### action | electrophoresis: Capillary electrophoresis * requires that the templates are absolutely clean. * separates many compounds found in cheddar cheese. Gel electrophoresis * is especially useful as an analytical method - essential to the field of recombinant DNA technology * is used to determine the size of the digested pieces - provide genetic information in a wide range of fields * process that separates molecules on the basis of their size. * separates molecules of DNA on the basis of a. size - pieces by size * technique used for the separation of nucleic acids and proteins.<|endoftext|>### action: Emigration * also has a major impact on the countries left behind. * describes organisms moving out of the population. * drain of social capital invested in training and skill diversification. * is an option when the computer age makes it feasible for labor to be mobile - migration - one of the antidotes against famine * is the choice of survivors - movement of individuals out of a population * major factor affecting the political, economic, and social fabric of Ireland. * refers to leaving a country. * represents the end of a long process of exclusion and persecution. + Lithuania, Economy: European Union member states * Emigration still contains a problem. Engagement * are contact - employment - group actions * function of very specific management behaviors. * is an action * is the buy in, participation, movtivation, contribution effort of individuals - buzzword used to capture the affective experience of immersion in an interaction - process of contractual binding to something that has previously been agreed ### action | engagement: Civic engagement * is about making the connections to first envision and then create a better future - essential to a democratic society * prime indicator of a healthy community. * refers to people s connections with the life of their communities. Intellectual engagement * crucial factor in learning. * is the second step that considers intellectual apprehension of objects. Parental engagement * is the single most important factor in a child's healthy development. * serves as a successful deterrent to drug use by children. Public engagement * critical element of the standards movement. * is hard work. Enlargement * Some enlargements affect nerves. * are pictures * can block both the nose and eustachian tube. * increases the cardiac output, the amount of blood pumped with each beat of the heart. * is an increase - commonly from ventricular dilation * known area where the electronic image proves inferior. * occurs due to deposition of fat and connective tissue. * term used to describe a print larger than the negative used to produce it. ### action | enlargement: Breast enlargement * Enhances the size of breasts using implants filled with saline. * has a number of causes.
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### action | enlargement: Dispersal * Most dispersals increase survival. * Most dispersals occur during breed seasons * Some dispersals contribute to conservation - depend on wind - occur during larval phases - reduce predation * allows the population to find new, suitable niches. * also occurs through host mobility and shipping grub-infested cattle. * appears to be caused by competition for territories - more frequent in contiguous forest habitats * can be a mechanism by which natural selection acts upon the population - by wind, water, wildlife, vehicles and equipment, forage, and livestock - one of the most important events in an insect's life cycle - sharpen parapatric boundaries on a spatially varying environment * gets the babies away from stocks of fungal spores, insect populations. * happens after the seeds have been excreted. * increase chances * is accomplished when the small caterpillars are blown from one tree to another. * is an ecological process that is part of the life history of every species - important part of the process of evolution - by animals - common and accounts for most grasshopper movement over time - primarily by ingestion of fruits by animals or movement of the seeds by wind - spreading * is the mechanism used in dispersal biogeography to explain distribution - primary way wolves colonize new areas and maintain genetic diversity - process of movement of individuals or groups from one place to another - third priority for an organism, after survival and reproduction - via phoretic deutonymphs which have been found on millipedes and carabid beetles * mainly occurs during the breeding season, when most social interactions occur. * mechanism where by offspring mature at a location away from the parental plant. - when the young are encouraged to leave the dens * occurs because plankton are transported by movement of the water in which they live - by first instar larvae wandering to a food source - during all the active stages of the budworm * plays a key role in the spread of crop disease. * redistributes budworms within the crown and between trees and stands. * reduces the likelihood of a male cat breeding with a close relative. * refers to how an organism is spread throughout an ecosystem. * refers to offspring moving away from their parents * require energy. * scattering, spreading, or distribution.<|endoftext|>### action | enlargement | dispersal: Seed dispersal * Most seed dispersals increase survival. * Some seed dispersals contribute to conservation. * appears to be mainly by falling fruit and birds. * begins shortly after flowering and continues into winter. * has many consequences for the ecology and evolution of plants. * is accomplished by a variety of means, including wind, water, and animals - aided by wind, water and animals - an example of adaptation - assumed to be the main factor responsible for edge effects on plant composition - essential for the success of all plant species - likely to have several benefits for plant species - limited to the usually short distances that the animals carry the seed - one of the most interesting characteristics of dwarf mistletoes - primarily by wind and possibly by tides - principally by water and animals - seen most obviously in fruits - the scattering of offspring away from each other and from the parent plant - usually by birds * seems to be primarily by ants, which carry the seeds to their nests for food. Wind dispersal * Some wind dispersals depend on wind. * allows for movement over long distances. * is limited and most seeds fall within a few yards of the plant - modeled as a negative exponential decay away from each source cell
{ "source": "generics_kb" }
### action | enlargement: Inflation * adds noise to economic transactions and calculations making the economy less efficient. * affects all three functions of money. * affects different people differently - in different ways - everyone - the income, sales and corporate income tax bases continuously * alone steals the value of money put in a bank or invested in securities with fixed yields. * also accompanies transitions in technology - allows debts to be paid off quickly with cheap dollars - does long-term damage to the economy - explains the overall uniformity of the universe - helps with the problem of multiple dimensions in Superstring theories - interacts with the tax code to create large distortions in economic decision making - interferes with the efficient allocation of resources by confusing price signals - occurs when production costs increase, or the Canadian dollar is falling - pushes up the nominal value of families' incomes - solves the flatness problem because of the exponential growth - tends to benefit people who owe money and hurt people who lend it * always works to the disadvantage of the poor in India, who have fixed incomes. * appears to be higher during the first half of the economic cycle. * becomes economic issues * becomes major economic issues * begins when cold air is pushed into the balloon envelope with a portable blower. * big reason that lies behind some poor families' being poor. * brings adverse effects on efficiency and on long term growth. * can also be low because there is little dynamism in the economy - play a large role in interest rates - create both capital gains and losses - decrease the production of goods and services - destroy confidence and ruin an economy * can have a distortionary effect on ratios - serious impact on income over time - wide-ranging effects - never be an instrument of fiscal policy over a long period of time - wipe out the results of expansionary economic policy * causes an increase in the general price level of goods and services - prices to increase every year - tax rates to rise automatically - the purchasing power of money to differ from one time to another * classic economic sin. * comes into consideration to the degree that it affects production and distribution. * compounds the problem of falling commodity prices. * concern, led by the weak euro and rising oil prices. * condition where the price of everything else goes up as the dollar goes down. * confers no benefit to society, but it imposes several real costs. * continuous decline in the value of money. * corresponds to a continuous price increase. * cuts into one's buying power year after year. * destroys faith in government and sets social classes against each other. * direct result of the monetary or fiscal irresponsibility of government. * disguises bad economic performance of firms and of the economy as a whole. * does affect the prices of journals. * eats away the value of a bond's fixed payment over time - into profits and weakens the market due to higher borrowing costs * effects all products and services. * equals rising interest rates. * erodes a dollar's buying power over time. * erodes the purchasing power of income and investments - retirees * erodes the value of bonds' fixed interest payments - money so the money received later is worth less - stocks and other investments * feeds on itself via peoples' expectations. * fraud against the inhabitants of Canada. * general increase in the level of prices throughout the economy - prices of goods and services * general rise in prices across the economy - the price level - trend of increasing prices * grows every day. * has nearly equal impacts on spending and revenues - nothing to do with corporate governance - problems * hurts people on fixed-incomes because it means they can buy less. * increases expenditures. * increases the effective tax rate to firms and individuals in many ways - nominal value of assets, leading to an overstatement of the real gain - uncertainty * indexed bonds do have a role to play in a portfolio - their work in a number of ways * involves too much currency in circulation. * is always an epidemic when fiat currency is used - and everywhere a monetary phenomenon - bad for people with money because their money becomes less valuable * is an economic device by which each man can make more than the next - whereby each person earns more than the next - given - essential part of calculating accurate capital budgets - ever-present danger, particularly wage inflation - important aspect in the economy of any country * is an increase in price without a corresponding increase in value - the average price level in the economy * is an increase in the general level of prices, as measured by some price index - price level of the economy - overall price level of goods and services over a certain period - quantity of money and credit - indirect tax imposed by government - invisible form of taxation that irresponsible governments inflict on their citizens - ongoing increase in the average prices of most goods and services - overall rise in the level of prices throughout the economy - another important indicator of economic performance * is bad for bonds because it makes a bond's fixed interest payment less valuable - the poor, everywhere * is caused by a rise in the general price level on the market - an excess supply of money * is considered just because it favors debtors at the expense of creditors - synonymous with escalation in trade publications - constituted about two-thirds by wages - created by too much money chasing too few goods - currently a critical problem for economic policy * is determined by monetary policy - the angle of the impact and the vehicle's deceleration - difficult for people on fixed incomes - driven by a quantum field that generates a kind of antigravity, bloating space - everywhere and always a monetary phenomenon - explained in terms of monetary phenomenon - explosions - finance - how much the cost of goods increases over time - kept artificially low by mopping up currency from the market with government bonds - low, as is the cost of borrowing money - measured as a percentage change in the price index * is measured by indexes of consumer and of wholesale prices - the percentage change in prices level - no threat to global growth, nor are oil prices, which are headed lower - often the byproduct of an overheated economy * is one of the biggest challenges for people living on a fixed income - main reasons for investing IN retirement - most influential forces on interest rates - worst enemies of the elderly - price change over time - probably the most important idea in cosmology since the big bang itself - regarded as a bad process because it leads to distortions and problems in an economy * is simply a change in the price level - the depreciation of a currency in terms of goods - stratospheric - taxation without representation * is the consumers version of a no confidence vote in the sovereign publisher - continuous rise of price of goods and services caused by faster growing demand - cruelest tax of all - devaluation of the buying power of the dollar * is the enemy of stocks - the bondholder - erosion of buying power over time, if dollars are used as a store of value - general increase in the price spent on goods and services - greatest threat to the prosperity of all manufacturing firms - growth in the cost of products and services, also called the cost of living - main cause of economic deterioration - most popular cosmological theory describing the early history of the universe - number one enemy of fixed income investments - price of all goods taken together * is the rate of change in prices - increase in the avergae price level for giids and services in the economy * is the rise in price of goods and services - the cost of products and services over time - theft of the value of money and so the state is the leading thief - worst enemy of the poor and of the country - thus a consequence of the state playing god and is of a religious origin - to an important extent a monetary phenomenon - traditionally low in the summer months - typically the byproduct of an overheated economy * is what happens if more paper money is spent into the economy than production of wealth - made our universe so smooth and big in general - where the swelling increases * is, and has been for several years, a global phenomenon - simply put, an increase in the money supply above and beyond production * lagging indicator that results when demand growth exceeds supply growth. * leads to currency appreciation and hence increases imports - frequent changes in exchange rate - technological and economic stagnation * lessens leasing costs by decreasing payment costs. * lesser issue with slower economic growth and somewhat stable import prices. * long-term phenomenon caused by a too rapid growth in the money supply. * massive, hidden tax imposed on citizens without their understanding or consent. * means a persistent rise the price of goods and services - reduction in the real value of money - by which the strong can more effectively exploit the weak - money is worth less and less from year to year * means that every year, the same amount of money buys less - rate decreases take the form of relatively smaller rate increases - the value of money is falling because prices keep rising * measure of the increase in the price of goods. * measures the rate of change of prices. * misdirects production by distorting the structure of relative prices. * normal part of the economic cycle. * occurs during the diastolic phase of the Cardiac Cycle. * occurs when demand increases relative to the supply available - most prices are rising by some degree across the whole economy - prices rise * occurs when the average level of prices increases - dollar or any other paper currency loses value relative to gold - same amount of money buys less today than it did yesterday - value of money falls in relation to the goods it can buy * only puts people back into work by cutting their wages. * physical process * predicts that the universe is at the critical density. * problem for an investor or for an investment portfolio. * process of continuous increase in the prices of most goods and services in a country. * provides a way to generate the right kind of perturbations. * pushes up wages and prices, but the exact rate is impossible to predict. * radically change the relative position of many in society. * raises interest rates, which decreases the value of equity instruments. * recurring but only intermittent historical phenomenon. * redistributes wealth when it is unanticipated. * reduces buying power. * reduces the buying power of money - competitiveness of the country in international trade - effect of positive investment results * reduces the value of basis every year - money over time - values * refers to A. Unsustainable economic growth. * refers to a persistent increase in the average price level and in the cost of living - the continual increase in prices * relatively new addition to cosmological theory - phenomenon in the United States * remains among the lowest in the industrial world - low, and growth is strong in most emerging market economies - the primary concern for the national economy * result of excessively expansionary monetary policies. * results from prices of goods and services increasing. * rise in the average level of prices in the economy * rising general level of prices. * serious impediment to efficient resource allocation and economic development. * serves primarily to redistribute wealth between debtors and creditors. * slows the economy and unemployment rises. * spreads unevenly through society. * stretches tiny variations that exist on subatomic scales to astronomical sizes. * sustained increase in the average level of prices - price level of the entire economy * sustained increase in the general price level and is always a monetary phenomenon - overall price increase as measured by a price index * tends to divert funds from stocks and bonds to real estate, gold and collectible items - lead to wide fluctuations in exchange rates * typically raises interest rates and, consequently, earning rates. * usually causes interest rates to rise - is the final link in a chain of well-meant actions * very important factor in the bond market. + Inflation, Costs of inflation * Almost everyone thinks inflation is bad. Inflation affects different people in different ways. It also depends on whether inflation is expected or not. For example, banks can change their interest rates and workers can negotiate contracts that include automatic wage hikes as the price level goes up.
{ "source": "generics_kb" }
### action | enlargement | inflation: High inflation * can hinder economic growth. * erodes the value of incomes and savings. * exacts a heavy toll on an economy by making the future particularly uncertain. * has many costs Inflation erodes the value of money. * is accompanied by low unemployment and vice versa. * result of an increase in money supply. Higher inflation * is associated with a growing economy. * tends to place upward pressure on interest rates. Low inflation * helps to make long-run economic growth less volatile. * is one manner to develop the capitals market in Brazil, as anywhere else in the world. * keeps prices down, while low interest rates make debt cheap. * means low interest rates. Stagflation * are inflation. * describes a stagnant economy bedevilled by inflation. * is defined by high levels of both A. unemployment and inflation - high inflation and high unemployment Unanticipated inflation * alters the incentives normally created by price signals in the economy. * can cause net exports to fall. Wage inflation * is far from the only cause of an inflationary economy. * tends to be insidious and can be difficult to stop once it gets a toehold.<|endoftext|>### action | enlargement: Magnification * affects a very important variable - the depth of field - the width and depth of field as well as the total weight of a pair of loupes * allows the surgeon to distinguish between cancerous and healthy tissue. * can help render dim objects more visible in urban light polluted skies. * depends on refraction, which in turn depends on speed changes. * is among the least important features of a telescope - any alternative technique which presents a larger image to the eye - calculated by dividing the telescope's focal length by the eyepiece's focal length - changed by using eyepieces of different focal lengths - determined by the ratio of objective lens focal length and tube lens focal length - inversely proportional to image brightness - object size over image size - often one of the most touted features on a telescope - produced by the eyepiece - ratios - related to the lens' angle of view * is the apparent increase of size of an object under a magnifier - first thing most people think about when they consider buying a microscope * is the focal length of objective divided by focal length of eyepiece - the telescope divided by the focal length of the eyepiece - increase in apparent size of the specimen - least important power of a telescope - ratio of the sample scan length to the display length on the CRT monitor * makes it easier to see the urethral orifice. * measure of the number of times the image is enlarged. * refers to the ability to increase the size of a viewed object. * reveals the cellular structure of the algae. * thus refers to the increase in the apparent size of the specimen being observed. * uses compound microscopes. * uses invert compound microscopes * works against light-gathering power. ### action | enlargement | magnification: High magnification * factor with deep space objects. * spreads out the image of an object, and that dilutes the light. Higher magnification * darkens the sky background, allowing fainter stars to be observed. * indicates the uniformity and lack of atypism of the epithelial cells. Increased magnification * decreases the sky background which translates into fainter star visibility. * shows the granular to fibrillar appearance of amyloid. Prostate enlargement * Some prostate enlargements affect nerves. * common part of aging. * is common and can be easily controlled with herbal and drug remedies. Pseudobulb * act as storage organs for water and nutrients. * is an enlargement Establishment * are natural processes - organizations - proof - structures * create favorable habitats * destroy habitats - seasonal habitats * have knowledge. * means the premises in which animals are kept. * provide food services * require time.
{ "source": "generics_kb" }
### action | establishment: Collectivization * is an establishment * leveling of life in order to stifle everything creative in a human being. Colonisation * can take place without an awareness of a territory even being crossed. * is, however, increasing in the wake of the oil boom.<|endoftext|>### action | establishment: Colonization * Most colonization requires fungal growth. * has historical, political, economic, social, and ecological aspects. * induces development. - intricate coordination of action and reaction by endophyte and plant alike - constitutions - takings * is the arrival of life onto a new or modified habitat - replication of microbes to form colonies in a hospitable environment - when an inmate feels relatively more content inside the institution than outside * results in considerable damage - events * tends to be a force for continuity in the structure of the national economy. * yields benefits - survival benefits Retail store * Most retail stores sell cheese by weight. * Some retail stores carry handy devices that make everyday tasks easier - have laboratories on their premises and employ both types of opticians * are where today's lotteries began and continue to grow. * employ more than half a million people in the Southwest. * is an establishment<|endoftext|>### action | establishment: School system * Many school systems have wetland sites used to educate students - offer affordable continuing education for adults - provide for the transportation of preschool children - report uniforms help to reduce discipline problems * Most school systems base a teacher's work day around a student's day - derive some or all of their revenue from real-estate taxation - exist as places for adult employment and adult political play - have an intermediate level of school - junior high school or middle school - try to provide safety measures based largely on how much they can afford * Some school systems hire aides whom they pay minimum wage and offer no benefits - offer small groups for children during the day or after school * are establishments - part of infrastructures - the second largest employer of occupational therapists * create healthy respect for diversity and differences. * use a variety of indicators to judge school success.<|endoftext|>### action | establishment: Spa * Most spas have a non-smoking policy - offer rejuvenation for the mind and body * are deep enough for children to drown in a matter of minutes - often luxurious with the focus on physical wellness and pampering * brings cold dew to lands and meadows. * contain health districts and census tracts. * covers retain water heat, keep out dirt, leaves and debris. + Spa, Belgium, History: Municipalities of Liège * Spa is famious as a location of healing hot springs. It was a frequent watering-place since the 14th century. ### action | establishment | spa: Day spa * are incredible places that offer the ultimate in body, hair, and facial treatments - one of the fastest-growing segments of the beauty industry in America * offer indulgence that fits a busy lifestyle. Unionization * has a disproportionate beneficial effect for women and minorities. - low and decreases with the size of firms - the time honored way to democratize a workplace * very important factor in workers winning some rights.
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### action: Expansion * Most expansion is caused by heat. * are the periods between recessions. * causes pressure - the air to grow cooler, which reduces the amount of water vapor it can contain * destroys habitats. * generic class for building a term expander. * has effects - huge impact - positive effects * is achieved by resorption of bone inside the vertebral canal - an increase - discussion - located in universes - mapping - most effective before puberty when the jaws are still moldable * is the action of moving out in all opposing directions simultaneously - natural result of any explosion as particles are thrown away from each other - sign of life * means pressure which translates to power. * necessity of slave societies. * occurs during seasons. * occurs when a cell stretches under turgor pressure - one state is more powerful than are the obstacles to expansion * occurs when the gene mutation is passed from the mother to the child - hair bundle absorbs water vapor * quality when it is carried out without harming other people. * raises the intermolecular potential energy, lowering the molecules' kinetic energy. * reduces air pressure * stimulates growth - sale growth * upwards is measured by linear transducers. ### action | expansion: Dilatation * is expansion - illnesses - medical diagnosises * is the increase in the diameter of the cervix - widening of the cervix using progressively wider metal rods * opens up, or widens, the cervix, which is the neck of the uterus. ### action | expansion | dilatation: Gastric dilatation * occurs during a migraine attack. * refers to distension of the stomach, usually with swallowed air. Economic expansion * relies on a dynamic transportation system. * result of and a means to share wealth more evenly amongst our people. Gas expansion * can effect equipment designed to hold gas. * creates pressure that can cause glass containers to explode. Global expansion * is something that everyone has the opportunity to achieve. * requires international trade. Range expansion * Most range expansion occurs during seasons. * represents the state of least congestion and greatest volatility. Thermal expansion * Results from daily cycle of temperature change. * can cause seal face loads to alter and seal face flatness to change. * causes a brass blade to oscillate, producing an audible note - tight fitted parts to break and moving part to jam, in any machine * finds variety of applications in our daily life. * is extremely sensitive to variation in any of the process parameters. * means that ocean temperature is related to sea surface height. Favor * are advantage - approval - inclination - kindness * is an action Fetch * also is used to describe the act of sailing to a location accurately without having to tack. * are actions. - the distance the wind travels over the open water surface - used to transport files to and from the web * keyword search engine. * program for downloading files from the Internet - transferring files
{ "source": "generics_kb" }
### action: Flight * Some flight generates body heat. * allows deer to protect themselves so they can reproduce again. * also allows birds to nest in sites that are inaccessible to cer- tain predators - remains the wild horse's best defense against predators * are the fins or wings found at the back of a dart. * bears on nearly every aspect of insect biology. * can evolve over time only if rudimentary wings help the organism to survive. * characteristic of all birds and some mammals. * consists of many different aspects of science. * enables many insects to move quickly away from predators. * fear response. * flutter from one branch or tree to another. * includes trips. * involves flap flight * is air travel - units * is also important in the skill of choosing when to quit a game - very useful for evading predators - an activity that requited movement - another symbol associated with birds, and acts as a stand in for awakening - anteromotoric, or being driven primarily by action of the forewings - controlled by shifting one's body weight - creativity - dependent on both abiotic and biotic factors - exclusive to animals with skeletons - expensive to maintain, both in terms of metabolism and embryology - flocks - fueled by carbohydrates or by fats - made easier by their light, hollow bones - nothing more than overcoming the forces of weight and drag by generating lift and thrust * is one of the most energetically expensive activities for animals to perform - primary reasons that insects have been successful in nature - part of movement that helps a bird maintain it's balance - risk management by definition - something that certain kinds of dinosaurs achieved as they evolved longer arms - stairways * is the main mode of locomotion used by most of the world's bird species - primary mode of locomotion in all bats, although the flight styles vary * method of moving through the air. * move freely because they're small and winged. * occurs during humid weather. * occurs during warm humid weather * offers major benefits to insects. * powerful response to fear. * prevent the build up of excess body fat, particularly in hens. * requires aerial operations - lift , which occurs because wings move air downwards - strong wind * requires vertical forces - lift forces * takes places - special physical characteristics in living things to be possible * very energy demanding method of locomotion compared to walking. + Bird flight: Fluid mechanics * Flight is a method of moving through the air. To do this, birds use wings with light, hollow bones and feathers on them. Birds have a streamlined body shape, so that they slip through air more easily. + Tingwall Airport: Airports in Scotland :: Shetland * Flights go to and from other islands in the Shetlands. There is another airport, Sumbugh Airport, which has flights to and from the Scottish mainland. * The Puyehue Cordon Caulle volcanic structure in Chile erupts, sending an ash cloud over parts of South America and as far away as Oceania. Many flights are cancelled. ### action | flight: Active flight * is with slow, steady, and deep wing beats. + Hawk, Reproduction: Falconiformes * Active flight is with slow, steady, and deep wing beats. Hawks soar with wings raised slightly above horizontal. They hover and kite on moderate wind. Capital flight * includes private capital and proceeds from trade. * increases the level of corruption. * is related to lack of technological development. Flight control * is control. * loop or series of loops. Glide * are flight - vowels masquerading as consonants * is flight Long flight * Some long flight generates body heat. * can cause jet lag. * induces numbness of legs and feet. Overflight * can also disturb mammals such as bighorn sheep, antelope, walrus, seals, and sea lions. * is flight Powered flight * allows access to flying insects. * is possible because air fluid.
{ "source": "generics_kb" }
### action | flight: True flight * is to fly with muscle power. * requires energy to move wings up and down. Flocculation * are natural processes. * facilitates bridging between particles. * is an action * is the process by which the colloidal impurities adhere to the precipitate - of particles aggregating into larger clumps - used as an immobilizing process to prevent wash out of cells from a bioreactor * occurs when the multiplet volume increases rapidly. * opens up the soil for greater movement of air and water. ### action | fossilisation: Petrification * is fossilisation * is the process by which organic material turns to stone - in which minerals replace the cells of an organism * occurs when a living object is slowly turned to stone of a huge number of years. * requires rapid burial of the wood to prevent normal decay. Freedom of action * allows humans to do what they want, but only within certain limits. * refers to things that prevent a willed action from being realized. Frost action * causes rocks to be broken apart into angular fragments. * is an effective form of mechanical weathering. * occurs as water seeps into tiny cracks in the rock and freezes at night - when ice collects within cracks in rocks during the day Galvanic action * caused by dissimilar metals in the water gives off an electrical current. * forms a bond to the base metal and completely stops rusting.
{ "source": "generics_kb" }
### action | geologic process: Desertification * Most desertification occurs as the result of natural processes. * The desert area in the world is getting bigger. Desertification usually happens on the edge of deserts. It is caused by a variety of factors. * affects all types of agricultural lands - global climate change through soil and vegetation losses - in total, the lives of one-sixth of the world's population - over a billion people * also affects air transport - has global significance * are geological processes. * can cause flooding, poor water quality, dust storms, and pollution - happen quickly, placing large numbers of people at great risk - result from poorly managed human intervention in the savannah * caused by feral goats leaves little food or shelter for native animals - water erosion is also very severe * challenge to developed as well as developing nations. * complex phenomena whose effects are manifested socially. * compounds the problem of water scarcity. * continues to impact agricultural production. * contributes to world hunger. * describes the degradation of semiarid grasslands at the desert's edge. * following the steady destruction of rain-forests growing menace. * geologic process * growing problem associated with overuse of poor lands. * has environmental impacts outside of the areas in which it is occuring. * implies soil erosion. * involves the depletion of vegetation and soils. * is also a threat in small areas at the extreme southern tip of Brazil - an on-going process on many areas of Earth * is caused by a combination of factors that change over time and vary by location - climatic change - global cold, a severe environment, along with man-created sabotage - heavily a result of deforesation - most severe in Africa - of great concern in many parts of the world, yet people struggle to define it - part of a wider dilemma regarding land and water use in China - recognized as a major threat to biodiversity * is the conversion of grasslands and croplands to desertlike conditions - impoverishment of terrestrial ecosystems under the impact of man - process of arable land changing into unproductive soil, or desert - result of a combination of overgrazing and water erosion - what happens to land when it becomes dried out and is no longer habitable * land degradation problem of major importance in the arid regions of the world. * leads to increased sediment loads in rivers, which harms wildlife. * major problem in The Gambia. * occurs as a result of natural forces and human forces. * reduces the amount of land available for agriculture. * result of environmental problems such as deforestation and soil erosion. * serious threat, as is gradual salinization of the soils due to irrigation. * social and economic as well as an environmental problem. * specific phenomenon of arid, semiarid and day sub humid. * takes many different forms across the vast Asian continent. * takes place in Africa - drylands all over the world * usually happens in semi-arid areas that border deserts Diastrophism * includes the processes of warping, folding and faulting. * tectonic landform process that bends or breaks the earth. Glaciation * are environmental conditions * begins in Antarctica. * carves deep valleys. * causes changes in sea level when seawater is taken up into the ice-sheets. * is observed in the higher elevations. * refers to the transformation of cloud particles from water droplets to ice crystals. Geological process * are extremely slow and very gradual * can effect the formation, quality and fertility of mineral deposits. * control the environment on every scale. * drive tectono-eustatic change. * is an action * move elements around at the global as well as local levels. * play an role in the movement of water in an area. Good action * are the results of good states. * entail good results, and evil actions entail evil consequences.
{ "source": "generics_kb" }
### action: Hike * sprain ankles. * are motivated by the goal of exercises - fresh air - fun - sore foots - walks * provide great opportunity * start with stretchs. * take places.<|endoftext|>### action: Homicide * Most homicide occurs in countries - homicides occur when the female partner is leaving or threatening to end the relationship. * The body of Manolo Just, a probable bisexual, is found in the Mexico apartment of Mary Rogers, daughter of Will Rogers. Homicide is suspected, but never proven * account for almost half of women s work-related deaths. * are the deliberate and unlawful killing of an individual. * are the second leading cause of gun deaths, behind suicide - workplace deaths after motor vehicle crashes - worst kind of crime * can be reflective of a community's safety. * dreadful deed, and varies very significantly around the world. * happen because people have no other way to solve conflicts. * is another leading cause of death - significant environmental cause of death - attacks - but one tragic result of untreated brain disorders - by far the most frequent manner in which women workers are fatally injured at work - divided into crimes of murder, voluntary manslaughter, and involuntary manslaughter - human activities * is now only second to motor vehicles as a cause of work-related deaths - second only to motor vehicles as a cause of work-related deaths * is now the nation's third leading cause of death for elementary and middle school children - number two cause of death in the workplace - punished by death sentence regardless of the purpose or cause of the killing - serious crime * is the killing of one human being by another either lawfully or unlawfully - person by another * is the leading cause of death among young blacks - for black males in all age categories - for women in the workplace - for women on the job - from occupational injury among working females - in women - infant deaths due to injury - injury death for children under age one * is the leading cause of workplace death among females - injury deaths among female workers - major cause of death among young black adult males - malicious, premeditated taking of a life - most frequent manner in which female workers are fatally injured at work - negligent or intentional killing of one person by another - number one cause of death for women on the job * is the second leading cause of death among American youngsters - death among children - death for adolescents - death for young people - death in childhood in the United States - death in the workplace for men - fatal occupational injury in the nation - second-leading cause of death among youngsters - simple killing of one human being by another * is the third leading cause of death for elementary and middle school children - death from occupational injury for all workers - unlawful taking of a human life - usually a crime committed by mentally unstable people ### action | homicide: Criminal homicide * constitutes negligent homicide when it is committed negligently. * includes murder, manslaughter and death by auto. * is divided into many different categories - murder, manslaughter or negligent homicide Honor killing * are made as an attempt to safeguard culture and tradition. * is homicide * occur most commonly in Bangladesh , Pakistan , Saudi Arabia and Turkey.
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### action | homicide: Murder * Most murders are among people who know each other - happen when two people get into an argument that turns into a fight * Most murders occur between family members and acquaintances - by strangulation, suffocation, stabbing etc - during a quarrel between two people who know each other well * affects the productivity of a nation. * applies ONLY to humans, whereas kill applies to everything else. * becomes man-slaughter when that action is under extreme anger or extreme fear. * begins in the soul. * can stem from many different sins. * capital offence in Kenya - offense * carries a different connotation than killing. * certain sort of taking of human life. * consists in a selfish intention to kill a human being. * crime, no matter what the circumstances. * crushes survivors' trust in the world and their belief in social order and justice. * felony of the first degree - under the common law * first degree felony. * form of aggravated assault in which the victim dies. * habit and practice in Baltimore. * homicide done unlawfully and with malice aforethought. * includes all forms of enmity, hatred and revenge. * involves elements of hatred, malice, and a total disregard for the sacredness of human life. * is an act of an unregenerated human flesh - chaos, but capital punishment is an act of order - earth-bound evil - ordinary crime in the history of mankind * is an unlawful homicide, the killing of one human being by another, with malice aforethought - taking of a human life, execution a lawful one - called abortion - caused by hatred which is the result of anger and jealousy - condemned in Scripture - direct and intentional killing - felonies - illegal at law, as it is an act against the people and public safety, at law - illegal, yet people still kill - killing the other person - malicious, premeditated homicide - most often intraracial among victims and offenders - much more severe than sitting by and letting a person die * is murder every day of the year with no exception * is murder no matter at what age it happens - what the age of the perpetrator - when it comes to contingent fees - murder, irrespective of a person's race * is murder, no matter who carries it out or how it is justified - the victim is - whether it is perpetrated in America, Europe, Asia or Africa * is now the leading cause of death among young black men - nation's leading cause of death among teen-age males - premeditated killing - punishable by death in Saudi Arabia * is punished by immediate execution and assault with life on a prison planet - with death - something people consider sinful, too * is the act of an individual who takes the life of another without cause - actual degrading act, carried out wilfully by an individual - antithesis of life * is the crime most fully reported to police - that keeps on taking - deliberate taking of innocent human life - ending of another's life - hurtful destruction of life - illegal taking of a life - intentional killing of a human being - killing of a man by an individual and execution is the killing of a man by the state * is the most egregious of crimes and viewed by many as symptomatic of crime in general - severe crime that one person can commit against another - nature of mammon - number one cause of workplace deaths for women - outworking of sin in the human heart - single most common crime on television - taking away of life illegally * is the taking of an innocent life - the life of another human being through the initiation of physical force - term that is non-neutral - ultimate act of depersonalization - undeserved removal of life - unlawful intentional killing of another person * is the unlawful killing of a human being or a fetus with malice aforethought - human being with malice aforethought * is the unlawful killing of another human being, especially with malice aforethought - one person by another - premeditated killing of one human being by another - willful taking of innocent human life - worst kind of pornography - their leading cause of death - to be punished with a sentence of life in prison * is triggered by mental illness - stress - violence - wrongs * kind of bondage. * leads to trials. * legal judgment on the intent of someone's actions - term for slaying or killing * manifestation of an evil heart. * occur within an average span of eleven years in the States and sixteen elsewhere. * occurs during a feast. * pre-meditated act done with the specific intent to take a human life. * rare crime in Japan. * refers to human beings. * response to some other human emotion, especially anger. * result-oriented offense. * serious crime which demands an enormous amount of teshuvah - offense at any age * strikes in all races, ages and socioeconomic levels.
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### action | homicide | murder: Capital murder * carries a maximum sentence of life in prison or the death penalty. * is punishable by death or life imprisonment. * is punishable by life in prison or death by lethal injection - upon conviction by life in prison or death by lethal injection * murder committed with another felony. Felony murder * is such an extension of where the current capital murder statute is. * occurs when a killing is committed during the commission of a violent crime. Lynching * are so common that they are often viewed as a form of entertainment. * is murder Massacre * are albums - violent actions * involve large numbers of people. * is murder Negligent homicide * felony punishable by up to two years in prison. * involves establishing simple negligence. * lesser included offense of manslaughter under the Hawaii Penal Code. Reckless homicide * Class D felony. * is an inherently included offense of murder. Unlawful homicide * includes murder , manslaughter , and infanticide. * is treated by almost all legal systems as a crime of extreme gravity. Humanitarian action * can build a bridge between war and peace. * is focused on the individual - frequently the lowest common denominator on which consensus can be reached Hydraulic action * describes the erosion caused by the dragging of water over the stream bed and bank. * occurs when waves striking a cliff face compress air in cracks on the cliff face. * refers to the force of the water's flow against the banks and bed.
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### action: Immigration * Describes where to find records. * Is responsible for the administration of immigration functions throughout the country. * affects the United States in many ways. * also drives down wages for the U.S.-born poor - has a major impact on the welfare system - leads to population growth * can determine the choice of profession and degree of success in one's professional life. * can impact the future of immediate family and descendants for generations - the immediate family * comes into play in the context of rights of entry for spouses. * complex field where laws and regulations change quickly and often. * continues to have a profound impact on American cities and institutions. * continuing source of our social, economic and cultural richness. * contributes to growth - our society * creates change, which generates societal stress. * decisive variable in demographic and economic forecasting. * decreases during the American Civil War. * describes organisms arriving from outside the population. * drain on the U.S. economy. * fundamental measure of a society's openness to the world. * has have impact - modest impact * health threat to the citizens of the United States. * helps to sustain the population of some European countries. * hot button issue in border states. * increases economic growth by A. increasing the quantity of labor. * infuses our culture with diversity from around the world. * is about the global movement of people to meet the world's changing needs - also a discretionary policy of the federal government * is an Environmental Issue - important feature of Australian society - integral part of the Asian consciousness - issue most people are singularly reluctant to face - bodies - central to any debate about race * is mostly an urban phenomenon - the province of the young * is one of the most pressing problems facing the United States today - thorniest issues in relations between the United States and Mexico - responsible for isolated areas of high prevalence in some Western countries * is the Asian American form of natural childbirth - act of coming to a foreign country to live - best way to tell which countries are the best and worst in which to live - driving force behind the Hispanic growth - formal name for the procedure by which non-citizens enter the United States - leading cause of population growth in the Unites States - movement of individuals into a population - regular movement of individuals or populations each year during certain seasons - single largest factor in America's population growth - thus a basic and important determinant of our population size and growth - tied to the dispersal ability of the species * leads to conflict. * major part of our history as well as of our present societal structure. * matter of federal law rather than state law. * occurs when new species are introduced. * partial answer to low birth rates. * positive source of economic growth, cultural diversity, and social renewal. * public policy issue. * reduces the uncuttable social costs of the elderly. * refers to entering a country. * reflects the movement of the most important of all economic resources. * relationship between countries, forged by people passing back and forth. * source of good as well as poor germplasm. * undermines the social, cultural, and ethnic cohesion necessary to sustain our society. ### action | immigration: Illegal immigration * causes school overcrowding. * daily problem in Romania. * is an enormous problem for the United States, and one that is growing - international crime * threat of a different nature. Legal immigration * is one of the cornerstones of our society. * offers families a chance for reunification.
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### action: Improvement * are any man-made objects that are permanently attached to the land, such as buildings - savings in cost or improving function or both. * En has a similar one, but it only involves edit warring and content disputes. Any improvements are welcome. Such a criteria is discouraging for article improvement and seems counter-productive * describes a personal experience with the medical system. * has different effects - similar effects * includes advancement. * increases abundances - accuracy - capacity - carry capacity - equilibrium abundances * increases human capacity - opportunity * involves techniques. * is an action - conditions - defined in terms of the cost of evaluating an expression - embracing change, improving performance and continuing to learn - transformation * leads to advancement * occurs in patients. * provides opportunity. * reduces chances. * requires trips. * result of fundamental change in personality structure. * sign that prescribed antibiotics are working against the infection. * takes places. ### action | improvement: Continual improvement * concept that works for both corporations and individuals. * is an ever-present goal of an organization.<|endoftext|>### action | improvement: Continuous improvement * allows companies to keep up with future changes. * business philosophy that has proven results. * driving force in every school and school system. * is an important part of industry and commerce - central to quality management - part of the management of all systems and processes * is the idea that improvement in quality is always possible - responsibility of everyone in our organization - way to growth and building a better business - what defines coaching and leadership * way of life at Underground<|endoftext|>### action | improvement: Correction * are amendments - books - drops - local departments - rebukes - social control - the point at which the out-flowing river meets the incoming tide - therapy * cheap way of dealing with offenders. * complex field that defies simple analysis. * includes offenders under supervision and offenders in prison. * is improvement - the process of realigning the spine and the body + Vietnamese alphabet, Treatment of the Alphabet, The alphabet in daily life: Vietnam :: Alphabet :: Austro-Asiatic languages * Young Vietnamese learners will spend a lot of time with this alphabet. Correction is very common. The need for correction is used in many comedies about uneducated people. Comedies about foreigners are becoming very common too.<|endoftext|>### action | improvement | correction: Amendment * are corrections - statements - ways in which to change a bill + Amendment, Motion: Politics * In parliamentary procedure, the way that many meetings are run, an amendment is a type of motion - a proposal or formal suggestion to do something. Amendments can remove words, add words, or change words from motions. Usually, any motion can be amended, even other amendments. However, an amendment to an amendment of an amendment is often not allowed. ### action | improvement | correction | amendment: Organic amendment * Any organic amendment potential source of nitrogen that can stimulate plant growth. * Many organic amendments contain plant nutrients and act as organic fertilizers. * are a safer but more expensive way to fertilize crops than inorganic ones. * break apart tight clays and hold water and nutrients in loose sands. * impacts on near-surface shear strength. * improve soils affected by compaction, poor drainage, and erosion.
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### action | improvement | correction | amendment: Soil amendment * are products used to improve the properties of the soil. * can also aid in the establishment and growth of plants to reduce erosion - include virtually any substance that improves the growth of plants in soil * do other things, but mainly they increase the soil's water-holding capacity. * finer material than mulch and is incorporated into the soil to enrich it. * improve drainage, moisture penetration, and a soil's water-holding capacity - the physical properties of soils Emendation * are corrections. * is the attempt to eliminate the errors which are found even in the best manuscripts.<|endoftext|>### action | improvement | correction: Remedy * Remedies are also helpful for aching bones and prevention or healing of fractures - medicine - part of treatments - solutions to breaches of contract * Remedies are the rights that one party to an agreement has if the other party defaults - ultimate goals of a plaintiff in civil litigation - usually in the form of powders of tablets - catch-all phrase for a course that defies precise description * Some remedies commonly used are magnesium, phosphate, chamomile, helonias, sepia and cimifuga. * All remedies are effective for six months from today. ### action | improvement | correction | remedy: Cold remedy * Many cold remedies contain alcohol. * Some cold remedies combine echinacea with goldenseal, another herb with immune-enhancing properties - contain as much alcohol as wine<|endoftext|>### action | improvement | correction | remedy: Herbal remedy * Herbal remedies advertise weight loss and instant relief from long-term health problems. * Herbal remedies are a hot commodity, with sales creating a billion-dollar industry - safe and natural way to improve and maintain good health - alive and well in the twentieth century - fast growing market - on the rise as medicines disappear * Herbal remedies are only prepared from the leaves - the rhizome - primarily non-toxic and have low side effects - safe because they're natural - used simultaneously with pharmaceuticals * Herbal remedies can cause reactions leading to intense illness or even death - interfere with cancer treatment - sometimes be a supplement to or a substitute for conventional medical care - work for children as well as adults - come in many forms - contain a variety of oils, a number of which are dangerous to cats * Herbal remedies contain many chemical ingredients, some helpful and others dangerous * Herbal remedies have a place in wellness and health care - few, if any side - effects and can readily be adapted for use in children - play a role in patient care in some integrated practices - remain in common use in native American healing - vary widely * Many herbal remedies are particularly relevant to the treatment of hyperactivity in children - offer a mild form of treatment with very beneficial effects * Some herbal remedies appear to be as effective as prescription drugs - are very useful in benign prostatic hypertrophy * Some herbal remedies can also cause asthma - have negative effects when mixed together or taken with prescription drugs - contain stimulant agents, such as ephedra - have no side effects or show no interactions with other drugs or remedies - relieve symptoms without interfering with the healing process
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### action | improvement | correction | remedy: Homeopathic remedy * All homeopathic remedies are extremely dilute amounts of the natural substance - natural, derived form animal, vegetable or mineral matter * Homeopathic remedies are a safe and effective alternative to many drugs that doctors prescribe - safe, non-toxic way to help relieve the pain and make the baby happier * Homeopathic remedies are all natural medicines - compatible with nutritional supplements, herbs, and medicines - especially good for children, and for people taking other medications - natural remedies of mineral, plant and animal origin - natural, non-toxic extracts which are administered via a small dose orally - non addictive and safe for all ages and conditions - non-toxic, hypoallergenic, natural substances which have no side effects * Homeopathic remedies are often very helpful for pain relief and recovery - soothing, both to babies and adults, during colic episodes - useful for soothing pain and promoting healing - prepared from natural sources and are used in extremely small amounts - safe even for newborn children, chemically sensitive, and pregnant women - safe, proven medicines for everyone adults and children - the vibrational patterns of herbs, plants, trees, and chemicals - usually dilutions of natural substances from plants, minerals, and animals * Homeopathic remedies are very effective in acute and chronic diseases - inexpensive and virtually free of side effects - successful in fighting flu and sinus problems * Homeopathic remedies can also be very helpful in treating allergies - help the body work efficiently * Homeopathic remedies can be helpful during painful flare-ups - single remedies or combination remedies * Homeopathic remedies can be useful for reducing the discomfort and promoting healing - to soothe the fever and discomfort and to help recovery - help provide effective relief from the symptoms * Homeopathic remedies can help to reduce inflammation and ease discomfort in conjunctivitis - the pain and sickness, especially if taken in early stages - relieve discomfort - provide powerful symptomatic relief with no side effects and no toxicity - sometimes bring relief - successfully treat a wide variety of diseases - cause symptoms similar to the symptoms the animal is showing * Homeopathic remedies come in either pill, powder, or liquid form - several forms tablets, powders, liquids and ointments - cure the whole as opposed to the symptoms - help the body to do what it is already doing - incorporate highly diluted parts of animate and inanimate substances - stimulate and support the natural healing, mechanisms in the body * Homeopathic remedies stimulate the body to heal itself - resist negative toxins and thereby heal itself * Homeopathic remedies work by stimulating the body's own healing power - strengthening the body's defense systems - poorly if the patient is too alkaline or too acid - quickly and much better than traditional medications * Many homeopathic remedies exist to help alleviate chronic fatigue. * Most homeopathic remedies contain less than one molecule of the original plant or chemical extract. * Some homeopathic remedies are highly susceptible to antidoting with vinegar - so dilute, no molecules of the healing substance remain * catalyst to stimulate an organism's own healing abilities. Homoeopathic remedy * Homoeopathic remedies are capable of influencing the state of mind - dynamic agents influencing body's energy - safe for use during pregnancy and by babies and children - safe, natural, fast-acting and effective * Homoeopathic remedies have no chemical side effects and are simple and pleasant to take - side affects
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### action | improvement | correction | remedy: Natural remedy * Natural remedies are generally very safe and often help where conventional medicine has failed - can help prevent upset stomachs, when travelling in foreign climes - have none of the side effects common to antibiotic treatment - work gently with the body, over time * Some natural remedies have the same effects as prescription medicines. + Peptic ulcer, Treatment of peptic ulcers: Diseases and disorders of the digestive system * Antibiotics are medicines that kill germs like bacteria. Usually three different antibiotics are used, and because the 'Helicobacter pylori' bacteria is so resistant, successful treatment is not guaranteed. The number of people turning to natural remedies is increasing. Natural remedies have none of the side effects common to antibiotic treatment. Retribution * is also an unsatisfactory justification for the juvenile death penalty. * is an important element in law - independent moral justification - built into the Laws of the Universe - norms - penalties - punishment - the fruit that suddenly emerges from the blossom of the pleasure that the sin yields ### action | improvement | correction | retribution: Prison sentence * are retribution. * serve one purpose-to keep people confined. Spinal fusion * does tend to place increased stress on the adjacent vertebral segments. * is an operation that creates a solid union between two or more vertebrae. * is the surgical joining of one vertebral body to another - treatment for postoperative instability Surgical correction * involves suspending the innominate or the aorta anteriorly to the sternum. * is possible when vision is threatened. Health improvement * increases capacity - carry capacity * increases human capacity<|endoftext|>### action | improvement: Maintenance * cans have effects - harmful effects - strong effects * contributes to survival. * etidronate in the prevention of malignancy-associated hypercalcemia. * follows therapy. * is daily pay to workers who are unable to work pursuant to doctor's orders - important in injury prevention - in the process of removing weight machines for storage or disposal - maintenance - money paid by a spouse to a former spouse to assist in the support of the ex-spouse - often the phase where ewes are on pasture or some type of crop residue - software development * is the cost of food and lodging, and transportation to and from a medical facility - daily operations that keep the transportation system safe, clean, and efficient - key factor in determining the life-time of a syringe - process that preserves or restores a desired state of a system or facility - stage when a person tries to stabilize the behavior change and prevent relapse - term for routine repairs and adjustments of a non-emergency nature * reduces bacterial contamination * refers to providing food, shelter, and rehabilitation while the seaman is injured. * requires improvement - management - presence. * This is why I decided to become more active here. After a few weeks, I really became more excited. The working climate was more relaxed. That's why I spent and will spend more than a half of my time and contributions in the Article namespace. But a wiki also relies on organisation and maintenance. Maintenance can rely on templates to keep organisation. That's why templates are so important ### action | improvement | maintenance: Corrective maintenance * is repair of replacement or defective or malfunctioning components. * refers to the correction of errors in the legacy system. Health maintenance * is the key to a long life. * revolves around tipping the balance in the favor of the calf. Preventative maintenance * concentrates on tree root cutting and grease removal in designated areas. * is one use of historical data. * is the easiest and least expensive type of maintenance - key to a safe and healthy bike
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### action | improvement | maintenance: Preventive maintenance * helps to ensure that equipment is available when needed. * includes keeping in shape physically and emotionally. * is essential to the operation of all mechanical systems - maintenance performed before a breakdown occurs * is the best method for keeping instruments in working order - cornerstone of an effective and efficient transportation organization Proper maintenance * is important for the long-term health of newly planted shrubs. * key factor affecting the emission performance of a vehicle. ### action | improvement | maintenance | raising: Livestock raising * has a very long history in Romania. * is also a major factor in the economy with many ranches in outlying areas - important, and manufactures include textiles and processed foods - important in the highlands * remains the most unprofitable branch of agriculture. * significant source of income. Road maintenance * allows continued use of roads over time. * is important in order to minimize erosion and the expense of reconstruction - upkeep of the county's highways, bridges, and other roads Mend * is improvement * tend to be clean-shaven, though some wear beards in braids. Optimisation * key facet of the behavioural synthesis problem. * series of experiments and their subsequent data analysis.<|endoftext|>### action | improvement: Optimization * comes in many forms. * concerns the minimization or maximization of functions. * door that swings both ways. * excels at squeezing knowledge out of data. * is about finding better solutions to problems - achieved by changing the times at which computations are performed * is an analytical process - important part of statistical calculations and nonlinear regression particularly - inherent activity in the world - based on a form of branch and bound - carried out by Genetic Algorithms - fundamentally a goal seeking algorithm - management's job - related to finding the most efficient method of solving a problem - seen as a process in genotype space - strategic analysis of a site for optimal search engine placement * is the process of eliminating fragmentation - making decisions that are superior to any alternatives - universal in both the physical world and human activities - used in real-time to obtain appropriate input values * key to efficiency in the business world. * prescriptive operations research modeling technique. * reduces cost. * refers to the process of fine-tuning each car to achieve it's top performance. * requires knowledge. * rich and thriving mathematical discipline. * special case of generation of efficient implementations from specifications. * top to bottom and beginning to end process. * uses mathematical techniques to assist in the solution of real-world problems. * widely used tool in industry today. + Applied mathematics: Mathematics ### action | improvement | optimization: Elegance * is optimization - quality - something that comes from inside * is the achievement of maximal effect with minimal effort - concept of something that is simple but works very well * means lack of adornment. ### action | improvement | optimization | elegance: Pomp * are elegance. * is elegance Experiential optimization * deals with the product, which is the electromechanical system. * is systemic in nature.
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### action | improvement | optimization: Linear optimization * special case of Convex optimization. + Linear programming: Combinatorial optimization * Linear programming' or 'Linear optimisation' is a field of mathematics that deals with finding optimal values or solutions that can be described with linear equations and inequalities. Very often this involves finding the minimal or maximal values, given some conditions, or constraints. Linear programming is often used for problems where no exact solution is known, for example for planning traffic flows. Linear programming is one of the main methods used in Operations research. Linear optimization is a special case of Convex optimization. It forms the basis for several methods of solving problems of Integer programming. In many cases, the solutions of linear programs can be mapped to Polyhedra, which allows to solve and model certain problems geometrically. Topological optimization * involves topological as well as shape and size modifications. * is the optimizing of different possible equipment layouts of the plant. Personal improvement * encompasses both physical and emotional well-being. * involves the physical and emotional well-being of employees. * is for supervisors experiencing some difficulty with aspects of supervision.<|endoftext|>### action | improvement: Progress * concept which is relative to the values of a particular age and society. * consequence of human nature. * corollary of evolution. * depends on locations. * happens when one person has a dream and that dream becomes a Vision. * involves self sacrifice for the benefit of others * is an infinite advance towards the infinitely receding goal of infinite perfection - characterized by higher levels of unity and development - frequently a myth in jazz, as in most other aspects of contemporary life - growth, and can only be brought about by gradual improvement and transformation - just what happens when people live - made by people having a vision of what can be - man's ability to complicate simplicity * is measured by advances in chemistry - in terms of what one is trying to make progress toward - over years and even decades - political parties - synonymous with the virtue that in the best instances distinguishes humanity * is the driving force behind all assumptions at the heart of our economy-driven society - essence of human nature - expression of spirit in the world of matter - gradual assertion of reason - life-style of man * is, how it thinks and acts. * leads to important insight - new insight * means that all people of the earth have a truly equal opportunity to achieve - there is an equal sharing and distribution of the wealth of the United States * multifaceted property of science. * occurs when all sectors are reincorporated into both the political and economic process. * requires people to change their values, attitudes, or habits of behavior. * series of individual acts of courage. * takes months - places - several months ### action | improvement | progress: Economic progress * consists in the rising productivity of labor. * depends on the progress of women - women's progress * is an automatic resultant of procedures and systems - possible only in a world of rising prices - the ultimate standard that measures success * requires that things be done differently. Genetic progress * depends on selection intensity and accuracy of breeding values. * is found as the change in mean estimated breeding value over time. Human progress * depends upon human involvement, hard work and the reassertion of human dignity. * is made by cooperation. Material progress * ensures the happiness of the human world. * insures the happiness of the human world. Real progress * is related to the belief that it is possible. * relates to the progress of the soul force for which moral laws are essential
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### action | improvement | progress: Scientific progress * depends on knowledge being shared. * is most rapid in the spheres of electronics and computers. * occurs by revolutions and paradigm shifts on all scales. Spiritual progress * ensures the happiness and eternal continuance of the soul. * insures the happiness and eternal continuance of the soul. * is directly related to the reduction of desires. Workflow * are complex units of work consisting of multiple, possibly interdependent, transactions. * arise in virtually all applications of computing. * is progress ### action | improvement | progress | workflow: Workflow automation * allows the implementation of complex models of interaction. * is an important buzz word in the information technology industry.<|endoftext|>### action | improvement: Purification * Some purification increases immune functions - system functions * combination of chemical disinfection and filtration - filtering and disinfecting * involves the clearing of karma. * is ceremony - effected by a combination of physical and chemical processes - good to use as an insect repellent - purges - the removal of something to the extent possible * starts with disruption of the host cell to release all the internal proteins. + Language reform: Linguistics * Simplification makes the language easier to use. It tries to regularise vocabulary and grammar. Purification makes the language similar to a version of the language that people think is more pure.<|endoftext|>### action | improvement: Reclamation * also is the second largest producer of hydroelectric power in the Western States. * involves re-establishing wildlife habitats, notably for bighorn sheep and elk. * is also the second largest producer of hydroelectric power in the western United States - an internationally recognized leader in water resource management - in the business of water management - recovery - regarded throughout the world as a preeminent water resource management agency - rescues - restoration * is the final step in today's gold mining process - first step in recycling - process of restoring a site to a safe and environmentally stable condition - recovery of a valuable material from a waste * major American generator of electricity. * means the reasonable rehabilitation of land where resource extraction has occurred - to recover or regenerate a component for reuse * occurs in highly populated as well as less populated areas. * series of activities intended to change the biophysical capacity of an ecosystem. ### action | improvement | reclamation: Land reclamation * plays a direct role in reducing water areas used for freshwater capture. * It is usually done in coastal areas. Sometimes it is also done with rivers and lakes. Usually, there natural process which fills such areas with sand, dirt and other materials. Land reclamation uses the same process, which is sped up. In many cases, this is done using dikes. An example where land reclamation is done is the IJsselmeer in the Netherlands.<|endoftext|>### action | improvement: Reform * happens when people are willing to do the tough thing, even the radical thing. * has impact. * is campaigns - self improvement - something that process that goes on like reconciliation * is the most liberal of the major movements within Judaism today - word that describes the change in persons life * leads to proposals. * is generally distinguished from revolution. Reform seeks to improve the system as it stands, never to overthrow it. * process that requires deliberation and explanation. * way of life in education. ### action | improvement | reform: Economic reform * continue to devolve power to the states. * includes privatisation drives and the opening up to foreign investment. * is an area where progress has been slow. * refers to the attempt to boost job skills and training.
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### action | improvement | reform: Education reform * is more than setting high academic standards and administering a test to students - thus a question of liberty and self-government * land where standards have been popping up like dandelions in spring. * means high standards, for students, for schools and for teachers. * requires teachers to embrace new roles and methods of teaching - that educators provide quality schooling for all of their students Land reform * can increase both employment and income. * is an empowerment process for our people Systemic reform * broad and often ambiguous concept. * is about creating teaching and learning environments that can change whole systems. Tort reform * attempts to deal with real or perceived excess. * is about a dramatic increase in the cost of doing business - the agenda of big corporations and insurance companies * means making it harder for consumers to sue large corporations.<|endoftext|>### action | improvement | reform: Welfare reform * affects people with mental, addictive disorders. * begins by trying to keep people off the rolls. * big give-away to the poor. * continues to assist clients in entering the workforce and becoming self-sufficient. * focuses on moving single mothers into paid employment. * has significant implications for children and families and for child care - to address societal structures that keep people in poverty * is about helping people to help themselves - an economic issue, as well as a social issue - designed to help families move from welfare to work * is supposed to be about moving people into jobs - working to earn one's own living * major social experiment with laudable goals. * plays a central role in American women's economic future. * subject that is rife with experts. Reformation * are improvement - religious movement * is improvement - the recovery of biblical truth that leads to the purifying of one's theology Remediation * helps the brain develop so that the necessary skills can be obtained. * is the act of cleaning a site of contaminants - stage during which changes to systems are actually made * process to remove contaminants such as gasoline, kerosene and fuel oil from soil. * tool to assist students in becoming more academically successful. ### action | improvement | renovation: Home renovation * are a frequent cause of lead poisoning in children. * can produce a lot of waste and greenhouse gas. Repair * are conditions - the process by which lost or destroyed cells are replaced by new, living cells * occurs when new, normal bone replaces dead bone. * often requires regrowth of axons, even in our brain. * refers to the ability to revise a plan or to establish alternatives. * ubiquitous feature of human life. ### action | improvement | repair: Reconstruction * are interpretations - recalls - repairs * is undoubtedly one of the most important periods in the history of the United States.<|endoftext|>### action | improvement | repair | reconstruction: Breast reconstruction * Most breast reconstruction involves a series of procedures over time - of procedures that occur over time * can take place whenever the woman feels comfortable undergoing the operation. * following or during mastectomy can help restore a normal appearance. * functional procedure to restore a woman's normal body shape. * improves the lives of many women who are diagnosed with breast cancer. * is possible in most cases after mastectomy - usually available to women who have had a breast removed * matter of choice that needs much thought and consideration. * personalized procedure. * recreates the breast shape after the natural breast has been removed. * restores balance, beauty and harmony to the female form. Phylogenetic reconstruction * later idea in biology. * reveal multiple origins of asexual clones from sexual populations.
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### action | improvement | repair: Surgical repair * involves creating an opening for passage of stool - patch closure of the ASD and often repair of the mitral valve - plication of the dilated pulmonary arteries * is aimed at establishment of a normal urethra and penis - considered in patients at risk for recurrent dislocation - often necessary to restore the joint to a more functional state - the only way to repair a hernia - to straighten the penis and locate the urethral opening centrally, if possible Revival * are seasons of intense and rapid spiritual growth, and such growth always involves change. * comes when preaching again becomes central in the activity of the church. * is improvement - rallies<|endoftext|>### action | improvement | revival: Language revival * wants to save a language that is dead or endangered. * ' is when people try to make a language that is not spoken, or is spoken very little, spoken more often again. Language death is what happens when a language is not used by the people who spoke it before. Language revival wants to save a language that is dead or endangered. The Hebrew language was once a language that was not used, but because the language was revived, people now speak and use it again. Many languages today are now trying to be revived.<|endoftext|>### action | improvement | revival: Resurrection * are artwork - books * concerns the keeping of a promise when there is no ground for it. * fact of baseball, just as it is of religion. * implies deliverance from the dominion of death. * is Spiritualization of thought - about the power to influence the world after our death - accomplished by the wind of heaven that sweeps the worlds - an equal opportunity employer that values a mission of diversity in the workplace - as universal as death - followed by immortality and eternal life * is the hope of the believer - process of unifying the mind and body - restoration of life - reuniting of the spirit with a glorified, immortal body - rising again from the dead, the resumption of life * means a returning to life subsequent to death - assumption of a new kind of existence * means that death is to die and life is to live - the old has passed away and that the new has come Spiritual revival * come when people and churches are on their knees. * matter of life and death for the soul of our country. ### action | improvement | shaving: Wood shaving * are best, because they are absorbent and nontoxic - fine for litter once they are a few weeks old - more absorbent and keep down odors * work the best They can be used with adults and babys alike. Soil improvement * allows for better absorption and retention of water. * enhances water absorption and increases water-holding capacity.
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### action | improvement: Ventilation * Most ventilation reduces moisture. * Some ventilation prevents growth. * allows for acceptable levels of temperature, humidity, and elimination of odors - the heated air to escape from the attic before it can build up * alone can cool a house during many times of the year. * also limits the spread of fire and smoke, thus reducing damage. * can also accelerate removal of water and drying of surface materials - force fresh air into a space as well * defense against excess moisture and foundation decay. * depends upon a pressure difference between the lungs and the outside atmosphere. * good way to get rid of harmful substances in the air. * increases chances. * is also more than just a way to keep from passing out from fumes - vital because still air can create the perfect conditions for fungal diseases - an expensive and inefficient means of dealing with secondhand smoke * is an important aspect of animal housing, particularly closed housing - horse trailer design - consideration in air quality - old and successful method of reducing emotional tension - another factor that is related to the animal's native habitat - crucial in today's well-insulated homes, helping to insure good indoor air quality - essential to most room areas to prevent unpleasant living conditions - impaired by abdominal distention and patient position * is important for improved drying conditions, especially during high humidity - to keep moisture from forming - located in offices - mechanical systems - necessary to reduce hazardous fumes and vapors produced when using lasers * is one of the best solutions to indoor air quality problems - main engineering controls to control heat stress * is the best way to control exposure to harmful substances in the air - breathing in of air or oxygen - exchange of air between the external environment and the alveoli - exchanging of air in a given space - free entry and circulation of air in a space such as a room - industry's latest strategy to derail clean indoor air - introduction of exhaust gases into the propeller - key factor to reducing the airborne concentrations - least expensive and most energy-efficient way to cool buildings - mechanics of breathing in and out - most effective way to dry out structure interiors - primary engineering control used to limit formaldehyde exposure - process of moving air into and out of the lungs - unlikely to be a limiting factor in exercise in a healthy subject * is very important during the incubation process - when using heating devices * keeps ethylene and carbon dioxide from building up to damaging levels. * key factor in keeping sheep clean and dry. * mechanical process. * occurs passively when individuals move. * plays a large role in providing moisture control and reducing summer cooling bills. * prevents suffocation that can be caused by a heater consuming oxygen. * reduces manure moisture * removes indoor air and adds outside air to dilute the overall level of allergens. * system of removing the air with lead dust in it. * uses two physical properties of air to be effective. ### action | improvement | ventilation: Attic ventilation * allows moisture and hot air to escape from the attic during the summer months. * is the traditional way of controlling temperature and moisture in an attic. * reduces summer heat build-up and prevents winter moisture condensation. General ventilation * flushes the atmosphere by supplying and exhausting large volumes of air. * is meant for a large area such as a building s air handling system. * provides only modest protection against toxic gases, aerosols, vapors and dusts.
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### action | improvement | ventilation: Good ventilation * can reduce the number of droplets in the air. * helps to keep barns dry. * is essential to the rapid removal of water vapor. * is important for the foal's respiratory health, but drafts are undesirable - in preventing the build-up of biological particles - to create air movement for gas dispersal - probably the most important factor in keeping indoor pens dry - very important in ensuring that cattle houses are kept as dry as possible * reduces indoor air pollution. * suppresses black spot by promoting rapid drying of rose leaves. Improper ventilation * can lead to asphyxiation. * creates moisture and heat buildup due to the lack of air movement. Inadequate ventilation * can create health hazards and destroy equipment. * makes indoor cooking with charcoal dangerous.<|endoftext|>### action | improvement | ventilation: Mechanical ventilation * can present several problems when caring for a patient - supply that air at the correct rate whenever it is required * essential supportive therapy for patients with acute lung injury. * is explained as it relates to the physiologic considerations of asthma. * is required to eliminate dust - when isocyanates are heated * is the fundamental technique for life support in the intensive care setting - main supportive therapy for treatment of severe botulism * is used to keep a person breathing in extreme cases - support or replace the function of the lungs * keeps the level of oxygen at life-sustaining levels. * method to mechanically assist or replace spontaneous breathing.<|endoftext|>### action | improvement | ventilation: Natural ventilation * can considerably reduce the cooling needed for comfort during much of the year - reduce cooling needs and add to human comfort * is more successful in moderate climates than in extremely hot or cold climates. * is used during spring and autumn to reduce energy consumption - instead of mechanical cooling * makes air conditioning unnecessary even in summer. * performs one basic function - supplying fresh air. * removes hot air from a space. * works best when vents are near the floor and ceiling - better in Hawaii than on the mainland due to powerful trade winds - more effectively with curtains on the sidewall than with shutters Poor ventilation * can be detrimental to animal health and performance. * can lead to moisture and indoor pollutant accumulation - respiratory illness - result in high atmospheric humidity and ammonia levels * causes about half of the indoor air pollution problems. * is one of the primary causes of breathing problems in snakes - the biggest cause in bathrooms * leads to carbon monoxide poisoning and eventual death by suffocation.<|endoftext|>### action | improvement | ventilation: Proper ventilation * can also control condensation - help to lower the concentration of pet allergens - prevent chemicals from affecting other materials in storage * helps keep litter dry by removing excess moisture - maintain livestock health during hot and humid weather - prevent carbon monoxide from building up in the home * is essential to indoor air quality - important in reducing biological risks * is necessary to control odors and reduce the spread of respiratory diseases - prevent oxygen starvation * offers protection from biological hazards, explosions, and toxic gases. * plays an important role in herd health. * reduces the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning. Incision * Most incisions are part of sterilization. * are cuts - depressions - laceration - made through the skin of the ankle where the bones are broken * are part of operations - places around the nipple, under the breast or in the armpit * is made through abdomen into womb. * leave two small, hairline scars that are barely visible when healed. * made on the outside of the lower eyelids are barely visible and the scars fade over time.
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### action: Insertion * are movement. * can also cause frameshift mutations, and general result in a nonfunctional protein - occur by the movement of specific sequences and insertion into a gene * is movement * processes in oxides and conducting polymers.<|endoftext|>### action | insertion: Injection * Most injections cause autoimmune reaction - have side effects - use a tube or needle to place medicine directly into the body * Some injections cause death * Some injections contribute to multiple ovulation - help calcium absorption - prevent seizures - produce secretion - reduce pain * are another common entry mechanism for allergens - insertions - medical care - one of the most common acts of preventive and curative medicine - pain relief modalities - part of modern medical practice - payments other than by firms or any spending other than by domestic households - solutions - the path of least resistance to carrying out the death penalty * become methods. * can also cause permanent damage to blood vessels - occur through high pressure streams of liquids or gases - decrease in food intake * have effects * include neck pain * involves introducing a substance into the body using a needle and syringe. * is bone marrow toxicity, in particular granulocytopenia * is the fastest way to become addicted - usual method of administration by addicts in the Netherlands - used to dispose of both hazardous and non-hazardous waste * lead to reductions. * produce reaction. * provide solutions - temporary solutions * remains the favored practice of addicts. * sealing is the pressure filling of openings or voids with a sealant injection gun. ### action | insertion | injection: Air injection * help to insure that the proper amount of air is in the brace at all times. * system that introduces fresh air to the exhaust manifold. Corticosteroid injection * are often combined with aspiration for large joints. * can greatly relieve early carpal tunnel syndrome - result in marked progression of the disease Cortisone injection * Some cortisone injections can be painful. * are another nonsurgical means of treatment. * can provide dramatic relief of the pain and the discomfort. * reduce inflammation and can give rapid relief of pain. Direct injection * is more friendly to alternative fuels. * key technology for developing a more efficient gasoline engine. * sprayers a method of reducing environmental pollution. * type of diesel injection where the fuel is sprayed directly into the cylinder. Injection molding * can produce very intricate parts or large car body panels. * is accomplished by large machines called injection molding machines - by far the most common plastic manufacturing process used to day - covered in detail for Thermoplastic materials - used to make small, intricate objects Steroid injection * are one form of treatment that is sometimes effective for backpain. * can decrease inflammation to spinal nerves and thereby reduce the pain - offer long-term pain relief * help short-term. * offer temporary relief, but almost never cure back problems. Underground injection * is another method of waste disposal. * way to dispose of wastewater below the ground's surface. * widely used waste disposal method.
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### action | insertion: Transfusion * also causes a build-up of iron in the body which can affect several vital organs. * are actions - flowing * can cause a dangerous build-up of iron in the heart muscle - transfusion reaction - help reduce the shortness of breath and fatigue that can be caused by anemia * carry the risk of infection and allergic reactions. * correct anemia by increasing the number of nor- mal red blood cells in circulation - of normal red blood cells in circulation - of normal red cells in circulation * cut stroke risk in sickle-cell children - sicle-cell children - the horizonal movement of technology * needs after splenectomy in Thalassemia. * replace blood lost during surgery. * vector of altruism in society.<|endoftext|>### action: Interaction * Many interactions occur between the immune, neural, and psychological systems - trace elements and between trace elements and other nutrients * Most interaction creates chemical bonds - drives parasite growth - occurs in humans - interactions are initiated by a male toward a female and are usually associated with mating * affects climate change impact - development - evolution - exposure - functions - outcomes - properties - reaction functions * are common in plant nutrition - communicative acts and are, in essence, bridges across distance - multi-level processes that change over time - natural and part of real life and the physics of sound and music - the hallmark of healthy ecosystems * benefits partners. * can affect distribution and abundance on short or long terms - also occur when one therapy alters the effect of another - evolve rapidly - influence evolution * can occur between any two species in a community and between entire communities - with prescription medications that change the affects of drugs * causes fatigue. * contributes to maintenance. * creates bonds - forces * determine the spatial distribution of atom-like particles and their energies. * drives growth * grouping patterns are evident when gender groups segregate themselves from each other. * happens when structures that are dual through negation come into close communication. * has consequences - minimal significance - negative consequences * includes displacement - predation * influences intensity. * involves exchanges - feedback - individuals - transmissions - variation * is an action - communication in real time - in small groups, between adult and child, and between child and child - key in networking - or in other words two way communication - our means to attaining our goals - perception of the principles of ordering - physical phenomenons * is the embodiment of logical operations - interplay between various levels - key to virtual reality and cyberspace - missing element in most forms of learning today * kind of action that occurs as two or more objects have an effect upon one another. * leads to interaction. * occur at a particular point in time and in a particular space - when objects and events mutually influence each other * occurs during periods - phases - study periods * phenomenon that happens when ships pass each other in shallow areas. * provides intrigue. * reduces ability. * results in energy - positive outcomes * stimulates humans, and generates motivations for behaviors. * take place between the magnet field and earth's gravity field. * tells how to communicate and interact with the world. * typically occur in domains containing multiple agents. ### action | interaction: Cellular interaction * determine neuronal phenotypes in rodent retinal cultures. * involve adhesion and communication. * trigger stable changes in patterns of gene expression. Chemical interaction * Most chemical interaction affects functions - reaction functions * affect the solubility of elements and their subsequent availability to plants. * are essentially electron interactions of two atoms.
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### action | interaction: Complex interaction * affects exposure. * exist among anticonvulsants. * involves feedback. * occur when humans introduce new plant or animal species into a region. Different interaction * affect different particles. * happen in different populations.<|endoftext|>### action | interaction: Drug interaction * Many drug interactions are due to alterations in drug metabolism. * Some drug interactions occur quickly while others take days or even weeks to develop. * are a major health problem - complex - graded phenomena - harmful or fatal if recreational drug levels reach toxic concentrations - limited, and side effects are similar to aspirin or dipyridamole * can also be synergistic - lead to emotional problems * can be inhibitory, where one drug actually inhibits the actions of anther drug - lethal - cause serious side effects or dangerous overdoses - increase harmful side effects * can occur by different mechanisms in the same patient - with many types of substances - take various forms, occurring immediately or over several weeks * have to do with the effect of a drug being altered by something else. * occur by a variety of mechanisms. Ecological interaction * drive evolutionary loss of traits. * influences intensity. Electrostatic interaction * are important in determining the structure and function of biomolecules. * initiate the formation of such a complex. * occur between charged atoms. * play a significant role in many biological processes. Epistatic interaction * can lower the cost of resistance to multiple consumers. * come in four types, thus there are possible interactions.<|endoftext|>### action | interaction: Human interaction * All human interaction involves exchanging data of some kind - interactions are opportunities either to learn or to teach * Most human interaction involves non-verbal, visual and sense perception clues. * begins with the ability to communicate by speech. * can also be a part of the search and decision making process. * help one to cope with change, and accept life as it is. * helps foster partnerships. * is an important element of electronic government, especially in education - part of learning - enriched by the redundancy of multimodal communication - part of the richness of being people * is the foundation through which communities work - sustenance of group work * make up all parts of the world. * occurs because of presence and difference. Hydrophobic interaction * allow for interactions like oil and water. * are another source of stability for the alpha-helical shape - the major driving force for the formation of lipid bilayers * attract water molecules. * control zymogen activation in the trypsin family of serine proteases. * hold together the plasma membrane. * occur between the anion and cation of a salt. Inductive interaction * Most inductive interactions occur during oogenesis. * direct early regionalization of the mouse forebrain. Interspecific interaction * are basically interactions between species. * can occur at both the juvenile and adult stages. * drive cultural co-evolution and acoustic convergence in syntopic. Noncovalent interaction * are individually weak but collectively strong. * involve electrical charges. Personal interaction * can be an important source of stress. * is the primary conduit for the transfer of technology. Protein interaction * underlie most virus disease processes. * unifying theme of all cellular regulation. Similar interaction * cause the northern lights on Earth. + Saturn, Moons * Enceladus, the sixth largest moon, is about in diameter. It is one of the few outer solar system objects that shows volcanic activity. In 2011, scientists discovered an electric link between Saturn and Enceladus. This is caused by ionised particles from volcanos on the small moon interacting with Saturn's magnetic fields. Similar interactions cause the northern lights on Earth.
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### action | interaction: Species interaction * are extremely important in shaping community dynamics. * contribute to the overall viability of an ecosystem. Synaptic interaction * are essential to neural network models of all levels of complexity. * regulate gephyrin expression in avian cholinergic neurons in vivo. Verbal interaction * is used to clarify ambiguous recognition words. * operates on fluent speech.<|endoftext|>### action: Introduction * Centering algorithms are important to many astronomical applications. * Gay men and lesbians have much in common with sexual abuse survivors. * Interacting species have a tremendous influence on each other's population densities. * are beginnings - communicating * are part of addresses - narration - proposals - sections - textbooks * can have consequences - devastate consequences - dramatic effects * occur at same time * quantum chemistry software developed by scientists to be used by scientists. * take places. ### action | introduction: Preamble * are an accepted introduction to a nation's constitution - introductions - part of documents * is an introduction Reintroduction * are presentation. - the release of species back into the wild * release organisms within the historical range of the species. + Extinct in the Wild, Reintroduction * Reintroduction is the release of species back into the wild. They come from captivity or moved from other areas where the species survives. It usually involves species that are endangered or extinct in the wild.<|endoftext|>### action: Ion exchange * Some ion exchange softening units remove radium and barium from water. * are natural processes. * can consistently remove hardness from water to extremely low levels. * generates a brine solution with high levels of arsenic and salt. * is an action - applicable to low sulfate waters, with provision of low levels of arsenate - one type of interacts with the solid to exchange another type of ions - regarded as a unit process in chemical engineering and it has many applications - the exchange of one type of electrically charged particle for a different type - used to prevent coagulation in blood stores and in dextrose, as well * process which enables the modulation of refractive index inside glass. * relatively slow interaction. * resins such as cholestyramine can also reduce oxalate absorption. Ionisation * can occur by impact of an energetic electron or photon. * is an action
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### action: Ionization * also produces light. * begins first in the low-pressure chamber. * can also occur through a collision with a particle - alter the functions of biological molecules fundamentally and often irreversibly - occur through tunneling of the excited electron into vacant levels in the metal * changes the atom - plasma density * cooling is the base line method for muon cooling. * critical event in the now burgeoning analytical technique called mass spectrometry. * cuts the size of the water molecular cluster in half. * differs from the ion formation that occurs in ordinary chemical reactions. * energies for neutral atoms are also available on a hyperlinked periodic table. * happens by giving atoms high energy. * increases the number of particles, while thermalization decreases it. * is a. the removal of an electron from a neutral atom - by electron impact or fast atom bombardment - caused by a gain or loss of electrons - conditions - likely to occur when an atom has a partially occupied outer electron energy level * is the key to plasma production and can be accomplished in many different ways - only reliable means of eliminating static on non-conductors * is the process by which electrons are removed from an atom - neutral atoms are converted to charged species * is the process of breaking larger groups of molecules in to smaller groups of molecules - generating a gas phase ion from an otherwise neutral chemical species * kills bacteria and algae. * major advance in the non-chemical purification of drinking water. * means many free electrons in the core. * occurs when electrons are dislodged from a neutral atom. * particular characteristic of the radiation produced when radioactive elements decay. * process in which an electron is stripped off of a particle. * processes for mass spectrometry. * simply means to gain or loose an electron. * takes place inside the unit to avoid particles sticking to walls in a room. * thresholds and strongest lines of atoms and ions. * uses electronically produced copper and silver ions to purify a body of water. + Hollow-cathode lamp, Excitation Process: Lamps * The excitation process of the element of interest takes place through a few steps. First, the inert gas contained inside of the glass tube is ionized by a voltage. Ionization is the process by which neutral atoms are converted to charged species. This current allows for electrons to move to the anode and cathode. If the voltage applied is large enough, the ions of the inert gas gather enough energy to remove some of the metal atoms of interest from the surface of the cathode by striking the surface. The removal of these atoms produces a cloud around the cathode. The process of producing this cloud is called sputtering. Some of these metal atoms in the cloud have moved to an excited energy state and as they return to their ground state, they emit a specific radiation which is characteristic to the metal of interest. + Ion, Physics: Chemistry * Ionization happens by giving atoms high energy. This is done using electrical voltage or by high-energy radiation. Journey * are travel - video games * create transformation. * involve trips. * is travel * take places. ### action | journey: Excursion * are journeys. * is important in regulating sarcomere number in the growing rabbit tibialis anterior - the distance the stylus moves during the thrust * term used to describe the movement of the driver cone back and forth. Exploration * follows patterns. * helps conclusions. * involves destruction - investigations * is consideration - expedition - searchs * leads to conclusions - discoveries - results ### action | journey | exploration: Seismic exploration * crucial early step in oil exploration. * is an essential part of oil and gas exploration. Outing * calf burn. * serious issue in a society that continues to deny gay citizens full rights.
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### action | journey: Tour * are a sequence of pages that are related when following a linear train of thought - located in museums * running is an outdoor recreation.<|endoftext|>### action | journey: Trip * are blunder - experience - fall - hallucination - journeys - steps * can refer to a state of excitement and craziness. * cause happens. * computer program designed for mathematical exploration of motion. * interact with Toll receptors and upon activation translocate to the nucleus. * occur when a person's foot contacts an object and they are thrown off balance. * offer experience. * offer unique experience - outdoor experience * provide opportunity - options * require workers. * would have consequences - drastic consequences ### action | journey | trip: Long trip * provide options. * would have consequences - drastic consequences Leach * are natural processes - parasitic segmented worms that live in oceans, rivers, and streams * cause leachs. * is an action Ligation * damages less tissue than electrocoagulation. * is bandaging - medical procedures - the process of permanently attaching the two pieces - tying * relies on the fact that there are no nerve endings to cut or burn up inside the rectum.<|endoftext|>### action | ligation: Tubal ligation * has no effect other than sterilization. * involves cutting and tying the tubes. * is an operating-room procedure performed under general anesthesia - ligation - surgical contraception - used as a form of birth control * means of permanent birth control, or sterilization. * permanent method of family planning. * prevent pregnancy by preventing contact between the egg and sperm - the egg and sperm from joining * surgical procedure that is almost always a permanent form of birth control. Liquidation * are reductions in obligations that result from partial or complete disbursements. * growth industry in the dot-com world. * is terminations. * means turning property into cash. ### action | liquidation: Viatical settlement * are complex legal and financial transactions - liquidation * involve the sale of a life insurance policy by a person who is terminally ill. * is liquidation Live action * roleplaying is the wave of the future, with more systems being produced every day. * tentackes Natural swimming tails Vibrating action that stimulates fish activity. Maceration * generates aerosols and odors. * is an action - and injury caused by softening of the skin due to moisture * is the action of physically breaking down food into pieces - period during which the juice is left in contact with the red grape skins - removal of soft tissue - soaking of bone in liquid to decompose the flesh with bacteria * similar and quicker method of extraction used for less fragile flowers. * softening of skin from prolonged moisture. Mastication * allows digestive enzymes in our saliva to better aid the digestive process. * ensures a thorough mixing of food with saliva. - important step in the process of digestion, especially that of starch - more complex in herbivores than in carnivores * occurs in mammals only. Materialization * are appearances * proceeds through desire, and the form grows and evolves, becoming more adequate. Mechanical action * is stimulated by manipulating the body. * provides pain relief by adhering to the mucosal surface of the mouth. Mechanism of action * is identical to that of benztropine - probably via an interaction with tumour suppressor genes - similar to that of sulfonamides * varies within the drug class. Microbial action * is higher in warm climates. * removes some nitrate from ground water as it moves from the aquifer to the river.
{ "source": "generics_kb" }
### action: Modification * Some modification enhances metabolism glycolysis. * affects structures. * enhances performance - success * improves chances. * increases chances. - copies * occur during the lifespan of the organism and are passed on to their offspring. * presents few problems * results in improvement.<|endoftext|>### action | modification: Body modification * common traditional practice in many cultures around the world. * is normal, it's healthy, and it's essential to spiritual health. * universal art form that has been practiced for thousands of years. + Body modification, Why people do body modification: Health :: Body art * Body modification is done for different reasons. Religions might tell people that they should change their bodies to look a certain way. Other people with body modifications might just like the way the body modifications look, or how they feel good during sex. Dietary modification * Some dietary modification involves restrictions. * are essential in typhoid as it disease of the digestive tract.<|endoftext|>### action | modification: Genetic modification * All genetic modifications serve to improve the shape, color and traits of the organism. * Most genetic modifications make it easier to grow the crop. * Some genetic modification increases quality. * are the results of adding one or more particular genes to an animal's genome. * can add nutrition - be as safe as traditional breeding * can produce more efficient plants, which can help to eliminate world hunger - plants that are disease and pest resistant * general term that can cover many processes. * involves direct modification of DNA, a living thing's genetic material. * is much more precise than selective breeding. * means altering the genetic make-up of any living thing. * new and unnatural process. * tool, like a hammer or a wrench. * way of adding genes to give the choicest traits to an animal or plant. Habitat modification * causes changes in temperature, color, sediment or nutrient solubility. * enhances success. * is an integral aspect of ef- fectively managing voles - one of the most effective strategies in reducing snail and slug populations - the key to reducing millipede populations<|endoftext|>### action | modification: Lifestyle modification * are also important in reducing the risk of steroid-induced osteoporosis. * can help reduce osteoporosis risk - lower blood pressure * consists of changing behavioral approaches to food. * cost efficient means of reducing cerebrovascular disease mortality. * involves changes in dietary intake, physical activity as well as behavior. * is important in preventing and treating hypertension. * is the cornerstone of management - first line of defense for patients with hypertension - mainstay reccomendation to prevent and to treat hypertension Shoreline modification * can destroy habitat and result in water quality problems. * degrades habitat quality and impacts fish and wildlife populations. Weather modification * can affect food production and eventually the available supply. * is another response to drought conditions. Moral action * aim at personal and social stability. * is the natural outcome of a set of healthy, well-formed instincts. * leads to comfort and prosperity. * refers to the ability to take appropriate action to resolve the ethical issue.
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### action: Movement * All movement appears to be controlled by the cell cytoskeleton. * Most movement affects life - causes vibration - generates heat - produces heat - movements cause one group of muscles to contract while the other group stretches * Most movements involve several skeletal muscles working together - the expansion and contraction of muscles in relation to joints and bones - originate in the pelvic region and then radiate out through the rest of the body - require the activation of very few muscles, around five percent or ten at the most * Some movement affects animals - freeze temperature * Some movement is caused by heat - occurs early in life * affects environments * allows the body to shift and allows for proper blood flow. * also occur at the cellular level. * are performed by means of muscles, leverage is obtained by their attachment to bones - slow so the mind can observe the body - specific responses to specific stimuli * arises from stillness, But even in movement there is stillness. * artifacts within the body, like head rotation, are hard to control. * awakens and activates many of our mental abilities. * builds strength, so that the body can better cope with physical loads - up the proteins needed for muscle contraction * can also occur with mineral nutrients and water upward in the xylem - be as important as the spoken word - cause the pictures to be blurred * causes friction - joints to change in size and can affect the adhesion of the seal * changes positions. * characteristic of living things. * circulates joint fluid and nourishes cartilage. * combination of force applied against momentum. * creates current - gravity - intense heat - momentum, both physically and throughout the universe * disorders secondary to psychotropic medication. * draws air. * exercises to help the body to heal itself. * follows general patterns * follows same general patterns - step stone patterns * has consequences - effects - genetic patterns - serious consequences * helps species search for food, avoid predators, and escape unpleasant stimuli. * implies a body which is being moved and a force which propels it against resistance - temporality, i.e. produces time * increases energy - flexibility - potential energy - respiration, which brings energy to the body - risk of predation by Australian wild dogs * involved in cell crawling are extension, attachment and retraction. * involves energy - kinetic energy - the activity of both anterograde and retrograde transport vesicles * is affected by food availability, breeding activities and human disturbances - aided by four sets of longitudinal muscles that extend throughout the entire body * is an action - essential property of living systems - integral part of every person's life - another characteristic of living things - as fundamental to our lives as eating and breathing is - based on the contraction of muscles - basic to all human functioning - by alternate contraction of circular and longitudinal muscles in the body wall * is caused by actions - internal pressure changes rather than muscular tension - characterized by flowage in a dry or wet state, or both - dozens of supple muscles and flexible joints working together - essential for the biological function of enzymes and nucleic acids - facilitated since bones provide leverage for muscle contraction - generated by the deep muscles such as the iliad psoas - happening - important for respiration - in terms of momentum from the past, but it is gradually being slowed up - increased with inhibition of the normal progression of exploratory behaviour - integral to every human activity, dance to every culture - known to be a fundamental form of communication and a primary means of self-awareness - life, and without movement there is no life - musical compositions - one of the most basic functions of living matter * is part of clocks - sonatas - watchs - physical events - produced when the microtubules slide past each other - social groups - spontaneous, endogenous, and typically cycles between activity and rest * is the archetypal word which means the action of cosmic alchemy - basis for all learning - child's fundamental response to sound - constant change and interplay in the relationship between body, mind, and psyche - currency of life - door to learning - fundamental nature of existence - list of distances to move each image when it is shown - realm of physics, and so chemistry can be incorporated into the theories of physics - result of the actions of muscles on bones - silent voice, a significant indicator of both the personal and social unconscious - true expression of the soul - way people, products, and ideas travel - thought in motion - transfers * is used to reclaim creativity, energy and playfulness - reinforce specific ideas in the study of rhythm and melody - vital for the health of the foot since blood flow is encouraged by movement * is what characterizes the third month of pregnancy - the physical body was made to do * keeps joints and connective tissue flexible. * language that children first communicate in - which everyone can understand * leads to blockage - homeostatic regulations * major characteristic of animals. * means of learning. * measure of the energy and vitality of a human society. * natural and often spontaneous response to sounds and sound patterns. * occurs everywhere in nature - when there are unequal concentrations of a substance inside and outside of the cell * pacifying activity for the baby in and out of the womb. * produces energy * produces kinetic energy, which can be converted into power - propulsion - unreliable results * provides energy. * requires energy. * result of the muscles moving bones according to neuronal stimulation. * results from contraction and relaxation of striated muscle fibres * social language. * stimulates the control of bladder and bowel - growth of nerve cells and increases the number of connections in the brain * strengthens muscles around joints, reducing strain and making daily activities easier. * strong function of speciation and soil type. * suggests orientations. * takes place within cells, as well. * tend to become larger over time and can involve the face, arms, trunk and legs. + Ice sledge hockey, Ice sledge hockey equipment: Sports for the disabled :: Ice hockey :: Winter sports * On the other side it has six to eight metal teeth for maneuvering and propulsion. Movement is done by using the metal teeth. The metal teeth cannot be longer than 1 centimeter beyond the stick, to help stop damage to the ice or injure of other players. + Kata: Martial arts * Such simulation represents a sequence of movements, the attack and the defence in an imagined combat. Every movement has an interpretation. The karateka has to show the consideration for its timing and ability to use it. + Mario Party 2, Gameplay: 1999 video games :: Mario Party games :: Nintendo 64 games :: Virtual Console games * Mario Party 2' is played like the first 'Mario Party' game. Players go around on boards to collect coins, which they can use to buy stars. Movement is done with the use of a dice block with the numbers one through ten. After all four players take their turns, a mini-game is played. The player that wins the mini-game wins coins. The winner is the player with the most stars at the end of the game. It introduces the item system. Players can buy items by going into an item shop - 3, Gameplay: 2000 video games :: 2001 video games :: Nintendo 64 games :: Mario Party games * Mario Party 3' plays like the first two 'Mario Party' games. Players go around on boards to collect coins, which they can use to buy stars. Movement is done with the use of a dice block with the numbers one through ten. After all four players take their turns, a mini-game is played. The player that wins the mini-game wins coins. The winner is the player with the most stars at the end of the game. A new element in this game is the Game Guy Space. If a player lands on this space, they must pay all of their coins to play a mini-game - 5, Gameplay: 2003 video games :: Nintendo GameCube games :: Mario Party games :: Nintendo GameCube-only games * Mario Party 5' plays the same as the first four 'Mario Party' games. Players go around on boards to collect coins, which they can use to buy stars. Movement is done with the use of a dice block with the numbers one through ten. After all four players take their turns, a mini-game is played. The player that wins the mini-game wins coins. The winner is the player with the most stars at the end of the game. Boards have different types of spaces, including blue spaces which add coins, red spaces which take away coins, and Bowser Spaces which causes Bowser to appear and do a bad event. The game introduces the DK Space, where Donkey Kong appears to cause an event to happen - 6, Gameplay: 2004 video games :: Nintendo GameCube games :: Mario Party games * Mario Party 6' plays the same as previous games in the 'Mario Party' series. Players go around on boards to collect coins, which they can use to buy stars. Movement is done with the use of a dice block with the numbers one through ten. After all four players take their turns, a mini-game is played. The player that wins the mini-game wins coins. The winner is the player with the most stars at the end of the game. In multiplayer, the sun will rise and fall every three turns. Changes that happen include spaces moving, new characters appearing, and changes to mini-games - 7, Gameplay: 2005 video games :: Nintendo GameCube games :: Mario Party games * Mario Party 7' plays the same as previous games in the 'Mario Party' series. Players go around on boards to collect coins, which they can use to buy stars. Movement is done with the use of a dice block with the numbers one through ten. After all four players take their turns, a mini-game is played. The player that wins the mini-game wins coins. The winner is the player with the most stars at the end of the game. Every turn, a meter shaped like Bowser's face fills up a little bit. After every 5th turn, the meter fills up completely, and Bowser will appear to do something bad - 8, Gameplay: 2007 video games :: Wii games :: Mario Party games * Mario Party 8' plays the same as previous games in the 'Mario Party' series. Players go around on boards to collect coins, which they can use to buy stars. Movement is done with the use of a dice block with the numbers one through ten. After all four players take their turns, a mini-game is played. The player that wins the mini-game wins coins. The winner is the player with the most stars at the end of the game. Gameplay is done with the use of the Wii Remote - DS, Gameplay: 2007 video games :: Nintendo DS games :: Mario Party games * Players go around on boards to collect coins, which they can use to buy stars. Movement is done with the use of a dice block with the numbers one through ten. After all four players take their turns, a mini-game is played. The player that wins the mini-game wins coins. The winner is the player with the most stars at the end of the game. While most mini-games use the buttons and control pad, others use the console's stylus and microphone + Movement (music): Musical forms * Long pieces of classical music are often divided into 'movements'. They are like different sections of the piece. Movements can be quite short, or extremely long. If you listen to a symphony it may often be divided into four movements. + Sand dollar: Echinoderms * All sand dollars have a rigid skeleton known as a 'test'. This is the typical white disk found washed up on beaches. The living animals have a skin of movable spines on the test. Movement is done by the action of the spines. Like other sea urchins, sand dollars have five paired rows of pores. The pores are arranged in a petal-like pattern. These pores are perforations in the endoskeleton through which the tube feet, used in gas exchange, project from the body.
{ "source": "generics_kb" }
### action | movement: Air movement * All air movements can generate or dissipate clouds. * affect transpiration through their influence upon the humidity. * affects comfort in warm conditions - the human body in two different ways * can cause particles to travel great distances - then assist enlargement through melting in summer and sublimation in winter * caused by differences in air temperature is called wind. * causes some evaporation of skin moisture causing the sensation of coolness. * decreases when plants are grown too close together. * helps keep the plants dry and reduces the risk of diseases. * increases the effectiveness of the body's own evaporative cooling system. * is considered to be that which occurs within buildings - crucial to the plant's survival - essential to cure the bulbs and carry away moisture - one of the most effective methods of cooling birds during hot weather - reduced by weeds and plantings remain wet longer following heavy dew or rain - restricted, promoting infection and bacterial growth - very important for young plants * makes cold temperatures seem even colder. * promotes the evaporation of sweat, so a fan can help. * provided by fans can significantly lower the level of heat stress. * provides the oxygen the fire needs to keep burning. * reduces heat stress by removing extra body heat. ### action | movement | art movement: Fauvism * is art movement * style of artthat uses loud and bold color. Futurism * are positions. * is art movement - designed to relieve pressure on Rome * violates the principle of consistent prophetic symbolism. Minimalism * good practice in designing Web sites. * is about making things pure - based on the hypnotic repetition of small patterns over long periods - beauty - minimalism - the rule of thumb in designing Web pages * reflects a number of contemporary thoughts. * subsumes default logic and circumscription in stratified logic programming.<|endoftext|>### action | movement | art movement: Surrealism * difficult style to handle in film. * involves transformations of points using mathematical formulas. * is about Things - alive and lives in Prague through the art of the third generation of surrealists - an extremely imaginative and personal style of art - the artistic expression of the subconscious, the world of our dreams - what happens when poetry and life dare to be one and the same * means different things to different people - to displace the real from the unreal * reappears in different guises. * style of painting that shows dream-like images. * uses an a priori formula in order to declare the presence of mystery. Axial movement * causes changes in the seal face loading. * is movement parallel to the axis.
{ "source": "generics_kb" }
### action | movement: Blood transfusion * Blood Transfusion explains pros and cons of blood transfusions and alternatives - Transfusions Learn the benefits, and risks involved in life-saving blood transfusions * Some blood transfusions improve situations. * are also a factor - critical for patients suffering from anemia - crossmatched to reduce the risk of incompatibility reactions - done to replace blood lost during surgery or a serious injury - fluid movement - indicated in horses with clinical signs of hypoxia - medical treatments * are one method used by athletes to engage in blood doping - way to treat severe anemia * can be life-saving and certainly have their place in medicine - cause allergic reactions and infections - have serious risks - relive symptoms, but there is no cure - save lives * carry a risk of allergic reactions and infections. * give the opportunity for another's spirits to enter the patient's body. * help certain children with sickle cell disease. * increase risk of infection in trauma surgery. * is also a risk factor for induced malaria in newborn infants - especially unsafe in rural areas - indicated in case of bone marrow depression * is the giving of blood to a patient who needs it in order to survive and recover - standard treatment for patients with anemia - to the benefit of the welfare of the recipient - very safe today with a very low risk of infectious consequences * leads to an inflammatory response in patients undergoing routine surgery. * remains a cornerstone in the management of patients with sickle cell disease. ### action | movement | blood transfusion: Exchange transfusion * are transfusions. * blood transfusion * is the treatment of choice for patients with severe hemolysis. * removes bilirubin, removes hemolytic antibody, and corrects anaemia. Breakdown * Some breakdowns occur during glycolysis - in mouths * are analysises - collapses - failure - mental mistakes - video games * follow when what people say is discounted because of how they said it. * is perturbation ### action | movement | breakdown: Marital breakdown * is an event that causes housing difficulties for many families. * weakens civil society and limited government. Skin breakdown * can also occur from infection - occur from increased pressure over a normal bony area or an extra piece of bone * occurs if the skin is exposed to undo pressure for a sufficient amount of time. Social breakdown * have deeper roots than hunger, frustration or anger. * is evident in the form of increased theft and vagrancy. Brownian movement * are displayed by such things as particles of dyes suspended in water etc. * is movement. Chase * are banks - frames - nuts - subsidiaries * have kids. * is movement ### action | movement | chase: Tailing * also emit gamma radiation, which can increase the incidence of cancer and genetic risks. * are leftover rock and debris containing residual uranium and radium - soil containing residual uranium and radium - the major by-products of the mining industry - waste slurries produced from mineral extraction processing - wastes separated during zinc processing * contain heavy metals attached to sediments at the bottom of the tailings impoundment. Choreic movement * disappear with sleep. * extend to the tongue. Closing * are approachs - events * is the act of transferring ownership of a property from the seller to the buyer - practice of bringing a conclusion to an activity or discussion * major process in a real estate transaction. Convergent movement * is when the plates come together and divergent movement is when they separate. * occurs when the plates move toward each other and collide. Efficient movement * involves carefully planned activation or inhibition of muscle contraction. * produces heat.
{ "source": "generics_kb" }
### action | movement: Fluid movement * contributes to stamina during sustained exercise. * depends greatly on compaction. * keeps the joints flexible. * occurs as a result of angular acceleration. Flutter * are Atrial in origin. * is movement ### action | movement | flutter: Atrial flutter * is categorized into two types - usually more organized and regular than atrial fibrillation * rapid heart rhythm that originates in the atrial chambers of the heart. * rapid, regular heartbeat in which the atria pump very rapidly.<|endoftext|>### action | movement: Gesture * Some gestures also serve as symbolic communicators and memory aids. * also play an important part in copulatory attractants in other species. * are a form of shorthand to tell the computer what to do next. * are a means of communication for everyone, but they are essential for the hearing impaired - everyone, they are essential for the hearing impaired - communication, they are essential to the hearing-impaired - type of speech - way of communicating using the body instead of the voice - also rich sources of cultural and paralinguistic information - an important to effective communication - feelings felt so strongly they make the whole body vibrate like a violin - hand-written signals that function as application commands - indications - made of movement - motion - situations - visual communication * can communicate important things - have VERY different meanings in other cultures * have a way of conveying a variety of feelings without having to communicate verbally. * reveal mental models of discrete and continuous change. ### action | movement | gesture: Hand gesture * are notoriously different from culture to culture - often combined with head movements to make a point - what are most often identified as nonverbal communication * can be a delicate topic when translated to visual symbols. * control the motion of the player in the scene. Mudra * are different Postures of our fingers - gestures - hand gestures which signify ceratin actions - yoga movements involving only the arms and hands * can bring about miraculous change and improvement in our body - cure almost any ailment from simple earache to heart attack Horizontal movement * is dependent upon water currents. * occurs when blocks shift laterally or sideways. Human movement * is important to the physical, emotional and mental development of the young adult. * means a person has high energy. Independence movement * Most independence movements view violence as a necessary means for achieving their objectives. * spread, creating many separate nations. Intubation * involves inserting a small tube into the throat to keep the air passage open. - the passage of a breathing tube through the mouth or nose into the trachea - very helpful if a newborn baby is having a lot of trouble breathing * procedure that is carried out by paramedics usually on automobile crash victims. * tends to exacerbate an infection. ### action | movement | intubation: Oral intubation * is easier than nasal for infants and young children. * uses direct visualization of the trachea. ### action | movement | jerk: Myoclonic jerk * are the violent jerking of one or more limbs. * can be focal, segmental, or generalized - cause disability by interrupting normal posture or movement * occur most often in the morning. * seem to be enhanced upon arising from sleep or a nap. Jitter * consists of motions that have predominant effects during the pixel exposure time. * occurs when congestion prevents the bit-streaming from coming through adequately - external background magnetic forces interfere with the monitor's internal fields * refers to the fastest variations in clock frequency. Jolt * are bumps - joltings - physical events - soft drinks * is movement
{ "source": "generics_kb" }
### action | movement: Lunge * Stand with feet together, a weight in each hand. * are a way to really warm up the legs. * are essential to having full and hard glutes - great for both buttocks and legs - like squats in telemark position * work the thighs. Mass movement * are geomorphic processes affecting steeplands all over the world - sometimes small, as when a deer kicks a few rocks down an incline * bring about change and bring the social order one step higher. * can occur slowly over a period of years, or they can happen in a matter of minutes. * occur more frequently after a meal, a phenomenon called the gastro-colic reflex. Mechanical movement * Most mechanical movement generates heat. * is possible with resulting instantaeous changes in resistance.<|endoftext|>### action | movement: Muscular movement * are further of two types namely, locomotion and movements of body parts. * cause the disk to move back and forth to allow the mouth to open and close. * is always the result of mus- cular contraction. + Alimentary canal: Anatomy of the digestive system :: Animal anatomy * It carries food through digestion and excretion. Into the tube come various digestive enzymes. Gut flora also help digestion. Muscular movements pass the material down the tube. The gut usually has an exit, the anus, by which the animal disposes of solid wastes. Some small animals have no anus and dispose of solid wastes by other means, for example through the mouth. Normal movement * is for the ischium to move away from the sacrum when that knee is bent. * provides energy. Overturn * are success. * are the leading cause of tractor deaths - major cause of tractor-related deaths * can lead to oxygen depletion fish kills. * cause overturns. * have the highest fatality rate of tractor accidents occurring on the farm. * is movement Perfusion * are insertions. * involves immersing the organ in nutrient-filled fluid. * is found to be nonuniform in the isolated rat liver and uniform in the in vivo rat liver - higher in the dependent lung secondary to the effects of gravity - relatively homogeneous throughout the myocardium - the passage of blood through the circulatory system * refers to blood circulation at the capillary level. Physical movement * are no more than forms. * can also be important for other reasons. * is linked to mental motion. Plate movement * cause earthquakes and volcanic activity. * causes the buildup of tremendous quantities of energy in the rock. Rapid movement * are what leads to skids and loss of control. * generates heat. ### action | movement | rebound: Isostatic rebound * causes up to an inch and a half increase in the altitude each year. * is an uplift of the earth's crust after a weight has been removed. * rise in sea level relative to the land. Rebound tenderness * is an ominous sign that implies peritonitis secondary to perforation - pain - tenderness * sign of peritonitis. ### action | movement | reform movement: Unionism * constitutes a denial by workers of a radical individualist ethos. * destroys personal freedom and individualism. * is one aspect of a clear trend toward recognizing the primacy of group presence and clout - reform movement - synonymous with collective action, with unity Religious movement * are the inevitable consequence of political freedom and social integration. * begin in caves and die in cathedrals. Repetitive movement * can cause tendonitis or carpal tunnel syndrome. * cause increased pain and spasms.
{ "source": "generics_kb" }
### action | movement: Rotation * Every rotation rotation by some angle theta about some axis. * Some rotation affects mite reproduction - causes clouds - creates vacuums * always have a center, and an angle of rotation. * are about the origin of the coordinate system - simpler in texture transforms than in shapes, because textures are two dimensional * breaks the disease cycle and lowers the amount of pathogen in a field. * can also mean timing in seeding a field - be a precursor to tornado development - give the best use of the soil without depleting the soil of a particular nutrient - greatly influence the risk of disease * coupled action of lateral flexion. * creates flap movement - forces * deprives the fungus of a food base and causes it to starve. * desirable practice in growing peas to help reduce diseases. * determines day and night, and the length of the day. * dies away from magnetic braking and the increase in moment of inertia. * helps development. * including legumes or pasture have a larger and more diverse pool of organisms. * is about the left-right axis - angular motion about an axis of motion - characterized relative to the ground, as if one is looking down on the motion - driven by airflow through the vanes - important because tires wear differently - in the area of the lower cloud base - isometries * is one method by which water can be used more efficiently - of the major ways to manage disease - performed for the number of degrees given by angle - sequences * is the power source of a great hitter - result of the loosening of the laminae in the hoof wall - spinning of the earth about it s axis - transformation - turning * makes the core spin faster to produce a disk at the center. * means lifting the nose off and flying. * number attribute that controls the orientation of the object. * occurs about a vertical axis through the center of the cylinder. * orients a coordinate system about a rotation axis by a rotation angle. * prevents the buildup of many disease-causing organisms in the soil. * reduce insects. * reduces soil populations of fungi or nematodes only if nonhost plants are used. * refers to the process of closing a log file, renaming it, and opening a new log file. * requires energy - labor * results in movement. * special case of affine transformation. * spins an object around the three axes. * substantially increases tire life by dramatically reducing wear and tear. * takes place in all motion. * transformation in which the object's orientation is shifted. ### action | movement | rotation: Clockwise rotation * are positive, for rotating the cube about any axis. * is for backward or reverse movement.
{ "source": "generics_kb" }
### action | movement | rotation: Crop rotation * affects soil tilth and fertility. * can also be effective against some corn nematodes, especially the needle nematode - give the soil a chance to recover lost nutrients * can also help build up soil infrastructure - replenish the nutrients plants remove from the soil during their growth * can be a valuable tool to manage certain insect pests in field and vegetable crops - an effective means of managing soil fertility and pest problems - useful in reducing nematode populations * can reduce both the use of pesticides and the risk of weed resistance to herbicides - food resources and thus, pocket gopher populations - the buildup of soil-borne diseases * common method in both commercial agriculture and home gardens. * disrupt cycles of weed, insect, and disease pests - weed life-cycles, especially when differences are maximized * does reduce inoculum carryover. * enhances the productivity of a field and reduces the incidence of soil borne disease. * help control shattercane. * helps alleviate disease and nematode problems - cut the use of fertilizer and insecticides - improve the soil by the crop families using different nutrients - minimize the damage of some pests on edible crops - prevent the build-up of disease organisms in the soil * helps to deter pests from returning regularly - keep losses minimal in fields where mosaic has occurred * increase crop diversity. * is also effective in reducing reniform nematode populations - helpful in reducing the buildup of flea beetle populations * is also important for reducing the potential of several soilborne diseases of wheat - to maintain a minimum infestation of troublesome weeds - useful for reducing root knot nematode populations - an effective management practice for root-feeding insects * is another cultural method that if used correctly can enhance weed control - important tool in reducing the sclerotial population in the soil - done to improve soil health and minimize insect and plant disease problems - effective in managing cotton root-knot nematodes - essential, as the moth usually overwinters in the soil right underneath the plants * is important because corn nematodes are grass feeders - for production of a high-yielding crop * is important in minimizing thrips infestations - scab control - weed control as well * is important to keep the soil healthy and to prevent disease - prevent pathogen populations from building up to high levels - most effective on insects that develop on a limited number of plants - often an overlooked aspect of weed control * is one of the best ways to avoid pests - to prevent or reduce disease infestations on pumpkins - main ways that winter wheat growers manage downy brome - most cost-efficient means of reducing pests - several approaches to contain erosion losses - way to help maintain soil fertility - practiced in potato production * is the basis for the sustainability of direct-sowing systems - growing of selected crops in a regular order on any particular field - most effective way to control winter annual bromes - practice of alternating the type of crop planted - thus far superior to insecticides for reducing rootworm populations * is used to break insect cycles - keep crops from depleting the soil - minimize pest buildup - useful in increasing soil fertility, though inputs are often required * long-established practice because it generally improves yield. * major factor for reducing organism buildup in the soil - in minimizing the disease problems in small grains * means to grow different crops in order or succession. * necessary practice for minimizing many diseases. * practice in which farmers grow different types of crops in various seasons. * reduces erosion, seriousness of disease and insect damage, and weed problems - residual populations of all four root rot organisms - the cost of Colorado potato beetle control in potatoes * refers to planting different vegetables on the same land from year to year.
{ "source": "generics_kb" }
### action | movement | rotation: Earth rotation * Earth Rotations Consider first Earth rotations. * is now slower than it was in that period, about a century ago. Job rotation * is practiced widely to help people develop their potential in new areas - the systematic shifting of employees from one job to another * requires workers to move between different tasks at fixed or irregular periods of time. Mental rotation * is thought to help people find their way, according to researchers. * specific example of spatial transformation.<|endoftext|>### action | movement | rotation: Pronation * are rotation. * assist on posture and function in forearm and hand. * can be a major contributor to knee, hip and back pain. * helps prevent injury by distributing the force of impact with the ground. * is movement of the forearm in which the palm is turned posterior * is the distinctive inward role of the foot as the arch collapses - movement of crossing the radius over the ulna - when the feet slant inward while standing * leaning inward of the ankles toward the center line. * natural cushioning mechanism. * natural, biomechanical motion of the foot. * occurs when the foot flattens out when weight is applied - has excessive mobility, leading to flattening of the arch * shortens the foot, which helps it to clear the ground. * slight inward rolling from the outside back of the heel to the inside forefoot. ### action | movement | rotation | pronation: Excessive pronation * involves increased internal rotation of the tibia. * is another cause of shin splints. Solar rotation * accounts for the new location of the coronal hole. * coupled with solar wind expansion distort the sheet into a wavy spiral shape. Spin * acts as a catalyst. * are also aerobatic maneuvers - drives - renditions - turns * is rotation * rotate around the direction of the external magnetic field. * still account for a large percentage of fatal accidents in both sailplanes and airplanes. Supination * are rotation. * happens pretty much exclusively to runners with rigid feet, often with high arches. * is movement of the forearm in which the palm is turned anterior * is the opposite motion of pronation - slight outward roll which makes the foot more rigid and ready for push-off Rush * absorb moisture, thus lowering humidity in a room. * are flow - marsh plants - mostly herbaceous, but one, the palmiet, native to South Africa, woody shrub - outburst - runs - worldwide in distribution but are most abundant in moist, cool habitats * cause rushs. * differ from grasses and sedges in that their fruits are capsules. - when fraternities recruit new members * occurs during winter and spring quarters. * provide important habitat for waterfowl and other wildlife. ### action | movement | rush: Black rush * is one of the dominant marsh species of the southern Atlantic and Gulf coasts. * produces large amounts of belowground biomass which serves to consolidate marsh surfaces. * turns a rich tawny color when dried. Soft rush * has a lateral inflorescence that appears to erupt from the side of the stem. * occurs in shallow marshes, inland fresh meadows, borders of bogs and along shores. Seasonal movement * Some seasonal movement involves migration. * follows general patterns * follows same general patterns * vary greatly with ice conditions and food availability. Spinal movement * consist of flexion-extension, axial rotation, and lateral flexion. * is restricted severly and pain is relieved by rest.
{ "source": "generics_kb" }
### action | movement: Transfer * are events - images that can be applied to various surfaces - medical procedures - movement of dollars between funds - physical events - sensitive to the state of the economy, rising during recessions - the remittance of money by a bank to be paid to a party in another town or city - tickets - transactions * is by life processes and material transport mechanisms * refers to a student leaving one college or university to enroll at another one. * sugars to the protein during translocation. * switches Use a transfer switch when connecting to a building's electrical system. ### action | movement | transfer: Charge transfer * can now extend the lifetimes of the conduction electrons to the static limit. * leads to an induced superconducting state in the chains. * occurs between iron and oxygen. Credit transfer * is an arrangement by which credits granted by one body are recognised by another. * responsibility of the receiving institution. Data transfer * is measured in megabytes per month - the exchange of data and is essential to foster sharing of geographic data * refers to the amount of data sent over the Internet. Electron transfer * can provide energy - take place in a chemical reaction * is one of the most basic chemical processes - common functions of proteins * occurs between flavin and heme groups located on adjacent subunits in the dimer.<|endoftext|>### action | movement | transfer: Embryo transfer * can be a profitable business for many veterinarians and business people - cause mild cramping * involves implanting an in vitro embryo into a cow. * is carried out on the third or fourth day of progesterone therapy - much like a slowly conducted pelvic examination - the procedure by which the embryo is placed into the uterus - used to multiply quickly the 'highest quality' cows * refers to a step in which embryos are placed into the uterus. * unique tool to fight extinction of the wild species.<|endoftext|>### action | movement | transfer: File transfer * Allows the transfer files to or from the remote computer. * allow Internet users to access remote machines and retrieve programs or text - researchers to access and manage information to increase productivity * are an efficient way to obtain copies of shareware programs. * determines which protocol is used for transferring files. * enables copying of files from one computer to another. * is an important element of any distributed processing system - the process of copying files from one machine to another * refers to a function whereby the file is copied from one computer to another.<|endoftext|>### action | movement | transfer: Heat transfer * Most heat transfer occurs by convection, or sensible heating and cooling. * affects our everyday life. * can occur when there temperature difference. * changes the internal energy of the system. * critical element on a wide variety of aerospace applications. * depends directly on the heat conductance and on the temperature difference. * happens in one of three ways. * has a huge number of applications - wide applications for the proper functioning of thermal devices and systems * includes the mechanisms of heat conduction , thermal radiation , and mass transfer. * is by conduction, convection, and radiation - measured under dry and water satured conditions in a cross-section - studied for liquid, vapor, and two-phase flow * major concern for people who work in hot or cold conditions. * occurs by conduction or by thermal radiation - when two objects or systems are at different temperatures * processes The primary purpose of greenhouses is control of temperature. Mass transfer * can also alter the separation and orbital period of the binary star. * is assumed to be linear and first-order - directly proportional to flow rate - rapid with supercritical fluids
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### action | movement | transfer: Nuclear transfer * involves a donor and a recipient cell - the use of two cells * is an alternate technique for preventing mitochondrial disease - the basic technique used in cloning * requires two cells, a donor cell and an oocyte, or egg cell. Placental transfer * fluoridates newborn, reduces available fluoride binding sites. * is insignificant and the drug is widely used in obstetrics. Radiative transfer * is an important physical process in many engineering and science applications. * occurs between the body surface and all other sources of radiant energy. Resettlement * also plays a fundamental role in international relations. * are transportation. * dynamic process whose impacts on displacees takes place at different times. * occurs when the refugee has no hope of returning safely to the home country.<|endoftext|>### action | movement | transfer: Technology transfer * complex phenomena with many factors involved. * contact sport. * involves technology previously developed by Esensors. * is about moving new and proven ideas into everyday practice. * is an important element in innovation within technology dependent firms - part of the business of scientific research - outgrowth of work in many disciplines and fields - dissemination of research findings and best practice examples - incredibly important to the nation's economy - just a subset of knowledge transfer * occurs only in the mind of humans - when a technology is taken up by a new industry or in a new market * popular phrase within the science community. Teleportation * allows people to concentrate on the message rather than the technology. * are transportation. * is performed if the two detectors simultaneously register photons - the most rapid transit Transfer of learning * involves how previous learning influences current and future learning. * is the influence of prior learning on performance in a new situation. Weight transfer * can overload a tire's grip, which ultimately hurts traction, and therefore handling. * side-effect of the tires keeping the car from flipping over during maneuvers. * skill that is common to all forms of speedskating. Wire transfer * allow money to be wired directly to another bank. * are a service offered by every major bank in the world - immediate transfers of funds from one bank to another * is the recommended method for depositing funds into a new account. Undulation * brings great flexibility and fiuidity to the spine. * is movement. Vertical movement * can occur due to rising tides. * move the head closer to or farther from the feet. Voluntary movement * are abrupt, with impaired coordination. * is the result of the constriction of striated muscle. Nationalization * has absolutely nothing to do with socialism. * is an action - government takeover of an entire industry - group actions - legal proceeding - social control - state capitalism<|endoftext|>### action: Nuclear reaction * Most nuclear reaction creates electromagnetic energy - provides energy * Some nuclear reaction occurs in cores - produces heat * are categorized as critical or supercritical - cause by spitting the nucleus of uranium - described by equations in much the same way as ordinary chemical reactions - the most fundamental of all reactions, creating the elements themselves * can be both natural and man-made - change one nucleus into another nucleus - continue as long as there is hydrogen to fuse * convert mass to energy. * energize stars, including our sun. * involve a change in the nucleus. - natural processes * liberate a large amount of energy compared to chemical reactions. * make the analysis of ionizing radiation collisions much more difficult. * produce radiations in the form of alpha rays, beta rays and gamma rays. * release more energy than normal burning. * seem to create energy out of nothing breaking up or joining together atoms. * take place in stars including the sun.
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### action | nuclear reaction: Spallation * is nuclear reaction * refers to the collisional fragmentation of heavy nuclei into lighter nuclei. Nullification * is an action * occurs when political promises are broken. ### action | nullification: Jury nullification * direct attack on the legislature. * is decentralization of political power. * occurs when a deliberative body decides to acquit the accused in spite of guilt - the reputation of an agency is put on trial * power provided to all jurors. Opposition * is also the point at which a planet is closest to Earth - when a planet is closest to the earth - bands - bodies - contestants - direction - parties - relations - the point in a planet's orbit when it appears opposite the sun in our sky - when a planet is opposite the sun in our sky * means that a planet is opposite the sun in the sky and is visible all night. * refers to pairs of elements that contrast sharply. ### action | opposition: Inverse * are opposition. * is opposition Political opposition * can lead to problems and barriers. * is punished by detention, torture and death. Reverse * are gear - happening * are part of cars - coin - runs - sides Oxygenation * are natural processes. * employed under strictly controlled conditions can have positive therapeutic effects. * is achieved by the movement of the boat through the water - by gas exchange and fixation with gluteraldehyde or formaldehyde is planned - watched closely by pulse oximetry * means an abundant supply of oxygen made available to the cells of the body. * takes place as the water flows dorsally through the tubes - in placenta Passage * includes descriptions - poetic descriptions * involves actions. - deliveries - journeys * is located in bibles - cities - diaries - hotels - houses - labyrinths - tunnels - musical compositions - part of text - sections - structures * is used for descriptions - reads * produces heat. * provides examples. ### action | passage: Aisle * are areas - indoor space * are located in buildings - churchs - department stores - drugstores - grocery stores - planes - sanctuaries - supermarkets - theatres - passageways * are used for pathways - walking * is passage + List of church architecture terms, Horizontal layout: Gothic architecture :: Religion-related lists * Aisles round the edges. The aisles may be quite grand, major features of the cathedral. Excerpt * are passage. * is passage Fish ladder * aid the upstream passage of migratory fish. * allow migrating trout and salmon access to their spawning grounds. * are passage. * help the adult salmon migrate up a river and work very well. * provide a route for the fish around the human-caused obstructions such as dams. Phase change * are due to potential energy changes - physical changes because they are reversible and no new substances are formed * govern the lyophilization. * is an action * play a central role in the adaptation and self-organisation of many complex systems. * super heat transfer mechanism.<|endoftext|>### action: Phase transition * Any phase transition occurs due to a change in kinetic energy of the participating particles. * Some phase transitions occur at temperature. * are breaks in the heating curves - dependent upon the temperature and pressure of the material in question - familiar phenomena in physical systems * can occur by altering such variables as temperature and pressure. * driven by disorder and thermal fluctuations, defect formation. * happen naturally in the early universe, because it cools when it expands. * involve changes in thermodynamic properties. * occur when an indicator moves through the center of their value ranges. * show up again as singular structures, but now in the complex temperature plane. Physical action * is the integral of the generalized momentum along generalized distances. * lead to emotional attachments.
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### action: Physical change * are changes in which there is no new matter produced - concerned with energy and states of matter - the result of many uncoordinated decisions made by individuals * are usually about physical states of matter - states and physical states of states - easy to identify because they visibly alter matter * can also go along with changes in family, work and other relationships - include changing the color, shape, state of matter, or volume of a substance * cause changes in self-image, which affect behavior. * initiate a normal sexual curiosity in youth. * involve small changes in energy, and are easily reversible - states of matter and energy * key preoccupation for health professions. * means the thing changed appearance and shape, but still made of the same chemicals. * occur in conjunction with a striving for personal identity and autonomy. * result in longer hair, and larger pecs. Piano action * are part of pianos. * is an action Prosecution * are collections - legal actions - part of trials * is an action * refers to the investigation of criminal matters. ### action | prosecution: Double jeopardy * Double jeopardies are prosecutions. * applies to successive punishments, as well as successive prosecutions. * constitutional protection against being tried twice for the same offense. * means a defendant is tried for the same crime twice. Pursuit * are motion - searchs - smooth eye movements which are important in tracking moving objects * is movement * lead to exploitation. ### action | pursuit: Academic pursuit * Many academic pursuits deal with symbols such as letters, words, and mathematical notations - symbols-such as letters, words, and mathematical notations * lead to large-scale depressions in teenagers. Smooth pursuit * measurement of the ability to smoothly track a moving object. * occurs when the eyes move to maintain foveation of a moving object.
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### action: Reduction * Some reductions occur in gametogenesis. * affect abundances - availability * applies only to chemical reactions where a transfer of electrons occurs. * are caused by feed intake * can only occur in combination with oxidation. * contribute to buildups. * could have health impact - large impact * have effects. * have have impact - major impact * involves the gain of an electron, thereby storing energy. * is an action - adjunct rather than a corollary of sexuality - amount by which something is diminished or reduced - gain, a gain of electrons - loss of oxygen * is the complementary gain of electrons by another molecule * is the gain of electrons or H atoms - a decrease in oxidation state by a molecule, atom, or ion - medical term for lining up the two ends of the bone - name of the process of miniaturizing a millefiori cane * is the opposite of oxidation, it is the addition of electrons to a molecule - oppsite process - receipt of an electron, and oxidation is the release of an electron * is the removal of oxygen from a compound - or addition of hydrogen - when a species gains an electron * lead to reductions. * may have effects - negative effects * may have profound effects * means the addition of hydrogen to a molecule or the removal of oxygen from a molecule. * occur in development. * occurs when a chemical species gains an electron - an atom gains one or more electrons - the major reactant gains hydrogens or loses oxygen * occurs when the oxidation number of an atom becomes smaller - an atom decreases * reduce productivity. * refers to modifications in procedures that allow fewer animals to be used - recieving electrons - it is the opposite of oxidation - reducing the number of animals in the experiment * refers to the atmosphere that the pots are fired in * simply refers to minimizing the absolute number of animals subjected to experimentation. * usually involves addition of hydrogen or removal of oxygen. * way of transforming a long hard problem into many short simple ones. + Hollow-cathode lamp, Instrument Design: Lamps * A HCL consists of an anode and a cathode inside of a glass tube. It is important that the gas is inert in order to minimize interferences in the output of the data. The anode is an electrode in which oxidation takes place. Oxidation is the loss of electrons. The cathode is an electrode in which reduction takes place. Reduction is the gain of electrons. The anode is typically constructed of some type of metal such as tungsten and is coated with a material the helps to prevent contamination from the sputtering process described below. The cathode is constructed of the pure metal of interest or a mixture of metals containing the metal of interest. This mixture of metals is referred to as an alloy. It is important that the cathode be stored under a vacuum to avoid any kind of contamination. Contamination of the cathode compensates the metal of interests purity and the data obtained for that metal. + Oxidation, In terms of oxygen transfer: Chemical reactions * Oxidation is gain of oxygen. Reduction is loss of oxygen. + Reduction (chemistry): Chemistry * Reduction is the opposite of oxidation. A reduction reaction always comes together with an oxidation reaction. Oxidation and reduction together are called redox.
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### action | reduction: Contraction * Most contraction causes forces - suck forces - creates forces - is caused by stimulation * Most contractions decrease the flow of blood and oxygen to the baby for a short time - blood to the baby for a short time - start as a tightening in the lower back and radiate to the front of the abdomen * Some contraction causes muscle damage - contractions start at the top of the uterus and travel down the abdomen * abate when the woman walks or changes position. * appear in a natural way in the theory of nonarchimedean exponential fields. * are a way of the uterus preparing for delivery - initiated by an influx of calcium which binds to calmodulin - the sign of labor everyone expects * become more and more intense once water breaks - strong, longer, and closer together over time * cause the cervix to open before the baby has had enough time to develop. * causes distress - lower pressure - movement - sound - strong forces * come closer together as time goes on. * commonly cause bleeding for mothers with a placenta previa. * elevates the testis for ejaculation. * ends when the level of cytosolic calcium returns to normal resting levels. * have a restrictive influence also on the rhythm of the craniosacral system. * heats the core until nuclear fusion of hydrogen into heluim begins. - stimulated by twitches, the unit of contraction * is triggered by a nerve impulse that depolarizes the membranes of muscle fibers - calcium ions and during contraction the length of the sarcomere changes - what muscles do, and in the heart, the contraction is what makes the heart beat - words * move contents by changing the configuration of the isolated cat stomach. * occurs after an action potential. * produces internal pressure * refers to the active process of generating a force in a muscle. * serves to raise the body of the tongue. * start when the baby is ready to be born. * stretches an organ called the muscle spindle. * type of movement. + Linguistic reduction: Linguistics * Linguistic reductions' are lost sounds in words. This happens in spoken English. The most widely known reductions are contractions. Most contractions are reductions of 'not'. Many contractions are reductions between a subject and a verb. ### action | reduction | contraction: Cardiac contraction * are called systolics and reliefs, diastole. * is controlled by a group of specialized pacemaker cells in the right atrium.<|endoftext|>### action | reduction | contraction: Contracture * appear early in the disease, usually involving the ankle and elbow. * are contraction - painful and disabling, and can contribute to the development of pressure sores * associated with weakness and spasticity can be painful. * can cause the breasts to feel hard - develop when a scar intersects perpendicularly to a joint crease - occur early and compound the problem of muscle weakness * commonly evolve, secondary to induration and thickening of the fascia. * generally affect certain sets of fibres rather than the muscle as a whole. * is contraction - one of the most significant consequences of spasticity * limit a person's range of motion, and are often painful. * occur primarily in the skin, underlying tissues, muscle , tendons, and joint areas. ### action | reduction | contraction | contracture: Capsular contracture * can also be painful and tight feeling - cause local discomfort and upward displacement of the implant - occur to varying degrees * common problem associated with breast implants. * is the development of a layer of scar-like tissue around the breast implant. * tightening of scar tissue around the implant. * variable response to implants and multifactorial. Rapid contraction * increases the ventricles' demand for oxygen. * prevent the heart from filling adequately with blood between beats - ventricles from filling completely with blood between beats
{ "source": "generics_kb" }
### action | reduction | contraction: Uterine contraction * are infrequent, weak and of short duration - involuntary and, for the most part, independent of extrauterine control - irregular and more painful * associated with labor cause a decrease in uterine blood flow. * leads to oxytocin release, which causes more uterine contraction. Cost reduction * Some cost reductions increase economic productivity. * is an important factor in improving the state of a business - the real key to national prosperity under a rising standard of living Cutback * are decrease. * reduce cost, and that contributes to health.<|endoftext|>### action | reduction: Depletion * Most depletion is caused by production. * Some depletion is caused by bacterial decomposition * affects development. * can develop rapidly with severe diarrhea, especially if associated with vomiting. * decrease in resource commodity to fulfil the needs of production and consumption. - taken over the period of time that mineral is being extracted - the process of allocating the cost of the natural resources to the units removed - used to allocate the cost of the asset to the period in which it is consumed - when they are a lot of trees cut down * leads to irregularity. * takes places. * threatens existence.<|endoftext|>### action | reduction | depletion: Oxygen depletion * Some oxygen depletion is caused by bacterial decomposition * can kill fish in the pond - occur in both winter and summer * causes the release of nutrients from the sediment thus compounding the problem. * common problem in the hypolimnion of eutrophic lakes. * is caused by the release of biodegradable matter into the water, such as sewage - use of too much carbon - consistent with microbial activity in environments rich in organic compounds - speculated by many scientists - the cause of many fish kills * slows biodegradation and adversely affects resident benthic fauna. Potassium depletion * causes calcium loss. * exacerbates essential hypertension. * leads to intracellular acidosis and causes hypocitraturia Discount * are decrease. * is the percent reduced on the price of an item. * question about quantity. ### action | reduction | easement: Conservation easement * allow landowners to protect land in perpetuity while retaining ownership. * are the primary way used to protect private land from development. * involve the purchase or donation of a property's development rights. * respect the private property rights of individuals. Emission reduction * helps prevent the formation of ground-level ozone, a major component of smog. * is achieved by reducing the volume of air which exhausts from the dryer - used as a rough proxy measure for the state of the global environment<|endoftext|>### action | reduction: Harm reduction * can be complementary to the abstinence model of addictions treatment - include abstinence * is about giving people the tools to save themselves - making dangerous behaviours less dangerous - focused on public health - sometimes a step towards abstinence * looks at social policy, at the individual in the social realm. * model that was born from the drug situation and the people involved themselves. * preventive goal. * views people as responsible for their own choices. * way of working with people suffering from substance use. Linguistic reduction * are part of natural English. * are part of natural English. They cannot be considered slang, or improper. Minimization * is decrease - evidence of shadow suppression at work * is the expression used when a hazard is lessened by scaling down the hazardous process - opposite of exaggeration * occurs when a person is able to put aside superficial differences, like eating habits - with all behaviors, and fears of opening up about the behaviors are common
{ "source": "generics_kb" }
### action | reduction: Poverty reduction * continues to be a central objective of international policy-making. * is an important means to secure civil and political human rights - the main goal of indebted poor countries * requires economic growth. * twin function of the rate of growth and of changes in income distribution. Risk reduction * has to do with making informed decisions from a high knowledge base. * is an important element in most companies' approach to risk management - seen with concomitant estrogen and progesterone use * limits the severity of a loss. * refers to the vulnerability of Michigan's economy to oil price shocks. Rollback * are decrease - offense. * I'm pretty sure that most of our iw bots etc have all their edits checked as minor, and they don't show up. Rollbacks do, though Source reduction * includes any activity that prevents the generation of pollution at the source. * is any practice which eliminates or reduces the volume of material produced - one area in which corporate goals and environmental goals clearly overlap - the practice of minimizing or eliminating the generation of waste * means reducing the amount and the toxicity of the waste that is produced. * serves to reduce both chemical and utility consumption. Stress reduction * begins with an evaluation of one's life. * can help boost the immune system. * is also important to heal up the digestive tract - an important part of the cholesterol picture - another reason people seek the care of an acupuncturist - one of the major benefits of massage - part of a healthy lifestyle * is the first line of defense against anthracnose - key to prevent infection Tax credit * allow the bearer to avoid or pay lower taxes by virtue of a special designation. * are a market approach to helping solve the problem of climate change - public dollars the government has relinquished * can help families with the costs of child care. * is decrease. * reduce taxes on a 'dollar for dollar' basis.<|endoftext|>### action | reduction: Weight reduction * Being overweight definite risk factor for developing osteoarthritis. * alleviates asthma in obese asthmatic people. * can be helpful in lowering the risk of recurrent attacks of gout. * is associated with greater benefit of cardiac rehab - drastic as the intake of food is significantly decreased - possible because of the use of plastic - recommended for obese people - the most potent non-pharmacological method of hypertension management - useful in some cases of vulvar fold pyoderma * major issue when increasing mileage factor.<|endoftext|>### action | reduction | wilt: Bacterial wilt * can occur in any size plant - spread swiftly to the whole plant within a couple of weeks * causes plants to turn yellow, wilt and die - rapid wilting and death of the plant - stem drooping and wilting * common and destructive disease of muskmelon and cucumber - disease spread by cucumber beetles - tomato plant killer in the southern part of the state * devastating disease of tomato, tobacco, and potato in southern states. * is carried by the cucumber beetle - characterized initially by wilting and drying of individual leaves - more prevalent in southern regions of the Corn Belt - severe on cucumber and cantaloupe and less damaging to squash and watermelon * is spread by cucumber beetles - the striped or spotted cucumber beetle - the most frequent disease problem of marigolds in North Carolina landscapes * produces limp leaves and stems that secrete a white sticky substance when cut. * spread by cucumber beetles is devastating.
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### action | reduction | wilt: Fusarium wilt * afflicts many vegetables, melon and other crops such as basil, causing severe losses. * causes a dark brown discoloration within the vascular tissue - lower leaves to yellow and die, ultimately killing the plant - seedlings to wilt and shrivel and older plants to wilt and turn yellow - yellowing of new growth * infects Southern peas - roots, causing the leaves to droop and wilt * is more sever when plants are infested with root-knot nematodes - most problematic when soybeans are under stress - soilborne and nearly impossible to get rid of - widespread in many Georgia fields * soil fungus that infects plant vascular tissue especially where the soil is warm. * wilt disease Spotted wilt * infected plants exhibit a range of symptoms on foliage and fruit. * is now common across the peanut growing areas of Georgia, Florida, and Alabama. * very humbling disease. * virus spread by thrips. Verticillium wilt * can be a problem, especially in sites with compacted soil. * causes dieback and death of individual branches or the entire tree - leaf drying and poor flowering * is caused by a soil-borne fungus that enters through the roots - common on trees, shrubs, vegetables and fruits * kills individual branches or sometimes entire sections of the tree. * makes older leaves near the bottom of the plant wilt, yellow, dry and drop off. Reversal * also provide the basis for magnetostratigraphy , a way of dating rocks and sediments. * are a manifestation of a developmental lag in the process of orientation - judgment - metaphors and shortened sentences - turning * is an action - the movement of the Way * take places. ### action | reversal: Role reversal * is common in families with an alcoholic parent - the expression of relationship * means that the child takes on many of the parent's responsibilities. Revision * are rewriting - transformation * would have effects. * would have little effects - practical effects * All revisions are logged. People can see them, and see the changes. Threats, etc, are usually dealt with quickly, once they become known ### action | revision: Transfiguration * is an upside down turning, somersault flipping, darkness into Light experience - miracles - transformation * literally means a change in appearance - changing of face * means 'change'. Right action * comprises the basic moral principles that govern the social environment. * means first to refrain from killing and causing pain to living beings. Rollover * are a leading cause of fatalities in popular sport-utility vehicles - small percentage of accidents but are most likely to be fatal * are the most common cause of roof crush - frequent cause of tractor fatalities - severe type of roadside crashes * refers to the tax-free movement of assets from one retirement plan to another.
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### action: Saving * accounts A savings account is an account that earns interest. * are a critical element in the prosperity of individuals and a society - function of volume, the source of the gas and timing of contracts - unique and treacherous form of capital punishment - way to secure a future for themselves and for their children - copying files - funds - recordings * are the building blocks of civilization - driving force in the economy - means by which present goods are transformed into future goods - seeds for American economic growth and prosperity * determines investment and so governs the rate of capital accumulation. * habit to be forged. * habit, a commitment, a way of life. - just the amount of water in the tank at any time - money set aside for future use while investing is money set aside for future gain - simply a deferral of consumption * is the basis for productivity growth that leads to a higher standard of living - difference between disposable income and consumption - one bill that almost everyone is delinquent in paying - process of transforming present goods into future goods * life skill that is more effective the younger it is learned. * lives is what seatbelts are all about. * occur in all factors of production. * occurs when people's wants are satisfied and they postpone consuming additional goods. * promotes growth when such savings are invested to generate more wealth. * provide the means by which real output and incomes increase. * refers to money that children set aside for some future use. ### action | saving: Cost saving * are capital to invest in future business opportunities - key to the productivity gains that drive the profits - the driving force behind the use of intense sweeteners blended with sugars - what the Internet is all about * is the reason most customers are buying. * refer to a competing alternative that is less expensive. * take time to work through to consumers.<|endoftext|>### action | saving: Economy of scale * Economies of scale are extremely important in computer-aided learning - most likely to be found in industries with large fixed costs in production - basic principle of economics - characteristic a commodity producer seeks in order to be viable - help lower the costs of using standardized processes - mean new markets can be created where none existed before * Economies of scale mean that as the firm grows in size, the cost per unit decreases - average cost is lower for higher levels of output - occur when larger firms are able to lower their unit costs - refer to gains or losses in production cost as output is increased * are economy. National saving * is equal to investment at the equilibrium interest rate - private saving minus the government deficit - the total amount of savings deposits in banks * reflects both public and private saving. Personal saving * are the main source of funds for starting a business. * comprise the bulk of money spent on higher education. * divided by disposable personal income is the personal savings rate. * is personal income less personal outlays and personal current taxes. * is the difference between disposable income and expenditures - third element in successful retirement planning Retrenchment * is economy - one of the most serious steps an institution of higher learning takes * threat to one's existing lifestyle, as it affects one financially and otherwise.
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### action: Selection * acts on adaptive traits - species struggling to survive in harsh environments * affect reproductive success * always happens to organisms from the outside. * are assortments. * based individual advantage is presumed always to maximize reproductive capacity. * can act on alleles, or genotypes - occur at any stage of an organisms life cycle * depletes additive genetic variation. * describes a force that determines which genes are passed on to the next generation. * have advantage - effects - intentions - positive effects * include products. * involve choices - interpretations - mate choices * is an action - operation in relational algebra that selects specified rows from a relation - applied to identify the rare cells that have been transformed - between males in species where female choice is the pairing method - designed to change frequencies of beneficial genes in the population * is the mechanism of making changes in an organisms heredity - process of marking records in a file for later processing * lead to development - discoveries * models a selection of a range of integers. * non-random, deliberative, cognitive action indicative of intelligence. * occur in evolution - phases * oper- ates more rapidly when the gene frequencies are higher. * play important roles - major roles * plays the primary role in the creation of racial differences. * program which mimics the process of natural selection. * provide evidence. * reduce variability. * refers to the decision of using some animals as parents of offspring and culling others. * rely on ideas. * require assessments. * result in completions. * take places. * takes place at the boundaries of animals and their environments. * tends to consume genetic variability. * will have consequences - evolutionary consequences + Evolutionary arms race, Examples: Co-evolution :: Metaphors referring to nature * Female mating preferences are known to be responsible for the evolution of male secondary sex characteristics. Selection is between males in species where female choice is the pairing method. + Polymorphism, Genetic polymorphism, Balancing selection: Evolutionary biology :: Classical genetics :: Ecology * Selection acts differently at different levels. ### action | selection: Adverse selection * is perceived as a major source of market failure in insurance markets. * serious problem in the context of managed care. Apostatic selection * is similar to the idea of prey switching. * is the term used when the different forms are genetic morphs * is similar to the idea of prey switching. Apostatic selection is the term used when the different forms are genetic morphs. In comparison, 'prey switching' is used when describing the predator's choice between different species. Allen J.A. 1988<|endoftext|>### action | selection: Artificial selection * can produce variation in eye spots. * is applied in the laboratory, which employs human logic - illustrated by random mating taking place in a population - practiced to make the organism more useful or more pleasing to man - something that is directed by humans - fancy pigeons breeds * is the controlled breeding of domestic plants and animals - process that humans use to obtain more desirable types of plants - ultimate survival of the fittest because nothing is left to chance * occurs when nature selects for beneficial traits. * result of human intervention. Directional selection * causes a shift in populations phenotype distribution. * favors larger flowers driven by pollinator preference - phenotypes of one extreme of the range of variation * favours extreme values of a trait. * is the primary cause of phenotypic diversification - spread of an advantageous allele through a population * occurs when selection pressures favor one extreme of the trait distribution. * requires new mutations to arise. * take places.
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### action | selection: Disruptive selection * can also operate within a species to produce distinctive morphotypes. * can be a precursor to speciation - important in the early stages of speciation - increase bio-diversity - lead to two new species * does cause an increase in variation. * favors extreme phenotypes and selects against the average. * favours extreme phenotypes and eliminates intermediate ones. * is an example of speciation - the process that leads to speciation - when the environment supports both extremes * leads the means of the population graph to be on both ends of the graph. * type of the directional one, which acts in several directions. Divergent selection * drives the adaptive radiation of crossbills. * play roles. Embryo selection * case where the current law is also right. * very selective process. Habitat selection * depends on abundance of available prey. * predicts genetic relatedness in an alpine ungulate. * varies with season, time of day, and the sex and age to the animal. Hybrid selection * critical factor in determining the optimum plant population. * is one of the most important management decisions in corn silage production. Mate selection * begins in late winter with several males vying for the favour of a single female. * is up to the female, and it is the females that compete for the males. * works statistically and on an evolutionary time-scale. Positive selection * occur in evolution. * occurs at multiple stages and is essential for B cell differentiation. Random selection * is applied by region in proportion to population weights - intended to ensure equal representation amongst populations - related to sampling * technique to help reduce bias.<|endoftext|>### action | selection: Step * Most steps occur in humoral immune responses * are blocks - located in front doors - part of stairways - paths - taken by individuals * cause variation. * could have impact - major impact * fast paced rhythmic dance done in the absence of music. * fast-paced, rhythmic dance done in the absence of music using the body for sound. * include examinations. * increase strength. * involve actions - arrangements - choices - development - follow steps - identification - reaction - selections - tests * lead to contraction - muscle contraction * process exploration of harmonic and rhythmic patterns. * provide descriptions. * require careful consideration - cooperation ### action | selection | step: Poison pill * are also popular because they are flexible. * protect publicly traded companies from hostile takeovers. Precaution * Avoid outdoor activities from dusk until dawn, when many mosquitoes are biting. * is caution - measures - the only chance for all countries and populations to prevent harm Preventive step * are important because once diseases are present they are very difficult to control. * taken in childhood can promote healthy eyes throughout life. Safeguard * Evaluate whether steps have been taken to adequately safeguard property subject to theft. * are a form of institutionalized nuclear transparency - essential for protecting workers from needless and preventable injuries
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### action | selection: Voting * are activities - civic responsibility - secrets * cause elections. * causes politics and politicians to be involved. * civic sacrament. * civil right. * crucial part of a participatory democracy. * function of eligibility. * fundamental right of citizenship. * gives people the opportunity to change things for the better. * helps youngsters appreciate living in a democracy. * is an act of empowerment - expression of optimism - idea for which many people have been willing to die * is an important aspect of the American culture and the democratic process - instrument through which the people exercise that power * is an important part of being a United States citizen - living in a free nation - behavior - by the single transferable vote system of proportional representation - central to any democracy and it is essential that people use their vote - citizens' way to express their ideas about the management of common issues - considered a sacred duty in the United States - fundamental to civic life - harmful to the environment - how things get changed * is one form of political struggle - of our fundamental freedoms and the cornerstone of democratic institutions * is one of the most solemn rights of an American citizen - special privileges offered in a democracy - way to elect a president - only one type of political participation * is part of a democratic society, regardless of age - everyday living - something people do when they take politics seriously * is the basis of American democracy - a representative democracy - core to civil rights for all American citizens - fundamental ritual act, the fundamental condition of citizenship - hallmark of democracy and freedom - instrument to establish majorities and minorities * is the method for obtaining legal power to coerce others - the majority uses to tell the minority how it's going to be * is the most basic measure of citizen involvement - unit of the democratic process - essential right in any democracy - important responsibility of citizenship - one time most citizens take to express their opinion - vehicle of participation for the citizenry - what makes the world go 'round * minimalist means to express our political voices. * rare activity in communities of low-income and immigrant workers. * right of every citizen regardless of abode. * symbolizes freedom. * tends to happen along genetic lines, with aversions more strongly ingrained than loyalties. * way of conveying information. * word that is familiar to some and unfamiliar to many. + New South Wales Legislative Assembly: New South Wales :: Legislatures * The 'New South Wales Legislative Assembly' is the lower house of the parliament of New South Wales in Australia. The upper house is the Legislative Council. Both sit at Parliament House in the state capital, Sydney. The Assembly has 93 members, each elected to a single-member constituency, known as seats. Voting is by the optional preferential system. + President: Titles * A 'president' is the leader of a country or a company or other group. A president is usually elected by the people in that group. Voting is one way to elect a president. ### action | selection | voting: Computerized voting * CAN help make voting MORE secure. * has the potential to become big business and possibly save taxpayer money. Cumulative voting * gives voters the same number of votes as there are seats to vote for. * is used to elect representatives in many companies - many companies. * many companies. It is also used to elect some governments. Switzerland and Germany use it for some elections Plurality voting * can result in the election of a candidate whom almost two-thirds of voters detest. * raises concerns when there are many candidates running in an election.
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### action: Separation * Some separations happen in car accidents or falls. * also can be a result of migration. * are a function of ion size. * can be a traumatic experience for individuals - hard on mothers as well as babies - bring strains, sometimes fatal, to relationships * form of propagation by which plants that produce bulbs or Corms multiply. * has to occur and does occur in all animals. * increases the likelihood of genetic adaptations. * involves physical separation. * is accomplished by electrochemical transport of oxide ion through a membrane. * is an important aspect of chemistry - occurrence - based on electrical charge and molecular weight of the enzymes - films - group actions - often a precursor to divorce - one of attachment's conditions - pain - results - sorting - space - states * is the gap between what Is and one's perception of what Is - process through which evil is isolated, severed from the good, and discarded - what permeates the fear of death * legal term which means break-down of a marriage. * occurs as solutes migrate in discrete zones and at different velocities - the person being punished is now able to differentiate between good and evil - between layers of the skin - in phases - when someone permanently leaves an occupation, thus creating an opening * processes Many separation processes can be described by means of population balances. * protects against early pregnancy in younger mice, which strains the health of females. * refer to the film positives created for the individual colors of a design. * refers to the angular distance between the pair, in units of seconds of arc. * relates to personal autonomy, independence, self assertion, and freedom of choice. * shows improvement. ### action | separation: Detachment * are separation. * is separation Disengagement * are retreats. * formula for stagnation at best.
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### action | separation: Division * Most division occurs in reproduction. * Some division involves mitosis. * Some division leads to cell growth - exponential cell growth - oocyte growth * Some division occurs during growth - in tissue * affects the smallest manifestations of piety. * algebras with no common subfields. * are formal organisations of GPs within a geographical area - fundamental to power domination, for without division there can be no heirarchy - groupings of units based on natural threat areas * continuous process. * fundamental operation of arithmetic. * has roots. * involves events - fission * is administrative units - air units - also one of the four basic mathematical functions - an asexual method that only requires the parent plant to reproduce offspring - arithmetic operations - discord - due to the opposite of love - naval units - neither commutative nor associative - nonmitotic in all prokaryotes * is one of the easiest methods of plant propagation - main ways to propagate carnivorous plants - operation that reverses the result of multiplication - phylums - separatings * is the basis of thinking, multiplication the synergy of the soul - inverse, or opposite, of multiplication - process of duplicating an rule and prepending a new number to the duplicate - quickest way to propagate plants which produce stems at their base - reverse of multiplication - to be understood as in integer arithmetic, with remainders discarded * leads to conflict. * mean the number of horizontal lines to be drawn. * means the division of financial institutions of the department of business and industry - state lands of the department of conservation and natural resources * occurs at same time - either by fragmentation or by the nucleus simply splitting into two * occurs in development * produces growth - vigorous growth * usually involves real number rather than integers. * works in much the same way as multiplication. + Bangladesh, Divisions: 1972 establishments :: ASEAN Members * Divisions are divided into districts. There are 64 districts in Bangladesh. + Heavyweight: Boxing * In boxing, the term 'heavyweight' is used for a specific group of people based on weight. A heavyweight is a boxer who weighs more than 201 lbs. Boxing organizations created many divisions so that fighters could fight people of the same size but mostly because more champions are created thus more profit. Most divisions only separate each other by few lbs. + Provincial city (Vietnam), Committees * Every division is described so that a committee can manage it. In some provinces committees have established industrial parks. ### action | separation | division: Cytoplasmic division * Some cytoplasmic division takes places. * follows nuclear fission and separation of the daughter nuclei. * occurs during the formation of a cell plate.
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### action | separation | division: Fragmentation * Most fragmentation reduces population size. * Some fragmentation requires protein synthesis. * affects the ecological integrity of forest habitat. * also disrupts the distribution of owlets to new, vacant home ranges - occurs in annelid worms, turbellarians, and poriferans * appears as the jagged resistance to moisture. * are the primary source for debris which are too large to be shielded against. * asexual method in spirogyra. * can affect distribution and diversity of epiphytic orchids - allow for asexual reproduction * causes local extinction of species within local populations - particular problems * central weakness of the current environmental regime. * common method of reproduction among echinoderms - mode of reproduction in algae, fungi and many land plants * exposes each group to the risk of random extinction. * gives rise to a neutral free radical component and an ion. * happens when a particular sector or industry is controlled by numerous players. * impedes migration and reduces the size of animal populations. * includes both forest clearcuts and natural fragmentation by fires and avalanches. * increases access for hunters and limits available hiding places for prey - the amount of edge and many nest predators prefer edges * involves transformation. * is an example of vegetative asexual reproduction - decomposition - described by increasing the number of fuel pieces while decreasing their diameter - explosions - storage * is the breaking of a parent body into several pieces - the body into two parts with subsequent regeneration - main cause of tissue disruption - natural outgrowth of adding and deleting files on the hard disk - process by which quarks combine to form the particles seen in the laboratory - splitting up of the ecosystem into smaller parts - used in the cloning and propagation of many plant species - when an organism's arm, for example gets cut off and grows a new one * isolates proportionally small populations, reducing genetic variability over time. * kind of reproduction in which the body breaks into several pieces. * leads to dispersals. * means regeneration of an entire organism from a piece of the organism. * natural side-effect of disk filing systems. * normal process when a computer writes data to a hard disk. * occurs in multicellular organisms, be it plants or animals - over time, as programs read from and write to the hard disk * occurs when an organism breaks into pieces and each piece grows into a new individual - healthy areas of habitat are isolated from one another - the blocks of a file are allocated randomly across the disk * pernicious problem when a program uses a single heap for all class objects. * pervasive deterrent to the efficacy and quality of publicly-financed health care. * process that is classified under vegetative reproduction in algae. * product of development, the conversion of forested acreage to non-forest uses. * recurring idea in literature about hypertext. * results in lack. * synonym for competition. * usually occurs most often in fruticose lichen. ### action | separation | division | fragmentation: Forest fragmentation * affects bird populations through both edge effects and area affects. * increases nest predation in the Eurasian treecreeper.
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### action | separation | division | fragmentation: Habitat fragmentation * Some habitat fragmentation affects ecology - is caused by agriculture * can be equally harmful to pollinators. * can result from road networks in previously intact wildlife areas - in the loss of a species due to natural disturbance * causes area loss and creation of remnant patches * common ecological concern with such human activity. * disrupts migratory routes. * exacerbates problems due to habitat loss for grassland and wetland birds - the problem of habitat loss for grassland and wetland birds * is often a cause of species becoming threatened or endangered. * is one of the main drivers of global amphibian decline - major contributors to the loss of biodiversity worldwide - most pervasive enemies of biodiversity conservation efforts * is the emergence of spatial discontinuities in a biological system - landscape level of the phenomenon, and patch level process - most common form of habitat destruction - reduction in the size and dimension of a system into smaller units * occurs when human technology encroaches upon the natural habitats of animals. * potentially critical factor in determining population persistence. * provides cats easier access to wildlife. * significant threat to biodiversity worldwide. Mitotic division * are synchronous during the cleavage and syncytial blastoderm stages. * occur in the cells giving rise to schizonts. * result in two prothallial cells, a tube cell and a generative cell. Nuclear division * are synchronous and the nuclei decrease in size with further divisions. * occurs later on to maintain normal number of nuclei. Quantisation * emerges without using quantum theory. * is division Quantization * Reduces the number of bits per sample, and is the source of most error. * Reducing the number of colors in an image involves quantization. * are division. - performed by clustering in color space * selectively increases or decreases the amount of information used to render a picture. Reduction division * is the process by which gametes are produced. * occurs during germinates of oospore.<|endoftext|>### action | separation | division: Schism - ruptures * disease of the faith and a mortal sin. * grievous sin. * is Anarchy - invariably the result of differing concepts, doctrines or opinions - the sin of sins * means division - that the opposing parties have a disagreement within the establishment * never occurs in the true church. * rent or division in the church when it comes to the separating of congregations. + Schism (religion), Use within Christianity * Heresy is to deny the authority of a established authority. Schism means that the opposing parties have a disagreement within the establishment. Both groups have to accept that they are in schism. See also Ecumenism. Immunomagnetic separation * can enrich fixed solid tumors for epithelial cells. * shows promise as a technique for the rapid detection of Listeria spp. Physical separation * depends on varying solubility of thorium and uranium in ethyl acetate. * has generally little effect on the dissolved fraction of liquid manure. * leads to the formation of different races and cultures.<|endoftext|>### action | separation: Quarantine * are isolation. * can help a society protect itself from dangerous infections. * depends upon hygiene. * different form of a recycling bin. * exist, for example, on agricultural goods and products. * is about more than just disease-prevention - an issue for most countries - one of the oldest and solidest procedures in public health - particularly helpful in socializing a feral kitten or cat - practical for dogs, cats and ferrets * personal right, forfeited by implication of law, by a second marriage. * provides a place to store suspected or infected files.
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### action | separation: Removal * are dismissals * can have impact - serious impact * create vacuums - weakness * enhance growth. * have consequences. * have direct effects - positive effects - economic consequences - little effects - negative effects - ripple effects * is separation * reduce chances - predation pressure * require applications - assistance - methods * result in disappearances - reductions ### action | separation | removal: Cataract removal * involves surgery to remove the clouded lens. * is one of the most common operations performed in the world today. * is the most common ocular surgery performed on dogs - operation performed in the United States today - surgical procedure performed on the elderly Decontamination * is important in maintaining firefighters' health - removal of the toxicant to a disposal area * is time and labor intensive - consuming, and it causes corrosion and damage to some types of equipment - very difficult and virtually impossible in soil and water * valuable tool in solid waste management.
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### action | separation | removal: Deforestation * Most deforestation affects climates - density - diversity - environments - plant density * Most deforestation causes destruction - erosion - soil erosion * Most deforestation has effects - many negative effects - increases disturbances * Most deforestation is caused by agriculture - due to conversion of forests to agricultural land * Most deforestation leads to degradations - soil degradations * Most deforestation occurs in areas - many areas - regions - the moist forests and open woodlands of the tropics - to make money to pay off international debt and to pay for development - reduces habitats * Some deforestation causes degradations - extinction - landslide - destroys homes - has geographies * Some deforestation increases runoff - water runoff * Some deforestation leads to erosion - rainfall * Some deforestation reduces erosion - transpiration * accelerates beyond the limits set by the state. * affects biological diversity in three ways - much of Mexico * affects the different forest domains differently - entire earth's environment and economic development - wooded areas in grasslands regions as well as close canopy forests * also affects indigenous people, both physically and culturally. * also affects the people of Honduras in other, less obvious, ways - soil and local climate * also contributes to global warming - the reduction of rainfall and bad climate situations - creates topsoil loss - disrupts the Carbon Cycle - drives climate change - hurts more distant ecosystems - increases the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere - releases carbon dioxide via burning and exposing the soil to sunlight - threatens the country s wildlife resources - undermines the important carbon sink function of forests * alters the resource base and biomass of endemic stream insects in eastern Madagascar. * becomes a problem in the present years when other sources of energy are expensive. * can affect both regional and global climate. * can also be one consequence of war - diminish the social, aesthetic, and spiritual values of forests - reduce rainfall in certain areas, increasing the threat of desertification - cause high runoff of water, and loss of nitrates from the soil - disrupt the lives of local communities, sometimes with devastating consequences - lead to damage and loss of habitats - make fragile slopes unstable * cause of the food shortage. * causes a loss of habitat - expansion - fast degradation when the soil is steep sloppy or easily erodible - landslides, rockfalls, and increased earthquake damage - large plots of land to lose plants that help contribute to the nitrogen cycle - local extinction of species of trees - massive soil erosion and the quality of the land deteriorates rapidly - rapid runoff into local streams - release of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere * causes soil erosion and the consequent loss of watersheds - landslide and flash floods * causes the extinction of species - soil to erode into the ocean, killing coral reefs and marine life * coincides with the elimination of dead wood which is crucial bee habitat. * complex issue, and one that involves social, economic and environment issues. * concerns people for two major reasons. * continues to create severe social problems, sometimes leading to violent conflict. * contributes to conflict - desertification, global warming, poverty and loss of beauty * contributes to global warming and reduction in the biodiversity of the planet - social conflict * creates further problems * critical environmental issue. * decreases rainfall effectiveness and increases aridization of the climate - the maximum relative humidity, especially during mid-day * definitely plays a role in the bay cat's life, as with any tropical animal. * destabilizes hillsides and contributes to the devastation of floods. * disrupts the carbon and nitrogen cycles. * does more than remove habitat. * drastically affects weather patterns. * drives the chimpanzee species toward extinction. * frequently causes leaching of soil nutrients. * generally leads to decreased rainfall. * global disaster. * good example of a human activity that effects the environment. * happens when people cut down forests or when trees are burned. * harms both nearby and distant ecosystems. - immediate effects - many devastating effects * has many negative effects on the environment - profound effects upon regional climate, mainly by reducing rainfall * hinders regeneration and growth of non-tree plant life. * human impact limited to the tropics. * increases damaging erosion and destroys a river's watershed - decay - surface run-off, causing river levels to rise more quickly - the ability of an area to hold water - with a larger share of small and tenant farms and higher population density * involves the clearing away of trees and other vegetation in an area. * is also a serious environmental concern - an issue as is acid rain from the increase in industry - one of the biggest threats to the taiga * is an example of biosphere pollution - increasing environmental problem with growing implications * is considered one of the most severe environmental problems worldwide - to be one of the contributing factors to global climate change - conversion of forest to non-forest - environmental conditions - much more serious than forest degradation - on the rise, due in part to the problems faced by subsistence farmers and the poor - one of the leading causes of habitat and biodiversity loss * is particularly harmful to salamanders - problematic in western Africa - perhaps the most serious environmental problem facing Afghanistan - quite possibly the greatest threat to biodiversity at present - rampant in areas unsuitable for other uses * is the conversion of forested areas to non-forested areas - destruction of indigeneous forests and woodlands - major cause of loss of habitat - permanent destruction of indigenous forests and woodlands - process of automatically removing intermediate data structures - rapid destruction of woodland - removal of trees for requirements of growing population - second largest human-made source * is the second largest source of carbon dioxide - greenhouse gases due to human activity - what happens when people chop down all the trees in the forest and clear the land - widespread in the south * is, indeed, a phenomenon occasioned by increase in numbers of human beings. * leads quickly to erosion and drought. * leads to a decrease in the amount of water absorbed by the soil - erosion, which causes rivers to silt up, which causes flooding - increased run-off, and increases the chances of water shortages - loss of forest cover * leads to soil degradations - erosion and malarial swamps * literally means the clearing of trees from forestland. * major cause of loss of species, be they plant or animal - concern around the world - environmental, social and economic problem - factor in the increase of floods * major problem in Haiti - Indonesia * means less free oxygen and more carbon dioxide - that the land is converted permanently from forest uses to non-forest purposes * now takes place on a large scale in tropical areas of the world. * occurs around the world, though tropical rainforests are particularly targeted * occurs in many areas - primarily by saw and fire * often leads to desertification. * only becomes a problem when trees are treated as a free good. * plays key roles * poses a severe threat to their survival. * predicts the number of threatened birds in insular southeast Asia. * presents problems. * problem in China - the country is dealing with due to logging and hydroelectric projects * problem, especially with the relatively small amount of forest the nation has. * produces known profits from lumber sales and subsequent ranching. * reduces biodiversity by degrading environment for species - woodlands needed by adults * removes trees that hold the soil to the land. * results in a loss of upland forest habitat used by adults and dispersing juveniles * serious threat for most African countries - to the continued existence of some of the species in the wild * takes place when trees are cut down in the rainforest. * threat to slow lorises throughout their range. * threatens the land on which the new antpitta species lives. * ultimately results in the release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. * usually comes as a direct result of air and water pollution. * very serious problem in the tropics. + Deforestation, Cause of deforestation: Forests :: Environmental issues * Deforestation is the removal of trees for requirements of growing population. They remove the trees and use the land to make farms. They also use the wood from the trees to make buildings or to burn the trees for heat.
{ "source": "generics_kb" }
### action | separation | removal | deforestation: Tropical deforestation * is currently a significant environment and development issue. * occurs for a number of reasons.<|endoftext|>### action | separation | removal: Deletion * Describe the kind of mutation that is called a 'deletion'. * Most deletions affect expression - are terminal, vary in extent, and remove a gene for myelin basic protein * Some deletions become so large that they are visible on well stretched metaphase chromosomes. * rationale no longer applies. * A couple of things, first off when you submit something to the wiki it gives a warning at the bottom of the page to not submit if you do not consent to have your content edited in any way. Deletion form of editing. Secondly, this is simple.wikipedia. Are you sure your article wasn't at english.wikipedia. If this is the case that is probably why you cannot access your account. * is one option, but there are always alternatives. * are genetically devastating because of their permanence - removals * can also cause frameshift mutations - occur in different parts of the gene and can be almost any size * have effects - opposite effects * is redaction - the type of mutation most frequently caused by radiation * occurs when a portion of a chromosome is lost. * provide valuable clues to the location of genes on chromosomes. * range in size up to several centiMorgans. Denudation * is where weathering and erosion wears away and lowers the rocks and land. * therefore acts to lower all continental surfaces to a flat featureless landscape.<|endoftext|>### action | separation | removal: Dermabrasion * also leaves severe scarring and the pigment usually seeps back - produces a lot of bleeding * are removals. * is achieved by sanding the skin with a power sander - considered good for the improvement of acne scars * is the sanding of scars and the smoothing of skin scarred by acne or other conditions - off of the outer layers of skin - used for improving scars and fine wrinkles - when a surgeon sands the skin to remove the pigment * procedure used to level uneven areas of face. * removes the upper layers of skin with an electric burr. * revitalizing treatment that can reverse the outward signs of aging. * scrapes off the outer layers of skin, but gives similar results to laser treatment. * surgical technique where by some deeper scars and wrinkles can be smoothed. * treatment that involves physically scraping off the top layer of skin. * uses a high-speed, rotating brush to remove the top layer of skin.<|endoftext|>### action | separation | removal: Drainage * are an often-used path of travel. * carved by glaciers form steep canyons that open into the valley floor. * ditches that fill during storms - traverse open fields are likely spots for bucks to use on opening day * has effects - impact * has indirect effects - negative effects * is also a technique used extensively by farmers - an evacuation - another important factor in the growing process of vegetables * is caused by construction - road construction - critical to the health of a cactus plant's root system - important to forest roads - inhibites by the natural healing process - key to healthy plants and herbs - only a small quantity of sanitary wastewater - slow, since water and nutrients move through the pore spaces slowly * is the ease of removing water from pulp fibers, either by gravity or mechanical means - removal of excess water from the soil - used to a greater extent in Ontario and Quebec on soils that have poor natural drainage ### action | separation | removal | drainage: Acid drainage * can and does occur naturally at specific sites. * is water containing acidity, iron, manganese, aluminum, and other metals. Artificial drainage * can help increase the number of trafficable days on poorly drained soil. * is the weapon against salinization - used to increase aeration to the roots of growing plants
{ "source": "generics_kb" }
### action | separation | removal | drainage: Natural drainage * fancy name for old-fashioned roadside ditches and grassy drainage channels. * keeps some water in it at all times of the year.<|endoftext|>### action | separation | removal | drainage: Poor drainage * can cause flooding and starve plant root for oxygen - serious problems for plants, including root rot - encourage the growth of soil-borne water molds that cause root rot of some crops - lead to fungi and diseases setting in - remove the oxygen available to the roots from the soil and kill the tree * encourages root diseases and increases the hazard of winter killing. * has a special effect on efficiency of nitrogen fertilizers. * likely restriction on yield in that environment. Postural drainage * method that used gravity and body positioning to help remove secretions. * reveals a change in color, amount or consistency of the sputum. Proper drainage * is an important issue when irrigating so as to reduce the occurrence of root rot. * key factor in winter survival. Soil drainage * is another problem for vegetation or flowers - critical to plant health - influenced by slope, climate, soil texture and proximity to the water table - probably the most important factor in the longevity of an orchard - the rate at which water moves down through the soil * major factor controlling nitrate concentrations in streams. * relationship between water in the soil and topography. Surgical drainage * is vital to prevent asphyxiation and extension of infection to the mediastinum. * necessary part of the management of abscesses. Venous drainage * follows the main arterial supply. * is by the external pudendal veins to the greater saphenous vein - parallel to the arteries * is via the pancreatic duodenal veins which end up in the portal vein - superior and inferior ophthalmic veins<|endoftext|>### action | separation | removal: Elimination * Most elimination depends on cell interaction. * affects habitats - marine habitats * diets Environmental allergies. * has cascade effects * is also a major determinant of the time it takes to reach steady-state - analysises - believed to occur via biliary excretion * is carried on by a fiephridial system resembling that of some of the annelid worms - nephridial systern resembling that of some of the annelid worms - diminished in renal insufficiency - discharge - effected through the atrophy of structures or qualities - murder - predominately in the feces, mostly as metabolites * is primarily biliary, with excretion into the urine - some excretion into the urine - biotransformation and to lesser extent, renal elimination - principally renal in humans and monkeys - slow because metabolites remain in the blood for several days - the reduction to zero of the incidence of infection in a defined geographic area * is the removal of alcohol from the body * natural instinct of every living creature. * occurs by urine and fecal excretion - in the feces via bile as glucuronide conjugates and unchanged drug - mainly via excretion of unmetabolized drug in the urine - predominantly by hepatic metabolism - through renal excretion - when the acid conjugate base plucks off a hydrogen ### action | separation | removal | elimination: Drug elimination * is the removal of drugs from the body. * slows during adolescence and probably attains adult rates by late puberty. Evacuation * are incidents in which the person leaves the field as a result of the incident - withdrawals * public protection action in a hurricane. ### action | separation | removal | evacuation: Drain * are capable of tubes - wick - depletion - emptying - important to aid in healing - located in swimming pools * are part of sewers - showers - toilets - pipes * have vents to the outside atmosphere. * is an evacuation
{ "source": "generics_kb" }
### action | separation | removal | evacuation | drain: Clogged drain * are often a cause for standing water. * can lead to roofing problems. French drain * French Drains are a simple way to gather water at one point and move it to another. * are ditches that have been filled with gravel - free drops whether in the fairway or in the rough - generally shallow drainage systems Medical evacuation * are evacuations. * can save the life of someone who has an accident far from a hospital. * is an evacuation - the process of actually moving a patient Evisceration * applies to all market forms. * are devaluation - operations * is an effective and safe procedure with a low risk for sympathetic ophthalmia - contraindicated when an intraocular tumor is suspected Graffiti removal * crucial initial step to reclaiming neighborhoods and reducing fear. * is one of the hallmarks of community policing. Rinse * agates with water to remove mud. * are hair coloring - part of wash - removals * eggshells well and allow to dry. * sponge often to remove loose particles of grout from the sponge. * utensils thoroughly after washing, since remaining soap can cause diarrhea. ### action | separation | removal | rinse: Mouth rinse * are also effective for lubricating and moistening the mouth for short periods of time. * can reduce discomfort for meals and oral cleaning. Snow removal * is the responsibility of the property owner in every other part of the city. * seasonal job duty.<|endoftext|>### action | separation: Rupture * are breakage - illnesses - injuries - very painful events that cause massive internal bleeding * can occur as a result of an injury, from no apparent cause, or during mammography - with a scarred uterus or an intact uterus * device failure the implant is no longer performing as intended. * is often a catastrophic, terminal event in the natural history of a berry aneurysm - the breaking of molecular bonds as a result of stress, fatique of the medium * occurs at the stigma line , an area of the follicle which has no blood vessels - during the later days in the menstrual cycle when the cysts are the largest - when weak blood-vessel walls break * results in death from internal bleeding in most cases - when the fetus exceeds the size of the cavity ### action | separation | rupture | hernia: Femoral hernia * appear as a small lump at the top of the leg. * occur in the area of weakness just below the groin - femoral canal under the inguinal ligament into the thigh Hiatal hernia * are common after middle age - middle-age and usually have no symptoms - frequent - usually transient and associated with respiratory movements * can cause heart burn and other people have reported an association with PVCs. * condition in which the stomach pushes up into the diaphragm muscle. * is digestive disorder - herniation - of various types * very common condition and has been associated with acid reflux. Incisional hernia * develop at or near the site of a surgical scar. * is an important complication of abdominal surgery. * occur at the site of previous abdominal surgical incisions.<|endoftext|>### action | separation | rupture | hernia: Inguinal hernia * Some inguinal hernias press directly through the floor of the inguinal canal. * appear as a bulge in the groin or scrotum - or swelling in the groin or scrotum * are also common and cause a bulging in the groin area or scrotum - the most common and usually affect men * can be painful or painless - occur during childhood, adolescence, and adulthood * is herniation - more common in premature infants and appears as swelling in the groin * is one of the most common problems treated by general surgeons - worldwide afflictions of men * occur at the juncture of the abdominal wall and the inguinal canal - less often in women than men - most frequently in men - quite commonly in the pediatric age group - where the abdomen meets the thigh in the groin region
{ "source": "generics_kb" }
### action | separation | rupture | hernia: Umbilical hernia * appear as a bulge or swelling in the belly-button area. * are common in infants - fairly common * are more common in babies with a low birth weight , including premature babies - girls, premature babies and African-American babies - the second most common surgically treated hernias - usually painless * happen near the belly button. * is herniation * occur in the umbilical ring, a weak spot around the navel - near the navel and most often affect newborns - slightly more frequently in infants of African American descent Herniated disc * are ruptures - the most common disorders that neurosurgeions treat * can occur in any part of the spine - people of all ages Herniation * Most herniation takes place in the lumbar area of the spine - herniations occur to the back and side because daily activities require bending forward * are most often posterior and lateral, the least supported area of the disc. * can lead to death as can rupture of the abcess into ventricles and meninges. * causes the angle of the urethra to change, which can cause the urethra to remain open. * is akin to a tire blowing out - rare in bulls ### action | separation | rupture | herniation: Disc herniation * are less common in the cervical spine than in the lumbar spine. * is more common in younger and middle aged adults - the most common indication for spinal surgery Rectocele * are diseases - probably more common in women after a hysterectomy * cause a bulge into the bottom wall of the vagina. * happen when the rectum bulges into or out of the vagina. * usually occur as a result of injuries sustained during childbirth. Subfalcine herniation * can present clinically as headache. * occur as the brain extends under the falx in the supratentorial cerebrum. Seclusion * are separation. * is one dimension of privacy, while austerity is another * leads to thoughts of rejection and depression, possible harm and human chaos. * punishment no one wants.<|endoftext|>### action | separation: Segmentation * affects both external and internal structure. * aims to match groups of purchasers with the same set of needs and buyer behavior. * allows image objects to be extracted using simple gesture motions with a mouse - specialization of body regions * can help the earthworm move. * churns the contents of the tube back and forth, while peristalsis forwards it. * divides the market into customer groups with their own needs, attitudes, and behaviors. * gives annelids greater mobility than mollusks have. * is among the most difficult problems in visual information processing - cellular division * is one of the first steps of low-level image processing - most basic tasks in sensory systems * is the act of dividing the network into smaller parts or collision domains - cornerstone of marketing - division of the body into repetitive sections, or segments * is the major contractile activity in the small intestine - contraction force that moves chyme along the gastrointestinal tract - process of partitioning a picture into meaningful parts - total and equal in both species * means breaking down a word into word parts. * occurs when the germ band is elongated. * requirement for a closed circulatory system. * subdividing of items into groups that share common attributes. ### action | separation | segmentation: Image segmentation * is the process of segmenting the image into non-overlapping regions. * key first step in a number of approaches to image analysis. * partitioning of an image into sections or regions.
{ "source": "generics_kb" }
### action | separation | segmentation: Market segmentation * helps a business be more responsive to changing customer needs - to differentiate products for different age groups * is both a science and an art. * is the foundation on which all other marketing actions can be based - fundamental of marketing - most effective way to achieve one to one results - name used to define more in-depth market analysis * matches consumer differences with potential or actual buying behavior. * natural phenomenon occurring in many services and products. Temporal segmentation * context switch detected by a switching of attention. * major task in video production and content-based handling. Separatism * are dispositions. * can reach different extremes. * challenge facing many countries. * is in decline mainly for reasons unrelated to federalist strategies - the practice of limiting access of the oppressor to the oppressed * particular instance of skill- sharing. * works as well, utilizing other concepts of energy balance and synergy formation. Sequestration * adds to the cost of production. * is separation - the process of separating or removing gasses from the atmosphere ### action | separation | sequestration: Carbon sequestration * can only be a temporary strategy toward stabilizing the climate. * is one proposal for dealing with global warming issues - simply the capturing of carbon * is the conversion of carbon dioxide gas into plant material - natural process of storing carbon in a temporary or permanent state * new field of science and technology, and the costs are still high. Splenic sequestration * can result in death. * occurs at any age in individuals with the other sickle syndromes. Shoulder separation * are the result of a disruption of the acromioclavicular joint - very common in sports like football and hockey * is common with falls on the shoulder. Sericulture * are natural processes * is an action - invention by ancient Chinese people - one of the important cottage industry in the State - practised widely - the most important commercial use for white mulberry<|endoftext|>### action: Skydiving * are human activities - jumps - outdoor activities * begins on the ground. * can be one of the most exhilarating and adrenaline pumping sports in the world. * cause a desire to fall. * continues to increase in popularity with each passing year. * great activity for experiencing some key laws of physics. * involves many challenges and significant fear. * is an eclectic mix of individuals with a passion for adventure - extreme sport and also extreme in the price range - as much about the people as it is about the actual sport - inherently a dangerous activity - more dangerous than staying on the ground - one of the most exciting and exhilarating experiences a person can feel - something that many people talk about doing * is the first sport in history where video actually became part of the competition - ultimate air sport * offers both men and women total mastery of the air and the freedom of the skies. * solo sport. * spiritual experience. * sport governed very much by wind and cloud conditions - of many thrills that last only a few seconds - with a very prominent culture and language * very safe sport. Solidification - involved in the manufacture of almost all man-made materials - when a gas changes into a solid * material transformation familiar to everyone. * occurs at the meniscus and continues in the mold and after the mold exit. * usually occurs by cooling in air or a water bath.
{ "source": "generics_kb" }
### action: Sorption * also increases with an increase in the specific surface area. * includes the terms adsorption, absorption and chemisorption. * is an action - flowing - influenced by soil organic matter and soil texture - movement * is the attraction of a pesticide to inorganic and organic soil surfaces - taking up and holding by either adsorption or absorption * occurs when contaminants attach themselves to soil particles. * phenomena in foods. * popular technique applied for treatment of oil spillage. * refers to the binding of chemicals to particles of organic matter and clay in the soil. * retains chemicals in the soil, where they can be degraded. ### action | sorption: Chemisorption * are adsorption. * chemical reaction that takes place with a gas and commodity. * involves the actual formation of bonds between the adsorbate and the substrate. * is sorption<|endoftext|>### action: Specialization * is adaptation - how human operate * is the archenemy of the discovery of more basic knowledge - base upon which modern society has been built - engine that is driving most companies away from vertical integration - future of the financial services industry - only way of directing research to look at one specific cure and improve it - process of creating new categories of topics, or information types - wave of the future in the travel industry * marks the advancement of nursing practice. * mechanism for refining the definition of members of an object class. * occurs when competing species evolve different - people produce a narrower range of goods and services that they consume * takes places. * way of life in government and in private society. State action * exists when the state sponsors or mandates religion. * means a discriminatory act committed by a government official or agent - government action such as laws, regulations, ordinances etc<|endoftext|>### action: Stimulation * Most stimulation causes heart muscle contraction - ovulation * causes contraction - release of hormone by exocytosis * has consequences - effects - undesirable consequences * increases concentration - urine potassium concentration * is arousal - important for brain development - natural processes - the end of all substance * leads to alteration. * modest word for inspiration, stimulation of the heart, movement of the heart. * occurs in horses. * physical response to a stimulus. * produces sensation. ### action | stimulation: Breast stimulation * can cause powerful contractions. * causes powerful contractions. Caressing * involves mutual consent. * is stimulation Circulatory stimulation * can also be pathologic, as in healing bone. * is one of the reasons that capsicum relieves pain when applied topically. Cutaneous stimulation * evokes long-lasting excitation of spinal interneurons in the turtle. * fails to alter motor unit recruitment in the decerebrate cat.<|endoftext|>### action | stimulation: Electrical stimulation * Most electrical stimulation causes contraction - heart muscle contraction * can also help with regeneration of nerve tissue - ease pain by sending impulses that are felt instead of pain - produce relief of chronic pain over large areas of the body * exercises to improve hand function and sensation following chronic stroke. * impacts neural rehabilitation in many ways and at different time scales. * is also rapid acting, with the effect being observed in seconds - an alternative to manual stimulation - delivered through electrodes attached to various areas of the scalp - the use of an electrical current to transfer energy to a wound - used for neuromuscular re-education and to enhance motor learning * is used to accelerate the closure of chronic wounds, such as pressure ulcers - increase muscle strength and relieve muscle spasms - record the heart's activity
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### action | stimulation: External stimulation * are generally physical while internal stimulations are generally chemical. * is critical to the healthy development of the brain. Intellectual stimulation * form of growth. * is provided to children on their level, depending on their readiness. Mechanical stimulation * increases expression of acetylcholinesterase in cultured myotubes. * induces intercellular calcium signalling in bovine aortic endothelial cells. Mental stimulation * can brighten and reflect a positive attitude toward learning. * is as important as physical exercise to maintain good health - inspired through reminiscence therapy that focuses on long-term memory Nerve stimulation * has effects. * relaxes the blood vessels in the corpora, making more room for blood. * release a chemical inorganic known as pyrophosphate and light is produced. Nipple stimulation * causes a natural release of oxytocin, a hormone that stimulates contractions. * is sometimes intense enough to elicit an orgasm in some women. * releases oxytocin, making contractions stronger and more effective. Parasympathetic stimulation * causes salivation, which is an initial part of the digestive process. * decreases heart rate and the force of cardiac muscle contraction. Prenatal stimulation * allows communicating with babies in uterus. * is the first and best gift a parent can give a child. Sensory stimulation * increase cortical expression of the fragile X mental retardation protien. * is one way that many coma programs attempt to increase arousal. * promotes normalization of postural control after stroke. Sympathetic stimulation * causes increased sweat gland activity. * decreases secretion, in part by reducing blood flow to the pancreas. * has effects. Thalamic stimulation * evokes sex-color change and gamete release in a vertebrate hermaphrodite. * has a marked efficacy in reducing tremor similar to thalamotomy - the advantage of being adaptable * is non destructive and reversible. * seems to induce less adverse effects than thalamotomy. Vagal stimulation * causes slowing of the sinus node and decreased AV conduction. * produces gradual slowing which reverses when pressure is released. Visual stimulation * affects the perception of voluntary leg movement during walking. * facilitates penile responses to vibration. * plays a major role in perception and guidance of behaviors. Such action * affect responsibility. * involve perceptions - sensory perceptions * occur at numbers.
{ "source": "generics_kb" }
### action: Suicide * 'normal' response to certain kinds of stresses. * Every suicide tragedy for families and communities. * Many suicides come from some form of depression, which is very treatable - happen around that age - occur during hospitalization or shortly after discharge - result from loss of relationships and from loneliness - reveal a history of at lest one previous attempt * Most suicide comes from the replay of many past memories. * Most suicides are in the elderly - males - preventable as long as the signs are recognized and addressed in time - happen because too little or nothing at all was done - involve firearms - represent combinations of various needs * Some suicide occurs in homes. * account for more that four out of five firearm deaths - one in ten premature deaths * affects all age groups, including children and the elderly - demographic groups in America - many populations * also devastates the families and friends left behind. * are also commonplace, since the virginity test is often times inaccurate - extremely common in the war zone - everyday incidents - fairly common on mass transit rails - three times as common among males than among females * attempts with firearms are almost always fatal in contrast to other methods. * basically comes down to a balance between reasons for staying alive and reasons for dying. * belated acquiescence in the opinion of one's wife's relatives. * can also result from overwork, which the Japanese call karoshi - look like the only option to a person in total despair - occur in 'clusters' within a local area - result from a loss of hope - run in families - sometimes be a very selfish act - take place during either the manic or depressive episodes * carries a complex stigma for survivors, affected others and service providers. * claims more adolescents than any disease or natural cause. * common cause that turns a precious human life into a dead scientific object - outcome for desperate gambling addicts who have lost all their money * complex behavior usually caused by a combination of factors - phenomenon for which there is no single answer * complicated outcome of mental illness. * continues to be a leading cause of death in the United States - claim the lives of many individuals each year * cowardly way to end one's problems of life. * crime in most states - some places , and it is considered a sin in many religions - of forgetfullness that leaves heartaches that last a lifetime - with failed suicides liable to be punished by the law * cross all social, economic and cultural boundaries. * crosses all socio-economic group boundaries. * cuts across all age, economic, social and ethnic boundaries - ages, economic, social and ethnic boundaries - sex, age, and economic barriers * dangerous component of the bipolar puzzle. * distinct human act that appears in all societies. * exists as a public health crisis. * explains only a small proportion of the increase in mortality among the depressed. * fact of life among the homeless. * faithless act. * frequently direct and lethal outcome of depression. * fundamental human right. * grave offense against the fifth commandment. * growing concern as a cause of death in rural adolescents - problem in our world * happens frequently in all age, race, and economic groups - spontaneously without warning * harsh reality for the loved ones. * has major impact on family members and the youth's peers. * have no coffin. * is about stopping pain. * is also a choice that the loved one made - leading cause of death for young people - major cause of death in anorexia - serious issue in many Aboriginal communities - murder unless it is committed by a person who is mentally unbalanced - rife in prison - always the act of a psychotic person - among the leading causes of death for children and young adults * is an act of complete desperation - selfishness - equal opportunity killer and crosses all ethnic and socioeconomic groups - especially difficult way to lose a loved one - extreme reaction to negative input - important public health problem - index of an ill society - individual and tragic decision that some people make - intentional taking of one's own life - involuntary outcome of suffering caused by pain - unnecessary impulse, easily overcome and eliminated with cognitive therapy * is associated with low seretonin functions - other forms of violence and injury - attempted most frequently during adolescence and through mid-life - believed to be contagious by many in the thin blue line - confession and confession is suicide - considered to be the most serious of the potential outcomes of the mental disorders - consistent with lifelong coping patterns - diseases - estimated to be the eighth leading cause of death in all age ranges - even more frequent among older people - far more common than homicide - five times more common in boys than girls * is high among alcoholics - persons with schizophrenia - teenagers and the reason is because they have no hope for the future - human activities - inherited genetically - intentional, self-inflicted death - killers - legal in Australia, but assisting suicide crime carrying severe penalties - less common in people treated in the early years of their illness - like all sins of murder - mainly a problem for teenagers * is more common among the elderly than in any other age group - women who are single, recently separated, divorced, or widowed - in lower socio-economic groups * is more likely among women than men - to happen when the family is away from home leaving the ill person behind - when the person has a diminished capacity to think logically - most likely to occur at night as well as over the holiday season * is much higher among poor children - more common among the rich - murder of self without opportunity to repent of the sin * is murder, just as truly as homicide is - murder of the self - self-inflicted and therefore a grave sin * is never a worthwhile answer to sadness and depression - something done casually and without thought - normally a misfortune of one's own making * is now the second leading cause of death among adolescents - of death among children and adolescents - major cause of death among high school and college students - second-leading cause of death among teenagers * is now the third leading cause of death among teenagers - killer of young people between the ages of fifteen and twenty-four - third-leading cause of death among adolescents * is often a cry for help that ends in tragedy - result of severe depression - an impulsive decision * is often the dominant, but silent violence issue in rural communities - final act in a course of self-destructive behavior * is one case where it's better to guess wrong about someone's intentions than to stay silent - of the hardest things for families and for friends to deal with * is one of the leading causes of death among adolescents * is one of the most devastating types of loss - selfish things a person can do - tragic and misunderstood deeds many families face - top five causes of death among teenagers and young adults - our nation's ninth most common cause of death each year - perceived to be something that happens to loners - personal execution - predominantly a male act - preferable to dying of cold * is preventable and experts say that it is preventable through awareness and education - at any age - in many cases - quite common among the lower class - rare among pregnant women, but much more common after induced abortion - related to weather phenomenon - removal of stones of the moving colour - responsible for more deaths per year than road traffic accidents - said to be the greatest expression of self hate - second only to accidents as the leading cause of teen death * is seen as a preventable death in the minds of many people - sign of weakness - the final solution to a perceived insoluble problem - self- murder, and is one of the most desperate crimes which can be committed - self-murder * is something many people battle with at some point in their lifetime - that can be stopped - still socially taboo - strictly taboo in Muslim culture - surely a universal phenomenon associated with conscious life-forms * is the act of intentionally taking one's own life - biggest killer of young men in some parts of the country - deliberate taking of one's own life - direct killing of oneself on one's own authority * is the eighth leading cause of death among the entire population - death in America - eighth-leading cause of death in the United States - embodiement of selfishness, but is the right of the individual - fifth most common cause of premature death - intentional taking of a person s own life - last stage of an isolation-withdrawal process that is detectable and preventable * is the leading cause of death among adolescents - among college students - among gay and lesbian youth - among gay male, lesbian, bisexual and transsexual youth - among gay teens - behind bars - for gay and lesbian youth - for homosexual and bisexual people - in young homosexuals - type of firearm death * is the most common kind of fatality - frequent cause of death in U.S. jails - irrational of all individual actions * is the most sincere form of self criticism - self-criticism - tragic consequence of depression - nation's eighth leading cause of death * is the ninth leading cause of death for Indiana residents * is the number one cause of death among adolescents who experience identity confusion - killer among offenders in federal prisons - two killer of college students - one most selfish act a person can commit * is the only decision from which no one can turn back after they have made it - out to some people who can no longer cope with their problems - outcome of psychological debilitation - practice of taking one's own life - result of complex beliefs and reasons * is the second highest cause of death for young people - death of college students * is the second leading cause for death among American Indian adolescents - death in teenagers * is the second leading cause of death among Native American adolescents - death among college students after accidents - death among college-age students - death among high school students in British Columbia - death among teenagers, behind car accidents - death among youths - death for young people in Oregon - death in colleges - death of our age group - student deaths - major killer of college aged kids - most common killer of Canadian teens * is the second-leading cause of death among teenagers - among teens after traffic fatalities - sincerest form of self-criticism - tenth leading cause of death, roughly equivalent in size to road traffic accidents * is the third leading cause of death among adolescents - death among young black men after homicide and accidents - death among young people - death for teen-agers - death in adolescence - killer of young people today - most common cause of death among young adults after car wrecks and homicides - third-leading cause of death for teenagers in America - top killer of teen-agers - tragic drama in the mind * is the ultimate defense against life's troubles - form of self-destructive behavior - in teen rebellion - physical violence against oneself - way a work of art is completed - world's ninth leading cause of death - thought by some to have a genetic component, to run in families - ultimately a psychological problem - used for death - usually a rare act of a troubled or depressed person - violence directed at oneself - when a person kills themselves * leading cause of death among teenagers today - amongst adolescents so it definitely requires attention * leading cause of death in Georgia - Minnesota * major and outstanding risk of major depression. * major cause of death amongst dialysis patients - issue for gay teens - public health problem in the United States * marks the negation and rejection of life itself. * means of achieving the easiest way out - that one intentionally terminated one's life * movement away from pain and a movement to end consciousness. * multidimensional event that has to be studied and discussed in a multidisciplinary way. * now kills more young men than accident or disease - ranks in the top five causes of death in the United States * occur in every month of the year and in all seasons - only in lower socio-economic groups * occurs at a higher rate for older adults than any other age group - because of biological factors in the brain that distorts rational thinking - in ten to fifteen percent of all persons with a bipolar disorder * occurs more often among the wealthy - than people probably know, or want to admit * often carries stigma similar to that of mental illness itself - happen right after a seemingly trivial event - is linked to depression - leads to a sense of guilt or failure among survivors - takes bright young people who appear to have promising futures * only happens when the person succeeds. * permanent response to a temporary problem. * permanent solution to a temporary and very treatable problem - what is usually a temporary problem * public health concern - issue of concern for the individual, the family, and the community * ranks among the first ten causes of death in urban communities - top three causes of death in adolescents and teens * reaction to intense feelings of loneliness, worthlessness, hopelessness, or depression - overwhelming feelings of loneliness, helplessness and depression * real and frightening possibility when an individual is depressed - threat in depression * refers to having intentionally caused one's own death. * remains one of the top causes of death for youth. * represents one of the leading causes of preventable death. * requires both the ability to organize and the energy to implement a plan. * result for too common in untreated depression. * results from a feeling of hopelessness, which lack of faith - in one of the highest rates of potential years of life lost * reverberates through the lives of children and grandchildren. * risk for people with depression. * self-inflicted choice. * self-willed death. * serious danger in people who have schizophrenia. * serious problem among older men - for youths today * serious public health issue * significant cause of death among young people. * sin of rebellion. * solution to an unresolvable problem. * sometimes is seen as the way to end the misery and pain. * specialist area that requires more training than is being given. * state of mind. * strike all ages. * successful or unsuccessful attempt to intentionally kill ones self. * taboo subject in our society - that no one wants to talk about * takes a severe toll on families and friends left behind. * testifies to life's tragic brokenness. * theme of Rock music. * tragedy that can often be avoided with proper understanding. * tragic and potentially preventable public health problem. * tragic, complex behavior usually caused by a combination of factors * universal human concern. * usually takes place with little or no warning. * varies cross-culturally, is differential by age, sex, and temperament. * very complex behavior - human behavior,that remains difficult to ex- plain fully - narrow category that involves self-infliction - real risk for people who suffer from depression - serious concern for depressed young people * very serious issue among teenagers - that affects many people s lives - issue, which affects hundreds of people each year * violation of divine law. * way of life - to escape pain and hurts * willful act of unbelief. + Euthanasia, Alternatives to euthanasia, Assisted suicide: Death :: Law :: Social sciences :: Ethics :: Suicide * Suicide is when a person kills themselves. Sometimes when a person is very sick they need help to die, and if someone helps them to kill themselves, it is called assisted suicide. In some countries people are allowed to help someone to kill themselves, so long as they do not kill the person, and it can be seen as a more acceptable option because it must be the person's own decision. Because a second person did not kill the other person, it is not always considered to be euthanasia, as some people see an important difference between someone killing themselves and someone killing another person, and they believe that euthanasia is only when a second person kills the first.
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### action | suicide: Adolescent suicide * More adolescent suicides occur in the morning before school or around dinner time. * growing problem in the United States. * is approximately three times higher than the national average. * major cause of death for teenagers. Attempted suicide * are even more common. * can be the mistake of a lifetime. * frequent presentation of a battered woman. * is highest among females and younger high school students. Cell suicide * can eliminate cells that are no longer needed or that have become damaged or stressed. * is one way host cells can foil the virus' takeover attempt. Elder suicide * occurs all along the post-acute continuum. * serious problem which stands to get worse as the older population grows. Suicide terrorism * constitutes an additional stage in the escalation of terrorist activity. * is now a global threat because terrorist groups know no borders. Teenage suicide * All teenage suicides are tragic occurrences. * are common. * is associated with depression as well as many other factors. Swordplay * can be dangerous if improperly practiced. * is an action ### action | synergism: Potentiation * are synergy. * is synergism * occurs when previous exposure to a toxin increases one s sensitivity the next time. * occurs with ganglionic or peripheral adrenergic blocking drugs - nitrous oxide, fentanyl, ketamine, and possibly other opioids Terrorist action * are something over which children, and most adults, have no control. * carried out by government agents is another aspect of state-sponsored terrorism. Test case * are legal actions. * record actual results Tidal action * is another cause of wetland erosion. * tends to produce a mixed water column on banks.<|endoftext|>### action: Transduction * happens through either the lytic cycle or the lysogenic cycle. * involves DNA transfer by viruses - transfer of DNA through a virus - important means of creating genetic diversity in bacteria - dependent on the phage's particular developmental cycle - natural processes * is the process by which one form of energy is converted to another - of changing energy from one form into another * is the transfer of DNA via a phage particle - host DNA from one cell to another by a virus * widespread phenomenon in bacteria. ### action | transduction: Sensory transduction * is the transmission of a sensory nervous impulse. * occurs in receptor cells a.<|endoftext|>### action | transduction: Signal transduction * cascade of chemical reactions, each dependent upon the preceding event. * cascades as targets for therapeutic intervention by natural products. * describes the process by which cells sense and respond to their environment. * focuses on defects in cellular functions in certain disease states. * is important for numerous processes in regulating cellular functions - studied using platelets from knockout mice and human platelets * is the process by which a signal is converted to a cell response - nerve cells communicate - that directs the activity of every cell * pathways via guanylin and uroguanylin in the stomach and intestine. * plays a major role in the regulation of the cell cycle.
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### action: Transition * Abroad bi-monthly magazine devoted to work, study and travel abroad. * Most transitions occur at ages. * Some transitions have energy - occur at temperature * affect functions. * are associations between States - constant events in all our lives - exciting opportunities for children to learn and grow - passage - phrases or words writers use to connect their writing in the smoothest way possible * are the cement that binds one idea to the next, or one thought to another - links between successive shots in sequences - place where most actors fall apart - social-psychological consequences of change - stuff of the cycles of life - way the computer changes over from one slide to the next - time-varying filters that create a transition from one visual state to another - times between endings and new beginnings * are times of change - mixed feelings - that occur between activities and can disrupt the flow of play - words or phrases which connect ideas - words, phrases or sentences that tie paragraphs together thematically * basic experience of life. * can also be times of confusion, chaos, high stress, and fear of the unknown - be times when people experience discomfort, confusion and lack of direction * cause transitions. * child-centered, lifelong process. * dynamic historical process, imposing change on almost every element of society. - essential process in every adolescent's life - movement from one stage or program to another - that process of letting go of some things in order to make room for other things * is the human side of change - nature of arts and entertainment * is the process of planning for a smooth transition to life after school - that prepares students for adult life after high school * is the psychological process one goes through in adapting to change - people go through to come to terms with the new situation - term for the writing techniques used to create both unity and coherence - vertical movement of technology - way of the world - they psychological process people go through to come to terms with new situations * normal part of the life cycle for all living things. * occurs in the letting go of past before the certainty of future is present. * refers a dynamic process that prepares young people for adult life. * require knowledge. * seeks to match people in transition with others who can meet their needs. * sharing and learning experience. * shift between two distinctive phases and usually includes active rest. * show progress. * signalling uses a change in the signal level to convey information. * support group for gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and their allies. * time of discovery and finding self identity - to regroup ### action | transition: Cut * All cuts heal with a scar. * Most cuts are superficial and extend only partially through the skin. * Some cut stems produce plants - cuts naturally have more fat than others * are vulnerable to water, insects, bacteria and fungus. * heal much more rapidly and it decreases pain. * made along collagen fibers in the skin are less likely to leave unsightly scars. * tend to heal faster when they are dry and warm. ### action | transition | cut: Cold cut * Most cold cuts are high in fat and sodium. * are located in fridges - meat Coral cut * are notoriously slow to heal, as the coral injects a weak venom into the wound. * can be nasty and slow to heal. Cost cutting * are cuts * positive process through which every business can reduce inefficiencies. Curb cut * allow wheelchair riders to roll onto a sidewalk. * are slopes at the end of most public sidewalks.
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### action | transition | cut: Tax cut * allow consumers to increase their spending, which boosts aggregate demand. * are a politically popular but dangerous use of surplus funds - also an important tool for limiting the growth of government - an investment in working families - both an economic and a social benefit to the young - government expenditures that go to a select group often without strings attached - important to economic growth - most popular when people feel economic pressure - the best way government can help families cover the costs of raising children * can be stimulative because people tend to go out and spend their refunds. * cause growth. * enable people to keep more of their own money. * fuel greater economic growth, which leads to more jobs and higher wages. * help boost the economy by leaving more money in the pockets of hard-working people. * stimulate the economy, create jobs and promote consumer confidence and spending. Dissolve * are transitions. * cause dissolves. * cellulite by washing out old fat in cells. Evolutionary transition * Most evolutionary transitions affect functions. * leave signs in fossil records in terms of descent with modifications. * take place as a species adapts toward a new equilibrium.<|endoftext|>### action | transition: Flashback * are memories of past traumas - recurrences - vivid visual memories * is used to create a background to the present situation, place or person. + Aang, In the series: Animated characters :: Characters of Avatar: The Last Airbender * Flashbacks also reveal events that happened before the show opened. Monk Gyatso, Aang's teacher and father-figure, said that Aang must be raised as a normal child. Nearing the end, the monks began to believe that Gyatso interfered too much, so they decide to send Aang to the Eastern Air Temple. It is revealed in the first episodes of the show that a violent storm catches Aang and sends him into the ocean during his escape. Aang then enters the Avatar State, unknowingly, for the first time to encase himself and Appa in a frozen air bubble. An image of this air bubble, resembling an iceberg, ends the flashback. Formant transition * are places where there's a sharp rise or fall in a formant. * can play a secondary role in improving fricative recognition.
{ "source": "generics_kb" }
### action: Transportation * Includes transporting anything by railroad, aircraft, or pipeline. * Move a vehicle by turning fuel into motion. * Some transportation reduces carbon emissions - gaseous emissions * accounts for a third of U.S. global warming pollution. * accounts for about a third of all the energy consumed in the United States - one third of the pollution responsible for global warming - one-half of all U.S. petroleum consumption * affects affordable housing and greenspaces - almost every aspect of a person's life - every part of our lives - many issues, such as air quality and land use - the environment * allows people and goods to move around the country. * can also enhance the quality of our lives when it responds to people's needs - create crime by road rage and people becoming unhappy with traffic flows - include railroads, shipbuilding, and traffic management * causes most of the air pollution in and around Vancouver. * connects people to people. * consumes two-thirds of the nation's oil. * contentious issue in the natural environment as well as in the urban landscape. * contributes the largest share of air pollutants to the urban environment. * covers the physical move from sources of product to production to consumers. * different kettle of fish from water and wastewater. * factor in location decisions of commercial and industrial development. * fundamental component in society's infrastructure. * includes areas devoted to rail, air, marine, and highway transportation - issues related to mobility and access to transportation * is about more than concrete, asphalt, and steel, it is about people - just roads - providing opportunities for people * is also a big contributor to smog - consumer of land - major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions - significant source of both air and water pollution - the major contributor to urban air pollution such as photochemical smog - an additional contributor of air pollution * is an important aspect of social function - part of the quality of life - inherently spatial phenomenon - by automobile and rail * is by automobile or drive to rail - teleporting with the mind and intention - commercial enterprises - conveyance of client from one location to another - costly in both energy use and pollution generation * is critical for the quality of our urban life - to help parents secure good jobs with higher wages and benefits * is critical to the economy of the United States - regional economy - crucial to Canadian competitiveness in world markets - economic development - essential for the movement of people and freight * is essential to economic vitality - the delivery of health and human services - trade - important in both economic and social terms - key to enabling economic growth - limited in winter at times during very cold fronts - located in subways - more than roads * is one of the greatest barriers to employment - most critical issues in economic development - only one of a myriad of social problems compounded by continued growth - part of commerce - perspective branch of economy due to convientient location of Lithuania - pivotal to both our economic success and to our quality of life - public service - responsible for more than a quarter of greenhouse gas emissions - stressful on animals and is probably more so on sick animals - such that people can get from one corner of a city to another fast * is the backbone of Florida's economy - biggest cause of air pollution in Canada * is the business of conveying passengers or goods - efficiently and economically moving people and goods - fastest growing source of carbon emissions * is the largest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions - end-use market for aluminum in the Western World - single source of the main greenhouse gas, carbon dioxide - largest, single source of Canadian greenhouse gas emissions - means to an end - most important part of economics, and economics runs politics * is the movement of eroded material downslope - solid, liquid and gaseous water through the atmosphere - moving of people or things from place to place - one sector of public administration whose impact is universal - only U.S. energy sector where one fuel still has a virtual monopoly - process by which people, animals, cargo, merchandise and materials are moved * is the responsibility of each family - the parent or guardian - responsiblity of the parent * is the single largest contributor to U.S. carbon dioxide emissions - ground level ozone - source of nitrogen oxides and carbon monoxide * is the tie that binds people and communities together - way people get around - thus key to both our economic success and to our quality of life * is vital especially in rural areas - to the state's economy as well to the daily lives of the people in Idaho - what makes a state competitive * is, in many ways, the connection between resource protection and visitor enjoyment. * key accelerating factor in economic growth and environmental degradation - component of business climate and quality of life * key factor in advancing the independence of people with disabilities - developing the economies of American Indian tribes - our oil dependence - to the future of agriculture * means carrying important things for our lives - moving people or goods by air, road, water, or pipeline * moves people and goods from one place to another. * necessarily involves moving people and things from one port to a different port. * occurs downslope due to gravity processes. * plays a critical role in community livability - making our communities more livable - the national and global economy - key role for the socio-economic development of a country - vital role in Canada's economy and our overall quality of life - an essential role in the competitive cycle * refers to documented services such as ambulance, plane, train, etc. * remains a key element in achieving prosperity and economic growth. * takes places. * wide-ranging subject which greatly influences our everyday lives. * workforce issue, as well as a child care issue. + Category:Transportation: Everyday life :: Industries
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### action | transportation: Airfare * also differ between seasons. * are fares. * is transportation Ground transportation * includes travel by sea. * is the mode of transportation. Intermodal transportation * continues to be a critical component of the freight transportation system. * minimizes transportation costs in two ways. Marine transportation * accounts for over half of the value of exports. * encompasses broad questions of international trade. * is an important use of the ocean.<|endoftext|>### action | transportation: Public transit * are transportation systems. * great demand in cities. * includes taxis, buses, public cars, and motorcycles. * involves buses, planes, and some trains. * is important to the many people who use transit to get to work - most efficient during peak commuting periods, when buses are full - only one of the many services provided by government - significant in moving people from welfare to work - the most energy-efficient way to get to work or to shop * is used as a traffic congestion mitigation effort - mostly in the large centres * low-stress way to get around. * means fewer cars on the road and fewer emissions. * takes vehicles off the roads and increases the capacity of roads.<|endoftext|>### action | transportation: Public transportation * Some public transportation reduces carbon emissions - gaseous emissions * can help people move into the economic mainstream - significantly reduce dependence on gasoline * carries a higher percentage of urban travel in Europe, Canada and Asia. * convenient and inexpensive way to get around in Chicago. * depends on local sales taxes enacted by voters to support transit. * great way to move massive amounts of people from place to place. * helps people conserve energy and promote cleaner air - to alleviate road congestion and parking problems * includes airline, ship, and train fares, as well as mass transit. * is efficient, and traffic keeps moving although pockets of pollution exist - essential for many of our citizens and to the well being of our economy - for socialist countries - increasingly in private hands - limited or non-existent to better paying jobs in the suburbs - punctual, and people speak and understand English * is the mainstay of all Latin American cities - most practical means of transportation - only means of travel - practical alternative that picks up where the private auto leaves off - way in the Philippines - to be used in lieu of state vehicles when savings are thus effected * makes it easy to to get around in the city and out to the suburbs. * means of transportation for many people who use wheelchairs. * reduces the number of cars on the road and the attendant air quality problems. * runs frequently and efficiently, especially in major cities. * safe and inexpensive way to commute. * vital component in ensuring the development of livable communities. River transportation * has a direct impact on the prices consumers pay for the things they buy. * is hampered by seasonal low water levels and numerous waterfalls and rapids. * is important during the summer - in the south - the most environmentally friendly form of shipping goods - used extensively in the summer Road transportation * is considered Thailand's key transportation mode for goods and passengers. * is the preferred means of transport for many goods - primary form of communication in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia * plays a critical role in society and the economy. * provides seamless travel to virtually every portion of land in the country. Sustainable transportation * can be the underpinning of even greater growth. * is of vital importance to underprivileged countries.
{ "source": "generics_kb" }
### action: Violence * All violence is an assault on the sanctity of human life and the thief of personal dignity - stems from feelings of powerlessness * Most violence affects countries - begins in the second decade of life - is racially motivated - occurs when a person or group is agitated or physiologically aroused - starts the fiery human emotions of anger and rage * Some violence reminder of the failure to ensure justice for all members of a society. * Transgendered individuals can enrage others by their mere existence. * affects children in Palestine - entire communities - everyone's life, often on a daily basis - the lives of millions worldwide, in all socio-economic and educational classes * afflicting women and abuse, especially against women and children, are still prevalent. * also is part of the cocaine epidemic - the most common response when people are victims of violence from the other side - seems to be widespread within dating relationships * always comes with music, usually show tunes or standards - marks the end of a relationship * appears to be a common part of the adolescent world - spreading from, and within, every segment of our human existence - the nature of things, embraced by people on the right and on the left * assumes many forms, one dangerous form being hatred. * becomes a normal means of resolving conflict or stress. * begets physiological changes that often result in more violence. * begets violence and hate begets hate - the moral fabric of our society is torn by state-sanctioned killing - both in our hearts and in our actions - violence, hatred, hate * behavior that occurs in many different forms. * behavior, and that comes as a result of many factors interacting. * breeds death, retaliation, and more death - violence in every situation * can also lead to suicide - occur when schizophrenia is compounded by untreated drug use - prevent women from participating in public life - take place between an individual and a society or institution * can be a by-product of men who have been raped - profoundly important part of the cycle of healing - way of expressing that hurt - workplace hazard - an act of defense - destructive on emotional, physical and sexual spheres of life - internal to the workplace or external, such as from a client or a visitor * can be physical, emotional and spiritual - sexual, emotional and social - verbal and emotional - bring life into bolder colors and give life an intensity that often seems missing - come in many forms - do irreparable harm to girls' developing bodies, minds and emotional capacities - have lasting harmful effects on victims and has a tragic impact on children - increase as a youth's inhibitions and judgement are impaired - interfere with a child's education and academic development - manifest itself differently in suburbia - occur anywhere - even in the workplace * can occur in any relationship - both heterosexual and lesbian relationships - nursing homes * can take many forms - various forms * cancer that's invading our society at every level. * causes barriers of fear and results in isolation - death and trauma in the people who suffer it - disabilities such as chronic pain, head injuries, paralysis and memory loss * choice a person makes - the abuser makes * comes from a sense of powerlessness - in many forms, there diversity of victims and perpetrators * common occurrence in the drug distribution system - thread in out society * complex problem that has no one identifiable cause - which requires complex solutions * continually surfaces in society as people react to their status of inferiority. * continues at a level that undermines democracy and the rule of law. * continues to be directed at women because many societies view women as acceptable targets - escalate to staggering amounts in society today * cultural problem. * cuts across all racial and socioeconomic groups. * cycle of learned behavior - that seemingly has no end * defines American culture. * demeans the one who performs or cooperates with such actions. * desensitizes people to death, suffering, blood, and pain. * destroys society, rips apart the very fabric of human life. * determinant for many of the problems in women's health. * direct result of violence. * distorts our lives, causes chaos, panic, fear - the emotional lives of women and families * does breed violence - occur in same-sex relationships * encompasses a large array of acts and circumstances. * equals action in most people's minds. * evolves out of intolerance. * exists because of Sin - in a few places, but most other places have prosperity * expresses their out of control emotions. * fact of life. * feature of many movies, t.v. shows, video and internet games. * feeds off low self-esteem - on violence * finds expression in every human culture. * force, which escapes the control of reason. * generates the fear that creates the complicity that establishes and sustains the power. * gives birth to more violence. * global epidemic. * growth industry. * happens between intimate partners and in families - partners, regardless of culture or ethnicity - in most school system - mostly in poor peoples homes * has a disproportionately greater impact on racial and ethnic minorities - lasting effect on a child's emotional as well as physical health - myriad forms - deep personal, social, and environmental roots - enormous individual and social costs - historical, cultural, and societal roots in our world * has many and complex causes - faces, and structural forms of violence victimize vast majorities * has no boundaries and effects every person no matter one's race or religion - place in any society, much less in a democratic society - results in the world, at times unpredictable - the effect or potential effect of hurting the health and welfare of an individual * health risk and can result in physical and emotional problems. * healthcare epidemic. * hero's way to solve problems. * includes physical assault, verbal assault, harassment and the threat of assault. * increases medical and stress-related disability claims. * interferes with the necessary dealings of life and all humans suffer. * intrudes into everything, even positive, friendship-like relationships. * involves giving pain to another live being. * is about power and control - misused and abused - power, control, and domination - unequal power relations that allow one party to dominate the other - actions and words that hurt people - actually a non expression of anger - aggression - aimed deliberately at civilians * is also a common element of mass entertainment via television or the cinema - special concern for women workers - deeply rooted in our social institutions - power, and also changes things - quite common in intimate relationships and most often reflects the abuse of power - scary, especially if parents or children are victims * is always an expression and demonstration of power - the responsibility of the person who commits it - an American inheritance, passed on from one generation to the next * is an act of aggression toward others - that produces physical harm or destruction - affliction that threatens both local communities and the global community - effective tool for attaining and maintaining control over another person - increasingly common theme in many computer games and toys - integral part of hockey - intentional act - international phenomenon - ongoing problem in the workplace and on the school campus - option forced by a prior error, which can include lack of action - outcome of reactive aggression - umbrella term which takes on many sub-topics * is an unacceptable response to anger and conflict - conflict at any level - unfortunate and unacceptable byproduct of wars and armed conflicts - another worry of parents with children with a serious mental illness - any harm done to someone or to a group of people - anything which works against life - as large as a war or as small as a word * is associated with many aspects of serious and organised crime - masculinity * is at epidemic levels throughout the world - least as obscene as sex - attendant to all levels of the methamphetamine trade - bad things - based on powerlessness and ignorance - born into the human psyche * is both a cause and a consequence of employee stress - human rights issue and an obstacle to women's participation in development - caused by frustration as one's efforts to reach a goal are blocked - commonplace in today s political life - commonplace, and matter of everyday life - deeply ingrained in our attitudes as well as our behavior - described as verbal, sexual, physical - detrimental to the efficient functioning of the workplace - displayed everyday in American society - encouraged by the physical characteristics of powerful men in the media * is endemic in our society - the prisons of most Latin American countries - everywhere in our society - excessive proliferation of guns and illegal drugs - exercised as the most common mechanism for attaining power - expressed in many different ways and in many different fora - forces - fundamentally and inescapably an issue of gender - greed - homeless people dying in the streets of our cities * is immoral also because it deepens the brutality of the perpetrator of violence - because it thrives on hatred rather than love * is in human nature, and our culture can push otherwise normal people over the edge - the media, our communities and schools, and, most tragically, in children s homes - including all forms of emotional, psychological and physical abuse - inherent in gang activity - interpersonal and institutional - intimacy without the embarrassment, free of ambiguities and disappointed hopes - known to all people and comes in many forms * is learned behavior inside and outside of school - from exposure to violence - likely to occur during pregnancy - located in war - marketed by the media, e.g., television shows and movie advertisements * is more likely to occur in association with a single incident by a stranger - the presence of alcohol consumption - when there are children in the household * is more prevalent in certain populations - public schools and more school shootings occur in public schools - when students feel that their classes and grades are unimportant * is more than harmful acts between individuals - murder - that it's anything that hurts someone - the destruction of life - most prevalent in team contact sports, such as ice hockey, football, and rugby - natural interference with natural striving - necessary to protect the rights of all rational life forms throughout the universe - now the second leading cause of death in the workplace - of the human heart - often a part of spiritual growth * is often the outcome of a continued pattern of unacceptable behaviors - product of anger and fear - on the rise, both domestically and in the society * is one behavioral choice out of many a person can make when provoked - expression of the low status women hold in many societies * is one of the effects of drug use so that the money for drugs can be obtained - main factors effecting are schools today - major problems for women and prostitutes - most common causes of disability - upstream causes having a major impact on health care costs - possible, but undesirable, response to conflict - only something that is done from one person to another person - oppression * is part of daily life for many women in Asia - the human condition, an evil that lies beneath the veneer of civilization - perpetrated by one person against the other - perpetuated by inflicting violence on children, who, in turn, punish their children * is pervasive in society today - popularized by many different medias - porn, and porn is the head cleaner of the human mind - pornographic when, for a variety of reasons, it is unacceptable * is prevalent in media, both towards the public and towards the law - television shows and movies, being watched by people of all ages - probably one of the main roots to why our world is getting worse - projected into homes by means of both the entertainment and news media - provoked when dominant groups try to control minority cultures - rampant in the theatrical profession - reported in sixteen percent of all marital relationships * is seen as a momentary outburst of anger - on every street and in every part of the world every day - serious because it can result in death - socialism for the rich and capitalism for the poor * is something that affects each of our lives - some men learn - that's worldwide and no one can be in denial or sorry about their mistakes * is the act of a person - currency of competition - dehumanizing obstacle to human potential - disease - enemy of democracy, security and prosperity - etiology for a growing number of TBIs - exertion of physical force so as to injure or abuse * is the final common path of a host of interacting developmental events - link in a chain that begins with disconnection - free market - fundamental element of human life and history - intentional use of force to harm a human being - leading cause of death of women in the workplace - lifeblood of American culture * is the most common cause of eye trauma, especially in men less than thirty years old - primitive response to conflict * is the number one cause of death by suicide, homicide and accidents - one means they have to redress their grievances - only way they start to feel they can get a result - open expression of powerlessness - responsibility of the person who uses it * is the result of a loss of identity - the more loss, the greater the violence - fear and lack of good ideas - the fact that life is taken so lightly * is the second leading cause of death for adolescents and young adults - death for all youths - spinal cord injuries, behind motor vehicle crashes - sole responsibility of the violent person * is the solution to almost any kind of conflict - many people faced with poverty, drugs and exclusion from the society * is the ultimate form of disconnection and alienation - foundation of any political power * is the use of force - or threat of force - voice of pain - way they express their power - weak-minded person's way of acting out - to eliminate ignorance, apathy and hatred - turbulence - unnatural, a learned behavior - used as a way to control others or get something they want * is used for kill - terrorism - usually the most extreme form of control exerted by an abusive partner - very prevalent in our society - violence in every language, in every culture, and violence sells - violence, the end is always the same pain and sorrow, confusion and death - widespread in the mining areas, where alcohol abuse and prostitution are prevalent - words and actions that hurt people * key image and is often used by the media - reason for the broadening chasm between developed and developing countries * leading cause of amphetamine-related deaths - nonfatal injuries among young people * learned behavior and hence can be unlearned - it can be unlearned - vilence tends to perpetuate itself through generations - or learned response to stress, frustration and anger * learned behavior that can be unlearned - is passed from generation to generation - spreads from one generation to another * learned behavior, and children are learning it at younger and younger ages - it is often learned in the home or the community - like any learned behavior, it can be changed - so is nonviolence * logical outcome of the meaning structure of skinhead culture. * low level frequency among the spectra of frequencies available to humans. * major cause of brain injuries in the United States - emotional suffering - concern to parents, students, teachers, and the administration of any school * makes people angry and resentful and ready to hit someone else. * means of oppressing others and is destructive to individuals and to society - the exertion of physical force so as to injure or abuse - to inflict pain, wounds and traumas on others as well as self * mostly starts by people disrespecting each other. * multi-determined behavior. * multi-faceted and complex problem of enormous social consequence. * negative force that leads to self-destruction and more aggression. * occurs frequently in bars and nightclubs. * occurs in all economic groups - many forms with as many pulsepoints * occurs more frequently in the home than anywhere else in our society - than anywhere else in society - often between people who know each other - than two times as often in families with an alcoholic than in families without * occurs when men feel that women are taking over - the parties hold mistaken beliefs about one another's type * often begins or increases during pregnancy - breeds a cynicism and distrust that unravel the very fabric of social life * often escalates during pregnancy - in severity to the point where the victim's life is in danger * operates at many levels. * part of all societies and there are no societies without some level of violence - city life - life and people are attracted to violence - society in that there are no societies without some level of violence * particular problem on university campuses. * permeates hockey games, in spite of rules that penalize players for fighting on the ice - popular culture * perpetuates violence. * powerful tool of oppression. * primitive instinct. * principal concern of biblical writers and the obsession of modern media. * problem that affects urban areas throughout the Americas. * propagates violence. * protest against the absence of beauty. * public health concern that has reached epidemic proportions * ranges from verbal abuse to physical abuse and torture. * reaction to helplessness. * reality in women's lives. * refers to the destruction of objects or living beings. * reflection of poverty and drug use. * releases a potent chemical cocktail into the muscles and the brain. * remains an integral part of the international system - rife in our society, just as it is in populations of chimpanzees or baboons * represents the opposite of relief and healing. * responds to violence. * results from a number of issues, including the lack of education and meaningful employment - in displacement * role that machines play a large part in. * runs through the veins, as passion drives men to madness. * saps the psychological well being of every child, every parent and grandparent. * sells because violence is associated with justice. * serious problem for many women with disabilities - public health crisis in the United States * sign that a relationship is in trouble. * significant cause of injury and death in the workplace. * simply appears to be the nature of things. * social relationship and demonstraction of power. * takes many forms Domestic violence pattern of controlling behaviors - shapes and forms and comes in many different ways - on many forms and expressions - place among teachers, teachers and students, and students themselves - the form of hitting, fighting or threats to do harm * tangible expression of unresolved conflict. * teaches children to be violent. * tends to be chronic and is often associated with husbands' drinking - taught by one generation to the next - increase during pregnancy, resulting in an increased rate of miscarriage - lead to further violence * thing one person does to make another person hurt. * tool of stupidity to make quick decisions. * usually occurs among family members, lovers, and friends. * way of asserting power, privilege, and control. * way of life in America-even among our youth - our mean streets - some places - sending messages to the other side - to get power
{ "source": "generics_kb" }
### action | violence: Domestic violence * Domestic Violence Is A Crime - are services that provide assistance for low income persons - can be in any home and any person in that home can be a victim * Domestic Violence happens among all sectors of society - in an intimate relationship * Domestic Violence is Intergenerational and Self-perpetuating - abuse within a family or intimate relationship - embedded in our social structure and customs - in all of our communities - often a long term situation - the number one cause of injury to women in America - violence in the home * Domestic Violence tends to follow a cycle of three phases - recur and increase with severity over time - transcends racial, age and socioeconomic boundaries - works on ways to improve physician education in the area of domestic violence * Most domestic violence is committed against women by their male partners - emotional and verbal in nature - perpetrated against children, and most often the perpetrator is female * affects all members of a family, as well as the community in which they live. * affects at least one out of every four American families - every four U.S. families - individuals of all ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds - more than just women of childbearing age - people at work * affects people of all ages and all cultures - socioeconomic backgrounds and education levels * affects the entire community - rich and poor, and it affects children and other family members - thousands of women every year in Iowa - women from all religious, ethnic, economic, and educational backgrounds * afflicts communities regardless of economic, ethnic or racial identity. * black hole on the court's time. * brutal and often fatal act. * business problem. * can affect the whole family, especially our children - also spill over into the workplace - and often does escalate in severity - arise in other family relationships as well * can be a source of jeopardy to combat readiness and to military families - an overwhelming experience for everyone in the household - another form of hate crime - lethal - obvious shoving, slapping, punching and constant put-downs - physical, emotional or sexual abuse - consist solely of property damage * can happen anywhere - in any household * can happen to anyone and anywhere - of any race, age, sexual orientation, religion, or gender - anyone, anytime and anywhere * can have bad effects on physical and psychological health - long-term effects on children * can involve physical, emotional, financial, sexual or social abuse - sexual, emotional,economic and psychological abuse * can lead to fatalities - murder of the sister, and the brother being put in jail - leave victims feeling trapped and unable to help themselves * can occur in any family and in any relationship - type of relationship where two adults are involved - seriously limit women's ability to participate in both paid and unpaid work * can shatter a life as suddenly as a car wreck - families and destroy lives - start at home * can strike any household - in any home, social class, or religion * can take many forms from beatings, sexual assault, molestation, and even murder * causes more emergency room visits than car accidents, rapes and muggings combined - physical harm, but it also can leave mental scars that last a lifetime - some girls to run away in desperation * common but often poorly recognized source of medical morbidity. * community issue as well as a personal and family issue * complex social problem. * concrete evil. * consists of physical, sexual, emotional, and social abuse. * continues to be a problem in virtually every country - serious problem in the Korean American community - plague our society and our state * contributes to the overwhelming state of violence in our society. * costs employers billions of dollars each year. * cowardly, secret, and sociopathic abuse of power. * crime against society, as are similar acts of violence between strangers. * crime and almost always escalates - never the fault of the one being hurt - in Massachusetts - that goes in a continuing circle - which is of concern to many communities * crime, and domestic violence abusers are criminals, plain and simple - perpetrators are criminals - just like robbery or rape * criminal activity. * crosses all cultural lines, however, and is prevalent state and nationwide - cultural, racial, educational, and socioeconomic boundaries - cultures, races, and socioeconomic levels - demographic lines - racial and age barriers * crosses all racial, economic, sexual orientation and religious barriers - ethnic, economic, and religious communities - social and economic boundaries * crosses all social, economic, cultural, educational, and religious boundaries - racial, cultural and religious boundaries - socioeconomic, ethnic, racial, educational, age, and religious lines - every economic, social, and racial barrier - racial, religious and chronological lines * cuts across all economic, racial and cultural boundaries - levels of education and class - race, class, and professional lines - social, racial, educational and economic lines with no exceptions - social-economic lines - socioeconomic classes, ages, sexes, races, and religious groups - socioeconomic, cultural and gender lines - walks of life * destroys families and disrupts a child's emotional development. * destructive cycle and it always gets worse. * deteriorates the family and the community. * dirty little secret that can destroy the lives of everyone involved. * disrupts children's lives. * does occur in dating relationships. * effects everyone. * encompasses spouse abuse and child abuse. * exacts a toll on individual women and on American business and government. * exists in all communities. * experienced by pregnant teenagers serious maternal and child health problem. * fact of life for millions of American women * falls into several categories. * follows a vicious cycle that often explodes in violence or other abuse. * form of abuse that can be physical, verbal and emotional - control that one person exercises over another - intimidation * growing problem in our society as is violence generally. * hampers a victim's ability to perform in the workplace. * happens in all communities regardless of race,class,age or sexual orientation - kinds of families and relationships - military families of all ranks and ages - to all sorts of people * happens to people of all ages, races, ethnicities, and religions - races, income, and education levels - women of every age, race, background, class, job category and religion * has a long history - negative impact on military readiness and good order and discipline - physical and psychological impact on all members of a family - tremendous impact on the legal profession - adverse effects on individuals, families, and society in general - extremely high costs for the family, the community, and the future - immediate and long-term detrimental effects on children * has many different definitions - indicators * has no certain race, social status or whatever - socioeconomic preference - short, medium and long-term consequences on women and children * health care problem of epidemic proportions. * human problem. * hurts all family members - both women and men - victims as well as their families * impacts a woman's performance on the job. * includes actual or threatened physical , sexual, psychological, or economic abuse - emotional, physical and sexual attacks - multiple forms of abuse such as physical, sexual, and psychological - physical and sexual attacks and threats - physical, sexual, verbal or emotional abuse between partners * incorporates several types of abuse. * involves a set of complex issues. * is about control - the abuse of power and it's about treating other people as things * is abuse between family members or related persons - married or unmarried partners * is abuse by a caregiver, a parent, a spouse or an intimate partner - that happens in a personal relationship - abuse, manipulation and control that is unwanted by the victim - abusive, criminal behavior * is against the law in Hawaii and most other states * is all about control - too common in American families * is also a workplace issue - more common among couples who cohabit - always wrong and in many instances crime * is an abuse of power - abusive pattern of power and control - area of concern where our collective voice is being raised - entrenched and complex problem - epidemic of major proportions * is an equal opportunity crime - phenomenon * is an equal-opportunity crime - offender - equality issue - example of where women have suffered greatly - important factor during a divorce to determine custody of children * is an issue in a high percentage of the divorce, annulment or separation cases - of safety for women and children worldwide * is an issue that affects many families - is completely ignored in Russia - offense against our institutional values - unacknowledged epidemic in our society * is another example of running red lights in our society - problem faced by many Israeli women, both religious and secular - any emotional, physical or sexual abuse by a family member, often by a partner - behavior that attempts to control the victim in one or more ways * is believed to be the most common and least reported crime in the United States - common but least reported crime in the United States - common yet least reported crime in our nation - common yet least reported crime in the country - common, but least reported, crime in our nation * is caused by a person choosing to use violence - costly, both in human and organizational terms - cyclical, from explosion to remorse to explosion - date rape plus harassment, vandalism and stalking - destructive behavior intended to control others - different and far removed from other forms of abuse - diseases - epidemic in the American family - everyone's problem - everywhere - family violence * is far more prevalent among mixed couples than among whites - than just spousal abuse - handled in peacemaking at the victim's choice - high as a result of forced marriages and the brutalisation of society - insanity of the worst sort - insidious because very often it happens behind closed doors - intentional and instrumental behaviour - irrelevant to parental fitness - kept secret - labeled the largest human rights violation affecting women and girls globally * is lethal and common - for women and has no racial, religious, social, or economic boundaries - like the loudest person in customer service - many different types of abuse - more prevalent in lower and upper middle classes than in the poor families * is more than a series of isolated physical attacks - the occasional family dispute - much more common than most people realise - multi-generational - no different then alcoholism, or drug dependency - of great concern, and discrimination against women is still widespread - often invisible in the lives of people with disabilities - one of the largest categories of calls to police * is one of the leading causes for homelessness - least reported crimes in America * is one of the most common crimes committed, but one of the least reported - of all crimes in the United States - pervasive, yet under-reported, crimes in America * is one of the most serious epidemics facing health care professionals today - problems in our society today - only physical abuse - passed down from generation to generation - physical or emotional abuse that happens between partners - physical, mental, sexual or emotional abuse in an intimate relationship * is prevalent among all socioeconomic classes - throughout the United States, Canada, Europe, etc - primarily abuse done by men on women - probably the most common form of violence today - rampant in America - real and it affects people's lives everyday * is recognized as a crime in all states - an issue with significant medical consequences, including death - reportedly common, and there are credible reports of trafficking of women - rooted in a long history of oppression - said to take place most often in the home - second only to car accidents as a cause for female emergency room visits - statistically consistent across racial and ethnical lines * is still prevalent in our country, in our state and in our community - very prevalent, and directly effects many of our children - supported by societal indifference * is the beating of a victim - breeding place for social violence - extreme expression of the belief in male dominance over women - leading cause of emergency room visits by women * is the leading cause of homelessness among women with children * is the leading cause of injury among women in the United States today - and homicide among American women - for women in the United States - for women worldwide - to women in the United States - least likely violent crime to be reported to the police - main cause of injury to women treated at hospital emergency rooms * is the most common cause of injury to women in our society * is the most common form of assault in Australia - violence and needs to be made a public issue - violence in Australia - violent crime in the United States - frequently occurring and underreported crime in the nation - prevalent form of discrimination against women - under-reported crime in the United States * is the most unreported crime in the United States - other than child abuse and sexual abuse - nation's leading cause of injury to women - number one cause of emergency room visits by women - picture most people have - result of retaliation * is the single largest cause of injury to women - major cause of injury to women in the United States - most underreported crime in the United States - sole responsibility of the abuser * is thought be more common among the immigrant population - to be more prevalent among immigrant women than among U.S. citizens - tragic when it occurs - unacceptable human behaviour - usually a one-time event, an isolated incident - very common - viewed as contrary to the best interests of the child - violence committed against one person by another person of the same household - when abuse occurs in relationships between two or more intimates * is widespread and occurs among all socioeconomic groups - throughout our society * is widespread, and abused women have no recourse - considered a family issue - wrong because it is violence against another human being, period * jeopardizes the employment and financial security of many Washington workers. * knows no age or gender - boundaries of class, creed, religion, educational, or economic level * leading cause of injury here and across the nation - indicator that child abuse is happening in the home * learned behavior usually by boys who witness their fathers' violence - pattern of behaviors used by one person to gain control of another * lethal and costly crime. * major cause of family homelessness - obstacle on the way to gender equality * major problem across the nation * major social concern - problem facing our society * makes no distinctions in terms of education level, social status or religion. * malicious and cowardly crime. * medical issue, as well. * multi-faceted problem. * national disgrace - pastime * occurs a. only in low-income households. * occurs across all ages, and happens too frequently in the context of teen dating - cultures, ages, ethnic groups and social classes - socioeconomic and demographic boundaries - the economic board * occurs among all ages, races, and religions - kinds of people - races and socioeconomic groups * occurs among all races, ages, and religions - religious, and socio-economic groups - religions and socioeconomic groups - every race,ethnic group and socio-economic level - at least once in two-thirds of all marriages - between both married - equally across all sectors of society * occurs in all ages, races, genders and social classes - economic, cultural, racial, and religious groups - parts of society regardless of race or economic status - social and economic groups - types of families, races and religions * occurs in every economic class, race, and ethnic group - part of our society * occurs in families of all races, economic, and social backgrounds - regardless of nationality, race or employment - many, many relationships where there are children present * occurs in one in four families in Australia - out of five South Asian families, experts estimate - relationships of all races, religions, economic and social backgrounds - mostly in heterosexual, low income, and ethnic families - regardless of the age of the person or their socio-economic status - when a relationship is based on power and control * occurs within all races, religions, age, income, and economic groups - every social strata and among every race, and it is serious * painful problem within our communities. * pattern of assaultive and coercive behaviors - behavior used by one person to dominate or control another * pattern of coercive control in an intimate relationship - control used by one person to exert power over another * personal problem between a husband and a wife. * personal, social and even a workplace concern. * pervades all socio-economic classes. * pervasive problem in society - treat to Black women s health * plagues many African families - women and girls throughout the world * plays an increasingly disruptive role in the workplace. * private family matter * problem at all income levels - facing many Korean families * problem in every community - corner of the globe - of epidemic proportions in our communities - that cuts across economic, class and racial lines * problem, even in Christian homes. * public health problem - safety issue * puts children at risk - directly and indirectly at risk for later violent behavior * ranges from mildly abusive actions to severely violent, life threatening behavior - severely violent, life-threatening behavior * ranks as one of the nation's most expensive health problems. * refers to all crimes between family members - violence in intimate relationships * repetitive pattern in people s lives. * respects no class or culture, income or age groups. * serious crime against the individual and the community - that often results in grave injury and even death - matter, and can lead to arrest and prosecution - national problem which affects millions of households * serious problem in rural areas * serious problem that affects people from all walks of life - crosses racial, economic and religious boundaries - has existed for centuries * serious, long-standing problem in Peru, with particular impact on women. * shatters the lives of thousands of Australian families. * significant problem in California and throughout the country. * social evil - issue affecting men, women and children * societal problem with serious consequences. * spills over into the workplace, too. * stems from the abuse of power and control. * takes a heavy toll on the victims, the family and the community - toll, both in numbers of victims and the cost of healthcare - number of forms * taxpayer problem. * tends to be repeated in successive generations - become more frequent and severe over time * tends to get worse and more frequent over time - progress over time, increasing in frequency, severity and lethality - recur and increase in severity over time * term that carries differentdefinitions in the medical literature. * terrorizes children. * threatens life and dignity, especially of women and children - to reach epidemic proportions in the United States * thrives on the inequality of women. * touches every segment of American society. * transcends all ethnic, racial, and socioeconomic boundaries - socio-economic, cultural and educational backgrounds * truth in society that affects all people. * two way street. * type of domestic abuse that involves physical violence. * vicious crime. * violent confrontation that explodes in the home between family members - criminal breeding ground * way of life for so many. * whole community to stop domestic violence. * woman's problem. - issue, but too many companies have yet to address it
{ "source": "generics_kb" }
### action | violence: Family violence * All family violence has the potential of inflicting psychological and physical harm. * Most family violence is committed against women. * affects children from every income level, race and religion. * can happen anywhere, to anyone - at any time, to anyone * complex issue with a diverse set of causes - problem for which there appears to be many casual factors * crime against all family members. * crosses all racial, ethnic, geographic, religious, and socio-economic boundaries. * does violence to our hopes and dreams. * exists, and the danger to victims of family violence is exacerbated in a separation. * human development issue - rights issue * impacts everyone. * includes both physical assault and emotional abuse - child abuse, domestic violence, and elder abuse and neglect - emotional, psychological, physical, sexual and financial abuse * is another indicator of youth violence - any violence by one family member against another family member - believed to be the most common, yet least reported, crime in the country - more traumatic for most children than street violence * is often a learned behavior from childhood - well-kept secret - on the increase in all segments of society, and affects everyone * is one of the most insidious forms of violence against women - serious social problems today - the mistreatment of one family member by another * is the most common and least reported crime in America - unreported crime in our nation - transmitted through generations of learning * leadership issue. * leads to delinquency and other societal problems. * learned behavior that can be prevented. * manifests itself in a number of ways. * occurs at least one in two-thirds of marriages, and among all races and classes - in all ethnic, economic, racial and social groups * problem that pervades all of society. * result of power imbalances within the family, community, and society. * serious problem in our society. * spills over into the community and affects all of our families. * tends to be repeated over many generations. * touches one-fourth of all American families. Gender violence * can occur throughout a woman's lifecycle. * is endemic in South Africa. * makes women targets of violence simply for being women, nothing else. Interpersonal violence * is rare, although there is some domestic violence. * major problem in many countries around the world. Juvenile violence * can occur in every community, but it remains concentrated in major cities. * flourishes around certain types of businesses and blocks. * stems in large part from a breakdown of family and community. * tangible problem that affects every community.<|endoftext|>### action | violence: Media violence * broad target and an easily accepted excuse for societal ills. * can be addictive - desensitise children to real world and fantasy violence - desensitize children to real-world and fantasy violence - encourage children to learn aggressive behavior and attitudes * creates a mind set - the mind set that it is okay to commit violence. * desensitizes children. * helps form the nature of the hands that hold the guns. * indicates that society values profits over children. * is as pervasive as television itself. * teaches who can get away with what against whom. Passive violence * can include prejudice, hatred, and economic oppression. * causes anger and anger leads to physical violence. * fuels the fires of physical violence. Physical violence * can be severe and life-threatening - erupt from words - result in murder and often leads to serious physical injury * causes pain and injury. * is by definition, assault and it crime - just one form of abuse - more common in today's prisons that in prisons of the past * is the basis of authority - second most common reason for wives to seek a divorce
{ "source": "generics_kb" }
### action | violence: Police violence * major way that racial oppression impacts communities of color. * necessity for the cops of the capitalist system. Political violence * harms groups and movements. * is responsible for virtually all the displacement in Colombia. * is, as the saying goes, the extension of politics by other means. * recurring and unchanging phenomenon. Psychological violence * constitutes some of the other ways men use coercion over women and children. * includes bullying or mobbing - group psychological harassment - mobbing-group psychological harassment Riot * are made of people - riots * happen in cities the way floods happen in rural areas. * is violence + V for Vendetta (movie), Plot: 2005 movies :: 2000s drama movies :: 2000s LGBT movies :: British drama movies :: British LGBT movies :: Movies set in London * As November 5 approaches, the city gets restless. Riots break out. V gives out thousands of Guy Fawkes masks to people for them to wear on November 5. * Riots start shortly after. Spiritual violence * is most dangerous when it is most spiritual - that is least emotional. * problem of great concern to lesbians and gay men, and to their loved ones. Television violence * Television Violence Is TV the cause of youth violence. * affects both adults and children in subtle ways. * can destroy a young child's mind. * does lead to real-world violence. * has an adverse effect on viewers. * is especially harmful because children easily understand visual images. * makes children passive. * takes many forms.<|endoftext|>### action: Vitrification * creates a crystal-free immobilized liquid state also known as a glass. * eliminates the formation of ice during cooling. * is an action - like how glass exists - natural processes - preservation at extremely low temperatures without freezing - solids * is the process of encasing hazardous materials in glass for long-term storage - fusing stones together by heat from fires built around a structure * provides high volume reduction of wastes. * technique just being developed. Voyage * are journeys - records - travel - used for travel * group which mixed native sounds with disco. * is seafaring<|endoftext|>### action | voyage: Cruise * can also mean to drive around slowly and aimlessly - something like hanging out while moving. + Tom Cruise, Early life: Actors from New York :: American movie actors :: American movie producers :: Americans of German descent :: English-Americans :: Irish-Americans :: Scientologists :: 1962 births :: Living people :: People from Syracuse, New York * Cruise was born in Syracuse, New York. Cruise has three sisters, Lee Anne, Marian, and Cass. Cruise is of Irish, German and English ancestry. They left Ireland for America that same year and settled in New York. Spaceflight * poses both challenges and opportunities for human health. * produces many severe atomic stresses on the body and mind.<|endoftext|>### action: Warfare * draws on board games and military simulations for ways to model behavior. * exists where two kingdoms are in mortal conflict. * indicates hostilities rather being able to take place even apart from a state of war. * inevitably results in damage to property and dislocation of people. * involves strategy because the outcome of a war depends on the decisions made by the enemy - strategy, and it has often been said that war is hell * is accepted and legally sanctioned in human society, at least for defensive purposes. - extravagant extension of human sacrifice - even more prevalent in the written record of history - in large part determined by the terrain of the battlefield - relegated to earthly struggles of the armies of the nations against each other - society's most destructive way to defend a group's existing resources and acquire others - the art of deceit * seems to have been less prevalent in prehistoric days than in our own.
{ "source": "generics_kb" }
### action | warfare: Actual warfare * is confined mainly to males in the breeding season, especially in polygamous species. * regrettable lapse into barbarity, above which civilization strives to ascend. Biological warfare * growing concern throughout the international security community. * is nothing new to the human race Modern warfare * is based on a conveyor belt system from factory to front line - highly dependent on satellite communications - the resultant of an interrelation of co-operative activities - war on civilians * using chemicals and gases is also a great threat to the environment. Spiritual warfare * involves testimony, prayer, praise, preaching, prophecy and proclamation. * is conducted at many levels - one unexpected corollary of combat and human conflict - prayer that aims to defeat the devil and evil forces at work in the world - the normal state of affairs between the church and Satan - waged on the internet * modem phrase for an old battle. * pro-active approach to our faith. * real part of everyday Christian living. Wetting * can make parchment cockle or go hard, brittle and transparent - occur as a result of a medical problem * is an action - very critical on smooth, non-absorbent surfaces, such as plastics * provides moisture to make brine. ### action | wetting: Basting * When basting poultry at home, always use clean utensils to avoid cross-contamination. * adds flavor and color, and prevents poultry from drying out - prevents surfaces of food from drying out * are part of roasting. * is important to the effectiveness of slow cooking lean meats - the stitching used to hold the three layers of fabric together while quilting * prevents foods from drying out and adds color and flavor.<|endoftext|>### action | wetting: Immersion * allows the eyes to pickup subtle data changes in real time. * are baptism. * can also be scary. * focuses on the acquisition of a second language. * goes beyond the familiar sense of being clothed and surrounded by a fabric. * helps relieve anxiety and promotes relaxation. * indicates the abandonment of one form of existence to embrace one infinitely higher. * is baptism, without it there is no baptism * is the best way to learn a new language - key to opening the doors of perception - only baptism spoken of or described in scripture - transition from bodyspace to cyberspace * psychological condition suggesting depth of involvement. * seeks to transform consciousness. * site made to show original anime. * specific type of integrated instruction. * symbolizes our death to sin and resurrection to new life. ### action | wetting | immersion: Total immersion * cause a desire to breathes. * is still the general rule for baptism in the faith - the most effective way of developing foreign language proficiency Nighttime wetting * can be a sign of an allergic reaction to certain food items. * occurs more commonly in boys. Active compound * Most active compounds remain in atmospheres - upper atmospheres * Some active compounds cause cancer - cervical cancer - liver cancer * Some active compounds find in fungi - plants - reduce inflammation * have smell. ### active death: Spiritual death * Most spiritual death involves separation. * is an active death - more likely when goals are unbalanced toward things physical - the result of no prayer
{ "source": "generics_kb" }
### active endocrine compartment: Adipose tissue * can withstand hypoxia. * consists of adipocytes hugely swelled with lipid. * facilitates energy storage and insulation. * form of loose connective tissue that stores fat. * forms the main mass of the mammary gland of a nonlactating mammal. * has an especially high content of fat cells in loose connective tissue. * is also in and around the epineurium - present at the hilar region - an active endocrine compartment - animal tissue - composed predominantly of adipocytes - distributed within and around the lobes of breast parenchymal tissue - extremely vascular - fibrous connective tissue in which the cells have become almost filled with oil - found throughout the body - one of the most hydrated of all tissues in the human body * occurs through the body. * produces several compounds that play an active role in metabolism. * type of loose connective tissue that stores fat. ### active endocrine compartment | adipose tissue: Cellulite * Most cellulite is found on the lower body. * freezes faster. * is adipose tissue - diseases * occurs when blood vessels in fat layers near tissue become damaged - pockets of fat push up against connective tissue underneath the skin - the body's circulation and elimination processes become impaired * tends to come with genetics and age - get deposited just under the skin between the connective tissues ### active laying eggs: Pear psylla * are highly resistant to most available insecticides. * becomes a major pest when it develops resistance to insecticides. * can cause damage to pear trees and fruit in several ways - sticky fruit and requires a dormant spray for control * is active laying eggs. * spend the winter near previously infested pear trees. ### active learning experience: Independent study * Independent studies are courses of study - show that children who learn piano tend to do better in school * can be a rich and rewarding form of learning. * is an active learning experience. ### active marriages: Good marriage * are active marriages - the ones where the couple knows how to hang out and play together * seem to inoculate people to a wide assortment of disorders and diseases.
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### active process: Mysticism * Doubles the effect of temples. * can become a path used to disconnect from oneself and others in the name of spirituality - lead to an abandonment of self * common thread that runs through almost all religions of the world. * depends less on the particulars of the given experience than on what happens through it. * has no dogma, no creed, no laws to obey or tenets to learn. * holds a place of honor and significance in religion. * is an active process - essence - historical phenomenon - but one step on the path of occultism - defined with examples given of what mystics say about their experience - fraught with fraud and deceit - fundamentally a matter of intellect, intuition, consciousness - legalism - nearly universal and unites most religions in the quest for divinity - of real spiritual value only when it is practiced with absolute sobriety - protest, female eroticism, and piety, all at once, in writing * is the art of union with Reality - awakening to and cultivation of transcendental consciousness - extreme compression of attention into a signle point to provoke a cerebral orgasm - never-ending endeavour to find out the link between the finite and the infinite - only disease of consciousness - original old-time religion - scholastic of the heart, the dialectic of the feelings * is the science of removing mental limitations - or art of spiritual life - thinking - to spirituality as scientism is to wisdom - true reality * keeps men sane. * looks for truth and meaning within. * plays a big role in the Islamic way of life - large role in Muslim life - an important role * primitive skill. * prominent force in their beliefs and traditions. * reference to the spiritual or to the mysterious. * sees a unifying source behind all being. * starts with experience. * strives towards the experience of unity. * very incisive capacity to see right through things.
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### active process: Vomiting * Can result from hairballs, worms, food allergy, overactive thyroid, or kidney infection. * also brings the threat of dehydration - occurs in most patients * appears to be a more prominent feature of infection than with rota and adenoviruses. * begins along with the diarrhea. * can also be a sign of serious disease - follow a long coughing spell - occur, but there is usually no fever * can be a problem if the vomit is caught in the airway and inhaled into the lungs - protective process to help the body get rid of harmful substances - symptom of disease - an indication that something serious is afoot - fatal to young pets - severe with retching of the stomach contents several times as hour - sign of distress, disease, or extreme stress - violent and sometimes bloody * can cause dehydration or be a sign of serious dehydration - the stomach lining to become inflamed - indicate an acute onset of symptoms and is often associated with bleeding * can lead to an electrolyte imbalance - dehydration and worsen the hypercalcemia - make the use of oral medications also unworkable - mean internal injuries * can occur anytime and consits of partially digested food and bile - from overeating or eating too fast * can result in metabolic acidosis - permanent tooth decay, rupture of the esophagus, or bleeding of the throat * caused by an illness or bulimia leads to loss of extremely acidic stomach fluids. * causes dehydration and loss of potassium. * common problem in snakes kept in captivity - reason to seek emergency or acute care * continues to be a common and serious hazard during recovery from a general anesthetic. * describes the active expulsion of food from the stomach. * forceful ejection of the stomach contents, accompanied by retching and gagging. * hastens the dehydration of the patient. * increases the likelihood of pulmonary aspiration. * indicates a serious condition requiring immediate medical attention. * involves retching stomach contractions that forcefully expel food from the stomach. * is aggravated by eating or drinking - almost always the hallmark sign of stomach foreign bodies * is also possible from neurologic or metabolic disorders - something that is widely accepted as normal behavior on college campuses - always a threat in drug use - especially serious symptom in ketoacidosis * is associated with a head injury - variety of illnesses, infections and emotional stress - bilious and less frequent * is common after head injuries - first thing in the morning * is common with infants and small children - pancreatitis - frequent in all age groups * is induced by rubbing on the tongue - small doses of it - less common than with erythromycin - of a brown substance, with bits of dead skin and flesh in it - often the first symptom - one of the more dramatic ways that the body eliminates harmful substances - present in up to two thirds of patients - quite different from simply spitting up - separated into many different kinds * is the act of ejecting stomach and sometimes intestinal content through the mouth - body's natural way of purging toxic substances * is the forceful ejection of stomach contents - the stomach contents up the esophagus and through the mouth * is the forceful elimination of the contents of the stomach through the mouth - expulsion of partially digested material from the stomach * is the forceful expulsion of stomach and intestinal contents through the mouth * is the most common clinical sign on presentation - obvious sign of stomach inflammation - very common in children * natural defense mechanism that allows animals to expel things that are harmful. * occurs commonly in dogs - if the level of obstruction is proximal - infrequently - three or more times * occurs when food goes back up the esophagus and out the mouth - gastric tissues or the back of the throat are irritated * often follows the coughing spasm - occurs as the result of the onset of a paralytic ileus * part of life, yet it has been understudied over the years as a research topic. * potentially serious symptom. * reflex - controlled by a vomiting center in the brain * seems to be one of the more common side effects of eating chocolate. * sometimes accompanies diarrhea. * symptom of stomach, intestinal, kidney, liver and other diseases. * tends to be more significant than diarrhea - related to food poisoning - sporadic * usually begins a few hours after the pain - happens an hour or more after a feeding - lasts less than one day - precedes development of spontaneous perforation * very common issue in children - problem with cats with a multitude of causes + Stomach: Anatomy of the digestive system * Vomiting occurs when food goes back up the esophagus and out the mouth. Vomiting can be a symptom of disease.
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### active process | vomiting: Hematemesis * are vomit. * is the vomiting of blood * occurs less frequently. Regular vomiting * can cause sore throat, swollen glands, and discoloration or erosion of the teeth. * sign of warning. ### actively motile: Young cell * are actively motile. * expand and produce new cell wall at the same time. * have long strings of telomeres at the tips of their chromosomes - normal activity while old cells are grossly deficient ### activist education: Citizenship education * aims to produce national citizens. * is an activist education - education in the values of democracy, pluralism and social commitment - the second part of character and values education Activist group * Most activist groups agree that genetically enhanced foods are safe. * Some activist groups say tampons are harmful to a woman's health. ### activities: Enjoyment * is activities - actually a term used by process theologians as the purpose of all life - pleasure - possible only in that body in which the soul and mind exist - seen nearly as a sin for some people * is the bodily contemplation of the goodness of creation - measure of success<|endoftext|>### activities: Playing game * are activities - playing * are used for bonding - competition - enjoyment - entertainment - exercises - fun - mental stimulation - sociability - strategies - stress reductions - tactics - winnings * cause anger - arguments - competitiveness - contentment - dying - fatigue - frustrations - happiness - injuries - muscle fatigue - relaxation - wins * helps to stimulate the patient's mind. * implies people have leisure time. * teaches children many skills and social interaction.
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Activity * Activities affect biodiversity - bystanders - climates - development - environments - expression - innocent bystanders - life - marine environments - photosynthesis - predators - surface temperature - weight * Activities aim at deficiencies - problems * Activities are actions - acts - age-related, from infants through late adolescents - capability - conducted by players - dos * Activities are performed by utility workers - the specific program activities or tasks that are undertaken - units that are larger than task units - ways of making human connections * Activities associate with development - growth - phases - population growth * Activities cause a desire to judges - dehydration - exhaustion - harmful reaction - muscle exhaustion - change features - combine characteristics - contribute to ideas * Activities create analogous conditions - heat - decline during periods - decrease biodiversity - demand attention * Activities demonstrate induction methods * Activities depend on environments - metabolism - size - destroy habitats - emphasize characteristics - enable teachers - encourage children * Activities enhance adaptive capacity - effectiveness - survival * Activities ensure cost - cycle cost * Activities facilitate movement - water movement * Activities focus on behaviour - feed behaviour - minds * Activities generate employment - excretion * Activities have advantage - benefits - consequences - distinct advantage - global consequences * Activities have have devastate effects - negative effects - serious effects - results - severe consequences - steps * Activities help ideas - inflammation - issues - kids - members - staff members * Activities improve health - human health - skills * Activities include behavior - clean services - courtship behavior - energy production - field trials - selections - stimulant effects - tourism * Activities incorporate activities - physical activities * Activities increase availability - contact * Activities increase during evaluation periods - whole periods - numbers * Activities indicate intelligence - presence - influence characteristics * Activities introduce development - knowledge * Activities involve analyses - direct contact - effort - information - matter - minor children - muscles - observations - organizations - triceps muscles * Activities lead to accumulation - cascade effects - damage - distribution - imbalances - impairment - improvement - pollution - reputations - water pollution - make benefits - model how our human cognition organizes interaction into units of collective behavior * Activities occur during periods * Activities occur in areas * Activities offer benefits - to tourists * Activities present animate appearances * Activities produce abundant job opportunity - metabolic waste * Activities provide additional information - jobs - meaningful interaction - motor skills - reduce exposure - refer to the events or structured interaction that is used to accomplish an onjective - reflect importance * Activities relate to development - forest products - goals - lifestyle - operations - subjects - topics * Activities require ability - energy resources - full attention * Activities require large areas - open areas - physical strength - students - surfaces - versions * Activities result in productivity - water resources - serve purposes * Activities show importance - seasonal variation * Activities span entire active periods - tertiary periods * Activities stimulate responses - uptake - teach students * Activities use cameras - concepts - equipment - frameworks - fuel - identities - laboratory equipment - model simulation - technology * Activities yield benefits - economic benefits * All activity is coordinated by a complex brain and nervous system. * Any activity causes the body to lose water. * Many activities can lead to soft-tissue damage of ligaments, tendons, and muscles - damage of muscles, ligaments, and tendons * Most activities affect photosynthesis - cause dehydration - depend on metabolism - increase metabolism - involve active physical play because children learn best by doing - produce metabolic waste - use a combination of fat and carbohydrate as energy sources * Most activity is due to tyr kinases mediating cell signalling - takes place in trees, but some feeding and social interaction occurs on the ground * Much activity is stopped by the enzyme biodegrading. * Some activities affect behaviour - prey behaviour - reproduction - allow children to experiment and interact with sounds * Some activities decrease excretion - kidney excretion - depend on temperature * Some activities increase kidney excretion - the likelihood of developing osteoarthritis - involve membranes * Some activities practiced by humans can accelerate changes in the natural environment - accelerate natural changes - produce carbon particles - reduce adult survival - relate to metabolism - require metabolism * actually tends to suppress hunger. * also effects the energy balance - strengthens the heart and cardiovascular system, and promotes weight loss * based cost process for measuring the cost of the activities of an organization - costing natural way to collect and estimate the cost of implementing a purpose * builds strength and muscle tone and helps children feel better. * burns calories, so people who exercise more also can lose weight. * causes birth and death and fills up the years of one's life. * codes The codes that tell the accounting system what the basic function of an activity is. * enhances the mind, body and soul and fosters overall well being no matter what age. * function of want. * fundamental element of fitness and health. * helps speed up the body's metabolism - to stimulate the return of intestinal function * increases as temperature decreases. * indices in rheumatoid arthritis. * is also important for bone strength, and a little sunlight - correlated with daytime weather conditions and moon light intensity at night - expressed by verbs - part of the calorie balance - proportional to the rate of change of rib movement - seen in the thalamus during hallucinations * is the change of angle over a particular period of time - key to fitness - only thing that is traceable to consciousness - performance of a task or action by an individual - sheer expenditure of physical energy * maintains muscle tone and flexibility and slows bone loss. * measures the number of radioactive decays in a sample per second. * natural way for men to escape trauma. * refers to the child's physical energy - number of nuclear disintegrations per second that occur in a sample * slows down as the dog ages, but dogs generally remain playful throughout their lives. * stimulates new cell growth, both muscle, bone and blood. * tends to life, inactivity to death. * uses energy over a period of time. + International Year of Astronomy * Activities run during the year included observatory tours, shows, and photograph displays. People could get involved in many of these activities online with a computer.
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### activity: Agricultural activity * Agricultural activities are the main source of phosphorus pollution in the lake - influence the boundaries of forests and deserts - play a vital role in the economic structure * Many agricultural activities affect air quality. * Some agricultural activities add nitrate nitrogen and pesticides to groundwater. * is affected by climatic factors, and the yield is poor - another important source of emissions - concentrated along the coastal belt where most of the population resides - the main cause of destruction<|endoftext|>### activity: Amniocentesis * can detect condition in the fetus. * carries a slight risk of inducing a miscarriage. * helps the doctor estimate the baby's lung maturity. * is dangerous to the fetus and the nonstress test is notoriously undependable - generally painless and safe - medical tests - prenatal diagnosises - simply removal of a small amount of fluid from the amniotic sac - widely available and involves a lower risk of miscarriage * procedure in which fluid is sampled from the sac surrounding the baby - whereby fluid is extracted from the amniotic sac * takes a sample of amniotic fluid through a needle. * technique used mid-trimester to determine if the child has a genetic disease. * tests a small sample of the amniotic fluid surrounding the fetus. Anachronism * are artifacts - people * is an activity Anaerobic activity * Anaerobic activities keep the heart rate elevated above the training level. * Some anaerobic activities are tennis, sprinting, skiing, and weight training. * is more vigorous in the summer - short in duration and high in intensity - stop and go in nature * produces lactic acid build-up in muscle tissue, which can be temporarily painful.
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### activity: Analysis * Analyses allow identification - base on observations - compare numbers * Analyses confirm abnormalities - discoveries - results * Analyses consider evidence - issues - consist of observations * Analyses demonstrate conditions - differentiations - effects - existence - soil conditions - unique soil conditions - detect infection - determine likelihood - emphasize importance - enable identification * Analyses examine causes - find evidence - generate results * Analyses give information - mix results - similar results - useful information * Analyses have limitations - methods - positions - traditional methods * Analyses help issues - researchers - scientists * Analyses include calculations - details - income statements - random effects - seeds - sufficient details * Analyses indicate activities - ages - body weight conditions - components - experience - follow components - homology - ice ages - incidents - last ice ages - occurrences - patterns - permafrost regions - reductions - responses - trends - variation * Analyses involve different methods - equations - heat transfer equations - requirements * Analyses involve several different methods * Analyses lead to actions - conclusions - examinations - follow conclusions - important conclusions - interpretations - legal actions - other important conclusions - regulations - look at patterns - offer options * Analyses produce results * Analyses provide assessments - crucial information - descriptions - important information - knowledge - more information - presence * Analyses reflect complex genetics * Analyses require equations - guidelines - samples - result in identification * Analyses reveal accumulation - active compounds - alteration - approaches - barriers - classifications - concentration - confidence - cost - deficiencies - differences - drive forces - events - exposure - features - growth - levels - mass - microbial growth - molecular classifications - motion - movement - odor compounds - rules - significant differences - similar patterns - slight tendencies - soft approaches - sources - speciation - ticket price cost - treatments - volatile compounds - shed light * Analyses show breakdowns - characteristics - chemical composition values - consumption - copies - development - dilutions - elevate proteins * Analyses show embryonic chick development - environmental conditions - excretion - genetic differentiations - heterogeneity - high values - kinds * Analyses show major differences - genetic differences - markers - milk proteins * Analyses show poor conditions * Analyses show significant differences - statistical differences - strikes * Analyses solve mysteries - problems - suggest variability * Analyses support ideas - theories - take places * Analyses use approaches - life cycle assessment approaches - procedures - scientific methods - software - versions * Analyses yield information - surprise results * aids refers to tools that make the data more readable and easier to understand. * are academic journals - calculuses - criticism - investigations - reasoning * core area of mathematics and the subject of a vast amount of current research. * fundamental cognitive process because it is the search for difference. * generative component of sound decision-making. * involves the creation of mathematical models of physical objects or systems. * is an important part of baseball - concerned with the formulation and solving of physical and electrical models * is one of the important features of all western modern science and technology - large divisions of modern mathematics - synonymous with thinking in the traditions of Western cultures - that part of mathematics concerned with functions and graphs * is the ability to use a learned skill in a new situation - arming of the brain - branch of mathematics that grew out of trying to understand why calculus works * is the process of breaking things down - logical reasoning - study of limits - systematic reflection in which teachers engage - underpinning of new thinking and wise choices - warfare of learning * learning process. * particular form of investigation. * process of investigating something by breaking it into parts for closer examination. * refers to a written analysis of the evidence. * refers to the ability to break down a concept into parts - degree to which the knowledge is analytically or holistically represented - mathematical theory of functions - task of understanding the business problem at hand
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### activity | analysis: Biochemical analysis * Biochemical analyses show excretion. * Most biochemical analyses show excretion. * shows that eliaosomes are nutritious, being rich in fats and sugars. Blood analysis * detects hormone the organ releases to protect itself. * shows bacteremia involving gram-positive cocci in clusters. Case analysis * is employed to integrate theory with decision making - used as a method to simulate the strategic planning environment * is used to develop analytic and judgment skills and to enhance communication skills - emphasize the relationship of financial theory and the firm - simulate actual problems encountered in organizations<|endoftext|>### activity | analysis: Case study * Case studies are analysises - reports on how visualization has contributed to the analysis of data - the written evaluations of extensive field research in various areas of business * is an analysis + Personality psychology, Studying Personality * Case studies are another important method in studying the personality. A case study is an intense monitoring of a person. Case studies involve studying a person for a very long period of time, gaining as much knowledge about a person as possible. A disadvantage to case studies is that it is hard to use that information to help understand other people because no two people are exactly the same. This provides limited generalizability. Causal analysis * is an important term in theory. * suggests that one variable causes variations in another. Chemical analysis * All chemical analyses tend to overestimate the concentration of metal that is bioavailable. * Chemical analyses show kinds. * involves the measure of the concentration of specific compounds. - obtained by Optical Emission Spectroscopy - used to determine the mineral concentrations in water * reveals that chromosomes are about half DNA and half protein. Chromosomal analysis * Chromosomal analyses provide knowledge. * supports the molecular quality control of DNA preparations. Chromosome analysis * is done on cells from the tissue sample - samples of blood, bone marrow, amniotic fluid and other tissue * requires growing cells in culture and harvesting dividing cells. Citation analysis * method of assessing the influence of published studies on the field. * uses citations in scholarly works to establish links. Cluster analysis * family of methods for discovering natural classifications of items. * is the formal study of algorithms and methods for doing that - used to develop homogeneous groupings of the metropolitan apartment markets * is used to group code executions into dissimilar profiles - sectors which have experienced similar patterns of transformation * multivariate technique for identifying similar entities. * tool to reveal structure and relations in the data. Computational analysis * Computational analyses involve systems analysis and various statistical methods. * provides a way of postulating structure and, at times, behavior. Conceptual analysis * deals with individual ideas or concepts. * is independent of any mathematics. Conformational analysis * Conformational analyses elucidate the detailed mechanism of lipid-membrane bond rupture. * is an essential step in drug discovery. * offers new concept on how muscle relaxants work. Correspondence analysis * Correspondence analyses demonstrate conditions - soil conditions - unique soil conditions * multivariate method that applies for positive numerical data tables. Data analysis * amounts to dose-response modeling of binary data. * utilizes the statistical methods in data interpretation and probability predictions.
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### activity | analysis: Decision analysis * deals with how one solves a complex problem in a structured and rational way. * focuses specifically on making decisions under uncertainty. * is an iterative process that consists of four basic steps - normative and describes how clinicians ought to make judgements and decision - the normative field of decision making * systematic approach to decision making under conditions of uncertainty.
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### activity | analysis: Dialysis * Describe the mechanics of both hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis. * also helps to normalize many of the chemical imbalances which accompany kidney failure. * can be life-saving - via peritoneal dialysis or hemodialysis - cause salt imbalances and even death - only usually replace a small part of the excretory capacity of the healthy kidney * carries a risk for low blood pressure, infection and other problems. * cleans the blood very efficiently in a short period of time. * continues until patients receive a kidney transplant. * filters impurities from patients' kidneys. * has many side effects, including infection, salt imbalances , and weakness. * includes osmosis. * increases the risk of malnutrition. * involves machines - redirecting blood flow from the person to a dialysis machine * is administered on a daily basis. * is an artificial way to remove waste products from the blood and regulate fluids - effective and life-extending therapy for kidney failure - expensive mode of treatment - artificial kidney treatment - chemical analysises - done through grafts that are surgically constructed in arm or leg blood vessels * is indicated in severe poisoning associated with renal failure - only in severe poisoning associated with renal failure - when more conservative measures have failed or are inappropriate - medical treatments - necessary to keep patients with endstage renal disease alive - of little value in antihistamine poisoning * is of little value in poisoning by propoxyphene alone - due to propoxyphene - negligable value in the treatment of acute overdose with mepivacaine * is of negligible value in the treatment of acute overdosage with etidocaine - treatment of acute overdosage with lidocaine - no value because of low plasma concentrations of the drug - performed worldwide - stopped when the kidney is working * is the best way to remove the toxin from the bloodstream - clinical means by which patients with renal failure are kept alive - definitive treatment for ethylene glycol intoxication - diffusion of solutes across a selectively permeable membrane - filtration of blood using a partially permeable membrane - mechanical process of cleaning the blood - more common form of kidney-replacement therapy - most efficient treatment for kidney disease, especially end-stage renal disease - unnecessary as long as the kidney is functioning * is used as a treatment for hypercalcemia in patients with kidney failure - to treat acute or chronic kidney failure - way to keep a person with kidney failure alive - when doctors use a machine and medicines to do the work that kidneys do * painless procedure that replaces some of the kidneys' normal functions. * procedure that removes waste products from the body. * procedure to filter the blood when the kidneys no longer work - used to treat kidney failure * process which artificially imitated the filtering process. * qualitative analysis * reduces the bleeding tendency if the cause is renal failure. * removes the toxic byproducts that used to be removed by the patients' own kidneys. * requires surgery to get the person ready to be hooked up to the blood-filtering machine. * serves to replace some of the functions of the kidney. * tough, painful procedure. * treatment that attempts to replace failed kidneys - does some of the things done by healthy kidneys - eliminates wastes in the blood * uses machines. * works like an artificial kidney - to remove toxins and excess fluid through the process of diffusion and osmosis + Kidney, Renal replacement, Kidney dialysis: Anatomy of the urinary system ### activity | analysis | dialysis: Haemodialysis * involves using a dialysis machine and an artificial kidney to filter the blood. * is dialysis - when the blood from a vein is passed through a dialysis machine
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### activity | analysis | dialysis: Kidney dialysis * can also prompt an allergic reaction to the drug. * depletes carnitine.<|endoftext|>### activity | analysis | dialysis: Peritoneal dialysis * allows direct removal of salicylic acid from serum - patients to set their own dialysis schedule * can improve the patient's quality of life. * is the method used at home - most simple and frequently used form of dialysis - used often in patients with diabetes - when doctors put a plastic tube into the person 's abdomen * process that uses a filter to clean the blood and remove extra fluids. * requires the placement of a peritoneal catheter. * type of dialysis procedure that is done at home by the patient. * uses the inside lining of the abdomen to act like a natural filter. * uses the lining of the abdomen as a filter - to filter blood - to filter the blood inside the body * utilizes the peritoneal membrane, which is the lining of the abdominal cavity. + Kidney, Renal replacement, Kidney dialysis: Anatomy of the urinary system * Peritoneal dialysis is when doctors put a plastic tube into the person's abdomen. Every day the person fills the abdomen with fluid. The extra salts, waste, and water that the body does not need goes into the fluid. Then the fluid comes out and takes the wastes with it. This does part of the job that kidneys do. Dimensional analysis * future area of exploration for the translation of data. * method of unit conversion.<|endoftext|>### activity | analysis: Discourse analysis * examines linguistic structures that exist beyond the sentence level. * involves the identification of such relationships between sentences and segments. * is one form of structuralism - it observes patterns of discourse - related to text linguistics - second language research - the linguistic analysis of written or oral texts * is the study of entire conversations or texts - message structure in communication * refers to the transcription, coding and analysis of interactions. + Linguistics * Although linguistics is the scientific study of language, a number of other intellectual disciplines are relevant to language and intersect with it. Semiotics, for example, is the general study of signs and symbols both within language and without. Literary theorists study the use of language in literature. Linguistics additionally draws on and informs work from such diverse fields as acoustics, anthropology, biology, computer science, human anatomy, informatics, neuroscience, philosophy, psychology, sociology, and speech-language pathology. Discourse analysis is the study of entire conversations or texts. * Discourse analysis is related to text linguistics. Discourse analysis studies this, and also how the discourse is connected to the context. This context includes who the people talking or writing are, the social and cultural context.<|endoftext|>### activity | analysis: Economic analysis * Most economic analyses focus on income. * assumes that economic agents are rational. * has the task of studying the way an economy works. * is also an important element of corporate decision-making. * is based on models, which are simplifications of the real world - the fundamental notion of efficient use of available resources - concerned with the efficiencies and inefficiencies of systems - employed to view the economic motives of the firms involved - fundamental to the study of policy - fundamentally mathematical in nature - the foundation of much of public policy - used to examine the determinants and consequences of population change * leads to explanations, predictions, and policy suggestions. * shows that population control, in the long run, leads to more harm than benefits. * suggests a number of ways of defining and measuring efficiency. Financial analysis * Financial analyses include income statements * involves working with data in order to evaluate investments or financing sources.
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### activity | analysis: Foliar analysis * useful method of indicating possible nutrient deficiencies. * valuable tool for identifying nutrient deficiency and toxicity symptoms.<|endoftext|>### activity | analysis: Functional analysis * Functional analyses use data collection to prove the reason for problem behaviors. * Some functional analyses show cell motility. * are part of mathematical analysises. * combination of linear algebra and analysis. * hypothesis testing and hypothesis confirming approach. * is studied in transgenic and knock-out mice. * process for looking at relationships between behavior and the environment. * tries to measure and locate brain activity. + Applied behavior analysis, Analyzing Behavior, Functional analysis * The reason for problem behavior must be known before a behavioral intervention can be done. So before treatment for a problem behavior can happen a functional analysis must be done. Toward a functional analysis of self injury. Functional analyses use data collection to prove the reason for problem behaviors. Problem behavior is usually reinforced accidentally. This reinforcement increases the rates of problem behavior. FAs use this idea to prove the cause of problem behavior. A functional analysis is done like an experiment. During an FA, a behavior analyst will go through different trials with a person. Fundamental analysis * is an analysis * is the appreciation of the economics underlying a particular trade - interpretation of information provided by macroeconomic data - use of commodity supply and demand data to make price projections - used to determine which stocks possess a strong value foundation Gender analysis * Most gender analysis is limited to how the global economy impacts on women. * involves the disaggregation of quantitative data by gender. * is an important element of comprehensive development policy research - used to assist with organisational planning and improve service delivery * requires separating data by sex, and understanding how labour is divided and valued. * way of looking at reality.<|endoftext|>### activity | analysis: Genetic analysis * Genetic analyses can be difficult in asexual organisms because of the inability to perform crosses - indicate homology - provide evidence * Genetic analyses reveal levels - speciation - show that males and females have several different mates within a single season * Most genetic analyses indicate homology. * Some genetic analyses indicate raccoons. * Some genetic analyses show ancestors - common ancestors - diversity - dogs - use markers * can also play a part in determining the physical well-being of our ancestors - provide information about other family members * indicates that both phenotypes are inherited as autosomal dominants - most individuals specialize in a particular host species - tolerance fairly simple dominant trait * provides an unbiased means of identifying novel molecules of functional importance - diagnosis and therapy for disease and aging * requires the trait measurements on many individuals of known parentage. * reveals promiscuity among female cheetahs - that male fish eat their own young * shows that essentially colon and rectal tumours are genetically the same cancer. * tells what each gene does and tells the body to do. + Colorectal cancer: Cancer * Genetic analysis shows that essentially colon and rectal tumours are genetically the same cancer. Symptoms of colorectal cancer typically include rectal bleeding and anemia which are sometimes associated with weight loss and changes in bowel habits.
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### activity | analysis: Genome analysis * Genome analyses reveal levels. * Some genome analyses reveal evolution. * brings a major insight in the chemical definition of nucleic acids and proteins. * does show that the tunicates are the closest living relatives of vertebrates. * reveals many genes with similar sequences in a single organism. + Chordate, Classification, Origin of chordates * The process of paedomorphosis, where juvenile features are retained in the adult, is the proposed mechanism. Garstang, Walter 1894. Zoologischer Anzeiger' '17', p122.Garstang, Walter 1928. Embryos and ancestors'. 3rd ed, Oxfor, The evolution of chordates, p76. Genome analysis does show that the tunicates are the closest living relatives of vertebrates. + Larva, Evolutionary theory, Origin of vertebrates: Animals :: Developmental biology * Tunicates are sessile, but their larvae are mobile, and have some features found in early vertebrates. The process of paedomorphosis, where juvenile features are retained in the adult, is the proposed mechanism. Garstang, Walter 1894. Embryos and ancestors'. 3rd ed, Oxfor, The evolution of chordates, p76. Genome analysis does show that the tunicates are the closest living relatives of vertebrates.<|endoftext|>### activity | analysis: Hair analysis * allows early detection of toxicity, even before a person exhibits outward symptoms. * can detect drug use for several months or more, depending on the length of the hair. * is an accurate method of evaluating mineral and heavy metal imbalances and toxicities - inexpensive way to diagnose specific deficiencies - ostensibly diagnostic procedure that major part of alternative medicine - another method of determining toxin exposure that is popular with many clinicians - ineffective in determining vitamin deficiencies - useful in monitoring progress of chelation therapy Harmonic analysis * are part of mathematical analysises. * is an analysis - used to characterize such circadian patterns - used, i.e., constructing a least squares fit to waveforms of known frequency Historical analysis * Historical analyses focus on the historical development of artifacts and their use. * Much historical analysis relies on occupations to situate people in the social structure. * is used to place current events within a context. * shows that percentiles do change from year to year, but only by minute amounts. Image analysis * Image analyses use software - versions * ignores benign cells and classifies malignant cells. * is all about extracting meaningful data from images - used to recreate observed microstructures * plays a large part of cell biology. * science, but it is also an inate skill that that persons have or dont have. Investment analysis * includes portfolio theory and asset pricing models. * joint enterprise by the sponsoring and providing organizations.<|endoftext|>### activity | analysis: Job analysis * breakdown of the tasks and the behaviors necessary to perform a specific job. * captures the content of jobs as they are described at one point in time. * is in many ways the first personnel activity that affects commitment and performance. * is the combination of job descriptions and job specifications - most basic activity in human resource management - systematic collection of information about particular jobs * process where judgments are made about data collected on a job. Kinematic analysis * computes the motion constraints imposed by bone contacts. * is the process of measuring the kinematic quantities used to describe motion. Literary analysis * can discern the ways in which tropes of sexuality operate in political rhetoric. * is used to reveal a historical fact or principle. Mathematical analysis * helps quantify probability. * is an integral part of problem solving.
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### activity | analysis: Microscopic analysis * Microscopic analyses look at patterns. * has a long tradition in the proof of identity and purity of crude drugs. * looks for inclusion bodies seen with special stains. Miscue analysis * focuses observation on the extent of a reader's use of cues to make sense of text. * means of observing and evaluating a person's oral reading. Molecular analysis * Molecular analyses begin to elucidate how such control mechanisms of single genes work. * Some molecular analyses reveal complex genetic structures * shows that sr encodes a predicted protein containing a zinc finger motif. Path analysis * computable abstraction of path semantics. * is usually an extension of multiple regression and widely used in the social sciences. * much more specific form of analysis that looks explicitly at cause. Pedigree analysis * is also useful when studying species with a long genration time. * suggests genetic heterogeneity. * supports an autosomal recessive mode of inheritance. Performance analysis * process of diminishing returns. * systematic and systemic approach to engaging with the client. Phonological analysis * can determine which sound differences are significant in a language. * is an essential part of determining how to write a language. Phylogenetic analysis * Phylogenetic analyses confirm two mitochondrial mallard clades - involving large numbers of taxa allow a better understanding of biodiversity * Some phylogenetic analyses show humans. * relies on protein sequencing methods. * shows that the devil is most closely related to quolls. * suggests that hedgehog proteins evolved from inteins - orthid brachiopods are polyphyletic * supports horizontal transfer of P transposable elements. Policy analysis * examines how policies are proposed, adopted, implemented, and evaluated. * is systematic, structured thinking about policy problems - the science and the art of giving advice that affects public policy decisions * phrase that applies to some forms of institutional research. * systematic inquiry into the nature of public problems and their solutions. Pollen analysis * Pollen analyses are also well-suited for the elucidation of the late past of floral history. * major source of information about past climates. Probabilistic analysis * includes the analysis of queues, simulation, and statistics. * is used to address demand uncertainties. Process analysis * explores how a phenomena works. * is the manipulation of that information for purposes of problem identification. * means to explain how to do something. Qualitative analysis * can take many different forms, and can use many different sources of data. * is an analysis - used to identify the chemical species in an unknown substance - useful in recognising ambiguities in data<|endoftext|>### activity | analysis | qualitative analysis: Radiocarbon dating * are dating. * depends on the proportion of radioactive carbon in the atmosphere. * determines the age of organic matter such as dinosaur bones. * is actually of little use to evolutionists - of importance in many fields - performed on a single species of foraminifera - perhaps the most common way to date sites * is used for geologically young materials containing organic carbon - most often - to determine how long the groundwater has been underground * qualitative analysis Real analysis * is the theoretical underpinnings of the calculus. * plays a central role in contemporary mathematics. Reductionism * attempts to understand brain function at level of neurons. * consists in reducing referential significance to the one mode of significance. * cop-out to avoid looking at the evidence. * hallmark of modernity. * insists that the mind is nothing at all. - ancient concept, dating from the Greek school of atomism - the name of the game - theories * promotes alienation, isolation and disconnection.
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### activity | analysis: Risk analysis * Risk Analyses are our assessments of internal control and operational risks. * broad field of study. * comprises assessment, valuation, and communication of a hazard. * considers the probability and consequence of failure to meet requirements. * has to do with the analytical process used to estimate the extent of possible loss. * is at the core of financial engineering. * is the quantification of risks - science of putting the future at the service of the present - systematic evaluation of hazards and their possible effects - term used to encompass risk assessment, risk management and risk communication - used to minimize the likelihood of unwanted side effects of a new technology - useful and important in the protection of public health * key feature of modern decision making, for both government and industry. * part of risk management. * tool for management of effective controls for foodborne illness. Scenario analysis * is the process of generating and analyzing a small set of scenarios. * means to shed light on the possibilities for the future. Semantic analysis * deals with the meaning of correctly formed sentences. * is an extension of context analysis. * reveals cross-cultural differences in the organization of concepts in language. Sensitivity analysis * Sensitivity analyses indicate responses. * Sensitivity analyses produce results - similar results * is the corner stone of many numerical optimization strategies. Sequence analysis * Sequence analyses indicate homology. * reveals homology between two proteins of the flagellar radial spoke. Social analysis * includes a study of the demographics of the customer base. * is the systematic study of individual and social behavior - and social human behaviors Soil analysis * is useful when used in conjunction with tissue analysis - very important as pH controls the availability of nutrients to the plants * shows that drip irrigation leads to a drop in potassium levels. Spatial analysis * is complicated by the absence of information on non-infected herds. * new field, particularly in relation to disease data. Spectral analysis * can reveal the location and age of most amber. * is used to determine altitude profile of the water vapor concentration - perform an in depth analysis of the trend and cyclical components - when the data is generated by wave-like, or seasonal, processes Static analysis * Static analyses reveal patterns. * proven technology in the implementation of compilers and interpreters.<|endoftext|>### activity | analysis: Statistical analysis * Statistical analyses are a crucial part of research in many sciences, including psychology - important for assessing the reliability of a result * Statistical analyses involve different methods * Statistical analyses involve several different methods - reveal events * Statistical analyses show differences - significant differences - that buccal tube has a positive correlation with body area and gonad area - values - use versions * can give insight into real things. * is also an indispensable component of many industries - very important in every aspect of business * is an essential tool in measuring risk - important part of behavioral analysis - applied in the interference theory of reliability prediction - at the heart of most environmental analyses - based on both data and assumptions or previous knowledge of the population - considered in light of modern computer software - limited to central tendency or simple graphs - one of the primary tools of modern scientific reasoning - treated as a means of decision making in the face of uncertainty * major component of almost any empirical study in the field of business. * plays a major role in biology, be that population genetics or enzyme kinetics. * shows that as unemployment goes down, welfare caseloads decline faster - population growth has only slightly increased living costs
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### activity | analysis: Stress analysis * is about finding out how much stress causes deformation in a given material * ' is the study of stresses and strains in materials and structures as force is applied against them. It topic in engineering. Stress may cause deformation or fractures in materials. Stress analysis is about finding out how much stress causes deformation in a given material. * is an important task for civil, mechanical and aerospace engineers. They work on the design of structures of all sizes, such as bridges and dams, machines, and even plastic cutlery and staples. Stress analysis is also used in the maintenance of such structures, and to investigate the causes of structural failures Survival analysis * Survival analyses show effects - use procedures * involves the analysis of long-term studies of health - examination of long-term health studies Technical analysis * is an analysis - concerned with the history of trading and price in a stock - for people who invest according to stock market action - the examination of past price movements to forecast future price movements * is the study of all factors related to the actual supply and demand of stocks - historical price movements to predict future trends * skill that improves with experience and study. Thermal analysis * Thermal analyses are also useful for fingerprinting materials. * is employed in certain characterization of polymeric materials - essentially a materials characterisation technique - the science that measures the effects of thermal changes on materials Trend analysis * Trend analyses indicate permafrost regions * are analysises. * is an analysis Variance analysis * is the analysis of performance by means of variances. * means of assessing performance which identifies areas for investigation.
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### activity: Animation * are images that appear to move - pictures that move. * The images are put together one after another, and then played at a fast speed to give the illusion of movement. Most animations are played at a speed of twenty-four to sixty images every second. Each image becomes one frame of the movie * cornerstone of modern cartoons. * illustrates effects. * is an extension of the artform of drawing - ideal way to illustrate processes that flow over time and space - being - derived from the Latin word anima meaning life or soul - existence - filming - image manipulation and it can be used on any object - from pins to people - one of the key technologies for the visualization of time dependent data * is the art of brining something to life - illusion of motion created by the consecutive display of images of static elements - media art most affected by the digital revolution - movement of created images in recorded time - process whereby still pictures are turned into moving pictures - realm in which it's easiest to go overboard - study of motion and emotion - technique of creating the illusion of motion - used in cartoons, television, and film * man-made process to make still images appear to have life by the action of motion. * means turning still pictures into moving pictures. * multiple graphical view of a process in action. * series of images show in consective order to create the illusion of movement. * shows components * simulation of motion created by displaying a series of pictures, or frames - movements created by presenting a series of images, or frames * team sport. * unique filmmaking process rooted in the fine art mediums of drawing and painting. + Clay animation * Most animation is made the same way, whether it is cel animation or stop motion. Each frame, or still picture, is recorded on film or digital media and then played back quickly. To us it seems as if the object is moving by itself. The way CGI animations are made is different from the frame by frame method. + Fairy Tail: Manga * It is created by Hiro Mashima. Animation is on the air now. Some video games are released by Konami. In August 2012 The Phoenix Priestess, a Fairy Tail movie, was released. ### activity | animation: Computer animation * depends on mathematics. * help clarify complex phenomena such as molecular orbitals and wave motion. * is possible on fast machines. * is used to represent internal spaces holding ancient and ineffable truths - simulate the mammoth's long lost environment * permits the creation of very complex compositions and textures. * shows how density waves can create and maintain a spiral pattern. Flash animation * are small and yet flexible animations. * illustrate symptoms and causes of common ailments. * is used to give interaction and animation. Japanese animation * is essentially cartoons that are made in Japan - perhaps the most advanced animation in the world * special style of storytelling and filming. Polarized animation * is also a polarizer. * unique process using polarized light to create the effect of motion. Aquatic activity * Aquatic activities are a major recreational activity enjoyed by all ages. * Aquatic activities involve contact - direct contact * Most aquatic activities involve contact Artistic activity * is, however, fundamental to the human condition. * permeates every aspect of learning. Assistance * enables entrepreneurs. * is an activity - provided by companies ### activity | assistance: Approval * is acceptance - liking - messages - satisfaction - support * requires majorities.
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### activity | assistance | approval | favour: Snapper * Most snappers have large eyes and a broken color pattern. * also consume quite a bit of plant material in their diet. * are excellent food fishes and important to local fisheries - the most colorful species of food fish in the world and have unequaled taste * get their name from the snap sound that occurs when they are taken off a line or hook. * have a large head and strong jaws. * is fish - part of snapper - saltwater fish * live in ponds, lakes, rivers, and streams. * typically have a notched tail with a triangular-shaped head. ### activity | assistance | approval | favour | snapper: Common snapper * are at home in slow-moving streams, rivers, lakes and ponds. * eat plants, fish, crayfish, ducklings, and all sorts of animals. Red snapper * is an extremely important commercial and recreational fish in the North Gulf - most abundant in the deeper offshore waters of the northern part of the state - overfished in the U.S., primarily because shrimp nets kill billions of juveniles - part of red snapper * occur in all the Gulf waters off Texas. Yellowtail * is snapper * tend to be relatively sedentary, although seasonal movements have been documented. Boost * are aid - pushs - software * carbohydrates with fluids such as juice, soft drinks and low-fat shakes. * endorphins, the body's natural opiates or feel-good drugs. * energy through a combination of fructose and complex carbohydrates. * is assistance<|endoftext|>### activity | assistance: Refuge * Most refuges allow individuals to erect a temporary blind. * are a place where all wildlife species can be observed in natural settings - areas where susceptible corn cultivars are planted - ideal places for people of all ages to explore and connect with the natural world - needed for hiding from predators, sleeping, storing food, and having and rearing young - vital for habitats and overall conservation of many birds * have a community environment which consists of a large number of people. * is assistance - shelter * spacing similarly affects reef-associated species from three phyla. ### activity | attack: Anxiety attack * are attacks. * can be very frightening and can interfere with a person's life - cause a person to pass out while driving - kill * is an attack * signify some distortion of expectations and appraisals. Bear attack * Most bear attacks are defensive, based on fear - involve food or surprise encounters - occur when a person suprises the bear or when they are defending their cubs * cause death. Bombardment * charging happens to atomized paint from a spray gun as it enters an ionizing zone. * is an attack - radiation Cerebrovascular accident * are a common cause of death among cocaine addicts. * occur in children with sickle cell disease and alpha-thalassemia. Epileptic attack * are usually brief, lasting from seconds to a few minutes. * happen because of abnormal wiring within the brain. Gallbladder attack * can mimic heart pains of angina or a heart attack. * happen because the sludge or stone has lodged itself in the common bile duct.
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### activity | attack: Heart attack * More heart attacks occur at airports than during flight. * Most heart attacks are the first and last warning a person gets - happen when one of the arteries feeding the heart with blood becomes blocked * Most heart attacks involve blood clots that block the flow of blood through a coronary artery - discomfort in the center of the chest - take place in the early morning * Some heart attacks result in death. * are a major cause of death and disability in all western countries - during and after winter storms - risk for smokers - potential risk if the free-flowing debris flows into a downstream vessel * are also a major cause of death among stroke survivors - expensive - always on peoples minds - by far the leading cause of death in women as well as in men - cessation of blood to a part of the heart * are classified as a medical emergency all over the world - depending on which heart wall they attack - exceedingly common - five times more likely to be fatal for a person who is depressed - frightening for both the victim and for the victim's companions - genetics more than anything else - heart failure - least common at night - medical conditions - more likely to occur at a younger age in men than in women - most frequent at the end of a stressful day - number one and cancer is number two in cause of death with all ages averaged - one of our most common brushes with death * are one of the leading causes of firefighter deaths - most common illnesses that affect women and men of all age groups - still a major threat in the elderly population * are the leading cause of death for smokers - in the United States - in the western world - overall in females - main way in which smoking kills young tobacco users - most common cause of death in all developed countries * are the number one cause of death in the United States - killer of women today - killers of men and women in the United States - result of cumulative risk factors - triggered by the development of clots in blood vessels that lead to the heart * can cause damage to the heart muscle that later can lead to heart failure - come on without warning but often there are warning signs even years ahead - damage the muscle and cut that percentage - happen at any time - mimic neck pains that pinch nerves going into the left arm - occur rapidly and without any warning * can strike anyone, anywhere - at any time of day, during any type of activity * cause dying - some tissue death within four minutes and brain death within eight minutes * claim almost half a million American lives every year. * come in all shapes and sizes - sizes from small silent to big loud and goodbye - different sizes and shapes * continue to be the leading cause of fatal on-duty injury to U.S. firefighters. * damage the heart muscle, often with deadly results. * differ widely in severity. * don t discriminate by gender. * give early warning signs. * happen all too frequently. * happen when an artery feeding blood to the muscle is blocked and starves it of oxygen - vessels in the heart become blocked * is also the major cause of death among stroke survivors - death among survivors of stroke * is one of the leading causes of death in the United States - most common critical medical emergencies to occur at sea - secondary to block in the blood supply * is the leading cause of death among American women - among women in New York - in America - killer of American men and women * is the most leading and most serious heart ailment in all living organisms - serious of all human ailments - number one cause of death among women * is the single largest killer of American males and females - leading cause of death in America * kill heart muscle by cutting off the blood supply to the muscle * kill more women than breast cancer - men in the later years of life * major cause of death during and after winter storms. * means the heart has stopped pumping blood. * metabolic disorder. * occur most often around five in the morning. * occur when a clot suddenly blocks part of the heart's own blood supply - blood flow to the heart muscle is interrupted - clots block heart arteries - pieces of plaque break off and clog an artery * occur when the blood flow to a part of the heart is blocked, often by a blood clot - heart is deprived of blood - there blood clot in thecoronary artery * public health problem that can be corrected. * remain the number one killer of the adult population since the turn of the century. * result from blood vessel disease in the heart - heart disease, which is caused by blood vessel disease in the heart - when coronary arteries are obstructed by atherosclerosis * strike one in three people - when fatty deposits build up in the arteries * vary in symptoms and degree of immediate danger.
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### activity | attack: Paroxysm * frequently end with the expulsion of clear, tenacious mucus, often followed by vomiting. * is an attack * occur every other day as in falciparum malaria - in regular intervals, but take several days to emerge<|endoftext|>### activity | attack: Personal attack * are an unacceptable use of the Internet - personal insults against members of the newsgroup. * In Simple English Wikipedia, many people work together to make an encyclopedia. Sometimes, users do not agree on what is written in an article, or on a talk page. Rather than commenting on what is wrong with the article or talk page, they make a bad comment about the user, the person who wrote the comment. This is called a 'personal attack', and will not be tolerated. Personal attacks help no one. They will not help people make a point about an issue. There are some users who wanted to help making this Wikipedia better, but who no longer want to because the personal attack scared them away. * damage the community and scare away users Attempt * are activities. * have consequences - unforeseen consequences * increase chances. * is an activity * yield results. + Three Peaks Challenge, The usual route: Sports * Most attempts are made in the summer, because the days are long and the weather is good. In the winter it is dark for most of the day and can be very cold. Most people who attempt the challenge use the same route, because it is the easiest way of doing the challenge in 24 hours.<|endoftext|>### activity | attempt: Contribution * are attempts - capable of gifts - giving - publications - sums * attract attention. * base on observations. * depend on extent. * have indexes - spectral indexes * incorporate assessments. * is defined by lifetime reproductive success - effort * moral decision that each individual makes. * occur during periods - year periods * offer benefits - inclusive fitness benefits. * American Eagle, he's been here for only 3 months and he's an administrator. He does good work, and the community trusts him. Even if you've been here for 4 years, it's contributions that matter, not time. You have to show to the community that you are ready by your work, not how long you wait. Contributions is much more valuable than time. * All contributions are welcome, even early ones Suicide attempt * are far more frequent than death by suicide and occur more often among females - high even in healthy populations - more common among women, but men have a higher completed suicide rate - primarily the actions of young people * imply an inability to self-manage. * using methanol are uncommon.
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### activity | attempt: Trial * Some trials suggest that aphids affect different components of yield in different varieties - test a single treatment on a single group of people - use juries to decide cases * are afflictions - books - communicating - conducted by researchers - contests - experiments - located in courtrooms - news items because they involve people in dramatic and crisis situations - proceeding - the soil in which faith can flourish * assess effects. * compare patients. * confirm effects. * consist of individuals. * contain evidence. * demonstrate benefits - conditions - improvement - rules * examine effects - factors * find effects - side effects * form of meditation. * give feedback. * illustrate tolerance. * include replication. * involve dietary treatments - participants - vitamin e treatments * is effort * is the judgement of life where the wheat is separated from the chaff - number of independent trials - only motor sport in which a number becomes a verb * lead to approval - establishments * look at issues - methods - specific issues * produce evidence - mix results * prove effectiveness. * provide better management information - examples - insight - more information * publish in journals. * report effects - significant results * show cases - consumption - functions - procedures - replacements - risk factors - values * support use. * to evaluate effects. * use techniques. * utilize products. * way of life. * yield promise results - such promise results + I'm a Celebrity...Get Me Out of Here!, Bushtucker trial: 2002 television series debuts :: 2000s television series :: 2010s television series :: Reality television series * The public has to vote on which celebrity has to do it. To make the trials more challenging, they put some creepy crawlies with them. All trials have stars, and they earn stars for meals back at the camp. * Trials are different in places where the laws are different. Different countries, cities and states all have different laws that change how trials happen. Trials in some places are very short. In some places, however, important trials can take as long as a few years while the two sides gather information and put together their arguments. ### activity | attempt | trial: Audition * are motivated by the goal of acts * sensory system * take places. + Gustav Mahler Youth Orchestra: Youth orchestras * Auditions are held in many European capital cities. From the start it included people from Eastern Europe. This was before the collapse of the Iron Curtain. It is a very big orchestra. The musicians play music that needs a large orchestra, usually music from the late Romantic period or the 20th century.
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### activity | attempt | trial: Clinical trial * Most clinical trials study a sample of the population at risk. * Some clinical trials examine the effectiveness of one particular treatment in one group of patients - test one research treatment in one group of patients * answer important scientific questions which can lead to future advances in care. * are a formal, regulated way to test new treatments, such as drugs or equipment - fundamental part of continued progress in fighting childhood cancer - part of science - also an important aspect of medical education - an essential means of finding better treatments for breast cancer * are an important method of evaluating new approaches to a disease such as cancer - identifying and evaluating new treatments - part of breast cancer research - cancer treatments still in research - controlled experiments used to investigate the efficacy of new treatments - detailed research studies that determine a treatment's safety and effectiveness - examples of designed experiments in the medical field - experimental medical research studies - experiments to determine the value of specific treatments - extremely important in discovering new techniques to fight disease - one way in which progress can be made * are research studies conducted with patients or with healthy people - people who volunteer to take part * are research studies designed to evaluate new cancer treatments - find more effective treatment - improve treatment for cancer patients - in which people participate - involving patients * are research studies that have been approved for use in humans - approved in use for humans * are research studies that involve human beings * are research studies that test new approaches to the treatment of cancer - treatments in people with cancer * are research studies to evaluate new ways to treat cancer - test new drugs or treatments * are scientific studies of the effects of a new treatment or medication in humans - that require the participation of volunteer patients - which require the participation of volunteer patients * are studies conducted with the consent of patients to evaluate a new treatment - designed to find better ways to prevent or treat diseases like cancer - of promising new or experimental treatments * are studies that evaluate the effectiveness of new interventions - use new treatments to care for patients * are the best way for physicians to learn more about experimental treatments - to find cures and identify effective treatments for cancer - essential bridge between science and medicine - foundations of evidence-based treatments - gold standard of scientific studies - last phase in the development of new drugs - link between research and the relief of human suffering - means by which experimental drugs or treatments are tested in humans - only way to find out if a drug works and if it is safe for people to take - primary method of advancing medical knowledge - principal means by which new treatments are evaluated - scientific studies doctors use to find new ways of treating disease - trials crucial to increasing knowledge of mood disorders * can identify better ways to prevent, detect, or treat cancer. * contribute to knowledge and progress against cancer. * evaluate all types of treatment for cancer in humans. * help scientists determine the safety and effectiveness of new therapies - develop improved treatments and sometimes lead to cures * involve medical research with people. * link basic research with clinical care, leading to improved therapies. * make a difference in everyone's lives. * measure a drug's safety and effectiveness when used to treat humans. * offer individuals an opportunity to help themselves and to help others. * represent an important option in the overall management of women with breast cancer. * research new treatments to determine their effectiveness and safety. * show that there are factors about home birth which make births easier. * using dendritic cell vaccines show great promise in treating cancer.
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### activity | attempt | trial: Control trial * assess effects. * examine effects. * report effects. * to evaluate effects. Criminal trial * Most criminal trials take place in state courts, which are governed by state evidence codes. * are about testing the evidence - always without a jury * involving violence can at times have graphic evidence. Time trial * are often a part of a stage race , for example the Tour de France - stage race, for example the Tour de France. * This is when the athlete races over a course as fast as they can. In cross country skiing and biathlon competitions, a skier will start every 30 to 60 seconds. These are called interval starts. Time trials are often a part of a stage race, for example the Tour de France Auroral activity * occurs high in the Earth's atmosphere and direct result of storms on our Sun. * tends to come in waves during an evening, which are called geomagnetic substorms. * varies from year to year with peaks of activity every eleven years - with the sun's activity Bacterial activity * Some bacterial activities lead to consumption. * can affect the growth, structure and composition of nodules. * heats the interior to destroy pathogens and larvae of harmful insects. * is what creates the heat of a compost pile. * slows down in winter time. Beaver activity * can also have detrimental effects - improve fish habitat - be beneficial to some wildlife species - have a significant influence on stream and riparian habitats * creates habitat for other species. * means more ponds, altered aquatic communities and biogeochemistry.
{ "source": "generics_kb" }
### activity: Behavior * All behavior arises from the interaction of various physical, mental, social, and emotional factors - form of communication * All behavior is affected by both inheritance and experience - controlled by the brain - viewed as a response to stimuli - reaction to a stimulus - result of neuronal activity - behaviors are affected by both genes and environment * Increase in communication problems with others. * Many behaviors are caused by emotional problems. * Many behaviors can be normal in most people but addictive in others - help parents or friends identify the threat of suicide - directly increase an organism's fitness, that is, they help it survive and reproduce * Most behavior affects animal reproduction - plant reproduction * Most behavior depends on ages - young ages - increases reproduction - involves olfactory stimulation - promotes reproductive success - reaction, whether conscious or unconscious * Most behavior relates to body temperature * Much behavior is instinct, a complex sequence of invariable automatic responses to a stimulus. * Some behavior affects climates - livestock - enhances fitnesses - focuses on chemical properties * Some behavior has important social functions * Some behavior is exhibited by bats - common vampire bats - hedgehogs - mollusks - primates - wolves * Some behavior promotes health - wellnesses * Some behaviors are a combination of instinct and learned behavior, like language - controlled by genes - in fact innate - inherited or instinctual, while others can be learned - impede an individual s chances of survival in a community - seem to be controlled solely by genes * There are many frames of reference that can be used to group behaviors. - strategies - subsequent survival * are compulsive when they have no purpose - habits that have taken time to develop - often metaphors for how the child feels - operations that define a simple procedure to an event - reusable components of code used in Web browsers * are the agent s skills for responding to the situations encountered in the environment - specific actions or reactions made by a person within the environment * associates with responses. * attracts attention. * can be different in different cultures - include obsession with body image, weight, and food * causes damage - significant damage * change in response to alterations in biological structures or processes. * changes survival. * creates conditions - dangerous conditions - development * demands attention - careful attention - circumstances - many factors - types * emerge from ideas, and ideas are influenced by behaviors. * facilitates transmissions. * follows general patterns * form patterns that are learned from a variety of sources over an extended period of time. * has adaptive logic - benefits - characteristics - common occurrences - consequences - differences - formal similarity - impact - key characteristics - long term benefits * has negative effects - purposes - rare occurrences - reach consequences - states - unpleasant consequences * have one or more dimensions that can be measured. * helps actions - individuals - members - roles * illustrates power. * improves breed success. * improves overall breed success * includes activities - contact - movement - nocturnal activities - presentation - such actions * indicates presence * involves basic functions - life functions - creations * is activities - performed by parents * leads to common misconception - involvement - outcomes - particular outcomes * makes more senses * occurs at time - in situations * often have an adaptive logic when viewed in terms of evolutionary principles. * produces results. * provides protection. * reflects patterns. - drug use - variable temperature * requires effort - special effort - sustain interaction * results in outcomes * reveals behavior - behavioral patterns * reveals certain behavioral patterns * shows effects * stems from heritage. * uses methods. + Paul Watzlawick: American psychologists :: 1921 births :: 2007 deaths * It is not possible to not communicate. Every behavior is some kind of non-verbal communication.
{ "source": "generics_kb" }