<|start|> A: Could you check my list to see whether I have forgotten anything ? <|end|> <|start|> B: No problem . But how ? <|end|> <|start|> A: I will open the suitcase and you read through the list . <|end|> <|start|> B: Ok . I am done . You have nothing on the list left behind . But I suggest you take sneakers with you . <|end|> <|start|> A: Why ? <|end|> <|start|> B: It is necessary for you to walk on the street . Otherwise , it will be not good to wear high heeled shoes . <|end|> <|start|> A: That makes sense . I will do it . <|end|> <|start|> B: You do need to take some medicines with you . Just in case . <|end|> <|start|> A: Good idea . </s>
<|start|> A: Mr . Division , I am so sorry to have kept you waiting . <|end|> <|start|> B: That 's quite all right . <|end|> <|start|> A: Oh dear , I forgot to bring it . <|end|> <|start|> B: Not too worry , so tell me about yourself . </s>
<|start|> A: Hey , Mike . Can I ask you something ? <|end|> <|start|> B: Sure , what 's up ? <|end|> <|start|> A: I 'm going to gamble on the world cup tonight . Who do you think will win ? <|end|> <|start|> B: Good question . I have to think about it . <|end|> <|start|> A: My husband is betting on France . <|end|> <|start|> B: France ? Is he crazy ? <|end|> <|start|> A: What do you mean ? <|end|> <|start|> B: Well , how can I put this ? France is a terrible team . </s>
<|start|> A: David , have you watched the 82nd Oscar Awards Ceremony ? Avatar got the Award of Visual Effect . The movie sounds great ! <|end|> <|start|> B: You are so old-fashioned . I have already watched it last week in cinema . <|end|> <|start|> A: How was it ? <|end|> <|start|> B: Its 3D animation is attractive and its colorful scenes are also unforgettable . <|end|> <|start|> A: It is said that The Hurt Locker got the Award of Best Picture . What do you think about this ? <|end|> <|start|> B: Well , its theme is moving and profound , so from the academic aspect , this is its advantage to win the award . </s>
<|start|> A: This is today ' s schedule . At eight thirty , conference with the department managers . At 9 o ' clock , live for the workshop where you ' ll award prizes to the stafffor preventatives . <|end|> <|start|> B: That ' s great . What are the prizes ? <|end|> <|start|> A: 3000 RIB as bonus for each person . <|end|> <|start|> B: To encourage the staff increases . <|end|> <|start|> A: Ok . Next thing is laying the corner-stone for the new plant at 10 AM . At 12 AM , back here for lunch . <|end|> <|start|> B: What about the afternoon ? <|end|> <|start|> A: At 2 PM , give a presentation here with the press . At four o ' clock sharp , have dinner with Mr . Smith , manager of NCC . </s>
<|start|> A: Where is John ? I ca n't find him anywhere . <|end|> <|start|> B: Have n't you heard that he is in prison ? <|end|> <|start|> A: What ? Beg your pardon . <|end|> <|start|> B: John is in prison now . He was copped outstealing . <|end|> <|start|> A: I just can n't believe my ears ! </s>
<|start|> A: I like pop music very much . <|end|> <|start|> B: What ? <|end|> <|start|> A: I said I like pop music very much.It ' s so lovely . <|end|> <|start|> B: Is it ? </s>
<|start|> A: Hi Kara , this is Mike . <|end|> <|start|> B: Hello Mike . How are things going for you ? <|end|> <|start|> A: Great , how are you ? <|end|> <|start|> B: Fine . Everything is just fine . <|end|> <|start|> A: Kara , I had a great time the other night and was wondering if you would like to go out again this weekend . <|end|> <|start|> B: Mike , I enjoyed your company , but I am getting ready to graduate soon . I really need to focus on my studies . <|end|> <|start|> A: Maybe I could help you with what you need to get done . <|end|> <|start|> B: It would be better for me to just deal with getting my work done , but thank you for a lovely dinner . </s>
<|start|> A: Daniel , have you finished your homework ? <|end|> <|start|> B: Not yet , Dad . I am watching Ultraman instead.No , no , Dad . Please . This program is on only once a week . <|end|> <|start|> A: Daniel , as a matter of fact , TV is bad for your health . <|end|> <|start|> B: What makes you think that ? <|end|> <|start|> A: It 's full of violence and you are so young . <|end|> <|start|> B: But there are cartoons on TV . Bees , big trees , seas , and a lot of other interesting things . <|end|> <|start|> A: Wait . What 's the time , honey ? <|end|> <|start|> B: About 6 . <|end|> <|start|> A: It 's homework time now . Go and do your homework and then go to bed.American Idol , There you go . <|end|> <|start|> B: Dad , it 's not fair . I am so disappointed with you ! </s>
<|start|> A: Good morning , Jerry.How ' s everything ? <|end|> <|start|> B: Fine , just fine.Thanks . <|end|> <|start|> A: Doing anything for lunch ? <|end|> <|start|> B: Well , as a matter of fact , I 've got a lunch date with Bob Thomas . </s>
<|start|> A: Are you still coming to my place for dinner tomorrow night ? <|end|> <|start|> B: Of course . Is the dinner still on ? <|end|> <|start|> A: Yes , I was just wondering how you and your roommate were planning on coming to my place . <|end|> <|start|> B: We were planning on walking both ways since the weather is still nice . <|end|> <|start|> A: That 's what I thought you would do . Listen , I live in a bit of a rough neighborhood . It 's just down the street from all the bars . You probably do n't want to be walking around after dark . <|end|> <|start|> B: It ca n't be that bad . <|end|> <|start|> A: I wish it was n't , but there is actually a lot of crime and prostitution around here . <|end|> <|start|> B: Really ? I never would have guessed . The criminals must only come out in the evenings , because I 've never noticed anything strange when I 've been at your house in the daytime . <|end|> <|start|> A: Do me a favor , and take a taxi . It 'd make me feel a lot better . <|end|> <|start|> B: Ok , we will . How do you get around in the evenings ? <|end|> <|start|> A: When I first moved in , I walked everywhere . But within a week , I had my purse stolen - just a block away from the police station ! Now , I always take public transportation . <|end|> <|start|> B: Has anything else happened to you ? <|end|> <|start|> A: Nothing else has happened to me , but I have seen quite a few fights on the streets after the bars close . <|end|> <|start|> B: Well , we 'll be careful . Thanks for letting me know . </s>
<|start|> A: Do you know what E-commerce is ? <|end|> <|start|> B: Well , I 'm not sure . Maybe it means we can buy something through the Internet . <|end|> <|start|> A: That 's right <|end|> <|start|> B: It must be very convenient and pretty quick . <|end|> <|start|> A: Sure , but you must have access to the Internet . </s>
<|start|> A: Hi , the lab said that you would be getting my test results in today . <|end|> <|start|> B: I like you to come in and discuss some further tests that I would like to run . <|end|> <|start|> A: I think that this is a bad sign . <|end|> <|start|> B: For now , I would like to run a few more tests to look into some of the problems that you mentioned . <|end|> <|start|> A: Why wouldn ' t you tell me over the phone ? <|end|> <|start|> B: If there is any question about test results , we always do a recheck . <|end|> <|start|> A: I need to come in right away . <|end|> <|start|> B: I would be happy to see you this afternoon . If you are feeling upset , please bring a friend or relative along . <|end|> <|start|> A: You are scaring me ! <|end|> <|start|> B: Come on in this afternoon and we will talk . It will be fine ! </s>
<|start|> A: Have you gotten a parking ticket before ? <|end|> <|start|> B: No , I have n't . What about you ? <|end|> <|start|> A: I got a ticket a couple of days ago . <|end|> <|start|> B: What did you do ? <|end|> <|start|> A: I got it for parking in the red zone . <|end|> <|start|> B: Why would you park in the red zone ? <|end|> <|start|> A: I had to run in and get something quickly . <|end|> <|start|> B: Where were you at ? <|end|> <|start|> A: I got the ticket in front of my apartment . <|end|> <|start|> B: I thought that you had your own parking spot ? <|end|> <|start|> A: I had to make it quick . <|end|> <|start|> B: Hope it was worth it . </s>
<|start|> A: May I help you ? <|end|> <|start|> B: Yes , I 'm looking for a job as a clerk typist in English . <|end|> <|start|> A: I 'm Mary Kelly . May I ask your name ? <|end|> <|start|> B: My name is Zhuang Lingy . How are you , Miss Kelly ? <|end|> <|start|> A: I 'm glad to meet you , Mr . Zhuang . Sit down , please . <|end|> <|start|> B: Thank you , Miss Kelly . <|end|> <|start|> A: What are your qualifications for being a clerk typist ? <|end|> <|start|> B: I can type 120 words a minute and I take shorthand at 80 words a minute . <|end|> <|start|> A: Would you be willing to take a typing and shorthand test ? <|end|> <|start|> B: Yes , I would . <|end|> <|start|> A: Your typing and stenography are pretty good . Would you be interested in applying for the job ? <|end|> <|start|> B: Yes , I 'd like to give it a try . <|end|> <|start|> A: All right . You need to have an interview with our manager , Mr . McBride . Let 's go to his office . </s>
<|start|> A: Welcome , Mr . Sun . <|end|> <|start|> B: Thank you for your entertaining me . <|end|> <|start|> A: Today I 'll invite you to enjoy the seafood.Please make yourself at home . <|end|> <|start|> B: Excuse me , what business are you looking after in Germany ? <|end|> <|start|> A: I am running Chinese arts and crafts . <|end|> <|start|> B: What arts and crafts are you interested in this time ? <|end|> <|start|> A: I hope to import some silk from Hangzhou to Germany . Can you help me ? <|end|> <|start|> B: Sure , I 'll certainly help you do it . </s>
<|start|> A: Would you like to drink some coffee ? <|end|> <|start|> B: No , thanks . I have some trouble with my heart , my doctor recommend I to drink less . <|end|> <|start|> A: Would you like to try some watermelon juice ? It tastes good . <|end|> <|start|> B: All right </s>
<|start|> A: Marry; Mr . Johnson wants these documents to be copied . <|end|> <|start|> B: Oh , no . You see I 'm in the middle of something . Could he wait ? <|end|> <|start|> A: I 'm afraid ... <|end|> <|start|> B: All right , all right . He 'll get them as soon as possible . </s>
<|start|> A: What experience do you have with office machinery ? <|end|> <|start|> B: I know how to use the telex machine , the photocopier , and the word processor . By the way , I took a computer course in university . <|end|> <|start|> A: Where do you want to be in five years ? <|end|> <|start|> B: I want to be a manager . <|end|> <|start|> A: Very good . Any questions ? <|end|> <|start|> B: Nothing . I think I 'll take the job . </s>
<|start|> A: Out of every movie that you 've seen , which one is your favorite ? <|end|> <|start|> B: I 'm going to have to say that Superbad is the best movie ever . <|end|> <|start|> A: You think so , how come ? <|end|> <|start|> B: Well , Superbad is super funny . <|end|> <|start|> A: You 're not lying , I found that movie absolutely hilarious . <|end|> <|start|> B: I did n't know that you saw Superbad before . <|end|> <|start|> A: I made sure to be in line to see it the first day it came out . <|end|> <|start|> B: I could n't keep from laughing throughout the whole movie . <|end|> <|start|> A: I was laughing hysterically the whole time; my stomach muscles hurt afterwards . <|end|> <|start|> B: That 's exactly how I felt . <|end|> <|start|> A: I got the movie when it came out on DVD , do you want to come over ? <|end|> <|start|> B: I would love to . </s>
<|start|> A: How was your date with Betty ? <|end|> <|start|> B: Let 's change the subject . </s>
<|start|> A: Do you offer a course in business management ? <|end|> <|start|> B: Yes , we do . <|end|> <|start|> A: How many nights a week is it ? <|end|> <|start|> B: It 's 3 nights a week , Monday , Tuesday and Thursday . <|end|> <|start|> A: And how long does the course last ? <|end|> <|start|> B: It lasts for 9 months . <|end|> <|start|> A: When does it start ? <|end|> <|start|> B: The next beginning class starts on October 25th . <|end|> <|start|> A: What time is the class ? <|end|> <|start|> B: From 7 to 9 o'clock . <|end|> <|start|> A: How much does it cost ? <|end|> <|start|> B: It costs 125 dollars a month . <|end|> <|start|> A: Yes , that 's all right . I want to enroll in the course . <|end|> <|start|> B: Thank you , please fill out this form for us . <|end|> <|start|> A: Do you want me to fill it out now ? <|end|> <|start|> B: Yes , please . We need a record of you education and your work experiences . </s>
<|start|> A: How do you do ? I ' m Parker . <|end|> <|start|> B: How do you do ? Mr . Barker . <|end|> <|start|> A: Parker . <|end|> <|start|> B: Oh , Parker with a P ? <|end|> <|start|> A: Yes , with a P . <|end|> <|start|> B: Er ... I ' m Barker . <|end|> <|start|> A: Barker ? With a B . Of course . <|end|> <|start|> B: Yes , with a B . <|end|> <|start|> A: Won ' t you come in , Mr . Barker ? <|end|> <|start|> B: Thank you , Mr . Parker . </s>
<|start|> A: Hey there ! I ' Ve been hoping to run into you . Are you busy tomorrow morning ? <|end|> <|start|> B: Let me see ... Wednesday morning . Yes , I am booked solid all morning . What ' s up ? <|end|> <|start|> A: I was hoping to talk to you about the sales projections for next year . I ' m having a little trouble figuring out how to use the spreadsheet you set up for me . It has a lot of complicated form <|end|> <|start|> B: I can explain them to you . It ' ll just take about a half an hour . How about Friday afternoon ? <|end|> <|start|> A: Ooh . Sorry , that ' s not good for me . I am tied up all day Friday . We ' ll have to do it next week . I am wide open then . <|end|> <|start|> B: OK . Shall we say next week , on Tuesday at 2:30 ? <|end|> <|start|> A: Sure , that ' ll be fine for me . I ' ll come to your office so you can show how you set up these macros . </s>
<|start|> A: What 's the score ? <|end|> <|start|> B: The Ukraine team took the lead by 3 to 1 at the end of the first half . <|end|> <|start|> A: The Russian team needs to tie the Ukraine to get the pass for the final . <|end|> <|start|> B: It does n't seem to be so easy . </s>
<|start|> A: May I take your order ? <|end|> <|start|> B: What 's the specialty of the house ? <|end|> <|start|> A: The baked fish in tomato sauce is pretty good . <|end|> <|start|> B: I like fish . Please bring me an order of that . <|end|> <|start|> A: Do you want some dessert ? <|end|> <|start|> B: Apple pie , please . <|end|> <|start|> A: Single or double ? <|end|> <|start|> B: Make it two . </s>
<|start|> A: Hello . Do you have anything for a little girl ? <|end|> <|start|> B: Well , we have some new Barbie dolls . <|end|> <|start|> A: That 's a great idea . Show me the Barbie dolls . <|end|> <|start|> B: Here 's one - the new , beautiful Digital Barbie . This doll is hot ! <|end|> <|start|> A: How lovely ! How much is she ? <|end|> <|start|> B: It 's only $ 29.95 . <|end|> <|start|> A: No problem . Let me have one . <|end|> <|start|> B: That 's great . Anything else ? <|end|> <|start|> A: No , thank you . That 's all I need at the moment . <|end|> <|start|> B: The grand total is $ 32.42 . How would you like to pay ? <|end|> <|start|> A: I 'll give you cash . <|end|> <|start|> B: Thank you so much for shopping here . Here 's your change and receipt . </s>
<|start|> A: Those guys thought they would never lose . But we finally beat them . And look at them crying now . <|end|> <|start|> B: The bigger they are , the harder they fall . </s>
<|start|> A: Hello . Manchester 6739792 . <|end|> <|start|> B: Hello . Is that Nicholas ? <|end|> <|start|> A: Nicholas ? Nicholas Nickleby ? No . He does n't live here any more . He 's moved to Morecambe . <|end|> <|start|> B: Never ! Do you know his new number ? <|end|> <|start|> A: Yes . I 've got it somewhere . Let me see . Where did I put it ? Ah - I remember , it 's on the memo . Here it is . Do you have a pen to write it down ? <|end|> <|start|> B: Yes , I do . Go on . <|end|> <|start|> A: His number 's 4945939 . <|end|> <|start|> B: 4945939 . Marvellous ! Thanks for your help . </s>
<|start|> A: Good morning , Miss Li . <|end|> <|start|> B: Morning , Mike . <|end|> <|start|> A: I 'm sorry that I was absent yesterday . <|end|> <|start|> B: I 've already got your certificate for sick leave . How do you feel today ? <|end|> <|start|> A: I feel much better now . <|end|> <|start|> B: Have you received the reading material handed out yesterday ? <|end|> <|start|> A: I 've already got it . Thanks . <|end|> <|start|> B: I will explain it in detail in the next class , could you preview it ? <|end|> <|start|> A: I will . </s>
<|start|> A: Hey , let 's go out and grab a couple of beers tonight ! <|end|> <|start|> B: Sorry , I ca n't . I have to work late at the laboratory . <|end|> <|start|> A: Nigel , you sure lead a dog 's life , what 's up with that ? <|end|> <|start|> B: My boss wants me to finish this project tonight . </s>
<|start|> A: Hi Joe . You met my new assistant , right ? <|end|> <|start|> B: Emm ... yes . But I was n't too impressed . I found her a little stuck up . <|end|> <|start|> A: You are kidding , but she 's so helpful . <|end|> <|start|> B: Tom ... you are her boss , you kown.Of course , she 's helpful to you . <|end|> <|start|> A: Come on . She 's like that with everyone . <|end|> <|start|> B: I do n't think so actually . She never even says " hello " to me . </s>
<|start|> A: What 'll it be today , sir ? <|end|> <|start|> B: Fill it up . Super Unleaded . <|end|> <|start|> A: Shall we check your oil and tires ? <|end|> <|start|> B: I just checked the oil myself , but you can check the tires . <|end|> <|start|> A: (The attendants fill the tank , clean the windscreen , and add some air to the tires .) All right , sir , that 'll be $ 26.50 . <|end|> <|start|> B: I 'll charge it . Here 's my card . </s>
<|start|> A: Helen , you must be excited at going to America to study . <|end|> <|start|> B: Yeah , I 've been looking forward to it for ages . <|end|> <|start|> A: What do your classmates think of it ? <|end|> <|start|> B: They give me a lot of congratulations . <|end|> <|start|> A: How long will you study there . <|end|> <|start|> B: Oh , maybe three years . I will study and get the master degree first . Then I will decide whether I will stay there or come back . <|end|> <|start|> A: Which university will you go to ? <|end|> <|start|> B: Chicago University . My major is Economics . <|end|> <|start|> A: Good luck ! <|end|> <|start|> B: Thank you ! </s>
<|start|> A: Steve , thanks for looking after Johnny . <|end|> <|start|> B: It was a pleasure , Mrs . Robinson . <|end|> <|start|> A: And this kitchen is so clean . Did you help Johnny with that ? <|end|> <|start|> B: I helped break ... I mean WASH ... all the dishes ! <|end|> <|start|> A: That 's great . And the garbage , too ? <|end|> <|start|> B: Yeah , uh , it 's outside . Listen , I really have to be going now . <|end|> <|start|> A: Thanks for your help ! </s>
<|start|> A: it ' s such a nice day outside . Let ' s take a walk into town and do some window-shopping . <|end|> <|start|> B: you know I hate shopping more than anything else in this world . <|end|> <|start|> A: I know . But we could get some exercise in , and we could get some errands run , too . Window-shopping won ' t cost you anything . <|end|> <|start|> B: what kind of errands do we need to run ? <|end|> <|start|> A: well , we could go to the newsagent ' s to pick up the Sunday paper , go to the butcher ' s to pick up a chicken for a roast dinner , and to the chemist ' s to pick up your prescription from the doctor . <|end|> <|start|> B: I ' ll only go if we can stop at the office-license to pick up something to drink for tonight . <|end|> <|start|> A: fine , we ' ll do that on the way home , so we don ' t have to carry it the whole time . <|end|> <|start|> B: sounds good . You have to promise not go into any of the stores in the mall though . I know how you like to try things on in the fitting rooms , especially if the stores have special offers . <|end|> <|start|> A: I promise . We ' re only going for a walk to get some exercise and to get some things done that we haven ' t had time for . <|end|> <|start|> B: ok , let ' s go then ! <|end|> <|start|> A: do you have any money ? <|end|> <|start|> B: for what ? <|end|> <|start|> A: for our errands , and maybe a little extra for something from a vendor on the street . <|end|> <|start|> B: you said you were only going to window shop ! <|end|> <|start|> A: I agreed to not go into the mall , but I can still look at things in the market ! <|end|> <|start|> B: I should have known ... </s>
<|start|> A: Good afternoon . Is there a vacant room here ? <|end|> <|start|> B: What do you want , a single or a double one ? <|end|> <|start|> A: A single , preferably with a bath . <|end|> <|start|> B: How long do you intend to stay ? <|end|> <|start|> A: For four days or so . <|end|> <|start|> B: We have one single room on the fifth floor . <|end|> <|start|> A: I hope it 's quiet . I hate noise . <|end|> <|start|> B: It 's very quiet , sir . <|end|> <|start|> A: How much does it cost per day ? <|end|> <|start|> B: It 's 150 yuan per day including a 10% service charge . <|end|> <|start|> A: All right . I 'll take the room . <|end|> <|start|> B: Would you please fill in the registration form ? <|end|> <|start|> A: OK . <|end|> <|start|> B: As a hotel policy , we require one day 's room charge as a deposit for guests without reservation . <|end|> <|start|> A: No problem . Here you are . <|end|> <|start|> B: Your room number is 505 . This is your key . The bellboy will help you with the baggage . </s>
<|start|> A: Okay , here are the graphs and figures for this month 's sales . Let 's review them all together . <|end|> <|start|> B: This first one , I have a question ... This graph is marking the sales performance for our line of hair products , right ? Can this line be right ? It looks like our sales plummeted . I ca n't believe we did that poorly ... If I remember correctly , sales went down slightly , but not as dramatically as the graph shows . <|end|> <|start|> A: I think you are looking at the wrong line . The rapid drop in sales was n't our hair products . You are correct , the hair product sales decreased slightly , but not dramatically . The one that did n't do so hot this month was the cleaning products . I think there was a problem in the marketing plan . Some people were offended by our advertisements for the cleaning products , but it was already too late to mitigate the damage , so our mistake shows up in the sales . <|end|> <|start|> B: Well , the good news is the new industrial cleaning products really took off . Look how the sales have shot up over the last two weeks . <|end|> <|start|> A: That is our one major success . If you look at the other graphs , you can see that most of the other product lines remained steady with little increase . <|end|> <|start|> B: At lease they stayed the same . That 's better than dropping . </s>
<|start|> A: How do you want to advertise the opening ? <|end|> <|start|> B: I 've had good responses from the Beijing Times , help-wanted ads . <|end|> <|start|> A: All right . I suggest posting the ad Monday through Friday . <|end|> <|start|> B: OK . Monday is the big day for job ads . <|end|> <|start|> A: And job seekers will certainly check the paper over on Tuesday . <|end|> <|start|> B: Let 's post on the Internet , too . Will get a better response . I 'll post the ads . I know some good sites . <|end|> <|start|> A: Such concern for the company , Craig ! I 'm impressed . </s>
<|start|> A: Do you mind if I sit here ? <|end|> <|start|> B: Of course not , help yourself . <|end|> <|start|> A: What are you studying ? <|end|> <|start|> B: I have a test tomorrow . </s>
<|start|> A: Is Betty Sue in her office ? <|end|> <|start|> B: I ' m sorry . She ' s in a meeting right now . <|end|> <|start|> A: I see . <|end|> <|start|> B: Can I give her a message for you ? <|end|> <|start|> A: Yes , please tell her I stopped by . <|end|> <|start|> B: And your name , please ? <|end|> <|start|> A: Ted . Oh , and could you give her this document for me ? <|end|> <|start|> B: Certainly . </s>
<|start|> A: Oh , man . I had the best supper last night . My wife made a stir-fry and it was amazing ! <|end|> <|start|> B: I love stir fry crispy bitesize vegetables covered in a mixture of soy sauce and oyster sauce . Wilted greens and fresh bean sprouts . Throw in some onion and garlic and ginger ! Mmm ! Mmm ! It ' s almost lunchtime . I would die for a plate of stir fry right now ! <|end|> <|start|> A: Well , you can keep the vegetables , I ' ll take the meat . The stir fry my wife made was really hearty , with chunks of beef and slivers of bell peppers and onion ... <|end|> <|start|> B: What ? You call that a stir fry ? More meat than vegetables ? That ' s the worst insult you could throw at a Chinese stir fry . What a disgrace to the wok she fried it in ! What you had is equivalent to a fajita without the wrap ! </s>
<|start|> A: Hello , Wendy speaking . <|end|> <|start|> B: Hi , Wendy . I ' m Gerry . <|end|> <|start|> A: Hi , Gerry . How can I help you ? <|end|> <|start|> B: Is Marisa in ? <|end|> <|start|> A: Yes . But she is very busy right now . Can you call her later ? <|end|> <|start|> B: All right . I ' ll call her later . <|end|> <|start|> A: Thanks , bye bye . <|end|> <|start|> B: Bye . </s>
<|start|> A: Excuse me . I 'm afraid you 're in my seat . You 've moved my books . <|end|> <|start|> B: Oh , dear . <|end|> <|start|> A: You must have realized somebody was here . <|end|> <|start|> B: Oh , well , I looked around . There was n't any other space . I waited a while and nobody came . I 'm sorry if I 've taken your place . </s>
<|start|> A: I would like to return this pair of shoes . <|end|> <|start|> B: Do you have a sales slip ? <|end|> <|start|> A: Here it is . <|end|> <|start|> B: Sorry , things on sale are not allowed to be refunded or exchanged . <|end|> <|start|> A: Oh , but this pair of shoes are a bit too tight . Could I change them for something bigger ? <|end|> <|start|> B: All right . Wait a minute . </s>
<|start|> A: Excuse me . <|end|> <|start|> B: Yes ? <|end|> <|start|> A: Do you have any information about the city sights ? <|end|> <|start|> B: Sure . There ' s a lot here in this pamphlet . <|end|> <|start|> A: Thank you . And what ' s the best way to get downtown ? <|end|> <|start|> B: Take the subway . It ' s $ 1.50 per ride . You can buy a metro card at the station . <|end|> <|start|> A: You ' Ve been very helpful . <|end|> <|start|> B: My pleasure . </s>
<|start|> A: Excuse me , do you know the shortcut to the Lincoln park ? <|end|> <|start|> B: Well , there does have one . Walk along the road and turn left when you come to a bystreet . It will lead you to the back gate of the park . <|end|> <|start|> A: Thank you very much . Is the back gate open now ? <|end|> <|start|> B: I do n't think so . </s>
<|start|> A: I really need to apply for a driving permit . <|end|> <|start|> B: Do you have your ID with you ? <|end|> <|start|> A: I may have left my ID in my car . <|end|> <|start|> B: Well , I need your ID and $ 27 . <|end|> <|start|> A: I 'll go get it really quick . <|end|> <|start|> B: Please hurry . <|end|> <|start|> A: Here it is . <|end|> <|start|> B: Thank you very much . Please fill out this paperwork . <|end|> <|start|> A: I need to use a pen . <|end|> <|start|> B: Here you go . <|end|> <|start|> A: Thank you very much . <|end|> <|start|> B: Thank you . Now turn in your application at Window B . </s>
<|start|> A: Can you lend me some money ? <|end|> <|start|> B: I am sorry . I 've already gone through my paycheck for the week . <|end|> <|start|> A: You ' Ve gone through all your money so quickly ? I thought you were well-off . <|end|> <|start|> B: Not me . You know money always burns a hole in my pocket . </s>
<|start|> A: Veronica ! Veronica ! Veronica ! Are you OK ? <|end|> <|start|> B: Steven ! What ' s going on ! Who were those guys ? I didn ' t know you have a gun ! What ' s going on ! <|end|> <|start|> A: I will come clean as soon as we get to safety , OK ? For now , you have to trust me , please ! I would never do anything to hurt you . <|end|> <|start|> B: Steven , I ... <|end|> <|start|> A: I haven ' t been completely honest with you Veronica , I ' m sorry . I ' m not a fireman . I ' m not even from the United States . I ' m a spy for the Indian government . <|end|> <|start|> B: What ? Why didn ' t you tell me before ? What are you doing here ? <|end|> <|start|> A: When I was a young boy , I used to play cricket my father back in my hometown of Hyderabad . It was a peaceful town , and my father was a renowned chemist . One day , he was approached by members of the CIA , claiming that my father had made the discovery of the millennium in his small lab back at the university where he taught bio-chemistry . I never saw him again . I vowed to discover the whereabouts of my father and consequently joined the Indian Intelligence Bureau . <|end|> <|start|> B: What does that have to do with those men shooting at us ? Most importantly , why did you lie to me ! <|end|> <|start|> A: I ' m sorry , I wasn ' t supposed to meet you . I wasn ' t supposed to fall in love with you , but you have to believe me when I tell you that what I feel for you is real . <|end|> <|start|> B: I can ' t believe this ! Why are all these things happening to me ! I can ' t take it anymore ! Let me out of the car ! <|end|> <|start|> A: Veronica , wait ! </s>
<|start|> A: Good morning , can I help you ? <|end|> <|start|> B: We 'd like to buy some furniture for our new house . <|end|> <|start|> A: Here are several sets of furniture , including sofa , dressing table , wardrobe , and sideboard . How about this one ? <|end|> <|start|> B: We like a larger wardrobe . </s>
<|start|> A: Which film shall we see ? <|end|> <|start|> B: There is nothing good at the moment.Let ' s do something different.Would you like to go to a concert ? <|end|> <|start|> A: Yes , I 'd love to.Here is a good one , Mozart and Beethoven.It ' s on the Festival Hall . <|end|> <|start|> B: Fine ! Do you want anything to eat now ? <|end|> <|start|> A: No , I 'm not hungry . <|end|> <|start|> B: Well , let 's go and have something to drink instead . I know a good place . It 's a little expensive , but it 's fun . </s>
<|start|> A: Can you believe that Obama is our new President ? <|end|> <|start|> B: I ' m so happy about that . <|end|> <|start|> A: Did you vote for him ? <|end|> <|start|> B: I sure did . How about you ? <|end|> <|start|> A: I voted for him . <|end|> <|start|> B: I have complete confidence in our new President . <|end|> <|start|> A: Is that right ? <|end|> <|start|> B: I know he will help change America . <|end|> <|start|> A: I hope so , because America needs a change . <|end|> <|start|> B: I feel like things are already changing , because he was elected . <|end|> <|start|> A: I agree with you completely . <|end|> <|start|> B: I ' m not worried about our country now that it ' s in his hands . </s>
<|start|> A: Have some more tea , George . <|end|> <|start|> B: No , thanks . I 've really got to go now . <|end|> <|start|> A: Have a nice day ! <|end|> <|start|> B: You , too . </s>
<|start|> A: There is a tornado warning on . My mother just told me she heard it on the radio . <|end|> <|start|> B: What is a tornado warning ? <|end|> <|start|> A: It means that a tornado has been seen somewhere in the area . <|end|> <|start|> B: Really ? In New Berlin ? <|end|> <|start|> A: No . Not necessarily in town . But in southern Wisconsin somewhere . A tornado has been spotted . They have two stages here.This is what is called a tornado watch . That means that the weather conditions are perfect for a tornado . <|end|> <|start|> B: I understand . They think a tornado might come . <|end|> <|start|> A: Yes . People should look out , because maybe there will be tornadoes coming.So it 's called a watch . <|end|> <|start|> B: And the second stage is called a tornado warning . <|end|> <|start|> A: Yes . If a tornado has been spotted , they announce a tornado warning.So if there 's a tornado warning on , it means a tornado is out there somewhere . <|end|> <|start|> B: It 's scary . <|end|> <|start|> A: Well . Tornadoes can be dangerous , it 's true.If we hear something like a loud train coming , then we have to go in the basement . <|end|> <|start|> B: What do you mean a loud train ? <|end|> <|start|> A: That is what tornadoes sound like . They sound like trains . They 're very loud . <|end|> <|start|> B: But if you hear them coming , is n't it already too late ? <|end|> <|start|> A: Maybe . It depends on the tornado.Some can move across the ground at 200 miles an hour.That is very fast . Others are n't so fast . <|end|> <|start|> B: Have you seen a lot of them ? <|end|> <|start|> A: I 've only seen one in my life . I was looking out the window . It was around two miles away . It was very interesting to watch.But it was heading toward my friend 's house . So I quickly called them on the phone . <|end|> <|start|> B: Did it hit their house ? <|end|> <|start|> A: No , it did n't . But they are glad I called them . <|end|> <|start|> B: What were they doing when you called ? <|end|> <|start|> A: They were all sitting in the living room watching TV.They had no idea a tornado was coming toward their house.If it had hit them , they could have all been killed . <|end|> <|start|> B: That 's terrible . Do many people die in tornadoes ? <|end|> <|start|> A: Not so many really . But a lot of houses are destroyed sometimes . </s>
<|start|> A: I broke my sister 's mirror . I 'm sure it 'll get her back up . I really do n't know how I can escape the punishment . <|end|> <|start|> B: You 'd better tell your sister what happened and face the music . </s>
<|start|> A: How long are you staying ? <|end|> <|start|> B: Four weeks . <|end|> <|start|> A: May I ask what brought you here ? <|end|> <|start|> B: I 'm here on business . <|end|> <|start|> A: What line of business are you in ? <|end|> <|start|> B: I import canned food . </s>
<|start|> A: Hey , Mary , nice to see you again . I heard you 're going back home to the U . S . <|end|> <|start|> B: Yes . I 'm leaving tomorrow . I came here just because I want to say good-bye to you . <|end|> <|start|> A: You 're so thoughtful . Wish you a good trip home . And we 'll miss you . <|end|> <|start|> B: I 'll miss you too , my friends . </s>
<|start|> A: My name is Mary , and I will be your waitress tonight . <|end|> <|start|> B: Thank you , Mary . We have been looking forward to trying out this restaurant . <|end|> <|start|> A: Before your main course , would you like to order an appetizer ? <|end|> <|start|> B: Sure , that sounds great . Where are your appetizers listed ? <|end|> <|start|> A: There is a special appetizer menu right here in the center of the table . <|end|> <|start|> B: The chicken and cheese quesadilla looks good . Is that pretty good ? <|end|> <|start|> A: You know , that is one of my favorites ! <|end|> <|start|> B: OK , I 'll take one order of that . <|end|> <|start|> A: You could choose another appetizer for half price to share . <|end|> <|start|> B: Perfect ! Please add on an order of onion rings . </s>
<|start|> A: We ' re going to need a lot of new stuff after the holidays . Let ' s make a list . <|end|> <|start|> B: Fine , Mr . Richardson . What do you have in mind ? <|end|> <|start|> A: Well , to begin with , we ' re going to have to get a new desk for you and I ' d like to replace that old typewriter . <|end|> <|start|> B: Yes ! I agree ! We could really use another one ! I ' ll get on that right away ! What else would you like to order ? </s>
<|start|> A: Jack , I do n't know how to write my resume . Could you tell me about that ? <|end|> <|start|> B: You should first write your name and contact information . <|end|> <|start|> A: What does the contact information include ? <|end|> <|start|> B: Such as your land line phone number , mobile phone number and e-mail box . <|end|> <|start|> A: Anything else ? <|end|> <|start|> B: Then you should write your objectives , such as seeking a position in foreign trade . <|end|> <|start|> A: I see . It is the position desired <|end|> <|start|> B: Yes . After that you should emphasize your skills , educational background and related experience . <|end|> <|start|> A: I see . Skills are about specialty , and educational background is easy as well . But what about related experience ? I have little work experience . <|end|> <|start|> B: Do n't worry . It will take time to accumulate experience . You need to be confident for yourself . <|end|> <|start|> A: I see . By the way , should I write the educational background starting from elementary school ? <|end|> <|start|> B: Generally from the college <|end|> <|start|> A: Thank you very much . I will write it right now . </s>
<|start|> A: Hello . I would like to buy some business cards . <|end|> <|start|> B: Excellent . How many would you like ? <|end|> <|start|> A: Two thousand would be fine . <|end|> <|start|> B: You need to fill out this form , please . <|end|> <|start|> A: All I want is the same thing on this card . <|end|> <|start|> B: That will be no problem , sir . <|end|> <|start|> A: ... Okay , I 'm finished . Here 's your form and my old card . <|end|> <|start|> B: Very good , sir . Your order will be ready in one week . <|end|> <|start|> A: Do you think you could finish it in three days ? <|end|> <|start|> B: No problem , sir . But it will cost you extra . </s>
<|start|> A: Table-tennis is our national game . <|end|> <|start|> B: Yes , I like ping-pong very much , but I ca n't play well . <|end|> <|start|> A: I ca n't , either . I like watching . </s>
<|start|> A: Thank you very much for your dinner . <|end|> <|start|> B: Thank you for your coming . <|end|> <|start|> A: My wife is expecting me at home . I must be off now.So long ! <|end|> <|start|> B: So long ! </s>
<|start|> A: What kind of car is best for me ? <|end|> <|start|> B: For you , I would recommend this one here . <|end|> <|start|> A: The compact ? Why do you think that one is better than the others ? <|end|> <|start|> B: This automobile is just right for your needs because not only is it compact for ease in city driving , but also , it has many safety features . I know that as a parent , you are concerned about safety in driving your kids to and from school . <|end|> <|start|> A: That 's true . What kind of safety features are we talking about ? <|end|> <|start|> B: This model features anti-lock brakes , airbags on both driver and passenger sides , and impact collision design . But that 's not all . This car is n't only safe but it 's also very economical . <|end|> <|start|> A: You mean it has a cheaper price than similar models ? <|end|> <|start|> B: Yes , this price is very affordable , but driving this car you 'll also notice a significant annual saving in gas consumption . The main attraction for this model is the fuel economy . <|end|> <|start|> A: With the cost of gasoline these days , that is a big plus . I think this model may be just what I 'm looking for . <|end|> <|start|> B: Why do n't you take it for a test drive , and think it over . </s>
<|start|> A: What characteristics should an interpreter own ? <|end|> <|start|> B: I think he should be an expert of everything . <|end|> <|start|> A: Why is that ? <|end|> <|start|> B: Because English is nothing but a tool which is used when people may negotiate in international conferences , probe into physics , release some information in a press conferrence , and do anything we can do with language . Therefore , an interpreter has to know some expertise in the field he / she serves as an interpreter . Otherwise he / she can not carry out his / her work smoothly . </s>
<|start|> A: That sounds pretty good . But is n't downloading music illegal ? <|end|> <|start|> B: Not if you pay for it . For example , if you download from iTunes and pay with your credit card , it 's legal . <|end|> <|start|> A: OK , I 'm going to get iTunes and download some Vanilla Ice songs . <|end|> <|start|> B: Awesome . You 'll see that they are really catchy . </s>
<|start|> A: How do you usually get to school ? <|end|> <|start|> B: I usually ride my bike . Which form of transport do you prefer to use ? <|end|> <|start|> A: I feel that I can see more when I pedal a bicycle , but when I feel lazy , I drive my car . <|end|> <|start|> B: I think we should discourage people from using their private cars . They produce too much pollution ! <|end|> <|start|> A: I agree , but I would find it difficult to stop using my car . It 's just so convenient . <|end|> <|start|> B: Cars might be convenient , but they 're so bad for the environment . <|end|> <|start|> A: Do you have a car ? <|end|> <|start|> B: No . I used to have one though . Once I started using my bicycle to get around , I found that I did n't really need it . <|end|> <|start|> A: Maybe if I sold my car now , I would n't be so tempted to use it . <|end|> <|start|> B: You could try . It would save you a lot of money . <|end|> <|start|> A: That 's true . Every month , I spend hundreds of dollars on gas , insurance , and repairs . <|end|> <|start|> B: If you got to class by riding a bicycle every day instead of driving , you will get lots of exercise , too ! <|end|> <|start|> A: I could stand to lose a few pounds . Having a car has made me lazy . I never end up walking anywhere ! <|end|> <|start|> B: Let 's go to a car dealership . I 'll help you try to sell your car for a good price . <|end|> <|start|> A: Sounds good ! Let 's go ! </s>
<|start|> A: So , now I need your help again , if you do n't mind . I 'm taking a date to a restaurant . <|end|> <|start|> B: I 'd love to help you ! What is your budget for the dinner ? <|end|> <|start|> A: She strikes me as being very sophisticated . Only the best will do for her . <|end|> <|start|> B: Well , what do you think about our very own hotel restaurant ? It is very upscale , with a three-star rating . <|end|> <|start|> A: I do n't want to be cooped up in my own hotel tonight . How about another restaurant ? <|end|> <|start|> B: The Gramercy Tavern is highly rated . It has great food and live jazz , but it 's not cheap . <|end|> <|start|> A: Yes , that sounds like a winner . Would you please call them to reserve a table ? <|end|> <|start|> B: I 'm already dialing , sir . </s>
<|start|> A: How happy you are ! Next Monday is your wedding day . Congratulations ! <|end|> <|start|> B: Thank you ! <|end|> <|start|> A: Fred is really a good guy . And he loves you so much . <|end|> <|start|> B: Yeah . I 'm lucky to be his wife . <|end|> <|start|> A: He 's after your own heart , it is important . <|end|> <|start|> B: So he will make a perfect husband . Make sure you will be here next Monday . <|end|> <|start|> A: I promise ! </s>
<|start|> A: Do you speak only English in the class , or does your teacher explain everything to you in Spanish ? <|end|> <|start|> B: Oh , we never speak Spanish in class ! Miss.Parker speaks to us only in English . <|end|> <|start|> A: I suppose she 's right . Does she speak English very slowly ? <|end|> <|start|> B: Not always . Sometimes we do n't understand her . Then she has to repeat what she said . <|end|> <|start|> A: It must be interesting to study English . <|end|> <|start|> B: Mario and I are the best students in the class . Miss Parker says that my pronunciation is very good . <|end|> <|start|> A: Is English pronunciation easy or difficult ? <|end|> <|start|> B: Sometimes it 's difficult . Some words look different from the way one pronounces them . </s>
<|start|> A: How did you get it ? <|end|> <|start|> B: I found it a garage sale once . <|end|> <|start|> A: What a find ! So , how much does it cost ? <|end|> <|start|> B: Well , because I like you ... ninety bucks . <|end|> <|start|> A: Ninety dollars is pretty steep . I 'll take it for sixty bucks . </s>
<|start|> A: Hi , come on in . Can I take your coat ? <|end|> <|start|> B: Sure , thanks . I brought you a bottle of wine as well . <|end|> <|start|> A: You 're the first guest to arrive . I 'll just put your coat away and then I 'll get you something to drink . <|end|> <|start|> B: Should I take my shoes off ? <|end|> <|start|> A: Whatever you prefer . <|end|> <|start|> B: This is a very nice place . How long have you been living here now ? <|end|> <|start|> A: Just over three weeks . Would you like a drink ? <|end|> <|start|> B: Sure , what do you have ? <|end|> <|start|> A: I 've got white wine , red wine , gin and tonics , ginger ale , lemonade , orange juice , and sprite . <|end|> <|start|> B: I 'll have a glass of red wine please . <|end|> <|start|> A: One glass of red wine coming up ! <|end|> <|start|> B: So how many people are coming for the dinner tonight ? <|end|> <|start|> A: There 's just going to be 6 of us tonight . <|end|> <|start|> B: Oh , I thought there were going to be eight . who is n't coming ? <|end|> <|start|> A: Marcia and Paul called to cancel at the last moment . Paul was running late and Marcia was n't feeling well . <|end|> <|start|> B: That 's too bad.They ' re such good company . <|end|> <|start|> A: I think there 's someone at the door . Excuse me while I go and get that . </s>
<|start|> A: Hi , Mr . Zhang . What ' s wrong ? You don ' t look so happy . How was your date ? <|end|> <|start|> B: I was turned down again . It ' s frustrating . I guess you ' Ve got to teach me some skills . <|end|> <|start|> A: Me ? I ' m even less experienced than you are . <|end|> <|start|> B: At least you know what American women generally like in a man . <|end|> <|start|> A: Believe it or not , I guess American women like a man in good shape , which Chinese women may not care about so much . That ' s my honest opinion . I know you have been trying very hard . <|end|> <|start|> B: American men are naturally taller than Chinese men . So even if I exercise , there aren ' t many chances . <|end|> <|start|> A: No , that ' s not true . I ' Ve met two American women who were married to Chinese . But those Chinese look very strong and healthy . So if you exercise more often , I bet it will surely be easier for you to date American girls . How old is Jacky Chan ? He ' s small and short . But I bet he can have any American woman he wants . <|end|> <|start|> B: You know , that ' s going to be a tremendous change for me . Because I never exercise . <|end|> <|start|> A: Why don ' t you try then ? Even if it doesn ' t help you find an American girl , you could still have a stronger and healthier body . You won ' t lose anything by doing that . </s>
<|start|> A: We are going to need confirmation on these orders today , and delivery must be made before next Tuesday . Do you think you can handle that ? <|end|> <|start|> B: We are willing to work with you , but do you think it would be possible to extend your confirmation deadline ? We need to check the warehouse to make sure the products are in stock . The earliest I will be to get back to you is tomorrow morning . <|end|> <|start|> A: No , I must know today because we have to go to press for the advertisements . Is there anyway you can speed up the process of checking inventory ? <|end|> <|start|> B: We can do that , but it will cost ... If we have to check our inventory with all our guys on overtime , you 're looking at an increased cost of , I 'd say , maybe 10% . <|end|> <|start|> A: Are you kidding ? <|end|> <|start|> B: No , and let me tell you why ... If I make my guys stay over to check the inventory , I 'll have to pay them at an overtime rate , which is time and a half . I estimate it will probably take 3 guys two hours to finish , that will be an increase on your labor fee by at least 10% ... if you need the numbers that urgently , I can have them do it . Otherwise , we can wait until tomorrow morning , and I 'll call you with the numbers after they 're done . It 's your call ... </s>
<|start|> A: Hi , I 'd like to return this radio . <|end|> <|start|> B: All right . Do you have the receipt ? <|end|> <|start|> A: Here it is . <|end|> <|start|> B: May I ask why you 're returning the radio ? <|end|> <|start|> A: It does not work very well . <|end|> <|start|> B: Would you like to exchange it ? <|end|> <|start|> A: No . I 'd just like a refund . <|end|> <|start|> B: Certainly . This will take only a few seconds . </s>
<|start|> A: David , what 's new with you ? You are not in the mood . Can you tell me ? <|end|> <|start|> B: After six months , my college life will come to the end . The following trouble will be the job-hunting . That 's really a headache . <|end|> <|start|> A: Do not take things so seriously , my pal ! Every one of us will face the trouble and job-hunting is inevitable . Take it easy ! Believe in yourself and some day you will be successful . <|end|> <|start|> B: It sounds reasonable . Maybe I should look on the bright side . </s>
<|start|> A: What would you like to be in the future ? <|end|> <|start|> B: A teacher . <|end|> <|start|> A: But if I were you , I would be a singer . You 've got such a beautiful voice . <|end|> <|start|> B: I would n't like to be a singer , but I 'd like to become a music teacher to teach children to sing , That dream developed in my mind when I was a child . <|end|> <|start|> A: Are you sure about that ? <|end|> <|start|> B: I 'm quite sure . I 've always loved working with children . </s>
<|start|> A: Did you feed the puppies today ? <|end|> <|start|> B: Yes , I have . <|end|> <|start|> A: That 's good ! Just make sure to bathe them later . <|end|> <|start|> B: No problem . I can do that for you . <|end|> <|start|> A: Thank you ! You know they have to go to the vet on Saturday ? <|end|> <|start|> B: I know . What time do they go ? <|end|> <|start|> A: Their appointment is at eleven o'clock in the morning . <|end|> <|start|> B: Okay , I wo n't forget . </s>
<|start|> A: Welcome to the International Business Department . How can I help you ? <|end|> <|start|> B: Hello . I 'm Ms Dawson from Lexington Software . I need to send these documents to Vietnam via L / C . <|end|> <|start|> A: No problem , I can do that for you right now . Have you checked the documents ? <|end|> <|start|> B: I have , but I have never done this before so would it be possible for you to double check them ? <|end|> <|start|> A: Of course , that 's all part of the service . <|end|> <|start|> B: Thank you . I do n't think there should be any problems , but just to be sure ... <|end|> <|start|> A: Do n't worry; I 'm sure it will be fine . If I do have any queries I 'll call you , OK ? <|end|> <|start|> B: That 's fine . Thank you again . </s>
<|start|> A: These are new arrivals . <|end|> <|start|> B: Let me have a look . <|end|> <|start|> A: Try them if you like . <|end|> <|start|> B: I like the fabric , but I don ' t like the style . <|end|> <|start|> A: What about that one over there ? <|end|> <|start|> B: They are too bright . </s>
<|start|> A: Please point out the painful place with your finger . Is there any relation between the pain and the weather ? <|end|> <|start|> B: Yes , the pain comes more intense when the weather is bad . And the pain comes intense when I walk too much . <|end|> <|start|> A: Have you ever had any trauma ? <|end|> <|start|> B: Yes , I have . <|end|> <|start|> A: Does the pian become more intense at night ? <|end|> <|start|> B: Yes , ti does . Just like a needle prick . Besides , the place that hurts often feels cold , too . <|end|> <|start|> A: Do you have the sensation of ants crawling over the painful part ? <|end|> <|start|> B: Yes , I do . <|end|> <|start|> A: I 'd like to treat you with acupuncture if you agree . <|end|> <|start|> B: By the way , does acupuncture hurt ? <|end|> <|start|> A: Acupuncture may cause just a little pain , but it also causes a certain feeling of numbness and distension . We 'll try it every day for seven days . Will that be all right ? <|end|> <|start|> B: Yes . Let 's start today . </s>
<|start|> A: Good morning , madam . What can I do for you ? <|end|> <|start|> B: I want some coffee . <|end|> <|start|> A: Certainly , madam . What kind of coffee do you want to have ? <|end|> <|start|> B: What have you got ? <|end|> <|start|> A: Well . We have espresso , latte , skinny latte , fancy coffee and Americano . <|end|> <|start|> B: I think I 'll have a latte , please . <|end|> <|start|> A: OK . Wait a minute , please . And the sugar is right over there . </s>
<|start|> A: Hello , this is the International Student Office . My name is Leah . How may I help you ? <|end|> <|start|> B: I 'd like to speak to the Ms . Collins , please . <|end|> <|start|> A: Ok . Can I ask who is calling , please ? <|end|> <|start|> B: This is Nathaniel Brown . <|end|> <|start|> A: And what is your call regarding ? <|end|> <|start|> B: I 'd like to talk to her about my accommodation situation . <|end|> <|start|> A: Ok , I 'll try and put you through . Please hold . <|end|> <|start|> B: Ok . <|end|> <|start|> A: ... Sorry , her line is busy at the moment . Can I take a message ? <|end|> <|start|> B: Sure . Can you have her call me back on my cell phone number ? <|end|> <|start|> A: Ok . What 's your number ? <|end|> <|start|> B: It 's 0-7- 7-8- 7-3- 6-7- 6-8- 8 . <|end|> <|start|> A: Let me repeat that back to you . That 's zero , double seven , eight , seven , three , six , seven , double six , double eight . <|end|> <|start|> B: No , there 's no double six at the end of the number . It 's just zero , double seven , eight , seven , three , six , seven , six , double eight . <|end|> <|start|> A: I got it . When should I have her call you back ? <|end|> <|start|> B: Anytime before 6 pm tonight . <|end|> <|start|> A: Ok , Nathaniel . I 'll have Ms . Collins call you back sometime tonight before 6 pm . <|end|> <|start|> B: Thank you ! <|end|> <|start|> A: Bye ! <|end|> <|start|> B: bye ! </s>
<|start|> A: Are you studying here ? <|end|> <|start|> B: Yes , I am studying in Eastern Asian language department . <|end|> <|start|> A: What are you majoring in ? <|end|> <|start|> B: I major in Japanese . <|end|> <|start|> A: What do you think of the literature course ? <|end|> <|start|> B: It 's very helpful . The course has let me into a new world of literature . I read so many great literatures . </s>
<|start|> A: Mom , did you see Andy 's dog ? <|end|> <|start|> B: Honey , do n't tell me that you want a pet dog also . <|end|> <|start|> A: Mom , please . Can I have a pet dog like Andy 's ? <|end|> <|start|> B: Honey , you know , we do n't have enough room for a pet dog . <|end|> <|start|> A: Mom , we can keep it on the balcony , right ? <|end|> <|start|> B: No , honey , the balcony is full of boxes and things . I 'm sorry . </s>
<|start|> A: I ca n't seem to find the cereal aisle . <|end|> <|start|> B: You 'll find the cereal by the breakfast foods . <|end|> <|start|> A: What breakfast foods ? <|end|> <|start|> B: They 're over by the oatmeal and the breakfast bars . <|end|> <|start|> A: Oh , I think I know what you 're talking about . <|end|> <|start|> B: Can I help you with anything else ? <|end|> <|start|> A: Could you tell me where the dishwashing detergent is ? <|end|> <|start|> B: You 'll find that by the paper towels . <|end|> <|start|> A: Oh , I did n't think of that . <|end|> <|start|> B: That 's where it 'll be . <|end|> <|start|> A: Well , thank you very much . <|end|> <|start|> B: If you need anything else , please feel free to ask me </s>
<|start|> A: You 're not looking happy.What ' s the matter ? <|end|> <|start|> B: Oh , nothing special . I 'm just a bit tired . <|end|> <|start|> A: With the job ? <|end|> <|start|> B: With everything , with everybody , with all this ! <|end|> <|start|> A: A good suggestion for you.You need a holiday . <|end|> <|start|> B: It was n't always like this , you know . <|end|> <|start|> A: What do you mean ? <|end|> <|start|> B: Well , I mean.We always do the same thing.There ' s no variety in our lives . <|end|> <|start|> A: You need a holiday.That ' s what 's the matter . <|end|> <|start|> B: Certainly , perhaps . </s>
<|start|> A: Excuse me , can you tell me how to apply for a visa to America ? <|end|> <|start|> B: Log on to the website of American Embassy in Beijing and fill in the application forms . <|end|> <|start|> A: And what should I do next ? <|end|> <|start|> B: Then make an appointment by telephone and wait for the interview . <|end|> <|start|> A: How long will I wait for ? <|end|> <|start|> B: It all depends . <|end|> <|start|> A: What 's the fee for application ? <|end|> <|start|> B: About 800 yuan . <|end|> <|start|> A: Thank you very much . <|end|> <|start|> B: You are welcome . </s>
<|start|> A: Gordon , you 're ever so late . <|end|> <|start|> B: Yes , I am sorry . I missed the bus . <|end|> <|start|> A: But there 's a bus every ten minutes , and you are over 1 hour late . <|end|> <|start|> B: Well , I missed several buses . <|end|> <|start|> A: How on earth can you miss several buses ? <|end|> <|start|> B: I , ah ... , I got have late . <|end|> <|start|> A: Oh , come on , Gordon , it 's the afternoon now . Why were you late really ? <|end|> <|start|> B: Well , I ... I lost my wallet , and I ... <|end|> <|start|> A: Have you got it now ? <|end|> <|start|> B: Yes , I found it again . <|end|> <|start|> A: When ? <|end|> <|start|> B: This morning . I mean ... <|end|> <|start|> A: I am not convinced by your explanation . </s>
<|start|> A: Will you help me take these things to the car ? <|end|> <|start|> B: OK , which car do you want me to put them in ? <|end|> <|start|> A: Bring them to my wife 's car . <|end|> <|start|> B: Which one is hers ? <|end|> <|start|> A: The blue SUV in front of the Honda . <|end|> <|start|> B: What should I take first ? <|end|> <|start|> A: That chair over there , but please be careful with it . It was a gift from my mother-in-law . <|end|> <|start|> B: Do n't worry , I wo n't drop it . Wow , it 's really heavy . I do n't think I can move it by myself . <|end|> <|start|> A: Let me help you with that . I do n't want you to hurt your back . <|end|> <|start|> B: Where are you taking all this stuff ? <|end|> <|start|> A: Did n't I tell you ? We 're moving to Florida ? <|end|> <|start|> B: You 're moving now ? I knew you were moving , but I thought you said you were moving next month . <|end|> <|start|> A: Yes , that 's true , but my wife found a new apartment on the Internet the other day and she wants to move right away . </s>
<|start|> A: Excuse me . <|end|> <|start|> B: Yes ? <|end|> <|start|> A: Could I have one more blanket ? <|end|> <|start|> B: I 'm afraid there are n't any left at the moment . Gan you wait just a little while ? <|end|> <|start|> A: OK . I will . <|end|> <|start|> B: I 'll bring you one as soon as I find one available . <|end|> <|start|> A: Would you , please ? Thank you . </s>
<|start|> A: I always think everybody looks down on me <|end|> <|start|> B: Do n't be that negative . <|end|> <|start|> A: How can you be optimistic ? You can see it in their eyes . <|end|> <|start|> B: I find it there is no meaning in living this world . <|end|> <|start|> A: Do n't be that negative . <|end|> <|start|> B: Really , life is so boring . </s>
<|start|> A: Hi , I need to talk with the property manager right away ! <|end|> <|start|> B: This is the property manager . What seems to be the problem ? <|end|> <|start|> A: This morning , when we woke up , there was water pouring in from the ceiling ! <|end|> <|start|> B: Could you tell me what room had the leak ? <|end|> <|start|> A: There were several rooms , but the worst leak was in the bathroom . <|end|> <|start|> B: Could you please remind me which floor you are on ? <|end|> <|start|> A: We are on the second floor , one of the middle floors . <|end|> <|start|> B: I will be sending the assistant manager to check it out . May we look at it this morning ? <|end|> <|start|> A: Actually , I have to go to school right now . <|end|> <|start|> B: If you aren ' t there , we will use our master key to get in and check things out . </s>
<|start|> A: Would you like a piece of birthday cake ? <|end|> <|start|> B: No , thanks , I 'll pass . It looks very tempting though . <|end|> <|start|> A: I thought strawberry cake with cream cheese frosting was your favorite ? <|end|> <|start|> B: It is . I 'm on a diet and strawberry cream cheese cake is not on it . <|end|> <|start|> A: A diet ? What for ? You are in great shape . <|end|> <|start|> B: I went to the doctor the other day . My cholesterol is up . <|end|> <|start|> A: Oooo . This sounds serious . <|end|> <|start|> B: Not too serious . But he gave me a strict diet to help bring it down . </s>
<|start|> A: I 'm terrible sorry . I seem to have mislaid your MP4 . <|end|> <|start|> B: Do n't worry about that . <|end|> <|start|> A: Very sorry that I have caused you so much trouble . <|end|> <|start|> B: No trouble at all . <|end|> <|start|> A: Wo n't you let me buy a new one tomorrow ? <|end|> <|start|> B: No , that 's quite out of the question . <|end|> <|start|> A: Please accept my deep apology . <|end|> <|start|> B: I never did like this MP4 anyway . I wo n't hear of it . </s>
<|start|> A: Guess who I saw yesterday ? <|end|> <|start|> B: I do n't know . Who ? <|end|> <|start|> A: Avril Lavigen ! <|end|> <|start|> B: the Canadian rock singer ? But I heard you had a part-time job yesterday . How did you see her ? <|end|> <|start|> A: yeah , I worked as temporary staff in her concert . Look , her poster , a CD ... <|end|> <|start|> B: so you 're a big fan , eh ? <|end|> <|start|> A: not really . But I like some of her songs . She 's actually very talented . She 's a song writer and fashion and fashion designer , too . <|end|> <|start|> B: and she was in a movie once again , right ? <|end|> <|start|> A: yes , though I do n't think her acting skills are that great . <|end|> <|start|> B: what was your impression of her when you saw her in person ? <|end|> <|start|> A: she looked sweeter than her pictures . <|end|> <|start|> B: did you take a photo with her ? <|end|> <|start|> A: no , there were too many people . When she got out of the car , her fans were all screaming , trying to give her flowers and ger her autographs . <|end|> <|start|> B: crazy ! </s>
<|start|> A: Well , I ' Ve looked over your resume , Mr . Peepers . <|end|> <|start|> B: Please , call me Ted . <|end|> <|start|> A: Well , Ted , this is a very impressive resume . However , we do have several other applicants to finish interviewing before we can make a final decision . We ' ll call you by Friday , if that ' s all right . <|end|> <|start|> B: That ' s no problem . <|end|> <|start|> A: Do you have any other questions ? <|end|> <|start|> B: Well , what kind of salary do you provide ? <|end|> <|start|> A: Salary is based on experience as well as time spent with our company . <|end|> <|start|> B: I see . <|end|> <|start|> A: Salary can be negotiated once we officially offer you the job . <|end|> <|start|> B: Sounds fine . </s>
<|start|> A: Hello , Mrs Turnbull . How are you ? <|end|> <|start|> B: Fine , thanks . How 's your boy , Jack ? <|end|> <|start|> A: He 's a bit tired . You know , he goes to school at eight o'clock every morning.He does n't get home till after four . then he does his homework after tea . It often takes him a couple of hours to finish <|end|> <|start|> B: Poor boy . They work hard at school nowadays , do n't they ? Does he like it ? <|end|> <|start|> A: School , you mean ? Yes , he does . He likes his teachers , and that always makes difference . <|end|> <|start|> B: Yes , it does . Does he go to school by bus ? <|end|> <|start|> A: No , he walks . He likes walking . He meets some of his friends at the corner another go together . <|end|> <|start|> B: What does he do when it rains ? <|end|> <|start|> A: My husband takes him in the car . He passes the school on the way to the office . </s>
<|start|> A: Listen , Karen , I need your help . I do n't know anyone here yet . <|end|> <|start|> B: I 'm glad to help you . What 's wrong ? <|end|> <|start|> A: My mother-in-law just went into the hospital in L.A.Hank and I will be flying there tonight . <|end|> <|start|> B: I 'm sorry to hear it . What 's wrong with her ? <|end|> <|start|> A: Doctors are n't sure yet.But the real problem is Suzy . She has a bad cold , and we do n't want to take her with us . But we do n't know who can stay with her . <|end|> <|start|> B: You need a babysitter . <|end|> <|start|> A: Yes , I 'd ask Jill , the girl I 've had before , but I need someone overnight.Maybe even for two nights . <|end|> <|start|> B: I could have Suzy stay at my place . <|end|> <|start|> A: I do n't want to do that to you , Karen . <|end|> <|start|> B: Why not ? <|end|> <|start|> A: Your own kids would get Suzy 's cold . I think it would be better to have a good babysitter here . But I do n't know who to ask . I need someone more mature than Jill . It might even be for two or three days . <|end|> <|start|> B: I know who we can ask . There is a girl I know , Sara Ralston.She is 17 , and she will usually take this kind of job . I know her from my church , and I trust her completely . <|end|> <|start|> A: I 'd like to talk with her.This is short notice , I know . But Hank and I are leaving tonight . <|end|> <|start|> B: I 'll get you her number . I hope she can do it . She is very responsible . <|end|> <|start|> A: I 'm glad you know someone . I knew you would be the best person to ask about this . I do n't want to insult Jill or her mother . I think Jill maybe could do it.But I 'd rather have someone a little older . <|end|> <|start|> B: I 'll go home and get Sara 's number . I 'll call her first myself . <|end|> <|start|> A: Great . Then call me and let me know if she 's free . </s>