from evaluation_utils import quac_correct_retrieved_instance_idx_list from evaluation_utils import unanswerable_keyphrases import json from metrics import F1Metric import copy import re def compute_f1_score(predicted_answers, groundtruth_answer, exp_name="default"): """Evaluating F1 Score""" print(len(predicted_answers), len(groundtruth_answer)) if len(predicted_answers) != len(groundtruth_answer): groundtruth_answer = groundtruth_answer[:len(predicted_answers)] guess_list = [] for guess in predicted_answers: guess = guess.strip() if "</s>" in guess: guess = guess.replace("</s>", "") guess_list.append(guess) answer_list = [] for answer in groundtruth_answer: answer_list.append(answer) assert len(guess_list) == len(answer_list), \ "lengths of guess and answer are different!" precision, recall, f1 = F1Metric.compute_all_pairs(guess_list, answer_list) print('Method: %s; Precision: %.4f; recall: %.4f; f1: %.4f' % (\ exp_name, precision, recall, f1)) def load_groundtruth_file(data_file): with open(data_file, "r") as f: examples = json.load(f) data = [] for instance in examples: if "answers" in instance: answers = instance["answers"] elif "answer" in instance: if type(instance["answer"]) is str: answers = [instance["answer"]] elif type(instance["answer"]) is list: answers = instance["answer"] else: answers = [str(instance["answer"])] else: raise ValueError("need to have answer or answers") data.append(answers) return data def load_prediction(data_file): data = [] with open(data_file, "r") as f: for line in f.readlines(): data.append(line.strip()) return data def evaluate_f1(ground_truth_file, prediction_file): groundtruth_answers = load_groundtruth_file(ground_truth_file) if "inscit" in ground_truth_file: groundtruth_answers_update = [] for answers in groundtruth_answers: answers_update = [] for ans in answers: ## this answer is additionally added to the answer_list for inscit dataset, needs to remove if ans != "Sorry. I cannot find the answer based on the context.": answers_update.append(ans) assert len(answers_update) > 0 groundtruth_answers_update.append(copy.deepcopy(answers_update)) groundtruth_answers = groundtruth_answers_update predicted_answers = load_prediction(prediction_file) if "quac" in prediction_file or "doqa" in prediction_file: predicted_answers_new = [] for pred in predicted_answers: pred = pred.lower() for keyphrase in unanswerable_keyphrases: if keyphrase in pred: pred = "Sorry. I cannot find the answer based on the context." break predicted_answers_new.append(pred) predicted_answers = predicted_answers_new compute_f1_score(predicted_answers, groundtruth_answers) def separate_cannot_answer(ground_truth_file, prediction_file): # load ground truth with open(ground_truth_file, "r") as f: groundtruth_answers = json.load(f) # load prediction predicted_answers = load_prediction(prediction_file) print(len(predicted_answers), len(groundtruth_answers)) if len(predicted_answers) != len(groundtruth_answers): groundtruth_answers = groundtruth_answers[:len(predicted_answers)] if "quac" in prediction_file: """ For answerable cases, we want to make sure the retrieved context list contains the gold chunk. For QuAC dataset, we use top-5 retrieved contexts as inputs, quac_correct_retrieved_instance_idx_list is the index list where the top-5 retrieved context contains the gold answer """ answerable_instance_idx_list = quac_correct_retrieved_instance_idx_list else: answerable_instance_idx_list = None predicted_answers_new = [] for pred in predicted_answers: pred = pred.lower() for keyphrase in unanswerable_keyphrases: if keyphrase in pred: pred = "Sorry. I cannot find the answer based on the context." break predicted_answers_new.append(pred) predicted_answers = predicted_answers_new cannot_answer_idx_list = [] answerable_idx_list = [] if answerable_instance_idx_list: count_idx = 0 for idx, item in enumerate(groundtruth_answers): if 'answers' in item: answer = item["answers"][0] else: answer = item['answer'] noanswer_response = "Sorry. I cannot find the answer based on the context." if answer == noanswer_response: cannot_answer_idx_list.append(idx) continue if answerable_instance_idx_list: if count_idx in answerable_instance_idx_list: answerable_idx_list.append(idx) count_idx += 1 else: answerable_idx_list.append(idx) print("number of cannot answer cases: %d (out of %d)" % (len(cannot_answer_idx_list), len(groundtruth_answers))) print("number of answerable cases: %d (out of %d)" % (len(answerable_idx_list), len(groundtruth_answers))) return predicted_answers, cannot_answer_idx_list, answerable_idx_list def get_cannot_answer_and_answerable_acc(predicted_answers, cannot_answer_idx_list, answerable_idx_list): # cannot answer noanswer_count = 0 for idx in cannot_answer_idx_list: prediction = predicted_answers[idx] prediction = prediction.lower() # print(prediction) if "sorry" in prediction and "cannot find the answer" in prediction: # print(prediction) noanswer_count += 1 cannot_answer_acc = noanswer_count / len(cannot_answer_idx_list) print("accuracy of cannot answer cases: %.4f" % cannot_answer_acc) # answerable answerable_count = 0 for idx in answerable_idx_list: prediction = predicted_answers[idx] prediction = prediction.lower() if "sorry" in prediction and "cannot find the answer" in prediction: # print(prediction) continue answerable_count += 1 answerable_acc = answerable_count / len(answerable_idx_list) print("accuracy of answerable cases: %.4f" % answerable_acc) def evaluate_cannot_answer_acc(ground_truth_file, prediction_file): predicted_answers, cannot_answer_idx_list, answerable_idx_list = \ separate_cannot_answer(ground_truth_file, prediction_file) get_cannot_answer_and_answerable_acc(predicted_answers, cannot_answer_idx_list, answerable_idx_list) def evaluate_convfinqa(ground_truth_file, prediction_file): """ Since the model will give a long answer output, while the gold answer for ConvFinQA are either a arithmetic formula or a final executed number. We consider the output containing either the executed number or the arithmetic formula as correct. This script is to measure the proportion of the outputs containing these elements. """ def _is_float(string): try: float(string) return True except ValueError: return False with open(ground_truth_file, "r") as f: gold_list = json.load(f) groundtruth_answers = [item['exe_answer'] for item in gold_list] groundtruth_answers_formula = [item['answers'][0] for item in gold_list] ## last turn question_list question_list = [item['messages'][-1]['content'] for item in gold_list] predicted_answers = load_prediction(prediction_file) print(len(predicted_answers), len(groundtruth_answers)) if len(predicted_answers) != len(groundtruth_answers): groundtruth_answers = groundtruth_answers[:len(predicted_answers)] count_exact_match = 0 for question, pred, gold, gold_formula in zip(question_list, predicted_answers, groundtruth_answers, groundtruth_answers_formula): original_pred = pred ## convert 1,000,000 into 1000000 original_pred = original_pred.replace(",", "") ## convert $10 million + $20 million into 10 + 20 original_pred = original_pred.replace("$", "").replace("million", "").replace("billion", "") ## convert 10 (2017) + 20 (2018) into 10 + 20 pattern = r'\((\b\w+\b)\)' original_pred = re.sub(pattern, '', original_pred) ## make sure it each token only has one space in between original_pred = " ".join(original_pred.split()) if str(gold) in original_pred: count_exact_match += 1 elif str(gold_formula) in original_pred: count_exact_match += 1 elif _is_float(gold) and (str(round(float(gold), 3)) in original_pred or str(round(float(gold), 2)) in original_pred): count_exact_match += 1 elif "percent" in question and (str(float(gold)*100) in original_pred or str(round(float(gold)*100, 1)) in original_pred or str(round(float(gold)*100, 2)) in original_pred): count_exact_match += 1 elif str(gold).endswith(".0") and str(int(gold)) in original_pred: ## gold is a integer like 80.0 then convert it into 80 count_exact_match += 1 elif "decrease" in original_pred and _is_float(gold) and gold < 0 and (str(-1 * gold) in original_pred): ## for the case where model generates something like a decrese of 10 million, while gold is -10. count_exact_match += 1 print("accuracy of exact match: %.4f" % (count_exact_match/len(predicted_answers))) def main(): ## doc2dial prediction_file = "PATH_TO_THE_GENERATED_OUTPUT" # e.g., outputs/doc2idal_output.txt ground_truth_file = "PATH_TO_THE_TEST_DATA" # e.g., data/doc2dial/test.json print("-"*80) print(prediction_file) print(ground_truth_file) evaluate_f1(ground_truth_file, prediction_file) ## quac prediction_file = "PATH_TO_THE_GENERATED_OUTPUT" ground_truth_file = "PATH_TO_THE_TEST_DATA" print("-"*80) print(prediction_file) print(ground_truth_file) evaluate_f1(ground_truth_file, prediction_file) evaluate_cannot_answer_acc(ground_truth_file, prediction_file) ## qrecc prediction_file = "PATH_TO_THE_GENERATED_OUTPUT" ground_truth_file = "PATH_TO_THE_TEST_DATA" print("-"*80) print(prediction_file) print(ground_truth_file) evaluate_f1(ground_truth_file, prediction_file) ## topiocqa prediction_file = "PATH_TO_THE_GENERATED_OUTPUT" ground_truth_file = "PATH_TO_THE_TEST_DATA" print("-"*80) print(prediction_file) print(ground_truth_file) evaluate_f1(ground_truth_file, prediction_file) ## inscit prediction_file = "PATH_TO_THE_GENERATED_OUTPUT" ground_truth_file = "PATH_TO_THE_TEST_DATA" print("-"*80) print(prediction_file) print(ground_truth_file) evaluate_f1(ground_truth_file, prediction_file) ## coqa prediction_file = "PATH_TO_THE_GENERATED_OUTPUT" ground_truth_file = "PATH_TO_THE_TEST_DATA" print("-"*80) print(prediction_file) print(ground_truth_file) evaluate_f1(ground_truth_file, prediction_file) ## hybridial prediction_file = "PATH_TO_THE_GENERATED_OUTPUT" ground_truth_file = "PATH_TO_THE_TEST_DATA" print("-"*80) print(prediction_file) print(ground_truth_file) evaluate_f1(ground_truth_file, prediction_file) ## sqa prediction_file = "PATH_TO_THE_GENERATED_OUTPUT" ground_truth_file = "PATH_TO_THE_TEST_DATA" print("-"*80) print(prediction_file) print(ground_truth_file) evaluate_f1(ground_truth_file, prediction_file) ## doqa_cooking prediction_file = "PATH_TO_THE_GENERATED_OUTPUT" ground_truth_file = "PATH_TO_THE_TEST_DATA" print("-"*80) print(prediction_file) print(ground_truth_file) evaluate_f1(ground_truth_file, prediction_file) evaluate_cannot_answer_acc(ground_truth_file, prediction_file) ## doqa_travel prediction_file = "PATH_TO_THE_GENERATED_OUTPUT" ground_truth_file = "PATH_TO_THE_TEST_DATA" print("-"*80) print(prediction_file) print(ground_truth_file) evaluate_f1(ground_truth_file, prediction_file) evaluate_cannot_answer_acc(ground_truth_file, prediction_file) ## doqa_movies prediction_file = "PATH_TO_THE_GENERATED_OUTPUT" ground_truth_file = "PATH_TO_THE_TEST_DATA" print("-"*80) print(prediction_file) print(ground_truth_file) evaluate_f1(ground_truth_file, prediction_file) evaluate_cannot_answer_acc(ground_truth_file, prediction_file) ## convfinqa prediction_file = "PATH_TO_THE_GENERATED_OUTPUT" ground_truth_file = "PATH_TO_THE_TEST_DATA" print("-"*80) print(prediction_file) print(ground_truth_file) evaluate_convfinqa(ground_truth_file, prediction_file) if __name__ == "__main__": main()