{"question_id": "62e60f43d76274f8a4026e28", "input": "def hydrate_time(nanoseconds, tz=None):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tHydrator for `Time` and `LocalTime` values.\n\n:param nanoseconds:\n:param tz:\n:return: Time\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def hydrate_time(nanoseconds, tz=None):", "docstring": "Hydrator for `Time` and `LocalTime` values.\n\n:param nanoseconds:\n:param tz:\n:return: Time"}
{"question_id": "62e60f3bd76274f8a4026e10", "input": "def dehydrate_timedelta(value):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tDehydrator for `timedelta` values.\n\n:param value:\n:type value: timedelta\n:return:\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def dehydrate_timedelta(value):", "docstring": "Dehydrator for `timedelta` values.\n\n:param value:\n:type value: timedelta\n:return:"}
{"question_id": "62e60f37d76274f8a4026dfd", "input": "def dehydrate_time(value):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tDehydrator for `time` values.\n\n:param value:\n:type value: Time\n:return:\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def dehydrate_time(value):", "docstring": "Dehydrator for `time` values.\n\n:param value:\n:type value: Time\n:return:"}
{"question_id": "62e60f33d76274f8a4026de9", "input": "def dehydrate_point(value):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tDehydrator for Point data.\n\n:param value:\n:type value: Point\n:return:\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def dehydrate_point(value):", "docstring": "Dehydrator for Point data.\n\n:param value:\n:type value: Point\n:return:"}
{"question_id": "62e60ed4d76274f8a4026da0", "input": "def keys(self):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tReturn the keys of the record.\n\n:return: list of key names\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def keys(self):", "docstring": "Return the keys of the record.\n\n:return: list of key names"}
{"question_id": "62e60ecfd76274f8a4026d6a", "input": "def protocol_handlers(cls, protocol_version=None):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tReturn a dictionary of available Bolt protocol handlers,\nkeyed by version tuple. If an explicit protocol version is\nprovided, the dictionary will contain either zero or one items,\ndepending on whether that version is supported. If no protocol\nversion is provided, all available versions will be returned.\n\n:param protocol_version: tuple identifying a specific protocol\n version (e.g. (3, 5)) or None\n:return: dictionary of version tuple to handler class for all\n relevant and supported protocol versions\n:raise TypeError: if protocol version is not passed in a tuple\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def protocol_handlers(cls, protocol_version=None):", "docstring": "Return a dictionary of available Bolt protocol handlers,\nkeyed by version tuple. If an explicit protocol version is\nprovided, the dictionary will contain either zero or one items,\ndepending on whether that version is supported. If no protocol\nversion is provided, all available versions will be returned.\n\n:param protocol_version: tuple identifying a specific protocol\n version (e.g. (3, 5)) or None\n:return: dictionary of version tuple to handler class for all\n relevant and supported protocol versions\n:raise TypeError: if protocol version is not passed in a tuple"}
{"question_id": "62e60e49d76274f8a4026d25", "input": "def unit_of_work(metadata=None, timeout=None):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tThis function is a decorator for transaction functions that allows extra control over how the transaction is carried out.\n\nFor example, a timeout may be applied::\n\n from neo4j import unit_of_work\n\n @unit_of_work(timeout=100)\n def count_people_tx(tx):\n result = tx.run(\"MATCH (a:Person) RETURN count(a) AS persons\")\n record = result.single()\n return record[\"persons\"]\n\n:param metadata:\n a dictionary with metadata.\n Specified metadata will be attached to the executing transaction and visible in the output of ``dbms.listQueries`` and ``dbms.listTransactions`` procedures.\n It will also get logged to the ``query.log``.\n This functionality makes it easier to tag transactions and is equivalent to ``dbms.setTXMetaData`` procedure, see https://neo4j.com/docs/operations-manual/current/reference/procedures/ for procedure reference.\n:type metadata: dict\n\n:param timeout:\n the transaction timeout in seconds.\n Transactions that execute longer than the configured timeout will be terminated by the database.\n This functionality allows to limit query/transaction execution time.\n Specified timeout overrides the default timeout configured in the database using ``dbms.transaction.timeout`` setting.\n Value should not represent a negative duration.\n A zero duration will make the transaction execute indefinitely.\n None will use the default timeout configured in the database.\n:type timeout: float or :const:`None`\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def unit_of_work(metadata=None, timeout=None):", "docstring": "This function is a decorator for transaction functions that allows extra control over how the transaction is carried out.\n\nFor example, a timeout may be applied::\n\n from neo4j import unit_of_work\n\n @unit_of_work(timeout=100)\n def count_people_tx(tx):\n result = tx.run(\"MATCH (a:Person) RETURN count(a) AS persons\")\n record = result.single()\n return record[\"persons\"]\n\n:param metadata:\n a dictionary with metadata.\n Specified metadata will be attached to the executing transaction and visible in the output of ``dbms.listQueries`` and ``dbms.listTransactions`` procedures.\n It will also get logged to the ``query.log``.\n This functionality makes it easier to tag transactions and is equivalent to ``dbms.setTXMetaData`` procedure, see https://neo4j.com/docs/operations-manual/current/reference/procedures/ for procedure reference.\n:type metadata: dict\n\n:param timeout:\n the transaction timeout in seconds.\n Transactions that execute longer than the configured timeout will be terminated by the database.\n This functionality allows to limit query/transaction execution time.\n Specified timeout overrides the default timeout configured in the database using ``dbms.transaction.timeout`` setting.\n Value should not represent a negative duration.\n A zero duration will make the transaction execute indefinitely.\n None will use the default timeout configured in the database.\n:type timeout: float or :const:`None`"}
{"question_id": "62e60e05d76274f8a4026cfd", "input": "def index(self, key):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tReturn the index of the given item.\n\n:param key: a key\n:return: index\n:rtype: int\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def index(self, key):", "docstring": "Return the index of the given item.\n\n:param key: a key\n:return: index\n:rtype: int"}
{"question_id": "62e60da4d76274f8a4026cf1", "input": "def values(self, *keys):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tReturn the values of the record, optionally filtering to\ninclude only certain values by index or key.\n\n:param keys: indexes or keys of the items to include; if none\n are provided, all values will be included\n:return: list of values\n:rtype: list\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def values(self, *keys):", "docstring": "Return the values of the record, optionally filtering to\ninclude only certain values by index or key.\n\n:param keys: indexes or keys of the items to include; if none\n are provided, all values will be included\n:return: list of values\n:rtype: list"}
{"question_id": "62e60b10d76274f8a4026ccd", "input": "def data(self, *keys):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tReturn the keys and values of this record as a dictionary,\noptionally including only certain values by index or key. Keys\nprovided in the items that are not in the record will be\ninserted with a value of :const:`None`; indexes provided\nthat are out of bounds will trigger an :exc:`IndexError`.\n\n:param keys: indexes or keys of the items to include; if none\n are provided, all values will be included\n:return: dictionary of values, keyed by field name\n:raises: :exc:`IndexError` if an out-of-bounds index is specified\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def data(self, *keys):", "docstring": "Return the keys and values of this record as a dictionary,\noptionally including only certain values by index or key. Keys\nprovided in the items that are not in the record will be\ninserted with a value of :const:`None`; indexes provided\nthat are out of bounds will trigger an :exc:`IndexError`.\n\n:param keys: indexes or keys of the items to include; if none\n are provided, all values will be included\n:return: dictionary of values, keyed by field name\n:raises: :exc:`IndexError` if an out-of-bounds index is specified"}
{"question_id": "62e6087bd76274f8a4026bfa", "input": "def pop_u16(self):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tRemove the last two bytes of data, returning them as a big-endian\n16-bit unsigned integer.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def pop_u16(self):", "docstring": "Remove the last two bytes of data, returning them as a big-endian\n16-bit unsigned integer."}
{"question_id": "62e6087ad76274f8a4026bf2", "input": "def discard(self, n=-1, qid=-1, dehydration_hooks=None,\n hydration_hooks=None, **handlers):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tAppends a DISCARD message to the output queue.\n\n:param n: number of records to discard, default = -1 (ALL)\n:param qid: query ID to discard for, default = -1 (last query)\n:param dehydration_hooks:\n Hooks to dehydrate types (dict from type (class) to dehydration\n function). Dehydration functions receive the value and returns an\n object of type understood by packstream.\n:param hydration_hooks:\n Hooks to hydrate types (mapping from type (class) to\n dehydration function). Dehydration functions receive the value of\n type understood by packstream and are free to return anything.\n:param handlers: handler functions passed into the returned Response object\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def discard(self, n=-1, qid=-1, dehydration_hooks=None,\n hydration_hooks=None, **handlers):", "docstring": "Appends a DISCARD message to the output queue.\n\n:param n: number of records to discard, default = -1 (ALL)\n:param qid: query ID to discard for, default = -1 (last query)\n:param dehydration_hooks:\n Hooks to dehydrate types (dict from type (class) to dehydration\n function). Dehydration functions receive the value and returns an\n object of type understood by packstream.\n:param hydration_hooks:\n Hooks to hydrate types (mapping from type (class) to\n dehydration function). Dehydration functions receive the value of\n type understood by packstream and are free to return anything.\n:param handlers: handler functions passed into the returned Response object"}
{"question_id": "62e60879d76274f8a4026bec", "input": "def begin(self, mode=None, bookmarks=None, metadata=None, timeout=None,\n db=None, imp_user=None, dehydration_hooks=None,\n hydration_hooks=None, **handlers):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tAppends a BEGIN message to the output queue.\n\n:param mode: access mode for routing - \"READ\" or \"WRITE\" (default)\n:param bookmarks: iterable of bookmark values after which this transaction should begin\n:param metadata: custom metadata dictionary to attach to the transaction\n:param timeout: timeout for transaction execution (seconds)\n:param db: name of the database against which to begin the transaction\n Requires Bolt 4.0+.\n:param imp_user: the user to impersonate\n Requires Bolt 4.4+\n:param dehydration_hooks:\n Hooks to dehydrate types (dict from type (class) to dehydration\n function). Dehydration functions receive the value and returns an\n object of type understood by packstream.\n:param hydration_hooks:\n Hooks to hydrate types (mapping from type (class) to\n dehydration function). Dehydration functions receive the value of\n type understood by packstream and are free to return anything.\n:param handlers: handler functions passed into the returned Response object\n:return: Response object\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def begin(self, mode=None, bookmarks=None, metadata=None, timeout=None,\n db=None, imp_user=None, dehydration_hooks=None,\n hydration_hooks=None, **handlers):", "docstring": "Appends a BEGIN message to the output queue.\n\n:param mode: access mode for routing - \"READ\" or \"WRITE\" (default)\n:param bookmarks: iterable of bookmark values after which this transaction should begin\n:param metadata: custom metadata dictionary to attach to the transaction\n:param timeout: timeout for transaction execution (seconds)\n:param db: name of the database against which to begin the transaction\n Requires Bolt 4.0+.\n:param imp_user: the user to impersonate\n Requires Bolt 4.4+\n:param dehydration_hooks:\n Hooks to dehydrate types (dict from type (class) to dehydration\n function). Dehydration functions receive the value and returns an\n object of type understood by packstream.\n:param hydration_hooks:\n Hooks to hydrate types (mapping from type (class) to\n dehydration function). Dehydration functions receive the value of\n type understood by packstream and are free to return anything.\n:param handlers: handler functions passed into the returned Response object\n:return: Response object"}
{"question_id": "62e60723d76274f8a4026b75", "input": "def round_half_to_even(n):\n\t\"\"\"\n\t>>> round_half_to_even(3)\n 3\n >>> round_half_to_even(3.2)\n 3\n >>> round_half_to_even(3.5)\n 4\n >>> round_half_to_even(3.7)\n 4\n >>> round_half_to_even(4)\n 4\n >>> round_half_to_even(4.2)\n 4\n >>> round_half_to_even(4.5)\n 4\n >>> round_half_to_even(4.7)\n 5\n\n:param n:\n:return:\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def round_half_to_even(n):", "docstring": ">>> round_half_to_even(3)\n 3\n >>> round_half_to_even(3.2)\n 3\n >>> round_half_to_even(3.5)\n 4\n >>> round_half_to_even(3.7)\n 4\n >>> round_half_to_even(4)\n 4\n >>> round_half_to_even(4.2)\n 4\n >>> round_half_to_even(4.5)\n 4\n >>> round_half_to_even(4.7)\n 5\n\n:param n:\n:return:"}
{"question_id": "62e60707d76274f8a4026b69", "input": "def point_type(name, fields, srid_map):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tDynamically create a Point subclass.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def point_type(name, fields, srid_map):", "docstring": "Dynamically create a Point subclass."}
{"question_id": "62e5dc9ed76274f8a4026b5b", "input": "def deprecated(message):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tDecorator for deprecating functions and methods.\n\n::\n\n @deprecated(\"'foo' has been deprecated in favour of 'bar'\")\n def foo(x):\n pass\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def deprecated(message):", "docstring": "Decorator for deprecating functions and methods.\n\n::\n\n @deprecated(\"'foo' has been deprecated in favour of 'bar'\")\n def foo(x):\n pass"}
{"question_id": "62e4fc3c85ea98643089041e", "input": "def _inline_r_setup(code: str) -> str:\n\t\"\"\"\n\tSome behaviour of R cannot be configured via env variables, but can\nonly be configured via R options once R has started. These are set here.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def _inline_r_setup(code: str) -> str:", "docstring": "Some behaviour of R cannot be configured via env variables, but can\nonly be configured via R options once R has started. These are set here."}
{"question_id": "62e4fbda85ea986430890405", "input": "def xargs(\n cmd: tuple[str, ...],\n varargs: Sequence[str],\n *,\n color: bool = False,\n target_concurrency: int = 1,\n _max_length: int = _get_platform_max_length(),\n **kwargs:\n\t\"\"\"\n\tA simplified implementation of xargs.\n\ncolor: Make a pty if on a platform that supports it\ntarget_concurrency: Target number of partitions to run concurrently\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def xargs(\n cmd: tuple[str, ...],\n varargs: Sequence[str],\n *,\n color: bool = False,\n target_concurrency: int = 1,\n _max_length: int = _get_platform_max_length(),\n **kwargs:", "docstring": "A simplified implementation of xargs.\n\ncolor: Make a pty if on a platform that supports it\ntarget_concurrency: Target number of partitions to run concurrently"}
{"question_id": "62e4fbda85ea986430890403", "input": "def _shuffled(seq: Sequence[str]) -> list[str]:\n\t\"\"\"\n\tDeterministically shuffle\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def _shuffled(seq: Sequence[str]) -> list[str]:", "docstring": "Deterministically shuffle"}
{"question_id": "62e4fb6585ea98643089032b", "input": "def parse_version(s: str) -> tuple[int, ...]:\n\t\"\"\"\n\tpoor man's version comparison\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def parse_version(s: str) -> tuple[int, ...]:", "docstring": "poor man's version comparison"}
{"question_id": "62e4fb4d85ea9864308902e7", "input": "def normalize_cmd(cmd: tuple[str, ...]) -> tuple[str, ...]:\n\t\"\"\"\n\tFixes for the following issues on windows\n- https://bugs.python.org/issue8557\n- windows does not parse shebangs\n\nThis function also makes deep-path shebangs work just fine\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def normalize_cmd(cmd: tuple[str, ...]) -> tuple[str, ...]:", "docstring": "Fixes for the following issues on windows\n- https://bugs.python.org/issue8557\n- windows does not parse shebangs\n\nThis function also makes deep-path shebangs work just fine"}
{"question_id": "62b8d27a48ba5a41d1c3f4c6", "input": "def cached(cache, key=hashkey, lock=None):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tDecorator to wrap a function with a memoizing callable that saves\nresults in a cache.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def cached(cache, key=hashkey, lock=None):", "docstring": "Decorator to wrap a function with a memoizing callable that saves\nresults in a cache."}
{"question_id": "62b8d24048ba5a41d1c3f49f", "input": "def ttl_cache(maxsize=128, ttl=600, timer=time.monotonic, typed=False):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tDecorator to wrap a function with a memoizing callable that saves\nup to `maxsize` results based on a Least Recently Used (LRU)\nalgorithm with a per-item time-to-live (TTL) value.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def ttl_cache(maxsize=128, ttl=600, timer=time.monotonic, typed=False):", "docstring": "Decorator to wrap a function with a memoizing callable that saves\nup to `maxsize` results based on a Least Recently Used (LRU)\nalgorithm with a per-item time-to-live (TTL) value."}
{"question_id": "62b8d23b48ba5a41d1c3f49a", "input": "def mru_cache(maxsize=128, typed=False):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tDecorator to wrap a function with a memoizing callable that saves\nup to `maxsize` results based on a Most Recently Used (MRU)\nalgorithm.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def mru_cache(maxsize=128, typed=False):", "docstring": "Decorator to wrap a function with a memoizing callable that saves\nup to `maxsize` results based on a Most Recently Used (MRU)\nalgorithm."}
{"question_id": "62b8d23948ba5a41d1c3f498", "input": "def lru_cache(maxsize=128, typed=False):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tDecorator to wrap a function with a memoizing callable that saves\nup to `maxsize` results based on a Least Recently Used (LRU)\nalgorithm.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def lru_cache(maxsize=128, typed=False):", "docstring": "Decorator to wrap a function with a memoizing callable that saves\nup to `maxsize` results based on a Least Recently Used (LRU)\nalgorithm."}
{"question_id": "62b8d23748ba5a41d1c3f496", "input": "def lfu_cache(maxsize=128, typed=False):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tDecorator to wrap a function with a memoizing callable that saves\nup to `maxsize` results based on a Least Frequently Used (LFU)\nalgorithm.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def lfu_cache(maxsize=128, typed=False):", "docstring": "Decorator to wrap a function with a memoizing callable that saves\nup to `maxsize` results based on a Least Frequently Used (LFU)\nalgorithm."}
{"question_id": "62b8d22f48ba5a41d1c3f488", "input": "def popitem(self):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tRemove and return the `(key, value)` pair first inserted.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def popitem(self):", "docstring": "Remove and return the `(key, value)` pair first inserted."}
{"question_id": "62b8d22a48ba5a41d1c3f47e", "input": "def setdefault(self, key, default=None):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tD.setdefault(k[,d]) -> D.get(k,d), also set D[k]=d if k not in D\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def setdefault(self, key, default=None):", "docstring": "D.setdefault(k[,d]) -> D.get(k,d), also set D[k]=d if k not in D"}
{"question_id": "62b8d22948ba5a41d1c3f47c", "input": "def get(self, key, default=None):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tD.get(k[,d]) -> D[k] if k in D, else d. d defaults to None.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def get(self, key, default=None):", "docstring": "D.get(k[,d]) -> D[k] if k in D, else d. d defaults to None."}
{"question_id": "62b8d22548ba5a41d1c3f472", "input": "def cachedmethod(cache, key=hashkey, lock=None):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tDecorator to wrap a class or instance method with a memoizing\ncallable that saves results in a cache.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def cachedmethod(cache, key=hashkey, lock=None):", "docstring": "Decorator to wrap a class or instance method with a memoizing\ncallable that saves results in a cache."}
{"question_id": "62b8c517e0d34b282c18122e", "input": "def extostr(cls, e, max_level=30, max_path_level=5):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tFormat an exception.\n:param e: Any exception instance.\n:type e: Exception\n:param max_level: Maximum call stack level (default 30)\n:type max_level: int\n:param max_path_level: Maximum path level (default 5)\n:type max_path_level: int\n:return The exception readable string\n:rtype str\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def extostr(cls, e, max_level=30, max_path_level=5):", "docstring": "Format an exception.\n:param e: Any exception instance.\n:type e: Exception\n:param max_level: Maximum call stack level (default 30)\n:type max_level: int\n:param max_path_level: Maximum path level (default 5)\n:type max_path_level: int\n:return The exception readable string\n:rtype str"}
{"question_id": "62b8bbbfe0d34b282c181210", "input": "def append_text_to_file(file_name, text_buffer, encoding, overwrite=False):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tWrite to the specified filename, the provided binary buffer\nCreate the file if required.\n:param file_name: File name.\n:type file_name: str\n:param text_buffer: Text buffer to write.\n:type text_buffer: str\n:param encoding: The encoding to use.\n:type encoding: str\n:param overwrite: If true, file is overwritten.\n:type overwrite: bool\n:return: The number of bytes written or lt 0 if error.\n:rtype int\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def append_text_to_file(file_name, text_buffer, encoding, overwrite=False):", "docstring": "Write to the specified filename, the provided binary buffer\nCreate the file if required.\n:param file_name: File name.\n:type file_name: str\n:param text_buffer: Text buffer to write.\n:type text_buffer: str\n:param encoding: The encoding to use.\n:type encoding: str\n:param overwrite: If true, file is overwritten.\n:type overwrite: bool\n:return: The number of bytes written or lt 0 if error.\n:rtype int"}
{"question_id": "62b8bbbfe0d34b282c18120f", "input": "def file_to_textbuffer(file_name, encoding):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tLoad a file toward a text buffer (UTF-8), using the specify encoding while reading.\nCAUTION : This will read the whole file IN MEMORY.\n:param file_name: File name.\n:type file_name: str\n:param encoding: Encoding to use.\n:type encoding: str\n:return: A text buffer or None in case of error.\n:rtype str\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def file_to_textbuffer(file_name, encoding):", "docstring": "Load a file toward a text buffer (UTF-8), using the specify encoding while reading.\nCAUTION : This will read the whole file IN MEMORY.\n:param file_name: File name.\n:type file_name: str\n:param encoding: Encoding to use.\n:type encoding: str\n:return: A text buffer or None in case of error.\n:rtype str"}
{"question_id": "62b8bbbce0d34b282c18120d", "input": "def is_file_exist(file_name):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tCheck if file name exist.\n:param file_name: File name.\n:type file_name: str\n:return: Return true (exist), false (do not exist, or invalid file name)\n:rtype bool\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def is_file_exist(file_name):", "docstring": "Check if file name exist.\n:param file_name: File name.\n:type file_name: str\n:return: Return true (exist), false (do not exist, or invalid file name)\n:rtype bool"}
{"question_id": "62b8b99de0d34b282c1811f8", "input": "def _reset_logging(cls):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tReset\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def _reset_logging(cls):", "docstring": "Reset"}
{"question_id": "62b8b59feb7e40a82d2d1291", "input": "def _getTargetClass(self):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tDefine this to return the implementation in use,\nwithout the 'Py' or 'Fallback' suffix.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def _getTargetClass(self):", "docstring": "Define this to return the implementation in use,\nwithout the 'Py' or 'Fallback' suffix."}
{"question_id": "62b8b590eb7e40a82d2d1275", "input": "def _legacy_mergeOrderings(orderings):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tMerge multiple orderings so that within-ordering order is preserved\n\nOrderings are constrained in such a way that if an object appears\nin two or more orderings, then the suffix that begins with the\nobject must be in both orderings.\n\nFor example:\n\n>>> _mergeOrderings([\n... ['x', 'y', 'z'],\n... ['q', 'z'],\n... [1, 3, 5],\n... ['z']\n... ])\n['x', 'y', 'q', 1, 3, 5, 'z']\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def _legacy_mergeOrderings(orderings):", "docstring": "Merge multiple orderings so that within-ordering order is preserved\n\nOrderings are constrained in such a way that if an object appears\nin two or more orderings, then the suffix that begins with the\nobject must be in both orderings.\n\nFor example:\n\n>>> _mergeOrderings([\n... ['x', 'y', 'z'],\n... ['q', 'z'],\n... [1, 3, 5],\n... ['z']\n... ])\n['x', 'y', 'q', 1, 3, 5, 'z']"}
{"question_id": "62b8b58deb7e40a82d2d1269", "input": "def directlyProvidedBy(object):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tReturn the interfaces directly provided by the given object\n\nThe value returned is an `~zope.interface.interfaces.IDeclaration`.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def directlyProvidedBy(object):", "docstring": "Return the interfaces directly provided by the given object\n\nThe value returned is an `~zope.interface.interfaces.IDeclaration`."}
{"question_id": "62b8b559eb7e40a82d2d11f8", "input": "def minimalBases(classes):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tReduce a list of base classes to its ordered minimum equivalent\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def minimalBases(classes):", "docstring": "Reduce a list of base classes to its ordered minimum equivalent"}
{"question_id": "62b8b4b9eb7e40a82d2d1134", "input": "def namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tReturn attribute names and descriptions defined by interface.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def namesAndDescriptions(self, all=False):", "docstring": "Return attribute names and descriptions defined by interface."}
{"question_id": "62b8b416eb7e40a82d2d1129", "input": "def names(self, all=False):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tReturn the attribute names defined by the interface.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def names(self, all=False):", "docstring": "Return the attribute names defined by the interface."}
{"question_id": "62b8b3d6eb7e40a82d2d111c", "input": "def _normalizeargs(sequence, output=None):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tNormalize declaration arguments\n\nNormalization arguments might contain Declarions, tuples, or single\ninterfaces.\n\nAnything but individial interfaces or implements specs will be expanded.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def _normalizeargs(sequence, output=None):", "docstring": "Normalize declaration arguments\n\nNormalization arguments might contain Declarions, tuples, or single\ninterfaces.\n\nAnything but individial interfaces or implements specs will be expanded."}
{"question_id": "62b8b3d5eb7e40a82d2d1110", "input": "def _c_optimizations_available():\n\t\"\"\"\n\tReturn the C optimization module, if available, otherwise\na false value.\n\nIf the optimizations are required but not available, this\nraises the ImportError.\n\nThis does not say whether they should be used or not.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def _c_optimizations_available():", "docstring": "Return the C optimization module, if available, otherwise\na false value.\n\nIf the optimizations are required but not available, this\nraises the ImportError.\n\nThis does not say whether they should be used or not."}
{"question_id": "62b8b3d4eb7e40a82d2d110f", "input": "def _should_attempt_c_optimizations():\n\t\"\"\"\n\tReturn a true value if we should attempt to use the C optimizations.\n\nThis takes into account whether we're on PyPy and the value of the\n``PURE_PYTHON`` environment variable, as defined in `_use_c_impl`.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def _should_attempt_c_optimizations():", "docstring": "Return a true value if we should attempt to use the C optimizations.\n\nThis takes into account whether we're on PyPy and the value of the\n``PURE_PYTHON`` environment variable, as defined in `_use_c_impl`."}
{"question_id": "62b8b3d4eb7e40a82d2d110e", "input": "def _c_optimizations_ignored():\n\t\"\"\"\n\tThe opposite of `_c_optimizations_required`.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def _c_optimizations_ignored():", "docstring": "The opposite of `_c_optimizations_required`."}
{"question_id": "62b8b3d4eb7e40a82d2d110d", "input": "def _c_optimizations_required():\n\t\"\"\"\n\tReturn a true value if the C optimizations are required.\n\nThis uses the ``PURE_PYTHON`` variable as documented in `_use_c_impl`.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def _c_optimizations_required():", "docstring": "Return a true value if the C optimizations are required.\n\nThis uses the ``PURE_PYTHON`` variable as documented in `_use_c_impl`."}
{"question_id": "62b87b989a0c4fa8b80b35ee", "input": "def reset(self):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tReset the histogram.\n\nCurrent context is reset to an empty dict.\nBins are reinitialized with the *initial_value*\nor with *make_bins()* (depending on the initialization).\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def reset(self):", "docstring": "Reset the histogram.\n\nCurrent context is reset to an empty dict.\nBins are reinitialized with the *initial_value*\nor with *make_bins()* (depending on the initialization)."}
{"question_id": "62b87b859a0c4fa8b80b35d7", "input": "def to_csv(self, separator=\",\", header=None):\n\t\"\"\"\n\t.. deprecated:: 0.5 in Lena 0.5 to_csv is not used.\n Iterables are converted to tables.\n\nConvert graph's points to CSV.\n\n*separator* delimits values, the default is comma.\n\n*header*, if not ``None``, is the first string of the output\n(new line is added automatically).\n\nSince a graph can be multidimensional,\nfor each point first its coordinate is converted to string\n(separated by *separator*), then each part of its value.\n\nTo convert :class:`Graph` to CSV inside a Lena sequence,\nuse :class:`lena.output.ToCSV`.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def to_csv(self, separator=\",\", header=None):", "docstring": ".. deprecated:: 0.5 in Lena 0.5 to_csv is not used.\n Iterables are converted to tables.\n\nConvert graph's points to CSV.\n\n*separator* delimits values, the default is comma.\n\n*header*, if not ``None``, is the first string of the output\n(new line is added automatically).\n\nSince a graph can be multidimensional,\nfor each point first its coordinate is converted to string\n(separated by *separator*), then each part of its value.\n\nTo convert :class:`Graph` to CSV inside a Lena sequence,\nuse :class:`lena.output.ToCSV`."}
{"question_id": "62b87b839a0c4fa8b80b35cb", "input": "def _get_err_indices(self, coord_name):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tGet error indices corresponding to a coordinate.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def _get_err_indices(self, coord_name):", "docstring": "Get error indices corresponding to a coordinate."}
{"question_id": "62b87b7e9a0c4fa8b80b35bc", "input": "def _update_context(self, context):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tUpdate *context* with the properties of this graph.\n\n*context.error* is appended with indices of errors.\nExample subcontext for a graph with fields \"E,t,error_E_low\":\n{\"error\": {\"x_low\": {\"index\": 2}}}.\nNote that error names are called \"x\", \"y\" and \"z\"\n(this corresponds to first three coordinates,\nif they are present), which allows to simplify plotting.\nExisting values are not removed\nfrom *context.value* and its subcontexts.\n\nCalled on \"destruction\" of the graph (for example,\nin :class:`.ToCSV`). By destruction we mean conversion\nto another structure (like text) in the flow.\nThe graph object is not really destroyed in this process.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def _update_context(self, context):", "docstring": "Update *context* with the properties of this graph.\n\n*context.error* is appended with indices of errors.\nExample subcontext for a graph with fields \"E,t,error_E_low\":\n{\"error\": {\"x_low\": {\"index\": 2}}}.\nNote that error names are called \"x\", \"y\" and \"z\"\n(this corresponds to first three coordinates,\nif they are present), which allows to simplify plotting.\nExisting values are not removed\nfrom *context.value* and its subcontexts.\n\nCalled on \"destruction\" of the graph (for example,\nin :class:`.ToCSV`). By destruction we mean conversion\nto another structure (like text) in the flow.\nThe graph object is not really destroyed in this process."}
{"question_id": "62b87b4f9a0c4fa8b80b3580", "input": "def integral(bins, edges):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tCompute integral (scale for a histogram).\n\n*bins* contain values, and *edges* form the mesh\nfor the integration.\nTheir format is defined in :class:`.histogram` description.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def integral(bins, edges):", "docstring": "Compute integral (scale for a histogram).\n\n*bins* contain values, and *edges* form the mesh\nfor the integration.\nTheir format is defined in :class:`.histogram` description."}
{"question_id": "62b87b199a0c4fa8b80b354e", "input": "def is_fill_request_seq(seq):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tTest whether *seq* can be converted to a FillRequestSeq.\n\nTrue only if it is a FillRequest element\nor contains at least one such,\nand it is not a Source sequence.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def is_fill_request_seq(seq):", "docstring": "Test whether *seq* can be converted to a FillRequestSeq.\n\nTrue only if it is a FillRequest element\nor contains at least one such,\nand it is not a Source sequence."}
{"question_id": "62b87b099a0c4fa8b80b3538", "input": "def is_fill_request_el(obj):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tObject contains executable methods 'fill' and 'request'.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def is_fill_request_el(obj):", "docstring": "Object contains executable methods 'fill' and 'request'."}
{"question_id": "62b87af99a0c4fa8b80b3524", "input": "def is_run_el(obj):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tObject contains executable method 'run'.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def is_run_el(obj):", "docstring": "Object contains executable method 'run'."}
{"question_id": "62b87af69a0c4fa8b80b351a", "input": "def is_fill_compute_el(obj):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tObject contains executable methods 'fill' and 'compute'.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def is_fill_compute_el(obj):", "docstring": "Object contains executable methods 'fill' and 'compute'."}
{"question_id": "62b87af19a0c4fa8b80b34f7", "input": "def difference(d1, d2, level=-1):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tReturn a dictionary with items from *d1* not contained in *d2*.\n\n*level* sets the maximum depth of recursion. For infinite recursion,\nset that to -1. For level 1,\nif a key is present both in *d1* and *d2* but has different values,\nit is included into the difference.\nSee :func:`intersection` for more details.\n\n*d1* and *d2* remain unchanged. However, *d1* or some of its\nsubdictionaries may be returned directly.\nMake a deep copy of the result when appropriate.\n\n.. versionadded:: 0.5\n add keyword argument *level*.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def difference(d1, d2, level=-1):", "docstring": "Return a dictionary with items from *d1* not contained in *d2*.\n\n*level* sets the maximum depth of recursion. For infinite recursion,\nset that to -1. For level 1,\nif a key is present both in *d1* and *d2* but has different values,\nit is included into the difference.\nSee :func:`intersection` for more details.\n\n*d1* and *d2* remain unchanged. However, *d1* or some of its\nsubdictionaries may be returned directly.\nMake a deep copy of the result when appropriate.\n\n.. versionadded:: 0.5\n add keyword argument *level*."}
{"question_id": "62b87af09a0c4fa8b80b34f1", "input": "def fill(self, coord, weight=1):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tFill histogram at *coord* with the given *weight*.\n\nCoordinates outside the histogram edges are ignored.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def fill(self, coord, weight=1):", "docstring": "Fill histogram at *coord* with the given *weight*.\n\nCoordinates outside the histogram edges are ignored."}
{"question_id": "62b86aa3b4d922cb0e688d36", "input": "def _validate_labels(labels):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tCheck that keys and values in the given labels match against their corresponding\nregular expressions.\n\nArgs:\n labels (dict): the different labels to validate.\n\nRaises:\n ValidationError: if any of the keys and labels does not match their respective\n regular expression. The error contains as message the list of all errors\n which occurred in the labels. Each element of the list is a dictionary with\n one key-value pair:\n - key: the label key or label value for which an error occurred as string.\n - value: the error message.\n\n .. code:: python\n\n # Example:\n labels = {\n \"key1\": \"valid\",\n \"key2\": [\"invalid\"],\n \"$$\": \"invalid\",\n True: True,\n }\n try:\n _validate_labels(labels)\n except ValidationError as err:\n assert err.messages == [\n {\"['invalid']\": 'expected string or bytes-like object'},\n {'$$': \"Label key '$$' does not match the regex [...]\"},\n {'True': 'expected string or bytes-like object'},\n {'True': 'expected string or bytes-like object'},\n ]\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def _validate_labels(labels):", "docstring": "Check that keys and values in the given labels match against their corresponding\nregular expressions.\n\nArgs:\n labels (dict): the different labels to validate.\n\nRaises:\n ValidationError: if any of the keys and labels does not match their respective\n regular expression. The error contains as message the list of all errors\n which occurred in the labels. Each element of the list is a dictionary with\n one key-value pair:\n - key: the label key or label value for which an error occurred as string.\n - value: the error message.\n\n .. code:: python\n\n # Example:\n labels = {\n \"key1\": \"valid\",\n \"key2\": [\"invalid\"],\n \"$$\": \"invalid\",\n True: True,\n }\n try:\n _validate_labels(labels)\n except ValidationError as err:\n assert err.messages == [\n {\"['invalid']\": 'expected string or bytes-like object'},\n {'$$': \"Label key '$$' does not match the regex [...]\"},\n {'True': 'expected string or bytes-like object'},\n {'True': 'expected string or bytes-like object'},\n ]"}
{"question_id": "62b86a9eb4d922cb0e688d25", "input": "def _get_resource_name_regex():\n\t\"\"\"\n\tBuild or return the regular expressions that are used to validate\nthe name of the Krake resources.\n\nReturns:\n (re.Pattern): the compiled regular expressions, to validate\n the resource name.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def _get_resource_name_regex():", "docstring": "Build or return the regular expressions that are used to validate\nthe name of the Krake resources.\n\nReturns:\n (re.Pattern): the compiled regular expressions, to validate\n the resource name."}
{"question_id": "62b86a4fb4d922cb0e688cf8", "input": "def validate_value(value):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tValidate the given value against the corresponding regular expression.\n\nArgs:\n value: the string to validate\n\nRaises:\n ValidationError: if the given value is not conform to the regular expression.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def validate_value(value):", "docstring": "Validate the given value against the corresponding regular expression.\n\nArgs:\n value: the string to validate\n\nRaises:\n ValidationError: if the given value is not conform to the regular expression."}
{"question_id": "62b86a4fb4d922cb0e688cf7", "input": "def validate_key(key):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tValidate the given key against the corresponding regular expression.\n\nArgs:\n key: the string to validate\n\nRaises:\n ValidationError: if the given key is not conform to the regular expression.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def validate_key(key):", "docstring": "Validate the given key against the corresponding regular expression.\n\nArgs:\n key: the string to validate\n\nRaises:\n ValidationError: if the given key is not conform to the regular expression."}
{"question_id": "62b86a01b4d922cb0e688ccc", "input": "def generate_default_observer_schema_dict(manifest_dict, first_level=False):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tTogether with :func:``generate_default_observer_schema_list``, this function is\ncalled recursively to generate part of a default ``observer_schema`` from part of a\nKubernetes resource, defined respectively by ``manifest_dict`` or ``manifest_list``.\n\nArgs:\n manifest_dict (dict): Partial Kubernetes resources\n first_level (bool, optional): If True, indicates that the dictionary represents\n the whole observer schema of a Kubernetes resource\n\nReturns:\n dict: Generated partial observer_schema\n\nThis function creates a new dictionary from ``manifest_dict`` and replaces all\nnon-list and non-dict values by ``None``.\n\nIn case of ``first_level`` dictionary (i.e. complete ``observer_schema`` for a\nresource), the values of the identifying fields are copied from the manifest file.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def generate_default_observer_schema_dict(manifest_dict, first_level=False):", "docstring": "Together with :func:``generate_default_observer_schema_list``, this function is\ncalled recursively to generate part of a default ``observer_schema`` from part of a\nKubernetes resource, defined respectively by ``manifest_dict`` or ``manifest_list``.\n\nArgs:\n manifest_dict (dict): Partial Kubernetes resources\n first_level (bool, optional): If True, indicates that the dictionary represents\n the whole observer schema of a Kubernetes resource\n\nReturns:\n dict: Generated partial observer_schema\n\nThis function creates a new dictionary from ``manifest_dict`` and replaces all\nnon-list and non-dict values by ``None``.\n\nIn case of ``first_level`` dictionary (i.e. complete ``observer_schema`` for a\nresource), the values of the identifying fields are copied from the manifest file."}
{"question_id": "62b869ebb4d922cb0e688cc6", "input": "def update_last_applied_manifest_list_from_resp(\n last_applied_manifest, observer_schema, response\n):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tTogether with :func:``update_last_applied_manifest_dict_from_resp``, this\nfunction is called recursively to update a partial ``last_applied_manifest``\nfrom a partial Kubernetes response\n\nArgs:\n last_applied_manifest (list): partial ``last_applied_manifest`` being\n updated\n observer_schema (list): partial ``observer_schema``\n response (list): partial response from the Kubernetes API.\n\nThis function go through all observed fields, and initialized their value in\nlast_applied_manifest if they are not yet present\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def update_last_applied_manifest_list_from_resp(\n last_applied_manifest, observer_schema, response\n):", "docstring": "Together with :func:``update_last_applied_manifest_dict_from_resp``, this\nfunction is called recursively to update a partial ``last_applied_manifest``\nfrom a partial Kubernetes response\n\nArgs:\n last_applied_manifest (list): partial ``last_applied_manifest`` being\n updated\n observer_schema (list): partial ``observer_schema``\n response (list): partial response from the Kubernetes API.\n\nThis function go through all observed fields, and initialized their value in\nlast_applied_manifest if they are not yet present"}
{"question_id": "62b869eab4d922cb0e688cc5", "input": "def update_last_applied_manifest_dict_from_resp(\n last_applied_manifest, observer_schema, response\n):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tTogether with :func:``update_last_applied_manifest_list_from_resp``, this\nfunction is called recursively to update a partial ``last_applied_manifest``\nfrom a partial Kubernetes response\n\nArgs:\n last_applied_manifest (dict): partial ``last_applied_manifest`` being\n updated\n observer_schema (dict): partial ``observer_schema``\n response (dict): partial response from the Kubernetes API.\n\nRaises:\n KeyError: If the observed field is not present in the Kubernetes response\n\nThis function go through all observed fields, and initialized their value in\nlast_applied_manifest if they are not yet present\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def update_last_applied_manifest_dict_from_resp(\n last_applied_manifest, observer_schema, response\n):", "docstring": "Together with :func:``update_last_applied_manifest_list_from_resp``, this\nfunction is called recursively to update a partial ``last_applied_manifest``\nfrom a partial Kubernetes response\n\nArgs:\n last_applied_manifest (dict): partial ``last_applied_manifest`` being\n updated\n observer_schema (dict): partial ``observer_schema``\n response (dict): partial response from the Kubernetes API.\n\nRaises:\n KeyError: If the observed field is not present in the Kubernetes response\n\nThis function go through all observed fields, and initialized their value in\nlast_applied_manifest if they are not yet present"}
{"question_id": "62b869eab4d922cb0e688cbf", "input": "def generate_default_observer_schema(app):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tGenerate the default observer schema for each Kubernetes resource present in\n``spec.manifest`` for which a custom observer schema hasn't been specified.\n\nArgs:\n app (krake.data.kubernetes.Application): The application for which to generate a\n default observer schema\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def generate_default_observer_schema(app):", "docstring": "Generate the default observer schema for each Kubernetes resource present in\n``spec.manifest`` for which a custom observer schema hasn't been specified.\n\nArgs:\n app (krake.data.kubernetes.Application): The application for which to generate a\n default observer schema"}
{"question_id": "62b43427903eeb48555d3ea5", "input": "def format(\n\t\tself,\n\t\tsql: AnyStr,\n\t\tparams: Union[Dict[Union[str, int], Any], Sequence[Any]],\n\t) -> Tuple[AnyStr, Union[Dict[Union[str, int], Any], Sequence[Any]]]:\n\t\"\"\"\n\tConvert the SQL query to use the out-style parameters instead of\nthe in-style parameters.\n\n*sql* (:class:`str` or :class:`bytes`) is the SQL query.\n\n*params* (:class:`~collections.abc.Mapping` or :class:`~collections.abc.Sequence`)\ncontains the set of in-style parameters. It maps each parameter\n(:class:`str` or :class:`int`) to value. If :attr:`.SQLParams.in_style`\nis a named parameter style. then *params* must be a :class:`~collections.abc.Mapping`.\nIf :attr:`.SQLParams.in_style` is an ordinal parameter style, then\n*params* must be a :class:`~collections.abc.Sequence`.\n\nReturns a :class:`tuple` containing:\n\n- The formatted SQL query (:class:`str` or :class:`bytes`).\n\n- The set of converted out-style parameters (:class:`dict` or\n :class:`list`).\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def format(\n\t\tself,\n\t\tsql: AnyStr,\n\t\tparams: Union[Dict[Union[str, int], Any], Sequence[Any]],\n\t) -> Tuple[AnyStr, Union[Dict[Union[str, int], Any], Sequence[Any]]]:", "docstring": "Convert the SQL query to use the out-style parameters instead of\nthe in-style parameters.\n\n*sql* (:class:`str` or :class:`bytes`) is the SQL query.\n\n*params* (:class:`~collections.abc.Mapping` or :class:`~collections.abc.Sequence`)\ncontains the set of in-style parameters. It maps each parameter\n(:class:`str` or :class:`int`) to value. If :attr:`.SQLParams.in_style`\nis a named parameter style. then *params* must be a :class:`~collections.abc.Mapping`.\nIf :attr:`.SQLParams.in_style` is an ordinal parameter style, then\n*params* must be a :class:`~collections.abc.Sequence`.\n\nReturns a :class:`tuple` containing:\n\n- The formatted SQL query (:class:`str` or :class:`bytes`).\n\n- The set of converted out-style parameters (:class:`dict` or\n :class:`list`)."}
{"question_id": "62b43428903eeb48555d3eaa", "input": "def formatmany(\n\t\tself,\n\t\tsql: AnyStr,\n\t\tmany_params: Union[Iterable[Dict[Union[str, int], Any]], Iterable[Sequence[Any]]],\n\t) -> Tuple[AnyStr, Union[List[Dict[Union[str, int], Any]], List[Sequence[Any]]]]:\n\t\"\"\"\n\tConvert the SQL query to use the out-style parameters instead of the\nin-style parameters.\n\n*sql* (:class:`str` or :class:`bytes`) is the SQL query.\n\n*many_params* (:class:`~collections.abc.Iterable`) contains each set\nof in-style parameters (*params*).\n\n- *params* (:class:`~collections.abc.Mapping` or :class:`~collections.abc.Sequence`)\n contains the set of in-style parameters. It maps each parameter\n (:class:`str` or :class:`int`) to value. If :attr:`.SQLParams.in_style`\n is a named parameter style. then *params* must be a :class:`~collections.abc.Mapping`.\n If :attr:`.SQLParams.in_style` is an ordinal parameter style. then\n *params* must be a :class:`~collections.abc.Sequence`.\n\nReturns a :class:`tuple` containing:\n\n- The formatted SQL query (:class:`str` or :class:`bytes`).\n\n- A :class:`list` containing each set of converted out-style\n parameters (:class:`dict` or :class:`list`).\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def formatmany(\n\t\tself,\n\t\tsql: AnyStr,\n\t\tmany_params: Union[Iterable[Dict[Union[str, int], Any]], Iterable[Sequence[Any]]],\n\t) -> Tuple[AnyStr, Union[List[Dict[Union[str, int], Any]], List[Sequence[Any]]]]:", "docstring": "Convert the SQL query to use the out-style parameters instead of the\nin-style parameters.\n\n*sql* (:class:`str` or :class:`bytes`) is the SQL query.\n\n*many_params* (:class:`~collections.abc.Iterable`) contains each set\nof in-style parameters (*params*).\n\n- *params* (:class:`~collections.abc.Mapping` or :class:`~collections.abc.Sequence`)\n contains the set of in-style parameters. It maps each parameter\n (:class:`str` or :class:`int`) to value. If :attr:`.SQLParams.in_style`\n is a named parameter style. then *params* must be a :class:`~collections.abc.Mapping`.\n If :attr:`.SQLParams.in_style` is an ordinal parameter style. then\n *params* must be a :class:`~collections.abc.Sequence`.\n\nReturns a :class:`tuple` containing:\n\n- The formatted SQL query (:class:`str` or :class:`bytes`).\n\n- A :class:`list` containing each set of converted out-style\n parameters (:class:`dict` or :class:`list`)."}
{"question_id": "62b45df05108cfac7f2109ce", "input": "def validate(self, path):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tValidate OCFL object at path or pyfs root.\n\nReturns True if valid (warnings permitted), False otherwise.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def validate(self, path):", "docstring": "Validate OCFL object at path or pyfs root.\n\nReturns True if valid (warnings permitted), False otherwise."}
{"question_id": "62b45df15108cfac7f2109dc", "input": "def status_str(self, prefix=''):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tReturn string of validator status, with optional prefix.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def status_str(self, prefix=''):", "docstring": "Return string of validator status, with optional prefix."}
{"question_id": "62b45df15108cfac7f2109dd", "input": "def status_str(self, prefix=''):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tReturn string representation of validation log, with optional prefix.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def status_str(self, prefix=''):", "docstring": "Return string representation of validation log, with optional prefix."}
{"question_id": "62b45e135108cfac7f2109f4", "input": "def is_valid(self, identifier):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tReturn True if identifier is valid, always True in this base implementation.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def is_valid(self, identifier):", "docstring": "Return True if identifier is valid, always True in this base implementation."}
{"question_id": "62b45e145108cfac7f210a07", "input": "def validate(self, inventory, extract_spec_version=False):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tValidate a given inventory.\n\nIf extract_spec_version is True then will look at the type value to determine\nthe specification version. In the case that there is no type value or it isn't\nvalid, then other tests will be based on the version given in self.spec_version.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def validate(self, inventory, extract_spec_version=False):", "docstring": "Validate a given inventory.\n\nIf extract_spec_version is True then will look at the type value to determine\nthe specification version. In the case that there is no type value or it isn't\nvalid, then other tests will be based on the version given in self.spec_version."}
{"question_id": "62b45e145108cfac7f210a09", "input": "def check_digests_present_and_used(self, manifest_files, digests_used):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tCheck all digests in manifest that are needed are present and used.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def check_digests_present_and_used(self, manifest_files, digests_used):", "docstring": "Check all digests in manifest that are needed are present and used."}
{"question_id": "62b45e165108cfac7f210a16", "input": "def validate_as_prior_version(self, prior):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tCheck that prior is a valid prior version of the current inventory object.\n\nThe input variable prior is also expected to be an InventoryValidator object\nand both self and prior inventories are assumed to have been checked for\ninternal consistency.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def validate_as_prior_version(self, prior):", "docstring": "Check that prior is a valid prior version of the current inventory object.\n\nThe input variable prior is also expected to be an InventoryValidator object\nand both self and prior inventories are assumed to have been checked for\ninternal consistency."}
{"question_id": "62b45e165108cfac7f210a17", "input": "def get_logical_path_map(inventory, version):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tGet a map of logical paths in state to files on disk for version in inventory.\n\nReturns a dictionary: logical_path_in_state -> set(content_files)\n\nThe set of content_files may includes references to duplicate files in\nlater versions than the version being described.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def get_logical_path_map(inventory, version):", "docstring": "Get a map of logical paths in state to files on disk for version in inventory.\n\nReturns a dictionary: logical_path_in_state -> set(content_files)\n\nThe set of content_files may includes references to duplicate files in\nlater versions than the version being described."}
{"question_id": "62b45e175108cfac7f210a19", "input": "def validate_fixity(self, fixity, manifest_files):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tValidate fixity block in inventory.\n\nCheck the structure of the fixity block and makes sure that only files\nlisted in the manifest are referenced.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def validate_fixity(self, fixity, manifest_files):", "docstring": "Validate fixity block in inventory.\n\nCheck the structure of the fixity block and makes sure that only files\nlisted in the manifest are referenced."}
{"question_id": "62b463153879012d19481498", "input": "def files_list(path):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tReturn the files in `path`\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def files_list(path):", "docstring": "Return the files in `path`"}
{"question_id": "62b463153879012d1948149a", "input": "def _group_files_by_xml_filename(source, xmls, files):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tGroup files by their XML basename\n\nGroups files by their XML basename and returns data in dict format.\n\nParameters\n----------\nxml_filename : str\n XML filenames\nfiles : list\n list of files in the folder or zipfile\n\nReturns\n-------\ndict\n key: name of the XML files\n value: Package\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def _group_files_by_xml_filename(source, xmls, files):", "docstring": "Group files by their XML basename\n\nGroups files by their XML basename and returns data in dict format.\n\nParameters\n----------\nxml_filename : str\n XML filenames\nfiles : list\n list of files in the folder or zipfile\n\nReturns\n-------\ndict\n key: name of the XML files\n value: Package"}
{"question_id": "62b463153879012d1948149b", "input": "def match_file_by_prefix(prefix, file_path):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tIdentify if a `file_path` belongs to a document package by a given `prefix`\n\nRetorna `True` para documentos pertencentes a um pacote.\n\nParameters\n----------\nprefix : str\n Filename prefix\nfile_path : str\n File path\nReturns\n-------\nbool\n True - file belongs to the package\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def match_file_by_prefix(prefix, file_path):", "docstring": "Identify if a `file_path` belongs to a document package by a given `prefix`\n\nRetorna `True` para documentos pertencentes a um pacote.\n\nParameters\n----------\nprefix : str\n Filename prefix\nfile_path : str\n File path\nReturns\n-------\nbool\n True - file belongs to the package"}
{"question_id": "62b463153879012d1948149c", "input": "def select_filenames_by_prefix(prefix, files):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tGet files which belongs to a document package.\n\nRetorna os arquivos da lista `files` cujos nomes iniciam com `prefix`\n\nParameters\n----------\nprefix : str\n Filename prefix\nfiles : str list\n Files paths\nReturns\n-------\nlist\n files paths which basename files matches to prefix\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def select_filenames_by_prefix(prefix, files):", "docstring": "Get files which belongs to a document package.\n\nRetorna os arquivos da lista `files` cujos nomes iniciam com `prefix`\n\nParameters\n----------\nprefix : str\n Filename prefix\nfiles : str list\n Files paths\nReturns\n-------\nlist\n files paths which basename files matches to prefix"}
{"question_id": "62b463153879012d1948149d", "input": "def _explore_folder(folder):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tGet packages' data from folder\n\nGroups files by their XML basename and returns data in dict format.\n\nParameters\n----------\nfolder : str\n Folder of the package\nReturns\n-------\ndict\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def _explore_folder(folder):", "docstring": "Get packages' data from folder\n\nGroups files by their XML basename and returns data in dict format.\n\nParameters\n----------\nfolder : str\n Folder of the package\nReturns\n-------\ndict"}
{"question_id": "62b463153879012d1948149f", "input": "def _eval_file(prefix, file_path):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tIdentifica o tipo de arquivo do pacote: `asset` ou `rendition`.\n\nIdentifica o tipo de arquivo do pacote e atualiza `packages` com o tipo e\no endere\u00e7o do arquivo em an\u00e1lise.\n\nParameters\n----------\nprefix : str\n nome do arquivo XML sem extens\u00e3o\nfilename : str\n filename\nfile_folder : str\n file folder\n\nReturns\n-------\ndict\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def _eval_file(prefix, file_path):", "docstring": "Identifica o tipo de arquivo do pacote: `asset` ou `rendition`.\n\nIdentifica o tipo de arquivo do pacote e atualiza `packages` com o tipo e\no endere\u00e7o do arquivo em an\u00e1lise.\n\nParameters\n----------\nprefix : str\n nome do arquivo XML sem extens\u00e3o\nfilename : str\n filename\nfile_folder : str\n file folder\n\nReturns\n-------\ndict"}
{"question_id": "62b463153879012d194814a1", "input": "def add_rendition(self, lang, file_path):\n\t\"\"\"\n\t{\n \"original\": \"artigo02.pdf\",\n \"en\": \"artigo02-en.pdf\",\n}\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def add_rendition(self, lang, file_path):", "docstring": "{\n \"original\": \"artigo02.pdf\",\n \"en\": \"artigo02-en.pdf\",\n}"}
{"question_id": "62b463163879012d194814a2", "input": "def add_asset(self, basename, file_path):\n\t\"\"\"\n\t\"{\n \"artigo02-gf03.tiff\": \"/path/artigo02-gf03.tiff\",\n \"artigo02-gf03.jpg\": \"/path/artigo02-gf03.jpg\",\n \"artigo02-gf03.png\": \"/path/artigo02-gf03.png\",\n}\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def add_asset(self, basename, file_path):", "docstring": "\"{\n \"artigo02-gf03.tiff\": \"/path/artigo02-gf03.tiff\",\n \"artigo02-gf03.jpg\": \"/path/artigo02-gf03.jpg\",\n \"artigo02-gf03.png\": \"/path/artigo02-gf03.png\",\n}"}
{"question_id": "62b463163879012d194814a4", "input": "def _explore_zipfile(zip_path):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tGet packages' data from zip_path\n\nGroups files by their XML basename and returns data in dict format.\n\nParameters\n----------\nzip_path : str\n zip file path\nReturns\n-------\ndict\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def _explore_zipfile(zip_path):", "docstring": "Get packages' data from zip_path\n\nGroups files by their XML basename and returns data in dict format.\n\nParameters\n----------\nzip_path : str\n zip file path\nReturns\n-------\ndict"}
{"question_id": "62b463163879012d194814a6", "input": "def files_list_from_zipfile(zip_path):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tReturn the files in `zip_path`\n\nExample:\n\n```\n[\n '2318-0889-tinf-33-0421/2318-0889-tinf-33-e200069.pdf',\n '2318-0889-tinf-33-0421/2318-0889-tinf-33-e200069.xml',\n '2318-0889-tinf-33-0421/2318-0889-tinf-33-e200071.pdf',\n '2318-0889-tinf-33-0421/2318-0889-tinf-33-e200071.xml',\n '2318-0889-tinf-33-0421/2318-0889-tinf-33-e200071-gf01.tif',\n '2318-0889-tinf-33-0421/2318-0889-tinf-33-e200071-gf02.tif',\n '2318-0889-tinf-33-0421/2318-0889-tinf-33-e200071-gf03.tif',\n '2318-0889-tinf-33-0421/2318-0889-tinf-33-e200071-gf04.tif',\n]\n```\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def files_list_from_zipfile(zip_path):", "docstring": "Return the files in `zip_path`\n\nExample:\n\n```\n[\n '2318-0889-tinf-33-0421/2318-0889-tinf-33-e200069.pdf',\n '2318-0889-tinf-33-0421/2318-0889-tinf-33-e200069.xml',\n '2318-0889-tinf-33-0421/2318-0889-tinf-33-e200071.pdf',\n '2318-0889-tinf-33-0421/2318-0889-tinf-33-e200071.xml',\n '2318-0889-tinf-33-0421/2318-0889-tinf-33-e200071-gf01.tif',\n '2318-0889-tinf-33-0421/2318-0889-tinf-33-e200071-gf02.tif',\n '2318-0889-tinf-33-0421/2318-0889-tinf-33-e200071-gf03.tif',\n '2318-0889-tinf-33-0421/2318-0889-tinf-33-e200071-gf04.tif',\n]\n```"}
{"question_id": "62b4631b3879012d194814dd", "input": "def fix_namespace_prefix_w(content):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tConvert text that defaults to 'w:st=\"' to 'w-st=\"'\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def fix_namespace_prefix_w(content):", "docstring": "Convert text that defaults to 'w:st=\"' to 'w-st=\"'"}
{"question_id": "62b463283879012d1948153d", "input": "def match_pubdate(node, pubdate_xpaths):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tReturns the first match in the pubdate_xpaths list\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def match_pubdate(node, pubdate_xpaths):", "docstring": "Returns the first match in the pubdate_xpaths list"}
{"question_id": "62b463303879012d19481579", "input": "def _extract_number_and_supplment_from_issue_element(issue):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tExtract the possible values of number and suppl from the contents of issue.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def _extract_number_and_supplment_from_issue_element(issue):", "docstring": "Extract the possible values of number and suppl from the contents of issue."}
{"question_id": "62b46740d2f69a53b466171a", "input": "def pretty(self, indent=0, debug=False):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tReturn a pretty formatted representation of self.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def pretty(self, indent=0, debug=False):", "docstring": "Return a pretty formatted representation of self."}
{"question_id": "62b46746d2f69a53b4661722", "input": "def absorb(self, args):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tGiven an `args` sequence of expressions, return a new list of expression\napplying absorption and negative absorption.\n\nSee https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Absorption_law\n\nAbsorption::\n\n A & (A | B) = A, A | (A & B) = A\n\nNegative absorption::\n\n A & (~A | B) = A & B, A | (~A & B) = A | B\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def absorb(self, args):", "docstring": "Given an `args` sequence of expressions, return a new list of expression\napplying absorption and negative absorption.\n\nSee https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Absorption_law\n\nAbsorption::\n\n A & (A | B) = A, A | (A & B) = A\n\nNegative absorption::\n\n A & (~A | B) = A & B, A | (~A & B) = A | B"}
{"question_id": "62b86707b4d922cb0e688c2a", "input": "def on(self, hook):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tDecorator function to add a new handler to the registry.\n\nArgs:\n hook (HookType): Hook attribute for which to register the handler.\n\nReturns:\n callable: Decorator for registering listeners for the specified\n hook.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def on(self, hook):", "docstring": "Decorator function to add a new handler to the registry.\n\nArgs:\n hook (HookType): Hook attribute for which to register the handler.\n\nReturns:\n callable: Decorator for registering listeners for the specified\n hook."}
{"question_id": "62b86729b4d922cb0e688c2f", "input": "def base_config(user, etcd_host=\"localhost\", etcd_port=2379):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tCreates a configuration with some simple parameters, which have a default value\nthat can be set.\n\nArgs:\n user (str): the name of the user for the static authentication\n etcd_host (str): the host for the database.\n etcd_port (int): the port for the database.\n\nReturns:\n dict: the created configuration.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def base_config(user, etcd_host=\"localhost\", etcd_port=2379):", "docstring": "Creates a configuration with some simple parameters, which have a default value\nthat can be set.\n\nArgs:\n user (str): the name of the user for the static authentication\n etcd_host (str): the host for the database.\n etcd_port (int): the port for the database.\n\nReturns:\n dict: the created configuration."}
{"question_id": "62b8a4a4755ee91dce50a3d2", "input": "def _fromutc(self, dt):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tGiven a timezone-aware datetime in a given timezone, calculates a\ntimezone-aware datetime in a new timezone.\n\nSince this is the one time that we *know* we have an unambiguous\ndatetime object, we take this opportunity to determine whether the\ndatetime is ambiguous and in a \"fold\" state (e.g. if it's the first\noccurrence, chronologically, of the ambiguous datetime).\n\n:param dt:\n A timezone-aware :class:`datetime.datetime` object.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def _fromutc(self, dt):", "docstring": "Given a timezone-aware datetime in a given timezone, calculates a\ntimezone-aware datetime in a new timezone.\n\nSince this is the one time that we *know* we have an unambiguous\ndatetime object, we take this opportunity to determine whether the\ndatetime is ambiguous and in a \"fold\" state (e.g. if it's the first\noccurrence, chronologically, of the ambiguous datetime).\n\n:param dt:\n A timezone-aware :class:`datetime.datetime` object."}
{"question_id": "62b8982f755ee91dce50a241", "input": "def normalized(self):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tReturn a version of this object represented entirely using integer\nvalues for the relative attributes.\n\n>>> relativedelta(days=1.5, hours=2).normalized()\nrelativedelta(days=+1, hours=+14)\n\n:return:\n Returns a :class:`dateutil.relativedelta.relativedelta` object.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def normalized(self):", "docstring": "Return a version of this object represented entirely using integer\nvalues for the relative attributes.\n\n>>> relativedelta(days=1.5, hours=2).normalized()\nrelativedelta(days=+1, hours=+14)\n\n:return:\n Returns a :class:`dateutil.relativedelta.relativedelta` object."}
{"question_id": "62b89640755ee91dce50a114", "input": "def tzname_in_python2(namefunc):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tChange unicode output into bytestrings in Python 2\n\ntzname() API changed in Python 3. It used to return bytes, but was changed\nto unicode strings\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def tzname_in_python2(namefunc):", "docstring": "Change unicode output into bytestrings in Python 2\n\ntzname() API changed in Python 3. It used to return bytes, but was changed\nto unicode strings"}
{"question_id": "62b87d24d292efb640a55670", "input": "def get_versions():\n\t\"\"\"\n\tGet version information or return default if unable to do so.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def get_versions():", "docstring": "Get version information or return default if unable to do so."}
{"question_id": "62b87d24d292efb640a5566f", "input": "def render(pieces, style):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tRender the given version pieces into the requested style.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def render(pieces, style):", "docstring": "Render the given version pieces into the requested style."}
{"question_id": "62b87d24d292efb640a5566d", "input": "def plus_or_dot(pieces):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tReturn a + if we don't already have one, else return a .\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def plus_or_dot(pieces):", "docstring": "Return a + if we don't already have one, else return a ."}
{"question_id": "62b87d23d292efb640a5566b", "input": "def run_command(commands, args, cwd=None, verbose=False, hide_stderr=False, env=None):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tCall the given command(s).\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def run_command(commands, args, cwd=None, verbose=False, hide_stderr=False, env=None):", "docstring": "Call the given command(s)."}
{"question_id": "62b87d23d292efb640a55668", "input": "def get_config():\n\t\"\"\"\n\tCreate, populate and return the VersioneerConfig() object.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def get_config():", "docstring": "Create, populate and return the VersioneerConfig() object."}
{"question_id": "62b87d23d292efb640a55667", "input": "def register_vcs_handler(vcs, method):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tCreate decorator to mark a method as the handler of a VCS.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def register_vcs_handler(vcs, method):", "docstring": "Create decorator to mark a method as the handler of a VCS."}
{"question_id": "62b45e945108cfac7f210a4a", "input": "def validate_hierarchy(self, validate_objects=True, check_digests=True, show_warnings=False):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tValidate storage root hierarchy.\n\nReturns:\n num_objects - number of objects checked\n good_objects - number of objects checked that were found to be valid\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def validate_hierarchy(self, validate_objects=True, check_digests=True, show_warnings=False):", "docstring": "Validate storage root hierarchy.\n\nReturns:\n num_objects - number of objects checked\n good_objects - number of objects checked that were found to be valid"}
{"question_id": "62b45e515108cfac7f210a3c", "input": "def initialize(self):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tCreate and initialize a new OCFL storage root.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def initialize(self):", "docstring": "Create and initialize a new OCFL storage root."}
{"question_id": "62b45e2eb89c9fd354170232", "input": "def next_version(version):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tNext version identifier following existing pattern.\n\nMust deal with both zero-prefixed and non-zero prefixed versions.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def next_version(version):", "docstring": "Next version identifier following existing pattern.\n\nMust deal with both zero-prefixed and non-zero prefixed versions."}
{"question_id": "62b45e23e0d4551b0392c90a", "input": "def validate_version_inventories(self, version_dirs):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tEach version SHOULD have an inventory up to that point.\n\nAlso keep a record of any content digests different from those in the root inventory\nso that we can also check them when validating the content.\n\nversion_dirs is an array of version directory names and is assumed to be in\nversion sequence (1, 2, 3...).\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def validate_version_inventories(self, version_dirs):", "docstring": "Each version SHOULD have an inventory up to that point.\n\nAlso keep a record of any content digests different from those in the root inventory\nso that we can also check them when validating the content.\n\nversion_dirs is an array of version directory names and is assumed to be in\nversion sequence (1, 2, 3...)."}
{"question_id": "62b45e21e0d4551b0392c8ed", "input": "def find_path_type(path):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tReturn a string indicating the type of thing at the given path.\n\nReturn values:\n 'root' - looks like an OCFL Storage Root\n 'object' - looks like an OCFL Object\n 'file' - a file, might be an inventory\n other string explains error description\n\nLooks only at \"0=*\" Namaste files to determine the directory type.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def find_path_type(path):", "docstring": "Return a string indicating the type of thing at the given path.\n\nReturn values:\n 'root' - looks like an OCFL Storage Root\n 'object' - looks like an OCFL Object\n 'file' - a file, might be an inventory\n other string explains error description\n\nLooks only at \"0=*\" Namaste files to determine the directory type."}
{"question_id": "62b45b396decaeff903e1001", "input": "def amend_bzparams(self, params, bug_ids):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tAmend the Bugzilla params\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def amend_bzparams(self, params, bug_ids):", "docstring": "Amend the Bugzilla params"}
{"question_id": "62b4567ed7d32e5b55cc83d9", "input": "def deep_merge_nodes(nodes):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tGiven a nested borgmatic configuration data structure as a list of tuples in the form of:\n\n (\n ruamel.yaml.nodes.ScalarNode as a key,\n ruamel.yaml.nodes.MappingNode or other Node as a value,\n ),\n\n... deep merge any node values corresponding to duplicate keys and return the result. If\nthere are colliding keys with non-MappingNode values (e.g., integers or strings), the last\nof the values wins.\n\nFor instance, given node values of:\n\n [\n (\n ScalarNode(tag='tag:yaml.org,2002:str', value='retention'),\n MappingNode(tag='tag:yaml.org,2002:map', value=[\n (\n ScalarNode(tag='tag:yaml.org,2002:str', value='keep_hourly'),\n ScalarNode(tag='tag:yaml.org,2002:int', value='24')\n ),\n (\n ScalarNode(tag='tag:yaml.org,2002:str', value='keep_daily'),\n ScalarNode(tag='tag:yaml.org,2002:int', value='7')\n ),\n ]),\n ),\n (\n ScalarNode(tag='tag:yaml.org,2002:str', value='retention'),\n MappingNode(tag='tag:yaml.org,2002:map', value=[\n (\n ScalarNode(tag='tag:yaml.org,2002:str', value='keep_daily'),\n ScalarNode(tag='tag:yaml.org,2002:int', value='5')\n ),\n ]),\n ),\n ]\n\n... the returned result would be:\n\n [\n (\n ScalarNode(tag='tag:yaml.org,2002:str', value='retention'),\n MappingNode(tag='tag:yaml.org,2002:map', value=[\n (\n ScalarNode(tag='tag:yaml.org,2002:str', value='keep_hourly'),\n ScalarNode(tag='tag:yaml.org,2002:int', value='24')\n ),\n (\n ScalarNode(tag='tag:yaml.org,2002:str', value='keep_daily'),\n ScalarNode(tag='tag:yaml.org,2002:int', value='5')\n ),\n ]),\n ),\n ]\n\nThe purpose of deep merging like this is to support, for instance, merging one borgmatic\nconfiguration file into another for reuse, such that a configuration section (\"retention\",\netc.) does not completely replace the corresponding section in a merged file.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def deep_merge_nodes(nodes):", "docstring": "Given a nested borgmatic configuration data structure as a list of tuples in the form of:\n\n (\n ruamel.yaml.nodes.ScalarNode as a key,\n ruamel.yaml.nodes.MappingNode or other Node as a value,\n ),\n\n... deep merge any node values corresponding to duplicate keys and return the result. If\nthere are colliding keys with non-MappingNode values (e.g., integers or strings), the last\nof the values wins.\n\nFor instance, given node values of:\n\n [\n (\n ScalarNode(tag='tag:yaml.org,2002:str', value='retention'),\n MappingNode(tag='tag:yaml.org,2002:map', value=[\n (\n ScalarNode(tag='tag:yaml.org,2002:str', value='keep_hourly'),\n ScalarNode(tag='tag:yaml.org,2002:int', value='24')\n ),\n (\n ScalarNode(tag='tag:yaml.org,2002:str', value='keep_daily'),\n ScalarNode(tag='tag:yaml.org,2002:int', value='7')\n ),\n ]),\n ),\n (\n ScalarNode(tag='tag:yaml.org,2002:str', value='retention'),\n MappingNode(tag='tag:yaml.org,2002:map', value=[\n (\n ScalarNode(tag='tag:yaml.org,2002:str', value='keep_daily'),\n ScalarNode(tag='tag:yaml.org,2002:int', value='5')\n ),\n ]),\n ),\n ]\n\n... the returned result would be:\n\n [\n (\n ScalarNode(tag='tag:yaml.org,2002:str', value='retention'),\n MappingNode(tag='tag:yaml.org,2002:map', value=[\n (\n ScalarNode(tag='tag:yaml.org,2002:str', value='keep_hourly'),\n ScalarNode(tag='tag:yaml.org,2002:int', value='24')\n ),\n (\n ScalarNode(tag='tag:yaml.org,2002:str', value='keep_daily'),\n ScalarNode(tag='tag:yaml.org,2002:int', value='5')\n ),\n ]),\n ),\n ]\n\nThe purpose of deep merging like this is to support, for instance, merging one borgmatic\nconfiguration file into another for reuse, such that a configuration section (\"retention\",\netc.) does not completely replace the corresponding section in a merged file."}
{"question_id": "62b4567ad7d32e5b55cc83af", "input": "def parse_arguments(*arguments):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tGiven command-line arguments with which this script was invoked, parse the arguments and return\nthem as an ArgumentParser instance.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def parse_arguments(*arguments):", "docstring": "Given command-line arguments with which this script was invoked, parse the arguments and return\nthem as an ArgumentParser instance."}
{"question_id": "62b45679d7d32e5b55cc83a9", "input": "def parser_flags(parser):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tGiven an argparse.ArgumentParser instance, return its argument flags in a space-separated\nstring.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def parser_flags(parser):", "docstring": "Given an argparse.ArgumentParser instance, return its argument flags in a space-separated\nstring."}
{"question_id": "62b45665d7d32e5b55cc8365", "input": "def parse_arguments(*unparsed_arguments):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tGiven command-line arguments with which this script was invoked, parse the arguments and return\nthem as a dict mapping from subparser name (or \"global\") to an argparse.Namespace instance.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def parse_arguments(*unparsed_arguments):", "docstring": "Given command-line arguments with which this script was invoked, parse the arguments and return\nthem as a dict mapping from subparser name (or \"global\") to an argparse.Namespace instance."}
{"question_id": "62b45665d7d32e5b55cc8364", "input": "def parse_subparser_arguments(unparsed_arguments, subparsers):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tGiven a sequence of arguments and a dict from subparser name to argparse.ArgumentParser\ninstance, give each requested action's subparser a shot at parsing all arguments. This allows\ncommon arguments like \"--repository\" to be shared across multiple subparsers.\n\nReturn the result as a tuple of (a dict mapping from subparser name to a parsed namespace of\narguments, a list of remaining arguments not claimed by any subparser).\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def parse_subparser_arguments(unparsed_arguments, subparsers):", "docstring": "Given a sequence of arguments and a dict from subparser name to argparse.ArgumentParser\ninstance, give each requested action's subparser a shot at parsing all arguments. This allows\ncommon arguments like \"--repository\" to be shared across multiple subparsers.\n\nReturn the result as a tuple of (a dict mapping from subparser name to a parsed namespace of\narguments, a list of remaining arguments not claimed by any subparser)."}
{"question_id": "62b45665d7d32e5b55cc8363", "input": "def make_parsers():\n\t\"\"\"\n\tBuild a top-level parser and its subparsers and return them as a tuple.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def make_parsers():", "docstring": "Build a top-level parser and its subparsers and return them as a tuple."}
{"question_id": "62b438ba66fea644fe22cca2", "input": "def deep_merge_nodes(nodes):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tGiven a nested borgmatic configuration data structure as a list of tuples in the form of:\n\n (\n ruamel.yaml.nodes.ScalarNode as a key,\n ruamel.yaml.nodes.MappingNode or other Node as a value,\n ),\n\n... deep merge any node values corresponding to duplicate keys and return the result. If\nthere are colliding keys with non-MappingNode values (e.g., integers or strings), the last\nof the values wins.\n\nFor instance, given node values of:\n\n [\n (\n ScalarNode(tag='tag:yaml.org,2002:str', value='retention'),\n MappingNode(tag='tag:yaml.org,2002:map', value=[\n (\n ScalarNode(tag='tag:yaml.org,2002:str', value='keep_hourly'),\n ScalarNode(tag='tag:yaml.org,2002:int', value='24')\n ),\n (\n ScalarNode(tag='tag:yaml.org,2002:str', value='keep_daily'),\n ScalarNode(tag='tag:yaml.org,2002:int', value='7')\n ),\n ]),\n ),\n (\n ScalarNode(tag='tag:yaml.org,2002:str', value='retention'),\n MappingNode(tag='tag:yaml.org,2002:map', value=[\n (\n ScalarNode(tag='tag:yaml.org,2002:str', value='keep_daily'),\n ScalarNode(tag='tag:yaml.org,2002:int', value='5')\n ),\n ]),\n ),\n ]\n\n... the returned result would be:\n\n [\n (\n ScalarNode(tag='tag:yaml.org,2002:str', value='retention'),\n MappingNode(tag='tag:yaml.org,2002:map', value=[\n (\n ScalarNode(tag='tag:yaml.org,2002:str', value='keep_hourly'),\n ScalarNode(tag='tag:yaml.org,2002:int', value='24')\n ),\n (\n ScalarNode(tag='tag:yaml.org,2002:str', value='keep_daily'),\n ScalarNode(tag='tag:yaml.org,2002:int', value='5')\n ),\n ]),\n ),\n ]\n\nThe purpose of deep merging like this is to support, for instance, merging one borgmatic\nconfiguration file into another for reuse, such that a configuration section (\"retention\",\netc.) does not completely replace the corresponding section in a merged file.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def deep_merge_nodes(nodes):", "docstring": "Given a nested borgmatic configuration data structure as a list of tuples in the form of:\n\n (\n ruamel.yaml.nodes.ScalarNode as a key,\n ruamel.yaml.nodes.MappingNode or other Node as a value,\n ),\n\n... deep merge any node values corresponding to duplicate keys and return the result. If\nthere are colliding keys with non-MappingNode values (e.g., integers or strings), the last\nof the values wins.\n\nFor instance, given node values of:\n\n [\n (\n ScalarNode(tag='tag:yaml.org,2002:str', value='retention'),\n MappingNode(tag='tag:yaml.org,2002:map', value=[\n (\n ScalarNode(tag='tag:yaml.org,2002:str', value='keep_hourly'),\n ScalarNode(tag='tag:yaml.org,2002:int', value='24')\n ),\n (\n ScalarNode(tag='tag:yaml.org,2002:str', value='keep_daily'),\n ScalarNode(tag='tag:yaml.org,2002:int', value='7')\n ),\n ]),\n ),\n (\n ScalarNode(tag='tag:yaml.org,2002:str', value='retention'),\n MappingNode(tag='tag:yaml.org,2002:map', value=[\n (\n ScalarNode(tag='tag:yaml.org,2002:str', value='keep_daily'),\n ScalarNode(tag='tag:yaml.org,2002:int', value='5')\n ),\n ]),\n ),\n ]\n\n... the returned result would be:\n\n [\n (\n ScalarNode(tag='tag:yaml.org,2002:str', value='retention'),\n MappingNode(tag='tag:yaml.org,2002:map', value=[\n (\n ScalarNode(tag='tag:yaml.org,2002:str', value='keep_hourly'),\n ScalarNode(tag='tag:yaml.org,2002:int', value='24')\n ),\n (\n ScalarNode(tag='tag:yaml.org,2002:str', value='keep_daily'),\n ScalarNode(tag='tag:yaml.org,2002:int', value='5')\n ),\n ]),\n ),\n ]\n\nThe purpose of deep merging like this is to support, for instance, merging one borgmatic\nconfiguration file into another for reuse, such that a configuration section (\"retention\",\netc.) does not completely replace the corresponding section in a merged file."}
{"question_id": "62b438b666fea644fe22cc78", "input": "def parse_arguments(*arguments):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tGiven command-line arguments with which this script was invoked, parse the arguments and return\nthem as an ArgumentParser instance.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def parse_arguments(*arguments):", "docstring": "Given command-line arguments with which this script was invoked, parse the arguments and return\nthem as an ArgumentParser instance."}
{"question_id": "62b438b666fea644fe22cc72", "input": "def parser_flags(parser):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tGiven an argparse.ArgumentParser instance, return its argument flags in a space-separated\nstring.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def parser_flags(parser):", "docstring": "Given an argparse.ArgumentParser instance, return its argument flags in a space-separated\nstring."}
{"question_id": "62b438b566fea644fe22cc70", "input": "def bash_completion():\n\t\"\"\"\n\tReturn a bash completion script for the borgmatic command. Produce this by introspecting\nborgmatic's command-line argument parsers.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def bash_completion():", "docstring": "Return a bash completion script for the borgmatic command. Produce this by introspecting\nborgmatic's command-line argument parsers."}
{"question_id": "62b438a266fea644fe22cc2e", "input": "def parse_arguments(*unparsed_arguments):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tGiven command-line arguments with which this script was invoked, parse the arguments and return\nthem as a dict mapping from subparser name (or \"global\") to an argparse.Namespace instance.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def parse_arguments(*unparsed_arguments):", "docstring": "Given command-line arguments with which this script was invoked, parse the arguments and return\nthem as a dict mapping from subparser name (or \"global\") to an argparse.Namespace instance."}
{"question_id": "62b438a266fea644fe22cc2d", "input": "def parse_subparser_arguments(unparsed_arguments, subparsers):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tGiven a sequence of arguments and a dict from subparser name to argparse.ArgumentParser\ninstance, give each requested action's subparser a shot at parsing all arguments. This allows\ncommon arguments like \"--repository\" to be shared across multiple subparsers.\n\nReturn the result as a tuple of (a dict mapping from subparser name to a parsed namespace of\narguments, a list of remaining arguments not claimed by any subparser).\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def parse_subparser_arguments(unparsed_arguments, subparsers):", "docstring": "Given a sequence of arguments and a dict from subparser name to argparse.ArgumentParser\ninstance, give each requested action's subparser a shot at parsing all arguments. This allows\ncommon arguments like \"--repository\" to be shared across multiple subparsers.\n\nReturn the result as a tuple of (a dict mapping from subparser name to a parsed namespace of\narguments, a list of remaining arguments not claimed by any subparser)."}
{"question_id": "62b438a266fea644fe22cc2c", "input": "def make_parsers():\n\t\"\"\"\n\tBuild a top-level parser and its subparsers and return them as a tuple.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def make_parsers():", "docstring": "Build a top-level parser and its subparsers and return them as a tuple."}
{"question_id": "62ece4982e6aefcf4aabbd5f", "input": "def paging(response, max_results):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tReturns WAPI response page by page\n\nArgs:\n response (list): WAPI response.\n max_results (int): Maximum number of objects to be returned in one page.\nReturns:\n Generator object with WAPI response split page by page.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def paging(response, max_results):", "docstring": "Returns WAPI response page by page\n\nArgs:\n response (list): WAPI response.\n max_results (int): Maximum number of objects to be returned in one page.\nReturns:\n Generator object with WAPI response split page by page."}
{"question_id": "62ece4982e6aefcf4aabbd60", "input": "def size_to_bytes(size: str) -> int:\n\t\"\"\"\n\tConvert human readable file size to bytes.\n\nResulting value is an approximation as input value is in most case rounded.\n\nArgs:\n size: A string representing a human readable file size (eg: '500K')\n\nReturns:\n A decimal representation of file size\n\n Examples::\n\n >>> size_to_bytes(\"500\")\n 500\n >>> size_to_bytes(\"1K\")\n 1000\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def size_to_bytes(size: str) -> int:", "docstring": "Convert human readable file size to bytes.\n\nResulting value is an approximation as input value is in most case rounded.\n\nArgs:\n size: A string representing a human readable file size (eg: '500K')\n\nReturns:\n A decimal representation of file size\n\n Examples::\n\n >>> size_to_bytes(\"500\")\n 500\n >>> size_to_bytes(\"1K\")\n 1000"}
{"question_id": "62ece4982e6aefcf4aabbd61", "input": "def _dictsum(dicts):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tCombine values of the dictionaries supplied by iterable dicts.\n\n>>> _dictsum([{'a': 1, 'b': 2}, {'a': 5, 'b': 0}])\n{'a': 6, 'b': 2}\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def _dictsum(dicts):", "docstring": "Combine values of the dictionaries supplied by iterable dicts.\n\n>>> _dictsum([{'a': 1, 'b': 2}, {'a': 5, 'b': 0}])\n{'a': 6, 'b': 2}"}
{"question_id": "62ece4982e6aefcf4aabbd62", "input": "def _replace_url_args(url, url_args):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tReplace any custom string URL items with values in args\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def _replace_url_args(url, url_args):", "docstring": "Replace any custom string URL items with values in args"}
{"question_id": "62ece4982e6aefcf4aabbd63", "input": "def is_none_string(val: any) -> bool:\n\t\"\"\"\n\tCheck if a string represents a None value.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def is_none_string(val: any) -> bool:", "docstring": "Check if a string represents a None value."}
{"question_id": "62ece4982e6aefcf4aabbd64", "input": "def strip_root(path, root):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tRemove root from path, throw exception on failure.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def strip_root(path, root):", "docstring": "Remove root from path, throw exception on failure."}
{"question_id": "62ece4982e6aefcf4aabbd65", "input": "def parser_flags(parser):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tGiven an argparse.ArgumentParser instance, return its argument flags in a space-separated\nstring.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def parser_flags(parser):", "docstring": "Given an argparse.ArgumentParser instance, return its argument flags in a space-separated\nstring."}
{"question_id": "62ece4982e6aefcf4aabbd66", "input": "def was_processed(processed, path_name, verbose):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tCheck if a file or directory has already been processed.\n\nTo prevent recursion, expand the path name to an absolution path\ncall this function with a set that will store all the entries and\nthe entry to test. If the entry is already in the set, report the issue\nand return ``True``. Otherwise, add the entry to the set and return\n``False`` to allow the path to be processed.\n\nArgs:\n processed: Set to store processed pathnames\n path_name: Path to a directory or file\n verbose: True if verbose output is requested\n\nReturns:\n True if it's already in the set. False if not.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def was_processed(processed, path_name, verbose):", "docstring": "Check if a file or directory has already been processed.\n\nTo prevent recursion, expand the path name to an absolution path\ncall this function with a set that will store all the entries and\nthe entry to test. If the entry is already in the set, report the issue\nand return ``True``. Otherwise, add the entry to the set and return\n``False`` to allow the path to be processed.\n\nArgs:\n processed: Set to store processed pathnames\n path_name: Path to a directory or file\n verbose: True if verbose output is requested\n\nReturns:\n True if it's already in the set. False if not."}
{"question_id": "62ece4982e6aefcf4aabbd67", "input": "def vertex3tuple(vertices):\n\t\"\"\"\n\treturn 3 points for each vertex of the polygon. This will include the vertex and the 2 points on both sides of the vertex::\n\npolygon with vertices ABCD\nWill return\nDAB, ABC, BCD, CDA -> returns 3tuples\n#A B C D -> of vertices\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def vertex3tuple(vertices):", "docstring": "return 3 points for each vertex of the polygon. This will include the vertex and the 2 points on both sides of the vertex::\n\npolygon with vertices ABCD\nWill return\nDAB, ABC, BCD, CDA -> returns 3tuples\n#A B C D -> of vertices"}
{"question_id": "62ece4982e6aefcf4aabbd68", "input": "def int_to_string(number: int, alphabet: List[str], padding: Optional[int] = None) -> str:\n\t\"\"\"\n\tConvert a number to a string, using the given alphabet.\n\nThe output has the most significant digit first.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def int_to_string(number: int, alphabet: List[str], padding: Optional[int] = None) -> str:", "docstring": "Convert a number to a string, using the given alphabet.\n\nThe output has the most significant digit first."}
{"question_id": "62ece4982e6aefcf4aabbd69", "input": "def _replace_register(flow_params, register_number, register_value):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tReplace value from flows to given register number\n\n'register_value' key in dictionary will be replaced by register number\ngiven by 'register_number'\n\n:param flow_params: Dictionary containing defined flows\n:param register_number: The number of register where value will be stored\n:param register_value: Key to be replaced by register number\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def _replace_register(flow_params, register_number, register_value):", "docstring": "Replace value from flows to given register number\n\n'register_value' key in dictionary will be replaced by register number\ngiven by 'register_number'\n\n:param flow_params: Dictionary containing defined flows\n:param register_number: The number of register where value will be stored\n:param register_value: Key to be replaced by register number"}
{"question_id": "62ece4982e6aefcf4aabbd6a", "input": "def replace_dots(value, arg):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tReplaces all values of '.' to arg from the given string\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def replace_dots(value, arg):", "docstring": "Replaces all values of '.' to arg from the given string"}
{"question_id": "62ece4982e6aefcf4aabbd6b", "input": "def subclasses(cls):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tReturn all subclasses of a class, recursively\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def subclasses(cls):", "docstring": "Return all subclasses of a class, recursively"}
{"question_id": "62ece4982e6aefcf4aabbd6d", "input": "def string_to_int(string: str, alphabet: List[str]) -> int:\n\t\"\"\"\n\tConvert a string to a number, using the given alphabet.\n\nThe input is assumed to have the most significant digit first.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def string_to_int(string: str, alphabet: List[str]) -> int:", "docstring": "Convert a string to a number, using the given alphabet.\n\nThe input is assumed to have the most significant digit first."}
{"question_id": "62ece4982e6aefcf4aabbd6f", "input": "def get_repo_archive(url: str, destination_path: Path) -> Path:\n\t\"\"\"\n\tGiven an url and a destination path, retrieve and extract .tar.gz archive\nwhich contains 'desc' file for each package.\nEach .tar.gz archive corresponds to an Arch Linux repo ('core', 'extra', 'community').\n\nArgs:\n url: url of the .tar.gz archive to download\n destination_path: the path on disk where to extract archive\n\nReturns:\n a directory Path where the archive has been extracted to.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def get_repo_archive(url: str, destination_path: Path) -> Path:", "docstring": "Given an url and a destination path, retrieve and extract .tar.gz archive\nwhich contains 'desc' file for each package.\nEach .tar.gz archive corresponds to an Arch Linux repo ('core', 'extra', 'community').\n\nArgs:\n url: url of the .tar.gz archive to download\n destination_path: the path on disk where to extract archive\n\nReturns:\n a directory Path where the archive has been extracted to."}
{"question_id": "62ece4982e6aefcf4aabbd70", "input": "def os_is_mac():\n\t\"\"\"\n\tChecks if the os is macOS\n\n:return: True is macOS\n:rtype: bool\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def os_is_mac():", "docstring": "Checks if the os is macOS\n\n:return: True is macOS\n:rtype: bool"}
{"question_id": "62ece4982e6aefcf4aabbd71", "input": "def regex_dict(item):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tConvert *.cpp keys to regex keys\n\nGiven a dict where the keys are all filenames with wildcards, convert only\nthe keys into equivalent regexes and leave the values intact.\n\nExample:\n\nrules = {\n '*.cpp':\n {'a': 'arf', 'b': 'bark', 'c': 'coo'},\n '*.h':\n {'h': 'help'}\n}\nregex_keys = regex_dict(rules)\n\nArgs:\n item: dict to convert\nReturns:\n dict with keys converted to regexes\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def regex_dict(item):", "docstring": "Convert *.cpp keys to regex keys\n\nGiven a dict where the keys are all filenames with wildcards, convert only\nthe keys into equivalent regexes and leave the values intact.\n\nExample:\n\nrules = {\n '*.cpp':\n {'a': 'arf', 'b': 'bark', 'c': 'coo'},\n '*.h':\n {'h': 'help'}\n}\nregex_keys = regex_dict(rules)\n\nArgs:\n item: dict to convert\nReturns:\n dict with keys converted to regexes"}
{"question_id": "62ece4982e6aefcf4aabbd72", "input": "def unquote(name):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tRemove quote from the given name.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def unquote(name):", "docstring": "Remove quote from the given name."}
{"question_id": "62ece4982e6aefcf4aabbd73", "input": "def split(s, platform='this'):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tMulti-platform variant of shlex.split() for command-line splitting.\nFor use with subprocess, for argv injection etc. Using fast REGEX.\n\nplatform: 'this' = auto from current platform;\n 1 = POSIX;\n 0 = Windows/CMD\n (other values reserved)\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def split(s, platform='this'):", "docstring": "Multi-platform variant of shlex.split() for command-line splitting.\nFor use with subprocess, for argv injection etc. Using fast REGEX.\n\nplatform: 'this' = auto from current platform;\n 1 = POSIX;\n 0 = Windows/CMD\n (other values reserved)"}
{"question_id": "62ece4982e6aefcf4aabbd74", "input": "def prepare_repository_from_archive(\n archive_path: str,\n filename: Optional[str] = None,\n tmp_path: Union[PosixPath, str] = \"/tmp\",\n) -> str:\n\t\"\"\"\n\tGiven an existing archive_path, uncompress it.\nReturns a file repo url which can be used as origin url.\n\nThis does not deal with the case where the archive passed along does not exist.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def prepare_repository_from_archive(\n archive_path: str,\n filename: Optional[str] = None,\n tmp_path: Union[PosixPath, str] = \"/tmp\",\n) -> str:", "docstring": "Given an existing archive_path, uncompress it.\nReturns a file repo url which can be used as origin url.\n\nThis does not deal with the case where the archive passed along does not exist."}
{"question_id": "62ece4982e6aefcf4aabbd75", "input": "def addignored(ignored):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tUse the git command to obtain the file names, turn it into a list, sort the list for only ignored files, return those files as a single string with each filename separated by a comma.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def addignored(ignored):", "docstring": "Use the git command to obtain the file names, turn it into a list, sort the list for only ignored files, return those files as a single string with each filename separated by a comma."}
{"question_id": "62ece4982e6aefcf4aabbd76", "input": "def match(filename):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tCheck if the filename is a type that this module supports\n\nArgs:\n filename: Filename to match\nReturns:\n False if not a match, True if supported\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def match(filename):", "docstring": "Check if the filename is a type that this module supports\n\nArgs:\n filename: Filename to match\nReturns:\n False if not a match, True if supported"}
{"question_id": "62ece4982e6aefcf4aabbd77", "input": "def parse_frequency(frequency):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tGiven a frequency string with a number and a unit of time, return a corresponding\ndatetime.timedelta instance or None if the frequency is None or \"always\".\n\nFor instance, given \"3 weeks\", return datetime.timedelta(weeks=3)\n\nRaise ValueError if the given frequency cannot be parsed.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def parse_frequency(frequency):", "docstring": "Given a frequency string with a number and a unit of time, return a corresponding\ndatetime.timedelta instance or None if the frequency is None or \"always\".\n\nFor instance, given \"3 weeks\", return datetime.timedelta(weeks=3)\n\nRaise ValueError if the given frequency cannot be parsed."}
{"question_id": "62ece4992e6aefcf4aabbd78", "input": "def is_local(host):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tChecks if the host is the localhost\n\n:param host: The hostname or ip\n:return: True if the host is the localhost\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def is_local(host):", "docstring": "Checks if the host is the localhost\n\n:param host: The hostname or ip\n:return: True if the host is the localhost"}
{"question_id": "62ece4992e6aefcf4aabbd79", "input": "def make_find_paths(find_paths):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tGiven a sequence of path fragments or patterns as passed to `--find`, transform all path\nfragments into glob patterns. Pass through existing patterns untouched.\n\nFor example, given find_paths of:\n\n ['foo.txt', 'pp:root/somedir']\n\n... transform that into:\n\n ['sh:**/*foo.txt*/**', 'pp:root/somedir']\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def make_find_paths(find_paths):", "docstring": "Given a sequence of path fragments or patterns as passed to `--find`, transform all path\nfragments into glob patterns. Pass through existing patterns untouched.\n\nFor example, given find_paths of:\n\n ['foo.txt', 'pp:root/somedir']\n\n... transform that into:\n\n ['sh:**/*foo.txt*/**', 'pp:root/somedir']"}
{"question_id": "62ece4992e6aefcf4aabbd7a", "input": "def is_gitbash():\n\t\"\"\"\n\treturns True if you run in a Windows gitbash\n\n:return: True if gitbash\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def is_gitbash():", "docstring": "returns True if you run in a Windows gitbash\n\n:return: True if gitbash"}
{"question_id": "62ece4992e6aefcf4aabbd7b", "input": "def write_configuration(config_filename, rendered_config, mode=0o600, overwrite=False):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tGiven a target config filename and rendered config YAML, write it out to file. Create any\ncontaining directories as needed. But if the file already exists and overwrite is False,\nabort before writing anything.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def write_configuration(config_filename, rendered_config, mode=0o600, overwrite=False):", "docstring": "Given a target config filename and rendered config YAML, write it out to file. Create any\ncontaining directories as needed. But if the file already exists and overwrite is False,\nabort before writing anything."}
{"question_id": "62ece4992e6aefcf4aabbd7c", "input": "def oneline(script, seperator=\" && \"):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tconverts a script to one line command.\nTHis is useful to run a single ssh command and pass a one line script.\n\n:param script:\n:return:\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def oneline(script, seperator=\" && \"):", "docstring": "converts a script to one line command.\nTHis is useful to run a single ssh command and pass a one line script.\n\n:param script:\n:return:"}
{"question_id": "62ece4992e6aefcf4aabbd7d", "input": "def subprocess_run_helper(func, *args, timeout, extra_env=None):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tRun a function in a sub-process.\n\nParameters\n----------\nfunc : function\n The function to be run. It must be in a module that is importable.\n*args : str\n Any additional command line arguments to be passed in\n the first argument to ``subprocess.run``.\nextra_env : dict[str, str]\n Any additional environment variables to be set for the subprocess.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def subprocess_run_helper(func, *args, timeout, extra_env=None):", "docstring": "Run a function in a sub-process.\n\nParameters\n----------\nfunc : function\n The function to be run. It must be in a module that is importable.\n*args : str\n Any additional command line arguments to be passed in\n the first argument to ``subprocess.run``.\nextra_env : dict[str, str]\n Any additional environment variables to be set for the subprocess."}
{"question_id": "62ece4992e6aefcf4aabbd7e", "input": "def _resolve_string(matcher):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tGet the value from environment given a matcher containing a name and an optional default value.\nIf the variable is not defined in environment and no default value is provided, an Error is raised.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def _resolve_string(matcher):", "docstring": "Get the value from environment given a matcher containing a name and an optional default value.\nIf the variable is not defined in environment and no default value is provided, an Error is raised."}
{"question_id": "62ece4992e6aefcf4aabbd7f", "input": "def _parse_image_ref(image_href: str) -> Tuple[str, str, bool]:\n\t\"\"\"\n\tParse an image href into composite parts.\n\n:param image_href: href of an image\n:returns: a tuple of the form (image_id, netloc, use_ssl)\n:raises ValueError:\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def _parse_image_ref(image_href: str) -> Tuple[str, str, bool]:", "docstring": "Parse an image href into composite parts.\n\n:param image_href: href of an image\n:returns: a tuple of the form (image_id, netloc, use_ssl)\n:raises ValueError:"}
{"question_id": "62ece4992e6aefcf4aabbd80", "input": "def remove_ending_os_sep(input_list):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tIterate over a string list and remove trailing os seperator characters.\n\nEach string is tested if its length is greater than one and if the last\ncharacter is the pathname seperator. If so, the pathname seperator character\nis removed.\n\nArgs:\n input_list: list of strings\n\nReturns:\n Processed list of strings\n\nRaises:\n TypeError\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def remove_ending_os_sep(input_list):", "docstring": "Iterate over a string list and remove trailing os seperator characters.\n\nEach string is tested if its length is greater than one and if the last\ncharacter is the pathname seperator. If so, the pathname seperator character\nis removed.\n\nArgs:\n input_list: list of strings\n\nReturns:\n Processed list of strings\n\nRaises:\n TypeError"}
{"question_id": "62ece4992e6aefcf4aabbd82", "input": "def get_pattern(pattern, strip=True):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tThis method converts the given string to regex pattern\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def get_pattern(pattern, strip=True):", "docstring": "This method converts the given string to regex pattern"}
{"question_id": "62ece4992e6aefcf4aabbd83", "input": "def run_command(commands, args, cwd=None, verbose=False, hide_stderr=False, env=None):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tCall the given command(s).\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def run_command(commands, args, cwd=None, verbose=False, hide_stderr=False, env=None):", "docstring": "Call the given command(s)."}
{"question_id": "62ece4992e6aefcf4aabbd84", "input": "def is_ipv4(target):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tTest if IPv4 address or not\n \n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def is_ipv4(target):", "docstring": "Test if IPv4 address or not\n "}
{"question_id": "62ece4992e6aefcf4aabbd85", "input": "def find_roots(\n graph: \"Graph\", prop: \"URIRef\", roots: Optional[Set[\"Node\"]] = None\n) -> Set[\"Node\"]:\n\t\"\"\"\n\tFind the roots in some sort of transitive hierarchy.\n\nfind_roots(graph, rdflib.RDFS.subClassOf)\nwill return a set of all roots of the sub-class hierarchy\n\nAssumes triple of the form (child, prop, parent), i.e. the direction of\nRDFS.subClassOf or SKOS.broader\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def find_roots(\n graph: \"Graph\", prop: \"URIRef\", roots: Optional[Set[\"Node\"]] = None\n) -> Set[\"Node\"]:", "docstring": "Find the roots in some sort of transitive hierarchy.\n\nfind_roots(graph, rdflib.RDFS.subClassOf)\nwill return a set of all roots of the sub-class hierarchy\n\nAssumes triple of the form (child, prop, parent), i.e. the direction of\nRDFS.subClassOf or SKOS.broader"}
{"question_id": "62ece4992e6aefcf4aabbd86", "input": "def _dump_string(obj, dumper=None):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tDump to a py2-unicode or py3-string\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def _dump_string(obj, dumper=None):", "docstring": "Dump to a py2-unicode or py3-string"}
{"question_id": "62ece4992e6aefcf4aabbd87", "input": "def build_app_logger(name='app', logfile='app.log', debug=True):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tGeneral purpose application logger. Useful mainly for debugging\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def build_app_logger(name='app', logfile='app.log', debug=True):", "docstring": "General purpose application logger. Useful mainly for debugging"}
{"question_id": "62ece4992e6aefcf4aabbd88", "input": "def make_array(shape, dtype=np.dtype(\"float32\")):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tFunction to create an array with shape and dtype.\n\nParameters\n----------\nshape : tuple\n shape of the array to create\ndtype : `numpy.dtype`\n data-type of the array to create\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def make_array(shape, dtype=np.dtype(\"float32\")):", "docstring": "Function to create an array with shape and dtype.\n\nParameters\n----------\nshape : tuple\n shape of the array to create\ndtype : `numpy.dtype`\n data-type of the array to create"}
{"question_id": "62ece4992e6aefcf4aabbd89", "input": "def gaussian(x):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tGaussian centered around 0.2 with a sigma of 0.1.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def gaussian(x):", "docstring": "Gaussian centered around 0.2 with a sigma of 0.1."}
{"question_id": "62ece4992e6aefcf4aabbd8a", "input": "def load_configurations(config_filenames, overrides=None, resolve_env=True):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tGiven a sequence of configuration filenames, load and validate each configuration file. Return\nthe results as a tuple of: dict of configuration filename to corresponding parsed configuration,\nand sequence of logging.LogRecord instances containing any parse errors.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def load_configurations(config_filenames, overrides=None, resolve_env=True):", "docstring": "Given a sequence of configuration filenames, load and validate each configuration file. Return\nthe results as a tuple of: dict of configuration filename to corresponding parsed configuration,\nand sequence of logging.LogRecord instances containing any parse errors."}
{"question_id": "62ece4992e6aefcf4aabbd8b", "input": "def force_string(obj):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tThis function returns the bytes object corresponding to ``obj``\nin case it is a string using UTF-8. \n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def force_string(obj):", "docstring": "This function returns the bytes object corresponding to ``obj``\nin case it is a string using UTF-8. "}
{"question_id": "62e60723d76274f8a4026b76", "input": "def from_ticks(cls, ticks, tz=None):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tCreate a time from ticks (nanoseconds since midnight).\n\n:param ticks: nanoseconds since midnight\n:type ticks: int\n:param tz: optional timezone\n:type tz: datetime.tzinfo\n\n:rtype: Time\n\n:raises ValueError: if ticks is out of bounds\n (0 <= ticks < 86400000000000)\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def from_ticks(cls, ticks, tz=None):", "docstring": "Create a time from ticks (nanoseconds since midnight).\n\n:param ticks: nanoseconds since midnight\n:type ticks: int\n:param tz: optional timezone\n:type tz: datetime.tzinfo\n\n:rtype: Time\n\n:raises ValueError: if ticks is out of bounds\n (0 <= ticks < 86400000000000)"}
{"question_id": "62e60873d76274f8a4026bd8", "input": "def protocol_handlers(cls, protocol_version=None):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tReturn a dictionary of available Bolt protocol handlers,\nkeyed by version tuple. If an explicit protocol version is\nprovided, the dictionary will contain either zero or one items,\ndepending on whether that version is supported. If no protocol\nversion is provided, all available versions will be returned.\n\n:param protocol_version: tuple identifying a specific protocol\n version (e.g. (3, 5)) or None\n:return: dictionary of version tuple to handler class for all\n relevant and supported protocol versions\n:raise TypeError: if protocol version is not passed in a tuple\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def protocol_handlers(cls, protocol_version=None):", "docstring": "Return a dictionary of available Bolt protocol handlers,\nkeyed by version tuple. If an explicit protocol version is\nprovided, the dictionary will contain either zero or one items,\ndepending on whether that version is supported. If no protocol\nversion is provided, all available versions will be returned.\n\n:param protocol_version: tuple identifying a specific protocol\n version (e.g. (3, 5)) or None\n:return: dictionary of version tuple to handler class for all\n relevant and supported protocol versions\n:raise TypeError: if protocol version is not passed in a tuple"}
{"question_id": "62e60e3bd76274f8a4026d1a", "input": "def from_raw_values(cls, values):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tCreate a Bookmarks object from a list of raw bookmark string values.\n\nYou should not need to use this method unless you want to deserialize\nbookmarks.\n\n:param values: ASCII string values (raw bookmarks)\n:type values: Iterable[str]\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def from_raw_values(cls, values):", "docstring": "Create a Bookmarks object from a list of raw bookmark string values.\n\nYou should not need to use this method unless you want to deserialize\nbookmarks.\n\n:param values: ASCII string values (raw bookmarks)\n:type values: Iterable[str]"}
{"question_id": "62b87b199a0c4fa8b80b354c", "input": "def _get_seq_with_type(seq, bufsize=None):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tReturn a (sequence, type) pair.\nSequence is derived from *seq*\n(or is *seq*, if that is of a sequence type).\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def _get_seq_with_type(seq, bufsize=None):", "docstring": "Return a (sequence, type) pair.\nSequence is derived from *seq*\n(or is *seq*, if that is of a sequence type)."}
{"question_id": "62b87b4f9a0c4fa8b80b3581", "input": "def scale(self, other=None, recompute=False):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tCompute or set scale (integral of the histogram).\n\nIf *other* is ``None``, return scale of this histogram.\nIf its scale was not computed before,\nit is computed and stored for subsequent use\n(unless explicitly asked to *recompute*).\nNote that after changing (filling) the histogram\none must explicitly recompute the scale\nif it was computed before.\n\nIf a float *other* is provided, rescale self to *other*.\n\nHistograms with scale equal to zero can't be rescaled.\n:exc:`.LenaValueError` is raised if one tries to do that.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def scale(self, other=None, recompute=False):", "docstring": "Compute or set scale (integral of the histogram).\n\nIf *other* is ``None``, return scale of this histogram.\nIf its scale was not computed before,\nit is computed and stored for subsequent use\n(unless explicitly asked to *recompute*).\nNote that after changing (filling) the histogram\none must explicitly recompute the scale\nif it was computed before.\n\nIf a float *other* is provided, rescale self to *other*.\n\nHistograms with scale equal to zero can't be rescaled.\n:exc:`.LenaValueError` is raised if one tries to do that."}
{"question_id": "62b87b519a0c4fa8b80b3583", "input": "def scale(self, other=None):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tGet or set the scale of the graph.\n\nIf *other* is ``None``, return the scale of this graph.\n\nIf a numeric *other* is provided, rescale to that value.\nIf the graph has unknown or zero scale,\nrescaling that will raise :exc:`~.LenaValueError`.\n\nTo get meaningful results, graph's fields are used.\nOnly the last coordinate is rescaled.\nFor example, if the graph has *x* and *y* coordinates,\nthen *y* will be rescaled, and for a 3-dimensional graph\n*z* will be rescaled.\nAll errors are rescaled together with their coordinate.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def scale(self, other=None):", "docstring": "Get or set the scale of the graph.\n\nIf *other* is ``None``, return the scale of this graph.\n\nIf a numeric *other* is provided, rescale to that value.\nIf the graph has unknown or zero scale,\nrescaling that will raise :exc:`~.LenaValueError`.\n\nTo get meaningful results, graph's fields are used.\nOnly the last coordinate is rescaled.\nFor example, if the graph has *x* and *y* coordinates,\nthen *y* will be rescaled, and for a 3-dimensional graph\n*z* will be rescaled.\nAll errors are rescaled together with their coordinate."}
{"question_id": "62b87b869a0c4fa8b80b35e1", "input": "def hist_to_graph(hist, make_value=None, get_coordinate=\"left\",\n field_names=(\"x\", \"y\"), scale=None):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tConvert a :class:`.histogram` to a :class:`.graph`.\n\n*make_value* is a function to set the value of a graph's point.\nBy default it is bin content.\n*make_value* accepts a single value (bin content) without context.\n\nThis option could be used to create graph's error bars.\nFor example, to create a graph with errors\nfrom a histogram where bins contain\na named tuple with fields *mean*, *mean_error* and a context\none could use\n\n>>> make_value = lambda bin_: (bin_.mean, bin_.mean_error)\n\n*get_coordinate* defines what the coordinate\nof a graph point created from a histogram bin will be.\nIt can be \"left\" (default), \"right\" and \"middle\".\n\n*field_names* set field names of the graph. Their number\nmust be the same as the dimension of the result.\nFor a *make_value* above they would be\n*(\"x\", \"y_mean\", \"y_mean_error\")*.\n\n*scale* becomes the graph's scale (unknown by default).\nIf it is ``True``, it uses the histogram scale.\n\n*hist* must contain only numeric bins (without context)\nor *make_value* must remove context when creating a numeric graph.\n\nReturn the resulting graph.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def hist_to_graph(hist, make_value=None, get_coordinate=\"left\",\n field_names=(\"x\", \"y\"), scale=None):", "docstring": "Convert a :class:`.histogram` to a :class:`.graph`.\n\n*make_value* is a function to set the value of a graph's point.\nBy default it is bin content.\n*make_value* accepts a single value (bin content) without context.\n\nThis option could be used to create graph's error bars.\nFor example, to create a graph with errors\nfrom a histogram where bins contain\na named tuple with fields *mean*, *mean_error* and a context\none could use\n\n>>> make_value = lambda bin_: (bin_.mean, bin_.mean_error)\n\n*get_coordinate* defines what the coordinate\nof a graph point created from a histogram bin will be.\nIt can be \"left\" (default), \"right\" and \"middle\".\n\n*field_names* set field names of the graph. Their number\nmust be the same as the dimension of the result.\nFor a *make_value* above they would be\n*(\"x\", \"y_mean\", \"y_mean_error\")*.\n\n*scale* becomes the graph's scale (unknown by default).\nIf it is ``True``, it uses the histogram scale.\n\n*hist* must contain only numeric bins (without context)\nor *make_value* must remove context when creating a numeric graph.\n\nReturn the resulting graph."}
{"question_id": "62b8b4baeb7e40a82d2d1136", "input": "def _verify(iface, candidate, tentative=False, vtype=None):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tVerify that *candidate* might correctly provide *iface*.\n\nThis involves:\n\n- Making sure the candidate claims that it provides the\n interface using ``iface.providedBy`` (unless *tentative* is `True`,\n in which case this step is skipped). This means that the candidate's class\n declares that it `implements <zope.interface.implementer>` the interface,\n or the candidate itself declares that it `provides <zope.interface.provider>`\n the interface\n\n- Making sure the candidate defines all the necessary methods\n\n- Making sure the methods have the correct signature (to the\n extent possible)\n\n- Making sure the candidate defines all the necessary attributes\n\n:return bool: Returns a true value if everything that could be\n checked passed.\n:raises zope.interface.Invalid: If any of the previous\n conditions does not hold.\n\n.. versionchanged:: 5.0\n If multiple methods or attributes are invalid, all such errors\n are collected and reported. Previously, only the first error was reported.\n As a special case, if only one such error is present, it is raised\n alone, like before.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def _verify(iface, candidate, tentative=False, vtype=None):", "docstring": "Verify that *candidate* might correctly provide *iface*.\n\nThis involves:\n\n- Making sure the candidate claims that it provides the\n interface using ``iface.providedBy`` (unless *tentative* is `True`,\n in which case this step is skipped). This means that the candidate's class\n declares that it `implements <zope.interface.implementer>` the interface,\n or the candidate itself declares that it `provides <zope.interface.provider>`\n the interface\n\n- Making sure the candidate defines all the necessary methods\n\n- Making sure the methods have the correct signature (to the\n extent possible)\n\n- Making sure the candidate defines all the necessary attributes\n\n:return bool: Returns a true value if everything that could be\n checked passed.\n:raises zope.interface.Invalid: If any of the previous\n conditions does not hold.\n\n.. versionchanged:: 5.0\n If multiple methods or attributes are invalid, all such errors\n are collected and reported. Previously, only the first error was reported.\n As a special case, if only one such error is present, it is raised\n alone, like before."}
{"question_id": "62b8b4baeb7e40a82d2d1137", "input": "def verifyObject(iface, candidate, tentative=False):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tVerify that *candidate* might correctly provide *iface*.\n\nThis involves:\n\n- Making sure the candidate claims that it provides the\n interface using ``iface.providedBy`` (unless *tentative* is `True`,\n in which case this step is skipped). This means that the candidate's class\n declares that it `implements <zope.interface.implementer>` the interface,\n or the candidate itself declares that it `provides <zope.interface.provider>`\n the interface\n\n- Making sure the candidate defines all the necessary methods\n\n- Making sure the methods have the correct signature (to the\n extent possible)\n\n- Making sure the candidate defines all the necessary attributes\n\n:return bool: Returns a true value if everything that could be\n checked passed.\n:raises zope.interface.Invalid: If any of the previous\n conditions does not hold.\n\n.. versionchanged:: 5.0\n If multiple methods or attributes are invalid, all such errors\n are collected and reported. Previously, only the first error was reported.\n As a special case, if only one such error is present, it is raised\n alone, like before.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def verifyObject(iface, candidate, tentative=False):", "docstring": "Verify that *candidate* might correctly provide *iface*.\n\nThis involves:\n\n- Making sure the candidate claims that it provides the\n interface using ``iface.providedBy`` (unless *tentative* is `True`,\n in which case this step is skipped). This means that the candidate's class\n declares that it `implements <zope.interface.implementer>` the interface,\n or the candidate itself declares that it `provides <zope.interface.provider>`\n the interface\n\n- Making sure the candidate defines all the necessary methods\n\n- Making sure the methods have the correct signature (to the\n extent possible)\n\n- Making sure the candidate defines all the necessary attributes\n\n:return bool: Returns a true value if everything that could be\n checked passed.\n:raises zope.interface.Invalid: If any of the previous\n conditions does not hold.\n\n.. versionchanged:: 5.0\n If multiple methods or attributes are invalid, all such errors\n are collected and reported. Previously, only the first error was reported.\n As a special case, if only one such error is present, it is raised\n alone, like before."}
{"question_id": "62b8b4c1eb7e40a82d2d1139", "input": "def verifyClass(iface, candidate, tentative=False):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tVerify that the *candidate* might correctly provide *iface*.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def verifyClass(iface, candidate, tentative=False):", "docstring": "Verify that the *candidate* might correctly provide *iface*."}
{"question_id": "62b8b559eb7e40a82d2d11f6", "input": "def determineMetaclass(bases, explicit_mc=None):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tDetermine metaclass from 1+ bases and optional explicit __metaclass__\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def determineMetaclass(bases, explicit_mc=None):", "docstring": "Determine metaclass from 1+ bases and optional explicit __metaclass__"}
{"question_id": "62b8d22a48ba5a41d1c3f47d", "input": "def pop(self, key, default=__marker):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tD.pop(k[,d]) -> v, remove specified key and return the corresponding value.\nIf key is not found, d is returned if given, otherwise KeyError is raised.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def pop(self, key, default=__marker):", "docstring": "D.pop(k[,d]) -> v, remove specified key and return the corresponding value.\nIf key is not found, d is returned if given, otherwise KeyError is raised."}
{"question_id": "62b8d23748ba5a41d1c3f497", "input": "def popitem(self):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tRemove and return the `(key, value)` pair least frequently used.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def popitem(self):", "docstring": "Remove and return the `(key, value)` pair least frequently used."}
{"question_id": "62b8d23a48ba5a41d1c3f499", "input": "def popitem(self):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tRemove and return the `(key, value)` pair least recently used.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def popitem(self):", "docstring": "Remove and return the `(key, value)` pair least recently used."}
{"question_id": "62b8d23c48ba5a41d1c3f49b", "input": "def popitem(self):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tRemove and return the `(key, value)` pair most recently used.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def popitem(self):", "docstring": "Remove and return the `(key, value)` pair most recently used."}
{"question_id": "62b8d23e48ba5a41d1c3f49e", "input": "def popitem(self):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tRemove and return a random `(key, value)` pair.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def popitem(self):", "docstring": "Remove and return a random `(key, value)` pair."}
{"question_id": "62b43425903eeb48555d3ea1", "input": "def _create_in_regex(self) -> Pattern:\n\t\"\"\"\n\tCreate the in-style parameter regular expression.\n\nReturns the in-style parameter regular expression (:class:`re.Pattern`).\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def _create_in_regex(self) -> Pattern:", "docstring": "Create the in-style parameter regular expression.\n\nReturns the in-style parameter regular expression (:class:`re.Pattern`)."}
{"question_id": "62b43426903eeb48555d3ea2", "input": "def _create_converter(self) -> _converting._Converter:\n\t\"\"\"\n\tCreate the parameter style converter.\n\nReturns the parameter style converter (:class:`._converting._Converter`).\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def _create_converter(self) -> _converting._Converter:", "docstring": "Create the parameter style converter.\n\nReturns the parameter style converter (:class:`._converting._Converter`)."}
{"question_id": "62b8966c755ee91dce50a154", "input": "def isoparse(self, dt_str):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tParse an ISO-8601 datetime string into a :class:`datetime.datetime`.\n\nAn ISO-8601 datetime string consists of a date portion, followed\noptionally by a time portion - the date and time portions are separated\nby a single character separator, which is ``T`` in the official\nstandard. Incomplete date formats (such as ``YYYY-MM``) may *not* be\ncombined with a time portion.\n\nSupported date formats are:\n\nCommon:\n\n- ``YYYY``\n- ``YYYY-MM`` or ``YYYYMM``\n- ``YYYY-MM-DD`` or ``YYYYMMDD``\n\nUncommon:\n\n- ``YYYY-Www`` or ``YYYYWww`` - ISO week (day defaults to 0)\n- ``YYYY-Www-D`` or ``YYYYWwwD`` - ISO week and day\n\nThe ISO week and day numbering follows the same logic as\n:func:`datetime.date.isocalendar`.\n\nSupported time formats are:\n\n- ``hh``\n- ``hh:mm`` or ``hhmm``\n- ``hh:mm:ss`` or ``hhmmss``\n- ``hh:mm:ss.ssssss`` (Up to 6 sub-second digits)\n\nMidnight is a special case for `hh`, as the standard supports both\n00:00 and 24:00 as a representation. The decimal separator can be\neither a dot or a comma.\n\n\n.. caution::\n\n Support for fractional components other than seconds is part of the\n ISO-8601 standard, but is not currently implemented in this parser.\n\nSupported time zone offset formats are:\n\n- `Z` (UTC)\n- `\u00b1HH:MM`\n- `\u00b1HHMM`\n- `\u00b1HH`\n\nOffsets will be represented as :class:`dateutil.tz.tzoffset` objects,\nwith the exception of UTC, which will be represented as\n:class:`dateutil.tz.tzutc`. Time zone offsets equivalent to UTC (such\nas `+00:00`) will also be represented as :class:`dateutil.tz.tzutc`.\n\n:param dt_str:\n A string or stream containing only an ISO-8601 datetime string\n\n:return:\n Returns a :class:`datetime.datetime` representing the string.\n Unspecified components default to their lowest value.\n\n.. warning::\n\n As of version 2.7.0, the strictness of the parser should not be\n considered a stable part of the contract. Any valid ISO-8601 string\n that parses correctly with the default settings will continue to\n parse correctly in future versions, but invalid strings that\n currently fail (e.g. ``2017-01-01T00:00+00:00:00``) are not\n guaranteed to continue failing in future versions if they encode\n a valid date.\n\n.. versionadded:: 2.7.0\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def isoparse(self, dt_str):", "docstring": "Parse an ISO-8601 datetime string into a :class:`datetime.datetime`.\n\nAn ISO-8601 datetime string consists of a date portion, followed\noptionally by a time portion - the date and time portions are separated\nby a single character separator, which is ``T`` in the official\nstandard. Incomplete date formats (such as ``YYYY-MM``) may *not* be\ncombined with a time portion.\n\nSupported date formats are:\n\nCommon:\n\n- ``YYYY``\n- ``YYYY-MM`` or ``YYYYMM``\n- ``YYYY-MM-DD`` or ``YYYYMMDD``\n\nUncommon:\n\n- ``YYYY-Www`` or ``YYYYWww`` - ISO week (day defaults to 0)\n- ``YYYY-Www-D`` or ``YYYYWwwD`` - ISO week and day\n\nThe ISO week and day numbering follows the same logic as\n:func:`datetime.date.isocalendar`.\n\nSupported time formats are:\n\n- ``hh``\n- ``hh:mm`` or ``hhmm``\n- ``hh:mm:ss`` or ``hhmmss``\n- ``hh:mm:ss.ssssss`` (Up to 6 sub-second digits)\n\nMidnight is a special case for `hh`, as the standard supports both\n00:00 and 24:00 as a representation. The decimal separator can be\neither a dot or a comma.\n\n\n.. caution::\n\n Support for fractional components other than seconds is part of the\n ISO-8601 standard, but is not currently implemented in this parser.\n\nSupported time zone offset formats are:\n\n- `Z` (UTC)\n- `\u00b1HH:MM`\n- `\u00b1HHMM`\n- `\u00b1HH`\n\nOffsets will be represented as :class:`dateutil.tz.tzoffset` objects,\nwith the exception of UTC, which will be represented as\n:class:`dateutil.tz.tzutc`. Time zone offsets equivalent to UTC (such\nas `+00:00`) will also be represented as :class:`dateutil.tz.tzutc`.\n\n:param dt_str:\n A string or stream containing only an ISO-8601 datetime string\n\n:return:\n Returns a :class:`datetime.datetime` representing the string.\n Unspecified components default to their lowest value.\n\n.. warning::\n\n As of version 2.7.0, the strictness of the parser should not be\n considered a stable part of the contract. Any valid ISO-8601 string\n that parses correctly with the default settings will continue to\n parse correctly in future versions, but invalid strings that\n currently fail (e.g. ``2017-01-01T00:00+00:00:00``) are not\n guaranteed to continue failing in future versions if they encode\n a valid date.\n\n.. versionadded:: 2.7.0"}
{"question_id": "62b896de755ee91dce50a183", "input": "def parse(self, timestr, default=None,\n ignoretz=False, tzinfos=None, **kwargs):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tParse the date/time string into a :class:`datetime.datetime` object.\n\n:param timestr:\n Any date/time string using the supported formats.\n\n:param default:\n The default datetime object, if this is a datetime object and not\n ``None``, elements specified in ``timestr`` replace elements in the\n default object.\n\n:param ignoretz:\n If set ``True``, time zones in parsed strings are ignored and a\n naive :class:`datetime.datetime` object is returned.\n\n:param tzinfos:\n Additional time zone names / aliases which may be present in the\n string. This argument maps time zone names (and optionally offsets\n from those time zones) to time zones. This parameter can be a\n dictionary with timezone aliases mapping time zone names to time\n zones or a function taking two parameters (``tzname`` and\n ``tzoffset``) and returning a time zone.\n\n The timezones to which the names are mapped can be an integer\n offset from UTC in seconds or a :class:`tzinfo` object.\n\n .. doctest::\n :options: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE\n\n >>> from dateutil.parser import parse\n >>> from dateutil.tz import gettz\n >>> tzinfos = {\"BRST\": -7200, \"CST\": gettz(\"America/Chicago\")}\n >>> parse(\"2012-01-19 17:21:00 BRST\", tzinfos=tzinfos)\n datetime.datetime(2012, 1, 19, 17, 21, tzinfo=tzoffset(u'BRST', -7200))\n >>> parse(\"2012-01-19 17:21:00 CST\", tzinfos=tzinfos)\n datetime.datetime(2012, 1, 19, 17, 21,\n tzinfo=tzfile('/usr/share/zoneinfo/America/Chicago'))\n\n This parameter is ignored if ``ignoretz`` is set.\n\n:param \\*\\*kwargs:\n Keyword arguments as passed to ``_parse()``.\n\n:return:\n Returns a :class:`datetime.datetime` object or, if the\n ``fuzzy_with_tokens`` option is ``True``, returns a tuple, the\n first element being a :class:`datetime.datetime` object, the second\n a tuple containing the fuzzy tokens.\n\n:raises ParserError:\n Raised for invalid or unknown string format, if the provided\n :class:`tzinfo` is not in a valid format, or if an invalid date\n would be created.\n\n:raises TypeError:\n Raised for non-string or character stream input.\n\n:raises OverflowError:\n Raised if the parsed date exceeds the largest valid C integer on\n your system.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def parse(self, timestr, default=None,\n ignoretz=False, tzinfos=None, **kwargs):", "docstring": "Parse the date/time string into a :class:`datetime.datetime` object.\n\n:param timestr:\n Any date/time string using the supported formats.\n\n:param default:\n The default datetime object, if this is a datetime object and not\n ``None``, elements specified in ``timestr`` replace elements in the\n default object.\n\n:param ignoretz:\n If set ``True``, time zones in parsed strings are ignored and a\n naive :class:`datetime.datetime` object is returned.\n\n:param tzinfos:\n Additional time zone names / aliases which may be present in the\n string. This argument maps time zone names (and optionally offsets\n from those time zones) to time zones. This parameter can be a\n dictionary with timezone aliases mapping time zone names to time\n zones or a function taking two parameters (``tzname`` and\n ``tzoffset``) and returning a time zone.\n\n The timezones to which the names are mapped can be an integer\n offset from UTC in seconds or a :class:`tzinfo` object.\n\n .. doctest::\n :options: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE\n\n >>> from dateutil.parser import parse\n >>> from dateutil.tz import gettz\n >>> tzinfos = {\"BRST\": -7200, \"CST\": gettz(\"America/Chicago\")}\n >>> parse(\"2012-01-19 17:21:00 BRST\", tzinfos=tzinfos)\n datetime.datetime(2012, 1, 19, 17, 21, tzinfo=tzoffset(u'BRST', -7200))\n >>> parse(\"2012-01-19 17:21:00 CST\", tzinfos=tzinfos)\n datetime.datetime(2012, 1, 19, 17, 21,\n tzinfo=tzfile('/usr/share/zoneinfo/America/Chicago'))\n\n This parameter is ignored if ``ignoretz`` is set.\n\n:param \\*\\*kwargs:\n Keyword arguments as passed to ``_parse()``.\n\n:return:\n Returns a :class:`datetime.datetime` object or, if the\n ``fuzzy_with_tokens`` option is ``True``, returns a tuple, the\n first element being a :class:`datetime.datetime` object, the second\n a tuple containing the fuzzy tokens.\n\n:raises ParserError:\n Raised for invalid or unknown string format, if the provided\n :class:`tzinfo` is not in a valid format, or if an invalid date\n would be created.\n\n:raises TypeError:\n Raised for non-string or character stream input.\n\n:raises OverflowError:\n Raised if the parsed date exceeds the largest valid C integer on\n your system."}
{"question_id": "62b8a4a4755ee91dce50a3d3", "input": "def fromutc(self, dt):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tGiven a timezone-aware datetime in a given timezone, calculates a\ntimezone-aware datetime in a new timezone.\n\nSince this is the one time that we *know* we have an unambiguous\ndatetime object, we take this opportunity to determine whether the\ndatetime is ambiguous and in a \"fold\" state (e.g. if it's the first\noccurrence, chronologically, of the ambiguous datetime).\n\n:param dt:\n A timezone-aware :class:`datetime.datetime` object.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def fromutc(self, dt):", "docstring": "Given a timezone-aware datetime in a given timezone, calculates a\ntimezone-aware datetime in a new timezone.\n\nSince this is the one time that we *know* we have an unambiguous\ndatetime object, we take this opportunity to determine whether the\ndatetime is ambiguous and in a \"fold\" state (e.g. if it's the first\noccurrence, chronologically, of the ambiguous datetime).\n\n:param dt:\n A timezone-aware :class:`datetime.datetime` object."}
{"question_id": "62b8a7b2755ee91dce50a4a7", "input": "def default_tzinfo(dt, tzinfo):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tSets the ``tzinfo`` parameter on naive datetimes only\n\nThis is useful for example when you are provided a datetime that may have\neither an implicit or explicit time zone, such as when parsing a time zone\nstring.\n\n.. doctest::\n\n >>> from dateutil.tz import tzoffset\n >>> from dateutil.parser import parse\n >>> from dateutil.utils import default_tzinfo\n >>> dflt_tz = tzoffset(\"EST\", -18000)\n >>> print(default_tzinfo(parse('2014-01-01 12:30 UTC'), dflt_tz))\n 2014-01-01 12:30:00+00:00\n >>> print(default_tzinfo(parse('2014-01-01 12:30'), dflt_tz))\n 2014-01-01 12:30:00-05:00\n\n:param dt:\n The datetime on which to replace the time zone\n\n:param tzinfo:\n The :py:class:`datetime.tzinfo` subclass instance to assign to\n ``dt`` if (and only if) it is naive.\n\n:return:\n Returns an aware :py:class:`datetime.datetime`.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def default_tzinfo(dt, tzinfo):", "docstring": "Sets the ``tzinfo`` parameter on naive datetimes only\n\nThis is useful for example when you are provided a datetime that may have\neither an implicit or explicit time zone, such as when parsing a time zone\nstring.\n\n.. doctest::\n\n >>> from dateutil.tz import tzoffset\n >>> from dateutil.parser import parse\n >>> from dateutil.utils import default_tzinfo\n >>> dflt_tz = tzoffset(\"EST\", -18000)\n >>> print(default_tzinfo(parse('2014-01-01 12:30 UTC'), dflt_tz))\n 2014-01-01 12:30:00+00:00\n >>> print(default_tzinfo(parse('2014-01-01 12:30'), dflt_tz))\n 2014-01-01 12:30:00-05:00\n\n:param dt:\n The datetime on which to replace the time zone\n\n:param tzinfo:\n The :py:class:`datetime.tzinfo` subclass instance to assign to\n ``dt`` if (and only if) it is naive.\n\n:return:\n Returns an aware :py:class:`datetime.datetime`."}
{"question_id": "6305f9991d275c6667163c50", "input": "def set_cut_chars(self, before: bytes, after: bytes) -> None:\n\t\"\"\"\n\tSet the bytes used to delimit slice points.\n\nArgs:\n before: Split file before these delimiters.\n after: Split file after these delimiters.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def set_cut_chars(self, before: bytes, after: bytes) -> None:", "docstring": "Set the bytes used to delimit slice points.\n\nArgs:\n before: Split file before these delimiters.\n after: Split file after these delimiters."}
{"question_id": "6306292052e177c0ba469f09", "input": "def identify_request(request: RequestType):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tTry to identify whether this is a Diaspora request.\n\nTry first public message. Then private message. The check if this is a legacy payload.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def identify_request(request: RequestType):", "docstring": "Try to identify whether this is a Diaspora request.\n\nTry first public message. Then private message. The check if this is a legacy payload."}
{"question_id": "6306292152e177c0ba469f0d", "input": "def identify_request(request: RequestType) -> bool:\n\t\"\"\"\n\tTry to identify whether this is a Matrix request\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def identify_request(request: RequestType) -> bool:", "docstring": "Try to identify whether this is a Matrix request"}
{"question_id": "6306292252e177c0ba469f11", "input": "def format_dt(dt):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tFormat a datetime in the way that D* nodes expect.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def format_dt(dt):", "docstring": "Format a datetime in the way that D* nodes expect."}
{"question_id": "6306292352e177c0ba469f1d", "input": "def find_tags(text: str, replacer: callable = None) -> Tuple[Set, str]:\n\t\"\"\"\n\tFind tags in text.\n\nTries to ignore tags inside code blocks.\n\nOptionally, if passed a \"replacer\", will also replace the tag word with the result\nof the replacer function called with the tag word.\n\nReturns a set of tags and the original or replaced text.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def find_tags(text: str, replacer: callable = None) -> Tuple[Set, str]:", "docstring": "Find tags in text.\n\nTries to ignore tags inside code blocks.\n\nOptionally, if passed a \"replacer\", will also replace the tag word with the result\nof the replacer function called with the tag word.\n\nReturns a set of tags and the original or replaced text."}
{"question_id": "6306292352e177c0ba469f1e", "input": "def process_text_links(text):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tProcess links in text, adding some attributes and linkifying textual links.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def process_text_links(text):", "docstring": "Process links in text, adding some attributes and linkifying textual links."}
{"question_id": "6306292652e177c0ba469f34", "input": "def fetch_content_type(url: str) -> Optional[str]:\n\t\"\"\"\n\tFetch the HEAD of the remote url to determine the content type.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def fetch_content_type(url: str) -> Optional[str]:", "docstring": "Fetch the HEAD of the remote url to determine the content type."}
{"question_id": "6306292a52e177c0ba469f41", "input": "def test_tag(tag: str) -> bool:\n\t\"\"\"\n\tTest a word whether it could be accepted as a tag.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def test_tag(tag: str) -> bool:", "docstring": "Test a word whether it could be accepted as a tag."}
{"question_id": "6306298b52e177c0ba469fdc", "input": "def xml_children_as_dict(node):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tTurn the children of node <xml> into a dict, keyed by tag name.\n\nThis is only a shallow conversation - child nodes are not recursively processed.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def xml_children_as_dict(node):", "docstring": "Turn the children of node <xml> into a dict, keyed by tag name.\n\nThis is only a shallow conversation - child nodes are not recursively processed."}
{"question_id": "6306299052e177c0ba469fe8", "input": "def check_sender_and_entity_handle_match(sender_handle, entity_handle):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tEnsure that sender and entity handles match.\n\nBasically we've already verified the sender is who they say when receiving the payload. However, the sender might\nbe trying to set another author in the payload itself, since Diaspora has the sender in both the payload headers\nAND the object. We must ensure they're the same.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def check_sender_and_entity_handle_match(sender_handle, entity_handle):", "docstring": "Ensure that sender and entity handles match.\n\nBasically we've already verified the sender is who they say when receiving the payload. However, the sender might\nbe trying to set another author in the payload itself, since Diaspora has the sender in both the payload headers\nAND the object. We must ensure they're the same."}
{"question_id": "630629b952e177c0ba46a043", "input": "def get_nodeinfo_well_known_document(url, document_path=None):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tGenerate a NodeInfo .well-known document.\n\nSee spec: http://nodeinfo.diaspora.software\n\n:arg url: The full base url with protocol, ie https://example.com\n:arg document_path: Custom NodeInfo document path if supplied (optional)\n:returns: dict\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def get_nodeinfo_well_known_document(url, document_path=None):", "docstring": "Generate a NodeInfo .well-known document.\n\nSee spec: http://nodeinfo.diaspora.software\n\n:arg url: The full base url with protocol, ie https://example.com\n:arg document_path: Custom NodeInfo document path if supplied (optional)\n:returns: dict"}
{"question_id": "630629d052e177c0ba46a0a1", "input": "def verify_relayable_signature(public_key, doc, signature):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tVerify the signed XML elements to have confidence that the claimed\nauthor did actually generate this message.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def verify_relayable_signature(public_key, doc, signature):", "docstring": "Verify the signed XML elements to have confidence that the claimed\nauthor did actually generate this message."}
{"question_id": "630629e052e177c0ba46a0c4", "input": "def parse_diaspora_webfinger(document: str) -> Dict:\n\t\"\"\"\n\tParse Diaspora webfinger which is either in JSON format (new) or XRD (old).\n\nhttps://diaspora.github.io/diaspora_federation/discovery/webfinger.html\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def parse_diaspora_webfinger(document: str) -> Dict:", "docstring": "Parse Diaspora webfinger which is either in JSON format (new) or XRD (old).\n\nhttps://diaspora.github.io/diaspora_federation/discovery/webfinger.html"}
{"question_id": "630629e152e177c0ba46a0d1", "input": "def try_retrieve_webfinger_document(handle: str) -> Optional[str]:\n\t\"\"\"\n\tTry to retrieve an RFC7033 webfinger document. Does not raise if it fails.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def try_retrieve_webfinger_document(handle: str) -> Optional[str]:", "docstring": "Try to retrieve an RFC7033 webfinger document. Does not raise if it fails."}
{"question_id": "630629e152e177c0ba46a0d2", "input": "def retrieve_and_parse_diaspora_webfinger(handle):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tRetrieve a and parse a remote Diaspora webfinger document.\n\n:arg handle: Remote handle to retrieve\n:returns: dict\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def retrieve_and_parse_diaspora_webfinger(handle):", "docstring": "Retrieve a and parse a remote Diaspora webfinger document.\n\n:arg handle: Remote handle to retrieve\n:returns: dict"}
{"question_id": "630629e252e177c0ba46a0d6", "input": "def retrieve_diaspora_host_meta(host):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tRetrieve a remote Diaspora host-meta document.\n\n:arg host: Host to retrieve from\n:returns: ``XRD`` instance\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def retrieve_diaspora_host_meta(host):", "docstring": "Retrieve a remote Diaspora host-meta document.\n\n:arg host: Host to retrieve from\n:returns: ``XRD`` instance"}
{"question_id": "630629e752e177c0ba46a0fb", "input": "def send_document(url, data, timeout=10, method=\"post\", *args, **kwargs):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tHelper method to send a document via POST.\n\nAdditional ``*args`` and ``**kwargs`` will be passed on to ``requests.post``.\n\n:arg url: Full url to send to, including protocol\n:arg data: Dictionary (will be form-encoded), bytes, or file-like object to send in the body\n:arg timeout: Seconds to wait for response (defaults to 10)\n:arg method: Method to use, defaults to post\n:returns: Tuple of status code (int or None) and error (exception class instance or None)\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def send_document(url, data, timeout=10, method=\"post\", *args, **kwargs):", "docstring": "Helper method to send a document via POST.\n\nAdditional ``*args`` and ``**kwargs`` will be passed on to ``requests.post``.\n\n:arg url: Full url to send to, including protocol\n:arg data: Dictionary (will be form-encoded), bytes, or file-like object to send in the body\n:arg timeout: Seconds to wait for response (defaults to 10)\n:arg method: Method to use, defaults to post\n:returns: Tuple of status code (int or None) and error (exception class instance or None)"}
{"question_id": "6306091073426c38ae68acac", "input": "def dict_insert(dic, val, key, *keys):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tinsert a value of a nested key into a dictionary\n\nto insert value for a nested key, all ancestor keys should be given as\nmethod's arguments\n\nexample:\n dict_insert({}, 'val', 'key1.key2'.split('.'))\n\n:param dic: a dictionary object to insert the nested key value into\n:param val: a value to insert to the given dictionary\n:param key: first key in a chain of key that will store the value\n:param keys: sub keys in the keys chain\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def dict_insert(dic, val, key, *keys):", "docstring": "insert a value of a nested key into a dictionary\n\nto insert value for a nested key, all ancestor keys should be given as\nmethod's arguments\n\nexample:\n dict_insert({}, 'val', 'key1.key2'.split('.'))\n\n:param dic: a dictionary object to insert the nested key value into\n:param val: a value to insert to the given dictionary\n:param key: first key in a chain of key that will store the value\n:param keys: sub keys in the keys chain"}
{"question_id": "6306091a73426c38ae68acc8", "input": "def list_of_file_names(settings_dirs, spec_option):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tCreate a new IniType complex type\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def list_of_file_names(settings_dirs, spec_option):", "docstring": "Create a new IniType complex type"}
{"question_id": "6306091b73426c38ae68acd7", "input": "def ansible_config_manager(cls):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tGets the ansible config manager.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def ansible_config_manager(cls):", "docstring": "Gets the ansible config manager."}
{"question_id": "6306091b73426c38ae68acd9", "input": "def workspace_manager(cls):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tGets the workspace manager.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def workspace_manager(cls):", "docstring": "Gets the workspace manager."}
{"question_id": "6306091b73426c38ae68acda", "input": "def plugins_manager(cls):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tGets the plugin manager.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def plugins_manager(cls):", "docstring": "Gets the plugin manager."}
{"question_id": "6306091c73426c38ae68acdc", "input": "def validate_from_content(cls, spec_content=None):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tvalidates that spec (YAML) content has all required fields\n\n:param spec_content: content of spec file\n:raise IRValidatorException: when mandatory data\nis missing in spec file\n:return: Dictionary with data loaded from a spec (YAML) file\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def validate_from_content(cls, spec_content=None):", "docstring": "validates that spec (YAML) content has all required fields\n\n:param spec_content: content of spec file\n:raise IRValidatorException: when mandatory data\nis missing in spec file\n:return: Dictionary with data loaded from a spec (YAML) file"}
{"question_id": "6306091c73426c38ae68acdd", "input": "def validate_from_file(cls, yaml_file=None):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tLoads & validates that a YAML file has all required fields\n\n:param yaml_file: Path to YAML file\n:raise IRValidatorException: when mandatory data is missing in file\n:return: Dictionary with data loaded from a YAML file\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def validate_from_file(cls, yaml_file=None):", "docstring": "Loads & validates that a YAML file has all required fields\n\n:param yaml_file: Path to YAML file\n:raise IRValidatorException: when mandatory data is missing in file\n:return: Dictionary with data loaded from a YAML file"}
{"question_id": "6306091d73426c38ae68ace5", "input": "def _include_groups(self, parser_dict):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tResolves the include dict directive in the spec files.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def _include_groups(self, parser_dict):", "docstring": "Resolves the include dict directive in the spec files."}
{"question_id": "6306092373426c38ae68acfa", "input": "def get_spec_defaults(self):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tResolve arguments' values from spec and other sources.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def get_spec_defaults(self):", "docstring": "Resolve arguments' values from spec and other sources."}
{"question_id": "6306092973426c38ae68ad01", "input": "def get_deprecated_args(self):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tReturning dict with options which deprecate others.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def get_deprecated_args(self):", "docstring": "Returning dict with options which deprecate others."}
{"question_id": "6306092c73426c38ae68ad02", "input": "def validate_arg_deprecation(self, cli_args, answer_file_args):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tValidates and prints the deprecated arguments.\n\n:param cli_args: the dict of arguments from cli\n:param answer_file_args: the dict of arguments from files\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def validate_arg_deprecation(self, cli_args, answer_file_args):", "docstring": "Validates and prints the deprecated arguments.\n\n:param cli_args: the dict of arguments from cli\n:param answer_file_args: the dict of arguments from files"}
{"question_id": "6306092d73426c38ae68ad04", "input": "def get_parser_option_specs(self, command_name):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tGets all the options for the specified command\n\n:param command_name: the command name (main, virsh, ospd, etc...)\n:return: the list of all command options\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def get_parser_option_specs(self, command_name):", "docstring": "Gets all the options for the specified command\n\n:param command_name: the command name (main, virsh, ospd, etc...)\n:return: the list of all command options"}
{"question_id": "6306092d73426c38ae68ad05", "input": "def get_option_spec(self, command_name, argument_name):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tGets the specification for the specified option name.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def get_option_spec(self, command_name, argument_name):", "docstring": "Gets the specification for the specified option name."}
{"question_id": "6306092d73426c38ae68ad06", "input": "def get_silent_args(self, args):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tlist of silenced argument\n\n:param args: The received arguments.\n:return: list, slienced argument names\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def get_silent_args(self, args):", "docstring": "list of silenced argument\n\n:param args: The received arguments.\n:return: list, slienced argument names"}
{"question_id": "6306092d73426c38ae68ad07", "input": "def validate_requires_args(self, args):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tCheck if all the required arguments have been provided.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def validate_requires_args(self, args):", "docstring": "Check if all the required arguments have been provided."}
{"question_id": "6306092d73426c38ae68ad08", "input": "def _get_conditionally_required_args(self, command_name, options_spec,\n args):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tList arguments with ``required_when`` condition matched.\n\n:param command_name: the command name.\n:param options_spec: the list of command spec options.\n:param args: the received input arguments\n:return: list, list of argument names with matched ``required_when``\n condition\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def _get_conditionally_required_args(self, command_name, options_spec,\n args):", "docstring": "List arguments with ``required_when`` condition matched.\n\n:param command_name: the command name.\n:param options_spec: the list of command spec options.\n:param args: the received input arguments\n:return: list, list of argument names with matched ``required_when``\n condition"}
{"question_id": "6306092e73426c38ae68ad09", "input": "def validate_length_args(self, args):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tCheck if value of arguments is not longer than length specified.\n\n:param args: The received arguments.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def validate_length_args(self, args):", "docstring": "Check if value of arguments is not longer than length specified.\n\n:param args: The received arguments."}
{"question_id": "6306092e73426c38ae68ad0a", "input": "def validate_choices_args(self, args):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tCheck if value of choice arguments is one of the available choices.\n\n:param args: The received arguments.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def validate_choices_args(self, args):", "docstring": "Check if value of choice arguments is one of the available choices.\n\n:param args: The received arguments."}
{"question_id": "6306092e73426c38ae68ad0b", "input": "def validate_min_max_args(self, args):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tCheck if value of arguments is between minimum and maximum values.\n\n:param args: The received arguments.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def validate_min_max_args(self, args):", "docstring": "Check if value of arguments is between minimum and maximum values.\n\n:param args: The received arguments."}
{"question_id": "6306092e73426c38ae68ad0d", "input": "def create_complex_argumet_type(self, subcommand, type_name, option_name,\n spec_option):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tBuild the complex argument type\n\n:param subcommand: the command name\n:param type_name: the complex type name\n:param option_name: the option name\n:param spec_option: option's specifications\n:return: the complex type instance\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def create_complex_argumet_type(self, subcommand, type_name, option_name,\n spec_option):", "docstring": "Build the complex argument type\n\n:param subcommand: the command name\n:param type_name: the complex type name\n:param option_name: the option name\n:param spec_option: option's specifications\n:return: the complex type instance"}
{"question_id": "6306092e73426c38ae68ad0f", "input": "def get_nested_custom_and_control_args(self, args):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tSplit input arguments to control nested and custom.\n\nControls arguments: control the IR behavior. These arguments\n will not be put into the spec yml file\nNested arguments: are used by the Ansible playbooks and will be put\n into the spec yml file.\nCustom arguments: Custom ansible variables to be used instead of the\n normal nested usage.\n\n:param args: the collected list of args.\n:return: (dict, dict): flat dicts (control_args, nested_args)\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def get_nested_custom_and_control_args(self, args):", "docstring": "Split input arguments to control nested and custom.\n\nControls arguments: control the IR behavior. These arguments\n will not be put into the spec yml file\nNested arguments: are used by the Ansible playbooks and will be put\n into the spec yml file.\nCustom arguments: Custom ansible variables to be used instead of the\n normal nested usage.\n\n:param args: the collected list of args.\n:return: (dict, dict): flat dicts (control_args, nested_args)"}
{"question_id": "6306092e73426c38ae68ad11", "input": "def merge_extra_vars(vars_dict, extra_vars=None):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tExtend ``vars_dict`` with ``extra-vars``\n\n:param vars_dict: Dictionary to merge extra-vars into\n:param extra_vars: List of extra-vars\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def merge_extra_vars(vars_dict, extra_vars=None):", "docstring": "Extend ``vars_dict`` with ``extra-vars``\n\n:param vars_dict: Dictionary to merge extra-vars into\n:param extra_vars: List of extra-vars"}
{"question_id": "6306092f73426c38ae68ad13", "input": "def ansible_playbook(ir_workspace, ir_plugin, playbook_path, verbose=None,\n extra_vars=None, ansible_args=None):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tWraps the 'ansible-playbook' CLI.\n\n:param ir_workspace: An Infrared Workspace object represents the active\nworkspace\n:param ir_plugin: An InfraredPlugin object of the current plugin\n:param playbook_path: the playbook to invoke\n:param verbose: Ansible verbosity level\n:param extra_vars: dict. Passed to Ansible as extra-vars\n:param ansible_args: dict of ansible-playbook arguments to plumb down\n directly to Ansible.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def ansible_playbook(ir_workspace, ir_plugin, playbook_path, verbose=None,\n extra_vars=None, ansible_args=None):", "docstring": "Wraps the 'ansible-playbook' CLI.\n\n:param ir_workspace: An Infrared Workspace object represents the active\nworkspace\n:param ir_plugin: An InfraredPlugin object of the current plugin\n:param playbook_path: the playbook to invoke\n:param verbose: Ansible verbosity level\n:param extra_vars: dict. Passed to Ansible as extra-vars\n:param ansible_args: dict of ansible-playbook arguments to plumb down\n directly to Ansible."}
{"question_id": "6306093273426c38ae68ad15", "input": "def _run_playbook(cli_args, vars_dict, ir_workspace, ir_plugin):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tRuns ansible cli with vars dict\n\n:param vars_dict: dict, Will be passed as Ansible extra-vars\n:param cli_args: the list of command line arguments\n:param ir_workspace: An Infrared Workspace object represents the active\n workspace\n:param ir_plugin: An InfraredPlugin object of the current plugin\n:return: ansible results\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def _run_playbook(cli_args, vars_dict, ir_workspace, ir_plugin):", "docstring": "Runs ansible cli with vars dict\n\n:param vars_dict: dict, Will be passed as Ansible extra-vars\n:param cli_args: the list of command line arguments\n:param ir_workspace: An Infrared Workspace object represents the active\n workspace\n:param ir_plugin: An InfraredPlugin object of the current plugin\n:return: ansible results"}
{"question_id": "63060ada73426c38ae68ad31", "input": "def _convert_non_cli_args(self, parser_name, values_dict):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tCasts arguments to correct types by modifying values_dict param.\n\nBy default all the values are strings.\n\n:param parser_name: The command name, e.g. main, virsh, ospd, etc\n:param values_dict: The dict of with arguments\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def _convert_non_cli_args(self, parser_name, values_dict):", "docstring": "Casts arguments to correct types by modifying values_dict param.\n\nBy default all the values are strings.\n\n:param parser_name: The command name, e.g. main, virsh, ospd, etc\n:param values_dict: The dict of with arguments"}
{"question_id": "63060b1a73426c38ae68ad3e", "input": "def get_plugin_spec_flatten_dict(plugin_dir):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tCreates a flat dict from the plugin spec\n\n:param plugin_dir: A path to the plugin's dir\n:return: A flatten dictionary contains the plugin's properties\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def get_plugin_spec_flatten_dict(plugin_dir):", "docstring": "Creates a flat dict from the plugin spec\n\n:param plugin_dir: A path to the plugin's dir\n:return: A flatten dictionary contains the plugin's properties"}
{"question_id": "63060b1b73426c38ae68ad42", "input": "def inject_config(self):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tSet the environment variable for config path, if it is undefined.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def inject_config(self):", "docstring": "Set the environment variable for config path, if it is undefined."}
{"question_id": "63060b1b73426c38ae68ad43", "input": "def extend_cli(self, root_subparsers):\n\t\"\"\"\n\tAdds the spec cli options to to the main entry point.\n\n:param subparser: the subparser object to extend.\n\t\"\"\"\n\t", "signature": "def extend_cli(self, root_subparsers):", "docstring": "Adds the spec cli options to to the main entry point.\n\n:param subparser: the subparser object to extend."}