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### activity | behavior:
Abusive behavior
* are intentional, planned and repeated.
* can occur between anyone
- take many forms
* create an atmosphere of intimidation in a relationship.
* is any act carried out by one partner aimed at hurting or controlling the other.
Adaptive behavior
* has effects.
* is age-based and is defined by the expectations and standards of others
- the hallmark of intelligence in nature
Adult behavior
* dictates safe behavior in cars.
* is important as a role model for others, especially young people.<|endoftext|>### activity | behavior:
Aggressive behavior
* Most aggressive behavior is associated with territorial defense.
* Some aggressive behavior sees in macaques.
* are part of the normal behavioral patterns of almost any animal species.
* causes the watching of violent TV shows.
* denies the basic human rights of others.
* deterrent to friendships and social success.
* is among the most common causes of institutionalization.
* is an area that psychoanalysis talks about
- interaction between two fish of the same species or different species
- common in nursing homes for the elderly
- learned and maintained in a similar manner to other behaviors
* is linked to a dog's gender and status
- the action of the amygdala , which lies next to the hippocampus
- motivated by the desire for power and control
- one of the most difficult pet topics to talk about outside of euthanasia
- self enhancing at the expense of others
- self-enhancing at the expense of others
- that which overpowers and degrades the person to which it is directed
- used to intimidate another animal of the same species
* normal characteristic of children, particularly boys.
* occurs amongst males during breeding season.
* related to pain preotective instinct.
* results from the constant threat of nature.
Agonistic behavior
* accounts for the spacing of burrows in populations.
* occurs between siblings.
* takes the form of displays, body pushing and rubbing, as well as boxing.
Altruistic behavior
* is an action designed to help someone in distress.
* occurs when both individuals benefit from the behavior.<|endoftext|>### activity | behavior:
Animal behavior
* Many animal behaviors change at certain times of day, day after day
- in a regular way
* Many animal behaviors occur in a regular cycle
- cycles that repeat daily or yearly
* Most animal behavior affects plant reproduction
- behaviors are controlled by both genes and experiences in a given environment
* Some animal behaviors are influenced by environmental conditions.
* are usually strategies for survival.
* can be adaptations too
- come in the form of instincts and learned behavior
* deals with behavior, causes, and the contributing factors that influence it.
* includes the actions and reactions of animals to external stimuli.
* is any way that animals act.
* is basic and easy to understand
- very easy to understand
- driven far more by instinct that is that of humans
- more than a science, it way of thinking and feeling
- sometimes very hard to interpret
- subject to the same pressures of natural selection as other animal traits
* is the responses of animals to internal and external stimuli
- scientific study of everything animals do
- unpredictable
- what animals do or avoid doing
* specialized field of scientific study.
Assertive behavior
* involves making one's presence felt without the intent of causing harm
- standing up for oneself
* is an important part of a positive self-image.
Bad behavior
* includes endangering themselves and obstructing traffic and pedestrians.
* is usually a desire for attention.
Bird behavior
* Some bird behavior is instinctive, whilst other behavior is learned
- shows intelligence
* varies for different species and types of birds, and even between genders.
Collective behavior
* consists of a groups reaction to some situation.
* distinguishing characteristic of a plasma. | {
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### activity | behavior:
Complex behavior
* are made up of smaller simple behaviors.
* is achieved by combining simple agents into more complex structures.
* persist in dissected animals.
+ Applied behavior analysis, Definitions and concepts, Chaining
* Complex behaviors are made up of smaller simple behaviors. This is what the concept of behavior chains is based on. A behavior chain is when smaller behaviors are combined to form a complex behavior. These smaller behaviors are done in a certain order. Each of the smaller behaviors is a step in the behavior chain. A behavior chain is usually presented as a list of steps.
Compulsive behavior
* Many compulsive behaviors result in unhealthy lifestyles and relationships.
* includes regular drug use.
* is brought on by drug addiction
- repetitive, purposeful, and intentional
* occur in the form of repetitive rituals that dominate one's life.
Consumer behavior
* changes over time as people and situations change.
* is one of the most exciting areas in the study of marketing.
* key component in controlling health care costs.
Cooperative behavior
* improves breed success.
* improves overall breed success
* subclass of collective behaviors.<|endoftext|>### activity | behavior:
Courtship behavior
* Some courtship behavior includes urine.
* aids in survival because it leads to the creation of offspring.
* are full of adaptors.
* can be noisy and prolonged
- yield pulsed yelps
* consists of actions that help animals find and choose suitable mates.
* includes feeding and mutual preening, displays of bowing, and wing movements
- presentation
- transfer of food, displays, and grooming between a pair of birds
* is an important part of mating
- the behavior that males and females of a species carry out before mating
Covert behavior
* includes private behavior, such as thoughts, feelings, and fantasy.
* is fear and anxiety.<|endoftext|>### activity | behavior:
Criminal behavior
* begets criminal behavior.
* function of norms which are discriminative for criminal behavior.
* includes rape and other forms of sexual assault.
* is against the rules of society
- behavior that breaks criminal codes established by our society
- caused by environmental factors such as, poverty and abusive parents
- frequently the means for financing a drug habit
- hereditary
- human behavior, an has much in common with non criminal behavior
- learnable and learned in interaction with other deviant persons
* is learned in interaction with others persons in a process of communication
- through conditioning or imitation
- no different than any other behavior that is learned
* thought process, just like anorexia or bulimia.
Defensive behavior
* intends to protect oneself from the aggressive behaviors of others.
* involves retracting the body and closing the shell as tightly as possible.
* is needed to protect their young and food supply.
* occurs in response to nest defense.
* part of the overall division of labor in the colony.
Destructive behavior
* is usually a direct response to anxiety.
* leading reason why people surrender their cats to animal shelters.
Deviant behavior
* are usually distress signals telling adults that something is wrong.
* pervasive feature of social life.
Difficult behavior
* are expressions of real and legitimate needs.
* drag on emotions and a drag on productivity.
* requires effort
- special effort
Disruptive behavior
* includes sounds and use of beepers and celular telephones.
* is constituted as any behavior which detracts from the learning process
- decreased, often significantly, when children are seated mixed-gender
- the opposite of performance | {
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### activity | behavior:
Ethical behavior
* encompasses basic values of community and individual character.
* follows faith and salvation.
* is critical to business success, as well as to classroom success
- developed only when one learns how to respect other people and their property
- essential for a healthy community
* is important for success in life as well as in business
- in all successful organizations
- necessary in accounting if the information it provides is to be trusted
- that which is good, useful, or pleasant
* is the binder in the foundation of military culture
- process by which they are resolved
- what is the acceptable practice among the business industry
* means even-handed behavior.
* measure of successful, responsible living.
* relates to use.
Excessive behavior
* creates conditions
- dangerous conditions
* involves irritability and angry outbursts.
* occur along a continuum of risk ranging from minimal to extreme.
Feed behavior
* Some feed behavior is exhibited by mollusks.
* causes problems.
Group behavior
* Some group behavior is concerned with the fulfillment of the group task
- the maintenance of good climate and working relationships
* is an extension of individual behavior.
Health behavior
* Some health behavior promotes good health
* are direct factors in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
* can also involve a religious factor
- positively influence a person's risks of developing cancer
* refers to a person's beliefs and actions regarding their health and well-being.
Healthy behavior
* are essential to prevent life-altering consequences
- one of the key factors in the maintenance of physical health
* can greatly reduce the risk of cancer.
* improves survival. | {
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} |
### activity | behavior:
Human behavior
* All human behavior has a genetic component
- is learned and humans are social animals
* Many human behaviors are learned through shaping.
* Most human behavior includes development
- is transacted in group settings
* Much human behavior is developed through modeling.
* Some human behavior promotes infection.
* affects the environment which increases the potential negative impact of disasters.
* are major factors in the spread of infectious diseases.
* can capture similarities in documents that elude the abilities of machines
- help ecosystems rebound following a tsunami, or it can continue the destruction
- influence the earth changes
* changes much more slowly than Internet technology
- slowly, as do social norms, expectations, and worldviews
* combination of learned responses and conscious decision-making.
* comes from the human brain.
* depends on culture as well as on our evolutionary history.
* determines, to a large extent, the success of failure of an organization.
* encompass a wide spectrum - both positive and negative.
* exists along a continuum.
* good indicator that problems exist.
* has a large genetic component
- strong bearing on exposure to different risk factors
* is affected both by genetic inheritance and by experience
- an important factor in preventing ergonomic injuries
- based the most on moral and ethical principles
- believed to be influenced by the endocrine system and the nervous system
* is complex and individuals react differently when faced with a crisis situation
- influenced by our genes, our environment, and our circumstances
- controlled only to a very minor extent by instincts
- expressed in social group relations
- far more complex than traits like eye color or blood type
- hard to change
- implicated in most losses
- influenced by a variety of physical and social factors
- made up of three components or levels
- motivated by human nature and by culture
- much more complex then the behavior of other animals
* is often more complex than it initially appears
- the creator of risk in the working environment
- only in regard to achieving the goals
- patterns of patterns of patterns, decreasing in scope beyond normal social seeing
- purposeful and involves choices directed toward meeting perceived needs and goals
- shaped by the shared understanding that people have of the symbols in their world
- so variable from person to person, situation to situation
- the initial cause of bear encounters
* is the most familiar feature of the world in which people live
- important aspect of a community
- sum of what people think, feel and do
- too complex to be explained through monocausal theories
- very complex
* reflection of brain function.
* reflects delusion and ignorance as well as one's factual knowledge.
* shifts either in response to new information or new experiences.
Individual behavior
* combines to make groups and organizations.
* is induced by the environment experienced
- seen as something to be manipulated to achieve the goal
- self-managed via the reputation of that individual in the community
* plays a major role in the quality and length of life.<|endoftext|>### activity | behavior:
Innate behavior
* Most innate behavior involves basic functions
- life functions
* Some innate behaviors are present at birth.
* are behaviors that are inherited
- expressed in most individuals in a population
- inherited through genes
- instinctive
- instincts that the red panda was born with
- instinctual, relying on responses to stimuli
- rigid and predictable
* can train supervised neural network controllers.
* includes fixed-action patterns, automatic responses, and instincts.
* involve basic life functions, such as finding food.
* is behavior that is genetically determined
- occurs naturally
- found in most organism
* occur in all animals.
* results from impulse pathways built into the nervous system. | {
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} |
### activity | behavior:
Instinctive behavior
* Some instinctive behaviors depend on maturational processes to appear.
* goes beyond simple responses to an external stimulus.
* tends to be stereotyped.
+ Instinct, Overview, Maturational instincts: Psychology :: Ethology
* Some instinctive behaviors depend on maturational processes to appear. However, young birds have been experimentally reared in devices that prevent them from moving their wings until they reached the age at which their cohorts were flying. These birds flew immediately and normally when released, showing that their improvement resulted from neuromuscular maturation and not true learning. Campbell and Reece, 6th ed.
Irresponsible behavior
* can lead to injury.
* causes anguish in the hearts of their mothers.
* is exemplified by lying
- immature behavior
* major problem for parents, teachers, and society.<|endoftext|>### activity | behavior:
Learned behavior
* are behaviors that the red panda learns after birth by experience and observation
- traits that are learned
* is acquired through experience.
* is behavior that has been learned from experience or from observing other animals
- is learned
- more complex and more efficient than innate behavior
- passed on from mother to child in a near-human symbiotic relationship
- something an animal discovers through trial, error and observation
- usually more variable, changeable, or adaptable than innate behavior
Mate behavior
* Most mate behavior follows general patterns.
* Most mate behavior has characteristics
- key characteristics
Mating behavior
* includes the 'ecstatic display' where the pairs swing their heads from side to side.
* is essential for any bisexual animal species to exist
- very similar in all cats
Moral behavior
* allows people to get along with each other.
* is that which tends to promote our survival
- the basis of society's existence
* means different things to different people.
Negative behavior
* All negative behavior is foreshadowed by some sort of mood change or behavioral change.
* are bad habits
- strong indicators that a child is headed for trouble, in teen or adult years
* conveys weakness, insecurity, and fear.
* does happen and is one of several reasons for decline and disorganization.
Neurotic behavior
* All neurotic behavior brings suffering in one form or another.
* can produce monumental power over others.
* is usually the result of suppressed drives and or genetic defects.
* are the unlawful acts reported to a law enforcement agency.
* is operations
- teams
- the team in possession of the ball
- very important in basketball
* requires proof.
* usually come when people think they've been treated unfairly or falsely accused.
### activity | behavior | offense:
Drug offense
* are cumulative from year to year, and school to school
- risky business in Mexico
* contribute to nearly half of the increase in the female prison population.
* make up about one half of all offenses for which people are imprisoned in America.
* refer to both possession and trafficking charges. | {
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### activity | behavior:
Operant behavior
* are a function of their consequences.
* is the opposite of respondent behavior.
* refers to animals responding, typically by pushing a button, to earn food rewards.
+ Applied behavior analysis, Definitions and concepts, Operant behavior
* Operant behavior is the opposite of respondent behavior. Operant behavior is voluntary and can be changed. A person has control over their own operant behavior. They decide which behaviors they want to do. Respondent behavior cannot be controlled like operant behavior. ABA studies operant behavior more than respondent because it can be controlled.
* Operant behavior is the opposite of respondent behavior. Operant behavior is voluntary and can be changed. A person has control over their own operant behavior. They decide which behaviors they want to do. Respondent behavior cannot be controlled like operant behavior. ABA studies operant behavior more than respondent because it can be controlled. If a behavior can be controlled then it can be changed.
Organizational behavior
* focuses on the recurring patterns of behavior.
* involves the application of psychology to the work environment.
* is the study of individuals and groups in organizations
- people working in groups
- the actions of people at work
* recognizes the complexity of human behavior in organizational settings.
* tries to help managers and supervisors in many ways.
Parental behavior
* compensates for only a little of malnutrition's deleterious effects on learning.
* is crucial to normal and abnormal development.
Past behavior
* can be a indicator of future behavior.
* is the best predictor of future behavior.
Presocial behavior
* is much more common in the animal kingdom than complete eusociality.
+ Presociality: Zoology
* Presocial behavior is much more common in the animal kingdom than complete eusociality. Examples include canines that live in packs, numerous insects, especially hymenoptera, humans, many birds, chimpanzees, and many other animals that display social behavior.
Primate behavior
* Some primate behavior enhances survival.
* is controlled to a large extent by what can be seen.
Prosocial behavior
* includes such things as Taking turns, working with partner, following directions.
* intends to help others.
* is the other side of the coin from aggression.<|endoftext|>### activity | behavior:
Repetitive behavior
* occurs in the child's second year.
+ Stereotypic movement disorder: Disorders
* People with stereotypic movement disorder often hurt themselves. Some people make behaviors such as keeping their hands in their pockets, to prevent these movements. Childhood habits can result in negative social interactions and avoidance by peers and family members. Some repetitive behaviors can cause damage. The most common treatment approaches used for children with this condition are therapies aimed at reducing stress that may trigger the movements and changing behaviors. Some medications may also help reduce stereotypic behavior. Naltrexone has been used with some success in reducing stereotypic self-injurious behavior.
Reproductive behavior
* are important elements of evolutionary change.
* encompass a broad range of behaviors.
* occurs underwater also. | {
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} |
### activity | behavior:
Respondent behavior
* is behavior that is involuntary
- caused physiological reactions of the body
* refers to behavior that is elicited involuntarily in reaction to a stimulus.
+ Applied behavior analysis, History, Other factors in the development of ABA
* Ivan Pavlov was a Russian man who studied psychology and physiology. He studied respondent behavior. Respondent behavior is behavior that is involuntary. Respondent behavior is caused physiological reactions of the body. In 1897, he started to do experiments about respondent behavior. He came up with the theory of classical conditioning after doing these experiments. Classical conditioning is also called pavlovian conditioning. Classical conditioning says that if a neutral stimulus keeps being paired with a stimulus that causes a physiological reaction, eventually the neutral stimulus will cause the physiological reaction.
* Ivan Pavlov was a Russian man who studied psychology and physiology. He studied respondent behavior. Respondent behavior is behavior that is involuntary. Respondent behavior is caused physiological reactions of the body. In 1897, he started to do experiments about respondent behavior. He came up with the theory of classical conditioning after doing these experiments. Classical conditioning is also called pavlovian conditioning. Classical conditioning says that if a neutral stimulus keeps being paired with a stimulus that causes a physiological reaction, eventually the neutral stimulus will cause the physiological reaction. A physiological reaction is a bodily response that is automatic such as salivation or increased heart rate.
Right behavior
* is defined in terms of obedience to the Baha'i laws and institutions.
* matter of life and death.
Risky behavior
* are pervasive among all groups of adolescents.
* chronic problem among teens, especially boys.
* has consequences.
* is common among both Karachi bus drivers and bus commuters.
Rude behavior
* is rude behavior.
* violation of human dignity or of the respect due to others.
Seasonal behavior
* changes in animals involve the light-sensitive pineal gland in the brain.
* help animals adjust to the environment.
Spatial behavior
* is examined by accumulating data at various scalp locations.
* require accurate localization of objects around an animal.
Such behavior
- effects
- reach consequences
* helps roles.
* indicates presence
* promotes survival.
Suicidal behavior
* Most suicidal behavior starts with depression.
* is complex and has multiple causes
- inherited
- often apparent in a person who suffers from histrionic personality disorder
* is, obviously, complex and has multiple causes.
Territorial behavior
* arises when benefits are greater than the costs.
* can start way before trainers get close to the bird.
* is almost nonexistent even during the breeding season.
* offers several advantages to the territorial animal.
* range from scent marking to outright attacks on intruders.
Undesirable behavior
* Some undesirable behaviors are actually symptoms of disease.
* broad term including delinquency, fraud, intrusion and account defaulting.<|endoftext|>### activity | behavior:
Violent behavior
* Most violent behavior is learned behavior.
* are also common among spectators in some sports.
* has a double meaning in zoology.
* is also any action or threat to damage property
- bad behavior
- just as prevalent today as it was during the violence epidemic
- role modeled, encouraged, justified, and reinforced
- something children learn, often early in life
* lack of maturity and angry individuals are trying to control others.
* poses significant risks to health, particularly among young black males.
* ranges from bullying and verbal abuse, through fighting, to rape and homicide.
* applies to a state of broken fidelity within the relationship.
* is an activity
- located in confessions | {
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### activity:
Biological activity
* Biological activities include effects
- stimulant effects
* Many biological activities depend on wavelengths of visible light.
* is most prevalent near the soil surface in the aerobic zone.
* requires adequate organic matter to flourish.
Brain activity
* All brain activity occurs spontaneously, automatically, in response to challenge.
* Brain activities encourage memory-building skills.
* Some brain activities stimulate growth.
* holds key to optimal separations.
* is at most part of mere particular action of the observer
- like the activity of a huge city
- measured in hertz, as is sound
- observable, like behaviour
- very complex
* reflects acquisition of a conditional response to visually masked stimuli. | {
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### activity:
* inhaling air.
* oxygenate blood.
* PERC for short periods of time can adversely affect the human nervous system.
* affects our entire being
- the flow of hormones through the endocrine system
* also affects daily life, and the utilization of correct breath can greatly reduce stress
- can relieve insomnia, by relaxing the body and reducing the activity of the mind
- contributes to better health
* also helps move blood through the veins
- remove heat
- to connect to where tremendous potential energy is stored
- increases in anger or fear, at least in most cases
* are used for land animals
- livings
- oxygenating blood
- respiration
- survival
* becomes deeper, sending oxygen-enriched blood and nutrients throughout the body
- difficult because the muscles of the respiratory system weaken
- rapid and dyspnea is pronounced just before death
- shallow and rapid during episodes of stress
- shallower and quicker as the lungs work to oxygenate the blood
* can be difficult, and strength and coordination quickly disappear
- the tool to stop the mind from racing
- cause an animal to lose a lot of water
- make people feel calm and happy
- sometimes be abnormal from birth
* cause a desire to drinks
- asthma attacks
- choking
- coughing
- hyperventilations
- pain
- relaxation
- warm air
* causes cancer
- the patients chest to contract and relax
- turbulence in the upper air passages
* connects all systems in our bodies.
* consciously is the simplest, most immediate way to change consciousness and feel better.
* correctly can be the difference between a healthy body and ill health
- bring on a state of elevated emotions
- helps build and strengthen the chest muscles and also increases lung capacity
* correctly is the key to better fitness, muscle strength, stamina, and athletic endurance
- very important to our mental and physical well-being
* cures tummies too A simple way to help digestion is digestive breathing or bhastrika.
* deeply can give a person more physical energy
- help a person relax
* deeply helps to allow the feeling to process
- clean our blood by removing the carbon dioxide and increasing oxygen
- increases the body's intake of oxygen
- well-known stress reliever and has a multitude of health benefits as well
* describes the process of inhaling and exhaling air.
* diaphragmatically increases oxygen intake and nourishes the brain and body.
* enables oxygen to mix with the wine, which speeds the aging process.
* exercises cause more oxygen to be pushed through the walls of the lungs
- enhance lung capacity, and swimming provides aerobic exercise
* fills the body and the muscles with oxygen.
* fully helps by keeping the lungs pure and increasing the flow of fresh blood
- is to live fully
* function of lungs as well as the muscles that move the chest and lungs.
* gas exchange, taking in oxygen from the surroundings and letting out carbon dioxide.
* gets easier with the build up of muscle in the body.
* gets heavier and faster to meet the demand for more oxygen
- take in more oxygen for the muscles
- oxygen into the body, but aerobic respiration occurs at the cellular level
* has little to do with art
- very little to do with oxygen
* helps the body to relax and to awaken at the same time.
* helps to calm nerves
- facilitate relaxation
* improperly can trigger anxiety, panic attacks, depression, headaches and fatigue.
* increases the flow to all systems and assists in expansion of the physical body.
* influences the mind and the emotions, and vice versa.
* involves both inhalation and exhalation.
* is accomplished through contraction of the muscles of the rib cage and pelvis
- affected, and individuals are very susceptible to infections
* is also an activity
- important part of rhino communication
- related to positive emotions
- the result of practice and conditioning
* is an activity
- automatic body function and is essential to human survival
- example of the interrelationship of body systems
* is an important factor in stretching for relaxation and full effectiveness
- part of relaxation therapy
- integral and necessary part of man
- at the heart of virtually every meditation system
- basic to reducing test anxiety and improving focus and concentration
* is both a voluntary and involuntary function of the human body
- the most important function of the body and the most neglected
- brought about by the movement of the diaphragm and the ribs
- considered the best way to connect mind and body
* is deep and regular, and structural muscles are relaxed, without being flaccid
- from the lower solar plexus
- done by gills or lungs, sometimes by both
- driven by the muscular diaphragm
* is essential for natural life
- to lifting
* is fundamental for reducing test anxiety and improving focus and concentration
- to our existence
- impaired, and the development of cancer is common
- important so moisture can evaporate
- integral to yoga
- like inhaling gumbo
- noisy in severely affected animals
- nourishment for the body and food for the brain
* is one of the few body functions that is under both our conscious and unconscious control
- most important functions of the body and all other functions depend on it
* is only part of the process of bringing oxygen to where it is needed in the body
- possible if the thoracic cavity remains airtight
* is our gateway to our voluntary and autonomic nervous systems
- link to life energy and watching to consciousness
- most primal function
- primary energy source
- primarily by means of the folded skin on either side of the body
- rapid but laboured, with some animals partly choking on their saliva
* is regulated by the concentration of carbon dioxide in blood
- mouth and chest
- seen as the impetus for the body
- slowed, stopped, or irregular and if they are unconscious, they are difficult to wake
* is something common to every human being
- vital to peoples lives
* is stimulated by gently pinching the body with forceps
- rubbing a finger over the chest and back
- synonymous with being alive
* is the basic rhythm of life
- chief means of taking in prana to increase vitality of the living being
- enactment of the essential state of becoming that is being alive
- internal dialogue of our nervous system
* is the key to Yoga
- a conscious life and good health
* is the link between our mind and body
- to the body and watching to the consciousness
* is the most fundamental principle of life
- palpable rhythm of our physical life
* is the physical act of inhaling and exhaling
- action of taking air in to the system and releasing gaseous waste
- primary antidote for fear
* is the process by which air enters the bloodstream, via the lungs
- of moving oxygen-rich air into and out of the lungs
- vehicle which delivers the oxygen
- ventilation of the lungs by negative pressure
- thought to adjust autonomic nerves
* is truly automatic and a newborn baby can breathe properly
- where the voluntary and involuntary merge and affect each other
- used to relax physically and mentally
- usually automatic, and is regulated in the medulla oblongata of the brain
- very important when playing tennis, especially when things get tight
- vital to people's lives
- what makes the sound what gets notes to resonate and penetrate through an ensemble
* is, ideally, timed to the heartbeat.
* key element in stretching, proper breathing is important for a successful stretch
- to eliminating stress and restoring balance and lightness to our beings
* major concern because the lungs are the last organs to develop.
* means living.
* muscular activity that requires energy just like any other.
* natural response to life.
* normally is very important for normal growth.
* occur only over the first letter of a word, and only if that letter vowel or a rho.
* occurs as naturally as possible, since infants control their inhalation and exhalation.
* occurs through a pair of nostrils located on the top of the nose
- spiracles and trachea
- the skin, mouth, and throat
* often makes a wheezing or whistling sound.
* passive activity for the most part.
* promotes the Relaxation of body with mind.
* properly has a dramatic impact on our mental and physical health
- is one of the key elements to singing
* refers to the mechanical process of moving air into and out of the lungs
- process by which air enters and leaves the lungs
* shared space.
* starts at the nose and mouth.
* stops because the airway collapses and prevents air from getting into the lungs
- soon after the heart stops beating
- when the airways are blocked
* takes place by lungs changing size
- through the air passages leading from the nose and mouth into the lungs
- with the gills, which, in some species, can be moveable or able to vibrate
* tends to naturally shift to a shallow and rapid quality when one is nervous.
* unique process in the human body.
* universal process.
* very important part of yoga practice and also a very important part of our health
- natural well regulation function of the body
* vital function
- part in our individual existence
* way of creating a feeling of unity or becoming conscious of the flow of existence. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | breathing:
Abdominal breathing
* are breathing.
* is the most relaxing way to breathe for proper meditation.
* simple and effective relaxation technique.
Abnormal breathing
* has a variety of causes.
* sounds, sometimes indicating fluid in the air sacs of the lung.
Circular breathing
* allows the player to breath while producing continuous sound.
* connects the inhale with the exhale in a slow and comfortable fashion.
* is what allows players to perform continuously without stopping for breath.
Conscious breathing
* helps clear out lungs and return a fresh supply of oxygen to the bloodstream.
* leads to realizing the link between breathing patterns and mental activity.
Controlled breathing
* helps the mind center on relaxing and developing a sense of the inner spirit.
* is also a great help in inducing sleep.
Correct breathing
* can also be of benefit in other fields such as singing, dance and speaking.
* establishes an equilibrium between positive and negative currents.
* is also a vital part of yoga
- an integral part of yoga and useful for stress reduction too
- practiced and observed before meditation and asanas<|endoftext|>### activity | breathing:
Deep breathing
* benefit of regular exercise.
* brings energy to our every cells.
* calming breath.
* can be an important coping skill to learn
- useful for anyone who has stress
- help relax tense muscles
* delivers many of the benefits of exercise, including facilitating weight loss.
* door to waking up to healing and to more personal freedom.
* expands the lungs, aids circulation, and helps prevent pneumonia.
* fundamental relaxation technique.
* great natural stress releaser anywhere, any time.
* has a calming effect on the mind and provides more oxygen to the body tissues
- upon the nervous system
* helps to reduce stress and fear related to memory loss
- release cramps since it increases oxygen availability
* is also a major stress-reducing technique
- an important key to relaxation
- another method of getting rid of stress
- encouraged during massages, and aroma therapy is utilized with essential oils
* is essential for inner calm and peace
- safe, healthy, effective voice production
- to the asana
- fundamental to stress-reduction
- important to help prevent pneumonia , infection, and re-expand the lung
- the type of exercise that can be done anytime
- used to increase oxygen to the organs and increase lung capacity
* lowers blood pressure.
* puts pressure on the diaphragm, which puts pressure on the bowel.
* reduces overall body stress and increases creative mental energy
- paralyzing feelings of panic
* relaxation technique that can be self-taught.
* relieves stress- and stress relief is critical to good health.
* simple technique in which people concentrate on their breathing patterns.
* triggers the relaxation response which encourages the body to burn fat instead.
* very effective way of relaxing.
* works anyplace, anytime to increase the supply of oxygen to muscles and organs.
Diaphragmatic breathing
* generates an increased flow of chi, or vital energy in the body.
* key to calming the body and balancing the emotions.
* relaxed form of breathing performed by one muscle, the diaphragm.
* requires contraction of the diaphragm and is also called deep breathing.
* teaches people how to control anxiety by taking slow, deep breaths.
Difficulty breathing
* can often lead to fear and anxiety.
* is one of asthma s most common symptoms, but there are others.
Good breathing
* specific, fundamental aspect of life.
* supports muscle growth and energy to get things done.
Low breathing
* has a beneficial effect on the solar plexus, a very important nerve center.
* refers to what takes place primarily in the lower part of the chest and lungs. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | breathing:
Mouth breathing
* can adversely affect the development of the thyroid gland
- affect the entire system
- particularly affect the facial muscles and bones of a growing child
* is also a common factor
- the major culprit for the abnormal development of the jaws
* postural habit that can develop for numerous reasons.
Normal breathing
* involves rhythmic inhaling and exhaling.
* is carried out by movement of the diaphragm.
* matter of controlling the lungs.
* means breathing at a rate dictated by the body.
* takes in about one pint of air with each breath.
Patterned breathing
* pain coping technique using the principle of distraction.
* uses distraction and conditioned response to reduce the perception of pain.<|endoftext|>### activity | breathing:
Proper breathing
* is also an important part of stress control.
* is an essential part of tai chi
- important aid to relaxation and goes with posture
- often overlooked key to foundational health and longevity
- another antidote to stress and tension
* is essential for sustaining life and cleansing inner body systems
- in weightlifting
- to well being and good health
- important for pleasurable skin diving
- one of the most effective techniques for reducing stress
* nourishes the brain and central nervous system.
* promotes relaxation and is useful in maintaining yoga's many postures.
* requires breathing down into the abdominal cavity and then exhaling.
Relaxed breathing
* can help because it is quick and calming.
* is an effective way to manage stress
- the quickest and easiest way to release some stress
Rhythmic breathing
* allows the insides to calm and relax.
* helps concentration of the mind.<|endoftext|>### activity | breathing:
Shallow breathing
* allows fatigue and stress to set in.
* can invoke an emotional imbalance.
* causes an inadequate supply of oxygen in the blood.
* creates tension and fatigue.
* is like working a part-time job.
* leads to breathlessness and a build up of anxiety.
* means less oxygen flow to the brain.
* puts less oxygen in the blood stream, producing an increase in muscle tension.
* reduces the oxygen content of the blood.
* typical physical response to anger, stress, fear, sadness, and pain.
* utilizes the thorax rather than the abdominal muscles.
* are breathing.
* often includes such symptoms as a runny nose and watery eyes.
* thick white discharge from the nose accompanied with a lot of sneezing.
* usually occur in the first week of life, are very persistent and often bloody.
Yoga breathing
* involves learning to breathe deeply and slowly.
* produces a huge storage of energy in the solar plexus area.<|endoftext|>### activity:
* accounts for the difference between a circular conduit and a non-circular one.
* allows all measurements to be recorded in real units.
* are activities.
* arises from uncertainty in modeling complex physical processes.
* can be, for example, in terms of atmospheric pressure or altitude above sea level.
* classical inverse problem that can be solved with standard least-squares methods.
* compensates for the effects of any variables in a measurement system.
* depends on germination rates and row width.
* highly technical topic focused on quantitative issues.
* is an activity
- in terms of equivalent activity contained in an aqueous solution
* is simply a term that describes a process of conforming to a standard
- the comparison of instrument performance to a standard of known accuracy
* is the key to accurate measurements
- means to provide a ratio of primary to secondary power
- process of measuring and adjusting the amount of product applied to an area
* procedure performed by using a voltmeter.
* refers to the accuracy with which one can predict one's own performance
- match between confidence and accuracy, rather than accuracy itself
- process of getting consistent color output
* word which is sometimes misunderstood. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity:
Cambial activity
* begins early in the season also, at the time of, or just before, budswell.
* spreads around the stem and unites the individual cambia of each bundle.
Cardiovascular activity
* has the potential to work a variety of muscles.
* keeps the metabolism up for less time, but it is good for the heart.<|endoftext|>### activity:
* Most care promotes health
- oral health
* affects ability.
* assists the world's poor in their efforts to achieve social and economic well-being.
* believes, as do many others, that human life begins at conception.
* broad term which encompasses medical, nursing, and psychosocial parameters.
* can be the difference between just being online and delivering real value to customers online.
* encourages growth
- hair growth
* encourages healthy growth
* exists to help families bridge the divide and find lasting solutions to poverty.
* explains importance.
* focuses on decisions
- other symptoms
* has cost
- impact
* helps healthy life
- quality
* improves chances
* includes cost
- fluid therapy
* includes good hygiene
- oral hygiene
- water
* increases likelihood.
* involves families
- progress
* is all about what one feels towards matters or people of importance, interest and concern.
* is an activity in which a provider treats a patient
- important aspect of love
- international non-governmental organization working in developing countries
- as important as cure Every year, globally, about nine million people find they have cancer
- love in different degrees and potencies
- one organization that is educating the public on the global problem of landmines
- protection
- repairs
* is the activity of caring for the ill, elderly and dependent young
- big word to describe everyone
- consenting commitment of citizens to one another
- embodiment of reverence
- opposite of apathy
* is the source of conscience, for conscience shows itself in care
- eros, tenderness, and love
* is the world's largest private relief and development agency
- and development organization
- truly a gift that directs people to a better life
- what it takes to make things healthy, even the cells of the body
- words
- worry, anxiety and distress
* leads to production.
* means to a greater end.
* prevents deformities
- health problems
* prevents major health problems
* provides relief.
* refers to the medical treatment necessary for recovery.
* requires energy
- minimal energy
- shampoos
- vaccines
* shows benefits.
* state in which something does matter.
* state-wide coalition that seeks to improve care for the dying.
* statewide coalition that seeks to improve care for the dying and their families
- collaborative effort to enhance care to the dying and their loved ones
* works with individuals and communities to promote healthy behaviors.
### activity | care:
Acute care
* is the highest level of care and it is usually provided in a hospital setting.
* presumes an active illness or health problem that needs attention.
Animal care
* Most animal care leads to production.
* is conducted by trained technicians and supervised by veterinarians regularly
- responsible for all aspects of housing and husbandry
Basic care
* Grow in bare soil to avoid competition from grass.
* forms the core of healthy hair.
Beauty care
* covers hair, skin and body care, slimming and exercise.
* starts with the skin.
Cancer care
* Most cancer care takes place in community and primary care.
* combination of therapies ranging from chemotherapy, radiation therapy and surgery.
* is made up of several components, each managed by a different sort of physician.
Charity care
* deduction against projected net revenues.
* is the price they have to pay to get the capital. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | care:
Child care
* Child Care Costs One of the major expenditures of single parents is child care.
* Some child care is provided in the public sector.
* can also become more affordable by having a relative watch the child
- vary widely from one small home to another
* central issue for parents, employers , and policy makers.
* consequence of soul care.
* core issue for the growing number of two-earner families.
* critical support for families moving from welfare to work.
* does attract trained loving people.
* emphasizes good nutrition in relation to progress of the child in school.
* fact of life, and often an expensive fact.
* falls under the category of domestic support.
* family support.
* field in transition.
* fundamental part of the community.
* helps shape children's futures and is key to school readiness.
* is also a major source of employment for women
- always a major issue for families moving with younger children
* is an available support for children in care
- especially important concern for young mothers, single mothers and women of color
- essential family support
* is an important factor in the welfare reform debate
- matter for parents
- part of life for many families
- another area of conflict for parents returning to work
* is as individual as each of the children in our care
- much about early childhood development as it is about welfare to work
- both a social investment and an area of income-generation
- critical to worker productivity
* is essential if mothers are to work
- to many lone parents
- less of a problem when parenting is equitably divided between both parents
- more than just a service that allows parents to work
- needed for all children
- one of the lowest-paying jobs in the country
* is provided for children ages six weeks through four years of age
* is provided for children younger than five
- school age
- infants and young children
- free to children who are no longer in diapers
- to enable parents to attend together
- something that affects every working family in America
* is the cornerstone of healthy child and family policy
- only program for which the majority of religious congregations charge a fee
- usually a dilemma for students who have children
- vital to women's ability to earn an income
* keeps people on the job.
* major issue for public assistance recipients entering the work force
- in the United States and other countries
- problem for all parents, but especially for single parents
* necessity for millions of American families.
* needs to be seen as a legitimate form of employment and income generation for women.
* new place with new people.
* partnership between parents and child care providers.
* poses a serious financial burden for many families.
* raises unexpected and sensitive issues that can complicate family relationships.
* remains important once parents enter the workforce.
- for children whose parents are attending the convention
* shared responsibility within the community.
* whole-community responsibility. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | care:
Chiropractic care
* can also contribute in a major way to a general health and wellness program
- be helpful for animals having problems with their muscles, joints and nerves
- correct any small misalignments in the foot, ankle and knee
- have a positive affect on organ system health problems
* can help alleviate the stiffness and tension from long periods of sitting
- common complaints women encounter
- resist diseases and ailments
- improve our pet s health and overall quality of life
* gives the mother's nervous system the best chance to work properly and fully.
* holistic approach to many health and performance problems of dogs
- of the health and performance problems of the dog
* is also a cost saver in the health care system
- very effective in treating ailments specific to children and adolescents
- an evidence-based approach to health and wellness that is both safe and sound
- based on the fact that normal nerve function is essential to good health
- beneficial for everyone even in the absence of symptoms
- essential for wellness
- needed by every person alive
- one of the most cost effective forms of care for back problems
- only payable when the accepted condition subluxation of the spine
- quality heath care for the entire family
* is the largest drugless, non-surgical healing art in the world
- non-medical healing art in the world attracting millions of people
- second largest healing art in the world
- vital to keeping children healthy naturally
* looks to the relationship of the spine and the nervous system.
* natural approach to better health that is proven safe and effective.
* rapidly growing field that the public is turning to in increasing numbers.
* restores the body's natural recuperative abilities.
* safe, effective therapy that corrects spinal dysfunction.
* saves many people from having surgery.
* way of life.
Continuity of care
* critical component of all health care.
* is associated with well-coordinated care
- of great concern to both the elderly and their caregivers
- the heart and soul of wellness for patients
Custodial care
* involves help with activities of daily living, such as eating or getting dressed.
* is help with eating, bathing, taking medicine, and going to the bathroom
- the type of care many people receive in nursing homes
* means assistance with one or more activities of daily living.
* refers to care primarily to help with the activities of daily living.<|endoftext|>### activity | care:
Dental care
* Most dental care affects ability.
* begins once the primary dentition erupts and continues into adolescence.
* begun early also can help the animal avoid later, potentially serious, complications.
* can prevent early tooth loss and bladder or kidney infections.
* critical problem among the nation's poor children.
* includes the treatment of all oral disease.
* is attention
- certainly one of the aspects of pet health care most overlooked by pet owners
- essential in managing and preventing bacterial infection
- extremely important in beagles
* is important for every body
- to prevent cavities, gum disease and other illnesses
- limited to the treatment of an accidental injury to natural teeth or a fractured jaw
* is very important for dogs
- scarce in developing countries
Diabetes care
* needs evidence based interventions to reduce risk of vascular disease.
* team effort with the patient, most often, the director of the team.
Eye care
* computerised eye testing center.
* is an essential part of one's overall health care.
* starts as soon as the child is born. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | care:
Foot care
* is an important means of reducing the impact of diabetic neuropathy.
* is especially important for people with diabetes
- to people with diabetes
* is extremely important for diabetics
- people diagnosed with diabetes
* is important for people with diabetes
- to the overall health of individuals with Diabetes
* is particularly important for patients with circulatory problems
- if diabetes mellitus is also present
- perhaps the most important concern for people with diabetes
- very important for people with diabetes
Foster care
* can also lead to adoption.
* is care
- charge
- usually a temporary service to help families through a difficult time
Good care
* can energize and rejuvinate people.
* helps prevent hearing problems and holes in the eardrum.<|endoftext|>### activity | care:
Home care
* Home Care Apply warm compresses to soften crusts on the eyelids
- Treat the cause of swelling
- offers services that take place in the home
* Splint the wrist if pain is caused by trauma.
* Take measures to reduce stress and improve overall health.
* allows for the maximum amount of freedom for the individual
- patients to remain at home while lifting some of the burden from their families
* can help to prevent or reduce dental disease
- provide nursing services at home
- shorten hospital stays and lead to quicker recovery from surgery or illness
* cost effective alternative to extended hospital stays or institutional care.
* designed to give caregivers a break is called respite care.
* focuses on treating the symptoms, because there is no cure for the disease.
* generic term for any services delivered in the home.
* helps keep families together
- people who are unable to fully care for themselves at home
- reduce medical costs without loss of quality
- to reduce medical costs without a loss in quality care
* includes a broad range of health and social services
- wide range of health and social services
* is also often less expensive than other forms of care.
* is an efficient means of delivering health care
- essential part of the management of arthritis
- evolving alternative in the delivery of medical services
- intrusion in everyone's life
- appropriate for many people in a variety of circumstances
- one of the most important and most poorly paid of the health professions
- primarily a continuation of the care that the health care provider prescribes
* is the form of care preferred by the American public
- infusion of factor concentrates at home
- objective of peritoneal dialysis
- single most important procedure the owner can do to maintain oral health
* keeps families together.
* lower-cost alternative to extended hospital stays.
* offers benefits to children and parents.
* promotes holistic care.
* provides continuity of care from skilled medical professionals in the comfort of home.
* varies with the cause, type, and severity of retardation. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | care:
Hospice care
* Most hospice care occurs in a patient's home.
* affirms life and regards dying as a normal process.
* allows a beneficiary to stay in their home during the final stages of their illness
- every person and family to participate fully in the final stages of one's life
* choice - a choice to enhance the life of a loved one with a progressive illness.
* compassionate method of caring for terminally ill people.
* comprehensive program for anyone with limited life expectancy.
* concentrates on keeping quality of life high.
* covered benefit under most private insurance plans
- insurances and HMOs
* decreases costly hospitalizations.
* emphasizes providing comfort and symptom control rather than cure
- quality of life over length of days
* focuses on comfort, support, and dignity during the last phase of life.
* focuses on the entire family
- family as a whole, treatment as it relates to the patient
- person's emotional, social, physical and spiritual needs
- whole person, and their family and loved ones
* includes both patient and family as the primary unit of care
- the entire family, in or out of an inpatient setting
* involves a team approach to care
- an interdisciplinary team of medical, social and spiritual professionals
- interdisciplinary teams of professionals
* is about compassion, dignity and quality of life rather than about cure.
* is designed to be of benefit during the last six months of life
- replace inpatient hospital care
- directed toward meeting the needs of the terminally ill
- extended to family members during their loved one's illness
- for any person who is experiencing the final phase of their disease
* is for the terminally ill patient
- given in periods of care
- holistic in nature
- individualized to the needs of the patient
- more than medical care
- palliative care designed to ease the patients' mental and physical suffering
- preferred by many physicians and family caregivers in cases of end-stage dementia
- provided in the home, nursing home, or group home
- sensitive, dignified and cost-effective health care
- specialized care for the terminally ill
* is the best example of attending to a patient's entire being
- care that is given to individuals who are terminally ill
- primary system to provide care for the terminally ill and their families
- very successful in controlling cancer pain
- what is known as palliative care
* means support, control, dignity and peace of mind for the entire family
- the patient is more comfortable, more at peace and more in control
* phase of care whereby aggressive treatment is no longer appropriate.
* portion of the broader scope of palliative care.
* provides respect and dignity to the terminally ill in their final days.
* refers to specialized, relatively non-interventional care given to terminal patients.
* remains dedicated to serving the terminally ill person at home.
* serves a functional purpose for care at the end of life
- patients in homes, in hospitals, and in nursing homes
* special type of care for terminally ill patients.
* supports patients to live alert, pain-controlled lives, maintaining dignity and choice.
* system designed to aid dying individuals and their families.
* takes many forms and varies from place to place.
* team concept.
* unique individualized plan of care tailored to patient and family needs.
Infant care
* derivative or composite science and art.
* includes cost. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | care:
Medical care
* consists of evaluation, diagnosis, treatment and education relative to health
- pain relief until veterinary care can be obtained for diagnosis
* depends on the type and degree of seriousness of the illness.
* has high cost.
* helps young refugee children start a new life in the United States with new health.
* is actually disease care, crisis care, medicine after the fact
- also an expensive part of the cost of living
* is an art based on science
- essential human service
- astronomically expensive in the United States
- driven by technology
- for the heart and pure water for the body
- important for both physical and psychological reasons
- more limited than in the United States
- necessary to promote healing and to treat and prevent infection
- one of the basic problems of every society
- prescribed by physicians who are credentialed members of the hospital medical staff
* is provided by medical practitioners with a special interest in continuing care
- private and salaried doctors, and in both public and private hospitals
- for premature children or children born underweight
- regulated by both federal and state laws
- very expensive in the United States
- vital to children with diabetes
* provides relief.
* right that every resident is entitled to.
* varies in quality, particularly in remote areas
Nursing care
* is based upon respect for the dignity and worth of every individual
- evaluated in the context of adherence to standards of professional performance
* is medical aid
- planned for children based on age, medical condition and individual needs
- provided within a complex health care system
- related to the underlying disease
* starts before surgery is performed, during surgery and continues after surgery. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | care:
Palliative care
* accepts that the act of dying social activity, a natural and inevitable event.
* affirms life and regards dying as a natural process
- while recognizing that death is part of living
* aims to control any distressing pain or symptoms, and to keep patients comfortable.
* begins at the point when the focus of care shifts from cure to comfort.
* can be helpful at any stage of a life-threatening or chronic illness
- help people to live more comfortably
* can improve function and quality of life for people with most chronic illnesses
- the quantity and quality of one s remaining life
* emphasizes quality, rather than length of life.
* fast-growing specialty in medicine.
* focuses on the control of symptoms.
* has to do with the relief of symptoms of a disease or disorder.
* includes action to reduce physical, emotional, spiritual and psycho-social distress.
* involves more than appropriate management of symptoms.
* is an area of medicine which has seen rapid advance in recent years
- important aspect of clinical research getting more attention
* is care directed to relief of symptoms rather than or along with cure
- given to reduce pain when one chooses to forego life-prolonging treatments
* is comprehensive care for people with incurable illnesses
- life-limiting illness
* is designed to provide symptom management of end stage disease and other conditions
- relieve suffering at the end of life
- much more than pain management, and is specific to end-stage disease
- one of the fastest growing and most demanding nursing specialities in the world
- particularly important in people with advanced disease
- provided in the comfort, privacy and familiarity of home
- simply comfort care
- something all human beings have in common
- special care given to patients who are dying
- still underdeveloped in many parts of the world
- the provision of pain management and comfort to a dying person
* is, par excellence, care that is given through the medium of a human relationship.
* means different things to different people
- to stop all aggressive treatment
* opposes legalization of euthanasia.
* responds to physical, psychological, social and spiritual needs.
* special form of disinterested charity.
* strives to help patients stay as comfortable as possible in a home-like setting.
* way of caring for people who are living with a terminal illness
- the dying<|endoftext|>### activity | care:
Parental care
* helps young survive in crowded, competitive environments.
* improves offspring survival and growth in burying beetles.
* is essential for young animals in the trees
- the responsibility of mothers
* is unknown in land snails
- lizards, but in some forms the female broods, or cares for the eggs
- vital, with the male seahorse undergoing a full pregnancy
* is, therefore, a form of altruism readily explained by kin selection.
* special case of kin selection.
* varies in different species of amphibians.
Pastoral care
* is rooted in 'caritas' or the charism of charity
- seen as an integral part of the overall care of body, mind and spirit
- viewed as both personal and communal, a ministry of pastoral and lay leaders
* significant part of total, integrated health care.
Paternal care
* declines with increased opportunity for extra-pair matings in fairy martins.
* enhances male reproductive success in pine engraver beetles.
Patient care
* is compromised when health care is viewed strictly as a business.
* is the arena in which the clinical skills of the resident develop
- life blood of emergency medicine
* social service, and society thrives on values.
Pharmaceutical care
* involves the prevention, identification and resolution of drug-related problems.
* is very time intensive, especially in the developmental stages.
* patient-centered, outcomes oriented, pharmacy practice.
* practice philosophy that embraces positive outcomes. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | care:
Prenatal care
* begins from the onset of pregnancy.
* consists of much more than just monitoring the mother's diet and weight.
* cost-effective way to reduce medical costs.
* crucial step in insuring good health in any child.
* helps prepare women for a healthy pregnancy.
* improves pregnancy outcomes.
* includes risk assessment, medical treatment and health education.
* involves a series of regular examinations and tests by a physician or midwife.
* is an important part of every pregnancy
- helping prepare that child for the world
- considered a serious health condition
- crucial for mother and child s mental and Physical health
- especially important for women who are at increased medical or social risk
- essential for the health of an unborn baby
- health care and other services available to pregnant women as a fetus develops
* is important at all stages
- for all women, even if they have been pregnant before and feel fine
- to the health of the baby
- included as a serious health condition
- medical care while a woman is pregnant
* is the beginning of health care in a person's life
- best way to assure a safe and healthy pregnancy
- first responsibility of parenthood
- health care a pregnant woman receives
- very beneficial to the mother and the child
- vital to the health of both mother and baby
* key factor in preventing preterm births and low birthweight babies
- and very low birthweight babies
* provides a critical window of opportunity to screen and refer pregnant women.
* reduces the incidence of low birth weights.
Preventative care
* is critical for animals, just as it is for humans
- important for identifying health problems before they become a major concern
- now an important aspect of animal medicine
* reduces the potential risk of chronic disease and disability.<|endoftext|>### activity | care:
Preventive care
* avoids both costs and suffering.
* forms the basis of the health-care system.
* includes physicians visits while an infant newborn in the hospital.
* is also an important consideration in regards to arthritis
- an important component of a continuum of care
- as important for animals as it is for humans and nutrition is the key
- crucial to the overall well-being and development of a child
- fundamental to achieving good oral health in a child patient
* is important at all ages, however, most important in older people
- for children, who are prone to illness
- just that, preventing tooth decay, gum disease and the loss of teeth
- proactive care
- routine care
- the cornerstone of medicine
* is very important for every member of a family, including men
- important, because birds are defensive animals
* keeps people healthier and saves money at the same time.
* part of providing cost-effective and efficient health care.<|endoftext|>### activity | care:
Primary care
* brings health care as close as possible to where people live and work.
* diverse, changing, and critically important part of America's healthcare system.
* gives expecting mothers free check ups regularly until the baby is born.
* includes many health services
- physicians specializing in family practice or internal medicine
- women's and men's health care
* involves the assignment of caregivers to specific infants in a group setting.
* is an increasingly important component of the health care delivery system
- central to managed care
- first access health care
- front line care that is comprehensive and person centered
* is medical aid
* is the cornerstone of all managed care systems
- point at which a person first seeks assistance from the health care system
* remains the de facto major mental health care delivery system.
Proper care
* can keep kidneys running properly well into old age.
* helps life.
* is important for extending the life of fresh flower arrangements
- to the health of any tree
* leads to production. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | care:
Psychiatric care
* differs from other areas of health care.
* focuses on evaluation, consultation and psychopharmacologic management.
Respiratory care
* high technology field that also requires good interpersonal communication.
* involves basic mathematical problem-solving.
* is also a career with job mobility and advancement opportunities.
* rapidly growing, people-oriented profession.<|endoftext|>### activity | care:
Respite care
* allows caregivers time away from the responsibilities of care for a loved one.
* can provide relief for a full time caregiver who needs to be gone or take a vacation.
* enables families to take vacations, or just a few hours of time off.
* form of temporary relief for the primary caregiver.
* free program that is offered to patients and their families.
* is designed to give a break to the family member who provides care in the home
- essential in preventing foster parent burnout
- simply care that gives family members a break from the daily demands of caregiving
- the service most typically funded by state governments
* offers relief to family members caring for older dependents.
* program for the overburdened or over stressed caregivers.
* promotes the care of patients in their homes.
* provides a therapeutic environment to children in a family setting.
* temporary break from caring for a family member who has a disability.
Self care
* can help maintain a strong immune system and control the infection.
* is also an essential component of the management of chronic illness
- any act of taking care or control of our own bodies
Share care
* happy medium between nanny care and a daycare center.
* helps parents build an extended family network.
Skin care
* Skin Care involves, the cleansing of the skin, nails, and hair
- is the foundation of beauty
* is aimed at keeping the skin supple and eliminating the possibility of infection
- an important part of radiation treatment
- attention
- especially important after a peel or surgery
- health related, though commonly considered simply cosmetic
- important to prevent sores from developing
- the fundamental basis of cosmetology
Special care
* is taken in the examination of babies when there special risk factor.
+ Wireless LAN, Disadvantages of Wireless LANs: Computer networking
* Wireless LANs use radio waves to communicate. Special care needs to be taken to encrypt information. Also the signal is much worse, and more bandwidth needs to be spent on error correction.
Spiritual care
* dimension of care that is often central to healing.
* is integral to patient care
- more than just reception of the sacraments
- part of hospice care
- the core of care for the dying
Standard of care
* Standards of care are one measure of quality
- exist for every medical specialty
* is closely related to the quality of care.
Supportive care
* includes fluid therapy
* is as important as antibiotic therapy.
* is the mainstay of treatment in child abuse
- only intervention for a person with the disease
- very important in the treatment of parvoviral infections
Veterinary care
* includes nutritional supplements, medication and, in some cases, surgery.
* is an essential part of an animal care program
- important aspect to owning and keeping any reptile, especially chameleons
- provided according to the dog's needs, always including neutering or spaying
Vision care
* covers eye exams, corrective lenses and frames.
* draws people into the health care system.
* Many carols have pagan roots, others come from folk music, and some have sacred origins.
* Most carols are English in origin.
* are songs from the past and the present, from far and near
* is church music | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity:
Cellular activity
* All cellular activities obey the known laws of physics and chemistry
- activity is based on energy supplied by the sun or from chemical bonds
* Cellular activities produce waste.
* Most cellular activities occur in the cytoplasm
* Some cellular activities generate heat.
Chemical activity
* Chemical activities decrease with increasing ionic strength.
* is greatest where atoms of platinum are missing or at steps in the material. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity:
* Many classifications exist that define vegetation or other land units.
* Most classifications describe types.
* Some classifications base on habits.
* also helps scientists to remember viruses and the diseases they cause
- implies evolutionary relationships between groups
* are arrangements
- restrictions
- safety mechanisms of the self to avoid the incapacity of action
- socially contructed products of our culture
* base on characteristics
- comparison
- principles
* basic tool used by resource managers.
* consist of individuals.
* contribute to descriptions.
* cover aspects.
* depend on types.
* describes the process of allocating a class or call number to an item.
* determines methods for organizing the diversity of life on Earth.
* have origins.
* helps show if living things are closely related.
* human undertaking.
* illustrates each animal's place in the animal kingdom, in outline form.
* include aspects
* involves a survey of all major plant and animal kingdoms.
* is an important aspect of understanding and describing the many life forms on earth
- part of everyday life
* is based on evolutionary relationships and physical traits
- similarities in appearance and behavior
- concerned with the relative value of jobs within an organization
- determined by evolutionary history
- fundamental in biology
- made according to type of animal, age, size and gender
- one of the basic processes in science
- that living things are sorted into groups based on their characteristics
* is the assignment of objects to a class
- computation of a concept hierarchy based on subsumption
- distribution of objects into groups
- method used by scientists to order living organisms
- primary thought pattern involved in preparing an outline
* is the process of grouping like objects into categories
- organizing things into groups
- placing data into groups, and is central to mapping
- sorting organisms into groups according to their characteristics
- subdividing of the living world into defensible categories
- systematic categorization of entities into meaningful content
- to assemble groups into larger groups
- usually part of the early stages of understanding science
* means grouping languages together on the basis of some similarities
- that objects can be thought of in terms of categories or classes
- the classification of rivers and streams within the river corridor
- to facilitate communication among actors in a field of practice
* natural occupation of humans and one of the most necessary of pastimes.
* occurs in most sports.
* part of the science of taxonomy.
* political act.
* pose many problems
* present difficulty.
* provide arrangements
- insight
* represent decisions.
* reveal diversity
- exceptional diversity
* show acceptable variation
* tend to change as knowledge increases.
* type of censorship and discriminates against minorities.
* use analyses
- principal component analyses
* very broad term which simply means putting things in classes.
* way of organising living organisms into groups
- to give a unique description to all things
* yield accuracy.
+ Rhombozoa: Invertebrates :: Parasites
* Classification is controversial. They are probably a new phylum. Traditionally, dicyemids have been grouped with the Orthonectida in the Mesozoa. However, molecular phylogeny indicates that dicyemids may be more closely related to the roundworms.
+ Virus classification: Viruses
* There are many different kinds of viruses. Scientists classify viruses to make it easier to learn about them. Classification also helps scientists to remember viruses and the diseases they cause. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | classification:
Biological classification
* Some biological classifications have roots.
* are based on how organisms are related.
* belongs to the science of zoological systematics.
* indicate how organisms are related.
* involves the same sort of hierarchies.
* is based on how organisms are related.
* method for grouping and categorizing species of organisms.
* system used by scientists to describe organisms, or living things.
Cladistic classification
* creates and names taxa based only on synapomorphies.
* unites birds with crocs and dinosaurs, which form a monophyletic group.
Evolutionary classification
* attempts to represent major features of evolutionary history.
* synthesis of the phenetic and phylogenetic principles.
Phenetic classification
* is that in which things are grouped together based on overall similarity.
* uses distance measures and cluster statistics.
Phylogenetic classification
* reflect evolutionary history.
* uses inferred phylogenetic relations.
Scientific classification
* belongs to the science of taxonomy.
* is how scientists catagorize and name plants and animals.
Soil classification
* base on principles.
* provides an empirical estimation of the soil's stability.<|endoftext|>### activity | classification:
* also occurs in large bodies of water such as lakes and oceans.
* can also be temporal
- develop from incident solar radiation heating the upper levels of the water
- cause significant loss of capacity
- happen in the soil or in storage
- prevent the vertical propagation of wave energy
* controls the distribution of the sample size in the strata.
* decreases sediment mixing.
* improves seed germination of five native wildflower species.
* is an artificial method of giving seeds a cold period
- brought on by warm weather
- categorizations
- common
- conditions
- determined especially by the sizes and kinds of plants present
- encouraged when doing species inventory in British Columbia
- geological processes
- maintained throughout summer due to the warming of surface waters
- necessary for successful cryopreservation of axes from stored hazelnut seed
- one way that sedimentary rocks can form
- placements
- present in some pedons
- rare
- shapes
- strongest in deep estuaries with weak tidal flow
* is the process of soaking and chilling seeds prior to sowing
- unequal rights and perquisites of different positions in a society
- when water separates by temperature
* isolates sedimentary processes.
* process by which groups of cells organize to form layers in tissue.
* promotes rapid germination, treatment protects seeds from bird and rodents.
* protects plants by preventing seed germination during cold winter months.
* provides the lens and focus for perceiving the society
- thermal refuges for organisms
* reduces sample sizes within each stratum.
* refers to distinct layers of water that form in the lake.
* seasonal phenomenon.
* tends to occur in estuaries where fresh water meets salt water.
* typical summer condition in many bodies of water.
* uses low temperatures and moisture to duplicate natural conditions.
### activity | classification | stratification:
Cold stratification
* involves keeping the seed in a cold place for a specified period.
* is required to trigger seed germination.
* simulates the effect of winter weather on the seeds.
Thermal stratification
* common occurance in deep northern temperate lakes such as Onondaga Lake.
* is essential for most applications of water heat storage's.
* Typologies are categorizations.
* is an important form of prophecy.
* mode of thought and of rhetoric.
* corresponds to the understanding of the causes of suffering.
* is an activity
* is the behavioral aspect of the growth process
- ideal of loving kindness and compassion towards all beings equally
- result of environment and temperament
- what decisions the actors make | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | conduct:
Ethical conduct
* daily activity for the social work profession.
* includes moral principles and values.
* is an essential element in the proper functioning of the American legal system
- different from legal conduct
- established by published professional standards of conduct
- the foundation of productive relationships
* necessary foundation for all healthy human relationships.
Unsportsmanlike conduct
* includes harassment of officials during and after the games.
* It is when a player or team during the game that is not professional or is offensive. It is not cheating or breaking the rules. Unsportsmanlike conduct is something most players and fans dislike. The official rules of many sports include a rule so that a referee can call unsportsmanlike conduct on a team or player. There may be a fine or penalty.
* benefit paid for by some employers.
* is activities
- the test of reality in the Christian faith<|endoftext|>### activity | continuation:
* are continuance.
* is by faith alone just as salvation is by faith alone
- continuation
- key in all sports
- one of the seven laws of success
- produced by faith
* is the ability to endure, to suffer as a people without ever giving up hope
- character trait of the month
- difference between success and defeat
* is the key to achievement in life
- endangered species recovery
* matter of hanging on after others have let go.
* quality most often admired in leaders.
* shield which protects the dream of the people.
* sign of true salvation and spiritual ministry.
* trait that has served many well.<|endoftext|>### activity:
* are activities
- artifacts
- beginnings
* contribute to development.
* explain appearances.
* help women.
* improve situations.
* includes human beings, other living organisms, and the ecosystems that support life.
* involve concepts.
* involves polarities and the emergence of form through their bisociation.
* is an activity
- explanation of origins in terms of intelligent purposeful design
- integrated part of all living and non living things
- another word that takes on many different meanings
- based on theological points of view and evolution is based on scientific theories
- different from birth and emanation
- effected by the spoken word of a supreme and omnipotent being
- in every sense as scientific as evolution
- subject to time, and, as such, participates in a history of the natural order
* is the counterpart to evolution
- expression of motion
- main task of the humankind, of every man
- most essential nature of humanity
- process by which new land is reclaimed from the sea such as in the Netherlands
- production of something out of nothing
- result of giving the chaotic materials a form that makes sense
- shaping of formless divine substance into formed substance
- source of man's immortal soul
- subject of both theology and philosophy
- surge of chaos
- very opposite of rapid decay
- work in time of the Blessed Trinity
- what human existence is all about - the making of new things
* is, really, a holding back of the infinity that existed prior to creation.
* means since the breaking of the souls and the beginning of the correction.
* process designed to bring harmony out of chaos
- of discovery
* refers to the fact that the scripture tells the story of creation.
* reflects the grabbing and hoarding of life under the dominion of human beings.
* religious idea.
* result in productivity.
* show beauty
- startle beauty
* single, divine act outside of time and it has moral direction.
* works according to logic, order, and law. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | creation:
* Many approaches make use of transgenic organisms.
* Some approaches look at the chemical structures of the individual amino acids.
* sounds reasonable.
* are albums
- conceptualization
- movement
- similarity
- timing
* are used by authors
- cancer patients
- researchers
* base on measurements.
* can have effects
- impact
* combine inference
- methods
* consist of strategies.
* contribute to development
- economic development
* demonstrate values.
* enable development.
* encourage growth.
* ensure capacity
- likelihood
* examine effects
- relative treatment effects
* focus on goals.
* give important insight
* have benefits
- cost
- drawbacks
- limitations
- several drawbacks
* help people
- students
* improve development
- safety
* include activities
- attention
- details
- manipulation
- project activities
- such activities
* incorporate activities.
* incorporate enjoyable activities
- physical activities
* indicate patterns.
* involve light
- subjects
- treatments
* lead to development
- improvement
- moderate improvement
- side effects
* offer options.
* provide analyses
- aspects
- customers
- information
- methodologies
- sensitive methods
* reflect goals
- judgment
- medical judgment
* reflect poor judgment
* relate to problems.
* require analyses
- crop growth
- damage tolerance analyses
* result in factors
- more stable outcomes
* show effects.
* stem from ideas.
* use best options.
* use biological control techniques
* yield consistent results
- similar results
### activity | creation | approach:
* are approachs.
* are located in cities
- towns
- roads
- streets
- used for travel.
* An 'avenue' wide road also called a 'boulevard'. It usually has four or more total lanes, and a median. Avenues usually have the same speed limits as roads, but they can be higher
* is an approach<|endoftext|>### activity | creation | approach:
- order
- terminations
* fairly important principle in algebra.
* is an approach
- ideal of forgetfulness
- essential in all things
* is the final step in any segment or cycle of communication
- process of assembly, editing and gap closure
* natural part of a wine's adolescence.
* occurs when there is contact between seal material and underlying sediment.
* refers to the tendency to complete a figure, so that it has a consistent overall form.
+ Closure (computer science): Computer science
* Closures keep the state of their bound variables over several invocations.
Constructivist approach
* emphasize both the learning process and the product of learning.
* prepare learners for the workplace of their future.
Interdisciplinary approach
* Some interdisciplinary approaches combine physiology
- plant physiology
* are essential for addressing questions in modern ecology.
Molecular approach
* have the advantage of allowing a larger number of individuals to be assayed.
* provide information.
Pharmacological approach
* are central to our understanding of the brain.
* attempt to correct the chemical imbalance that is causing the depression.
Statistical approach
* examine effects
* yield results.
* enables people to create products or services that carry their personal signature.
* is initiations
- one way in which students can transform their lives
- problematized by cinema's industrial nature and commercial origins | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | creation:
* are artists.
* are books that almost every generation calls their own
- have stood the test of time and place
- creations
- films
- literary studies
* broadly interdisciplinary field.
* embraces the study of Greek and Latin language, literature, history, and culture.
* is the multi-disciplinary study of Greek and Roman civilization.
* is the study of the ancient civilisations of Greece and Rome
- cultures of Greece and Rome
- intellectual forces that have shaped the European world
- languages, literatures, and civilizations of ancient Greece and Rome
- thus more than the study of ancient languages<|endoftext|>### activity | creation:
* also depends on the state of the economy.
* alters characteristics.
* business that stands to benefit greatly from electronic commerce.
* consists of steel
- structural steel
* creates habitats
- nest habitats
* destroys habitats
- prime habitats
- rattlesnake habitats
* dewatering helps to dry construction sites before excavationactivity.
* ensures requirements.
* growth industry.
* includes instruction.
* involves emissions
- steps
* is America's largest single industry that impacts virtually all other businesses
- also a major sector of the national economy
- commercial enterprises
- constituents
- interpretations
- located in roadblock
- making
- noise, dust, fumes, and inconvenience
- one of the nation's leading industries
* is the nation's largest industry
- opposite of destruction
- process of actually writing the code that makes a program
- single largest industry in the United States
- thinking
* means all work on public works involving laborers, workers or mechanics.
* meets requirements.
* plays a key role in the process of economic growth and development
- vital role in the process of economic growth and development
- an important role in the development of a strong agricultural economy
* produces accurate results
* project based industry.
* promotes growth
- mold growth
* provides benefits
* requires energy
- negative energy
- random samples
* service industry.
* shows growth.
* yields positive results
+ Space elevator, Construction: Exploratory engineering :: Megastructures :: Space colonization :: Spacecraft propulsion :: Spaceflight technologies :: Vertical transport devices :: Space access :: Hypothetical technology :: Emerging technologies
* Construction is conceived as the deployment of a long cable from a large spool. The spool is initially parked in a geostationary orbit above the planned anchor point. Most current designs elevate the spool itself as the main cable is paid out, a simpler process. This adds more tension to the whole cable, which can then be used as an elevator cable.
### activity | creation | construction:
* are construction
- groups of words with a subject and predicate
- norms
* are part of contracts
- sentences
- related word groups that contain at least one subject and one verb
* describe or limit a noun or pronoun.
* is construction
### activity | creation | construction | clause:
Adjective clause
* Most adjective clauses begin with who, whom, which or that.
* are useful in combining two or more simple sentences into a complex sentence.
* modify nouns or pronouns
- nouns, pronouns or groups of words used as nouns
* are articles
- generally a percentage of the value of the insured vehicle
- sums
- usually per person, or per family, per calendar year
* save money.
* serve several functions.
### activity | creation | construction | clause | dependent clause:
Restrictive clause
* are subordinate clauses.
* dependent clause | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | creation | construction | clause:
Horn clause
* play a basic role in constructive logic and computational logic
- logic and computational logic. * logic and computational logic. They are important in automated theorem proving by first-order resolution, because the resolvent of two Horn clauses is itself a Horn clause, and the resolvent of a goal clause and a definite clause goal clause
Relative clause
* Most relative clauses modify a noun.
* appear when two sentences are put together into one.
* are barriers to wh-movement for young children
* describe nouns or pronouns and generally begin with which, that, whom, whose, who.
* play a central role in English discourse.
* use dependent word order.<|endoftext|>### activity | creation | construction:
* Consists of fabricating, delivering and storing structural steel.
* are clingable phenomena
- falsehood
- located in bibles
- writing
* includes the intentional falsification or invention of any information.
* involves the processing of raw materials to form the finished members of the structure.
* is an infraction that involves altering information in an academic exercise
- falsification or invention of any information or citation in any academic exercise
- known to occur in some therapies for recovery from incest
* is the act of creating or inventing something
- art of working with metal directly, hammering, sawing, soldering, etc
- creation of data when no bona fide experimentation or data gathering was done
- cutting, welding or gluing, and assembly of plastic pieces out of sheet material
- inclusion of an invented statement within the body of a work
- use of invented information or the falsification of research or other findings
- when a student falsifies or invents information or data in an academic assignment
Modular construction
* is used to aid manufacturing and for ease of maintenance.
* model of efficiency.
* powerful strategy for controlling complexity in engineering design.
New construction
* consists of steel
* is the design or construction of a facility for first occupancy.
* are construction.
* generalist mathematical quarterly for students and amateur mathematicians.
* is construction
* two player strategy game.
Residential construction
* encompasses all types of housing as described above.
* function of demand for housing.
Road construction
* can also displace and destroy cemeteries.
* exposes large areas of mineral soil to removal by rainwater and snowmelt.
- often the largest source of silviculture-produced sediment
- one of the most damaging forms of tree stress in urban environments
- outdoor activities
Statutory construction
* involves a question of law.
* question of law subject to de novo review on appeal
- that is reviewed de novo on appeal<|endoftext|>### activity | creation:
Content creation
* If you want, I can finish quite a few articles that are far superior to GA level by this weekend. 37 that were FAC ready. I have some of the top FAs over at Wikipedia. My rate of creating GAs was one every 5 days with the slowness of the GAN process. However, I produced 18 pages for DYK with 8 of them being GAN ready in 2 days at Wikipedia. Content creation is nothing.
* looks great. QD's look good. Most of his reports to VIP look good. I can't find any real issues. Should be a good admin.
Creation myth
* Many creation myths begin with the theme of birth.
* A 'creation myth' or 'creation story' explains how the universe started, how the earth came to be, and why there are humans. Creation myths are usually part of religions and mythologies. Very often, creation myths say that humans were made by a god, spirit or other supreme being.
* are the cornerstone of many of the world's religions | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | creation:
* acts as a medium for cultural investigation and visual expression.
* are arrangements
- decoration
- designing
* are done by designers
- system designers
* are located in plates
- rugs
- sketchs
- software development
* change over time
- years
* come from ideas.
* create hot spots
* demonstrate power.
* feature flat surfaces
- garlands
* follow patterns
- requirements
* have advantage
- benefits
- brief descriptions
- cost
- further advantage
- initial cost
- sides
- slight variation
- texture
* incorporate characteristics
- details
* increase numbers.
* integrates people, their dwellings and the social and natural environments.
* involve assumptions
- compromises
- several assumptions
- stages
- tests
- various stages
* make more senses
* may have advantage.
* meet requirements.
* occurs at the atomic or microstructural level of solid materials.
* offer advantage
- knowledge
* play roles
- significant roles
- vital roles
* plays a key role in successful growth companies
- major role in almost all aspects of communication
- pivotal role in the quality of our cities and the quality of our lives
* provide details
- solutions
* refers to some of the design guidelines for making web pages, graphics, and multimedia.
* refers to the intended characteristics of the output
- pictorial image of a trade mark design
* require components
- decisions
* shapes the physical as well as virtual environment of business.
* solve problems.
* use analyses
- instruments
- optical instruments
- principles
+ Diesel-electric: Motors
* Some designs also store braking energy in a flywheel, which can also charge a battery. However, these make the engine even more complex, and add weight to the vehicle, so are more appropriate for city driving where service stations are always available and there is much stop and go driving.
### activity | creation | design:
Building design
* can also serve as trademarks or service marks.
* matter of life and death.
* plays a key role in sustainability.
Database design
* field very closely related to hypermedia design.
* has nothing to do with using computers.
* is foreign to most people, even computer science students.
* process consisting of many steps.
Design research
* focuses on design theory, methods, and practice.
* is the invention of artifacts to solve problems.
Ecological design
* begins with the intimate knowledge of a particular place.
* occurs in planetary time.
* source of work which is just beginning to get off the ground.
Environmental design
* can discourage crime.
* impacts the quality of life in an area.
* is also a mixing or melding together of different elements.
Ergonomic design
* depends upon knowing the motions available to different regions of the human body.
* fits most body shapes and sizes.
* reduces both bending and fatigue
Experimental design
* critical component of scholarly research.
* involve assumptions
* is an essential part of research in the behavioral and health sciences
- fundamental to the practice of statistics
* refers to the general experimental strategy.
Good design
* combination of all kinds of different things.
* is an honest expression of the true values of an organization or an artist
- important source of economic value and competitive advantage
- integrated approach to materials, fabrication, and logistics
- interaction among responsible people
- as much about how something works as how it looks
- essentially part of society, with it's ideas, passion, form, and function
Green design
* applies to both products and buildings.
* reduces the dependence on resource intensive products and materials. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | creation | design:
Industrial design
* combination of both creative vision and technical consideration.
* exists in the region between art and industry.
* is about products and how things work
- all about making everyday objects practical as well as attractive to consumer
* protect the visual features of an object, which have no function.
Information design
* goes beyond graphic design.
* has a much broader focus than the appearance of information.
* helps explain things.
* is about the clear and effective presentation of information
- the process of organizing significant content in meaningful ways
Instructional design
* key tool in the development of process learning skills.
* process technology completely independent of any hardware or software.
* scientific and technological field.
* special form of information design.
* systematic approach to designing and developing instruction
- method of designing and developing instruction
* systemic and systematic process of specifying conditions for learning.
Landscape design
* distinct profession, only a portion of which involves horticulture.
* involves itself with the shaping of the landscape for human living
- very intuitive and subjective ways of looking at the world
* is also an important subdiscipline in horticulture
- an appeal to human nature
- the conscious arrangement of outdoor space for human enjoyment and satisfaction
Modern design
* is collaborative and distributed over both space and time.
+ Anchor, Designs of temporary anchors, Performance of temporary anchors: Ship building :: Boats
* Many modern designs are better than the older types.
Natural design
* come to light in the appearance of certain animals.
* is based on harmony of interaction.
Product design
* concerns itself with conceiving and designing products for the benefit of society.
* is concerned with commercial applications that are based on consumer appeal.<|endoftext|>### activity | creation | design:
* are also wonderful tools for catching animals
- drums
- string
* are the latest traps being used for animals
- most primitive, indiscriminate, and inhumane traps used legally in the United States
- wire strangulation noose that tightens around an animal's neck or body
* can kill by strangulation if they are set to do so or the animal struggles too long.
* come in different sizes and lengths.
* is short for SNAP receptors
- simply the snare used to capture animals or birds
* mainly target ground dwellers, antelopes and rodents.
* placed in trails or under fences can successfully capture coyotes
- can successfully capture furbearers
Technological design
* is important to building knowledge in physical science.
* plays an important role in building chemistry knowledge
- knowledge in biology<|endoftext|>### activity | creation | design:
Universal design
* benefits people of all ages and abilities.
* facilitates participation, freedom of choice, and integration.
* focuses on the power of the environment to shape human experience.
* improves quality of life for people regardless of age or ability.
* is the responsibility of the manufacturers of hardware and software products.
* makes a place for people with disabilities alongside everyone else
- systems useable by people with a wide range of functional characteristics
* means creating programs that work for everyone
- the products are usable by people of all ages, sizes and abilities
* permits all people, including people with disabilities, to enter and function.
* watchword for people with disabilities. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | creation | design:
Urban design
* encompasses many issues relating to the built and unbuilt environment.
* includes, apart from the physical dimensions, social and psychological dimensions.
* is about creating places but also about creating 'location'
- place making and the movement patterns within and between places
- practiced in many different ways
* process of collaboration, essential to reconcile conflicting interests.
Website design
* is about providing information and making money.
* varies in size and complexity.
* is artifacts.
* is located in archeological sites
- cities
- construction sites
- deserts
- quarries
- used for mining
* often involves discovering fragile dinosaur bones in solid rock.
### activity | creation | excavation:
Root cellar
* are excavation
- nature's way of storing fruits and vegetables
- storage space
* is excavation<|endoftext|>### activity | creation | excavation:
* Many wells produce salt water while producing oil.
* Most wells provide clean and safe water
- tap ground water
* Some wells pose a considerable danger to people, wildlife and the environment.
* Some wells produce considerable amounts of sand
- wet gas containing a valuable liquid hydrocarbon called condensate
* are common water sources for many villages in the Middle East and Africa
- compartments
- conduits
- devices
- dug to extract water from the porous sandstone that lies underneath
- excavation
- extremely important to all societies
- holes dug into the ground
* are located in countrysides
- fairytales
- farms
- rural areas
- pits formed when snow melts away from the trunk
- places
- routes
- safe, dependable sources of water if sited wisely and built correctly
- shafts
* are the main source of irrigation water
- primary drinking-water source for most mountain communities
* are used for drinking water
- wishing
- vessels
* connect the land surface and ground water.
* do stop supplying water, either because they go dry or due to other factors.
* draw water up from the ground, called ground water.
* drawing water from aquifers can reduce ground-water discharge to rivers and streams.
* have water.
* pump groundwater from underground storage areas called aquifers
- to the surface where it is used by millions of people around the world
* tap underground water formations.
### activity | creation | excavation | well:
Artesian well
* Some artesian wells are under sufficient pressure to produce a fountainlike flow or spring.
* are common in some parts of the country, especially in the midwestern states
- natural formations in which water can flow upward because of pressure on it
* penetrate into ground water having confining layers above and below the aquifer.
Deep well
* Most deep wells use submersible pumps.
* are usually safe sources of water.
* produce warm water, because there lot of heat coming from the core of the earth.
* provide some water for irrigation and livestock and for domestic needs
- water for some irrigation
Oil well
* are closed and fields are abandoned when they are losing money
- useful for getting oil
* supply a large portion of energy used in Louisiana.
* ' way that people get oil from the ground. People make a hole deep in the ground and then take oil from the hole. Oil wells are useful for getting oil. Oil Wells are necessary for taking oil out of the ground. This is because the oil is very deep underground.
Private well
* Most private wells use electric pumps.
* are also susceptible to bacterial contamination.
Shallow well
* are more vulnerable to pesticide contamination than are deep wells
- the principal source of water for domestic use
* have a greater number and percentage of pesticide detections. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | creation | excavation:
* can involve accomplishment
- sleep
- thinking
- whistles
* causes a desire to rests
- blisters
- boredom
- creations
- fatigue
- frustrations
- hunger
- prosperity
- results
- rewards
- stress
- work stress
- treatments
* is used for poor people
- producings<|endoftext|>### activity | creation:
Job creation
* can have a substantial impact on violent crime.
* common benchmark used in economic development.
* depends on sustainable growth.
* is also another area where small business has changed the economic landscape
- critical for improvement in the quality of life and well-being of Pacific peoples
- largely responsible for the state's housing crisis
- often the outcome of successful business, rather than the driver
- one of the very few growth sectors within the modern UK economy
- the centerpiece of welfare reform
Knowledge creation
* involves shaping, reviewing and enriching knowledge.
* is also about creating and exploring metaphor.
Logic programming
* applies to all areas of artificial intelligence and computer science.
* are computer programming
* can help deal with the problem of incompleteness of the database.
* is an active field of research in computer science
- based on the idea that computation is controlled inference
* natural candidate for a modelling language in mathematical programming.
* uses logic and proof procedures to define and resolve problems. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | creation:
* Includes all buildings and structures at manufacturing sites.
* adds value to materials because it increases their usefulness.
* also provides an important source of foreign exchange
- tends to be an early indicator of the economy's overall direction
* are good jobs
- making
- progressings
* company with a legacy that spans a century and a half.
* comprises one-fifth of the U.S. economy.
* consists of Durable and Nondurable goods.
* dominates the economy, followed by agriculture.
* fabrication and assembly operation.
* focuses mainly on the processing of agricultural products.
* forms the largest single component of Malaysia's economy.
* grows as people demand more manufactured goods.
* has a major importance in most advanced economies.
* includes aircraft and other industries.
* is also an integral part of today's economy
- important to the city's economy
- one of the key pillars of the economy
- an applied discipline
- based on the processing of indigenous primary products and imported raw materials
- by far the largest of the goods-producing industries in terms of employment
- composed of both durable and nondurable goods segments
* is concentrated in food processing, textiles, vehicles and chemicals
- processed foods, chemicals, metal products, machinery and textiles
- the iron, steel and engineering industries
- dominated by textile production
- driven by the marketplace
- generally a basic activity that can generate the basic wealth of a community
- important to Minnesota's economy
* is important to the city's economy
- largely devoted to consumer goods
* is limited to providing small goods for internal consumption
- the processing of raw materials and production of basic goods
- no longer the basis of the economies of developed nations
- one of the fastest growing sectors in the Newfoundland and Labrador economy
- still the largest sector in the state's economy
* is the engine room of the emerging economy
- that drives our state economy
* is the largest end user of chemical products
- goods-producing economic sector
- making or processing of products
* is the principal economic activity, as measured by employee earnings
- sector, as measured by employee earnings
- process of converting raw materials into products
- second largest foreign exchange earner
- sector where it is easiest to measure productivity
- state's third largest industry
- vital to a healthy economy
- where the lion's share of the value-added is realized
* key industrial sector and truly a cornerstone for economic growth.
* makes up an increasing proportion of the Mexican economy.
* means making things.
* now accounts for only a fifth of the British economy.
* plays a relatively smaller role in the economy.
* produces wealth.
* refers to both production and production support.
* remains the leading sector in international business.
* significant sub-sector of industry.
* stands at the center of the industrial supply chain.
* transforms raw materials into a finished product.
* workplaces Workplaces with manual material handling operations.
+ Sherman, Texas, Present: Cities in Texas
* Sherman is about 65 miles north of Dallas at the crossroads of U.S. Highway 75 and US 69. It has a lot of institutions. It even has its own symphony orchestra, which is not common for a city of its size. Manufacturing is a big part of the local economy. Also, several national companies have plants in Sherman. It is a good city for tourism and international students.
### activity | creation | manufacturing:
Modern manufacturing
* race against time.
* uses chemicals like never before.
Molecular manufacturing
* applies the principles of mechanical engineering to chemistry.
* is the ability to make or build things with molecules.
Money creation
* is the basis of economic and political sovereignty.
* source of revenue for governments. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | creation | needlecraft:
* are story boards depicting important events in the reign of a king.
* is needlecraft<|endoftext|>### activity | creation | needlecraft:
* also affect people who have consumed little or nothing at all
- occur more often when running downhill or in cold weather
* are connectors
- either crosses, straight stitches, knots and other lumps, and loop stitches
- fictional characters
- nothing more than a thread with a curved needle on the end
- one of a needlworkers tools for creating texture and dimension on fabric
- pain
- whole stitches
* can become loose or infected
- help reduce the amount of scarring
* change, scales increase and decrease and colours become bolder and brighter.
* go through the spine linings around three threads at head and tail.
* help the cut heal faster and reduce the chance of scarring
- to stop bleeding, reduce scarring, and decrease the chance of infection in the wound
* involve a repair to insure the smallest and least noticeable scar.
* normally come on during hard workouts or races.
* secure the layers of tissue and close the incisions.
### activity | creation | needlecraft | stitch:
Side stitch
* are pains that occur usually just under the ribs when running.
* seem to occur most often on the right side of the body.
* are needlework.
* form of lace made by tying knots in thread with a shuttle.
* is composed of knots, picots, and stitches, which form rings and semicircles
- different from crochet and knitting in that pieces aren t woven together
- made using a shuttle and a source of thread
* lace that is made by hand using a shuttle or needle to form knots.
* type of lace that can be made using a shuttle or a long needle.
* dates to ancient times as a necessity and an art.
* is combination of the decorative and the necessary, fundamental to folk art
- crafts
- handicrafts
* is also important for the father
- in custody cases where the parents vie for ownership of the child
- fatherhood
- in question when a child is born of unmarried parents
- only one of the key elements of responsible fathering
- states
- the important first step in the process of establishing support for a child
* leave is one week paid, immediately following the birth of the child.
* means fatherhood, the quality or state of being a father
- legal fatherhood
### activity | creation | paternity:
Paternity testing
* Most paternity testing uses blood samples, obtained by a doctor.
* can help a man attempting to win custody or visitation.<|endoftext|>### activity | creation | porn:
Bisexual porn
* Most bisexual porn is made by small companies rather than the major studios.
+ Bisexual pornography, Pornographic movie industry: Pornography :: Human sexuality
* Images and videos showing male bisexuality have been more popular since the start of internet pornography. However the area is still a very small grouping of the pornographic DVD market. Bisexual DVDs sell much better online than in adult video stores. This may be because customers in stores feel embarrassed to buy them. Most bisexual porn is made by small companies rather than the major studios. Actors are mostly new at porn. Any well-known actors in bisexual porn usually are from the gay pornography industry, although they may not be gay or even bisexual in their personal life.
* is made to entertain adults.
* can be shown in different ways. Some ways include photos, drawings, paintings, animations, and movies. Pornography is made to entertain adults. Many people are involved in making, selling or showing pornography.
* picture, movie or writing that is created to make people get sexually excited. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | creation:
* All writing form of communication and often the only form of communication available
- prayer.
* All writing is available by copyleft licensing.
* References are more than adequate, and in my opinion do not need further elaboration. Writing is good.
* differs from speech because 'the readers need not be present at the time'. We can read writing from long ago, and from different parts of the world. It works across time and space. It stores and communicates knowledge. Writing is one of the greatest inventions of the human species. It was invented after people had settled in towns, and after agriculture had started. Writing dates from about 3,300BC, which is over 5000 years ago, in the Middle East
* allows the keeping of records and better transmission of knowledge over generations.
* also helps children learn about and experiment with the structure of the English language.
* are activities
- human activities
- located in walls
- oeuvres
- skills
* are used for authors
- communicating
- creative expression
- education
- entertainment
- humor
- information
- pleasure
- relaxation
* begins with scribbling, drawing pictures, and inventing spelling.
* can also be an important tool for learning and for solving problems.
* can be a means to training the mind to think
- more active way of learning content than passive listening or reading
* can be an act of discovery and exploration
- discovery, of communication, of joy
- consume a person because thoughts of a book are always in a writer's mind
- serve to test and strengthen the mind and the imagination
- take many forms
* cause catharsis
- cramp
- documentation
- revolution
- stories
- thinking
* central feature in Chinese civilisation.
* cerebral-motor function.
* cognitive process that shapes perception and reality
* communication skill that has been used too infrequently in mathematics
* complex process involving a wide range of thinking skills
- of composing meaning
- set of skills that requires continuous practice
- task that takes years of practice to develop
* complex, dynamic process as well as a concrete finished product.
* complicated activity which takes many forms and involves many processes
- process which takes many forms and involves many processes
* concrete version of speech.
* craft and can be practised across media
- or a skill that requires practice and dedication to get right
* craft that develops over time, with perseverance and dogged determination
- is easily learned
- requires both talent and acquired skills
* craft, like playing a musical instrument or painting with oils.
* creative act and creativity has been studied extensively
- process that requires a lot of mental energy and discipline
* daily activity to ensure correct formation of letters and numbers.
* deep subconscious to conscious form of self expression.
* depends on literacy.
* direct expression of the imagination through language.
* documentation of one's feelings and thoughts.
* encompasses science, mathematics, art, athletics, and politics.
* focal point of every state and school district's education standards.
* form of communication and a form of social interaction
- control
- immortality
- imposture
- rehearsal
- release, perhaps partly physical
- therapy
- thinking, a form of memory, and a form of communication
* generative behavior.
* gift of self.
* gives children the opportunity to use reading.
* habit, like exercise.
* has a different set of strengths and is often epitomized as the language of information
- laws of perspective, of light and shade just as painting does, or music
- many different forms
* helps children learn the relationships between letters and sounds
- control chronic asthma and arthritis
- in acquiring and remembering new information
- the mind expand to the limits of the imagination
* human invention.
* improves joint mobility in rheumatoid arthritis
- lung function in asthmatics
* includes spelling, grammar, and the rational flow of thought.
* involves painting word pictures
- the use of a system of signs or symbols to represent the spoken language
* is about sitting down and putting words on paper.
* is also a means for learning
- way to discover growth in our lives
* is also an act of defiance of the Second Law of Thermodynamics
- enactment of self-discovery
- integral part of math
- important when it comes to reading
- technology
- the evasion of action
- very important in the business sector
- among the most important ways that mathematics is communicated
* is an ability that grows and changes over the course of a lifetime
- act for making meaning and advancing thinking
* is an act of communication from writer to reader
- creativity, which means that it is an act of love
* is an act of discovery, a means for personal growth, and a tool for clarifying knowledge
- means of personal growth, and a tool for clarifying knowledge
- expressed moral responsibility
- faith
- self discovery
- art form
* is an art that develops over time
* is an art, a craft, a profession
- and art implies communication
- as well as a skill
- but also a business
- attempt to communicate
- essential part of everyday life
* is an essential skill and an integral part of mathematics
- in science and many other professions
- example of a task that is best carried out by a single individual
- existentialist vocation
- extension of reading
* is an important component in most professions
- the use of interactive texts
- element of philosophy
- part of integrating reading and science
* is an important skill for social work practitioners
- in life
* is an integral part of learning
- scientific work
- the study of history
- intellectual activity which stimulates the higher order functions of the human brain
- interactive, recursive process used to convey thoughts, feelings, and ideas
- invention, created by people who have agreed to common standards
- obsessive activity
- solitary art, driven by an urge to create and ultimately to communicate
- believed to be very important in learning, perhaps the most important thing
* is both a personal and social activity
- an art and a science
- the boat and the wind in the sails
* is central to all of the media industries
- the craft of lawyering and a key element in one's success as a student of law
- communication with an audience
* is considered by many psychologists to be the key to the psyche
- part of the critical process of understanding texts and their environment
- craft and art, both a methodology and a way of knowing
- derived from the act of using marks to represent sounds
- design, an organization of elements focused on a unity of purpose
* is different in different disciplines and contexts
- than thinking or talking
- discipline, emotion, depth, and art
- floral arrangement with words
- for reading
- founded in oral work and also in reading, summarizing and note-taking
- hard work and it requires daily discipline as well as creativity
* is important in many jobs
- so that they can communicate in more than just orally and visually
- in itself the act of being attentive to experience
- integral to the health of their soul
* is learned by writing
- in various contexts
* is like making bread
- pottery
- painting with words
- made easier by reading widely to get the feel of how language is put together
- meant to be read by people who care about what the writer has to say
- often a process of discovery
* is one kind of interaction, one kind of meeting between parties
- means of communicating
* is one of the Internet's fastest growing fields
- areas in which persons with learning disabilities often have difficulty
- critical tools of communication by which the life of the mind is enriched
- dominant modes of academic learning
- essentials and characteristics of civilization
* is one of the fundamental skills of education
- higher forms of human endeavors
- leading stress reducers known to humanity
- means by which particular subjective networks of associations can be mapped
* is one of the most effective means of educating oneself
- ways to develop thinking
* is one of the most important skills a person needs to succeed in life
- skills for college success
- powerful technologies humans have developed
- way to reflect oneself
- only one form of language use
- perceived information
- physical work
- probably the most critical activity of learning
- professional communication
- self-therapy
- slow, cumbersome way to communicate
- social as well as cognitive
* is something that happens to the writer
- takes a long time to learn to do
- which people either love or hate
- speech put into visible form
- textual play
* is the act of motion
- area which is most neglected in English education in Japanese secondary schools
* is the art of communicating thought by means of letters
- rewriting
- essence of expression
- exact opposite of therapy
- expression of thought and derives from both experience and the imagination
- greatest invention of the world
- loneliest of art forms
- material equivalent of the spoken language
- means by which a computer provides the results of processing
- method, content, and telos of all expressions
- mother of eloquence and the father of artists
- occasion for many skills and attitudes to come together for a specific purpose
* is the one area where deep and sustained access to technology makes a difference
- universal skill that is valuable in every career and vocation
- only socially acceptable form of schizophrenia
- original form of asynchronous communication
- place of interaction, exchange and search
- prototype of social control through mass-communications media
- simple, creative act of putting thoughts and feelings down on the page
* is the skill indispensable to advancement
- that students say they care most about improving
- task of putting the right words next to each other
- transcription of linguistic noises into visible squiggles
- traditionally a solitary activity
* is used as a tool for learning as well as for communication
- to help students think about ideas
- in almost every academic experience
* is used to build communities in the classroom and in society
- communicate with others for various purposes
- encourage progression from the spoken to the written word
- foster thinking in developing and applying a design methodology
- reinforce and extend reading skills
- teach and extend word identification skills
* is, in fact, the basis for knowledge.
* key skill for everyone, especially for scientists.
* kind of self-hypnosis.
* learn by doing process.
* learning activity as well as a communications activity
* life-time apprenticeship.
* lowers the blood pressure and heart rate, and benefits the immune system.
* means by which a person discovers, creates, and communicates knowledge.
* means of discovery of self and world
- discovery, always
- eliminating distractions
- to discovery
* meditation, a form of introspection.
* mindset, a psychological view of life.
* mixture of the art of communication with the art of visual expression.
* natural ability that reading and school can enhance.
* notation based on a language and therefore well defined.
* one-dimensional process.
* part of the learning process in all subjects at all grade levels.
* performing art.
* plays a central role in mathematical communication.
* practiced art.
* process , from gathering ideas through to checking what has been written.
* process as well as a product
- an art form
* process of continually linking ideas together
- continuing revision and discovery
- study, examination, experimentation
- trial and error
- that involves prewriting, writing, revising, and writing again
- whereby writers move recursively through a series of stages as they compose
- whose finished product sentence, a paragraph, an essay, etc
* process, a logical sequence of steps
- thinking process
* profession like a doctor, nurse or lawyer.
* profession, like rocket science.
* provides opportunities for children to gain control of important literacy practices.
* recursive and collaborative process.
* reflection of a child's thoughts, or frozen thoughts.
* rhetorical act that asks students to write for varied purposes and audiences.
* secondary form of communication.
* set of skills that people can learn, practice, and constantly build upon.
* shapes their perceptions of themselves and the world.
* skill and habit that can be learned by anyone determined to see their words in print
- fundamental to all intellectual endeavors
- learned by practice, like playing the piano or painting with watercolors
- one can refine and bring to a higher level
* skill that can be learned and improved
- best be developed through practice
- everyone needs to work at, to continually develop, improve, and refine
- has to be practiced
- nearly everyone can learn
- profits every college graduate
* skill to be developed and it takes practice
- mastered
- used to express thoughts and communicate
- which is learned and which is improved with continual work and effort
* skill, a craft, and as such, is learned
- job which has to be learnt, sometimes the hard way
- and, like all skills, takes practice to achieve
- like fixing a motor, landing a plane, or determining depreciated interest
* slow process, made richer by the passage of time.
- practice through which humans act and make meaning
- process that involves readers
* solitary activity that requires a controlled environment of concentration
- activity, shared by many
* solitary, and often lonely, pursuit.
* somewhat schizophrenic process.
* special case of language.
* state of mind, and a passion of the heart.
* struggle between presence and absence.
* system of transcription for speech.
* takes on many forms and functions in society.
* talent, like playing the guitar or mastering chess.
* tangible representation of spoken language.
* technology for collective memory , for preserving and passing on human experience
- inseparable from the materials and techniques of writing
* technology that helps executives and professionals be prepared
- restructures thought
* transferable skill that can be applied to almost any job in any company.
* visceral activity, as are all the arts.
* vital part of the study of religion and philosophy.
* way of becoming a whole person
- communicating a message to a reader for a purpose
* way of knowing, a way of learning
- of thinking, of making meaning
- making meaning, but it also form of social action
- processing our lives
- putting our feelings on paper
- recording and recalling spoken language's sounds and meanings
- testing values, principles and beliefs
* way to learn and can be used to teach every content area
- think, to explore | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | creation | writing:
Academic writing
* encompasses a variety of genres and styles.
* involves skills in research, analysis, synthesis and scholarly argument.
* is to political writing as figure skating.
* specialized form of conversation.
Advanced writing
* Advanced Writing course for students with demonstrated superior writing skills.
* course in critical reading, critical thinking, research, and writing.
Ancient writing
* Many ancient writings refer to wives as sisters and husbands as brothers.
* describe classic symptoms of schizophrenia.
* speak of the single eye which is the light receptor of the body.
Apocalyptic writing
* forecast the ultimate destiny of the world.
* is characterized by symbols in dreams and visions.
Automatic writing
* form of channeling.
* is often hard to read and the words are often joined together
- really a form of channeling
- the most direct of Surrealist technique
* method that many people enjoy.
* type of motor automatism.
Chinese writing
* complex system of thousands of pictographic and ideographic characters.
* is about cooking
- written from top to bottom
Clear writing
* is an important element of success in college and throughout life.
* means designing materials that are easy to use because they are organized logically.
* skill that can be mastered.
* way of presenting information so that it can be easily read.
Creative writing
* begins when the spark of an idea ignites the fuel of language.
* form of self-expression.
* helps develop communication skills and encourages the imagination.
* is about accessing the unconscious
- an increasingly important aspect of literary education
* plays an important role in all of our lives.
* way to uncover interdependence and meaning.
Early writing
* begins when a child makes a mark and calls it a word or a letter.
* part of literacy.
Effective writing
* helps people remember, organize, and process information.
* is fundamental to the practice of public relations.
Expressive writing
* can help people heal emotionally and physically.
* is the culmination of development for all functions of language.
Fiction writing
* is an advanced and mediated form of playing with dolls.
* quest into both the external world and one's internal landscape.
Good writing
* happens when good people get together.
* is often a form of intelligent, organized, truthtelling
- the skill of saying everything needs to be said, but in as few words as possible
Grant writing
* IS heart surgery.
* is an art that needs to be developed through continuous practice.
* saleable skill sought by employers.
* skill that can be learned and enhanced through practice.
Interactive writing
* is another way to communicate, by paper and pencil, or by fax or computer.
* models the mechanic of grammar, spelling and phonetics.
Japanese writing
* goes from top to bottom, and runs in columns.
* is part word writing and part syllable writing.
* type of calligraphy.
* uses different characters and symbols than English writing.
Legal writing
* form of technical writing.
* particular kind of skill.
Persuasive writing
* can take many forms.
* is organized differently and has a different structure than narrative writing
- used to convince the reader to view things from the author's point of view | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | creation | writing:
Technical writing
* involves translating technical documents into ordinary language.
* is almost always in the third person, avoiding personal pronouns.
* is an art and a science
* is an essential skill for a successful career in computer science and engineering
- successful career in computer science or engineering
- one of the hottest subgenres of writing today
* is the style of writing found in business related academic and trade journals
- type of writing that is used to write textbooks, phone books and cookbooks
- used in businesses and organizations
* is, to a large extent, writing used to convince someone of something.
* type of writing which focuses on a particular audience. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity:
* All crime reflects the stress level of society generally
- crimes are crimes of hate
* Legends Legends about thieves, drugs and murdering madmen.
* Many crimes occur because people are in the wrong place at the wrong time
- in places where women with disabilities receive services, learn, work or live
* Most crime actually occurs during the day, or inside buildings.
* Most crime causes injuries
- serious injuries
- is caused by biological factors
* Most crime is committed by career criminals
- right-handed persons
- in daylight
- made up of random, unpredictable, unconnected incidents
- related to drug use
- occurs in cities
- relates to money
* Most crimes are crimes of opportunity
- punishable under state, rather than federal, laws
- do interfere with someone else's freedom, happiness or security
* Most crimes happen at night
- because someone gave a criminal an opportunity to act
* Most crimes involve the theft of personal property
- theft of personal property in public areas or burglary from cars or residences
- involving child victims are felonies
- occur when a criminal finds a safe and easy opportunity to strike
- take place when there is less police presence
* Some crimes consist merely of criminal negligence that produces criminal consequences
- have different degrees that provide for different forms of punishment
* account for fewer than half of firearm deaths.
* affects everyone, whether young or old, poor or rich
- people across the racial, ethnic, religious and sexual spectrum
* also drives the security industry
- exists in both organized and un organized forms
- is considered the most serious problem in all age and income groups
* always has a human face and affects real people in real ways.
* applies particularly to an act that breaks a law that has been made for public good.
* are actions which are defined by the government to be criminal
- considered offenses against the state, or society as a whole
* byproduct of fear.
* can destroy a neighborhood's capacity to function
- infect a community
- play a big part in rough sleepers' lives
- range from an act of vandalism to murder
* causes consequences
- gun control laws, gun control causes crime
* civil rights violation.
* comes in many forms and occurs in many places
- mostly from the mistakes of the family, school, religion and government
- with market economy and democracy
* committed by psychopathics are often very gruesome, horrible and senseless.
* commodity, it is used to sell a product and to enhance revenue for the media.
* community concern, and crime stoppers allow people to help anonymously
- problem that calls for community solutions
* complex problem with multiple causes and hence no one solution
- subject woven deep in any country's social fabric
* constant percent of the population.
* damages people, communities, and relationships
- the social fabric that makes communities healthy
* destabilises the economy and impacts dramatically on the poor and historically disadvantaged.
* devastates communities, neighborhoods, families and individuals.
* disease like any other malady and product of the prevalent social system.
* disease, somewhat like cancer.
* disrupts the health, personal outlook and relationships of victims.
* does increase in the summer months
- pay when dealing with credit cards
* draws attention
- national attention
* drops when there are more people around.
* endangers local communities.
* especially problem that involves cross-jurisdictional mobility.
* exists as a part of the economic institution and lifestyle for many people
- everywhere
- in our physical world, and so it does in the digital world
- when society decays
* fact of life
- the human species
* feeds on itself and creates attitudes of acceptance and desperation within the population.
* forces businesses to spend billions of dollars on security.
* fundamental indicator of social stability.
* game with criminal and detective playing hide and seek.
* great problem in the Western world.
* greater problem for the lower income people than for the better off.
* growing concern in all school systems.
* happens on campuses.
* has a large and prolonged effect on victims
- high societal costs and significantly detracts from community life
- neither a home country, nor ethnicity
- wide-ranging effects on communities
* have different degrees of seriousness.
* high-risk occupation.
* increases across the socio-economic strata
- fear and breeds frustration
* involves contact
- intellectual properties
* is activities
- against people
- also often a bigger problem for the poor than it is for the non-poor
* is an attack on human rights
- inseparable part of any human community, and every society has the crimes it deserves
* is an issue in some rental complexes and neighborhoods
- which affects everyone, regardless of their race
* is an offense against human relationships
- unchangeable fact of life
* is an undeniable fact of life
- factor in our society
* is at a high level in urban areas of the state
- least three or four times greater in the major urban areas
- centred around the socio-economic problems experienced by our people
- committed at the international level
- common in favelas, as many of the people have no other way to make money
- concentrated in urban America
- considered within the broader context of social deviance
- constantly on the increase, resulting in loss of life and loss of profits
- crime as pregnancy is pregnancy
- crime, regardless of who is committing the crime
- dangerous to local communities
- down in the United States and other countries where it had become epidemic
- endemic to capitalism
- essentially an absence of civility
- everyone's business because it affects everyone
- everywhere and can affect anyone
- films
- generally a young person's game
- hate crime
* is high in Monrovia, with theft and assault prevalent, particularly at night
- the capital, with theft and assault prevalent, particularly at night
- in a person's frame of mind
- increasings
* is located in demonstrations
- jails
- mainly an activity of the young and especially young males
* is more likely to be committed against unarmed people
- than an instance of behavior
- obviously one of the factors contributing to the decline of cities and towns
- on the increase in Suriname, especially in the capital Paramaribo
* is one of the major factors that perpetuates a shadow economy and thus a shadow middle class
- most serious problems faced by modern society
- partly a product of the structured inequality of capitalist economic system
* is pervasive and varies substantially across countries
- in American society, but victims and criminals have identified characteristics
* is prevalent and, in many cases, a way of life
- in Zambia
* is primarily an offense against human relationships and secondarily a violation of the law
- the outcome of multiple adverse social, economic, cultural and family conditions
- rampant in cities all around the world
- recognized as harm done to victims and the community
* is reported in many ways
- when police verify that it has been committed
- scary things
- seen as more than simply a violation of the criminal law
- sort of in between political action and war
- still rampant around the world
- studied by criminology, sociology or law and dealt with by the criminal justice system
* is the dark side of global e-commerce
- degenerate factor in society
- responsibility of police and community together
- result of opportunity plus desire
- top problem in all age and income groups
- violation of one human being by another
- transgression
- unique with respect to the wide range of costs it inflicts on a community
* is viewed as a social dilemma, which effects our beliefs, life styles and society in general
- an act against another person and the community
- what society, through the courts or parliament, defines as such
- widespread in Zambia
- widespread, and the population is declining, a large part of it living in poverty
* learned behavior.
* local problem, even if it is occurring simultaneously in many places.
* major engine of economic growth in some countries - in Italy and Russia, for example.
* matter of people choosing to do wrong.
* menace that disturbs any country.
* moral problem.
* motivated by hate and fear affect a community more than any other crime
- or prejudice are serious violations of the law
- racial or homophobic prejudice fall into a category termed hate crime
* national problem that affects areas, including college campuses
- rural and urban areas alike
* neighborhood problem that needs a neighborhood solution.
* occur during the day as well as at night
- everywhere and to all types of people
* occurs everywhere
- to a certain degree in every culture
* occurs when the forces that bind people to society are weakened or broken
- victims and offenders converge in the absence of a guardian or intimate handier
* often occur while driving, parking or walking to and from vehicles
- results from victims trying to recoup gambling losses
* plunges both children and communities into general degeneration and violence.
* problem in Zambia.
* problem that concerns nearly everyone
- cuts across campus, city and state boundaries and affects the entire nation
- ignores campus, city, and state boundaries and affects the entire nation
* product of government social control and of power relations in society.
* quality of life issue.
* rag-bag of different actions or inactions that have been offensive.
* result of oppression.
* serious problem in the United States.
* side effect of patriarchy.
* significant threat at airports.
* social fact and it is connected with poverty
- phenomenon
- problem whose ultimate sources are poverty, unemployment and economic insecurity
* socially constructed phenomenon.
* societal problem.
* stems from the human heart.
* symptom of ills within society.
* takes places.
* tends to be lower where people know one another and interact more often.
* threatens survival.
* touches most people, directly or indirectly, at some point in their lifetimes.
* traditional instrument of rule.
* typically increases during the summer because of the influx of tourists.
* undermines the quality of life in our society.
* usually results from problems such as substance abuse, loss of control and other factors.
* violation of one person by another
- people and of their relationships
- relationships between people
* way of life among the otters
+ Favelas: Shanty towns :: Brazil
* They are mostly found on the outskirts of urban areas. The people living in the favelas are the poor, and the rich people live in the city. Most of the buildings in favelas are made out of cheap materials, like plastic, wood, glass and scrap. The people usually build their houses themselves and invite their friends to help them build. Crime is common in favelas, as many of the people have no other way to make money. The favelas themselves are also considered illegal, because the people do not pay tax. | {
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} |
### activity | crime:
* Apostasies are abandonment
- rejection
* capital crime
* constitutes an impediment to inheritance.
* is abandonment
- characterized by a personality oriented religion
- renunciation of one's faith
* sin of presumption.<|endoftext|>### activity | crime:
* Most attacks occur in the wet season, when salties do most of their feeding and growing
- inshore or between sand bars where sharks can become trapped in low areas
* Some attacks can occur while people are asleep
- cause bodily injuries
* appear after puberty and are more common in women than in men.
* are afflictions
- beginnings
- criticism
- degeneration
- different from seizures because the person remains completely awake and alert
- military actions
- operations
- political parties
- turns
- violence
* can also occur when a person is outdoors in the cold weather
- occur against humans, other dogs and other animals
* cause a desire to fences
- chaos
- damage
* have enough power
- strength
- victims
* is an operation
* occur during periods.
* occur in areas
- regions
* occur in remote areas
- when porphyrins become elevated, depending on the patient's tolerance
* refers to the beginning of a sound, the first part of an amplitude envelope
- use of force against another in order to inflict harm
* require defense
- strategies
* result in injuries
- serious injuries
* threaten security
- survival
* usually begin very early in life, often before the age of one year.
+ Oceanic whitetip shark, Human interactions: Sharks
* Inst., Durban, no. 33. Close to 1,000 men were on board, however only 192 survived. It was believed that many of the fatalities were victims of the Oceanic whitetip shark in what eyewitness accounts described as a feeding frenzy. In encounters with divers, Ocean whitetip sharks have shown little fear, and usually investigate and circle around the ongoing activities. Due to this shark's opportunistic feeding habits and strong jaws, as well as its boldness and unpredictability around divers, this shark should be treated with extreme caution. Many attacks are caused when divers accidentally bump into the shark.
* is crime
* refers to the improper solicitation of accident victims as clients.<|endoftext|>### activity | crime:
* causes better jobs.
* criminal offense in Bolivia.
* includes paying or receiving money for benefits or favours.
* involves an act of discrimination which lack of equity in handling a particular issue.
* is common because lawyers and judges earn low salaries
- for services, education, and in the police forces
- illegal in Nicaragua
- pervasive in many sectors
- sand in the wheels of the world's commerce
- the promise of something in return for doing something
- universally shameful, in even countries and cultures where it is widely practiced
- used to pay off authorities to facilitate the movement of pangolins
- very common in medical services, schools, courts, licensing institutions, the police etc
* necessary component of illicit enterprises.
* occurs when rewards are given in the presence of inappropriate behavior.
### activity | crime | bribery:
Commercial bribery
* crime in North Carolina.
* is graft<|endoftext|>### activity | crime:
* Burglaries are the second highest type of crimes committed.
* Burglaries occur a few times a year
- every day and probably every hour
- less frequently, and usually to businesses rather than private homes
- often occur because individuals are careless
* Many burglaries are crimes of opportunity.
* More burglaries happen during the day than at night.
* Most burglaries occur during the day and are discovered when the homeowner returns in the evening
- when a residence is empty
- take place during nonworking hours
* is felonies
- probably the most preventable of crimes
- twice as common as police records show, and violent crime is three times more prevalent | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | crime | burglary:
Home invasion
* Many home invasions involve the intruder entering through a window or door that was left unlocked.
* is burglary
Residential burglary
* Most residential burglaries occur during the daytime.
* Residential burglaries are common for occupied and unoccupied dwellings.
* chronic nationwide problem that is growing by leaps and bounds.
* major crime that can be effectively combated with neighborhood awareness.<|endoftext|>### activity | crime:
* are common, especially with four wheel drive vehicles
- hijacks
* can be violent
- happen at night or in broad daylight
* crime of opportunity
- that happens throughout the U.S. and also some other parts of the world
* general intent crime analogous to robbery.
* is crime
* is the act of stealing a car from a victim by force
- forceful theft of automobiles from their drivers
* serious and violent crime.
* tends to be a crime of opportunity.
* violent crime that has been on a dramatic increase.<|endoftext|>### activity | crime | cheating:
* adversely affects everyone in the form of higher health care costs.
* comes in many forms.
* encapsulates the key elements of deception or concealment and deprival or loss to the victim.
* involves getting what belongs to another by deception.
* is cheating
- costly both in terms of finances and customer perception
- deliberate misrepresentation
- one form of risk
- outright theft
- present in every industry, including higher education
- probably the greatest criminal threat to the average person on the Internet
- punishable by law
* occurs when agents recruit terminally ill people to apply for multiple policies
- motivation meets with opportunity
* takes a toll on individuals, legitimate businesses and the aggregate consumer economy.
### activity | crime | cheating | fraud:
Computer fraud
* Most computer fraud is committed by non-technical users.
* accounts for the loss of millions of dollars per year.
* big problem as is illegal hacking into private and government computer systems.
* is the subject of nightmares.
Consumer fraud
* broad aspect of consumer protection law.
* continuing problem in our society.
* is too often successful among the elderly, although people of all ages are victims.
* poses a significant threat to consumers and to the economy.
* preventable crime.
Criminal fraud
* is punishable by a jail term.
* requires sufficient evidence to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.
Internet fraud
* Most Internet fraud has clear antecedents in telemarketing fraud.
* is the fastest growing type of fraud
- twelve times that of traditional retail fraud
* threatens to undermine legitimate electronic commerce.
Investment fraud
* comprise a vast amount of the financial crimes identified on the Internet.
* victimizes all kinds of people.
Medical fraud
* can have very serious health consequences for older citizens.
* is the most sickening of frauds.
Odometer fraud
* is when an odometer is rolled back or disconnected.
* occurs when the true mileage of a vehicle is intentionally hidden from the consumer.
* reason why curbside sellers can let a car go for a seemingly great price.
Securities fraud
* can mean up to ten years in jail and a million dollar fine.
* involves illegal sale of securities and insider trading.
Tax fraud
* costly drain on everyone's resources.
* is considered punishable by the criminal courts
- punishable by execution in China
- usually the most important way that a government is cheated of money | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | crime | cheating | fraud:
Telemarketing fraud
* Many telemarketing frauds involve the use of both telephones and the mail.
* can be successful when customers reveal confidential account information
- scam consumers out of their life savings in just one phone call
* complex offense which requires numerous conditions to work effectively.
* form of organized criminal activity.
* is another means used to bilk businesses.
* multi-billion dollar business in the United States.
Toll fraud
* can also refer to unauthorized usage of a phone system.
* costs businesses billions of dollars every year.
Welfare fraud
* creates a burden for taxpayers by increasing the cost of welfare programs.
* crime against the most vulnerable in our society.
* is an issue that has a lot of politics involved
- something that all types of people are committing for various reasons
* serious offense.
* are the first stage of hearing indictable offences in the criminal justice system.
* is crime<|endoftext|>### activity | crime:
Computer crime
* Many computer crimes involve compromising confidentiality and stealing information.
* are crimes of traditional infringement in a new dimension
- the crimes of the future
* can both be criminal and affect national security.
* growing threat to data.
* involve hardware theft, software theft.
* involves everything from stealing money to stealing important company files
- intellectual properties
* is an international problem requiring a formal system for international cooperation
- illegal in Colorado
- something that potentially affects and concerns all computer users
* is the latest form of transnational crime
- use of computer hardware, software, or data for illegal activities
* serious challenge to the jurisdiction and implementation of international law.
Corporate crime
* does far more damage to society than all street crime combined.
* is endemic the world over.
* kills far more people and costs taxpayers far more money than street crime.
Crime control
* is problematic as neighborhoods grow at the perimeters of the urban area.
* rests primarily with the social system.
* growing concern of both industry and government, as both are vulnerable to attacks.
* has a tendency to be cyclical.
* is an area where vigilance is key
- issue which many countries feel strongly about
- on the rise in Singapore
* is one of the fastest-growing criminal activities on the planet
- the wave of the future | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | crime:
* also can be refusal to make reasonable accommodation for a person with a disability
- includes prejudice and bias
- results in dumping people into the public sector, paid for by taxpayers
* based on diabetes is often the result of ignorance
- race reality in both overt and subtle forms
- race, sex, religion, and orientation is unheard of
- religion is built into the system of government
* based on sex explicitly includes sexual harassment
- is illegal in many countries
* can affect all overweight individuals, but it appears to be worse for women
- also have a profound effect on people's lives
- be along economic and social lines rather than race
- include racial, religious or sexual harassment, or any form of vilification
* causes isolation and pain that can have life-long effects
- women and girls to suffer particular disadvantages
* comes in many forms.
* daily act as a result of choices.
* deadly disease.
* deep illness in our society.
* defensive act of ignorance
- insecurity
* exists based on sexual orientation, religion, class and other attributes.
* form of violence.
* great and multifaceted problem within the mental health system.
* human rights issue.
* includes practices which limit an individual's opportunities
- that of age, sex, race and now genetic discrimination
* is about power and the abuse of power
- action based on prejudice
* is also a major issue in sentencings and executions
- contrary to internationally accepted principles of human rights
* is an important skill to have when dealing with people and situations
- unfortunate byproduct of the cultural diversity in the United States
- another reason that there is an inequality with regards to income
- based on personal bias
- considered in the context of employment, education and housing
- differential treatment that favors one individual, group, or object over another
- discrimination is discrimination
- everywhere, including the Internet
- illegal both in the rental and sale of housing
- individual and personal
- more through ignorance and lack of information
* is often a major cause of income differences
- the basis for government price controls
- unintentional, stemming from lack of awareness about disability
- one of the world's major problems, though it is for race, age or gender
- practiced by members of both faiths
- routine in employment and housing
- social control
* is something that an individual or a group can survive
- which happens in practice
* is the ability to differentiate between objects
- act of mistreating an individual as a member of a group or class
- action taken against others based on stereotypes and prejudices
- antithesis of generalization
- essence of intelligence
- unequal, stereotypical and prejudicial treatment of persons
- unequal treatment of people based on their membership in a particular group
- when people are treated badly by others because of prejudice
* means action or policies based on prejudice or partiality
- different things to different people
- making differences and distinctions among people, ideas, places and things
- of producing self-worth
* natural reaction to fear.
* nonphysical injury.
* occurs when prejudices are translated into action
- unfair actions are based on prejudice
* persists as states rush to decrease the number of welfare recipients
- in some occupations concerning access to employment
* persists, particularly in housing and mortgage markets and in job markets.
* prevents people from achieving equality of opportunity and outcome.
* problem which arises in relation to equality before the law.
* psychological harm as much as it material injustice.
* refers to acts taken against people of maybe a different race or class
- unfair or unjust behaviors toward members of that group
* requires that the brain determine which receptors have been activated by an odorant.
* results from public ignorance and fear.
* terrible sin because it denies creation.
* violation of a person's human rights
- state and federal civil rights laws
* wears many faces in the world. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | crime | discrimination:
* are discrimination.
* is discrimination
* is prejudice towards disabled people. The first known use of the word was in 1981, which makes it relatively new. Disablism' can be used to mean the same thing.
* can be intentional or unintentional. Some people say that ableism form of oppression. Not everyone who talks about ableism agrees about what things are ableist. Disabled people can be ableist, to other disabled people or to themselves, which is called internalized ableism. Some people deny that ableism exists
* takes many forms around the world.
+ Ableism, Forms of ableism: Discrimination :: Disability
* Ableism takes many forms around the world. Sometimes ableism is done in a way that is supposed to be hurtful. Other times people are ableist while they are trying to be nice. Both of these types of ableism are harmful.
Age discrimination
* can occur by and against youths and the elderly.
* is rampant in sports
- the fastest growing type of bias charge in the workplace
* results from stereotyping a group, just like race and gender discrimination.
Direct discrimination
* is understood by most people.
* means treatment that is obviously unfair or unequal.
Disability discrimination
* can take many different forms.
* is indistinguishable in many ways from race and sex discrimination.
* means limitation or denial to equal access.
Employment discrimination
* based on sexual orientation violates the central principle of fairness.
* is examined in the broader context of workforce diversity.
* serious problem facing low-income women.<|endoftext|>### activity | crime | discrimination:
Gender discrimination
* continues to affect the lives of women all over the world.
* human rights violation intersecting all other forms of discriminations.
* includes paying women less than men for substantially the same kind of work.
* is one form of bias in the legal profession
- of the major obstacles that affects peoples' perceptions
- pervasive throughout the world
- the world's most widespread form of social exclusion
* occurs when an employee is treated adversely because of their gender.
Genetic discrimination
* growing phenomenon in both health insurance and the workplace.
* is also likely to emerge from economic pressures
- the other major civil liberty threatened by genetics research
* occurs before and after birth
- when genetic information is used to treat people differently
Institutional discrimination
* refers to unequal treatment that is entrenched in social institutions.
* resides within the fabric of society.<|endoftext|>### activity | crime | discrimination:
* are discrimination.
* can hide in various places.
* is an unusual instance of liberal individualism
- favoritism shown to a relative by employment on the basis of relationship
* is the bestowal of political patronage by reason of relationship rather than of merit
- name of the game in China's socio-political structure
- universally a term of opprobrium or derision
* occurs fairly frequently in the film industry.
* provides opportunities for favortism in hiring, promoting and salary decisions.
* still reigns in Hollywood and people can acquire titles, thanks to their connections.
Positive discrimination
* is illegal in many countries.
+ Affirmative action: Discrimination :: Education
* This is usually done to try to obtain some equality or balance. Positive discrimination is illegal in many countries.
Pregnancy discrimination
* form of sex discrimination.
* is illegal under the Saskatchewan Human Rights Code
* widespread problem in the maquiladoras. | {
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} |
### activity | crime | discrimination:
* are a result of ignorance and misunderstanding
- attitudes rooted in ignorance and a fear of differences
- biases of our openness to the world
- crucial for understanding racism
- especially prevalent and are very largely determinative of human relationships
- the negative feelings toward other races
* based on religion, race, or nationality are contrary to spirituality and divine love.
* causes a desire to punch.
* involve strong feelings that are difficult to change.
- partisanship
* separates race from race and religion from religion.
### activity | crime | discrimination | prejudice:
* Much homophobia is rooted in people's discomfort with their own feelings for people of the same sex.
* is prejudice
Racial prejudice
* influences too many lives negatively each day.
* is also people who think differently from others
- an ugly part of our world
- one form of prejudice
- prejudice that is based on membership in racial groups
* pigment of the imagination.
Price discrimination
* is found to increase as the markets become more competitive
- practiced by firms in many industries
* occurs in all sorts of regulated markets.<|endoftext|>### activity | crime | discrimination:
Racial discrimination
* can take a variety of forms.
* form of racism.
* has a long history in South Africa.
* is also rampant in capital punishment
- baneful because it violates the dignity of human beings
- both illogical and immoral
- forbidden on both sides of the Irish Sea
- illegal under state and federal laws
- manifest from the bare statistics of capital punishment
- still present in the workplace, mostly in covert forms
- the conative component of racism
* is, once again, tied to poverty.
* prevents an efficient distribution of the labor force.
* public health problem, but with many, it is subtle.
* violates human rights.
Reverse discrimination
* form of racial discrimination.
* gives a rational basis to racism.
* makes it harder for whites to get and keep jobs.
### activity | crime | discrimination | sexism:
Male chauvinism
* exists in all cultures.
* is sexism
Societal discrimination
* is more likely to be based upon ethnic bias than upon religious prejudice.
* remains a serious obstacle to women s rights.
True discrimination
* is our ability to make intelligent choices in our life.
* means to be able to discern between Relative and Absolute truth.
Unintentional discrimination
* can, of course, occur in educational institutions and workplaces.
* is considered as unlawful as intentional discrimination.
Unlawful discrimination
* based on sex includes discrimination sexual harassment.
* can occur in any aspect of an educational program or activity.
Visual discrimination
* is increased by plant and flower identification tasks.
* is the ability to cite differences and similarities among a group of objects
- distinguish one object from another
- vital in the recognition of common objects and symbols
Workplace discrimination
* causes anguish and anxiety.
* common complaint of transgendered people.
* knows no race, orientation, gender, political or religious boundary.
Domestic crime
* Most domestic crime is perpetuated by adults.
* targeting biotechnology is the emerging anti-technology crime of the new millennium.
Environmental crime
* do have victims.
* looming threat to the hard work being carried out by the world community.
Fear of crime
* diminishes quality of life and limits people's freedom and behavior.
* has considerable influence on the behaviour of people and the actions of governments.
* is different from crime itself
- inversely related to crime itself due to vicarious experience and media contagion
- much lower in suburbia
* prevents many women from actively taking part in social and civic life.
* reduces people's quality of life.
* restricts freedom of people to go where they want, when they want. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | crime:
* Felonies are a more serious category of crime
* Felonies are crimes generally punishable by more than one year's imprisonment
- of moral turpitude
* Felonies are crimes punishable by more than one year's imprisonment
- one year or more in state prison
- criminal acts
* Felonies are major crimes and misdemeanors are lesser crimes
- such as armed robbery and murder
* Felonies are more serious crimes than misdemeanors
- crimes, and misdemeanors are less serious crimes
- much more serious crimes than misdemeanors, and hence have much harsher sentences
* Felonies are punishable by confinement in state prison
- prison incarceration, unless probation is granted
- serious crimes for which the offender can be sentenced to state prison
* Felonies are serious crimes such as murder, rape, arson, theft of highly valued property
- murder, rape, robbery, assault and many drug offenses
* Felonies are serious offenses, for which the sentence can include imprisonment for a year or more
- most often involving violations of peoples' rights
- the most serious crimes, and can result in prison time
- typically the most serious crimes in any system of criminal law
- very serious crimes punishable by sentences in state prison for more than one year
- fall within the police power of the States
* is crime
- used in various senses in the United States
### activity | crime | felony:
* Larcenies occur when items are left unattended.
* can be anything from shoplifting to theft from cars, etc.
* is felonies
- legal term for wrongful taking of property
- the legal term for stealing
- used when talking about stealing someone's property in regards to the law
* lesser included offense of armed robbery.
* are larceny.
* is one of the most common forms of internal loss. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | crime:
Hate crime
* Many hate crimes have nothing to do with murder.
* Most hate crimes involve property damage, graffiti, and random acts of violence.
* Most hate crimes occur as areas undergo rapid integration
- on residential property.
* is sometimes a way to frighten other people who belong to the same group. This intimidation can be seen as terrorism when it is carried out on a large scale
* affect everybody.
* are a corrosive blot on the fabric of humanity
- national disgrace
- serious problem all over the world
- about sending a message
- also more likely to occur in what has been termed as edge cities
- as pervasive as they are perverse
* are attacks on communities
- our very culture
* are different from ordinary crimes
- than crimes generally
* are especially dehumanizing
- destructive because they affect entire communities
- evil
- fundamentally different than other crimes
- generally more prevalent during times of economic and political uncertainty
- illegal
- individual acts
- inhuman
- like terrorism
- modern-day lynchings that afflict communities throughout the nation
* are more lethal than other kinds of attacks
- likely than other criminal activity to be committed by groups of perpetrators
* are more than assault on people, they are assaults on the very idea of America
- mere acts of violence
- violent than crimes generally
* are often the most vicious, and the most violent of crimes
- youth crimes committed by kids caught up in the excitement of the crowd
- on the increase against whites
- political in nature and are intended to subvert government
- preventable
- serious, well-documented problems that remain inadequately recognized
- terrorism, meant to send fear and intimidation to that group
- terrorist acts
* are the most extreme expression of bigotry and prejudice
- tip of the iceberg, the most violent end of the spectrum of discrimination
- very serious and traumatic incidents
* can be more vicious because they target an entire community
- exacerbate tensions, and trigger larger community-wide conflicts and disturbances
- happen anytime, anywhere
- increase the tension within a community
* come out of anger misplaced and displaced.
* continue to occur at alarming rates
- take a terrible toll on our society
* criminal act directed at an individual or their property.
* directed at gay men and lesbians continue to be widespread.
* divide communities and engender a climate of fear and mistrust
- neighborhoods and breed a sense of mistrust and fear within communities
* do more than injure an individual.
* encompasses homophobic incidents and racist incidents.
* erode our values, beliefs and identities and tear at the fabric of our society.
* grow in silence.
* has no place in civilized society.
* have a chilling effect on every woman s life
- long history in the United States
* increase the potential to ignite community disorder.
* involve violence, property damage, or intimidation motivated by intolerance and bigotry.
* is an issue which causes misery
- intended to intimidate all other people who belong to the same group as the victim
* leave victims and targeted groups feeling alienated, helpless, suspicious, and fearful.
* mirror the identity of one's own group.
* occur all over the world
- because of stupidity
- far to often, although they are ignored by the media
- nationwide but many states have laws that are insufficient or non-existent
* permeate every segment of our society, campuses or elsewhere.
* perpetuate a climate of fear amongst targeted groups.
* polarize communities and damage the very fabric of our society.
* reflect a cancer of the soul and have no place in our society.
* rend the fabric of society and fragment communities.
* send shockwaves through our communities, cultivating fear and intolerance.
* serve to threaten and intimidate entire communities.
* take many forms and affect many different kinds of victims
- such forms as assault, vandalism, harassment and murder
* threaten a community's health.
* vary from graffiti on walls in graveyards to murder, arson and assault. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | crime:
Identity theft
* attacks our innocence and belief in the trustworthiness of others.
* can be very costly for individuals and businesses
- happen to anyone
- take many forms
* class D felony.
* credit problem that can strike anyone.
* crime that can affect anyone.
* dual crime.
* felony in Kansas as well as a federal crime.
* growing crime for immigrants in Arkansas
- in California
- menace across the nation and especially in South Florida
* invades the privacy of a person's finances, and is hard to root out.
* is among the fastest growing financial crimes
- an ancient crime
- considered the fastest growing form of consumer fraud by some U.S. officials
- costly to consumers, merchants and the credit industry
- on the rise across the country
* is one of the fastest growing crimes in the United States
- crimes in the nation
- crimes of our times
- fastest-growing crimes in the United States
- nation's fastest growing crimes
- part of a dramatic surge in white collar crime
- security breachs
* is the basis for online and offline fraud
- fastest growing crime in America
- sincerest form of flattery
- usually a low-tech crime
- when someone obtains personal information to commit fraud or theft
* leads to credit card fraud.
* non-violent crime with a high profit margin that can become addictive.
* poses significant risks to financial institutions and individuals alike.
* problem that reaches into every state.
* rapidly growing crime.
* serious crime - It's a crime to pretend to be someone else
- problem in Florida
* takes many forms.
* are minor offenses like traffic tickets
- tiny craze lines in tooth enamel
* is crime
International crime
* continues to threaten the safety and security of all nations.
* is criminal acts.
* serious and potent threat to the American people at home and abroad.
Involuntary manslaughter
* carries up to five years in prison
* general intent crime.
* involves recklessly but unintentionally causing the death of others.
* is the act of recklessly and unintentionally causing the death of another.
* lesser-included offense of first degree murder
* occurs when a death is caused by a violation such as drunk driving.
* requires a less culpable mental state than first-degree murder.<|endoftext|>### activity | crime:
Juvenile crime
* Most juvenile crime takes place in the hours immediately after school is dismissed
- crimes occur in the hours immediately after school
* growing concern throughout the United States.
* harms society and places the young person at great risk.
* is also down in comparison to adult crime
- an extension of a troubled family system
- prosecuted with an eye toward prevention, treatment, and punishment
- widespread, random and violent
* presents diverse risks to public safety and the well-being of citizens.
* problem which needs special attention, especially violent juvenile crime.
* statewide concern and has a direct impact on the adult correctional population.<|endoftext|>### activity | crime:
* can involve cuttings
- dies
- dying
- hurting
- laughings
- remorse
- screams
- shooting
- smoke
* causes arresteds
- criminal trials
- freedom
- funerals
- grief
- guilt
- investigations
- pleasure
- retribution
- sadness
- sorrow
- suicide
* is crime
- endings
- evil
- fatalities
- human death
- located in war
- net incomes
- terminations
* is used for animals
- contracts
- criminals
- death sentences
- duties
- eating
- hardened criminals
- justice
- military combat
- murderings
- psychopaths
- revenge
- self defense
- wrongs
### activity | crime | killing:
Arbitrary killing
* are an increasing concern in the east, where death squads freely roam.
* is the taking of innocent life. | {
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### activity | crime | killing:
Contract killing
* growing industry in Russia.
* is illegal, and is punishable, sometimes by death
- murder. * illegal, and is punishable, sometimes by death. Contract killing is often used by the mafia<|endoftext|>### activity | crime | killing:
* are executions
- the third leading cause of occupational deaths in the United States
* can also cause burns, especially to the mouth
- cause unconsciousness and can also stop breathing
- occur when a branch or other object touches lines
* do result when equipment comes in contact with power lines.
* hazard during arc-welding operations.
* includes electric shock.
* is another cause of death
- disinfectant
- major source of deaths in floods
- peril that applies to livestock
- death caused by electric shock
- one of the top five causes of workplace deaths
* is the most horrible death known
- number two cause of death during a flood
- only method of capital punishment in Florida, Alabama, Georgia and Nebraska
- sole means of execution in Alabama, Georgia and Nebraska
* kill tens of thousands of birds per year.
* life-threatening emergency.
* major killer in floods.
* occur when birds accidentally contact two conductors while flying.
* produces visibly destructive effects as the body's internal organs are burned.
* replaces hanging as the official method of capital punishment in New York State.
* results when a human is exposed to a lethal amount of electrical energy.
* risk when water is used to minimize asbestos dust.<|endoftext|>### activity | crime | killing:
* always kills and intends to kill the patient.
* are killing
- support
* can be either active or passive
- very emotional for veterinarians as well
* destroys innocent human life.
* goes against the natural goal of continuing life.
* involves choosing to die rather than to struggle on.
* is by lethal injection of sodium pentobarbital
* lets a person die thinking they are making the right choices.
* refers to the termination of a person's life by another.
* represents one of the greatest threats to real hospice care in the world.
* rests on two prongs.
* serves as a means of peace for the relatives as well as for the afflicted.
* touches some of the deepest feelings in human beings.
### activity | crime | killing | euthanasia:
Active euthanasia
* denotes an act that directly produces death, such as a lethal injection.
* is distinguished from assisted suicide
- illegal in most settings, and some people consider it to be the same as murder
- when someone is helped to die by something other than their disease or illness
* remains illegal in all jurisdictions of the United States.
Involuntary euthanasia
* is one of the least accepted social policies.
* occurs when a person has requested to be kept alive
- no consent or wish to die is expressed by the sufferer
### activity | crime | killing | slaughter:
Horse slaughter
* cultural issue, a free-trade issue and a consumer fraud issue.
* exists in the U.S. only because there foreign market for horse meat.
* is the final bidder for horses no one else wants to pay for.
* serves the purpose of disposing of the unwanted animals.
* very controversial subject in the equine world.
Mail fraud
* federal crime.
* is fraud
- just one way that con artists make a living
* requires a misrepresentation, using a scheme or artifice to defraud somebody.
Minor crime
* are often punishable on the streets.
* can lead to major facilitation forfeitures.
* is prevalent in cities, especially in the vicinity of hotels and airports. | {
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### activity | crime:
* are aggravated misdemeanors, serious misdemeanors, or simple misdemeanors
* are crimes generally punishable by less than one year's imprisonment
- punishable by less than one year, usually in a county jail
* are less serious crimes that still can lead to imprisonment for up to one year
- offenses which are normally nor punishable by prison sentence
- offenses, although they are still against the law
- than felonies
- less-serious crimes
- lower level crimes such as assault or traffic crimes
- minor legal violations, while felonies are more serious criminal offenses
- normally punishable by a fine or a jail sentence of less than a year
* are offenses punishable by a sentence of one year or less
- that have a penalty that can include up to one year in jail
* can result in punishments of up to a year in jail and thousands of dollars in fines.
* carry sentences less than a year, felonies, more than a year.
* have juries of six persons, while felonies have twelve.
* is crime
### activity | crime | misdemeanor:
* can cause a particular drug regimen to fail and increase overall healthcare costs.
* is considered a major barrier in treating patients with diabetes
- rebelliousness
- the major factor that accounts for treatment failure and risk of relapse
* often leads to blindness in patients with glaucoma.
Nonviolent crime
* are burglaries, thefts and automobile thefts
- motor vehicle thefts
* includes burglary, larceny-theft, and motor vehicle theft.<|endoftext|>### activity | crime:
Organized crime
* business and has many similarities to businesses in the legal market.
* goes where the money is, and the money is moving to the internet.
* is also a global problem
- complex and ever-evolving
* is heavily into ecstasy production and sales
- involved in the pirate video distribution business in Bulgaria
- rampant, along with official corruption
* is said to be the only segment of society putting capitalism to work
- launder billions for terrorists
- the federal government's number one law enforcement priority
- widespread, sometimes hiding behind narrow, nationalistic agendas
* is, to a large extent, invisible.
* major national and international issue.
* part of the Armenian economy.
* plays a minimal and somewhat tangential role in streetwalking.
* serious national and international problem that threatens public safety.
* social group
* spends millions to exploit weaknesses in credit card fraud detection.
* threat to the modern corporate economy.
+ Crime in Armenia, Organized crime and "brotherhoods": Armenia :: Crime by country
* Organized crime is a part of the Armenian economy. The different groups sometimes battle for rights over their territory. Members are guided by the underworld laws brought from Russian prisons
- Brazil, Overview: Crime by country :: Brazil
* Organized crime is a serious problem in Brazil
* is crime
* matter of intent.
Petty crime
* is prevalent in cities, especially in the vicinity of hotels and airports
- rife on public transport
- widespread, but simple precautions usually deter thieves
* occurs in Djibouti City and elsewhere in the country
- occasionally in the capital and elsewhere in the country
Private insurance
* comes in many forms and is largely unregulated surrounding assistive technology.
* is also a source of funding for assistive technologies
- an industry regulated by both the state and federal governments
- one strategy for financing the large and growing cost of long-term care | {
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} |
### activity | crime:
Property crime
* Many property crimes are crimes of opportunity.
* Most property crime is committed by heroin addicts
* are a cash drain
- much more common on a college campus than violent crimes
- offenses of burglary, larceny-theft, and motor vehicle theft
* are the most common crimes reported at elementary schools
- form of crime
* includes household burglary, motor vehicle theft, and property theft
- the offenses of burglary, larceny, and motor vehicle theft
* involve personal belongings, while violent crimes involve people
- the theft, misappropriation, or destruction of property belonging to others<|endoftext|>### activity | crime:
* Most robberies involve the use of a weapon, most frequently a handgun.
* Most robberies occur in countries
- other countries
- take place in metropolitan areas
* Robberies are larceny
- more likely to turn into rapes, kidnapping and murders at night
- can occur in private or public spaces
- cause terror
- taxis shared with strangers
- on road and rail transport
- often occur in public places and at beaches
- vary in the amount of property stolen and the amount of physical force used
* Some robberies result in disability.
* consists of theft and actual or threatened injury.
* crime involving dishonest conduct.
* difficult crime to prevent.
* felony
- in the second degree
* involves use of violence or threat in committing larceny.
* is both a property crime and a violent crime
- forceful stealing and extortion is blackmail
- more than a loss of possessions
* is one of the means of interference with commerce which the act proscribes
- most limiting perils used in crime insurance
- punishable with imprisonment for life or for any shorter term
- stealing from an individual by force or threat of force
- taking property by the means or force or fear
* is the attempt or taking of anything of value by force, or the threat of force
- most common crime in the United States
- only offence of aggravated theft
* is the taking of property by force or the threat of force - mugging
- from a person by the threat of personal injury to that person
- theft achieved by either the use of violence or the threat of violence
- unlawful taking of property from an individual by force or threat of violence
- traditionally a combination of theft and assault
- when the victim is confronted by the thief who demands goods
* legal term that has specific legal meanings.
* means taking by force or threat of force.
* statutory offence in England and Wales
- the Republic of Ireland
* third-degree felony.<|endoftext|>### activity | crime | robbery:
Armed robbery
* Armed robberies are common in urban and tourist areas, particularly in Caracas and Maracaibo
- felonies
* form of theft and so is plagiarism.
* involves the use of a weapon, such as a gun, knife, club, etc.
* is an inherent risk that is associated with the financial industry.
* means that the robber used weapons such as a gun in the robbery.
* resulting in death of a victim is subject to the death penalty by hanging.
+ Crime in Afghanistan: Crime by country :: Afghanistan
* Since the downfall of the Taliban, crime rate has greatly increased in the capital city Kabul. Armed robberies are reported in the western districts of Kabul.
+ Robber
* A 'robber' is a person who steals or takes something belonging to someone else. Robbers use force or threats to take what they want. A bank robber is someone who steals money from a bank. When the robber takes something, this is called a robbery. One famous robbery was the Great Train Robbery in England. Armed robbery means that the robber used weapons such as a gun in the robbery. Many robbers have become infamous, such as Jesse James in America and Ben Hall in Australia. Australian robbers used to be called bushrangers.
* are robberies.
* is an isometric third-person game. | {
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### activity | crime | robbery:
* are human activities.
* carries the death penalty in Saudi Arabia.
### activity | crime | robbery | hijacking:
* accounts for substantial losses for the computer industry every year.
* is actions
- acts
- human activities
- robberies
### activity | crime | robbery | hijacking | piracy:
Computer piracy
* comes in many forms.
* extends well beyond computer games.
Internet piracy
* involves software illegally being made available through the Internet.
* is also on the increase, with dozens of unlicensed sites broadcasting music on-line
- rampant and growing daily
* is the single biggest impediment to digital trade today
- the delivery of digital content today
* real problem, and does cause losses that can be counted in real dollars.
* significant problem for end-users, server operators, and publishers.
Serious crime
* Most serious crime occurs in cities.
* is handled by the laws and courts of the United States.<|endoftext|>### activity | crime | sex offense:
* form of sexual assault.
* is at least twice as likely to cause pregnancy as consensual sex.
* ' is usually having sexual intercourse with a person who does not want to, or cannot consent. Consent is when someone agrees of their own choice without being forced to. In France it is more widely 'unwanted sexual penetration'. Rape form of sexual assault. In most countries, rape is one of most serious crimes. A person who rapes someone rapist. Rapists may use violence, drugs, or threats to get their way. People of any gender can be raped. Girls and women or boys and men may stay quiet about a rape because they might feel ashamed about it
- sex offense
* medical emergency.
+ Rape, Effects of rape: Medical emergencies
* Rape is a medical emergency. People may not know they are hurt or sick. HIV, an STD, can be prevented by early treatment. If seen quickly, a doctor can give medication called emergency contraception to prevent pregnancy. Rape is at least twice as likely to cause pregnancy as consensual sex.<|endoftext|>### activity | crime | sex offense | rape:
Marital rape
* is where the victim of rape is married to the person committing the rape.
+ Rape, Marital rape: Medical emergencies
* Marital rape is where the victim of rape is married to the person committing the rape. Unconsenting sex with a married partner is thought to be rape under the laws of some countries but not others. Marital rape being illegal does not mean that the law is enforced.
+ Saudi Arabia, Politics: Current monarchies
* Marital rape is legal there. Men are allowed to have up to three wives but women are not allowed more than one husband.
Sexual abuse
* does emotional harm to children.
* is crime
+ Child sexual abuse
* Sexual abuse does emotional harm to children. Some of the effects do not show right away, and appear when the child has grown up.<|endoftext|>### activity | crime:
* also allows the tobacco industry to make the argument for lower taxes in legal markets.
* are criminal acts
- importing
- puttings
* arises from tax differentials in different countries, and national trade barriers.
* is an offence that can result in severe penalties and prosecution
- commonplace in Djakarta
- importation
- suspected to be a major source of income for party leaders
* major means of introducing contraband.
* threatens many species with extinction.
* usually takes place at night, using donkeys and cars.
* way of life for some people along the Border.
### activity | crime | smuggling:
Drug smuggling
* can carry the death penalty in Vietnam.
* carries a death sentence in Saudi Arabia
* is big business, often involving many people and a lot of money and equipment
- considered a high crime
* vile activity with no defense. | {
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### activity | crime:
Software piracy
* can easily occur in any organization even without people's knowledge
- lead to stiff fines and criminal prosecutions
* comes in many different forms, some more widely known than others
- shapes and forms, which can find their way into the workplace
* fact of life.
* federal crime
- offense and is punishable by fine or imprisonment
* global problem, affecting most nations who sell and use computer software
* harms everyone in the software community, including the consumer.
* has a severe negative impact on state and local economies across the country.
* is always an unfortunate part of the computer game industry
- an offence which carries significant penalties
- common in Jordan
- intentionally or unintentionally a major part of a lot of UK organisations
- probably the most common and over-looked computer crime
- punishable by law
- rampant in India
- the unauthorized copying, reproduction, use, or manufacture of software products
* is the unauthorized duplication and or distribution of copyrighted programs
- of computer software
* is the unauthorized use of software
- or distribution of software
- theft
- thought to be widespread in Argentina and other Latin American countries
* major threat to the production of quality software.
* occurs frequently in South Africa.
* problem in China.
* serious concern among foreign businesses in the Vietnam market
- crime with serious consequences
- issue in Malaysia
Spouse abuse
* can be physical, emotional, or sexual.
* condones physical fighting among children.
* has historic roots.
* occurs in all social classes and with independent as well as dependent women.
* social problem that has long been hidden behind the curtain of domestic privacy.<|endoftext|>### activity | crime:
Street crime
* Most street crime is perpetuated by youths.
* can be a problem in some of the tourist areas and large cities.
* concern, particularly for tourists.
* goes up when economic distress goes up and goes down when economic opportunity goes up.
* is common in all areas of Luanda, at all hours
- exploited by the media as the menace of society
- fairly common and occurs particularly at night
* occurs at only a fraction of the rate of domestic violence
- occasionally in Grenada
* problem in metropolitan Santiago in general and specifically in the city center.
Telephone fraud
* crime that can be traced.
* is an easily preventable crime.
Transnational crime
* generates money.
* takes many forms, only limited by the imagination of willing offenders.
* are a criminal offense prosecuted in federal court
- situations
- wrongdoing
* civil penalty akin to a parking ticket as opposed to a criminal offense.
* determination of guilt.
* is also a term used to denote a members acceptance to and exit from the gang
### activity | crime | violation:
* are the result of physical contact between opposing players.
* consist of any contact made with a player.
### activity | crime | violation | foul:
Foul ball
* are foul.
* is foul
* travelling at high speeds are common at baseball games.
* are pickups.
* is foul
### activity | crime | violation | foul | technical:
Technical competence
* involves the ability to accurately and swiftly calculate a horoscope.
* is knowledge and the appropriate skillful application of knowledge. | {
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### activity | crime | violation | public nudity:
* expresses the joy of living and experiencing nature the most natural way possible.
* is actually illegal
- all about feeling comfortable with one's body, and learning to judge people differently
- enjoyed by people of all shapes, sizes and ages
- non sexual, non erotic
- practice
- practiced with a certain bravado in order to conceal the underlying tension
* lifestyle that is made up of families and people of all ages.
* promotes public nudity in a group, but in special locations.
* truly cross-section of society.
* wholesome, family-oriented environment.
+ Public nudity: Nudity
* is double theft
- the destruction of religious objects
* mistreatment of what is sacred, of persons or things consecrated to divine worship.
* also applies to actions which support and aid the enemy in times of war.
* are misdemeanors.
* is punishable by a fine and up to three years in prison.
* is the illegal act of inciting people to resist or rebel against the government in power
- incitement of or resistance to legal authority | {
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### activity | crime:
Violent crime
* All violent crimes are essentially acts of hate.
* Any violent crime is terrible, but terrorism is extremely rare in the United States.
* Many violent crimes find their genesis in the abuse of drugs or in the desire to abuse drugs.
* Most violent crime is committed by young males.
* Most violent crimes are robberies or minor assaults where no one gets hurt at all or very little
- begin with stalking
* are a product of hate by definition.
* are murder, forcible rape, robbery, and aggravated assault
- rape, robbery and aggravated assault
- offenses of murder, forcible rape, robbery, and aggravated assault
- rare, but they do happen
- still comparatively rare and account for a very small part of recorded crime
* can have a very significant and serious effect on victims
- result in bloodshed
* cause a great deal of harm to victims and have a large cost for society.
* committed by girls differ significantly from boys' offenses.
* consists of offenses including murder, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault.
* continue to be a small percentage of crimes reported.
* continues in most places.
* encompasses rape, sexual assault, robbery, aggravated assault, and simple assault.
* has a powerful, corrosive effect on society.
* includes murder, rape and sexual assault, robbery, and assault
- rape, sexual violation, assaults and aggravated burglary
- sexual assault, robbery, and aggravated assault
* increases due to prohibition.
* involve contact between the victim and the offender
- some use of force or the threat of force
* is also a crime generated by a lack of awe
- more common in poor communities
* is an act involving force or the attempted use of force against another
- invasion as dangerous as any by soldiers of any foreign power
- another social problem that hits blacks especially hard
- much less common in places where firearms in private hands are common
- on the rampage in many parts of the country
- rampant, particularly in the run- up to the elections
* is rare and the overall level of criminal activity is low
- in Prague
* is rare in Vanuatu, but petty theft does occur
- however petty theft does occur
- rare, but petty theft is common
- still rare, despite the widespread availability of weapons
- the basis of dozens of hours of prime-time television entertainment
* is very low in Bhutan
- rare in the Netherlands but theft is common
* is, in part, a reminder of human failure to ensure justice for all members of society.
* knows no boundaries of time, place, sex, or race.
* major problem in the United States.
* national problem that's on everyone's mind today.
* occur everyday in our society.
* occurs regularly
- throughout the day, depending on the age of the victim and the type of crime
* result in injury to a person or the threat of injury to a person.
+ Crime in Bhutan, Non-political crime
* Violent crime is very low in Bhutan. Petty crime like pickpocketing are sometimes reported in the country. Juvenile crime has increased. The highest rate of juvenile crime was reported in 2003 when 63 youths were convicted across the nation. Rape is not a large problem. In 1999 only 10 rapes were reported in Bhutan
- Bhutan: Crime by country :: Bhutan
* Petty crime is sometimes reported in the country. Violent crime is very uncommon. Some cases of drug abuse are reported. In general, drug trafficking is low. The most serious threat to Bhutan's security is terrorism by different groups from India who are staying in the nation
War crime
* are acts and omissions in violation of the laws and customs of war.
* consists of shooting civilians, their vehicles, and shooting surrendering enemy soldiers.
* have no statute of limitations.
* is crime
- one of the major events in which scientific application play important roles | {
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} |
### activity:
Criminal activity
* Most criminal activity involves petty theft, such as pickpocketing and purse snatching.
* declines significantly as individuals mature into their thirties.
* exists everywhere.
* has no nationality.
* is also a skilled profession.
* takes place when there is an opportunity.
* transcends race or ethnicity.<|endoftext|>### activity:
* Some customs affect people
- relate to death
* also build family identity.
* are duties
- effective in orderly way of social life, in execution of rules
- general or particular customs
- habitual actions or practices
- most important for the protection of domestic products
- practices passed down through the generations
- survival
- the regular habits and non-religious rituals of a local people
- trade
* come from heritage
- nomadic heritage
* enforces hundreds of laws and international agreements.
* enforces laws governing bills of lading
- regarding importation of livestock
* is an integral part of the institutional matrix of modern economies
- practice, sanctioned by tradition meaning, it goes back a long time
- the habit of doing certain things like shaking hands and tipping hats mentioned above
* make style.
* manufactured goods are usually of high quality and more expensive than mass produced goods.
* plays an important role in Jewish life.
* printed calendars are one of the most effective forms of advertising.
* related to death also have maritime correlatives.
* use components
- identical components
* vary among religions, ethnic groups, and localities
- with ethnicity
+ Legal precedent, Types of precedent, Custom: Law
* Long-held custom, which has traditionally been recognized by courts and judges, is the first kind of precedent. Custom can be so deeply entrenched in the society at large that it gains the force of law. There need never have been a specific case decided on the same or similar issues in order for a court to take notice of customary or traditional precedent in its deliberations.
### activity | custom:
Burial custom
* differ widely from society to society.
* show Egyptian and Aegean influence.
Funeral custom
* are as old as civilization itself.
* vary according to regions, but some common practices are observed.
Jewish custom
* discourages giving flowers in memory of someone who has died.
* has boys circumcised on the eighth day after birth.
Muslim custom
* varies by country , but boys can be circumcised at any time before puberty.
+ Circumcision: Health :: Sexuality :: Religion :: Islamic culture
* Muslim custom varies by country, but boys can be circumcised at any time before puberty. Jewish boys are circumcised when they are 1 week old. | {
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} |
### activity | custom:
* Experience the fundamental rituals of Jainism.
* Many rituals are concerned with purity and purification
- focus on health and fertility, such as male and female initiation rituals
* Some rituals involve the exchange of differently scented ants
- serve as rites of passage, punctuating critical events in the lives of individuals.
* can mark a passage or a change. For example, some rituals show that a boy has become a man
* act as milestones on the path of life.
* actually key off parts of the brain.
* are acts.
* are also a positive way to help families affirm their beliefs and values
- important for our spiritual life
* are an important part of all traditions
- the tradition of many religions
- behaviour
- books
- ceremony
- conventional activities associated with belief systems
- cultural activities
- distinct from the normal activities of social life
- events or activities that are performed on a regular basis
- habits of the heart
- icons of connections, they are the art of our lives
- important in our lives
* are part of human existence
- the human fabric, whether in daily life or in the church
- social events
- symbolic events that can support and aid growth and healing
- symbols of religious ideas
- the behaviors in which children engage in response to a compulsion
* associated with yams are a major part of their spiritual life.
* bring order out of chaos.
* can address endings, loss, grief, recovery or identity
- be a means for joining with the natural order
* create relationships between human beings as well as with the divine.
* empower one's desires.
* evoke spirituality and help to preserve traditions.
* give order and meaning to our lives linking our inner and outer worlds.
* help young children develop new abilities and define their environment.
* indeed are important to the strength of families and the well-being of children.
* make up one of four principal patterns of human interaction.
* occupy a major part of Hmong musical life.
* occur in multitudinous variety in all the world's cultures.
* often are sacred
- involve an eternal flame, and kindling a fire is equated with birth and resurrection
* protect ethics.
* serve to acknowledge change without threatening the overall social order.
* shape people.
* surrounding birth, puberty, marriage, and death are rites of passage.
* turn beliefs into spiritual experiences that proves their reality.
+ Religion, Traditions, Ritual:
* Rituals are an important part of the tradition of many religions. In many religions, it is the tradition for people to meet for a celebration on one day in every week. There are also major celebrations that may be held only at certain times of the year, for example, on the birthday of a person who is honoured in that religion. Some religions have celebrations for different seasons of the year, or when the sun or moon is in a certain part of the sky.
### activity | custom | ritual:
Courtship ritual
* are important to ensure that both parties are ready.
* ensure that males and females are closer to each other.
* take place in every species.
* vary from species to species, but invariably involve calling
- widely among species | {
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### activity | custom | ritual:
Rite of passage
* Rites of passage are a preparation for the celebration of adulthood as is motherhood
- can foster and contribute to spirituality, traditional ones and new ones
- celebrate and protect the person or people who are changing
- indicate important moments in the lives of people
- is rituals
- occur at birth, puberty, marriage, menopause and death.
* All people in every society and culture experience rites of passage but, these often happen differently, for diverse reasons and, at special times depending on what society or culture the person comes from. Rites of passage celebrate and protect the person or people who are changing
* is part of the lives of all young adults, in one way or another.
+ Rites of passage, The Universal Structure of Rites of Passage: Society
* Rites of passage are ordered into three phases. The Rites of Passage.
Ritual abuse
* is an extreme sadistic form of abuse of children and non-consenting adults.
* severe type of abuse, and the therapy process is often long and involved.
Social custom
* are different in different parts of the world.
* constrain men-women interaction.
* is another factor contributing to the rise of alcoholism in Russia.
Traditional custom
* distinguish between persons on the basis of social status and sex.
* form a major part of family and community life.
Daily activity
* Daily activities result in metabolic waste and environmental contaminants accumulating on the skin.
* varies between males and females during different seasons.
* Delinquencies can occur because of math errors.
* is an activity
- at an all time low at one tenth of one percent
- negligence
- one of the pitfalls of making loans
- protest against middle-class
- therefore situational, depending on a particular time, place and setting
* means antisocial or violent behaviour in young people, often involving criminal acts.
* fancy medical term for perspiration or sweating.
* is an activity
- often present
- particularly common in inferior infarcts
* non-specific symptom or sign, which means that it has many possible causes.
* is an activity
- wrongdoing
* takes many forms. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | dishonesty:
Academic dishonesty
* can also mean making false statements to a member of the faculty.
* can include the dishonest use of course materials such as essays and exams
- course materials such as papers and exams
- take a number of forms
* corrosive force in the academic life of any university.
* counterfeits the intellectual endeavor on which education is based.
* includes any act that violates the academic processes of the university
- form of cheating that gives unfair advantage to a student
- attempts to prevent others from receiving their academic credit
- both cheating and plagiarism
* includes cheating on assignments and exams, plagiarizing
- tests and plagiarizing papers
* includes cheating on tests or lying about class work
- about the work involved in class
- cheating, fabrication, plagiarism, and facilitating dishonesty
* includes cheating, plagiarism, and collusion
- collusion, and falsifying academic records
- giving, receiving, or using unauthorized aid on any academic work
* includes plagiarism, cheating on tests, copying or falsifying assignments
- cheating, and fabrication
- such things as cheating on tests and plagiarism
* involves plagiarism, cheating, or the falsification of academic work.
* is any activity intended to improve a student's grade fraudulently
- misrepresentation of one's scholastic efforts
- common among cult apologists
- failure to maintain academic integrity
- representing the work of others as one's own
- the highest form of disrespect
* major violation of ethical and legal behavior.
* means cheating of any kind associated with scholarship and study.
* occurs when someone takes credit for work produced by another.
* serious violation of the trust upon which an academic community depends.
* bird climbing the corperate ladder.
* is dishonesty
### activity | dishonesty | insincerity | hypocrisy:
* develops from the belief that intellect can be spiritually sanctified.
* is hypocrisy<|endoftext|>### activity:
* Most disturbances affect environments
- are caused by evolutionary forces
* Some disturbances act essentially randomly within a landscape to produce disturbance patches
- are caused by sound
* acts on communities at a variety of spatial and temporal scales.
- functions
- productivity
- renal functions
- space environments
- values
* also affects many other soil characteristics that can increase soil strength.
* are agitation.
* are caused by effects
- disorder
- integral part of the way nature works
- motion
* can cause seals to flee, leaving pups exposed and vulnerable.
* can have effects
- negative effects
- kill a large number of trees and forests
* cause displacement.
* change conditions
- drainage patterns
* create habitats
- opportunity
* frequently is implicated in the spread of invasive exotic plants.
* general term for a disruption of the natural environment.
* include introductions.
* increase activities.
* increases the rate of nutrient loss from ecosystems.
* is an activity
* is any event that disrupts an ecosystem
- short-lived event that changes the distribution of resources
- important in the creation of biodiverse habitats
* lead to energy.
* occurs occasionally in most natural systems.
* reduce availability
- stability
* result in fluctuations.
* take places.
* therefore drives secondary succession and dominant component of ecosystem dynamics.
* vector which has a major impact on the rate of nutrient redistribution.
### activity | disturbance:
Annual disturbance
* increases the diversity of grass species.
* provides essential elements of quail habitat bare ground and annual weeds.
Environmental disturbance
* Most environmental disturbances result in fluctuations.
* come in many forms and magnitudes. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | disturbance:
Human disturbance
* Most human disturbances affect productivity.
* Some human disturbances reduce survival.
* can cause golden eagle nest site abandonment or reproductive failure.
* changes selective pressures.
* is the most common cause of colony abandonment.
Large disturbance
* Most large disturbances have thinner spots and holes where mobile observers can gather.
* hold entire galaxies together.
Magnetic storm
* Most magnetic storms are caused by activities
- sunspot activities
* Some magnetic storms take places.
- perturbation
- relatively rare
* can cause damage in very long, high-voltage power transmission lines
- disrupt or destroy some of Earth's technological infrastructure
* cause sunspots, which appear dark because they are cooler than the surrounding gas.
* circulate the atmospheric gasses.
Mechanical disturbance
* can cause the molecules in solids, liquids, and gases to vibrate.
* involves sudden water flow and vibrations.
* occur whenever a tumor compresses adjacent structures.
Natural disturbance
* Some natural disturbances affect population size
* are common and extremely important to a healthy ecosystem.
* can influence the outcome of competition.
* is predominantly fire and drought
- fire, periodic flooding, insects, and disease
Neuromuscular disturbance
* are the most common
- prominent
* outlasts other symptoms of exercise-induced muscle damage.<|endoftext|>### activity | disturbance:
Sleep disturbance
* Some sleep disturbances are signs of serious physical or psychological problems
- simply due to changes in development or because of overstimulation
* are common during pregnancy, especially in the last trimester.
* are common in depression and can be the individual's first complaint
- people with either mania or depression
- more common in elderly persons
- strongly related to mental illness
- the most common complaint of chronic pain patients
* can also occur including lethargy, drowsiness, and fatigue.
* common and complex clinical problem in older adults.
* influences gastrointestinal symptoms in women with irritable bowel syndrome.
* is an especially disturbing symptom for police officers
- common in chronic fatigue and in fibromyalgia
- commonplace and causes much personal distress to sufferers and their families
- very common among elderly people
Tropical disturbance
* is an area where rain clouds are building.
* migrate cause intensification of the precipitation.
### activity | disturbance | upset:
Emotional upset
* appears to reduce the activity of compounds important to the healing process.
* can also act as a trigger.
Gastrointestinal upset
* Some gastrointestinal upsets can be rapidly fatal.
* includes the usual problems of nausea, vomiting, anorexia, diarrhea, etc.
* changes historic patterns
* is activities
- attacks
- turns
### activity | diversion:
* is art forms
- choreography
- dance performance
- located in theaters
- music
* refines balance and posture, tones muscles, and improves flexibility.
* strengthens the entire body and substantially increases flexibility in movement.
* teaches body alignment, placement and grace like no other form of dance
- correct posture, poise and strength
* tell stories with music and dancing.
### activity | diversion | ballet:
Modern ballet
* Some modern ballets supplement the scenery with slide projections, films, and special lighting.
* is ballet | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | diversion:
* also creates an industry of costume-makers and confectioners.
* are festivals
- located in fairgrounds
- recreational activities
- shows
* four-day celebration that changes dates every year.
* is celebrated in many predominantly Catholic areas of the world
- festivity
- freedom and abandonment beyond description
- good when it gives people an alibi to become someone different
* is the largest cruise line in the world based on passengers carried
- operator, owning about half of all cruise ships worldwide
- most popular cruise line in the world
* kaleidoscope of colour, cultures and artistry.
* mixture of high and low culture which subverts tradition.
* often feature parades in which people wear elaborate costumes.
* ' public celebration which takes place in many cities and towns in many countries around the world, in February or March each year. Carnival can sometimes last for several weeks. In some places there is only one day of celebration. There are often street parades, bands, costumes and many people wear masks. Carnival is linked to religious traditions in the Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Churches, and it is also linked to local customs.
* remain one of the safest forms of family entertainment.
* time of excitement and cultural immersion on the island of Trinidad.
* traditional party known as one of the most popular celebrations around the world.
* traditionally time when the world turns symbolically upside-down.
* travel for as much as seven months out of the year.
* wild celebration filled with music, dancing and parades.<|endoftext|>### activity | diversion:
* Find people who enjoy discussing music, television, and other forms of media.
* comes in many forms including television and radio
* field where robots play an increasing role.
* has the power to affect millions of lives.
* includes any activity generally considered to provide amusement or recreation.
* is albums.
* is an industry of sheep
- integral part of each society
- entertainment and news is news
- fun
* is located in casinos
- movies
- theatres
- one industry that is capable of absorbing a lot of jobless people
* is one of the largest exports from the United States to the rest of the world
- industries in the world
- things that make life worth living
- part of the fabric of contemporary life
* is the most common activity in rural areas
- powerful form of communication in the world
- supraideology of all discourse on television
- what is derived from art
- where most newspapers fall short
* leveraged industry.
* multimedia entertainment and lifestyle network.
* plays an important role in every community.
* profitable means of transmitting information.
* takes places.
* term that means many things to many people.
* usually drives technology.
* way of life in Erie.
### activity | diversion | entertainment:
* are communicating
- located in classes
- military operations
- proof
- protests
- visual communication
* have features.
* illustrate concepts
- properties
* include activities
- research activities
* involve use
- violence
* prove ability.
* provide ideas.
- ease
- facts | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | diversion | entertainment | demonstration:
* are collections
- located in fairs
- presentation
* become attraction
- major attraction
* reveal interest.
+ Art exhibition
* An 'art exhibition' is a place where works of art are shown to the public. The word exhibition comes from Latin 'exhibere', which means 'to show'. This can be in a museum or an exhibition hall. Some exhibitions show works of art of the same artist, others show works of art on a common theme.
* Museums often organize special exhibitions, such as paintings by a famous painter. Exhibitions can be about anything. They may be to do with art, or they can also be science exhibitions.
* Some exhibitions show things which can be bought. Firms exhibit the things they have made, hoping to encourage business. These exhibitions are called trade fairs. They are sometimes called 'expositions' or 'expos'. They may be open to the public, but others are just for invited business people.
### activity | diversion | entertainment | demonstration | exhibition:
Art exhibition
* are displayings
* is an exhibition
### activity | diversion | entertainment | demonstration | exhibition | art exhibition:
* are art exhibitions.
* is an art exhibition<|endoftext|>### activity | diversion | entertainment | demonstration | exhibition:
* are a big part of larger cities as well as smaller ones
- low cost way to reach kids
- pens
- sports
* business, the aim of which is profit.
* competition designed to improve the skills of airlifters around the world.
* great sport with dedicated, talented performers.
* is America's original sport
* is one of sports that draw excitement from the element of danger
- the few sports that has something for the entire family
- place where clowns are more than funny
- the Spanish word for roundup
* is the country's national sport and is practiced in the more rural areas of the nation
* is the only major professional sport based on skills used for manual labor
- sport which began entirely in the United States
- what brings it all together, the horses, the music, the people
* is, family entertainment, which means children.
* newsgroup designed for the discussion of all aspects of the sport of rodeo.
* often have clowns.
* peculiarly North American sport, confined mainly to the USA, Canada and Mexico.
* popular sport among youth in New Mexico and West Texas, particularly Lea County.
* range from Washington, DC to Calgary, Alberta.
* rough sport because it originated from a rough lifestyle.
* set of competitive events pitting people against livestock.
* works well on cattails, which is the most common emergent aquatic plant in Colorado
+ Chile, Regions, Sports: Spanish-speaking countries
* Rodeo is the country's national sport. It is practiced in the more rural areas of the country. A sport similar to hockey. Skiing and snowboarding are practiced at ski centers in the Central Andes. Surfing is popular at some coastal towns. Polo is professionally practiced in Chile.
### activity | diversion | entertainment | demonstration | exhibition | rodeo:
Modern rodeo
* are popular in the United States and Canada and parts of Europe and Australia.
* continuation of the Wild West.
* are performance.
* is rearrangement
Digital entertainment
* blend of infotech, manufacturing, fine arts, film and video.
* is the key to home networking.
* are entertainment.
* hybrid of education and entertainment.
* is entertainment
- the term given to games that teach
* refers to educational material presented in an entertaining fashion.
* are entertainment
- recital
* dance for students, alumni, family and friends. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | diversion | entertainment:
* comes alive at the weekends when the whole city seems to take to the streets.
* consists of sleeping
- stargazing, sleep, and quiet strolls
* heats up as soon as the sun sets.
* includes live jazz and DJs spinning a variety of music from latin to acid jazz.
* is active and goes to the wee hours
- centred around the expensive restaurants, bars and discos in the upmarket hotels
- determined by location
- to be found primarily in international hotels
* revolves around salsa clubs and discoteques
- mostly around restaurants, bars and some nightclubs
* starts as soon as the sun goes down and ends at sunrise.
* way of life.
* are entertainment.
* are located in operas
- television
- theaters
- programs
- sitcoms
- social events
- spectacles
* are used for audiences
- education
- enjoyment
- fun
- relaxation
- wearing
* have episodes.
* is entertainment
### activity | diversion | entertainment | show | fair:
Book fair
* are bazaar
- fairs
- traditionally fund-raising devices operated once or twice a year
* help to encourage reading, as well.
* are celebration
- socials
* is festivity<|endoftext|>### activity | diversion:
* Hobbies are about having fun and enjoying the company of others who share the same interest
- also therapeutic for the mind
- falcons
- personal passions relegated to the edges of people's lives
- recreational activities
- sports and lifting weights
* Hobbies are video games and spending time with friends
- help reality
- often force the mind to build new mental patterns in order to accomplish certain tasks
- provide a feeling of control and competency during times of stress
* is interest
* fish lure
* have actions.
Night life
* begins in Georgetown even before the sun goes down.
* is diversion
### activity | diversion | red herring:
* is evidence supporting intracellular volume contraction
- usually the result of administration of intravenous saline
* red herring.
Socialized medicine
* has the virtue of simplicity.
* regressive form of health care system. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | diversion:
* All sport process of educational experience
- sports are great forms of exercise
* All sports have rules, but baseball has the most
- their own requirement for strength, explosiveness, stamina, flexibility
* Covers all sorts of sports with news, articles and scores.
* Every sport goes through a process of growth and evolution.
* Every sport has a hall of fame that includes players that have helped define their sport
- athletes who have overcome great odds to succeed
- certain fundamental skills that athletes practice on all the time
- different levels of competition
- rules and regulations, as well as a governing body, and cycling is no exception
- places a different type of stress on the foot and leg
* Many sports are solely competition sports.
* Many sports have limited regional or national popularity
- special equipment that is designed to keep people from being hurt
- involve the use of projectiles, vehicles, and boats
- offer a variety of ways to compete
- require a low, aggressive stance
- still use leather equipment
- use a ball in some way or another
* Most sport antennae as long, or longer, than their bodies
- governing bodies can provide recommendations as to the most appropriate eye care
* Most sports are for people of all ages
- weather dependent
* Most sports build muscular strength and stamina, often in specific areas of the body
- their calendars around the Olympics
- carry some risk of harm because they require physical exertion
* Most sports have age-group divisions
- intramural activities
* Most sports involve a combination of both
- massive amount of lateral movement
- contact
- offer at least two and often three levels of competition
* Most sports provide built-in mats in the form of athletic shoes
- the world champions with the opportunity to defend their world titles
- related eye injuries are due to blunt trauma, frequently a finger poke
* Most sports require a significant amount of training to cultivate skill
- little physical exertion
* Most sports require physical activities
- specific movements, e.g. racquet sports, football, martial arts
- strength in the forearm, wrist and hand
* Some sports are especially likely to cause asthma attacks.
* Some sports are more likely to cause back pain, such as golf, volleyball and gymnastics
- result in concussion or more serious brain injury
- attract dedicated spectators
- become risky for bones that break more easily and heal more slowly
- contribute more to the rising tide of injuries than others
- depend on animals more than on people
- draw upon a much larger pool of athletes than others
* Some sports have a higher injury rate than others
- origins
- impose rules to prevent athletes drinking during a play period
* Some sports involve animals
- balls
- fresh water
- science
- types
- wheelchairs
- rely on science
* Some sports require a high degree of independent decision making and complex problem solving skills
- officials to run, sprint, or jog for an extended period of time
* also are sacred
- brings families closer together
- emphasize teamwork
* also play an important role in Finnish society
- plays a positive role in addressing discrimination and gender inequality
* always have a professional level even when the participants are called amateurs
- signify positive energy
* are a favorite activity of teens, both during school and the summer
- pastime in the United States
* are a great builder of self-esteem and confidence, allowing girls to set and achieve goals
- part of the world
- major social force that shape the quality and character of the American culture
- popular way of life for millions of people all over the world
- recreational activity that provide a good release from school work
* are a reflection of our society
- society with the same problems as the real world
* are a universal language spoken and understood by all people
- way to prepare young girls to become tomorrow's leaders
- able to transcend language barriers by using the same rules throughout the world
- about play, fun, safety, community, friends and social networks
* are about the consequences of actions
- pursuit of victory, rather than the guarantee of victory
- accidental shoots on a plant that are different in some aspect from the original plants
* are all about emotion and intensity
- money and marketing
- respect and protection
* are also a good way to exercise and stay healthy and fit
- an outlet for energy and stress and improve physical fitness levels
- important in Peru's culture
* are an academic discipline
- example of a healthy capacity for vigorous activity
- important aspect of personal development
* are an important part of life, almost as important as advertising
- our culture and often help young people become productive citizens
- buds which have mutated into an entirely new type of tree
- critical to a child's physical and mental development
- exercises
- extracurricular activities, just like dancing and band
* are for physical fitness
- the enjoyment of people of all sorts of religions
- good in the sense that they provide entertainment and enjoyment
- horse racing, wrestling, and archery
* are important in building strong bodies
- the life of America
- to schools
* are located in fields
- parks
- sporting events
- newspapers
- occupations
- one of the playgrounds of life
* are physical activities
- events used for recreation or competition
- played all over the world, media everywhere cover sports and the Internet is universal
- recreational activities
- seasonal events that only bring in money while the team is playing
* are the most frequent cause of injury for both male and female adolescents
- number one cause of eye injuries in school-age children
* are used for playing
- watching
- usually smaller on the head, legs and tail than on the body
- vacationers
- very popular in Ecuador, especially soccer, basketball, and volleyball
* belongs to all human beings.
* betting on the Internet is illegal.
* big part of the internet.
* breeds aggressiveness.
* bring out emotion in people.
* burn energy, and are impossible without bodily tissue.
* business ruled by dollars and cents.
* can also be an effective vehicle for promoting awareness of the dangers of drugs and alcohol
- dangerous
- stressful, humiliating, and physically damaging
- keep people in good shape
- provide young people with positive life values both on and off the court
- teach girls how to work with others and set goals
* can be a vehicle to health and fitness, or they can destroy a person utterly
- such a positive factor in the lives of women
- bring back memories of our past and bring families and friends closer together
- build character, increase strength, and improve self-confidence
- capture the mind's imagination and body's possibilities
- cause wear on joints, leading to possible muscle, cartilage or ligament injury
- have a mixed effect on body image as well
- increase a child s physical coordination, fitness, and self-esteem
- lead to injuries, and injuries can sometimes lead to surgery
- promote a lifetime of teamwork, skill, and enjoyment for everyone
- simply be recreation or an occupation
- teach healthy competitive and cooperative attitudes
- work to increase self-esteem for a person by association and affiliation
* cause injuries.
* collection of E-mail publications and supporting websites.
* comic ballet about the fun of athletics.
* consist of a social world of meaningful symbols and signs.
* contain the potential to change society's thinking about what the norms are.
* contribute to an adolescent's self-esteem.
* contributes to society in many ways.
* controls many lives.
* create opportunities for achievement, and healthy competition.
* cross many barriers such as race, culture, and economics.
* define relationships in terms of statuses and roles and subsequent role performance.
* develop coordination of mind and body and teach fair play and sportsmanship.
* develops character and teaches the rewards of discipline and perseverance.
* discriminate against women and minorities.
* dominates the social scene of many schools.
* draw different people for different reasons.
* drinks with electrolytes are also good to drink.
* emphasizes competitive instincts accompanied by occasional overtones of fair play.
* encourage people to get out and experience something new and exciting.
* encourages everyday people to feel the passion and triumph of the sporting life.
* enhance one's quality of life.
* form of mentoring that works, they say.
* forum for discussing all facets of sports and sporting games.
* frequently means savings in medical services.
* gambling in the United States is legal only in Nevada.
* generate a lot of emotions, both good and bad.
* get spectators.
* give girls and women the power and confidence to compete throughout life
- people a way to connect to each other
* gives pride to national identity.
* good form of exercise.
* happens in the public arena.
* has a long tradition with many representative honours gained in football, judo, hockey
- way of bringing people together
- fans of all ages
- no religion or barrier
* have a unique role to play in our young people's lives
- absolutely nothing to do with life
- losers
- winners
* help build physical skills, emotional well-being, and provide simple, timeless fun
- children learn and prepare for events later in life
* helps girls get used to and appreciate the body shape they've inherited
- re-build broken lives, augmenting the healing process
* impact our fashion with baseball hats, basketball shoes, and uniform jerseys.
* include surf.
* including love, depends on the oncoming of artificial or imaginary resistances.
* involve contact
- movement, physical skills
* is about competition
- learning to deal with challenges and obstacles
- moments and memories
- passion, teamwork and achieving goals
- physical exertion combined with mental strength and technical ability
- racing, but also about race relations
- the achievement of the human body
- tradition as much as it is about competition
- winners and losers
- winning, entertaining, and making money
- all about pace and timing
* is also an arena where indigenous people have excelled
- the way to reach the hearts of the people
- always a wedge in changing the ways people think
- an amalgam of news, features and opinions
- another topic shown on the stamps of all countries
- big business and golf has increasingly become big business
- built on the ideal that a team becomes the best by playing against the best
- clearly an important element, both socially and culturally, in young people's lives
- driven by the media, and the media paints the impression they want
- entertainment, and entertainment is driven by celebrities
* is for athletes and anything else that is sport-related in any way
- physical jerks
- sportsmen a part of their emotional experience, as mountaineering is for mountaineers
- made up of inches, seconds, stats and instants, which is what makes it so hard to define
- more than demanding physical activity out of players on a team
- one of many mediums that can assist the individual with achieving their potential
* is one of the biggest, most profitable industries in the world
- few arenas of American society in which the playing field is really level
- strongest socializing factors in any society
* is one way disabled children break down barriers
- in which social exclusion can be tackled
- only one form of movement studied by kinesiologists
- part of society
* is recreation
- and leisure in one
- related to every element of life
- serious business in the nations capital
* is something that takes determination to be good
- which is moving at a very fast pace it s changing every day
- sport no matter who's taking part
- taken very seriously in Australia, especially cricket and football
- television's original reality programming
* is the common denominator for the big brother and little brother
- complete sports magazine for the professional and amateur sports fan
- experience of challenge in a uniquely controlled environment
- opium of the masses
- thus an important element of the quality of life
- very popular, especially water sports like swimming and boating
* kites can reach speeds of over one hundred miles per hour
- come in a variety of sizes, shapes and styles for beginners and advanced flyers
* makes use of the body as does working out.
* marvelous way to enhance self-esteem, leadership abilities and teamwork.
* medicine available without prescription for physical and moral well-being.
* mesh lining A stretchable mesh lining that excels at wicking moisture away from the body.
* microcosm of society.
* national pastime, both in winter and summer.
* naturally involve movement and action.
* occupies a key position in the cultural profile of a nation
- prominent role in our popular culture, both reflecting and influencing it
* offers a number of products, both tangible and intangible.
* place where physiological advantages give men power, and they're afraid of losing it.
* play a major role in many aspects of most cultures.
* play an important role in helping students to remain healthy
- our lifestyle
- the well-being of young and old alike
* plays a central role in the life of the city
- decisive role for social learning
- major role in American society as it accounts for the most popular form of recreation
* promote good health and well being
- solidarity, binding communities and nations together
* promotes physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health and well-being.
* provide a natural environment in which to learn about leadership.
* provide a way for parents and their kids to communicate
- to share an activity with family and friends
- entertainment and relaxation to millions
- the opportunity for races to come together as one
* provides an ideal model of difference in performance, and equality in opportunity.
* pull at the spirit of men and women to compete and succeed.
* reflects what is going on in the society generally.
* relieves the weight of life.
* rely on metabolism to keep the body moving.
* require activities
- both a strong body and mind
- breathing
- knowledge
* require little exertion
- output
* runs through our language and our culture.
* sometimes come into the scene in cycles or fads.
* star-driven industry.
* substitute for hunting.
* sway the focus from people s disabilities and place attention on their abilities.
* teach children about the importance of teamwork, commitment, and sportsmanship
- discipline and time management skills
* teach people how to compete on and off the playing field
- work together as a team
- to give and take
- quick thinking, instant response, and the value of teamwork
- teamwork and togetherness
- the art of competition
* teaches leadership, teamwork, discipline, and how to respect others
- people how to meet challenges in the future
- the fundamental of teamwork, dedication, and responsibility
* tend to focus on bright colors
- prosper when they have a dominant team that everyone is shooting for
* testing ground for many traits that go into being a good person.
* thrive on popularity and continued interest and participation.
* too plays a big part in the lives of the people of the Pacific.
* unifiorms Some of the most popular clothing worn by boys are sports uniforms.
* usually draw the participant s attention away from the body and outward to the game.
* vehicle that can be used to impact people's lives.
* very important role in the development of our youth's standards and education.
+ Chicago, Economy, Sports: Cities with more than 500,000 inhabitants
* Sports are a big part of the cultural life in Chicago. Chicago is home to 15 sports teams. All of the city's major sports teams play within the city limits.
+ Sport in Japan
* Sports in Japan' are a part of Japanese culture. Japan has many traditional sports such as sumo, judo, karate, and kendo. Also, there are sports which were imported from the West such as baseball, soccer, golf and skiing. Sports are popular with both participants and onlookers.
+ Sports in India
* India has many traditional sports such as kabbadi, kho kho, pehlwani, and gilli-danda. Also, there are sports which were imported from the West such as football, rugby union, cricket, golf, tennis, squash, hockey, boxing, snooker, and billiards. Sports are popular with both participanta and onlookers. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | diversion | sport:
Amateur sport
* are sports in which participants engage largely or entirely without remuneration.
* is important to the quality of life in the province of Ontario
- played for the sport and professional sport for economic reasons<|endoftext|>### activity | diversion | sport:
* Archeries are archeries
- human activities
- outdoor activities
* Shorten the distance to the target.
* can be dangerous.
* grand sport and knows no age limit.
* hunting for bear is open in north Georgia during the archery deer season.
* is also a famous sport and is practiced often.
* is an Olympic sport - both individual and team
- inherently dangerous activity that can result in serious injury or death
- considered to be the third most significant achievement in the advancement of early man
- enjoyed by people of all ages, and most people have their own bows
* is more archaic and ritualistic than other sports
- than aiming an arrow
- one avenue of developing the self in relationship to others, in body, mind, and spirit
* is one of the fastest growing sports for women in the U.S. today
- oldest sports know to the human race
- rich with history, it covers time from the strong age to the space age
* is the most challenging sport of all hunting sports
- only legal method of hunting turkey in the fall
- same as any other form of physical activity
- sport of shooting an arrow at a certain target
- sport, practice or skill of using a bow to propel arrows
* is unique because it requires very little motor skills
- in that it combines sport and handicraft
* learn how to safely use a bow and arrow.
* mind game.
* national sport and all men participate.
* non dress out class
- dress-out class
* offers different things to different people.
* practice that symbolizes concentration.
* requires a vast amount of both physical and mental strength
- coordination and physical and mental skill
- for all ages in which everyone can participate
* sport that can be enjoyed by the whole family
- involve the whole family
- has been gaining velocity over the years
Competitive sport
* are a major pastime of society.
* can help develop attitudes of aggression and aggression is essential in war.
* particularly important setting in which social learning takes place.
Contact sport
* are inadvisable, since trauma can cause bleeding in the cysts
* can pose unnecessary dangers for smaller kids.
* have inherent dangers that put young athletes at special risk for severe injuries. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | diversion | sport:
* IS one of the most intense, exciting sports of all time.
* actually has similar risks to traveling by automobile.
* allows for a sense of adventure and excitement
- more adventure and creativity than driving
* are fun
* builds knee muscles and can produce a feeling of exhilaration
- provide a feeling of exhilaration
* can also generate a sense of liberation and pride.
* can be an aerobic exercise
- inherantly dangerous sport
- fun, since it generally never rains all day long
* can help by strengthening opposing leg muscles thereby avoiding injury
- to reclaim communities
- literally bridges the world
* causes little noise pollution compared to motoring.
* creates no pollution, improves health, and bicycles are easy and cheap to maintain.
* currently includes being able to comfortably go an hour and a half or so.
* decreases blood pressure, which helps reduce hypertension.
* encourages an awareness of good health and an appreciation of the outdoors and nature.
* fast-paced and growing sport.
* fun way to get fresh air, see sights and exercise.
* game of situations and positions.
* generally occurs between late morning and early evening.
* good chance for kids to get out there and do something on their own or with friends
- nonweightbearing activity during pregnancy
* great form of exercise.
* great way to get fit and stay fit - for recreational or competitive athletes
- start the day, benefitting individual health and our environment
* growing leisure activity.
* has an increasingly important role in transport in Canberra
- as much importance for our global environment as for our local environment
- much to do with personal empowerment
* healthy form of exercise.
* helps develop the quadriceps while putting minimal strain on ankles and knees.
* includes mountain biking.
* is Belgium's national sport
- achieved in paraplegic persons by electrical stimulation of the paralysed muscles
- adaptable to a variety of fitness levels
* is also an Olympic racing sport with track and cross-country events
- one of the best forms of cardiovascular exercise
* is an activated ability
- activity that many children enjoy, particularly at primary school age
- exercise in geography - natural, social, cultural, political
- ideal form of exercise
- increasingly popular way of touring the country
- opportunity to know a different world
- outdoor activity that promotes physical fitness
- considerably more invigorating than sitting in a car
- different from running or triathlons in that there's no one person that is the best
- fun, healthy, and for all ages - and even all weather
- green, healthy exercise, usually quicker for city trips, fun and very cheap
- more than a sport
- much more than physical exercise
- on flat to gently rolling country roads
* is one of the best exercises for building the cardiovascular system
- for the cardiovascular system
- forms of exercise
- most dangerous Olympic sports
- permitted only on roads
- popular in the flat north and many roads have separate lanes for bikes
- possible almost everywhere
- ranked among the top three exercises for improving cardiovascular fitness
- seen as environmentally more attractive, and part of the solution to transport problems
- the best way to experience a new country and culture
* is the most common mode of children's transport and the use of bicycles increases with age
- local transport
- controlled sport
- popular way of going to classes
- option chosen by people wanting to travel at a more sedate pace
- quintissential European game
- term used to describe the period during which the aquarium matures
- third most popular recreational activity in the United States
- totally free of emissions and is known as the most energy efficient means of transport
- very popular in Denmark because the ground is so flat
* is, after all, a sport for everyone
- unfortunately, an expensive sport
* keeps the body fit and the mind and reflexes sharp.
* major social phenomenon.
* mode of exercise.
* pattern of intermittent use of the supplement, with periodic breaks or rest periods.
* physical and mentally challenging activity that requires work.
* popular holiday recreation, particularly in the south
- sport in Hawaii by both the population and tourists
* power sport.
* prevents pollution and congestion on the roads.
* produces no greenhouse gases.
* quick and efficient means of transport, especially for short trips.
* refers to the strategy of intermittent utilization of hormone therapies.
* relatively easy sport.
* requires a certain amount of aerobic capacity.
* risk sport.
* saves money in the form of parking fees, gasoline, and car maintainence.
* slows the pace of travel and expands the senses.
* social sport and group rides are a tradition.
* takes a certain discipline to try and race and do well
- energy, so eat, drink, and be merry
* team sport where success depends on the collective strengths of each cyclist.
* tends to occur most often in the spring and summer in outdoor cats.
* way of life for people in the Netherlands.
+ Denmark, Transport: European Union member states :: Nordic countries :: Current monarchies | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | diversion | sport | cycling:
Biogeochemical cycling
* is the cycling of essential elements by microbes.
* refers to recycling of nutrients in nature.<|endoftext|>### activity | diversion | sport | cycling:
Nutrient cycling
* Most nutrient cycling occurs through litterfall.
* is increased by composting and returning crop residues and manures to soils
- returning manures to soils
- through the multi-strata agroforestry structure of the homegardens
- rapid
- the process where nutrients get used again and again by living organisms
- therefore rapid, but the amounts are small
* major bridgehead between vegetation dynamics and soil processes.
* plays a key role in most of the problems currently pursued by grassland ecologists.
Temperature cycling
* critical part of breeding most reptiles.
* has some affect on the light yeild.
Water cycling
* is extremely important to ecosystem dynamics.
* offers freedom, exercise and relaxation.
Weight cycling
* common problem for chronic dieters.
* is at least as harmful as remaining overweight
- intentional weight loss followed by unintentional weight gain
- the repeated loss and regain of body weight
Different sport
* cause different types of injuries.
* have different balls which react with different amounts of energy.
### activity | diversion | sport | equitation:
Equestrian sport
* are riding
- sports
* is equitation
### activity | diversion | sport | equitation | equestrian sport:
* assists the rider in improving coordination, seat and natural feel for the horse.
* involves precision in gait, balance, and collection.
* is an equestrian sport
- like ballet on horses
- sport that is attracting many new enthusiasts each year
- sports
* tests the submission of the horse to the rider, flexibility, precision and control.
Extreme sport
* are an affirmation of individual freedom and power
- for the gnarliest of athletes
- popular among all ages
* can often lead to extreme injuries.
* have no beginning and no end.
Few sport
* allow athletes to relate so freely with nature as cross country.
* are as physically demanding to the entire body as rowing.
* can be as physically and mentally demanding as competition aerobatics.
* demonstrate the potential of the human body as well as the sport of triathlon.
* have a heritage as rich as thoroughbred racing.
* require the combination of twisting running cutting and jumping involved in basketball.<|endoftext|>### activity | diversion | sport:
Horseback riding
* are fun
- recreational activities
- romantics
* can be dangerous and all riders participate at their own risk
- improve balance, coordination, posture, strength and endurance
* has physical, emotional and social benefits for people with disabilities.
* helps improve balance, coordination, posture and muscle tone.
* is considered a rugged adventure sport
- an extreme sport
- dangerous in hiking boots or tennis shoes
- horseback riding
- part of the traditional Costa Rican way of life
- year round with hayrack rides in the fall and winter
* requires, and thus promotes the development of, patience and self-control.<|endoftext|>### activity | diversion | sport:
Intramural sport
* All Intramural sports are non-contact in nature.
* are a fun and informal option for exercise and relaxation
- great way to meet people and stay in shape
- one of the many times a dorm comes together as a whole
- popular
- still very popular on college campuses today
* consist of a number of competitions as well as open gym activities.
* is broken up into different levels and divisions.
* offer a wide range of physical activities that appeal to all levels of skill.
* offers everyone an opportunity to play for fun and exercise.
* play an important role in the development of student life.
* provide team play within grade levels.
* range from bowling to vollyball
- flag football and basketball to volleyball
- softball and ultimate frisbee to soccer and ice hockey | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | diversion | sport:
* are judos
- martial art
* is martial art
Modern sport
* Many modern sports are outgrowths of daily tasks.
* are much more organized and intitutionalized when compared to pre-modern sports.
* climbing often involves taking numerous short falls before achieving success.
Organized sport
* are a great way for kids to learn about teamwork and self-discipline
- year round activity for novice and experienced players
- games with many lessons in courage, stamina and teamwork
* teach teamwork and social skills as well as exercise.
Outdoor sport
* Most outdoor sports have equipment provided for, excluding appropriate clothing wear for that sport.
* are sports.
* is the science to raise spirits.
* way of life.
Play sport
* are motivated by the goal of athletes
- competition
- exercises
- jocks
- wins
* end with rests
- showers
* start with practice
- stretchs<|endoftext|>### activity | diversion | sport:
Playing sport
* drink water.
* are used for athletes
- bonding
- enjoyment
- entertainment
- fitnesses
- friendships
- fun
- health
- money
- personal satisfaction
- physical fitnesses
- recreation
- social activities
- winnings
* can help girls feel like they belong to something
- teach girls to set goals, learn perseverance and discipline
* cause anger
- contusion
- exhaustion
- good health
- injuries
- knee injuries
- pain
- rain
- serious injuries
- stardoms
- sweating
Popular sport
* Most popular sports are basketball, aerobics, swimming and squash.
* include surf.
* involve direct, violent contact between participants.
Pro sport
* Some pro sports can be extremely violent.
* are a very small slice of the total entertainment-leisure market
- entertainment businesses like the movie companies or record stores
* helps amateur athletics.
* is all about bodies
- what generates money
* wear personalized hockey jerseys Read the hockey game.
Professional basketball
* has a strong appeal among non-whites, especially blacks.
* is basketball
- called a dog s life<|endoftext|>### activity | diversion | sport:
Professional sport
* are a major part of the entertainment scene
- workplace
- also a way of life in Cincinnati
- important to individual athletes, families and communities
- live-action roleplaying games
- private businesses
* have drastically different and smaller lists that vary widely by sport.
* is dominated by medicine and the mechanistic model.
+ Boston, Boston today
* Professional sports are an important part of life in Boston. The Celtics, a basketball team, and the Bruins, a hockey team, both play at the TD Garden. Boston's football team, the New England Patriots, play in Foxborough, a town 22 miles south of the city.<|endoftext|>### activity | diversion | sport:
Professional wrestling
* are sports
- wrestling
* has a headlock on America's youth.
* is also subliminally erotic
- an American entertainment art form
- done as a show, like a play
- the ultimate distortion and caricature of our society
- very popular
- wildly popular. * done as a show, like a play. Many wrestlers will wrestle in many fights, called matches. They wrestle inside a 'wrestling ring', which place with ropes around it. The best wrestlers can win belts, called 'championship titles', to show that they are the best
* linear business.
* place where the line between fantasy and reality is often blurred. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | diversion | sport:
* also improves posture, balance, and coordination.
* are configurations
- transport
- travel
* can be an alternative to muscular therapy or exercise equipment
- have a protective value to teenage girls
* helps youth grow physically and psychologically.
* is an athletic discipline and is such is more easily learned by the young
- body memory
- exercise and exercise requires rehydration
* new way of expressing the classical principles of riding.
* process of discovery, self discovery.
* small part in owning a horse.
* sport that engages both body and brain
- is best enjoyed by riding with others
* stimulates the tactile senses both through touch and environmental stimuli.
* subdivision of a county.
### activity | diversion | sport | riding:
Bicycle riding
* is also a great form of resistance training for runners
- an important part of transportation, particularly to work and to school
- permitted only on paved vehicular roads or bike paths in parks
* safe, fun family activity.
Bike riding
* can irrevocably impair blood flow in men and nerve endings in women.
* great form of exercise for people young and old.
* is meant to be a fun and healthy form of travel
- one of the best ways to keep in shape
- similar to jazz on many levels
* skill that everyone has to learn by making mistakes and falling off.
Therapeutic riding
* is an activity that can benefit riders with various disabilities
- adventure for challenged individuals
- horseback riding for the disabled
- practiced all over the world
* offers various benefits to adults with mental or physical disabilities.
School sport
* can teach children about the importance of physical exercise and hard work.
* promote the notion that a winning attitude is more important than winning trophies.<|endoftext|>### activity | diversion | sport:
Sport fishing
* are fishing
- recreational activities
- water sports
* can be competitive or noncompetitive.
* great way to relax and interact with nature.
* is especially popular off the Pacific coast and in the Gulf of California
- extremely popular in Hawaii
- permitted in a national park but is restricted to designated areas
- popular throughout the islands
- popular, along with scuba diving and snorkeling
- regulated by the State of Alaska
* occurs year-round but at different levels of intensity.
* plays a vital role in resource management.
Sport hunting
* includes moose, bear, rabbit, grouse, ptarmigan and fur animals.
* takes the place of natural predators.
Sports marketing
* growing trend on the Web.
* is among the most challenging and dynamic specializations in the sports industry.
* multidimensional field of study encompassing a wide variety of activities.<|endoftext|>### activity | diversion | sport:
Team sport
* are an ideal way for children to learn cooperation
- appropriate representations of society as a whole
- very popular, such as cricket, rugby and soccer
* can also make a big organization seem a little smaller
- combat the downward spiral of an increasing population of inactive kids
- help teach interdependence
* can teach a child how to listen and respect a coach's authority, parents say
- kids social skills and ways to interact with one another
* combine their social tendencies with exercise.
* play such an important role in the lives of children.
* require a group of people who share common free time.
* teach teamwork, while individual sports develop self-reliance.
* are exercising.
* can help whip brittle shells into shape.
* helps to remove empty cells and leaf litter, thus reducing volume.
* simple process where the rough material is put in a revolving barrel with abrasives. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | diversion | sport:
Water sport
* Many water sports are popular like, surfing, scuba diving and deep-sea fishing.
* abound including parasailing, jet skiing, water skiing and diving.
* are a great form of exercise, and coordination development
- way of life in Acapulco
* are also prevalent
- very common in Kuwait
- especially dangerous in stormy weather
- extremely popular on lakes in all parts of the state
- very popular, including swimming, surfing, scuba diving, fishing, and sailing
* have many inherent dangers simply due to the fact that they're on water.
* include surf.
* turn to ice sports with the change of season. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | diversion | sport | water sport:
* allows their muscles to contract which in turn circulates their blood.
* also adds a sensory awareness around oneself
- builds strength, coordination, stamina as well as confidence
- happens to be a very healthy activity
- helps sea sickness to disappear quickly
- relieves pressure on the nerve
- requires balance and quickness in some cases
- works muscles throughout the body
* are capable of sports
- located in parties
- outdoor activities
* are used for aerobic exercises
- competition
- enjoyment
- fun
- pleasure
- recreation
- relaxation
* builds endurance, muscle strength, and cardiovascular fitness
- muscle and improves cardiovascular condition
* can be effective in easing chronic ailments such as diabetes, heart disease and arthritis
- lead to skin problems and ear infections
- sometimes reduce the discomfort of swollen ankles and feet
* cause cramp
- earaches
- floatings
- muscle cramp
- propulsion
- red eyes
- waves
* causes heat loss and can reduce survival time by half.
* changes the body appearance as it increases muscle tissue and decreases body fat.
* comes very easily to a Reindeer.
* common prescription for asthma.
* complicated set of actions that relies on the coordinated effort of a lot of muscles.
* creates muscle tone, helps suppleness and promotes proper breathing.
* cross section of lifetime experiences.
* develops high quality aerobic endurance , the most important key to physical fitness.
* enables one to build muscular strength and endurance while improving flexibility.
* enhances natural flexibility by exercising all major joints through a full range of motion.
* exercises all of the body's muscles in a non-weight bearing way.
* favorite way to escape the summer heat.
* fervor of form.
* frequently causes chlorine and or bromine induced irritation.
* good all round exercise for training and exercises most muscles in the body
- sport for patients with spondylitis as it moves the shoulders and hips
* great form of exercise at any age
- during the summer
- low impact activity for improving fitness and relieving stress
* great way to develop elongated muscles
- strengthen the abdominal muscles and leg muscles
* has origins in physiotherapy and rehabilitation.
- workout that can be done for a lifetime
* helps kids become better athletes
- maintain physical fitness since it involves most of the body's muscles
* increases the lungs' oxygen intake capability and makes one's muscles feel refreshed
- risk for sinusitis for other reasons, as well
* is accomplished by skulling the oar-like fifth pair of legs, the swimming legs
- all about efficiency in the water
* is also a good form of exercise
- upper body and overall muscle developer for young bodies
- an excellent activity for obese dogs since it places less stress on joints
* is an activity that can be both useful and recreational
- endurance sport
- event in which competitors swim in lanes over a specified distance
- example of behavior
* is an excellent form of exercise for children with asthma
- for people with asthma
- sport for people with asthma
- exercise people can use for all their lives
* is an individual or team sport and activity
- inexpensive sport
- inherently dangerous activity that can result in serious injury or death
- instinct for tadpoles
- intramural activity
- outstanding sport for increasing overall fitness and body strength
- another popular sport that is great for people and dogs
- beneficial for many injured, crippled and older dogs
- best because very moist air is inhaled, thereby slowing down the cooling of the airway
- best, because the water cools the body while the person is exercising
- both an individual and a team sport
* is by a rotating movement
- rapidly expelling water from the mantle cavity
- communal bathing
- different from the other sports
- especially good for people with arthritis
- essential for buoyancy
- far common among animals than is flying
- forbidden when the water is contaminated
- hazardous, with cold water, strong currents, riptides and hidden rocks
- important for much more than the promotion of sufficient water flow through the gills
- kind of a lifetime sport
- known to be a particularly good exercise for people with asthma
- like a ball and chain tied to the ankle of the sport of diving
* is more beneficial to developing stronger bones than running or walking
- technical than many other sports
- much more than just Olympics
- now an intercollegiate athletic sport
* is one of the best aerobic activities for burning calories and getting physically fit
- forms of exercise for fibromyalgia
- sports for people with hemophilia
- tolerated sports
- few fitness activities that is aerobically intense without being high impact
* is one of the few sports that a person can compete in their entire life
- that is both individual and team cooperative
* is one of the most beneficial sports
- demanding sports
- useful ways of getting into shape for surfing
- mostwholesome and family oriented sports in the country
- oldest activities known to man
- very few aerobic exercises which can improve myofacial pain
* is one sport that most asthmatic patients can enjoy with minimal asthmatic symptoms
- where the majority of competitors practice some form of resistance training
- way of exercising
- only a small part of diving
* is particularly effective in improving range of motion and in reducing muscle stiffness
- helpful for stretching and cardiovascular fitness
- perfect for conditioning dogs who are active in performance events
- popular because it is fun
* is popular in Iceland year round
- recommended because it helps strengthen joints and muscles without undue stress
- taught in all public pools, to persons of all ages
- the ability to propel one's body through the water
* is the best exercise for anyone who has had lymph node dissection
- overall form of aerobic exercise
- best- tolerated exercise for asthmatics
* is the most injury free of all youth sports
- injury-free of all children's sports
- national governing body for competitive swimming in the United States
- penguin's version of flight
- physical motion by which a fish achieves motility
- preferred form of exercise
- second most popular exercise in the United States
- third most popular sport on televison in Brazil, behind football and volleyball
- unlike sports such as football and baseball
- unsafe because saltwater crocodiles live in the rivers, streams and billabongs
- very popular because it is good exercise
- way of life that helps young people become physically fit and mentally alert
* lowers blood pressure in hypertensive individuals.
* means healthful exercise and is the ideal way to stay in shape
- to chase down and capture prey
* national sport especially long distance swimming.
* natural activity for both fun and cooling off.
* non-profit organization made up of very dedicated volunteers.
* normally sport where everyone swims for themselves.
* occurs by the clapping of valves for water intake.
* part of P.E. during warm weather months.
* particularly good cross-training sport for the upper body
- form of exercise in people with chronic lower back problems
* problem in contaminated water.
* produces the best-looking, healthiest bodies in the world.
* provides one of the best and most effective ways to stabilize the spine
- rhythm, controlled breathing, and water buoyancy
* recommended sport during pregnancy.
* remains a very popular, healthy leisure pastime thanks in part to the benefits of chlorine.
* requires being able to move
- hard work, discipline, and commitment from both parent and child
- more thought and focus than many of the common sports others play
- muscle movement which stresses the bones and promotes growth
* rewarding event that is self gratifying.
* rugged sport.
* sport of determination and endurance
- that rewards years and years of hard work
* strengthens the body in the same way running does.
* successful means of losing weight.
* teaches mental and physical discipline and is an excellent way to stay fit.
* unique sport and Kids stick with swimming for lots of different reasons.
* usually is well suited to children with attention deficit disorder.
* For living creatures, a 'swim' or 'swimming' way of moving in water. Swimming is an activity that can be both useful and recreational. Its primary uses are bathing, cooling, fishing, recreation, exercise, and sport.
* very competitive sport
- popular sport and it is also an Olympic sport
* winter sport.
* works more muscle groups at once than any other sport
- most of the main muscle groups needed for surfing and it builds up that stamina
* works the calves along with the rest of the legs muscles
- upper body and improves flexibility | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | diversion | sport | water sport | swimming:
Competitive swimming
* develops pride and self esteem.
* is one of the best amateur sports for our youth.<|endoftext|>### activity | diversion | sport:
Winter sport
* are floor hockey, alpine and nordic skiing and figure and speed skating
- part of our culture
- popular activities with many people in South Dakota
+ Sport in the Czech Republic, Individual sports
* Shooting is the third most popular sport in the Czech Republic. Winter sports are also very popular. The country has hosted world championship tournaments for Nordic skiing, ski jumping, and luge. Several Czech competitors have won medals in these kinds of sports internationally, including at the Winter Olympics.
+ Ticino, Economy
* Because of the tourist trade there are a number of small railways in scenic areas in the mountains. Winter sports is important, despite being less developed.
Youth sport
* All youth sports involve some level of risk and have the possibility of injury.
* are about having fun, making friendships, and learning the game
- learning fundamentals, teamwork, sportsmanship and eating candy
- increasingly about winning, at all costs
* depends upon the time and energy of involved parents.
* is an area that fosters the personal growth of young players
- compared to other forms of sport
* Duties are performed by employees
- grooms
- social control
- taxes on the sale of luxury goods
- taxs
* Duties imposed by law are tort obligations
- social traditions differ from one place to another
* Duties include coordinate schedules
- effects
- measurements
- rules
- tasks
- involve effort
* becomes dharma when it shines with the virtues that make up the facets of dharma.
* is social control
### activity | duty:
Additional duty
* Additional duties include measurements.
* duty equal to the excise duty, levied on a like article, if produced in India.
* are distribution
- duties
- legal documents
* are located in desks
- work
* help students.
* include explanations.
* is the operation that replaces the current value of a variable by a new value
- permanent transfer of intellectual property rights to another party
- process of associating a value with a data item
* present problems.
### activity | duty | assignment:
* are located in backpacks.
* is an assignment
* are often a bone of contention between older children and parents
- part of the responsibility of living in a community
- small cleaning tasks that won t take more than a few minutes to complete
* can also help children improve their physical coordination and learn responsibility
- be something that makes a youngster feel that they are an important member of the family
* teach children responsibility, no matter the age.
Excise duty
* is an important source of revenue for the state budget in the capitalist countries
- charged on cigarettes, tobacco and liquor
- levied on the sale price of the goods at the place of clearance
- payable on manufactured products
* levy paid by the manufacturer on items manufactured within the country.
Moral duty
* Moral duties establish the minimal standards of ethical conduct
- oblige individuals to be honest, fair, and accountable
* is fulfilled in the gratification of pleasure-seeking instincts. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | duty:
* are a critical aspect of communication, even in politics
- dos
- identities children assume in play
* are located in films
- marriages
- movies
- stage play
- predicates
- social cues that indicate a participant's responsibilities
* are used for acts
- playing
- purposes
* change over time.
* contribute to outcomes.
* deliver mix results
* depend on stimuli.
* have great importance
* include combat
- development
- functions
* increase chances.
* involve development
- movement
* is an abstract class representing a generic role object
- the behavioral definition required by persons occupying certain statuses
- used to refer to the behavior pattern which is associated with a particular status
* lead to pressure.
* play to communicate messages using body language.
* playing encourages active participation in confronting a situation
- involves many of the research skills used in debating
- with toy vehicles and dolls allows children to express themselves
* plays help participants experience the feelings that accompany interpersonal interactions
- people come up with creative ideas for solving problems
* related behaviour is seen as the changeable aspect of personality.
* require actions
- actors
- approaches
- flexible approaches
- managers
- qualifications
* sushi has vegetables, eggs, and seaweed.<|endoftext|>### activity | duty | role:
Breeches role
* are usually female singers acting the role of a young man
- role of a young man. * role of a young man. They are normally sung by mezzo-sopranos or contraltos with light voices because they can often sound boyish. In the 17th and 18th centuries it was normal to have actors and actresses who cross-dressed. It was the time when castrato singers were popular. As they gradually stopped the horrible practice of castrating young boys in the late 18th century these male characters started to be sung by mezzo-sopranos instead<|endoftext|>### activity | duty | role:
Gender role
* are attitudes and activities that a society links to each sex
- dependent on the culture and history of the society that they are part of
- important issues for children to observe
- non-traditional and families are varied
- roles
- something deeply embedded in each of our lives
- still a part of family life
* arise from the socially assigned differences between women and men.
* begin at birth and span a lifetime.
* differ across different ethnic groups and across socioeconomic status.
* exert strong influences on romantic and sexual relationships.
* exist in all spheres of society starting with the division of labour in the family.
* is the objective, public presentation in our culture as masculine or feminine
- outward expression of gender identity
- public face of personal gender identity
- variable, valuable and dependant on the cultural values of a society
* play a significant part in all families.
* refer to what behaviors are assigned to various groups within a society.
* are dependent on the culture and history of the society that they are part of. While most cultures express two genders, some express more. Androgyny, for example, has been proposed as a third gender. Third and Fourth Genders in Native North America'. Beyond Sexual Dimorphism in Culture and History, edited by Gilbert Herdt, 111-36. Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation.
### activity | duty | role | heavy:
Heavy dos
* act quickly to quell whooping cough and croup.
* can also lead to nausea and vomiting
- cause respiratory depression, circulatory collapse, cardiac arrest and death
Heavy smoking
* can cause lower milk production
- make it harder to taste foods and discriminate among smells
* causes cancer.
Heavy trap
* break corals and damage the bottom when the traps are pulled.
* end up on top of fragile hard and soft corals. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | duty | role:
Social role
* All social roles have an associated social identity in the self system.
* emerge from our subconscious.
Stamp duty
* has the effect of discouraging speculative purchases of assets by decreasing liquidity.
* is an outdated transaction tax that has no place in a modern interconnected economy
- payable on hiring arrangements by the owner of the goods hired<|endoftext|>### activity:
* also exhibits many characteristics of generalized control mechanisms
- gives organisms energy to undergo respiration
- goes along the same lines as drinking
* are consumption.
* are social activities
- events
* are used for digestion
- hunger
- life
- nourishment
* bears a simple and direct relation to survival.
* can also lessen the effects resulting from drinking on an empty stomach.
* can be a social and sociological experience
- both a great pleasure and a way to promote optimal health
- cause the severity of the pain to increase
- help lose weight
* cause bloatings
- death
- dyspepsias
- gases
- indigestions
- nausea
- obesity
- satisfaction
- shitting
* energizes the body by producing heat and burning calories.
* happens into hunger.
* has to do with eternal life still today.
* increases the blood flow to the stomach and interferes with the pictures of the heart.
* is an activity
* is both a personal and political act
- social ritual and a form of entertainment
- considered a matter of worship
- different from tasting
- less efficient because of incomplete absorption from the intestine
- no longer simply for nourishment, any more than sex is for reproduction
- nourishment, and it can be entertainment
- seen as the battleground between the physical and the spiritual
- separated into normal eating and eating soft stuff
* is the gerund used as the subject of the verb is
- granddaddy of all appetites
- result or consequence of faith
- tied to our emotions in complex ways
- usually a pleasurable part of our daily lives
* makes the gallbladder shrink and makes it harder to see small gallstones.
* occurs underwater.
* raises body temperature to burn more calories.
* slows alcohol's effects
- the rate of drinking and reduces the chances of people becoming intoxicated
* utensils embody a number of technologies.
### activity | eating:
Compulsive eating
* can cause a lowered metabolic rate, high blood pressure, and adult onset diabetes.
* compulsion to eat despite lack of hunger.
* is an addiction related to food that takes many forms
- incurable and serious
* makes everything fly apart.
* way to cope just like anorexia and bulimia are.
Disordered eating
* All disordered eating is dangerous and at the very least disruptive to an individuals life.
* can also cause premature bone loss or osteoporosis
- develop into an eating disorder
- lead to an eating disorder
* encompasses a range of poor nutritional behaviors.
Dysfunctional eating
* can affect the body and the mind in very real ways.
* encompasses consistent overeating and consistent undereating.
* is equally prevalent in females and males.
Emotional eating
* involves using food to reduce the effect of unpleasant feelings.
* is complex and often inappropriately treated with severe diet regimes.
Excessive eating
* does violence to the body.
* is to the body of man like deadly poison and can be the root of all diseases.
Good eating
* can become a habit.
* is also a favorite form of shared experience.
* is, after all, good eating.
Healthful eating
* comes from choosing a variety of foods in moderation.
* offers more long-term success than crash dieting.
* requires that food be safe.
Normal eating
* enhances our feelings of well being
- well-being
* is controlled by recursive loops with cycles of hunger and satiety
- regualted by internal signals of hunger, appetite, and satiety
* means eating regularly most of the time. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | eating:
Proper eating
* is essential to good health.
* plays a role in bone development and retention.
Vegetarian eating
* can be very healthy.
* ensures good health fitness and glowing skin.
* exists for as long as a hundred generations.<|endoftext|>### activity:
Economic activity
* All economic activity depends on the survival of healthy, natural ecosystems
- takes place within cultures
* Economic activities are created by stimuluses
- depend upon capital, resources, power supplies, labor, information, and land
* Economic activities require energy resources
* denotes activity which has an effect upon wildlife.
* is an aspect of the public mood
- linked to trade and commerce
- the most easily understood and quantified key factor in traffic flow
* matter of survival.
* occurs in cycles or periods of strong growth followed by decreases in growth.
* operates on a worldwide scale.
* part of the everyday lives of all people.
* remains mainly in the hands of powerful elites and clans.
* tends to occur in family groups, rather than business firms. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity:
* All education is essentially religious because it aims at the transformation of human beings
- process of discerning truth from un-truth
* Begins Before Birth.
* Lists the schools attended, degrees attained, and area of study.
* More education has a strong relational impact on wages, benefits and job retention
- tends to reflect greater socioeconomic success for individuals and for the state
* Most education teaches children.
* Provides school-aged children with safe places to learn and grow.
* Some education contributes to health
- whole body health
* abroad special form of distance learning.
* accounts for the highest proportion of social services spending in the country.
* affects both community involvement and personal health
- literacy, understanding of personal health and susceptibility to financial abuse
* aim to develop full personality and respect human rights , tolerance and peace.
* aims at the person who makes the value of the individual important.
* also affects brain development
- voter turnout
- concerns the building of character
- contributes to the post-crisis rebuilding and recovery of a society
- embodies a world view and values
* also has a bearing on social peace and tranquility
- an important connection with the development of reason
- to do with the social circumstances in which drugs are used
- improves the quality of life, both for the individual and the society
- influences nutritional behavior
- leads to postponing childbirth, and having fewer and healthier children
* also means being aware that there problem
- teaching to the ways of thinking
* also plays a role in enhancing health and quality of life
- the number of seniors owning computers
- vital role in healing children traumatized by armed conflict
- an important role in the conservation of the lemur
* appears to help women gain some control over their work schedules.
* basic tool for self- defence in modern society
- self-defence in modern society
* begins at an early age.
* begins at birth and continues throughout all of life
- home when parents and children do simple things together
- before a child is born
- early for T-cells, while the fetus is still developing, and is complete by puberty
* begins in the mother's womb and is as unending as the life of the individual
- womb and ends in the womb
- when the learner works to gain knowledge for oneself
* breaker of forms and habits.
* builds the capacity that enables a free society to exist.
* can be a great force in reducing inequality through greater social mobility
- route out of poverty in any society
- an impetus for social change
- the single greatest common denominator for all minorities
- cause people to feel disempowered if they feel helpless in a learning situation
- come in many forms
* can help improve people's understanding, and impact how they treat our resources
- make sure that communities don t stagnate as technology advances
- organize responses to children in crisis and bring normalcy to disrupted lives
- influence change to achieve progress
* can play a key role in creating a better world
- protecting consumers from such illnesses
- teach children what is right and what is wrong
- work to maximize the earnings potential of all people
* career for optimists.
* central aspect of family and community life
- component to helping younger generations maintain the traditional ways
- tool in eliminating gender discrimination
* change in knowledge.
* changes a person s outlook on life
- people and changes lives
* collaborative effort between the community, parent, student, and school
- process involving the student, the home, the community and the school
* combination of public and private institutions.
* combined with experience also affects wage rates.
* comes from the Latin word educare, which means to draw forth from within.
* comes in many forms
- the form of services that focus on healthier living
* consists of both state and private institutions
* continual learning process
- process of personal development
* continues throughout a person's lifetime.
* continuos life-long process that stimulates learning and individual growth.
* continuous process that stimulates personal and professional growth
- throughout one's life
* continuum that has an end which no one ever reaches.
* contributes to economic development
- the quality and viability of our families and communities
* conversation among powerful people about powerful ideas
- in which students are partners with faculty
* cooperative, collaborative activity where process is as important as product.
* counts in the United States.
* covers topics.
* critical component in the development of race pride
- element for any country's adoption of technology
- factor in how productive immigrants become as taxpaying adults
- institution in effecting change in our society
- part of the infrastructure for the knowledge economy
- variable accounting in important ways for adult socioeconomic status
- vehicle by which individuals can escape the trap of poverty
* current topic on several levels of government.
* deals with the whole person by developing strengths, talents, and individual differences.
* debt due from the present to future generations
- that each generation owes the next
* decreases fear.
* deliberate attempt to change people.
* demographic variable which positively correlated with likelihood to donate organs.
* determines both individual and community wealth.
* determines the character of human beings
- quality of an individual's life
* dialog between student and teacher.
* dialogical process within a learning community.
* does little to mitigate the differences in levels of knowledge between women and men.
* drives economic growth.
* dynamic process requiring dynamic thinking, action and innovation.
* enhances all forms of communication.
* exists within a living environment.
* factor in lower fertility rates and increased capacity for self-employment.
* form of human capital.
* forms the basis of every democratic society.
* foundation for individual freedom, responsibility, justice, and democracy.
* fulfiller that turns a dream to reality.
* fundamental means to help individuals reach their full potential.
* gives individuals a sense of accomplishments, fosters hope, and breaks down stereotypes
- people the chance to support themselves and their families
* goal directed lifelong process that promotes growth.
* good indicator of social well being in a region.
* gradual process of learning one step at a time.
* greatly affects young people's chances of being unemployed.
* growth industry.
* happens when ideas are shared and when they transform into other ideas.
* has a big influence on how much people earn
- clear direct impact on the economic development of a country
- great impact on an individual's earning potential
- long history in Judaism
- number of roles related to the economy
- particular role to play in building a more united and peaceful world
- an essential role in creating a society free of substance abuse
* has an important role in alerting people to the danger of noise
- building a knowledgeable membership and workplace leadership
- no significant effect on productivity in crop and livestock production
- special benefits for girls, both when they are young and in their adult lives
- to do with minds
- two primary functions literacy and enculturation
* helps create more stable and democratic societies
- individuals discover their identities
* helps people learn about how to better take care of their health
- move more smoothly through the aging process
* helps people to change at different points in their business and personal lives
- see the world differently
- skills
- to fight ignorance by opening the eyes of the individual to the surrounding world
* holds a central position in the creation, development, and nurturing of a society.
* human activity.
* human right and an essential tool for achieving equality, development, and peace
- with immense power to transform
* hybrid, drawing on a range of disciplines such as psychology and sociology.
* implies a focus on the whole person as opposed to a narrow range of skills or abilities.
* improves skills
* includes a variety of forms of participation and expression
- homework
- instruction
- prep
- the total living environment
* increases earning potential and can increase social mobility
- effectiveness
- state and national wealth
- the ability to see relationships among ideas and experiences
* influences the religious values of our people.
* involves a partnership among educators, parents, students and the community
- both learning and teaching
- developing a passion and skill for acquiring new knowledge
* involves the direction and control of experience
- teaching of all, especially younger generations
- whole child - mind, body, heart, and spirit
- training people from childhood to 'like and dislike the proper things'
* involves, in part, the transmission of the culture of a society.
* is about acquiring knowledge and skill
- children and giving the children the opportunity to succeed
- everyone taking a role in the process, parents, schools and community
- teachers, students and parents
* is about the exploration and expression of ideas
- liberation of the human spirit
- profound encounter of human beings connecting with human beings
* is about transferring knowledge, skills and experiences from one human being to another
- experiences from one human-being to another
- acquired in a lifetime, and learning life skill
- actually the limiting of information
- aimed at the general public, and in particular teachers and schools
- all about helping people fulfill their potential, for themselves and for others
* is also a form of advocacy
- part of their religion
- product of tradition
* is also about knowing truth, beauty, and goodness
- learning about life and acquiring life skills
* is also an important export for our country's economy
- sector of the city 's economy
- closely related to population
- important in realizing one's full potential
- related to the proportion of news obtained from television
- relevant to the protection of children
* is also the key to a successful economy and a harmonious society
* is an act of faith, of belief in the future
- alliance of parents, community, students and the school district
* is an area where multimedia has a very clear comparative advantage
- the impact of internal displacement upon children is particularly severe
* is an art form
- that incorporates science
- atmosphere, a discipline, a life
- atomistic process, conforming to the atomic hypothesis
* is an essential element of the struggle to bring about change
- part of the ongoing work of making and maintaining a democratic society
- tool for achieving the goals of equality, development and peace
- evolutionary process
- evolving process resulting in an increased ability to think, to reason and to judge
- example of the other factors that affect wealth
* is an important aspect of preventing the sexual abuse of children and adults
- component in the economic vitality of any region
* is an important component of life for children in the community
- pollution prevention
- determinant of occupation, which key aspect of social class
- element in preventing heart disease
* is an important factor in attracting good jobs
- cultural attitudes to new technologies
- the management of our ecosystem
- instrument for the development of human persons and societies
- weapon for combating racism
- increasingly important component of international trade
- indispensable tool for the improvement of the quality of life
- individual responsibility
- individualized, life-long process
- infrastructure at least as basic as a nation s roads, electricity and telecom
- integral part of social and economic development in all corners of the world
- investment in the community and it's citizens
* is an investment in the future of individuals and of societies
- of our children and our nation
- of our respective countries and of the region
* is an investment that normally pays dividends over a lifetime
- which yields a higher profit than any other
- issue that resonates with all stakeholders in all countries of the world
* is an ongoing process in which both individual and group settings are used
- process, meant to continue into all stages of life
- opportunity, a privilege which comes with advanced and affluent societies
- ornament in prosperity and a refuge in adversity
* is another important component of mental health
- factor in reducing the maternal mortality rate
- variable when measuring health
- issue that dramatically affects young people
- powerful factor in determining health over a person's entire life span
- anything anyone learns
- as important as food and clothing
* is associated with delayed marriage, which in itself delays fertility
- upward mobility, and in most Asian countries, education privilege
- bad for economic prosperity since it keeps people out of the workforce
- basic to the development of productive members of a rapidly changing, global society
- capable of further opportunity
* is central to a person's college experience
- everyone s welfare
- improving opportunities and access to employment
- preventing the spread of sex-related infections and viruses
- committed to teaching people how to create income by investing in the stockmarket
* is compulsory for children between the ages of six and ten
- until they reach the age of sixteen years
- concerned with transforming young people into mature, value-oriented adults
* is considered an important means of empowering women
- to be one of the last untapped markets for the Internet
- content
- critical to the success of all health care organizations
* is crucial for children to develop a sense of tolerance and respect for others
- in the Baha'i faith
- to social life
- democratic and founded on principles of human solidarity and social justice
- designed to promote individual growth, and freedom of choice
- development the harmonious development of all the faculties of man's nature
- difficult in a society that is divided along economic, social, and racial lines
- emancipation from poverty
- embedded in the social fabric
- en vogue in the United States
- enriched by diversity of people, beliefs, and experiences
* is essential for children to escape the perils of poverty
- individual, social and economic growth
- the survival of individuals in a democratic society
- in order to be liberated from all sorts of exploitation and oppression
- to the attainment of a world that is liberated, peaceful, and humane
- expensive in the United States
- films
- for behavior, and habits are the stuff of which behavior consists
- fundamental for human growth
* is fundamental to a democratic society
- way of life
* is fundamental to the development of our communities and our economy
- integration of science and practice in the public interest
- transformation of society
* is given to parents right after the emergence of permanent first molars
- the child right after the emergence of permanent second molars
- good things
- growth in life
- growth, and fostering growth requires both nurturance of self and expansion of self
- higher education credit hours
- how well people are employed and enjoy the life they look to lead
* is important anywhere on earth
- because the workplace has changed
- for improving daily self-management of the disease
* is important in getting a high paying job
- preparing people to get better jobs
- preventing diabetes and cardiovascular diseases
- reducing misperceptions, especially social work education
- instruction in the art of life
* is investment capital
- in infrastructure
* is key for children to develop a future
- in decreasing the demand for drugs
* is key to a strong workforce and high productivity
- alleviating poverty and better economic prospects for the next generation
- combating racism and to avoiding genocide
- economic development and improving quality of life
- improving the status of women
- preventing a herpes infection and preventing infecting anyone else
* is key to the development and empowerment of women
- success of our economy and our society
- knowledge that is passed from one person to another
- life in the making
- lifelong learning
- likewise the cornerstone of democracy and the foundation for personal fulfillment
- located in universities
- looked upon as a positive aspect in developing the minds of children and adults
- measured by one's ability to balance teaching, research and service to the community
- mind to mind, thought to thought, person to person
* is more than a gathering of information
- learning a set of skills
* is more than the accumulation of knowledge
- acquisition of information
- memorization of facts, figures, names, and dates
- process of going to school and earning a degree or certificate
* is necessary for a civilization to govern and advance itself
- to society's survival and to the individual's growth
* is of critical importance in achieving a balance between humanity and the rest of nature
- crucial importance in achieving a balance between ecology and humanity
* is of paramount importance in the etiology and prevention of any disease
- success of the social development of the world's people
- prime importance in the treatment of worms in children
* is often the key to achieving many of life's greatest successes
- escaping poverty
* is one necessity that is viewed as already being within the realm of government
- of the areas where social change can have a great impact
* is one of the best ways to combat child labour
- to prevent home fires or wild fires
- central functions of a university
- greatest forces equalizing our positions, diminishing inequities in society
* is one of the keys to life, and joy is one of the keys to education
- overcoming poverty, poor health and low expectations
- major sources of empowerment
- many keys to self-determination
* is one of the most important factors determining earnings levels
- factors determining employment and thus income
- professions in a democratic society
- powerful weapons against crime
- sensitive arenas in the life of a people
- valued element in society
- noblest things that can be done
- primary goals of Lies People Tell
* is one of the reasons that many live in the suburbs
- the number of blacks in the middle class is increasing
- three pillars around which modern government has been built
- way to increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables
* is organized in a manner similar to that of most countries in the Western Hemisphere
- such a manner that there are high schools, colleges and then universities
- part of human development
- perhaps the most important means of motivating people to adopt healthier lifestyles
- physicians teaching the science of medicine that can heal
- political is political and partisan
- power, and sex education is sexual power
* is primarily a means of establishing ideals
- the responsibility of parents
- proven to have a key role in human development and in overcoming poverty
* is recognized as a basic human right
- one of the key solutions to the elimination of child labour
* is related to fertility, and hence population growth
- income, and income is related to longevity
- seen as being a very important factor that can break down the cycle of poverty
* is seen as the best way to invest in people
- major modality to promote a culture of peace
- primary tool for achieving optimal use of medicines
- way of the future
- simply the soul of a society as it passes from one generation to another
- supposed to be a study in the methods of learning, and how humans learn
- teamwork involving home, school, and community
* is the ability to rapidly re-learn familiar things and to master new things
- accumulated experience of a learner inside and outside of academia
- acquisition of the art of the utilization of knowledge
- action or process of acquiring knowledge and developing skills
- active development of knowledge and lasts a lifetime
- alternative to exploitive labour
- apprencticeship of life
* is the art of learning itself
- making man ethical
* is the backbone of a modern society
- base of any advanced civilization
- basic right of all children
* is the basis for everything else in society
- on which chiropractic becomes the care of first choice
- upon which democracy is transmitted and strengthened
- biggest business in the United States
- building block of all future accomplishments, the way to make dreams a reality
* is the collaborative responsibility of children, parents, educators, and community
- the students, staff, parents, and the community
- combined responsibility of parents, students, educators, and communities
- community's investment in society's future
- continuous reshaping and refining of ideas, opinions, attitudes, and judgments
* is the cornerstone of any university
- the knowledge-based society
- cost of an idle mind and too much money
- cure for potentially every ill
- custodian of civilization
- demographic key to understanding dual-earner married households
* is the development of a person's knowledge, skill, mind and character
- power and ideal
- distinguishing mark of humanity
- distribution of knowledge
- driver for economic, societal, and cultural vitality
* is the duty and responsibility of state and local governments
* is the engine of change in Iran
- essence of human development
- essential method of building humane, free, and democratic societies
- exercise of mutual respect grounded in the teachings of non-ego and emptiness
* is the first principle that leads to financial freedom
- stage in making of a man's career
- foundation an which national cultures rest
* is the foundation for good careers and strong families
- man's continued evolution and the success of future generations
- responsible individual action toward the environment
* is the foundation of a democratic society
- free and fulfilled life
- all professional societies
- civic responsibility
- civil society
- knowledge and discovery, of morality and motivation
- republican institutions
- success in employment
- on which all else that is good in our society rests
- upon which everything else is built
- giver of big ideas on which our culture thrives
* is the great conversion process through which abstract knowledge become useful
- equalizer of the condition of men
* is the greatest equalizer in the history of mankind
- means for any individual to enhance their level of knowledge
- heart and soul of a society as it passes from one generation to another
- ideal way to change people's perspective of animals
- joining responsibility of parents, students and the school
- joint responsibility of school, home and the child
* is the key factor in public attitudes towards job sharing
- to saving lives
- for people to make their dreams a reality
- in early detection of cancer
- that a soldier can use to unlock doors in the future
* is the key that unlocks the door to house the homeless
- door to the future, to a child's future
- storehouse of the world's knowledge
* is the key to a child's future, just as it is to a nation's future
- prosperous and civilised society
* is the key to breaking down color lines and uniting all people
- the cycle of child labor
* is the key to changing behavior and attitudes about litter
- society's attitudes and opinions
- competing in the rapidly changing global economy
- conservation and the sustainable use of natural resources
* is the key to economic advancement in the United States
- and social empowerment
- ending poverty and beginning sustainable development
- financial health and well being
- freedom from an aging body and mind
- freedom, success, and wealth
- future economic growth in every country
* is the key to good breast health
- healthier life habits
- helping people make informed decisions
- improving the quality of their lives
- job creation and to the formation of a democratic civic culture
- lift people out of poverty
- living with black bears
- opening many doors in life
- our economic growth, our social growth, our personal growth
- preventing abuse of alcohol and drugs
- prevention of child molestation, neglect and abuse
- rail safety for children
- saving the oceans, forests, waterways, and wilderness
- self improvement, value, civility and respect
- success of any community and of every economy
- taking responsibility for one's health
* is the key to the development of human resources
- future of the United States
- nation building and development of Pakistan
- protection of human rights and preservation of cultural heritage
- universe
- understanding others and their beliefs
- way to combat ignorance and stereotypes
- word to equality in national citizenship
- keystone of enlightenment, and only enlightenment can bring about change
- knowledge or skill obtained or developed by a learning process
- learning of things that fit one for life
- life's blood of any community
* is the light of the world
- that shines in the darkness, the lighthouse in a dark storm
- linchpin of development
- main vehicle for insuring employment at wages sufficient to sustain families
- manifestation of perfection already in man
- maximum years of school completed by either parent living in the household
* is the means by which a society creates a strong culture and a prosperous economy
- to develop oneself personally and professionally
- medium by which civilisation is preserved and fostered
* is the most important factor for the world's peace and prosperity in the future
- in the success of countries like the United States
* is the most important function of an ordered society
- government on any level
- part of a young person s life
- predictor of human success in every culture
- proactive and forward-looking activity that exists in a society
- movement from darkness to light
- nurturing and refinement of co-humanity
- one business that is everyone's business
* is the only activity that satisfies all of man's yearnings
- lasting means for ending poverty on reservations, and among Indian people
- parents' responsibility
- passport to the world
- path to glory, excellence and happiness
- pathway to economic success
- practical bridge between dreams and business growth
- premise of progress, in every society, in every family
* is the primary requirement of humanity
- responsibility of local government in America
* is the primary weapon against ignorance
- in the fight against cruelty and neglect
- principal societal function for developing our nation's human resources
* is the process by which people acquire knowledge, skills, habits, values, and attitudes
- acquire knowledge, skills, habits, values, or attitudes
- in which individuals help one another to clarify personal meaning
* is the process of awakening from the cultural trance
- casting false pearls before real swine
- changing blissful ignorance into some other kind of ignorance
* is the process of learning how to learn and apply information
- to learn, and application of logic
- to make decisions and discover fact
- waking up to life
- progressive realization of our ignorance
- propagation of a set of beliefs, or Propaganda
- purpose of life
- reconstruction or re-organization of experience
* is the responsibility of every individual in the community
- students, staff, parents, and the entire community
* is the responsibility of the community, home, church, school, and learner
- entire community working together
- home, school, student, and community
- states and local school districts
- student, family, school and community
- right of every individual
- road that averts poverty
- root for advancement in the world
- science of teaching and learning
- secondary agent of the enculturation process
- secret to lifelong employment
- shared obligation of the student, family, school and community
* is the shared responsibility of family, school, and community
- home, school, parents and community
- parents, students, school personnel and the community
- school, home, and community
- students, parents, school and community
- teachers, parents, students and the community
* is the shared responsibility of the children, home, school, and community
- family, student, school, and community
- individual, family, school and community
- school, family, government, and community
- student, home, school, and community
- student, parent, and teacher
- student, the family, the school and the community
- sine qua non for effective participation in modern society
* is the single most important means to achieve sustainable development
- weapon against poverty
- significant and effective way of loosing the grip of poverty
- source of union strength and activism
- stepping stone to improving the quality of one's life
- sum total of the experiences that shape a person's mind and life
- survey of vocational education practices for school counseling personnel
- term used to describe employees learning from instructional materials or classroom
- third major social lending sector
- thread to one's life
- ticket to a better standard of living
- transfer of concepts and principles
* is the transmission of civilization
- culture from one generation to the next
- true means to helping ones self and others
- ultimate tool of personal, social and economic empowerment
- unfolding of the natural powers and faculties latent in every human being
- use of the mind
* is the way humanity passes on all it has learned from one generation to the next
- to reduce prejudice
- tied directly to jobs
* is to be seen as training for employment, rather than the acquiring of knowledge
- prepare men for the active duties of life
- transmission of life
- undoubtedly the key in governing a child's development
- used against religion and a common heritage
* is very important in exercising one's mind and utilizing one's intelligence
- the Japanese culture
- viewed as a collection of parts which interact with each other as a whole
* is viewed as a moral activity that produces servant leaders for the church and world
- that produces servant-leaders for the church and the world
- both the acquisition of and utilization of knowledge
- cultural transmission in the context of contemporary communities and society
- vital in transmitting culture
* is what can impact behavior across the board
- enables families and their villages to survive and prosper
- is left after previous learning is forgotten
- makes hope and opportunity possible
- remains after what was learnt has been forgotten
- survives when what has been learned has been forgotten
* is, to some extent, the fine art of limiting information.
* key aspect of human development, including education in science and technology
- component in solving environmental problems
* key component in the prevention of discrimination and harassment
- sexual harassment
- factor underlying economic and social progress in our societies
- that unlocks many doors
* key to success of communities, families, individuals and businesses
- the fulfilment of other human rights
* kind of continuing dialogue, and a dialogue assumes different points of view.
* labour-intensive branch of activity.
* leads to development
- increases in women's income, just as it does for men
* lengthens life and enhances health.
* life time process.
* life-long learning process
- process in which universities are playing an increasingly important role
* life-long process that prepares students for the real world
- provides enjoyment and enrichment
- pursuit of excellence
* lifelong commitment, kindergarten through adulthood
- journey which begins in the home and continues through school and beyond
* lifelong process of acquiring knowledge and skills
- bringing out an individual's unique potential
* lifelong process that contributes positively to man's place in society
- happens in short intervals
- process, with different needs at different times of ones life
* long term investment in the human infrastructure of society.
* mainstay of public health.
* major agent of change and social justice
- component of safety
- determinant of employment opportunity
- force in solving problems and achieving personal growth
* makes a significant contribution to reducing poverty
- an important difference in income levels
- machines which act like men and produces men who act like machines
* matter that is best left between parents, children and educators.
* means being open to new experiences and new ideas
- never having the feeling of inadequacy during the course of normal life situations
* means to other ends which enhance human development
- study hard in school
* method for economic development.
* mixture of information and bias.
* mutual responsibility shared cooperatively by parents, teachers and students.
* needs to allow people to adapt to changing times and prosper.
* occurs at a number of levels.
* occurs in all areas of life
- the interface between mind and experience, and there are many means to that end
- when new knowledge leads to changed behavior and improved performance
* offers best chances
* often is the key to moving up in the working world.
* overall is viewed as the area where the greatest progress has occurred.
* part of everyday living
- traditional Polynesian culture
* partnership among school, family, and community.
* partnership among students, parents, communities and educators
- the community, parents, students, and school personnel
* partnership between home, school, and community
- parents,school boards and teachers
- school and home
- state government and local government
- students, parents, and teachers
- teachers, parents and students
* partnership between the home and the school
- school and the child's parents
- in which parents have a critical role
* partnership of many different people
- students, educators, family, and community
- the home, school, community, and learner
* pays a part in gaining people higher salaries.
* plays a central role in pollution prevention.
* plays a key role in maintaining a strong and healthy natural resource base
- the vitality of our community
* plays a major role in attitudes toward mandatory sentencing
- how well a septic system is used and maintained
- promoting social integration
* plays a significant part in a woman's bodily integrity
- role in the economic and social life of the city
- vital role throughout every course of one's lifetime
- an important role in job choice
* plays an important role in the Japanese persons ability to gain a successful job
- determination of national competitive advantage
- with the increasing complexity of today's cars
- important roles
- key roles
- major roles
- the most important role for creating trained workforce for a nation
* political and emotional process.
* powerful social force that both transmits and shapes culture and beliefs
- weapon against poverty, disease, hunger, starvation, and ignorance
* preparation for life.
* presupposes the ability of the pupil to form habits.
* primary component of public health practice
- ingredient in the wealth of nations
- means for strengthening the human resource base and, thus, productivity
- road out of poverty
* process and a total experience of teaching and learning
- based on experiential learning
- involving others as facilitators of learning
- of changing the behavior patterns of people
* process of continuous growth for both student and teacher
- exploration and discovery
- interaction among students and teachers
- mutual growth, so that ultimately there is neither student nor teacher
* process that brings about change
- changes the learner
- every child experiences
- thrives on involvement and exchange of ideas
- which never ends
* provides information to influence behaviors towards health
- people with the freedom to think
- skills that people require to participate in living communities
* provides the framework for building the foundation of life
- means for the social regeneration of humanity
* quest for awareness, insight, and knowledge.
* raises earnings for people who work.
* reciprocal process of infinite learning.
* recognizes and protects self-worth and dignity of the individual child.
* refers to both public health professionals and to the population in general.
* requires participation.
* responsibility shared by the college, the individual, and the community.
* results in learning.
* right that can catalyze and enable reconstruction.
* saves lives, boosts growth and enhances democracy.
* school, student, family and community partnership.
* serves as a tool to better one s life and to encourage diversity among the population.
* shared responsibility among school, family, and community
* shared responsibility between home and school
- students, teachers, parents and the community
- involving students, families, schools, and other institutions
* shared responsibility involving the home, community, and school
- school, community and society
* significant aspect of cancer treatment.
* social investment on people
- working activity
* source of freedom but it is also a source of revolutionary change
- hope for people and society
* starts when people begin to touch and see things for themselves
- teachers enter their classrooms and close the door
* strives to build awareness, increase understanding, and see the world in new ways.
* system of change through which learning is brought about
- which the bravest men have followed
* takes place from birth to death.
* takes place in a social environment
- the community in many ways and in many institutions other than schools
* teaches children to do things, to plant and cook, to read and write
- fear - fear of failure
- people to make choices
* team effort between teachers, their students and families
* tends to be the largest expenditure item in the budget of every state and territory.
* tool for success throughout one s life.
* tool that equips one to reach a conclusion based on available information
- is necessary to be successful in life
* traditional route out of poverty for disadvantaged children.
* transfer of knowledge planned by the educator to accomplish a specific goal.
* trusting partnership between children, teachers, parents, community and the church.
* universalizes the human spirit.
* uses principles
- scientific principles
* usually relates to lower fertility.
* vehicle for moving through life.
* vital element in the worldwide struggle for dignity
- force in any society that encourages universal welfare and individual progress
- part of the cycle of social and economic change and development
* wastes about two thirds of the talent of society.
* way of developing consciousness about the human condition
- to improve the quality of life for themselves and their families
* work of drawing out, rather than one of building in.
* works when communities own what needs to happen for kids.
+ Cape Verde, Education: Islands of Macaronesia :: Islands in Africa :: Portuguese-speaking countries
* After independence the different governments of Cape Verde invested massively in education and illiteracy has been reduced drastically. Today almost one hundred percent of school-age children attend school. Attendance to primary schooling, which comprises 6 years, is compulsory and free from any charge. Education is guaranteed by a network of public schools that span from nursery school to university. There are also several private schools in all levels of education.
+ Darkhan (city), Economy: Mongolia :: Cities in Asia
* The city's economy is mostly industrial. Education is also an important sector of the city's economy.
+ Diabetes mellitus, Treatment of diabetes
* Education is important for both types of diabetes. Diabetics must learn about diet. They learn how to estimate and keep track of how much carbohydrate, protein, and fat are in different foods. They plan their meals to have the right amount of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Patients with Type 1 may decide how much insulin to take before a meal based on how much they will eat.
+ Institution: Social sciences
* Education is an institution in the broad sense. Harvard University is an institution in the specific sense.
+ International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Main contents: United Nations :: Human rights
+ Swami Vivekananda, Famous Quotes: 1863 births :: 1902 deaths :: Religious leaders | {
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} |
### activity | education:
Abstinence education
* does get kids to reduce their sexual activity and wait till an older age.
* teaches single persons to postpone sexual activity until marriage.
* works in reducing teenage sexual activity.
Art education
* can play a vital role in developing democratic life and the urban environment.
* humanizing balance in a technological age.
* is an investment of time, energy and money
- the synthetic education to join all knowledge, senses, experiences in it
* promote being analog or being digital.
Arts education
* can be a creative way of connecting young people into education.
* increases interest in academic learning.
* is basic to maintaining a civilization and culture.<|endoftext|>### activity | education:
Basic education
* affects the productivity of smallholder subsistence farmers in a positive manner.
* can play a pivotal rolein overcoming material poverty.
* helps countries to develop economically, reducing poverty.
* increases people's capacity to learn and to interpret information.
* is also crucial to preparing children for a better future
- compulsory in all countries, that goes without saying
- the underpinning for environment and development education
* right for the individual and is mandatory for the municipalities.
Career education
* concept which can be taught in the classroom at all grade levels.
* is developmental, as is literacy or numeracy education
- one element of higher education<|endoftext|>### activity | education:
Character education
* aims to incorporate lessons on character and morality in the classroom.
* builds student self-esteem, which building block of motivation.
* deliberate attempt to cultivate virtue.
* includes the systematic teaching of virtues in schools.
* is about teaching values to students
- always a parent's job
* is an important aspect of education
- integral part of a child's education
- everyones' responsibility
- intended to reinforce what parents teach
- the deliberate effort by schools to develop and promote virtue
* part of any child's education both at school and at home.
* promotes core ethical values as the basis of good character.
* supports parents to reinforce the values they teach their children at home.
* teaches respect for others and for oneself.
* works because it teaches our children to view the world through a moral lens.<|endoftext|>### activity | education:
Christian education
* attempts to build within the student the all-important Christian mind.
* different experience than Christian worship.
* financial commitment and a sacrifice for many families.
* is concerned with helping people become what their teachers are
- more than the transmission of knowledge
- of immeasurable value to individuals, the church and to society
- one of the most important weapons in the Culture War
* is the assimilation of Christian culture
- single most important factor contributing to righteous living
* lifelong process of spiritual formation.
* ministry, it is also a profession.
* partnership between home and congregation.
* represents the values and standards of the Christian faith.
* starts with acceptance of the individual, which is the key to self-esteem.
* takes place in our homes, at school, in the workplace, in worship, and at play.
Compulsory education
* lowers the value of children, also.
* potential solution for the problem of child labour.
Computer education
* aids individuals in setting and reaching their goals.
* is essential in the contemporary world
- taught by teachers with high credentials
Conductive education
* approaches problems of movement as problems of learning.
* is an all day all life on going learning process.
* method for rehabilitating motor disordered children and adults.
Consumer education
* is important when it comes to firewood purchases
- the key to the growth and development of any industry
* key component in consumer protection. | {
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} |
### activity | education:
Cooperative education
* can help to decrease turnover in career positions.
* combines classroom learning with productive work experience.
* combines work experience with time spent in the college classroom
- in the university classroom
* involves working for a company, getting paid, and getting college credit.
* is one method of gaining valued work experience while still in school.
* program that combines academic study and practical work experience.
* unique kind of education.
* way to gain work experience while attending classes.
* are actions
- direction
- facilities
- layers
* are part of meals
- walls
- serieses
* is education
* report A course report report of individual student achievement in a particular course.
### activity | education | course:
Adult education
* encourages children's education.
* field of practice, study, research and scholarship.
* has a long tradition.
* process through which learners become aware of significant experience.
* professional learning experience.
* are a small serving of food such as olives , cheese , or bread.
* is located in dinner.
+ Meal, Types of meals: Foods
* In some cases, a starter or appetizer is served before the dinner. Appetizers are a small serving of food such as olives, cheese, or bread. In many countries, people serve an alcoholic drink with dinner, such as wine or beer.
### activity | education | course | appetizer:
* are appetizer
- finger food
- soccer players
- spicy food
- tortilla chips
* cause a desire to farts.<|endoftext|>### activity | education | course:
Golf course
* apply chemicals to their fairways and other areas twelve to thirteen times per season.
* are courses
- heavy users of pesticides and fertilizers, which degrade water quality
- one of the many land uses that contribute to a well-balanced livable community
* can be very harmful to the environment
- bring environmental benefits, when they are built as a way to reclaim brownfields
- enhance and protect wildlife habitat and water resources
* have water hazards.
* improve air quality through their trees and shrubs.
* preserve open space and provide havens for wildlife.
* replace habitat or farmland with sterile, carpet-smooth fairways.
* require a lot of water, and many areas of Mexico are dry.
* Many racetracks have veterinarians who regularly perform acupuncture on horses.
* can be one of the most peaceful places in the world when there s no racing going on. | {
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} |
### activity | education:
Distance education
* allows institutions to hire faculty from outside the local labor pool.
* can improve schools the same way that access to good books can improve education
- play a big part in building a free market economy
* challenging way to pursue university studies.
* comes in many different shapes and sizes.
* different form of education for a particular kind of knowledge.
* enables a university to reach new kinds of students.
* encompasses a variety of technologies and forms of learning at a distance.
* flexible learning method of level, target group and subject.
* has a history almost as old as distance itself
- many names
* is about a college world that is new, accessible and expanding
- technology-driven classes
- for people
- higher education's way of making the classroom more accessible to students
* is one of the fastest growing trends in higher education
- major trends in higher education
- prominent in the educational technology literature
* is the delivery of educational instruction without classroom attendance
- education of the future
- latest trend around the educational world
- wave of the future
* key to providing lifelong learning.
* means the teacher and learner are separated by distance.
* passive learning experience.
* proven way to earn a college degree.
* second-class education.
* strategy to deliver instruction.
* uses technology to connect professors and coursemates.
* way to earn college credit without commuting to a campus.
Diversity education
* can help build both a strong society and a strong economy.
* creates respect for differences and helps ease tensions between people.
* emphasizes our differences and breeds conflict.
* is more than learning about cultural difference.
Drug education
* has a history of magnifying the negative.
* includes illegal drugs, drugs in sport and commonly abused medicines.
* offers best chances
Economic education
* helps people understand issues and improves economic decisions.
* plays an crucial role in the betterment and well being of society.
Engineering education
* emphasizes the integration of components into systems.
* is also traditionally oriented toward male patterns of learning
- an evolutionary process driven by advances in technology
* encourages individual responsibility for personal experiences.
* enriches all eight of the values that define human aspirations.
* expresses itself in different forms.
* gives rise to such a rich state of being.
* is education
- reform movement
- software
* occurs naturally when that balance is reached
- when the tensions in the body and mind are dissolved
* takes place in time but is also always already there outside time.
### activity | education | enlightenment:
* is enlightenment.
* is the means of advancement and productivity in the Christian way of life
- power and activity of the body
- process of building up some one or some thing
* occurs when church members learn to be in loving relationships with one another.<|endoftext|>### activity | education:
Environmental education
* can occur both inside and outside the classroom.
* develops responsibilty, respect, and appreciation for the natural world.
* includes wildlife as part of the natural environment.
* is an active process that increases awareness, knowledge, and skills
- essential part of education for human rights
- effective education
- essential to expanding the public's knowledge about the environment
- similar to sex education, relationship education, and on and on
- the tool for developing environmental literacy
* life long process.
* plays an important role in building public support for reef management.
* process of fostering responsible human behavior toward natural systems.
* provides a better understanding of nature and our environment.
* works both in and outside the classroom. | {
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} |
### activity | education:
* is education
* small and personal organisation with the experience of big companies.
Experiential education
* is about learning by doing
- an action-oriented form of teaching and learning
- the emphasis of all Trent curricula
* means learning by experience in a professional work setting.
Formal education
* Some formal education focuses on solve problems.
* is important for some kinds of jobs.
* is only a part of learning
- one form of preparation for a life of advanced development and excellence
- the beginning of a lifetime of learning
- viewed by some as being the fast track to experience and wisdom
* occurs in a structured environment whose explicit purpose is teaching students.
* plays a huge part in children's lives.
* respected characteristic among martial artists.
General education
* comprises a number of disciplines.
* is the curricular component which is common to all degree programs
- distinguishing feature of higher education
- foundation that graduates of a college have in common
* strategy of power to normalize the masses.
* tries to prepare students to think critically.<|endoftext|>### activity | education:
Gifted education
* is essential because giftedness creates unique educational needs
- instruction and accountability commensurate with a student's ability to learn
+ Special education: Education
* Some students are very smart. These students are called gifted. They also have certain needs so they can succeed. These students do better with special teaching styles or different educational programs. The word 'special education' is used for students whose special needs stop them from learning the way normal people learn. Gifted education is handled separately.
Global education
* catchword that is on many people's lips.
* is to encourage students to see their human rights in the global context.
* lifelong process.
Graduate education
* continuation of a process begun in undergraduate teacher education.
* involves learning how to present research ideas and results.
* is also a gateway to other professions, such as law or public health
- at the head of all education
- structured around the transmission of knowledge at the highest level
- the final stage in the development of intellectual independence
- vital to the quality of university teaching<|endoftext|>### activity | education:
* affects voltage stability, and more importantly, is critical to personal safety.
* allows shields to work by draining away potentials.
* has minimal effect on the RF radiation of the system.
* helps to prevent accidents to persons and damage by fire to property.
* involves connection with the earth, often to cleanse one's personal energy.
- normally a secondary protective measure to protect against electric shock
- the ability to deal with practical matters in a realistic way
- used at truck and rail loading facilities to prevent flow of stray currents
- very important because it helps to protect against electrical shock
* lets unwanted currents drain to the earth.
* seems to be 'hooking' symbol manipulation to external objects.<|endoftext|>### activity | education:
Health education
* approaches to alcoholism, drug dependency, and addiction.
* can include health promotion, wellness, health consumerism, and patient education.
* central component of community health.
* common subject across most schools and districts.
* focuses on health promotion and wellness
- water treatment, hygiene and preparing for floods
* fundamental step to promoting awareness of the consequences of tobacco use.
* is an integral part of primary care
- part of diagnosis and treatment
* multi-disciplinary study.
* occurs in relation to many contextual factors.
* recognizes that each individual is multidimensional.
* teacher's field. | {
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} |
### activity | education:
Holistic education
* attempts to facilitate connectedness within the curriculum and within students.
* nurtures the development of the whole person
- highest aspirations of the human spirit
* pedagogy of universal love towards all beings.
* way of looking at the relationship between the student and the teacher.
Home education
* allows families to spend many rewarding hours learning and working together
- time to teach life skills along with academics
* begins with order and discipline in the home.
* legal excuse from compulsory attendance in Ohio.
* minimizes issues of child safety.
* occurs when parents choose to educate their children from a home base.
* serious and long term commitment for any family.
* work in progress, with great final rewards.
Humane education
* has significant implications in education as it implies character building.
* is preventative medicine to a world out of balance
- the teaching of justice, goodwill, and humanity toward all life
* promotes respect and kindness toward all humans, all animals and the earth.
* stresses the interdependence of nature.
* teaches an appreciation of the interrelationships of all living things.
Hygiene education
* increases effectiveness.
* is meaningless without clean water and adequate sanitation facilities.
* plays a vital role in informing communities about safe hygiene.
Inclusive education
* considers how to make schools welcoming to all children.
* improves learning and promotes diversity.
* is grounded in effective access to curriculum
- where people have the right attitude towards disabled young people
* means that ALL students attend their neighborhood schools.
International education
* fundamental part of general and professional studies.
* is an investment in the nation's future.
Jewish education
* communal as well as parental responsibility.
* life-long experience that continues beyond the classroom.
Journalism education
* emphasizes the training of writers, reporters, and editors for the mass media.
* has an important role to play in the education of Arizona's young people.
Language education
* has a significant impact on society on a global scale.
* recognizes the globalization of our world in recent years.
Legal education
* emphasizes thinking like a lawyer over training to practice in various settings.
* includes the study of business law and tax law.
* is increasingly about developing skills
- what many refer to as a people game
Liberal education
* has something to do with the creation of a learning community.
* is education for citizenship.
* is education in culture or toward culture
- inherently an education in experiential social practice
- liberation from vulgarity
- the necessary endeavor to found an aristocracy within democratic mass society
Mass education
* teaches how to navigate in a sea of knowledge.
* wipes out illiteracy, with schools set up in the deepest countryside.<|endoftext|>### activity | education:
Media education
* can begin at an early age.
* encourages the active collaboration of the audience in the communication process.
* has the potential to reduce the harmful effects of media.
* includes the ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and produce media products.
* is simply the process used to develop media literacy in our students
- the study and analysis of mass media
* multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approach to the study of media.
* uses equipment that is expensive to buy and maintain.
Medical education
* lifelong process requiring more than computer literacy.
* multi-billion dollar industry in New York.
* partnership of public and private enterprise.
* requires intellectual curiosity, sharing knowledge, and continued learning.
Modern education
* is the product of the Christian church.
* lays emphasis on physiology, anatomy and psychology. | {
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### activity | education:
Moral education
* focuses more on understandings and beliefs as a basis for understanding behaviors.
* is an idea whose time has come
- practical in shaping a civil Singapore society
- the training of heart and mind toward the good<|endoftext|>### activity | education:
Multicultural education
* allows children to appreciate their differences.
* embraces many different aspects of developing the whole person.
* emphasizes inclusion.
* is as varied as the professionals in the field of education
- equity education
* is one key toward positive change
- of the most rapidly expanding areas in education today
- primarily concerned with equity and diversity
* means different things to different people.
* reaches beyond awareness and understanding of cultural differences.
* teaches students to view the world from different cultural perspectives.
Music education
* develops the ability to understand and use symbols in new contexts.
* helps young minds to develop creativity and expression of emotions.
* improves learning in other subjects.
* is similar to architectural education
- the teaching of music, from preschool through adult education
* vital component of total education.
Nonformal education
* is educational activity that is carried on outside the formal system.
+ Education, Types of education, Nonformal education:
* Nonformal education is sometimes called adult basic education, adult literacy education or school equivalency preparation. Nonformal education can be in small classes or through self study.<|endoftext|>### activity | education:
Nursing education
* balance of the humanities, sciences, and ethical principles.
* consists of basic preparation and continuing education.
* incorporates both the science and the art of nursing.
* integrates concepts from liberal arts and sciences.
* is based on theory, research, and practice in nursing and other disciplines.
* occurs in a variety of models.
* purposeful activity inclusive of teaching and learning.
* seeks to assist the learner to formulate, assimilate and apply nursing knowledge.
Nutrition education
* complex area with many factors influencing eating patterns.
* grows in importance with the child's age.
* helps children be aware of what they eat and learn to make wise food choices.
* improves cardiovascular health in elementary school children.
* is part of the solution for both the eating disorders and obesity.
* stresses the relationship between proper nutrition and good health.
* teaches better uses of resources that are already available to the family.
Ongoing education
* big part of most veterinarians' careers.
* lifelong responsibility of the global community's leaders.
Online education
* is more than distance education.
* mass market beyond of the traditional geographic boundary.
Parental education
* can prevent drug use by children.
* is the highest education of an adult in the family.
Patient education
* is an essential component of diabetes treatment.
* is an important component in physical therapy
- of health promotion and complications prevention
* is the cornerstone of diabetes treatment and management
- golden egg of managed care
- primary issue in dental health
- therefore a major component of asthma management
- very important in the treatment of asthma
Peace education
* broader field than nuclear war education.
* holistic approach to human interaction.
* leads to peaceful living. | {
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} |
### activity | education:
Physical education
* addresses body dynamics, movement, physical fitness, competition, and teamwork.
* benefits society in a variety of ways, most obviously by improving our health.
* can advance retarded motor skills
- provide opportunity for self expression and social interaction
* focuses on sportsmanship, physical conditioning, and lifelong activities.
* helps to maintain life.
* is activity using a program for physical fitness
- also an integral part of the total education process
- an academic department offering a major subject area toward a degree
* is an integral and essential component of the education of American youth
- part of the total education of a child
- outdoor class which involves low and high impact activities such as sports
- education through movement
- important for people of all ages, including the little preschoolers
- movement with a purpose
- no panacea, but it is an important part of what makes a person whole
- taught by qualified teachers who have been trained to teach the subject
* is the development of motor skills
- study and practice of the art and science of human movement
* planned instructional program with specific objectives.
* rapidly expanding field involving many specialized areas.
* takes the form of folk dancing and creative games.
* teaches children how abstract concepts relate to the physical world.
Poor education
* is one of the main forces that are keeping child labour strong.
* limits success in the labor market.<|endoftext|>### activity | education:
Popular education
* advocates participatory learning processes.
* begins with people's own experience.
* constantly changing and growing process that has roots in many countries.
* continuous process of learning and unlearning.
* democratizes the creation of, access to, and the dissemination of information.
* is political education for everyday people.
* method that can prove useful to youth groups and other organizations.
* motivates people to action towards social change and is transformative.
* prioritizes the poor, marginalized, deprived and oppressed.<|endoftext|>### activity | education:
Primary education
* is compulsory for all children
- free so that all children can go to school
- the cornerstone of successful international development
* leads to better family health, lower fertility, and slower population growth.
* provides the basic elements of education at elementary or primary schools.
+ Primary school: Types of schools
* However, this is true only for schools in the urban areas. Further, the rural schools use the mother tongue as medium of instruction, not resorting to English in any way. Primary education is free in government schools. States of West Bengal, Maharashtra, Manipur, Nagaland and Kerala have done very good work in this way of spreading primary education.
Professional education
* continuous process that ends only when ambition ends.
* uses experiential learning often in their classrooms.
Progressive education
* is seen as the panacea of Soviet societal ills.
* seems to have replaced learning by rote with learning by reflex. | {
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} |
### activity | education:
Public education
* can go a long way toward reducing the probability of human infection
- provide equal opportunity to children irrespective of their backgrounds
* cornerstone of American life, and the right of every citizen.
* depends on a strong partnership among parents, children, communities and schools.
* does indeed have a significant effect on preventing childhood poisoning.
* exists in the context of local communities.
* field that is governed by many layers of law.
* is about democracy
- serving the public good
- an area where individuals can make a big difference
* is an important aspect for building bridges between farmers and the general public
- system, to be defended at all costs
- institution
* is an investment in all peoples and all communities
- people and community
- available everywhere in the United States
- basic to the preservation of individual freedom and a free enterprise system
- big business in the United States
* is compulsory and free at the primary level, which covers eight years of study
- through the secondary level
- critical to democracy
- essential to democracy
- free and universal through the secondary level
- fundamental to changing society's attitude toward domestic violence
- government education
- important because some people aren t happy to have raptors as neighbors
- in the process of fundamental change
- largely the responsibility of state governments and thousands of school boards
- necessary for the preservation of democracy and self-government
- of the community and for the community
- one of the last elements of American society that truly remains open to all
- predicated on a system of classroom-based efficiency
- primarily a state responsibility within the United States
- state education by definition
- the backbone of America's education system
* is the best way to make quality education available to all children
- reduce the dangers of unsafe behavior
* is the cornerstone of American democracy
- free society
- a progressive, democratic society
* is the foundation of a democratic society and the key to a productive economy
- our democratic society
- major vehicle to perpetuate the basic values of democracy
- mechanism for achieving unity
- most appropriate forum to prepare children for life in a democratic society
- primary form of intervention available in the State of Indiana
- public's responsibility
- responsibility of educators, the community, parents, and students
- shared responsibility of the student, school, home and community
- spine of a democracy
- vehicle which gets people involved
- usually sex-segregated at elementary and secondary levels
- vital to the common good
* key part of the American dream of upward mobility.
* levels the playing field and prepares all children to live and work together.
* more intensive form of public information.
* nurtures the roots of democracy.
* partnership between teachers and parents.
* reduces the loss of lives and property due to fire.
* refers to going out to school, as opposed to being tutored at home.
* right, and opportunity, and a responsibility for everyone.
* seems to focus on teaching students to perform behaviors.
* stimulates interest in how waste management decisions are made.
* survives only because parents have acquiesced to mediocrity.
* team effort including the home, school, and community.
* tradition that has served America well.
* work in progress.
+ Education in the United States
* Education in the United States' is provided by the public sector. The federal, state and local governments control and give funds to help local schools. Public education is available everywhere in the United States. School's curriculum, funds, teaching, employment and other policies are created by the elected school boards. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | education:
Real education
* consists of more than merely teaching men the subjects taught in a school curriculum.
* happens every day to every person of every age.
* has more to do with developing intellectual skills than with memorizing facts.
* is about extending students thinking and abilities beyond what they already know
- letting each and every student achieve their full potential
School education
* builds on knowledge that children come to school with.
* has a central role to play in shaping opinions and perceptions.
+ Valle d'Aosta, People, Languages
* Italian and French are the region's official languages and are used for the regional government's acts and laws, though Italian is much more widely spoken in everyday life. School education is given equally in both Italian and French.
Science education
* fosters students' desire to meet a challenge, take risks, and learn from mistakes.
* is an important curriculum area that relies on the use of scientific technology.
* is the act of obtaining knowledge about science
- key to the birth of new technologies and innovations
Secondary education
* encompasses the end stage of compulsory education in most countries.
* is both a terminal cycle and one that prepares for further education
- made up of four years of middle school with two more years for high school
- preparatory education
* occurs mainly during the teenage years.
Somatic education
* improves natural control of our own body.
* involves a kind of awakening
- learning to control our own body<|endoftext|>### activity | education:
Special education
* big-ticket item and is hardest hit when governments slash spending.
* embraces the right to a free appropriate public education.
* huge factor in the mammoth growth of the cost of public education.
* is already the domain in which charter schools have the least freedom
* is for children who have a disability
- with mental, physical, or emotional disabilities
- instruction designed to meet a student's unique needs
- one of the most misunderstood areas in everyone's school system
- teaching
* is the system's way of copping out from being responsible for the child's failure
- treatment of choice for learning disabilities in school
* means that a child is handicapped in some way.
* refers to remedial instruction in academic areas.
* takes place within a community, a school district, and a school building. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | education:
* Most teachings concerned with ethics affirm the non-doing of evil and the cultivation of good.
* are communicating
- doctrines
- educational events
* calling that is second only to the work of salvation.
* career that is challenging everyday
- where they feel they can make a difference in their community
* chance to touch lives and change the future.
* commitment to lifelong learning and rewards.
* complex, people-centered profession.
* craft learned by doing.
* creative act, an organizational activity, and a social contract.
* game where everyone wins that plays fairly.
* human activity that involves the presented of both participants.
* is also the creation of a learning community.
* is an action that emanates from a person, the teacher
- activity which is best assessed by how learning is accomplished
* is an art that is undergirded by science
- where teachers are artists
- incarnation of ideas
- interaction between people
- ongoing process of learning and sharing information
- characterized as a process of conscious decision making
- facilitation of learning aimed at helping students achieve their educational objectives
- one of society's most important jobs
* is one of the country's most unionized professions
- few occupations in which one basically works alone
* is one of the few professions that demands a never-ending desire to educate one's self
- that permit love
- ways to change the world
- something that requires all of the mind and the heart
* is the Ultimate Truth of the world
- ability to inspire learning
- achievement of shared meaning
- acquisition, assimilation, and articulation of knowledge
- act of sharing knowledge
- activity that occurs during the time when students are in their chairs
- art and science of structuring experiences for learning within a caring context
* is the art of assisting discovery
- being human
- begining of learning
- communication of knowledge, while research is the advancement of knowledge
- distribution of information or skills to others
- essential profession, the one that makes all other professions possible
- fulfillment of learning
- impartation of truth to the mind
- imparting of knowledge while learning is the gaining of knowledge
* is the most honorable profession in the world
- important of all endeavors of people
- noblest of the noble professions
- occupation that offers immense potential for enriching the lives of others
- one profession that touches all professions
- organization of learning
- passing on of knowledge
* is the process of curing the amnesia into which every generation is born
- leading someone to learn
- working with specific students
- that facilitates students' acquisition and application of new information
* is the profession that creates all others
- makes all other professsions possible
- provides the most benefit to society
- shapes America's future
- transfer of knowledge
* job that has many rewards
- is generally made for extroverts
* noble profession that requires perseverance and a love of young people.
* process of creating the best optimal conditions for learning to take place.
* profession focused on human development.
* profession that is both an art and a science
- requires continuous updating of knowledge
* public profession.
* role played by many kinds of leaders, including consultants and advisors.
* skill, just like music or art.
* social process where human beings come to share experiences and meanings.
* talent that is acquired and takes time.
* tradition that is passed on from one generation to the nest.
* transfer of personality.
* transferring of ownership of skills or concepts.
* way of guiding a child to grow successfully in every way possible. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | education | teaching:
Buddhist teaching
* emphasize how everything comes into being based on causes and conditions.
* indicate that it starts with the thoughts.
* stress the calming of the mind to develop our own inner qualities and potential.
* views the desire for life as a kind of grasping, and hence a fetter to liberation.
Catholic teaching
* holds that stealing is wrong.
* is applied to real-life situations.
* is that contraception violates natural law, which applies to everybody
- life begins at conception, meaning abortion is wrong
- our faith has nothing to do with it
Language teaching
* are teaching.
* is different from many other forms of training, due to the nature of language.<|endoftext|>### activity | education | teaching:
* are located in schools.
* are part of courses
* base on information.
* combine theories.
* cover concepts
- follow topics
- subjects
* encourage students.
* explain development.
* focus on goals.
* have components
- literacy components
- roles
- steps
* help concepts
- ideas
- knowledge
- researchers
* include activities
- examples
- extra information
- overviews
- stories
* introduce concepts
- formal concepts
* lead to skills.
* provide good opportunity
- introductions
* require students.
* show pupils.
* teach children.
* to help students.
### activity | education | teaching | lesson:
Music lesson
* are lessons.
* contribute to the development of the brain and spatial intelligence.
### activity | education | teaching | lesson | music lesson:
Piano lesson
* are music lessons.
* require a child to use eyes, ears, arms, legs, feet and all ten fingers.<|endoftext|>### activity | education | teaching | schooling:
Home schooling
* allows for a close bond between family members.
* allows parents to promote good academics, common sense morality, and family unity
- teach their children, independent of their local school system
* are courses of study.
* can increase the opportunities for quality time between parents and children.
* commitment within a family to view life as a training ground.
* decision made by parents to educate children at home.
* is about making disciples.
* is an age-old method of education where parents teach their children at home
- ancient way of life
- inherently individualistic activity on both the parents' and child's parts
- option that many turn to when dealing with a gifted child
- education in the real world
* is legal in all fifty states
- the State of Oregon
- throughout the United States, but laws vary from state to state
- more common among younger children than high-school kids
* is one of the fastest growing educational industries
- educational options in the United States
- methods for implementing the change in society
- the most traditional of all educational techniques
- to education what natural childbirth is to delivery
- used as an excuse to call a holiday so the kid can work more
* lets parents design curriculum that meets their beliefs and the children's needs.
* places the responsibility for public education directly in the hands of parents.
* popular answer to children's educational needs.
* promotes greater responsibility by the parents for the development of the children.
* provides an emotionally safe environment for child to learn
- families with the chance to encourage morals and values more firmly
* requires time, energy, and a love of children and learning.
* solution their parents can choose.
Technology education
* emphasizes the skills needed in a continually changing workplace.
* helps young people prepare to live and work in a technological world.
* is concerned with more than the gadgetry humans use to improve their lives.
* provides the backbone for technological literacy.
Traditional education
* enlivens specific, isolated aspects of the brain.
* is provided as a foundation for communicating Spiritual truths. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | education:
Transnational education
* can establish a basis for many to continue learning throughout life.
* is an important aspect of international education.
True education
* awakens a desire to conserve health by keeping the body clean and undefiled.
* combination of schooling and experience.
* focuses on equanimity amongst students.
* is the harmonious development of the physical, the mental, and the spiritual powers
- to teach the relation between parents and children
* lifelong journey, available to anyone willing to learn.
* shared responsibility between home, student, school and community.
Vocational education
* concentrates specifically on work-related skill acquisition.
* is education
- for boys and girls
- mostly for high school kids who dont plan to go to college
* is the preparation of individuals with specific occupational skills
- wave of the future
- where students discover the relevance of their general education
Vocational training
* are education.
* is closely related to the economy and the labor market
- job training
* are conferences
- courses
* are located in basements
- workplaces
* focus on issues.
* have goals
- technicians
* include participants.
* includes bases
- ceilings
- class periods
- floors
- homework
- lecture demonstrations
- lessons
- locker rooms
- lockers
- room light
- sections
- walls
* offer resources.
* provide participants.
### activity | education | workshop:
Machine shop
* Most machine shops use some form of networking to control machine tools.
* are workshops.<|endoftext|>### activity:
* attracts attention.
* conscious application of energy in a given direction.
* focuses on manipulation
- participants
* has cost.
* has have effects
- significant effects
- impact
- results
- success
* helps organizations.
* illustrates difficulty.
* improves body workouts
- conditions
- life
* includes life
- restrictions
* increases conflict.
* involves attempts.
* is an activity
- another main indicator of motivation to learn
- measured by a school's improvement in pupil attendance
* is measured by increases in school- attendance rates
- school-attendance rates
- in newtons
- only effort when it begins to hurt
* is the amount of time spent fishing
- force needed to move a load or overcome a resistence
- number of hours fished
* leads to opportunity.
* presents challenge tasks
* promotes management.
* provides advantage
- solutions
* refers to the amount of physical or mental exertion needed to perform the job
- time, energy, and involvement apportioned to apparel
* represents the time that one devotes to economic activity.
* requires cooperation
- nutrition
* shows importance.
* supports goals.
* uses techniques.
* yields results | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | effort:
* aerobic activities.
* drink water.
* shortness of breath.
* More exercise can also reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.
* Some exercises use the body's own weight to achieve resistance and are safer to use.
* Training Aerobic exercise benefits human health, particularly cardiovascular health.
* activates many internal mechanisms, which help to cleanse and tonify the body.
* acts like a tranquilizer to reduce stress and anxiety.
* actually causes insulin levels to decrease
- has little or no effect on lifespan
* acutely causes the release of both dopamine and serotonin
- lowers plasma glucose levels and tissue energy stores
* affects many aspects of physiology
- brain chemicals that influence mood
- our brain chemistry
- the levels of many biochemicals in the body, particularly in the nervous system
* aids the dyspeptic by giving the digestive organs a healthy tone.
* allows muscles to extract oxygen from blood, easing the heart's workload in the long term
- stretch and work more efficiently
- the heart to pump blood more efficiently, improving blood circulation
* also acts as a stimulant to the liver, which releases glucose to the blood stream
- tranquilizer, counteracting emotionally induced anxiety or weariness
- affects maternal weight gain and postpartum weight loss
- aids weight reduction, a further benefit in controlling diabetes
- alters the nervous condition of the horse which can interfere with digestion
- appears to benefit women undergoing breast cancer treatment
- builds strength and endurance
- burns calories, which is one way to lose weight
* also can help new mothers get back to normal more quickly
- reduce body weight, which, in turn, can also help reduce cholesterol
- improve cholesterol ratios and reduce the risk of diabetes
- relieve joint stiffness and reduce pain
- contributes to cardiovascular health and a general sense of well-being
* also decreases feelings of anxiety and depression
- the chemicals in the body that trigger hunger pains
- enhances the metabolism and maintains adequate muscle and organ function
- fires up parts of the brain that control balance and movement
- generator of free radicals as are pollution, smoking, ozone and pesticides
* also has a big role in weight control
- link to alleviating mild depression
- positive impact on mental health
- other body-slimming effects
* also helps burn calories and tone muscles and limbs
- by controlling weight, which plays a role in protecting the back from pain
- ease psychological pressure, reducing the likelihood of emotional over-eating
- fight diabetes
- give a person good control over their diabetes
* also helps improve heart health, keep bones strong and reduce stress
- insulin sensitivity, cardiovascular function and lipids
- keep bones hard
- maintain muscle mass that is usually lost with dieting alone
- manage a healthy weight
- normalize blood sugar levels
* also helps people lose weight faster
- sleep better, which is important because insomnia can cause migraines
- prepare women for the rigors of childbirth
* also helps prevent age related brain cell death, cardiovascular disease and cancer
- blood stasis by keeping qi and blood flowing smoothly
- osteoporosis
- problems with joints and the lower back
- type two diabetes
- raise self-esteem
- reduce stress and related painful conditions
* also helps relieve stress and tension
- stress, one of the known headache triggers
- the circulatory system
* also helps to correct other abnormalities of diabetes metabolism
- directly reduce the blood sugar
- improve the overall health by improving blood flow and blood pressure
- increase aerobic capacity
- keep control of high blood pressure
- prevent constipation
* also helps to reduce hunger
- stress and depression via endorphin release
- tension caused by stress
- reduces anxiety, depression and fatigue
- regulate appetite, bowel movements, and sleep patterns
- relieve stress and tension and is related to a feeling of well being
- with muscle tone, weight control, balance and overall quality of life
* also improves balance and muscle tone and imparts a sense of well being
- sharpens reactions so that injury can be avoided
- body confidence and sense of pleasure
- both blood and lymphatic circulation
- many other aspects of health and well-being
- strength and coordination, helps weight control, and reduces stress
- the functioning of the liver, pancreas and other vital organs
* also increases circulation to the hands and feet and can help relieve pain
- resistance to disease
- strength in the muscles that support and protect the joint
- sweating and skin temperature
* also increases the amount of acetylcholine that is released
- good cholesterol produced by the body
- body's production of endorphins, natural pain-blocking substances
- heart rate and increases the blood circulation
- metabolism of carbohydrates
- metabolism, allowing stress toxins to be broken down and eliminated
- production of glutamine in the body
* also is an effective means of losing weight
- important part of weight and diabetes control
* also is essential for building bone in youth and preventing bone loss with age
- in weight loss and can prevent or improve the onset of adult diabetes
- leads to a sense of well being and is helpful in decreasing depression
* also lowers blood glucose levels
- insulin resistance which can lead to diabetes
- normalizes glucose metabolism, which provides a steady supply of energy to the brain
* also plays a role in the prevention of cancer
- role, making the body stronger and more able to withstand stress
- promotes sound sleep
* also reduces some risk factors for heart disease
- the amount of triglycerides which is another fat in the blood
* also relaxes muscles and promotes deeper breathing
- muscles, which can ease aches
- releases the feel-good hormone, endorphine
- relieves stress and helps promote good behavior
- seems to make people feel better about themselves and feel less anxious
- sends natural painkillers flowing through the body
* also stimulates blood flow
- cortisol, the body's stress hormone which increases the protein breakdown
- sweating, which eliminates toxins through the skin
* also strengthens bones which are often weak in domestic rabbits
- bones, relieves stress and induces deeper sleep
- muscles and joints and helps make connective tissues more flexible
* also strengthens the heart and lungs
- tends to moderate the appetite and helps achieve normal body weight
* also uses up blood sugar and burns calories
- excess glucose, thus lowering insulin levels
- works to lower or control blood sugar levels
* alters the distribution of ammonia and lactate in blood.
* appears to be important in treating chronic low back pain
- reduce some people's stress levels when regularly practiced
* are actions
- capable of conditions
- ceremony
- events
- forms of wellness
- lessons
* are motivated by the goal of fits
- good health
- less weight
* associated with dietary control is useful in dealing with obesity.
* basis for living a full life.
* becomes particularly important as a woman ages.
* benefits a person's physical, as well as mental, well-being
- almost everyone, but is especially important for people with diabetes
- musculoskeletal disease
* benefits the body in many other ways
- brainpower of the old and young, the healthy and the sick
- growth and development of bone and muscle and enhances muscle strength
- heart and entire cardiovascular system, too
* better means of improving muscle tone and increasing metabolism.
* big factor in controlling depression for many people.
* boosts catecholamines, producing increased alertness and mental sharpness.
* boosts the body's fibrinolytic system which dissolves blood clots
- cardiovascular and immune systems, which apparently lowers cancer risk
* builds and strengthens bone and muscle and therefore bone and muscle preservative
- bone strength and helps prevent bone loss
* builds muscle and lean body mass
- strength and stamina, which help improve coordination and balance
- muscle, naturally stimulates the appetite and gives a sense of accomplishment
* builds muscle, which burns more calories than fat
- helps the body use calories more effectively
- muscles needed during labor, reduces stress levels and increases energy levels
- strength by making the body more muscular
- up muscle tissue which burns calories at a higher rate than body fat
* burns blood glucose.
* burns calories and has many positive benefits on the body and mind
- works against fat getting deposited in various parts of the body
- consumed as food, and raises the basal metabolic rate
- calories, maintains lean muscle mass, and decreases yo-yo dieting
- energy to help maintain weight
- excess calories which are stored as fat cells
- fat and helps control weight
- off the excess adrenaline that fuels feelings of anxiety and stress
* can actually help asthma
- increase positive feelings
- aggrevate high blood sugars caused by illness
* can also affect blood levels of cholesterol
- be helpful in building and maintaining strong bones
- cause an increase in enzymes that defend against free radical reactions
- counter depression, decrease the risk of falls and increase stability
- decrease depression and relieve stress
- have emotional benefits
* can also help cancer patients lose weight gained during treatment
- clear mucus from the lungs
- control the amount of sugar in the blood and help burn excess calories
* can also help control weight, diabetes , and high blood pressure
- diabetes, high blood pressure
- fight stress and the harmful effects of stress on the body
- flush the impurities through the skin by way of perspiration
- improve memory and reduce symptoms of depression
- people manage their cholesterol levels
* can also help reduce high blood pressure
- release pent-up anxiety and tension
- the body improve the use of insulin
- to relieve stress and unwind tension
- with self-esteem
* can also improve a girl's psychological well being
- heart rate variability
- labor outcome and help maintain well-being
- reduce stress and tension
- strengthen the chest wall and respiratory muscles
* can be a key way to keep children healthy and to develop their character
- primary treatment from increasing circulation to building up the bones
* can be an important factor in maintaining the integrity of the circulatory system
- part of physical therapy , weight loss , or sports performance
* can be beneficial for helping someone to sleep
- in many physiologic processes
- to the skeletal system throughout life
- fun and it helps protect the body from a number of disorders
- important to a person's physical as well as emotional well-being
* can be in the form of walking on the treadmill or riding a stationary bicycle
- walking, cycling, cleaning, and aerobics
- one the most important things to help alleviate symptoms of fibromyalgia
- risky for people with foot problems or heart disease
* can benefit more than the body and the muscle structure
- people of any age, including older people
- best reduce blood pressure when the patient's activity routine is regular and aerobic
- bolster confidence and a sense of well-being, while decreasing tension and anxiety
- bring down blood sugar levels
* can cause a large amount of body fluid loss that is difficult to replace quickly
- chemicals called endorphins to be released into the blood
- episodic hematuria, for example
- hypoglycemia
- combat depression by releasing hormones called endorphins
- come in many forms
* can decrease bone loss, increase bone density, and reduce the risk of fractures
- our appetite and improve our moods
- the amount of glutamine
- dramatically increase the rate at which insulin is absorbed
- ease body tension and improve circulation
* can even help in childbirth
- slow down the process of aging, improving the quality of life at an older age
- exacerbate the damage induced by iron deficiency or zinc deficiency
- frequently relieve arthritis symptoms
- go a long way towards slowing and even reversing the effects of aging
- have a positive effect on fatigue in FMS subjects
- help a person lose excess weight
* can help alleviate depression
- many health problems
- burn off unwanted fat and calories and increase stamina for daily activities
- by reducing stress, anxiety and depression
- change that by moving their glucose into their muscles
- circulatory problems
* can help control blood cholesterol, diabetes, and obesity
- obesity and high blood pressure
- lipid abnormalities, diabetes and obesity
- diabetes by prompting the body to use insulin more efficiently
- weight and lower blood pressure
- decrease pain, speed healing, and return animals to normal function
- deter the effects of aging
- emotional stress
* can help keep adrenal hormones in balance
- blood sugar levels in the normal range
- diabetes in check and heart disease at bay
- off excess weight that can lead to diabetes
- maintain our lean body mass
- people at risk of developing diabetes avoid the condition or delay it
* can help prevent bone loss and increase bone strength
- frailty
- heart disease by improving insulin action
- leading killers such as stroke or heart disease
- regulate blood sugar levels
- release tension, vent anger and allow feelings to emerge in a constructive way
* can help relieve stress
- tension, depression and fatigue
- sort out body rhythms
- stave off heart disease, colon cancer, diabetes and high blood pressure
* can help strengthen bones
- muscle and bone, improve posture, and prevent falls by aiding balance
* can help the body better use the insulin it has, resulting in a lower blood sugar level
- relieve tension
* can help to avoid muscle weakness
- improve posture, and poor posture can cause lower back pain
- ward off stress
- youngsters who wish to lose weight
* can improve a person's ability to cope with both physical and mental stress
- mobility, digestive processes and circulation
- abdominal circulation and aid in the function of the reproductive system
- both cardiovascular fitness and strength
- cardiovascular health and increase overall blood flow
- energy levels and give a sense of wellbeing
- heart function and circulation and promote stronger bones and muscles
- one's image and reduce anxiety and depression
- sleep patterns, which are known to have an aggravating effect on depression
- strength and reduce pain
- increase circulation, and generally make the body work more efficiently
- keep arteries fit and flexible
- lead to a sense of well being and be helpful in decreasing depression
* can lower blood sugar levels
- the blood sugar and improve the body's ability to use glucose
- make for shorter labor and can possibly decrease the chance for developing diabetes
- mean a number of things
* can often help to improve blood sugar control
- reduce stress, by helping to release tension from the system
- improve muscle function
- place a tremendous stress on the body
- positively affect the neurochemistry of the brain
- precipitate hypoglycemia during the fast
* can prevent losses in physical function and allow older adults to maintain independence
- muscle mass decline
- unnecessary disability and improve general health
* can promote cardiovascular fitness by increasing the efficiency of the heart's function
- good sleep, an improved appetite and better health
- raise self-esteem, help reduce weight, and divert one's attention to positive pursuits
* can reduce anxiety and distress and elevate mood
- cardiovascular risk factors
- fatigue, backaches and ankle swelling during pregnancy
* can reduce stress and anxiety as well as improve sleep, reaction time, and memory
- help people lose weight
- stress, eliminate depression, and provides a host of other benefits
- symptoms and improve endurance
- the body's mineral reserves because potassium and sodium are lost in sweat
* can reduce the risk for many diseases and, at any age, can enhance overall stamina
- of heart disease by a half
- significantly help to relieve fatigue
* can sometimes decrease the number of sleep attacks
- result in low blood sugar that night or the next day
* can stimulate appetite and improve sense of well being
- circulation, which does have an effect on controlling the appetite
- the body to release pain-blocking chemicals
- strengthen and stretch out weak and tight muscles
* can trigger asthma in some children
- ward off illness during periods or stress
* cause a desire to rests
- fitnesses
- injuries
* causes an increase in body temperature, which in turn burns calories
- growth of the heart
- massive water loss both through sweat and also through metabolic needs
- muscle breakdown and protein is the key to rebuilding that muscle
- muscles to contract
* causes the body to produce happy endorphins
- brain to release endorphins that, wonderfully enough, elevate the mood
- heart to work even harder and squeeze even more times per minute
- release of endorphins in the brain which promote a sense of well-being
- ventricular hypertrophy and increases stroke volume
* certainly increases strength and endurance to do active things.
* changes metabolism.
* combined with diet is more effective in reducing weight than diet alone
- therapy can reverse established heart disease
* comes in many forms.
* common asthma trigger, particularly among school age children
- cause of asthma symptoms
- treatment for people experiencing low back pain
* contributes to glucose control, weight control, and stress management
- physical fitness
- the health and welfare of mother's and babies
* controls stress by letting off steam, just like releasing the valve on a pressure cooker
- the progression of, and can even reverse, obesity
- weight Exercise can help prevent excess weight gain or help maintain weight loss
* cornerstone of cardiac rehabilitation.
* counteracts weight gain even in women with a genetic predisposition to overweight.
* creates ammonia in the body
- both acute and chronic changes in immune system function
* crucial component of osteoporosis prevention and treatment.
* cuts estrogen production in the body
- risk in women
* decreases blood pressure
- cytosolic aconitase activity in the liver, spleen, and bone marrow in rats
- fat selection in female rats during weight cycling
- muscle tension while increasing heart rate
- protein synthesis and it also increases protein degradation
- resting heart rate and blood pressure
* decreases the chemicals in the brain involved in the regulation of emotions
- severity of menstrual cramps
* designed to strengthen pelvic muscles can help some women with mild stress incontinence.
* develops muscle, which requires fuel for contraction and relaxation.
* directly decreases estradiol absorption, improves immune response and relieves stress.
* does burn glucose from the blood and can lower the blood sugar.
* does help a bit with weight loss when done in conjunction with eating fewer calories
- reduce blood pressure, reduce resting heart rate, and improve cholesterol levels
- more to reduce stress hormones and chemicals in our body than any other activity
- to some degree benefit most people even if they remain over weight, most studies show
* done to excess can theoretically damage the eyes by shunting away blood.
* enables a person to stay physically fit.
* encourages the bones to reabsorb calcium.
* end with showers.
* enhances dietary compliance during moderate energy restriction in obese women
- feelings of well-being and reduces depression and anxiety
- metabolic functions by controlling the body weight and preventing obesity
- mid-life sexuality in many ways
* even helps reverse some of the effects of smoking.
* excites the nervous system, causing an increase of vibration, consequently increased heat.
* extends the blood to the smallest vessels, deeply nourishing the body.
* form of self-medication for depression, raising the level of endorphins in the brain
- wellness and of health
* fuels the brain's stress buffers.
* generates drool as the dog salivates to control body temperature
- great amounts of body heat
* good way to help maintain strong bones and good posture
- improve mental and physical health and prevent disabilities
* habits early in life can help prevent future illness.
* has insulin-like effects in that it stimulates skeletal muscle uptake of glucose
- mental benefits such as it leads to a sense of and can decrease
* help the body use chemicals produced as the result of a stressful event.
* helps build and maintain healthy bones, muscles, and joints
- healthy bones, muscles and joints
* helps burn calories, keeping the percentage of body fat lower
- excess calories and prevents obesity
- fat, even at rest, and allows lean muscle tissue to develop
- off the excess energy that stress can produce
* helps by forcing the body to relax
- reducing anxiety levels, feelings of helplessness, depression and hostility
* helps control blood pressure and cholesterol
- sugar, leading to a steady state associated with fullness
- weight, improve sleep, and keep bones strong
- coronary artery disease
- correct the insulin glucagon imbalance that high carbohydrate diets create
- decrease body fat and improves insulin sensitivity
- even out blood sugar levels and it can help to keep blood pressure down
- expedite the movement of the nutrients to the cells and the toxins from the cells
- fight inflammation of the body and organs, and regulates the body's digestion
- greatly in removing excess fluids
- in shedding excess weight and prevents frequent stomach disorders
- increase muscular strength, flexibility and balance
- insulin work better to lower blood sugar
* helps keep muscle loose and flexible
- muscles strong, prevents bone loss, and makes a person feel and look better
* helps keep the body fit and can actually help limit chronic pain and disability too
- heart, mind and entire body healthy
- loosen the mucus that clogs the lungs
* helps lower blood pressure and helps make the heart strong
- cholesterol levels, reduce blood pressure and cut down on blood clottability
* helps maintain bone strength and growth
- strength, and is of benefit to everyone as they age
- mobility and therefore, physical independence as the years go by
- muscle tone and increases the efficiency of body processes
- optimal function of the muscles that helps prevent disuse atrophy
- minimize the craving to smoke and also builds muscles and burns extra calories
- move digested food through the intestines
* helps our bodies deal with the physiological results of stress
- retain calcium
- patients achieve and maintain healthy body fat levels
* helps people improve their self-esteem and have a better quality of life
- lose weight, strengthens the heart, and builds bones and muscle strength
- maintain their lower weight
* helps prevent cancer
- disease and helps extend and improve the quality of life
- heart disease and many other problems
- injuries to the muscles and joints
- ischemic strokes, caused by blockages in the arteries leading to the brain
- osteoporosis by keeping bone and cartilage tissue strong and healthy
- promote circulation and improves muscle tone
- recovery by strengthening the body again
* helps reduce blood glucose levels and makes insulin more effective
- body fat and prevent atherosclerosis
* helps reduce stress, anxiety and depression
- which trigger to overeat for a lot of people
- release endorphins which are natural pain relievers and help boost mood
* helps the body become more efficient at converting food to energy
- process stress
- rid itself of the daily accumulation of harmful toxins
- to turn fat into muscle building protein
- bones to remain strong
- cells burn more calories
- joints remain flexible and greatly improves muscle strength and tone
- muscles of the body become both stronger and more efficient
- skin to glow because the blood is circulating and nourishing the cells
* helps to burn up calories from food
- decrease anxiety, tension, and depression
- increase the flow of oxygenated blood to every part of the body
* helps to lower blood glucose levels
- high blood sugar levels, which goal for people with diabetes
- the blood glucose level by causing the muscles to burn more sugar
* helps to maintain and improve body function and posture
- muscle tone and physical fitness
- reduce anxiety and stress
- release endorphins or the feel good hormones
- restore joint mobility, reduce pain, and improve strength and endurance
- stimulate blood flow in the legs and feet
- utilize the glucose that is in the blood stream
- treat cancer-treatment side effects
* helps with managing stress levels, alleviating depression, and increasing immunity
- muscle development, digestion and overall health
- the craving, and it also builds muscles and burns extra calories
- weight loss by burning extra calories during and after the activity
* imparts benefits to overall health and emotional well-being.
* improves and maintains good circulation and lowers blood pressure
- blood flow to all body parts, including reproductive organs
- both muscular strength and muscular endurance
* improves cardiovascular health, muscle strength, and circulation as well as weight control
- strength, stamina, and flexibility
- circulatory and oxygenating capacity
- concentration, creative thinking, and sleep
- health in many ways
- heart function, allowing an earlier return to one's normal routine
- mental health and personal well-being
- mood by producing positive biochemical changes in the body and brain
* improves muscle strength and can help people sleep well and reduce pain
- tone, strengthens the bones and liberates the mind
- risk factors for heart disease and decreases the risk of heart problems
- self image, appearance and tends to control weight
- strength, balance, and coordination
* improves the immune system and boosts the overall functioning of the lungs
- well-being and aids control of weight and blood pressure
* increases appetite.
* increases blood and oxygen flow throughout the body, including the brain
- circulation, which delivers oxygen to cells and creates better skin color
* increases blood flow in the brain and reduces the chances of getting a stroke
- into the part of the body that is moving
* increases blood flow to the brain bringing with it needed nutrients
- brain, and lowers blood pressure
- supply of joints and around
- cardiac output, redistributes blood flow and increases blood flow to muscles
- circulation and improves muscle tone and strength
- endorphins, promoting feelings of well-being
- energy, and it relieves stress
- fat loss and decreases the loss of lean-muscle tissue
* increases heart and lung function and stretches tight, sore muscles
- rate and blood pressure which stresses the heart
- lean body weight
- levels of brain chemicals called endorphins which improve mood and energy
* increases levels of feel-good brain chemicals, such as serotonin
- metabolism but also stimulates too much energy to promote sleep
* increases muscle strength and flexibility as well as bone mass
- tone, strengthens the heart, and aids in lung efficiency
- oxygen consumption and causes oxygen stores to be depleted faster than usual
- self-esteem, lowers body weight and assists the body to function properly
- significantly the metabolism of the muscles involved
- susceptibility of muscle glucose transport to activation by various stimuli
* increases the amount of calcium that is deposited in the bones
- energy expended by the body
- lean muscle mass and increases the body's capacity to burn up fat
- blood circulation in the foot and favors good hoof growth
- body s ability to control the blood glucose level
- body's use of glucose, decreasing blood glucose levels
- circulation and the absorption of calcium
- effects of ozone because more of it enters the lungs
- efficiency of our bodies and is beneficial at any age
- flow of oxygen, giving new energy
- heart's ability to pump
* increases the metabolism allowing stress toxins to be broken down and eliminated
- of the body, thus enabling it to burn more calories
- water consumption even further to replace fluids lost due to sweat
- work of the heart
- tissue chromium concentrations
- water output through skin
* induced amenorrhea also results in reduced calcium retention and lower bone mass
- asthma is the onset of asthmatic symptoms as a result of exercise
* induces gastric ischemia in healthy volunteers
- profound changes in renal haemodynamics and protein excretion
* initially elevates core body temperature and then decreases it.
* involves the transformation of chemical energy stored in muscles into mechanical energy.
* is absolutely essential for building and maintaining healthy cells
- to keep body fat down
- active use to give practice and training, or to cause improvement
- aerobic when it is done at low to moderate intensity without stopping to rest
* is also a common trigger in children, as well as adults
- great way to relieve stress
- key to dieting
- notable component in the self-assessment of good looks and sexual satisfaction
- very fast way to burn off excess calories
- way of staying slim and trim
* is also an effective mechanism for coping with stress
- treatment for depression after it occurs
- important component of a healthy lifestyle
* is also an important part of nutrition
- post transplant recovery
* is also beneficial for people in later stages of infection
- in reducing the risk of colorectal cancer
- effective in preventing diabetes
- essential to building strong bones
- fundamental in maintaining a healthy body and an active lifestyle
- helpful in avoiding weight gain and in maintaining the mobility of the joints
- important for healthy bones
* is also important in childbirth
- maintaining health and lung function
- preventing disease
- starting and maintaining healthy bowel habits
- staying physically and emotionally healthy
- sustaining energy
- to any pet's health
- key to losing weight and keeping it off
- the best way to lose weight
- useful in controlling appetite
* is also very helpful in releasing toxins through the skin
- important in order to maintain and increase strength
- always best in children for the treatment and possible prevention of diabetes
* is an aid to appetite regulation
- appetite suppressant, sometimes delaying the return of hunger for hours
* is an effective way to lose weight, and to maintain a healthy weight
- relieve symptoms and build strength to resist stress
* is an essential component of cardiac rehabilitation
* is an essential part of a healthy routine for everybody, including people with asthma
- any weight loss, and it is also an effective appetite suppressant
- healthy skin and a healthy body
- important adjunct to diet and cholesterol-lowering drugs
* is an important aspect in many people's lives
- of everyone's health
* is an important component in maintaining body weight
- the comprehensive treatment of osteoporosis
* is an important component of healthy lifestyles and any weight loss plan
- insulin pump therapy
- one's quality of life
- recovery following bypass surgery
- contributor to adequate bone mass
- influence on body image
* is an important part of a healthy lifestyle
- any healthy lifestyle
- diabetes treatment
- fitness, but good eating habits are important, too
- growing up strong and healthy
- pregnancy health
- staying healthy
- the recovery phase from depression
- strategy for preventing chronic disease and promoting positive mood
- tool in losing and maintaining weight loss
- undertaking when trying to reduce blood cholesterol levels
* is an important way to decrease depression
- prevent complications after a procedure
- integral part of losing weight
* is another cornerstone of ayurvedic treatment of diabetes
- extremely important aspect of stress reduction for families
* is another important component in building muscle mass
- of fitness and good health
- factor in both the prevention and control of osteoporosis
- part of a low-cholesterol lifestyle
* is another potential pathway to reducing both depression and heart disease
- both depression and risk of heart disease
- as important as the diet
* is as important for children with asthma as it is for any child
- people with asthma as it is for everyone else
- to weight loss or maintenance as calorie intake
- valuable to the mind and psyche as it is to the body
* is associated with a reduction of stress emotions such as anxiety
- the loss of body fat in both obese and normal weight persons
- basic to the treatment of osteoarthritis
- believed to be important in maintaining the maximal bone density
* is beneficial for general health and it temporarily lowers testosterone levels
- the older patient with diabetes
* is beneficial to the body as well as the mind
- entire body, particularly for the lungs, heart and muscles
- health of people with both types of diabetes in two ways
- critical for the health and well-being of the dogs
* is critical to bone health
- healthy sustainable weight loss
- mental well-being
- critically important for a man's sexuality
- crucial to human health
- effort
- especially good for people with diabetes
* is essential for a healthy frog body, or human body
- all human beings
- good mental and physical health
- the health and happiness of a hedgehog
- in treating people with osteoarthritis
* is essential to a vital functioning body
- increasing energy expenditure and promote physical fitness
- maintaining and building strong bones
- even more important for children with diabetes than for other children
* is extremely important for children
- the prevention and treatment of high blood pressure
- in maintaining one's health, and active parents inspire active kids
- fitness medicine
- for muscle, bodyfat percentage is mainly about diet, walking is for digestion
* is for people of all ages
- who have been active all their life
- fundamental to health
- good for the heart, lungs, blood vessels, brain, and muscles
- great for the body and mind, and has been proven to reduce stress
- healthy for most people with diabetes
* is helpful for weight loss, and is also good for the heart and blood vessels
- in diabetes management as well as overall health
* is important because it burns sugar without insulin and keeps blood sugar levels down
- keeps our bodies and our minds healthy
* is important for a healthy and happy dog
- all dogs
- both physical and mental health
- many reasons, including keeping bones strong
- overall fitness, as well as physical and mental health
- their physical and mental health
* is important in developing and maintaining bone density
- reducing cholesterol
- stress relief and weight reduction
* is important in the recovery process because it strengthens the heart and whole body
- treatment of arthritis
* is important to digestion, and to a healthy condition of body and mind
- keep astronauts healthy in weightlessness for long periods
* is important to maintain healthy bones
- normal body functions and muscle tone
- maintaining a stable weight and stay healthy
- the maintenance of both a healthy body image and a healthy body
* is key to keeping diabetes under control and to staying healthy
- maintaining a healthy weight as well as overall health and well being
- preventing osteoporosis
* is known to improve depression and lower stress levels
- produce substances that can break up clots
- reduce stress, improve mood and decrease appetite
* is more important than diet
- likely to mean going for a walk, rather than skiing or snowboarding
* is necessary for physical health, but also for a healthy mood
- to maintain a healthy figure, and a healthy body
- needed to keep the human body functioning properly
- often useful in helping people to relax and reduce frustrations
- one important way to address the increase of obesity in children
* is one of four proven ways of helping people lose weight and maintain that weight loss
- many ways the lymph fluid moves
* is one of the best protectors against hyperinsulinemia
- remedies for tension, anxiety, depression and hypochondria
- treatments for pain because it releases the body's own pain-killers
* is one of the best ways to reduce stress
- to reduce the effects of stress
- bst lifestyle habits to prevent and correct most heart diseases
- factors in preventing the onset of heart disease
- many well established ways of learning to control and manage pain
- more effective ways to treat the symptoms of fibromyalgia
- most effective ways to prevent diabetes and controlling blood sugar levels
* is one of the most important elements of a healthy lifestyle
- parts of a diet and losing weight
- treatments for anemia due to the body s response
- simplest cures for a non-complicated constipation
- single most simple and effective means of improving overall health
- ways people can have some control over their diabetes
- the best ways to control stress
- way to decrease the likelihood of heart disease
* is part of a healthy lifestyle, for both humans and animals
- particularly effective for reducing the risk of heart disease
- physical effort, but in yoga the effort is primarily mental
- possibly more important than eating less, according to recent studies
- reported to have many benefits in the control of diabetes, too
- said to sharpen the mind
- shown to correlate with a healthy body
* is so important for diabetics
- women to strengthen bones and muscles
- something many people forget to do
* is the answer to keeping weight off forever
- best known way of reducing anxiety-producing stress
* is the best way to control stress and maintain energy levels
- increase the metabolism
- cheapest way to manage diabetes
- common denominator
- component of a weight-reduction program that most people abandon first
- easiest habit to teach children
- essence of life
- fastest way to speed up metabolism
- fattening food of the soul, without which it grows lank and thinly parted
- healthyist and most beneficial lifestyle change anyone and everyone shoul make
* is the key to a healthy heart and healthy bones
- long healthy life
- successful diet
- achieving and maintaining weight loss
- keeping the metabolic rate up and the calories burning
- successful and permanent fat loss
- weight management at any age, especially in mid-life
- life blood of our body
- method by which a person maintains a fitness level
* is the most important factor for maintaining and developing new bone growth
- influence of all in maintaining good bone structure
- measure in the management of spondylitis
- natural weapon against arthritis
- thing in staying fit and in shape
- way in treating obesity
- suitable form of improving physical capabilities and managing weight
- one thing in life that comes with a guarantee for success
* is the only healthy way to burn fat and tone and tighten our bodies
- proven method of increasing lean muscle tissue
- way known to increase the number of insulin receptors on a human cell
* is the only way to help improve the mechanical efficiency of the lungs
- make a particular muscle bigger
* is the other important factor in appetite control
- pillar of preventing and controlling childhood obesity
* is the single most effective thing, because it increases muscular strength and balance
- important part of healthily living
* is used to increase circulation and burn excess glucose
- treat, or improve, almost all diseases, disorders and conditions
- useful in both preventing and treating hypertension
* is very beneficial in cancer therapy
- important because it helps the body burn off some of the excess glucose as energy
* is very important for children and adolescents with diabetes
- depression and insomnia
- good health and strong bones
- individuals with arthritis
- slowing the progression of osteoporosis
- strengthening bones
- in helping prepare for the physical intensity and duration of labor
* is very important to improve movement, coordination, strength and endurance
- maintain a healthy body
- the arthritic, as it helps keep the joints from stiffening
* is vital for people of all ages
- in keeping healthy in old age
* is vital to blood sugar control
- recovery and to maintaining a healthy spine
- what builds muscles
* keeps children's bodies and minds healthy
- men and women young, healthy and happy
- the balance between nutrition and drainage
* keeps the blood flowing and prevents impotence in the same way it prevents heart attacks
- to discs, joints and muscles
- body in tone and is good for the heart and lungs
- heart and lungs working well
* key component to losing weight
- managing the pain associated with arthritis
- factor in keeping fit-physically and mentally
- part of treating arthritis
* large cause for asthma attacks.
* life long commitment.
* literally forces poisons out of the tissues and out of the body through the sweat.
* lowers blood glucose by improving insulin sensitivity
- pressure in older women
- sugar levels and reduces the risk of getting diabetes
- cholesterol and reduces blood pressure, too
- estrogen levels
- the cholesterol that clogs blood vessels
* lowers the risk for colon cancer, as does the regular use of aspirin
- heart attack and heart disease
* maintains the body's andthe brain's ability to move and think.
* major component in making our bodies and minds feel better.
* makes bones and muscles stronger and helps prevent bone loss
- insulin dump glucose into the muscles for fuel
- muscles and bones stronger and lessens the likelihood of falling
- people look good and feel better and it helps with a general sense of well-being
* means of dealing with life's everyday stresses.
* mitigates the potential for severe trauma induced by episiotomy.
* moves the blood around the body, and that promotes recovery.
* much more effective deterrent to stress than drugs or alcohol.
* naturally reduces depression, anxiety, fatigue, irritability, nervous energy, and cramps.
* necessary part of a healthy lifestyle.
* necessity for the longevity of guinea pigs, just as it is in all other living things.
* neutralizes stress and encourages healthy gums.
* non-invasive way people can empower themselves and enhance their quality of life.
* often can increase utilization of excess low-density lipids
- helps relieve pain
- improves the symptoms, as well as the person's mood and energy
- slows down the digestive process, resulting in excess acids splashing around
* oxygenates the blood
- cells and triggers the lymphatic system that cleans the body
* plays a major role in arthritis treatment
- very important role in enhancing glucose uptake from the blood
* plays an important role in Calcium being absorbed by the body
- controlling arthritis
- preserving bone density in the aging person
* plays an important role in weight control
- another important role in our immune system's ability to fight infection
* prevents strokes and helps restore function after a stroke.
* probably helps by enhancing collateral circulation and increasing tissue perfusion.
* produces an insulin-like effect in the body
- heat which can also disturb the developing fetus
* promotes a feeling of well-being, relieves stress, and improves coordination
- blood flow in the hoof and is the best way to moisten hooves
- capillary functioning which can decrease premature aging
- fitness and movement improves the quality of life in many ways
- growth of coronary arteries which helps blood flow to the heart more easily
- health, fitness and longevity
- hunger, and hunger promotes healthy eating
- loss of fat, increases metabolic rate, alters body composition and uses energy
- movement of the intestinal tract muscles facilitating the movement of stools
- muscle formation by increasing the number of testosterone receptors
- relaxation and improves sleep
- self-sufficiency and improves quality of life
- strength, flexibility, and endurance-staving off feebleness in old age
* promotes the body's relaxation response, which is one good way to relieve stress
- formation of more mitochondria
* promotes weight control, is associated with less depression and a greater sense of control
- loss by helping to regulate appetite
- wellness and reduces stress
* provides strength, flexibility, and mental alertness, and promotes overall good health.
* pumps up the immune system and cuts the estrogen level.
* raises metabolism and increases muscle mass while lowering body fat.
* really does have something to do with long-term weight maintenance
- helps the body to deal with stress
* reduces a person's fat ratio and improves immune system function
- blood pressure, stress, tension and cholesterol levels
- enzymes that store fat making weight loss a bit easier to do
- joint pain and stiffness and increases flexibility, muscle strength, and endurance
- menstrual flow and, therefore, the endometrial irritation and inflammation
- muscle tension and emotional anxiety that exacerbate sleeplessness
- pain and increases range of motion, strength, and mobility
- pain, increases bone mass, aerobic capacity, range of motion, and strength
- resting heart rate and helps maintain heart rate ability
* reduces the amount of adrenaline released during stress
- incidence of breast and colon cancers
* reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease
- colon and breast cancer
- dying from a heart attack
- endometrial cancer and breast cancer by reducing body fat
- heart disease, improves mood, and encourages sound sleep
* relaxes muscles and relieves tension.
* releases endorphins, which counteract stress, anxiety and depression
- endorphins-the body's joy juice
- healing endorphins that help with anxiety and depression
- the tension in muscles and stimulates the hormonal system
* relieves much of the pain fibromyalgia causes
- stress and can promote an improved function of the immune system
- tension, stress and mild forms of depression
* remains the only and safe way to maintain a healthy weight or lose weight.
* requires muscles to pull on bones causing the bones to retain and even gain density.
* reverses depressed metabolic rate produced by severe energy restriction in humans.
* seems to play a role in mental health as well
- protect against periodontal disease
* signal for some animals.
* significant form of stress reduction.
* significantly improves self-esteem and helps prevent depression.
* simulates circulation which promotes healing.
* slows bone loss and is one of the most important factors in maintaining bone health.
* slows down the aging process because it stimulates detoxification
- release of stress hormones
* solving form of rote learning.
* speeds up calorie expenditure promoting weight loss
- metabolism and heart rate and increases energy
* stabilizes both body size and mood.
* start with stretchs.
* stimulates blood circulation
- bowel contractions
- growth, and thickens the cushioning
* stimulates the cells responsible for generating new bone to work overtime
- formation of new bone
- metabolism, so does consuming small, frequent meals
* stimulates the production of blood
- greater amounts of the contractile proteins actin and myosin
- the bodys natural feel good hormones
- secretion of endorphins from the pituitary gland
- thyroid gland secretion and increases tissue sensitivity to thyroid hormone
* strengthens bones and decreases the rate of bone loss
- it is never too late to start
- revs up a slowing metabolism
- heart muscle so that it can work more easily
* strengthens muscles and increases joint flexibility and motion
- that hold the bladder and many other organs in place
* strengthens the heart and lungs, boosts energy and relieves stress
- muscle and helps open up clogged arteries
* stretches muscles placing tension on bones.
* takes many forms, ranging from jogging to stretching.
* tells the body to stay young.
* temporarily stimulates the adrenals, which helps eliminate copper.
* tends to build extra blood vessels in the heart
- neutralize the attitude and effects of stress
* total-body commitment that begins in one s mind.
* trains fat cells to give up their contents.
* triggers a quasi-allergic reaction in many people.
* turns fat into muscle.
* uses energy, thereby limiting the amount of ingested energy that is stored as fat
- stored energy and can help to reduce the stored body fat
* usually has natural health benefits for people, no matter what age or gender
- lowers blood sugar
* utilizes blood glucose and makes the body more sensitive to insulin.
* very effective way to lower blood sugar and cholesterol, and control weight
- important component to a successful diet
* vital component to a healthy life.
* works by building up the muscles, and there are no muscles in the breasts
- well with estrogen or other medications that increase bone density and strength
+ Endorphin, Types: Endocrine system :: Proteins
* They are usually in the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. More endorphins are released in the pituitary gland during times of pain or stress. Exercise increases the endorphin release too. For the same reason, exercise results in a better mood.
+ Exercise, Basic modes of physical exercises: Fitness :: Healthy lifestyle
+ Freerunning sleep, Scientific experiments: Sleep
* Light is the most effective signal. Some animals are quite easily entrained by the timing of meals. Exercise is a signal for some animals. Heat is not effective.
+ Muscle, Healthy muscles: Tissues
* Exercise also makes muscles stronger. If a person does not exercise, their muscles 'atrophy'. This means their muscles get smaller and weaker. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | effort | exercise:
Acute exercise
* can improve cardioprotection without increasing heat-shock protein content.
* increases nitric oxide synthase activity in skeletal muscle. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | effort | exercise:
Aerobic exercise
* Aerobic Exercise Try to do some aerobic exercise at least five times a week.
* Some aerobic exercise is likely to be needed to appropriately metabolize and store fat.
* are the best exercises for strengthening the heart.
* builds endurance and burns fat and calories
- endurance, and jogging is one of the easiest forms of aerobic exercise
- muscle strength and endurance, as well as a healthy heart
- stamina, strengthens the heart and helps with weight loss
* burn a lot more calories than other forms of exercise
- fat faster than any other type of exercise
* burns more fat faster than any other activity
- up calories
* can also improve insulin resistance
- be low, moderate, or severe in intensity
- come from walking, jogging, swimming and even gardening
* challenge for anyone with physical limitations.
* combined with healthful eating helps people lose fat rather than muscle.
* comprises innumerable forms.
* conditions the cardiovascular system and can help lower blood pressure.
* critical component of the treatment regimen for fibromyalgia.
* decreases the risk for early deterioration of the spine.
* elevates the heart rate through sustained activity of moderate intensity.
* enhances the lymphatic and venous flow, further reducing swelling in the extremity.
* entails the constant consumption of oxygen by the body at a high level.
* good way to increase calorie expenditure.
* great natural antidepressant
- way to constructively channel such hormones
* help the body work hard for a long time
- to achieve and maintain cardiovascular health and true physical fitness
* helps boost the body's HDLs
- burn off the excess energy that stress can produce
- people attain and maintain a healthy weight
* helps to eliminate such chemicals through sweating
- strengthen the heart and burn fat
* improves heart, lung and muscle function.
* improves the condition of the heart and exercises the lungs
- performance of the heart and lungs
* includes cycling, jogging, and swimming
- running, swimming, bicycling, dancing, etc
- swimming, jogging, bicycling, racquetball, and aerobic dance
* increases cancer survival rate
- metabolism
- oxygen by accelerating the heart rate
- pulse and breath rates
* increases the body s available oxygen and therefore promotes wellness
- energy level
- body's demand for oxygen
* involves activities that use the large muscle groups such as the legs and arms
- continuous and rhythmic physical motion, such as walking and bicycling
- lower intensity, prolonged activities, such as jogging or aerobic dance
- movement, smooth movement which raises the respiratory and heart rate
- the generation of internal heat through performance of muscular work
* is aerobic exercise
- also beneficial throughout pregnancy
* is an effective way of coping with stress
- excellent way to reduce stress
- invention of an extremely sadistic mind
* is any activity that rhythmically uses large muscle groups
- continuous, rhythmic activities that incorporate large muscle groups
- exercise that is continuous, rhythmical and involves large muscle groups
- basically long in duration yet relatively low in intensity
- best for burning fat
- definitely good for cardiovascular health and fitness
- essential in developing the cardiovascular-pulmonary levels required
- exercise in which the muscles use large amounts of oxygen supplied by the lungs
- great, it burns fat and speeds up the heart rate
- highly effective in improving the cardiovascular system
- known for heart health
- more that just aerobics
- no better than any other form of exercise for weight loss
- often a part of therapy for reducing the effects of arthritis
* is one of the best preventative medicines available and one of the cheapest
- main components of physical fitness
- perhaps the best way to achieve stress relief
- primarily a cardiovascular enhancement activity
* is the best exercise for the heart
- form of exercise for reducing stress
- exercise of choice for people with hypertension
- fastest way to burn calories
- most effective way to burn fat calories
- only form of exercise that burns fat, thus helping to lose fat weight
- way to get thinner, and biking great aerobic exercise
- unparalleled for burning stored fat and building lean muscle
* is very healthy, and ideal for people who want to lose weight
- popular with women today who want to keep in shape
- what burns fat and uses calories
* means with air.
* performed at moderate intensity makes the heart stronger.
* physical workout which utilizes oxygen.
* preserves the heart and brain better than just burning calories.
* preventive as well as a treatment.
* produces endorphins.
* promote health by boosting the heart rate for a prolonged period of time.
* promotes productivity
- the loss of abdominal fat
* quick, easy way to relieve stress-related tension.
* reduces body fat deposits as they are used for energy
- the appetite in the short run, perhaps because it heats the body
* results in circulating the qi , blood, and body fluids.
* stimulates the fat cells to release lots of fat.
* strengthens the heart and boosts healthy cholesterol levels
- helps it pump more effectively
- makes it more efficient
- by making it work harder
* stress-buster and antidote to anxiety and mild depression.
* supply oxygen efficiently to the muscles, heart, lungs and the circulatory system.
* sustained effort for at least twenty minutes or more daily if possible.
* use large muscle groups continuously for fairly long periods of time
- to move at a steady, rhythmic pace
* use the large muscle groups constantly
- largest muscle group and improve stamina and overall health
* uses large muscle groups for a continuous period of time
- with low intensity and high repetition
- muscles in a rhythmical and continuous fashion
- the major muscles of the body continuously over an extended period of time
* utilizes fat burning factories, called mitochondria, and requires oxygen.
* work the heart and lungs as well as the muscles, and can improve overall health.
+ Exercise, Basic modes of physical exercises: Fitness :: Healthy lifestyle | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | effort | exercise:
* exercises stimulates the release of beta-endorphin, an opiate made by the body.
* is an exercise
- workouts
### activity | effort | exercise | aerobics:
Aerobic conditioning
* involves endurance.
* is healthful in a couple of other ways
- used to build endurance to fight or perform for extended periods of time
* serves to promote a greater reliance on fat burning as the fuel choice.
Aerobic training
* can help increase our ability to read, write and think quickly.
* minor consideration for patients with orthopedic or metabolic diagnoses.
* works the heart and lungs for extended duration.<|endoftext|>### activity | effort | exercise | aerobics:
Water aerobics
* fun, cardiovascular workout that helps improve muscle tone.
* is also a great way to strengthen joints without a lot of stress
- an effective and safe way to get all over body conditioning
- safe for most people
- specific for people with limited joint function, with injuries
* offers a healthy alternative to exercising, creating a total body workout.
* provides an exercise program for individuals of all ages and fitness levels.
* workout with less stress and impact on the joints.<|endoftext|>### activity | effort | exercise:
Anaerobic exercise
* are an essential part of any total fitness plan
- intense exercises that can be tolerated for only a few moments
- short-term, and emphasize building muscle, rather than burning oxygen
* can also increase bone mass.
* consists of exercise that concentrates on individual muslces.
* entails intense bursts of muscle activity.
* focuses on specific muscles and their size, endurance, and strength.
* helps increase the muscle mass
- maintain muscle strength and increase stamina and muscle tone
* involves short bursts of exertion followed by periods of rest
- intense spurts of energy as in weight lifting or sprinting
- short, intense bursts of activity, such as weightlifting
* is exercise in which little oxygen is utilized in the muscles to burn calories
- of such intensity, that one can only do it but for a few seconds
- ideal for people who want to build muscle
- quick or of higher intensity
* promotes specific muscle size, endurance and strength.
* requires no oxygen for metabolism.
* use large groups of muscles very strenuously for short periods of time.
Aquatic exercise
* is the wave of the future for fitness, as well as rehabilitation from injuries.
* reduces swelling, increases venous return and lowers blood pressure.
* safe and energizing way to work out.
Breathing exercise
* aim at increasing the body's life force while concentrating the mind.
* are also helpful in achieving relaxation
- important for meditation magick and healing
- one way of managing feelings of nervousness
* can cure ear aches
- help strengthen the muscles used for breathing
* help prevent infection, and also have a relaxing yet energizing effect
- quiet the mind and emotions
- to reduce tension
* start while walking in waist-deep water.
Cardiovascular exercise
* are most effective in improving fitness and health.
* can also help improve flexibility by using and working the muscles.
* has numerous benefits.
* is synonymous with aerobic exercise, which means with oxygen.
* uses body fat and carbohydrates for energy.<|endoftext|>### activity | effort | exercise:
Daily exercise
* can help control blood pressure, cholesterol, obesity, and diabetes.
* increases bone density
- nerve connections in the brain
* is also very effective in controlling weight
- an important factor towards wellness success
- essential for maintaining muscle and good health
* is important for good blood sugar control
- to physical health
- necessary for space travelers to prevent bone and muscle loss
- proven to reduce stress and increase health
* reduces stress and enhances a sense of personal control
- the risk of breast cancer significantly | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | effort | exercise:
Endurance exercise
* appears to improve the efficiency of the body to utilize nitrogen.
* can include activities such as swimming, walking, cycling, and rowing.
* stimulates the desire for fat.
Eye exercise
* are a limited form of treatment.
* involve moving the eyes up and down, side to side and round in a circle.
Flexibility exercise
* consists of elongation of the soft tissue to prepare for the rigors of sport.
* help reduce the stiffness and loss of balance that accompanies aging.
Heavy exercise
* affects the body's supply of sodium, potassium, iron and calcium.
* increases bone density and thus more protection against fractures.
Intense exercise
* can also force acid into the esophagus.
* can cause muscle destruction and possible damage to kidneys
- kidney damage
- increase creatinine by increasing muscle breakdown
- produce a lot of free radicals, which can damage muscle tissue
- reduce the maximum amount of energy stored in muscle cells
* causes membrane lipid peroxidation
- tears in muscles producing muscle soreness, swelling and inflammation
Isometric exercise
* build up muscle mass and aerobic exercises build up our heart and lungs.
* differs from dynamic exercise in terms of physiology and applicability.
* involve contracting the muscles without moving the involved joint.
* is an exercise
* release tension and help alleviate neck spasms.
* requires using the muscle to move a short distance against very high resistance.
* sustained contraction of large muscles, such as weight lifting.
Isotonic exercise
* are exercises.
* involves shortening the muscle as tension is developed, like lifting a barbell.
* is accomplished by an alternate contraction and relaxation of large muscles
- more effective in lowering blood pressure
* strengthen the muscle by using it to move a weight.<|endoftext|>### activity | effort | exercise:
Lack of exercise
* aggravates and can even cause anxiety.
* can lead to behavior problems
- changes in the body that threaten the heart
- health and handling problems
- weight gain
- put people at risk for osteoporosis
* has serious effects on bones and muscles.
* increases the likelihood of gallstone formation.
* is an established risk factor for heart disease
- another big element of the disease of morbid obesity
- disruptive to the body's system
* is especially a problem in the minority population
- risky when combined with an unhealthy diet
- more common among women than men
- the number one cause of childhood obesity
* leading cause of weight gain in college.
* limits metabolism speed.
* major reason for the growing rate of obesity among children
- risk factor for heart attack
* prevents the body from absorbing the oxygen needed to revitalize the systems.
* reduces circulation to all muscles, including the smooth muscles of the intestines.
### activity | effort | exercise | leg exercise:
* are a good exercise for the multiple muscle groups that are used during snowboarding
- great exercise which loads the entire body from neck to toe
- terrific exercise for targeting the legs and buttocks
- an essential exercise for strong quadriceps and gluteal muscles
- essentially products of economically dead regions
- motion
* have a complicated mechanical effect on the body.
* leg exercise
Mental exercise
* can be powerful tools in developing the spiritual strength of surrender.
* involves programming and mind mastery.
* is also important for a healthy lifestyle.
* very healthy way to cope with stress. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | effort | exercise:
Moderate exercise
* can help a woman feel better during pregnancy
- ease some of the discomfort of pregnancy
- lower the risk of heart attack, hypertension, cancer, and diabetes
- suppress appetite
* helps maintain healthy heart and lungs and muscle tone
- joint mobility and muscle strength for joint support
* is very important for a healthy pregnancy.
* speeds the passage of food through the stomach.
* triggers both priming and activation of neutrophil subpopulations.
Plyometric exercise
* involve forceful jumping, bounding, shoving, or throwing.
* is used predominantly by athletes who are looking to improve their performance.
Prolonged exercise
* can divert oxygen in the blood away from the baby.
* decreases serum leptin concentrations.
Proper exercise
* can often prevent or correct lower back pain and improve posture
- reduce joint pain and stiffness and increase flexibility and muscle strength
* helps build bone tissue, prevent further bone loss, and keep the body toned and fit
- the body by improving the flow of nutrients and blood to the skin and face
* is essential to maintaining low back health and general cardiovascular fitness. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | effort | exercise:
Regular exercise
* allows fat people to lose fat and control their weight
- overweight people to lose fat and control their weight
* appears to be helpful in the treatment of depression
- lower chances of getting colon and other cancers
* benefits one's heart, lungs, bones and muscles.
* boosts oxygen intake and helps build cardiovascular and immune system health
- the immune system
* burns the sugars in our blood system and lowers insulin levels.
* can alleviate stress and enhance concentration.
* can also help ease stress and related mental disturbances
- minimize pain and cramping
* can also help to minimize trouble with intestinal gas
- normalize bowel action
- improve the depth and quality of sleep for some people
- keep the whole of our body in a healthy state
- lower blood pressure
- reduce the frequency and severity of migraine headaches
- contribute to healthy restful sleep in older adults as it does in young people
* can decrease the amount of high 'bad' cholestral
- vasomotor symptoms, studies show
* can help control stress, depression, sleep disorders, and anxiety
- correct many health problems in late life
- ease discomfort from varicose veins
- improve circulation and make labor and delivery easier
- keep blood pathways open
- maintain healthy, mobile joints, and it's never too late to start
* can help prevent and combat health conditions and diseases
- fatigue and joint stiffness
- or reduce varicose veins
* can help reduce muscle tension and promote a sense of well-being
- one's risk for colorectal cancer
- respiratory congestion
- relieve the tension caused by stress
- slow the rate of bone loss in post-menopausal women
- stave off bone loss, especially weight-bearing exercises such as walking
- the body store glucose within the muscles
- include walking, aerobics, or performing an exercise routine
* can increase blood flow and thereby help to stimulate the libido
- the flow of blood to nerves and help manage blood sugar levels
* can lower blood pressure significantly
- high blood pressure
- maintain or increase muscle strength
- make children feel good and build their confidence
- often help people manage stress better
* can prevent hypertension
- maturity onset diabetes
- produce positive personality changes
* can reduce high levels of fat in the blood
- or alleviate symptoms that result from failure to work off tension
- stress, increase self-confidence and improve mental outlook
* can reduce the likelihood of bone fractures associated with osteoporosis
* can strengthen back and stomach muscles
- muscles and help prevent back injuries
- muscles and reduce weakness and disability
- one's muscles and reduce back and neck pain
- vastly improve the quality of life for older adults
* contributes to bone mass as do normal levels of estrogen and testosterone.
* decreases premenstrual symptoms.
* dissipates nervous energy and releases happy chemicals into the brain.
* great way to reduce the stress that often triggers migraine in many people.
* has a direct impact on several physiological factors that underlie anxiety.
* healthy thing and it reduces stress.
* helps a person to regain their sense of control
- build and maintain bone mass at all ages
* helps control the amount of glucose in the blood
- sugar in the blood
- weight and lower blood pressure
- weight, blood pressure, and cholesterol
- dogs build strong bones, improves cardiovascular systems, and tones muscles
* helps improve heath health and blood sugars
- overall health and fitness
* helps maintain and improve lung capacity
- normalize bowel function
- older adults become stronger and better able to move about without falling
- people reach and maintain a healthy body weight
- prevent muscle weakness and fatigue
- raise estrogen levels and to feel better
- reduce blood sugar
- stimulate circulation, and keeps the feet healthy
* helps strengthen the bones, and using mild weights helps reduce bone loss
- muscles that support the joints
- the heart and lungs work more efficiently
- to build and maintain healthy bones, muscles and joints
* helps to control weight and reduce stress
- relieve anxiety
- improve blood circulation
- increase the circulation of nutrients and immune cells
* helps to maintain a healthy body weight and lowers resting blood pressure
- bone density
- strength and stamina, build muscle tone, and reduce anxiety
- prevent osteoporosis in women by strengthening their bones
- reduce stress, frustration, aggression and depression
* improves cardiovascular health
- control of blood sugar and is an important part of any healthy lifestyle
- digestion, and reduces stress
- sleep, aides in weight control, and helps mobilize calcium into the bone
- the body's ability to respond to stress
* increases blood flow to all areas of the body
- both serotonin and dopamine, and affects other important systems as well
- muscle strength and endurance
- the risk of diseases related to oxidative stress
* is also a good way to reduce the risk of heart disease
- great way to relieve stress
- an important factor but for different reasons than diet and sleep
- crucial to good health
* is also important for a feeling of wellness
- to maintaining a healthy weight
* is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle
- stressor for optimizing health and preventing disease
* is an important part of a heart-healthy routine
- effective weight loss and weight maintenance
- reducing headaches and maintaining a healthy lifestyle
- associated with lower blood pressure
- believed to reduce the risk of heart attack and definitely lower blood pressure
- correlated with a lower prevalence of breast, colon, bowel and lung cancer
- crucial to mental and spiritual and physical well being
- discussed as a way to improve health
- equally important in losing weight and keeping it off
* is especially important during and after the climacteric years
- for the person with diabetes
* is essential for a healthy heart - and a great way to keep in shape
- developing and maintaining dense, tough hooves
- maintaining optimal health
- the horse's physical and mental well-being
- good for children, but exercise too close to bedtime can interfere with sleep
- important because it improves tolerance and stamina
* is important for both weight loss and preventing high blood pressure generally
- children if they are to grow up to be healthy, active adults
- overall health and especially healthy hooves
- in the treatment of arthritis and obesity
- to maintaining a healthy weight and a healthy heart
* is important to the maintenance and improvement of a healthy personal environment
- improvement of health
- key to weight control
* is necessary at any age for healthy bones
- for physical fitness and good health
- often one of the best ways to stimulate appetite
* is one of the best ways to stay in shape
- few proven predictors of successful weight maintenance
- most important ways to develop and maintain healthy joints
- pillars of healthy living
* is one way to convert some of the fat to energy
- help reduce heart attack risk
- probably more effective in reversing mild depression than medication
* is very important for people with heart failure
- the diabetic
- in establishing regular bowel movements
* is vital to maintaining a healthy weight
* leads to a reduced risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes and hypertension.
* lowers blood pressure and reduces heart enlargement in hypertensive black men
- pressure, helps weight loss and improves the blood lipid profile
- cholesterol and promotes weight loss
- the risk to that of healthy individuals
* popular way to relieve stress.
* promotes healthy blood circulation and releases mood-stabilizing chemicals
* reduces heart disease and osteoporosis
- leptin levels, and less leptin equals a leaner body
- risk factors like high blood pressure, and it also keeps the weight off
* reduces stress and depression and prevents a sense of lethargy
* reduces the amount of insulin needed to keep blood glucose levels normal
- release of stress-related hormones
* reduces the risk for premature death and cardio-vascular disease
- of colon cancer and helps combat anxiety and depression
* reduces the risk of developing diabetes
* rejuvenates the body, promotes cardiovascular health, and reduces stress.
* staple for good health because it can strengthen the heart, lungs and bones.
* strengthens a pet's bones and muscles.
* strengthens the body and keeps it physically active
- heart and lowers blood pressure
- muscular system and enables it to use energy efficiently
* strengths the heart muscles and the entire body.
* tones the heart muscles as well as the other muscles in the body. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | effort | exercise:
Relaxation exercise
* can relieve physical and emotional stress.
* release tension and rest the body and the mind.
Routine exercise
* helps use up stored body fat and reduce the risk of heart disease
* improves muscle tone and assists in weight control.
* plays a crucial role in preventing heart and blood vessel disease.
Spiritual exercise
* instill a discipline into one s person, remove fear and make one more efficient.
* stimulates spiritual appetite.
Strenuous exercise
* can also deplete chromium levels.
* can cause periods to stop
- retinal damage, and can cause hypoglycemia
- lower blood pressure even more
* helps prevent deconditioning.
* primary cause of angina attack.
* produces toxins and free radicals, which can harm the body.
Therapeutic exercise
* is used to improve strength and endurance
- useful in both preventing and treating specific ailments
* keep joints working as well as possible.<|endoftext|>### activity | effort | exercise:
Vigorous exercise
* More vigorous exercise leads to increased food intake and stable body weight.
* appears to beneficially effect cholesterol metabolism
- blunt the rise in blood glucose that follows carbohydrate ingestion
* can help curb both nicotine and food cravings at once
- reduce abdominal fat and help the body use up calories consumed daily
- sometimes cause an upset stomach or cramping shortly after a meal, too
* does increase the risk of cardiac arrest in certain individuals.
* fuels the brain by sending it lots of oxygen.
* helps to reduce abdominal fat.
* improves exercise capacity and delays weight gain following smoking cessation.
* increases glucose transport to skeletal muscles and increases glycogen synthesis.
* is also important as a proven method for fighting stress and depression
- followed by hurting muscles that seem to stay sore longer
* strengthens the heart as a pump, making it a larger, more efficient muscle.
Yoga exercise
* are age old and is reported to provide a variety of health benefits.
* is of psychosomatic condition on the practitioner.
* stretch and relax the major muscle groups and help release tension and fatigue
- tone the body muscles
* are probably the best way to learn to recognize different kinds of Colorado wild mushrooms.
* is effort<|endoftext|>### activity | effort:
* can bring on a heart attack - a major cause of death during and after winter storms
- lead to elevated cortisol levels, fatigue and depressed immune function
* combined with heat and fatigue can quickly cause heat stroke which can cause death.
* depletes a muscle s oxygen supply, leading to build up of waste product and spasm.
- one of the more common reasons for total-body achiness
- the nation's leading cause of workplace injuries
* means over-sweating, and it burns up energy required for warmth. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | effort:
Physical exercise
* appears to be a distinct aid in the treatment of dysmenorrhea.
* benefits the healing system in many different ways.
* can also help to increase circulation and strengthen muscles
- counter depressed moods
- help reduce the risk of getting osteoporosis
- play a role in prevention
- prevent many medical disorders as well as psychiatric disorders
- reduce joint pain and stiffness and increase muscle strength and flexibility
* causes rapid cooling and dehydration of the airways.
* changes the body chemistry.
* great way to let off the pressure that causes hyperactivity.
* has many benefits and there is some data about endorphin release.
* helps increase mental abilities
- loosen mucus in the lungs so it can be coughed up more easily
- one sleep better at night
- people improve their health both physically and mentally
- reduce stress, even if it's only going for a daily walk
* improves body image and feelings of well-being
- muscle tone, helps circulation, strengthens the heart
* increases the amount of xylene absorbed by the lungs
- brain's blood supply
- number of calories that are burned
* induces transient increases in circulating GAG levels.
* is also important in helping maintain bone mass when a woman becomes menopausal
- important, to keep oxygen flowing to the brain
* is an essential for life
- important complement to dieting in securing weight loss
- especially important for people in wheelchairs
- essential to good back health
* is one of the best methods to reduce stress
- most important tools in managing stress
- needs of American men, especially of American women
- way to promote brain fitness
- profoundly important in the treatment of depression as well
- the key to breaking down the age barrier and maintaining health and fitness
- well documented to reduce the risk of heart disease
* promotes a sense of well-being.
* releases tension in the muscles and greatly reduces anxiety.
* stimulates the body and makes it more alert.
* tool to reach that inner state of grace.
* works off tension, and maintains good health in general.
+ IAHD: Sports for the disabled :: Diving :: Non-profit organizations
* The IAHD is a non profit foundation and all the people on the board are volunteers. There are also volunteers in regions around the world. Physical exercise helps people improve their health both physically and mentally. A person with a disability gets these benefits as well as increased social activity by taking up an activity like scuba diving. The risks in training a disabled person in diving are no higher than for able bodied people.
Reproductive effort
* are the main goal of vegetable gardening.
* decreases antibody responsiveness.
* resulting in sterile hybrids represents a wastage of biological resources.
Research effort
* provides advantage.
* yields results.
* are attempts
* is effort
### activity | effort | struggle:
Class struggle
* Every class struggle political struggle for power.
* are conflict.
* is central because it is the struggle of the majority- the working and poor people
- feared by the ruling class
- the norm in capitalist society, it is inherent in the system
* takes place in real time and contexts. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | effort | struggle:
* is an anaerobic sport
- elemental to hockey, a game of speed and contact, played in a walled-in surface on ice
- important for defence of webs, prey and mates
- the ultimate part of social interaction between the males
* messy, messy thing and can easily involve the exchange of bodily fluids.
* occurs in young bucks more often than older ones.
* part of hockey.
* seems to occur in competition for food.
* usually occurs between cats of the same sex and age, especially between toms.
* continues until order is restored and neither army is in the other country. Peace talks begin.
* violent means of settling disputes and hence is an offense.
+ Six-Day War, History: Wars :: History of Israel :: History of Palestine :: Jordan :: History of Egypt :: Arab–Israeli conflict
* The entire war took only six days from beginning to end, which is how it got its name. As a result Israel claimed lands which that had great strategical and historical importance for Israel. Eventually Israel returned the Sinai Peninsula to Egypt, but kept the lands acquired from Jordan under military control and started building settlements. Negotiations have been taken place over the Palestinian state in Gaza and the West Bank. Fighting continues to stall peace talks in the region.
### activity | effort | struggle | fighting:
* are battles
- contests
- fights
- single encounters between set groups of planes
* end when one of the dogs is no longer able or willing to continue.
* often last for several hours, as animals rip each other to shreds.
Fair fighting
* is an art and a skill.
* way to manage conflict and associated feelings effectively.
Fire fighting
* is one of the world's most honored but hazardous occupations.
* race against time.
Ground fighting
* is an inherent part of mixed martial arts.
+ Mixed martial arts
* Ground fighting is an important part of the sport.
* Most gunfights happen at close distances.
* are fights.
* replace fist fights
- fist-fights
* are combat
- contests
* happen regularly, mostly in the summer, when the snows melt in the high passes.
* exists in one form or another in every culture.
* is combat on the ground, comparative to wrestling, practiced with a partner.
* seems to be a rather basic, instinctive sport played mostly by men.
* sport very much like a combination of wrestling and judo.
* Most insurrections are attempts to regain control of a people's own resources and destiny.
* is an uprising against a larger force that's in power
- desire rebelling against value
Political struggle
* Most political struggle is based on survival.
* take place over issues that are defined by the underlying culture.
Power struggle
* are a natural part of relationships and love
- often an escalation of bids for undue attention
* begin as family members want their needs met.
* are books
- resistance
* can be a positive stage of change to gain autonomy if used in a constructive manner.
* crime defined and penalized under Revised Penal Code.
* has nothing to do with politics, power, violence.
* is the aggressive, dangerous, playful attack by free-spirited individuals against society
- first sign of autonomous thinking
- opposite of the trust and obedience of faith
- what caused the fall of Lucifer
### activity | effort | struggle | rebellion:
* Insurgencies are physical events
- political events
- rebellions
* word meaning armed revolt.
* is an Arabic term for a large-scale uprising.
* is the Arabic word for uprising, or literally to shake something off
* Most revolts are uprisings against a system.
* always starts out as acts of terrorism against corrupt governments.
* is the criticism of masks, the beginning of genuine dialogue. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | effort | struggle:
* always starts by getting into a hitch.
* are contact sports
* are used for children
- competitive sports
- enjoyment
- entertainment
- exercises
- fun
- increasing strength
- physical contact
- pleasure
- public entertainment
- self defense
* builds personal character and teaches kids that success requires work and dedication
- physical strength and strength of character
- self-confidence, stamina and discipline in children
* business that contains many egos.
* can go much longer than other sports
- play to big kids as well as little ones
* cause blood
- bruise
- erections
- injuries
- physical injuries
- winnings
- wins
* competitive business.
* contact sport and as with any sport there risk of injury
- sport, therefore, wrestlers are at high risk for getting ringworm
* continues today as a popular collegiate and professional sport.
* dates back thousands of years.
* gives a young person self confidence and can do that to any weight class competitor.
* has many styles, each emphasizing different techniques to accomplish the same objective.
* helps teach invaluable skills in leadership, time management, and commitment.
* involves real-live people, both on the mats and in the audiences.
* is about learning how to set goals and train for achievement
- mental toughness, and discipline, and guts
- among the least expensive sports to sustain
- basically real life on a stage
- by far the best sport in the world
- different than other sports
- more like the lowest, most violent form of theater
- now the biggest sport in Africa next to soccer
- popular throughout the world
- without question an individual sport
* part of courtship.
* prepares a person to fight the game of life.
* requires speed, strength and agility.
* revolve around weight categories.
* teaches a child the art of self-discipline and sacrifice
- to depend on oneself
- healthy respect for the role of limits in life
- dedication, commitment, perseverance, focus, work ethic and mental toughness
* tough, hard sport, and like life, it is the survival of the fittest.
* true sport.
* very macho sport
- popular sport in Indiana and surrounding states
### activity | effort | struggle | wrestling:
Pro wrestling
* does have lower weight divisions in Japan, Mexico and Europe.
* is about learning to move with other people, to make the contest look realistic
- an act, scripted and played out, just like TV shows
- back-breaking, and sometimes, fatal
- blamed for almost every fault that is plaguing society at large
* little different than other sports, however.
Sumo wrestling
* are located in japans.
* is as common as football in America
- often brief and spectacular
- the traditional national sport of Japan
* very popular sport in Japan.
Electrical activity
* Some electrical activities involve motion.
* begins in the developing brain and nervous system.
* emanating from the brain is displayed in the form of brainwaves.
* is affected in a large area of the brain
- required for the brain to function
* plays a major role in the control of gastric motor activity.
* reduces receptor synthesis elsewhere.
Enzymatic activity
* Enzymatic activities are chemical reaction
- correlate with chimaeric substitutions at the actin-binding face of myosin
* determines the amount of initial browning.
* releases hydrogen from colored compounds.
Enzyme activity
* Enzyme activities depend on environments.
* Most enzyme activities depend on environments
- activity requires tissues to be as fresh as possible
* Some enzyme activities relate to metabolism.
* can lead to the deterioration of food's quality.
* has a non-linear relationship to temperature.
* is affected by temperature
- controlled at two different levels
- regulated
- sped up by heat and slowed by cold | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity:
Epileptic activity
* All epileptic activity decreases during early adulthood.
* outlasts disinhibition after intrahippocampal tetanus toxin in the rat.<|endoftext|>### activity:
* allow identification.
* are communication
- investigations
- tests
- the foundation of the Japanese education system
* become duties.
* confirm diagnoses.
* demonstrate variation.
* detect presence.
* enable identification.
* find results.
* follow emergency treatments
* give negative results
* have limits
- potential
- time limits
* include analyses
- assessments
- health
- inspections
* indicate concentration
- conditions
- growth
- natural nutrition
* involve destructive samples
* is an investigation
* look at facts.
* provide characteristics
- evidence
- further evidence
- important insight
- information
* reveal brown color
- causes
- differences
- entrances
- factors
- features
- instances
* reveal major differences
- problems
- patterns
- significant differences
- structures
- weakness
* reveal yellowish brown color
* show abnormalities
- adult size
- apparent abnormalities
- epidermises
- follow conditions
- half size
- importance
- knowledge
- lung abnormalities
- responses
* take places.
* yield information.<|endoftext|>### activity | examination:
* Autopsies are done by specialised doctors , called pathologists
- examinations
- can help determine the cause of a person's death
* Autopsies help determine the efficacy of drug therapy and surgical techniques
- pinpoint the cause of death and reveal foul play
- show microscopic, spongelike lesions or holes in the brain
* Autopsies show the brain becomes spongelike as cells are eaten away
- sharks' internal organs have been literally shattered
- sometimes show clumps of bacteria growing on the valves of the heart
* Most autopsies advance medical knowledge and provide evidence for legal action.
* is an examination
+ Autopsy: Death :: Medical procedures :: Forensics
Careful examination
* reveal causes.
* show size.
* free learning aid based on teaching by repetitive questioning.
- books
- interrogations
- more specific about the death penalty
* serves as a guide to better understanding Scripture.<|endoftext|>### activity | examination:
* allows identification.
* demonstrates development.
* determines differences.
* finds evidence.
* involves differences.
- presented in tables
- relations
- scrutiny
* leads to identification
* offers evidence.
* provides answers
* reflects knowledge.
* reveals differences
- trends
* shows agreement
- distinguishable characteristics
- important differences
- numbers
- patterns
- quality
- samples
- selections
- significant differences
* supports statements.
* takes places.
* uses analyses
- techniques
* yields results.
+ Id, ego, and super-ego, Super-ego: Psychology
* The superego consists of two parts, the conscience and the ego-ideal. The conscience is the familiar metaphor of angel and devil on each shoulder. The conscience decides what course of action one should take. The ego-ideal is an idealized view of one's self. Comparisons are made between the ego-ideal and one's actual behavior. Both parts of the super-ego develop through experience with others or via social interactions. Further, the levels of guilt in the two cases above will be high and low, respectively.
### activity | examination | comparison:
Social comparison
* is the engine of our celebrity and media-saturated culture.
* occurs when no objective, physical comparison can be found. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | examination | endoscopy:
* allows a doctor to look inside the colon for bleeding, cancer, and polyps.
* also results in more years of life saved.
* appears to be the most accurate method of screening for colorectal cancer.
* can also identify and treat active bleeding from the bowel
- confirm the diagnosis of colon obstruction by cancer
- detect polyps and cancers throughout the entire colon and poses little risk
- identify a number of pre-cancerous polyps that sigmoidoscopy can miss
* direct visualization of the colon with a flexible sigmoidoscope.
* is an established procedure for evaluating patients with inflammatory bowel disease
- outpatient procedure
- covered every two years for beneficiaries at high risk
- endoscopy
- indicated only if the polyp is an adenoma
- more precise than an X-ray
- necessary to exclude colon cancer and inflammatory bowel disease
- one of several tests for colon cancer
- paid for every two years for high-risk patients
- preferred over barium enema
- presently the best test available for detecting polyps in the colon
- recommended every year for a person with a positive gene test
- safe procedure, with a low risk of complications, but potentially big rewards
* is the gold standard for colon surveillance
- most direct and complete way to see the entire lining of the colon
- preferred method of examining the entire length of the colon and rectum
- screening procedure of choice for hereditary colon cancer
- standard for screening
- visualization of the entire colon
* permits the doctor to see much farther into the bowel than sigmoidoscopy
- physician to visualize the entire colon
* procedure in which the physician uses a longer tube to examine the entire colon
- performed by a gastroenterologist
- which enables a doctor to see inside the large bowel
* provides a view of the interior wall of the entire colon and rectum.
* remains the most sensitive test for detecting colon polyps and tumors.
* requires sedation and usually is performed on an outpatient basis in the hospital.
* reveals a large adenocarcinoma in the distal left colon.
* uses an instrument capable of examining the whole colon.
* visual exam of the entire colon, via a flexible scope monitored on a video screen.
### activity | examination | endoscopy | colonoscopy:
Virtual colonoscopy
* allows doctors to see inside the colon without a scope inserted into the rectum.
* involves significant learning for accurate interpretation.
* is used to visualize the surface of the human colon non-invasively in vivo.
* new method for screening asymptomatic patients for colonic polyps
- test that is being considered as a different way to see the colon
Flexible sigmoidoscopy
* is an examination of the lower colon and rectum
- as accurate as colonoscopy, but only for the distal bowel
- effective for only the lower third to half of the colon
* reveals an adenomatous polyp in the rectosigmoid.
* also detects colon cancer.
* can even help prevent cancer by detecting polyps before they become cancerous.
* does only examine a portion of the colon.
* involves the rectum and the lower two feet of the colon.
* is endoscopy
* shows erythematous and friable mucosa.
Upper endoscopy
* is more accurate than x rays for detecting inflammation, ulcers, or tumors.
* is performed to exclude cancer as a cause of blockage
- with a thin, flexible tube that is passed through the mouth
* visual exam of the stomach using a lighted flexible tube.
Virtual endoscopy
* is based on the idea to represent real world objects as spatial information
- used as a non-invasive diagnostic technique
* promising medical application of volume visualization techniques. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | examination:
* are examinations.
* confirm presence.
* help protect individual privacy and personal safety.
* improve security.
* is an examination
- another tool that can be used to manage insect populations and prevent infestations
- one of the key components of railroad safety
* is the ability to observe and quantify defects
- examination of a data resource or process
- verification by visual observation or measurement of something
* prevent many problems
* provide evidence.
* reveal answers
- beauty
- compositions
- deterioration
- differences
- images
* show effects
### activity | examination | inspection:
* are counters.
* is an inspection
Close inspection
* reveal images.
* show presence.
* shows it has far more legs than do carpet beetles.
Safety inspection
* Some safety inspections prevent death.
* are also important for property insurance issues.
* attempt to ensure all vehicles on the road meet a specified maintenance standard.
Vehicle inspection
* involve exposure to varying weather conditions and fumes.
* is the most effective program to reduce air pollution from vehicles.
Visual inspection
* helps to identify cuts, blisters, cracks or ulceration in the skin.
* involves using an inspector's eyes to look for defects.
* are a widely used method of gathering data in the social sciences
- conversations conducted for a specific purpose
- experiences that improve with practice
- interrogations
+ Cognitive dissonance, Case study, Sequence of events: Psychology
* Before December 20. The group shuns publicity. Interviews are given only grudgingly. Access to her house is only for those who can convince the group that they are true believers.
### activity | examination | interview:
Job interview
* are interviewings.
* is an interview
Telephone interview
* are interviews.
* can be a simple, inexpensive method of collecting information.
* enable a researcher to gather information rapidly.
### activity | examination | medical:
Medical detoxification
* is only the first stage of addiction treatment
- the use of medications to treat drug withdrawal symptoms
* manages the acute physical symptoms of withdrawal.
Medical informatic
* are useful in all kinds of medical settings.
* concerns computer applications in medical care.
* involves using software to deal with large volumes of medical data.
* is multidisciplinary and uses collaborative approaches to solve problems.
* is the application of computers and information technology to health care
Medical insurance
* Medical Insurances Find agents dealing with all types of medical insurance.
* Some medical insurances do cover for any medical emergency when the person is outside home country.
* hedge against financial hardship due to health problems.
* helps pay only part of the cost of medical care.
* is also necessary to cover potential illness or accidents.
* is an absolute necessity in the United States
- area where the quality of the product can be greatly improved
Medical monitoring
* can improve their quality of life by enabling new levels of independence.
* is especially important for people with a known medical condition. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
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