE8488 <id>
electric electric
window window
not not
working working
CHECK check
VIBRATION vibration
COMING coming
THROUGH through
FROM from
ENGI engine
trace trace
fault fault
brake brake
lights lights
not not
working working
FIRE fire
SYSTEM system
- -
GONE gone
OFF off
PUMP pump
- -
GREASE grease
PUMP pump
U/S unserviceable
060 <id>
LH left hand
front front
cam cam
frame frame
bolts bolts
loose loose
7897 <id>
Blow blow
Out out
Gensets generators
Electrical electrical
Fan fan
96 <num>
swap swap
out out
Replace replace
lost lost
chains chains
crop crop
5m <num> metre
off off
drag drag
ropes ropes
Replace replace
RH right hand
caliper caliper
slide slide
seized seized
low low
eng engine
power power
Cable cable
work work
KD208 <id>
for for
walk walk
Replace replace
worn worn
on on
Bkt bucket
# number
0 <num>
526 <id>
D/line dragline
Purge purge
hoist hoist
& and
drag drag
pedestall pedestal
bearings bearings
quick Kwik
tip Tip
missing missing
Replace replace
lubricator lubricator
for for
manual manual
rope rope
lube lube
LABOUR labour
FOR for
MOBILE mobile
STEP step-up
WEEK week
01/09 <date>
Missing missing
muffler muffler
mount mount
bolt bolt
Flomac Flomac
digital digital
diesel diesel
flowmeter flowmeter
u/s unserviceable
Rset reset
limits limits
MOBILE mobile
Step-up step-up
Labour labour
W44 week <num>
lube lube
fault fault
open open
hoist/drag hoist / drag
compressor compressor
wont won't
start start
bucket bucket
pin pin
walking walking
out out
007 <id>
Axton <sensitive>
Hire hire
Truck truck
- -
1000 <num>
Hr hour
Service service
Paddles paddles
out out
of of
sync synchronous
grease grease
alarm alarm
Beam beam
weld weld
cracks cracks
RHS right hand side
rear rear
above above
bus bus
bars bars
transmission transmission
fill/drain fill / drain
plug plug
u/s unserviceable
Rh right hand
out out
ramp ramp
ram ram
leaking leaking
oil oil
Cab cabin
side side
window window
glass glass
smashed smashed
grease grease
pump pump
not not
working working
HV high voltage
Room room
Air air
Con conditioner
Needs needs
Cleaning cleaning
Change change
out out
l/h left hand
dump dump
rope rope
air air
con conditioner
change change
dump dump
ropes ropes
Hoist hoist
gen generator
3 <num>
excessisve excessive
sparking sparking
8664 <id>
85 <num>
WK week
Motor motor
Greasing greasing
Service service
Replace replace
3 <num>-way
Hitch hitch
Assembly assembly
526 <id>
HP high pressure
grease grease
reel reel
seized seized
Change change
oil oil
YV4 <id>
Npe8 <id>
flashing flashing
light light
I <id>
Rollers rollers
require require
replacement replacement
replace replace
broken broken
RH right hand
side side
steer steering
spring spring
replace replace
exhaust exhaust
assembly assembly
Replace replace
broken broken
grease grease
hose hose
l/h left hand
shoe shoe
pin pin
drivers drivers
side side
inside inside
sun sun
visor visor
broken broken
off off
no no
gears gears
- -
House house
Rollers rollers
3 <num>
grease grease
injectors injectors
u/s unserviceable
near near
bucket bucket
8664 <id>
Spreader spreader
Bar bar
Link link
Replace replace
Monthly monthly
Work work
Order order
Audit audit
A/C air conditioner
not not
cool cool
Replace replace
L/H left hand
drag drag
pin pin
Bucket bucket
end end
Repair repair
crack crack
in in
L/H left hand
top top
rail rail
Bkt bucket
# number
6 <num>
078 <id>
Argon <sensitive>
GI4 <id>
- -
1000 <num>
Hr hour
Serviceservice service service
b <id>
Replace replace
hoist hoist
trunnion trunnion
washers washers
8664 <id>
Susp suspension
Rope rope
Radiography radiography
Locn location
1 <num>
replace replace
dirt dirt
chute chute
sheave sheave
bolts bolts
repairs repairs
to to
SA923 <id>
highwall highwall
gantry gantry
IH289 <id>
Reweld reweld
Cracked cracked
Mast mast
Lacing lacing
INSPECT inspect
HYD hydraulic
LEAK leak
AROUND around
ARTICULATION articulation
7897 <id>
0 <num>
Weekly weekly
Service-Mechanical service - mechanical
drivers drivers
floor floor
mat mat
requires requires
replacing replacing
Resocket resocket
Hoist hoist
Ropes ropes
cab cabin
pedal pedal
rubbers rubbers
require require
replacing replacing
replace replace
broken broken
headlight headlight
assemblies assemblies
5H <id>
Lean lean
for for
Remington <sensitive>
Wksp workshop
WK week
12 <num>
CHECK check
& and
ADJUST adjust
ALL all
BRAKES brakes
batteries batteries
flat flat
& and
need need
charging charging
REPAIR repair
HOIST hoist
TRANSFORMER transformer
CONNECTION connection
Replace replace
0 <num>
x x
Upper upper
Centre centre
Pintle pintle
Bolt bolt
Replace replace
Cooler cooler
Pipe pipe
Seals seals
Hoist hoist
motor motor
#5 number <num>
pinon pinion
outboard outboard
temp temperature
senso sensor
Boom boom
lights lights
repairs repairs
Replace replace
sister sister
sheeve sheave
bobbin bobbin
roller roller
BLOCKED blocked
FUEL fuel
FILTER filter
WARNING warning
ON on
shaft shaft
worn worn
out out
and and
needs needs
replacing replacing
Modify modify
415V <num> V
A/Con air conditioner
Supply supply
#05 number <num>
888 <id>
Clar <sensitive>
5172R <id>
- -
2000 <id>
Hr hour
Air air
Con conditioner
Servic service
Recheck recheck
pedistal pedestal
oil oil
levels levels
replace replace
LHF left hand front
trammel trammel
fabrica fabricate
& and
discs discs
Extra extra
weekly weekly
rope rope
work work
to to
align align
to to
Fri Fri
Argon <sensitive>
H14H <id>
1000 <num>
Hr hour
Service service
Replace replace
inner inner
L/H left hand
Y' Y-link
bush bush
on on
sprea spread
hyd hydraulic
slow slow
& and
lacks lacks
power power
L/H left hand
rear rear
fan fan
guard guard
needs needs
new new
hinges hinges
LK621 <id>
Rinachi <sensitive>
Daily daily
Inspections inspections
WK week
36 <num>
526 <id>
Tub tub
HV high voltage
Cable cable
Termiation termination
Area area
Dirty dirty
air air
conditioner conditioner
not not
cooling cooling
Sroagged spragged
the the
Right right
hand hand
Hoist hoist
rope rope
060 <id>
lh left hand
rear rear
rev revolving
frame frame
door door
hinges hinges
u/s unserviceable
Lightning lightning
Strike strike
05/02/0011 <date>
replace replace
worn worn
out out
15W40 <num>W/<num>
oil oil
nozzle nozzle
SUCTION suction
PUMP pump
STILL still
NOT not
WORKING working
8664 <id>
LHS left hand side
Propl propel
Bullgear boom
Pinion pinion
Insp inspection
Cracks cracks
Inner inner
propell propel
of of
revolving revolving
fram frame
drag drag
loop loop
8 <num>
ground ground
fault fault
grease grease
pump pump
Rear rear
deck deck
on on
prime prime
mover mover
rusted rusted
Blown blown
hydrulic hydraulic
hose hose
B <id>
Swing swing
No1 number <num>
Gear gearcase
Overhaul overhaul
NOISE noise
IN in
FRONT front
R/H right hand
WHEEL wheel
Replace replace
bucket bucket
0n on
526 <id>
# number
3 <num>
off off
& and
# number
7 <num>
on on
grease grease
fault fault
l/h left hand
propel propel
FXL776 <id>
C/O change out
Flushing flushing
Seals seals
C/O change out
Hoist hoist
Links links
Replace replace
receiver receiver
hose hose
tripped tripped
earth earth
leakage leakage
at at
sub sub
minor minor
fuel fuel
leak leak
on on
fuel fuel
filter filter
PX9 <id>
Pedestal pedestal
8 <num>
- -
Oil oil
Sample sample
required required
Boom boom
Inspection inspection
- -
as as
per per
request request
5635 <id>
Tub tub
Hook/King hook / king
Post post
Clean clear
Inspect inspection
driveshaft drive shaft
rear rear
universal universal joint
u/s unserviceable
CM condition monitoring
- -
No number
1 <num>
Swing swing
Shaft shaft
Inspection inspection
Both both
Tugger tugger
winch winch
ropes ropes
to to
be be
replaced replaced
7897 <id>
- -
Boom boom
Chord chord
Welds welds
& and
Lacing lacing
7897 <id>
Weekly weekly
Inspection inspection
Elect electrical
7897 <id>
Swing swing
No1 number <num>
Vert vertical
Main main
Gear gear
C/Out-Mech change out - mechanical
Dump dump
rope rope
make make
up up
cutting cutting
edges edges
need need
turning turning
dl dragline
7 <num>
electrical electrical
fault fault
Load load
drag drag
ropes ropes
into into
sleds sleds
Relays relays
needed needed
for for
Spare spare
Outlets outlets
No no
24v <num> v
power power
to to
dash dash
DTS <sensitive>
to to
repair repair
meters meters
n/w not working
and and
reels reels
Seat seat
uncomfortable uncomfortable
- -
needs needs
replacing replacing
Two two-way
no no
power power
camera camera
6 <num>
intermittently intermittently
failing failing
5635 <id>
Set set-up
- -
Mechanical mechanical
Repair repair
Grease grease
System system
LH left hand
front front
drive/ drive /
pos#3 position number <num>
brake brake
caliper caliper
u/s unserviceable
Tighten tighten
bearing bearing
cover cover
plates plates
drag drag
generator generator
exciter exciter
trip trip
8 <num>
monthly monthly
stat statutory
testing testing
li648 <id>
Replace replace
Missing missing
Load load
Roller roller
radiator radiator
support support
bracket bracket
needs needs
replacing replacing
rv6535 <id>
retarder retarder
hand hand
U/S unserviceable
Drain drain
swing swing
shaft shaft
8 <num>
tray tray
&clean and clean
up up
oil oil
loose loose
track track
pad pad
l/h left hand
side side
8664 <id>
4WK <num> week
Mech mechanical
Service service
Running running
060 <id>
Boom/mast boom / mast
feet feet
cracked cracked
as as
per per
No no
drag drag
- -
ground ground
fault fault
FUEL fuel
SYS system
- -
KEEPS keeps
CUTTING cutting
OUT out
#2 number <num>
swing swing
brake brake
pads pads
worn worn
below below
groove groove
TX transmission
low low
oil oil
7897 <id>
Swing swing
Coupling coupling
Lube lube
/ /
inspect inspect
rear rear
door door
struts struts
require require
replacing replacing
Replace replace
dump dump
socket socket
thrust thrust
washers washers
cam cam
lube lube
drum drum
empty empty
fuel fuel
leak leak
in in
engine engine
bay bay
Emergency emergency
lighting lighting
tests tests
REPLACE replace
WELD weld
OUTPUT output
SOLENOID solenoid
H-Link H-link
grease grease
lines lines
damaged damaged
5635 <id>
CM condition monitoring
Walk walk-through
Insp inspection
526 <id>
blown blown
hose hose
on on
the the
hammer hammer
blown blown
hyd hydraulic
hose hose
No no
two two-way
/ /
amfm AM / FM
/ /
tritronics Tri-Tronics
Remove remove
all all
adaptors adaptors
and and
check check
teeth teeth
Check check
connections connections
drag/propel drag / propel
cabinets cabinets
Replace replace
R/H right hand
Inner inner
Trailer trailer
booster booster
POS position
34 <num>
2 <num>
monthly monthly
Two-Way two-way
Radio radio
Panel panel
Service service
Intake intake
fan fan
repairs repairs
7897 <id>
- -
Weekly weekly
Rope rope
Work work
WK week
44 <num>
Air air
tank tank
auto auto
bleed bleed
not not
working working
properly properly
CM condition monitoring
Walkaround walkaround
Inspection inspection
rear rear
through through
shaft shaft
universal universal joint
u/s unserviceable
DL dragline
060 <id>
5 <num>
Weekly weekly
Service service
Mech mechanical
5635 <id>
Emergency emergency
Lighting lighting
Audit audit
Elect electrical
Replace replace
3 <num>-way
Hitch hitch
Assembly assembly
526 <id>
D/line dragline
Change change
Eng engine
oil oil
& and
engine engine
general general
checks checks
Inspect inspect
/ /
Repair repair
A A-frame
Floodlights floodlights
8 <num>
monthly monthly
Resolver resolver
Service service
7897 <id>
- -
Rope rope
Clevis clevis
Weld weld
& and
Bolts bolts
rear rear
drive drive
swaybar swaybar
assembly assembly
worn worn
out out
L/H left hand
front front
trammel-side trammel-side
plates plates
spread spread
Assist assist
with with
switching switching
for for
sub sub
move move
Clean clean
and and
Shutdown shutdown
workshop workshop
for for
xmas Christmas
change change
out out
u/s unserviceable
input input
shaft shaft
seal seal
RHS rear
STEER steering
HUB hub
DRAGGIN dragging
& and
GETTING getting
HOT hot
Install install
smoke smoke
alarm's alarm's
transfer transfer
cabinets cabinets
Repair repair
cable cable
boat boat
Reseal reseal
rear rear
leg leg
cover cover
both both
sides sides
Repair repair
crack crack
in in
Arch arch
R/H right hand
side side
Bkt bucket
7897 <id>
Fairlead fairlead
Swing swing
Frame frame
LH left hand
C/Out-Mech change out - mechanical
check check
all all
oil oil
levels levels
eng engine
trans transmission
and and
diff differential
Main main
2-way two-way
US unserviceable
Fire fire
Damper damper
Motor motor
failing failing
BROKEN broken
CYLINDER cylinder
HEAD head
BOLT/ bolt /
FRONT front
HEAD head
bulk bulk
fuel fuel
pump pump
coupling coupling
us unserviceable
Replace replace
R/H right hand
Damaged damaged
Dump dump
Rope rope
oil oil
leak leak
in in
top top
rear rear
compartment compartment
5H <id>
Lean lean
for for
Remington <sensitive>
Wksp workshop
WK week
22 <num>
grease grease
pump pump
won't won't
work work
7897 <id>
Hoist hoist
Chain chain
L/H/Lwr left hand lower
Changeout-Mech change out - mechanical
060 <id>
Hoist hoist
brake brake
# number
3 <num>
position position
out out
of of
adju adjustment
CHECK check
ELECTRICAL electrical
CONNECTIONS connections
ON on
ENG engine
Replace replace
Drag drag
Gen generator
Armarture armarture
No number
0 <num>
aux auxiliary
genset generator set
wont won't
start start
replace replace
brass brass
signage signage
on on
module module
246 <id>
Clar <sensitive>
5172R <id>
- -
2000 <num>
Hr hour
Service service
MOBILE mobile
5H <id>
Internal internal
Labour labour
W week
24 <num>
Repair repair
Broken broken
Drag drag
chain chain
060 <id>
D/line dragline
hoist hoist
box box
lube lube
fault fault
A/C air conditioner
not not
getting getting
cold cold
Swing swing
gen generator
overvoltage overvoltage
trip trip
X x
3 <num>
KD208 <id>
VA vibration analysis
Hoist hoist
#3 number <num>
Intermediate intermediate
bearing bearing
LH left hand
GREASE grease
TRACK track
ADJUSTER adjuster
SEIZED seized
Emergency emergency-stops
Require requires
Labels labels
reported reported
cab cabin
door door
hard hard
to to
close close
7897 <id>
Intake intake
Fan fan
No16 number <num>
Overhaul-Elec/Mech overhaul - electrical / mechanical
replace replace
LH left hand
side side
grab grab
handle handle
house house
fan fan
40 <num>
trip trip
e/leakage electrical leakage
Repair repair
w/ways walkways
& and
handrails handrails
as as
per per
report report
loosing loosing
engine engine
revs revs
replace replace
broken broken
tailight tailight
assemblies assemblies
Walk walk
motors motors
1&2 <num> and <num>
have have
poor poor
comm communication
condition condition
Freshwater freshwater
supply supply
leaking leaking
Drag drag
brake brake
switch switch
faulty faulty
repair repair
a A-frame
lighting lighting
top top
row row
Both both
swing swing
lube lube
solenoid solenoid
seal seal
valve valve
u/s unserviceable
Swing swing
gen generator
overvoltage overvoltage
alarm alarm
Loosing loosing
exitation excitation
post post
service service
coolant coolant
pump pump
wont won't
work work
526 <id>
Weekly weekly
Service service
Electrical electrical
inspect inspect
RH right hand
door door
not not
shutting shutting
properly properly
5635 <id>
Bucket bucket
Overhaul-Mechanical overhaul - mechanical
engine engine
blowing blowing
out out
oil oil
replace replace
under under
bench bench
lights lights
SAFE safe
extend extend
dipsticks dipsticks
replace replace
tip tip
7897 <id>
Exhaust exhaust
Fan fan
No6 number <num>
Overhaul overhaul
Elec/Mech electrical / mechanical
Replace replace
R/H right hand
connecting connecting
ring ring
and and
link link
Genset generator set
has has
control control
wiring wiring
fault fault
#105 number <num>
Bucket bucket
# number
8 <num>
Patch Patch
Repairs repairs
014 <id>
- -
No no
reception reception
on on
Radio radio
replace replace
faulty faulty
blinker blinker
units units
under under
door door
060 <id>
Air air
loss loss
from from
'T' <id>
chord chord
Drag drag
gen generator
field field
exciter exciter
trip trip
526 <id>
re-fit refit
tub tub
scrapers scrapers
replace replace
return return
air air
filter filter
c/o change out
LH left hand
drag drag
shackle shackle
bucket bucket
end end
CABIN cabin
CONTROLS controls
- -
SPEEDO speedometer
GAUGE gauge
U/S unserviceable
pin pin
fallen fallen
out out
on on
drag drag
shackle shackle
L/H left hand
5635 <id>
Propel propel
Cam camshaft
Bushes bushes
C/Out-Mech change out - mechanical
trace trace
& and
repair repair
alt alternator
charge charge
gauge gauge
n/w not working
leaking leaking
injector injector
return return
lines lines
top top
Hoist hoist
brake brake
released released
ind ind
staying staying
on on
pin pin
coming coming
out out
of of
brace brace
REPLACE replace
TEST test
PORT port
& and
THE the
DRAIN drain
TAPS taps
U/S unserviceable
drag drag
motor motor
7 <num>
noisey noisy
Fortnigntly fortnightly
sub sub
inspection inspection
Vq162 <id>
replace replace
tailshaft tailshaft
assembly assembly
Right right
deck deck
mcc MCC
trip trip
Sync synchronous
Motor motor
Pedestal pedestal
Brng bearing
replacing replacing
Drag drag
gen generator
field field
fault fault
Chgeout change out
worn worn
drag drag
roller roller
sect section
526 <id>
REPLACE replace
LUBE lube
MODULE module
BOLTS bolts
I <id>
Cable cable
work work
repower repower
from from
East east
sub sub
220 <id>
Argon <sensitive>
GI4 <id>
- -
2000 <num>
Hr hour
Service service
8664 <id>
24WK <num> week
Air air
Conditioning conditioning
Service service
Cracked cracked
Weld weld
& and
U/S unserviceable
bolts bolts
F/LHS front / left hand side
I I-beam
RH right hand
Fan fan
House house
36w <num> week
Fitting fitting
to to
be be
replaced replaced
Check check
for for
cracks cracks
in in
boom boom
pivot pivot
fire fire
ext extinguisher
brackets brackets
broken broken
missing missing
replace replace
lube lube
filters filters
repair repair
lighting lighting
on on
upper upper
a A-frame
Repair repair
the the
top top
rail rail
cracks cracks
Spreader spreader
Bar bar
broken broken
in in
Half half
front front
blinkers blinkers
u/s unserviceable
and and
not not
working working
5635 <id>
Attachment attachment
Accessories accessories
Inspect-Mech inspection - mechanical
Install install
new new
Fresh fresh
Water water
Tank tank
on on
C/Hut crib hut
Unit unit
526 <id>
Routine routine
Walk walk-through
Inspection inspection
5635 <id>
Air air
Conditioner conditioner
Service service
/ /
Inspect inspect
coolant coolant
pump pump
REPLACE replace
BROKEN broken
LHS left hand side
HEADLIGHT headlight
060 <id>
lh left hand
propel propel
upper upper
bush bush
2nd second
grease grease
inje injection
rotalarm rotalarm
and and
rear rear
light light
switch switch
u/s unserviceable
P electrical
0 <num>
Wk week
Service service
Recrop recrop
drag drag
ropes ropes
KI673 <id>
Rinachi <sensitive>
Service service
Day day
Wash wash
Replace replace
grease grease
nipples nipples
to to
top top
BT3/1 <id>
Pos position
#2 number <num>
steer steering
oil oil
inspection inspection
plug plug
missing missing
oil oil
leak leak
on on
quick quick
hitch hitch
Replace replace
worn worn
bush bush
on on
becket bucket
cyl cylinder
Replace replace
15w40 <num>W<num>
gun gun
Hoist hoist
brake brake
moisture moisture
trap trap
leak leak
house house
fan fan
cuts cuts
out out
when when
at at
boom boom
point point
45 <num>
eng engine
oil oil
pump pump
leaking leaking
Install install
signage signage
outside outside
sub sub
686 <id>
sub sub
060 <id>
RHS right hand side
Propel propel
- -
Resolver resolver
Data data
Fault fault
Oil oil
found found
in in
Revolving revolving
Frame frame
Loss loss
of of
swing swing
control control
Kick kick
rail rail
to to
be be
cut cut
down down
REPAIR repair
OIL oil
LEAKS leaks
UNDER under
CENTRE centre
OF of
MODULE module
RH right hand
rear rear
brake brake
backing backing
plate plate
u/s unserviceable
cable cable
reroute reroute
li648 <id>
- -
19/03/0011 <date>
LH left hand
side side
seat seat
belt belt
requires requires
replacing replacing
Radio radio
Lost lost
power power
E/L electrical
trip trip
Check check
Swing swing
Gen generator
# number
2 <num>
& and
# number
1 <num>
Daily daily
for for
wear wear
battery battery
box box
mount mount
to to
chassis chassis
loose loose
888 <id>
Clar <sensitive>
5172R <id>
- -
1000 <num>
Hr hour
Service service
Mast mast
flood floodlight
out out
8664 <id>
12WK <num> week
Roller roller
Path path
Lube lube
Service service
LH left hand
rear rear
door door
on on
lube lube
module module
bent bent
CABIN cabin
CONTROLS controls
- -
OIL oil
TEMP temperature
GAUGE gauge
U/S unserviceable
swap swap
over over
large large
air air
tank tank
with with
888 <id>
R/H right hand
dump dump
connecting connecting
link link
snapped snapped
pin pin
in in
chain chain
Grease grease
all all
motors motors
853-6 <id>
Compatment compartment
to to
be be
purged purged
high high
Drag drag
fault fault
- -
Ribbon ribbon
cable cable
MG motor generator
guarding guarding
storage storage
when when
removed removed
bulk bulk
fuel fuel
pump pump
not not
working working
Vibration vibration
in in
house house
fan fan
#12 number <num>
Lube lube
system system
problems problems
post post
shutdown shutdown
Flashing flashing
light light
not not
working working
Re resocket
Drag drag
Ropes ropes
060 <id>
Dump dump
Block block
Lubrication lubrication
/ /
Inspect inspection
CLEAN clean
MOBILE mobile
WORKSHOP workshop
WEEK week
19 <num>
- -
06/10 <date>
Dragline dragline
Cable cable
sled sled
to to
be be
modified modified
brakes brakes
dragging dragging
8664 <id>
Drag drag
Chain chain
- -
change change
Fan fan
filter filter
inspection/cleaning inspection / cleaning
FR3594 <id>
Inspect inspect
on on
bucket bucket
Fit fit
Cupboard cupboard
for for
Two-Way two-way
charging charging
statio station
OIL oil
LEAK leak
STILL still
ON on
THE the
RH right hand
REAR rear
OF of
MODULE module
Front front
window window
roller roller
blind blind
broken broken
Hyd hydraulic
hose hose
needs needs
replacing replacing
DB0 <id>
Skimmed skimmed
investigate investigate
and and
repair repair
aerial aerial
for for
am/fm AM / FM
Repair repair
oil oil
leak leak
on on
Swing swing
#2 number <num>
gearbox gearbox
fuel fuel
leak leak
from from
under under
centre centre
of of
module module
steer steering
spring spring
shackle shackle
bushes bushes
& and
pins pins
u/s unserviceable
Oil oil
sampling sampling
on on
all all
transformer transformer
grease grease
house house
rollers rollers
replace replace
anti anti
tool two-block
switch switch
SAFETYreplace safety replace
acess access
for for
suspension suspension
ropes ropes
battery battery
box box
mounting mounting
bolts bolts
u/s unserviceable
Resample resample
transmission transmission
due due
to to
poor poor
result result
51 <num>
Week week
Tool tool
Inspection inspection
'O' <id>
Crew crew
LL lower left
LR lower right
V <id>
lube lube
system system
faults faults
Oil oil
tank tank
man man
hole hole
lid lid
off off
Rinachi <sensitive>
Exc excavator
- -
Machine machine
500hr <num> hour
Service service
E338 <id>
grease grease
gauges gauges
req requires
replacing replacing
rear rear
module module
door door
gas gas
strut strut
broken broken
MOBILE mobile
5H <id>
Internal internal
Labour labour
W12 week <num>
Remove remove
cable cable
loop loop
around around
tub tub
Hoist hoist
Sockets sockets
Replace replace
Fortnightly fortnightly
clean/inspection clean / inspection
lu079bgc <id>
grease grease
alarm alarm
on on
rh right hand
propel propel
wheel wheel
nut nut
indicators indicators
to to
be be
fitted fitted
060 <id>
W <id>
Chord chord
loosing losing
air air
check check
for for
c crack
LH left hand
side side
door door
parcel parcel
pocket pocket
u/s unserviceable
replace replace
faulty faulty
tailshaft tailshaft
centre centre
bearing bearing
Thermographic thermographic
Survey survey
- -
Electrical electrical
equip equipment
Lube lube
Fllter fllter
Replacement replacement
REPORTED reported
HYDRAULIC hydraulic
OIL oil
LEAK leak
lighting lighting
repairs repairs
PY5 <id>
Chassis chassis
Crack crack
Inspection inspection
& and
Procedures procedures
Scope scope
earth earth
grid grid
test test
sites sites
526 <id>
fairlead fairlead
rope rope
pin pin
bent bent
req requires
replacin replacing
install install
air air
line line
between between
drums drums
lost lost
electrical electrical
power power
replace replace
dump dump
links links
x x
3 <num>
dcs DCS
frozen frozen
up up
install install
repaired repaired
air air
hose hose
reel reel
7897 <id>
- -
Drag drag
Motor motor
Blower blower
Lube lube
Elect electrical
reported reported
coolant coolant
leak leak
from from
heater heater
drag drag
ropes ropes
failed failed
07/04/0011 <date>
XA0919 <id>
Hydraulic hydraulic
oil oil
in in
diff differential
accelerator accelerator
pedal pedal
valve valve
u/s unserviceable
526 <id>
Inspect inspect
ropes ropes
after after
Easter Easter
220 <id>
- -
1000 <num>
Hr hour
Service service
DTS <sensitive>
replace replace
float float
shutoff shutoff
in in
top top
of of
tank tank
- -
Swing swing
Pinion pinion
# number
7 <num>
Swing swing
Brake brake
Hoses hoses
to to
be be
relocated relocated
reported reported
a/c air conditioner
not not
cooling cooling
Cable cable
work work
for for
machine machine
relocation relocation
LHF left hand front
module module
comparment compartment
mount mount
bolts bolts
loose loose
repaired repaired
chain chain
for for
highwall highwall
Motion motion
isolator isolator
indicator indicator
faulty faulty
Please please
leave leave
open open
untill until
account account
can can
be be
Tritronics Tri-Tronics
not not
recording recording
load load
weights weights
060 <id>
#1 number <num>
propel propel
has has
bad bad
oil oil
analysis analysis
repor report
Banlaw Banlaw
to to
supply supply
& and
fit fit
meter meter
lost lost
quik-tip Kwik Tip
Fortnightly fortnightly
clean clean
li648 <id>
sub sub
LH left hand
trunnion trunnion
pin pin
walking walking
out out
lost lost
power power
after after
shot shot
4 <num>
monthly monthly
Air air
Compressor compressor
Service service
pos#2 position number <num>
wheel wheel
stud stud
broken broken
Check check
condition condition
of of
fan fan
motor motor
bearings bearings
VARIOUS various
CLEARANCE clearance
LIGHTS lights
ON on
MODULE module
N/W not working
Bearing bearing
cap cap
replace replace
R/H right hand
outer outer
lip lip
shroud shroud
Break break
cable cable
for for
554 <id>
to to
walk walk-through
7897 <id>
Mast mast
Suspenion suspension
Links links
Changeout-Mech change out - mechanical
front front
blinker blinker
assemblies assemblies
u/s unserviceable
Argon <sensitive>
H14H <id>
- -
Radiator radiator
Changeout change out
Cabin cabin
Roof roof
Glass glass
Cracked cracked
aux auxiliary
engine engine
will will
not not
start start
fabricate fabricate
protection protection
plate plate
for for
radiator radiator
OD4260 <id>
charging charging
fault fault
engine engine
failure failure
off off
site site
repairs repairs
cab cabin
sunvisor sunvisor
broken broken
requires requires
replacing replacing
CM condition monitoring
- -
Centre centre
Pintle pintle
Inspection inspection
Replace replace
Air air
Con conditioner
Hoses hoses
5635 <id>
8 <num>
Weekly weekly
Service-Electrical service - electrical
hoist hoist
no1 number <num>
leaking leaking
power power
tripped tripped
at at
the the
sub sub
light light
maintenance maintenance
and and
cleaning cleaning
hoist hoist
pony pony
drive drive
u/S unserviceable
High high
Pressure pressure
Hose hose
Reel reel
U/S unserviceable
drag drag
stall stall
protection protection
trip trip
Swing swing
pinion pinion
2 <num>
1 <num>
bolts bolts
broken broken
oil oil
leak leak
around around
rear rear
of of
transfer transfer
box box
drag drag
box box
leaaking leaking
oil oil
KI673 <id>
Rinachi <sensitive>
500hr <num> hour
Services services
Plan plan
Wk19 week <num>
8664 <id>
56WC <id>
Clean clean
Hoist hoist
Hood hood
Area area
5635 <id>
A A-frame
Safety safety
Ropes ropes
Inspection inspection
5635 <id>
Fire fire
System system
Service service
/ /
Inspect inspect
Would would
not not
start start
DP4 <id>
Blower blower
fan fan
loose loose
Lube lube
RHS right hand side
Propel propel
Cam cam
7897 <id>
Propel propel
Coupling coupling
Lube lube
/ /
Inspect inspect
intermediate intermediate
tower tower
walkway walkway
cracked cracked
broken broken
grease grease
hoses hoses
on on
h H-link
refit refit
drad drag
shackle shackle
keeper keeper
pin pin
RH right hand
rear rear
steer steering
guard guard
bracket bracket
broken broken
Hoist hoist
trunnion trunnion
bushes bushes
are are
missing missing
MG motor generator
Set set
Start start
Signal signal
Check check
slew slew
ring ring
grease grease
level level
ZH6907 <id>
- -
fuel fuel
leak leak
drag drag
motor motor
539 <num>
noisey noisy
7897 <id>
RH right hand
Hoist hoist
Drum drum
Bearing bearing
C/Out-Mech change out - mechanical
Grease grease
sample sample
analysis analysis
data data
- -
SERVERE severe
hyd hydraulic
oil oil
leak leak
5635 <id>
Dump dump
Rope rope
Renew-Mechanical renew - mechanical
L/h left hand
a A-frame
lights lights
out out
5635 <id>
H high
V voltage
Maintenance-Electrical maintenance - electrical
Hoist hoist
brake brake
#1replace number <num> replace
brake brake
lining lining
REPLACE replace
OIL oil
DISPENSING dispensing
GUN gun
I <id>
Panels panels
& and
Gurds guards
- -
Machine machine
N0 number <num>
Need need
R repair
DL dragline
060 <id>
Pre pre-service
Inspect inspect
Mech mechanical
985 <id>
Argon <sensitive>
H14H <id>
500 <num>
Hr hour
Service service
REPLACE replace
ENGINE engine
FILLER filler
PIPE pipe
HOSE hose
& and
CAP cap
Drag drag
ropes ropes
crossed crossed
over over
leaking leaking
pipe pipe
on on
front front
of of
power power
divider divider
1 <num>
sparking sparking
7897 <id>
VistaCam <sensitive>
system system
Inspect inspect
& and
Clean clean
5635 <id>
External external
Exam examination
Of of
Fixed fixed
Equip-Elec equipment - electrical
Check check
guards guards
on on
exhaust exhaust
fans fans
A/C air conditioner
NOT not
WORKING working
- -
LOW low
ON on
GAS gas
Commence commence
installation installation
of of
shelves shelves
5635 <id>
Drag drag
Ropes ropes
LH left hand
Changeout-Mechanical change out - mechanical
DQ2867 <id>
Repair repair
Engine engine
Pre prelube
Fault fault
replace replace
heater heater
control control
unit unit
7897 <id>
- -
Emergency emergency
Lighting lighting
Audit audit
Fit fit
Ext external
near near
pump pump
for for
EXT external
Power power
Coolant coolant
leak leak
Repair repair
crack crack
in in
R/H right hand
side side
in in
arch arch
Bkt bucket
#6 number <num>
REPLACE replace
DRIVE driveshaft
SHAFT universal
OD4260 <id>
Tray tray
repairs repairs
REPLACE replace
REAR rear
LUBE lube
MODULE module
COUPLING coupling
AIR air
CONDITIONING conditioning
- -
BLOWING blowing
HOT hot
AIR air
replace replace
alternator alternator
& and
a/c air conditioner
belts belts
MODIFICATIONS modifications
TO to
ACCELERATOR accelerator
PEDAL pedal
LH left hand
bucket bucket
end end
drag drag
shackle shackle
snapped snapped
5635 <id>
Hoist hoist
Coupling coupling
Lube lube
& and
Inspect-Mech inspect - mechanical
swing swing
brake brake
2 <num>
press pressure
switch switch
bypassed bypassed
Inspect inspect
and and
clean clean
fire fire
extinguisher extinguisher
foam foam
& and
u/s unserviceable
REPLACE replace
CONVEYOR conveyor
RUBBER rubber
ON on
STEP step
SIDES sides
replace replace
broken broken
RH right hand
headlight headlight
front front
diff differential
through through
shaft shaft
seal seal
leaking leaking
refit refit
grease grease
line line
on on
bucket bucket
hitch hitch
hi high
flow flow
diesel diesel
hose hose
on on
the the
rear rear
leaking leaking
trace trace
and and
repair repair
computer computer
fault fault
codes codes
trial trial
modifiy modify
lube lube
panel panel
air air
regulation regulation
cable cable
work work
ll124 <id>
27/01/0012 <date>
Replace replace
ribbon ribbon
cables cables
on on
drives drives
monitor monitor
oil oil
leak leak
swing swing
#3 number <num>
REPLACE replace
15W/40 <num>W/<num>
OIL oil
GUN gun
replace replace
kwik Kwik
tip Tip
Kit kit
up up
bucket bucket
5 <num>
KI673 <id>
Rinachi <sensitive>
Services services
Plan plan
Replace replace
leaking leaking
hose hose
ends ends
on on
lube lube
statio station
RHS right hand side
Shoe shoe
Trunnion trunnion
Bolts bolts
Loose loose
replace replace
faulty faulty
microphone microphone
Change change
out out
the the
R/H right hand
riser riser
shroud shroud
Sets sets
will will
not not
start start
replace replace
drivers drivers
bottom bottom
seat seat
cover cover
overtemp overtemperature
causing causing
delay delay
shutdowns shutdowns
FOX <sensitive>
883X <id>
250hr <num> hour
Service service
air air
leak leak
drag drag
motor motor
5 <num>
motor motor
change change
out out
QP6 <id>
Replace replace
2 <num>
Arc arc
Horns horns
Excavator excavator
Daily daily
Inspect inspect
Pre-service pre-service
Clean clean
air air
intake intake
damaged damaged
at at
inlet inlet
Broken broken
parts parts
lower lower
disconnect disconnect
switch switch
REPLACE replace
GAS gas
STRUTS struts
ON on
TOOLBOX toolbox
LID lid
RP85 <id>
RH right hand
Steering steering
Cylinder cylinder
Change change
replace replace
both both
headlights headlights
broken broken
king king
post post
inoperable inoperable
alarm alarm
REPLACE replace
DESPACH dispatch
UNIT unit
REPLACE replace
HYDRAULIC hydraulic
COUPLING coupling
ON on
REAR rear
Cleaning cleaning
of of
drive drive
packages packages
and and
Fire fire
alarm alarm
came came
up up
for for
l/h left hand
filter filter
house house
replace replace
steering steering
box box
assembly assembly
7897 <id>
Propel propel
Gear gearcase
No1 number <num>
Brg bearing
C/Out-Mech change out - mechanical
Replace replace
in/ext internal / external
A/C air conditioner
Filters filters
RH right hand
rear rear
steer steering
guard guard
assm assembly
u/s unserviceable
System system
E <id>
Pump pump
press pressure
gauge gauge
not not
working working
Fairlead fairlead
Frame frame
Mounting mounting
Pins pins
Polish Polish
Remove remove
damaged damaged
cable cable
from from
run run
drivers drivers
door door
hinges hinges
require require
replacing replacing
I <id>
grease grease
fitting fitting
coupling coupling
u/s unserviceable
Replace replace
the the
right right
hand hand
darg drag
shackle shackle
Repair repair
lock lock
on on
pcr PCR
door door
Lower lower
tower tower
ropes ropes
req requires
tensioning tensioning
Front front
LHS left hand side
access access
stairs stairs
1st first
to to
2nd second
level level
7897 <id>
Drag drag
Chains chains
Changeout-Mechanical change out - mechanical
RH right hand
PROPEL propel
LUBE lube
FAULT fault
walk walk
from from
h6 <id>
to to
milton <sensitive>
5H <id>
Lean lean
for for
Remington <sensitive>
Wksp workshop
WK week
50 <num>
7897 <id>
Dump dump
Chain chain
RH right hand
Changeout-Mechanical change out - mechanical
Machine machine
shut shut
down down
while while
driving driving
RH right hand
dump dump
rope rope
snapped snapped
Park park
brake brake
would would
not not
release release
526 <id>
- -
Replace replace
damaged damaged
cable cable
winch winch
hydoil hydraulic
leaks leaks
on on
3 <num> point
linkage linkage
offsite offsite
module module
crack crack
repairs repairs
check check
dump dump
rope rope
slipping slipping
IO1745 <id>
Re-seal reseal
oil oil
leak leak
at at
a/c air conditioner
drive drive
8664 <id>
4WK <num> week
Filter filter
Replacement replacement
Seat seat
compressor compressor
not not
working working
outer outer
l/h left hand
tooth tooth
missing missing
tooth tooth
off off
bucket bucket
replace replace
rivets rivets
in in
lube lube
module module
doors doors
boom boom
point point
light light
out out
e/con electrical connection
short short
circuit circuit
Replace replace
#2 number <num>
swing swing
lube lube
filter filter
handrail handrail
broken broken
on on
Deflection deflection
tower tower
Roof roof
Drainage drainage
Down down
Pipe pipe
Repair repair
inspect inspect
oil oil
still still
around around
LHR left hand rear
tyre tyre
HU2990 <id>
Coolant coolant
leaks leaks
rhs right hand side
front front
engine engine
YR1007 <id>
ROTATE rotate
POS position
3 <num>
& and
8 <num>
MOBILE mobile
Step-up step-up
Labour labour
W week
M <id>
lower lower
pole pole
has has
split split
fit fit
cupboard cupboard
in in
Heavy heavy
Mobile mobile
C/Hut crib hut
Replace replace
both both
L/H left hand
& and
R/H right hand
drag drag
shackles shackles
Shoe shoe
pin pin
bush bush
retainer retainer
loose loose
H-link H-link
lower lower
lube lube
lines lines
off off
Replace replace
zone zone
24 <num>
fire fire
detector detector
8 <num>
monthly monthly
electrical electrical
stat statutory
testing testing
day day
Fan fan
filter filter
service service
V <id>
system system
pressure pressure
problems problems
060 <id>
Boom boom
walkway walkway
U U-bolt
broken broken
2nd second
cros cross
tighten tighten
upper upper
deflection deflection
tower tower
support support
b <id>
8664 <id>
Bucket bucket
Change change
hoist hoist
generator generator
#2 number <num>
stone stone
jackshaft jackshaft
universal universal joint
failure failure
Y <id>
Weekly weekly
Rope rope
Work work
Replace replace
RH right hand
& and
LH left hand
Track track
Carrier carrier
Rollers rollers
sml small
eng engine
oil oil
leak leak
on on
filter filter
feed feed
hose hose
repaired repaired
broken broken
hydraulic hydraulic
lever lever
DX8213 <id>
short short
in in
headlight headlight
wiring wiring
060 <id>
# number
7 <num>
intake intake
fan fan
mesh mesh
req requires
reattachment reattachment
Shut shutdown
- -
No no
Start start
5635 <id>
Hoist hoist
Motor/Blower motor / blower
Lube-Electrical lube
- -
Propel propel
Final final
Gear gear
Rhs right hand side
BLOWN blown
COVER cover
OFF off
TOP top
OF of
OIL oil
TANK tank
lost lost
R/H right hand
quick Kwik
tip Tip
AO8864 <id>
Repair repair
Engine engine
Speed speed
Sensor sensor
grease grease
alarm alarm
rhs right hand side
propel propel
install install
10mm <num> mm
shim shim
in in
right right
hand hand
shoe shoe
engine engine
won't won't
run run
EG0635 <id>
Hyd hydraulic
hose hose
clam clam
bolts bolts
missing missing
rivet rivet
module module
doors doors
back back
on on
5703XW <id>
8 <num>
Weekly weekly
Service service
Electrical electrical
7897 <id>
Propel propel
Cam camshaft
Bushes bushes
C/Out-Mech change out - mechanical
Fit fit
Banlaw Banlaw
VGY4274 <id>
Fuel fuel
Nozzle nozzle
Adjust adjust
boom boom
mounting mounting
pins pins
Camera camera
on on
RH right hand
Shoe shoe
Goes goes
Blank blank
top top
up up
oil oil
in in
swing swing
case case
#4 number <num>
060 <id>
King king
post post
brg bearing
severe severe
grease grease
sample sample
5H <id>
Lean lean
for for
Remington <sensitive>
Wksp workshop
WK week
40 <num>
drivers drivers
door door
seal seal
u/s unserviceable
QP6 <id>
Com communication
Slots slots
to to
be be
cleaned cleaned
out out
hoist hoist
rope rope
equaliser equaliser
broken broken
Remove remove
adaptor's adaptors
& and
inspect inspect
nose's noses
246 <id>
Clar <sensitive>
5172R <id>
- -
2000 <num>
Hr hour
Air air
Con conditioner
Servi service
Replace replace
handrails handrails
around around
drain drain
another another
set set
of of
required required
I <id>
Replace replace
Dump dump
Block block
refit refit
lower lower
hoist hoist
trunion trunnion
pin pin
Argon <sensitive>
H14H <id>
- -
Engine engine
Water water
Pump pump
C/out change out
Mimic mimic
Panel panel
Design design
7897 <id>
060 <id>
CM condition monitoring
84 <num>
w week
Insp inspection
Swing swing
shaft shaft
060 <id>
LHS left hand side
fr front
# number
7 <num>
propel propel
brake brake
pad pad
worn worn
Put put
zip zip
shrink shrink
on on
taped taped
repair repair
house house
fan fan
92 <num>
bearing bearing
seized seized
Change change
the the
adaptors adaptors
on on
bucket bucket
3 <num>
Operator operator
reported reported
noise noise
in in
drag drag
motor motor
5 <num>
W/Place workplace
Insp inspection
Fitters fitters
North north
Crib crib
Hut hut
WK15 week <num>
Bucket bucket
# number
9 <num>
Refit refit
05/07/0010 <date>
house house
fan fan
no2 number <num>
tol tolerance
I <id>
060 <id>
- -
Hydrocarbon hydrocarbon
Upgrade upgrade
7897 <id>
CM condition monitoring
8 <num>
weekly weekly
Walk walk-through
Inspection inspection
R/H/S right hand side
tooth tooth
and and
adaptor adaptor
missing missing
Change change
oil oil
UG8 <id>
Qcl9 <id>
wont won't
build build
up up
air air
check check
steering steering
rams rams
& and
artic Artic
pins pins
Clean clean
grease grease
from from
centre centre
pin pin
pin pin
coming coming
put put
on on
LH left hand
trunnion trunnion
link link
grease grease
hoses hoses
on on
bucket bucket
broken broken
XMAS Christmas
shutdown shutdown
Electrical electrical
Isolations isolations
C <id>
Dump dump
Chain chain
Changeout-Mechanica change out
drive drive
spring spring
trunnion trunnion
caps caps
rusted rusted
away away
Coolant coolant
leak leak
from from
Head head
Exhaust exhaust
side side
lube lube
alam alarm
on on
swing swing
motor motor
no number
4 <num>
flashed flashed
Drag drag
fault fault
Blown blown
hyd hydraulic
hose hose
in in
rear rear
cabinet cabinet
grease grease
lines lines
on on
h-link H-link
broken broken
Remove remove
broken broken
bolts bolts
from from
retaining retaining
cover cover
replace replace
r/h right hand
walk walk
motor motor
arc arc
horns horns
Drag drag
slack slack
rope rope
fault fault
060 <id>
R/H right hand
cam cam
frame frame
bolts bolts
loose/ loose /
rear rear
Eleco electrical
to to
manually manually
transfer transfer
drag/propel drag / propel
rear rear
dump dump
valves valves
above above
rear rear
diff differential
u/s unserviceable
cable cable
re reroute
Change change
oil oil
Drag drag
Box box
#3 number <num>
walking walking
cam cam
lube lube
hose hose
blown blown
Inspect inspect
/ /
replace replace
rope rope
Permalubes permalubes
reset reset
drag drag
and and
hoist hoist
limits limits
BOTTOM bottom
DIFF differential
RODS rods
REQUIRE requires
REPLACMENT replacement
reported reported
low low
air air
IO1745 <id>
Repair repair
Air air
Conditioner conditioner
fit fit
non non-slip
edge edge
to to
steps steps
8664 <id>
4WK <num> week
Fire fire
System system
Inspection inspection
Repairs repairs
to to
flood flood
L left
H hand
S side
over over
propel propel
shoe shoe
5635 <id>
CM condition monitoring
6 <num>
weekly weekly
Walk walk-through
Inspection inspection
- -
Drag drag
Bull bull
Gear gear
Teeth teeth
L/H left hand
Walkway walkway
above above
swing swing
box box
comming coming
loose loose
Fibre fibre
Composite composite
Trial trial
on on
526 <id>
Boom boom
5635 <id>
2 <num>
Weekly weekly
Service-Mechanical service - mechanical
5635 <id>
Lube lube
Service service
Aux auxiliary
Dove <sensitive>
Eng engine
-Mech - mechanical
O-ring O-ring
on on
swing swing
brake#1 brake number <num>
oiler oiler
needs needs
repl replace
Mogify modify
engraver engraver
lid lid
in in
meeting meeting
room room
L/H left hand
Dirt dirt
Chute chute
Sheave sheave
Shaft shaft
Replace replace
inspect inspect
oil oil
leak leak
from from
RH right hand
rear rear
hub hub
Fit fit
return return
line line
from from
coolant coolant
relief relief
fit fit
emergency emergency
injector injector
line line
to to
stop stop
leak leak
Replace replace
RHS right hand side
Travel travel
Pedal pedal
Control control
KI673 <id>
Rinachi <sensitive>
Daily daily
Inspections inspections
WK week
80 <num>
IO1745 <id>
Oil oil
leak leak
at at
air air
con conditioner
drive drive
DL& dragline and
highwall highwall
chain chain
swivel swivel
broken broken
Weekly weekly
Inspection inspection
Of of
The the
First first
Aid aid
Box box
No number
4 <num>
swing swing
box box
no no
lube lube
flow flow
hyd hydraulic
hose hose
wont won't
release release
7897 <id>
Dump dump
Block block
Lubrication lubrication
/ /
Inspect inspection
Ignitors ignitors
fro from
electrical electrical
cage cage
bolt bolt
missing missing
out out
of of
dog dogbone
Drag drag
- -
Pony Pony
Drive drive
Guard guard
Modification modification
Crack crack
Repairs repairs
Various various
cutting cutting
edge edge
u/s unserviceable
Remove remove
Rigging rigging
off off
QL2 <id>
Replace replace
fairlead fairlead
rubbers rubbers
to to
large large
style style
Replace replace
rh right hand
inner inner
verticle vertical
fairlead fairlead
rolle roller
526 <id>
- -
Tong tong
Test test
all all
House house
Fans fans
& and
Blowers blowers
C/O change out
right right
hand hand
dump dump
socket socket
W/Place workplace
Insp inspection
- -
3199 <id>
Nth north
Bucket/Body bucket / body
Pad pad
RH right hand
filter filter
hse hand
front front
door door
glass glass
shattered shattered
operators operators
screen screen
locked locked
up up
Hoist hoist
motor motor
4 <num>
getting getting
hot hot
8664 <id>
48WK <num> week
Drag drag
Drum drum
Spyder spyder
Internal internal
Drum drum
remote remote
controls controls
to to
be be
modified modified
5635 <id>
- -
Profile profile
Swing swing
Generator generator
No number
1 <num>
Replace replace
segment segment
on on
dirt dirt
chute chute
rollers rollers
RH right hand
modula modular
Shutdown shutdown
draglines draglines
for for
christmas Christmas
outage outage
SPEEDO speedometer
NOT not
WORKING working
Both both
outer outer
adaptor adaptor
nosses nozzles
cracked cracked
Run run
out out
of of
Drag drag
rope rope
lube lube
24wk <num> week
cabinet cabinet
service service
7897 <id>
Hoist hoist
Drum drum
Bearing bearing
C/Out-Mechanical change out - mechanical
C/O change out
Left left
lower lower
Y Y-link
7897 <id>
Drag drag
Drum drum
Bullgear bullgear
LH left hand
C/out-Mech change out - mechanical
wont won't
select select
gears gears
Load load
drag drag
rope rope
sleds sleds
7897 <id>
- -
Take take
Oil oil
Samples samples
REPLACE replace
RHS rear
DRIVE drive
BOTTOM bottom
DIFF differential
RODS rods
add add
cables cables
in in
line line
ripper ripper
boot boot
missing missing
headlight headlight
out out
5 <num>
house house
light light
outs outs
Loose loose
swing swing
pinion pinion
bolts bolts
swing swing
No3 number <num>
Replace replace
Operator operator
Seat seat
Main main
82 <num>
amp amp
circuit circuit
breaker breaker
U/S unserviceable
wont won't
suck suck
oil oil
5635 <id>
Weekly weekly
Mech mechanical
Inspection inspection
7897 <id>
Set set
Pedestal pedestal
Brg bearing
Oil oil
Change change
tanks tanks
to to
be be
changed changed
due due
to to
contamination contamination
Grease grease
all all
motors motors
li648 <id>
change change
diff differential
oils oils
due due
to to
bad bad
sample sample
repair repair
wiring wiring
being being
pull pulled
out out
of of
box box
Update update
T test
and and
T tag
spreadsheets spreadsheets
526 <id>
Audit audit
mech mechanical
components components
I <id>
excessive excessive
movement movement
in in
attachment attachment
Check check
swing swing
blower blower
motors motors
mounting mounting
bolts bolts
Pin pin
fallen fallen
out out
of of
bucket bucket
L/H left hand
trunnion trunnion
the the
RH right hand
battery battery
box box
mount mount
bolts bolts
missing missing
parts parts
Dove <sensitive>
697 <id>
Float float
- -
Machine machine
Servic service
RH right hand
air air
pressure pressure
gauge gauge
u/s unserviceable
aircon air conditioner
fans fans
not not
working working
Mast mast
Foot foot
Clevis clevis
Weld weld
& and
Pin pin
REPLACE replace
FAN fan
BELT belt
TENSIONER tensioner
L/h left hand
paddle paddle
bump bump
blocks blocks
worn worn
FRONT front
CROSSBAR crossbar
HITTING hitting
ON on
RADIATOR radiator
8664 <id>
Weekly weekly
Electrical electrical
Inspections inspections
drive driveshaft
rear rear
universal universal joint
u/s unserviceable
no no
power power
to to
cab cabin
2879 <id>
Substation substation
Refurbishment refurbishment
coolant coolant
hose hose
worn worn
KI673 <id>
Rinachi <sensitive>
Daily daily
Inspections inspections
WK12 week <num>
Make make
up up
Oblong oblong
links links
for for
tugger tugger
ropes ropes
hoist hoist
motor motor
armature armature
failure failure
2 two-way
low low
volts volts
No number
1 <num>
Drag drag
Gearcase gearcase
- -
Gearing gearing
inspection inspection
Shut shutdown
and and
no no
dash dash
power power
Weld weld
HV high voltage
Room room
structural structural
cracks cracks
A/Con air conditioner
frozen frozen
up up
RH right hand
lower lower
luff luff
cyl cylinder
grease grease
line line
broken broken
R/H/S right hand side
Hoist hoist
hood hood
roller roller
shaft shaft
bent bent
check check
grease grease
lines lines
to to
rope rope
pins pins
8664 <id>
48WK <num> week
Walking walking
Shoes shoes
Insp inspection
Drag drag
Loop loop
3 <num>
fault fault
flashing flashing
light light
lens lens
gone gone
cover cover
repair repair
retainer retainer
bolts bolts
broken broken
Replace replace
A/C air conditioner
pressuriser pressuriser
filters filters
7897 <id>
Propel propel
Camshaft camshaft
Bushes bushes
LH left hand
& and
RH-Insp right hand - inspection
install install
chain chain
to to
side side
door door
latch latch
Change change
both both
L/H left hand
& and
R/H right hand
risers risers
replace replace
tip tip
and and
adaptor adaptor
534 <id>
- -
Machine machine
500hr <num> hour
Service service
replace replace
fitting fitting
on on
coolant coolant
7897 <id>
Drag drag
Motor motor
Lube lube
Replace replace
Drag drag
ropes ropes
on on
060 <id>
D/line dragline
Restock restock
the the
drag drag
rope rope
sleds sleds
Amp amp
Control control
Injection injection
Tests tests
fit fit
propel propel
shoe shoe
deflection deflection
rubber rubber
rear rear
lube lube
module module
door door
struts struts
u/s unserviceable
Bucket bucket
crack crack
repairs repairs
060 <id>
Gantry gantry
Tower tower
chain chain
mounting mounting
repairs repairs
Attach attach
hooks hooks
to to
cable cable
boat boat
7897 <id>
Gearbox gearbox
Breather breather
Changes changes
060 <id>
bucket bucket
cracked cracked
in in
arch arch
near near
cancelle cancelled
8664 <id>
Drag drag
Rope rope
change change
& and
drag drag
socket socket
c/o change out
replace replace
#2 number <num>
drag drag
g/box gearbox
lube lube
filter filter
Rope rope
roller roller
inspection inspection
Recrimp recrimp
tugger tugger
winch winch
ropes ropes
hoist hoist
slack slack
rope rope
alarm alarm
8664 <id>
Drag drag
Rope rope
4 <num>
monthly monthly
Motion motion
Isolators isolators
Service service
steer steering
cyl cylinder
ends ends
pins/bushes pins / bushes
u/s unserviceable
fuel fuel
leak leak
on on
aux auxiliary
engine engine
Inspect inspect
Quote quote
Replacement replacement
Brake brake
Ass assembly
ROPE rope
CLAMP clamp
MISSING missing
OFF off
HOIST hoist
ROPE rope
replace replace
faulty faulty
seat seat
Fit fit
Durst Durst
Battery battery
Charger charger
and and
monitor monitor
Inspect inspect
R/H right hand
Drag drag
Drum drum
Bearing bearing
TACHO tachometer
AND and
SPEEDO speedometer
U/S unserviceable
Change change
out out
u/s unserviceable
water water
pump pump
LH/side left hand side
replace replace
worn worn
tunnel tunnel
rollers rollers
signage signage
require require
in in
crush crush
zone zone
REPAIR repair
REAR rear
REVOLVING revolving
NOT not
WORKING working
MOBILE mobile
Step-up step-up
Labour labour
W47 week <num>
LABOUR labour
FOR for
MOBILE mobile
STEP step-up
WEEK week
08/09 <date>
Front front
Diff differential
sensor sensor
wires wires
Broken broken
house house
light light
out out
R right
H hand
front front
RH right hand
side side
air air
tanks tanks
damaged damaged
replace replace
House house
Floodlight floodlight
fittings fittings
need need
replacing replacing
replace replace
hose hose
RHS right hand side
below below
defl deflection
tower tower
weep weep
mounting mounting
bolts bolts
on on
rear rear
section section
loose loose
Inspect inspect
Lube lube
supply supply
to to
centre centre
pin pin
Cab cabin
flashing flashing
light light
Swing swing
Master Master
Switch switch
Access access
Fuel fuel
line line
on on
engine engine
cracked cracked
and and
leaking leaking
Replace replace
swing swing
coupling coupling
bolts bolts
# number
2swing <num> swing
8664 <id>
RHS right hand side
Prpl propel
Bullgear boom
Pinion pinion
Insp inspection
526 <id>
- -
Operators operators
Seat seat
Worn worn
Padding padding
Latch latch
on on
hook hook
faulty faulty
roof roof
top top
driving driving
lights lights
not not
working working
Change change
out out
Swing swing
Generator generator
No number
9 <num>
Repair repair
house house
light light
cab cabin
side side
middle middle
Replace replace
Damaged damaged
Components components
fit fit
428 <id>
sign sign
to to
LH left hand
door door
Rinachi <sensitive>
Exc excavator
- -
Machine machine
4000hr <num> hour
Service service
24wk <num> week
resolver resolver
service service
power power
loss loss
due due
to to
storm storm
bp9386 <id>
swing swing
box box
lifting lifting
bkt bucket
CP9404 <id>
Re-shim reshim
tray tray
pads pads
L/H left hand
Hoist hoist
hood hood
sheave sheave
bushing bushing
replace replace
flasher flasher
Profibus Profibus
Ethernet ethernet
card card
u/s unserviceable
rv7193 <id>
thortle throttle
poss possible
err error
060 <id>
Y <id>
system system
gauge gauge
U/S unserviceable
req requires
replacing replacing
Install install
new new
to to
power power
water water
tank tank
Reweld reweld
deflector deflector
bracket bracket
on on
rope rope
roller roller
Swap swap
rear rear
camera camera
for for
crows crows
nest nest
camera camera
fix fix
spring spring
re-wind rewind
on on
bulk bulk
grease grease
reel reel
R/H right hand
sheave sheave
retainer retainer
plate plate
bolts bolts
broken broken
walk walk
mode mode
transfer transfer
fault fault
DE8488 <id>
Pump pump
Drive driveshaft
Uni universal joint
U/S unserviceable
078 <id>
Argon <sensitive>
GI4 <id>
- -
3000 <num>
Hr hour
Service service
/ /
Servi service
L/H/S left hand side
Fairlead fairlead
Support support
cylinder cylinder
bracket bracket
Grease grease
injectors injectors
not not
delivering delivering
full full
sho shot
FIT fit
BATTERY battery
BOX box
ADAPTOR adaptor
PLATE plate
FOR for
COVER cover
Dump dump
rope rope
failed failed
- -
Upper upper
Ropes ropes
Loc location
5 <num>
Mast mast
Replaced replaced
r/h right hand
drag drag
shackle shackle
keeper keeper
Broken broken
cab cabin
window window
leak leak
from from
grease grease
pump pump
dirty dirty
air air
filters filters
Tracks tracks
require require
adjustment adjustment
r/h right hand
rear rear
flood floodlight
tripping tripping
c/b circuit breaker
REPLACE replace
CONTROL control
SOLENOID solenoid
ELECTRICAL electrical
- -
LOST lost
ALL all
POWER power
Electrical electrical
comms communications
faults faults
grease grease
lines lines
broken broken
on on
quikhitch quick hitch
Bucket bucket
Lip lip
shroud shroud
broken broken
Inspections inspections
REPLACE replace
UNIVERSALS universal joints
swing swing
brake brake
0 <num>
disc disc
badly badly
warped warped
7897 <id>
Bucket bucket
Changeout change out
- -
Mechanical mechanical
8664 <id>
Spreader spreader
Bar bar
Link link
hyd hydraulic
pump pump
not not
turning turning
by by
engine engine
7897 <id>
External external
Exam examination
of of
Fixed fixed
Equip equipment
Pedestal pedestal
bearing bearing
9 <num>
guage gauge
faulty faulty
8 <num>
monthly monthly
Left left
Transfer transfer
Switch switch
Service service
Hoist hoist
Guide guide
Shaft shaft
Replace replace
House house
lights lights
not not
working working
RHR right hand rear
inner inner
drive drive
tyre tyre
needs needs
replacing replacing
LH left hand
rear rear
trailing trailing
cable cable
winch winch
damaged damaged
Tripped tripped
while while
in in
propel propel
Dove <sensitive>
697 <id>
Float float
- -
Ansul Ansul
System system
Serv service
wont won't
run run
Replace replace
Cutting cutting
Edge edge
& and
Bucket bucket
Teeth/Pins teeth / pins
quick Kwik
tip Tip
teeth teeth
missing missing
on on
bucket bucket
Right right
Crane crane
long long
travel travel
wheele wheel
replace replace
8664 <id>
12WK <num> week
Swing swing
Walk walk
Coupling coupling
Service service
replace replace
broken broken
fan fan
shroud shroud
Hoist hoist
brake brake
# number
9 <num>
replace replace
brake brake
lining lining
System system
A <id>
grease grease
pump pump
needs needs
replacing replacing
IK3232 <id>
hose hose
leaking leaking
no no
cab cabin
240v <num> v
cab cabin
power power
ENGINE engine
OIL oil
IN in
RADIATOR radiator
Replace replace
9 <num>
slack slack
adjusters adjusters
and and
boosters boosters
Fit fit
Lexan Lexan
Escushion escutcheon
To to
Lighting lighting
Board board
welding welding
trip trip
- -
no no
propel propel
7897 <id>
Hoist hoist
Motor motor
Motor motor
Lube lube
Machine machine
wont won't
start start
no no
power power
hoist hoist
chain chain
broken broken
put put
drag drag
chains chains
on on
bkt bucket
5 <num>
JD0352 <id>
Replace replace
prelube prelube
motor motor
bracket bracket
7897 <id>
Drag drag
Ropes ropes
RH right hand
Changeout-Mechanical change out - mechanical
Remove remove
cable cable
loop loop
from from
around around
tub tub
W/Place workplace
Insp inspection
Cheshunt Cheshunt
Pit pit
Erection erection
Pad pad
trace trace
& and
repair repair
diff differential
locks locks
not not
working working
Cable cable
work work
for for
relocation relocation
DRIVERS drivers
DOOR door
REQUIRES requires
REPAIR repair
8664 <id>
48WK <num> week
Swing swing
Shaft shaft
Test test
Repair repair
boom boom
and and
a-frame A-frame
lights lights
Restart restart
draglines draglines
after after
family family
day day
24wk <num> week
standby standby
generator generator
service service
7897 <id>
- -
Swing swing
Coupling coupling
Lube lube
& and
Inspection inspection
SIGNS signs
FOR for
REVOLVING revolving
FRAME frame
replace replace
stop stop
button button
on on
tub tub
- -
need need
HV high voltage
OFF off
REPLACE replace
DRIVESHAFT drive shaft
UNIVERSALS universal joints
526 <id>
Crack crack
in in
boompoint boompoint
box box
L/H left hand
HYDRAULIC hydraulic
OIL oil
SITE site
GLASS glass
NOT not
READING reading
removing removing
cables cables
from from
060 <id>
I <id>
REPORTED reported
NO-1 number <num>
SWING swing
BOX box
NOISEY noisy
reported reported
quick quick
hitch hitch
wont won't
lock lock
in in
BATTERY battery
BOX box
LID lid
MISSING missing
left left
drag drag
shagged shagged
C/O change out
both both
risers risers
Elec electrical
37 <num>
Wk week
Battery battery
Replacement replacement
Grease grease
sample sample
analysis analysis
data data
- -
CAUTION caution
Repair repair
broken broken
weld weld
on on
R/H right hand
aframe A-frame
suport suport
replace replace
6 <num>
x x
hoses hoses
Tighten tighten
cam cam
frame frame
bolts bolts
Crank crankcase
ventilation ventilation
filter filter
blocked blocked
Remove remove
scrap scrap
tyres tyres
Investigate investigate
house house
fans fans
faults faults
OIL oil
REELS reels
ON on
TANKER tanker
SEIZED seized
tub tub
cable cable
re-route reroute
NI9670 <id>
c/o change out
flushing flushing
seals seals
R776 <id>
Rinachi <sensitive>
Services services
Plan plan
Drag drag
g/box gearbox
#2 number <num>
bearing bearing
cover cover
leaking leaking
Left left
Deck deck
Support support
to to
be be
fixed fixed
list list
serial# serial number
& and
location location
of of
810 <id>
motors motors
8664 <id>
Dump dump
Connecting connecting
Links links
Replace replace
bolt bolt
on on
sister sister
sheave sheave
cassette cassette
I <id>
No no
drag drag
Air air
filter filter
u/s unserviceable
electrical electrical
faults faults
Resample resample
R/H/O right hand outer
Boom boom
Point point
sheave sheave
- -
DTS <sensitive>
flasher flasher
u/s unserviceable
CM condition monitoring
DRAGLINE dragline
1 <num>
Week week
Walkthrough walk-through
Insp inspection
P replace
broken broken
fluro fluro
in in
swing swing
6 <num>
compa compartment
Drag/Swing drag / swing
field field
ground ground
fault fault
warning warning
SET set-up
STORES stores
CONSUMABLE consumable
AREA area
Replace replace
5 <num>
broken broken
shoe shoe
pin pin
bolts bolts
reported reported
ripper ripper
boot boot
defect defect
clean/replace clean / replace
filters filters
on on
cabinets cabinets
EC7782 <id>
c/o change out
worn worn
cutting cutting
edges edges
HYD hydraulic
PIPING piping
& and
HOSES hoses
- -
BLOWN blown
HOSE hose
7897 <id>
- -
Leica Leica
System system
- -
Visual visual
Inspection inspection
no no
start start
Swing swing
brake brake
1 <num>
worn worn
Fairlead fairlead
sheave sheave
grease grease
sprays sprays
dicky dicky
RH right hand
rear rear
drive drive
hub hub
seal seal
leaking leaking
Compressor compressor
No number
6 <num>
Water water
contamination contamination
replace replace
all all
window window
wipers wipers
5 <num>
Bar bar
/12Kva / <num> kVA
Compressor compressor
Service service
Swing swing
brake brake
9 <num>
replace replace
disc disc
& and
pads pads
W <id>
Sys system
System system
pressure pressure
guage gauge
u/s unserviceable
Inspect inspect
Bearings bearings
on on
YV4 <id>
Ped pedestal
3 <num>
Structure structure
requires requires
welding welding
repairs repairs
DQ2867 <id>
low low
engine engine
oil oil
fault fault
Drag drag
rope rope
pulled pulled
through through
socket socket
air air
leaks leaks
at at
lube lube
pumps pumps
FUEL fuel
LINES lines
- -
REPAIR repair
SPLIT split
HOSE hose
trace trace
and and
repair repair
air air
leak leak
from from
diff differential
lock lock
repair repair
7 <num>
house house
lights lights
No number
0 <num>
walk walk
brake brake
solenoid solenoid
failed failed
Alter alter
new new
lockbox lockbox
and and
stock stock
Elec electrical
Weekly weekly
Substation substation
Inspection inspection
HV high voltage
Collector collector
arm arm
broken broken
- -
White white
Phase phase
walk walk
motor motor
6 <num>
brake brake
fault fault
Swing swing
motor motor
#2 number <num>
overtemp overtemperature
Re recrop
drag drag
ropes ropes
L/H/S left hand side
Dump dump
rope rope
pulled pulled
out out
from from
socket socket
line line
undervoltage undervoltage
fault fault
Hoist hoist
No number
2 <num>
Open open
Pinion pinion
Gear gear
Inspection inspection
pin pin
fill fill
out out
on on
shackle shackle
DRIVERS drivers
FLOOR floor
MAT mat
REQUIRES requires
REPLACEMENT replacement
8664 <id>
24WK <num> week
HV high voltage
Panel panel
SERVICE service
Front front
of of
trailer trailer
near near
hitch hitch
has has
a a
hyd hydraulic
Perform perform
FIB <id>
Audit audit
on on
078 <id>
PERFORM perform
TAPPIT tappit
ADJUSTMENT adjustment
Bonnet bonnet
latch latch
damaged damaged
Pos position
7&8 <num> and <num>
loose loose
I <id>
Fit fit
2nd second
hand hand
set set
of of
Drag drag
Chains chains
526 <id>
7897 <id>
Bleed bleed
Duct duct
Fan fan
No4 number <num>
O/haul-Elec/Mech overhaul - electrical / mechanical
faulty faulty
rw2 <id>
contactor contactor
REGREASE regrease
FRT front
STEER steering
HUBS hubs
Hot hot
busbar busbar
connections connections
behin behind
fan fan
PANELS panels
& and
GUARDS guards
- -
ONE one
OF of
THE the
STRUTS struts
THAT that
system system
calibrate calibrate
bucket bucket
Stick stick
grease grease
lines lines
require require
maintenance maintenance
replace replace
air air
hose hose
on on
large large
reel reel
No no
start start
C <id>
Emergency emergency
Lighting lighting
Audit audit
engine engine
fan fan
bearings bearings
u/s unserviceable
install install
missing missing
keeper keeper
pin pin
L/H left hand
fairlead fairlead
fit fit
light light
tow tow
sling sling
to to
sled sled
Crack crack
repair repair
on on
bucket bucket
arch arch
7897 <id>
Swing swing
No3 number <num>
Vert vertical
Main main
Gear gear
C/Out-Mech change out - mechanical
o <id>
&e and <id>
lube lube
system system
faults faults
7897-3Week <id> - <num> week
Service service
6-8/3/10 <date>
Skim skim
AB4 <id>
KD208-24/04/10 <id> - <date>
anchor anchor
point point
for for
the the
3748series <id> series
nozzles nozzles
Off off-site
repairs repairs
078 <id>
-Doe - <sensitive>
526Upper <id> upper
LH left hand
deflection deflection
sheave sheave
brg bearing
grease grease