OK5862 <id> |
ladder ladder |
controler controller |
u/s unserviceable |
250H <num> hour |
Mech mechanical |
Svce service |
Haul haul |
Truck truck |
FN5736 <id> |
1000H <num> hour |
Mech mechanical |
Insp inspection |
TRK track |
Roll roller |
3 <num> |
RH right hand |
UF2558 <id> |
XF3996-C/out <id> - change out |
Uni's universal joints |
Eng-Pump engine - pump |
Drvcondu drive |
GE2963 <id> |
goanna Goanna |
bar Bar |
missing missing |
pin pin |
RT3290 <id> |
Pos position |
8 <num> |
tyre tyre |
u/s unserviceable |
DO7053 <id> |
Minor minor |
oil oil |
leak leak |
LH left hand |
Final final |
drive drive |
SM2291 <id> |
failed failed |
aux auxiliary |
water water |
pump pump |
2000H <num> hour |
Mech mechanical |
Insp inspection |
VLV valve |
Spring spring |
TO0487 <id> |
1000H <num> hour |
Mech mechanical |
Insp inspection |
Hyd hydraulic |
Cyl cylinder |
Lift lift |
RH right hand |
GY9113 <id> |
3M <num> month |
Mech mechanical |
Cond condition |
Ball ball |
Stut stud |
Crack crack |
Test test |
FV0302 <id> |
UN7986 <id> |
Electric electric |
horn horn |
switch switch |
on on |
dash dash |
GE2963-C/out <id> - change out |
Starter starter |
Motor motor |
QR0218-Inspect <id> - inspect |
Track track |
Roller roller |
3 <num> |
LFT left |
RW7142 <id> |
Remount remount |
access access |
gate gate |
TV3998 <id> |
Replace replace |
intake intake |
hose hose |
Rear rear |
A/C air conditioner |
Compressor compressor |
clutch clutch |
u/s unserviceable |
RW7142 <id> |
replace replace |
u/s unserviceable |
cab cabin |
mounts mounts |
UQ9701 <id> |
Park park |
brake brake |
filter filter |
lines lines |
u/s unserviceable |
XW7976 <id> |
Replace replace |
height height |
adjuster adjuster |
valve valve |
FW9593 <id> |
Repair repair |
park park |
brake brake |
door door |
alarm alarm |
vims VIMS |
keypad keypad |
light light |
out out |
JZ9248 <id> |
LH left hand |
reverse reverse |
light light |
loose loose |
XH1714 <id> |
500hr <num> hour |
Service service |
& and |
Inspection inspection |
DO7053 <id> |
1000hr <num> hour |
Service service |
& and |
Inspection inspection |
EZ7111 <id> |
no no |
payload payload |
indicator indicator |
BC4051 <id> |
repair repair |
work work |
lights lights |
DB2637 <id> |
Fabricate fabricate |
radiator radiator |
stands stands |
BT0391 <id> |
change change |
out out |
pump pump |
dve drive |
uni's universal joints |
RT3290 <id> |
Re-gas regas |
Pos position |
5 <num> |
Strut strut |
CZ6065 <id> |
Cracks cracks |
in in |
Head head |
board board |
LL3433 <id> |
- - |
Refurbish refurbish |
Front front |
End end |
n |
1000H <num> hour |
Mech mechanical |
Insp inspection |
Carry carry |
Roll roller |
No number |
5 <num> |
RH right hand |
TV3998 <id> |
LD3192 <id> |
wIggins Wiggins |
station station |
door door |
lugs lugs |
u/s unserviceable |
XF3996- <id> - |
RH right hand |
hoist hoist |
cylinder cylinder |
leaking leaking |
OO9426 <id> |
Greaseline grease line |
rod rod |
support support |
broken broken |
4000H <num> hour |
Mech mechanical |
Svce service |
Eng engine |
Tune tune |
CZ6065 <id> |
XF3996 <id> |
Fuel fuel |
cap cap |
missing missing |
fail failed |
unis universal joints |
pump pump |
drive drive |
1000H <num> hour |
Mech mechanical |
Insp inspection |
Operator operator |
Seat seat |
MR0229 <id> |
500H <num> hour |
Mech mechanical |
Svce service |
Haul haul |
Truck truck |
GO8941 <id> |
DU7016 <id> |
Minor minor |
engine engine |
oil oil |
leak leak |
AF5037 <id> |
250hr <num> hour |
Service service |
& and |
Inspection inspection |
XK9760 <id> |
beacon beacon |
u/s unserviceable |
1000H <num> hour |
Mech mechanical |
Insp inspection |
Carry carry |
Roll roller |
No number |
1 <num> |
LH left hand |
DB2637 <id> |
Air air |
Con conditioner |
blowing blowing |
hot hot |
when when |
going going |
uphill uphill |
PD2335 <id> |
System system |
voltage voltage |
issue issue |
AE2918 <id> |
C/o change out |
LH left hand |
lower lower |
blade blade |
wear wear |
strip strip |
2000H <num> hour |
Mech mechanical |
Svce service |
Haul haul |
Truck truck |
AL6487 <id> |
DO7053 <id> |
F <id> |
Replace replace |
reverse reverse |
cam cam |
monitor monitor |
KI2123 <id> |
Check check |
over over |
issue issue |
with with |
a/c air conditioner |
system system |
Ko4962 <id> |
front front |
after after |
cooler cooler |
temp temperature |
err error |
UN7986 <id> |
Replace replace |
diff differential |
cooler cooler |
hoses hoses |
UQ9701 <id> |
Coolant coolant |
leak leak |
RHS right hand side |
Oil oil |
Cooler cooler |
tube tube |
1000H <num> hour |
Mech mechanical |
Svce service |
Haul haul |
Truck truck |
FW9593 <id> |
NF4651 <id> |
2000hr <num> hour |
Service service |
- - |
TO0487 <id> |
500hr <num> hour |
Service service |
& and |
Inspection inspection |
PH6610 <id> |
Diagnose diagnose |
and and |
repair repair |
t/c torque converter |
temp temperature |
err error |
windrow windrow |
light light |
out out |
NF4651-Fire <id> - fire |
Suppression suppression |
Inspection inspection |
1000H <num> hour |
Mech mechanical |
Insp inspection |
TRK track |
Roll roller |
0 <num> |
LH left hand |
QR0218 <id> |
LL3433 <id> |
repace replace |
damage damage |
access access |
ladder ladder |
QR0218 <id> |
air air |
con conditioner |
1&2 <num> and <num> |
leaking leaking |
JD8905 <id> |
Low low |
Autolube auto-lube |
Pressure pressure |
UN7986 <id> |
Rear rear |
Camera camera |
Dirty dirty |
inside inside |
Cover cover |
DN9817 <id> |
- - |
C/O change out |
Hyd hydraulic |
Cooling cooling |
Fans fans |
LL3433 <id> |
Check check |
over over |
pos position |
7 <num> |
strut strut |
LM8022 <id> |
Repair repair |
fuseholderandrelaybase fuse holder and relay base |
NGK788- <id> - |
LOW low |
POWER power |
ISSUE issue |
OO9426 <id> |
A/Cfan air conditioner fan |
speed speed |
controller controller |
u/s unserviceable |
CZ6065 <id> |
Batterys batteries |
out out |
of of |
service service |
C/Out change out |
A/Con air conditioner |
mounts mounts |
rear rear |
a/con air conditioner |
Radio radio |
cable cable |
causing causing |
modular modular |
hub hub |
to to |
power power |
EZ7111-C/out <id> - change out |
Turbo turbo |
Primary primary |
LFT left |
FRNT front |
UF2558 <id> |
Head head |
speed speed |
gauge gauge |
U/S unserviceable |
RZ8994 <id> |
Repairs repairs |
to to |
bucket bucket |
E |
T |
1000H <num> hour |
Mech mechanical |
Insp inspection |
Control control |
VLV valve |
G3 <id> |
DB2637 <id> |
GY9113 <id> |
RH right hand |
Arm arm |
rest rest |
broken broken |
PH6610 <id> |
Hoist hoist |
control control |
valve valve |
mounting mounting |
u/s unserviceable |
CC0233 <id> |
repair repair |
broken broken |
handrails handrails |
1000H <num> hour |
Mech mechanical |
Insp inspection |
Carry carry |
Roll roller |
No number |
8 <num> |
LH left hand |
UF2558 <id> |
250H <num> hour |
Mech mechanical |
Svce service |
Drill drill |
HR950 <id> |
YC <id> |
UF2558 <id> |
dd1938 <id> |
- - |
ladder ladder |
faultdectannerh fault |
PY9512-Inspect <id> - inspect |
Hyd hydraulic |
Cyl cylinder |
Tong tong |
Break break |
RT3290 <id> |
250hr <num> hour |
Service service |
- - |
RZ2293-Fire <id> - fire |
Suppression suppression |
Inspection inspection |
KI2123 <id> |
1000hr <num> hour |
Service service |
- - |
Out/stding outstanding |
PO's POs |
VN2231-C/out <id> - change out |
Uni's universal joints |
Eng-Pump engine - pump |
Drvg drag |
BT0391 <id> |
500hr <num> hour |
Service service |
- - |
KI2123 <id> |
Repair repair |
Injector injector |
Wiring wiring |
Fault fault |
QO879 <id> |
Cab cabin |
vibrating vibrating |
8000H <num> hour |
Mech mechanical |
Svce service |
Eng engine |
Tune tune |
AE2918 <id> |
FN5736 <id> |
POS position |
7 <num> |
TURBO turbo |
U/S unserviceable |
1000H <num> hour |
Mech mechanical |
Insp inspection |
TRK track |
Roll roller |
3 <num> |
LH left hand |
UF2558 <id> |
MR0229-C/out <id> - change out |
Uni's universal joints |
Eng-Pump engine - pump |
Drv drive |
BG0988 <id> |
A A-frame |
frame |
bearing bearing |
repairs repairs |
SM2291 <id> |
Ladder ladder |
not not |
raising raising |
or or |
loweringion lowering |
AL6487 <id> |
right right |
suspension suspension |
cyl cylinder |
low low |
zm9 <id> |
VU1914 <id> |
Eng engine |
oil oil |
leak leak |
LHS left hand side |
several several |
XS7870 <id> |
5 <num> |
grouser grouser |
bolts bolts |
missing missing |
TY8010-C/out <id> - change out |
Jockey jockey |
Pulley pulley |
Brng bearing |
NF4651 <id> |
Engine engine |
Lacks lacks |
Power power |
IT4005 <id> |
Fit fit |
park park |
brake brake |
alarm alarm |
to to |
machine machine |
FN5736 <id> |
Pos3 position <num> |
turbo turbo |
cartridge cartridge |
clamp clamp |
failed failed |
4000H <num> hour |
Mech mechanical |
Svce service |
Eng engine |
Tune tune |
KI2123 <id> |
MR0229-C/out <id> - change out |
Drv drive |
Shaft shaft |
Eng-Trans engine - transmission |
oil oil |
leaks leaks |
at at |
front front |
brake brake |
cooler cooler |
JZ9248 <id> |
Repair repair |
steering steering |
tank tank |
MR0229 <id> |
Replace replace |
Pos position |
6 <num> |
Turbo turbo |
SM2291 <id> |
Repair repair |
modular modular |
+ and |
camera camera |
wiring wiring |
AL6487 <id> |
Replace replace |
alternatorPO alternator PO |
Coolant coolant |
leaks leaks |
VU1914 <id> |
Aux auxiliary |
W/pump water pump |
leaking leaking |
at at |
tell telltale |
t |
Retarder retarder |
not not |
holding holding |
BC4051 <id> |
broken broken |
weld weld |
on on |
handrail handrail |
DU7016 <id> |
Oil oil |
cooler cooler |
bypass bypass |
tube tube |
leakin leaking |
CD3914 <id> |
watermeter watermeter |
lights lights |
sticking sticking |
on on |
25% <num> % |
Restock restock |
trailer trailer |
ID <id> |
5079 |
R/H/R right hand rear |
Brake brake |
Defective defective |
VN2231 <id> |
Steering steering |
wheel wheel |
cover cover |
missing missing |
QR0218-C/out <id> - change out |
Brake brake |
Swing swing |
RHT right |
FRNT front |
250H <num> hour |
Mech mechanical |
Svce service |
Haul haul |
Truck truck |
FV0302 <id> |
500H <num> hour |
Mech mechanical |
Svce service |
Drill drill |
HR950 <id> |
OO9426 <id> |
ND5744 <id> |
Replace replace |
cracked cracked |
rocker rocker |
cover cover |
FN5736- <id> - |
Install install |
precleaner pre-cleaner |
dustvalves dust valves |
gk5982 <id> |
grease grease |
module module |
on on |
backboard backboard |
broken broken |
QR0218 <id> |
250hr <num> hour |
ServiceGSAPCOMP service GSAP compressor |
1000H <num> hour |
Mech mechanical |
Insp inspection |
EQL equaliser |
Bar bar |
XS7870 <id> |
QR0218 <id> |
Engine engine |
4 <num> |
Midlife midlife |
rebuild rebuild |
VU1914-C/out <id> - change out |
Uni's universal joints |
Eng-Pump engine - pump |
Drvnd drive |
u |
BT0391- <id> - |
Replace replace |
drive drive |
shaft shaft |
uni's universal joints |
DB2637 <id> |
L/H left hand |
TRACK track |
FRAME frame |
BOLT bolt |
BROKEN broken |
SS0308 <id> |
C/O change out |
Pos position |
1 <num> |
and and |
7 <num> |
Tyres tyres |
EZ7111 <id> |
ladder ladder |
not not |
raise raise |
DN9817 <id> |
C/O change out |
Leak leak |
slew slew |
motor motor |
hose+ hose |
KI2123 <id> |
108 <id> |
44 <num> |
EVENTS events |
KI2123 <id> |
Replace replace |
rear rear |
steering steering |
accumu accumulator |
BT0391-C/out <id> - change out |
Drv drive |
Shaft shaft |
Eng-Trans engine - transmission |
BT0391 <id> |
Emergency emergency |
ladder ladder |
latch latch |
broken broken |
VU1914 <id> |
Coolant coolant |
gauge gauge |
u/s unserviceable |
- - |
full full |
of of |
dirt dirt |
BG0988 <id> |
Air air |
con conditioner |
needs needs |
a a |
boost boost |
not not |
cold cold |
PD2335 <id> |
Fuel fuel |
Gauge gauge |
u/s unserviceable |
250H <num> hour |
Mech mechanical |
Svce service |
Haul haul |
Truck truck |
SS0308 <id> |
AV0573-Fire <id> - fire |
Suppression suppression |
Inspection inspection |
DU7016 <id> |
Crack crack |
@ at |
boss boss |
on on |
RH right hand |
brake brake |
cool cooling |
pip pipe |
UF2558-Insp <id> - inspection- inspection |
Mast mast |
Raise raise |
Cyl cylinder |
Pin pin |
LFT left |
LOW low |
OK5862 <id> |
Replace replace |
Fuel fuel |
transfer transfer |
pump pump |
CD3914 <id> |
created created |
on on |
wrong wrong |
truck truck |
close close |
JA0341 <id> |
Eng engine |
coolant coolant |
tube tube |
cracked cracked |
ed |
ladder ladder |
issues issues |
PY9512-Insp <id> - inspection |
Mast mast |
Raise raise |
Cyl cylinder |
Pin pin |
LFT left |
LWR lower |
500H <num> hour |
Mech mechanical |
Svce service |
Haul haul |
Truck truck |
BG0988 <id> |
Engine engine |
oil oil |
leak leak |
greese grease |
line line |
hobo hobo |
C/O change out |
Leaking leaking |
brake brake |
cooling cooling |
hose hose |
WK1566 <id> |
no no |
dash dash |
lights lights |
behind behind |
keypad keypad |
KI2123 <id> |
Fuel fuel |
cap cap |
missing missing |
XF3996 <id> |
Steering steering |
suction suction |
pipe pipe |
leaking leaking |
DU7016 <id> |
Minor minor |
engine engine |
oil oil |
leak leak |
UN7986 <id> |
Repair repair |
exhaust exhaust |
leaks leaks |
UM4228 <id> |
Repair repair |
hinge hinge |
on on |
fill fill |
point point |
box box |
JZ9248-C/out <id> - change out |
Turbo turbo |
Primary primary |
RHT right |
FRNT front |
LV7795 <id> |
- - |
Interior interior |
Cab cabin |
light light |
not not |
working working |
DB2637 <id> |
Inspect inspect |
Pins pins |
Worn worn |
RH right hand |
Track track |
Pad pad |
BG9236 <id> |
RHS right hand side |
coolant coolant |
gauge gauge |
broken broken |
CZ6065 <id> |
windrow windrow |
light light |
not not |
working working |
Me9685- <id> - |
c/o change out |
both both |
starters starters |
on on |
tn3 <id> |
RT3290 <id> |
- - |
LH left hand |
headlight headlight |
loose loose |
RW7142- <id> - |
Slew slew |
ring ring |
Deflection deflection |
3M <num> month |
Mech mechanical |
Cond condition |
Ball ball |
Stut stud |
Crack crack |
Test test |
XF3996 <id> |
BG9236 <id> |
air air |
con conditioner |
fault fault |
BT0391 <id> |
Loose loose |
panel panel |
front front |
of of |
cab cabin |
exterior exterior |
LV7795 <id> |
Repair repair |
Rear/Brake rear / brake |
Tail tail |
Light light |
1000H <num> hour |
Insp inspection |
Hyd hydraulic |
Cyl cylinder |
Mast mast |
Lock lock |
RH right hand |
OO9426 <id> |
WK1566 <id> |
crankcase crankcase |
press pressure |
err error |
MV3594 <id> |
low low |
steer steering |
pressure pressure |
AF5037 <id> |
No no |
audible audible |
alarm alarm |
sound sound |
SS0308 <id> |
Rotate rotate |
pos position |
2&3 <num> and <num> |
tyre tyre |
QR0218 <id> |
Fab fabrication |
up up |
trans transmission |
stands stands |
for for |
Swing swing |
box box |
UN7986 <id> |
fuel fuel |
filters filters |
plugged plugged |
CC0233 <id> |
C/O change out |
BROKEN broken |
STABILIZER stabilizer |
BAR bar |
UF2558 <id> |
cab cabin |
windows windows |
to to |
have have |
glass glass |
250H <num> hour |
Mech mechanical |
Svce service |
Drill drill |
O08S <id> |
OK5862 <id> |
Coolant coolant |
leaking leaking |
MR0229 <id> |
C/O change out |
Jack jacket |
water water |
pump pump |
GE2963 <id> |
Inside inside |
LH left hand |
Eng engine |
cover cover |
oil oil |
leak leak |
XK9760 <id> |
Clean clean |
out out |
hydraulic hydraulic |
stystem system |
1000H <num> hour |
Mech mechanical |
Insp inspection |
Carry carry |
Roll roller |
No number |
2 <num> |
LH left hand |
DN9817 <id> |
DU7016 <id> |
Repair repair |
air air |
leak leak |
AF5037 <id> |
LEFT left |
REAR rear |
BRAKE brake |
TEMP temperature |
1466 <num> |
BG9236 <id> |
250hr <num> hour |
Service service |
JA0341 <id> |
Blown blown |
Pos3 position <num> |
tyre tyre |
CC0233 <id> |
Install install |
reverse reverse |
camera camera |
2000H <num> hour |
Mech mechanical |
Svce service |
Haul haul |
Truck truck |
UN7986 <id> |
250H <num> hour |
Mech mechanical |
Svce service |
Dozer dozer |
M76S <id> |
XS7870 <id> |
QR0218-Insp <id> - inspection |
Carrier carrier |
RHT right |
Roller roller |
No number |
4 <num> |
LFT left |
UQ9701 <id> |
Blown blown |
extension extension |
line line |
from from |
pos position |
0 <num> |
GO8941 <id> |
Replace replace |
brake brake |
relay relay |
valve valve |
1000H <num> hour |
Mech mechanical |
Svce service |
Haul haul |
Truck truck |
RT3290 <id> |
EZ7111 <id> |
Fuel fuel |
Breather breather |
Leaking leaking |
Fuel fuel |
NF4651 <id> |
repair repair |
power power |
issue issue |
to to |
rear rear |
lights lights |
1000H <num> hour |
Mech mechanical |
Insp inspection |
Hyd hydraulic |
Cyl cylinder |
Lift lift |
PD2335 <id> |
1000H <num> hour |
Mech mechanical |
Insp inspection |
TRK track |
Roll roller |
0 <num> |
RH right hand |
DB2637 <id> |
XF3996-C/out <id> - change out |
Turbo turbo |
Primary primary |
LFT left |
REAR rear |
JZ9248 <id> |
onside onside |
lo low |
beam beam |
u/s unserviceable |
FV0302 <id> |
Air air |
Con conditioner |
blowing blowing |
warm warm |
air air |
3M <num> month |
Mech mechanical |
Cond condition |
Ball ball |
Stub Stud |
Crack crack |
Test test |
VU1914 <id> |
6M <num> month |
Mech mechanical |
Insp inspection |
Fire fire |
Suppression suppression |
UQ9701 <id> |
AE2918 <id> |
C/out change out |
pos position |
6 <num> |
tyre tyre |
Air air |
Con conditioner |
Clutch clutch |
Fried fried |
stock stock |
level level |
adjustment adjustment |
Exhaust exhaust |
collecter collector |
broken broken |
requires requires |
weld weld |
VN2231 <id> |
FRT front |
fuel fuel |
tank tank |
mount mount |
bracket bracket |
JA0341 <id> |
Offside offside |
mirror mirror |
damaged damaged |
KI2123 <id> |
Investigate investigate |
5V <num> V |
supply supply |
error error |
UY2435 <id> |
C/O change out |
Pos position |
6 <num> |
+ and |
0 <num> |
Tyres tyres |
JD8905 <id> |
replace replace |
turbo turbo |
leaking leaking |
mount mount |
XK9760 <id> |
Sunvisor sunvisor |
u/s unserviceable |
AI9714 <id> |
Hoist hoist |
lever lever |
for for |
tray tray |
1000H <num> hour |
Mech mechanical |
Svce service |
Haul haul |
Truck truck |
DU7016 <id> |
250H <num> hour |
Mech mechanical |
Svce service |
Haul haul |
Truck truck |
PH6610 <id> |
1000H <num> hour |
Mech mechanical |
Svce service |
Haul haul |
Truck truck |
KI2123 <id> |
FV0302 <id> |
500hr <num> hour |
Service service |
- - |
Out/stding outstanding |
KI2123 <id> |
Bottom bottom |
offside offside |
headlight headlight |
out out |
GE2963-C/out <id> - change out |
Battery battery |
RHT right |
500H <num> hour |
Mech mechanical |
Svce service |
Shovel shovel |
O804 <id> |
DB2637 <id> |
LV7795 <id> |
Eng engine |
Prelube prelube |
ERR error |
constantly constantly |
250H <num> hour |
Mech mechanical |
Svce service |
Haul haul |
Truck truck |
UQ9701 <id> |
smashed smashed |
windscreen windscreen |
CZ6065 <id> |
Dash dash |
Backlight backlight |
U/S unserviceable |
ti2034 <id> |
pos position |
2 <num> |
turbo turbo |
rotated rotated |
TO0487 <id> |
ladder ladder |
leaking leaking |
oil oil |
BG9236 <id> |
Centrifugal centrifugal |
oil oil |
fltr filter |
fault fault |
dv1176 <id> |
Ripper ripper |
Middle middle |
Light light |
Blown blown |
1000H <num> hour |
Insp inspection |
Hyd hydraulic |
Cyl cylinder |
Rip rip |
Lift lift |
RH right hand |
GE2963 <id> |
CZ6065 <id> |
C/O change out |
Pos position |
1 <num> |
tyre tyre |
fuel fuel |
gun gun |
change change |
out out |
OK5862 <id> |
repiar repair |
faulty faulty |
level level |
sensor sensor |
AF5037 <id> |
Air air |
horn horn |
not not |
working working |
RZ8994 <id> |
Cooler cooler |
module module |
door door |
latches latches |
UY2435 <id> |
INVESTIGATE investigate |
ENGINE engine |
OIL oil |
LEAK leak |
TO0487 <id> |
Reverse reverse |
camera camera |
bulb bulb |
blown blown |
2000H <num> hour |
Mech mechanical |
Svce service |
Dozer dozer |
A14V <id> |
BC4051 <id> |
isolator isolator |
very very |
stiff stiff |
and and |
requires requires |
freeing freeing |
AI9714 <id> |
blown blown |
a/c air conditioner |
hose hose |
BT0391 <id> |
uni universal joint |
failed failed |
AL6487 <id> |
Unfiltered unfiltered |
iol oil |
presure pressure |
sensor sensor |
U/S unserviceable |
DO7053 <id> |
Needs needs |
R/side right hand side |
fire fire |
extinguisher extinguisher |
JD8905 <id> |
- - |
REPLACE replace |
LIFT lift |
CYL cylinder |
FITTINGS fittings |
L/H left hand |
LV7795 <id> |
Strg storage |
accumulators accumulators |
not not |
bleeding bleeding |
SM2291 <id> |
Eng engine |
dip dip |
stick stick |
not not |
secure secure |
QR0218 <id> |
- - |
Change change |
out out |
R/H right hand |
Track track |
pins pins |
BC4051-Inspect <id> - inspect |
Hyd hydraulic |
Cyl cylinder |
Blade blade |
Lift lift |
LFT left |
BG0988 <id> |
Replace replace |
frt front |
panel panel |
section section |
1000H <num> hour |
Insp inspection |
Hyd hydraulic |
Cyl cylinder |
Level level |
Jack Jack |
RF right front |
UF2558 <id> |
AF5037-C/out <id> - change out |
Turbo turbo |
Primary primary |
RHT right |
1000H <num> hour |
Insp inspection |
Hyd hydraulic |
Cyl cylinder |
Wheel wheel |
Lean lean |
JD8905 <id> |
2000H <num> hour |
Mech mechanical |
Svce service |
Haul haul |
Truck truck |
BT0391 <id> |
BG9236 <id> |
Front front |
right right |
brake brake |
cooler cooler |
hose hose |
Zk2486 <id> |
r/h right hand |
engine engine |
BUS bus |
error error |
UF2558 <id> |
500hr <num> hour |
Service service |
- - |
Out/stding outstanding |
PO's POs |
SM2291 <id> |
Air air |
con conditioner |
hot hot |
then then |
cold cold |
1000H <num> hour |
Insp inspection |
Hyd hydraulic |
Cyl cylinder |
Level level |
Jack Jack |
RF right front |
OO9426 <id> |
RW7142 <id> |
BUCKET bucket |
AND and |
STICK stick |
REPAIRS/INSPECTI repairs / inspection |
r/h right hand |
tray tray |
lights lights |
not not |
working working |
TY8010 <id> |
Bucket bucket |
to to |
stick stick |
cyl cylinder |
pin pin |
movement movement |
Repairs repairs |
to to |
bucket bucket |
weld weld |
wear wear |
plate plate |
2000H <num> hour |
Mech mechanical |
Insp inspection |
VLV valve |
Spring spring |
XW7976 <id> |
3M <num> month |
Mech mechanical |
Cond condition |
Ball ball |
Stut stud |
Crack crack |
Test test |
SS0308 <id> |
QR0218 <id> |
Supply supply |
hose hose |
fittings fittings |
Flex-Tube <sensitive> |
MV3594 <id> |
- - |
Tow tow |
machine machine |
to to |
HVWorhshop high voltage workshop |
SS0308 <id> |
Steering steering |
Wheel wheel |
telescopic telescopic |
adj adjuster |
U/S unserviceable |
SM2291- <id> - |
C/out change out |
Steering steering |
Ball ball |
Studs studs |
Adjust adjust |
A/C air conditioner |
belts belts |
BG0988- <id> - |
Replace replace |
rear rear |
struts struts |
1000H <num> hour |
Mech mechanical |
Insp inspection |
Hyd hydraulic |
Cyl cylinder |
Stick stick |
LH left hand |
TY8010 <id> |
WK1566 <id> |
lockout lockout |
indicator indicator |
lite light |
nt not |
working working |
bolts bolts |
missing missing |
on on |
l/h left hand |
and and |
r/h right hand |
tracks tracks |
1000H <num> hour |
Mech mechanical |
Insp inspection |
Operator operator |
Seat seat |
GE2963 <id> |
IT4005 <id> |
left left |
side side |
blade blade |
shim shim |
worn worn |
Franna Franna |
856 <id> |
a/c air conditioner |
fan fan |
u/s unserviceable |
JZ9248 <id> |
Front front |
brake brake |
cooler cooler |
leak leak |
BC1618 <id> |
C/Breaker circuit breaker |
to to |
be be |
replaced replaced |
MR0229- <id> - |
Valve valve |
Spring spring |
Inspection inspection |
Fuel fuel |
dilution dilution |
in in |
engine engine |
oil oil |
XF3996 <id> |
Camera camera |
monitor monitor |
in in |
cab cabin |
faulty faulty |
UF2558 <id> |
rear rear |
gate gate |
and and |
handrails handrails |
bent bent |
1000H <num> hour |
Insp inspection |
EQL equaliser |
Bar bar |
OUT out |
BRG bearing |
RH right hand |
GE2963 <id> |
MV3594 <id> |
Repair repair |
Air air |
Conditioner conditioner |
1000H <num> hour |
Mech mechanical |
Insp inspection |
A-Frame A-frame |
BRG bearing |
RT3290 <id> |
FN5736 <id> |
sys system |
vltg voltage |
low low |
Me9685 <id> |
replace replace |
wiggins Wiggins |
dust dust |
caps caps |
AI9714 <id> |
low low |
engine engine |
oil oil |
fault fault |
RZ2293 <id> |
enviro environmental |
vims VIMS |
sensor sensor |
failure failure |
VN2231 <id> |
Payload payload |
meter meter |
needs needs |
calibrating calibrating |
RZ8994 <id> |
Leaking leaking |
Pos position |
4 <num> |
Hyd hydraulic |
cooler cooler |
fan fan |
XH1714 <id> |
Repair repair |
Coolant coolant |
pipe pipe |
TV3998- <id> - |
C/O change out |
BLOWN blown |
HOSE hose |
ON on |
STICK stick |
KI2123 <id> |
LH left hand |
bottom bottom |
light light |
replaced replaced |
TO0487 <id> |
- - |
Air air |
Con conditioner |
thermostat thermostat |
dial dial |
broken broken |
DN9817 <id> |
1000hr <num> hour |
Service service |
& and |
Inspection inspection |
UQ9701 <id> |
Replace replace |
cab cabin |
blind blind |
EX1793 <id> |
Rectify rectify |
fire fire |
suppression suppression |
issues issues |
BT0391 <id> |
Dust dust |
entering entering |
cab cabin |
check check |
seals seals |
BC1618 <id> |
Drive driveshaft |
shaft |
worn worn |
out out |
1000H <num> hour |
Mech mechanical |
Insp inspection |
Hyd hydraulic |
Cyl cylinder |
CTR centre |
shift shift |
IT4005 <id> |
JA0341 <id> |
Low low |
engine engine |
power power |
fault fault |
250H <num> hour |
Mech mechanical |
Svce service |
Haul haul |
Truck truck |
FW9593 <id> |
1000H <num> hour |
Insp inspection |
EQL equaliser |
Bar bar |
OUT out |
BRG bearing |
RH right hand |
BC4051 <id> |
NF4651 <id> |
repair repair |
headlight headlight |
fault fault |
Shaft shaft |
guard guard |
broken broken |
XH1714 <id> |
Leaking leaking |
tranny transmission |
charge charge |
hose hose |
1000H <num> hour |
Mech mechanical |
Insp inspection |
Carry carry |
Roll roller |
No number |
6 <num> |
LH left hand |
DB2637 <id> |
PY9512 <id> |
needle needle |
valve valve |
on on |
compressor compressor |
u/s unserviceable |
RZ8994 <id> |
S/N serial number |
016452 <id> |
Engine engine |
Warning warning |
Li light |
DB2637 <id> |
BUCKET bucket |
AND and |
STICK stick |
REPAIRS repairs |
Engine engine |
oil oil |
cooler cooler |
bypass bypass |
tube tube |
leaking leaking |
SM2291-C/out <id> - change out |
Hyd hydraulic |
Cyl cylinder |
Steer steering |
LFT left |
XH1714 <id> |
Ladder ladder |
mirror mirror |
over over |
steps steps |
broken broken |
ec6466 <id> |
track track |
frame frame |
cylinder cylinder |
cracks cracks |
UF2558 <id> |
rod rod |
support support |
wear wear |
plate plate |
worn worn |
VU1914 <id> |
Pos position |
6 <num> |
missing missing |
valve valve |
cap cap |
EX1793 <id> |
Reseal reseal |
Pos position |
4 <num> |
wheel wheel |
end end |
RZ8994 <id> |
C/O change out |
U/S unserviceable |
E |
T |
XF3996-REPAIR <id> - repair |
COOLANT coolant |
LEAK leak |
XK9760 <id> |
Step step |
Mounting mounting |
starting starting |
to to |
tear tear |
FN5736 <id> |
Pos position |
8 <num> |
grease grease |
line line |
plate plate |
missing missing |
FW9593 <id> |
Repair repair |
engine engine |
oil oil |
leak leak |
RW7142 <id> |
investigate investigate |
A/c air conditioner |
fault fault |
1000H <num> hour |
Insp inspection |
Hyd hydraulic |
Cyl cylinder |
Rip rip |
Pitch pitch |
LH level |
GE2963 <id> |
TO0487 <id> |
Rear rear |
steer steering |
accumalator accumulator |
u/sid unserviceable |
VN2231 <id> |
2000hr <num> hour |
Service service |
- - |
Out/stding outstanding |
PO's POs |
500H <num> hour |
Mech mechanical |
Svce service |
Drill drill |
HR950 <id> |
YC <id> |
UF2558 <id> |
1000H <num> hour |
Mech mechanical |
Insp inspection |
Carry carry |
Roll roller |
No number |
2 <num> |
LH left hand |
QR0218 <id> |
gk5982 <id> |
cylinder cylinder |
cradle cradle |
AL6487 <id> |
O/Haul overhaul |
trans transmission |
pump pump |
KI2123 <id> |
Fuel fuel |
breather breather |
missing missing |
BC4051- <id> - |
Engine engine |
Tune tune |
DN9817-C/out <id> - change out |
Swing swing |
Box box |
LFT left |
REAR1 rear |
WK1566 <id> |
air air |
caps caps |
missing missing |
pos position |
2 <num> |
Fire fire |
Suppression suppression |
Fault fault |
LV7795 <id> |
Low low |
engine engine |
power power |
fault fault |
QR0218 <id> |
Servise service |
flap flap |
locking locking |
pin pin |
sticky sticky |
DO7053 <id> |
Supply supply |
hose hose |
fittings fittings |
Flex-Tube <sensitive> |
BG9236 <id> |
Strg storage |
pump pump |
case case |
drain drain |
hose hose |
leak leak |
Oil oil |
Leaking leaking |
from from |
front front |
oil oil |
cooler cooler |
tube tube |
TY8010 <id> |
RH right hand |
boom boom |
cyl cylinder |
to to |
carbody carbody |
movement movement |
10000H <num> hour |
Mech mechanical |
Insp inspection |
Cam camshaft |
TO0487 <id> |
UN7986 <id> |
C/O change out |
Pos position |
7 <num> |
tyre tyre |
BT0391 <id> |
change change |
out out |
leaking leaking |
hmu HMU |
on on |
next next |
Engine engine |
oil oil |
cooler cooler |
coolant coolant |
leak leak |
MV3594 <id> |
fuel fuel |
tank tank |
breather breather |
missing missing |
CZ6065 <id> |
A/c air conditioner |
thermostat thermostat |
u/s unserviceable |
AF5037 <id> |
- - |
SIMPLE <sensitive> |
Line |
modifications modifications |
to to |
modul module |
1000H <num> hour |
Insp inspection |
Hyd hydraulic |
Cyl cylinder |
Blade blade |
Tilt tilt |
RH right hand |
CC0233 <id> |
FV0302 <id> |
Brk brake |
filter filter |
Plug plug |
Cat Cat |
9 <num> |
1000H <num> hour |
Mech mechanical |
Insp inspection |
Control control |
VLV valve |
CTR centre |
OO9426 <id> |
EZ7111-C/out <id> - change out |
Uni's universal joints |
Eng-Pump engine - pump |
Drv drive |
500H <num> hour |
Mech mechanical |
Svce service |
Haul haul |
Truck truck |
SM2291 <id> |
500H <num> hour |
Mech mechanical |
Svce service |
Haul haul |
Truck truck |
PH6610 <id> |
12000H <num> hour |
Mech mechanical |
Repl replace |
Swing swing |
Box box |
RF right front |
QR0218 <id> |
BG0988-Fire <id> - fire |
Suppression suppression |
Inspection inspection |
MY6517 <id> |
Rh right hand |
window window |
regulator regulator |
faulty faulty |
l/h left hand |
windrow windrow |
light light |
not not |
working working |
FN5736 <id> |
Rplace replace |
LH left hand |
brake brake |
pedal pedal |
rubber rubber |
RW7142 <id> |
c/o change out |
blown blown |
hyd hydraulic |
hose hose |
r/hand right hand |
bucket bucket |
UF2558 <id> |
door door |
handel handle |
faulty faulty |
JZ9248 <id> |
Centrifugal centrifugal |
oil oil |
fltr filter |
leaking leaking |
OK5862 <id> |
investigate investigate |
rotary rotary |
head head |
fault fault |
RT3290-Inspect <id> - inspect |
Rear rear |
Diff differential |
Pivot pivot |
XH1714 <id> |
Torque torque |
converter converter |
pump pump |
leaking leaking |
GO8941 <id> |
Minor minor |
weld weld |
cracks cracks |
around around |
gate gate |
1000H <num> hour |
Mech mechanical |
Insp inspection |
Control control |
VLV valve |
CTR centre |
UF2558 <id> |
WK1566 <id> |
hose hose |
blown blown |
fan fan |
case case |
drain drain |
fan fan |
pump pump |
hose hose |
leaking leaking |
oil oil |
p/n P/N |
621-7881 <id> |
RZ8994 <id> |
REPLACE replace |
1 <num> |
X x |
CAB cabin |
RISER riser |
PRESSURISER pressuriser |
TY8010 <id> |
Clamps clamps |
for for |
steel steel |
pipes pipes |
missing missing |
3M <num> month |
Mech mechanical |
Cond condition |
Ball ball |
Stut stud |
Crack crack |
Test test |
AL6487 <id> |
10000H <num> hour |
Mech mechanical |
Insp inspection |
Cam camshaft |
AI9714 <id> |
DU7016 <id> |
1000hr <num> hour |
Service service |
& and |
Inspection inspection |
MQR429 <id> |
C/o change out |
Blown blown |
Globe globe |
L/H left hand |
Front front |
250H <num> hour |
Mech mechanical |
Svce service |
Haul haul |
Truck truck |
AI9714 <id> |
W |
Replace replace |
RH right hand |
hoist hoist |
cylinder cylinder |
BT0391 <id> |
Repair repair |
Faults faults |
FN5736 <id> |
Replace replace |
air air |
con conditioner |
guard guard |
AI9714 <id> |
Replace replace |
reverse reverse |
camera camera |
FN5736 <id> |
pos position |
7 <num> |
aftercooler aftercooler |
hose hose |
U/S unserviceable |
UQ9701 <id> |
Righthand right hand |
front front |
susp suspension |
err error |
QR0218- <id> - |
Repair repair |
No number |
6 <num> |
air air |
conditioner conditioner |
PH6610 <id> |
Fit fit |
new new |
version version |
rear rear |
QR0218 <id> |
Grease grease |
leak leak |
in in |
back back |
board board |
SS0308-C/out <id> - change out |
Uni's universal joints |
Eng-Pump engine - pump |
Drv drive |
EZ7111-Fire <id> - fire |
Suppression suppression |
Inspection inspection |
SS0308 <id> |
Coolant coolant |
topup top up |
every every |
19 <num> |
hours hours |
ZJ7104-Fire <id> - fire |
Suppression suppression |
Inspection inspection |
BT0391 <id> |
Tranny transmission |
Oil oil |
leak leak |
TO0487 <id> |
Fit fit |
new new |
version version |
rear rear |
XK9760-C/out <id> - change out |
Turbo turbo |
Primary primary |
LFTls left |
BC4051Cab <id> cabin |
fliter filter |
unit unit |
missing missing |
base base |
MR0229 <id> |
Minor minor |
oil oil |
leak leak |
inside inside |
pos4 position <num> |
rim7-C rim <id> |