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### activity | examination | medical:
Medical research
* More medical research relates to men s lives than to women s lives.
* Most medical research begins with studies in test tubes and in animals
- conducted so far shows that calcium combats osteoporosis
* claims that maternal drug use can cause a wide range of symptoms.
* continues to confirm that diet is an important part of overall health
- find that dietary lifestyle influences health in many ways
* cooperative enterprise among physicians, scientists and families.
* demonstrates the utility and safety of opioid use for otherwise untreatable pain.
* focuses on finding better ways to diagnose and treat illness.
* has and continues to show the ill effects of cigarette smoke on the smoker
- bigger eggs to fry
* indicates that cancer risk increases when our diet lacks beta-carotene
- the therapeutic effect comes from the high intensity of light
* is an invaluable weapon in the battle against disease
- conducted in many ways
- embedded in the fabric of science and engineering
- supposed to be carried out for the good of ALL humanity
- the only way that testing can be done
* needs drugs that treat disease after symptoms become apparent.
* proves that preventive health care is both effective and cost-efficient.
* relies heavily on classical statistics to analyze research data.
* shows certain nutrients and minerals to be effective in preventing cancer
- problems with taking too many vitamins
* shows that certain nutrients and minerals help prevent cancer
- regular workouts alleviate hot flashes and other symptoms
- toxic air pollution is linked to cancer, chronic bronchitis, and asthma
- the positive effect of labor support doulas in the birth setting
* suggests that positive mental imagery can promote healing.
Microscopic examination
* can usually identify different cellulosic fibers.
* is important for the diagnosis of paracoccidioidomycosis
- the only way to tell if cancer cells are present
* shows that the cells of the scales have become filled with water.
Neurologic examination
* can reveal variable cranial nerve involvement.
* shows evidence of pyramidal tract involvement and occasional muscle atrophy.
* Correctly palpates the ribs and sternum to identify areas of tenderness or deformity.
* is an examination
- possible with all of the other bones of the spine and pelvis
- touch
### activity | examination | palpation:
Abdominal palpation
* is sensitive for large aneurysms.
* reveals enlargement of the liver, spleen and kidneys.
Rectal palpation
* is the only practical method to detect ovarian cysts.
* produces dark black, soft feces.
Physical examination
* are an important part of the overall care animals receive.
* can help determine the presence of valvular heart disease and heart failure.
* combined with mammography remains the standard method of assessing the breast.
* include health.
* involve inspections.
* is as critical to acupuncture as it is to modern veterinary medicine.
* provide evidence.
* refers to the examination by the auditor of a physical asset of the entity.
* reveal causes.
Rectal examination
* begins with a visual inspection of the tissues around the anus.
* causes pain that is localized on the right side.<|endoftext|>### activity | examination:
* are examinations.
* can test for ovarian cancer and defects in foetuses.
* usually show changes in parts of the brain called the brainstem and basal ganglia.
+ Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry, Analysis, Selected ion monitoring: Mass spectrometry :: Laboratory techniques
* Only those mass fragments are detected by the mass spectrometer. More scans can take place each second. Since only a few mass fragments of interest are being monitored, matrix interferences are typically lower. To improve the chances of reading a positive result correctly, the ion ratios of the various mass fragments are comparable to a known reference standard. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | examination | scan:
Bone scan
* are also accurate for finding lesions for biopsy or excision
- an adjunct procedure for helping in the diagnosis
- more sensitive than radiographs and provide a survey of the entire skeleton
- nonspecific and often reveal abnormalities on the normal side
* are often helpful when tumor or infection is possible
- more sensitive than x-rays in diagnosing infections, tumors, and fractures
* are useful for diagnosing conditions such as infections, tumors, and arthritis
- in detecting osteomyelitis, stress fractures, and metastases to bone
* can demonstrate the functioning of bone tissue
- detect and localize early disease
* detect changes in function before structural changes occur.
* enable the doctor to determine exactly where osteonecrosis is occurring within the body.
* help determine multiple bone involvement.
* require the use of very small amounts of radiation.
* shows abnormal uptake in colon.
* using radioactive tracers help determine the exact location of the tumor.
* visualizes a great deal of pathology long before roentgenographic changes are evident.<|endoftext|>### activity | examination | scan:
Brain scan
* are certainly one of the reasons for the success of neurology
- medical procedures
* help to increase certainty of brain death, but the diagnosis is primarily clinical.
* reveal different activity levels when the memory was false and when it was true.
* show abnormal biochemistry in people who are depressed
- fewer nerve cell connections between the left and right halves of the brain
* show that obese people, just like drug addicts, have fewer receptors for dopamine
- the brain undergoes structural changes and actually shrinks with starvation
- two-sided memory flow
* suggest that the same areas are used for both imaging and visual perception.
Cat scan
* CAT scans are one of the major diagnostic tools in medical radiology
- can detect pituitary tumors and then the tumor can be removed surgically
* are a helpful diagnostic tool for doctors, especially in cases of trauma and tumors.<|endoftext|>### activity | examination | scan:
Full scan
* is useful in determining unknown compounds in a sample.
+ Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry, Analysis, Full scan MS: Mass spectrometry :: Laboratory techniques
* Full scan is useful in determining unknown compounds in a sample. It provides more information than SIM when it comes to confirming or resolving compounds in a sample. The instrument method controls the temperature in the GC, the MS scan rate and the range of fragment sizes being detected. When a chemist is developing an instrument method, the chemist sends test solutions through the GS-MS in full scan mode. This checks the GC retention time and the mass fragment fingerprint before moving to a SIM instrument method.
Nuclear scan
* cause fetal radiation exposure.
* expose a child to no more radiation than conventional x-ray
- the same amount of radiation as a conventional x-ray
* lack the clear definition of structure visible on an X-ray.
Retinal scan
* are the best biometric devices with no false rates.
* take the iris and blood vessels from the back of the eye to identify someone. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | examination:
* Many studies also indicate breast-feeding benefits the health of mothers
- suggest that myopia is associated with intelligence
- assess the impact of introduced species on native populations
- compare death rates in worker populations with rates in other populations
- confirm that the risk to human health from geese is minimal
* Many studies confirm the efficacy of glucosamine
- positive impact of fathers who spend time with their children
- consistently show an inverse relationship with exercise and colon cancer
- demonstrate no association between fertility agents and ovarian cancer
* Many studies demonstrate that body size in particular is related to success in holding a territory
- women are less successful in quitting smoking than men
- do suggest a catecholamine-enhancing effect of sleep deprivation
- document the link between increased numbers of children and decreased earnings
- exist of humans living in harmony with nature who live extended lives of good health
- find that some people retain much of their sense of taste and smell well into maturity
* Many studies indicate that soil erosion results in large decreases in soil productivity
- the right cerebral cortex is also related to the affective domain
- women are at a higher risk for RSI than men
- investigate the influence that video mediation has on the process of communication
* Many studies link creativity with psychopathology and psychopathology with sleep disturbances
- mirror neurons to understanding goals and intentions
- nutrition with improved learning
- obesity and a high fat diet with tumors
- make it clear that fluoride causes genetic damage
- now show that excessive accumulation of iron is harmful to the arteries and heart
- point out that a diet high in fruits and vegetables can prevent disease
- reflect that asthma in the elderly is underdiagnosed
* Many studies report a decreased sense of touch with aging
- an association between thyroid cancer and radiation exposure
* Many studies show a high rate of alcohol abuse among men who batter their female partners
- dramatic improvements of low back pain in individuals who are physically fit
* Many studies show that aggression and poor self-control are escalating with today's children
- an uninterrupted cycle of violence only worsens over time
- casinos have negative social impact and generate increased crime
* Many studies show that eating fiber-rich foods can help control diverticular symptoms
- our fruits and vegetables is better than taking a vitamin pill
- emotional problems go hand in hand with physical illness
- exposure to bright light reduces sleepiness
- good quality childcare can improve children's chances
- green tea can dramatically block the development of various cancers
- massage protects against perineal trauma in first-time mothers
- minorities live with disproportionate sickness and diseases
- new dishwashers use less hot water and energy than washing by hand
- one-third of our nation's children are obese
- placebos are effective against pain
- plaque build-up component of Dilantin gingival hyperplasia
- rapid weight reduction almost always is followed by regaining of weight
- sex education promotes responsible attitudes and behaviour
- smoking has a preventative and even a curative effect in some diseases
- social support decreases the stress response hormones in our bodies
- the male hormone, testosterone, can cause aggressive behavior
* Many studies show that there are some genes that are only active when they come from the mother
- strong link between heredity and schizophrenia
- to be successful, the individual needs to be ready to lose weight
- up to one-third of our children are obese
- vitamin C lowers intraocular pressure
- weight regain is delayed when an exercise regimen is added to a diet program
- that, to a child, divorce is equivalent to the pain of the death of the parent
- the lignans to be powerful anticancer agents
- vitamin E protects against different cancers
- suggest estrogens and progresterones can increase blood clotting
* Many studies suggest that UV rays cause cataracts
- a high-fat diet and being overweight increase the risk of breast cancer
- fish oil decreases the risk for cardiovascular events
- prolonged isolation and confinement results in a loss of motivation
* Many studies support the hypothesis that predation limits prey density
- link between gambling and crime
- role of a number of chemical substances in sleep regulation
* Most studies find that associational membership is also linked to trust in other people
- focus on the effect of alcohol on cellular communication
- indicate smokers have an elevated risk colorectal cancer
* Most studies indicate that birds form only a small part of cats' diets
- estrogen increases plasma triglyceride levels
- females have a higher social status in bonobo society
- light eating in-flight is healthier and helps decrease fatigue
- people shop where they live rather than where they work
- quitting smoking at any age produces beneficial effects
- television violence is directly related to criminal behaviour
* Most studies show correlations between a particular food and a protective effect against disease
- girls doing better than boys in science and math in elementary school
* Most studies show that domestic violence occurs at the same rate as in heterosexual relationships
- engaged couples tend to underestimate their own chance of divorcing
- hormone therapy works better if it is started early
- immigrants contribute much more in taxes than they receive in benefits
- individuals with disabilities are more dependable than their other employees
- single homeless adults are more likely to be male than female
- the majority of birth mothers welcome contact with their offspring
- the presence of virus in oral fluids to be sporadic
- women have more brain functioning
* Most studies suggest antimicrobial use precedes the emergence of antimicrobial resistance
- no link between hormone replacement therapy and breast cancer
* Most studies suggest that pills neither reduce nor increase the risk for breast cancer
- the sexes use alcohol differently
- vegetables have a greater health benefit than fruit
- support dairy foods for improved bone health
* Some studies also indicate an association with lung cancer
- that lesbians have higher smoking rates than heterosexual women
- link toxic effects on the kidneys with hypertension and blood pressure problems
- look at how activity in the brain is affected by fluency treatment
- point to the baby having less problems with crying and sleeping
- show a possible link with lung, liver, and kidney cancers
* Some studies also show that being inactive increases the risk of heart attack
- it can help prevent heart disease by discharging body fat
- male foals are carried a slightly different length of time than females
- suggest a link with breast cancer and bowel cancer
* Some studies also suggest that a garlic oil spray has fungicidal properties
- depression and stress appear to be risk factors for dementia
* Some studies also suggest that environmental, or second- hand, tobacco smoke cause lung cancer
- or second-hand, tobacco smoke cause lung cancer
- with ultrasonic liposuction there is less pain and discomfort
- associate zinc deficiency with eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia
- claim garlic can attack cancer cells
- correlate obesity with lipid abnormalities
- do indicate that caffeine intake pregnancy can harm the fetus
* Some studies even indicate that optimism and a sense of humor are inversely related to longevity
- weather is far more responsible for deaths than pollution
* Some studies even show that exercise can significantly reduce the risk of suicide
- it improves immune function and chronic fatigue
* Some studies even suggest arsenic in low levels is an essential nutrient
- people who smoke are more likely to go bald
- find that the Internet leads to depression
- give the edge to highly monounsaturated fats, such as olive oil
- have shown that flaxseed can reduce some kinds of tumors in lab animals
* Some studies hint at links between folic acid and lower risks of heart disease or cancer
- that being left-handed puts people at higher risk of early death
* Some studies indicate a link between certain indoor pesticides and brain cancer in children
- possible link between green tea and cancer prevention
- adverse effects when pregnant women consumed high levels of caffeine
- an increased incidence of cervical cancer
- exposing prepuberal heifers to bulls or bull urine decreases age at puberty
- partridge eat much more green matter than pheasants
- self-help groups can reduce mortality rates
* Some studies indicate that Brewer's Yeast works as a natural flea repellent
- babies respond to soothing music even before they're born
- boys are more susceptible to stress reactions than girls
- cows give more milk if they listen to certain kinds of music
- exercise regulates hormone levels
- insomnia can be predictive of future mental illness
* Some studies indicate that it helps in maintaining strong bones in the elderly
- is associated with an increased risk of heart attack and stroke
- massage can even reduce blood pressure
- paranoia has become more prevalent in the twentieth century
- particles are larger at the top of the boundary layer
- poorly nourished women develop pre-eclampsia more often
- shellfish are as protective as other fish for the heart
- the atomic mass actually increases after each reorganization
- there relationship between drinking too much and stroke
- the rate for cirrhosis in women is twice that for men
- there's a higher risk among men who've had vasectomies
- women tend to invest less aggressively than men
* Some studies link arsenic in drinking water to bladder, lung, and kidney cancer
- daily alcohol intake as a risk for breast cancer
* Some studies link it to an increased risk of uterine cancer
- smoking and refine sugar and oral contraceptives
- long-term exposure to liver, bladder, kidney and lung cancers
- saturated fats with an increase in serum cholesterol
- smoking with miscarriage and stillbirths
- now challenge the idea that ovulation only occurs once per cycle
- point to changes in the workplace as a key to successful organizational learning
- published in medical journals show health effects at low levels of exposure
* Some studies report an increase in free radicals during and shortly after exercise
- differences in diet for younger hogs
* Some studies report that enlarged prostate sign of pathology
- patients want physicians to attend to their spiritual concerns
* Some studies reveal a connection between herbicides and certain types of cancer in children
- homosexual men and heterosexual women are more likely to have eating disorders
* Some studies say nicotine is physically harder to quit than heroin
- tanning beds are just as harmful as going out and laying in the sun
- that the flu shot causes a temporary increase in viral load
- there is nothing to show that global warming is happening
- wild elephants live as long, or longer, than elephants in zoos
- seem to indicate that home births can be safer for low-risk pregnancies
* Some studies show a correlation between high fiber intake and cancers of the upper digestive tract
- decrease in body fat in athletes who use creatine
- decreased incidence of tooth decay even in non-fluoridated parts of the world
- five-fold increase in an aborted woman's risk of tubal pregnancy
- greater incidence in males than in females
- link between obesity and a high-fat diet and renal cell carcinoma
* Some studies show an association with cancer of the ovaries
- increase in intelligence for each additional month the child was breastfed
- correlations between daily particulate levels in ambient air and mortality
- decreased condom usage as sexuallt active teen boys become young men
- estrogenlike effects on certain tissues
- even when people lose weight they die earlier
- garlic lowering blood pressure by small amounts
- no increased risk for breast cancer
- porifera to be monophyletic and other studies show porifera to be paraphyletic
- reduced sperm production in men and inhibited ovulation in women
* Some studies show that Terriers tend to be destructive
- aerobic exercise can reduce inflammation in some joints
- after each rainfall, algae bloom and some dinoflagellates proliferate
- as many children die from neglect as from physical abuse
- breastfed children have a lower incidence of atopic dermatitis
- brighter lighting correlates to fewer incidents as well as fewer accidents
* Some studies show that caffeine can cause some delays in getting pregnant
- make it harder to get pregnant
- causes physical dependence
* Some studies show that children function better in school when they have eaten breakfast
- given nightly massages experience less severe asthma symptoms
- cloth diapering has four times the burden on water supplies than disposables
- drinking cranberry juice helps prevent urinary tract infections
- eating fish regularly can help prevent macular degeneration
- even one drink a day can increase breast cancer risk
- exercising too close to bedtime can cut down on deep sleep
- extreme low fat diets are no more effective than moderate fat intake levels
- faking of psychological symptoms is quite rare
- germination is enhanced by alternating temperatures
- ginseng has adaptogenic action
- girls irradiated during puberty are also at increased risk
- high mobility affects student achievement
* Some studies show that it does help improve memory in people with dementia
- has a positive effect on hair growth when taken internally
- males fight to win the mating rights
- meaningful touch can increase our life span by up to two years
- melatonin can stimulate parts of the immune system - in animals
- more traditional females actually commit more crimes
- older persons who have pets to care for live longer
- only of kittens born survive long enough for weaning
- people who eat more red meat have a greater tendency to develop cancer
- residents of rural areas have an increased risk of developing sarcoidosis
- retention has a negative effect on self-concept and attitudes towards school
- smokers who switch have established patterns of inhaling
* Some studies show that the incidence of asthma actually increases as the air gets cleaner
- rate of death from heart attack is greater for women than for men
- roots cause liver cancer in lab rats
- thumbsucking behavior is viewed negatively by classmates
- vitamins A and E help
* Some studies show that women are more susceptible to the carcinogenic effects of tobacco
- eat more when they exercise more
- tend to take fewer chances with investments than men
- the value of maintaining a steady and natural rhythm in sleep patterns
* Some studies show they actually encourage weight gain
- also eat tree gums like marmosets
* Some studies show women are better bosses than men
- who drink alcohol have a slightly higher risk of breast cancer
- show, too, that frequent fertilization promotes fungal diseases
* Some studies suggest a beneficial role for lutein derived from foods
- apoptosis
- average male sperm counts have sharply declined over the decades
- clonidine reduces smoking withdrawal symptoms
- deer undergo stress periods and lose weight during hot dry periods
- drinking green tea can reduce the risk of cancer
- expopsure to it causes spontaneous abortions in women
- it improves vision and can relieve the symptoms of rheumatism and pneumonia
- rockwool and slagwool can cause cancer in people
* Some studies suggest that a high-fiber diet contributes to the prevention of diverticulosis
- aerobic exercise during pregnancy actually decreases labor time
- benzodiazepines have an inherent potential to cause aggression
- breastfeeding decreases breast cancer risk
- caffeine does cause bone loss
- children are now drinking less water and consuming more sodas and juices
- cocaine-exposed babies are at increased risk of birth defects
- diabetes and high blood pressure increase the risk of uterine cancer
- dioxin increases the risk of certain types of cancer in humans
- drinking alcohol also increases the risk of breast cancer
- girls get head lice more often than boys
- impostor syndrome is particularly common among high-achieving women
- individuals who have never smoked respond better to chemotherapy
- it occurs more frequently in women
- lesbian couples have sex less often than heterosexual or gay men
- listening to soft, relaxing music lowers blood pressure
- moderate drinking is associated with a doubled miscarriage rate
- music has benefits for infant learning
* Some studies suggest that smoking can impair healing of wounds from trauma, surgery, and disease
- during pregnancy causes birth defects such as cleft lip or palate
- sometimes, male birds sing simply because they're happy or enjoy singing
- surface roughening decreases local sarcoma incidence
* Some studies suggest that the ability to learn language peaks between two to four years of age
- majority of asthmatics have acid reflux disease
* Some studies suggest that there are dangerous side effects to taking creatine
- substance in the cranberry that reduces bacterial growth
- victims of abuse often become abusers
- women who drink before pregnancy tend to have smaller babies
* Some studies suggest the benefits of breastfeeding also extend into adulthood
- immune system is interfering with the survival of the transplanted cells
- over-engineered reptiles can hold hundreds of times their own body weight
- risk of dying from breast cancer is lower in women who take estrogens
- risks to the infant are small with low daily doses of prednisone
- tea prevents the cell division of certain tumors
- there link between early exposure to the sun and skin cancer as an adult
- women with genital herpes have an increased risk of developing cervical cancer
- test ways to slow down or stop cancer before it starts
- use luciferase constructs to study upstream regulatory elements
* Studies also indicate that young women lose self esteem beginning with early middle school
- link heart disease to high fat and cholesterol, which meat contains
- show secondhand smoke can cause heart disease and lung cancer in nonsmokers
* Studies also show that apples are rich in antioxidants, which help protect against many diseases
- bats make all kinds of sounds to communicate with each other
- garlic decreases the tendency for blood cells to form undesirable clots
- magnesium supplements, even when used without calcium, increase bone density
- stress deteriorates the immune system
- the tonsils produce antibodies or cells that fight disease
- are concentration
* Studies are located in big houses
- large houses
- mansions
- schools
* Studies are motivated by the goal of concentrates
- of good grades
- of interesteds
- musical compositions
* Studies are part of education
- quiet
- rooms
- statistics that can be skewed to the researcher's beliefs
- used for reading
- cause knowledge
- concern the interactions of electrons and ions with atoms and molecules
- conducted on reproduction of mammals in microgravity include experiments with rats
- confirm that mercury leaches from fillings and lodges in brain and other organs
- demonstrate that alcohol affects brain cells and interferes with the metabolism
* Studies done by wolf researchers indicate that elk is the wolves' primary meat diet
- with animals show that bright light can damage the cells in the eye
- end with graduates
- enlightenment
- find trans fatty acids in margarine can increase people's cholesterol levels
- give evidence, that heme containing proteins are a source of microbicidal peptides
- have now shown bright light to the skin can shift circadian rhythms
* Studies have shown cigarette smoking is an important risk factor for stroke
- minerals in solution are more absorbable to the body
- that except in widespread famines, women are able to make milk for their babies
* Studies have shown that exercise, particularly aerobic, can actually improve lung power
- aerobic, can actually improve the power of the lungs
- flaxseed can reduce tumors in lab animals
- obesity alone, with no other risk factors, can cause strain on the heart
- the drug, Ecstasy, can also cause memory loss, anxiety and depression
* Studies indicate both hemispheres of the brain are involved in processing music
- chocolate does contain mood-altering chemicals called cannabinoids
* Studies indicate that alcohol consumption increases the toxicity of benzene
- cell phones emit minute amounts of radiation
- cyanazine causes cancer in laboratory animals
- effluents have harmful effects on a wide variety of aquatic organisms
- folic-acid deficiency can play a role in causing placental abruption
- gay men have much higher rates of smoking than heterosexual men
- iron deficiency is prevalent on every continent
- lack of ovulation can occur in women who are obese or who are extremely thin
- lactobacilli are the bacteria most affected by stress
- trans fatty acids can raise cholesterol levels in some people
- women who exercise during pregnancy tend to give birth to healthier babies
- that, on an average, Indian women spend more hours working than men
- investigating the role of dopamine in motivated behaviors are prevalent in mammals
- link periodontal disease to atherosclerosis, diabetes, pneumonia, and other illnesses
- measuring antibiotic activity belong in Pharmacology
- now show that the allergen in cats is related to their scent glands
- point to diet as a major factor in the incidence of prostate cancer
- prove that habituated bears have a shorter life span than wild bears
* Studies psychology as a system of scientific inquiry into the nature and behavior of humans
- scientific inquiry into the nature and processes of behavior
* Studies report that garcinia inhibits the body's ability to turn excess carbohydrates into fats
- people in general spend fewer and fewer hours volunteering in organizations
- reporting high tumour rates also report high levels of asbestosis
* Studies show bears can see colors, recognize human forms, and notice even the slightest movement
- beets' concentration of phytonutrients, such as betalains, is diminished by heat
- certain foods, such as caffeine and alcohol, can aggravate stress
- child abuse is passed down through the generations
- children with a healthy self-esteem are less likely to use drugs
- chlordane is bioaccumulative, making it highly toxic to aquatic organisms and birds
- colloidal silver kills all known disease-causing organisms in minutes
- diminished body size in many bears
- drinking moderate amounts of alcohol can help prevent heart disease
- elephants mourn the loss of a family member for several days
- feeding rats and mice very high levels of potassium bromate can cause cancer
- high and low blood sugars are extremely dangerous to the body over time
- how a land mass is slowly shaped over billions of years
* Studies show humans are attracted to health, cleanliness, and symmetry
- born with a natural craving for sweet tastes
- married men and women accumulate more assets over a lifetime than single people
* Studies show men and women who have diets high in trans fats have an increased risk of heart attack
- suffer from snoring more than women
- mercury attacks the central nervous system and can lead to birth defects
* Studies show more people are keeping their teeth for a lifetime, as people age, their teeth age too
- pheasants die when there is snow cover, regardless of the snow depth
- most underage mothers are impregnated by adults
- niacin allows the blood vessels to widen and relax
- older dogs occasionally display symptoms of memory loss
- our brains comprehend speech at four to five times faster than people normally speak
- physical activity helps keep glucose levels in check
- potassium can help lower blood pressure and fight cardiovascular disease and stroke
* Studies show some older people have low levels of zinc in their blood
- saturated fats raise blood cholesterol levels and unsaturated fats lower levels
- sticks can reduce strain on hips, knees and ankles
* Studies show that a certain amount of fat is needed to absorb nutrients and antioxidants
- aerobic exercise increases oxygen efficiency to the brain
- anen happens in underdeveloped countries where people have poor nutrition
* Studies show that animals and humans lacking leptin due to a genetic deficiency are obese
- people who eat less live longer
- antioxidant levels diminish with age
- as men increase their earnings, they are also more likely to marry
- automobiles are a major source of air pollution
- babies have an uncanny ability to regulate their caloric intake
- bacteria from dental diseases can move systematically into the vital organs
* Studies show that being in the presence of dolphins induces an alpha brain state
- overweight increases the incidence of prostate cancer
- bonding in rats is achieved through the secretion of prolactin
- brain waves change after swimming with dolphins
- breastfeeding helps prevent some cancers in the mother
- breathing cold air can lead to the swelling of airways
- cabbage can speed up the metabolism of estrogen in the body
- carnitine can help heart function, and enhance energy production in dogs
- carotenoids possess powerful antioxidant and cancer preventive properties
- cats kill millions of birds each year
- cell phones send off radiation, which cause cancer
- chemicals in the environment are causing disease and death
- childhood obesity is epidemic and that one in five children is overweight
* Studies show that children are particularly vulnerable to air pollution, especially ozone
- get bitten by dominant purebred male dogs
- involved in religious activities are less likely to use drugs
- who eat with their families regularly have fewer dietary problems
- cognitive development can be impaired when there are low iron blood levels
- colitis is often associated with a reduction in pancreatic enzyme secretion
- colostrum contains powerful immune factors that work to restore immune function
- cruelty toward animals often leads to cruelty toward fellow human beings
- diet plays a role in colorectal cancer
- diets high in unsaturated fat has a lower chance of heart disease
- disorders of the oral cavity are responsible for most instances of bad breath
- each year over one million children are abused or neglected by their parents
- early signs of heart disease and stroke can be found in adolescents who smoke
- eating habits developed during childhood have the potential to last a lifetime
* Studies show that estrogen can increase bone mass
- increases the risk of a woman developing breast cancer
- even healthy adults can experience decreased lung function when exposed to ozone
- exposure to large amounts of butyraldehyde in air causes anesthesia in animals
- fathers generally spend less time with their daughters after they enter puberty
- fatty acids enhance infant intelligence and contribute to accurate vision
- fear, for example, can increase a man's attraction to a woman
- ferals often choose mates based on their color patterns
* Studies show that folic acid in high doses can protect a body from cardiovascular disease
- high doses can protect from cardiovascular disease
- food enhances the absorption of ipriflavone
- fretting occurs when tin comes in pressure contact with gold or any other metal
- genetics plays a significant role in the ability to reach extreme old age
- girls of all ages worry about their weight
- groups of moggies are inbred themselves, as cats are naturally very territorial
- half of all women take time off to raise children
- happiness, self-esteem and a sense of security are all connected to religion
- healthy people have higher selenium blood levels than cancer patients
- heart disease can begin in childhood
* Studies show that high levels of radon gas in the air increase the risk of developing lung cancer
- stress can interfere with fertility in both men and women
- hiking is beneficial for a person's overall physical and mental health
- homosexuals are a greater per capita risk to molest than heterosexuals
- hydrazine sulfate has many effects in the body
* Studies show that in about one-third of women, their asthma gets worse during pregnancy
- many areas meat is the only source of protein
- incidents of sexual abuse are prevalent in the childhoods of adult homosexuals
- it is the smell of food that triggers the body to prepare for digestion
- levels of progesterone and estrogen both have marked effects the oral tissues
- malnutrition from a poor diet lessens a person's ability to fight infection
- mammograms reduce the risk of dying from breast cancer
* Studies show that many children lose weight just by changing beverages
- eating disorders begin when dieting gets out of control
- pregnant women are low in magnesium
- school-aged children eat diets moderate to high in fat
- married people live longer than single people on average
* Studies show that men and women experience different physical reactions to stress
- often select different trees and shrubs for food and other purposes
- millions of people suffer with symptoms long after their accidents
- moderate exercise can help people with diabetes lower their blood sugar
- monounsaturated fats are neutral with respect to cholesterol levels
* Studies show that more women than men are inactive in their spare time
- men suffer from rapid cycles
- most apes are able to learn, understand others, and feel emotionally
* Studies show that most people are undersexed
- care about nutrition and health
- quail nests are located within a few feet of bare ground
- mothers are the backbone of families
- nearly all women who smoke started as teenagers
- neural activity begins to decline after sustained exertion
- nicotine is the product in tobacco which causes addiction
* Studies show that obese individuals tend to lead socially isolated lives
- people are often lipase deficient
- one out of ten school-age children walk in their sleep at least once a week
- passive smoking can even cause lung cancer and heart disease
- people have sexual fantasies several times a day, or even several times an hour
* Studies show that people who are physically active live longer and healthier lives
- eat fish twice a week have fewer fatal heart attacks
- have drinking and drug problems usually have low self-esteem
- repeatedly go on and off crash diets actually gain weight over time
- plants contribute to our mental and physical health
- protein, when combined with carbohydrates, almost doubles the insulin response
- radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer, behind cigarette smoking
- shapes and colors affect people in different ways
- smaller lemur species have a diet which consists mostly of fruits and insects
* Studies show that smoking also increases the chances of developing gum disease
- can have a negative impact on gingivitis and periodontal disease
- causes developmental delays in fetuses and infants
* Studies show that some birds dine at bird feeders more often in the spring than in the winter
- moles have a higher risk than others to become cancerous
- soybean peptides can boost the immune system, which helps the body fight disease
- specific constituents in human milk play an important role in brain development
- starch is white, odorless, tasteless carbohydrate powder soluble in cold water
- stress can reduce the power of our immune systems
* Studies show that the appearance of a meal helps iron to be absorbed into the body, for example
- cryosphere is responding quickly to changes in the climate system
- majority of accidental ingestions resulting in death occur away from home
- mineral selenium slows down the multiplication of cancer cells
- overwhelming majority of cigarette use begins with children and teenagers
- rate of photosynthesis increases directly with intensity of sunlight
- walrus has fewer taste buds than other pinnipeds
- they can cause infertility, breast cancer, and birth defects
- ultraviolet radiation similar to sunlight causes skin cancer in animals
- various herbivores select foods high in protein and low in fibre
* Studies show that vegetarians absorb and retain more calcium from food than do nonvegetarians
- are less likely to suffer from kidney stones
- have less than half the amount of osteoporosis that meat eaters have
- very few people regularly examine themselves for signs of skin cancer
* Studies show that violence in the workplace significant cause of occupational injury and death
- occurs at least once in two-thirds of all marriages
- what a mother eats is linked to the baby's health at birth
- when it comes to heart disease our arteries begin clogging in childhood
- wild mammals and birds recognize fire and nearly all escape the flames
* Studies show that women are four times more likely to report ill than men
- have an infinitely greater capacity to love than men
* Studies show that women who are promiscuous suffer feelings of low self-esteem
- exercise during pregnancy gain less fat
- have abortions have a higher number of tubal pregnancies
- use a diet to reduce weight from lean tissue - muscle
- with a greater sex drive have higher levels of testosterone
- yohimbe, a tree bark extract, has been shown to increase blood flow to the penis
- young, growing trees store higher amounts of carbon than mature forests
- that, over time, anabolic steroids can indeed take a heavy toll on a person's health
* Studies show the cat's purr has a calming effect on humans and can even lower a person's heart rate
- majority of people have had premarital sex
- size of a deer's range narrows greatly with herds living in warmer climates
- three-fourths of women have a lower standard of living after divorce
- vitamin E improves blood circulation in the extremities
- when spirulina is added to the diet, beneficial intestinal flora increase
- women generally earn less than men, but they live much longer
* Studies start with concentrates
- open books
- reads
- suggest smoking reduces the flow of oxygen and other nutrients to the developing fetus
* Studies suggest that components of orange juice affect the breakdown of cholesterol within cells
- dietary fat plays a role in some cancers
- fiber decreases heart disease, some cancers, high blood pressure, and diabetes
- sleeplessness has a negative effect on the ability to function while awake
- the nutrient was a greater component of human diets as the species evolved
- tend to show that in terms of weight loss, diet plays a much bigger role than exercise
- using animal cells can indicate the ability of a new materials to cause mutation
- worldwide show that men generally participate less than women in caring for their children
* abroad contributes to the intellectual, social, and cultural development of students
- is part of becoming an educated person
- life changing experience from which every student can benefit
* abroad life-changing experience from which every student can benefit
- means living and studying for a period outside the United States
* form of worship.
* is an art that improves with practice
- examination
- made of metals and their alloys, including their mechanical properties, and corrosion
- the deliberate search for knowledge and understanding
* often means study of the thoughts and thinking patterns of others.
* skills Study skills involve knowing how to effectively study academic materials
- refers to all necessary skills for academic achievement
+ Condom, Effectiveness, In preventing pregnancy: Contraception
* There are two ways to see how effective condoms are. Most studies show results of effectiveness over a year.
+ Global city: Urban studies and planning :: Economic geography :: Cities
* Most studies recognise London and New York City as the two most important global cities.
+ Leonardo da Vinci, Life, Drawings: 1452 births :: 1519 deaths :: Italian people :: Inventors :: Italian mathematicians :: Italian architects :: Italian sculptors :: Botanists :: People from Florence :: Italian painters :: Anatomists
* In these drawings Leonardo planned the things he was going to paint. Some studies are plans for whole paintings. One of these paintings is the large beautiful drawing of the Madonna and Child with St Anne and St John the Baptist that is now in the National Gallery, London.
+ Semen, Health, Benefits: Male reproductive system
* Studies seem to say that semen is an anti-depressant. This means that it causes women not to feel depressed or sad. The studies found that when men had sex with women without using condoms, and the men's semen was taken into the women's vaginas, the women had better moods and felt happier. Scientists do not yet know if the same thing happens when semen is swallowed after oral sex, but some of them think it may.
+ Sleep paralysis, Possible causes: Symptoms
* Studies suggest that many people get sleep paralysis at least once in their lives. People who have narcolepsy often get it much more. Many people try to induce sleep paralysis, to have an Out of Body Experience. If you suffer from sleep paralysis, you can change it into an enjoyable experience. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | examination | study:
Animal study
* Animal studies are a basic stepping stone of toxicology
- conclusive on the higher toxicity of dressings containing eugenol
- much more complex than cell culture
- valuable in helping identify human carcinogens
- can produce a false sense of safety
- confirm the safety of feverfew
- contribute to the basic understanding of how all living organisms function
- demonstrate reproductive toxicity at levels to which some people are clearly exposed
- help show whether a chemical potential human carcinogen
- hint at ways to treat spinal cord injuries
* Animal studies indicate allopregnanolone can prevent the symptoms of alcohol withdrawal
- an obvious degradation of the heart muscles
- montelukast is excreted in breast milk
* Animal studies indicate that aniline causes tumors of the spleen and body cavity
- benzene has adverse effects on unborn animals
- mineral intake, especially calcium, reduces insulin resistance
- monkeys become more violent when fed low-cholesterol diets
- neurotoxicity is dose-dependent
- perfluorooctane sulfonate has toxicological properties
- tetracyclines can cause retardation of fetal skeletal development
* Animal studies prove lutein concentrates in Macula
- their benefit in arteriosclerosis and cardiovascular disease
- provide the only available information on in utero exposure to leflunomide
* Animal studies show broad protective effects in simulated stroke
- changes in immune system function
- damage to developing fetuses and lowered sperm production in males
- drug passes into milk
* Animal studies show fetal abnormalities and increased risk of abortion
- growth with injections similar to that with autologous grafts
- no teratogenicity
- similar responses with liver toxicity at low exposure levels
* Animal studies show that a detrimental bacterial flora leads to liver cancer and early death
- blood-sugar instability increases when stress occurs
- dandelion does have diuretic action
- glutamine is effective against catabolic stress
- high doses of methamphetamine damage nerve cells
- maternal stress during pregnancy affects behavior in offspring
- sleep is necessary for survival
- showe no evidence of cancer
* Animal studies suggest actual cell death as the cause
- possible toxicity for pregnant women
* Animal studies suggest that abacavir readily penetrates into the brain
- estrogen can protect the brain against stroke
- flumazenil is an antagonist to zaleplon
- passionflower extracts can reduce agitation and prolong sleep
- pyruvate leads to weight loss by increasing the resting metabolic rate
- statins reduce stroke risk by increasing blood flow to the brain
- the anticholinergic drug physostigmine improves memory
- there is adequate oxygenated blood after primary cardiac arrest
- vitamin E can slow the development of atherosclerosis
- tend to support the idea that myopia is caused by eyestrain
- using lead acetate, a closely related chemical, are inconclusive
* Some animal studies suggest that caffeine can have anti-cancer properties.
Bible study
* help youth deal with everyday occurrences.
* is crucial to our spiritual growth and the building of meaningful relationships.
* is the endless quest of learning how to use life
- food that nourishes a healthy tree of faith
- program for evangelism and discipleship | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | examination | study:
Clinical study
* Clinical studies are the basis on which medication or methods of treatment are approved
- confirm a higher incidence in alcoholics, diabetics and persons with epilepsy
- document the development of periodontal disease
- focus on several immunological diseases
- indicate a significant relationship between our B-vitamin complex and tinnitus
- involve the scientific investigation of illness and treatment of illness in humans
- mean that a potential medicine is being administered to human beings
- predominate over the basic sciences
- reveal that phosphatidylcholine helps individuals recover from toxic liver damage
- revel that pyruvate can reduce gain in body fat without reducing muscle protein
* Clinical studies show a lowering of blood pressure in response to increased amounts of fiber
- it retards hair growth in humans
* Clinical studies show that glutamine infusion helps maintain muscle mass in critically ill patients
- it can reduce the risk of falls in the elderly
- most menopausal women have too much
- psyllium seed is useful as a bulk laxative
- selenium is important in lowering the risk of several types of cancers
- the effectiveness of homeopathic remedies in treating infectious diseases
* Some clinical studies suggest topical aloe gel for healing minor burns.
Cultural study
* Cultural studies analyses the role of expertise throughout society
- combines issues of creativity with questions of power
- emphasize the universal needs of human beings and an appreciation of diversity
- focus on contemporary French literature
* Cultural studies is at the forefront of intellectual inquiry today
- concerned with questions of meaning, identity, production and consumption<|endoftext|>### activity | examination | study:
Economic study
* All economic studies show that foreign trade growth helps to reduce poverty worldwide.
* Economic studies have a hard time quantifying why and how people gamble
- indicate that high tax rates hinder economic growth and consequently job creation
- show it puts a higher tax burden on the poor than on the rich
* Economic studies show that most immigrants want to work short periods and return home
- they give far more to the economy than they take away
- suggest plants can be sized according to regional conditions
Environmental study
* Environmental studies are scientific discipline
- deals with every issue that affects a living organism
* Environmental studies is broader than environmental science
- the interdisciplinary study of complex environmental concerns<|endoftext|>### activity | examination | study:
Epidemiologic study
* Epidemiologic studies are the bedrock of effective public health
- compare the health of populations exposed to different levels of contaminants
- find no evidence of horizontal spread
- show no association between fat intake and body fatness
- substantiate their associated risk in humans
- suggest that episodes of asthma are exacerbated by smog events
- try very hard to separate out the causes for the lung cancer
- use a very crude assessment of human dietary fiber intake
* Most epidemiologic studies treat fiber from all sources as being the same. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | examination | study:
Epidemiological study
* Epidemiological studies analyze large groups of people that have a disease
- are the only way to gain estimates of exposure to pregnant women
- cover research, programme evaluation and surveillance
- examine factors that are associated with developing diseases
- gather information about who is affected
- help to identify how diseases are spread
- indicate that for psychoactive medications women are the predominant users
- look at patterns of health and illness in individual populations
- point to the strong correlation of migraine with hormonal events
* Epidemiological studies provide most of the evidence on food and cancer
- the primary evidence linking sun exposure to malignant melanoma
- raise concerns for potential noncancer health effects in humans
* Epidemiological studies show a elevated rate of disease in exposed people
- exposed workers at increased risk for developing leukemia
* Most epidemiological studies depend upon recall.
Field study
* Field studies are an important part of zoological research
- therefore central in the research of all groups
- emphasize the interaction of water and rock, as mediated by biological activity
* Field studies show that female house finches prefer to mate with colorful males
- small sculpins prefer mayfly nymphs and small worms
* is an internship completed during the junior or senior year.
* means a study conducted on free-living wild animals in their natural habitat.<|endoftext|>### activity | examination | study:
Genetic study
* Genetic studies collide with the mystery of human evolution
- depend on successfully mating animals and producing offspring
- evaluate breeding lines that are low in sucker growth potential
- indicate a higher incidence of autism among siblings and twins
- involve drawing a blood sample
* Genetic studies show that chimpanzees and humans share a common ancestor
- pangolin acts to transduce the wingless signal
- there is more variability in the gene pool in Africa, than outside
* Most genetic studies depend on visual documentation of phenotypes.
* indicates the chances of a tri-color gene expressed in male cats are very small.
Geographic study
* Most geographic study begins with learning the location of places.
* begins with the location of places on the earth.
* focuses on spatial analysis of human and physical features of our planet.
Graduate study
* Graduate studies are academic programs
- today the most important growth sector in Mexican higher education
* can lead to careers in scholarship, in research, or in the professions.
* time of growth.
Histologic study
* Histologic studies suggest a traumatic etiology for OS disease
- support a traumatic etiology
* reveals massive iron deposits in the basal ganglia.<|endoftext|>### activity | examination | study:
Human study
* Human studies are inconclusive regarding antimony exposure and cancer
- chlordane and cancer
- heptachlor and cancer
- lead and an increased cancer risk
- confirm immune stimulation by garlic
- continue today to improve surfactant therapy for infants
- implicate psychosocial factors are involved in various pathophysiological processes
* Human studies show that it produces changes in meal-related satietal sensations
- soy protein helps decrease fat and increases lean tissue
* Many human studies show that soy promotes better breast and endometrial health.
* Some human studies indicate potential for lung cancer from crystalline silica exposure.
Interdisciplinary study
* consists in creating a new object, which belongs to no one.
* includes psychology, anthropology, sociology, biology and related fields. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | examination | study:
Laboratory study
* Laboratory studies are essential in management of many forms of hemorrhagic shock
- can determine whether someone has a genetic disease
* Laboratory studies show it kills bacteria and fungus such as ringworm, athlete's foot
- that manganese crosses the placenta and retards growth in fetal rodents
- use research methods from psychology, biology and physics
* Some laboratory studies indicate that progesterone stimulates the growth of breast tissue.
* emphasizes experimental methods utilized to examine adaptive mechanisms.
Language study
* Language studies are encyclopaedic by nature.
* includes spelling and vocabualry.
* includes spelling, vocabulary, and learning about language history and structure
- mechanics
- vocabulary building and an understanding of the conventions of grammar
* includes vocabulary building and learning about grammar and spelling
- language structure and use
Linkage study
* Linkage studies consider the cosegregation of a particular disorder with marker genes in families.
* fundamental subject for plant classical genetics.
Media study
* Media studies take some ideas from other areas of study, such as humanities and the social sciences.
* Media studies' is an academic area of study about mass media and its history and effects. It mostly focuses on newspapers, radio, television, and internet. Media studies take some ideas from other areas of study, such as humanities and the social sciences.<|endoftext|>### activity | examination | study:
Medical study
* Medical studies indicate no increased risk of breast cancer with hormone replacement therapy
- that estrogen natural protector from heart disease
* Medical studies show gardens can have a therapeutic value
- it can cause asthmatics to convulse and die
- no evidence of ozone causing cancer or lung allergies or harming the unborn
- that stress plays an important role in several immune-mediated illnesses
- therapeutic benefits for patients with anxiety disorders
- support both chondroitin and glucosamine sulfate supplements
* Most medical studies have control groups that get placebos.
Molecular study
* Molecular studies are most advanced in the case of mercury resistance
- can identify predisposing genes and elucidate their function
- examine natural gene variation in seizure sensitive and resistant strains of mice
* Molecular studies show that Fungi and Animalia are more closely related than Fungi and Plantae
- some polyploids originated more than once
National study
* National studies estimate that one of every three high school girls competes in some kind of sport
- find that more than half of high school seniors are using marijuana
- reveal that a large percentage of hate crimes are committed by juveniles
- show a strong correlation between illiteracy and criminal behavior
* National studies show that electric light rail trains are safer than cars, trucks even buses
- only half of the people who have diabetes know it<|endoftext|>### activity | examination | study:
New study
* New studies indicate that high levels of mercury are affecting the birds ability to reproduce
- report that passive smoking increases the non-smoker's risk for cancer
- say breast milk has particular fatty acids that enhance brain development
* New studies show eggs contain nutrients in the yolk that can enhance memory capabilities
- iron as an oxidant, having the opposite effect of antioxidants
* New studies show that antidepressants are effective with children
- daily consumption of dietary soy protein can promote bone health
- midlife mothers live longer and have more brain cells | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | examination | study:
Numerous study
* Numerous studies confirm a key role for cholinergic nerve transmission in sexual responses
- anti-platelet drugs are effective for high risk and moderate risk patients
* Numerous studies confirm that as people age, they want to remain in their home communities
- fatherlessness contributes to child poverty
- smoking causes premature aging and wrinkling of the face
- the toxicity of different POPs to humans
- describe girls' loss of self-esteem at adolescence
* Numerous studies document that the fetus is highly sensitive to hormones and hormone-like chemicals
- the psychological benefits of sport and exercise
- find fish eaters have less heart disease
* Numerous studies indicate that a healthy lifestyle improves one's overall quality of life
- exercise decreases mild depression as effectively as psychotherapy
- physical education is essential to children's health
* Numerous studies link excessive weight to high blood pressure
- expectations for success and achievement-related behaviors
- point to fruits and vegetables as anti-high blood pressure agents
* Numerous studies show a link between high fiber intake and decreased risk of colon cancer
- to cancer
- adolescents are the group most at risk to start smoking
- folate is an important player in the prevention of birth defects in newborns
- lower levels of vitamins and minerals in depressed people
* Numerous studies show that children who eat breakfast definitely perform better in school
- fat in the hips and thighs is less health threatening than abdominal fat
* Numerous studies show that health insurance is highly tied to employment status
- problems can be linked to poor nutrition
- it causes cancer in lab animals
- lead in any amount can be dangerous for children
- simply consuming soy protein lowers cholesterol and blood pressure
- staying active can help prevent heart disease
- teachers often treat boys and girls differently
- women are in worse financial shape than men in the United States
- women achieving stronger roles and greater importance in the work force
- suggest children of both sexes develop clear preferences for thin bodies
* Numerous studies suggest that A is toxic to neurons by free radical-mediated mechanisms
- carotenes as a whole can reduce the risk of heart disease
Occupational study
* Occupational studies continue to provide the bulk of evidence of benzene's carcinogenicity.
* Some occupational studies report an increase in one type of cancer, some in another.
Population study
* Population studies are an important aspect of the study of ecology
- involve the tracking of disease across large numbers of people
- shed light on the impact of diet on cholesterol metabolism
- show a strong relationship between cancer risk and fat intake
* investigates the change of species in time and space.<|endoftext|>### activity | examination | study:
Previous study
* Many previous studies corroborate the role of androgens in enhancing sexual desire in women and men.
* Previous studies have shown learning can result in changes in brain activity.
* Previous studies indicate that feathers serve as the primary excretory pathway for organic mercury
- our brain consists of a large number of repeating modules
* Previous studies show breast cancer patients who took tamoxifen reduced their risk of cardiac death
- it helps pregnant women keep their blood vessels open to their fetuses
- smoking lowers vitamin C levels in adults
- suggest that coyotes are intolerant of foxes where their ranges overlap | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | examination | study:
Recent study
* More recent studies reveal that head lice actually thrive in clean hair
- show alpha lipoic acid enhances glucose uptake activity
* More recent studies show that laughter also can help prevent heart problems
- the Sun expands and shrinks in an eighty-year cycle
- trans-fatty acids are also bad for the heart
* More recent studies suggest that it physical condition caused by hormonal effects
- mutation metabolic process under genetic control
* Most recent studies point out that chitin good inducer of defense mechanisms in plants.
* Recent studies confirm that one out of four children are obese.
* Recent studies demonstrate that cigarette smoking behaviors vary by race and by sex
- drug use by young people is on the rise in the United States
- stutterers have an abnormal speech-motor control system
- the unborn baby actually competes with the mother for nutrients
- estimate that one female zebra mussel can release at least a million eggs per year
- examine polarization textures and droplet shapes of spontaneously magnetized liquids
- focus on complexation of cations by macrocylic ligands
* Recent studies have revealed protein is instrumental in the functioning of the human immune system
- shown that Ecstasy dangerous drug-it is like a lobotomy in pill form
- highlight the physiological role of insulin as a modulator of brain function
- indicate that American children are the world's most overweight kids
* Recent studies indicate that Sea Buckthorn flavonoids help maintain healthy circulation
- flavonoids help maintain healthy circulatory system
- asthma growing problem nationally, particularly among children
- autoimmune diseases tend to run in families
- even moderate exercise can reduce prostate cancer risk
- it can increase glucose tolerance and decrease blood sugar levels
- many adults get only half or less of their daily calcium requirement
- most people vastly overestimate the health risks of smoking
- neurotrophins also modulate synapse development and plasticity
- nutrition plays a role in macular degeneration
- only about half of all smokers are advised by their doctors to quit
- people can become infected with drug-resistant viruses
- religious practice leads to greater health and longevity
- sniffing solvents during pregnancy can cause birth defects
* Recent studies indicate that the anthocyanidens of bilberry have been used as anti-aging substance
- median age of skiers and snowboarders is increasing
- involve the lipid-loving, fluorescent dye, DiI, which diffuses along cell membranes
- involving more female subjects reveal that drinking differs between men and women
* Recent studies link exposure to smoking in movies with adolescent smoking initiation
- periodontal disease with heart disease, hypertension and high cholesterol
- regular use of oatmeal to significant reduction in blood cholesterol
- somatization to child abuse, particularly sexual abuse
- the use of alcohol-based mouthwashes to oral and pharyngeal cancer
- very small particles in the air to cancer
* Recent studies reveal that dysplastic nevi are more likely to turn into melanoma than normal moles
- resveratrol can inhibit each step of multistage carcinogenesis
- they can absorb organic molecules through vestigial gut and body wall
* Recent studies say nothing about the effects of smoking
- that lead travels from the bone to the blood stream in a fashion quite similar
* Recent studies show a direct link between early abuse and later violence against others
- link between gum disease and heart attacks
- an alarming increase in hearing loss in youngsters
- antioxidant, anticancer and antimalarial activity
- eating apples can fight cancer
- elimination exotic grasses leads to greater plant and animal diversity
- more and faster bone growth in the presence of silica
- obesity is up six percent over the past year
- quercetin, a bioflavonoid, reduces inflammation
- smallmouth bass are eating a lot of small perch
- strong links between poverty and poor health and poor achievement at school
* Recent studies show that a child's biological clock moves forward in the teen years
- third of American adults and a quarter of American children are obese
- adults in our society just don t get enough sleep
- aerobic exercise can help stimulate the growth of new brain cells
- anxiety disorders probably are inherited
- autistic children are often misperceived and misunderstood
- caffeine increases calcium loss through the urine
- depression is one of the top medical conditions affecting women
- dong quai dilates blood vessels, which can reduce blood pressure
- exercise prevents gallstones
- fatigue is the most debilitating side effect of cancer treatment
- fossas nap and hunt day or night, depending on mood or circumstance
- illicit drug use, particularly marijuana, is on the rise among teenagers
- immunity to tumor antigens works similarly to any cellular antigens
- insects can follow complex foraging patterns at great distances
- kids are deeply affected by divorce
- lifestyle plays a bigger role than heredity in many common cancers
* Recent studies show that many girls begin menstruating at an earlier age than in years past
- women misdiagnose their own vaginal yeast infections
- married couples generally live a longer, better, healthier lives
- more than half of all the homeless population use drugs regularly
- obesity in children has more then doubled in the last decade
- one in every five school children has a major allergy
- parents and caregivers affect young people's opinions on drug use
- pegaga has a positive effect on the circulatory system
- people who exercise regularly are less likely to be depressed
- screening reduces mortality from colorectal cancer
- shorter mortality is more related to inactivity than to body weight
- smoke and dust particles can significantly damage human health
* Recent studies show that soy protein reduces nerve related discomfort
- reduces nerve related pain
- there are significant brain differences between bonobos and chimps
- they also eat comb jellies
- trace levels of multiple pesticides cause increased aggression
- tuberculosis rates are higher among the foreign-born
- various types of music can influence the human body in a number of ways
* Recent studies show that women are now being infected at a greater rate than men
- in particular are powering the commercial growth of the Internet
- obtain most of their physical activity in nonexercise settings
- often drink to relieve depression and anxiety
- the quality of life of cancer patients can be improved with physical exercise
- women are more likely to enjoy increased communication with a female physician
* Recent studies shows polar bears in some regions are down a third in body weight
- the weightlessness state of potential dangerous for humans
* Recent studies suggest a link between high intakes of fruits and vegetables and heart health
- it plays an important role in organogenesis as well
- lighting can create health risks
- magnesium reduces the risk of heart disease
- semiconductor workers have an increased incidence of work-related illness
- smokers have a greater risk of developing psoriasis
* Recent studies suggest that adult stem cells have great therapeutic potential
- allergies and asthma are increasing worldwide
- anoxic microenvironments exist within aerobic activated sludge
- as many as one couple in six suffer from infertility
- blood sugar levels can be lowered twice as much by tripling the dosage
- breastfeeding helps prevent some cancers in the mother
- carotenoids can reduce the incidence of cancer
- cats develop complex and fluid matriarchal hierarchies
- cetirizine is effective in the treatment of mosquito bites in adults
- children gauge the overall meaning and message of fights between adults
- even one dose of Ecstasy can damage the brain
- men and women value and use technology differently
- moderate walnut consumption can help reduce cholesterol levels
- oxpeckers do little to reduce the number of ticks per host animal
- proton pump inhibitors are the preferred form of medical therapy
- some people have a genetic predisposition to autism
- species richness is greatly reduced through deforestation
- ventral cell islands contain different kinds of cells
- suggest, however, that poor households move in and out of poverty a great deal
* Recent studies support the effectiveness of low-calorie sweeteners in controlling caloric intake
- popular belief that animals feel intense, humanlike emotions
* Some recent studies reveal that fatty foods, mostly animal fats, also contribute to breast pain
- show uterine ruptures are less likely with spontaneous labor | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | examination | study:
Science study
* Science studies are about the states of matter and the weather
- discipline much influenced by literature professors
- objects and identifies their properties
- quarks and the human genome
* includes studying the digestive system, space, weather, and animal communities.<|endoftext|>### activity | examination | study:
Scientific study
* Every scientific study concludes that parents who bring their babies to bed sleep longer and better.
* Many scientific studies appear to find links between the brain and what the 'mind' produces
- confirm, people have depleted the earth's natural resources
- offer information regarding the learning of and application of movement
* Most scientific studies focus on understanding individual symptoms for a limited period of time.
* Scientific studies can provide data to people who make decisions
- continue to link pesticide use with bee kills and poor colony health
- do show stress, and they show recovery
- link fluoride to learning disabilities and coordination problems
- reach many different conclusions based on what people are studied and how
- say asphalt workers have a high risk of some cancers, such as lung cancer
- seem to indicate that ginger has value as a preventive of motion sickness
* Scientific studies show chlorella supports immune system health
- no ill effects of multiple vaccines on the normal immune system
- some medical benefits of circumcision
- spirulina supports immune system health
* Scientific studies show that a variety of human activities release greenhouse gases
- certain bodily changes occur during meditation
- deer antler is useful for anemia
- diosgenin found in wild yam has an anti-inflammatory effect in animals
- eating fish just once a week reduces the risk of heart attack
- enjoyment both promotes and protects good health
- fear and anxiety, as well as pain, reduce flexibility
- formulas are more effective in the treatment of illness
- too little Vitamin A during pregnancy can result in miscarriage
- there is no link between abortion and higher rates of breast cancer
- suggest that singing can have positive effects on people's health
* means using the scientific method, which is discussed below.
* shows that search engines index only a small portion of the Web. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | examination | study:
Several study
* Several studies are under way to understand how phytoestrogens work in animals and humans
- correlate the presence of certain macrophage populations with disease states
- demonstrate that food stamps are essential in the fight to end food insecurity
- do suggest that cold lasers are effective in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis
- highlight the role of gastropexy in reducing recurrence and postoperative mortality
* Several studies indicate that dogs as a group cycle throughout the year
- heterozygous carriers are at increased risk for various symptoms
- low dose aspirin decreases the risk of strokes due to blood clots
- soy isoflavones can help conserve bone in animals
- women have more trouble with insomnia than men
* Several studies link bereavement to an increase in lung, cervical, and breast tumors
- fluoride to genetic damage and cancer
* Several studies report few moths eaten, in contrast to many other bat species
- fire having a positive effect on gopher tortoises
* Several studies show a connection between lycopene and cancer prevention
- decrease in the effectiveness of pesticides
- relationship between high fat diets and increased lung cancer risk
- brand loyalty as a way of reducing risk
- hummers know when a flower is ready
* Several studies show that acupuncture reduces chemotherapy-related nausea and vomiting
- aspirin makes no difference in maternal or fetal outcomes
- falling stars, during their combustion emit electro-phonic signals
* Several studies show that garlic makes blood platelets less likely to clumping together
- standardized for alliin content inhibits platelet aggregation
- it has anti-yeast effects
- mental disorders in older adults are underdiagnosed
- mentoring helps prevent youth from using drugs and alcohol
- more than one drink per day increases the risk of cataracts
- most amaranth species are resistant to most herbicides
- phytoestrogens in soy ease menopausal symptoms and prevent breast cancer
- sexual assault significant risk to college women
- simply going for a daily walk improves glucose and insulin function
- when light is blocked, eelgrass declines or dies
* Several studies suggest a small increase in the risk of bladder cancer and colorectal cancer
- enhanced epileptogenicity of dysplastic cortex in animals and humans
- involvement of insulin in the mechanism of action of -adrenergic agonists
- lactoferrin reduces oxidative stress
* Several studies suggest that albendazole is an effective therapy for E intestinalis infection
- curcumin can also promote cancer regression
- physical exercise can help prevent or reduce clinical depression
- support the isoflavones as having a role in preventing cardiovascular disease | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | examination | study:
Social study
* Social studies acquaint children with the world in which they live, in ever widening circles
- come alive with questions about other cultures and their food production
- covers United States geography, history, and government as well as current events
* Social studies deals with Africa and Asia
- the study of peoples' lives throughout time
- develops responsible, active citizens in a democratic society
- emphasize the pluralistic nature of U.S. government and culture
- explains their relationship to other people, to institutions, and to the environment
- focuses on ancient civilizations and world geography
* Social studies focuses on the development of concepts, ideas and methods of inquiry
- human aspect
* Social studies includes history, the study of other cultures, and current events
- major geographic regions of the United States and Colorado history
- the discussion of age-appropriate current events and geography
- incorporates the domains of geography, economics, civics and government, and history
* Social studies is an everyday event that surrounds our lives and extends far beyond the classroom
- basically an integrated study of the social sciences and humanities
- integrated social sciences and humanities
* Social studies is the single curriculum whose subject matter is the entirety of human experience
- very life students live everyday
- links the past, present, and future
- promotes responsible management of global resources
- provides knowledge and skills important for life-long learning
- revolves around the study of Ohio from prehistoric times to the present
- teaching and learning are powerful when they are integrative
Taphonomic study
* Most taphonomic studies are case histories in which a particular data set is analyzed.
* Taphonomic studies indicate that embryos are preserved for longest in reducing, anoxic conditions.
Vocabulary study
* emphasizes derivatives, word relationships, and analogies.
* focuses on words that are commonly misused in the business setting.
Third degree
* are interrogations.
* burns results in destruction of entire dermis and all deep epidermal elements.
* involves the full thickness of the skin, often appearing white or charred.
* is an examination
* sprains are when there is complete rupture of ligaments.
Ultrasound examination
* are painless and are usually performed vaginally.
* can be very useful in evaluation of the kidneys and bladder
- determine the number of fetuses with relatively high certainty
* has many uses during pregnancy, answering a variety of medical questions.
* is the preferred method of both assessment of mother and fetus.
Work study
* federal program offering part-time jobs both on and off campus.
* is an examination
- payment in exchange for working part time on campus or in the community
- taxable income
- where a student obtains a job on campus and is paid an hourly wage
* covers areas
- large areas
* has development.
* is journeys
- projects
- working groups
* lasts for years.
* leads to discoveries.
* takes places.
### activity | expedition:
Field trip
* are excursions
- the things kids remember
* is expedition
* offer experience.
* offer unique experience
- outdoor experience
* provide opportunity. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity:
* Most experiments involve studies in human learning, memory, and cognition.
* Some experiments do show that on days with a full moon there is more abnormal behavior
- occur in life
* affect results.
* allow comparison.
* are an important part of the scientific method
- central to the sciences
- done by scientists
- fundamental to the progress of science
- hands-on activities involving positions and motions of the moon, planets, and stars
- inquiries
- located in laboratories
- scientific research
- ventures
* base on predictions
- regional predictions
- topics
* combine experiments.
* confirm importance
- responses
* consist of trials.
* demonstrate causes
- difficulty
- effects
- energy
- homology
- intensity
- levels
- microorganism causes
- much difficulty
- negative effects
- occurrences
- onsets
- principles
- productivity
- sequence homology
* demonstrate strong effects
* encourage students.
* establish ideas
* examine components
- impact
* focus on components
- identities
* follow guidelines.
* give insight
- similar results
* have aims
- aspects
- benefits
- types
* help geologists
* illustrate impact
- properties
- roles
* improve productivity
- situations
* include analyses
- batteries
- exclusion
- neutron analyses
- plants
* indicate benefits
- functions
* introduce ideas.
* investigate ideas.
* involve analyses
- assumptions
- bacterium growth
- human subjects
- instruments
- key steps
- reductions
- statistical assumptions
- substances
* is the sole judge of scientific 'truth'
* lead to conclusions
- improvement
- investigations
* measure effects
* perform in different setting
* process of learning.
* produce evidence
- same results
- tentative evidence
* prove effects
- theories
* provide development
- direct evidence
- hypotheses
- information
- measurements
- proof
- reflection
- valuable information
* reflect differences.
* relate to energy
- reaction
- solar energy
* require adult supervision
- assistance
- considerable effort
- creative problems
* require external fields
- magnetic fields
- interaction
- observations
- precise measurements
- solve problems
* research project
* result in measurements.
* reveal actions
- concentration
- overlap phases
- pressure
* serve purposes.
* show answers
- conductivity
- degrees
- ecosystem stability
- environments
- enzyme reaction
- extent
- fluctuate environments
- food sources
- forces
- genetic materials
- habitat quality
- inductions
- management techniques
- pathways
- phenomena
- presence
- ranges
- retention
- salinity
- simple techniques
* show that black bears can see color, unlike many mammals
- electrons come out of atoms
- light comes in discrete packets, called photons
- microbes are involved in the mineralization of soft tissue
- users
- variation
- vegetation responses
* solve mysteries.
* suggest ability
- advantage
- limit ability
* support conclusions
* take advantage.
* teach kids
* to evaluate quality
- investigate effects
- study effects
* use activities
- approaches
- beams
- designs
- devices
- household products
- patterns
- scenarios
- such materials
* yield positive results
+ Null hypothesis: Statistics
* Every experiment has a null hypothesis.
### activity | experiment:
Animal experiment
* Many animal experiments utilize restraining devices, designed to prevent an animal from moving.
* can give dangerously misleading results that put human babies at risk.
* harm humans as well as animals.
* show results.
Control experiment
* are essential to a scientist's ability to make conclusions
* show variation. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | experiment:
Early experiment
* seem to prove that sea turtles have the ability to detect magnetic fields
- show that sea turtles have the ability to detect magnetic fields
* show that lucid dreamers have a good comprehension of time while dreaming.
Field experiment
* Some field experiments examine nitrogen fertilization.
* demonstrate intensity.
* examine effects.
* provide evidence.
* show differences.
* to evaluate quality.
Further experiment
* confirm results.
* demonstrate homology
- sequence homology
Future experiment
* base on predictions
- regional predictions
* focus on identities.
Laboratory experiment
* demonstrate effects
- negative effects
* demonstrate strong effects
* illustrate roles.
* provide evidence.
* show degrees
- inductions
- ranges
- responses
- salinity
- vegetation responses
* use approaches.
Present experiment
* demonstrate occurrences.
* provide measurements.
Recent experiment
* confirm responses.
* show conductivity
- extent
* show that place neurones pick up signals from landmarks in the environment
- water content within foods plays a critical role in weight control
* suggest advantage
Science experiment
* Some science experiments help children.
* are often a child's first homework.
* involve topics.
Scientific experiment
* are a powerful procedure for investigating causal relations
- located in space shuttles
* have types.
External respiration
* is an activity
* is the exchange of gases between alveoli and pulmonary blood capillaries
- gas exchange between the air sacs of the lungs and the blood
- movement of oxygen into the body and carbon dioxide out of the body
* occurs at the pulmonary capillaries within the lungs b.
* refers to the exchange of gases between blood and individual cells.
Functional activity
* Functional activities are areas where strengths or weaknesses arise.
* refers to the physiological or pathological action of an organ. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity:
* Most games involve drawing in the dirt, using rocks or sticks as writing instruments.
* Some games also teach, educate, and exercise the mind.
* Some games are exercises in wit and logic
- games of chance where the learner has very little control
- do contribute to learning
- have animals
* Some games involve baseball
* Some games provide practice in problem solving and logic
- problem-solving and logic
- use neural networking technology to create characters who can learn as they go along
* allow players.
* are a form of entertainment which allow individuals to relax and enjoy their computers
- fun
- part of learning
- rewarding form of social interaction
- also the measure of an operating system
* are an Art form
- opportunity for people to live out their fantasies and step outside themselves
- capable of competition
- children's first stage in their adaptation for the rules of life
- commercial vehicles to make businesses and individuals money
- competitions and competitions require rules and discipline
- competitive forms of play
- contests
- created by programmers
- critically different from other art forms such as film, theatre and literature
- diversion
- ephemerals
* are located in arcades
- ballparks
- carnivals
- casinos
- drawers
- fairs
- family rooms
- parties
- shops
- stores
- tables
- toy stores
- made of rules
- meat
- occupations
- one of the largest market segments in the software industry
- organized play that includes competition on an individual or team basis
- part of sets
- parts
- rule-governed activities that use inventiveness, imagination, and thinking
- scores
- something which everyone loves to play
* are the most collaborative, creative, and energizing form of entertainment on earth
- work of children
* are used for amusement
- winnings
- what drove technology and the computer market
- words
* authoring systems are the future of games programming.
* can also provide occasions for adults and children to play together
- be used to help speech therapy, especially in children with, for example, cleft palate
- help children learn other skills as well
- suffer from drought as much or more than the cow herd
* focus on skills
- survival skills
* follow plots.
* have different rules
- purposes
- single players
- specific purposes
- villains
* healthy, warming, and savory food, fit for the most delicate palate and east to digest.
* help kids.
* includes brains
- cell membranes
- corpi
- cytoplasm
- ears
- faces
- heads
- nuclei
- plasma membranes
- sections
- skulls
- vacuoles
* involve activities
- forces
* is an activity
- governed by the laws of the United States
- often abundant, attracting the cat predators, including leopard
- scarce in Vai country since most of the animals live farther inland in the jungles
* lodges use generators which shut down at bedtime.
* lubricate the body and the mind.
* move constantly and fish move to different depths as temperatures change.
* occurs in different areas, due to the variety of habitats and climates in South Africa.
* predate written history and are a part of man's social evolution.
* provide experience.
* require skills.
* show players.
* teach kids
* tend to stay closer to water holes and chances to spot species are better.
* tends to have a distinct taste and to be low in fat.
* use features.
+ Carom billiards, Equipment, Balls: Cue sports
* Some games use an additional object ball.
+ Dice
* Some games are played with two dice and some use only one. Some games that use dice are Monopoly, Yahtzee, Risk, Dungeons and Dragons, and many more. Dice with different numbers of sides are called polyhedral dice.
+ Halo 3, Online Multiplayer: Halo :: Xbox 360 games :: 2007 video games
* Halo 3 has one of the largest amounts of players online of games. Some games require working as a team, while others require single skills. Increasing your skill and timing is important to win in Halo 3, just like every other game.
* Regarding maintaining activity. On simple.wiki there is a unique requirement to lower the bar or have absolutely no projects at all and be a random jumble. Please support all projects covering a wide range of valid wiki information with a view to appearing correctly structured thus increasing interest in this wiki. Certain topics need their ball rolled and although this is an unusual place to begin such a debate, it is such a topic. Games are more similar in the modern world to music and movies than anything else. Please open the project pages of all major notable topics for a little correctness and encouragement. This wide ranging topic is certainly not suitable for a personal user space except as a personal project. This project is the only one on video games and is open to the public. Give us our shop front as a sign of respect please, and consider this to be a sign that all major topics will have a project page where one is lacking, also as a sign of respect and to encourage its growth. I will vouch for the page as it is now and challenge anyone to find a signifigantly larger contribution to video game related articles than mine.
+ Super Game Boy: Game Boy :: Nintendo hardware
* When played on the Super Game Boy, games are colored. There are 32 colors available. Players can switch colors with the L and R buttons. Some games, such as 'Donkey Kong', have features exclusive to the Super Game Boy. New features include better sound effects and multi-player. Some games also have a custom border when played on the Super Game Boy. In 1998, a new model, the 'Super Game Boy 2', was released in Japan. It has more borders and link cable support.
+ The Cube, Gameplay: 2009 television series debuts :: 2000s British television series :: British television game shows :: ITV television programmes
* Games take place inside of a cube. The contestant is given nine lives. Each time a contestant fails, he lose a life, and must play the game again. If a contestant loses all of their lives, they go home with nothing. Contestants may stop with the money they have so far before any game. A contestant has two helps available.
+ Video game developer
* A 'video game developer' is a person who makes games on computers and other game systems. Some developers make games for only one or two types of game systems, others might even make one kind of game. Some games are only for one system. Developers might try and make a copy of such game to another, different system. Some translate games from one language to another. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | game | athletic game:
* come in two types, female and male.
* is an athletic game<|endoftext|>### activity | game | athletic game:
Ice hockey
* are contact sports
- games
- hockeys
- team sports
- video games
- violent games
* can be a rough game, but it's a thinking person's sport, involving strategy.
* combines the grace of skating with the aggressiveness of football.
* involves a significant risk of injury for players of all ages.
- considered by some experts to be the fastest and most violent team sport in the world
- hard hitting, fast-action competition
- no more dangerous than any other athletic activity
* is one of Russia's most played sports
- the most popular sports in the world
- played on ice
* is the U.S. fastest growing sport
- most watched sport in Helsinki
- second leading cause of winter sports injury among children
- sport of choice for kids
* offers many health benefits, as well.
* sport enjoyed by many young people
- in which injuries are common and some are serious
+ Hockey
* Ice hockey is played on ice. Players on each team wear ice skates and try to hit a small rubber disc called a hockey puck into the other team's goal. There are 6 players on each team. It can be played indoors or outdoors, but professionals play indoors in arenas. Ice hockey is one of the most popular sports in the world.
### activity | game | athletic game | outdoor game:
Ball game
* can be hard for young children, especially at first.
* is an outdoor game
### activity | game | athletic game | outdoor game | ball game:
Baseball game
* are sports events.
* ball game<|endoftext|>### activity | game | athletic game | outdoor game:
Field hockey
* are hockeys
* blood sport when India and Pakistan play.
* cousin to ice hockey in many ways, but often without the bang 'em up mentality.
- life
- official competition of the Olympic Games
- played at the high school, club and international level
- similar to soccer
* requires endurance, finesse, and a true sense of teamwork.
* Teams have 11 players each. Field hockey is only played outdoors, but there is Indoor Field Hockey. Field hockey is official competition of the Olympic Games.
* is an athletic game
+ Pallone, Games, Pallone col bracciale: Sports
* Scoring is by fifteens, as in tennis and the team which wins 12 games is final winner of the match. A special feature is that the ball is put into play by a designated server, who otherwise is not part of the game. The receivers can reject serves at will. Pallone is played on courts marked out on town streets. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | game:
* are a common cause of eye injuries among adolescents
- harder to throw than explosives
* begins in the spring, the season of new life
- when everything is being reborn
* breast pocket bulging with a transistor radio.
* business that has always been slow to make major changes.
* businessman scouring the box scores during lunch break.
* can have two seasons in addition to the high school season
- lead to injuries caused by overusing a certain body part
* caps only provide protection to the forehead
- with American company logos are status symbols
* chocolate smile on a child's face.
* civilized, conservative, passive, slow-paced, sexless, antiquated sport.
* combination of balance, agility, and concentration with bursts of physical activity.
* combines power and anaerobic capacity.
* competitive business.
* contends it family sport.
* course designed to teach students basic fundamentals of baseball.
* cutthroat business.
* cyclical business that finds itself at the mercy of the elements.
* dance of the heart and the spirit.
* difficult game to play.
* divides the divisions strictly by age.
* does have a lot of good people, but it also has wife beaters, drug users and criminals.
* employs scores of scouts to explore the country and discover baseball talent.
* encourages obsessions.
* enriches language and imagination at almost every point of contact.
* fan's game.
* game between two teams of nine players each, played on an enclosed field
- for writers
- in which the line between myth and reality is constantly blurred
* game of both open spaces and finite dimensions
- continuity, threads reaching across time
- contradictions
- errors
- hits, runs, catches, and pitches
- honor
- inches, meaning it's a game of statistics and measurements
- legends and of hallowed figures and records
- mistakes
- momentum
- numbers and statistics
- numbers, heavily reliant on statistics and other information
- order and taking turns
- race, creed, and color
- rituals
- routines and repetition
- rules with umpires
- situations
- statistics and so is life
- streaks
- played by idiots for morons
* game that brings smiles to the faces of youngsters
- people love to analyze and is filled with many intricacies
- requires judgment
- supports continuation
* game where any team can beat another team at any given time
- southern schools have all the advantages
- teams repeat their own histories
- with the power to restore faith
* game, which is unlike any other.
* generally uses a money line.
* generously allows parent and child to share with each other.
* gentlemen's sport.
* growing sport in Sydney's west and Australia as a whole.
* has a drug problem comparable to society's
- history of bypassing minority candidates when managing jobs come open
- rhythm that alternates between waiting and explosive action
- strong sense of history
- tendency to pigeonhole people
* has a way of bringing together friends and family
- freezing memories for a lifetime
- helping people make new friends
- an older fan base than do most sports
- batting averages
- deep roots in Ohio
- four coaches and softball has four coaches
- interleague play
- no clock
- one designated hitter
- stitchs
- streaks and teams play three or four games in a row, on consecutive days
* has the World Series
- highest rate of parental involvement
- major leagues
- three eras
* have less bounce than tennis balls or golf balls.
* humbling sport.
* includes regulation time
- second periods
* inspires poets, novelists, artists and playwrights.
* involves fitness, stamina and health.
* is America's game
- national sport, but it has become Japan's national sport as well
- Nicaragua's national pastime
* is about coaches and players on the schoolyards
- families and the special moments that they share around the game
- instinct, reflex, muscle memory
- more things than batting average
- philosophy and meditation and nostalgia
- the passion of the sport
* is all about discussing, arguing, debating
- life's journeys and one's unceasing efforts to return to where one began
- pitching
- timing, being in the right place at the right time and doing good
* is also a game of optimism, just as America nation of optimism
- popular in Cuba and other Caribbean nations
- american tradition
- among group games played with a ball what fencing is to games of combat
* is an everyday grind
- as American as mom, apple pie, and handguns
- ballet
- bands
- baseball, after all
- big business with large payrolls
- both the great American pastime and an ideal way to study the nation's history
- built on the premise of equality
- chess
- considered the national sport of Cuba
- fathers and sons
- founded on the notion that there's no place like home
- hereditary
- humanity in uniform
- indeed the greatest sport mankind has ever created
- involved in pennant races and wild-card chases
* is like any sport
- life with rules
* is located in baseball games
- parks
- mental warfare
* is more popular than soccer now
- structured than basketball
- than just a game of balls and strikes
- one of Japan's most popular sports
* is one of the few things that has stayed similar to how it once was
- that is truly American in origin
* is one of the most popular spectator sports in Japan
- threads holding society together
- two sports most associated with throwing injuries involving the shoulder
- orb
- our national sport
- outdoor sports
- part of what makes our lives go 'round
- particularly dependent on statistics
- perhaps the most traditional of sports
* is played by a number of two sport athletes
- every day
- from spring to fall
* is played in a park
- many countries, both on an amateur and professional level
- on a diamond, a field, a park
* is played on a diamond, in a park, in a Baseball park
- grassy fields, much unlike basketball
- outside
- using a softer version of the ball
- with two main pieces of equipment, the bat and ball
- practice, practice and practice to improve
- probably the most superstitous sport there is
- prone to wild swings in the game with individual plays
- provided solely for entertainment purposes or as a pastime
- rounds
- seen by many as the only viable path to a better life
- something that brings a lot of people's spirits up
- spheres
- spiritual in every respect, as indulged in by the Latin races
* is still popular today with children and adults
- very safe because it is essentially a noncontact sport
- supposed to be a game where hope springs eternal
- teammates that become lifelong friends
* is the American pastime
- Immaculate Conception of American sport
- common pass time for people of all ages
- game of myth, of legend, and of dreams
- greatest game in the world
* is the greatest of American sports
- all team sports
- thing in the world
- longer word because there are more sounds in baseball than in sky
- most mental sport in the world
* is the most popular modern sport
- sport in the country
- team sport in the country
- nation's pastime
- national game
* is the national sport and passion
- of the United States
- sport, and all games draw large crowds
- oldest and most successful organized sport at Mansfield
* is the only major sport that appears backwards in a mirror
- can sell competitive balance
- players' life
- reason there are transistor radios
- soap opera of the sports world
- sport most likely to be attended less than once a month
- unlike politics, education, popular culture and much else
* is used for catchings
- playing games
- very very popular in Japan
* kids' game.
* kind of collective chess with arms and legs in full play under sunlight.
* language of very simple words that tell unbelievably magic tales.
* link to our past, and by default to our fathers and grandfathers.
* links Kansan and Missourian, American and Japanese, But most of all father and son.
* long marathon that needs to be paced one step at a time.
* lot like the stock market.
* make marks on ceilings.
* means spring.
* mental game.
* mirror of life itself.
* moves faster than cricket.
* much different game outdoors on grass than it is indoors on artificial turf.
* national treasure.
* neat sport that has a history every day.
* needs to address the lack of women and minorities in positions of power.
* nineteenth-century pastoral game.
* operates at a unique pace, so unlike football, hockey and basketball.
* part of America's history.
* percentages game.
* playing success depends on vision more than most other sports.
* popular sport in Alabama.
* pursuit for optimists, just like drilling for oil or running for office.
* quasi-public confederation of private businesses.
* relies on defense and chemistry more than on individuals making incredible plays.
* requires athletes to use more skill than aggression when playing
- core strength - strong backs and strong abs
* revolves around the strike zone.
* seems to be less of a team game than basketball, football, soccer or hockey.
* serves as a model for life where change is inevitable.
* shows, instead, that men are as capable of control as they are of creating chaos.
* simple children's game with a stick and a ball that uses chess-like combinations.
* sport of strategy, skill and precision
- offering great opportunities
* sport that encourages obsessions
- requires thinking
- s always changing
- takes above-average intelligence in order to manage
- the entire family can enjoy
* start 'at rest' in pitchers' gloves.
* statistical game.
* statistician's dream, with more numbers to keep track of than perhaps any other sport.
* summer sport.
* teaches cooperation and responsibility
- respect for players, teams, and families
- virtues of teamwork over individual glory, and sacrifice over selfishness
* team game played by nine individuals
- sport and rewards collective action
* topic in which all americans can openly talk about to each other.
* true reflection of life.
* uses defense to prevent defeat
- money lines
* very traditional game.
* vital part of America's popular culture.
* warm-weather sport.
* way to see something new, a chance to play in another country.
* wholesome vent for excess nervous energy. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | game:
* also features disqualification, also known as fouling out
- has a large following
- uses large balls
* are round, orange, and of roughly the same size.
* break from soccer, and soccer is always a break from basketball.
* can be a game of position and physical prowess or a game of passing and creation
- great source of entertainment to be played or watched
- take a toll on a players' ankles
* cold-weather sport in most countries.
* combines power and aerobic capacity.
* contact sport, but boxing blood sport
* difficult game for kids to play.
* fast moving game that can be played on both indoor and outdoor courts.
* game of angles
- controlling tempo when reduced to it's simplest element
- momentum and spurts
- peaks and valleys
- rhythm and flow, speed and finesse
- runs, and the next one belonged to Susquehanna
- skills carved from the basic fundamentals
- played high in the trees
* game that involves many disciplines, including math, physics, art, and others
- requires sound fundamentals
* graceful sport.
* great sport because just about anyone can play it.
* growing sport in Japan
* highly skilled sport that requires hours of practice.
* includes basketball shot
- goals
- regulation time
- second periods
* involves forces.
* is America's number one sport, and is only getting bigger
- aerobic exercises
* is also one of the most versatile of all team sports
- the most popular team sport among high school and college women
- very popular in schools, and there are a number of national competitions
* is an activity that puts some of the highest demands on the feet
- athletic game
- example of a sport that requires an extended period of physical exertion
- another example of a sport whose play descriptions can be applied to parenting
- based on fundamentals regardless of talent
- basketball, regardless of who's playing
- during the winter
- extremely popular in Philippines
- found throughout North America and has spanned the globe
* is like jazz, or like the blues
- that, a team sport
- the business world in that there's a big emphasis on groups and teams
* is located in basketball courts
- stores
- more than just a sport
- no longer a game of skill, with emphasis on shooting and passing
- now the second most popular sport in the world
- on the rise internationally
* is one of the fastest changing and unpredictable games played
- growing sports in Europe and the Middle East
- most popular indoor sports
- neatest sports in sports history
- world's most popular sports for players and spectators alike
- open to both men and women
- played all year round
* is played in every country by players of every skill level and enjoyed by all peoples
- terms two and three and popular sport
* is played in the sportscenter
* is popular in Australia in terms of participation, especially among children
- Panama
- psychological
- punctureds
- sports equipment
- supposed to be a tall man s game
- the essence of zen in action
* is the major sport in reservation communities in the southwest
- on the play grounds of the major sized communities
- most frequent sports injury producer in the military
* is the most popular sport among college women, followed by volleyball and tennis
- at North Queens
- one that crossed over all levels
- sport deal plans to play at the collegiate level
* is the ultimate hacker sport
- theoretically a non-contact sport
* is used for bouncing
- throwings
- very popular, as are cross-country skiing and football
* naturally appealing sport in today's economy and ecology.
* needs the abilities of running, jumqing and throwing.
* physically taxing game full of huge bodies constantly crashing into each other.
* popular recreational sport.
* popular sport for students of all ages
- in the country as well
- sport, especially among children and young adults
* positive sport.
* reaction sport.
* series of sprints rather than continuous running.
* shows energy.
* speaks a universal language
- their language
* sport for black men.
* sport that has a rapid and constantly changing environment
- seems almost made for the movies
* strenuous sport and it is easy to get dehydrated.
- sport played in a gym with up to five players on the court at a time
- sport, and the sixth man is the ultimate team player
* tests one s strength and agility as well as mental fortitude.
* tournament game, and it's tournament time.
* tradition, a heritage, a festival.
* way of life.
* young man s sport
+ Chile, Regions, Sports: Spanish-speaking countries
* Basketball is a popular sport. Chile earned a bronze medal in the first men's FIBA World Championship held in 1950. They won a second bronze medal when Chile hosted the 1959 FIBA World Championship. Chile hosted the first FIBA World Championship for Women in 1953 finishing the tournament with the silver medal. Other sports such as marathons and ultramarathons are also increasing in popularity. The Dakar Rally off-road automobile race has been held in both Chile and Argentina since 2009.
* Basketball is now the second most popular sport in the world. Women's basketball is also a popular sport, even though it does not receive nearly as much attention as men's basketball. Basketball has been played in the Summer Olympic Games since 1936. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | game:
Big game
* are games.
* consists of white-tailed deer and wild turkey.
* includes antelope, deer, elk and moose
- bears, deer, wild boars and mouflons
- moose, black bears and white-tailed deer
- whitetail and mule deer, elk, moose, bear, and even mountain goat
Card game
* Many card games encourage awareness of mathematics and of the psychology of opponents.
* Most card games have just one deck of cards that never changes.
- located in casinos<|endoftext|>### activity | game:
* board game
* builds confidence and helps young people make new friends.
* combines elements of both art and science.
* complete and ungrounded system.
* complex game, and even modest success requires many kinds of skill and knowledge.
* determinate enterprise.
* develops creativity and encourages imagination.
* discipline, and most chessplayers have never been taught how to think correctly.
* fosters analytical,creative, and lateral thinking.
* fun and mentally complex game with endless combinations for checkmate
- sport, when played with shotguns
* game , that is, an activity governed entirely by man-made rules
- for only the best people
* game of conflict, a game which thrives on aggression
- guile and strategy
- perfect information and therefore a deterministic game
- strategy and skill
* game that has been around for ages
- involves the ego completely
- that's often been said is easy to learn, but impossible to master
- to subdue a turbulent spirit, and to puzzle a tranquil mind
* game which can cause one mental stress
- requires disciplined and systematic thought
- whose history dates back to Medieval Europe, Ancient Greece, India and China
* game, but it is also a struggle of minds
- played by two players
* great way to learn logical thinking and spatial reasoning.
* helps develop proper study habits and research techniques.
* improves logical and strategic thinking, memorization, and concentration abilities
- thought patterns and encourages long term thought
* includes checkerboards
- sections
* increases concentration, and they're getting better scores in math and English.
* is accessible to all people regardless of age, gender, race or physical ability
- by virtue of it's origins one of the oldest sports in the world
- great games
- infinite, like space
- musicals
- notoriously difficult to play well
* is one of the earliest wargames
- greatest games ever invented
- oldest games known today
* is one of the world's classic games
- oldest war games
- probably the oldest known game still played today
- problem-solving from start to finish
- therefore a bridge between recreation and business
- used for nerds
- very popular in Azerbaijan
- war over the board
* microworld based on a rigid scheme of rules, actions and transformations.
* promotes logical thinking, geometric insight, discipline, memory and sportsmanship.
* provides a number of important attributes for children
- children with valuable tools for life and academic achievement
* pure strategy game.
* requires thinking, and so does seduction.
* sport that requires intellectual skill, attentiveness and emotive discipline.
* stimulates the thinking process.
* teaches critical thinking
- thinking skills, mental strategies for moving pieces and preparing a game plan
* tells the story of the game and the people who simultaneously play it and are played by it.
* tense game.
* tool for teaching other skills as well, such as concentration and critical thinking.
* war game brought back to the west from the Islamic world by medieval crusaders.
* war-like game, unsuitable for women.
* well-defined form of computation.
* works well with developing minds because it is self-motivating.
* reaches Japan.
+ Combinatorial game theory, Definitions: Game theory
* Chess is very complex. It is better to think of easier games. Nim, for example, is much simpler to think about. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | game:
Computer game
* are a multi-billion dollar industry
- fantasy worlds where rules are made to be broken
- inherently interactive
- interactive programs
- located in shelfs
- much like candy, comic books, and cartoons
- of cultural importance to the 'information generation'
- real games
- what they are - computer games
* displace video games in popularity.
* have a tendency to take over people's lives
- the ability to invade entire floors of monitors within a matter of days
- their own set of values
* permit temporal reversibility within their universes.
* provide practice in spelling and word use.
Different game
* have different rules.
+ Game show: Games :: Television genres
* A 'game show' is a program where people play a game for points, with the goal of winning money or prizes. Different game shows use different games. Some game shows involve word games, and others involve tests of skill or general knowledge.
Drinking game
* can employ dice, cards, board games and sports.
* encourage the excessive consumption of alcohol in a short period of time.
Fighting game
* Most fighting games have a selection of characters with different abilities
- of characters with different abilities. * of characters with different abilities. Some popular fighting games are 'Mortal Kombat', 'Street Fighter', and 'Soul Calibur'
* have women, but they are still played mostly by males. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | game:
* Some footballs have gravitational energy
- potential energy
- green tints
* are athletic events
- contact sports
- fun
- located in roofs
- organized sports
- physical activities
- professional sports
- projectiles
- rounds
- used for exercising
* begins in the fall, when everything is dying.
* brutal sport, and violent contact makes injuries inevitable.
* can also create great rugby players
- be an emotional game in which big plays are celebrated by fans and players alike
* collision sport.
* combative sport that calls upon all components of one's athleticism.
* contact game
* cross between an art form and a science.
* demanding sport that combines speed, agility, strength, and precision.
* device of male dominance.
* disciplined sport.
* diverse group of athletes that love pain and glory at the same time.
* does bring in more money than other sports, but it also spends more than it makes
- dominate the lives of many
* equates to violence and boozing, stimulates pushing and shoving.
* finite game.
* full contact sport.
* game designed to keep coal miners off the streets.
* game of dealing with issues
- emotions, the kids truly have to learn how to win
- fundamentals, such as, running, blocking, tackling, throwing and catching
- hard-hitting fast action
- inches moved forward, a game of struggle
- mental and physical toughness
- momentum
- numbers
- pageantry
- quickness more than a game of speed
- repetition
- short bursts of effort with very little extension of the joints
- systems, and a player can look good in one system and bad in another
- teamwork
- territory and strategy
- played with passion
* game that is won with a number of outstanding players
- requires the constant conjuring of animosity
- to enjoy and unite people
* has a pension fund
- unique way of building leadership
- many leagues of teams
- power to greatly appeal to people's national sentiments, compared with other sports
* high-contact sport with head injuries being quite common.
* hitting sport.
* includes regulation time
- second periods
* increasingly defines the seasonality of American life.
* is about intensity, and players are payed millions of dollars to play football
- movement
- accepted as a profession in European and Latin American countries
- all about timing, conditioning and killer instinct
* is also a game without guile
- team game that demands individual practice
- true team sport
- an increasingly popular sport
* is an aggressive and violent sport
- explosive sport
- incredibly physical game played by incredibly physical people
- inherently dangerous activity that can result in serious injury or death
- international language
- opportunity to get an education
- another popular sport in France
- arguably the most popular of professional U.S. sports
- brothers beating each other up in the backyard, violent and superficial
- by definition a sport wherein violent contact and injury are all too commonplace
* is by far Scotland's most popular spectator sport
- the most popular sport in Sierra Leone
- different from any other sport - it is almost like picking puppy dogs
- entertainment
- football at any level
- increasingly popular at Maine high schools
- indeed a team sport
- like sex , for men
- no different than any other sport
- of course the most widespread sport
* is one of the highest-risk sports as far as injuries per player hour
- top sports in America
* is played and patronised in almost all Islamic countries
- at every level, including college and professional teams
- by players for players
* is played in a stadium
- quick, anaerobic bursts
- several planes of movement
- outdoors and requires strong skill, speed, and endurance to play
- with grace and athleticism
- played, for the most part, during the afternoon, when kids can actually watch
- popular and most large towns have modern stadiums
- quite ancient and has existed in most every cultural group through time
- religion
- rough game with a penalty for unnecessary roughness
- run by men
* is still a game of blocking and tackling
- participation sport
- such a physically demanding sport that many players' careers end quickly due to injury
* is the Liberian national sport
- game of fiery oratory and adrenal overload
- language of the world
- last all-male major sport
- main sport of the month
- major reason women get small pieces of the pie
* is the most popular national sport of Egypt
- sport among both boys and girls
* is the most popular sport in Albania
- Argentina
- Burma
- Germany
- Northern Ireland both for watching and playing
- Norway
- Qatar, closely followed by cricket
- The Royal Scots
- Uruguay
- Yemen
- Zimbabwe
* is the national sport in Uganda
- number one national sport
* is the only sport that had a relatively low response rate among athletes
- where there is no equal for women
- other major sport the cheerleaders participate in
- primary money-producing sport at most high schools
- sport with the biggest number of fans in the city
* is the ultimate team game, where continuity and rhythm are essential
- world's most popular sport
- very important in Alabama
- what European and Latin American call soccer
* is, obviously, a contact sport.
* man's game
* memory-making machine.
* multibillion-pound industry.
* numbers game.
* physical contact sport which was invented and designed for a man's body
* popular sport in Austria
- the country recently , where the main sport is baseball
* power hitting, crunching sport.
* promotes camaraderie and keeps the players active physically
- oneness and friendship between individuals and countries
* provides entertainment and conversation, and can even bring people together.
* quarterback's world.
* reflects certain primal urges in men that go all the way back to when they lived in caves.
* rough, rough sport.
* series of collisions and people get hurt.
* sport of grim attrition
- supremely suited to the television age
* sport that builds it
- demands stability, especially on offense
- requires speed, agility , quickness and strength
- where coaching is deemed the most important
- with a long tradition at U.S. universities, and it part of our culture
* symbol that means that everyone can- at the same time, compete and live together.
* teaches many lessons learned in life
- the self-discipline, hard work and sacrifice that are necessary to achieve a goal
* team effort, it takes everyone working toward a common goal
* twentieth-century technological struggle.
* unique sport in that there is no equivalent to it in women's athletics.
* very expensive sport
- important subject in sociological, psychological and other researches
* very popular sport in Thailand
- which the Irish hold a great deal of national pride
- visceral sport
* violent game.
* wildly popular sport, from the high school to college to professional levels.
* winter sport and is often played in very wet conditions.
+ Association football, Who plays football: Summer Olympic sports
* Football is the world's most popular sport. It is played in more countries than any other game. It is played by both males and females.
+ Bhutan, Sports: Bhutan :: Current monarchies
* Bhutan's national sport is archery. Competitions are held regularly in most villages. Cricket has gained popularity in Bhutan, particularly since the introduction of television channels from India. The Bhutan national cricket team is one of the more successful affiliate nations in the region. Football is also an increasingly popular sport.
+ Dominican Republic national football team: National football teams
* Dominican Republic national football team' is the national football team of Dominican Republic, and is controlled by the Dominican Football Federation. The team has never featured globally. Football is a popular sport in the country recently, where the main sport is baseball.
+ Football in Argentina: Football :: Sports in Argentina
* Football is the most popular sport in Argentina. It is played from childhood into old age
* Football is a popular sport in Austria. It is the second most popular sport in the country after alpine skiing. It has been a member of FIFA since then. The country's national team has not been successful in tournaments. Austria has never qualified for the European championship. It did participate once in 2008, when it co-hosted the championship with Switzerland and did not need to qualify in order to play
+ France, Culture, Sports: European Union member states :: Former good articles :: French-speaking countries :: G8 nations
* The Tour de France cycling race in July is one of the best-known sporting events. Football is another popular sport in France. The French team won the FIFA World Cup in 1998 and the UEFA European Football Championship in 1984 and 2000. France also hosts the 24 Hours of Le Mans car race. France also hosted the Rugby World Cup in 2007 and finished fourth.
+ Germany, Culture, Sports: European Union member states :: German-speaking countries :: G8 nations
* Football is the most popular sport in Germany. The national team has won the FIFA World Cup 3 times, and appears in the finals a lot. The team also has had the most Euro titles than any other country. The top football league in Germany is Bundesliga. Some of the worlds best Footballers came from Germany. Plus, many tournaments have taken place in Germany.
+ Ghana, Sports
* Football is the most popular sport. The national men's football team is known as the Black Stars. The under-20 team is known as the Black Satellites. Ghana has been in many championships including the African Cup of Nations, the FIFA World Cup and the FIFA U-20 World Cup. In the 2010 FIFA World Cup, Ghana became the third African country to reach the quarter final stage. There are several club football teams in Ghana, which play in the Ghana Premier League and Division One League.
+ Manchester, Culture
* The city has two Premier League football teams, Manchester City and Manchester United. Football is a very important part of the culture of the city. Many of the people support or show interest in the sport.
+ Qatar, Sport
* Football is the most popular sport in Qatar, closely followed by cricket. The Qatar under-20 national football team finished second in the 1981 FIFA World Youth Championship.
+ Scotland, Sports, Football
* Football is the most popular sport in Scotland. Three of the big cities, Glasgow, Edinburgh and Dundee, have two or three big football teams, and most cities have at least one team. These are Celtic and Rangers. These two Glasgow clubs have a lot of history, and are fierce rivals, often causing fights, riots and even murders between the fans. Rangers are world record holders, having won the most amount of league titles of any football team, currently '54'.
+ Sierra Leone, Sports: English-speaking countries
* Football is by far the most popular sport in Sierra Leone. Children, youth and adult are often seen playing street football across Sierra Leone.
+ São Paulo, Sports: Capitals of Brazilian states
+ Uganda, Culture and sport
* Football is the national sport in Uganda. Games with the Ugandan national football team usually attract large crowds of Ugandans. The Ugandan Super League is the top division of Ugandan football. There are 16 clubs from across the country. It was made in 1968. Uganda's most famous footballers are David Obua of Scottish club Hearts and Ibrahim Sekagya, who is the captain of the national team.
+ Uruguay, Sports: Spanish-speaking countries
* Football is the most popular sport in Uruguay. The Uruguay national football team has won the FIFA World Cup on two occasions.
+ Yemen, Sport
* Football is the most popular sport in Yemen. The Yemen national football team competes in the FIFA and the AFC leagues. The country also hosts many football clubs that compete in the national or international leagues.
+ Zimbabwe, Sports
* Football is the most popular sport in Zimbabwe. Rugby union and cricket are also popular. Zimbabwe has won eight Olympic medals. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | game | football:
Association football
* is Nigeria's national sport
- played in accordance with a set of rules known as the Laws of the Game
- the most popular sport in Norway in terms of active membership
- what the British call soccer
+ Nigeria, Sport: English-speaking countries
* Association football is Nigeria's national sport. The country has its own Premier League of football. Nigeria's national football team, known as the Super Eagles, has made the World Cup four times. They won the African Cup of Nations in 1980 and 1994. They also hosted the Junior World Cup. They won the gold medal for football in the 1996 Summer Olympics.<|endoftext|>### activity | game | football:
College football
* business, sometimes a very cold one.
* has some of the best and longest-running rivalries.
* is about one champion crowned in a game sponsored by a cellular phone company
- also popular
- built on the regular season
- life in Gainesville
- only a game when the fans are present and two teams are on the field
- pageantry
* is still one of the greatest sports in the land
- popular today among students, alumni, and other fans of the sport
* is the best betting and profit-making play in sports betting
- football played today
- major team sport in America with the most meaningful regular season
- only American sport in which every game matters.
* ' is American football played by teams of students from different American universities, colleges, and military academies. Play between colleges first made American football popular in the United States. College football is still popular today among students, alumni, and other fans of the sport
* southern weekend tradition of tailgating and cheering for the home team.
* sport that deserves better.
Professional football
* are footballs
* is more about scoring goals than anything else. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | game | football:
* allows people from around the world to have something in common.
* can be a great source of entertainment to be played or watched
- motivating factor to improve grades
- fill the world with peace and love
- involve long periods of play without a goal
- shape someone's life
* captivates people from every country on earth.
* carries greater risk to injury.
* contact or collision sport that can expose the wearer to severe impacts
- sport, but there are limitations
* continues to grow in popularity as a safe, fun sport for kids of all ages.
* enjoys tremendous popularity throughout the Arab world.
* fluid game, where players decifer the individual situation.
* foreign game for hooligan, drunken psycho-fans.
* game for happiness
- if very early origin
* game of creativity, freedom, and improvisation
- skill, strategy and endurance
* gentlemen's sport played by ruffians.
* great sport to learn how to play.
* heading frequency predicts neuropsychological deficits.
* healthy sport, played in part for the good of one's health.
* includes regulation time
- second periods
* is about the creation and use of empty space
- all about reaching goals amid a continually changing situation, and doing it in real time
- an extremely fluid sport
- by far the most popular field sport in South Africa
- coeduational at the middle school level
- courage, strength, commitment, and honor
- enjoyed daily by millions of fanatics world-wide
- existentialism with muscles
- far and away the favourite spectator sport, while chess is also popular
- faster-paced when one plays indoors on artificial turf
- games
- intended to be a continuous action sport
- life in areas of Europe and South America, in the United States, soccer happens
- low-scoring and played on a wide open field under the open skies
* is much like golf
- hockey when it comes to tournaments
- now the all round sport all round the year
* is now the most popular sport among young women
- team sport in the United States
* is one half the size of track and fiel in high schools
- part of an overall parenting goal providing an opportunity to excel for our children
- sport that has seen a great rise in female participation
- part art and part science
- probably the most followed sport in Thailand
* is probably the most popular spectator sport
- sport in the world
- regulated by a set of laws, which have been modified from time to time
- second only to basketball for oral, facial and dental injuries in sports
- still a second-string sport behind rugby union in Fiji
* kick in the grass.
* means community.
* mums pollsters term for a key category of swing voters.
* national passion and inspires massive public interest and media attention.
* natural instrument to bring people of all types and colors together.
* physically demanding sport that requires a player to possess both speed and strength.
* player's game.
* quick and physical game.
* ranks as the second most popular sport in the country, after baseball.
* relatively safe sport.
* requires little equipment, other than a pair of shoes
- more aerobic work in practice and games than baseball
* results from the country of Fiji in the Oceania region.
* rough sport.
* simplistic sport.
* skill that can last a lifetime.
* sport comprised mainly of rules
- designed to give skill the advantage over force
- for boys and girls of all ages, sizes, and athletic abilities
- of the people
* sport that attracts a lot of interest from our recruits, especially in the northeast
- is growing in popularity
- runs all year round with three days of practice for three hours each day
- which consists of simple ingredients
* starts a little while after baseball and softball.
* suffers when dishonest play or off the field behavior is tolerated.
* team game.
* team sport after all
- that requires alot of communication and trust between all of the players
* thinking man's game.
* unites people.
* universal language
* very popular sport in South America
- visually demanding sport
* world sport, and many of the star U.S. players hail from other countries. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | game | football | soccer:
Competitive soccer
* builds muscle power and speed.
* is more expensive than Recreational soccer.
Indoor soccer
* consists of two teams with five players each.
* is more akin to hockey and basketball than to outdoor soccer
- sports
- the player's game
* refers to any of several variations on soccer that are played indoors.
* uses a smaller ball and a smaller playing area.
Outdoor soccer
* goes indoors in the winter.
* is the true sport.<|endoftext|>### activity | game | game bird:
* Many grouse have a reputation for being a little slow.
* are birds
- common trail crossers, leaving their four-toedfootprints close together
- game birds
- henlike terrestrial birds, protectively plumaged in shades of red, brown, and gray
- part of grouses
* come in two different color phases- red and gray.
* depend on the buds for winter food.
* find food in the youngest forest stages but winter in mature forests.
* occupy a wide range of habitats of Eurasia and North America.
* prefer denser forests and abandoned farms covered with brush.
### activity | game | game bird | grouse:
Male grouse
* add rhythm to the symphony of spring.
* are true homebodies.
Prairie chicken
* Some prairie chickens perch in aspen trees
* are famous for their spring mating displays
- grassland birds
* can fly like ducks.
* eat insects like grasshoppers, ants, and leafhoppers
- tender leaves, seeds, sedges, insects and berries
* live in tall grass coastal prairie.
* require large expanses of open grassland.
* are browner.
* change color twice a year.
* contain mouth-watering meat that makes for a great meal.
* feed on the buds of willow and hea ther
- and heather
* spend much of their time under an insulating blanket of snow.<|endoftext|>### activity | game | game bird | grouse:
Sage grouse
* are North America's largest grouse, with adult males weighing up to eight pounds
- a popular game bird
* are big birds, with some males approaching eight pounds
- extremely sensitive to changes in their environment
- highly selective grazers, choosing only a few plant genera
* are the largest of North American grouse and are sexually dimorphic
- most abundant upland game bird
* have one of the lowest recruitment rates of any upland game bird in North America.
* occur year around.
- extremely popular game birds
- part of quails
* chicks use calls to communicate with each other and their mother from inside their eggs.
* destroy injurious insects and seeds of weeds, upon which they largely feed.
* eat seeds, berries and insects.
* have an uncanny sense of their surroundings, and are masters at eluding predators
- their own home security system
* scratch poorly and are impeded by extremely dense vegetation.
### activity | game | game bird | quail:
* are a social bird forming groups in the fall called coveys
- native year-round residents, while woodcock are migratory
- primarily seedeaters, using both weed seed and waste grains
- social birds
* build their nests on the ground, and therefore require thick cover for concealment.
* feed on insects and weed seeds.
* roost in a circle to fight off the winter chill.
* take dust baths to get rid of parasites.
Game fishing
* big business worldwide.
* involves dragging baited hooks or lures of various configurations behind boats
- the charter of a big game boat and skipper
* remains the major fishing industry today. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | game:
* allows long periods of time in which to lose concentration and become distracted.
* also can reveal character and personality traits in a person
- mental game, and fatigue can play a factor on that facet
* booming business at home, around the country, and throughout the world.
* can teach more than just how to play the game.
* capitalist game.
* challenging, rewarding game - one that anyone, at any age, can play for life.
* complex game.
* complicated, fragmented marketplace with a history of turf protection.
* continues to play a significant role in the overall presentation of sports.
* day game.
* demanding game requiring accuracy, mental power and determination.
* difficult game which takes practice to master.
* donates more money to charity than all others combined.
* dummy variable for properties located adjacent to a golf course fairway.
* fickle sport.
* four-letter word.
* game and games are meant to be fun
- for 'thinking' people
* game for all ages, for all abilities
- the defeated
- full of ups and downs
- in which the goal is to hit a little ball into a hole in the ground with a stick
* game of a lifetime
- accumulated experience
- attrition, designed as a losing battle
- bad lies, as well as good lies
- becoming
- comparisons and choices
- concentration and strategy
- confidence
- days, next shots, and handicaps
- etiquette
- ever-changing shots
- extreme precision
- finesse and short-game artistry
- fractions of inches
- knowing
- learning
- long pauses and bursts of activity
- never ending continual learning process
- numbers
- precision and control
- strategy and shot making
- targets
- or firsts and nexts
* game that creates character, in other words
- exposes heart and mind to unusual surprises
- includes walking
- is hard to master
* game that requires a lot of concentration
- total balance and tranquility of the mind
- takes an enormous amount of time for play and practice
- where the ball lies poorly, and the players well
- which is most greatly influenced by the skill level of the player
* gentleman's game.
* has short tees for women and children.
* holey game.
* includes a physical skill, and competition
- regulation time
- second periods
* involves muscular strength, power, endurance and flexibility.
* is THE most time-consuming college sport.
* is about hand-eye coordination, shoulder rotation, wrist strength, etc
- learning and practicing
- standing in place and hitting a shot
- activities
* is also a game of spins and angles
- social game
* is an addiction
- athlete event
- athletic and technically difficult sport
- awkward set of bodily contortions designed to produce a graceful result
- endeavor that produces character, sportsmanship, and pride
- excellent sport for keeping physically fit and mentally alert
- exciting sport for people of all ages
- expensive way of playing marbles
* is an extremely popular sport in Alaska
- increasingly popular sport, with courses available in most major populated areas
* is an individual activity
- contributor sport
- integral part of the Phoenix lifestyle
* is an international game of honor, played by all ages, all races, all nationalities
* is an outdoor game
- played on real turf
- believed to be the fastest growing sport worldwide
* is considered a low impact sport
- to be one of the 'safest' sports for a person with hemophilia
- crack cocaine for middle aged men
* is different from major team sports, where there is one champion crowned each year
- most sports
- other sports
- than any other sport, which makes it easier for a woman
- first and foremost a sport
- generally the hardest and most challenging sport
- good for eye hand coordination
- ideal for individuals of nearly all ages and fitness levels
- less about age, and more about sportsmanship, than perhaps any other sport
- like learning to play music
- low impact that suits both men and women, and young to old
- made up of four swings
- no different to other sports like tennis, rugby and football
- now the fourth major sport, for good and for ill
- often cold and wet
* is one of the fastest growing leisure activities in the world
- segments of the recreational industry
- rising participation sports in the world
* is one of the most popular sports in the United States at the present time
- oldest sports in the world
- sports at the Summer Games
- sport that is taking off
- outdoor sports
- playd in Scotland
* is played as an Olympic sport for the second time
- by millions of people around the world
* is played on gravel and baseball has two bases
- some of the most beautiful land in all of the world
- played, to some extent, in most countries of the world
* is popular in larger cities
- simply because it is the best game in the world at which to be bad
- with expatriate executives and professionals
- probably closer to a profession than any other sports
- said to be a gentleman's game
- something a couple can do for a few hours and relax and enjoy each other's company
- spectator sports
- still a walking sport
- systematic torture applied democratically
* is the best game ever invented by man
- game of a lifetime for everyone
- great national game of Scotland, and is played both by old folk and young people alike
- greatest game in the world
* is the hardest game in the world to play, and the easiest to cheat at
- highest form of self-indulgence
- kind of game such people play
- leader in popularity with tennis a close second
- most intellectual of all physical sporting endeavors
* is the most popular form of outdoor personal and corporate entertainment
- sport followed by horseback riding, mountain biking and water sports
* is the one game that has been effectively ridiculed by media
- sport where the senior concept works
* is the only game that has more teachers than players
- sport of all sports where the human body has no consequence
- royal and truly ancient sport in many ways
- single largest leisure activity for groups
* is the sport of our age group
- the next century
- ultimate sport
- world's greatest or the world's most frustrating game
- traditionally a quiet sport
* is very popular in Australia
- Japan
* is, after all, an outdoor sport
- basically, a niche sport
* kind of recreation preferred by the high income level foreign visitors.
* lifetime sport almost anyone can play
* mental game, especially at the higher levels
* metaphor for the self-empowerment that is learned through the adventure of life.
* midseason stress reliever.
* natural sport, done outdoors.
* physical sport that is demanding on the back and shoulders.
* pits golfers against trees, sand, water, curves of the earth, physics and themselves.
* popular sport in France, but it is often difficult to find a good course
- with the domestic population and visitors alike
- year-round sport along with baseball, basketball and football
* promotes the concept of pursuing a common goal through interaction.
* recognized game of honor and a true test of ones character.
* recreational activity that requires both time and money
- activity, it game, it is even a competition
* refined sport where the beauty of the surroundings is as important as the game itself.
* relies on business, and business relies on golf.
* requires an intricate coordination of many muscles
- power, strength, and finesse
- tremendous focus and concentration, along with the ability to relax
* sickness, like alcoholism.
* sport for the ages and a sport for all ages.
* sport for white men dressed like black mps
- black pimps
- in touch with nature, so recreating that natural environment is crucial
- meant to be played in shirt sleeves, in the sun and ideally at a relaxed pace
* sport of choice for the idle rich and wealthy from Europe, North America and the Far East
- extreme concentration
- that allows such an experience to occur
* sport that is continuing to be in full bloom
- meant to be played at an enjoyable yet steady pace
- takes certain resources to play
* sport, and very often, a certain machismo is attached to sports.
* test of hitting accuracy, driving distance and putting precision.
* time consuming sport.
* top-handed game.
* universal language.
* very popular pastime in summer and fall
- rewarding sport, like other sports
- time consuming and expensive sport
* way of life
- that two opponents beat each other without really doing anything to the other person
* year round sport on the Cape.
* year-round event in the Columbia area
- sport in Louisiana
- sport, thanks to the mild winter conditions
+ Scotland, Sports, Golf
* Golf is a popular sport in Scotland. It is unique, as Scotland is the birthplace of golf, and there are many public golf courses where people can play for small fees. Everywhere else in the world, golf is a game for the rich. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | game | golf:
Disc golf
* game of serious strategy and fun
- that expects high standards of etiquette and courtesy
- which expects high standards of etiquette and courtesy
* has similar obstacles as traditional golf, such as hitting a tree halfway down the course.
* is an affordable family activity that can be enjoyed by all ages
- inexpensive way to enjoy the outdoors, friends and fitness
- up and coming sport
- considered by some to be a very competitive sport
- designed for the enjoyment of all, male and female, young and old
- like golf, but with frisbees instead of balls
- more popular today than ever
* is played by throwing a frisbee-like disc from a tee area toward a target
- like ball golf, using a flying disc
- much like traditional golf
- using the same concept as in regular golf
* is similar to ball golf
- the fastest growing sport in the Midwest and can be enjoyed by all
* offers year-round fitness, even in rain or snow.
* recreational sport for everybody, regardless of age, gender, or ability.
* resembles golf in that there are tees and fairways, but the game is played with frisbees.
* shares the joys and frustrations of traditional golf.
* sport that is catching on fast.
Miniature golf
* Most miniature golf is played in the evening hours and on weekends.
* is golf. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | game:
* also gives people an excuse to band together and create a subculture.
* are games
- located in sporting events
- sport games
- sports
- team sports
* beautiful sport when it is played the way it's supposed to be played.
* business, but it business that involves people.
* can be an expensive sport
- one of the fastest sports
* contact sport, so there is nothing wrong about playing physically
* continuous learning experience.
* cycle, like a turning wheel.
* enters the world of big-league sports.
* fast and physical sport, which lends itself to action the fans love.
* fast-paced team sport that requires skill, strength and endurance.
* fast-paced, competitive game
- exciting sport
* force of nature.
* fun sport to watch and play.
* game in which an object is struck to move it, much like soccer.
* game of brawn and beauty
- great skill
- mistakes
- momentum
- odd-man situations
- speed and skill
- played by six good players and the home team
- that's driven by passion and emotion, from start to finish
* great sport, perhaps one of the most difficult there is to learn
* has a rich and colorful history that rivals the history of any other sport
- many rules
- more life time values than any other sport
* includes regulation time
- second periods
* is about emotion.
* is an expensive sport to play, with full equipment packages costing hundreds of dollars
- extremely physical sport
- outdoor game
- believed to date from the earliest civilizations
- by far the most underappreciated of the major professional sports
- considered tops with many among body contact sports
- divided into leagues according to ability
- hockey
- known as a hard-hitting, collision sport
- learned by moving
- made for television
* is one of the oldest sports played in North America
- sport where players practice least their shots
- sport where players least practice their shots
- only one of the sports that has deteriorated into a game of spending money
- our religion and our life
- part of our culture and our daily lives
* is played by both men and women at the Olympic games , and at world championships
- kids in basements and on streets and on frozen ponds
- much different than any other sport in the industry
- on ice and soccer, well, is just soccer
- throughout New Zealand and has become a very strong and popular sport
- within the confines of wood, steel and plastic barriers
- probably one of the most popular winter sports
- religion up North
- still a minority sport in most U.S. cities
* is the best sport in the world, and when two teams are rivals that really come out
- invented
- country's national passion
- fastest growing sport in North America
* is the fastest team game in the world, and to many the greatest
- greatest game on earth
* is the greatest sport in the world
- of all
- language of politics
- most popular sport in Canada
- national sport
- ultimate team sport
- world's fastest game, which means things are constantly changing
- usually the sport that generally is seen as the most violent sport
* live online fantasy hockey game.
* minority sport in New Jersey, as it is in most places where sunscreen is used.
* non-physical contact stick and ball game played by two squads of up to sixteen players.
* often is seen by parents as boring and overly violent.
* part of our culture and heritage.
* physical game.
* physical, emotional game that becomes more physical and emotional as teams get familiar.
* plays a big role at Six Nations.
* progressive sport.
* requires speed as well as upper and lower body strength.
* rough, aggressive game.
* slippery game, played on ice.
* sport almost every one enjoys
- for white men
- of momentum
- played with the heart - and for the heart
* territorial game much like football.
* tool for life.
* true international sport.
* unique game, in that it often ends in a tie.
+ Ice hockey: Skating :: Winter Olympic sports
* They try to win the Stanley Cup at the end of the year. In North America, women play in the Canadian Women's Hockey League and the Western Women's Hockey League. In North America and Europe, men's hockey is much more popular than women's hockey. Hockey is played by both men and women at the Olympic games, and at world championships. Ice hockey began in Canada in the 19th century. The major and the minor. The minor is the main one the referee will call during a game and the players have to go in the penalty box for two minutes. The major is when players fight with each other or when someone did something very dangerous. Most of time players are kicked out of the games but in a fight they only get 5 minutes in the penalty box. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | game | hockey:
Floor hockey
* is adapted from the games of ice hockey and ringette
- like ice hockey, but without the ice, skates, winged sticks and hard pucks
- played in tennis shoes, with waist-high straight sticks like broomsticks
- the next level to skating on ice
* popular winter activity for men and women.
* runs through the winter months followed by track in the spring.
* sport that is fun for all ages.
Professional hockey
* emphasizes size and aggressiveness.
* game of speed and strategy.
* is just down the road during the winter months.
Roller hockey
* is cheaper and accessible to more people than ice hockey
- played on a smaller rink made of plastic tiles surrounded by dasher boards
- similar to the sport of ice hockey, but it is generally played on inline skates
- very similar to ice hockey
* little different than ice hockey.
* requires players to rely upon their skills in handling the ball and skating.
* tough sport, but the ground is often tougher.
* year-round sport with new seasons starting each quarter.
Underwater hockey
* great source of in-water activity all year round.
* is played on the bottom of a pool.<|endoftext|>### activity | game:
Home game
* are games.
+ National Basketball Association, Regular Season: Basketball leagues
* These do not count for a team's final season record. The weaker players get cut. Other players stay on the team and get paid. The NBA regular season begins in the last week of October. All teams play 82 games during a normal season. Home games offer benefits to teams. They generally play better due to fan support and lack of travel. Teams play every other team during the regular season. The best players play in the NBA All-Star game in February. Fans vote for the starters. There is a pause in the season during the All-Star Game.
Online game
* are one of the most popular activities for web users.
* come in a variety of different forms.
### activity | game | parlour game:
Board game
* Most board games have some loops or curves.
* are fun
* are located in cupboards
- dens
- homes
- houses
- shelfs
- toy stores
* are used for play
- teaching
* parlour game
### activity | game | parlour game | board game:
* has no doubling cube.
* is also a strategy game
- an ancient game
- always a fun game involving a combination of strategy and luck
- different from chess
* is one of the oldest and greatest games in the world
- quintessential gambling games
### activity | game | parlour game | board game | chess game:
* can also be a problem due to loss of sphincter control.
* chess game.
* indicates an increase in anxiety in a novel situation.
* is elimination
- excretion
- initiated by distension of the rectum by feces arriving from the sigmoid colon
- the process by which solid waste is excreted from the body
* usually occurs at shared latrines that bear the contributions of many.
### activity | game | parlour game | board game | chess game | defecation:
Bowel movement
* are at times yellow in color
- the greatest source of most worms
- usually hard to come by while fasting
* become frequent and foul smelling because of problems with fat absorption.
* can be a variety of colors
- irregular, hard, dry or constipated
- more frequent and many people feel a sense of agitation or anxiety
- become painful
* have blood or pus.
* is defecation
- shitting
* are chess
* is Japan's version of chess
- more complicated and difficult than chess
* member of the chess family popular in Japan.
* are board games.
* game of chance based on a random selection of numbers.
* is the game in which the player chooses six numbers from a larger group of numbers.
* believes that many kids still look up to athletes.
* is playing games
- video games
* pinball simulation which displays the table full screen. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | game | pinball:
* Japanese variation of a slot machine that has elements of pinball mixed in.
* are pinball.
* is pinball
- played with balls rather than coins
* mixture of slot machine and.
* includes regulation time
- second periods
* is an outdoor game<|endoftext|>### activity | game:
* are a form of play.
* are a way of living
- teaching mathematics
- games where the learner has significant control
* are located in drawers
- newspapers
- tables
- toy stores
- pictures
- problems
- recreational thinking, and they have been a part of human culture for a very long time
* are used for challenge
- distractions
- entertainment
- focusing attention
* are used for mental activities
- stimulation
* help a child develop eye-hand coordination and learn to complete tasks
- hand-eye coordination and manipulative thinking
- children learn to solve problems as well as learning about shapes, sizes, and colors
* is the newsgroup devoted to puzzles.
* teach children how parts fit together to form a whole.
### activity | game | puzzle:
* are a type of puzzle which have letters in common.
* There are many types of crosswords. Some crosswords use riddles and word play and are usually more difficult than straight crosswords.
* are an ancient Chinese game
- ancient Chinese jigsaw puzzles
* are ancient Chinese puzzles that are still used today by adults as well as children
- of Chinese origin and require little mathematical skill
* come in sets containing five triangles, one parallelogram and one square.
* are balls
- sports
* can be an extremely fun sport to play.
* conduct electricity.
* fast and demanding athletic activity.
* game of skill and stamina
- played by two players on an indoor, enclosed court
* is an offshoot of squash, which is popular in the European countries
- one of the few sports in which players also serve as officials
* sport requiring both endurance and strength.
Small game
* hunting on the Carson usually means the changing of the seasons from summer to fall.
* includes rabbit, squirrel, quail, dove, duck and geese
- ruffed grouse, snowshoe hare, and woodcock
- such things as pheasant, grouse, cottontail, and squirrel
* is abundant in all areas.<|endoftext|>### activity | game:
* Most squash depends on insect pollination
* Most squash has color
- cream color
- flesh
- orange flesh
- is part of pumpkins
* Some squash has soft spots
* are also rich in potassium.
* belong to the same family as gourds, melons and cucumbers.
* grows rapidly and is usually ready to pick within two to four days after flowering
- the large squash leaves shade out weeds and serve as natural weed block
- through the summer, blooming and producing fruits
- creamy flesh
- seeds
* have an inferior ovary in the female flower.
* includes regulation time
- second periods
* is edibles
- vegetables
* often fail to develop, turn yellow, and finally rot if unpollinated.
* varies widely in size, shape and color.
### activity | game | squash:
Acorn squash
* are flavorful with a yellow to orange flesh.
* is also a good source of calcium
- part of acorn squash
- small, dark green, acorn shaped with deep ridges
- winter squash
Butternut squash
* great fall dish from soups to bisques to baked.
* has a cylindrical shape and a thick neck
- more beta carotene per ounce than pumpkin
* have a long neck and buff colored skin.
* is extremely difficult to peel, as the exterior is very hard
- part of butternut squash
- tan colored, and is elongated with a bulbous end
- winter squash | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | game | squash:
Summer squash
* Many summer squash grow on broad, squat bushes rather than on vines, which helps save garden space.
* are kin to cucumbers, watermelons and grounds
- tender and mild, especially when small
* comes in lots of colours and shapes to delight the eyes.
* differ from winter squashes based on fruit skin tenderness and developmental stage.
* does best tin well drained soil, high in organic matter.
* grows on nonvining bushes.
* have a thin skin
- thin skins and soft seeds, both of which are edible
- thin, edible skins and soft seeds
* is eaten when the fruit is immature
- part of summer squash
* lends itself to a variety of preparation methods, both raw and cooked.<|endoftext|>### activity | game | squash:
Winter squash
* All winter squashes are easy to grow.
* Most winter squash has creamy flesh
- orange flesh
- squashes are vine-type plants whose fruits are harvested when fully mature
* are actually edible gourds
- an excellent source of beta-carotene
- calorie bargains
- easy to store if kept whole, warm, and dry
- eaten as a vegetable, mashed or in purees, soups, or pies
- fun to grow and easy to store
- hard-shelled, generally mature in the fall, and can be stored for winter use
- heavy feeders
- mature when the rind resists thumbnail pressure
- rich, filling and slightly sweet
* can be the basis for a rich and filling soup.
* come in all shapes, colors and sizes.
* differ greatly in shape, color and size.
* display a great variety of colors and shapes.
* godsend for banquets and catering.
* has a slightly sweet, nutty flavor and has dark yellow or orange flesh
- more natural sugars, carbohydrates, and vitamin A than summer squash
* have hard, thick skins and seeds.
* includes types of pumpkins.
* is also a source of potassium, niacin, iron and beta carotene
- derived from all four species and is eaten after the fruit has matured
- ideal for soups because it has a naturally creamy texture when pureed with stock
- part of winter squash
- the hard-shelled cousin of the zucchini and summer squash
* requires a long, warm growing season.
* very good source of vitamin A and other carotenoids.
Strategy game
* Most Strategy games involve some sort of conquest of land or planets, and the elimination of rivals.
* are an untapped market in the United States
- computer games
* can be fun games for the entire family to play, and encourage critical thinking.
Table game
* are games.
* have a lot to do with a person's ability to play the games properly.
* program that focuses on social development and team building.
Telephone game
* are interactive training games played using telephones and answering machines.
* encourage the child to communicate through a familiar routine.
* elbow Stress tendinitis on the lateral epicondyle.
* includes regulation time
- second periods
- service breaks
* is an athletic game
- exercises
- magazines
- outdoor sports
- video games
### activity | game | tennis:
Platform tennis
* is an ideal fall and winter sport.
* racquet sport which is played outdoors mainly during the winter months.
Soft tennis
* is different from regulation tennis
- popular in Japan
* uses a softer, rubber ball but is otherwise similar to regular tennis.
+ Tennis: Summer Olympic sports
* There is also soft tennis. Soft tennis is different from regulation tennis. For example, the racket, ball and rules are much different. Soft tennis is popular in Japan. Thousands of people play soft tennis.
Upland game
* consisting of rabbits, quail, and squirrel is also open to hunting.
* hunting principal species are rabbits, squirrels, grouse and quail. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | game:
- meat.
* may be eaten as steaks, tenderloins, roasts, sausages, jerky and minced meat. Venison has less fat than similar cuts of beef. However, like beef, leaner cuts can be tougher as well. Venison can be kosher
* resembles beef in texture, color, and flavor.
* toughens quickly if overcooked or cooked attoo high a temperature.<|endoftext|>### activity | game:
Video game
* Many video games contain violence far more graphic than anything seen on television.
* Most video games are violent in nature.
* Some video games are seedbeds for evil and violence
- use resistors.
* Feel free to add information to the article. As for images, they are more of a problem as only free images can be used. Most video games are copyrighted and there are no free images available
* are a lot of things to a lot of different people
- pervasive and persuasive form of mass communication
- pretty superficial way for kids to connect with each other
- way to sublimate natural violent urges into a harmless activity
- among the most popular toys for children
- an intricate part of many college students' lives
- children's gateways to computers
- deep, meaningful, and highly rewarding experiences
- electronic games designed for video game consoles
- enormously popular all over the world
- for babies
* are located in bars
- toy stores
- more violent than board games tend to be
- notoriously violent
- one of the largest markets in computer technology
- played using a controller to create results on a screen
- popular themes at anime conventions
- something guys usually get hooked on
- the focus as they tend to categorize women into two groups
- very popular with children and young adults
- worse in that they are interactive and they actually influence the outcomes
* build upon and utilize the visual-spatial skills developed by watching television.
* can become addictive and take up all of one's time
- cause aggressive behavior in children and adults alike
* capture the rapt attention of millions of children and adults.
* continue to rise in popularity.
* desensitize children to killing by turning people into objects.
* do indeed affect the body s pulse rate.
* encourage youngsters to blow their enemies to pieces.
* focus on killing and destroying.
* have a strangle-hold on youth leisure time.
* make interactive violence fun and television and movies seem to glorify conflict.
* pose an ominous threat to the future health of the nation's children.
* provide experience.
* resemble complex machines, except that instead of moving parts they have lines of code.
* splash gore and horror across television screens and computer monitors.
* teach sexism, violence, xenophobia.
* train kids to fight and kill.
* includes regulation time
- second periods
* is an athletic game
Gang activity
* decreases sharply in neighborhoods where the youth are engaged in gardening.
* widespread cultural phenomenon that negatively affects our society in many ways.
Geological activity
* moves materials through the abiotic reservoir.
* turns marine sediments into rock. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity:
* Some glare causes blindness
- snow blindness
* affects the ability of drivers to perceive objects or obstructions clearly.
* can also be a significant problem for people with cataracts
- cause eye discomfort and accidents
* can cause eye fatigue and dangerous driving conditions
- due to stress and strain
- hazy vision particularly on bright sunny days
- create headaches plus eye and body fatigue
* can dazzle and considerably reduce the effectiveness of the emitted light
* causes sleep problems in humans.
* common problem with video display terminals.
* describes any high intensity light within the visible light spectrum.
* impairs their seeing ability much more than a low level of illumination.
* increases on surfaces such as water or snow.
* is another common factor in eye muscle fatigue
- bright light, which can interfere with visual perception
- brightness in excess of the level to which the eye is adapted
- caused by light that is emitted close to the horizontal direction
- created by the cornea or more often by the lens if it becomes cloudy
- often the result of direct, overhead lights, especially fluorescent lighting
- one of the main contributors to eyestrain and headaches
- partial or complete loss of visibility while being exposed
- produced when the light is reflected off of an object
- scatter from bright light that decreases vision
- stares
* is the kind of thing that causes cataracts and retinal aging
- main reason for wearing polarized sunglasses
- most dangerous of light pollution problems
- uncomfortable brightness of a light source when viewed against a darker background
* major cause of eye-strain for computer users
- winter headaches
* occurs when both ends of the trunk attempt to seize the trunk at the same time
- light enters the eye and bounces off an opacity such as a cataract
* primary cause of eyestrain among computer users.
* problem when light bouncing off the monitor strikes the eyes.
* reduces our ability to see at night.
* sensation caused by luminances in the visual field that are too bright.
* subjective experience that often decreases with time.
* visual discomfort caused by an excessive bright light source.
+ Light pollution, Effects, Effects on humans: Light :: Pollution
* Glare causes sleep problems in humans. Too much light in an apartment shining in from a nearby billboard will disturb their sleep. Also science is being affected by light pollution. Astronomers have no way of observing, or making discoveries with too much light to block the night sky.
### activity | glare:
Direct glare
* comes straight from the light source.
* is caused by light coming directly to the eye from a source or bright surface.
* occurs when lamps are poorly shielded. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity:
* allows a time for owner and pet to bond.
* also has important social implications for humans and other species
- helps the skin to produce natural oils, and function properly
- regulates body temperature
- reinforces social bonds
- removes wrack, depriving many organisms of their natural food source
* are progressings.
* are used for chimpanzees
- dogs
- good health
- personal hygiene
* behavior that is natural to monkeys.
* can be a time to build a bond of mutual trust.
* cause beauty
- cleanliness
- gets
- injuries
- mistakes
- positives
- satisfaction
- static
- tardinesses
* central part of relationship formation and maintenance.
* cleans the skin so that it can work to maximum effect.
* common language of respect and comfort among horses
- practice, focused at the earlobes and the neck
* daily chore that can be therapeutic
- task if they're stabled, and a necessity before and after riding
* demonstration of love and caring.
* helps condition the skin and prevent skin and ear problems by cleaning potential irritants
- keep the hair free from dirt and parasites and also reinforces social bonds
* involves animals resting together while picking bits of skin from each other's fur.
* is also an important form of social bonding between pairs.
* is an activity
- important activity that serves to strengthen social bonds among members of the group
* is an important part of horse care
- socializing, as well as keeping individuals parasite free
- their daily activity
- integral part of riding, just as warming up and cooling down
- issue which concerns many people
- critical when it comes to the health and maintenance of young kittens
- important in a monkey's life
* is important to horses and humans
- one of the most important social interactions among family members
- rare, though the males of some species form coalitions to improve competitive success
- tactile communication
- the tie that binds the individuals in social groups of primates
* major part of providing animal care.
* often occurs between females and males, or among females.
* plays an essential role in family bonding
- important role in female social organization
* reduces the amount of loose hair that can be swallowed.
* regular feature of rose culture.
* removes snow from the high points and deposits it in the low areas.
* represents only a fraction of the cost of pet ownership.
* sign of affection.
* social activity.
* starts when the squirrel is about one month old.
* stimulates the hair follicles to secrete oil, which helps keep the coat in good condition.
* very intimate way for baboons to express their acceptance of each other
- pleasurable activity for primates, including humans
* word they use when they're molesting.
+ Chimpanzee, Life and description: Hominins
* Chimpanzees mainly eat fruit, leaves, flowers, seeds, bark, honey, insects, bird eggs, and meat. They spend a lot of time with other chimpanzees from their group, acting up, playing, and chatting. Grooming helps chimps feel comfortable and friendly.
### activity | grooming:
Mutual grooming
* greeting and bonding behavior in dogs that maintains pack order.
* very important activity in the ring-tailed lemur society.
Regular grooming
* can also reinforce that special human-feline bond
- help prevent skin disease
* helps to ensure the dog is healthy and comfortable.
* is an important part of helping to control ticks, lice and fleas
- as important to a dog as it's food and checkup at the vet
- especially important for longhair cats who are prone to hairballs
- extremely important in maintaining healthy skin and coat
- important for good health | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | grooming:
Social grooming
* helps maintain friendly relations between baboons.
* is an important form of social contact
- method of maintaining social bonds within the group
- extremely important for building relationships
- thought to help develop and maintain social bonds between animals
- used to strengthen bonds between females
* occurs in both family and bachelor groups. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity:
* alleviate eczema and dermatitis through utilization of proteins.
* assimilate b-complex vitamins to increase muscular structure.
* block out visible blue light, one of the major causes of light-induced damage to the eyes.
* boost energy levels, and is also good as an anti-oxidant.
* breakdown toxic build ups of sulfites in the body.
* build and maintain bones and teeth
- healthy bones, muscles, and joints
- strong, dense bones
- healthy bones and muscles
- muscle tone, strength, flexibility and stamina
- new skin by providing a rich environment of nutrients that promote skin vitality
* build strong bones and strengthens immune system
- teeth and bones by aiding in the absorption of calcium
- the body s resistance to allergies
- up the supply of large white blood cells
* burn excess fat without dieting or exercise
- fat without burning vital muscle tissue
- fat, preserve lean muscle tissue, and suppress appetite
* burning of fat, therefore, helps to lose weight.
* can involve rewards
- supporting
* carry carbon dioxide to the lungs.
* circulate oxygen throughout the body.
* contribute to fat and cholesterol homeostasis.
* convert the amino acid tryptophan into niacin.
* create energy from food and promotes proper metabolism of carbohydrates in the body
- by promoting the proper metabolism of carbohydrates in the body
* determine time of ovulation and fertility.
* differentiate between non- cancerous breast disease and breast cancer
- non-cancerous breast disease and breast cancer
- obstruction of bile ducts and acute liver-cell damage
* dissolve uric slats, mineral deposits, and water scale.
* distinguish between iron-deficiency anemia and anemia caused by chronic disease.
* eliminate odors through the oxidation of volatile sulfur compounds
- oral odors through oxidation and leaves a fresh, pleasant taste
* form the protein collagen.
* hydrate and retain moisture on the surface of the skin.
* identify neuroblastoma, ganglioneuroblastoma and ganglioneuroma.
* inhibit dental plaque formation and protects gums against numerous insults
- the growth of many types of algae in freshwater aquariums
* is an activity
- books
* keep blood pressure and blood cholesterol within normal limits
- bones strong, essential for blood clotting
- cells from becoming rigid and helps soften tissue
- fluid away from skin, reducing skin irritation
- hair and skin soft, pliable, and waterproof
- our air, soil, and water free of toxic chemicals
- pets interested in food during time of stress or sickness
- plants erect
- pores free from impurities, leaving the grain of the epidermis smooth and refined
- skin, tongue, digestive tract, and nervous system healthy
- teeth, gums, blood cells and our nervous system healthy
* keep the immune system in peak condition
- liver and related organs and glands in good health
- skin soft and protected from outside elements
- tissues oxygen-rich
* kill appetite when dieting.
* locate foreign bodies in the eye socket or in the eye.
* make protein kinases and other protein molecule receptors more efficent.
* metabolize fat, protein and carbohydrates.
* neutralize and detoxify chemical pollutants
- fat burning toxins and increase insulin sensitivity
* normalize painful and itchy skin conditions, including certain forms of acne.
* preserve and mend the connective tissues, bones, muscles and blond vessels.
* prevent and control adult-onset diabetes by reducing body fat
- brittle nails from splitting while softening cuticles
- colon cancer by keeping the digestive tract free of toxins and heavy metals
- compression of the axillary artery, vein, and brachial plexus
- dehydration of tissue and appearance of wrinkles
- deposits accumulating in joints and promotes hormone health
- development of varicose veins, often associated with pregnancy
- dogs from pulling and being choked
- excessive water absorption by imparting water resistance to the skin
- harmful clots from forming in the blood vessels or on mechanical heart valves
- infection in cuts, scrapes, and minor burns
- injury to dogs with overall leg weakness
- iron deficiency anemia and ectopic pregnancy
- lime and iron from accumulating on filters and moving parts and neutralizes water
- maturity-onset diabetes and is an essential part in the management of diabetes
- metastases of prostate cancer cells
- mildew, mold and musty odors
- muscle rotation in the forearm while directing strain away from connective tissue
* prevent skin from drying out and prematurely aging
- stretching and leading to stretch marks
- spina bifida, cleft palate and cleft lip formation
- tiny pieces of glass and glass dust from coming into contact with the skin
- tiredness - loss of energy
- vaginal yeast infections in women who take antibiotics or who have diabetes
* rebuild cartilage, synovial fluid, collagen and proteoglycans.
* reduce irritation and inflammation of the skin.
* regulate antibody activity
- fluids
- heartbeat, blood clotting, muscle contraction
- iron storage
- opening and closing of stomata in leaves and water uptake by roots
* regulate sebaceous gland secretion
- secretion and purify the skin
* relax muscles after contraction
- during birth
* relieve pain due to arthritis, chronic joint inflammation, muscle strain, or stiffness
- pressure on back, kidneys, bladder and major arteries
- stress by releasing energy blockages in the vital points of the hands and feet
* restore body's internal organs to normal function
- new energy to the vital organs, as well as the entire body
* stimulate appetite, and rejuvenates exhausted birds.
* stop brain lipid peroxidation as seen in carbon monoxide poisoning
- the growth of microorganisms that enter the stomach
* strengthen and refine the epidermal by restoring moisture balance
- skin's resistance to fine lines and retexturizes skin in the eye area
- veins, thus improving blood flow to the peripheral limbs
* supply oxygen to the brain.
* Any help is help.
* detect empty parameters and fall back to default values. For instance for handling multiple image name parameters.
* Any help welcome.
* Or just build articles. All help is welcome. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity:
* are land owned, rented, or leased.
* change over time.<|endoftext|>### activity | holding:
* begins when whole seeds with hard seed coats are extracted from cones.
* carbohydrates in tulips include both starch and fructan.
* device or media that data and applications are stored on.
* involves managing radioactive material in a safe manner with provision for retrieval.
* is commercial enterprises
- for individuals to store furniture and belongings
- in body fat
- just one facet of chemical bioaccumulation
* is located in attics
- buildings
- lockers
- warehouses
- maintenance
- often the hardware that users spend the most time managing
- physical events
- similar to the storage of any drug product
* is the key to everything electronic
- movement of a chemical into the blood from the site of administration
- retention of water by parts of the system
* is the retention over time of encoded information
- encoded material
* moving and storage company.
* occurs because insulation prevents heat from escaping
- during time
- in the fatty tissues
* provides benefits.
* requires levels
- percent moisture levels
* rot phase of the disease is due to fungus entrance through harvest wounds.
### activity | holding | storage:
Cold storage
* hurts the texture of fruit.
* is always highly preferred to ambient temperature.
* is located in freezers
- grocery stores
- laboratories
- refrigerators
- restaurants
* is the most practical method of damage prevention for furs
- only way to optimize acetate film stability
- used for preservation
Electronic storage
* enables computer users to manipulate images on the computer.
* is ephemeral and fragile.
Energy storage
* can also make an electric utility system operate more efficiently.
* is the capture of energy produced at one time for use at a later time
- result of the blocking of back-reactions
Food storage
* is also an issue for homes without power
- considered part of being prepared for emergencies and natural disasters
- very important when camping in frontcountry campgrounds and trailheads
* strategy also adopted by red squirrels.
* vital aspect of self-reliance.
Holographic storage
* is also a reciprocal process
- like three-dimensional photography
* promising candidate for next-generation storage.
Improper storage
* can be a safety hazard or turn usable products into waste.
* refers mainly to temperature.temperature abuse.
Mass storage
* gives intelligent machinery a capability far beyond human sensory memory.
* is distinct from memory , which refers to temporary storage areas within the computer.
* represents a particular field of industry called dynamic industry.
Plastic storage
* crates substitute for dressers.
* loses some of the fats, and glass storage loses some of the leukocytes.
Proper storage
* can also increase the life of a battery.
* prevents insects and rodents from eating the food.
Water storage
* are at capacity and almost all major river systems have had substantial flows.
* is developed to a high degree in the stems of cacti
- important to slow run-off into the lake and increase the rate of evaporation
* Some hugs teach children.
* affect everything form our physical health to our emotional well-being
- from our physical health to our emotional well-being
* are a part of non-verbal communication
- spoons that stir the soul
- the heart's way of smiling and saying thanks, come closer, give more love
- warmth to the heart
* generate warmth and affection, and nurture lasting bonds of friendship.
* help children feel safe and cared for.
* is embrace
* are often comfort noises, letting the other alpacas know they are present and content.
* is an activity
* is an activity
* plays an important role as a recovery mechanism in many naturally fractured reservoirs. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity:
* Most implantations result in growth.
* Some implantations lead to normal pregnancy
- term pregnancy
- result in pregnancy
* allows simulation of bubble nucleation and growth in a relatively short period of time.
* are operations
- placements
* begins at the end of the first week, when the embryo attaches to the uterine wall.
* complex process whose mechanisms are still poorly understood.
* involves a simple surgical procedure performed in the operating room
- the delivery of tissue or other material into a target site
* is an operation
- critical to the survival and development of the early embryo
- facilitated by the a. chorionic villi
- necessary for the child to begin receiving nourishment from the mother
- one of today's major challenges in the study of human reproduction
- similar to a pacemaker procedure
* is the attachment of the blastocyst to the uterine wall
- beginning of pregnancy when the blastocyst embeds into the uterine lining
* marks the end of the germinal stage of embryogenesis.
* occurs five to seven days after fertilization
- in the uterus
* represents a significant obstacle to the developing embryo.
* usually occurs about six days after fertilization.
### activity | implantation:
Cochlear implantation
* is approved for both adults and children as young as eighteen months of age.
* represents a new technology that allows profoundly deaf patients to hear.
Ion implantation
* can improve metal hardness so that equipment lasts longer.
* improves the wear and corrosion resistance of many materials.
* is used extensively in the semiconductor industry to introduce dopants
- on the stem tapers to reduce fretting wear dramatically
* method of alloying which allows non-equilibrium phases to be formed.
Successful implantation
* Some successful implantations lead to normal pregnancy
* is critical for the development of the mammalian embryo.
Increased activity
* increases the demand for more calories, as does pregnancy.
* is associated with an increase in high density lipoprotein cholesterol
- common in all studies of successful weight reduction
- seen in arthritis, cancers and infection
Industrial activity
* Some industrial activities cause pollution
- water pollution
* is concentrated on processing farm commodities.
### activity | infringement:
Willful infringement
* is punishable by law.
* means that an individual knew an act was infringing and did it anyway.
* is an activity
- conditions
* means to pervert, mischief or moral evil.
* can arise out of anger, selfishness, greed, competition, etc.
- wrongdoing
* occurs when some are unfairly rewarded while others are discriminated against.
### activity | injustice:
Economic injustice
* is the root of most conflicts and wars.
* persists in spite of the longest period of economic prosperity in our history.
Social injustice
* make people feel deceived and disappointed.
* risk factor for stress and other illness. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | insemination:
Artificial insemination
* attempts to assist sperm to enter the uterus.
* can be successful by using the sperm of an impotent male.
* common medical practice
- practice in the production of domestic livestock
* is acceptable for a married couple.
* is accepted between husband and wife
- using the husband s sperm
* is an option for lesbian couples who wish to bear and raise children
- practiced with increasing frequency
- done with ovum selected from woman with 'desirable' qualities
- easier on the bitch, the dog and the person doing the breeding
- insemination
- necessary to apply the principles of selection and breeding to bees
- often the best course of treatment for abnormal sperm count or function
- one of the oldest forms of applied reproductive technology
- performed when there are complications in conceiving through intercourse
- practiced on a limited basis in the state
- the way forward in extending the gene pool worldwide
* is used frequently
- to produce turkeys for the consumer market
- usually a painless procedure, although some women experience cramping
- when the farmer does it to the cow instead of the bull
* lets the sperm skip the cervical mucus entirely.
* makes it possible for herd managers to economically select superior genes
- unnecessary for the germinal father and mother to meet
* places the sperm directly into the uterus.
* produces children without sexual congress.
* spreads fowl cholera, a major bacterial disease of domestic turkey.
Donor insemination
* involves the use of sperm from a donor.
* is performed during the fertile period each month.
* proven, safe and effective method of achieving pregnancy.
Intrauterine insemination
* increases the chances for a pregnancy, as well as the cost of the cycle.
* is indicated for mild to moderate male factor infertility.
Invasion of privacy
* Invasions of privacy are torts.
* fear that emanates from a variety of sources.
* is an activity
### activity | irregularity:
Fecal impaction
* are constipation.
* can cause diarrhea.
* is irregularity
- probably the leading cause of incontinence in institutionalized older patients
Menstrual irregularity
* Menstrual irregularities are a major sign in women with thyroid
- reflect low serum estrogen levels
- vary from one woman to another
* including skipping periods is common with mini-pill use.
* is common in patients with sickle syndromes
- the most common problem with mini-pills<|endoftext|>### activity | irregularity:
* Spasticities are diseases.
* also helps to maintain muscle size and bone strength.
* can be either a mild or severe impairment of motor functions
- lead to diminished motor control and motor function
- make it very difficult to do daily activities such as getting dressed
* causes joint contractures which are treated as in cerebral palsy
- muscles to become stiff and resistant to movement
- permanent muscle contractions, abnormal muscle tone and pain
* condition in which certain muscles are continuously contracted
- that causes stiff, tight muscles, especially in the arms and legs
* develops within days or weeks.
* frequently results in contractures, which is an inability to move a limb.
* has a mixed impact on osteoporosis.
* interferes with all movements.
* is an abnormality in muscle tone
- generally a life-long illness
- often only one of the problems associated with a patient's disease
- one of the conditions associated with cerebral palsy
- present from the first day, without any initial phase of flaccidity
* is reduced by the rhythmic motion of the horse
- without medication or electrical stimulation
- tightness or stiffness of muscles
* means stiffness or tightness of muscles.
* occurs when there is damage to the central nervous system.
* often limits movement in children with cerebral palsy.
* varies from mild to severe, and is different for every individual.
* very specific form of muscle stiffness. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity:
* Explain the importance of irrigation.
* Most irrigation is with the drip irrigation system.
* Some irrigation contributes to mortality
- results in water pressure
* adds one food unit to any type that can be irrigated.
* allows the crops to flourish during times of excessive dry weather.
* already accounts for about two thirds of water use worldwide
- two-thirds of water use worldwide
* also allows farmers to reap the economic benefits of growing higher-value cash crops
- can eliminate losses due to freezing temperatures during the early bloom periods
- help to pack the soil
- increases plant residues returned to the soil
* can accelerate transport of nitrate to shallow ground water in heavily fertilized areas.
* can also increase the uniformity of emergence and final stand of seeded crops
- reduce pest populations
- cause erosion, crusting and salination
- have an important impact on grapevines in semi-arid regions
- increase land productivity by three to seven times, especially in the north
- let more crops be grown on the same land , or allow a crop to grow in a dry period
- provide water when natural rainfall is insufficient
- result in higher quality fruit and vegetables and the overall health of the plant
- supplement rainfall to supply crop water needs
- supply crops with supplemental water
* causes the bringing to the surface of capillary water charged with dangerous salts.
* collection of links to numerous web sites in the fields of irrigation and hydrology.
* common practice on cropped areas.
* compensates for water deficits in dry areas.
* consumes the largest amount of water in Saudi Arabia.
* continues in all areas to help keep trees from going into stress and dropping foliage.
* contributes to life.
* depletes deep groundwater supplies, known as aquifers.
* helps leach excess fertilizer
- problems
- wash the soil from the cores
* improves tree establishment and can increase productivity.
* increases humidity, a factor in tornado formation
- landslide potential
- plant turgor and helps the plant move water through cell membranes
- the amount of farmed land and yield
- yields substantially when applied during dry weather
* inevitably leads to the salinization of soils and waters.
* is agriculture's drought management program.
* is also essential in maintaining a healthy lawn
- important when insecticides are used to treat grub worms
- key to social infrastructure
- locally important in Western Australia and Tasmania
- an alternative to wearing a colostomy appliance
* is an ancient and important agricultural practice
- art
* is an important element of security in the face of widely fluctuating rainfall
- factor in the occupation of Nebraska by an agricultural population
- part of successful vegetable crop production
- integral part of farming
- another way to provide frost protection
- any man-made way of putting water onto land to grow food and other plant products
- by far the largest water use in the West
- especially useful when establishing newly seeded or transplanted crops
* is essential for commercial fruit production in areas with a dry season
- new plantings and mature bearing plants
- to ensure the plants are never stressed for water
- extremely important for optimum plant growth and good production
* is important for good growth and nuts, especially when trees are young
- lawn areas in front of buildings
- in the production of quality roots
- when cleaning heavily contaminated wounds
- medical care
* is most beneficial to the early production of young plantings
- critical when the water needs of the corn plant are greatest
* is necessary for most landscape plant materials to survive and thrive
- the production of citrus fruits, soft fruit and vegetables
* is necessary in dry areas and during dry periods
- seasons
* is one of the most important practices for a grower to focus on in the spring
- oldest uses of water by mankind
* is practiced extensively, making water a major resource in drier regions
- on a larger scale in South Africa than it is in Botswana
- predominately from groundwater
- provision
- responsible for much of what has been produced, resulting in higher production costs
- seen by some as an environmental disaster to the earth
* is the application of water to lands for the raising of agricultural crops
- artificial supply of water to agricultural land
- cultural practice involving the application of water to turf
* is the key to making the arid land productive
- the production of rice, Nepal's primary staple and export item
- process of artificially applying water to soil to allow plant growth
- seminal issue for agriculture in most developing countries
- solution where dry seasons and drought are the problem
- watering of land by other than natural methods
- used by farmers to cool plants during extreme weather
* is used extensively in cropped areas
- some areas
- substantially by most countries, some more than others
* is used where a water source is available
- water is available but most cropland is dryland
* key input for agriculture in California.
* means by which an adequate moisture supply to the crop can be better assured.
* method to deliver the topical agents more directly to the periodontic bacteria.
* moves the herbicide into the soil and prevents breakdown by the sun.
* necessary part of Turkish agriculture.
* plays a range of roles in mountain farming systems and their dynamics or change
* process to supplement precipitation by artificial means.
* produces drainage that frequently recharges groundwater.
* provides an environment conducive to increased plant production for long season crops.
* reduces crop moisture stress in fields with high nematode populations
* requires amounts.
* shows effects
- little effects
* stimulates germination and hastens growth
* system extending across many technical and non-technical disciplines.
* thus plays a focal role in the growth of grain.
* usually improves soybean yields on drought-prone soils and in exceptionally dry seasons.
* way of delivering water to the trees.
+ Irrigation, Impacts: Agriculture
* Irrigation can let more crops be grown on the same land, or allow a crop to grow in a dry period. It is expensive and care should be taken to ensure that the benefits from increased crop yields are not exceeded by the installation and operating costs of the irrigation scheme.
* Irrigation causes a subsequent rise in watertables. If saline water is below, it may rise to the surface. Sometimes salinity becomes high enough to kill the plants. Irrigation water itself can carry salt and sometimes other toxic materials that hurt the plants. To prevent this, irrigation projects must also assure good drainage. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | irrigation:
Adequate irrigation
* can help prevent blackheart, a physiological disorder.
* is important because water-stressed plants are most likely to be damaged.
Agricultural irrigation
* is much more prevalent in the arid Western United States than in the East
- the most common way to use reclaimed water
* uses two-thirds of the world's supply of developed water.
* also has erotic appeal to some.
* are an extended and more complete form of an enema
- colonic irrigation
* can be an important part of a holistic detoxification program.
* has no real health benefits, but does have a number of serious hazards.
* is irrigation
* are irrigation.
* can destroy the balance of bacteria and get an infection started
- help women feel clean and refreshed
* tend to remove the normal bacteria that keep yeast from infecting the vagina.<|endoftext|>### activity | irrigation:
Drip irrigation
* boosts yields.
* can also lessen the incidence of crown, leaf, stem, and fruit diseases.
* can be a great aid to the efficient use of water
- helpful if water is scarce or expensive
- efficiently deliver water and keep foliage dry
* comes in two forms.
* delivers water directly to the roots, minimizing evaporation loss
- slowly and evenly over a large area
- to plants in an economical and efficient manner
* grows crops with higher yields using less water
- much less water
* high maintenance method of applying water.
* is also an excellent way to supply water
- an option for watermelons grown on plastic
- best to water slowly, thoroughly, and deeply without wetting foliage
* is better for watering roses than sprinklers
- than sprinkler irrigation, which wets foliage and fruit and increases rot
- designed to get water slowly and directly to the roots of plants
- effective in most soils
- ideal for flowers, vegetables and individual plantings
- more efficient than flood irrigation and is especially suited for hot climates
- one of the newer methods of irrigation
- plastic tubing that drips water around the base of the plants
- regarded more efficient as less water evaporated as in spray irrigation
- suitable for a wide range of soils and topography
* is the controlled application of water at a very low flow over a prolonged period
- latest innovation in irrigation systems
- most efficient irrigation technology available
- used only sparingly to augment natural rainfall
* low flow point source watering system.
* minimizes run-off and evaporation.
* prevents foliage from getting wet at all when watering
- the foliage from getting wet
* provides each plant with near-optimal soil moisture
- more efficient water use than overhead sprinklers
* reduces soil transport due to splashing.
* sends water straight to a plant's roots with virtually no loss to evaporation.
* standard practice in Hawaii.
* utilizes water efficiently and can be utilized to fertilize, as well.<|endoftext|>### activity | irrigation:
* act by filling the bowel which stimulates the urge to have a bowel movement.
* are most useful for the relief of simple fecal impactations
- of extreme importance in any type of allergic condition
- useful for severe constipation or when other methods fail
* can deplete a baby of electrolytes and alter body fluids in children
- stretch the colon, which over time becomes a limp sack with no muscle tone
* expose the most private area of the human body.
* irrigate the bowel and act as lubricants and stimulants.
- liquids
- mixture
* work by expanding the rectum and flush out stool. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | irrigation | enema:
Barium enema
* are an alternative to sigmoidoscopy and colonoscopy.
* has a significant high false positive and negative rate.
* involves an x ray of colon after putting barium into the colon.
* is an examination of the entire colon using contrast, air and X-rays.
* is contraindicated because of the risk of perforation
- in the case of toxic megacolon due to risk of perforation
- enema
- less sensitive than colonoscopy for the detection of cancers and large polyps
- the gold standard in diagnosis
* shows a characteristic mucosal pattern that is shaggy and irregular
- normal filling of the entire colon without reflux into the terminal ileum
Colonic irrigation
* are one of the most important treatment modalities available for good health
- the most effective way of body detoxification
* involves flushing the entire colon with running water.
* is enema
- one of the most effective ways to cleanse the colon of toxins and waste
* Some eyedrops reduce the amount of fluid made by the eye.
* accelerate the aging process.
* are drops.
* is irrigation
Flood irrigation
* carries plant propagules into hay meadows, pastures and other irrigated lands.
* causes soil to become salinized, lowering soil fertility.
* floats up a bonanza of insect prey on a regular basis.
Furrow irrigation
* is one of the most widely used methods for crops.
* is used for crop production in all four systems
- crops planted in rows
- on more than half the irrigated acres in Nebraska
Improper irrigation
* can cause plants to suffer from either too much, or the lack of water.
* is often the cause of disease problems in our gardens.
Proper irrigation
* helps conserve water, save money, and protect water quality.
* is the first step in conditioning a lawn for drought.
Trickle irrigation
* applies small amounts of water to the soil near the roots of the plant.
* ensures that plants have the necessary amount of moisture at all times.
* is essential for currants and gooseberries
- used to water the horticulture cropping block
* operates on the principle of applying water using low pressure.
* works well with organic mulches, such as straw or grass clippings. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity:
* All jobs have lives, cycles of learning, mastery, plateauing, and declining
- involve safety in the workplace
* Every job comes with an income, which gives a household spending power.
* Many jobs also require people to work outdoors in the cold frigid weather
- are in or related to the petroleum industry, especially in the exploration of oil and gas
- require their employees to be physically fit
* More jobs also flow out of factors that influence the cost and productivity of workers.
* Most jobs allow a parent to take sick time to care for a sick child
- deal with animals and growing things
- involve working with both numbers and people
* Most jobs pay minimum wage
- salaries based on the minimum wage
- require teamwork, most careers depend on teamwork, and most companies insist on teamwork
* Most jobs require the ability to clean well, cook, or take care of children
- clean, cook, or take care of children
- start at minimum wage
* Some jobs also call for odd hours of work, such as truck driving
- expose workers to harmful materials, fumes, or odors, or to dangerous machinery
- promote something that the people can have, and with some benefits
- represent combinations of job families
* Some jobs require individuals who can teach new workers how to use machines, complete forms, etc
- more years of school than others - like doctors
* Some jobs require people who know when to give in on a point and when to stand firm
- who, when faced with obstacles, keep trying to achieve their goals
* affect our lives, our families, and especially our children
- the poverty rate and the poverty rate is related to crime
* allow families to exist and families are what societies are made of.
* are a kind of currency
- another measure of people at work
- countable items that are specific instances of the general idea of work
- far more crucial than the stock market, since they are the prime source of income
- important to people's feelings of self-worth
* are scarce and many people struggle hard to survive
- for all age groups
- specific positions in specific establishments in which workers perform specific duties
* are the best answer to poverty
- lifeblood of worker well-being
- number of jobs in the region supported by the visitor spending
- very much a part of many people's lives
* are, in socio-economic terms, the major means of income distribution.
* attributes describe various characteristics of the job.
* base on experience.
* binding workers bind books produced in smaller quantities.
* can be color-coded according to age
- teach kids to be responsible and to enjoy earning and saving money
* contribute to performance.
* create incomes which are needed to form staple family units.
* demand cognitive skills
* depend on states.
* develop and grow where businesses are born and nurtured.
* differ in the extent to which people work independently or as a part of a team.
* even exist in the high-tech industries driving the information economy.
* generally involve working with information, people, or things.
* have components
- potential
- requirements
* hopping, and the theft of trade secrets, in some ways hurt high-tech companies.
* hunting involves taking repeated risks and facing rejections
- is often harder work than a job
* involve many more responsibility
- services
* is an activity
* lead a hardware revolution by reducing the size of computers to small boxes.
* migrate to where labour is cheapest and environmental standards are lowest.
* offer applications.
* paying a living wage are also key to keeping people off public assistance.
* posting pay service.
* provide great opportunity
- growth
- personal growth
* relate to regions
- tourism
* related to exports pay on average higher wages than other jobs.
* rely on skills.
* require ability
- associate degrees
- education
- knowledge
- master degrees
- professional experience
- strength
- technical ability
* vary widely in terms of contribution to society.
+ Identity (philosophy), Implications: Social sciences :: Sociology
* Implications of identity and identity construction can be seen in occupational settings. Some jobs carry different stigmas or acclaims. The process by which people arrive at justifications of and values for various occupational choices. Among these are workplace satisfaction and overall quality of life. People in these types of jobs are forced to find ways in order to create an identity they can live with. In other words, doing taint management is not just about allowing the employee to feel good in that job.
+ Military
* There are many jobs to do in a military. Some jobs are for fighting and some are for other work to support the military. Some things people do in the military are use weapons, drive vehicles, and repair weapons. Other people in the military learn how to fly aircraft, pilot ships, or repair engines. People in the military usually wear clothes called a uniform. In some places, especially where there may be combat, a uniform often comes in a camouflage pattern which is designed to make the person hard to see in the forest or desert.
+ The Sims, Gameplay: The Sims :: 2000 video games
* Sims must get jobs to get more money so they can pay bills, buy new objects, and expand the house. If they do not go to work two days in a row, they will be fired. Each Sim has eight skill levels to work towards. Each skill level has 10 points. For instance, in the military job, the ultimate requirement is 10 body points. Jobs also require a certain number of friends to receive a promotion. The higher they go, the more money they make per day. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | job:
Good job
* are a result of hard work, persistence, and planning
- important to people in every state
* can provide the income and benefits that support good health and access to health care.
* keep people from moving to other states for employment.
Government job
* are positions which are on a government payroll.
* exist at the federal, state and local levels
- for individuals both in the United States and abroad
Hot job
* Hot Jobs Find positions by location, job type or company.
* have hot processes, radiant heat exposure, or unprotected sun exposure.
Job enrichment
* increases the employee's authority, responsibility, and autonomy.
* involves more autonomy and control for the worker.
* is also yet another way to increase productivity
- the deliberate enlargement of responsibility, scope and challenge
Job hunting
* complex undertaking, affected by many variables, different for each person.
* is analogous to sales
- hard work
Job opportunity
* depends on conditions
- economic conditions
- local economic conditions
* relates to professional skills
Retail job
* Most retail jobs involve more than just standing at a cash register.
* Retail Jobs are like retail careers.
Summer job
* are especially important for minority youth living in high poverty neighborhoods
- temporary jobs
* database of seasonal and part-time job opportunities.<|endoftext|>### activity:
Juvenile delinquency
* increases every year.
* involves the studying of crime and misbehaviour that occurs during adolescence.
* is an activity
- enormous problem faced by both State and tribal governments
- outward symptom of the deeper social ills afflicting at-risk youth
- another dimension of crime
- on the rise led by the increase in auto theft
- prevalent across the nation
- purely a social disease
- the violation of legal standards by the young
* quality of life issue affecting the total community. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity:
* Most labors involve healthy babies.
* Some labor is regulated by union contract.
* accounts for a relatively small share of the production costs of insulin.
* affects cytokine production in newborns.
* alone produces all wealth.
* are the watchdogs of the working class.
* begins when there sudden change in the mother's internal regulatory system.
* cash cost that helps offset the increased costs mentioned above.
* describes the first part of the birth process that relate to the cervix of the uterus.
* divides into labor itself and wages of labor.
* does best when capital is in abundance relative to labor.
* has a long and rich history of fighting to provide working families with a decent living
- structure in place that allows people to work on the job
* historically specific form of human activity.
* involves contraction.
* is all human exertion in the production of wealth
- also team work
* is an abstract category, but it represents many different forms
- aerobic event
- autonomic process
- by far the largest and most influential component of the consumer's food dollar
- classes
- divided between men and women in the villages
- dominated by Peronist unions
* is hard physical work and includes some pain
- work, and the body needs the energy to work effectively
- located in work
* is measured by the number of hours of labor expended in the production of output
- in thousands of male agricultural workers engaged in agriculture
- mobile across industries
* is one major factor that plays a role in determining the price of a rug
- of the greatest expenses in producing Tillandsia
- only one of many factors of production used by a firm
- prior to, and independent of, capital
- property
- that element in capitalist society that produces all wealth
* is the active and initial force, and labor is therefore the employer of capital
- base line of physical exertion for every woman
- effort that people contribute to the production of goods and services
- main cost in most consumer goods
* is the only resource in the production process
- source of wealth
- process by which contractions of a pregnant uterus cause birth
- single most important factor in determining national income
- source of all wealth and all culture
- substance and the immanent measure of value, but it has itself no value
- third factor that influences economic growth
- way to acquire property and claim it as one's own
* makes wealth.
* measure of human work in units of the total person equivalents applied over time.
* microcosm of life.
* normally accounts for the largest share of home-building costs.
* occurs when contractions are frequent or intense enough to cause cervical changes.
* process that begins gradually.
* processes internal to organizations and power networks among organizations.
* produces all wealth and provides all the services
- value in goods or services
* represents a stress to the fetus.
* resource only if it is willing and able to work.
* responds to the organization and direction of capital.
* right of the individual and an obligation to society.
* starts with regular contractions of the uterus.
* traditionally is divided along lines of class, level of education, gender, and age.
### activity | labor:
Active labor
* is the phase in which there is more rapid cervical dilatation.
* means that contractions are regular and strong.
Casual labor
* has no federal employment tax significance.
* is temporary labor. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | labor:
Child labor
* common sight in the countryside.
* continues to exist in the United States.
* creates a climate where many children support their unemployed parents.
* exists in the United States and the consequences for some are grave.
* hinders a third world country s industrial development.
* human rights issue.
* is an evil at any time
- another form of abuse in the Sudan
- cheap labor
- formally illegal in some sectors in India while the practice is endemic
* is found in domestic production as well as in foreign imports
- the garment and the wood and rattan furniture industries
- illegal, but goes on in the emerging informal and private sectors and in agriculture
- more prevalent in developing countries but also exists in industrialized nations
- nightmarish only in a world where adult labor is nightmarish
- one of the most prominent children's rights issues
- partly a reflection of poverty
- prevalent throughout many poor countries in the world
- rampant in the hand-knotted rug industry
- still a problem in many countries around the world
- used in some countries but is forbidden in Persia
- when a child is being used to do work of an adult for less pay
* makes poor countries remain poor.
* manifestation of desperation rather than child abuse.
* pan-Asian problem.
* problem in rural areas.
* refers to hazardous and exploitative labor.
* remains the most formidable obstacle to education for children in low-income countries.
* result of a failure to protect young ones from exploitation.
* serious and growing problem in many parts of the world today, including Bangladesh.
* vicious cycle, a curse that passes from generation to generation
* widespread, growing problem in the developing world.<|endoftext|>### activity | labor:
Division of labor
* affects the positions of men and women within the economic sphere.
* allows individual workers more ability to perform a job.
* applies to the freedom movement, too.
* begins within the family.
* can result in overspecialization.
* implies specialization of economic activity.
* is determined simply by who is more talented in each particular task
- extreme among the bees
- for the good of everyone
* refers to assigning different workers to different tasks.
* starts very young.
* Drudgeries are labor.
* is labor
* Most exertion creates heat.
* can cause the dead worms to dislodge, travel to the lungs, and cause death
- lead to sweatiness
* has effects.
* is always like riding a horse
- part of recreation
- the feature which enables discrimination by breaking wholes into parts
- typically when lifting, curling or pushing weight
* quickly brings on difficulty in swallowing, chewing, and talking.
* uses up calories and creates perspiration which wastes body fluids. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | labor | exertion:
* Difficulties are opportunities to better things
- the things that show what men are
- can occur when yeast overgrows the normal bacterial flora in food or the human body
* affects accuracy
- dogs
* breathing through the nose can also worsen snoring
* cans have impact
- significant impact
* causes problems
- significant problems
* depends on movement.
* falling asleep is called sleep-onset insomnia
- usually due to anxiety
- or staying asleep is called insomnia
* getting off to sleep can be a sign of anxiety, as can waking in the night and bad dreams.
* initiating and maintaining sleep are common complaints in menopausal women.
* is conditions
- effort
- quality
* leads to deterioration.
* losing weight can be a sign of hypothyroidism.
* making sense to others symptom of the acute phase of the illness.
* meeting academic responsibilities is one of the most common consequences of alcohol use.
* paying attention is common in children with spina bifida in school and at home.
* poses problems.
* poses significant problems
- technical problems
* producing alpha activity is associated with sleep onset insomnia.
* refers to how, overall, challenging a game is.
* relating to peers - autistic children have difficulty playing with other children.
* seeing at night is often an early symptom of the disease.
* sleeping at night represents only part of the picture in patients with insomnia.
* speaking English is associated with dropping out of school.
* staying asleep is termed sleep maintenance insomnia.<|endoftext|>### activity | labor | exertion | difficulty:
* Some bitches have a prominant mound of raised tissue around the urethral orifice.
* are canines
- difficulty
- distinctly feminine, but without weakness of substance or structure
- female dogs
- hangers on who receive money and goods in exchange for sexual services
- magazines
- notorious for dropping their coats after a season and they can develop bald patches
- slightly smaller, lighter in build, more feminine
- smaller than dogs
* can transfer the disease to any live offspring.
* euphemism for a strong woman.
* have continuous litters, one after the another
- identical characteristics as males but less pronounced
- normal vaginal flora, which has been described
* having a false pregnancy are capable of nursing a litter of puppies.
* is difficulty
* naturally have more ammonia in their urine than dogs, that's what burns the grass.
* normally eat the feces of their newborn puppies.
* react differently at different times of the year due to their heat cycle.
* tend to be smaller than dogs
- somewhat smaller than the males
* weigh less than dogs.
* whelp easily and pups are robust.
Breathing difficulty
* Breathing difficulties are common immediately after birth and during the first few hours of life.
* Breathing difficulties can be a life threatening emergency
- occur in any age group or population
- occur, resulting from neuromyotonic activity of the laryngeal muscles
* is almost always a medical emergency.
Hard time
* are about losing spirit, and hope, and what happens when dreams dry up.
* can fall on anyone as a result of a job loss, illness or fire
- make people do bad things, even to steal from a young boy
* increase public demand for parks that families can visit for free.
### activity | labor | exertion | difficulty | pitfall:
Pitfall trap
* are successful in catching insects that crawl along the ground
- useful for catching ground dwelling insects and can also be baited
* can fill with water or become completely dry.
Physical exertion
* can cause a guinea pig to breathe fast.
* good way to deal with anger or frustration about the situation.
* has effects.
* helps build up strength in the heart and lungs
- reduce anxiety
* increases perfusion to the lungs.
* is effort | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | labor | exertion:
* Most workouts increase testosterone levels.
* contain proteins.
* have routine.
* increase levels
* require energy.
### activity | labor | exertion | workout:
* Most conditioners contain proteins
- wheat proteins
* Some conditioners help diseases
- mold growth
* are coachs
- in a class of cationic surfactants
- softeners
* attack the hair in order to restore lost emollients and nutrients.
* help moisturize and prevent environmental damage.
* is an exercise
* make the hair smooth and soft , and they can also help to remove tangles.
* provide impact
- maximum impact
### activity | labor | exertion | workout | conditioner:
Hair conditioner
* Most hair conditioner works well as a moisturizer for hands and body.
* Most hair conditioners contain proteins
* are a basis for more complex inverted and three-dimensional motion.
* are known by various other names.
Farm labor
* consists of long hours of fast-paced repetitive tasks, usually without breaks.
* is among the lowest paying occupations, even for adults.
Human labor
* is as rare as mules in Manhattan
- essential in every aspect of our lives
- one substitute for energy
- used to do that which the computer can do better
* major export and sizably accounts for the dollar earnings of the country.
* unique and very complex process.
* Most hunts take place at twilight when the temperature is coolest and there is little light.
* Some hunts work differently at different stages of cell growth.
* are clubs
- labor
- outdoor sports
- searchs
* is an online calendar that allows the web user to input important dates directly unto the page
* program for intruding into a connection, watching it and resetting it.
Joyful labor
* is quality labor.
* special quality which permeates all that it touches.
Labor force
* are labor.
* is labor
- measured by the number of workers normalized by private capital stock
* is the sum of employment and unemployment
- the number of employed and unemployed persons<|endoftext|>### activity | labor:
Organized labor
* constitutes the largest private purchaser of healthcare services in the nation.
* has the power to defend victims of injustice.
* is committed to pushing for higher minimum wages at the local and state level
- concerned that all peoples of the world benefit from the digital revolution
- the Democratic party on the ground
- vital to the well-being of our country, our families, and our communities
* makes a positive contribution to economic development.
* represents a small share of the workforce today.
* causes inflammation.
* consequence of success and a symptom of growth.
* depletes the brain as well as the body.
* fact of life in our society.
* implies that the shortage of workforce.
- linked to stress-related diseases and doubles the chance of death
- the chief occupational hazard for people who work from home
* leading cause of medical error. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | labor:
* Most predation affects mortality
- survival
* Most predation causes disturbances
- economic damage
- determines nest success
- drives evolution
- harms prey
- has negative effects
- occurs at night so it is particularly important to provide protection at that time
* Most predation occurs on eggs and nestlings while in the nest
- nesting females and hatchlings
- soon after eggs are laid
* Some predation accounts for death
- causes extinction
- contributes to nest success
- has important roles
- increases survival
- influences biology
- involves destruction
- leads to extinction
- limits growth
- prevents song thrushes
- reduces survival
* accounts for most of the nest mortality
- only a small percentage of doves lost
- variation
* appears to be the major cause of Sambar mortality.
* becomes more intense as population size increases.
* can affect life history.
* can be a strong agent of natural selection
- by other fish or by some adult and larval forms of insects
- either increase or decrease species diversity in a community
* can have far-reaching effects on biological communities
- many possible effects on the interrelations of populations
- result in the development of anti-predation strategies by prey populations
* causes damage
* causes enormous damage
* continues to be high until the turtles are big enough to avoid being swallowed.
* contributes to extinction.
* covers both carnivorous and herbivorous consumption.
* creates crises.
* dictates the flow of energythrough and ecosystem.
* enhances complexity in the evolution of electric fish signals.
* exerts a powerful influence on the life histories and population dynamics of prey.
* fact of life in the rainforest.
* has effects
- less effect on large caribou herds that it has on small herds
* has significant effects
* includes consumption.
* increases pressure.
* influences organisms at two ecological levels
- the fitness of both predators and prey
* is aggression
- also important but less so than in the Pacific
- among the most important biotic factors affecting benthic populations
* is an equal risk with one parent or two
- important component of a turkey's life cycle
* is an interaction between organisms in which one organism captures biomass from another
- in which one organism captures and feeds on another organism
- another important factor structuring fish assemblages
- higher in predator preferred habitat
* is important in biology because a
- controlling overpopulation of the prey species
- mainly by birds of prey such as owls and kites
* is one free-standing organism feeding on parts or all of a second organism
- of the fundamental natural laws
- only one of the reefs behavioral changes that occur at dusk
- part of the cycle
* is probably no more significant for flying squirrels than it is for other tree squirrels
- one of the most important causal factors driving many population cycles
- the chief factor in the tropics
- rare, but kittens are killed occasionally by coyotes, domestic dogs, hawks, and owls
- represented by birds
- severe during a trout's early life
* is the act of one organism catching and eating another
- best documented cause of early mortality, particularly for mobile species
- instinctive desire to chase and hunt prey
* is the main cause of nest failure
- driver of fear in prey because it can lead to death
- major cause of breeding failure at most sites in California
* is the most common cause of nest failure
- reason for nest-site abandonment
- name for one organism browsing to feed on another
- primary direct cause of mortality for the cottontail
- relationship between a predator and their prey
- usualy nocturnal and in or near water
- widespread and easy to observe
* key driving force in the evolution of camouflage.
* limits the growth of many moose populations in Alaska.
* major force of natural selection
- problem in years where habitat and food supply are lacking for the predators
* mays have effects
- little effects
* obviously affects the individ- ual organism that gets eaten.
* occurs when one organism captures or feeds on another organism
- kills and eats the other organism
* often causes heavy nest losses.
* only takes place when the predator needs to eat.
* part of that natural balance.
* plays crucial roles
- huge roles
- key roles
- major roles
- minor roles
- significant roles
* refers to the presence of predators while an animal is foraging.
* relationship that helps both parties.
* results in long periods of population near-stability
* seems to have little effect on squirrel populations.
* three-dimensional phenomenon. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | labor | predation:
Human predation
* Some human predation involves destruction.
* seems to have little to no effect on Sitka deer populations.
Raccoon predation
* plays roles
- significant roles
* results in predation.<|endoftext|>### activity | labor:
Preterm labor
* accounts for about two-thirds of low birth weight babies.
* associated with vaginal bleeding or rupture of the membranes is difficult to stop.
* can also cause vaginal bleeding
- lead to delivery of a premature baby
- result in neurologic handicaps and death of the infant
* is also highly likely for polyhydramnios
- common in multiple pregnancy and leading cause of preterm delivery
- different from incompetent cervix
- one of the leading causes of low birthweight and infant mortality
* major cause of preterm delivery.
Prison labor
* has a rich history in the United States.
* is slave labor at worst and coerced cooperation at best
- the ultimate flexible and disciplined workforce
Wage labor
* dominates society.
* is seen as a transitory phase, rather than as a life sentence.
* rests exclusively on competition between the laborers.
Leisure activity
* Leisure activities abound in every form of sport, from snorkeling and diving to fishing and surfing.
* Leisure activities are a significant component of elderly patient's lives
- fundamental to a community's health and welfare
- positive, life-affirming ways to stay involved and relieve stress
Less activity
* can further decrease in calorie needs.
* is seen in older thrombi as they contain predominantly fibrin and entrapped red cells.
* are wrongdoing.
* broad term encompassing many professions.
* is an activity
- ugly word for both patients and doctors
- another word for professional negligence
- the legal term for negligence by any licensed professional
* occurs when a patient suffers an injury as a result of negligence.
* species of negligence.
* subset of negligence.
* type of negligence.
* widely discussed type of lawsuit.<|endoftext|>### activity | malpractice:
Medical malpractice
* can lead to tragic results for individuals and families.
* claims in all fields of medical, surgical, obstetrical and psychiatric care.
* commonly used term for negligence.
* family experience.
* highly specialized field of law.
* is another cause of catastrophic personal injury
- just ordinary negligence by a healthcare provider which causes injury
- negligence committed by a medical professional
- the leading cause of accidental death
* occurs when the physician breaches or violates the standard of care.
* state common law claim.
* widespread and serious problem in our society. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity:
* All markets work based on the principle of supply and demand.
* Many markets have seasonal price patterns that occur over and over each year
- use limits which stop prices fluctuating too much as a way to control price volatility
* Some markets accept plastics in granulated form
- contribute to agricultural improvement
- depend on geographies
- sell powdered borax as a laundry additive
* activate every place in which they occur.
* affect income distribution.
* allocate goods and services.
* also embody, often in a desirable way, the values held by our society.
* are a key indicator of economic health
- major potential source of infection from food and water-borne diseases
- natural outgrowth of human civilization
- source of beef, pork or goat for the local population
- always systems of economic transaction as well as of symbolic exchange
* are among the most complex systems ever studied
- oldest social institutions known to man
* are an image of the world
- integral part of the trade structure for wildlife medicinals in most countries
- as much about people as they are about food
- capable of target audiences
* are central institutions of a modern society
- to the workings of our economies
- chaotic systems, and chaotic systems always have more than one solution
- classes
- conversations - literally people talking
- conversations, whether they consist of one person or ten million people
- divided according to diseases
- dynamic systems, that are constantly effected by the actions of the market players
- environments
- full of many kinds of foodstuffs
- industries
* are located in cities
- rural areas
- supermarkets
- towns
- villages
- locations
- men's business, from very young boys to very old codgers
- neither the first nor the last word in human development
- places where perceptions of value are matched to create trade
- powerful tools which play an important role in protecting consumers and producers
- purely instrumental means for the efficient allocation of resources
- sets of products purchased by a common set of online consumers
* are the arenas in which the unknown, risk, is converted to certainty, return
- most effective means of meeting consumers' needs and maintaining a robust economy
- primary means of economic interaction among the earth's inhabitants
- result of interaction between supply and demand
* are used for exchangings
- shopping
- trading
* are usually a good way to organize economic activity
- good for the organisation of economic life
* based transactions are short term in nature between highly autonomous agents.
* become forces.
* bring together people and products from around the world.
* caps change daily, as long as there change in stock price.
* carry a greater risk because the mixing of animals and people is less easily controlled.
* change over time
- rapidly today and companies regularly change hands or exchange corporate cultures
* change, inflation rises, and recessions are a fact of life.
* consist of maid services
- people with money to spend
* coordinate interactions, as does customary law.
* deliver growth.
* determine environmental outcomes
* develop products to satisfy people's tastes or needs according to their ability to pay.
* do react to the waves in the earth's electric field, as manipulated by the planets.
* drive investments.
* exist in all cultures
- when buyers and sellers interact
* feature goods.
* find prices or express values through people expressing their desires or appetites.
* flourish efficiently because information flows freely.
* focus on areas.
* go up and down in cycles which have a wave-like motion.
* have characteristics
- levels
- niches
- protocols
* include sales.
* includes business activities.
* indices Indicators for stock, bond, futures, and options markets.
* interrelationships, exchange, production, reproduction, as social processes.
* is the mother of all business
- oldest and the largest financial market in the world
* last for years.
* move in cycles.
* offer growth potential.
* offer high growth potential
- job opportunity
- types
* orders A market order is an instruction to buy or sell at the best possible price.
* promote growth
- hair growth
* provide a natural mechanism for scheduling tasks and allocating resources
- conditions
- coverage
- economic opportunity
* provide excellent market opportunity
- ideal conditions
* reflect cost
- true cost
* represent alternatives.
* result in events.
* see products.
* shape the distribution of power, policy choices and the institutions of governance.
* show growth.
* tend to operate in spite of differences in ideology
- toward balance between supply and demand and imbalance between supply and demand
* use the price to ration scarce commodities.
* vanish, currencies fail, governments fall, and unemployment and the misery of the poor grow.
* vary in terms of prices, growth rates, competition, and other factors.
* work because entrepreneurs spot opportunities to get rich
- by receiving, processing and refining information in a never-ending cycle
- on information
+ Economics, General economic rules
* Markets are usually good for the organisation of economic life. In the free market, goods will be shared by people and companies making small decisions.
+ Soba: Noodles
* In Japan, soba noodles are served in a variety of situations. They are a popular inexpensive fast food at train stations throughout Japan, they are served by exclusive and expensive specialty restaurants, and they are also made at home. Markets sell dried noodles and 'men-tsuyu', or instant noodle broth, to make home preparation easy. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity:
Market place
* affects the firms to adapt to changing consumer desires.
* are a bourse for the exchange of goods, and information of all kind.
* is an activity
### activity | market:
Bear market
* are a process of confidence destruction
- markets
- the absolute worst periods to get greedy
* occur when the previous quarter's intraday low is breached.
* reflect the purging of excesses created in the previous boom times.<|endoftext|>### activity | market:
Black market
* are markets.
* develop when desirable products are outlawed.
* The 'black market' is the trade of goods illegally. Black markets opeate outside the normal ecocomy. The black market is different from the so-called Grey market, where goods are traded legally, but outside the common channels. Goods and services traded on the black market include drug and arms trafficking as well as prostitution. In some casess, the goods or services are cheaper than on the normal market, because taxes or production costs do not need to be paid - very often the goods traded were stolen. In other cases, the price on the black market is higher, because the goods are difficult to get, producing or handling them may be dangerous. Some drugs are illegal to produce, their price on the black market is often higher than the production costs.
* is illegal trade in goods or money.
Bond market
* are concerned with the pace of economic growth and inflation
* tend to move in cycles, with periods when prices rise and other periods when they fall
- rally when the stock market is selling off
Capital market
* allocate resources between stand alone, single-product firms.
* are also a critical way of integrating Africa into the world economy
- global
* controls discourage foreign investment.
Competitive market
* are markets with many buyers and sellers.
* can lead to efficient operations in both the public and private sector.
* enable small firms to grow.
* facilitate entrepreneurship, innovation and economic progress.
* harmonize individual self-interest with social good.
* work for all consumers by keeping prices down, but only with adequate supplies.
Currency market
* are the single most powerful economic force today.
* can also affect returns.
* exist in the form of spot, forward, futures and options markets.
Economic market
* create wealth since both parties benefit from the trade.
* feature mutually beneficial trade between two parties.
* function in an ex ante world that rewards the honest revelation of preferences.
* have their own intelligence.
Efficient market
* are markets in which information is reflected rapidly into asset prices.
* show linear behavior that can be described with calculus and statistics.
Farmers market
* are a low-cost, local and tangible response to farmers woes and consumers worries
- place where farmers sell what they grow
- also good places to buy fresh carrots
* revive market towns and run-down urban centres. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | market:
Financial market
* All financial markets are belief systems.
* Describe the basic function of financial markets.
* are also vulnerable to a downward spiral of expectations
- bigger and smarter than government plans or planners
- increasingly global
- insurance markets
- usually concerned whether economic indicators are below or above expectations
* assess the firm and are used by the firm to obtain resources.
* begin operating in euros.
* can be at sub-optimal equilibria
- volatile and often unpredictable
* constitute the financial environment in which the firm operates.
* enable firms to raise funds for their capital investments.
* generate prices whenever securities are bought or sold.
* interpret rising consumer confidence as a precursor to higher consumer spending.
* move at high speed.
* operate at equilibrium, with few arbitrage opportunities present.
* price the cashflows of companies and securities.
* put enormous pressure on corporations to disinvest low profit centers.
* reward their participants for taking on increased risks with greater profits.
* seem to follow long term cyclic patterns, probably based on mass psychology.
* tend to view a complex banking organization as a single economic unit.<|endoftext|>### activity | market:
Free market
* allow people to purchase the media content they want.
* are blind to gender, race, class or religion
- ideals
- now the main arbiter for the allocation of resources in Egypt
* are the economic system of free individuals, and they are necessary to create wealth
- enemy of the environment
- key to our nation's long-term prosperity in agriculture
- wave of the future
* help create free minds.
* insure that supply and demand are evenly matched, preventing shortages.
* kill people at least as much as drugs do.
* mean more opportunity for everyone, regardless of race, creed, color, or gender.
* protect the poor from the prolonged abuses of cartels.
* provide choice for the incentives to innovate, and the economy to grow.
* work when rules provide a measure of predictability and accountability.
Global market
* are another factor contributing to the contemporary interest in political science.
* can help the rural poor.
* enable buyers of labour to move employment from one place to another.
* mean that all sectors have to adapt to compete in the future.
* means internationalization of risks.
International market
* are an increasing source for exports.
* help businesses grow.
* require relationships to be built on trust first, before trade begins.
Labor market
* are markets.
* is worldwide from point of view of multinational corporations.
* remain tight in almost all areas and sectors.
* tend to be regionalized and fragmented.
* vary from job to job.
Market demand
* drives the destruction of Canada's and the world's remaining old growth forests.
* is stationary over time
- the horizontal sum of the individual market demands
* is the sum of all the individual demand curves
- the demands of all individuals within the marketplace
* represents the preferences of manure buyers. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | market:
Market research
* basic tool in corporate marketing.
* defines the business in terms of customer needs and wants.
* determines how to obtain the very best position in a crowded marketplace.
* does consume time.
* helps identify potential customers for a given product or service line.
* identifies the price and quality relationship customers perceive to be important.
* involves desk and field research.
* is about finding truths and dispelling myths
- any organized effort to gather information about target markets or customers
- at the heart of consumer behavior
- often the difference between succeeding and failing miserably
- one of the key factors used in maintaining competitiveness over competitors
- that branch of marketing concerned with finding out why and how
* is the bridge between producer and client and also assists innovation
- means to discovery
- used in order to determine what type of product to produce
* minimizes the risk of doing business.
* proves that the longer an individual stays in the store, the more money they spend.
* way for big companies and advertising agencies to stay in touch with consumers
- of getting an overview of consumers' wants, needs and beliefs<|endoftext|>### activity | market:
Market risk
* affects the cost of raising equity.
* arises due to movements in market variables such as interest rates and exchange rates.
* deals with both purchased inputs and sale of farm products.
* is general fluctuations in the economy that can increase or decrease returns on stocks
- set to decrease, especially with regard to foreign exchange and interest rate risk
* is the possibility of losing money because of a market deadline
- because of a market decline
- loss due to changing market values
- random variability inherent in a farm's production process
* is the risk contribution of a project to a well-diversified portfolio
- of adverse movements in the prices of inputs and products
* refers to the tendency of a stock to move with the general stock market.
Mass market
* have the same intelligence as germ populations.
* means low prices, so that more compute cycles can be purchased for less money.
Money market
* accounts Money market accounts are savings accounts offered by banks and credit unions.
* are markets for a. Foreign currency exchange
- the lifeblood of most of the financial systems<|endoftext|>### activity | market:
* game that mimics business transactions.
* is about buying and selling property
- an issue whenever there scarce resource controlled by a small number of entities
* is one cause of market failure
- of the oldest and most popular board games
* is the best selling board game in the world
- natural opposite of competition
- transition from capitalism to a higher system
+ Monopoly (game), Uses for Monopoly: Board games
* Monopoly teaches children a variety of lessons while having fun. It teaches how to make deal when trading properties, playing fair because cheaters never win, the value of money, addition and subtraction, good sportsmanship, the thrill of competition, strategies, and organizations. Parents, Board Games, and Mathematical Learning. Teaching Children Mathematic, Feb 28. It allows children to explore different ways of counting. Children can also learn, not only about adding and subtracting, but probability, percentages, and patterns.
### activity | market | monopoly:
Natural monopoly
* Natural monopolies are typically utilities such as water, electricity, and natural gas.
* case of an efficiency form of market failure. | {
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} |
### activity | market:
* Oligopolies also lead to innovation with standardization.
* Oligopolies are industries in which only a handful of sellers exist
- markets
- create fewer choices for a consumer
* is big business - markets that contain only a small number of relatively large firms
- common in Western economies today.
* In economics, an 'oligopoly' is when a market is controlled by a small number of sellers. Very often, there are only three or four of them. Oligopolies are very common. The main feature of the oligopoly is that a decision made by one market player influences the whole market<|endoftext|>### activity | market:
Open market
* are a two-way street
- an important driver of economic growth internationally
- essential for economies to trade their way out of difficulty
- obviously the key to economic growth and economic expansion
- the key to global competitiveness
* attract and stimulate trade and investment.
* can lead either to diverse competition or to concentration of ownership
- play an important role in lifting billions of people out of abject poverty
* create jobs, spark innovation, spread new technology, and raise incomes.
* feature goods.
* help to create the resources needed to protect the environment.
* increase market efficiency and encourage innovation.
* introduce sellers from one part of the world to buyers in another.
* lead to open minds.
* provide the opportunity for economic growth and the enormous benefits from it.
* serve to enable global trade.
* speed up the transfer of information and actually cushion the impact of change.
Secondary market
* are companies that buy loans from lenders.
* consist of the exchange of previously issued securities.
* refers to securities that are bought and sold following their original issue
- the buying and selling of securities already issued
* also vary in how they process transactions.
* are shopping centers.
* come in many shapes and sizes.
* exist where items are bartered or exchanged.
* is an activity
### activity | marketplace:
Flea market
* are a fast way for thieves to sell their ill-gotten goods
- another area where money can be made
* take place all over the world. | {
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} |
### activity | marketplace:
Grocery store
* Many grocery stores accept plastic grocery bags for recycling
- carry an assortment of frozen products
- do accept plastic bags for recycling
* Many grocery stores have a wide selection of alcoholic beverages
- plastic bag recycling programs
- receptacles for recycling plastic grocery bags
- special club cards for consumers to use for discounts
- participate in the recycling of used plastic grocery bags
- place the products that make the most profit at eye level
- sell pharmacy items and other miscellaneous items in addition to food
* Most grocery stores carry blue bags
- fresh peas year round
- more than just food
- have collection bins for grocery bags
* Most grocery stores have the common types of wood like hickory and mesquite
- meats labeled as to how much fat is in the meat
- sell parsnips that have been coated in wax, like rutabagas often are
* Some grocery stores are small community stores with a limited range of items
- carry soaps, detergents, milk, foods and other items in refillable containers
- deliver groceries to an older person's home for a small fee
- sell paraffin as a sealant for home canning
* are also a targeted industry because of the large population of employees
- empty of milk and other necessities
* are located in cities
- neighborhoods
- streets
- strip malls
- towns
- marketplaces
- retail stores
* are used for conveniences
- gossiping
- usually the most expensive source of purchasing food
* can promote a variety of healthful foods for customers.
* have cash registers.
* post sensors at exits and use surveillance cameras and store guards.
* sell food
- mate thermoses and mate gourds
* use scents to trigger purchases.
+ Supermarket, Grocery Store, Types of grocery stores: Buildings and structures :: Food and drink
* There are a range of different types and sizes of grocery stores. Some grocery stores are small community stores with a limited range of items. Other grocery stores are large stores with a vast selection of food and household items. In some cases, a grocery store is part of a larger general merchandise store such as Walmart, which also sells clothes, hardware, and other items.
* are marketplaces.
* sell traditional Emirate leather goods, gold, brass and silverware. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity:
* Some measurements measure light intensity.
* Maybe I am too far removed from school mathematics. Measurements are an application of mathematics, for example in trigonometry. Units are often given to give a lesson more a practical feel. They are rarely necessary. Of course you can integrate over Amperes or Pints, but that doesn't make them a mathematical topic. That is just my opinion of course.
* are activities
- daily mean values in units of cfs
- fundamental to many of the disciplines which make up mechanical engineering
- literally the difference between life and death
- outside dimensions in inches and centimeters
- the raw data gathered from comparing an entity to a standard
* become science.
* confirm existence
- ideas
- predictions
* cover optical wavelengths from the ultraviolet, through the visible, to the infrared.
* covers everything from metric units to measuring angles.
* dimension, quantity, or capacity determined by comparison to a standard unit.
* discipline that requires both effort and financial investment.
* give information
- specific information
* have degrees
- negative values
- results
- spatial information
- uncertainty
* helps describe our world using numbers.
* indicate differences.
* involve relative size
* involves the application of number, spatial, and other qualities of objects and events.
* is an activity
- which has served human purposes for thousands of years
- important way for young children to look for relationships in the real world
- central to physics and nearly all discoveries involve experiment
- certainly a major contribution of math to the many areas of science
- fundamental to science and technology
* is made by the number of grains per cubic foot of gas emitted
- under everyday conditions
- one of the most widely used applications of mathematics
- the 'fencing in' of the value of a number
* is the assignment of numbers to things
- numerals to a system according to a set of rules
- basis to create and maintain metrics
- breaking up of a quantum of energy into equal units
- collection of quantitative data
- discovery and estimation of such ratios
- essence of any practice that seeks to improve productivity
- interpretation of a test score
- rules for assigning numbers to objects to represent quantities of attributes
- time in seconds
- used in some form in almost every profession
* made of shadows can trace the path of the sun during the day.
* natural extension of matching and estimating.
* provide circumstantial evidence
* refers to what items to include or emphasize in the financial reports.
* reflect permeability values
* reflecting phytoplankton dynamics are extremely important in characterizing lakes.
* relate to growth.
* represent actual measurement of body
* research step related to sampling and the estimates derived from it.
* serve science.
* show accuracy
- amounts
- density
- deviation
- patterns
- ranges
- same amounts
- variation
* support conclusions.
* tool for social action.
* use instruments
- laws
- techniques
* way of quantifying a comparison to a standard.
### activity | measurement:
* can document and measure hearing loss and the nature of it.
* usually demonstrates conductive hearing loss.
* Bathymetries are measurements.
* is in meters
- sort of an oceanographer's hydrography
* is the art and science of mapping the ocean floor
- mapping and study of the topography of the ocean floor
- measurement of water depth at various places in a body of water
- study of ocean depth
* term used to describe the topography, or contour, of the ocean floor. | {
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} |
### activity | measurement:
* Calorimetries are measurements.
* is the empirical basis of the idea of quantity of heat transferred in a process
- quantification of the heat released from metabolism
- science of measuring heat
- study of heat
* seems be the safe method to see the excess energy if there is any.
* technique that measures the heat evolved or absorbed during some process
- which measures heat changes by monitoring temperature changes
Colorimetric analysis
* qualitative analysis
* recognized method for reliable testing of water samples.
### activity | measurement | densitometry:
Bone densitometry
* involves an extremely small dose of radiation.
* is an X-ray like test that quickly and accurately measures the density of bone
- instant snapshot of bone status
* is the most accurate clinical predictor of osteoporosis
- test for predicting and diagnosing osteoporosis
- used to determine osteoporosis in post menopausal women
* measures the calcium content of the bones, a rough measure of bone thickness.
Field measurement
* have negative values
* use laws.
Mass measurement
* are independent of changes in density and temperature.
* provide an essential link to theoretical models of galaxy formation and evolution.
Performance measurement
* begins when the leaders of an organization determine their strategic focus.
* encompasses an assessment of how effectively issues are reported.
* is an integral part of healthcare
- of the results, outcomes, and efficiency of services or programmes
* is the linchpin of the value capture process
- process corporations use to determine how well they re doing
* type of evaluation that is used in many industries.
* Photometries are measurements.
* tries to even the field to help one see the planet directly.
* is achieved by measuring the release of radiolabelled galactose
- an important step in understanding and managing complex processes
- restrictions
* refers to a tendency to emphasize quantity rather than quality.
* ubiquitous phenomenon, both in logic and language.
Quantitative analysis
* Quantitative analyses consist of observations.
* are chemical analysises
* fundamental part of understanding and managing ecological systems.
* has the general purpose of summarising and relating data.
* is important in physiology and medicine
- used to maximize profit and minimize risk
* qualitative analysis
* uses analytic reasoning and logical models.
Radiation measurement
* are at normal background levels above ground, at the surface.
* give information
- specific information<|endoftext|>### activity | measurement:
* can involve activities such as asking people questions during structured interviews.
* dynamic process of people taking measurements of an ever-changing world.
* is discussed as a particularly important type of subscientific mathematics
- real world application of trigonometry
* is one of many educational strategies that teachers can use to elicit ideas
- the most accurate methods of data capture
- the measurement of the physical characteristics of a parcel of land
* wide and varied field.
+ Parsec: Astronomical distances :: Units of length
* Surveying provides an everyday example of parallax. Go outside and look at a distant object. Hold your hand out with one finger raised and close one eye. Then close that eye and open the other without moving your arm. Now, move your finger to block that eye's line of sight. The two positions your finger was at can be used to find the distance from the object.
Temperature measurement
* are also a necessary step in determining the masses of the clusters
- good examples of interval scales
* critical variable for microwave power control and recipe conformance.
* define the depth of the thermocline. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | measurement:
* Many tests support the safety of drinking water containing a small amount of chlorine.
* Most tests measure average blood glucose levels
- growth hormone blood
- how a child performs compared to other children
* Most tests show blood glucose levels
- high blood glucose levels
* Some tests also focus on detecting pathology, such as paranoia, depression, or alcohol abuse
- are designed to measure the smallest amount of odor that someone can detect
- can actually help to prevent the development of disease
* Some tests detect hormones
- pregnancy as early as the first day of a missed period
- proteins
- help breast cancer
* Some tests measure hormones
- oxygen carbon dioxide
- rely on enzymes, which are sensitive to heat as well as the usual material interactions
* allow detection
- identification
* are attempts
- covering
* are designed by north carolina teachers
- located in laboratories
- standardized procedures for measuring a sample of behavior
* are the basis for judging a child's intelligence
- traditionally used instruments for measuring the development of cognitive skills
- ways to see how the body is working
- wrestlers
* can have results
- several possible results
* can measure beryllium in the urine and blood
- endrin in the blood or fat of people recently exposed
* confirm diagnoses
- suspicion
* consist of samples.
* contribute to assessments
- diagnosis treatments
* demand techniques.
* demonstrate knowledge
- presence
* determine insulin levels
- requirements
* draw conclusions.
* drive development.
* enable physicians.
* evaluate absorption
- fat absorption
* exist to measure asbestos fibers in urine, feces, mucus, or material rinsed out of the lung.
* explain results
- test results
* focus on features.
* follow methods.
* give evidence
* have advantage
- benefits
- details
- limitations
- reputations
- rules
- steps
- sufficient details
- utilities
* help causes
- conditions
- serious conditions
- specific conditions
- students
* include additional blood tests
- effects
* indicate antibodies
- capability
- characters
- differences
- genetic variation
- potential benefits
- responses
* involve analyses
- follow steps
- situations
* is an experiment
* lead to diagnoses.
* measure ability
- amounts
- capacity
- exact amounts
- functions
- thyroid levels
* perform in laboratories
- trials
* produce mix results
- negative results
- oxygen demand results
* prove ability.
* provide accurate classifications
- answers
* provide different habitat types
- ecological information
- effective techniques
- frameworks
- guidelines
- insight
- proof
- useful information
* provide valuable ecological information
* reflect functions
- renal functions
* relate to gravity.
* require analyses
- decisions
- definition
- different skills
- drug test results
- further investigations
- inspections
- precise measurements
- quick decisions
- urine samples
* result in reaction
- type skin reaction
* reveal answers
- decline kidney functions
- deficiencies
- exist health problems
- follow conditions
- liver problems
- symptoms
- truth
- versions
* show activities
- calcium levels
- estrogens
- exposure
- frictional properties
* show high blood glucose levels
- hormone levels
- improvement
* show low calcium levels
- mercury levels
* show normal functions
- potency
* show significant differences
- steady improvement
- subtle differences
- that birds do learn what to eat by sampling when they are young
* stems of plants.
* support observations.
* taking skills are important for success in college.
* to detect abnormalities
- infection
- thymus gland abnormalities
* to evaluate effects
- gland functions
* to evaluate pituitary functions
- measure levels
* use analyses
- approaches
- blood samples
- crude instruments
- experimental approaches
- fecal samples
- formulae
- iodine solutions
- letters
- needles
- numbers
- small samples
- such instruments
* yield additional information
- positive results
- same results
- similar results
+ Medical diagnosis: Medicine
* A 'medical diagnosis' is when a doctor finds out what is making someone sick. Sometimes doctors can diagnose a sickness by asking the person questions and looking at the person's body. Sometimes doctors do 'tests'. Tests can mean taking a small bit of blood, urine, or tissue which is sent to a hospital laboratory where it is tested. X-rays are another form of test. Tests are ways to see how the body is working.
* Tests edits comming.
+ Mimicry, Signalling, Müllerian mimicry
* Tests show that birds do learn what to eat by sampling when they are young. All aspects of this situation have been the subject of research. Field and experimental work on these ideas continues to this day. Mallet, James 2001. J Evolutionary Biology' '14', 887-8.Mallet J. and Joron M. 1999.
* Along with the colour and behaviour often goes the foul smell of their chemical weapons. Noxious caterpillars often have thick, leathery cuticles which help them to resist young birds making a 'test'. When the bird takes a peck, disgusting fluid seeps out from special glands on its back. Kegan Paul, London. All in all, the predator is given good warning. Tests show that warning colours definitely do deter predators
- Warning colouration: Ecology
+ Transplant (surgery): Surgery
* To keep this problem to a minimum, transplants are only done when surgeons are satisfied that the host and donor are a fairly close match. Tests are done to see how good a match the donor's organ of tissue is to the proposed host. | {
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} |
### activity | measurement | test:
Animal test
* are notoriously bad at picking up learning and behavioral problems.
* are very good predictors of human health effects
- reliable predictors of human effects
* provide evidence.
* show a tonic effect on veins.
* used to determine safe human exposure levels involve guesswork.
Antibody test
* Most antibody tests use blood samples.
* are helpful in measuring the incidence or spread of a disease.
* can have false positives
- sometimes be negative
* determine whether the man or woman produces antibodies to sperm.
Antigen test
* Some antigen tests use reaction.
* look for the presence of adult female worms.
Biochemical test
* are often inaccurate in the diagnosis of latent cases of porphyria.
* reveal conditions
- follow conditions
Chemical test
* are very important in identifying some species.
* indicate that the druse crystals in the stomium are calcium oxalate.
* show lower than normal levels of dopamine in that section of the brain.
* to measure levels.
* is also normally present in relatively large amounts in tendon.
* list of compilation albums.
Different test
* Many different tests exist to test for almost any type of chemical component in blood or urine.
+ Syphilis, Diagnosis, Blood tests: Sexually transmitted diseases
* Because a nontreponemal test might show a false positive, if this type of test says that a person has syphilis, this needs to be confirmed by a treponemal test. Different tests have to be used to figure out that a person has neurosyphilis.
Drug test
* are an attack on lifestyle choice under the guise of workplace performace
- very easy to beat especially if it ratio of testosterone to epitestosterone
* can identify alcohol, prescription drugs, and illegal drugs in a person s body
- reveal private details far beyond what substances a person chooses to ingest
* to detect presence.
Electrical test
* provide conditions.
* record the electrical impulses of the brain.
Field trial
* are contests
- trials
* demonstrate benefits
- improvement
* examine factors.
* provide better management information
Flame test
* can help distinguish one element from another by the color of the flame.
* is used in the identification of certain metals.<|endoftext|>### activity | measurement | test:
Genetic test
* Most genetic tests involve analyses.
* Some genetic tests focus on tests.
* Some genetic tests help diseases
- family members
* Some genetic tests show different genetic defects
* allow for faster and more accurate diagnosis.
* are blood tests that can show mistakes in the body's genes
- only ''crudely predictive'' of a propensity to certain diseases
* can have results
- several possible results
- help detect disorders
- provide people valuable information that can prevent the onset of illness
- reveal at-risk populations forspecific
* confirm diagnoses.
* indicate characters.
* look for specific gene alterations that are associated with disease.
* result from human genetics research.
* reveal answers
- deficiencies
- two subpopulations of turtles in that part of the Atlantic
* support observations.
Intelligence test
* are tests
- useful for diagnosing specific learning disabilities, it is thought
* is used to measure intelligence and mental ability quantitatively.
* measure a person's global capacity to cope with the environment.
Lab test
* confirm suspicion.
* reveal symptoms.
* show levels. | {
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} |
### activity | measurement | test:
Laboratory test
* Some laboratory tests can help determine the cause of dizziness and vertigo.
* are important in diagnosing conditions of the thyroid gland
- thyroid disease
- repetitive experiments, which can be conducted under controlled conditions
* can detect methoxychlor in blood, fat, semen, and breast milk
- identify shigellosis in the stools of an infected person
* can measure anabolic steroid breakdown products in the urine
- heptachlor and heptachlor epoxide following exposure to high levels
- pentachlorophenol in the blood, urine, and body tissues
- phenotypic and genotypic resistance
- provide useful information in the diagnosis of brain tumors
* determine the amount of some analyte that is present in a biological sample.
* have an adjunctive role in the evaluation of depressed patients
- shown ingestion of tobacco products causes brain tumors in mice
* help conditions
- specific conditions
* indicate benefits
- potential benefits
* play a vital role in the diagnosis and treatment of disease.
* reflect functions
- renal functions
* reveal abnormalities in the erythrocytes in the blood and in the bone marrow
- versions
- some cytokines inhibit development of coccidia parasites in the bird
- that mad deer disease can infect human brain tissue
Medical test
* can pinpoint the cause of fecal incontinence and help determine the course of therapy.
* determine physical fitness to do a job.
* are exams.
* are part of gestation
- terms
- points
Nuclear test
* are a sign of contempt for health and the environment.
* produce radioactive iodine as one of their many radioactive by-products.
Objective test
* can measure higher order mental processes such as analytical and reasoning skills.
* measure recall and some integration of facts, ideas, and concepts.
### activity | measurement | test | oral:
Oral acyclovir
* decreases new lesion formation and improves symptoms in first episode genital herpes.
* has limited effect on the resolution of recurrent herpes disease
- some side effects, but it appears to be safe in the short term
* is the preffered therapy.
Performance test
* are tasks that measure certain skills, like typing or entering computer data.
* yield results
- same results
Periodic test
* Some periodic tests help tumors.
* to evaluate functions.
Personality test
* Most personality tests assess differences within the normal range of personality.
* are one such measure of individual differences
- psychological tests
* look at the habitual ways that people act.
### activity | measurement | test | personality test:
Projective technique
* can play an important role in motivational research.
* personality test
Preliminary test
* allow detection.
* reveal versions.
* show activities
- difficulty
Prenatal test
* Many prenatal tests are for screening rather than diagnostic purposes.
* measure levels.
* show an increased likelihood of a problem with the baby.
Rapid test
* Some rapid tests detect proteins.
* exist for blood, urine, and saliva.
### activity | measurement | test | road test:
Test drive
* are drives
- human activities
* road test
Saliva test
* Most saliva tests show low estrogens.
* detects illegal drug use.
* show estrogens<|endoftext|>### activity | measurement | test:
Screening test
* allow prospective parents to determine whether they are carriers for genes.
* are examinations that check for health problems before they cause symptoms
- one of the most effective ways to prevent colorectal cancer
* can catch cancer early, when it's the most treatable.
* can detect and remove adenomatous polyps
- polyps, tiny growths that can become cancerous
- find polyps, tiny growths that can become cancer
* look for polyps so they can be removed, preventing cancer from developing.
* try to identify cancer before it causes symptoms. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | measurement | test:
Serologic test
* are currently the mainstay for syphilis diagnosis and management
- often falsely negative
* can be nonreactive among infants infected late during their mother's pregnancy.
Serological test
* are also available to detect the disease in live animals
- of limited value as many noninfected animals have titers from past infections
* exist for long-term infections.
Several test
* are important for an anemic cat because there are many diseases that cause anemia.
* exist for determining exposure to methylene chloride.
Simple blood test
* show blood glucose levels.
* show high blood glucose levels
Simple test
* Most simple tests show blood glucose levels
* detect presence.
* provide answers.<|endoftext|>### activity | measurement | test:
Soil test
* Most soil tests attempt to measure the readily available potassium.
* are helpful in determining the nutritional condition of the pasture soil
- simply a test that finds the contents of the soil
- the only reliable way to determine the status of available nutrients in a field
* can be advantageous in determining soil fertility and potential
- determine the levels of phosphorus and potassium in soils
- provide producers with information on levels of phosphorus in their soils
* determine levels.
* help farmers optimize their use of fertilizer and reduce the potential for runoff.
* indicate the amounts of nutrients in the soil which are available for crop growth.
* provide accurate classifications
- information on the availability of major fertilizer nutrients
* replace guesswork with science-based, land management information.
* reveal the nutrient levels are in the soil.
* show levels
- low levels<|endoftext|>### activity | measurement | test:
Standardized test
* affect children in other ways.
* are just one measure of a child's academic proficiency
- of the ways that school evaluate children's abilities
- objective tests that are usually created by commercial test publishers
- simply a way of identifying a method of testing all students universally
* can also drive curriculum and instruction in ways that harm children
- help teachers and administrators make decisions
* compare children s performance to the norm for their grade level.
* help improve education.
* play a profound role in shaping the destiny of many individuals.
Statistical test
* are a way to gauge how likely it is that the treatments are really different
- different from statistical measures
- probabilistic estimates
* indicate a positive association between chloropicrin dosage and mortality of rats.
Subsequent test
* confirm diagnoses.
* show improvement
- steady improvement
Tensile test
* are the most commonly made and among the simplest of all mechanical tests.
* produce a stress-strain diagram, which is used to determine tensile modulus.<|endoftext|>### activity | measurement | test:
Urine test
* Some urine tests confirm urinary infection
- have a patient void into a cup and discard the rest in the toilet
- require only a few ounces of urine
* are also the most common pregnancy test used in healthcare settings
- an invasion of privacy, but blood tests are an invasion of the body
* are available that measure the amount of plutonium in a person's body
- to detect aloes, senna alkaloids, and bisacodyl
- body searches, and they are an unprecedented invasion of privacy
- of many types
- really limited in that they only look for five to nine substances
- the standard way of checking for banned drugs
* can help diagnose kidney infections or pregnancy
- indicate kidney damage
* can reveal infections in the kidneys, the bladder, and the rest of the urinary tract
- the bladder, andthe rest of the urinary tract
* intrude on intimate bodily privacy.
* shows leucocytes and epithelial cells.
Time measurement
* are in hours for bacteria with short generation times.
* is used to derive the velocity of the liquid flow. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | measurement:
* are tests where a substance reacts with something else in specific proportion.
* common method of determining the amount or concentration of an unknown substance.
* procedure used for measuring the concentrations of substances in a solution.
* qualitative analysis
* is another method to measure myosin-actin binding in solution.
* sub-set of rheometry, devoted to measuring only the viscosity of a fluid.
Waist measurement
* correlates with abdominal fat and is used for the second measurement of obesity.
* is another way to estimate how much body fat a person has.
Weight measurement
* Most weight measurements are in kilograms or grams.
* is how much something weighs, in pounds and ounces.
Mental activity
* determines the moral qualities that people, often unwittingly, display.
* helps keep the brain in shape.
* is also extremely important when a person is ill
- as important as physical activity
- the supreme suffering
Meristematic activity
* can spread between the bundles so that the cambia become united.
* spreads laterally until the entire circumference of the organ is encompassed.
Metabolic activity
* Metabolic activities are done by organelles.
* Some metabolic activities produce warmth.
Microbial activity
* consumes the nitrogen and other contaminants in the wastewater.
* is affected by the carbon to nitrogen ratio of the organic waste
- predominate in soils
- very rapid and little organic matter accumulates in the soil
* occurs most rapidly in thin water films on the surface of organic materials
- on the surface of particles
Military operation
* is an activity
* occur in peace and war.
* take places.
* Much mimicry is based in color and visual pattern.
* is imitation.
### activity | mimicry:
Mullerian mimicry
* involves resemblances between different distasteful species.
* is when two insects that are BOTH unappealing to predators look the same.
* occurs when the mimic is also well-defended.<|endoftext|>### activity | mimicry:
Vavilovian mimicry
* is caused by unintentional selection by humans.
* occurs in plants where a weed comes to look like a crop plant.
+ Mimicry, Vavilovian mimicry: Ecology
* Vavilovian mimicry occurs in plants where a weed comes to look like a crop plant. It is named after Nikolai Vavilov, a Russian plant breeder who discovered the idea. Before herbicides, weeds were plucked by hand. This has been done for thousands of years. The weeds come to look like the crop because the weeders pick those weeds which look most different. Vavilovian mimicry is caused by unintentional selection by humans.
* Vavilovian mimicry occurs in plants where a weed comes to look like a crop plant. It is named after Nikolai Vavilov, a Russian plant breeder who discovered the idea. Before herbicides, weeds were plucked by hand. This has been done for thousands of years. The weeds come to look like the crop because the weeders pick those weeds which look most different. Vavilovian mimicry is caused by unintentional selection by humans. The weeds that survive pass on their genes. Gradually, all the weeds look more like the crop plant. The origin and geography of cultivated plants'. translated by Doris Love.
+ Nikolai Vavilov, Vavilovian mimicry: 1887 births :: 1943 deaths :: Evolutionary biologists :: Geneticists :: Russian botanists
* This is mimicry in plants where a weed comes to look like a crop plant. Before herbicides, weeds were plucked by hand. This has been done for thousands of years. The weeds come to look like the crop because the weeders pick those weeds which look most different. Vavilovian mimicry is caused by unintentional selection by humans. The weeds that survive pass on their genes. Gradually, all the weeds look more like the crop plant.
Moderate activity
* keeps heart and waistline in shape.
* reduces the risk of coronary heart disease. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity:
Muscular activity
* Some muscular activities generate heat.
* accounts for most of the body's energy consumption
- much of the body's energy consumption
* is highest in the acceleration phase.
* occurs as a result of the mind 'willing' an action.<|endoftext|>### activity:
* Some navigation uses angular measurements.
* challenge for blind and visually impaired users.
* has many dimensions in web design.
* is an equal opportunity employer committed to employing a team of diverse professionals
- direction
- important to the surfing community
- satellite navigation
- steering
- the holy grail of Web design
- transportation
- used for smaller webs that implement themes, or shared borders
* key element of space travel.
* leads to collisions.
* nonlinear process with multiple paths.
* way to plan the safest and most efficient course from one place to another.
### activity | navigation:
Celestial navigation
* Some celestial navigation uses angular measurements
* is navigation.
* makes possible voyages across thousands of miles of unmarked water
- voyages of a thousad miles in unmarked waters possible
* method used usually out in the open sea.
Satellite navigation
* can also help pilots to land planes safely, especially in poor weather.
* is on the horizon.
Neural activity
* is surely the basis of both behavioural capacity and mental states.
* predicts attitude change in cognitive dissonance.
Nocturnal activity
* Nocturnal activities have advantage
- distinct advantage
* enables species to avoid daytime extremes in temperature.
* Sounds that originate from a sound source behind a wall or door or other solitary object.
* are attacks
- positions
* is an attack
* occurs only to the extent that surfaces are opaque.
* refers to closure.
* remains the major untreated disease in dentistry.
### activity | occlusion:
* are blockages of blood vessels.
* can be life-threatening conditions.
* is an occlusion
- diseases
- part of calendars
- the killer, bends the injurer
- time intervals<|endoftext|>### activity | occlusion | embolism:
Pulmonary embolism
* can be difficult to detect
- fatal
* common cause of sudden death in perioperative brain tumor patients.
* frequent and potentially fatal disorder.
* is difficult to diagnose
- embolism
- lung diseases
- the most feared cause of chest pain when breathing
* occurs when a clot circulates and lodges in the lungs and can cause sudden death.
* refers to the presence of blood clots in the blood vessels of the lungs.
* requires immediate medical care.
* serious condition that requires immediate medical attention.
* very serious condition and one of the leading causes of sudden death.
Punctal occlusion
* acts very much like a stopper in a sink.
* can prolong the activity of artificial tears.
* is safe for women who develop dry-eye symptoms while taking oral contraceptives.
* minor surgery that closes the ducts that drain tears away from the eyes.
* are occlusions.
* is an obstruction of a blood vessel by a blood clot
- currently the leading cause of maternal mortality
* poses a significant risk of sudden incapacitation.
* remains a serious complication of mechanical heart valve prostheses.
### activity | occlusion | thromboembolism:
Pulmonary thromboembolism
* can lead to death
- occur secondary to hyperadrenocorticism and is often fatal
* commonly recognised disorder in human medicine. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | occlusion:
* blood clot that occurs in either a vein or an artery.
* can occur without history of umbilical catheter insertions, as in two of our patients
- predate the appearance of the myeloproliferative syndrome by months to years
* condition in which blood clots form and then move through the blood stream.
- blockage by a thrombus, or clot, that has built up on the wall of a brain artery
- illnesses
- known to be a complication of cancer and the treatment of cancer
* is the basis of a number of disorders
- formation of unnecessary blood clots inside blood vessels
- treated with anticoagulant drugs, such as heparin or coumadin
- when a blood clot forms
* major cause of life-threatening cardiovascular diseases.
* occurs most commonly in a sclerotic vessel with a narrow lumen or a calcified plaque
- frequently in blood vessels already compromised by atherosclerosis
* remains the leading cause of death in the United States.
* significant concern when artificial surfaces are implanted in contact with blood.
### activity | occlusion | thrombosis:
Cerebral thrombosis
* blood clot in an artery to the brain, which can cause a stroke.
* is managed as it is in other contexts
- the most common type of stroke
- thrombosis
Coronary thrombosis
* blood clot in the arteries supplying the heart.
* is thrombosis
Venous thrombosis
* can occur in healthy as well as sick individuals.
* is common and begins in mid-late teenage years.
* is the medical term for blood clots in the veins
- more common and increases the chance of paradoxical embolus
* occurs most frequently in the deep veins of the lower extremities
- often in the legs or pelvis
Vascular occlusion
* Most vascular occlusions are either thrombotic or embolic.
* can lead to ulcerations, necrosis and lipophagic granulomas.<|endoftext|>### activity:
* Many occupations have an increased risk for developing lung cancer
- professional organizations that promote, serve, and represent their members
- require people to be outdoors at least part of the time
* Some occupations have high unemployment rates
- require services to be performed off premises
- requiring work experience are supervisory or managerial occupations
* are activities
- social control
- time periods
* can lead to abuse of human rights and confiscation of property.
* characterizes the dignity and uniqueness of humanity.
* comes from the verb to occupy, to do.
* concrete term for continuity.
* depend on factors.
* develop communities of their own with unique language, customs, and folklore.
* do exist in which a person with a disability can find employment.
* have education requirements
- positive education requirements
- restrictions
* involve direct exposure
* is an activity
- rape on a national scale
* key indicator of socio-economic status.
* military word.
* refers to respondent's occupation
- tenancies where rent is paid to the owner of the property
* require workers.<|endoftext|>### activity:
* Some operations can also injure the nerves or blood vessels responsible for erections.
- data processing
- medical procedures
- processes
- specific tasks that define how a behavior is carried out within the system
- surgery
- the competitive application of military force to achieve the objectives of strategy
- transactions
* assess effects.
* change life.
* depend on actions.
* describes the core activity of any business.
* focus on products.
* have abnormal reaction
* include functions
* incorporate aeration technology
* involve materials
- solid materials
- toxic materials
- the management of the production of goods and services to be exchanged
- where services are delivered, where goods are produced and where most people work
* lead to consequences.
* receive attention
- close attention
* require better performance
- care
- expertise
- skills
- special care
- substances
* result in requirements.
* take places. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | operation:
* common operation in plastic surgery.
* cosmetic procedure.
* does have limitations.
* involves the surgical removal of excess fat and loose skin on the abdomen.
* is almost always cosmetic surgery
- done using a general anaesthetic
* removes excess skin, fat and tightens tummy muscles.
* results in a smaller waistline and a flatter tummy with greater muscle tone.
* usually takes three or four hours, depending on the extent of work required.<|endoftext|>### activity | operation:
* Most ablation occurs by calving or bottom melting of ice shelves.
* also occurs by calving where glaciers terminate along the shoreline.
* destroys the heart tissue that causes the arrhythmia.
* is also combined with a pacemaker to treat Atrial fibrillation
- an operation
- erosion
- local therapy that treats a tumor without removing it
- the technical term used to describe the removal of material from the donor sheet
- used to treat most PSVTs, atrial flutter, and some atrial and ventricular tachycardias
* natural and seasonal part of glacier life.
* process that includes sublimation and erosive wear of glacier ice.
### activity | operation | ablation:
Catheter ablation
* Most catheter ablations utilize radiofrequency energy to heat the tip of a special catheter.
* is an invasive procedure that takes three to five hours
- available to treat some arrhythmias
* is performed for a variety of arrhythmias
- in a catheterization laboratory with the patient under sedation
* cures acute cholecystitis and biliary colic in nearly all patients.
* is ablation<|endoftext|>### activity | operation | ablation | cholecystectomy:
Laparoscopic cholecystectomy
* can disseminate in-situ carcinoma of the gallbladder.
* involves a significant amount of bleeding within the surgical field.
* is cholecystectomy
* is now a common procedure in Japan
- the procedure of choice for symptomatic gallbladder disease
* new alternative procedure for gallbladder removal
- way of surgically removing the gallbladder
* relatively new alternative procedure for gallbladder removal.
* safe and effective treatment of gallbladder disease.
* uses several small incisions instead of one large one.
### activity | operation | ablation | endarterectomy:
Carotid endarterectomy
* can reduce the risk of stroke in selected patients.
* sounds like, and is, a big medical term.<|endoftext|>### activity | operation | ablation:
Endometrial ablation
* can frequently replace hysterectomy for the treatment of bleeding disorders.
* destroys the lining of the uterus to stop or reduce menstrual bleeding.
* first line option in surgical treatment.
* involves removal of the uterine lining by burning it away or by vaporizing it.
* is an outpatient procedure, allowing the patient to go home the same day
- performed in the operating room
* new method for treating heavy bleeding in younger patients.
* procedure which destroys the lining of the uterus.
* safe, effective alternative to hysterectomy.
* special operative hysterectomy for many patients.
* Hysterectomies are a very normal procedure, but they are an invasion of women's health
- the most common surgical procedure performed in the United States
* is ablation
- surgical treatments
Laser ablation
* is preferavle to cryotherapy on the cervix because of less potential stenosis.
* uses short pulses of high peak power to rapidly heat and vaporize a sample.
* Lumpectomies also require follow-up radiation
- are ablation
* entails removing only the cancerous tumor and surrounding lump of breast tissue.
* removes just the breast lump and is followed by radiation therapy
- only the breast lump and a surrounding margin of normal tissue
* relatively simple surgery that is usually performed as an outpatient procedure.
* routine surgical procedure that usually has no long-term complications. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | operation | ablation:
* affects monoamine innervation in primate prefrontal cortex.
* decreases urinary frequency in an animal model of intersticial cystitis.
* Pneumonectomies are ablation.
* is ablation
- the removal of an entire lung<|endoftext|>### activity | operation | ablation:
* Splenectomies are ablation
- can be beneficial for certain blood conditions
* appears to correlate with life-threatening and fatal cases.
* can be suggestive of spherocytosis.
* is ablation
- accepted as the treatment of choice in cases of spontaneous rupture of the spleen
- done in resistant cases since it major site of red blood cell destruction
- essentially curative
- the treatment of choice which results in prolonging the spherocytes life span
* reduces transfusions.
Surgical ablation
* is performed in an operating room under general anesthesia.
* major surgical procedure requiring general anesthesia.
* Vasectomies are ablation
- contraception
* blocks the vas deferens and keeps sperm out of the seminal fluid.
* causes impotence.
* creates sterility by blocking the egress of sperm from the testes.
* involves blocking the tubes through which sperm pass into the semen.
- surgical contraception
* Angioplasties are easier and safer than bypasses.
* is an operation<|endoftext|>### activity | operation | angioplasty:
Balloon angioplasty
* balloon tipped catheter to flatten plaque and increase blood flow.
* involves threading a catheter through an artery to the point of obstruction.
* is done by passing a thin tube, or catheter, into an artery in the groin
- the most common method for opening tight or closed coronary arteries
* method of opening up, or dilating, a partially blocked artery.
* popular treatment developed to treat atheroscierosis.
* simpler procedure than coronary bypass surgery.
Coronary angioplasty
* is one effective surgery used to open congested arteries
- method to treat atherosclerosis in the coronary arteries
* procedure that opens up coronary arteries that have become blocked.
Arithmetic operation
* Performs various arithmetic operations on big.
* is an operation
* use registers for operands.
- shown to relieve pain, but carries a risk for complications
* maintains stability and weightbearing of the first ray.
* refers to surgery performed on the great toe joint where the joint is fused.
### activity | operation | arthroscopy:
Knee arthroscopy
* is performed either under general or local anesthesia
- used basically in three ways
* provides an ever increasing role in the management of knee disorders.
Boolean operation
* allows generation of highly specific sets of atoms.
* are operations.
* method of combining two meshes together. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | operation:
* also eliminates breeding by undesirable males
- improves the taste and tenderness of beef
- is called gelding, cutting, or emasculating
* causes acute pain for calves.
- less traumatic for younger calves
- major surgery
- neutering
- one of the most common surgical procedures performed in equine medicine
- stated to favour uterine involution in the guinea-pig
- surgical removals
* is the destruction or removal of the testicles of the male
- medical term for neutering a male dog or cat
* is the treatment for testicular tumors
- of choice for cryptorchidism
* key component in domesticating a herding animal.
* leads to a change to a more normal urine odor.
* makes male animals less aggressive and easier to handle.
* markedly reduces aggression as well as urine spraying.
* prevents mating and unwanted behavior.
* protects against testicular cancer and prostate problems.
* reduces norepinephrine uptake activity in olfactory bulbs of male rats.
* relatively easy procedure to perform when calves are small.
* routine procedure if both testicles have descended in to the scrotum.
* simple surgical procedure that entails the removal of the cat's testes.
* usually prevents or stops inter-male fighting, particularly if both males are neutered.
### activity | operation | castration:
Chemical castration
* is an ideal punishment for sex offenders.
* seems to have gained in popularity among men.
* series of injections that decrease sexual drive.
* are medical procedures.
* can involve internal or external urine collection.
* is an operation
- considered the ''gold standard'' diagnostic test for heart disease
* keeps the bladder from leaking when it is distended or overfilled.
* refers to a situation where a sterile procedure is required.<|endoftext|>### activity | operation | catheterization:
Cardiac catheterization
* allows cardiologists to examine the heart for disease and abnormality.
* can determine if bypass surgery is needed
- help a doctor decide whether to recommend drug therapy or surgery
- replace open-heart surgery
* involves the use radiological equipment to diagnose heart disease.
* is performed for a variety of reasons
- to determine anatomy and function of the heart
- using a contrast material which has iodine in it
* is the best method for evaluating pulmonary vascular resistance
- same process as angiography, only no dye is used
* is used in the diagnosis of patients' cardiac condition
- to study the various functions of the heart
* specialized procedure to evaluate cardiac anatomy and function.
### activity | operation | cauterisation:
* destroys the abnormal skin by freezing.
* is cauterisation
* destroys abnormal tissue using heat, electricity or chemicals.
- human tissue
- most effective when the bleeding is coming from the very front part of the nose
- the process of killing the growth ring of the horn using heat
* prevents excessive bleeding.
* uses heat, electricity or chemicals to burn the abnormal tissue off the cervix.
* Cauteries are instruments
- operations
* coagulation of a polyp for ablation or to stop the bleeding.
- used to seal a wound in tissue, to collect a biopsy, or to perform an excision
* too does little to destroy complex disease.
Covert operation
* are military operations
* is an operation | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | operation:
* Cryosurgeries are operations.
* appears to have significantly lower local recurrence rates in high risk patients.
* can be safer, cheaper, less painful and more effective than scalpel surgery
- effectively remove warts
* destroys tissue by application of extreme cold in the form of liquid nitrogen.
* has a significantly lower rate of urinary and fecal incontinence
- much lower complication rates in radiation failures than radical prostatectomy
* involves freezing the prostate
- to remove excess or harmful tissue
- much less removal of the normal liver than traditional surgery
* involves the placement of a stainless steel probe into the center of the tumor
- same process, but the depth of freezing is much greater
* is an ablative treatment that destroys abnormal tissue by freezing
- painful and often requires multiple treatments
- the destruction of abnormal tissue using sub-zero temperatures
- used extensively for treatment of both primary and metastatic liver tumors
* is used for clinically well defined in situ tumors
- local control of the tumor and as an adjunct to hormone therapy
- utilized for solar keratoses, and well-defined basal and squamous cell carcinomas
- widely available in gynecologists' offices for the treatment of cervical neoplasias
* kills the cancer by freezing it.
* leaves little or no scar.
* method of killing tumor cells with extreme cold temperatures using liquid nitrogen.
* produces better results than podophyllin or trichloroacetic acid.
* surgical technique that uses liquid nitrogen to freeze the skin.
* technique that uses cold temperatures with cryoprobes to destroy prostatic tissue.
* treatment option that involves the freezing of tissue.
* type of surgery that kills the cancer by freezing it.
* uses ultrasonic monitoring to direct a cold probe into the liver tumor.
* utilizes extremely low temperatures to destroy abnormal tissue containing cancers.
* is an operation
* often fails to remove endometrial polyps because of the mobility of their body and tip.
- removal of the eye
- still the best treatment for large tumors
* is the removal of the eye from the orbit while preserving all other orbital structures
- treatment of choice
* remains the most frequent treatment for retinoblastoma.
* removes all of the eye's content and covering by detaching the eye muscles
- the entire eye
* has a higher precedence than multiplication or division.
* is an operation
* shorthand notation for repeated multiplication.
### activity | operation | exponentiation:
Modular exponentiation
* basic transformation of majority of public key cryptoalgorithms.
* mathematical operation that is at the heart of public-key cryptography.<|endoftext|>### activity | operation | eye surgery:
* can be very effective, particularly when combined with intraoperative laser treatment
- lead to complications, most commonly an increase in how fast cataracts develop
* is an outpatient surgery performed in the operating room under local anesthesia
- another surgical method to treat some types of retinal detachment
- eye surgery
* means to remove the vitreous humor.
* remains an operation performed only on eyes in which no other treatment is useful.
* removes the blood-filled vitreous and replaces it with a clear solution.
* when used for pathological conditions is frequently sight-saving.
* Refers to the placement of windows upon an elevation.
* are medical procedures
- placements
* rare congenital vascular anomaly in which the artery is divided into two channels.
* refers to an opening in a building to admit light or air.
* are descents
- failure
* is an operation
### activity | operation | gastrectomy:
Total gastrectomy
* Total gastrectomies mandate connecting the esophagus directly to the small intestine.
* means removal of the whole stomach. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | operation:
Geometric operation
* alter images based a geometric transformation.
* involve the computation of distance, areas, volumes, and directions.
### activity | operation | heart surgery:
Coronary bypass
* is heart surgery
* reroute the arteries around the restricted vessels.
Intestinal bypass
* is an operation
* requires detaching a large section from the center of the small intestine.
* Lipectomies are plastic surgery.
* is an entirely different procedure where an incision is made and the fat excised
- basically a cosmetic operation
* removes fat bulges, such as the orange peel-like fat bumps on the back of the thigh.
Logical operation
* are operations.
* is an operation
* provide a means of manipulating individual bits, or fields of bits within a word.
Major surgery
* Any major surgery puts stresses on the body, and changes the way the body functions normally.
* causes problems.
* includes invasion of a body cavity, the vascular system or the skeletal system.
- any surgery in which a major body cavity is opened
- surgical treatments
- usually an anxiety producing event in anyone's life<|endoftext|>### activity | operation | major surgery:
Radical prostatectomy
* causes significant sexual dysfunction and some decline in urinary function.
* involves surgical removal of the entire prostate gland and adjacent glands.
* is an option when prostate cancer is localized to the prostate gland.
* is the removal of the prostate and some of the tissue around it
- gland and surrounding tissue
* refers to the complete surgical removal of all prostate tissue.
* requires complete removal of the prostate gland.
* surgical procedure, which has been performed for many years.
### activity | operation | matrix operation:
Matrix inversion
* are matrix operations.
* is simply the special case where is an unit matrix
- used extensively in computer graphics
+ Invertible matrix: Linear algebra
* There are algorithms to calculate the inverse of a matrix, for example Gaussian elimination. The problem is that finding the inverse is relatively 'expensive' to do for big matrices. Matrix inversion is used extensively in computer graphics.
Matrix multiplication
* can be a great tool in vectorizing things.
* is associative
- basic operation that can describe function of the brain
- distributive over addition
- non-commutative , in general
* matrix operation
Mining operation
* are significant sources of water contamination.
* involve the production of both real and tangible personal property.
Minor surgery
* can remove small areas where cells are abnormal.
* is an operation
- performed to join an artery to a vein under the skin to make a larger vessel
- the only effective way to remove a mole
- what other people have
* Many offences committed by young people are alcohol or drug related.
* Most offences committed by Aborigines involve alcohol or are alcohol-related.
* are any actions whatsoever whose effect is to reduce the idleness of other persons
- punishable by law
### activity | operation | offence:
Indictable offence
* are generally the more serious offences listed under the Criminal Code.
* are more serious offences
- than summary offences
Operations research
* collection of methods for making optimal choices in business and industry.
* discusses algorithms for scheduling, planning, and creating networks.
* encompasses the optimization of deterministic and stochastic systems.
* field in which close counts for a lot.
* includes the mathematics used by businesses to make managerial decisions.
* is research.
* seeks to use mathematical algorithms to allocate scarce resources. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | operation:
Organ transplant
* Most organ transplants rely on a donor's death, and there are too many patients and too few donors.
* are confusing and life-altering events for patients and their families
- controversial in India
* are now a standard part of medicine
- cannibalism
* can take hundred's of units of blood.
* is an operation
### activity | operation | organ transplant:
Corneal transplant
* are a cure for corneal blindness
- almost never an option with recurrent pterygia
- one of medicine's most successful transplant operations
- the most successful of all tissue transplants
* can help restore lost vision and relieve painful swelling.
* is an organ transplant
- one of the most frequently performed human transplant procedures
* restore vision to individuals whose corneas are diseased or injured.<|endoftext|>### activity | operation | organ transplant:
* dangerous and unproven technology.
* has a long history in the scientific community
- many potential advantages over allogenic transplantation
- safety problems, however
- the potential of opening up a new pool of organs to draw from
* is an alternative solution to organ transplants
- example of totally unjustifiable exploitation of animals
* is the most regulated procedure of all
- placement of organs and tissues in other species
* is the transplantation of body organs from one species into another
- tissues from animals to humans
- transplanting of non-human organs into humans
* is the use of animal body parts to replace diseased human tissues
- organs in humans
- live nonhuman animal cells, tissues and organs in human patients
- live, non-human animal cells, tissues and organs in humans
- organs from other animals
* makes informed consent impossible.
* offers a nearly limitless supply of organs that can be used for transplants
- hope of an immense supply of organs available for transplantation
* poses perhaps the greatest risk of exposing human populations to a lethal virus.
* possible solution to Canada s ever-growing shortage of organs for donation.
* public health risk.
* raises a host of ethical and practical issues
- many novel medical, legal and ethical issues
* refers to the transplantation of organs between different species.
* Ostomies can be temporary or permanent, depending on the type of disorder involved.
* is an operation
### activity | operation | ostomy:
* Colostomies tend to emit more odor than ileostomies because of the bacterial abundance in the colon.
* Most colostomies are reversible, and can be corrected after a healing period.
* complications a surgical failure or a population problem.
* is one of the treatment methods for bowel dysfunction
- ostomy
* are operations.
* destroys the rods and cones, leaving a permanently blind area in the retina.
* reduces visual loss in patients with proliferative retinopathy or macular oedema.<|endoftext|>### activity | operation | photocoagulation:
Laser photocoagulation
* can benefit many patients with proliferative retinopathy
- prevent hemorrhage from new vessels
- seal the leaks, but at the cost of damaging more retinal area
- stop the blood vessels from leaking and make new blood vessels shrink
* is also the primary treatment for proliferative diabetic retinopathy
- an additional treatment of non-perfused retinal areas
- one of the most common treatments for diabetic retinopathy
- performed to stabilize vision and halt progression of vision loss
* is the main way that diabetic retinopathy is treated
- the wet form of macular degeneration is treated
- used to seal the blood vessels and restore vision | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | operation:
Plastic surgery
* Most plastic surgery is done simply because people want to look better.
* benefit for flight attendants that are dependent.
* can be a great influence for good, and make a huge difference to people's lives
- correct facial traits, such as a protruding tongue
- play a very important part relative to massive weight loss
- reshape the eyelid area and improve appearance
- stimulate changes in people's lives
* does just that - it gives a new form to the human body
- that-it gives new form to the human body
* embraces self-enhancement, prejudice, greed, submission, and opportunity.
* encompasses both cosmetic and reconstructive surgery
- surgical procedures
* entails entrusting someone with something important to us- our face or our body.
* gives people a strange unnatural look.
* has many uses today.
* includes aesthetic surgery or cosmetic surgery
- both the reconstructive and aesthetic subspecialties
* involves a medical procedure to alter one's appearance.
* is an option to feel good again
- remove excess sagging skin
- common for the asymmetry and other craniofacial abnormalities
- derived from the Greek work Plastikos meaning to mold and form
- progressings
- surgery that molds or reconstructs parts of the human body
* is the one truly artistic field in the field of surgery
- surgical arm of the field of anti-aging medicine
- treated with confidentiality, and the privacy of patients is protected
* large field that includes many reconstructive aspects.
* leads to a healthier outlook on life and can be a milestone in one's life.
* leaves a hole in the soul.
* restores and improves function, as well as appearance.
* surgical specialty.
* tightening procedure.
* way of making women be the women men fantasize about.
* are propaganda.
* is an operation<|endoftext|>### activity | operation:
* construct typical of behaviorism.
- selective way to motivate athletes and bring about changes in behavior
* is anything that increases the frequency of the behavior that immediately precedes it
- strengthens the behavior
- associated with pleasure, comfort, rewards, or an end to discomfort
- confirmation
- directly contingent upon the organism's rate of response
* is the maintenance of community norms
- process by which natural selection increases reproductive isolation
- technical term used for consequences of responses
* learning focuses on goal-directed learning from interaction.
* more precise way of controlling employee behavior.
* plays a role in social learning theory as it does in behavioral theory.
* refers to the tendency to self-administer, and has beenobserved in laboratory rats.
+ Applied behavior analysis, Definitions and concepts, Punishment
* Reinforcement is always the first thing that is tried when trying to change a behavior. Reinforcement produces long-lasting results and is better for the person. However reinforcement does not always reduce problem behavior. If reinforcement does not work it may be necessary to try punishment. Punishment is effective but it can have bad consequences. It can cause emotional harm if it is not used correctly
* Reinforcement can either be positive or negative
- Reinforcement schedules
* Reinforcements are given based on schedules of reinforcement. The schedule will explain the ways reinforcement is earned. Behavior analysts decide which reinforcement schedule is best. Different schedules are useful for different things. The schedule used depends on the person. It also depends on the behavior that is being reinforced
+ Speciation, Reinforcement (Wallace effect): Evolution
* Reinforcement is the process by which natural selection increases reproductive isolation. Ridley M. 2003. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | operation | reinforcement:
Differential reinforcement
* is used to teach people to make correct responses.
* way that people can learn to make correct responses over time.
+ Applied behavior analysis, Definitions and concepts, Differential Reinforcement
* Differential reinforcement is a way that people can learn to make correct responses over time. The correct behavior is reinforced and the incorrect behavior is not reinforced. Over time people will learn to make the correct response because they want to get the reinforcement. A SD signals that reinforcement is available. A S-delta does not tell the person anything about the availability of reinforcement. A S-delta is not likely to produce responses because there is reinforcement is not given.
* The correct behavior is reinforced and the incorrect behavior is not reinforced. Over time people will learn to make the correct response because they want to get the reinforcement. A SD signals that reinforcement is available. A S-delta does not tell the person anything about the availability of reinforcement. A S-delta is not likely to produce responses because there is reinforcement is not given. Differential reinforcement is used to teach people to make correct responses.
Extrinsic reinforcement
* can destroy inner motivation.
* promotes extrinsic motivation rather than intrinsic motivation.
Intermittent reinforcement
* has a very powerful effect on behavior.
* is used to maintain behavior.<|endoftext|>### activity | operation | reinforcement:
Negative reinforcement
* form of reinforcement.
* involves making a bird do something.
* is an important key to understanding human behavior
- exhibited through escape or avoidance
* is the contingent escape from an aversive consequence
- removal of an aversive condition
- used many times in dealing with caged birds
* is when a negative scenario discourages an unwanted behavior
- situation or event is removed
* part of animal lives in nature and in captive situations.
* refers to doing something to avoid an unpleasant condition.
* valid way to influences behavior.<|endoftext|>### activity | operation | reinforcement:
Positive reinforcement
* does make a difference-even with babies.
* helps a person feel good.
* involves the contingent delivery of a desired consequence.
* is an important example of selection by consequences
- feedback, which stimulates the re-occurrence of a given behavior
- one of the best ways to motivate employees to work their best
- only one quadrant of operant conditioning
- related to self-concept
- similar to rewards
* is the key to behavior guidance as well as prevention
- only technique that works for motivating another to be more romantic
- way to get more of the good behavior and less of the negative one
* is used to deal with negative behaviour
- help keep the user's interest
- modify impolite behavior
- obtain desirable and appropriate behavior
* leads to repetition of desired behaviors.
* much stronger shaper of behavior than negative.
* powerful inducement for continued or increased working and learning.
* refers to conditioning behaviour by providing a desirable consequence
- some type of reward for a good behavior
* takes place when a reward or pleasant event follows an action.
* works better in humans than in laboratory animals
- with teachers as well as with our children
Reinforcement learning
* is about learning from interaction how to behave in order to achieve a goal
- currently the most popular approach to learning on mobile robots
* is one form of learning from feedback from the consequences of responses
- method developed to deal with such situations
* simulation-based method rooted in dynamic programming. | {
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### activity | operation | reinforcement:
Social reinforcement
* is one of the best types of positive reinforcement
- the primary reward for successful pill swallowing
+ Applied behavior analysis, Definitions and concepts, Reinforcement, Positive reinforcement
* Social reinforcement is one of the best types of positive reinforcement. It is good because it is not expensive. It is also easy to use. Social reinforcers are things that have social value or meaning. Examples of social reinforcers would be awards, praise, or compliments. Social reinforcement can be very effective.
Rescue operation
* are operations.
* is an operation
* take places.
### activity | operation | resection:
Liver resection
* is standard therapy for selected patients with metastatic colorectal cancer.
* means removal of parts of the liver.<|endoftext|>### activity | operation | resection:
Surgical resection
* can play an important role in the management of selected cases.
* continues to be associated with the highest probability of long-term survival.
* is performed when disease is localized and the potential for cure exists.
* is the only curative hope for patients with lung cancer
- primary treatment of localized neuroblastoma
- surgical removal of the abnormal tissue responsible for the hemoptysis
* is the treatment of choice for gastric leiomyosarcomas
- the majority of patients with localized disease
* includes risks of nerve injury or skin loss.
* is an operation
* involves issuing debt securities to the banking sector in exchange for cash.
* often is done for a way of birth control.
* pain, but is absolutely necessary.
* permanent method of contraception.
* removes or destroys all forms of microbial life including bacterial spores.
### activity | operation | sterilisation:
* destroys all leptospire organisms excreted in milk.
* is sterilisation
* kills the bad bacteria but leaves the good bacteria.
* mild heat treatment which kills pathogens and therefore makes foods safe to eat.
* vital process in the dairy industry. | {
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### activity | operation | sterilisation:
* achieves the same result as boiling, but at a lower temperature.
* are sterilization.
* can destroy some undesirable enzymes and many spoilage bacteria.
* causes some irreversible and some temporary denaturization of the proteins in milk.
* coagulates sour milk.
* destroys bacteria
- food enzymes
- salmonella bacteria
- the bacteria in milk that cause tuberculosis
- weed seeds, insects, and disease pathogens in the soil mix
* function of time and temperature.
* has no significant effect on milk's nutritional value.
* heat process used to destroy all disease-causing microbes
- treatment of milk to destroy pathogenic bacteria that cause human disease
* increases the shelf life of cider from two to three weeks to four to six weeks.
* is necessary to kill the bacteria
- particularly important when using apples that have dropped from the trees
* is the process of heating food to a temperature that kills most harmful bacteria
- universally accepted process of killing harmful microorganisms with heat
- use of mild heat to reduce the number of microorganisms in a product or food
- used to kill microscopic organisms in liquids like milk , wine , and beer
* kills cows on green pastures
- farmers
- friendly bacteria
* kills harmful levels of bacteria commonly found in food
* kills the bacteria
- organisms that cause disease without destroying the milk
* leads to arthritis.
* means boiling the medium in water.
* mild heating process that kills pathogenic micro-organisms in milk.
* process in which raw milk is exposed to heat in order to kill bacteria
- to destroy harmful bacteria and fungi
- which keeps perishable liquids from spoiling quickly
* protects the purity and flavor of milk
- quality and taste of the juice
* retards the ripening of cheese.
* viral inactivation process that has been used for more than one hundred years.
+ Germ theory of disease: Microbiology :: Medicine
* Louis Pasteur showed that the germ theory of disease was true. In 1862, he invented a process that heats up a liquid to a high temperature to keep it from spoiling. This process is known as pasturization, named after Pasteur. Pasteurization is used to kill microscopic organisms in liquids like milk, wine, and beer. Liquids that are pasteurized will last much longer before they spoil.
+ Pasteurization, Alternative pasteurization standards and raw milk: Food and drink
* In addition to the standard HTST and UHT pasteurization standards, there are other lesser-known pasteurization techniques. Pasteurization causes some irreversible and some temporary denaturization of the proteins in milk.
* Most tracheostomies are temporary.
* is an operation
Optical activity
* is the rotation of the plane of polarization of linearly polarized light.
* occurs in molecules possessing chirality.
* prominent feature of the chemical substances of living matter.
* property of chiral compounds. | {
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### activity:
* All organisations generate carbon dioxide through the use of energy.
* Many organisations also define the bases as people who have at least one foot on the ground
- claim that school curricula are outdated and fail to meet the needs of children
* Many organisations use firewall technologies to ensure network security
- rules to govern behaviour between people
* Some organisations also capture spatial data by in-house digitising or scanning
- use e-mail as a way of posting general messages to all staff members
* are a means of representing the high level administrative context of agencies
- human systems
* differ in their regulatory and technological environments and organisational cultures.
* evolve rapidly and change more frequently.
* fail when leaders fail to manage their internal and external environment.
* generally spend a substantial portion of their revenues purchasing goods and services.
* is an activity
- crucial for storage of information in long-term memory
- including any association or combination of persons
- organisation for a specific purpose
* matter or networks of relationships that form patterns.
* tend, quite naturally, to see the world from their own perspective.
+ Rabat, Culture: Capital cities in Africa :: Cities in Morocco
* The biggest place for theatre is the Theatre Mohamed V in the centre of the town. The city also has a few official galleries and an archeological museum. Many organisations are active in cultural and social issues. Orient-Occident Foundation and ONA Foundation are the biggest of these. An independent art scene is active in the city. L'appartement 22, which is the first independent space for visual arts created by Abdellah Karroum, opened in 2002.
### activity | organisation:
* appears in graphic systems everywhere in Africa.
* is organisation
* is the orderly arrangement of laws into understandable, compact volumes
- process by which the regulations are arranged by subject matter
- responsibility of the legislative body
* is also characteristic of the vocal aspect of kabuki acting
- the representation of formal models by means of formal language
* tries to standardize and regulate behavior.<|endoftext|>### activity | organisation:
Large organisation
* Many large organisations have numerous senior officers.
* tend to compartmentalise the individual.
* use medical insurance schemes to enable some employees to use private hospitals
- petabytes of storage to hold massive amounts of data
- terabytes of storage to hold massive amounts of data
+ Petabyte: Computing measurement
* Large organisations use petabytes of storage to hold massive amounts of data. To store this amount of data at home would require about 1000 large home computers.
+ Terabyte
* Large organisations use terabytes of storage to hold massive amounts of data. People at home might use terabytes for backups. An external hard drive can be several terabytes.<|endoftext|>### activity | organisation:
* affects a study's validity.
* are organizations.
* helps significantly in learning many concepts
- to rule out confounding variables
* is also a driving force for spontaneity.
* is like flipping a coin or pulling a number from a hat
- tossing a coin, with an equal chance of being placed in either group
- the basis of the statistical design used in the clinical trial setting
* is used to determine the order in which a patient receives the treatment and control
- ensure an unbiased assignment to treatment
* means that the treatment arm to which a child is assigned is based on chance.
* process similar to a lottery.
* promotes comparability between groups.
* technique for con-trolling for confounders but it is by no means foolproof.
Terrorist organisation
* can only survive with, at a minimum, the acquiesience of people.
* thrive on media exposure. | {
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### activity | organisation:
Voluntary organisation
* Some voluntary organisations believe that they are more effective and cheaper.
* is the main way in which a community speaks for itself and acts for itself.
Organized activity
* Organized activities help children resist unsafe behaviors and enhance learning.
* is rooted in primitive man.<|endoftext|>### activity:
* allows sunlight to warm the resting area during winter.
* are attitude
- direction
- placements
- positions
- relative locations
- self awareness
* explains norms, values, and how things get done.
* global cerebral function.
* indicate types.
* is based on maximizing heat gain from the sun in winter and minimizing it in summer
- cognitive-behavioral, systemic and developmental
- psychodynamic and interpersonal
* is the process of acquainting new employees with the organization
- result of a complex process
* process of two-way communication.
* reading involves reading as a wandering generality.
* refers to definitions applied to others for scientific and scholarly purposes
- the directionality of the structural gene
* time to relax and to get to know people.
### activity | orientation | heresy:
* allows for no use of representations to be used as aids to piety.
* is nothing new in religion.
* is, almost by definition, an act of disrespect to another's religious beliefs.
Political theory
* can help to illuminate the past and the present.
* deals with the various views on how things ought to be, rather than how they are.
* focuses on the nature and purpose of human association.
* is an orientation
Romantic orientation
* are given names that parallel sexual orientations.
* reflects our intrinsic desire to engage in romantic connections with others.<|endoftext|>### activity | orientation:
Sexual orientation
* subject that is less and less a taboo.
+ Modesty, Different standards for men and women: Culture :: Clothing
* Sexual orientation is a subject that is less and less a taboo. Homosexuality also seems to be more common or more talked about. In several places, community showers have been converted to single showers, with curtains or doors. Many students no longer shower after exercise. Research has shown a dramatic decline in same-sex sexual activity among adolescent males that correlates with the increasing social visibility of gays and the increasing level of modesty. Related factors are the increasing emphasis on ideal male physiques shown by advertisements and the concern over being photographed and videotaped.
* are gates and fences which appear solid
- relative locations
* is an orientation
* are a method for classifying the data as vectors or matrices
- appearances
- functions that derive data from stored data in a database
- looks
- ranges
* computer workstation for the blind and visually impaired.
* form a directed graph, called a graph of views.
- the view region of the graphics device
### activity | orientation | view:
Page view
* count the number of times a page has been visited.
* is one way of measuring the traffic to a website
- the number that counts for advertisers
* measure how many individual Web pages have been viewed
- the number of times users access a page on a website
* powerful editing tool for creating and designing Web pages.
* represent the overall number of hits Web sites receive from users.
World view
* combination of the values, attitudes, hopes and aspirations of a people.
* is all about the ultimate questions of reality.
Other activity
* Other activities affect biodiversity
- include use
* Other activities relate to forest products
- operations
* Other activities require ability
- energy
- excretion | {
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### activity:
* Includes syllabi and other pedagogy-related links.
* collaboration in which participants are both part of the group and apart from it.
* comes before technology.
* embodies teacher-focused education.
* focuses on children.
* is an activity
- based on sound research and proven good practices
- important to the preparation of career and technical education teachers
* is the art and science of teaching
- of cultivating the young so that they blossom into cultured adults
- art, science or profession of teaching
- determinant of human relationships in the educational process
- what counts and the delivery of content
* refers to teaching, instruction, and approaches created to enhance learning.
* takes place in teaching physical education and wellness and in coaching sports.
* word used internationally.<|endoftext|>### activity:
* Some penetrations involve organs
- sex organs
* affect ability.
* are ability
- attacks
- depth
- entrances
- perceptions
- physical events
* implies that gases or liquids pass through seams or holes, etc.
* is an attack
- entry into an orifice with or without tissue injury
* is understood to include any orifice or opening in the body
- intrusion into any orifice or opening of the body
- what causes spires of grass to rise up as the foot moves off the grass
* is when pesticides pass through spaces between the fibers or holes in the material
- the sperm and egg meet and the sperm makes it way into the egg cytoplasm | {
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### activity | penetration:
* Some infiltrations create soil conditions
- reduce runoff
* amounts to a rate of heat loss.
* are penetrations.
* become problems.
* component of the general mass balance hydrologic budget.
* enables water to saturate the soil, causing it to become fluid and potentially mobile.
* form of maneuver in the offense.
* generally refers to cold air during the winter and hot air during the summer.
* happens when water soaks into the soil from the ground level.
* increases with fracture density.
* is an accumulation of fluids in the tissue surrounding the venipuncture site
- e-zine about exploring the forbidden domains of the urban landscape
- controlled by soil texture, soil structure, vegetation and soil moisture status
- defined in SWAT as precipitation minus runoff
- done on ice to prevent the gelatin from warming
- groundwater that enters sanitary sewers through leaks in pipes
- important to reducing runoff and storing water in the soil for plant growth
- increased by ground cover
- most effective in relatively permeable soils
- one of the major sources of heat gain into buildings
* is rapid when the soil is dry and cracked, but very slow when it is wet
- dry and cracked, but very slow when the soil is moist
- dry and cracked, but very slow when the soil is wet
* is the downward movement of water from the land surface into the ground
- exchange of inside air with outside air
- flow of water from the ground surface into the ground
- leakage of air between and around window frame and glazing components
- leaking of ground or surface water into a properly constructed sewer system
- movement of moisture from the atmosphere into and through the soil surface
* is the movement of water from precipitation into the soil layer
- into the ground from the surface
* is the process by which water enters the soil
- on the ground surface enters the soil
* is the process of water being soaked into the ground
- entering the soil surface
- where water seeps into the ground
- rate at which water gets through the surface and into the soil
- when water soaks into the ground
* moves downward into the deeper parts of an aquifer in a recharge area
- into the soil profile where it is routed through the soil layers
* occurs due to joints and cracks in piping, which increases with pipe age
- more rapidly at the beginning of a ponding event and slows down over time
* occurs when groundwater enters the sanitary sewer system through defects in the system
- precipitation seeps into the ground
- water falls back to Earth, where some of it soaks into the ground
- wind blows cold air into the house and forces hot air out
* problem in both the summer and the winter.
* refers to the abnormal presence of granulomas in the lung tissue
- leakage of undesired air into the home
- water that penetrates into the surface of soil
* requires immersing tissues in two changes of melted paraffin.
* result of negative pressures in the building or positive pressure on the outside.
* tends to increase with porosity.
* uses a bucket model to distribute water through the soil layers.
* varies both spatially and temporally due to a number of environmental factors.
### activity | penetration | infiltration:
Air infiltration
* is recognized as an important factor in building energy conservation.
* major cause of energy loss.
* occurs when air leaks through gaps in the insulation.
Direct infiltration
* includes the use of infiltration trenches or infiltration basins.
* is by far the most common cause of neoplastic plexopathy.
Water infiltration
* Some water infiltrations reduce runoff.
* happens with any type of mining.
Internet penetration
* has the potential to vastly accelerate access to information.
* increases with higher household income and education levels. | {
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### activity | penetration:
* Some invasions cause diseases
- fatal diseases
* also continue to spread infectious diseases and generate violence.
* are entrances
- penetrations
- the number-one component of biotic change in the world today
* can have impact
- negative impact
* can have severe impact
- increase competition, alter abiotic conditions, and provide refuge for consumers
* cause death
- loss of biodiversity within species, between species, and of ecosystems
* is the expansion of tumors into neighboring healthy tissue
- hallmark of the malignant tumor
* may have devastate effects
* offer opportunity.
* probably function of both the infected cell and the bacterial cells.
* results in the development of a diffuse interface between contiguous tissues.
### activity | penetration | invasion:
Bacterial invasion
* All bacterial invasions are due to poor epithelium.
* can also cause a secondary pneumonia.
* causes painful, swollen abscesses under the lower jaw.
Biological invasion
* are a major threat to biodiversity
- well documented phenomena
* can dramatically alter community composition and ecosystem function
- strongly influence species interactions such as pollination
* occur when a plant or animal finds itself in a new, favorable environment.
Light penetration
* Some light penetrations prevent photosynthesis.
* has a definite influence on colonisation in the marine environment.
* is especially poor in turbid water with dense surface populations of algae.<|endoftext|>### activity | penetration:
* are embezzlement.
* arrays are highly reliable, high-volume units of storage on a network.
* is an acronym for redundant array of independent disks
- assembly of disk drives, known as disk array, that operates as one storage unite
- the organization of multiple disks into a large, high performance logical disk
- used to virtualize computer storage
* lead to attacks.
* magnetic storage unit similar to a mainframe computer.
* means of providing fault tolerance to a computer or server.
* method of combining several hard drives into one logical unit
- into one unit
* set of technologies that are used to make more efficient use of disk resources.
* storage system that uses multiple disks to store and distribute data.
* term used in computing.
* way of storing the same data in different places on multiple hard disks.
+ RAID, Basic concepts used by RAID systems, Stripe size and chunk size: spreading the data over several disks
* RAID works by spreading the data over several disks. Two of the terms often used in this context are 'stripe size' and 'chunk size'
- Introduction, What is RAID?: Storage devices
* RAID is done by using special hardware or software on the computer. The joined hard disks will then look like one hard disk to the user. Most RAID levels increase the redundancy. This means that they store the data more often, or they store information on how to reconstruct the data. This allows for a number of disks to fail without the data being lost. When the failed disk is replaced, the data it should contain will be copied or rebuilt from the other disks of the system
+ Virtualization: Computing
* RAID is used to virtualize computer storage. The fact that it is made of several disks that work together is hidden.
* RAID is a term used in computing. With RAID, several hard disks are made into one logical disk. There are different ways this can be done. Each of the methods that puts the hard disks together has some benefits and drawbacks over using the drives as single disks, independent of each other. | {
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### activity:
* are auscultation
- detonations
- instruments
- music
- percussion instruments
* can help give information about the extent of injury to the apical tissues.
* flaking is done by striking the stone to be chipped with another stone or bone
- used to shape the point from a leaf-shaped preform
* is divided into bells and drums
- ritual and tradition
- the element of music that most connects with our senses
- used to determine if the underlying tissues are air or fluid filled or solid
### activity | percussion:
Body percussion
* Sounds produced by use of the body, e.g., clap, snap, pat, tap, stamp, whistle, etc.
* is very popular especially hand clapping and foot stamping.
Percussion drilling
* is another name for cable-tool drilling.
* relatively low cost method of obtaining logging data.<|endoftext|>### activity:
* Most photography is based on silver as the light-sensitive agent.
* Most photography uses light sensors
* Photographies are visual thoughts.
* emphasizes characteristics.
* is occupations
- processes
* provides details
+ Digital camera: Cameras :: Electronics :: Data input
* Digital photography' is a kind of photography where a digital camera is used to take photos. Digital cameras use an image sensor instead of photographic film, based on chemicals. Very often, they also use a memory card to store the photos in a digital format. Most photography is digital, though some photographers still use the old film cameras.<|endoftext|>### activity | photography:
Aerial photography
* can be an effective way to evaluate performance of cropland acreage.
* denotes the process of taking photographs from above the earth's surface.
* is focused on areas where there is significant population and no tree cover
- limited to capture of images on film from a aerial platform
- obtained for the production of topographic maps
- one of the most widely used tools to analyze prior use and onsite activity
- used by placing a grid over the region of interest, i.e. a state
* is, needless to say, treated with the same sensitivity as cartography.
* kind of remote sensing.
* provides a non-destructive method of studying ruins
Arial photography
* is the system most commonly used by cartographers.
* provides a very different way to see our surroundings.
* involves the exposure of photographic film by a radioactive source.
* is photography
- used to detect the combination of the probe to the nucleic acid of the bacteria
Bird photography
* dictates the use of a telephoto lens.
* is primarily about technique.
Boudoir photography
* allows women to give an intimate treasure to the men in their lives.
* is an extremely sensitive area of photography. | {
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### activity | photography:
Digital photography
* Most digital photography uses light sensors
* Some digital photography has applications.
* allows an artist to learn quickly in new situations.
* begins with capturing images in a digital format.
* big part of computing today and it s growing.
* brings a whole new dimension to the area of colour temperature in photography
- photography into the computer age
* exists today largely as a niche market.
* has many levels at which the surgeon can enter the medium.
* is about three years away from being able to replace film photography
- important to the microprocessor world for two reasons
- in use with certain types of work
- instant photography without the film costs
- photography done using a digital camera
- still most popular among the tech-savvy
* is the electronic way to capture realistic images
- hottest growth market in the electronics industry
- standard for photos on a website
- up and coming form of picture taking
- use of computer technology to capture, store and view pictures
- unique in how it captures and stores an image
- used for inspection reviews and for product development revisions
* lets users capture an image, view it, save it, then transfer it to a computer.
+ Photography, Digital photography
* Digital photography is photography done using a digital camera. Sometimes it is called 'digital imaging'. A digital camera has a lens, aperture, and shutter. The picture the lens makes is recorded by a light-sensitive electronic sensor. A digital camera does not use photographic film to record a picture. Digital photographs are stored in a computer but paper prints can also be made from digital pictures.
Glamour photography
* depends on a combination of things.
* is popular in advertising and men's magazines.
Infrared photography
* diagnostic tool in medicine and is useful in agriculture and industry.
* records variations and degrees of heat.
Kirlian photography
* is contact photography.
* way of representing the energy of the body in visual form.
Nude photography
* wants to show a stylised depiction of the human body.
* In general, nude photography 'planned image', not a snapshot. Nude photography wants to show a stylised depiction of the human body. Photographers sometimes use extremes of light and shadow, oiled skin, and shadows falling across the body to show the texture and structure of the body.
Pinhole photography
* is an art of photography based on very simple optical principles.
* is lensless photography, ligth passes through the hole and an image is formed
* produces images which differ from lens images in several important respects.
* voyage of discovery - a cycle of learning and new ways of seeing.
Space photography
* can permit a continual survey of the world's water resources and quality.
* is similar to taking any picture.
Underwater photography
* demonstrates precise alignment, arm movements, and proper technique.
* depicts the growth of the Atlantic salmon, from hatching to maturity.
* is popular due to prolific marine life.
* labor of love.
* offers the fun of recording the world while snorkeling or scuba diving.
* presents rare views of some the world's most spectacular wildlife.
Wildlife photography
* can include caribou and musk oxen.
* demonstrates the life of animals.
* physically and intellectually challenging activity. | {
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### activity:
Physical activity
* All physical activity burns calories, even activities like sitting or sleeping
- particularly intense exercise
* Any physical activity burns up glucose for energy
- keeps a child mentally active, fit and alert
* Most physical activities increase metabolism
- relate to lifestyle
- activity is directed body movement
* Physical activities are a means to enhance somatic health as well as to deal with stress.
* Physical activities are important because they reduce stress and increase self-esteem
- for the health of both mind and body
- decline during periods
- deteriorate quickly, especially at higher doses
- enhance the lives of all children
* Some physical activities help fast weight
- insulin
* aids in improving concentration skills and mental clarity.
* appears to decrease the initiation of cigarette smoking in adolescent girls
- relieve symptoms of depression and anxiety and improve mood
* benefits people of all physical abilities.
* builds and maintains strong bones
- healthy bones, muscles and joints, and reduces the risk of colon cancer
* burns calories and helps an individual maintain a desirable body weight
- maintain muscle mass while decreasing fat
- excess calories and improves the body's overall fitness
- more calories, preserves and builds lean muscle mass
* can also alleviate stress
- be helpful in maintaining a desirable weight
- have positive effects on other areas of people s lives
* can also reduce daily tension and stress
- the severity of injuries from falls
- beneficially affect osteoporosis
* can help buffer the effects of stress, anxiety and depression
- improve balance
- prevent heart and circulation problems
- protect against some cancers
- with stress management, anxiety and depression
- improve leg and ankle strength, which can reduce the risk of falling
- increase the number of calories used by the body when it is at rest
- limit the amount of blood that flows to the skin to release heat
- play a major role in maintaining energy balance
- promote healthier social interactions among children
- protect against coronary artery disease
* can reduce both cholesterol and triglycerides
- relieve tension and stress-related fatigue
- slow the loss of bone matter that occurs with aging
- strengthen bones, relieve joint stiffness and reduce pain
* carries risks as well as benefits.
* catalyst to problem solving.
* causes a temporary increase in heart rate
- chemical changes that influence psychological health
- the release of specific hormones that assist our bodies in managing stress
* concept that is well known, yet it is difficult to explain.
* conducted during leisure time seems to lower insulin resistance in adults.
* contributes to a decrease in body fat, including a modest effect on abdominal fat
- healthy aging
* critical part of the energy balance equation.
* declines dramatically during youth, especially in girls
- with age during adolescence
* decreases estrogen levels.
* enhances mental health.
* flushes pigment through the eye to the angles, where it becomes trapped.
* gets the blood moving throughout the body.
* good way to decrease depression and stress.
* great bonding element in families.
* has a proven positive effect on high blood pressure, diabetes and heart health
- many physiologic benefits
- similar benefits for many patients with established coronary artery disease
* healthier alternative to controlling weight than smoking and dieting.
* healthy outlet for getting rid of anger.
* helps consume more calories
- control weight, build lean muscle and reduce fat
- in the utilization of calories
- increase physical stamina
- keep the body healthy, so include some activities everyday
- loosen mucus and helps stimulate coughing
* helps people feel happy
- stay at a healthful weight and maintain strong bodies
* helps reduce pain
- the risk of heart disease which risk factor for brain attack
- relieve asthma in a variety of ways
* helps to increase bone volume and density
- metabolism as well as burn calories
- lessen the tensions and frustrations inherent in today's society
- offset the physical side effects of chemotherapy and radiation
- release pressure caused by anger, nervousness, emotional distress
- with weight loss and self-esteem in several ways
* improves health
- the body's ability to use insulin and helps strengthen the heart
* increases alpha waves that are associated with relaxation and meditation.
* involves changing body position regularly
- moving the body
- running, walking, sitting, and standing in formation
* is also important for children to develop peak bone mass
- in building strong bones
* is an effective stress management technique
- essential part of a healthy lifestyle
* is an important factor in maintaining our well-being
- way to use up food energy
- another area that people can control
* is any body movement produced by the action of our muscles
- movement that uses energy
* is associated with better physical and emotional heath
- cardiovascular risk factors in a developing population
- critical for people with hemophilia
* is crucial to general health
- our health, happiness, and well-being
- decreased because of energy-efficient technology
- difficult to measure directly
* is essential for a healthy pet bird
- to maintaining a healthy lifestyle
- great for the nerves
* is important for a strong and healthy body
- fat loss
- good health
- weight maintenance, too
* is important in keeping bones strong
- maintaining a normal weight
- to health and well being
- intimately related to other parts of our lives
- natural for child and brings health
- necessary to stimulate the body's own natural maintenance and repair system
* is one of the greatest preventative health investments for people of all ages
- keys to good health for people of all ages
- way to help lower blood pressure
- part of a healthy lifestyle at any age, from brisk walking to light gardening
* is part of maintaining normal weight
- optimal health
- risky for persons with a disability
* is the best way for maintaining a healthier weight
- crux of successful aging regardless of other factors
* is the key to the physical, mental and emotional development of students
- variable for energy needs in the elderly, as it is for younger adults
- method by which learning takes place
- next most important way of burning energy
- single-most important component of caloric expenditure
- subject matter of physical education
- used to enhance retention of the target language
- usually no problem for people with background retinopathy
* is very important for everyone now and later in life
- older people
- recovery from injury to the sensory systems
- several reasons
- viewed as an essential part of the life of the liberally educated person
- what burns calories
* keeps their joints mobile, and their muscles and heart strong.
* key factor in healthy aging.
* lowers blood pressure
- risk of colorectal cancer
* maintains strength and coordination.
* major component of health and well being
- part of weight management, as well as general health
* offers a variety of benefits for individuals with autism.
* plays a key role in disease prevention
- reducing and preventing the effects of stress
- pivotal role in health promotion and disease prevention
- role in the reduction of bone loss
* powerful force in reducing insulin resistance.
* presents few problems to people with background retinopathy.
* prevents age-related impairment in nitric oxide availability in elderly athletes.
* produces extra body heat
* promotes happiness, satisfaction, self expression and social interaction
- loss of body fat and development of muscle
- powerful muscles which protect the major joints
* puts a damper on insulin levels, lowers blood pressure and slows the heart rate.
* raises self-esteem in children and youth, and reduces depression in adults.
* reduces a person's risk of heart disease and blood pressure
- disease and high blood pressure
- mental stress
- the likelihood of constipation
* releases muscle tension, improves circulation and reduces blood pressure
- tension and normalizes stress hormones
* seems to help prevent stones.
* speeds fluid loss via perspiration
- the movement of waste material from intestines
* stimulates the bones to maintain their strength.
* strengthens bones and muscles.
* stresses the body even more.
* supports health and helps reduce stress.
* tends to decrease with age and is lower in females that in males.
* varies substantially among American women of different races.
* widely achievable means to a healthier life. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity:
Political activity
* human vocation common to all.
* is quite different from social activity
- the main way that any society does the integration
* Many practices can greatly reduce human exposure to bacteria and pesticides.
* Some practices derived from the great Eastern religions hold a certain attraction for people today.
* are patterns of action
- the activities and conditions that ensure successful outcomes
* can change with time, and mean different things to different people.
* is activities
- cognition
- implementations
- information
- use
* makes perfect is the idea that there are no 'gifts' but just hard work.
### activity | practice:
Agricultural practice
* Some agricultural practices benefit neither pheasants nor farmers
- pheasants at the cost of farm profits
* destroy many nests, and heavy grazing destroys nesting cover.
* have significant positive and negative impacts on soil biota.
* influence the retention of topsoil.
* involve burning crop debris at the end of the growing season.
Aikido practice
* is conducted in an energized, non-competitive environment.
* provides a physical model of one's emotional life.
Buddhist practice
* is to dissolve our personal self and realize our true self.
* labor-intensive process that is like a medicine from a doctor.
* also encourages exaggeration and the cherry-picking of results.
* is practice
Christian practice
* Many Christian practices have their roots in older religions.
* add up to a way of life.
Clinical practice
* combines theory and research in primary care health service settings.
* is in both mental health and community settings
- the medium that fosters the professional growth of the intern
Community of practice
* Communities of practice are a topic in which many people and organizations are becoming interested.
* Communities of practice are the shop floor of human capital, the place where the stuff gets made
- theoretical and inevitable building blocks of society
### activity | practice | conceptual work:
Good idea
* are conceptual work
- ideas
* come when people with different perspectives work together on the same problem.
Short film
- films
* promote ideas.
* show events.<|endoftext|>### activity | practice:
* Consultancies are practice.
* is about seeking expert advice regarding a specific aspect of running a business
+ Merchant banker: Banks
* It provides consultancy to its clients for financial, marketing, managerial and legal matters. Consultancy means to provide advice, guidance and service. It helps a business person to start a business. It helps to expand and modernise the business. It helps in restructuring of a business. It helps sick business units. It also helps companies to register, buy and sell stocks at the stock exchange.<|endoftext|>### activity | practice:
* Cosmetologies are practice.
* Provides training and practice in the skills required of the professional cosmetologist.
* also provides additional opportunities to make extra income.
* emphasizes learning to design hair and enhance beauty.
* field that offers many different career opportunities.
* flexible, interesting career for a person of any age.
* has a lot of facets like makeup, facials, and nails.
* is designed to develop proficiency in all skills of beauty culture
- so much more than just cutting hair
- the art and science of beauty care
* rewarding occupation.
* specialized field of study devoted to developing practical and creative skills. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | practice:
Cultural practice
* Many cultural practices can reduce pests by making their environment less favorable.
* are of value in management of nutrients, weeds, diseases, or insects.
* can fight pepper diseases
- have a significant impact on the control of spider mites
* can help control the spread of cedar-apple rust
- encourage rooting of plants such as trees and turf
- reduce disease outbreaks
- influence the susceptibility of lawn grasses to insect pests
* can reduce disease severity
- the severity of powdery mildew
* employ a trellis, or, traditionally, old tree stumps or living tree posts.
* favoring rapid shoot growth increase the plants' susceptibility to attack.
* have a major effect on winter survival of all winter wheat varieties
- an important role in determining fruit quality and storage potential
* help maintain weed-free pastures.
* involve timing of cutting and modification of harvest equipment.
* play an important role in pest management for organic vegetable producers.
* vary considerably between Northern and Southern States.
Daily practice
* helps to keep both the body and mind clear and free flowing.
* is how every successful performer prepares
- important in achieving success with biofeedback
Family practice
* integrates all phases of medicine serving people of all ages and both genders
- the biological, clinical and behavioral sciences
* is based on relationships that count
- medical practice
* medical career that offers physicians diversity and flexibility.
* traditional philosophy that promotes well-rounded care with continuity.
Fire drill
* are a part of school safety
- an important part of the fire protection system
- especially important for children between the ages of two and twelve
- exercises
- important exercises at home, work, and school
- most important for children between the ages of two and twelve
* is an exercise to teach people to leave a place safely and speedily if fire breaks out
Holistic practice
* have their roots in cultures from around the world.
* help people feel good.
Medical practice
* central setting for physical activity advice.
* form of grace, and to diminish it is to desecrate it.
* is holistic, treating body, soul, and spirit
- practice
* matter of public theatre in Spectacle.
* reflect the cultural values and beliefs of the societies in which they arise.
* team sport.
Mindfulness practice
* involves repeatedly bringing one's awareness back to the present.
* is the habit of seeing things in an uncomplicated way.
* quiets the mind, opens the heart, develops awareness and wisdom.
* way to transform ill-being and suffering.
* are aware of themselves and problems, neurotics deceive themselves and others
- useful to align complex groups and cycles
- vectors often used to describe the colors of the faces in a mesh
* have two normal genes.
* is practice
* vary by age.
### activity | practice | normal:
Liver function
* are normal.
* decide what enters the blood and protects the remainder of the body.
* is monitored through blood tests to make sure no damage is occurring.
* is normal unless hypoxia has occurred in association with seizures
- there has been hypoxia in association with seizures
Normal grief
* can produce many of the same symptoms as depression.
* has no timetable or calendar, and people experience grief in many different ways.
* is time limited and that is the primary differentiation from depressive illness.
Normal life
* is represented in an immersive space through glyphs.
* means attending to such minor things as our economy, society and environment.
* stresses aggravate generalized anxiety. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | practice:
Nursing practice
* is an element of the health care delivery system
- based on theoretical and scientific knowledge and aims to promote health
- guided by scientific knowledge, standards of care and a code of ethics
- influenced by setting, specialty, and social and technological advances
- performed autonomously and collaboratively within the health-care system
- targeted toward maximal attainment of self management
* is the actual provision of nursing care
- focal point of the relationship between practice, theory, and research
* occurs in a variety of settings where the nursing and client systems interact
- within a socio-political environment
* uses knowledge, both theory and research based, to guide care and promote change.
* is practice
* symbolisms in cartoons are extremely prevalent.
* are practice.
* form of involuntary servitude based on real or alleged indebtedness
- labor control that relies on debt to compel a worker
* is practice<|endoftext|>### activity | practice:
* Comes in two forms.
* Define religious pluralism.
* are doctrines
- social organizations
* basic tenet of our American way of life.
* builds a people that are conscious of differences and division.
* claims that the exclusivity of some religions is wrong.
* creates a constant propaganda war in which divergent views vie for people's allegiance.
* denies that there is one absolute principle or truth behind the universe.
* devalues Christian truth by regarding it as one truth among many.
* fact of life in religion as well as politics now
* goes hand in hand with relativism, the idea that all things are relative
* guarantee of cultural wealth, and diversity is needed for development.
* has a long and honorable history in American political thought.
* helps bind people from different ethnic backgrounds, especially in schools.
* is about embracing the behaviors which express various cultures.
* is an admission of one's own limitations
- aspect of democracy and Israel Jewish state which is also democratic
- but a wide range of opinion and the freedom of the individual to express it
- each person having an equal voice in a democratic process
- enlightened, positive, democratic
- inherent, at the very least, in the human condition
- melioristic
- modern culture's belief that there are many different right ways to live and believe
- seen as an outcome of the postmodern exaltation of difference
* is the belief that truth is imparted to a system just because it belief that is held
- genius of American democracy
- inescapable focal point of any course in American religion
- quality or condition of existing in more than one part or form
- second component of conservative political morality
- supreme over-arching god in the pantheon of modern politically correct gods
- third main account of welfare
- watchword
- to philosophy what moral relativism is to ethics
* lets things really exist in the each-form or distributively.
* means freedom
- participation of all parties and the civil society
* pillar of American society.
* prides itself on religious tolerance.
* reality that emerges from the very nature of India.
* reality, a necessity for human development in democratic societies.
* refers to government by more than one
- the thousands of interest groups that participate in politics
* reflects a stakeholder model of power sharing and distribution of influence.
* represents a deterioration of an earlier unity, a falling away from the ideal beginnings.
* seems more likely than determinism around a single pattern, such as global capitalism.
* speaks of cohabitation rather than adoption.
* therefore implies disagreement and dissension within a community. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | practice | pluralism:
Political pluralism
* allows for the pursuit of interests and causes.
* is an essential component of democracy, as is the right to dissent
- another of the principles to which the new nation is committed
Religious pluralism
* is in vogue today
- indeed fundamental to the concept of Israel as a Jewish democratic state
- the state in which many different faiths are represented in a country
* leads eventually to the admission that everything is permissible, nothing true.
Private practice
* involves attorneys working in law firms and solo practice for profit.
* is practice.
* tend to be concentrated in centres of large urban population.
Psychological test
* are practice.
* measure or evaluate abilities, general or specific, or personality traits.
* show no significant difference between fat and thin people.
Reflective practice
* involves examining beliefs.
* is the mindful review of one's actions specifically, one's professional actions
- used to maximize effectiveness
Regular practice
* detoxifies the body, mind and soul, and gives enhanced physical energy.
* leads to physiological homeostasis - a state of energy balance within the body.
* relaxes muscles and the nervous system eventually enhancing the immune system.
Religious practice
* consists of acts of worship, rituals and devotional behaviour.
* enhances spiritual growth.
* includes praying for spiritual and material welfare.
* is free from political or social discrimination.
* vary widely within each religion.
Routine practice
* reduces stress and promotes integration of mind, body and spirit.
* refers to a group or institution's habit.
Shamanic practice
* continue in present-day Mongolian culture.
* vary by tribe and country, but the basic ideas remain the same.
Shamanistic practice
* Some shamanistic practices involve the use of a power animal or a second soul.
* can be traces back to Paleolithic hunters.
Social practice
* describe the way people behave toward one another.
* differ greatly, as do customs.
Spiritual practice
* Many spiritual practices aim at helping practitioners to let go.
* can also be a valuable way of dealing with mystery, and so can theology
- contribute to an ethical vision
- reduce stress, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels
* goes beyond ideas about spiritual practice, beyond specific activities.
* have a strong social aspect.
* is about seeing Reality just as it is, including our own self-deception
- effort at fixity of consciousness
- essentially prayer
Unethical practice
* can lower stock prices when publicized.
* undermine the system of trust that is the backbone of online auctioning.
Unwritten law
* are a races most important laws.
* is practice<|endoftext|>### activity:
* causes electron transfer which is the basis of all chemical reactions in the body
- the axis to drift slowly
* change in the orientation of the rotational axis of a rotating body.
* changes the pole star as seen from Earth.
* has a profound effect on the earth's climate.
* is a. the accuracy with which numbers are given in astronomy
- activities
- caused by the constant pull of the sun and moon on the bulge of the Earth s equator
- motion like that experienced by a top as it spins
- rotation about another axis
- spinnings
* is the Earth's slow wobble as it spins on axis
- change in azimuth of Earth's tilt axis relative to the ecliptic plane
- clockwise wobbling of Earth's axis of rotation
* is the effect of bodies in motion on other bodies in motion
- motion upon other bodies in motion
- wobble of the Earth 's axis
- turning
+ Milankovich cycle, The cycles, Axial precession: Earth :: Climate :: Celestial mechanics
* Precession is the wobble of the Earth's axis. This gyroscopic motion is due to the tidal forces exerted by the sun and the moon on the solid Earth, which has the shape of an oblate spheroid rather than a sphere. The sun and moon contribute roughly equally to this effect. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity:
* Some preparations contain phenylalanine.
* affects results.
* alters principles.
* cans have effects
- side effects
- toxic effects
* containing lidocaine and pramoxine are least likely to cause allergic skin reactions
- silver are incompatible with sulfacetamide sodium
* enhances performance.
* helps problems
- weed problems
* improves accuracy.
* includes distribution.
* is activities
- harmony
- important for agriculture to prevent farmers from having many losses
- used for medical treatment of cancer in bones, prostate and other organs
* leads to development.
* mays have effects
* presents problems.
* requires guidance
* shows effects.
+ Nimzo-Indian defence: Chess openings
* The white central pawns are under restraint. Much preparation is needed before they can move forward.
### activity | preparation:
Antacid preparation
* Some antacid preparations relieve symptoms by forming a layer on top of the stomach contents.
* can help to relieve heartburn.
### activity | preparation | deployment:
* is deployment
* relies on individuals knowing about opportunities outside their specific work area.
Food preparation
* can change the form of iron affecting absorption and food quality.
* involves work far beyond caring for crops and livestock.
* is as important as food types
- one of the most basic and vital human activities
- the most sophisticated art developed in China since pre-Qin period
* plays a big part in carcinogen exposure
- food carcinogen exposure
Herbal preparation
* Many herbal preparations have some effect on blood sugar levels.
* are effective in clearing and reducing premenstrual symptoms
- safe to take with prescription drugs
* can also cause harmful drug interactions
- vary widely, making the concentration of ingredients often inconsistent
Mental preparation
* helps to reduce the shock and trauma associated with terror.
* involves having a certain frame of mind.
* is important in all sports
- self-defense
- similar to physical exercise
Oral preparation
* are subject to the hepatic first-pass metabolism effect.
* have the slowest onset of action
- toxic effects on the liver<|endoftext|>### activity:
* Flowers the reproductive structures of plants.
* covers topics.
* draws attention
- further attention
* focuses on ideas.
* follows logic.
* has effects.
* includes details
- examples
- images
* introduces concepts.
* is ceremony
- displays
* is located in conferences
- meetings
- positions
- proposals
- shows
- the part of the fetus presenting for birth
* non-conceptual form of 'representation'.
* offers education
- experience
* provides opportunity
- valuable opportunity
* refers to the display of content and the user's interaction with mobile applications.
* shows details. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity:
* Describes how to use, modify and override procedures.
* Many procedures entail the loss of body fluids either through bleeding or drying during surgery.
* Some procedures result in human pregnancy.
* affect functions
- growth
* are a particular course or mode of action that describes how to perform a certain task
- instructions, often detailed, for operation of specific systems and equipment
- proceeding
- specifications showing how an organization wants things to happen
- the rules that govern processes
* are the steps that are used to achieve a principle or objective or to carry out a policy
- to accomplishing a specific task in accordance within an organization
- tools or processes for implementing program policies
- used by physicians
* base on knowledge
- scientific knowledge
* can have effects
- side effects
* cause extreme pain
* create problems.
* extend potential.
* focus on responses.
* follow steps.
* have cost
* help customers.
* improve care
* include examinations
- packs
- specimens
* involve animal experiments
- members
- plates
- scenes
- sound
- trials
* is an activity
* provide details
- information
- necessary information
- overviews
- valuable information
* raise ethical issues
* reduce ability.
* require behavior
- expertise
- inspections
* use options.<|endoftext|>### activity | procedure:
* Some calculations examine the behavior of materials at the atomic and molecular levels.
* are planning
- procedures
* base on equations
- evidence
- facts
- heat conduction equations
- measurements
- observations
- statistical evidence
* confirm exchanges.
* focus on growth.
* give results
- values
* have physical significance
* help functions
- kidney functions
* illustrate complexity.
* include density equations
- variation
* involve evaluation functions
* lead to consistent results
* produce results.
* provide generalization
- predictions
- size
* require effort
- methods
- sophisticate methods
* reveal answers
- concentration
* show development
- outcomes
- power
* take few steps
* use approaches
- different approaches
- mean values
- principles
+ Schulze method, How it works: Voting systems :: Debian
* More calculations take place. The winner W is the one such that for every other candidate X, there is a 't' so that W beats X with strength 't', but X does not beat W with strength 't'.
### activity | procedure | calculation:
* are contexts
- joining
- similarity
- versions
* is the approach of choice when a problem is known to be hard.<|endoftext|>### activity | procedure | calculation:
* Some derivatives yield bulking agents, flow agents, and gums to thicken.
* are a kind of nuclear financial instrument
- means of shifting risk
- compounds
- contracts between a buyer and a seller
- purely symbol manipulation on polynomials
- securities linked to or derived from an underlying asset such as loans or shares
- simply financial instruments which derive their value from some underlying asset
- the financial equivalent of explosives on a construction site
- tools for managing risk
- used as a base in the manufacture of soaps, detergents and lauryl alcohol
- words
* exist for many more kinds of functions than just polynomial ones.
* play a very important role in risk management.
* provide avenues for management of financial risk.
* represent a rate of change.
* usually derive their value from stocks, currencies or commodities.
### activity | procedure | calculation | derivative:
Financial derivative
* are central to both portfolio optimization and risk management.
* let treasurers, banks, and hedge funds bet on almost anything.
* Consider a sphere rolling straight up an inclined plane.
* is differences.
* work by averaging the angular velocities of the rotations on both sides. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | procedure | calculation | differential:
* Many curvatures continue to progress throughout life.
* is differential
Differential geometry
* crucial tool in modern physics.
* is the language of modern physics as well as an area of mathematical delight.
* is the study of curved surfaces and their higher-dimensional generalizations
- geometry in terms of infinitesimals
Partial derivative
* have many applications in mathematics, physics, economics, etc.
* is differential<|endoftext|>### activity | procedure | calculation:
* Most estimates place the Earth's long-term capacity at four to sixteen billion.
* Some estimates suggest that one plant or animal endangered species becomes extinct every hour.
* are calculations
- comparisons between integrals, our method of relating one to another
- important both in computation and in measurement
- judgment
- respect
- statements
* show that more than a million people worldwide have kidney failure.
* vary about the life span of a wolf.
+ Bicentenaria: Dinosaurs of South America :: Cretaceous dinosaurs :: Coelurosaurs
* Basckin, Deborah. 2012. It contains only the type species, 'Bicentenaria argentina'. Estimates suggest that it was in length.
+ List of Christian denominations by number of members, Largest denominations in the world: Religion-related lists
* Estimates vary widely.
+ Sleepwalking: Sleep disorders
* There is no data about how common sleepwalking is. Estimates say that that one to two percent of adults are sleepwalkers. Most cases of sleepwalking are temporary, they occur once, or only a few times.
+ Snow leopard, Life, Distribution: Felines :: Mammals of Asia
* Its numbers are quite low, though difficult to estimate. Many estimates are rough and outdated. The total wild population of the Snow leopard was estimated in 2008 as 4,510 to 7,350 individuals.
### activity | procedure | calculation | estimate:
* emerges from e-commerce in goods and services, among other things.
* is an estimate<|endoftext|>### activity | procedure | calculation | estimate | capitalisation:
Market capitalization
* is capitalization
- how much a company's stock is worth
* is the market value of a company's outstanding stock
- product of stock price and number of shares issued by the company
- share price times by the number of shares in issue
- sum total of the individual values of a company's capital stock
- total value of all the securities of a firm
* means the total market value of a company's outstanding common stock.
* refers to the total value the market puts on a company.
* represents the public opinion of the value of a company's equity.
* shows the public opinion of a company's value.
* It is equal to the price of one share of stock, times the number of shares of stock in a public company. Owning stock in a company is owning a part of the company. Market capitalization shows the public opinion of a company's value.
+ Market capitalization, Valuation: Business :: Legal terms
* Market capitalization represents the public opinion of the value of a company's equity. A public corporation, including all of its assets, may be bought and sold as stock. These purchases and sales will define the price of the company's share price. Market capitalization is the share price times by the number of shares in issue. This provides a total value for the company's shares and the value the company.
* helps in the refinement of searches for proper names.
* is an estimate
- exploitation
- selling
- when the unpaid interest is added to the principal
- writing
Conservative estimate
* claim over two million individuals suffer a traumatic brain injury each year.
* suggest that one-half to one percent of females in the U.S. develop anorexia. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | procedure | calculation | estimate:
Credit rating
* Credit Ratings help in differentiating and distinguishing oneself from others.
* are estimates.
* become powerful political symbols for governments.
* help determine how much states and other borrowers have to pay when issuing bonds.
* long-term commitment that is reviewed on an annual basis.
Current estimate
* are that over half the world's population lives in earthen structures.
* indicate that about one-third of all adults smoke.<|endoftext|>### activity | procedure | calculation:
* are calculations
- inference
* involves estimating an unknown quantity that lies outside a series of known values.
* is the estimating of the future value of some variable based on past values.
* refers to the use of a fitted curve beyond the range of the observed data.
+ Curve fitting: Mathematical approximation
* By John R. Hauser. By Claire Marton. Page 150. and to summarize the relationships among two or more variables. Encyclopedia of Research Design, Volume 1. Edited by Neil J. Salkind. Extrapolation refers to the use of a fitted curve beyond the range of the observed data. Community Analysis and Planning Techniques. By Richard E. Klosterman. This is subject to a degree of uncertaintyAn Introduction to Risk and Uncertainty in the Evaluation of Environmental Investments.
* Consider a sphere rolling straight up an inclined plane.
* also play an important role in population growth calculations.
* are artificial satellites
* often represent the area under a curve.
* Adding these slices together gives the equation that the first equation is the derivative of. Integrals are like a way to add many tiny things together by hand. Integration is like we also have to add all the decimals and fractions in between as well.
### activity | procedure | calculation | integral:
Definite integral
* is an integral
* obey the ordinary algebraic properties that indefinite integrals do.<|endoftext|>### activity | procedure | calculation:
Mental calculation
* forces students to think about numbers and number relationships.
* is also the cornerstone to all estimation
- an important and frequently used practical life skill
* uses only the human brain
- ' or 'mental maths' is an old mathematical tool. It is doing maths without using any objects or writing anything down. Mental calculation uses only the human brain. People who use mental maths use shortcuts to make the calculation easier. People who use mental calculation do not use a computer or a calculator | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | procedure | calculation:
* are always two complemental.
* commutative operation.
* corresponds to adding the angles of the two points and multiplying their lengths
- the intersection of the sets
* has an exponential effort that increases at a rapid rate
- similar variations in sophistication
* is accomplished only by division
- almost always faster than division
* is also always possible, but division only sometimes
- related to the Cartesian product of two sets
- another binary operation
- arithmetic operations
- associative and distributive with respect to addition
- both associative and commutative
* is by binary fission in the trophozoite stage
- fission, and no sexual stage has been identified
- budding and the detached buds are completely ciliated
- plant division
- defined in the mathematical linear algebra sense
- done on the set of odd integers
- matrix multiplication
- noncommutative
- nonlinear addition
* is one of the basic functions used in digital signal processing
- four basic mathematical functions
- orders of magnitude faster than finding a square root
- procreation
* is the addition of equal quantities
- easiest nontrivial arithmetic function
- ultimately a form of addition
* is used in many different problem situations
- to determine the size or number of elements in many groups of equal size
- useful when calculating the cost of energy or energy related items
* means that one vector is made bigger or smaller.
* short form of addition.
* usually starts with skip-counting.
+ Vector space: Linear algebra
* Often, for example in Euclidean space, a vector can be represented graphically with an arrow that has a tail and a head. We normally then think of addition as the tail of one vector being placed at the same point as the head of the other vector. The sum vector is the one whose tail is the tail of the first vector and whose head is the head of the second. Multiplication means that one vector is made bigger or smaller.<|endoftext|>### activity | procedure:
* Mean Calculates the average of a series of numbers.
* account for convection, dispersion, mixing, and biodegradation effects.
* always reduces to maths.
* can be numerical computations as well as inputting and outputting data.
* enables better control and understanding of the physical world.
* has a rich history in the arts as a mechanism for enhancing artistic endeavor.
* helps to tackle problems in exploration, fuels, plastics, and chemicals.
* involves numbers
- the manipulation of a symbol system
* is computation
- embedded in many physical artifacts and spread throughout our environment
- related to a dynamic process of node firings
* is the essence of order
- implementation of a symbol system
- manipulation of interpretable symbols
- mechanical manipulation of symbols
- when scientists use computers to solve math and science problems
* process of symbol manipulation.
* uses equations.
### activity | procedure | computation:
Digital computation
* All digital computation is based on discrete mathematics.
* relies on the ability of algorithms to break tasks down into very small steps.
Evolutionary computation
* can model both biological and cultural evolution.
* makes use of a metaphor of natural evolution.
Quantum computation
* is more powerful than classical computation.
* uses the inherent vagueness of the quantum world.
Criminal procedure
* includes court rules, laws, constitutional rights, and case law.
* method for enforcing the criminal law.
* refers to the I. methods the government can use to investigate criminals.
Orthopedic procedure
* are generally painful because of trauma to large muscle masses.
* involving rigid bone particularly lend themselves to automated surgery. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | procedure:
* are important to a child's sense of security and well-being
- the development of both social interactions and early communication
- natural sedatives in a manner of speaking
* consists of workouts.
* help children develop a sense of responsibility for their actions and respect for others
- feel safe, because they know what parents expect
- learn to keep themselves healthy and safe
* helps families.
* involves patterns.
* is part of programs
- procedures
- software
* requires conscious effort
### activity | procedure | routine:
* can get deep enough to completely stop a motorcycle.
* is routine
* male animal's peak period of fertility and sexual excitement.
* often deepen into graves.<|endoftext|>### activity | procedure:
* also reduces the tendency to be aggressive toward humans and other animals.
* can occur if both ovaries are damaged.
* destroys all forms of micro-organisms, including viruses, bacteria, spores and fungi
- microbial life
* includes incisions.
* is accomplished by formaldehyde produced by incomplete combustion of methanol
- achieved by the high temperature that steam under pressure can reach
* is also permanent
- the term used to describe an operation to make a man or woman infertile
* is an important part of being a responsible pet owner
- by ethylene oxide
- cleaning
- considered to be an irreversible method of contraception
- done by various surgical techniques, usually under general anesthesia
- effective and permanent, and it has no major side effects
- illegal as a method of family planning
- meant to be permanent
- necessary to destroy microorganism growth and reproduction capability
- of utmost importance when dealing with blood and actively abcessed teeth
* is one of the most common surgeries performed by veterinary clinics
- safest, most effective, and most cost-effective contraceptive methods
- seen as the decision of the person involved
- surgical birth control
* is the chief means of achieving asepsis
- complete killing of all organisms
- destruction of all living organisms
- elimination of all microbial organisms including spore formers
- key issue in save tattooing
* is the permanent prevention of gamete production or release
* is the process of sterilizing
- used to kill all the bacteria on a piece of equipment
- removal or killing of all microbes
- ultimate method of birth control
- use of a physical or chemical procedure to destroy all forms of microbial life
- usually irreversible
- voluntary with no imposition from anyone
- voluntary, abortion illegal
- when a man or woman has an operation to permanently prevent pregnancy
* is, generally resorted to for avoiding conception of a child.
* kills all viable microorganisms.
* process by which all form of microbial life is inactivated
- capable of destroying all forms of microbial life on inanimate surfaces
- of eliminating all microorganisms
* provides no protection against sexually transmitted infections
- the acquisition of sexually transmitted disease
* reduces the number of diseased organisms and weeds present in the soil.
* removes all microorganisms, bacteria, and mycotic spores.
* requires exacting abdominal surgery and anesthesia, both of which carry health risks.
* serious decision that is made voluntarily.
* surgical operation by which the subjects are made incapable of procreation
- procedure done in a doctor's office or clinic
### activity | procedure | sterilization:
Female sterilization
* is called tubal ligation, while male sterilization is called vasectomy
- one of the best methods of birth control available
* is the most common form of birth control in the United States
- commonly used means of contraception in India
- effective long-term family planning method other than vasectomy
* surgical procedure that blocks the fallopian tubes. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | procedure | sterilization:
Involuntary sterilization
* civil rights violation.
* is legal only after approval by the court.
Permanent sterilization
* is permissible only in the case of some serious health problems.
* medical procedure that requires parental consent.
Ultraviolet sterilization
* is effective in treating for bacteria and viruses.
* works by passing water through ultraviolet light.<|endoftext|>### activity:
* There are many different ways invertebrates protect themselves from danger.
* allows many species to grow to a large size and reach their full reproductive potential.
* comes from the body's ability to develop immunity to the protein
- in the form of antibodies
* extends life
- shelf life
* improves health
- mental health
* includes coverage
- detection
* increases chances.
* is activities
- extortion
- imposition
- security
* is the act of keeping a person safe from harm or injury
- proactive process of creating an environment that is as secure as possible
- sense of detachment and innocence
* means covering the upper parts of the plant and the soil over the roots
- of battle
* reduces dehydration.
* requires the stimulation of several types of immune cell.
* uses methods.
* Almost every time you have come begging for protection the articles have had zero or close to zero vandalism edits. Protection is for actual incidents that are happening. Frankly every time you come here doing this you are making pointy arguments. The community has time and again told you that is not what it wants. And yes I am aware you believe it would be better to damage the reputation of wikipedia by protecting high profile articles when lots of eyes are on them and people are expecting to be able to edit them in good faith. Thus being completely against our aim of being the encyclopedia that 'anyone' can edit.
### activity | protection:
Cathodic protection
* is effective in such diverse mediums as salt water, fresh water, and most soils
- one way to prevent pitting
* uses either sacrificial anodes or impress current to prevent electrolysis.
Civil defense
* depends on the ability of the system to inform the people.
* is protection
- taken seriously in the Soviet Union, though less so in the United States
Cold frame
* are common in native gardens, but are limited by size
- protective covering
* insulate some crops in sheets of plastic.
Consumer protection
* fosters a market place in which our competitive economic system flourishes best.
* happens because so many people do things the right way.
* is an important role for public health.
* is the basis of regulation
- process of protecting the interest of consumers through policies
- responsibility of governments and at the same time a citizen's right
- very much a combination of legal protection and informal self protection<|endoftext|>### activity | protection:
* are derived from the food they eat
- the hows of conflict and compromise
* can vary based on the habitat of the bee.
* is an action
- collections
- due processes
- justification
- military actions
- organizations
- part of trials
- teams
* is the aspect of basketball where hard work really shows up
- responsibility of the United States
* provides vitamins.
+ Advance Wars: 2001 video games :: Game Boy Advance-only games :: Intelligent Systems games :: Wars series
* Most units can attack other units. Each unit has its own strength and defense. Strength is how much damage the unit can do to another unit. Defense is how much damage it can avoid taking whenever it is attacked. For example, the tank unit has more defense than the soldier, so even though the helicopter always has the same amount of attacking power, it can do more damage to the soldier than the tank.
+ Tarantula: Spiders
* Tarantulas are eaten by big snakes and the Tarantula eating wasp. Defenses are camouflage and fangs. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | protection | defense:
* is defense
- against bioterrorism, often in the form of a vaccine or medicine
+ Bioterrorism: Terrorism
* There are biological agents in nature, but they can be changed artificially in order to make them more effective. There are many methods of spreading biological agents. Biodefense is defense against bioterrorism, often in the form of a vaccine or medicine.
Chemical defense
* are secondary metabolites produced by the plant that deter herbivory
- used by the largest group of plants
* play an important role in the ecology of sponges on Caribbean reefs.
Dust cover
* are protective covering.
* is protection
* keep dust and insects out and slow the rate of temperature and humidity changes.<|endoftext|>### activity | protection:
Eye protection
* consists of anti-fogged goggles.
* is also very important when working with agricultural chemicals
- especially important when working on systems, which are in operation
- important when handling pesticides
* is mandatory for racquet sports and floor hockey
- when operating glass apparatus under vacuum
- particularly necessary when mixing pesticides
- recommended during hand harvesting, where workers are exposed to the cane stalks
- required for racquet sports
- to be worn at all times when using power tools
- wavelength-specific
- worn by everyone in a laboratory
* necessity when jobs create the possibility of eye injury.
Fire protection
* begins with owning and knowing how to use a fire extinguisher.
* dry fill sprinkler system.
* falls into two main categories, prevention and protection.
* incorporates features and procedures to limit the effects of fires and explosions.
* is as old as the use of fire itself
- everyone's responsibility
* provides for safe buildings and working environments.
* secondary function of the water distribution system.
Forest protection
* core concern of environmentalists throughout the world.
* is an integral part of sustainable forest management
- forestry
* is, of course, forest management.
Frost protection
* is critical when the plants begin emerging in the spring
- needed for tube systems to prevent pipes from freezing and splitting
* vital part of cranberry farming.
Habitat protection
* includes protecting or promoting the natural spring-time hydrograph.
* is crucial for the recovery and continued existence of the desert tortoise
- essential for their survival
- the key component of an effective approach to the protection of species | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | protection:
* Most immunization provides protective immunity.
* Provides a whole list of immunizations and the basics of vaccinisation.
* Some immunizations are combined and protect against more than one disease.
* Some immunizations require a series of medications given over a period of time
- only one dose of the vaccine
* also protects vitamin A levels, which plum met during acute measles infections
- save money
- slows down or stops disease outbreaks
* are a cost-saving, preventive measure that protect children from illness and death
- critical way to protect children from several diseases
- possible cause in that it reaches everyone who developed it
- powerful and cost effective way to prevent infectious diseases in children
- safe and effective way to prevent many childhood diseases
- way to stand together as a community for the health of our children
* are also an important part of preventive health care for children
- one of the most cost-effective preventive health care measures
- an essential part of well-child care and are included in routine visits
* are an important part of preventive health care for children
- the preparation process to travel overseas
- contrary to religious beliefs
- critically important for the continued health of all children
- free of charge to children from infancy through high school age
- important for both the health of the child and the public's health
- inexpensive and effective at preventing most diseases
* are one of the cornerstones of modern medicine
- greatest gifts a parent can give a child
- most cost-effective preventive health measures known to medicine today
- shots that protect children from diseases such as measles and mumps
* are the cornerstone of preventive public health
- first line of defense against many infectious diseases
* are the most cost effective way to eliminate preventable childhood diseases
- effective and inexpensive method available to prevent certain illnesses
- purest piece of preventive health technology
- single most effective protection against diseases that threaten children
- vaccines given to prevent serious diseases
- very important to keep up with before and after the splenectomy
* can also reduce the potential for costly inpatient hospital stays for children
- be injections or liquids that are swallowed
- happen from vaccination
- occur by pregnancy as well as by transfusion
* can prevent hearing loss resulting from such diseases
- serious illnesses and diseases
* can protect against diseases such as measles, mumps, polio, and chickenpox
- children from dangerous diseases that have serious complications
- save lives and stop diseases from spreading
- sometimes have mild side effects like fever or soreness
* come as a series of injections delivered over intervals of several weeks to months.
* consists of a single dose of vaccine.
* continue to protect children against preventable diseases into adulthood.
* focuses on disease and is contrary to the natural order.
* form of passive immunity.
* give their immune systems the needed boost.
* given in childhood provide life-long protection against a variety of deadly agents.
* help prevent debilitating disease and death
- protect people from serious, preventable diseases
* helps to prevent diseases caused by specific viruses and bacteria.
* human right and also a key step to economic development.
* is also important for adults
- an area of growing importance in our health care system
* is an important and cost effective form of preventive medicine
- protection against specific infections
- public health policy affecting children
- integral part of preventive health care
* is especially important if a woman is of child-bearing age
- to battle the bacteria that cause some kinds of pneumonia
- forced in some states
- indicated even after recovery from tetanus disease
- one of the best methods to prevent vaccine-preventable infectious diseases
* is one of the best ways to protect against many of the contagious diseases
- to protect children against disease
* is one of the most cost effective health interventions
- cost-effective health interventions
* is one of the most effective and cost efficient ways to prevent disease
- methods of preventing disease
- ways of preventing disease
- important medical precautions one can take when traveling
- powerful weapons of modern medicine
- safest and most cost-effective means of preventing illness
- way to shift the balance
- only one area of preventivive medicine that needs the attention of the public
* is the best way to protect children against many infectious diseases
- greatest public health success story in history
* is the most effective intervention available to stop the spread of infectious diseases
- method to prevent the disease
* is the only effective method to prevent the disease in infants
- protection children have against childhood diseases
- way to prevent the disease
- premier success story of public health
- production of immunity by artificial means
- safest, most effective way to provide protection against anthrax
- use of a vaccine to protect against disease
- when a persons immune system learns to fight an infection
* keep deadly diseases in the history books.
* new issue every time a child is born.
* plays an important role in prevention of disease.
* prevent childhood diseases such as measles, whooping cough, diphtheria and polio.
* prevent many contagious diseases
- diseases that cause illness and even death
- others from being exposed to the risks of the disease
* prevents certain diseases from getting started
- mumps-related sterility
* produce antibodies whose concentration in the blood can be measured.
* protect children from disabling or life threatening diseases
- serious, sometimes fatal, preventable illnesses
- infants and children from devastating and even fatal diseases
* protects against several dangerous diseases
- diseases which can cause poor growth, disability, and death
* provide protection against many childhood diseases.
* provides a way to reproduce the antibodies that infants are born with
- adequate protection
- long term protection for most people
* remains one of the most powerful tools that medical science has for disease prevention.
* remains the mainstay of efforts for the prevention and control of influenza
- most cost-effective means of preventing disease
- primary measure to prevent infection
* safe, effective way to help the body prevent or fight off many diseases.
* save lives, prevent suffering, and allow significant savings in health care costs
* saves lives.
* series of shots that helps prevent many serious illnesses
- three injections
* slows down the time to market by about four days.
* start at birth.
* take away a lot of the risk of bringing up baby.
* tricks the body into building defenses against a disease.
* try to make a person have an immune reaction to an infectious agent.
* uses vaccines , substances that contain antigens to which immune system can respond.
* vary in cost.
* way of protecting the human body against infectious diseases through vaccination.
* work by helping the body produce antibodies against the disease
- only if administered
+ Infection, Treating infectious disease: Infectious diseases :: Microbiology :: Parasitism
* Some diseases can be prevented by immunizations. Immunizations try to make a person have an immune reaction to an infectious agent. This is usually done before the person gets the disease. In some cases, if all of the disease can be removed from society, we can get rid of the disease completely. An example of this is smallpox. This virus used to kill people, cause blindness, and bad scars. Now there has not been a person who had smallpox in over thirty years.
+ Vaccination, Vaccination versus Immunization
* Immunization is when a persons immune system learns to fight an infection. Immunization can happen from vaccination. But immunization can also happen from getting the 'infection'. After a person gets hepatitis B and then gets well, he is immunized from getting it again. A person can also be immunized from to hepatitis B by taking the hepatitis B vaccination. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | protection | immunization:
Active immunization
* involves administration of antigens or immunologic adjuvants
- the use of vaccines, and passive immunization uses serums
* is another term for vaccination.
* provides protection.
* suppresses psychoactive effects of cocaine.
Childhood immunization
* Most childhood immunizations occur before age two.
* are a safe and effective way to keep children from getting sick
- vital part of children's health care
* can prevent many diseases, such as measles, mumps, and even chicken pox.
* consist advice least dozen vaccinations given
* do prevent disease.
* help make certain that Kansas children have a bright, healthy future.
* is one means of decreasing the cases of preventable diseases.
Passive immunization
* can interfere with active immunization.
* involves the injection of serum into the body.
* is for immediate protection, within minutes of giving the preformed antibodies
- used when exposure to a disease has recently occurred or is anticipated
Tetanus immunization
* are memorable because they usually cause a sore arm.
* can be extremely important to adults.
### activity | protection | karate:
Karate training
* helps the body create a strong delivery system by maintaining fitness.
* increases mental focus and assists in health and stress management.
Shotokan karate
* is one of the largest and best known of the karate styles in the martial arts
- most popular martial arts practiced today
- the most popular form of martial arts performed today
* stresses mental and physical development.
Legal protection
* comes with implementation of laws that allow registration of variety ownership.
* exist for workers who file complaints about dangerous work situations.
Lightning protection
* very specialized industry requiring trained technicians.
* well-developed field of engineering.
Overdraft protection
* form of credit.
* service that more and more banks are offering.
* are decoration
- layers
- program segments that can be loaded into memory only as needed
* is protection
Patent protection
* applies therefore to technical inventions or innovations.
* gives inventors the exclusive right to exploit their inventions.
* is an absolute requirement for most inventions to be commercialized successfully
- below the level of protection in the United States
- fundamental to industrial innovation
- the basis of the pharmaceutical industry<|endoftext|>### activity | protection:
* also means to prepare, maintain or preserve for the future.
* becomes concern.
* broader term than conservation.
* encompasses the activities which prolong the usable life of archival records.
* focuses on resource protection in stewardship of natural and cultural resources.
* is also a main use of salt.
* is an aspect of resource management
- indirect method of treatment in which the environment around an item is changed
- investment that prolongs the life of the transportation system
- conditions
- followed by conservation, the systematic protection of natural resources
- mediated by bacterial biofilms
* is the attempt to maintain a resource that has been untouched by humans
- business of saving special places and the quality of life they support
- management of change over time
- protection of a resource by withdrawing it from use
- upholding in existence what already is
* is, in a nutshell, the slowing down of the natural progression of putrefying organisms.
* librarians most often work in academic libraries.
* maintains the continuity of society's purposes over time.
* microfilming involves the creation of multiple products.
* requires actions
- immediate actions | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | protection | preservation:
* appears to have growth out of a decreasingly steep rate of growth.
* are preservation.
* Environmentalists often talk about threats to the earth from pollution and overpopulation. Environmentalism is both personal and political. In their own lives, environmentalists do things that are better for the earth, such as recycling, using natural products, and supporting businesses that try not to harm the environment. Politically, they support laws that help the environment, like laws against pollution.
* can be about people's backyards.
* concern for minimizing environmental harm.
* eliminates such rights as a constitutional category.
* has many names because it is an emergent ideology
- nothing to do with protecting the environment
* is at root a movement against man
- big business
- concerned with protection and promotion of the bioshpere
- everywhere
* is just part of the tooth, fang and claw in life
- the latest mutation of nihilism i.e., of anti-selfishness
- one of the most powerful social revolutions of the twentieth century
- part of the American ethic
- rooted in the notion that pristine nature is sacred
- socialist
- survival
* is the attitude of a conqueror's benevolence towards the conquered
- new face of the religionists
* lost cause.
* makes man the endangered species.
* philosophy that upholds a profound hatred of humankind.
* political movement that has created strong opinions.
* rejects harm-based standing rules.
* simple choice that is made meal by meal.
* thus pushes toward a centralized, unlimited political scheme.
### activity | protection | preservation | environmentalism:
Modern environmentalism
* is peopled by a very mixed group of folks and their motivations.
* rests on a philosophical base that women have had a firm hand in shaping.
Farmland preservation
* happens in rural towns with small populations.
* is really preservation of the overall quality of life.<|endoftext|>### activity | protection | preservation:
Historic preservation
* can play an important role in economic development.
* creates awareness of a community's heritage.
* form of land use regulation.
* helps to revitalize inner-city neighborhoods and business districts.
* is conservation in every sense of the word
- important for economic growth
- public policy, at least when it's convenient
- to preserve the sense of community
* means jobs, more jobs than from new construction projects alone.
* part of the area in planning, governance and urban policy.
* planning technique employed in many American metropolitan areas.
* has many benefits.
* is preservation
- primarily the work of a highly skilled craftsman
* process of silicone, polyester or epoxy impregnation of tissues.
Privacy protection
* is both a personal and fundamental right of all individuals
- largely a personal responsibility
* significant business issue in the information economy.
Respiratory protection
* becomes necessary when large amounts of dust are generated.
* means that respirators ought to be used.
Social protection
* covers expenditure on benefits, social services and health care.
* is the means to provide security of income and a safe working environment
- route to an inclusive society
* represents a fundamental component of the European model of society.
Watershed protection
* is the most effective strategy for ensuring clean water in the future.
* key element in protecting water quality.
Wing tip
* are part of wing tips
- shoes
* is protection
* are activities
- extremely painful and can result in loss of limb or death
- holes
- mishap
* bubbles to release trapped air.
* is also an important area in the design of turbo codes
- an activity
* occurs when a probe, needle or some other object is forced through the glove. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity | puncture:
* allow only selected and focussed rays to reach the retina.
* are punctures
- similar but caused by expanding air bubbles under the still soft epoxy
- tiny holes penetrating a glazed surface
Spinal tap
* are safe procedures for babies.
* can be very painful and lead to serious complications.
* drain some of the fluid, but within a day that pressure starts to build again.
* involves inserting a needle and retrieving spinal fluid for laboratory analysis.
* is mandatory for the diagnosis of empyema.
* way to sample fluid - pneumothorax is air in the pleural space.
* is more effective and less painful than heel lancing for blood tests in neonates
- the withdrawing of venous blood, typically used for analysis of the blood sample
* is used most often in adult patients
- when multiple tubes with different anticoagulants are needed
* requires medical personnel and sterile conditions.
* sites Large veins are present on the posterior aspect of the ears.<|endoftext|>### activity:
* Centers Teach a child to cook, sew or create a project.
* Describe pleasurable activities such as sports, hobbies and entertainment.
* Some recreation guides work in cities.
* has different meanings and values from person to person and community to community.
* helps restore our bodies, minds and souls.
* is an activity
* is an important part of life
- tool in promoting and maintaining good physical and emotional well being
- opportunity to re-create, or regenerate, the spirit
- fun
* is important around areas where there are lakes and rivers
- to the economy of rural communities
- located in parks
- now a major part of the lives of most people
* is the effective and often creative use of leisure time
- second-largest industry in the United States
* refreshment of the body and mind.
* way of life in our community
### activity | recreation | festivity:
* are fictional characters
- tools
* is festivity
* are an attempt to fill the emptiness from a lack of internalized nurturance
- the secretive, rapid consumption of high-caloric foods over a discrete period of time
* involve eating foods for emotional rather than nutritional reasons.
* usually consist of the consumption of large amounts of food in a short period of time.
* vary in amount of food consumed, sometimes involving thousands of calories.
* are formed as a result of deflation
- malfunctions
* occur where the vegetation is depleted due to fire or overgrazing.
### activity | recreation | fun | humor:
Black humor
* is morbid or unhealthy and gloomy humor
- style
* permeates every form of media, and it shows up in all but the most sacred death rituals.
* uses devices often associated with tragedy and is sometimes equated with tragic farce.
Good humor
* frame of mind, a healthy, wholesome, vibrant way of seeing things.
* is mood
- one of the best articles of dress one can wear in society
- tempers
- the expression of the humility of hope
Vitreous humor
* clear, watery fluid found in the anterior chamber of the eye.
* fills the cavity behind the lens and comprises most of the eye's volume.
* helps in image formation and also to maintain the spherical shape of the eye.
* is humour
Nude recreation
* can be a getaway from the pressures of daily life.
* embraces the joy of living and experiencing nature in the most natural way possible.
* form of self expression.
* healthy, wholesome way to accept the human body. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity:
Recreational activity
* Recreational activities are a prime source of contact with oceans
- actions
- an invigorating way of providing therapy for children
- the basis of a large tourism industry in many states
- consist of activities that help or promote the fight against drunk driving
- contribute to the cumulative effects of excessive noise exposure
- emphasize the development of social and community behaviors
* Recreational activities involve contact
- direct contact
- pose limited threats to specific populations
* contributes to the health and well being of individuals and communities.
* is viewed as physically, socially, and emotionally healthy and desirable.
Regular activity
* can increase self esteem and self-confidence as well as reducing stress.
* declines significantly in the older age groups.
* improves a person's overall health and enhances quality of life.
* reduces stress, prevents depression, and improves quality of sleep.
* stimulates the bowel, increases circulation and helps prevent constipation.
### activity | rehearsal:
Dress rehearsal
* are a time to check out costuming, lines, lighting, pace, etc.
* is rehearsal.<|endoftext|>### activity:
* Most replication requires protein synthesis.
* begins with the local unwinding of the double helix by an enzyme called a helicase.
* involves assembly of viral proteins and genetic materials produced in the host cell
- multiplication
- selections
- steps
* is an area of interest to both distributed systems and databases.
* is one means of dealing with the issue of data location
- of the major criteria separating viruses from other computer programs
- pleading
- repetition
* is the duplication of the DNA into the chromatin
- hallmark of science
- means of automatic synchronization between two databases
* is the process of duplicating the genome when a cell divides
- making CD-Rs
- triggered by an enzyme
* key technology that helps make disasters easier to overcome.
* occurs as the result of the enzyme DNA polymerase.
* occurs in cytoplasm, even in enucleated cells
- locations
* process of running the experimental trials in a random manner.
* starts with the unwinding of the double helix and the formation of a replication fork.
* takes place by binary fission.
* widely used technique for achieving reliability.
### activity | replication:
Origin of replication
* Origins of replication are the sites at which DNA replication is initiated
- is organic matter
* is always a palindrome
- on the opposite side of plasmid from the two drug resistance genes<|endoftext|>### activity | replication:
Viral replication
* Most viral replication involves steps.
* dynamic process, with billions of virions being produced per day.
* is continuous throughout the course of disease
- cytoplasmic
- more widespread in immunodeficient mice
* leads to inflammation and edema, symptoms of the common cold
- the generation of viral mutants
* occurs predominantly in syncytia in infected nasopharyngeal tissue
- within the cellular cytoplasm of host cells
* occurs, followed by virus release and the host cell death.
* utilizes a viral encoded polymerase.
Virus replication
* Most virus replication occurs in locations.
* occurs entirely in the cytoplasm
- mainly in the cytoplasm with maturation by budding from the cell membrane
Reproductive activity
* Most reproductive activities affect weight
- activity occurs in early to late spring
* Some reproductive activities occur in winter.
* is seasonal and in temperate regions is generally dictated by temperature.
Research activity
* Research activities are conducted by players
- lead to improvement
* Research activities provide additional information | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
### activity:
* Devices Several types of devices are commercially available to restrain rabbits.
* also are underrecognized causes of death, usually by strangulation or entrapment.
* are accident hazards that increase the chance of serious injuries and death.
* characteristic of renunciation.
* entail a variety of physical and mechanical methods to restrict a patient's movement.
* involves hinderance, confinement or restriction of liberty.
* is control
- discipline
- restrictions
- used for examination, surgery, convalescence, breeding, and safe handling of animals
* leads to elevated baseline blood pressure, heart rate and temperature.
* means staying within the boundaries of the Constitution and of constitutional laws
- to confine or control an animal
* precedes the killing bite of predators on the ground.
* sovereign's sword, wielded with honor by the truly powerful.
### activity | restraint:
Chemical restraint
* are mind-altering drugs used to control a resident s behavioral symptoms.
* involves the use of psychotropic drugs or sedatives or paralytic agents.
* Most confinements increase adrenal functions
* are restraint.
* can also put considerable stress on the legs and hooves of pigs.
* causes birds to have temper tantrums and mood swings
- growth in height and discourages spreading
* helps to prevent injury from falls or wounds from fighting.
* is the physical restraint of a person
- rule for most livestock and poultry
* restricts the free movement of body or mind.
* use behavior.
### activity | restraint | confinement:
* can come in many forms.
* causes many health problems in marine mammals.
* is slavery.
### activity | restraint | confinement | captivity | internment:
* are imprisonment.
* is internment
* establishes which children live where and when and who pays.
* is imprisonment.
### activity | restraint | confinement | custody:
Child custody
* disputes increase in difficulty when one of the parents lives outside Nevada.
* includes numerous concepts, some of which overlap and some that are distinct.
* is granted to one or both parents of the child
- often a complicated legal process
* major issue in the civil arena.<|endoftext|>### activity | restraint | confinement | custody:
Joint custody
* allows each parent a say in the upbringing of the children
- for the responsibility of parenting to be shared
* can be very hard for kids where they have two homes and never feel quite settled
- make it possible for mothers to work
- mean either joint legal custody or joint physical custody
* is hard on the children when they have to move from one parent's home to another.
* means assuring children of frequent and continuing contact with both parents.
* means both joint legal custody and joint physical custody
- parents share the responsibility
- that both parents share the rights and responsibilities of raising the child
* sets the stage for the parents to be involved in the lives of their children.
Legal custody
* is the right of the parent to make the decisions.
* means having the legal responsibility for caring for a child.<|endoftext|>### activity | restraint | confinement | custody:
Physical custody
* governs where the child resides.
* is command and control over the minor child s person and affairs.
* is the routine daily care and control and the residence of the child
- type of custody regarding where a child lives
- where the child actually lives
* means a child's residence
- where the children actually live
* pertains to the living arrangement of the children
- physical time the child spends with each parent
* refers simply to the allocation of physical time between the parents.
* refers to the living arrangements of the child on a day to day basis
- parent with whom the child lives most of the time
- which parent the child lives with
* reflects where the child resides. | {
"source": "generics_kb"
} |
Subsets and Splits