Title: Webcam Sister Summary: Rent money, a sexy older sister, and online fun! Keywords: inc,fic,real,hot,brother,sister My little apartment. I was finally able to afford a cozy little apartment in downtown San Francisco. But that was a few years ago. Since then, the city has been booming and tech workers flooded the city. Generally, that's a great thing, but for a lot of people (including me), rent was skyrocketing. That's when I was forced to do something I dreaded: I had to find a roommate. No more privacy. No more quiet place. No more bachelor pad. I needed a roommate or else I wouldn't be able to afford my little apartment anymore. And I needed a roommate fast. Screw you landlord! You greedy bastard! I used social media. I had a decent amount of facebook friends. Luckily, most of the people I knew were in the San Francisco bay area. I was hoping that someone wanted to move to the city and was willing to pay me several hundred dollars for my extra bedroom. There were a few inquires. Some people were interested, but nothing ever came of it. I was starting to get worried until I got an email from Ellary. At that point, I hadn't seen my older sister in several months. Since she graduated from college, she had moved all over the place to pursue her dreams in the fashion & modeling industry. She had lived in New York, Miami, and Los Angeles. At one point, she had even traveled to Europe for work. But apparently, she was interested in moving back to San Francisco to stay close with our family. I looked at the new pictures on her google profile. She had recently turned 30. It's hard to admit, but she became even sexier than before. She had always been a party girl. But suddenly she seemed more womanly, more mature. Yet, she still had a playfulness about her. All of her facial features were perky and youthful. All of her google photos were of her smiling to the camera with her pouty lips and slightly upturned nose. Growing up together, I used to tease her because she looked like a duck. Now, only an idiot would tease her appearance. I stared at the computer screen, thinking of how to reply to her inquiry. Based on her email, she sounded serious about moving in with me. I'm sure it was an easy decision for her. The rental market for living in SF had become insane. The downside would be that I would have to live with her. We've always gotten along, but there was always a sibling rivalry between us. The friendly kind. But who knows? Maybe she's matured. I know I have. My fingers waited on the keyboard and I was ready to reply to my sister's email. But it was my sister. My sister! It didn't feel right to just email her about something so important. With our family, we always had to talk. Our parents were against the use of email when communicating with family. They preferred to do things traditionally. Maybe they have a point. I needed to call her. That way, there would be no misunderstandings, and no hurt feelings if we couldn't come to terms. The last thing I want was a family feud. Doing things over the phone seemed to be the better option. I picked up my phone and called her. After several rings, she answered: We made small talk at first. Then I realized that I hadn't called my sister in years, and vice versa. We only spoke at family gatherings, or communicated online through email and facebook. How awkward. "I got your email," I eventually said. "And? What do you think? Is the offer still open?" "It is. I was thinking about posting an ad online." "Well, you're in luck," she replied. "I had been thinking about moving back to San Francisco for the past few months. Then I saw your note on facebook and it helped me make my decision." "So this is all my fault?" I joked. "Definitely. And I expect a fair deal." "Don't worry, I'll give you a fair deal." "Good, because a fair deal is all I can afford right now." The issue of money suddenly came to mind. "Do you already have a job ready in San Francisco?" I asked cautiously. "Something like that," she replied in a coy tone. "What does that mean?" "It means I still earn money." My sister's vagueness was driving me crazy. I wanted to sigh out loud, but I didn't want to be rude. "Renting an apartment here is tough," I said calmly. "So I'll need a few hundred dollars from you each month." "That can be done." "At least $400. Preferably $500. That's the best deal I can give you." "Sure, no problem." "Do you have a job?" I asked cautiously again. "Something like that." "Don't take this the wrong way, but if you don't have enough money, I'll have to kick you out. I can't afford this apartment with my salary anymore." "Still don't believe me, huh?" she asked playfully. "Rent is serious business." Ellary paused for a moment on the phone. "How about this? I'll transfer $5,000 to your account as a good faith gesture. That'll cover my end of the rent for the next several months. Then for each month after that, I'll pay $500 monthly, and some extra for food and other stuff. Sound good?" Suddenly, I felt like an asshole. "Jeez, I wasn't expecting that." "I've got some income and savings." "Oh, I just assumed that you'd need a new job since you're moving here." "I'm kind of like a freelance model now," she replied. "So I can take my work anywhere. My income should be steady until I find something better to do." "Great. I'm glad. This feels so sudden." "If you think it's sudden, then wait until next month." "What happens then?" I asked. "What do you think? I'll be moving back to San Francisco and we'll be best buddies." "Sounds good." "Then it's settled," she replied. "Email me your bank information and I'll send you $5,000 tomorrow. I'll book a flight next month and you can pick me up at the airport." Suddenly it hit me. My sister Ellary was going to be my new roommate for the foreseeable future. And I had already agreed to it. Damn you, greedy landlord! In typical Ellary fashion, she said a quick goodbye and hung up the phone before I had a chance to clarify things. And that was it. Freedom would soon be over. So long being lazy in front of the tv, or doing whatever I wanted, or leaving my stuff everywhere. Ellary was coming. And she was going to be my new roommate for the next few years. Part 2 of 3: My Roommate, My Sister I woke up to the sound of things moving in the other room. Actually, it wasn't just 'another room' anymore, it had become Ellary's room. Whatever she was doing, it was annoying. It sounded like she was pushing her desk around or something. Landlord, this is all your fault. Sleep was no longer an option, so I got up and started my day early. It was our first morning together as roommates. By the time I washed up in the bathroom, Ellary was already in the kitchen. She wore a large white tshirt with tiny shorts. Her athletic legs and bare feet were showing. Her face was make-up free. And her long hair was tied in a simple ponytail. There was no denying it- she looked good. Amazingly good. A pot of coffee was boiling and she was stirring something on the stove which smelled like a decent breakfast. Plates were already arranged along with freshly sliced fruits. "Hey," she said with a bright smile. "Morning. What are you doing?" She continued stirring. "What does it look like I'm doing? I'm making us breakfast." "You know how to cook?" "This breakfast isn't making itself. Yeah I know how to cook." "Sorry. You never seemed like a cooking person. No offense." "None taken," she said, putting the food on the plates. "Sit down." When I sat down, my sister made sure the plates were prepared. Then she poured me a cup of hot coffee, along with another cup of water. As always, I started with the water. She sat down and we began to eat. Maybe this won't be so bad after all. "Pretty good," I said after the first bite. "Thanks. Years of practice." "I can tell." She stuffed her mouth full of food before preparing to talk. "By the way, I ordered some stuff online. It should arrive next week. Be on the look out." "What did you order?" "Computer stuff." "First you're cooking. Now you're a computer nerd? What's this world coming to?" She smiled, "It's for my job." "Are you ever going to tell me what this mythical job is?" "I've told you. It's modeling related. That's all you need to know." "Okay. Just don't hurt your brain using the computer." Ellary sharpened her eyes. "If I remember correctly, I've always had better grades than you. Plus, aren't you the one who accidentally blew up dad's mustang because you didn't know how to drive stick?" "That was back in high school," I replied, nearly blushing from the embarrassment. "Anyway, if you get the package when I'm not around, just leave it in my room." "Will do." *** It was a week later that I learned what her package was. It was a high quality webcam for her computer. She also got new speakers and other stuff which I was clueless about. Apparently, my sister had become tech savvy. But I naturally assumed that she needed it to communicate with people in the fashion industry since she was home all the time. Or maybe she was using it to talk with her friends also. The roommate thing went a lot smoother than I expected. I didn't annoy her. And she didn't annoy me. We got along like friends. Our parents thought it was great that we were living together as adults. Aren't tight-knit siblings every parents dream? Ellary always seemed happy. It wasn't like when we were young and she would occasionally have mood swings or hissy fits. I assumed it was because she was more mature. Maybe traveling around the world had helped her become more level headed. Whatever the reason, I was treated to my sister's cooking everyday. The dinners she made were really good. Every night was something new. It was certainly a lot better than the stuff I was eating before. Plus I saved a lot of money with my sister cooking. I didn't have to buy as much takeout food. As much as it hurts to admit, she always looked sexy making breakfast. Every morning I woke up to the same sight: Ellary in a tshirt, her legs showing, her hair tied. Most of the time it was painfully obvious that she wasn't wearing a bra. I tried my absolute hardest not to look, but occasionally, I would glance at her nipples poking through her tshirt. A few weeks had already passed. I still wasn't sure how our tenure as roommates would turn out. *** There was an electrical problem at work which allowed all the employees to go home early. It was Friday and it felt like a long week. Heading home was the only option. I had already envisioned myself being able to sit back on the couch to watch tv or play video games. When I opened the door to the apartment, I heard loud music coming from my sister's room. Dance music. It was the kind of stuff Ellary loved listening to. I had no idea she listened to music so loudly when I was at work. Before I closed the door (which always made a loud shutting noise), I heard a moan. Then another. What the fuck? My sister was either watching porn on her computer, having sex, or she was masturbating. Whatever the case, things just got super weird. I closed the door gently so she wouldn't hear me. I wasn't sure why I did that. It probably would have been best if I slammed the door so Ellary could hear me and stop whatever she was doing. With the door closed, I took off my shoes and made my way down the hall. I saw that Ellary's door was wide open. The only way for me to go to my room was by passing through Ellary's room. It seemed like we were going to see each other no matter what. I should have called out to give her a warning, but I didn't. Another moan came from her room. I felt guilty for getting aroused. My heart was pounding. It was a nervous situation and I felt like my hormones were taking over my judgement. I didn't know what I was doing anymore. My mind was being controlled by my sexual curiosity. I took a few steps towards my sister's room. Then I took a little peak inside. Ellary wore the same large tshirt she wore in the morning. But she wasn't wearing anything on her bottom. Her knees were on the chair and her ass was facing the computer's webcam. All while she was fucking herself with a sex toy. She was masturbating for someone on cam! She even started to talk dirty. She kept repeating the fact that she was close to an orgasm, and that it felt so good. On the computer screen, there was a video feed of some guy jerking off to my sister. The whole situation was like a train wreck. I couldn't turn away. And I was incredibly aroused. When my eyes shifted back to my sister, she was looking back at me, and our eyes were locked. She was completely mortified beyond words. So was I. She had just caught me spying on her. She screamed at the top of her lungs. Then she pulled the sex toy out of her pussy and stood up straight, using the large tshirt to cover her naked bottom. "You fucking asshole!!" she yelled. "What the hell are you doing?!" "Me?! This is my apartment!" "And I'm paying rent for privacy! Get away from my room!" My sister marched towards me to slam the door shut. At that very moment, it was obvious that our relationship had changed forever. *** I stayed in my room a few hours until things cooled down. It was the worst possible way to spend my afternoon off. Watching my sister masturbate on cam was something that could never been unseen. It would remain in my memory forever, and for all the wrong reasons. My biggest fear was that our relationship would never be the same again. God, why did I have to look? Why? The smell of my sister's cooking was enough to pull me out of my bedroom. Hopefully she wasn't mad anymore. If she was, she wouldn't have been cooking, that's for sure. I saw her cooking dinner as if nothing was out of the ordinary. She wore a plain gray tshirt and dark sweat pants. Her attention remained on the food she was cooking. "Smells good," I said. Ellary turned to me and smiled. "Thanks. I'm going out with some old friends later tonight. So all of this is for you." "Oh, well, thanks." She put the food onto a plate when she was done. Then she put it on the table before standing there awkwardly in a pause. "Do you mind if we sit and talk for a moment?" she asked. "Sure. Of course." Both of us sat down at the dining table. Ellary sat straight with a formal demeanor, as if she was prepared to do a presentation or something. Nerves were definitely in the air. "About what you saw earlier," she said. "I haven't been totally honest with you. Well, I have. I've never lied about anything. But I haven't told you everything either." "There's nothing wrong with, you know, doing that stuff on cam. A lot of people do it nowadays. Even some of my ex-girlfriends used to send me naked pictures and stuff like that." "You don't understand." "There's nothing to understand. We'll just pretend this never happened." "I'm a webcam model," she said bluntly. It felt like I had been hit by a wave after my sister's admission. I was shocked. I mean, Ellary? A webcam model? "Seriously?" I asked. "Yes, seriously." "You mean, as in, doing things on cam?" "For paying customers," she clarified. At that point, I didn't know whether to be mad, disappointed, or aroused. I was definitely shocked though. Ellary never seemed like the type of woman to do something like that. "I don't know what to say." "Tell me whatever comes to mind," she said. "It's okay. We're roommates now. Plus we're family. I want us to be open & honest with each other." I shrugged. "Wow. That's all I can say. I never thought you would ever do something like that." "It's not like I'm sleeping with anyone for money. I simply provide an online service. It's perfectly legal. I'm happy doing it. It pays really well. Plus I get to work my own hours." "How long have you been doing this?" "Not long. A few months. My former roommate got me into it." "Did you two ever..." She smiled, "No, you perv. We never did lesbian acts on cam together. I found out that she had been doing it, and she suggested that I give it a try. Again, I'm not screwing anyone for money. I would never do that." "I never suggested any of that." "Good. So, you're not upset with me?" "No." "And you're not going to throw me out of here, right?" "Of course not." "And you're not going to tell mom and dad right?" "God no." She nodded. "Thank you. You're the best." "Are you going to keep doing it?" "For the time being," she replied. "My online fan base is growing. I'm making a lot of money. I'll stop when I can find a decent job that pays well." "How much do you make, you know, doing this?" Ellary raised an eyebrow, "Depends on how much I work. Covering my end of the rent won't be a problem. I'll leave it at that." "Not bad I guess." "I think it's fun. I work my own hours. There are tons of jerks online, but there are also some really cool people to chat with. And the orgasms. Gosh. I love being an online exhibitionist." "Too much information." "Sorry," she smiled. "I'm just glad you aren't mad at me." "For what? Looking inside my room when I was on the brink of an orgasm?" My sister always had a way of being sarcastic while making someone feel embarrassed. Some things never changed. "I wasn't looking. I was just walking by your room and I saw it. There's a subtle difference." "Got it." "Things are about to get uncomfortable here. You realize that right? I mean, with your job, and us living together. It'll be weird." She gave a sympathetic nod. "I know. I've applied for a few jobs already. I've also asked my friends in the city if they know of any openings. We'll see." "If you find a job, are you going to stop being a cam model?" I asked cautiously, trying not to offend her. "That's the plan." "Promise?" "I promise," she replied. "Now if you'll excuse me, I need to shower. My friends are going to pick me up soon." With that said, she gave me a pat on the shoulder before she went back to her room. I was left with a strange feeling about everything. *** Monday was a holiday. It was our first weekday in the house together, and when I woke up, all I could think about was if Ellary was planning to webcam in her room that day, while I was home. We had breakfast that morning as usual. Afterwards, I sat on the living room couch and played video games. I was planning to go out with my friend later that afternoon. During the game, Ellary came and stood in front of the tv and I had to pause it. She wore a simple yellow dress, and her make-up was nicely done. Her hair was down and it was neatly brushed. She looked good. And by that I mean, she looked really really sexy. "Going anywhere?" I asked, trying not to gulp. "Just to my room." I instantly knew what she meant. She was going to her room to webcam in her pretty outfit, looking dolled up. "Oh, okay." She raised an eyebrow, "You don't mind, do you?" Her question was rhetorical and slightly playful. She was giving me a heads up that she would be masturbating in her room, and that I should just accept it. "I don't mind." "Good. I'll try to keep it down." At that point, it felt like she was teasing me with her innuendos. Ellary went to her room and closed the door. I continued playing my video game. At first, it was hard to concentrate. I even lost a few times. All I could think about was what my sister was doing in the other room. Before long, my attention finally went back to the video game. I tried my best not to think of my beautiful masturbating sister. Half an hour must have passed. That's when I heard it: There was a faint moan coming from my sister's bedroom. I thought about turning up the volume for my video game so that I wouldn't listen to my sister, but I didn't. My arousal and curiosity took over again. I paused the game. Then I put my ear to the wall. My sister's room was on the other side. I listened to her moan. There were was more moaning. I listened to her masturbate. Then I listened to her climax. When her room became quiet, I continued playing the video game. My sister came out of her room moments later to use the bathroom and wash up. I tried my best to act natural under the circumstances. *** The letter in my hand wasn't a huge surprise, but it was still upsetting to say the least. I put it on the dining table and slouched into the chair. The rent was about to be increased again. The landlord wanted an extra few hundred dollars per month. Asshole! "How bad is it?" my sister asked. "How long are we able to afford this apartment?" "With the money I've saved up, probably another 6-8 months. Maybe a year if we really start cutting back on our budget." "That gives us plenty of time to come up with the extra cash." "I hope so," I replied with my head down. "We'll get the money. I know we will." "Hopefully. There are a couple people retiring where I work. If I'm lucky, I might be able to get a promotion. That should help." "I could also work extra hours," she said suggestively. It was uncomfortable hearing my sister say that, and in a slightly sexual tone. Looking in her eyes, she was serious about spending more time on her webcam so that we could afford the rent. "I can't ask you to do that." "I'm not asking your permission," she replied. "I'm just saying, it's a viable option." "So you're going to do it?" Ellary nodded. "Why not? It's easy money. If I worked a few extra hours a week, it would cover the rent increase. Maybe more depending on what other things I'm willing to do." Based on the look on Ellary's face, it was clear that she wanted to backtrack that last statement. "I'll pretend I didn't just hear that," I replied, wanting to shake my head. "I think it's important that you hear my ideas. We're in this together. We're not going to lose this apartment. I promise. Whatever it takes." I awkwardly nodded instead of replying. My sister instantly sensed something and gave me a sharp look. "What is it?" she asked. "Nothing." "Come on," she insisted. "I know something's wrong. Do you have a problem with me being a webcam model?" "Kind of. I mean, it's weird hearing you say that you'll do it more often." "I'm not a slut," she insisted. "What I do is honest work. It's perfectly legal and everyone has a good time." "Okay." Ellary squinted her eyes. "Don't tell me you never look at porn." "Sure I do. Sometimes." "So you're telling me that it's okay for you to watch porn, but if I take my clothes off on cam, it's a horrible thing. Sexist much?" "How is that being sexist?" "Your double standard. What I'm saying is, I'm proud of what I do. It's an honest living with good money. I have a lot of fun doing it. I don't think it's degrading when I do it. Got it?" I nodded. "Yeah." "Now you need to stop with the negativity. I've already made up my mind. I'm going to work weekends, and nights. There's a lot more money during those hours. Got a problem?" At that point, I knew better than to argue with my sister. She had always been a great arguer. "No." "Good. I'm going to my room to update my profile schedule." Ellary got up and went to her room, closing the door. I simply sat there, stunned. Things were about to become even more awkward. Damn you landlord! *** Late that night. I was on my computer checking email, surfing the internet, and occasionally glancing at my favorite porn sites. An email came from my sister, which was weird because she was only in the other room. I opened Ellary's message: Hey, Things would be better if we were a team, don't you think? I can't believe I'm doing this, but here's a link to my online profile. I wanted to discuss it during dinner, but I guess I didn't have the balls. My show is starting soon. Wish me luck. Ell The link was staring me right in the face. My instincts told me to close the email. Nothing good could come of it. But I was curious. What does Ellary look like on cam? The smart thing to do was to delete the email and never think about it again. But I couldn't resist. I clicked the link and it took me directly to my sister's webcam stream. It was the longest three seconds of my life waiting for the stream to load. When it did, it felt like a strange thrill. I was watching my sister's webcam. She was in her room wearing a tshirt, chatting with a number of other guys. I was able to read their conversations, which were public. Donations were being pledged by men online for a group private show. On the top of the screen, there was a list of things she was promising to do during the show, which included stripping, fingering herself, playing with toys, and squirting. My god. I couldn't believe I was watching my own sister on her webcam. The pledges kept coming in and she was reaching her goal of $200. Ellary was typing with the guys, thanking them for their support. She was excited that the goal was almost reached, and as promised, she removed her tshirt. I sat in awe looking at Ellary with only her bra on. She continued chatting with everyone for the next few minutes. I continued watching. The time to reach the goal of $200 was running out and my sister encouraged everyone to join. She promised a great show. A big smile appeared on her face when the $200 goal had been reached. There was only about thirty seconds left on the timer and she encouraged more people to join. In a final act of getting more people to join, Ellary reached back to unclasp her bra. She removed the bra and used her forearm to cover her small breasts. With ten seconds left to go, she raised her hands in the air to reveal her perky little breasts with its bright pink nipples. The show went private and I was blocked from seeing anymore because I wasn't a paying customer. I sat there with the strangest erection for my own sister. I scrolled down and saw my sister's bio. The information was accurate, and it had details about herself, along with some really sexy pictures. Then I went to the main page of the website to discover a bunch of other models there. Many were American models. Others were European or Asian. It was still hard to accept that my sister was a cam model and that I had just seen her breasts for the very first time. I was still extremely aroused. I masturbated to one of the cam models who was still in free chat. It was my first time enjoying a cam service and I wondered why I had never done so before. Part 3 of 3: Webcam Siblings Duo The next morning. Breakfast wasn't there after I woke up. Instead, I was treated to the sight of my sister waiting for me with some freshly made coffee. "Can we sit and talk for a few minutes?" she asked. "Sure," I replied, sitting down at the table. When I sat down, my sister improved her posture as if she was going to give a business presentation. "I'm assuming you watched my web stream last night," she said cautiously. "Parts of it," I replied with a hint of embarrassment. "Well, what did you think? Obviously you didn't see the private show, but you saw the free public stream." "It was a little weird." "Oh, come on. Don't tell me you don't watch porn every day." "Sure I do. But I watch normal porn." "Webcams are way better than regular porn," she insisted. "The viewer can interact with the model and request a number of different things. It's a custom and personal experience." "I guess. And I'm glad to see you've made a lot of money. $200 for half an hour, right?" "Actually, a lot of that money goes to the website. I only get a fraction. The shows that typically make the most money are the ones featuring a guy and girl together. You know, couples." There was a certain tone in her voice and a look in her eyes. Ellary always had a way of giving a subtle push for whatever she wanted. And she does it in a cute way where it's always hard to resist. "Are you suggesting something?" I asked, giving her a hint that I already knew her game. "Please...Just think about it. Shows with couples make huge amounts of money. I get tons of requests for it, and I know that my customers are willing to pay top dollar for a couples show." "I can't believe I'm actually going to say this but, can't you find someone else in this city?" Ellary sharpened her eyes. "Are you freaking kidding me? I've never had a one-night-stand in my life. And I've never hooked up with a stranger before. You're the only guy in San Francisco that I can trust." I suddenly felt like a major asshole for even suggesting such a thing. "You should really think about this a lot more," I said. "I mean, think about what you're asking." "I've thought about it a million times. I've done the math too. All we need are a couple shows per week and the monthly rent would easily be covered." "What happens in a show?" I asked, almost afraid to hear the answer. Ellary suddenly looked coy. "Well, at the very least, the viewers would expect to see a blowjob." "Jeez, Ellary." "I'm being honest. Don't say you've never wanted one from me." "Okay, this is getting too screwed up for me. I'll do you a favor and pretend this conversation never happened, even though that's impossible," I said, before attempting to leave. "Don't you dare walk away from me!" she yelled in her sisterly tone. "Why the hell not?" Ellary put her hands on the bottom of her tshirt. "If you walk away, I'll take off my tshirt and sit here topless for the rest of the day. I swear I'll do it." "You don't have the balls Ellary. You've always been uptight about that." "I'm a webcam model, jerk." "Anyway, I've got things to do. I'll eat breakfast outside." The moment I stood up, Ellary swiftly yanked her tshirt over her head and sat topless, just like she promised. My eyes nearly bulged looking at my topless sister. Her tits looked beautiful. Her skin was perfect. Her pink nipples were quickly becoming hard. "Got your attention now?" she asked with sarcasm while her perky little tits were on full display. "Jeez, Ellary." "Have a seat." Almost in a state of hypnosis, I sat down. Her bare chest was having a strange effect on me. I tried my best not to stare lewdly at my sister's tits, but I don't think she minded. "What do you want?" I asked. "You already know what I want. I want you to be my webcam partner a few times a week. It shouldn't take more than 30 minutes each time." "I'm not showing my face." "You don't need to. The audience only wants to see a cock with my mouth wrapped around it." "And this is going to help cover the rent money?" She smiled, "If everything goes like I expect, then we'll even have some extra cash to save." I slowly nodded. "Fine. God, I don't know how you always talk me into your crazy ideas." "Because of these maybe," she replied, pointing at her bare chest. "Probably." "I'll make us some breakfast." Ellary got up and went to work on the stove and refrigerator. She never bothered to put her tshirt back on. I stared at her naked back. There was an upbeat attitude while she prepared the food without her top on. "Did you forget your tshirt?" I asked. She turned to face me with her tits showing. "Nope. If we're going to be cam partners, then we're going to have to get comfortable with each other. Otherwise our cam show isn't going to be very believable. Got it?" With that said, my sister went back to preparing breakfast. All I could do was sit in awe of my topless sister. This was either the worst thing that ever happened to me, or the best. Either way, our relationship was definitely going to change. This is all your fault, greedy Landlord! *** Later that day. We agreed to take things slow. One step at a time. And that meant that I would first watch her doing a solo show in her room. Not through a cam. But in person. I sat on my sister's bed, which was out of the cam's view. My sister wore a pink robe and I was almost positive that she was naked underneath. "I'm about to log on," she said. "Are you ready?" "There's no such thing as being ready for something like this." She shrugged. "You're probably right. Here it goes anyway." Ellary logged on to her online profile. She typed a bunch of stuff onto the computer. She turned up the volume. Then she adjusted the webcam. For the next few moments, she looked at the screen and waited, and occasionally typed some stuff. Then Ellary was talking towards the computer. At first I thought she was talking to me. Then it became painfully obvious that she was talking to some horny perverts on the other end of the screen. It was painfully uncomfortable to watch my older sister talking to the cam. But I quickly found myself becoming aroused once she started talking dirty. A slew of dirty words came out of her mouth as she described what she would do in her private show. She promised to strip, suck a dildo, and then make herself orgasm with it. The sound in her voice was a mixture of lust and excitement. There was no doubt that my sister loved her job. Time flew by as I watched my sister flirt with the guests on her cam show. She enthusiastically announced that there was a minute left and she encouraged more people to join before it was too late. As the timer counted down, Ellary became more flirtatious with the people on cam. During the last few seconds, my sister opened her robe like it was nothing. I had a clear view of her breasts. I felt nervous and awkward watching it, but my sister was completely relaxed. When the private show started, that's when things really started to heat up. She removed her robe and tossed it to the floor. She was completely naked. My eyes soaked in her beautiful and toned body. I watched Ellary, who was only a few short feet away from me, begin to suck on a dildo. When she finished showing off her oral sex skills, she gave the online audience some more dirty talk, before using the dildo to masturbate. My heart was pounding beyond belief. I watched my sexy older sister in the most intimate position imaginable. She was completely exposed. Her legs were up and her feet were in the air. The dildo went in & out of her pink wet pussy. She began to moan and moan. Her legs shook, causing the chair to vibrate. She came. When the show was over, she thanked the audience and expressed her gratitude. Before she logged off, she briefly looked at me and winked, with a dirty little smile on her face. *** We sat across each other from the dining table. Her arms were crossed and she had just put on a tshirt. There was an awkward silence. Ellary still had a post-orgasmic glow on her face. "So what do you think?" she asked. "It was interesting." "I'm not blind, you know. I saw that bulge in your shorts. You were adjusting yourself the entire time, hoping I wouldn't notice." "What did you expect?" I shrugged. "You were totally naked doing all sorts of sexual things to yourself." Ellary sighed, "Those things could take care of the rent problems. Especially if we started doing shows together." "I can't believe this is happening." "Tomorrow night. I've already advertised it. The demand for a couples show is really strong. A lot of my regular customers are promising big bucks if I suck an actual cock." "Doesn't this make you feel weird?" I asked. "You know, the family thing." "Of course it's weird. But you know what else feels weird? Not having a place to live. Frankly, I'd rather suck your cock than the landlord's cock." "Good point." "The key is to relax," she said. "Don't feel self-conscious about your body. Just let go and have fun. If you're nervous, the show won't be any good and your erection might not last." "I've never done anything like this before." "It's okay. I'll guide you through it." "Okay," I nodded. She stood up, then stopped for a moment. "One more thing. Try not to masturbate until tomorrow. The viewers want to see lots of cum." "That's a comforting thought." Ellary winked and blew me a kiss before leaving. *** It was the big day. Her webcam show was starting soon and there were butterflies in my stomach. I couldn't remember the last time I was so nervous. Being on cam wasn't the hard part, since my face wouldn't be showing. The hard part was committing incest with my very own sister. She stepped out of the bathroom wearing a loose tshirt and sweat pants. I could tell she wasn't wearing a bra because her nipples were poking through. "Ready?" she asked with the same calming tone that a coach would give. "Not really. I don't think I could ever be ready for this." "Do you think I'm attractive?" "Of course." "Then just focus on that," she smiled. "Is this going to change our relationship?" I asked. "The last thing I want is for us to have drama after this." "How would there be drama?" "I don't know. This isn't exactly a normal sibling activity." Ellary gave me a calm look. "Would it hurt our relationship if I gave you a neck massage? How about a shoulder massage?" "No. Of course not." "Think of this as a massage, but instead of your neck or back, I'm massaging your cock. It's the same thing if you really think about it. I'm giving you pleasure. It's as simple as that." I shook my head. "No it's not." "Well, maybe not. But I've always been comfortable with my sexuality. You should too. Now let's get this show started." Ellary sat in front of the computer and logged on. I sat on the bed with my face out of view from the cam. My sister did all her tech stuff with the computer, and before long, she was chatting with people on the cam site. It began with small talk. She used her bubbly personality as much as possible. Then she began the timer for the private show. "Alright guys," she said to the online audience. "I promised you guys a special show tonight and it's finally going to happen. My first private show with a dude! This one can't be missed." The responses and pledges for money came pouring in. My sister made promises for what would happen in the show. She explained that she was going to be sucking a cock. She explained that she would be fucked doggy style while looking directly into the cam. Then she promised a big cum facial as a finally. I gulped. Suddenly there was a lot more pressure on me. The money continued pouring in. Minute after minute passed with Ellary's continued flirting with the audience. The promises for a great show became more and more grand. The anticipation and hype grew. A ringing noise came from the computer. The money goal had been reached early and the show was starting soon. "Yay!" my sister yelled to the screen. "We did it! Come on guys, the show is starting in a few seconds. Don't miss it! It's going to be a hot one. Come on. Ten seconds!" When the time passed, my sister clicked something and the show went private. My sister got up and did a slow strip tease for the online viewers. First, she slowly slide her bottom down, exposing her panties. Then off came her tshirt, exposing her perky tits. Then she turned around and wiggled her bottom to the cam, before sliding her panties off. She spread herself from behind to show her tiny little asshole to the audience (and to me.) I was instantly aroused. Ellary sat down in her seat and looked at me with a smile. There was a playful look in her eyes. She was definitely aroused. She made a gesture with her finger, signaling me to come to her. It was time. It was the moment I had been dreading. But I had already agreed, and we really needed the money. I stripped off my clothes, allowing my sister to see me naked for the very first time. My bulging hard cock was free. I saw Ellary's eyes locked onto my cock and she licked her lips. Then I walked towards her and remained standing so that only my cock was in view of the cam, not my face. "Alright guys," Ellary said to the audience. "I know you guys have been waiting to see this for a very long time. I promised a special show tonight, and here it is. I hope you enjoy this as much as I do." With that said, my sister reached up and grabbed my cock with both hands. She rubbed my growing erection with one hand, and played with my balls with her other hand. It felt sensational. Not only were we officially committing incest, but we were also doing it for money in front of an audience. I looked down at Ellary, who was busy with my cock. Then she turned to look at the cam. She made a few more comments to the audience, along with some dirty talk to get everyone ready. She stuck her wet tongue out and gave me a giant lick. The lick came from the bottom of my balls, all the way to the tip of my cock. I had never felt anything like that before. Ellary was a real pro. A few more licks came. Then several big kisses to the tip of my cock. Then she kissed my cock all over. The computer made a series of ringing noises as the comments came flooding in. I glanced at the comments. People were going absolutely crazy over what they were seeing. To many of those online, Ellary was their dream girl (for good reason), and they were finally seeing their sex fantasy fulfilled. They were finally seeing Ellary with a real cock. I looked at the video of us playing on the computer. The webcam was positioned perfectly to show Ellary with her lips on my cock. It was a jarring and shocking sight to see my sister like that, and with my cock. My eyes remained on the cam, then I saw Ellary open her mouth to devour my cock. It felt mind numbingly good. Ellary's mouth might have been the best thing I've ever felt. Once again, the comments came pouring in. People were going crazy over the sight of my sister sucking a cock. People were nice enough to throw in extra cash, even though they had already paid for the private show. I reached over to type on the keyboard, thanking people for the extra tips. My sister laughed, taking my cock out of her mouth. "Are you enjoying this?" she asked playfully, holding my cock while her lips glistened. I shrugged, "I'm having fun if you are." "Tell the audience what this feels like." I typed on the keyboard: un-fucking-believable Ellary saw what I typed, then she laughed. Her mouth returned to sucking my cock, and it really did feel un-fucking-believable. My sister's oral skills were the best I've ever felt. I looked down at her, marveling her skills. She rivaled any major porn star when it comes to sucking a cock. Her hands, mouth, lips, and tongue, all worked in unison to give me pleasure, and to entertain her loyal audience. The computer kept making ringing noises as people kept sending comments & extra money. I looked at the screen. The demand was clear; they wanted to see Ellary getting fucked from behind, followed by a massive facial- just as she promised. Ellary looked at the screen, then at me. "The audience has spoken. Ready?" The answer was a hell yes, but I couldn't say that. I didn't want to be overly enthusiastic about fucking my own sister. I just gave her a simple yes answer, and then she smiled. "Hang on," Ellary said to me. "There's something I promised to do for an audience member." Ellary reached for a small dildo. She lubricated it with a gel for the cam to see. Then she turned around and bent over so that the audience could see her asshole. I stood there wondering what she was up to, then it became uncomfortably clear. Ellary inserted the sex toy inside of her ass. I watched the dildo stretch the outer ring of her anus before penetrating her. She moaned. The audience went wild watching Ellary briefly fuck her own ass. She faced the cam with the dildo still in her ass. "Just like I promised. A dildo in my ass while I get fucked. Are you guys ready?" The answer was clear. The messages came flooding in, along with a lot more tips. Ellary adjusted the webcam so that only her face would be showing, not mine. Her arms rested on the table, and her face was directly in front of the cam. She was going to give the audience a clear view of her facial expressions while I fucked her. She wiggled her bottom as a way to signal that she was ready for me. "Alright guys," Ellary said to the cam. "The moment you've all been waiting for. I'm about to take his cock inside of my pussy." More cheers and tips came from the audience. I stood behind my sister and looked at the sex toy sticking out of her ass. It was an unbelievable sight. A dirty one. Yet incredibly arousing. I reached down to feel her pussy to see if it was ready, and it was. Her pussy was soaking wet. Her body was aching to be penetrated and she didn't need any lube for that. While she was bent over, she reached back with one hand to help spread her pussy for me. I took the signal and pressed the tip of my hard cock in between her labia. I gave a slight push and she gasped. It was easy to enter her pussy because of how wet & aroused she was. Her pussy felt surprisingly tight. It was hot and I loved how soaked she was. I looked at her face on the screen. There was no doubt she was enjoying herself, even if the cock was from her own brother. The audience went wild. Another moan escaped her lips as I pushed all the way inside. I loved her pussy. The feeling was something I would always remember. I slowly pulled back, before pushing my way inside again. We were beginning to fuck. "Oh god," she moaned to the audience. "That cock feels sooo good inside me. Are you guys enjoying this? Do you like watching me getting fucked?" The audience flooded the screen with messages and a bunch more tips. Hearing my sister talk dirty was a thrill. I grabbed her by the waist and fucked her hard. Her body waved back and forth. The table shook. The audience went nuts. I loved looking at Ellary's face on the computer screen. Her face was always very expressive. Her mouth was wide open. Her eyelids flickered. Her noise wiggled a little bit. She continued making different facial expressions each time I gave her a hard thrust. She even made the most unusual panting & moaning noises. It was cute & sexy at the same time. What was equally sexy was seeing my sister's tits on the screen. Her small breasts hung downwards since she was bent over. They waved back & forth from the fucking she received. Her pink nipples were hard and swollen. She screamed as I fucked her harder. Suddenly I realized why: With every hard thrust, I was pushing the sex toy deeper in her ass because I was fucking her from behind. Ellary was receiving pleasure in so many ways; her pussy, her asshole, and being a voyeur on cam. And maybe even the added taboo of being fucked by her younger brother. Whatever it was, it was a potent combination. Ellary began to scream and cry while I fucked her hard. At that point, I couldn't stop. Lust took control and I fucked her harder. She cried and cried. Finally, she screamed out loud with her eyes shut and her back arched violently. Then she planted her face on the table, but I didn't let her. The audience wanted a show, so I lifted her shoulders so that the audience could see the orgasmic bliss written all over her face. The audience went wild again. More comments and money came rushing in. The look on her face was pure joy. "Oh shit," I groaned. "I'm about to cum." Ellary snapped back to life, standing up so that my cock plopped out of her soaked pussy. Then she pointed the cam downwards and got down on her knees so there was a clear view of her face. "Cum all over me," she begged. "Give me a nice hot facial. Just like you've wanted to do for all these years." I was slightly taken aback by her comment. Was she talking dirty? Or did she really think I've waited years for this? Whatever the case, I gave her what she wanted, and what the audience wanted. I stood in front of my kneeling naked sister and jerked off furiously. Her pussy juice was all over my hand. I stroked and stroked, finally I came. I shot several massive loads onto my sister's eager face. Her pretty face was soon covered in my cum. It was the biggest load I shot in recent memory- all for Ellary and the audience. When it was over, she cautiously opened a single eye, with an expression which read Is it safe yet? When she knew I ran out of cum, she opened both eyes and smiled at me. Then she smiled at the cam with a face full of cum. "Did you guys enjoy that?" she asked the audience. "I know I did. Wow, what a mess! Thank you guys for the support. I had a blast." For the next minute, I laid on the bed while my sister continued thanking the audience and collected extra tips. She remained naked with a face full of cum. Then she let the viewers watch as she removed the dildo from her ass. Before she logged off, she gave the audience a parting gift: She wiped the cum off her face and put it in her mouth, swallowing it. It was enough to get me semi-aroused again, even though I was already spent. The show was over and my naked sister turned to me. "God, that was so much fun," she said. "I wasn't expecting anything like that." "So what do you think?" she asked. "A new career together?" I thought for a moment. "Why not? As long as my face isn't showing on cam." "Great. Because I've already promised another show tomorrow night, filled with a bunch of new surprises." I raised an eyebrow. "Other surprises?" "Well, you'll have to wait and see." I continued resting on her bed. "I'm too exhausted to think about it right now." Ellary smiled and put her hands on her hips. "Well you're not sleeping yet. You made a mess all over me, and now you have to help with the clean up. Come on. Shower time." She pulled me out of bed and took me to the shower. I didn't have a choice. My sister had already made up her mind about everything. We were going to shower together. And we were going to be naked together. And we were going to be webcam partners together. Thank you greedy landlord!! The End For pics visit ---->> https://bit.ly/2ReHUJI
Title: Nia Ch. 04 Summary: Nia and Jamie continue their search for their sister. Keywords: inc,fic Excerpt from the private diary of Nguye't Morrison Wed, 27th April, 2011 I haven't had a chance to update this since Saturday, things have been a little...hectic, shall we say. After Jamie gave me such a stunning Graduation present, he surprised me with a trip to Paris, and put a ring on my finger. I must show it to Julie and Shelagh, do a little gloating, well, a lot of gloating, the rock is enormous, or, as dad put it, bigger than a pimple on a pig's arse; he's such an old-fashioned romantic, how did mum resist him for as long as she did... Jamie brought back something from his sojourn in Vietnam that made my weekend, in a 'this is terrible but it's also fantastic' sort of way; details of the sordid dealings of that animal who stole my sister when she was 3-weeks old. It made terrible, horrifying reading, and it made me feel deeply unclean, but it gave us a definite lead on where to begin looking for Hu'e, and it finally let me know the true extent of the pain and loss that man has caused. I'm not sorry to say that I feel a great deal of schadenfreude, 'Shameful Joy', to know that he's probably being tortured or raped in a hell-hole prison right now; sometimes natural justice does get a chance to work, and he's probably lucky at that; if it were up to me, I'd tie the rope and kick away the chair... I gave Polar Bear the low-down on how to bend the law sufficiently to allow us to get married, he wants to know why I'm not running for Parliament, and dad's worried I'll take up bank fraud as a hobby, but I just wanted my Polar Bear to be aware that the clock's ticking; mum gave him the speech, the verbal equivalent of choosing to cut the red wire or the blue wire, and it finally percolated through; he may be a whiz at determining deep well yields and thingies, but when it comes to the realities of human marital customs,and the intricacies involved in planning weddings and suchlike, like all men, he's a complete arse-head; he couldn't seem to see that putting a ring on a girl's finger and thinking it ends there is not a good or healthy thing to do, especially if said girl wears stiletto heels and is willing, purely in a spirit of scientific enquiry, to discover if it's possible to push one though a man's instep and nail his foot to the floor. Sometimes poor Jamie is all too living proof that the average man's head is a large echoing space, with only three active neurons; one each for football, beer, and scratching, all enclosed by a thick bony case that's a good place to hang his ears, that sometimes looks like George Clooney, but more often like Mickey Rooney. Anyway, we 're waiting with bated breath for a package from one more of his mysterious, nefarious, nay, downright shady contacts in one of the world's lesser-known waste spaces, he refused to discuss it with Jamie via email, so it's obviously relevant and important enough to send by bonded courier. Apparently the man is some sort of Frontier Sheriff-type, hand never too far from his gun, 1,000 yard stare, all that stuff, and I keep asking myself; how does an oil prospector from South London ever meet shady characters like that, is there some sort of secret society they belong to, The Ancient and Elucidated Order of The Wandering Idiots, or is there a real Star Wars-type cantina out there somewhere, where some murky Han Solo-ish character waits for people like Jamie to show up? Enquiring minds want to know... You're waffling, girl, stop it. The Polar Bear is trying to look all nonchalant, but I've been able to see through him since I was 3 years old, and he's definitely keyed-up and excited; I know he's trying to keep me from getting my hopes up, but he really should give me more credit than that; I know that whatever happens, we couldn't be any worse off than we are now; we're currently in a state of advanced ignorance about where Hu'e went after she was taken, and if this package has no new information, we're still ignorant of her whereabouts -- it's not additive, we won't suddenly become more ignorant, no matter what, it just means we start looking again, and find someone else to help us, and fretting about it and clicking and drumming fingers on tables and pacing and flicking TV channels aimlessly does no good to anyone, and really, really gets on my nerves. I just wish he'd go to the pub, find an old school friend and get smashed, blow-off some of that excess nervous energy, because he's driving me up the bloody wall! ++++ This week has been the slowest week on record, every day since we got back from Paris has been one of those days where suddenly! nothing happened, and it's been fantastic. This is my first real break from work/study in 6 years, and Nia's not due to start her new job until May 16th, so two whole weeks of Nia and lounging around. What shall we do, what shall we do? I had a couple of suggestions for her, but she deep-sixed those, she said it was impractical, that walking bow-legged into her new job was bound to cause comment; she's not closed and barred the bedroom door or anything; nor is she averse to more than a little wild whoo-hoo; she just believes I should give her a sporting chance to get away now and again...she did suggest I give my dirty mind a good wash, and get a proper shave while I'm at it, designer stubble works on Brad Pitt, on me it just looks...scraggy, like a badly-mowed lawn. Nia killed some time by going to Lambeth Town Hall and filing a Deed Poll, a legal instrument to legally change her name, to Nguye't Laura Vienh Lo, mum's maiden name, this being Part One of her nefarious plan to outwit the Registrar when we registered our overseas wedding. With a few little tweaks and refinements, it was the plan she'd outlined in Paris, tested it out on dad, and gone ahead with putting it in motion. Hopefully we'd get the paperwork through in a couple of days, then we could book flights to Hong Kong for the purposes of getting married, so we'd just have a couple of days away; we'd pay with jet-lag, but it would be worth it. I waited, impatiently, I'll admit, for my package from Thawip in Thailand, he said it would be interesting, and he gave me the name of a bloke in the HKPF, the Hong Kong Police, which intrigued me; it's a bit of a leap from Luang Prabang in Laos to Hong Kong, maybe if this bloke had something to tell me it would be worth going out to see him; I had an appointment with Aboitiz Geotech-Orient in Tagbilaran City, in the Philippine Visayas, in late May, looking at offshore gas extraction possibilities in the Camotes Sea, maybe I could reschedule and hop over to Hong Kong to kill two birds with one stone, it's only a little over an hour from Manila to Hong Kong. I decided to see if this package merited meddling with my schedule. I did know one thing though; if I went out to Hong Kong, no way Nia was coming with me; I didn't like the idea of her getting it into her head to do a bit of sleuthing while she was out there, the authorities take a dim view of that sort of free-enterprise, that's what the HKPF and the PAP (People's Armed Police) are for, and they don't appreciate amateur interference; they have an unfortunate habit of speaking English right up to the point where you need to explain yourself then they suddenly stop understanding English and start writing out your confession in fluent Mandarin... Nia, of course, will definitely refuse to see it that way. Amongst her many adorable traits is a doggedness that sometimes flares up into outright rebellion, hopefully she'd stay quiet and do the think-work, let me do the leg-work, maybe we'd meet somewhere in the middle. I decided to pop into the office later, see if I could switch things around, once this package got here and Nia had a chance to digest what, if anything, it actually meant. Saturday morning passed into Saturday afternoon, and just as I was thinking that it wouldn't arrive until Monday, the doorbell chimed. When I opened the door, a man in a courier uniform stood there holding a bulky sealed package. I signed for it and tore the packet open. Inside was a thick wad of photocopied pages and photographs of various sinister-looking men, all holding number plaques, obviously mug-shots, maps, and copies of UN and American Drug Enforcement Agency reports and commentaries. All in all, there must have been 300-plus pages, more information than I had hoped for, now all we had to do was make sense of it all, and then maybe we'd get our next move. Nia was delighted, she immediately latched onto the police reports, sorting them by date, oldest first, some of them dating back to 1980, and tying them up with the stack of mug-shots. After a while, one of the piles of reports began to refer increasingly to one man, a harmless-looking middle-aged man named Han Wu, sometimes labelled 'Jimmy', with an increasing number of references to something called 14K, and other references to something or someone called 'Kuomintang', which sounded familiar, but I couldn't place it. This Jimmy character seemed to spend a lot of time being questioned in Chiang Mai, and had been granted numerous visa's to Laos, flying to Vientiane almost every month. He also seemed to take an extraordinary amount of holidays to Canada, flying to Toronto three or four times a year on a multiple holiday visa, and there was a DEA report linking him to something called 'The KMT'. He was linked with several of the others in the pile of mug-shots, with reports that tallied as to dates when they had all been in Chiang Mai, Luang Prabang, Singapore and Hong Kong at the same time, and many of them seemed to enjoy travelling to Canada almost as much as 'Jimmy'. These were just snippets Nia passed over to me as she read through and collated one report after another. I decided that the UN reports would make an interesting read. I was not wrong. I was appalled to read that the annual trade in babies and children from South East Asia and China was estimated at $10 billion, a figure that paled into insignificance when the global figure was given as a comparison; $130 billion, a staggering sum, hundreds of thousands of children stolen, extorted or removed by corrupt officials and sold to middle-men, and taken all over the world, with large numbers of children being taken to Canada for adoption across the border, and there was that '14K' again. Children from Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar, they all seemed to funnel through a group of societies with strange, exotic names; Shui Fong, Sun Yee On, Wo Shing Wo, Wo Hop To, 14K again, and KMT in the Golden Triangle. Uh-Oh. There was also mention of a Japanese group, Kokuryukai, but what they were supposed to be I couldn't guess, the DEA reports mentioned them in passing, but that was all. So now I had a whole bunch of groups with odd names, and people who lived in Hong Kong but seemed to have lavish lifestyles in Singapore, liked holidaying in Canada, and spent a lot of time making short trips to Laos; were these people the Snake-Heads who bought baby Hu'e and sold her on? My head was hurting now, and I could see Nia was starting to flag; information overload was setting in. I made an executive decision. "Come on you, time enough for this later, I want to play!" I said as I grabbed her hand and took the sheaf of reports out of it. She looked rebellious for a moment, then grinned. "I thought you'd never get round to it, Polar Bear, I was resigned to spending Saturday night reading police reports, I see I was mistaken; so now you got my attention, entertain me, you big beefy oilfield roughneck you!" she laughed throatily, instantly elevating my testosterone levels and making my libido tango around somewhere south of my navel... Nia is a beautiful girl, and when she bats those big, blue, exotic almond eyes of hers at me I go all funny; well parts of me do; other parts develop a mind of their own, and the most insistent one was Jamie jr, who was currently making a determined effort to unfurl, climb out of my jeans and smack her on the forehead. "I see you came fully loaded, Mr Oilman, planning on doing any probing with that there rig of yours?" she cooed at me, eyes dancing as I pulled her to her feet. She slid her arms around my neck and pulled herself close to me, kissing me softly, purposefully, very, very sexily, all the while rubbing herself firmly against the bulge in my jeans. My hands drifted down to hold and clutch her perfect, taut little bottom, her cheeks like two firm peaches. I pulled her against myself, thrusting my groin into her, feeling her breathing hitch and slow down as she ground more purposefully against me. Nia has a way of grinding against me that makes all rational thought boogie right out of the room, and I was having a real problem focussing on my own seduction moves. I slid my hands inside her leggings, savouring the feel of her warm silky skin, the taut springiness of her perfect little bum, and the warm dampness as I slid my hands further under to lightly caress her tight slit. Nia jumped slightly, her lips curving against mine as she smiled, and I began sliding her leggings down, while she began fumbling with my jeans, trying to pop the button while I groped and squeezed her delectable little bottom and rubbed her slit more seriously, eventually sliding a finger into her. She sighed at that, her hand on my zipper more urgent now. We broke apart so I could tug down my zipper, Nia pushing my jeans down so I could kick them away while I was hurriedly tugging down her leggings. She pulled her top off to reveal her lovely little bubbies, coral-pink nipples already erect and solid, just waiting for me to bite and suck, and my best friend was seriously trying to uncoil and come to full mast, and Nia didn't help matters by grabbing hold of it through my shorts and grinning "Ooo, is this all for me, Jamie? How sweet!" I lost no time in slipping off my shorts, and helping Nia take off her panties (she didn't need any help, but I do like sliding them off her, oh yes!), then leading her into the bedroom, Jamie Jr pointing the way. Once we got into the bedroom, she kissed me seriously, her arms locked around my neck as she propelled me backwards, until the backs of my knees hit the bed and I went over backwards, with Nia landing on me in a lovely giggling confusion of arms and lips and pink jiggly bits. Her hand came down to fondle me as I licked and nibbled the first thing I could reach, one of her delectable pink nipples, Nia immediately squeezing me as I gently bit and sucked on the solid little point, firm and hard as the eraser on the end of a pencil. Her hand began to pump as she squeezed my cock, the feeling of her hand on me absolutely out of this world. She leaned up and slid to the floor on her knees, kneeling between my legs as I sat on the edge of the bed, her hand still working at my cock. "Stand up, Polar Bear, I have something for you!" she smiled slyly, making my cock twitch in anticipation. As I stood up, Nia licked up and down the length of my cock, before kissing down my length to my scrotum, licking and breathing on me, before slowly sucking one of my balls into her mouth and gently rolling it with her lips, nearly making me blow my load there and then. She relinquished it and slowly sucked in the other one, doing the same, and I was reduced to counting backwards from one million to prevent all hell breaking loose... She released me from her warm mouth and licked her way back up to my dripping cock head, lubricant pouring out of me and coating almost the entire length of my steel-hard cock. She licked and grinned at me, then slowly slipped her lips over the end of my cock, her head bobbing as she sucked, drawing me in deeper with every downward motion of her head, until all of my seven inches was in her mouth, her nose brushing the pubic hair at the root of my cock and my head in her throat. She began to work her throat, her throat muscles squeezing me as she gently squeezed my scrotum. She lowly withdrew me from her throat, to suck and lick at my sensitive glans, while I enjoyed the impressive view of her pale creamy back and her taut round buttocks as she bobbed and sucked at me, driving me crazy, my legs trembling as I tried desperately not to come, but I was fighting a losing battle, "Nia...I'm... Oh God...! I gasped, as I passed the point of no return, and she looked up at me, grinned around me and pumped and squeezed me harder, driving me over the edge. My head swelled and twitched, and as I started to come, she pulled me from her mouth as my spunk jetted out of me, the first pulse hitting her across her lips, the second across her cheek. Six times I shot, each rope of spunk splashing into her beautiful face, until she was drenched in my seed, and I had stopped ejaculating. She popped me back into her mouth to clean the last trickles of spunk bubbling from me, and licked her lips clear of the semen that had dripped down her face, grinning wickedly at me as she did so. I sat down as my legs gave way, handing her something to wipe my spunk from her face and chest. "That was ...amazing, baby, what brought that on?" I asked when I got my breath back. Nia gave me that grin again. "Julie told me about it, said I should try it once; apparently men love it. Did you?" My answer was inarticulate as I grabbed her, making her shriek and giggle as I tickled her. As I touched and rubbed and groped her, her giggles grew less, and her breathing deepened. When I stopped to let her catch her breath, she sat astride me, pushed me flat and kissed me like there was no tomorrow, putting all her considerable talent and inventiveness into it. She began to wriggle and squirm and rub herself against me, and I knew what she wanted me to do. I pulled her down beside me and kissed her sexy little nipples, pulling the rubbery nubs between my lips to make her gasp and giggle, then licking between her breasts, and continuing down to her navel, tickling her little 'innie' with the tip of my tongue before dragging my tongue luxuriously through the small trimmed heart-shaped patch of pubic hair, loving the feel of the short, soft silky hairs against my tongue, before dipping my tongue into the apex of her slit, into the little furrow between the folds of her vulva where her hooded clitoris lay concealed . Nia sighed and murmured softly as I gently insinuated my tongue tip into her slit and lightly licked her clitoris, feeling the little bud firming under my tongue, and her lips beginning to swell as her arousal climbed. The warm scent began to tease me, the delicate, perfume of her arousal tormenting my nostrils and making my mouth water as I suddenly needed to taste her further, feel her against my tongue as I held her and fondled her warm flesh. I moved between her thighs, kissing and nibbling around her vulva, licking her at the apex of her thighs, that soft crease where her thighs met on either side of her pussy, gently biting and licking without touching her labia, making her shift and wriggle slowly, trying to push her vulva against my lips. Nia moaned softly as she moved against me, her need building as I teased and gently tormented her, playing a game we had played many times before. At last, I needed to taste her more than I needed to play, and my tongue slid between her swollen lips, making her gasp out loud at the sudden invasion, the sensation of my mouth on her, licking, sucking, and nibbling. Her hands cradled my head as she held me against her, my senses filled with the scent and taste of her as I licked and savoured, and she hunched her groin against me as hard as she could, bearing down on my face as I strained against her. I licked her soft spongy little anus, probing with my tongue pointed as I pushed into her, rubbing her clitoris gently with my thumb as I slowly invaded her secret place. I could feel her getting close, her gasps and sighs, her insistent movements against me, the tension in her thighs as they enfolded my head, all told me she was nearing that place, and when I jammed my tongue into her anus as hard as I could, she came with a loud groaning sigh, her back arching as her fluids sprayed out of her, squirting across my face and neck, bathing me in her scent and taste. I kept stabbing my tongue into her while rubbing her clitoris, and her orgasm rolled on and on, the tendons in her thighs like steel wires as she tensed and clamped them around my head, locking me against her as she rode her climax to its end, her breathing coming in a series of hitching groans as each comber of pleasure rolled over her. Now her knees opened and she slumped back, twitching and shuddering as her orgasm swirled and slowly faded from her, her arms spread wide, totally at peace now, a small satisfied smile on her face as her breathing evened-out and her heart rate returned to normal. I kissed her swollen pussy one last time, making her jump and giggle as she sighed happily, and reached for the wash-cloth to swab my face and neck of her richly-scented ejaculate, burying my face in the cloth for a moment to breathe-in her exciting, delicate, fresh aroma one more time. I moved up to lie next to her, her arm coming around me as she pulled herself up against me, and kissed me deeply, her tongue sliding around against mine as we tasted each other again. "Mmmm! You taste like me! Do I always taste so nice?" she murmured, a small smile dancing on her lips. I pulled her close, my hands slipping down to hold her by her delectably taut little buttocks, my cock between us as the effects of her kiss made themselves felt on me. "Princess, you always taste wonderful! I could eat you every day, and nothing else!" I grinned, and I meant it; she really was delicious! "Darling Bear, you always know exactly what to say!" she murmured back, a slow, sleepy smile gracing her lips as she wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled herself into the crook of my neck, her breathing slowing almost immediately as she slipped into sleep. I lay for a while, enjoying the feel of her warm silky skin against mine, the tantalising scent of her hair, and the warm, subtle scent complex that always surrounded her, that perfume, aroma, call it what you will, that was uniquely hers, that always said to me 'Nia'; I could have found her if I were blindfolded in a coal-mine at midnight just by following the tendrils of that subtle scent. When she was deeply asleep, I pulled the covers up over her, and quietly slid out of bed, to take a shower in the main bathroom rather than disturb her by using our own little en-suite shower room, and then go back to doing a little light reading; the criminal careers of some of the most unsavoury looking characters I hope never to meet. After an hour or so, I called up and ordered some Chinese; I wasn't in the mood to cook, and I didn't think Nia would welcome the idea of dining out, and woke her to have a shower before dinner arrived. We tacitly agreed to not discuss the papers we'd received earlier over dinner, electing to enjoy our informal meal, chat about friends, upcoming projects, anything except the search for Hu'e. Once we'd finished, I outlined my immediate plan. "Princess, I'm going to call this Tang Tao Lieng person in Hong Kong tonight; Thawip made a point of mentioning him, so I think I'd better take the hint. Hopefully he'll be able to help us narrow-down who we should be concentrating on; this stuff here is too dense, there's too much information, we really need to talk to someone who can separate the sheep from the goats for us; I think I can feel the shape of what we need to do next, but there's too much else in the way. So let's get some real help; agreed?" She nodded agreement. "You'll have to call him after midnight; Hong Kong's 8 hours ahead of us, so right now it's 4am there; I doubt he'd be feeling very cooperative if you call him right now!" ++++ Friday, April 29, 2011 San Francisco Park Presidio & Balboa Bethany stepped off the Muni train onto the sidewalk and began walking home, cursing venal mechanics who wanted exorbitant sums for dinky little repairs, Chevrolet for making such easily damaged cars, Cory for buying her the Chevelle in the first place -- classic my ass, she thought, if it was such a classic, why did she hear everyone in the service bay snickering as she left? And why the hell did the Service Center have to be all the way down at El Camino and Alemany? Was that even in San Francisco? No it wasn't. With her head full of dark thoughts of what she was going to do to him for not buying her the Toyota, it took her a moment to realise someone was calling out to her. "Hey, Lady, you dropped something, hey, excuse me...!" She looked behind her, seeing a Chinese boy, maybe 12 or 13, wearing an old 'Tygers of Pan Tang' t-shirt and expensive-looking new sneakers. "I'm sorry, did you speak to me?" she asked, and the kid nodded, holding out something in his hand. Bethany looked at it; it was a button of some sort. She smiled at him. "I'm sorry, that's not mine, you must be mistaken." The boy shook his head. "I saw it fall from your pocket, lady, who else could it belong to?" Bethany grinned and took it from him, a strange feeling of...anticipation, significant and important flashing through her as she touched his hand, then it was gone as quickly as it came, leaving her momentarily disoriented. Shaking the odd feeling off, she examined the object closely. It was some kind of Chinese New Year token, maybe, a red ceramic coin-shaped token with a golden tiger face embossed on it, quite attractive really, with a feel of...antiquity? No matter, it was attractive enough to keep as a conversation piece, if nothing else. "Well, OK" she smiled, "Thank you!" She turned to continue her way home, but an impulse made her turn to the boy again. "I still say this isn't mine, but thank you anyway, it was very kind of you to stop me like that. What's your name?" she asked him. "The boy grinned. "Me? My name's Hu, but you can call me...Jamie." Bethany smiled. "Well thank you again, Jamie, you have a good evening, OK?" Jamie winked at her. "You too, Bethany!" he grinned, and Bethany smiled back at him, turned and continued on her way home, her annoyance at Cory forgotten for some reason, her fine oriental features showing only a happy anticipation at getting home to her family at the end of a long day. It wasn't until she was almost home that it suddenly struck her; he'd called her by her name, but she hadn't told him her name...had she? The boy watched her leave, the evening sun and the shadows off the overhead cables momentarily banding his face, striping him black and gold and making his eyes flare orange for a second, then he smiled and sauntered away. ++++ By the time I got to call my new contact in Hong Kong, Nia was long asleep; she'd had a strenuous evening and a good meal, and by 12 am was struggling to keep her eyes open; her constant yawning was making me yawn along with her, but eventually she got the hint and went to bed. I dialled the number Thawip had had given me. The line burred a couple of times, then answered with a beep. "Organised Crime & Fraud Reporting, Lieng here" said a cultured oriental voice, just a hint of accent in an otherwise flawless English pronunciation. "Hello," I replied, "is this Tang Tao Lieng?" I asked. "This is he, how may I help you?" asked the voice. This was it. "You won't know me, but I was given your name by a friend in the Royal Thai Army Border Force, Colonel Thawip Netniyom. My name is ..." He interrupted me. "James, James Morrison, yes, Thawip spoke with me about you and your...problem, I was wondering when you would be calling me!" At least he was on the ball, which was reassuring. He continued. "I've been looking at the information Thawip sent you, much of it is intelligence we already had, some of it adds to what we already knew, the whole thing though is very informative. Do you have Skype? I don't want to discuss this over an open telephone line." I gave him my Skype address, and he told me to stand by, before hanging up. I immediately went into the bedroom and flipped open my laptop and enabled Skype, and a few seconds later the video-call tone sounded. I answered, and there was the face of Lieng, a young-looking Chinese man of indeterminate age, in blue Hong Kong Police Force coveralls. He smiled. "You are a lot like Thawip described you, James, he was very...glad to help you, he likes you very much!" I was curious about how they knew each other, and Lieng was happy to chat informally. "When I joined the police, Hong Kong was still a Crown Colony. I served under Harry Waterfield, and he sent me on my first assignment, as part of the diplomatic protection unit at the Thai Embassy. Thawip was the Defence Attach, and we became friendly. When Hong Kong was handed back in 1997, Harry left, as did a lot of good officers, to go to Brunei, Singapore, Oman, and I became one of the senior officers, and because Harry had trained me, I was respected and quickly promoted; he's still a legend here!" "The unit I lead investigates organised crime and fraud, especially corporate fraud; the lifeblood of Hong Kong is the banking system, if the mainland lost faith in it, that would be the end of us as a Special Administrative Area, so we keep close tabs on those we suspect of activities which would impact negatively on the image of Hong Kong as a safe place to keep your money. Some of those people you have been looking at, and the organisations they work for, have been on our radar for a while now. Tell me, James, what do you know of the 'Triads'"? All I could honestly say was that I had seen and heard references to this group, but had no idea what they really were. Lieng gave me a quick rundown of the activities of the most powerful and widespread of the Triad groups, Sun Yee On, Wo Shing Wo, Wo Hop To, The Kuomintang, or KMT, and the 14K. My ears pricked up at the mention of these last two. He even told me that one of the larger groups, The Black Dragon, was active and powerful in the UK, which stunned me. I had a question about this stuff, something that was nagging at me. "Lieng, this man, Jimmy Han Wu, where does he come into it all, why is he so prominent in your reports?" Lieng grinned at me. "I was wondering if you would notice him! Han Wu is the grandson of a Nationalist Army General who was one of Chiang Kai Shek's henchmen in the Nationalist, or Kuomintang Army during the1920's and 30's. After the defeat of the Nationalists in 1949 by the Communist forces, Chiang retreated to Formosa, but part of the Kuomintang Army refused to settle in Formosa, instead they moved west and south, into the hills and jungles of Northern Burma, Thailand and Laos, and began recruiting local warlords and bandits and organising them into criminal gangs. They created the world's first reliable supply of heroin, and the area they still largely control is called The Golden Triangle. Han Wu is part of that, but is also a powerful and long-standing member of 14K Triad, with a foot in both camps, and many powerful connections. As luck would have it, we have him in custody, he made the mistake of coming here once too often, and we apprehended him at Chek lap Kok as he was boarding a flight to Vancouver. "I have been hearing some fascinating stories from him about what he's been doing. I'm holding him for as long as I need him to tell me things, and he keeps telling me things, because the alternative is a dimly-lit room and a rope in Beijing. Under British rule, because of the laws they insisted on saddling themselves with, he could come and go with impunity; all he need was a good lawyer, and the Triads have lots of those. Today, we have a slightly more realistic approach, which is talk or hang, choose now. None of his mainland political connections will say a word in his defence, otherwise we will start looking at them too, and we have plenty of rope..." I was taking this all in, and I sensed Nia behind me, looked at her to see her eyes large as she listened to our conversation. "Tell me, Lieng," I asked, "What do you know of his or his cronies' involvement in the baby traficking racket, in Vietnam especially?" Lieng leaned closer to the screen, a look of distaste on his face. "I have learned much over the years of what he and his 'Snake-Head' friends have been doing with babies, girls, slaves, it is a sickening story, like something out of the corrupt Imperial past; babies stolen for sale in the west, peasants kidnapped and sold as slaves to Burmese and Laotian warlords for their poppy plantations, young girls lured away or seized and sold into brothels in Brazil, Russia, Korea, Japan. The babies were always funnelled through Thailand and into Singapore, and then sold in Canada and the US, the new Russian states. A few have gone to England, but not many, it is a small place, with a closed border, and it is very difficult to slip in and out quietly, not like America, with its hundreds of miles of unmonitored border with Canada." "I'm sending you a contact in Singapore who heads a unit similar to mine, but concentrating on child trafficking. Han Wu has been most diligent in keeping records, and my friend in Singapore has them as well, he will be able to do more for you there than I can here. I think you will be able to track your sister better with him, he has good contacts in the west, especially in America and Canada, and I think you will have some luck with him. I must go now, this connection will be noticed if I keep it open for too long, but I wish you luck!" He leaned towards the screen again, "And miss...?" Nia looked up, startled, as he spoke to her for the first time. "Do not worry, Hu Ye will protect her!" He broke the connection, leaving Nia looking stunned at his words. "Jamie, did you...!" she began, and I nodded, as stunned as she. "How did he know, Jamie, how did he know?" she asked me, and I could only shake my head. "I don't know, princess, I really don't, but I'm glad he does!" I opened my message box and read off the contact Lieng had sent me. "Nia look at this, it's the man in Singapore, Kalbahadur Limbu, he's a Police Inspector." I called the number, and was rewarded with an immediate response. "Hello, I would like to speak To Inspector Limbu, please, I'm calling from England!" I said. "You're speaking to him," he replied, "How may I help you?" I switched the phone to loudspeaker and took a deep breath. "Inspector, My name is James Morrison, I was told to speak with you by Tang Tao Lieng in Hong Kong, I am trying to track a child that was stolen in Vietnam, from the Da Nang area and sold in December 1983 or January 1984; I have a description of her..." The inspector interrupted me. "I'm sorry, Mr. Morrison, but I have a great deal of information, about a great many individuals, children or otherwise. I know the case you are talking about, Lieng was quite thorough in the materials he sent me, but I will need some time to cross reference what you have with the material Lieutenant Lieng has sent me. Do you have anything other than the information from Lieng, something that can be used to identify the child?" Nia sat bolt upright. "Jamie, the stuff you brought from Da Nang, my spreadsheet! Tell him yes, get an email address, we can get this to him right away!" I passed this on, and the inspector gave me his email, and hung up after promising me we would speak again soon. Nia was in a state of high excitement now, pacing and muttering as soon as she'd emailed her spreadsheet to the Inspector. "Jamie, I can feel it, we're getting somewhere at last, oh please, let him have the stuff we need, I can't take this anymore!" I hugged her to me, trying to calm her down, she was almost babbling now, talking about booking flights to Singapore in the morning, wild stuff like that. I managed to convince her to wait, to let Limbu do his search through his files, then, if anything turned up, we'd start making travel plans. At last I persuaded her to go back to bed, it was almost 2 am now, and I was feeling the effects as well. As far as I was concerned, we'd done everything we could from this end, now it was time to wait, and hope that the people in Singapore could come up with a lead. I have to admit, though, I was enjoying the paper chase; we were slowly solving a 28 year-old puzzle, and we'd been bounced around the world with it, but the journey had been nothing if not fascinating! I was feeling like Holmes and Watson, when Holmes would start a case with 'Watson, the game's afoot'! It finally felt as if the game was definitely now; at last the people who could most likely help us were on-board; perhaps we were finally going somewhere. So far, the search through Asia, shadowy criminal conspiracies, hip-shooting coppers and western-marshal types in the wild places of the world, underground railways transporting drugs, slaves, stolen babies, it all sounded like a bad pastiche of a Bond novel, only we weren't writing the script here. As I climbed into bed, Nia pulled herself close to me, cuddling down tight against me, her eyes bright in the dim light from corridor light, and I could see the unshed tears. "Polar bear, how close do you think we are? Really?" she asked me, and I realised now was not the time to fob her off. "Baby Girl, I really can't guess; everything we've done so far has led us here, now someone else has to pick it up, and I'm not going to second guess him, not now. Leave it alone, princess, give it time for something to turn up; you heard the man, he has a lot of information, let his people sort through what they can, maybe we'll hear something soon." That seemed to satisfy her, and she relaxed against me, and within minutes, her deep breathing told me she'd dropped off at last. +++ I woke in the early hours with Nia's tongue in my ear. When she pulled me off the ceiling and stopped laughing at my expression, she cuddled up close and slid her hands inside my shorts. "So Jamie, is junior ready for another workout? Well goodness me, I do believe he is!" she smirked, holding my rapidly erecting penis as I returned the favour and pinched her beauteous little bum gently, making her laugh and quiver delightfully. Nia kissed me happily as I pulled her closer by the simple expedient of grabbing her bum and yanking her up against me, where she immediately began rubbing herself against my almost painfully erect cock. I slipped my hands inside her panties, enjoying the silky warmth of her taut cheeks as she rubbed herself more seriously against me. I wanted to see more of her, so I began pulling her t-shirt off over her head, while she hooked her fingers into the waistband of my shorts, pushing them down and allowing my cock to spring free into her warm hands, where she cupped and squeezed my balls gently and slowly pumped my cock. My gorgeous sister is too beautiful to resist for more than a few seconds, as if I ever would, and I slipped my hand between her thighs, feeling her wetness as I slid a finger between her swelling labia, and slowly rubbed her slick little pussy, making her gasp and wriggle delightfully. As I slid my finger into her, her nectar flowed and covered my hand, lubricating my fingers as I slid a second finger into her, slowly pumping her pussy, opening her lips further and making her gasp and sigh as I frigged her pussy. All the while, Nia kept up the pumping, squeezing motion on my cock, masturbating me as I masturbated her. I watched the flush bloom on her cheeks and spread down her neck as her arousal climbed, her grin slowly transmuting into a soft smile as we pleasured each other, my cock aching for release, the need to fuck my beautiful Eurasian sister becoming almost unbearable. At last, she let go of me, pushing me onto my back as she straddled me, rising up as she pulled my cock into position before slowly sliding herself down onto me with a hiss of satisfaction, her warm pussy clasping me tightly as she began to rise and fall. My hands slid around her waist and up to her delicate little breasts, seeking out her sexy nipples to gently tug , squeeze and roll them between thumb and forefinger, making her gasp and grind herself harder against me. As I played with and teased her nipples, her hands covered mine, pressing my hands against her breasts, forcing my hands to maul her nipples as she gasped and pumped above me, working herself up, until, with a loud gasping groan, she came, her juices flooding out of her as she orgasmed, the ripples as she clamped and released me almost too much to bear as her pussy squeezed and sucked at me. Finally, she slumped down, her heart hammering against mine as her exertions caught up with her, her breathing fast and shallow. When her breathing had slowed, and the pulse in her neck had stopped fluttering quite so visibly, she leaned up and grinned at me. "Thank you, Polar Bear, and now for something completely different! You ready, big boy?" For answer I flexed my cock, and her eyes danced as she grinned wickedly. She slid off me, gasping as my cock 'popped' out of her, and reached into the bedside night stand, to take out a tube of some sort. "What's that, Princess?" I asked, and she grinned again. "KY jelly, we're going to need it for what I've got in mind!" With that, she squeezed a large glob onto her finger and immediately spread it over the head of my cock, the cold gel making my cock jump. She pumped me a few times, making sure I wasn't losing interest, then lay back and pulled her legs up until her little anus was peeping at me. "Lubricate me, Jamie, and be generous, this is going to take some doing!" she smiled, and I did the same she'd done for me, squeezing a large blob of gel onto my fingertip, and then I looked at her. "Do it Jamie, I want this too!" she grinned, and so I spread the gel all round and into her little hole, feeling the tightness compared to when I fingered her pussy. I squeezed more in there, I figured more was better than too little, and tossed the tube of gel onto the bed. By now my cock was steel-hard in anticipation, I had seen this in porn videos and heard about it, of course, but this was a new thing for us, so I wanted to go slow and get it right, not hurt her. I knelt between her wide-spread thighs, and pushed her legs up again, lifting her pelvis until her sexy little bumhole was pointed straight at me, and I pushed myself up to the entrance to rest the tip of my cock up against her hole. Nia looked me into the eyes, a wicked little smile on her face. "Do it Jamie, stick it in me, shove your cock in my arse, you know you want to!" she breathed at me, and she was right, I really wanted this, so I leaned up and began slowly pushing. Nia began breathing in short, huffing gasps as I pushed forward, trying not to think of the tightness surrounding my cockhead as I tried to slide it in past her anal ring. Suddenly my head popped in, her ring snapping tight around the shaft of my cock, and Nia gave a loud groan as her eyes squeezed shut. The tightness and constriction on my cock was delightful, the feeling as I slowly slid forward utterly indescribable as her anal tube pulsed and squeezed around me as I sank deeper into her. "Slowly Polar Bear, give me time to ...aaahhh, yesss...slower, please baby...!" she muttered as I slowly slid in until I was all the way in, my entire length sheathed in her glove-tight anus. I stopped, to give her time to get used to my cock shoved all the way up inside her arse, the feeling of her anal tube pulsating gently around me new and very exciting. Eventually she opened her eyes and smiled naughtily at me. "Well, what are you waiting for, a written invitation? Fuck me, Jamie!" she giggled, and I took her at her word. As I slid back out of her, her breathing notched up until she was gasping as I slid nearly all the way out of her, and when I slid back in, she almost went crazy. "Ooooh Yesss!!...Oh My God, Yesss Jamie, yesss, fucking Christ, yesss, harder, Jamie, fucking HARDER!" With that, I pumped and pummelled, ramming my cock into her arse as hard as I could, Nia moaning and pushing back against me, her anus rippling and pulsing around me as she orgasmed almost continually. I was having difficulty in not coming myself; the sensations I was getting from fucking Nia's arse was like nothing I had ever experienced before, and it was the most exciting sexual act I had ever committed, all of these things playing in my mind as I humped and pumped, my orgasm building, promising to be like none I had ever experienced before. "Princess...I'm going to come, Oh, God! " I moaned, and with that Nia climaxed with a heartfelt scream of release, her juices squirting out of her and over my midsection in a spray of warmth as her anal tube rippled and clenched at me. I couldn't hold out any more, and came with a loud groan, my spunk roaring out of me, my cock swelling up to wedge in her tight anal tube as I fired blast after blast of spunk at high speed into her depths. I felt something deep inside me convulse with the force I came, jet after jet of high-pressure spunk bulleting out of me. As I bathed her insides with my seed, Nia came again, another giant orgasm sweeping over her and making her anus constrict me even further, the jets of spunk continuing as I literally emptied myself into her. I think I used up a week's worth in that one glorious shag, coming like I had never come before, but fuck, it was worth it! As our mutual orgasm subsided, I lay in her arms, Nia gently and lightly kissing my face and neck as the tails and curls of orgasm faded and died away inside her. The tightness of her anus was keeping me hard, and she suddenly giggled. "Polar Bear, I can feel your pulse, in my bum, that's so funny!" I started grinning as she giggled, and pretty soon I was giggling as well. "Just imagine, Jamie, if that was the only way to take someone's pulse, the doctor's surgeries would be standing room only!" and I cracked up again at the image she'd conjured up. Eventually the fit of giggles passed, and I was able to withdraw from her tight little hole, spunk gushing out as I unplugged her rectum. "Christ, Jamie, how much of this did you do?" she laughed, holding a cloth to herself to stem the flow of semen dribbling out of her rectum. "That was the dirtiest, most depraved, most fun thing I have ever done!" she grinned, "We are definitely doing this again, just not tonight, I feel like I've got a doorknob stuck up my bum!" ++++ Nearly a week went by before we heard anything more on the subject of Hu'e. I was woken in the middle of the night by the house phone ringing, and when I answered, it was Limbu, calling from Singapore. "Mr. Morrison, thank you for the information you provided from your...friend in Vietnam, it has certainly illuminated several areas we were lacking in information. My team has been cross-checking the information from Lieng, and we believe we have identified the time and date of the sale of the child known as Hu'e Vienh Lo. A child matching the general description you gave us of the child you are seeking, with corresponding identifying marks, in particular the neck birthmark, was boarded on a British Airways flight to Vancouver, in the company of a woman claiming to be her adoptive mother on December 31, 1983. The papers shown appeared to be genuine, but the identity of the woman was later found to be spurious. "We have reason to believe the child was 'laundered' through one of several corrupt adoption agencies, and I have a contact in The Royal Canadian Mounted Police Organised Crime unit in Toronto who has made a particular study of these agencies, their owners, agents and middlemen, and has had a lot of success in tracking down these stolen children and bringing the criminals involved to book. I have sent him details of your search, plus most of the correspondence from Lieng, and I have emailed you his details, I would suggest you call him as soon as you can." I was gratified that they had managed to make the connection to Canada that had only been hinted at. I thanked Limbu, and hung up, waking Nia to tell her the news. "Princess, wake up, I have some news, wake up!" She was her usual alert self when first woken. "Huh? Whassup, wha's goin' on Jamie?" I told her about the conversation I'd just had with the man in Singapore, that they had managed to track Hu'e to Vancouver, and that I had a contact name with the Mounties, and that come what may, we were going to Canada; we were too close now, and I could feel the end of the chase looming. So could Nia, and she was ready to go, to track her sister down at last, and make her mother's heart whole again. to be continued.... pics---->> http://bit.ly/1D1q3qp
Title: Sibling Revival-ry Ch. 05 Summary: My sister, my lover, my roommate. Keywords: inc,fic I'm sure my Mother had a reason for her comments. I had always trusted her...she was my Mother after all. Okay...that's not quite right. Recent developments had exposed that she wasn't 'really' my Mother, in the biological sense That didn't really change anything. I knew she loved me, always had my best interests at heart, and had never hurt me...everything a Mother is supposed to be. So, while the revelation of my adoption was something of a surprise...an understatement, I know...it didn't make a difference in how I felt about her. I still had to wonder, though, why she thought that Love was a problem. I had always loved my sister, since I was a little kid, and even when her attitude toward me changed that love to hate, it never eradicated the emotion. Moving into an intimate relationship with her let the love blossom again, and now, truth be told, it was stronger than ever. Learning that I was not truly her brother had thrown the doors wide open. I was laying in my room, with my hands behind my head, contemplating the past and the future, when Natalie walked past. She stopped, and blew me a kiss. "I'll be right back," she whispered. True enough, she was back in about a minute. "Just making sure Dad wasn't lurking about. His car's gone, so we're safe for a little while." Mom had set the rules, and we were doing our best to comply, but I had to admit it wasn't easy. Natalie eased down onto the bed beside me, giving me that look...the one that seemed to be reserved exclusively for me, now. Those huge blue eyes locked on mine, and her lips approached slowly, finally meeting mine in a soft kiss, that made her eyes close, the way lovers kissed. Appropriate, since we were now lovers in every sense of the word. We were still fully engaged in the kiss, tongues burrowing eagerly into each other's mouths, when Mom appeared in the doorway. "It's going to take me a bit of time to get used to this," she said quietly. "I almost told you to stop that, but watching you together makes my heart feel young. I just need to remind myself that things have changed. I'm still trying to decide what, if anything to tell your father. I assume you don't think he won't notice when you get married...or are you planning to keep it from him forever?" Ah. Now I get it. In my selfish, love induced haze, I hadn't looked any further than my own interests. Now I saw the conundrum that faced my Mother. She had to choose ; admit knowing about us, and bring the shit storm on immediately, or keep her mouth shut, further deceiving my Father for who knows how long. If it had been just adolescent lust, she could have merely forbade our behaviour, but Love?...no, you can't make the heart unlove someone, can you? Do the names Romeo and Juliette ring a bell? "Your father will be home soon. Would you please come help me get dinner ready, Natalie?" She didn't even wait for an answer, just headed downstairs to the kitchen. "I guess that wasn't really a question," I whispered. We were still laying on our sides, hardly having moved since we paused our kiss to listen to Mom. I ran my hand up her side, cupping her breast softly. She moaned, and put her hand over mine, pressing her breast more firmly into my palm. "Do I really have to go?" she groaned. "I've missed your touch." "And I've missed having you in my arms, but you heard Mom," I replied. "It's almost summer vacation, so I'm sure we'll have our chances soon." Natalie sighed, and rolled away, standing up and walking to the doorway, where she paused. "All that may be true, but I'm horny NOW. I guess it's just me and my fingers, tonight." She winked, and ran down the stairs. Shit...why did she have to tell me that. I tried unsuccessfully to get those images out of my head, finally giving up. I needed a distraction, so I headed downstairs, hoping a movie would do the trick. When I reached the bottom of the flight, I could hear Mom and my sister talking in the kitchen. Not quite the distraction I was looking for, it was still an eye opener. "I'm sorry Mom. I know we're making this harder for you," Natalie said. "Don't apologize, sweetie," Mom said. "I know you didn't plan this. Emotions take on a life of their own. I am a little surprised, though. To be honest, I thought you'd be more likely to kill your brother than fall in love with him, since you always fought like cats and dogs. What changed?" "Truthfully? I never hated Rick, but I was jealous. He was younger, and seemed to get more attention...I know that wasn't really the case, but that's what a little girl felt. Then it just became habit. I had to grow up before I could see that I had no reason for my bad attitude, and then I didn't want to admit I had been being a bitch to him for years...for no reason." I was listening closely now. My sister...my love, was baring her soul. "Mom...can I ask you a question?" she added. "Of course, honey," Mom replied. "If Rick wasn't my brother, would you approve of him? As my boyfriend, I mean." "Natalie!" Mom laughed, "you don't really expect an objective answer to that, do you? Situation notwithstanding, he is your brother, and my son, or as close to it as can be. Perhaps you should answer that question. What is it that you see in Rick that makes you love him? And don't just tell me 'the heart wants what the heart wants', or any other similar tripe, however true they may be. What do you see?" Jeez Mom, pull those punches a little, will you? It's not all her fault ; I was there too. "Well," Natalie began, exhaling loudly, "He's kind, gentle, and funny. Honest. Handsome, of course, loving, and..." "... And he makes your toes curl!" Mom giggled. "He's done that to me, as well. Not such an easy question to answer is it? There's only one answer that matters, and only one person's opinion that counts." There was a palpable tension in the pause that followed. "Do you love him...really Love him...and is he the man for you?" I shouldn't be listening to this, I thought, but I need to hear her answer. "Yes," was all she said. "Well then," Mom said, "that's all that really matters. Everything else is just stuff, and stuff can be dealt with." I'd heard all I needed to, and slipped down into the basement. I put a movie on, but I don't even know which one it was. The initial plan, to distract me from thoughts of my sister fingering herself, had been derailed, replaced by thoughts of my sister confessing her love for me. Even I knew it was one thing to say it in the throes of passion, and quite another to admit it with calm aforethought. I needed another distraction. *** "Mmmmm, yes, that's it, baby. Just like that. Your tongue is so good!" Natalie was bent over the foot of her bed, with her near perfect ass high in the air, and I was behind her with a hand on each firm cheek, and my face buried in her pussy. My aforementioned tongue was spearing her moist recesses eagerly, with the occasional side trip to tease her puckered pink asshole. Dad was at work, and Mom was out for the morning, so my sister and I decided to satisfy some long overdue desires. It had been weeks since we had been able to do anything more than steal a few kisses and grope each other in desperation. Of course, that only made things worse, and increased our need to get together, so when Natalie called me to her room, and I found her naked and in this position, it took her less than a second to convince me. I remembered the first time I ate my darling, sexy sister's pussy. The divine flavour of her juices... I think I described it as ambrosia, butter, honey and brown sugar, and those still applied. She was oozing her delicious secretions, and since she was inverted from the usual position for munching on her cunt, those juices were running toward her clit. I was hungrily lapping at the dripping, intoxicating fluids, and her clit was taking a lot of the attention. It's a good thing we were alone in the house. It might be better if we were alone in the neighbourhood. "FUCK YES! LICK MY FUCKING CLIT!" she screeched, her cries echoing through the house, and maybe beyond. "AHHHHHNNN! AHHHHHNNN! CUMMMMMMMING! NOWWWWW!" She was twisting and writhing desperately in my grasp, but I had a firm grip on her hips, and held her pussy close to my face while she gushed into my mouth. My lips sealed around her clit, I sucked her hard, slurping up the syrupy sweetness that continued to flow unabated. Natalie was still screaming, but her face was now in the blankets, muffling her shrieks, which had lost the ability to speak, but still communicated her joy adequately. Her hands flailed about behind her, finally finding my head, and pushing back. "Oh god, please stop! Too sensitive! Please stop!" she gasped, I gave her clit a parting lick, and released her, letting her flop limply on the bed. "Thank you, thank you..." she whimpered. My turn, I thought, unbuckling my pants and stepping out of them. My underwear joined them on the floor, leaving my rampant cock standing straight out, looking for a warm place to go. Ah, there's a good spot. Yeah, I looked at her pretty, pink little asshole, and gave it a brief consideration. I remembered her saying that she loved it up the ass, and the thought of that tight little hole stretching open to accommodate my shaft was something that I definitely looked forward to seeing. I also remembered her saying that her butt might need some time to get used to my size. No, not today. The other choice was hardly settling for less. Her pussy was still drooling, soaking wet from my tongue, and pouting open, eager to be stuffed full. I leaned closer, and whispered to her. "Ready, honey?" "Mmmmm, yes, baby. Fuck me," she breathed. She spread her legs a bit more, and dug her toes into the carpet on the floor, bracing herself. I dragged the head of my hard dick up between her lips, getting it nice and wet with her residue, before plunging it home. Natalie exhaled. "Ooooooo, yes...that's it." That's it, indeed. This was probably my favourite position. Sure, it was always fun to just lay back, and let Natalie or Mom fuck themselves silly on my hard cock. I loved to watch them riding me, their big tits bouncing wildly with their frenzied actions, a look of lusty satisfaction on their faces. I also liked to look deep into their eyes, while we slowly, gently made love, face to face, in the old standard missionary position. This...gripping her hips and drilling her hard from behind...was a great way to fuck. You know what I mean. Fuck, with pure selfishness, caring only about stimulating my cock to orgasm. Fuck, using her pussy as a tool. Fuck her hard. I was looking down, watching my shaft split her open, over and over. Her ass jiggled each time I slammed into her, and her tight pussy released me reluctantly each time I pulled back, her lips stretching out as though trying to pull me back in. She was moaning and grunting softly, absorbing my assault gratefully. I could feel my balls tingling, and knew that I would soon be flooding her pussy with semen. I pounded her harder, the slaps resonating through the room each time our bodies collided. A froth of her juices began to form on her lips, whipped into existence by my furious thrusts. Her moans escalated, becoming cries of bliss, monosyllabic gasps and urgings that told of her desire. "Oh...Oh...fuck...yes...yes...yes...yes..." The countdown to launch was well underway, and the abort button was broken. I couldn't have stopped it if I had wanted to...and I didn't want to. My hips were a blur, stroking into her cunt at warp speed. Three, two, one... "FUUUUCK!" I groaned, slamming in one last time. I held on tight to her hips, gasping for breath while rope after rope of hot cum basted her inner folds. Natalie's legs curled behind me, hooking up around my hips, like twin scorpion tails, and she arched her back, lifting entirely off the bed. At last, I could cum no more. Natalie melted, turning to jello in my grasp, collapsing down onto the bed, and I followed suit, dropping on top of her, if only for a moment. I took my weight on my elbows, before gathering the strength to stand again, wobbly as it may have been, and withdraw my softening spear from her sheath. A stream of pearly goo began a slow journey down her inner thigh. Her legs hung limp, splayed awkwardly. "Holy...shit," she whispered, trying to rise. Her arms quivered, then gave out. "Help?" I wasn't sure I was in any better shape than she was, but I had to try. "Here comes the cavalry!" I laughed. "Roll or lift?" "Lift, I think," she said, rising on her arms again. I hooked an arm under her midsection, and pulled her upright, letting her get her legs back under her. She turned, and looked up at me. "Thank you." "I feel like I should be thanking you," I replied, bending to kiss her luscious lips. "Oh no," she laughed, when the kiss ended, "I think I got the better of the deal, believe me." "So, call it even, then?" *** I would be attending the same college that my sister was, starting in the fall. She was the one that first thought of getting an apartment together, closer to school. Purely to be closer to the library there, you understand. We started scouring the papers, and came across several possible locations, mostly because we were looking now, at the beginning of the summer, rather than waiting until the last minute, as most of the students did. The loft apartment over the garage was too small for two, the spiffy studio in the highrise was too expensive, and the one in the rat infested tenement was... well... rat infested. I was beginning to get discouraged, but Natalie was nothing if not tenacious. Tenacious, and resourceful, as it turns out. She somehow got a lead on a two-bedroom apartment, on the top floor of a three story building. It was clean, affordable, big enough for both of us...and wasn't even supposed to be on the market yet, but the property manager was a guy, so...yes, my sister flirted us in. Best of all, we could move in right away. There was only one obstacle ; Mom. While Dad, still blissfully unaware of the true nature of our relationship, thought that us moving in together was a great idea, Mom had reservations. Dad was sure she was just having the usual emotional reaction to her children leaving the nest, but, like I said before, he was blissfully unaware. Mom did eventually relent, with conditions. "Okay, you two," she said sternly, sitting us down to talk. "Here's the way it's going to be." Her tone left no doubt that the subject was not up for debate. "I will allow this, under these stipulations. First, and foremost, you must keep your grades up. If you spend more time fucking than studying, I'll know, and this little love nest experiment will be over, understand?" "Yes Ma'am" we said, together. "Second, all the other rules still apply. Your father will undoubtedly pay you a visit at some point, likely unannounced, and you must appear to be what he thinks you are, not what I know you are. I don't know when I'm going to tell him, but until then, don't make it worse." "Will you be visiting too, Mom?" I asked, with a smile. Mom fought back her own smile, but it was too strong. "Um, yes. I will," she said, looking embarrassed. "That part applies, too." *** The move went easily. There wasn't much to pack really, just our clothes, books and stuff. The apartment was already furnished, which cut down on necessary purchases greatly. Our TVs moved with us, and our computers, but not the beds, as there were already two there ; a double in the small bedroom, officially mine, and a king in the master, which would be Natalie's. Everything was clean, as this building operated essentially as a long term hotel, meant for contract employees, and was well maintained. It was perfect. Mom and Dad helped us move, of course. Unpacking was almost as easy as packing was, and we soon found ourselves settled into our new digs. Dad wanted to stick around for dinner, but Mom convinced him otherwise. She knew what was on our minds, and knew what we'd be doing as soon as they were gone, so she dragged Dad out as soon as possible. "Remember," she said as Dad went to get the elevator, "no arrests for noise violations." A wink, and she walked away. Natalie closed the door. We went to the window, and waved as our parents' car drove away. "Alone at last," she whispered. "What to do?" I'd seen this act before. The look in her eyes. The swing of her hips. I was so going to get fucked unconscious. Well, so be it. Natalie pounced on me, hanging from her arms around my neck, and kissing me wildly. I grabbed her ass, taking the strain off both of us. "So, I believe the traditional way to christen a new apartment would be best. Why don't we start with the living room?" she smiled, dropping to her knees in front of me. Within seconds, my pants and underwear were around my ankles, and my cock was being sucked lovingly to full erection. It didn't take long. Her task complete, she stood, and sauntered toward the kitchen. "One down," she laughed, undoing her own pants as she walked. She peeled them over her hips, and kicked them off, wiggling her nearly naked ass at me. Her shirt followed, and her hands reached back to unhook her bra, which she held in place with one hand when she turned to look for me. I was still trying to get my feet free of the handcuffs that my pants had turned into, but I saw her smile and drop the bra. I never tired of seeing my sister's big tits in all their glory. I finally got loose, and by the time I made it into the kitchen, she had already shed her thong, and was perched on the countertop, her legs spread fully ninety degrees along the adjoining wings of smooth granite. "No additional prep necessary," she giggled. "I've been so horny all day, waiting for this moment, I don't think I could get any wetter if I tried." "Okay, baby," I said, stepping within range of her grasping hand. She pulled me to her, slipping the head in, then grabbing my ass to seat me completely. "My god, you are dripping, aren't you?" "Mmmmm, yes, I've missed you," she whispered, wrapping her arms around my neck. She pressed her lips to mine, moaning softly as I gave her a few gentle strokes. Her hands tugged the shirt off over my head, letting me feel all of her full, firm breasts as they mashed into my chest. "Fuck me good." She hooked her legs behind me, and patted my ass. I started to shaft her firmly, while we kissed each other. She was absolutely drenched, and I felt her juices dripping off my balls as I fucked her. So, this is what it feels like to be a couple, I thought. I'd never been in a relationship before, only having had a few girlfriends prior to Natalie, and never having been intimate with any one girl more than twice. I know that most guys my age were trying to run up the score, fucking as many girls as they could, as often as they could. I had been that way, too, but once Natalie and I hooked up, I started to see the appeal of a longer term arrangement. Mom and Dad were happy, and setting the example, so I guess I grew to want what they had, in my own way. I just never thought that the perfect woman for me...the girl of my dreams...was also the one who tormented me so gleefully from the very next bedroom, for as long as I could remember. Now, we were together, physically free of our parents supervision. While I was ecstatic at this development, I had to remember that we weren't free and clear just yet. Not until Dad was on board would we be truly able to relax. As for the rest of the world...well, I'm sure that there would be a few people who would be less than understanding, despite the facts. There would be hurt feelings, and looks of disgust, but I, personally didn't care. 'Let he who is without sin cast the first stone at the glass house' or something to that effect. Fuck them. It was nothing a move to a new city couldn't fix. Meanwhile, back in the kitchen, I was giving my sweet, darling sister a right proper seeing to, fucking her hot little cunt quite energetically. She was resting her chin on my shoulder as I did, holding me close and cooing sweet nothings into my ear. "Oh fuck, that's it baby...your cock feels soooo gooood in my little pussy. Keep going, honey...so fucking good, it's getting me really hot, now baby. Oh fuck yes...oh fuck yes...oh fuck, that's it...right there, baby... right there! Yeah...fuck me...fuck me...fuck me...oh yeah, fuck me, baby... Ooooooo, I'm cumming baby...I'm cumming!" It would appear that Mom's words of warning about the noise had been heard, loud and clear, so Natalie's orgasm wouldn't be. She grunted as her cunt spasmed around my cock, and buried her face in my neck, muffling her cries effectively. Her face blushed bright red at the exertion of restraining her vocalizations. "Son of a bitch!" she hissed, leaning against me heavily. "Fuck, that was good! Next!" She pushed me back, and slipped off the countertop. Her legs were a little rubbery, leading to a few unsteady steps, but she was determined to complete her plan. Okay, so that's the living room and kitchen properly baptized with a sexual act. Where to now? I followed her, and the answer to that question is...drum roll, please...my bedroom! Natalie just crawled onto the bed on all fours, and awaited the insertion of my cock, which took about five seconds to happen. I just picked up where I'd left off in the kitchen, giving it to her nice and hard. She always said she liked it from behind...liked to get drilled furiously, hard and deep. "I still haven't sampled this ass, yet," I whispered, running my thumb across the tight, pink orifice. "No," she laughed, "and even though I look forward to having that huge dick of yours stuffed all the way up my tailpipe, it ain't gonna be today, baby. Not ready for it yet, but I'm in training." I heard the rhythmic "slap, grunt, moan, slap, grunt, moan" of our continuing fuck, but my mind was wandering, filled with pictures of Natalie's training program, which I assumed included items of various diameters being inserted into her service entrance. I might want to get some popcorn and watch her next workout. "Oh, oh, oh, oh...fuck!" she gasped. "I'mgonnacumI'mgonnacumI'mgonnacummmm!" Her body shook, wracked by waves of pleasure. Finally her arms collapsed, and she flopped down on the bed, yanking her pussy off my cock. "Three...down...two to...go," she breathed. "Bathroom...next." I took her hand, helping her up and leading her in, where I took a seat, letting my sister mount up for some cowgirl fun. She skewered herself, then tried to rise up. Her legs were trembling. "Probably should have done this one earlier," she laughed, "when I had functioning legs. Someone..." she said, staring at me, "...has replaced them with jello." She lifted again, and dropped on my lap. "Why don't we call this one?" I said. "I mean...I'm inside you, and we're in the bathroom. I think that qualifies as sex." "Oh good," she whispered. "One more to go, and I'm doing it on my back. Take me to bed and finish me off." Just one room left, appropriately enough our / Natalie's bedroom, home of the nice, comfy king-sized bed, and I put her down on it when I carried her in. I kissed her. "I thought I was the one that was going to run out of gas," I said quietly, nibbling her neck, and fondling her boobs. She groaned. "I know! I don't get what happened, but it backfired," she giggled. "What the fuck did you do to me?" "Must be the altitude," I offered, easing between her thighs and slipping back into her pussy. "We are one storey higher here." "Altitude?" she hissed as I ground into her, crushing her clit between us. "More like depth...so deep in my cunt!" Her legs came up around my waist. "Go for it. Fuck the shit out of me!" She wasn't the only one feeling it. Her pussy was heavenly, and it's effects were cumulative, so I wasn't going to last long, but I gave it my best effort. I raised up on my arms and looked into her eyes, while I pounded her with my cock, fucking her hard. The tingle began. "Your pussy is so good, baby," I grunted. "You're gonna make me cum!" She just smiled, and glanced down at her breasts, which were swinging in time to my strokes. Then she opened her mouth, and wagged her tongue at me. Target coordinates received. I managed a few more thrusts before pulling out, and crawling up the bed beside her. The first blast hit the side of her breast, ricocheting up in a fountain of droplets that spread across her chest. More followed, giving her boobs a nice glaze of semen. The next one hit her right on the face, splashing across her cheek and into her mouth. She moaned, and grabbed my still spewing shaft, sealing her lips around it and sucking the rest down greedily. I looked down at her swallowing my seed, decorated with cum, and smiled. She pulled my wilting noodle out of her mouth, and smiled back. "Done!" she giggled. *** There was a knock on the door, and I hopped up from my spot on the couch to answer it. "Mom!" I laughed, giving her a big hug. She always did feel great pressed tight against me. "Where's your sister?" she asked with a smile as she walked in. "Library," I replied, succinctly. "Following the rules. She says having me around while she's studying is a distraction. I guess that's a compliment." "What about you?" Mom laughed. "Don't you find her distracting?" "Actually, no," I answered, "I worry when she's not here. I'm much more relaxed when we're together." "Relaxed, huh?" Mom giggled. "I'll bet. When is the last time she 'relaxed' you?" "I don't kiss and tell, Mom!" I blurted out. "What brings you to the neighbourhood?" "I, um, wanted to, um spend some time with your sister. Feeling a little lonely, I guess," she said quietly. "The house is awfully quiet without you both in it." "Well, why don't we spend some time together?" I asked her, arching my eyebrows. We hadn't been 'together' in quite a while. She smiled. "I wasn't sure you'd want this old body, now that you have access to the younger version on a regular basis," she whispered, obviously fishing. She was looking down when she said it, and finally looked up again. Her perfect blue eyes glistened. She was wearing snug navy blue yoga pants, that fit her curves like a second skin. A matching jacket, with a geometric pattern across the front, did the same up top, unzipped to just even with her big boobs. Her long blonde hair hung enticingly over one shoulder. I only hoped Natalie looked as good at forty. I stepped closer. Mom looked up at me, tilting her head back, and licking her lips in anticipation. I reached for the zipper on her jacket, and slid it down, opening it fully before sliding my hands inside. A white, V-necked t-shirt stretched tightly over her huge breasts, and I could feel the tight confines of her jogging bra when I placed my hands on her tits. I squeezed, and she moaned, her eyes fluttering. "Kiss me, Rick. Please," she breathed. I did, and she groaned happily. In the past, Mom had wanted me to dominate her when we were in the bedroom, but that had gradually given way to a more natural, gentle attitude. She still would occasionally ask for specific treatment...a spank here and there...but now we just mostly made love. I preferred it that way. I didn't really like treating my Mother like a slut. Mom's lips parted and her tongue tussled playfully with mine. She pushed me away gently. "Bedroom, please." I led her in, and she pushed me onto my back on the big, king-sized mattress that Natalie and I shared. She gave me a smouldering look, and peeled her jacket off slowly, pulling her shoulders back to make her breasts even more prominent. The bright pink of her bra now showed through her shirt, moulding her boobs into rounded globes that jutted abruptly from her chest. She kicked her shoes off, then skinned the tight fabric of her pants over her hips, wriggling out of them with a smile. A thong of matching pink was revealed. She reached for my belt. "Must I do everything myself?" she laughed, tugging my pants down. My underwear was tented, barely containing the bulge that her strip show had caused. "Mmmm, that looks good," she whispered, caressing my crotch. She leaned forward and kissed it, then gripped the fabric with her teeth, and pulled them down. My cock sprung free, slapping her face gently. "Ooooooo!" she giggled. "Booby trapped!" "No, you're 'Booby' trapped," I laughed. "And such a nice trap, too." I sat up, divesting her of her shirt, while she did the same to my underwear. Her mouth descended, engulfing my cock slowly. "Oh shit, Mom...that's so good." Mom's right hand joined her mouth, stroking and sucking as a team. I plucked at the straps of her bra, but her free hand slapped mine away, and pushed me flat again. She wagged her finger at me, a silent chastisement that didn't interrupt her actions. It didn't interrupt her moans of pleasure either. There could be no doubt ; my Mother was a very good, and very willing, cocksucker. She liked it. A few minutes of gentle oral manipulation followed. My cock had spent enough time in her warm mouth to know that, if she'd wanted to, she could have easily coaxed a load of hot cum from my balls already. No, she was teasing me, which meant that the real fun was just beginning. She gave me a few parting sucks, and stood up. The thong fell to the floor, and she crawled onto the bed with me. "I hope you don't mind," she whispered, grasping my dick and hovering her gash above it, "but I really need this. I am so fucking wet!" She dropped on me, impaling herself to the hilt in one motion. "Oh fuck! Damn that's a big cock!" she groaned, sitting upright. She reached behind her back, and unhooked the bra that somehow managed to control her big, round tits, letting it drop onto my chest. She cupped her breasts in her hands, and tugged her thick nipples to full erection. I tossed the bra aside. "Mom, you're so beautiful," I said, looking up at her. Her breasts quivered as she gently rode my pole. It was hard to say if she was blushing, or just getting excited. "Thank you, honey," she whispered. Her hand rested on my chest, and she leaned forward a bit, letting her manipulate her hips easier. She was fucking herself harder now. Her big boobs were hanging close enough to taste, so I did, grabbing one with both hands and latching onto the nipple happily. "Mmmmm," she moaned. "I never got to breast feed you, obviously, and I missed it. Feeding your sister was one of my favourite things. I'd nurse her and masturbate like a lunatic." "Well," I said, pulling her tall, thick nipple from my mouth, "I'll try to make up for it." I locked my lips in place again and suckled dutifully. "Good boy!" Mom laughed, patting the back of my head. She continued to ride my cock smoothly. "Certainly not a little boy, anymore! Bite my nipples, gently, please." Chomp. "Ah, yes, that's it baby." A few minutes later, Mom's body shuddered through a gentle orgasm. She rolled off, laying on her back, and looked up at me. "More, please, Sir?" Okay, she's not my 'mother', but she's my Mom, a beautiful, sexy, mature woman, and a willing partner. In the dictionary, under MILF, is her picture. Of course you can have more, I thought. She welcomed me with open arms and spread legs, guiding my dick back into her juicy snatch and moaning softly as she did. Her breasts were squashed between us, their resilient firmness a delicious sensation for me. The next sensation was pretty delicious, too, that of her plump lips on mine, and her tongue tangling playfully with my own. About twenty minutes of gently passionate lovemaking ensued. Mom's hands caressed my ass while I thrust with firm strokes into her, and I was able to bring her to three more blissful climaxes. I liked it this way better, being a thoughtful lover rather than an abusive one. "I'm going to cum, Mom," I warned her. "Where would you like it?" "Please...stand up. Let me suck your cock. I'd like your hot cum in my mouth," she replied, with a smile. I did as she asked, standing beside the bed while she sat, licking her own honey off the shaft with glee. Her mouth then sucked me in, and she bobbed her head, now intent on causing an explosion of semen for her to consume. Like I said before...she's a very good cocksucker, and had me teetering on the brink within a minute. "Oh shit, Mom...here it cums!" She gulped my load, sucking hard to draw every drop down her throat. Only when she had taken it all did she release my cock, allowing me to sit beside her. "Thanks Honey," she whispered. "I needed that." *** "Rick, honey...I'm home!" It was Natalie, back from the library. A small part of me felt a twinge of guilty panic, getting caught in bed with another woman. Yes, it was 'just' Mom, and yes, Natalie knew that we were still a threesome, on occasion, but I Loved my sister. The guilty feeling was new, and I didn't like it. "In here, sweetie," Mom called, nestling into my arms. We were naked, and mostly uncovered. Natalie's face appeared at the door. For a split second, she looked at me, and I could see that she wasn't pleased. It disappeared quickly, hidden by a huge smile, but I caught it. "Hi Mom!" she said brightly. "What brings you here?" "She came looking for your tongue, but had to settle for me, instead!" I laughed, hoping to let her know that it was Mom's idea. At first, anyway. I wasn't the only one who noticed the look on Natalie's face. Mom saw it too, and sat up, suddenly realizing what it must have looked like to my sister. "Oh my! Natalie...I'm so sorry," she said, rolling out of bed quickly. "I shouldn't have done this with Rick. Not now...now that I know how you feel about each other!" She was gathering her clothes, when Natalie stepped in. "Mom...it's okay! It just surprised me, that's all." Natalie hugged Mom, who was still naked, and getting more distraught by the second. "Mom, calm down. I'm not mad. Slow down," she said. "I'm so sorry," Mom repeated. "Stop," Natalie commanded. "I understand. It's not like you're here trying to steal him. You're not, are you?" she chided, and Mom giggled, shaking her head. "It's just sex, and we did promise to include you. Now, get your ass in bed, and I'll be back in a moment." When she did return, a few minutes later, she was naked and smiling. She slid in beside Mom, and we bookended her, caressing her body, but I soon began to feel like an unnecessary attendee. The two ladies were in a world of their own, kissing and embracing each other, so I left them to it, heading for the living room. I watched some TV, casting an occasional glance toward the open bedroom door, where moans of joy wafted out. I could see Natalie's ass in the air, with Mom's face buried in her pussy. Ah, 69. A very good year. Perhaps an hour later, Mom walked out of the bedroom, zipping up her jacket, with a glow on her face. Natalie was right behind her, naked and smiling. "You're right, Rick," Mom giggled. "She is very relaxing! Thank you, so much, both of you." *** That night, Natalie and I were laying in bed, snuggled together closely. Despite how things ended, I felt like I owed my darling an apology. "Nats?" I asked. "Mmmm hmmm?" she replied, stroking my chest softly. "I'm sorry. I didn't even think about what I was doing, and how it must have made you feel. Can you forgive me?" I asked her. "Of course, baby," she answered. "I must admit, the jealous feeling surprised me, though. I know it was Mom, and that we agreed to take care of her, but my first reaction, when I saw you in bed with someone else...anyone else...was anger. I guess deep down, I Love You, and I really don't want to share you. Even with Mom. Maybe, if it was all three of us together, and it was planned. I don't know." "Well, you don't need to worry about it anymore, because I won't be repeating my mistake. Mom too. She felt terrible," I whispered, kissing her on the cheek. "I think we just got caught up in the moment, and forgot how things have changed. It won't happen again." "Okay. Enough said," she giggled. "Now...feel free to make it up to me in whatever way you feel would be appropriate. I accept cash, checks, gold..." she suggested, "... or orgasms." I ducked quickly under the sheets, and took my place between her thighs. Mom had just finished munching on this perfect pussy a couple of hours ago, and I'm sure the memory of the orgasms was fresh, but I felt willing to live up to Mom's example. I never expected to be as good as Mom, but I'd settle for being the best male to ever eat my sister's cunt. With that in mind, I set to my task. I fluttered the tip of my tongue along her labia, working my way up the right side and over her clit. A soft moan was heard from above. A few big licks, from bottom to top, were greeted with similar sounds. I sat up, and threw the sheets back. Grabbing her ankles, I lifted her legs high. "Put the pillow under your ass," I directed. She did, and I lowered her legs. Propped up like this, I had better access to her pussy, and her butt as well. I went back to work. Ah, much better. I probed the depths of her moist crevice with my tongue...my, my, but she was tasty. Natalie spread her legs wider, pulling her lips further apart, letting her bright pink interior peek out. Her gaping hole begged for my fingers, and I gave it what it asked for, sliding first one, then two digits in. They made a wet, squishy sound as they penetrated her vestibule, and she groaned. My tongue found her clit again. Her hand landed on the back of my head, holding me in place, and indicating that she liked what I was doing. I added a third finger. "Oh fuck, Rick! That's nice!" she gasped. I hooked my fingers, and found the location I was looking for. There it was ; the little patch that felt like walnut shell, with ripples and ridges. I pressed, while licking her clit, and got the desired reaction. "Oh my...ahnnn...shit...Oh, yes!" She suddenly got very, very wet, and her cunt tried to break my fingers. That's one. I kept going when she relaxed, sliding in and out, rubbing firmly across the spot, sucking her clit as I did. It only took a minute or so before she was shrieking again. That's two. Her dripping, drooling gash provided the lubricant needed, as I extracted my fingers from her vagina, and inserted them, one at a time, into her ass. Natalie put a pillow over her face, and screamed. The orgasm counter had reached five before she begged me to stop. By that time, I had two fingers up her butt, two more in her pussy, and my tongue on her clitoris, causing a small puddle to form under her on the pillow. "Stop! Jesus, please stop! You're killing me! Step away from the ass and the pussy! Nothing to see here!" she giggled, her head lolling loosely. "Just trying to make it up to you," I said quietly, pulling my fingers out. "Oh, you have...believe me you have! Paid in full." *** Saturday morning, about two weeks after we moved in, Natalie rolled off me following a spirited morning session. She kissed me, and walked out, heading for the shower. I rested for a few minutes, then got dressed. As I walked into the living room, there was a knock on the door. I took about three steps toward the door, then realized that the bathroom door was open, my naked sister in the shower. The bedroom door was open, too, rumpled sheets, scent of sex and other evidence there to be seen, or smelled. "Just a second..." I called, and quickly closed the doors. I grabbed the air freshener from the kitchen, and spritzed the place. Finally, I answered the door. "Dad!" I gasped, opening it wide. "Hi," he smiled. "Anyone here want to go out for breakfast?" "I'm in," I answered, instantly happy I'd closed the doors. "Natalie's in the shower, but I imagine she's hungry, too." Probably famished, after nearly an hour of sweaty sex. I prayed that she noticed that the bathroom door was now closed, and didn't just come parading out into the living room naked. That could be harder to explain than the sheets. Luckily, my sister was a pretty sharp cookie, and she did see the closed door. She came out wrapped in a towel. "Daddy!" she giggled, hugging him tight. "We're invited to breakfast," I said calmly. "Hungry?" "Starving!" she replied, with a small grin. She ran into her room. "I'll be out in a flash!" Slam. We went out together, crisis averted for now, with Dad never knowing how close he came to catching his daughter riding his son's cock to a rollicking orgasm. Whew! *** I came home from class to find Natalie on the phone, jabbering away happily, with a big smile on her face. She waved me over and gave me a big kiss. "Yes...yeah, it's Rick, just getting home," she said to the phone. She mouthed 'Mom' at me, and I nodded. "I'll tell him Mom, you just have fun...and don't do anything I wouldn't do! Ha ha! Bye." "Have fun?" I asked. "Is she going somewhere?" "Not really, no. She just wanted us to know that we needn't worry about her getting between us anymore, or at least not as often." "Really?" I asked, "why is that?" "Because, my dear brother," she whispered, slinking in my direction, "in our absence, Dad has rediscovered his libido, and Mom's charms. She says it's like when they were first married all over again, and she's loving every minute of it. Dad can't keep his hands off her, and he's fucking the daylights out of her nearly every night!" "Wow! I didn't know he had it in him," I laughed. She was moving closer now, and had me cornered in the kitchen. "Natalie...what's that look for?" "Oh, just that with Mom out of the picture...I realized something." She licked her lips, and ran her eyes over my body. That look scared me, and excited me at the same time. "You're all mine!" she hissed. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ pics---->> http://bit.ly/1QdQXsD
Title: Peeping Tom 2 Summary: Mom gets it through the window Keywords: Fiction, Incest Peeping Tom 2 I snuck into the house well after 11:00. I figured there was a good chance my dad wasn't home yet and thought for sure that Mom would be in bed. I figured it would be a straight shot up the steps to my room. I just wanted to free Willy, climb into bed, relive the best night of my life, and play with myself. Seemed like a simple plan. I eased the door shut behind me and headed straight for the steps. My hand was buried deep in my pocket; diddling the swollen head of my dick in anticipation of the handjob I was gunna give myself if I could just make it to my room. I can't begin to describe how desperate I was to get upstairs and grab hold of my new best friend and make him the happiest dick ever. (My hand had been in my pocket the whole way home. I was constantly aware of the hardness of my cock; how sensitive it was, how swollen. I kept rubbing my thumb over it, feeling it, in spite of the fact that I was close to cumming in my pants.) I was almost giddy with excitement as I approached the staircase. Had I been a little gayer, I may have burst into song. (Not that there would be anything wrong with that) And then I hit a brick wall...Mom walked out of the kitchen just as I reached the bottom of the steps. I froze and stared at her; part of me scared and part of me simply entranced. ( I couldn't help but picture her with my dick in her mouth ) She looked a little worried, bothered. She looked down at the floor, walking as if she were deep in thought. She looked young and beautiful, but her body language suggested something different. Her shoulders were slouched a little and her thumb was pressed against her chin while two fingers slowly, softly glided over her reddish lips; side to side and then in a complete circle as if she was remembering what she'd had in her mouth just a short time ago. I wanted to believe that her evening rendezvous had been as exciting and awesome for her as it had been for me, but then again, I was well aware of what was going on; she, on the other hand ... from the moment she'd first closed her fingers around my dick, I believe ... had a mystery on her hands. When she saw me...she stopped abruptly. Her arms fell quickly to her sides. Her face changed. She looked almost...embarrassed. She seemed a little surprised to see me. Her characteristics took on more of a cautious nature. Her pretty eyes shifted back and forth, the way people sometimes do when they're put in an uncomfortable situation. She looked like someone that had a secret and she looked like she might be sizing me up. Now my dick still had a mind of its own. He began to throb. He was a happy dick, a happy dick for sure...a bold and brash dick, for the most part, and he had every reason to be; Watching Mom form her words with those beautiful lips, lips that had just been sliding over my dick, had ceased him as firmly as her hand had just a short time ago. I wasn't even aware that my thumb continued to poke at my dick through my pocket. "You OK Honey?" Mom asked a bit suspiciously. I heard her...I wanted to answer...Knew I should...But the words weren't there. I just stood there with one hand on the banister and the other in my pocket. Your dick is hard-Those lips-Her tits-Answer her-Don't stare-Those eyes-You're staring-SAY SOMETHING! I begged myself. I waited too long and Mom's gaze drifted down; down to my pants; my pocket to be specific. When I saw her head cock to one side a tiny bit and her pretty eyes open a little bit wider and the brow above her left eye creep up well above her eye, I realized she was looking at my pants ... moving, the tiny circles in my pocket, I swallowed hard. Her eyes drifted back to mine. And for a few long seconds...we just stared at each other. I thought I was caught. I was pretty sure that Mom had known, as soon as she'd closed her fingers around it, that the cock she held at the bathroom window was not my father's. I thought she'd made the connection. Maybe that's what she was thinking about as she came out of the kitchen. "How's Jimmy?" She asks, guarded... suspicious. My first thought was that Jimmy had called looking for me. Her brow furrowed a bit when I didn't answer right away. I took a deep breath and shook my head "Yes", like an idiot, answering the first question she'd asked. My mind was playing catch-up. "He's `Yes'?" She replied, her head cocking a tiny bit more as she studied me. "Yeah, no...I mean, yes, he's OK, he's good." I swallowed hard again. It would have been easier to swallow a piece of furniture...The couch maybe...with someone sitting on it...holding a cactus. "Are you OK Sweetie?" She asked again. This time I could hear more of a concern. It was do-or-die time. I drew a long deep breath, and pulled my hand out of my pants pocket. I brought it up to my face and wiped my eyes with the back of my hand, preparing to jump. I wet my lips and then began to tell her how I'd run into Cathy Bickers on my way home. (Cathy lives three doors down. She's a few years older than me and hot as shit) My mother knew I had a crush on her and I hoped that would explain a lot, especially the lump in the front of my pants) "Did you stop and talk?" "Yeah--Well, a little--Kinda." "Did you ask her out?" Mom said as a smile began to form. "Nooooo!" I proclaimed as I rolled my eyes and shook my head. "Why not? She seems like a nice girl and she's really pretty too, huh?" I saw my chance to escape..."Moooom! God!" I exclaimed. "...I'm going to bed?" I told her as I shook my head side to side and put a foot on the first step. "No kiss?" She asks in a tone that was hard to read; maybe disappointed, maybe something else. My stomach dropped. I sighed, and turned towards her. She smiled a weak but sincere smile and took a step closer to meet me...she waited. I closed the distance between us and tried to give her a quick peck on the check, but she threw her arms around me and drew me in. I could feel those wonderful breasts, the ones I'd just watched her playing with, (The picture still crystal clear in my mind) pushing into my chest. I slipped my arms around her and slid my hands to the small of her back......And when I did, I felt like I was coming in from a cold, wet winters day...and she was the warm, soft blanket that I could bury myself in. The warmth covered all of me. She smelled great, a hint of honeysuckle in her freshly washed hair. I kissed her on the cheek for what should have been a quick second, but lingered into two or three. I knew she had to be able to feel the huge bulge in my pants against her hip, but oddly enough...I didn't really care. I was in a place where nothing seemed to matter, except the way it felt to be there. She took her hand and swept the hair away from my eyes with her fingertips. She pulled her head back a bit and focused on my eyes. I saw no contempt, no uneasiness; only the love that a mother usually has for a son. I'm almost ashamed (Almost) to say that the only desire I had at that particular moment was to hold her tighter and kiss her again. My lips touched her cheek again. This time, I let my lips softly drag across her hot cheek as I took a slow deep breath; loving the way she smelled. For the short time my lips touched her, I felt a kind of calmness; a sense that everything was as it should be. When I became aware of how tight I was holding her and how heavy my breathing had become...I pulled away and ran up the steps. "I love you." She told me, and those three simple words made me think that everything was OK. She knew...She didn't know...I didn't care...Everything was OK. I stopped midway up the steps and looked back over my shoulder. "I love you too Mom." I told her; the words never meaning so much. I ran up the steps. For a brief moment, as I walked to my room, I thought that if I were to stop this now...end the madness...I might be able to get away clean, so-to-speak. I might be able to file this under "Crazy" and be done with it; just an awesome memory that would keep me jerking off for years to come. The thought was merely fleeting at best. The second I closed my bedroom door, my dick reminded me how useless it would be to try and stop now; knowing there was a chance that I might be able to...fuck my mother. I sat up in my bed after bringing myself to a furious orgasm in record time. I was spent and didn't feel like getting up to take a shower. Besides, I didn't think I could take another encounter with my mom, so I just leaned over the side of my bed and grabbed my dirty shirt off the floor. I mindlessly wiped what cum I saw in the dim light, off my stomach and my chest. I even felt a little running down my cheek, I wiped that away as well as I thought about what might happen the next time I get a chance to climb that ladder. I was a little surprised that I hadn't even noticed I'd cum on my own face. I wiped my hands, threw the shirt back on the floor and flopped my head back down on the pillow like a 100 lb. bag of sand. I sighed; a loud exhausted, content sigh. I would have liked to have laid there and made my plans, weighed my options, strategized...But I drifted off to sleep; the sweet smell of honeysuckle and thoughts of my sweet mom fading away as I closed my eyes. I slept like a baby through the night, didn't even open my eyes until 9:30 the next morning. Normally, someone might have woken up from such a sleep wondering if it had all been a dream, had it really happened, but not me. As I changed my underwear, I could plainly see the smeared lipstick on the hard shaft of my dick. (My dick knew little softness these days) I stared at it; sat on the edge of my bed and gawked. I ran a finger over the reddish marks and shook my head with disbelief. Before I knew it, I closed my fingers around it and started to move my hand up and down like it was just part of my everyday routine. Up in the morning-Jerk off-Brush your teeth-Get some breakfast. It was a matter of seconds before I was flat on my back with my head filled with images of my mother. The way her hair smelled and how soft her skin felt when I'd kissed her good night. I pictured her sucking my dick, the way her pretty lips looked and felt around it, the way she'd hesitated for that quick second...and then given into her lust and took me into her mouth. When I was done, I got my shit together as best I could and headed downstairs to take a shower. Clean and refreshed, I made my way to the kitchen for some breakfast. I stopped at the threshold and watched my mother empting the dishwasher. My dick (Which only knew two stages now- Hard and semi-hard) began its little dance. I swear to Christ, that impediment between my legs was becoming more and more like an unruly child every day. It seemed that every time it saw what it wanted, the tantrum began...And he was relentless. Any like most kids...a good spanking didn't seem to help much. The words she'd blurted out in the bathroom... "I want to fuck"...burned in my ears. I thought of the note. I saw the words she written as clearly as I saw my mother bending over now in the kitchen. "The note!" I thought. "My pants!" I turned towards the stairs, "Jesus Christ!" I dug the pants I'd been wearing the day before yesterday out of the dirty clothes basket in my room. I fingered the pockets until I found it. I pulled it out, opened it...and stared at the words. My mind drifted a little as I pictured my intervention... Friends and family, all sitting nervously in the living room, their eyes filled with concern; some contempt; my father with that "You little son-of-a-bitch" look on his face, the school counselor, the pastor from our church, a fragile looking old guy with a gray beard, pen and pad in hand, that could only be the physiatrist, and two strapping guys, (One holding a rope) that looked like professional wrestlers, sitting just off to the side. (Muscle...In case things went badly) It would turn into an "angry mob" lynching sure as my dick knows no boundaries. I took the note. Unwilling to through it away, I decided to never let it leave my possession. I folded it into a small square, pulled my wallet from my back pocket, and stashed it behind a picture of my mother and then made my way back down stairs. "Morning Sweetie." She seemed in good spirits. "Want some eggs?" "Yeah, sure, that'd be great." "Toast?" "Sure, thanks." "Your aunt Jenny is coming over this morning." Mom announced as she pulled the carton of eggs and the butter out of the fridge. Eggs in one hand, butter in the other, she kicked the fridge door closed with a graceful sweep of her foot. I watched her every move, I watched and listened as she told me, "Yeah, we're gunna hang out today, catch up a little...maybe swim for a bit." She says, cracking an egg into the frying pan. I sat back and pictured my mom and aunt frolicking in the pool in their tiny bathing suits; splashing, rubbing up against each other. It didn't take long before I was imagining them caressing each other's tits and then doing away with their bathing suits all together. "Tommy...Tommy?" I heard my mother's voice from a million miles away. I turned my head to find her standing in front of the stove, spatula in hand, "Earth to Tommy..." she smiled. "Thinking about that little Cathy Bickers again, are you?" No ma, just picturing you making-out with your sister, naked in the pool... I thought, a half smile nervously forming at the corner of my mouth. My attention immediately leaped to the lump in my lap where, (Hidden by the table, thank God) my hand had taken up permanent residence. Hoping to explain away anything odd my mother may have noticed...I shook my head "Yes". It would seem that Cathy Bickers was going to be my failsafe excuse for any incoherent moments, spontaneous bulges in my pants and any otherwise odd behavior for the foreseeable future. "You should ask her out." She tells me as she slips two pieces of bread into the toaster and pushes it down. By the time Mom had delivered my breakfast, I had explained how I could never do that. Cathy was "...out of my league." She mussed my hair and told me that was nonsense, "You have a lot to offer a girl." She tells me with a smile I found both beautiful...and somehow curious. I nearly choked on my eggs. There was a lot of crazy shit going through my head. She was hard to read. Was this some kind of reference to what she'd held in her hands last night; to what she'd hesitantly wrapped her lips around? I had no way of knowing for sure. I'd have to stow away in the garage and listen in on my mother and Aunt Jenny and see if I could get some insight into this whole crazy thing. It would be nice to hear both sides of the conversation for once. Things couldn't have worked out better. Aunt Jenny showed up about noon, sashaying nonchalantly through the garage door. My first thought was that I was glad I wasn't perched out there on the workbench when she walked through the garage. My second thought...My aunt's pretty hot. She had a short terrycloth robe on that barely went down to the bottom of her ass, her hair pulled back into a tight ponytail that sat high on the back of her head, her sun glassed pushed back, resting on the top of her head. My eyes roamed the length of her body and settled on her pretty face. She looked like she had way too much makeup on for a day of swimming in the pool...but what did I know. Dad said his hellos and goodbyes. My little sister hugged and kissed our aunt before dad herded her out to the car and took her to the mall to get a new pair of cleats for soccer. He asked if I wanted to ride along. I declined of course and told him; (In ear shot of my mother and Aunt) that Jimmy and I were gunna head on up to Greenbrier Park to do some skating. I leaned into the living room and asked Mom if she wanted me to take the ladder and put it back in the garage before I left. She blushed, and told me not to worry about it. She still had some washing to do on the siding. "...some tuff stains..." she said. "I'm going to have to spray some Clorox on them and let them sit. I meant to do that last night" she told me. "...but I got preoccupied." She added in a lower, more lighthearted tone. If she was bothered or even regretful of anything that had happened in the last few days...it didn't show. I wanted to give my mom a little kiss goodbye before I left "for Jimmy's", but thought twice. I didn't want to take the chance that Aunt Jenny might be just a little more insightful than Mom as far as any inappropriate body language or unfitting lingering...Not to mention this whole boner-in-my-pants thing. Besides...I was worried that Aunt Jenny might be just brash enough to call me out on anything that seemed... "out of place". By noon, I was comfortably (If not nervously) perched on the workbench as Mom slipped off her flip-flops and Aunt Jenny dropped her terry cloth robe and waded into the pool. They were quite the sight. Aunt Jenny had a flattering one-piece on, white with some kind of light-blue flowers that swept from her tummy to over one shoulder. Mom....Mom had on her bikini. The top looked like it was trying to spit out her tits while the bottom looked as though it was hanging onto the roundness of her ass like a rock climber desperately hangs onto the side of a mountain. I watched, listened, and waited. It was hard hearing as they swam towards the deep end but as I controlled my heavy breathing, I could hear them whispering. "So have you confronted him?" "No." "Why not? This is what you've always wanted, isn't it? For him to, you know...get it together." Mom slipped under the water and swam back to the shallow end; back towards me. Aunt Jenny sighed and then followed. Mom swept her wet hair back, wiped the water from her face, and adjusted the top of her bathing suit around her lovely tits. Aunt Jenny surfaced beside her. They stared at each other for a long second. In my world, they would have leaned into each other, parted their wet lips, and fallen into a soft but deep kiss that would have quickly turned into something that would have made my dick explode...Literally. But that wasn't the case. They stood there, less than a foot between them, quiet; my mom looking for words...my aunt waiting to hear them. And then...At the same time...Aunt Jenny's mouth and mine...dropped open. "It's not him." My mother says; concerned that her sister might freak, yet at the same time, on the verge of giddiness none-the-less. "What do you mean, it's not him?" "I mean, it's not him." "You sure?" "I think I would know my own husbands cock Jenny. I mean, true...I don't get to see it all that often, but believe me, the cock that came through that bathroom window last night...was not his." "Holy shit" Was her sister's response followed by a quick and bewildered, "Well...Well then, who the hell's cock was it?" After a second she added with a big smile, "Was it bigger?" Mom shrugged and waded towards the steps shaking her head; not sure she should say it...knowing how crazy it sounded...but she said it anyway. "I don't know who it was." She told her sister matter-of-factly unwilling to turn and look her in the eyes right away. Then she smiled and whispered, "It was a pretty nice one." and turned to head out of the pool. My aunt watched her as she walked up the steps and made her way to her towel. Aunt Jenny followed closely behind. "Angie?" She called out as she stepped up real close to her sister. "What-da-ya mean you don't know who it is? Are you..." My mother cut her off, "Jenny, I know what you're thinking. Don't you think I've thought the same thing? I'm crazy...I know." She told her sister. There was no hint of uncertainty in her voice. "I realize how it sounds. I realize how..." Mom stopped abruptly. Aunt Jenny put a sympathetic hand on her shoulder and spun her around to pull her into her arms. "I know it's insane." Mom went on as her sister held her. "...but it's...it's amazing Jenny. I don't have words for it." She told her sister; shrugging her shoulders again, showing that she didn't understand it any more than her sister did. "How `bout hot...or exciting? Do those words work?" Aunt Jenny asked with an understanding smile and a gleam in her eyes. Mom smiled back, a shaky smile, realizing that her sister was beginning to understand. I watched her shake her head, tiny little shakes, as her smile grew. Although Mom didn't really need to, she went on to explain how empty she'd been feeling, how unsatisfied, how lonely she'd been for such a long time. As a matter-of-fact, she went on and on and on. It was really pretty heart wrenching. "...until this." She finally said. "But Honey..." Her sister looked concerned again. "...Suppose he's...I don't know...crazy or something?" she finished. Her question hit home with me. From outside, I'm sure it would seem like I was. Hell...from inside, it wasn't looking so great for me. "You know" Aunt Jenny continued, "This has the potential of going really bad." She stated the obvious. And once again, she was right on the mark. This whole thing had the same potential for bad as sliding down a sandpaper sliding board naked into a kiddy-pool filled with gasoline with a box of matches strapped to each cheek of your ass...and it would take a long time to put that fire out. "I know Jenny, I know." Mom agreed. "I don't know how to explain it...But I just have a feeling if he was gunna do something to me, something bad...I think he'd have done it long before now." She reasoned. "But he's peeking in windows." Aunt Jenny reminded her. "I think that maybe...maybe he's as lonely as I am." was Mom's response. (Shaky ground, for sure) "And the way it makes me feel...The...the orgasms..." She whispered leaning into her sister, "...the way I cum...Jesus Jenny...It leaves me so drained I can't move." They sat around the tiny table silently, reflecting for a while, until my aunt asked my mother if she had any suspicions, "Who do you think it could be?" She asked my mom. "I...I don't know...One of the neighbors? The mailman? Maybe its Brian." She speculated, nodding towards the neighbor's house. (Brian Weathers lived next door. He and his wife had been over to countless BBQs) "He would certainly know the lay-of-the-land, as it were." Aunt Jenny agreed. "He seems to pay a lot of attention to me when he and Beverly come over." "Sweetie..." Her sister said, "...All men pay a lot of attention to you at those BBQs." She informed her. "Not this much!" Mom giggled. They sat there for a little bit before Aunt Jenny spit out the words that I so desperately hoped would be left unsaid. "Did you ever thing it might be someone a little closer?" She asked my mother in a very low and suggestive voice not wanting to be characteristically blunt. "What-da-ya-mean?" "Tommy." She blurted out. My mother's eyes narrowed as she looked at her sister, obviously processing the notion. After a long and seemingly painful few seconds, Mom shook her head slowly. "No way..." she whispered slowly, softly. I couldn't tell if she was dismissing the idea wholeheartedly...or if she was getting her head around the possibility. I felt like a first-time skydiver staring out the open door at the vast world a million miles below me; unsure if I was gunna end up curled into the fetal position under one of the seats waiting to land or if the instructor was gunna push me out. I held my breath. "I'm his Mother." She finally said, the short sentence both a question and a statement. Aunt Jenny snickered and placed a loving hand on her sister's knee. "He's a boy Sweetie." She told her matter-of-factly. "They have dicks, ya know." She patted my mother's knee a few times and then rubbed it the way an elderly grandmother might do after passing on words of wisdom. And then she said something to my mother that somehow let me breathe a little easier... "Ya know Sweetie, in the big scheme of things...there's worse things." She shook her head knowingly. "...More threatening things too." She added. "Worse than my son wanting to have sex with me?" she asked as if she couldn't imagine what could be any worse. "Much worse." Aunt Jenny declared. "Much worse." She said again to make the point. They sat quiet for a little while. Feeling I'd heard enough and not wanting to take the chance of being caught up on the workbench when my father and sister got home, I slipped down and headed to my room. With Dad and my sister gone and my aunt and mother in the backyard sleuthing, I figured I would go to my room and give this whole thing some more thought. Wouldn't-ya-know-it, it wasn't long before one thought lead to another and I was pulling my dick to the image of my mother laying on the bathroom floor with that big rubber dick sliding in and out of her sweet pussy. The only thing different...Her sister was sucking on her luscious round tits while she did it. I have to be honest; where most kids might have figured they were getting too close to the fire...I seemed to be content with the heat. I should have stopped while I was ahead, closed up shop, as-it-were, especially considering that Mom was now "Dr. Watson" to aunt Jenny's "Sherlock Holmes". Just doing what I was doing pretty-much showed I had all the brightness of a 2-watt bulb. I couldn't possibly keep this charade up for too much longer, but I didn't really care I guess. The thought that I could very-well be feeling my mother's hot wet coochie around my always-hard dick pretty soon seemed to be reason enough to put it all on the line. This was an obsession, full-blown, and like a strung-out junkie standing mid-day on the corner in front of the police station trying to score just one more bag, nothing else much mattered. I decided on somewhat of a plan. Since my mother had left it so vague, ("I want to fuck") I wasn't really sure exactly how to go about getting my dick into my mother. I decided that next time I set out to spy on her, I would leave HER a note. I grabbed a pen and a slip of paper and sat at my desk. Tell me what you want me to do, I wrote. I stared at the note for a minute or so before I realized that I was an idiot. Like she don't know your handwriting, I whispered out loud as I shook my head. I quickly typed and printed out the note. My plan was simple, Next chance I got, I'd take in the show (At the glamorous "Bath Room"; where the lighting, acoustical overtones and the sheer ambiance, far overshadow the limited seating and restricted view) and then slip the note in the crack of the window and hope that the next time I get to watch...there's a response waiting for me on the sill like last time (Assuming SHE finds the note and no one else) In hind-sight, my plan seems a little risky. As it turned out, I didn't have to wait very long for the opportunity to slip into the back yard and park myself outside the bathroom window. That very night, my sister was engrossed in a movie on the living-room couch and God saw fit to make it rain. Dad was confined to the house (His room actually) at his desk, working on his computer. But it would take more than a little rain to keep me away from the bathroom window. At 9:00, I heard Mom call out to my father and tell him that she was going to take her shower. The tone in her voice was misleading. It sounded as though she were letting him know so that he could do whatever he needed to do to get outside the bathroom window for their secret get-together , but I knew better; we both knew better. We both knew that it wasn't my father that had been peeping on her. I made it a point to head to my room so that I would pass my mother on the steps. We looked at each other; again, a hard read. It looked to me like she might be sizing me up, perhaps thinking about what her sister had said to her...perhaps a guilty conscience on my part...Who knows? "Not going over Jimmy's tonight?" she asked holding tightly to the rolled up towel under her arm. It may have been me, but it seemed she'd asked more like a cop than a wondering mom. "Nah, it's raining." "Your dad could bring you...if you really wanted to go, I mean." I saw her fingers flexing on the covered dildo snuggled in her armpit. Nervousness...anticipation...Hard to say. I got the feeling she was trying to get rid of me...maybe my father as well. Maybe she was concerned that one of us might wander outside at the wrong time and catch her Peeping Tom. Maybe she just wanted to make sure that I was over Jimmy's and my dad bringing me there would prove that that was indeed where I really was. That way, if her new friend were to show up at the window...it would be proof positive, in spite of what her sister had implied, that it wasn't me...her son...who's dick she'd sucked the other night. I briefly wondered what that knowledge might do to her. "Naaah, I got about 15 emails I haven't answered and I haven't checked my Facebook for a few days. That should keep me pretty busy for a little while." I told her. "Tommy?" She said as if she wanted to ask me something, but seemed to change her mind. I got an impulse, an urge, to touch her arm, tell her everything was OK, tell her not to worry. But how could I tell her that after all that had happened; all that I'd done. I hurried to my room and just stood outside the door. When I heard the bathroom door shut, I made my way quietly and swiftly to the garage. Stopping for a brief second to listen at the bathroom door, I heard some rustling around and new I'd better hurry. I snatched a plastic poncho that hung on nail by the door on my way out, stuck my head through the opening and stepped out into the wet night. I hurried around back to the window. I was just about to step up onto the ladder when the window slid open. I took a silent step back and froze. I saw the blinds move and got ready to run. They moved side to side a bit and then fell still. I waited for the window to close again, but it didn't happen. I waited in the rain unsure of what to do; my weight leaning towards the side gate and one hand in my pocket, white-knuckled fingers clenching the note I'd printed out. I was ready to pull it from my pocket in the blink of an eye and eat it if necessary to keep it from falling into enemy hands. Then...Like a little kid waking early on Christmas morning with the hope of finding Santa by the fireplace munching on cookies and milk, the thought shot into my head. She was opening the window...FOR ME! She was opening the window as she'd done the last time, so that I could stick my hard dick through the blinds for her. I approached the ladder like a rat approaches a trap. I wanted to leap up those steps, rip the blinds out of my way and leap into the bathroom. I wanted to show my mother that it was ME...and tell her everything; all the things I thought about her, all the things I wanted to do...but the last thread of sense that held all this together held me back. I swallowed hard, and slowly placed a foot on the bottom step of the ladder, and pulled myself up. I craned my neck and to my surprise...there was a small piece of paper wrapped in a plastic bag lying on the wet windowsill. Plastic baggie, I thought. Good idea. I was afraid to touch it as I had been afraid to touch the last one. I stretched my neck a little further and peeked through the blinds. Mom had turned the shower on and taken her place in front of the mirror. She was fully naked; her nipples already full and hard. Either the anticipation or the cool breeze from the open window and the rainy night...it didn't really matter; they were beautiful. I wanted to kiss them, trace over my lips with them...maybe close my eyes and softly press my cheeks against the fullness of each mound; first one cheek and then the other, gratefully, lovingly...the way you nuzzle your face into the soft ear of a loving dog you've had forever. As I hear myself speak...I take note of the texture and sincerity of each word. They sound more like the words of someone in love rather than words of a depraved horny boy. Somewhere along the line...I guess something changed. I watched in awe as, one by one, she pulled her makeup from her makeup bag and placed them on the vanity. I watched her apply each product, to her eyes, her face and then to her lips. Watching her move her lips, form an "O" with her mouth, trace over the fullness of them, leaving the creamy pink color, was like watching a "Slow motion moment" when the hot girl comes out of the pool dripping wet, her eyes closes, her head tilted back, her arms up, her hands pulling her wet hair back from her face. The close-up shows each cool water droplet as it finds its way around each curve of her face, rolls around each lip to slowly drip off her wet chin. It was easy to get lost in the moment. If anyone could see this seemingly simple thing, they would understand what motivates me, the reason I let it get this far, the reason I couldn't turn back. Every few seconds my attention was drawn to the wet plastic bag that held my mother's note. She seemed to take great care putting on her makeup. Even though all of it would be washed off in the shower soon enough...she took the time, made the effort, to create a mood...to make herself even more beautiful; for a stranger...for someone that obviously made her feel like she was worth it, I suppose. She had no idea that she needn't bother. I silently slipped my fingers over the wet plastic bag as I watched her. As she pulled the brush slowly through her hair, I slipped the bag off the sill, opened it, and pulled the small piece of paper out. I opened it with shaky hands, glancing every other second at my mother, unwilling to miss even the smallest thing. With the note out of the plastic bag, I took the few seconds to read it before it was ruined by the rain. Stick it through again when you're ready for me, It said. I don't know how long I stared at that note but I did until the words were too smeared to read any longer. When I looked through the window, my mother was finished brushing her hair. At that moment, I was unaware of the chilly rain, the fact that I was perched on a ladder outside the bathroom window, or that at any moment my father or sister could come out of the house and catch me doing something that I would never be able to explain. All I was aware of or cared about...was my mother. I carefully climbed two more steps, rested my hand on the top of the window frame and steadied myself. I unsnapped my jeans and with one hand I worked my throbbing cock from its nice warm hide-a-way. I kept it warm with my hand as I watched my mother. I watched Mom go through her long seductive dance. More than once I had to release my hard dick and let the cool rain sooth it, keep it from bursting into flames. The last thing I needed on this dark rainy night was a signal fire. As Mom licked that rubber cock to get it wet and slippery, I slowly made my way up one more step bringing my hopeful cock about a foot above the wooden sill. I saw Mom cut her eyes towards the window as she kissed the very tip of that dildo. She drew her head back a tiny bit from the rubber cock. She stared at the pink lipstick that covered the tip and then seductively licked her lips. I could plainly see, with each heave of her breasts, that her breathing was getting heavier. I think mine had stopped all together. I felt a tightness in my chest that I was sure would soon cause unconsciousness and an unsteadiness in my legs that would make a long stay on the ladder pretty unlikely... I rested my upper thighs against the sill to steady myself. I felt the tip of my dick touch the wet coolness of the blinds. I saw Mom cut her eyes again in my direction. She reached up with her free hand and grabbed the medicine cabinet. The mirrored door swung open. I could see the reflection of the window and vaguely make out my outline in its frame behind the slats of the blinds. I couldn't imagine what she gunna get now. She slowly turned; the dildo in one hand, her other hand empty. She hadn't taken anything out of the medicine cabinet. I cocked my head a little. Then I felt my jaw tighten, my teeth clench when Mom took a step towards the window. I assumed she was going to take her place on the toilet below me like last time and continue the ritual. My entire being was one tight rubber band ready to snap. I didn't think I could get more rigid, but even as the thought formed, my fingers dug tighter into the wet wood around the window. I could feel the paint cracking under my grip. My other hand froze, locked even tighter around my dick when Mom rested her elbows on her side of the windowsill. With the dildo flopping over in one hand and her forehead nearly touching the blinds just inches from where my dick threatened to peek through....Well...I couldn't even swallow. I couldn't even stroke my cock, and believe me...my cock needed some serious stroking... I watched as the hand that held that rubbery cock briefly disappeared. Next time I saw it, it was framed by my mother's ass cheeks, pointing at that hot moist spot that I wanted so badly. She rested her chin on the sill and I heard her softly moan as she lifted her ass slightly and began to push the fat head of my rival into her pussy. I watched, like a dream, as she started to work it in more and more; deeper into the slickness. I could hear the wetness of her pussy as it slipped in and out. I could even smell the faint alluring aroma of her hot coochie over the sweet fragrance of her perfume. It would seem that Mom was just as excited as I was. The only real difference...she seemed to have no trouble letting the occasional moan escape her where I was having a hard time even breathing. As Mom began to work that long dildo in and out of her wet pussy, the squishing sounds echoed off the tile walls and her soft moans came through the open window like fingers to grab my swollen cock. It was then I glance at the mirrored door my mother had opened on the medicine cabinet. I could see clearly through the slats, the reflection of my mom's ass as that rubber dick disappeared and reappeared, again and again. I watched as she brought her other hand around and with her long, delicate fingers, she took hold of her lovely ass cheek and pulled it away from the other. With her chin planted firmly on the windowsill, her sexy mouth inches from my rigid dick, she fucked herself slowly, methodically with that dildo; pulling it out, rubbing it along her ass-crack, making small circles, and teasing her clit with the tip before plunging it back inside her coochie. I could see all of this in the small mirror behind my mom. She had obviously given this a great deal of thought. I was glad. More than glad. I was...was overwhelmed. A hundred thoughts rushes through my head but none of them took me away from the picture in front of me or the fact that I was about to cum all over the blinds and probably all over my mother's face. Unable to help myself any longer, I eased forward. I let my swollen boyhood part the thin slats of the blinds. I arched my back, leaning back as far as I could without falling. With my chin pressed against my chest, I could see my cock and my mother's mouth through the same few slats. I pushed forward a tiny bit more and watched as Mom open her pretty mouth and welcomed her hard stranger. "Mmmmmmm" she moans as her lips closed around me and the hot air that rushes out of her nose tickles my belly. I push harder, my stomach forcing the flimsy blinds further into the bathroom, my balls parting the slats allowing my mother access to all of me. My boldness is rewarded with a loud moan, a sweet kiss on the head of my slimy prick and a gentle but firm lapping of my blue balls. She sucked each one into her warm mouth in turn. Breathing hard, moaning and sighing, she did to my balls what I wanted to do to her huge tits. She rubbed them all over her face; kissed them, licked them and made love to them like they were a separate entity. Like she needed them. And I suppose at that moment...she did. She needed this as bad as I did. This had become as much of an obsession for her as it had for me. Oddly enough; it made me feel like this was all OK. Like this was...normal. There was no way that I was going to hold on any longer. With my balls deep in her mouth...I started to cum. A thick white rope shot from the tip of my thick cock and shot over her shoulder and onto her back. Mom quickly wrapped her fingers around my stiff shaft and began to pump it with some attitude. The next long rope ricocheted off her upper lip and splashed over her cheek and into her hair. She moaned and grunted as she wrapped her sexy pink lips around the tip of my cock and stroked and gulped down what she milked out. There didn't seem to be any concern about the noise we were both making or the fact that I was no doubt quite visible standing so high on that ladder silhouetted by the bathroom light. I held white-knuckled to the window frame, my knees shaking, flirting with collapse and hyperventilation. Mom had abandoned her fake cock and gave my spurting dick all of her attention and (For both of us, I think) there was nothing in the world except my cock and the cum that shot out of it. Mom lapped, kissed and swallowed with the occasional glob of thick cum escaping from the corner of her mouth. She quickly retrieved it, pushing it back between her lips with the head of my dick. As the frenzy died down and the lust settled, Mom began a slow, seductive massage with her lips, up and down my cock. Giving it tiny little sucks and kisses, licking up any cum that had tried to get away. After a few minutes of this bliss, Mom kissed the base of my still-hard dick and kissed her way slowly to the tip. If she was doing this to keep me hard...there was no need. I knew full-well this puppy would never see another soft day. She released me and I watched as she licked every drop off her fingers and then searched around her mouth with her long sharp tongue for leftovers. Unwilling to end this...this...encounter, I boldly reached through the blinds with my hand, my arm, and slid my hand around to the back of her head. "Don't stop." I whispered with a husky breath as I arched my back more and pulled her back to my cock. She smiled a teeny bit and opened her mouth to take me back in. I watched as the most beautiful woman in the world made love to her son's cock with her mouth. It wasn't long before I became extremely aware of the fact that I was no longer hidden by the bushes. I was sure that my silhouette was as noticeable, if anyone were to look, as the Bat signal was to the citizens of Gotham City...but I truly didn't care. And then, as if sensing the same thing...Mom pulled her lovely mouth off my dick, stepped back and flipped the light switch off. Before my eyes adjusted, I could feel my mother's warm mouth around me again. The feeling made me let out a long soft sigh, like settling into your own warm bed after a long day of hard work. I rested my cheek against the soaked window frame and fell into the feeling my mother was giving to me. I'm not sure how much time passed, but I felt my mother kiss the tip of my happy cock one last time and then she was gone. A sudden wave of...of sadness flushed over me. Damn, I thought. I didn't want it to stop, but I figured she was right. We'd been at it for quite a while. I heard movement in the bathroom; things shifting, maybe something being dragged. I heard what sounded like metal against metal. I pulled back a little and grabbed my pants. I was getting ready to button-up and high-tail it when I heard my mother's voice. "Don't move." She whispered. As I squinted through the window trying to see, but there wasn't really enough light to see. I could make out the outline, the shape of my mother, each curve but that was all. I watched as she fumbled around but I wasn't sure what she was doing. In less than a minute, I saw Mom's hand reach through the blinds and take hold of my ever-hard dick. I gasped. My eyes focused on her hand and what it held. I watched as, this time, it was her that pushed against the blinds, pushing them out, out past the frame, threatening to rip them from whatever held them to the wall. With the light of the moon I could see what was happening. Mom had her ass half way out of the window, my dick tight in her hand, drawing it to her, guiding it, leading it to her needy cunt. In a sense...she was bringing it home. When I saw what was actually happening and finally grasped the moment, I ripped the poncho off with one quick pull, pushed my pants down well out of the way, and lunged forward nearly falling through the window. (Which would have in no way stopped me. My mother either I think) My cock slid in easily and completely as Mom groaned and softly cried out over the running water, "Oh fuck yyyyyeahhhhh." Hearing her words so clearly swung the gate open and let the bull out to buck. There was an orgasm somewhere deep inside my mother...and I was gunna find it. I stuck both hands through those blinds and filled them with the softness of her firm ass; squeezing to the point that my fingers hurt. I gave no concern to the marks I must be leaving on my mother's smooth ass and apparently, neither did mom. "F-u-c-k me!" fluttered from the dimness and floated out the window in a long low, annunciated growl. "Oh god yes...Fuck me!" I'm a good boy and I did what I was told. I slammed into my mother; the blinds bending and crinkling, the window rattling as my forehead slapped the raised window, my mother gasping and me biting my lip and trying, the best I could, to draw in enough air through my mouth. I heard stuff falling on the floor; no doubt what ever was on the back of the tiolet or the makeup on the sink vanity. A few times Mom's footing seemed to slip and she flirted with falling off whatever she was standing on. She recovered without skipping a beat but to be honest, at that point, I had such a firm grip on her ass and my dick was so deep inside her, I believe I could have held her there with her legs hanging limp, slapping against the wall as I fucked her. I should have been concerned about the loud slapping sounds that echoed of the walls and pushed their way past me each time our bodies met...But I was busy. I was sure that the sporadic moans and gasps that my mother couldn't seem to control would draw concern by anyone passing in the hallway...But I didn't care. Mom was pushing into me as best she could considering the position she was in. I shook a leg free from my soaked pants and brought a knee up to rest on the wet sill for better leverage. I was all but in the bathroom now and Mom was all but outside. It was like sticking your hand in the cookie jar and wrapping your fist around a hand full of cookies. You can't pull your hand out. And I wasn't about to give up the cookies. I had worked my hands to Mom's waist and was pulling and pushing frantically. "Oh Jesus! Do it! Yes do it!" Mom groaned. "Holy fuck!" Her words were hardly more than hollowed gasps, thin and whispery like the steam that now fogged the mirror and the glass of the window, but they were like a bolt of lightning to me. The thought that I was making her say such things...I was the one fucking her good and hard, hard enough to make her feel this good, good enough that she couldn't keep the passion inside ...Well...There are no words to paint that picture, no way to share that feeling. That second load was working its way to the exit. I could feel Mom's tight pussy sucking on my crazy cock like a plunger on a stopped-up sink. We pushed and pulled at each other, ground and rocked and somewhere in midst of rattling windows, broken blinds, hot, wet slamming flesh, and, lustful moans of sinful pleasure...we both reached the place we'd been running to. Mom froze, her whole body becoming ridged. I felt her sopping pussy clamp down on my dick like an angry fist. I held tight, ground into her, my pubic hair tickling her asshole, arching as much as I could, using her as a counter weight. I held her firmly, strongly, if not brutally by the hips, rocking my ass ever-so slightly until her contractions released that orgasm I'd been hunting so franticly for. Her hot juices washed over and around my throbbing cock and drenched my tired balls and ran down my thighs to the rainy windowsill. My cock burst inside her causing her ass to jump and quiver and push back even harder. We hardly moved as I emptied my load so deep inside my mother there was no doubt in my mind that she could taste it. A low humming, a constant whine escaped my mother as I felt her body start to limber. I held her tight in my grip as the last of my load found its place. As the last of bliss drained away and the real world took its place, I began to feel the full weight of my mother on the other side of the window. Remembering the effect that each hard orgasm I'd seen my mother have had on her when she'd pleasured herself, made me realize that we were gunna have a problem pretty soon if Mom didn't get to steady ground. I no sooner had the thought that I felt my mother slipping away. With my face pressed hard against the window, one knee planted precariously on the wet, slippery wooden sill and the ladder (With one foot on it, my soaked pants dangling from around my ankle) shaking beneath me, I tried as best I could to ease my mother down; down to the floor. I could hear her trying to catch her breath, but it seemed like she had surrendered to gravity's pull. It didn't feel like she was making any attempt to catch herself or make her way down off of whatever she was standing on. The toilet with one foot I figured, but had no idea what her other foot was on if anything. I was more than halfway in the window when Mom slipped from my grip. I lunged to get a better grip but when I did, the ladder fell away from the house. I hit the ground with a lung emptying thud. I heard Mom let out a small yelp and then more stuff hit the floor. I jumped up, wet bark dangling from my bare ass, my wet pants tangled around my feet, and pulled myself up to the window. I was just about to ask her if she was alright when I heard my father at the door. "You OK Babe?" Mom answered quickly. "I'm fine. I just slipped getting out of the shower Hun. It's kinda dark in here." "Dark?" "Yeah, the light bulb went out in here, ya think you can get me a new one?" She asked, barely able to talk with any real volume. "They're in the pantry, third shelf." "Yeah, yeah, I'll get it...You sure you're OK?" "Yeah Sweetie...Never better." She told him. It was obvious that Mom was all right. I wanted to say something. Bye...Thanks...Had a swell time...Something, but I took the opportunity to scram. With any luck, I'd be able to sneak upstairs while Dad changed the light bulb and Mom got dried and dressed. pics---->> http://bit.ly/1D1q3qp
Title: That Sinking Feeling Summary: A mother, a son, his wife and a king size bed. Keywords:inc,fic,erotic,hot My quarterly get together with some old school friends usually got pretty rowdy, but in the taxi home and struggling to stay awake, I couldn't remember the last time I'd actually been this drunk. Nearing our house I thought of the words my wife had uttered earlier in the night. Not the 'don't drink too much' advice, but the 'I've got some news Alex; you're not gonna like it,' comment. Why she hadn't just told me then and there on the phone, I had no idea? The 'I don't want to ruin your night,' explanation doing nothing to allay my anxiety. "We're here," spoken loudly woke we from a sleep I hadn't realized I was entering and I found my cheek pressed against the fingerprint smeared glass of the cab window, making a note to wash my face before bed. The outside of our apartment was in darkness and with my forehead pressed against the door for balance and using my phone for illumination, aligned the key with the hole and entered. Proud of myself for navigating the threshold relatively noiselessly. Well after midnight I wasn't surprised to see our living room in darkness but as I passed the kitchen, the light from the fridge illuminated a familiar red satin nightie my wife often wore, her barely covered ass and legs, protruding from inside the doorway. Nothing more alluring than a drunk man reeking of alcohol feeling you up from behind unexpectedly, I mused as I silently entered and crept up behind her. "Looking for this?" I romantically whispered as I rounded the open door, one hand diving between her legs from behind, cupping her surprisingly panty-less groin, my fingers pressing hard into the lips of her labia. The other sought out a boob, immediately feeling the hardness of a nipple amid the softness of her breast. Two things entered my mind even before I realized my mistake. Pubic hair and big boobs. My wife had neither. "Oh God Darling, no! It's me!" The startled, familiar, yet out of place voice answered and I hurled myself backwards in shock. It was not my wife! "Jesus Christ, Mom!" I gasped, clutching the bench-top behind me for support. "What the fuck are you doing here?" She turned to face me as the light in the hallway came on, followed instantly by the kitchen's and Jacinta entered tying a robe around herself, far more suitably dressed than my fifty five year old mother. "Language Alex," Mom chastised me before closing the fridge behind her and approaching. The kiss she gave me on the cheek had more gravity considering what had just occurred and I looked back at my wife for an explanation. "She's staying with us for a little while," Jacinta acknowledged my dumbfounded expression. "It's what I was going to tell you earlier." I wished she had! I looked back at Mom, clearly wearing my wife's nightie, her breasts straining against the satin. "Oh, I borrowed this to sleep in," Mom acknowledged where my eyes had settled. "Jacinta offered it!" She followed up as if excusing the sexy nature of the attire. I was still coming to terms with feeling up my own mother and shook my head to clear out irrelevant thoughts. "Ok, first things first. Mom. I didn't know it was you, I swear," I offered, feeling my face redden and she smiled dismissively. I noticed Jacinta cock her head, brow furrowing out of the corner of my eye and I didn't look forward to explaining what had happened moments before. "Secondly, why aren't you at home?" It was a fair enough question. Her house, my family home being only a few suburbs away, what she was doing staying in our one bedroom flat was a pertinent issue. "There was a sinkhole," she matter of factly replied and I had to ask her to repeat it to enable my inebriated mind to register. "A sinkhole," she explained. "It happens!" "In Florida!" I challenged. "Not in L.A." "Apparently the mains had been leaking for an extended period," Jacinta contributed. "So the fire department says anyway." "And this happened today?" "This afternoon," Mom admitted. "It was all I could do to get out alive!" "Well not exactly," Jacinta brought some levity. "I picked her up. The rear of the house has definitely sunk and we're prohibited from entering." "I had to leave all my stuff!" Mom added. "Hence the..." "...Nightie," my wife and I spoke simultaneously. The events of the previous minute had done a great job of sobering me up and I poured a glass of water from the tap to encourage it. "I'm sure I'll only be here a night or two," Mom detailed as I turned back to look at her. It was uncomfortable considering her attire. The nightie I'd bought Jacinta myself, choosing it because of its sexiness. That it was on my mother and that to be honest, she was wearing it so well, was disturbing in a whole manner of ways. "Exactly Kathy," Jacinta agreed. "Who knows, we may even be able to go inside tomorrow and get you some clothing." "So you didn't even have time to grab anything?" I skeptically questioned. "No!" Mom replied. "One minute I was...well, occupied, and the next the walls are moving and the floor was caving in beneath me." "Fuck," I conceded. "Alex; language," Mom scolded me. "All I had was a sheet around me!" "What?" I looked at Jacinta as I noticed her nodding. "It's true, but don't worry Kathy, you can borrow anything of mine while we get you back on your feet," Jacinta offered. "So you're on the couch?" I asked, trying to get the whole situation square in my head. How Jacinta thought this could wait until I arrived home I'd never know? "Yes, you won't even know I'm here I promise," Mom proposed. * "All the pajamas you own and you give her THAT nightie to wear?" I whispered to Jacinta as I came out of our en-suite bathroom. "I didn't, she chose it!" She defended herself in equally hushed tones. "What happened in the kitchen?" I felt myself blush again and was thankful the room was in low light. "Oh God, I don't even want to talk about it," I offered. "One moment I hear you banging at the front door and the next, your mother's screaming!" "She wasn't screaming!" I defended myself. "And I thought I was pretty quiet coming in!" "Are you serious?" Jacinta chuckled. I climbed into bed beside her and she turned off the bedside lamp, the room plunging into relative darkness. "So she was naked when you got there?" I enquired. "Uh huh, the Fire Department had given her one of those shiny blankets. Seriously, all she was wearing was a bed sheet," Jacinta elaborated. I pictured Mom wearing the satin nightie, her nipples standing to attention from being half way inside the fridge. Then (innocently of course) picturing what she'd have looked like wrapped only in a sheet and quickly tried to put it out of my head. Jacinta snuggled into my side and I placed an arm around her. "What else have you given her to wear?" I asked, kissing the top of my wife's head. "Nothing yet, why?" "Oh nothing," I paused. "It's just she's a little, you know, more, you know?" I stumbled. Jacinta turned her head up to face me and even in the darkness I could see she was smiling. "No. What?" "I don't know, more...busty." She laughed and returned her head to the previous position. "Oh you noticed? God Alex, she was literally falling out of my nightie." Another thing I noticed was Jacinta's hand that had been absently stroking my stomach had crept onto my swelling cock. "Will you have to lend her underwear?" I tentatively proposed. Another hushed laugh and she kissed my chest. "I mean I guess; she won't fit my bras obviously. I'm sure she'll go buy something if we cant get into the house anyway. What's with this?" Jacinta changed the subject, easing my now fully erect cock from my shorts. "You can never get hard after one of your drinking sessions!" She observed. "I don't know," I admitted, loathe to think it was the images of Mom in my wife's underwear that had encouraged it. "What did you expect, you were touching it!?" "Hmm," Jacinta mused. "Wouldn't be all this talk of panties and boobs would it?" She questioned as she began slowly masturbating my length. I didn't have the chance to confirm or deny as a light knocking came from the door before it partially opened. "Yeah Mom?" I called across the room as Jacinta pulled the sheet across my cock. "I'm sorry to bother you two," she whispered for some reason. "It's just I need to use the ladies." "Go right ahead Kathy," Jacinta answered for me, I noticed not removing her hand from around my dick. The light came on in the bathroom and I again caught the sight of my mother from the rear, this time from a lower perspective. The satin nightie stretched taut, barely covering her buttocks. No wonder I'd found her pussy so accessible I mused as Jacinta resumed tugging on my cock. "What are you doing?" I whispered. "She's right there." I added as the distinct sound of a woman urinating filtered through the thin walls. Not any woman urinating I noted, my mother. "I know," Jacinta breathed, lifting her mouth up to mine. Was it the forbidden nature of our actions, kissing, masturbating, with my mother in the next room? Was it the risk of being caught? Was it the memory of similar when we were both still teens, behaving inappropriately behind our parent's backs? Who knows? But as we kissed, the sound of my mother pissing and my wife furiously jacking me off, the inevitable occurred and I began to cum. Cumming quicker, more intensely than I could remember. Jacinta moaned in my mouth as she felt it shower her, her grip loosened as my seed lubricated the shaft though her hand refused to slow. "Fuuuck, " I sighed as staggered breath left my lungs, my hips thrusting to accentuate the orgasm. The toilet flushed and Jacinta slid down in the bed lifting the sheet across my torso to hide the evidence of the crimes committed. The door opening, the bed illuminated by the bathroom light. Did she notice? Jacinta barely able to keep from giggling as I watched Mom reach to turn off the light-switch, the curve of her breast beneath her raised arm. "I'll leave you to it," Mom whispered. "Goodnight Mom," I offered feeling cum running from my stomach down my side to the sheet below. "Good night Kathy," Jacinta chorused, rising up to kiss me again even before Mom had completely left the room. "You're so bad!" I scolded her as I tried to lower my shorts. "Just following your example," she defended herself. "What are you doing?" "I'll use them to clean up." "Ugh don't bother, I have to change the sheets tomorrow anyway," she whispered, nestling again into my side, comfortable to fall asleep in the aftermath of my orgasm. * I awoke to the sound of the toilet flushing and immediately thought of my mother. Jacinta exited the bathroom and noting I probably looked the way I felt, smiled. "I'll get you a coffee!" "What's the time?" "Nearly eight." "I'll get up," I stated. Upon rising I didn't feel nearly as bad as I usually did after one of those nights. Probably due to the events upon arriving home. Throwing a t-shirt on I followed Jacinta into the kitchen. "See if Kathy wants a cup?" She proposed and with the sun well up I walked to the living room. Expecting Mom to already be up and about, I was surprised to see her still under the sheet on the couch. Well partly. With her back to me, the sheet riding up on her hip, her entire rear was left uncovered. I say rear but to be clear, it was her ass. The satin nightie had ridden up to her lower back leaving both buttocks and the tops of her thighs exposed. The pale skin smooth, the dark shadow of the crack between, stark, enticing, almost beckoning for someone (me?) to explore. Having marched in confidently, I now retreated slowly. Loathe to wake her lest she discover her indiscreet state. Walking backwards my eyes remained on her bottom. My brain telling me to look away, my libido overriding all moral and ethical dilemmas and demanding I stare at my mother's exposed (and I wasn't shy to admit,) gorgeous ass. It was only when I reached the kitchen did I realize I had an erection. "I hope your mother didn't see that," Jacinta commented immediately she laid eyes upon me. "Ah, no," I stammered. "She's still asleep. It's just my morning erection." I lamely defended its presence and Jacinta raised an eyebrow. "About two hours late!?" She observed, and I prayed wouldn't find a reason to go into the living room and discover my inspiration. "Here's your coffee." * The house looked worse than the description I'd been given and Mom was particularly upset by its appearance in the cold light of day. A temporary fence had been set up around the property by the utility company, partitioning off the obviously dangerous sinkhole. The rear of the house had completely sunk into the ground, Jacinta explaining it was far advanced than when they'd left. "All my things," Mom observed. "The furniture, the crockery, my clothes. Oh goodness Alex, even your childhood toys, we were saving them for your kids. Oh no, the photos!" She was becoming more emotional the more she thought of what was inside the house. Literally sinking before our eyes. I put my arm around her and she accepted the embrace, resting her head on my shoulder. "It can all be replaced Mom, don't worry. And remember Jacinta and I digitised the photos a few years ago," I consoled her. I stroked the skin of her upper arm, the yellow floral sun dress of my wife's leaving her shoulders bare. It was funny. If not for the ample cleavage I ashamedly spied as I comforted her and the fact Jacinta was walking towards us, wearing that dress it felt I may've in fact been hugging my wife. "So there's conjecture whether it's the city's fault or ours," Jacinta explained after discussing the sinkhole with a representative on site. "How could this have been my fault?" Mom made a sweeping gesture in the direction of what was my family home. "They're just trying to pass the buck Kathy," my wife's legal mind came into play. "It's not your fault. You would've seen excessive water use on your bill if there was a leak and it must have been substantial as far as the fire department are concerned." "So will my insurance cover it?" Mom asked. "Well, they'll have to cover your contents but the house itself, the land. It should be left to the city to compensate you," Jacinta advised. "Don't worry," she reached out and touched my Mom's hand. "We'll take care of you, won't we Alex?" * "And you're sure you don't want to go clothes shopping?" Jacinta asked Mom as we arrived home. "I couldn't bear it," Mom maintained, clutching a shopping bag of toiletries. "You don't mind me wearing your clothing for the time being do you Love?" "No not at all," Jacinta honestly declared. "It's kind of fun. Like a sister I never had," she admitted. I thought of the post shower morning. Mom wrapped in a towel asking Jacinta which of her panties she could wear? My wife declaring 'any' but entering the bedroom with her as I watched from the kitchen, imagining them inspecting the lingerie drawer. Passing panties between them. Did my wife possibly choose which knickers my mother was wearing? I know she decided upon the dress, hearing her suggest she'd look good in it. And she did. And there was nothing wrong with a son admiring the way his mother looked, I concluded. "Let me help you with that," Mom offered when Jacinta mentioned stripping the bed as I was preparing lunch. "Oh that's not necessary Kath," my wife declared and I wondered if she was thinking about the dried residue from the night before. "You just relax." "I can't," Mom stated. "I feel like a third wheel. Please let me contribute," she appealed and not surprisingly, Jacinta relented. From the kitchen I could overhear their conversation, Mom remarking how large our King sized bed seemed compared to the couch. "Oh gosh it's comfy," she stated and I wondered how much changing of sheets was going on in there? "You want mayo on your sandwich Mom?" I called and followed up by walking to the door of the bedroom to hear the answer. My timing couldn't have been more impeccable as Mom, on all fours up on the bed had her ass aimed squarely at me. I no longer needed to imagine the panties she'd chosen as I gazed upon my wife's white lace boy-shorts, now decking the ample buttocks of my mother. Half her cheeks exposed below the french cut, the sun dress sat up on her lower back almost as if purposefully placed. Between her thighs, the bulge of pussy, tempting me behind the gusset. I reminded myself it was Mom and wrenched my eyes from her bum to my wife across the other side of the bed, smirking at me as she followed their progress to her own. I felt myself blush at being so blatantly caught red handed creeping on my mother but Jacinta didn't dwell, moving on to removing the pillow cases. Mom however turned her head when she felt my presence. "Oh I'll take it any way you give it to me Darling!" She suggested and Jacinta struggled to stifle a laugh. "Oh that didn't come out right did it?" Mom acknowledged, seemingly suddenly aware of the position she was in and backed off the bed. "Mayo will be lovely Alex," she followed up and I thought it was the first time in my life I actually saw my mother blush. * We wanted to give Mom some time alone and early afternoon Jacinta and I took a walk around the neighborhood. Our hands held, even so there was an awkward silence between us for some minutes before my wife broke the deadlock. "So which ones did she choose?" She questioned and I knew immediately of what she spoke. "What?" I stalled. "Which what?" "Oh come on Alex, my panties!" She laughed as she swung my arm playfully. I felt my collar burning as I pictured my mother upon the bed. "Ah, the white lace boy-shorts," I admitted my infraction. "Hmm, you see a pattern?" Jacinta posed. "What?" "Well first the satin nightie," Jacinta stated. "Now a pair of my most sexy panties. She could've chosen any of those cotton ones." "What are you suggesting?" I asked. "And why are we even talking about what panties my mother has on?" Jacinta was silent a moment longer. "I'm just saying, she seems to be going out of her way to look sexy," she declared. "Maybe she just likes nice things," I proposed but was curious myself why Mom had borrowed those items in particular. "Remember what we spoke about a while ago?" Jacinta cryptically asked and though it was vague, I knew exactly to what she referred. "You mean about getting a dog?" I joked, deferring the conversation. She laughed but her hand gripped mine a little more tightly. "No. You know what I'm talking about," she steered me back. And I did. An unfulfilled fantasy we had both harboured from the time we met. Never having the courage to go through with it. That she was raising it now could only mean one thing and involving only one other person. "Babe, you're not serious?" Jacinta stopped our progress and turned to face me. "Alex. I noticed you've been looking at her," Jacinta stated. "She's my mom!" "How hard you were last night!" She countered. "This morning. What you don't think I knew half her ass was sticking out from underneath the sheet!?" "Jacinta I..." "Shh. It's ok. It's kind of a turn on," Jacinta confided. "Sharing underwear with her. Having her right there when I was masturbating you. It's hot." "I say again, she's my mother!" "And that's what would make it work!" Jacinta proudly proposed. "We haven't done it because we've always been scared another girl could come between us. It'd be entirely different with family!" I struggled to believe what I was hearing. "Yeah. It would be incest!" I challenged and Jacinta rolled her eyes. "It's consensual, it doesn't count," she immediately countered. "You're serious!" I studied her and she seemed adamant. "Tell me you're joking?" I followed up and under such close scrutiny, I saw her face crack. "Well yeah," she admitted. "Of course I'm joking," she laughed, I noticed rather awkwardly and she turned from me to continue walking. I felt like a dick. She wasn't joking at all. She'd laid herself bare before me and too proud to admit my own confused feelings over the last day I'd embarrassed her into feigning a prank. Made her feel a pariah. But how could I admit I shared her interest? It wouldn't be her having sex with a family member, it would be me. No matter her opinion on the matter, I would be the one committing incest. And what was I even thinking? Why the hell would my mother want to participate anyway? The walk home was quieter than ever. * Mom had tidied around our apartment whilst we were out, offering to make us coffees when we arrived home. "You were meant to be taking it easy while you're here Kathy," Jacinta chastised her as Mom arched her spine, pressing her fingers into the small of her back. "Oh I'd go mad just sitting around," she defended herself. "Did you hurt your back cleaning Mom?" I asked as she handed me a mug. "No, to be honest and don't think I'm not grateful, but I think it was the sofa," she diagnosed. "Oh really?" I remarked, my mind picturing her bare butt on the edge, Jacinta having obviously seen the same. "Well you can't sleep there tonight," Jacinta declared. "You can take our bed." I looked across to Jacinta wondering where she in fact thought we'd be sleeping instead but Mom was first to object. "I will not!" She bluntly stated. "I'm not kicking my son and daughter out of their bedroom." "You two could share," I offered. "I can take the couch." "Nonsense," Mom again protested. "I could probably find a cheap hotel nearby." "Oh no Kathy," Jacinta denied. "We don't want you alone right now, do we Alex?" I shook my head in accordance with what I thought were Jacinta's wishes. "No we'll think of something," she continued. "As you said Kathy, it's a King size. Worst things worse we could all fit in there together!" She laughed and her eyes flicked across to mine before looking back at Mom. "What say I open a bottle of red to breathe while we have a think?" * The third bottle was probably a mistake. Jacinta was quite drunk and Mom had become emotional talking about the family home and all our lost possessions, all the memories now sinking away. I consoled her as I'd done that morning, innocently placing an arm around her shoulder as we sat together on the couch, Mom enthusiastically accepting the affection and snuggling into my side. "Mmm," she breathed in the scent of my t-shirt. "That's a welcome smell of the past." "Ooohkay!" I chuckled, drawing away from her slightly in jest to which she playfully slapped my chest. "So why were you naked Kathy?" Jacinta openly questioned as she unnecessarily topped up my mother's glass. "It was the afternoon!" "Jac!" I scolded, raising my eyebrows. "No it's okay Alex," Mom acquiesced. "I've not really told the whole story have I?" She sat up from my side and I drew back my arm from around her as I noticed Jacinta lean forward in anticipation. "I was in your old room Alex," she confessed and it immediately struck me as odd, linking her nudity and my old bedroom. "There was a groaning sound and then the walls were moving. I ran to the door but it wouldn't open." "And you were nude?" My wife added, seemingly fixated on that aspect of the story more than any other. "Uh huh, I took the sheet off the bed. By that stage the floor was sinking and I tried the window which thankfully opened and climbed out that way," Mom detailed. "So you were in Alex's room, what, sleeping?" Jacinta interrogated. "Oh no, it was only late afternoon," Mom answered, still not offering an explanation for her nudity. "I was," she lowered her eyes to the wine glass and I could see her blushing for the second time in the day. "Well I was...relaxing." There was an extended moment of silence in the room before Jacinta broke it. "Oooh. I understand," she smiled as Mom raised her eyes. Jacinta making a locking gesture at her lips and throwing away the imaginary key. I had no idea what was going on and said as much. "But why didn't you have clothes on?" Both women looked to me incredulous. "Oh Alex, really?" Jacinta laughed and Mom uncomfortably rose from the couch beside me, unsteady on her feet. "Excuse me both of you. I really have to pee!" She bluntly stated and stepped over my outstretched legs on her way out of the room. Both Jacinta and I followed her clearly inebriated progress, our eyes on the rear of her dress raised up onto her buttocks from sitting. The panties wedged tight between her peachy ass cheeks. "Are you serious?" Jacinta asked as she came over and straddled my lap as Mom disappeared down the hallway. "What?" I cupped her buttocks, her pussy pressing down onto my cock. "Alex, your mother was in your room masturbating!" The revelation came as a shock "What?" "You seriously didn't get that from the story she just told?" Jacinta asked me and I had to admit I hadn't. "She said she was 'relaxing' or something," I explained. "That could mean anything." Jacinta ground her groin hard along my growing erection. "Baby, your mother was in your bed fingering herself!" Jacinta bluntly stated, leaning in and whispering the words into my mouth. "She essentially just admitted it." My dick was reaching its full potential and I encouraged it by running my hands under Jacinta's dress, caressing her bare buttocks, the string of her thong running between them. "She wants you Babe," my wife purred. "We both do!" "I...you were serious today?" I questioned. "The threesome?" Her enthusiastic nodding was answer enough but she followed it up. "Look Alex, it's no big deal," she suggested. "The incest. Everyone's doing it." "Everyone?" "I've read about it. Especially mothers and sons." "What about mother and son?" Mom asked from the entrance to the living room. Jacinta pressed her cheek to mine as we looked at my mother. "Oh just sleeping together!" My wife openly replied. "In the same bed I mean," she laughed. Mom made a show of accentuating a yawn. "We didn't get around to talking about it, did we?" She stated. "I can sleep on the couch if it's a problem." She pressed her hands into her lower back to remind us of her pain. "Nonsense Kathy," Jacinta replied "I put last nights nightie in the wash, I'll just need to borrow something else to wear Dear," she proposed. "Oh I'm sure we can find something," Jacinta delighted. * After getting myself a drink of water and rinsing the wine glasses I walked into our bedroom, Jacinta and Mom standing before my wife's dresser in debate. Entering the bathroom, I closed the door on their conversation but the separation did nothing to silence their congress. "There's this one," I heard my wife propose as I brushed my teeth. "Oh no, I get so hot at night," Mom declined. "What about this? It's..." Jacinta's words were muffled by the sound of the running water and I didn't hear the rest of her comment. I heard the reply though. "Oh goodness, it IS very sheer isn't it?" Mom returned and I wondered what my wife had offered her? "Oh don't worry about it, it's only us here Kath," Jacinta reasoned. "You're not going out in public." I lifted my t-shirt over my head and opened the laundry hamper and there they were. "Jesus," I whispered to myself as I looked down on the panties my mother had been wearing. Ridiculously I felt an immediate stirring behind my fly and I looked up at my reflection in the mirror. She'd just taken them off, I rationalised. We'd seen her wearing them in the lounge room not ten minutes before. That very morning I'd seen her bare ass as she slept. Did Mom always go to bed 'commando,' so to speak? I looked back down at the white lace and then back at the bathroom door. It was locked. I was alone. No one would ever know, I reasoned. With a shaking hand I reached down and gently swept the material, opening the panties up somewhat, exposing the gusset. They're your mother's! I internally screamed at myself but my cock gave me a big 'fuck you' by swelling in my pants. Oh what the hell, I thought and reached down, picking up the delicate item and drawing it from its home. They were still warm. The crotch damp. "Jesus," I repeated for the second time, all of a sudden seeming to have found religion as I raised them to my face. Strong. Feminine. Pleasant. Too pleasant. I stretched out the front of my pants as I breathed in the scent of my mother's sex. This was wrong. So wrong. But it felt so good. I closed my eyes for a second, imagining the source. Her pussy pressed to the lace, the material cinched between the cheeks of her ass, oh God, touching her asshole! Stop Alex, I yelled at myself, tearing the temptation from my face and throwing them back in the hamper, my t-shirt over the evidence. I looked in the mirror and the erection tenting my front. "Oh no," I whispered at the thought of heading back out there in that state. I removed my pants and the pride displayed was even more noticeable. The option of quickly 'rubbing one out' to remove my problem came to me but I settled on (and pardon my over sharing) forcing myself to pee to reduce the swelling. It 'sort of' did the trick, reducing my cock to a semi-erect state that would hopefully go unnoticed with a cursory glance and after flushing and washing my hands I breathed deep and headed back into our bedroom. I needn't have been so thorough. With the overhead light off, Jacinta's reading lamp was all that illuminated the room and as I rounded the already occupied bed, I realized my erection probably would've gone unseen. "So I guess I'm in the middle!" I stated as I climbed over my wife, Jacinta lifting the covers as I did so. She wore a little romper that she knew I loved her wearing, the material so silky to the touch and hugged her body perfectly. "We wondered what you were up to in there," Mom commented. "Thought you might've fallen in!" She giggled to herself. The lifting sheet revealed what Mom also was wearing to bed. If the red satin nightie had been Jacinta's sexiest, the white sheer babydoll she'd loaned Mom tonight, wasn't far behind. Laying on her back, it dropped just below her hips and though the sheet didn't raise to expose her groin, it was clear she hadn't replaced her removed panties. Almost immediately Jacinta turned off the lamp and the room plunged into darkness before slowly my eyes adjusted. Wife to the left of me, mother to the right, a pillow each on our king sized bed, I stared at the ceiling questioning the reality of my surroundings. We were just sleeping together. I told myself. Not 'sleeping' together. I was not about to have sex with my mother. * "...trapped!" The voice woke me from a deep sleep. I immediately reached to my left to comfort Jacinta in her dream or nightmare before I recalled my circumstance. My touch roused my wife before again Mom shouted in her sleep. "...can't open it. I'm sinking.." Her somniloquy continued, Jacinta turning on the lamp. The sudden illumination brought Mom from her dream state but not before a final exclamation of horror as I assumed she perceived herself to be still in the house. "...help!" She screamed as she sat up in the bed, the covers falling from her chest. I sat up beside her and raised a hand to her shoulder as she looked at her surroundings, remembering where she was. "Mom, it's ok," I consoled her. "You were dr.." "I was dreaming," she cut me off. "It's to be expected Kath," Jacinta added. "You've been through a traumatic experience." "Oh God it was so real," Mom trembled and Jacinta nudged me. I looked at her and she nodded towards Mom, making a wrapping gesture with her arms and I understood she was insinuating I embrace her. I'd done it before of course. At the house. Earlier that night when she'd become emotional. In fact I think I'd given my mother more hugs in the last two days than I had the last two years. But in bed? In bed when we were both half naked? "Hey, come on Mom, lie down," I pulled back on her shoulder. "You're safe now, you're with us." With sleepy eyes she gazed upon me and then Jacinta and allowed herself to fall back on the pillow. "Oh Honey," she whispered. "It was so real." "I know, but it was just a dream." "I wonder," she began, turning her head to look again at Jacinta as if for consent before looking at me. "I wonder if you could hold me?" She asked. "Just until I fall back asleep." "Of course he will," Jacinta sanctioned and enthusiastically nudged me again. Did she have to be so obvious, I wondered? It was a surreal moment. Mom turned her back to me and as I moved my body closer to her, the lifting sheet revealed the nightie up around her waist, her bottom completely uncovered. Was she aware of how much of her body was on display I wondered? I didn't have long to contemplate as Jacinta turned off the light and with Mom's head lifted from the pillow awaiting my arm, I placed it under her neck and with the other, embraced her torso. My chest pressed her upper back, my groin and legs far away from the rest of her body as I attempted to comfort her. "Mmm," Mom sighed but seemingly not completely satisfied, shifted her hips back on the mattress. Surely barely an inch separated us as Jacinta as well changed position, spooning me herself from behind. The motion caused my body to lean into my mother ever so slightly but it was enough for us to connect. I knew it was her bottom. What else could it have been? The soft fleshiness against my boxer shorts and the awakening monster that lurked within. Again Mom shifted, her arm clutching mine to wrap around her middle, her warm soft belly, the silkiness of the babydoll. "Mmm, that's better," she sighed. "I feel so safe." As she said the words her ass pushed harder against my groin leaving no doubt she was agreeable to the intimacy. Jacinta's entire body slid against me. Her breasts pressed hard into my back, her hand stroking my hip and thigh. When she kissed the back of my neck, I knew where this was headed and allowed the inevitable to occur. My dick swelling. My arm beneath Mom's neck outstretched, I brought it back to hold her own, now securing her in a bear hug which she encouraged by once again sighing. Gently stroking her arm, she responded to the intimate touch by ever so slightly moving her bottom against me. We were both being cautious. Overly so. If we looked upon the scene from outside, there was no doubt what was occurring here. Mother, son and wife. All barely dressed, in bed together. Embracing. There weren't too many explanations as to what could be going on but still the taboo about to be broken had to be approached with a degree of circumspection, the fallout if unsolicited, potentially monumental. Finally, as my swelling became impossible to ignore, the charade dissolved. My cock pressed hard into my mother's buttocks and she responded accordingly, grinding herself along my length. The movement enabled Jacinta to come into the fold and I felt her arm reach further over my body to come in contact with my mother, her hand upon her bare hip. Mom sighed at the touch and as Jacinta had done to me, I pressed my lips to the back of Mom's neck. I felt the goosebumps on her arms and in response, she gently took hold of my right hand and drew it down to her breast. It was now I that sighed as I felt her hard nipple in the centre of my palm, kissing my way from her nape to behind an ear. My cock now striving to leave my shorts as it slid back and forth along my mother's ass crack, Jacinta came to its aid, wrenching my underwear down over my hips. Mom immediately felt the shift and took possession of my left hand, guiding it down her belly to stroke my fingers through her ample pubic hair and parting her thighs, the saturated pussy between. Yes, it was in fact the second night in a row I'd touched my mother's vagina, but tonight was far far different. Her legs closed upon my fingers as I slid them against her sopping labia, my other hand now squeezing her breast with impunity, pinching her nipple between my thumb and index. Jacinta slid a hand between us, wrapping her fist around my cock as Mom turned her head further towards us. My lips met her jaw as Jacinta stuffed my dick between Mom's legs, wiping the head against asshole, pussy. I kissed her cheek as her legs parted, allowing my fingers to delve further along her slit, parting her folds. I kissed her mouth as I found the underside of my cock and with Jacinta's help eased it inside my mother's body. And just as easy as that, I was fucking my mother. Her tongue met mine as her breath expelled with each thrust of my hips. My cock going deep, short quick penetrations with still not a word spoken between all three of us. The room dark grey, I could see her eyes twinkling. A fire behind them as hot as that in her pussy. She looked beyond me and I knew of what she sought, Jacinta quick to move in above my face, her mouth upon mine, upon my mother's. It was too much, too fast, too soon. A three way kiss between my wife, my mother and I. My cock buried in my mom from behind. I felt on the verge of orgasm and wished I'd indeed taken care of it earlier that night. Again my mother's tongue entered my mouth and with fingers in her sodden pubic hair, a hand around a breast and my wife's body pressed to my back, the inevitable occurred. They both knew it! "Ohhh, fuck, fuck," I expelled breath as I released deep inside my mother. Each quick thrust of my groin against her ass accompanied by a surge of cum, a volcanic declaration of how turned on I was. Filling my mother's vagina with my seed. "Oh Jesus," I sighed as over and again I pulsed before finally I slowed my assault, Jacinta first to respond by sitting up. "Oh God, I'm sorry," I apologised to both of them as my cock slid out and Mom turned her body. "You really just came!?" Jacinta placed a hand on my hip and even in the near darkness I could see the mocking look on her face. "Yeah, I'm sorry," I repeated, attempting to hold back my laugh. "It's ok Darling," Mom was quick to defend. "It was beautiful." I rolled onto my back with an arm still around her as Jacinta turned on the bedside lamp, my cock slick with combined juices, losing its rigidity. Jacinta dropped back by my side and ran her fingers along my length causing me to twitch. "There's still some life in the little guy," she joked and my mother laughed in response, her face turning to mine. I expected her to say something profound in that we'd just made love, her eyes smiling as much as her mouth. "I have to pee!" Mom admitted and it was I who now laughed. "What?" She added. "Nothing," I replied, running fingers through her hair behind her ear. "I love you." "I love both of you," Mom stated as she backed off the bed and skipped toward the bathroom, Jacinta and I watching her go, the babydoll sitting part way over her buttocks. Only swinging the door closed behind her, it sat ajar, and as Jacinta and I kissed, the sound of my mother peeing once again filtered through. Jacinta's hand remaining on my cock, she felt it swell as I was stimulated by the kiss, her, and the noise. "Oh! Well I know now what turns you on," she giggled into my mouth. "No Babe, it's not..." "It's ok," Jacinta condoned. "It's kind of hot." The toilet flushed as I lowered Jacinta's romper below her breasts and we both looked back toward the bathroom door. Mom exited completely nude and it was the first time I could fully take her beauty in. Large breasts not yet affected by the pull of time, wide hips and that luscious thatch of brown pubic hair. She'd tied her hair back and off her shoulders, she looked stunning. "Alex was just admitting to me he likes the sound of you peeing Kath," Jacinta revealed as Mom climbed back onto the bed. "Babe!" I protested but again Mom laughed. "Ha, runs in the family," she cryptically responded and if she was alluding to my father, I didn't want to hear any more. "Well Honey," she leaned in and kissed me on the lips. "You can come and watch Mommy pee any time you like." To which my hard-on returned with a vengeance. "While we're confessing things," Jacinta began. "Actually, could you take over here for a moment Kathy?" She interrupted herself as she took her hand from my cock and began removing her romper. "Oh of course Dear," Mom was eager to help out, wrapping her hand around my now once again fully erect penis and casually masturbating. "What were you saying?" Jacinta slipped her legs from her pajamas and tossed them aside, now leaving us all fully naked. "Oh just that we've probably all got things to confess," Jacinta elaborated. "Like did you know Alex was looking at your ass while you were on the couch this morning?" If it was humiliate your husband day, Jacinta was doing a fine job, but I didn't mind. It was all fun. "Well I hoped he had," Mom giggled. "I wasn't really sleeping!" "What?" I exclaimed, more embarrassed by this revelation than the previous. "You knew I saw your bum?" "Well I did it on purpose," she smiled. Jacinta's hand joined my mother's and entwined, their fingers stroked the length of my cock from base to head. "So that's why you weren't wearing panties?" I enquired. "Oh no, I never wear panties to bed," she matter of factly responded. I looked at Jacinta and placed a hand on her thigh. "Baby I have to tell you about last night, when I got home. About what happened in the kitchen." "Oh she already knows Alex," Mom conveyed. "We chatted whilst you were passed out in the morning! Just before you came and saw me actually." Admittedly I was shocked. "What else have you been talking about?" I asked. "This," Jacinta openly stated and I understood she was referring to the threesome. I felt a little deceived. Why hadn't they just spoken to me directly? And then I realized Jacinta had. And I'd turned the idea down. "Mom," I challenged now that almost everything was out in the open. "What's the deal with you being naked during the sinkhole?" She looked at Jacinta who rolled her eyes at my ignorance. "I thought I told you earlier Alex," she stated. "I was masturbating in your room." "Seriously?" "Yes Darling," she looked at me almost pityingly. "I've been doing it for years. Even when you were living there!" She added the tantalising fact. "What?" "Uh huh!" She smiled. "Your father, God rest his soul, once almost caught me. Came in from doing the lawns to see me leaving your bedroom naked," she giggled before looking at Jacinta. "I was so jealous of you Darling." "You don't need to be now," my wife replied and to my delight they both leaned into each other above me. With hands around my cock, my wife and mother kissed in front of me. Gentle to begin, mouths opening and one tongue then the other participating. I had to be a part of this, I decided. My hand already on my wife's thigh, I mimicked the touch on my mother, both hands caressing my women's bodies. The curve of hip, the softness of ass and the heat and moisture of pussy. Contrasting pussies. My wife smooth and hairless, Mom hirsute and both as wet. A combined sigh left them as I entered, the middle finger of each hand sliding between the labia of my lovers. I needed to fuck one of them. Both of them! Taking charge as they continued to make out, I rose from my prone position and first joined their kiss before co-ordinating their pose. None of us (I assumed) had been in this position before but what came seemed to evolve naturally as I coaxed Mom down onto her back. Jacinta followed her path downwards and her mouth homed in on my mother's pussy. The vagina I'd only moments before cum inside, my wife devoured as if her last meal. Spreading my mom's legs wide, Jacinta lapped at her clit like a puppy at a water bowl, my mother on her elbows looking on intensely. Stroking my cock I would've been content to just watch the scene but my wife on all fours, ass in the air, offered me a temptation I couldn't resist. Crawling behind her I admired the vision for a moment, legs spread, dripping pussy splayed and her asshole winking at me as if acknowledging how cool this all was. I needed a taste, and parting her labia further, I slid my tongue the length of her sex from bald pubic mound to asshole, aware of her penchant, poking my tongue into her tiniest opening which caused a guttural moan from the mouth between my mother's legs. My cock twitched to remind me of its presence and I rose up once again, taking it in hand and pressing the head to the entrance of my wife's beautiful welcoming cunny. Inside, heat, moisture, perfectly clasping my size until I was fully penetrated, my pelvis to her ass. She slipped her face from Mom's vagina, resting her cheek on her belly as I repeatedly thrust, her mouth open in pleasure, lips and jaw slathered in my mother's and possibly my own goo. My fucking pushed her body forward and incrementally as my mom stoked her hair, Jacinta mounted her mother-in-law. As if we'd planned it, Jacinta, one leg at a time climbed upon Mom's pelvis until her pussy, with my dick still implanted, rested above my mother's. Their faces now level, Mom welcomed Jacinta's mouth. The women once again kissing like seasoned lesbians. "Oh fuck!" Jacinta exclaimed, her head tilting upwards as Mom kissed her jaw. "I'm cumming Baby," she exhaled as I felt her vaginal walls clasping my cock, her body shuddering. Continuing my action to not impact her orgasm I did think it ironic she'd cum in essentially less time than I had, but didn't want to ruin the moment by highlighting the fact. Mom wrapped her arms around my wife as she came down from her climax, almost comforting the younger woman and I wanted to reward her. Pulling out I dropped lower, spreading my legs to aim my engorged cock once more at my mom's pussy. The sight I had as I leaned back was extraordinary. My cock sliding in and out of my own mother, my wife's pussy still quivering above, her ass begging to be caressed. I placed both hands on her buttocks and squeezed as I increased the rate of penetration of my mother, suddenly realizing what I could do and pulling out, directing Jacinta's vagina back onto me and entering my wife once again. Was I in heaven? Back in my mother and my wife changing positions, jaw sitting amidst Mom's pubes, her ass seated upon my mother's face. I looked in the full length closet mirror, my mother spreading my wife's ass cheeks and gorging herself on pussy, asshole, whatever she could get her mouth upon. Jacinta put a hand between Mom's pussy and me, wrapping her fist around my lubricated cock as I withdrew and I understood what she wanted. Pulling out fully, I allowed her to take me between her lips, her mouth a defacto cunt as I continued thrusting with the same regularity and intensity. I'd never fucked Jacinta's face this way, my cock hitting the back of her mouth, entering her throat to the accompanying sounds of gagging. I pulled out in an avalanche of saliva and immediately plunged once more inside my mother, her gasping and sighing increasing as she pulled Jacinta's ass onto her face, smothering herself. Again my wife demanded my cock and I obliged. Holding her head in place as I fucked her mouth, tears, saliva pouring from her onto my mother's crotch. Back in Mom, unexpectedly and she moaned in response, muffled by pussy and ass. "Baby," she managed to voice and I waited for her to go on, not relenting my penetration. "Oh Baby, I'm..." She added and I thought I knew what her next words would be. I was wrong. "Look out!" She exclaimed and Jacinta and I immediately understood to what she alluded. Her body shuddering below us, her legs well spread, Mom squirted around my cock, squealing in the process. Hot clear spray flooded my erection, squelching out as I continued to fuck. Again Mom squealed and I pulled out in a shower of her cum, Jacinta to my amazement falling forward in an attempt to catch it in her mouth. I enabled the act by pressing the underside of my cock to Mom's slit, her next orgasm spraying like a spigot around me in all directions, Jacinta's face coated in girl cream. "Oh God," Mom inhaled as Jacinta let her up for air. "Jesus," I echoed her sentiments as I leaned down to kiss my wife and taste the fruits of my labour. Jacinta wasn't done as our tongues entwined, reaching for my cock and grasping it tightly, her mouth left mine and she climbed backwards, Mom's face emerging flushed and smeared with cunt juice. "Now you Baby," Jacinta coaxed as she lay down beside my mom. "Show us what you've got!" With a leg between each of their spread thighs, my knees pressing against two dripping pussies, I took my cock in hand as they kissed. No stimulus would work greater than that which lay before me. My mom and wife seductively pressing their turned mouths together, tongues reaching for the other's as they in turn watched me jerk off. This wouldn't take long. Obscenely, they rubbed their vaginas against my legs as I stroked my cock, pre-cum, traces of my last orgasm, dripping from the eye as I upped my rate. The slapping of my hand on cock, the excited breathing of my lovers, my own staggered gasps the only sounds in the room. Pussies below me, breasts, tongues, mouths. And then. "Ohhh Fuuck!" I exclaimed as I climaxed. Jets of cum spraying across the belly, tits of my mother. I changed direction and coated Jacinta, holding my cock tight before letting it release once again in another surge of semen. A fountain of cum across her torso from neck to groin. Giggling they watched me empty upon them. Mom squealing much as she'd done when she squirted as I sprayed a rope upon her pubes. "Oh man," I exhaled, spent, dropping to the mattress. "Oh man indeed!" Mom repeated as she and my wife once again kissed, seeming to luxuriate in their cum bath. I continued to casually stroke myself as still hard, I wondered if I had another in me so soon? "So what now?" I asked, breaking their lustful make-out session, Mom's hand smearing my cum over my wife's breasts. Jacinta looked down at my cock. "How about we go again in the shower?" I smiled and nodded my approval but elaborated on my question. "I mean with us?" As Mom had done to her, Jacinta reached across and smeared the rope of cum in Mom's pubic hair over her groin and down between her legs. "Well I think Kathy, you should permanently move in with us, at least until this sink hole thing is sorted," Jacinta proposed without my input. "What do you both say?" I for one was more than happy with the proposal. "I agree Mom. We don't want you staying in a hotel." Mom, glistening with cum looked pretty content to stay exactly where she was and said so. "I have two conditions though," I stated as the women rose to embrace me. "Well three actually," I added. "One. You keep sharing Jacinta's clothing, if you don't mind Babe?" I looked at my wife to which she shook her head smiling. "Two. You sleep in this bed with us each night, no more bad backs on the couch!" Mom agreed smiling. "And what's the third?" She asked as we headed toward the bathroom to shower. "Oh that's right," I replied blushing. "What was this thing about letting me watch you pee?" Mom and Jacinta laughed as hand in hand we entered the bathroom together. "Oh I can do a bit better than that!" Mom stated as we entered the shower and the water works began. The end. For Pics visit:---->>> https://cutt.ly/hwsMVhC
Title: Forced to Fuck His Mom on Halloween Summary: Mother and son forced together through a misunderstanding  Keywords:inc,fic,erotic,milf,hot,sex It took a whole week of carefully planned arguments and pleading to finally convince his parents to let him have Halloween party at their house. John Carlson was desperately trying to get into the Delta Tau fraternity at his college so that he could finally move out of his parents' house.  As a freshman it was a longshot but he knew that this was his only chance to move out, because while his parents were paying for his college tuition they decided not to pay for the dorm housing. They only lived 20 minutes away from campus and so his parents didn't see the point in paying the extra money for housing. John had gotten a part-time job during his first semester but it was clear that wouldn't be nearly enough to pay for housing, on- or off-campus.  John had learned that new pledges to Delta Tau were often required to live in the frat house for their first year, and through a bit of determined detective work John discovered that there were currently 4 vacant rooms and the Delta Tau's would only be accepting 3 new pledges out of the rush class of 12. All of this meant that John had found a loop-hole to finally break free from his parents but that he also had to do whatever it would take to make the short-list.  John's first mission was to convince his parents that joining a frat and moving into the frat house was a good idea. John initially argued that his parents would be able to enjoy the empty house and not have to hear him coming and going at all hours of the night. Unfortunately for John his father, Mark, was a heavy sleeper and his mother, Vicky, wanted to keep him close to home. He then pivoted to the argument that this would be an important step in him becoming an independent individual and would help him prepare for the real world post-college. He hadn't quite won them over with this approach, but he noticed that they seemed to actually think that this was a reasonably valid point. John continued to press hard on this point and finally won them over by promising to be home every Sunday night for family dinner. Once he got the green light from his parents he needed to devise a plan to actually set himself apart from the other pledges and ensure his spot in the frat. He volunteered for every activity no matter how demeaning and made sure that he sucked up to the most influential brothers. He had learned by paying close attention that four of the brothers would be the ultimate decision makers. He did everything he could to make himself look good in their eyes. His big break came when the school, under pressure from the local community, decided to ban any organized parties on Halloween. Halloween fell on a Friday that year and the Delta Tau's were infamous for having the best parties. This ban came as a big blow to the frat and John guessed that if he could figure out a way for the party to go on that he would lock in his place as a top pledge candidate.  The Carlson family lives in a large home in a relatively rural area. John knew that between his parent's basement and backyard that there would be more than enough room for a party. He also knew that his parents went out to a Halloween party every year. He campaigned relentlessly for his parents to allow him to host a party. He assured them that he would limit everyone to the basement and backyard and that they wouldn't do anything to bother the neighbors. He knew that the neighbors wouldn't be much of a problem given how far apart the houses were in their neighborhood.  His parents were skeptical of allowing the party but finally agreed to allow John to proceed after he suggested that his parents could make a night out of it and stay at a hotel in town. He also offered to hire a cleaning company to come the next day to make sure that everything was back in order before his parents even got home. Of course, John offered to pay for his parents' hotel room as a sign of good faith. He didn't have the money but had no difficulty in convincing the Delta Tau Treasurer to pick up the added expenses in order to make the party happen. John spent the afternoon getting ready for the party after his last class on Friday. He had already gotten the ingredients for the Delta's signature punch, which consisted of a liberal amount of Everclear grain alcohol combined with a variety of fruit juices, which he mixed up in a garbage can that the frat had dedicated for this purpose.  The next step was his costume, which was pretty easy. John was going to dress up as a 70's basketball player, meaning that his costume consisted of a jersey, tight satin basketball shorts, an elastic headband and a pair of sneakers. His party was scheduled to start at midnight and his parents were planning on leaving much earlier because their party started at 9pm. John's plan was to have everything ready in time for his brothers to come over at 10pm for a little pre-party drinking. John was sitting in the living room when his parents came down to go to their party. Both of his parents were wearing off-the-shelf costumes they picked up at the last minute. Mark Carlson was dressed as a cowboy in full regalia complete with a set of plastic spurs attached to his heels. Vicky Carlson wore a french maid costume, or much to John's astonishment she wore a slutty french maid costume.  John's mother looked stunning. At 42 years old she looked at least 10 years younger. Her costume was fairly simple but also very revealing. It was a small black dress, made out of the same cheap nylon material you would expect from Halloween costumes. The thin, black dress clung to every curve of her body. The neckline was trimmed with white lace which converged into a small white satin bow right in the center of her chest. The top had a built in underwire for support so she didn't bother wearing a bra with it. A dainty white lace apron was tied around her waist with a white satin ribbon and rested on the front of the skirt of the dress. The skirt hung loosely around her hips and was also trimmed with white lace. The short skirt barely covered her legs, on which she wore a pair of white thigh high stockings held up by a white lace garter belt. The clasps of the garter belt just poked out from beneath her skirt. The outfit was completed with a black silk ribbon choker and a pair of impossibly tall black high heels, which immediately reminded John of stripper shoes. Vicky's dirty blonde hair cascaded over her shoulders and instead of covering up her cleavage simply drew attention to her two soft mounds straining against the thin material. "So, how do we look?" John looked up at his mother as she asked the question. He was used to his parents being fairly conservative in their costumes and was taken aback at how revealing his mother's outfit was.  "I, uh, you guys look great." "Don't play coy with me young man, I can tell you don't like it. What's wrong?" "It's not that, mom, it's just that... Well, don't you think that outfit is a little revealing?" "What, you think I'm too old for it?" She teased as she turned to show off the costume. "No, mom. You look great. I guess I'm just not used to seeing you dress like that. Don't worry about it mom, you guys look great." "Thanks, and don't worry these parties never get too wild. And besides, I have your dad here to protect me in case anyone gets fresh."  Vicky slipped her arm around her husband and winked at her son, letting him know that she was only playing around with him.  "Let's go honey, we don't want to be late." John watched as his father led his mother through the house to the garage. "Goodnight honey, and remember our deal. This place had better be cleaned up before we get home tomorrow. And no cops!" "Bye mom, don't worry I have everything under control." John killed time until the party by watching ESPN. A few of the frat brothers trickled in each bringing a six-pack in tow. Eric was the last to arrive and was expected to bring the keg. He showed up empty handed complaining that the guy at the beer distributor rejected his ID. John saw this as a perfect opportunity to prove how valuable he could be and volunteered to pick up the keg knowing that he had a foolproof ID. He left the frat brothers in his basement watching TV and drinking beer while he left to get the keg. It was almost 11pm when Vicky tip-toed through the back door. She knew that John would be devastated if he caught her at the house but she also knew that his party wasn't supposed to start for another hour. Her husband had forgotten the charger for his phone and she offered to run home and pick it up for him. Vicky carefully crept through the back door and once she realized that the house was empty she went upstairs and stuffed the charger in her purse. On her way back out she heard the TV from the basement and decided to say goodnight to her son one last time.  As she turned into the basement at the bottom of the stairs she saw a group of college guys watching TV and noticed that her son was not among them.  They saw her standing there and all four of them turned towards her before she could sneak back out.  "Oh, hi. I'm sorry to interrupt. I was looking for John." "Oh, he went out for a little while and should be back any minute." "I don't know. We agreed that I wouldn't come until later. I don't want him to get upset." Eric, who failed on the beer mission, was the first to speak up. He quickly put two and two together and realized that John must have hired a stripper for them as a surprise. "Don't worry about it. We don't mind that you came over early. Why don't you come over here and sit with us while you wait for him. Here let me get you a drink." Eric wasted no time waiting for a response and poured Vicky a full cup of the special punch.  Realizing that she was already going to embarrass him she decided to stay until he got back so that she could at least explain why she was there. She was also pretty bored at the other party and so was in no rush to get back.  "Well, I guess I can join you for one drink." Vicky walked over to the couch as Eric handed her the drink.  The signature punch was specially formulated to be a deadly combination of incredibly easy to drink while also having a very high alcohol content. Vicky fell right into the trap and eagerly sucked down the first half of her drink without realizing how strong it was. She had already had a few drinks at the other party and so this new drink quickly pushed her from being slightly buzzed to mildly drunk. The frat brothers had been drinking beer while John went to get the keg so they too were already buzzed and eager to enjoy the entertainment. They picked up on her desire to wait for John and so they refrained from being too overt until he arrived.  Eric took the lead in the conversation and complimented Mrs. Carlson on her outfit.  Having finished her 16oz cup of punch, Vicky was feeling a little warm and her guard was lowered. She was enjoying the attention from the young men in front of her, but she didn't think anything of it. "Really? Are you sure it's not too revealing?" She asked playfully. "Why don't you let us get a better look at it?"  Eric took her empty cup and encouraged her to stand up. Without even asking for it, a replacement was placed on the table next to Eric and the empty was taken away. Vicky was now standing in front of the four college frat brothers. She was a little unsteady as she got up but she managed to not fall back down.  "Turn around so we can see the rest of it." Eric encouraged her. Vicky was feeling loose and a little frisky for some reason and decided to give them what they wanted. Her costume was, as her son noticed earlier, more revealing that she would normally wear and though she initially had second thoughts about it she found that she enjoyed the attention she was getting. Vicky slowly turned around, trying hard not to trip on her own heels. She paused briefly while her back was to them before she proceeded to complete her turn.  "Well?" She asked with a crooked smile. "What do you think guys?" The room filled with catcalls and comments about how hot she looked. She and her husband had a healthy sex life for a couple that has been together for over twenty years, but she couldn't recall the last time he told her that she look hot or looked at her the way these guys were. Vicky felt flushed and happily took another drink when it was handed to her. The cold punch helped settle her nerves as she stood before the teens. "I don't know. I feel naked without a bra on." She said as she absentmindedly looked down at her chest and pulled the dress away from her body slightly. "You look great, and I don't think you need to worry about a bra." Eric wanted to keep the ball rolling until John got back.  "I'm jealous; you guys look like you're going to have a great party tonight. I was at another party that really boring. I was the only one dancing!" "You're welcome to stay all night!" "No, I don't think John would want to me stay any longer than necessary." "So, you like to dance?" One of the brothers walked over to the stereo and flipped it on, filling the room with a generic pop dance song as Eric got up. "Let's dance then. Here, why don't you finish your drink first?" Eric helped tip back her cup while she brought it to her mouth and held it there until she finished it. Eric took the empty cup and handed it off to be refilled. Eric began dancing with Vicky but was careful not to be too touchy at first. While dancing, Eric mentioned that he didn't know her name. "It's Vicky." Eric placed his hands on her hips as he leaned in to whisper in her ear.  "Vicky... that's a very sexy name." Vicky was surprised at how forward this young man was being but she couldn't help but blush. She felt somewhat vulnerable but also felt safe knowing that she was in her own house and these were her son's friends so she didn't immediately object. Before long, Vicky felt one of the other frat brothers inching his way up behind her and found herself being sandwiched between the two young men. While his mom was getting used to having two men pressing against her, John came home. Upstairs in the kitchen, John ran into one of the brothers while bringing the keg tap in. "Hey John!" "I got the keg, you mind helping me get it in?" "No problem. You know you're french maid is here?" "What?" John's mind raced thinking that his parents were spying on him or worse that they might try to pull the plug on his party at the last minute. "She isn't supposed to be here. I told her not to come until..." John was cut off mid-sentence. "Don't worry so much John. She said her other party was boring and so she just came over early. We think it's pretty cool that you would surprise us with a stripper like that, John, we just might have to move your name to the top of the nomination list." That last comment threw John off but what really stood out to him was that he might get bumped to the top of the list. "Come on, let's go get that keg from your car." After setting up the keg in the backyard, John finally made his way to the basement. Much to his surprise he found his mother, dressed like a slutty french maid, dancing with the other brothers.  While dancing with the young guys, Vicky felt an occasional hand or two against her body but decided that it was all in good fun and since she would be leaving soon anyway that she could enjoy the fleeting thrill from the attention they were giving her. As John walked in, his mother caught his eye and called out to him. "John, I've been waiting for you!" "What are you doing here?" "Don't worry, John. We wouldn't start the party without you." Eric chimed in, not picking up how upset John was. "Can I see you upstairs for a minute?" John snapped at his mom as he walked up to her. Upstairs he was far less restrained. "What the hell, mom?" John's voice was practically whining. John could tell that his mom is drunk because her speech was slurring as she responded. "I just stopped by to pick up your father's phone charger. I thought your party didn't start until midnight so I figured it would be fine. What's the big deal? Your friends are being really nice to me." "Mom, they are being nice to you because they think you're a stripper! That's the big deal." "What??? They think I'm a what???" "Mom, you can't ruin this for me. They party will start any minute, ok? Once everyone else gets here you can slip out the back and nobody will notice. But..." "But?" "But, until then I need you to keep up this act, whatever it is you're doing down there. You don't have to do anything just don't tell them you're not really a stripper ok?" "I don't know about this." "Listen, mom, you did this to me, ok? I told you to stay away and now these guys got it in their head that you're a stripper I hired. Just play along for a few more minutes and then sneak out. Just please don't embarrass me." "You're right. This was my fault." Drunk logic began to grip Vicky as she thought back over the red flags that she didn't pick up on. "Ok, I'll do it for you."  "Ok, let's go back down. Remember, this will all be over soon and then we can get back to normal."  John led his mother back down to the basement and was himself led right to an armchair in the back of the room by Eric, who assured him that they saved the first dance for him. Vicky was also ushered to the back of the room and told to give John the first dance. The music was turned up and switched from pop music to the faster-paced dance music you would expect at a strip club.  John watched in disbelief as his mother did her best impression of a stripper. She was given another drink and gulped most of it down before returning her attention to her son. She was pretty drunk at this point and not used to wearing such high heels so her moves were rather clumsy but she tried her best. The brothers crowded around behind her to watch the show. Each of them was eager for their turn with Vicky the Stripper.  Vicky stumbled while trying to keep up with the fast music and fell forward. She barely caught herself by reaching for the two arms of the chair. Instead of standing back up, she just played it off like it was an intentional move and kept dancing. Vicky's head fell forward and her hair brushed across her son's face, encasing him in her perfume. John tried to look past his mom, but couldn't help taking in the sight in front of him. His mother, though older, still look hot and he had never seen her act like this. When she fell over he also noticed that the top of her dress has shifted and most of her left aureole was now exposed. John could also clearly make out his mother's two nipples straining against the thin satin stretched across her breasts. Vicky was trying to be as reserved as she could, hoping that other people would soon arrive. She was so caught up in waiting for an opportunity to escape that she didn't realize that in her new position the other guys had an unobstructed view of her ass as her dress pulled up to her waist when she bent over. The back straps of her garter belt framed her firm, porcelain backside perfectly and the thin strip of her white lace thong did little to cover her from their hungry stares. Vicky could hear the lewd comments from behind her but still didn't realize how exposed she was. Normally such crude language would bother her but she was actually getting aroused knowing that those comments were directed at her. Vicky had always been very prim and proper but secretly harbored a fantasy of being a wild party girl and this was her chance. John was staring right at his mother's breasts when she looked up and caught him. He froze, embarrassed that he was caught ogling his mother, and her eyes stayed with his. While staring into her son's eyes Vicky felt something behind her and realized that someone was touching her. Before she could figure it out she realized that someone was pulling her panties down. She felt the cool air of the basement against her hot, wet pussy as her panties fell to the floor. She had no choice but to step out of them so she wouldn't trip. John saw his mother's eyes widen as her panties were removed but didn't know why she seemed so shocked. Vicky now realized that for the first time in over two decades someone other than her husband or doctor was staring at her pussy, even worse her pussy was on display for a bunch of college guys that she didn't even know. Fortunately for Vicky, she didn't have much time to dwell on her situation. Almost as soon as her panties were on the floor she felt an electric shock coursing through her body as Eric's hand cupped her pussy.  John saw that his mother's lips were mouthing the words 'Oh my god' and noticed that her eyes had taken on a new intensity. Eric ran his fingers across Vicky's wet mound before slipping one right between the folds of her pussy. Her body shuddered and she instinctively pushed back against his hand wanting to feel him inside of her. She was disappointed though as his warm hand quickly moved away only to be replaced by the cool air. "Oh wow, she is dripping wet. I guess she likes you John!" Eric grabbed John's right hand and pulled it towards him saying "John, you have to feel this." Before he could protest, John felt the wet heat of his mom's pussy against his fingers. His mother's face was inches away from his and their eyes remained glued to each other as his finger rubbed her wet pussy for the first time.  "How tight is she John?" One of the brothers shouted out.  "Yeah, how many fingers can you fit inside of her?" He was being egged on and didn't know what to do.  One finger slipped inside of his mother. She let out a sharp gasp as it slipped between her soft folds and then suddenly penetrated her. Vicky moaned knowing that her son was now fingering her.  Soon after, John slipped a second and then a third finger into his mother's wet pussy. He could feel her hips grinding back against his hand and realized that he was finger fucking his own mother right in front of these other guys. He could sense his mother's breathing getting quicker and shorter but couldn't stop. Before long he felt his mother's pussy gripping his fingers as she came.  "Oh my god!" She screamed while her body exploded from her orgasm. "Wow. That was fucking awesome!" One voice said. Another chimed in "Yeah, but I think she owes John one now too!"  They all began chanting "Suck him! Suck him!" After an eternity of staring into each other's eyes Vicky broke away and lowered herself to her knees. She had never felt so incredibly horny and sexy in her entire life. It was like some other person was controlling her body and she could only look on from the outside. Vicky hooked her fingers into the waistband of her son's shorts. John lifted his butt up to help her and soon his pants were tossed aside in a pile with his mother's panties. She didn't look up at him as she gently kissed the tip of her son's cock. She kissed and licked his thick, hard shaft from the tip to the base, caressing his balls in her hands before moving back up to the tip. Vicky inhaled deeply and closed her eyes as she opened her mouth and leaned in to accept her son's manhood in her mouth. The brothers were cheering her on as she sucked off her son but she didn't hear them anymore. Both John and his mother had now crossed the line and were sharing something together that no one else in the room could fully appreciate.  John looked down and watched his mother's head bobbing up and down on his hard cock. Before long the room erupted again in a second chant. "Fuck him! Fuck him!" It took a moment for Vicky to realize what she was hearing. She took her mouth from her son's cock and tilted her head back. Looking up at her son she could see the smile on his face and felt the aching between her legs.  Eric took her arm and helped her up. Vicky was in a daze. She felt Eric's hand on the small of her back as he nudged her forward. As if in a trance, Vicky slowly moved forward. She placed her hands on the arms of the chair and climbed up onto her son's lap. She straddled his lap with one leg on each side of him. She barely knew what was happening to her but she knew that she couldn't fuck her son. She just hoped that her skirt would provide enough cover for her to fake it. Vicky looked up at the ceiling as she moved her body and slowly lowered herself onto her son's lap. The tip of John's cock slid along the slippery opening to his mother's pussy as she came down. Vicky moaned while she paused briefly before she slowly began to grind her hips against her son. She was focused on not actually fucking her son but allowed herself to get lost in the sensation of his hard, throbbing cock pressed against her soft, moist womanhood. She began slowly but soon worked up enough of a rhythm that her pussy was sliding up and down the entire length of her son's cock. All it took was one small miscalculation between them. Vicky gasped as she felt something pushing against her on the down stroke. It happened so quickly that momentum took over as Vicky realized that she had just impaled herself on the tip of her son's cock. She froze in his lap and moved her arms from the chair to his shoulders to prop herself up. Vicky looked down into her son's eyes. They both knew without speaking that they each wanted to continue. Vicky was looking for some excuse to continue and John gave it to her in a fleeting smile and a conspiratorial nod.  After getting the green-light from her son, Vicky took a deep breath before moving again. She slowly let her body settle down onto her son's lap and savored the feeling of him sliding deep inside of her. Vicky quickly noticed that her son had a much bigger cock than his father as she felt the tip of his cock reaching well beyond where her husband could reach while still pushing deeper yet inside of her. She had never felt something so big inside of her and gently rocked her hips into him so that she could feel every inch inside of her. With her hands on his shoulders Vicky arched her back and slowly began to ride her son's cock. John looked up and took in the sight of ecstasy on his mother's face while he fucked her. Unable to resist himself, John reached up and pulled the straps of his mother's costume off of her shoulders and freed her breasts. John's hands move swiftly to each breast and kneaded her soft flesh while his mother's hips slammed down into his lap.  Vicky felt incredibly wanton and sexy while fucking her son. She was so focused on what she was doing that she nearly forgot about the audience until she could hear them cheering her and her son on. She lifted herself up until just the tip of his cock was barely touching her and then she lowered herself until every inch of his manhood was buried deep inside of her aching pussy.  Vicky could hear her son moaning louder as she sensed that he was getting ready to cum. She had planned on pulling herself off of him before he could cum inside of her, but decided against it as she realized that she was also about to cum as well and wanted to feel him inside of her as she did. Being greedy she bucked her hips into his one last time and held herself against her son, grinding into him, as he erupted inside of her. The heat from her son's cum gushing from his cock triggered the first wave of an intense orgasm that washed over her body. The feeling of his mother's pussy tightening around his cock was too much for John as he continued to fill her with his seed. As if her pussy was trying to milk her son's cock dry, Vicky's body rhythmically massaged his stiff shaft as he pumped the last of his load deep into her dripping pussy.  Slowly their mutual orgasms subside. John relaxed in the chair with his mother still gently pushing her hips against his. John could still feel the mini tremors of his mother's body with his cock still buried inside of her. Slowly, Vicky realized how late it was and abruptly climbed up from her son's lap, his juices dripping from her pussy. She realized that it was already almost midnight and that she needed to leave before her husband began to worry that something bad happened to her.  Vicky grabbed her panties, knowing that she needed to do something to keep her son's cum from dripping from her pussy, and quickly pulled them up her legs. She then made a quick escape telling the boys that she had another party to get to and then ran quickly out of the house like a frightened animal.  John remained in his chair as his mother fled the scene of the crime. It took him a long minute to catch his breath and eventually pull up his shorts. By that time other people were starting to show up for the party. John tried to shake off what had just happened, but found himself the center of attention all night as the brothers bragged to everyone how John fucked the shit out the slutty stripper earlier.  At first John was upset that people were calling his mom names like that but eventually he took it in stride and, still in shock, he basked in the moment of being a hero to a room full to eighteen year old boys. Vicky's heart raced as she drove back to her party. Her adrenaline had offset her drunkenness and seemed to sharpen her senses. She tried to calm herself down before walking back in to the party but felt her son's juices every time her thighs rubbed against each other. She was grateful to see that her husband had continued drinking and barely noticed how long she had been away. Vicky tried to shake the shame and guilt of what she had just done, but for the rest of the night she was reminded of how good it felt to fuck her son as his thick and sticky cum oozed from her pussy. Both John and Vicky did their best to make it through the night without constantly thinking about the other. Both failed miserably. When John's parents arrived home Mark made a beeline for his bed after parking the car. His head was still pounding and he needed to sleep it off. John had spent the night nursing his hangover and woke up early to allow the cleaning company into the house. He managed to fall back asleep as soon as they wrapped up but woke again as the morning sun filled his room.  Vicky was still wearing her costume from the night before when she knocked on her son's bedroom door. She didn't learn until later in the night before that her husband had neglected to pack the clothes that she had left out in their room. She heard a muffled voice telling her to come in and slowly pushed the door open. John was still in bed; half covered by his sheet, and looked like he had survived a rough night.  John was squinting up at his mother through bleary eyes as she entered.  "About last night..." Vicky began the speech that she rehearsed all night but was abruptly cut off. "I'm so sorry mom. I can't believe that actually happened." "I know John. It's just that..."  "Don't worry, nobody will know. Those guys have no idea who you really are and I'm not going to tell anyone." "Thank god. We can't let anyone find out." Feeling a slight sense of relief Vicky noticed that the sheet covering her son had tented up. John realized what his mother was looking at and immediately apologized while trying to cover his growing erection. "I'm sorry mom, it's just that..." His voice drifted off as he struggled to find the right words.  "I understand, last night was confusing for me too." "Do you mean that you liked it mom?" Vicky's nervousness betrayed her and she slowly nodded her head admitting for the first time that she did like fucking her son. John was stunned at his mother's admission that she enjoyed riding his cock last night. He pushed himself up and got out of bed, wearing nothing but boxer shorts which left his erection on clear display.  John boldly walked over to his mother took her head in his hands and kissed her for the first time.  Vicky pulled back. "We can't do this."  "We already did."  He paused briefly before continuing, "Are you sure you want to stop?"  Vicky shook her head. John pulled her towards him. Vicky's body fell into her son's arms as they kissed again but this time she was more willing and allowed his tongue to enter her mouth. Vicky felt like a teenage girl making out with her boyfriend. John picked his mother up, cupping her ass checks under her short dress with his hands, and lowered her gently down onto his bed. He paused to take in the sight of his mother, still dressed like a slutty maid, before climbing between her legs.  John's hands disappeared under her skirt as they slid up her thighs and pulled her panties down. John could see that her panties were still covered in his cum from the night before. Tossing her panties to the side he then began to kiss his way up her leg pushing her skirt up with his face until her pussy was revealed to him.  John teased his mother by gently kissing and nibbling the soft folds of her pussy with his lips before finally licking her. He reveled in the heady taste of their combined juices has he brought her closer to orgasm with his tongue. Vicky moaned as her son lapped at her now soaking wet pussy. She didn't have time to even fully consider what was happening when she felt an orgasm welling up deep inside of her. Her breathing quickened and she bucked her pelvis up, grinding it into her son's eager mouth. His tongue entered her just as she was pushed over the edge.  Vicky's thighs clamped around her son's head. Her body shook. She could barely breathe as she was rocked by wave after wave of a powerful orgasm. Her legs finally relaxed as her head fell back onto her son's pillow. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the afterglow while John continued to gently massage her pussy with his lips. Vicky didn't have long to enjoy her orgasm before she felt her son's body shifting between her legs. He pushed himself up and climbed further up the bed until he was hovering right above her. Vicky looked up and realized that her son was waiting for her. She reached out and pushed his boxer shorts down his legs, freeing his rock hard cock.  After kicking his underwear to the side John slowly lowered himself until the tip of his cock was pressing against his mother's pussy. He looked down at his mother who was looking back at him. Vicky was bit her lower lip in anticipation while she waited for her son to fuck her again. John began to tease her first and with just a little pressure he slid the tip of his cock up and down along the length of his mother's pussy. He decided that he wanted to make her beg him to fuck her and his plan worked perfectly. Vicky couldn't take it anymore and broke the silence in the room.  "Oh god!" She screamed. "Fuck me!!" John didn't need any more encouragement and found that he barely needed to push at all to enter his mother's well lubricated and anxious pussy.  Vicky moaned again as she felt the full length of her son's shaft ramming into her. She remembered that he was big but found herself shocked as he entered her again. Inch by inch his cock filled her until she thought that she couldn't take any more but she knew that she could take all of him as his hips pressed against hers and he nudged the last of his cock deep inside of his mother's aching pussy. John's eyes never left his mother's while he fucked her for the second time. There was no pretense of being forced into it this time and they both knew that they really wanted each other. Vicky loved the way that her son's eyes looked into hers with a sense of pure lust. She felt him wanting her body with every thrust of his hips. Vicky kept her eyes locked on his as she pushed her hips back against him matching each thrust. She felt his cock pushing deeper inside of her as their bodies slammed into each other.  John was even more turned on than he was the night before because he knew that his mother wanted him to fuck her this time. He responded by fucking her with a complete lack of restraint. John felt like an animal as he pounded his cock into her. He felt himself getting ready to cum and increased the speed of his hips making his bed bang into the wall with each thrust. Vicky sensed that her son was nearing a climax when he picked up the pace. She braced herself as the first blast of his hot cum worked its way deep inside of her. She felt her son filling her with his seed and came herself just as the flow of his cum was tapering off.  John leaned in and kissed his mother while she came. His cock slowly rocked back and forth as their tongues intertwined and she moaned into his mouth. Taking her son in her arms she pulled his naked body against her while her body tingled from her climax. John slowed down and then eventually let his body collapse onto hers. Before long they both fell asleep in his bed. Vicky woke with a bolt, startling John as she tried to pull herself out from under him. John looked at her and asked what was wrong. Not knowing what she was thinking his hand had already moved back to her pussy while they spoke. Vicky let out a sharp moan as his finger made contact with the soft flesh surrounding her clit but quickly snapped out of it saying that she needed to go before his father came looking for her and found her in his bed. John resigned himself to reality and took his hand away but not before leaning in to kiss her again. "I have to go..." She managed to say unconvincingly before finally slipping from his bed. Feeling more excited than guilty, Vicky crept down the hallway to her bedroom with her son's cum dripping down her leg for the second time in as many days. Finding her husband still asleep, Vicky decided to take a much needed shower and clean up the evidence of her illicit encounters with her son.  Mark woke up while Vicky was still in the shower and decided to go to the gym to help him recover from the previous night.  Vicky took her time in the shower reliving the past 12 hours in her mind as she slowly washed herself. She wasn't sure whether she was more afraid to see her son or her husband as she tried to sort through everything in her head.  Wearing just a black lace bra and matching panties while applying lotion to her body, Vicky looked up to see her son entering her bedroom. "What are you doing! What if your father was here?" "Don't worry mom, I saw him leave a little while ago. I just came to bring you this." John held up his mother's panties and handed it to her. She stepped forward and took them. John tried to take her hand in his but his mother backed off, feeling confused and somewhat ashamed. "John, we can't do that anymore." Vicky tried to be firm with her delivery, as much to convince herself as to convince him. "Why not? I thought you liked it." "I did John, but that's not the point. It's not right." "Listen, mom, I love you. I think you are amazing and you are the most beautiful woman I know." Vicky tried to stop him but he kept going.  "I never thought of you like this before and would never have imagined having these feelings for you but after last night I feel incredibly fortunate to have been able to make love to you. Twice even. I understand that you don't want to do that anymore, but you should know that I will always be here for you." They stood silently as his words hung heavy in the air. Vicky could feel tears welling up as she looked at her son. John saw that his mother was about to cry and took a hesitant step towards her. He took her head in his hands and looked into her eyes worried that he had upset her. He saw something else however as she looked back at him and then he leaned in to kiss her.  Vicky kissed her son back as tears trickled down her cheeks. She wiped away her tears and then began to unhook her bra. John could hear the bra falling to the floor followed by the soft sound of her panties as she stepped out of them.  John stepped back to take in the sight of his mother's naked body for the first time. She was trembling as his eyes explored every curve of her body. Vicky moved closer and stripped her son naked. She led him to her bed and pushed him down. Vicky climbed between his legs and slowly, gently began to kiss his cock. Her lips were tender and soft against his hard shaft.  "Oh mom..." John moaned as his mother teased him.  Vicky methodically worked on covering every inch of her son's cock with her lips and tongue. Unlike the night before when she was being pressured to perform in front of a room full of frat brothers she was enjoying the tenderness of the moment and wanted to savor the feeling of his bare flesh against hers.  Vicky finally shifted her position and took the tip of her son's cock into her mouth. She slowly sucked him while running her tongue along his shaft. After several minutes of teasing him she worried that he might cum before she could fuck him again so she pulled back and moved up so that his cock was pressed against her dripping pussy. Vicky decided to pay her son back for teasing her earlier by carefully rocking her hips back and forth against the tip of his cock but not letting him inside of her. John had other plans though and before his mother could begin teasing him he thrust his hips up sending his cock deep inside of her in one single motion. Vicky gasped as her son's cock penetrated her. She quickly gave up all pretense of being in control and accepted her to her new role as her son's fuck toy. Vicky felt a sense of relief in giving herself to her son. John bucked his hips up as his mother rode his cock for the second time that morning. He couldn't believe that he was actually fucking his mother on her own bed. As they settled into a rhythm John's eyes and hands explored every inch of his mother's body. He cupped her breasts, taking each one into his mouth, and then slid his hands down to grab her ass while she continued to slide up and down his cock. His hands caressed her hips and thighs before sliding around to explore her back and tracing a line up her spine. His fingers pushed through her hair while they fucked. John's hands had moved back down to his mother's ass when she leaned over to look out the window behind the bed.  "Shit, it's your father." John remained focused on fucking his mother as she tried to squirm away from him. His strong grip was unrelenting and he held her hips in place.  "Oh shit, mom, don't stop now!" Vicky looked down at her son and realized that he was about to cum. She knew that it would make too much of a mess if she tried to pull away at that moment and he came all over the bed so she did her best to speed things up and instead began to ride him faster while watching her husband's car pulling into the driveway. They both heard the familiar creaking and groaning of the garage door opening as her hips crashed into his. John and Vicky were frantically fucking each other hoping that he would cum soon before they got caught.  "Oh yes!" John finally cried as his cock erupted.  Vicky pressed herself against him one last time as he came inside of her again.  "Yes, I want to feel you filling me up again." She cooed as John continued to pump her full of his hot, sticky cum while his father was just right downstairs. Vicky slowly rocked her hips against her son's pelvis until she felt him softening. She quickly rolled off of her son and stood up.  John shot up on the bed and pulled his mother closer. He kissed her glistening stomach before she could wriggle free. Without saying a word he grabbed his clothes and ran back to his room panting.  Vicky, still dazed from her new illicit affair, nervously tried her best to cover up the fact that she just fucked her son and had just barely finished smoothing out the sheets before the door opened.  Mark walked in and headed towards the shower. Vicky could feel her sons cum beginning to ooze out from between her legs and knew that she needed to do something. She ran her right hand across her dripping pussy and scooped up as much of her son's cum as she could. She rubbed her hands together and then ran both hands along her neck, as if innocently applying lotion.  Mark had just pulled off his shoes when he noticed his naked wife on the other side of the room. He moved behind her, Vicky's heart pounding in her chest, and put his arms around her. Mark pulled his wife back into him kissing her neck. Mark pulled his head back and told her that she smelled delicious.  Vicky fidgeted nervously afraid that her husband might figure out what she had done. He kissed her again and then licked her neck. "Mmmmm... you smell so good honey." "I uh, it's a new lotion." She said while rolling her head back against her husband's shoulder. He licked her again, telling her that he liked how the new lotion smelled and tasted on her body. Vicky was stunned that her husband just licked their sons cum from her neck, and liked it! She felt his hand moving down her abdomen and graze her bare pussy. He turned her around and pushed her down to the bed.  Vicky couldn't believe what was happening. Having just fucked her son she was now being seduced by her husband. Mark ran his finger along her dripping pussy and brought it to his mouth.  "I can tell how horny you are." Mark says before lick his own son's cum from his finger thinking it was her juices.  Vicky watched in shock as Mark took his gym clothes off. She was lying before her husband with her legs spread wide apart and her freshly fucked pussy still coated with her son's seed. She closed her eyes and let herself go in the moment as her husband climbed into bed.  Vicky felt his cock against her skin and just as she thought he was going to fuck her he moved down kissing her stomach until his face stopped between her legs. Vicky shuddered as she felt his tongue flick across her engorged clit.  Mark kissed her swollen pussy before working his tongue between her lips. She knew that it wouldn't take much more for her to cum again. Her husband massaged her with his tongue just enough to push her over the edge. Vicky felt her body trembling as he pushed his tongue deep inside of her.  Vicky realized that her husband was eagerly eating their son's cream from her pussy while she climaxed. With each contraction of her pussy more of their son's cum was pushed into his mouth. Mark slowed down as her orgasm receded and looked up at her telling her how good she tasted. He climbed back up and just as she felt the tip of his cock against her she pushed back against him and flipped him over pushing him onto his back.  Feeling an irrational pang of guilt about the possibility of fucking her husband, Vicky moved herself between his legs and began to stroke him instead. She teased him with her mouth on the tip of his cock while steadily jerking him off. Vicky knew that he would be ready to cum soon so she pulled her mouth away without slowing her hands down when she felt his body tensing up and continued stroking him as he shot a thick load of cum across his chest.  Vicky collapsed next to her husband. Mark whispers to her that that was incredible while reaching a hand up to fondle her breast. They stayed entwined in bed for a few minutes until Mark finally got up to take his shower.  With her husband in the bathroom Vicky quickly dressed herself knowing that she wouldn't be able to face him when he returned. She needed to clear her head and decided to go shopping at the mall.  At the mall Vicky reflected on the past 24 hours and how she has never had so much sex in her life. She felt guilty about cheating on her husband but then she also admitted to herself that her son made her feel things she hasn't ever felt before. Vicky questioned herself about why she didn't let her husband fuck her or even cum in her mouth while at the same time she tried to convince herself that it wasn't because she wanted to save that for her son.  Just as Vicky was thinking about how amazing it felt to have her husband licking their son's cum from her pussy she noticed that she had stopped right in front of a lingerie store. Acting on nothing more than the lingering sensations from between her legs she decided to go in.  As she entered the store Vicky's dreamlike reverie was broken by a friendly salesgirl. "How can I help you today?" Her chipper voice pierced through the cloud of doubt and desire that followed Vicky into the store. "Oh, ahhh... well, I am looking for something." Vicky felt a little embarrassed as she fumbled over her words but quickly realized that there was no reason for her to be worried and regained her composure somewhat as she continued. "Well, you're in the right place. Is there a special someone who you have in mind?" "Yes there is. He's uh..." "No need to be embarrassed, why don't you tell me about what he likes." "Well, you see I don't actually know what he likes. He's a bit... younger." Vicky realized that she was toying with her wedding ring while she spoke and quickly tried to hide her left hand behind her back. "I see. He must be a very special man for you to be shopping just for him. In my experience younger men will be more focused on you than what you are wearing so we should try to find something simple that flatters your body. I think I know just the thing." Feeling both guilty and embarrassed that the salesgirl must certainly know that she was a married woman but that she was looking to buy lingerie for another man she blurted out that she would like to see what she has in mind before she had a chance to make an excuse to leave. "Follow me." Vicky followed the young woman to the back of the store. The salesgirl picked up an outfit as she led her into the changing room.  "Now why don't you try this on while I wait outside? Let me know when you're ready." Vicky's mind was blank as she undressed and slipped into the lingerie. It was a light pink negligee with subtle lace embroidery across part of the front. Before she even finished saying that she was dressed the curtain was pulled back and the salesgirl stood before her.  "Oh, just as I thought. This is too big for you. Stay right here while I get another size." Moments later she reappeared in the small room and turned Vicky away from her while she slipped the straps from her shoulders. Without missing a beat she had Vicky's arms up over her head and was slipping the new outfit over her head.  "Now let's see how this looks." She turned Vicky around and her hands smoothed out the soft fabric as she examined the fit. Vicky was still feeling very horny from her previous encounter and being in such close proximity to another woman, who apparently had few boundaries, while dressed in lingerie made her wish that she was home alone to sort out her feelings.  "Here put this on too." The salesgirl held up the matching panties. "Are you sure? I thought you weren't supposed to try on panties." "Don't worry, I won't tell if you don't." She ended her sentence with a sly wink before continuing, "Besides, You need to make sure that you like how it looks before you show it to your special friend." Vicky felt as though she had lost control of herself and slipped her hands under the silk lingerie and pushed her panties down her thighs letting them drop to the floor. The salesgirl knelt in front of her and held out the panties. "Let me help you." She looked up at Vicky and smiled while waiting for her to proceed. Vicky slowly slipped one foot after the other into the panties and braced herself as the other woman slid them up her legs. She removed her hands and took her time straightening the outfit out around her waist.  "I think you look gorgeous in this and know that any young man would be thrilled to see you dressed up in this sexy outfit.  "I'll take it." Vicky's voice was barely more than a whisper. She took a moment to look at herself in the mirror while the salesgirl waited up front to ring her up. She lifted the hem and pushed the panties back down into a crumpled pile with her other clothes.  Without thinking about what she was doing she caressed her aching pussy and knew that she needed relief. She leaned against the wall of the mall dressing room with her negligee hiked up around her waist as her fingers eagerly nestled themselves between her soft folds. Her breathing quickened as she soon approached another orgasm.  Vicky quickly changed back into her clothes and then made a bee-line for the register. The salesgirl could tell that she now looked quite flushed and could even smell a hint of her sex in the air. While handing her the bag she smiled and told her to have a good time. Vicky practically ran out of the mall clutching the bag in her hands but couldn't deny how anxiously she was awaiting her next encounter. John was watching TV in the living room when his mother came home. She tried to sneak past him without being noticed, but he caught her out of the corner of his eye and saw that she had a shopping bag from the lingerie store tucked under her arm. He tried to watch TV but was too distracted wondering what she was up to. Later that night, after a quiet dinner, Vicky waited for husband to go to sleep. She changed into her new outfit and then put on a bathroom before nervously going down to her son's room. Her heart pounded in her chest as she approached his door. Although she had already had sex with her son three times this would be the first time that she pursued him with the intention of seducing him.  Her son was sitting at his desk when she stepped into his room. John turned to find his mother wearing a bathrobe in the middle of his room. She walked across his room, placed a small bag on the floor and then faced him as she pulled open her robe to reveal herself to her son. John watched as his mother's robe fell to the floor, leaving her dressed in her new nightie that was just barely long enough to cover her panties. He opened his mouth to say something but she put a finger to his lips before he could get anything out.  "Your father gets up at 7. Set your alarm for 5:30." Her voice was little more than a whisper. John could barely take his eyes off of the sight before him but managed to reach over for his alarm clock. It wasn't until he was actually setting the alarm that it dawned on him that she was planning on spending the night.  Vicky waited until he put the clock back down and then took his hands in hers. She drew them closer and placed them on her hips, just below the hemline of her nightie.  "I hope you like it..." Her voice trailed off as his hands crept up and under her panties. He tugged the thin waistband down and then pulled her closer. John kissed his mother's belly through the thin satin and then slowly pushed the material up until his lips were on her bare skin.  The silence of his room was only broken by the heavy breathing of his mother as his lips made their way down to her pussy. A deep sigh filled the room as John's tongue made contact with the small nub of her clit. He felt her body tense up and pulled her against his eager mouth.  Vicky held on to her son's head to steady herself as he brought her to another orgasm. She needed a minute to regroup when he was finished but he had other plans for her. John led her to his bed and indicated for her to lie down. He climbed on top of her and spread her legs apart giving him a perfect view of her pussy as it glistened in the pale moonlight.  John wanted to be in control this time and he positioned himself directly above her body. He leaned in and kissed her. He could sense her vulnerability and wanted nothing more than to make love to his mother. John slowly inched himself forward until his cock brushed against her smooth, bare skin. His mother took a deep breathe in anticipation just as he entered her. John and Vicky both woke to his alarm going off. She tried to roll out of his bed but he pulled her back into his arms, mounting one last time before letting her go back to her bed with her pussy again filled with his cum. John watched as she changed into another outfit before leaving.  Vicky woke up again at 7am by her husband's alarm. She could feel her husband stirring as she tried to remain still. He reaches over and massaged her breast. Unable to retrain herself she turned to her husband and told him that she liked what he did the night before. Vicky spread her legs for him and guided him down. She moaned as his lips pressed against her soft flesh. Vicky came again knowing that she liked having her husband licking her pussy clean after having her son fill her with his seed. After her husband finished she rolled over and reflected on her new situation as she drifted off to sleep. She wondered if her son would want to still see her again after he moved out. She wondered if she could actually be with him on campus as his girlfriend since nobody would know who she was. Her last thought before falling asleep was about what his new frat brothers would think if he started dating a stripper. For Pics visit:---->>> https://cutt.ly/hwsMVhC
Title: Bathed in Sun, Naked Sister Summary: Sister, her virgin brother, and a modeling job.  Keywords:inc,fic,erotic,hot,sex Day 1 It was a family vacation. Maggie sat in the backseat as they headed down the California coast. Everyone in the small family was there. Her father, her mother, and her brother. She hadn't seen much of them in the past several months. Not since she moved to San Francisco for art school. She wanted to be a fashion designer. Or anything in the field of fashion. Her younger brother lived at home and attended a nearby university. And since they had time off for summer, they decided to go on a trip together, down to the nice resorts of Southern California. *** It was heaven, Maggie thought. There was hardly anyone around the private resort. Her father, a corporate attorney, had paid top dollar for a small private villa by the shore. They had a perfect view of the beach. The villa only had two rooms. One for the parents. And another for Maggie and Jeff. Luckily the siblings had separate beds. It was going to be a lovely weekend. After relaxing for the morning, they had a nice family picnic on the sandy beach. Maggie wore her bikini, with a large white T-shirt over it. She was eager to work on her tan, but she didn't want to do it in front of her family. That would have been much too awkward. Other couples from nearby villas came and befriended Maggie's parents. They got along quickly and had a lot in common. Even though it was supposed to be a family vacation, the parents appreciated having adult conversations with other business professionals. 'Perfect,' Maggie thought. It was her chance to sneak off and work on her tan. "Maggie, take your brother with you," her mom said. Her mom was a caring person, and she always made sure the siblings stayed close with each other. And she especially didn't want Jeff getting bored while the other adults were talking. And so, Jeff was reluctantly made to follow his older sister. Maggie became slightly upset at the sudden loss of privacy, but she was going to tan anyway, she figured. She carried a small beach blanket, some lotion, a small bottle of water, and off they went. "Where are we headed?" Jeff asked. "I don't know. Any place where there's privacy. I don't want anyone seeing me tan. Well, except for you I guess since we're stuck together." They continued their short walk down the shore. It was a hot day and the sun was already taking its toll. Finally, they found the right spot. They were by the edge of the beach. There was no one nearby. It was more than enough privacy for sunbathing. Maggie spread her beach blanket on the sand and prepared to lay on it. "I'm going to take off my T-shirt," she said. "Don't make this weird, okay?" "Holy shit." "Jeff, this isn't a big deal, okay? I'm sure you've seen a hot body before." "Not you," he said. "Look, over there." Maggie turned her head to see what her brother was looking at. "What is it?" He pointed further down the beach. "Do you see that?" When Maggie squinted her eyes and looked closely, she saw a small hut, with two people, and someone taking their picture. The two people were completely naked. A lady was on her knees with her face in a naked guy's crotch. Her head was going back and forth. "Is that a fucking blowjob?" she asked incredulously. "Either that or some new yoga technique." "Jeez. What kind of place is this?" "That definitely wasn't in the brochure that dad showed us," Jeff replied. "But hey, who's complaining?" Jeff kneeled down, and so did Maggie. They didn't want to get caught. But they wanted to watch for a moment, especially the enthusiastic young Jeff. They simply watched for several long moments. In a flash, a thought came to Maggie's mind. "Wait a minute, why are we watching this?" she asked. "I don't know." Jeff's eyes were still glued to the sexual action. "Pervert. I'm going to work on my tan. Keep your eyes on the blowjob and don't look at me. Okay?" His eyes remained forward. "Got it." Maggie pulled off her T-shirt and laid on the beach blanket. Her bikini-clad body on full display. She stretched and found the perfect position to lay. At least Jeff wasn't going to be looking at her body, she thought. Jeff was too busy looking at something else. It was serenity. She finally got the sunbathing experience she wanted. Through the corner of her eye, she saw her brother still occupied by watching the oral encounter. It was weird, but gratefully, there was silence. "Excuse me. You two are on private property." The voice was strong and stern. Maggie turned to see a much older man with a peeved expression on his face. He looked upset that they had (apparently) trespassed, and more importantly, that Jeff was watching the oral encounter. The man continued coming closer. "You're not supposed to be watching this." Maggie got up and quickly put her T-shirt back on. "We didn't know this was private property," she said. "Fair enough," he said, calming down. "But now you've been told. So please, leave. People your age shouldn't be watching this." "We're both legal adults," she staunchly replied. The man calmed down even further. "Oh, my apologies then, I assumed you were younger." "Well, I'll take that as a compliment then," Maggie replied. "That doesn't change the fact that you're on private property." "Okay, okay, we're going. And if you're so concerned about the law, then you should really do something about that public blowjob over there." "You should check the local ordinances lady. And we also have permits." "What are you, some sort of porn company?" she asked. "Modeling company, now please leave." Maggie looked closely at the guy's T-shirt, which had a small company logo on it. "Do you work for Buckel Fashion Works?" The man smiled, "Yes, that's us." "Wow, I'm actually an admirer." Maggie went over to greet the man with a handshake while Jeff looked relieved that he wasn't in trouble for spying. "I'm Gustafson," the man said. "I'm Maggie. That's Jeff," she replied, pointing to her brother. "You two are dating, I'm assuming." "Yes, we are," Maggie said before her brother could comment. "Well, it was nice meeting you both. Enjoy the rest of your stay here." "Do we still have to leave?" Maggie asked. "Yes, we're working." "You know, I'm an art student in San Francisco. My goal is to work in the fashion industry. I've actually studied some photographic images from your company. And I've even used some for presentations." Gustafson gave a hearty laugh. "You know, I'm the founder of Buckel Fashion Works, don't you?" "Apparently not. I didn't know that." "Well now you do." "It's a huge honor to meet you. Really. But what's a fashion company like yours doing filming a blowjob on the beach?" "We're not a porn company," he said defensively. "We don't distribute porn, and we never well. They're newlyweds. And they've hired our best photographer for a romantic shoot. That's all." "I've done some modeling work before. Do you think we can meet your photographer and look at your set-up? I'd love to see how you operate." "And why should I allow that?" Maggie thought for a moment. "I think we can help each other. You see, I know a lot about modern techniques in regards to computer enhancements and so forth. I can help make those blowjob pictures even more gorgeous. And I can teach it to your crew. I've gotten high marks in the art academy." "What do you want in return? An internship in San Francisco?" "That sounds good. I mean if you think I'm a good fit." Gustafson thought hard and gave a sharp stare. "Okay, that sounds like a fair deal. We'll see what you can do. If you've got skills, then maybe we can collaborate. I'm always looking for new talent." A broad smile appeared on Maggie's face. *** The siblings were allowed to enter Gustafson's villa. As it turned out, he was on a work-vacation. He enjoyed the beach view. And he also assisted some clients who wanted romantic pictures taken. In a way, helping couples was a chance for Gustafson to enhance his game and try new things. He was always looking for new ways to stay innovative. Maggie and Jeff got to meet the young newlywed couple after they went back inside the villa. It was awkward for the siblings, given what they saw. But the couple didn't seem embarrassed at all. They were proud of the explicit pictures they had taken. Later, Maggie put a few touches on the photographs using the computer. She made the images look more appealing by enhancing certain colors and using nice shading. Everyone in the room seemed impressed by Maggie's skills. "Well done," Gustafson said. "You did a nice job." "Thank you," she smiled. The newlyweds and photographer also complimented Maggie on the beautiful enhancements. After a while, the newlywed couple left, and so did the photographer. It was a beautiful day and no one wanted to be stuck editing photographs any longer. "I've got good news, and not-so-good news," Gustafson said. Maggie nodded. "Let's hear it." "I've been texting with the manager of our San Francisco division, and we've just finished a new round of hiring. We've already got enough art people, probably from the same art academy that you currently attend." "Oh," she replied with a sad voice. "The good news is, I like you. You've got talent, and you've got moxie. You're a pretty cool chick." "Thanks." "So how about a modeling gig?" he offered. "I think you look good. You've got a natural spark which many people find appealing. That is, of course, if you're interested." "You bet!" she said with a sudden burst of energy. "I've done some modeling work for a part time job. So I know the drill." "Do you have a portfolio?" "I do, but I didn't bring it. I have some pictures on my phone. Professional stuff that was shot in a studio. Hang on a sec." Maggie reached for her phone and searched through it. Then she showed a few pictures of herself to Gustafson, who examined it very carefully. "Very nice. Cute face, nice body, and you've got a sassy attitude. Why don't you come back tomorrow when the photographer is here? We'll take some nice pictures of you and see where things go from there." "Sounds great." They all shook hands, and the siblings left. *** "Can you believe that?" Maggie beamed while walking on the beach towards the family villa. "I mean, wow, I might actually have a chance to work for Buckel Fashion." "I can't believe I actually saw all that stuff." She squinted at her brother. "You're a virgin, aren't you?" "No," he scoffed. "Of course not." "Don't bullshit me, Jeff. You were like a zombie looking at those adult photos. A sex crazed college student sex-obsessed zombie. It was like there was nothing else on your mind. Admit it, you're a virgin." He huffed, "So what if I am?" "There's nothing wrong with that. I think it's great that you're saving yourself for marriage." "It's not that." "So you're looking, but you've had no luck," she replied. "Basically." "You're a handsome guy Jeff. And your personality ain't bad. You'll find someone soon enough." "Thanks, I guess." Day 2 After breakfast, the parents began to socialize with the other adults in the nearby villas. That gave Maggie the perfect excuse to leave and do her own thing. But of course, she had to take her brother with her. There was no way around that. She had tied her hair in a nice ponytail, and she wore her best bikini, with a large white T-shirt over it. The siblings walked alongside the shore again, towards Gustafson's private villa. "How come we can't admit that I'm your brother?" Jeff asked. "It's pretty unusual pretending to be your boyfriend." "I know, but I had to make a split-second decision. If he knew that you're my brother, he might not have let us join. After all, they were taking sex pictures. Who would let a pair of siblings look at sex pics together? That's just weird. So it's better if he thinks that we're dating instead." "That makes sense," Jeff nodded. "Plus Buckel Fashion Works are known for their sensual and sometimes erotic images. Gustafson might have been too creeped out to let a brother & sister look at any of his photos." "I can't say I'd blame him. But like I said, it's unusual pretending to be your boyfriend." Maggie stopped walking and looked at her brother seriously. There as a no-nonsense expression on her face. "Listen, I really want to work for that company," she said. "It's my dream to work for them. I love their work. So please, don't screw this up for me." "I'll be on my best behavior." "Good. And be forewarned, their pictures are edgy and artsy. Don't be surprised by what you see." "We've already seen a lady suck her husband's dick yesterday," he replied. "I know. But this is different. I want to become a model for them. Hopefully, that'll lead to a designing job in the future. Remember, I'm desperate to work for them, okay? Don't forget it." "Got it." *** The siblings met with Gustafson along with the Italian photographer (who didn't speak a word of English) outside the villa. They had a brief conversation sitting around a table drinking lemonade. Maggie was asked about her goals and passions. She explained that she had always been attracted to the world of fashion. She further explained that she was attracted to the artistry and freedom of that industry. She talked about all the different courses she had taken at the art academy, and which ones she excelled in. "You sound like the type of person we're looking for," Gustafson said. "Now let's begin the shoot. I'm sure your boyfriend will enjoy watching." "I'm sure he will." Maggie gave her brother a playful wink. "Also, keep in mind that I don't always make the final decision when it comes to hiring. I'll send these pictures to San Francisco, and they'll decide." "That sounds good," Maggie smiled. "Great. I'm sure they'll love you. If not, they'll find something else for you to do if there's a future opening." "I really look forward to helping this company in any way possible." Gustafson nodded. "That's the attitude I like. Now let's get started." *** They all went to the beach together, right by the ocean waves. Maggie had removed her T-shirt and modeled in her bikini. She struck different poses for the Italian photographer while Jeff and Gustafson just watched. She was a natural at posing and modeling. There was a vibrancy about her. Her love-for-life attitude made her even more attractive than she already was. Then, the Italian photographer spoke. Gustafson translated, "The photographer says to remove your top." "What?" Maggie asked with a shocked expression. "Is something wrong?" "No, it's just that, I wasn't expecting this." "You're familiar with our type of work, aren't you?" Gustafson asked. "Yes, but..." "Buckel Fashion Works is a growing brand because of our sexy and classy edge. I assumed you would understand what kind of shoot this is." "I do." "If this isn't your thing, then..." "It is!" Maggie proclaimed. She reached back and untied her bikini. All the while, she gave her brother a subtle expression which said, 'sorry about this. We'll discuss this later." And then, she pulled her bikini top away and tossed it to the sand. And her breasts were exposed. They were small with an upturned perky shape. She saw Jeff look extremely uncomfortable, but after a moment, he tried to control himself. Jeff didn't want the others knowing that they were actually siblings. For some reason, seeing her brother so flustered actually made Maggie kind of excited. Maybe it was because she was teasing a virgin. Or maybe it was the taboo. Whatever the case, she had a job to do. And she did it. Her pert breasts had a bikini tan line. Her body had a slight tan, but her breasts were pale white, in the shape of white triangles on each chest. It was the first time her breasts had been exposed to the sun in a very long time. And she enjoyed it. It was the first time anyone had ever taken pictures of her breasts, and she enjoyed that even more. A slight breeze came and it made her pink nipples stiffen. She struck different poses and the camera snapped away. The moment gave her an exhilarating rush. Gustafson, the photographer, and her own brother were staring at her topless. Her pictures were being taken and she was on a beach with the hot sun on her tits. The adrenaline only gave her more confidence and bravado. And that translated perfectly towards her modeling. "You're something special," Gustafson said, almost transfixed by her beauty. She smiled, "Thank you, sir. I feel great." The photographer spoke in Italian, and Gustafson listened attentively. "He wants Jeff to remove his clothes and join you," Gustafson said. "Let's make this another couple shoot." Jeff immediately protested, and Maggie gave a diplomatic response stating why it shouldn't happen. Gustafson listened, and he tried to be understanding. "Very well," Gustafson said. "My photographer is a very passionate man. His specialty is eroticism, especially between couples. That's his favorite." "Can we continue with this shoot?" Gustafson spoke to the photographer in Italian. "He says he's done," Gustafson said. "He doesn't want to take any more pictures unless it's a set for couples. I hope you understand, my photographer is a very stubborn man. However, he is the best in our company. A true artist." "So, should I put my top back on?" "Yes, you've been amazing." Maggie quickly reached for her bikini and put it on. In some ways, it was a relief to be covered again. But in other ways, she had been enjoying the exhibitionist moment. *** After the photographer had left, the siblings were alone with Gustafson. They were inside his villa and he had emailed the pictures to his team in San Francisco. "I'll text you later when I hear their opinions," Gustafson said. "How do you think I did?" "You're a natural. You've got spunk. There are many beautiful women in the world, but you've got something which can't be taught. I really like you. And I think the rest of my team is going to like you also." "That's so wonderful to hear," Maggie smiled. "It's been such an honor working with you, and your photographer." "Likewise. And I apologize if my photographer and I had offended you earlier. We should have given you notice about the couples pictures he wanted." "No worries." He nodded. "You two looked bewildered at the idea. Especially Jeff." "My boyfriend is a very shy person," Maggie smiled again. Jeff simply stood awkwardly with a stiff expression. "That's okay," Gustafson said. "Being photographed is a lot harder than people imagine." Maggie pondered for a moment. "Just curious, but what would have happened if we had actually taken couples photographs together?" "Well, those types of sexually explicit photos show raw emotion. Obviously, we don't distribute any images like that in our advertisements or promotions. But we often use couples. So I think my team in San Francisco may have potentially looked more favorable towards you." "Really?" "I believe so. San Francisco is a tough market. They need the very best and the bravest. If I recall, some of our recent modeling hires had submitted sexually explicit photos. It showed that they were fearless and open to anything. That type of confidence is very powerful." "Interesting." "You look like you're having second thoughts," Gustafson noted. "Not exactly," she replied. "But what if I was?" "No big deal. The photographer can come back tomorrow and we can resume." "So we can still do the couples photographs tomorrow?" "Why not?" Maggie raised an eyebrow. "And what sorts of things would that require? I mean, do we have to get naked or anything?" "That's usually expected." "But I mean, specifically, what do the people in San Francisco like to see?" Gustafson thought for a moment. "Based on past models who were hired, our managers like to see nudity between couples, to make sure the model has an easygoing chemistry and can work well with others. But also, they like to see actual sex acts. As I've mentioned, it shows that the model is fearless and has an open attitude towards sex. And that type of confidence translates well in our official photographs. That's a big reason why our marketing has been so successful. Our models exude sexual confidence." "And these test pictures, no one will ever see them outside of the team, right?" "Right," he confirmed. "They're strictly confidential. And we have an extremely tight confidentiality policy. After we make a hiring decision, we delete those pictures if the model wants." "In that case, Jeff and I will come back tomorrow," she smiled. "Are you sure?" "Positive. Make sure your photographer is here." "You're a courage young lady, Maggie." They shook hands and confirmed the appointment. *** The siblings headed back to the family villa. Maggie was all smiles, and Jeff seemed like a nervous wreck. "Are you kidding me?" Jeff asked. "Please, I'm in a great mood, don't screw it up." "Sorry but, are you kidding me?" "Look, a modeling job from Buckel Fashion Works could potentially start a career for me once I graduate," she replied. "It's my dream job. And they pay a lot of money. So if you go along with it, then I'll be happy to compensate you later." "Screw the money. How do you expect me to get naked in front of you and a camera? I'm not that kind of guy. I have dignity." "No you don't. I've caught you jerking off to porn so many times." He blushed, "That was a long time ago. Big deal." "My point is, you get to see my breasts again. You liked seeing them today, didn't you?" "I'll pretend you didn't just ask me that," Jeff replied. "Well, you get to see them again. All you have to do is stand there for the shoot. Remember, the pictures are going to be deleted later. So who cares? It's nothing to worry about. Plus I'll pay you later." "But I'm terrible at the modeling stuff. I'm so awkward in front of the camera." Maggie shook her head. "Doesn't matter. They're only looking at me. I'll do all the work. You just stand there. Okay?" "You always talk me into doing these crazy things." "You're the best." She wrapped her arms around her younger brother and gave him a big kiss on the cheek. *** Late that night. Maggie & Jeff were both in bed while their parents slept in the other room. Jeff was asleep while Maggie was busy texting with Gustafson underneath the covers. According to Gustafson, the team in San Francisco were "impressed" with Maggie's potential, but they still wanted to see more. They wanted to see how Maggie would interact with a male figure on camera. The implication was that they wanted to see Maggie doing sexual stuff with someone. After thinking for a few moments, Maggie texted back: will do. Have a good night gus And that was the end of their late night texting conversation. The promise had been given. The arrangements had been made. Maggie laid in bed wondering if she could actually go through with it. With her own brother? Of all people. Him? She came to the realization that it might not be so bad. It was just sex stuff. They were both legally adults (although Jeff was a virgin). And they would both be consenting. It would feel good. It would probably be humiliating for Jeff, but he would get over it eventually, she figured. Especially if she was able to make him cum really hard. It would have been well worth it to get a job with Buckel Fashion Works. Plus, in some very strange way, the whole situation was kind of arousing to Maggie. It was fun modeling herself topless. And it was, even more, fun doing it in front of her virgin brother. All she needed was his approval. But getting Jeff's approval wasn't rocket science. He was a typical horny young college student. Bribing him should be simple, she figured. Maggie got out of bed. The bedroom was lit by moonlight, as the curtains were open, and it was a full moon night. She tip-toed over to his bed. Then she sat beside him as he slept. "Wake up," she whispered. Jeff didn't move. Then she poked him. "Wake up," she whispered again. He slowly moved. "Huh?" "Shh... It's 11:38. Keep it quiet." "Why?" "I need a favor." "Can't we talk about this in the morning?" he groaned. "No. We need to talk about it now." He sighed, "What do you want? If it's about the photograph thing, fine, I already said I'd do it." "I know, but it's a little more complicated than I thought." "Even more than getting naked?" "What's the furthest you've ever gone with a girl?" she whispered. "Huh?" "You heard me. Answer the question." "Maggie, that's private." "Just tell me." He sighed, knowing that arguing was useless. "I let my ex-girlfriend stroke me down there. I did the same to her." "Did you cum?" "Jeez." "Just answer the question. Did you cum? Did it feel really good?" "Yes, to both." Maggie reached underneath her virgin brother's thin blanket. Her hand moved to his shorts. At first, Jeff put up some resistance towards the inappropriate touching. But then he relented. Maggie was able to slip her hand inside his shorts. It only took a split second for Maggie to touch the bare skin of the soft manhood. "Here's the deal," she said. "Tomorrow, we're going to do everything together. That means, whatever the photographer wants, we'll do. Okay?" "But...but..." She squeezed his cock tighter. "No 'buts.' You have to do it. In exchange, you won't be a virgin anymore. We'll work out the details later, but that's the general agreement. Okay?" Her fingers massaged his ever growing penis. "Okay," he said meekly. "Good. Now, we have to act natural tomorrow. It has to seem like we've done sex stuff before. Obviously, since they think we're a couple. So, we have to get some practice. Okay?" Jeff's eyes widened. "Okay." "Now be very quiet. No moaning. We don't want mom & dad to hear. They'll be very upset if they knew." Maggie clenched the hardened cock and began to stroke. She stroked and stroked. The siblings looked at each other, the moonlight on their faces as Maggie masturbated her younger brother. He made short gasping noises. He had been jerked off before, but it wasn't nearly as good as the way Maggie did it. Maggie was a pro. And she knew exactly what men liked in a hand job. Jeff began to grunt and moan. His body tensed. He tried to keep the noise levels down. "Promise to be good tomorrow?" Maggie whispered. "I promise." "You better." Maggie swiftly dove her head underneath her brother's blanket. Her lips quickly found the hardened cock. She stroked furiously and Jeff came. With her lips around the tip of the erection, her mouth sucked & slurped every drop of cum. Everything. Right down to the last drop. When it was all clean and Jeff had nothing left, Maggie pulled her head out and tucked her brother's cock back inside of his shorts. Then she fixed his blanket so it was nice and neat. "Good night," she whispered. With that, Maggie tip-toed back to her bed. Day 3 The next morning. After a family breakfast, the siblings went back to Gustafson's villa. Their parents were once again spending time with the other adults for a private boat ride. The siblings walked alongside the shore and Jeff was anxious while Maggie was excited. "Will you relax?" Maggie said. "You act like something terrible is going to happen." "Well isn't it?" "Orgasms are a bad thing all of a sudden? You didn't have a problem last night." "That's different. That was private. This is going to be on a freaking beach with two guys watching, then god knows how many other people looking at our pictures." "Focus on the orgasms, Jeff. Focus on the orgasms." *** They reached the villa and Gustafson greeted them warmly. It was another friendly chat. And for the first time, Maggie was beginning to feel the nerves. The magnitude of what she was doing was finally setting it. It made her excited and scared at the same time. The contrast of feelings made her aroused. "I spoke to my San Francisco team again this morning," Gustafson said. "They reiterated that you have a lot of potential. They basically agree with me. All they need is a little more proof of how seductive and sexy you can be in front of the camera." "I can't wait." "Well, you've almost got the job. You should be getting a fairly generous offer once you get back to SF. I think you'll be pleased." "Glad to hear it," she replied. "My ultimate goal is still to become a designer. But I think this is a great step in the right direction. Assuming it goes smoothly." "Maggie, your potential is limitless. If you get hired, which I suspect you will, then you can do whatever you want when the opportunities arise." She smiled. *** They all went to the shore together, but this time, Maggie was dressed in a towel, nothing else. She was completely naked underneath. The anticipation was in the air as Maggie felt the sun on her skin and sand on her feet. It was actually happening. And there was no turning back. Her eyes surveyed the beach. There was no one around in that area. She worried that people would spy on them, much like how she and her brother spied on that other couple having oral sex. But it didn't matter. She tried not to think about that. She continued walking until her feet were near the water. Then she was told to remove the towel. And she did. The towel was tossed aside. And Maggie's naked body bathed in the sun. She was completely naked. Her tan-lined figure was revealed to Gustafson, the photographer, and her very own brother. The tan lines were on her breasts and cleanly shaven pubic area. But thanks to the naked photoshoot, she might not have those tan lines for much longer. "Gorgeous," Gustafson smiled. "Thank you." "Now in the water. Play. Have fun. Be free." Maggie smiled and turned to face the ocean waves. She revealed her naked ass, which also had tan lines, and proceeded to head towards the water. A wave hit her feet. The water came in a fast rush. She went further in the water until it was up to her knees. When she went far enough in the water, she turned around and showed her naked front side to the men. The camera had been snapping away. She smiled and moved around. She splashed the water and had fun. Her body glistened from the water on her skin, and the bright sun shining on her. It was the most vulnerable she had ever felt in her life, being naked in front of others. Yet, there was also a sense of freedom which came with the liberation. It was arousing to her. She became even more aroused knowing that her body movements had left the men tantalized and spellbound. Gustafson looked pleased by what he was seeing. The photographer was busy doing his job. And her brother Jeff looked uncomfortable, yet very aroused. Nudity wasn't something that Jeff was used to seeing in person, and especially from his own beautiful sister. The photographer spoke in Italian, and Gustafson listened. "He says to have the boyfriend join," Gustafson translated, turning to Jeff. "It's your turn to remove your clothes. Go in the water and play with your girlfriend." Jeff momentarily froze. He didn't know what to do. It wasn't until he looked at Maggie that he finally moved. She had a look on her face which said, 'Don't you dare screw this up for me, or you're in deep shit.' It was the kind of look which only a domineering older sister could give. And it worked. It always worked. With a confidence and beauty that Maggie had, who could resist? Jeff stripped down in a mechanical way. There was nothing sexy about it. It was just like undressing in the doctor's office. Only it was for an incestuous photo shoot. Maggie's eyes widened at her brother's raging erection. It was the first time she had ever seen him naked. Despite his nervousness and apprehension, Jeff's cock revealed his true feelings. It was the ultimate indicator that he was ready for action. And it showed that he possibly had secret desires for his sister. 'Holy shit, this is actually happening,' they both thought. "Come over here," Maggie said seductively to her brother. "The camera is nothing to be afraid of." Jeff got in the water and approached her. "How sexy do you want this to be?" Maggie asked Gustafson. "It's really up to you. However, keep in mind that the San Francisco team are very open minded when it comes to sex. They've seen a lot. Nothing really surprises them anymore." "Oh yeah? Watch this." And with that, Maggie grabbed her brother by the shoulders and pulled him forward, kissing him sloppily on the mouth. It was a wet hot kiss. The kind that siblings should never give each other. But it was necessary for the job. No one would ever know. She did all the work, slobbering on her brother's mouth. She even slipped her tongue inside. All the while, Jeff stood still as a board. The poor guy was completely in shock over what he was feeling. He had kissed girls before, but none was as beautiful as his own sister. "He seems very shy," Gustafson noted. Maggie ended the kiss. "That's okay. I'll loosen him up." They resumed the hot kiss, with Maggie leading the way. She later ended the kiss and put her lips to her brother's ear. "Suck my tits," she whispered. "Huh?" "Suck them. Make it look natural and hot." "Oh god," he whispered. "Just do it. Don't screw this up." She pulled her brother's head down towards her chest. He hesitated at first but then began to suck her hardened pink nipple. Once her nipple was being sucked, Maggie leaned her head back and gave a blissful look. She wanted to sell the fact that she could be sensual on camera. And she did. She peeked at the men watching through the corner of her eye, and they appeared to be thrilled by Maggie's facial expressions. Something had taken hold of Jeff and he began to suck harder. He sucked both of Maggie's pink nipples and fondled her pert breasts. "Nice job," she whispered. "Mmm Hmmm..." His mouth was too busy sucking to reply. Maggie knew that he was getting carried away. She knew he would like it. And that only made the experience even more pleasurable. She enjoyed the feeling of her nipples rolling around in his mouth, and her tits being sucked. "Oh wow," she gasped. "That looks wonderful," Gustafson said. "Now let's move things along. Is there anything else?" Maggie thought quickly. There was an innuendo in Gustafson's voice. A sexual innuendo. He wanted to see something explicit. And since he was the boss, he was the man to please. She put her hands on her brother's chest. It was a signal to Jeff to stop sucking and stand up straight. "Don't move, okay?" she whispered to her brother. "Are you going to...?" "Yes. Now stay still. Relax and enjoy." Then she dropped down to her knees. The ocean waves were to her stomach. Then she grabbed a hold of his throbbing cock. She looked up and winked at her brother. Jeff looked down with disbelief. Neither of them could believe it. She strokes him a few times to loosen the mood. Maggie winked at him again. Yes, it was about to happen. That was her simple message to her younger brother. Without any further delay, Maggie took the erection inside of her mouth and began to suck. Immediately, Jeff groaned loudly. Receiving oral sex wasn't something he was used to. And it felt amazing. She sucked and sucked. Her head bobbed rapidly. Her lips wrapped tightly around the shaft. Her hands stroking and rubbing. Her tongue licking. There was a strange feeling inside of Maggie while she sucked her brother's cock. Sure, she had always enjoyed sucking cock. According to her past partners, oral sex was her specialty. (And Maggie agreed). But this was different than simply being in private. This was something else entirely. She was doing it in public. In front of two professional men. Right on the beach with the sun on her body. The ocean waves. Most of all, she was sucking off her own brother. It felt twisted and wrong. But the taboo of everything involved was incredibly hot. She loved the fact that she was making Jeff squirm with the actions of her mouth. She knew he could barely stand from the oral assault. Her oral sex was that good. Jeff groaned, "Oh my god...I think I'm going to...I think I'm going to..." She briefly took his cock out of her mouth and she stroked him. "Cum in my mouth baby. You know how much I love your cum. You taste delicious." After giving that dirty talk, she continued sucking. The siblings looked each other in the eyes. Jeff exploded in Maggie's mouth, and she continued stroking and sucking. She didn't dare stop until Jeff was completely drained of all his cum. And that's what happened. He shot his loads until nothing was left. She winked at him in a playful way and removed her mouth. Jeff playfully fell backwards into the ocean water. It felt that good. Maggie looked at the camera and winked. Then she licked her lips. Then she winked and licked her lips at the same time while the camera continued snapping photos. "That was...it was unbelievable," Gustafson stammered. Gustafson was rarely a speechless man. But on that morning, he was. *** Later that night. Jeff was sleeping. Once again, Maggie was in the midst of another late night texting session with Gustafson. It was a short and sweet conversation. She was more than pleased with the results. After the texting ended, she got out of bed and went to her brother. She woke him up by pushing his shoulder. "Wake up," she whispered. "Wake up." His eyes slowly opened. "Hmm?" "Look." Maggie showed her brother the phone. She scrolled down to show images of the photos they had taken that day. Various images of Maggie completely naked, playing under the sun and splashing the ocean water. Images of them passionately kissing. Images of Jeff roughly sucking Maggie's nipples. And finally, images of Maggie sucking cock and swallowing cum. It looked like something out of a porn website. Not something that siblings would do. But that's what happened. Jeff was shocked seeing the pictures, but also aroused. Who wouldn't be aroused at images of Maggie naked and performing oral sex? The girl was beautiful and had a sensuality about her. Despite the hardcore nature of the photographs, there was also a classiness and beauty to them. The photographer was a pro. And his pictures were top quality stuff. "Now look down here," she whispered again. She scrolled through the text conversations with Gustafson, and showed Jeff a picture of a contract. "The people in SF liked my pictures," she whispered. "This is the contract they sent me. It's for part-time work. It pays nicely. Gustafson said that I could potentially do design work in the future. Can you believe it?" "Wow, that's nice," he whispered back. She nodded. "Remember we made a deal? If you were good today, then I'll owe you back? Well, today you were great." "Yeah, thanks." "Are you ready to lose your virginity?" His eyes widened. "Huh?" "Shhh... Keep it quiet. Okay? We don't want mom or dad waking up. I have a tendency to make guys become noisy during sex, especially with a trick I do with my vagina." Maggie pulled his blanket away. The anticipation was growing. Then she pulled his shorts down, exposing her brother's manhood. Both of them became anxious. The cock was flaccid, but it quickly grew. It didn't need any further stimulation aside from the offer of sex. Being exposed in front of Maggie was enough to make any man aroused. Siblings or not, Jeff's cock wasn't immune to Maggie's sex appeal. The cock quickly stiffened and pointed upwards. Maggie removed her own pajama bottom. She never wore panties to sleep. All that was left was a big T-shirt, and she was braless underneath. She climbed on top of her brother and guided the cock to her hole. No lubrication was needed. She had already been wet from the idea of fucking her own brother and taking his virginity. It was a surreal taboo. And she was daring enough to actually try it. She had already known that it would feel amazing for the both of them. And why not? She had already given him his first blowjob. Why not be his first love making partner? Maggie's rationale was, if Jeff was going to lose his virginity, it might as well have been with her, instead of some college slut. After all, they had always been close with each other, and Jeff had done her a big favor that day. She straddled her hips to get comfortable with Jeff's cock inside of her. They looked each other in the eyes while she slowly began to gyrate her hips. Their faces were lit by the moonlight. She moved her hips in a slow and controlled manner. It was a technique which Maggie had proudly perfected. Start slow, and work things hard later on. "How does your first pussy feel?" she asked softly. "Un...fucking...believable." "That's what I like to hear." She put her hands on Jeff's chest and leaned on him. Jeff reached up and fondled his sister's tits through her T-shirt. Maggie's breasts felt soft and delicate. The nipples hardened and poked through the fabric of her T-shirt. "Shhh...." she whispered. And that was when she picked up speed. Her hips moved faster. She knew how to make a guy feel good. After receiving a nice modeling contract, she felt that she owed him. She wanted to make things feel extra special for her virgin brother. And she did just that. She did her famous vagina trick. She clenched her pussy tightly when she moved up, and released when she slid down. It achieved its desired effect when Jeff's eyes widened and he was about to release a loud groan. But Maggie was quick enough to prevent that by putting her hand over his mouth. It had been anticipated. "No noises, remember?" she whispered. "We wouldn't want dad to know that we're fucking in here. And we wouldn't want mom to know that I'm taking your virginity. This is our secret, forever." She clenched her pussy and thrust. Her hand was still covering her brother's mouth. "I know how badly you want to cum. I can tell. It's okay. Do it. Cum inside my pussy." After a few more moments of her vaginal technique, Jeff came inside his sister's pussy. She clenched her vaginal muscles tightly and quickly rocked her hips, up and down, then back and forth. Her tight little hole maintained a strong grip on the ejaculating cock. "That's it," she whispered. "You're almost done. Almost there. That's it." She continued working her pussy until Jeff went flaccid. Then Maggie was finally able to relax her vaginal muscles. She climbed off him, and instead of using tissue for cleanup, she used her mouth, slurping everything up. Her lips and tongue made sure that Jeff was clean. Then she swallowed what was in her mouth. When it was done, Maggie pulled her brother's shorts back up, and she covered him with the blanket while he simply laid there in bliss. She couldn't resist teasing him one last time, by patting Jeff's cock through the blanket. "Good night," she smiled. "And thanks again for the help today. It's not something I'll forget." Maggie went back to bed. She didn't bother cleaning his cum from inside of her pussy. And she didn't bother putting her pajama bottom back on. She simply went to bed bottomless, with her brother's cum inside of her. The End For pics visit:---->>>https://bit.ly/2ReHUJI
Title: My Daughter's Xmas Present Summary: Daddy gets a special Xmas present from his daughter.   Keywords:inc,fic,erotic,hot,sex I'm a horrible snoop.  Especially around the holidays.  There are a lot excuses for invading the privacy of a teenage daughter, especially as a father. I could say (especially after) that I was concerned about the content of her gift to her boyfriend. I might have said (before I found the pictures) that I felt she should be saving money for college instead of throwing it away on a man who only seemed interested in one thing.  But my real excuse, lame as it may sound, was that there was a Christmas gift on my daughter's bed, and I thought it might be for me.  I'm horrible at gifts. The kid shaking the presents to find out what they were beforehand never really grew up. When my wife was alive, hiding Christmas gifts from me became half of the fun. She would place them in these elaborate hiding spots, sometimes even storing them in her office. If I found them before Christmas, we celebrated together that night when she got home. Love has this way of turning our faults into something celebrated together as a harmless idiosyncrasy that only one person really knows intimately. This time of year makes me really miss her.  Even after 18 years.  Kaylee never knew her. She died a few days after childbirth. I... try not to think about it, because sometimes it almost seems like a trade. Because as much as I still love Karen, as a single father, I started to feel like Dad became my entire identity. And at first, when she needed me for everything, that seemed like enough. I don't want to say it was a fair trade; nothing about it ever seemed fair, most of all that Karen never got to see our baby girl become the beautiful woman she is today. But at least Karen passed on something special.  But now Kaylee has pulled away. A healthy amount. Right now, even though it's Christmas Eve, she's out with a few friends.  Of course we are still close. Closer than most fathers and daughters. I guess it's only natural that Kaylee needs someone other than her dad. Friends, boys, all part of growing up. It has been a gradual thing. From playdates to sleepovers to now weekends when I practically don't see her.  And all along there were moments when I could see that my little girl was no longer so little. There have been so many times when I've done my best to avoid seeing her growing breasts as she parades around the house, oblivious at first that the same kinds of clothes she wore when she was younger drew too much of the wrong interest with 34C cups.  How to have that conversation?  How to have the conversation about sex, about periods, about birth control?  Because no one else, no one with more experience could help me out with anything. My parents were Puritanical, and I'd rather not see my princess pregnant because she thought praying would work as well as a condom. So I just did my best. I couldn't lie, use the popular euphemisms, or skate over things. I had to always tell the truth and know when to ask for help.  It's meant figuring out exactly how tampons, pads, and every other feminine product works. It's meant awkwardly taking my daughter to Victoria's Secret for a fitting. And it's meant sitting with the doctor to discuss birth control options and reminding the damn kid to take her birth control pill. But it hasn't been all bad. It's made us very close, because Kaylee knows that she can ask me anything. And while there's thing I never would have wanted to know, there's things I've needed to know and needed to say. Better me explain a blowjob than some teenager as he tries to get one in the backseat of his pick-up.  It's meant that I have gotten the chance to know her as a young woman. Yeah... she's had her bratty tempers tantrums, her hormones, and her real grief at the loss of a mother she never knew. But I have always been there for her with answer to any question no matter how uncomfortable.  And while at times it's certainly felt icky, maybe it's selfish to pass on an unconscious squeamishness about sex. Maybe that's a bullet more parents need to bite, because that keeps teenagers from having sex too soon, or having the wrong idea about birth control and safety. It also teaches them the importance of communication with their partner, and that the difficult and awkward conversations are sometimes the ones we need to have the most.  Everything else-- friends, college, and dating-- we impart wisdom from the many fuck-ups of our lives hoping to spare our most important someone in the world a little more pain. But with sex we treat our kids like the subject is Voldemort, and we aren't allowed to even speak the name. I wouldn't have been any different, not realizing that my own hang-ups get passed down by each generation. But I didn't really get the choice with Kaylee. I realized the first time I saw most of her breasts because I hadn't bought her so much as a training bra that not saying anything was not an option.  So Kaylee knows what I know and considers sex completely natural, not some mysterious thing too fun and forbidden to talk about openly. I've said over and over again: I don't want to know the details. But she's 18, and even if she's living at home, she certainly has the autonomy to make her own decisions about her body. And at some point, I have to trust her, even with this new boyfriend who I can hear dirty talking over the sound of Parks and Rec in her bedroom. You want your daughter to grow up... but it's always too soon, and it's selfish to not think of her as a person who is finally beyond my complete protection and control.  And while I think that's perfectly natural in my head, I also think it's a pang that hits every parent hard. Just when I had finally gotten used to devoting my entire life to this other person, she decides that there are now these other people she wants to spend her life with... and they are jackass teenagers.  But so were most of my friends, so was I, and so is Kaylee.  Did I get enough "wisdom" through?  I hope so.  I also hope that her present isn't what I think it is.  I've had plenty of experience opening and resealing presents. My late wife always made meticulous use of the correct Christmas wrapping and paid pristine attention to the corners. I had to be sneaky. But Kayle wrapped presents with all the concern of a rabid raccoon. I didn't see how she could notice if I saw what was inside. And of course, my girl couldn't be bothered with things like a tag or bows. Inside was a shoe box, too light to contain actual footwear. I opened the lid and saw a bunch of photos. And then I saw what was portrayed in the picture on top. I slammed the lid shut to the box.  I was sure I just saw my daughter's breasts! And I couldn't help myself. I had seen most of her already, in bras, towels, and volleyball shorts. It's one of those things I can't help but notice, even along with that natural sense of shame. Because deep down, of course part of me wanted to see more, even though it's wrong... especially because it's wrong...  And fuck if she didn't look so much like Karen! Long, very dark, almost black hair, wide eyes, an intoxicating smile, the kind that makes a man aspire to do whatever it takes to see it again. Her breasts never seemed as big as Karen's, but more than enough to draw a man's attention. And I had seen enough of her ass, bent over the volleyball court, that perfect bubble butt ready to burst out from the thin spandex.  And there were more than one picture in the box... I began rationalizing. I knew I was going to look from the start. Yes, I'd had a steady diet of porn, but it's different seeing someone in your real life. That it was my daughter didn't much matter. I hadn't known many women recently. I told myself there just wasn't time, but I never could move from Karen. That I wanted to see, to look but not touch, well it didn't seem so bad really. Besides, I might need to talk to her about this. I had addressed sexting, but I kind of thought we were past the polaroid days.  I had to know what she was showing this boyfriend...I slowly reopened the box.  The first picture was taken from a downward angle, probably with her iPhone in a mirror. I could make out each of her nipples, small little dots on her large breasts, and the curve of her ass. I took it in for a second. Her face wasn't visible, and I couldn't quite make out all of her body. The next shot was far more graphic.  Again with the iPhone, though not in her hand. She was spread down doggy style, her face buried in her bed, her hair tied back into pig tails. Kaylee used both hands to spread her cheeks, showing off her tight, smooth little butthole and the lips of her pussy. My cock stirred against my jeans, and I moved uncomfortably, making it worse.  I had an erection looking at my own daughter!  But it wasn't like she was here. It wasn't like she needed to ever know. And so what? She was a hottie like her mother. Nothing was going to come of it.  I turned to the last picture. This one was something else. She faced the camera, and it looked like it had been almost professionally done. I could see her face in this one, a finger pulling down on a pouty lip. She looked so innocent, and yet so knowing. Her eyes were wide with pleasure. Finally I could see those breasts fully. She had small, perky areolas compared to the rest of her. She sat up a little, so as to accommodate the pink vibrator (which I had bought her) deep inside her hairless pussy, though the toy was only about five inches long.  I remember picking that out for her a long time ago. I've learned a lot about a woman's body, but I wanted Kaylee to figure out her own sexuality. I had heard a lot of a stories from my wife, who grew up in a very religious home, about experimenting with things like hair brushes and other dangerous things. So one day I just left it on her bed and never said a word. Seeing her use it... well I was glad I did the right thing.  She looked so beautiful. I took in every inch of her body. Without even realizing it, my hand moved to my penis. I fished it out and moved to my daughter's bed. I spread out the present so I could see each part of her body-- her ass, the curves of her body, and that toy... the toy that I got her. I imagined seeing it move in and out of her as I moved my cock back and forth, rubbing it against the rough fabric of my jeans.  I knew I was going to cum. I had to cum. And I found myself aiming my cock towards Kaylee's picture, trying to aim my semen for her pouty little face. I wanted her covered in my cum and didn't care about the consequences in the moment. I was getting close, right on the edge, my head started to twitch in anticipation...  "Daddy?"  I froze.  Then recovered enough to shove my penis back into my pants. I had been facing away from the door, still it was kind of clear what I was doing. I couldn't say for certain that my daughter saw my dick, but she certainly saw the photos.  I turned around. My cock straining noticeably against my jeans. Her brown eyes looked down at it, then up at me, her eyes widen with shock. Then she let out a nervous laugh. I blushed and tried to double down on my role as a parent.  "Look, honey," I started. "You take a great picture. But you haven't been seeing this guy more than a few months." "His name is David and we-" "Look, I know. And I guess this is somewhat better than sexting. If you want to give him the pictures without your face in it, that's fine. I can't stop you from taking nudes with your face in it, but you are too young to know what you want out of life. A teacher, a judge, whatever... If those pictures get out..."  "Dad..." "I've shown you the stories on revenge porn..." "Dad!" "And I don't know David, but this stuff can get out and-" "Dad, it's not for David!"  "What?" I blinked a few times, trying to figure this out. "No... we broke up over a week ago." "Why didn't you say-" "I just needed some time," Kaylee said. "Besides, you like always hated him. I felt stupid enough without the I told you so." "You know I'm trying," I said. I said this a million times over these 18 years. Every time I fucked something up. Every time she felt the least bit mad at me, I told her I was trying. Our own version of "as you wish" from The Princess Bride. Just my special way of saying I love you and I wish your mother was here to help me.  "I know, and I also know I shouldn't have left a gift out this close to Christmas," Kaylee said.  "Well..." "And what were you doing in my room?" "Snooping," I admitted, spreading my hands wide. "And I am retroactively justified. Sorry hun, I'm in the clear. Part of the job." "Come on... I'm 18!" "And still in high school," I countered.  "One more semester." "Is that an argument? Because it really seems more like random words masquerading as an argument. I found naked pictures of you!" "I'm 18!" "I know, I know," I said softly, deescalating the situation. "I just want to ask how well you know this guy?" "Oh, like really well..." "Yeah?" "Long as I can remember," She said coyly.  "So you can trust him." "I hope so!" "This is serious." "The gift was for you!" She blurted out.  And then every functional part of my body just stopped working as my brain struggled to react. The idea that these pictures were actually for me, that my daughter took her vibrator and played with herself for me.... Well I couldn't think of anything to say.  "Oh come on, Daddy," She teased. "I can see your hard on right now. I knew you'd find it. It's Christmas Eve. Like you wouldn't try and catch a present before I put it under the tree." "But, honey," I stammered. "You're my..." "So what?" Kayle said. "Daddy we've never had quite the normal relationship." "What do you mean?" "I mean most dads don't give their daughter a vibrator. Most dads don't make sure their teenager has the right bras and knows how to make sure something fits. Most dads don't make sure their daughter takes their birth control pill every night."  "Well I mean without your mother-" "And I know I look like her," Kayle whispered.  I didn't know what to say. "It's okay. I'm glad. She was so beautiful, Dad in the all the photos and videos. And you weren't weird about it." "Weird about what?" I asked.  "The looks, Daddy," She said. "It's how I knew you would like this. And I've been encouraging it a little ever since you first saw me in a towel a few months ago. I've been teasing you. I notice how you look at me in my volleyball shorts or yoga pants, even if it's not obvious. It's how you looked at those photos. It's okay. I love that I can do that for you, Daddy.  I still didn't know what to say.  "It's just pictures. If you don't like them, it's okay. I got you other Christmas gifts..."  She sounded so forlorn; I knew I had to say something.  "I... I... liked the pictures. I just think it might be wrong..."  "I've thought that too," She said, her hands playing with her ponytail before moving down her tight brown locks and to her tight tank top, playing absently with one of the straps.  "But a lot of people think sex is wrong," She finished. "This is different..." "Because we are family?" She snorted. "Only if we were planning to make babies. I'm on the pill. And besides...." She paused for a second to collect her thoughts.  "I don't really see the harm in pictures. Especially since they remind you of mom. I don't imagine she left you many nudes. And it's been a long time for you." That awkward silence seem to hang all around the air, as if we could reach out and touch it. Each of us struggled with what to say. "How long?" She asked timidly.  "What?" "How long has it been since you've had sex, Daddy?" "I'm not going to talk about that with you." "Oh my god! Not since... not since Mom?" I nodded, embarrassed.  "Okay, literally... for fuck's sake, enjoy the pictures, Daddy." "I'm not going to..." "Oh, like you weren't already. Come on Dad, I saw your shove your dick in your pants." She reached over me slowly, her white tank top revealing nearly all the top of her cleavage as she picked up the photos. She held the first one over her chest, standing a foot or less away from me, giving me a full view of her nude on her side. "I didn't really like how this one came out. I mean... it's okay. You can see my left nipple, so that's kind of a tease, and it doesn't show my face, so I don't mind spreading it around, but it's just not my best angle." "I think... you look good..." I stammered.  "Aww thanks, Daddy. You look good too! It's why this is so easy to share."  She winked at me.  "Now this one's a lot better. I always liked the spread view, where you can see both holes. Not a lot of attention gets paid to the butthole, but I think for girls it's really almost better than a pussy. I had to take it like a dozen or so times, lining up the phone just right, but it was worth it, don't'cha think?" I nodded.  "Take it out, Daddy... come on..." I couldn't bring myself to do it. So Kaylee surprised me by bending down on her knees, setting the pictures at her feet, and working slowly at unbuckling my belt.  "It's not like I haven't seen it. It's not like you weren't stroking yourself looking at me naked. Go ahead... it's your Christmas gift. What's that they say, it's only cum once a year?" She worked at my belt slowly before unbuckling it. Then she unbuttoned my jeans and unzipped them until they parted enough for the head of my cock to poke through. I am circumcised, a little over seven inches, and wide enough to be noticed. But as hard as I was, at this angle it didn't look like anything too special.  Still she cooed.  "It's so big." "No..." "I can tell... let me see more." I worked out the rest of it as she bent down, again almost flashing her tits in that tight fitting tank top. I moved the skin up and down my shaft, faster and faster, stroking myself inches away from my daughter as she leaned over and picked up the last picture.  It was then I realized in a moment of clarity that I wasn't even looking at the pictures really, just my daughter. And even as she showed me the photo with her playing with that pink vibrator in her pussy, her breasts on full display, I could only think about the girl in front of me, watching as her father jerked himself off in front of her, acting as if nothing unusual was happening.  "I couldn't quite decide on a pose here. I hope pouty wasn't too much. But then again, you aren't really looking at this for my face," She purred.  She was right. I wasn't even looking at the photo against her chest. I was looking straight into my daughter's eyes, lost in lust. Imagining taking my only daughter and shoving my cock into each of the holes she'd shown me.  "I'm going to suck your cock, Daddy." God it felt good.  "And Daddy.... You can cum wherever you like." Jesus Christ... my baby girl.... "I'll swallow every drop if you like. Or you can cum on my face. I'll let you fuck my tits if you want." She got down on her knees and started to jiggle her tits, the tank top not really holding them in. Kaylee reached up near the straps and slid the white fabric down, showing me her nipples as she pulled part of her breasts out for a split second.  "Is that what you like, Daddy? You like that I have these big tits now don't you? Because I'm still Daddy's girl." Oh God... I was close.  Then she pushed my hand away and grabbed my dick, which seemed to dwarf her hand. "I'm only going to suck your cock tonight, Daddy. But I want you to know that I'm good at it. I've been practicing for you, Daddy." She beamed as she took the head of my cock into her mouth, never breaking eye contact, as if looking to me for some hint of resistance. I couldn't offer it. I was past the point of saying no. And how could I? My daugher kissed the tip of my head first, letting her lips slowly tease me as she moved slowly forward. She didn't even take the entire head in at first. Instead she stroked me with the other hand before spitting on my shaft. She swallowed the length of me quickly then gagged and came back coughing for a second before moving my head into her mouth. Gradually, she recovered and took more and more of my dick inside of her mouth, until all but the base fit inside her mouth. I didn't hold onto her head. I couldn't do anything but let my daughter use her mouth to fuck my cock. She bobbed up and down going faster then used her hand here and there to take a breath.  She finally came up gasping.  "Tell me how you want to cum, Daddy... please... I want to make you cum soooo bad.."  She rubbed the head of my dick against her cheek as she looked up at me.  "Please, Daddy... wherever you want.." I started to pull away from her but then changed my mind. She felt too good.  "Make me cum with your mouth, Kaylee. Swallow it all..." She moved back to my cock, taking me deeper and deeper, faster and faster, only stopping to tell me... "You know I've always wanted to suck this cock, Daddy." Her mouth felt so wet and perfect. "Cum for me, Daddy... and I won't waste a single drop of your cum. I want it so bad. Please, Daddy, I'll be...  And as she stroked me, my first shot started, hitting her across the right cheek and chin. Another hit her forehead, and ran down her nose as she pulled me towards her mouth. I shot a few more loads into her mouth as she deep throated me all at once, taking every one of my seven inches without gagging as she gulped greedily at my cum. I felt the head of my cock twitch a few more times before I was finished. I softened in my daughter's mouth as she looked up at me wide-eyed and through a long stream of cum in her right eye.  She looked perfect.  Cum was on her forehead and covered most of the right side of her face, running down onto her chin. And as I pulled out, a long strand of saliva stuck between the head of my cock and her lips for a few seconds.  Perfect.  My daughter covered in my cum, looking up at me with nothing but love.  "Daddy, I really needed to go to the bathroom now and clean up. But I'll have another present for you tomorrow." "Okay... " "Thank you, Daddy," She said smiling.  "Thank you, honey," I said. "I hope it's okay... I mean since your-" "OK fuck, Dad, it feels like battery acid is in my eye. I love you, but I'm going to go take a shower." She got up and started to take off down the hall, her ass shaking in those tight shorts as she made her way to the hallway bathroom.  "I love you too," I said.  I tried to peek in the shower.  All I could see was her blurred outline behind the glass, a sexy silhouette of her naked body under the steam.  Then her face popped out from behind the curtain. "Good night, Daddy! You'll get another present tomorrow, one you won't find tonight. Go to your room until I wake you up." ***** I've never waited for a Christmas like this. Not even when I was a kid.  I couldn't sleep. My mind raced as I lay in bed, every now and then checking the clock to see that only a few minutes had gone by. I looked at her pictures again more than a few times, stroking myself almost to orgasm, but I couldn't bring myself to finish. Not while the image of my daughter wearing my cum on her face flickered in my brain.  My hard on kept me up through the night. She must have known how eager I was, either that or she couldn't wait herself, because I heard the loud knock on my door at six in the morning and my daughter's bubbly voice.  "Merry Christmas, Daddy! Your present is under the tree!" I put on my boxers, my cock still standing at attention as I walked. I put on a pair of sweatpants and still could see the outline of an erection. I didn't think there was much of a point in trying to hide it. As wrong as it was, I wanted her to give me that beautiful pussy I had been looking at all night for Christmas.  My cock softened a little as I walked into the hallways and living room. And there she was, basking in the glow of the Christmas tree, all wrapped up for me. Her nipples were covered with two red bows, showing nearly every inch of her breasts. She had taped a large piece of red and green wrapping paper around her waist like a skirt. She smiled at me, her hand holding her head as she propped herself up.  "Do you want to unwrapped your gift, Daddy?" I moved her on her back and ripped off the the wrapping paper, looking down at her bare teenage pussy. She looked so tight and small, even as I spread her legs apart.  "It's exactly what I wanted." I put my mouth down on her clit, using my lips to gently kiss my daughter in her most intimate area. She squealed a little bit, and I wrapped my arms around her legs, keeping them apart as her hips bucked up against my tongue. I licked in small little circles all around the top of her pussy, just the way her mother loved it. It was impossible not to compare the two, though it had been so long.  "Oh God! Daddy, you're so good at licking my pussy." I varied my technique, tasting every inch of her before moving one of my finger inside of her. I parted her lips with my index finger and watched as my daughter started fucking herself on my hand. I kept my tongue moving, and she began moaning louder and louder.  "Please, Daddy, don't stop..." I didn't.  "Oh God... I'm close, I'm close so close... Daddy, can I cum?" I looked up at her, Kaylee's eyes closed in ecstasy  "Cum for me, baby girl." "Oh God.... Daddy, I'm cumming!" Her whole body shook underneath me. Her legs and pussy spasmed, and I kept my mouth on her clit, my lips tugging gently on her as she came.  "Jesus, just fuck me, Daddy." I tugged down my underwear and sweatpants, my dick literally springing out of my pants. I adjusted her small body, my eyes looking down into my daughter's, as if asking permission to do this, to cross this line all the way. I wanted her so bad. I needed to be inside my daughter.  "Please, Daddy, I need to cum again. I need to be fucked." She looked so desperate.  I gripped my head, positioning it right where it could slide into Kaylee. I couldn't quite get the right angle at first and just rubbed myself all over her dripping cunt. I moved her legs back a little, my hands holding her thighs as I adjusted her on the carpet. I moved my hand to my cock and pushed it forward, hearing her give a gasp as the mushroom head spread her apart.  "Oh wow... It's so big..." I moved deeper inside her, slowly stretching her pussy as I held her against me. I looked into her eyes, and then down at her nipples, still with those red wrapping bows stuck to them. I squeezed her breasts with one hand, moving in closer to kiss her. Our lips met for the first time, connecting us together in a some small way somehow even more important than being inside her.  "Is it your first time?" I asked, already knowing the answer. "No, Daddy... " She looked away. "It's okay, baby." "No, Daddy, it's just your penis is so much bigger than his." "Oh God... you feel good." "I'm sorry, Daddy, I didn't mean to be such a slut." I could feel myself all the way inside her. "It's okay, baby." "I always wanted you though. I called him Daddy every time. I just didn't know if you would want me..." "Oh honey..." "I wanted this so bad, Daddy. Oh God I need it. I need your big Daddy dick. I need your cum. Use me, Daddy, use my hole." I pumped faster into her, trying to hold on as long as possible. I knew that I would need to have Kaylee again and again, but that wasn't what mattered right now. I wanted her to have an orgasm. I wanted her to enjoy sex in every way possible. I wanted to take care of all her needs.  I held her legs apart as I drove my cock into her,pushing up against her, moving forward slowly and taking my time so as to hear every moan of pleasure as I pounded into my daughter. She moved back against me, and I moved my hands down her legs to grip the sides of her ass. I went faster and faster, spurred on by her moans.  "Oh fuck, Daddy, I'm about to cum." "Ask me," I said.  "What?" She said.  "Ask me if you can cum, like you did before.  "Can I cum, Daddy?" "It's so hot, honey. It makes it sound like you've really given me your pussy." "You do own my pussy, Daddy. You made it, so you can decide when you want to make it cum." "Oh God, Kaylee..." "Daddy, please can I cum? Oh God... Daddy I'm so close... PLEASE, DADDY!?" "Cum for me, Kaylee.." She gasped for breath.  I had to slow down to stop from cumming right then. Still I couldn't help but keep every one of my seven inches all the way inside of her as she clawed at my back. I could feel her convulse around my cock, nearly screaming with pleasure as the orgasm overcame her.  "I'M CUMMING, DADDY!" She yelled.  "I know, baby. Cum for Daddy." Her eyes closed as her neck arched.  "Look at me, look at Daddy." She had almost a frightened expression, her eyes fluttering and filled with an intense look of pleasure, her mouth open wide as she let out a moan. She was breathing heavily as her body settled a little bit, then she kissed me again.  "Thank you, Daddy," "Come here," I said as I pulled out of her.  I positioned Kaylee on her hands and knees, facing the real presents under the tree. I moved my hands over her tight little bubble butt, giving each cheek a small little slap as I moved closer to her. One of the bows fell over her nipple as she arched her back, letting me see the bottom of her nipple as I pressed her down into doggie style. I didn't need to feel to know that each of her tiny nipples was rock hard, but I did anyways, moving my left hand under her breasts.  I moved my cock against her ass, for a second fucking between her cheeks. I lowered my body a little bit, finding the angle a little uncomfortable, before spreading her lips again with the head of my cock.  "Go slow please, Daddy..." "Tell me how it feels, baby." "It's sooo big, Daddy... so much bigger than my boyfriend's." "Is he the only one to fuck you?" "No, Daddy..." "You've been such a slut."  "Yes, Daddy." "Are you going to be my slut now?" "Yes, Daddy." "You aren't going to let other boys see these titties." I grabbed both her tits now, knocking off the last bow, pinching her nipples and pulling on her breasts, using them to fuck her.  Kaylee cried out in pleasure.  "It's soo deep, Daddy..." "Are these Daddy's now?" I asked again, squeezing hard on her breasts.  "Yes... Daddy... " She said, almost out of breath. "I... can... barely... take it..." "Does it feel good?" "Yes, Daddy.... Keep fucking me, keep fucking your little girl. OH FUCK THAT FEELS GOOD!" I pulled her closer, getting as deep as I could inside of her. I moved my hands to her ass, grabbing both cheeks for a second before turning my hands around and gripping her silky thighs. I saw my daughter turn around and look at me. "Harder, Daddy... please." I started to sweat, trying to keep up the momentum.  "Harder, Daddy... treat me like a slut. Fuck me hard." I slapped her ass. I couldn't believe the things coming out of my baby girl's mouth.  "HARDER, DADDY! Pull my hair! Fuck me rough!" I grabbed her ponytail in my right arm and gave it a gentle tug.  "Harder, Daddy! Fuck me like the slut I am." I pulled a little harder, using her hair to yank her neck back. "HARDER, DADDY! Punish me. I've been a naughty slut, teach me who's slut I am now. I was such a bad girl."  I yanked her hair hard.  "Oh yes, Daddy, fuck your slut." "You're mine now, honey." "I'll be your good girl, Daddy. I'll only fuck you. It's your pussy.  She paused, looking back at me over her shoulders as we stopped for a second.. "But I need it rough. I want to just be taken by you. I've fantasized about this for so long. I just want you, Daddy. Do me however you want." I grabbed her shoulders and pumped faster and faster. I could hear the sound of my body against her, the loud slap as my ass connected with her pelvis. She seemed to fuck me as much as I fucked her. I couldn't believe how well she took it, how my daughter wanted more and more of me inside of her. She was so wet and still so tight. At points, I felt I could barely fit inside my little girl, and still she threw herself back onto me. "Oh yes! Use me, Daddy!" I grabbed her by her hair and pushed her face down onto the carpet. She adjusted so that her her check was resting comfortably as I moved inside of her.  "Please.... Can I cum, Daddy?" "No." I said.  "Please, Daddy... I'm so turned on." "No."  She gasped as I pulled out of her.  "Please no, Daddy! Please fuck me more, Daddy!"  "Come here." I said, sitting on the couch. I started her out riding me, sliding inside of her easily now. I had her wrap her arms around my shoulders and then slowly started to stand up. "What are you doing, Daddy?" "I'm going to pick you up and hold my baby girl." Her legs wrapped around me as I worked to my feet, my cock almost sliding out as I picked her up. She couldn't have weighed much, and I was in good enough shape to easily hold her up, my hands squeezing her tight little ass and spreading her cheeks apart. Her arms hugged tight around my neck, and I could feel her nipples pressed against my chest. "Oh God, no one has ever fucked me like this!"  Kaylee started bouncing up and down on my cock, using my shoulders to piston herself up and down. Once, I slide out, but she was able to grab my cock and put it back inside of herself almost instantly. I couldn't really speak. Keeping a grip proved to be a challenge. As I found my footing again, kicking a few wrapped presents out of the way, I ended up using the tree as sort of leverage. It pressed up against the wall of the living room, the ornaments all clinking against each other as I moved my daughter against the branches. The whole Christmas tree threatened to topple over for a second before stabilizing, helping me gain a little balance.  As she rode my dick, I could feel Kaylee's fingers moving up my chest. Her hair had started to come undone, strands of it in her face, but still I could made eye contact with my daughter. Then Kaylee moved down and bit into my neck hard.  It felt amazing! I fucked her even harder then, hearing the sound of the tree against the wall as I pounded into her.  "FUCK! Daddy, can I cum?" I nodded but either she didn't see it, or she wanted explicit permission.  "Please! Daddy, this feels so good..." "Yes... " I barely whispered. "Cum..". I would have lost her but for the Christmas tree. She moved both her hands to my back and pushed harder into me. She was riding my cock, suspended in midair, barely holding on as she shook with pleasure. I could feel her pussy quiver and her body writhe against me, making my cock twitch with excitement.  "I'm cumming..." She said almost as an afterthought long after the pleasure had subsided.  I was close now and knew my orgasm needed to follow my daughter's. She was mine now, to do with what I wanted, to take care of her in every way.  "I need to cum..." I said. "Cum inside me, Daddy." "You sure?" "You know I'm on birth control." I did.  "I saved this for you, Daddy. I needed you to be the first to cum inside my pussy. I've always wanted to feel a man's cum inside of me. I just wanted you to be first." I gave a few more thrusts, each a little bit faster before feeling the point of no return. As the semen moved up inside of my baby girl, I stopped moving, overcome with pleasure as I finally let go. Instead of shooting out like earlier, my cum seemed to slowly flow out and into my daughter's wet pussy. I held her close, giving one last stroke inside Kaylee as my penis slowly shrunk inside of her.  As I put her down, I looked at her bare pussy while she found a place to put her feet. My cum was running down my daughter's legs, and a little had splashed on one of the presents. We both noticed together, then Kaylee looked up and away from me, a little embarrassed.  "Well Merry Christmas, Daddy." And we both laughed.  "It's okay," I said. "I don't want to open any other presents today. I already got exactly what I wanted." For Pics visit:---->>> https://cutt.ly/hwsMVhC
Title: Goodnight Kisses Summary: Sister's lifestyle change leads to love with brother. Keywords: inc,fic There was a light rapping on his window that caused Matt to stir from his slumber. He was in the middle of a rather pleasant dream and was reluctant to let go of it. He was making love to someone, but he couldn't quite tell who it was in his dream. It wasn't his girlfriend, Alison, he was sure of that. If only he could see this wonderful girl that was bringing him such pleasure. She was just. . . TAP TAP TAP. "What the Hell?" he mumbled. He sat up and flipped on the lamp beside his bed. The alarm clock stated that it was five minutes past five in the morning. It was still a few minutes before dawn, at this time of the year. TAP TAP TAP. Matt stumbled out of bed and raised the blinds on the window that was facing the back yard. There stood his sister, Lisa, shivering in the cool morning air. He stood there, just staring at her for a moment while his mind tried to register just what the heck was going on. It took some frantic gesturing on his sister's part to snap him out of his trance and get him to open the window. The cold air drafted in and helped wake him up a bit. Lisa immediately began to climb in, landing on her belly on the floor. "What in God's name are you up to? You could have used the damn front door, you know," he berated. Lisa rolled over into a sitting position and slid across the floor with her back to Matt's bed. She sighed heavily and leaned against it. She was dressed only in shorts and a tee shirt, and was still shivering. Her eyes were puffy and red as though she had been doing a good deal of crying recently. Matt shut the window and studied her with a disapproving eye, noting that she smelled as though she had recently taken a bath in stale beer. "My keys are in my purse at Katie's house, along with my phone. I left my jacket there, too. I didn't want to wake up Grandma by ringing the doorbell, so I was hoping you would let me in." "What happened?" Matt asked. "I don't want to talk about it right now." "Did someone, uh, hurt you? Are you OK?" he asked. His tone changed from one of irritation to concern. "I'm OK. No one touched me," she replied. "Here, let me help you up. You look like you spent the night in the freezer. Did you walk here all the way from Katie's house?" Matt asked her, taking her hands and pulling her from the floor gently. She was such a little thing, about five feet four and couldn't have weighed much more than a hundred pounds. He sat her on the edge of his bed and draped his blanket across her shoulders. She pulled the blanket tight and sort of half-smiled up at him. "Yeah, I walked home," Lisa admitted. "Jesus, Lisa. Couldn't you have gotten to a phone and called me? You know that I would have come to get you! You can't be walking ten miles in the dark. Some freak could have grabbed you or something," he said. "I know. But I had a lot of thinking to do." It had seemed like during the past year or so, Matt had been doing a lot of worrying about his little sister. She was almost nineteen but still acted as though she was in middle school. Her grades at community college were barely passable, and he suspected that she spent more of her time partying than studying. It was hard to tell exactly what she was up to because they rarely spoke to each other for any length of time anymore. Now here she was crawling through the window at five in the morning. "I just don't want anything to happen to you. I'm going to make some coffee. Do you want me to get you a cup of tea?" he offered. Lisa wouldn't drink coffee, but would sometimes have a cup of tea with her grandmother. "That would be nice, Matt," she replied. "OK, I'll bring it in. Be right back." Matt made his way to the kitchen and started the coffee maker. He also began to heat up some water for Lisa's tea. It was horribly early for him to be up, especially on a Sunday. Still, he thought that he would have a hard time going back to sleep. He thought that he could possibly lend some emotional support to his sister. Maybe get her to talk to him for a change. Short of slapping her upside the head and telling her to straighten up, he wasn't sure exactly what he could do to help her, though. For the millionth time over the last couple of years, he wished that his parents were still around. Their grandmother was OK, but she was in her late eighties and there was a huge disconnect between Lisa and her. They got along fine, but grandma would never be a shoulder to cry on, so to speak. Matt carried the coffee and tea back to his room only to find Lisa snoring softly. He sighed and set the cups down on his desk. She looked as though she had just tipped over in the position that she was in when he had left the room and fallen instantly asleep. She was half on, half off the bed and didn't look like she could be very comfortable. She must have been totally drained after spending the entire night walking home in the dark. She was such a pretty young woman, didn't she realize any of the terrible things that could have happened to her? Didn't she realize the amount of stress it was putting him through to have to worry about things like that? Matt took a sip of his coffee, walked over and as gently as he could, he removed her shoes. Without waking her, he lifted her legs onto the bed and made sure that she was covered up. He wanted to crawl into bed with her and just hold onto her. He wanted to some how get her back from whatever path it was that she was headed down. Maybe he would try to get through to her later after she had some sleep. ***** Lisa came into the kitchen sometime during late afternoon that Sunday. Both Matt and her grandmother were sitting at the table. It smelled as though they were baking something. "Something smells good," Lisa stated. "Yeah, Grandma's baking a pie," said Matt. "These days, I think that Matt did most of it, but I can still tell him what to do. Are you feeling better, dear? Matt said that he thought that you may have been coming down with something," her grandmother wondered. Lisa's eyes darted to her brother, then to an empty chair at the table where her jacket and purse sat. The same jacket and purse that she had left behind the night before. She thought that Rick or Katie had probably dropped them off. "I feel all right. I think all that I needed was some rest. Matt took care of me. I'm going to go take a shower, then I think I'll have a piece of that pie if it's ready," Lisa said. "Oh, heavens yes. You're too skinny, dear, what you need is a nice slice of apple pie. We'll find out how good of a baker your brother is." Matt just smiled and didn't mention the purse and jacket. "I don't think that you'd let him go wrong, Grandma." Lisa took her time in the shower and to get dressed afterward. By the time that she got back to the kitchen, Matt was the only one there. He was finishing up a few dishes at the sink. "You finally made it back. I thought maybe you had gotten lost or something. You better have a piece of pie while it is still warm. It's not too bad, if I do say so myself," he said over his shoulder. "OK, I guess I'll try it. It smells good. Hey Matt, how did my stuff get here?" she asked. She wasn't in any hurry to get into a discussion about the events of the night before, but she was curious. "I had to go to the store to get some things so I stopped by Katie's house and picked them up for you," Matt replied. "Did you talk to her?" "Only as far as to say that I came to pick up your stuff. You don't have to tell me anything, but I wish that you would. I worry about you Lisa." Matt dried his hands and grabbed a paper plate off a rack and proceeded to cut Lisa a large slice of pie. He set it down on the table in front of her. Lisa took a seat and gave her brother a guilty look. "I'll tell you what happened, but later OK? Maybe after Grandma goes to bed," she stated. "Fair enough. But eat your pie. Grandma's right, you're too skinny. If someone wanted to kidnap you, they could do it with one hand." Lisa had to smile. "You think I need to get fat so I don't get kidnapped? Why are you so worried about someone trying to kidnap me anyway?" she asked. "Because I love you and I don't want anything to happen to you. I know that you're an adult, you remind me all of the time. You're also a beautiful girl, and you'll always be my little sister. It would be easy for some asshole to take advantage of you. I don't have a whole lot of confidence that Rick is sober enough most of the time to protect you. As for getting fat, I don't know if that will help you or not, but it can't hurt," he explained. "I'll try, but you'll have to keep making pies. And maybe some chocolate chip cookies," she said. She took a forkful of pie into her mouth and nodded in approval. Matt's little speech was affecting her a lot more than she was letting on. She wanted nothing more than to run to her room and cry. Matt put a hand on Lisa's shoulder, causing her to stiffen in her chair. She wasn't really used to him touching her. She paused with her fork in mid-air. "I've got some stuff to do, but don't run away. I still want to have that talk with you later, OK?" he asked. "I'm not going anywhere, I promise," she replied. When she was sure that her brother had gone, she pushed her plate aside and rested her head on her arms on the table in front of her. It was good pie, but the way that her stomach was feeling, she didn't quite trust it enough to put any food into it. On top of that, she felt guilty as hell that she had caused so much worry for Matt. He was dead-on about Rick, he probably didn't care all that much about what happened to her one way or another. Matt had said 'I love you' and more nice things about her in a couple of minutes than Rick had said to her in the two years that she had been seeing him. ***** Matt was gone for much longer than he had originally planned to be. He didn't tell his sister what the 'stuff' was that he had to do. It involved his girlfriend and the fact that he didn't want to see her anymore. He didn't hate her or anything, but she was starting to become a strain on him. The girl just wouldn't leave him alone. He started to feel like she was some sort of a parasite sucking the life out of him. Between college, his job, and trying to take care of the house, he just didn't have enough time for her. She didn't take the news very well, and he found it difficult to get away. Matt wasn't used to breaking up with someone, usually he was the one that was getting dumped. By the time he had gotten home it was late and he was mentally exhausted. Kicking off his shoes, he walked toward his room. He was halfway there when he met his sister in the hall. "Alison called," she said, rolling her eyes. "Twice." Matt put a hand to his forehead. "Ugh. I was just with her about twenty minutes ago. I was trying to break things off. I don't have a whole lot more to say to her. I kind of hoped that things would have went a little more smooth than what they did. It was like some sort of a damn nightmare. You would have thought that we had been married for twenty years or something." "Yeah, well, she'll just have to suck it up. You can do a lot better than her, and she probably knows it," Lisa said, following Matt to his room. He plopped down heavily into a ratty old recliner that he refused to get rid of. "Aw. She didn't do anything wrong. I just don't have time for her. I can't go out every night. Hell, I have a hard time staying up past ten o'clock. Between work and school, I need some time to rest you know? She wanted to take like every second of my free time. God, I feel like an asshole," he explained. "You're anything but an asshole, Matt. Don't give in to her, though. It would be easy to feel sorry and the next thing you know, you'll be back together and worn ragged some more. She'll get over it." Matt flashed a weary smile, marveling at how his little sister so readily dished out relationship advice. She still looked like a little girl in her pajamas and her hair back in a pony tail. It didn't seem possible that she was all grown up. "Well, Dear Abbey, you know my problems. You feel like sharing yours?" he asked. "Oh man. OK," she took a seat on the bed. She took a deep breath and swallowed hard. "Well, you took me to Katie's last night, you know that. Our boyfriends were coming over, they always hang out together. You know Rick, but you don't know Ryan, I don't think. That's Katie's boyfriend. We all had a bunch of beers and were having a pretty good time. I guess that I must have had a little too much to drink and ended up going to sleep pretty early. I woke up on the couch later on and went into Katie's room. They were in there having sex." Lisa stopped talking and looked down at the floor. "Who was having sex?" Matt asked. "All three of them. They wanted me to join in, but I'm just not into that. Rick didn't even stop when he saw me standing there, he just kept going. I didn't know what to do so I just left. After I was walking for a while, I thought that Rick would come after me, but he never did. He was probably too tired from fucking Katie the whore than to worry about me." Lisa's gaze remained pointing toward the floor as she spoke. Matt could tell from the sound of her voice that she was fighting herself to keep from crying. "I just never saw that coming, you know? They were my friends, but I'm just not like that. If I would have known what was going to happen then I never would have went over there. Now I lost my boyfriend and my best friend. I don't even want to look at them again," she sobbed. Matt got out of his chair and went over to sit next to his sister on the bed. He put his arm around her shoulders and tried to comfort her. "I'm proud of you, Lisa. Not the drinking part, but the walking away. You don't need to be hanging out with people like that. It's too bad that you didn't think to take your phone with you so that I could have come and gotten you. You can call me anytime at all, you know? I don't want to let anything happen to you. I don't care how old you are, you're still just a little girl to me," he whispered. Lisa turn and rested her head against her brother's shoulder. "I wish I really was just a little girl so that you could take care of me. I wish I could just redo the last couple of years." "I'll always take care of you," Matt responded, holding her a little tighter. "Rick and I never talked about it, but I just assumed that he loved me. I thought that he probably never said it because that was just the way that he was. The truth is I'm probably just someone that he could drink with and fuck when he got bored. And I never thought that Katie would do that. I guess I'm not as smart as I thought, huh?" The thought of Lisa having sex with anyone made Matt kind of sick, let alone being involved in a drunken orgy. He didn't want anyone touching his little sister. "I don't think that anyone is as smart as they think they are, Lisa. Just do me a favor. No matter what that asshole Rick has to say, no matter what, don't go back with that guy. If I see him around here, he's going to end up buried in the back yard," Matt said. "I'm never going to see him again, I promise," she said into his shoulder. ***** The next few days were uneventful for the most part. Except for the occasional irrational phone call, Matt managed to avoid Alison. Katie and Rick stayed away from Lisa. Lisa rode to school in the morning with her brother, and walked straight home when she was done. Matt had to work during the week after his classes were over, so he wasn't able to give her a ride home. It wasn't a bad walk, though. Matt worked five hours a night during the week in an Italian restaurant. Sometimes he helped cook, sometimes he washed dishes. Normally he would have to leave work and spend what little was left of the night with Alison. These days, he was able to go home. He was thinking about how great that felt when he came home to find Lisa on the couch in front of the TV. He went and took a seat next to her. "Hi," she greeted. "Hi. Did you do your homework?" Matt asked. She cocked an eyebrow at him. "Yes. And I did your stinky laundry. I folded it, but I didn't put it away. It's on your bed." "Well aren't you just a little angel? Want to do my homework, too?" he kidded. She slapped him playfully on the shoulder. "I could if you want to fail. I think you're better off doing it yourself. I could get you something to eat, though if you want. Are you hungry?" she asked. "Seriously, thanks for the laundry and thanks for the food offer. I ate at the restaurant, though. I don't have much for homework, just a little reading to do," he said. "Oh, it's no problem. I'm going to take a bath and get ready for bed. Don't stay up reading too late. You need to get your beauty sleep," she advised, rising from the couch. Matt chuckled. "What are you trying to say? You think I'm getting ugly?" he asked. Lisa wanted to smile, but managed to keep a straight face. "No. I don't want you to work too hard. And just because you don't want a girlfriend right now doesn't mean that you shouldn't stay handsome for all the girls. Some girls probably enjoy looking at you. You should get your beauty sleep so you don't disappoint them.," she explained. "Oh." Matt was left wondering if she was serious or not, and what exactly she meant either way. He switched off the TV grabbed his books. It was almost an hour later what Lisa came out of the bathroom, fresh from the bath and in her night clothes. Matt often wondered how it could possibly take so long to wash herself and put on pajamas, but he assumed that was going to be one of the mysteries that he would never find the answer to. She walked over to him and gave him a light kiss on the temple. Matt put down his book and looked up quizzically at his sister. "What was that for?" "I was just kissing you good night. Did you not want me to?" she asked. "No, it was nice. You just haven't ever done it before. It was very sweet. And you smell very sweet, like a vanilla cupcake," he replied. "A cupcake, huh? Well you smell like spaghetti sauce. You better take a shower in the morning," she giggled. ***** Matt was liking the way that things were going for the next couple of weeks. Without having to worry about keeping his girlfriend happy, he was able to keep up with his schoolwork no problem. He and Lisa were getting along probably better than they ever had before. She had been staying home and focusing on her schoolwork, while at the same time helping with the household chores. She had also been giving him his goodnight kiss every night without fail. He found himself looking forward to it a little more than he should, perhaps. Maybe it was a combination of not having a girlfriend for a couple of weeks and his sister's new found affection for him, but he found himself having an awfully hard time concentrating on the book that he was trying to read. His problem centered on Lisa who was laying flat on her stomach on the living room floor in front of him. She was doing something on her laptop in front of the TV. She was wearing short shorts and Matt couldn't keep his eyes off of her amazingly well-defined ass. Depending upon how she adjusted her position, he was getting some rather revealing glimpses of her anatomy. He felt kind of guilty, but not enough to stop looking. Finally, he set his book down and muttered under his breath. "Jesus." "What?" Lisa asked, looking over her shoulder at him. "I'm trying to read, but you're distracting me. Do you think you could sit someplace else, maybe?" he asked. Right after the words left his mouth, he realized that he should have just kept quiet and went into his room. "OK," she agreed. She proceeded to slide over about three feet to her right, and stay in the same position on the floor. "Is this better?" she asked innocently. "You know what, don't worry about it, I'm done. I'm going to go get ready for bed." Matt thought that it would be prudent to dodge the question entirely and make an exit. It was getting late. "OK, then." He had just gotten into bed when there was a knock on his door and Lisa came in without waiting for him to answer. "You forgot your goodnight kiss," she said. She walked over to the bed and kissed him on the cheek. "There, now you can go to bed." "Thank you, Lisa. Goodnight," he said. She got almost out the door before she turned around. "What was I doing to distract you out there?" she asked. "Nothing," he responded quickly. "I must have been doing something. What was it?" she asked again, batting her eyelids. Matt felt like he was being toyed with. He bit his lower lip for a moment before he responded. "It was your shorts." "What's wrong with my shorts?" she asked. "Well it was . . . it was your butt. You have a nice butt and I could see a lot of it. I had to get out of there, you know?" he replied. "That was very naughty, Mathew. But thank you for the compliment. Goodnight." She left the room and closed the door behind her, with her heart beating rapidly. Heck, it wasn't just beating, it was thumping. She was turning her brother on! For some reason, she liked it. Matt was wondering what the Hell had gotten into his sister. She was disgusted at the thought of having sex with her friends but seemed to have no problem teasing her brother with her ass. Did he even have a problem with it? What did that say about him? For now, he was just going to tell himself it wasn't a big deal and that Lisa was just having fun with him. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea for them both to be home together so much, but he wasn't about to do anything to change it. Things were pretty normal for the next couple of days, Matt was looking forward to the weekend so that he could lay around and be lazy. It was also the only two days of the week that he could catch up with his grandmother. She was almost always in bed by the time that he got home at night. He basically only got to see her for a couple of minutes each morning during the week. He was glad to see that Lisa was spending a lot more time with her after her current change of attitude in life. He wouldn't readily admit it to most people, but Matt found himself looking forward to going home each night and spending time with his sister. It wasn't just because she was nice to look at, although that was part of it. He enjoyed her company. Matt was happy to find Lisa in the kitchen when he got home that Friday night. She had the refrigerator door open and seemed to be taking a mental inventory of its contents. "Hi." "Hi, how's it going? I thought you might be out on a hot date or something tonight," he said. "I decided to stay away from that for a while. The only thing hot tonight is what I decide to put in the microwave. I need a snack," she replied. "I was thinking about going to get a milkshake. Do you feel like ice cream? We can still make it there before they close," he asked. "Ice cream? You just want my butt to get bigger so that you can see it better," she smirked. Matt just gave it right back to her this time. "I'm sure that you'll still have a fantastic ass even after you eat an ice cream cone," he replied. "It went from nice to fantastic. I'm glad that you like it. I guess I could go for some ice cream," she said, closing the door to the fridge. The two of them sat on a bench under the lights at the ice cream place. Matt was finishing his shake, Lisa her cone. There wasn't many people out for as nice as it was out for a Friday night. Matt stood up and threw his empty cup in the bin. "Well, what do you want to do now?" he asked. Lisa looked mildly surprised at the question. "Aren't you tired? What did you have in mind?" "I figured you might be sick of sitting around the house every night. We could still catch a movie if you felt up to it. But we'd have to hurry." Matt suggested. Lisa's face brightened considerably. "You're tricky, Mathew. You've been taking me on a date all of this time and I didn't even realize it. Let's go!" ***** It was well after midnight by the time that they made it home from the movie theater. They were both in high spirits despite the fact that they were pretty tired. Lisa talked Matt's ear off for the entire ride home. She was in her little girl mode and was reminding him of how she used to act when they were both much younger. It made him smile to know that she was happy. And she was right. It did feel kind of like a date. It was fun. There were butterflies in Matt's stomach when he got ready for bed that night. He knew that he shouldn't be so excited to be kissed by his sister, but he couldn't help but to look forward to it. As the minutes ticked by, he lay in bed wondering if maybe she hadn't fallen asleep or not. He couldn't quite bring himself to get out of bed and go get his kiss, so turned off his lamp and he waited as patiently as he could. Finally there was a soft knock on his door and Lisa crept in. "Are you still awake?" she whispered. "I can't go to sleep until I get my kiss," he answered. Lisa giggled a nervous little giggle. She made her way over to the bed and gave Matt a quick peck on the forehead. "Goodnight Mathew." "Goodnight, Lisa. I love you." Lisa began to move away, but seemed to have second thoughts. She spun around and planted her lips firmly against her brother's. Unlike the first quick kiss that she delivered, this time she lingered. Matt was on the edge of pulling her into bed with him when she finally did pull away. She whispered into his ear before she left. "I love you, too. Thank you for the date tonight." Matt was having a difficult time falling asleep after that. He really didn't think that Lisa was teasing him anymore. She was certainly acting like she wanted to sleep with him. He was feeling like he didn't just love her, he was IN love with her. He wasn't sure at all how he should go about this business. ***** Saturday was indeed a lazy day for Matt. He slept in for the first time in ages and was greeted to an empty house by the time he got up and around. He found a note by the coffee pot saying that Lisa had taken the car and that she and their Grandma had gone shopping. He did absolutely nothing until they came home later on and he helped carry the groceries in. Then, they actually sat down and had lunch as a family. Grandma had gone off to nap, Matt was thinking about doing the same to continue his lazy theme for the weekend. Lisa seemed to still have some ambition as she was at the kitchen sink cleaning up from lunch. Matt came in to grab a quick drink and to tell his sister what he was up to. "Hey Lisa. I just wanted to tell you how happy I am that you have been spending more time at home. You're really making things easy on me. It's great that you're able to keep an eye on Grandma while I'm at work." Lisa didn't turn around, but Matt could tell that she began to smile. "I just got sick of what I was up to. I got sick of the people that I was hanging out with. Do you know that I dated Rick for almost two years and I don't even know why? I didn't love him. I didn't really even like him all that much. It's like he was just . . there, you know? He hasn't even called since that night. Not that I want him to, but I suppose that I didn't mean all that much to him, either. It makes you really think about things, you know?" "Sounds like you got things figured out. I'm glad that you got out that situation. You don't deserve that. I'm proud of you," Matt said. Lisa let the water out of the sink and dried her hands. "I'm glad that you broke up with Alison. I know it's mean and selfish of me to say, but since you haven't been with her you've been home with me. I've needed that." "I haven't really done anything," Matt said. "You talk to me. You make me do my homework. You take care of me," she said. Matt set his drink down so that he could embrace Lisa in a massive hug. "You've been easy to take care of. It makes me happy to come home and you're here. I like just sitting around and hanging out with you. And I like it when you kiss me goodnight," he said. He had planned on letting her go, but couldn't quite bring himself to release her. She didn't seem to mind. "I like it, too. It's almost like we're . . ." her voice trailed off and she seemed to lose her train of thought. She started talking again, this time in a near whisper. "When I kiss you goodnight sometimes do you want to do something more than that?" she asked. "I do, but I .." Matt began, but was cut off when the phone began to ring. That seemed to break whatever spell the two of them were under. They let each other go and Lisa went to answer the phone. "I'm going to go take a nap so that I can continue my weekend of laziness. I was thinking that maybe later we could get a movie or something if you're interested," Matt said when Lisa came back after the phone call. "That sounds fine. I'm going to take the car and go over and see Carrie for a little while. She's going to help me with one of my papers, but I'll be back. I can pick us up something to watch on the way home. If that's OK with you," she said. "Sure," he replied., as she headed out the door. Matt was feeling rather nervous. It sounded like he and his sister had agreed to engage in some kind of incestuous activity on one level or another. They didn't have a chance to finish the conversation, though. He shouldn't have let her go until he had a better handle on what was going on. ***** Lisa made it back home shortly before dark. Ordinarily, Matt would have been hesitant to let her take the car anywhere without him. It was their only vehicle and she had a history of being somewhat less than responsible. No problem, that night, though. Matt was just hanging up the phone when she found him in the living room. He looked a little distraught. "Is everything all right?" she asked. "I just got off the phone with Alison. She kept going on and on about things and wanted to come over," he replied with a frown. "What did you tell her?" she wondered. What could he tell her? He was getting awfully tired of repeating himself to the woman. He wasn't going to tell her that he was in love with his sister, she already seemed crazy enough without being told something like that. "I told her that it wasn't a good idea and for her to stop calling me. Man, I never broke up with anyone before. I thought that she was over it, but apparently not. I think I may have caused her to go insane. Makes me feel like crap," he replied. Lisa walked over and rubbed his arm reassuringly. "I think that you did good, Matt. You shouldn't feel too bad. I know that it's probably hard on her, losing a guy like you. I probably wouldn't be able to handle losing you, either. She's just going to have to get over it. "Anyway I got a movie, if you still want to watch one with me. It will make you feel better. It's about space exploration and a bunch of people get their asses torn off by bloodthirsty aliens," she said happily. Her brother smiled. He didn't know why she liked to watch such things. She always had a tendency to laugh at things on TV that made him cringe. "You're weird, but there's nothing else the I would rather do. I can always close my eyes during the gross parts. I'm going to change into my pajamas first. Then maybe make us some popcorn if you want some." "Sure. I'll go change, too." Once they had changed they sat on the couch together watching the movie. Lisa was curled up next to Matt and was leaning on him heavily. He didn't mind, he had even dared to reach out and put an arm around her. There came the inevitable part of the movie where the sexy space-girl was in the shower. About to be terrorized by an alien, no doubt. Lisa reached up and put a hand over Matt's eyes. "You're not allowed to watch this part," she teased. "Oh, come on. It's the best part of the movie so far," he lamented. She pulled her hand back and left it resting across Matt's lap. "Do you think she has a nice butt?" she asked. "Look, just because I said that I like your butt doesn't mean that I am an expert in the matter. But, yes, to answer your question, I think that she has a nice butt. That's probably how she got the role, it sure as hell isn't because she's a great actress," he replied. Lisa giggled. She tried to imitate the actress. "Captain! Life support is failing, I'll go see what I can do. First though, I have to change into a tighter uniform and make sure that you can see my nipples poking out in the front," she said, pulling her night shirt tight against her chest. Matt smiled down at her. "You'd make a great sexy space explorer." "You think I'm sexy? You could be the handsome captain. Do you want to give me an order?" she asked, batting her eyes dramatically. " Like what?" he asked swallowing hard. "Well, that's up to you. There must be something that you want me to do. Anything you want, think about it," she replied with a wicked grin. "There's lots of things that I can imagine having you do, but I don't know if..." he trailed off. "Try me." "We've been talking a lot about your butt. Let me see it," he said softly. Lisa stood from the couch and quickly slipped her panties down her legs and completely off. She pulled her night shirt over her head, leaving her clad in her bra. She stood with her back to Matt and bent slightly forward from the waist. "Can you see it all right?" she asked. He had a pretty good view, considering it was almost in his face. It was perfectly shaped and in proportion to the rest of her body. From the angle that she was posing in he had no trouble seeing the tiny pucker of her asshole and the soft mound of her pussy lips. The contrasting pink of her pussy and her milky-white skin was a beautiful sight to him, indeed. It was more than he imagined it would be. "Well?" she asked again. "I, I don't know what to say, Lisa. You're amazing, but uh, do you really think that you should be showing me that?" he wondered. Lisa turned around and sat directly on Matt's lap. She put her arms around his neck and began to whisper. "Because I'm your little sister?" "Yeah," he replied. She started to kiss the side of his neck, causing a soft moan from her brother. "I thought about that. You can pretend that I'm someone else, if it's gross for you. But I want you Matt." Matt gently pushed his sister back to get her to stop kissing him. She looked back at him, slightly concerned. "I don't want to pretend that you're somebody else, Lisa. I think that I'm in love with you. I want to make you happy," he said. "You do Matt, you do. Just hearing you say that makes me a happy girl," she said, settling back into his arms. It didn't appear as though they were going to be watching the end of the movie. "Let's go to my room, OK?" Lisa got to her feet and led her brother down the hall into her bedroom. She knew that they both had a whole lot to talk about, but there would be time for that later. She had been wanting to sleep with her brother for a long, long time. Perhaps even before she had started dating Rick. She had been wanting to show him that she could be more than just a little sister. Now that she literally had him by the hand and was guiding him into her bed, she wasn't going to let him go. She wanted to stay away from any long, drawn out conversation that could possibly instil any doubts in Matt's mind about what they were about to do. She had already gone through all of the questions about morality and guilt inside of her head a million times. What she needed to show Matt right now was the joys of physical contact and love making without any of the emotional baggage that would detract from their enjoyment. Taking a seat on the edge of her bed, Lisa patted the mattress beside her. Matt followed her lead. He was fairly nervous. More so than when he was a high school virgin about to nail his girlfriend for the first time at her parents' beach house. He wanted Lisa so badly that he could barely function. "Lisa, are you sure that. . ." he began. Lisa silenced him with a finger to his lips. "Listen, Mathew. If you are in love with me anywhere near as much as I am with you, then you will MAKE love to me now. We can talk about it for the rest of the weekend if you want. I need you right now, OK?" "OK," he replied. He pulled his shirt off, then pulled Lisa into his arms almost in the same motion. Lisa unclasped her bra and managed to discard it before she was caught up in her brother's embrace. Her breasts were small enough to where it was debatable if she really needed to wear a bra or not. Still, Matt could feel them press against his chest and a wave of excitement immediately passed through him. Their kisses started off hungry and progressed to frantic in a few short moments. Matt pushed his sister onto her back and more toward the center of the bed, maybe with a little bit more force than he had intended. She bounced back a bit, her eyes wide with surprise and anticipation. "I'm going to lick you," he explained. Lisa just nodded aggressively in the affirmative. She spread her legs wide for her brother with a hand on each of her knees. She wasn't shaved, she barely needed to. There was a small sliver of blondish, brown hair located slightly above her sex. As eager as Matt was to take her into her mouth, he sat back and just looked for a moment. Only a moment, though. Matt started by running his tongue up and down the length of her slit, then pulled open her lips and tasted Lisa's sweet juices more fully. His sister was hissing and 'ooing' through all of this, but she had to fight from screaming when he focused all of his attention on the nub of her clitoris. Her hands went from holding her knees to pressuring her brothers face against her pussy. "That's it, baby. Oh fuck!" she snarled. It didn't take that much longer for Lisa to have an orgasm. Matt had never had that good of luck to make a girl cum so soon. Perhaps it was the entirety of the situation that got to Lisa, but it was a great orgasm. Matt could taste it, and he loved it. Sensing that she had came, though not entirely believing it, Matt slowed his licking and sucking. "Did you cum?" he asked. "Fucking A." Matt sat up on his knees and pushed his pajamas and boxers down. He wiggled around a bit and kicked them off. It was the first time that Lisa had seen Matt totally naked. She was happy to see that he was shaved. Rick wasn't and all that hair usually got in the way. After a while it felt like she was screwing a ball of steel wool or something. She made a move to grab him, her intention being to begin a blowjob. Matt grabbed her by the shoulder and flopped her back on her back. "You can suck me later. I'm going to fuck you now.," he said. Lisa was surprised and delighted at her brother's aggressiveness. All of the concerns and worries that she had before when she decided that she would try and get him into bed were gone. The only thing that she was feeling was the pleasure of his touch. The smile on his face when he entered her was something that she would not soon forget. She wanted to make him smile like that for the rest of his life. Having the full length of his cock buried inside of his little sister was an amazing feeling for Matt. It's not that he hadn't enjoyed all of the other sex that he had during the course of his young life, but this was on a different level. Every little motion, every little noise that Lisa made was turning him on more and more. The only problem that he was having was that it was turning him on maybe a little too much. He could feel his orgasm building pretty much from the first penetration, and now after a couple of minutes, there was nothing he could do but cum. Lisa could sense that her brother was probably on the edge of climax. His face changed, his rhythm changed. Though she hadn't had a chance to build up to a second orgasm, she wasn't disappointed at all to have him cumming so soon. "You can cum in your little sister, Mathew. I want to feel it," she said. Matt couldn't really respond with much more than a growl at that point. He was already beginning to empty his load into his sister. She could, indeed, feel it and was cooing contentedly as Matt's ropes of semen shot into her. She squealed a little when he wrapped his arms around her back and she suddenly found herself laying on top of him while he was on his back. He managed to pull the move off without pulling out of her. He kissed her with enough force to temporarily take her breath away. "I'm sorry that I came so soon, but you feel really good, Lisa. Give me a minute and we'll try that again," he said softly into her ear. Lisa just giggled and went back to kissing. It was hard to say how many more times that they had sex that night. Technically, they never really stopped. However they wanted to look at it, it was about a three hour love making session. When Matt woke up, he was spooning against Lisa from behind. He found that his left arm was probably paralyzed and that he was stuck to his sister at various points of contact between their bodies due to the drying of whatever fluids they had secreted during the night. "Did you wake up, Matt?" Lisa asked. "Yeah." Lisa rolled around so that she could face him. She smiled and gave him a quick kiss. "I woke up a few minutes ago, but I didn't want to move and wake you up. And I liked having you hold me like that," she explained. Matt smiled back and began flexing his arm, trying to get some feeling back. "Good morning. We really did all of those things last night, right? I didn't just dream it up?" he asked, rubbing his eyes. Lisa sat up and stretched a little. "Yes we did," she said, taking a deep breath. "It certainly smells like we did, anyway. I'm going to open a window." Matt chuckled as he watched his little naked sister walk across her room to open the window. She noted his gaze and his smirk when she turned back around. "What?" she asked. "You're beautiful," he replied. She walked back over to the bed and kissed him again. "I could probably sit here and listen to you tell me how beautiful I am all day, but we should get up and around before Grandma starts looking for us. And I'm feeling a little crusty, we need a shower." ***** Matt was certainly glad that it was a Sunday. He would have hated to have been separated from his sister by school and work after the night that they had just experienced. He probably should have felt guilty or sick or both, but the reality was that he couldn't stop smiling. Lisa was doing a fair bit of smiling and acting goofy, too. She didn't appear to have any regrets. He had just finished some yard work and was taking a break on the back porch when Lisa came out to join him. She handed him a cold drink, which he was grateful for, and sat beside him on the old swing that he was on. "So," she began, "maybe we ought to talk about things." "Yeah, that would probably be a good idea. I meant it when I said that I am in love with you," he said. "I love you more than I ever thought that I could love anybody, Matt. Do you think that we can be together?" she asked. "I can't imagine being with anyone else. Can you?" "Oh no! I never want to be with anyone else!" she replied. "What about what other people think?," he asked. "I don't care what other people think. It's none of their business, anyway. If they happen to find out, they find out. I don't think that I want to go around advertising the fact that I'm sleeping with my brother, though," she said. "Yeah, that's about how I feel about it. One thing that I am sure of is that I love you and I would be miserable without you, especially after last night." They sat in silence for a little bit after that. Lisa had her head on Matt's shoulder as they swung lazily in the shade. They still couldn't seem to stop smiling. "It's kind of naughty, isn't it?" Matt asked, kissing the back of her hand. "That's what makes it so much fun," she replied. pics---->> http://bit.ly/1D1q3qp
Title: Getting Even or Getting Off Summary: It's April Fool's, but who's fooling who?  Keywords:inc,fic,erotic,hot It was past midnight, encroaching on Saturday morning, as I stood before the sink in the upstairs bathroom. My condom covered cock was in my fist, and I was beating my meat with an intensity that seemed rather forced given the circumstances. "Come on Kyle. You got this buddy," I whispered to myself, squeezing my eyes shut tight as I tried thinking of anything other than the reason behind my awkward masturbation. A rattle of the door handle startled me just before I heard Jessica's voice. "How's it going in there, Big Guy?" she called through the door. "Jesus, Jess. You just set me back like five minutes," I cursed her. "You'll know when I'm done. You'll be able to smell the shame from down the hall." I muttered that last from under my breath. "I just wanted to let you know that your sister's all ready for you, Stud," she said, not even trying to suppress her giggles. "You don't want me to cum at all do you?" I asked to no one, because Jessica's footfalls were already fading back down the hall. "Like ever." I sighed as I got back to the task at hand, as it were. I should probably back this up for you, and tell you why I'm jerking off into a condom, or why my sister's best friend Jessica was encouraging me, or even what my sister had to do with this whole fucked up situation. Well for that, I'll have to take you back to last year, and reluctantly share with you the single most humiliating experience of my life... It was April 1st, a day of innocent jokes and harmless pranks. It was also my sister Ashely's birthday. Ever since she discovered that her birthday was April Fool's Day, she had taken more pleasure in pulling pranks than she did in receiving gifts. Being two years younger, and behind the curve when it came to her devious mind, I inevitably became the butt of many of her pranks. Ashely wasn't above the classics, like saran wrap on the toilet, or blue Kool-Aid powder in the shower head, but for April 1st, she liked to pull out all the stops and try something special, and usually convoluted. The worst part of her convoluted ideas, they usually went off flawlessly, to my own personal discomfort. Last years' experience was some of her best work yet, to my misfortune. I had woken up in a heightened state of paranoia, anticipating something from her. I took each step with great care, analyzing everything I saw as I moved throughout the house. I spent most of the day on edge, waiting for some sort of tripwire, or a bucket of hot tar to fall on me before I was beaten with a feather pillow. Every moment that I delayed the inevitable, the more paranoid I became. The only time I felt truly safe was when I was mowing the lawn later that afternoon. Whether it was for my own safety, or hers, she never risked a prank on someone who was operating heavy machinery, or something that could be potentially dangerous. At least she had that boundary. I had worked up quite the sweat, and after hydrating, I went to go clean the dust and itchy grass fragments from my skin. Still on edge, I took the time to make sure she hadn't put some sort of dye in the shower head, and then snagged a brand-new unopened bottle of shampoo from under the sink just to be safe. Despite the freezing water, I found myself getting hard, and I decided to indulge myself. I was only human, and I was finding myself more aroused by the second. I was well into my stroking when I heard something from deep in the house. A moment later I heard it again, and I had to shut off the water to hear it more clearly. "AHHHHH!" a blood curdling scream filled my ears, and every other thought left my mind as I hopped from the shower. Rushing for the door, I grabbed a towel from the rack, wrapping it around myself as I rushed into the hall and towards the terrifying sounds coming from the living room. Halfway down the hall I lost my footing, and my feet slipped out from underneath me. In the tumult, I lost my towel as I slid down the hall feet first with my dick pointing up like a fleshy periscope. As I skidded past the kitchen and into the living room, it dawned on me that I had once again let myself become another one of Ashley's punchlines. Trying to cover myself with my hands, I slid all the way into the living room to stop right on the rug between Ashley and all her friends as they pointed and laughed. It's kind of hard to pick your dignity up off the floor when you're using both hands to try and cover the world's most painful erection. To their great amusement, I climbed to my feet, slipping as I tried to catch my footing on the tiled floor that was inexplicably covered in baby oil. Adding insult to injury, all her friends stood outside of my bedroom door for the next hour, taunting me, jeering me to jerk my cock. It turned out, that the refreshing Iced Tea I drank was filled with a few tablets of vitamin V...for Viagra. That should explain sufficiently how much I dreaded April Fool's Day. This year, as the day came closer and closer, I felt that dread rising inside of me once again, anticipating something exceptionally cruel. Our parents were out of town, celebrating their 20th anniversary, and everything seemed too quiet, too calm. From personal experience, it was the kind of calm that foreshadowed disaster for me. That is how I found myself at the mall a few days ago, stocking up on emergency provisions. I know what you're thinking, She's your sister, not a natural disaster. Well, you'd be wrong. She's both. Despite her cute, wholesome exterior with those big doe eyes and long blonde hair with sweeping bangs that made her appear so innocent to our parents, she was a tornado on two long legs, intent on plowing through my life, leaving it ruined like the remnants of an upturned trailer park. Where were we, again? Ah, that's right, I was at the mall two days ago, preparing for the coming April Fool's day... I had just finished most of my shopping and stopped at the food court for a bite to eat before heading back home when I spotted someone coming over. She was beautiful; long brown hair that had a way of shining, a killer body, and these perfect pouty lips that always made me imagine kissing them whenever I saw them. She was one of the last people I wanted to see. "What are you doing here?" Jessica asked, sounding surprised to see me as she slid into the seat across from me. "Getting a new phone case," I lied. "A phone case?" she mused, twirling a strand of hair between her fingers as she leaned over slightly to glance into the top of one of my bags. "I didn't know that Games Galore sold phone cases. It looks to me like you're planning on shutting yourself in for the big day." she said knowingly. "What's the plan? You gonna lock the door and play video games all day and eat junk food?" she asked. "Of course not," I lied again. "You know Ash will just smoke you out if she has to," she said, ignoring my protests. "We'll see," I said. "What about you? What are you doing here? I thought you would be in class right now with the birthday girl herself." "My dad thinks I need a job if I'm not taking enough classes to be considered a full-time student," she said, reaching forward to pluck a fry from my tray. "You, working at the mall?" I scoffed. There was no way she would stoop so low. Her parents were loaded. "Oh, God no," she laughed. "I'm just pretending to look for a job. That should be enough for daddy...at least until he forgets that he told me to get a job." "It must be so hard being you," I mused, barely veiling my mild condescension. "It is, but I manage," she mused, catching the slight tone in my voice but ignoring it. She knew she had it good. "Have you ever tried getting her back?" she asked curiously. "She's always screwing with you, have you never thought to give her a taste of her own medicine?" "I don't think that's a good idea," I said. "You know Ash, she can get vindictive. The last time I pulled even a small prank on her, she made my life miserable for months before things died down again. In her eyes, only she is allowed to prank people. God help the hopeless soul who tries to get one over on her." "Not even after what she did to you last year?" Jessica asked, disbelieving. "You're not really going to let that go, are you? You've gotta be planning something special for her this year." Jessica pried. "No. I don't have anything planned. I replied, feeling my cheeks flush with embarrassment. Jessica had been one of the people there to witness my naked misadventure. It's not like I'm ugly or deformed. I have nothing to be embarrassed about in the looks department. I work out and keep myself in great shape. The embarrassing part is that to all of my sister's gorgeous friends, I'm just a punchline, a walking joke that Ashley parades around for them when they want a good laugh. "And if I was going to do something to Ashley, do you really think I would be telling her best friend?" I asked. "Don't be like that," she persisted. "Do you think you're the only one that she does that shit to? Two years ago, we were shopping for clothes, and she grabbed all of my shit and bolted. I was left in the dressing room in only a pair of socks. I didn't even have my undies. I was stuck there until I finally shouted for someone to help me. This fifty-year-old guy came and found me, and he had to bring me some clothes, and I had to buy them just so I didn't have to walk home naked." "That sounds kind of bad," I said, listening to her story. "So, what do you say we team up this year?" she mused. "I bet you we could get her so good." "What would we even do?" I asked, not believing that we could come up with anything that Ashely wouldn't see coming a mile away. "Well, your parents are out of town until Monday, and I'm having this party on Friday night," she mused, her plan slowly beginning to unfold. It took several hours, and a few more baskets of French fries before a plan began to take on a solid shape, and as great of a prank as it sounded, I wasn't feeling very comfortable with the part I would be playing. "Don't be a pussy," Jessica scolded. "But it's my sister!" I exclaimed. "It's not like you're actually going to fuck her," she explained. "We're just going to make her think that you guys had sex. After you let her stew for a bit, you throw out the ole' April Fools, and it's done. No one's going to think that you actually had sex with her." "Still, you're messed up in the head. You know that, right?" I asked. Her plan was perverse, way beyond anything a sane person might conceive. "Hey, do you want to get her back, or not?" Jessica asked. "If you're fine with always being her doormat, that's all up to you. I can easily come up with my own prank." "Fine," I conceded grudgingly. "But this better go off like you said it would." "Yes!" she exclaimed, a huge smile sweeping over her face. "Don't worry Kyle, I know what I'm doing. Now, let's go over this again. We'll be at my party, and I'll make sure she gets drunk enough to where she blacks out. With your sister, it's easier than it sounds. After that, I'll get her to your place, and we'll set the stage for her morning after," she said, ticking off her mental bullet points. "After she wakes up and freaks out, she'll call me, and I'll fill in the blanks for her," she laughed. "How do you know she'll call?" I asked. "You keep saying that it's the pacing, the rapid assault of events and information that'll keep her wound up in this prank, but you're putting a lot of faith in what you think she will do." "I know Ash," Jessica said knowingly. "I've known her since before you could walk. Something like that happens and she'll call me," she assured me. "Now quit interrupting. Okay, so after that..." Her plan was nearly as convoluted as one of Ashely's. Based on what I'd been hearing, I only gave it a potential success rate of fifty percent. Still, here I was, trying my damnedest to dump a load of my jizz into a condom, at Jessica's instruction, just to add to the realism when Ashely woke next to me in the morning. Finally grunting, I felt myself flooding the condom, leaving me feeling gooey and ashamed. I carefully peeled off the condom, taking great care not to spill any, and pulled up my boxers. Shutting off the bathroom light, I headed back down the hall to my bedroom. Jessica had been insistent that we used my room. "If she wakes up with you in her bed, she's gonna think you crawled into bed with her," she had said. "We want her to think that she crawled into bed with you. Trust me." Trust her? It was strange putting any trust in her at all. Traditionally, she and my sister had always been thick as thieves. Hell, Jessica had been present for each and every humiliation I had endured at my sister's hands. The only reason I continued with Jessica's bat shit crazy plan was that I knew my sister could have nothing to do with this. I had already analyzed it from every single angle, and I couldn't see any beneficial outcome for Ashley based on the events that we were fabricating. Slowly easing open my bedroom door, I found Jessica arranging our clothing around on the floor, trying to create a strategic chaos. She insisted on the realism. It had to look like we had undressed ourselves in a hurry. Jessica paused for a moment before picking up a white thong from the floor and hooking it on one of the knobs on my dresser. "Is she..." I began, shocked as my gaze moved from Jessica, to my sleeping sister snuggled up under my covers. "Is she naked under there?" Ashely was lying on her stomach, and my thick grey comforter was thrown over her, leaving her upper back and shoulders conspicuously bare. Her blonde hair was tousled, already looking as if she'd experienced the wild night Jessica was simulating for her. "Of course, she's naked," Jessica scoffed quietly. "Who has drunken sex and then goes rooting around to get dressed before they pass out?" Then noticing the spent condom in my hand, "Is that it?" "Um...yeah," I said as she snatched it from my hand. I couldn't stop staring at my sister in my bed. She was naked underneath there, and I was going to have to crawl in there with her. "How does that look?" she asked, stepping back. Our clothes were scattered across the room in quite a believable fashion. Jessica had even taken the time to scatter some of the contents of my dresser top, making it appear as if one of Ashely's heels had landed there violently. The pièce de résistance was the used condom hanging over the edge of my waste bin, a small bit of semen pooling out onto a Green Day CD case on the floor. "Looks real enough to me," I said nervously. "Only one more piece left," she smiled at me mischievously. "Time to strip, Lover Boy!" "Can't I just keep my boxers on?" I asked hopefully, already knowing what she would say. "If she's naked, you've gotta be naked too. It's all about realism. Besides, we want her reeling from the moment she wakes up. The last thing you want is for her to see through her hangover and realize what day it is," she said. "So, pants off." The way she smiled as she waited seemed like she was enjoying this part a little too much. Embarrassed, I got under the covers, keeping as far to the edge away from my sister as possible, and slipped off my boxers underneath the covers. As I tossed them out, Jessica had a cheeky, knowing grin, as if she knew that I had purposely cheated her out of the look that she wanted of me naked. "Well, it looks like my job here is done," she said, looking around. "I'll lock the front door on my way out. Don't forget to call me after the initial fallout." "I know my part," I assured her as I tried to adjust myself on my side of the bed. There wasn't very much room for the both of us and being naked only made things that much more awkward. "Have a good night!" she smiled wickedly as she left, closing my bedroom door as she went. My strained ears could hear the tell-tale groans from our house as Jessica made her way down the stairs and out the front door. As much as I tried to find sleep though, I couldn't. Even in the pitch darkness, I could still see Ashley lying naked next to me in my mind's eye. Try as I might to push that image from my head, I could feel her body heat radiating onto me beneath the covers, forcing the thought of her back to the forefront of my mind. Biting back a frustrated sigh, I eased myself from bed and carefully made my way to my closet in the dark. Despite the knowledge that my sister was seriously down for the count, and hearing Jessica talking so confidently as Ashely lay passed out, I tried my damnedest to keep silent as I reached behind one of the boxes on the floor to pull out a hidden bottle of lemon flavored vodka. It was a parting gift from a friend's house party over a month ago. I quickly unscrewed the cap and took a long drink. Covering my mouth, I coughed and sputtered as it burned my throat. Steeling myself, I took another long drink and replaced the bottle before returning to my bed. Using my hands in front of me as a guide, I felt my way to the edge of the bed, and slipped back under the covers just as I began to feel the alcohol pull me down into a nice warm place that made everything feel fuzzy inside. Adjusting the covers over me, I felt the warm skin of my sister against my side, and after hesitating for a moment, I turned away from her and lay on my stomach, as far from her as I could while still staying in the bed. ***Ashley*** Light pierced my eyelids like torturous blades, forcing me awake to realize my agony. My skull felt like it might split open at any moment. Desperate to fall back asleep and forget the pain, I pulled the covers over my head and shut out the light. Just as I moved, so too did the mattress I was on. I held still, thinking for a moment that the room had begun to spin. When it shifted again, I realized that It was not a bed I was sleeping on, but someone's well-muscled back. "Shit!" I groaned, realizing that I'd done it again. I had to quit waking up like this. Every time I would drink too much, I ended up in bed with someone, and I couldn't even remember it. The most embarrassing part, besides being that girl, was not being able to remember the names of the guys I would wake up next to. I'm going to kill you, Jessica, I thought. "Hey," I said in a cracking morning voice. "Hey guy...man. It's time for you to go home now." Giving him a nudge, I raised my voice. "Listen dude, I know it was really awesome last night, but it's time for you to go now." "Five more minutes," the slumbering mass of naked muscles mumbled. "I'm not kidding...dude." I said, still not recalling his name. "You've gotta go before my brother wakes up. If he tells our parents that I had another guy over, they'll be pissed." "I said five more minutes, Ash!" he mumbled louder. As soon as he said my name, I froze. I knew that voice. My head was still ringing like church bells as I leaned closer, over his body to get a better look at his face. As soon as his profile came into view, I couldn't prevent the scream coming from my mouth as I leapt away from him. As I flew backwards, my scream finally pulled Kyle from his sleep, and he sat bolt upright. I barely missed the edge of the bed and slipped off, making a loud thump as my bare bottom hit the floor. My brother's eyes met mine, and naked and panicking, I snatched the blanket from the bed and pulled it around my body. It might have been a mistake, Kyle was just as naked as I, and after a slight look of naked panic, he rolled off the other side of the bed, crouching there to hide himself. "What the hell, Ashely?" he shouted, only his head now visible over the mattress as he stared at me accusingly. "What are you doing in my room?" "I'm not!" I began, before finally taking in my surroundings. I held a light grey blanket around my naked form, and there were old rock band posters decorating the walls, as well as a guitar on a stand in the corner. My clothes and underwear were all over his floor. My mouth moved wordlessly as I realized I was in his bedroom, and my heart stopped when my eyes caught his waste basket sitting next to me. Hanging carelessly off the rim was a used condom. "No, no, no!" I began, shaking my head. "We didn't!" "We didn't what?" Kyle asked, his eyes looking around. He seemed to take in the picture, and his eyes found mine again, hard and accusing. "Did you..." he began. "Did you? "No, I didn't!" I explained. "Did you sleep with me when I was wasted?" he accused. I tried to tell him no, but my lips couldn't even form words any longer. Panicking, I jumped to my feet and ran. Pausing for only a moment, I opened the bedroom door, but as I dashed through, the blankets caught on something. My momentum ripped the decency from my body, leaving me standing bare in the hallway as my brother looked on. A strangled cry emanated from my throat, and I ran for the bathroom, slamming the door behind me. My heart threatened to drum itself from my chest, and my hands trembled as I leaned back against the door, sliding down to sit naked on the cold tiles. ***Kyle*** As I knelt there on the floor next to my bed, my eyes still seemed glued to the empty space in the hallway outside my bedroom door. Her form was gone, but it felt as if the image of her body had been branded into my vision—her soft milky skin, her round breasts and hard nipples, her nice round ass, and the close-cropped hair above her sex. I tried to shake the image from my mind, but even so, I could still faintly recall how her body had felt draped across my back, our naked skin caressing each other, her silky soft warmth teasing my body. "She's your sister," I mumbled angrily. What I was thinking was gross beyond belief, Ashely was my sister. All this was, was a joke. We didn't really sleep together, I had to remind myself. Getting to my feet, I closed my bedroom door, and grabbed my phone to call Jessica. "How did it go, Lover Boy?" Jessica asked without preamble. "Was it everything you ever hoped it would be?" she asked dreamily. "Cut it out. That's not even funny," I told her. "We just woke up, and so far, it's working. She's flipping the fuck out." "I told you," Jessica said smugly. "Now all we need to do is wait for her to call me, and I'll give her the rest." "Are you sure you shouldn't be the one to call her?" I asked. "I'm sure," she replied. "Now, don't forget to make your exit. Avoidance is key right now. She's going to have to talk to someone, and it can't be you...not yet." "Fine. I'll go get some coffee and something to eat." I replied. Jessica had gotten us both this far, I just had to trust her. Besides, even if it all fell apart right now, the look on Ash's face had already been worth it. "Just remember, you're pissed. You didn't want to be fucked by your sister." Jessica reminded me. "I would never want anything like that...ever," I said, overly defensive. As soon as the words were out of my mouth, I felt myself blush. One stray thought and my mind was in tangles. That image of my sister standing there in the hallway flashed through my mind and was gone again. "That's what I said," Jessica said awkwardly. "Whatever. Just get out of there. She's going to be calling me soon." I hung up the phone and began searching through the discarded clothing on my floor, dressing quickly as I picked through Ash's clothing and mine. My eyes lingered on her white thong panties, still hanging from the knob of a dresser drawer, as I stomped into my boots and did up the laces. Tearing my eyes away, I rose to my feet and made a beeline for the front door, making sure to give it a good slam as I left. ***Ashley*** My mind was racing, trying to figure out how any of this could have happened. I couldn't even remember how I'd gotten home. I should have woken up at Jessica's house, safe and snug in the guest room, recovering from the party. For that matter, Jessica and I had made a pact to never let each other get so drunk again, not after the 4th of July incident. I tensed as I heard the loud footfalls coming from Kyle's room, heading down the hall towards me. Oh God, I fucked my brother! The thought rippled through my mind once again. I could still see his face when I closed my eyes; his face and...other things. He had looked so hurt...and pissed, and why wouldn't he after what I'd done. As his footsteps neared, my muscles tensed, as if waiting for a blow. His footfalls never stop though. They carried on past me, where I cowered in the bathroom, and continued down the stairs. After a moment of silence, I heard the sound of the front door slamming. The force of it was hard enough that I could feel the vibrations through the tiled floor. Carefully, I climbed to my feet and cracked the door, listening to make sure that he was really gone. Through the silence I heard his truck starting, and then the sounds of his engine fading away as he truly left. With a pitiful sigh, I padded the rest of the way down the hall to my room to grab my phone. Not even wasting time putting on clothes, I sat on the edge of my bed naked, and called Jessica. "Hey girl!" Jessica said cheerfully. "What happened last night?" I cut in. As angry as I was at her, I was unable to keep an edge of fear from tainting my voice. "Nothing," Jessica said, all too quickly. "It was a party...you know." "Don't give me that shit," I said, feeling myself panicking again. "What the fuck happened? I woke up at home. How did I get here? And what happened to not letting me drink too much? We promised each other." "You had a little too much to drink, so you got a ride back to your house to sleep it off." Jessica said carefully. "That's all. No harm, no foul." I didn't know what it was in her voice, but I knew she was holding something back. "Jessica?" I said threateningly. "Who took me home?" There was a pained pause before Jessica answered, "Your brother." "What the hell was Kyle doing there?" I asked. Kyle had always tried to slip into our parties, and he knew that he wasn't welcome. No girl wants their brother hanging around when they're trying to have fun. "He showed up around midnight," Jessica said. "I guess he had been out partying with his friends and took a detour before going home. What's with all these questions? Did...did something happen?" "Did what happen?" I asked, feeling my chest tighten. "I don't know...you seem kind of freaked out," she said. "You called me asking all of these questions. First you want to know how you got home, and about the party, and then your brother. You're kind of all over the place. I don't know- " "Don't fuck with me!" I yelled. "What happened at the party!" "Ash..." she said quietly. "You don't want to know. Just forget about it." "Tell me, Jess," I pleaded. I was scared, but I had to know. I needed to know. "You were making out with Kyle," she finally said after a long silence. "No. No way!" I assured her. "That would never happen." "I saw it," Jessica assured me. "You were both out by the pool house, and the lights were off, but I saw you. It was...heavy." "No way!" I denied, my mind spinning, looking for some explanation. "Maybe it was someone else, or I didn't know that it was Kyle," I offered desperately. "Hun..." Jessica said carefully. "You knew exactly who it was. You were calling him Kyle. You even called him...your brother." "I don't believe you," I said. Try as hard as I could to avoid it, my mind conjured images of my brother and I kissing in the shadows, his hands on me, and our bodies pressed tightly together. "You're lying..." "I have to tell you something," Jessica began. "Do you remember last 4th of July? You blacked out, and we made that pact to never get so wasted again?" "Of course, I remember it. Well, I remember not remembering anyway," I said. "And we both blacked out." "No hun, it was only you that blacked out. I remembered it," Jessica said. "I remember all of it." 4th of July. I had woken on a motel bed in a tangle of naked bodies. Jessica and I were in bed with a strange guy. Somehow, we had gotten ourselves into a threesome. It was the one and only time that either of us had ever done anything like that, and we realized that we needed to dial back our drinking from then on. "We had sex with that guy," I said. "What about it?" "You had sex with him," Jessica began. "We were all there, ready to get things going. We were all totally onboard for a three-way. Then, you two started kissing, and you called him Kyle- " "His name could have been Kyle," I interjected defensively. "His name was Todd. He told you that no less than ten times," Jessica said flatly. "And," she continued loudly, forestalling me from speaking, "you also moved to calling him your brother." "No!" I gasped. "He must have been into it, because he started calling you his sister," she continued, ignoring my denial. "I spent the whole night watching the two of you screw your brains out, pretending that he was your brother," Jessica finished. I couldn't speak. My mind screamed no, but there had always been a cloud around what had happened over the 4th of July. I'd always had the impression that Jessica knew something, but she had insisted that she couldn't remember anything either. Todd, I guess that was his name, had left in quite the hurry when he woke up. Come to think of it, he had a very hard time meeting our eyes for someone who had supposedly just had a threesome with us only hours before. "Why?" I finally asked. I didn't know if I wanted to know why she told me, or why I had done something like that. "Because you're in love with Kyle," she said plainly. "What?" I scoffed. "That's ridiculous! I'm totally not in love with my brother." "You could have fooled me," Jessica said. "At least he's hot. Could you imagine if Kyle was a cringer?" "Quit joking," I told her angrily. "This isn't funny." "Come on," Jessica continued. "You've seen him at the beach...those muscles!" "Jessica!" I shouted. "Fine...fine," she relented. "So, what happened. Why the panicked call?" Her question had taken all of the rage out of me. We had been beating around the topic for a while, but it had been some time since I had actually thought about the incident. A flash of memory came of me lying across my brothers bare back, my hard nipples digging into his skin, my pussy warm, and my lips damp with arousal. I knew that it was a lie. It hadn't been like that at all, but it seemed as if my mind wanted to change things. Shaking away those thoughts, I took a deep breath. "I...uh. I woke up in bed with Kyle." I said hesitantly, uncomfortable that I was even telling Jessica something like this. Jessica whistled loudly through the phone at my revelation. "That's...uh. That's...humm," she began. "Did you two have sex?" "Pretty sure," I replied. "Our clothes were everywhere, we were naked...and there was a condom in the trash...used." "That's not so bad," Jessica exclaimed. "You guys used protection!" "Not cool," I said flatly. "Too soon?" Jessica asked. "Really too soon," I replied. "What am I supposed to do? When Kyle woke up and saw me, naked in his bed, he was pissed." "Does he know that you guys fucked?" Jessica asked. "Yeah. It was kind of hard to hide that one from him," I said. "And could you please not say fucked? I feel weird enough about this as it is without adding that connotation to what happened." "How about made love with?" Jessica offered. "We slept together," I countered. "Okay? Slept!" "Fine, you slept together," she conceded. "As far as what you should do, I would make sure he doesn't tell anyone about what happened...If I were you at least." "He's not that stupid," I said, before adding, "Is he? It's a law of society that guys cannot be victims, and either way, he still slept with his own sister. No one would want to tell people about that." "It depends on how mad he is. He could say something before he even realizes what he is doing," Jessica mused. "And, if you really think he won't tell anyone...you told me, didn't you?" "Shit!" I cursed. "My advice, find a way to keep him quiet," she offered. "Hey, I gotta go. Someone is puking in the hot tub." "Wait! Jessica?" I called into my phone. "How do I keep him quiet?" She was already gone. I sat on the edge of my bed for a moment before realizing that I was still completely naked. Getting up, I grabbed my towel and went for a shower. I smelled like sweat, alcohol, and what I was sure must be underlying tones of sex. The water washed over me as I tried to process the events of the morning. There was no denying it, I had fucked my own brother...or slept with rather. And after what Jessica had told me, it was most definitely my fault, if there had ever been any question of that in the first place. I still couldn't remember the events of that 4th of July night, but my mind seemed to be happily filling in the blanks for me. I was riding that man's cock, in every position I could, even on all fours while he fucked me roughly and pulled my hair. All the time I moaned for my brother to fuck me harder. In a flash, that stranger's blurry outline was replaced with the crisp image of my brother, his cock slamming into me. I felt an ache between my thighs, and I could swear there was more wetness there than could be blamed on the shower. I had a feeling that Jessica's assessment might have been right, I was in love with Kyle. At the least, I had a very unhealthy sexual attraction. Hell, I had gone out of my way to play jokes on him so I could see him naked, even dosing him with Viagra so I could see his hard cock. Just thinking about it sent another painful jolt through my loins, demanding my attention. Refusing to acquiesce, I turned the water all the way to cold, and braced myself as the chill washed over me, shocking me out of my disturbing arousal. I needed to get a grip on myself. With my libido well and truly doused, I turned off the water and dried off. After a quick trek back to my room, I tried to decide what to wear. As Jessica had suggested, I was going to have to confront my brother about what had happened, sooner rather than later, and that meant actually standing in front of him. I thought about a nice top and a skirt, something I would normally be wearing on a day like this, but looking myself over in the mirror, I saw how attractive I looked, and how it accentuated my body. The last thing I wanted was for him to think I was seducing him or something. Besides, my attire was definitely not situation appropriate. Next, I tried on a pair of jeans and a baggy t-shirt, but I felt extremely homely. Nothing I had on was flattering in the least. It should have been acceptable for my purpose, but the part of me that realized I liked him couldn't let him see me looking like that. "Shit." I sighed, almost a whimper, as I realized what I was doing. I was primping for my brother. Picking out an outfit to wear while I talked to my brother about our accidental intercourse should have been a lot easier. ***Kyle*** I sat outside in my truck, just around the corner from our house. I'd already received the call from Jessica, letting me know that she had finished filling in Ashley with the events of last night. Everything was moving along smoothly. My sister had even called her like she'd predicted. After being fed the story we had prepared (of Ashley coming onto me by the pool house when we were both wasted), my sister was well and truly spiraling. I checked my watch again. Jessica had told me to give Ashley some time before I got home to push our prank across the finish line. She had been alone for almost two hours now, but I figured I could give her another few minutes just to be safe. I still couldn't believe how well this was going. Jessica had thought out every detail. As far as either of us knew, my sister still had no idea what was going on. As quickly as she had been hit with the information this morning, Jessica was sure that it would keep her mind well occupied, preventing her from realizing what day it was. Checking my watch again, I decided it was time. Starting my truck, I pulled around the corner and eased to a stop in front of our house. As I got out, I made sure to slam the old door loudly so Ashely would be alerted to my return. Walking up the porch steps, I thought of something and slipped my phone from my pocket as I opened the front door. Jessica had been right, Ashley needed to be kept on her heels. As I walked through the living room towards the kitchen, I caught a glimpse of Ashely from the corner of my eye. She was at the top of the stairs, watching me nervously as her fingers clutched to the banister. I made no move to acknowledge her, and instead I pretended to dial a number into my phone, bringing it up to my ear just as I was rounding the corner into the kitchen. After a moment of waiting, I began speaking just loud enough that Ashley would be able to hear. "Hey, Mom? Can you and Dad call me as soon as you get this? Something happened and we really need to talk." Smiling, I set my phone down on the kitchen island and grabbed a bottled water from the refrigerator. ***Ashley*** What is he thinking? I screamed mentally. Shit-shit-shit! The whole delicate plan I had come up with vanished from my mind as I rushed down the stairs to confront my brother. Sliding slightly in my haste as I came to a halt in the kitchen, I stared at my brother for a long moment as I tried to remember the plan I had painstakingly come up with. Kyle stood there by the refrigerator, staring back at me as I nervously fumbled with the hem of my jean shorts. I had gone with a somewhat modest look to face him, a pair of cute cut off jean shorts, and a yellow and white striped polo with a small pocket on my breast. My makeup was minimalistic, but just enough eyeliner and mascara to make my eyes really pop for him. It was perfectly sisterly, while avoiding a homely look. I couldn't even force myself to confront him without makeup. I was pathetic. I knew how this had to end though, this was a mistake, and it would never happen again. I would most likely have to pay for what I'd done, but hopefully no one else would ever have to know about it. "What?" Kyle asked sharply. "Umm," I began. Spoken words felt so far from my comprehension at the moment. "What is it, Ash?" he said, sounding like he was running out of patience. "I'm sorry," I finally said. My voice was so quiet I wasn't sure if he could hear. "You're sorry?" he asked. "For sneaking into my room and fucking me? Do you think a sorry is going to fix that?" I winced as he echoed my words back at me. I wasn't supposed to say that. Saying sorry felt too much like admitting that I had known what I was doing last night. "I drank too much...we drank too much last night," I corrected myself quickly. "We didn't know what we were doing. I don't even know what we did." None of this was going the way that I had hoped. "So that makes it okay?" he asked. "You slipped into my room and had sex with me! If I were a girl, it would be rape!" "Don't put this all on me!" I said, my voice rising from a sudden surge of anger. How dare he claim that I raped him. "For all I know, you carried me up into your room and took advantage of me!" "Oh no, don't even..." he said shaking his head. "When mom and dad hear about this-" "You can't!" I broke in quickly, taking a step closer, my hands reaching out to him. "Please!" I stared into his eyes for a moment, seeing that anger in there. I was afraid that he would actually tell our parents. Taking a deep breath, I lowered myself to my knees. "Please, Kyle. Please don't tell anyone. I'm begging you." He still didn't say anything as he watched me. Desperate, I inched myself closer, kneeling right at his feet and letting him tower over me. Carefully, I reached up for his hands, but he pulled them out of reach. Instead, I grasped onto the pockets of his jeans as I looked up at him. I felt like I was holding my breath as I silently begged him to forgive me...to keep this all a secret. It felt like an eternity as I waited for him to speak. The silence felt thick, like a wall forcibly shutting out everything around the two of us. The only things I could hear were his breathing, and the steady thump of my heart pounding in my ears. I didn't realize it at first, I was so caught up waiting for him to finally speak, but I felt something hardening beneath my hand. My heart skipped a beat as I realized what it was, and I felt a flutter of hope inside of me. It was wrong, and I knew it, but if I could keep him quiet, it would be worth it. That's what I told myself anyway, as I felt a wetness build inside my panties. Adjusting my grip on his right pocket, I let my hand brush against his growing erection. Kyle's eyes widened, but he never moved. My heart skipped another beat as I watched his panicked eyes, and I felt his cock jump against the side of my hand. Becoming slightly more bold, I let my thumb move to run along his thickening shaft, caressing him gently. Kyle's eyes still held mine, and he wasn't stopping me, or pulling away. Taking a deep breath, I forced my fingertips to let go of his pocket and moved my hand deliberately over his cock, letting its bulge rest easily in my palm before giving it a squeeze. He couldn't stop the groan, even as he bit down on his lip. I had to fight back a smile. I wasn't going to enjoy this. This wasn't for me. I kept trying to convince myself of these things, but I knew better. With my realization earlier with Jessica, came another, more sad realization. My greatest fantasy was to fuck my own brother, and I'd actually done it. But I would never remember it, and it would never happen again. It kind of hurt knowing that. It seemed, however, that there might just be a chance for a mulligan. With his cock still gripped in my hand, I felt it jump again in excitement, and it felt incredible. Nervous, but determined not to let this opportunity pass me by, I lifted my other hand to his button and zipper, slowly unfastening his pants. Once they were undone, I pulled them down his hips slightly, just enough to free his brotherly cock. My hand slipped inside his pants and boxers, and slowly pulled him free. It was magnificent, long and just the right thickness with a swollen head, begging to be sucked. His skin felt so soft and warm in my hand. My heart battered away at my ribcage as I looked up at my brother, still silent for all I was doing. There was something else in his eyes now, as I slowly stroked his smooth cock in my hand, pointing it right at my waiting mouth. "Please, Little Brother," I whispered, letting my tongue flick against the tip of his cock. "Please don't tell anyone what your sister did to you." Taking my eyes off of his, I focused on his cock, letting his warm shaft brush against my cheek as I kissed one side, and then the other. The kiss I placed on his tip lingered, and my lips slowly parted to take his whole head in, letting my tongue swirl around him and tasting his delicious precum as it coated my taste buds. Finally having him in my mouth, I closed my eyes and moaned deeply in satisfaction. I could hear Kyle's moans echo my own, and it only drove me further. Opening wider, I took more of him into my mouth, taking him as far down as I could. There was just too much of him though. Nearly half of his cock still sat beyond my lips as his tip touched the back of my throat, forcing me to fight back my gag reflex. Not to be deterred, I sucked on what I could reach, and stroked the rest, making sure to coat it all with a thick layer of my saliva. My panties felt soaked in my shorts. The more I sucked, the more I was sure my juices were soaking the denim and dripping into a puddle on the floor. Finally, unable to control myself any longer, I snaked a hand down between us, and into the front of my shorts. I was a mess. My fingers were instantly coated in my juices, but I couldn't care less. I began rubbing my clit, moaning harder on my brothers cock as I blew him. I had never gotten so much pleasure out of giving head before, and deep down, I knew it was only this hot because of who's throbbing shaft it was that was in my mouth. Opening my eyes again, I looked up at my brother, seeing his face contorted in a tortured pleasure as he watched his own sister worshiping his cock. I felt him begin to swell between my lips, and I started fingering myself faster. If he was going to cum, I wanted to cum with him. Just as I was sure he would burst in my mouth, Kyle grabbed me by the hair and yanked me from his delicious cock, staggering back a step as he took deep breaths. For a moment, I thought he had reconsidered what we were doing, but once I recognized the look in his eyes, I knew better. He lifted me to my feet by the hair and pushed me against the kitchen island facing away from him. With both of his strong hands, he yanked down my jean shorts and soaked panties to my thighs before bending me forcefully over the counter. With my upper body splayed out on the granite countertop, the balls of my feet barely reached the floor. I couldn't see what he was doing behind me. There was a long pause as I waited hopefully, then a rustle of clothing before I felt it. It brushed slightly against my wet folds teasingly sliding up, and then back down. He was so warm against me, and all I wanted was for him to drive himself deep inside of my desperate pussy, to take me any way he wanted so long as he showed me who was in charge. I had never before wanted to be the submissive in a relationship, but the thought of being dominated by Kyle, by my little brother, made my body ache and tremble. Just as he was sliding down my wet lips once more, he slammed himself inside of me, burying himself as deep as he could. I let out a cry of both surprise and bliss as I felt him stretching me to fit his impressive size. He barely paused before he began fucking me with slow powerful thrusts, his fingers gripping my small waist as his hips crashed into my ass. I stretched my arms out in front of me, grasping to the opposite end of the counter as I tried to press my ass back into his assault. He felt incredible inside of me, and I could feel my juices running down my thighs. The slap-slap-slap of our fucking filled the quiet kitchen, and I moaned out my pleasure, urging him to fuck me harder. "Do you like fucking your sister?" I cooed, falling into a sex fueled haze of depravity. "Does my pussy feel good wrapped around my little brother's cock?" "Fuck!" he grunted as he began fucking me harder. "That's it," I urged him. "Punish me! Fuck me harder! Fuck me to pieces!" The more I spoke, the more violent his assault became. In no time, he was forcibly pulling me back to him with each powerful thrust. Each time our bodies connected, another paralyzing jolt of pleasure shot through my body from my punished pussy. I could feel myself getting closer and closer, like a glass vase slowly being pushed towards the edge, knowing it would shatter from the fall. My voice was a loud, high pitched keen of pleasure as my brother continued fucking me. I was right on the edge, begging to be pushed over. "Oh fuck, Sis!" Kyle cried, squeezing my hips tighter. "I'm gonna cum!" I didn't know what was hotter, him telling me he was going to cum for me, or him calling me Sis while his cock was pounding ruthlessly into my pussy, but it sent me over the edge. My body went limp, and my legs trembled uncontrollably through my climax, curling my toes painfully. Kyle's cock continued pounding into my over sensitive pussy even after my orgasm ravaged my body, torturing me, making me delirious with pleasure. I couldn't think, I could hardly breath. My body was limp as he used me, my legs dangling unsupported off the side of the counter. I thought my punishment would last forever, until... "Oh, Fuck!" Kyle cried, his thrusts becoming more sporadic. "Oh fuck, Ash!" He drove deep inside of me, mashing our bodies tightly together as he emptied his cock into my brutalized pussy. Panting heavily, he leaned over my back for support. After several moments, he slowly withdrew his cock from my worn cunt and sat down right on the kitchen tile. With him no longer supporting me, I let my helpless legs pull me down off the counter as well, and I found myself lying right next to him as I tried to remember where I was, and what had just happened to me. My shorts and panties were sitting around my ankles, but my muscles were too sore, and I was too tired to do anything about it. I could feel cum dribbling out of my pussy and down my ass. I looked beside me, and my brother was lying there with an arm over his eyes, and his pants around his ankles as well. That's right, I thought. I just fucked my brother...again. My memory came back to me, and for the first time since I'd let his cock slip into my mouth, I remembered the whole reason I had been there in the kitchen talking with him. "So, does this mean you're not going to tell now?" I asked. "What?" he asked, looking slightly confused as he pulled his arm away from his eyes to look at me. "I figured, since you just fucked the hell out of me, that you wouldn't be telling Mom and Dad about last night," I said hopefully. "Oh...yeah," he said, looking a bit sheepish as his cheeks redden. "About that...Uh...April Fools?" "What?" I asked, momentarily confused. "Uh...it was just an April Fool's joke," he said, carefully looking anywhere but at me. "Nothing actually happened last night. Jessica and I just put this together to get you back..." he trailed off awkwardly. "So, we never had sex?" I asked. "Well, just now..." he said. "You're an ass," I said, still too exhausted and sexually fulfilled to even work up a small amount of anger. "And you're sick, you know that?" I asked. "Totally fucked up in the head." "You're the one that seduced me," he shot back. "Did not!" "You were on your knees, and you pulled my cock out and started sucking it!" he protested. Shit...I did do that, I thought. Try as hard as I might though, I couldn't find it in myself to get angry. First, it was an excellent prank. Second, I got to fuck my brother, and prank or not, I had finally realized how much I'd been wanting to do that. "By the way," Kyle added. "Happy Birthday." "Thanks," I replied. A moment later I kicked off my shorts and panties from around my ankles, and sat up, facing him. "Speaking of, there's something I want for my birthday..." I peeled off my yellow and white polo shirt, leaving myself completely naked for him as I swung my leg over to straddle his thighs. I let my hands run up my body from my legs, up over my smooth tummy, and finished off by giving my round perky breasts a teasing squeeze. Kyle's eyes were glued to my body, and I watched his cock, lying limp on his belly right in front of me, begin to grow in anticipation. ***Jessica*** Jessica watched, crouching near the kitchen window in her friend's back yard. Her panties had been long discarded, and the insides of her thighs were stained with the remnants of her arousal. She had planned everything out so perfectly, but she still never expected something so hot to happen, but she had hoped. Ever since that 4th of July, and seeing Ashley call that guy Kyle while she fucked him, Jessica had developed this overwhelming perversion. She wanted to see her best friend actually fuck her own brother. It was so wrong, but that one night had changed her, and now incest was a huge turn on for her. Not her own family, of course, but watching others cross that line...just thinking about Ashely with her brother drove her wild. Jessica watched as Ashely finally sat up on the floor and pulled her top off. Seeing her best friend straddling her brother, she realized that the show wasn't over yet. Ashely lifted herself, lining her brother's cock up with her battered cunt, and Jessica let her fingers dip underneath her skirt once again. As Ashely's faint moans reached her ears, Jessica had only one thought, this was the greatest April Fool's joke that no one would ever hear about. THE END For Pics visit:---->>> https://bit.ly/2ReHUJI
Title: My Cougar Aunt Summary: My aunt comes to town and things get interesting.  Keywords:inc,fic,erotic,hot I woke up in a hotel bed after my brother's wedding not really knowing if I was in my own room. Several family members from both sides rented rooms at the reception venue at a discounted rate so we didn't have to worry about drinking and driving late at night. I got rip-roaring drunk the night before and was almost afraid to turn over in bed. I knew I might have done something I would regret later. I laid there for a few moments and could feel the presence of another person laying next to me. I gathered up my courage and turned around. What I saw will be embedded in my brain for a lifetime. In the bed next to me was my Aunt Carol, naked, as was I. As I began to awaken, the events of last night were slowly coming back to me. I couldn't believe what had happened. I've done a lot of stupid things in my twenty-two years but this one was at the top of the list. There was no talking my way out of this fiasco. It all started on the Friday before the ceremony at the pre-wedding family dinner. I was my brother Don's best man and he told me he was going to try and fix me up with his wife Sandy's maid of honor, her sister Barb. Barb was a little older than me but single and sexy as all hell. She was a brunette, average height and weight but she had a gorgeous, round ass that filled out her black leggings and her tits were at least 36c's if not bigger. She was only in town for the weekend and I was hoping for a quick wedding hookup. My brother told me, "Sandy said her sister likes to have a good time. I hope things work out for you Rick." "She's one fine looking woman Donny, I hope I can get some of that fine pussy too." I have dark hair, dark eyes and women have told me that I'm attractive. I'm 6'2" with an athletic body from working out so I thought I had a shot at getting Barb into my bed if I played my cards right. I couldn't be too obvious or too anxious but I planned to turn on the charm and reel her in with my boyish smile. It was a small wedding party, only two of us standing up and only some close friends and family invited. My dad was the oldest of a larger family of four boys and his baby sister, Carol. My grandparents had Carol late in life and from what I heard, her birth wasn't planned. My aunt was known to be kind of wild. My grandparents were worn down by raising four rambunctious boys and by the time my aunt was a teenager, they were simply worn out. She was the only girl too so she got away with a lot more than her older brothers ever did. The family gossip was that my aunt was a "free spirit" which meant she was wild as a teenager and it continued throughout her life. Now in her mid 40's, never married, the rumor was that she was a cougar who liked the company of younger men. Her plus one backed out at the last minute so she attended the wedding by herself. When my Aunt Carol arrived at the dinner, she was fashionably late and made a grand entrance seeing she was used to being the center of attention. Even though she was more than twice my age, I have to admit she looked pretty good for a woman her age. She's a petite lady, about 5'3", with brownish-red hair, blue eyes, and a trim figure. She was wearing a short jean skirt with a low cut camisole top that showed off her 34b cleavage. My father rolled his eyes when he saw her and my mom gave her a look of disgust for wearing clothing she believed was for a much younger woman. My mother had warned the bride's family about her sister-in-law but Carol knew she was a good looking, middle-aged woman and she planned to enjoy herself for as long as she could. She was a natural flirt and got some people mad by toying with their husbands or boyfriends. Apparently, she had been known around town as the reason a few marriages ended because she slept with various married men. A lot of women were happy when she moved out of town to take a lucrative job. There is no doubt she was the black sheep of the family. I always got along great with my Aunt Carol and she would flirt with me sometimes too. I think she did it because she knew it would piss off my mom. I played along for those same reasons, besides, everyone likes a compliment and to feel they are attractive. It was all in good fun but now that I was a little older, she got more bold in her flirtations. When we were together at family functions, she never failed to give my ass a squeeze when no one was looking and I may have given hers a gentle touch too from time to time. When she saw me, she came over and gave me a big kiss on the cheek and said, "Why Ricky, you are such a handsome young man." All through dinner Aunt Carol kept making eye contact with me while I was trying to talk to Barb, trying to set things up for the next night when I would make my move to try and have sex with her. We'd be together most of the day celebrating, partying, drinking and dancing. My aunt was flirting with all of the men there, most of them were married, and their wives kept a watchful eye on their husbands to make sure they weren't tempted by my aunt, the known seductress. The wedding day was crazy. My brother and I got dressed in our tuxes together, exchanged some stories of our younger days when we got into trouble, sometimes getting caught, sometimes escaping detection. We joked about how great it would be if Barb and I liked each other and we could end up getting married to sisters. I made sure I had the wedding ring and got him to the church on time. When I first saw Barb in her bridesmaid gown, my thoughts went immediately to wondering what she was like in bed. The gown was tight and low cut that accentuated her fine female attributes. I couldn't take my eyes off her cleavage but tried my best not to stare. The gown had a high cut slit in front that showed off plenty of her long legs and just a hint of her meaty thighs when she walked. Damn, she was hot. After the ceremony, all the nerves were gone and it was time to begin the celebration. We shared champagne with my brother and his new bride in the limousine before we took pictures and drank even more on the way to the reception at a fancy downtown hotel. It was one of the happiest days of my brother's life and I was thrilled to be able to share it with him. We were going to have a damn good time. After the formalities of giving an embarrassing speech about my brother, dinner and the cutting of the wedding cake, it was time for him to throw the garter belt and for Sandy to throw the bouquet. My brother had a plan to toss the garter to me which worked out perfectly as I wrestled a few other guys for it. I'm 6'2" with a decent, athletic build so he made sure to throw it high enough where I would be able to get it before the other single men. Things didn't work out so well for Sandy who had a similar plan for her sister to catch the bouquet. My Aunt Carol stepped in front of Barb, leaped and snatched it just before Barb could catch it. Sandy and Barb seemed like they were both a little upset that my aunt disrupted their plans. I was disappointed too because I wanted to have the pleasure of sliding the garter up Barbs's legs. Now, I had the embarrassing task of doing this traditional ceremony with my older aunt. The crowd got a good laugh out of it though and we got ready for the next move. The DJ brought out a chair for my aunt to sit on. She was wearing a very short, low cut, V-neck, little black dress. When she sat down, her dress rode up her legs to show off her bare skin above the black stockings she was wearing. I have to admit she looked darn good but she was still my aunt and there was a crowd of people watching and making fun of us seeing I was her nephew. I got down on one knee as the DJ put on some sexy music. I looked up at my aunt's legs and from my vantage point, I noticed I could see right up her dress to her black lace panties which I assumed were a thong. As I began to move the garter past my aunt's black heels, her legs parted slightly and she lifted her leg. I could see through the sheer lace of her panties that her pussy was cleanly shaven. I felt the soft texture of the nylon fabric of her stockings as I began to slowly slide the garter higher up towards her knee. Just then the DJ announced, "The higher you place the garter on her leg, the more years of good luck the married couple will have." I heard people in the crowd yelling, "Higher," and "You want them to have good luck don't you?" Aunt Carol looked down and me and quietly said, "Don't be shy Ricky. It's okay." By this time, I already had a few drinks in me and I didn't want people thinking I was scared, so I slowly kept pushing the garter past my aunt's knee on my way towards her thigh. I thought she was going to stop me when I got past her stocking top to her bare thigh but she just sat there with a smile on her face. I pulled the garter up her thigh until my finger brushed across her panties. The crowd cheered wildly when I stopped and the men's eyes were wide after getting a good show of Aunt Carol's legs and a peek at her panties. When I stood up, I noticed my mom glaring at me. It was that familiar glare from when I was a kid and had done something to piss her off. My instinct was to freeze for a moment but then I thought, "I'm twenty-two, I'm at my brother's wedding, it was all in good fun and fuck it, I'm going to have a good time and not worry about what my mother thinks." My brother patted me on the back and handed me a shot. After he had his first dance with his new wife and the mother/son, father/daughter dances, it was time to celebrate and celebrate we did. We drank and danced the night away. I stayed close to Barb and tried to dance with her as much as I could. I watched those marvelous tits bouncing as we danced to the fast songs and felt them brushing up against my chest when we slow danced. Things were working out just as I had planned. I saw my aunt dancing with a couple of guys but it was a small wedding so the prospects for her weren't all that good but I didn't care. It was almost time for me to close the deal with Barb. Before I could seal the deal, I got called out to take more pictures with the family, stopped at the men's room and got another drink from the bar. When I got back, Barb was dancing with another guy. I tried to move in but she seemed to like him better. Damn it, I got frozen out in just a few short minutes. I was pissed and went over to the bar where I scanned the crowd for another woman I could bring up to my hotel room later. There really weren't any other women that seemed worth it and I ended up having a drink with my aunt at the bar. She noticed I struck out and tried to console me saying she wasn't going to get lucky either. The DJ announced it was the last song so I accepted my aunt's invitation to do a slow dance with her to end the night. I had a lot to drink and as we danced I couldn't help but try to peek down her dress at her small tits. I think she knew what I was doing but never made an attempt to stop me either. She looked up at me with her blue eyes and I have to admit she looked pretty good for a woman in her 40's. I thought it was a shame some guy her age wouldn't get a chance to fuck her that night. When the song ended, she said to me, "It's still early; do you want to have a drink at the hotel bar with me? Maybe we'll both find someone there." "Sure, why not Aunt Carol. I've got nothing else going on." Over the next couple of hours, my aunt and I had several drinks and got shit faced drunk. It was kind of fun to hear about some of her wild times when she was younger and drove my family crazy with some of the boys she would hang out with that didn't meet with their approval and how they didn't like the fact that she hung out with younger guys now. She said she enjoys sex and young guys have more stamina than old men as she called them. Besides, women reach their sexual peak later in life than men so they were a good match for each other. I shared some stories of my younger sexual conquests and some things I did that pissed off my parents. Sharing stories helped bring us closer together and felt a bond building between us. While we were drinking, she made sure she gave me some good looks at her legs, up her skirt and down her dress. She had nice, little, pert tits with hard nipples. I had to remind myself that she was my aunt but what guy isn't going to look at a naked pair of tits or up a ladies dress when given the opportunity? It's not like I was going to make a move on her or anything, even though the thought did cross my mind. I quickly dismissed it though, knowing it would be scandalous if anyone found out. It just wasn't an option. Despite her flirtations, she probably wouldn't do it either. After a couple of hours, we were both pretty drunk and she asked me to help her to her room. Being the gentleman that I am, I never gave it a second thought. We both stumbled over to the elevator and staggered into the small compartment. The elevator started with a sudden jerk and my aunt fell into my arms. I accidentally grabbed her boobs when I caught her and she simply looked up at me and smiled. We both staggered down the hallway to her room where she fumbled with the key to get in. Once inside, she fell backward onto the bed, her legs parted and her sheer panties exposed. She then told me, "Hey Ricky, check out the mini-bar and make us both a nightcap." It sounded like a good idea at the time. I took a couple of small bottles of whiskey and mixed it with some ginger ale and served us both drinks in little plastic cups. I watched as she took off her shoes, parting her legs in a very unladylike manner, giving me a full view of her stockings, bare thighs and sheer underwear but she was too drunk to care. I'm still a young stud and enjoyed the eyeful of her carelessly laying on the bed. She told me how much her feet hurt and asked me to give her a foot rub. I was drunk, feeling a little frisky and let her place her feet in my lap as I gently massaged her nylon covered feet while enjoying the sight up her dress. I was enjoying the feeling of the soft nylon fabric and touching her heels, soles of her feet and toes underneath. Even though I'm her nephew, I'm also a horny college senior and had to control the wicked thoughts going through my mind. Yes, we were both drunk but it really seemed like my aunt was coming on to me. My dick started to stir in my pants so I made an excuse of wanting to make another drink so I could stop her foot massage. If I continued there was no doubt it would lead to a full blown hard-on so I had to distract myself. I made us both another drink and clicked glasses as a cheer towards what was turning out to be a nephew/aunt bonding moment. I didn't realize the bonding was only beginning. My aunt excused herself to go to the bathroom and to get comfortable. While I was waiting for her to return, I was looking out her window at the city skyline when I heard the bathroom door open. When I turned around I saw that my Aunt Carol had taken off her dress and was standing near the bed topless, wearing only her sheer lace thong and black stockings. Things were really heating up. She again told me how handsome I was and how good I looked in my tuxedo. At first, I was scared and nervous. I mean, holy shit, my aunt, who was twice my age was now half-naked in her hotel room making an obvious offer of having sex with her. I almost ran out of her room but I was frozen in place. I couldn't take my eyes off her pert titties and her slender figure. Aunt Carol did a slow turn, giving me the opportunity to scan her entire body, especially her nice ass and asked, "Not bad for a middle-aged woman, don't you think?" I stammered a response, "Um, uh, wow. You look great." As my aunt began to approach me I got scared. My dick was telling me to do one thing and my brain was telling me another. My aunt came right up to me, rubbing her tits against my chest and her hand stroking my growing erection through my pants and said, "Seeing we both struck out tonight, maybe we could have a little fun ourselves." She continued to rub me through my pants and began to kiss my neck and rub her other hand over my chest while I tried to stop her, "No, Aunt Carol, we can't do this. I'm your nephew." "I know, that's what makes it even more exciting." I told her to stop, that we couldn't do this but she got down on her knees and began to unbuckle my pants and lower my zipper. I again told her to stop but she continued on to pull my pants and underwear down to my ankles. Freed from the confines of my pants, my erection bobbed in front of her face. I guess I could have been more forceful in my pleas to stop but I was so horny by this time, my dick took control of my thoughts. When she saw my dick she started to stroke and kiss it, telling me, "Um, you have such a lovely cock Ricky. Let me see what I can do to help you out tonight." She then began to lick my dick and I half-heartedly pleaded with her to stop while also placing one hand on the back of her head as she began to give me a slow, sensuous blow job. I looked down at my aunt's head bobbing on my dick and decided to relax and enjoy it. What young guy can refuse a blow job? I told myself I wasn't going to let it go any further than that; a blow job was as far as I'd let this go. I began to moan in pleasure as her lips surrounded my dick, sucking me and swirling her tongue around it. My aunt was giving me the best blow job I've ever had and there is no way I was going to stop her now. Holy shit, could she suck a dick. I then held the back of her head and began to face fuck her which she seemed to also enjoy. I was afraid I was about to cum so I pulled her head off my dick. She looked up at me with a look of disappointment. I then had her stand up. She had a curious look on her face and a broad smile broke out when I picked her up and carried her over to the bed, gently laying her down. It may have been the alcohol or being extremely horny by then but it was then that I figured since I already crossed this line, I might as well go the distance. Aunt Carol stared at me with a look of lust in her eyes as I began to quickly strip off my clothes before approaching the bed. I was a determined young man and I was with a woman that was offering to have sex with me, well then, I was going to give it to her good. She looked me up and down and said, "I will always love the sight of a naked young man in my bed." Without saying a word, I began to tug at her thong. She lifted her hips so I could get them off. My aunt was now naked in her hotel room bed, except for her stockings. She spread her legs in a silent invitation to me. I was so fucking horny by that time, I never stopped to consider the consequences that I may face if anyone ever found out what I was about to do to my aunt. I climbed between her legs, slipped my dick into her and began to fuck her hard as she wrapped her legs around my waist while she lifted her hips in rhythm to my thrusts. I looked down at her beautiful face and saw a look of lustful pleasure as I pounded her pussy. I played with her tiny tits as I fucked her hard and fast. When I felt my orgasm approaching, I decided not to cum in her pussy out of fear of getting her pregnant so I withdrew from her and straddled her chest to feed her my hard cock. She expertly used her lips and tongue to bring me to a raging orgasm and I flooded her mouth with my cum. She swallowed every last drop and sucked me dry. I told her, "Hot damn, you sure know how to fuck." She replied, "You're not so bad yourself. Now it's your turn to get me off Ricky." I smiled at my aunt and began to kiss and nibble on her neck, then making my way down to lick, suck and play with her tits and nipples. I really enjoy sucking on a woman's tits so I took my time and she seemed to enjoy it too. When I felt her gently pushing on the top of my head, I knew exactly what she wanted me to do so I began to kiss and lick my way down her petite body. I kissed and nibbled all around her pussy before lightly licking her lips. I made her lift her knees towards her chest and began to tongue fuck her. My aunt's pussy was hot and tasty as she moaned to my tongue's penetration. When she was good and hot, I began to finger fuck her while I sucked and licked on her clit. She began to writhe and breathe heavier until she came to a hip bucking orgasm herself. She flooded my mouth with her juices. It was the first time a woman actually squirted her cum into my mouth and it caught me by surprise. I thought I was done but she told me, "Don't stop yet. I want to cum again," so I continued tonguing, licking and sucking her pussy until she came a second time. When I lifted my head, she looked down at me with a wicked grin on her face. I felt a little guilty for fucking my aunt but my dick was beginning to stir again. When she noticed my half-hard cock, she wasted no time sucking it back to life. When I was good and hard she said, "This is what I love about young cock, you're always ready for more. Now you lay back while I take you for a ride." I laid back and my Aunt Carol straddled my dick, taking it in her hand and holding it steady while she slid it into her. Her eyes rolled back into her head while she slowly rode my dick while looking directly into my eyes. She is a pretty lady with a nice body and I watched her tits begin to bounce in rhythm to her riding me. Aunt Carol began to roll her hips and squeezed her pussy tighter as she fucked me. She leaned down and fed me her nipples while I played with her tight ass. She then began to ride me faster and faster until she was out of breath and asked me to switch positions. She climbed off me and got down on all fours and I fucked her hard from behind while playing with her ass cheeks and breasts. Over the next hour, I fucked my aunt in a variety of positions until I shot my second load, this time filling her pussy. By this time, we were both exhausted and fell asleep in her bed. The next morning, I was feeling like I really messed up big time by fucking my aunt twice and tried to quietly get dressed and go to my hotel room but my aunt woke up. "What's your hurry, Ricky?" "I'm a little hungover and I want to go back to my room, shower and get some breakfast. I had fun last night. Thanks. We can't tell anyone what happened though." "Don't worry, it will be our little secret. I had a great time too. Would you mind giving me a ride to your parent's house for the picnic?" I had completely forgotten about the BBQ at my parent's house before the out-of-town guests went home, including myself and my aunt. "Uh, yeah, sure. I'll call you before I leave for home." "You know, my plane doesn't leave until tomorrow so I'll be staying here for another night." It was an obvious hint to spend another night with her but I told her, "Yeah, I know but I'm driving back to campus tonight. I have an early class tomorrow." "That's too bad Ricky." I went back to my hotel room that I barely used and thought to myself, "You're a fucking asshole. How could you even think it was a good idea to fuck your dad's sister? How could you possibly be so fucking perverted that you'd fuck your own aunt? What the fuck is the matter with you? Mom and Dad will disown me if they ever find out." I was cursing myself all the way back to my room, my head pounding from the hangover. I took a long hot shower and had a cup of coffee in the hotel room. It sucked but the caffeine did help my headache. I felt much better after breakfast where I ran into a couple of relatives who were also going to head over to my parent's house later. I packed up my belongings and called my aunt to offer her a ride to my parent's house. Luckily she didn't keep me waiting long. When I met her in the lobby, I could barely look her in the eyes after what we did the night before. I did check her out though and undressed her with my eyes. She was wearing a pair of tight, white short shorts and a yellow tank top. She looked darn good too. I definitely wasn't proud of what I had done but I began to feel less guilty about fucking her even though it would be scandalous if anyone found out what we did, after all, she is one sexy lady. On the drive to my parent's house, Aunt Carol made me feel a little better when she told me, "Look, we were both a little drunk last night and things may have gotten out of control. Don't get me wrong, I had fun but we can agree to forget the whole matter and never mention it again." "Aunt Carol, I will probably never forget what happened last night but we can both agree never to mention it again." She smiled and nodded her agreement. I think we both felt relieved that we got that off our chests. I still couldn't help undressing her with my eyes and thinking about the incredible blow job she gave me and she definitely was one of the better, if not the best, pieces of ass I've ever had. She was experienced and it showed in everything she did in bed, but still, she was my aunt; it happened and I promised myself it would never happen again. There were some people already at my parent's house when my aunt and I arrived and others were arriving by the minute. Throughout the day, my aunt and I were exchanging knowing glances. We had a deep, dark secret that we shared and it was fun being around everyone we knew that had no idea what had happened between us. My brother was busting my balls privately every chance he got about me not getting laid at his wedding. He knew it was my plan to get someone to sleep with me but he was only being my big brother by thinking he was getting under my skin. I'm also horrible at keeping secrets and when he went into the house to get more beers for everyone, I offered to help. I was always close with my brother and I had to tell someone what happened. When we went into the basement to get more beer, I told my brother, "Don, you won't believe this but I did end up getting laid last night." "Bullshit Rick, I saw you strike out with Barb and I didn't see you with anyone else. Jerking off in your hotel doesn't count, so you're right I don't believe you." I shook my head and told him, "If I tell you, you have to promise never to tell anyone." He gave me an inquisitive look and said, "I'm your brother, if you can't trust me, who can you trust?" "I swear, if this ever gets out, I'll kill you. I mean it too." His curiosity was piqued, "You're serious, aren't you? Well, who was it?" "I mean it. You can't tell anyone." "Okay Rick, I promise not to say anything. Who did you fuck last night?" I took a deep breath and replied, "Aunt Carol." He was speechless and looked like he was waiting for me to tell him it was a joke and then said, "You're full of shit." "No, I'm serious. I fucked her twice last night. We got drunk in the hotel bar after the reception and I walked her to her room, one thing led to another and fucked her." "YOU FUCKED AUNT CAROL? HOLY SHIT." "Sssshhhh. Shut the fuck up Donny. No one can find out about this." He pleaded with me for all of the gory details. I told him we were both shit faced drunk and she came onto me, coming out of the bathroom half-naked. I told him about the great blow job she gave me and how she really knew how to fuck. She was much better than the women my age. He still found it hard to believe but when he realized I was dead serious, he gave me a high five. He then asked me if I was going to fuck her again and I quickly told him there is no way I was going to do it again. I didn't want to be the gossip of the whole family for years to come and be an outcast either. My brother was shaking his head and grinning while I helped him carry more beer outside. It was an enjoyable afternoon with the family on the happy occasion. We told old stories about when we were growing up and it was fun to be around the family again. We had a great BBQ dinner and dessert. As people were starting to leave, my aunt asked me, "Ricky, would you mind giving me a ride back to the hotel?" My brother jumped in before I could say anything, "I'm sure Rick will be more than happy to give you a ride. He has to go right by there on his way to the thruway on his way back to school anyway." Donny had a little grin on his face as he looked at me so I had no choice but to say, "Sure Aunt Carol, I'll be more than happy to give you a ride." I would have given her a ride anyway but it was my brother's way of busting my balls too. As I was saying my goodbyes, I hugged my brother and he whispered in my ear, "Don't do anything I wouldn't do." I called him an asshole in good fun and wished him luck on his honeymoon. After we were on the road my aunt surprised me by asking, "Did you tell your brother what we did last night?" I almost choked and replied, "Why do you ask?" "He made a couple of remarks and was looking at us funny at times. Did you say anything to him?" I'm a horrible liar and confessed, "Well, yeah. I mentioned it to him but we share all of our secrets. Don't worry, he won't tell a soul." "What did you tell him?" I blushed a little and replied, "I told him you are one sexy woman who gave incredible blow jobs and is great in bed." She smiled and said, "You men have to brag about all of your conquests." When we got to the hotel, I said goodnight to my aunt but she asked if I wanted to have a drink with her at the bar before I left. I told her I better not and had an early class and wanted to get back to my apartment. She wouldn't let up and finally convinced me to have one drink with her, promising me nothing more would happen between us. I finally agreed to one drink, no more. Well, you know how that goes; one drink turns into two, which turns into four. The entire time we kept looking at each other and I myself checking out her slender legs and her pert tits once again. She is really pretty and has a great smile too. There was a definite sexual energy building but I promised myself I would maintain my control no matter what my dick was telling me. As time passed, I was feeling a little buzz, too much to drink and drive. I told her I'd probably head back to my parent's house. Deep down, I was probably fishing for an invitation to stay in her room but I would never admit it, even to myself. She looked me dead in the eye and said, "You know, you can come upstairs and spend the night with me. I just might give you one of those incredible blow jobs you told your brother about." I didn't respond, I was seriously thinking it over when she got up and started walking out of the bar, turned to look over her shoulder giving me one of those come hither looks, then smiled and walked out the door giving her ass some extra wiggle on the way out. My brain was saying, "Don't do it, Don't do it," but my dick was saying, "Go ahead and fuck her. She's one of the best pieces of ass you've ever had. Go for it." Well, we know which brain won out and I quickly finished my drink and left the bar to go get my aunt. When I got out of the door, she was waiting for me with a big smile on her face. "I knew you'd come. Now let's go upstairs and continue this party." She took me by the hand and we walked through the lobby like she had me proudly on display. Several people looked at us and either smiled or gave us a look of disgust because it was obvious this young guy was going up to a room to fuck this cougar. Some people probably thought I was a paid escort. When we got into the elevator we immediately began to make-out. She ran her hand over my growing erection through my shorts and I had my hand up her top while the other was grabbing her ass. We were dry humping each other in the small confines of the elevator. When we got to her floor, we hurried down the hallway to her room and began to immediately strip off our clothes once inside. In no time, she was down on her knees giving me another incredible blow job until I suggested, "Let's sixty-nine." Aunt Carol led me over to the bed telling me to lay down while she straddled my head. I looked up at her juicy pussy and asshole and began to lick away. I heard her moan as I felt her lips working their magic on my dick. I had a firm grip on her ass cheeks while I tongue fucked her and lapped at her leaking juices. When she began rubbing her clit against my lips I knew she was close to cumming so I flicked my tongue over her love button while I simultaneously sucked on it bringing her to multiple orgasms. She had a look of lust in her eye when she climbed off my face and began to straddle my dick while telling me, "I'm going to fuck your brains out tonight. I hope you're ready for it." I replied, "Shit, I hope you're ready for it." I watched her tiny tits bouncing as she fucked me, then reached up to play with them, rubbing and pinching her nipples while she expertly used her cougar cunt on my dick. She was doing something with her hips that I'd never experienced before. She knew it too. I could tell by the way she was looking at me. She wanted to see the look of lust and pleasure in my eyes as she fucked me. It's like she knew she had me in a trance and under her control. When she got tired from riding me, I turned her over without dislodging myself from her, put her legs over my shoulders and gave her pussy a good hard pounding. She liked young guys for a reason, for their stamina and I was determined to give her the fucking she coveted. She was begging me to fuck her hard. "Oh God, fuck me, Ricky. Oh, give it to me good and hard. Fuck me. Fuck me." I brought her to another orgasm as we passionately fucked in her hotel room. I then turned her over, gave her ass a couple of hard slaps and took her from behind. I grabbed a couple of handfuls of her ass cheeks and drove deep into her as I held on tight. We fucked in a variety of positions over the next hour, the guilt of fucking my dad's sister was gone and I was totally caught up in enjoying taboo sex with a sexy cougar. Realizing I was getting close to an orgasm, she told me, "I want to taste that young cum of yours." It was an offer I couldn't refuse and she got down on her knees in front of me and sucked the cum out of me. She even let me splash a few shots on her face. My aunt was looking up at me with her beautiful blue eyes but quickly closed them when my cum shot out at her before stuffing my cock back in her mouth. When she was done licking me clean, Aunt Carol looked so lovely with my cum splattered on her face. If only the rest of the family could see us now, it would be the scandal of a lifetime. In my wildest dreams, I never imagined I would find myself in my Aunt's hotel room fucking her let alone doing it for a second night in a row. She was one of the best, if not the best, piece of ass I ever had. Yes, we are related and she watched me grow up, even babysat me at times but she was now a hungry cougar on the prowl and we were more than happy to satisfy each other's most primitive needs. We sat around her hotel room naked after raiding the minibar again with both of us knowing the evening wasn't over yet. I still had hopes of getting back to my apartment later that night but I realized that probably wasn't going to happen, not as long as I was in the company of a cute woman who was craving as much sex as I could handle. My brain was telling me, "You've had your fun with your aunt, now be a good boy and head back to school so you can make your early class," while my dick was telling me, "Fuck class, I'm going to get as much pussy as I can handle tonight. I may never get this opportunity again." We've been through this before so we know which head took over the thinking. Heck, I was twenty-two, in my last year of school and wanted to have as much fun as I possibly could before I had to settle down in a real job. I knew that someday I might regret fucking my aunt, especially if other people found out our secret but right then, I only had sex on my mind and there is no doubt Aunt Carol felt the same way. As we sat around naked, drinking whatever concoction of mixed drinks we could muster up from the mini-bar in her room, I asked my aunt what is the wildest thing she's ever done sexually. She wasn't going to get into the details of what she had done in the past but did tell me that when she was younger, she preferred older men and now that she is older, she prefers younger men. She had sex with a few married men in our town, which confirmed some of the rumors I had heard about her being the cause of a couple of divorces. She did tell me she has had sex with multiple partners including men and women. I couldn't match her stories but we both found the conversation to be stimulating. When Aunt Carol noticed me starting to get an erection, she smiled and said, "This is what I love about younger men," as she reached for my dick and started stroking me. We found ourselves making out on the bed with me finger fucking her as she masturbated me until we found ourselves in a sixty-nine again. I don't know how it was possible for this session to be more passionate than the previous ones but I think that simply confirming what a slut my aunt was made it more exciting for me. I knew she had numerous lovers before me, too many to count but I wanted her to remember the times I fucked her so I pounded her pussy hard. I wanted to give her a fucking she'd never forget even though fucking her nephew should be memorable enough. I'm competitive so I wanted to be the best she's ever had. I think what made the sex with Aunt Carol so good was the passion that she had while being fucked. I had sex with a lot of horny young women but my aunt seemed to appreciate young cock more than my previous girlfriends and one night stands. Maybe it was because what we were doing was so wrong, so taboo that made it so good. I have to admit that as a young, horny man, I had undressed her with my eyes on several occasions, especially after overhearing some of the scandalous stories about her. I always wondered what she would be like in bed. Now I was getting a first-hand experience as I had her bent over fucking her hard, deep and fast. She was enjoying my dick as much as I was enjoying her pussy. After I came for the second time that evening, I still had thoughts about making it back home, after all, it was only a two hour drive. I didn't want to have any more to drink and told Aunt Carol I'd probably be leaving shortly. We talked for about half an hour and I could tell she didn't want me to leave but all good things have to come to an end. She did her best to delay my leaving but I insisted. I just wanted to shower before I left. I climbed into the shower, closing my eyes, letting the warm water cascade down my naked body while I fondly relived the events of the last two days. It was exciting being the best man for my big brother as he started a new chapter in his life, being with the family and exploring a new relationship with my sexy aunt. As I was lost in my daydream, I suddenly felt hands on my body which scared the crap out of me. I should have known that my aunt would join me and I knew her motive. Aunt Carol squirted some body wash onto her hands and began to apply it to my body and I decided to do the same to her. The warm water was trickling down our bodies as we used the soap as a way to fondle each other's most private parts. Her hand was working on my balls and dick as the other was roaming over my ass. Mine were working over her tits and pussy before I went to work on her tight, petite ass. I even worked my finger over her asshole and when she didn't object, I slipped my middle finger up there. We began to kiss in the shower as she stroked my dick while I finger fucked her ass and pussy at the same time. She stopped kissing me long enough to tell me, "Oh that feels so good, too bad you don't have a friend with you." My dick was beginning to rise again and she let the water rinse the soap from my dick before she got down on her knees and began to blow me again. I knew right then I wasn't going to be leaving her room that night and decided to enjoy what was going to happen as my dick began to get hard again. After I was good and hard, I made my aunt stand up. I lifted her up in my arms as she wrapped her legs around my waist. We fucked like this until it became too uncomfortable and we got out of the shower. We helped each other dry off and moved this party into the bedroom where we fucked one more time that night. My balls had already been almost drained by this time and it took me longer to cum. When I did cum, there wasn't much left. My middle-aged aunt completely drained my balls that night. I couldn't have fucked her anymore even if I could have gotten hard again. There wasn't a drop of cum left in my balls. We fell asleep in each other's arms for the second consecutive night. I could blame alcohol for the first night and pure lust for the second. We both knew we shouldn't have done what we did but that's what also made it that much more exciting. Taboo, risky sex is the best. I got up early the next morning and made it on time to my first class but I was exhausted but it was a good tired feeling after having the best sex I've ever had in my young life. For Pics visit:---->>> https://cutt.ly/hwsMVhC
Title: Premier Classe - Premier Fuck Summary: My first sexual adventure on my South African trip Keywords:inc,erotic,virgin,first time,train,sex,voyeur I opened my eyes, stretched, and looked at my phone. I’d only dozed off in my compartment for half an hour or so, but even during that short time, the landscape had changed completely. I’d closed my eyes on endless rows of ramshackle, corrugated-iron-roofed, single-story shanties on the outskirts of Johannesburg, and opened them to equally wide vistas of flat uncultivated scrubland. There were now no signs of human habitation; just short, twisted trees dotting the landscape, along with random mounds of yellowish soil that I decided must be anthills. The train was clearly in no hurry, rumbling along steadily through the veldt, and I decided it was time to leave my compartment and explore the rest of the train. I walked through two more carriages of sleeping-compartments, then found myself in a comfortable-looking lounge furnished with sofas, tables and a bar. It was already quite busy, with groups of travellers sipping cups of hot drinks and chatting politely. I’d already worked out that the routine on the train revolved mostly around eating and drinking, presumably to help the passengers pass the time on the leisurely thirty-hour journey from Jo’burg to Cape Town. I ordered a rooibos tea and established, while waiting for it to arrive, that the dining cars and kitchen were in the next few carriages, with more sleeping accommodation beyond that. There were no empty blocks of sofas in the lounge, but I excused myself and sat down on the end of one that was already occupied by a woman who I estimated to be in her mid-thirties, and a youth of around twenty who was engrossed in some sort of electronic game on his tablet. As I sipped my tea, I passed the time trying to work out their relationship. The obvious assumption was mother and son, but she looked a bit young for that, or maybe he looked too old. Being congenitally inquisitive, I’d already decided if I was going to spend the next thirty hours on this train, I might as well get to know a few of my fellow passengers, and these two seemed as good a place to start as any. “Excuse me, but can you remind me what time they serve lunch?” I asked (a feeble opener, but better than nothing). “Officially, at 12:30,” she answered with a friendly smile, “but it’s a good idea to get to the dining car a bit early. For Africa, they’re surprisingly keen on good time-keeping, for meals at least. The train itself is another matter. It’s never once arrived less than two hours late all the times I’ve used it.” “It’s my first time,” I admitted. “I was going to fly down to Cape Town, but my friend told me I just had to take the Premier Classe. She lives there, and she says the train’s a great way to see some of the country in comfort.” “That’s true. If all you do is fly from one airport to another, you don’t see much of the real South Africa,” she agreed. “From the train, though, you can see just how empty most of it is – all this land, mostly unused.” She paused, then went on. “So, is this your first visit to South Africa? You said you had a friend in Cape Town, is that right?” So I explained how it all came about. How I’d made friends with Janet at university in London, though she was a year ahead of me, and we’d kept in touch after she left and come back to South Africa. I missed out the bit about how we’d shared a brief but intense sexual relationship while I was in my second year and she was in her third, both of us going through a lesbian phrase at more or less the same time. The sex was great, but it quickly became clear to each of us that we were never going to give up men completely, so it seemed best to end the relationship by mutual consent before it all got messy. Anyway, I’d always promised to go and visit her, but it never seemed to happen. We both had busy jobs now, and we just couldn’t find a time that worked for both of us. Then, out of the blue, a work-related conference in Johannesburg came up, and my boss suggested I should go. Normally, he’d get to do most of the good jollies, but he’d just got back from one in Sydney, and couldn’t really spare the time for another. But I’d had a good year, and this was an easy way for the company to say thank you. I jumped at the chance, especially as they agreed that I could take some holiday afterwards to visit Janet in Cape Town. As I’ve mentioned, she told me I had to take the Premier Classe train service from Johannesburg to Cape Town, saying it was one of those South Africa things that visitors really should “do”, “like going up Table Mountain and seeing a giraffe”, as she put it. I looked it up on the internet, and it did look wonderful: a bit like the Orient Express (but cheaper, and hopefully without any murders). I booked, and here I was. “I’m sure you’ll enjoy it,” said my new friend. “I don’t go down to Cape Town much these days, but I like to do it this way, taking my time and getting some rest. And Hansie doesn’t really mind, as long as he’s got his computer games, do you, bokkie?” Hansie looked up and grinned. “Of course not, ma,” he replied. He looked at me. “She hates flying,” he confided, “but this is too far to drive, and pa’s using the car anyway.” I then found out more about them. Her name was Maria, and the boy, Hansie, was her step-son. His biological mother had died in a car accident when he was ten, and his father, Pieter, had remarried a few years later. She was thirty-four, and Hansie was now eighteen. Pieter worked for one of the big mining corporations based in Jo’burg, although he spent much of his time travelling the world advising other companies. Hansie went to school locally but had just applied for a place at Stellenbosch University, not far from Cape Town. That was why they were going there now, to see the university and visit some old family friends. As Hansie had explained, Maria hated flying, which was why they were taking the train. “Pieter thinks I’m silly,” she smiled, “but since he can’t come, I choose to go my way.” “Isn’t Stellenbosch where all the vineyards are?” I said, keen to show I’d done a bit of homework. “I think Janet’s got a day trip planned out that way. There’s a minibus that drives you round some of the best ones, so you can do lots of tasting without someone having to stay sober.” Maria laughed. “Yes, there are a few companies that do that sort of thing. I hope you have a good day for it. Some of the big estates are a bit commercialised, but hopefully, they’ll take you to a couple of the smaller family businesses too.” “It sounds a great place to study,” I said. “I had a wonderful time at uni. I’m sure you’ll love it, Hansie. And I’m really looking forward to seeing Cape Town. Janet’s going to show me all the touristy things, like Table Mountain. And I really want to see the penguins.” Maria laughed. “Boulders Beach, yes, that’s just south of the city, at Simon’s Town,” she said. “We took Hansie when he was small. All the tourists go there, and I mean all; it can get awfully crowded. But don’t let me put you off. There are some nice beaches too. Where in Cape Town are you staying?” I explained that Janet’s family lived in Newlands, just east of Table Mountain, but that her uncle had an apartment in Kalk Bay, right by the sea, and Janet was house-sitting while this uncle was away for a few months. So I was staying with her and planning to spend a lot of time relaxing on the beach and topping up my tan. “Ah, you’re lucky; Kalk Bay is beautiful, and just along the coast from your penguins,” she said with a smile. “I can recommend some good places to eat too, although I expect your friend knows most of them already.” We chatted on for quite a long time. Maria told me lots about her life in South Africa: how she’d been brought up on a farm near a place called Grahamstown, in the days of apartheid, which she agreed was an evil system, though she assured me that the politicians were if anything even more corrupt now, and the poor people were still poor, despite the opportunities available to them in theory. It was fascinating to hear a first-hand account of things I’d only previously read about (Janet had never wanted to talk about it much), and in no time at all the train manager came around and called us through to lunch. I was pleased when Maria insisted I joined them at their table so we could continue our conversation. Away from his game, Hansie joined in with our chat, and I couldn’t help noticing him casting an occasional glance at my breasts. I wasn’t wearing a bra, and my shirt was tight enough to show off the curve of my tits, and the little buds of my nipples. I didn’t mind; if he hadn’t been with his step-mother, I might have undone another button or two to give him a bit more of a view. The meal was delicious, though I needed to go back to my compartment for a rest afterwards; I wasn’t used to a full three courses at that time of day. In the end, I dropped off for a couple of hours, and then spent some time reading and looking out of the window at the flat landscape going past outside. I was excited to see a real-live monkey by the side of the track at one point, as well as a small herd of what I thought were probably springbok. No giraffes, though I assumed they were mostly confined to the game reserves along with the other exciting things like lions and elephants. Janet had promised we’d see some of them later in the holiday, so I wasn’t too bothered that they weren’t exactly lining up by the railway track just for my benefit. There was apparently “high tea” at 5:00, but I stayed in my compartment during that. If it was anything like the “high teas” I’d read about in Enid Blyton books it would be too much to cope with so soon after lunch, especially as I needed to leave room for the five-course dinner that had been promised. Maria had insisted that I should join them again, and I was more than happy to do so. I also thought dinner required something more formal than shorts and shirt. I’d bought one long sleeveless dress that was simple but elegant, with a high neck but cut quite low at the back, making it nice and cool on a hot evening like this. Because it left my back bare it was best worn without a bra, which suited me just fine. It’s so much nicer being braless in warm weather, and the dress was cut close enough to give my 32Bs all the support they needed, while the high neck meant that I wasn’t likely to give Hansie any flashes of bare tit if I bent over; however much he might have enjoyed that. Both Maria and Hansie seemed genuinely pleased to see me again when I joined them, and she even complimented me on my dress, saying how much it suited me. “I only wish I still had the figure to wear something like that,” she said with a smile. “Nonsense, you’ve got a great figure,” I said, truthfully. “You’d look terrific in it.” She laughed. “Anyway, I think Hansie likes it too, don’t you?” Hansie blushed bright red. “Oh, ma,” he said, “But you do look nice, Annie.” Compliments over, it was time to eat. Maria ordered a bottle of wine which she said would go well with the meal. She let Hansie have a small glass, and the meal passed very enjoyably. Maybe because of the wine, Hansie became quite talkative, and we chatted happily about his experiences at school and how much he was looking forward to going to university. He asked questions about England, which I did my best to answer, and all things considered, it was a thoroughly enjoyable meal. Every now and then I caught him staring at my breasts again, which I found flattering rather than offensive. I wondered if he was thinking about what I would look like underneath the dress, and this thought made my nipples harden with excitement, giving him even more to look at. Even so, as Maria and I lingered over our coffee and finished off the wine, he began to get restless, and seemed grateful when she allowed him to leave the table and go back to their cabin. “He likes his games,” she smiled, “and this journey can seem tedious after a while. I’m happy to just relax and enjoy the ride, but boys his age seem to get bored so quickly.” She sighed and took a sip of wine. “Ah, Annie, what it is to be a mother. Hansie, he’s a good boy, but I worry about him sometimes. I love him very much, but I can never replace his real mother; it’s just not the same. And it’s not good for a boy his age to have a father who’s away so much. He needs advice, guidance, on things that really need to come from a man. He has needs, desires; I’m sure you know what I mean.” I assumed she was talking about sex. If South African teenage boys were anything like English ones, he spent most of his nights masturbating into a sock, fantasising about his teachers at school, or the unattainable girl next door. Perfectly normal behaviour in most circumstances, and something he’d grow out of as soon as he found a girlfriend who’d give him somewhere else to sow his seed. “I’ve done my best to talk to him about it,” she went on. “But there aren’t any girls at his school, so how is he supposed to meet them? I try; I’ve shown him what a woman likes, and I’ve helped him out, just with my hand. He enjoys that.” Whoa, I wasn’t expecting that. Had she just admitted to jerking off her own step-son? That was a bit more than just explaining about the birds and the bees, and how to use a condom. She noticed my surprise and blushed a little. “Ah, yes, I admit I have gone a bit further than most mothers would with their sons. But when it first happened his father had been away for several weeks, and I was missing his attention. Women have needs too, as I’m sure you know. Talking to Hansie about his penis had aroused me, and I offered to stroke it for him. He enjoyed it, and so did I, and since then I have done it for him many times. I have shown him my breasts, and let him touch them.” She paused again and took a large gulp from her wine-glass. “I’m sorry, I’m embarrassing you. I know it’s not usual, but it is nice for us both. It relieves him, and it gives me pleasure. But I have drawn the line there, Annie, and have never allowed him to go further. Sometimes he has put his hand on my leg and pushed it up my skirt, but I have stopped him there. I have thought of what it would be like to have sex with him, to feel his penis inside me, but no; I may only be his step-mother, but it would still be wrong. I don’t think his father would understand.” She was becoming visibly agitated as she made this confession. I still wasn’t sure why she was telling me all this. I assumed she’d been wanting to get it off her chest for a long time, and I was the perfect audience. We’d never meet again after tomorrow, so she’d never have to worry about her guilty secret getting out among her friends. She took a few deep breaths and went on. “But I do worry about him. He is going to university in only a few months, and he is still a virgin. Of course, he will have sex there, at least I hope so, but I am afraid that if his first experience is not good, it will spoil everything for him. I would hate him to miss out. I remember what it was like for me; I had fun, I learnt a lot. But I was already experienced, and he isn’t. I wish he could at least lose his virginity before he goes away.” She gave a wry smile and drained her glass. “I expect I’m just fussing over nothing,” she said with a sigh. “I’m sure he’ll be fine.” It was at this point that an idea entered my head. It was a crazy idea, and if I’d had time to think about it I’d probably have dismissed it outright, but for some reason, I just opened my mouth and let it out. “I could do it,” I said. “Tonight, on this train. I could initiate him, let him fuck me. Then it’d be done. We’ll probably never meet again. He fancies me, I can tell. The way he was looking at me this evening in this dress, without a bra; I bet he was fantasising about my body. Given more time, he’d probably even make a pass, if I led him on a bit. What do you think?” Maria didn’t even look shocked, just relieved. “That is such a wonderful idea. Would you really do that?” I shrugged. “He won’t be my first one-night stand, and I’m sure he won’t be the last. But I’d like to do it, sure. He’s nice; you’re nice. It must be fate that we met like this. I remember my first fuck. It was with a boy a bit older than me, who knew what he was doing, and he made it really special. I could do that for Hansie, show him how good it can be, if it’s done right.” She reached out and took my hands in hers, squeezing them. She gave me a deliciously naughty smile; I realised that she had probably enjoyed plenty of sex herself; probably still did, when her husband was home. “Let’s do it, just as you suggest,” she agreed. Then she looked thoughtful. “But should I maybe talk to Hansie first? I’ve warned him about being careful who he sleeps with; he might be nervous; he might worry I’ll be angry. We’ve talked a lot, I know he’ll be happy if he knows I want it like this. Why don’t you go to your cabin and wait? Give me half an hour. Either I’ll send Hansie along, or come myself to tell you he’s not keen. But I’m sure he will be.” That made sense. She squeezed my hands again. “Thank you, Annie. If you do this, I think it will be good. Good for Hansie, and maybe good for you too. His penis really is very nice.” We both went back to our cabins. After enjoying a quick shower in the cubicle at the end of the carriage, I wondered what I should wear. Some sexy lingerie? I’d brought a few lacy undergarments with me, but nothing special. Or maybe nothing at all? In the end, I just wrapped my light bath-robe around my otherwise nude body. That way there’d be no awkward fussing with clips, zips and buttons; I could just slip it off, and we’d be away. I sat on the couchette, my heart beating. The thought did cross my mind that Hansie wouldn’t want to come; that he just didn’t fancy me. Hell, he’d better not stand me up. I slipped my hand under my robe and felt between my legs. I was hot and soaking wet with anticipation. There was a light tap on the door. My heart began to thump like crazy. Who was it? Hansie or Maria? At least I didn’t have to go far to open the door. I opened it and was absurdly relieved to see Hansie standing there, wrapped in a bath-robe. He smiled shyly. “Hi, Annie. Can I come in?” “Of course you can,” I grinned, and pulled him through the door, sliding the latch once he was safely inside. “I’m so glad you’ve come,” I said. Not wasting any time, I put my arms around him and kissed him on the lips. His arms went around me, and soon we were snogging enthusiastically. I slipped my tongue into his mouth and then pushed him down onto the couchette, letting my robe fall open and revealing the lack of anything underneath. “Oh fuck,” he exclaimed. His eyes flicked over my naked body, torn between my nice firm little titties dangling in front of him and the even more enticing bulge of my plump hairless pubic mound, waxed smooth and bare. My nipples were already hard with excitement. “What do you think?” I asked, jiggling my tits up and down in front of him. “I’m afraid they’re not very big, but they’re all mine.” “Oh Annie, they’re perfect,” he said, reaching up and touching them, sending a tingle of excitement through my body. “Mm, naughty boy,” I murmured. I could see something stirring and twitching inside his robe, down at crotch level. I reached down and slipped my hand inside, finding the warm meaty shaft of his penis, already semi-erect. “Oh, wow,” I said with a smile, “That does feel nice. Can I see it?” He gave a shy smile and untied his robe, pulling it open. Like me, he was naked underneath, and I was rewarded with my first view of his member. Even in its semi-tumescent state, it was impressive. Nestling in a thicket of dark pubic hair, the thick shaft was topped with a plump circumcised head, edged with a wide rim that looked as if it would feel great rubbing against my internal vaginal walls. I took the shaft in one hand and gave it a few gentle strokes. It visibly hardened, and a small blob of clear pre-cum dribbled out of the end. I bent over and dabbed at it with my tongue. “Oh, Hansie, you are a big boy,” I purred. Every man likes to hear this sort of thing, but in Hansie’s case, it was true. He was a big boy, and getting bigger by the second. I licked my lips. “I know you like having it rubbed,” I said, “but has anyone ever sucked it before?” He blushed and quickly shook his head. I wondered if that was true; had Maria really never put this delightful member in her mouth? But now wasn’t the time to ask questions like that. “Not all girls like to suck cocks,” I informed him, “but luckily I’m one of those that do.” I leant over and licked around the smooth helmet, tickling at the little hole with my tongue. He whimpered gently. “Like that, do you?” I asked. “Most boys do.” His cock seemed to be pretty much fully erect now. Thick purple veins stood out all along its length, and it throbbed as I held it in my hand. It was certainly a fine specimen. Opening my mouth wide, I put the whole of his knob between my lips and slowly lowered my head onto it, allowing his long shaft to fill my mouth until the bulging tip was nudging at the back of my throat. I then sucked in my cheeks and slurped my tongue around the shaft. I could feel it pulsating in my mouth, and Hansie began to rock his hips backwards and forwards, gently fucking my mouth. He was starting to breathe quite heavily, and I sat up, letting his cock slip out. I didn’t want him to ejaculate quite yet. “You taste delicious,” I assured him. “Sometimes I let the boys come in my mouth, but only if they’re not going to fuck me properly. You’re going all the way.” It was time to get serious. Quickly I pulled my robe right off, leaving me totally naked next to him on the couchette. His hands shaking slightly, he pulled his arms out of his robe too and let it slide out from under his body onto the floor. He had the slim, toned body of someone who played a lot of sport and kept himself fit, not over-muscular, but with a flat stomach and strong chest. If I’d wanted a male body to lust after, it would have been pretty much like his. Most importantly, his penis was standing up like a flagpole, still glistening with my saliva. Feeling bolder, he reached over and touched my bare breasts again, running his hands over the soft, firm mounds. I licked my lips. It felt nice, especially when he stroked my nipples. They instantly hardened again, forming tight little buds on my chest. “You’ve got lovely tits, Annie,” he said. “They feel really nice.” “Thank you,” I murmured. “And I love what you’re doing to them. My nipples are really sensitive. Why don’t you suck them?” He leant over and took my right bud in his mouth, rubbing it between his lips, then sucking on it and flicking it with his tongue. I held his head and ran my fingers through his hair as he moved to the left one and gave it the same treatment. Fuck, it felt good. I felt a tingle run through my body, from my tits down to my pussy. I knew I’d be getting even wetter down there, wet and ready to fuck. He may have been a virgin, but I’d have bet money that mine weren’t the first tits he’d sucked. Maria had said he’d touched hers, and I reckoned they’d gone a bit further. He knew what he was doing with his tongue all right. Then I felt Hansie’s hand on my bare thigh, stroking and squeezing it. This was the point at which his step-mother had always stopped him, but that certainly wasn’t my intention. Instead, I lowered myself onto my back until I was prone on the couchette. Then I took his hand from my thigh and pulled it towards the warm, wet cavern between my legs. “Put your finger inside,” I whispered. “Feel how soft and wet I am.” He fumbled at first, fiddling with my labia while trying to find my hole, but soon enough his finger slipped between the wet folds and found my entrance. He gasped as he found himself slipping inside. “Oh Annie, it’s so hot and wet.” “That’s because I’m turned on so much,” I breathed. “I love what you’re doing. Now put another finger in. Then move them inside me. Oh God, yes, that’s it.” He began to stroke the insides of my vaginal walls, pressing against the soft pliable flesh. I wriggled against him, encouraging him to push deeper. “If you just curve your fingers up inside, and stroke, that feels really nice,” I whispered. “Like that?” “Oh fuck yes, just there.” I was ready to fuck already, but there was another important thing I needed to show him. I took his hand and slipped his fingers out, sticky with my juices. “This is where I really like to be touched,” I whispered. I guided his fingers to the hard little button of my clitoris and pressed them against it. Just doing it made me tingle. “Ah, fuck,” I gasped, “that’s right [gasp], just there. Just rub your fingers up and down on the bud. Not too hard. Round and round is nice too. Ah yes, just like that. Keep going.” Whether by luck or judgment, he’d hit on just the rhythm that really got me going. “That’s it, lover, keep going, don’t stop,” I encouraged him. “That’s it, that’s it, quicker, quicker. Oh Jesus fucking Christ!” And I came, shaking and rocking up and down on the couchette so hard that we almost both fell off onto the floor. I pulled Hansie down on top of me, put my arms around him and kissed him on the lips, as my orgasm fizzed through me. “Fuck it, that was good,” I gasped. “You actually made me come. Just ask your ma how good that feels for a woman. But now I want you to fuck me.” There was one other little thing to do first. I reached over into my bag and took out a little folder containing a couple of condoms. “I’m sure your ma’s told you about these,” I said. “You’re going to have to wear one now. And I don’t want to sound preachy here, but you’re going to need one every time you fuck, especially someone new. I’m clean, and I’m sure you are, but you don’t know every girl is. And they might not even be taking precautions themselves. There are two things you don’t want: AIDS or a baby. Believe you me, they’ll both fuck you up. Babies are cool when you find the right girl and want to settle down, but not when you’re still sleeping around and having fun.” Lecture over, I took a condom out of the packet, positioned it over his bulbous knob, and rolled it down. Then I settled down on my back and spread my legs in a friendly, welcoming gesture. “My wet cunt’s ready for you now,” I said. “It’s time to put your cock in me.” All this mucky talk was making me horny. I really did want his big stiff hard-on inside me. With my hands, I spread my labia wide open, showing him my glistening, sticky inner flesh and my gaping hole. I reached out, grabbed his cock and positioned the bulging knob at the entrance. I rubbed it back and forth a few times, making sure the condom was well lubricated with my cunt juices as well as its own gel. “This is it, Hansie,” I whispered. “I’m all yours. Go on, push it in.” “Oh fuck, yes,” he stammered. Then with one swift movement, he plunged in. God, his cock was thick. I let out a squeal of genuine pleasure as I felt it fill me. He paused for a moment, as if amazed to see his own erect penis buried in a girl’s snatch. Then he remembered what he was supposed to do, and began to pump it in and out. “Go deeper,” I encouraged him. “Go on, push it right in. Right up to your balls.” I began to rock backwards and forwards in time with his thrusts, making sure he went as deep as possible. His ball-sack slapped back and forth against my arse, and his cock made a delightful slurping noise. “Oh fuck, this is amazing,” he gasped. “Ah, don’t stop,” I urged him. “Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me. That’s so fucking good, oh fuck yes, so good.” Inevitably, this first fuck wasn’t going to last that long. He began to thrust harder and faster as his climax approached. I was rocking about on the couch, my little tits bouncing up and down, our bodies glistening with sweat. “Oh Annie, I’m going to cum, I’m going to cum,” he cried. With one final thrust, he pinned me to the couchette as he climaxed, crying out as he filled the condom with squirt after squirt after squirt of his hot thick semen. A drop of his sweat dripped from his forehead onto my tits as he rested, panting, the aftermath of his climax washing over him. Slowly he pulled his cock out of me, still partly hard. The condom had slipped down a bit with the force of his fucking, and the end was almost completely filled with a thick pool of white spunk. “Oh, Hansie, you’ve come so much,” I breathed. “Let’s see it.” Expertly I unrolled the condom as far as I could without spilling the contents, then eased it off the end of his cock. The scent of fresh semen filled my nostrils. I held it up, letting the liquid settle in the end. “My God, look at all that,” I said with a smile. “Did all that really come out of your balls?” I held it over my chest and tipped it up, letting the thick contents ooze out and drip all over my tits in a series of thick gobbets. Then I rubbed it all over them, making them all shiny and sticky. That always made me feel deliciously dirty. But Hansie wasn’t ready to stop yet. He put his hand round his cock, coated in a sheen of his ejaculate, and squeezed it. Good grief, it was getting hard again. I’d forgotten how horny eighteen-year old boys could be. “Oh Hansie, you want to fuck again, don’t you?” I guessed. He nodded. “It felt so good, Annie, actually fucking you. Can’t I do it again? Just once more?” “Of course you can, sweetie,” I smiled. I threw the little box of condoms at him. “You can do this yourself this time. And you’d better enjoy it, ‘cos this is the last one.” I opened my legs again while he put the condom on, then pulled him down onto me as his cock slipped back inside. This time he lasted a lot longer, and I showed him a couple of other positions, including the cowgirl, with me on top. He liked that one, especially stroking my still-sticky tits and hard nipples while I bounced up and down on his cock. I stopped him when I sensed he was near to his orgasm, made him pull out, and took off the condom. I took his cock in my hand. “This time I want to see you come, okay?” I explained. He smiled and nodded. I began to pump his cock, rubbing my thumb against the sensitive spot on the rim of the helmet. “Come for me, Hansie,” I whispered, pumping harder, “Come on my little tits. I want your cum all over me.” This dirty talk was all it took to push him over the edge, and with a cry he ejaculated. The first shot splattered across my tits as requested, while the second went even further and hit me in the face. It smelt great, and I stuck my tongue out and licked a big rope of cum off my lips. As often with second ejaculations, it was thinner and less glutinous than the first, which helped make it shoot even further, and soon I had huge rivers of spunk running down off my tits and face, leaving sticky trails. “Oh you dirty boy,” I giggled. I scooped some of the sticky mess up with my fingers and wiped it onto his chest. Then I pulled him down on top of me, wrapped my legs around him and held him tight, wriggling into him with pleasure. “You can stay here tonight if you like,” I whispered. It was nice having his warm, masculine body next to mine, smelling of sex. I could feel his cock, still semi-erect, pressed against my thigh as I dozed off to sleep, the rattle and shake of the train lulling me off. In the middle of the night, the train juddered to a halt, jerking me awake. For a moment I lay, blinking and confused, wondering where I was. Then it came back to me. Hansie was still asleep, so I carefully knelt on the couchette, drew the curtain and pulled up the blind. I stared into the silent dark. As far as I could see, we were in the middle of nowhere. I heard Hansie stirring into wakefulness. He knelt beside me, putting his arms around me and stroking my body. I felt his cock coming to life again, pressed against my soft thigh. I reached back and wrapped my fingers around it, feeling my own desires stirring inside me. “Fuck me again,” I whispered. “But you said we’ve used the last…” “I don’t care. You can fuck me bare. I promise, it’s fine. I want to.” He put his hands on my hips and raised me up, positioning my bum against his crotch as he spread my cheeks, finding the moist slit. I felt his cock-head pressed against the opening, then slipping easily into me. I sighed with pleasure as he began to fuck me again, steadily and confidently. At the same moment, the train jerked forward, then began to move again, pressing my bare breasts against the warm glass. I stared out of the window into the dark African veldt as he thrust in and out of me. Slap, slap, slap went his balls against my thighs. Dark looming silhouettes of rugged hills passed by, with just once a distant light from an isolated farm to break the darkness. He nibbled my neck as I gazed up at the stars of the unfamiliar Southern sky. In time, he began to move faster, his climax approaching. I clenched my vaginal muscles around his cock, wanting to milk every drop out of him. “Come inside me, babe, fill my cunt with it,” I whispered, hoping he liked my dirty talk. “Ah, fuck yes, it’s coming,” he gasped, and with a final shuddering thrust he ejaculated, this time his semen free to splash freely up inside me. He rested inside me for a few moments, panting with pleasure after his release, and then pulled out. I squeezed my muscles again and felt a dribble of liquid run out of my cunt and down my leg. I pulled him down onto the couchette and cuddled him, cradling his sticky cock in my palm. “Mm, Hansie, you are going to make a lot of girls very happy,” I murmured. “But I’m glad I was your first.” “Thank you, Annie, for showing me what to do, for making me a man. I’ll never forget you.” He stroked my breast, and I felt my nipple hardening again. I kissed him, wondering if he wanted to fuck yet again, but then his hand slipped off and I realised he was asleep. I smiled. Typical man. But I was tired myself, and despite the rattle and rumble of the train I soon dropped off again. It was early but already hot in the cabin when we woke again, naked bodies wrapped around each other. We were both sticky with sweat and various other secretions, so together we crept down to the shower cubicle and washed each other clean. I opened the window and looked out at the passing landscape while he soaped my breasts and bottom, slipping his fingers inside me while he did so. His cock soon hardened again, but I teasingly wouldn’t let him fuck me again, telling him he’d have to save it for the next girl. “Not even if I suck your nipples for you, Annie?” he pleaded, tweaking one with his fingers. “Oh no, it’s time you sucked some other nipples,” I teased, wrapping my towel around mine to cover them up. “Come on, it must be breakfast time soon.” We kissed in the corridor before he slipped back to his compartment. I slid open the door to mine and was assailed by the familiar smell of sex: that unmistakable mix of sweat, semen and other bodily secretions. I opened the window as wide as possible to let in some fresh air, in the hope that most of it would clear before the attendant came around to clean up while I was at breakfast. The air was already warm and sticky, but not as much as me. I dressed quickly, in just a plain white t-shirt and shorts, and went for breakfast, feeling hungry after my nocturnal exertions. Maria was already there, pouring herself a cup of tea. She smiled broadly as she saw me. “Thank you so much, Annie,” she whispered. “When Hansie didn’t come back last night I knew things had gone well. And he seemed so happy this morning.” “I don’t think he’s going to have any problems at uni,” I grinned. “If he makes love to other girls as well as he did me, they’ll be queuing down the corridor.” “Thank you anyway, and I’m glad it was good for you too.” She squeezed my hand, and I saw her looking at my braless breasts, the darker skin of my little nipples easily visible through my cotton top. An unmistakable flicker of desire passed across her face. “You really are a lovely young woman, Annie,” she said, “So like I was at your age, in so many ways. If you ever visit Jo’burg again, I do hope you’ll let me thank you properly.” “Well, I’ll be passing through in a just over a week,” I admitted. “I have to fly back from there, otherwise work won’t pay, so I’ve got a hotel booked by the airport for one night, before getting an early flight back to London.” “Cancel the hotel; come and stay with us,” insisted Maria. “I’ll never forgive you if you don’t. Let me put my number in your phone, then you’ve got no excuse.” She held out her hand and wiggled her fingers. I gave her my mobile and she tapped in her number. “I’ve given you Hansie’s too,” she smiled, giving it back. “I know he’ll want to hear how you get on.” Even before she handed it back I’d made up my mind to take her up on the offer, so I smiled and sent her a quick text. “Now you’ve got mine too,” I said. Getting to know her better sounded like a very attractive proposition; and who knew, I may even get another chance to have some fun with Hansie. I didn’t suppose I’d have many opportunities for sex during the coming week, so I’d probably be ready for a bit of hanky-panky before I went home. I don’t think I’ve ever been more wrong about anything in my life. For Pics visit:---->>> https://cutt.ly/hwsMVhC
Title: The White Rose Crisis Ch. 03 Summary: Will investigates- love, lust, and a confrontation. Keywords: inc,fic Part 3: Investigating incest "Will! Did you move my shoes???" "Your shoes are in the laundry, they smell bad and I didn't think we needed to be subjected to that." Jaimi retrieved her missing shoes and made a face at me. "Well that was nice of you, except the part where your shoes smell worse than mine. But it's the thought that counts." I smiled as she sat down to tie her laces, getting up to put my breakfast bowl in the sink. As I passed her I ruffled her hair playfully, smiling more as she tried to slap my hand away. Mum found it all very amusing. "Well, you two certainly are getting along better aren't you?" she noted. Jaimi winked at me and I winked back. It was true, in the 2 days since the confrontation with my sister we had found a new kind of relationship forming between us, and it was definitely friendlier than what we had before. "Well, I'm off to work. Are you getting a lift with me Jaimi?" Mum asked. My little sister quickly got up and followed Mum to the door, grabbing her gym bag on the way. "Hope you don't stink out the locker room with your shoes!" I called out. She turned and stuck her tongue out at me. "Don't get too comfortable, I think it's time you crawled off the couch and got out more!" she replied, winking at me again. I was still trying to work out what she meant when the door closed and they were gone. After finishing up in the kitchen I headed upstairs to my room, pondering the events which had led to this happy new life with my sister. I had seen myself as a monster. I thought I had gotten her pregnant, and almost blurted out an apology for having sex with her while completely drunk at my older sister Sarah's wedding, when in actual fact she was no where near me at the time. I had been paranoid, and it very nearly got the better of me. But we talked about her troubles instead, and things were fine between us now, so I decided from then on I would need to be much more careful. To that end, I had a plan. In a small box underneath my bed, between my spare runners and lecture notes from last semester's bioanthropology class, sat the clues I had collected about the mystery girl at the wedding. One of those clues was a list of things I remembered from our sexual encounter in the bedroom: red underwear soft long(ish) hair - straight? Wavy? bright nails? breasts - not as small as Meghan's, larger pubic hair - short, trimmed, dark colour missing rose The box also contained the white fabric rose from the wedding that had fallen off my girl's dress, as well as several printed photos. I'd started gathering USB drives and memory cards from everyone who had taken photos at the wedding, downloading anything relevant and going through one by one examining them for information. I'd only spoken to a few people so far and had lots more to collect; I could only hope that the gaps in the night would be filled by a well-timed picture, but there was no way of knowing until I saw everything. One of the photos I printed out showed all of the girls in the bridal party and one or two others, differentiated by their dark or light blue dresses and the presence of the roses. It was taken at the start of the night, and it showed white roses on my sister Sarah - the bride in her white gown - her bridesmaids Jaimi, my other sister, Lucy, my cousin, and Meghan our childhood friend, in their light blue matching dresses, and Mum, Auntie Ellie, my other young cousin Amy and Jaimi's friend Taylor in slightly darker blue dresses. These were my potential girls. Four of them - Taylor, Amy, Mum, and Jaimi - had crosses in red marker on their dresses, showing I had eliminated them as possibilities. Mum and Taylor both had their roses at the wedding not long after I left the bedroom, as did Amy - not that I had considered her an actual possibility anyway, since she was only an 8th grader and had been stuck downstairs all night. Jaimi had produced her dress and rose for Mum a day after our talk, stain free, which further convinced me that we hadn't had sex. Meghan I was fairly sure hadn't been in the room - a fact which didn't make me feel any less uncomfortable - as her body was different enough from the others that I figured I would probably have been able to feel that it wasn't her. With only vague drunken guesswork to go on, though, I decided I couldn't completely rule her out, so as a technical possibility I had left her uncrossed. The other three options were Sarah, Auntie Ellie and Lucy. Lucy. I held up a photo I had just downloaded off of a memory card one of my uncles gave me that showed Lucy, Jaimi and a few other girls at a table. I wasn't sure but it looked later in the day, some time after I had been upstairs. They were all laughing and having a good time - I thought I could see Jaimi fidgeting with her rose, so it was probably after her own drunken fuck, which I still couldn't get out of my head for some reason - and there was a drink in everyone's hand. My eyes were on Lucy, though. By now everyone had let their hair down, literally and figuratively, and hers was slightly messed up. She was reasonably red in the face, and there on her chest...no rose. I wasn't happy about the chances of my having committed incest, but both before and after I realised it might have happened I had admitted to myself at least once that my cousin Lucy was sexy. All my guy friends were after her, and some of the girls too, not that she was giving in to their advances. She had a way of flaunting her body without coming across as slutty or anything - she often dressed quite casually, and her outfits never went as short and skimpy as those of other girls her age. I kind of liked that about both her and Meghan. I'm a simple guy to please, and they both enjoyed having a good time but never at the expense of their dignity. Lucy was definitely more of a free spirit though, the kind of girl who would occasionally blurt out something sexual she had gotten up to or was into and shrug off the amazed eyes of her male friends... My phone going off snapped me out of my thoughts and I answered it automatically. "Hello, this is Will." "Hey, it's Meghan." My eyes popped open and I dropped the photos. Somehow I felt dirty even holding them while talking to her. "Oh hey Meghan, yeah, what's up?" "I haven't heard from you in a while, how are you?" I knew she had spoken to Jaimi, so this wasn't a general family call. "I'm alright, lots to do before uni goes back, you know. How 'bout you?" "Yeah, pretty busy. Lots to do." There was a pause. "Did you get my message?" Her message...free for coffee. The day after talking to Jaimi I had started playing detective and completely forgot. "Yeah, yeah sorry I got caught up doing stuff, I totally forgot about that. Didn't mean to leave you hanging." "Oh no, that's alright, you didn't, it was only if you were free." She sounded slightly flustered now. "I was, well I mean I thought I was I just, yeah, got caught up," I finished lamely. You already said that dumbass. "I'll make it up to you, it'd be nice to have coffee before things properly pick up again." "You could make up to me now, if you like?" she said quietly. That was a different tone of voice to what I was used to hearing. Was she...asking me out? "Hello?" "Yes, yes I'm here." "You have something else on, I'm sorry, it's cool." "No! I mean - no, I'm not busy. Where would you like to go?" "Well, we could meet up at the shops first, then decide? I heard the northside shopping centre looks good after the renovations." "Sure, but maybe give me maybe half an hour to have a shower and get moving." "Ok great, I'll see you there. Bye!" She sounded a lot perkier, I couldn't help but smile at that as I put my phone down and turned back to the photos. The last few weeks had been really rough on her. She'd been depressed and Sarah mentioned that she hadn't been sleeping well. Considering all that, this was actually a very cheerful mood. I wondered if the meeting could mean what I thought it might. All these years and I don't think either of us had seriously considered hanging out as anything more than friends, for no real reason either. Even if I was only thinking of the word "date", it would still make this something special. I packed up the photos and put the list of clues back into the box, looking one last time at the one of Lucy. Jaimi said she had hooked up with someone, but so far I hadn't seen her getting particularly close to any guys whatsoever. She had spent most of the night with the girls getting tipsy, and unless I could find a photo showing her taking interest in another guy I was more than a little worried. Her boobs were big, she was appropriately drunk and I could imagine her being into quickies, even at weddings. I shook my head and put the photo with the others, sliding the box back under my bed and heading for the bathroom. A break is what I needed. Too much stress and I could start getting paranoid again. - I pulled into the carpark of the northside shops, running just a few minutes over time. I felt nervous for a number of reasons, partly because this sort of opportunity had never previously presented itself. Being a guy I had of course thought about Meghan before - I'd have to be a little absent-minded not to - but this was the first time in our later years we had both been commitment-free, and weddings to tend to make people think about their own futures. Having spent a fair amount of time around each other leading up to the big day, not seeing each other for more than a week afterwards felt quite strange, and it was only now that I was beginning to gain control over the turmoil my emotions had gone through that it had become apparent to me. I quickly promised myself I would do right by both of us and put recent events out of my mind to just enjoy our time together. As I locked the car my phone buzzed with a new message: hey did u want to meet at coffee guild? ill be waiting outside ;) I smiled and quickly replied. She certainly seemed much perkier than before the wedding. Sarah hadn't specified what her issue was, only that it was mostly to do with her previous relationship and subsequent fallout. This will be good for the both of us, I thought to myself, and headed inside to meet her. When I reached Coffee Guild there she was, waiting for me. Meghan wore plain blue jeans and green runners with a small dark maroon hoodie that seemed to hug her slim form, her hands tucked deep into the pockets. Her brown hair which usually fell below her shoulders looked like it had been cut a little shorter and was tied back in a small modest ponytail, and she wore a dark grey scarf around her neck against the cold. When she saw me she pulled a woollen gloved hand out of one pocket and waved, smiling at me. I couldn't help but smile back at her; if there's one thing I always loved about Meghan it's how cute she looks in even the simplest outfit, her hazel eyes glowing from behind her glasses. "Hey," she said as I approached her. "I'm actually a little hungry so I thought maybe we could have some lunch." "Sure, I could eat. Are you happy to eat here?" she nodded and we went in to find a spot. It was fairly packed but we managed to find a pair of seats at a small table in the corner, so Meghan sat down and held the table while I went up and ordered a few sandwiches and coffees. I looked over while I waited in line and she was sitting happily at our table for two, and once again I couldn't help but notice how good her mood was. Whatever problems had been troubling her may have passed, but secretly I hoped it was because she was out with me right now instead of home alone. We chatted for a while, just catching up and talking. She told me her progress at work and university and I genuinely took an interest. I made the occasional joke and she genuinely laughed. Things were fine between us, and I was having a good time. Then as we got to the end of our drinks she took a breath and closed up a little, the way she does when she is feeling shy. "So I've been thinking," she said. "And you're alright?" I replied. She smacked my hand and smiled, but she was clearly nervous. "Yes I am, thankyou very much. Well, I actually did some thinking a while ago, and at the wedding I sort of made a decision." I tried not to let the word 'wedding' trigger unpleasant memories. Instead I pictured Meghan the way she was, wearing her gorgeous blue dress, sitting at a table alone. I had wanted to go over to her, but I never did. Was that going to affect this talk? "What is it, Meghan? You know you can talk to me about anything." she looked up at me and a small smile spread across her lips. It made me feel a lot better. "When I broke up with Dan, I got really depressed, for a number of reasons. I was glad to have you and Sarah and everyone else there for me," she said. "I spent a lot of time alone, and I realized I've been doing some consistent things in my relationships. Stupid things, or at least, some pretty not smart things. I knew I had to change somehow." She fiddled with her mug. "In a way, though, even though I've been fairly miserable, I feel like the timing worked out really well, because I was the happiest I'd been in a long time watching Sarah get married." She looked up at me to see if I was still following. I was listening more intently than I'd ever done so before. She looked back down into her half empty mug. "I guess you're wondering why I'm telling you this. Where I'm going with this is that there's something I want to try. I've decided that I want to do things differently, and...well, I don't want this to come across as just because the timing is right, but I've missed enough chances in this lifetime to let another one get away." With this she looked up at me again and this time she wasn't holding anything back. I could see her interest there, the same interest I had known would exist as adults, having grown up as friends. It wasn't passionate or strong yet, but it was there. "I know how I feel, how I've felt for a while now, and I don't know if you know what I'm talking about, but I think you do. I guess what I'm saying is...I love you as a friend, Will. We've been together for a long time now, all of us, but I know there's always been a chance for something else there, something neither of us has acted on, for whatever reason, and it's been great even still. But, well...I want to act on it now," she finished, biting her lip. I felt guilty all of a sudden. I realized she was only hoping that I felt the same way she did. I had no idea my feelings had been so hidden all this time, and now after everything she'd been through it was her taking the emotional gamble. "So," I said, feeling an urge to confirm my interest and take her fear away. "How do we avoid ruining the friendship we have, if we are trying for more?" Her face lit up, realising I was prepared to take this chance with her. I had grown up with this girl as a close friend, and now we were going to try something a little different. "To put it simply, I want to take things slow. I know we already know almost everything about one another, but I think if we take our time getting to know each other in this new way, it might work. It's going to be a little strange at first," she said, smiling shyly at me, "for me, anyway." I couldn't help but agree that it would take a bit of getting used to. "Ok," I said, raising my cup. "To taking it slow?" Meghan smiled, lifting her own. "To taking it slow." We touched mugs and sipped the last of our coffee, a smile on each of our faces. - "You know, I've never really had a good relationship," said Meghan. We were wandering the bookstore, looking for a missing book from her collection. "Things always move too fast and get too complicated before I want them to, and I make decisions based on someone else's actions instead of my own. What's worse is that I've ruined a lot of friendships that way," she finished, biting her lip. "I know what you're saying," I replied. "But I think it'll be different. We've known each other for a long time. There's a lot to our friendship, and I think as long as we are honest with each other then we will be just fine." She nodded, looking a little relieved. We ended up heading to the movies, some comedy about old actors playing retirees reuniting among casinos and bars for one last hurrah. It wasn't a bad movie really, but my mind was on other things. What would it be like actually dating Meghan? Would we act differently at home and with our friends and family? There was a lot of trust and love there, but was it the kind of love we were both after? My thoughts were interrupted by a new sensation. A small, warm hand slid its way into mine, giving me a gentle squeeze. I glanced over at Meghan. She was watching the movie, but she had a little smile on her face, the kind of smile I hadn't seen on her for a long time. - Meghan had work the next two days, so I didn't see her, but given our slow and steady approach that didn't seem like a bad thing. We met for another coffee after that, and again a few days later. In the meantime, I had amassed four more batches of photos from the wedding, but none of them showed much, just basic group photos of the ceremony and afterwards. I did notice a lot more of Lucy and Jaimi getting fairly drunk together in one collection, and even some of Taylor too, but nothing that told me where any of them had been. This was starting to get really frustrating. The more time that passed the more I worried about what I would do when I solved the puzzle, and how I was supposed to explain myself. I also thought about what the mystery girl might be doing. It had been a while since the wedding, and that couldn't be good. With no progress made I organised to meet Meghan, thinking I could justify getting out as a way to clear my head. She had just finished work in the city, so we found ourselves walking hand in hand along the new foreshore development area, where a series of cafs and restaurants had already cropped up, expecting more business to come as apartments were sold. It was a beautiful spot, with a nearby park that Meghan often came to on her lunch break. It was a normal day, and I had been enjoying spending more time with Meghan, especially with her hand in mine, but then I saw something that almost stopped me in my tracks. Taylor...and Lucy. They were sitting at a popular chocolate shop, talking quietly to each other, laughing every now and then and leaning in towards each other, conspiratorially. Lucy. She was still on my list, a contender for the mystery girl from the wedding. I knew I would have to check her off sooner or later, but seeing her chatting so easily with Taylor made me nervous. Taylor said she would never tell anyone about what we were planning on doing in the hotel room. She knew it would do no good since she was a lot younger than me and was both Jaimi's classmate and one of Sarah's students. On the other hand, Lucy was a very sexual girl, and if they got onto a topic something was bound to come up eventually. If Lucy figured out she had had drunk sex at the same time and place that Taylor was expecting to meet me, it would spell disaster. If it really was her, I had to tell her myself, and that meant getting evidence of the truth before she heard it from anyone else. "Everything ok?" Meghan asked. I turned back to her and nodded, smiling at her as I gave her hand a squeeze. She hadn't seen Lucy. "Yeah, sorry I'm fine," I replied. "Just a little tired...I haven't been sleeping well lately." I didn't tell her why. The truth was, I didn't think I ever would. If I could manage it she would never know what had happened. It was a secret I could keep for the sake of the family. "Well, how about we just head back to my place?" she suggested. "We don't have to stay out, and I'm not particularly hungry." I agreed, deciding that at least if we stayed indoors and watched a movie I wouldn't ruin any conversations by acting distant. I had been in her apartment before, and knew it wasn't much: it was fairly small for one thing, and it got a little too hot in the summer, but it was cheap, and the landlord was a very kind man who didn't give her any trouble. We got comfortable on the couch in her one open room and put on a movie, a semi-new action/adventure based on a popular novel. The author had only written like three books, but one of them had been turned into a movie starring a rugged Australian actor who was very well-known as an action star. Meghan and I had both seen it already, so we sat quietly, my arm around her shoulders, her head resting on my shoulder. Despite the peace, I was still in turmoil. I enjoyed the movie but Meghan kept glancing up at me, only for brief moments at a time but she knew I was troubled. That's the problem with people you've known for most of your life, they see more than you want them to. "You feel really tense," she said, rubbing my back when the movie ended. "Are you sure everything's alright?" "Yeah, I've just got a lot going on." "You know you can talk to me about things, right?" "I know, it's not like that. I'm glad I'm here though," I said, patting her knee gently. She smiled and sat up. "Well while you're here you need to get this tension out," she said, turning me slightly to the side and pressing her hands against my shoulder blades. "This can't be good for you." I protested but she shrugged me off, so I let her do her thing. She was good at massage, and even as I resisted I could feel her working spots on my back that felt tight or sore, gently kneading them with her fingers and palms. It did relax me, that's for sure. She worked her way up my back and rubbed my shoulders, releasing the stress and rubbing my neck gently. I felt her lift up off the couch slightly, then she settled in close behind me, her soft little hands reaching over my shoulders to wrap around my upper body, pressing her chest against my back and gently giving me a hug. "Thankyou for being here for me," I said. "I've always been here," she replied quietly. I don't know what caused it. Maybe it was stress. Maybe the lack of sleep. Maybe it was all the not-knowing that I had been dealing with. Maybe it was the biological urges I hadn't acted on - and had been suppressing - since accidentally sleeping with someone I shouldn't have. Or maybe it was just how long I had waited for this to happen deep down inside, but no matter what the cause I turned around, leaned in, gently cupped Meghan's cheek in my hand and kissed her lips. It wasn't hot or passionate, it was just a kiss, but it was a long kiss, and when she didn't break away it kept going, and when it finally did end another followed, softer this time, eliciting more of a response from her. She kissed me back, her eyes closed as she pressed her body against my chest and wrapped her arms around my neck. My thumb rubbed her cheek as I slowly pressed against her lips, feeling her give way as our mouths opened. After another minute of kissing she finally pulled away, not suddenly or quickly, just ending the kiss. Her eyes had been closed the whole time, but now she opened them and stared into mine, a little red in the cheeks. "Wow," she whispered. Whatever had driven me to do it was now replaced with a sense of attachment that had up until now been missing from my life. It was as though we had been friends before the kiss, and were something else after it. It wasn't just that there was no going back, or that we had taken a new step in our relationship, it was more than that. I didn't know what it was, but I liked it. I smiled. "You took the words out of my mouth," I whispered back. Meghan smiled at me and bit her lip, leaning in for another kiss. Our lips met again and this time there was a little heat there, not much, but enough to know that had we felt ready, we would have been heading for the bedroom. Neither of us wanted to rush though, so we stayed put, kissing tenderly for a few more minutes until she ended up lying on her back on the couch with me on top of her. We didn't go any further than a little petting and a bit of unavoidable grinding. When we finally did stop Meghan's hair was slightly messy and she gazed up at me through her glasses with a new look, one I'd never seen on her before. "Will...I'd really like it if we didn't go any further," she said quietly. She wasn't upset, in fact she seemed almost disappointed. "Ok, sure. I'm sorry." "No! Don't be, honestly...don't be," she said, blushing quite red and stroking my cheek. "I just don't want us to move from friends to, well, more than friends, too quickly, ok?" I nodded and kissed her lightly on the tip of her nose. She smiled up at me, definitely happy. I sat up and helped her up with me, straightening our clothes and glowing from the attention we'd been giving each other. Meghan's phone buzzed, and I took the time to check my own for the message that had come in earlier. It was Jaimi. hey, mum wants you home for dinner. bring meghan. no gross stuff! I sighed. This was going to go on for a while. "That was work," she said, putting her phone away. "They want me to come in tomorrow night. You don't mind do you?" I shook my head, then showed the message from Jaimi to Meghan. She laughed and took my hand. "Sounds like a plan," she said cheekily, then leaned in to rest her forehead against mine. She was happy, and that meant a lot more to me than anything. We drove to my place, talking and laughing together, wondering what dinner would be like now that things had changed between us. I knew my parents would only too thrilled for us, and tease as she might Jaimi wanted to see the both of us happy. I decided to put my fears aside for Meghan, and instead made a plan in my head as we pulled into the driveway. I knew what I had to do. No more uncertainty. We walked to the door hand in hand. As I went to put my key in the door Meghan stopped me and pulled me into a kiss, more passionate this time, her hands snaking up under my arms and pulling me closer, our bodies bumping together, her slender hips and pleasantly shaped breasts pressing against me. She finally released me and gazed up at me, a cheeky grin on her face. "Play nice tonight," she teased. "And maybe we'll let Jaimi catch us doing that again before I go." I laughed at her cheeky idea. Things felt good. It was going to be a good night. - It felt wrong. Everything about it was wrong. But considering recent events, wrong wasn't as conflicting as it used to be, and it didn't stop me. It was the next evening, just after sunset, and having decided I needed to act I had quickly gotten dressed, put the white rose in my pocket and then hopped in the car and driven out to my cousin's house. They lived a reasonable distance away, but thanks to the lack of traffic I made it in just under an hour. I cruised past once and it seemed quiet, only one car parked out front and few lights on. I turned around and parked a little way down the street. It felt way too private investigator, but I didn't want anyone seeing me so I played it safe. Now that I was here I didn't feel any better about it, but if I really did have sex with Lucy I needed to tell her myself, and that meant sneaking up to her house and figuring out first hand whether the clues I remembered about the mystery girl matched her or not. I walked slowly up to the house. The only car there was Lucy's, so I had a feeling she would probably be alone. Her little sister, Amy, had apparently gone on a camping trip with a friend and I hoped she was still away; I didn't want to be caught spying on my own family by a 13 year old. Sneaking around to the side, I quietly made my way down towards the biggest window, looking straight into Lucy's room. Crouching below the sill I could hear something inside, so very carefully I eased my way up and gazed in. What I saw blew my mind. Lucy was lying on her bed, naked apart from a lacy black bra. She was gripping the sheets tightly in one hand, her eyes closed and her long red hair falling loosely around her shoulders. Her knees were up and spread wide, and there between her legs was Taylor, wearing only her bra and underwear, moving her head back and forth as Lucy ran her fingers through Taylor's hair. As I watched Taylor pulled down her own undies and slid her middle finger through her light, very trimmed pubic hair and into her folds, moaning against Lucy's pussy as she ate my cousin out. I couldn't believe it. Taylor was sleeping with Lucy! I knew Lucy was a wild child and suspected she had fooled around with both sexes, but I hadn't expected this! I knew at that point that I should turn away, but I still didn't know if Lucy was the one I had had sex with at Sarah's wedding. Staying low, I scanned her room for any underwear that may have been discarded by the two of them. I spotted a pair of white boylegs, and on the other side of the bed a black g-string that might have matched her current bra. Then my heart stopped as my eyes fell on a pair of lacy red undies sitting on the floor at the foot of the bed. My shoulders sagged, but I shook my head and stayed focused. Red underwear isn't uncommon, I thought to myself. Jaimi had a pair too, remember? I needed more evidence, so with a guilty kind of seediness I turned back to the girls on the bed. Taylor was licking Lucy out like crazy. The older girl was spreading and closing her legs around Taylor's head as she gripped the bedsheets with both hands now, her moans getting louder. Despite everything it was turning me on. This could be the second time I had heard Lucy moan like this - the first time from my cock being in her pussy, and now from a large-breasted girl with a good tongue who had sucked me off on the same day. Not only that, I had never had sex with Taylor, and now watching her finger sliding in and out of her folds I was beginning to get hard. The 18 year old was rubbing herself quicker now and I could hear her own moaning over the addictive sound of Lucy's. She was getting close, slipping a second finger deep into her pussy as she licked Lucy. Her other hand appeared and moved up to where her mouth was, hidden by Lucy' left leg. Even still, I could see Taylor's arm move back and forth and Lucy's eyes snapped open as she leaned forward. "Oh fuck yeah!" Lucy screamed, squeezing her eyes shut and squealing, her mouth wide open as her body began to shake. Taylor moaned back and then I saw her hand drive forward and stop, her fingers no doubt buried deep in Lucy's pussy as my cousin squirted her juices all over Taylor's lips and hand, cumming hard. Watching an insanely hot red head with a killer body and big breasts cum - even if she was my cousin - was almost too much for me, my cock straining against my jeans. I was trying to resist taking it out but it was a difficult battle. Finally Lucy started to calm down, her head flopping back onto the pillow with her hands out wide, her breasts heaving as she panted hard. Taylor diligently licked her all over, slipping her fingers out of her own pussy and gently spreading the girl's legs wide as she caressed Lucy's thighs. Taylor looked up at Lucy and Lucy looked back, a satisfied smile on her slightly sweaty face. "Wow," she gasped to Taylor, "that was so intense. You're totally getting better at that." She rubbed her own thighs, taking Taylor's hands in hers as she gazed down at the younger girl with lust in her eyes. "Aren't you glad you came over tonight?" "Definitely" smiled Taylor. She crawled up between Lucy's legs, grinding against the older girl. They lay there, wearing only their bras now, and I was amazed at how good they looked together. It was like a dream come true, even if one of them was related to me. "I'm glad you talked to Will at the wedding," Lucy said, with a smile on her face. Taylor's expression changed and I froze, terrified. What had they shared? What if Taylor told Lucy our plan to have sex in the bridesmaid's room, and Lucy puts two and two together? It would be terrible for her to find out she had committed incest from someone else other than me. "Yeah, I am too," Taylor said quietly. Lucy picked up on her change in tone and looked down at her. "You don't miss him, do you?" she asked. Taylor gave Lucy a horrified stare. "Wait, that came out wrong. I mean, I love my cousin, and if it wasn't for his advice we wouldn't be here, but I thought you liked this, I thought he helped you see what you really wanted." Taylor shrugged her shoulders. "It is what I want, and I really do like doing this with you, believe me. When I talked to Will at the wedding he made me realize I have to think about what I really want, and not be led by someone else's desires." Taylor rested her head on Lucy's chest, gently caressing her bra. "It's got nothing to do with how I feel about you and what we're doing, because I do love it, but I have to admit I enjoyed fooling around with guys as well, and I did a bit more with Will than I had with anyone else, and I could have gone further." Lucy was listening intently, as though she might hear something new. I held my breath, afraid Taylor was about to spill too much. "After Will and I met up in the bathroom, we...well, that was when he helped me realize how silly I've been about hiding what I really want. I'll always remember that, but I guess I still have that need to feel something inside me, that's all." She smiled mischievously. "And Will does have a nice cock. He would have felt pretty good!" "Eww! Don't need to know!" Lucy cried, closing her eyes. "What you put in your mouth before is for you to know and me to not worry about." She leaned down and ran her fingers over Taylor's clit, making her shudder. "Besides," Lucy went on. "I think I might have something to do the trick." She got up and crossed the room to her wardrobe, giving me a nice view of her gorgeous bottom as she opened it and rummaged around in a cardboard box. Taylor looked over at her curiously, rubbing her fingers over her juicy wet folds. Her eyes went wide as Lucy stood up, smiling. "How does this look?" she said cheerfully, holding up a reasonably thick dildo. It was a big one, with a motor inside that caused it to turn and vibrate, with strings of small balls inside the shaft that rotated beneath the outer layer of clear rubber. Lucy turned it on, watching Taylor's reaction as the device started moving. "Oh my God!" Taylor exclaimed. "You use that?" Lucy shook her head, walking back over to the bed. She still wasn't giving me a clear view between her legs, so I couldn't tell what colour her pubic hair was - or if she even had any. I tried to think of it as a way of confirming or denying me sleeping with her, but I knew that I really wanted to see anyway. "Not yet, I was saving it for something special," she said, climbing onto the mattress next to Taylor. "For you." She leaned over and kissed Taylor on the lips, their arms beginning to wrap around each other as Lucy lay down between Taylor's legs. She helped tug Taylor's bra off and then Taylor unclasped Lucy's bra, pulling it away and revealing Lucy's large breasts. I couldn't help but stare at them, not the largest in the world but by far some of the nicest I would ever see. They hung next to Taylor's firm, rounded breasts and I was gazing at heaven itself, my cock really straining against my clothes now. After some heavy making out Lucy pulled back and smiled down at Taylor. "Are you ready?" she asked. Taylor bit her lip. "I...I don't know, Lucy," she murmured nervously. "I'm not sure I can take something like that. Not yet anyway." Lucy's smile faded a little, but she looked into Taylor's eyes. "You want the real thing," she said, a statement rather than a question. Taylor looked like she had let Lucy down, but the older girl smiled again. "It's ok, I do have one other idea, maybe something we can do later." "You're not disappointed?" "A little, yes, but this is just a bit of harmless fun. I know you're only now getting into fooling around." Lucy smiled down at Taylor in a way that made me tremble. "Besides, that means I get to enjoy this all to myself," she said lustily, giving Taylor a small bite on her neck. Taylor gasped, watching as Lucy worked her way down the young girl's body, leaving lots of kisses all over her breasts. "God I love your boobs," said Lucy, taking one of the nipples in her mouth. "Mmmm, they're so perfectly round and firm...with just the right squeeze to them," she finished, gently grabbing Taylor's other breast in her hand and squeezing it. Taylor giggled, clearly enjoying the attention. "Yours are nicer," she breathed, one hand stroking the back of Lucy's head as she leaned over to suck on the other nipple, Taylor holding her breast to the girl's mouth. "They're so big and soft, and they sit beautifully under your long red hair." Lucy looked up at Taylor, one nipple between her lips as she gently rubbed her thumb over the other breast, flicking the wet nipple lightly. Taylor's breath was already quickening, her chest rising and falling as Lucy played on her sensitive skin. Watching from the window, I had never been so turned on. This was the side of Taylor I had wanted when she first suggested fooling around, all those months ago. She hadn't said sex specifically, and I always had the feeling it was because she was a virgin, but now she was really getting into it. I wanted to believe I was feeling horny because of her, but I knew that if she hadn't been fooling around with my hot cousin Lucy the scene wouldn't have been anywhere near as sexy. I did notice how soft Lucy's breasts seemed to be - it was kind of hard not to stare, and Taylor did seem to want to play with them a lot. I thought the boobs I felt were a little smaller than those, especially with no bra to hold them up and in place. In that sense, Taylor's were closer to the breasts I felt than Lucy's. I was only briefly concerned with that thought though, as I had one amazing show playing out in front of me. Lucy worked her way down Taylor's body, leaving kisses across her skin while one of her hands continued to play with Taylor's boobs. Lucy's legs were closed and I couldn't see between her sexy ass cheeks what her pussy looked like. It felt wrong but good at the same time, and the turmoil of emotions in me somehow relied on seeing between her thighs, whether she was the mystery girl or not. I had to see her pussy. Lucy continued licking and kissing Taylor, coming up onto her knees and sticking her bum out. I waited but with her thighs mostly closed I still couldn't clearly see her pussy. Then she knelt up and her bum rested back on her heels as she held up the dildo, smiling down at Taylor. Lucy dragged the big toy through Taylor's folds, getting her juices all over the head before lifting it up to her lips, opening them wide and taking the rubber cock into her mouth. I gaped as Lucy sucked on the toy, almost lovingly, like she was giving someone the best blowjob of their life. She was good, very, very good. Her tongue twirled and her soft lips slid up and down the length of the dildo, her eyes closed as she focused on taking it all the way into her throat. She didn't even gag. As I watched, Lucy leaned forward and spread her thighs slightly, giving Taylor a big lick with that same talented tongue. Taylor groaned, rubbing her nipples as my cousin began eating her out. I was mesmerised as Lucy reached back between her legs and held the dildo pointing up. She rested her finger over the on switch and as she arched her back downwards, lifting her bottom high in the air, I saw her at last. Her pussy was bright pink, wet, and most importantly shaved, apart from what looked like a small red landing strip above her clit. It couldn't have been her that night. Even if she had shaved since the wedding the girl in the room had darker coloured pubes, while Lucy's were bright fiery red. I should have stopped looking then. With no lingering bitemark on her bumcheeks and the wrong coloured pubic hair I knew I hadn't had sex with Lucy. But as much as I wanted to leave, my eyes stayed glued to the window as Lucy slowly lowered herself down onto the dildo, the head of it pressing against her wet folds. Taylor moaned as Lucy licked her out, and with that she sank down onto the dildo, my cock pulsing as every inch of it slid inside her. Lucy paused for a minute, her bottom quivering as she got used to the enormous mass filling her pussy, but then as she slid her tongue deep into Taylor's folds she pressed down on the on switch and the device gave a buzz, the vibration starting and the parts inside beginning to move. My hand had taken my cock out of my pants, almost without me realising, and I was now stroking myself as I watched my cousin Lucy go mental. As soon as the dildo had come on she had bucked her hips as though her loins were on fire, her face buried in Taylor's pussy. Lucy came up for air, gasping loudly. "Oh fuck me," she moaned. "This is amazing. I've never been so full...shit Taylor, I'm going to cum again." Lucy rocked her hips back and forth on the dildo as it vibrated and moved deep inside her pussy, her red hair streaming down her back as she sat up and arched backwards, her breasts stuck out proudly, nipples rock hard. She closed her eyes and bounced up and down slightly as one hand fingered Taylor's pussy and clit, the younger girl mesmerised by the sight before her. I was as well, stroking my cock faster and harder now, wishing I was beneath the goddess riding that toy. "Ohhh shit Taylor, oh fuck...come here," she moaned, pulling the other girl into a sitting position and kissing her hard, her arms wrapped around her. Taylor fingered herself as she pressed her groin against Lucy's, the vibration no doubt reaching her and making her gasp with pleasure. Lucy was moaning more now and pushed Taylor backwards, leaning down and licking her pussy furiously, her mouth closing over the young girl's clit and sucking on it, her tongue flicking down into her folds. Taylor spread her legs wide and moaned loudly, fingers running through Lucy's hair as she got close as well. As I admired the view of Lucy bent over, her breasts hanging as she licked Taylor's pussy, Lucy closed her eyes tight and gave a huge moan, pressing her lips hard against Taylor's folds as a jet of juice shot out of her pussy around the toy, her hips dropping low and burying it deep inside her as she came. She waited like that for a minute, wetness flowing down her thighs, before easing up and bouncing a few times on it, fucking herself with the dildo. I almost came from the sight of it, my sexy cousin getting off so hard with her tongue deep inside Taylor's sweet little pussy. "Wow, fuck Lucy I'm close now," called Taylor, gripping handfuls of the redhead's hair. Lucy's tongue flicked across her folds and into her entrance faster, one of her hands sliding a set of fingers inside her. Taylor gasped as she did so, her eyes wide, staring down at her lover with uncontrolled desire. I was getting close to cumming myself when Lucy lifted her hips up, the dildo slipping from her soaking folds as she reached back and held it steady, then as she dragged her tongue up through Taylor's pussy and the younger girl screamed, Lucy lowered herself down again, the dildo sliding straight into her ass. She relaxed her muscles and the enormous shaft eased its way inside her until her cheeks were flat on the bed, the toy moving inside her asshole. "I'm cumming!" yelled Taylor, Lucy's moans vibrating through her pussy and against her clit as Taylor began shaking wildly, her whole body reacting to the sensation of her orgasm. It was too much for me and as Lucy lifted her ass and slid back down again on the dildo I came as well, shooting my load onto the ground, watching my cousin fuck her own ass with a dildo. Lucy raised and lowered her asshole up and down the rotating shaft faster as she dragged her tongue up through Taylor's dripping wet folds and over her clit, making the younger girl shiver with pleasure. As Taylor calmed down Lucy bottomed out on the dildo, her mouth lapping up Taylor's juices and rubbing her pussy with her fingers. "Mmmm, oh my god Lucy," Taylor panted, her breasts rising and falling as she caught her breath. "That was so fucking hot." Lucy gave Taylor's pussy one last lick and reached back, holding the dildo down as she lifted her cheeks, gasping as it made a gentle "plop" leaving her asshole. She switched the twirling vibrating device off and rubbed her pussy and ass, feeling where the toy had stretched her before climbing up Taylor's body to rest with her. "That thing is awesome. You have to try it sometime." "It did look like fun, except in my ass, I don't think I'll be ready for that for a LONG time." "You'd be surprised," Lucy whispered, giggling as she rubbed her fingers over Taylor's wet folds before sliding the tip of one finger up into her ass. Taylor jumped, tensing slightly before Lucy kissed her, her muscles relaxing as Lucy's thumb caressed her folds while her finger eased up inside her asshole. "Mmmm..." she moaned into the kiss. "Slowly, babe...slowly..." but she didn't flinch, just ran her hands over Lucy's body, feeling her lover up as her ass was fingered. I had been spent myself, and even though I felt guilty having jerked off to my cousin, I was still feeling horny and it was getting stronger. My urge to go inside and slide my cock into Taylor's pussy while Lucy fingered her ass was almost unbearable. Thankfully I was never put to the test, for at that moment Lucy's mobile rang. Not removing any of her fingers from Taylor, she reached over and answered it. "Hello? Oh hi mum...yeah I'm home, no I have company..." she paused, taking Taylor's nipple in her mouth and sucking away hungrily, her tongue flicking over it as she listened while Taylor closed her eyes, trying not to moan. "Mhm, mmm...ok, see you soon, bye." She put down the phone, sighing and looking at Taylor's groin, where her fingers were sliding back and forth in her pussy and ass. "Mum's on her way home," she said wearily. Taylor bit her lip, her eyes still closed as Lucy leaned over and kissed her hard, gently slipping her fingers out. Taylor moaned into the kiss as she was left empty, pulling back and looking up at Lucy. "I was liking that," she pouted. Lucy laughed. "Well, maybe we can do it again sometime," she said. "Unless you find the time elsewhere, that is." Taylor looked down. "I like you, Lucy, and I love what you can do to me," she said slowly. Lucy waited patiently, and I could feel the tension from where I was standing. "I don't know if you're looking for something...more," she went on. "I don't think I can give it to you though, I'm just...so new to this. I'm sorry." Lucy looked into her eyes. "I know this isn't long term, and I don't care. I'll enjoy it for as long as you want to fool around." She gave Taylor a kiss and smiled. "It'll be a fantastic ride while it lasts." They smiled at each other and kissed again, wrapping their arms around each other. I figured I had to get out of there soon if Auntie Ellie was on her way home. I put my still solid cock back in my pants sheepishly and zipped up, making my way around the side of the house. I got to the driveway when I realized that I wasn't alone. "I suppose you heard my call," said Auntie Ellie, staring down at me. I froze, unable to react. I could have bluffed, I could have said anything, but I didn't, it was too late; her eyes flicked down the side of the house, where the only window was the one that opened onto Lucy's room. She must have heard me, and them as well probably, and knew exactly what had happened. She knew everything, it was in her eyes. She looked back at me, gazing intently into my eyes. It was the gaze of someone who knew what I really was. "Go get your car, bring it around and park on the street," she said. "We'll give them a few minutes to clean up and be presentable." She sighed quietly. "Then I want you to come inside with me. We need to have a talk about incest." - To be continued.... pics---->> http://bit.ly/1QdQXsD
Title: The Secret Garden - Emma Summary: Bringing home girl to my aunt's secret garden. Keywords: inc,fic,hot,aunt The summer after I'd turned eighteen-years-old, I went to the big city to stay with my Aunt Alice for two months. She was my father's youngest and favourite sister, unmarried, and pursuing a career as a lawyer. She lived near the centre of the big city in an old, small industrial building that had been turned into a loft-like, large apartment. It resembled a studio, a one-space apartment. I could stay for the summer months, in a separate room that was reached via a patio. Every day, I would take the bus to my work at a coffee-shop in the centre of the city. During the week, Alice left early to take the metro to her work, at a big law firm, and worked late. *** After a month or so, I took a girl home with me. I'd seen her come into the coffee shop a couple of times a week to get an iced-latte and take it out with her. But one Friday, she was later than usual, and I was cleaning the coffee machines when she stepped through the door. She was a happy, radiant girl, about my age, and always had a smile on her face. Most of time, she wore her sleek, brown hair tied in a knot on top of her head and she always wore a dress. As we discussed the fact that I couldn't serve her any more iced coffee that day, I noticed she'd let her hair loose and it'd fallen to her shoulders. She ended the discussion by insisting I owed her a coffee. "I think you owe me an iced-latte and I suggest you buy it somewhere else," she demanded, more as a joke but I could sense she wouldn't take no for an answer. When I walked behind her on our way out of the shop, I pinched myself for a moment, and blessed my luck. I didn't notice before, but to me, her figure was pretty perfect. Slender, toned legs appeared from under her dress, which stopped well above her knees. Her bum looked firm, small and round in her dress as it hugged her hips. As she turned around to hold the door open for me, she flashed her wonderful smile and my knees went nearly buckled. Her name was Emma. We didn't stop with one coffee. Beers followed and we got to know each other better. We got along very well. There were no silences, nor useless talk that would bother either of us. Like me, she also had a summer job, but in a bookstore. She'd take the bus to her parents' home after she'd get the latte, which was more than an hour bus ride, but it gave her time to read books and she had an, almost, infinite resource at the store. I told her my story, living at my aunt for the summer, being away from home for the first time, for such a long time. I told her about the special apartment and how lucky I was she had a separate room that I could use for myself. All the while we talked, I wasn't shy to look at her beautiful face, wide mouth, and full lips that ended in an upward curl, which made hers a friendly face even when she didn't smile. When we started to get hungry, she asked: "Would it be possible to cook for ourselves? I'd love to do that! I've become very curious about this special place you've described as a hidden treasure inside of the city!" Emma sensed my reluctance. "But if you'd rather not, it's okay if we simply find a nice cafe to have a bite!" I told her: "Well, you see, it's not that you're not welcome. I'd love to take you home and show you this special place, but with this special place comes a special person. "You see, my aunt is very casual at home. To be frank, she's something of a nudist at home and, as I told you, it's a place without much privacy. That goes for her and for us, as well. So, even though she won't deliberately confront you with it, you might be confronted with nudity. But, you know, when she's home already, there's no escape." She was silent for a moment, as she looked unbelievingly at me, and then burst into a fit of laughter. When she calmed down, she excused herself. "I'm sorry. Really, I am, but I had this image of an eighteen-year-old boy with a naked aunt in a place without any privacy. Where do you go to jack-off? That's so funny!" I was shocked because she was direct enough to mention jacking-off. But out of Emma's mouth, it didn't sound rude. It just sounded funny. I answered: "Alright, alright. Of course, there's some privacy. I have my own room, so we don't share a bed." "Mmm, I think I'd like to meet your aunt. Your description of the hidden treasure inside of the city becomes even more provoking when there's someone who is free enough to be naked in front of her young nephew! It sounds like a secret garden to me, now." "It's funny that you call her free. You could've called her an exhibitionist or a pervert." Still laughing, she answered: "She might be, I don't know. You tell me!" "No, she's not. Not as I see it. It's also funny you call it a secret garden. That's exactly how it started to grow in my mind. A special green place between the concrete of the city, where you can leave it all behind. I've come to think of it as an oasis." I sensed she was excited to see the special place, which seemed to be very different than you'd normally encounter on a normal date. And, of course, I became excited about how it'd play out. A girl like Emma, on a first date, taking her home, and a possible encounter with a naked Alice. We bought ingredients for a big salad, some bread, and got on the bus to Alice's place. I became aware it felt nice to be next to a girl of my age. Alice was special, and she was a beautiful woman...not a girl in the way I was still a boy. Emma was, and it made so much easier in a way. I looked sideways at Emma, she turned her face towards me, and raised her eyebrows. I smiled at her. "Somehow, I get the idea it wasn't a coincidence that you came into the coffee shop too late. Somehow, I get the idea you planned this all along." She laughed at me as she butted her head against my shoulder. "You should know, by now, there's no such thing as coincidence and everything is part of a bigger plan. Don't you?" I looked at her and, suddenly, I knew I wanted to kiss her...there and then! I looked at her wonderful lips and moved mine toward hers. My face was close to hers as I whispered: "Is this what you'd planned?" As she reached out to me, she whispered: "No, this is purely a...coincidence!" Our lips met, and we gave each other little kisses on the lips, tasted each other, and looked at each other as we continued to let our lips play around. We stopped, and I looked at the passengers around us. Nobody had seen anything or gave any sign they'd noticed what was going on. Still, I had to laugh. Emma looked at me in an amused way and asked. "What is it?" "I felt as if I was being a part of my all-time favourite ending...of a movie, that is. You know, the end of The Graduate where Dustin Hoffman's character turns around and finds the whole bus looking at them?" Looking back at me, she grabbed my arm and answered: "Yes! I know! It's a wonderful, hilarious ending. But the way she looks at him and then looks outside, realising what the future will be, is sad in a way." Curious if she'd come to the same conclusion as I had, I asked: "So, you have the same idea? What kind of future did she foresee?" While looking away, Emma told me: "You know, a future with kids, a family, and family problems. With discussions and fights. A future of embedded disappointments." She turned her face toward me and looked serious for the first time. As I moved toward her, I said: "So, there's only one solution. It's to live in the here and now, not in the past and especially not in the future." Again, she kissed me with her soft, tender lips and closed her eyes for a short moment. She smiled and rested her head on my shoulder for a moment. *** When we got off of the bus, the evening was half over, and the shadows were long. We walked toward the house and talked about our favourite movies. Suddenly, she stopped, and I sensed she was getting nervous. "Jona? Tell me, when your aunt is nude, do you get naked, as well?" I laughed at her, but it was an uneasy feeling. She was right! What would I do? I answered: "No, I mean, I don't have to. She's okay with it, though." She insisted: "But do you? Do you join her? Are you nude in her company?" I answered as she walked up beside me. "Sometimes, before or after a shower or if we lay in the sun on the patio." I didn't want to tell her, yet, that for most of the time I was naked at home, because of the weather. I'd take a shower after I'd get back from work and wouldn't get dressed until I had to go to work the next morning. "But don't be afraid. Most of the time, she's not naked and if she is, she's totally okay with us being clothed." She went on as if she didn't hear what I'd said. "So, do you spend time naked at home as well, like she does?" I confessed. "Yes, I do, sometimes. It feels good. Especially these days when the summer heat is almost tangible the whole day and even in the night. I never did it when I was younger, though." I asked her: "Have you ever stayed naked at home? Did you hide something from me and now you're going to tell me you're a nudist, yourself?" We laughed. "Okay, okay! I'll confess! I wear clothes only when in public, and the bookshop I work in is a naturist bookshop, so we work in the buff, so to speak!" As we turned the corner to walk onto the street where Alice's house stood. "No, I'm sorry. I'm joking. I'm not a nudist and I don't work in the nude, either." I replied: "But you didn't answer my question. Have you had any experiences, or experiments, at home?" She answered me: "You know, as an only child, I had our house to myself most of every day. So, as you can imagine, being nude wasn't limited to my bedroom. Sometimes, I sneaked into the garden to tan in a secluded corner, but I was always alert to noises because I was anxious about possibly getting caught by my parents unexpectedly returning home. It was something of a guilty pleasure, so to speak." "Were you ever caught?" She laughed. "No! Thank God!" We stood in front of the door as I got the key out of my pocket. Emma's anxiety crept back into her as she asked: "Do you think she's home?" While turning the key and opening the door, I replied: "I don't know." As we entered the hallway, I called out. "Hello! Alice? I'm home with a friend!" No answer. No sound emerged from her apartment. We walked through the little corridor to the patio and, as we entered, I saw no one was there, either. The heat of the day was still tangible on the stone covered patio and the shadow of the few small trees weren't enough to prevent the patio from heating up during the day. Emma exclaimed: "Wow!" I was bemused, at the surprised expression on her face, as I said. "What did I tell you? A little secret garden in the middle of the big city!" As I walked toward my room, I suggested: "If you take your sneakers off, you can feel how warm the floor is." Emma followed me into my room. Suddenly, with two people in it, it became very small. As Alice used to call it...a monk's cell. As I stood next to the small table, Emma sat down on the bed and looked around the room and outside toward the patio. "Welcome to my cell!" I joked. "This is so strange, yet, so nice. A room without a window, a cell indeed, but with a whole glass wall towards a beautiful patio!" Emma replied as she looked up at me. "Are you sure it's okay to take my shoes off?" I nodded, and she bent over to take her sneakers and little socks off to reveal ten, little, toenails that were painted red. She looked at her polished toes for a moment and wriggled them before she turned to me. I extended my arms, to help her get up from my bed, and asked her. "Shall we go and cook?" She looked at me as she took my hands and I pulled her up. She stood close, looked straight at my chest, and said. "Maybe it can wait for a minute?" I knew what she wanted to do when she pulled my hands behind her back and reached her face up to mine. I asked her. "Why?" Before she kissed me, she whispered. "This." That time, it wasn't only our lips that met. She pulled my hands further as she pushed her body against mine. I felt her young, slender body against mine as her small boobs pressed against my chest and her tummy pressed against my crotch. That time, our kiss lingered as our mouths opened, our tongues met, tasted each other, felt the special texture, licked, pushed, and received. I broke our kiss and whispered. "I can't believe my luck!" Emma kissed my chest and replied. "I can't believe mine, either!" I pulled my hands free and asked. "Shall I show you around?" She smiled. "Okay, but we've got to eat sometime, don't we?" I picked up the groceries and Emma followed me onto the patio as we went back through the entrance hall. We entered Alice's apartment and, again, I called out to her to see if she was present. Again, there was no answer, so we stepped into the apartment. I walked to the kitchen corner, to put the food on the table, as Emma followed me. She looked around and said. "Wow, again! Now I can see why your aunt has all of the privacy she wants. The high placed windows prevent people from looking inside, but they provide so much light and a view of the trees and sky!" We walked around the central, closed block that housed the bathroom, through the corner with Alice's bed, and I showed her the door that led to the patio. Then, we entered the bathroom, which was surprisingly well-lit because of a large window, with shades, that looked onto the patio. Emma looked at the double rain-shower heads in the corner of the bathroom and remarked. "That's strange to have a double shower when you're living on your own. And they're so big!" I joked. "Well, she's not living alone, at the moment, and I don't think she lives a celibate life." She raised her eyebrows as she looked up at me. "Say. Do you shower with your aunt?" I had to laugh out loud because of the expression on her face. "No, but it's the only bathroom and we do use it simultaneously, sometimes." I thought it'd be wiser not to tell her the whole truth about our use of the shower, but I guess she felt I was telling her a little white lie. We looked at each other in the large mirror above the washbasins and she used the mirror to look around the bathroom before she said. "You're so lucky to have found this place and to have an aunt to share all of this with you." Realising the double meaning of it, I said. "As I said. I can't believe my luck!" She looked at me and smiled her lovely smile, as I took her hand into mine, and said. "And as I said. I can't believe mine, either! But I really have to go to the toilet!" I showed her the closed toilet inside of the bathroom. "It's in here and if you want to take a shower, go ahead. I usually do when I get home, but now, I'll start with the food." She smiled as she entered the toilet and turned around. "Well, don't let me get in the way of your habits. The food can wait, can't it?" And with that, she closed the door. I couldn't believe her. She'd invited me to get naked in front of her and with a big chance that she'd join me! On the other hand, she could go on and start with the food herself. Nah. As I heard Emma pee into the toilet, I started to remove my T-shirt. I'd gotten out of my shoes and socks before I heard she'd finished and the door opened. Without turning around, I pulled my jeans and shorts down in one move, stepped out of them, walked into the shower, and turned one on. Then I turned around as the water flowed around my shoulders and down across my body. The excitement and anticipation had made my dick grow larger as it hung free and heavy in front of me. Emma stood in the middle of the bathroom with my clothes scattered around her on the floor. She looked at my body as she held a tiny white panty in her hand. Then she looked at me and smiled. Without saying a word, she let go of her panty and started to pull her dress over her head. Her crotch, including the dark tuft of pubic hair on top of her pussy, became visible above her beautiful, slender legs. I was mesmerized by the gap between her legs, where her protruding inner labia were clearly visible between the thick, full lips of her pussy. A moment later, her dress fell to the floor, she moved her hands behind her back, and unhooked her bra. After she shook her bra off, two perfectly round breasts, with small brown areolas and pointy nipples, were displayed. She dropped her bra to the floor and stood there, naked. Only then did she look at me in a rather shy way. I shook my head with disbelief: "You're beautiful!" I turned the other shower on as an invite for her to join me. As she walked underneath the stream of water, she closed her eyes, turned her face toward the shower, and allowed the water to flow across her face and body. I marvelled at her beautiful, naked body which was so close to me. She turned around, wiped the water from her face, stepped forward, embraced me, and we started to kiss as the water flowed onto our backs. Her soft, firm breasts were pressed against my chest as my dick became erect and pushed against the flat of her stomach. I held her back with one hand as the other one slid down and held her round buttock. We continued to kiss as I felt her hands move down, as well, grab my buttocks, and start to squeeze them. "Hello! Jona? I'm home!" Alice! Her voice rang loud and clear through the open door of the bathroom. Startled, but laughing, we stopped and let go of each other. I shouted: "Alice, I'm in here! I'm taking a shower!" She called back. "Ok! I'm dying for one myself!" Before I could tell her that I wasn't alone, she'd come in through the opening toward her bed and stood next to us. Surprise crossed her face as she saw Emma's nude back between us. "Oh! Excuse me! I'm so sorry!" She said as she looked at me. A smile appeared on her face as she turned around and left. She called to us again from outside of the bathroom. "Take your time! I'll get myself a drink. Let me know when you're finished." Emma pushed her forehead against my chest and started to giggle. Suddenly, she stopped, and I suspected I knew why. My dick had become completely straight, stood erect, and it pointed straight up at her. "Wow!" She murmured. She didn't move, and I didn't dare. Finally, she looked up at me with a big smile across her face. She reminded me of a little girl who'd opened an unexpected gift. "It's beautiful!" "Can I touch it?" The little girl in her asked. I smiled at her and nodded. She looked down and used one thumb to stroke my penis from the underside of the glans all of the way to the base, which caused it to jerk. As she held it between her thumb and index-finger, she moved it from side to side and giggled. "I've never seen such a beautiful penis! In fact, I've never seen a penis on a first date." I replied with a joke: "I guess you've never showered on a first date, either." "Nor have I kissed a naked boy on a first date." She smiled, embraced me, captured my full erection between our bellies, and whispered: "Shouldn't we stop showering? Your aunt is waiting for us." I looked down at my fully erect member and exclaimed. "Like this?!" Emma shut down both showers and asked. "Well, I imagine your aunt has seen you in various states of excitement, hasn't she?" She knew she was right when I blushed at her correct assumption. I got us two towels and started to gather our clothes when Emma whispered: "Just give me my dress." Without concern about her underwear, she pulled it over her wet hair. I managed to pull my boxers over my, still erect, dick and grabbed the rest of our stuff from the floor. I looked at Emma as she dried her hair with the towel and asked: "Are you ready to meet my aunt?" She combed her hair a few times with her fingers and that was it. *** After we left the bathroom, we found Alice as she sat on a couch with her bare feet up. She'd gotten rid of her formal, grey trousers and left them on her bed. As she stood to meet us, with a glass of wine in one hand, her white silk blouse barely covered her buttocks. She introduced herself to Emma. "Hello! I'm Alice. Again, I'm so sorry for invading your privacy in the bathroom! You're the first guest Jona has brought home with him since he's been here. So, I expected only him to be in the bathroom when I heard the shower running." Emma shook Alice's extended hand and said: "Hi! I'm Emma and it wasn't any problem. Jona warned me that there's almost no privacy here, but the two of you accept it, and each other, in a very good way. I hope you don't mind us using your shower. It felt so great at the end of the day, especially in this hot weather!" Alice smiled. "Sure, it's okay for the two of you to have a shower and, as I said, I'm dying to have one myself. So, if you don't mind, I'm going to have a shower and maybe I'll see you later!" As we walked over to the kitchen sink, I told Alice: "We're going to make some salad." Emma suggested: "Yes, and if you'd like, you can eat some of it with us. I'm sure there will be plenty." Alice replied: "That's very kind of you, but I'm sure you'll want some alone time together so don't bother." On her way to the bathroom, Alice picked up the bundle of our clothes from the couch and asked. "Shall I put your stuff in with the rest of the laundry or shall I take it to your room?" She looked at it and I knew she'd recognised Emma's panty and bra in the bundle. Emma blushed heavily as I replied. "Hum, you can leave it there. It's ok. I'll take it to my room." Alice gave us a warm smile as she put it back and walked toward her bed with her glass in her hand. After a few minutes, we heard the shower as we were busy preparing the salad. The sun had set, and it was getting dark inside, so I walked around and turned some lights on. We decided to eat outside on the patio, so I grabbed the large bowl of salad and a bottle of wine from the fridge. Emma took the bread, knives, forks, and our glasses. We put everything on the outside table and, as I started to turn to get some candles, we looked through the opened bathroom window into the lit bathroom where Alice stood, naked, drying herself. After I turned the patio-lights on, which flooded the walls with light, she noticed us and smiled. She simply continued to dry herself as she joked: "I guess we're even, now." When I returned with the candles, Alice was still in the bathroom, with her naked back toward us, as she was busy doing something in the mirror. I called out to her. "There's enough for all us and I got you a fork!" "Thank you. I'll be out in a minute. I have to find something to put on." "You can come as you are!" I joked. She looked at us in the mirror and replied: "You know I would, but it wouldn't be polite to your guest, so give me a minute." When she joined us, she wore a loose-knitted, printed linen dress with buttons down the front. She'd only closed the middle five or so, which left a deep, open cleavage in front. As she sat down, she complimented me. "Jona, you brought such a fine girl home!" "It was Emma's plan to have a date and eventually, to go here in the first place," I replied to Alice. That brought Emma many compliments and she had to explain the whole story, because, as Alice put it: "So... You missed your coffee for your ride back home and, because of that, you ended up showering with a guy you've never spoken to before?" After our story, Emma got back at Alice when she said: "Alice, if I may ask. I'd like to hear about your way of living, in relation to accepting a nephew to stay over for the summer. Wasn't it difficult, to accept a boy, a teenager, in your house, invading your privacy?" Alice looked at Emma appreciation in her face. I knew she knew what Emma was getting at, and she thought it was brave of Emma to get to the point. "I guess, you're asking about my privacy, as in moving around in the nude in my own house? As in confronting Jona with my nudity, and thus invading his privacy while he is my guest? Emma thought about this for a moment and nodded: "I guess, yes, that's what I'm curious about." "Well, I know this is a strange set-up, but let me explain. Jona's father is my favourite brother and we've been very close. In our minds, we still are. So, when the question came to provide shelter for Jona during the summer, I couldn't refuse. The only choice I had was to behave differently in my own house, not knowing how Jona would respond to me if he knew, or to confront us both with this aspect and see what Jona would do. I'd be able to tell if he's actually okay with it, or he'd just say he was because I'm his aunt and had the room to stay in. But he can tell you that, himself." Emma looked at me and smiled. "I already know he's okay with it!" Alice smiled and said: "It looks as if you've known each other for a long time, instead of only a couple of hours!" Alice touched Emma's arm. "I can only repeat my compliment to Jona." Emma shyly smiled at me and all I wanted to do was kiss her, again. I think Alice sensed it, too because she stood and bent over the table to grab the bowl and our cutlery. Emma and I looked at Alice's firm breasts, as they hung free inside of her dress. "Please, let me take care of this and you can consider the patio...all yours! And, if you like, feel free to take another bottle of wine. I see we've managed to empty this one." *** Emma and I talked, for what seemed an hour, while on the warm, and candle-lit patio. I was happy to sit in only my shorts as the warm air was like a blanket wrapped all around me. I was happy and excited that she'd sat next to me, in only her dress, as her nipples sometimes brushed against the thin fabric. At one time, she turned her chair toward me and put her feet on my knees. I took both of her feet into my hands, the slit of her dress opened between her thighs and toward her hips, and it exposed her bare crotch within the dark shadow of her dress. I smiled at her as I felt my dick stir inside of my shorts. I guess she noticed, also, because she raised her eyebrows and a twinkle appeared in her eyes. She'd spread her knees to the side, for a moment, to expose herself to me and said: "With this weather and this amazing place, I can imagine you don't get dressed in the morning or evening, for that matter. The air all around you feels wonderful on your skin!" I asked: "Would you dare? Would you like to sit here, naked, while talking to me?" She laughed out loud. "I don't think we'd be talking a lot after that, do you?" "Oh, I don't know. What I do know, though, is the best thing you can do when naked, is to go with the things you normally do. Such as reading a book, cleaning the table, or maybe, having a nice conversation." "Ok, so what do you suggest? Am I supposed to get naked and clean up your room? Or go inside and do the dishes?" "Well, I don't know. We could sit here and talk. Or you could get us another glass of wine." Emma made a proposal. "Ok, let's do this. We take our clothes off, you get us a glass of wine, and I'll go to the toilet. I have to pee, again, anyway." I put her feet on the floor, in front of me, stood and answered. "Sure. That's fine with me." She stood, as well, and looked at the obvious bulge in my shorts before she asked. "Can I do it?" "Do what?" She didn't move her eyes away from my shorts as she asked, again. "Pull it down, to free it?" "So, you want to get me hard before I have to walk into the kitchen to get us some wine?" I laughed, but she didn't listen and didn't wait for my approval. She slowly pulled my shorts down and my penis sprang free and hardened until it pointed straight up the moment the air flowed around it. She giggled and started to pull her dress up. "Oh no! No way! Now I get to undress you!" I laughed and took her hands from her dress. I took the hem of her dress, and started to pull it up as I asked her: "Please, raise your arms?" She stood tall and stretched out before me. When her dress was over her head and arms, I stopped and looked at her naked body, especially her boobs! They looked so nice, round, and fresh. Then she realized what I was doing and pulled herself free from her dress. Laughing hard at me, she pulled her dress from my hands. "Come on. Let's get some wine and you can go to the toilet," I said. She grabbed my hand and asked. "How do we get there?" I explained: "We have to go through the hallway because Alice is home. Otherwise, I could go through her bedroom, but not when she's in." We walked, naked, through the corridor and hallway and stood in front of the front door. I whispered. "Shit! My keys! They're in my jeans and they're inside...on the couch! We'll have to go back." Emma laughed as we stood naked in the hallway in front of a closed door. She walked in front of me back to the patio and I marvelled at the roundness of her bum and the way she walked naked before me. I couldn't have dreamt I'd meet a girl who'd do such a thing on a first date. I called to Alice and heard her reply coming from the living room area, so we went inside through the door next to her bed. Emma disappeared into the bathroom and I went on through the living room to the kitchen. A big smile appeared on Alice's face when she saw me naked and she watched me pass the couch opposite from her. I saw she still had her dress on, though all of the buttons were loose and the dress was completely open at the front. As I gestured that Emma was inside of the bathroom, she whispered. "You're doing well, Jona!" The moment Emma wanted to sneak out of the door, Alice called out. "Emma!" Emma answered from the open door. "Yes, Alice?" Alice stood, and walked over to her, confronting the naked girl with her own half-nakedness. "You told me you're still living at home. Do your parents know you're okay and not coming home?" I saw a tender smile appear on Emma's face. "Thank you, that's so kind of you to think about it! Yes, I already told them that I'd stay over at a friend's place in the city. I've done that a few times, so it's okay. They know, but thank you, again!" She stood there in the opening as Alice told her. "That's a relief! I would've been worried, otherwise." Alice made no comment about Emma staying over... Emma and I hadn't even discussed it, yet! After we returned to the patio and sat down to drink, Emma burst into laughter while reliving the panic of the moment when Alice called her name. "I should've known better, but I was so afraid she'd get mad at us for being naked inside of her own house. But when she told me she was concerned because of me, I melted!" I asked her: "So, how does it feel, otherwise, to walk around the house, naked?" "Well, walking around felt good! It was nice to feel the warm evening air all around my body," Emma answered. I sensed something more was to come after her answer, so I asked. "But?" "Nothing, but sitting here with you is...it's exciting! You know?" I smiled and shook my head from left to right. "Come on!" She laughed, stood up, placed her glass on the table, and asked for mine. She took my hands and pulled them around her body. "You know, being naked next to you and seeing your amazing body makes me to want to feel you, embrace you, and kiss you!" She bent over, started to kiss me, and pulled me to my feet until we stood, making out, with our naked bodies pressed against each other. After a while, I broke our kiss, looked at her rather seriously, and asked: "At what time do I have to take you to your friend?" She slapped my arm hard and laughed out loud. I smiled and held her tight against me. "Ok! Does that mean you're asking me if you can stay here?" She smiled and nodded. "So, ask me!" That time, she didn't try to wrestle or slap me. She stood on her toes with her face close to mine. "I've never slept at somebody's place nor have I ever fucked on a first date, but I'm asking you. Can I sleep here? Can I sleep with you? Do you want to sleep with me?" I looked into her eyes and answered her questions. "Sure. Why not. It'd be so much more of a hassle to take you to your friend!" Again, she tried to slap me, but I held her tight against me and kissed her. Her resistance ebbed away until her hands roamed my back and bum. We continued to kiss until my dick stood hard and straight between us, then we moved to my room and laid down on the bed. For the first time, my hands roamed across her body, touched her breasts, and eventually...her pussy! We mostly kissed until Emma turned over onto her back and spread her legs. Her hands disappeared between them and came up wet and covered with her juices. She showed and offered them to me before she covered my dick with it. "I've been so wet, for so long! I'm ready. And, don't worry, I'm on the pill. Please, enter me. Make love to me!" As I entered her, I thought only of Alice and the way her pussy felt so comfortable and so easy. Emma was a tight fit...a glove size too small...but her wetness made it possible to enter her little by little. I saw it on her face as I split her cunt and entered her deeper and deeper. She moaned softly. "Oh, Jona! You feel so good! So big!" We laid with straight legs on top of each other. I wasn't fully in, but moving up a bit, I felt my dick press between her large labia and touch her enlarged clit as a small jerk went through her body. With little movement, I continued to thrust in and out, each time sliding through her slit and against her clit. She started to murmur in a steady stream of moans as I continued to kiss her neck. "Oh, god! You're so good! This feels so good! Please, don't stop!" I picked up the pace as she spread her legs further, bent them around my back, and opened herself more to me. I reached deeper, maintained the short, quick strokes, and ploughed across her clit through her long, wet slit. Suddenly, her murmur changed to long, high-pitched moans and a rapid stream of sounds. I continued the rhythm and tried to push harder and deeper as I watched her sweat covered face immersed in total pleasure. "I'm going to cum! Please! Don't stop! Oh, yes! Please, I'm cumming! Please! Yes! Oh, yes! Oh! Ieeeeeh!!!" I was very surprised by her vocal finale. If it didn't feel so amazing and so good, I would've wondered how it sounded for Alice, but in a silly way, it made me proud as well. After coming down from her mountain peak, Emma whispered. "Wow!" I had to laugh about the fact she was whispering. I had to explain why I laughed, which made her feel ashamed that she'd cum so loud. She said: "I don't know why? I just lost control. Really, this is the first time I've ever cum from being fucked without, you know, stimulating myself, too!" She kissed me and I felt proud, again. The flow of cum from her orgasm had highly lubricated her cunt and I was still hard. I lowered myself onto her body, spread my knees, pushed myself up onto my arms, and looked down at a young girl with sweat covered body and still in the afterglow of her orgasm. My dick disappeared between her spread legs. I pushed in with a long, forceful stroke. She looked seriously at me. Another deeper push and a hint of pain crossed her face as she closed her eyes for a moment. She whispered. "Maybe it's going to hurt!" A smile appeared on her face and I teased: "Maybe you're going to like it!" Another two thrusts and I saw her breasts rising up. I saw her hard and erect nipples, licked them, and she moaned in approval. I pushed deep, again, and felt the narrowness of her canal expand in size. A series of strokes made Emma close her eyes and open her mouth as the lengths of her moans were in sync with my strokes. The sight of Emma's breasts, as they moved up and down beneath me, excited me so much! As I licked and bit her nipples and picked up the speed of my deep thrusts, another stream of loud and steady moans flowed from her open mouth. As I picked up her waist and bum and pushed my thighs underneath her legs, I told her: "Oh, Emma! You feel so great...so tight! So tight and wet!" I looked down and saw the length of my glistening dick disappear into Emma's wet slit as it was embraced by the thick, dark folds of her labia. I held on to her hips as I pushed hard and deep into her. A small cry escaped her throat as I continued a steady rhythm of pushes deep into her body. I looked down at her to find her eyes closed and her beautiful mouth wide open. She'd taken her breasts into her hands and pinched her nipple with one. My hips pushed faster, and faster, and I moaned:. "Your pussy feels so good, Emma!" I didn't think she'd heard me, as the pitch of her own sounds had increased, and her face looked totally wasted, hr wet hair in wild strings across it. Her whole body moved, her stomach contracted, and her legs shook. As her orgasm exploded into an uncontrollable spasm of her whole body, she yelled. "Ooooh, god Goooood!!!" Her cunt screwed itself tight around my cock and made me cum in long waves of ejaculations as I continued to push in and out of her cunt, which started to overflow with our combined cum. We laid, wasted, for a few minutes with our heads snuggled against each other's. I felt a smile on her face through her cheek as Emma whispered. "I'm leaking...big time!" Only then did I pull my limp member completely out of Emma. I felt the stream of our fluids as they ran out of her. I found some towels, we managed to clean up somewhat, placed a clean one underneath us as we crept against each other, and we exchanged small kisses until we fell asleep. ************ The warmth of the sun had crept inside of my room and the lack of air made it feel heavy. As I opened my eyes, I felt Emma's soft bum against mine and became aware of a hard and full morning erection. I felt lucky I wasn't on my other side! As I turned on my back, I noticed my single sheet was tangled around our legs. She laid, almost uncovered, next to me and her beautiful, round bum and hips attracted my gaze. I didn't dare touch her, so I only laid there and marvelled at the young, marvellous body next to me. After I noticed my wood had softened, I slowly got out of bed, careful not to wake her. The towel we used was next to the bed, so I picked it up to throw it into the laundry basket in the bathroom since I had to go there anyway to pee. As I opened the door, I saw Alice as she laid nude, on her stomach, on a reclined deckchair. I noticed her bum was so different than Emma's. She heard me, raised her head, and smiled as she took her sunglasses from her eyes. "Good morning, stud!" I smiled back at her and said, with a sleepy throat. "Good morning, Alice." She was right. As I remembered the night before, I felt like a stud. Like a porn actor who could make his partners cum multiple times by endlessly fucking them. But I also realised it wasn't like that. It was Emma who was so special and full of sex as she was fucked. But nevertheless...! "What time is it?" Alice said: "It's around ten. We all slept a long time into the day!" When she saw my surprised face, she explained. "Yes! Me, too!" It wasn't her habit to sleep very long into the day. She was usually an early riser who continued the rhythm of the work week into the weekend. She jokingly explained. "The two of you kept me awake until you were finished!" I planted a kiss on her head and said. "I'm sorry." Then I turned and walked back inside to the bathroom. After I finished, I washed my hands and looked at the reflection of outside in the mirror. I saw some movement behind my lace-curtains. To my surprise, a naked Emma stepped out of my room as her hands shielded her eyes from the bright sunshine. I heard her shyly say. "Oh...! Hello!" I heard Alice answer: "Good morning, Emma! Jona is inside, in the bathroom, I think." I saw Emma walk toward the door and a few seconds later, she stepped into the bathroom. Her face was still a sleepy mess. I touched her face with my hand and whispered. "Good morning, beautiful!" She smiled and walked toward the toilet, but didn't close the door. I heard her pee inside the bowl as I turned on the shower. After Emma finished, she walked over and turned on the other shower. We looked at each other and smiled when she let the water flow over her head. As she slid her hands between her legs and started to clean herself. "I can still feel the stickiness!" I gave her some soap and started to clean myself with it, too. We looked at each other and it became a tease as Emma soaped her breasts, but she upped the tease when she turned around, grabbed her bum, kneaded the cheeks, and spread them to show me her pussy. Finally, I grabbed my cock, started to stroke it with a hand full of soap, and held on to my balls with the other hand. She mirrored me as she stood with her legs spread wide, her pelvis tilted, and her hands pushing against her pussy-lips. Aware that Alice was outside on the patio, I whispered. "We'd better stop this crazy game." But it was too late. Alice was outside, with a glass in one hand and the other one on top of her breast, as she watched us. When she noticed I'd seen her, she only smiled and walked inside. A few moments later, as we stepped out of the shower, I heard Alice as she toiled around in the kitchen. As I took Emma's hand and pulled her outside onto the patio with me, I said. "Come on, let the sun dry us." We sat next to each other on the deckchair with our legs extended in front of us. The sun felt great on my body. Emma looked at her body from her breasts down to her feet. I kissed her shoulder, she smiled as she turned to me, and we kissed. Our kisses grew more intimate as the excitement rose in our bodies and our hands started to stimulate each other. Finally, before she touched it, I felt my hard dick against my stomach. As we stopped our kiss, and Emma started to kiss my chest and nipples, I looked up and saw Alice as she stood in the doorway. She'd put on the dress she'd worn the night before and, again, the front was completely open. One hand was on her pussy and the other one held a glass of cold lemonade against her cheek. Emma whispered against my chest as her kisses moved lower onto my stomach. "I can't stay all day, but I can't go, either." She continued between kisses. "Until you've made love to me, again,"I teased her. "Then, I won't." She laughed and doubled her efforts as she moved her hand up on my leg and touched my balls. My dick jumped and, again, she laughed out loud and said. "If you won't, I will! And there's nothing you can do to stop me!" I whispered. "Stop it. Alice might come out to the patio, again." She bragged. "I don't care!" I could hear she didn't really mean it...or so I thought! Her mouth almost touched the head of my dick before she whispered. "I guess she heard us, loud and clear, last night!" "You mean, she heard you, very loud and clear!" I replied. A loud moan escaped my throat as Emma pushed the bare glans of my dick deep inside of her mouth. "Whoosh!" Her tongue swirled around the glans as her hand held my balls tight. "Oh, god, Emma!" I exclaimed. Between two, deep sucks of my cock, Emma picked up speed and gasped. "What did you say?" "Oh, yes!" Another soft moan was heard from behind us! Emma immediately stopped and hid her face against my stomach. "Please, don't stop!" I whispered. She raised herself and looked at me. Her face was a mix of excitement and uncertainty. Thoughts raced through her mind and feelings rushed through her body. Her nipple, of the breast in my hand, had become hard and I believed she'd realised her own excitement as well as her own shame and uneasiness from being watched. She turned her head toward the door but was surprised to see...nobody! Emma looked at me and we kissed with a force that betrayed her excitement. Her hand roamed across my body and occasionally touched the tip of my dick. I sensed we'd both reached the point that all we wanted to do was fuck...to fill her tight pussy with my cock, and cum! I pushed Emma away from me and swung one leg across the deckchair. As I took her hands and supported them, she moved her legs across my thighs and prepared herself to sit on top, I said to her. "Come." She whispered. "But what if...?" I told her. "She's cool! She's okay with it! Are you?" She shrugged her shoulders. "I want you. Now!" She kissed me as I closed my eyes. Suddenly, I felt her warm and wet pussy lips engulf the tip of my cock. With little movements, she positioned herself as she slowly lowered herself. Again, her tightness prevented her from pushing herself all of the way down with one move. Halfway down, she started to rock herself up and down with small movements, which drilled my hard erection into her with every small push. The little moans interrupted our kisses as my hands held her by the side of her body to support her until she'd finally impaled herself completely on my straight, hard cock. I felt her cunt muscles as they contracted around the whole length of my cock and she looked into my eyes. I saw the sweat running across her forehead as she whispered. "I can feel you so deep inside of me!" I pushed her away from me until she grabbed my knees to steady herself. We looked down to where her lips parted and the base of my shaft disappeared into her. Her enlarged, shiny, and wet knob was visible and open at the front end of her pussy lips. My thumb touched her clit and a sharp inhale and deep moan immediately followed. As I continued to carefully rub her clit, and the area around it, her breathing and moaning steadied themselves with a high-pitched rhythm. As I looked at her body, she hissed between moans. "This feels so good! So good!" Her breasts moved up and down with her breathing and her nipples stood tall on top of her beautiful round breasts. Her eyes were closed, but her face told the tale of the pleasure she'd received. "Oh, yeah, go on! Please! Please!" My cock was in a tight spot. I, more or less, felt the wetness increase and drip outward toward my balls. Her juices were pushed out as her own cunt muscles contracted around my cock and caused my own excitement to rise. I looked over Emma's shoulder and, again, I saw Alice as she stood in the doorway with her dress wide open! Her hands were on both of her breasts as she felt them and played with them. We knowingly smiled at each other. Emma must've sensed something, other than the overwhelming stimuli I'd provided for her clit, because she opened her eyes and saw me looking next to her, behind her. Between her heavy breaths, she managed to ask. "Is she there?" I nodded and she exclaimed. "I'm going to lose it! I'm going to cum! I'm going to... cum!" And cum she did! Her orgasm erupted through her throat with a high-pitched voice as her head fell back. It also erupted out of her vagina in a flood of her juices that ran over my cock, fingers, and balls. It shook her whole body as I held her firm until the last shocks ebbed away and all of the tension in her body had relaxed. Alice stepped up behind Emma and I could tell she'd enjoyed the view. Her hair was untied and her dress had slipped from her shoulders and hung around her elbows, which exposed her chest and shoulders. She put her head next to Emma's and gave her a kiss on the cheek, which evoked a surprised reaction from Emma. Alice softly spoke to her. "It's okay, dear. That was beautiful and exciting! It's good to see you're at ease here, with us, and not needing the privacy of a room. It's good to see you're enjoying yourself so much." Again, Alice kissed her on the side of her head and on her sweat-covered forehead as she stood and turned around to walk away. Emma turned her head and looked at Alice as she disappeared through the door. Her dress resembled a white veil beneath her bare back. Emma looked at me and smiled, unbelievingly. As she slowly started to rock her pelvis, she whispered into my ear. "Well, if she wants to watch, let's give her something to watch!" My cock was still buried deep inside of her as I kissed her neck. Emma put her hands on my shoulders and pushed herself up. She stopped the moment the head of my dick left her pussy and became visible between her large labia that were pressed to the side. She slowly dropped herself down on it again, until she sat on the top of my thighs and smiled. "You feel so good inside of me!" She started to slowly ride me with a steady pace of long up and down strokes. I grabbed her breasts and held them firmly with her nipples between my fingers as I tugged at, and twisted, them. I watched the sweat appear on her skin and trickle down between her breasts. With an increase in tempo, she started to become more vocal again. "Oh, Jona! Yes! Oh, yes! Good, so good! Yes!" Her hair was tossed across her face and stuck to it. Her steady stream of words were in sync with her rhythm. She was such a hot fuck! Those words crossed my mind as I looked at Emma's hot, sweaty body as it rose and fell before me. My cock drove in and out of the tightest and wettest pussy I'd ever felt as her words encouraged me to continue to fuck her. But I changed my mind and told her: "Stop it! Turn around!" She stopped, but she didn't understand a thing. So, I helped her as I pushed her up and off of me until she stood in front of me. Her bald pussy, wet from her own juices that'd run out of her vagina and all of the sweat that'd run down between us, dripped. For a moment, I kissed and licked her slit to taste all of the salt, sweat, and sweetness of Emma. Then I turned her around, with both legs changing sides of the deckchair, and stood. I pushed Emma's shoulders away from me, so she was bent over in front of me. She grabbed the sides of the deckchair in front of her and spread her legs wide! I looked down and marvelled at Emma's young, firm, and round bum cheeks with a clean and smooth ass-crack that led toward the visible folds of her labia. I put my shiny wet cock on top of her ass and glided it all of the way down between her bum cheeks, then stopped and rubbed it against her clit, which sent a shiver through Emma's body. Carefully, I searched for her entrance, with the shiny head, and placed it between her folds when I found it. Before I forced the whole length of my hard cock straight into Emma's cunt, I didn't think it'd be painful for her, but it was... Despite all of her wetness! Her whole body shot forward by the force of my thrust. She yelled because being split open, so forcefully, was something she hadn't expected or experienced before. She didn't stop yelling as I continued to fuck her hard at a steady pace. I held her hips steady as Emma stood, bent over and holding on for dear life, as her stream of frenzied moans continued to fill the air. I looked up and saw Alice's silhouette in the shadows of the bathroom. I'd guessed she couldn't resist to watch! I knew she'd had a hunger to be a part of our play. I knew she was there, with all of her sexual excitement, and longing to get to know Emma better and to get to know her as a lover! Again, Emma's cunt signalled she was going to cum as its tightness became even tighter. "Aah! Ieeehh! Ah! Oooh! Aaaaaaah!" I continued to pound her and string one orgasm into the next one all of the way through her loud-mouthed orgasms. Finally, she collapsed onto the deckchair as her body still shook and her knees trembled from the quakes that had rocked her. I looked down at Emma as she laid there, wasted and on her side, on the deckchair. Her eyes were closed, her wet hair clung across her face, and her body was covered in sweat. My thick and hard cock, along with its big red bulb, was completely covered with Emma's juices as I held it. I didn't want to touch Emma, but I needed to cum! I looked up and saw Alice had come to the front of the bathroom, behind the window, so I could recognise her. Her dress was still open around her shoulders, which exposed her bare, firm, and proud breasts. I saw her mouth move. "Come." I walked from the patio and into the bathroom. From there, I looked at Emma, who'd curled up on the deckchair, and it looked as if she'd fallen asleep. In the unlit bathroom, Alice stroked my cock as she welcomed me. She dropped onto her knees and whispered. "Let me take care of you." She licked up all of Emma's cum before she put the head of my cock into her mouth. She pulled my balls backward with one hand as her other hand tightly gripped, and continued to stroke, suck, and lick my long dick. As I felt my semen finding its way toward the base of my cock, I murmured. "Oh, Alice! Oh, yes! You're the best!" Alice looked up at me and I grabbed her head. I felt my orgasm building up inside, just behind my cock. Then, I couldn't hold it any longer and I erupted inside of Alice's waiting mouth. It took all of her effort to hold it all inside of her mouth, but she managed to keep her lips tight around my shaft and swallow in quick successions. After all the excitement Emma had brought to our sex, unloading into Alice's mouth was like coming home. I knelt down in front of her, hugged her, and whispered. "I love you, Alice." As I held her close to me, I felt her breasts press against my chest and felt her back through her dress. We rose to our feet and looked outside. Emma was still on the deckchair, on her back, with her legs apart, and her feet were on the ground on both sides. Her young body shined brightly in the sunshine as she peacefully looked at the distant blue sky. "She's a babe, but can she handle what we've got here?" Alice whispered. For pics visit ---->> https://bit.ly/2ReHUJI
Title: Never Doubt I Love Summary: What happens in New York stays in New York. Keywords: inc,fic,written by women In retrospect I had no one to blame but myself. I love clothes. I can't remember when I didn't. I wanted to be a designer. Mom thought that impractical and said I should be nurse. After all, Mom suggested, with my looks I could rope-in a doctor husband. Chasing dreams was something rich people did. So I was in college, in my second year of a pre-nursing program and I hated it. Every minute of every day, I hated it. So what did I do? I met Charles Clinton. He was from a good family, one of those families my mother approved of, and he offered an out. He would take care of me and save me from a career I detested. That he was as controlling as my mother, telling me what to wear and what to do, was a red flag I choose not to see. I am more self-forgiving as to a second, more obscure red flag. Charles would assume that I would be grateful that a rich man like him would choose a poor girl like me. He expected, after we married, to have carte blanche to do what he pleased. Of course, it was not only my mother, but everyone else who seemed to think it was a great idea. Well, almost everyone. I had a high school teacher, Janet Prosnit, whom I held in awe. After I graduated the seven year difference in our ages seemed unimportant; she became a friend I loved and adored. She had always urged me to pursue my dream, a career in fashion. When I talked to her about Charles, she suggested I think it over real hard. And now for a third and, I promise, my final act of self-remonstration. I could have said no the night we made love without protection. His family was not happy about the union, but I worked hard to win their approval and while I can't say I fully overcame their reservations, I was far more dutiful daughter-in-law than he a son. They could, and did, depend on me and if not their unconditional love, I won their respect. Unfortunately for his relationship with his macho father, our son inherited my love of design. It wasn't clothes, it was drawing and comic books. Charles signed his son up for football, baseball, soccer, and basketball. Rick dutifully participated. He just wasn't particularly good. After Rick's failure in sports Charles, to Rick's immense relief, paid minimal attention to him, leaving Rick free to pursue his interests. I was not my mother, I fully encouraged him. Thus, during the summer before his senior year in high school when he expressed a desire to go to New York to visit the Parsons School of Design and the School of Visual Arts, the country's leading graphic design schools, I was supportive. His father said no. "I am not sending my son to college to learn to draw!" I brokered a compromise. Rick was about to turn eighteen. My birthday was a week after his. How about a family trip to New York as a dual birthday present? Charles, reluctantly, agreed and said he'd come along, a proposal I would have abhorred more - I didn't want to go to New York to watch baseball games - if I wasn't sure Charles would find a reason to back out of the trip. A cultural trip with his family in New York was most certainly not his thing. When one came up he started imposing arbitrary financial restrictions on the trip - it was his way of showing who was in charge. Charles decided Rick and I would share a suite at the Ritz-Carlton. I argued that there were far cheaper places to stay where Rick and I could have separate rooms, but Charles was adamant: his wife would get the best. However, his "pussy" son did not need his own room. He could sleep on the couch. Rick seemed unoffended; he had long ago taken the measure of his father. Rick, who had also assumed his father would bail on the trip, had insisted on planning our vacation. He had, he said, a thousand ideas and plenty of surprises for his mother. Especially day one. Day one was my birthday. We touched down in New York on Friday evening, making it to the hotel with only enough time to unpack, brush our teeth, and hit the sack. The bed was huge and I offered to share it with Rick. He declined, heading for the couch. He was up early the next morning, bringing me a cup of coffee in bed. "Happy birthday Mom. Today you get anything you want, whether you're supposed to have it or not." He then unveiled his "suggested" schedule. He had done his research; it exceeded my imagination. We started out by visiting the museum at the Fashion Institute of Technology, famous for its collection of gay and lesbian inspired clothing, and then the more traditional fashion collection at Metropolitan Museum of Art. We went to lunch at Jungsik, a Korean-French restaurant. I scanned the menu: sea urchin, octopus, squid. "Your Dad would never come here." "That's sort of the point." I had three glasses of wine and we went shopping at Lavin's and Bloomingdale's. Rick encouraged me to buy whatever I wanted. I checked the prices. "You're father will have a fit." "He'll have a fit no matter what we do. And remember today's theme: you get anything you want, whether you're supposed to have it or not." That, at least to a woman with three glasses of wine in her, made perfect sense. I bought several outfits, sexier than I would normally. We got back to the hotel and I, still buzzed, lay down, my head on my son's leg, and fell asleep. I woke about forty-five minutes later, slightly groggy. My son, just getting out of the shower, was wearing a towel. I inspected his body. I had not realized how long and lean he was. My husband was broad shouldered and barrel chested, Rick's body was much closer to my slender build. I had let my husband's criticism of Rick's athleticism and sport of choice, bicycling, influence me. Rick was far from the chiseled body builder my husband idealized, but he was lithe and muscular. "You better get ready. We got places to go." "What are you talking about?" He pointed to the pillow next to me. It was Fashion Week in New York and sitting there were two invitations to the show of my favorite designer. I held them up. I stared. "Ohmigod! How did, where, how, ohmigod, thank you." I felt tears well-up. I wiped them away. "Now aren't you glad we went shopping?" * * * * I looked in the mirror. I wasn't going to compete with the ladies on the runway, but still, I thought I looked pretty good. Through the years of my marriage I had maintained my figure and I still carried only 115 pounds on my five foot six inch frame. I had also discovered one nice thing about the B breasts I had complained about when I was a teenager; at thirty-eight they remained pert and firm. I went with a simple strapless coral dress that hung to my knees. The dress was sexy, but understated, and it showed off my shoulders and back. It went well with my caramel brown hair, which flowed past my shoulder blades, green eyes, and lightly tanned skin. The shoes, well there I got a bit impractical, choosing ivory open-toed evening sandals with 3 inch heels. Some simple gold earrings and a bracelet completed the look. The evening was fabulous, as fabulous and magical and sexy as I imagine any evening could be. Rick and I were surrounded my beautiful men and women and beautiful clothes. A bit intimidated by the crowd, I stayed at his side and when we walked back to our hotel we held hands. Once in the room I gave him a big hug and poured out my appreciation. When done Rick placed his open hand on the side of my face and said, "It's how you should be treated every day," and kissed my lips. I was already aroused - how could you spend an evening like that and not be - and felt a sudden explosion down below. I put my hand on his shoulder and closed my eyes, realizing that I was waiting for another kiss. He didn't deliver. Instead he sat me on the edge of the bed. "Let's get these off you." He took off my shoes and cradled my feet. "Are they sore? You don't often wear heels all evening." My voice was almost meek. "A bit." He went to the bathroom and returned with a warm wet wash cloth that he used to clean my feet. He rotated my ankles and toes clockwise and counterclockwise and then pulled on each toe. He applied lotion to his hands and walked his thumbs over the soles, pushing deep, finding the pressure points. Turning to the balls of my feet, he moved his thumbs in semicircles, working back and forth, and then focused on my soles, the massage starting at the top and ending at the heel. He finished by cupping his hands and sliding his palms and fingers forcefully up and down my feet. It was wonderful. I could get used to this. "How do they feel?" "Much better. Oh Rick, this has been the best day of my life." He lay on the bed next to me. "They should all be like this, but today's not over yet. Remember our theme: you get anything you want, whether you're supposed to have it or not." He kissed my forehead. I thought about how I had wanted him to kiss me again when we first got back to our room. I opened my mouth, running my tongue along my lips, inviting him to do so again. He tilted his head and kissed my lips. I kissed him back and when he returned for another peck, I worked my lips against his, flexing my jaw. He broke the kiss and took my head in his hands, bending it forward to kiss my forehead, kissed my mouth and eyes, turned my head to the side and took an ear lobe in his mouth and, oh so carefully, dragged his teeth across it. Up until that point I had been quiet, unwilling to make the slightest noise fearful of disrupting the perfection of the moment, but I let out a low long moan, "Unnhhhh..." Rick whispered in my ear. "I've always thought you were the most beautiful woman in the world." We moved up the bed. I lay on my back, he next to me. He turned to face me, propping his head up on an elbow. His other hand was traipsing down the side of my body. We resumed kissing. It was like being back in high school, when kissing was not just a step on the way to another place, but an end in itself. I explored his mouth. After awhile he pushed me away and again kissed my mouth, my cheeks, my nose, my chin, my ears; his face wore a radiant smile. His hand had become bolder, his fingertips were gently caressing the sensitive skin of my inner thighs. I spread my legs; my moans were louder and insistent. I needed more. His hand slipped under my loose fitting dress, it's heel sitting on top of my panties. He cupped my pussy. I stiffened, not sure what to do. Then his voice again, "Remember, whether you're supposed to or not." He squeezed and kneaded my pussy mound. The soaking wet lips of my sex slid against each other. He shifted the position of his hand so its heel sat on my clitoris and worked his fingers along my labia and pussy lips through the panties. He rocked the heel of his hand on my clit. "Oh Rick," I said, acknowledging who he was for the first time, "Ahhhh...uhhhmmmm." I pushed my hips, and clit, into his hand. His pulled up my dress so it was above my waist. A single finger, starting at the top of my labia, slipped under my panties and slowly, ever so slowly, surfed through the moisture to the opening of my vagina. It massaged my pussy lips, sending shivers throughout me. My vagina swelled and spread, the lips of my pussy opened. He placed the tip of his finger inside me and it sank inside as my vaginal spasms drew down as if it was standing on quicksand. He twisted it around, rubbing the interior walls of my snatch. I was murmuring in delight when I felt a sharp explosion of pleasure. So there was such a thing as a g-spot! I held his upper arm and moaned. "Am I'm doing it right?" "Oh, yes!" He kept moving inside me, sometimes returning to my g-spot, delighting it with the tip of his finger. I was getting wetter and wetter. Drops of juice ran down my thighs and butt. The walls of my vagina swelled and ballooned, opening themselves to him. My son noticed too. "I can feel how turned on you're getting. You're so incredibly wet. Your pussy..." When he said that word I groaned, pushing my sex against him. He shifted position to pull off my panties. I lifted my ass to help. He was looking directly at my sex. "Your pussy, Mom, its changing colors, from pink to red to purple. It must dig my finger." "Yes, oh please." "The lips of your cunt..." I felt a new explosion inside. "The lips of your cunt, they're swelling, flattening out, your cunt is opening up to me." His finger left my vagina. I started to object, "Oh no, please," but then it rolled over my clitoris. "Unnhhhh." It stopped just above the button and stretched the skin up. "Your clit is beautiful Mom. I can see it. Its growing." A finger, maybe two, touched it, bumped it, stroked it. "Oh my god...Ahhhhhh..." Blood filled my breasts. My nipples stiffened. I started to reach for them, I wanted to plunge my hand inside my dress and play with them. Then I heard the voice of Charles, my husband, criticizing me when I tried anything new in bed. Rick noticed my hesitation. He kissed me and, his voice soft, said, "If you want to play with your perfect breasts..." "Ahhhhhhhhhh." "...you should do so. You should have everything you want." I took them in my hands, squeezing and kneading, my thumbs working the sensitive nipples. The pleasure from my breasts merged with that from my clit as Rick trapped it between his fingers. My pulse rate jumped. My skin heated up and took on a gentle red hue. I was floating on a celestial plateau, my body suffused with pleasure. Rick's pinkie returned to my vagina, teasing the swollen entrance. "Your snatch, Mom, its wonderful. So tight. I can feel it squeezing my finger. You've got such a beautiful pussy Mom." The pressure was building inside me, desperate to escape. I was a pressure cooker waiting to explode. My clittie retracted, pulling back into my body. Rick's fingers followed it, continuing their sweet torture, upping the tension, increasing it until I thought it would tear me apart. I worked my breasts harder. My entire body was straining. My heart rate shot up; I was gulping in air. Then all the tension, all the pressure, all the muscular and nervous energy, all of it, in less than a moment, released in an explosion of pure sexual bliss. It was the most intense, most profound physical experience of my life. It was like a seizure, or a series of convulsions, incorporating my entire body. I jackknifed on the bed, my head and stomach bouncing from the mattress, my arms and legs flailing in the air. Then, suddenly, all I was relaxed, utterly relaxed. I lay there; my body tingled. This is what sex should be. Rick undressed me and in a voice thick with love said, "Are you going to wash up? You've always said getting the make-up off helps your skin." My voice seemed far away and weak. "I'm sorry son, I can't move. I just want to lie here." He got up and returned with bowl of water and a wash cloth. He cleaned my face. Then he laid down and wrapped an arm around me. He was fully clothed. "This was the best day of my life." "They should all be Mom." * * * * I woke at 3:00 A.M. I reached for my son, but he was not there. There was a light on in the living room. In there I found him stripped to his underwear on the couch, asleep. On the table before him were drawings of my face with hair dangling to the middle of my back. I was beautiful. Is that how he saw me? I laid a blanket over him, kissed his forehead, turned off the light, and returned to bed. * * * * I slept in the next day. When I woke I heard Rick in the living room. I grabbed one of the thick bathrobes provided by the hotel and walked in. He was wearing a robe. His wet hair showed he'd showered. On the table before him were the drawings of me, but now my head was attached to the body of a muscular woman with enormous breasts in a one-piece spandex tank body suit. He looked at me and then followed my gaze to the drawings. "I was imagining you as a superhero." I sat next to him, our legs touching. I took a drawing in my hands, studying it. Finally I said, "The drawings are wonderful son, but whoever that woman is, she stole my head." It took him a second, but he got it, "All woman superheroes look like that; they've all got huge muscles, giant boobs, and wear tight clothes." I put my arm around his shoulder and kissed his head. My body felt so good. Last night's orgasm was still rumbling around within me. "I hear you, but think about my perspective. I look at that and think, you must not like my body, you want a woman who looks like that." He looked at me, then at the drawing. He'd heard what I said, which is more than my husband ever did. He spent a minute or two looking at the drawings. "I hadn't thought about it that way. You're beautiful, the most beautiful woman I've ever known. I wouldn't change a thing. I'll sketch out a few new ideas." I started a sentence, "About last night..." and stopped. What about last night? Where did I want to go with this? He put the drawing down and took my hand in his, leaning into my body. "Mom, last night, before you feel asleep, you said it was the best day of your life. Did you mean it?" "Yes." "That's what I wanted it to be. Can we, at least for a little while, not try to figure out what else is was." He was right. It had been a magical day. It should stay a magical day. "Okay honey." * * * * That day was devoted to Rick. We spent the morning at the Museum of American Illustration and the rest of the day wandering New York City: we ate pizza, visited Greenwich Village and Strawberry Fields, and walked across the Brooklyn Bridge. We got back to the hotel in plenty of time to dress for Never Doubt I Love. It was to be our theater experience in New York. We had chosen this show, in part, because it would never come to our home town. I'm still not sure how to describe it. It called itself immersive theater. Two and a half hours of wandering through several floors of interconnected warehouses while actors dashed from room to room performing pantomime montages inspired by Shakespeare's Hamlet. The rooms were dark and stuffed with junk, the electronic music thudded, and the attendees wore masks and dressed in black. The day before I had picked out a short black leather dress which displayed a bit of cleavage, a broad black belt, black boots, and black leggings. Rick wore a turtle neck and slacks. I was nervous when we entered the warehouse, but soon relaxed and began to enjoy the experience. Not only was the performance otherworldly, but the variety of people attending - interracial couples, gay men, some people in grubby clothes, others in high fashion - were unknown in the world where I lived. I was especially struck by a lesbian couple, one a tall willowy blonde who looked like a model, the other in cropped hair and built like a spark plug. I imagined my husband's carping if he saw such a pairing. We had been there about an hour when, standing on a balcony, we came upon a re-enactment of the play within the play in Hamlet. My son guided me to an open spot and stood behind me, his arms wrapped around my body. The electronic music was overpowering. I spotted the two women. The blonde was standing behind her partner, kissing and nibbling on her neck. There was no shame in their coupling. No one stared in disapproval. I scanned the people around me. Almost everyone, through a touch, a kiss, a caress, was expressing love for the person they were with. Everyone was wearing the prescribed masks. We were all anonymous. I turned my head and caught Rick's attention. I spoke, trying to tell him I loved him, but the music was far too loud for me to be heard. There was another way to say it; I kissed him, working my lips against his for several seconds. No tongue, but not a mother's kiss. I turned back to watch the performance. He understood. His arms tightened around me and I lay my hands over his. I was happy, content. For the next hour we wandered through the warehouses drinking in the show but now a couple, holdings hands, touching, exchanging kisses. When the performance ended the crowd was ushered into several rooms as bands played music. Rick and I danced for an hour. Our kissing and touching became increasingly more aggressive. When we piled into a cab bound for the hotel I attacked him, kissing him over and over. When the cabbie reached the hotel we slipped him a bill with a generous tip, we were not waiting for change. We hurried through the lobby, but were disappointed to find another couple on the elevator. We'd have to wait until we got to the room. There, my hands shaking, I fumbled with the key card, unable to open the door. Rick took it from me and effortlessly inserted it in the door; the buzz let me know I'd soon enter a world I had never imagined. When we got into the room he pushed me against the wall and kissed me with frantic intensity. His tongue and lips were like a whirlwind driven, I now know, by years of suppressed need and desire. I had to calm him down. I turned my back. "Darling, please undo my dress." He grasped the zipper and pulled it down. "Now my bra." He fumbled with the snaps. His hands were shaking. "Take your time, they're complicated." He slowed down, unhooking the snaps. I turned back around, letting my dress fall to the floor and tossing my bra onto a nearby chair. I was wearing heels, stockings, garter and panties. "I'm sorry Mom, I'm so nervous. I've wanted this, waited for it, for years." I glanced down at my body. "I hope you're not disappointed." "Oh gosh no, Mom. You could never disappointment me. You're beautiful." "I want to see you," I paused, "naked." He started to fumble with his clothes. I held up a hand. "Please, let me, I'd like to do it." I unbuttoned his shirt, ran my fingers along his hairless chest, and kissed his nipples. "I guess I wasn't paying attention. When did you become a man?" "Do you really think so?' I pressed my hand against his erection, drawing a sharp exhalation of air from him. "Oh yes I do, yes, I most certainly do." I removed his shoes and socks, undid his belt, and pulled off his pants. I carried his clothes to the closet, carefully placing them on hangers, and then took my time strolling back, giving him time to examine my form. My eyes, on the other hand, were locked on his underpants, which were tented by a very impressive pole. I kneeled down and removed his boxers. "Wow!" "It is okay Mom?" "Its better than okay, its magnificent." His cock was at least an inch and a half longer than his father's and much thicker. It was heavily veined and purple in color, the head a dusty brown. His ball sac was thick and heavy. The irony struck me. His father, who had often derogated his son's masculinity, carried around a water gun compared to this cannon. My mouth was watering. My husband complained that I didn't suck his cock enough but, I thought, he was not offering me something like this. I looked at it hungrily. "Honey, do you mind if I taste your cock? Suck on it?" "No, no, I mean yes, I mean its okay Mom." I asked him to lay on the bed and crawled on after him. I wrapped my fingers around his dick. I was perplexed by exactly how to approach it. "My god honey...you're so... big." I ran my hand up and down his tool. I brought my face close to it, loving it's earthy masculine smell. I kissed it, licked some pre-cum from the tip, and then, stretching my jaw as wide as I could, closed my eyes, and thought here goes nothing. I took several inches into my mouth. "Oh gosh Mom...ohhhh goshhhh...," he moaned. He was big. I started to gag, but he already seemed insecure enough about his bedroom skills. I suppressed the gag reflex and bobbed my head up and down as long as I could before releasing him. His fat member was covered with my saliva. I studied it while sucking my numb lips into my mouth to restore the circulation. "Did I do good, baby. Did I suck it right. Do you want Mommy to suck your cock some more?" When he nodded yes I licked the length of his tool. "OH gosh Mom...yes...oh fu..." he stopped. Had he ever cursed around me? "Oh yesssss..." I wrapped my mouth around his cock and moved my head up and down while licking and sucking him. I studied his face, his lips were parted and his eyes closed; he was immersed in the pleasure my mouth was bringing him. I cupped his testicles. They were tightening up. He was getting close! I thought all the better, that way he would stay hard longer when the inevitable happened; when I took him into my cunt. I juiced and spasmed at the thought. "Oh god yeasssss...Oh Mom...," he said over and over again. I came up for air. "Do you like it." "Yeah, it's better than I imagined." "You've got a beautiful delicious cock, son." I thought for a second and then decided to say it. "Mommy wants you to come in her mouth before she fucks you." I took him back into my mouth. He was in heaven, moaning loud, pre-cum dripping from him. He put a hand on the back of my head but quickly removed it. I placed it back on my head, letting him know it was okay. He gently ran his fingers through my hair. I kept sucking and lavishing affection with my tongue. I decided to see how much more of him I could take into me and soon he was banging against the back of my mouth. I played with his testicles, fondling the source of his cum. He was becoming more excited; his hand on my head forced me down, cramming more of his dick in my mouth. The thought of him taking control sent a shock wave through my cunt. I surrendered completely, taking my cue from him, letting him move my head up and down, letting him determine how hard and fast he'd fuck my face. He grunted and his fat testicles retracted into his body; the sweet creamy stuff shot up the length of his tool and filled my mouth. I struggled to capture every delicious drop, making a show of savoring his jism, my face aglow in pleasure. A drop or two escaped from the corner of my mouth and fell onto a breast. He was wide-eyed, staring at me. "How long have you dreamed about me sucking you off, darling?" "Don't remember the first time. It's been, like, forever. You're the sexiest sweetest woman in the world." "You sure? You haven't met them all." "I'm sure." I lay on the bed next to him, my head on his shoulder, my hand rubbing his chest. His arm ran down my back. For awhile we were quiet, then I spoke. "Are you ready to return the favor?" "Yes." His voice faltered, "It's just that, I've never done it before. I'm not sure how. I've practiced a lot in my head." "Well, I'm sure you'll be the best Mommy-eater ever. Let me show you the basics." I spread my legs. This is my vagina." I sank a finger inside, letting off a low growl. "Sensitive inside, sensitive outside." I ran the wet finger from my cunt to my asshole, sighing happily. "This is my perineum, sensitive and generally underappreciated." I placed my hands above my clitoris and spread my labia. "The labia, sensitive and also underappreciated, and," pulling its hood aside, "the clit, very very sensitive." He placed his hands on the sides of my vagina and licked the opening. I squealed. He did it again, harder. I jumped. He spread the lips and curled his tongue, pushing it inside and moving it around. I moaned. "Oh baby, that feels so good." He throughly explored my sex with his tongue, cataloging how I responded when he licked each nook and cranny. I squealed in delight and his confidence quickly grew. He became more aggressive. His licks became stronger, less tentative. I relaxed and focused on what he was doing to me. "Oh that's it son, so good, you're a natural pussy eater, you're doing so good." My flow increased. He licked the length of my labia. He massaged my perineum, using my pussy juice as lubricant. "Uuuunnnnnnnnnhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." He repeated the motion, this time pulling my labia's lips apart. "Ohmigod, honey, honey, put a finger inside me." The tone of my voice, so needy and desperate, surprised me. He sank a finger inside me. It roamed around while he licked and kissed my labia, at times sucking its lips into his mouth. I rocked my hips, causing the mattress to ripple underneath us. He found my g-spot. I jerked. "Oh fuck, unnnhh..." He stopped a second and looked at me. He didn't understand what had just happened. "Are you okay?" I looked him in the eye. "Oh baby, its so good, never been this good. The place you touched me inside, it's a special place. I'm so close. Suck my clittie." He lowered his head and his tongue pushed aside the hood of my clitoris and teased the exposed nub. His finger alternated between exploring my pussy and returning to my g-spot, whose location seemed hard-wired in his brain. His cheeks concave, he sucked my clit into his mouth while licking and lapping it. It was the most intense experience of my life, my being was centered on the fire between my legs. The sensations in my clit, which shimmered like the waves on a pond, combined with the deeper sharper sensual pleasure of my g-spot and vagina. My stomach and pelvis merged; I was a single pressure cooker. I grabbed his head and pulled him tight to my crotch. He looked at me, his eyes on my face. His eyes were beautiful. Then it came, an unworldly explosion, powerful waves of euphoric energy spread through me and went on and on, overwhelming me, leaving me unable to perceive anything but the cataclysm between my legs. My clit became hyper-sensitive and I yanked my son's head from it, moving him to my vagina. He drank the juice pouring from me and licked the opening, prolonging this seemingly immortal orgasm. Finally, I could take no more and pulled his head away. He crawled up the bed. I lay my head on his shoulder and he held my quaking body. My left leg was shaking. We were still. I was breathing deeply, enjoying the warmth of his body. After a few minutes I excused myself and stumbled towards the bathroom to wash my face. I dipped a finger into myself, my pussy was soaked with cream. When I returned he was laying naked on the bed, legs spread. His cock, although not fully erect, was thick with blood. "Mom, you're beautiful." I thought I must look a bedraggled mess, but there was no artifice in his face. When he looked at me, I felt beautiful. "Rick, what you did, just now, it was amazing. I love you." "I love you too Mom. What happened tonight, I've dreamed about it for years." "Good honey, but it's not over yet. I need this," I ran my finger up the length of his penis, which became fully erect before I reached the crown, "between my legs. I mean, if that's what you want?" He smiled, a kind loving munificent smile. His pulled my head to him. We spent several minutes kissing and xploring each other's mouths. I felt his erection against me. He seemed in no hurry, but it was time. I rolled off him and onto my back. I spread my legs. "Honey, please, I need you inside me." Rick straddled me, but looked unsure. I soon realized why. At first he tried to slip his dangling penis into me without success. He then took it in his hand, but still couldn't find the correct angle to enter me. It came to me, despite his talented mouth, he was a virgin. I took hold of his penis. "You've got quite the cock, baby." And then, my voice a bit quieter. "Will I be your first?" His tone revealed that he was not sure what I'd think of his answer. "Yes." "I'm glad honey. I'm glad you waited for me. I'm glad I'm here for you." I fit the head of his cock into my vagina and he slid in. He was stiff as iron and I soft and yielding as a pot of honey; there was no resistance. When he was all the way inside he stopped. I put a hand on his ass to keep him in place and stroked his face. I pulled him to me, tickled his tongue with mine, and withdrew it into my mouth. His tongue followed and we shared long kisses. The obvious delight I was taking in his kisses emboldened him and he started fucking me, moving in and out while rolling his hips against mine. God it felt good. I started gasping, then moaning, a thin sheen of sweat covered my body. I pulled his head to the side of mine and whispered in his ear, "Oh god son, fuck me, fuck your mommy." Rick started to increase the pace. I wrapped my legs around him, guiding him, letting him know what I wanted. Our bodies were soon rocking together, his cock sliding along the roof of my vagina, the crown catching my g-spot. Our pubic bones rolled over each other; I ground my clit against him. I massaged his thick meat with my fuck muscles. "Oh, Mom, does that ever feel good, so good." "Ohhhhhhh, baby, you're right, so good. Mommy loves it. Mommy loves your cock." My inhibitions disintegrated as the delirious consequences of my incestual lust became manifest. My son and I were made to fuck each other. I wanted it. My vaginal muscles gripped him, trying to pull him all the way inside. It was where he belonged. "Oh, god Mom, that's beautiful, it feels so good." "Oh, ah, fuck it! Fuck it! Yes, son, yes, fuck it! Fuck it! Yes, that's it! Fuck! Fuck! Oh, ahhh, that's what I like!" I had never known this kind of desire. Sex, for me, had become a duty. Now I saw that sex, combined with love, was a gift from god. The wild sensations fluttering through me were without restriction or purpose, they were the product of unadulterated love and desire. I had never know how exciting it could be to just be fucked. I worked my snatch around Ricks' cock, hoping I was bringing him half the joy he was bringing me. "Oh, Mom, that's it, fuck, fuck, yes, yes, that's what I like. Oh, yes, yes." He lifted himself and looked me in the eyes. I saw in his face what I felt in my heart, love and desire, the deepest emotion and the rawest lust. He rammed his dick into my cunt. I was getting hotter and hotter. He closed his eyes; his face contorted. He was about to pour himself into me. The thought of my son emptying his balls inside me redoubled my desire. "Ohhhhhh, shit, I love it, I love it, I love it. Give me your cum!" This was the kind of fucking I had thought only existed in one's imagination. "Ohhhh, Rick, honey, your cock feels so fuckin' good in me." He shouted, "FFFUCCCKKKK MOOMMMMEEEE...," his body stiffened and I felt his cum pour into the boiling depths of my box. As he came I was consumed by a mind-blowing orgasm. My uterus, pelvis, and anus contracted, squeezing his pistoning tool even harder. A kaleidoscope of lights overwhelmed my mind. I next remember laying under him. I heard his deep breathing and felt his chest rise and fall. I struggled to catch my breath. A sticky liquid, a combination of my juice and his sperm, trickled down my ass crack, soaking into the bed. I closed my eyes. The whole world consisted only of my happy satisfied sex, my boy's warm beautiful body, and the love that seemed a palpable substance in the room. I was close to passing out. "Mom, are you okay?" I opened my eyes. A broad smile spilt my face. "Oh baby, okay doesn't begin to describe it." * * * * I woke first the next morning. I looked at my son, sweet contentment evident on his face and headed for the shower. I had started to wash my hair when Rick stepped in. "Let me," he said. He stood behind me and ran his strong fingers through my scalp. When done he let the water run through my hair, rinsing away the lather and suds. I turned back to him. He was so beautiful, everything was perfect, and I loved him so much, but I knew this could only be a temporary reality. I felt like I needed to warn him. "You know, this can't go on forever." He had anticipated me. "What happens in New York stays in New York?" "Something like that," I weakly responded. "Well, we're still in New York." We embraced. Our tongues roughly explored each other's mouths. I caressed his erect penis. Rick's hands roamed over my back and ass. I released his dick and pressed my body against him, enjoying the feel of my soft tits on his hairless firm chest and his hard cock on my wet stomach. Rick seemed confident of his appeal to me. He kissed me and slipped a hand between us, taking hold of a soapy slippery breast and working the nipple with his thumb. I returned my hand to his erection, pulling up and down its length. The heat between us intensified. He backed me up against the wall and gasped, his voice burning in barely controlled ferocity, "I want to fuck you." He was shaking with desire and, I realized, so was I. Our need for each other had jumped from smoldering to conflagration; it was overwhelming, all consuming. I spun around and placed my hands on the shower wall and reached between my legs for his cock. Unlike last night, however, he needed no help. He quickly found my channel and drove his entire length into me. I moaned, deep, lusty, and loud, as he filled me; I matched my wanton thrusts to his. It felt so good. I wanted his cum inside me. Rick gripped my hips tightly. He may have been new to fucking, but he knew what I needed. He took me hard and fast. Each time he slammed into me I bucked into him. Our pace increased exponentially. All I could think about was how good it felt and how much I wanted his cum, my son's seed, in my twat. Obscene desires filled me, I wanted him to blow his hot young balls up his mother's warm wet hole. I wanted his semen. It was time for him to fill the place he'd left eighteen years ago. Rick did not disappoint; he cried out and poured his jism into me. My pussy clenched and twitched around his spurting cock and I was subsumed by an orgasm. Rick kept going, grunting over and over as he filled my quivering happy pussy with load after load of his cum. I groaned deeply; my orgasm reached a second peak. When my climax passed and I was sure Rick had fully emptied himself inside me, I straightened up and leaned back against him. His cock slipped from my warm pussy. He wrapped his arms around my stomach. I pressed back against my son, loving the feel of his arms holding me tight. We stood together for several long wonderful minutes, but Rick couldn't long resist the allure of my breasts and his hands soon slid up my stomach and he caressed them until my nipples stood straight and hard. I let out a soft moan, leaned back, kissed him, and then turned to face him. Our mouths met in a deep, slow kiss that seemed like it might never end. Rick massaged my ass and then ran his hands up my side, returning to my breasts. I slipped a hand down to fondle and stroke him. He was fully erect. I centered the head on the opening of my vagina and he entered me. We fucked for a long time. Rick was shorter than my husband, just the right height for a standing-fuck. Our pace was slow, leisurely, patient. He held me against the shower wall and ground his body into mine. His pelvic bone trapped and massaged my clitoris. At times I stood on one leg and hooked the other around his, allowing him to drive deeper inside me. While it limited my movements, Rick still found ways to rock me back and forth, varying the way he moved within me. I looked into his eyes, kissed his lips, eyes, and cheeks, loving the closeness of his body against mine. I came over and over. Not the kind of orgasms that make you scream and beg your lover to stop, but the kind that make you whimper and pray he never does. Eventually Rick's motions became jerky and uneven. I could see him trying to hold back, trying to delay his orgasm, but I wanted him to come. "Rick, honey, come inside me. Give me your cum. I'm your Mommy-lover now and you're the best lover ever. I love you son, I want your cream. Please baby, come inside me, give Mommy what she wants." Rick grunted, hard, short, and deep, and filled my quivering pussy with his sperm. Feeling his cum triggered another orgasm and I murmured sweetly as my body shook around his cock. We were both spent. I held my son. His penis softened and fell from my satiated pussy. We remained like that for a long time, letting the water flow across our bodies. I loved the feel of his body. We lingered in a long embrace, comfortable with our nakedness and each other. Rick eventually moved his hands up to my breasts. I let out a gentle happy moan and kissed him. He teased my nipples until they were stiff and pert. We exchanged a deep loving kiss. Rick massaged my ass. I slipped a hand across his stomach. He was hard again. "Ricky, why don't you put the 'Do Not Disturb' sign on the door." to be continued.... pics---->> http://bit.ly/1QdQXsD
Title: "Ohhh...Mommy," I Groaned Summary: He deflowers sister, impregnates mom.  Keywords:inc,fic,erotic,virgin,hot,sex "Do you think they've been doing it?" "Doing what?" her mother asked. "Cathy and Bobby. Do you think they're ...well, you know...having sex?" she asked blushing. "PATTY!" "What? Look at them mom...she's all over him." "They're far too young." "Gina thinks they're doing it. Her sister was in their class this year." "He's still a virgin," the mother insisted as she watched her son Bobby and his girlfriend Cathy kissing through the kitchen window. "When did you see Gina anyway?" "She got home from school on Sunday. She says her sister told her that Bobby's the hottest guy in her class. All the girls like him." "That doesn't mean he's sleeping with anyone. Cathy's a nice young girl." "She's a cheerleader, a blond." "So that's why you're mad," Patty's mom said laughing. "Gosh, you're the prettiest girl in town and you're jealous of your little brother's girlfriend," she teased her daughter. "I'm not...it's just he's having sex and I'm still..." "There's no hurry sweetie," her mom said as she put her arm around her shoulders, "you'll find Prince Charming one of these days." "Yeah right, like when I'm a thirty year old 'old maid'." "Stop complaining, you've got more boys chasing after you than any of your friends." "I know ma," she sighed. "But I still think those two are screwing." "They're not! And your vocabulary certainly hasn't improved since you went off to University." "I'm going to ask Bobby." "Don't you dare." "And I don't think Bobby's that little...I mean it was just something Gina said," Patty replied, blushing again. "What'd she say now?" her mom interrupted. "Do you think Bobby's big? You know...his penis." "That's disgusting! Talking about your little brothers penis." "I know... its gross," she said with a grimace. "Still, Gina's sister told her that Bobby's got a reputation. A beeeeg reputation," Patty added grinning as she held her hands a foot apart. "In my day girls didn't talk about boys penises." "Hah! You had me when you were seventeen. You must have known something about them back in the old days," Patty answered with a big grin. Blushing back, the tall, dark haired thirty-six year old mother answered, "Not enough. I was pregnant before I knew what was happening." "Yeah, but look, you had me," her daughter smiled in response. "Luckiest day in my life," her mom laughed, hugging her daughter tighter.  "I love you ma. Gosh, I really don't want to go back to school next fall...I missed you so much this year." "I missed you too Patty...at least we'll have the summer together. Now come on, let's have lunch; it's time to leave the lovers alone."  "So you don't know if he's big," Patty persisted as they turned away from the window. "I haven't seen your brother naked since he was about eight," her mother lied. "And it was teensy then," she laughed as she wiggled her little finger. But she knew she'd never forget the image that was burned into her brain. Her son, asleep, naked on top of his sheets, his blood filled cock thrusting angrily upwards. "I don't think it's that size now," Patty answered laughing. "His dad... your dad... was big," her mom finally admitted, still thinking of the recent morning when she'd found her son's door open when she went to wake him. His huge erection had mesmerized her for minutes before she'd finally slipped away. "What? He was? How big? Mum." ~~~~~~~~ "Hi Mrs. Coursey, hi Patty," Bobby's girlfriend said with a big smile when she and Bobby came into the kitchen fifteen minutes later. "Hi honey," "Hi Cathy," the two women answered. The three women talked for minutes as Bobby hovered in the background. And he couldn't stop the thought that came to him as he watched his blond girlfriend standing between his mom and sister. It was an idea that had insidiously invaded his conscious mind when he'd first become aware of females as sexual creatures years ago. It was a thought that had never left him completely since. Simply stated it was an acknowledgement that he found both his sister and mother more exciting than any other woman he'd ever seen. He'd hoped that maybe with Patty away at school, and that with his recent sexual explorations, that his sexual desires, shit, his lust, for his mom and sis would fade. But just watching Cathy next to them, even as he remembered the ecstasy he always felt when buried deep inside of his girlfriend, he knew she simply couldn't compare.  ~~~~~~ "No date tonight?" Bobby asked his sister when he entered the den and found her curled up under a blanket on the sofa later that night. "No...I'm just going to watch a movie. You see Cathy off?" "Yeah...they're gone. Where's mom?" "She went over to see Millie, said she'd be back by midnight. Are you all packed?" "Yup. Watcha watching anyway? You mind me joining you?" he asked as flopped down on the sofa next to her. "Sure, c'mon on," she offered as she lifted the blanket that was covering her.  "Sexy...very sexy!" Bobby said with a whistle when he saw his sister was just wearing a low cut tank top that reached down to just cover her waist. "Yeah right. Miss Sexy with no boyfriend," she groused as she nestled comfortably against her brother, her full breasts leaking from their thin cover.  "Poor girl," he answered as he tousled her hair, his eyes watching the movement under her shirt. "You'll miss Cathy a lot, won't you?" Patty asked her brother wistfully. The Coursey's were leaving the next day for their annual four week vacation at the family cottage on the ocean. "Not so much," he finally answered softly. "Besides, I'll have you and mom all to myself for a month. What man could ask for more," he teased. "Yeah sure....Bobby, do you two do it?" she asked timidly. "What?" "You know." God, had his older sister had just asked him if he was having sex. He could feel the blood rushing to his cock, could feel Patty's breast against his arm, could feel her leg curled against his.... "Yes," he finally answered, whispering in her ear. "I knew it," she mumbled almost inaudibly. "God, you're so young." "I'm eighteen. I'm a man," he insisted as he put his arm around her and hugged her. "Yeah right. How long have you been..." "Doing it?" he interrupted. "A while." "Do you like it?" "You must know," he answered as he caressed her arm, his eyes furtively sneaking more looks down her top. His cock was rock hard as he caught a glimpse of her nipples, thick, hard, dark stubs so unlike his girlfriends. "So?" he asked when she didn't respond. "I'm a virgin," she whispered. "Liar," her stunned brother spat out. "I am," she insisted. "But what about all your boyfriends...Johnny, Ricky... Sid? Christ you two went out for months. You're almost twenty." Seeing her slowly shake her head he added, "We all thought you were the hottest girl in school...everyone..." he sputtered. "Who did?" "All my buddies. When we were sophomores and you were a senior...they were always asking about you...who you were sleeping with...what you looked like nude...had I ever..." "Those perverts! What'd you tell them?" "Bobby!" she insisted when he started grinning. "I may have exaggerated, made up a bit," her brother finally said chuckling. "What'd you say?" "Oh...that you walked around the house in your bra and panties... that I'd seen you in a little skimpy yellow lace bra...that I saw you making out with your boyfriend...that I'd seen your breasts, your nipples...that I saw you naked after a shower...your hair, down below," Bobby answered grinning, ticking off each of his points on his fingers. "You pig!" "They loved it. You were the most popular girl in the whole school for my friends. They always wanted to hear my latest story. They were always staring at you in the cafeteria or when they saw you in the hall...wondering." "How'd you know what my underwear was like?" she demanded. "I checked...from time to time," he admitted blushing, but with a cocky grin. "You went in my drawer? You touched my underwear?" "I didn't say that," he answered but she knew he had. "You didn't show anyone...do anything with them, did you?" And then, after not getting any answer from her brother, added, "You're horrible." But even as she said the words she wondered if he'd ever put a pair of her panties on his penis, rubbed it, put his cum on them. Felt a little shudder between her legs.  "Was it Cathy's first time too? When you did it for the first time?" she finally asked. What?" she added when he didn't answer. "Cathy wasn't my first," he answered hesitantly. "WHAT!" Who was?" "Just someone. You probably don't know her," he said, not wanting his sister to know his first had been one of Patty's best friends. "So you've slept with two girls?" Seeing his blush deepen, she demanded, "More?" "Three," he finally admitted. "Who?" "I can't say...it's a secret...I promised." She could see his cock straining against the front of his shorts as he talked. Yearned suddenly to put her hand on it, grab it, milk it, suck it...Jesus...he's my brother, she thought, then begged, "C'mon Bobby, tell me...please." For seconds he hesitated, then finally admitted, "Cathy's mom...it's why I'm glad we're getting away from them for the summer." "CATHY'S MOM? Mrs. Brown?... oh my gawd...that's disgusting!" And yet as she said the words she felt a jealousy for this woman who'd seduced her brother. "She's like forty." "Thirty-eight, she's just a little older than mom." "And you seduced your girlfriend's mother? What about poor Cathy?" "It was sorta the other way around," Bobby said blushing. "That's revolting. Sleeping with her daughter's boyfriend. Does Cathy know?" Shaking his head he said, "It's been driving me crazy. I'm tired of both of them. I'm afraid Mrs. B's going to tell Cathy. Christ, I got so I was scared to even go over to their house. You won't tell mom will you Patty?" "No. I should though. You've become a pervert." "They're not even that good looking." "Cathy's nice, cute...but yuck, not her mother." "You're much better looking than Cathy. Whenever I see her with you, like today in the kitchen, I wonder what I'm doing with her." "I'm not. Besides I'm your sister." "You and mom. You're so beautiful. Your hair. Your legs. Your smiles. Your breasts," Bobby said admiringly. "What about my breasts?" she asked. "You've never seen my breasts...Bobby!" she screeched as her brother put his hand on her top and pulled it away from her body. "Your nipples are much nicer than Cathy's...or her mother's," Bobby said grinning as he let her top snap back. "Your breasts too." "You're sick," she accused as she shuffled back from her brother on the couch. "Why are they nicer anyway?" "They just are," her brother answered, his eyes intently watching the thin, white panties now exposed to his eyes as her tank top rose up her thighs. "You're beautiful." "I'm not," she protested, then saw where he was staring. Blushing, she stammered, "I'm going to bed...goodnight." "Night sis...do I get a kiss goodnight?" he asked as she started to stand. When she bent to kiss her brothers cheek she saw his eyes drift to her now fully exposed breasts, then realized she didn't care, in fact she wanted him to look...wanted him to desire her. She quickly kissed his lips instead of his cheek, then looked down and saw his shaft clearly outlined.  "I'm glad you're home Patty," her brother said to her back as she hurried confused from the room.  She dreamt of her little brother's prick all night. His big prick, and she was now sure it was big, penetrating her. Tossed and turned as images of her deflowerment raced through her mind. What does it look like she wondered? What would Bobby's cock feel like when it was inside her?  Bobby stayed in the den after his sister had fled, simply sat and fondled his thick cock as he thought of what had just happened. "God, I saw her tits," he mumbled out loud as he moved his hand up and down his shaft. Could Patty really be a virgin? She must have seen his penis tenting his shorts...she really didn't seem that angry when he looked down her top. I'll be her first, he finally realized just as he felt the first tightening in his balls. I'll have all summer to seduce her, seduce mom too he suddenly thought as the fist string of sticky cum blasted outward from his bucking cock. ~~~~~~~ It was a two hundred mile drive to get to the five acres of land that sat isolated on a remote barrier island and faced the Atlantic Ocean. It was a drive the three of them had made together for the last eighteen years.  It was ten miles from the nearest town and only accessible by an old wood bridge that spanned a wide creek that separated their spit of land from the rest of the sandy island. It had been in the mothers family for two hundred years but the only building still standing, after a fire had destroyed the main house twenty-five years earlier, was a small sleeping cabin that had escaped the conflagration. They spent every summer there. The mother of course had spent her childhood summers there with her parents. With cousins and aunts and uncles all crowded into the big house. Now the land was hers, and since the fire she had returned each summer with her children. Just the three of them. They had electricity on the island and after the fire she had converted the three hundred square foot sleeping cabin into a small cottage, one with a small washroom, an open, tiny kitchen, a small sitting area and a bed the women now shared. Bobby had finally been exiled to a tent he had set up thirty feet from the cabin when he as fourteen, giving the two women their privacy and he his freedom.  The front of the cabin faced the breaking waves of the ocean across a swath of white sand. A small covered porch ran around the front and south side of the cabin, a place the three often congregated in the early evening as they b-b-q-ed their dinner. They'd always been happy there. It was their true home. They swam and fished, read side by side, played board games and cards at night, sang old songs and even danced, talked easily. The three had formed a bond in their summer isolation that was perhaps the essence of their lives. They'd always been comfortable together and, though popular and with many friends when at home in the city, the quiet comfort they found in each others company reflected their true nature. There had always been a physical casualness between them. And although they wore bathing suits during the day, shorts and summer tops at night, there had never been any embarrassment about their bodies. When young the children had often swum and played naked on the warm sand, and all three had seen each other naked under the outdoor shower that sat attached to the north east corner of the building. It had only been in the last few years, as the children had matured sexually, that the easy near nudity and casual physical contact they'd always shared, had been slowly lost. They arrived late on that Saturday afternoon but within minutes were comfortably ensconced, their lifetime familiarity with the place making the transition from city person to seaside resident easy. And they all felt the happiness that seemed to envelope them the second they got out of the car and smelled the ocean all around them. ~~~~~~~ "Will you spot me?" her brother asked her after breakfast their first morning at the beach. "I want to swim...then Mom and I are going to town to shop," Patty answered impatiently, her body, clad in just a skimpy yellow bikini, almost irresistable to her horny brother. "We're not going for a couple of hours honey," mom interjected. "Help your brother." "I'm in my bathing suit." "Pleeeease Patty," her brother mock begged, sinking to his knees in front of her. "Oh, all right."  He led her over to where he had set up his bench and weights on the north side of the sleeping cabin, a site protected from the hot summer sun by the shade provided by the large banyan tree his grandfather had planted fifty years earlier. "You've got bigger," Patty couldn't help saying admiringly when Bobby had peeled the sweatshirt over his head and stood standing next to her in just a pair of shorts. "I lifted all winter. I want to get stronger for football season." "Your chest, your biceps...they're nice...so big," she said as her fingers lightly traced his pecs and then ran over his nipples. "I'm a man," he boasted, then flexed his arms and chest in the classic weightlifters pose. "Feel my biceps," he ordered. "It's not fair. I used to be much bigger than you. You were just a shrimp," she said as her fingers tried to circle his bulging muscle. "Hah! Anyway, you're pretty tall...for a girl...much taller than Cathy," he said as he put a hand on top of her head. "She's only, like five-two, a midget, I prefer someone taller, like you. You're what....five-nine?" "Yes," she said proudly, her sparkling, dark eyes staring into his. "And you're pretty big yourself," he laughed as he cupped her breasts, squeezed once and then jumped back. "JIMMY!" "Well, you touched my chest," he said, a broad grin on his handsome face. "Pig," his excited sister replied. "They're much nicer than Cathy's," he said as he lay back on the bench and looked up at his sister hovering above him. He was wearing a pair of those thin, school grey, cotton gym shorts that come with an inner mesh that keeps a man's cock and balls from spilling out and down his leg. But as he lay on his back, repeatedly lifting the heavily loaded bar up and down above his chest, her eyes continually strayed to his groin, to his thick penis that was clearly outlined each time he arched his body off the bench to lift the weight. He touched my breasts! My little brother touched, gosh, squeezed my breasts, she thought as she watched him. Her skin was still burning where his fingers had been, she could feel her nipples straining against the thin cloth. Don't look at it, you're becoming a slut, she continually admonished herself as she imagined putting her hand into his shorts and seizing his manhood.  As he pressed the heavily laden bar up from his chest he looked up at his sister standing above him, her hands ready to catch the bar if he needed any help. Her legs were spread and as he strained to lift the bar his eyes were continually drawn to the small patch of yellow cloth that sat at the juncture of her legs just inches from his eyes. He could see her little slit outlined under he thin cloth, felt himself getting harder and harder as he watched the three or four rogue, curly, dark black pubic hairs that peeked from under the cloth. After twenty-five minutes of heavy lifting he finally stopped. "You're sweaty," Patty grimaced even as her finger traced Bobby's six pack stomach.  "C'mon...lets go swimming...I'll carry you," he announced, then lifted her effortlessly in his arms and started running towards the breaking waves. "Bobbbbby!" she squealed in protest even as she put an arm around her brother's neck and leaned her cheek against his muscular chest. He threw her out into the surf and then as she surfaced coughing felt him pull her against him. Felt his cock hard against her mound. "Don't!" she ordered as he lifted her and again tossed her into the swirling sea. She surfaced six feet away from him, laughing now, knowing a breast had slipped from its cover, then watched as her brother's eyes latched on to her dark, hard nipple. She took her time covering her jiggling orb, even stretched her nipple before slipping it under the yellow cloth. "Much nicer than Cathy's," he finally said. ~~~~~~ A powerful thunderstorm blew in off the ocean late their second night at the cottage, one of those summer storms that can deliver a deluge of water in just minutes. "Poor Bobby," Patty said to her mother as they lay side by side in the one bed in the cabin, a queen size brass bed that dominated the small space. They'd both woken when the thunder had started to roar. "I'm going to check on him, he may be drowning out there," her mom answered, hopping out of bed just as another peal of thunder crashed overhead. Her daughter, clad in just a thin t-shirt that barely reached mid thigh, quickly followed her mom out the screen door and joined her on the covered porch. They both peered through the darkness and the pounding rain towards the little clearing where Bobby had set up his tent. "Oh my god! He'll drown," Patty shrieked when a bolt of lightning lit up the area and the two women saw the pond of water that was forming around the tent. "BOBBY....BOBBY!" his mother yelled, her breasts moving under the thin cloth of the short nightgown she wore. "Ma?" they finally heard and when the next flare of lightning hit they saw his head peering through the flap of his tent. "Come up to the house. You can't stay out there," his mom ordered. Five seconds later they saw him again, momentarily lit up by another flash from the sky, moving towards them, naked, water dripping from his muscular young body. "Patty, go get Bobby a towel, he's naked," her mom directed, but for seconds her daughter waited, waiting for the next illuminating flare. "You're soaking," mom almost scolded when Bobby finally reached the haven of the porch's overhang. "You should have come in earlier." "I thought it was okay...just raining...I was asleep...then I woke up...there was water everywhere...my sleeping bag...my clothes were all soaked," Bobby gasped as he stood dripping in front of the two women. "Towel Patty," mom ordered as she ran her hand through her son's soaking hair. "Yes ma," Patty answered as she rushed inside, then was back seconds later with a small bath towel. "Patty, he needs a beach towel...something to cover himself," her mother complained, but the eyes of both were hungrily locked on the shaft swinging freely between his legs as he dried his hair with the small towel.  Eventually another couple of towels were found and Bobby was escorted into the small cabin, and ended up sitting on the couch, surrounded by the two fussing women. "I'm okay. I'll just sleep on the couch...you guys can go back to bed," he finally told them. "No, you'll sleep on the bed...with us. There's lots of room, isn't there Patty?" "Yes ma," he daughter agreed, her whole body tingling in excitement from what she'd seen. "Put on some shorts, then come to bed." "Yes ma. I gotta go pee first though." God, they were both staring at my cock, he thought to himself as he held his streaming hose over the toilet. Felt himself hardening as he thought of their thinly clad bodies that would be lying next to his. They'll have to feel it tonight, he thought. The two women were lying in bed when Bobby returned from the washroom, and they silently watched when he let the towel fall from his waist and then moved to the clothes closet where he finally located a pair of boxers. They couldn't help but notice how his penis had hardened, and then, as he pulled the shorts up his legs, saw it momentarily caught before Bobby shoved its straining length under the cloth. "Here, sleep between us," mom directed as she patted the bed between she and her daughter. "You don't have enough room ma," Bobby said as he snuggled between the two. "I can take the couch." "Don't be ridiculous. It's three in the morning. Let's just get some sleep," his mom answered even while feeling her son's hardness touch her thighs. "Do you snore?" Patty asked as she snuggled her breasts against her brother's back. ~~~~~~~~~ "Ohhhh, I'm tired," Patty muttered when she finally woke the next morning. "You're finally awake," mom sang out from across the room. "What time is it? Who...," she started to say as felt the body against her. "Bobby?" Then remembered the night before. Lifting her head so she could see over the muscular chest just inches from her mouth, she saw her mom across the room standing at the stove. "He hogged most of the bed," she complained, but even as she spoke she was aware of something poking against her stomach. Jesus, she thought, as she looked down between their bodies and saw the long pole sticking out from the fly of Bobby's shorts. "He takes a lot of space doesn't he? When I woke up I was almost on the floor," her mom answered in a clearly happy tone of voice. "Well, I guess it wasn't too bad for one night," Patty answered as she watched her hand move of its own will towards the waiting shaft. Don't, she mumbled to herself, then felt the smooth hardness of a man for the first time. "What honey?" her mom asked. "Nothing ma," she answered, lost in the feelings coursing through her. She slowly ran her hand up his cock as her insides opened, lightly fondled his balls as her nipples tightened in desire. She felt him stir but still held him lightly in her palm, then saw his eyes pop open but still was reluctant to release him. Slowly she finally let her fingers open and pulled her hand back, and then in a complaining tone said, "You're finally awake. Now at least I can escape." "Are you awake Bobby?" his mom shouted across the room. "C'mon you two, get up, breakfast is almost ready." "I'm trapped," Patty protested, then started to climb over Bobby's body. Half way over him she suddenly felt his hand between her thighs, momentarily cupping her mound through her damp panties. "What're you cooking ma?" Bobby asked as she hovered for second after second on his hand, then he lifted his head and gave her a quick kiss on her lips. "Morning Patty," he cooed in her ear. "Let me out," she ordered, then slid her body slowly over his. "Do I have time for a swim mom?" she asked as she headed to the washroom. "No. And you get going Mr. Lazybones," she directed at her son. "You've got to hang up the tent and organize all your wet stuff once you've eaten." "Yes mommy," he laughed as he jumped out of bed and hugged his mother.  "Get on with you," she smiled. "And put some pants on...you're not very modest like that," she said as her eyes dipped downward. "Whoops," he laughed when he looked down and saw his semi-stiff prick sticking out of the fly. Christ, he mumbled to himself later as he hung the soaked nylon tent on the clothesline, I showed mom my cock. And Patty touched it! How long had she been holding it he wondered as he hung up his wet clothes? She let me touch her mound, feel her slit. ~~~~~~~ It was a beautiful day, and after their late breakfast and after finishing their chores the two women prepared for a day tanning and reading on the beach. "Are you going to be late?" Bobby's mom asked him as he grabbed the car keys. "The game's at one...I probably won't get back til six or so," he answered, eager to go. "Drive slowly honey," her mom ordered as she gave him a kiss before he fled out the door. ~~~~~~ Patty was surprised when her mom unsnapped her bikini top and let it fall to the sand. "What?" her mom asked when she saw the surprised look. "Nothing...I forgot, we used to swim topless all the time." "With Bobby growing up the last few years I thought I better not," she said laughing. "They're so beautiful mom," Patty said as she undid her top. "Big and round, soft..." "They're starting to sag," her mom complained as she put her hands under her full breasts and lifted. "Yeah right mom. I wish mine were like yours," she said in admiration. "Mine used to be like yours...firm and high...proud..." she said remembering. "Yours are bigger." "Just a bit...they got bigger when I had you two," she said as she moved so that the two women's breasts were just touching. "See, your nipples are above mine, your breasts stand up more." "Yeah, like a quarter of an inch," Patty laughed. "Our nipples look exactly alike though." "We both have long, fat ones don't we?" her mom asked laughing as she moved her breasts so their nipples touched. "I used to get so embarrassed when I was young and they'd pop out like this." "Me too," her daughter answered. "Everyone knows when I'm cold...or...," she laughed. "Here, put some sunscreen on my back honey," her mom asked as she handed Patty the tube and turned. Patty slowly oiled her mom's back, then moved around and started on her front. "What's it like mommy, when you're full of milk, when a baby sucks on your teat," she asked as her hand caressingly applied sunscreen to her mother's full breasts. "It's nice, you'll like it honey," her mom promised as she took the tube from her daughter and squeezed a big drop into her palm. "Gosh, no ones even kissed my breasts yet; I don't think I'm going to have a baby anytime soon." "Here's a quick preview," her mom said as she dipped her head to her daughters left tit and then enveloped her taut nipple between her lips. "MOMMMMY!" Patty squealed as her body arched towards her mothers mouth. "Now the other one," her mom giggled and then ran her moist tongue over Patty's other engorged nipple. "You have puffy nipples just like mine," her mom said when she finally released her squirming daughter. "They feel like they're ready to burst...oh god, what'll it feel like with a man?" "You'll find out honey," her mom laughed. "Now c'mon, lets go for a swim." Fifteen minutes later the two tall women, both with long, thick black hair, and looking more like sisters than mother and daughter, emerged dripping from the ocean. Before lying on her beach chair Patty bent and pulled the wet panties from her legs. "He won't be back for hours...we're all alone, they're so clammy," she rushed to explain to her bemused mother. "I agree," her mom answered as she quickly shucked her bottoms. "We look alike there too," Patty said as she looked at her mom's full, but trimmed pubic triangle. "God, I'm glad you're not one of those girls who shave everything."  "I tried it once. I looked like a little girl...I prefer some hair." "Me too," Bobby's mom answered. ~~~~~ They read silently for twenty minutes, both of them luxuriating in the feel of the suns rays on their bodies, before Patty finally said softly, ""I saw it this morning." "You saw what?" "Bobby's thing. It was poking me when I woke up. It was hard and he wasn't even awake," she said with a question in her voice. "Sticking right through his fly." "Boys...well men...they often have erections in the morning...even when they're sleeping...he woke me up too...it was poking my bum," her mom laughed. "My nightie was almost at my waist, he was right against my bare skin." "He did?" "Uh huh." "It's gross." "Oh, it's not that bad." "They're sort of ugly aren't they? ...And how does he get it all inside of Cathy anyway? She's so small." "We don't know he and Cathy are doing it." "He told me," her daughter told her mom. "He did?" Seeing her daughter's insistent nod she added, "Well, they usually fit honey, somehow." "He's big though, isn't he? I mean, what's normal anyway?" "Well, your brother is definitely full sized Patty, in fact we could probably call him an extra large." "Is it better...when it's bigger?" "Yessss," her mom answered, a big grin on her face, remembering what Bobby's father had felt like. "I touched it...with my hand...it was different that I thought it would be. Hard...but smooth. I know I shouldn't have, but it was just sitting there, I couldn't stop myself," she hastened to explain to her now laughing mom. "Bobby woke when it was in my hand." "I think I'm getting horny mom." "Oh Patty," her mom said as she hugged her daughter. ~~~~~~~ "WHAT'S THIS? Nude day at the Coursey's," the two naked women suddenly heard shouted from behind them. "BOBBY!" Patty squealed as both women's hands flew to cover their bare thighs. "What are you doing home?" "They cancelled the game. The other team couldn't get here, apparently the storm last night washed out a road," the excited teen said as he sat at the foot of his mother's chair. He'd actually been watching them for the last ten minutes from a distance, drinking in their naked beauty. "Don't look," Patty ordered, trying now to cover her breasts with one hand and her pubic pelt with the other. "Why not? I sorta like the look," Bobby said leering, "and just think of how much you're going to save not having to buy clothes." "Bobby," his mom warned, but she couldn't hide the amusement she felt. Nor not feel the excitement. "You could be Patty's big sister mom...or her twin," he said as his eyes roved over her nudity. "Yeah sure," his mom responded, but he sensed the pleasure she got from the compliment, and couldn't help but notice that his mom hadn't covered her breasts like Patty had. "You two are so beautiful...so sexy. Patty and Chrissie, two beautiful twins, naked sirens trying to lure lost sailors to their shores," he teased. "Hah," Patty interjected, but she did let her hand slip away from her breasts. Both women's nipples were straining outwards towards him. "Well, Chrissie does have slightly larger breasts," her son finally admitted as his eyes flicked from one to the other. "Bobby!" his mother warned again, then added, "And you shouldn't call your mother Chrissie." "I told you you're breasts were bigger, better," Patty complained to her mom. "No one said mom's breasts were better than yours my dear sister. In fact I must say your breastworks are simply magnificent. Extraordinary in fact. One in a million," he enthused. "You're crazy," his suddenly beaming sister said. "And I gotta say, you two have the biggest, longest, most exciting nipples I've ever seen." "Whose nipples have you seen anyway young man," his mom asked, but her preemptory tone couldn't mask her obvious excitement from her son eyes. "So, anybody want to go swimming?" Bobby asked as he stood and dropped the shorts he was wearing. "What are you doing?" his sister asked as the two women stared at the three quarters erect penis just inches away from their eyes.. "I sorta like this idea of a nudist colony," he laughed, posing for seconds in front of his mom and sister, then turned and ran laughing into the white-capped surf. "He's impossible," Patty said smiling at her mother. "And I still don't know where it all goes. It's huge!" "Bigger than his father," his beaming mom agreed. "Does it get you excited too mommy?" her daughter asked innocently when Bobby slowly emerged from the ocean. He was fully erect as he slowly toweled himself off fifteen yards down the beach from where they sat. He could feel their hungry eyes on him. ~~~~~~~~~~ "Did you ever smoke mom?" Bobby asked after they'd eaten their bar-b-q'ed fish dinner later that night and were sitting in the small cabin, Bobby and his mom on the couch while Patty lay stretched on her stomach on the bed. Their mom, who believed in introducing her children intelligently to alcohol, had uncorked a bottle of white wine with the meal and the three of them were perhaps just slightly high. The radio was playing oldies softly in the background. "It's a disgusting habit. No, of course not. And if either of you," his mother started to warn. "I mean a joint...you know...marijuana." "Bobby!" his sister said angrily. "I just wanted to know. Chrissies not that old...everyone tries it at least once."  "I didn't," Patty protested. "Liar." "Well, maybe once or twice," Patty admitted. "Have you Bobby," his mom asked, a clear concern evident in her voice. "You're so young," she started to add before Patty interjected. "He's not too young for you know what." "Patty!" "Did you mom," Bobby asked again. "Just because I did something once upon a time doesn't mean you should do it," his mom answered blushing. "Okay, yes, I've tried it." "Mother!" a scandalized Patty interjected. "I never really talked to you two about drugs...I probably should have. You guys aren't doing anything bad are you? Ecstasy or that awful Oxy stuff?" "God no. That's for losers. Once in a while at a party we might smoke up...not often...it's better than getting drunk," Bobby admitted. "Patty?" her mom asked. "Once in a while. It's around at school. I did it maybe three or four times this year." "Me too," their mother said. "What! This year? You're a mother...you're not supposed to," Patty protested even as her mom and brother broke out in broad smiles. "You two are impossible." "I've got one...a joint," Bobby blurted, "maybe the three of us could..." he said, his voice trailing away in invitation. "But mom's here," Patty protested again, a protest that probably produced her mother's next words. "Yes maybe that's a good idea Bobby. Better than doing it behind my back. You're adults now." "Bobby isn't," his shocked sister muttered. All three of them were nervous when Bobby reappeared with a fat joint in his hand. "Maybe we shouldn't," Patty said as her brother struck a match and inhaled deeply. "Oh god mommie," she protested when her mom took the roach from her son and drew a lungful of smoke deep into her lungs. Still, she took the proffered smoke when her mother passed it, inhaled, coughed, giggled, pulled another lungful, passed it on. They were all feeling pretty mellow by the time it was down to a half inch long butt. "That's a song from my day," Mom said as another oldie came on the radio. "I used to dance to that one with your father when I was fifteen or sixteen," she said as she swayed her body to the music. "I took you for more a rapper, maybe goth...or dance hall," Patty giggled as she mimicked her mom's slow moves. "Not this." "Yeah, but at the end of the night, when we wanted to close dance," she said, then stood and took her daughter's hand in hers, "then we played these slow ones. Do you want to dance handsome?" she asked her son, holding out her other hand to him. "Really? Oh yes mom...I mean Chrissie," Bobby said as he jumped to his feet and took his mom's hand. At first they danced conservatively, their bodies apart, Bobby's left hand extended and holding his mothers right. "You're a good dancer mom." "You sound surprised. I was like the best dancer in my high school young man," she said as she dropped his hand and put both her arms around his neck. "You fit me...Cathy's so short," Bobby whispered as his mother nestled her head between his shoulder and neck. And when he'd put both arms around her back and gently moved her so they were lightly touching from breast to groin, he added softly in her ear, "you smell so nice mommy, so nice." Suddenly he felt her lips on his neck, hungry, wet bites that sent blood coursing madly up his cock, and then he moved his hands to her firm bum, pulling her against his urgent need. They danced two dances plastered together, swaying as one, his prick proudly poking his mom.... "My turn," Patty demanded as the second song ended. Chrissie conceded her place to her daughter but Bobby could see the reluctance in his mother's eyes, and for a second had to fight the urge to simply throw her on the bed and have her. "Can you dance big sister?" he finally asked Patty as she moved into his arms. "Noooo, of course not, I'm just dumb Patty," she pouted as she melted against her body. "You're beautiful," he whispered back. "Don't make fun of me." "You've always been the one." "I have?" "I'll be your first," he promised. "What?" she whispered liquidly in his ear, of course knowing exactly what he meant. "Your first man. In you, filling you...this," he said hoarsely as he grabbed her hand and forced it between them, forced it under the elastic belt of his shorts. "Don't Bobby," she protested as she tried to pull her hand away. And over Bobby's shoulder she could see her mom watching them from the couch. He held her wrist for seconds, not allowing her to withdraw her fingers. Slowly her resistance faded, then tentatively she started to move her hand up and down his length, exploring, arousing, caressing, promising.... "Gosh Bobby, it's so big, so hard, so long," she whispered in his ear. "It'll never fit." She stroked him for two dances. Gasped when he slipped his hands under her shorts and cupped her firm butt. Moaned when his finger caressed her anus. Almost melted when his finger pushed into her pussy. The three of them continued to dance for a couple of hours. Their bodies made clear promises to each other that didn't have to be articulated in words. They all knew what the future held. The women finally staggered to bed around two...their son and brother passed out on the couch. All three dreamt of forbidden pleasures. ~~~~~~~~~  "You know Patty's a virgin?" his mom asked as she and Bobby watched his sister swimming in the surf as they sat side by side on the beach the next day. "Are you going to stop us? Only you can," Bobby said as his eyes searched his moms. "I don't want Patty hurt." "You know I'd never," he protested. "I know honey," his mom answered as she put her hand on his thigh for a moment. "I have your permission? To make love with your daughter?" Bobby asked. "Yes." "To marry her?" "Oh Bobby, you can't," but then conceded, "Yes honey." "You too. After," he promised, his eyes ordering, beseeching. "I'm your mother." "I love you. Want you. Do you want me Chrissie?" he asked as his hand cupped her head and drew her towards him. "Yes. Yes baby," she cried, then felt his tongue penetrate her mouth. He's kissing mom, Patty gasped as she looked up and saw her mom and her brother intertwined. Oh god I love him, she thought as she watched Bobby finally break away from her mom and stand. Mommy wants him as much as I do, she suddenly realized. "Ya coming swimming?" Bobby asked his mom as he stood over her. "No, maybe later," she laughed, "go swim with your sister. Bobbbbby, leave your suit on," she tried to order him as he slipped his suit down his legs and turned toward the ocean. Will he really want his older mother after he's had Patty, she asked herself as her eyes followed his tight, muscular bum as he ran toward his sister? "God, you are a pervert," Patty accused as Bobby splashed up to her and stood just feet away from here in the knee high water. "You're the one looking at her brother's penis." "Well, you've got it flapping up and down so much...how could I miss it? Anyway it's an ugly little thing...men aren't nearly as pretty down there as women," she said. "You liked touching it the other morning, seemed to like it last night too," he teased.  "I'd never seen one before. Or touched one. I was just checking." "Wait til you feel it tonight...in another place," he laughed as he lifter her in his arms. "I won't. You're terrible." "Your breasts are beautiful." "Hah," she said as her face lit up in pleasure. "Will you marry me? Have my babies?" "You're crazy," she laughed. I won't have to find anyone else she thought as he lifted her and then tossed her out into the deeper water. My brother's the one I've been waiting for. "Yes," she yelled when she surfaced from her dunking. "If you really want me." "Yesssss," he yelled back, knowing that the two women on this beach were his only future. ~~~~~~~~ "I'm going to sleep in the tent tonight," Chrissie said at about eleven that night. "What? Why?" Patty asked. "I want some fresh air for once. Bobby can sleep on my side of the bed." Patty understood immediately. She knew her mother was okaying this union of her children, not only okaying but also giving her blessing. There would be no hiding, no lies between them ever. "No," she shouted just as her mom reached the door. "I want you here," she said as she felt both their eyes on her. "But," her mother started. "I want you with us mommy," she insisted, "When we make love," she added, letting them both know she understood. "Bobby?" she asked as she turned to her brother with open arms.  "You're trembling," he said as he felt her shiver against his chest. "I'm scared." "You don't have to be." "I know...but I am," she said as her soft hand found and seized his surging manhood. "I'll be gentle," he promised as their mouths meshed together. "That's not what I want," she panted when she finally pulled her lips off his. "Be a man, all man," she demanded as she stroked him.  He marveled again at her beauty after he had quickly stripped her top and shorts from her body. He pushed her back onto the bed and saw the moist, pink gash open between her dark curls. Then spread her knees even farther apart and brought his round cockhead to her gates. "Bobbbbbby," she gasped as he split her engorged sex in one, long, hard thrust. Oh jesus, she thought as she wrapped her legs around her young brother, it's so much better than she'd ever imagined. She felt impossibly full.  Nothing had prepared himself for this overwhelming sensation of completeness that hit him as he felt her ankles digging into his buttocks. Every nerve in his cock was somehow being awoken by his sisters tightening insides. He was in heaven. Her pussy was the promised land. His other women had been nothing like this. "Pattty...I can't hold it...ohhh...ohhh," he yelled as her insides clenched his suddenly erupting cock. He looked up as he felt his penis flooded by their combined juices and saw his mother sitting on the couch, naked, her fingers moving urgently on her mound. "I love you Bobby," Patty whispered as her brother started to move again inside of her. "I'm sorry," he started, "about how quickly..." "It feels so good," she answered as she put her finger on his lips to quiet him. "I'll be better," he promised. "It couldn't be any better than this," she cried as her body started to spasm in orgasm under his urgent, pounding, thrusting hardness. ~~~~~~~ "Let me kiss him," she said when he finally pulled out, his cock coated and sticky. "Later," he answered as he turned her over on her stomach and then lifted her to her knees. "Again?" she asked as she felt his cockhead run along her ass. Just as he shoved his prick into his sister's oozing channel he saw his mom stand and move toward the door. "Mom?" "I'm just getting some air...I'll be back," she said softly, then slipped from the cabin. He rode Patty hard this third time, holding and squeezing her breasts as he pounded into her from behind. She was noisy now, yelling, screaming her pleasure as her brother's penis quickly transformed her into a writhing slave. "Ohhhh god," she finally moaned, her whole body thrashing as her womb orgasmed her acceptance of the first explosive delivery of sperm. They were so tightly interjoined that she could feel it as his cum started up his long shaft, had a second of anticipation before she felt it burst liquidly inside her. Then could feel her insides draw his seed deep inside, sucking it down to her centre. Then she sensed the next load of sperm starting up his shaft. Again and again his bucking cock discharged. ~~~~~~~ "Where's mom?" a panting Patty finally asked after their fourth frantic coupling. "She just went out to get some air." "Go get her Bobby...she shouldn't be alone." "When you're asleep honey...I'll go then," he promised his wife. ~~~~~~~ "Are you cold?" he asked when he saw his mom standing naked at the edge of the sea. "Bobby. Why aren't you with Patty?" his mother asked as he engulfed her naked form from behind in his arms. "She's asleep. I brought you a blanket." "It's warm out here," she said as she leaned back against him. "I'll warm you," he whispered in her ear as his hands moved to cup her full breasts. "Honey...don't," she moaned even as she wiggled her bum and captured his hardening shaft between her ass cheeks. "I love you Chrissie," her son insisted as he slowly moved one hand across her stomach and towards her sex. "You won't be able to...you'll be too tired," she protested even as she pushed back against him. "Ohhh Bobbbby," she groaned as he slipped a finger inside of his mum. She arched her head back and turned her face to meet his as a second finger penetrated her slippery channel. Their lips clashed together in a hungry lust and then their mouths opened as they tried to force their tongues together. "Oh baby...yes," Chrissie moaned as Bobby moved his lips to a quivering breast and sucked a taut nipple into his moist mouth. "No Bobby...noooo," she cried as he slipped to his knees and brought his tongue to her sex. He had to hold her ass cheeks in his strong hands or her trembling body would have collapsed under the onslaught of his tongue. Her cries of pleasure seemed to echo around the island as he moved back and forth between her erect clit and her increasingly moist crack. She wailed a long, whimpering, "Bobbbbbbbbbby," when she finally shuddered and discharged her orgasmic juice onto his lapping tongue. "Now baby...now...please...fuck mommie...hurry," she demanded as she slid down his body and lay panting on her back on the blanket, her moist thighs splayed open in urgent need. He simply marveled to himself as he pushed inside his mother, was actually trembling as her vulva closed around him and squeezed his throbbing shaft. I grew in there, he thought, as he repeatedly thrust his burning rod towards his mother's womb.  Again and again he thrust inside of his mom, and each time felt how her body rose off the blanket to eagerly meet his probing penis. It lasted and lasted. His time with Patty had taken the urgent edge off his lust. He made love to his mother unhurriedly, again and again bringing her to the edge before backing off. Loved it when she finally erupted under him, orgasming her need of him even as he continued to move his swollen shaft inside her engorged pussy. "Please baby...hurry, hurrrrry," she cried. "I'm commmmming!" He put her heels on his shoulders when her first orgasm had passed, and then when he started to deep fuck her he knew he was reaching places no other man had ever been with her, knew from the almost supernatural wail that was escaping her lips that she'd never want anyone but him. It was only when she'd slipped into a state of continuous orgasm that he felt the tightening in his balls and the first strand of cream rush up his penis, knew somehow that it was she and not Patty who'd have his first child. ~~~~~~~  "You're crying!" he said as he watched tears falling down both her cheeks. "I'm happy...oh Bobby," she cried as he licked the salty drops from her skin. "I love you mommy," he said as he started to slowly pull his still hard penis from her overflowing sheathe. "No...no honey...leave it in...please baby." He pushed back in, deep, right to the hilt, felt his sticky cum everywhere. "I'm full...full of my baby," his mom laughed as he turned her so that they lay on their sides facing each other. "I don't know how I ever got out of there...or Patty did...when I was born...you're so tight," he said as he felt his mom's birth channel clench even tighter on his engorged cock. "You're so big baby," she teased and then licked wetly in his ear.  "Ohhh mommy," he groaned as his whole body arched in need. "It's never been better Bobby...no one...ever. You're the best man, the very best...I never dreamed I'd feel this," she told her son as the two of them moved sinuously in a slow sexual rhythm. He understood immediately. His mom was telling him he'd surpassed his father, that he was now her man. He continued to move his big cock inside of her, her only sounds now urgent pants of primal need, then felt the start of her orgasmic opening of her womb as he shot strand after strand of hot sperm inside of her. "I want to have your baby," his mom said as he kept his penis in her, plugging his seed deep inside of her. ~~~~~~~ "Wake up honey," penetrated his consciousness as a hand gently shook his shoulder. "Mom?" Bobby asked as he slowly opened his eyes. "What time is it anyway?" he mumbled as he peered into the darkness. "The suns just coming up sweetie," his mom answered then said, "I love you baby," after she'd given him a soft kiss. "Luv you too mom," he said as he arched his body in an awakening stretch. "Can't we sleep a little longer though?" "I don't want Patty to wake up alone. C'mon," she said as she stood and grabbed his had, "you can sleep inside." He followed his mom towards the cabin and then yelled, "Hey wait!" just as she reached the porch. "What?" "This," he said as he bent and lifted his naked, sticky mother into his arms. "BOBBY!" she squealed as he carried her towards he door. "You're my wife now," he said as he carried her across the threshold. "You'll have two wives, Patty and me," his mom whispered as he let her slip down his body and onto her feet. 'You won't mind sharing me?"  "You're my husband. I love you Bobby." ~~~~~~~~ "Unh...what...what is it?" Bobby mumbled four hours later. "Patty, I think our little boy has finally awoken." "Mom?" Bobby asked as he opened his eyes. There was a long tongue flicking over each of his nipples. "Patty?" "Hi," his sister said and then kissed him gently. "What time is it?" "Almost eleven. Mom's been giving me lessons," his sister said with a grin. "Lessons?" "Un huh, like this," Patty said as she licked across his chest and down across her stomach. "Jesus Patty," he groaned as she moistly thrust her tongue around his belly button. "And this," she giggled as he felt her tongue lick over his cockhead. "Mommy, help me," she demanded. "Oh god," he moaned as he felt and saw two sets of hungry lips meet at his cock. "Do you like this baby brother," she asked as she ran her tongue from the base of his hardening cock to its tip. Then, as her mouth moved over him, each lick, each suck, each little nip from his sister was answered by one from his mom.  "It's too big," her mother warned Patty as the young girl opened her mouth and popped Bobby's fat, round cock between her lips. Pulling off for a second she answered, "I want to try," and then dipped her head again. As he hardened and lengthened in his sisters mouth Bobby grabbed his sisters legs and pulled her so that her hips were positioned over his mouth. Her mouth stuffed full, Patty's only response when her brother's tongue found her pink clit was a muffled groan as she tried to take even more of him into her throat. As his tongue probed inside his sister he suddenly felt his mom's tongue on his balls. "Ohhh mommy," he screamed, his cry of ecstasy muffled by Patty's pussy, as he shot explosively down his sister's throat. They didn't dress that first day. Nor often in the following four weeks. Naked together, touching, they slept together...made love morning, noon and night... ~~~~~~ They planned their future! They all knew they'd found what they needed, found what they wanted. Why look for something you already have? Something never to be replicated with anyone else. They were hopelessly in love. Two days later, with the three of them naked and wearing wild flowers in their hair, Christine, standing ankle deep in the warm ocean, held a bible in her hand and married her children, blessing their union. Then Patty took the bible, the minister's place, and married her mother to her brother and now husband. And Bobby's first baby started to grow in his mother's womb. Patty transferred to the local University that fall. She refused to leave her husband or mother.  Bobby didn't have to break up with his girlfriend; Cathy's mother told her over the summer that she had slept with Bobby.  Bobby graduated the next spring. One month after his daughter Stephanie was born. Of course they summered the next year again at the ocean. Patty and Bobby both drank from their mother's milk laden breasts. All three made love endlessly. Patty missed her period that July.  They didn't return to their city home that second fall. Instead, the three of them moved to a new town, a smallish Midwestern town half way across the country. A town with a good university. Where they weren't known. They became just a normal family – a man and his wife, living with her mother, a baby...more to come...and perhaps not so strangely they lived happily ever after... THE END For Pics visit:---->>> https://cutt.ly/hwsMVhC
Title: Pool Story - Chapter 4 Keywords: fict,fantasy Chapter 4. Working Late The following Wednesday night at the pool, Deb worked the closing shift. She had been in the pool all evening, teaching several swim lessons, back to back. She decided to swim some laps right before closing. All of the lifeguards were done with their duties, so she told them they could go home for the night, including Burt. Before she went to take her shower, she made sure to lock the door to the pool so no one would walk in on her. She kept a complete shower kit at the pool, since she swam so often, and she lathered her pussy and ass crack with shaving cream, and started to shave herself. With each stroke, she was thinking about Burt and how soon he would have his lips down there again, kissing, licking, biting, and sucking... She wanted it to be smooth for him. She wanted it to feel good in his mouth. She liked shaving for herself, but she liked it even better knowing that he would be down there again soon. She rinsed her razor and thought about when she would see him again. They had both worked late tonight, but they didn't text each other to plan anything. She started thinking about how she probably should have texted him or pulled him aside to talk to him. She decided to text him after she got out of the shower. She finished shaving around her asshole, the last part of her shaving job, and she was rinsing the razor. She suddenly heard a voice behind her, "You need any help with that?" She jumped and turned around. Burt was standing there with a huge smile on his face, obviously very pleased that he managed to startle her. She said, "Holy shit! You scared me. I didn't even hear you walk in here. What are you doing here?" He said, "I just hadn't talked to you since... the other night... And I kinda was going crazy when you were swimming earlier... and I knew you were in here showering. And, well... I kind of couldn't keep away. I got down the road, on my way home, and I couldn't help myself. I had to turn around and come see you... here... naked... in the shower. I came in quietly... to surprise you." She was just standing in the stream of water looking at him, listening to him, and smiling at him. He was looking at her newly shaved pussy. He wanted her so badly. He added, "And I had to see if you needed any help here in the shower." She was still standing in the stream of the shower, and she smiled and said, "If you want to help, you're way over dressed." He kept smiling, and started to take his shirt off. "And what will I be helping with?" She held up the razor and said, "What do you know about shaving assholes?" She laughed after she said it. He already had his shirt off and was working on his shoes. "Well, I have experience licking assholes. So I guess I'd be pretty good at shaving them." Then he took off his pants and underwear together. As he stepped into the shower, she said, "And you're pretty good at licking them, I hear..." Then she totally changed tones and said, "Hey, did you lock the door behind you? The door to the pool?" He nodded and stepped forward and took her into his arms under the streaming water. She still had the razor in her hand, but she put her arms around him and hugged him back as they kissed. She broke the hug and turned around to put the razor down. He kept his arms on her, and pressed his body against her back. He moved the hair from one side of her neck and started nibbling her smooth skin. This made her moan and she pushed her ass against his crotch. His hands felt down her body, touching her stomach and her hips, and then one hand reached toward her pussy, while he kept kissing her neck. He said, "I've been debating about telling you something." She turned around to look at him and said, "Really? I guess you've decided to tell me then?" He kept rubbing her body as he said, "It's about the other lifeguards. What some of the guys said about you today." She narrowed her eyes and stood up straighter as if to prepare herself for some bad news. He said, "They were talking about how sexy you are." She was completely surprised. "What? Me? Oh, god. That's no good. What did they say? What did you say?" She was trying not to sound accusatory, but she was curious. She was a little turned on that they would talk about her that way. They are all younger than her, in college, and they usually like the dumb blond bimbos, not older athletic women. He said, "It was when you walked through the office today, in between swim lessons. You were carrying your towel, but you didn't have it around you, so we could see your sexy body. You had just gotten done bending down, as you talked to one of the kids in your class, and you walked through the office right in front of us, then walked back by on your way out. You didn't acknowledge any of us. You were just in your busy world. "After you left, it was just me, Dave and Rog in the office, and Rog said, `Seriously, what would it take to bang her?' and Dave immediately agreed, saying, `I know, right? Maybe one day her swim suit will fall off... or she'll forget to put one on--' but Rog interrupted, `No, I mean fucking her. Not seeing her naked. She showers here all the time, we could accidently see her naked if we wanted to, but what would you have to do... I mean, if we didn't work here and she didn't hate us... what would you have to say... what type of guy would she go for? What would it take?' "I was shocked because they talk about other women this way, but I'd never heard them talk about you this way. Then Rog asked Dave and me, `What do you think would work? If you saw her at a bar? How would you approach her?' Dave said, `I don't know. Does she act like she does here at a bar? Because I'd be scared to say anything to her. I would just write her off as a bitch.' "I was just trying to stay quiet, but then they asked me what I thought. Dave said, `What would you say to her at a bar?' and I told them that I didn't think you would go for guys like us. We're too young and immature, and too interested in just fucking, and you could see straight through that. "Then Dave said, `Awe, fuck it. I'm just going to keep thinking about her naked. I can imagine fucking her without having to figure out how to actually get there with her.' "And then we started talking about something else. But all evening I've been thinking about that. About how many other guys see you and want to fuck you, and about how I've actually gotten to do it. And about how badly I want to do it again." She was just looking at him. She didn't know quite what to say. She didn't think the lifeguards looked at her like that. She said, "I don't know if I should be flattered, or embarrassed. I guess I could cover up with a towel more, but I didn't think they even looked at me." He kissed her again and said, "No one can miss looking at your hot body. You're fucking sexy, and that's the end of it. Now, Do you really want me to shave you?" A hot surge of adrenaline shot through her body. He said that so sexily, and she wanted him to shave her. She wanted him to help her do something she did every day, but turn it into something sexual, something sensual. He could make it sexy and hot. But she remembered that she'd just finished her shaving. She said, "Sadly, I've already done it." He moved his hand so that it was on her ass, and he moved it toward her ass crack. He said, "Maybe I can just check it then?" His hand moved to her asshole, and he rubbed up and down her crack, passing her asshole several times. Then he reached further and touched her pussy. He whispered into her ear, "It feels good to me." As he pushed his finger further so that it would go into her pussy, they heard the front door to the pool open and close. She froze, and thought quickly. Then she said to him very quickly. "You need to go out there. That's got to be someone with a key. They can't see us in here. Not together." She grabbed her towel and handed it to him. "Put this on, go out there like you just came out of the men's locker room. Talk to whoever it is until I come out there. I'll act like I didn't know either of you were here. I'm going to yell at you. Sorry. Go now." He was in shock. How had she come up with a plan so quickly? But he grabbed the towel, put it around his waist and walked out there just in time to pretend he had walked out of the men's locker room. John walked around the corner, and Burt kept walking toward the office. Burt said, "Hey John. What's going on? Did you forget something?" John looked at Burt a little confused and said, "Were you showering?" Burt smiled and said, "Yeah. I have a... um... date tonight, and it was quicker to shower here instead of going all the way home." John was, luckily, one of the lifeguards who was less interested in talking about everyone's sex life. So he didn't ask any more details about Burt's "date." Burt continued walking into the office, but remembered that all of his clothes were in the women's locker room. He asked John again, "Did you forget something? What are you doing here?" John was looking around. He said, "I think I left my wallet here. I got home, looked in my bag and in my car, and I can't find it. Do you remember seeing it anywhere?" Burt was happy to have something to distract him from thinking about how he was going to get his clothes back. "Um, I don't remember seeing it, but I'll help you look." They looked around for a minute, and then they heard the locker room door open. Deb walked into the office and then froze when she saw the two of them. She acted angry and yelled at them both, "What the fuck are you two doing here? I thought I was fucking alone. You scared the shit out of me. Burt, why don't you have clothes on? John, how did you get in here? I locked the door before I showered. I thought you had both left tonight. Fuck. I think I'm alone and come out here. I'm glad I at least got dressed before I came out." John said, "I think I left my wallet here. I have the key because I open in a couple days and Kelly gave me her key." Burt said, "Sorry we scared you. I was just showering because I have a date, and it's quicker to shower here than to go all the way home." Deb was gathering her things as they answered her. She said, "Ok, well. I guess that's ok. Just try not to scare me like that again. John, I think I saw a wallet in the stockroom earlier. I don't know why it would be in there, but maybe that's yours. Burt, put some freaking clothes on." John walked back to the stockroom, and when she was sure he wasn't looking, she pulled Burt's clothes out of her bag and put them into one of the cubby holes. Burt smiled at her and mouthed, "Thank you." She walked back to the stock room to show John where she'd seen his wallet. Sure enough, it was his. She made sure she left before he did, though. She already had her bag and her keys in her hand, and she said, "Ok, great. Glad you found it, John. I am finally leaving this place for the night. I hope you both have a great night. Whoever leaves last, lock the door and turn off the lights. See you all tomorrow or whenever." She was quickly walking toward the door as she spoke these words. A few minutes later, she was home and she texted Burt, "The door's open. Lock it behind you when you come in. I'm in the bedroom." He texted back, "Sounds perfect. See you soon." About ten minutes later, she heard the door of her apartment being opened, closed and locked, and then Burt was standing in her room. She was under the covers, with her hand between her legs, gently stroking her labia. Burt took off his shirt and then his pants and underwear, as he walked toward the bed. He pulled up the covers and slid underneath, and positioned himself on top of her between her legs. He kissed her lips, lightly at first, and then got more and more intense, until he was using his tongue forcefully, pushing it into her mouth as if he were fucking her with it. She was obviously pleased, as she was moaning and pushing her hips against him. She kept rubbing her legs against his body, wrapping them around him. He was rock hard within seconds, and he couldn't wait to fuck her. He had liked being with her in the shower too much, and was so disappointed that it had been interrupted. He needed to get inside of her. He wanted it. And he wanted to make her come. He positioned his cock at the opening of her pussy, and pushed it in just a little bit, to see if it was wet enough to allow him to penetrate. It was wet, but there was a lot of friction, since he hadn't used his mouth on her yet. He didn't want to hurt her, so he started to pull back so he could use his mouth first. But she wrapped her legs around him tighter and pushed her hips up. She said, "Push it in. I love it. I want to feel it. Push it in there. Take my pussy. Fucking take it." He pushed farther into her, and she tightened her legs to make him go all the way in with one motion. He thought it was probably too dry, with too much friction, but she moaned and said, "Yeeeesssssssssssss.... Use that cock. Take my fucking pussy." He liked hearing her say that, and it drove him crazy. He wanted to fuck her so hard, so he started to just slam his hips into her. After a few strokes, everything was lubricated. She got so wet so fast. She moaned and grunted appreciatively with every thrust. He was pushing her toward the headboard, and when her head hit the headboard, he lifted her up and moved further forward so that her back was against the wall and she was sitting on his lap straddling him. He fucked her into the wall for several thrusts, but he wanted to stand up. He pushed her up further and then stood up, picking her up and keeping her back against the wall. He kept fucking her hard and her grunts were turning into breathless whimpers, her brow was furrowed so that she looked almost concerned, but her sighs and whimpers made it clear she was really enjoying this. He kept fucking her hard against the wall, and her face started to change into a look of surprise, with her mouth opened and she started letting out short loud moans. Her moans were getting deeper and louder, and he kept fucking her harder and harder. He wanted her to come on his cock, and he was going to fuck her as long and hard as he needed to. He felt her pussy tighten, she started shaking, and she tightened her legs around him, grinding her hips even further into his. Then she screamed, loudly and passionately, and her body shook almost violently. Then she let out a loud sigh, and Burt finally slowed down. He kissed her on the mouth, using his tongue, and put his arms around her back to support her while he moved her away from the wall. He went back down onto his knees, still inside of her. From there, he fell back onto his back, keeping her on top of him. He stretched his legs out straight, so that he was laying flat on the bed. She put her knees down on the bed, and kept him inside of her, leaning forward so that she could kiss him. She had never been with anyone who was so good at fucking her, and so adamant about getting her off. He was so strong, and she loved when he picked her up. She didn't know that he had it in him to pick her up and fuck her that hard for so long. How didn't he get worn out? How did he get her so fucking hot? She couldn't wait to feel him come inside of her. She wanted to get him off and repay the favor. She kept kissing him and she started moving only her hips to fuck his big cock. At first he was letting her fuck him, and then he grabbed her hips and started pushing his hips up. She stopped, and said, "No. I want you to let me fuck you." He squeezed his hands around her hips, and then pushed his hips up again, but then laid them back down on the bed. He said, "What do you want me to do?" She said, "I don't want you to do anything. I want you to just lie there. I want you to do nothing." She smiled and kissed him on the lips, and then sat back up, putting her hands on his chest. She felt his chest muscles, then felt his abs. She rocked her hips on his cock, and then put her legs under her so she could stand up a little bit and really bounce up and down on his cock. He couldn't help it, he had to put his hands on her. He rubbed her legs, and he grabbed her hips again. She stopped him, and said, "You can touch, but I'm in control here. No thrusting. No pushing. But you can tell me what to do, like go faster or slower." She leaned forward again, and started thrusting her hips to stroke his entire cock with her pussy. She started slow, then gradually sped up. She kept fucking him and leaned into his ear and said, "I want to make you come so bad. You're going to come deep into my pussy, and you're going to fucking love it." She sped up until he was breathing hard, and then slowed down again. When she slowed down, she started squeezing her pussy muscles when he was all the way in her. He moaned every time, and she asked, "Do you want me to go fast again?" He said, "No. Keep doing that. Go slow, and tense your pussy up. Squeeze my cock with your tight pussy." She kept stroking his cock, all the way in, and all the way out, just moving her hips, and every time she got him all the way in, she squeezed him. She was watching his face - he was closing his eyes and when she would tense her pussy muscles, he would furrow his brow a little bit and let out a tiny moan that was barely audible. She leaned toward his ear again and said, "You know what I'm going to do next time you're at work? I'm going to walk around in my swim suit, make sure to bend down in front of you as much as possible, and if the guys at work start talking about me, I want you to think about how I'm fucking you right now. I want you to think about your big cock buried deep inside my pussy, feeling my pussy clenching on that big cock, and how you know that I fucking love it. I want you to think about this, and I want you to get hard thinking about it. I want you to think so hard about it that you have to go to the bathroom and masturbate just to get yourself to calm down. I like thinking about you getting yourself off just by thinking about me." He let out a little whimper in response then said, "You're bad." She smiled and said, "Want me to speed up again?" He said, "Go a little bit faster." She sped up just a little bit, and kept watching his face. He was looking at her now, and she sat up straight and told him to grab her breasts. He grabbed both her breasts and rubbed them, and then started lightly pinching her nipples. She was still going up and down, getting his entire cock in and then almost all the way out, then back down again. She said, "Squeeze my nipples harder," and he obliged. He pinched them tighter, and he pulled on them a little bit. She liked it, and it made her start fucking him harder. He moaned again, obviously enjoying her going faster. She leaned forward again, using only her hips to fuck him as fast as she could. She could feel her ass cheeks slapping together a little bit, and she told him to reach back and feel her ass jiggle. He did, and immediately got much more excited. She said, "Now feel how wet your big cock gets me." He reached down, and felt how sopping wet it was down there, and he couldn't handle it any more. She kept fucking him quickly. He wanted to push his hips into her, but he kept catching himself right before he pushed. He'd never had a woman just take control and tell him not to do anything. It made him feel uncomfortable at first, because he likes being the one giving pleasure, and he likes contributing to the experience. No one ever insisted that he just lie there. But she knew what she was doing. Her pussy felt so good, and she was moving her hips like a fucking expert. He realized he could let her do this all day. He relaxed some more and when he felt her wet pussy with his hand, his cock was ready to burst. But all of a sudden, she lifted her hips up, so he was all the way out of her. He actually let out a whimper, and she said, "Now put your hands down to the side, and think about that wet pussy." After he complied, she put him back inside her. She kept moving her hips up and down, up and down. Now that he knew what her ass cheeks felt like while she was fucking him, he thought about that jiggling ass, clapping together with every thrust. He thought about that wet pussy, and about how she was wet enough that he didn't even have to lick her pussy first to go inside of her. He had to grab something, so he clenched the bed sheets, and started to pull on them. Just laying there was driving him crazy. She was driving him crazy, her wet pussy, her soft breasts, her immensely squeezable ass, her nice flat stomach, her soft legs, and her tight pussy muscles. She squeezed him one more time with her pussy, and it made him start to come. He throbbed, and she felt it - so she pushed down on his cock harder. Then she squeezed him again. He throbbed again. She lifted up a little bit and then pushed down again on his cock, squeezed him again, and he throbbed again. He let out a long moan with this last throb. She leaned forward and whispered, "You can move again now." He immediately moved his hands to her hips, to her ass, to feel her wet pussy, and to stroke her back. He wanted to touch her everywhere. It felt like it had been 10 years since she had told him to lay his hands to his side. He needed to touch her again, and he couldn't get enough. She was still on top of him, he was still inside of her, he was rubbing her body appreciatively, and he said, "Fuck. Why... No one... How... Where did you get the idea to do that?" She smiled, liking how much he liked it, and how confused he seemed to be about it. She said, "Has no one ever told you to just lie there and get fucked?" He shook his head, "I don't think... That was so fucking good." She had a huge grin, and she said, "You are so good at fucking me. I wanted to see if I could return the favor. Plus that was really fun. You are so fun to fuck. Your cock gets so hard and big. I ..." She felt shy all of a sudden and just said, "I really like it." She lifted her hips up so that his cock slid out of her, and she rolled to his side, and he rolled on his side, so they were both looking at each other. He kept touching her body - he couldn't get enough. She said, "I realized when you were fucking me up the wall that you might be a little bit of a ... control freak... when it comes to sex. And I think, by how hard it was for you to just lay there, that I might have been correct." He was just listening. She wasn't saying this in a judgmental way. She was just kind of thinking out loud. She continued, "So I'm wondering, does it just feel better when you're the one doing most of the work?" She was smiling at him, but she really wanted to know the answer. He thought for a second and said, "I don't know. I think I'm conditioned to... just... go for it when I get super excited. But maybe it is that it usually feels better when I'm doing the work." He smiled at her and continued, "But with you... it feels amazing either way. You were really fucking me. It felt amazing." He looked back at the ceiling and said, "Maybe someone like you can break me of the habit of doing all the work for myself. But I've never had a complaint." He smiled at her again - a big cheesy smile. She smiled back and said, "I'm sure you haven't. You're a real ball of energy when you get... um... excited." She continued, "The other guys I've been with have not been as energetic as you. I would say that's because I'm older, but even when I was younger I didn't have anyone so excitable." He asked, "Yeah? Well... have you ever slept with someone younger than you?" She thought about it and said, "No. Actually, they've always been older than me. Or the same age... What about you? Ever been with an older woman?" He said, "No, I don't think so. Usually my own age or a couple years younger." She stroked his chest and asked, "Who was your first?" And he smiled and said, "A girl from high school. My best friend actually. We thought we would just fuck each other and get the whole virginity thing over with." She laughed and said, "Wow. How did that turn out? Surely one of you liked the other?" He laughed too, "Yeah, we both liked each other, but didn't want to say anything about it. She went to California for college, and we knew it wouldn't work out long term, so we just stayed friends." She said, "That is unbelievably mature. I wish I had been so smart in high school. I had to fall in love and get my heart broken and lose my virginity all with the same person. I did have a good friend, a guy, who I totally could have fucked. But believe it or not, I thought it would screw up our friendship. But looking back, I feel like more friendships are enhanced by sex than hurt by it. But you know how it is around here, people think they have to be in love to have sex, or you're just being slutty." He said, "Yeah, especially for girls." They were both still laying on their sides, facing each other. He leaned his face into hers and kissed her cheek, then pushed his body against hers and whispered into her ear in a playful way, "Are you slutty?" She pushed her hips against him and giggled, saying, "For you, I am." And she kissed his lips. Then she said, "Really though, I guess I have the heart of a slut, but I don't actually carry it out so often. How often have you been with someone who you weren't, like, in a relationship with?" He said, "Not too many times." She said, "Any one-night stands? With total strangers?" He laughed, "Well, yeah. Once. At spring break. A bunch of us went to Florida. I met a girl down there. That was interesting." She laughed back, "Do you remember any of it?" He said, "Most of it. But we were pretty drunk. What about you? One night stands?" She said, "Unfortunately, no. I've never had the nerve. I've been to the beach a few times during Spring Break, and I get overwhelmed by the stupidity of it all and it always made me just want to stay sober and make fun of everyone else. I should have probably been having a good time though. I have a pretty lame sex life. Just a bunch of boyfriends for the most part. Well, and a professor or two." He opened his mouth in disbelief, and said, "No way. Here? At your grad program?" She smiled and said, "No, during undergrad. One was my freshman year religion professor, and when I wasn't his student any more, we... um... spent some time together. And the other was my professor while I was studying abroad in Germany." He said, "Wow! I can't believe that. I've never actually talked to anyone who fucked a professor for real. I mean, we all joke about it, but you actually did it!" She laughed and said, "Seriously, any girl who is in college with you is not going to say anything if she fucked a professor. Mostly because you're talking about a serious job-loss situation. So people usually stay pretty quiet." He said, "Well, I can't believe it. That is awesome. I thought I was brave coming onto you." She laughed and said, "Well, I didn't actually come onto either of them. I just reciprocated." He said, "That is crazy. But I have another question. Has everyone you've been with been able to make you come?" She said without hesitation, "No. My first few boyfriends didn't even try. Or didn't even know that was a thing. And I didn't either. It was actually the religion professor who got me the first time. And after that I started masturbating regularly - so I know how to get it done whenever I need to." She asked him, "Do you usually get girls to come?" He shrugged and said, "I mean, they usually say they do. But you hear that girls pretend, so I don't know what to believe. I mean, I really like foreplay, and I think that helps girls come." Deb interrupted and said, "Plus that big cock of yours. That's gotta help." He said, "I guess it doesn't hurt. Well, not usually. If she's wet enough." And he looked at her to see if she was laughing at his dumb joke. She laughed. She said, "Well, I like when you make me come. And I've never faked it for anyone. I don't see the point." They were still facing each other, and he put his hand on her hip and rolled her onto her back, and then rolled her again so she was on her side, facing away from him. He scooted up behind her and spooned her, pulling her closer to him, and he said more quietly, "Can I tell you a secret?" She said, "I guess. What is it?" He said, "I really like making you come." She pushed her butt against his crotch, and said, "And I really like when you do." He whispered into her ear, "Yeah, but I really like it. And I've wanted to do it for a long time." She said, "Yeah?" He said, "When we first started working together, the first time I knew I wanted you was when you yelled at one of the lifeguards." He smiled and let out a nervous chuckle. "I thought to myself about how badly I wanted to make you come. How those stupid guards waste so much time pissing you off, when I could spend all that energy making you so happy, making you smile and wiggle in my arms, and shake underneath me. How I would love to just make you come. Over and over and over again." She didn't know what to say. She liked the idea of this gorgeous man pining over her, and wanting to get her off time and time again. It got her hot just thinking about it. He put one hand on her hips and pulled her closer to him as he pushed his hardening cock against her ass. Then he moved his hand around to her pussy, and started very gently rubbing her clit. She moaned, and kept pushing her ass against him. He kept rubbing her clit, slowly pushing harder and harder. She turned her head so she could kiss him, and she said, "I love how you make me come. I want you to make me come. Rub my pussy, then start fucking me from behind. Fuck me with that big cock of yours and make me come all over it. If you don't, I'll get all worked up and start yelling at everyone." He kissed her as he kept rubbing her pussy, and then he said, "We can't have you yelling at anyone." And he whispered into her ear, tenderly, "I'll get you off. Don't worry." Then he kissed her again, harder and deeper than before. He pushed his tongue deep into her mouth, and she responded by pushing her ass harder against his cock. He reached further with his hand and put a finger into her pussy, and after a few strokes put two fingers in. Then he put in a third. She was very responsive, moving her hips with the rhythm of his finger thrusts, and sharply breathing in air when he added another finger. Her pussy was so tight, even though they had just fucked, she was still so tight. She was wet as hell, but she was tight. He couldn't wait to put his cock back in there. He couldn't wait to get her off again. He moved his hand around to her butt, and he squeezed her butt, then slid his hand down her ass crack, brushing her asshole, then putting his finger on her pussy opening, and pushing two fingers into her pussy from behind. She gasped again, and pushed back with her hips, fucking his fingers with her pussy. She had moved her hand to her clit, and she was ready to get off with just his fingers. But he wanted his cock to be inside of her when she came. So he pulled his fingers out, and positioned his hard cock at her opening, and let her slowly back herself into it. Once it was all the way inside of her, he thrust his hips forward, making her gasp, and he reached his hand back in front to play with her clit. She pushed her ass into him, rhythmically, and she grabbed his arm, the one that was busy playing with her clit. She started gasping and moaning as he fucked her from behind. He started kissing her neck, and biting her ear lobes, and then he moved his hand from her clit to grab her face to turn her head so he could kiss her lips. He put his tongue in her mouth, and she kissed him back vigorously, as he moved his hand back down to her clit. She knew she was getting close. It didn't take him long at all to get her to come. He was so efficient, and passionate. He got her so hot, so fast. She had already been close before he started kissing her. His kisses were so passionate, and so intense, that she couldn't believe he could kiss her like that, while playing with her clit and fucking her senseless. She lost track of time and just let herself melt into his gentle touches and passionate kisses until her hips started to shake, and she could feel her pussy getting even wetter in response to Burt's big, relentless cock. She whispered, "I'm going to come." And he kept kissing her, but nodded and moaned, "Mmm Hmmm" as encouragement. She said, "But I want you come with me. I want you to come when I do." He nodded again. Her hips shook again, and her pussy tightened up. She started really pushing against Burt's cock and rocking back and forth viciously. She couldn't control her hips, she was going to come hard. He felt her pussy tighten again, and as she pushed against his cock harder and harder, he couldn't hold it any longer. He wanted to explode as soon as she had asked for it. The only thing that stopped him was his desire for her to come fully and completely. As soon as he was sure she was in full orgasm, he would let go. He was going to come into her so hard. He had finally told her that he had wanted to make her come for about a year, and she didn't seem to think less of him. He wanted to make her come again right now. Her pussy started to spasm, tightening over and over again, squeezing his cock. She was screaming with every spasm, and saying, "Oh. Oh. Oh God. Yes. Yes. Your. Cock. Feels. So fucking goooooood." Once she let out a long, low moan, he knew that was her climax. He let go and came into her pussy. As he pushed his come into her, she yelled, "Yeees! Fucking yes! Your cock feels so good when it throbs!" She pushed her hips back once more, and he pushed his cock once more. And they both laid there, spooning. His arms were around her, and he kissed her shoulder. She said, "I like making you come too." And he smiled into her neck and then laid his head on her pillow, still holding her. She was about to fall asleep and she wanted him to stay the night. She wanted to cuddle like this all night. All she said before she fell fast asleep was, "The alarm is set for 7:00." And he let out a little grunt, acknowledging that he'd heard her before he fell asleep too. pics---->> http://bit.ly/1D1q3qp
Title: To Save Her Daddy's Life Ch. 01 Summary: Trapped on a mountain, they lost all inhibitions. Keywords: inc,fic,voyeur,father,daughter,hot,mf "You can see the problem, this storm out over the ocean," the air traffic controller pointed to the weather map. Jim nodded, he could see the tight lines of the isobars indicating a deep depression and the arrows indicating high winds. "The weather office reckons it will be here in about three hours. Down here at the airport it will be 10 below freezing with wind gusts up to 50 mph. Up in the mountains 30 degrees colder and gusts over 80. "It'll be here for three days, maybe three feet of snow." Jim cursed. This was supposed to be his farewell treat for his daughter Vicki. She had just left school and had won a scholarship to an overseas univeristy. He had wanted to take her on a mountain safari in his plane. A few years earlier he had quit his city job to return to the mountains he loved. He had sold his house and with the proceeds had purchased an elderly single engined Cessna. He specialized in flying tourists on hunting and fishing trips, off trail skiing in winter and general sight seeing. Early on he realized that he was working for his insurance company, his bank, aircraft maintenance companies and the government. His net income just about covered his living costs in a good year. This didn't concern him, he was in the mountains he loved, the safaris kept him fit and lean. He met a lot of people, only a few were difficult, most shared his thrill of being in the mountains. "Don't worry Daddy," Vicki gave him a hug. "There are lot's of other things we can do together." He looked at her. 18 years old, an elegant confident young woman, but he could still see traces of the child he had loved all these years. He had fallen in love with her the first time he held her as a new-born baby and their bond had grown ever since. He had divorced her mother after 10 years of increasing acrimony, but Vicki bore a strong resemblance to the stunning beauty he had married 20 years ago. She had her mother's long elegant legs and slim figure, but Vicki's dark, wavy hair flowing six inches below her shoulders showed some of her father's influence. At the small mountain airport there was no sign of the approaching storm. It was a brilliant, warm, early autumn day, not a cloud in the sky and almost no breeze. Vicki was wearing a light blouse and skirt while Jim was in a shirt and shorts. Joe, the air traffic controller saw the disappointment in her face. "Look Jim, you could do a quick trip to the glacier, 40 minutes each way, 20 minutes for a walk around, and you would still have over an hour's safety margin." Jim didn't like risk, but he saw the gleam of excitement in Vicki's face. "What the heck," he thought. "I won't be seeing her for at least a year." They took off. The elderly Cessna has skis fitted for landing on the glacier and had been checked overnight by the air mechanic. Jim had been worried by occasional misfires in the engine. "Injectors mate," said the mechanic whom Jim had not met before. "I fixed them so you'll be fine." They climbed quickly and a brilliant panorama opened out. Below were bright blue mountain lakes, ahead the high peaks of the main divide. The sky was still clear and the sun glinted off the snow on the higher peaks. They flew up the glacial valley. The mighty river of ice had hewn its valley over countless millennia. The steep rocky walls of the moraine towered on either side. At its widest the walls were almost a mile apart. As the glacier inched down its 12 mile length the surface varied. In some places it was steep with jumbled ice and deep blue crevasses, but in other places it was smooth and almost flat. A light covering of powder snow from the first falls of the season gleamed in the sun. Jim landed on the highest flat area as he had done a hundred times before. They got out, felt the warmth from the sun and felt exhilarated by the pristine landscape which they had to themselves. "Watch out Daddy," Vicki shrieked as his back was turned. Too late, the snowball hit him on the back, the cold snow penetrating his thin shirt. "This is so lovely," Vicki walked over to her father and put her arms around his neck. "I'm going to miss our times in the mountains together. "And I'm going to miss you so much, Daddy." She hugged him tightly. Jim put his arms around her shoulders, felt the tears welling in his eyes and couldn't say anything for a minute as they held each other. "Come on madam, time to get you out of here." He smacked her on the bottom. "That'll teach you to throw snowballs." They took off and headed to the main ridge 2000 feet above. Once there they could see the enormous black storm clouds advancing across the ocean. Jim banked the plane into a turn and headed for the airport. "Shit," he thought as he noticed that same misfire. Vicki, without his ear for the engine didn't notice. But she did notice a minute later when the engine cut out completely before spluttering back to life in a few seconds. "Daddy, what is it?" Her eyes were wide with fear. "Injectors. That fucking mechanic," cursed Jim. A minute later there was another cut-out and his mind was made up. They couldn't risk the 40 minute flight to the airport and would have to land on the glacier. "Joe," he called on the radio to air traffic control. "I've got an injector problem. I'm putting us down on the glacier. Can you get David to come and pick us up?" David was the only other pilot at the small airport qualified to land on the glacier. Joe shut his eyes in anguish. "Jim, David's gone fishing. We couldn't get him here inside two hours, by which time this airport will be snowed in." Jim patted Vicki on the knee. "Looks like a boring three days with your old man." "OK Joe, we'll be fine. I have a tent and sleeping-bags and enough food and fuel for a week." Vicki was very anxious but she felt a little better knowing that they had put the provisions for their trip in the plane the evening before. "OK sweetheart, we'll have about an hour and a half before the storm. We'll be busy." "I love you Daddy, I know I'll be safe with you" giving him a hug and a tender kiss on the cheek. There were two more misfires before they landed on almost the same spot as they had been half an hour before. The valley walls were too steep and rocky for a tent, they would have to take their chances out on the glacier. They set to work with an urgency. Although there were no clouds the wind was starting to pick up and the temperature was dropping. Jim took a spade and started to clear the loose powder snow from an area about 50 yards from where he had tethered the Cessna. Vicki unloaded their supplies from the plane. They each had a parka, not snow parkas, but at least they provided some protection from the wind. But their legs were bare. After 15 minutes Jim had cleared the powder snow from an area large enough for Vicki to erect their tent. It was a dual cover dome and she easily set it up as she had done many times before. The tent was designed for Antarctic blizzards and both knew it was up to the task. As Vicki put their supplies into the tent Jim piled and packed snow on the upwind side. This was to build a snow rampart as shelter from the icy blasts that were coming. As soon as she had everyting set up inside, Vicki took the other spade to work with her father. The first of the storm clouds appeared, dark and looming over the ridge. The wind was stronger lifting some powder snow from the ground. Frantically they both dug and packed down the snow for their rampart. It suddenly became darker and colder as the clouds covered the sun. "Ten more minutes," thought Jim. He could see Vicki shivering so he sent her inside to make some soup. It started to snow, the flakes coming almost horizontally in the strengthening wind and now Jim was starting to shiver. The rampart was better than he had anticipated; almost three feet high and more than twice as wide at its base. The height at the center of the dome tent was about five feet and he had to stoop as he stood. Vicki had laid out the two sleeping-bags side by side on foam plastic insulation mattresses. She was half in her sleeping-bag as she tended the soup on a gas burner she had placed above the head of their mattresses. "You look so cold." Jim took off his parka and lay on her sleeping bag as she put her arms around him in a bear hug. Then she showered the top of his head with soft kisses. "I'm so glad I have my brave Daddy to look after me." Then she bathed his feet with hot water to restore the circulation. "That's better," she giggled as she kissed each foot. "Your feet are so ugly." He wriggled into his sleeping-bag. With the soup and sleeping-bags they both started to warm up. "This is so snug. Did I do a good job setting up the tent Daddy?" "You did wonderfully Princess." He stroked the side of her face. She held his hand there, then kissed it. "This is so exciting. But Jim was gravely concerned. First he cursed himself for putting his daughter at risk. Then he was worried about the cold. The storm had not yet reached full force and the temperature was going to drop a lot more, especially at night. The tent was fine, it was hardly moving in the wind. If they had true alpine sleeping bags and thermal clothes they would have been fine. But they only had their thin summer clothes and the sleeping-bags were designed for lower altitudes where he always camped. "If it's going to be three days, I don't want this digging into me. No peeking." She fiddled under her blouse and removed her bra. Vicki never traveled anywhere without a book. "Could you read this to me, the way you used to read when I was little." So he started to read. At first his daughter cuddled up to him, her arm across his chest. But after ten minutes she felt the cold on her arm and snuggled back into her sleeping-bag. Jim continued to read, but after an hour started to feel the chill. "I'm starting to feel cold Daddy. Will it get much colder?" "I'm afraid so sweetheart. It's time for plan B." "What's plan B?" "You'll have to share a sleeping-bag with your grumpy old father." He looked to see her reaction, hoping she wouldn't be too shocked. But her face lit up. "Oh, that will be just like it was when I used to snuggle in bed with you and Mummy." But that was ten years ago. Now she was an elegantly beautiful young woman. They had always been "touchy" in a fond, affectionate, non-sexual way. They would hug tightly when they met, kiss each other's hair and cheeks and sometimes an affectionate pat. But these were always fleeting moments, now Jim was facing three days of constant contact. However, it was one sleeping-bag or freeze. Quickly he rearranged things. He took her foam plastic mattress to add to the insulation on the floor. Fortunately his sleeping-bag was a one and a half size. Some of his tourists needed that and more. Vicki was shivering by the time she wriggled in beside her father. There wasn't much room and he was aware of the shape of her body against him. She snuggled right down into the sleeping-bag, her head on his chest, her arms around him, his around her. He was very aware of her breath on his chest, of her firm bra-less breasts against his stomach, of her bare legs against his. "My legs are so cold Daddy." So he parted his legs and she slid one of hers beween his. He now realized that in her wriggling her skirt had been pushed up to her waist. He felt a warmth in his loins and a stirring of his penis as he stroked her hair. "No, this is my daughter, for heaven's sake." He forced himself to think of his last unpleasant meeting with his unpleasant bank manager. It didn't solve his problem, but it stopped it from getting worse for a while. Gradually Vicki stopped shivering and wriggled back up the sleeping-bag. He lay on his back, her head on his shoulder. Her leg was no longer between his legs, but lying across. They were both enjoying the book as he he read to her for a couple of hours. Then they chatted while Jim made some tea. "Do you remember my fourteenth birthday party?" How could he forget a group of 20 fourteen year old girls who had just started to flower as young women and were boy crazy. "You could have bonked Sandy, you know." "I know." He remembered Sandy well, very beautiful in a spoiled sort of way, very precocious and very up herself. She had come to him at the party and rubbed her young body against him. Jim had been forced to push her off. "Why didn't you?" "Number one, fourteen year olds aren't my scene, and definitely not Sandy. The way she talks it would have been all around your school the next week. And her father is a top lawyer with no sense of humor. There's a crime called Statutory Rape." "We had a vote as to who was the sexiest father. Guess who won." "I hate to think." "You did, my handsome Daddy," Vicky whispered in his ear. "Big deal," said Jim, but he was tingling from the touch of her lips. "Guess who I voted for." "Vicki, I really don't need to know." "You, my lovely sexy Daddy," she whispered in his ear again this time with a touch of her tongue. Her breath and touches sent the tingle right down his spine. "Victoria, I think we had better have a talk." "Shhh,Daddy," she put a finger to his lips. "You are so warm and cuddly." She pecked his face four or five times with her lips then cuddled into him, her head on his shoulder, breasts against his chest, bare leg over his. The only distraction he could think of was to continue to read. The storm had built up to its full force. The wind howled down the glacial vally. Their tent was firm, buffeted a little at the top, but rock solid at ground level. Someting else was rock solid and Jim was in a quandary. The warmth and softness of Vicki's body, her beauty, her affection and kisses had their inevitable effect. Fortunately he was on his back and her leg was below his waist. Perhaps she was unaware of his erection. "It will be dark soon, I had better check the tent." He wriggled out of the sleeping-bag and started to put on both parkas. Vicki watched, staring at his shorts. "So that's where the spare tent pole went," she giggled, but then concern showed on her face as she listened to the howling gale. She cut strips of blanket for him to wrap around his hands and face, but she was very scared and tears came to her eyes. "Please Daddy, be very careful. I don't want to lose you." She sat up and put her arms up to be hugged. Jim bent down to kiss her cheek, but somehow Vicki's face moved and their lips caressed. They looked into each other's eyes. "Daddy, I love you so much." Another kiss, this time with a brief touch of her tongue. He stated to say something. "Shhh, Daddy." Vicki put a finger on his lips. The cold hit him like a blast freezer. The heavy snow flakes were blowing across horizontally and Jim reckoned that with the wind chill factor it was at least minus 50. His legs were bare and none of his clothing provided real protection. "One minute or it will be hypothermia." He started counting. He crawled on his hands and knees. It was impossible to stand in the wind and at this level the rampart gave some protection. He quickly did his circuit. Vicki had done a great job, the tent pegs were fine. There was a little build up of snow but the rampart was working better than he had dared hope. He quickly cleared the small build up with his spade, but his count was almost 100 by the time he returned to the tent. He was shivering without control and his teeth were chattering. Tears came to Vicki's eyes when she saw him. She leaped up to take off his parkas and trainers as his hands were shaking too much. This time it was his turn to snuggle into the sleeping-bag, his head between her breasts, his leg between hers. She hugged her father tightly to her, kissing the top of his head. She was crying. "I thought you had died out there. You are so cold, you're freezing." She held him even tighter to her breast. In his painful freezing state Jim was aware of little except the life-restoring warmth of Vicki's soft flesh. Slowly he started to recover, to get control over his shivering. Vicki put his hands between her thighs to warm them, then returned her arms ro hold his face against her. Almost fully recovered he reluctantly left the warmth of Vicki's embrace and moved up the sleeping-bag beside her. He looked down at his daughter. Some of the buttons of her blouse had come undone in their manoeuvres and her left breast was fully exposed. She noticed him looking down adoringly at her body, at her perfect, nubile breast with its brown aureole and hardened nipple. "All your own work. Or at least half your own work." She looked at him steadily and made no effort to cover herself. Jim felt that events were getting out of control. He lay on his back and Vicki snuggled in. This time he was conscious that it was a bare breast against his chest, that her bare leg on his was even higher, almost to his crotch and he could feel her pubic bone against his thigh. Physically he was in heaven, mentally he was in hell. "Vicki, Princess, we must talk." "Shhh Daddy." He gave up. "Dinner time," he said, buttoning up her blouse and pushing her skirt below her waist. Vicki heated the stews while Jim worked on the sleeping bag that Vicki had initially been in. He unzipped it, then cut down the seam so that it could be laid out flat. Now they had an extra blanket for the night. After dinner they lay facing each other on their sides. The size of the sleeping bag meant their faces were only a foot apart. They had their arms loosely around each other. Vicki nudged her knee between his and without thinking he lifted his thigh to let hers go between his. "Vicki, your skirt spends more time above your waist than below it." "It's very hard in a sleeping-bag. In fact this skirt is an uncomfortable nuisance." She made no effort to straighten it. For two hours they talked. About the holidays and other times they had had together, about her school and friends, about his childhood and early life, about her plans for university. As they talked Jim looked at his daughter's face, thinking what a lovely person she was, how beautiful she was, how much he loved her. He fought the urge to wrap her in his arms and kiss her full red lips. "Could you tell me some of those stories you used to tell me when I was little." So he retold his make-believe stories from her childhood, about fearsome creatures. The nogard (dragon spelled backwards), regit (tiger), noil and drib. (Readers can work those out). As a child these stories used to thrill and scare her. Now she just listened in loving remembrance, hugging him tightly. When he finished she whispered in his ear, "You have always been such a lovely, exciting father." Jim was overcome with emotion. He leaned forward and kissed his daughter on the lips. Delicately she responded as his lips explored hers. She opened her mouth and their tongues entwined. Jim pulled back, his face a mixture of adoration and anguish. "Shhh, Daddy," Vicki sighed. "I'm tired and want to go to sleep." She rolled over so her back was against his in the spoon position. "Vicki, your skirt is around your waist again." "It's a bloody nuisance." She wriggled, took it off and threw it away. She was now only wearing a thin blouse and the scantiest of knickers. "And you mister," she said tugging at his shorts. "You take these off after you go outside the next time. They were freezing against my legs.In fact you should take them off now." He didn't. Vicki went to sleep quickly, but Jim's mind was in turmoil as he felt her warmth and softness against him. He had always adored Vicki, but that was as father and daughter. As her beauty flowered he had felt pride rather than sexual attraction. But he knew his paternal love was being joined by physical desire. Was it inevitable that he would give in? There were almost three more days of this. Perhaps it was the physical danger, their isolation and dependence on each other, perhaps the constant physical contact with her nubile body, perhaps a mixture of paternal adoration and mounting physical lust. But his rational mind rebelled, preventing him from taking that final carnal step. Somehow, he went to sleep as the wind howled. He woke with a start. Something was different. The wind had stopped howling so much, it was a lull in the storm. He noticed that other things were different as well. He had gone to sleep with his arm around the front of his daughter's shoulders. Now her blouse was almost completely undone, his right hand was on her naked breast and Vicki, fast asleep, was holding it there with both her hands. He had no idea how this had happened. He also had a rock-like erection which was pressed hard in the cleft between her buttocks. He could do nothing about his erection, but with difficulty removed his hand from Vicki's breast. This woke her. "What is it?" then she noticed the lower wind noise. "Is the storm finishing?" "No it's just a lull." He had seen the weather map. "But I need to check that the snow isn't building up, now that the wind doesn't blow so hard." "Please be careful Daddy. I'm so scared when you are out there." He wriggled out of the sleeping-bag and again put on his pathetically inadequate clothing. Vicki sat up, her breasts fully on display, her arms outstretched, fear etched in her face. He bent over to kiss her. This time both their mouths were open and their tongues touched. Jim stood up and Vicki stared at his shorts. "Please don't lose our tent pole." Again the blast freezer hit him. The wind was lower, but in the night the coldness was even more biting. More snow had built up around the base of the tent and it took him longer to clear it. By the time he returned his count was well over one hundred and again his shivering and teeth chattering were uncontrollable. Vicki was waiting with towels. She quickly took off his parkas, his trainers, his shorts this time, quickly rubbed his kegs dry and led him into the sleeping-bag. He snuggled down, she drew the top over his head and pushed his face into her naked breasts. She parted her legs for him to thrust one of his between, she put his cold hands between the top of her thighs. "Daddy, never stay out so long again. I really thought you were dead," she sobbed. She put her hands into his boxers and was horrified at how cold his penis was. She clasped both her hands around it. Jim was not even aware of her intimate fondle. His body screamed with the pain of the cold, he was only aware of the warmth of her body. But gradually he recovered. He bacame conscious of her breasts around his face, of his hands between her thighs, of her hands soothing his genitals. His attention to her breasts changed. He kissed her nipples, then sucked them. Vicki held his head to her breasts and continued to fondle his growing erection with her other hand. Jim moved up and started to kiss his daughter's wonderful mouth while continuing to pleasure her beautiful breasts. Their lips tantalised each others, their tongues fought an erotic duel until Vicki sucked her father's so hard it almost touched the back of her mouth. Vicki pushed Jim onto his back and lay on top of him, her legs astride his. Her exquiste face looked down, her hair hang down on either side of his face, enclosing them in a tiny erotic world. "Darling, darling Daddy," she sighed. They kissed and her saliva ran into his mouth. He thought it tasted like nectar from the Gods. Then Vicki moved forward and lowered her right breast into his mouth. He licked and sucked her hardened nipple and Vicki moaned as she ground her hips into her father. Then her left breast. After another minute of erotic biss Vicki moved down, Jim could feel her clitoral hood just touching the knob of his erection. Her hips ground into him as he put his hands inside her knickers and squeezed her buttocks. Her buttocks and thighs were so beautiful, they reminded him of how her mother's used to be. But that reminder of his former wife, Vicki's mother, brought him back to reality. He stopped. "I'm sorry my beautiful Victoria, I have to think." She moved onto her side, her back to him. She grasped his hand and put it over her damp knickers. He could feel the moisture and she ground her buttocks into his erection. "Daddy, why do I love you so much when you are such a bastard?" He retrieved his boxers from the bottom of the sleeping-bag and somehow they calmed down and went to sleep. Jim woke first next morning. He looked down at his daughter. She hadn't done up her blouse and her upper body was beautifully on display. he felt a conflict of guilts. Guilt that he had been so intimate with his daughter. Guilt that he had taken her to the brink and then unfairly stopped. Guilt as he looked down in wonder at her beauty. Vicki woke and looked up at his troubled face. She kissed his nose. "It's alright Daddy, I understand." They lay cuddling, not really knowing what to say. Vicki handed him the book and he read for half an hour. "I'll make some tea," said Vicki. The gas burner was above their heads and all she had to do was to move half way out of the sleeping-bag. Jim was treated to a slow motion view of teenage beauty in its utmost perfection. First her firm breasts passed within a few inches of his eyes. As she wriggled her brown aureoles bounced tantalizingly close. It took all his will-power to stop leaning forward to nibble them. Then her flat, smooth, slightly muscled belly. He could see how slim her waist was as her hips broadened out below. Vicki stopped her movements briefly as her navel was right in front of his eyes. God, how he would like to plunge his tongue in there. Her final position brought her knickers within six inches of his face. They were tight, tiny and semi-transparent. Jim could see the shape of her pubic mound and clitoral hood. Her pussy lips were plump and obvious and he saw how her knickers followed the line in between. His only defence was to close his eyes. But he couldn't close off her sexual, exotic, musky, feminine odors; he couldn't close off the warmth that radiated from her loins. "Tea's ready. You haven't gone to sleep again?" she asked seeing his closed eyes. But Jim was wide awake, his mind in torment, his erection painfully hard. Vicki wriggled back down. She must have noticed his erection but didn't mention it as the wind howled and they chatted. "Could I have another cup of tea please Daddy?" Jim knew what was going to happen. In a strange way he felt like a condemned man being led to the scaffold: absolutely no control over his destiny. He crawled up the sleeping-bag knowing his boxers were level with Vicki's face. He felt her hands go inside the gap at the front and fondle his erection. He stroked her hair and gently pushed her face forward. Without haste she extracted his engorged penis and softly put it in her mouth. He looked down at the beautiful, intensely loving face of his daughter, felt overwhelmed with his love for her and his passion and eased off his boxers. He turned off the gas burner, came down the sleeping-bag and they kissed without inhibitions. His hand went to her legs which Vicki parted. His fingers traced over her satiny firm inner thighs. she moaned as he moved to her pubic mound, still protected by her knickers. He caressed the soft flesh between the top of her thighs and her pussy lips. Vicki's hips writhed. She lifted her bottom and he eased her knickers down her legs. Now he caressed her outer labia and her clitoral hood. With his tongue in her mouth as far as Vicki could suck it, his fingers opened her inner labia and felt their glistening, warm slipperiness, then felt the wet smoothness of her engorged clitoris. Vicki moaned again. "It's time for you to fuck me with your lovely cock, darling Daddy." "Are you sure, sweetheart?" "Shhh, Daddy." With the same care and gentlness as he first held her as a baby, he entered her warm, moist, soft vagina. Slowly he enjoyed the rapturous pleasure of each millimeter. Once fully inside he didn't move. Vicki squeezed her vaginal muscles and they kissed and hugged. She wrapped her legs around his waist. That first time everything was in slow motion, as though they wanted to discover every secret and every reaction of each other's genitals. He found her G spot and caressed it to excitement. Three times he brought her to the brink and then stopped, wanting to extend the moment of bliss. The fourth time she came with a juddering "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh." With three more thrusts he came, his seed splashing onto his daughter's cervix. He sighed, "Oh my beautiful child." He looked into her face and was about to speak. "Shhhhh Daddy." She covered his face with soft, tickling kisses. They lay in each other's arms, his flaccid penis still inside, stroking each other, nibbling each other, kissing each other, giggling and whispering nonsense into each other's ears. His erection recovered. "It's time for you to be fucked again, beautiful Vicki," Jim's inhibitions were now completely gone. He ground his pubic bone and the base of his cock into Vicki's clitoris, he pushed hard into her cervix. He massaged her breast strongly with one hand, the other squeezed her buttocks. "Harder DaddeeeeyyYYOOoooooooooo." "Aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh," as the pressure on her clitoris brought her to a hip bouncing climax. She climaxed two more times before he ground his cock into her cervix, his pubic bone into hers and felt his climax surge from his loins, through his penis and into Vicki's womb. Sweating and panting they curled in each other's embrace. Vicki put a finger to her vagina then licked it. "You taste yummy." Then he explored her with his fingers and over the next half hour brought her to three orgasms with soothing caresses of her clitoris and G spot. She marveled in the tender expertise of his touch. It was as though he knew all her most responsive parts, could tell what aroused her and could bring her to ecstasy when he wanted. "Please Daddy, come inside me again." But this time he kissed her on the nose. "God is a woman and a man has only so many shots in his locker. And we've two more days here" But his exquisite fingers brought her quickly, God, embarrassingly quickly, to her most shuddering orgasm yet. "Two more days here, I wish we had two more years," thought Vicki as she lay panting and immobilized apart from the after-spasms in her loins. "Why did Mummy let him go?" But she knew that was a no-go area for discussion. Vicki cooked bacon and eggs with toast and coffee for breakfast. On the other burner they boiled up two large billy cans of water for washing. The temperature in the tent was icy cold but they stood up to give each other a quick flannel wash. Jim looked at his daughter adoringly. She was so beautiful, long dark hair flowing, firm brown tipped breasts bouncing as she danced with the cold; her narrow waist and flat stomach. Sparse, trimmed pubic hair didn't hide her plump labia and clitoral hood. As she stood on her toes to avoid the cold floor her long elegant legs were even more beautiful. Vicki was suddenly self conscious, even though they had made love twice and she had lost count of the number of orgasms she had had. She covered her breasts with one hand, her pussy with the other. Jim gently took her hands away, then stroked those parts she had tried to hide. "Dear Vicki, you are so wonderfully beautiful." They hugged and now reassured, Vicki took the opportunity to kneel down and put his penis in her mouth. "Daddy," she was upset. "I'm not doing it properly, you are just getting smaller and smaller." "Princess, not even your lovely mouth can't beat this cold." They dried each other and dived into the sleeping bag to warm up. Unlike many lovers they continued to kiss, they explored each other's bodies. Armpits, behind the knees, the soles of their feet. Vicki decided that all of her body was an erogenous zone. The morning was spent reading, chatting, giggling, tickling and almost platonically exploring each other's bodies. She learned all about his life from his childhood, he heard the stories of her life which she hadn't told him before. Sometimes they dozed off in a tight embrace. Still the wind howled and the tent was buffeted but remained secure. Daytime was a little less cold than at night and they found they didn't need the over-blanket from the second sleeping on top. Two bodies cuddled into one bag was enough. This gave Jim an idea. With spades, ice-axes and a gas cylinder he built a simple frame at the head of their sleeping bag. He took one of the foam mattresses and laid it under the frame. "What on earth are you doing Daddy?" asked Vicki. "Wait and see, I think you'll like it." He then draped the sleeping bag turned blanket over the frame and crawled back in. They had their own cocoon. "Oh it's dark in here, but its nice and snug," giggled Vicki. As they were now fully enclosed by sleeping bags, the trapped air soon warmed up. "Move up and lie under that frame darling daughter." Now she understood. She lay on her back, spread her legs and raised her knees for her father's face. Jim explored all her feminine intimacies with his tongue, his lips, his fingers and gently with his teeth. "Vicki you smell and taste and feel so muskily, femininely, exotically, sexually and erotically delicious." He pushed her knees back and licked and kissed her perineum and then all the way up to her pubic mound and the tops of her thighs. Vicki felt his tongue on her clitoris and she climaxed, almost in a dream where the only thing she was aware of was the pleasure sensation in her loins. For the next half hour she was in a mixture of torment and ecstasy. Torment because he would bring her to the brink and then unkindly back her down. Ecstasy when he had his lips on her clitoris and his fingers on her G spot and brought her to a seemingly endless wave of orgasms. Then he pushed her knees back again and softly licked from pubic mound to perineum. And a little further. It was the first time she had felt a tongue on her anus. Initially it seemed strange, but then she started to enjoy the probing sensations as he lingered. Jim could feel her start to get cold even with the cocoon. "Come back into the sleeping bag dear Vicki." "But Daddy, I want my turn on you." "So do I, but after you've warmed up." She snuggled into him soothing his erection with her fingers. "Daddy?" "Mmmmmmmmm." "Will I ever find a man who is good a lover as you." "Absolutely impossible," he joked. Vicki giggled, but felt that what her father had said was probably true. "Daddy?" "Mmmmmmmmm." "Your cock is so big I won't be able to put all of it in my mouth." "Sweet Vicki, cock sucking is more than cock swallowing. Sure it will be lovely to have my cock deep in your mouth but only go as far as you are comfortable, and remember there are lots of other things. Sometimes just licking my tip will be lovely." Reassured that she wasn't going to have her throat bashed the way she had with her two previous lovers, Vicki felt confident. "Daddy?" "Mmmmmmmmm." "I'm warm now." Jim moved up into the cocoon and Vicki put her mouth over his erection. How she loved the feeling of her father's masculinity and strength in her mouth and the delicacy of his testicles in her hands. Freed from what she thought was her obligation to only suck hard and swallow, she tried all sorts of experiments over his organ with her lips, tongue, teeth and fingers. She gently put his testicles in her mouth, she licked and nibbled his perineum, she probed his slit with her tongue, discovered all the sensitive parts of his knob and shaft. Vicki loved to feel his reactions. He started to sigh and his hips started to writhe. She moved her lips up and down his shaft, faster and sucking harder, pushing his knob into her throat. Then, remembering how he had taken her to the brink and back, slowed down. Another delight of oral sex came to her. It was such a giving thing. She loved to feel the pleasure she was able to give her father. She took him to the brink again, and again she slowed down. "Please Vicki,"he groaned. "Shhhh Daddy." Then he came, she sucked his juices, squeezed the tube under his penis to swallow every last drop, then lay, her head on his on his thigh with his soft penis still in her mouth. He stroked her hair and face. They would have been happy to stay like that, but this time it was Jim who started to shiver. He dismantled the cocoon and moved everything back to where it was before. "Daddy?" "Mmmmm." "I was right. Your spunk is so yummy." "Mmmmm." "Daddy?" "Mmmmmmmm." "I liked it when you licked my bum." "Good, I thought you did." "Do you like doing that?" "Only with someone I love." "Daddy?" "Mmmmmmmm." "Can we have anal sex?" "Are you sure you want to?" "With my darling Daddy yes. Boys want me to do it but I've always felt afraid and dirty. I'm afraid it would hurt. But I know you would never hurt me." "No Princess, I wouldn't." With a hug. "And I want it to be you who takes my anal virginity." "Mmmmmmmm." Another hug and kiss on the hair. "Daddy?" "Mmmmmmm." "Could we do it now please?" A gentle slap on the bottom. "I told you about shots in the locker. Anyway there are some things we need to do first." Lunch was tuna sandwiches, fruit and tea. Jim didn't think he would have to go outside and check again until evening. The base of the tent was solid, he could tell by the shape of the dome that there was no serious snow build up as the rampart was doing its job. They were never bored for a moment. They were enjoying the book, Vicki loved hearing her father read. But much of the time was spent in enchantment with each other and each other's bodies. They spent hours just passionately kissing, exploring each other's mouths and lips, her breasts. Sometimes he would idly fondle her her genitals, not always arousing Vicki, just tenderly exploring and owning. She did the same with his penis and testicles. His touching of her genitals was different now. Instead of his hand coming from the front, Vicki would lie on her side facing him and put her upper leg over his waist enabling him to come from behind. Now her anus was included in his wanderings. Always with a well lubricated finger. Initially her sphincter did as it was designed to and tightened. Gradually she and it became used to the touch. She clung to Jim more tightly and kissed him fervently. With only a little pressure the first joint of his index finger entered. "Squeeze and let go, lots of times Princess." She did so and gradually her anal muscle relaxed. She felt his finger fully inside her, right up to the knuckle. "Mmmm, that feels nice." She kept squeezing and relaxing and Jim gently pushed the perimeter of her anus. "Now you are relaxing, lovely girl." He was able to withdraw his finger completely and enter with very little pressure. Twice more that afternoon his fingers wandered and her sphincter offered less and less resistance. Evening came and with it the darkness. "I can't hear any wind. And look is that the moon?" There was a white glimmer in the ceiling of the tent. "Yes its the eye of the storm. It'll be like this for an hour or so. Come outside Vicki, you must see this. Bring your camera" Quickly they dressed. Jim grabbed the second sleeping bag and when they were outside draped it like a blanket around their shoulders. The scene which greeted them was a winter paradise. Above, the black sky was studded with stars, more stars than Vicki had ever seen. They seemed so big and close she felt she could almost touch them. Not a breath of wind. An enormous, silver full moon shone brightly. It cast a silver glow over the snow covered glacier The towering mountain peaks gleamed whitely and brightly, standing out from the black sky behind. Far below in the valley they could see the mountain lakes; silvery shimmers of moon-light. It was still freezing. Vicki snapped away with her camera, hoping that she would do justice to this haunting magnificence of nature. "What are you doing?" Jim had dashed inside and come out with a foam plastic mattress. He had taken off every stitch of clothing. Now he was standing on the mattress looking up at the sky his arms extended heavenwards, his body had a silver sheen in the moonlight. He howled like a wolf. "OOOOooooooooooowwWWWWwwooooooooooooooooOOOO" His howls echoed around the the glacial moraine. "You are completely mad." She snapped away at him with her camera. But then the infection caught her. She also stripped and joined him on the mattress. "OOOooooooooowwwWWWWwwwoooooooooooooooooooOOO" she howled and howled and the echoes howled back. She felt she was part of mother nature. They held each other's hand as they saluted the stars and moon together. "OOOOOOOOoooooooooowwwWWWWwwwooooooooooooooOOOOO" again and again, as if they were nature worshiping cave dwellers. He returned to the warmth of the sleeping-bag-blanket and snapped away at Vicki's silver body. She ran to him for warmth from the blanket and his embrace. "OooooowwwwoooooOOOO" they murmured into each other's ears. The idea struck them both at the same time. First Jim left the blanket and took up a variety of naked poses, in front of the tent, lying on his back on the snow rampart, in front of the mountains. Then Vicki. Her poses ranged from demure, provocative, erotic to downright pornographic. She forgot the cold and rolled in the snow. She lay on her back, arms and legs wide and beckoning. She insisted that Jim take closeups of her vulva and bum which she poked up into the moonlight. Her genitals were a glistening silver. They huddled together laughing in the blanket. The cold was starting to seep into them. Quickly they set the camera on auto shoot with 20 seconds between shots. They embraced in different poses, some demure, some like Vicki kneeling in front of Jim with his cock in her mouth were less demure. They started to shiver, the wind started to blow and some of the stars were lost behind the clouds. They howled a last mournful howl at the moon, dashed inside the tent, into their sleeping bag and hugged the warmth back into each other. They were laughing uncontrollably from the exhilaration of the moment. "Some of those photos will earn us a fortune on the net," giggled Vicki. "I'm not having any of me on the net with my cock so small from the cold." They both laughed knowing these would be private snaps for life. Their laughter changed to intimacy, their intimacy to passion. Jim's hands traveled her body, exciting Vicki even more than the first time she had felt his touch. Again her anus was included in his erotic exploration, again it resisted but less than before and soon two fingers were inside her bowel. He entered her vagina with his penis, keeping his fingers where they were and she felt the delight and intense orgasm from the double penetration. Jim did not come. "Lie on your side with your back to me, my beautiful Vicki and move your knees towards your chest." She did so as he covered his penis with olive oil. "Tell me if it hurts." "Shhhh, Daddy." There was only a little pressure required for his knob to enter and he went in two inches. She squeezed her anal muscle. "Daddy, I love you. Daddy, I love your cock. Daddy, I love your cock in my bum," she whispered. He gently commenced his rhythm. Her muscle had given up its fight and he was able to withdraw from her completely and re-enter with no resistance. He pushed until his loins were hard against her buttocks. Vicki's bowel felt erotically full, she gasped at the beautiful sensations of his penis along her smooth rectum wall and the lovely pressure through to her vagina. With her free hand she parted her buttock to let him enter more deeply. With his free hand he found her clitoris. "Please Daddy, as hard as you can." He couldn't stop himself from obeying her instructions. It was the most physically uninhibited lovemaking they had had. Her buttocks were flattened as he pounded. She shrieked as she came from a clitoral orgasm and still he kept thrusting. With a judder and surge which consumed her from her navel to her buttocks Vicki came again with an enormous orgasm. It seemed to come from her clitoris, her vagina and her ass at the same time. Jim grunted like an animal as he felt his orgasm surge, then repeated his wolf howl as he ejaculated into his daughter's bowel. They lay panting in that spoon position for ten minutes. Then Vicki rolled over and put her arms around her beloved father. "OOOoooooooowwWWwwooooooOOO" she whispered in his ear and giggled. The next day was spent in a continuation of loving sexual bliss. Jim was happy enough about the fuel supply to leave four gas burners on for hours. The temperature never got warm but by draping themselves with the second sleeping bag they could stay out of their main bed for some time before the cold sent them back. During these times, Jim took Vicki as she knelt in front of him, shoulders to the mattress, bum pointing towards the roof of the tent. The first time in her vagina, the second in her anus. Vicki knelt in front of Jim and after taking him to ecstasies he hadn't known with her mouth and throat, swilled her father's juices around her mouth before swallowing. Later he lay on his back and she knelt over him, facing his feet. She lowered her haunches so that he spent half an hour licking her vagina and anus and bringing her to orgasm again and again. They used the camera. Kathy spent a lot of time photographing his erection from different angles and distances. "So that the net surfers can see what you are really like." Some other photos were even more pornographic, others quite prim. Vicki realized they should take some "proper" photos to show people when they returned, so they snapped each other fully dressed. They laid out the two sleeping bags side by side to show how they might have slept Jim woke at dawn on the third morning. He could tell the storm was over. No breeze disturbed the tent and golden light from the sunrise glimmered through. He looked at his beautiful daughter beside him, tears in his eyes. His daughter awoke and without saying a word they made the most tender love for an hour. For both Jim and Vicki it was a mixture of love, tenderness, lust and sadness. They rediscovered every inch of each other's bodies. Jim brought Vicki to climaxes with his tongue, lips and fingers, and with his penis in her vagina, then her rectum. Solemnly Vicki knelt in front of Jim and tenderly licked their bodies' juices from his penis. They took a foam mattress outside and stood on it. It was a beautiful, warm, still morning, no cloud in the sky. The pristine snow glinted in the bright sunlight, the newly snow-covered peaks stood in brilliant contrast to the blue sky, the virginally white glacier stretched out below. Naked they raised their faces and arms to the azure heavens. "OOOOOooooooooooooooooooowww WWWWwwwooooooooooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOO." Jim and Vicki, father and daughter, danced and hugged and kissed and laughed and howled like wolves until they heard the rescue aircraft coming. to be continued.... For pics visit ---->> https://bit.ly/2ReHUJI
Title: Lingerie Shopping with Mom Summary: Pleasuring her son’s cock in the dressing room. Keywords:inc,fic,erotic,hot Nora was eager for Tom to come home that afternoon. She had pulled some strings the week before, so that her son would have his first summer job at a marketing and sales firm. It mostly involved menial tasks like product promotion, but the experience would be invaluable. She beamed when she saw him walk through the front door, looking quite professional in his new suit and sharp haircut. "How was your first day at work?" she smiled, looking him over. "You're like an actual businessman now." Tom took off his shoes and went to the living room where he dramatically crashed on the couch. On his way down, he dropped a small folder on the table. "It was fun, except I had to stand for about 10,000 hours," he whined, as he was prone to do. "I hate to break it to you, but there are 24 hours in a day, and you've only been gone for less than eight." "Some people age faster than others," he joked. Nora sat next to him. "You'll get used to it. And when you do, you'll find that working is highly rewarding. It'll allow you to support yourself financially. But more importantly, it's something which you'll take pride in." "I'm proud that I can still walk." "Come on, it couldn't have been that bad." "No, I guess not," he said, thinking to himself. "The boss is actually a really nice guy and he thinks I have potential. He told me that before I left today. Did you tell him to say that, Mom?" She shook her head and smirked. "Never in a million years. We just met for dinner last week and I negotiated this favor. He only agreed to hire you for the summer. Anything more, was not my doing." "Whatever you did, really made an impression. Anyway, he talked about how the company plans to expand over the next three years. Which means, I could potentially land a real job after graduation. I just need to prove myself." They both contained their joy over the news. "How exactly would you prove yourself?" she asked. "The basics. I'd have to show that I'm a great salesman with creative marketing ideas designed for difficult products. Keep in mind, competition is fierce. There are super smart college students who've been there longer." "Well, a good work ethic is just as important as intellect, and you, my dear, have both. If you want my advice, it's quality over quantity. Strategy is key. So if you think hard enough and stay focused, you'll have a strong chance." "Even selling lingerie?" he asked, half jokingly. "What do you mean?" Nora raised an eyebrow, analyzing the situation in her head. "They're mainly selling lingerie now?" "They sell a lot of things, but the good stuff is lingerie. From a strategy standpoint, if I can sell large quantities of the premium stuff, I'll be on the fast track to a full-time job with the company. Unfortunately, I have absolutely no clue how to sell women's underwear." "You'll never get anywhere in life with that attitude, Mister," she chided. "You are handsome, funny and smart. Use those qualities to your advantage! Start small and work your way up to more difficult tasks. Challenge yourself." Tom was unimpressed by his mom's pep talk . "Oh yeah? So how do you expect me to sell lingerie that's worth thousands of dollars?" "Thousands of dollars? Are you serious?" "It's a high quality, expensive brand, worth a few thousand dollars a set. Here, have a look for yourself." Nora took the stack of flyers on the table, inside the folder. She sifted through the papers, scanning for relevant information. With her work experience, a quick look was all she needed to get a clear understanding of the business model. She nodded. "You're right. Premium stuff. Some of these are couture pieces and collector's items." "I've never heard of that. Is it worth it?" "Wealthy men adore seeing their wives in these extravagant outfits, or their mistresses, if we're being honest. Women love them too, obviously. They look and feel amazing. No offense, but you're a 21 year old guy and I wouldn't expect you to understand." "My point exactly! I'm at a huge disadvantage. I wouldn't know how to pitch these items to rich older women. And secondly, my competitors are college girls. They know a lot more than I do." Nora instantly saw his point. She set her mind to coming up with a path to success for her beloved son. An awkward and unusual plan soon formulated in her brain. The question was, would Tom be up for the scheme? "You're right," she acknowledged. "You're at a big disadvantage here." "So I'm officially screwed." "Not quite," she said coyly. "What do you mean? Do you have any secret marketing tips?" "No, but the answer is simple," she said. "Remember when you were young and sold candy for a school fundraiser? I bought most of them from you." "That's chocolate," he pointed out. "They were about 2 dollars each. The lingerie we're talking about is worth thousands." "I'll consider this an investment in your future," she smiled serenely. Tom scooted closer. "Wait a second, you're going to buy some lingerie on my behalf?" "Yes," she beamed with maternal pride. "Awesome, thanks!" he exclaimed, before coming back to reality. "Are you sure though? It's expensive. I mean, you don't have to spend this much money if it's going to be a problem." Again, Nora flipped through the papers. She studied the pictures, descriptions and cost of the undergarments. "Of course I'm sure," she reaffirmed. "These items are gorgeous and it'll help your budding career. It's a win-win situation. I'll get some sexy lingerie and you can show your boss what a masterful salesman you are." "You're the best." "I know I am, but there's just one catch," she said, looking at him with a serious expression. "What is it?" "I know the perfect place to buy these items," Nora explained. "The owner is very smart, lovely, and knowledgeable. The only problem is, she's very particular about her customers." "How so?" Nora cleared her throat, shifted on the couch and gestured broadly by making circular movements with her hands. She spoke slowly. "It means... she only sells the best items to... couples, or to people she deems worthy. Does that make sense?" The innuendo in Nora's voice was unmistakable. She was certain that Tom would pick up on it. Sure enough, he caught on. "You want us to act like a couple," Tom said plainly. "Basically. Just act like we're together and let me do all the talking. Are you okay with that? It might be weird, but it's worth it." "I had no idea lingerie was such a big deal. It's like we're conducting a drug deal or something." She looked him dead in the eyes. "Trust me, you're about to find out why women love lingerie so much. This is top of the line stuff." "Whatever you say. Do you think she'll catch on that I'm your son?" "Maybe." "Maybe? Please don't tell me she's going to do a background check on us." Nora giggled. "No, but she might. Look, this woman is extremely particular about her clients and high-end products. I really respect that. You just need to play the part. Believe me, you'll understand once you're there." "Probably not. But if you're willing to spend the money, then I'll behave professionally. Let's go this weekend." "Great. I'll call and make an appointment." "You need an appointment to buy lingerie?" he asked in disbelief. "Only for special purchases. Trust me on this." She patted her son on the shoulder and bent over to give him a kiss on the forehead. She arranged the papers and put them back in the folder. It was time to schedule their shopping spree. Deep down, she was certain this was the right course of action, for Tom's sake. *** The boutique was an elegant little place on the outskirts of the city. Meiko, a middle-aged Japanese woman, took an amazing amount of pride in her work. In fact, she viewed her business as a service to the community. To her, proper lingerie and undergarments were critical components of a fulfilling sex life, and a satisfying sex life was the key to a happy marriage. Luckily, with an 8 am appointment, they'd have the place to themselves. It saved them from having to share the dressing area with strangers. "Meiko, it's lovely to see you again," Nora smiled, shaking hands. "Welcome back Nora," Mieko greeted warmly with a Japanese accent. "My helper is unavailable today, so I'll personally handle all of your needs. I see you've brought a guest." Nora smiled and gestured to her son. "This is Tom. He's... well... let's just say that I'm purchasing these items for his benefit." "Oh my," Meiko blushed. "Nora, I'm so happy for you!" As Meiko looked Tom over, Nora suddenly felt self-conscious at the notion of being involved with a man nearly half her age. But she had been expecting that; it was price she was willing to pay. "Thank you," Nora said with a fake smile, hoping the store owner wouldn't pry further. "We're here because I'd like to make some special purchases." "How special?" Nora reached in her purse and handed the store owner a handwritten list of items. Meiko looked over the paper thoughtfully. "We have these in stock, yes," Meiko said, her eyes still on the paper. "Very special items. I will bring them from the back and you can choose the ones you you like." "I'd like to buy everything on the list." Meiko smiled as she shifted her gaze to the couple. "Oh my, such exquisite taste." "Only the best for us," Nora replied, playing along while she stroked Tom's arm. "Why not? I'm with someone I love and I only want the finest." "Excellent. I still have your measurements on file. The process should be rather simple." "Well, can we skip that part today? I'm confident they'll fit perfectly." "As you know, I have a strict policy regarding returns and refunds. We'll need to make sure each item is the right size and to your liking. I would be doing you a great disservice if I allowed you to spend so much money on unflattering lingerie. And we need to make sure it has the desired effect." Nora had anticipated this, knowing Meiko's reputation as a consummate professional. It might not be a big deal, she thought. Tom was used to seeing her in a bikini. But the idea of modeling lingerie in front of him did make her feel somewhat uneasy. Was it worth it? Absolutely. Rather unexpectedly, she felt a twinge of excitement and noted a hint of moisture between her legs. "That's no problem at all," Nora smiled, mechanically. "I'll be happy to try them on first." Meiko bowed. "In five minutes, I'd like both of you to meet me in the dressing area." "Both of us?" Nora asked, instantly trying to hide her discomfort. "Yes, of course. Tom's reaction to each article of lingerie is the reason we're here." "Oh, right." For the second time, Nora flashed a fake smile, which seemed authentic enough. Nodding slightly, Meiko retreated to find the special lingerie items in her storage room. In the main area of the shop, Nora and Tom each had a mildly dumbfounded look on their faces. "Don't worry," Tom said quietly. "I'll look away. Or I'll just quickly approve each item." "Knowing Meiko, it won't be that easy. The last time, I stayed for nearly an hour, and that was just to buy a matching pair of bra and panties." "Jeez, then why do you come here?" "Because Meiko is the best," Nora answered. "She knows the most and has the largest collection of special lingerie." "Thanks. I really appreciate this, Mom." "Don't thank me yet. Let's pray she does things quickly today, although I doubt she will." Tom thought for a moment.. "What do we do if, you know, she makes you model the lingerie?" "I'm not sure. How do you feel about this crazy plan?" Nora went straight to mom-mode and scanned Tom's eyes, noting his every reaction. As always, she wanted the truth out of him. "Promise you won't be upset?" he asked. "I swear." "You're right about Meiko. She seems extremely dedicated and precise. So in my opinion, the only way to finish this is to give her what she wants." Nora's left eyebrow arched. "Which is?" "Certainty. I'll pretend to fawn all over you, within reason, of course. I inspect the first outfit closely and then approve of the size and material. That way, it'll look like I did my due diligence and that we're sure about our decision." This was unusual, Nora thought. For the first time ever, her mom-radar was unable to successfully scan her son. It was a matter which would have to be resolved later. Tom had a point; this seemed like the only way to accomplish their goal. "Fine," she said. "But there's one more thing." "Yes?" "You probably don't know this, but it's common for women to be naked during these fittings. Meiko has seen me nude before. I'm fine with that. Do you know who won't be seeing me naked though?" "Who?" "You," Nora answered, abruptly. "Not one peek...not even a glance. Nothing. Just act the part and agree with whatever I say. Are we clear?" Tom gulped. "Yes, we're clear." A beep occurred on Nora's mom-radar. She had detected something... familiar. She sensed Tom was mildly aroused. At least he had the decency to suppress his naughty feelings, she thought. Nora patted his shoulder. "Good. Now let's head to the dressing room. She must be ready by now." *** The changing area was posh and catered to women. It was clean with good lighting. There was also a large, three-way mirror at the end. The whole space was designed to give women the ability to view themselves from all angles. Meiko was there, laying out the assortment of bras, panties, garters and stockings on a round table. For a woman like Nora, this was heaven. Her eyes feasted on the variety. All she could think about was how the luxurious material would feel on her skin, and more importantly, how sexy she would look when wearing the intimate items. "All done," Meiko politely smiled. "You have impeccable timing." Nora continued to take in the sight. "When it comes to this kind of lingerie, I'll never be late." "Very good. Let's begin. Please, undress completely." It was the moment of truth. Nora glanced at her son, sending him the signal to either turn his head or leave. Tom said, "You two ladies take your time. I'd love to check out the boutique. Let me know when you're done." "That is unwise," Meiko said, a hint of authority in her voice. "This lingerie is for your pleasure. The material is pristine and rather expensive. You must examine all critical stages." This was a startling development. Nora knew Meiko meant business and avoided raising suspicion. She didn't want to blow the deal, or worse, be banned from Meiko's store. Nora nodded her head, in fake agreement. "That makes sense, Meiko. This is a delicate decision." Nora shot her son a death glare, which was her subtle (and non-verbal) way of warning him not to look at her naked body. She wondered if Tom got the hint. Her mom-radar drew another blank, since this was uncharted territory in their mother/son relationship. To her surprise (although, unsurprised...), Tom just stood there and gawked. It quickly became apparent that he wasn't planning to budge or turn away from the show. Nora was trapped. Undressing in front of her own son? It was too unnatural! Her eyes glanced at the lingerie on the table. She had to shake off her discomfort if she wanted to help Tom land a job. And the stunning undergarments motivated her too. Being the good mother she was, Nora began to undress. She started with her heels and stood barefoot on the floor. Then she worked her way out of her plain white t-shirt and jeans. Down to her bra and panties, she was mildly embarrassed for Tom to see her like this. She hoped he wouldn't tease her about it later. Turning away from him, she removed her last pieces of clothing. It wouldn't be too bad if Tom saw her bare ass. That, she could live with. Unfortunately, as Nora had turned her back to Tom, she noticed the three-way mirrors on the wall. It gave Tom a complete view of her body! Using the reflection from the mirror, she shot her son another death glare, but to no avail. Tom didn't shift his eyes. Stunned, Nora wondered if Tom was eager to watch, or he simply couldn't pick up on her non-verbal cues which requested privacy. That horny little bastard! As if to confirm her suspicions, Tom smirked while she watched in disbelief. Nora stood at a crossroads. Should she at least try to maintain some sort of maternal dignity? Peeved, she realized there was no way to position herself in order to minimize his visual access. After taking a deep breath, she faced the center mirror and moved her hands back to unclasp her bra. The sonar function of her mom-radar went into overdrive as she unhooked her bra. Without even looking at Tom, she knew he was most certainly fidgeting. Using only her fingertips to lower the straps, she imagined him peering closely at her nearly naked body. She looked in the mirror, confirming her suspicions. Her son looked like he was watching a peep show. They maintained eye contact and she seductively bit her lower lip. When the bra came off, she used both hands to cup her beautiful breasts. Her large brown nipples were hard and difficult to contain. Knowing they would certainly catch his attention, she relented and decided to proudly reveal them. She put her hands down, freeing her breasts. Her brown nipples turned even harder from their sudden exposure to her son. Was it possible that she was becoming aroused? Nora noticed Tom's eyes shift from her face to her generous breasts. Watching him, she fleetingly wondered if he was hiding an erection as he shuffled in place. It couldn't be... could it? One thing was clear, Tom had no intention of looking away. Nora had to admit it to herself, but knowing her son was sporting an erection was strangely erotic. Normally she'd be ashamed, but this was a unique circumstance. She contemplated the best way to remove her panties, especially since they had become so damp. Hooking her thumbs in the waistband, she shimmied them down her curvy hips and over her tight ass. When they were at the level of her mid-thigh, she let go. They dropped to her ankles, and she stepped out of them, seductively. No one saw the wet stain inside her panties: Mission accomplished! She continued to study Tom and noticed his eyebrows rise as his gaze focused on her pelvis. Nora was fond of Brazilian waxes and so, she stood with a completely bald pussy in front of her son. Thankfully, Meiko broke the awkward silence. "Nora, let's start with the black embroidered bra, open panties, garter belt and stockings." Nora decided to start with the bra. It was so delicate, she was almost afraid to touch the sheer material. She put her hands through the straps and Meiko clasped it for her. The elegant setting framed the buds perfectly. Nora gasped and involuntarily moved her hands to gently trace the outline of her own breasts, quite taken by the image. The sheer black panties came next. They were crotchless and made to be worn while fucking. Stepping into the exquisite panties, she adjusted them on her hips. Again, she was struck by the fine craftsmanship of the beautiful piece as she looked in each mirror to appreciate her reflection. Picking up the garter, she stepped through the center and settled it on her waist. The advantage of crotchless panties was that it didn't matter in what order she dressed. Absolutely nothing needed to be removed prior to sex. Finally, she moved to the stockings. Placing one foot on the stool, she unfurled the silky material up her shapely leg and repeated it on the other side. They were clipped in place on the garter belt and Nora suddenly felt sexy, wrapped in the expensive lingerie. Nora didn't look at Tom, but felt the heat from his eyes on her body. Stepping forward, she boldly met his gaze with the confidence of a woman who was comfortable in her sexuality. Yes, she was his mother, but she also looked hot and wanted him to acknowledge that fact. "Nora, you are absolutely stunning," Meiko gushed with sincerity. "Better than the models in the magazines. Your partner is so lucky." Nora raised an eyebrow, "Do you agree, Dear?" "Without a doubt," Tom confirmed, trying not to sound so brazen about his overwhelming approval. "This looks amazing, Mom... err, I meant... this is a momentous occasion. Sorry, you look so hot that I'm tripping over my words." Nora appreciated his smooth recovery after calling her 'Mom.' All Nora could do was find humor in the situation. And if she were honest with herself, it was a nice affirmation that she could still attract a younger man. That it was her son was mildly disturbing, but she tried to be professional about it. After all, she reminded herself, this was mom business. It was a means to an end and would hopefully be worth the effort. "Now we must make sure the fit is perfect," Meiko said. "Outwardly, it is very flattering. The size and color are just right. It's sophisticated and provocative. But seduction requires body movement. Let's see if the set hugs your body when you move." There was no getting around this hurdle, so Nora decided to have some fun with this unusual situation. She flashed Tom a wry smile and struck a pose. Swinging her hips to the left, she stuck her chest out and smiled. Nora felt oddly fulfilled watching Tom's face turn red, and decided to try a more serious position. Placing her hand on her thighs, she bent forward and shook her ass in his general direction. "Tom, you seem very pleased with Nora's lingerie set," Meiko pointed out, gesturing to his crotch. "I know you will make Nora very happy tonight." Nora felt silent outrage when she saw Meiko bring her hand to Tom's crotch and softly caress what appeared to be a bulging erection through his pants. As if petting a hamster, Meiko continued to stroke the fullness between his thighs. Outraged, Nora couldn't believe Meiko was actually rubbing the erection she had created! No, no, no! This simply wouldn't do! Meiko had nothing to do with that erection, yet there she stood, fondling it like she owned it. "Tom doesn't like being touched," Nora fibbed. "He has a psychological condition which makes him uncomfortable with physical intimacy. It's quite sad. Luckily, I'm working through his problem." Meiko genuinely seemed shocked and immediately pulled her hand away. Good manners and grace were very important to her and she was embarrassed to have violated that principle. "My deepest apologies," Meiko said to Tom. "It was my mistake. Only Nora should be touching you in this area. Please, go to Nora. We need to make sure the fit is perfect before making such a big purchase." Tom attempted to do the right thing, stammering, "Um...that's...that's not necessary. But thanks anyway. She looks great." "Appearances only go so far," Meiko insisted, refusing to take 'no' for an answer. "You need to feel the material on her body. If the lingerie isn't to your taste, thousands of dollars will be wasted." When the mom/son duo locked eyes, Nora gave a faint nod, signally that it was okay to take things a step further. Nora stood still watching as her son approached her, struggling to control his lust. She knew, positively, that Tom wanted to devour her in every sense of the word. Suddenly, they were face to face. When Tom placed his hands on her shoulders, Nora didn't flinch. Meiko said, "Tom, please move your hands to Nora's bra. Does the material feel sexy to you?" It was completely surreal to Nora as Tom cupped each breast. She allowed him to explore the material with his fingers, as well as squeezing her tits ever so gently. Meiko spoke again, "Tom, please examine Nora's panties. There's an opening between her legs for intercourse. Is it to your liking? Will the opening be big enough?" Looking at each other with complete honesty, Nora nodded an approval to her son. They had already come this far and the transaction was almost done. She let Tom reach below, so that his fingers could purposely probe until finding her sweet spot. When he touched her labia, she couldn't help but moan. Nora was quickly spiraling into her own sexual frenzy. "What do you think?" Meiko inquired in a clinical tone. "Is the opening in the panties big enough for your penis?" "I'm not so sure," Tom said mischievously. Nora's jaw dropped. What a pervert! Meiko spoke definitively. "There is one way to find the answer. Tom, you must place your hard penis inside Nora while she is wearing the whole ensemble." Tom nodded. "Meiko is the expert. We should take her advice." Those words came as a complete shock. Nora attempted to send a subliminal mom-message to her son, scolding him severely, but it was hopeless. Tom was either oblivious or pretending to be ignorant. Nora sighed her surrender. At this point, her pussy was desperate and her heart was full of lust over this incestuous exhibition in the dressing room. "We might as well," Nora shrugged. "I'm paying a lot of money for this, so the least you can do is give me an orgasm in return." That was it. The wheels were in motion. She watched as Meiko gestured for Tom to remove his clothes, which he did shyly. For the first time in her life, Nora watched her son nervously undressing, until his fully erect cock was exposed. When Meiko guided Tom to sit on an armless chair, Nora knew exactly what to do. She placed her hands on her son's shoulders and positioned her legs on either side of the seat. She looked down at Tom's face before lowering herself onto his lap. His eyes shone with lust and excitement. Nora's pussy was spread wide open and positioned above his cock. Meiko whispered, "I'll make sure Tom's penis goes in smoothly. I don't want it getting tangled in the material." With the store owner holding Tom's cock in a firm position, Nora lowered herself until her labia was spread and her pussy penetrated. Meiko had unintentionally facilitated an incestuous union. Nora held her son's chest. "Let me do the work. Consider this your tutorial into the world of women's lingerie, and also a Business 101 course." Acting like this wasn't incest was the hardest part for Nora. But it was a necessity. Sure, this could have been avoided, but her pussy loved being stretched by her son's hard cock. She slowly rocked back and forth while watching Tom's euphoric expression. Building speed, Nora had to grasp his shoulders to steady herself. As she gyrated on her son's cock, Nora turned her gaze to Meiko and watched as the normally reserved store owner slipped a hand beneath her own skirt. Meiko was quietly masturbating while watching them fuck! She looked horny and shy at the same time, which was highly arousing to Nora. Nora rode Tom harder, because it felt marvelous to be fucked so passionately by her own son. But for some reason, she couldn't peel her eyes away from Meiko, who delicately fingered her own pussy. Due to the extremely lewd situation, Nora felt herself approaching what promised to be an epic orgasm. She frantically moved up, down, forward and back in search of the sweet spot. Having raised a gentleman, Nora was happy to see Tom let her take full control. "I'm almost there," Nora whispered to her son, while still maintaining eye contact with the masturbating Meiko. "I think I deserve to cum first." Nora moaned as her release neared. Her climax was triggered when her son abruptly grabbed her face, pulled her towards him, and planted a wet kiss on her mouth. Nora's rapturous scream was muffled by Tom's tongue. Her body shook with the force of a tsunami and her cunt squeezed his dick with rhythmic precision. Struggling to keep her eyes open, Nora was treated to the most amazing sight. As her pussy rippled, Tom's orgasm began. She felt him tense, then jerk repeatedly. While his eyes rolled back in his head, Tom's cock twitched as his load spurted into Nora's womb. "Oh god," Tom mumbed. "I can't believe we did that." When their combined convulsions ceased, Nora looked deeply into Tom's eyes. There was no embarrassment, just an expression of unadulterated love. Nora then smiled at Meiko, while still panting from her recent exertion. "Meiko, I'm exhausted. And I am positive these undergarments fit properly because I've just had the most amazing sex of my life while wearing them. Can we call it a day? I'd like to buy all of these items." Meiko snapped out of her trance and pulled her hand from her skirt. Moving quickly, she put her hand behind her back after realizing her fingers were drenched. "Of course, right away," Meiko said, hurriedly. "I will be right back with the bill." The store owner briskly stepped away and headed for the register. She appeared mortified, having been caught masturbating in front of customers. *** Nora looked closely at Tom when they were alone in the dressing room. Both of them were still trying to catch their breath, with beads of sweat formed around their eyebrows. She felt his cock softening inside her, while trying to sort out her myriad of emotions. "Satisfied?" she asked playfully. He gulped. "With what?" "I don't know, maybe your fast-track to a new job? My pussy? Your orgasm? Do any of those ring a bell?" "I owe you big time for this. Anything you want, Mom." She gave him a peck on the cheek. "It's my job to help you succeed. Then when I get older, you have to take care of me in return. That's how this works." "If I had only learned this lesson sooner." Tom pulled her close and planted a big, wet kiss on her lips. She indulged him by briefly slipping her tongue in his mouth. After a few seconds, the kiss rapidly grew in force until Nora pulled away and put her finger on his lips. "Control yourself," she chastised him, still using her finger to keep him quiet. "Just because we had sex and you're still inside me, doesn't make this right. As your mother, I will not condone this behavior. We only did what we had to do. Like I said before, it's Business 101. Do not expect a repeat performance." He nodded. "Mmm Hmmm..." "Very funny," she said, pulling her finger away. "You may speak now." "Thanks so much, for everything." "It was my pleasure." Nora rose to her feet and looked down between her legs, seeing a trail of cum that connected his penis to her gaping pussy. When she stood, more fluids leaked onto her thighs. It was a mixture of Tom's cum and her own pussy juice. Seeing nothing in the room to use as a wipe, she reached below and scooped the cum-mixture with her fingers. She brought it to her mouth and slurped it clean. She had always enjoyed the taste of cum, though eating it in front of her son wasn't the ideal thing to do. She almost chuckled at the shock on Tom's face. Then her eyes shifted down to his cum-drenched cock, which looked as though it twitched! "What's that?" she asked, licking more of their 'family recipe' from her fingers. "Did your penis..." "Sorry, but watching you... you know, eating cum... was extremely hot." It was true; Nora had a cum fetish... an acquired taste. She enjoyed where it came from and what it represented. At this point in the day, she certainly wasn't shy about being herself. Her son's cum looked so good, she just couldn't resist the residual left on his cock. She complained. "I can't let you leave here with an erect, cum covered penis. Meiko will think we're sex maniacs. Besides, your underwear will be ruined." "It's okay, I..." "So you don't need any help?" she asked in a spirited tone. Tom caught on to her ploy. "Actually, yeah. Meiko is such a nice woman that I'd hate to leave stains on her carpet." "Well then, let me take care of it for you. Again, part of doing business is showing courtesy towards your partners. In this instance, it would be extremely rude to stain Meiko's carpets with cum. That's Business 101." Nora sank to her knees and pushed Tom's thighs apart. She lowered her head licked Tom's cock to bring it back to life. It tasted like sex and that drove her wild. The cock stiffened, though not as much as before. After wetting her lips, she dove down and stuffed her son's cock with her mouth. During each pass of her head, more of his cock was sucked into her warm, wet cavity. "Fuuuck," Tom groaned. Spurred on by his appreciation of her effort, Nora decided to give Tom a special treat. She took him to the back of her throat and moaned, knowing the vibration would feel good on his dick. She also massaged his balls ever so gently. When Tom sharply inhaled and began to buck, she could tell he was enjoying the oral attention. Nora heard the familiar sound of Meiko's footsteps re-entering the dressing room. When the clicking of heels suddenly stopped, Nora looked up with the dick still in her mouth, to see Meiko standing there, frozen in place with a case containing the bill for the lingerie. In spite of a hard cock between her lips, Nora managed a smile in the midst of a skillful blowjob. She winked at Meiko before spitting out Tom's cock, in a most unladylike fashion. When Nora briefly raised her head, a trail of saliva and cum hung from her lips. She continued to work the wet cock with both hands, as if it was an everyday occurrence. "You're back so soon," Nora said, continuing to stroke her hard son while on her knees. "We didn't want to leak anything onto your carpet." Meiko slowly nodded. "Yes... please... take your time. My carpet is also very valuable." With full permission now, Nora returned to her task and regained rhythm on Tom's wet cock. This exercise in deviance was far too enjoyable. There was something extra gratifying in this act. Nora had pushed all her boundaries today, by first stripping, then fucking, then sucking Tom's cum from his cock. At some point, she had given herself completely over to the moment and had no intention of stopping. Being naughty in front of Meiko was just the cherry on top. Nora decided to really put on a show. The volume of her moans increased and she wiggled her ass like a pro. She stroked faster, gripped harder, and tightened her suction. Nora suddenly paused and kept Tom's cock at the back of her throat and swallowed him down into her tight tunnel. Deep throating was a highly coveted skill, and had worked the week before, when Nora did it to Tom's boss in order to secure his part-time job. She was proud to now share this skill with her son. Tom lurched and grabbed Nora's head, fisting his hands with her hair. Swept up in the moment, Tom accidentally made a major slip. "Oh fuck, Mom!!!" he groaned, sinking into the chair. "You're an amazing cocksucker." With her throat full of cock, Nora's eyes widened. Panic set in now that their incestuous affair had been exposed. Slowly, she pulled back from her throat, while still sucking her son's cock. She shifted her gaze towards Meiko while her lips remained around Tom's head. As expected, Meiko was absolutely flabbergasted and astonished. On top of that, the store owner breathed harder and began to masturbate once more. Surprised to see Meiko turned on by their spectacle, Nora returned her attention to Tom's cock. Every down-stroke sent him further into her throat and elicited groans that increased in intensity. After a few moments, he forcibly held her head in place, with her nose in his pubic hair. "Shit, I'm cumming!" he cried, squeezing her hair tight. She winked at him, signalling that it was okay to cum there. Nora relished the feeling of her son's cum shooting down her throat, while he cried out in rapture. Being experienced, she never choked. She only swallowed. When she was sure to have captured every drop, Nora leaned back smiling. Tom's eyes were closed from the recent exertion of his cum. Slowly, his erratic breathing returned to normal. From the side, Nora heard Meiko moan quietly. She turned just in time to see the usually composed store owner become unhinged, while rubbing her pussy under the skirt. Meiko's eyes shot open when her moment of bliss had passed, and realized Nora was looking straight at her. Meiko rapidly removed her hand from her pussy and smoothed her dress. On the turn of a dime, she was back in professional mode. The store owner opened the black bill-holder and used a pen, with cum drenched fingers, to make changes on the bill. "I can take that now," Nora offered, licking the cum around her lips. "I just need to wash up first." Meiko smiled, satisfied with the changes. "No rush. I gave you a 50% discount." "That's very sweet, but I can't accept..." "Only the best for such a loyal customer. I insist, you deserve this price discount. Perhaps... you'll come back soon? Mom and son?" Nora felt strangely elated. Not only had she given Tom the most exciting orgasms of his life, but she had also given Meiko a glimpse into an extremely taboo affair. With grace, Nora accepted Meiko's offering. Nora turned to her son. "What a morning. And who would have thought a blowjob would be worth so much?" She bent over to give Tom's penis a final swirl with her tongue. Then after standing, she undressed while the other two watched in awe. With the lingerie off, she dressed in her normal clothes and once again looked like your typical, everyday mother. The End For Pics visit:---->>> https://cutt.ly/hwsMVhC
Title: Life with the Twins Ch. 02 Summary: Dad has a doctor visit to help with his daughter problem. Keywords: inc,fic There was no doubt that I needed to talk to someone about Tabitha's behavior. It had only been one night, but she left me with no doubt that there would be other such encounters. As a single dad it's my responsibility to take care of my daughters, but somehow I didn't expect to have to take care of them in THIS way. I mean I did the parental job of giving them some introduction to sex so they at least understood things, but I never expected that to come back in this way. The question was, who exactly could I talk to? Over the years I'd gone out with a number of women, but who could I trust to be discrete about this? Then it came to me. Sylvia, the girl's Gynecologist. At the prodding of the girls, Sylvia and I had gone out to dinner a couple times. Though there was some interest, things just hadn't progressed to the point of more than a little making out, almost like a couple of nervous teenagers. I picked up my office phone, and dialed her personal cell phone. I didn't really expect her to pick up during the work day, but she said if I left a message she'd always call me back. "Sylvia. It's George. I have something I'd like to discuss. Could we get together for a little talk? Thanks. Talk to you later." I hung up the phone and went back to the mountain of paperwork on my desk. "George," I said, answering my phone a few minutes later. "George! It's Sylvia. I got your message. What's up? Something wrong with one of the girls?" she asked with obvious concern. "Hi Sylvia. No, nothing wrong. Well, not in a physical sense. But I have something a little delicate I'd like to talk about." "I see. You want to come by the office? I could work you in later this afternoon. I know I have at least one cancelation around three." "If you don't mind. I'd prefer if we could do this a little more privately," I said feeling a flutter in my stomach from nervousness. "Ohhhhh. More privately? Planning on continuing our last private conversation?" "Not specifically." "Awwwww. I was hoping you wanted to continue that little conversation like you promised. Oh well. If you want privacy, how about my place?" "That'd be great. I'll bring some take-out. I don't want you to have to put yourself out on my account." "Ohhhhh. Take-out. Fancy!" she said over the phone with a girlish giggle. "Tell you what. Make it Chinese and you have a date." "Chinese it is. About six?" " Better make it about six thirty. I'm rarely done at the office before six." "Six thirty it is," I said with a smile, glad that I had a path forward. "See you at six thirty. And George. I wouldn't mind if you continue where you left off last time. Let's see. If I remember right you'd just talked me out of my panties. I'll start the same way if you want too," she whispered into the phone barely loud enough for me to hear. I chuckled softly. "You're something else." "A good something else I hope." "Yes. A good something else," I answered her. "Good. See you this evening then. I better get back to my patients." "Alright. See you tonight," I answered before hanging up the phone. I liked Sylvia. She was a vibrant, bubbly, petite woman with an obvious hint of Asian ancestry. My girls had wrangled things so that the two of us both thought the other had made an invitation to go out on a dinner date, an obvious setup once the two of us met for dinner. We had a good laugh and an enjoyable dinner. Over the next year or so we'd enjoyed each other's company several times and gotten to know each other fairly well, leading to our last outing, dinner and a movie, followed by a little heavy making out at her place before we were interrupted by an emergency call. We'd not had a chance to continue that particular direction since, though I wasn't opposed to doing so. She was clearly not opposed to the thought. I made sure the girls were set for dinner at home and then went to pick up take-out, as I had promised, selecting the things I thought I remembered were her favorite Chinese dishes based on our limited number of dates. I arrived on her doorstep at almost exactly six thirty, still dressed in my sport coat from work. "Well, now don't we look enticing!" she said as she opened the door for me, wearing a thigh length dress that was obliviously what she had worn to work as well. "Thank you, I think," I answered as she moved aside to let me in. She closed the door behind me and followed me to the kitchen where I set down the bag with our dinner. She set plates and glasses of water on the table while I pulled the little white cardboard containers from the bag. "Don't know what it is, but I LOVE Chinese take-out a whole lot better than my own cooking. I've just never quite gotten the hang of the spices," she said as she sat down in a chair across from where I stood. "I find it enjoyable," I agreed as I sat as well. "So, what's all the mystery? Something you wanted to talk about but not at the office? Are the girls alright?" she asked as she dished some rice onto her plate. "Oh. They're fine. At least I guess they are." "Okay George. What's going on? I don't think I've seen you this evasive about anything before, except buying vibrators or when the last time you had sex was. This isn't about sex is it?" "Well it sorta is." "You gave them the sex talk a LONG time ago. They're both eighteen going on nineteen. What could possibly be a sex problem with them at this point?" I silently dished some food on my plate, unsure how to start what I needed to talk about. She seemed to understand that I was searching, and remained quiet, eating her own food and waiting for me to find the words I needed. "It's Tabby. She's...um...she's. Oh god." "It's alright. Just let it out," she said, leaning toward me and trying to coax me to breathe first. I spent the next few minutes explaining about buying their clothes and swimwear, their little game with their disappearing bikinis. "Well, that's not a horrible thing. A lot of girls have crushes on their fathers and want to flaunt their assets. It's not that unusual." "Is it unusual to have them climb in bed with you while you're asleep and have sex with you?" I blurted out. Sylvia nearly choked on her food, struggling to swallow it and then taking a long drink of her water before saying anything. "You're telling me that you woke up in the night and she was what? Playing with your dick?" "Oh if it was only that simple. No, I woke up and she was riding me like a horse," I said, looking down at my plate. Sylvia was silent for long seconds before she finally spoke again. "Well, it's not unheard of, but yes, that is a little unusual." "Yeah. Not surprised." "Obviously from your comments, you're more than a little uncomfortable with the situation." "Understatement." "Yeah. Well. Boy. Um. Why don't we finish dinner and then go to the living room and talk about this." "Sure," I answered, going back to eating, even though at that moment I wasn't all that hungry. "So has she shown any other signs of being sexually attracted to you?" she asked a few minutes later as we munched on the food on our plates. "Well in hind sight, yes. I took them shopping for clothes for vacation and they took me to a swimwear shop and gave me an EXTREMELY sexy bikini show." "Oh. Did you get turned on by it?" "Embarrassingly, yes." "And they knew that?" "Oh yeah," I answered. "I take it you had an erection?" "Oh yeah." "Okay. Come on," she said, getting up from the table. She stepped around to my side of the table and stood waiting, holding her hand out. "Come on. I don't bite." I got up and let her draw me by the hand toward the living room. She stopped in front of the sofa and turned me to face her. "Take off your clothes." "Huh?" "You want my help right? Take off your clothes." "I don't know how this is going to help." "Trust me. I know exactly what I'm doing," she said, reaching out to me and pushing my sport coat off my shoulders. She let it slide down my arms and then tossed it onto the back of the sofa. "I am a doctor after all. I'm trained in a lot more than just women's vaginas." "I'm sure of that. But..." I protested as she started pulling the knot on my tie. "But nothing. I wouldn't do anything to hurt you. Just relax and trust me while I get you comfortable." "Somehow having you undress me isn't exactly making me comfortable." "No?" she asked, tossing my tie aside. "Nervous about getting naked in front of a doctor? Well, you wouldn't be the first man to be nervous in front of a woman doctor. Tell you what. I'd never do this at the office, but here, why not. Maybe it'll make you feel less uncomfortable," she said as she reached behind her back. Moments later she pulled her hands back in front of her and shook the dress off her shoulders, letting it slide down her arms and body. She stepped out of the dress, now pooled on the floor around her feet and bent to pick it up. She tossed it on the sofa on my coat, leaving her standing in high heels, thigh high stockings and a lacy little bra that really didn't hide all that much of her firm little B cup breasts. Her mound had a neatly trimmed mat of almost black curls, pointing like a little arrow toward the gap between her legs. "There, that's better, isn't it?" "Uh. Not really," I chuckled, shaking my head slightly. "Now I'll just have a hard-on, which is probably more embarrassing." "That's okay. We were going to have to get it warmed up anyway. Now you just have a head start on it," she said as she reached for my shirt and started to unbutton it. "You want me to have a hard-on?" "Of course. I can't evaluate what Tabitha is being drawn to if I can't see it that way, can I?" she asked, pulling my shirttail out of my pants and pushing my shirt off my shoulders. "I suppose not," I agreed with a little frown, not entirely sure what kind of 'evaluation' she was going to do. She squatted down in front of me and untied my shoes, coaxing me to lift each foot, pulling off my shoes one at a time. Still squatting in front of me, she undid my pants and let them slide down, leaving only my boxers covering my bent and mostly hard dick. She looked up at me and grinned. "Now. Relax. Trust me. I've seen men's penises in all kinds of shapes, sizes and states." She lifted her hands to the waist of my boxers and slid them down, my cock springing out to poke straight out at her face. She seemed unphased by it and coaxed me to lift my feet again, tossing my pants and underwear onto the sofa, leaving me in nothing but my socks. She reached her hands up toward my dick, wrapping both hands around it and giving it a few soft gentle strokes. "Very nice. Nice full girth, excellent length, circumcised," she noted almost to herself before using one hand to gently lift and cup my balls. "Nice size, no obvious issues. Overall, an extremely nice above average penis." "Above average?" "Well, we'd have to get it fully hard to really measure it, but I can already tell that you're probably at least an inch longer than the average penis. Maybe a bit larger around too." "What does this have to do with Tabby?" "Oh quite a lot actually," she said. "Why don't we get this all the way hard and see where we stand?" she asked, looking up at me. Before I could answer she leaned her face toward me and engulfed my engorged head in her hot wet mouth. She used both hands to slide along my shaft, following her lips. On and off my shaft she moved her mouth, her tongue teasing the bottom side of my shaft and head as she pushed her mouth on and off of me. "Oh damn," I groaned softly, trying not to thrust my hips at her and the incredible sensations she was causing. If I had to judge, she was definitely better at this than Emily, though I had to admit that Emily's blow job was the first I'd had in many years. "Well, now we have something to work with," she said pulling her mouth off my cock. "Feeling any more comfortable?" "Not really," I said as she gently teased my cock with her hands. "Well, maybe we need to reverse the rolls then," she said, moving on her knees to the sofa and lifting herself off the floor to sit on it. "It's kind of nice to do this at home instead of the office. It's nice to not have to be quite as clinical for a change." She spread her legs and lifted her feet off the floor, hooking her heels on the edge of the sofa to spread her pussy for me. Her lips were full and round with a significant amount of her soft inner lips protruding. Her shaved, soft looking lips were centered in an untanned triangle of creamy white skin. Her darker inner lips protruding glistened in the harsh living room lights, wet with her obvious excitement. "So what do you think?" "I think that you're lovely," I answered honestly. "Well, feel free to inspect me as closely as you wish," she said with a grin. "Turnabout is fair play, isn't it?" "I'd say so," I answered as I knelt in front of her, thinking more about sex at the moment than that we were supposed to be talking about Tabby. I reached out and gently teased a finger up and down her soft outer lips, intentionally avoiding her soft inner lips. I moved the tip of my finger closer and closer to her soft folds before ever so slightly teasing my finger across that sensitive spot between her pussy and her rosebud. I felt her stiffen slightly and then relax again as I drew my finger up between her wet lips, letting the tip dip into her tunnel entrance slightly before drawing it up her pubic bone to the end of her slit and her hooded clit. I rolled my hand slightly and added a second finger, pulling and spreading her inner folds to force her clit up and out of its hood. I lowered my face down and slowly stroked my tongue up her wet lips, spreading them as I slid up her wetness, finally drawing my tongue slowly over her exposed clit. "Ohhhhhh fuuuuuuck," she moaned softly. "Now that's what I call an examination." "You like?" I asked as I lowered my face for another long slow stroke. "Oh god yes." I teased my tongue up her slit again, stroking across her clit at the end of my stroke and then gently teasing the hard nub with the tip of my tongue. She moaned and tried to push her hips up at me as I licked again, making sure to tease her clit at least as much as her tongue had teased my engorged head. "Oh my god. You're making me so fucking turned on. God I want your cock in me so bad," she moaned, reaching between her legs for my head. "Come on up here and fuck me sweetie," she moaned as I stroked her pussy yet again with my tongue. At the end of my stroke I let her coax me higher, kissing my way up her mound and stomach, spreading the juices on my face up her body as I worked higher. I stopped my kisses long enough to flick the little front catch on her bra, the cups springing apart to expose her creamy white orbs and rock hard pink nipples. I kissed my way to her breasts, teasing each nipple with my tongue before sucking it into my mouth, drawing a new moan from her lips. I reached down to my cock and aimed my engorged head at her sopping wet lips, teasing it up and down her soft wet folds before letting it engage into the entrance to her tunnel. She moved her feet from the edge of the sofa to hook her heels on my ass, trying to pull me into her as she arched her back and pushed her pussy toward my cock. "Ohhhh god yes. Ohhhhhhh fuck yes," she moaned as I started stroking into her, working the full length of my shaft up into her as it became lubricated. In and out I stroked, her body rocking and arching with each push into her, constantly changing the sensations on my sliding cock. Her moans and gasps grew louder with each passing second, my cock sliding fully into her and pressing against her cervix with each stroke. "Oh god George. Fuck me harder. Please stop teasing me and fuck me harder! God I'm so fucking close to coming." "Uh huh," I grunted feeling the exact same way, but not wanting to rush our first time. I stroked slightly faster, her body bouncing off my thighs, her small firm tits bouncing and wiggling like little mounds of jello with each impact. I leaned my head down and sucked one of her nipples into my mouth, gently nibbling the hard nub and causing her to cry out in surprise and pleasure. I felt her pussy start to clench and contract around me as her body shuddered, her breathing ragged and gaspy. "God. Gonna come," I grunted, not sure if she wanted me to come in her or not. Her response was to pull me harder with her heels, clearly coaxing me to climax inside her. "Uh. God. Here it comes," I grunted as my body bucked hard, jamming myself into her as far as I could go. "YES!" she cried, her body suddenly jerking as well, the spasm seeming to be in response to the flow of my hot cum lancing into her. Her body jerked and shuddered in time with mine until we were both drained. "Oh Jesus George. Ohhhh my god does your cock feel good." "You feel pretty spectacular around me too." "Trust me. I'm average sized, but you, you're not a monster, like a horse, but easily two inches larger than average, with enough thickness to make nearly any woman feel full, and probably really stretch the limits of a smaller woman." "I don't think I've ever been analyzed like that," I answered, not quite sure how to take her comments. "Trust me. It'll be the only time. From now on all I'll care about is getting you back into me again, as many times and as many ways as you want," she said, as she slid a hand between us and gently teased her fingers around where I was still buried between her lips. "It's no wonder Tabitha wants to be having sex with you. She's probably comparing you to those young boys, most of which aren't fully developed yet. Most young men don't get their full length and thickness until at least twenty or twenty two." "So what do we do? What do I do?" I asked as I softened inside her. "Well. I think maybe we should have a talk with her. You know. Try to get this out in the open and see what we can work out." "You think that's a good idea?" "Oh definitely. I can help you with that. I know having these kind of discussions with your daughters are uncomfortable." "They are that." "Okay. Let me get up then," she said, gently pushing me back. She got up from the sofa, walked to the kitchen and came back with her phone. "What's her number?" I told her Tabby's cell number and then reached for my boxers. "No. Don't do that," she said, reaching for my boxers with one hand and pressing call with the other. "Hi Tabitha? This is Doctor Jennings. Yes. That's right. No. Nothing serious. I wonder if you could come by my house. Well, your father and I have been discussing things, and he's concerned about what happened yesterday. I told him I'd be happy to try and help out. Oh we just need to have a discussion. No you're not in any trouble. Sure. I'll text you my address. Alright. See you soon then." "So?" "She'll come right over. Should be here in about half an hour or so." "Okay. Well, that gives us time to get dressed and such. Not sure she needs to know I was having sex with her doctor." "Actually, I think it would be a very good idea for her to find out. I mean she should know that you have an active and healthy sex life." "Okay, so we can tell her that we're having sex." "No. I don't think you understand. I think she should understand what that means, and being naked with me, even though I'm her doctor, seems like an excellent way to impress upon her that this is what adults that have feelings for each other do. At least I presume you have some feelings for me, at least after our last date I'm making that assumption." "Oh. No. You're right. I do like you. Quite a bit actually. Otherwise we wouldn't have been doing what we were when we got cut short," I answered. "Good," she said with a smile, setting the phone aside. "Now as I recall when we were cut short last time we were doing something like this," she said as she rolled herself half on top of me. She pulled one of my hands between her legs as leaned her face toward mine, pressing her lips against mine softly. I let my fingers slip between her lips and gently tease and stroke her, trying not to overly stimulate her already sensitive clit. She moved her leg farther across mine to spread her legs farther as she kissed me, occasionally sucking my lower lip and moaning softly into my mouth. "Oh yeah. This is EXACTLY what we were doing, only with a few more clothes on. It's a lot easier this way isn't it?" she asked before pressing her lips to mine again. I could feel her hard nipple pressing into my side as she let her fingers stroke up and down my chest, occasionally worming between my body and her thigh to tease my already growing cock. I'd long since lost track of how long we were teasing each other when she whispered softly, "Someone feels like he's already getting turned on again. I know I am. I love what you do with your fingers. If we hadn't gotten interrupted last time I'd have probably ended up straddling your lap, fucking your brains out!" "Oh yeah?" "Uh huh," she moaned as I circled her clit with the tip of my finger. "Ohhhh god you're so bad, or so good. I'm not sure which!" "Uh huh," I answered, feeling her wrap her hand around my mostly hard cock. "What should I do with this?" "I can think of a few things." "Oh? Let's see. I could give you another examination." "That wasn't what I was thinking," I whispered back. "No? Hmmm. What else could I do with it?" "I'll leave that up to your imagination." "You're taking a lot for granted." "Uh uh. I have a good hunch you can think of all kinds of pleasant things to do with that," I said softly with a chuckle. "Oh trust me. I can think of plenty of things to keep us busy for a LOOOONG time!" She giggled as she pushed herself onto my lap, one leg on either side of me. She pushed herself up, shrugging off the bra that was still hanging on her shoulders, leaving her in only her stockings and shoes. She grinned at me as she reached down between her legs, finding my cock and pulling it up vertical. I moved my hand from between her legs and slid both my hands up to her firm breasts as she rubbed my head between her lips. "Let's see how you like this," she said softly as she settled her petite form down on me, her pussy expanding to take my shaft into herself. "Ohhhhhh god. You feel so damn big, and you're not even all the way yet," she moaned as she started to slowly ride up and down my shaft. "Mmmmmm. I like this," I sighed softly, feeling no urgency and more than content to let her pick her pace. I wasn't worried about coming too soon. I always last a lot longer the second time around. She bounced on my lap, her ass slapping rhythmically on my thighs, her firm breasts bouncing lightly in my hands as I let them slide slightly, rubbing her nipples on my palms with her own motions. "Yeah. Me too," she breathed softly. "This was how I wanted to be last time we were together. But it was worth the wait." "Uh huh," I agreed as she used her knees to push herself up and drop down my shaft. We hadn't been this way enough for me to learn her triggers, but I was reasonably sure that she was moments away from another climax, so I changed my grip on her breasts, moving my hands to hold her nipples between my finger and thumb. As she dropped onto me faster her bouncing breasts pulled and tugged at her nipples, my fingers gently squeezing and twisting them as well. "Oh shit. OHHHHH FUCK!" she squealed loudly, her pussy clamping around my cock as she slammed herself down hard on my lap. I felt her whole body shudder and tremble as she sat astride me, her pussy squeezing and kneading my shaft. "Ohhhhhhh god," she moaned, leaning herself toward me. "I need to rest my pussy a minute," she whispered, gently moving my hands from her tits so she could lean against my chest. I cupped her ass cheeks and gently squeezed and massaged her firm butt as she lay on me, panting for breath. "God I could fuck you all day and night," she said with a soft whispered giggle. "I'd be inclined to let you," I agreed equally quietly, her hips moving occasionally to keep me hard inside her. The doorbell rang, interrupting our gentle snuggle. Sylvia pushed up off of me and trotted across the room to the front door. She didn't bother to even shield herself with it as she opened it, standing completely naked in full view of whoever was there. "Tabitha. Come in!" she said, stepping back and holding the door open for my daughter to come into the room. "Come on over. We need to have a real girl talk," she said, closing the door behind her. Tabby walked over toward the sofa, staring at my engorged cock, glistening with Sylvia's pussy juices. "You might as well take these off," Sylvia said, tugging on the small shorts and tank top that Tabby had on. "Here?" "Sure. You've already been naked in front of your father, and you had sex with him in bed. You shouldn't be too bashful about being naked in front of him now, should you?" "I guess not," she said a little hesitantly. Hesitant or not, Sylvia pulled Tabby's tank top up and off and then undid her bra, letting her large round breasts hang in full view. She bent, her big tits hanging down and swinging with her motions as she pushed her shorts and the tiny panties she had on, down her legs. "Much better. Now, come have a seat," Sylvia said, drawing Tabby by the hand over toward me. Instead of the sofa, Sylvia turned Tabby to sit sideways on my lap, pressing my cock against my body with her bare ass cheek. "Sylvia..." I started to protest as Tabby sat on my lap. "Shhhh," She interrupted. "Trust me George." I opened my mouth to protest again and then closed it, not sure what I was going to argue at that moment. "So, Tabitha. I understand you had a rather interesting day yesterday?" "Well, we did have a little shopping trip," she answered a little meekly. "Oh? Would you like to tell me about it?" "I guess. Um. Is there some reason we're all naked?" "Well, since you're clearly an adult, I don't see any reason that you shouldn't be treated as one. Your father and I were just engaging in a little adult recreation, and it wouldn't really be appropriate for you to remain dressed while we were naked, would it?" "I guess not." "So your shopping trip?" "Um. We went to get some clothes for vacation and new swimsuits." "I see. You got some really sexy suits?" "KInda." "KInda? From what I heard more than kinda." "Well, we got these slick little white ones that get transparent when they're wet." "And you wanted to wear them for your dad?" "Yeah," she said quietly. "Tell me, do you get excited, sexually I mean, showing off your body to your dad? Like sitting here, naked on his lap. Does that turn you on?" "Yeah, it kinda does," she whispered back, wiggling her ass a little. "How kinda? Are you wet now?" "Pretty wet." Tabby admitted. "George. Why don't you feel how wet she is," Sylvia said, looking at me, almost startling me. "Huh?" "Feel her vagina. See how wet she is." "You want me to feel up my own daughter?" I asked a little surprised. I wasn't expecting her 'help' to end up going this direction. "Sure. I mean if she's really sexually attracted to you she won't mind you touching her that way. Right Tabitha?" "Uh. No," Tabby said, clearly a little unsure of herself. Sylvia reached across from where she was sitting and spread Tabby's legs apart, exposing her completely shaved pussy. "Go ahead George." "Um. Sure," I answered, moving my hand to reach between my daughter's legs and stroked a finger up her lips, spreading them and feeling her wetness. "So is she wet?" "Pretty wet, yeah." "Turned on by your father, or just being naked around us?" "I don't know. Maybe the first one." "You know, we were having sex when you got here. Does that bother you?" "Not really. I mean he had sex with that lady at the swimwear shop," she said, making Sylvia look over at me in surprise. "So him having sex with other women doesn't make you feel... jealous?" "Not really. I want him to have sex with other women. I think he needs to find someone to replace my mom in his life. He's been alone for so long both Diane and I feel kinda sorry for him." "So you want to have sex with him so he isn't lonely?" "Oh god no. No I want to have sex with him because he's a fantastic fuck! I've been sneaking peeks at his cock in the shower and stuff for, well a long time. I just finally decided it was time to do more than look." "I see. So when you look at him, how do you see him?" "I mean he's my dad. How do you mean?" "Let me put it another way. When you think about having sex with your dad, do you think of it as oh this is nice and tomorrow I'll move on, or gee I want to have sex forever, or something in between?" "I don't know. I hadn't really thought about it. I just, well I love my dad and I wanted to...I don't know. I just wanted to feel him that way." "So it's not sex, just a physical connection you're looking for?" "I guess sorta." Sylvia slid off the sofa to kneel in front of Tabby. "Stand up sweetie. Just for a minute." "Okay," she said with a shrug, pushing herself up from my lap. Sylvia stepped over next to her and reached down to my lap, wrapping her hand around my shaft. "Now back down," Sylvia said, gripping my still hard cock and holding it upward. She aimed it straight at Tabby's wet pussy. "Oh god," Tabby gasped softly as Sylvia aimed my cock at her wet pussy while she sat down, sinking down the length of my shaft until her ass rested on my legs again. "Ohhhhhh god," She breathed. Sylvia moved back to the sofa and let Tabby sit on my lap for several seconds before saying anything. "Okay. So this is what you want? That intense physical connection?" "Ohhhhh god," Tabby moaned, trying to sit still on my cock. "Do you want more than that? Do you want to be having sex with him?" "Oh god yes," Tabby moaned, her body shuddering slightly almost as if she were already having an orgasm. "Why?" Sylvia asked quietly. "Because it feels so damn good in me." "Tabitha. Before last night, have you ever done anything with your father, something you kept secret, maybe even from him?" "Oh god," Tabby moaned, covering her face. After several seconds she pulled her hands away, took a deep breath and looked at me. "Sometimes I'd sneak into his room at night and play with his cock. At first I'd just touch it and watch it get hard, then I got braver and I'd lick it and stuff. Then one night he was laying on his back and his cock was really hard, so I tried to put it into my pussy. I got it almost all the way in before he groaned and tried to roll over. I got scared and hid by the side of the bed until I was sure he was asleep again." "So you've been doing this for a while, slowly working up the courage to finally just have sex. What if he hadn't woken up while you were doing other things? Before yesterday? Would you have told him?" "I'm sorry daddy. No. I was afraid he'd be mad at me." "But he isn't mad at you, is he?" "He doesn't seem mad." "I assure you, he's not. But he is concerned, which is why he came to talk to me about it. So, what do you think we should do about this?" "I don't know." "Do you think getting this out into the open will help? Make it less forbidden maybe?" "Maybe," Tabby answered meekly. "Well, maybe that's what we should do then," Sylvia said with a smile. "Maybe we should let you participate like an adult." "An adult?" "Yes," she said simply, standing up. "Come on," Sylvia added, gently tugging on one of Tabby's hands. She coaxed her off my lap, and my cock, coaxing her down onto the carpeted floor. "Come on George," she coaxed me as she got Tabby laying on her back on the floor, her knees pulled up and back to expose her pussy. "Why don't you do to Tabitha what you did to me earlier?" "Everything?" I asked in surprise. "Of course. It's what you would do to any adult woman, isn't it?" "Well, yeah, but she's my daughter." "All the more reason to show her love and tenderness," Sylvia said gently. "Come on." She pulled my hand and I slid hesitantly off the sofa onto my hands and knees. "Are you sure about this?" "Absolutely!" Sylvia answered emphatically. I wasn't so sure this was the best thing to be doing, but I had asked for her help and she has a lot more schooling and experience in psychology than I do. I crawled between Tabby's legs and lowered my face to her pussy, tentatively reaching out and licking her full round wet pussy lips with the tip of my tongue. I gently traced the soft slit between her full lips and then laid on my stomach so I could wrap my arms around her thighs. With my fingers gently pulling her full outer lips apart, I pressed my tongue between them, teasing the soft pink inner folds of her womanhood, tasting her arousal and listening to the soft moans my strokes were generating. "That's it. Make her want it. Let her feel your love for her. Tease her soft young pussy until she begs for you to fill it with your big, long, fat cock," Sylvia whispered, her face near mine, her cheek almost laying on Tabby's stomach. "That's it. Lick her hot wet pussy. Can you feel her getting more and more turned on?" "Uh huh," I grunted as I dug my tongue into her pussy again, stroking up to her now unshrouded clit and flicking across it. "Oh god daddy! Fuck me. Please fuck me!" Tabby moaned loudly, trying to hold her hips still but being less and less successful with each stroke of my tongue. "Yes, George. I think it's time to fuck her hot little pussy," Sylvia whispered. "Now?" I asked, still unsure of what I was being asked to do. "Yes. Now." Sylvia coaxed, lifting herself from the floor to help me move back to all fours. She gently reached under me, grasping my rock hard cock in her hand, using it as a handle to draw me toward my daughter's pussy. "Here you go," she said, rubbing my head up and down Tabby's wet pussy lips before reaching out with her other hand to push on my ass, forcing me to lower myself down and drive my cock slowly into my daughter. "There you go," she whispered as my rock hard cock slipped slowly into Tabby. "Oh god. Soooooo good," Tabby moaned, looping her legs around me to hook her feet on my ass. She lifted her ass off the floor, pulling herself up toward me and helping to drive my shaft fully into her. "There you go," Sylvia whispered in my ear, one hand on my bare ass and the other reaching out to one of Tabby's large soft breasts. "Now fuck your sweet little daughter. Let her feel your cock sliding all the way in and out of her. Make her come with your big fat cock!" "Oh damn," I groaned as I started stroking into her, losing focus on exactly what it was we started, falling fully into the sensations around my shaft. "Oh god yes daddy!" Tabby cried as she helped pump herself up toward me, driving us together with loud wet slaps. In and out I stroked, my engorged head caressed by her soft hot tunnel with each stroke. "Oh fuck," I grunted, pumping in and out of her, my climax starting to build. I'd already been in both her and Sylvia a considerable amount of time since I'd come the first time, and the tightness of my daughter's pussy was pushing me toward climax a lot quicker than I thought possible. "Oh god, oh god, oh god," Tabby moaned as her body started to shudder. "That's it. Fuck her good. She's already starting to climax," Sylvia whispered before moving away from my face. She leaned down over Tabby's chest and used both hands to capture one of her tits, squeezing it into a cone and sucking the whole areola into her mouth. "OHHHHH FUCK!" Tabby cried as Sylvia sucked on her breast, my cock still plunging in and out rhythmically. "GOD I'M COMING!" she screamed from where she lay on the floor, her pussy spasming around my shaft and pushing me toward the point of no return. "Shit," I grunted, trying to hold back my climax, still not entirely sure that coming in my own daughter was exactly the right thing to be doing. My body denied my mind's arguments and spasmed, jamming my cock into her hard, a massive squirt of cum lancing out into her tight little pussy. "FUCK!" Tabby screamed as the feeling of my cock surging into her, filling the tight confines between my shaft and her vaginal walls with my hot slick cum. Her back arched and she dug her heels into my ass, pulling me as deeply into her as she could while I held myself over her, my spasming body trying time after time to jam into her deeper as I unloaded into her. "Ohhhhhh god," I groaned softly as my body finally started to return control to my brain. "Jesus. I don't believe I just fucked my own daughter." I panted as Sylvia sat up on her knees, reaching out to gently stroke my back. "You did, and it looked like she enjoyed it every bit as much as I did earlier," she said softly, leaning her face down toward mine. She used two fingers to turn my face to hers and gave me a long soft erotic kiss as I held myself over my panting daughter. "It looked soooooo damn hot too," she whispered as she broke the kiss. "I might have already come twice, but I know I have more in me yet tonight." "Yeah?" "Oh yeah. And if she wants to play like an adult, I think maybe we should indulge her." "You think that's a good idea?" "Oh yeah. I think it's a perfect idea," she said with a grin. "Why don't you lay down next to her and we'll let her give my pussy a little attention for a while." "You sure?" "Oh yeah," Sylvia answered breathlessly, coaxing Tabby's legs from around me. My softening cock slipped from her, my cum leaking from her still gaping pussy as I sat back and leaned against the sofa. "Now Tabitha. Why don't you lick my pussy?" she said as she crawled over her with her head toward Tabby's still spread legs. She lowered her ass down toward Tabby's face and her own face down between Tabby's legs. "Now sweetie. Lick my pussy. Make me come with your tongue like your daddy did to you." "Oh damn," I groaned as I watched Sylvia lower her head between Tabby's legs, spreading her pussy lips apart and licking down her slit, collecting my cum on her tongue. The two lay there for long minutes, licking each other, the moans and gasps of each growing more pronounced. I'd of course seen this kind of thing in some of the porn I'd been using over the years to deal with the lack of female company, but I'd never seen anything like this in person, let alone between my daughter and someone I was starting to consider more than just a friend. I guess I hadn't even realized it until she said something, drawing my attention to my own lap where I was slowly stroking my again hard cock. "You wanna come play too? I'm more than ready to have that stuffed in me," Sylvia said with a grin. "Uh. God. Um. I guess so." "You don't have to be so enthusiastic." "It's not that. It's just Tabby," I said a little defensively. "Trust me. She's doing just fine. Why don't you give me that from behind and let her watch." "Like that?" "Uh huh. Can you think of a better way for her to see it all up close and personal?" "No. I guess not," I answered, getting up to walk around the two. I looked down at Tabby, looking up at me and grinning widely, her hands pulling Sylvia's ass cheeks apart to give me a complete view of her rosebud and pussy. I knelt down and felt Tabby wrap her hand around my cock, pulling it down to her mouth. She engulfed my head and used her other hand to grab my ass and coax me to slide it in and out of her mouth a few times. "There. Now it's all wet and ready," Tabby said with a grin as she aimed my cock head at Sylvia's wet pussy. "Oh god," I groaned softly as I slipped into her tight tunnel, her petite frame making her pussy nearly as tight as my daughter's. I held her hips and gently pushed in and out, stroking slowly at first and then working more quickly as Sylvia's moans drove my excitement higher. I could feel my balls slapping something, and expected it was a combination of Sylvia's pussy and my daughter's face as she licked and teased Sylvia's clit with her tongue. "Oh fuck me! Ohhhhhh god yes, yes, fuck me! Fuck my hot little cunt!" Sylvia gasped over and over as I plunged into her. I could feel her pussy clenching and spasming as she climaxed around my plunging cock, moaning and gasping a continuous stream of requests and demands to fuck her harder, faster and so on. I lost track of how long I'd been banging into her before she reached back with one hand and pushed me away, pulling herself off of my cock and crawling off Tabby. "God no more. I can't take any more right now," she panted. "Jesus do I feel fucked out." "I'm not," Tabby said, rolling over to get up off the ground. "Come on daddy," she coaxed, pulling me by the hand. I got up and followed her around the sofa, where she bent over the back, her ass pushing up in the air toward me. "Fuck me more daddy. I want to feel you come in me again." "You do?" "Oh god yes," she groaned as I rubbed my cock head up and down her wet pussy lips. "OHHHHHHH FUUUUUUCK!" she groaned loudly as I pushed into her, my cock expanding her tight little tunnel. I started pumping my hips, driving my cock in and out of her as she lay over the sofa. "Oh fuck yes. Sooooo fucking good! Give me all of that cock daddy! Fuck my hot little cunt with that big cock!" "I think we're going to have to have a talk about your language," I grunted as I plunged in and out of her pussy, drawing a giggle from her. "First we have to make you come," she said, looking back at me. "That won't be a problem in a few minutes," I grunted in response. She lifted her legs off the floor and spread them wide, nearly laying her knees on the back of the sofa as I held her hips so she didn't fall off the sofa, pounding into her. "That's it daddy. Fuck me. Come in my hot little pussy. Come in your daughter's hot wet pussy!" "Oh shit," I groaned as my body responded to the new position and her dirty talk. I could feel the tingle racing through my body and my balls tightening up in preparation for what was to come. "Here it comes," I grunted as my body felt like it was going to explode. My body suddenly jerked, jamming my cock into her and nearly knocking her off the back of the sofa. I felt my cock pulse a jet of cum into her before jerking and sending another where the first had gone. Half a dozen times my body pumped into her before my climax started to wane. "Oh yeah," Tabby moaned as she held herself up on the sofa cushions. Sylvia got up from where she was sitting and walked around the sofa. She wrapped her arms around me, pressing her bare body against my back and ass, her arms gently teasing up and down my chest. "You know. I think you two are going to have to come over and have these little father daughter talks with me every so often." "More? I thought this was supposed to teach her NOT to want to do this." "I don't think that's possible. I think that until she gets tired of it, she's gonna be just like me. Begging for it every chance she gets," Sylvia giggled. "You've just shown you can handle two of us just fine," she said softly. "And if Tabitha wants to explore other positions and styles, well, I can't think of a safer place to do that than in her own father's arms." "Oh lord," I groaned, realizing that my life had just gotten so much more complicated. to be continued.... For pics visit ---->> https://bit.ly/2ReHUJI
Title: My Daughter has a Sleepover Summary: 18-year-old has three friends over for special sleep-over.  Keywords:inc,fic,erotic,hot,young How the fuck did I get into this situation? Yup, that is the million-dollar question. The answer takes me back quite some time. My last two years of high school I took special courses to learn the ins and outs of high-tech welding. The program was top notch and when I graduated, I was hired immediately by the firm I had been interning at. My starting pay was $19.50 an hour with time and a half for overtime. Shit, I was making more than my dad was! My girlfriend of the last two years of high school, Jane, turned up pregnant and we got married. We had a bouncing baby girl who we named Ellen, after my wife's grandmother. There were problems during the delivery and, to save my wife, her baby making plumbing had to be removed. Oh well, fucking was now forever safe! And my ever-increasing pay made for a very comfortable life style with a huge amount of savings. Ellen grew and life went on better than I expected. Our daughter was never any problem and helped out around the house without a complaint. But there was one thing that lingered on from the pregnancy, and I'm not saying that getting pregnant caused it. I'm just saying that it wasn't a problem before the baby but it sure was after! Migraines! Major league migraine headaches that were devastating to my love until the headache was finally over. Dozens of doctors tried and failed to find the cause to those headaches. They finally prescribed a non-addictive pill that could relieve the headache but it wouldn't prevent them. Well, actually, I'm not sure if they 'relieved' them or not. What they really did was knock her out big time. After taking one of those pills she was out like a light for at least 8 hours, and usually 10 or more. But if there was a loud noise, she would wake up and be unbearable to be around. Well, we've been married for 19 years now and all three of us have grown to live with her headaches, even though they have no pattern to when she has them. Sometimes heat seems to cause them, and then we'll have weeks of super high heat and not even the hint of a migraine. Loud noises when awake usually are no problem but then a relatively soft yet sharp sound and WHAM, it's migraine time. And that means that many times when Ellen needs some sort of parental guidance, the only available parent is dear old dad. I don't mind. I think it has helped to build a stronger bond between us and we are very comfortable with each other. No subject is off limits. That's the way Jane and I raised her, if she asks a question, we will answer it as honestly and completely as we can. Ellen is now 18 and finishing her last year of high school. She had asked for permission to have a sleepover with three of her best girlfriends, all of them also in their last few months of school. Of course, Jane and I easily gave her the OK. Friday evening is here and the girls have all arrived. They've been here for sleepovers before and have never been a problem. As the school year is nearing the end, Jane gave the OK for the sleepover to be from Friday night until late Sunday afternoon or early evening. The girls were swimming (?) and mostly goofing around in our pool when I went inside to get more sodas for them. Jane looked up and smiled happily as she was finishing fixing their late-night snack (she always made it a few hours early so we could go to bed if we wanted to). "Sounds like they're having lots of fun out there," she observed. "That's an understatement if ever," I replied. Just then I heard the chirp sound from one of our smoke alarms telling me its battery was in need of replacement. For some reason I glanced at Jane and asked, "Are you alright?" "Yeah, but I hate that sound." I delayed on the drinks and grabbed a package of batteries and went in search of the offending unit. In the end, it wasn't until I had changed them all that the beeping finally stopped. Returning to the kitchen Jane was sitting at the table holding her head with her fingers in her ears. I sat next to her and whispered, "Is it bad?" In a hushed whisper she snarled, "Don't yell at me! This one is a killer!" I quickly grabbed the ever-present pencil and paper then wrote a note telling her to take her pill and go lie down. I would handle the girls. She smiled at me; gave my arm a squeeze then did as I had suggested. As usual she knew I wouldn't enter our master bedroom until she came out! After taking four sodas out to the girls I returned inside to stay out of the way and picked up the latest novel I was reading. I use actual books as those tablets seem to bother my eyes after a while. After about 20 minutes Pam, a tiny little gal of 4'10" stepped in and asked where Jane was. When I told her, she looked disappointed then went back outside, telling me not to worry about what she wanted. A bit later I went to the kitchen to get a drink of my own and heard Ellen telling Pam, "Just go ask my dad. He's not like your dad, you can talk to him. Honest." I wondered about this but chose to let Pam decide if she wanted to follow my daughter's advice. Once again, I was reading my book when Pam walked into the room and stopped in front of me. "Hey cutie, what do you need?" I asked her. "I wish you wouldn't call me that, because I'm not cute," she said dejectedly. "Bull shit!" I said a bit more strongly than I intended to. "You are more than cute; you are quite attractive." "Then why can't I keep a boyfriend?" she asked with a pout. "They all dump me after just a few weeks." "Well, I would call that just plain stupid, at least from what I have seen. You're funny, talkative but not overly so, and like I said, very cute. If I was your age, I would say you are 'hot'!" "My boobs are too small," she said looking down at her chest. Okay, she IS a tiny girl. So big breasts would look out of place on her. If I had to guess I would say she is about 30B-23-32. But that cup size might be a small C, I never have bought one of those things so the way they are sized is Greek to me. Since she had brought up the subject, I let my eyes drop boldly to her bikini clad breasts as I enjoyed the look of her firm little tits standing proudly on her slightly damp chest. My eyes glanced up to meet hers then moved back down as I took in each of her boobs, first the left one, then the right one before once again moving to her left one again. Knowing she needed some sort of comment I softly said, "In this man's eyes your breasts are perfect." She started to argue but I cut her off with, "Look, Pam, I don't know who the shit head was who fed you that line that they are too small but he, or she, is lying through their teeth. Bigger is NOT always better! If you had bigger breasts, they would be just too big for your body and would look out of place on you. As you are, hell, you are perfect." "Stop lying to me," she said with a stomp of her little right foot, making her boobs jiggle enticingly on her chest. Then she burst into tears and ran back outside to where the other three girls were waiting. I got up and followed her, worried that somehow, I had unknowingly hurt her. Instead I heard my daughter saying, "When my dad and I have that type of talk, he never lies to me, and I love him to death for it! It shows he treats me like an adult and not a little kid. And if he told you that then he for certain meant it, every damned word!" I couldn't understand the several voices that spoke as one then Ellen said, "I think you owe my dad an apology." Moments later a timid Pam walked slowly back in where I was reading and said, "I'm sorry, Mr. P, I'm so used to my dad feeding me a long line of bullshit that I thought you were as well. But Ellen says that isn't how you are." "That's true, cutie, I am not like that. And I always try my best to be honest with every answer I give to a serious question. And yours was truly a serious one, right?" "Oh yes it was!" she said quickly. "I'm really sorry for how I acted. Can I give you a hug?" I nodded my approval and she leaped onto my lap as her arms wrapped tightly around me. I had forgotten that when I had checked out her pretty boobs earlier my cock had thickened up quite nicely and was as yet not back to limp status. When she nestled onto my lap my shaft quickly thickened back up and pressed hard right into her teenaged slit making her groan as she quickly looked down between us. Before I could say anything, Pam said, "I guess you do like my tits!" as she ground her pussy down hard onto my tip while hugging her torso tight to mine. About 20 seconds of that and she gasped, "Oh Mr. P, your cock feels so good against my little pussy! Oh yes, so good!" and she really began working her pussy hard onto me. Another speechless minute by me and she begged to me, "Prove that my tits are good! Suck them! Suck my titties!" As she spoke her fingers moved to her top and shoved it up and off of her perfect little boobs. Less than a second later her hands grasped my head and pulled my lips to her right nipple! My lips knew what to do and she was moaning lustily in seconds as I worked her tit until her nipple was standing tall and rock hard. God, she felt good against my tongue! My head moved on its own to her left breast and worked over that nipple giving it equal time until both her boobs sported saliva coated, rock-hard nipples. Meanwhile her hips were rocking back and forth powerfully on my trapped shaft that could get no harder! Fuck but she had me turned on! I thought her fingers were just stroking my shaft when I suddenly popped free of my shorts only to slide instantly into her drenched pussy! Her left hand had attacked my shorts and boxers while her right had shoved her bikini bottoms to the side. "Oh, Pam," I groaned while she moaned loudly as she quickly worked my entire 7 inches into her hot and wet pussy! The four girls had been on the same cheer team since the eighth grade and Pam was the epitome of the top of the pyramid girl. Barely 4'10" tall and maybe 85 pounds on a bad day, she was now pounding her hips onto me with enough force to make me think she weighed over 200! I had already ceased trying to stop her. I mean, what was the point? My cock and her pussy could get no closer! My hips began giving her well timed helpful up thrusts making her coo with pleasure. Meanwhile my cock was enjoying the shit out of being caressed by her tight and responsive pussy walls. I liked it! Somewhere between 10 and 15 minutes after our fuck started, she came unglued, her body shaking violently as she held me tight while her groans and gasps punctuated her incredible orgasm. Pam slumped against me, her pussy as far down onto my shaft as humanly possible as she moaned in the afterglow of a climax well done. "My god, that was incredible!" she said as she talked into my chest where her body slumped. "You didn't cum yet, did you?" I told her I hadn't. "Well, even though you could have, I'm glad you didn't! I want to make you cum in my mouth so I can swallow all of your stuff!" With that said she rose up and kissed me passionately. Then she slowly lifted up and off of me, her fingers instantly moving her bikini bottom back in place to catch her own cum before it could drip out of her. Thanks to the limberness of youth she twisted around and inhaled my shaft slowly until it was completely out of sight! My wife could do that but seldom did it, so this was a very welcome treat! Slower than expected Pam worked my shaft with more expertise than you would expect from one her age. After about five minutes she pulled off and gasped, "God I love this cock! It fucks great, tastes better and doesn't cum in ten seconds! You can fuck me anytime you want to, Mr. P." "Um, I think under the circumstances, you can call me Dick." "After getting fucked like I just did, and then sucking this big boy, I should call you Cock, because Dick just doesn't give you enough credit! But I guess Dick will have to do!" And then Pam went back to work as she resumed her super slow yet oh so wonderful deepthroat actions. God this tiny girl is incredible! I warned her about five minutes later that I was getting close. She pulled her face off of me as she rose up to kiss me with her entire being. Finally, she pulled back and looked me in the eyes as she said, "Don't be shy, stuff my face with cock and flood my mouth! I want it all!" And then she slithered down my body until she was between my legs and my cock was again down her slim throat. "Oh fuck," I groaned several times as she made my cock feel better than it had in a long time. My hips pumped off the couch and I gasped, "Oh Pam," just as my balls exploded shooting rope after rope into her throat and then her mouth when she pulled back five or so inches. Finally, I was drained and Pam slowed up her efforts on my shaft. Fuck could her tongue worm around my tip. But she didn't quit! Her eyes just stayed locked onto mine as she gradually, over about four or five-minutes, worked my balls up and suddenly I groaned hard as she pulled another 6 ropes of active sperm out of me. Once again, my balls were truly drained as I looked into her eyes with shock and awe. Eventually I could speak and I told her, "Although you are an incredible fuck, your oral talents are out of this world. So, you can suck my cock any time we are alone." "Good!" she said as she rose up for another hot kiss. Then she pulled back and blushed as she said, "I hadn't you to make me cum so hard, but my goodness, I am SO happy that I did! ALL of this was great! And I really love your cock, no matter which hole it's in." I gave her a sly grin and asked, "Even your ass?" "Oops, well, I've never done that before," she said. "But I sure liked in the other two so I'm willing to try you there at least once. You decide when, okay?" As I agreed to that idea she leaned back down and gave my softening shaft another full length deepthroat suck and tongue swirl. "Gosh, I'd better get back out with the rest of the girls or I'll end up riding your cock again. I meant it all, I really like getting fucked by you. And thanks for being honest with me about my boobs. Those guys can go to hell!" By then she had finished putting my shorts back together. I took the opportunity to kiss each of her tits once more then I needed both hands to, one at a time, slowly tuck her tits back into her bikini top. This of course required a lot of boob massaging before the task was finally completed. Heh, heh. "Thanks again Dick, I enjoyed all of it. I wish I could talk to my dad like this." Grinning I asked, "Even the sex parts?" "He looks almost as good as you do, so yeah, I'd give him a ride." Then she seemed to be in deep thought before, "But I'd rather get fucked by you. Thanks Dick!" And then she left with a happy bounce to her step. I got up and headed to the guest bedroom (my bedroom when there is a migraine) where I took a shower to rid my body of the strong odor of sex that seemed to cling to me. Once dried off I pulled on a t-shirt and a pair of loose workout shorts, my usual sleep wear. Returning to my book I noticed my vodka and orange juice was empty so I went to the kitchen to make another one even as I tried to remember when I had finished it. Just as I put the finishing touches on my drink Ellen's friend Jenny came in and stopped next to me. "Hey Mr. P, could you fix another one and I'll have this one." Before I realized it, she had taken it in her hand and then swallowed a big gulp of it. "Ummm, this is good!" Well, at 18 she is old enough in this state so I just grabbed another glass and soon we each had one. I was surprised when she followed me into the living room where my book lay ignored for quite a while. I sat down but before I could ask her what she wanted Jenny said, "Can I ask you a question?" "You just did, so sure," and I picked up my book. She sat next to me and took the book from me then put in on the far end of the couch and said, "Not that one. Are my boobs too big? I've heard that some guys think they are." "Maybe you should stand up so I can have a better look at you," I said trying to buy some time. Too soon she was right in front of me with her chest thrust out enticingly as I let my eyes drop then move slowly from boob to boob several times. Looking back to her eyes I was expecting to see her smiling at me, instead she had a very worried look as she chewed her lower lip. So instead I changed what I was going to say and told her, "Well, from what I can tell you are certainly blessed with larger tits than most girls are. But I wouldn't call them TOO big. Just bigger than most." "Maybe you need to get a better look," she said as her right hand moved between her breasts and deftly unhooked the front clasp letting her bikini top spring wildly out and away from her, letting me see her firm 18-year-old tits that were for certain no smaller than 34D, maybe even getting close to DD. With a toss of her shoulder she caught her top in one hand as it fell from her shoulders. I know I obviously gulped at the sight. They were perfectly shaped orbs that stood high on her chest, she could certainly pass that old test of a pencil under the tit to qualify for no bra in school! It would certainly drop from her chest! Thanks to her red hair and freckles, she didn't tan as much as the other girls did, and required lots of sunscreen! Her breasts were nearly alabaster white with small bright-pink nipples centered on each mound. "See what I mean? They are way too big ... I hate them!" Jenny said in a trembling voice. Finally getting control of her voice she softly said, "You know I'm right, don't you, Mr. P?" Even as I started to speak, she suddenly straddled my legs as she took my hands in hers and planted one of each on her superb tits. Her fingers made mine squeeze onto her boobs as she said, "See, they're too big, aren't they?" I tried to convince her that she was wrong before she exclaimed, "But you loved Pam's and mine are huge compared to hers. And you seemed to think hers were perfect! And if those are perfect then mine are just ... YUCK!!!!!" and she started to cry. Well shit! I tried lots of things to calm her down and stop the tears: I wiped away the tears only to see more pour out; I stroked her face and back; I hugged her tight; I took her tits back into my hands and massaged the shit out of them until she moaned in pleasure. "See! If your tits are that responsive then they can't be yuck!" I told her as she slowly stopped crying. "Now listen to me. There is no one perfect body! Not for girls and not for men. Do you understand me?" I asked looking into her eyes from about six inches. She shook her head slowly. "Okay, sure, I think Pam's breasts are perfect. Perfect for HER and her body! On you they would be way too small! But you are nearly as tall as I am so you must be 5'11" tall, right?" "Six feet even." "Okay, and she is light as a feather because she is so small. On your body, your tits are beautiful and seem just right, at least to me they do." "You are just saying that to make me feel better," she said as the tears flowed fast again. Well, after my time with Pam my inhibitions were all but non-existent, so I leaned in and sucked her right nipple into my mouth and attacked her tit as if it had the power to give eternal life! Her sobs stopped and soon turned to moans of pleasure as I soon began moving from one nipple to the other and back again. Finally, I stopped and leaned back about two inches as I asked, "Believe me now?" "Oh Mr. P, that felt so good! Please don't stop now!" Okay, I didn't. Hers were two very incredible looking as well as quite responsive breasts and I made certain they knew I was adoring them! Jenny's hips had begun moving hard onto my crotch, working my cock head hard against her wide-awake clit until she groaned hard and her body shook in my lap. "Oh Mr. P!" she gasped again as she quickly stood up again while her hands grasped my shorts' waist band and ripped them quickly off of me! Less than a heartbeat later her lips encircled my tip and then she worked over my first three inches frantically! My dick was in heaven once again. A few minutes later she pulled off of me then her body rose as her hands moved my saliva coated tip between her breasts and began titty fucking me. "Yes! Fuck my tits for me! Love them!" she cried out. Truthfully, I couldn't really move at all, not without hurting this beautiful girl. I let her fuck my cock between her own tits as she seemed to enjoy the activity. No way did I have any idea how long she worked my shaft between her huge boobs but thanks to the limberness of youth she suddenly moved from on her knees and between my legs to straddling my hips as her surprisingly naked pussy engulfed my stalagmite cock and she began fucking me hard! "Oh Jenny," I gasped, "You shouldn't have but god you feel so good around me like this!" "Oh Mr. P, I love how your cock fills me up! Don't stop! Fuck me!" she choked out as her body worked my cock hard and deep. Moments later we had somehow moved so Jenny was on her back, her body lengthwise on the couch, with me between her legs as my hips powered my cock into her over and over. She loved it every time my cock bottomed out in her, my base crushing her reactive clit between us constantly. Sweat was dripping from my chin onto her breasts as her body went into spasms before me. Her fingers dug into my biceps while she groaned a soft, "Oh god yes, I'm cumming on a cock! Oh my god, it feels so good!" Her body suddenly froze under me for about ten seconds. Then her hips went nuts as she lifted her legs and wrapped them tightly around me, powering my hips deeper than ever into her as my orgasm caught up with hers! I blasted a huge and long rope of cum into her horny pussy as she groaned, "My gawwwwwwwddddddddd!" After that I pumped another five hard shots of 37, going on 38-year-old cum into her super excited pussy, each blast received with a single soft, "OH!" that warmed my heart with each exclamation. And then our climaxes were completed and we both flowed down the back side of that incredible peak of pleasure, my eyes tightly closed from the extreme pleasure. "Oh Mr. P, that was wonderful," Jenny gaped making me realize what I had done. "Oh shit, I shouldn't have cum inside of you!" I exclaimed as I tried to pull out of her only to have her legs tighten even more as they pulled me fully back into her. "I'm so sorry, Jenny! I wasn't thinking!" I went on. Her fingers stilled my lips as she smiled up into my eyes. "It's alright, I loved every second of it! I'm on the pill so I'm safe or I wouldn't have done this with you! But gosh, you made me cum! My first time ever where I actually came from a cock! So, don't try to say we won't do this again, because my pussy is yours anytime you want to fuck it! And I really hope you will want to ... want to a LOT!!!" Before I could say anything, she pulled my face down and we kissed. It was a soft, gentle kiss loaded with tons of passion and lasted for a long, long time. She finally ended the kiss and with our lips about an inch apart she softly said, "I'm glad to know that you really like my tits! And I really like your cock!" her pussy gripped me tight and my shaft throbbed within her. "Oh shit, I'd better let you up or we'll be fucking again and the girls might come looking for me! Would you hand me my bottoms?" I looked around as I lifted up, then spied them on the floor, so I pulled my satisfied ¾ hard shaft out of her and grabbed them then passed them on. "Thanks," she said as she took them and put them on, satisfied they would catch any cum leakage and prevent making a mess. Before putting her top on she leaned closer and inhaled the first 3 to 4 inches of my shaft as she sucked that part clean. God can her tongue work wonders! "Damn but I love your cock, and I wish I could deepthroat it because I really want to, and that is a first! Maybe someday! And one of these days, I think I will suck you off and swallow your stuff, because what I just got tastes better than any I've had before! And that would be another first, because I NEVER swallow!" And then she stood up as her arms wrapped around my shoulders and we kissed eye to eye. "Thanks for talking with me and being so honest, that's not something I am used to. We'll have to have more talks like this one! Thanks Mr. P!" And with that she grabbed her empty glass and hurried to the kitchen where I heard her put it in the sink before stepping outside where loud voices greeted her then faded as the door closed. I finished my drink then went to take another shower which would be followed by a new set of sleepwear. Naturally I was again using the 'guest' bedroom's shower to avoid bothering my wife. She was safely sleeping off her headache in our master bedroom which had been, per her request, long ago been remodeled to be soundproof! After I dried off, I stepped out of the attached bathroom into the guest bedroom only to find Ellen's third friend, Carly, sitting on the edge of the bed, her mouth open as she looked right at my naked crotch and my limp cock. "Oops, sorry," I gasped in shock. "Why don't you like me?" Carly asked with a pout on her face. I was looking for the sleepwear I had placed on the bed as I slowly replied, "What do you mean? I like you, Carly. You are a very nice girl!" "Hrumph! A 'girl'! That's how you see me, just a girl! I'm a woman! And you don't get these," and she shook my sleepwear at me, "until you tell me why you don't like me." "But I do like you! I always have," I said again. "What is it? I'm not pretty enough for you? I know, my damned hips aren't big enough for you and my butt is like, not even there!" Again, I tried to get her to stop and believe me that I did like her. It didn't work. I stepped right up to her and pulled her, still sitting on the bed, into a chaste hug that didn't stay chaste for long. She reached out and grasped my limp noodle then stroked me to hardness. She kissed me passionately as her tongue wormed everywhere within my mouth. It didn't dawn on me that I was hugging her but neither of her arms was around me. And then both her hands moved to my butt and pulled me towards her. The next thing I knew I was 6 inches deep within her hot and moist pussy and she was moaning into my mouth. I tried (okay, slightly) to pull out of her only to feel her wiggle her hips closer to the edge thus letting me crush my base against her clit and pussy lips. "Oh gosh that feels so good," she moaned into my mouth as her kiss ramped up again. Even as we kissed, she begged, "Fuck me! Fuck me hard and show me you like me!" Up until this night, I had never cheated on my wife and I wasn't sure how she would handle it when I told her about it tomorrow. We had long ago made a pact that we would never keep secrets from the other, unless it pertained to an upcoming Christmas, anniversary, or birthday gift. It was obvious to me that this did NOT qualify! And then I decided to just go with it. I picked up Carly, still connected at cock and cunt, then grabbed the bed's comforter and blankets then tossed them off as far as I could. Next, I moved onto the bed and lowered her to her back while my hips came alive and I fucked Carly with everything I had! My brain doesn't remember which of us removed her bikini top but I soon knew it was gone and my lips attacked her breasts as my cock ravaged the shit out of her tight teenage pussy. Carly moaned her pleasure up to me as I strove to make her cum and cum hard from my efforts. It took less than ten minutes before she gasped in release, her arms tight around my shoulders. Five minutes later her eyes grew huge as she stared into mine from three inches then gasped, "Oh yes, cumming again!" and her body went crazy beneath me. It had been quite a night so I was not yet close to cumming so I just moved her to the doggy position where I grabbed (to me) her very adequate hips and resumed slamming my shaft into her over heated pussy. Her head flung back as she gasped, "Oh yes! Fuck my pussy!" while her hands gripped the sheets to help her shove back onto my cock. This position took her less than four minutes, I'm sure, before she shoved a hand into her mouth to muffle the cries as she came, shuddering violently once more. After she had recovered a bit, I flipped her over onto her back again. Then I grabbed her ankles and lifted her feet up before shoving her legs up until her feet were on the sheets just beyond her head, her pussy aimed at the ceiling and my downward thrusting cock. "Oh my god! I've never been fucked like this beforrrrrrrrrre!" she gasped then went silent as she kept moving her eyes from mine to her pussy right above her where my shaft kept appearing and then disappearing back into her over and over again. Remembering my mistake with Jenny I asked through my breaths, "Are you safe, can I cum in you?" "God yes! I'm safe, I want to feel you shoot your cum into me! Oh god, please keep fucking me Mr. P!" Well, I couldn't have stopped if her father had pointed a shotgun at my ass! My balls were throbbing and after about two minutes we both exploded into powerful climaxes that seemed perfectly timed! As I regained my senses, I realized all of my weight had crushed down onto her bent in half body, putting extreme pressure on her stuffed pussy! "Oh shit!" I gasped as I tried to lift off of her, "I didn't mean to crush you babe!" "Please don't move!" she begged as her arms held me tighter. "My gosh, you really fucked me good and I came so many times! I never thought it could be this good! Thank you for showing me that you really do like me! If it's okay with you I want us to do this a whole bunch more times!" And then she kissed me, her tongue searching everywhere in my mouth as she fought to make sure I never moved until she was satisfied. Figuring she knew what she was asking for I kissed her back with everything I had left in me. After several moments I felt my softening cock start to re-harden and she gave me a shove while saying, "Oh no! Down boy! My little pussy is so fine right now, so, no more tonight!" I lifted my hips up as I pulled my cock out of her and stood beside the bed. She handed me my sleepwear but I knew I needed another shower so I just stood there naked as ever. Carly managed to stay in her bent over position until she had her bottoms back on, then she unrolled and sat up as her eyes looked into mine. "Thanks," she said as she grabbed her top and put it back in place. I raised an eyebrow at her one-word comment and she said, "You could have kicked my ass out. Thankfully you didn't. And I guess you do like me and my ass as you really fucked the hell out of me in the doggy position! My gosh that was so awesome! I can't wait until the next time you do that with me!" With that she leaned over and gave my sagging shaft a four-inch suck and cleansing tongue swirl. She pulled off of me with a pondering expression. "Does your spunk always taste like that?" I nodded my head. "Wow, okay, next time I'm going to suck that fucker and make you cum in my mouth. That's just too good to pass up on. Thanks again," and she hopped off the bed and went outside with the other girls. I dragged my fucked-out ass into the showers and once more cleaned up. I took my time as my body struggled to recover from that last energetic fuck, one of my most strenuous in years (the wife can't handle those any more). Finally recovered enough, I got out, dried off and put on the sleepwear I had brought into the bathroom with me. Then I quickly remade the bed and went out to the kitchen to fix another drink. Ellen was there getting more Cokes for the group as well as the snack platter her mother had prepared earlier. "Hi daddy! Thank you for letting us have this sleepover! You're the best daddy I could ever want!" I tried to poohoo it while she wrapped her arms around me and gave me one of her patented big hugs. She ended the hug and rose to her tiptoes to kiss me quickly then said, "Thanks for everything, daddy, now go read your book!" With that she left with a cute giggle, one of the girls opening the door for her as she had her hands full. With new drink in hand I returned to my book as I tried to concentrate on my reading. Fifteen minutes later I put the book aside and dropped my head back as I cussed myself for having fucked all three of my daughter's best friends! How could I have stooped so low? I first of all hoped my wife would forgive me for this one night's weakness. But more than that, I hoped my daughter would forgive me for taking advantage of her friends! I couldn't tell which was worse, betraying my wife, or betraying my daughter's trust! I was a nervous wreck. Three nervous sips later and my latest vodka and orange juice was gone and I was no closer to resolution of my problem than before. I must have fallen asleep and soon I was dreaming about fingers playing with my cock, coaxing it to full hardness. In my dream I saw my wife between my legs. I sighed in my dream and then lips encircled my shaft and her tongue swirled lovingly around my shaft, taking at least half of me into her hot moist mouth. For some reason there were people talking in the background but I couldn't tell just what they were saying. Then my wife's lips slurped around my shaft before they pressed down all the way to my balls while in the background a voice said, "That should wake him up." My brain couldn't understand that comment as it enjoyed this incredible blowjob. But then the lips pulled back and off of me before brief moments later I was engulfed once more. Only this time the hotness was hotter ... and moister ... and much tighter. And hairier! Hairier?!?!? I awoke with a start only to find my daughter fully seated on my cock as she grinned down at me! "Oh daddy, I love you so much! And your big ole cock feels so GOOD in me!" "But..." I tried to speak. "Oh daddy, love me with your big daddy cock! Make me know the pleasure you can give!" Ellen begged me. Just then her three friends stepped in front of me, making me cringe that our incestuous behavior was caught by them. As that shock (and the surprise at their cheering us on) faded away I felt a hand on my shoulder. Turning my head, I looked into my wife's eyes! Oh fuck! She knows! "Having fun, honey?!" she said as she then leaned forwards and kissed our daughter. Her eyes moved back to mine and she smiled as she said, "Happy early birthday!" "Uh eh ur um," I said then went mute. Jane moved around the couch and sat next to me ... um, us ... and gave me a big smile. "I didn't know what to give you and neither did Ellen. And then I mentioned that I haven't really felt up to fucking you like I used to. Well, one thing led to another, and we came up with this idea." I looked around at the other three girls and Jane went on, "Yeah, I know, they weren't in the original plan, but then Ellen mentioned that some of her friends had told her you were really hot and ... well, once again one thing led to another and here we are!" Ellen chose to really tighten her pussy around me then and I looked into her eyes. She knew the question I meant to ask and said, "Please daddy, fuck me and make me cum like you did to my friends. Love me like you always do but this time I want all your love to squirt deeply inside of me!" I started to speak but she quickly said, "I'm safe and that's what I want! I want your cum, the seed that made me, to fill me so full as you make me cum on my daddy's cock! Gosh mommy, you're so lucky to have been getting fucked by daddy for all these years!" The other girls laughed at that but Jane just said, "Yeah, but not as often as your dad and I would have liked! Those fucking migraines ruined too many good plans! Now I want you girls to make up for that!" "Speaking of which ..." I started. "Yeah, sorry but this one was fake!" Jane said followed by a powerful kiss. Then she held up a remote for something, pressed a button and I heard that infernal beep. "It was so hard to stay quiet when I would peek in on how things were going." "Us too," the four teens said almost as one! "So ... you knew ... all along?" "Wise man finally figures it out," my wife said. "Now, as much as I would like to watch you and our daughter finish this fuck, I promised her you two would have privacy. So why don't you carry her to the guest room and then you had better fuck the shit out of her because she is really horny after seeing her friends cum on you!" Jane leaned in again and gave me a tongue filled kiss, then turned her head and kissed Ellen. "Have lots of fun, baby girl," she said, then I was able to stand up with my daughter clinging to me, my shaft nestled firmly within her pulsating pussy. Moments later I stepped up to the bed in the guest room. "Do you want the top or the bottom?" I asked my daughter. "Both," she said with a grin. I gave her a questioning look, so she added, "Daddy, I really like what I'm feeling right now and I could cum in just a few more minutes like this. And then I want you to make love to me in every position you know of! And then I want us to think up a few more! Mom told me that you are mine and I am yours until late tomorrow morning and I don't plan on getting much sleep!" "Honey, I don't want to dash your hopes, but it has been quite a night already," I said honestly. "Daddy, have you noticed how hard your cock is? That's because we put some crushed Viagra in your orange juice. You've probably got three pills worth in you right now! That's why your hands have been lifting me up and down your cock as we stand here ... well, you're standing and I'm riding! Gosh you feel so good in me! Don't stop 'cause I'm so close right now." I couldn't believe what I was hearing but my cock was harder than ever and I could tell she was close. Working together, my arms and her four appendages managed to pound her body until moments later she flung her head back and a soft groan escaped her lips followed by a soft, "Yes! Cumming on my daddy's cock! FUCK!!" and then her body was rock solid still, with her pussy firmly planted against my base, her vagina pulsating around me as her climax slammed through her and then slowly faded away. Once it had passed completely, she lifted her head up and looked at me through glazed eyes. "My god daddy! You really made me cum! You weren't lucky enough to be my first but I sure wish you had been! After tonight, we're going to fuck a lot! I mean an awful LOT! Gosh but I love you! Now lay me down and fuck me like you mean it! Drive that beautiful cock right through me and claim my pussy as yours! Tame my cunt and prove that all of my friends were right about you! Show me how much you love me!" A minute later Ellen was on her back smiling up at me as I began fucking her in earnest. My brain couldn't believe I was actually doing it but less than 7 minutes later she erupted in sexual release as I pushed a climax through her. We switched to doggy and after no more than five minutes we came as one as I pumped her full with at least five powerful shots of cum! Once we had recovered a bit, I rolled her to her side as I spoon fucked her incredible body. She seemed to love the way I took my time in this position and she finally shuddered through her fourth orgasm after about fifteen minutes. "Do you want the top?" I asked her after she had recovered. "Gosh yes!" she said excitedly. "I want to control this and make you scream." I didn't think that would happen but, after pushing me right to the brink before stopping all movement and letting my balls recoup, she would start in again. All through this fuck she looked down at me with love painting her face while I played with her gorgeous 34C boobs. After what I guessed to be half an hour her hips went ballistic instead of stopping like I had grown to expect. Moments later I cried out, "BABYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!" as I came harder than ever before! My entire body lurched as muscles turned to steel and my back arched off the bed about 6 inches! Ellen was cumming powerfully right with me as her clutching pussy pulled at least six huge blasts of cum out of me! I had never cum so hard! Once our orgasms ended my daughter slowly flowed down onto my chest where we kissed softly as we let ourselves struggle to recover. Every few moments one of us would shudder then extol our love for the other. My cock never went soft thanks, partially to the Viagra, and to the never ceasing trembles and squeezes I got from her cum drenched pussy. After about ten minutes I gave her a good up thrust making her moan then her head came up with a huge smile. "More?" she asked as I now noticed the red light on our video camera. Very softly I asked, "What's with the video recorder?" "Mom wanted it." "How long can it record?" With a laugh Ellen lifted up and looked into my eyes as she said softly, "It's recording to a brand new 5 terabyte external hard drive through the laptop next to it. And I think they are watching us as well on the TV." "I thought you wanted privacy." "It's better than on the couch with those four all around us! And don't think about turning off the lights because it has infrared recording capability as well. In pitch black it looks like it was at high noon!" "Do you like oral sex?" I asked her. "Well, I love giving it." "And receiving it?" I asked only to have her shrug her shoulders. "Have you ever been on the receiving end?" She shook her head. "Okay, honey, pivot around on me and let's 69 each other." She crinkled up her face and said, "But daddy, I'm all filled up with your cum!" "So what, I'm expecting you to make me cum and swallow my load, so what's the big deal with my getting it second hand? If anything, it will taste better after being mixed with yours!" Her eyes met mine and held there for several seconds before she said, "My god, daddy, you're the best dad ever! I love you so much and now I'm going to show you just how much." Quickly she disconnected, spun around and planted her pussy on my mouth while her lips found my cock. Through the non-soundproof door, we could hear several gasping voices as they watched what was happening. I didn't think about them the rest of the night and morning. But I did make Ellen cum on my mouth three times, hard, before she managed to get her reward of 5 good sized ropes of, as she called it, 'my brothers and sisters'! By the time I finally rolled off of her wiped out body for the last time it was after 4 AM. Ellen slipped down and deep-throated me clean for about a minute, then pulled her lips from my shaft and told it, "Gosh but I love you!" Then she moved back up to me and gave me a kiss before saying, "Best night of my life, by far! I love you so much daddy ..." and then she was asleep. I was right behind her as we held each other. ******** I woke up to a heavenly sensation centered at my crotch. As my brain woke up, I realized Jane was giving me an incredible blowjob, make that one of her best! "Oh god babe, don't stop," I groaned in pleasure. "Never!" I heard my daughter's voice say. WTF! My head snapped up and I looked down at her with my entire shaft down her mouth and throat and I was swept away by how incredible it felt. But I needed to stop her! Daughters don't suck their dad's cocks! I tried twice to push her away but she fought off my hands and then I remembered! I remembered it all! Holy fuck, I thought it had been just one incredible dream! So instead of pushing her away I said, "Bring that pussy up here for me." With a groan of happiness Ellen moved around, my shaft never leaving her talented mouth. As soon as her pussy covered my face I dove in and used my tongue to return the pleasure to her that she was giving readily to me. About seven minutes after her pivot we both groaned into the other's sex as we came on each other's mouth! Recovering quickly, I moved from beneath her and rolled my daughter to her back even as my hips settled between her leg and my cock pierced her sex once again. "Oh god daddy, that's so good!" she groaned into my chest as we worked ourselves to another sexual high. I was amazed at just how good we fit together as we fucked savagely! Cumming was paramount to us both, our partner's pleasure secondary. Yet with each and every thrust of my cock I crushed her clit between us and ground my base against her making her pleasure rise by leaps and bounds. Less than ten minutes after entering her she shuddered in climax, her pussy gripping me tightly. That in turn sent me over the edge and I pumped her full with another fertile load of my cum. And then it was over and we were both breathing hard due to the incredible exertion. "Shower?" I asked from about two inches. Her answer was a head nod so I hugged her to me and climbed off the bed then walked to the shower with my daughter still perched on my pussy stuffing cock. Before I could turn on the water Ellen was bouncing her body on me, fucking her way to yet another climax. I couldn't blame her, lately we have shared some incredible ones so I went right at her, leaning her into the shower wall as I fucked her hard and fast. Much quicker than I had expected she grabbed my head and gasped, "I'm cumming, daddy, don't stop!" I didn't and moments later I pumped her full once again with my baby makers! And then our bodies went still, not a muscle moving except for her pussy convulsing sporadically around me as my cock lurched now and then. Once our breathing had returned to near normal, I went to put her on her feet but my daughter begged, "No daddy, hold me!" so I did. I'm in really good shape so I would hold her to me as long as she wanted. About five minutes later I thought I felt tears on my shoulder and I started to worry. Ellen hugged me tight with all four appendages, then cried out, her face awash in tears, "I'm sorry daddy! (sob, sob) you weren't my first! I should have (sob, sob, sob) saved myself for you, the man I truly love! Please forgive me daddy!" I did everything I could to calm her down and many minutes later her tears stopped. "Are you positive I didn't disappoint you, daddy?" she asked as I wiped away the tears. "Oh, baby girl, as pretty and as popular as you are, I would have been shocked if you had still been a virgin! What really matters is that I love you and you love me, right? Okay, now don't worry any more about it!" "You're being honest with me?" she asked. Now that shocked me! I was always truthful with her! "Always and forever my Angel!" (she loves it when I call her that.) "Okay daddy, I'm sorry for even asking that." She looked down and wiggled her hips then gave me a grin. "Guess what, my wonderful stud of a dad! Not one of those boys would still be hard, not after a great blowjob like I gave you and then two fucks! But gosh, my daddy's cock is really hard just for me! And that proves just how much you love doing this with me. No pills to get you hard, just me! Gosh but I love you so much! Please fuck me again before we finally wash off, okay?" Few girlfriends had been able to keep up with me in the sex department. Jane was a perfect match until the migraines started. Can't fault her for that. But wow, Ellen and I are perfect together! So, with that in mind, I did as she asked. I started slowly but soon was pounding her pussy into submission! A submission that didn't happen until she was creaming as her third rapid-fire climax slammed through her in no more than a seven-minute span (1st after roughly 15 minutes fucking, 2nd at about 18, 3rd at 22). It's times like this when I really love our tankless hot water system. Ellen was again holding tight with all four appendages and her pussy was spasming periodically as she moaned, "Gosh daddy, I can't believe what you can do to me! I feel like I've cheered the team through four straight games and am ready to go to sleep! And those orgasms! No wonder mom loves you so much! Can -- can you put me down?" "Sure angel," and then I helped her to stand on her wobbly legs. I washed her entire body as gently as I could, even more so around her over used pussy. After rinsing her off I started washing my hair and face. Once those areas were finished, I slowly washed the rest of my upper half while Ellen grinned up at me as she worked my lower parts clean. She saved my cock for last, which did not surprise me. Her soapy hands slowly and firmly stroked my shaft from end to end, adding a twist as she reached my knob end. I was rock hard in less than a minute. "Gosh daddy," she said looking up into my eyes, "how can you be so hard after last night and then this morning? Most of the boys in school that I've been with can't do anything after their best five-minute fuck! And those that could were finished after another quick one that still left me feeling empty and in need of my own orgasm." "Do you need to cum again, baby girl?" "Oh, good grief daddy! You are too much! No!" she said with a laugh, "I am SOOOOO good right now! But my friends are going to want you to fuck them some more and I want them to have to work for it, so I want to make you cum in my mouth again. Is that okay with you? Can you give me more brothers and sisters to swallow?!" And then she giggled which made me laugh with her. Once the laughter died down, I said, "Go right ahead, I have millions of them for you!" "Ummmm, yummy!" and then she couldn't talk as she swallowed me completely. Soon I was bracing myself with my hands on the shower wall behind her. And then without realizing it my hips began thrusting into her. When I realized it, I stopped only to hear, "No daddy, keep doing that! Fuck my face like you own it, because you do! Come on daddy, do it! I want you to!" I did as she asked, slowly and barely 4 inches deep. Ellen wasn't going to stand for that (or is it kneel, as she was on her knees) and began lunging forwards on her own, driving my shaft deep down her throat. I got the message and was soon driving my base into her nose as her tongue, lips and suction encouraged another cum explosion. I couldn't believe that my own daughter was the first and only female to ever ask for a face fuck! Just before I came her hands grasped my ass and pulled hard, driving every last bit of my cock down her throat where I exploded in a gusher of hot spermy cum. Ellen held her face tight against me through my first few shots of cream, then she pulled back and took the rest onto her tongue where she savored every last drop of my seed. Finally pulling off of my well drained shaft she looked up at me with a smiling face as she swallowed then exclaimed, "Gosh daddy, you can't know how much I enjoyed that! You need to fuck my face again and again! I love you so much!" She moved to her feet and rinsed off my shaft then went to her tiptoes as she kissed me gently with tons of feeling! I can't begin to tell you how much I love my daughter! Moments later we stepped from the shower and dried off, then we got dressed, me in more sleep attire per Ellen's suggestion. "After all, you won't be wearing them for long any way!" Moments later we walked into the kitchen where my wife and Ellen's friends waited. Jane handed me a fresh cup of coffee which I eagerly sipped from. I stepped up to Jane and said, "I cannot fathom that you actually decided to give me this gift, but I will be forever thankful for it." "Me too, mom!" Ellen said excitedly. "Who knew my dad was such a stud!" she added which made her friends break out in laughter. Once they settled down, she looked each of them in the eyes and said, "Trust me, he is that and then some!" That resulted in the silence of outer space. "Well dear girl, you now know that your dad can fuck you into submission, right?" Jane asked our daughter while breaking the silence. "Oh mom, when you told me last week that he would do that to me I didn't believe you one bit! But I do now!" Ellen looked at her giggling friends and said, "How would any of you feel after having, let me think, four, five, six, seven, yeah, seven orgasms this morning! They weren't little mild ones like we give ourselves but fucking HUGE ones that curl your toes and rattle the fillings out of your teeth! Well, that's my dad!" It was about then that I looked at the girls and noticed that each of them was still wearing very short and shear nightgowns. Not one of them reached the crotch of their panties and all of them were very transparent! I felt my cock twitch and looked right at my wife who was smirking at me. "Drink your coffee before it gets cold," she said and I automatically took a big swig. It was far from cold! Her smile told all as I held out the cup to her. "Oh no, that's yours." "What's in it?" I had to ask. "Well, there's strong coffee, your French Vanilla creamer," Jane said then paused for a long time before adding, "oh yeah, there's two crushed up 100mg Viagra tablets. They're expensive so drink up." I did. It turned out that the 3 girls had drawn cards to determine last night's order with today starting out in the reverse order from that. Then they surprised me by handing me the deck and asking me to shuffle it. Then I spread the cards out like a fan and the three girls each took one. High card was to be my bed partner for the night. My first partner for the day, Carly pulled out a card and frowned when she turned up a nine. Jenny then pulled out a card and turned it to show an eight which made Carly smile. The diminutive Pam pulled out a card and slowly turned it, then broke out in to a huge grin as it showed a King! Throwing caution to the wind I asked, "What's the plan for tomorrow?" Four teens smirked at me while my wife broke out laughing! "I'm serious," I said. "We are too," my wife said as the girls all agreed. Finally, she said "Okay, there will be more special coffee as well as orange juice, if you need it. These three will try their best to tame the beast and after they leave Ellen and I are going to tag team you." "Um, I have work Monday," I said, hopefully. "No, you don't. I already called in and told them you've been bed ridden since early last night and not to expect you on Monday. Besides, you seldom use your sick leave!" So, there you have it the 'how' in how I got where I am. It's been hard enough to get this down before they attack me without restraint. Am I complaining? Hell no! But by the time they are finished I will be as well! And by the time I recover I won't be able to believe what little of it I may remember. What I do know for certain is that I'm the luckiest guy on earth, and I love my wife and daughter more than I thought I could! Epilog: Well, Ellen and her husband are celebrating their 3rd anniversary this weekend. Jane and I are watching the 'grandkids', 2-year-old Mandy and 7-month-old Sandy. I call them 'grandkids' because that's what they are to Jane. But to me they are my daughters! Her husband is sterile and thinks we are paying for the A.I. procedure. In addition to that, all three of the 'girls' have had my baby and Carly has another one on the way. Jane and I are the doting 'god parents' to each of those munchkins. All three of the girls are married, but not only did I fuck all 4 of the girls on their wedding day, they also, one at a time, visit at least once a week to, as Jane puts it, share the wealth! Damn I love my wife! For Pics visit:---->>> https://cutt.ly/hwsMVhC
Title: Daddy's Steamy Apartment Summary: A defective AC breaks boundaries between father and daughter. Keywords:inc,fic,erotic,first time,virgin "I'm going to stick my head in the freezer," Holly said. "That still works right?" "For now," I answered, my thighs almost stuck to the couch. "Have you called the maintenance man?" My daughter asked. "This is fucking Texas. People weren't meant to survive summer without central air!" "Language," I scolded. "You may be off to college in a few months, but I certainly don't want to hear dirty things from a pretty mouth." "Yes, Daddy," She said, her head disappearing into the freezer. Despite my natural paternal instincts, I looked over into the kitchen and noticed more than I wanted. Holly wore tight, hip-hugging pink shorts that clung to her skin. It was the kind of fabric that belonged in the gym. Something so skimpy that it really should only be worn during yoga work-outs. Bent over the tiny refrigerator, beads of sweat started to work their way down her back, turning parts of the fabric dark and slick. Even with the covering, her bottom stood out, particularly pronounced in the constricting fabric. Not that I could blame her - the thermometer in my car read 93 when we went for ice cream, trying to avoid the oppressive heat. "Call again, Daddy!" Holly's voice rang out from the freezer. The Daddy thing was both old and new. We'd always been close, but there had been some distance during those first turbulent teenage years. Maybe it was the divorce, maybe the approach of college, but she had been demonstratively affectionate recently. And adjusting to my life circumstances, I needed that. "It's the fourth of July weekend baby," I said. "I've already left two messages. I don't think this is the kind of place that specializes in service." "Okay," She said, pulling her head from the freezer. "Do you want a beer?" "Sure.." My daughter bent over further. She wiggled a little, the shorts slipping a little up her skin. I could just make out the start of her crevice between her cheeks, full and bulging out from her shorts while she reached into the crisper. Closing the fridge with a sigh, Holly sat next to me on the couch, her blonde hair tied up in a ponytail, perspiration seeping down her body. They way she was dressed, I couldn't help but notice the developments fathers try in vain to deny. My daughter's breasts, though not large, were well defined by her white tank top. Perhaps normally her clothes were only a little less than modest, the shirt only descending slightly into a little v shape above her petite frame. Only with the cold air and sweat seeping into her cotton shirt, nearly everything was visible. My eyes drifted down past cleavage. Through her shirt, I could see the outline of her nipples, dark and tiny, growing more and more visible. But what could I say that wouldn't embarrass both of us? "Other than the AC, this place isn't so bad," Holly said. What a lie! Maybe to an 18-year-old girl waiting to move out on her own, a tiny one-bedroom apartment next to a bunch of loud college kids and divorcees looked like a palace. At 45, it was pretty much rock bottom. "It's temporary," I said quickly. "I'll get something better once the divorce is finalized." "Yeah," Holly said quietly. "That really sucked Dad. I can't believe Mom was -" "We don't need to talk about it." "Are you sure?" Holly asked. "I mean it's okay, I'm totally on your side. She should have gotten the divorce first then fucked the neighbors." "It's okay. We had been having problems for a while," I said. That was true. For the past few years, Martha and I lived in separate rooms, leading pretty much entirely separate lives. Though it was unspoken, both of us knew that we would separate after Holly went to college. Of course, Martha just had to blow up the entire thing in the most dramatic fashion. We hadn't walked in on her or anything. Worse, I took Holly home from school sick one day, only to hear the sounds of my wife fucking from downstairs. For nearly twenty minutes, my daughter and I awkwardly waited, almost as surprised by the sight of two men coming down the stairs as they were at realizing the house was occupied. Martha hadn't even apologized. Not to me, and more importantly not to Holly. She stated matter-of-factly that it was over, and that I really should leave. It was bad enough that I'd spent the past few years living in a sexless marriage, but at least I might have done something to satisfy my own deprived sexual needs. I certainly would have, had I realized what she'd been up to during the workweek. It had only been two weeks. This apartment was the only thing I could find on such short notice that wasn't outside my price range. I did okay as an editor for at local newspaper, but I didn't know how much was going to be eaten up by lawyer's fees. It all depended on how messy Martha wanted to make this. "At least you don't have to meet them," Holly said. "She tried to have this dude over for dinner yesterday. You know, like it's suddenly normal for her to be dating." I couldn't help but feel sorry for her, forced to pick between this cramped, sweaty apartment and hearing her mother getting fucked in the master bedroom. "Just the one dude?" I couldn't help myself. "She must have been hard up this week." Holly burst out laughing. As she did, her boobs bounced up and down ever so slightly. I tried to avert my eyes, but it had been over a year since I'd had sex. And even then, it wasn't particularly satisfying. Nevermind that it was my baby girl; with every shake, I could see that her tits were actually a little larger than I had thought. Or at least I was noticing them more now. I tried to pry my eyes away, but each iris riveted towards those nipples. There was no doubt as to what they were now. I could see almost the entire bottom outline of her breasts in the translucent shirt. Her dot-sized nipples were perfectly placed, pointing out from the cotton, causing me to look against my better sense. It had simply been too long, and I was too horny to think straight. I put my beer into my lap, the cold blue mountains of the Coors against my balls bringing my brain back to reality. "Can we go to the pool?" Holly asked. "It's so hot!" "Ugh... I guess," I said. "We can see who came out today, the annoying college crowd blaring 90's rock ironically or the three couples with their obnoxious kids." Holly leaned over, the tops of her breasts protruding out as she reached for her drink. Slowly, she took a sip, then fell back into the cheap sofa. She let out a yawn, her hands reaching up towards the ceiling, the side of her breasts pouring out from those thin straps. "Let's give a try," She said. "Come on! Anything is better than baking here." I let her use the bathroom first, changing into a suit that appeared less revealing than her sweat soaked outfit. Again, my eyes lingered. The suit had horizontal black stripes, pressed down so that I could see the sideways slope of my daughter's breasts, that tantalizing space between the pair before they arched up. Trying to force my head to stare straight ahead, I made my way into the cramped bathroom to change. I pulled down my jeans and underwear with one motion, my dick springing up and down. Not quite hard, but close enough for discomfort. I cursed at myself, trying to keep my mind from drifting back to teenage flesh. Only trying not to think of something almost always induces the opposite effect. And the more I tried to force the image of Holly's budding breasts out of my mind, the more they bubbled up to the surface. Maybe it was the heat that forced these thoughts into my mind. Regardless, no matter how I tried to will down my erection, my cock would not cooperate. When I pulled up my swimsuit, only one thing stood out, the noticeable bulge poking to the right side. Other than that, as I looked in the mirror I didn't have much to feel bad about. I didn't have toned abs, but no six-pack overlapped my waistband. I still had a full head of hair. A larger than average dick, even if right now it wouldn't behave. Not bad for forty-five. I splashed cold water on my face, my hard-on slowly fading, though the slight swelled up fell of a semi still brushed against my leg. If Holly looked, she might notice. Then again, what 18-year-old girl was that pervy? I grabbed two towels and went into the living room. "Finally!" She said, jumping up, her tits bounding up with her. I willed down another boner. Worse was walking down the steps from the second floor. Again, her swimsuit wasn't anything to inspire a song - being neither teeny-weeny nor polka-dotted. But the edges of the bottoms went up a little as she stepped down. I could help but stare. Each step revealed just a little more skin. Not enough to look like she had a wedgie or anything, just a gradual riding up, completely showing most of the area where her ass met her thigh. Again, I tried to look away, not to let the image ferment. But it had been so long, and my reptile brain had its own ideas about what it wanted. I found myself trying to stop even more sultry and forbidden thoughts as I entered the water, trying to content myself with just watching. Thankfully, there was an additional piece of eye-candy to distract me, a college-aged brunette wearing a one-piece that was anything but conservative. Nor did the girl seemed worried about hiding it as she sat by the pool. Her boobs were so much larger than Holly's, barely contained by these thin white straps that stretched over her shoulders. The upper half of her swimsuit really only hid her nipples and the outside of her breasts, while the bottoms hugged around the part in her legs, exposing most of her thighs. My tongue must have been dangling because both women caught me. The dark-haired girl in the one-piece simply tilted her sunglasses down, almost as if sizing me up. She gave me a soft smirk. I quickly looked away, more than a little embarrassed. My daughter, watching this exchange, nearly doubled over with laughter, splashing me with a large swell of water. "You horny old man!" Holly hissed playfully. "What?" "I saw the way you were looking at her," She said. "I wasn't-" She splashed me again. "She saw you too!" Holly said. "She didn't seem to mind. Why don't you go say hi?" "Holly!" "Why not?" She said. "She obviously enjoys being looked at." "I'm old enough to be her father!" I protested. "So what?" Holly replied. "Daddy's need love too. Besides, Mom is off banging guys nearly half her age." "Well it's easier for her," I said. "How do you mean?" "She's had all that practice," I retorted. "You always manage to call Mom a whore in such artful ways," Holly said. "I should save some time and start documenting them for my therapist." "I'm sorry," I said reflexively. "Don't be sorry," Holly smirked. "Mom is kind of a slut." We laughed a little. "Why don't you go talk to her?" Holly asked again. "What would I say?" "I don't know, maybe hi," Holly responded. As if it was so easy. "Then what?" I asked. "Don't you write things for a living?" Holly said. "Maybe something like do you go to school around here or what brings you out to the pool?" I narrowed my eyes at her. "Okay, yeah that was pretty lame. But you're good looking... she'll talk." I blushed a little, though it was nice to hear a compliment, even from my daughter. "She's clearly here with a boyfriend," I said, nodding towards the other guys. "I'm not so sure," Holly said. "I am," I said. "Besides, it's been... well a long time since I, since I -" "Had sex?" Holly blurted out. I looked at her, mortified. "I was going to say dated," I said. "But I'm not wrong about the other thing," Holly said. "It's not really something I want to discuss." "Who does?" Holly continued. "But don't let that stop you, Dad. You miss all the pitches you don't swing at, right?" "I've already got the attention of a much younger woman," I said smartly. "And frankly, it's about all I can handle." "I'm not so sure you can handle me," Holly said, pulling her arms back to splash another wave at me. "Careful..." I said. "Or what?" She splashed me again. "Out this deep, there's always a chance of being carried out by the undertow..." It was one of those corny old dad jokes from a lifetime ago. I would dive under the water, grabbing her by the foot, pulling her back until she submerged under the water. "You wouldn't dare..." "He who dares..." I answered, grinning devilishly. Holly furrowed her brow, her button nose wriggling while she decided what to do. Her arms jutted forward, faking me out for a second, then hitting me with another splash. Heavily chlorinated water already in my eyes, I used my arms to shield my face. I decided to dive under the water, making good on my threat, my daughter's high-pitched squeals the last thing in my ears before I submerged. I opened my eyes for a second, only for the burning sensation of chemicals to force them shut. Grasping blinding in the dark, my hands connected with my daughter. Her legs tried to kick away from me, and for a brief moment, my fingers closed around her bikini, grazing the bottom of her ass. For a second, I didn't react. At least not in the way any father should. My cock swelled a little, despite the cool water. But I left my hands there. I only saved myself by pulling her close, opening my eyes long enough to slide my hands down her long, smooth legs. I closed my fist around her ankle, the fingers on my other hand tickling the base of her foot. My lungs desperate for air, I shot up, still grasping her ankle. In one quick motion, she's underneath the water. I held her down just long enough to make a point, then watched her float up, taking deep breaths as she surfaced. "I can't believe you actually did that!" She wailed. I was thankful she hadn't said anything about touching her butt. "You were asking for it," I answered. `She splashed me again. I made a lunge towards her, only to have her hold her hands up. "Stop, stop!" Holly said. "You win!" I relaxed, halfway out of the water, watching almost like a submerged predator as the dark-haired girl entered the water. She smiled, looking at me. I didn't know what to do, thankfully my daughter wasn't shy. "Hi, I'm Holly," She said, looking at me as if to say, look how it easy it is. "Kaitlyn," The girl said. "And over there's my boyfriend Devin." The well-muscled boy with the goofy beard waved as he joined the beauties in the pool. I don't know why I was crestfallen. I mean it was obvious no college-aged hottie was going to hook-up with me, especially not with my daughter in tow. Still, it seemed awfully embarrassing, like we were the family intruding on the cool kid's party. "Oh right," Holly said. "That's my boyfriend, Tom." If the couple noticed my transparently puzzled reaction, they certainly didn't show it. I thought briefly about correcting her, but the very idea mortified me. It didn't take me long to realize what Holly was doing, saving us both from any awkward exchange. Plus it didn't hurt to be presented as that older man with enough looks and charm to date a girl half his age. I know, I know, it's a little gross, wanting to be with a teenager. But maybe I had reached a certain age where the appeal of reclaiming a little of my youth, even in this pretended fashion, superseded any sense of propriety. It's so easy to look down on the midlife crisis before or after its throes. It's much harder to resist in the midst of temptation. No, I didn't want to date a teenager. Whenever I hear Holly's friends talk, I wonder if they all take turns with one brain cell, passing it around like the Greek fates with that eyeball. But as the window begin to close, I certainly wanted to appear that alluring. No one wants to be Matthew McConaughey, circling the high school, joking about how seniors stay the same age. But it was flattering to think that after forty years, I might still command the same attention I did forever ago, before I settled down. "Do you go to A&M?" Holly asked. "Blinn," Kaitlyn answered. "I'm hoping to transfer after next semester." "What for?" The conversation continued on for a few minutes, Holly leaning into the lie, pretending she had taken a gap year before starting in the fall. Despite the girl's initial reservations, Holly won her over. Soon the two were chatting back and forth, with Devin and I awkwardly tried to find some common ground in the way guys have to when their wives become friends. "Wanna beer?" Thank god he offered. I didn't want to be arrested for supplying alcohol to a minor. Halfway through our drinks, he made a suggestion. "Hey babe, let's do a chicken fight," Tom said to his girlfriend. "What's that?" Holly asked. "You know, you climb on your partner's shoulders. Then you try and get the girl off." "That can't be the way you wanted that to come out," Holly said. Kaitlyn let out a loud laugh. "You'd be surprised what he's into," The girl said. "Oh, I don't know how surprised I'd be," Holly said. "Let me guess, you like those pornhub videos where the girls wrestle over a strap-on." I wanted to ask exactly how Holly knew that, but I stopped myself before sounding like her dad. At first, knowing that my daughter could reference particular porn styles irked me. But as I thought about it, I realized that I'd much rather her be at home watching lesbian videos than out the world getting knocked up by some guy. Actually, now that I was really considering it, I'd much rather be introduced to her girlfriend than think about another man ploughing my baby girl. "Whoa... whoa..." Devin said. "I didn't mean anything like that." But Kaitlyn kept laughing. "Oh my god," She said between breaths. "It's like you're in his browser history. "What the hell?" Holly said. "Let's make a dream come true." "Really?" I asked. "Come on," Holly said. "It might be fun." I sort of squatted under the water, letting my daughter climb onto my shoulders. I suppose there should have been nothing other than innocence in the act. Other than Devin, I was probably the only one sexualizing the chicken fight, obsessing over the feel Holly's thighs around my shoulders. I thought about her sex pressed against the back of my neck, covered by that thin piece of fabric. I knew it was perverted, but I couldn't keep my thoughts from drifting in that direction, especially since Holly introduced me as her boyfriend. Though it was enough to just feel her touch, my imagination kicked into overdrive as the faux combat began. The two grappled playfully; Holly's bottom wriggled against my shoulders, her pussy rubbing up and down against the back of my head. Though I couldn't see up, I created a mental image of the two of them. Kaitlyn's larger breasts would bounce against Holly's petite frame. Then Kaitlyn would grab Holly around the neck, pulling her into that cleavage, squeezing her against those curves until her legs wrenched free. Instead of indulging in my perverse fantasies, my baby girl seemed to take the upper hand. Her hands so close to the other girl's boobs, pushing just below Kaityln's shoulders. Then the two grappled, pulling, their hands holding onto each other's arms. We almost had them. Kaitlyn had one cheek off her boyfriend's shoulder... Then I overcommitted. I lost my balance, and the two of us toppled over into the pool. Disoriented, Holly surfaced near the stone step entrance to the water. Her hand grabbed the rail, leading her up the steps to our towels. With each foot forward, I could see just how much her bikini bottom had ridden up, almost like a thong on her left side. I almost saw the cleft between her cheeks as her hand reached down to adjust the fabric. "Another round?" Devin said. "I think we're good, man," I said, wincing at how unnatural even the smallest slang sounded in my mouth. At least I hadn't called him dawg or dude. "We've got to get back anyways," Kaitlyn said. "I need to get ready if we are going out." She paused a second, as if considering. "Hey do you want to come out with us?" She asked Holly. "We are going to hit up Northgate in a few hours." "Thanks," Holly said. "But I think we're going to have more fun staying in tonight." "Oh..." Kaitlyn said, taken aback by Holly's implication. So was I. I knew it was pretend, a posture to save us any embarrassment. But I still didn't quite get why she'd didn't just admit our ruse. I guess it had already gone too far. Even so, part of me swelled with fake pride. This college co-ed thought I was going to spend the evening ravishing my girlfriend, who would rather stay home and have me give it to her hard than go clubbing. As far as deceptions go, it was a win-win. Holly got to relish in rejecting a girl who stood a rung above her socially. I got to pretend to be some stud, still living out his adolescent fantasies. Fantasies that only escalated at the suggestion. The battle I'd been fighting against my brain turned into a route. I thought about what I would do if given the chance, if Holly was actually my girlfriend instead of my daughter. I imagined myself pulling her out of that swimsuit, her breasts pushing against my chest as I held her up, pounding her against the wall. Blinking back that thought, I replaced it with another. My daughter, on her knees, looking up at me with those doe-eyes before engulfing my entire shaft in one slurping gulp. Even in the cool water, my cock started rising, considering what I really wanted to do to her if freed from any sort of moral responsibility. There were so many things I barely remembered after so many years of marriage, after the sex had dried up to a special occassion event. Like any man, there were moments seared into the spank bank, only some were fading as the years passed. Worse, I was beginning to replace these memories with a lonely longing for the exotic acts I'd only seen in pornography. And so, as my daughter stood in front of me, rubbing chlorinated water out of her eyes with her oversized beach ball, I transformed the scene into something more vile. I thought about her standing there, right in front of me, using the same towel to clean my cum from her face. It had always been a challenge to get my wife to even suck me. I couldn't imagine any scenario where she would let me cover her face in cum. But as I leered after my daughter, I wondered how squeamish she would be about such an act. Holly and the other college kids had been pretty open about their porn habits. When I was their age... Dear god, when did I start thinking like that? But there was a point to it. At 20 years old, I would have lied my ass off about the collection of Hustler magazines in my dorm room. Contrast that with Holly referencing a very specific kind of porn, only to have veritable strangers tacitly admit a similar interest in masturbating to the same adult content. I mean - they weren't watching it for the articles. So as I pictured her face, dripping with my cum, I experienced a small epiphany. Holly would likely have no qualms whatsoever about many of the more extreme acts her mother shied away from with me, until deciding to pursue them with reckless abandon with the rest of the neighborhood. I was certain that my daughter had seen dozens if not hundreds of women wearing a man's load. And I wondered if she had ever done it herself, maybe in a car parked outside our house. Some guy I'd never met helping her wipe off her face with a t-shirt before she sauntered up to the house. But then again, Holly had never really had a serious boyfriend. She'd never really shown too much interest. It reminded me of an article I'd edited recently for publication noting the profound decrease in teenage sex and pregnacy. I remember thinking how weird the pattern was - that in a society consumed with free flowing and limitless adult content, the next generation would chose intimacy and connections over random hook-ups. Maybe it's because compared to the variety available now, back in the eighties and nineties we were deprived, desperate and ready to sell ourselves short for that moment when someone - anyone touched our dick. Was Holly more content to stay at home, fantasizing and masturbating about more titillating encounters than a rushed blowjob in a beater car? Given how casually she threw out lesbian wrestling, I wondered what else she was really into. Did my daughter watch a girl get led to a bar, stripped naked, and fucked by a group of strangers? Did she watch women tied up to crosses, beaten by dominatrixes with crops and floggers until they begged to cum? And a thought more damning than them all, at least given my fading abilities of self-censorship... Did she watch those pervasive taboo videos? The ones where the girl says "you're just my step-dad" once before screaming Daddy over and over again. "Are you ready to head in?" Holly said. "Now that I'm out of the water, I'm kind of cold." "Give me a second," I said, trying to force my erection to disappear. ***** "It's still so god damn hot!" Holly whined. "God, it's hotter in here than outside." "I've opened the windows," I said. Not that it did much good. Only a few of them actually opened; the rest were almost sealed shut through years of neglect. The only relief came from two large box fans I'd set in the middle of the living, creating almost a breezeway. "Where do you want to sleep?" My room turned into a sauna as it was closer to the inside of the building. I didn't know how either of us was going to manage. I had initially offered Holly my room, but now the idea seemed like torture. Almost as bad as it was listening to her shower. That had been a new realization. Through the walls, I could make out every sound from the acoustics in the bathroom, hearing the loud thudding crash when she knocked over one of the shampoo bottles. Again, I did my best, trying not to picture the cool stream falling over her naked, nubile body. Again, it didn't work. I'd thought about masturbating during the shower, even working my hand down to my shaft, pumping it a few times... but I was sure she would hear. "Right here," She said. "But there's no way I'm going to get comfortable on this love seat. What were you doing to do, sleep standing up like a horse?" "I bought a queen sized air mattress," I said. "Why don't we just share that?" "I don't know," I said. "You aren't going to be able to sleep in that room, Daddy," Holly said. "You'll melt into the sheets. I'll have to use a spatula to pry you out in the morning." "Still, it seems a little weird." "What's weird?" Holly said. "It's just like camping. Only worse, because you actually paid for this place." I let out a quiet laugh. A few moments later, I pulled out the air mattress. I put the bedding on it, sheets, pillows, whatever would fit. Though it was technically a queen, the air mattress must have ruled over Luxembourg or some other smaller kingdom. Laying down next to each other, my daughter's body was only a foot or so away from mine, tantalizingly close in her pajama bottoms and oversized t-shirt. I was surprised to see her grab a sheet blanket, curling it around her toes despite the heat. I looked at her quizzically, her hands clutching the fabric just below her chin. "What?" She asked. "You aren't hot?" "I just can't sleep without a blanket," She said. After a few minutes, I saw her point. It seemed weird, even wearing gym shorts and a t-shirt. I felt strange without something draped over me. I considered reaching over to share the blanket, only to change my mind. I didn't really know how to ask. We passed a few minutes like this, suffering in silence, perspiration dripping down our bodies. Holly tossed and turned, accidentally bumping into me a few time in pursuit of a position that would somehow ignore the realities of a Texas summer. Finally she tossed off the covers, exasperated, her face flushed with the heat. "These bottoms are too much!" She said. "Do you mind if I take them off?" "Uh..." I didn't know how to respond. My baser instincts, desperate to see her undressed shouted at me to shut up. After all, there were too many ways to rationalize this. Holly was just hot and trying to get comfortable. "Come on, Dad," She pleaded. "It's too hot." I salvaged my conscience by asking one question. "You're wearing," I stammered a little. "You're wearing underwear, right?" "Duh!" She said. "And a t-shirt. It's no more that what you saw at the pool." "Well, we are dating now," I joked. Holly let out a laugh, sliding down her bottoms. She was careful to keep the hem of her t-shirt over her waist, not letting me see her panties. Curiosity coursed up from my penis as I speculated about the kind of underwear she was sporting. Though I had my suspicions. Despite her assurances, Holly moved carefully, placing one hand on her ass to keep her shirt in place while she reached for the covers. Was it a thong? I adjusted myself, trying to angle my dick to the side of my pants and keep it from growing. My touch had the opposite effect. My cock stiffened, poking straight up to make a tent. Thankfully, Holly had rolled over to the other side of the makeshift bed, giving me a chance to reach down into my shorts and point my dick upwards. Even in the dark the bulge would have been painfully obvious. I reached over and grabbed a little bit of the blanket, covering my lap with it. "Go ahead," Holly said groggily. "Don't let me be a blanket hog." I pulled a little more, covering up my groin and thighs. I tried to act natural, but with a boner barely bulging out from the sheets, I was anything but relaxed. I thought about excusing myself to the bathroom, but there was a good chance my daughter would hear me jacking off. I would have to at least wait until she went to sleep. Holly rolled over again, this time her hand falling absently across my chest. "Can I lay on you, Daddy?" She said sleepily. "I guess so..." I said, hoping she kept her eyes closed. Her nose nuzzled against me, rubbing up and down my chest before settling on the side. Through her thin t-shirt, I could feel her tits pressed up against me. I certainly knew from the pliable, soft flesh squished against me that she wasn't wearing a bra. Maybe it was just my dick thinking, but I swore I could sense her hardened nipples poking out against my side. My arm worked around her, letting her lay in the crook, resting up against my shoulders. Her fingers curled up against my chest, and I held her almost innocently, except for the protesting protrusion from below my waist that refused to subside. I stared at the ceiling, staying perfectly still while Holly started to snooze. She fidgeted against me a few times, her naked legs rubbing against my waist as she curled around me. Underneath her t-shirt, without knowing where her underwear began, it was easy to envision my daughter completely nude below the waist. Especially as the lower part of her thighs connected with my waist. There should have been only something completely innocent about her cuddling against me. Almost like we were reliving old times when she would fall asleep during a movie. Or when she needed to be carried in after a long car ride, her neck no longer able to support her tired head. And here I was sexualizing this gift, this one last chance at closeness before she headed off to college. She stayed like that for god knows how long. I didn't dare move. Curled as she was in the fetal position, her knee was only an inch or two away from rubbing against my dick. I went through periods of calming it down, reverting to just a half-excited semi, only to watch in shame as some stirring caused me to notice again the feel and shape of her breasts pushed against my chest. She moved a lot in her sleep. Though I also knew that the suffocating heat also added to her restlessness. Both of us were more than a little sweaty. The very air in the apartment seemed humid, almost suffocating. My shirt and shorts felt stuck to me, making the idea of any sort of rest impossible Holly wriggled again, this time her calf making contact with my erection. I froze, completely caught. Somehow, after waiting at least five mississippi, I managed to move. I acted startled, gently pushing Holly off my chest, then I adjusted myself. "Everything okay?" She said, half-asleep. Thank god she hadn't noticed. "Yeah, just hot," I said. "Take off your shorts," Holly said. "What?" I said. "You're wearing underwear, right?" She said, rolling on her side. "Yeah..." "It's okay then." I thought about it, with both my penis and brain immediately jumping to the same conclusion. The extra layer of fabric from my shorts wasn't really concealing anything, and even my waistband seemed soaked in sweat. I reached down and hit the home button on my phone. It was nearly 1:00 AM. If I wanted to get any sleep before the morning, I needed to do something different. Stripping down to my boxers didn't seem so drastic. I didn't think about the hole down the middle until my shirt and shorts were already on the floor in front of the bed. But then again, how many times had it taken me a desperate moment or two of struggling to fish it out before pissing? Holly was right, I did feel a lot more comfortable. I let out a loud yawn. She had moved over, her butt pushed out as she lay on her side. Everything seemed safe. And without her young body pressing itself against me, I was able to close my eyes, drifting in and out of precious sleep, my cock forgetting about the impossibly sexy family member lying in a state of undress right next to me. In that state between wakefulness and sleep, I adjusted, rolling over, forgetting my surroundings for only a second. My arm reached over Holly, falling down around her chest. My hand wasn't grasping or groping; I had her almost in an arm bar, touching the outline of her breasts. Slowly, the realization of what I was doing dawned on me without any idea of how to extradite myself from the position. I started to pull back, hoping to god that Holly was still asleep. "That's nice," She said. I still should have moved away and stopped myself. Instead I dared to go a little further. I changed the position of my arm, lowering the elbow down towards her belly button, getting more comfortable. Of course, that meant that now my hand was directly clasped around her left boob, not squeezing or touching hard enough to alert her. My erection started rising again. I rubbed my legs together, trying to find the right spot to slide it aside. Much as I began fantasizing about it, I didn't want poke Holly in the ass with the head of my cock. I kept still, trying not to move. I rationalized what I was doing in my head. It just a little spooning, not even really second base. If I got a little excitement out of it, it was only because I'd been so hard up for action of late. We stayed like that for a few minutes, long enough for me to think she'd gone back to sleep. And just went I started to relax a little, she arched her back a little, just enough so that her butt cheeks touched me. Not her underwear, not that shirt that she so carefully used to cover herself. Her bottom, complete bare, now rubbed against my waist. Her sleeping shirt had ridden up in the middle of the night, and the sheet was now the only thing stopping me from seeing that my daughter wasn't wearing any panties. I could feel each cheek pressed against my now rock-hard dick. There was no denying what this interaction was doing to me. I did my best to stay still, even as Holly adjusted against me, almost as if deliberately finding the exact spot to nestle my cock in between the cleft of her naked ass. I tried not to move, keeping still, holding her close to me... only then... It was just a little jolt, enough to give myself the sensation of sliding in between her cheeks. But it was enough. I pushed back again, involuntarily using my daughter's buttcheeks to slide my cock in between, my thin boxers the only thing separating our skin. Once, then twice, I bucked my hips, stopping suddenly, horrified at what I was doing. I stopped midway through my third thrust, only to be undone as the head of my dick flopped out through the slit in my underwear. Little more than the head actually touched my daughter's ass. But it was enough. The top of the slit forced my dick down, and slippery wet with precum, it instantly slid into the space between her legs, as if it belonged there. Shocked, mortified, and impossibly aroused, my cock was now uncomfortably close my daughter's vagina, straining against her bare skin, begging to go only a few inches more. I couldn't believe she was actually asleep. But still she didn't stir. I went to withdraw, only to have her ass move back against me. I could feel my cock coming closer to her pussy, almost parting her lips, the head so close to experiencing the fulfillment of this forbidden fantasy. I just wasn't able to help myself. I grabbed my shaft, feeling my head rubbing against her pussy, unsure how she could possibly be asleep as I started masturbating myself against her lips. "Just go on and fuck me, Daddy..." Holly said softly. Her reaction did more than startle me. Her hand reached back, finding my cock and moving her hips to push me inside her, just an inch or two. Without my help, she could manage barely more than just the tip. But though I had been slowly working myself towards this, now inside of my daughter, and with her enthusiastic endorsement, I had no idea what to make of this. "Holly..." I started, my voice taking on that dad tone. "You're already inside of me," She said. "But.." I tried again, even as I pushed a little further inside of me. "It's already happened, Daddy," Holly said. "Let's enjoy it." "Honey, I-" "Please, Daddy," Holly looked back at me. "Please? We both want it so bad." And of my resistance melted. "I love you, baby," I said. "You know that, right?" "Yes, Daddy," She whispered. "Just fuck me." I lost myself in lust, one hand holding onto her hips, guiding my cock all the way inside her. In just a second, all seven inches of me were inside, stretching out my baby girl completely. I stopped, feeling her breathe, her pussy clamped tight around my dick, so wet and warm, so eager. "God, it's so big," Holly whimpered. "Is it too much?" I asked. "No, just go slow," Holly said. "I've never done it before." Something about taking her virginity propelled me forward. I bucked up against her, penetrating her as deeply as possible, eliciting a loud moan. Then I slowly pulled back, almost exiting her before slowly sliding my way back up. I could hardly contain myself. I wanted to immediately start pumping, but I couldn't. I just wouldn't do that to my daughter. I needed her to enjoy it. My hand reached up her shirt, pulling it up. At this angle, I could feel without actually seeing her breasts. They were firm, small enough for me to easily squeeze my palm around. I acted like a teenage boy, needing to touch them both, experiencing every inch of new flesh. I moved my thumb and finger to pinch her nipple, then alternated to the next. I used my hold around them to drive my dick home into her body. "Oh god... Daddy, it feels so good." I began to move more quickly inside of her, my daughter's pussy opening up even wider for me. She opened her legs, using one hand to prop up a space between her legs. I let her body dictate the rhythm, finding the right pace to meet her needs. At this angle, fucking her from behind in a position slightly altered from traditional spooning pose, I could not really give it to her rough, even had I wanted to ravage her. And part of me did. But only when she was ready. My hips banged against her. Holly's hand reached down to her clitoris, masturbating herself, my hand holding her leg up for leverage. I moved a little quicker inside of her, sliding in and almost out, her pussy nearly gushing wet with excitement. "Daddy... I'm going to..." "Cum for me, baby," I said. "I'm cumming..." She moaned. "Oh, slow down..." I could feel it. Her pussy clamped down on my cock, as if squeezing the pleasure out of it. She convulsed, her legs shaking, her whole body vibrating. Instinctively, I held her legs down, almost together, staying still, but I couldn't stop myself entirely. Her body bucked back against mine, her ass smacking against my waist. She responded so well to the way I held her, keeping her legs almost shut as I fucked her, that I increased my speed. Again I could feel her shaking, though I wasn't sure if this was another orgasm or just a continuation of the first. Then Holly told me. "Oh god.. It's happening again!" Only this time, as I tried to keep going, I accidentally pulled back too far, flopping out of her pussy. But Holly didn't miss an opportunity. She rolled over, pushing my shoulders, jumping on top of me. Our lips met, and I kissed my daughter for the first time unlike any father. Our tongues twirled together, exploring each other, simply making out for a few minutes before she grabbed my cock again. Moving one leg up, she slowly lowered herself on my dick. Looking right at her, I watched as every inch disappeared inside of her. She grinded against me, holding me by the hips, pulling hers up and down on my cock. "That's it, fuck me, Daddy!" She cooed. I pulled her down towards me, kissing her, feeling her body pressed against mine. My hands pressed on her bubble butt. I kissed her neck, giving it a gentle nibble and waiting for a response. "Oh yes, that feels good." I kept going, my hands around her cheeks, pushing her into me. Even though she was on top, I was directing the action. She pressed against me, my hips propelling up inside of her, fucking her more than she rode me. I moved my hands to the small of her back, holding her in position, both of us thrusting against each other. I pounded into her, holding her in place for my pleasure. There were moments when I needed to slow down, afraid of cumming inside of her too quickly. But for the most part I kept up a steady pace. Her long blonde hair moved around my face, swishing as she bounced on my cock. Our lips met, and I thought I felt another orgasm course through her body. It almost pushed me over the edge. My shaft responded to the spasming coming from her opening. Somehow, I held on, my hands clutching the small of my baby's back as she kept grinding against me. She pushed up, returning to the more traditional cowgirl position. Then my hands started working her shirt up. Thankfully she caught on to my intent, helping me pull off the oversized t-shirt. In a big reveal, I saw my daughters tits bounce out, pert, perfectly curved with small dot-sized nipples. My mouth closed around them, and soon we moved up and out of the cowgirl position. We were almost sitting together, embracing as our bodies moved together as one. I held her ass, pushing her down into me. I could hear the sounds of our hips slapping against each other, her moans echoing and rattling in the walls of my tiny apartment. Her neck craned back, her mouth open, her breath frantic, her eyes fluttering open and closed. "God! Yes, Daddy! I'm cumming!" She screamed it. Loud enough I'm sure to wake the neighbors. But I didn't care. For all they knew, I was the virile older man, coming over to fuck his teenage girlfriend in the middle of the night. Only the two of us knew the truth. And after years of neglect, there was something so special about finally coupling in such an intensely intimate way. Already her body seemed so familiar, so easy to understand. There was none of the strange or nervous energy, the awkward or weird moments that accompany most first times. But in this sitting position, there was only so much leverage I could possibly command. And as we rocked our hips together, I nearly came out of her as I pulled back. Still inside of her, I tried to move her forward into a more missionary style position, only to run out of room on the air mattress. We both laughed as I pulled her back, sliding my ass forward on the air mattress until my feet touched the carpet. "I'm going to try something I haven't done in a while," I said. "It'll either be really fun or really short." "Okay, go for it," Holly said. "Hold around my neck." And with my daughter gripping me tightly, I held her up by the ass. I stood for a second, her pussy bouncing up and down on my cock, her breasts rubbing against my chest. I was surprised at how weightless she seemed. I wasn't in any great shape, but her petite frame was easy enough to support. For a second, I just stood there, suspending her in mid-air. "Oh fuck, that feels good," Holly said. But I wanted more. I took a few steps forward, pinning her back against the wall. Her neck arched back, her body shaking against the wall as my hands moved down her thighs. I slammed my cock into her, banging her against the wall until the room seemed to shake from the effort. "God! Daddy, that feels so good!" Our mouths met, my cock pumping into her, that tight little ass sliding up and down. Her nipples were hard, pressed up against me. I reached down to squeeze one, then leaned back, needing to suck again on her breasts. She wriggled back against me, trying to throw herself into me, redirecting my attention to her desperate sex. Any reluctance had completely evaporated, any shyness swallowed up, the sounds of our sin only adding to our pleasure. "Do I feel good, Daddy?" I breathed heavy, my entire focus on keeping her upright. "So good," I exhaled. "You're so hot, baby." "I've wanted this so long," Holly moaned. "Really?" "God yes, Daddy please cum inside of me," She said. "I'm not sure how much more my little pussy can take." I moved my hand down, my thumb tracing circles around her clit, trying to imitate the pattern I saw her following earlier. It's enough to push her over the edge, her pussy quivering and quaking with every continued push upwards. "Oh fuck yes, yes!" It's the first time I'd ever been with a woman so enthusiastic, so voracious and demonstrative in expressing her desire. She almost clawed at my back, gyrating against my cock, letting it fill her completely. I couldn't tell at that point who was fucking who. Inside her pussy, I experienced the throes of her orgasm, the contracting of her pussy pushing me over the edge. Somehow, I managed to warn her. "I'm going to cum..." "Cum with me, Daddy," She yelled. I've passed the point of no return. The head of my cock twitched, and I stopped for a few seconds, almost surprised as the first spurt of cum shot inside my daughter. Then I needed to drive out the rest. I continued ploughing into her, filling her vagina with my load. My head was still pulsing, letting out the last drops as I thrust into her. I could feel my orgasm subsiding, only something kept me going for a few more strokes. "Yes, yes, get it all out, Daddy," Holly moaned. "I'm..." And she shook again, overcome by another, smaller orgasm following the first full-fledged explosion. Even so, it was enough to propel her back against the wall one final time, only this time, my softening cock slid out of her. With my dad reflexes, I was able to catch her by the rump before she fell onto the ground. "God Daddy, that was so good," Holly said, her head resting on my shoulder. ***** We laid naked on the air mattress, exhausted, but still wide-awake, our bodies brimming with excitement. Holly nestled her head on my chest, her tiny fingers tracing their way up my chest. "Not that I'm complaining, but where did that come from?" I had to ask. "I guess I might as well tell you," Holly said. "It's not like anything could be that embarrassing now..." "Are you embarrassed?" I asked. "Maybe I should be," Holly said. "But I'm not. I've wanted this for awhile. Are you?" "A little concerned," I managed. "I don't want to have taken advantage of you.." She let out a laugh at this, her bare breasts squeezing against me. "I think it was more the other way around," Holly said. "What do you mean?" "You're not going to laugh?" She looked up at me. "I promise." "It started with an erotic story I read online..." And the story just spilled out. "Ink, Sex, Magic. It's one of my favorites, there's an elaborate background involving sorcery and tattoos. I don't remember how I found it, but I started reading, and the main character is quickly fucking her father. It's not just sex though... like an actual relationship. I think the dad is just so hot. I ended up masturbating to the sex scene, but I felt so ashamed that as soon as I climaxed, I exited the story, trying to forget it. Only the name stuck in my brain. I remember telling myself that I'm just in it for the story - to see how it ends. I stopped caring at some point. I start finding other authors in the same category, always daddy/daughter stuff. I thought it was just a fantasy. I kept telling myself it's not really about you. Then one day I hear the shower going, and the door is open just a crack..." She took a deep breath. "So I peeked..." "What did you see?" I asked. "You... masturbating," Holly said. "It was the first cock I'd ever seen. You were so big. You were almost bent over, one hand was against the wall, the other stroking yourself. I watched longer than I should have. I was sure you would turn around. I didn't actually see you cum. I got too scared and too horny." "And?" I asked. "And I'd been thinking about it every since," Holly said. "It's certainly thinking about you right now," I answered playfully. She reached down, her hand holding onto my hard cock. "So this was your plan?" I said as my daughter slowly stroked me. "God no," Holly said. "I just thought it would be sexy to tease you. To see how much I could get away with before you called me out." She paused, thinking of what to say. "But I'm glad you didn't say no." "Me too..." I said, moaning as her hand worked up and down my shaft. "Do you want it again, Daddy?" She cooed. "God yes," I said, moving on top of her. It was much more intimate. We kissed first, my fingers exploring her pussy, warming her up before I slowly slid my cock into her. On top of her. I took my time, exploring her nipples, feeling every inch of those subtle curves as my hips connected with hers. "Be quick, Daddy," She said. "I'm sore." I started to increase my pace, pushing her legs apart. Her knees were in my chest, holding her in place so that I could grab onto her legs, pistoning myself in and out. Her fingers moved to her clitoris, making the same pattern from before as she masturbated to keep herself going. She let out several cries, and I stopped, remaining perfectly still, not sure if these moans were from pleasure or pain. "Are you okay?" I asked. "I can stop." "No, keep going. It feels good," Holly said. "I'm just sore. You're so much bigger than my vibrator." I started gently, but her response edged me on. I had her legs pushing against me, burying myself deeper with every thrust, increasing my rhythm. "God, it's so deep, Daddy!" Holly moaned. "It feels so good!" The soles of her feet pushed against my chest. I realized that she reacted better to shorter thrusts, and I tried to keep myself inside her as much a possible. The sounds of us smacking together filled the tiny room as I again pounded into my daughter's pussy, only to be overpowered by the growing cries of joy from my baby girl. "Right there, Daddy! I'm so close." I tried to keep at the exact same pace. I held up her legs, driving myself deeper than ever with her ass angled up, suspended a little off the mattress. She grinded her pussy back against me, twisting and turning, then shaking with pleasure. "I'm cumming!" I knew I needed to finish quickly; she'd told me as much, but I'd already spent myself. Though I could easily cum multiple times in a day during my youth, doing so in my forties was no easy task. Still, as I pounded into my daughter, continuing at the same frantic, frenzied pace after her orgasm, I thought for a second that my balls might do me a favor and release my seed into my daughter again. "Cum in me, Daddy," Holly said. I could sense her desire fading, her pussy tiring from the once sensual battering. Holly bit her lip, trying not to show it. Her cries became quieter, stifled by her efforts to please me. "Please finish, Daddy," She said. "I'm not sure how much I can take." The building pressure I thought about to cause an eruption ebbed and faded. I was still hard, but I knew it would take more than quick minute or two of fucking, nor did I want to push my daughter too far in only her second experience. Still, even as I pulled out, my cock wet with her fluids, she protested. "No, Daddy," She said. "I want you to finish." "It's okay baby," I said. "Come here and suck me." "Are you sure? I just want to please you." I reassured her. "You will, I haven't had your mouth yet." I stood up, and my daughter sank to her knees. She pushed the sweaty strands of blonde hair out of her face, her lips pursing around the head of my dick. Slowly, she sucked, her tounge working around my hole. Holly performed timidly at first, slowly taking more and more inside of her mouth. But as she relaxed, my daughter managed to put most of me constantly in her mouth. Only once did she manage to take me all the way, her nose brushing against my pubic hair. Quickly after this, she started to gag, choking and coughing for a second before returning to her task. A little skittish, she focused on building up a pattern, bobbing up and down my cock, using her hand to stroke where she couldn't quite suck. Her tongue traced down the length of my shaft, lapping at my balls as she stroked me. Whatever experience she lacked, my daughter more than made up for with enthusiasm. Every inch of me, from head to sack, was soaked in her slobbering embrace. She sucked, looking up at me with those big doe-eyes, letting me guide her with my hand. "God, I'm close," I said. "Where do you want me to cum?" Her hand moved to stroke me. I could feel the heat of her breath while she spoke. "Anywhere you want, Daddy," Holly said. "I'll swallow it. Or you can cum on my breasts, or my face.." "Oh yes..." I answered. "Do you want to cum on my face?" "Yes, baby," My hand wrapped around hers. "Suck Daddy's balls." Her head tilted to the side to obey. I could feel myself getting close. The opening at my head start to tingle, reaching the point of no return as the semen surged up from my balls and into my shaft. "I'm going to cum!" She moved in front of me, eyes wide and starting up at my cock. I grunted and groaned. I had been so close with my balls in her mouth, only to fade at the last second. I kept stroking. Holly stuck out her tongue, giving me a small lick, then sucking me for a few seconds before I took hold of myself again. "Tell me what you want," I said. "I want you to cum on my face, Daddy," She said. "God I'm close, keep talking," I begged. "Please, Daddy. Please cover my sweet, innocent face with your big Daddy load." She moved her hands to clutch her tits, squeezing them as she looked almost innocently up at me. "Cum, Daddy. Cum all over your daughter's face." She was waiting, ready for me to final fulfil this fantasy, and yet the semen stayed put, right on the edge. "Please, Daddy, cum all over my-" She didn't finish the sentence. My first shot landed in a large strand from her forehead to her lips. "Oh yes, Daddy..." Holly stayed put, a smile spreading across her face as the next two spurts landed on her nose, dripping down onto her lips. I kept stroking myself, surprised at the volume of cum spraying out from my second load of the night. Other than that one large rope stretched up onto her forehead, semen stuck mostly over the lower part of her face, collecting mostly around her chin and nose, She darted her tongue around, tasting my seed, before opening her mouth to show me that she was swallowing, "Thank you, Daddy," Holly said. I was about to get her a towel when she stopped me. Using one finger, she scooped up as much of the semen as she could, slowly sucking the digit clean. "You taste so good..." my daughter said. I helped her, using my finger to collect the cum on her forehead. Then holding my finger out, I watched while sucked it clean. "Did you like that?" I said, my first two fingers in her mouth. "Uh-huh," She said through them. After a cold shower together, we both settled back in place on the air mattress, naked and covered up by the thin sheet blanket. Again, Holly nestled up against me, her head on my chest. "Thank you Daddy," Holly said. "Get some rest baby," I answer, my hand rubbing her temples. Exhausted, she fell asleep in my arms. The last thing I remembered before drifting off to sleep was my daughter's bare breasts, heaving against my side with each breath. Yes, it was hot, and yet we both had managed a restful bliss. For Pics visit:---->>> https://cutt.ly/hwsMVhC
Title: Tell Me a Dirty Story Summary: Plain-looking brother shares sexy stories with lovely sis. Keywords: inc,fic I really missed Angela. Ever since she had gotten 'all grown up' (meaning 'turned 18') and moved into her own place, I hadn't seen her nearly as often as I used to. We were only one year apart and had grown up in a very close-knit family. We really were best friends. I was home alone on a Saturday night; I was bored. I hadn't talked to Angie in a few weeks, so I decided to give her a try and see if she was home. Doubtful on a Saturday night, that a girl as pretty as my little sister Angie would be home alone, but I'd still give it a try. Angie was a real cutie; 5'8, long legs, long curly dark-brown hair, probably 36-C breasts; a real high school knock-out. But she was a 'good girl', with a reputation as such. Maybe even still a virgin...If there was one thing about Angie that she'd never shared with me, it was her sexual side; we'd just never spoken to each other about such things. I figured either she had nothing to talk about, or, if she were actually sexually active, was just a very private person. That was OK with me. I, on the other hand, was a complete dog. I grew up with a rich hidden fantasy life that included Angie, to my everlasting shame; after all, she was a very pretty girl and I had lived in the same house with this sweetie for my entire life. Growing up a red blooded teenager, I took a guilty sneak-peek at Angela every so often; but now that she had moved into her own place, chances of that were gone. Oh, well...I'd call to check in and say hi. She was home! We chatted. She asked me about my recent break-up. We reminisced about past relationships for a little while. My last girlfriend had a reputation for being...a 'not-so-good' girl; Angela had actually walked in on us once downstairs at our parent's place last year. She was giving me a handjob; Angie didn't 'see anything', but she was still stunned. She referred to it as 'that time...' 'Hey, come on...it's totally natural, right? You know what I mean, you and Harry, you guys must've ...I mean...' She chuckled. 'Well...I guess so.' So! She did have some experience! 'But the time we were at the summer house...That was something else.' I was intrigued. 'What do you mean "something else"? Out with it!' She paused a minute. 'Just take my word for it. Beleive me Alex, I'm no slut, but I've a bit of experience...I just turned 18 years old, remember!' Well, well...perhaps I'd misjudged my goodie-goodie sister. I was intrigued, to say the least. I had to hear more! 'No way, Angela. You have to tell me what you meant by that! It's so not fair to leave me hanging like that! Tell me! Come on! It's just me! Your brother!' Angela paused again. She was thinking it over. 'Oh, all right. Me and Harry, when we were together at the summer house last year...we...did it in the backyard on the grass. There, I said it.' 'Were Mom and Dad there? Was it daytime? Jeez, right in the backyard...' Well, she wasn't a virgin after all. I visualized Angela and Harry fucking in the midday sun in our summer house's back yard. Man, I wish I would have caught sight of that by accident, Angela was so hot; but last year I hadn't even gone to the house at all. I had a girlfriend last year and I vacationed with her and her family. Not this year, though. I was single. And horny, of course. The mental image of my sexy young sister screwing on the grass involuntarily started my cock buzzing. Guess the 'nice girl' was actually a little naughty... We were enjoying ribbing each other. Angela sounded playfully annoyed. 'See? You men...it's all you can think about! I give you one sentence, and...' 'Oh, come on, Angie! Sounds like you may have thought about it a little last summer, too, right? It's only natural! You women are just as horny as us; we men just aren't afraid to talk about it like you women are!' 'I am not 'afraid' to talk about it! Not one bit!' Angela argued. 'Ahh...OK, but you are willing to admit that women are just as horny as men? Hm?' 'Well, I guess, maybe...Yeah. Yeah, we probably are. We just aren't as vulgar and direct about it as you are. That's how I see the difference. Jeez...all of a sudden I'm talking about sex with my brother! How'd we get here?' My dick was slowly getting harder. 'You're the one who mentioned last year at the summer house! You started it! But since you're not afraid to talk about it, tell me the story!' Would she actually tell me? She snorted. 'I can't tell...Why do you want to hear this?' She paused, thinking hard. 'OK. Me and Harry had just gotten back from the beach. We showered together, but we didn't...fool around or anything. He wanted to, but I wasn't sure when Mom and Dad would get back. So anyway, we just showered...and...' She paused again. I was fully hard now; imagining my sister Angela in the shower with big, burly Harry, soaking wet, trying not to get too carried away... 'Yeah...go on...' 'Um, well he...his...penis was...hard throughout the shower and he kept saying he couldn't help it, he was excited...I shouldn't be telling this to you...You better not repeat this, Alex! I'm trusting you!' God, this was great! 'Don't worry! I'm cool! Go on!' My cock was painfully hard as I listened to Angela's clumsy story. I thought it might feel better if I opened up the front of my pants...I reached down and unbuttoned and unzipped my jeans. Ahhh...better... 'OK...So we showered and he was hard and...we finished up but...I...I mean...I wanted him, too, you know? I wanted...' Part of me still couldn't get over the fact that Angie had a sex life; let alone was talking to me about it! I needed more. 'You were horny. You wanted to have sex. Just say it, Angie! Relax!' 'Yes. I wanted sex, too. But like I said, we knew we couldn't, so we finished up and went out onto the back deck to sit in the sun together. But Harry's cock...um...penis...' She giggled. 'It was still really hard and you could see it from a mile away...' I laughed and as Angela continued, I could hear the smile in her voice. 'If Mom and Dad came home and saw the front of Harry's shorts...I mean, you know...So I was worried. We needed to do something about it, right?' I listened intently, stroking my erection through the breifs I wore. 'So we went behind the upper part of the deck, on the grass, so we'd be out of anyone's sight if they came home. And I...took care of it.' Oh, man...'Took care of it? What do you mean?' I caught myself raising my voice and willed my self to calm down. I didn't want Angela to stop, as I was now jerking off as she spoke. Her stopping the story there just wouldn't do. 'You know perfectly well what I mean; I'm not afraid to talk about sex but I'm not going into the microscopic deatils with you!' She sounded pissed, but I could also hear a playfulness in her voice; as if maybe she wanted to tell me more but she needed to be pushed. So I did. 'Aw, there's alot of things that could mean...' I sighed heavily. 'Wow, for a minute there, I really thought you were comfortable with sex, but I guess not...' 'I gave him head, OK? How's that? I can talk about it! I can say it!' I was really going at it now, visualizing Angela sucking Harry's big dick. Then: 'Hey, what are you doing?' Shit, she must be able to hear me breathing heavy or something...I stopped beating my meat and tried to sound annoyed. 'What? What do you mean? I'm not doing anything. Go ahead. Continue.' She paused, listening...'Well...OK. That's sort of it. I gave him head; and thennnnn, you know, his penis went back to normal.' 'Sort of it? Nothing else happened? Doesn't sound like "really something" to me...' I was trying to stroke my dick as quietly as I could, breathing as quietly as I could as well. 'Alex...well, um...he did some stuff to me, too...I mean he did the same thing to me as I did to him. When I was done sucking him, Mom still wasn't home yet and I was...horny and it was really nice out in the sun, on the grass...' I was working my cock feverishly now. I had to hear more. 'What did he do to you?' I asked, trying not to sound too worked up. I guess I failed. 'I told you, he...Alex! What the hell are you doing over there!? Are you sure you're...' Then she stopped and listened for a moment. Before I could answer, she continued. 'He went down on me, you know...I just pulled my bikini bottoms over a little and he licked me. How's that? Is that enough, Alex? Or do you want to hear more?' 'Um, more...' Damn, I could hear the tremble in my voice as I said it. Did she know? 'OK...He licked me...He licked my cunt until I came.' Man. Hearing my usually prim-and-proper little sister Angela say 'cunt' really sent me into overdrive. I swallowed hard. 'He licked your what?' 'My cunt, Alex. My pussy. I was so turned on that I asked him to eat me out.' 'HHHwhat did you say to him?' I was quickly giving up on trying to sound conversational. 'Well, I said "Eat me, Harry. Eat my pussy." And he did. Are you sure you're not...doing anything, Alex?' I didn't even answer this time. There was no point. She knew. If she wanted to, she could stop at any time. But she didn't. 'He licked it and put his tongue inside it and everything. It felt sooooo good; he made me come that way alot. I used to give him head alot, too. Sometimes, hhhhhh....when we first started going together, I would suck his cock 2 or 3 times in one day.' She was trying to get me hot. No doubt about it. 'Did you like...sucking...mmmmhis cock?' I asked while panting into the phone. 'Oh, yes, Alex. I loved blowing Harry...He had such a beautiful, big dick...The biggest one I'd ever seen...Ahhh...I loved to put it in my mouth...hhhhand suck....' Wait a minute...was Angela's breathing getting heavier? Was something going on at the other end of the phone, too? I was near orgasm. I had to come listening to Angela. I was convinced she was playing with herself, too. 'Did you...hhhever...uh...swallow?' She laughed, low and sexy. 'Swallow what Alex? Say it for me. Go on.' Her voice was intoxicating. 'His cum....When you sucked his cock....ohhhh....did he ever cum in your mouth? Ever swallow his ahhh...come?' 'Mmmm...I did, Alex. I did. I liked the taste of it. I swallowed his cum every time I blew him. And there was so much of it, too...I miss his big fat cock...Oh...that day...I wanted him to fuck me, that afternoon too, but we had no protection...We fucked later that night, though, when Mom and hhhhhh Dad were asleep...Alex, what are you doing right now? Tell me!' 'Nothing you aren't doing, too...' I was seconds from coming onto my belly. I continued. 'Did he FUCK you hard? Hm? Did he FUCK you HARD, Angela?' Tell me! TELL ME!' Her harsh breathing was crystal clear over the phone. She was close. 'Ohhh...Yes! He FUCKED me so hard...with his big hard COCK and my wet CUNT felt so fucking good and....and...I ...ahhhhh...AAAHHHH!!! OH! OH! OOOOoooohhh......' We came together and I shot a wad of hot white goo onto my stomach and chest. We lay together, miles apart, and listened to each other catch their breath. There was an unspoken understanding between us; we both knew what we had just done, but we didn't acknowledge it. I spoke first, unsure of how to handle it. 'Um...man...well, listen...I haveta go, I'll, uh, see you when you visit next month...OK? You OK, Angela?' 'Yeah! Fine! Fine...' She took a deep breath. 'I'm glad you called...Um, this is a private conversation, right Al? I mean...' 'Don't worry, Angie. I won't say a word. I promise. I'll see you soon.' 'Bye.' And we hung up. Angela called me just a few days after that. She said she had just called to say hello, but the conversation quickly led to our previous phone call. 'Listen,' she began, 'I'm not sure how you're feeling about that last phone call...I just wanted to ask if you were...um, freaked out, or anything...' Hmm...'It was pretty wild...I mean, I really don't feel like we did anything...wrong, really...do you?' I wasn't sure. 'I think...It's not like we're...you know what I mean...' This was pure rationalization, but I didn't know how Angela felt yet, and I didn't want her to be upset over it. 'Yeah, I agree. We were just talking, which is harmless; and ....pleasuring ourselves, which is something most people normally do, I'm assuming...I just don't want you to think I'm some kind of slut, or something.' 'I would never think that, Angie!' 'Good'. She sounded OK about it. What a relief. We had both lost it for a bit; I had desperately hoped it wouldn't jeopardize the close relationship we'd always had. We decided we were OK with it and that was that. We small talked a little more. After just a few minutes, Angela seemed a bit...anxious. 'I was...I was wondering. I...I don't know how to say this, Al, so I'm just...Um...Would it be OK if I asked you to tell me a ...dirty story?' The last two words came out meekly and were followed by a low girlish giggle. 'You know, like the one I told you the other day?' Holy...She was initiating another mutual masturbation session! Instantly my heart began to pound. My cock stirred in my jeans. 'Oh...um, sure...Like what?' 'How about something with you and Tracy?' she asked. Tracy was the girl I was going with last year. Man, Angela wasn't beating around the bush with this...'Were was the weirdest place you ever did it?' she asked. I thought about it. 'That's easy. I guess it was at the Norwich's Halloween party last October.' 'OK. Tell me about that'. Man, she was anxious! I imagined her laying on her bed, in her pajamas, relaxed, listening intently. 'Right. Well. You know how we were really hot for each other all the time...' 'Yeah.' Actually, Angela never liked her; she called her a slut on more than one occaision... 'Um, we were hanging all over each other all night; we'd been drinking, and...one time I had to use the bathroom and Tracy came with me. After I peed, Tracy...she was dressed as a pirate and had a black skirt on, and knee-high boots...' 'I remember...' The memory gave me a semi. Angela's voice, breathless with anticipation did the rest of the job. I was hard as a rock in no time flat. 'Well, after I finished, she pulled up her skirt, I mean all the way up to her waist...she wasn't wearing any underwear.' 'She showed you her...pussy.' Wow. 'Yes. She said "Let's do it, Alex, quick!" but I was way too afraid someone would need to use the bathroom; I went over and started to feel it, instead.' Angie was getting hot. 'Feel it? What do you mean?' 'I mean I put my hand on her pussy and, um, fingered her for a little bit while we made out. I told her I didn't think we should fuck there. I asked her to wait 'til we got back to her place, but she pushed me down towards her...cunt and I knew what she wanted.' 'What, Al? What did she want?' 'She wanted me to eat her pussy. So I did. I started--' 'Was it wet?' Angela breathlessly asked. 'Um, yes! It was very wet. She was a very horny girl. So I started -' 'Did she have a lot of hair there?' 'Jeez, no, I guess...average...So I started to lick her, and I tried to make her come as quick as I could. After a few minutes, she started to come and someone knocked at the door! She came harder than ever 'cause she was startled. She talked about it for weeks after, how intense an orgasm it was. She loved the thrill of possibly getting caught, I guess.' I could hear Angela's breathing; it was getting harsh and short. 'Did you FUCK her when you left the party?' Man, she was really turned on already. I struggled to remove my jeans as I continued. 'Well, not exactly. About a half-hour later, she had to use the bathroom and we went back in. And as she sat on the toilet peeing, she took out my dick and...' 'She blew you while she was peeing? Oh...OH...Alex...' Angela was really into it now. I pictured her frantically rubbing her pussy mound through her panties... 'Yes...and when she finished peeing, she reached down and started fingering her pussy. She was--' Angela loudly interrupted. 'Like I am right now! Ohhhh...Alex, keep talking...make me come...MMMmmmm....' Sure thing, I thought. 'So she's sitting on the toilet, sucking my hard cock, and rubbing her cunt, just after peeing, and it's just so hot.' I pulled down my briefs and began jerking off, not bothering to try to hide the sounds of my excitement. 'Mmmmyeah....keep going?' 'And I feel myself start to come and I pull out quick. I was liking this 'little bit at a time' stuff and wanted to save some for later, you know? 'Ahhh...Uh-huh...Ahhhhh....Go on....Hmmmm...' Then I hit her with it. 'Does it feel good, Angie? Tell me how good it feels.' She was openly panting. 'Yeah! Oh, yeah! I have two fingers in my cunt right now; it feels so good...Aaghhh....What are you doing, Alex? Are you jerking off? Got your cock in you hand? Hm? Hmm?' 'Yeah, I'm beating off, Angie...I wish you were here so you could see me do it...Uh...Yeah...' 'Ohhh, no, Alex....If I was there right now...I might not be able...OH! to control myself! I might....' 'What, Angie? Tell me! You might what?' 'I might want to SUCK IT! I might try to SUCK YOUR COCK! OHHHHH!!! UMMMMM!' 'I might want you too, Angie! I might want to do things to you, too!' 'OH, Tell me! What? WHAT?' 'I'd FUCK your hot little CUNT, Angela....Ohhhh..I'm so fucking horny, it wouldn't matter if you let me or not...I'd stick my fucking COCK into your PUSSY and FUCK YOU, you little SLUT! I've ALWAYS wanted to DO YOU!' I couldn't believe what I heard myself saying...or what Angela would say next... 'AGHHH....Alex....I would LOVE it...I used to think bad thoughts...I'd dream of you FUCKING me, growing up! Just taking me and making me do things to you...God, I've fantasized about you FUCKING me against my will!! Forcing me...Nnnnnn...My legs are spread so wide for you RIGHT NOW, Alex! You want to FUCK your little baby sister, don't you? You want to FUCK MY HOT PUSSY! God, it would be so wronnnnggggg...Ohhh...I want your BIG, FAT COCK in me! I...AAAAAHHHHHH!!!OHHHHHHHH!! We came together. It had happened again. But this time, we had gone even further; and this time, we both entered into it willingly, fully aware of where it was going. And it had gotten a little...extreme, at the end...After a few minutes, we recovered, laughed nervously, and said our good byes. We called each other alot after that. We did away with the 'tell me a story' thing eventually and just got right into talking about what we wanted to do to each other. This confused me a bit, I'll admit; I wasn't sure if what I was hearing was really what she wanted, or just hot talk; on the other hand, I wasn't sure if what I was saying wasn't really what I wanted. But it was too good to question, neither one of us wanted to ruin the good thing we had going. So we simply went with it. We called each other 8 more times during the next 2 weeks. We were both addicted to playing with ourselves while talking dirty to each other on the phone. I always asked her what she was wearing and eventually asked me what I wanted her to wear. I usually said 'just bra and panties', because of that one time a few years back when I had accidentally walked in on her in the bathroom and caught her in her underwear. That image has been forever etched in my mind...I visualized her that way each time we started out. One time she was begging me, practically screaming at me, to come home and fuck her. The intensity if her cries (and my boner) almost had me on my feet, but after she came, no further mention was ever made of her request. We talked like we both wanted it, but neither one of us ever made a move. Until...I got a package from Angela in the mail. It was rather odd, seeing as I lived about 10 minute's walking distance away from her. I opened the padded envelope. Panties!! Jeez...2 pair of panties; one red thong and one pair of pink, lacy undies. There was a note in the package as well: 'For next time--you'll know what I'm NOT wearing' and then, instead of a signature, she drew a heart. Man...She sent me her fucking underwear!! Both pairs had a small cotton panel in the front, and I then did what every red-blooded man would do, brother or not--I took a sniff. Ahhhhh...it was heavenly. That deep, pungent aroma was intoxicating. She had definitely wrapped these babies up before they were laundered. I could smell Angela's pussy on both pair. Was this what she had had in mind? I sat on the edge of my bed for 5 minutes, inhaling the wonderful smell and started to rub my thickening cock through my jeans. I just had to beat off sniffing these trophies; I think I came that time harder than I ever had before. The next time Angela called for our 'story time', she asked if I had gotten her package. I told her yes and told her the story of what I had done immediately after opening them while we both got off. She loved it. We went at it extra-hard. True to form, when she got really hot, she started asking me if I'd come over there and do her...I told her how much I wanted to smell her pussy; to eat her delicious cunt...We came simultaneously; me with her red thong over my head, the scented cotton panel directly over my nose. She said she'd send more, but she also asked me to send her something, too...hmm... A day or two later, I had an idea. I bought a Polaroid camera and some film, and took about 24 pictures of my cock. Soft, hard, semi; poking up through my briefs, out the side of my boxers, and totally nude, in my hand while simulating jerking off; dripping with cum; anything I could think of. Near the end I had a brainstorm--I jerked off using Angela's panties and snapped another set of that; I came all over her undies for the grand finale. I was afraid to send them in the mail, so I scanned them all into my computer and sent some of the simpler ones to her via e-mail. My heart pounded as I clicked 'Send'... The next day, Angie called and left a message on my machine for me to call her immediately. I called her back right away. 'Hey, Al...how are you?' she asked breathlessly. 'Good, Angie. What's up? Nobody's home over there, right? It's safe?' 'Yeah. Definitely. God, Al...I just have to tell you...it...it looks so big! It looks bigger than Harry's! Is it really that big?' I blushed with pride. Truth is, it's about 10" long when fully erect, and really thick. 'I guess, I mean, yeah...you liked 'em?' My dick was already erect imagining her looking at pictures of my cock. Knowing it excited her was making my dick painfully hard... 'Like them? I'm doing it right now, Alex. I'm feeling my pussy...hhhhh...I had no idea your...cock was sooooo big...I've already done it twice today, Alex. I printed the pictures and just...I just...Ohhhh. Angie didn't even ask me to join her on this go-round. She just talked about my cock, struggling the entire time to complete a sentence. She came fairly early for her, and asked if I could send more shots. She was thrilled when I told her I had more. 'They're even better,' I told her. 'God, please, send them over now...' So much for my goodie-goodie sister. She loved cock! MY cock! I sent her the real extreme pics; the ones where I shoot my load onto her underwear. I spent the rest of the night imagining what my hot sister Angie was doing while staring at pictures of my 10" dick. The sheer perverseness of what was going on between us was thrilling; I felt addicted to that thrill and couldn't wait for the next chapter in this forbidden adventure to unfold. Another package from Angie; this one contained a large, flesh-colored dildo. As I opened the box, I could smell my little sister's pussy wafting up from inside...This note said, 'It's nice, but I'd rather have the real thing' and another heart. Goddamnit! I'd had enough. I needed to know if this was all a bluff or was she serious? Did she really want to fuck her own brother? Then I realized that that wasn't really what was getting to me; rather it was wondering if I'd actually get a chance to fuck my beautiful sister. After admitting to myself how much I wanted to do Angie, I needed to know more than ever: was all her hot talk about fucking and sucking me; all her begging and pleading for me to come over and take her; that last note; did she mean it? I had a very risky idea; but this was out of my control, I couldn't help myself. The next time we had a 'story time', I'd call her bluff. That 'next time' came late in the following week. Angie always had Fridays off. Only this time, I made the call on my cell phone, from inside my car, which was parked just around the corner from Angie's place. This time, I was mobile... 'Hey.' I tried not to sound too anxious; I hoped this plan of mine would work with every fiber of my being. Static faded in and out during our call. 'Hi. Perfect timing, I'm here for the day...What's up with your phone?' 'Oh, I'm on the cordless. Just ignore it, OK? Tell me a story.' 'Alright. Whaddaya wanna talk about?' My long, thick cock was tingling at the sound of my sister's voice already. 'Um, I don't know...' I tried to keep my end of the conversation to a minimum, hoping she couldn't tell I wasn't at home, where I usually called her from. 'How about that last package you sent? Oh, man, did that ever take me by surprise...' Angie sounded gleeful. 'OK! Did you, I mean...So you were surprised?' 'Yes. Never got one of those in the mail before...' I joked. Angie giggled like a little girl. 'No, no...Did you think I ever used one of those before?' 'Ah, nope. I guess I thought you only used your fingers.' People were walking past my car; I felt really awkward having this conversation 'out in the open'. I had to keep reminding myself that no one outside my car could hear me. 'Do you think it's sexy? Me...fucking myself with that hhhh dildo? I have a vibrator, too, you know.' In the background, it sounded as if she were getting settled into bed or something. My penis was thickening in my shorts. 'Definitely sexy. I would love to see you do it.' There. I'd push a little and see if she meant business. 'Oh god, Alex...me fucking myself right in front of you...Does that turn you on? Are you touching that big cock right now?' She was well underway. I felt left out, not being able to join her...'Oooooooh, it felt sooooo good; I wanted it to smell...uhhh...just like me...I even tried to...put it into my ass, but I chickened out. It was too big. Can you smell me on it? Do you have it handy right now?' 'What? Why?' 'I want to see if it's as big as yours.' 'Ummmm, no, actaully, mine's bigger. And a lot thicker. And I bet it would feel a lot better inside your pussy, too.' We usually talked like this to each other during these calls, but today I was planning to push it over the edge. I entered the side of my folk's house silently. 'Oh, shit, Alex! I know it would, too...Oh! It's so beautiful...I can't stop looking at the pictures of it...I have them right in front of me now.' I thought I heard a faint buzzing in the background, though on the cell phone, it was hard to tell...'It's so wrong...but I think about your cock all the time...I feel like such a bad girl...Uhh...at work, at home, in my car...I came in my car, Alex. Thinking about your big fat dick...After work, last Monday...I had to pull over...Are you doing it, Al? Hm? Are you beating your beautiful meat?' It was time. I stood at the bottom of the stairway and carefully began to remove my clothing, trying to time it so any noise on my end would be drowned out by her own sensual ramblings. 'Oh, yeah, Angie...I am...Are you in your bra and panties? You messing up your cute little panties thinking about your brother's big hard cock? So you can send them to me?' 'Mm hm! I have the front of my Uh! Uh! Underwear pulled over to the side and I'm, I'm...Ohhh, my clit...' I climbed the stairs to Angie's room. It felt really strange walking around the house I grew up in completely naked. My cock was completely hard, sticking straight out in front of me as I visualized Angie on her bed playing with herself. I lowered my voice as I approached her door. 'Thinking about Alex's meat in your wet cunt instead of that fake dick? Yeah? Tell me, Angela.' 'Oh, yeah! Oooooooh, oh, shit...That big beautiful cock in my cunt...Oh, I would just die!' I could hear her voice coming through the door. My heart pounded at double speed. 'You want me to come over there and show it to you, Angie? I'll come over there and shove it in you. I'll stick it right up your tight little asshole! I don't care if it's too big! I'll fuck you so hard...' Say yes, dammit. Please say yes...I tried the doorknob on the bedroom door. Un-locked... 'You want me to come over, huh? HUH?' She was screaming. 'Aaaghh, Ahhh, Alex..Ohhh! Yeah! Come over hear with that nice big dick and fuck me! Fuck your little sister! Ohhh, it would be so bad, Ahhhh! So FUCKING bad...' I threw the door open with a bang. 'I'm right here, Angie. And I'm all ready...' I had imagined it many times, but still I could not believe my eyes. Angie sat stunned in a chair, one leg up over the cushioned arm, her panties pulled to one side, away from her crotch. Her petite pink pussy lips glistened with their wetness. She was holding a small silver vibrator in the other hand, and had it's tip pressed against her clitoris. There were pictures of my dick next to her on a table, spread out beside her. She sat frozen, staring at me like a deer in the headlights. Neither one of us was breathing. The minute buzz of the vibe was the only sound in the room as we stared each other down. The look on her face was one of abject terror, completely taken by surprise dumbstruck. She had gone completely red in a nano-second. When she finally pried her bulging eyes away from mine and took a look at my hard penis and up and down the rest of my nude body, Angela inhaled deeply and yelled 'Get out!! My god, get the hell out of here!' Her legs closed like a vice; the vibrator fell to the floor, still buzzing. She grasped at her bedspread to cover up in a panic and continued. 'What the hell...Get out! Alex, jesus!' She grabbed a magazine off of her nightstand and threw it at me. Pictures of my cock fell all over the floor. Getting up from the chair, she staggered over to the doorway where I stood, and grabbed the door to slam it shut on me. But I didn't move. I held the door open. She gave up on trying to shut it and began pushing and hitting me, still shrieking in disbelief. My cell phone hit the floor. But I was a foot taller and 80-90 lbs. heavier than her; I grabbed her by the wrists and held her off. Her sheet had fallen to the floor as she struggled for me to escape my grip. She wore a white sheer bra and cream colored lace-front thong panties. She looked intense; there was rage in her expression; tears in her eyes. I guess I had my answer... She struggled to escape my grip, but I held on. 'Angie! Calm down! Angela! Stop!' She kept fighting and tried to kick me; she slipped on the sheet at her feet and fell to her knees in front of me. I held her wrists tightly as she sobbed, staring down at the carpet. What a fool I'd been. I was devastated. 'So was it all just talk, Angela? Huh?' I was almost shouting; my anger at her rejection and my severe miscalculation was getting the better of me. My penis stood out stiffly inches above her downturned head. 'Tell me the truth. I can't take it anymore. I believed you! If you don't mean those things we said, you're nothing but a cocktease, Angie. A fucking tease. Is that what you are? Well? Here it is, Angie! Here's the big cock you've been dreaming about all week! Take a look, you fucking bitch!!' I was furious. Angie slowly lifted her head. She looked straight at my hard-on. I could feel her breath on it. 'No...ow, Alex, you're hurting me!' She tried to twist her arms to relax my grip but I held firmly. Angie's mouth was mere inches away from the head of my angrily throbbing cock. She stared intensely at it as it bounced with my pulse. My anger had completely overcome me. 'I should teach you a lesson today, Angie.' She looked up at me meekly; inquisitively. 'I should make you pay the price for leading a man on...especially your own brother...' Angie looked back at my erection; the fight had gone out of her arms suddenly. 'I should...' I contemplated my ideas silently while Angie lay at my feet. Still looking straight at my dick, she said, 'I'm sorry, Alex. I didn't mean for this to happen. I didn't know...I mean, it was easy to let go, with you on the phone; easy to forget you were my brother; easy to pretend I was someone else...' She was lying. 'Sounded to me like that was the very thing that was getting you off so much, Angie. The fact that it was 'so bad', and 'so wrong'. That's what I think. You just won't admit your true feelings.' She shook her head no. Her eyes closed. She looked as if she were trying to convince herself that I was wrong. 'NO! I just got carried away, that's all. Please let me up, Alex, I'll...' 'Kiss it.' 'Huh? Alex...' Angie asked, sounding, but not really looking, surprised. 'You heard me. Kiss it.' I squeezed her arms a bit tighter; she yelped in pain but stared at my dick, thinking...considering...then glancing up at me knowingly... I leaned in forward, pushing into her jaw with my cock. She turned her head, sliding her lips across its entire length as I pulled her arms behind me. 'Suck it, Angie, suck my cock. The cock you told me you wanted so fucking bad.' I pushed my dick again into her face, rubbing her cheek with my meat. 'Ahhh...nooo...hhhh...Alex, it's wrong...Isn't it wrong?' She closed her eyes, enjoying the feeling of my 10" dick sliding around the soft skin of her pretty young face. Her mouth opened; she looked up at me, eyes ablaze, and opened even wider. 'Isn't it, Alex?' Her eyes then focused on my cock as she maneuvered her head into the proper position and opened her mouth to accept it. I could see that me speaking this way to her was having an effect. I decided to go for broke. 'I don't care, Angie. Just suck it. Suck it like you told me you would. Suck my fucking cock.' And with that, Angie opened her mouth and licked the underside of my erection with her warm, wet tongue. I let go of one wrist, reached down and grasped it at its base and aimed it straight at her lips. Then, after weeks of dreaming it, my baby sister Angela was sucking my cock. I let go of her arms and one hand instantly grasped my fat dick. I put a hand on Angie's head as we found a rhythm and worked together. The sheet slipped to the floor once again and she adjusted herself into a more comfortable position, looking up at me occasionally while she sucked most of my huge dick into her warm, wet mouth. Angie really went at it, gradually building in intensity as she let herself go. She looked up into my eyes, as if checking to see if I was enjoying the loving blowjob she was giving me. Duh... 'Ohhh, that's it, Angie...Suck me. Suck it so good. You like it in your mouth? Hm?' Angie couldn't answer with more than a grunt. 'Mmmm', she replied. 'Mmm-mmmm...' Then she pulled her head off of me and gasped for breath, saying, 'Alex...we shouldn't be doing this...We're going too far! We--' I grabbed a handful of her soft brown hair and I pulled her face back to my groin. 'Shut up, Angie; I told you I didn't fucking care what you think. Suck my cock!' The head of my cock pressed into her pretty nose as she pushed away with both hands; I tugged her hair forcefully, eliciting a screech of pain from my little sister. 'PUT IT BACK IN YOUR MOUTH, YOU FUCKING SLUT!!' She looked back up at me, pleading with her eyes...but there was another look in her eyes as well; a look of excitement; of passion. I relaxed my grip as she sucked my rod back into her mouth. I think we were both enjoying the game this had developed into, and we both understood our roles perfectly. From that point on, I was the horny, dominant big brother, and she the victimized, submissive little sister. I stroked her hair as she blew me. 'You said you'd be my little private whore, didn't you? And don't give me any more of that "We can't, we shouldn't" shit, Angie. I know you want it just as much as me. Ooooh, yeah...I know you want my cock. I know you want me to fuck you, too.' Angela was working away at my dick, taking almost all of it in, loudly sucking and licking as I spoke. 'Don't deny it, Angie. You wanted it and now....UH!...now you fucking got it...Ahhh! Fuck!' Angela knew I was going to come and started trying to pull away. I started to lose it, but I gripped her by the hair again and pulled her head off my cock. 'Alex, please, don't... 'Shut up, Angela!' I held onto her by the hair and said, 'Get up.' As I caught my breath from my near-orgasm, I said, 'Get over on the bed. Take that fucking bra off.' Angela looked as if she were going to cry again; but there was that other look, as well... as if she couldn't wait to show me her tits...She took a quick look back down at my rock-hard cock and backed over to her bed and sat on the edge. She reached up and unclipped the front, opening her bra but leaving it on. 'I said take it off...' I said as menacingly as I could...She looked up at me, her chest heaving with every breath, and her eyes locked onto mine. She slowly opened the front of her bra, revealing her beautiful breasts. They were large and round, and topped with tiny brown nipples. I stared at then in awe. Out of the corner of my eye, Angie's face betrayed a look of pride as I stared at her fantastic boobs. Both nipples were hardened bullets. I reached down and pulled my prick a few times, never taking my eyes off of my sister's chest. 'Oh, yeah...verrrry nice. Just like I imagined. Hmmmm...Now take it off.' She slipped the straps over her shoulders and tossed the bra onto the floor. She sat back a bit on her bed and I saw something that confirmed my gut feeling: The crotch of Angie's panties was soaked completely through. She was so wet she was practically dripping through her undies. Her crotch was a sopping mess. 'What's this? A little excited, are we?' I gazed intensely at her wet pussy; Angela quickly closed her legs and lowered her head, appearing embarassed. 'I knew it, you slut. Take them off, too.' 'No, Al! We have to stop! This is wrong! We can't go any further!' Was that the ghost of a smirk at the corner of her pretty little mouth? She saw how angry this made me. That's why she did it. I contorted my face into an angry mask and said, 'We're going to do what we said we were going to do, cunt. Give me those fucking panties. Right now.' I walked over to where she sat and stood in front of her, my erect dick pointing straight between her pretty tits. She stared at it as if hypnotized and slipped her sopping-wet panties off. 'Give them to me.' She held them up as if they were a peace offering. I grabbed them and brought them right up to my nose and inhaled deeply. 'Ahhhhhhhh. So good.' I opened my mouth and pushed the cotton panel inside with two fingers. 'Mmmmm, mmmm...I can taste your pussy, Angie. It tastes nice.' Angie was panting like a dog, her pretty pink pussy lips glistened between her legs as she watched me sucking the juice from her underwear. 'But why should I settle for this when I have your pussy right here in front of me?' She caught herself smiling and stifled it; her eyes lit up as I leaned in to kneel between her legs. She opened her knees as far as possible, giving me complete access to her hot young pussy, and leaned back on her elbows, all the while shaking her head rapidly and whispering, 'no, no, no...' I spit her undies onto the floor and moved my face between her thighs, pushing them open to the limit with both hands. Her dripping vagina lay open before me, the smell of it familiar from the packages she had sent. I had to taste it...I plunged my face into her crotch and began lapping the entire surface of her cunt like a dog, using my entire head to get her off. Angie wailed in pleasure; it sounded as if she were trying to sing, and very badly, at that. I felt her hands pulling my hair as she pulled me further in, guiding my mouth up to her magic button. I nibbled, sucked and tongued her hard clit for a few minutes as she moaned and groaned in ecstasy, wiggling her butt all around the edge of the bed, pulling me in at times and pushing me away at others. She was still playing the part of the innocent little sister. I swallowed her gushing juices as they flowed, my entire face becoming slick with them as I worked. Parting her precious pussy lips with my fingers, I slipped one into the entrance to her anus, and that broke the spell. 'No! No, Alex!' Funny; she had said during our phone conversations that she liked it up the ass...perhaps she was 'kidding'...Perhaps not. 'But Angie! You said you loved it in your ass!' I licked her brown butthole, pushing my tongue into the tiny tight opening. She reached down and tried to push my head away. I brought my hand back over and slipped my finger in, further than before; Angie pleaded, 'Please, Alex NO! NO!' When I had it in past the second knuckle, her cries had changed to 'Oh! Yeah! Uh!! Al!! Ahhhh!' Angie reached down and massaged her clit and I began tongue fucking her while I slipped my finger in and out of her ass. She came in just a few seconds. Her thighs squeezed my head like a vise; the noise she made during her orgasm was...indescribable. Angie lay on the bed before me completely spent. For a second, I thought she may have passed out. I stood up and paced around the room anxiously, the reality of what we'd just done creeping into my mind. Things would never be the same between us. Suddenly I desperately needed to confirm Angela's complicity in all of this; I needed to know once and for all whether this was in fact what she wanted all along. I sat in the chair next to her bed and watched her breathing even out. 'Tell me a story, Angie,' I softly said, stroking her long brown hair. I waited anxiously for her reply. She lay motionless for minutes. She turned to me, still lying on the bed, and looked me in the eye. Her face had the look of someone who was ready to come clean; ready to stop the games and get real. Then she broke her silence. In a sexy, breathless voice, she started...'Once, there was a little girl with a big brother. A big brother with a VERY big cock.' She smirked at me, speaking as if she were reading a children's book aloud. 'The little girl and her big brother liked to talk dirty to each other while they touched themselves, but it kind of got out of hand.' I listened anxiously beside Angie as she dreamily told our story. 'The big brother wanted to know if his sister really meant all the things she said to him; all the while, the little girl was wondering the same thing.' Angie was looking wistfully up at the ceiling, pinching her nipples and making them rock hard again. 'So the big brother came over and surprised the little girl. At first she wouldn't face it; wouldn't admit it, and that made the big brother angry.' The room had started to heat up again. 'The big brother made her do bad things, VERY BAD things, like SUCK his big COCK. Then the big brother ATE his little sister's PUSSY, and put his FINGER in her ASS, and made her COME; it was so good that she could no longer deny it: she and her big brother really did want the same thing. There were no more secrets now, no more pretending. Now they could do everything they ever dreamed of together. Even though everybody said it was bad, they thought it was good. How could something that felt so good be bad?' I was smiling ear to ear. 'And what did they really want?' Angie's face got serious. 'They wanted to FUCK. She wanted his big fat cock in her little tiny pussy.' She rolled over on her side to face me, opening her legs and showing me her slippery pussy lips. I looked down at her lovingly. 'Now that both of them knew, and they had come so far, there was nothing stopping them.' I reached over and massaged one of Angela's wonderful titties. 'What happened next?' I asked, anxiously. Angie grinned. 'Oh, the big brother's very big cock was still very hard; it wanted to be deep inside the little sister's pussy very badly.' Angie grabbed my stiff dick and started softly stroking. 'But now that they had decided they were going to fuck, the little sister couldn't decide which hole she wanted it in, her cunt or her ass?' Whoah! I liked this story...'So the big brother picked up his sister's shiny silver vibrator...' She paused as I got the message and moved quickly. '...and put some baby oil on it, getting it all nice and slippery.' Smiling devilishly, I jumped up to retrieve her dildo and Angie leaned over to her nightstand and handed me a small bottle of baby oil, smiling back at me. 'Then he put some on his big cock.' I did. 'The little sister got on all fours...' Angie assumed the position. Her big round tits hung below her, almost touching the bed, as she got on all fours, her ass and pussy facing me. 'Her brother slipped the dildo slooooowly into her ass...' I climbed up onto the bed and positioned the vibrator at the small opening of her anus, turning it as I slipped it slowly into the little brown hole between her gorgeous ass cheeks. 'Nnnghnn...oh...shoot...ah...then, when it was uh all the way in, the big brother took his big fat COCK and put that inside his baby sister's CUNT...' And so I did. With a hand on each beautiful cheek, I placed my swollen cockhead into the cleft of her wet cuntlips and pushed it in slowly. 'OH! Oh yeah! Oh, FUCK! Ahhhh! Fuck me! Fuck meeeeeee...' Once all the way in, Angela pushed against me, slipping it in that much further. I fucked my beautiful baby sister like I'd never fucked anyone before; slowly, carefully, lovingly; making sure she got to enjoy every inch of my long hard dick. I enjoyed every sensation, every sound she made, as I slowly and gently slid my dick inside her. This had turned into something more than I ever dared dream of...I bumped into the bottom edge of the silver vibe occasionally as it stuck out of her butt while I pumped Angie's molten pussy a bit faster, eliciting squeals of delight. 'They finally...fucked...it felt so...fucking good...up her ass and...in her pussy...Ohhh, It was much...better than she...ever imagined...Ahhhh, baby...it was a...dream come...true...' Sweat had begun to run down my chest as we fucked. 10 wonderful minutes passed as I pumped Angie's tight 18 year old cunt from behind. I focused on the end of the silver dildo protruding from her asshole as I stroked in and out, in and out...She turned her head to face me, a dreamy smile on her lips. 'Switch!' was all she said; I guess she couldn't pull off the 'story teller' thing any longer. She was lost in lust and just wanted to come again. Fine with me...She pulled away from my dick and, without her touching it, the vibe slowly slid out of her asshole and plopped onto the bed. Her anus gaped open, and I couldn't get over the sight of my 'nice-girl' sister sitting in front of me on all fours, asshole and pussy open wide. What a beautiful sight. She turned over onto her back and lifted her legs up to her head, with one knee beside each ear. She stared at my prick with that crazy look again and said, 'Put your cock in my ass, Alex! Please! Put it in!' We smiled wickedly at each other; brothers and sisters were not supposed to have this kind of fun, but WE were...and man, was it ever FUN...I moved up and pressed my aching erection into her hole; it slipped in almost effortlessly. 'Aaaughgh...Oh, my god, oh, my god...' In a few short strokes, it was most of the way in. Anyway it was all she could take. Angie grabbed the vibrator and turned it on. She pressed the tip onto her swollen clit, spreading her lips with 2 fingers and immediately threw her head back in a state of bliss. 'MMMmmm, mmmmm....mmmm....' I pumped her tight, smooth asshole a little more aggressively that I had her cunt; I wanted to come, dammit! But Angie didn't seem to mind. 'Oh! Fuck my asshole! Oh, Alex! Fuck! FUCK!' Her tits bounced around her chest as I increased my thrusts. I grabbed her ankles with my outstretched arms and fucked her hard. Through gritted teeth, Angie wailed. She threw her head back violently against her pillow repeatedly; the vibrator's buzzing tip never left her swollen clit. She was going to explode any minute. My own climax was rapidly approaching, and I remembered from one of Angie's tall tales that she loved to be covered with hot come; well, she had told the truth about everything else, so that must've been true as well. We'd soon find out, as I had about a gallon on deck. When I could no longer take it; I pulled out of her asshole and jerked my meat for all it was worth. Cum sprayed from the head in hot gushing torrents, almost covering my little sister in hot, thick goo. Angie had turned beet red and was shaking violently as the semen landed on her chest, neck, in her hair...as she came, she slipped the vibrating dildo into her hot pussy and fucked herself to the very end. We both collapsed in a sweaty heap. She kissed me on the cheek and we both fell asleep, spent and exhausted. Hours later, Angie told me that she felt like a different person. I told her that it was because she was finally being honest with herself, and that she wasn't depriving herself any longer of something she really wanted. Our relationship continues to this day. pics---->> http://bit.ly/1QdQXsD
Title: When in Rome... Pt. 02 Summary: Removing the obstacles opens up opportunities. Keywords:inc,fic,brother,sister,bigtits,redhead,italy,busty,love Monday morning arrived, not that I would know. My sister had literally fucked me unconscious the night before, riding me until I was as firm as a damp dish rag, and as coherent as.... well, I wouldn't know, as I was zonked out. Ro, ever the loving, caring one, took full responsibility for my state of being. She revived me in the morning with a rousing session of mouth-to-dick resuscitation, which was a wonderful way to wake from the highly erotic dreams that filled my sleep. Of course, the effects of that resuscitation were temporary, as she sucked me to another head-spinning orgasm, swallowing my protein smoothie happily as her pre-breakfast snack. I was trying to recoup my lost senses when she snuggled up beside me again, fixing me with those beautiful green eyes of hers. "Good morning, Sweetheart," she whispered, pressing her soft lips to mine in a gently demanding kiss, one that I answered without hesitation. She rested her firm breasts on my chest, and gave me another playful look. "I guess I've had my fun, both last night and this morning," she giggled, licking her lips, "so the least I can do is make you breakfast. Bacon? Eggs? A side order of horny redhead?" "I think that sounds good," I replied, the fog lifting from my brain, "but I might need to save the horny redhead for later," I laughed. "Just keep it hot, and fresh for me. I'll eat it when I get home from work." "Ooooooo, that sounds like a great idea!" she moaned, rolling out of bed and wiggling her butt to the doorway, where she paused, and turned to face me again. "Keeping it hot won't be any trouble at all, and it's always fresh," she said, dipping a finger into her damp kitty and tasting the resulting wet digit, "and delicious." She smiled broadly, winked, and disappeared out the door. When I stood, the residual effects of Ro's intense affections hit me hard, in the form of a head-rush that almost felled me like a tree on the way to the shower. Damn, she was insatiable, and my feelings for her intensified my own reaction to her body, to the point where the satisfaction she was providing was truly earth shattering. I ran the shower a little colder than usual, trying to clear the cobwebs from my head. The strategy was as successful as I could have hoped, bringing me back from the walking dead. I dressed, and joined Ro in the kitchen. "Let's, see," she said as I walked up behind her, "if I recall correctly, you prefer your eggs 'over hard', no sexual commentary intended." She smiled at me brightly. She'd put a short robe on, apparently not wanting to risk hot bacon fat near her sensitive nipples. "That's right..... Good memory, Ro," I replied, returning the smile as she put the plate in front of me, and sat across the table in front of her own meal. We chit-chatted about nothing in particular for a few minutes, while I ate and watched her do the same. She was incredibly sexy, and I was undeniably very lucky to have her here with me, wanting to take a place at my side, in my bed as well as my life. "So, my darling sister.... what's your plan for today? Where are you headed? What old crumbling buildings are you going to explore?" I asked as I put my plate in the sink. "Well," she laughed, "I don't know about crumbling buildings.... I'll play that by ear. Shopping. I'm going shopping. I think I need a new dress, to drive my new boyfriend," her eyes flitted over my face, "and all the local men, crazy with desire." She smiled confidently. "I'll bet I can find something here to fill the bill." "I'm not taking that bet. The thought of you in some tiny, little, Italian designed piece of couture.... I can't wait to see that," I said quietly, then exhaled slowly. "I have to deal with Isabella. It should be interesting." "Ah, yes. Good luck with her. You're okay with giving her up, right?" Ro asked, touching my hand. "Do you have feelings for her?" "Ro, sweetie, you are the only one I have feelings for," I replied. "Isabella? She was just a very well built ship that passed in the night..... and the next morning. The real complication with her is that she knows who you are." "Yes. That is, unfortunately, my fault. I'm sorry. Of course, at the time I blurted that out, I didn't know I was going to get up the courage to tell you how I felt about you," she whispered, stepping into my arms. Her lips found mine again. "Now that I have, I want to be crystal clear ; I Love You." "I Love You too, Carolyn," I breathed, holding her close. *** The Rome office was just off a typically ancient piazza, cobblestones as far as the eye could see, with a small fountain across the street. It was a beautiful, sunny day, and I hoped it would be the first one of my new life... the one that included my darling Ro. The only apparent speed bump was a gorgeous brunette one. The building the company was housed in was old, not exactly unusual in the Eternal City. It had started life as an ancient block of apartments, undergoing minor changes inside to allow for better use in its new life as a corporate office. Still, it was a warren of hallways and smallish rooms, and I had gotten lost a few times early after my arrival here. That's actually how I met Isabella in the first place. She was, at the time, part of the secretarial pool, and thought it was cute that I needed a guide to find my own workplace. Once I settled in, I drafted her as my personal assistant and secretary, and over months of time, things just escalated to the point where she had actually asked me out for drinks. One thing led to another, which culminated in the two of us staggering, in an alcohol-induced moment of weakness, into my bedroom. Clothing flew, kisses were exchanged, and we fucked each other into oblivion. The next morning, Ro walked in on us, and set in motion the events that led to now. I rounded the corner and turned into my office, which had been a single bedroom apartment at one time. Now it was a three room complex, with a small bathroom and a larger sitting area outside my desk area. Walking into the room, I found Isabella at her desk in the sitting area, smirking at me as I passed. I sat at my own desk for a minute or two before I buzzed her. When I looked up, she was walking into the room. No, that's not quite right..... She was bouncing into the room. Jiggling, swinging, swaying.... definitely without the constraints of a bra. Two bullet points showed through her blue silk blouse, confirming both her excitement and lack of supporting garment. Her long brown hair swung with her steps, framing her face and enhancing her sultry looks. If it wasn't for Ro, I'd certainly be happy to continue a detailed exploration of Isabella's luscious body for the foreseeable future. And if my grandmother had wheels she'd be a wagon. Ro was my girl, now, and that was that. One small glitch in the plan... Isabella didn't know that I was taken, yet. She closed the door as she came in, and when she turned back to me, two more buttons of her blouse had 'somehow' come undone, laying her deep cleavage open for viewing. She swung her hips more suggestively, coming around my desk while tugging her skirt up slightly. "Buongiorno, David. I'm very horny, today, thanks to your sister's interruption," she purred, sitting on the desk in front of me. A blue satin thong peeked out from between her thighs. "Yes, well, about tha...." was as far as I made it before Isabella was in my lap, her lips cutting me off, mid-sentence. She wiggled her rump into my crotch, and pulled one of my hands onto her silk-covered breast. She held her hand over mine, keeping me from releasing her full, firm boob, forcing me to fondle her. Okay, maybe 'forcing' is a bit of a stretch.... My hand did what it did naturally when filled with a beautiful woman's breasts. My lips did, too, kissing her back, despite the part of my brain that had continued to explain to her, internally, my intention to end our relationship, as though she hadn't interrupted me. Most damningly, my dick reacted as though it didn't get the memo from my brain at all, stiffening under her firm ass, not unnoticed by Isabella. She moaned quietly, deftly slipping off my lap without breaking away from my lips. Her hands quickly worked to unbuckle, unbutton, and open my pants. She reached in, and extracted my semi-hard cock, pumping it manually to near full erection before she finally ended the kiss. My brain didn't have time to reboot, and restart the conversation. She was on her knees in seconds, and had my tool fully engulfed before I could say anything. Isabella bobbed her head enthusiastically in my lap, providing sensations that effectively short circuited the connection between my brain and my voice. If you don't believe me, you try having a meaningful discussion while getting a really good blow job..... It's a lot harder than it sounds. I remember thinking that this would not be a good time for my boss to pop in for a meeting. Thankfully, the door remained closed, no one knocked, and no one called. The only sound was the wet, slurping soundtrack of Isabella's lips and mouth sucking me like her life depended on it... and me moaning my begrudging enjoyment of it. While she was no Ro when it came to deep throating my shaft, she was a strong second, close enough that I was nearly ready to squirt my load. She kept up her oral assault, until I could resist no longer.... not that resistance was high on my list of emotions. Isabella's mouth was heavenly, and I watched her angelic expression change to devilish delight as I sprayed the tonsils with hot cum. She sucked, and swallowed, gulping down my discharge until there was nothing left to suck but an empty tank and a softening, exhausted piece of my male anatomy. My sexy, brunette secretary stood up, wiped her lips of stray semen, and smiled at me. She adjusted her blouse, redoing a few buttons to make herself presentable, and smoothed her skirt. Walking to the door, she turned, blew me a kiss, and left without a word. "Yes," I breathed, finally able to form words, "As I was saying.... I think we should, um, see other, um... people." Better late than never, but it would be much more effective if the other half of the conversation was in the room. I tucked myself back into my pants, and laid my head back, watching the ceiling spin clockwise. She really did know how to please a man. Now I just needed to get her to please some other man besides me. If I was successful, someone would be happy to have her, but I had the feeling that it wasn't going to go easily. Isabella's considerable passion virtually guaranteed bloodshed, figuratively I hoped, but I wasn't ruling out the literal sense. The rest of the day was a waste. Isabella was very pleased with herself, and I was trying to avoid her, if at all possible, as I didn't think I could handle her in the wake of her earlier attentions. I could hardly do the breakup routine right after she'd given me such a great treat that morning, and that made me feel doubly guilty. *** I got home to find Ro pretty much where I left her, in the kitchen. Since we were now intimate, previous dress code restrictions were superseded, and clothing was optional. She was dressed, sort of, wearing a tiny red thong, and a candy-striped red and white t-shirt at least three sizes too small for her big melons. Stretched as skin tight as it was, the shirt and the normally parallel lines of the pattern were bent by the spectacular curves of her breasts, making her contours even more obvious and astounding. I stole up behind her and cupped the firm cheeks of her ass in both hands. She giggled, and turned to face me, both arms around my neck. Those green eyes gave me a loving look, then a questioning one. She knew. "So, how'd she take it?" Ro asked, cutting directly to the chase. "Huh?" I replied, playing dumb, trying to avoid the subject. I'd been working on what to tell my sister all day, and none of the versions I had come up with would work. "Nice try, knucklehead," she laughed, seeing right through me. "Let me refresh your memory ; Your secretary, Isabella.... You remember her, right? About 5' 5", 120, brown hair, brown eyes, nice tits, D cups I'd say, from what I saw. You were going to have a conversation with her. Ring any bells?" "Um, yeah, it does," I answered. "It didn't go exactly as planned." I was trying not to look at her, as though that wasn't easily noticed, and correctly interpreted, by her. "Uh huh," she grunted, hauling herself up to sit on the counter and crossing her arms. She stared me down. "Define 'not exactly as planned'." There was nothing unreasonable about her reaction. She had bared her soul to me, confessing her love, and I had accepted it. My part of the deal had been to sever the relationship with Isabella, and I hadn't done so. Okay, I had intended to, but I'd let myself get derailed too easily. I needed to be stronger, tomorrow, and I had to be honest right now. "I'm sorry Ro.... I tried to tell her, but she, um.... she wasn't listening." I looked at my sister ; she didn't look angry, just a little disappointed. She was still listening. "Okay," I continued, "here's exactly what happened..." I said, and proceeded to lay out the whole thing. I told Ro what she was wearing, what she wasn't wearing, what she did, how she did it.... Everything. I would have confessed to the Kennedy assassination if I thought it would have helped. When I looked up at my redheaded darling, she was smiling wryly. "So, she hit you right where you think, huh?" Ro giggled, hopping off the counter and stepping over to hug me. "Do you want me to take care of her? I'm sure I could take her!" she smiled, taking a boxing stance and throwing a couple of jabs. I laughed. "I'm sure you would! Not much of a contest," I said. "No, I'll do it. Give me another chance?" "Baby, take as many chances as you need.... As long as you're sure about us. If it's because you like her, then we need to reevaluate things. I told you I love you, and I meant it. If you have any doubts... If you have feelings for her, then tell me now and I'll back off, but I won't be 'the other woman' in a triangle. Please, just don't break my heart." She let those words hang in the air, and walked quietly out of the kitchen. I heard the door to her room open, and close. Ouch. *** The silence was deafening. She was right. I would not put her in the middle... and I absolutely would not break my sister's heart. Did I have feelings for Isabella? Well, yes, but they were definitely more toward the 'lust' end of the scale, not the 'love' end. Even if it came down to choosing between her and Carolyn on purely physical merits, and the resulting pleasure I took in enjoying those merits, there was no contest. Add the emotional factors, that I only felt with my sister, and the debate was over. Ro won, hands down. Had the blowjob been the only thing that stopped me from dealing with Isabella? Or was I having trouble with the whole 'trust and commitment' end of another relationship, after my ex-wife had betrayed me? If so, who could I trust more than my sister? Looking back, I knew that she was being honest when she said she'd always loved me. We had always been happy around each other, nosey interruptions notwithstanding. I loved her too. In the light of day, the decision almost made itself. *** I stood outside Ro's door. There was nothing but silence coming from within her room. If she was asleep, then knocking would wake her, and I felt guilty enough as it was. Instead, I very carefully levered the handle, which wasn't locked, and opened the door a few inches. I peeked in quietly. My darling Ro was laying on her side, eyes closed, looking every bit as angelic as I felt she was. Her red mane spread across the pillow in waves of crimson, matching her full pouty lips. Laying on her side like she was, those massive tits rested on top of each other, looking very round and enticing as they moved slightly with her gentle breathing. I watched her for a minute or so, opening the door slightly wider. It squeaked. Her eyes never opened, but she wasn't asleep. "Why don't you just come in and say what's on your mind?" she asked, still with eyes closed. When she did open them, those deep green orbs sparkled at me. "Seriously.... You've obviously been thinking, so what's the verdict? Please come talk to me." She moved back a little, making room for me on the pillow, and reached up with one hand, waving me closer. "Please?" I stepped in and laid on my side facing her. Ro batted her eyelashes, looking deep into my eyes, and waiting patiently for me to speak. "I'm sorry I let you down," I began. "Circumstances aside, I have no doubt about who I want to be with. You are the only one for me." When I said that, she sighed, and inched closer, until her lips were again just a hairs breadth away from mine. I started to say something else, but her finger appeared from nowhere, and pressed against my lips, silencing me. "David, I don't need to hear any more.... Shut up and kiss me," she purred. Sometimes talking is overrated, and this was one of those times. I covered the fractions of an inch between us in one move, contacting her soft lips with mine in a gentle, loving embrace that told her how I felt about her. She responded in kind, letting me know all was well. What started as an apologetic kiss quickly became something else entirely, as Ro pushed me over onto my back and crawled atop my chest. Her lips began to have a rapacious hunger to them, desperately urging me to return her passion. I found it most pleasant to comply. Her body melted sensually into my arms, and she moaned softly as I caressed and fondled her ass. I loved her big tits. Trust me on this, they were... in my humble but expert opinion... among the best and most beautiful I'd ever seen, but her ass was no slouch either. So strong, firm and muscular, it had the perfect balance of classic shape with modern athleticism. Ro told me her exercise of choice in college, during her weight loss, was swimming, and it showed. Her body was a series of smoothly connected, hydrodynamic curves, interrupted only by the later addition of her boobs. I imagine watching her in the pool must have been rather enjoyable. The kiss continued, until she finally pulled away. "As far as I'm concerned," she whispered, gazing at me closely, "the subject is closed. I trust you to do whatever is necessary to deal with her, and don't want to talk about it, anymore." She laughed. "I don't envy you, but I'd like to hear about it after you're done." She sat up across my hips and looked down at me, grinning playfully. Crossing her arms over her chest, she peeled the shirt off over her head, freeing her pretty tits with a dramatic flourish. "Care for a quickie before dinner?" Ro giggled. "Hmmmm," I smiled back, "perhaps I could be persuaded. What did you have in mind?" Within minutes, she had divested me of all my clothes, and was humming happily while sucking my cock deep into her sensual mouth. She really did seem to have a thing for blowjobs, and a talent for them as well, another reason for me to consider myself lucky. This time, however, she was just warming me up for the main course. Satisfied that I was stiff enough to be useful, she clambered back up to straddle my lap again, tugging her thong aside and guiding my dick into her moist opening without delay. She wiggled her hips back and forth as she impaled herself, groaning and looking down into my eyes. "There you go," she hissed, finally reaching capacity and grinding her pussy firmly against me. "Fuck, your cock feels good inside me! So big, and hard..... I Love it!" Ro placed her soft hands on my chest, and leaned forward a little, starting a rapid, staccato rhythm of strokes with her hips. She tilted her head forward, hanging her lustrous locks like a curtain around us, and smiling at me. I let her have her fun, fucking herself on my cock with obvious enjoyment, while I watched the show from what was undoubtedly the best seat in the house. Audience participation is encouraged, so I gently held her jiggling breasts in my hands, rubbing my thumbs over the stiff nipples at the tips. "Mmmm, your hands feel nice, but your lips would be better," she moaned, still skewering herself frantically. She leaned over a bit further, and pressed her firm globes into my face, letting me latch onto a nipple without contorting my body. "Mmmm hmmm, that's good... Suck my tits, baby! Suck them hard!" As you wish, my darling. I switched back and forth, suckling one puckered areola and pinching the other, then reversing the pattern, all the while listening to Carolyn's moaning appreciation of my attention. Ro's breathing spoke volumes, getting more ragged and laboured as she pushed herself closer to the top of her orgasmic rollercoaster. She leaned back, putting her arms behind herself to support her body, and lolling her head to the side. Her hair flew wildly as she fucked herself harder, but I had a hard time pulling my eyes off her big tits, which really became active in this position. "Uhhhhhhhhhhnnnnnn! YESSSSS! FU-UUUCK YESSSSS!" she screamed, tossing her head back. "God, I'm fucking cumming! Oh David! I'm cumming! Oh, yes!" I watched her body convulse with pleasure, shaking her breasts with each quaking jolt. Her already buttery smooth pussy became hotter, and wetter on my shaft. She flushed bright pink from her chest to her forehead, and tipped her head back up to look at me with wide, wild eyes. I think she enjoyed it. Her body wilted slightly, and I caught her, pulling her back up, then holding her close to my chest. I laid back, pulling her down with me, stroking her hair while she caught her breath. "Ooooooo, man, that was a big one," she grunted. She turned her head and looked at me, her eyes glazed over. "Quickie, huh? Good lord!" "Ro, baby.... I'm still fresh, and I'm gonna fuck the daylights out of you!" I laughed, rolling us over. "No..." she groaned, "no more...... I'll tell Mom!" she giggled, "Then you'll be in trouble!" "Go ahead," I growled, getting into the game. "Call her... Tell her that her perfect son is fucking her naughty daughter's pussy with his big hard cock," I gave her a few quick jabs to remind her who was currently in control. She moaned loudly. I don't know if it was the dialogue or the probe in her pussy. It really doesn't matter. "Oh fuck, David..." she breathed, "... you're so bad! We're so bad! I Love it! And I Love You!" Her lips searched ravenously for mine, finding them as I found my rhythm, gliding effortlessly in and out of her completely drenched snatch. She hooked her ankles behind my back and held on tight while I fucked her eagerly. For several minutes, the only sounds were slapping flesh, heavy breathing and moans of lust. Desperate kisses were exchanged, along with a flurry of caresses. Ro finally broke the silence, uttering actually words. "Nggggahhhhhhhhn! Yes!.... Oh, fuck, yes!" she screamed, clawing at my back, "You're so fucking good! Fuck me, David! I'm cumming again!" I slowed a bit, relishing the sensations her clutching, squeezing pussy was dishing out. Rippling muscular contractions caressed my shaft, like a magic-fingers massage, but better, because I didn't need to feed the machine with quarters. All I needed to feed her with was my cock. Ro looked up at me, her eyes seemingly independently mobile. I laughed at the overwhelmed expression she had, and she smacked my ass in response. "You think it's funny, fucking me into a coma?" she giggled, blowing bedraggled, sweaty hair out of her face. "This is how you treat someone you love? How do you treat enemies?" "Oh, I fuck them too, just not so literally," I smiled, resuming my previous pace of insertion. Ro grunted, and grabbed my head with both hands. "Then I'm glad you love me," she whispered, and pulled me down for another kiss, "because I like it when you fuck me, literally!" I pulled out of her snug orifice, and she whimpered her dislike of the empty feeling my departure left... until she realized what I wanted. Yelping like a happy puppy, she took a position on her hands and knees in seconds, then dropped her torso flat, wiggling her sexy ass in the air. Her gaping, drooling cunt begged to be stuffed full again, so I did, sliding into her warm sheath in one motion. "Ooooooooooh fuck! I do so looooove doggie! So thick, and deep!" she hissed, flexing her firm glutes under my grasp. I started slow, but she wasn't the only one who loved to fuck this way, and for most of the same reasons, or at least their male equivalent. Tight, smooth, and deep, her pussy gripped my thrusting cock in an embrace that was guaranteed to make me cum soon. Additionally, I was able to watch her cunt, stretching open when I pushed in, and with her lips being tugged out around my withdrawing stroke. Quite the secondary stimulus, it had me pounding her furiously, slamming into her cushioning ass. Ro was squealing with each collision, cumming repeatedly, and I was about to join her. "Gonna cum baby!" I grunted, and detonated. I held her hips tight while I ground my cock into her hard, spraying the contents of my balls into my sister's cunt with a gasp at each spasm. Funny how cumming totally screws up a man's coordination, as I twitched, convulsed, and jerked behind her, using my grip on her to keep from falling over, at least for as long as I could. I lost my hold on her ass, and crashed down beside her on the bed, on my side, facing her. Her hair was over her face, with a few strands fluttering in Ro's gasping breaths. We laid there, recovering, for a few minutes, before she suddenly giggled. "What?" I asked, laughing back at her. "Cum dripping, tickling my pussy... " she whispered. "Oh my god." We never did have dinner that night. Our 'quickie', nearly an hour long, had wrecked us both for the evening, and we resigned ourselves to a few bites of leftovers before finally just collapsing in each other's arms, and sleeping with the deep satisfaction of committed lovers. *** The next day, I was determined to solve the issue of Isabella. "Isabella, I need to talk to you, please," I said as I walked into my office. She was sitting there, pecking at her keyboard, and looking every bit as yummy as any other day. She picked up her pad, and followed me in. "Sit, please." "Bene, David. How is your sister enjoying Roma? " she asked, smiling sarcastically. "She's having a great time," I replied, "and I think I should confess something to you. We weren't exactly honest when you met her...." I continued, hoping this next bit would work, and that she was sufficiently surprised when Ro burst in on us that she didn't hear her call me 'bro'. "Carolyn isn't my sister ; she's my girlfriend. We had a fight, and I was kind of, um, using you to make her, um... jealous. But now we're back together. I apologize for misleading you." She was glaring at me. "If she is your girlfriend, why did you not sleep with her? And why did she say she was your sister? " she asked, suspiciously. "Well, like I said, we had a fight. Besides, sometimes I snore too loud for her. And she was trying to get rid of you without a scene," I answered, hoping it would deflect her curiosity. "Look, Isabella, I know it was a shitty thing to do, using you like that. I'll understand if you want to stop being my secretary. I'm very sorry.... You're such a beautiful woman, it's only fair you should know the truth, and share your time with someone who can treat you the way you deserve to be treated." I was laying it on thick, but I wasn't about to fail again. I hoped that taking full responsibility and blame would convince her I was being truthful. After all, who willingly takes the heat if they don't have to? Isabella stepped closer. I could see the rage in her eyes, and the way she was clenching her jaw led me to believe I was about to bear the brunt of her wrath. Breaking up with an Italian woman could be very dramatic. I was looking at her eyes, trying to convey a sense of contrition with my own. I didn't see it coming. She hit me! A slap so hard it rattled the fillings of my third cousin, twice removed. She cocked her hand for a second one, but apparently it hurt her pretty paw as much as it had my face, so she held back. "Maiale!... You pig!" she spat, translating so I wouldn't miss her point. "Find yourself another secretary!" She spun on her heels, and stormed out. I rubbed my chin, soothing the sting of her parting shot. I smiled. "She hates me. That went better than I'd hoped," I whispered to myself. "Perfect!" *** Indeed, it did work perfectly. A little too perfectly. Despite the fact that I was immediately on the phone, letting Human Resources know that I needed a new assistant, citing personality conflicts, I found myself and my new assistant at odds as soon as she arrived from the secretarial pool. Maria, the new recruit, had obviously heard the gossip from Isabella, and was only willing to do exactly what was spelled out in her job description. I wasn't expecting blowjobs, just cooperation, but if I didn't specifically tell her to do it, she wouldn't. It turned out to be the same with everyone they sent me, over the next week or so. All the girls had formed an anti-David union, of sorts, and it started to have an effect on my work, slowing me down because I had to do tasks that Isabella had done myself. I was being taught a lesson. While I wanted her to back off the illicit after hours activities, including those that happened during stolen moments at work, I didn't really expect dumping Isabella to be the downward turning point in my career. She was sabotaging me, and I needed to find a way around the minefield of revenge she had laid in my path. Those were challenges for another day. Despite the difficulties, I felt I was successful, as I had freed us of the one major complication standing in our way. When I told Ro about the events of the day, she had a good giggle, but gave me a nice kiss on the cheek that had taken the full force of Isabella's anger. Work problems aside, the departure of Isabella took my relationship with Ro to the next level. We were now free to do anything we wanted with each other, and my sister immersed herself in the role of my live-in girlfriend, even visiting me at work a few times, and taking me out to lunch. *** Ro was very excited. She'd been that way since I told her we had been given tickets to the Rigoletto at Teatro dell'Opera di Roma. Opera was far from my usual fare, but she was ecstatic, and I enjoyed seeing her all wound up about it. It would also be my first opportunity to see the new dress she had bought a week or so ago. She had graciously declined my several attempts to get her to model it for me, including one which finished with me on my knees, begging for it. She wanted me to be surprised. I was. She breezed out of her room, which had been repurposed as a dressing room, looking absolutely stunning. My jaw hit the floor, and she giggled happily, doing the announcements herself as she strutted toward me on an imaginary catwalk. "Here we have the lovely Carolyn Willson," she laughed, twirling on her high heels to display herself for me, "in the latest from 'La casa di Luigi', a gorgeous, shirred sheath in metallic heather grey, with asymmetric colourblocking to enhance the curves and bustline." She smiled, and spun again, flinging her hair in an arc, and doing her best sultry fashion model pout, hands on cocked hips. Okay, let's be honest... if you've been paying attention at all so far, you know that Ro has plenty of curves that don't really need enhancing, and her bustline was packed full of deliciously round, firm breasts that didn't need a false shadow to make them more prominent. The thin, spaghetti straps held those breasts up, somehow, in the absence of a bra. The lower half of the dress hugged her hips snugly, reaching just short of her knees, and slit on both sides high enough to see the lower half of her ass when she walked. "Are you sure you want to wear that out, baby?" I asked, staring with unbridled lust at her. "You could get us arrested, and I might not be able to control myself." "That's the general idea. I rather like being the object of your desire, " she whispered, stepping over into my arms and kissing me gently. "Except for the 'getting arrested' part, although perhaps we could make good use of some handcuffs!" She arched her eyebrows and grinned. I suddenly had an image of Ro tied, spread-eagled, on my bed. She tugged and struggled against her bindings, her naked body covered with a sheen of sweat that shone in the dim light. Her big tits quivered as she contorted her body. I was just about to take a position before her between her thighs and begin feasting on her delicious pussy, when she jolted me from my daydream by pressing her plump lips on mine. "Uh oh," she laughed, "I think I gave you an idea..... one you like, based on the state of your not so little friend here." Her hand gently caressed the fresh bulge in my pants. "You can tie me down and fuck me to your hearts content later. Right now, we need to get moving, or we'll be late." A short taxi ride later, we arrived at the opera house. I noticed that the taxi driver was having a hard time keeping his eyes on the road, and off Ro's big, jiggling tits. I couldn't blame him, really, as the rough Roman roads were causing her chest to be very mobile. My darling hugged my arm against her as we walked into the hall. I had a surprise for her too. I hadn't told her that the tickets we had been given were for a private box, and the look on her face as we reached the top of the mezzanine stairs and turned right, was priceless. The usher showed us to the small balcony-like box, which had only four seats in it, all empty, as the other two would remain, leaving us on our own. I mentioned before that Carolyn had a thing for old architecture. This building was opened in 1880, so it was old.... in any other city. In a city with a history that encompasses thousands of years, and where the buildings built 500 years ago are considered 'early modern', it was just a pup. Still, my sister did appreciate the overall decor. After we sat in our box, soaking up the ambiance for a few minutes, she excused herself to appreciate the decor of the ladies room. I had a feeling that Ro was doing something besides attending to the call of nature. When she returned, I decided to check, gently caressing her ass before she sat down. I didn't feel anything except the fabric of her dress, and the firm, muscular curves of her bottom. "Ro, darling, did you remove your panties, you naughty girl?" I asked as I kissed the side of her neck. She just smiled, and crossed her sexy legs. "Actually," she breathed, returning the kiss directly, "no, my love. I didn't need to. I left them in my drawer at home. Feel free to check!" I decided to defer that confirmation until later.... at least until the lights went down. Apparently, the lighting guy was reading my mind, as the ambient illumination began to drop, and the spotlights glowed brighter on stage. Everyone applauded, the curtain raised, and the show commenced. Ro lifted the armrest out of the way between us, and leaned back into my side, wrapping my arm around her. She placed my hand on her breast, and hers on top of mine. We cuddled like that for some time, watching the performance. I won't pretend to understand anything that was going on down on the stage, but the voices were heavenly. I felt my sister's lips nibbling at the side of my neck, and turned my gaze in her direction. She had a mischievous smile on her face, and pressed my hand more firmly over her firm globe. She leaned up and whispered in my ear. "Are you going to make me do all the work?" she breathed, dropping her free hand in my lap. "How often does a girl get a chance to be felt up, in a private box, during the Rigoletto, in Rome?" Well, when you put it that way, it does seem like an opportunity that won't arise every week. We spent the rest of the performance surreptitiously caressing each other. I found that Ro's panties were indeed absent, and spent the entire second act gently circling her clit with two fingers. She was pretty juicy, and had her hand stroking my hard bulge through my pants, when her head lolled towards me. "Oh fuck, David..... Don't stop!" she hissed, her body shaking against mine. "I'm.... Oh god... Uhn... Ahhhhhhhhh!" She buried her face in my chest and quaked through her orgasm, trying desperately not to scream. When she lifted her face and looked up at me, her eyes were sparkling. She smiled. "Ooooooo, boy!" If this was opera, consider me a fan. We missed various small bits of the performance below us, as Ro's insistant lips found mine several times, holding my attention despite the best attempts of the singers to draw it back to them. We did catch the ending, though. Ro stood, applauding, and I couldn't help myself. Knowing there was nothing covering that incredible pussy of hers, I ran my hand up her leg. She slid her foot aside, giving me a bit more room, and clutched the railing in front of her as my fingers parted the hot lips of her cunt, insinuating themselves full depth. I wriggled them inside her, and she tried not to react too visibly. Many of the other patrons were shouting 'bravo' and other expressions of appreciation, so my sister's mouth hanging open and gasping with lust didn't look out of place. I gave her a couple of quick plunges, and thumbed her ass. "Oh fuck," she gasped, gripping the rail tighter, and letting her head fall back. "David, you bastard! Fuck me!" She'd been teasing my with her hand for hours, and nothing would have pleased me more than to just whip it out and plough her right there, but I had been trying to avoid Italian prisons lately. I pulled my fingers out, and put them in my mouth, savouring the taste of her salty juices. "Hey! Didn't Mom teach you to share?" she laughed, plunking down on my lap and pulling my fingers into her own mouth. "Mmmm, I am yummy, if I do say so myself!" "And modest, too," I countered. "I suppose we should get out of here before we both go crazy and get naked." She didn't answer, instead standing again and bending over to retrieve her purse. She wiggled her barely covered ass in my face, but I limited my reaction to a firm slap on the smooth curves under the single layer of fabric. It was a beautiful night out, and we were only about a half hour walk from home. I suggested a romantic stroll, hand in hand, but Ro's eyes answered the question before she said a word. "David, honey, if you don't get me home immediately, and fuck me hard," she whispered, grinning lewdly, "I'll be forced to take matters into my own hands." She gave me the distinct impression that by 'matters', she meant me. "TAXI!" I yelled. *** We were fortunate to get a taxi quickly, and I gave the driver our address. Ro said something in Italian to him, and he suddenly seemed motivated to get us there fast. "What did you tell him," I asked as we blew around a corner in a slide. "I said we had a certain amount of money for this trip," she giggled, holding on for dear life, "and that how much of that was his tip was up to him!" "Clever girl!" *** The cab screeched to a halt in front of our apartment, and Carolyn tossed the driver a wad of bills on the way out the door. I followed, fumbling with my keys at the door while she paced uncomfortably behind me. She gave the impression of someone who needed to pee, but I knew her needs were altogether different. So were mine. Once I got the outer door open, I watched my sister's ass go up the stairs in front of me, to the first landing, where she waited for me again. I walked deliberately up the flight. "David... are you teasing me?" she giggled as I reached the next to last step, where she moved to block my progress. The one riser difference made up our height differential nicely, and put her at perfect kissing height, and she did so, pressing her soft lips to mine with slow passion. One arm went around my neck, while the other hand cupped my bulge to return the caress I was giving her ass. We held this embrace for an eternal minute, until Ro couldn't wait any longer. "Please, darling.... open the door. I'm dripping wet, and I need your big, hard cock inside me! Please!?" I already had the key ready in my hand, so we were inside the apartment pretty quickly. While I closed the door and tossed my keys on the hall table, my sexy red-haired bedmate sashayed over to the edge of the kitchen peninsula, swinging her hips with each sensual step. She placed her small purse on the counter, followed by her hands, as she bent deeply from the waist, resting her upper body on the smooth granite. She shifted her weight from one foot to the other, wagging her rump at me. One hand reached back and flipped the back of her skirt up, revealing the smooth curves of her glutes, and the glistening wetness between her legs. I heard her quiet voice wafting through the room. "Please fuck me. Oh god, please.... I need you so badly. I'm so horny. Please." I looked at her long legs, rising out of her high heels, spread in a deep V to the apex where her pussy awaited my cock with growing impatience. Dad always said 'don't keep a lady waiting'. He probably didn't know I would be applying his advice to his daughter's pussy, but what he didn't know wouldn't kill us. I kicked off my shoes and dropped my pants on the way over to her, lowering my shorts as I gripped her hips. Her four-inch heels made a stand-up fuck possible, raising her puffy pink slit into easy target range. She was still whimpering, begging for my cock, with her head resting on her folded arms. The head of my dick nestled between the soft, wet lips of her cunt, and I pushed, sliding smoothly into her warm embrace. She certainly wasn't exaggerating when she said she was dripping wet, and her pussy made little soggy squelching sounds as I rocked back and forth inside her. "Mmmm, that's better!" she groaned, "My poor little pussy was so lonely, and empty. Now fuck me, baby... Fuck me hard!" Tightening my grip on her hips, I slammed into her, a resounding 'slap' echoing through the quiet apartment as I did, followed by an appreciative grunt from Ro. Within seconds, I had found a rhythm of furious, piston-like strokes deep into her wet folds. She was perched on her elbows, now, moaning in time to my thrusts, harmonizing nicely with my own groans and the percussion of our colliding flesh. I reached forward and dragged the thin straps of her dress over her shoulders, rolling the top of the sheath down around her waist. Her big tits bobbed free, hanging down and brushing her hard nipples across the cold polished granite of the countertop. She giggled at the new stimulation, then sighed as I cupped the resilient flesh of her breasts in both hands, squeezing them while I continued to pound her pussy relentlessly. Her moans of joy began to form words. "Mnah!... Yes!... Yes!... Oh baby, you... Fuck me... So good!... Your... Cock.. So hard!.. Gonna... Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhn!... CUMMMMMMMING!" she shrieked, pushing back against each stroke as her orgasm made her body shudder. "Fuu... uuu... uuu... cck... YES!" Ro's legs wobbled, then buckled, but I caught her before she fell. She rested her forehead on the cool stone slab while she gasped and tried to regain her senses. I held her close, wrapping my arms around her from behind as I helped her stay vertical. She leaned back against me and groaned. "Fuck, David! What you do to me! Your dick should have a warning label on it... 'May cause extreme orgasms and addiction'." She turned carefully in my arms, nearly toppling off her heels again, and attacking my mouth with a voraciously hungry kiss that caught me a bit by surprise. One hand found its way down to stroke my gooey cock, while the other held my head in place, until she finally pulled away, hopping up onto the counter. "Ooooooo, that's cold!" she laughed, tugging me closer with her own personal handle, which she directed back into its hiding place. "Okay, baby, I've had my fun. It's your turn. Fuck my pussy real good, and when you're ready, blow your wad all over my face, please." My face must have shown some of the surprise I felt at her request. "Like I told you... I'm your personal slut, and I haven't had a good facial for quite a while. I looooove the feel of hot, sticky cum all over my face! You wouldn't deny me that, would you?" she pouted. My dick was already seated deep inside her oozing cunt. The thought of blasting what would probably be a pretty big load on my darling sister's pretty, sexy face made it twitch. She felt it and smiled. "Oh! You like it! You like bad girls, huh?" she giggled, leaning back on her arms. "Well, I'm all yours, so use me up, baby!" I started to fuck her again, drilling into her pussy with long, strong thrusts, our bodies crashing against each other loudly. Her breasts bounced and shimmied in response to my strokes, drawing my eyes irresistibly, and Ro saw my eyeline lock in on them. She wasn't going to miss the chance to excite me further. "That's it, David. Fuck my hot cunt, and make my tits bounce! You like that, don't you, big brother? You like the way my boobs bounce when you're fucking me, huh?" I grunted and nodded. "Yeah, I like it, too," she hissed, "it feels great! Are my tits big enough for you, baby? I got nice, big ones just for you.... Did you know that? I knew you had a thing for big jugs, so I had them done bigger than that bitch Kate's. If she hadn't cheated, I would have tried to steal you anyway, David, because I Love You, and I've always wanted to fuck you, just like this, every day for the rest of my life!" Oh god. I was going to blow, big time, from the hours of teasing, and then the fucking, and now she's winding me up even more with her big, jiggling melons and her lascivious commentary. That she wanted me bad enough to redesign her body for my own pleasure is the icing on the proverbial cake. Speaking of icing.... I pulled out of her and stepped back, making room for her as she scrambled off the counter and dropped to her knees. I jerked furiously. "Oh yeah, stroke that big dick for me, baby! Stroke it and spray me! Cum for me! Cum all over my face!" Fireworks! Rockets launching! Earthquakes! All paled next to the feeling I had as the first unstoppable surge of scalding semen arced out of my cock, landing with a wet 'plop' across her face, a diagonal stripe of goo that reached from her neck to her hair. Now that the dam was breached, the flow was prodigious, and several more jets of cum joined the first, like parallel and crossing runways at an airport. Ro blew nasty little bubbles through the slick that crossed her lips, and smiled up at me from under her fresh coating of moisturizer. Only when I was firing empty chambers did I stop stroking, only to have her grab my flagging dick and inhale it, sucking the last few drops from me. Now it was my turn to get wobbly, so I leaned back against the wall, and watched my little sister as she ran her fingers through the puddles of spunk, directing the flow towards her hungry mouth. She licked and scooped, gobbling down everything she could gather, until there was little left but the streaks in her hair, and a few tiny drops on her eyebrows and lashes. She combed her fingers through the gloppy mess in her hair and giggled. "I guess I should have a shower, shouldn't I?" she said, standing up again. "Why don't you go lay down. I'll join you in bed in a few minutes." All I could do is nod, and stagger off in the general direction of the bedroom, using the walls to hold me up. I was asleep before she slipped in beside me, but I woke a few hours later in her arms. What a woman. *** When I had moved to Italy, my company had done all the paperwork, so I hadn't really investigated the requirements very thoroughly. I knew my transition had gone quite smoothly, but until now, didn't know why. As it turns out, Italy doesn't really care for foreign nationals taking employment in their country.... unless the nation in question is part of the European Union. Hallelujah! Now it made sense. Who knew that history would play such a part in allowing my sister and I to continue our love affair. Dear old Dad, bless his heart, had been in a similar situation many years ago, just before my birth, getting shipped off to London when Mom was six months pregnant with me. I was born there, as was Ro, although she was only four months old when his posting ended, and we moved back to the States. Officially, we had dual citizenship, even though we both considered ourselves Americans. But for purposes of my plan, Carolyn Willson was a Brit. I hadn't wanted to broach the subject until I was sure it was possible from my end, but now that I had been given the green light by the company, this seemed as good a time as any. After our Friday of opera, and extreme sex, we slept in on Saturday morning. Ro padded back into the room, two coffees in hand and not a stitch on, taking her spot next to me. I took the cup she offered, and sipped it slowly. "Ro, I have a proposal for you," I said. She laughed, almost choking on her coffee. "Um, okay," she replied. "Freud might have a field day with that choice of words, but I'm listening." I decided to let that comment slide for now, although the thought was intriguing. "How would you like to be my assistant at work?" I asked. Crickets. That's what I heard. I looked at her, and she was in stunned silence. "Really?" she gasped. "You want me to work with you?" "Ro, I need someone I can trust, and who will work with me, not for me. You speak Italian already, so you're ahead of me there. Since the Isabella incident, I have been frozen out by the secretarial pool, so I asked if I could hire someone new from outside the company. They said yes, and because of our unique citizenship situation, you qualify. It goes without saying that you are not my sister, as far as they are concerned," I explained. "Right.... what sister? You ain't got no sister," she laughed. "I assume that our relationship has changed your vacation plans, somewhat. Want to make that a more permanent arrangement?" Jeez, I almost was proposing, wasn't I? She smiled brightly, then batted her eyelashes. "Gee, I don't know... I hear you made sexual advances with your last secretary. Are you sure you're not hitting on me?" she giggled. "I'm not sure we could top last night!" I groaned, "but you make a good point. I promise to keep my hands off my hot assistant while we're working together." "Where's the fun in that?" she pouted, then extended her hand. "Deal. You now have a new sexatary! How about ASS-istant?" she laughed, shaking my hand as I took hers. She put her coffee down, then moved down the bed like a hungry lioness. She took my cock in her hand and looked up at me. "What are you up to?" I asked cautiously. "Just working on a promotion," she whispered, and swallowed my dick, sucking deeply. Oh. My. God. ******************** to be continued.... For pics visit ---->> https://bit.ly/2ReHUJI
Title: Dan's Mom is a MILF Summary: The boys have their way with a MILF before college. Keywords: inc,fic Steve and Mark were at Dan's house shooting hoops in his driveway. They had all been friends since elementary. They practically grew up in each other's homes. Now they were 18 and getting ready to head off to college in a few weeks. They were all accepted at the same school, which was pretty cool. They liked going over to Dan's house. The older they got, the more they wanted to do it. Dan's mom Dana was fucking hot! She was definitely a MILF. In her late 30s, she stood about 5' 6", maybe 120 pounds soaking wet. Most of that were her 38DD tits. Those were matched with a tight stomach and toned legs. Long, curly blonde hair and blue eyes on a slender face. She was one of the most beautiful women they had ever seen. She was watching them play from the front window of her house. They could see she was wearing a blue bikini top with jean short shorts. Her blonde hair really stood out against her tan body. They were having trouble making their jump shots. Dana stood in the front window watching the boys play. Mark waved and she waved back. She felt like she had practically raised all three boys. And now they were all going to be at college soon. Her husband was deployed overseas -- again. He was 6 months in to an 18 month stint. He missed the birth of their only child. He missed his graduation. He was going to miss taking him to college. He had missed so many life events. She felt like he had taken them for granted. She stood there in the window, watching these fit, athletic boys shoot hoops, wearing nothing but gym shorts and basketball shoes, while they laughed and needled each other, just enjoying each other's company. She watched their hard bodies, glistening in the sun with sweat, glide so smoothly, so gracefully. She was in the prime of her life and she was alone. Except for these boys. These young, fit, handsome young men. I can't be thinking like this! she thought to herself. Stop it! She was tempted to race upstairs and quickly satisfy her urges with her best friends she kept in the nightstand next to her bed. But they could only satisfy her to a certain extent. The boys threw the basketball to the side and headed towards the front door. Dana moved away from the window. "Hi, Mrs. Door," Steve and Mark said in unison. This was the first time they were getting a good look at Dana today. Goddamn! Her tits were about to fall out of that bikini top. It looked like it was about two sizes too small. And those shorts? Half of her ass was showing. Not necessarily dressed like a mom but definitely dressed like a MILF. They were hoping she didn't notice they were sporting wood already. "Hey, Mom, we're super thirsty. Do we have any lemonade or anything?" Dan asked. "Of course! You boys go sit down and I'll bring you some." Were they staring at my boobs? She turned and walked away. She glanced over her shoulder. Oh my God! Are they checking out my ass! Her body got warm at the thought of teenagers possibly thinking she was sexy. Then she thought No way! These were her boys. She chalked it up to not having been fucked in 6 months and being horny. She was definitely going to be opening her nightstand tonight. But there was no sense in not humoring herself. She came back into the living room where the boys were seated, already playing their favorite video game, carrying a tray with three glasses of lemonade. Sweat was rolling off their bodies. Let's see if they can keep from staring now she thought. She stood before each boy and bent in front of each one offering them a glass. She didn't just lean over. She bent over at the waist, way more than she needed to. She practically shoved her tits in each boys face. Even her own son. They tried not to stare without much success. Each boy hoped she didn't notice the growing bulge in their shorts. Dana slowly walked across the room, making sure each boy got a good look at her toned ass. Dana decided to test her theory again. She let the tray fall from her hands. It clanged against the floor. "Well, shit," she said. "I swear, the older I get , the more clumsy I get." She once again bent over at the waist to pick the tray up from the floor, sticking her ass as high in the air as she could. She glanced back between her legs. Oh my God! They are checking out my ass! Her face flushed. Steve, Dan, and Mark couldn't believe what we were seeing! If they didn't know better, they'd swear Dana wanted them to look at her ass. And what an ass! Oh my God! Bent over like that, her jeans practically disappeared in her ass crack. They looked hard to see if they could see any sign of pink pussy to no avail. "Well, I'm going into the kitchen and start making dinner. You're all staying, right?" They all nodded their heads. She left the room, knowing full well the boys were ignoring their video game and watching her. And she worked it. "Fuck your mom is hot as hell, dude!" Mark said to Dan once she was out of the room. "C'mon, man, that's my mom." "Fuck that," Steve said. "If that was my mom, I'd be all up in that shit." Dan shot him a look. "Bullshit." "He's not wrong," Mark said. "Me, too! What? Are fuckin' gay or something?" Steve and Mark laughed. "Fuck you, man," Dan chuckled. "Seriously, dude, have you ever seen her naked?" Mark asked. "C'mon, man," Dan said embarrassed. "You have! You have, you fucker!" Steve observed. Dan's face broke into a grin. "Okay, yeah. Fuck, yeah. I was walking into the bathroom just as she was getting out of the shower. I swear to God I didn't know she was in there!" "Yeah, right whatever," Steve said dismissively. "So, did you fuck her?" Mark asked grinning. "Dude! She's my mom!" "I'd have fucked her," Mark said. "Was she as fucking hot naked as I think she is?" Dan's eyes twinkled. "Hotter." They all hooted and hollered and broke into laughter. Once the laughter died down, Dan continued. "I was never able to catch her again. But she lays out in the backyard topless if nobody's home. I always sneak in the front door and go back there to see if she's back there. I've done that a bunch of times. She doesn't know it, but I watch her from my room upstairs and jerk off." "Dude! She lays out there topless and you're just now telling me this?! Fucker! What I wouldn't give to fuck those titties," Mark said, backhanding him in the chest. I'd better be getting a call next time she's out there showing off her titties, fucker. Or some pics. Fuck! Throw a brother a bone!" "Fuck that! Have you seen her ass? If I could tap that ass she'd scream my name," Steve said dreamily. "Who says I don't have pics?" Dan said with a wicked grin. Dan broke out his phone and started showing off pictures he had taken of his Mom sunbathing topless in their backyard without her knowing. "I'd tear that shit up," Mark said boldly. "But Mr. Momma's boy over here hasn't gotten a whiff of it. He's too busy jerkin' off." "Well, if she offered to fuck me, I wouldn't say no," Dan said with a grin. The three boys laughed at the thought of Dan fucking his mom. Little did they know, Dana was just around the corner. Her mouth was agape. Oh my God! Those boys are talking about me! They're talking about fucking me! Even my own son! Dana couldn't believe what she was hearing. The boys she had practically raised were looking at her as a sexual object! She had heard about MILFs but never thought of herself like that. She had been faithful to her husband for 20 years. It never occurred to her that other men might find her desirable, let alone these young, hard bodied men who were in her living room talking about how they would use and abuse her body as a sex toy. Her own son was sharing topless pictures he had taken of her! Her head was swimming. Her body became hot. Her heart started to race. She needed to race upstairs to her bedroom and pull out her toys. But that was always an involved process that would take too long. Before she knew it, her back was leaning against the kitchen counter. One hand was buried in her denim shorts rubbing her soaked slit. Her other hand was molesting her bikini covered breasts, squeezing them and tugging at her now erect gumdrop sized nipples. Her eyes were closed while she bit her bottom lip. Being quite aware that they boys were in the other room, she made every effort to keep her moaning to a minimum. But it was tough. She imagined what those boys might do if they actually had the chance. She initially tried to push those thoughts out of her mind, but it was too late. They had taken over. She imagined three pairs of hands roaming every inch of her body and every orifice filled with hard, young cock. The room was spinning as the heat began to overtake her body. Mark was the first to lose his lives in the game, as usual. "Fuck this game and fuck you fags," he said as he stood up and tossed the game controller to the side. "What happened to your mom? Fuck, I'm thirsty!" "She's not your servant, bitch. Go get your water yourself," Dan said without looking up from the screen. Dana was reaching a fever pitch. She had unzipped her jeans without even thinking about it to give her better access to her enraged clit and trembling pussy. "Oh my God," she quietly moaned. "Yes, boys, fuck my holes, fuck all my holes. Mmmmmhmmm, yes, just like that. Oh fuck! Oh fuck! Mmmmmhmmmm, yes, cum for me. Cover me with your cum, boys. Uhhh huhhhh! Yes! Oh fuck! Ughhhhhhh!" Dana's knees went weak as an orgasmic wave washed across her body. She continued to flick at her clit until the wave began to pull away. That will do for now, until I can climb into bed tonight and really scratch that itch. Her heart was still racing when she removed her soaked hand from her jeans and released her breast from her own grip. The room stopped spinning and she finally opened her eyes. "Oh! Shit! Mark! How long have you been standing there?!" There stood Mark on the other side of the kitchen. He was wearing an evil grin and holding a massive, hard cock in his hands. It glistened with what she had to assume was precum. His shorts were lowered and he was slowly stroking himself. "Long enough to get a hard on," he said grinning. Her body went hot again, this time from embarrassment. "Oh my God, Mark! P-p-put that thing away!" She said it but she wasn't sure she meant it. It was the biggest cock she'd ever seen! Not that she had seen a lot. But, my God, this thing was massive! "Are you sure you want me to? You were fingering yourself and moaning about boys covering you with cum. Are you sure you want me to put it away?" Mark asked as he moved closer. "Y-y-yes, of course," she said without conviction. He was standing in front of her now. "Are you sure?" He grabbed her still wet hand and pulled it towards him, placing it on his rod. She wrapped her hand around it. She felt the veins pump with energy. It was the first cock she'd touched other than her husband's since marrying him 20 years ago. It felt even bigger in her hand than it looked. "Are you sure?" Mark asked again. She looked up at him. "N-n-no. No," she sighed. Her gaze turned downward. She watched as she stroked her pseudo son's cock. She couldn't get over its size. "Let's get a look at these tits," he said as he reached behind her neck and untied the strap. He did the same behind her back. He pulled the thin material away and threw it on the counter. He reached up with both hands and grabbed them. They were heavy and firm. "Wow. Awesome. Fucking awesome," he said as he played with them. She felt the heat of embarrassment fading away, only to be replaced with the heat of lust again. This is so wrong. Is this really happening? I'm stroking my son's best friend's cock. He's grabbing my tits! But...but...oh my God, it feels so good! She looked back up at him, still tugging him. "Do you like my tits, Mark?" "Fuckin' A right I do! They're perfect." This young man she had watched grow up in her own home desired her. "Would you like to fuck them, Mark? Would you like to fuck my tits?" she purred. Her tone caught him off guard. "Seriously?" Without a word she lowered herself in front of him until she was on her knees. She grabbed the base of his cock and looked up into his face. She began to slowly stroke it. Her tiny hands barely wrapped around it. I can't wait for him to fuck me! she thought to herself. She licked her lips and moved her face closer. She tenderly kissed the tip and backed away. She stared at it. She moved back in and took the head in, running circles around it with her tongue. The feeling momentarily took his breath away. She smiled at his reaction. She quickly took it out of her mouth and pointed it skyward. She licked the underside from balls to tip, then circled the tip with her tongue. She drew her head back one last time and licked her lips. Then she moved in for the kill, taking it fully into her mouth until the tip hit the back of her throat. Mark's head flew back at the feeling of her hot mouth wrapped around the shaft of my tool. "Holy fuck!" he said way louder than he had intended. While Dana's one hand held the base of his shaft, the second hand, without her even consciously thinking about it, slipped through the front of her own waistband and began to rub her excited clit. Her pussy was so wet! She was sure her panties were so wet she could ring them out. Her head bobbed on his cock while her hand pounded her own clit. She hadn't given a blow job in over 6 months, let alone deep throat a cock. He tasted differently than her husband David, more salty. She could only take in about three-quarters of it before it hit the back of her throat. She could easily deep throat David, his cock was much smaller and thinner. That is, when he found the time to be intimate with her. But she was never going to deep throat this monster. She felt her body getting warm. She arranged her body so she could two fingers jammed up her dripping wet slit. She was sucking him harder and harder. She could feel him starting to throb more in her mouth. Dana's punishment of her own pussy was getting more aggressive. Her grip on Mark's tool was firm. Her breathing was becoming more labored. Her cunt was beginning to tremble around her own fingers. The pace of her fingering became more frantic. "Mmmmmmm! Mmmmmmmfffff! Ahhhhhhhhhfffffffggggg!" Her body began to spasm. She gripped his cock as if it was the only thing keeping her from falling over. Is she having an orgasm while she's giving me a blow job?! Holy shit! Mark thought to himself. Her moaning and trembling finally quieted down. She went back to focusing on the cock in her mouth. Not that it mattered to Mark. She could feel it pulse in her mouth. "Ohmagawd, Mrs. Door, you're gonna make me cum. I'm gonna cum in your mouth!" Mark panted. She quickly released him. "Oh no you don't. Not until you fuck these tits," she said seductively. She proceeded to tightly wrap her massive globes around his throbbing cock. They felt warm and soft, like two warm pillows wrapping around it. She dropped a stream of saliva down onto the tip and into her cleavage. She looked up into his eyes with a grin, squeezed her tits together, and began to bounce. The head of his cock popped in and out of the top of her cleavage like a gopher. It felt amazing! Better than he had ever imagined. He began to buck his hips as if he was fucking her pussy. He was close to cumming when he was in her mouth. This was a dream come true. "Oh...Mrs. Door...fuck! I can't...last...much...longer," he moaned. "Shhhhhhh," she hushed. "We don't want the others to hear." She paused. "Now cum for me, baby. Cover my tits with your hot cum. I know you've dreamed about it. Cum on, baby, let me see you cum on my tits." She didn't have to ask twice. He gripped the edge of the counter and pumped his hips hard. The first spurt shot up her throat and splattered under her chin. She removed him from her tits and grabbed his pulsing cock tight. She started to stroke it firm and fast, waving it over her tits like a hose. Hot, sticky cum pumped out onto her chest in what seemed like gallons. Mark found it hard to breath as the throbbing slowed. He felt like he had just run a marathon. He straightened up and looked down. He had done my job. Her tits were covered with a gooey, white substance. She brought a breast to her mouth and began to lap at it with her tongue. "Mmmmmmm, my, my, so much sweet, salty cum," she said with a crooked grin. "You made a mess. I hope you saved some for later." Later?! Hell yeah! he thought. "There's plenty more where that came from," he said smiling back at her. "Oh, good," she purred. She paused. "Go grab Steve, please. Be discreet." Steve? Is she... He pulled up his shorts and headed for the living room as she pulled herself up from her knees. My gawd?! Am I really going to do this? I just let my son's best friend cover my tits in cum! I can put a stop to this right now. But I've gone this far. And I want a cock. Inside me. Now! "Yo, Steve. Can you help me out for a sec, bud?" Mark asked standing at the entrance to the living room. Steve had lost the last of his lives and was watching Dan crush the opponent on the screen. "Uhhhh, yeah, sure. What's up?" he asked. "Just need a little help in here for a sec," Mark said, trying to be nonchalant. "What the fuck is goin' on in there?" Dan asked, not bothering to look up from the game. "Don't sweat it, man. We'll be done in a sec," Mark said waving at him dismissively. ***** Steve stopped dead in his tracks when we rounded the corner into the kitchen. "What the fuck?!" Steve asked in shock. Dana was bent over and leaning on the counter, completely naked now. Her ass was staring them straight in the face. She had cleaned off most of the cum Mark had shot all over her chest. She had scooped up whatever was left and was lubing her asshole with it, pumping her finger in and out of it. Mark slapped Steve on the arm. "Not so loud! Goddamn," he said. "But...but ...what the fuck?" Steve still couldn't believe what he was seeing. Dana looked back them with a smile. She loved the look on Steve's face. "Steve, honey, will you please fuck my ass? I haven't been fucked in the ass in sooooo long? Will you do that for me?" Did I just say that? It was true. She couldn't remember the last time she had let her husband fuck her in the ass. He was usually finished after fucking her pussy. But now she had multiple cocks to choose from. She knew this particular cock wanted to drill her ass. And she couldn't wait. Her snatch was throbbing at the thought. "Seriously?" Steve asked astonished, looking back and forth from Mark's grinning face to the finger that was gliding in and out of Dana's ass. "Does this look like a joke, dumbass?" Mark asked. Steve couldn't believe his luck. He reached into his pocket, pulled something out, and handed it to Mark. "I want to remember this," he said with a twinkle in his eyes. It was his phone. He wanted Mark to record the proceedings for future reference. "That's fucking brilliant!" Mark said as he held the phone up and pressed the record button. Dana paused. "You're going to record this?!" "Fuck yeah we are!" Mark said. "I'm gonna watch this over and over again." Suddenly the thought of these boys wanting to relive this moment turned her on even more. She looked back at the boys. "Why? So you can jerk off to it?" she cooed. "Hell yeah!" Steve said. Now he had his dick in his hand. It was long and lean and shining. It wasn't nearly as big as Mark's, but it was definitely bigger than David's. "Turn around and show him those fucking titties, Mrs. Door. Show him those tits I just glazed." Now Mark was holding the phone with one hand while the other one stroked his already growing cock. Dana straightened up and turned to face the two cocks in front of her. Her body was tan and fit. She had a thin landing strip of pubic hair just above her puffy pussy. She reached up and tugged at her swollen nipples. "You mean these ol' things?" she said with a wicked look. She lifted one to her lips and swatted her tongue at it, all the while watching the boy's reaction. She liked what she saw. "Holy fuck," Steve moaned. Dana slowly turned back around and resumed her original position, waving her ass at them. "Enough talk. Are you going to fuck my ass or not?" "Hell yeah I am!" Steve said confidently as he strode towards her. As the two boys approached Dana quietly said "Easy, baby. It's been a long time since I had a good ass fucking. I want it to last." Steve touched the tip of his tool to her rosebud. A chill ran up her spine at the touch. "Yes, ma'am," he replied. Steve pushed forward. Mark's cum served as an excellent lubricant, and Dana had warmed up her hole nicely. The swollen head of his cock slid easily past her sphincter. He continued to slowly push forward until to both of theirs surprise his balls stopped him from going any further. "Ohhhhhmagawd! You're stretching my ass!" Dana moaned. Steve gripped her hips and paused. "Holy fuck, you're so tight," he groaned. Steve began to slowly pump his hips. It wasn't long before the sound of skin slapping skin could be heard as he picked up his pace, both cursing and crying to the heavens with each thrust. Mark was done being an observer. He pressed his hip against one of Dana's hands that she was gripping the counter with. She quickly lifted it, allowing Mark to slide through. He was now between Dana and the kitchen counter. His stiff cock was slapping her against her cheek with each thrust from Steve. In no time, Mark's pole was impaling Dana's face again. Mark's head flew back again as he moaned. Before long, Steve reached underneath Dana and began to thump on her excited clit. His first touch brought a loud moan from her. Meanwhile, Mark reached under and mauled one of her fabulous tits while still recording the events. Dan remained in the living room, completely oblivious to the debauchery going on in the kitchen. "How's that, Mrs. Door? How do you like my cock shoved up your ass?" Steve asked as he pounded away at her backside. Dana moaned in approval. She couldn't remember the last time she had a cock rammed up her ass. It felt so good! Why hadn't see done more of this? Maybe it was because she had two cocks buried in her? She had certainly never done that before. "How's that ass, bro?" Mark asked as he watched Steve's rod slide in and out of Dana's ass. "Dude! Fuck! It's ...mmmmmm...so tight! It's like it's g-g-g-gripping it! I don't know how...m-m-m-uch...longer I can...ga-a-a-go..." Steve said as sweat rolled down his face. "You should try her mouth! It's like a vacuum cleaner!" Dana was close to another orgasm. Knowing that she these boys were talking about how good she was making them feel only pushed her closer to the edge. Steve finally pushed her over the edge. "You like that, don't you M-m-m-mrs. Door, don't...grrrrr...you? You like two young-g-g...cocks plowing you...don't you?" Dana nodded her head as best as she could. "Mmmmmmhmmmm! Mmmmmhmmmm!" "I thought so!" Steve said. He reached back and gave Dana a loud, unexpected slap on the ass. A muffled yelp followed. "Ha ha!" Another loud slap. Another muffled yelp. "Let's see how...mmmmm...you like this..." Steve reached back under her and pressed on her love button. Hard. That's all Dana needed. It was like flipping a switch. Her hips began to thrust hard back into Steve's thrust. Her grip tightened on the counters edge. Her muffled moans were even louder. At this point she didn't care if her son heard her or not. Her body was on fire. "Mmmmmmfffffff! Mmmmmmmm! Mmmmmmgggggg!" "Oh shit! Her ass is clamping down on my dick! Oh s-s-s-shit! Oh fuck! I'm gonna...I'm gonna...gggaaaaahhhh!" Steve's hands dug into Dana's hips as he flooded Dana's ass with his spunk. "Fuck, yeah, dude! Give it to her!" Mark cheered on and he continued to pump his own cock in and out of her face. Dana felt Steve's jizz shooting into her, only lengthening her own orgasm. It felt warm and thick as it continued to pump into her. Just as Dana and Steve's orgasms were finishing, Mark was about to fill the room with moans of his own. "Oh yeah! Oh yeah! Mrs. Door...ready for...another...grrrrrr...load? Yeah! Oh yeah! Grrrrr...fuck!" Mark grabbed the back of Dana's head as his hips thrust into her face. She felt his massive hose pulse in her mouth as wave after wave of thick cum shot down her throat. He just came! How can he have this much? I-I-I can't swallow it all! She thought to herself. Droplets of white cum began to slip out between her lips and Mark's cock. A pool began to form on the floor at Mark's feet. Steve grabbed his phone from Mark and focused on Dana's ass as he pulled his still throbbing cock from her ass. A thin string of jizz followed it out, attached to the tip of his tool and her rosebud. It finally snapped, most of it falling onto the back of her thigh. His pole had acted as a butt plug. Dana fell to her knees, Mark's cock sliding out of her mouth as she did. Cum dripped from her chin and fell onto her breasts. Her chest heaved as she tried to catch her breath. "Fuckin' A, Mrs. Door," Mark said looking down at her with a grin. "That's was fuckin' awesome, Mrs. D," Steve said panting. "Oh my God, boys, I haven't been fucked like that in years," she said, still out of breath. I've never had two different cocks in one week, let alone at the same time! That was so wrong. But I loved every minute of it! It was amazing! Her mind paused for a moment. Then the corners of her lips curled into an evil smile. I've gone this far. If two cocks felt that amazing, how amazing would three feel? Both boys pulled up their shorts and stepped away, fist bumping each other as they did. Once she got to her feet, she grabbed a towel and wiped the cum from her chin and top of her breasts. She slowly turned to face the boys wearing nothing but that wicked grin. The boys grinned back, thoroughly enjoying the view. She walked towards them, between them, grabbed their hands, and led them back towards the living room. "Come with me, boys." Mark and Steve looked at each other with confused and surprised looks on their faces but walked along with her. The trio got to the entrance of the living room. Dan was still playing his video game with his back to them. He was completely oblivious to the fact three people were standing there. "Stay here," Dana said, releasing Mark and Steve's hands. She walked in her son's direction. "Danny...sweetie..." The boys watched her beautiful, naked body glide across the room. The insides of her thighs had visible streaks of cum running down them. "Yeah, Mom? What the hell took so long?" He asked without looking away from the screen. "Oh, you know, this...and that..." she said coyly as she approached. "Can you do something for me, sweetie?" She was right behind him now. "Sure, in a minute, Mom. What is it? Can it wait a sec? I'm almost done here. I'm about to level up!" She reached over his shoulders and started to run her hands down his chest. The unexpected touch made Dan jump but not stop his game. He felt his mother's warm skin press against him. Mark and Steve watched intently from across the room. Steve had lifted his phone again and was recording. "I've got a new game I think you'll like. I think you'll be able to level up fairly quickly," she whispered in his ear. She slid her hands into his gym shorts and gently grabbed his flaccid member. The unexpected grasp of his mother's hands of his penis nearly made Dan jump out of his skin. The game controller flew out of his hands. His hands quickly went to his crotch. "What the...? Jesus Christ! What the fuck, Mom?!" He jumped up from his seat, causing Dana's arms to fly out of his shorts and into the air. He spun around only so see him mother standing there completely naked with a mischievous look on her face, completely unaware of his two friends standing across the room. Dan was stunned beyond belief. "Wha...wha...what the fuck, Mom?!" Dana looked seductively at her son while she caressed her own tits. The tits her son had fantasied about. The tits he had jerked off to. "Do you think I'm sexy, Danny?" "What?!" What the fuck is happening here?! Dan thought to himself. "Do you think I'm sexy?" she asked again. "Uh...uh...yeah...uh...you're my Mom!" She moved in closer. "Do you like my tits, Danny?" "I...uh...well...uh...yeah, you've got great tits, Mom. But...you're my Mom!" "Would you like to feel them?" she asked as she grabbed his hands and raised them to her breast. He gently cupped and caressed her large, firm globes. "Do you think they sag, Danny? I think your father thinks they sag. He doesn't play with them anymore." Dan was suddenly mesmerized as he stared at them. He shook his head. "No. No, Mom. They don't sag at all. They're fabulous. They're...they're beautiful." "Thank you, sweetie." She paused. "Look how hard you've made my nipples. Why don't you pinch them? I love it when they're pinched...and licked...and sucked on." Dan pinched her gumdrop sized, rock hard nipples as requested. Dana closed her eyes and gasped. Dan quickly dove in and took a nipple into his mouth, licking, sucking, and nibbling on them, switching from one to another. Dana wrapped one hand around his head and pulled him towards her while the other hand reached down and rubbed his crotch. She could feel his pole quickly come to full staff. Mark and Steve were across the room rubbing their crotches and thinking lucky bastard to themselves. They were totally engrossed with what they were watching. Dana placed her hands on the side of her son's face that was buried in her breast and pulled him away. She stared into his eyes. She could see the confusion and lust in them. She pulled him close and planted a deep, long, wet kiss on his lips. The thud sound that could be heard was that of Steve and Mark's jaws hitting the floor. Dana broke the kiss, grabbed her son's hand, and led him to the couch, where she pushed him back into it. She slowly dropped to her knees before him and ran her hands up his thighs. She watched his face for his reaction. His eyes were wide, his mouth was agape. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. She grabbed the waist band of his shorts and pulled them down. And down. And down. Until his rigid pole jumped out and stood straight up. Now Dana's eyes grew wide. It was at that very moment she realized just how much her son was like his father. His hair and eye color. His build. His voice and mannerisms. And his cock. Right down to having a freckle and a slight curve to it. Only her sons was thicker and larger than his father's. What she was feeling right now took her back 20 years to the first time she saw David's cock. Just as nervous. Just as hungry. The only thing missing was the back seat of his old Monte Carlo. She felt young and alive again. She felt vibrant. She felt like she was 18 again. She pulled his shorts the rest of the way off and tossed them aside. She stared lovingly at the cock before her. She reached up and gently grabbed it and oh so tenderly began to stroke it. The touch of his mother's hand to his tool took Dan's breath away. Her hands were soft and warm. "Oh...shit...Mom!" "Danny...sweetie...my God, you have a beautiful cock," Dana purred. She moved in closer and kissed the tip. She ran her tongue around its swollen head. She lifted it up and licked the underside from balls to tip. Dan's head flew back. "Oh! Shit! Mom!" He looked down at her as she continued to lick his cock like a popsicle. "Mom...what...what the fuck?" "Shhhhhhhhhh," she said lovingly looking into face with a smile. Without warning, she lowered her face down, wrapped her lips around his pulsing penis, and took him in. "Oh FUCK!" Dan exclaimed. Her mouth was warm and moist. Her lips felt like velvet sliding up and down his pole. Mark and Steve looked at each other with Holy fuck! Is she giving her own son a blow job? looks on their faces. Steve smiled. "This video is gonna make me a fucking fortune." This went on for several moments with Dan cursing and trying not to pass out while Dana bobbed her head on her son's rod sucking and slurping. She finally stopped and slowly raised herself to her feet. She began to climb onto the couch straddling her son. "Sweetie, the game I want to play is 'fuck Mommy's cunt hard'. I want you to stick that fat fucking cock of your into Mommy's cunt and fuck Mommy hard and fast. I want you to level up hard and fast." Dan couldn't believe the words that were coming out of his mother's mouth. He also couldn't believe his luck. "Oh-oh-okay, Mom." Mark and Steve looked at each other again. Their faces said Oh...fuck! Is she...going to...fuck her own son?! Holy shit! Both boys had their cocks out of their shorts and were stroking them. Dana grabbed his saliva slickened and lowered herself down to it. A shiver went up her spine as the bulbous head touched her aching pussy lips. It's now or never, there's no going back from here she thought to herself. His throbbing cock slid through her cunt lips like a knife through butter. She moaned all the way down the slide. "Oh-h-h-h-h-h shit!" she cried out. Dan's head flew back. "Oh, holy fuck! Yeah, that's the shit right there! Fuck!" Dan quickly latched his lips and hands onto the tan globes bouncing in front of his eyes as Dana began to ride his pole like a pogo stick. The two had become completely unaware there were two other stiff cocks in the room. That was about to change. Mark looked at Steve, who was still recording the mother and son fuck session that was happening before them. "Fuck this," Mark said. "I'm gonna get blue balls if I don't get me some ass pretty quick." He left Steve's side and entered the living room. "Fuckin' A," Steve said following in his tracks. "I like the way you think, bro." Dana was soon aware of the presence of two new cocks ready for service. Steve appeared before her, standing behind the couch, with a cock in his hand that was pointed straight at her face. Beads of sweat rolled down her face as she looked up at Steve and smiled. She was about to open her mouth and take him in when she felt a presence at her back door. She spun her head around and saw Mark smiling, cock in hand, tip pressing against her rosebud. Dana's eyes grew wide. She shook her head. "Oh no! Oh hell no! That thing will never fit! Your cock will split me in half!" Mark chuckled. "C'mon, Mrs. Door, Steve's got you all warmed up and lubed up. It'll slide right in." He pressed harder. "No! Shit! It won't fit!" Mark pressed harder. "Shit! Oh shit!" Mark chuckled again and pushed harder. Suddenly, the head slipped into her rosebud and past her sphincter. Mark was right. It would fit. Just barely. Slickened with the remnants of Steve's cum dump earlier, he slowly slid in until he was buried balls deep. "Fu-u-u-u-gggggaaaaggggg!" Dana cried until Steve shoved his cock into her open mouth. "Oh-h-h-h, motherfucker! Her ass is so tight! It's squeezing me like a vice grip!" Mark cried out in ecstasy. He had taken girls virginity before but this was the tightest hole he'd ever fucked in his young life. He was pumping away her ass with a gusto. His thrusts were sliding her slit up and down on Dan's cock who was underneath her. "Holy fuck!" Steve yelled as he pumped his rod like a piston in and out of her throat. "It's like her throat is sucking me in!" Dan watched his mother's throat elongate to the shape of his friend's cock as it slid in out of his throat. Dan continued to fuck his mother's snatch while sucking her nipples and mauling her tits. This went on for what seemed like hours but was only a few minutes. The room was filled with moans, groans, and cursing to the heavens. It smelled like sweat and sex. "Oh...oh! Oh fuck! I don't know how much longer I can last!" Steve moaned. "I...I...I think I'm gonna paint this slut's face!" Dana looked up at him as best as she could while he impaled her face. She nodded. "Mmmmmhmmm! Mmmmhmmmm!" Steve quickly pulled out and began to stroke his throbbing pole hard and fast. "Oh fuck! Oh fuck! Ggggaaaaaaahhhhh!" His head flew back and his chest flew out. A thin rope of milky white cum shot up over her face and down the part in her hair. Steve redirected his aim, pointing his hose at her open mouth. A second spurt landed between her lip and nose while a third splatted on her chin. He shoved it back into her mouth and into her throat, shooting the rest of his load straight down it. When Steve felt like he had emptied his balls he pulled out of her face. "Motherfucker," he panted. Dana removed the cum falling onto her lips with her tongue. She turned her head and directed her attention to the bodies behind and below her. "Fuck this slutty MILF! Fuck my holes hard with those big, stiff cocks!" she demanded. Mark's assault on her ass became more aggressive with the demand. Skin slapping skin filled the room. "Scream my name! Scream my name and tell me what you want! Beg for it!" "Mark! M-m-m-m-mark! Oh, fuck! Yes! Fuck my ass...grrrrr...with that big fucking-g-g-gaa...cock of yours! Fuck it...ugh...good!" she cried out. Mark chuckled. "Yeah-huh-huh! I'm gonna cover that sweet fucking ass of yours with cum," he panted. Sweat rolled down his body. "Yes! Cover my ass in cum! Do it!" Her thrusts were meeting his. Mark pulled his fat cock from her gaped ass and began to rub in the crack of her ass, it's head rising and falling just above her tailbone. "Fuck! Grrrrrr! Here it comes! Here it comes! Gaaaahhhhhhh!" "Oh yes! Give it to me!" Dana called out. Having cum twice in the last 45 minutes, only spurts oozed out from the tip of his pole. He continued to pump as thick, white goo ran down the back of his throbbing cock and into the crack of her ass. "Oh, motherfucker," Mark sighed as he slapped his stick against her ass several times, shooting droplets of cum up her back, then stepped away. "Mom...Mom!" came the voice from underneath Dana. Dan had finally released one of the tits he had fantasized about for years from his mouth. "I-I-I don't think...mmmmm...I can...last...much...longer." "Oh, baby!" Dana said as she jumped off of his lap. "Cum on my tits, sweetie." She got down on her knees in front of him. She wrapped her 38 specials around his pulsing penis and began to stroke it with her tits. The head of his cock peaked in and out of her cleavage like a whack-a-mole game. "I want to see you cum. Cover mommy's tits with your cum, sweetie," she cooed. Dan grabbed the edge of the couch cushions as if he might levitate off of it. "Oh, Mom! Oh, Mom! Oh, fuck! Grrrrrrrrr...I'm gonna...I'm gonna...gaaaaahhhhhh!" The first thick rope of cum launched from his cock like it had been shot out of a canon. It hit the underside of her chin with such force that it splattered across her neck and chest. Several more ropes shot out as she continued to slide it in between her tits, covering her chest and tits with the white, sticky substance. As the spurts subsided she took him into her mouth. She wrapped her hand around it's shaft and gave him firm, long strokes, trying to milk every last drop from him. His body continued to heave, small spurts of jizz continued to shoot into her mouth. "My God! So much cum!" she thought to herself. Yet, she kept sucking and swallowing, taking it all in. A few moments later Dan's body stopped convulsing and his cock stopped shooting spunk down his mother's throat. She released him from her mouth. She looked at the member she just removed lovingly and kissed it tenderly on its tip. She lifted herself to her weak, wobbly legs and scanned the room. The three boys looked satisfied and shocked at the same time. Steve was still recording with his phone. Dana lifted a breast and flicked her tongue at it, scooping cum into her mouth and swallowing it with a smile. "You boys made quite a mess of me," she purred. She was right. She was literally streaked with cum from head to toe. She scooped a glob of jizz from her forehead and slipped it into her mouth. "I need a shower. You boys make yourselves comfortable." She turned and walked away. They watched her tan, heart-shaped ass bounce as she did. She knew they were watching. And it turned her on. I just had the best sex of my life! she thought to herself. With my son! And his friends! I loved it! I loved having my son fucking my cunt...cumming on my tits! I loved getting a big, fat cock shoved up my ass and down my throat! My God! What's wrong with me? I don't care! I want it again, I want more! Did they enjoy it? Will they want to fuck me again? I'll make them want to! Mark and Steve collapsed onto the couch next to Dan. Steve had finally put down the phone. Dan's wilting cock was still out in the open, his shorts tossed off to the side on the floor. Dan broke the silence. "What the fuck just happened?" he asked in a bewildered tone. "We just fucked the shit out of your mother!" Mark said chuckling. "That was fucking awesome! And I recorded the whole thing. I'm gonna make a fucking fortune," Steve said wistfully. It hit Dan. "Is that what was going on in the kitchen?" "Fuckin' A right," Mark said proudly. "We hit that shit good." "When did your Mom become such a slut?" Steve asked. Dan shrugged his shoulders and shook his head while he stared off into space. "I-I-I have no idea." He paused. "That was...that was...fucking awesome! I've wanted to do that for years! She sure seemed to enjoy it." "Hell yeah she did! She couldn't get enough!" Mark observed. "Your Mom has a rockin' bod, dude." Steve slapped Dan in the chest. "Dude, next time you have to let her give you a blow job! Fuck! I thought she was gonna swallow my balls!" "No shit!" Mark said emphatically. "And that ass. Oh my God, that ass! Holy shit!" "It's like she's gonna snap it off!" Steve said. "I know, right? Next time make sure you fuck her in the ass, bro," Mark said to Dan. "You think there will be a next time?" Dan asked. "I mean, fuck dude, that's my Mom! I just covered my Mom's tits with cum! You think she'll do that again?" "I hope so!" Mark said with excitement. "She makes my dick hard just thinking about it!" There was silence again. Then Mark stood up and looked at his two friends. He had an evil look on his face and a twinkle in his eye. "You know what? I think I need a shower." "Oh! Shit! Me, too!" Steve said jumping off the couch. Dan jumped off the couch. "Me, too!" The three headed off in the direction of the master bedroom and the sound of running water. The three boys and Dana proceeded to fuck again in the shower. And on the dining room table. And on David's office desk. Everywhere but the master bedroom. Much later that evening, Mark and Steve finally went home exhausted and drained of bodily fluids. Dan and his mother slept in the bed her husband and his father had left empty. For the rest of that summer Dan didn't sleep in his own bed. He spent it curled up next to, on top of, and underneath his mother in the bed she had shared with her husband for 20 years. Steve and Mark continued to visit the house nearly every day, making sure to bring plenty of Gatorade with them. When Dana was home she rarely dressed in "mom" clothes. Skimpy bikinis, matching bra and panty sets, or lacy lingerie were the typical dress code. Much to her disbelief, she had turned into a MILF who longed for hard, young cock. And the three boys were happy to provide it. A few short weeks later the boys headed off to college. No one was happy about it but it needed to happen. All good things must come to an end. Or do they? For pics visit ---->> https://bit.ly/2ReHUJI
Title: Anyone for Tennis? Summary: Tom and Fiona lost the match, but he won his mum... Keywords: inc,fic When I first realized that, sexually, my mother was a very desirable woman with all those attributes a young man could ever wish for, and not just my 'Mum', it didn't dawn on me gradually, but rather it hit me, literally, straight between the eyes. The occasion was Mum's old college friend, Nancy, paying us a visit together with her American husband, Ray. Fiona and Nancy hadn't seen each other in years now that she lived stateside, even though they were in constant touch through Facebook, exchanging news, gossip and, I don't know, recipes? I drove Mum to the airport to meet them when they arrived, and I stood with her, surveying the crowd, when I heard a high-pitched screech of delight, "Feeeeeeeee...!!" I turned to see this blond-haired, low-cut crimson-dressed fashion model type, with waving arms swinging manically through the air, trying to gallop out of the Arrivals Hall towards my mum but being restricted as she was by her combination of extremely high heels and her tight, tight dress. The male contingent of the Arrivals Hall stood momentarily transfixed in their appreciation. "Nanceeeeeee...!!" The gesticulations were reciprocated by my mum far more efficiently since her dress was much looser and her heels a lot lower. The two of them seemed to meet like a pair of car-crash dummies and the volition pressed each one into the other, threw their arms around each other and mashed their full breasts upwards and backwards into their chests. They hugged, they laughed and they kissed and they kissed some more. I know, looking back, that I should have realized far more quickly that my mum was desirable. I mean, I was standing there with open mouth taking in the lusciousness of her friend Nancy without it occurring to me that they'd shared a dorm at college together for a couple of years before Mum had dropped out to have me, and so they were both about the same age. Over Nancy's shoulder I saw behind their overladen luggage trolley the athletic figure of husband Ray, the epitome of what we British used to think of as American before we were exposed to movies like 'Super-Size Me' - he was tall, tanned, muscular, blond of hair and white of tooth - and he was apparently very successful in the company he'd helped to found. Coming around the trolley, he enthusiastically embraced and kissed my mum. Then I was introduced. "Tom, hey, man, how's it going?" and my hand was enclosed in this bone-crushing grip. I hated Ray already. But I so didn't hate Nancy. My hand was taken and I was pulled in towards her perfumed chest. And a kiss was placed on each cheek. "My, you're a handsome lad! Fee, I think the last picture you sent me of Tom, he must have had freckles all over his face and was paddling around bare-assed in the sea with his bucket and spade... but this, mmm, this is something entirely different!" She held me at arm's length and looked me over appraisingly from top to bottom. I felt that her eyes lingered momentarily on my crotch in passing, but, yeah, that was probably just my infatuation. The small talk flowed easily between us as we led them out and we were already all smiles and laughter. Ray's gleaming teeth seemed to be making steady inroads into my mother's affections as she looked alternately from the one, her long-lost friend, back to the other, this walking ad for kicking sand over beach-bum losers. They had insisted on staying at a hotel in the city centre during their visit because our house was relatively small - it might have been OK for a couple of nights, but it would have been a squash - but as I followed Ray and the two women from the hall out onto the concourse and I eyed the spring-laden ass of Nancy in front of me, I thought that a squash might not have been a bad idea at all. And they weren't staying at just any hotel, oh no - it was the flashiest one in town equipped with swimming pool, gym, sauna and tennis courts. This had been the deciding factor for Ray who, apparently, followed a strict regimen in order to look the way he did - It seems those looks came at a price but, what the hell, they were floating on money, as I found out when we rolled up to the hotel entrance. A valet sprang out of nowhere to take care of the luggage and his smile didn't even flicker when faced with the impressive number of suitcases that faced him on opening the rear hatch of the car. Yet another insisted on whisking the car away from us and disappearing with it round the corner. Inside, the hotel oozed opulence. Definitely not one of those places where the floor carpeting turns threadbare the moment you reach the first landing. On the drive over, Ray had said he wanted to get a taste of the real England, so it occurred to me that if that's what he wanted, then maybe they should go live at our house while we could 'suffer' the hotel. Anyway, we saw them settled in and arranged to meet at our's later for one of Mum's home-cooked meals and then we left them to their own devices. The valet seemed a bit miffed that he had to go back and bring out the car he'd only stowed away a quarter of an hour before, but I was still more miffed when I found we were expected to tip him - and we weren't even staying there...! Back home, Mum put the finishing touches to one of her special Italian dishes, while I busied myself with setting out the table. Then all was ready and Mum just had to go upstairs to change into something more suitable. Had she felt a little dowdy opposite the fabulously dressed Nancy? Or was it what I suspected, that she wanted to impress Ray? Whatever the reason, when she came back downstairs it was a transformation. She'd now gained several inches in height with her new choice of sling-back heels, her hair which had been tied back now hung in gentle waves down over her shoulders, and - and her shoulders were bare except for the spaghetti straps of a clinging black dress that plunged dramatically at the front and displayed the demi-globes and aspects of the inner chasm between her breasts to full advantage. But to whose advantage? I had no time to take this all in or even wonder whether I should be taking it all in because at that moment a flash of headlights through the window announced the arrival of our guests' taxi. I threw Mum a reassuring smile as she tugged at the bottom hem of her dress which seemed to insist on riding up, and hurried to open the door to greet Nancy. Well, OK then, Ray and Nancy... Nancy didn't disappoint. If Mum's cleavage had been a ski slope, then it was one for beginners. Nancy's, in comparison, was the large hill ski jump, with her silky cream dress holding on to her breasts purely by virtue of the thin halter neck. I would have loved to take a step back to observe the whole thing, but I was again grabbed and pulled to her chest and given a large kiss, this time on the mouth. "Mmm, yummy, can't get enough of you. There you go, Tom, stick that in the cooler." she meant the bottle of wine which she thrust into my hand, but I thought maybe I should join it there as well, such was the effect of Nancy's kiss. I'd just been given my first boner of the evening. It was the first of many, because sitting across from her at the dining table I was afforded tantalizing glimpses now and then of extra reaches of her buoyant breasts as she stretched across for the salad bowl, as she turned to touch Ray on the arm, as she leant over to caress Fiona's forearm when telling her something funny. She smiled each time she caught my eye roaming. So it's safe to say I was probably stiff for the duration of the meal. Afterwards, Ray and I sat finishing off our first bottle of wine while Nancy and Fiona went out to the kitchen to wash up and catch up on more personal stuff, girly-type stuff I suppose. Ray casually interrogated me as to whether I enjoyed sport, apparently a favorite subject of his. When I told him I played rugby at college he was at a bit of a loss as to the rules, so I casually mentioned it was a bit like American football but without all the timeouts and without any of the protective padding. I also added that usually an ambulance was put on standby for the game, and it was considered dull if at least one player wasn't rushed off to casualty in the middle of it. He accepted my sly dig with equanimity, and asked if I played tennis, since he liked to get a few sets in once a day to keep the muscles toned. Apparently tennis courts were basic requirements in American homes. He said he would usually play against Nancy, but he was bored with winning all the time. "You should play against my mum, she loves tennis, and she's good. I'm afraid my level's probably like Nancy's, and you'd wipe the floor with me..." So I gave him that one. It was one-all in our unspoken game of one-upmanship. "Let me just go get us a refill." I indicated the bottle we'd drained and took it out to the kitchen to find Mum and Nancy standing together in a very, very close embrace. They drew apart, smiling, with no sense of embarrassment, and the two of them looked me over, both of them glancing, for some reason, at my crotch. Had Nancy been telling Mum how she'd managed to get an instant reaction from me and that at their age they were still well capable of seducing lads like me? I stuttered something about the wine and turned and bent down into the fridge. Something told me the two of them were taking in my ass as I did this, so in a perverse moment I squatted down by the fridge door and was aware I was presenting them a view of my builder's crack. I took a bottle out and turned just as Nancy was nudging my mum in the ribs, the two of them grinning widely. I took the screw and deftly started to uncork the bottle. Nancy stroked my arm muscles appreciatively and purred, "Mmm, you're so strong..." "Nancy, now stop it! Look, you've got him blushing all over, poor lad..!" And they closed in on me from either side, Nancy's pneumatic breast pushing into me from the right while Mum's pushed in from the left. They stroked my hair and arms and actually cooed. "He's very much like Alan, don't you think, Nance?" "Mmm, you're so right, and if he's got all of Alan's, umm, attributes, then he's probably got all the girls begging as well, just like we used to beg, remember?...so, has he?" I'd heard of Alan. Were they talking of the Alan who'd impregnated my mum and then went off on a gap year from which he never returned? People reckoned he'd gone native in the Far East and that that accounted for most of the population explosion over there. It certainly accounted for why I'd never known my father. Mum looked at me, cupping her chin in one hand, "Well I THINK he's probably built like Alan, but you know how it is, when they reach puberty they get a bit shy about their tackle..." Mum was really teasing me...I think... I raised the bottle. "The wine, remember?" Like a gentleman, I held the kitchen door open for them, but they laughed and insisted I went through first. I felt their eyes undressing me as I did so. Back at the table, Ray mentioned that we'd been talking about tennis and how I'd told him that Mum was quite a decent player. "So how about, tomorrow, the two of you come over to the hotel before lunch and we'll set up a game of doubles to give us an appetite?" He looked at each of us expectantly, one eyebrow raised. The thought of Nancy in a short tennis skirt made my decision a no-brainer. Mum said she was a bit out of practice, but she was also up for it. The decision made, we downed the second bottle. There might have been a third as well, or even a fourth, it was flowing just as freely as the conversation. During that conversation I discovered that Ray's money had been made on a whim. His family had already been fairly well-off when an old college mate of his had had an idea for some app on the internet. Ray had financed the development of it on condition that they went halves on any profit, and when it was sold on to a major company, he suddenly found he was loaded down with serious wealth. He himself knew nothing about the ins and outs of cyberspace, so while maintaining a nominal directorship he took the money, reinvested most of it and he and Nancy lived comfortably from what rolled in. So he didn't actually do any work per se, he just dabbled in things when they happened to come his way and take his fancy. So were his fingers about to dabble in my mum? Was my mum taking his fancy? Perhaps. I mean, I guess Nancy must have told him a bit about Fiona. After all, they'd been friends at college. My mind went back to what I'd interrupted and seen when I went into the kitchen... mmm, apparently, very good friends... The wine had succeeded in loosening my tongue and my inherent shyness in front of strangers had disappeared along with it, and maybe that's why the evening had rolled along so successfully. So, as we cleared things away after our guests had left, I casually threw out the question, "So, Mum, how good friends were you and Nancy in college then...?" Fiona stopped what she was doing and pondered the question with a smile on her face. "Ooh, Tom, aha... at that age, well, your age, I suppose, everyone likes to experiment, you know?... expand their sensations, get to know what it's like to try, well...everything, really... just to see if you might like it..." She didn't seem to be saying this directly to me. She was, rather, staring vacantly into space, reminiscing. "...all those new experiences and discovering parts of you that you didn't know could be excited like that..." She hugged herself pleasantly. "So you and Nancy...?" Did I dare complete the sentence? I didn't need to. "Haha... Nancy was and she still is. I think she actually only fully realized it when we shared a dorm room together... a dorm room can be so cramped you know? Well, you do know, of course... and first thing in the morning and last thing at night the two of you are lounging around on the bed in just your underwear, telling each other stories about your own experiences, just for fun, just to see if you could get them jealous or aroused..." Mum's reminiscences seemed to be in full swing now, so I dutifully kept silent. "Mine certainly got her aroused...I had good old Alan to thank for that...and I didn't scrimp on the details either...I was serving up some of the juicier bits when it dawned on me that in the meantime she'd come across to lie there with me on my bed and was egging me on to tell her more, more... had he touched me here?... had he licked me across that bit? Which bit?... she'd stroked across my lower belly to show me just where...ooh, it was so nice, that..." Fiona suddenly seemed to notice that she had been rambling on a bit to me, her son, and so she abruptly stopped. "Anyway, you don't want to know about all that..." But I do! I do...! "It was so long ago..." So? This was with Nancy...tell me more! "Anyway, it's late and I'm off to bed. Could you unzip me?" and she turned her back towards me and lifted her hair away from the fastening at the back of her dress. I lowered the zip as far as, I guess, just above the line of her panties, and this exposed the thin line of the black strapless bra across her smooth back. She released her hair and held the dress to her chest as she turned back to me and kissed me on the cheek. "Thanks, Tom. Get some sleep, we've got to thrash them at tennis tomorrow. National pride and all that..." And she turned on her heel and started up the stairs. My last view of her was her gorgeously smooth back and a glimpse of her flimsy black panties beneath that hem which at some point in the evening she'd given up trying to control... The next morning we drove over to the hotel to find Ray and Nancy waiting for us in the reception, already decked out in full tennis gear. Nancy's was everything I'd masturbated to the night before - a very tight top outlining her nipples and the exact curves of her sports bra above which her breasts thrust out magnificently, and her pleated skirt only just managing to cover her ass. Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail, held in place by a silk scarf. Shimmering earrings danced from her lobes as she jumped up and hugged me like a long-lost castaway. I could certainly get used to this. She escorted Mum to the ladies' changing room while Ray pointed out the one for the guys. It didn't take me long to change. After all, another T-shirt, white shorts, a pair of socks and trainers and I was ready. Mum, however, seemed to take an age. "They're probably just catching up again," sighed Ray, noting my impatience. And that's when it dawned on me that I could never ever have any chance with Nancy. She just wasn't interested in guys. And suddenly, a different light was shed on what they were up to in that dressing room. Likewise, I guessed Ray would never have any chance with my mum either... But Mum wasn't lesbian, I was sure of that. Over the years she'd had, and enjoyed having in the best sense, quite a few boyfriends and had grown fairly attached to a couple of them before finding out that one was already married and the other was cheating on her behind her back. I supposed something like that might drive someone back into the arms of a former lover...had she been her lover?... and now I was totally confused. Was Nancy's marriage to Ray just one of convenience? And if it was, what did that make Ray? Nancy and Fiona strolled out onto the court, nudging each other's shoulders and laughing at something Mum had said. To say that they were relaxed in each other's company was to understate the case. After knocking the balls around for a while to loosen up, we eventually started the game. Ray had a very powerful serve and Nancy at one point felt she had to remind him that this was only a friendly match and to keep his fetish for winning under control. But all-in-all it was very even. Mum seemed just as competitive as Ray, and I managed to control my impulse to stare down Nancy's top every time she approached the net and crouched, waiting for Ray to serve. She kept smiling at me. She knew how much was on show. Talk about gamesmanship... That's when it hit me, literally. I was facing Ray's serve and we were at break point. The determination was evident in Ray's face, and Nancy was upping her gamesmanship by crouching even lower opposite me on the other side of the net and jiggling her tits. I averted my eyes in order to concentrate, but as I did so I swivelled them further than I'd intended. There in front of me, just off-centre to Ray serving, my mum was crouching just as low as Nancy, her legs spread far apart and her butt swinging lazily from side to side. Her snow-white panties had ridden up into the crack of her ass and it was as though she was waiting to be taken, doggie-style. I should have, but I couldn't take my eyes off that marvelous sight. My mum's ass was truly magnificent and delicious and... Apparently that's when the ball from Ray's serve hit me straight between the eyes. Ray had aced it. And I was out for the count. As I came to, it was to find my head being supported by a folded towel, and four gorgeous smooth breasts dangling in the air close above my eyeballs. Ray had apparently run off to find the hotel doctor. I tried to mumble something but was shushed by Mum, who stroked my hair away from my face. "Just lie still, we're seeing to you, love..." In a half-whisper, Nancy had added, "Well, if we're seeing to him... you remember, Alan..?" and I think maybe she'd nodded down towards my crotch. "Nancy..! How can you think of something like that at a time like this..?!" "What? Come on, we're alone, no-one can see us...go on, just a quick peek before Ray comes back...please?" "Ohhh...oh, alright then..." And I felt the cool air down below as I think it was Mum who stretched the elastic of my shorts and boxers away from my stomach. "Wow..." "Wowsie-wow..." "Alan and a half..." "Alan plus plus..." "Alan deluxe..." The elastic snapped back into place with a twang as I heard the approaching footsteps of Ray and the doctor. It was decided there was no lasting damage, though to be on the safe side they should take me up to Ray and Nancy's suite, where the doctor would look in on me again, later. Ray decided that he still had weights to press before lunch, and Nancy went off to find if their room service stretched to non-residents too, leaving Mum to set about getting me showered and changed. Looking in the full mirror I saw this huge crimson spot above the bridge of my nose and knew it was going to be painful for quite some time. We were both still in our tennis gear while Mum set about gauging the temperature of the shower - it was either the shower or the Jacuzzi, and Mum laughingly said that Jacuzzis are for when you have special friends over. "Come on, get your gear off and get in the shower, you'll feel a lot better..." and she proceeded to lift my shirt over my head and pulled my shoes and socks off my feet. I stood there like I was incapable and let her get on with it. Then I was down to just my shorts and boxers, and still I didn't move, so Mum tutted and yanked them down to my ankles. I stepped out of them and walked into the shower and simply stood there facing the wall, the water cascading over my head. It wasn't that I couldn't move, it was rather that I'd suddenly been overtaken by this flood of new feelings and realizations towards Fiona. Pictures flashed through my mind of how beautiful she was and how I'd never really seen it until now, in all ways and not just physically...there were so many other things. I loved her insecurities, like when her dress had risen up...I loved the way her face lit up when she was happy, the sparkle in her eyes like when she'd first caught sight of Nancy in the airport...her smooth back as I'd helped her unzip the dress... and of course that bullet to the brain during the tennis match. I heard Mum let out a sigh again behind me and before I knew it she was reaching in and lathering soap all over me. "Turn round, I can't reach..." I turned and saw that the water was also splashing over Mum, and her hair and tennis outfit were also getting drenched. Reaching out my hands and pulling her in towards me seemed such a natural thing to do, and she didn't resist, rather she giggled and began to soap me further down, juggling across my balls and along the length of my shaft. She was tight up close to me and, taking more soap, she reached around and, after soaping my back, began to massage it over my ass cheeks and along the length of my crack. She was smiling up into my face just as I was smiling down into hers, taking in all the loveliness that was there, the water from my chin and nose rolling off and down across her cheek. Then she was on her tiptoes and kissing me. My dick was rock hard between us and was pressing urgently into her stomach. She returned to a standing position, but then was on her tiptoes again, then down and then again on tiptoe. She was wanking me off with her belly. I took hold of the bottom of her tennis vest and drew it up over her head, throwing it to one side. Then I took the button and zip at the side of her short pleated skirt and released that too. She half-turned in order to help me, stepped out of it and was left in just her matching white bra and panties, both of them now totally transparent. "Ah, what the hell..." She herself reached round and unhooked her bra and swept off her flimsy panties in one smooth motion. Then she was back in my arms, hers linking round my neck, and kissing me, then she was licking on my ear, chewing at the lobe. I tilted my mouth to her neck and she arched her head backwards to give me free access and I nibbled and sucked at her, eliciting guttural sounds from her throat which vibrated between my lips. My hands roamed freely over her familiar but oh-so-new curves, squeezing and caressing She drew her upper body away then, and in the valley between her breasts I could look down and see my dick wedged firmly upright between us. Fiona gazed down at it, raised her eyes to me, smiled evilly and athletically she jumped up, her hands still around my neck, and locked her legs tightly around my waist. Then she was sliding down over my hips, wiggling from side to side until her ass had centred itself over my cock... I felt the tip meet the soft lips of her cunt. With very little pressure they slid open. I raised myself up and she slid further down, and there she was, impaled to the hilt, the inside of her cunt feeling hotter and more slippery than the water that was flowing over us. We rested like that for a moment, possibly lost in the complete wonder of it. There was a short rap on the bathroom door. "You two OK in there? I've just been down and arranged for them to bring lunch up to us. Umm, take your time..." "Yes, Tom, do take your time..." Fiona whispered into my ear. I did. At least I did to begin with. I leant her back against the wall and gently began rhythmical thrusts, backwards and forwards, each forward push eliciting something between a sigh and a gasp from Fiona's lips. Our eyes were locked on one another. Then we were taking up the rhythm and Fiona was bouncing her ass up and down just as energetically as I was throwing myself up into her. I felt myself losing control and I was now pumping her for all I was worth. In that incredible increased blur of motion the two of us came together, straining into one another, she was scratching at my shoulders, biting into my neck and I was spurting hot streams into her while her legs clenched round me in her own rapturous orgasm. I kept her suspended there while I kissed every bit of her I could reach with my mouth, my teeth, my tongue...then we were just pressing into one another, enjoying the slithery contact of each other's flesh, the unfamiliar view of things previously always covered... Fiona released the stranglehold she had on my waist and slipped to the floor, my dick reluctantly sliding out of her. We kissed affectionately. There was another rap on the door. Fiona sighed. "Okay Nance, don't get your knickers in a twist, we're almost, umm, done..." Mum turned off the shower and we stood observing each other, smiling. She stroked my cheek and looked down at my still half-stiff rod and made a silent 'yum' while licking her lips and stroking its length. I for my part cupped her beautiful breasts and caressed in wonder across her aroused nipples with my thumbs. Then in unison we both sighed, laughed at the coincidence, and stepped out of the shower. We dried one another off...it didn't occur to us to take the towels to our own bodies...and wrapped ourselves in those matching fluffy toweling robes the hotel had provided before walking out to face Nancy who was waiting with arms crossed. "The... Jacuzzi was nice?" "Shower..." "Aha...so I guess...? "Yeah, soaking wet..." Another 'aha', and she phoned down to the gym and asked Ray to pick our things up from the changing rooms on his way back up. In the meantime I'd crossed the room and ensconced myself into one of the sofas opposite Fiona and Nancy. The two of them sat down together and were now eying me speculatively. There was a short silence which was in danger of becoming a long silence. "So, this Alan fellow sounds interesting..." The two of them exploded in laughter. "Yeah, you could say that...ah, you've got a lot to thank Alan for, Tom... for being here, for one thing..." Nancy added, "That was partly my fault as well I think, though, wasn't it, Fee?... mea culpa...?" She presented an enquiring look to Fiona. "...well we can't be sure..." "...no... one of those things you can put a claim in for or against..." Me: "I'm getting confused." "So you should. The moment of your conception was, ah, let's see, a confusing couple of minutes...I'm guessing you've gathered by now that your mum and I had a 'thing' going...?" "Nancy! We decided we wouldn't tell...!" Fiona exclaimed with an obviously pseudo look of shock on her face. Fiona and Nancy sat very close together - shoulder-to-shoulder, in fact - on their own sofa opposite. Nancy's fingers went round the back of Fiona's head and began to stroke through her hair. "But he's got to know sometime, Fee...he's said himself he's confused, so let's put him straight. Here it is: Tom, I seduced your mum." Mum's mouth opened wide as she searched for a response. "You did not! I knew about you all the time and I brought you out...! It was me, I made all the moves..." "Maybe, whatever... Tom you're looking pale... except of course for that big flower in the middle of your head, ha-ha... you okay?" I nodded blankly. "Well anyway, Fee here was having it off with Alan at the time. I didn't want to break them up 'cause I knew that she," sigh... " wasn't into me in the same way I was into her, so..." "So we 'accidently' arranged a threesome..." I do believe my mouth was now gaping wide open. "...and it was lovely, it really was. Everybody was getting bits of everybody else and I could engage your mum without coming out openly..." Mum: "The trouble was..." Nancy: "Yes. The trouble was, Alan got so excited he came inside Fee before managing to pull out properly. He'd thought he'd be real macho and spurt it all over our faces, but most of it landed inside your mum. He didn't really care at the time and changed position so he could keep coming over her tits, while I attempted to save the day by sucking out what he'd left inside of her..." I'm sure my jaw was by now resting on the floor. "...there I was, being a good girl, lapping it all up, but I think when I pushed my tongue in to scoop it out, well, I probably only managed to push most of it further inside..." "Bottom line, we think it was Nancy who managed to inseminate me..." "...like one of those vets down on the farm..." They both burst out laughing again. And then they were mooing like a pair of cows. I for my part was left dumbstruck. Then the door opened and Ray came in, the perspiration glistening on his forehead. "Phew, that was a good workout, they've got some good equipment down there. Good instructors as well... oh, here's your stuff. I'm just going for a shower then I'll be ready for lunch." He took in the two toweling robes we were wearing. "Hope there's a spare robe left for me..." He went into the shower. Through the door, we heard him say, "So when was the tsunami?" As he was showering, there was a tap at the door, and our lunch was wheeled in by two efficient maids and set up at the table. I was still wondering at the size of their suite and the fact that it even had a dining table - I mean, when Mum and I went on holiday, we talked about the kind of hotel room where you changed TV channels with your foot from the bed, and not this, this transplanted mansion. One of the maids told Nancy that their hire car had just arrived as well and that they could sign out for it at reception. "Well, this ought to be fun," smiled Nancy, "Ray's never driven on the left before. He says that why he'll never go to Canada..." We looked at her blankly. "An in-joke, ah well... and me, I've not driven since I left the country. So, you two dare to come for a ride with us afterwards? See the sights?" We flustered and blustered, but yeah, of course, why not? But we were patently nervous. That largely disappeared though when we followed them down later to the lobby to find a glistening late-model Beemer convertible waiting for us out on the forecourt. Ray, being the alpha male that he was, took charge of the key, operated the lock from a distance and immediately proceeded to get in on the passenger side. The rest of us stood back and grinned. After a second, the door opened again, Ray got out and, without a glimmer of acknowledgement, walked round the front and got in once more, this time into the driver's seat. Out the window: "You lot coming, or what?" Luckily the car was completely automatic, so at least he didn't have the hassle of changing gears. Slowly, and I don't think this model of Beemer had ever been driven so slowly, we edged out into the traffic, Nancy up front with Ray. Nancy seemed to me to be gripping her side of the dashboard very tightly, because her crimson fingernails were leaving some deep indentations in the leather. I was glad I was in the back-seat, and not just because I happened to find myself cuddling up there with Fiona either. Up front, Nancy seemed to be ducking and covering her eyes constantly, emitting tiny little squeaks of terror. I do believe she was in danger of pissing herself. I think her actions were certainly pissing Ray off. In the back though, I reached across and held on to Mum's hand, squeezing it reassuringly because of a shared sense of danger, and also...because I wanted to. My other arm went across the back of the seat and drew her close in. I rubbed up and down her shoulder and her fingers came up to stroke my hand. If I died now I'd die happy. A few more screeches and some swearing from the front persuaded me that dying might actually be unavoidable in the very near future, so reluctantly I piped up from where I was and told Ray to pull over at the next layby. Without voicing any doubt over his right as the alpha male to drive us all to our deaths, I suggested that maybe I get in the front with him, just until he got accustomed to the roads, since I was the driver with the most experience...over here! On British roads! Ray definitely had the most experience on roads in the States, yes... We got out and adjusted our seating arrangements. I'd intended being brave and letting Ray continue to drive with me as his wingman, but he also got out and moved round to the front passenger side - he was going to let me pilot the plane. Fair enough - a Beemer, wow... I settled into the luxurious seat which I electronically adjusted to my size, tapped a few co-ordinates into the Waze navigation app, lowered the top since it was a glorious day, flicked it into drive and with a satisfying scrunch of gravel, tapped onto the gas pedal and found myself very, very quickly in the fast lane...again, wow... Unlike before when those in the front had no time at all to observe what was going on behind them for fear of losing control, I obeyed my old driving instructor's directions and glanced frequently in the rear-view mirror. Fiona's and Nancy's heads were touching. Their hands were at each other's faces, they were kissing. Fiona broke it off first, smiling, caressed Nancy's cheek, turned her head to catch me gawping, and she winked... We were now into narrow country lanes, and I didn't want to tell them that the dangers we'd faced previously were still ever-present, due to my spending just as much time staring into the back seat as I did driving. The women's hands had now disappeared into each other's blouses. Through Fiona's, I could see that Nancy had wormed her hand underneath her bra, levered it up and was massaging my mum's tits. Fiona for her part seemed to have lost her hand somewhere round Nancy's waist. I think she might have been delving into her panties. I adjusted the rear-view downwards...yes, she was... By now we were well into rural English countryside - green meadows dotted with sheep, cows, horses, and every now and then we passed through quaint villages which seemed to be cocooned in some nineteenth-century time-warp. Pulling over a particularly beautiful rise which gave out onto a panoramic view of the landscape, I swung the car off the road and switched off the engine. We were momentarily lost in admiration of the view. I'd already indicated to Mum that I was going to stop, so by the time Ray turned round in his seat to exclaim, "Hey, Fiona, you Brits have got just the quaintest countryside here..." the two had adjusted their clothing and were sitting politely apart. "Mmm, you're right, Ray, we're so lucky..." Mum smilingly agreed... We got out to stretch our legs and to stroll along the meadow. Ray strode slightly ahead of us, taking in the scenery while behind, Nancy and Fiona pressed in on either side of me, holding each other's hand behind me and also taking a few seconds to stroke up and down the length of my back and across my ass... was that Nancy or Fiona...or both? It must have been Fiona, mustn't it, I mean Nancy wasn't into guys... but I did remember her saying Alan had made her beg for it...and I was supposed to be 'Alan Deluxe', so... Ray turned back towards us and the two women relinquished their hold. 'So, what about this pub you mentioned, Tom? You say we should make for there? I mean I can't go home and tell them I've not been to a typical English pub..." "Well it's a sort of pub, but they lay on gigs there and they've got a couple of tribute bands appearing tonight...it's on our way back and just under an hour's drive if I only tickle the gas pedal. We can have some pub grub..." Ray looked confused at that, "... and take in the show, there'll be dancing and stuff..." "Sounds great, let's do it." So we all piled back in. I recalibrated the co-ordinates, and because it was turning to dusk and getting cool, I closed the top and it now became very cozy inside the car. Glancing back I saw in their smiles that Fiona and Nancy thought so too. On this stretch I paid far more attention to the road due to Ray's small-talk and the fact that it was fairly dark in the back seat, severely limiting my voyeuristic tendencies. We made good time to the pub, but it was already totally dark by the time we arrived and the indistinct bass rhythm of the music was already penetrating the air. I thought Ray would be happy to tell his mates about this place, originally an eighteenth century turnpike roadhouse but extensively expanded whilst still keeping most of its character. The dance venue was out back, discreetly camouflaged from the road and blending in with the scenery. The timbered ceilings and antique furnishings, some original and others not so much, all received the accolade of 'quaint' from Ray and he was ecstatic about the whole atmosphere and the piping-hot food served along with 'Real Ale'. The music by this time seemed to be getting louder and so, instead of just sitting there tapping our fingers along to the beat, we decided the gig was now in full swing and moved on through to the venue. I assured Ray that there was a bar there too. This was a totally different atmosphere - the music, a lot from the late 'sixties, 'seventies and 'eighties, was being lapped up by the audience, mostly of my mum's age but with a spattering of younger people too, and they were an enthusiastic, gyrating mass in the middle of the floor. Dances I'd not actually seen performed live before were being played out eagerly in front of my eyes. Rock 'n Roll and some version of the Twist seemed to be firm favorites and we were sucked into the middle and were soon bopping along with the best of them. Fiona and Nancy were in their element here and were like a couple of teenaged school-kids down Memory Lane. They even managed to exhaust Ray and myself and the two of us retreated to a table on the sidelines from where we could keep a watch over them. Not taking his eyes off the dance-floor, Ray leant over to me and said he could easily get used to this stuff... "Stuff..?" "Yeah, you know, the dancing. It's a much better way of keeping in shape than going to the gym, and..." he surveyed the gyrating bodies, "...the scenery's a lot better too..." He also mentioned to me that, by the way, he'd be away for a couple of days from tomorrow, since he was jumping down to London to check out a couple of investment opportunities. "I know I'm not the best driver on Brit roads..." I raised an eyebrow which he acknowledged with a resigned shrug of his shoulders and an 'eh', "so maybe I'll leave the car with you and you can take care of the ladies while I'm gone...?" I hesitated. "...but only if you want to, of course..." I hesitated again, "Okay that might be fun..." My dick certainly thought it might be fun, And just then Nancy raced off the dance-floor, grabbed her husband's jacket off him and ran back out, over her shoulder giggling, "We haven't got our handbags..!" Out on the floor, she dumped Ray's jacket unceremoniously in a heap between herself and Fiona and the two of them pranced around it like in the old pictures where flocks of teenage girls would dance together around their handbags before being picked off one by one by potential Romeos. Fiona and Nancy weren't waiting for any suitors though and they waved us back out onto the floor to join them. Then suddenly, perfect timing on their part, the music had turned to a slow. I found myself at that moment close by my Mum and she grabbed hold of my hand and pulled me in. I encircled her waist while she drooped her arms over my shoulders, her head into the fold of my neck and her chest and lower body firmly up against mine. I breathed in her scent. I let my cheek swim through her hair. I allowed my hands to squeeze her waist gently...and I didn't tread on her toes. She pulled her face away, still holding me round the neck and smiled up at me. "Did you mind, you know, me and Nancy?" "No Fee. I can see the two of you have some kind of special relationship going..." "You called me 'Fee' Tom... I think I like that... by the way, the Special Relationship is an arrangement between the British and US governments..." she paused. "Mmm, so I guess it does relate after all, ha-ha..." "By the way, Ray told me earlier that he's off down to London tomorrow and he's left me strict instructions to look after you two..." Fiona stopped dancing abruptly. By chance the song also came to an end at that moment and she immediately released me, strode across to Nancy and took her by the hand, shouting over her shoulder as she dragged her away that they were both just off to the loo. Ray scooped up his jacket and the two of us headed over to the bar. Since I was driving I just had a Coke, while Ray seemed to have acquired a taste for our Real Ale which he quaffed in large gulps. "Wow, it gives you a thirst, all that dancing... Nance and I haven't done that in a long time... I can see she's really enjoying herself here, so I'm happy as well - thanks, Tom." And he gave me a friendly slap on the back. I was warming to him. The ladies came back in and both Nancy and Fiona were beaming. They pulled us straight back out onto the dance-floor, Ray just managing to down the last of his beer as Nancy dragged him away. We took the opportunity to switch partners for a couple of numbers, during which in the middle of one particularly bouncy item Nancy showed me just how very bouncy she could be. And she didn't take her eyes off me. But when the next slow came up, I found myself back in Fiona's arms. She brought her mouth around to my ear and whispered, "You remember this morning when I said the Jacuzzi's reserved for when you have special guests over?" I nodded, "Uhuh..." "Well, Nancy wants to know if we can be her special guests tomorrow..." I looked across to Nancy and Ray. They were also dancing arm-in-arm but she was watching me over his shoulder and making slow circles around her lips with her long, slick tongue... pics---->> http://bit.ly/1D1q3qp
Title: My Sister in Law Beth - Chapters 19-21 Keywords: True Story, Chapter 19 We enjoyed a long weekend together but soon it was Monday, back to the old grind. I knew Jennifer had a busy week, so I was surprised to get a call from her Monday afternoon at work. She told me she had a break in her schedule and had been thinking about me. We talked for a while, until she had to get back to work. She mentioned to me that she was going to call me later in the week and try to have lunch with me. On Friday morning, Jen called and asked me if I could meet her for lunch, downtown near the Federal Courthouse Building. Since I am pretty much free to come and go as I please at my job, I agreed quickly to meet her. We arranged to meet for eleven-thirty at a restaurant that was close to her office. I arrived a bit early, around eleven o'clock, so I asked the hostess to be seated and just show Jen to my table when she arrived. I was there for about twenty minutes when I saw Jennifer walk in. She appeared to be having a conversation with several people who were trailing behind her. I was hoping, we were not going to be having lunch with all of her colleagues. It's not that I didn't not like them, but I felt somewhat out of place when they started talking shop. When that happened, I felt sort of uneducated for some strange reason. I saw the hostess point Jennifer in my direction, she waved and started over. I noticed a short brunette was following her, along with three men and another blonde. So much for being alone, I thought to myself. I was relieved when the three men and one women took a table in front of me. Jennifer and the petite brunette however continued to my table. As they got near, I could not help but notice, even though small in stature, the tiny woman was a knockout. Jen is five foot, ten inches tall and maybe 135 pounds. The brunette was close to maybe five foot four, weighing maybe 115 pounds, with an incredible figure. She was wearing a tight knit dress, that clung to her petite figure like a wet tee shirt. Jen leaned over and kissed me hello and then introduced her company. "Jeff, I would like you to meet Tiffany, she is my personal assistant, we are together all day, everyday. I thought it was time you meet her.", she said to me. "Hello Tiffany, its very nice to meet you", I said standing, extending my hand to hers. She shook my hand and it was amazing how tiny her hand looked inside of my own. I quickly pulled the chairs out for both ladies, helping them to their seats. I saw Jennifer smile at Tiffany in a "I told you so", look. I sat back down in my chair and motioned for the waitress to come over and get our drinks started. We ordered drinks, the ladies were given their menu's. The ladies talked back and forth as they scanned the lunch menu. Tiffany's voice was as tiny as her stature. She seemed almost like a doll, one that was almost too fragile to touch. As soon as the ladies decided on their selections , I called the waitress back over and we ordered. The waitress picked up our menu's and excused herself. Tiffany spoke first. "So Jeff, its nice to finally meet you. I have heard so much about you.", she said. "I hope its all good.", I replied quickly. "Oh yes, in fact its all very good, Jennifer gives you high marks.", she replied, looking at Jennifer and smiling. "Well, I am glad I get a passing grade.", I responded. Both of them laughed, looking at each other. I was beginning to wonder, just how much these two shared about their private lives with each other. I noticed they appeared to be really comfortable with each other, almost like one was an extension of the other. Jennifer went on to tell me that Tiffany had been working for her almost four years now and that she was invaluable. She added that without Tiffany she would be lost, never be able to get through her hectic schedule. Tiffany chimed in that it was easy with Jen, she was the best boss she ever had. I am guessing that Tiffany was maybe thirty at best, maybe even younger. "So Jen, how is the weekend looking, you think you may be free ?", I asked. "I think so, we have been really busy this week, but I think it will wind down by this evening.", she replied , looking at Tiffany. "Good.", I responded, looking at Tiffany, "You make sure she is free, Tiffany.". "I will", the tiny woman answered, "And call me Tiff, all my friends do." About that time, our waitress brought our plates to us. Both ladies had ordered a small Filet Mignon that was covered in Crab Meat, topped with an Oyster sauce, a baked potato and salad. I had ordered the seafood platter that was loaded with fried shrimp, oysters, crawfish and catfish, served with spicy cajun fries. We continued our conversation as we began to eat. The food was excellent, so was the company. The topics ranged from work, to family and back again. I am not sure where it took a turn, but before I knew it, the topic had changed to a more intimate nature. Jen mentioned something about she was really looking forward to the weekend. Tiffany smiled at her and said something close to "I bet you are", and they both laughed looking at me. "What did I do ?", I asked innocently. "It's not what you did Jeff, but I think how you did it, is the point.", Tiff replied with a grin. "Ok, now I am lost.", I responded, trying to figure a way out of this conversation. Jen leaned over and grabbed my hand and squeezed it gently. "Your far from lost, honey.", she shot back at me, smiling. I was trying to figure out just how much Jen may have told Tiffany, but the more the talked, the worst it appeared to get. By now, I was sure that several details of our relationship had been discussed at length, as both ladies were having a great time watching me squirm. I was a really private person, this was very new to me. "So Jeff, I heard you know the owner of the new club on Bourbon Street personally.", Tiffany stated in a matter of fact tone. "Uh, yes, we went to school together and played ball on the same team in college.", I replied looking at Jennifer. Jennifer would not look up from her plate, pretending to be surveying what food was left. "Well maybe the next time you two go, you could take me along. I have been wanting to go there since it opened.", she said. I mumbled something about, it was pretty much probably a one time thing, but if we did go again, Jennifer could let her know. I could tell by Tiff's facial features that she knew a lot more then she was letting on. In fact, I became to get somewhat annoyed with Jennifer sharing this much of our private life with someone else. I am guessing Jennifer noticed it too, quickly changing the subject to how close it was getting to one o'clock. We all finished up and I motioned to our waitress for the check. Both ladies were relatively quiet as I waited for my credit card to come back. Finally the waitress returned, I signed the receipt and we started out for the door. Once outside, Jennifer leaned up and kissed me goodbye, mouthing the words "I'm Sorry", silently out of view of Tiffany's staring gaze. Tiffany walked over and put her arms out. I leaned over and gave her a kiss on the cheek and a hug. This was the first time, I was this close to her, she smelled incredible. I made a mental note to get Jen to find out what perfume she wore, it was intoxicating. Once again, I could not help but notice how small this woman was, due to how far I had to bend down to hug her. The ladies waved and starting walking in the direction of the Federal Complex, I turned and headed to the garage to get my car. I had no sooner walked back into my office when the phone rang and it was Jennifer. "Hey, I just wanted to call you and make sure everything is ok.", she said. "Yes, I'm ok Jen. I was just caught off guard somewhat.", I laughed. "I'm sorry, I guess I talk too much sometimes. It's a woman thing, but I swear she is my best friend and the only one I talk to.", she confided. "It's ok Jen, don't worry about it. I'm a big boy, I can handle it.", I replied. "Good, so I will see you tonight ok ?", she shot back. "Great, do you want me to get dinner on my way home ?", I asked. "That would be nice, how about Chinese ?", she asked. "Sounds good, I will see you this evening.", I replied. Later that evening , I left work and stopped at the restaurant, placed my order and waited. About twenty minutes later, it was ready and I headed home. It was about six in the evening, when I arrived home. I headed in, placed the food in the oven to help keep it warm and took a shower. I was just out of the shower, when the doorbell rang. The door opened and I heard Jen shout "Hello" and close the door behind her. She walked in, gave me a hug and a very nice kiss. She had stopped home and changed already. She was wearing white sweat pants, a pink tee shirt and running shoes. She had pulled her hair back into a pony tail making her look much younger. She bounced over to the oven and lowered the door, sticking her head inside. She reached in and took out the bags telling me she would get everything ready, for me to sit down. I headed for the great room to relax while Jen got dinner ready. I had no sooner sat down, when the doorbell rang again. I got up and headed to the front door, not sure of who was there, I was not expecting any company. I stopped in my tracks when I saw Beth through the center glass of the door. This was definitely not good, I had to think quick. Two cars were in the driveway, so she knew I was home. I had no choice but to answer the door. I opened it slowly. "Hi Jeff, what's up ?", she asked in a cheerful voice. "Not too much Beth, just fixing to eat.", I replied. "Oh good.", she fired back, "I am in time." "Well yes, you are.", I said softly, "But I'm not alone." "I don't mind.", she said stepping up and into the foyer. Chapter 20 As I followed Beth into the great room, my worst nightmare was becoming reality. Beth and Jennifer would be in the same room. I now so much regretted not telling Jen the truth about Beth and I. Although I had no contact with Beth after I had met Jennifer, I still felt guilty. Jennifer was still in the kitchen preparing food, when we entered the great room. I offered Beth a seat and went into the kitchen to prepare Jen. "My sister-in-law is here, we better fix and extra plate, Jen.", I told her. "Oh ok then, just give me a few seconds.", she replied. I walked back into the great room as Jen finished up in the kitchen. I grabbed another tray from the locker and placed it by Beth. She had come straight from work , I could tell by her clothing. A red silk blouse, short black skirt, high heels and stockings. I sat back down in my chair, just as Jen entered with the food. "Hi Jennifer. How are you ?", Beth asked. "I'm great, Beth and you ?", Jen responded. "I'm ok, thanks.", Beth answered. I could see Beth eyeing up Jennifer, taking in I am guessing, what she felt was her competition, although I had never made it seem that way. Beth and Jennifer struck up a conversation about family, which I stayed out of. I let the two of them catch up, but I also was ready to intervene in the conversation, in case it took a bad turn. Every time Jen would look down to get a bite of food, I noticed Beth would glance my way. I tried not to look in her direction as much as possible, feeling extremely awkward. Finally the family conversation ended, which was what I feared. "So Jen, how are you and Jeff getting along ?", Beth asked coyly. "Pretty good Beth, but we are taking it really slow.", she replied. Beth smiled at the response, I am not sure why. Maybe it's because it was the exact same answer I had given her days before. Maybe it was the uncertainty in Jen's voice as she said it. Whatever the reason, it appeared to go over well with Beth. "I guess you know, I have been having problems with Lance.", Beth told Jen. "No, I had no idea, Beth. I am so sorry.", Jen responded with care in her voice. "Jeff didn't tell you ?", Beth asked in amazement. "No, we really haven't talked much about family.", she replied. Beth looked down into her plate with a disturbed look on her face. I was beginning to worry that this conversation was going to be bad news. I needed a distraction, anything. Beth went on to tell Jennifer about the events that led up to the separation and the recent getting back together of her and Lance. She basically repeated most of what she had confided to me over the past year. Jen listened intently, although I could not tell if she really was interested or just being polite. Beth went on to ask Jen, what the two of us had been doing lately. I was really relieved when Jen told her that mostly we just hung out on the weekends, not going out much. They went back and forth for a while, when I noticed Beth look at her watch. "Well, I have to go.", she said standing up, "It's getting late." I was relieved as hell and started walking her to the door. I opened the door, she stepped out, I followed her on the porch and closed the door behind me. She turned to face me. "I really wanted to talk to you alone.", she told me. "Maybe later." With that she turned, walked to her car and got in. I breathed a sigh of relief as I opened the door and stepped back in. I re-joined Jen in the great room and sat back down to eat. A few moments passed and finally Jen spoke up. "Jeff, I hope you know, she cares about you ?", she asked me. "What ?...... Well, we are family.", I stuttered. "No, not like family, she was looking at you like I do.", Jen continued, "It's not hard for another woman to see it." I just shook my head trying to get out of this conversation as quickly as possible. I did make a silent resolution that the first time the moment seemed right, I was going to confess to Jen, lay it all out there. I had to. We spent the entire weekend together enjoying each other's company, sleeping late and making love several times a day. The more time I spent with Jen, the more comfortable I was becoming with her. I decided that next weekend, I would take her someplace really nice and when the moment was right, confess to her about Beth. As I entered the new work week, all that was on my mind, was how I was going to tell her about it. What word's should I use ? The week passed quickly and soon I was looking at the clock, late Friday afternoon. I called Jen's office and Tiffany answered, telling me Jen had just finished up in court and was heading back to the office. She told me she would have her call me as soon as she got in. I thanked her and hung up. Maybe fifteen minutes later, Jen called. "Hey sweetie, how are you ?", she asked. "I'm fine, just waiting on you as usual.", I laughed. "I'm sorry Jeff, I have to work tonight, I have to prepare a motion for Monday morning at nine in the morning.", she replied. "It's ok, I understand. Maybe tomorrow ?", I asked. "Definitely, I will call you when I get up.", she responded. I was getting used to having Jen sleep in my bed over the weekends. It felt cold and lonely without her and I fell asleep early just wanting the night to be over. I woke up to the sound of rain beating on the roof, it was a real down pour, New Orleans style. I got up, walked to the front and looked out. Apparently it had been raining a while, everything was drenched. I looked at the clock and it was seven - thirty. I made a pot of coffee and sat down in front of the TV. About an hour later the phone rang, it was Jen. "Hey Jeff, I am so sorry, we couldn't finish last night, we are back in the office again today, we will be most of the day.", she informed me. "Oh well, it's a bad day to do anything, anyway.", I replied with disappointment, "What time do you think you will be done ?". "I'm guessing maybe four or five this evening.", she replied, "How about you come pick me up for dinner about five ?" "Sure, sounds great." , I shot back, happy that we would be together later. I passed the day running errands, grocery shopping, washing and drying laundry among other things. I took a long hot shower, dressed in jeans and a tee shirt, left to go pickup Jen from downtown. I called Jen when I was close so she could come down and meet me. It was always a hassle to park in the city no matter what time it was. As I pulled in front of her building, she was waiting on the bench sitting there talking to Tiffany. I pulled up, reached over and opened the door. "Hey, we have a guest for dinner, if that's ok with you. Neither of us have our car's, we rode in with someone else today to avoid the parking." she stated. "Sure , no problem.", I responded, "Hop in." Jen pulled the seat back and Tiffany climbed in the back seat. She was wearing a tight pair of jeans, a pull over top and sneakers. Jen was dressed basically the same, with jeans and a tee shirt. Both of them looked incredible and I saw a few envious stares from men passing by, as they both entered my car. We pulled away and I asked the ladies where did they want to eat at. Jen replied that they had discussed it and they wanted to go to a seafood and hamburger restaurant that was close to my house. It's well known and very good, we eat there regularly. I listened to the two of them talk about all the work they had put in on this motion and how they hoped it would be successful. Soon we were pulling into the parking lot and getting out of the vehicle. We entered the restaurant and surprisingly it was not crowded, which is rare for a Saturday night. The waitress seated us and took our order's. Jen ordered wine, as did Tiffany, stating that they had a rough day and wanted to unwind. As usual the food was very good, and the ladies were having a good time. They each had several more glasses of wine as they ate and chatted. The topic kept coming back to how hard they had worked both today and the night before. They both agreed they were not going to do a thing on Sunday but lounge around. That sounded good to me, a whole day alone with Jen. The girl's ordered one last glass of wine, as we finished up. We walked out of the restaurant and toward my car, when I had the realization I had no clue where Tiffany lived at. I could have to drive back across the river , then back, something I did not want to do. I decided I had better ask. "Tiffany, where do you live honey ?", I asked. "Not far from Jen's.", she replied. We pulled out of the parking lot and Tiffany gave me directions to her place. I knew exactly where it was, Susan and I had rented a condo in that area when we were first married, though I hadn't thought of it in years. I turned into the entrance to the buildings and noticed a lot of people out in the court yards and a few utility trucks as well. I pulled up to Tiffany's building and parked. I walked around, opened the door and let her out. About that time, a young woman, who I found out was her neighbor approached her and told her a gas line had broke in the area, the building had no gas service. That meant no one had any hot water, nor could they cook or dry clothes. She added that it would probably be late Sunday evening before the line would be repaired. As the two women were talking, Jen got out of the car and walked over to Tiffany. She told Tiffany that she could spend the night at her place and stay until the gas line was repaired. Tiffany thought a while and finally agreed, going up to her place to pack a few things for the overnight stay. We got back in the car and waited for Tiffany to return. "Jeff, I'm sorry about this, it kind of messes things up.", Jen told me. "It's ok Jen, I don't mind, it would have been miserable for her with no hot water and no way to cook, you did the right thing. I will drop you two off at your place.", I replied. About ten minutes later, Tiffany returned and climbed in the car. I pulled out of the lot and turned in the direction of Jen's Condo. "You know I never thought to ask but did you guys have any plans ?", Tiffany asked, "I don't want to intrude on you." "Not really Tiff, we were just going back to Jeff's for the rest of the weekend.", Jen replied. "Well, you drop me off at your place Jen, you go be with Jeff, I will be fine.", Tiffany answered. "I can't do that , you're my guest Tiff." They went back and forth for a while, I was beginning to sense that Tiffany felt bad about breaking up what was left of our weekend. "Look how about, no one gets left alone, Tiffany you come to my house with us. I have three bedrooms, you can use one.", I stated. "Oh Jeff, I can't impose on you like that, I can go to Jen's.", she responded. "First, your not imposing, I invited you. Second, I would much prefer you do come, because that way, I will be with Jen, instead of alone.", I answered. "Yea Tiff, we can have a slumber party.", Jen laughed. "Good, then it's settled.", I said, slowing down to take a U-Turn on the highway. It took about twenty minutes to get back to my house. I let the ladies out, got Tiffany's bag for her and opened the front door. We all walked in and moved to the great room. I suggested Jen give Tiffany a tour of the house, show her where everything was in case she needed something. They went off down the hall to the bedroom area of the home. I took off my shoes, placed them in the locker, went to the kitchen and poured a glass of ice tea. I could hear the ladies in the back laughing and giggling, the wine was definitely affecting them. I sat down in my chair to relax as the ladies returned. "Jeff, your home is beautiful. I am really impressed.", Tiffany said. "Thank you Tiff, I really like it. I can't imagine living anywhere else.", I answered. We sat and talked for a while then Jen checked the cable TV guide to see what was on. She noticed that there was a movie coming on at nine o'clock that she had been waiting to see for quite some time. Tiffany remarked that she would like to watch it as well. Looking at the time, Jen suggested we all shower, get comfortable before the movie came on since it didn't end until after eleven. We all agreed and I went to the master bedroom, jumped in the shower, while the ladies used the other bathroom. I got out of the shower, put on a tee shirt and some loose shorts, cleaned up the bath area and headed back to the great room. Tiffany was already out of the shower sitting on the sofa watching TV. She had a long cotton shirt on that was almost knee length and had pulled her hair back into a pony tail. She looked like a teenager sitting there, hell she could almost be my daughter. I sat down in my chair and a few short minutes later Jen joined us. Jen was wearing a tee shirt and a pair of pink cotton shorts, she had also pulled her hair back in a pony tail. She plopped down on the sofa, curled her legs under her like a school girl. "This is going to be fun.", Jen laughed. We all talked for a while and probably about ten minutes before the movie was about to begin, Jen suggested I make popcorn for everyone. I got up and went to the kitchen, pulled two bags from the pantry and began to prepare them. Jen came into the kitchen and walked over to the wine cooler. Susan had a built in wine cooler put in the kitchen between two cabinets under the countertop years ago, so it blended in. It held twenty-four bottles of wine, which I kept about half full most of the time. The rest of the wine was downstairs in the cellar Susan had designed. Jen bent down and open the door to the cooler. "Is anything open ?", she asked peering inside. "Yes, I think the bottle of Merlot at the top is open. It's the one you opened last weekend.", I answered. "Oh yea, good, I liked that bottle.", she replied reaching for it. She grabbed two wine glasses out of the upper cabinet and returned to the great room. I had been tempted to say something about more wine, especially considering how giddy the two ladies were, but decided against it. Every once and a while I had to stop and think about the age difference between Jen and I. I know sometimes I must have come on more like her father then her boyfriend. So I finished two large bowls of popcorn, poured my self a large glass of iced tea and returned to the ladies. I placed both bowls on the coffee table in front of us and sat down on Jen's left with Tiffany being on her right. The movie started a few minutes later and everyone got quiet. During the next two hours as we watched the movie, the ladies finished off the bottle of wine and had opened another. I'm not going to say they were drunk, but they were feeling no pain to say the least. The movie ended about eleven fifteen, both ladies seem to have enjoyed it. Jen scanned the cable guide and found another show and quickly changed the channel. "Jeff, I'm sort of cold. Do you have any blankets or throws I could cover with ?", Jen asked. "Yes in the closet in the master bedroom, there are blankets and throws on the top shelf, let me get one for you.", I replied. "No, I will get it. Tiff, you want one too ? ", she asked. "Yes, I am kind of cold too, thanks.", Tiff replied. Jen left the room to get the blankets, I returned to watching TV with Tiffany. I noticed that Jen had been gone for quite some time. Just as I was thinking, perhaps she couldn't find the blankets, she returned to the room with her arms full. She gave one to Tiffany, dropped the other and then turned to me. "Um, Jeff, what is this ?", she asked. I looked over and was immediately jolted into severe embarrassment. She was holding a game that had been buried in the top of my closet for years. It was a sort of truth or dare board game that Susan had been given the night of her bachelorette party many years ago. It was still shrink wrapped, we had never opened it. I had no idea, it was even still there, I thought it had been thrown out years ago, why Susan kept it I had no idea. "Where did you find that at ?", I asked Jen. "It was buried under the stack of blankets.", she replied. I went on to tell her about how it was a gift that Susan had received but I had not seen it in many years. I thought it had been thrown out. "I see you never played it. It's still sealed.", Jen remarked. "No, we thought it was kind of silly. That's why it's still sealed.", I replied. "I think we should play. How about Tiff, you up for it.", she asked her friend with a wicked grin. "You know me girl, I am up for about anything.", laughed Tiff. "And you ?", Jen asked, looking dead at me. "I think I'll pass. You two can play though.", I responded. "No, you can't pass, we all play.", Jen replied, hopping back on the sofa with the game in her lap. The ladies looked like two kids at Christmas unwrapping toys as they pulled the shrink wrap off the board game. I figured the game had to be twenty plus years old, so considering the year it was created and the climate of the times, it was probably pretty mild. I got up, headed out to the kitchen to get a refill of iced tea. I could hear the ladies giggling as they opened the box and took out the contents. I arrived back to see the board laid out on the coffee table, two different colored stacks of cards, one red, one green and several cardboard characters of naked men or women that attached to plastic stands, that you moved around the board. They quickly read the instructions and informed me on how to play. Apparently, you rolled the dice and moved that many squares on the board. If you landed on a red square, you had to draw a red card, vice versa with the green square and green cards. On the red cards there were questions you had to answer. If the other player's thought you answered correctly, you got to stay where you were at. If you they thought you lied or dodged the question, you had to go back to the spot you were on. Same with the green cards except on green you had to perform an action. The other player's rated the action and you either advanced or moved back to your previous spot. Apparently you just kept going around the board , there was no clear winner. You just kept playing till you began bored or aroused enough to adjourn to more pleasurable activities. I once again tried my best to get out of playing, even using the excuse I would be the judge or moderator but Jen wasn't buying none of it. Chapter 21 The ladies discussed the rules for a few more seconds, then decided it was time to get started. I could tell the wine had made both of them more courageous than normal. So after a quick decision, Jen was to go first, Tiff was to be second and I was going to be last. Jen rolled first, a three, and moved into an open spot. Tiffany rolled a five and had an open spot as well. Great, I was going to be the first one carded, I had no luck at all. I was relieved to roll a three and take my place next to Jen. Jen rolled again and once again managed to find an empty spot to land in. Tiffany picked up the dice nervously and rolled a six, which landed her into a red square, which by the way was instantly the color her face was turning. Tiff slowly pulled the first red card off the top of the statement pile. Her eyes nervously scanned the words. "Oh crap.", she exclaimed, "Can I pick another one ?" "No way girlfriend.", Jen squealed, "You read the rules. You have to answer. What's the question ?" " Um, it says, Have you at any time ever masterbated anyplace other than home ?", she read softly, barely looking up from the card. Jen bust out laughing and squealed in delight. Tiff reached over and slapped her softly on the shoulder with a look of disgust on her face. Jen leaned in intently toward Tiff like she was waiting for the winning numbers to the lottery. Tiff squirmed in her seat, looking at the card, then back at us, finally putting it down. "Ok, I can't lie about this one because Jen knows better. I have from time to time, uh...you know, did it at work." , she confessed. Jen howled in delight and was laughing hysterically, much to Tiff's dismay. Tiff protested saying Jen already knew about it, and it was no big deal, since apparently Jen had confessed doing the same thing to Tiff. "Just what the hell goes on in your office ?", I asked Jen. Both Jen and Tiff bust out laughing at the same time, I think Jen was actually crying she was laughing so hard. "Don't tell me you never did it at work Jeff, I know guys, you are horny all the time.", Tiff shot back at me, "Anyway, it's your turn, cause I answered truthfully." I picked up the dice and rolled a seven, once again landing me in a safe place. Jen then rolled, moving her piece the allotted spaces and she , like Tiff, landed on a red square. Tiff was elated, clapping her hands and laughing. Jen picked a red card off of the pile and began reading. "Tell the other player's one sexual fantasy that you hope comes true.", Jen read. "That's easy, it did come true, Jeff made it happen when I was with Raine. I wanted to have sex with another woman. I did it.", she smiled. Tiffany looked at me and back at Jennifer, she looked deep in thought. Finally she spoke up. "Nope, that doesn't count. It's no longer a fantasy since you actually experienced it in real life. You have to come up with another one.", Tiffany exclaimed. Jen looked at me for some sort of help, but I put my hands up. I told her she was the one who wanted to play this game, accept what comes with it. Jen just sat there thinking for a while looking very unsure of what to say. Finally she blurted out an answer. "I have always thought about having sex with two men at once.", she answered. "Oh really Jen, any two guys I know ?", Tiff replied laughing out loud. Jen reached out and slapped Tiff on the arm and told her to be quiet. I could see how this game could get really out of hand quickly. And so far no one had landed on a green or "action" card yet. I reached down on the floor and picked up the box cover and turned it over. I quickly read the introduction and judging by it, felt I was dead wrong about it. I began to get worried. Tiff took her turn, landed on another red card, drew a question about what was the worst sexual encounter she had experienced. She went on to mention a date she had been on, and how it led to sex in the back seat of a car. Nothing really memorable, I guess you had to be there. I rolled again and I drew a red card as well. Both ladies were overjoyed, but I got lucky and the question was to discuss how many sexual partners you had in your lifetime. Mine was easy, Susan was my first, my high school sweetheart, and then Jen. I told the story quickly, but dishonestly as I held back my relationship with Beth. The ladies looked at me in disappointment, they were hoping for much more, I could tell. I apologized telling them, that's all there was, all the while lying through my teeth. Jen picked up the dice and rolled a ten moving her piece slowly and there it was, the first green space. Tiffany laughed hysterically and pointed to the green pile. She was urging Jen to pick one, be the guinea pig so to speak. Jen carefully and slowly, drew a green card, turned it over and read it. She quickly put it behind her back, holding it with two hands. "No, no, no, the game is over. I quit", she said with a serious look on her face. "You can't quit Jen, suck it up big girl.", laughed Tiff, "Lemme see the card, give it." Jen protested but Tiff kept it up stating that we all agreed to the game and to the rules. Jen had to read the card and do exactly what it said. Jen nervously took the card from behind her back and read it aloud. It stated that she had to kiss both the player on her left and the player on her right, on the lips, for a duration of two minutes each. I, for the first time, burst into laughter, looking at Jen's face. I could see the predicament she was in now. Tiffany had gone dead silent was just staring at Jennifer, every once in a while glancing at me. I have to admit, the sudden thought of Jen and Tiff kissing for two minutes was very arousing. Jen shrugged her shoulders, told Tiff to time her and leaned over to me. She pressed her lips to mine, softly at first, then somewhat harder. I soon felt her tongue on my lips and soon our tongues entwined in a sensual kiss. It's surprising at how long two minutes is when you're being timed. Finally we heard Tiff state that two minutes were up. Jen pulled away from me and I could see the anticipation in her eyes. She turned slowly and faced Tiff, I could tell she was nervous as hell. I agreed to keep time, glancing at the clock on the cable box. Jen, leaned in and placed her lips softly on Tiff's, and began to kiss her. For the first half minute, it was pretty much bland, not much movement. But then you could tell there was a change. I'm not sure which one of the two started it, but now their lips were firmly pressed together and I sensed that this kiss had escalated. Moments later I saw Tiff's mouth open slightly and I knew what was going on. As they both slightly turned their heads, I could see their tongues dancing together. I glanced back at the clock and the two minutes had elapsed. "Ok, times up.", I said. The ladies broke the kiss, but I could tell it was an intense moment for them. They nervously looked away from each other, as Tiffany grabbed the dice to roll her turn. I noticed that Jen would not look in my direction, which kind of surprised me. After all I had saw her kiss Raine several times before, it was no big deal to me. Tiffany rolled the dice, picked up her piece and moved five spaces, she also landed smack dab on a green square. She looked at both of us in dismay but had no other choice then to pull the card. She reached down, took the card and read it's contents. She closed her eye's and hung her head. Jen reached over and took the card from her finger's and read it. I saw a nervous smile cross her lips. "Give one person in the room a very sensual, erotic massage and you must touch every body part they have, the massage must continue for a full ten minute time period.", Jen read. Now this was going to be good. No way she picks me in front of Jen, so I will get to see her rub down Jen right in front of me. I looked over at Tiff, who was coming to grips with her task. She looked at Jen, then she looked at me. Back and forth she went, until she spoke up. "Jen, please don't be mad but, can I pick Jeff ?", she asked. "Sure you can, that's the rules, in fact I prefer you do.", Jen replied laughing. Tiff looked over at me and gave me a "what the heck" shrug and moved over closer to me. Jen suggested I lay out on the sofa and she moved over to my chair. I did as I was told and laid face down on the sofa. Jen agreed to time the event and she told Tiff to proceed. No sooner had she finished those words when I felt her tiny hands on my shoulders. She softly began to massage my shoulders surprising me with just how strong her tiny hands were. She rubbed up and down my back really pressing firmly into my flesh. It felt very, very good. Her hands moved down my back, to my waist line and hips. She firmly pushed the muscles back and forth in her small hands. I felt her hands leave me for a second, then they were reapplied to the backs of my thighs. As she kneaded my upper legs, I could not help the feeling I was getting, I knew my cock was hardening, but I was trying like hell to fight it. She moved down my legs to my calves and feet, making sure she covered my entire body. Jen suggested that it was time to roll over so Tiff could do my front. There was no way I could do that in the state I was in. "That's ok Jen, the back will be just fine.", I replied. "You wish mister, roll over and let her do the other side.", she demanded. I looked at Jen and saw she was determined, so I had no choice but to roll over. I now regretted wearing loose shorts, as my cock was now pushing up against them. "Whoa, someone likes the massage Tiff. Look what you did.", Jen laughed pointing to my shorts. I have to say this was probably one of the most embarrassing moments of my life. I was now laying face up, my cock pushing against my shorts, in front of my girlfriend and her best friend. "Ok, continue Tiff, you still have six minutes.", Jen laughed. Soon, I felt Tiff's small hands on my legs again. She was slowly working my feet and calves up and down. As embarrassed as I was, this small woman was turning me on. When she moved up to my thighs, I thought my cock was going to tear through my shorts. I had my eyes closed, trying to think of anything I could that would get my mind off of Tiff's touch. "Um Tiff, you missed a spot.", Jen squealed. "Shut up, Jen.", Tiff shot back. I could feel Tiff's hands on the upper most part of my thigh's and it was amazing. Even though my girlfriend was only a few feet apart, I wanted more. Suddenly I felt a hand on top of my cock, squeezing it firmly. From the touch, I knew it wasn't Jen. I opened my eyes to see Tiff, softly but firmly squeezing my rock hard cock with her small hands. It felt absolutely wonderful and she knew it. She brought her other hand up and soon, both of her hands were stroking my cock. "Um, ladies, I think the ten minutes might be up.", I stated, thinking of anything I could to get out of this situation. "No ten minutes is not up buddy, so shut up." Jen replied. Tiffany continued to slowly stroke my cock up and down sending waves of pleasure through my entire body. There was no use in trying to fight the feeling, it was just too damn good. Suddenly I felt, a hand slide up the leg of my shorts, then with a quick motion, pull my cock out of the leg opening. I opened my eyes to see Jen sitting next to Tiff now, holding my cock in her hand. Her demeanor had become dead serious as she began to softly stroke me up and down. I looked over at Tiff, her eyes were glued to Jen's hand. "If you're going to jerk him off Tiff, do it right.", Jen whispered hoarsely. I looked down to see Tiff's small hand grasp my cock, her other cup my balls. My cock looked so much bigger in her tiny hands, that were now expertly pumping my shaft up and down in a perfect combination of speed and pressure. Jen moved up to me and lowered her lips close to mine. "Does that feel good, baby, you like Tiff jerking you off ?", she whispered. "It feels incredible.", I responded. Jen leaned in further and pressed her lips to mine, pushing her tongue between my lips. With the feel of Jen's mouth on me and the knowledge that Tiff's small hands were jerking my cock, I was afraid I would explode way too quickly. I had to get my mind off of my cock and quickly. I pulled away from Jen's mouth for a second and whispered to her. "Take off your shorts baby, let us see your pussy.", I whispered. With absolutely no hesitation, Jen stood up and pushed her shorts down to the floor. With another motion she pushed her panties down on top of them. I reached up from where I was laying and placed two fingers into her very wet, warm slit. I heard a small almost inaudible moan as my finger touched her clit. Jen placed both of her hands on top of mine and pressed it deeper into her pussy. I looked over at Tiff, who was still stroking my cock, but whose eyes were fixed on Jen's pussy. I put my hand out and motioned for Tiff, to move back on the sofa. When she did, I sat up facing Jen, who was standing directly in front of me. I continued to work my finger's in her now sopping wet pussy. I glanced towards Tiffany and in all of the movement, saw that her long night dress had moved well up her thigh's giving me a clear view of her yellow panties. I motioned for her to come closer, which she did without hesitation. I reached up between her legs and began to stroke her pussy through the sheer fabric of her panties. She tilted her head back slightly and closed her eyes. I looked back at Jen and noticed that she was focused on my hand between Tiff's legs. "Why don't you take these off Tiff, they are in the way.", I said grabbing the crotch of her now soaked panties. Almost as if she were under a hypnotic trance, Tiff stood and pulled her night shirt up and off of her tiny body. Her breasts were small but full with large nipples, they were perfect for her size. She slowly bent over and pushed her panties to floor exposing her small but beautiful ,almost bald pussy. She climbed back on the sofa next to me and spread her legs offering me access. I reached up and with my index finger, slowly moved up and down her very wet lips. Jen stepped back off of my other hand and knelt down on the floor next to me. She reached down and began to stroke my cock as she watched my fingers play with Tiffany's pussy. Tiff reached one hand down and gently caressed my balls, as Jen stroked my cock. I had my finger now rubbing Tiff's clit in small quick circles, which was beginning to have quite an effect on her. I reached up placing one hand on the back of Tiff's neck, pulling her face down to mine. My lips met her small mouth, my arms wrapping around her tiny body. She immediately opened her mouth inviting my tongue to join hers, which I immediately accepted. She hungrily kissed me back flicking her tongue in and out of my mouth. I suddenly felt another pair of soft lips on my face, it was Jen. I broke my kiss with Tiff, turned and pressed my lips to Jen's. I have said before what an incredible kisser Jen was and soon I was lost in another mind numbing kiss with her. I felt Tiff slide down my body allowing Jen full access to me. As I was enjoying Jen's tongue in my mouth, Tiff's hand once again wrapped around my cock. It was immediately followed by her mouth, as she sucked the head of my cock into her small, wet mouth. I have never experienced such an incredible feeling in my life. One woman kissing me passionately on the lips, yet another taking my cock into her mouth. Jen must have sensed my pleasure because she interrupted our kiss briefly and looked down at what her friend was doing. She moved down to join Tiffany, taking hold of my cock and pumping it slowly into her friends hungry mouth. This went on for a few seconds, until Jen pulled my cock from Tiff's mouth and placed it in her own. She began an immediate intense suction on my cock sending me ever closer to an orgasm. I had to push Jen off of my cock for fear of cumming too quickly, I wanted this to last. I sat up, turned and faced Tiffany, I gently pushed her back until she was lying on the sofa in front of me. I lowered myself down slowly until my face was just inches from her pussy. I extended my tongue and touched it to the bottom of her hot , wet slit. I slowly licked her pussy from bottom all the way up until my tongue was softly brushing against her small clit. She tasted much different then Jen, her fluid was thicker, sweeter. In a matter of minutes I had her hips dancing on my face. Jen moved up and sucked one of Tiff's nipples into her mouth. That was all it took. Tiff moaned loudly, grabbed my head with both hands, pressing it deep into her pussy. Her body bucked and thrashed as waves of pleasure hit her every nerve ending. She rode wave after wave of pleasure until the feelings subsided inside of her. She reached down and pushed my forehead away, separating my mouth from her pussy. "Oh God that was good. It's been so long since anyone has went down on me.", Tiff panted. I raised up and got back into a sitting position giving Tiff a chance to recover. She got up as well and pushed Jen down into the spot where she had been. Jen laid back, spreading her luscious thighs exposing her soaking wet pussy. I began to lean forward in preparation to suck Jen's juicy pussy when Tiff grabbed my shoulder pushing me aside. I moved over as she requested, wondering what she had in mind. That question was answered quickly as Tiff quickly lowered her mouth on Jen's pussy, sticking her tongue deep inside of her friend. Jen arched her back in response, as she exhaled deeply. The sight was absolutely incredible, my beautiful girlfriend laying back, her legs spread having her pussy licked by this gorgeous little brunette. I sat back and just watched for several minutes taking in the breath taking view. I knew from past experience Jen was hurtling quickly toward her first orgasm. I got up and moved behind Tiffany reaching down and lifting her up off the sofa by her hips. She knew exactly what I had in mind as she raised her ass in the air, opening her legs allowing me to get close behind her. She raised her mouth off of Jen for a second and turned towards me. "Jeff, go slow, its been a while since I have been fucked.", she said. She reached up between her legs and grabbed my cock guiding it to her wet opening. I gently pressed the head of my cock between her warm, wet lips. I felt Tiff pushing back against my cock trying to help me get inside her. I pushed against her once more and the head of my cock popped into her pussy. I felt her let out a gasp, as I entered her. I froze for a few seconds, letting her get used to my cock inside her. Her pussy was very small and extremely tight, it gripped my cock like a vise. She lowered her mouth back down on Jen's pussy and began to suck her clit with renewed interest. I slowly began to move my hips, pushing my cock in and out of her tight pussy. After a few long, very slow strokes, I was deep inside of her, my hands on her hips , pulling her onto my rock hard cock. Jen began to breathe heavily, making small whimpering sounds, I knew she was close. I began to pump Tiffany faster, slamming my cock into her tiny pussy. Jen let out a long soft moan, then erupted into an intense orgasm, crying out in pleasure. Watching Jen in the throes of orgasm, enjoying her girlfriend's tongue, sent me over the edge. I pulled out of Tiff's tight wet pussy, grabbed my cock with my right hand, pumping it rapidly towards her ass. The first spurt of cum shot out and landed on Tiff's back, then wave after wave of hot cum spilled out, covering her small, tight ass in gobs of white milky cum. She reached back with one hand, grabbing my cock pulling on it, milking the last few drops of cum left in it. We all fell back on the sofa, spent, trying to catch our breath. pics---->>> http://bit.ly/1UocXgq
Title: Soccer Dads Ch. 01 Summary: Dads share a room with their daughters. Keywords: inc,fic Everyone knows about soccer moms who have the special license plates and bumper stickers. But in Redmond, Colorado it was mostly the fathers who did the taxi service to and from the soccer practices and game. Most of the women in the community worked at the Air Force base so they were basically the breadwinners while the fathers were stay-at-home dads. Dan Brown stood by the bleachers watching his 18 year-old daughter Manni dribbling the ball from one sideline to the other. Her blonde ponytail flopped as she ran and he could see her well-developed breasts bouncing along with her hair. Paul Johnson was also admiring Manni as well as his daughter Alexis who had only developed recently. "The girls look great," he said over to his fellow soccer dad Dan. "Yeah, but I'm thinking that they are looking too good. You know..the boys will be bothering them to quit soccer." Manni and Alexis ran over to coach Bob when he blew the whistle. Their other best friend Dora moved next to them. "Next week we will be traveling to Denver for the state championship. I will need one of your parents to go or will need a permission slip from your parents if you will stay with someone else." As the coach handed out the slips Manni turned to Alexis and Dora. "Maybe we can all stay in the same room?" "I can't. My dad won't share a room with another man," Dora frowned. "He has the homophobia thing going." "Same here," Alexis said. "OK so I guess we stay with our dads." During the ride home from practice Manni asked her father again. "Why can't I stay in a room with Alexis and you share a room with her father?" Dan shook his head. "I think it will be better if we share a room. I really don't know her father that well." Manni had not shared a hotel room with her parents since she was like ten years old. "OK but don't be embarrassed if I dress very casual." "Manni, you're my daughter. I've seen you in your undies before." "OK, you asked for it," Manni grinned. She texted Alexis about the conversation and Alexis texted her back that she would do the same to her dad. If they embarrassed them enough maybe the fathers would allow them to stay together. They also contacted Dora who said she would do the same. It was later that night when Dan's wife Angie talked to him about the hotel arrangements. "Manni told me that you don't want to share a room with another dad so the girls can stay together." "Angie I don't want to stay with another guy. It's different with men." "Are you afraid that he might seduce you?" She joked. "No, but I'm not going to be comfortable staying with another guy. Besides they only give you one remote control for the TV." * The following Monday morning Dan and Mannie picked up Paul and Alexis. It was a two-hour drive to Denver so the girls curled up under blankets in the backseat in their pajamas while the men sat in the front. They followed the caravan of cars out onto the interstate. "Do you want to start now?" Manni whispered to Alexis after they were an hour into the trip. "Now? What do you want to do?" "After we stop for a pee break we can get a change of clothes from the trunk and change here in the back seat." "You are so bad," Alexis said looking over the front seat at the back of Mr. Brown's head. She had always had a crush on him and to be teasing him would be so much fun. "We're going to stop," Dan said back to the girls. "You better use the restroom because we have over an hour to go." The group headed to the rest stop and most of the girls were wearing baggy cotton pajamas that hid their bodies well. When they headed back to the cars Manni asked her father to pop the trunk so they could get something from their bags. Dan figured it was an IPOD or something so Paul and he waited until the girls closed the trunk and moved back into the backseat. "We're off. Put on your seatbelts." He looked in the mirror and saw big smiles on both girls' faces. "When are we going to do it?" Alexis whispered to Manni. They still had the large blanket covering their bodies. "Now," Manni replied. "Alexis and I are going to change our clothes so don't peek back here." "Do it fast because I want your seatbelts back on you as fast as possible." Dan said looking into the rear view mirror. Manni and Alexis moved under the blanket and unbuttoned their pajama tops. Although they had seen each other in underwear this was the first time they would see each other naked. When the buttons were undone they pulled off their tops and peeked over at the other's bare boobs. Manni wanted to get the men's attention so she reached over and cupped Alexis' smaller right breast. "HEY NO TOUCHING!" Alexis said knowing what Manni was doing. Paul heard his daughter's cry and instinctively turn but he couldn't see anything but the blanket. "What's going on?" "Manni grabbed my boob," Alexis said trying not to laugh. "Manni please," Dan said trying to keep his mind on the road and not the teenage girls touching each other. Manni moved her head out and saw Paul looking back. It was then that Alexis cupped Mannie's nearest breast. "HEY SHE'S DOING IT TO ME NOW!" Paul was about to turn back around but the blanket slipped downward until he saw his daughter's hand covering Manni's pure white right breast. His eyes quickly followed the blanket on the left side downward until her bare titty and light pink nipple appeared. Manni made sure he got a good look and jerked the blanket back up. She moved back under the blanket again and watched as Alexis lifted her hips and pushed off her pajama bottoms and panties at the same time. She saw that her friend had neatly trimmed her dark bush and also that Alexis was as moist as she was. Alexis could see Manni checking out her body and smiled. She waited until Manni too was naked and then grabbed Manni's clean panties. "HEY GIVE ME BACK MY PANTIES!" Manni yelled. "Shit," Dan gasped as he peeked into the mirror but it was aimed too high. He quickly directed it lower until he saw the bodies under the blanket. Paul too was peeking back but could only see Manni's bare feet and lower legs sticking out the bottom. After seeing her bare breast he wanted to see more. "NO!" Alexis laughed before turning around onto her front. She hid Manni's panties under her body. Manni knew that the guys had to be looking so she grabbed the far side of the blanket and pulled. "OH GOD!" Alexis screamed feeling the blanket leaving her backside. She realized her bare buttocks were now visible to the men's eyes. Both Dan and Paul saw the wonderful firm and round butt cheeks and as she tried to reach back and pull the blanket back her legs opened enough to show a few dark pubic hairs. Alexis pulled the blanket back and turned over to hand Manni her panties. Both girls were totally turned on now as they pulled on their panties and bras. "Are you through playing around?" Dan asked now with sweat beads on his forehead. His left hand fell to his lap to over his hard bulge. Next to him Paul was doing the same. "Yes," Alexis said moving out from under the blanket displaying her sports bra. Manni did the same next to her. They both saw the rearview mirror directed down at them and giggled. * After a long check-in to get everyone together they went upstairs to unpack and settle into their rooms. "Hey! We are next to each other," Alexis said. They hurried and opened the door to discover the rooms were adjoining. "Cool," Manni said after opening her adjoining door and waiting for Alexis to do the same. "Shit," Paul said peeking over at Manni's boobs covered by the golden sports bra. He could see the shape of her nipples and remembered how the one looked naked. "Let's go swimming," Manni said to her father after they tossed their clothes in the small dresser under the TV. "I'm going to rest a little." Dan grabbed the remote and sat on the far bed with a pillow behind his back. Manni pulled out her new red bikini and closed the adjoining door. "Close your eyes while I get my bikini on." "Jesus Manni why don't you do it in the bathroom?" "I told you that if we were going to share a room then I was going to be myself." She unsnapped her shorts and pushed down the zipper. "Fuck," Dan thought when he saw her flat and pink stomach and then the white lace of her panties. He quickly closed his eyes and waited. Manni was nervous undressing in front of her father even if he did have his eyes closed. She pushed down her shorts and removed her bra and turned to push off her panties. She was about to put her feet into her bikini bottoms when someone knocked on the adjoining door. She quickly turned and looked as her father opened his eyes and saw her naked backside. "DAD!" She cried out. She watched him close his eyes again and smiled as she walked naked to the door and cracked it open. She saw Alexis's face. "Are you ready?" Alexis asked as she pushed the door open and saw Manni's naked hip. "Are you naked?" She whispered. "Yes, I'm getting dressed," Manni whispered back. "Where is your father?" "On the bed with his eyes closed," Manni giggled. "But he peeked when you knocked." Dan heard the girls whispering and peeked out again. Seeing his daughter naked was bad but she was so beautiful. He checked out her long tanned legs and magnificent ass. "I'll knock when I'm dressed," Manni smiled and closed the door. She turned for the first time displaying her naked front and saw that her dad had a hard-on under his shorts. After pulling up her bikini bottom she put on the top. "OK you can look now." "When did you get that?" Dan asked noting that it was very tiny and did a horrible job covering her breasts. "Last week." She moved to the door and knocked before opening it. Seconds later Alexis came into their room wearing the same bikini. "Whoa," Dan grinned seeing the shorter more stacked girl's body. As he took in her features Manni went it to say hello to Mr. Johnson. "Aren't you coming to the pool?" Alexis ask as she moved closer to the bed. She too saw his excitement and knew that Manni was seeing her father's at the same time. "I'll be...uh..down soon," Dan said trying not to look directly at her nice and firm chest. "Good, I'll be waiting," she said before pivoting around to display her backside, which he had already seen naked in the car. "Bye dad," Manni said when she came from the other room, closed the adjoining door and walked outside with Alexis. Dan closed his eyes knowing the next few days were going to be tough. * Next door, Paul was feeling guilty for starring at his daughter's body when she came out of the bathroom wearing the tiny bathing suit. She had grown a lot since the last time he saw her in a bathing suit. Then to make matters worse Manni came in wearing an even smaller bikini. * Alexis and Manni stopped in the hallway. "God, they are so turned on," Manni smiled. "Both have boners." "I know," Alexis grinned. "I saw my father looking at me when I was naked. Do you think that this is so wrong?" "Men like to look and our dads are men," Alexis answered. "But that should be it. I mean they can't...you know..touch us or..or us them." "It's not fair though. I mean we gave them hard-ons and it's not far unless we take care of them." "You're sick," Alexis gasped. "I'm not going to jerk off my own father." "That's not what I'm thinking of." Alexis' eyes and mouth opened wide. "Are you suggesting that..that.." "Yes." * Dan and Paul came down to the pool twenty minutes later and saw Dora's dad John sitting alone watching the ten or so teen girls running around in little bikinis. "How are you holding up?" Dan asked John. "Jesus, did I miss something?" John asked. "When did these girls grow boobs?" Dan and Paul turned and saw John's daughter Dora sitting on the opposite side of the pool. Her huge breasts glistened with the pool water. "We missed it too," Paul said sitting down. "I'm just glad there are no horny boys around." "Just us horny men," Dan laughed. As they gawked at the girls two of the soccer moms on the team joined them. Becky Walden and Mary Kelly sat down next to them. Becky was married but Mary was recently divorced. "Are you guys going in?" Mary asked checking out the guy's bodies. "After a beer," Dan grinned. They could see that the women had on bathing suits under their robes. The women had a glass of wine and they too moved into the pool. "Hi dad," Manni said to Dan when she swam up to him. "Let's play chicken." "Yeah, let's play," Alexis said to Paul. They had played this in their younger years but now the girls were not really girls anymore. Manni and Alexis ran to the steps and when their father's knelt down they moved onto their shoulders. For support the men's hands grabbed onto their thighs. "Come and get me!" Mannie challenged Alexis. Paul and Dan walked forward until their daughters reached out and grabbed each other. They pushed and pulled while the men did their best to stand up right. The men kept looking up at the gorgeous body across from them. The pool had basically cleared out as the others headed back to their rooms to shower and change for dinner. Now alone Manni winked at her friend and when they pulled both fell forward next to each other. Their arms dashed around the other one's father who fell down and backwards. Dan closed his eyes when his body moved under the water. He felt Alexis' breast against his chest and her legs wrap around his hips. He tried to break free but accidentally grabbed onto her covered left breast. He could feel the hard tip through the cloth before he quickly let it go. Their eyes opened underwater when Alexis dropped her right hand and grabbed onto his covered torpedo. Next to them Manni managed to do the same. She had only jerked off her last boyfriend who was a lot smaller than what she held in her hand. Paul had not expected it and thought it was an accident at first. He waited for her to let it go but when her fingers measured it and gave it one last squeeze he knew it was planned. As he surfaced he watched as she pulled her bikini from between her buttocks and walked out of the pool. "We're going to take the first showers," Alexis said back to the shocked men. "Well I guess we might as well hang here for a while," Dan said to Paul. Both guys were still shocked that the girl's had grabbed their package. They were also nervous that this could turn into a big scandal. * Alexis opened the door to their room and then they ran in and started laughing when it closed. "Oh God I can't believe that we just did that," Manni gasped. "It was your idea," Alexis said trying to catch her breath. "What's next?" "Oh god I don't know. I mean they might get mad that we did this and tell us to stop." "Your dad is so big. I never knew it grew that big." "Same with your dad. So why don't we keep teasing but no more touching. We will know soon if they want this to stop." "OK," Alexis grinned. She quickly pulled off her top and pushed down her bottoms before Manni could blink two eyes. "You've got some bod," Manni said looking at the perky nipples and flat stomach. "Did you like touching my boob?" Alexis asked. "Hey don't get gay on me," Manni said nervously. "It did turn on our dads watching us playing around." Alexis reached over and pulled the straps downward until Manni's bare boobs appeared. "Your nipples are harder than mine." She brushed her right thumb over Manni's left nip. "We....uh..need to get in the showers." Manni pulled her top back up and moved into the next room. Alexis watched the door close and smiled. She had wondered how it would be with another girl and since Manni was her best friend she had been in most of her wet dreams. * "We are supposed to meet at 6:00PM for dinner downstairs," Paul said to Dan as they stood looking at their rooms. "Call us when you are ready." Dan opened his door and peeked inside. MANNI I'M BACK!" Paul too announced his entrance but both men heard the showers running in the small bathrooms. They also noticed that the bathroom doors were not completely closed. Dan started to walk into the bedroom area until he heard his daughter's voice. "DADDY WILL YOU BRING ME MY SHAMPOO? IT'S ON THE DRESSER!" Dan gulped and grabbed the shampoo. He moved to the opened door and stuck his arm inside. "HERE YOU GO!" "I CAN'T REACH IT!" She yelled back. "Shit," He whispered before pushing open the door about halfway and leaning his upper body inside. He was facing away from the shower and reaching back so she could grab it from his hand. It wasn't until he saw pink that he realized he was looking into a semi-frosted mirror as she pulled back the shower door. His eyes met hers and then dropped to her bare breasts and pink tips. "Thanks Daddy," she grinned looking into the mirror before closing the frosted door. * Paul heard the shower turn off and expected her to use the blow dryer but he saw it on the table next to her purse. He grabbed it and walked to the cracked door. Just as he was ready to knock the door opened and Alexis stood with a white towel tied around her chest and hips. "I...uh...found..uh...uh.." "Thanks. I was coming out to get it." She took it from him and turned to walk back inside. Dan's eyes dropped to the bottom of the towel and saw again her pink buttocks. He closed his eyes and turned. "You need to take a shower," she said as she leaned up to plug in the dryer. "We don't have much time." "But..." She laughed. "Just go in and take off your suit. I can't see through the frosted glass." Paul knew that he should turn but when she leaned up the towel moved up as well. His daughter's whole ass was now on display. "OK, that will work..I...uh guess." He turned sideways to prevent touching her butt and quickly moved into the shower. Alexis grinned as she peeked at the shape of his body through the glass. Although she couldn't see details she could see shapes and shadows. When he removed his trunks she saw the darkness of his pubic hairs and then the long shape of his penis. He was hard...very hard. As she dried her hair she turned towards the shower and watched his hands moving. She finished and moved to the shower door. He was facing the front so when she opened it she saw his whole naked backside. "Do you want me to leave the dryer plugged in?" "Jesus Alexis. I'm naked. You shouldn't see me like this." "Why not? I'm your daughter and it's not that big a deal. She continued staring at his firm butt. If we are going to share a room we shouldn't worry about it." She pulled off the towel and leaned in to show him her bare breasts and pink little tips. "It's not right...we...." Before he could finish she closed the door and walked naked from the room. * Dan heard the water turn off and looked up when Manni walked out wearing only a towel. He quickly looked away. "Are you finished?" "Yes," she smiled as she walked to the dresser and leaned over to pull out a pair of tiny lime green panties and a pair of black ones. "Should I wear green or black?" "I really don't think it matters. No one is going to see them," he said seriously. "I better get into the shower. Manni giggled and smiled when he closed the bathroom door. She heard him lock it and pulled off the towel. After putting on the black panties and matching bra she moved onto her bed and lay face downward. * Paul tried to wait for his manhood to shrink but it never really got all the way down. He wrapped a towel around his hips and moved out into the bedroom. "All done. Are you dressed?" he asked as he turned the corner. He froze when he saw Alexis sitting on the bed wearing only her panties. "ALEXIS!" "Daddy you've seen boobs before so calm down." She didn't look up from the magazine she was reading. "I said we shouldn't worry about what we are wearing." Paul got a good view of her breasts as he stumbled over to his dresser and pulled out a new pair of boxers. He chose a shirt and slacks and turned to go back into the bathroom to get dressed. "Dad, go ahead and get dressed here. I won't look. Besides I've already seen your backside." Paul looked at himself in the wall mirror and pulled away the towel. As he reached down to pull up the boxers he peeked and saw her eyes looking at the front of his body in the mirror. "See that wasn't so bad," she grinned after closing the magazine and standing up by him. She was wearing only her panties and he his boxers. She saw his hard-on pushing out the underwear but didn't say anything. "I don't think I'll wear a bra tonight." Paul watch as she pulled on a short silky dress over her head and down over her bare tits. * Manni heard him coming out of the bathroom but didn't move. Dan turned the corner and saw her in her underwear. He remembered what she said about being casual and decided not to acknowledge it. "We have ten minutes so you better get dressed." Manni slowly turned and lifted her right knee. "This is so cool. You know being so free around each other like this." "It is," he said trying to keep his cool because he wanted her to be comfortable around him. But as her knee moved to the side the panties shifted over enough for a few blonde pubic hairs to escape. "I uh..better get dressed." Manni smiled as he grabbed his clothes and moved into the bathroom to get dressed. * Down the hall a few rooms Dora stood naked in her small bathroom looking at her large breasts and nipples in the mirror. Her father was not as liberal as Manni's and Alexis's so she was afraid he would be upset if she started showing him her body. She knew her boobs were a lot larger than her mother's and wondered if he was a breast man. In the bedroom John sat on the chair in his wet suit so he wouldn't get the bed wet from his trunks. Seeing the nearly naked girls swimming around was hard for him to take and he had to concentrate on the TV show he was watching. Finally he heard the bathroom door open and turned to see his daughter. She was wearing a long white tee shirt and it was very apparent that she was without a bra. "The shower is yours," she said nervously noting his eyes on her treasures. As she walked into the room she knew the brighter lights would also allow him to see the dark bush through the thin cotton shirt. "Uh....shower...mine," he somehow managed to say as he stood and hurried into the bathroom. Dora was shocked that he didn't say anything. She pulled off the shirt and stood naked in the bedroom. She wondered how he would have reacted if she walked out like this. But she wanted to take it slow and pulled on a bra, panties and a dress. * The three fathers and daughters met in the hallway and headed down to meet the rest of the team, parents and coaches. As the guys hung back the three girls whispered and giggled as they told each other about flashing their fathers. "He saw my naked boobs and I was only wearing panties," Alexis whispered. "And then I saw him naked from the back." "Me too," Manni added. "He saw my boobs when I opened the shower door." They both looked at Dora. "I uh...I wore just a long white tee shirt. He could see a lot through it." "What are we going to do tonight?" Alexis asked. "Same I guess. What else can we do?" * Dinner was fun with the kids laughing and the parents and coaches discussing soccer. It was 8:00PM when they returned to the hotel. "Can I come over to your room?" Dora asked Manni as they walked down the hallway. Manni smiled. "Yes but you should put on your pajamas first." Dora's pajamas consisted of a thin light grey shirt and black pajama bottoms. "It will show a lot." "I know," Alexis giggled. "I'm wearing my tight tee and panties." "Panties," Manni repeated. "In front of my father?" "He's already seen my naked butt," she grinned. "They are going to be so horny," Dora whispered. * Dan, Paul and John stopped by the small hotel bar before going up to the room. After two beers they were feeling very loose. "Shit, I hope my daughter doesn't parade around again in her undies," Dan said finishing his second brew. "Alexis...shit I shouldn't say." "Tell us," Dan grinned. "She was wearing only a towel and when she dried her hair it moved up over her ass. God, if I wasn't her father I would have done her right there. Then she...shit she was sitting on the bed topless." "Dora was just wearing a long white tee shirt. It didn't hide much," John said remembering her huge melons. Dan stared for a few seconds. "You don't suppose that they are doing it on purpose do you? Trying to turn us on by teasing us?" "Shit, maybe you are right. The thing in the car could have been set up. Maybe we should stop it." John smiled and put down his beer. "Or maybe we should play along and see how far they will take it. I'll bet they will get so nervous and scared that they will run and hide in the bathrooms." Dan and Paul laughed. "OK, let's go along." * "We're back," Dan announced after pushing open his room door. The three men moved inside and heard the voices in the other room. "We're in here!" The girl's voices yelled simultaneously. Dan walked in first and saw them sitting Indian style on one of the beds. He smiled because all three had on a tight tee shirt and panties. "Nice outfits." "Thanks," Manni grinned as she leaned back which pushed out her braless breasts and hard tips. They could see the dark shadows of her nips through the thin white tee. "Thanks," both Alexis and Dora said doing the same thing. Paul and John moved around Dan to get a good look at all of the braless boobs. They also saw the silky triangles of the panties between the spread thighs. "Well John and I are going to watch the Red Sox game in the other room. Anyone want to join us?" Dan said. "Yes," Manni answered quickly. "OK," Dora smiled. It left Paul and Alexis alone in their room. Dan moved to his bed and watched John take Manni's bed. Moments later Manni and Dora walked in and moved to the bed with their fathers. "Go SOX!" Dora grinned as she lay back on the pillow. She knew her 38DDs were getting her father's attention and he lay next to her looking over her feet at the TV. Manni and Dan pushed up their pillow on the headboards and sat up. But when the game came on she ran over to the overhead light and turned it off. When she did she peeked into the other bedroom and saw only the light from the TV. Both Paul and Alexis liked horror movies and she found one that had just started. After turning off the overhead light she moved to his bed. "These movies make me scared. Can I watch it next to you?" For the next thirty minutes no one made any moves. It was Manni that pushed her pillow down and turned with her arm across her father's thighs. Her breasts pushed into his side. Dora saw Manni move and slid her right thigh to the side until it touched her father's. When he didn't pull back she smiled and shifted her top half over until her arm touched his. Dan panicked when Manni's arm fell over his legs because it was only a few inches from discovering how excited he already was. She moved again and was almost touching it when he too moved down onto his back next to her. "Goody, the sox are winning," Manni smiled. She watched the player circle the bases and turned sideways to press her breast into his left arm. Dan froze but was not going to back away. If she wanted to tease him them he wouldn't stop her. The next batter hit a double off the green monster and against she moved closer until her head moved onto his pillow. "I love you daddy," she whispered before leaning forward and lightly kissing his cheek. "I love you too baby," he whispered while turning and returning the kiss to her soft cheek. "Good," she said before kissing his cheek again and again until her soft lips kissed the corner of this mouth. When he didn't pull away her mouth kept pecking and pecking until their faces were lined up. Dan felt her lips staying longer each time she kissed until the lips didn't move away. They both moved side to side until his mouth open enough for her lower lip to press into his front teeth. Seconds later their tongues met and lightly teased and touched. Next to him Dora was the first to see Manni kissing Dan. She turned wondering if her father saw it and saw his head raised enough to see over her. As he watched she turned facing him and leaned up enough for their lips to touch. * "I'm scared," Alexis whispered to Paul before turning into him and pulling his hard front into her softness. "Hold me." Paul froze when her thigh pressed into his hardness but relaxed when she backed off and put her face under his chin. He felt her breathing on his skin and then her light kisses on his neck. He closed his eyes wondering how far she would go but when her lips moved up over his chin and to his mouth his eyes opened when her tongue dashed into his mouth. Alexis was shocked that he was not only going along with the tongue kiss he took over as the aggressor. Her thigh again pushed into his hard cock but this time stayed and rubbed. * Manni was sucking on Dan's tongue when he turned and peeked at John and Dora kissing on the other bed. He felt her left leg drape over his loins until it touched and rubbed against his rocket. For the next half hour the couples frenched and rubbed their bodies together. John's hands moved down until they cupped and squeezed Dora's soft buttocks through the thin black panties. "We better go to our room," John whispered after pulling his lips away. He was getting nervous that they would cross a line that they couldn't take back. "Can we sleep here?" She asked. "Manni and Mr. Brown won't mind." John looked over and saw the father and daughter locked in a passionate kiss. "I guess we can." He moved off the other side of the bed and when Dora pulled down the sheet they moved under it. "Goodnight daddy," she whispered shifting forward until their fronts collided and their lips once again opened. But this time his leg pressed between hers until it touched the moist crotch of her panties. "Ohhh," she moaned as he rubbed it back and forth. Manni heard Dora moan and glanced over her father. She saw that they had moved under the sheet. "I'm cold." She moved off the bed and pulled down the sheet. Dan moved up to let it go by before he crawled under it and moved over to Manni's pillow. But this time she crawl up onto his body and opened her legs. * "We should get some sleep," Paul whispered to Alexis. "You have a match tomorrow afternoon." "Ok," she said. "But I want to sleep here." She didn't wait for him to answer and moved under the sheet. Paul clicked off the TV and felt his way to the dark bed. When he moved under it he felt his daughter back her nearly perfect butt back into his hardness. * After kissing some more they all decided to try and go to sleep. They had reached a point where they were comfortable but afraid to advance any further. It was thirty minutes later when Dan thought he was dreaming. He felt warm fingers moving on his bare stomach and then down underneath the waistband of his boxers. It felt so real as the fingers touched the crown of his cock and gathered pre-cum before they opened and curled around the thickness. Manni lay awake for a while before she heard her father snore. She lightly touched his side and then moved her hand over his navel. She stopped to gain enough nerve before she dove under his boxers and found his soft penis. Even in the soft state it was bigger than her last boyfriend. Dan wasn't sure when he realized it was not a dream. He remembered opening his eyes and seeing the faint light from under the door and felt the tightness of the waistband on his boxers as her arm moved. "Oh Shit, she's jerking me off," he thought before closing his eyes and pretending to being asleep. Manni was amazed as this shaft grew in her fingers. It's thickness opened up her hand and when she moved to the tip and back to the base it had doubled in size. She knew that she had to get it out through his boxer opening so she pulled out her hand and guided the moist tip through the hole. He did his best to not moan because he didn't want to scare her away. She explored his swollen crown and moved all the way down to cup his balls. When she squeezed too hard he grunted and her fingers pulled away. * Dora was awake as well but was too nervous to go scouting around. She peeked over at the other bed and saw the sheet rising and falling as Manni jerked off her dad. She finally decided to go for it when she felt his hand climb up her waistline. She realized that he was the one who was going to explore. John couldn't sleep because he kept thinking of her huge breasts so near. She had taken after his side of the family and he knew this might be the only chance to touch larger mounds. As his finger moved up over the waistband of her panties he felt her stomach tighten and knew that she was awake. His fingers froze until he knew that she was willing and when he knew it was OK he decided to move north under her shirt. "Oh God," Dora thought feeling his rough fingers moving to the base of her right breast. He lightly touched around the base until the fingertips moved up between her two mounds. Her last boyfriend had touched them but never under her clothes. Now a man's hand was moving upward, upward until it cupped her right titty. John lightly caressed the softness before moving his fingers downward to capture and toy with her long and rigid nipple. He heard her breathing becoming more uneven and heavy and knew what they both wanted. Dora didn't think it could get any better until she felt him lift the shirt up until her breasts were uncovered. As he reached across to fondle her left breast she felt his lips on her right one. It kissed around until it found the hard tip. John's lips opened and engulfed the nipple and then flicked and licked around and around it. What made it permissible in both of their minds was that she was asleep. At least pretending to be asleep. * In the next room Alexis was drifting into a deep sleep until she felt her panties being lowered in the back. Since she was facing away from her father she opened her eyes until her panties were down to mid thigh. She waited to feel his fingers but instead felt something hard pressing into her butt cheeks. "Oh God," she thought realizing that his cock was moving up and down her soft valley. Paul hoped that she would stay asleep. Her ass was in his mind since he saw it in the bathroom before and as much as he tried he couldn't resist uncovering it. Since he had already rubbed it against her panty-covered butt it seemed to be ok what he was doing now. * Dan tried to hold off as long as he could but her fingers were good at what they were doing. As he breathed faster and faster so did her fingers moving on his shaft. "Ahhh," he moaned when he felt the dam burst and his hot juices exploding out the tip of his cannon. Manni continued stroking until he was empty. She smiled and let go of his shrinking rod and moved her hand back to wipe it to the side of the sheet. She smiled and turned over to go to sleep. * "No please don't stop," Dora thought when her father's lips moved away from her treasures. She sighed when he pulled her shirt down and turned away from her. * Paul's movements became faster and with more force as he humped her ass. He knew for sure that she was awake because she was pushing back as hard as he was pushing forward. "Ohhh," he grunted when he felt the explosion coming. "OHHH!" Alexis smiled when she felt his discharge on the top of her crack. She kept pushing back until she felt him pull back and get out of the bed. After a few minutes she felt him come back to bed and then wipe off the white sticky cum from her backside. He lifted her panties back into place. * John woke up first and tapped his daughter's shoulder. "Wake up. We need to get back to our room." They quietly got dressed and moved out the door. Since it was only 7:00AM John and Dora moved into their own beds and set their alarm for 8:00AM. They were to meet the others at breakfast at 9::00AM. * Dan heard the door close and peeked over to see the other bed empty. Now that it was over he felt guilty about allowing his daughter to jerk him off last night. He looked at her upper body that was now exposed to the early morning light. Her shirt was high over her panties, which were so low he could see the top of her blonde bush. When he felt himself getting hard he moved back off the bed. After searching for a change of clothing he went into the bathroom and locked the door behind him. Manni woke up and smiled. She saw that Dora and John were gone and turned to see her father but saw that the bed was empty. She heard the shower running and pushed off her panties. Her fingers rubbed over her clitty as she remembered how big and hard he was last night. "Oh God it's good," she whispered opening her legs wider. She took her time not wanting to finish until she heard the shower turn off. After pulling up the sheet she waited for him to come out. Dan used cold water to calm down and finally had his desires in control. He dried off and put on his boxers and jeans before walking quietly out into the room. The sun snuck through the cracked curtains enough for him to see Manni on her back under the sheets. He saw movement on her lower stomach and realized what she was doing. Her eyes opened and panicked. "Daddy." "I...uh..was trying to be...quiet and..." She turned and looked at the small alarm clock on the night table next to the bed. It was only 7:45AM. "Why don't you come back to bed? It's still early." He sat on the bed next to hers and faced away. "It's probably best that I don't." "Are you sure?" Dan heard her question and turned to say yes but the words wouldn't come out. Manni had kicked down the sheet and was lying totally naked with her legs still open. He stared at her glistening pink clit through the sparsely covered blonde pubic hairs. "God Manni." "It's ok Daddy." "I...can't...do this," he managed to say before turning and quickly pulling on his socks, shoes and polo shirt. "I'll see you downstairs for breakfast." * End of Chapter one. to be continued.... For pics visit ---->> https://bit.ly/2ReHUJI
Title: Father and Daughter share a bed Summary: There was only one room, so they had to share.  Keywords:inc,fic,erotic,hot "You should go with her." "No, I don't have the time. I need to finish the painting by the end of the week." "Take it with you." I hadn't thought of that. Sophia was right, it could be completed anywhere. Sir Cedric Pattinson had commissioned me to do a painting of his prize horse, 'Lansdowne Lad'. I had spent yesterday at the stables, taking all the photos that I needed, so I was ready to start. But would it be better if I stayed at home, without any distractions? "I'll think about it." Then our Daughter joined us. "What have you two been talking about?" "That course you are on. Your Mother thinks I should come with you." Emma squealed with delight, and then she gave me a tight hug. I had to push her away so that I could breathe. "Thanks Daddy. That's made my day." I looked over at Sophia, and she was smiling. I'll think about it, had just become a yes. Now that it had been decided, I needed to call the hotel and book a room. That might be a problem, so I rang them straight away. "You need a single room for six nights, starting tomorrow. Is that right?" "Yes. My Daughter already has a reservation. Emma Wilkinson." "We are very busy, but let me check. I'll put you on hold." It was a while before he spoke again. "You're in luck. There was only one room available, and now it's yours." The next day we had a late breakfast, and then we set off at midday. It was Sunday, so we weren't expecting a lot of traffic, but it was still going to be at least a five hour drive. It ended up being nearly six. "Hi, Walt and Emma Wilkinson." I got a big smile from the receptionist, but it quickly turned into a frown when he checked our reservations. I looked at Emma, I could see that she was as concerned as I was. "We have had a problem with the East Wing early on today. A small fire," then he quickly added, "But there is no danger now. However, it's closed until further notice." His smile was back, but it was now forced. "So what are you trying to tell me?" "Don't worry Mr. Wilkinson, we do have a room." Both of us picked up on the 'a'. "We have put in a fold up bed." He was now looking at me, waiting for a reaction, and I could tell he was worried. It wasn't ideal, but it wasn't the end of the world, so I decided to cut him some slack. I gave him my best smile, and then I said, "I'm sure we can manage." That took him by surprise, and he was lost for words, until he said, "Thank you," and I could tell that he meant it. We decided to leave everything in the car, and go and see the room first. It was nice, but it lacked character. Functional, was the best way to describe it. However, I didn't mind. It met our needs. That's what I thought until I tried my bed. It was a bit too short for me, and it wasn't that comfortable. What had I said to Craig at reception? "I'm sure we can manage." Emma could, in that big bed of hers, but now I wasn't sure that I could. After getting all our stuff from the car, we decided to eat. The hotel had a restaurant, and it was supposed to be very good. "Do you have a reservation?" "No. Is that a problem?" The maître d' gave me a look that said, "Nothing is ever a problem," and then he smiled before saying, "I will take you to your table." We took our time choosing the wine, and even longer selecting the food. "You haven't told me anything about the course." "That's because you never asked." She had been smiling when she said it, but her face became serious when she started explaining the course to me. I tried to look interested, and I really tried to understand it, but I failed on both counts. She worked for a large multinational investment bank. The course was to help her with her ambition, of one day becoming a Derivatives Trader. After only five minutes I had to stop her. I shook my head, then I said, "That's as much as I can take. You get your brains from your Mother, not me." She laughed, then her serious face was back. "Daddy, you're not stupid." "I know, but your Mother is the clever one." Then the main course arrived. As we ate, I thought about Sophia. We had met at a party when I was twenty one, and as soon as I saw her I wanted her in my bed. She was beautiful, but after talking to her, I realised that she was also very clever. Somehow I managed to charm her, and she agreed to see me again. I couldn't believe my luck. I was a beach bum, scratching a living as an artist. If I sold more than one painting in a week, it was a good week. She was older than me, twenty nine, and she had a proper job. She was an Accountant. "You're not eating. Your food is going cold." "I was just thinking about your Mother, and the first time I saw her. You are a lot like her." That pleased her. "Daddy, can I ask you something?" I just nodded. "Why did she agree to marry you?" She was trying to keep a straight face, but I could see the hint of a smile, so I knew she was teasing me. I shrugged my shoulders, and then I said, "I have no idea." That made her laugh, and then she reached over and held my hand. "I'm glad she did." While we were waiting for dessert, I thought about what Emma had said. I had once asked Sophia why she had married me. She thought about it for a while, and then she had said. "Your rugged good looks. Your sweet personality," then she looked down at my crotch, before adding, "And your eight inch cock." She wasn't laughing, so I knew she was being serious. "That's not enough for a good marriage." This time she did laugh, before saying, "It is for me. Especially that big cock of yours." We then surprised a lot of people, probably ourselves as well, by staying married. I was now forty three, and Sophia fifty one. Some of the passion between us had gone, and that big cock of mine wasn't getting as much action as it would like, but it was more than made up for by having Emma. She was twenty one now, and she was our pride and joy. After finishing the meal, we went to the bar. I made a couple of beers last a long time, and Emma stuck to coke. We got back to our room at ten. "I need to go to sleep. That course tomorrow is tough, so I need to be at my best." "OK. If you change in the bathroom, I'll change here." It didn't take me long to get ready, but it was fifteen minutes before Emma came out of the bathroom. She was wearing one of the dressing gowns that the hotel provides. When she got to the bed, she untied it, and it slipped from her shoulders onto the floor. As she got into bed, I looked away, but I had briefly seen what she was wearing. Then when I turned my head back, I saw more, because she was getting out of bed. "I forgot my phone." Then, without the dressing gown on, she walked towards the bathroom. I couldn't take my eyes off her. She was wearing a low cut bra, and small tight knickers. She wasn't there long, and as she walked back to the bed, I watched every step she made. When she got to the bed, she didn't get in, instead she sat on the edge of it, facing me. "I'm nervous about tomorrow." "You'll be OK." "I know, but this course is important to me." Then I couldn't help it. I looked at her breasts. There was a lot of cleavage on display, and I could even see the outline of her nipples. I knew that I was staring, but I couldn't help it. "Daddy, I can tell that you don't approve of what I am wearing." She must have seen me looking. But it wasn't disapproval I was feeling, it was something else. My mouth was dry, and I had to swallow before answering. "I guess it's what somebody who is twenty one wears," then I shook my head before saying, "It's not what your Mother wears to bed." That made her laugh. "But she is old, very old." I just smiled. I didn't regard fifty one as being old, but obviously she did. She then stood up. When she was back in bed, I got out of mine, and I turned the light off. "Daddy?" "Yes." "You're lucky that I didn't shock you." "What do you mean?" "Because normally I don't wear anything in bed," then she giggled. "Good night Emma!" She giggled again, and as she did, I felt my cock stiffening. When I had seen her in her revealing underwear, she had reminded me of Sophia when we first met. Nice size breasts, a slim waist, and a full bottom. What Emma was wearing, was something that her Mother would have worn at one time, but not now. However, that wasn't the problem. It was the lack of excitement in our marriage, especially in the bedroom, that was the problem. Sex was now once a week, normally on Saturday night. It was good, but not special. We made love like two well-oiled machines. We both knew what buttons to press to get the other going, but we had pressed them too many times. The spontaneity had gone. Sometimes I just wanted to climax so that I could go to sleep. Seeing Emma like that, had made me yearn for those early years with Sophia. I tried not to think about it, but it was difficult. I thought I was never going to be able to sleep, but eventually I did. When I woke, it was early, and my body was stiff. Then, when I got out of bed, I had to sit back down again. My back was sore. It felt as if I had been kicked by a horse. That made me think of Lansdowne Lad, and the painting that I needed to start today. Should I leave it until Tuesday? No, I really needed to get on with it. I was forty three, and only just getting a name as an artist. This painting could be a turning point. I was never going to be a Francis Bacon, making mountains of money, but I could become well-known. Up until now, Sophia has been the main bread-winner. Whatever meagre amounts I have earned, have just been a bonus. If this painting was well received, what I could charge would increase, and so would my self-worth. I took a long shower, enjoying the hot water on my aching back. Then, after dressing in the bathroom, I went back to the bedroom. Emma was now awake, and sitting up. Her bottom half was under the sheets, but her top was on display. Her breasts, covered by that small bra, looked as impressive as they had done last night. "Make me a strong coffee. I need some caffeine before I get up." The kettle took forever to boil, and then when it did, the lid rattled. As I put the coffee cup on her bedside table, she turned her head so that she could kiss me. It was supposed to be on my cheek, but it ended up on my lips. I quickly pulled back. It had been brief, and accidental, but it had sent my pulse racing. I looked at her. She was shaking her head, and smiling. "I've told you before. No tongues." She laughed at her own joke, but I just smiled. It had not been much more than lips touching, but it had excited me. If she had responded by opening her mouth, I wasn't sure that I could have stopped myself from French kissing her. After she had showered we went down for breakfast. There were already a few people eating. Some of them would be on the same course as my Daughter. When we had finished, it was time for her to go. "Wish me luck." "You don't need it." She then kissed me, but this time on the cheek. I then watched her as she walked out of the dining room. I felt immensely proud. She was beautiful, and clever as well. But mixed in with that pride, was an uneasy feeling. I was now finding her attractive, and it was making me feel uncomfortable. When I got back to the room, I made myself a coffee. I was now ready to start on the painting. I did, but only after a second cup. After working on it for a couple of hours, I stepped back to admire it. What I had done so far was good, but it needed to be better than good to impress Sir Cedric. I smiled when I thought about what he had said. "I don't care what it costs me. I want you to produce a masterpiece." He had then spent the next twenty minutes haggling about the price. When we shook on it, both of us were happy. When I stopped for lunch, I was pleased with what I had achieved. I had reworked the horse's head, and spent a bit more time on the tree that was in the background. That was enough for one day. I was an artist, and it was all about quality rather than quantity. After eating a sandwich in the bar, I went to reception. "Hello Mr. Wilkinson." It was Craig who had checked us in yesterday. "Any chance of another room?" "Sorry, no. We have been turning people away all morning. We are fully booked." I shrugged my shoulders, and then I said, "It was worth a try." I was turning to leave, when he spoke again. "You could try the Western Palace, it's a thirty minute car ride from here. But don't tell anybody that I suggested it." "Thanks, I might just do that." Then I moved my fingers across my lips, as if I was zipping them up. I thought he would find that funny, but he didn't. At six, Emma was back from her course. "How was it?" I only asked because she expected me to, but the big smile on her face had already told me that it had gone well. "It was good, and I understood all of it." We then ate in the restaurant. "Would you like me to tell you what I have learnt today?" I shook my head vigorously, in a theatrical manner, and it made her laugh. "Daddy you are so funny." She should tell Craig that. As we walked back to our room, my back spasmed, and I had to stop. "Are you OK." "Yes. It's just my back. It's been hurting all day. That bed isn't very comfortable." "I'll massage it for you." I was about to say no, but the look on her face told me that she was determined to do it. We were now in our room, and I was lying face down on her bed, naked from the waist up. She was pummelling my back hard. At times too hard. I just hoped that it was making it better rather than making it worse. "I think that's enough." "You can do more if you want, but gentler please." "OK." This time her touch was softer, almost sensuous. "We should check if they have another room." "I've already done that, and it was a no. However, they did suggest trying another hotel, but it's half an hour away." "I would prefer staying here, where the course is." "In that case I will stop complaining. We are only here for a few more days, so it's not a big deal." She then got back to massaging me. It was relaxing, and I was starting to feel drowsy. "I have a solution. We share my bed." I was now fully awake. "And I won't take no for an answer." I suppose there was no harm in us sleeping together, but deep down I knew that it was really a bad idea. When it was time for bed, she didn't seem concerned, but I was. As before, she was wearing bra and knickers, and I had on boxers and a T-shirt. We were back to back, but when I woke in the middle of the night, I was spooning her, with my hand cupping her breast. When this happened with Sophia, I would sometimes play with it, rubbing the nipple. If she responded, and she woke up, we would make love. But when was the last time that had happened? I couldn't remember. She was now more likely to be annoyed, rather than excited, if her sleep was disturbed by me wanting sex. This was different, she wasn't my Wife, she was my Daughter. And why hadn't I removed my hand? As I moved my fingers over her breast, I held my breath. I knew that I shouldn't be doing it, that it was wrong, but I couldn't help myself. When I got to the nipple it responded by swelling. I longed to go under her bra, but that was too risky. If she woke now, I might get away with it, but I wouldn't if I did that. If I was to close my eyes, I could believe that it was Sophia that I was touching, but not as she is now, but as she was when she was younger. Nice firm breasts, with responsive nipples. After a couple of minutes, I was getting bolder, pinching her nipple, rather than rubbing it. My cock was sticking out of the top of my boxers, rock hard, and it was now in control. In the back of my mind I knew that this might end by me going too far, but I didn't care. My other hand was now on her bottom. It wasn't between her legs, but only because they were closed. It was firm, but with just the right amount of wobble that gets a man excited. It was her Mother's bottom, before it had started to sag. As I fondled it, I thought about pushing her legs apart. Would I be able to do that without waking her? She then made a sudden sound, and I froze. It was a low moan. As soon as she was silent, I started moving my hands again. She then made another noise, and this time it was a lot louder. That made me come to my senses. I removed my hands, and then I turned over. My cock was still hard, and it was never going to go down without some attention, so I went to the bathroom. I started slowly, but my hand moved quicker when I thought about where I had touched her. If only I could have got inside her bra, or better still, into her knickers. That took me to the edge, but it was imagining what it would feel like if my cock was deep inside her, that tipped me over. I was now back in bed, facing away from her. Tomorrow we would have to move to another hotel. Emma wouldn't like it, but it needed to be done. Sleeping together was too much of a temptation. A temptation that I didn't think I could resist. At breakfast I put it to her. "That's silly. We both slept OK last night." That was true. But it was what happened when I woke up spooning her, that I was worried about. If we slept together again, I wasn't sure that I could keep my hands to myself. "I can sleep in that other bed again." "But it gave you a bad back." She then reached across the table and held my hand. "I know what this is all about." My blood ran cold. I thought she had been asleep, but I was wrong. At some point she had woken up. She had made a noise so that I would stop. I was now in trouble. That was bad enough, but was she going to tell her Mother? "You think that being in the same bed as me might disturb my sleep." I almost sighed, out of relief, but instead I nodded. "Tonight you are sleeping in my bed, and I won't take no for an answer." It was ten o'clock before I started work. Five minutes later I got a call. "Walt it's Cedric. How's that painting of mine getting on?" "It's nearly finished." "Good, I'll send my chauffeur round on Sunday to pick it up." After the call ended, I looked at the painting. It was a long way off being 'Nearly finished'. But I was confident that it would be ready on time. This time it was seven before she was back, and she looked tired. "Today was tough, but I managed to just about understand it." Then she looked at the painting. "I thought it would be finished by now." I was offended. After Cedric's call I had worked hard, and I was proud with what I had achieved. I was about to tell her that, when she laughed. I shook my head, she had got me. Emma wasn't in the mood for going out, so we ordered room service. After eating, we got into bed and watched television. It wasn't long before she was asleep. I then turned the television off, and shortly after, I was asleep as well. I was in the middle of a nice dream, when I suddenly woke up. Emma was shaking me. It took me a while to come round. "What's up?" She giggled, and then she said, "Your cock. And it's been poking me." I was horrified. "Sorry, I was asleep." "But your cock wasn't." Then she laughed. She might be finding this funny, but I wasn't. "I'll turn over." I did, and I hoped that would be the end of it. "You need to sort it out." "I'll be OK now." "I'm not as old, and as wise, as you, but I do know that it's not going down on its own." "So you want me to go to the bathroom and masturbate?" That made her laugh. "Nobody says masturbate these days." I muttered, "I do," and she laughed again. It was embarrassing, but what she had said was true. I did need to go the bathroom, but I would wait until she was asleep. "If you won't do it, then I will." By the time I had realised what she meant, she had reached over me and put her hand in my boxers. She was now gripping my cock. It was decision time. Remove her hand, or turn onto my back to make it easier for her to stroke my cock. Some Fathers might have been able to say no, but I wasn't one of them. I turned over. She then surprised me again, by switching on the bedside light. "I like to see what I am doing, especially when I am playing with a cock." Then she pulled the covers down, and lowered my underwear. I was a lot older than her, and a lot more experienced, but she was now in control. "Daddy, I didn't realise you were so big. You are almost as big as Harry." He was somebody she had dated last year. I had liked him, but their relationship hadn't lasted long. "I don't miss him, but I miss his big cock." She was now slowly stroking it, taking her time. "I haven't done this for a while, but it's like riding a bike, you never forget." She was good, very good. How many men had she done this to? It must be a lot, because she was an expert. A lot better than her Mother. I managed to last longer than I thought I would. She even took me to the edge twice, before backing off. The third time was too much. When I spurted, it almost hit the ceiling. That was an exaggeration, but Emma was impressed. "Wow, so high, and so much!" "There's always a lot. Your Mother doesn't like it, she makes me wear a condom." "I love it when a man comes inside me." That almost made me hard again. We were now facing away from each other. "Daddy?" "Yes Emma." "This is our little secret." "I wished you had told me earlier. I have sent a text to your Mother telling her all about it." That made her laugh, and I joined in. However, it was a long time before I drifted off to sleep. I had too much on my mind. It's not every day that your Daughter plays with your cock. The next morning, there was no mention of what had happened. When she left for her course, I got a peck on the cheek. I would have preferred another hand-job. This time I was eager to start working. After four hours I had done enough for the day. I was now confident that it would be finished on Friday. I spent the afternoon in the hotel garden, making the most of the sunny weather, and reading a book that I had been meaning to start for a long time. When her lesson ended, Emma joined me. We only went back indoors when it started getting cold. "Can we go out tonight? Alice told me about this place that has the best steak you have ever tasted." Apparently it was posh. Fortunately, I had packed some decent clothes, so I could wear them rather than my usual shorts and T-shirt. Emma had brought two dresses. "What do you think?" It was the blue one. She then held it up in front of me. "Yes. Your pearl necklace will go well with it." She then went to the bathroom to get changed. A few minutes later she was back, and she was just in her underwear. "This bra is not on properly." When she turned round, so that her back was to me, I could see what she meant. It was only fastened with one hook. When I tried to do the other one, it all came undone, and her bra fell to the floor. She then bent down and picked it up. When she handed it to me, her breasts were exposed, and I had a good look at them. I could now see her nipples. I longed to get them into my mouth. "Please will you put it on for me?" Facing her, I put the cups onto her breasts. I could feel the firmness of them as I lifted them up. She then turned round, and I fastened her bra. "I think it's on OK now, but let me check." I then reached round, and put both my hands under her breasts. Then I moved my fingers so that I could get to her nipples. When I found them she gasped. After rubbing and pinching them repeatedly, I wanted more. As my hand pushed under her bra, she moved away. "We had better go. Any later and we might lose our reservation." The spell had been broken, and I was now cursing myself for rushing it. Alice was on the course, and Emma kept talking about her during the meal. They had become friends, and they might even meet up later on, after the course ended. I hadn't met her, but what she had said about the steak was true. It was the best, but it was also the most expensive. I didn't mind though, I could afford it. Cedric was paying me a lot of money for the painting. When we got into bed I thought something would happen, but it didn't. As soon as we were under the covers, she turned her back on me. I was tempted to snuggle up to her, and then fondle her tits, but I held back. It had been a nice evening, and if she rejected me, it would spoil it. During the night, I was woken up again by Emma, but this time not by her shaking me, but by being kicked. It hadn't hurt, but it had been enough to disturb my sleep. "Sorry," then she gave a loud moan, before saying, "I'm nearly there." I flicked the bedside light on, and then I turned over. She was on her back, eyes closed, and legs wide open. Her bottom half was still covered, but I could see the movement of her fingers. She was frantically fingering herself. "Oh fuck." I watched her as she climaxed. Her body went stiff, and her head went back, then she relaxed. It was a while before she opened her eyes. I then got a weak smile from her. She looked exhausted. "I thought I could do it without waking you up." "Well you were wrong." She laughed. "Next time I will be more careful." "No, next time wake me up so that I can do it for you." It was a joke, sort of, and I thought that we had finished. Then she surprised me. "You can do it now if you want." I didn't say anything else, but I also didn't hesitate. I just put my hand under the covers. I had stopped thinking of her as my Daughter, and I was now thinking about her as a woman. I might feel guilty about it later on, but I didn't care. I was desperate to get my fingers inside her, no matter what the consequences would be. I started by stroking her leg, high up on her inner thigh. My fingers were close to her sacred place, but I wasn't touching it. This was something to savour, so I was taking my time. "Will you be able to come again?" "Yes, if you are good with your fingers." "I'm an expert." That made her giggle, but she stopped when I moved my hand higher. I was now running my fingers over her lips, feeling their thickness, and pulling on them. That made her moan. I liked them. They were big, just like Sophia's. I then moved to her opening. When I put the tips of two fingers in, she gave a low groan, and then she pushed against them. "I need them inside me." I shook my head. "Please Daddy." Then she looked at me, with the same pleading eyes that I had seen many times before, especially when she was a child. However, this time it wasn't because she wanted me to buy her something, it was because she wanted me to finger her. As I slowly pushed them in, her pouting expression changed. She was getting what she wanted, and it was showing on her face. When they were fully in, she purred, like the cat that has got the cream. I was now moving them. I kept taking them almost out, before putting them deep inside her again. She was tight, and it reminded me of the first time I had fingered her Mother. "You can put another finger in," then she moaned, before saying, "That's if you want to." Of course I did. If I thought that she would be able to take four, then that's what I would give her. But I knew that would be too much. Three was a tight fit, and I had to push hard to get them in. "That's nice. Now fuck me with them." Before I started, I pulled the covers back with my other hand, exposing her lower body. If I was to take my fingers out, and put my cock at her opening, would she let me enter her? I was tempted to try. But would that be a line that she wasn't prepared to cross? My fingers were now moving quickly, and she was getting excited, even though I hadn't touched her little bud yet. I could see it. It had emerged from its hood, and it was ready to be played with, but it would have to wait. "I like the way you finger me, but you also need to play with my clit." When I touched it, she gasped. Then, when I started to rub it, she gave a low moan. "Lower." I moved my finger down. "That's it. Don't stop." Good, I had found her sweet spot. My fingers were still moving inside her, but I was now concentrating on her clit. I was flicking my finger over it as fast as I could, and she was responding by making a lot of noise. Then she started to gasp. "My Daddy is going to make me come." That sent a surge of excitement down my spine. Seconds later she climaxed. It was her second one, but it seemed to be more intense than the first. I watched her as she thrashed about. Was it ever going to end? When eventually it did, I removed my fingers. They were coated with her sticky juice. I couldn't resist smelling them, and then I sucked on them. The smell and taste were divine, even better than her Mother. Now that I had pleasured her, I was expecting her to return the favour, but it didn't look as if she was going to. She was now covered up, and she had her back to me. "What about me?" "I'm too tired. Coming twice has taken it out of me." I gave a loud sigh, and it made her laugh. I wasn't annoyed though. My Daughter had just let me finger her to a climax. It would be nice if she masturbated me, but I wasn't going to complain. "You will have to do it yourself. But keep the noise down, I want to sleep." I took my time, and I was quiet, but I did grunt when I reached it. However, it didn't wake her up. When I woke, I was surprised to see that she was already dressed, and ready to go. "Today's lesson is supposed to be tough. I need to do some extra work before it starts." Then, after blowing me a kiss, she left the room. Before going to sleep last night, I had decided, that in the morning I would have a quick breakfast, and then start painting. I did, but I hadn't planned on falling asleep again after my Daughter had gone, and waking up at ten thirty. When Emma got back at six, I was still painting. "What do you think?" "I like it, but what's it supposed to be?" I knew she was teasing me. It was Lansdowne Lad, Sir Cedric Pattinson's champion race horse, and thankfully it was almost finished. That evening I had to eat alone, because Emma went out with the other students. I had intended to wait up for her, but at eleven I was falling asleep, so I went to bed. I didn't see her again until the morning, when she was coming out of the bathroom after showering. "What time did you get in?" "You sound like my Mother." Then she laughed, and I joined in. But her mentioning Sophia had made me feel uncomfortable. If she ever found out what we had been doing, there would be hell to pay, and I would get all the blame. At ten, I set up the easel. Twenty minutes later I had a brilliant idea. Why not work in the hotel garden? It was already a nice day, and the forecast was that it would get even hotter. I was now outside, sleeves rolled up, working on my masterpiece. Shortly after one o'clock, I applied the final brush stroke, then I stepped back to admire it. "It's perfect." There was nobody to hear what I had said, but that didn't matter. It was perfect, and it needed saying. When Emma got back, she was buzzing. In her hand was a certificate, and she was waving it about. "I passed." "Congratulations." She then noticed the paining. It was on the bed, ready to be wrapped up. She took her time inspecting it. With a straight face, she said, "It's OK." I shook my head, and then I smiled, before saying, "Now tell me what you really think." She then hugged me, before saying, "It's perfect." Good, we were both of the same opinion, but would Sir Cedric agree with us? I hoped so. The course was now over, and I had finished the painting, so we could both relax. During our meal in the hotel restaurant, we shared a bottle of wine, and then we had a couple of drinks in the bar. When we got back to our room we were both tipsy. As soon as we got through the door, Emma said, "I'm going to bed," then she started taking her clothes off. I did the same. However, when I looked over at her, she had taken everything off, rather than leaving her bra and knickers on. I was now staring at her bare breasts. They looked good enough to eat. "Why aren't you naked?" Then she giggled. "I don't know." As she giggled again, I took the rest of my clothes off. We were now in bed, both naked, and facing each other. When she kissed me on the lips, I responded by kissing her back, and then by reaching for her tits. "Do you like them?" They were firm, with prominent nipples. Of course I liked them. "Yes, they are just like your Mother's, when she was younger." I could tell that she was pleased with what I had said. "Suck them." She then lay on her back, to make it easier for me. My mouth was quickly on her nipple. I was now taking as much of her as I could into my mouth, and she was enjoying it. Then I switched to the other nipple, and it got the same treatment. "What about my pussy?" She didn't need to remind me. I hadn't forgotten about it. I was saving it for later, but she wanted it to be played with now. As I moved my hand up her leg, she opened wide for me. When my fingers touched her opening, she said, "Put them in, as deep as you can." This time she got three straight away, and it made her gasp. "I love being fingered." Not as much as I liked doing it to her. I was now fucking her with them, and she was moaning. She sounded just like her Mother had, the first time I had got my hand inside her knickers. I waited as long as I could before going for her clit. Then I gave it my full attention. "I like your fingers on my clit, but your tongue would be better." There was only one way to find out if that was true or not. My head was now between her legs, and I was lapping on that little mound of hers. Yes it was better, and she didn't need to tell me. A wriggling bottom, and loud moaning, was confirmation enough. I would have liked to continue. To let my tongue work its magic and make her come. But there was something else that I wanted to do, and it was better than this, a lot better. When I raised my head, she tried to push it back down again, but she wasn't strong enough. "Get onto all fours." She was now looking at me wide-eyed. I was surprised, even shocked. Hadn't my little girl realised that it was going to end this way? "Please." She didn't reply, but when she nodded her head, I knew that she was going to do it. When I saw her bent over, her pink opening exposed, I almost laughed with joy. I was going to get the ultimate prize. I was going to fuck my Daughter. Before pushing into her, I fondled her plump bottom, and then I spread her cheeks. At first, it was just the head, and an inch or two, that was inside her. Then I slowly gave her the rest. When it was fully in, she gave a satisfying moan. "I love your big cock." "Not as much as I like your tight pussy." "I've waited a long time for this. Sometimes, when my Mother has had a bit too much to drink, she tells me how good you are in bed." That didn't surprise me. I was old enough to know that when women get together they talk about such things, especially when they have been drinking. I then started moving my cock, and she started moaning. "I want you to fuck me hard, as hard as you can." I didn't need telling, because that was what I had already decided to do, but it was nice to know that she wanted the same thing. She was now getting what she had asked for. Full strokes of my big cock. I was almost coming out of her, then thrusting back in again up to my balls. I could hear them slapping against her. It was frantic, and it wasn't going to last much longer. I could already feel the sap rising, and she was gasping, a sign that she was about to climax. When she did, I wasn't far behind. "Oh, fuck. It's a big one." That made me smile, and I was still smiling when I started to shoot my load deep into her. I had only just finished, when she collapsed onto the bed, taking me with her. After she had recovered, we showered together. When she washed my cock, with her soapy hands, it started getting hard. That made her giggle. "No, save it for tomorrow morning." I liked the sound of that. I hoped that we would also do it again at home, in the following days, and weeks, when Sophia was out. That's what I wanted to happen, but did my Daughter want the same thing as me? I would have to wait and see. When I got back into bed, it wasn't long before I was asleep. In the early days of our relationship, I was often woken up by Sophia stroking my cock. It was a good way to start the day. But this was better. Had I ever been woken up by a woman sucking my cock? I didn't think so, and that was something that I would have remembered. She then moved her head back, and my cock came out of her mouth. "I'm glad that you are now up." She then laughed. I certainly was. My cock was rock hard, and it wanted to enter her sweet pussy. "Do you want to come in my mouth or my pussy?" I pretended to think about it. I even furrowed my brow, to make it look as if it was a difficult decision. Emma found that funny. Spurting into her mouth would be nice, but the offer of pussy was even better. "I think," then I paused. She gave me a playful slap on my arm. "It has to be," then I paused again. This time the slap was harder, and it made me wince. I then said, "Your pussy." "Good answer." I just wished that I could come in both of her openings that she had offered me, but the time when I could come twice in quick succession, was a long way in the past. We were now kissing, but I wanted her nipple in my mouth. When I got it, I sucked on it greedily. Then I did the same to the other one. I couldn't get enough of her tits, and her nipples. "Go down on me." I ignored her, we could do that later on. But she then started pulling on my hair. My head was now between her legs, with my tongue moving up and down her slit. That made her moan. "Lick my clit." I did, but only after exploring the rest of her pussy, especially her lips. She liked that, but not as much as when I finally gave her clit the attention that it needed. "That is so good." She was almost purring when she had said it. For the next few minutes I gently flicked it with my tongue. It was a delicate balance. I wanted to excite her, but not make her come. It was getting risky. Better to stop now, rather than accidentally making her climax. "I was enjoying that. Can't you do it for a bit longer?" I shook my head, and she pouted. That normally worked, and I would give in, but not today. It was time for us to fuck. Looking at me, she said, "How about cowgirl?" I nodded vigorously, and it made her laugh. I was now on my back, and she was above me, ready to lower herself. I could see the concentration on her face. She was now sitting on me, with my cock deep inside her. After breathing heavily for several seconds, she started. At first, she was only lifting up three or four inches, but now, because she had got used to it, she was making the most of my big cock. A couple of times she was so high up, that my cock almost came out. I was enjoying it, and I could tell that she was as well. But it was hard worker for her. Her Mother had enjoyed doing this when she was younger, but now it was too much for her. When she started moving faster, I felt my balls tighten. I wasn't going to last much longer. I should warn her. "I'm nearly there." She grunted, "Me too." Good, with a bit of luck we would reach it together. She was now frantically moving up and down. I was impressed, and my cock was as well. It showed its appreciation by twitching, then spurting into her. I had just about finished, when she dropped down on me. "Oh fuck." Then she climaxed. I don't know if it was a big one or not, but she made a lot of noise, and it was minutes before she moved again. Climbing off me, she said, "I'm getting too old for this." I laughed. She was only twenty one. She should try being my age. We then showered, but this time alone. After a leisurely breakfast, we went back to our room. It didn't take me long to get all my things packed. While she was sorting her stuff out, I went down to reception to pay. "I hope you liked your stay with us." "Yes we did." That got a big smile from her. "You are being charged for one room, and you will get a discount." I was expecting that, but when she told me it was forty percent, I almost kissed her. We left the hotel at eleven, and we were back home just after four. Sophia greeted Emma with a big hug, but I only got a smile. "I'll make the drinks, then we'll sit down, and you can tell me all about it." We managed to keep a straight face until she had left the room, then we burst out laughing. We would tell her, but definitely not ALL of it! For Pics visit:---->>> https://zee.gl/pqiCYlC
Title: It Started with a Joke Summary: What started as a joke becomes very serious. Keywords:inc,fic,erotic,hot I was a normal college kid. I hung out with my buds when I could, either at my house or at one of theirs. We were all over 21 and so could drink, so we'd always have a couple of beers and then the conversation usually centered on sex. Until we went to college, when some of the guys (including me) got lucky, none of us really knew what we were talking about. That didn't stop us, of course, and we'd always end up sitting there with raging hard-ons, giggling like schoolgirls. The beauty of the internet was that, technically, we knew all the things we should do with a woman, from sucking her tits to eating her pussy, to mounting her from behind. Technically, we knew. Practically? Not so much. Even when we did get lucky, the event was almost always in the back seat of a car and involved quick and furtive touches until the inevitable - a premature ejaculation - ended the fun. We knew, though, that mature women would be more fun than girls our own age. More experienced. Lusher bodies. Just hotter overall. Corey claimed to have had an affair with one of is professors, but we didn't believe him. We knew all about MILFs and, of course, the closest MILFs to hand were our own mothers. We'd talk about them for hours on end, but we had kind of an unwritten rule that limited the MILF subjects of our lust to the mothers of guys who were not there at the time. No one wants to hear the other guys talk about boning his own Mom, but if you weren't there, your Mom was open game. I never asked, but I wondered if the guys talked about my Mom when I wasn't there. "God, wouldn't you love to get those tits in your mouth! Did you see her yesterday? Hot!" "I'll bet she sucks a dick. Do you think she sucks a dick?" Things like that. I wondered if they talked about Mom that way, because she was pretty strict. Let's admit it. She was, and still is, a control freak. She's not malicious about it; she just has to be in charge. Besides, my Mom, Debbie, didn't have the big tits of Joe's Mom, Melissa. She didn't have the tight, petite package of Corey's Mom, Tracy. She didn't have the flaming red hair of Dylan's Mom, Suzy. Mom was taller than average, well-built but maybe a few extra pounds, and had let her hair gray naturally. She was a typical Mom. So, I thought the guys probably gave Mom a pass on the MILF list. Oh, I was sure they talked about her some, but not with the serious emphasis they gave the others. To me, she was beautiful, but to them? Maybe not so much. I'll admit, the prime subject of our MILF discussions was Melissa, Joe's Mom, but only when Joe wasn't there. Rules, you know. That all changed on one fateful day in the summer of our college sophomore year, when we were playing X-Box in my room. Joe, usually the best of the gamers among us, seemed off his game that day and, after he had missed about the third easy shot against an alien invader, I couldn't take it any more. "Joe! What the hell, Dude? You missed another one? What's going on? Use the shotgun." He sat there for a moment, a stunned look on his face. Then he looked up and said, in a soft voice, "You won't believe what I saw this morning." "What? Your dick? That little thing finally make an appearance?" I laughed as I said it because every one of us knew the respectable size of Joe's package. Joe laughed, too. "Guys," he said, "I saw Mom's tits this morning." That got our attention. Not only had the favorite subject of Melissa's tits been broached, but by her own son. The unwritten rule was not to talk about a guy's Mother if he was there, but we had never considered what to do if one of us brought up his own Mom. I looked around at the group and they were all like me, mouths hanging open. Corey broke the ice. "You saw your Mom's tits? Are you kidding? What were they like? Nice?" Joe shook his head. "They were beyond nice. I've never seen such nice tits. No one at my college has tits like that." "You've probably never seen any tits," I said. "But spill the details. How did you do it?" Of course I wanted to hear about Melissa's tits, just like all the other guys, but I also wanted to know if there was something I could do to see Mom's tits. I would bet that everyone of us was thinking the same thing about his own Mom. "I was walking by their bedroom on my way here, and the door was about halfway open. I think she must have forgotten I was home for the weekend. I looked in, thinking I'd tell her goodbye, and she was standing in front of her mirror getting dressed. She had her jeans on and was starting to put her bra and sweater on, I guess. Anyway, I stood there, not knowing what to do or say, looking at her reflection. She saw me in the mirror and, I'll swear, I think she wanted to give me a good look before she put her hands over them. She smiled at me and said something. I think it must have been, 'You going to Tom's?,' but I'm not sure. That was it. But damn. Those puppies are fine." "What did you do then?" "What do you think I did? I beat feet out of there. I can't get it out of my brain, though. Man, I wanted to get my hands on those things." There. That was it. The cat was out of the bag. Joe was admitting that he wanted to fuck his own Mom. Talk about an icebreaker. "Oh, God," Corey whispered. "I'd love to see my Mom's tits. I'd cream in my pants." "Me, too," Dylan agreed. "I want to see that red-haired bush of Mom's so bad that I can taste it." They all turned to me. Never one to have much of a filter, I said, "I would give anything to fuck Mom. The Ice Queen. I wonder what she's like once she gets going." That was the day the earth shifted and The Rule went out the window. From that day, not only would we talk about each other's Mothers without exception, but we talked about our own Mothers. Who better to know each of them but her own son? The other result was that it made one-on-one conversations about our Moms even more graphic, especially with Joe. He soon knew that I had a real thing for Melissa. I learned that Joe had it bad for Mom, but that he was just as hot to fuck Melissa as I was to fuck my own Mom. I learned a lot about Melissa. I knew that Joe loved to rub her ass when he hugged her, and that she let him. He said he started it as a joke one weekend when he came home from college, and hadn't stopped. You talk about something that will get your blood boiling, just imagine what it was like to hear that. Unfortunately, I had nothing of the like to share. I couldn't imagine trying that with Mom. She'd knock my head off and tell Dad, and that would be it. I could hear it now. "Do you know what your son did today? He grabbed my ass!" "Tom! Get in here! No more tuition for you." Yep. Some things are desirable, but unattainable, and that was Mom. Melissa? Maybe not so unattainable for Joe. He described to me how his hands on her ass were now a regular thing when no one was around. He said she seemed to like it, and would rub her breasts on his chest when she hugged him. No wonder he came home from school almost every weekend. Things seemed to be moving right along for Joe, until the subject of his trying to fuck Melissa seemed to tail off. It wasn't that we stopped talking about her and Mom, it was just that he seemed less communicative about it. I wondered what that meant, and finally concluded that she had probably jerked him up short and his fun had come to an end. I think we all had a revelation that weekend. There were four of us, and each of us wanted to fuck his own Mom. Statistically, while the sample may have been small, it was pretty telling. I can't speak for the others, but I realized that probably every guy wants to fuck his Mother. I was studying psychology, and I noted something missing in the research literature. No academic who I could find addressed adult sons wanting their Mothers sexually, and why not? Our little sample of four guys was pretty conclusive, so why did no one talk about it? Did that mean it rarely or never happened, or that it happened pretty frequently and no one talked about it? I think that summer was a key period for me because it cemented my interest in research psychology and determined my eventual graduate degree interest. It also focused my desire for Mom. I always knew she was a good-looking woman to me but, as I said, I always thought she was unattainable to anyone. I had always had an interest in her, but now my interest became much more focused. I watched her like a hawk and when I wasn't watching her, I thought about her. I noticed that she always took great pains to look good. She always had. She bought stylish clothes and never went out without her makeup. That was kind of a family joke. Sandy, my sister, could be ready in about five minutes if she wanted to. Mom would take an hour to shower, get dressed, and put her makeup on. I asked her about it once. "Mom, what the hell? We're just going to the hardware store. Why do you have to look so good just to go to the hardware?" She laughed, and didn't give a direct answer. "Oh, it's just the way I am. I've always been like this. You know that. I just like to look good." I often flirted with her and I know, as I look back, that my flirting was clumsy. I told her, "Well, it works. You always look great. My friends think you're a MILF." As soon as I said it, I thought I had fucked up. She probably didn't know what that meant, and what would I do if she asked me to explain it? She didn't, though. She just blushed. "Really? Oh, I don't think so." And that was the end of the conversation. But, she blushed. She clearly knew what it meant. That summer ended, and back to college I went. I discovered the joys of sororities and how easy it was to fuck college girls. Freud would have said, I guess, that my Oedipal phase had passed, but it hadn't. I was getting plenty of pussy, but every time I went home my desire for Mom was rekindled. I couldn't bring myself to do anything about it, of course. Desirable, but not attainable. To be honest, I wasn't sure Mom even had much of a sex drive. The other guys would talk about hearing their parents going at it, but I had never heard Mom and Dad having sex, as far as I knew. In one of my classes we had explored the role of marriage in western society, and I learned that polling showed that 13% of women and 20% of men admitted they had an affair while married. At the time I thought that number was probably not truly representative. Who would admit to a pollster that he or she had an affair? So, I figured the number might be realistically at least twice the poll results, which could mean that one out of four women fucked around. But, back to Mom, I assumed she would be in the 75% who didn't. It was the end of my junior year and I was spending the summer at home. Dad, as he did a lot, was on an extended business trip, so that left Sandy, Mom, and me to ourselves at home. One evening after dinner, Sandy had gone out and Mom and I were sitting in the backyard by the pool. Mom was to my right, sitting in a patio chair, with her feet on the chair and her knees up. She had on a pair of gray shorts and a blue low-cut tank top, and she was looking good. I let my gaze travel across her long legs. "Damn, Mom. Where'd you get that bruise?" She had a series of bruises on the outside of her left thigh. She looked down and covered it with her hand. "Oh, that? I bruise easily, you know. Who knows what I might have bumped into." I didn't say anything, but after she went in to get a drink and resumed the same position, I furtively checked the bruises more closely. Damned if it didn't look like a series of fingerprint bruises, with the thumbprint toward the top of her thigh. I had enough experience by this time that I had left similar bruises on many young lasses. It generally happened when they were on top fucking away and I was grasping their thighs while I hunched up to meet them. The bruises were on Mom's left thigh, which would match what a right-handed man would leave. His right hand would be the stronger hand. Mind, blown. Every time I got a chance to look, the more that series of bruises was just what I thought they were - the fingerprint bruises of a lusty fuck session. My Mom. Dad's gone, and Mom has fuck bruises on her leg. My dick was as hard as I could remember it had ever been. "You look great, Mom. Let me get a photo for Dad, to show him what he's missing." I whipped my camera out and snapped a shot. "Oh, no. I wasn't ready," she said. "Take another one," and she slid her left hand down to cover the bruises. "Now. I'm ready," and she smiled her angelic photo smile. I took another one and sent it right off to Dad, but the first one was my prize. That night I downloaded it to my computer and blew it up so I could study the bruises more closely. Yep. I was right. Those were fingermarks. I researched bruising, and learned that the initial bruise shows up as reddening within two days of the injury and the real color show comes in at about five to ten days. So, I had a window. Where was Mom and what was she doing about five to ten days before? I racked my brain. During the summer I was pretty footloose and didn't expect anyone to keep tabs on me, nor did I keep tabs on Mom's and Sandy's movements. But I did remember that one morning the previous week, Mom had gone out for almost the whole day, "at school." Mom was a professor at the local community college and she had explained that even though classes were out for a couple of weeks between terms, she still had administrative work to catch up on. After that, I pulled up my notes and dug deeper into the statistics of infidelity. The bottom line was that women got away with it much more than men. Women, if they comported themselves appropriately, were generally above suspicion, and women just seemed to be more careful. I reviewed the statistics. Then it hit me. If 20 to 25% of men fuck around, how can it be that only 13% of women do it? Seemed to me that married women would prefer married men. Fewer complications. The whole research data was wrong. I would bet that the real numbers were much greater than reported. The statistics didn't matter, though. Mom had fuck bruises on her leg. I sat there, dumbfounded. My Mom. Fucking. Not just fucking, but fucking around. I knew she loved my Dad, so I thought it was less likely that it was a love affair, and more likely that she had enjoyed a lusty fuck session. Back to the notes. I remembered that our professor had talked about how sex evolved in a marriage, and how that often led to problems. A couple married, in part, because they loved the hot sex sessions while they were dating. Inevitably, and at the time I thought, sadly, after marriage the husband puts his wife on a pedestal and treats her more gently during lovemaking. They get in a rut. He doesn't want her to think he's freaky. He doesn't want to offend her or to make her mad. He loves her. Fucking becomes "lovemaking," while many times the wife longed for the lusty and athletic fucking of earlier times. Was that where Mom was? She had gotten the holy shit fucked out of her, and it wasn't by Dad. My mind wandered. I remembered back to every woman I had fucked who liked to be on top. I remembered grabbing and squeezing their thighs as they fucked me. With every memory, I pictured Mom on top of me, my hands on those long legs while I sucked her tits. That was my fantasy, but turning fantasy into reality was something I couldn't fathom. Sometimes, it's just a bridge too far. Even if I accepted that Mom had enjoyed a fuck session with someone (Who in the hell could it be?), she'd never cross the line to having it with me. Mom was too proper. The Ice Queen. So for most of the summer, that's where I left it. I alternated between thinking I was completely off my rocker for thinking that she had done something like that, and then I'd return to the conclusion that the photo I had taken was inescapable proof. Eventually the bruises faded, no more appeared, and as best I could, I put it out of my mind. Until that fateful Saturday. Sandy had a date and, based on her nervousness before he showed up, she thought it a pretty important one. She was still getting ready when he arrived and Mom sent me out to bring him in. Mom, he, and I sat in the kitchen chatting, until Sandy showed up. Damn, she looked fine. I couldn't help but think back to those statistics on incest, and that sibling incest led the numbers. Sandy and her date walked to the back door and Mom and I accompanied them. As they walked out, Mom and I were standing side by side and I put my right arm around her waist as I called out, "Now you kids stay out of trouble. Don't make me have to lecture you when you bring her home, young man." That got a laugh out of everyone and Sandy turned around to stick her tongue out at me. Laughing myself, I slid my hand down to Mom's ass and gave it a little squeeze. It was a joke. I didn't plan it. I swear, I didn't even mean anything. It was a joke, part of the acting-like-the-old-man routine. Mom stiffened, put her right hand back on mine, gave my hand a squeeze, and moved it back to her waist. She didn't say anything, but as I closed the door I thought, "Oh, boy. Now I'm going to get it." But I didn't. She didn't say a word about it. She acted as if nothing had happened and went into the kitchen. "Find us a movie, Tom, if you're going to stay home tonight. I'll get snacks." That was all she said. In a better story, maybe a fictional story, I would recount how we ended up making out and then fucking on the couch that night. That didn't happen. Mom seemed the same, but I was a little awkward. I feared I had overstepped a boundary and was on probation, so I was perfectly proper with her. After the movie, she hugged me close and went up to bed, leaving me to think about what had happened. That ass. Mom was in her fifties by then, but damn, she was solid. Even the young college women I dated often had loose, sloppy asses, but Mom's was solid. That was a fine ass. I couldn't get my mind off it. My hand had been on Mom's ass and even if it was a joke, my hand had been on Mom's ass. And, she had not said a word about it. If I had watched her closely before, I watched her like a hawk for the next week. I noticed something. When Sandy was there, Mom was proper and cool. When Sandy was out at night and it was just us, Mom would show up in the den wearing a tank top or tee shirt, usually without a bra, and yoga pants or shorts. Once she came down to tell me something before we went to bed and she wore just a tee shirt and panties. Her nipples were as hard as little pebbles in the tee shirt. She made a point of walking in front of me and turning away, so I got a good shot of her ass in the panties, and then she turned around toward me. Whether she intended it or not, I got a good view of her ass, her beautiful tits, and the mound of her pussy in her panties. I wore my dick out that night. What was going on? Was Mom giving me signals? Could that be? Again, my mind went into overdrive. I alternated between thinking she was totally innocent in it and comfortable that her son would never do anything to offend her, and thinking that she was trying to encourage me to make a move. And there's the quandary of every son who wants to fuck his Mother. You might think you could do it. You might think she's sending signals she might like you to try. But you just can't get the guts to go for it. I had taken a business course on investing the previous semester and they taught us about risk assessment. One of the first steps was to identify the acceptable level of risk you could tolerate. In this case, the level of acceptable risk was so low as to be almost non-existent. I had gotten away with squeezing her ass, but it was done as a joke and she almost certainly saw it that way. But get really serious with it and make a real move, and I could find everything blowing up in my face. I remembered my thoughts when the guys had fantasized about their Mothers and what would happen if I did the same thing Joe had gotten away with. "Do you know what your son did today? He grabbed my ass!" "Tom! Get in here! No more tuition for you." Yep. Some things are desirable, but unattainable, and that was Mom. I had gotten away with it once, and that would be that. I put it down to experience, although I knew I would have jerk-off fodder for the rest of my life, thinking about "What if...?" While I had pulled back and had at least a reasonable control of my raging hormones, Mom didn't change her behavior. If anything, she seemed to ramp it up a notch. For instance, whenever we'd be out, or even around the house standing by each other, she would give me the Mom Arm Hug. That's the hug where your Mom puts her arm under your arm and hugs her tits against your arm. She's just hugging your arm, but those tits are rubbing all over it. Are they oblivious? Do they not know that at that moment, every sensory particle in your body migrates to the arm in question so you can feel her tit? So, Mom was doing that, more and more. She was still wearing those tee shirts and tank tops without a bra, and her nipples were constantly at attention. She got more comfortable around me with just her panties and a tee shirt. While all that certainly aroused me, it didn't sway my risk assessment. I would not, I could not, make the final move. I became stiff and wooden around her. Where before I would hug her closely, hoping she'd feel my hard dick, now I barely hugged her at all and when I did, I tried to maintain distance between us. I recited the multiplication tables in my head so I wouldn't get hard. Sometimes it worked, and sometimes it didn't. But I tried, and mostly succeeded. Fantasies are one thing, but I wasn't going to screw up everyone's life with the wrong move. One night, Sandy was out and it was just Mom and me. She had on her damned shorts that showed off her camel toe, something Mom probably was not even aware of, and a thin back tank top with no bra. We were sitting on the couch watching a movie when, out of the blue, she turned to me. "Tom, what's the matter with you? You used to give great hugs. Now you hold back and it's like hugging a tree. You won't even look at me. Don't you love me anymore?" She seemed close to tears. I didn't know what to do. She was to my right and I stiffly hugged her upper body to me. "Oh, Mom. It's complicated. Of course I love you." "Well, you don't act like it anymore. What have I done? What's complicated?" "Oh, stuff. That's all. I guess I'm nervous about going back to school. I'll be a senior, so I've got to start getting ready for graduate school. It's going to be tough." She nodded. "OK. But you know if you ever need anything...anything...," and she seemed to put some emphasis on 'anything,' "all you have to do is ask, and I'll give it to you." When she said it, I'll be damned if she didn't give me the Mom Arm Hug. I could feel her nipple rubbing on my arm. I gulped, and looked down, my face burning red. Her voice took on a lower, husky timbre. "I think my little boy has become a man." She hugged my arm tighter, with the effect of rubbing that tit all over it. "I'm trying. It's hard sometimes." She giggled. I knew what she was thinking, because at that moment it was hard, as hard as a diamond-cutting drill bit. Out of the blue, she said, "My Tom is a breast man, isn't he? Where did that come from? I thought guys were supposed to want girls like their Mothers, and I don't have much going in that front." She let me go and sat back into the cushion. My eyes naturally went to her tits, I couldn't help it, and then I looked into her eyes. I didn't want to make a mistake, but damn. How much can a guy take? I remembered the thing about husbands putting their wives on a pedestal and treating them like a delicate crystal vase. I thought about the fuck bruise on her leg. Risk assessment be damned. If she wanted to be treated as a hot, desirable woman, that's what I'd give her. I'd treat her like the Tri-Deltas who couldn't wait to get their panties off. "Those tits are perfect and they're all I've ever wanted." There. It was out. I had called my Mother's breasts, "Tits," and to her face. Now we'd see where life took me. Mentally, I was deciding how quickly I could get packed and get out before Dad got home. So in the dance between Mother and Son and their mutual desire, when it exists, the Mother always has to make the move. The son is not going to take charge, because he knows he could be misinterpreting the whole thing. Mom has to make the overt move that tells both parties exactly what is going on. That's exactly what Mom did. In a swift move, she rolled over onto my lap, facing me and straddling my legs. She took my face in her hands, bent forward, and gave me the kiss of my life. There was no hesitancy in it. She came to me with her mouth slightly open, and I responded immediately. We were kissing like horny teenagers in the back seat of a Subaru. I cupped her face in my hands, gently caressing her while we kissed. She moaned in my mouth. I remember thinking at the time, and I still think it, that the best kiss any man will ever get is that first real kiss from his Mother. That kiss, full of promise, says it all. Mom's kiss, full of promise, said it all. That kiss said that she considered me a man, and a man who might enjoy something he'd never forget. That kiss said that what had previously been considered impossible, was possible. Even if a kiss was all that happened, it was enough. It was the kiss of a lifetime, and we both were caught up in it. Was it ten minutes, or ten hours, or ten days that we kissed like that, with her straddling me, her pussy rubbing against my hard dick? But the kiss wasn't all that happened. She pulled back to break the kiss and looked me in the eyes. Our faces were inches apart. I noticed that she had beautiful blue eyes, and I wondered why I had never seen that before. "You're beautiful," I said, and I meant it. "So are you," she replied softly, and in one quick move she reached to the bottom of her tank top and peeled it right over her head. I was speechless. My Mom, half naked and straddling me, with her beautiful tits right in my face. What would any normal man do? Yep. I did exactly that. I leaned forward and took her left breast in my mouth. I worked her nipple with my tongue and then tried my best to suck her whole breast into my mouth. I worked that tit like a man possessed, and then switched to the other one. She had her head back, holding my head and rubbing her fingers in my hair, while giving little whimpers, and then she said, "You loved those nipples when you were a baby." I removed my hands from her breasts and grabbed her ass, hunching it on my dick. Based on my experience, I thought she was pretty close to cumming right there. I was ready to take this to a whole new level, but I was mature enough to have learned the "No, means No" lesson so I wasn't going to do anything she didn't want. My rule was that the woman always decided if we were going to fuck, and that meant asking permission at every step. Asking permission didn't mean, "May I suck your tit?," but maybe just asking, "Do you like that?" while I gently touched it. That said, I was going to fuck her like the guy who left the marks on her leg hadn't fucked her. If she wanted to be fucked like it was going out of style, then that's what I'd give her. "Hell," I thought. "She's practically naked on my lap. Let's push the bubble." I pulled my face off her breast and took both of them in my hands. "I love these and I love you. All I want right now is to fuck you like I've always wanted, and to be the best fuck you've ever had." Some women like a little dirty talk. Some women don't. I thought Dad, if he had placed her on that pedestal, probably didn't tell her that he wanted to fuck her raw. I thought she might like to be fucked raw and to hear that she was so hot. I squeezed her breasts, rubbing my thumbs across her nipples. I pinched her left nipple and said it again. "Did you hear me, Mom? I want to be the best fuck you've ever had." "You already are," she said softly, and planted her mouth back on mine. My hands were mauling those tits, and she was loving it. "Don't leave marks," she said. "Sandy's here, and your Dad will be home in a week." It dawned on me. We had been playing a dance between us all summer while Dad was away, and she knew our window was closing. She had decided we were going to fuck, and she had taken the steps to make it happen. Maybe I was a fool for waiting so long. On the other hand, her urgency had clearly tipped her over the edge. As we kissed, my hands on her breasts, she continued to make hunching motions that rubbed her pussy against my dick. Her hands were holding my head. She took her right hand away, continuing to kiss me, and reached down to put it on my dick. Remember what I said about the first real kiss with your Mother? Well, think about the first time your Mom puts her hand on your hard dick. You will never have a moment to top the first time your Mother touches your hard dick. She rubbed it, squeezed it through my shorts, and then put her fingers around the head. Mom was still in charge. She pulled back and looked in my eyes, then deftly unbuttoned my shorts and unzipped them. Only when she had my bare dick in her hand did she break eye contact, looking down to examine it. "Oh, my," she whispered. "You're such a bad boy." She squeezed it to emphasize her point and I groaned. Still determined to allow her wild side to play, I said, "Suck it, Mom. Suck my dick for me." She laughed a bit. "Honey, that's not a dick. That thing is a cock. Dicks are smaller." I laughed with her and put my hand on the back of her head as I gently pushed. "Then suck my cock, Baby." I'm uncircumcised. The guys used to make fun of me about it. For awhile my nickname was "Helmet," and they'd laugh when they called me that at school. It made me pretty self-conscious, until I discovered the secret. The foreskin is loaded with nerve endings. If someone knows what she's doing, it can be mind-blowing. If they don't know and treat it roughly like they might a circumcised one, it can be pretty painful. Some of the girls at school knew that, but most didn't, so the number of truly pleasurable blowjobs I'd had were in the single digits. Mom knew. She licked lightly around the foreskin as she stretched it back, and then enveloped the head of my dick in her mouth. Remember what I said about firsts with your Mother? That goes quadruple with your first blowjob from your Mom. Even if it's not a good one, you'll never forget it. And this wasn't a good one. This was a great one. Mom knew her way around a dick, I can tell you that, and I was the beneficiary. I brushed her graying hair back so I could watch. "God, Mom. You can suck a dick." I hunched gently against her face. "I love fucking that beautiful face. I love it." She looked up at me and met my eyes, and I exploded. I didn't mean to, but I couldn't hold it. "I'm sorry, Mom. I thought I could hold it, but looking at your face..." She pulled off my dick and spit about a gallon of cum on my belly, laughing. "I forgot how big a load a young guy carries," she said. "You almost drowned me." "Maybe you need some mouth-to-mouth, then," and I pulled her up and kissed her deeply. I could taste my cum. She climbed back in my lap and we snuggled for awhile, my face nestled in her breasts. "I don't expect your sister until the wee hours," she whispered in my ear. "Wanna go upstairs?" Boy, did I jump up. "Hell, yes!" She took my hand and led me up the stairs. I didn't know where we were going, but she led me right into her room. She led me to the bed that she and Dad shared. I had expected her to take me to my room, but no, she took me to hers. That's a pretty wanton woman, isn't it, to fuck in her husband's bed? I knew I was in for the fuck of my life, and I wasn't wrong. She pushed me back on the bed and quickly stripped her shorts off while I got naked. She crawled up the bed, straddling me, and reached down for my dick. "Take it easy," she cautioned. "You're big and with menopause, I'm pretty sensitive down there." She rubbed the head of my dick against her slit to lube it, then placed it where she wanted it. I hunched up, involuntarily. "No, no," she said. "Take it easy. Let me get used to it, then we'll see. You have to stretch me out." She slid slowly down my dick, enveloping it completely in her pussy. "Oh, God," she said. "That's nice." She rode me like a rodeo champion. I was right - she needed a good, hard fuck from time to time, and this was the time. Her on top, I grabbed her thighs, right where those bruises had been. I'll admit it, I smiled. I almost laughed. She had her head thrown back and her eyes closed, so she didn't see. "You think he left bruises?," I thought to myself. "You wait until I'm done with you." As she furiously hunched me, fucking me, I squeezed her left thigh with my right hand, to the best of my might. She seemed to like it. "Oh, God, what are you doing to me," she moaned. Her sensitivity passed, I met her hunching with my own, practically throwing her off, so I had to hold her legs. I fucked her. I fucked her hard. She loved a good hard fucking, and she was ready for almost everything. It was "almost" everything because even though she loved me fingering her ass while I ate her pussy, she balked at letting me fuck her there. "Honey, you're too big. Maybe one day we'll try it, but I'm not ready for that right now." That was good enough for me. At about one in the morning, she called a halt. It was in-charge Mom again. "You've got to scoot. Sandy will be home soon, and I don't think we want her to see you in bed with your Mother." "Mom, I don't know what to say." She kissed me, and I kissed her back, putting all the love in it I could muster. She broke the kiss. "I said, scoot, Mister. We'll have more time. I promise you." And we did. When there was anyone else around, she was prim and proper Ice Queen Mom. When we were alone and we knew we wouldn't be disturbed, she was the hottest woman I'll ever know. I didn't ask about her fuck buddy - I decided it was really none of my business - but I never saw any more evidence that she was doing it. Of course, that was the idea. I wouldn't have seen, because she was careful. Before we knew it, the time for Dad's return had arrived. I was nervous, I have to say. Would he know? Could he tell? Could a man tell if his wife had been fucking? Would I let something slip? Would Mom confess in a moment of guilt and weakness? I just didn't know, but I was afraid. A part of me felt sorry for Dad. He had no idea that his wife was fucking around, and why would he? She was the perfect model of what a wife should be. Theirs was a perfect marriage. I eventually came to the realization that she, like so many wives, yearned for a good, hard fuck. I was giving her that with absolutely minimal risk, so it was a winner for all concerned. But there was none of that. Frankly, I was amazed, and learned a lot about people by the way she handled it. She was loving to him, as if our time had never happened. You would never know by watching her that she had fucked anyone, much less her son. No wonder women can get away with it better than men A couple of days after Dad got home, we were grilling steaks on the patio and Mom was sitting in her chair, sipping wine. She had her feet tucked up on the chair with her knees up. Dad looked over at her. "Damn, Debbie. Where'd you get that bruise?" There was a bright line of fingertip-sized bruises on her outside left thigh, with another bruise a palm's width to the top of her thigh. She looked down and covered it with her hand. "Oh, that? I bruise easily, you know. Who knows what I might have bumped into." He nodded, accepting her explanation without question, and went back to the steaks. She made sure Sandy wasn't watching, and looked at me. She smiled, and winked. I knew, at that moment, that I'd be fucking her for a very long time. I still had much to learn. For Pics visit:---->>> https://cutt.ly/hwsMVhC
Title: Seduced by my ex-girlfriend's mom Summary: This is based on an old girlfriend and her mom. The first part is true but once the sex starts its all fiction. Keywords: Fiction, Anal, Blowjob, Male / Older Female, Mature, Oral Sex My name is John. I have always been a fairly well-balanced, healthy, and All-American boy. Six-two, 185 pounds, athletic body, blond hair, blue eyes. Good family, normal relationships, all that jazz. When I was 27 years old I met and became involved with a girl named Jen. She was 22 at the time. The relationship started off with a bang and was balls to walls all the way. She was a piece of work. After about a year the ride got a little too wild and I jumped off. I broke up with her. But things got even wilder after that. Jen was very attractive. Maybe 5-6, thin frame, sexy long legs, good rump, and ample bosom. She had long brown hair, green eyes, was a terrible flirt and loved to fuck. The sex was good and plenty and she had an untamed streak. I got to know Jen's family some in that year and visited her mother's house for the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. Her mother, Rebecca, was a taller edition of Jen: perhaps 5-8, shoulder-length dark brown hair, thin face, very lean with the same long legs, nice perky tits a bit smaller than Jen's, and a toned body with an incredible ass. She was in her forties but to me she looked thirtyish. The couple of times I was over her house I was constantly checking out her behind. Her mother was divorced from her father, who according to Jen was a complete asshole. Her mother had a boyfriend named Chuck, who was there for Thanksgiving but I didn't see him at Christmas. Jen has a brother a year younger, but I only met him once. Jen attended a local university and got hired to a staff position after graduation. It was a good job with good pay, good hours and benefits. But she was fired from her job after she was caught on campus blowing a professor in the English department. The professor was fired too. We broke up after that. A scandal ensued, word got around and everyone knew. It was embarrassing. There was no going back. -- A few weeks after the breakup I stopped in the grocery store on the way home from work and I ran into Jen's mother. She looked stunning in a navy blue business suit, her hair pulled back and light on the makeup. I remembered she was a loan officer at some bank and I guessed she had just come from work. I was dressed in jeans and a golf shirt...standard attire for a guy who runs his own small video production company. We said our hellos and I complimented her suit and said it was nice to see her again. "Nice to see you too, John," she replied. "You know, I'm glad I bumped into you. I've been meaning to call you." "You have?" "Yes, I've wanted to talk to you. I felt so bad after everything that happened with Jen and what she did to you. And what she's done to herself. I remember when the two of you were together thinking that she had found herself a good man and I hoped she wouldn't screw it up. Well, she screwed it up!" "Oh well, thanks for your concern. To tell you the truth, I don't think it would have lasted anyway. But I'm over it." "Oh good, John, I'm glad to hear that. Have you heard from her?" "Not lately. She called me constantly for the first two or three weeks but I finally quit taking the calls, so she doesn't call as much anymore. I had to move on." I looked in the basket she carried. There were two bottles of wine, a jar of cocktail sauce and a package wrapped in white paper. "So what do you have here?" I asked, picking up the white package. "Jumbo shrimp," she said. "I had a craving for shrimp cocktails." "Sounds good," I said. "Oh, do you like shrimp? Would you like to join me?" This caught me by surprise. "Join you?" "Yes. Share these shrimp. I'd love the company! Are you free tomorrow night?" I said yes. The next day was Friday and I was wide open. "Wonderful, then it's settled. Listen, I have a meeting after work tomorrow but it shouldn't last too long, perhaps to six or six-thirty at the latest. Could you come over about seven-thirty, would that work for you?" "Works for me," I said. "I'm glad you can make it, I'm looking forward to it. It should be fun. So, until tomorrow..." she said, and then she put her arms around me and hugged me. It felt good but I wasn't sure what to do with my hands. Then she turned and walked toward the checkout. I watched her fine ass all the way down the cereal aisle. -- When I arrived Friday night Rebecca greeted me with a kiss on my cheek. There was mellow jazz playing on the stereo, scented candles burning, and a lovely woman standing before me. I handed her a bottle of fine wine I had brought with me. I knew she'd had two bottles in her shopping basket, but I figured she could never have too much wine. "You shouldn't have brought anything, John," she said. "That wasn't necessary. I just poured a glass for myself, can I get you one?" I accepted. "Have a seat and I'll be right back. I sat on the plush sofa and soon she returned with a tray holding a bottle of wine, two half-filled glasses and shrimp cocktails. Huge shrimp hung on the rims of sauce-filled glasses. She bent down and placed the tray on the table in front of the sofa, then picked up her wine and sat down on the sofa about three feet to my right. She tied her hair back with a scrunchie and turned slightly toward me. She looked gorgeous. She was barefoot and dressed in soft cotton: a short, white, sleeveless, button-down blouse that barely reached the top of her pants. She was braless and her nipples pushed gently at the cloth. Her pants were gray and went to mid-calf. The pants were tight; they stuck to her like paint and it was hard to divert my eyes from the crack of her ass and her camel-toed crotch. "Thank you for coming over," she said, breaking ice, "it's nice to see you again. I was looking forward to this all day. It's nice to spend an evening with a good-looking young man!" I think I blushed. "You look sensational," I said. She thanked me for the compliment and we proceeded with some small talk for a few minutes, about the weather, her job, and my business. The music stopped and she got up and walked over to a bookcase and squatted down to switch the player to another playlist. I could see the strap of her t-back thong on her skin at the top of her ass when her blouse rose up a little on her back. When she returned to the couch she sat a little closer. She turned toward me and hooked one leg under her. I tried not to look at her lower lips. "So, where were we?" she asked. I didn't remember and neither did she. "Well, John, may I say one thing, and then we can move on and I'll drop the subject for good?" "Sure," I said. She took a drink of wine and poured some more into our glasses. "I want to apologize to you for what my daughter did. I knew she was a little wild, but I never thought she would be capable of something like that!" "You needn't apologize, really, although I appreciate it. I think it shocked everybody. But I doubt it would have lasted much longer anyway." "Did she hurt you?" "Maybe a little. It was mostly embarrassment, for her as well as me. Like you said, she could get wild. She was wild when I met her, so there was no reason to think she'd be any less wild because of me. I suspected she was screwing other guys but didn't know for sure. Either way, I didn't think it would last." "Oh," she said. There was a pause. I was afraid I'd said too much. "I'm sorry, I hope I didn't say anything wrong..." "No, its okay," she said. "I guess I knew my little girl could be promiscuous. How did you meet her? You said she was wild when you met..." It was my turn to take a gulp of wine. "You sure you want to know?" "Well...yes, what the hell. Let me hear it." I popped a shrimp into my mouth and took another sip of wine. "These shrimp are huge and this sauce is delicious," I said. "Don't try to change the subject on me boy, spit it out!" "Okay," I said, "Here goes. Jen was a party girl and there were always parties near the campus. I saw her at a party and I thought she was attractive, she was always having fun, you know, and seemed to know everybody. And then later on at that party I saw her making out with a girl, real heavy-like, which was kind of a turn on. Then a week later I saw her at another party and she was making out with a guy, and that was more of a turn-on to me. I thought, okay, she's not a lesbian, that's good. There was something incredibly tempting about her, she had charisma. I wanted to be around her." I ate another shrimp and took another sip. "And... then what happened?" "You're sure you want to hear this?" "Yes! You stop now and I'll pour that cocktail sauce over your head!" We both laughed out loud. She had a beautiful laugh. "Okay," I began. "You asked for it." I took one more slug for courage. "A couple weeks later I saw her again. It was at a house party and she was actually standing by herself for a minute so I got up the nerve to approach her. We started talking and kidding around a little, flirting, and I liked her sense of humor. After talking with her for a few minutes, I told her I'd seen her at one party making out with a girl, and at another one she was making out with a guy. So I asked her what gives. She said that it depends on what mood she's in. Then I asked her what mood she was in at the moment. And she drank the rest of her beer and she put her mouth to my ear and whispered that she was in the mood for anal sex." "You're kidding!" she said. "After ten-fifteen minutes of conversation my little girl asked you to fuck her in the ass?" I was surprised to hear her say that, but it was sexy as hell. "Her words exactly," I said. "And what did you say next?" "I asked her if she was serious. Then she grabbed me between the legs and told me to go find us some lube and I'd find out." Rebecca was enjoying the story. She reached for her glass to take another sip of wine and when she sat back she turned slightly more toward me, giving me an even better view of her open lips behind the soft fabric of her pants. "So what did you do next?" she asked. "I went to the kitchen and found some olive oil and was back in a flash." "Olive oil?" she asked incredulously. "It works in a pinch," I said. "So, go on," she said. She was going to make me say it. "We found a room that was not being used." "And you fucked my daughter in the ass!" "Yes. She asked me to." "No kissing, no fondling..." "Plenty of that came after." She ate a shrimp and emptied the wine bottle into our wine glasses. She said she'd be right back and got up and I stared at her concave asscrack as she left to visit the bathroom. When she returned she had another bottle and poured a little more into our glasses. "John, do you know my first name?" "Yes," I said. "Rebecca." "That's the first time I've ever heard you say it. Even when you visited at the holidays you never called me by name." "Really? Are you serious?" I said. "Yes. Say it again." I said it. She asked me to repeat it. I did. She asked me to say her name several more times and I complied. "I like to hear you say it." "I like saying it, Rebecca." "Very good, you're a quick study. Let me ask you this: why did you come over here tonight? And don't tell me the shrimp." "You're right, Rebecca. It definitely was not the shrimp. It was the cocktail sauce." We shared coy smiles and it was nice. It felt right. "Are you attracted to older women, John?" "I'm attracted to you." "How old are you, John?" Twenty-eight," I said. "I'm forty-three. Fifteen years is a big difference in age." "You look like you're in your early thirties to me, so I figure, hell, it's only three or four years." "Good answer. Do you want to fuck me?" This was a surprise, but a good surprise, to hear her say `fuck'. It was sexy to hear her say it. "Yes, Rebecca." "Say it." "I want to fuck you." "Rebecca." "I want to fuck you, Rebecca." "Okay," she said as she chewed on another shrimp. "So that's the answer to my question: you came over here to fuck me." "Yes, Rebecca. I never would have forced it, but I came over here hoping to fuck you." I was getting hard listening to her talk. She scooted a little closer. "Okay. We already know you like anal sex. Do you want to fuck me up the ass? Say it." "Yes, I want to fuck you up the ass." "Whose ass do you want to fuck?" "Rebecca's. I definitely want to fuck Rebecca up the ass!" She looked down between my legs and saw my hard-on straining at the denim. "It looks like you're a little excited down here," she said, and moved close and touched me for the first time by placing her hand on my penis. "Let's let him out so he's more comfortable." She opened my pants and pulled them to the floor and sat back. She traced two fingers all around my cock and balls with a light feathery touch. I was swollen to the achy max. She told me she thought it was sexy that I was shaved clean and wore no underwear. "How about tits?" she asked. "I love having my tits sucked..." "Rebecca, I would love to suck your tits!" She took my hand and placed my finger tips on her hard nipple. With her other hand she continued her velvety caress on my Longfellow. "Feel how hard I am?" she said. "You're making me hard, John. I want to fuck you, but I don't want to be just another notch on your belt." "That's not my style..." "What about oral sex?" "I'm in favor of it." I said. This was as turned on as I'd ever been in my life. Her fingers continued their tender magic on the taut skin of my cock. I already knew this would not be a one night stand if I had anything to say about it. "Do you want to eat my forty-three year old pussy?" "First chance I get." "Are you any good at it?" "If not I will just have to keep eating your pussy over and over until I get it right." "Do you like to have your cock sucked?" I nodded. She then said, "So you'd like my forty-three year old lips around your twenty-eight year old cock?" "Yes, Rebecca!" "Let me hear you say it." "Rebecca, I want you to suck my twenty-eight year old cock with your forty-three year old mouth!" "That's good, because that is all I've been able to think about since I walked out of that grocery store yesterday. Very soon I will become your cocksucker. And I want you to do me a favor. When you come in my mouth I want you to shoot the biggest load that's ever shot out of your lovely cock. I want you to aim for the ceiling! Because I want you to have plenty of stamina when you fuck me, and I want you to fuck me for a long time. And I've wanted to fuck you for a long time." It surprised me when she said that, but I liked hearing it. How long? I wondered. Her fingers continued their downy dance below my tightened balls. She put her other hand behind my head. "But first I want to kiss you," she said, and she pulled my face to hers. It was no ordinary kiss. She wrapped her hand around my dick and gripped the back of my head. She mashed our lips together and her tongue slithered into my mouth. It was a kiss like I'd never had. It was primitive, animal. Her lips were soft, her mouth was big and her tongue was long and strong. My arms went around her and explored her neck, her back, her ass. It went on and on for what seemed a long time, we moaned together. Her tongue pounded me, controlled me, and wriggled to deepest reaches of my mouth. Kissing Rebecca was like getting fucked in the throat! When we finally parted, both of us grinned. "Wow," she said. "Not a bad first kiss, huh? We'll have to get back to that later because right now I'm going to suck you like a straw!" She maneuvered onto the floor in front of me and tossed my pants aside. She spread my legs and gently kissed the tip of my dick, which already glistened. She slipped her right hand into her pants briefly, and then I felt her slimy finger snake into my asshole. I groaned as her finger slid back and forth, in and out of me. Then she lowered her head and starting under my balls, she stuck out her tongue all the way and traced it slowly up my crankshaft to its tip. I couldn't believe the length of her tongue! It was about six inches long and she used every inch of it. I now understood the cause of our volcanic kiss. Rebecca had a very talented mouth. Then she took me into her deep mouth. She moved her head up and down, sucking it, lipping it, massaging it, licking it. Her finger fucked me, her mouth sucked me. I held back as long as I could, but after a couple of minutes I lost all control and the eruption began. I roared like a pissed-off grizzly bear when I let it go. It was one of those incredibly intense orgasms when you can feel the sperm fighting to get out and can feel the rapids streaming up through the shaft and it burns on the way out. Rebecca's mouth remained clamped onto me and I aimed for the ceiling. I exploded an enormous payload into her, seven or eight shots, and she took it all. When my spasms abated she removed her mouth from my spent spout. Then she stood up in front of me and her beautiful brown eyes peered into mine. "Oh my god, Rebecca, I don't know what to say." Then she took my hand and held it to her crotch. "I'm going to come....feel me come," she said. A moment later it came in gushes. I felt the waves as her fluids hurtled out of her, slamming into fabric and soaking her pants and my hand. When she was done she took my soppy hand and raised it to her mouth and licked it with her gifted tongue. Her pants were drenched, and dripped from the crotch and the top few inches of each leg. Then she bent over and kissed me with her cummy mouth and tongue. She started to remove her pants and peeled them downward to the floor and stepped out of them. Her sheer thong was saturated and clung to her flared pussy lips and clitoris. She took it off then put her knees on either side of me on the couch, facing me, sitting on my lap. She held the thong up to her nose and mouth, and then she held it to my face, covering my mouth, and shoved her tongue through the soppy garment into my mouth. It was another Amazon Woman kiss and I tasted her buttermilk tang swirl on my tongue. She plunged me with it for twenty seconds or so, then backed out, tossed the thong over her shoulder and rammed her tongue back into my mouth. It was a long kiss. Her hands dug into my neck and back, and mine into hers. It started hard, fast and furious, and gradually lessened into soft, slow and sensual. "Damn, woman, I think you might be trying to kill me," I said. "I want to sit on your face," she said, and took me by the hand and led me to her bed. Once in her room we stood facing each other and unbuttoned our shirts. I kicked off my shoes and we were naked together for the first time. She was the sexiest woman. Her tits were smallish but perfect. In her navel she wore a gold stud with a small gold chain dangling from it. "Lie down on my bed, she said. I lay down on my back and Rebecca scooted onto the bed on her knees. Her stiff nipples stared at me as she rubbed her pussy on my toes. She moved her body slowly up my leg, massaging me with her pussy. To my thigh, my groin, my stomach, my chest, slowly, teasing me, but finally her lips met mine. I gently kissed her all around her opening and licked her wet lips and she spread them for me giving me full access. I stuck my tongue into her and she let out with a squeaky gasp. She pushed her snatch down into my face and she groaned as she grinded. "Eat my pussy, baby," she said. "Eat that fucking pussy! Eat my fucking pussy till I come, baby, then you're going to put your big fucking cock in there and fuck me. I want you to fucking fuck me!" I was again stiff as a board, her dirty talk egging me on. I tongued her as deeply as I could and squeezed her ass cheeks, assisting her as she navigated our lips. "Put your fingers in my ass. Let me feel your fingers up my ass!" she half-screamed. I obliged. I pulled my tongue out of her and slipped three fingers into her wet grotto. Then I placed one finger at her bunghole and pushed it in and went to work. As I worked my finger into her I surrounded her clit with my lips and sucked. "Ah, yesssss..." she shouted, "That's it, that's it! You know how to eat my pussy, baby! Eat me baby, eat that fucking pussy, you fucking pussy-eating, clit-sucker!" My ex-girlfriend's hot mom had quite a vocabulary, but what a turn-on! I squeezed another finger into her asshole and she squealed and started panting and grinding on my face. I nibbled her swollen rubber button and she smothered me with her crotch and clutched my head with her knees. "Goddamn it, yes, stretch me baby! Stretch my asshole so I'll be ready. I'm going to do that to you too, baby. I'm going to fuck your ass with my tongue! Ughhh..." Then it was high tide. She howled at the moon and emptied her love bucket onto my face, and I tasted her malted milk for the second time. She scooted down to lay beside me and we kissed and her tongue again filled my mouth. I could get used to this. We lay together on our sides facing each other, our faces close. My hand fondled her back, her hand was on my hip. "That was fantastic," she said. "That was huge. I've come big, twice. And you haven't even fucked me yet." We kissed a gentle kiss. "Sorry if I talk so raunchy. It's just when I get that excited I can't help it." "I love it. Don't stop, the dirtier the better." I kissed her again. "You are so fucking hot!" She reached down and fondled my penis. "You have a perfect cock," she said softly. "About eight inches? That's ideal size because anything over that and women can't feel it anyway." She nailed it. "You're pretty good; you hit it right on the head." "Do you remember when you came over for Thanksgiving and you and Jen spent the night?" she said, and I nodded. "Well, the next morning Jen and I were awake but you were still asleep. Outside your room Jen and I were in the hallway and she told me she wanted to show me something. Your bedroom door was open a bit and Jen said, `Look at that!' You were naked and lying on top of the covers with a big erection. It was beautiful. You were tall, had a slim, athletic body, you shaved down here. A perfect cock." She squeezed my growing penis. "And then Jen said, `eight inches of morning glory, I can't pass this up'," Rebecca added. "Then she went into the room and left the door slightly ajar, probably on purpose. I should have just left, but I didn't. I couldn't. So I watched. Jen positioned the side of her head on your stomach facing the door. I watched her take you into her mouth and suck you awake. I watched your movements, your hands in her hair, I saw your cock slide in and out of her mouth. Watching you made me wet. I saw you pull her up to you and kiss her and roll her over and mount her. I watched your tight ass muscles clench every time you swung your cock into her, I heard your grunts. I was jealous. I wanted it to be me you were fucking. Then I went to my room and masturbated, thinking of you." She paused, still stroking me. She dipped her head to kiss my chest and give my nipple a little suck. "That's how long I've wanted to fuck you," she said. "John," I said. "Say it." She smiled at me. "That's how long I've wanted to fuck you, JOHN." She squeezed my pecker as she said it. "And I want to kiss your mouth while you fuck me, JOHN." I put my mouth to hers and sucked in her tongue while rolling on top of her, her hand still gripping me below. She guided me to her open house. Then I put my dick into Rebecca for what I hoped would be the first of many times. We fucked like two interlocking parts. She compressed my cock with her vise-like cunt. I sucked her snaky tongue into my mouth. My fingers fucked her ass and hers fucked mine. Fast and furious, up and down we fucked, her bed rocked, the headboard hammered the wall, and I pounded her ass into the mattress. We fucked like that for a long time. She tried to talk but it was hard to talk with two tongues her mouth. So she grunted and shrieked and squawked which made me fuck her even harder. We fucked like we were mixing a can of paint. Up till then my stamina had held up, but I wanted to pace myself so I slowed us down and continued to fuck her softly. I pulled my mouth away from hers and covered her face and neck with a parade of gentle kisses. Then I looked at her beautiful face and she smiled at me. Our locked groins continued their sweet motion. "Wow, you can fuck!" she said. "So can you, Rebecca." She smiled and closed her eyes with a spacy look. She quickened our pace a little. "God, what a fuck!" she said. "Fuck me...fuck me...fuck me..." Then: "I'm coming..." I started drilling her harder than before. "Oh, fuck." She screamed. "Yes! That's it. Fuck me hard you cougar fucker. Finally sticking me with your big, hard, mother fucking cock. Shoot your fucking hot sauce in me, baby, let me hear you howl like you did when I sucked your big fucking cock with my fingers fucking your sexy ass like I am now. God, what a fuck! You..." I mashed my mouth into hers and I siphoned her tongue back into my mouth and it came. I bellowed into her mouth and slammed her harder still, her fingers now double-timing my asshole, as my lava erupted into Rebecca's sublime pink sink. My body radiated in electric violent tremors, and slowly abated little by little until I was still. I rolled over on my back, but with our fingers still firmly planted, she rolled over on top of me, still in our kiss. We stayed that way for a few minutes as my erection dissipated inside her. Finally she rolled off and we rested in one another's arms. "I can't believe it," she said softly. "It's never been like that!" "Not for me either," I said. "Fucking you is like having my dick tied to the back of a train!" She laughed. "Oh, there's more where that came from." "I'm glad to hear that. You are an incredible lover, but, but..." "But what?" "But I have to go to the bathroom." "Oh, okay, that's okay. If you started to tell me how you have to get up early in the morning or something, I was going to have to hit you upside the head with a lamp or something." "What? Why go home and dream about you when I can stay here and have you for real? No, I'm afraid you're going to have to kick me out of this bed." "Okay, you go the bathroom. But make a detour through the kitchen on your way back. The olive oil is in the cabinet above the microwave." -- When I returned I brought the olive oil and as a plastic bottle of honey as well. I put the oil on the nightstand and got in the bed beside Rebecca. "What's with the honey?" she asked. "Oh, have a sweet tooth, I guess," I said. Then I squirted honey generously on her glorious tits and nipples. "I've been eating pretty good tonight, I must admit. But now I want a little dessert!" And I started sucking. For the next twenty minutes I feasted on Honey-covered Breast of Rebecca. She moaned and whimpered and whispered dirty talk in a state of rapture while I licked and sucked and nibbled her titties and her hands twisted in my hair. By then, my iron cock needed her again and she was more than ready. I dipped down for another taste of her pussy and it was swampy with desire. She pulled my head up and pushed her lips to mine and kissed me hard. "Fuck me again, you horny bastard!" she said. As we fucked she talked and rambled on with fluid profanity when my tongue wasn't in her mouth. After a few minutes she slowed us down and murmured, "It's time for the oil. I want it in my ass." I backed out and reached for the bottle. I poured some on her hand and she rubbed it up and down my Stiff Richard. I pressed my oily finger into her ass. "You want it from the front or doggy style?" I asked. "Front. I want to see your face when you come." With one hand she pulled her left ass cheek to the side, and with the other guided my cock toward her loving cup. She fed me into her hungry hiney. Inch my inch, grunt by grunt, she took it into her, and soon we were in perfect unison, eight inches of hard love gliding in and out of her butt glove. She rubbed her clit to another climax and I soon followed, and ejaculated my hot sauce deep into her ass. I rolled over and we kissed ourselves to sleep. The last time I glanced at the clock it was after four a.m. -- I woke alone around eleven in the morning. I went to the bathroom and there was a toothbrush and tube of toothpaste on the sink with a note that said, `I'm in the Jacuzzi, come as you are!' I showered and my clothes were gone anyway, so I walked out back. My clothes were folded on a table, and Rebecca was naked in the tub. "Good morning, Handsome!" she said. "Breakfast is done, warming in the oven. But I thought having a Bloody Mary in the Jacuzzi with a sex machine would be a good start to the day." I climbed into the tub and into her arms. We kissed and I settled in beside her with my arm behind her. Soon I nestled behind her and she was sitting between my legs facing away. I could feel her butt firm against my penis. I put my arms around her and fondled her breasts and nibbled her neck, and soon her nipples and my cock were hard. She turned to face me and stuck her long tongue in my mouth and as we kissed she reached over and turned on the jets. As the warm water churned around us, I felt her hand around my cock. She lifted slightly, guided me to her and sat back down, her pussy walls sucking me in. We fucked slowly as we kissed, and gradually gained momentum. When her fingernails began digging into my back I knew she was close. I rammed her harder two or three times and she blurted out, "Oh, fuck! Oh, yes!" and she came with fierce convulsions as I sent my semen into her again. She melted into me and I stayed inside her until I was limp. Over breakfast with towels wrapped around us, I suggested that I take her out to dinner that night if she wasn't busy. "Aren't you supposed to wine and dine the girl before you get her into the sack?" she asked with a wink. We shared a laugh and I told her that I was sorry, but when I came over for shrimp I had no idea I would fall under the spell of a sexual dynamo. "Tell you what," she said. "Why don't we eat in, we can grill and eat right here. I have yoga and aerobics this afternoon and I can pick up the groceries on the way home." I told her I loved the idea, but I would pick up the items at the store. "No way!" she joked. "I've seen the way you operate in the grocery store. You might charm your way into some other woman's house for seafood!" -- When I arrived that evening Rebecca was standing on the patio placing kebabs on the grill. She wore a flimsy, low cut white dress and nothing else. Her nipples again were saying `Hi' to me through the thin cloth. We embraced, our tongues immediately enmeshed and her hands went to my belt. As she unbuckled and unzipped my pants she said she wanted it right then, standing up, with her dress on. "I almost came during yoga class thinking about this. Fuck me, John. Drive me through the fucking wall!" I reached to her pussy and soaked my fingers. I stuck one finger in her mouth and she sucked it, and my tongue joined the party. Her hand on my hard cock, she pulled my meat to her oven. I put my hands on her ass and lifted, and it slid right in to the hilt. I poked my finger into her ass and started pounding her. She screamed with every thrust, and though I tried to muffle her with my mouth, I'm sure if any nearby neighbors were outdoors they would wonder what the hell was going on. Her arms were around my neck, her legs were around my back, and she sucked me with her sweet, strong walls. "You can...Ugh... Fuck... Ugh... Me anytime...Ugh...Will eat dinner...Ugh...Fuck again...Ugh," she rambled on, as I impaled her ass and reamed her twat. She howled when she came, and I kept plowing her, and I could feel my cock with the tip of my finger when they were both deep inside her. I half-growled, half-moaned as I unloaded into her. Just in time too. The grill needed attention. "Put me down," Rebecca said, as she kissed me. "I love the position but we need to turn the meat." We had a nice dinner and I spent the night again. We continued to explore the various ways our body parts could enter one another. Rebecca screamed. She moaned. She cursed a lot in her throes. I left her Sunday around noon. We both had work to do. -- Over the next few weeks we got into a routine of spending weekends together. We'd work Monday through Friday, and fuck from Friday night until Sunday afternoon. We both knew if we woke up together on Monday mornings we may not get to work on time. Then one Saturday night, after a glorious, athletic, and orgasmic lovemaking session in sixty-nine position, I mentioned to her a vacation I had already planned, and it was coming up in a couple of weeks and would she like to join me? "Vacation?" she asked. "Yes," I explained. "It's been planned for months and it's all paid for, and non-refundable. So I may as well go. And it's a reservation for two." "Where to?" "It's a private resort on a small island in the Caribbean. Jen found the place somehow. It's the kind of place where anything goes, couples getting naked, having sex on the beach. Would you like to go?" "You want us to have sex on the beach? With everybody watching us?" she asked. I said, "We can have sex wherever you like. We can stay in the room and have sex if you like. It's just a chance to get away and have some fun. It's off season so we may have the place to ourselves, I don't know." She asked me who I'd be fucking on the beach if she couldn't make it. I told her I was asking her to come with me and we could fuck wherever she wanted. She said she'd think about it, but she wasn't sure she could take time off. I said perhaps she could get part of the week off. She said she'd see what she could do. A week later she hadn't given me a firm answer so on Sunday night when we parted I left her with her plane ticket and the vacation documents. "I changed the name on the reservation to yours," I said. -- The trip was scheduled from Sunday to Sunday. As it worked out Rebecca had to be at work Monday for some big meeting or something but was able to finagle the rest of the week off. She came down on a Tuesday morning flight and took a taxi from the airport to the hotel. When she arrived in mid-afternoon she found me waiting by the far end of the pool. I was dressed in swim trunks and was reading a paperback. "Hey, Sailor, want a date?" I looked up at her and she smiled at me. Again she was beautiful, dressed in white pants and a red tube top. "Absolutely! Damn woman, you look good enough to eat!" "I just flew 1600 miles, I hope you're hungry!" she said. She sat on the lounge chair with me and we kissed for the first time on a non-weekend. I welcomed her long, warm tongue into my mouth and squeezed her butt. Her left hand rubbed my penis as we kissed. She glanced around the pool. There were only a couple people scattered here and there and the pool bar didn't open until happy hour. By now my dick was getting good and hard and Rebecca started to untie the fly on my trunks. I grabbed her hands and asked her what she was doing. "What do you think I'm doing, Big Boy?" She took my cock out. "I couldn't let you just sit around here in this tropical heat while I have a fire between my legs!" "Rebecca..." "Relax, JOHN. I've read up on this place. If you can fuck on the beach I don't see any reason why I can't suck you by the pool." She was right. She lowered her head and took me into her mouth. As her beautiful mouth fucked my cock, I moaned with pleasure and glanced around. One couple in particular took in the show and seemed to enjoy it. No one else seemed to notice. I soon came with a flourish and she sucked it all in. Then she kissed me with her slick tongue. "Been looking forward to that all day!" she then said. "Now put this thing back in your pants. Let's go to our room and see if you remember how to take my clothes off." -- That was how our vacation started and it only got better after that. We went back to the room and fucked and sucked for the rest of the day, ate a room service dinner and talked. We talked a lot in fact, and wrapped around genital fondling and several fellatio and cunnilingus interludes we had a very interesting and eye-opening chat. "Nice place you dragged me to," she said. "Huh?" "You wanna fuck me in public right, in front of others, is that it?" "Well no, it was your daughter's idea originally, I just handled the reservations." "So you do not want to fuck me in public, in front of others?" "No, not if you don't." "I'm on vacation with you. I know all about this resort. It's all about fucking! " "Right! I'll fuck you anytime you want." "So you DO want to fuck me in front of other people?" "Whatever turns you on baby." "Good! How about other people?" "What do you mean?" I asked. "Are we going to fuck other people too?" This had not entered my mind and I wasn't prepared for it. "Do you want to fuck somebody else?" "Well, no," she said. "I'm just asking because this place is all about fucking. And you said Jen found this place and we know she was wild and you and her did some crazy shit in bed with different..." "Let's not bring her into it..." "What if we both want to fuck the same person..." she said. "What, a woman?" "Or a man..." "Well I don't want to fuck a man..." I stammered. "What if I want to fuck a woman?" "Is that what you want, to fuck a woman? I'm sure it could..." "I don't know. Would you be okay with that? A woman fucking me?" There was a pause of dead air between us. "Sure, I guess so," I replied. "As long as I can help her!" She burst out laughing. Then I fucked her hard, one of our hardest fucks ever. I got on top of her on the bed and with each thrust I tried to slam my cock through the floor. We both moaned and grunted louder than usual. -- Late the next morning we headed out to the beach. I wore shorts and Rebecca wore a bikini and a cover-up. The beach was not crowded so we laid out our towels and made our space. There were a few naked people here and there so we were pretty relaxed. Gradually we got ourselves naked. We started by rubbing lotion on each other. Her top came off and I massaged her glorious tits as we kissed and soon my hand slipped under her thong. "Stop," she said. "I want to undress you first!" She did. I lay back and she unbuckled and unzipped my shorts. I was already hard and my cock flopped into plain view. Rebecca stroked me and kissed me and started talking dirty the way she knew I liked. "Wow, you seem to be taking to this place just fine," I said. "See that girl over there in that cabana. She's been checking us out. Let's give her a little show. She took me into her mouth and the long shaft of my cock disappeared into her throat and reappeared over and over. I glanced at the cabana, my shades hiding my eyes. She was a dark girl with long black hair. She was sitting on a tall stool and she was wearing cutoffs and a gray halter that hugged her ample tits. She was tall and thin and her long mocha legs were spread apart. She was definitely watching. This made me get into it even more and I arched my body to ram my cock into Rebecca's mouth as deep as I could. She had mastered her deep throat skills and my ass bucked as she sucked me off. Soon I released a huge, violent load of cum into her mouth. Her mouth stayed on me until my throes were through and she swallowed it all except for the remnants I tasted when we kissed. I was ready to return the favor but she stopped me. "See her?" she asked. "I think she's definitely checking you out." "Sounds like maybe you're checking her out," I said. "Like daughter like Mom?" She didn't say anything to that. She laid back and I turned on my side facing her, running my hand over her smooth stomach, occasionally slipping under her thong. "How was your blow job?" she asked. "Phenomenal. The best ever. You never cease to amaze me." "Your girlfriend seemed to enjoy it," she added. "My girlfriend?" "Well, she is pretty hot. And I'm sure she is impressed with that piece of lumber you have between your legs!" She kissed me. "Want to give her a real show?" she asked. "What?" She pulled off her bikini bottom and rolled onto her stomach. Now we were both completely naked. "More oil, please," she said. I began the process, starting on her neck and shoulders and working southward. She moaned softly. "Play with my ass," she cooed. I complied, softly running my fingers along the crack of her ass and slipping my oily fingers in and out of her beautiful butt. After several minutes he reached over and put her hand on my re-hardening tool. "Are you ready, baby?" she asked. "Ready for what?" "Ready to put on a show for your girlfriend?" "Okay. What do you want?" "Fuck me up the ass!" she said with excitement. I couldn't believe I'd heard her right. "Are you sure? Here?" I asked. "Oh yeah," she said. "She saw me take your whole cock in my mouth and now I want her to see me take that whole, big, fat cock in my tight thin ass, too!" I started to say something but she interrupted just to say, "Please fuck my ass, John!" Then she turned her head to face our friend in the cabana. I glanced over too at our audience. I slathered oil on my cock as I kissed Rebecca's back and neck, then I knelt in position between her legs, my cock stood erect, all eight inches in plain view. "Is she watching?," I asked Rebecca softly. "Oh yeah," she said. "She's got a good view of it now," I said. "Good, baby. Now let's make it disappear!" Then she reached behind her and pulled her cheeks apart. I took my time easing in but soon my balls were slapping on her butt cheeks, and we were both making noise, more than usual, probably for the benefit of our voyeur. With each inward thrust Rebecca shoved her ass toward me, taking me in as if willing my cum into her asshole. I let out a guttural growl. She knew what that meant. "Here I come..." I felt her sphincter tighten on my rod as I released, squeezing me like a lemon, extracting my love juice deep into her ass. When I rolled off of Rebecca she immediately sat up, faced me and plunged her tongue into my mouth. "God, that was hot!" she whispered. "Did your girlfriend like it?" I asked. "Yes, I think your girlfriend did," she replied. -- We spent a while on the beach but I put my shorts back on so I didn't fry my wienie. We headed back to our room to rest a bit. Then in the mid-afternoon I decided to go for a run. Rebecca said she was going to the pool. I said after I ran I would go to the room and shower and then meet her at the pool bar. The exhilaration of our sex on the beach must have carried over to my run and I put in over nine miles instead of my customary five or six. Pleasantly spent, I took a long shower and headed to the pool bar in search of Rebecca and a cold beer. I found her seated at a table near the bar with a familiar companion. Across the table from her was our girlfriend from the cabana, her blue denim cutoffs high on her smooth, creamy legs and her bare, firm chocolate nipples pushing through the fabric of her white cotton t-shirt. They looked like old friends, talking, having fun and several drinks ahead of me. "Hi Hon," Rebecca said as I approached. "This is Jamie..." "Hello, Jamie, nice to meet you." We looked into each other's eyes as we shook hands. She was long and lean and attractive with toned arms and shoulders. We held the gaze for a bit, then I said I was going to grab a beer. I glanced at Rebecca and her big eyes looked directly into mine. "Get us another round too, would you Babe? Vodka tonics," she said. I returned a couple minutes later with the drinks and sat down. "So what have you girls been talking about?" I asked, as I took a long pull on my beer. They looked at each other and smiled. "Well, you, mostly," Rebecca said, and sipped her fresh drink. "Me?" I looked at her, then at Jamie, then back at Rebecca. "Yes," she said. "Jamie and I have been talking for the last hour and a half. She saw us at the beach today. And she would like to join us." "Join us? What for dinner?" I said. They looked at each other again, then back at me. "No. In bed." I looked at them, their eyes drilled into me. I took another gulp of beer. No. In. Bed. Those three little words were the beginning of the wildest, craziest, weirdest, scariest, dirtiest, sexiest, most exciting five days of my life. And I'd never be the same. pics---->> http://bit.ly/1D1q3qp
Title: Daddy's Little Gymnast Ch. 01 Summary: Audra's injury leads to a lot more than it should. Keywords: inc,fic,hot,father,daughter Doug watched as the young girl spun around on the uneven bars, concentration scrawled on her face, muscles straining with the effort of keeping to her routine. She paused at the top of her circuit, spread her legs into splits and then spun down again, releasing her hold on the bar. She flew across to the lower bar and caught it, spinning again. Seemingly only seconds later she was somersaulting through the air before landing on her feet. Her knees remained bent as she confirmed her balance and then she thrust her arms skyward, grinning at her success. Doug didn't really notice the smile. His eyes were drawn to the way in which her leotard clung to her tiny frame as she reached to the sky. The material seemed to be almost like liquid skin, shiny, tight and leaving very little to his over active imagination. He did applaud though, joining in the rest of the arena's appreciation of her work. As he turned his attention to the balance beam he smiled, thinking that there were upsides to having a daughter in competitive gymnastics. Initially it had only been his wife that had gone along. When Audra was younger he'd simply had no interest. After the divorce though, he'd been forced to attend. He hadn't enjoyed it. Then Audra had hit college. Suddenly he realised that there was something to this gymnastics thing after all! The long hours sitting at competitions, training, driving all over the country, injuries and tears all became worthwhile when Audra won. When she wasn't winning, he consoled himself with the fact that those hours were now made bearable by the continuous sight of attractive, athletic girls contorting their bodies into positions that often left him wincing in imagined pain and imagining things he shouldn't. With his wife having left the scene and abandoned them both to live overseas, he spent more time there than most fathers. He was a lot less reluctant these days. Audra looked over to where the girl had just finished on the uneven bars. Unfortunately it had been almost faultless. Audra knew it meant she couldn't afford a single misstep on the beam. If she was to win, she had to nail this performance. She didn't wait to see the score come up, not wanting the additional pressure of knowing exactly how good she would have to perform. She slapped her competition smile on, raised her right arm to signal her intent to start and turned to face the beam, the smile quickly replaced with a look of intense concentration. Doug watched as Audra dashed quickly toward the beam, muscular legs pumping and her short blonde ponytail bobbing along behind her. She hit the springboard, flipped and landed on the narrow wooden apparatus with an audible thud. Doug exhaled quickly after the successful landing. He quickly gasped a breath as she began the rest of the routine. He was unlikely to take another until she finished. He found his fingers crossed and almost every fibre of his being tense as he watched her progression through each element. Doug gasped along with the rest of the crowd as Audra's foot slipped in a landing. Her arms windmilled and she quickly thrust her leg out lateral to the beam, desperate to avoid the penalties of a complete fall. He sighed as she managed it, but knew he was in for a rough ride home. There was no way she would win after that fault and that meant she'd be sulky for days. His relief when she finished the last elements would only be short lived. The fear of her mood was replaced with concern. After indicating that she'd completed her routine to the judges, her stalking departure from the competition floor was marred by a slight limp. "Well I fucked that up!" Audra declared when she met her father after the competition. She'd been so pissed off when she'd finished that she hadn't even bothered showering. She'd thrown her leotard in her bag, ripped off the skin coloured thong she had to wear under it and just dragged her leggings on without bothering with underwear. "Here, let me take your bag," Doug offered, knowing from long experience that there was virtually nothing that he could say to improve the situation. Even the fact that she'd managed to hang on to second place wasn't worth mentioning. That would simply be salt in the wound. "Thanks," Audra muttered, climbing into the front seat of the SUV. The ride home was quiet. Audra didn't want to talk and Doug didn't want to set her off. He couldn't go all the way without asking her how she was though. "I couldn't help but notice that you limped off today, are you ok?" he asked her. Audra sighed. It was a double-edged sword that her father was a physiotherapist. On the positive side she received a lot of free treatment that other girls would have to pay for, but on the down side, her father always seemed to spot when she'd picked up a minor injury. For a gymnast, injury was a part of life. Audra couldn't remember the last time that she'd gone into a competition without some part of her body strapped in some way. She knew girls that had pain killing injections before competing and girls that took risks when medical advice had told them not to compete, but for her, she couldn't get away with it. Her father always told her that her career would be longer and more successful if she followed his advice. She knew it was true too. But that didn't mean that she didn't sometimes just want to get out there and beat everyone regardless of the injury she was carrying. "I'm fine," she told him, staring intently forward. "We'll check it out when we get home," Doug offered. "Fine," she said flatly, knowing from the same long experience that her father had that it was something he wouldn't let go. He was like a dog with a bone when it came to her injuries. ~~~~~~~ "Ok, so where does it hurt?" Doug asked Audra later that night. "Right here," she said, indicating her right groin, close to her crotch. "Ok," Doug said a little nervously, "Why don't you lie down for me and we'll see how bad it is." Audra sighed, climbing onto the massage table that her father kept in the spare room. "Um, you'll have to take those off," her father told her, indicating the leggings she was wearing. "Crap, let me quickly change then," Audra said, blushing. "Ok," Doug replied. As Audra disappeared from the room, Doug was left to ponder, his thoughts going in directions they shouldn't. "What had she been wearing that she wasn't prepared for him to see?" He wondered, "Was it a case of simply being something skimpy or was she going commando?" Audra's return startled him from his reverie. She walked in and climbed onto the table, moving a little gingerly as she raised her small frame from the floor. Doug watched closely, trying to keep his gaze professional, despite the pink cotton bikini panties clinging to her tight little 18 year old gymnast's bum. Audra rolled onto her back, looking up at her father, hands resting on her stomach. "Right, lift your leg for me," Doug instructed her. Audra raised her right leg until it was pointed toward the ceiling, toes pointed through sheer habit. Her father placed his left hand on her calf to guide her movements. He took her through a series of positions, his right hand resting on her inner thigh, feeling the movement of the sore muscle. Audra closed her eyes as her father took her through the movements. His hand was warm. It was a gentle touch. It was definitely one of the advantages of her father being her physio. She never had to worry about his hands straying anywhere they shouldn't. "Which is lucky," she thought, "Given how close it is to my pussy." She wasn't even sure what had put the thought in her mind. Her eyes snapped open to see her father eyes glued to her crotch, just glaring at it! "No, wait, he's just looking at my groin, at where the injury is," she realised, almost giggling to herself. She found though that having let her mind drift there, she couldn't seem to drag it away. "What would I do if Dad's fingers brushed my pussy?" she mused. She looked appraisingly at her father. He was good looking. As far as older men went, he was no George Clooney, but then again, he was far from ugly. He was also fit. Between the healthy eating that Audra insisted on for her gymnastics and his own awareness due to his profession, he'd always looked after himself. Her thoughts were also influenced by past conversations with her crazy friend Misty who had rated her father as the only dad she'd fuck out of their friendship group after they'd all watched American Beauty one night. "Ouch!" Audra exclaimed as her father stretched her just a bit too far. "Sorry Audra," Doug replied, looking at her leg in concern. Doug probed gently at his daughter's leg, trying to isolate the exact location of the pain. He was conscious of just how close his fingers were getting to the seam of her panties and kept having to drag his eyes away from the crotch. Curiosity kept dragging them back though, especially because he kept finding himself wondering how much trimming or shaving she did. The material seemed very tight against her skin and he hadn't noticed any sign of hair. "Here?" he asked, poking gently "A bit lower," Audra mumbled. Doug's fingers were almost touching her panties and he swallowed nervously, running his gaze back up toward Audra's face to try and distract himself. She was wearing a tight but short white t-shirt that clung to her toned frame and left her belly exposed. The distraction didn't really work. Between her taut stomach and the fact that her nipples were poking against the t-shirt, he was shot before he got as far as her face. When he did meet her gaze, he found himself inexplicably blushing and quickly looked away. Audra saw her father's eyes pause ever so slightly when they reached her breasts. She knew her nipples were tight. They had been ever since she'd started thinking about him touching her. She knew it shouldn't be something that excited her, but for some inexplicable reason, she was finding the thought exactly that. She hadn't bothered with a bra. With A cup breasts she rarely bothered around home. Besides, she'd been thinking that it was her legs that were going to be looked at, not the rest of her. Normally when she'd come home from a competition she'd take some time to masturbate in the shower. There was something about the whole competition thing that seemed to amp her up. Tonight she'd been too pissed off about coming second to get around to it. The lack of relief seemed to be heightening all sorts of things. "Right there!" Audra said, surprised to find her voice a little husky as her father's fingers found the location of the injury. Doug stopped his hand, surprised by the way her voice seemed to catch as he touched her. "Here?" he asked, touching her again, noticing that she was reacting differently than to what he'd expect from just the injury. "Yeah, that spot right there," she said. Doug picked up the bottle of oil that he had nearby and rubbed some onto his hands. He automatically started going through the same steps that he'd use with any other patient. He had Audra lie with her knee bent and cocked sideways and he started massaging her groin with firm but gently directed strokes. His eyes were transfixed by the sight of her flesh dimpling beneath his fingertips he kneaded her supple young flesh. Audra closed her eyes. She always enjoyed the part of the treatment where her father massaged her. She often took advantage of having him around, claiming that her shoulders were sore, or complained that her calves were tight so that he'd sit and knead them while they watched television together. This time though, she found her thoughts going all sorts of places they shouldn't and her body reacted. She knew her pussy was responding and she could feel a dampness beginning in her panties. The realisation didn't help to stem her thoughts though. Doug stared, his fingers working all around the site of the injury. Without even meaning to, he brushed them against the edge of her panties. There was no reason to consider it erotic, the tip of his finger simply brushed against the seam of pink cotton, but his cock stiffened immediately. Doug quickly looked to Audra's face, knowing that he must be as red as a beetroot from the response. Fortunately she had her eyes closed. He looked back to her panties, unable to resist checking them out. He suppressed a gasp when he noticed the beginnings of a damp patch right in the centre of the crotch. It did nothing to relieve the growing pressure in his pants but fueled the thoughts that her voice catching had started wandering about his mind. Audra opened her eyes and looked back up over her father's body. She knew that he had a few dates here and there, but for some reason they never seemed to convert to relationships. She wondered if he was getting any sort of sex. Her gaze drifted down and she had to suppress a gasp of her own when she saw clear and solid evidence of her father's erection. "How's that?" Doug asked her. "Um, I think it needs a bit longer," Audra replied automatically. She always asked for longer. The massage was the best bit after all. Doug swallowed and continued. He knew he shouldn't be thinking about sneaking his finger under her panties, but it was the only thing that was going through his mind. Audra kept flicking her gaze from her father to his crotch. She found herself moving her hand from her belly, laying it alongside her on the table, inching closer and closer to him. "What would he do if I touched it?" she wondered. "What would she do if I touched her?" Doug wondered for the umpteenth time. Coincidence? Maybe. Audra felt her father's fingers working right in the joint of her leg and crotch. His oily fingers slid over her skin and slid just beneath the fabric of her panties, just starting to touch the smooth skin close to her shaved pussy lip. Audra's hand brushed against his hard cock at the same time, applying ever so subtle pressure. They both jumped at the same time. "Sorry!" they blurted at each other at the same time. They stared at one another, unsure as to what to say. Audra felt a tingling in her belly. It was wrong, but she was suddenly very sure of what she wanted. She reached out and slowly closed her hand around her father's cock, feeling the bulge within his pants. "Audra ..." he stuttered. "Shh," she replied, her hand starting to stroke him slowly. Doug looked down at his daughter's hand slowly working back and forth on his pants. He looked down across her athletic, tight young body. Her nipples thrust at the material of her t-shirt. The wet spot on the crotch of her panties had grown and her short, but muscular legs were spread wide. He said nothing. He simply watched, his oily hand resting on her inner thigh. Audra worked her father's zipper down. She undid his belt and then pulled his pants so that his cock sprung free, his pants and boxers dragged to his knees in one rough movement. She seized it in her hand, stroking harder, holding her father tight. His pants fell the rest of the way to the floor. "Audra, no," me managed this time. "Yes Dad, I need it. I want you," she said, placing her free hand on his. She dragged it down so that his fingers touched her wet crotch. Doug moaned. He could feel the dampness of the cotton. His cock ached for release. It had been a long time since he'd been with a woman and here was Audra, telling him she wanted him. As he watched, she rubbed his hand against her, pushing him harder. He could feel her pussy beneath the cotton; feel the way the panties pushed between her lips. He gasped, eyes transfixed as he watched. All the while, Audra stroked his cock with her hand. Audra felt her father's fingers begin to move of their own accord, stroking the panties against her willing pussy. As he watched, she quickly pulled them to one side, exposing her shaved mound and pussy lips. His fingers paused and she looked him in the eye and smiled. Moments later she felt them ever so gently brush against her bare skin. She quickly let go of her father's cock and slipped her panties off, drawing them down her leg, breaking her father's contact. Doug stared. There it was, the answer to his question. Audra's pussy was as bare of hair as the day she was born. It was perfect and for a long moment all he could think was how lucky he was to see it. Her outer lips were puffy. They were obviously in a state of excitement, parting with her spread legs to reveal the thin inner lips glistening with moisture. Audra saw Doug's eyes flick up over her tits and smiled at him. "You want to see them too Daddy?" She asked, quickly sitting up and whipping off her top. "There's really not a lot to see." Doug swallowed hard as Audra casually discarded her top. He looked over her now naked body. Her breasts were indeed small. He knew they were A cups. With no-ne else living with them, he did enough laundry to know. He took in every detail of her breasts, delighting in their revelation. The nipples were quite large for a small breast. They were pale pink and the areolae were puffy, standing out a little from the rest of the flesh, which was almost flat against her chest as she lay back down again. The centre of the nipple was hard and stiff and he wanted desperately to suck it. "They're beautiful," he said quietly. "So is your cock Daddy," Audra answered him. She grabbed it and pulled him so that he had to take a step. She quickly wiggled down the massage table and brought her mouth in line with it. In one swift movement she slid her mouth down over the swollen head of her father's cock, taking it between her lips and feeling it glide across her tongue. Doug gasped as his cock disappeared into Audra's mouth and reached for her breast, disappointed that he'd lost contact with her pussy but making the most of the situation. He felt the firm young flesh move over her ribs and watched the rippling of her incredibly cut stomach as her head moved as she worked her mouth up and down his cock. He pulled gently at her nipple, then harder as he heard her moan around his shaft. Audra felt her Dad pull her nipple and couldn't help but release a moan, clamping her lips down on him and drawing them slowly back up his shaft. Then his fingers were moving, fluttering lightly down over her stomach to her pussy. She sighed as she felt them start to explore, brushing across her lips, down then up. She twisted her body, keeping his cock in her mouth as he reached for her pussy. The movement repeated and she moaned when he didn't slip one between them. Her knees were well spread, her legs almost flat on the massage table. She found herself clenching her butt cheeks and thrusting her pussy at her Dad's fingers, desperately seeking his touch between her lips. Doug stared at Audra's pussy again, memorising the fine detail of her bald lips, the little wrinkles on the otherwise smooth flesh, the little dark mole just to the side of her right labia. He trailed a finger up along her slit, feeling her juice and dragging it up toward her hooded clit. He felt Audra thrusting and rubbed his finger firmly over her clit, hearing her gasp at the contact. His finger slid back down and he eased it between her lips, feeling his way inside. Audra moaned louder as her father's finger delved between her lips. She swirled her tongue around the head of his cock, teasing it, catching it between her lips and pulling at it before plunging back down its length. She felt a second finger working its way in alongside the first and cupped her Dad's balls with her hand as she sucked him. She pulled on his sack, pulling his testicles away from his body as they tried to draw up with his pleasure. The deeper his fingers went the more she pulled on them and the harder she sucked. As much fun as she was having, Audra wanted more. "Fuck me Dad, I want your cock in my pussy!" "Audra ..." "Just do it Dad, don't think, just put this gorgeous fucking cock in my cunt. I'm not a virgin by any stretch." Audra released her father's cock and sat up, sitting on the edge, spinning to capture him between her thighs. She wrapped her legs around him quickly and pulled him to her, her feet against his bare bum. Doug was surprised by the strength of Audra's legs. He shouldn't have been after what he'd watched her do over the years, but actually feeling them pulling him toward her was something else. His cock was trapped up against her, the height of the table just perfect. No matter what she said though, he couldn't bring himself to aim his cock at her pussy and slide it inside. Audra took care of it for him. She grabbed his cock, rubbed the head on her slick slit and then pulled with her feet against his butt, drawing him forward and driving his cock into her pussy. It didn't immediately sink all the way in, but once the ice was broken, Doug couldn't help but thrust. He kicked off his pants so that they wouldn't distract him and thrust hard again. Doug found that Audra's pussy was delightfully tight, just like every other part of her body. He worked his stiff cock deeper and deeper inside her vice-like grip. He pulled his shirt off over his head, throwing it aside. "God that feels so fucking good Dad," Audra gasped as she felt him start to thrust in and out, his pace building. She raked her nails down through the hair on his chest as his cock drove home again and again. Doug didn't want to cum, but the whole experience had him so turned on that he soon found himself on the brink of orgasm despite his desire. "Are you on the pill?" he gasped. "No!" Audra replied, looking worried. Doug thrust home and pushed Audra back down on the massage table, laying her out before him. He grabbed her hips and started to thrust wildly, his balls slapping against her pussy. At the critical moment, he pulled his cock from her pussy and exploded, his cum shooting from his cock to arc down and splatter against Audra's belly. His second spurt went further, hitting her on the left breast whilst the remainder fell to her belly and onto her bald mound. Audra grinned at her father as he exploded. She ran a finger through the warm cum on her belly. As he watched, she brought the finger to her lips and licked it, tasting his cum. She laughed when his eyes bugged open, his jaw dropping as if he'd never seen anything like it in his life. "That was awesome Daddy, are you going to make me cum now?" she asked him. Doug looked at his cum splattered daughter and smiled. "It would only seem fair," he replied. "Eat me Daddy," she told him, pulling her knees up to her chest and then spreading her legs wide again. "Careful for that groin," Doug advised her with a smile, flicking his gaze from her eyes to her proffered pussy. Audra grinned. Doug knelt beside the massage table and ran his tongue along Audra's thigh, dragging it along a teasing, slow path toward her pussy. He took his time, using his fingers as well as his tongue as he closed on his target. His fingers caressed her lips as he breathed in the aroma of her excited pussy and then he used them to part her lips. He delicately ran his tongue up the middle of her slit, taking his first taste. His tongue trailed up to her clit and swirled slowly around the little bud. Audra purred in response to the contact as he continued to flick the tip of his tongue back and forth across it. Audra pulled at her nipples as her father began slowly exploring her pussy with his tongue. He was taking his time and she loved the slowly building pleasure. She'd been a little disappointed at how quickly he'd cum, but she felt he was redeeming himself now. Each caress of his tongue was slow and deliberate. The speed and pressure of each lick seemed to be delivered with perfect consideration to maximise her pleasure. They boys that she'd slept with previously had been rushed and rough with their tongues, seeming to have no real interest in her pleasure, only licking her like they were satisfying check list of things to do before they satisfied their own pleasures. She felt her father's finger slip deep into her pussy as his tongue worked lightly back and forth and around her clit. She could feel her juices seeping from between her lips and running down her bum crack. If she'd been alone, she would have swirled her finger around her tight little butt hole, maybe even have slipped it inside, but she wasn't sure how her father would react if she asked him to do it. Her father's tongue pressed harder against her clit and worked more determinedly than before, his finger joined by a second sliding in and out of her pussy. Audra's breathing became more ragged, coming in gasps and pants and Doug knew that he could quickly bring her to orgasm. He wanted to make it special though. He wanted her to know how skilled he was, so he backed off the pressure on her clit and let his fingers slip from her pussy. He heard Audra moan in frustration as he then ran his tongue down and thrust it inside her, wiggling and teasing. He took a few moments to observe her, resting his tongue, teasing her with his fingers again. He could see her juices seeping down from her pussy and between her butt cheeks. He followed it with a finger, lightly caressing her, ever so gently touching her little starfish. Audra gasped as she felt his finger just where she'd wanted it. "Oh yes Daddy, I love that, it feels so good," she purred, rolling her nipples between thumbs and fingers. "Oh really?" he asked, surprised. "Uh huh, sometimes when I'm alone I even put my finger in there," she said, blushing. Audra felt her father's finger pushing at her bum hole, teasing, not quite penetrating her. "Show me," he said, his finger quickly withdrawn. Audra moaned when her pleasure was abandoned yet again, but then quickly changed position so that she was on all fours, kneeling on the massage table. Doug moved so that he was behind her again at the foot of the table. Audra reached behind herself with her left hand, looking back over her shoulder as she slid her finger down between her butt cheeks. She ran it down slowly, teasing until she felt her target with her finger. Doug watched as Audra's finger slid easily into her bum. She gasped as she pushed it in, smiling at him, working it as far in as she could. He stood mesmerised as she slid it out and in again, over and over. His cock responded, recovering from its orgasm to stand proudly erect before him again. "That's so fucking hot," he said. "Not as hot as you licking me though Daddy. You still haven't made me cum," Audra sighed. "Well then I guess I'd better take over again then," he smiled at her. Audra's finger slipped from her bum and she made to move position, but Doug stopped her. He reached between her legs, resting his thumb on her clit, and then stuck his tongue into her pussy as he rubbed the little nub. He used his other hand to slide a finger into her almost impossibly tight anus. "Oh fuck yes Dad!" Audra yelled. Doug kept going for a minute and then changed things. He pulled his finger from her bum and instead, as he thumbed her clit, slid two fingers into her pussy and curled them toward the front of her vagina. Audra was clearly close to cumming, but he had one piece of the puzzle left to complete. He circled his tongue around her butt hole and then licked directly into her anus, probing and wiggling with his tongue. Audra squealed at the additional pleasure and tipped over the edge into ecstasy. Doug felt Audra's pussy seemed to try and eject her fingers as she orgasmed and then the pressure released and he was stunned when fluid sprayed around his fingers. Audra's legs were visibly shaking, her stomach contracted and even her butt clenched at his tongue. Audra collapsed onto the massage table, still shaking from the intensity of her release. Doug was amazed as he watched her calves vibrated and her butt all but lifted off the table as she slowly recovered. "Fuck that was amazing!" "Do you always squirt when you cum?" he asked. "Is that what I did? It's never happened before," Audra grinned. "Well it was fucking hot," Doug laughed. "It must have been because I can see that you're all ready to go again," Audra smiled. "Is there something I can do to help?" Doug briefly considered asking if he could stick his cock in her bum, but didn't. "You know there's something I've always wanted to see. All those times at your gymnastics, I've always wondered what it would be like if it was done naked. Some of the positions you girls get into ... well it's amazing I've never simply cum in my pants watching." Audra giggled. "Well I'd be happy to do some moves for you Dad," she grinned. "And I even have one special one that will amaze you." She jumped down from the massage table and Doug followed her as she strolled into the living room, eyes glued to her fantastic little butt. There was a gymnastic influence to the way she walked, all power and poise. It did wonderful things to her bottom as she moved. Audra had her father sit on the couch and began to stretch for him. She moved through a series of positions, each one of them stretching her pussy in different ways. She held one leg up in a vertical split, did the splits on the floor, both facing to and away from him. She did a couple of hand stands and even spread her legs wide whilst in the middle of one. Doug was in heaven, suggesting positions that he'd always wondered about. Audra even lay down on her back and managed to get both feet behind her head. She did walk overs and even a back flip, all naked in the middle of the living room. "Now for the special treat Dad," she said, getting him to lie on the floor, his hard on flat against his stomach. Audra stood over his head. Doug's eyes were glued to the sight of her pussy but before he really had time to appreciate it, she did a hand stand, one hand on either side of his hips. Doug didn't quite know what to expect and then his eyes widened in amazement as Audra lowered her body in a vertical push-up until her mouth found the tip of his cock. She sucked at it until she had it between her lips and then sucked it deeper. Her mouth slid down his hard shaft, engulfing him even while the rest of her body was vertical above him. "Fuck me!" Doug gasped, eyes taking in the tension in her arms, her body shaking slightly as she continued to suck him. Audra didn't last long before quickly dropping her feet back to the ground. "That is something I've never ever seen done!" Doug said, amazed by the extraordinary control that the move required. "I told you it was special," she grinned. Doug didn't get time to respond before she stood over him and started doing the splits, her pussy directly over his face. When she was within tongue range, Doug quickly tipped his head forward and licked along her pussy even as her mouth once again found his cock. Audra sucked at his cock for a few moments before disengaging again. Doug sighed in disappointment as her pussy was taken away from his face. He watched in amazement as she sprung back into a handstand over him again. She started so that she was looking down at his head and then walked down along his body, one hand either side of him. She made it seem effortless, but he could see from the corded muscles of her arms that it was anything but. When her head was over his cock again, she once again dipped down and sucked it into her mouth. She pushed herself back up which drew her mouth back up along her father's cock until the head popped from between her lips. Doug watched, fascinated by the play of his daughter's muscles as she worked her body over him. He gasped when she spun on her right hand, lifting the left over his body to so that she landed still in a handstand only on one side of him. The move was quickly repeated and then Audra was in the same position she'd started, only facing toward his feet so that he now had a view of her butt and tight shoulder muscles. Audra grinned to herself, imagining how impressed her father was going to be by the next move. With the sort of control that only a truly competitive gymnast could muster she spread her legs until she was almost doing the splits in her handstand and then swung her body down, her legs spread the whole time. She came to a halt as her bare pussy ground against her father's cock. "Shit!" Doug said in amazement. Audra didn't give him much time to think about it, quickly working her hand between her legs to grab her father's cock and slide her body back so that it slipped inside. They both groaned as her lips slid down his erection. Audra took control, looking down on her father and bouncing up and down on his cock. She worked her feet under her so that she was squatting and worked quickly, occasionally slowing to grind hard on the cock buried deep in her pussy. Doug did what he could to hold on. He tried very hard not to think of all those gymnasts that he'd had dirty thoughts about over the years, tried not to think about the fact that it was his daughter that was the one working his cock toward a second explosion. The sight of his slight but powerful daughter's frame bouncing up and down wasn't an easy thing to ignore though. Audra moved position several times. When she thought that she was pushing her father too close to his second orgasm, she'd give him some relief, stringing him out. She spun to turn the other way, presenting him with a view from behind as her pussy lips clung to his shaft. She squatted and then went down on her knees and ground hard. Giving his cock a brief break, she pushed herself up into a back bend, her body arching high over him whilst she smiled at him, her head upside down as she looked at him. "I want to see your pussy like that," Doug urged her. Audra sprung up, flipping her legs back and over so that she was then standing over his head again. She moved beside him and facing him, thrust her hands skyward and then toppled backwards, catching herself in another back bend, this time with her pussy pointing toward her father. Doug sat up and moved to his knees so that he could get a good look at her pussy as her body arched away from him. He put a hand on each thigh then leaned in and ran his tongue between Audra's lips, flicking it over her clit. Audra felt her Dad's tongue and gasped. She tried hard to hold herself in that position as his tongue flicked back and forth on her clit, but failed. She collapsed to her back with a giggle. Doug moved to continue his assault, but Audra quickly pushed him back to the floor and mounted his cock again. She had no intent of taking it easy on him this time and rode him vigorously until he was crying out a warning that he was going to cum. Audra quickly slipped from his cock, grabbed it in her hand and sucked the head into her mouth as she pumped him. Doug gasped and sputtered, his breath ragged as Audra's hand worked his shaft. His balls tensed and he arched his back, thrusting his butt off the floor, pushing his cock at her mouth as he came. Audra sucked and swallowed as her Dad's cock pulsed in her mouth, emptying its load. When he stopped, she released his cock, some of his sperm slipping from her mouth and sliding down her chin. She grinned at her father and swallowed dramatically. ~~~~~~~ "You do realise that I'll never be able to watch gymnastics the same way again, don't you?" Doug said to his daughter over dinner that night. "Oh, I'm sure you'll find some way to survive it," she giggled. "Well, at least when I look at all the other girls they'll still be an unattainable dream." "What makes you say that?" Audra asked. "Well, this was something that I'm still not convinced really happened, what chance is there that there's another 18 year old gymnast on the planet that would show any sort of interest in an old fuddy duddy like me?" "Oh you might be surprised," Audra replied with a grin. Doug just laughed it off. "Maybe I'll ask Misty over to practice with me tomorrow ..." Doug stared at his daughter, seeing a devilish twinkle in her eye, wondering exactly what it was that she was planning. to be continued.... For pics visit ---->> https://bit.ly/2ReHUJI
Mom, You're Naked! Author: Ken riley "Oh my God," Lara said out loud, to herself. "What am I going to do?" Her voice sounded thin and small in the empty living room. Lara was in a fix. Her boyfriend, Chuck, had left her house 20 minutes earlier. Earlier in the day he had persuaded her to let him strip her clothes off, tie her up, and take pictures of her. He said it was in honor of Nude Day. He wanted to post pictures of her on a fetish website for which he was a member. He promised he'd hide or crop her face out of the photos so nobody would recognize her. For reasons she couldn't explain, and that seemed especially dubious now, in her current predicament, she had agreed. Things had gone OK, at first, even though she was nervous. Chuck bound her, and he fetched his camera from a bag to start taking pictures. But after a few minutes, he got a funny look on his face. Lara had seen that look before. He got that look when he was about to pull a prank, something he did often. A tremor of nervousness shook her body when she saw that look in his face while she was in her current state. "I need to get you excited," he said. "No, you don't," Lara said. "I'm already excited." "Not enough," Chuck said.  He pulled something out a large bag he had toted to Lara's house. It was a vibrator - rabbit-style, with one long tip for insertion and the other to touch her clit. A devilish grin spread over Chuck's face. "That's not fair," Lara said. "All's fair in lust and bondage," he said. "You would say something like that." "I would and I do. You'll enjoy this." He flipped the rabbit's on switch, and the long purple toy buzzed and twitched in his hand. Lara's eyes widened. Chuck had used the toy on her before, but never when she was tied up. It had never failed to make her pussy gush and her body shake with a room-shaking orgasm. She felt the thick tip push forward between her lips, into the furrow between her legs. Lara twisted at its touch, the restraints holding her in place. Chuck's grin grew. The vibrator kept moving forward, stretching her insides, until the thick end settled into her tight but wetting channel and the smaller tip hit her sensitive nub. "Arrrr," Lara called, straining against the cuffs and rope that bound her. Chuck kept the thin tip of the rabbit against her clit, but he moved the thicker part inside her around as well as he could. The steady vibration against the little pink knob under her hood was almost too much. She knew she would come soon. She closed her eyes to accept the oncoming rush of orgasm. The wetness inside already was building up, and she felt the toy moving with slippery ease inside her now. She expected to make a mess on the wood floor below her. Then, suddenly, the buzzing against her stopped. She opened her eyes to see Chuck pulling the vibrator out of her. "Don't stop now!" she cried. "I was close! You have to finish me." "That's too quick," Chuck said, eyes sparkling with mischief. "I want this to last longer. I want you to feel horny while you're bound like that. I want you to feel that need to come while you stand there." Lara said nothing, and for a while neither did Chuck. His eyes traveled up and down Lara's bound body. When he was done ogling her, he drew closer to her and stared into her eyes. "You know, I just thought of something," Chuck said. "You'd look good in whipped cream." Lara didn't say anything right away. Chuck's face twisted into a wicked smile. "And?" she said. "We don't have any whipped cream," he said. "I think I need to get some. Yes, I'm sure of it. I need to go to the store and get some whipped cream." Understanding dawned slowly on Lara. He meant to leave her like this when he went to the store. "Um," she said. "You need to let me out of this, first, right? You're not going to leave me like this?" Chuck's eyes held Lara's for a long time, evenly and with little blinking.  "I think I will leave you like this. I think you want this. You don't think you do, but I think you do. I'm going to run to the store. I'll get some whipped cream and some other things. I won't take . . . too long. I'll be back in -" He paused dramatically, staring intently at Lara's face. Lara could tell he enjoyed her nervousness. "Two hours," he said. "You'll be fine until then." "You've got to be kidding," Lara said. "Chuck, you can't do that. Let me out. We can resume this when you get back." "No," he said. "I'm going to leave you like this. I think you'll like it. It'll be good for you. You act so demure most of the time, but there's this side of you that wants to get out, and I'm going to help you do it. I'll be back in two hours. On the button. Nobody will be here or see you before that. By the time I get back you'll be going crazy for what I'm going to do to you." Before Lara could say anything further, Chuck turned, opened the front door, exited, and closed the door behind him. Clank. Chuck was gone. Lara was in the house alone. Lara's jaw dropped with astonishment and dismay. * * * * Now, 20 minutes later, Lara hadn't moved. She was in the same position in the living room she had been. She couldn't move, because her hands were held by thick leather cuffs over her head. The steel link chain between the cuffs was strung between a sturdy eyebolt Chuck had screwed deeply into a heavy wooden support beam in the middle of the living room, rising from the floor to the ceiling.  Lara faced the front door of the house, not fifteen feet away. Her back and bottom rested against the cool wood of the support beam. She couldn't go anywhere. And she was completely naked. Before he'd pulled out his camera, Chuck also had bound her right leg with a long line of jute rope and tied off the other end around the beam above her head. The result was that the rope held her right thigh suspended at almost a right angle from her left leg. Only the ball of her left foot touched the ground. With the front of her body facing the front door, Lara was aware of the extreme vulnerability of her position. She was on display with her legs parted to anyone who might come through the door. Lara looked all around, wondering how she might get out of her predicament. She looked above her, at the eyebolt screwed into the wood. She thought she might be able to unscrew it, but her hands couldn't reach it. One of her legs was free, but she needed it to stand on, and there was nothing to do with it, besides. She thought Chuck, in his puckish hurry, probably had left the key to the cuffs nearby, but she didn't know where they were. She wouldn't be able to reach them, probably, even if she could see them. She pulled down on the cuffs, putting all her weight against them. She wondered if the weight might break the chain or pull out the bolt. It did neither. The only thing she accomplished was to cause the cuffs to dig into her wrists.  "Shit!" she said, in pain. She put the weight on her foot again and stopped pulling against the cuffs. Her position, when relaxed, wasn't comfortable, but it wasn't painful, either. If she shifted right, she could throw the bulk of her weight on to the coil of rope around her thigh and take the weight off her foot. The leather of the cuffs was soft, and they weren't painful if she didn't pull against them. But she realized quickly she couldn't hold this position forever. Two hours - what Chuck had promised - was a long time to be kept in this position. As the minutes ticked by, her anger at Chuck grew. She knew she was partly responsible. They'd been boyfriend and girlfriend for the last two months. Soon after they'd started dating, Chuck had revealed his fondness for kinky games, and Lara, not long divorced from a sexually boring marriage, went along with everything Chuck suggested. Lara enjoyed walking the knife's edge of control. Chuck enjoyed putting her in vulnerable positions, and she had to admit she got a charge out of being in those positions.  But this was the most vulnerable position she'd been in, yet. She was naked and cuffed and bound, fifteen feet from an unlocked front door. Theoretically, anybody could walk in the door at any time. She knew it was unlikely. There was little chance anyone would walk through the door before Chuck's return a little over an hour and a half away. The only person that might do so was her son, who was playing baseball with friends from college and wasn't expected to be back until after 6 pm - several hours away. So, it was highly unlikely anyone would see her before Chuck came back and set her free. Still . . . there was the possibility. Only an unlocked door stood between Lara's nude, bound, exposed body and the rest of the world, and there was nothing she could do about it until Chuck came back. "You're going to pay for this, Chuck," she said to the door. It said nothing back. The silence that followed her voice was almost palpable, heavy, oppressive. As time passed, she grew more nervous. She didn't think it was likely that her son would come home before Chuck, but she guessed it was possible. Her son, Connor, was a junior in college and lived in an apartment half an hour away with two friends from college. But he had a key to the house, and Lara and Connor had talked about him coming over to the house to have dinner with his mom at 6. Lara turned her head to the right. The clock on the wall said it was only 1 p.m.  She tried to suppress her nervousness at the possibility of Connor seeing her as she was. She didn't think it was likely. Earlier in the day he'd called her to tell her he'd be playing baseball with his friends all day. Connor was a dedicated athlete and took his baseball games with his friends seriously. It was very, very unlikely, thought Lara, that he'd come home early. But it was possible. She couldn't imagine Connor seeing her naked and cuffed to the post. They weren't a prudish family, but they didn't walk around naked in front of each other, either. Lara couldn't think of a time that Connor had seen her naked. He was no longer a boy, but an athletic, good-looking, eligible - though currently single - young man. It would be just too mortifying if he came home before Chuck did. With the growing nervousness she felt something else, as well. The temperature was rising. She hadn't turned the air conditioning on earlier, and the heat from the relentless summer sun was working its way into the house. She looked down at the pale, nude surface of her body. She wasn't sweating yet. But she would be by the time Chuck got back. Lara was annoyed at Chuck. She liked playing games, but this was too much. It wasn't right of him to leave her in such a vulnerable position for such a long time. She was nude and helpless. She'd agreed to be cuffed and trussed like this, but not for 2 hours with Chuck outside the house. He'd had no right to leave her so helpless. The more she thought about it, the angrier she grew at him. She imagined things that might happen. The mailman accidently pushing the door open and stumbling upon her. A nosy neighbor trying the doorknob after getting no response to the doorbell and finding the respectable Lara Winston in a decidedly unrespectable state. Or - God forbid - a burglar seeking entry into the house and finding the door unlocked. Still another feeling grew inside Lara. She fought it, trying to keep it at bay with her annoyance at Chuck and fear for her predicament. But she couldn't stop it. The feeling started from someplace deep and coursed through her. Her skin tingled. Her heart beat faster. Lara was aroused. She was excited to be naked and exposed and helpless. Chuck had figured out this secret part of Lara right away, though her ex-husband hadn't figured it out in 18 years of marriage. Lara liked to be on edge. She liked being naked, and she especially liked being naked in circumstances where one wasn't supposed to be naked. She gazed down on her full breasts. The nipples stood pink and pert and erect. Warmth suffused her chest and belly. A warmth started between her legs, enveloping the lips and cleft of her vulva. It grew in intensity. Something tickled her thigh. She was wet. She couldn't see it, but she was sure of it. A faint trickle started down her skin. "No, dammit," she said again, to herself in the empty room. "Don't get turned on." But she couldn't help it. She was turned on. A part of her body responded eagerly to the possibility that someone might find her naked. "Concentrate, Lara," she said out loud. "Focus. Chuck will be back soon. Nobody's going to see me. This will all be over. Get it together." She worked on her breathing. In. Out. In. Out. She tried to calm herself. It wasn't easy, but after two minutes of steady breathing she thought it was working. She told herself she'd focus on breathing until Chuck got back and let her out.  Then she heard the doorknob turn. Lara's heart surged up from her chest into her mouth, choking off a cry of fear. It's just Chuck, she told herself. He's back early. He'll get me out of here. The knob finished turning, and the door opened. A tall figure silhouetted against the mid-day light from outside filled the entry way. The figure paused and looked down at a heavy gym bag in his hand. Then the figure looked up. His eyes caught Lara's.  It was her son Connor. He was sweaty and shirtless, wearing only gym shorts, ankle socks, and sneakers. He said nothing, at first. Neither did Lara. To her the silence seemed endless. Connor's mouth opened, a wide, immobile "O", while neither of them said anything. Then he dropped his gym bag on the floor. He slammed the door closed behind him. "Mom," Connor said. "You're naked!" Lara said nothing, and for some moments neither did Connor. He stared at his mom blankly, eyes wide and mouth agape. Lara saw him shake his head and approach her. He looked at her cuffed hands and then he looked all around the room. She saw the confusion in his face turn to alarm. "Mom," he yelled. "What happened? Are you OK? Who -" "I'm OK, Connor," Lara replied, cutting him off. But Connor wasn't mollified. His body shook and his eyes scanned the room frantically. "Who did this?" he asked. "Chuck did it," Lara said. "Chuck? I'll fucking break his head open." Lara saw Connor's fists bunch up. Obviously, he thought Chuck was nearby. Lara winced at her son's anger and his foul language. She had an aversion to obscene words and rarely used them. She knew she needed to calm him down. "Connor, listen to me," Lara said. "Chuck isn't here. This was a game. I let him do this. We did it together. Calm down. He's gone and won't be back for a while. He went to the store to get some things and said he'd be back." Connor took three more steps toward his mom until he was only a few feet away. His body, tense and wound up, deflated a bit. Lara could tell he was trying not to look at her nude body, but he wasn't succeeding. His eyes darted up and down her exposed figure. It was obvious he didn't know what to say. "Connor," Lara said. "Can you do something for me?" "Sure, Mom," he said. "What do you want?" He tilted his head away from her, but Lara could see he still looked at her from the side of his eye.  "Find the key to these handcuffs," she said. "It should be around here."  To Lara it seemed to take a few seconds for her request to land on his consciousness. Connor was rooted to his spot, trying hard not to look at his nude mother but unable to avoid doing so. But eventually he responded. "OK, Mom," he said. "Where should I look?" "I don't know," she said. "Somewhere around here. The sofa. The chairs. It's got to be nearby." Connor began looking around the living room, overturning sofa cushions and throwing pillows to the floor in his search for the key. Lara noticed that from time to time his gaze turned from his search to glance at her nude body. It made her feel funny to know her son wanted to look at her. "You're home early," she said. "Why? I thought you were coming over at 6." "We were supposed to have a game, but half the guys didn't show," Connor said, hoisting a pillow from the sofa. "I don't know why. So, we didn't have enough guys for a game. The rest of us pitched and hit some balls for a while. But it was too hot, so we stopped. I decided to come home. I didn't expect -" He didn't finish his thought. He paused and let his arms fall to his sides. He looked up and held his mom's gaze. "Mom," he said. "This seems . . . kind of messed up. Are you OK? What's going on?" "I'm OK, Connor," she said. "This is something Chuck wanted to do. I went along. Willingly. I'm sorry. It must be weird for you to find me like this." Lara wished she could disappear, but the cuffs and rope held her fast to the support beam. She would be exposed to her son until he found the key and let her go. Connor kept looking around the living room. "Ouch!" Lara said. She had been shifting her body to get comfortable and the rope on her right leg suddenly pinched her. Connor stopped what he was doing and approached her. "Mom, what's wrong?" "It's nothing serious," she said. "It's just this rope around my leg. It tightened when I shifted my weight and it pinched me a little. "Can I do something?" Connor asked. He stood only a few feet from her. Lara noticed his shirtless body, slicked with sweat, not yet dry, from his athletic activities. She noticed the breadth of his shoulders and his muscled chest and torso. A tremor shook her body.  "I'm not sure," she said. "The rope is tight around my leg. I'm not sure -" Her voice trailed off. She didn't know what to say. Connor squatted until his head was even with the tied-off leg. His fingers grabbed the rope and adjusted it on her thigh. "Is that where it was pinching?" he asked. "Did I fix it?" Lara shifted her body to figure out if Connor had solved the problem. She realized her naked hips were rocking and pushing forward just a foot away from her son's face. For reasons she didn't quite understand or want to admit to herself she kept rocking, not saying anything right away. She looked down from her position at her son's face. She saw Connor's eyes dart from the rope on her leg to the bare junction between her legs. It was hard for her to admit it to herself, but it was true: she was getting more aroused from the nearness of her son's face to her exposed pussy. "It's better," she said, after a delay. "Thanks. Can you find that key?" "Sure, mom," Connor said, but he didn't move. His body remained in the same pose, but he craned his head up at her. "Mom, why would you do this? This seems kind of . . . I don't know. Out there. Weird. I would never imagine you doing this. You're tied naked to a post while your boyfriend - who's an asshole, by the way, to leave you here - is away at the store. I don't get this." Lara looked down, into her son's upturned eyes, and her heart melted at the genuine concern she saw in them. She knew this must have been strange for him, seeing his mother tied up and naked liked this. But she saw his eyes dart from hers to her erect nipples. A strange feeling swept her body, ending at her pussy, and she wanted to bring her thighs together, but, tied as she was, she couldn't. "It's Nude Day," she said. "Nude Day?" Connor responded. "What the fuck is that?" "Connor, your language," she said. "It's a national day to celebrate nudity. Chuck told me about it and said he wanted to do this for Nude Day. Look, I don't know how to explain it, Connor," Lara said, trying to stay calm. "It's embarrassing to talk about with you. Chuck and I like to play certain kinds of games. He likes to expose me and put me in vulnerable positions. I know it's hard to understand." "You're sure vulnerable now, Mom," Connor said. He looked away from her face, and Lara thought he was looking at her pussy again. Without even thinking about, she rocked her hips, once again pushing her pussy toward her son, ever so subtly. A faint gasp of air escaped her lips. She hoped Connor hadn't heard it. She drew back, butt against the support beam, as soon as she realized what she was doing. She wondered if Connor, with his face so close, could smell her. "You're totally bare, Mom," Connor said after a half minute of silence. "Do you . . . do you shave it off?" Lara was uncomfortable talking about how she maintained her pubic area with her son, but she was aroused, too. "I had it waxed two days ago," she said. "Chuck likes it this way and he gave me a gift certificate." "A gift certificate for a wax job," Connor said. "It looks good. You look good down there, Mom." Lara recoiled at the sound of the crude word - about her! - coming from her son's lips, but a shiver coursed through her body. "Thanks, Connor," she said. She heard her voice wavering. She couldn't help it. As much as she wanted to keep her desires in check it was driving her crazy that her son was looking at her bare pussy from inches away. Chuck had pushed her near the edge, and the nearness of her son, knowing his eyes were on her body, pushed her nearer still. "Connor, could you stop looking at my . . . you know, and look for that key?" she said. "Sure, Mom," Connor said, but, again, he didn't move. From what Lara could see he couldn't tear his eyes away from her bare sex. She looked at his face from above and it didn't move. But she saw his hand reach out and point to her naked thigh. "What's that, Mom?" he asked. "It looks like moisture. My god, Mom, it's flowing from your pussy. Are you turned on? Do you . . . do you like me looking at you like this?" Despite the heat, Lara couldn't stop a cold shiver running up and down her naked, exposed body. "Connor, I don't think we should talk like this," she said. "Can you please find that key and let me out of here?" But Connor still didn't move. He held his squat in front of her, eyes inches from her pussy, staring at her. "You're gushing, Mom," he said. "Fuck, there's more of it. I've never seen anything like that before. I can see it coming out of you." From overhead, Lara saw Connor press his index finger against her thigh, where a thin, shiny rivulet of moisture emanating from her depths ran down her excited skin. He ran his finger up, scooping up the moisture, until the moisture shined in the light of the room when he held it away and in front of his eyes. "You like this," he said, his voice wavering. "This turns you on. Your own son looking at your pussy." Then Connor put the finger in his mouth. He sucked up his mom's juices with a loud smack. "Connor!" Lara said with a gasp. "What are you doing?" She saw his eyes close with evident delight at what he was tasting. The one knee that held her up grew weak and slumped. Lara wanted to be outraged and let Connor know her outrage, but what he'd done excited and aroused her. She couldn't, however, let her son know she felt that way. "Connor, please," she said. "Sorry, Mom," Connor said, pulling his finger slowly out of his mouth. He held his finger to the side and looked his mom in the eyes, but he didn't move. "Mom, you're totally helpless," Connor said. "I know," Lara said, a frantic note in her voice. "That's why I need you to help me. Please look for the key." Connor still didn't move. "But you wanted it that way," he said. "You wanted to be helpless and naked, so a man could do what he wanted to you." Connor gestured to his mom's thigh with his chin. "It turns you on, right now. I can see it. I can see it dripping down your leg." "Connor, please -" "You have a pretty pussy, Mom," Connor said. "Well, thanks, you said that already, but you shouldn't say it. Please, can you -" "Have other guys told you that?" "Connor, that's not an appropriate question for you to ask." "But this isn't an appropriate situation you've gotten into, Mom. You're naked and cuffed to a post in the living room near the front door. You're so excited you've got fluid leaking out of your pussy down your leg. 'Cause I'm looking at you. Am I right?" Lara didn't say anything. "I know I shouldn't say this. Shit, I shouldn't think this. But you're really hot, Mom. This is like the hottest thing I've ever seen." He ran two fingers over the part of her thigh where he'd picked up her wetness. "Tell me it turns you on, Mom," Connor said. "I want to hear it from you. It turns you on that you like being tied up and you like that I'm looking at your pussy and admiring how pretty it is. Tell me, Mom." Lara was turned on. She couldn't deny it to herself. It drove her crazy that her bare, aroused pussy was only inches from her son's eyes. And his words drove her arousal to still greater heights. She could feel her arousal in the fluid that leaked from her sex and dripped down her legs. But she didn't want to admit it to her son. That was wrong. She felt she had to find a way to get control of this situation, but cuffed and bound as she was, she couldn't think of any way to do it. "Oh, Connor," was all she could say. "Connor, what?" her son replied. "What do you really want to say? Tell me you're turned on. I can tell you are. Tell me, Mom." She wanted to stay strong and stand fast against what her son was asking. It wasn't right to talk to him this way. But her body fought against her. The tingling wouldn't go away. Arousal washed over her. "Yes," she said, in a very small, quiet voice. "Yes, what?" Connor asked. "I'm . . . I'm turned on," she said at last. "I think this will turn you on more," Connor said. Lara felt her son's finger touch one of the lips of her pussy, so faintly that she barely felt it at first. But it was enough to make her body convulse. An electric charge surged through her. She was equal parts embarrassment and arousal. "Oh!" she cried. Her eyes closed, and for a moment all sensation was concentrated on the touch of her son's fingertip to the lip of her pussy. She neither saw nor heard nor felt anything else. But at last she opened her eyes, looked down, and saw her son, his attention focused on his mother's pussy and his finger caressing her lips. "Connor, you can't do that!" she said. "I can, Mom," he said. "And I can tell you like it. Look how your body is reacting. I wouldn't do this if you didn't like it, but I can tell you like it. You told me that, too." Lara felt Connor's finger move away from her lips to the cleft between them. The finger moved up, then down, tracing the full length of the slit of her pussy. Up and down, and over and again. Lara felt Connor's finger pushing deeper as it kept moving up and down. Then the finger slid over the other side, tracing the length of the other lip. Lara's hips buckled to the touch of the finger. She tried to stifle a moan but couldn't. "Oh, Connor," she said. "Please don't do that." Connor pulled his finger back. "Please look again for the key, Connor," Lara said. She tried to look at him with the most pleading expression possible. She thought if she couldn't convince him to stand up and away from her now, she wouldn't be able to do it at all. And then - she couldn't imagine what would happen then.  Her body shivered again. "OK, Mom," Connor said. "I'll try." He stood up and walked around the living room again. To Lara's gaze it appeared he was being thorough. He was turning over the pillows on the sofa, which was facing the other direction. Then he walked over to a big stuffed chair closer to the front door. He bent over the seat. He seemed to see something and paused. "Did you find it?" Lara asked, her voice breaking with desperation and embarrassment. Connor didn't answer right away. He was staring at something. "Well," he said. "I found this." He stood up from the sofa, holding the rabbit vibrator in his hand. Chuck must have put it there when he left, Lara thought, and she hadn't noticed him doing it. A glint of moisture shone at each of its tips. Connor turned it over and around, seemingly fascinated by it. Lara's body slumped with embarrassment. "Did Chuck use this on you?" he said. "Connor, please -" "He did, didn't he? That's why you were wet. He was using it on you. My God, Mom." Her embarrassment was complete. She was naked and exposing the depth of her sexual perversity to her son. Even after she got out of her predicament - whenever that might be - she had no idea how she'd be able to look him in the eye again. She couldn't imagine what he thought of her. "Mom, I had no idea," Connor said. Lara thought he seemed calmer and more collected than she imagined he would be, seeing evidence of his mother's sexual kinkiness for the first time.  "You're a lot different from what I thought, Mom," Connor said.  She groaned. "I've seen these online, and I saw one in a sex shop once," Connor continued. "But I've never used one or seen it used." Lara saw him stare at it, his eyes wide and attentive with curiosity. "There's some moisture and a little crust at the tips," he said.  Connor looked back at his mom. He stepped around the sofa and approached her. She felt her body shrink as he drew near. He held the toy between them. Lara couldn't help but notice the dull sheen of dried sweat coating his leanly muscled shoulders, chest, and torso. Its masculine scent hit her nose. Another tingle swept her body. "I didn't see the key," he said. "Just this. So, your boyfriend cuffed you and tied you to this post, used this on you, got you excited until you were wet, and then just took off? Why'd he leave?" "He said he was going to get whipped cream and some other things," Lara said. "But I think he just liked the idea of me being like this, naked and helpless." "I'll bet," Connor murmured, almost to himself. "Asshole. I might kick his ass when he gets back. When's he going to be back?" "He said he'd be back in two hours," Lara said. She looked at the clock on the wall "That was an hour ago. So, we've got an hour to go. Connor, can you please do something to get me out?" Connor didn't say anything right away. Lara couldn't tell what he was thinking. He looked lost in thought, like he was mulling something over or trying to figure something out. "I can't find the key," he said. "I might be able to slice through those leather cuffs with some garden shears we've got out in the garage, but I'd be afraid of cutting you." His voice trailed off as his eyes remained fixed to the toy between them. "You didn't get any release, did you, Mom? He left you here without getting that. And you've been wanting it ever since." His voice grew stronger and more authoritative. Lara was worried about what the tone of his voice meant, but she liked its timbre and firmness. His voice was deeper and more masculine than Chuck's. "I'll get the shears and get you out, Mom, I promise. But seeing as how you've practically traumatized your poor son by surprising him like this, I'm going to get my payment for my good deed first." "Payment?" she asked, voice rising. "What do you mean, pay -" "I'm going to make you come myself, Mom." Connor held the rabbit toy closer to her face. "With this." "Oh, Connor, please, just let me out," Lara said. But her voice cracked and softened to a whisper, and another voice cried inside her, which Connor could not hear: Yes, do it! I need to come! I'm going crazy, Connor, and I need to make you come. A blush swept Lara's face. She felt the flush of warmth and could tell Connor saw it and figured he wondered why. "Mom, admit you want to come. I can see you're excited. You admitted that before. Tell me you want me to make you come with this." On the same beat as the word "this" he hit the on switch of the rabbit. It hit Lara like a gunshot and her body quivered with fear and arousal. "Connor, we shouldn't -" "We left the "shouldn't" bus a long time ago, Mom, don't you think? Come on, say it. Say you want it. It'll be quick." The slow, uncertain shaking of her head became a timid nod. "OK, Connor," she said. "But make it quick." "Make what quick?" She couldn't believe how pushy and assertive Connor was being. She knew he was aggressive and always acted older than his years, but he'd always been a polite and respectful son to her. This new Connor was a person she almost didn't recognize. But she had to admit, his assertiveness turned her on, and her body rocked with a rising eagerness to submit to him. "Make me come, Connor." "OK, Mom." He lowered the rabbit and squatted in front of her again until his head was level with her waist. Lara looked down and noticed that between his bare outspread legs his dark gym shorts tented lewdly toward her. The sight of her shirtless, sweaty son, the tent in his shorts, the toy poised at her bare entrance, her cuffed and bound nude body - the combination was driving her crazy. She thought she might come before the toy even touched her.  She was wrong. She felt it enter her once again, just as before, though more quickly and with less finesse. Chuck had far more experience with rabbits, and probably all toys, than Connor did. Chuck knew how to tease and caress a woman with toys. Connor pushed the rabbit into her with boyish eagerness. But she'd already been teased and caressed and prepared, and her body was ready for harder play. She liked the forceful way the rabbit, at Connor's urging, plunged into her wetness. "Unnnnh." Guttural sounds escaped her lips as her eyes shut and she concentrated all attention on the touch and feel of the long buzzing toy making its way deeper into her. The other tip collided with her exposed clit. "Ohhhhh." She opened her eyes to see the toy in Connor's hand shoved all the way inside her. "Mmmmmm." It felt so good she couldn't help but let out a symphony of sex sounds for her son. "Mom, this is amazing," Connor said, his voice high with evident joy and lust. "You look amazing. I've never seen anything like this before. I can see your clit. It's bigger than I thought. Like a big pink pearl, half inside that cute little hood. I'm going to peel it back so I can see it better." Sure enough, she felt her folds pulled back and the tip of the toy pressed harder against her there, now moving in little circles over her at Connor's hand, which was growing more skillful by the minute.  It was coming now, she thought. She couldn't hold it back. Nothing could. She was pure sensation now: the thick shaft of the toy buzzing and buzzing in her depths, the insistent tip circling her clit, the exposure of her bare nude and now sweaty body to her son's gaze. She couldn't take it anymore.  "Unh, unh, unh." She grew louder and louder in response to him. "I'm going to come, Connor," she said, her voice quavering as her body buckled. "Go ahead, Mom" he replied. "I want you to. Come for me." His last words pushed her over the edge. The orgasm burst forth from between her legs and fanned out in waves over her body, which shook and spasmed. Lara's eyes rolled back and for a moment she saw nothing, savoring, though barely able to stand, the joy and release and embarrassment that swept her nude, helpless body. Connor somehow held the rabbit inside her against the shaking and bucking of her body. She guessed he wanted to see her orgasm if he could. She didn't deny him. Her body rocked and rolled in every direction and dimension as her son watched her. Then she felt it. Oh no. She couldn't help it or stop it. The quake of the orgasm broke the dam holding back her wetness, and she gushed. She watched as fluid poured and sprayed out of her, over the thick cylinder of the toy inside her body, over Connor's hands, splashing and spattering his bare torso and spilling finally to the floor. Lara let loose in a thick torrent of girl cum. She saw it spray and coat the front of Connor's shorts, which, now wet, did even less to conceal the raging hardon that was obvious to Lara's eyes. The spasms and shaking grew less intense but continued for another minute. She thought she might pass out. Her body slumped and the cuffs drew tighter against her wrists. "Ohhhh," she said. She saw Connor's face grow startled at the reaction of her body. He pulled the toy out and dropped it on the floor and stood up. Before she knew what was happening her son's large, heavy hands were on her sides, partly bracing her and partly holding her up. "Are you OK, Mom"? he asked. "I'm OK," she said. "But that orgasm was so . . . so intense. I almost passed out. But I won't. Just hold me for a second, OK?" "Sure, Mom." Connor was much taller than she was, and it was a comfort to let her head fall forward and rest against his chest. Her forehead hit a bulging pectoral muscle. Her arms were weary from being held over her head for so long. Her legs were like rubber, and she was grateful for the steadying power of Connor's hands. The pungent smell of his sweat hit her nose again. She felt his lips kissing the top of her head, softly and lovingly through the thicket of her hair. She wished she could rest her hands on his shoulders. Connor drew closer to her, pulling her body tightly against her. A bulge hit her belly. His penis, erect and straining against the shorts, dug into her. She pushed back. She couldn't help it any longer. "That was incredible, Mom," Connor said. "Don't you think so?" "Mmmmm, incredible," she said, not moving her head against his chest. Her eyes were near the level of his chest, muscled and smooth (did he shave it? she wondered), and directly beneath her gaze was the prominence of his penis, obscured by the black shorts fabric and bent upward where it hit her belly. Its head was pointed toward her, she could tell. She was sure it was uncomfortable. Without thinking about it she began rotating the center of her body, so her son's cock, pressed against her through the shorts, began to trace a small circle around her belly. After no more than a few seconds she felt Connor respond, rotating his body in a different direction but always keeping his cock pressed against her. As spent as she was from the orgasm, Lara felt something stir anew inside her. Lara lifted her head off Connor's chest and gazed at his face. His eyes already were fixed intently on hers, and they held hers like that for what seemed a long time. Then he looked at the floor.  "You really let out a gusher, Mom," he said. "I've never seen it like that. Have you done that before?" "I have," she said. She felt an urge to cling to his body, but the cuffs prevented her from doing so. "Not quite like that, but I've done it." She looked at the mess still spreading slowly over the oak floor. "That's a record for me." "So better than with Chuck?" Connor asked, grinning. "Oh, yeah," she said. "Better than with Chuck." Neither said anything for a moment. The silence became suddenly heavy, the only sound the faint ticking of the clock on the wall. Connor and Lara looked into each other's eyes. Connor grabbed his mother and kissed her then, his mouth firm and hard on hers, and she submitted readily and without resistance. She moaned again as their mouths explored each other and their tongues danced together. Only smacking sounds now broke the stillness in the room. Lara thought her son was a surprisingly good kisser. Her focus on his lips shifted when she felt his hardness on her belly again. She pushed against him with her belly and her mouth as Connor held her and pressed her against his body. She broke briefly from a long kiss. "That must be uncomfortable," she said, pressing her belly against him to emphasize what she meant. He pulled his face back and looked at her with a shy grin. It was adorable to Lara that after all that had happened her strong, adult son could manage to look shy. His smile melted her once more. "I guess it is, a little," he said. They kept grinding into each other. "I'll do something about that, Mom," he said. He pulled his hands away from her and quickly pushed the gym shorts down to the floor. He stepped out of them and bent down and quickly pulled off his shoes and socks, throwing them to the side where they wouldn't soak up fluid from the puddle Mom had left.  Connor stood naked in front of his mom. He closed the distance between and gripped her sides in his hands, resuming the position they'd had moments before. It was the first time Lara had seen her son's penis since he'd become a man. It stood straight and erect and veiny away from him, its bulbous head poking into her torso. As he pushed closer the head tipped up, moving against her body until it lay hard and lean between their bodies. Lara noticed she was breathing harder. She and Connor looked closely and deeply into each other's eyes. She wanted to grab him, but she couldn't. The cuffs wouldn't let her. She'd have to wait for Connor to make the first move. She didn't have to wait long. He put a hand behind her head and pulled her closer. Their lips met and he kissed her again. He kept kissing her, on and on, his mouth moving in an oval all around her lips, kissing them, biting them. His hands gripped her ass. Lara loved the rough, strong fingers that mashed and squeezed each cheek. Without ceasing the assault of his mouth on hers, his hands lifted off her ass and swept around to the front of her thighs. Lara felt her left leg lifted off the floor. She no longer supported herself. She was held up by the cuffs, the rope around her right leg, and her son's hands. He pushed her legs back, spreading them wide. Lara knew what was to come and she knew she couldn't stop him. "Are you sure?" she asked him. "Yeah, Mom," he said. "I'm sure. I can't even think. I need this." He'd no sooner finished speaking when Lara felt the big, firm bulb push against and part her wet, waiting lips. They gave way easily. His cock was thicker than the toy that had been inside her minutes earlier. It filled her and stretched her, and she moaned again. "Connor -" "You like that, Mom?" "I love it. Oh, I love it." "I'm fucking you, Mom." "You're . . . " She didn't want to say it - didn't want to give in to the use of obscenity. But the word seemed right. "You're fucking me. Keep fucking me." "I will, Mom. I will. But you have to tell me. How does it feel?" "It feels fantastic, Connor. So good. I feel so naughty." She got the words out, somehow, between gulps of air as his cock picked up speed in its thrusts into her. She was completely helpless. She couldn't push back against him or pull away from him. Her hands were still bound, and her feet were off the ground. All she could do was feel his control over her body. She knew, dimly, someplace deep inside, that she shouldn't be doing this, but it seemed like she'd crossed the moral redline so long ago she no longer cared. She wanted only to surrender to the moment and the sweet, insistent pulse of her son's thick cock inside her. All redlines dissolved to a blur against the onslaught of their mutual lust and need. Connor, silent for a while, suddenly growled. "Aggggh, Mom! It feels so good. Your pussy feels fantastic." It sounded weird to Lara to hear her son talking about her pussy, but she couldn't stop him, and had she been able to she doubted she would have. She thrilled to his hard, furious fucking of her, and if he wanted to tell her how good it felt that was fine with her.  He pushed her back against the post as he fucked her. He pulled one hand away from her thigh. It shot up and roughly grabbed one of her breasts, kneading it with strong fingers. She marveled at her son's strength, and his ability to hold her up with one hand and the weight of his body pressing her against the post. She felt a sharp pinch as he squeezed a hard nipple between his fingers. Then his hand moved to do the same thing to the other breast. She felt the rise in her, again. She was going to orgasm. Her body shivered and a high-pitched squeal escaped her lips. She watched her son's strong face, his square jaw clenched, and his dark eyes cast down to watch their fucking. "You're going to make me come again," she said. Connor didn't look up, but he changed his rhythm. He sped up, grabbing her butt cheeks harder with his hands and pushing inside her with even more vigor. Lara almost felt like she'd be split in two, and she loved it. "I want you to come, Mom," he said. "I'll come with you."  Then he looked up, into her eyes, and Lara and her son stared at each other while their bodies, now slick with sweat, rocked together.  She could tell he was getting close, too. His breaths came faster and louder. His hips pressed against hers with more urgency. The thick rod of his flesh seemed to press more deeply into her with each stroke. "Oh, yeah," he said. "Oh, Mom." His voice did it. The dam broke and she cried out a in great shriek that filled the room. "Connor!" The orgasm shook her to the core, touching something deep inside her, something Chuck had never touched. Lara couldn't name it. But it didn't need to be named. It enveloped her with overwhelming force, and she surrendered to it, utterly. Moments later she heard her son. "Here it comes, Mom. Here it is." Connor pushed three times more, deeply, and then Lara felt his body shudder against hers. They shook together, Lara's left leg entwined around her son, his arms embracing her. Their bodies stilled after a while, and they stood together for a long time. Lara heard the ticking of the clock on the wall.  After a minute or two, Lara could see Connor trying to say something, but the words didn't come right away. "That was . . . That was -" "Yes, it was," she finished. "I can't believe we did that." "I know. But we did." Connor pulled out and let his mother down. Lara's left foot hit the floor again. Her son stepped back from her and they stared at each other, eyes wide and shining with wonder at what they'd done. Cum dripped from Connor's penis, Lara saw. She felt his cum at her entrance and trailing down her thigh. The house was warm, and their bodies were damp. The smell of sex and sweat filled the air. Lara became aware again that her hands were still cuffed over her head and they were growing weary. She also realized the time was drawing nearer for Chuck to return. She couldn't let him find her like this. "Connor, please get me out of this. Find the key. Get the shears. It doesn't matter. Just get me out." His eye glinted. "OK, Mom. I'll look for the key again. If I can't find them, I'll get the shears." Connor, still naked, rounded the sofa and lifted a cushion. He reached forward and held his hand up. The key was in it. "Found it." Lara's suspicion rose. "That was awfully quick. You didn't see that before?" "Of course not," Connor said, grinning. "I wouldn't do that." Before Lara could reply Connor came around and put the key in the cuffs. They opened at once and Lara lowered her hands to her sides. Her right leg was still bound. Connor played with the loops and knots until at last he loosened them. He set Lara free. Lara's hands felt tingly from having been cuffed so long. She shook them. "I don't want Chuck to see me like this. Here. I have an idea." Lara fetched her phone from a nearby table. "Take this," she said to Connor. "What for?" "Take a picture of me. From the shoulders up."  Lara held the cuffs in front of her face. Connor snapped the photo. Lara took the phone from her son and tapped her thumb rapidly over the touch screen. "I'm texting Chuck." "What are you saying to him.?" "I told him I got out of the cuffs, but I'm not telling him how. I told him not to come back to the house. Ever." Connor smiled, and Lara enjoyed the sight of her son running his eyes over her still nude, messy body. "Sounds like a good call, Mom." Lara smiled, too. "I think so," she said. "I don't need him. I've got somebody better." THE END. For pics visit:---->>>https://bit.ly/2ReHUJI
Title: The Kennel Summary: Siblings find their parents' 'cage'. Keywords: inc,fic "I just can't give myself to someone like that." Honestly, after she said that. I didn't know what to say. ******** Sara and I are taking care of our parents dogs. Why?? Well, we waited until after Christmas to find internships for the summer, and that was a BIG mistake. Not the end of the world though, these aren't ordinary dogs. Fifteen of them. These are 'world famous' show dogs, so we get paid really well when we do help. And they need help most of the time, we just don't really like doing it that much. Since I can remember, my sister and I have been helping with these dogs. It is second nature to us, and I have this fear that thirty years from now I will still be in this house full of bitches (human and animal), showing fucking dogs. World Famous Dogs! WTF?? Anyways, Sara is with me, helping. It is a two person job when our parents are gone. She hit the same brick wall as me. She's sitting here in her tight fitting jeans and a man's shirt, hair pulled back, glasses, spilling her guts right now. This torrent of emotion coming from a girl who used to run barrel races perfectly. I never knew anyone stronger, or more invincible. What happened? Her hair is pulled up and back, the way it always was when she was growing up, her mans shirt tucked in at the waist. Glasses, cause she's too lazy to put her contacts in, no make up. And right now, Miserable. Is this going to be my summer? Her blathering on about nothing. When did she become so vulnerable, alone, sad. Pathetic. So.......I'm sitting here nodding my head. *********** It all goes something like this: "I need to be better about giving him what he wants from me." Me, "Why would you NEED to do that. Sara I don't think he......" "Jason this is all so complicated as it is. It really is! I have spent my whole life being alone, needing nobody. I need to be more connected, let go." Me, "But it doesn't sound like HE is there, emotionally for you. So why should you be there emotionally for him. You don't just give to give." Did I just say all that?? I sounded like Oprah. She harrumphed. "I...I love him, so it becomes exponentially harder, you know." What the fuck did that mean? I nod my head. "And when I'm scared." She's holding her hand out flat now, waiting for the words.... "And I can't......" Head in hand dramatically. "Does he love you?" "Of course!! I was talking with Jessica, she made me realize that my being scared, is really in fact anger. That I am angry. That I shouldn't be angry, she says......" "I don't think....." "The FACT IS Fact is, I'm scared and vulnerable, and he becomes distant because I don't give enough. That's why! And the fact is that I am so alone, and won't surrender to him FULLY, well that makes me - angry. So I'm angry," and the tears begin to flow. FUCK! "Listen. Listen. LISTEN!" I take her hands and look at her. "What if it's this Sara!" I paused for effect. "What if he's an ASSHOLE. What if he's distant cause he's an ASSHOLE. And you are angry because he's an ASSHOLE." Silence. Now I see Anger in her eyes, for the first time. Hah! And I continue, "It's not fair that YOU should have to be like this. Take control of your own life, have fun. Let go, but without the creep. Just stop it." Wiping the tears now, "How can he be so fucking powerful? You're right, I shouldn't be this way, Jason I'm so sad. I start my days in tears. It hurts so much." I nod my head. And then she continues, "If what you are telling me is true. I don't know. Because, because it's always going to be this way. Relationships aren't supposed to be so difficult. Don't you understand, I deserve to be happy. I deserve normal. I shouldn't have to MAKE myself be someone's sexual partner... I should feel it, want it, to touch, love. I need that connection. Just even for just one second. I just so want....." "You need to empty yourself of all these NEEDS Sara, you just have to let go." And then she lept from her chair. "Don't you understand! That's what I can't do. I AM empty, completely empty - inside - and I'm broken. It's .... It's what I feel every fucking day. Nothing. Nothing feels real. And every time I think I'm free, I've finally gotten past all this, felt SOMETHING. every time, I find myself back HERE. Back to.....In the same place, feeling the same way. This is permanently inside my body, like a mark, this hand in my stomach ready to tear me to pieces." "What? What is IT??" She looked away for a long time. "Every time I..... fuck, I want for it to feel, just to feel - to disappear I guess - I don't know. But...but, fucking just feels like I'm pushing back the emptiness. Not like being filled at all, not passion, just NOT empty. And, It feels so good in that moment.....but then it's gone again, that's why I get so attached. And as soon as he cums," she closed her eyes, through tears said, "that emptiness, is just so much worse, after, so.....it's becoming impossible for me Jason." I looked away. Felt embarrassed, in those moments you hear more than you would like. Tears again. "It's getting so, I just can't give myself to someone like that." ************* About half the house is devoted to the dogs, separated by a wall that is accessed by a vestibule to control the smell and the sounds. A few of the dogs can come in the house, but most can't. The ones that are breeders can't. They have all their hormones and body parts, nothing snipped or clipped, so their animal natures are so much more than the normal house pet. A piece of wild in them. Sara likes the dogs, she likes leaning into the cages and touching their noses and looking into their eyes. She says they have secrets we can never know. Time with the dogs has been helping her. I mention she should go riding some. She was such a good horse racer until a fall injured her hip, but she could still ride for fun. We have two kennels in the kitchen, and right now there is one standard poodle that can be in the house. Not good enough to be a breeder, but such a sweet little thing. She stays in one of the kennels at night, before we go to bed. After a few weeks, Sara finally breaks up with asshole and that is a good thing. I decided to buy some nice wine for the evenings, thinking it might help relax her and shift her off those interminable conversations. I am good at cheering her up too, and the combination of wine and asshole being gone and the dogs is helping. Thankfully, I am beginning to think the summer won't be ruined. ******************* Sara is leaning against the table, sipping her wine and telling this story to me: "I was riding the bus, and it was so crowed; the road was uneven and the bus weaving back and forth, back and forth. I just stood still in the middle of the bus, sardines in a can, and I let go. Just let all the people around me hold me up. I let my body press tight against this one guy, the movement of the bus letting me rub against him. I just let it happen. Gave in." She clapped her hands together, "That's my secret." She had said she had a secret earlier in the day. She was smiling. I noticed something about Sara that I never had before. I remember she tended to have boys in her life, quite a few actually, and that right now she did not. I gathered from casual conversation that she was sexually active, but I was beginning to realize just how active. In the absence of .... she was becoming like this little bitch in heat, and for whatever reason the various outlets were not producing anyone. Her last breakup was bad, and her friends were trying, but this one thing she had said stuck in my mind: 'I just can't give myself to someone like that' I think she was, underneath everything, acting on that fear. The result though were these increasingly sexual stories, innuendo, and just sex talk in general coming from her, between us during the day. It didn't help that we were basically facilitating fucking amongst our harem of bitches over the past several weeks. Watching them fuck while she's saying things like, "Bet she likes that." or, "He's got a nice cock on him." and "That's it. Fuck her Leave her." Her sexual talk was not overt, it was like the story she just had told me. I wasn't seeing anyone, and personally I think it is harder for a guy to meet a girl than a girl to meet a guy. Guys are like 'yeah sure' and girls are like 'I don't think so.' But I was cool with it. This summer was hot too, humid; not that it mattered. But Sara's jeans were giving way to shorts and skirts, and her shirts were giving way to lighter blouses, T shirts. So.....it was the first time I really noticed her figure, her breasts, the color of her skin, her cheeks. Her hair was still up, still the glasses, still no makeup. Some days she wore her jeans but then half tops with a bra where you can see the straps. I remembered wondering what she looked like with her hair down, I hadn't seen her that way for years. Probably didn't hurt that I wasn't getting any, the way I was looking at her now wondering, When did she let her hair down?' In her room? Thinking, Did she sleep that way? I was picturing it all fallen in tresses down her back, spread out on the mattress of her bed. She was asking me something, and I blinked my eyes, sipped a little more wine and looked at her. "Jason! YOU been with any girls lately?" I smiled, looked at my glass. "Ha!" I said. "I haven't seen pussy for so long, if I saw one I think I'd throw rocks at it." "Jason!!" She blushed and looked away. "Oh my God! I can't believe you just said that!" I liked it, I surprised her. It just came out, it was in my head and made me laugh. Stuck in my memory. I laughed too, "Well, S'true." Then silence a while, the dog ran into the kitchen, it was getting late. Sara cooing, "Princess! Oh Princess," as the dog pressed her head in Sara's hand and then ran right into the kennel. She knew the drill. I leaned back and watched Sara as she walked over to the kennel, bent herself down and closed the door. Princess laying nice on her little blanket, water in the corner. My attention drifted over to the other kennel, and I looked at it. I took a second look. The chrome bars were shiny, a little further apart than the one for Princess. In the middle of the door at the front was another door about a foot square, set in the upper half of the main door. And there were circles in the bars on either side with cuffs, leather cuffs. I looked through the bars and saw some leather cuffs at the back of the cage, larger cuffs. I sat forward and stared at the empty kennel. "Where'd dad get that kennel?" Sara looked back at me, "I think he said ebay." She was looking now, at where I was staring. "You notice anything different about it?" "No." "Look. There's a door in that big door there, at the front. That's kind of weird, don't you think." "Smaller dog maybe." I got up and pulled it away from the wall. "Small dog that gets in it from up here?" I opened the smaller door. "Sara. This.....this is a bondage cage." "A what?" "A cage for....the kind you buy from....an adult store. Here.....look. See these cuffs," I pushed my hand into the hole. "You get in and put your hand in there, like this." I extended my arm through. "You tighten these cuffs here, see! On the wrist." Sara's eyes got wide. "It's not!" She was standing behind me. "Anyways. No one would fit in there. It's too small." She was looking at the door, opening it. I continued, "I'm pretty sure." I went back sat in my chair and leaned back watching her, "Go ahead. Try it." Smiling now at my challenge. Sara looked at me, then the kennel. I watched her blush a little. I watched her lean down, get on all fours and sort of turn herself around and back into the cage. She stopped, "See, I don't fit." "You're not doing it right. You have to let your feet extend through the bars at the back. Yeah, like that." She continued to back up slipping her feet between the bars. I felt my heart beat a little faster as I watched her backing up until her butt hit the back bars, and the top of her head touched the top of the cage. I got up, swung the door closed on her. Looking at Sara on all fours with her narrow waist and her half top hanging down from her belly, her tight jeans. God she had a nice waist. Her hair was still up, but damn. She was looking up at me and I continued, "Now. Here, put your hands through these holes. Go on." She did it, and I tightened the cuffs around her wrists. "See." She looked at herself, looked around from inside the cage. I could see her blushing. I watched the tips of her ears go red. My heart was beating a million miles a second, my hands trembled. She looked like nothing I had ever seen before, my little Sara in this cage, her hands tied. I sipped some of my wine, and backed up and just stared at her, walked around the bars, looking down at her from all sides. Her feet sticking out from behind. She was sort of taking it in too, looking at herself, moving her hands, until "Ok. Funs over. Let me out." But, I didn't answer, not right away. Instead I just squatted down at the door in front of her, and rather than open the main door, I opened the little door which was right at her face. It was obvious what this door was for. I opened it and looked at her through the opening, she smiled. I could see nervousness in her eyes though. She said, "Hi." "Sara. I've wondered what you look like with your hair down." "What?" She pulled a little at her arms, her hands nicely cuffed. I reached my hands in to her through the little door as I said, "Here. Just.....Just let me," her eyes wide watching as I began to pull the clips and pins from her hair, letting it releaase around her shoulders. She was turning her head a little, sort of trying to move away but not really too far to move, so she stopped, submitting herself to me and let me do it. I watched her hair fall, the way it framed her face. It was long, really long, hanging down around her shoulders, down around her arms. Her brown hair nearly touched the bottom of the cage. "You should wear your hair down more," I heard myself say. I felt an erection rising in my pants, and I stayed squatting in front of her. I could feel it extending down my leg, "And, those glasses." I reached in again and took them off. "I can't see," was all she said. "You really look nice." "Jason, let me out of this." I got up, walked around her one more time. "Jason. This is not funny. Jason!" The image of her body in that cage, the chrome bars framing her. Standing above her, over her; her on her knees, her long hair. The narrowness of her waist, the way her jeans pulled at her ass exposing her bare back. My ears burned, I loved the way her cheeks flushed. I loved looking at her mottled cheeks. My little Sara. I padded around to the front of the cage again and finally undid the collars, she slipped her hands out, feeling her wrists. I paused, still mesmerized. "Jason, the door!" I noticed the door had a screen over the lock mechanism. Even though there was no lock the door could not be opened from inside. "Sorry. I thought you could....." I unlatched the door and she crawled out, was standing again. Her hair now down around her shoulders. I gave her her glasses. I watched her breathing, a light pant. Her lips were full. She looked away, all shy just then. "Just kidding around," I said. In that moment she seemed so aroused. I watched her looking back at the kennel, then kick the door closed, and then shoving it against the wall with her foot. "Yeah, well......." ******************** Well, that kennel stared at us day and night, taunting us as we sat there after that. I could not look at it without thinking of Sara on her knees inside, and I know that she was thinking the same thing. For days afterwards she went on how she could not imagine how anyone could be into that kind of thing, how weird it all was, how sick. And then, how ridiculous. I didn't say anything, but just the mention of it resulted in a flush, and wave of pleasure for me. In truth, I thought I sensed a bit of excess 'disgust' in Sara, sort of like smokers who have recently quit - how ANTI-smoking they become. Meaning: How much they really want that next cigarette. But I just nodded my head. I honestly don't think I had ever experienced such an erotic moment as that evening, now several weeks ago. I was ashamed to realize that Sara had also become the object of my evening masturbation sessions, it was true. Too true. Try as I might to focus my thoughts away from that kennel, from her; when the moment came, that delicious release, there she was with that little door opening to her mouth, and my little Sara looking at me with her red full lips and hair down around her face. And, God Oh God, so good......cumming on my bed, followed by this wave of guilt. **************** "I was downtown today and there were these kids wearing blue T shirts with clipboards. Anyways, I'm just sitting having some coffee and one of the blue kids goes up to this guy and says 'Do you have a moment for the environment?' The guy is like, 'What??' And the blue kid says, 'Do you have a moment for the environment?' The guy is really agitated now, says, 'What the fuck you talking about?' Blue kid is nervous now, 'Uh, We're working to reduce mercury emissions?' To which the guys says, anger in his voice, 'What the fuck do I care about Mercury; Son, this is Earth we're on,' and walks away." I'm laughing now, "Sooooo stupid." Sara is laughing, "People are stupid." Tonight was a fun evening, we had some food in the oven and not unnoticed by me, Sara had been wearing her hair down once in awhile. Tonight it was down. God she looked good. Still laughing, Sara says, I was at the station and this guy is talking to, probably his girlfriend saying, 'The shit won't go away! I put that cream on my dick like they said, it's still there!' She's like, 'Did you put it on more than once?' He's like, 'You have to put it on more than once? They never said that.' She says, 'Honey everyone knows you have to put cream on more than once no matter where you put it.'" Tears were streaming down her face as she recalled this, she's clutching her glass of wine, laughing. "So stupid." We were just in that kind of mood. "Or, how about things that like make no sense at all. No matter how often you think about it, you can never figure out what they meant. I love to listen to cell phone conversations, people on the street thinking they are like totally alone. One time, this guy says 'Seriously, you are being ridiculous. You need to calm the fuck down. You still have two more stops and what are your expectations with that outfit?' So like what the fuck does that mean?" "I have no idea. Maybe she's a hooker. I was talking to Jessica the other day, she's breaking up with HER boyfriend now. Believe it or not, your story reminded me of....." "Why?" "She broke up with him..... cause of a blow job." "What?" "True! I guess she gave him like this really really good blow job and after he says it was one of the five best blow jobs he'd ever had. She asks - obviously - the five best of the ones I've given you, or the five best EVER. And this guy, the guy is like stammering, and she threw him out. Broke up with him right there." "Too unbelievable." "So stupid." "Him or her. Like what would she expect, that this guy never had nothing happen before." I went and poured another, checked the oven. "Almost ready." "No, I. Both I guess." There was a pause, Sara looking at me, playing with the rim of her wine glass. "Jason?" "Yeah." "Can I ask you something......" I looked up at Sara from the counter not really thinking anything at all. Her whole demeanor had changed. She was pulling a bit of hair out of her eyes. "Jason, I keep.....I..." She breathed in deep. "I'll just, say it. Jason. Can I get in that kennel again?" I let my head drop. "But....." "Just for a little minute. Just. It's stupid. I'm stupid. The feeling, it was .....different and......" She finished her glass. "I'm forgetting what it felt like." I walked over, my heart in my throat, saying not another word. This was too unbelievable. I wanted things to stand where they were just at that moment, wanted time to freeze, as I pulled the kennel from the wall. Not even saying 'yes ok,' not wanting what she had just said to possibly change from anything I might say. I felt like I was stepping out of time. She sat there silent, watching me. I opened the door and stood back as she knelt down, turning herself, backing in, practiced now. Her feet passing through the bars at the back of the cage. I closed the door. Heard the click of the latch. I was looking at her again in that cage. "You want your hands in the cuffs again?" She was nodding, not looking at me, "Hmmm, Hmmmm. Yeah." She lay her small hands through the holes of the cage and I tightened the cuffs. When she looked up, her head touched the top of the bars, I was looking down at her again. My whole body trembling. This time she was in a skirt that was mid-thigh, so that on her knees I could see it rising up in back, rising up high. I was standing, taking her all in from the front, and I'm thinking 'If I got low enough I would be able to peek up her skirt.' Followed by, 'Crazy. I can't do that.' All these voices. My mind swimming. The fabric of her skirt was pressed against the bars at the back, the leather thigh harnesses hanging down touching her bare legs. I walked around her again. I asked, "What do you like about this?" "I don't know.....It's a part of me......that never gets let out." I kneeled down in front of her, and she says "Take my glasses off again." So, I opened the door and reached in, she closed her eyes and I slipped her glasses off, brushing my hands in her hair and positioning the soft strands how I wanted them against her face, just out of her eyes. For me, just for me and no one else. She was holding her hands in these little balls, looking in my eyes and says, "Is there anything else about me you think I should change." Sort of an invitation I thought, and I looked up and down her body. She was wearing a light blouse that circled her throat, that didn't tuck in at the waist and a skirt that came mid thigh - and like I said, was exposing her panties at the back if I could get low enough. I could not stop thinking about that. "There's nothing about you I would change." "Be honest. Anything?" I reached my hands in through the little door and caressed her hair some more, then her cheek. I touched her throat and she lifted her chin. She was letting me. Yielding. I was brushing my hands over her shoulders, she was lifting each shoulder to my touch, just letting me touch her. It was so soft, so gentle. "Anything at all?" she repeated. "You.....You're perfect. You are. But....your top, you could be a little more revealing, I guess," as I stroked the fabric collar around her throat. "You have nice.....breasts." I watched her eyes widen. Even I couldn't believe I had said that. And I quickly added, "You could wear just a little lipstick once in a while, but nothing on your eyes. You have such pretty eyes," and I looked into them. God, I was hard again and my head was swimming. My hands felt numb. Just then the oven dinged. I stood, and she looked up at me. I said, "Dinners ready." I leaned back down to unhitch her cuffs and she shook her head no. "Feed me." ************** I lay in bed that night with the image of her opening her mouth, and me feeding her. Potatoes drizzled in butter and dill, spoon feeding her, feeling her lips close around the end. Carrots in a little cream, chicken and rosemary. Over and over again. If something got on her chin I wiped it with my fingers. She ate her whole meal from me, hands in those cuffs. I even tipped the wine glass back for her and watched her lips get wet, drinking the wine, leaving some stains of red down her chin. Cutting her meat, feeding her with my fingers, feeling her teeth. Pushing her hair back away from her mouth, the feel of her lips, lifting the long strands over her shoulder and down her back. Mmmmmmm. I closed my eyes. God oh fucking God. And I thought about that skirt, how the hem was just even with her.....pussy. I thought about that. How her ass pressed against those back bars. Right there, and I thought about what I had done. When we finished, and it seemed time to let her out, I said, "Sara, can I ask something. One thing." "What?" "I want to, just, see your....feet. I never get to see them." She looked at me, incredulous. "It's me being stupid now. Can I take your shoes off? I'll rub your feet. That's it." She looked back and perhaps, I really don't know, a light went on somewhere in her. She just said, "Yeah, for just a little minute." I moved over, sat myself down between her shoes, and willing myself, refused to look up. I was still convincing myself that I just wanted to see her feet, that there was no ulterior motive. We used to run barefoot everywhere and now, I just wanted to see. That is what I told myself. I untied her sneakers, white with a thin sole, and slid them off each foot. Then grasping her cotton socks, slipping them off each foot, warm and damp. The kind that is low, that stops right at the ankle. She had each one neatly folded to make little cuffs around the top of her shoes. And then, unable to restrain, unable to resist. Yielding. Wild with guilt and nerves, I looked higher. Just a little. Not all the way. Just up along her bare calves extending between the bars, how they bent and then following a little further up her thighs. Up and Back down again, this glimpse of her ass pressed against the bars. Her knees were pretty wide, the bars forcing her legs apart, and the skirt was even with her puss. I looked again, higher. Feeling my body melt, my willpower vanish. Staring between her legs. It was just how I had imagined it would be. I could see her white cotton panties, bunching up between her legs, the fabric narrowing off her ass, the curve of her pussy just visible between her legs.White cotton panties, what I would expect Sara would be wearing. I took one foot in my hand and pressed my thumb into its pad, and heard Sara let out a soft moan. I was also staring steadily up her thighs now as I rubbed and saw her squeezing her thighs together as I pressed. Responding to my touch. I could see that muscle that runs up the inner thigh tighten, how her ass would lift just the tiniest bit as her back arched causing the skirt to catch against the bars. I pressed again, she responding the same way. Her skirt lifted about two inches, no more, and I could see the mound of her pussy perfectly in that moment, each time her ass raised and her back arched, that little undulation of her body. I could see the discoloration in the cotton, she was wet! Her cum. A wet line extending down between her legs and out of sight. A stain. Her arousal almost made me cum on the spot. I continued to rub her feet, softly pressing my fingers and thumb into the pad of her foot. Holding each toe. Caressing her, lovingly, the feel of her skin, touching her ankles and just to her calves. Over and over I thought of these things, as I closed my eyes and turned myself onto my back. It was burned into my memory. Inside my pitch black room I could still see her, everything. Every moment. I could still see her there, feed her, touch her, watch her move inside that kennel. My little Sara. *************** When I woke the next day, we met in the kitchen, and we made no mention of the night before. In my more clear headed state, I realized she had to have known what I did. My ruse. She had to have known. But, she let me. It was ok. I did nothing wrong. My rationalization. I met her eyes following me to the fridge, I looked at her and she smiled. "Morning." *************** That afternoon the phone. It was ASSHOLE. She took the phone up to her room and closed the door. She was gone for two hours, and after, she ran down the stairs and out of the house. Was she going to see him? We agreed, that was a bad idea. Why didn't she talk to me about it first. I was angry. I was something else too, but would not admit it. I would not even think the word. We had a lot to do today and she being up in her room for two hours and then leaving the house really pissed me off. I was ready to read her the riot act, but when I saw her, when she finally came home. The wreck that she was. Everything I felt, everything I thought, everything I planned on saying melted away. "You want to talk?" was all that came out. She threw herself down on the sofa. " I told him I felt useless to the world....... He was like not even there just watching me. Like just a body. He was asking things so matter of fact, he asked me why I felt that way. I said I thought that I was being open with him, sharing my life my feelings. My......" "You broke up with him." I looked at her, "Didn't you?" She paused. And in that moment I realized what an idiot I'd been. She answered, "Sort of. Jason. I've seen him a couple of times." I felt blood go to my eyes. This pressure in my head. This feeling. So stupid. She was lying to me. She continued, "I told him that, while I am a basically honest person......" Fucking liar. ".....that he is a closed book, that he is not there for me. I'm just on this emotional roller coaster, I'm lost without him. I said that he didn't seem to care whether I lived or died. Something like that, probably a little too dramatic. But .... when I'm upset it just all comes out. " Blah blah blah. I didn't want to listen. I wanted to walk away. "And then I waited. I waited and waited for what he would say. He said I was good at making observations and that I was right most of the time. I said that's it? That's fucking it. I spill my heart out to you. I said, Do you have a heart!!" My head is screaming he's an ASSHOLE. I just remained silent. I'm thinking 'The dogs need to be fed.....' "I told him I was leaving unless there was anything I could do for him...." She paused, this little look on her face, at me, and then the floor. "He said uh, 'no,' and I left, came here. He asked me for my cell phone number cause I changed the number so he couldn't call me anymore and he said he would call me later tonight." I looked at her, "Did you sleep with him?" She looked away. "You fucking slept with him!" "I've been driving around for like three hours waiting for him to call me. He never called. I called his house like three times and no answer. I fucking hate this!" I just said, "We have to feed the dogs," and got up just left her sitting there. Sara showed up about fifteen minutes later with a pail and was walking up and down the aisle across from me, looking at me the whole time, keeping pace with me. I said nothing, ignoring her. She says, "Your mad." I say, "No." She says, "I think you are." "No. Really, just surprised." I was seething, amazed at myself for my ability to hide my feelings. I was beginning to sympathize with ASSHOLE. God, fucking damn, I wanted her in that cage right now. ****************** So I waited. I found some tequila and made some nice cold margarita's. She continued to blather on about ASSHOLE and I remained honest, even tempered, but honest. Said what I thought. All stuff said before. My honesty did not anger her now, it was her lies. She was tipsy again, she says to me, "YOU want me to get in the kennel again." I turn to the fridge. She continues, "Don't you?" My heart is beating, harder than I ever remember. "No I don't." I thought I would pass out. I turn again and look at her, feeling - I don't know exactly. Singular, not even words. She was in a skirt again, a shorter skirt, half top with a V at her neck. I breathed, "But, If you wanted." She was looking at it again, "I would never do this with anyone." "You do with me." "You know what I mean." She was thinking, set down her glass. I watched her get up, she was tipsy. "We can never tell anyone about this. K?" And she was moving herself to the cage, pulling it out into the kitchen, opening it, looking inside and at me. "I just can't explain how it is.....for me." I added, "Sara if you get in this time. You're my pet." She laughed, backing herself into the door. She just says, "Woooof." ************** I latched the door and harnessed her wrists. Her hair was already down, no glasses. "You aren't wearing your glasses today." She just shook her head as I tightened the leather on her wrists. She could see my hands trembling. She giggled a little, "I'm your pet, hey Jason!" And she wagged her tail this time, brushing her ass against the bars, waving the leather cuffs at the back of the cage against her thighs, and as she did that my eyes went to her ass and saw the cuffs there. She was following my eyes, looking back and held herself there. I moved to the back of the cage and her skirt was literally at the center of her ass, raised up so high nothing left to the imagination. Her panties were pink, a shiny thin fabric, and much much smaller, exposing her tight little ass cheeks to me. She knew. I was looking at her, she following me with her eyes being watched, pressing herself against the bars. We said nothing as I took the leather cuffs and wrapped them around her bare thighs and cinched them tight. "Ow," her voice trembled. I stood again looking down at her, out of sight; eyeing the back of her head, her shoulders, her narrow waist, legs open, extending from the cage, barefoot. Sara didn't move. "What are you going to do, with your pet?" I opened the little door at the front. "Look at you. Leave you here. Feed you......" I got on my knees and slid to the side of the little cage, just sat. She was held back against the back bars now, all four of her limbs bound. "What if I....." reaching my hand through the bars from the side and ran just my fingertips along her back, up and down the length of her. Brushing, scratching, touching her soft skin, touching her at the small of her back, touching her bare skin, letting my hand slip up under her top began rubbing her shoulders. No bra. "What if I pet my little pet." She squirmed a little but there was no movement possible for her. She could arch her back, or turn her head. "Hungry?" I said as my hand held to her right at her waist, as I pressed my thumb into the curve of her hip, and then turning my hand tracing the line of her skirt down onto her tummy, and rubbing her tummy, drawing circles there. I loved the feel of her as she sucked her belly in as I touched her there, and the way it pouted out from her body when she let it. The way her little tummy narrowed into her hips. I rubbed her between her hips, rubbed her with the flat of my hand, touching her navel with my thumb. God my cock was hard now. It was pinching in my pants, and I wanted to take it out. Would I dare? "Hungry?" I said again. "A little." She mewed. "What else.....do you want to do?" I was throbbing, rapidly losing any sense of time or place. I trailed my hand higher on her, never losing contact, reaching further into the bars until I was tracing her rib cage up her side to the center of her chest. Lay my hand right between her breasts. Her top hung down at her waist, feeling her lift up as I drew my hand down between her breasts to her tummy, arching her back until she was nearly touching the top of the cage. Tracing my fingers over the surface of her skirt rubbing her hips and abdomen. I could just feel the mound of her puss through the fabric. Moving away was fruitless as I stroked her body, carressed her, and reaching up again began to touch the edges of her breasts. I felt her jump when I touched her there. Simply tracing my fingers along the edges of her breasts, pressing up from the bottom of her rib cage and around along her sides. Feeling her as I lifted my hand around to the top, tracing her collar bone and down pressing the palm of my hand over her breasts, pushing them, feeling them move. So deliciously soft, light, so small. I loved the way they hung down from her, I could feel her heart beating too. "Does ASSHOLE do this to you?" She just shook her head, "I've got you you know." She looked back at me, my hands on her, stroking her soft skin. I was watching her breathing, she was getting aroused. I could feel her swaying now, moving herself not away but toward my touch. Moving herself to set her breasts in my hand, I let her. I cupped my hand over her breast as she lay herself in my hand, and squeezed. I caught her eyes as I was doing that, glancing back at me, watched her open her mouth as I was squeezing, pressing my fingers into her, lifting her top up as I did, watching it slide up her back and expose her breasts to me. She was leaning forward with her arms up through those cuffs, and I could hear her sigh, as she closed her eyes. I could feel her nipples tighten and I played with them, one then the other. Gave them a pinch. I felt her jump. I pinched again. "Ow. Be good." "I don't think that's possible." She smiled a little turning her head toward me, "Mmmm. You hard?" I held my hand to my groin so she could see and pushed. Exquisite. Just the mention made me ache. "What do you think?" I rubbed my hand back down to her stomach and then slipped the flat of my hand under the fabric at her skirt, felt the elastic of her panties pull back as I felt lower still. Down below her navel, her soft belly narrowing between her hips, the soft hairs of her pussy trailing a line from her navel. I was bending down and looking where my hand was, into the opening where her skirt and panties were pulled back by my hand; her cunny hairs were brown, the hairs felt fine, soft. Just this little tangle, in a little line up her front. Mmmm, she trimmed herself. I was surprised. I kept reaching down until I could feel the rise of her pussy mound, pressing my fingers in touching her thighs, until I could just feel the parting of her labia. The dampness of her panties. She simply breathed out, "Jason...." A question in her voice. "This might be......I don't, know....Too far." I'd been moving myself to the back along the side of the cage as I rubbed and touched her, and slipping around to the back now I unhooked the cuffs at her thighs. She tried to see what I was doing, and for a moment I think she thought I was about to let her out. Because as I threw her skirt up over her hips, she began to crawl into the cage, away from me. I reached in hooking my fingers around the elastic of her panties and began to tug them back slowly, watching as they slid over her hips. She was trying to turn away, "Jason, I don't think. I didn't mean....." She was struggling with the cuffs. ".....not my.....Wait. Wait." I kept pulling, watching them slide lower, revealing the line of her ass, down her thighs, I could see the little pucker of her ass. She was bent over with legs apart which opened her up completely to me. The line of her cunt so pink and open, and so wet! God she was wet. Her legs being spread by the bars. Her cunny was pouting out between her legs, light hairs and opening, so pink. The cum leaking out. "Jason." She was waggling her hips again. I said nothing. She looked so delicious, glistening, her cunny lips parted and I could see the flesh of her, as I sat there so close to the bars. The soft hairs between her legs. Fuck, I began to rub my cock through my jeans. I had her panties down to her knees now, could smell her, literally feel the heat of her; and I whispered to her, "Back up now." "Jason, I......" She didn't move, so I reached in and grasping her thighs, slid her back against the cold bars and pressed her there. When she began moving again, I growled, "Hold Still!" pulling her back. I re-hooked the harnesses, cinched her in place. She was held there now with her panties down around her knees, legs held apart by the bars. I could see her trying to close her legs. "Maybe, you should let me out now." In this little girl voice. I was watching her squirm, exposed, tugging, trying to cover herself from me. Her top was up over her breasts and she couldn't even pull it down. Her panties down around her knees. I didn't even respond. Or rather I did. I first lay my palm over her open cunt, simply covered her with my palm of my hand, curling my fingers through her pussy hairs. Curling my fingers, petting her. I could feel her wet line down the center of my hand. She was trying to move away still, I watched her head lift up and then fall as I held my hand to her following however she moved. I took my middle finger and drew in up through her center, and listened as she exhaled. Deep sighs, and leaning in I took my hand away and blew my warm breath on her cunt, watching as her whole pussy contracted, pulsed in this convulsion of movement. I pressed my finger in around her clit, tugging at her pussy lips and blew my breath on her, again and again. Stroking her thighs, fingering her and blowing my breath on her. She was moaning and pressing her head against the bars, writhing as I simply blew on her. That was all as I watched her cum, she was cumming! It was so intense, she was trembling, her thighs shaking and she was dropping into the bottom of the cage. Bending herself, spasming against her harnesses. Crying out, I was watching her cunt quivering, blew on her again and again. "Oh god, oh god, ahhhhh Jason!" she whimpered, ragged gasps, letting her head drop down as this wave of orgasm slipped away. She was exhausted by it all already. *************** I was not even thinking about it, but had been rubbing my cock steadily as I watched her cum. Rubbing my cock as I blew on her wet pussy. MY little Sara. "Like that," I said. No answer. I had unclasped the top of my jeans, didn't even realize I had done it, the head of my cock was poking out. Noticing I began to rub on the head of my cock, felt myself leaking and rubbing the pre-cum around the tip. Pushing down, ohhhh god, how I ached. I stood back up and began to take my pants and underwear off. "You still hungry Sara?" I couldn't stand it. She could hear the fabric and she was moving her body around, tugging at the cuffs, watching me as I undressed. I walked around so she could see my cock, pulling my jeans down my legs, stepping out and squatted down letting my length poke up between my legs, sticking straight out of a dark tangle of hair. My thighs were bare, I was barefoot. Only a T shirt on. Her eyes were wide. She was still recovering from her orgasm and her hands were splayed out, her cheeks mottled. Her eyes didn't even look like they could focus. She was holding her mouth open, licking her lower lip. I opened the little door and she met my eyes. "Jason, no. I don't think......" And I was moving myself toward the opening, letting my cock hang right in front of her, touching her lips with my cock. Touching this little drip of cum leaking from my tip to her lips, drawing away a thin strand. She was turning her head one way and another. I was following her mouth as she moved. "Let me feed you, touching her face with my cock. Sara......Sara." She was holding her head still now and letting me slide my cock along her lips, letting my pre-cum lubricate her lips so that I could slide along her mouth leaving shiny trails on her chin and her cheeks and on her lips. When.....she opened her mouth, just the tiniest bit. I pressed and felt myself slide right inside, felt her open, her lips close around the head of my cock. I tipped my hip back and forward and felt her open herself up, popping myself into her and then taking it out again, as she began sucking on my cock. "Hungry, little girl." She continued sucking, holding to me now, her tongue swirling the underside of my cock. Her body undulating inside the cage, I continued to fuck her mouth as her ass lifted and fell, as her belly turned low and her back arched high. As she moved her knees and squeezed her thighs, as she pushed her pussy hard into the back bars, rubbing her cunt against the metal. I could hear her moaning, as I filled her. "Should I cum in your mouth, or...." "Do you want a facial?" She shook her head no. I simply said, "I still might." She looked at me, an upward look with her eyes, complete submission. Her arms forward, held in place. She was mine and she knew it. I'd let her drink me though. Be good. She was sucking on me harder, letting me press back deep into her mouth, touching the back of her throat. And bobbing her head in rhythm with my thrusts. I loved the way her lips looked and her dark eyes when she was looking up at me now, sucking on me. I was grasping her hair and hodling her to me, her soft moans vibrating into my penis, her tongue working along my whole length. The hairs of my cock touching her nose. I began quviering against her and could feel my cum rise, moving her on me as I wanted. "I'm cumming. Oh my god.." Bucking into her, she was holding to me, ready and then I sprayed into her. She was sucking hard, holding to me, worrying I would pull out spray my spunk all over her. I let her drink and drink and drink. "Fuuck, you just don't...so good." Oh god, I leaned back onto my knees, and when next I could see, come back to my senses, she was still swirling the cum in her mouth a little before swallowing. I breathed out, "You fucking slut." She was looking at me now, and her voice was low, eyeing my cock, my belly, "Jason, I don't care. Jason. I have to cum, right now. You have to....make me cum." I was watching her grind her ass against the back of the cage, held there by the harnesses. Her voice was so hungry, her body so delicious. She could not even pleasure herself, touch herself. I was watching her squirm, saying my name "Jason." Pulling at the cuffs. And..... Leaving my pants and underwear beside that little cage, I rose up, "You have to wait. Just a sec," and I walked out of the room. *************** I could still hear her as I sat on the sofa in just my T shirt, settling back into the cushions looking at my cock. Disbelief, her voice again. "Jason." "Jason come on!" "This isn't funny. Let me out." "Jason. Don't you fucking touch me." "Jason Please." And, "Motherfucker." It was no more than fifteen minutes, but she was mad. I padded back into the kitchen and she was, "You motherfucker. Let me out, goddammit." I never heard her like that. Wild. I leaned by the cage and reached in began to pet her again. Her hands were like claws reaching out, trying to move. I began to run my hand over her body, touch her everywhere. Along her back, her shoulders, her arms, her tummy, brushing my fingers over the hairs of her pussy, cup my hand between her legs, up the inside of her thighs. She was moving and swearing, but softening too. "Don't fucking touch me." Even as I could feel her body press into me. "Calm down, I was looking for this," I lied. I knew right where it was. She paused and it was a simple device really, two small cream colored plastic eggs with vibrators in them. "What is that?" I turned the switch on and you could hear them buzz. She was like, "Oh Jason, no, this has gotten......" I went in back of her and finding her delicious little anus, pressed one then the other up inside her and then turned the vibrators on all the way. I had another reason for waiting, I was painfully hard again. This time I was going to cum in this delicious little animals cunt. "Taming my little bitch. I want a ride now." She was moaning, "Oh my fucking God." Writhing from the vibration of those little eggs which were pushed up inside her. Tipping her ass up and down, you couldn't even hear them. Just her moans, undulations and whimpers inside the cage. My little slut. While she squirmed to the invisible vibrations, I was cupping her pussy with my hand, holding my hand to her and pushing my thumb up through her wet center, parting her lips, opening her up wide and wet. Being rough with her. And stroking her belly from between her legs and then sliding my fingers over her mound, all the way up to her ass. She was so soaking sopping wet. I pressed my thumb deep up into her cunt. Deep inside her and held my fingers over her clit, and as I held myself there let her move on my hand. She quickly understood what I was doing and began grinding herself down hard and hungry, began sliding long strokes into my hand. Drawing her clit in circles around my fingers, I held them hard against her, digging in. I loved feeling her move, and pressed my fingers deep into her clit, finger fucking her hard, god I loved the feel of her loose flesh. The smooth lining of her little cunny, I could slide into her so easily. The whole time cooing out to her, "Want this? Want to cum. Want me to make you cum? Want me inside you. You little fucking slut." "Oh fucking god," I could feel her body light up. "Yes. Oh god Let me cum, let me, oh....." She was so wild now, moving and I could feel her tensing, watching her just about orgasm, and let go right away as she was reaching back, stopped by the bars. "Jason, Oh Jason. Please." I didn't want her to cum yet. She was so close. She was near tears. I thought time would slow HER down as well. I looked at the clock, she'd been in this thing for over an hour. And so the next touch she felt was my cock, touching my tip to her lightly, and sliding it along her pussy, sliding my head along its whole length touching her from the top of her anus down over her vagina and slipping between those delicious lips and digging into her clit from behind. I rubbed her clit with the head of my cock, then back again just dipping the head of my cock into her in passing over her creaming cunt. When I first touched her like that it looked like all the air went out of her, it looked like she had touched the sweetest thing ever in the world. It was like her body softened all at once, and she simply felt me there, and I could feel her move, guiding me, trying to feel me inside, and letting me stroke her touch her, do anything. I asked, "You want me to fuck you, fuck you till you cum." "Oh god, I......" "Say it." "Fuck me." I took my cock away. "Oh Jason, No. let me feel you." "I'm going to fuck my little bitch." "Oh god, Jason, Fuck me. Yes.....Fuck." And I touched myself to her, began to press. Let the head of my cock squeeze into her, the juices bubbling around the head of my cock. Watching it press inside. I could smell her, her pink cunny making my cock shiny with her cum. I could feel the warmth of her body envelope my cock as I slid tight right into her. Oh god she felt so deliciously tight. "Are you my little bitch? Say it." "Oh, god. Yes. I'm your bitch. Fuck." I pressed deep into her. "Fuck. Fuck me.....Fuck.....me......Fuck me." And with each time she said those words I was thrusting my whole length into her, it felt so good as I held myself to her. She moaned out these long cries, and hung down off her arms. She lay so her face was pressed down at the bottom of the cage. Her body utterly surrendered. Utterly given in, her ass held up in the air. Now, for the first time, I could do anything to her, and I fucked her hard, until her body was convulsing beneath me. I wanted to fuck her forever, to stay in her forever. I reached in through the bars and held her clit, pressed my sticky fingers into her hard. I turned off those little eggs and tugged the wire. This deep guttural moan as I tugged and one then other popped right out, touching her the whole time. When she felt my finger there she was opening her legs as wide as she could, let herself hang off the leather harness, I could see the leather biting into her legs. It had to hurt. And each thrust pushed her away from the bars and she would snap back against me and hold herself there and grind her clit in my hand. I could feel her trembling pushing hard, literally shaking her cunny over my hand. Until her whole body went tight and she thrashed in the cage, I could feel her tighten on my cock and I began to turn my hips and thrust inside her, feeling my cum. And I came, filled her, streams of cum filling her the second time I had filled her, tight and horny in this cage. Filling her body, hot and wet, utter abandon, feeling the friction of my spunk as it lined the walls of her cunt. Feeling myself slap into her as we fucked. I held my hand over her clit, held myself to her, my cock softening inside her body. She was still drawing little circles there and I felt her cum one more time, one small last little orgasm as she laid inside the cage. The orgasm created one last squeeze of her cunny and I was pressed right outside of her. I dropped back on my knees and looked at her. She didn't move. *********** "Sara?" I slid myself to the side of the cage leaving a trail of cum on the floor, and I lay my hand on her back. She lay there breathing softly. Her top was up over her breasts, tuned a little on her side. Had she fallen asleep? I let my hand roam over her body, realizing this moment could never be repeated in my life. That I may never touch her again, that everything could change. That nothing would. I had access unfettered access and I didn't want to stop. I let my hands slide up over her hips between her legs and felt her open cum soaked pussy, her hairs matted against her skin, hot and moist. I thought about how the body changes after sex. Submission. I rubbed her tummy and felt it quiver under my touch. "Sara?" Slight sigh, soft breaths. I squeezed her breasts. I had a fantasy now of being able to walk up to her and touch her, reach inside her clothes any time I wanted. To have her come home and sit on the sofa and without resistence let my hands wander inside her clotehes, press into her cunt. To lift her skirt, push my cock up into her, deep inside, as she simply lay flat on her stomach and read her books while I gently fuck her, her head bobbing up and down as she's lying on the sofa. Letting me do anything to her. And right now, every inch of her, her hair, warmth, heat, sticky wetness. Softness, flesh and bone was mine. She was mine. And she was reveling in that surrender. I opened the door and she lifted her head. For a moment she looked just like an animal who has been locked in a cage for a very long time. There is that moment, that moment of fear. Of not wanting to leave. The boundaries being set in stone and metal, and flesh and bone. Sometimes stone and metal sets the better boundary, we certainly fear leaving our cage of flesh and bone. And we looked at one another through the open door. When creatures who would otherwise kill each other, are safe on each side of the bars. When, then the door opens. She lifted her head, I could see her eyes focus. Exposed to me, door open. She didn't smile, her hair sticking to her cheeks. I went to the back of the cage and undid the harnesses on her thighs and could see how they had cut into her. A mark, these lines of cuts into her legs. Sex like this SHOULD leave a mark I thought. She was holding her ass to the bars, her cunny still completely exposed to me, I began pressing my hand over her cunt again, wanting to touch her one last time. But feeling her move this time, move away. I continued to rub between her legs, feeling the folds of her pussy lips yield and then she stopped moving, pulled her legs open a little. For me. Yielding one last time. I pushed my fingers up into her, rubbing her wet, open, soft little cunny. Watching her body as I touched her. Smelling us, I could feel my cock steffening again as I touched her. The hair of her cunt, touching up between her legs, watching her move, feeling her slide against my hand, hold her legs open to me. I wanted to lay her in a soft bed, cover her with soft sheets and lay on her, open her, feel her body, skin to skin. I wanted to fuck her again. Finding her clit and pushing into her, pressing my fingers up inside. Before..... she was closing her thighs again, turning herself, moving away. I let go. Feeling the moment pass, it was over..... *************** I released her wrists, watching her small hands, this ridiculous kennel that our parents bought from ebay. She held her wrists, turned onto her front and tugged herself out of the cage. My pet, now Sara again. I watched her crawl out on her knees, stand up, hold her hands to her tummy, adjust her skirt, pull down her top, pull hair out of her eyes, wipe her mouth. I watched her panties, which had been sticking at one knee fall down to her ankles and catch as she stepped. She looking down and then laughing, put her hand to her chin. And stepping out of the little pink pile of fabric, padded out of the kitchen, barefoot, leaving them there. For me. I sat down. A kennel, my pants and a pair of panties. The smell of sex in the air. In that moment, were the only signs of what we had done. * pics---->> http://bit.ly/1D1q3qp
Title: Life with the Twins Ch. 03 Summary: The girls' trip begins for them and dad. Keywords: inc,fic Four days had gone by since my "talk" with Sylvia. I had to admit that I doubted that her rather unorthodox methodology would actually translate into getting Tabitha to back off, but so far it had seemed to do exactly that. Not that Sylvia wasn't somewhat insistent that I come back over again soon, but at least my daughter wasn't appearing in my bed in the middle of the night. It was Friday and both girls were out on dates, leaving me to my own devices. I'd already been down in my shop for an hour or so working on a project and was quite covered in sawdust from sanding when the doorbell sounded. Feeling a little frustrated at the interruption I put the sandpaper down, pulled off the dust mask and goggles and trudged up the stairs, trying to brush off as much dust as I could before walking across the living room carpet, listening to the doorbell again. I pulled the door open to see Sylvia standing on the front porch in a short blueish dress that highlighted her blue eyes and tall spike heels that made her already sexy legs look even more stunning. The dress was strapless, her breasts holding the slinky blue material up as it flowed down her body in tantalizingly translucent layers that looked almost like you could see all the way through the short tapered skirt portion to her panties. "You weren't coming back over to my house, so I thought I'd take matters into my own hands," she said with a bright smile. "I even brought along a little liquid refreshment," she added, pulling a wine bottle from behind her back. "Oh. Wow. Um. Hi," I said a little stupidly as stepped back and let her into the house, barely able to rip my eyes from her wiggling chest as she stepped past me. "Looks like you've been busy," she said without the smile leaving her face. "I like a man that's handy with his hands," she said with a soft, little giggle. "Wanna show me what you're working on?" "Sure," I answered, turning to lead the way across the room toward the stairs. She carefully started navigating down the stairs in her heels, stepping down them much more slowly than me as I bounced down them. "You know, I don't wear heels this high very often. I'm nervous that I'll fall down these stairs on them," she said, stopping several stairs down and holding out a hand. I turned back to her and stepped back up the dozen stairs to where she stood and took her hand. I chuckled to myself, thinking that only a woman would wear something that made her feel uncomfortable, just because of how she looked. I half turned and swung my free arm under her legs, scooping her petite form into my arms. "OOOOO!" she cried in surprise as I finished twisting and carried her the rest of the way down the stairs. "There you go," I said softly as I gently set her down, letting her slide from my grasp, her short dress, still hooked over my arm, pulling up over her nicely rounded ass. She grinned and smoothed the dress down over her practically bare butt. "Trying to sneak a peek?" she asked with a girlish giggle. "Honestly, I wasn't," I said a little defensively. "No? Why not? Don't like looking at my tush?" "You're tush?" I asked, almost laughing at the look on her face and the way she turned and pushed her butt out at me. "Yeah. That's the medically correct term isn't it? My cute little tushy?" she said playfully, reaching behind her back and flipping up the hem of her dress to flash me her practically bare cheeks, only three little white strings breaking the perfect smoothness of her skin. "Medically correct or not, I have to admit, it's a good looking tush," I answered, still looking at her butt, even though the dress was covering it again. "Oh you do like my tush then?" "I'd be lying if I said I didn't." "Oh? Well, in that case you can touch it if you want," she said, pulling her skirt up again, this time leaving it held up, exposing her round creamy cheeks. I chuckled and stepped the short half step toward her, reaching out to cup both firm globes. "You could just say you want to have sex." "I could, but that wouldn't be nearly as much fun, would it?" "As much fun as what?" "Going slow. Teasing a little. Building that anticipation. Last time we just kind of jumped into it. I thought maybe we'd slow the game down a little this time." "You won't hear me complain," I said with a smile, shuffling a little closer, her bare ass almost touching the quickly growing bulge in my pants as I slipped one hand up and around her body to cup one of her breasts through the slick material of her dress. I stroked my thumb back and forth across her hard nipple, noting the apparent lack of bra. "I won't complain about you doing that either," she said with a sigh, letting go of the hem of her skirt and slipping her hand between us, her palm pressing against my throbbing hardon. "Mmmmmm. Seems like you won't complain either." "Uh uh," I answered quietly. "But if we stay down here we'll get a bit dusty." "So?" she asked with a giggle, abruptly pulling away from my grip, her dress sliding back down to cover her butt again. "So what are you making?" "A new dresser," I answered as she walked toward the long, eight drawer dresser I'd been sanding on in preparation for staining. "Looks pretty sturdy," she said as she walked around it, sliding her hand across the dusty top. "It is," I answered. "Sturdy enough to hold me up?" "I don't see why not." She grinned and turned to look at me. "Tell you what. Why don't you go up and get a couple wine glasses." "If you want," I answered, turning and heading toward the stairs. "And a cork screw!" she called after me as I bounded up the stairs. I returned a few short minutes later with two long stemmed wine glasses and a cork screw. As I walked down the stairs I was treated to a view of an extremely sexy looking woman, reclined across the top of the dresser in a very sexy pose, the nearly see-through lower half of the dress seeming to be even more so now as she lay on her side. "Wow!" was all I could say as I surveyed up and down her body, noting for the first time the little white thong panty peeking out at me through the thin material. "I'll take wow," she said with a grin. "As long as wow turns into oh wow." "Hmmmm. And how does that happen?" "Some time after you take your pants off and let me see that hardon that's trying so hard to escape." "Hands are full," I answered, holding the two glasses in one hand and the cork screw in the other. "And you don't think I can find a solution to that?" she asked, raising her eyebrows. "Just step over here a bit closer." I took the few steps to get over to where she was reclined, watching her reach out for the front of my pants with one hand. She struggled with the belt for several seconds and then lay on her back on the dresser she had been posing on, using both hands to undo the front of my pants. The baggy work pants slid down my legs moments later, my briefs being pushed down after them. "Ohhhh wow," she whispered as she smiled toward my now hard cock sticking out at her. She wrapped both her delicate hands around my fat shaft and pulled me toward her, drawing my engorged head toward her face. She moaned softly in pleasure as she closed her lips around the end of my shaft, her tongue teasing my head as she slowly licked and slurped me like some kind of cold treat. "Oh wow," I groaned softly as she pressed her face closer to my body, slowly pushing my hardon deeper into her mouth. I stared as she took more of me into her, my head pushing down her throat as my length exceeded what would obviously fit in her mouth. I set the glasses and cork screw on the dresser near her head and then let my now free hands roam over her dress covered breasts, rubbing and kneading them gently before finally letting my fingers work inside the top to reach her firm little B cup tits. Each full, round mound felt wonderful in my grip, her hard nipples pressing against my palms as she pulled her mouth off my cock for a few moments to catch her breath. "You can push that top down if you want," she said quietly before engulfing my engorged head once again. "With pleasure," I answered, sliding my hands out of her top long enough to ease the material over her sexy little breasts. I gently stroked each now bare mound, teasing my fingers over and around her hard nipples, drawing a soft moan from her lips. "Oh damn. I could do this all day," she gasped as she worked to catch her breath. "But I wouldn't at all mind having you return the favor." "I bet I can," I answered, pushing the dress down her body, letting her roll all the way on her back to lift enough of her body off the dresser top for me to slide it down her body. I pushed it off and let it slide to the floor, leaving her in only the tiny white thong, which I pushed unceremoniously down while she lifted her legs again for me. "Much better," I said with a grin as I looked down at her now naked body and completely shaved mound. "Why don't you take those pants all the way off and come up here?" she coaxed as she lay on the dresser. "Really?" "Oh hell yeah," she answered as she reached for my cock again, wrapping her hand around it and stroking me. I let her continue to play with my cock while I worked my shoes and pants off, leaving me naked from the waist down except for my socks. I gingerly crawled up onto the unfinished dresser, my head toward her feet. I worked closer to her legs as she pulled my cock toward her mouth, the both of us letting out a small moan as she engulfed my engorged head again with her hot mouth. I lowered my head between her legs as she spread them and pulled her knees up, giving me access to her already wet pussy lips. Her shaved pussy looked a lot like my daughter's, full round lips with only a small amount of inner lip protruding. I slowly licked down her lips from the juncture toward her rosebud, drawing another moan of pleasure from her. I wrapped both arms around each thigh, working my fingertips toward her pussy to spread her and reveal her pink depths. "Oh god George, I love that," she gasped as I stroked my tongue up and down her now spread pussy, tasting her tangy arousal. I didn't bother to stop and answer as I teased my tongue from her tunnel entrance to her now exposed clit, making her squirm on the smooth wood with each lick. "But now I want to feel you pumping this cock into me!" "I can't argue with that," I answered as I pulled my face from between her legs, my engorged cock twitching in her hand after having pulled her mouth off of it. I carefully crawled off of her, standing by the side of the dresser while she scooted closer to me, her creamy white skin framed by the slightly darker natural oak planking she was lying on. She lifted and spread her legs, her hands hovering between her thighs in obvious invitation. I stepped the half step left between us, my glistening head aiming for her pussy as I moved. I felt her hand close around my hard shaft almost the same time as the tip of my head bumped into her full round pussy lips. "Push baby," she cooed softly as she pulled on my shaft, having worked the tip of my tool right into the opening of her depths. I leaned in toward her, letting my weight slowly spread her before finally slipping into her teenage tight tunnel. "Ohhhhhh fuck yes," she moaned loudly as my shaft slid slowly into her well lubricated tunnel. "Oh god you're so damn tight," I grunted as I pulled back a little bit before pushing into her again, working my fat cock deeper into her. "No. I think it's that you're so damn big," moaned. "But who cares? The way this feels, all I care about is feeling it driving in and out." "Uh huh," I grunted in agreement as I increased my pace to plunge into her more rapidly. Her whole body shook each time I slapped my hips into her firm little ass, making her tits wiggle and shake on her chest as she lay holding the wooden top. Her moans and cries filled the basement shop as did the rhythmic slap, slap of our bodies. "My god George! I'm going to come!" she squealed as I pounded into her. "OHHHH FUCK!" she cried as her whole body started to shake and tremble before me. I could feel her pussy contracting around me, squeezing my cock and trying to hold me deep inside her. "Okay. Okay. You gotta stop a minute," she panted as her climax finally started to fade from her, her hands reaching out to my hips to stop my strokes. She gently pushed me back before sliding herself off the dresser. She stood, her arms reaching around my neck, pulling herself up and against me, her lips reaching for mine. "Mmmmmm. Kiss me," she whispered, her soft hot lips brushing mine before she pressed them tightly to mine. I kissed her back, letting her tongue slip into my mouth and tease mine in a little game of unseen hide and seek. I held her to me, my hardon trapped between us as she ground her mound gently against it. We broke the kiss breathlessly and she gently pulled me down as she lowered herself toward the hard concrete floor. She smiled at me as she gently coaxed me onto my back, her legs straddling mine as she settled on top of me. Without a word she reached between us, found my hardon and pushed herself upright again, lifting herself on her knees to guide my cock toward her pussy. "Here we go," she moaned as she lowered her weight onto me, driving my cock slowly up into her. "Ohhhhhhhh.' I breathed quietly as she sank down over me, her tight pussy engulfing me once again. She began to lift herself up and down, sliding her tight tunnel up and down my shaft, teasing my head with her insides as she coaxed me back to full hardness. I slid my hands up her chest to her firm little boobs, squeezing and playing with them as she bounced herself up and down, stroking me in and out of her hot wet pussy. I was totally engrossed in what Sylvia and I were doing to each other and what the impending outcome was about to be, ignoring my surroundings as well as the hard cold concrete floor so I was more than a little surprised when a naked body stepped across my head and directly in front of Sylvia, pushing her pussy into Sylvia's face. After being startled I settled back down again, the tight little ass hovering a few feet above me was more than familiar by now. I heard Tabby moan softly as Sylvia, apparently not at all disturbed by having a young pussy pushed in her face, began to lick and stroke Tabby's slit and lips. Sylvia stopped riding up and down my shaft as she pushed a single finger up into Tabby's clearly sopping wet pussy, driving it slowly up into her. I lay there watching as she began to stroke her finger in and out while her tongue teased and licked Tabby's clit, Tabby arching her back and bowing her legs more to give her more access. "Why don't you sit on this?" Sylvia said in a very matter of fact tone as she pulled her finger from Tabby and lifted herself off my cock. "I don't think either of you have far to go from the feel of you two." "Wait," I protested momentarily as Tabby turned around to face me and lowered herself down over me. She reached between her legs to capture my cock and then settled down on me, slowly sinking down on my well lubricated cock with her sopping wet pussy. "Ohhhhhh fuck yes. I can never get enough of this," she moaned softly as she started to bounce her ass up and down, sliding herself up and down my shaft a few inches. Sylvia knelt down next to me and leaned over me, bringing one of her tits to my mouth. "Suck on this sweetie. I don't mind sharing, as long as I'm getting some attention too!" "You sure?" I asked before she pressed her tit into a cone and pushed it between my lips, both cutting off anything else I might say and answering my question at the same time. I moved one arm to reach up between her legs and started to gently stroke her pussy in time with Tabby's strokes up and down my cock. Not lasting long was going to be an understatement very quickly with all the stimulation I had. "OH FUCK!" Tabby screamed suddenly, jamming her pussy down on my shaft. I felt her convulse around me, her squeezing pussy pushing me over the last little edge that was holding me back. I grunted around the tit in my mouth as my body bucked, trying unsuccessfully to jam up into her as I spouted shot after shot of hot cum up into her tight pussy. "Oh god," I groaned as my body bucked over and over, pumping the seed that Sylvia had enticed into Tabby. I finally lay back, little tremors and jerks occasionally hitting me as I lay below the two women panting. "Well, looks like we all got a nice happy ending, though I was thinking I might want to spend the night for a few more of those marvelous climaxes you're so good at giving me. But I think you're going to be busy with someone else," Sylvia said as she pushed herself up and stepped around me to find her dress where I'd dropped it. "Oh. I don't think so," Tabby offered up quickly. "I mean I heard you guys down here and couldn't help but watch, well at least until I couldn't help but join in. Anyway, we have a really early day tomorrow, so I doubt my dad would be much company." "Oh? Early day?" "Yeah. We leave on vacation tomorrow." "Where you going?" Sylvia asked as she stepped into her slinky blue dress. "Can't tell you. It's a secret." "So George, I mean, your dad doesn't know where you're going?" "Nope. Total surprise. Diane and I planned it all out." "Well. Now that is interesting," she said as she pulled the dress up over her breasts. She stepped over and squatted down next to me and reached out to stroke my face. "When you get back you'll have to tell me all about it." "Oh he will!" Tabby answered quickly with a huge grin. "See you when you get back lover boy!" Sylvia said before heading for the stairs, carrying her high heels. "And you can keep the bottle until I come back next time!" she called as she bounded up the stairs. "Why do I get the feeling I spoiled something?" Tabby asked looking down at my frowning face. "Because I was kind of thinking it might be nice to spend a few more hours with Sylvia." "Don't you think it's a little weird fucking my gynecologist?" "No more than you walking up and stuffing your muff in her face," I answered. "Come on. Since I'm not getting any more we might as well get cleaned up and ready for bed." "You can have more with me, if you want that is." "Tabby. As good as you feel around me, and as hot as you look to me, don't you think it's a little weird fucking your dad?" "Depends on who's asking," she answered with a grin. She lifted off of my cock, our combined cum leaking from her and dribbling to the floor as she stood next to where I lay, her hand held out for me. I took her hand and let her pull me up from the floor before she walked away, picking her clothes up off the stairs before heading up and out of view. "Damn," I said quietly, wishing that she would have understood what I was driving at instead of brushing it off the way she did. I mean it did feel good to have her, but the feeling of wrongness just wouldn't go away. I collected my clothes and headed up to the main floor, turning off the light on the way. **** After nearly a whole day in airports or planes we could finally see our destination out the windshield of the eight seat seaplane we had spent the last hour in. We'd be into the small island before the sun finished its trek down toward the horizon behind us. After pointing out the island, which was shaped a lot like an irregular dinner plate with a bite taken out of it, the pilot started our descent toward the large bitten out segment, which he explained was the lagoon we were to land in. I had to admit I was more than ready to be done with traveling for the day. The pilot made a surprisingly smooth landing on the choppy ocean surface, touching down onto the wave tops just on the land side of what appeared to be a reef providing a natural breakwater for the lagoon. A number of blue dressed, well-tanned young men secured the plane to the large pier as the pilot idled up to it expertly. "Here we are folks!" he said cheerfully as he shut off the engine, the propeller coming to a stop moments later. The door behind me was opened from the outside and the young men who secured the plane eagerly held out their hands toward my daughters to assist them out and down while I extricated myself from the copilot's seat. "Welcome Mister Sterling!" a tall dark haired woman said as I stepped down from the plane. "George, please," I answered, taking her offered hand for a brief handshake. "And these must be your daughters, Diane and Tabitha?" the blue bikini clad woman said, turning toward my daughters. "We're so glad you could join us. The boys will have your luggage loaded in a few moments and then I'll drive you to your bungalow," she said with a charming smile. "Just the one bag," Tabby said quickly. "We won't need all that much to wear!" "You'd be surprised how many people over pack to come here." "That would have been my dad, so we didn't let him pack at all!" Diane quipped. "Sounds like a good move," the young woman answered with a smile, looking me up and down. "It would seem to me he'd look quite attractive in nothing but some swim trunks." "We think so," Tabby answered before I could say anything. "Well, there are a lot of single women his age here this weekend, so I'm sure he'll get plenty of attention!" she added as she slipped into the driver's seat of what looked like a hopped up six seat golf cart with big knobby tires. "If you will join me, I'll take you to your bungalow," she said in a more business like tone. We climbed into the cart, the girls giving me the seat next to our bikini clad guide. "So this is an all-inclusive resort. Anything you need is yours for the asking, except of course love. That you have to find for yourselves. This is an exclusive singles event, so you need not worry about unintended entanglements. Our motto is 'enjoy what you see, but be respectful'. We are an island nation and our security staff is never complacent about complaints of harassment or other untoward behavior," she said as she started the cart out down the long pier. "The lagoon beaches are family friendly, as are the public areas around the resort. The beaches on the north are more private and secluded for those romantic moments, and the ones on the east side are clothing optional. The restaurant is open 24 hours and the night club and bar are open till three. If you'll notice the yellow pole we're just passing, you'll find those around the island. Feel free to press the button for any needs you may have, from needing assistance to having drinks delivered to your romantic beach location. The lagoon is obviously walking distance from your bungalow, but the other beaches are some distance away. Your bungalow package includes a cart something like this one for your exclusive use," she told us as we drove up a winding sand and crushed rock path. "The staff are trained to meet your every need, from food to drinks to entertainment and more. We have the bar, restaurant, night club, pool, hot tubs, sauna, and full service spa. You have but to ask," she said smiling widely at me. "This is your bungalow. The shower is outside on the side," she said pointing to a bamboo cubicle attached to the side of a small round grass hut. She stepped out of the cart and pulled our suitcase off the platform on the back, wheeling it inside the curtained doorway of the small structure. "Of course this bungalow has twin king beds, a sitting area and the bathroom," she said pointing to a bamboo cubicle on the inside wall opposite where the shower was on the outside. The small round structure, still looking like a grass hut to me, had two large king sized beds with a roll up bamboo curtain between them, providing the only real bit of privacy. The sitting area was populated with two rattan chairs, a table and a love seat, as well as two what I think are called gorilla chairs hanging from the ceiling. The engineer in me wondered how they were held up, finally deciding there was more structure in the hut than it appeared with the design intended to create the appearance of a little grass shack. Over each bed was a draping of fine netting, obviously intended to keep the night time bugs away. "Well, I'll leave you to freshen up and I'm sure you'll want to get some dinner. The restaurant is just down the path to your left. Can't miss it!" she said brightly. "Anything else I can do for you before I go?" "I don't think so," I answered her. "Yeah. You can show my dad your boobs. He's been like staring at them since he got off the plane," Tabby said quickly. "I have not!" I protested. "I'm afraid there are some services that we don't provide," she said, winking at Tabby. "But my top does seem to need some adjusting," she added, reaching behind her back, and pulling the string holding the navy blue triangles over her clearly substantial breasts. In moments, her top was completely off leaving her in nothing but the skimpy bikini bottom and her sandals. Her breasts were easily the size of small cantaloupes, each with a large dark areola covering much of the front of each fully tanned orb. "Would you help me get this knot out?" she asked, stepping toward me, holding the top out in front of her. I took the top from her and easily untied the bow while she whispered, "You know I wouldn't invite just anyone, but I like to tan on the northern most beach on the east side. I don't have to be to work until noon, so I'd probably be there by nine anyway, if you're interested that is." "I don't think..." I started to respond, only to be cut off by Tabby. "I think that's a great idea. We definitely need to start working on our tans, don't we dad?" "And that was one of the clothing optional beaches, wasn't it?" Diane chimed in. "It would seem my daughters are making plans for me already," I answered as I held the top out for her to take. She was already close to me, but stepped even closer, taking the top from me and tossing it on the bed. "Seems like they're concerned that you have a good time," she said with a smile. "I think you need to start by getting more comfortable. Would you like some help?" "I don't think..." "Yes he would!" Tabby interrupted. "My name is Malaya," she said as she reached out for the buttons on my shirt. She slowly undid them one at a time, working her way down the front and exposing my bare chest. She pulled the shirt tail from my pants and pushed the shirt off my shoulders, bearing me above the waist. She squatted down and untied my shoes, coaxing me to lift each foot in turn to pull off my socks and shoes. "You know we're strictly prohibited from having sex with the guests," she said quietly as she began undoing my pants. "But there's no rule against giving massages. In fact we're encouraged to make each guest as comfortable and relaxed as possible," she said as she pulled my pants and briefs down. "So if it'll help relax you, I'd be more than happy to massage you," she said as she wrapped both hands around my unsurprisingly hard cock. She stroked her hands along the length of my shaft, teasing it sexily and rubbing her hand over and around my engorged mushroom head. "You do seem a bit stiff and tense," she said quietly as she let go with one hand. Moments later she stood up, her bikini bottom falling to the floor as she got up. She stepped closer to me, her tits pressed to my chest as she pushed my cock down between her legs. "I've found this technique frequently eases this particular kind of stiffness." "Oh?" I asked a little breathlessly. "Uh huh," she grunted as she started to rock her hips, sliding her thighs and wet pussy along my shaft. "Oh yeah. Definitely," she groaned as she worked her body faster, my hands finding her firm ass and squeezing it in time with her strokes. "This isn't having sex?" I practically gasped as her pussy and thighs stroked me, working me quickly up the slope toward climax. "Oh. No. This is just a very intimate massage. It wouldn't be sex unless I did something like this," she moaned, reaching behind herself and sliding her fingers under her butt and between her legs. I could feel her fingers find the underside of my shaft and push up, her pelvis tilting as my head slipped between her lips. She continued to press me up with her fingers until my head pressed into her tunnel entrance and she forced her sopping wet pussy over my well lubricated cock. I felt my head expand her tunnel and drive deep into her. "See if I did something like that it would be having sex." "Uh huh. Wouldn't want to do that then, would we?" "Uh Uh. If I did and someone found out, I could lose my job, or worse," she panted as she rocked her hips, her thighs slapping mine with each stroke. "Well then, if that were to happen we wouldn't want anyone to find out, would we?" "Oh fuck. Gonna come," she grunted as she drove herself on and off my shaft even faster. "Uh huh," I agreed, feeling that familiar tingle deep inside. "Oh shit!" she gasped quietly as my cock surged inside her, pumping a gush of cum into her hot depths. I felt her tunnel clench around me, trying to squeeze and milk my spurting cock as she held herself tightly to me, her body wracked with shudders and trembles. "Oh god, oh god, oh god," she moaned as I helped hold her up. "See. My massage got rid of all that tension," she panted as my cock shrunk inside her. "I have to admit, it was quite effective," I answered as she pulled back, my cock slipping from her. "I'll be right back," she breathed as she walked to the little bathroom. She came back moments later with a damp cloth to wipe my cock off and then her own pussy, mopping my cum that was leaking from her. "There. All cleaned up too." "Uh huh," I said sitting on the edge of the bed. She squatted down again and pulled my pants off, leaving me completely naked. She untangled the strings of her suit and tied it back in place while the girls sat in the gorilla chairs watching the two of us. "Well. I hope you enjoy the rest of your stay. Is there anything else I can do before I leave?" "I don't think so," I answered as she pushed me back on the bed. She crawled up over me as gave me a soft kiss on the lips. "If you think of anything else, just remember to ask for Malaya!" "I will," I promised before she crawled back off and headed for the door. "Damn," I breathed as I lay there, my eyes closed, trying to gather my thoughts. "Was kind of hot, wasn't it?" I heard Tabby say from across the hut. "Yeah. Was. KInda left me turned on," Diane answered quietly. "Sorry girls. You shouldn't have seen that," I said, opening my eyes and sitting up on the edge of the bed only to see both girls standing almost naked, each taking off the last of what they had worn to travel in. "We're not worried. At least not as long as you're willing to help take care of what you started," Tabby said with a crooked little grin, her panties sliding down her legs to leave her completely nude. "Tabby. I can't..." I started to protest, my mind already expecting that she was going to want sex, which I didn't exactly feel comfortable with, especially in front of Diane. "Don't worry daddy. You have two hands, we have two pussies," she quipped as she walked to the bed, Diane only a few steps behind and equally naked. She crawled onto the bed on my left side, pushing on my chest to force me back down on the bed. "Don't worry. All we want is a little massage in the right places," she said with a grin as she pushed my left hand down toward the bed and then scooted up over it, lifting my hand to her pussy. "Mmmmmmmm yeah. The sooner you make us come, the sooner we can go to dinner." She practically moaned as she ground her pussy against my palm. "Yeah daddy. You got yours, how about a little help for us?" Diane said as she crawled onto the bed on my right side, aiming my hand for her equally wet pussy. I looked back and forth between my girls, their naked breasts wiggling as they ground their pussies against my hands. Tabby had her eyes closed and I wondered if she was picturing us having sex as she tried to coax my fingers up into her. I relented and curled two fingers up, pushing them into her tunnel while she ground herself against my palm. "Oh yeah. So nice. God I wish it was your cock," she moaned. I looked quickly toward Diane, wondering if she heard, seeing the surprised look on her face. "That's it daddy. Fuck my hot little cunt!" Tabby moaned louder. "Oh fuck yes. God yes. Gonna come. Oh daddy. God I wanna come on your cock so bad!" she cried as she started to jerk and shudder in climax, her juices running down my fingers as her pussy clamped around them. "God Tabby!" Diane said, looking at her sister with a shocked look. "Are you fantasizing about fucking our dad?" "What?" Tabby panted as she sat on my hand, her body occasionally sending shudders up and down her whole length. "You heard me," Diane said with a frown. "Seriously? You wanna fuck dad?" "Well, he does have a pretty hot looking cock, right?" "Yeah. But dad?" "Why not?" "Yeah. Why not? I mean it's not like Danny is going to fill my pussy up. Hell, he can barely keep from shooting all over before he even gets it in me, let alone fuck me long enough to get me off," Tabby answered her sister. "But daddy?" "Why not?" she said with a crooked grin, reaching out for my inexplicably hard cock, wrapping her fingers around it. "Try it. You might like it," she added with a giggle. "God Tabby. No. Tell me you haven't!" "Have. More than once," she answered. "And just between us girls, god can he fuck!" "What? How? Why?" "Easy. Doc Sylvia." "What about Doctor Sylvia?" "We had sex, her and me and dad." "The three of you? All at once? Why?" Diane asked, her look one of confusion. "Why would our gynecologist have sex with dad and you? Or with dad at all?" "Well, because of the hot tub. You know. That night he gave us the spankings?" "What do our spankings have to do with having sex with Dr. Sylvia?" "Oh yeah. You don't know. Because I snuck into bed with him and had sex with him while he was asleep, well asleep up until the end anyway." "You had sex with dad that night? Seriously?" "Seriously. And a whole bunch of times since." "Oh god. Tabby. Seriously?" Tabby reached for Diane's hand and pulled it to my hard cock and coaxed her fingers around my fat shaft. "Can you blame me?" She asked Diane quietly. "Not really," she whispered back, sitting on my hand, her other hand slowly stroking my hardon. "You want it now, don't you?" "Maybe," Diane answered her sister. "Well, you better get it now then. Cuz if this place is even half of what they advertise, you're gonna have to stand in line!" "Seriously? You want me to... You want me to fuck him? Now?" Diane hissed. "Girls..." "Oh shush daddy. You know damn well you want it. Your cock wouldn't look like a fucking tree trunk if you weren't turned on by the thought, not to mention how many times we've done it and you haven't stopped." "But..." "But nothing. Well Diane?" "Oh hell. Why not?" she answered as she lifted herself up and off of my hand and stretched her leg across my body to straddle me. "I mean if you've been doing it..." "Hey. Wait. Don't I get any say in this?" I said a little more sharply than I intended. "I guess. If you don't want me to," Diane said, lifting herself to swing her leg back over me, her face clearly upset. "DAD!" Tabby almost shouted. "What!?" "You can't do that! Let me and not her!" "The whole idea with Sylvia was to make you NOT want it with me. Not want it more!" "Well, it failed," Tabby said, glaring at me. "Now what are you going to do? I lay quietly for several seconds, looking back and forth between my girls and trying to decide if what I was going to do was the right thing or not. It felt a lot longer than the several seconds it probably took, but with a nervous intake of breath I rolled Diane over onto her back, rolling over onto her, trapping her under me on the big bed. "You sure this is what you want?" "Daddy! This isn't the first time I've been fucked you know!" "But it'll be the first time from me and there's no undoing it after it's done." "Daddy, just shut up and fuck me!" Diane whispered as she wormed a hand down between us to find my rock hard cock. I felt her force me down between her spread legs and then felt the hot wetness envelope my engorged head. "Oh fuck!" she groaned loudly as she moved her feet to my ass and dug her heels in, both forcing and coaxing my fat shaft into her incredibly tight tunnel. My hips, almost with a mind of their own, pushed toward her, driving my head all the way to the end of her depths. "Oh god," I groaned quietly before my body pulled my shaft most of the way out. I jammed it back in hard, driving quickly into her, little jolts of lightning racing from my mushroom head through my whole body as my head smashed into the end of her tunnel. "Oh fuck yes! Do it again! Fuck me hard like that!" Diane cried toward the thatched roof of the little bungalow. My chest rubbed against her rock hard nipples with each stroke into her, driving my already excited state even higher. I lost track of time as I drove in and out of her, both of us lost to the sensations. I felt her legs begin to shake as they clamped tighter around me, but not so tightly it interrupted my rhythmic drive in and out of her. "Oh fuck! I'm cooooommmmiiiiing!" she cried as her already tight vaginal walls clamped around my pistoning cock. "Oh shit!" I grunted as my body, responding to the sudden change in sensation, jerked, jamming me deep into her as the first surge of cum lanced out into her, filling what little space remained. Over and over I jerked, pumping my daughter full of my seed, the two of us laying, panting for breath. "Was worth it, wasn't it?" Tabby asked from where she was reclining against a stack of pillows, her spread legs pointing toward us, her fingers idly stroking her glistening pussy lips. "Oh yeah. I can't believe you've been doing this and didn't clue me in!" "I can't believe you didn't figure it out on your own," Tabby answered with a soft laugh. "Anyway. I'm hungry. If you two are done how about we go eat?" "Good idea! Maybe daddy will see something he likes, besides food I mean!" Diane replied to her sister. It was probably the most uncomfortable I've felt in a long time, dressed that is. The girls hadn't allowed me to pack anything but my toiletries, assuring me that they were taking care of EVERYTHING. Their version of everything included their intent for me to go commando the whole trip. In their words "you can't sell what you don't advertise". Well I felt like I'd just been put on display like a prized bull steer. The thin Bermuda shorts did little to hide the state of arousal for most of our dinner. I thought my daughters were a bit under dressed in their bikini tops and boy shorts, but as soon as we stepped into the restaurant I realized it was I who was OVER dressed. The vast majority of the women were probably mid-thirties to mid-fifties, all of them, alone or paired up seeming to be wearing outfits that flaunted all their assets, from minuscule bikini tops to sheer beach wraps with little or nothing under. It was a veritable smorgasbord of boobs and pussies, most of which seemed willing to not only display, but also touch and be touched. I was propositioned three times in the buffet line and fondled twice more. One young woman whose name I didn't catch sat right on my lap with her sheer white beach wrap pulled up so the only thing between my cock and her bare pussy were my thin shorts. She pulled my hand between her legs so my fingers were pressed to her bare pussy and suggested that we should walk down to the beach for dessert. She was extremely attractive, if not a little young for me, and at that moment it was a very tempting offer, if only it hadn't been such a long day already. She only left after I promised to let her see "the whole thing" if we ran into each other again. I guess I would have been less startled by how forward the ladies were if someone had warned me in advance that it was Sadie Hawkins night! I only found that little tidbit out AFTER I'd been hit on twice. Apparently one of my daughters stood strategically in front of the sign on our way in so I wouldn't get cold feet. Now, walking back in the moonlight, bright enough to cast shadows, I couldn't help but wish I'd agreed with the young lady in white. My daughters' tits, unrestrained in their skimpy tops, were wiggling and bouncing with each step, leaving me wondering if the hardon I had was going to be a permanent fixture the whole trip! After getting back to our bungalow I excused myself to the little outside shower, pulling the bamboo curtain that acted as the door to the small cubicle. I unwrapped my towel from around my waist and turned on the water, instantly disappointed in the intensity of the stream of water raining down on me from above. At least it seemed to be warm enough, though I wondered how long it might last, given the rusticness of the bungalow. "Well! Hello there!" I heard a female voice with a distinctive Australian accent say from behind me as I stood under the water soaping my body. I spun around under the water in surprise and saw a modestly tall willowy blonde woman that was maybe forty at most, standing in the now open doorway, her towel wrapped body illuminated by the moonlight and the small single bulb on the wall above the shower head. "My bungalow doesn't seem to have any hot water, so I thought I might come borrow yours," she said with a grin. "Umm. I guess when I'm finished," I answered awkwardly, looking down at where her eyes were staring. I could feel myself blush at the realization that she was staring at my completely exposed hardon. "Oh that's quite alright. I don't mind sharing!" she said with a smile as she reached for the towel around her body. She tugged it off and tossed it over the rod holding the door curtain, leaving her as naked as I was. She was slightly shorter than I was, willowy thin with a modest size pair of breasts that had the size and shape of two medium oranges. "My name is Katy!" she said brightly as she stepped under the water with me, her firm breasts quickly pressed against my chest. "Cat got your tongue?" she asked after several awkward moments of silence. "Um sorry. Just caught me off guard." "So what's your name?" "Sorry. George." "George! I like that. A nice comfortable name," she said as she reached to take the soap from my hand. "I suppose we shouldn't waste too much time. No telling when the hot water might run out, then we'd have to go wash in the lagoon!" "Oh. Yeah," I answered a little dumbly as she soaped her hands and handed me back the soap. "How about we start here?" she asked, reaching down between us and wrapping both hands around my rock hard cock. "I was just leaving when you walked in for dinner. The fact that you're in the shower alone says neither of us found quite what we were looking for," she cooed softly as she stroked her hands along the length of my shaft. "I am surprised though," she added as she pushed my cock downward and held it that way while she pushed her hips toward me, sliding my soapy cock into the gap between her thighs, the top of my cock rubbing against her pussy. "Mmmmmm. Now this is the way to wash down there!" She practically moaned as she rocked her hips, sliding herself back and forth on my shaft. "Katy," I almost groaned. "Uh huh." "You don't even know me!" "Neither did that young woman in the blue bikini," she grunted as she rocked her hips at more of an angle, letting my head drive up between her soft hot lips with each stroke. "You saw that?" "Came over to say 'hi' just before she started climaxing on your cock!" She panted. I felt one hand leave where it was holding behind my neck, only to feel her fingers under my cock moments later. "Oh fuck yes!" she groaned as she pushed me up, engaging my head into her tunnel entrance and driving herself onto my shaft. "Oh my god! So fucking good! I could fuck this cock all night long!" she said more loudly. "That's it George! Fuck me! Fuck my hot little cunt!" she cried into the night. "Damn," I groaned, my overly stimulated cock quickly pushing toward release. "That's it. Fuck, I can feel it throbbing inside me!" she gasped as her body trembled while she continued to stroke herself on and off my shaft. "Oh fuck," I grunted. My body jerking hard and slamming my thighs against hers to drive me deep inside her. I felt a gush of cum lance up to her as she stood shuddering against me, her body moving with each jerk of mine to keep me buried inside her. "Daddy?" Tabby asked from the shower door, standing every bit as naked as we were, staring at us with a look of surprise on her face. "Oh. I didn't know you were already..." Katy apologized, pulling back suddenly off my still half hard member. "Oh. No. I'm not. This is my daughter Tabitha," I said quickly. "Tabby, this is our neighbor Katy. She just needed to borrow the shower." "Uh huh. With you still in it? Way to rock dad!" she said as she turned and headed away, her bare tush wiggling with each step. "Daughter huh? Kinkyyyyy," Katy said with a grin. "It's not what you think," I protested. "Uh huh. Naked daughter coming to join you in the shower? How not what I think is it? With a tight little body like that, you'd be a fool not to!" "Really! It's not what you think!" "You keep saying that. But personally, I'm not opposed to a little mixed couple action. I could see myself with my face buried between her legs very easily!" I could feel myself blushing again at the ease which that image jumped to my mind, her face licking Tabby while I stood behind her, pumping my cock in and out of her. "Maybe another time. To be honest, it's been a long trip for all of us." "All of us?" "Both my daughters and me." "Daughters plural?" "Twins actually." "This is getting better by the second! You sure you don't want to invite me to stay the night?" "Not tonight," I answered, not really sure that I didn't as her hand found my softened cock and started playing with it again. "Maybe another night though. "I'm gonna hold you to that! And if you change your mind, I'm over in 18," she said as she stepped back and away. She pulled her towel down and padded away, still naked, into the moonlit night. Tabby and Diane were both laying naked on their bed when I walked back inside. The netting hanging from the ceiling was draped across the bed only slightly blocking my view of both my daughters' naked bodies. "Pretty smooth move dad! I mean sharing the shower and then having sex? Go dad!" Tabby said with a laugh. "I didn't plan that," I retorted. "All the better!" Diane added. "I mean getting your brains fucked out for a week is pretty much the whole idea." "Diane! You shouldn't talk like that!" "Oh daddy! I can be as civilized or as crude as anyone my age. Don't get your panties in a bunch because I dropped the F bomb a few times!" "I still wish you wouldn't talk like that!" I said as I turned off the single little light illuminating the bungalow and crawled under the netting on my own bed. For pics visit ---->> https://bit.ly/2ReHUJI
Title: A Father Daughter Tale Summary: A father learns of his daughter's love. Keywords:inc,fic,erotic,hot A Father Daughter Tale I'm Bill. Before I get started into my story, I'd like to give a little background to help the reader understand the events I'm recording here. I was a young father at eighteen, and my wife, a beautiful woman, was twenty. We had four children and a wonderful family life. With beautiful children, a job I loved and a family that was loving and fun, I felt as though my life was perfect. I lost my wife, of twenty six years, six years ago to cancer and I struggled. All my kids had moved on by then and I didn't know what I was to do. The two months following her death I went through life in a fog. My job didn't excite me and I had nothing to looked forward to at home. I was always close with my kids and being able to talk with them was the only thing that kept me sane. It was during this time that Sheri moved back home. Sheri was my first born, truly the "apple of my eye." A real daddy's girl. She would accompany me whenever she could, running errands, at work on occasion, and always when I ran my RC boat at the local municipal lake, when we lived in the big city. It was then that I first noticed her in a physical way, at eight years of age. Running around in her bathing suit at the lake, you could tell she was going to be a stunner. Her body, though undeveloped, was straight and perfectly proportioned. She had the prettiest blond hair, big smile and bright blue eyes. She was a cause of much pride in my life. Later on, as she developed, she was a distraction and a source of impure thoughts, as I saw her body transform into that of a barbie doll. I mean tall, slim and well endowed. At eighteen she stood straight out there, with out the assistance of a bra. The only reason she wore one was to keep her from shaking all about and to hide her rather prominent nipples, nipples I would often see protruding out under her night shirts. Her skin was flawless and clear and she never went through that awkward blemish stage. Through all this I never touched her in an impure manner. I did give her, along with my other kids, a good night kiss and hug. I remember feeling her body develop over time in those hugs. And she was never shy, as she would throw her arms around my neck and press her body fully into me. She never felt like she was too old for that nightly ritual. Oh my, I struggled internally with my thoughts of her. At times I felt pretty damn sick with the things that ran through my head. We had moved to a small rural community when she hit high school and during the summer months she would work with me. I'm a cabinet installer. Her siblings never found interest in my work and found other things to do. But not her! She actually worked and wasn't afraid to get dirty. She became very skilled and developed into my "right hand man". After her high school graduation she began working for me full time. This was probably the happiest time of my life. I felt like I had it all, because I did. As her siblings grew up and began to move away, married or school, I knew Sheri needed to move on as well. She never found anyone in our little town to be with and all her friends were starting families and getting on with life. It seemed as though she was happily stuck in life and in no hurry to do more. And I was selfishly letting her. I loved her company. She was a joy to talk with and there was no subject we were afraid to touch. I never had that connection with anyone, including her mother, who I adored. And of course she was also easy on the eyes. Finally one year, at the age of twenty four, she decided it was time for her to do some schooling and try something different. It came as an awkward and sudden decision, one that had me concerned I had done something wrong. Or maybe she came to realize the way I really felt about her, as more than a daughter. It was difficult on both of us to say goodbye. We had become so close. She enrolled in a school about two hours away and moved in with her younger sister, so I wasn't worried about her, but I sure missed her during that time. She was gone nearly two years and I'd see her every couple of weekends, which helped. It was during this period that her mother passed away. A couple months later she returned home. We once again we're working together, and I had my right hand back. She picked right back up where she left off with her work skills. She was now twenty six years old, and other than that, nothing seemed to change. All the years of hard work had trained her to take care of herself. She maintained a healthy diet and found time to exercise regularly. She also benefited from the family genes. My father was trim all his life as was I, and so was Sheri. I think we simply had naturally higher metabolisms. I think I had better mention, the fact she looked just the same, other than her breasts swinging a little lower, had me fighting my perverse thoughts of her once again. It was all too easy to fantasize about her as I would lay in bed at night. I could imagine her every curve as I masturbated, desiring what I would never have. And as always, afterward, I'd feel like a sick prick. Anyway, she was back and work was going well, always busy. Once again we were able to talk and enjoy each others company. The years just seemed to roll by and before I knew it, it had been six years since losing my wife. And this brings us current and to my story. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Being in a small rural area we often traveled long distances to job sites, and during these trips we often had our best conversations. It's funny too, that we also sometimes never said anything. We were just comfortable being together. It was on one particularly long trip things started to change. I had taken a job some three hours away and knew it would take us about a day and a half to complete. So we loaded the truck with our tools, material and over night bags as we planned on staying at a nearby motel that night. Off we went. It was going to be a boring trip as we were traveling on the I-40 interstate for two of those hours. We didn't talk much the first half hour and just watched the scenery whiz by. We had just gotten onto the interstate when Sheri decided to break the silence. "Dad?" I looked over at her, she looked deep in thought. "Yea honey?" "Do you think I'll ever find someone?" She continued to stare out the side window. "You mean like a husband?" "Yea, that, or just someone to be with." "Just what exactly are you asking me?" I did feel confused. There was a sub text I could feel, just beneath the surface. We knew each other that well. She sighed. "I'm not sure myself. I guess I'm just wondering if I missed the boat. You know, starting a family or doing things like everyone else." "Are you feeling concerned or unhappy?" "No, it's not that, I just feel like I'm missing out on some of life's experiences." "OK, and what exactly are you missing out on? You need to be specific if you can." She looked at me briefly and shot me a weak smile. "I've never been intimate with a man." I saw her cheeks blush as she turned to look out the side window again. This wasn't shocking news to me. If she had a boyfriend I'd have been the first to know. It wasn't from a disinterest on her part, she just never found anyone she got excited about. I acted a little shocked for her sake. "Never?! What about when you were at school?" She shrugged, still looking out the window. "Are you feeling..... ", I was looking for the right word, "desperate? Like it may never happen for you?" She turned and looked out the windshield. She nodded weakly. "Not desperate, but yea, worried, it'll never happen for me." "How long have you been feeling this way?" It was dawning on me that she had a real fear and it started to concern me. "For a while now. I've been thinking about it more just lately though. I'm not unhappy," she flashed me a grin, "it's more like an itch I can't reach. Does that make sense?" "Sure. Why do you think you'll never be with someone, you know, like that?" "Because every date I've ever been on ends the same. I'm disinterested after getting to know them or they just creep me out. When I was at school I could have been with a number of guys. Hot guys. Young guys. But each time I found myself turned off by their need to get into my pants. Like they were desperate and needy. They had no interest in ME, just this." She waved her hands up and down her sides. "And that bothers you." "Yes, very much. I feel like my options are getting fewer and the guys are slipping lower and lower beneath my standards". She shrugged again. "It has me concerned." "I don't know what to say about that. All I do know is that you have a family that loves you dearly. You are every niece and nephews favorite aunt. It's almost as though you have more loving children than any of us. As to your 'standards', they are an indication of your depth and integrity. Your are the most beautiful woman I know and the fact that you could have your pick of suitors and still hold up your standards and refuse to lower them or settle, screams volumes. I honestly don't see a problem." She was smiling broadly and blushing. "I don't know about all that..." "Really?" I looked at her, challenging her. "OK. I'm wonderful." She laughed. "Damn right." I wasn't joking around. "Can I ask you an intimate question?" "Go ahead. What?" "Do you take care of yourself when you're feeling....... you know.......in need?" I had a tight grin and raised my eyebrows. She blushed again, looking down into her lap, not making eye contact. "Yessss dad. I have." "You find it fleeting afterward, right?" Her embarrassment vanished. "Yes, it is. I even feel a little hollow after. But it helps on occasion." "I get it." I guess I had some look on my face because Sheri quickly responded, "You as well?" That took me off guard. I took a deep breath to gather my thoughts. "Yea, me too. And it's the same circle. A quick fix followed by nothing. So you need a fix again with no change in the long term affect." "Yea, a circle." She was nodding. She also was smiling. I think she realized someone understood and she wasn't alone. We talked a little more about similar things and I could see her concern waning. We concluded our discussion shortly after that and moved the topic to work and the job we were headed to. ---------------------------------------------------------------- We had a very good day of work, getting more done than I had expected. Sheri seemed energized all day and I just fed off her energy. I knew we still had about three hours of tying up loose ends, but tomorrow was going to be an easy day. So we decided to get our room and go out for a nice meal, since we found ourselves in a larger town with more options. We drove to the local Sheridan and went in to book a room. I went to the clerk's desk while Sheri went to the table with all the local attraction info. I soon learned that they didn't have any rooms left with double queens. Nor were there any adjoining rooms, just single queens, and only a few of those. Apparently there was a classic car show in town and pickings were slim. That explained the number of old muscle cars I drooled over when driving through the parking lot. I motioned Sheri over and informed her of the problem. She had no problem with sharing a bed and after all, 'it wasn't the first time.' That was true as we had shared a bed a couple of times before over the years. It was just something I tried to avoid. So it was settled and I booked it. We settled into our room and made preparations to go out and eat. We had decided on a nice steak house so decided to clean up some. We both washed up and I changed into clean denims and a nice button down shirt. Sheri was is the bathroom changing into the dress she brought along in anticipation for this. We didn't go out much at home. She entered the room and my mouth dropped open! She was wearing a pale yellow sun dress that was her mother's! It was gorgeous on her! But more than that, she was a vision. As a woman thirty two years of age, she looked like a twenty year old. She always had such perfect skin, like porcelain, and her pores seemed non-existent. She still didn't require any makeup to get the look that women craved. All she needed to do was keep her eyebrows plucked and perhaps a little lipstick on her sculpted lips, when in the mood, and she was ready to go. Her face had the brightest and most expressive dark blue eyes. Her nose had character and fit her face perfectly, a nice size. A big mouth with a wide smile, full of white teeth. Her blond hair, long and straight, hadn't seen scissors in a long time, and was kept tucked behind her ears, when it wasn't styled. Her ears, which she disliked the most about herself, stuck out a little. I thought they were cute. Sheri was medium in height and slim at 5'6", 115 lbs. Her shoulders were straight and wide, yet feminine. Large breasts, either a large C or small D, stood high on her chest with very little sagging, even at her age. They appeared pointier and more separated than others of her size. Her waist was slim, not thin, with enough meat through her middle to give the appearance of health and strength. Her hips flared gradually with out any sharp angles. Her ass cheeks were small, smaller than most, and round, like two tear drops, side by side. Long legs, also slim, not thin, were straight and smooth. With her feet together, her legs never quite touched, all the way up to the narrow gap between her thighs. Thin smooth ankles ended on small petite feet, size five. In all, she had a healthy, strong appearance, sculpted in a smooth flowing, slim form. I had to blink to break the spell I found myself in. "I hope it's okay for me to wear this?" she asked, hesitation written across her face. I think she was unsure how I'd react. "I found this in the back of your closet. I know it was mom's, but it looked so pretty I had to try it. Do you mind?" "No, not at all. I'd almost forgotten about it. It was her favorite." Sheri stepped closer and turned, "Zip me up?" she asked. I looked at her exposed back, creamy white skin without a blemish. She was obviously bra-less. "Sure." My hands almost trembled as I reached for the zipper, down near her pantie line. Pulling the zipper away from her as I pulled it up I caught a glimpse of her pink panties. I felt myself blush. "I never saw mom in this. Why?" I had reached the top, between her shoulder blades. "She only wore it a few times when I was courting her. And when she got pregnant with you she couldn't fit into it anymore. In fact she was never able to fit into it again. But she loved it and never had the heart to give it away." She turned back around and I flinched, dazed by how she looked. She 'owned' that dress. The top was straight cut all around. It went just below her shoulder blades and low over her ample chest. A slim strap attached on either side of her breasts and went around her neck, halter fashion. The entire upper portion was made of the elastic material used on tube tops in the seventies. The skirt attached at the waist line and flowed to just above her knees. On her feet were cream colored canvas heels, three inch, with solid soles, open toes and an ankle strap. The only jewelry was a gold heart locket on a thin chain. Simple and cute. Sheri asked me to check her head for any sawdust as she sat at the desk to brush her hair. We were planning on showering when we got back. As I stood behind her she tilted her head back, eyes closed, so I could look her over. And boy, did I! Her ample cleavage was in full view as I carefully examined her hair. I finished, gave her the all clear, and out the door we went. --------------------------------------------------------------- I had booked our table as soon as we decided where we were eating, afraid of a long wait due to the car show. The parking lot was full, which I had suspected would be the case. As we walked to the door Sheri took hold of my arm which is something she has done before over the last couple of years, depending on the circumstances. It always made me feel special, and I hoped she felt the same. We stepped up to the host's table and waited for someone to show up to seat us. Sheri had turned around, hand still on my arm, to look at the art display they had just inside the door. "Will it be just you and your wife sir?", asked the host as he approached. I was just going to tell him our name when Sheri turned back around upon hearing him. The look on his face as he saw her was priceless! He looked like he had really stepped in it and appeared uncomfortable. We just smiled and I gave him our name. With out making any further eye contact he showed us to our seats and wished us a pleasant evening. "I kind of feel bad for that guy," I said. "Did you see his face?" I was smiling, near laughter. "I did. I'm not sure why he reacted like that though. I mean it was an honest mistake, not something to get anxious about." "Really? I mean you're obviously much younger than me and appear even more so. I must of looked like some old perv." I was still finding it funny. "I think you're mistaken about that dad.", she added flatly, looking around and looking annoyed. "I'll be right back, I need the bathroom." She got up and left. I watched her walk away, her skirt flinging side to side with her natural sway. I admired her long slender legs and small round ass. Her hair, long and straight, hung down to the middle of her back between broad straight shoulders. All I could think was wow, she is sexy. And what was with her anyway? I didn't understand her sudden annoyance. As I watched her return, I noticed all the eyes on her as she passed, men and women alike. She was stunning in that simple yellow dress. I noticed how her breast gently jiggled with her stride. I took the time to appreciate how truly lucky I was to have someone like her in my life all this time. To live in the same house, to work with and enjoy the many moments we got to share. I suddenly felt extremely fortunate. "Why you looking at me like that?", she said as she sat, still seeming irritated. "I'm sorry, I didn't know I had a face going. Just thinking how nice you look tonight. Why you mad at me?", I asked under hushed tones. "I'm not mad. It's nothing, really." I wasn't buying it. "Come on. Somethings got you bugged. Did I do something?" Just then the waiter showed up. We ordered our meals and a couple glasses of wine. He left and I turned my attention back to Sheri. "Soooo.....? "Really dad, it's okay. I'm just being silly." "Alright, I accept that. But silly or not I'd like to know what you're thinking. Please?" She gave me a look of exasperation and took a deep breath. Her breasts pushed up, out of her top, threatening to spill out. "It's just that I don't like the way you look at yourself. It pisses me off." "I don't understand." "Just now, we came in and got a reaction from that guy up front. You found it funny. You assumed he was uncomfortable because he saw an ogre with a young lady. Or an old fool with a gold digger wife. Or any other inappropriate scenario, and I don't much care for that. Maybe he was just surprised a little and knew he showed it which made him feel awkward with us. If we had walked up to him and he'd seen us approach together, then what? Still freaked out by the 'obvious difference' in our age? Well maybe he would have seen what I do, a nice looking man with a younger wife. Or a father with his daughter." She folded her arms and leaned back. I could tell she felt like she had said to much. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean anything by it. I was just amused by his reaction. I don't feel the least bit awkward being out with you. And I actually don't care what people may think." "See, there you go again, 'what people may think.' I'm saying they aren't thinking anything. You are not an old man. You're handsome, you're in great shape and have a naturally youthful look about you." She was looking mad again. "I don't mean to do that. I don't feel my age, I think I'm just aware of it. I'm sorry." "Don't be sorry. Just stop thinking like that." "I'll try," I took a long pause. "Just be easy on me. I struggle a little sometimes." She still looked sternly at me, but I saw the twinkle and smile lines in her eyes. I reached across the table and taking one of her hands, lifted it up, leaned over and kissed it. "I love you so much, " I said, and not in a hushed tone. Now she was smiling. "Thank you. I love you too." We got our wine soon thereafter and our conversation turned to family, politics and TV shows. We had a wonderful evening. The food was delicious and the wine nice. Afterward we took a drive around the town to see how many old classic cars there were out there. We found the old scenic section of town which was alive with activity and took a walk up one side and down the other. Her hand was on my arm nearly the whole time. When we stopped to look at something through a window or at a nice classic car she would hug onto my arm, holding it tight to her. Usually against her breast. It seemed she was trying to drive home the point she had made earlier at the restaurant, that she found me handsome and she was proud to be with me. Point made. We got back to our room just before ten. After getting back to our room we took turns hitting the shower and getting ready for bed. I wanted to be asleep by eleven. We could sleep in a little if we wanted due to getting so much done today, but I wasn't much for doing that. We talked about the things we saw in old town as we got ready. The mood was light and calm, which was our usual. We just liked being around each other. I noticed Sheri was wearing an outfit that was not her usual late night attire. She had on a white cotton tank top, thick enough not to be see through, thin enough to display her nipples poking from behind. Her bottoms were short silky boxers, black. I have seen these items before, but usually briefly as she went from bedroom to bathroom or in and out of the kitchen just before bed. Finally we came together for our goodnight hug and kiss. She put her arms around my neck and pressed into me as she tended to. I put an arm around her waist and wrapped the other around her back, my hand coming in contact briefly with the side of her breast as they were flattened and sticking out both sides. "I loved it tonight dad. I had so much fun. Thank you." "So did I. I love you, hon. Sleep well." "Love you back." Our lips came together in a brief soft kiss which signaled the end of our embrace, but she did not release. Instead she buried her face into the side of my neck and sighed. I could feel her firm mound pressed into my upper thigh, which I had felt before, but something felt oddly different. I was chubbing up from the extended embrace and I'm sure she had to feel it pressing into her. We parted and went to our own sides of the bed. Climbing in I was glad I had put on the briefs beneath my boxers or I would of shown Sheri just how excited she had made me. She might have noticed it anyway if she was looking. Laying flat on my back I pulled the sheets up to my neck. Sheri lay on her side, back toward me as I reached for the lamp switch. "Good night Sheri." "Good night dad." The lights went out. I lay there a while replaying the evening in my head. Her objection to my attitude with the host, her hanging onto me all evening. Her choice of night wear, her extended embrace. I didn't know if it added up to something or not, but I lay there, thinking of her in an intimate manner. As I felt sleep overtaking me Sheri rolled over, her body up close, gently against mine. Her one hand slid under my arm grasping my hand, fingers interlocking, her other arm wrapped inside mine, her hand grabbing the back of my arm, up near the shoulder, hugging it into her chest. Her chin rested on top of my shoulder. "Is this okay?", she whispered. I nodded, 'yea', as my heart and cock were throbbing. I lay there quietly, eyes closed, feeling every bit of contact between us. ----------------------------------------------------------------- I could feel myself waking. It felt like I was walking out of a dream. I knew I was becoming conscience as I lay there quietly, allowing my senses to focus. What had awaken me? This wasn't how I usually woke each morning. Something was amiss and I waited quietly, listening, trying to figure it out. I could hear Sheri breathing, no other sound. I kept my own breathing even and steady, not wanting to clue in any intruder that I was awake. I was about to open my eyes and sit up when I suddenly realized my hand was lying on Sheri's leg. I could feel her silky shorts under my hand. My forearm was on top of her left arm and laying across her side and hip. That was all I could feel as I lay motionless, gathering anything my senses could detect. Then I felt her hand on mine, her fingers wrapping around the side of my hand, between my thumb and index. I was puzzled. Then she moved. Ever so slightly I felt her pull my hand, a fraction of an inch across her leg. Again, another fraction she dragged my hand. Long pauses between. Another pull. I knew exactly where she was taking my hand and I began a dialogue in my head. "This was wrong, I can't touch her in this way. But this is something she wants. It doesn't matter, your the dad, your the grown up, you know it's wrong. Yea, but I've always wanted to touch her there after all, I mean, it's okay if it's her decision, right? Maybe, but what kind of sick freak are you if you let her? Won't you both regret it afterward? No, I won't. And she's old enough, she's not a little girl anymore. But she's my little girl!" In the end my deep dark desire won over. I was going to let her continue. I kept my breathing steady and shallow, I was still asleep after all. After about five minutes she had positioned my hand directly onto her warm mound. I didn't move, I just let it lay there, trying to picture it through touch. I then felt her carefully slide her body up so my fingers hung down a little across her pussy. My heart was pounding, my penis rock hard. Still I lay motionless. I understood what she was doing. This was something she wanted but didn't know how to accomplish it. This was safe, this was a way to blame any inappropriate contact on perhaps a dream or at least an unconscious act if it was rejected. She could pretend to be asleep as well, then who could know who did what. There was a way out if needed. She was hoping that my hand would realize where it was and go on auto pilot. Very bold and desperate. Very clever. After a couple of minutes I felt her hand on top of mine. Slowly she pressed my fingers into her soft flesh. I felt her body quiver. Pressing firmer she drove my fingers deeper into her warm firm lips. She was getting excited and was on the verge of giving herself away so I reacted. My hand made a sporadic movement. I let it seem like my hand was coming alive slowly. I squeezed lightly, awkwardly, at the same time I made an unintelligent sound, like I was dreaming. She lifted her hand off mine and I felt her relax, hoping. I moved again, my hand slowly figuring it out. I began squeezing a little harder and pushing my finger deeper between her lips. She was moist and very warm. I could feel her shoulders, pressing into the bed as she would arch her back slightly with excitement. I began to dip deeper and using my other fingers to feel her wondrous pussy, all the while making dream like sounds. I now knew why she wore these shorts and what felt different earlier. She had no panties on and the silk was easy to move and slide into her crevice. I increased my actions slowly as she showed signs of losing control, due to her excitement. She had spread her legs wider for me and access became easier. I had begun running my middle finger up and down the length of her crevice, the material all the way to the bottom and wet. I knew that my actions could no longer be excused as involuntary or in-deliberate. I opened my eyes, the room dimly lit from the outside lights. I turned my head and looked into the eyes of my daughter. They were bright and alive with lust, desperation written across her face, waiting for me to stop and shame her. I rolled toward her slightly and kissed her forehead, then pulling my hand back, slid it under her shorts. As I made contact with her pussy she spread her legs wide, opening it up like a flower. Now that the ruse was over I continued to explore her pussy more aggressively. I hooked my middle finger and slid it into her. She shuddered and blew out a sharp breath. "Aaaaaaaa....". I began fingering her the best I could. The position I was in limited as to how much of my finger I could give her. Sitting up I reached for her shorts with both hands and, lifting her butt, pulled them off. Turning around I moved between her legs as she opened them fully for me. Looking down at my daughter's most private place I was overwhelmed with how smooth and full it was. I had always thought that she felt the way she did when pressed against me because of an abundance of pubic hair. Instead I saw smooth thin hair, laying flat along her full thick lips. Her most inner lips lay open, small and thin, glistening with moisture. Exposed was the small hole of her vagina. At the top, her lips converged, unable to conceal her large clit. I began to salivate in anticipation of tasting my daughter's fresh pink pussy. I lay down between her legs, my face close to her wet maw. Her light odor, pleasant and arousing. Laying my hands on her legs I ran them up and down the outside of her thighs. So smooth! I watched as goose pimples covered them. Putting my mouth on her inner thigh I began to kiss and lightly suck her tender flesh. I licked long strokes up her legs, starting close to her pussy. She shuddered, letting out a quiet moan, like she was enjoying some dessert. I paid equal attention to both thighs, getting them wet with my tongue and lips. Her excitement was obvious from her body quaking and the sound of her breathing. Slowly I worked lower and lower till I was brushing the sides of her smooth full lips. With the tip of my tongue I stroked her along the transition between thigh and pussy. Grabbing the backs of her knees she spread herself a little further, wanting me to explore her deepest secret. Looking up at her I saw her with raised head, looking over the top of her breasts, wanting to see what I was doing to her. Her eyes smiled as I took my tongue and still looking at her, dragged it slowly down the center of her crevice. Her eyes rolled and she dropped her head back to the bed, back arching, her body shivering. Looking down at her pussy I saw just how fine and smooth her hair was. I also realized it was short. I first thought she must be trimming it, but the closer I looked the more like peach fuzz it seemed. Also there was no sign of hair except on her mound. The usual tuft just above the clit was absent, and nothing, not even stubble, at the thigh transition, where I had just been. For all intent and purposes she had the pubic hair of an adolescent. I filed that away in my head for further inquiry. Opening my mouth I sucked in one of her large lips, and holding it in, I ran my tongue all over it. This brought slight tremors from her and an exclamation of "Oooooooo!" Releasing it I went to the other and did the same, again she shuddered, just a little stronger and blew out forcefully through tight lips. I licked along the outer and inner sides of both lips for a while, sometimes pushing my tongue hard along the area between her major and minor labia. I began paying more attention to this region with my tongue as Sheri arched her back and had small spasms through her body. She was near ecstasy! Moving still further toward the center I sucked and licked her thin inner lips. They were small and tight and not easy to pull into my mouth with suction. But I tried just the same. Sheri had now let go of her legs but had her heels dug into the bed keeping her legs forced wide. Placing my hands on her inner thighs, just either side of my head I helped her stay spread wide. I took my tongue and ran it stiffly right down the center, from near her ass, across her opening to her stiff clit. She grunted and I heard her hands slap the bed on either side. I then took my tongue and poked it into her opening as far as I could. She grabbed the back of my head and pushed me into her, wanting more of me in her. Pulling out I then clamped my lips onto her clit. It was large in comparison to her inner lips and firm. As I clamped onto it she was sucking and blowing air rapidly through pursed lips forming a small O. Pulling off I saw that her clit was now a darker pink and was firming, even enlarging. I never knew it could do that. So excited about this discovery I went right back to it, sucking it vigorously, wanting to see how big it would get. Sheri was now shaking and I heard her mumble "Don't stop.....right there.....oh dad.....yessss." Taking my right index finger I pushed into her wet pussy, still sucking her clit strongly. She almost screamed as she arched her back, grabbing the sheets then began to shake as if she was being electrocuted. I lifted my face from her and pulled out my finger as she ejaculated, juice squirting onto my hand and sheets. I watched as she trembled uncontrollably, her legs went straight and stiff, her toes spread wide, hands clenched tight, eyes and mouth closed tight. Her back arched violently throwing her chest into the air. Her breasts stretched the fabric of her top, and it looked like her nipples might tear holes through the fabric. She breathed hard and quickly through her nose. I was concerned that I had taken it too far. Sliding up beside her I reached back and pulled the sheets up over the both of us, wiping her fluids from myself as I did and then took her in my arms and gently pulled her to me. She began to relax and as she did she put her arms around my chest and buried her face into my neck. "You alright?", I asked softly. She nodded. "Are you sure? That looked pretty intense." "Give me a minute dad", she quietly said into my neck. I lay there holding my little girl close. After a while her breathing was becoming slower and steady and she was relaxing. "Can we talk about this? I don't want there to be any awkwardness between us." I said in a quiet tone. She rolled away from me onto her back, turning her head to look at me, her eyes bright and piercing. "That was wonderful! I never thought it could feel like that." She took a deep breath and blew out through pursed lips. "Wow!" She had a serene look on her face, a look of contentment. Almost laughing she said, "I think we're going to be fine. I'm so happy I feel giddy." She placed her hand on my face, looking straight in my eyes, "I don't want this to be the end of it. There is so much more I want. Do you understand?" A shiver ran through my body as I thought of the long buried fantasies I held onto. The guilt I had for even having them, wavered. I looked into the eyes of a beautiful woman, a woman that wanted me. I also saw my daughter. The forbidden desires I nursed all these years instantly transformed into a happiness and a hope, that finally, I would get some relief from them. "I do." I pulled her back to me. "And I don't want it to end here either." I rolled onto my back and she followed, laying her head between my shoulder and chest. Her right leg crossed over mine and lay between my legs, her naked pussy warm and wet on my thigh. I held her body in my right arm as I stroked her side and back. As we lay there, father and daughter, I was thinking of all the things I wanted to experience with her. I have had fantasies about her, erotic, vivid fantasies, but now it was just a desire to share things with her. It felt less dirty and taboo and more loving and caring. "Sheri?" "Yea dad?" "I realized just now that when I first looked over at you, you were already watching me. Did you know I was awake?" "I knew." "When?" "Right after I put your hand on me. I was watching you and could see your face." She giggled quietly. "It was funny watching you pretend." "You clever little thing." She giggled some more. "Can I ask you something a little more sensitive? And please don't read anything into it." "Sure dad, what is it?" "Was this whole night about getting to here? The extra attention and affection?" She lifted her head from my chest and looked at me. "No, it was not." Annoyance written across her face. "I had such a wonderful time tonight, truly. Feeling like we were a couple. I know that's the way people were looking at us, and I enjoyed it. I wasn't scheming." She lay back down and snuggled in. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to accuse you of anything. I loved everything about today. Can I try again?" "If you dare," she stated flatly. I laughed to myself, "Alright then........when did you decide........this?" I hoped my phrasing wasn't accusative. "You mean when did I decide to have you play with me?" She was having fun at my expense. She was a pill. "Yes, when did you decide to have me play with you, which I really enjoyed by the way." She giggled and snuggled further. "To be honest, tonight during my shower. I knew this may be the only chance I may have. I don't know how I could of done this at home. I'm not good at being aggressive. And I've thought about it before. I've been thinking about it for a long time now." "Can I ask how long?" "Ever since I got home from school." I was speechless. Sheri lifted her head and stretching up kissed me an the lips. "I love you more than you know or have been able to say." I squeezed her tight into me, "I think we're both in the same boat. I feel about you what a father shouldn't. It is something I have struggled with for a long time. I love you so much, it hurts." "I know." "What do you mean you know?" "I've noticed how you look at me. I've noticed for as long as I can remember. It's never made me nervous or uneasy though. I knew you'd never violate me. And I also know you see more than that. You see ME. You love ME. That's why I'm comfortable being here with you now. Can you understand that?" "Yes I can. You are what makes me the luckiest man alive. I love you." "And I love you." We lay there quietly, me with my eyes closed, acutely aware of every portion of her body touching me. I ran my right hand across her back, up under her shirt and back down to her tight little caboose. I cupped an entire cheek in my large hand and squeezed lightly. I admired her curves with my hand, running it across her waist, over her hips and all around her sweet cheeks. "Dad?" "Yea?", I responded quietly. "Can I....", she slid her hand down from my chest to my stomach, "return the favor? You know." My heart instantly leaped and began pounding. I had given up on that thought for the night, figuring she wasn't ready for that, and looking to go to sleep. "I would like that very much. You sure?" "I've never been more sure." Her voice having a ring of excitement as she sat up, sheets coming off with her, still straddling my leg. She scooted back a little then sat on her heels between my legs. Leaning forward she grabbed the waist band of both boxer and briefs, I lifted my butt and she slid then down to my knees, my rigid cock slapping my abdomen. I raised my legs and off they went. "This too," as she indicated my shirt. Smiling I sat up and whipped it off and flopped back down. She paid no attention to any of that as I could see she was transfixed, staring at my organ. "Oh my." I heard her faintly say. The look on her face was apprehensive and worried. Now I'm not 'hung' per se, just a bit above average. I'm almost seven inches long and have a healthy girth. The shaft is smooth without a lot of veins, but the best part is my large head. It has a bigger circumference than any portion of my thick shaft and is best described as bulbous. "Is there anything I need to know?" She looked to be slowly gathering her wits, still staring down at my stiff rod. "No." I reached up and grabbed her arm lightly, getting her to look at me. "I just want you to do what ever is comfortable for you. There are no expectations here. Just have fun and enjoy yourself. I'll enjoy anything you do. Okay?" She nodded, focused on my face, tension falling away. "You'll do fine honey." She gave me a sheepish grin and looked back down at my cock. Reaching down she put her fingers on the head and gave a squeeze, a light smile appearing. Running her finger tips down the length of my shaft she went all the way down to my scrotum. There she began to pull on the skin and squeeze my balls, doing a thorough examination of the texture, density and elasticity of the region. She shifted her legs a little, showing a growing comfort and excitement. Using both hands she began a new examination, of my dick. Putting her fingers around it, she was giddy about how thick it was. She was squeezing, pulling and even tried to bend it. I had to watch her, it was like a child figuring out a new toy. She was becoming acquainted with this new thing, the first she had ever had access to. During this exam I was becoming sensitive. No one had handled me, but me, for years. And now I watched this gorgeous creature, my daughter, handling me with fascination and excitement. I couldn't help the occasional throb or jerking of my penis. The first strong throb she felt made her eyes light up as she looked up at me, curious as to what I was feeling. I just smiled. A large pool of pre-cum had formed at my tip and she stuck her finger into it, then brought it to her mouth. Tasting it she raised her eyebrows, pleased with the flavor. She sat up straight and scooted back a little further. Grabbing her shirt at the bottom she lifted it off in one fluid motion. I watched as her breasts momentarily suspended themselves straight out from her body and then settle back down in their usual position. I was amazed at how much they stood out and how little the hung. Beautiful! It had to be attributed to the years of work and never being pregnant. Still virgin and fresh just like the rest of her. They were like two small watermelons, but with a more conical shape. They had a slight upward curvature in them and her areolae and nipples where a light brown. At the moment her areolae where constricted tight around her nipples, and they were stiff and large. Seeing my admiration she playfully put a hand over each, covering her nipples, giggling, with a shy look in her face. "You like them?" she asked. I was almost breathless. "I love them. I always have." She smiled broadly, flashing her teeth, eyes bright. She lay down between my legs now and laying her arms out across my thighs, took hold of my dick. Scooting up she lifted her head and touched her lips to my head, cleaning away the pre-cum that was there. She then kissed me all around the head, then started kissing my shaft lower and lower. When she reached the base she lowered her mouth and took a ball into her mouth. She held it there, mulling it around and applying suction. I felt something tugging down deep in my groin. Pulling back until my ball popped out with a quiet pop, she took the second ball and repeated the process. I had never had my balls sucked before, oddly enough, and now my daughter was giving me a treat. Sheri moved back to the bottom of my shaft and started making short licking strokes all around, always licking up toward the head. Slowly she moved higher and higher. I could feel the urge building inside me and I concentrated on breathing, suppressing the inevitable. Sheri licked the pre-cum that was still oozing out, enjoying the taste of it. She raised her eyebrows and grinned. She then licked it off in one long stroke. My body shook as I groaned in delight. "Is this normal?", indicating the pre-cum pooling up again. "Yes it is. But I've never oozed this much before. That's a good sign." "A good sign of what?" I think she knew, she just wanted me to say it. "That what you're doing feels so good, and that I'm going to have a powerful orgasm." She was delighted with that answer and giggled. She put her attention back to my shaft and began her short little licks where she left off. She was getting close to the edge of my head now. She wiped up more pre-cum with her finger and licked it off. Her next lick ran from the base all the way up and across the bottom of my "flange". I jolted as if shocked, and indeed it felt like I had been. Sheri smiled as she went to the base again and stroked it all the way to the head with her tongue again. Again I jumped and grunted. "I don't know how much longer I can hold off if you keep that up." She just smiled, unconcerned. Taking my cock in both hands, she pulled it toward her and opening her mouth wide, took the head in. Wrapping her lips around my rim she enclosed my entire head. Then I felt a suction building. Looking down I watched through the tent formed by her hair. She was looking into my face, her cheeks showing the suction she was applying. I felt a knot building deep in my groin, unmistakable. She released the suction and slid her lips off. My head was almost purple and swollen and as big as it has ever been. Opening her mouth wide she once again took it in, this time going further and wrapping her lips around my shaft half way down. Her hair tickled the inside of my thighs. I could feel the roof of her mouth with the tip of my penis. I had the urge to grab her head and force her down further, but I resisted. Instead I just shook , trying to hang on. She released me and, taking a hand, she grabbed the base of my cock behind my balls, causing them to stretch my scrotum thin as they lay along side my shaft, protruding out of her hand, toward her face. Her grip was tight and nearly uncomfortable. She began to kiss and lick my balls with an occasional sliding of her mouth over my cock. This continued for some time. The pressure from her grip had bought me some more time, but it was quickly getting used up as she licked and sucked my manhood. My junk was turning a darker color than ever before and the sensitivity was off the charts! "I'm close to cumming." I said in a sharp exhale of breath. Her eyes smiled at me as she released her hold. Getting up on her knees she moved directly over my tool. Placing a hand on the bed next to me she bent down sliding my cock into her mouth. With the other hand she began pumping the base of my shaft with her thumb and forefinger while her other three fondled my balls. All was slick with saliva as she slowly slid her lips up and down, her up stroke stopping at the flange of my head and then back down about three quarters of the way. I'm sure that was as far as she could go, because from the look in her eyes, she would of swallowed me whole if she could. I lay back, eyes closed blocking out all sensory input except for her mouth administering pure pleasure. I felt her pull her lips off my cock with a strong suction and a popping sound as she grabbed it around the middle. Then I felt her hair tickling me as it moved up my body across my stomach. Questioning, I raised my head and looked down at her. Sheri was crawling up over me, releasing her grip as she straddled my body, then slowly lowered herself onto me, burying her face in my neck. Instinctively I wrapped my arms around her, even as I wondered why she had stopped. "I want you inside me."she said in a hushed tone, a near whisper as she slowly ground her pussy on my cock. I had a quick flash of conflict run through my mind as I considered what she asked for. I knew she was on the pill already to help with her cycles, so that wasn't an issue. I knew what we were doing was wrong and I considered drawing a line in our behavior. I also knew that if I were to decline her request, greater damage would be done to our relationship than going through with it. She was a grown woman and what she wanted, I wanted too. "Please." she whispered this time, her desire clear in her voice. "I'd love to." I slid my hands down her back and cupped her cheeks in my hands. She moaned her pleasure in my ear as she continued to grind her sex into me. Lifting her head she found my lips as we kissed, deep and sensual. Wrapping my arms tightly around her I rolled her over and lay on top of her. Pulling her knees up she opened her legs wide giving me clear passage. I could feel her lips open as my hard tool settled into her now slippery trough. "Guide me in baby" I said, as I lifted my weight off her onto my elbows and knees. She slid her arm between our bodies and taking hold of me I felt her dragging the tip of my cock back and forth through her pussy. "This is my first time." her eyes showing a little anxiety. "Be gentle." "I know. Your my little girl and I will never hurt you." I felt her position my dick at her opening. I slowly applied force, pushing my way in. Her lips, wet and slick, yielded easily and I glided the tip of my cock into her. She inhaled a quick deep breath and I saw her eyes roll back as they closed. I held position waiting for her to indicate something to me. Her eyes opened and a large smile spread across her mouth. "It feels so good," she breathed. I smiled back. She reached up and placing her hands on my ass, pushed down as she raised her pelvis up. I slid myself into her all the way down in one long stroke, matching her effort. She groaned again, head tilting back as she closed her eyes once again. She was tight, but not overly, just a firm strong grip. A warm well fitting glove, holding me. "Oh my god, you feel wonderful." I quietly said. Her eyes opened, full of love and lust. "Please, make love to me." Her voice was pleading, her arms went around my back as her legs wrapped behind my thighs. I settled myself onto her as she hugged me tight and I began slowly thrusting myself into her. I started with long slow strokes, making sure she was comfortable. She breathed deeply and regularly, almost as if she were asleep. It felt fantastic, she was such a perfect fit. It had been a long time for me, but I don't remember it feeling this good. I kept my pace steady, the sensation of my manhood sliding through her intense. Sheri began thrusting herself up, quickening the pace, indicating she was ready for more. I obliged as I increased my speed and began pushing into her harder. She moaned and her breathing turned irregular, forcefully exhaling through her nose or open mouth. Her eyes had a look of desperation as I felt her thrusting up into me even faster. I could feel my release building now, down in my balls and I knew it was going to be powerful. I increased gradually, faster and faster, pounding her harder and harder. She was beginning to blow hard through her mouth, as if trying to start a fire, her eyes wide. She pulled her arms off my back and sliding them up through my arms, wrapped them around my neck, pulling me down to her. I lay on her fully now as I wrapped her body in a equally tight embrace, all the while pounding her. Her body trembled while she grunted and groaned her pleasure. I felt myself throbbing moments before my release and feeling it, Sheri threw her head back, vocalizing her climax, as she arched her back, shaking violently. Her climax pushed me over the edge as I felt my load burst from me in a orgasm stronger than I could ever recalled. I felt my seed filling her as it coated our union, numbing the sensation. Sheri was still trembling, her face buried in my neck, her breath hot. Staying close to her I relieved her of my weight and lifted my head, looking into her eyes. They slowly opened, her lids heavy, looking serene. "Oh dad,.......you might have broke me." A smile spreading across her face as her eyes closed again. I chuckled, happy she felt so good. I rolled off her and lay there, next to her, my arm across my forehead. I saw her hand reach across my face, coming to rest on my cheek as she turned my head to face her. She was looking into my eyes and without a word, rolled toward me, kissing me tenderly on the lips. Our bodies still glistening lightly from our exertion. We dragged the blanket up to cover us against any chill. Sheri straddled my leg, her warm, wet mound against my upper thigh, arm across my chest, head on my chest and shoulder. As we lay there, I felt sleep approaching. Sheri took a deep breath and sighed. "We will never be the same." I couldn't see her face to read it. "I know. Are you okay with that?" "I am. Can I tell you something. It's something that's been on my mind for a while." She went quiet, seeming to wait for permission. "Go ahead hon." I kissed her forehead. "Before I left for school I was struggling with my feelings for you. I loved you so much it was hard pretending I didn't want more from you, more than I could ask, or you could give. I think mom could sense it and it was a little uncomfortable between us. That's why I left. I had to put some distance between mom and me. While I was at school I missed you terribly. I couldn't go a day without thinking about you and I came to realize....., I realized I was in love with you. I tried to stay away as much as possible and change how I felt, because I knew it was wrong. Even after mom passed I tried to stay distant. In the end I was miserable, so I decided to come home and face it. I think I'm in love with you, and I don't know what to do." I felt my body go flush in a wave. My daughter was in love with me. As a woman is in love with a man. Funny how a simple rephrasing can have such a profound difference. I also knew I was feeling the same, I just never planned on sharing it. "I'm in love with you too." I felt her body tense, holding her breath, perhaps waiting for the "but" in my response. "The feeling has been gnawing at the back of my mind." I paused, keeping my thoughts clear. "I knew what it was but have been afraid to say anything. I couldn't know how you'd take it and was afraid of freaking you out or scaring you away." Pulling my head back I looked down into her already upturned face. Her eyes were welling up in tears and she had a look I'd never seen before, and my heart melted in joy. Bending my face to hers we kissed a long passionate kiss, the kind that sends shivers down your spine. "You're right about things never being the same. I'm glad for that", I said. Again she took a deep breath and sighed, a sigh thick with happiness. "Sheri, I'm getting sleepy. Do you mind if I just fall asleep?" "No, go to sleep." She went to roll off and I stopped her. "Please, stay here?" "Sure." as she snuggled back into me. For Pics visit:---->>> https://cutt.ly/hwsMVhC
Title: The First Time I Noticed Ch. 04 Summary: Alexis and Ian explore the depths of love and lust. Keywords: inc,fic "So," I said, "what are you in the mood for now?" "You can't possibly be ready for more already," said Lex, incredulous. "God no," I said. "I was just wondering if you're interested in a dip in the lake, or maybe a boat ride." "A quick rinse would be nice," she said. Then she stood up and sprinted across the beach toward the water. Mesmerized, I watched her long, toned legs, ending at her sculpted ass, carry her body to the lake. When she reached the water's edge, she took two more steps and dove in. As her ass and legs vanished under the water, I got up to follow her in. My sister was right, a quick rinse sounded great. Seconds later, I dove in after her and came up alongside her in the warm, shallow water. "Hey," I said, suddenly at a loss for words as I gawked at her wet, naked body. Her hair was dripping onto her chest and back, rivulets running down over the swell of her breasts and gathering in the valley between them. "Hey," she said, stepping closer. The water only came to our thighs, and I saw her looking down, where water was running down my chest and belly, flowing onto my cock and dripping from the end back into the lake. "You are so beautiful," I said. "If I hadn't already cum three times today..." "Yeah?" she said, sounding skeptical. "Think you could really handle a fourth time today?" "I don't know," I said, "but I think I could make a valiant effort." "My brother, the hero," she said, closing the distance between us and kissing me. "But I'm not ready either," she added. "You wore me out." "I hope it's a good 'worn out'," I said. "Because I'd like to wear you out some more before this weekend is over." "I like the sound of that," she said, "but not just now. I need some time to rest and relax." "So," I said again, "what are you in the mood for after we finish our swim." "I could use a shower," she said. "Then maybe we could take out one of the boats." "That sounds great," I said, "which one?" The cabin was small, but was well stocked with watercraft. There was a speedboat for waterskiing, a smaller fishing boat, a Hobie cat, a canoe, and three personal watercraft. My dad liked his toys. "You up for a paddle?" she asked. "Sure, sis," I said. "You know it's one of my two favorite ways to travel on the water." The other was sailing. Skiing and tubing with the speedboat was fun, and jetting around on the watercraft was a good time, but I preferred quieter ways to get around. "Perfect," she said. "I love the peace and quiet, and the lake is so relaxing in the evening." "I know," I said. "I love it when the sun starts to get low and the lake gets that golden glow." "But first," she said, "I need a shower. This dip was nice, but I'll feel a little more fresh after I scrub up a little." "Me too," I said. "Let's go." Alexis turned and walked out of the water, the sun glinting off of her golden, wet skin, her ass swaying hypnotically. I stood transfixed as she bent to gather her dress and under garments. Not bothering to get dressed, she headed across the lawn toward the cabin, and then stopped. "Coming?" she asked, looking back over her shoulder. "What?" "Hello, Ian," she said. "Are you coming?" "Oh," I said, "ah, yeah." I ran out of the water to follow her, stopping to collect my things and then following her across the lawn. Catching up to her on the lawn I took her hand in mine. "Love you, Lex," I said. "I love you too, Ian." My sister loved me, and not as a brother, but as a lover. Life was good. Strange, but good. She stopped again, and then turned and kissed me, wrapping her arms around me in a tight hug. I couldn't resist the temptation of dropping my hands to her sumptuous ass, caressing both cheeks and pulling her close to me. "Will you ever get enough of my ass?" she asked. "Not likely," I said. "It's sublime. But we both need a shower." With a light slap to her ass, I broke our embrace. "You're so naughty," she said. "You're my naughty, naughty brother," and she grabbed my cock and gave it a little stroke. "But you need to keep your hands to yourself long enough for us to get cleaned up." "Okay, sis," I said, and once again took her hand in mine and resumed our walk back to the cabin. Stepping up to the deck, I opened the door for her and then followed her through. She went to her room to put away her things, and I tossed my clothes on my bag, which I had left on the sofa. "You can go first," I called to her. "What are you talking about?" she said, poking her head through the doorway. "The shower," I said, "you can use it first. I'll wait." "Wait for what?" she asked. "You're coming in with me." Getting in the shower with my sister sounded like an unusually bad idea if we wanted to get to our sunset paddle, but it was useless for me to resist her charms. Besides, the offer was to get wet and naked with a beautiful woman, and what could be wrong with that? Besides her being my sister, of course. My mind quickly conjured up an image of the two of us together, soapy, wet, and slippery. Me washing her back and giving special attention to her ass. Yeah, sharing a shower must have been the best idea yet in what had turned out to be the best day of my life. "Ian!" "Huh, what?" "Coming?" I turned and gave her a sheepish grin. "Jeez," she said, "not that kind of 'cumming'." I looked down and saw my cock at half-staff and rising. "Sorry," I said, "I was daydreaming." "Gee," she said, scoffing, "I can't imagine what about. You ready?" "Yeah," I said, and followed her to the small bathroom. It was just a toilet, a sink, and a shower stall in there, without a lot of room for two. This was going to be interesting. Alexis reached in and turned on the water. Eventually she had it adjusted the way she wanted it and stepped in. "Come on," she said as she backed into the corner of the stall to make room for me. I slipped in next to her. In the close quarters of the stall, it was all but impossible to make any kind of movement without having body contact, and it was having the expected effect, despite all of our earlier activity. "God, Ian," she said as my rising cock grazed against her belly. "Save that for later. I need to get clean." "But I like my sister dirty!" I said. "Oh shut up," she said, turning her back to me and reaching for the shampoo. She squirted a small puddle into her hand, passed me the bottle, and started to lather up her dark, wavy hair. I watched as the suds slid from her hair down her spine and through the valley between her cheeks, flowing down the insides of her slender thighs, over and around her knees, and down her calves to her feet. My eyes followed back up her legs, inevitably pausing at her ass, then following back up as she finishing shampooing her hair. She spun around and tipped her head back to rinse, and once again I watched the suds flow down her body, this time flowing over and between the globes of her breasts, along her belly and between her legs, gathering there briefly before resuming their sensual journey down her legs. I broke my trance just long enough to wash and rinse my own hair, which, being cut short, didn't take long. Alexis handed me a loofah soaked in body wash, then turned away again and said "Do my back?" I took the loofah and began scrubbing in small circles on her shoulders and then down her spine to the small of her back, working my way back up her side, then retracing those steps on the other side. While one hand scrubbed, the other caressed. Once her back was completely scrubbed, I set down the loofah and continued caressing her. What started as helping her get clean had turned into a gentle massage. "Did you suddenly get shy or something?" she asked, after a few moments of quietly enjoying my massage. "What do you mean?" I asked, confused. "My butt needs to get clean, too," she said, and handed me back the loofah, freshly loaded with more body wash. "Oh," I said, taking the loofah and looking down at her gorgeous globes. She knew as well as I did that I was powerless to resist her once I focused on her ass, so clearly her intent was either to have sex in the shower or to tease me mercilessly. After my day so far, I couldn't decide which I'd be able to handle better, if I could handle either one at all. Whatever her intent, all I could do was acquiesce, and I gently rubbed the loofah on her cheeks. "Scrub everywhere," she said, spreading her legs a little to give me easier access, and then arching her back so that her ass was pushed toward me. Short of demanding that I fuck her, it was the most blatantly provocative thing I could have imagined my sister doing, and despite my day thus far, I found myself responding. "Mmm, Lex," I said, snuggling up against her. My cock, reaching skyward, slipped between her cheeks and I thrusted instinctively. Her ass was indescribably hot, and my cock worked gently between her soapy, slippery cheeks. "No, no, no," she said. "Not yet." I was somehow both disappointed and relieved at the same time. Three trips to nirvana had taken a toll on me, but there was no denying the plain evidence of a hard cock. "What is it?" I asked. "All in good time," she said, turning and looking back over her shoulder. "For now, I just want to enjoy the feeling of you helping me get clean." "I can do that," I said, my motor slowly returning to idle. If we weren't going to have a shower fuck, I was at least going to make the most of getting her clean. I knelt behind her, my face inches from her ass, and began working the loofah over her cheeks and around her hips. I wrapped my hands around her thighs and tugged them apart, spreading her legs further. She arched her back a little more and put her hands against the wall of the stall to balance herself. I had a glorious close up view of her pussy. I resumed scrubbing, now moving between her cheeks and into her crack, trailing down to her tight entrance. In all my life I had never even imagined a butt hole could be sexy until I saw my sister up close. I kept scrubbing, working the loofah forward between her thighs and using my fingers to clean the folds of her pussy. I worked my way forward to her clit. She shuddered slightly as I scrubbed, but never gave any indication that she wanted me to do anything but keep cleaning. Finally, with her hips, ass, and pussy clean, I set down the loofah and began to stand back up. "Legs too!" she said. Of course, I thought. My sister's legs. I shoved the loofah forward between her thighs and said "more soap," then watched as she bent down to pick up the body wash again, her ass now pressed back right against my face. It took all my will power not to start nibbling on her cheeks. "Ready," she said. I left my face right there, resting against her cheeks, and wrapped my arms around her legs, working the loofah up and down each leg, gently making circles and working down to her ankles and then back up all the way to where her legs met, brushing lightly against her pussy. With each touch, she trembled, but I just kept focused on getting her clean. "Done!" I said when I was finished with both legs. "Not yet," she said, turning around and leaning back against the shower wall. Her pussy was now at eye level. "You forgot my feet." I was still kneeling on the shower floor in front of her, and she picked up a foot and placed it on my chest. She had to raise her knee high to get her foot up to my chest, and in doing so opened her pussy wide. Helpless, I just stared. "Get cleaning," she said, tapping her foot against me. "More body wash," I said, presenting the loofah. She opened the bottle and squirted a stream onto it. I started working on her foot with it, cleaning the top and then the bottom, and then working between her toes with my fingers. Eventually I was just massaging her foot. Before I saw my sister's feet, I never thought they were sexy either. "That feels so, so nice," she said. "Now do the other foot." I repeated the whole process with the other foot, ending again with a foot massage. I must have been doing something right, because with each press of my fingers and each stroke of my hand I could hear a soft "mmm" or "ah" coming from her. Finally, she just set her foot down again and looked down at me, contented. "Thank you," she said, smiling. "You're welcome," I said, standing up again. "Now it's your turn," she said, and knelt before me. "I think I'll work my way up from the bottom." Her face was just inches from my straining cock, and I still had no idea what she had in mind. She took the loofah, soaped it up, and started washing my feet. My feet were sensitive - ticklish even - and she knew it, so she skipped the foot massage, although she did clean each one thoroughly, even between the toes. Working up, she scrubbed my ankles, then my calves, taking time to massage my now tired muscles, then worked her way over my knees to my thighs, and up from there. When she finally reached my groin, she had me turn around and began scrubbing my ass, working over both cheeks and between them. Her touch was electric. Instinctively, I reached to stroke my aching cock, but she saw where I was going and just said "no, Ian." I groaned, but complied, and she turned me around again. "Let's get this clean," she said, looking at my throbbing cock and taut balls. It was getting hard to imagine being able to take more than a few seconds of this without exploding, but she just once again soaped up the loofah and started gently scrubbing my balls. I could feel my cock beginning to tingle and knew my release was imminent. When I reflexively thrusted forward, she grabbed my cock and gave it a squeeze, increasing her grip until I felt I was no longer on the edge, then she resumed scrubbing, working her way up from my balls to the root of my cock. "Lex," I said, my chest heaving and my cock pulsing with each beat of my heart. "I'll never last through you cleaning my cock. I'm on the edge now." "I know," she said. "I think I've teased you enough. Ready for some relief?" "God yes," I said. "Okay, baby," she said. "Let your big sister take care of you." Somehow it had slipped my mind that the sex goddess kneeling before me was my sister, and on hearing those words I nearly came right then, but once again she squeezed my shaft and my impending orgasm subsided. Then she took me into her mouth - her warm, wet, silky mouth - and dove against me. I could feel my cock slip into her throat. As she came back up, I could feel her hand wrap around the base of my shaft, following her mouth up to the head, then squeezing hard again as she paused at the top. Diving back down, she kept at it - letting me slip into her throat at the bottom and squeezing at the top to keep my release at bay. She kept going, repeating her magic until I felt like I would collapse. "Lex," I gasped. "I can't take any more. Please baby - finish me." I heard her mutter "mmm," as she went down again, and she kept at the humming as her mouth reached the end of my shaft and came back up. The whole time I could feel the vibration from her hum flow through my cock, and I knew then that there was no stopping my inevitable eruption. "Cumming," I said. It was all I could manage. "Look at me," she said, taking her mouth off my cock. I looked down, expecting another squeeze, but instead of trying to stop my orgasm she starting stroking me firmly. Looking down at her, watching her hand flying on my cock, I felt my balls spasm and my cum burst forth, a jet flying high in the air. Lex tipped her head back and my cum began arcing down and splattered on her chest. Again my cock erupted, sending another load up high and again onto her, this one splashing on her breast. A third shot fell onto her leg. Wave after wave spewed forth from me, coating her shoulder, arm, belly, and her other breast. Finally, my explosive torrent of cum slowed to a pulsing stream and she took my cock back into her mouth, swallowing whatever I had left to give. After a moment, I was completely spent. Alexis, sensing this, took her mouth off my cock again, looked up at me, and said, "mmm, that was delicious." "Oh...My...God, Lex," I said, panting between each word, my legs weak, my mind reeling. "What did you do to me?" "Only what you earned," she said. "Earned?" "For washing my back," she said, smiling up at me. "Wow," I said, "anytime, Lex. Anytime." "You made a mess," she said. She was out of the spray of the shower, and there were puddles of my cum everywhere on her. My sister was covered in my cum. "I thought you might enjoy watching that," she said, "but I hate to see all this go to waste." And with that she scooped up a splatter of my cum with her fingers, brought her fingers to her mouth, and licked them clean. I thought I would cum again seeing that. "I love my brother's cum," she said, and continued scooping up puddles and eating them from her fingers. "Sweet Jesus, Lex," I said, as the last of them disappeared between her lips. "Okay," she said. "Now you have to wash my front." "Wow, I never did that, did I? Do I earn anything for it?" I asked. "Only my appreciation," she said. "I rather doubt you could handle anything else." "You're right there," I said. "Now where's that loofah?" She handed it to me and said "get busy, mister." I resumed washing her, as if it was the most normal thing on earth to get mind-blowing oral sex from your sister, and then just go on with a shared shower as if nothing unusual had happened. After what had just happened, some areas were going to need extra washing. I took her approach and started at the bottom this time, washing her feet but without the foot rubs, then working up her legs, then scrubbing around her pussy and reaching around to wash her ass and up her back, then finally coming around to the front. I lingered a moment, worried I might start something again, then looked down at my flagging cock and knew we were safe. I had already cum four times, and was desperate for some recovery time, so I proceeded to her beautiful breasts, swirling the loofah around and over them. She sighed each time I brushed her nipple, but didn't look disappointed when I moved on to her shoulders and arms. "Lex?" I said. "Yeah?" "You okay?" "Okay how?" "Ah," I said, stammering, "I mean, um, what you did for me was incredible. I just want to be sure I haven't left you frustrated." "Oh," she said. I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her, caressing her back. "I know I'm spent downstairs," I said, softly stroking her ass, "but there are other ways if you still need some attention." "It's okay, Ian," she said. "I honestly don't. You wore me out down by the lake. Right now, I just want to relax, and I'm looking forward to that sunset paddle on the lake." "Okay, sis," I said. "You know I love you and I'm always ready and willing to do anything for you, right?" "I know," she said, "and I love you too, but I'm serious about just relaxing, although I have to admit your hands feel really good on my ass." "Do they?" I said, "Do they really?" I stroked my sister's cheeks a little more firmly. "They do," she said, "but let's go on that paddle." "Okay, I said, and we both finished up in the shower. My sister stepped out and toweled herself dry while I enjoyed the view. When she stepped out of the bathroom to go get dressed, I dried off and went to find a pair of swim trunks, which was all I planned to wear in the canoe. After putting them on, I went outside to raid the shed for life jackets and paddles. It only took a moment to find what I needed. Dad liked to keep things well organized and at least as far as his things were concerned, I followed suit. I stepped out, two life jackets and three paddles in hand - my dad taught me to always carry a spare - and froze. Walking to the dock from the cabin was Alexis, dressed again in the same orange bikini she was wearing in the morning. The one she was wearing the first time I noticed how incredibly beautiful and sexy she was. The one she was wearing the first time I noticed that she had a perfect ass. My sister's perfect ass. Damn. "Hey," I said, unable to formulate anything more profound to say. At least my jaw wasn't hanging open. "Hey," she said, smiling. "You ready?" "Ah, yeah," I said, composing myself, "got our stuff right here." I handed her life jacket to her. "Do I really have to wear this?" she asked, making a face at the life jacket. One had to admit it was less than stylish. "Yes you do," I said. "You know Dad would never let us on a boat again if he saw us on the water without one." "What?" she said, incredulous. "We just had sex right over there," she continued, pointing to the bench, "and you're worried about someone seeing us without fucking life jackets?" "Ah..." "You gotta be kidding me, bro." "Well..." "Fucking, right out in the open, or life jackets," she said. "Let's just think for a second about which would be worse if Dad found out." I had to admit it was ridiculous, but I wasn't about to give up on this argument. "Okay, okay," I said. "You're right, it would definitely be way worse if someone saw us fucking in front of the cabin." "Now you're starting to make sense." "But," I said, "there's the whole...drowning...thing." "Huh?" "Well," I said, "canoes are tippy, and I don't want you to drown." She looked annoyed. I imagined that she thought I was treating like she was still ten years old out on the lake with daddy. "I am NOT going to..." Then she just stopped and looked at me. Her expression changed and she threw herself at me and planted an unexpected kiss on my lips. "What was that for?" I asked. "You really do love me, don't you?" she said. "Well, yeah, of course I-" "You're so sweet," she said, landing another kiss. "I'll wear it, but you're going to suffer because it covers up my - what did you call it - my 'awesome rack.' " With that, she kissed me again and turned and bounced down to the end of the dock, her ass swaying hypnotically as she skipped along. I followed down the dock to the canoe and we settled in. "Ready?" I asked. "Ready!" I shoved away from the dock and started to paddle, guiding us out across the cove to the main part of the lake. Turning right we went east, where there were other bays and coves to explore. Further along was a river inlet where a small cascade carried water from an upstream lake. The breeze had died down to a whisper over the afternoon and the lake was calm. On the shoreline stood a small grove of aspens, their shimmering leaves taking on a hint of gold in the evening sun. Behind them the land rose to a ridge line, covered in an old growth stand of stately eastern white pines. On entering the third cove east of our own, we were surprised to find a pair of loons swimming out of the grasses along the shoreline. The cove was isolated and undeveloped. The closest cabin was ours and nothing bigger than a canoe could navigate the shallow water. It was likely that they were building their nest on the shore, and we left to avoid disturbing them, but with the hope of hearing their songs later that night. With the sun dropping near the treetops, we turned for home, paddling into the setting sun. Except for a moment of excitement when we first saw the loons, Alexis had been unusually quiet and I was wondering what was on her mind when she set her paddle down in front of her and turned to me. "Thanks, Ian," she said. "For what?" "For being here with me," she said. It's so beautiful here. I can't imagine a better place to be, or a better person to be with than my sexy brother." I was sexy. "I love you, Lex." "I love you, too," she said, and we paddled into the sunset, turning at last back into our private cove. Shadows covered the clearing around the cabin, and we quickly stowed the canoe and our gear before darkness fell upon us. I look Lexi's hand and we walked quietly back to the cabin. Though small, the cabin was not without its amenities. Dad had installed satellite TV and internet. There was no cell service, but we had Wi-Fi and a landline. We had a well stocked pantry and refrigerator, and a fully supplied liquor cabinet complete with my father's permission to help ourselves. "What are you in the mood for?" I asked. "You." "Really?" I asked, not sure if I was ready for more. "Kidding," she said. "How about a move?" "Sounds good," I said, maybe just a little disappointed that she was kidding. "What would you like? Comedy? Romance? Action? Eye candy?" "Action," she said, "but smart action. And eye candy." "Hmm...," I said, putting on my best London accent. "Difficult. Very difficult." "What are you the sorting hat now?" "No," I said, "and we don't have any of the Potter movies anyway." "Dang," she said, "that's too bad. Neville turned out cute in the last one." "Neville?" I said. "Pudgy little Neville. Never though about him. Now, Emma Watson, on the other hand..." "Yeah," said Alexis, "she turned out gorgeous, but seriously, pudgy little Matthew Lewis turned out to be the hottest of the Potter guys. Even more than Draco, and you know how I like Tom Felton." We had grown up with the Potter franchise and enjoyed all of the books and movies. I resumed my search for something with smart action and eye candy for Alexis. "Inception?" "Ooh," she said. "Leo DiCaprio and Tom Hardy. Smart action. I like it. Not much eye candy for you, though." "I do have kind of an Ellen Page thing," I said. I didn't really have that much of an Ellen Page thing but I didn't want Alexis to feel I was being left out. "Really?" she said. "She doesn't seem like your type. Kind of boyish." "Maybe," I said. "Then again, she's petite, delicate features, small boobs. Cute little ass. Brunette. Remind you of anyone?" Alexis was sexier by a mile, but it seemed like a nice list. "Ah...okay then." She seemed to pause to think that over. "Wait. Isn't she lesbian?" "And that's supposed to make her less hot, somehow? Yeah, imagining her in some girl on girl action is such a turn off." "I see your point," she said. "She's still a little shapeless though." "I'll give you that," I said. "especially compared to you. There's also Marion Cotillard." "Oh yeah," she said. "Mal. She's beautiful. Bit old for you though." "I can indulge my cougar fantasy." "You have a cougar fantasy?" she said. I got as far as thinking about Carla Gugino and Sofia Vergara and then said, "I might." "Interesting," she said. "I'm learning new things about you." "Anyway," I said, "I have all the eye candy I need right here in the room." She opened her mouth to speak and closed it again. Then she said "Thanks, Ian." We both stood there for a moment, smiling at each other, when finally she said "jammie time!" I watched my sister's ass sway back and forth as she trotted off to the bedroom. "Sexy jammies?" I called to her. "You'll see!" she yelled back. "I'll put the movie in and make popcorn," I said. She came back out while I was waiting for the popcorn to finish popping, wearing a pair of blue boyshort panties and a crop top t-shirt. She struck a pose for me - one hand on her hip and the other absent-mindedly playing with her t-shirt. "Well," she said, "sexy?" I stood, gawking, and nearly burned the popcorn. "Uh huh," I said. "How's the back side?" she asked, turning around and arching her back. She reached down under her butt and cupped both cheeks, bouncing them a little. God, so firm. I wanted to nibble on both of them. She had cut the shirt down the back and tied a bunch of little knots in it, but I barely noticed because - damn - that ass. "Nice, um, shirt," I said. "Thanks," she said, and sashayed over to the sofa. "Coming?" "Yeah," I said, returning to reality. "Want anything to drink?" "No thanks," she said. "I had those beers earlier. I think I'll wait a while." "Okay," I said. "Just give me a minute to change into my pajamas." "You have pajamas?" "Not exactly." I grabbed my bag and took it into the bedroom. Two could play at the sexy pajama game. I didn't really have any pajamas, so I just doffed the swim trunks I had been wearing and pulled on a pair of boxers and a t-shirt. It wasn't especially original, but it was comfortable. "You stole my idea," said Alexis as I stepped back into the main room. "Yeah," I said, "but it looks better on you." "Not to my eyes," she said, smiling. My sister liked my sexy pajamas. I joined her on the sofa. "Got the remote?" "Right here," she said, and pushed play. As the movie started, we snuggled together, and I wrapped my arm around her shoulder. It felt amazing to just be so close to her - to feel the warmth of her body against mine. For the first time that day, I was actually able to be in contact with my sister without experiencing an overwhelming need for sex. The four orgasms I'd already had that day might have had something to do with it, but even with that I had felt myself getting engorged when she did her little show in her t-shirt and panties. Now I just wanted to be next to her - to touch her. How had I gone from completely oblivious to head over heels in love with my beautiful sister in less than a day? "Earth to Ian!" she said, elbowing me in the ribs. "Huh?" I said. "Can I have the popcorn, please?" she said. "Sure," I said, rubbing my ribs. "All you had to do is ask." "I did," she said. "Three times. You were off in your own little world again." "Sorry," I said, passing the popcorn. "Just daydreaming." "What about?" she said, setting the bowl back down. "You, of course," I said. "I love you, you know." I looked into her eyes and saw them looking back and knew that she did know, and knew that she loved me, too. I gently touched her face, lightly stroking her cheek. "It's as if you were made just for me." "Kiss me," she said, and I did. Pulling her close, I pressed my lips into hers, feeling her warm, wet lips against mine. My tongue explored her, tasting her lips as her tongue came out to greet me. Her arms wrapped around my shoulders, pulling me close. I could feel the heat from her body, feel her heart beating in her chest. She broke our kiss and hugged me tightly, melting into me. Her chest rose and fell, and I could feel the zephyr of her soft, light breathing. "I love you so much, Ian," she whispered. "I can't begin to express it." "It's overwhelming," I said. "This love, it's just filled me completely, flowed from me into you." "Like we're one person," she said. "Yes," I said, and we kissed again, tasting each other, our very souls connected by our lips, our tongues. The joy of our connection radiated through our bodies, filling us both with happiness and love. At last, she settled into me again. I could feel her body relax and melt into mine. These kisses! I had kissed girls before and it had been erotic, even electric, but with Alexis it was as if we had tapped an endless wellspring of pure love. "Mmm," she said softly. "That was nice." "Yeah." "Opening credits are done," she said. "Let's watch the movie." It's as if I had stepped out of time and then returned. It had lasted only a moment, but our connection felt eternal. Gradually the world returned and we nestled together to watch the movie, content to just be together and hoping it would never end. Alexis nuzzled closer and drew her legs up. "Warm enough?" "My legs are a little chilly," she said. Grabbing a throw from the back of the sofa, I covered us both. "That's better," she said. "Popcorn?" "Yeah," I said, taking it back from her. "Thanks." We turned our attention back to the movie. We had both seen it more than once, but there were enough twists and turns in the plot that we still found things we had missed each time we watched it. Before long, we were both engaged in the story and Alexis got her chance to indulge her crush on Leonardo DiCaprio. Just as they were about to assault the mountain fortress, Alexis asked me to pause the movie. "Pee break," she said. "Okay," I said, getting up to head for the kitchen while she went to the bathroom. "Want anything to drink when you get back?" "What do we have?" "There's a few more beers in there," I said, "some Diet Coke, some kind of fizzy water, and a pitcher of tea." "Where'd the tea come from?" "I made it earlier," I said, "I thought you might want some later." "Got any ice?" "Naturally," I said. "Cool," she said, "iced tea for me then." "Okay," I said. "Gotta go," she said, and ran off to the bathroom. I filled a glass with ice and poured her tea, then grabbed a bottle of water for myself. "Want any more popcorn?" I called to her. "No," she yelled back, "I'm good." A moment later she returned. "Ready to start the movie?" she said. "Not just yet," I said, "you, ah, gave me an idea when you went to the bathroom." "An idea?" she said. "I have to pee, dopey." "Oh, sorry," she said, laughing. As I walked to the bathroom she stopped me. "Hey Ian," she said. "Yeah?" "Can I, ah..." she said, and then just stopped. "Yeah, Lex, you can 'ah' all you want. I gotta go." "Wait!" she said. "I, um, wanted to ask you something, but it's kind of weird." "You're kidding, right?" I said. "So far today I've had sex with my own sister repeatedly, and fallen in love with you." "I love you too." "Thanks," I said, "but now you're yammering on about something 'kind of weird.' What could possibly be 'kind of weird' after today?" "Trust me," she said, "even today this is kind of weird. Promise not to freak out on me?" "Of course I promise," I said, "and you can ask or say or do anything and I give my solemn word not to freak out or think any less of you no matter what it is." "Okay," she said, "because..." "Just say it, Lex." "Can I watch?" "Huh? Watch what?" "Watch you pee?" she said. She got this weird, expectant look on her face, then looked down again, unable to make eye contact. "Ah...", I said, and just stood there, slack jawed. She was right, even today this was kind of weird. "I knew you'd think I was nuts," she said. It was as if all the air had gone out of her. "What?" I said, confused. "No, no Lex. I was just, ah, I just didn't see that coming." She seemed a little relieved. "But seriously?" I said. "You actually want to watch me pee? I ah, didn't know you were into - you know - water sports." "Oh!" she said, and she covered her mouth, her eyes popping. "God no," she said, a smiling forming on her lips. "Nothing like that. I just...well...I've never actually seen a guy do it and I was...um...curious." "Alright then," I said, "let's go." "Yay!" she said, throwing her hands in the air and skipping over to me. "Let's go!" We went in the bathroom. I stepped in front of the toilet and lifted the seat as she tucked in behind me, peering around my arm and down to my boxers. I unceremoniously pulled out my cock and took aim, and then, nothing. "Go ahead," she said, "I'm watching." "Yeah," I said, "it's...ah...not coming out just yet." "Why not?" "Ah, performance anxiety?" I said. "Huh?" she said. "It's not like you have to get it up to pee." "I know," I said, "but I've never done this either." "You've never peed before?" she said, confused. "Of course I've peed before," I said, "I just haven't peed with someone watching since Dad put Cheerios in the toilet bowl for me to aim at. Needless to say I've never peed with my sister watching, either." "Need some Cheerios?" "No, I don't need any fucking Cheerios, smartass!" I said, laughing. "Need me to leave?" "No," I said, "it's okay. I just, ah, needed a moment to get my head around this, 'cause you're just full of surprises today." Finally relaxed, I let go. "Yay!" she said, giggling. "Never laugh in the presence of a man's cock, sis," I said. "Sorry," she said, "I wasn't laughing at you, 'cause that's a nice cock you have there." "Kidding," I said. "but I have to admit, this is the weirdest moment yet of the weirdest day of my life." After a moment, I was finished. "Thanks," she said. "Call me freaky, but I always wanted to see that." "You're freaky," I said, laughing as I washed up. "Curiosity satisfied?" "Yup," she said with a goofy grin on her face. "Ready for the rest of the movie?" "Sure," I said, as if having your sister watch you take a leak was just a normal, everyday thing. I was living in some kind of alternate reality, a Twilight Zone world, and wondering when I was going to wake up. Could Inception be any more appropriate for a day when I was living in some kind of crazy dream? We snuggled together under our blanket again and watched the rest of the movie. Eventually, we saw Cobb's top spinning as the credits started to roll, and our movie night on the sofa was done. "That was fun," said Alexis, "but I'm kind of whipped. You wore me out today." "Good," I said. "You should get some rest so I can wear you out tomorrow, too." "Coming to bed, then?" she said. Oddly enough, I didn't see that coming either. In the recesses of my mind I had still planned to fold out the futon. It was strange that we'd had sex over and over, but somehow sharing a bed to sleep seemed like yet another line to cross. This was an easy line, though. Once I considered it, nothing could have seemed more natural than sharing a bed with her. "I thought I'd take in the stars for a few minutes," I said. With the dark skies in the lake country, the night sky was a spectacular show. The lights in the city washed out all but the brightest stars, but at the cabin the sky was an ocean of them. On any other night, I'd have setup my father's telescope and spent hours stargazing, but this wasn't any other night. "Mind if I join you?" asked Alexis. "Mind?" I said. "Of course not. You just never seemed to have any interest in stargazing before." "I never gave it any thought," she said, "but if you like it, there must be something to it." "Grab the blanket and let's go," I said. We shut off all the lights to let our eyes adapt and then made our way to the deck, where I flopped onto a lounge chair and laid back. "Is there room for me?" said Alexis. "I want to share the blanked." "Definitely," I said. "There's always room for you, and it is a little chilly out here now." "It is," she said, "and of course there are other good reasons to share a chair." "Yeah," I said, "sit on my lap and we'll talk about the first thing that pops up." She actually smacked me on the top of the head. "That's got to be the dumbest joke ever," she said, "and the oldest." She paused for a moment, then added "not a bad idea, though." She planted her gorgeous panty-clad ass in my lap and wriggled around a little to get comfortable. I think maybe she wiggled a bit more than was needed to settle in, but I wasn't going to complain about my sister grinding her ass on me. "This is nice," she said, pulling the blanket over us. "Sure is," I said, wrapping my arms around her. "You're usually out here with Dad's telescope," she said. "Tell me what I'm seeing." I pointed out the Big Dipper and showed her how to use it to find the North Star - Polaris - in the Little Dipper, then showed her Cygnus and the Summer Triangle, and the other naked eye wonders of the summer sky. "It's as beautiful here at night as it is during the daytime," she said. "I know," I said, "I could sit out here all night watching the stars." Just then, we heard a haunting sound on the lake. "Hear that," I said. "That's a loon calling to its mate." "It's beautiful," she said. "I love the sounds of the loons at night." "That was called a wail," I said. "They use that call to find their mate, then they use a short hoot to keep in contact." "Where did you learn all that?" she asked. "Dad taught me when I was a kid," I said. "Remember all those late night canoe trips we used to take?" "I thought you guys were nuts," she said. "So did mom," I said, "but we went anyway. There was no telling Dad what to do." "Still isn't," she said. A short call was heard, then another. "Were those the 'hoots' you were talking about?" "Yeah," I said. "If they're out swimming around now, we'll probably hear more of them." "So they're keeping track of each other now?" she said. "Yeah." "There's something about those loon calls," she said. "Hearing them just melts the tension right out of me. They're beautiful." "Yeah," I said, hugging her just a little closer. "They're haunting, almost eerie really, yet also romantic when you understand what they mean." "Mmm," she said. "So are you." "Haunting, eerie, or romantic?" "Romantic, of course," she said. "You always seem to know just what to do and say at the right moment." "You can make me crazy hot for you," she said, twisting in my lap just a little but not quite grinding. The effect was subtle, but unmistakably sexy. "And you can make me fall madly in love with you," she said, and kissed me. Our lips met now with more heat than earlier. Pressing together, I felt her tongue exploring my lips and I did the same. Her taste was intoxicating and our kiss became more fevered. Her grinding wasn't subtle now. She was gyrating in my lap, and I began to match her rhythm. My cock was responding to her, ready for one last intrepid effort to satisfy her desires. "I can't get enough of you," she said, sitting up and pulling off her shirt. "You're insatiable," I said as she tugged at mine. "Is it a bad thing?" she asked as she moved to straddle me, "that I can't get enough of my brother's cock." My shirt was gone and my cock had worked its way free of my boxers. I could feel the dampness of her pussy through her blue panties as she rubbed against me. "No, Lex," I said. "I can't get enough of you either." I reached up and took her tits in my hands, squeezing hard and pinching her nipples. "Oh," she gasped, "I like your hands on me." I continued to explore and caress her body, running my hands down her sides and over her ass, kneading her stunning cheeks. I slipped a hand between her legs, rubbing her pussy through her panties. They were already damp. With each touch she rocked her hips against me. I slipped my hand under her panties, working down onto her pussy, teasing her clit and finally working a finger into her. She rocked and moaned again, and I pushed another finger in. "Too many clothes," I said, pulling out my hand and tugging at her panties. "Get up," she said, and she stood up and worked her panties down to her ankles, then stepped out of them. I stood up next to her and she wasted no time removing my boxers. I grabbed her ass with one hand and pulled her tight against me, kissing her hard as my other hand wrapped around her head and held her to me. My cock was pressed between us and aching to find its way into her. I moved to sit back down on the lounger, but she stopped me. "Wait," she said, and climbed on it herself. Lying on her back, her legs spread open for me, her arms above her head, and her chest thrust up, she said, "make love to me, Ian. Make love to your sister under the stars." I moved between her strong, beautiful legs, placed my throbbing cock at her entrance and pushed. With one thrust, my cock was buried in my sister's warm, wet pussy. "Mmm," she said, wrapping her legs around me. "That feels so good." "What does, sis?" I said. I wanted to hear her say it. "Your cock," she said, instinctively knowing what I needed to hear. "In me. I love the feel of my brother's cock in me. Deep inside me." I settled on top of her, working my cock in and out as we kissed. My hands found her breasts, caressing them as we made love. Her sensitive nipples seemed to be wired directly to her pussy, because with each touch I could feel her pussy contracting against my cock. With each thrust forward I ground my hips against her. I could feel another contraction as we met, my pelvis rubbing against her clit. Before long, I learned to time the two motions to each other, and the effect seemed to multiply her pleasure and mine. "Oh," she said the first time, breaking our kiss with a gasp. I put my lips back on hers and pushed forward again, grinding longer at the bottom. She was grinding with me, and the feeling was indescribable. A day ago I wouldn't have believed it possible, but once again I could feel my cock beginning to tingle in my sister's pussy. "Ah," she said, louder this time as my cock reached deep inside her, again breaking our kiss. Her beautiful face glowed in the moonlight, and I wanted nothing more than to kiss her again and again, to stay joined in this most intimate way, to make love to her until we became one - brother and sister, together. Again I pushed, and ground, and twisted, and withdrew. Over and over. I drove into her, pushing ever deeper, feeling the walls of her pussy grasping at my cock with each thrust, relentlessly mashing her tits in my hands, pinching her nipples, and exploring her mouth with my lips and tongue. Again I plunged into her. And again. And again. I was losing control. My cock was on the brink of exploding, my mind unable to think of anything but the sensations in my body - my lips against hers, my hands on her, my cock in her, in Alexis, in my sister. The rest of the world disappeared, and it was only Alexis and me, joined together in ecstasy. I pushed forward one last time, driving deeper into her than I ever had, and felt my orgasm hit. "Lexi," I gasped, my cock erupting into her pussy. My balls pulsed, spewing my cum into my sister. "Ugh," I heard as I felt her pussy spasming on my cock, grasping me in the throes of her own orgasm as I continued pumping my seed into her. "Oh God, Ian," she gasped, her lungs heaving, her heart thumping in her chest. My orgasm seemed endless. Again my cock throbbed, sending more cum into her, and more. And then, finally, I was spent. I collapsed on top of her, muttering her name and gasping for breath. "Wow," she said at last as the world came back into focus. "Yeah," I said, my chest still heaving. "Wow." "How are you feeling?" I said. "Deliriously happy," she said. "You?" "The same," I said, my breath returning. "I love you so much, sis." "I love you too," she said. "Who could have guessed that it would be my brother that would fulfill me?" I fulfilled her. What a sweet sound to hear those words on her lips - to know that she could feel the love that I could feel flowing from me. I kissed her lips again and whispered "I love you" in her ear as I kissed her face and neck. She wrapped her arms around me, caressing my shoulders and back, pulling me tight against her. "Ian?" she said. "Yeah?" "Are you ready to go back in?" she said. "I'm starting to get a little cold." "Yeah," I said, "me too. Also thirsty." "Me too," she laughed. "Let's go in." We gathered our things and went back into the cabin, stopping in the kitchen for water. "Ready for bed?" asked Alexis, stepping back into her sexy blue panties. "Yeah," I said. "I don't think I have the strength left for anything else." "Come on then," she said. Taking my hand, she led us both into the bedroom. I pulled my boxers back on and collapsed onto the bed. My beautiful sister snuggled against me, throwing her leg over mine and her arm across my chest, resting her head on me as I wrapped my arm around her. We nestled together, brother and sister, our long day of discovery, lust, and love finally at an end. "I love you, Lex," I said, and she pulled the covers over us. "I love you, too," she said. It was cozy now, and warm. "Goodnight, baby," I muttered, already feeling drowsy. "Goodnight," she said, and we drifted off to sleep. ********** continued..... pics---->> http://goo.gl/8c0uSH
Title: My Sister Jen Pt. 02 Summary: I meet the Gabby, the young Nanny.  Keywords:inc,fic,erotic,hot I arose from the bed and headed towards the shower. I needed a moment to think after what had just happened. After rinsing off, I put a towel around my waist and headed back towards the bedroom. The girls were gone. I went to the living room and it was empty also. I figured it was probably best that they head back to their husbands before we all got caught. The next morning, I woke up early and had a proper shower and shave. I dressed in my black suit and white shirt and headed towards the main house. The Nanny was in the big living room with the two kids, she turned around when I walked in. She was a thin Latina and looked to be in her late teens. She was dressed in yoga pants and a baggy t-shirt. About 5'4", maybe 120 pounds, thick ass and wide hips. She had beautiful eyes and a brilliant smile and very dark skin. "Hi, you must be Bob," she smiled and walked my way. "I'm Gabby." She walked over and shook my hand and I properly introduced myself. The kids were watching something on the TV and barely looked my direction. "Ms. Jennifer left you a bowl of fruit," she said waving me towards the kitchen. I walked in and sat at the big island and started in on my breakfast. She brought me a cup of coffee and asked if I needed sugar, I joked with her the old dad joke "If you put your finger in my cup, it should be just sweet enough for me." She laughed and said it was too hot, winked and went back to check on the kids wiggling her hips a bit more than needed, her thick ass filling the yoga pants to perfection. I finished my fruit and coffee, grabbed the keys to the Lexus off the counter and my backpack from the floor. I told Gabby it was nice to meet her and informed her that I didn't know when I would return. She told me she is usually here until about 6:00pm and wished me good luck at my meetings. I wished her a good day and hollered at the kids to have fun, I barely got a wave out of them before I headed to the large 5 car garage and entered the Lexus. I opened the garage door and let the engine come to life and cool the AC. I inputed the address into the GPS and headed out in the Atlanta traffic to my presentation. Eight hours later I was back in the Lexus headed towards my sister's house. The presentation had gone well and I had a couple of different conversations with local business leaders that wanted me to come give a private presentation to their company's purchasing staff. I decided that I would extend my stay through the week and see how many meetings I could setup locally. I had told myself if it got awkward at my sister's place, I'd just let them know I was headed home as scheduled and go get a local hotel. I hadn't given much thought about the evening before. My wife and I were wild sexually, and while we didn't have an "open" marriage, we did in reality. I don't think even my pretty open-minded wife would approve of me fucking my sister, especially in the manner I did. I knew Jim was headed out of town and hopefully it would give Jen and I some time to talk about what had happened. Did I regret what happened? No, but I didn't want what happened to come between my sister and myself. Although we weren't close, she was my sister. I arrived back at the large house about 6:15pm and let myself in the door from the garage after parking the Lexus. I walked through the large living area finding it empty but noticed some movement by the pool. I walked out the large French doors and headed towards the pool house. My nieces were in the pool with a couple of their friends while Gabby was laying out in a lounger watching them while reading a magazine. Gabby was in a yellow bikini that hugged her small C sized breasts. It wasn't a string bikini, but the contrast in color against her dark skin made my dick twitch. She waved at me and I hollered to her I was going to get changed out of my dark suit. I went in and put on my swim trunks and a t-shirt and grabbed my cigarettes and a beer from the fridge. I walked out and sat in the chair next to Gabby. "Good day today?" she asked. I told her it was indeed a good day and then remarked that she was here late. She said that Jennifer had called and was running late and asked her to order the kids pizza and stick around until she got home. I told her that I could watch the kids if she needed to get going, and she told me she had orders to stay, and she was enjoying sitting by the pool. I opened my beer and offered her one. "I'm only 19," she replied. I laughed and asked her "So you don't drink beer, or don't drink when around us old folks?" She smiled and said, "Jennifer would kill me, and I need this job." I took a long drink and nodded. "Yeah, I don't want you to get in trouble with my sister or your mom." "My mom doesn't care, but Jen does. She is strict on what is allowed in her house." If she only the young girl knew, I thought. We talked about her life for a while, seems she lives not too far away and was a barista at the local Starbucks where she met Jen. They got to talking one day and one thing lead to another and she was hired to be their nanny about six months ago. She was attending a local community college and studying to become a nurse, she said. She asked questions about my business and I explained how it worked, and all the travel that was involved. Gabby told me that she would love to travel, but then I explained the travel I that did mostly consisted of boring meetings, golf and drinks with customers. A noise emanated from her phone and she grabbed it while hollering at the kids that it was time to get out of the pool. The RING doorbell announced on her phone their pizza was here and a message from the other parents said they would be here soon to pick up the kids. I told Gabby to not save any pizza for me, that I would order something later if I got hungry but right now, I was on a liquid diet. I went to retrieve another beer from the pool house as I watched as she walked towards the house, the back of her swimsuit had inched up to show over half of her light brown ass cheeks. When she got to the French doors of the big house, she turned around catching me watching her, smiled and turned to walk into the house. I grabbed a beer and walked back to sit under the porch of the pool house and drink my beer. I drank two more beers on the patio while I texted my wife and responded to emails. I needed to get some dress shirts and ties for my meeting and my wife was going to overnight them to me. I was starting to get hungry and feeling a buzz of drinking beer on an empty stomach. I decided to go in and see if there was any pizza left. I walked into the large living area and the house was quiet. The pizza boxes were still on the large island in the kitchen, so I moseyed over to see what was left. I sat down after grabbing another beer and ate a couple of pieces of pizza. I still had not seen or talked to Jen and I was beginning to think she was purposefully keeping her distance. After I finished off the pizza, I began to pick up the mess the kids had left behind. While I was wiping down the island, the doorbell rang. Waiting a few seconds and not seeing anybody going to answer it, I walked over to the huge front door and opened it. Before me stood a mid thirties dark skinned Latina woman, dressed in blue jean shorts and a grey halter top with a scooping neckline showing off a nice set of cleavage. She had on some clog sandals with heels and she carried a gym bag. She was attractive, but a little rough looking. "Who are you?" she said quickly. I explained I was Jennifer's brother as she pushed her way into the house. "Gabriella, ¡Vete aquí!" she hollered once inside. Gabby came running down the big open staircase and the two women were speaking Spanish a hundred miles a minute. I can speak a little Spanish, but their speed and the accent they had left me in the dark on their conversation. Gabby made her way to where we both stood at the front door and she took the bag from the woman. "Sorry Bob, this is my mother. She didn't know who you were, so she was a little freaked out." I turned to her and put my hand out, "I'm Bob, as I tried to tell you, I'm Jen's brother." "Nice to meet you Bob, I'm Veronica," she said in her heavily accented higher pitched voice. "I bring Gabby's clothes," she said pointing to the bag. "Would you like a drink Veronica, a beer maybe?" "Si, Mr. Bob. I would like that very much," she responded with a big smile, showing off her bright white teeth. Gabby interrupted, "Thanks Bob, but my mom needs to head home." She walked towards her mother and grabbed her arm trying to nudge her towards the front door. "Nonsense," retorted Veronica pulling her arm from her daughter's grasp speaking some more things very fast in Spanish to her daughter. I turned to Gabby and said "I guess you are staying the night?" nodding towards the gym bag. "Yeah, Jen called and said she was out with a friend and wouldn't be home until late, it was just easier for me to spend the night. I do it all the time when Jim is out of town." I smiled at the two and walked into the big kitchen and grabbed three bottles of beer from the fridge and returned to the girls and handed them each a cold bottle. Veronica took my beer and then said something to Gabby in Spanish, Gabby laughed and grabbed the beer and went and sat on one of the sofas in the large living area. I followed her and sat in the other sofa that faced the large two-story fireplace with the big screen TV mounted above it, while Veronica followed behind us and sat on the other side of the same sofa as me. I looked over at Gabby and said "Don't tell my sister I'm letting you drink," as I took a large sip of the cold beer. "I promise I won't say a word, besides the kids are asleep so it shouldn't be a problem," she said with a big smile as she opened the beer. I noticed she had changed out of her swimsuit into a purple and yellow flowered sundress. Her feet were bare and the dress was form fitting. The room was cool, and her nipples showed prominently in the tight sundress. "To new friends," I hoisted my beer. "New friends" they replied as they both drank from their beer. I took another look at Veronica as she drank from the bottle. Her plump lips looked great pushed up against the opening of the bottle. She had a similar body as her daughter, but with a few pounds added here and there. Her stomach wasn't flat, but the tummy bulge was minimal. She had a tattoo on her right arm and you could see another flaring out from her jean shorts on her right thigh. Her hair was shoulder length and tied up in a ponytail. She was attractive but was not pretty. She was the slut you picked up from a bar to fuck but gave her a fake phone number. She began to ask about me and what I did for a living. When I explained to her that I traveled, she asked a lot of questions. I told her, as I told her daughter, that most of the travel was boring business meetings. She told me that she and Gabby loved to travel, but mostly they would drive down to the beach in Hilton Head or Tybee Beach. She told me that last year that her and Gabby went to Cancun to celebrate Gabby's graduation from High School. That they went as "Gringas", she laughed. They stayed at an all-inclusive resort and had a great time. Gabby laughed and said "Yeah, mom acted like she was the 18-year-old, I had to supervise her to keep her out of jail." "Gabriella, that is not true. I just had fun." "Yes, lots of fun," laughed Gabby. "Here Bob, let me show you some photos of our trip," Veronica grabbed her phone from her back pocket. "Come here, I'll show you," she smiled at me and patted the couch next to her. I glanced at Gabby who rolled her eyes. She stood up to go finish cleaning the kitchen as I moved over closer to her mother. Veronica scrolled through pictures explaining how big their room was, the view of the beach and then slowly scrolled through pictures of her and then her daughter standing on the beach in their bikini's. Veronica had a much better body than I thought, and her tits appeared a lot larger than the halter top showed but she had a lot of tattoos which is not my thing. The pictures of their visit to the Chechen Iza and the caves were next. She continued to scroll through the pictures with the next set of Gabby and her in a discotheque, probably at the resort. Both were dressed in sexy short tight skirts, high heels and matching belly shirts. The next set were of Veronica on stage during a wet t-shirt contest. She slowly scrolled through the ones where her big tits were visible through the thin white t-shirt covered in water. Her nipples were huge and the brown skin showed through the wet shirt. "I didn't win, they gave the prize to some bimbo blonde with huge tits." "MOM!, you aren't showing him those pictures are you?!?," yelled her daughter from the kitchen. "Oh honey, they are just boobs. I'm sure Bob has seen many in his life." "I can't believe you," said Gabby as she was taking the trash out to the garage. The next set of pictures were of them continuing to dance in the club. There was one picture of Veronica sandwiched between two young black guys dancing on the crowded dance floor. Veronica looked up towards the garage to make sure her daughter was out of sight and then scrolled through the next three pictures. These were taken from an overhead position, her kneeling on a what looked like a bathroom floor with no shirt on with two black cocks in view. They showed her tits and face covered in spunk and the last one showed her with a big smile while her finger wiped the cum from her face. She paused on this picture and then looked at me and whispered, "Cancun was very fun," placing her hand on my leg just shy of the edge of my swimsuit. This little slut was coming on to me as her daughter walked back into the room. Veronica motioned with her beer that it was empty to Gabby who replied, "No more for you mom, you need to drive home, and I need to go check on the kids," she said sternly. "Oh, Gabrielle you aren't any fun," laughed Veronica. I stood as she stood and we all three walked to the front door together. "It was nice to meet you Bob," she said as she leaned in and kissed me on the cheek very close to my mouth. "Maybe next time you come to town we can go have a drink together and go dancing?" "Mom, you are married," cried out Gabby. "Oh Gabrielle, it's just a drink," she said as she walked out and waved as she walked towards her car parked in the big circular drive. "Drive home safely mom, and send me a message when you get home. And thanks again for bringing my stuff." "Love you honey," she said in Spanish as she got in the car. We walked back into the house and Gabby turned to me, "I'm so sorry about my mom, she can be a flirt at times and doesn't know when to stop." "It's ok, I kind of enjoyed it," I laughed, "I really liked that it made you squirm," Gabby laughed and winked at me and said "Oh, you like to make me squirm, huh?" We walked back in to gather the empty beer bottles and take them to the trash. "Did my sister say what friend she was with?" "Yeah, she's with Kiko, it sounded like they were at a bar. I'm going to head up and check on the kids to make sure they are sleeping." "I'm going to go smoke," I replied and walked towards the patio as she walked up the grand staircase. I glanced back at her round butt being stretched by her motions of taking two steps at a time up the stairs. God, she had a magnificent ass. I sent Kiko a text, "Everything OK with Jen?" I inquired. I lit a cigarette and opened another beer. I was feeling the effects of the alcohol. In a few minutes my phone pinged me, opening the text message from Kiko showed a picture of what I guessed were my sister's legs in a short skirt sitting on a barstool. Kiko's small hand was on her leg just at the base of her skirt. Then another picture came through, Kiko's hand was now lifting the skirt, showing my sisters shaven pussy. "Your sister is fine Bob, she's in good hands." The next picture was of the skirt flopped up on Jen's lap and her legs slightly spread, Kiko's small hand was rubbing on Jen's pussy lips. "You guys have fun," I replied and then stood and headed back into the house. It seems my sister is OK for now, so I thought I'd go find a snack and go watch TV. As I headed into the big house Gabby was standing at the counter having just opened another beer. "Oh, is that for me?" I enquired with a smile. "No, actually it was for me, but I'll get you whatever you want," she smiled sexily at me. We sat at the island and talked while we drank her beer. She was very mature for her age, I guess because she had to be the adult in their relationship with her mother. She told me some stories about her mother not coming home for days when she was younger, but then she re-married a few years ago and seemed to settle down. That was until Gabby started to mature into a beautiful woman. Gabby seemed to think that her mother was now in a competition with her daughter over who could get the most attention when they went out together. She wasn't angry and just took it in stride and enjoyed the attention they got when they would go out to a club together. Her mother was only 15 when she had Gabby, so they were mistaken for sisters rather than a mother and a daughter. I laughed and told her, "You can't fight time Gabby. No matter what your mom does, you have mother nature on our side." "Don't you think she's pretty?" "Your mom is attractive, you are pretty," I casually replied. Gabby looked down at her beer and then back up at me with a shy look, "As pretty as Jennifer?" she asked shyly. "You two are completely different, she is tall and thin, you are built in a different way. I bet she would love to have your curves, while you look at her and want her blonde hair and green eyes. But both of you are very beautiful." "You should see Jen in her black bikini if you want to see sexy. She made me think I was a lesbian when she wore it," she said with a smile while sexily licking her lips. "Oh yeah? I bet you would look even better in that same bikini," I laughed. "As small as she is and as well proportioned as you are..." I let that thought hang in the air. "Yes, I was shocked when I saw her in it. She always seems so proper and maybe a little uptight." She went on to tell me about the time she was hanging out waiting on Jim to bring the kids home from a gymnastics competition. Jen had suggested they both lay out by the pool while they waited, and when she came back from changing, Gabby said her eyes nearly popped out of her head. She was wearing a Wicked Weasel suit that barely covered anything. She said Jen brushed it off as a way to get an all over tan without actually laying out nude. Gabby said that the suit freaked her out so much because of Jen's proper demeaner. "Sounds like you have a crush on my sister," I remarked and winked at her. "Maybe," Gabby smiled sexily and took a drink of her beer. "Your parents must be good looking, because it runs in the family," she remarked looking me in the eye, waiting for my reaction. "Yes, they are, although time has taken its toll on dad." We talked another 20 minutes about our families while flirting and drinking our beers. I needed to take a piss and told her that I should get going back to the pool house. "I need to go check on the kids, don't go yet. I like talking to you and it's still early.," she commented with a sexy smile as she walked out of the kitchen and headed towards the Master Suite, reemerging a few minutes later and then headed up the stairs. This time as she climbed the stairs, she was swaying her hips in her little sun dress, halfway up the stairs she stopped for a second and then turned to look to see if I was watching. I never took my eyes off her and winked at her from across the large room. She smiled and continued to go check on the kids. I went and took a piss in the guest bathroom and then went out to the patio again to smoke. I texted Kiko to check on them and she replied with a picture of Jen dancing with two women. It was an innocent enough picture until you zoomed in to see the on of the women's hand was under Jens skirt on her ass. Satisfied they were having fun and relieving some of my guilt about the night before I finished my cigarette and went back and sat on the couch facing the TV. I found the remote and started flipping through channels waiting on Gabby to return. I found a channel playing Top Gun and settled in to watch the movie that I had seen 100 times before. I must have watched the classic movie for nearly 30 minutes, zoning out in it totally that I forgot that I was waiting on Gabby to return. Movement on the stairs drew my attention away from the TV and I watched as the young Latina nymph walked down the stairs in an oversized t-shirt that hung nearly to her knees. She had let her hair down, applied makeup and she was wearing stripper heels. She walked carefully in the oversized shoes, they had what I guessed was a 4" heel but they also had a 3" platform. She walked in front of the coffee table, between me and the TV. I could smell the perfume on her. She looked me in the eye and then grabbed the bottom of the oversized t-shirt and began to lift it off her body very slowly. She had on black G-string bottom, so small that it barely covered her young pussy and so thin that her labia lips were visible. As the shirt rose, the bikini top came into view. It came down over her C sized tits and was so small that her areola were peeking out on the sides while her very thick nipples pushed the fabric away from her breasts. She removed the t-shirt and threw it on the floor, our eyes still glued to one another. She slowly turned around, showing her beautiful round ass. The string of the thong going down between her cheeks so small her rosebud was peeking through. She rubbed her hands over her ass and bent over a little, highlighting the back of her legs and pert ass. Turning back around to face me she spoke for the first time. "Do you like your sister's bikini?" "I think Jen would be embarrassed to ever wear it again if she saw how good it looks on you." "Really?" "Oh yes." "You should have seen her Bob, she looked good enough to eat." She walked around the coffee and stood between my legs looking down at me in her heels. She kneeled in front of me while looking at my thickening cock in my swimsuit. She reached out and untied the front of my swimsuit as I reached out with my right hand to touch her arm. "No touching Bob. I'm nervous enough." I brought my hand and laid it on the couch next to me as she reached up and grabbed the sides of my swimsuit and started to tug it off me. I raised my hips off the couch letting her pull the suit off my legs. My thick cock was now hard and flattened against my stomach. The thickness was larger than a Red Bull can but smaller than a beer can. She reached up and pulled it away from my stomach, so it stood straight up. She lowered her young mouth to the tip of my cock and licked the precum off and looked me in the eye. "I do love to suck cocks, I think I get that from my mother," she said as she lowered her head down to my waiting dick. She began to suck the head of my cock into her mouth and then lick the underside of my dick from my balls to my tip. "It's so big. The biggest I've ever sucked," she said as she began to swirl her tongue on the shaft. I reached up and took her left breast in my right hand. It was firm, the youth not allowing any gravity to sag them. I rubbed my palm over her hardened nipple. "Yes Gabby, be a good girl and suck it." She was playing with my balls as she pulled her head back and while looking at me in the eye, she pushed a large amount of saliva from her mouth covering my shaft. She then lowered her head and sloppily began to suck my cock in earnest. I reached out my left hand and placed it on the back of her head and pushed her deeper on my cock. She brought her mouth off my cock and then looked at me. "No touching Bob, let me show you what a good cocksucker I am. Did my mom show you the pictures of her with cum on her face?" she huskily spoke, "I know she did. She's such a little slut. She made me stand at the door in the bathroom and guard the door to make sure nobody came inside while she sucked those guy's cocks." she said as she pumped my cock with her hand. "She can't get enough cock Bob and if I didn't make her leave tonight, she would be here sucking your cock while I had to sneak peeks around the corner and play with myself. Fuck that, I want this cock." She licked the tip of my cock and then looked at me again. "Do you think my mom can suck a cock as good as me Bob?" she asked as she sucked half my cock in her small mouth, the head of it against her throat. I grabbed the back of her head with both hands and pushed her down until she was gagging. "Suck my cock. You are a good little cock sucker," letting go of her head to allow her to breath. "Do you think your sister tits look this good?" she whispered as she reached behind her and removed her bikini top. This young woman was obviously self-aware that both her mother and her employer were in ways competing against her for the attention of men. She was stunning, but I could sense that her self-esteem was lacking. I planned to use that to my advantage. "Your tits are amazing Gabby. I bet my sister wishes she could have tits as good as yours." "I don't think so, her body is perfect," she said while reaching her hands up to her nipples to pinch and roll them while looking at me in the eyes. She leaned forward and sucked my cock back into her teenage mouth. She was an expert cocksucker, she was getting plenty of practice somewhere, and I felt a tinge of jealously towards those lucky guys. I sensed somebody else was in the room and my heart sank thinking the kids had gotten out of bed. I glanced towards the stairs and I couldn't see anybody, then looked in the hallway towards the garage. There stood my sister standing and watching, her hand was under her skirt and it appears she was playing with her pussy. Our eyes connected and she looked away from my eyes to my lap, where her young nanny was busy sucking my cock. My sister hadn't run into the room screaming at her nanny, or me. But how could she, just last night she was fucking me in the guest house with her married girlfriend. "Tell me what you would do to Jennifer, Gabby." The young seductress pulled her mouth from my cock and looked at me. She was stroking my cock while she thought. After a few seconds she smiled and said, "I would do anything for her Bob, you don't understand, she's perfect. Tall, blonde, thin, smart, successful...all the things I'm not." "Maybe you are all the things she isn't," I replied while she sat on her heels and stroked my cock. She laughed, Other than my tits, what would she want that I have? You can buy those" "Why do you think Jen wore that swimsuit in front of you? She did it to tease you, she was trying to seduce you. But she doesn't know how to take the next step. You do." "I didn't think of that, I guess she makes me so nervous when I'm around her I didn't see the signs." "So... do you want my cock or her pussy Gabby?" She looked at me and smiled, "Both," she said as she stroked my cock. "I have never been with a girl, but I would so let Jennifer fuck me. God she is so hot and perfect," she moaned as she reached over and put my dick back in my mouth. I let her suck my cock for a minute and then pulled her up to me. We kissed for the first time, her straddling my legs as I moved my hands to her plump ass. I broke the kiss and told her, "Come, sit beside me. I want to show you something." She sat next to me on the couch and I reached down and grabbed the phone from my swimsuit pocket that was laying on the floor by my feet. I synced my phone to the AppleTV and then started the video I had recorded yesterday. There playing on the 100 inch big screen was my sister eating Kiko's pussy and then me entering the picture to "rape" my sister. We watched for a few minutes and I glanced over and saw my sister was not in the hallway any longer. Gabby had moved the very small bikini bottom over to the side and was playing with her pussy while staring at the screen. You could tell by her look that she was transfixed on the out of focus scene of me fucking my sister while she was laying on the legs of her best friend. "This is so hot," moaned Gabby. "You fucked your sister!" "Come with me," I grabbed her hand and stood from the couch. I walked back through the open entryway and to the master bedroom door, Gabby walking behind me unsteadily in her tall heels. The door was closed and when I tried to turn the handle, it was locked. I reached up to the top of the door jam and there was one of those "keys" for passthrough doors, I grabbed it and looking over at Gabby said "Shhhh." I slowly entered the key into the door and twisted the handle slowly. I opened the door cautiously and peeked around the door. The lamps beside the large king size bed were on and my sister was laid out spread eagle with a vibrator in her hand rubbing her clit. Her head was thrown back on the pillow as she rubbed the tool against her wet pussy. She was still dressed in her short black skirt and red top. I pulled Gabby into the room slowly and slowly closed the door behind us. Jen sensed the movement and looked up at us. She didn't pause her ministrations to her pussy with the vibrator as I brought Gabby across the room to the foot of the bed. "Doesn't Gabby look good in your bikini Jen?" I said to my sister as she looked at us with wide eyes. She whispered her reply, "Yes." Gabby crawled on to the bed and between Jen's legs. She removed the vibrator from Jen's hand and laid it on the bed beside her. She looked up at Jennifer and then reached out with her tongue and licked her pussy for the first time. Jen moaned and put her hands on Gabby's head, pushing her into her wet sex. Gabby continued to lick my sister and I crawled up behind her. I ripped off the small bikini bottom and lined my dick up with her young pussy. I entered her slowly as her pussy convulsed against the bare skin of my cock. I looked up to see Jennifer looking at me as I began to thrust into the tight pussy of her Nanny. "Fuck her," Jen moaned as Gabby was licking her clit and finger fucking her with two fingers on her right hand. I began to speed up my thrusts, holding on to Gabby's wide hips. The view of her brown skin and black hair against Jen's tanned golden skin and blond hair was amazing. Jen was moaning, "Yes, lick my clit baby, that's it, lick momma's pussy and fuck your daddy's dick." Gabby looked up at Jen, then back at me. "Fuck me papi," she hissed as she moved her hips back into my thrusting dick. She went back to licking Jen's pussy while I pounded her tight pussy. Jen was moaning and thrusting her hips up to Gabby's face, "Eat me, I'm gonna cum. Eat momma's pussy," she cried out as she came on Gabby's face. She slowly pushed Gabby away from her pussy as she said it was too sensitive. I was feeling the cum burbling in my balls and started to punish the little Latina's pussy, pulling her hips back into my thrusts. Gabby reached down with her right hand and began to play with her clit and she shivered and came a moment after touching it. I felt the contractions from her orgasm on my cock and it sent shockwaves through my balls, unleashing a torrent of seed into her young pussy. I rolled on to my back and tried to catch my breath. I had put every ounce of energy I had into jackhammering Gabby, and while in Penthouse Letters, people talk about fucking for two hours, a 15 minute pounding was sending my heart into overdrive and my gasps coming from my lungs told me I needed to quit smoking. As I laid there panting, my sister crawled to me and with her hips by my head, leaned over and took my cum covered cock into her mouth, licking the combined juices of her nanny and her brother. She was swirling her tongue over on tip and licking the underside of my shaft. As I got older, the days of being able to go back to back had dwindled, but watching my younger sister suck my cock in such a dirty way was bringing life back to my shriveled cock. She continued her sucking until my cock was semi hard, and without waiting any longer, she twisted her body around and tried to push the tip of my thick cock into her small pussy. Because my dick wasn't completely hard, she could get the tip of it to into her pussy but when she tried to push down on my cock, it bent and fell out. She scooted back and began to fondle my cock and looked at me in the eye for the first time in 24 hours. "Did you like fucking my nanny, Bob? Was her little Mexican pussy as good as it looked? She's young enough to be your daughter, you bad boy. Your brown skinned Mexican daughter. You liked that didn't you, fucking that barely legal slut while she licked your sister's pussy? You are going to get hard for me aren't you Bob? You are going to get hard for me and fill me full of your potent seed. Look at that fat cock swelling up, getting hard for your little sister. You are a dirty fucker, aren't you big brother?" All that dirty talk and her long fingers on my cock brought it back to life. It was hard as an anvil as she pushed it into her tight pussy. "Fuck yes, fuck your sister you dirty fucker." I thrust my hips up into her tight pussy as she leaned down and we kissed for the first time. It was a soft sensual kiss that changed the mood. We went from fucking to making love in a flash of her tongue in my mouth. She manipulated my feelings with the long sensual kiss and the slower pace of her thrusts down on my cock. She pushed on my chest and looked me in the eye as she squeezed her tight pussy on my cock. "Give it to me Bob. Give me what I need and desire." "What do you need Jen?" "Don't make me say it Bob." I rolled her over without exiting her cunt. She was still dressed in her red silk shirt. I grabbed it and pulled it roughly over her head. She didn't have a bra on her little tits, and her nipples were as hard as stones. I brought my right hand up to her left tit and squeezed her nipple hard between my finger and thumb, twisting it and pulling it out away from her body. She arched into me her body begging me to fuck her as I began to thrust into her. "You're a little slut, aren't you Jennifer?" "Yes, treat me like a slut big brother. Fuck your whore." I started to thrust into her harder and reached out with my right hand and slapped her tits. "Yes," she moaned at me. I looked over at Gabby and she was looking at her employer as she rubbed her clit. She had taken off the big heels and had her legs spread on the big king size bed and my cum was oozing out of her young pussy. I grabbed Jens arms and pushed them over her head. Looking at Gabby I said "Hold her arms while I rape this bitch." Gabby looked at me with a look of shock and didn't move, I reached out with my left hand, holding both of Jen's hands with my right above her head. I grabbed Gabby's long hair and pulled it hard enough to get her attention and yelled, "Hold her fucking hands, now." Gabby scooted over to where Jen's hands were and pushed them to the bed, her long hair hanging down in Jen's face. I moved my right hand up to Jen's throat and began to apply pressure. Jen began to buck into my thrusts harder and harder and I applied pressure to her throat. With my left hand I reached down and twisted her right nipple. Gabby was inches from Jen's face and could see the pain and the pleasure as she twisted her torso, trying to get her tit away from my hand. "Fuck her Bob. Punish this prim and proper bitch. The white cunt who thinks she is better than everybody. Fuck her good." Hearing her nanny berate her and me choking her and mock raping her almost instantly pushed Jen over the edge and I could feel her squirt all over my cock and my balls as she squirmed side to side and tried to pull her hands from Gabby's grip. I lessened the grip on her throat and began to fuck her in a slower steady pattern. Jen's body had completely relaxed after her massive orgasm and she laid still as I casually fucked my little sister. Gabby leaned down and kissed Jen asking "Are you OK?" Jen smiled up at Gabby and told her she was great. Gabby had let go of Jen's hands and realizing her employer was alright with what was going on smiled and then looked at me. I winked at her and then told her "Make her clean your dirty Mexican pussy." Gabby smiled and then scooted forward to lower her pussy down on my sister's face. I reached out to her and pulled her to me and kissed Gabby softly, our tongues dancing in each other's mouths while I fucked my sister as my sister ate my cum from her nanny's pussy. I pulled back from Gabby when I felt my balls begin to tighten. I dropped my hands to Jen's hips and started to roughly fuck her tight pussy knowing I wasn't going to last much longer. Gabby looked at me and whispered "Fuck her, fuck your sister. This is so hot. Your sister's tongue is on my clit. She's eating your cum out of my pussy. Fuck her good Bob." The little minx knew how to draw my cum from my balls, her talking about my prim and uptight sister eating my cum from her pussy while I fucked her brought me nearly to my knees as I slammed into Jen and emptied what little cum I had left in me into her waiting, wet cunt. I rolled off my sister to catch my breath while Gabby leaned over to begin a 69 with Jennifer. They were each lazily eating each other's cunts, cleaning them from me spilling my seed into them. After a few minutes they stopped. Gabby raised up and came to lay by me, kissing me, letting me taste my sister's pussy for the first time. My sister scooted down to the other side of me and reached out for her own kiss. Gabby looked at me after I finished my kiss with Jen, "That was the hottest thing I've ever seen, let alone been a part of. What do you think Jen?" Jen smiled and looked at her young nanny, "Wait until we invite your mom over for dinner." For Pics visit:---->>> https://cutt.ly/hwsMVhC
Title: Confessions of a Loving Mother Summary: Becoming mom's therapist has sexual benefits Keywords:inc,fic,erotic,hot,sex It was a typical weekend morning, and since my mother didn't have an upcoming trial, she was probably cooking something new. Cooking was her favorite thing to do when she wasn't busy with the law firm. When I went to the kitchen for breakfast, there she was, in an apron near the stove.  "Right on time," she smiled, pleased that everything was on schedule.  The food was prepared and we sat down to eat together. She asked me about college and all the usual things. It seemed like she was in a great mood this morning. Then she switched gears completely. Suddenly she was serious when she reached for something on the end of the table. She slid a pamphlet across to me. "I'll be attending Dr. Rossii's two-day seminar in a few months from now. Have you ever heard of him?"  It looked like another therapy related thing that my mother has been involved with these past few years.  "Yeah, I think so," I replied, briefly looking through the pamphlet. "He's been on cable news a bunch of times, right?" "That's him. My therapist recommended him to me. They're close friends. I'm also scheduled to have a few private meetings with Dr. Rossii since he'll be in town for a week." "Yeah, and I'm guessing those private meetings aren't free either." "The price is listed on the back," she said. I looked at the back of the pamphlet and I couldn't believe it. "Jeez, mom, you're paying all that for a seminar?" "Well, I'll be paying more since I'll have private meetings with him. It's worth every penny." "How do you know?" I asked. "You can't have a stellar reputation like Dr. Rossii has unless there's substance and legitimacy behind it. My therapist recommended him for good reason." "Yeah, and if this seminar is a scam, you could always sue him," I joked. "That wasn't very funny." "I couldn't resist. But seriously, this much therapy?"  "You wouldn't understand," she replied.  "How do you know?" "You just wouldn't," she replied with a little more authority. "I think I'm old enough. I mean, if you need someone to talk to, besides a therapist or a famous doctor, then I'll gladly listen. Seriously, I don't mind." My mother gave me a kind-hearted smile. "You're so sweet. You really are. It's touching to hear you say that." "What else do you expect?" I smiled back, like it was no big deal. "I guess I'm a nice guy." "Of course you are," she replied, half sarcastically. *** Months later. It was late at night on a Saturday. I was sitting in the living room watching tv, when I heard my mother park in the driveway. She had just returned from a private meeting with Dr. Rossii. When she opened the door, there was a tense look on her face. As always, she was professionally dressed. "So how did it go?" I asked, unsure of what to expect since she looked so serious. She put her shoes away. "I won't be seeing him anymore in the future. Don't ask about him anymore." Of all the possible things she could have said, I wasn't expecting to hear that.  "Really? Why?" "Long story," she replied. "I don't want to talk about it." "Oh, okay." She looked like she was about to head upstairs to her bedroom, but instead she just stood there and lingered around the living room. It was like she was debating with herself whether to tell me or not. Finally, she did. "He asked if I wanted to go back to his room," she reluctantly stated. "When I asked why, he insisted that it was for a deeper discussion. When I declined, he told me to close my eyes, then he tried kissing me and squeezing my breasts."  I was taken aback by my mother's explicit story. "What did you do after?" "What do you think? I pushed him away and left. I made sure to call him a 'creep' and a 'sleaze' and an 'asshole' before I got the hell out of there." "That's messed up. Too bad you didn't kick him in the balls." She hesitantly nodded. "I should have. He breached the trust. As a doctor, he should know where the boundaries are, just like I do with my clients." "I shouldn't be saying this, but you're - you know - pretty attractive. He probably couldn't help himself." "Are you justifying his actions?" she asked, shooting me a death glare. Immediately, I had to back off.  "What? No way." "It's really unfortunate," she said sadly. "He's a great guy. And I can't see my regular therapist either." "How come? Was here there too?" "No, but they're close friends. It would be extremely awkward meeting with my therapist again after everything that's happened with Dr. Rossii." "What's so important about seeing a therapist anyway?" I asked.  "Talking is therapeutic. It's nice having someone who's paid to listen to my ramblings. Gosh, I wish Dr. Rossii wasn't such a creep. He was the best listener I've ever met, and he's extremely smart too." "Is that all you need? Someone who listens to you?" "It's what most women need." "I can be your listener," I offered. "For a small fee, of course." "Seriously?" "For the right price. I can listen and give you comments. It'll be like a part-time job for me. You'll save a ton of money too." I was mostly joking, but kind of serious. That's the kind of joke we'd often make with each other, that either of us could be the cheap version of whatever is available in the marketplace.  She sharpened her eyes. "I appreciate the gesture. I really do. But it might not be very appropriate given the subject matter." That caught my attention. The fact that she had anything inappropriate to say seemed surprising.  "What kind of subject matter?" I asked, instead of telling her that I was just kidding like I normally was with these sorts of 'job offers' of mine. "Adult related topics," she said seriously, seemingly oblivious of the joke. "Yikes." "Are you interested? Or not?" Now I was backed into a corner. "Sure, if you need the help." "Well, I'd like to accept your offer," she smiled. I tried my best to keep my jaw from dropping. Sure, I wanted my mother to be happy. Sure, I wanted to help her in any way that I could. But I never thought she would actually take the offer. By the look on her face, she was ready to do a lot of talking- and with me of all people. "Oh, what makes you want to hire me?" I replied, trying to sound as diplomatic as possible. "You're a great listener, which is what I need most. You're also mature for your age, which is important because the topics I'd like to discuss are mostly sexual." When I heard the word 'sexual' coming from my mother's mouth, my attitude immediately changed. Suddenly I found myself becoming eager, and interested, in ways that I hadn't expected.  "That sounds like something I can handle." "I'm glad you think so," she replied. "I also think this would be a great opportunity to develop your communications skills for when you become a lawyer one day. This type of one-on-one interaction is extremely useful when dealing with clients." "That makes sense," I nodded, completely agreeing with her. "Plus I'll get to make some cash too, since you'll have to pay me." "Great. Then it's settled. Our first session is tomorrow." Her mood became light and she headed up the stairs to her bedroom, after securing me as her new therapist. She was completely serious about the whole thing. *** My late night 'job training' consisted of doing an internet search of how a therapist would approach things.  The next morning she seemed eager for us to begin. She was playful about it and even referred to me as her new therapist. But at the same time, I could tell that she was taking this seriously. My mother is someone who loves talking and needs to get things off her chest to feel relieved.  When I got to the living room, I saw that my mother had rearranged the furniture so that it would look like an actual therapist's office. She turned the couches so that we'd be facing each other. "This is a therapy zone," she explained. "Whatever is spoken here, stays here. You're being paid to do a job, and I expect you to take things seriously. In exchange, I promise to treat you like my actual therapist." "You can count on me. I'm well prepared." We both sat down. Then we began. It took a moment to get used to and we both kind of giggled at each other. Then it turned serious and it was time to work. "What do you want to talk about?" I asked, trying to sound professional. "I'd like you to ask me anything," she said, laying down on the couch. I thought as fast as I could for a question that would be reasonable, yet professional. I wanted to take this seriously because my mother put so much faith in me, and because she gave me a hundred dollars. "What's your biggest fear in life?" I finally asked. She thought for a moment. "At this moment, not finding a husband. I'm not getting any younger. My clock is ticking. Men don't keep track of these things, but women do. Our appearances are important." "Then what's stopping you? You rarely go on dates, even though there are plenty of guys who would be interested in someone like you." She paused for a few seconds. "It's complicated." At that moment, I realized that this was the issue that my mother was seeking therapy for. She was clearly apprehensive about telling me her secret. But deep down, she wanted to talk about it, otherwise she wouldn't have asked me to be her 'therapist.' It was an important issue she was still struggling with. "We've got plenty of time," I replied.  We went through the motions of softball questions that weren't going anywhere. It served as a good warm-up for what was to come. She paused again, thinking to herself. "I've always had a problem with nudity. It makes me uncomfortable, no matter who I'm with. Obviously that makes it difficult for me to be intimate with another man." I was completely taken aback. How was I supposed to respond to that? But I became far more curious, even though it was incredibly inappropriate for me to even ask about it. "Was there anything that caused you to be this way?" I finally asked. "Or did you always have this phobia." "It was something I was conditioned with. My parents are the most religious people I've ever met. To them, nudity was impure. It led to impure thoughts. It leads to immoral behavior. So I was expected to always dress conservatively. I would always be shamed by them whenever my skin was showing." For the very first time, I was getting a glimpse into my mother's hidden sexual side. It was intriguing, even though I shouldn't have heard that. Under normal circumstances, she never, ever would have told me this. I did my best to give a legitimate answer. "That sounds common with a lot of people with religious backgrounds. Some of them stay that way, some of them rebel against it later in life." "I know," she replied. "When I was younger, I used to be so afraid of nudity and exposing my own body. When I became older, I had strong fantasies of wanting to be naked. Maybe I wanted to rebel against my upbringing in some way. When I was 18, something happened that changed me." "Tell me what happened," I said, curiously. There was a long pause and an awkward feeling in the room. Both of us looked at each other without saying anything. Mom looked morally conflicted about this whole thing. Both of us got comfortable in our seats. There was an awkward feeling in the room as we both looked directly at each other with nothing to say. "I'd rather not go there," she decided. "That might be a little too personal for us. I hope you understand." I was denied the rest of that conversation. Sadly, I wanted to know the rest, but I understood mom's perspective. "So what's been on your mind lately?" I asked instead. "Mostly work," she replied. "I spent the past week trying to reach a settlement with the opposing counsel. That sort of thing can be a real nightmare. Nobody wants to compromise during legal disputes. But luckily, we have more leverage on our side, so I think this case should be wrapped up within a few days." I wasn't very interested in my mother's legal work. I simply nodded, to look as though I was fascinated. What I wanted was to steer the conversation back towards sex, but I didn't want to be obvious about it. "That's very interesting," I replied. "It sounds like being a lawyer is a great career choice for you. It suits you well." She smiled, "You don't really care about that, do you? I can see the look of boredom on your face all of a sudden." "I don't know what you mean. It's interesting." "Therapists are supposed to be good at pretending to be interested," she said playfully. "It's so obvious you're bored now. You want the other topic." I shrugged. "To be fair, I don't have a degree in psychology, and I'm not a real therapist." "Fair enough," she replied. "Would you rather continue the other topic?" It was my chance. And now, she kind of seemed eager to want to share with me, to have someone to open up to. But I had to act cool about it and not seem creepy about wanting to know her secrets. "Sure. It seemed important to you." I tried my best to act uninterested, but my mother could tell that I was curious about it. She gave me a lighthearted smile, as if she knew what I really wanted. She thought for a moment. "The way that my parents raised me had a lasting effect, even until now. Every time I undress in front of anyone else, whether it be a doctor or someone I'm dating, I feel like I'm doing something dirty. That's why I never wear revealing outfits, even on hot days." "You mentioned something about an event that happened when you were 18. Do you want to talk about it?"  "Oh, that. You're really delving deep here." "Well, it seemed important to you. Plus you're paying me, so I might as well act like a real therapist." "I'd rather not discuss it," she replied, after thinking for a moment. "It's a little too personal for me to share with you. I hope you can understand that." "If you're going to keep secrets from me, then it defeats the whole purpose of even doing a therapy session. We're supposed to be open and honest here. If not, then this isn't going to work. I can return half of your money." She nodded. "I'm impressed by your tenacity. I think you're going to be a great lawyer someday."  "Thanks mom," I proudly replied. "This stays between us. I don't ever want you to repeat this to anyone, or else I'll never trust you again. This will always be our secret. Do you understand?" The playfulness in her demeanor was gone. She had become serious. The more serious she became, the more interested I was in hearing what she had to say. "Of course, mom. I won't tell a soul. Promise." She paused for a long moment, then she took a deep breath. "My older brother and I used to rebel against our parents' harsh stance against nudity." "Uncle Jeff?" "Yes, your uncle." My uncle is mom's only sibling. He's a great guy. I rarely see him anymore since he moved overseas years ago to pursue a job. "What did you and Uncle Jeff do?" I asked. She took another deep breath. "Jeff became very open minded after he moved to college. When he came home for summer break, we used to talk about all of the things he did with other college students. Things that would make our parents absolutely freak out. He talked about swimming naked with other people at the beach. Things like that." "That must have been exciting for you to hear." "It was like hearing about a new world. I was captivated by everything he told me. But that was nothing compared to when he finally admitted to having pre-marital sex. I couldn't believe it." Hearing my mother openly discuss "sex" and nudity was guiding this conversation in ways I never could have imagined. I was hooked to my mother's story. "Why was it so surprising?" I asked. "Because we weren't allowed to have sex before marriage. We were also told that masturbating was a sin. It was strictly forbidden by our parents. Nudity and sex felt like the two biggest sins in our household. Jeff violated both of them when he went to college." "No wonder you were so excited by it." She nodded. "It was exciting beyond belief. I constantly asked him questions. I wanted to know everything. I wanted every detail, no matter how dirty they were. I wanted to know how it all felt. Including the sex he had." My heart rate started to rise.  "How did he react to your curiosity?" My mother smiled, "He loved to answer my questions. Jeff taught me a lot when I was young. I relied on him to teach me about life." "I'm sure he loved that role." "He's my big brother. Of course he did." "Did it ever go beyond talking?" I asked, without thinking.  As soon as I asked that, I regretted it. But the look on my mother's face showed that I had struck a chord with her. There was a bigger secret deep down. "We did things together," she admitted, in a coy tone. "Like what?" She took another deep breath. "We used to get naked together. When our parents were at work, we got naked around the house. It was my first exposure to sexual freedom. It felt so liberating. I loved walking around naked with him. I loved letting him see my bare body." My breath became heavier. I was intrigued. I was interested. I was becoming sexually aroused by my mother's story. "Did it ever go beyond nudity?" I asked, almost without thinking. She thought for a moment. "This stays between us. I don't want you to repeat this to your Uncle. We swore to each other that we would never tell anyone. This would also ruin me if people in the neighborhood found out." "I swear. I won't tell anyone. I would never do that to you." She took one last deep breath. "I was 18. I was preparing to move to college. I knew I was going to lose my virginity there eventually, but I wanted my first sexual experience to be special, with someone I loved. So I begged my brother to take my virginity. I begged him to have sex with me." "Did he?" I gasped. "I had to convince him for weeks, and he eventually agreed. The first time we had sex was when our parents were at work. Without going into graphic detail, I still remember every touch and feeling. It was sweet and tender." Hearing my mother's secret revelation was shocking to me. It was the last thing I ever expected to hear. At that point, I didn't see her as just being my mother. I saw her as a sexual human. "I'm glad it was a good experience for you," I said, unsure of what else to say. She smiled, "It was more than just a good experience. It was a life changing experience." I nodded. "Why do you still have issues with nudity then? It sounds like you became a sexually liberated woman after those experiences with him." "That's how it should have ended. My life would be so much easier if that were the case." "What happened that was so bad?" "Our father came home early from work and saw us naked together," she replied directly. "I'll never forget it. My brother and I were sitting on the couch watching tv, like most siblings do, except we were fully naked. There wasn't a single piece of clothing on our bodies." "Sounds awful." "It was. I've never seen my father that angry before, ever. It was really bad. But thank god he didn't catch us having sex. Things would have been so much worse. We would have been disowned." "Did you ever do anything with your brother again?" She shook her head. "No. We never got naked around each other again. And we never had sex again. I was too afraid. Whenever I get naked in front of other people, I always think of how my father would react." "I can understand why this is so hard for you to talk about. It's a really difficult situation." "No one else knows about this besides my old therapist, Dr. Rossii, and now you. You're part of the club now." "Your secret is safe with me." "I know it is," she replied, giving me a forced smile to hide her sad feelings. "I think that's enough therapy for one day, don't you?" "It was definitely a lot." "Good. We can continue this conversation in the future. Maybe you can put the furniture back, and I'll make us some hot chocolate." "Sounds great, mom." She got up and went to the kitchen. I could see the tears forming in her eyes. She was clearly still affected by these issues. *** A week later. I awoke to the smell of my mother's cooking. After I washed myself and went down the stairs, I saw her cooking in the kitchen, wearing an apron. She smiled at me and told me to sit. We ate breakfast together. I figured she'd want another therapy session since she had the free time, but apparently she had other ideas. "I found a new therapist," she said in a formal way. "I won't be needing your services anymore." The news came out of nowhere and I didn't know how to react. I was glad that she found the right person to talk to, but at the same time, I was a little upset that I wouldn't be able to hear her secrets anymore. "That's great mom," I nodded. "It really is. I won't have to bother you anymore with my silly problems." "If you're willing to pay me, then you can tell me whatever you want." She laughed. "Thank you for being such a great listener. You handled it well. Our therapy session was actually pretty good." "I'm glad. And I'm always here if you need me." There was a short paused as she stared at me suggestively. "Did you enjoy hearing my stories?" she asked with a faint smile. "What? No. I mean, I don't like what you're implying, mom." "I'm not implying anything. I'm only asking because... well... you're a young man and it's perfectly natural for you to be intrigued in some way." "You're my mother," I replied, trying to avoid suspicion. "Obviously that makes things a little different." She shrugged. "Fair enough. Anyway, I'm just glad that I finally found a new therapist to speak to. I just hope he's as good as Dr. Rossii." "Dr. Rossii must really be special. You always seem to talk about him. What makes him so good?" "I really like his methods and philosophy," she replied firmly. "He has a wealth of knowledge. Every time I told him something, he immediately knew the right thing to say, and how it could be treated." "So what did he say about your big issue with nudity and your brother? Is there even an answer to that?" "Trust me, you don't want to hear it," she said, with a smile slowly forming on her lips. I gave her a look of disbelief. "After everything you've told me, a doctor's advice is something I don't want to hear?" She thought for a moment. "Dr. Rossii said the best way for me to get over my phobia of nudity is to reenact my old experiences of happier times. In other words, he wanted me to walk around the house naked." Hearing those words shocked me. I've always assumed that doctors and therapists didn't give much practical advice regarding mental issues. I've always assumed that they just listened to problems that people have, and occasionally prescribed medication. But the concept that Dr. Rossii presented was something I never would have expected.  "Do you think that's legit?" I asked. "It could be. Or maybe he was just trying to get into my panties. He suggested this right before he tried to have sex with me." "Are you going to try it someday?" I blurted out, immediately regretting it. She laughed. "I live at home with you. I'm sure it would be horrible if your old mother walked around the house naked." I nodded immediately, trying to look as if I agreed. "Oh. Yeah, you're right. That would be pretty awkward." She gave me a skeptical look. "Why do I get the feeling that you're open to this idea?" "I just want what's best for you," I replied, trying to avoid suspicion. "Dr. Rossii is a highly respected doctor. If that's what he thinks, then his opinion should be taken into consideration." "Now you're interested in what he has to say?" she asked with an eyebrow raised. "He's been on tv. That makes him legitimate as far as I'm concerned." "I see." My mother gave a slight nod, as if she had figured me out. *** The next day. I arrived home around 4 pm after being in another study group with my friends. I wasn't sure if my mother was home or not, since she leaves the office at different times. When I opened the front door and walked inside, I assumed I was home alone. There was a ruffling sound in the kitchen. Normally, if my mother was home, she would call out and say 'hello,' and then ask how my day was. There was no call, but someone was in our house. I walked towards the kitchen and saw something completely unexpected. It was my mother and she had quickly thin silk robe. I briefly saw her bare shoulder as she ruffled around. "Oh, sorry," I said. "I thought I was home alone." "Well, I'm here," she replied as she clenched her robe tightly to cover her chest. "I thought I would be home alone, too. You're early today." She seemed kind of frozen, like she had just been caught doing something she wasn't supposed to be doing. It was pretty obvious what it was, since she never walks around in just her robe. "Were you naked just now?" I asked without thinking.  She clenched her robe tighter. "So what if I was?"  I immediately realized that I sounded like a jerk. "Nevermind. Sorry, I'm going now." She sighed, " I was naked before you arrived home. I wanted to try the doctor's advice." "Did it work?" "I don't know. When I took off my robe, I heard the door open and you showed up." "Sorry again for ruining your experiment, or whatever it is," I said apologetically. "Don't be sorry. There's always next time, right?" she asked with both eyebrows raised.  "Right, there's always next time." I couldn't tell if my mother was being sexually suggestive, or if she was speaking in terms of her therapy. I could tell by looking at her chest that she was breathing faster. She walked passed me and I could see the flustered look on her face. If I didn't know better, I'd say she was aroused. But from what?  *** A week later. It was almost evening and the sun was coming down. I was sitting on the couch watching tv when my mother came home. She was dressed in a professional office attire as usual. She had just returned from her first session with a new therapist and the look on her face showed how delighted she was with everything. She sat down on the couch next to me. "I told my new therapist everything. I told him about my brother and my issues with nudity, and he was open minded about it. I also told him about the advice I received from Dr. Rossii." "What did he say about it?" I asked. "Time was up, so we didn't have a chance to fully discuss it. But he is an avid fan of Dr. Rossii, and says that whatever Rossii advises is probably the best route to go." "Are you going to give it another try?" "Do you want me to?" she asked with a seemingly open mind. I shrugged. "I don't know. It's your decision, mom. They're the experts, not me." A smile slowly grew on her face. "You want to see me naked, don't you?" "What makes you say that?" "Because of how interested you've become in my therapy. Plus you're so much like my brother. You're very protective of me, just like he is. So if you're anything like your Uncle Jeff, then you probably have the same secret fantasies." "You're thinking way too hard, mom," I replied, trying to divert attention away from myself. "Do you want to know who told me about that theory?" "Who?" "Dr. Rossii suggested it," she replied. "He's one of the country's leading experts on human sexuality. He knows a lot about human desires. When he suggested that deep inside, you might have incestuous feelings towards me, I couldn't believe it. So he asked me to start telling you my secrets and to watch your reactions. That's why I did it. My new therapist agrees with that assessment. They're both very smart men." Suddenly I was at a loss for words. Two smart experts had come to the same conclusion. How could I argue otherwise?  "Do you believe them?" I asked nervously. She playfully shrugged. "Maybe. I'm not sure." With that said, she got up and told me that dinner would be ready in a while. Then she headed up the stairs to change her clothes. *** Saturday morning. It began as a typical day. I came down the stairs to the smell of my mother's home cooking. The dining table was covered with fresh food. My mother was doing the dishes and occasionally looking through the window. The only difference this morning was that my mother was wearing a thin silk robe, instead of her usual home clothes. I could slightly see the shape of her backside through the thin material.  "Smells great," I said. My mother had finished washing the dishes and turned the water off. She looked at me and then she smiled. My eyes briefly looked to the middle of her closed robe, wondering if she was truly naked underneath. "Morning," she said. "I hope you're hungry." "Always." "Perfect. Have a seat." We ate together. We made small talk. When the room became quiet and we focused on eating, my mother's robe started to slip open. It wasn't a lot, but it was enough for me to see the center of her bare chest. I took a few glances. "Have a good look?" she asked, before taking a sip of her coffee. "What do you mean?" I replied, trying to be coy. "I saw you peeking. Don't worry, it's my fault. I was going to change my clothes after cooking, but you woke up earlier than I expected. The food was still hot so I figured we might as well eat together right away." "Were you... never mind... I shouldn't ask." "It's okay," she replied. "Go ahead. Ask." "Were you naked earlier?" "As a matter of fact, I spent the last half-hour cooking with no clothes on. I only put on the robe when I saw our neighbor peeking in the kitchen." "Which one of our neighbors saw?" I asked, amused. "Mr. Jensen," she replied. "We often wave at each other while he waters his lawn in the morning. This time he saw me naked. You should have seen the look on his face. His jaw dropped and he completely froze." "What did you do?" "I waved at him. When I remembered I was naked, I put my robe back on. I'm pretty sure he liked it." "I'm sure he won't look at you the same anymore." "Probably not," she replied, almost wanting to laugh. "He had a nice little show. He definitely enjoyed it. I'll be honest, I enjoyed it too. I still felt embarrassed after being caught. But it was fun being naked all morning." "It sounds like you're almost over your phobia of being naked in front of others. I'm glad. I wish I could have been there to see it." As soon as those words last words came out of my mouth, I instantly regretted it. The look on my mother's face said it all. She looked surprised. Her expression was priceless.  She raised an eyebrow. "So, you wished you could have seen it?" "You know what I meant. I like that you're blossoming and overcoming fears. That's what I was trying to say." "You're not interested in seeing me naked?" she asked teasingly. I was completely caught off guard by my mother's question. Suddenly, she seemed serious, like it wasn't a joke anymore.  "Now you're really making me uncomfortable," I joked. "To be honest, I also felt uncomfortable when Dr. Rossii suspected that you may be prone to incestuous fantasies. A part of me felt like such a horrible mother, as if I had failed in some way. But he assured me that there was nothing wrong with this. That these things are common." "You're just teasing me, aren't you?" I asked. "You're trying to find out if his theories are correct." My mother opened the right side of her robe to expose a bare breast to me. It was round, full, and firm looking. Her nipple was large and brown. It was the first time I had ever seen her naked breast, and it was beautiful. "This is more than just about teasing you," she replied in a heartfelt manner, with her breast still exposed. "This is about finding where my boundaries are. At my age, I want to explore the limits of my sexuality to the fullest extent. So far the results are surprising." She closed her robe and my free view of her breast ended with me wanting more. My mind was racing, but as usual, I didn't want her to know how aroused I was becoming. "Did you enjoy showing that to me?" I asked. "I did," she replied. "Can I be brutally honest for a moment?" "Of course." She took a deep breath. "Thank you for all of our chats. They've been extremely helpful to me. But part of the reason why I told you so much is because I secretly enjoyed it. I enjoyed telling you these things. I've always wanted to relive that feeling I experienced with my brother when I was younger." I was struck by my mother's words and honesty, especially her admission that talking to me was somehow sexually gratifying to her.  "I've enjoyed our chats too," I admitted. "To be honest, I found them arousing. I think you already knew that. I don't know why, but it was amazing hearing about your sexual side." "Do you mind if I take my robe off?" "I don't mind." My mother looked me directly in the eyes as she untied her robe. Her face was expressionless and I couldn't tell what she was thinking. The robe opened and I saw the middle of her bare chest. She gave the robe a gentle tug and it fell to the bottom of her chair. My eyes marveled at my topless mother. Her breasts were slightly sagging and I could see them jiggle as she moved her arms to take the robe off completely. "Do you like them?" she asked. "I love them," I replied. "How do you feel right now?" "Liberated." "I can tell." She smiled at me and went back to eating, as if nothing was out of the ordinary with her breasts showing. The slight smile remained on her face as she continued to eat. I could tell she was enjoying being naked in front of me. At that moment, she was the exhibitionist, and I was the voyeur. The aspect of mother/son incest between us only made things more erotic.  After a few short minutes, we finished our food and she looked at me with an overly proper expression, as if she was still getting used to her nudity. "I should get started with the dishes now," she said. "And I think you've seen enough for one day." When she stood up, I saw my mother completely naked for the very first time. She had dark curly pubic hairs around her vaginal area. Her hips were full. She had the body of a luscious mature woman. She quickly put the robe back on and tied it. There was a sense of embarrassment in her actions, as if she regretted it. There was also a sense of satisfaction on her face, like she had become very aroused.  ***  My mother could barely make eye contact with me for the rest of that morning and afternoon. She spent much of the day in her home office because of an upcoming trial she was preparing for. When I saw her around the house, she was fully dressed wearing a tshirt and sweatpants.  Towards the evening, I saw her standing in front of the large living room window with a cup of tea in her hand. It was one of her favorite ways of calming down if her work became stressful. She didn't say anything to me, even though she knew I was there, which was unusual.  "Are you upset over what happened earlier?" I asked, walking over to where she was standing. She turned to look at me. "What makes you think I'm upset?" Both of us looked through the window at the view together. The sun was still out, but not for long.  "Things have been really awkward since this morning," I said. "I hope you don't regret anything." "I'm not embarrassed by what I did. I don't feel ashamed for showing you my body. It's terrifying knowing that I enjoyed it so much. How could I? With my own son? What's wrong with me?" I put my hand on her shoulder. "Don't feel bad. There's nothingwrong with this." "Are you just trying to make me feel better? Or do you want to see me naked again? Give me an honest answer." "Would you be offended if I said I wanted to see you naked again?" I asked. "No," she whispered. "There's your honest answer. I want to see you naked again." "Keep your eyes forward, towards the sunset." I did what she asked and continued watching the sun going down. She put her tea cup on a nearby table. Then I heard my mother undressing. I could hear her tshirt and pants being tossed to the floor. Then I heard her bra unclasp. Then I heard her panties being removed.  She moved behind me and gave me a tight squeeze with her arms wrapped around my body. I felt her heavy breasts pressing against my back. It was a breathtaking moment for us. "How does this feel?" she asked warmly. "It feels nice. What are you thinking about?" "I feel young again," she replied blissfully. "I feel like I'm 18 years old. This brings back fond memories of happier times. It's scary. I knew all along that these feelings were developing between us." "Looks like Dr. Rossii was right," I replied. "Too bad he's a jerk though," she laughed, squeezing me tighter. The sun was going down and it was becoming darker by the moment. My mother and I just stood there and enjoyed the feeling of her bare breasts pressed against my back, and her arms wrapped around my body. "I better get dressed and start preparing dinner now," she said, rubbing my shoulders. "We've been standing here for a while, doing nothing. You're probably bored from listening to my emotional rantings by now." Impulsively, I grabbed her wrist and moved her hand down to my crotch. Out of curiosity, she squeezed my shorts to find out if I was aroused. When she squeezed her hand, she felt my throbbing erection. "Oh my," she gasped, with her hand grabbing my cock through my shorts. "It must be painful." "In a good way." "And it's because of me?" "I think you already know that," I replied. She paused for a moment. "I feel the same way." The fine line between mother and son had already been crossed, with her breasts against my back, and her hand rubbing my throbbing erection.  "Stand in front of me," I said.  "Is this a private therapy session?" she asked playfully. "You'd have to pay me again, of course," I joked. My mother let go, and then she stood in front of me. The sun had just disappeared and outside was rapidly becoming dark. But there was still enough light to see her bare figure.  I wrapped my arms around her naked body. My hands briefly roamed her body. She felt soft and luscious. Then I reached down with one hand and touched the outside of her vagina, feeling her pubic hairs between my fingers. Then I slipped two of my fingers inside of her pussy, feeling her warmth and wetness. "You're soaking wet, mom." "I know," she replied, with my fingers deep inside of her. "Being naked in my son's arms isn't something a mother should ever be proud of. But it's undeniable. I love this feeling." "So do I." My fingers went deeper inside of her and she gasped. Her moans became louder as I fondled her pussy. I used my other hand to fondle her breast for the very first time. It was soft and round. I played with her large nipple and pussy at the same time. The moans coming out of her mouth showed how much she loved it. "I've wanted this for so long," she admitted, in a state of sexual bliss. "I've fantasized about being naked around you. I've wanted to share my body with you. I've dreamt of you touching me like this." My fingers moved at a faster rate, bringing more pleasure to her nipple and pussy. Her moans became louder. Soon, it wasn't enough. I wanted to pleasure her the best that I could. I needed to make her cum. Our eyes were merely inches apart. I could feel her breathing on my skin. She probably assumed that I wanted to kiss her, which I did, but there would be time for that later. At that very moment, I wanted something else. I got down on my knees. My mother knew exactly what I was planning to do, and she spread her legs apart while standing in the dark living room.  "Are you sure you want to do this?" she asked, having mixed feelings that this was happening. I looked up at her and nodded. The tip of my tongue touched the bottom end of her brown labia and her body immediately quivered. I could hear my mother moaning as I licked up and down. She placed both of her hands on my head to make sure I wouldn't stop. Then I wrapped both of my hands around the back of her thighs, feeling the muscles in her legs do everything in their power to make sure she could stand up straight. The more I licked the outside of her pussy, the more her body reacted.  "Please don't stop," she said in a sexually depraved voice. "Put your tongue inside me. I'm so close." With my mother's permission, I pushed my tongue inside of her pussy and tasted her fluids. She was dripping wet. Her fluids gushed inside of my mouth. I could feel how warm she was as I moved my tongue around. She began to make panting noises with her mouth.  The light outside was gone and we were in the dark. If anyone outside had looked through our window, they would have seen my naked mother standing in the living room, while I performed oral sex on her. I licked her clitoris which immediately got the most reaction from her body. I used one of my fingers to rub her swollen clitoris while I ate her pussy. My mother's hands held the top of my head tightly as she screamed. I knew I was doing something right. My mouth and my finger kept up the frantic pace, and my mother let out another loud scream. She came. Fluids ran down her pussy. My mother gently pushed me away and I watched her body shiver. Her face looked like she was in a total state of shock. Her eyes were wide open. She took a few steps back and sat down on the couch to take several deep breaths. "Are you okay mom?" "I'm more than okay. That was the best orgasm of my life." She held my hand and we enjoyed the silence and the darkness of the room. My erection was still there, and she knew it. Once she composed herself, she reached down to rub my crotch. It was the beginning of our new relationship.  ***  Several months later on an early weekend morning. I came down the stairs to the smell of my mother's cooking. I saw her in the kitchen as she was mixing something in a bowl. She was facing the window, so she didn't see me. But I saw her clearly. She was naked except for a small apron. I marveled at her naked backside. It was a sight I never grew tired of. I especially loved her full hips and thighs. Her ass was full and luscious. When I walked behind her, I gave her a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. She continued mixing the batter so she could bake muffins.  "Morning mom. Smells great." "You could have stayed in bed a little longer," she replied, still mixing "None of the food is ready yet." I gave her a kiss on the neck. "Am I distracting you?" "Kind of. But I don't mind. You're always a nice distraction." She turned her head and gave me a kiss on the lips. Then another. Then our tongues met. The kiss we shared was both lewd and loving at the same time. It was completely inappropriate, yet it made perfect sense to both of us. "You look sexy in that small apron," I said, moving my hands around to caress both of her bare breasts. "I thought you preferred me completely naked?" "I do. But there's something really sexy about a naked woman who also takes the time to be prim and proper." "Very true. And the apron is a necessity. The last thing I need is for hot oil to splash against my chest." I pinched her nipples. "We can't have that happening. Especially since your breasts are so sensitive." "I know. But I'm sure Mr. Jensen would rather see me without the apron." "He still spies on you?" "Every chance he gets," she replied. "Especially on the weekends when he knows I'm naked in the kitchen." "I can't blame him for that. You always look amazing. Did he spy on you this morning?" "He certainly did. As always, I pretended not to see him so that he would have a nice little show. Why do you ask? Are you jealous?" My hands squeezed her breasts again. "Why would I be jealous if I get to have your body everyday? Besides, I think Mr. Jensen has great taste in women for spying on someone like you." "You're too sweet," she replied. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have a lot of baking to do. There's a charity bake sale in a few hours, remember?" "Sure I remember. But that doesn't mean we can't have our fun." My erection was growing and I squeezed my mother extra tightly, pressing my groin against her naked backside so that she knew I was aroused. "Please, can't this wait until the afternoon?" she pleaded. "I want this as much as you do. But I need to put all of this food in the oven." "You've already spoiled me. Can't we do both at the same time?" My hand moved down to her crotch, and I began to finger her vagina. "Fine. It's my fault for spoiling you. And I still you owe you for our 'therapy' sessions." I kissed the side of her face. "Therapy is expensive. It's time to pay up." Once I had permission, I pushed my shorts down to my ankles. My cock was throbbing. She stuck her ass outwards, which allowed me to point my cock directly towards her pussy from behind. She spread her legs so that I would have easy access to her pussy. I guided my cock and penetrated her. My mother simply carried on with her baking. She added more ingredients to the mixture while I slowly made my way inside of her from behind. I watched as she added dried fruits and nuts to the muffin batter and she moaned while she stirred it. "Oh god," she gasped. "Thank goodness I'm almost finished or this would have been a real mess." "You would have figured something out." I pushed my cock all the way inside, then I slowly pulled out, before going back in again. A rhythm was forming, and we were having sex. She moaned. "Uhh... maybe... I'm doing two of my favorite hobbies at once." My mother quickly mixed the batter inside of the bowl while I fucked her from behind. She was making different sounds with her mouth, which showed just how much she was enjoying this. After a few more thrusts, she stopped mixing the batter. Maybe it was because it was actually done. Or maybe she couldn't prepare the food properly while we were having sex. She put both of her hands down on the kitchen counter and enjoyed our unholy coupling. Her pussy was warm and tight. It became wetter by the moment. That's one of the things I loved about having sex with my mother- how wet she could become. She's always been very good at hiding her emotions, especially as an experienced trial lawyer, but her pussy never lied. Her pussy always revealed her true feelings. And at that very moment, I knew my mother was incredibly horny being ravished like this in her kitchen. I thrusted as fast and as hard as I could. Our kitchen was surrounded by windows. If our neighbor, Mr. Jensen, decided to spy on my mother again, he would have seen me fucking her from behind. If any of our neighbors had looked through our window, our reputations would have been completely ruined. We would have been chastised from the community. Maybe that terrified my mother. Maybe taking a huge risk only made her more aroused, which was why her pussy was so wet. "Make me cum," she groaned, with her depraved voice. "I need to cum so bad. Touch my pussy. Rub my clit. You fuck me better than my brother ever did." She only talked this dirty when she was in the right mood. Her fantasies of incest and being naked around the house always returned when she was hot enough. Rubbing her clitoris was usually the most common way she achieved an orgasm, since it was the most sensitive area of her body. I used two fingers to rub her engorged clit. I rubbed it in a circular motion as I pounded away from behind.  "I'm right there," she hissed. "God, I'm going to cum. You're so bad... doing this to your own mother." Before long, her fluids rushed down my fingers. My hand became a complete mess. She squirted. Her wetness ran down my cock and between both of my legs as I kept on fucking. She cried out loud while she came. If our kitchen window was open, the neighbors would have heard my mother having a powerful orgasm. I came soon after. I clenched my mother's hips tightly and deposited several loads of cum inside of her drenched pussy.  My mother didn't say a word as she leaned on the kitchen counter. I heard her breathing heavily. I saw trickles of sweat begin to form on her shoulders. "That was amazing," she panted, with her head on the kitchen counter. I kissed her shoulder and pulled my flaccid cock out. "You're always amazing, mom." "I needed this. It's my favorite way to start the day." "Exactly. Now you'll be even more enthusiastic at the bake sale." She turned around and gave me a kiss on the lips. "There's one more thing that I need from you." "What's that?" She smiled, "I haven't had a proper breakfast yet." My mother casually got down on her knees and engulfed my cock in her mouth. She slurped all of the cum on my cock and swallowed it. She ate my cum along with her own vaginal fluids. She had always said how delicious that cum mixture tasted. It had become her new favorite meal in the past few months and she always ate our cum mixture before she went to court. By sheer coincidence, Mr. Jensen came outside and watered his lawn. I'm sure he was disappointed that he saw me, instead of my naked mother, who was busy on her knees. We made eye contact and we waved at each other. Little did he know that my mother was on her knees, with a mouthful of cock. The End For pics visit:---->>>https://bit.ly/2ReHUJI
Title: Father's Day Coupon Book Summary: She gives daddy a special coupon book for father's day. Keywords:inc,fic,erotic,hot Andre Delgado heard the small chime come from his computer. Turning to look at the second screen, he touched the email icon the tapped the inbound email from his daughter. Just like his daughter Sophia to send an email when she was no more than yards away from where he sat. Andre was one of those rare men who had the rugged looks that drew women like flies to a candle, yet refused to take advantage of it. In his youth he had played soccer and run track, and now in his forties he was still a regular at the local gym. His Greek heritage had given him the dark wavy hair and chiseled looks that most men would kill for. Yet, it was masking a bright mind that loved to solve puzzles, leading him into the computer and IT business. Andre let the hacking program he was running continue, as he turned to read his daughters email. Yes, he was a hacker, and a legal one. Right now he was breaking into the user files of an investment firm. Once he was done, he would send them a full report on how to beef up their security. In today's growing cyber age, Andre had found his skills in high demand. When he read the heading for happy fathers' day, Andre smiled to himself. So like Sophia to not only remember, but make a point of sending something to him. Andres' thoughts turned to the twenty-three year old beauty and love of his life. His daughter had inherited his Greek features, and then blended them with her mothers' Lebanese genes. The result was like watching a vogue model walk down a fashion runway. Like her father, Sophia knew the reaction her body caused in men. While she enjoyed a bit of teasing and flirting, something her farther attributed to her young age, she never used her physical charms to win her something she had not earned. Sitting on her father's lap for years, watching him work his magic at the keyboard, had fascinated the young woman. Now, completing high school and college with a degree in computer sciences, she had joined her fathers' consulting firm. Andre had added almost a 'wing' onto his ranch home when Sophia had joined him. His portion of the house was one leg on the L-shape, while Sophia maintained an almost separate world in her portion of the other leg. Andre had told his daughter it was for her privacy but he also knew something that lurked deep inside him, something he dared never let loose. The fact that every time she walked by him, he could feel that familiar stirring in his groin, and the thoughts that flowed into his mind; had motivated him to give her a separate home as much as anything. Andres' wife had died almost four years past. Her semi-annual trip home to see her family in Lebanon had led to heartbreak for the Delgado home. Usually Sophia went with her mother to see her grandparents, this time she had not been able due to illness. For the Delgado household it had been a blessing she had stayed home. The rocket that had been sent into the neighborhood where his wife's family lived had destroyed almost a full city block. In one instant Andre had lost his wife, and almost her entire family. He had spent almost two years swept with grief, had it not been for Sophia, he was sure he would have lost his mind. Shaking himself from the reverie, he focused back on his daughters email. Reading slowly he was stunned at the letter. Not the language, his daughter was an adult, Andre was no pure saint, at times in anger or frustration his own words were not the best. No, it was the content, the 'proposition' his daughter had sent that rocked his world. Daddy First and foremost, I want to tell you how very much I love you. You have made me the person I am and I am eternally grateful to you. For years, you have sacrificed yourself for this family. You have suffered loss and kept moving. You are a strong vibrant man who I am proud to call my father. You are also a man. A man, who has needs, wants and desires. You have put those needs on the back burner for far too long. You have buried yourself in your work while I watched you do without the company youu often need. So, I am sending you a special Fathers' Day Coupon Book. Please download it before you open it, I want you to hold them and read them or I know youu will never download them after you do. You now know the what, so let's discuss who. Don't be a humble fool and deny what we both know, that any woman out there would rip her panties off in three seconds to be in your bed. In fact, you are the subject of some rather lewd fantasies of a number of my friends, and have been for years. I know that both Emily and Gayle would love to ride your pony anytime you wanted. Believe me dad you have one hell of a pony, and no I'm not telling you how I know. It's time you took that thing out of pasture and started riding the trails again. So here is the deal. You pick the coupon, one per day. Write the name of who you want on it and I will make the contacts. If there is someone you know that's perfectly fine. I want her signature on the coupon and you give it back to me. No, I don't trust you to not fudge things. Just, for once, enjoy Daddy. Love Sophia Andre reached over and pulled the small papers off his printer where he had sent the attachment. He had specified a modified label print so was able to slowly leaf through the coupons one at a time. At first he had been amused by the descriptions. At first it was hot bubble bath, back massage, dinner. Then they started changing as he continued. Hot date came next, then full body massage followed by lap dance and striptease. He couldn't suppress the groan as he read some of the others. Blowjob, happy ending massage, position of choice; they began to get more and more sexual. Andre pictured Emily with her slim hot body sliding over his lap; he could feel his cock thicken just at the thought. Then, the image of Sophia's raven haired friend Gayle kneeling sucking on his cock like a Popsicle stick caused a surge in his groin. "Jesus" Andre murmured. Was his daughter serious? Had she really arranged for those two vixens to willingly take part in this? Then, the forbidden image hit home. The sight of his own daughter grinding her tight ass into his crotch as she swayed to some music, he felt his cock harden in record time. "Fuck no" he groaned to himself. He really needed to get laid, he thought. It had been well over a year since his last 'score'. While he knew he could walk into any bar in town and pick something up; to Andre that was the problem, it was a something not someone. For Andre there needed to be a connection or it was just physical. Then again he thought, if he didn't do something soon...he shuddered remembering three days ago when he had stood in his kitchen and watched his daughter sunning by the pool, and without a second thought had jerked himself to one of the largest orgasms he had ever had. First he had to test the waters, see if everything was real, or if his daughter was playing some kind of trick on him. He pulled one of the coupons out of the stack and swiftly wrote his daughters name on the piece of paper. Leaning over top his printer, he scanned the paper and sent it to his daughter, before he could change his mind. For Sophia, trying to find something for her dad for Father's Day had been the yearly challenge. Then she had seen the love coupons advertised online during one of her infected web page searches. She had quickly created her own version, not trusting some other site, and then screwed up her courage to send the letter to her father. She really didn't expect him to answer, and her mind was still circling over what to get him; when her email chimed and she saw her father respond. Opening the email she stared at the message with her mouth half open. Holy Shit, she thought; he actually did it. Staring back at her was a scanned copy of the love coupon, The coupon was for something she had actually thought up herself, it was the Home Cooked Dinner choice. Below the title her father had scrawled her name. Her stomach did a small flip as she realized her father wanted her to cook him a dinner. Settle down thought, she admonished herself; it's just a damn dinner. Sophia looked at her screen, seeing the search engine quietly going through IP addresses. Rising from her chair she walked from her small office to her bedroom. She caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror and did a double take. Working from home was nice, but it meant she had not taken the time to really put any effort into her appearance, especially when she saw herself standing there in sweat pants and a loose sweatshirt. OK daddy, she thought, you want dinner; then its dinner time right now. Rummaging through her dresser and then her closet, she laid out her clothing selection; her hands taking what her subconscious directed, without even realizing. It wasn't until everything was laid out that she did a double take. Lying on her bed was a pale rose colored thong, beside a pair of form fitting jeans she knew hugged her hips and ass like a second skin. The light blue tank top had spaghetti straps that left her shoulders and upper body with plenty of exposed skin. In fact the low neck line plunged well beneath the curve of her breasts, showing of more cleavage that she normally did. As she stared at herself in the mirror after dressing, she could see the deep valley of her cleavage showing back. OK, let's add the finale she thought. For Andre, the request to his daughter had been forgotten as he plunged himself back into work. It wasn't until two hours later when his phone chimed with a text that it was brought back to him. The short text from Sophia told him "Dinner Is Served". When he stepped into the dining room, Andre wasn't sure which drew his attention more. The food spread out on the table, or the vision standing beside the chair. He watched as Sophia turn her back to him and pulled the chair out for him to sit in. Forget the food, Jesus look at that ass Andre thought. The fabric of her jeans clung to every curve as she moved; he followed the seam as it disappeared between her firm thighs. Numbly Andre walked to the chair and slowly lowered himself. Trying to distract himself he looked at the dish laid before him. Fresh vegetables on a single plate with tzatziki dip beside it and then the skewers of Souvlaki with just a hint of the grilling crispness showing on the meat. His daughter had gone all out preparing her father some of his favorite foods from home. Sophia slowly unfolded the cloth napkin, and leaned down to lay the cloth in her father's lap. "The meat looks delicious" Andre complimented his daughter. "Yes it does" Sophia whispered softly. As she laid the cloth on his lap, her fingers pressed lightly against the bulge in his slacks. Andre was stunned at his daughters touch, turning his head he opened his mouth to speak, but stooped dead as his eyes landed on her bent over his table setting. The tight tank top clung to the curves of her breasts, and his eyes locked on the globes of soft flesh that were only inches from his face. He saw two protrusions as her hard nipple pressed against the fabric. Jesus, she's not wearing a bra, he realized. "Fuck me" he whispered softly. "Enjoy your dinner daddy" Sophia traced a finger along his cheek. Her eyes locked with his. Leaning closer, her warm breath filled his ear. "Just so you know...about your other comment" she whispered. "Anytime daddy...anytime." Her voice filled his ear. Andre sat in shock as his daughter softly kissed his cheek and then exited the dining room, heading back to her own apartment. Holy God, he thought, did his daughter just proposition him. No, it couldn't be, he had to have misread her he decided. All the way through the meal, Andre felt his cock continue to throb between his thighs. It simply refused to go down as continual images of his daughter's tight ass and swollen nipples filled his mind again and again. Finally giving in, he hustled off to the bathroom where he disrobed and slipped into the shower. Standing under the warm spray his hand glided up and down the length of his cock. He tried to keep images of the honey blonde Emily or raven haired Gayle as he felt his cock throb. But it was the image of that luscious tight ass bent over the dining room table that caused his nuts to tighten up as he approached his release. "Sophia" he gasped as his cock jerked. He closed his eyes to the image as the first jet of hot cum erupted from his cock to splatter against the wall of the shower. Leaning against the shower wall he shuddered through his climax as feelings of both relief and revulsion swept through him. Dammit, he thought, tomorrow he needed to really take care of this issue or it was going to drive him insane. The next day as lunch approached, Sophia felt her heart skip a beat as her email chimed from her father. Opening the letter she felt a mixture of happiness, yet something else as she saw his scanned coupon. Andre had scrawled the name Emily below the coupon for lap dance, sending a tremor through Sophia. Her father had upped the ante of the present, but with Emily; she felt a sense of disappointment as she reached for her cell phone. Andre pulled back from his desk as he heard music coming from the hallway leading to his office. His first thought was that Sophia had walked over with her ITunes playing. Instead, a totally unexpected vision walked through the door of his office. He stared as Emily stood in the doorway for a moment, letting him take in the sight. Her honey blonde hair hung in waves to her shoulders as she smiled at him. "Hey Mr. D" she said as she glided into the room. Emily had cut off the lower half of a t shirt, so the edge hung just below the swell of her breasts. Her bare tanned belly glistened with some kind of oil as she moved. The tight jean shorts she wore clung to her ass like a glove, the frayed edges leaving wisps of threads along her firm thighs. When she bent and set the phone playing music on his desk, his eyes gravitated to the curve of her ass, he was shocked when he realized the cloth was so short, he could actually see the bottom crease of her ass. Emily, are you sure" he started to ask. The young girl turned and pressed her fingers to his lips. "Shhhh" she said softly. "You have no idea how sure I am Mr. D" she said in a throaty voice. As the next song came on the small device on the desk, Andre watched as the young girl turned her back to him, slowly gyrating her hips as her hands reached back to run over the curves of her ass. "You like my ass" her voice seemed to fill the room. "Yes" Andre gave a strangled reply. His eyes were locked to the young girl, as he felt his cock threaten to rip through his slacks as it filled with blood. The young girl stepped back and slowly lowered her ass until it rested in his lap. Slow circles drug the cheeks over the throbbing bulge as Andre couldn't hide the moan from the slight pressure. "You want to fuck my ass?" her voice was almost hypnotic to him. "God yes" Andre gasped back. His hands rested on her hips as she slowly slid up and down his turgid cock. The thick shaft sliding between her jeans covered cheeks. "Mmmmmm" Emily softly moaned. "I love a hard cock shoved up my tight little ass." She murmured. Andre felt like he could explode at any second, and then groaned as the young girl rose to her feet. He gripped the arms of his office chair as she turned to face him. His cock throbbed as she stretched her arms above her head, letting the short cloth of her cut t shirt rise until he caught the hint of the curve of her breasts. He watched as she reached down and slowly pulled the thin cloth over her head. "Oh God" he moaned as her firm young breasts slid into view. Swaying now to a second song, Emily slowly approached his chair. He legs straddled his as her breasts were only inches from his face. You like my tits don't you Mr. D" her voice husky with desire. "Fuck yes" Andre groaned. Emily reached out and put her hands at the back of his head, pulling him forward. "Suck them Mr. D" she whispered hoarsely. "Mmmmmm" was all Andre could groan as his mouth was filled with soft tit flesh. He sucked greedily at the hard nub in his mouth as he felt Emily start to gyrate on his lap. He swore he could feel her heat through her jeans and his slacks as she pressed herself down harder on his throbbing cock. He could feel his balls start to pinch with that familiar tightness as the young girl moaned and trembled against him. Andre had just started to reach for the young girl when a beep came from the phone resting on his desk. Before he could react, Emily slid from his lap and stood pouting in front of him. "That's four songs Mr. D, that's all we get" she sighed. Leaning down to pick up her discarded top, she turned and faced the handsome man. Leaning over so her firm breasts were again only inches from his face, she brought her lips to his ear. "Maybe next time you'll pick another coupon" she whispered. "One that will give us both a happy ending." She nipped at his ear as she rose to her feet. Stunned and horny beyond belief, Andre could only watch as the young girl picked up her phone and walked from the office. As he slowly rotated his chair back to his desk, he thought he caught a movement outside the office window. Sophia? He dismissed the thought, why would his daughter be watching them, he thought. Andre spent the next few hours trying to will his cock to go back down, until he finally gave in to the gnawing hunger. In the late afternoon, he sent his daughter a quick text. "Only one coupon per day" He asked. It took a few moments until the answer chimed on his phone. "One kind of coupon per day yes" his daughter answered. "You can use other coupons in the same day but only once per person." A second text told him. Andre quickly rifled through the small slips, he found the one he wanted. Scribbling a name he then slapped it on the scanner and hit send, firing off a text at the same time to his daughter. "Will that work?" he asked. Andre waited for the few seconds before he heard his phone chime again. "Yes." was the simple reply. It struck him as odd that the answer was almost curt, and what had taken so long to send a three letter text? Andre shoved the thoughts to the back of his mind as he settled back in his chair and tried to focus on work. At least now he was going to get some kind of relief. It was a little over an hour later he heard a soft voice come from the doorway behind him. "I hear someone wants a massage, a rather special one" a young woman said quietly. Andre turned to answer but could only sit and stare at the vision in the doorway. It was one that had burned in his mind numerous times this summer when Sophia would have her friends over to enjoy the pool. Her friend Gayle stood calmly in the door, her tanned skin glistening from the summer heat. The bright yellow bikini she wore barely covered the swell of her breasts, while the bottom triangle clung to her obvious camel toe with a tightness Andre felt in his own slacks. "Holy Christ" he whispered as he stared. "I hope you don't mind Mr. D" Gayle smiled. "I like oil, but I prefer it on my skin not my clothes." Her gaze shifted to the growing bulge in his pants. "I'll take that as a yes" she laughed lightly. "Why don't you change into your swimsuit and meet me by the pool" the young girl told him. As she disappeared into the hall, Andre rose out of his chair, reaching down to adjust the already steel hard cock in his pants. The frustration of being left hanging earlier in the day had left him with an almost permanent hard on. As he walked out through the dining room and towards the pool, he could see Gayle sitting on the edge of one of the loungers that had been laid flat. The young girl rose and patted the lounger. "Right here Mr. D." she told him. Andre wasn't worried about neighbors; the yard had an eight foot wooden fence surrounding it, guaranteeing privacy. He had put the fence up for his daughter and her friends after he had caught neighbors drooling over the hot young bodies in his backyard. The thought that his daughter might see them briefly crossed his mind, but then vanished again as he stretched out on the lounger. The touch of Gayle's hands on his skin sent both a relaxing tremor through his body and a throb through his cock as he thought of the happy ending that would fulfill his hunger. Gayle kneaded the broad shoulders of the man lying before her. She could feel her own suit bottoms damped as she finally got to touch the man of her dreams. As her hands ran up and down his muscular thighs, she leaned in and whispered in his ear. "You know Sophia is right Mr. D" he felt her hot breath on his skin. "I would do the horizontal with you any time." She told him. "I'm twice your age." Andre said as he glanced over his shoulder at the girl. "That means you have twice the experience of any boy my age" Gayle smiled. Andre groaned when her hand slid up between his thighs and cupped his balls through his swim trunks. He watched as Gayle sat up and reached behind her back for the knot to her swim top. "Besides" she said softly as the cloth slipped away to reveal her breasts. "Would you say no to these?" she asked with a grin. Andre stared as the firmest pair of 34C's he had ever seen filled his view. Her breasts literally stood straight out from her chest, capped with dark areoles and nipples that looked as hard as erasers. "Jesus no" he whispered. Silently Gayle stood, and then straddled the lounger at his knees. Slowly she dripped oil not onto his back, but over her jutting breasts. He could see them glisten as the oil clung to her firm mounds. Slowly Gayle leaned forward and rested her body against his back. Slowly, she slid her oil slick form up and down his back. Andre shuddered as he felt her obviously hard nipples dragging along his skin. "Oh fuck" Andre moaned as the sensations went straight to his groin. He could feel pre cum leaking from the tip of his cock and filling his swim trunks. "Oh I would Mr. D. I would fuck you in a heartbeat." Gayle's voice filled his ear. "But then so would half of Sophia's friends, and I bet over half their mothers" her soft voice said. "Oh my God" Andre gasped as her words sent a shockwave through his body. He almost groaned as the young girl rose from pressing down on him. She knelt beside the lounger, "time to turn over Mr. D." she told him. As Andre rolled over, his rampant cock tented the front of his swim trunk. He thought he caught the glimpse of a form in the patio door of Sophia's house, but his attention was drawn back by the young girl's voice. "Hmmm" Gayle said. "There's something wrong here. "Oh yes" she reached out and slender fingers gripped the waist band of his trunks. "These are in the way" she began tugging the cloth down. Andre raised his hips to let the girl slip the cloth free. He felt the head of his rigid cock catch in the top waistband, and then slap against his belly as the hard pole sprang free. "Jesus Christ" Gayle whispered in awe. "You're bigger than I even dreamed." Her hand slowly crept towards his pulsing cock. "You have no idea how long I've wanted to see this monster" her voice stunned him. "OH yessss" Andre moaned as he felt slender fingers wrap around his throbbing cock. "Fucking awesome" he heard Gayle whisper. "God how big is it?" she couldn't help but ask. "Ten inches" Andre couldn't stop the pride that filled his voice. The one thing life had granted him that he had always been proud of was the size of his cock. While some women had almost been frightened of his size; memories of his wife screaming out her pleasure every time he slammed into her filled his mind. "Fucking hell" the young girl whispered. "And so thick" she almost moaned as she tried to wrap her small hand around him. "Oh shit...yes" Andre grunted as the slender hand began to slide up and down his shaft. "You like that Mr. D." the young girl's voice dripped with lust. "You like me stroking your hard cock?" Andre arched his hips in time to the motion sending bolts through his heavy balls. His head rolled from side to side as the young thing kneeling beside him picked up her pace. "You know what I wish" she moaned. "God I wish you would pick blowjob. Damn would I like to taste this thing?" Andre could hear the slick slapping of her hand as it pumped up and down. His ass cheeks tightened as Gayle continued to drive him closer and closer to the edge. He tried to look down and watch as this vixen expertly jerked him off with her oil slick hand. Glancing off to the side again, he was sure now, there was a form in the patio door to Sophia's house. He focused on the image even as he felt his balls tighten. At first he thought she was simply standing and watching, and then he realized he could only see one hand at her side. Suddenly, he realized where her other hand was. Sophia had it jammed inside the waist of her sweat pants Andre watched as her elbow flexed and extended. Oh God, he thought. My daughter is masturbating while her friend jerks me off. The enormity of what was happening shot from his brain straight to his nuts as he felt the heat inside his balls hit boiling. "Oh fuck...going to...Oh Godddd" Andre moaned. "That's it Mr. D, cum for me." Gayle stared at his cock in awe. "Shoot that hot jizz for me" she almost begged. "FFFUUCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK" Andre roared as it felt like his brain short circuited. Gayle watched in almost rapture as the first thick rope of hot cream shot straight into the air, then land with a splatter on his belly. She felt his cock jerk again in her grip, and just as the second rope erupted she felt her own belly spasm in response. "Ohhh God, cumminnggg" she moaned; as she felt her own fluids gush out to soak her swimsuit bottom. Andre felt the second rope follow the first into the air. His eyes locked to the vision of his daughter in the patio door. She had braced one hand on the glass and he could see her whole body shake and convulse as her own orgasm tore through her. He didn't know which was hotter, the young thing convulsing while she knelt beside him, or the sight of his daughter exploding only yards from them. He only knew it drove his body insane as a third and then fourth smaller rope pumped out to coat the young girl's hand. "Holy mother of God" Andre gasped as his body collapsed back onto the lounger. "Damn you cum a lot Mr. D." Gayle croaked out. Andre watched as the girl brought her cream covered hand up and slowly licked a thick glob from her fingers. "Mmmmmmmm" Gayle shuddered. "God I love the taste of you" she moaned. Andre could only lay limp as the after-glow of his orgasm filled his body. He watched as Gayle bent down and retrieved her swimsuit top. "Next time do us both a favor" Gayle said as she tied her top back into place. "Pick position of choice Mr. D. I want you to mount me with that thing until I feel it in my throat while we both cum." Even as spent as he was, Andre felt the twitch of returning hardness at Gayle's words. He could only watch as she gathered the oil bottle and walked from the pool area. Turning towards his daughter's patio door, he was startled to see her face more clearly this time. There was a fire in her eyes Andre had never seen before. Lust...maybe he thought. More, he realized, it seemed as if she were almost jealous of what had just happened, and yet the whole thing had been her idea. Later in the evening, as Andre cleaned the dishes from his dinner, he leaned into the sink and felt that familiar pulse through his cock as he pressed against the edge of the counter. He had thought the adventure with Gayle out by the pool would be enough to satisfy his desires. Instead, he found it had only whetted his appetite. As he reflected on the day, a thought crossed his mind. Oh the lap dance had really gotten his engine running. While the happy ending massage from Gayle had been a tremendous turn on until he exploded like a firehose. What he couldn't understand; was why he was still horny after all that? Oh it had been enjoyable, he couldn't deny, but it also lacked intimacy. He realized that both times had been sexual, but not sex. Not that gut wrenching, rutting, sweating sex that a man and a woman shared together. Andre dried his hands and pulled his cellphone from his belt pouch and began punching in letters. "Question" he shot off to Sophia. "Shoot" came her quick reply. Taking a deep breath, he punched in his question for the young woman who had watched him orgasm, not just for his daughter. "Each coupon once a day, and each time a different person." He typed. "Right" glowed on his screen. "And if I want more, tonight?" he typed back. He smiled as he waited for the reply. Once again, it was a bit slower in coming that before. "Then you pick someone. You used my two." Sophia sent back. Without answering, Andre walked down the hall and settled into his chair at his computer. Scanning one of the other coupons, he blanked it out, and then began typing. Satisfied with his work he sent it to his printer. Gathering the printed new coupon, and three others, he carefully wrote the name on each. This time taking his time to make sure there would be no question as to his choice. Silently he slipped through the adjoining garage, and down the hall of his daughter's end of the house. He lined all three coupons on her desk beside her keyboard. This time they needed to be hand delivered, not emailed, he thought. Returning to his end he headed for his bedroom and sent off his final text. "On your desk." Was all he typed in. Sophia sat on her couch and read the last text. She wasn't sure what was wrong with her. This had been her idea for God's sake. She had wanted her father happy, and she knew everybody needed physical release now and then, Christ even she did. Her mind recoiled at the visions she had seen today. Seeing Emily doing that seductive dance had made her hot as hell. Then, when her friend had fed her tits to her father, an anger she couldn't recognize had erupted inside her. Then, watching Gayle out by the pool with him; God, just the sight of his massive cock had driven her hand inside her sweatpants. What her father had seen was her orgasming, what he hadn't known was the single word that had flowed out of her mouth even as the waves had coursed through her belly. She had repeatedly called her best friend a bitch. Not because she had given her father a hot hand job. That was part of the deal. She had suddenly realized it was because it was simply someone else doing the act, not her. Now, her father was, wanting more. What did she expect, she admonished herself. He's a vibrant handsome man still in his prime. Why wouldn't he want to bury his cock into some tight young thing? Sophia tried to hold her frustration and anger in check as she walked towards her office. My office, she thought. Why didn't he just email it like the last time? Sophia stood at the edge of her desk and stared down at the four slips of paper before her. Blowjob and then Taste of Heaven were the first two followed by Position of Choice; those three she recognized from her coupon book. It was the fourth one that caught her attention. Cum Inside, she had never made that one. She realized her father must have created a coupon of his own. Little bastard, she thought. Then, the name he had written. Oh my God, Sophia thought. He couldn't be serious; it had to be a mistake. With trembling hands she picked up her phone. Hesitantly, she type in a text for her father. "The name is wrong" Sophia's hand trembled when she hit the send. "No" instantly came back on her phone. Oh God, she almost moaned. Quietly she crossed through her house, then through the adjoining garage. Walking through her father's house, she passed by the door to his office. Standing at the half open door to the master bedroom, she hesitated. "Did he really mean...could she?" she asked herself. As she gripped the small papers in one hand, she slowly eased the door open; the rest of the room coming into view. First the foot of the bed, then...her eyes took in her fathers' feet and claves. Stepping into the room her eyes traveled up his muscular thighs, dear God was he...then she felt like her knees would buckle as her eyes locked on the hard cock standing tall only feet from her. Sophia looked up, locking eyes with her father. Her mouth opened, but she couldn't find the right words. God did her body respond; she could feel the rush of moisture that once again filled her sweatpants. "You can set the papers down, turn and leave." Andre spoke softly. "Or..." he left the word hanging. "God help me, I want the or." Sophia answered in a hoarse voice. "Then why are you still dressed" she could hear the passion in her fathers' voice. Sophia dropped the small slips to the bedroom floor and in one motion jerked her sweat top over her head. Andre watched as she quickly pulled her sweatpants down, stepping out of the cloth. The mix of her Greek and Lebanese heritage made a perfect blend in the figure that stood before him. Her dark eyes glittered with lust, surrounded by long waves of raven hair. Her slender frame accented by the curve of by the middle-eastern tan that made her skin like sun kissed bronze. His eyes took in her full 36C breasts which stood firm and proud, her chest rising and falling with her increasing breathing. The flare of her hips curved inward to a hidden valley just slightly covered by the dark curls of hair. She trimmed he realized, but like a true Greek woman refused to totally shave off the mark of being a woman. "Beautiful" Andre whispered as he took her in. Sophia was not idle either, her gaze swept over her father's strong biceps and across his broad chest lightly covered with just slightly graying hairs. Then down over the slight belly that age had given him, but days in the gym had kept hidden. Then, there it was. She almost moaned at the sight of ten inches of hard, fat cock lying across his belly. "Magnificent" Sophia whispered. "So, only one use per coupon?" her father asked with a smile. Sophia stepped to the foot of the bed, then on hands and knees crawled between her fathers' thighs. He watched as her firm breasts hardly swayed with her movement. Her nipples more than evident were rock hard. Sophia reached out and wrapped her hand around her fathers' cock, amazed her slender fingers could not even get around the full girth. She looked up into her father's eyes. "If you think this is only going to be once old man" she half growled. "Then think again." "You think you have what it takes to satisfy a man?" Andre stared back. "Then prove it little girl, suck your fathers' cock." His voice grated. Egged on by her father, Sophia leaned down, opening her mouth. Without a word she slammed her mouth over his thick rod, pulling him in deep. The silence of the room filled with the wet slurp of her tongue. "OH fuckkkk" Andre groaned as his daughter gagged slightly on his cock. He stared down at the obscene sight of his daughter bobbing her head up and down his shaft. He watched as barely over half of his throbbing cock slid in and out of her mouth. "What, too big for you little girl" Andre groaned at the sight. With a wet sucking noise Sophia pulled her mouth free, a string of her own saliva dripping from her chin. "It's a fucking monster" she gasped. "And I'm going to take the whole thing if I have to fucking choke to death doing it." Before Andre could even respond, Sophia's hot sucking mouth closed back over his cock. He could only watch as she forced her mouth further down his hard shaft. "Oh shit yessss, suck me baby" Andre moaned as raw pleasure coursed through him. While his little interlude with Gayle by the pool had been good, it paled compared to the woman kneeling between his thighs right now. With each downward thrust of her head, Sophia took more and more of his cock down her throat. He could hear her gag as she relaxed her throat muscles trying to take more. For Sophia the sheer scent and taste of her father was driving her body insane. Tears flooded her eyes as she rammed her mouth down harder and harder. She could feel her spit dribble out of her open mouth to coat his cock and balls. Andre stared in wonder as more and more of his cock disappeared inside this wonderful woman's sucking throat and mouth. Then, he felt it, as Sophia buried her nose in the curls of his pubic hair. "Fuckkkkkkkkkkkk Sophiaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" Andre moaned as he felt his entire cock bathed in her spit. Not since his wife had he been with a woman who could take his entire length down her throat. For Andre it was like returning to the heaven of his youth as his daughter devoured his cock. "ULlkk eeee" Sophia gurgled around her fathers' rod, feeling it pulse along the walls of her throat. "Ullkkk eeeeeeee" she moaned. At first Andre wasn't sure what she was trying to say, and then his hands lowered until his fingers tangled in her raven hair. He tilted her head back until he stared into his daughters' tear stained eyes. "You want me to fuck that pretty little mouth don't you" he hissed down at her. The fact her mouth was stuffed full of throbbing cock prevented the young girl from answering her father. Yet, the glow that lit her eyes was more than enough for Andre. The older man began to his hips as his cock drove in and out of Sophia's tight throat. Most of the time he tried to keep the last few inches back, but every now and then he would slam her face down hard into his groin, hearing her gag and choke, then gasp for breath when he jerked her mouth off his slick cock. "Oh God Daddy...daddy..." Sophia mewled as strings of her own spit coated her chin to drip on top his spasming belly. Andre could feel the familiar tightening in his balls; he knew if he kept this up he would dump a hot load straight down her sweet throat. No, his mind screamed. Not the first time, that he wanted to be deep inside her while he stared into her eyes. With an almost animal growl, Sophia felt her father pull her slender form off his magnificent cock. She moaned in disappointment as he all but manhandled her slight frame back onto the bed. "Time for coupon number two" she heard her father rumble between her thighs. She dimly tried to think what coupon two had been, and then a piercing scream filled the air as she felt his hot mouth close over her aching pussy. Her back arched as his face pressed between her thighs, her hands shooting down to grip the sides of his head as his talented mature tongue probed deep inside her. "Oh fuck...yes...yes..." Sophia babbled. Her mind almost blanked as her father swirled his tongue around her sensitive clit, and then drove it back inside her. Sophia had been with her share of men in her life, even a couple of women. She had experienced many a talented tongue licking and sucking at her sweet honey. But this, this stretched far beyond anything she knew. Her father was expertly devouring every inch of her gushing cunt and her body exploded in raw pleasure. "EAT MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" Sophia screamed as she felt a bomb go off in the pit of her belly. It was all the things she had read about in stories, but had thought was fantasy from some enraptured writer. She felt her toes curling as her feet dug into the bed, sparks started flashing behind eyes that rolled back in her head. "Da...Da..." she gurgled. Her hips lifted off the mattress of their own will as she felt her hot juices spray out to coat her fathers' face. "Mmmmmmmmmmmm" Andre hummed, sending more vibrations through her abused cunt. His girl was a squirter, just like her mother, and he loved every drop as he drank deeply of her. "Oh fuck...to good...too goodddddd" Sophia moaned as her limp body collapsed back onto the bed. She could feel the electric bolts shoot through her belly as she weakly tried to push her fathers' head from between her quaking thighs. Andre rose up on his arms, sliding his weight up her jerking body. He stared down at his daughter just as he felt the swollen head of his cock lightly press against her swollen lips. "Open your eyes Sophia" her father softly called down to her. She blinked trying to refocus her hazed vision on the face above her. "Is this what you want?" he asked her in a strangely calm voice. "Say it now, or I will stop now." He told her. Sophia reached down and gripped the firm cheeks of his ass, weakly trying to pull him down into her. "Please" she almost sobbed. "Please daddy, take me, make me your woman." She begged her father. "Sophia" her father answered, choosing his words carefully. "If we do this, there are rules." He watched her stare up into his eyes. "There will be no other woman for me, do you understand." He locked eyes with his daughter. "There will be no other man for you." His voice caressed over her. "Forever we will be one, husband and wife in all but a piece of paper. Do you understand my darling?" Sophia looked at her father with love and lust blending inside her. "Take me...my husband" she whispered back. The next moment Sophia felt her entire being center between her thighs as her father lowered his weight down onto her. With an obscene sucking noise he spit her drenched lips and started sliding in inch by inch. "OH fuck...Oh God..." Sophia began to moan as four then six inches slid inside. Still her father dropped lower, driving even more cock into her stretched channel. "OH Christ...so biggggggg." Sophia groaned as another two inches sank deep inside her. She felt her walls stretching like no man had ever done, her father touching places she never even knew existed inside her belly. Dimly, she realized he still wasn't all the way inside. Andre slowly drew his hips back, feeling her cream coating along the length of his thick shaft. With a grunt he released his weight from his arms, dropping down onto her. He felt the entire length of his cock drive deep into his daughter's tight tunnel and then his pelvis grind down on hers as he buried himself to the hilt inside her. "FFFUUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK" Sophia screamed as she felt her belly literally explode with the massive invasion. "CUMMINNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG" she screamed again as her body convulsed under him. She felt her juices once again erupt from her body, spraying against his pinned pelvis, then drip down the crack of her ass to soak into the bed sheets. Even as she shuddered through the waves rolling through her belly, she her father begin to raise and lower his hips, driving his huge cock up into her again and again. "Fuck me...fuck me...oh God still cumming..." she chanted as her father began to pound down into her. Andre grunted with every stroke, trying to slam his cock deeper each time. He knew he needed to stretch her tight walls for her to fully accept the raw pleasure rolling through her. He could hear the light slap of his heavy balls against her ass, slick with her own juices. "You are now mine Sophia" his hot voice husked in her ear. "You belong only to me." Andre felt her slide her arms around to cling to his broad back. Her breath hot was and gasping against his cheek. "Yours...yours forever" his daughter gasped. Then he felt her sharp nails digging into the flesh of his back like talons. "If they touch you again" her voice hissed. "I will rip their tits off and shove them up their whore cunts" her voice almost dripped with venom in his ear. Andre had heard that kind of venom before in his younger years, from a woman long ago on his wedding night. Like her mother, Sophia was staking her claim to her man, and God help any woman who crossed that line. Andre powered himself up onto his arms, slipping free of his daughters embrace. He stared down at her with a crooked smile. "I am forgetting" he almost chuckled. "Coupon three." He said. "What..." Sophia's brain was fuzzy from her repeated orgasms, and the raw sensation of her father's wonderful cock still sliding slowly in and out of her belly. "Nooooooooooooo" Sophia moaned as her belly was enveloped by a sense of horrendous emptiness. She felt her father slip free of her clutching walls. She wasn't done yet, she dimly thought. Even as she moaned her frustration, she felt her father flex his biceps and effortlessly flip her over onto her belly under him. Large hands gripped her hips and pulled her ass into the air. Her eyes grew wide as she looked over her shoulder, suddenly realizing what he was doing. "Position of Choice" her father's husky voice echoed behind her. "AHHHGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Sophia screamed as she felt every inch of his cock slam deep into her from behind. His cock drove deeper...deeper...her mind swirled as he went beyond anything she could even imagine. Then, her head snapped back her mouth hanging open as she felt the fat head of his cock shove against the spongy surface of her cervix. "NNGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Sophia wailed as her body convulsed again. Dimly she felt her juices flowing out of her like a hot river, coating her thighs and soaking the sheets under her. For Andre this was what had been missing in his life since the loss of his wife. Passion and romance were well and good, at the right time. There was also a time for hard, rutting sex when the body needed it. He planned to enjoy every stroke while he could. Sophia felt like she had been transported to another existence. Her whole world revolved to the wonderful man kneeling behind her and that huge pole he relentlessly rammed home into her. She was stunned her slender body could take such a massive cock. With each thrust she felt him stretching her open more and more, until the sense of discomfort she had first felt at the thick invasion was replaced by raw pleasure. Dropping her head to the mattress, Sophia shoved her ass back at his invading cock, with her ass high in the air she felt him drive in even deeper. His ears were filled with the wet sounds of her cunt sucking on his shaft, while the smell of their sex hung in the air. She balled her fists into the sheet trying to find leverage as she shoved back at him, the slapping of skin on skin mixing with his grunts. Wave after wave continued to roll through her belly as it felt like she was having one orgasm after another. Never in her hottest fantasies had she ever dreamed sex could be this good. "Oh God yes...don't stop...fuck me...fuck me...fuck me..." Sophia babbled over and over. "Cumming...oh Jesus I can't stop" she gasped. "Time for coupon four baby" she heard her father rumble behind her. In her hazed mind she tried to recall the last slip of paper she had cast on the bedroom floor, what was it, something about cumming. Oh fuck, she thought, he's going to cum, and he is going to fill me with it, she realized. "Cum...cum in me please." She grunted back, not slowing her movements. "Fill my cunt...your cunt." She begged him. She heard her father grunting something as he slammed even harder against her, making the cheeks of her ass shake with the power of his thrusts. Her eyes opened wide when the words sank through her lust. "Sophia...are you...protected?" her fathers' voice finally drifted into her mind. "Noooooo" her voice hissed from where her face pressed into the sheets. "Cum in me daddy...please. Cum in your daughter, your lover, your WIFE" she screamed into the sheets. Sophia's eyes grew wide as saucers as she felt his cock; unbelievably it was thickening, expanding inside her belly. Jesus how much bigger does he get she wondered. Then it hit home as her father gave a primal roar behind her. "ASAARRGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Andre roared as he slammed hard against his daughters' ass, his cock jerking as he buried himself clear into her depths. For this first time in her life, Sophia felt a man cumming inside her. The heat was spreading through her belly as she felt his hot seed explode to coat the sensitive walls of her pussy. "Oh God...feel it...Oh My God...Oh My God..." flowed out of her as she felt herself being filled with one, then two thick ropes. Andre felt his cock slowly start to deflate as the last of his seed filled his daughter's slender body. With a rumble, he eased his body back onto his heels, shuddering at the wet sucking sound of slowly pulling free of her clutching walls. Sophia stirred as her muscles ached to respond. Slowly turning her head, she looked back at her father behind her. She could feel the warm goo of his sperm oozing from between her lips. Considering his earlier explosion by the pool, she was amazed at how much cream he had pumped inside her. "If you ever stop doing that to me" she sighed contentedly. "I swear I will die" she smiled softly. "Now, I think it's time for sleep...in OUR bed." Andre shifted from the bed, and pulled the comforter up to rest it over his daughter's nude body; her eyes drifting shut in exhausted sleep, and then slipped under the cloth to join her as sleep pressed in on his mind. Just as Andre started to drift off, the soft whisper of Sophia's voice filled his ear. "You know I could have gotten pregnant" her soft voice sent a tremor through him. "I know" his voice trembled slightly. "You might not have too" he said. "That's true, it might not have" Sophia rested her small hand on her father's broad chest. "If it didn't...there's always tomorrow". For Pics visit:---->>> https://bit.ly/2ReHUJI
Title: Comforting My Sister Summary: I comfort adopted sister but she wants more. Keywords:inc,fic,erotic,hot,sex Leigha and I were both adopted when we were babies. Mom and Dad explained that they didn't know that they weren't able to have children of their own so they kept trying until they were in their late 30's. When they finally accepted the fact that mom would never get pregnant, they started the adoption process. It took a few years but they adopted me and then they adopted Leigha the next year. That was 20 years ago. I am now 20 years old and Leigha is 19. Mom died a few years ago as a result of breast cancer and the three of us - Dad, Leigha, and me - all live together. Dad is an attorney so he has a good income and we live in a nice home but things weren't the same without Mom being around. Both Leigha and I attended the local university. We had planned on attending FSU after we graduated but plans got changed when Mom died. Neither of us wanted to leave Dad alone and the local university was a fairly good school, though not as good - or as much fun - as FSU is. When we were kids, Leigha and I were friends and we always got along well. I thought that she was cute but I never thought of her as an object of sexual desire. She was my sister! Well . . . she was my adopted sister but that was the same thing as being my sister. All of my friends knew that we were adopted and the guys always told me that I should hook up with Leigha. They liked to tease me about Leigha and I taking baths together. They said that it's not incest because we are not related by blood. The more they said it, as we got older, the more I thought about it . . . but it was just thoughts. I never actually did anything to even hint to Leigha that I thought she was cute. Leigha is cute but not stunningly beautiful. She has a very cute face, long light brown hair, not an ounce of body fat, but small boobs and a small butt. She looks like she should be a gymnast. Personally, I don't like girls with big boobs or big butts and I think that she is pretty, but Leigha is very self conscious about her "itty bitty titties," and she doesn't have much self confidence. If Leigha was not my sister, I would have lost my virginity to her . . . but she is my sister and my family would have been torn apart if she and I had become boyfriend and girlfriend. Instead, I lost my virginity to Marianne, my high school honey, my prom date, my first lover, and the girl who dumped me when she went off to college the summer after high school graduation. Fuck my life!  Actually, I had dated a few girls after Marianne and actually had a sexual relationship with another girl - Lynn - who was experienced and taught me a few things. Lynn and I only lasted a few months; I think she got bored with me because I did not want to have sex someplace where we might get caught and I didn't want to have a MFM threesome. Leigha and I have always been like best friends and she usually confides in me. She has dated a few guys but she's never told me that anything has happened sexually so, as far as I know, she is still a virgin . . . a reluctant virgin, I think. I don't think she is saving herself for marriage but she doesn't want to lose her virginity to a guy who immediately starts bragging to his friends about it. She's asked about my relationship with Marianne and Lynn and she's wanted to know the details about the sex. I told her because I knew she wouldn't repeat to anyone else what I told her about my love life. In the summer of 2018, we had both taken a semester off from school. We worked part-time at Dad's law office - usually in the mornings - and otherwise just sat around the pool, watching movies, playing video games, and occasionally meeting school friends for dinner or to have a few beers at home.  Neither of us was dating anyone at that time. I don't know if Leigha needed to relieve herself but I certainly had a few porn sites I perused at night when I wanted to bop my bologna. One afternoon in July, we were both at home by the pool. We were listening to some music and catching some rays and just relaxing. And, as usual, I was enjoying looking at Leigha in her thong bikini. I had not had a girlfriend in a few months and I would have gotten aroused looking at pictures of lingerie in a women's catalog. Jerking off to porn just isn't the same thing as being inside a girl and I seriously needed to have some sex! So I'll admit that I got horny looking at Leigha in her bikini. I never said anything about it to her and she had no idea that I fantasized about rubbing lotion on her back, pulling down her bikini bottom, and eating her pussy until she came! My sexual fantasy was abruptly interrupted when my cell phone rang. It was Julie, Dad's paralegal. As soon as she spoke, I knew that something was wrong. "Ted, your dad passed out at work a few minutes ago. We think it might have been a heart attack. The ambulance is here now and they're gonna take him to St. Vincent's ER. You guys need to get over there pronto." Julie sounded scared and she was not the kind of lady who overreacted to a situation. After losing Mom, we weren't ready to say goodbye to Dad. "Julie, is he gonna make it?" I asked. "He's awake now. I sure hope he makes it. He's a great guy and a great friend to all of us here," she answered. I immediately told Leigha and she took the news better than I had expected. We both rushed to get dressed, then we jumped in the car and headed to the Riverside campus of St. Vincent's.  Dad was not conscious when we arrived. We talked to the ER doctor and he said that Dad had, in fact, suffered a myocardial infarction. Some tests were scheduled but it was probably a result of coronary artery disease. Dad would be admitted to the hospital for tests and observation, then he would come home and have some outpatient cardiac rehab before he could return to work. He would need to make some changes in diet and activity levels, but he would probably survive this event. The doctor stressed "probably," because he said there was a possibility of a second cardiac event in the next few days and, if that happened the prognosis would be much more guarded. In the best case scenario, it would probably be at least a month before Dad would be back in the office. Dad would be admitted to Cardiac ICU and visitation would be severely restricted for the first 24 hours and he would probably not be awake, anyway, so the doctor suggested that we go home and return the next morning. * * * When Leigha and I left the hospital, it was getting dark and I was hungry. I suggested that we order a pizza from Luigi's and Leigha readily agreed to that plan. She placed the order while we were en route and I stopped at Luigi's to pick up the pie. We pulled into the garage, went inside, and set the security alarm for the night, because we were both tired and had no plans to go anywhere else. "I'm gonna go change before we eat," Leigha said and she disappeared for a few minutes. While she was gone, I carried the pizza into the family room, turned on the TV, and poured two beers for us. Although we had not yet reached the legal drinking age, Dad let us have an occasional beer when we were at home and not going anywhere. I thought we both needed a little something to help us relax after such a stressful day. When Leigha came down to the family room, she was wearing just her panties and a tee shirt that was cut off just below the boob line. As long as she stood up straight, I could not see anything . . . except the camel toe that she apparently didn't realize was on display. She wasn't particularly modest around me and I'm sure that she just wanted to get comfortable, but she was probably unaware of the display being made by her pussy lips. "I just decided that I would go ahead and get ready for bed. I'm not sure how much longer I'll be up after dinner. I'm beat!" she explained. "That sounds like a good idea. I'll be back in just a minute," I responded. I went to my bedroom and stripped down to just my boxers. Leigha had seen me in my underwear many times and my boxers really weren't any more revealing than the swimsuit I usually wore at the pool. It wasn't a big deal for either of us. As soon as I returned to the family room, Leigha opened the pizza box and put a couple of slices on our plates. We ate in silence for a minute and then I un-muted the TV. It was tuned to some stupid reality TV show and neither of us paid much attention to it. My thoughts wandered to Dad being in the hospital and the prospect of him not coming home. If that happened, my entire family would consist of Leigha. Dad had a brother in Oregon who we never saw and there were some cousins out there, as well, but I had never even met them. At about that time, Leigha scooted next to me on the sofa and put her arms around me. "Don't leave me, Ted. If something happens to Dad . . . it'll just be you and me. I'm scared of being alone. I'm not ready for it." I put my arms around her and gave her a brotherly hug. "Silly girl. I'm not going anywhere. I'll take care of you," I reassured her. I kept my arms around her but pulled my head back from her body. We gazed into each others' eyes for what seemed like forever, and then I leaned forward and kissed her on the forehead. "I need you in my life," I confessed. "I need you just like you need me." Little did I know the full import of those words! We finished the pizza and beer and then turned to watch TV. A few minutes later, I discovered myself waking from a brief snooze and Leigha was sleeping with her head on my shoulder. I woke her and suggested that she would get a better night's sleep in her bed. Without a word, she rose and trudged up the stairs towards her bedroom. I cleared away the pizza debris, checked the doors, turned off the lights, and headed towards my bedroom. I usually sleep with my bedroom door closed but I left it open that night. For the moment, I was the man of the house and I wanted to be aware of anything that might happen during the night. I brushed my teeth and then decided, with my newly found paternal instincts, to check on Leigha before I got in bed. She, also, had left her bedroom door open. As I approached, I could hear the sounds of her crying. There was enough illumination from her night light that she saw me enter the room. Without saying a word, she motioned for me to lie down beside her. I did and she immediately rolled onto her side so that her back was towards me, then she scooted back so that we were spooned together. She reached for my right hand and pulled it over her body so that she could feel me holding her, and we both drifted off to sleep. * * * Around 5:30 am, I woke up with the awareness that I needed to pee. As I regained consciousness, I realized two other very important facts. We were still spooned together but my hand was under her tee shirt cupping her naked boob. Her little boob felt like velvet and her nipple was erect, even though I was not moving my fingers to try to arouse her. If she wasn't my sister . . . The other thing that was obvious was that my dick was hard, erect, and poking out of my boxers and into between Leigha's butt cheeks. If she had not been wearing panties, it very easily could have slid right into her pussy! I carefully got out of bed, taking care to not wake her, and I went into her bathroom to relieve my bladder. As I exited the bathroom, I heard her voice. "You're coming back to bed, aren't you?" I didn't respond verbally but I returned to bed. I didn't want to spoon with her and risk getting another boner, so I stayed on my back with both hands on the pillow beneath my head. Leigha rolled over, put her head on my shoulder, and draped a leg across my legs. Without thinking about it, I lowered my hand and placed it in the middle of her back. She raised her head momentarily and whispered, "I'm so glad you're here with me." She then returned her head to my shoulder, closed her eyes, and again drifted off to sleep. I woke two hours later without a boner and without a tit in the palm of my hand, and I was relieved. I slid out of bed and returned to my bedroom to take a shower and get dressed. By the time I got down to the kitchen, Leigha had gotten out of bed, found her way downstairs, started the coffeemaker and pulled out some cereal and milk. She had not yet changed her clothes. When she looked up and saw me, she walked over to me, out her arms around me, and said, "Thanks for holding me last night. I really needed that, and it felt good!" I sat at the table and watched as she opened the dishwasher to retrieve two cereal bowls. She had her back turned towards me so, when she leaned over to get the bowls, I had a clear view up her cutoff tee and I could see her perky little boobs. I was immediately reminded of the predicament I had been in at 5:30 am, cupping one of those puppies and poking her with my boner. "So, did you sleep well last night?" I asked very nonchalantly. "Well, I woke up a few times, but I feel rested now." "Oh, well, I guess I already knew that you were awake 'cause you asked me to get back in bed with you." "Well . . . actually, I was awake when you got out of bed," she confided. Damn! That means that she knew I was cupping her boob and that I was poking her in the ass with Mr. Boner! Damn, damn, damn! I didn't know how to respond to that, so I said nothing. After a few moments of awkward silence, Leigha looked up at me and smiled. She walked over to the table and stood next to me, then she leaned down and whispered in my ear, "When I woke up and felt your hand on my boob, it felt nice, and I didn't want you to move it. I've never had a guy hold me like that and . . . it was arousing but it was also comforting. And I actually was rather flattered that my body caused you to get a stiffie. Sometimes I wonder whether I am attractive to guys with my little boobs and little butt and knowing that I made somebody get an erection - even if it is my brother - was very reassuring . . . and very arousing. You and I are good - very good - so don't be worried about that. In fact, I might want to repeat that experience again very soon, but . . .." "But," I finished the thought for her, "we need to get to the hospital and see Dad. So have a bowl of cereal, then go get cleaned up and dressed, and we'll head over to St. Vincent's as soon as you're ready." While Leigha was taking her shower, I called Dad's office and I spoke to Julie, then I talked to Dad's young associate. I told him that Dad would not be back in the office for at least a month and he said that he could handle the work load in the interim and that we didn't need to worry about the office functioning while Dad was away. * * * At the hospital, Dad was awake when we arrived. He could only have two visitors for 15 minutes every two hours, so we decided to stay during the day and then allow Dad's friends and co-workers to visit him after business hours. Dad was actually embarrassed that he was ill and needed to be in the hospital but he fully accepted the gravity of the situation. He said that he trusted us to maintain the house while he was gone and that he wanted us to continue working part-time at the office in his absence. He was confident that his associate could handle the added work load. In sum, there were no significant extraneous worries.  Dad did have a "girlfriend" who he had tried to hide from us but we knew he had started dating recently. I told Dad that we both knew he had started dating, and we were both happy with that decision, so he didn't need to worry about hiding her from us - whoever she was. We encouraged him to have her spend as much time as she wanted at the hospital. Dad suggested that we go to his office and give the staff a report, and he asked us to check on a few things which had been put in motion before his heart attack. He then said that we could have the rest of the day off and to not come back to the hospital later in the day. He wanted to call his girlfriend to visit and said that he needed some time with her alone to put her at ease before we met her. * * * The office staff was happy to hear that Dad was doing relatively well, considering the circumstances. We talked to his associate and he again expressed confidence that he could carry the load while Dad recuperated. We left the office at about 1:30 pm and headed home. * * * When we got home, Leigha wanted to sit by the pool and soak up some sun. I had nothing else to do. Hopefully, Leigha would wear her yellow thong again. After seeing her in that for a few hours, I was sure that I would need a few minutes in private to relieve my frustration. Not having a girlfriend was starting to be a real problem for me. Sure enough, when she came down to the pool, she was carrying a couple of cold beers and sporting that yellow thong that I loved so much. We sat and drank our beers in silence and then she announced that she was going to recline and work on her tan. You have probably guessed what came next. She rolled over on her stomach and asked me to apply oil to her back. As I was getting the oil, she reached back and unfastened the bikini top so that the strings fell away and her back side was almost totally nude except for a thin piece of fabric that traversed her butt crack and kept her little butthole hidden from view. I started on her shoulders and back and then moved down to her feet and started working my way up her legs. As I got near her butt, I pulled away, prompting her to tell me, "Don't stop now! I want you to make sure everything's covered." As I continued higher up her legs, she spread them open and my dick got hard in a hurry. I made sure that I rubbed oil into her butt and down into her crack. I actually thought that I touched her hole at one point because she suddenly tensed up, relaxed, and let out an audible sigh. What I wanted to do at that point was pull out my meat and jerk off on her ass but that is not what older brothers are supposed to do. I considered the idea of going in and jerking off in my bedroom, but I thought it might be very obvious to Leigha what I was doing and that just didn't seem right. After about fifteen minutes of debating my options and shooting down every idea, I decided to get in the pool and cool off. After I had been in the water for about five minutes, I heard Leigha getting up and I watched as she gracefully descended the pool steps and approached me in the shallow end of the pool. "Ted, I guess you know that this news about Dad really has me upset. When you got in bed with me last night, having you there really made me feel safe . . . and I hope that being in bed with your sister wasn't a big problem for you. I really, really felt nice!" She expressed that last sentiment with emphasis and then she raised up on her toes, leaned towards me, and very gently kissed me on the lips. It wasn't a wet, passionate lovers' kiss but it wasn't a purely platonic, brother-sister kiss, either.  She only kissed me for a second and then she pulled away a few inches and looked into my eyes. "Yes, I was awake when you got out of bed this morning. I felt your hand on my boob and I felt your dick poking me in the butt and maybe I should have been bothered by that, but I wasn't. You know that I've been kinda self-conscious about my little boobs and little butt and . . . I've dated a little bit but I never got sexual with anybody and I was actually kinda wondering if I looked enough like a woman to get a guy turned on, so . . . anyway, it's a relief knowing that I caused you to get hard, and . . . I'm sorry if that's difficult for you, but . . . I really don't want to cause you any frustration, because you're the best brother a girl could ever have, and . . ." she leaned closer and whispered in my ear, "I love you." "I love you, too, Leigha, and . . . yeah, you do get me turned on and . . . if you weren't my sister, I'd . . . I love having you as a sister, but sometimes I wish I wasn't your brother. I hope that doesn't freak you out, because I'd never try to start something and mess everything up, but . . .." Leigha suddenly placed both arms around my torso, placed her head against my chest, and gave me her best imitation of a bear hug. "I don't want you to ever leave me. Never ever!" After a brief few moments that seemed like forever, Leigha pulled away and stared into my eyes again, as if there was something more that she wanted to say. Having her body against my so tightly had caused me to get another erection and I was a bit uncomfortable about it, so I blurted out, "Let's go in the kitchen and fix something for dinner." "Good idea," she replied. * * * We had stopped at the grocery store on the way home and bought a couple of steaks and baking potatoes. Both Leigha and I are fairly good cooks, so we worked together to get the meal prepared as quickly as possible. While we were waiting for the potatoes to bake, Leigha helped us to two more beers and then another two while we were eating. Neither of us drink very much so we were both feeling a little bit tipsy. "So what do you wanna do now?" she asked. I responded with the usual, "It doesn't matter to me. We can watch a movie unless there's something else you wanna do." "We can watch a movie but let's watch something that we wouldn't watch if Dad was here," she suggested. "Like what?" I inquired. "Like . . . Janie gave me a DVD she stole from her brother. It's supposed to be a soft porn movie and . . . I've never watched any porn, so . . . what do you think? Would that be too weird?" she asked. "If that's what you wanna do, go get it, and . . . I suspect that neither of us will be awake much longer," I suggested, even though it was only 8:00 pm, "so let's go ahead and get ready for bed. . . .. Meet you back down here!" We both went upstairs and Leigha disappeared into her bedroom for a few minutes. I brushed my teeth and stripped down to my boxers, then returned to the family room. When Leigha entered the room, she was wearing her panties and one of my tee shirts. "Hey, I was wondering where that shirt got to!" I said. "I've been missing that for the past month." "Yeah, I probably should've told you, but I borrowed it to sleep in 'cause it's so comfy!" She paused, then added, "One more beer?" "Sure," I said. I wondered whether she was drinking, hoping to get inebriated and forget about Dad's dilemma for awhile. We decided to watch the movie on an old laptop instead of the TV, so we sat the laptop on the coffee table and Leigha and I sat close on the sofa. As soon as I started the movie, I realized that this was not going to be soft porn. It had an actress who I recognized from my "internet research" and this girl could suck and fuck anything that moves! It actually started out with a plot about a girl meeting a guy, getting on rides at an amusement park, pretending to be a bit shy and unwilling to have sex . . . at first. The girl kind of resembled Leigha in some ways. She was cute but not beautiful, petite, little boobs, little ass, but . . . this girl had sexual experience and Leigha was still a virgin. "Hey, she looks kinda like you, Leigha," I said. "You mean like little boobs and little butt?" she countered. "Yeah, little boobs and little butt, like you, and real cute, like you. The only difference is that this girl has a lot of experience using what she has." As soon as I said that, I realized that I shouldn't have said it. "You think I don't know anything about sex because I haven't let a guy fuck me yet?" she demanded. "Leigha, you're being too sensitive," I tried to reassure her. "I just meant that this girl has fucked half of the planet and you're still innocent in some ways and that's actually very appealing to a lot of guys!"  "Well, it hasn't done me a lot of good so far and, for your information, when I decide to let a guy stick his dick in my pussy, it'll probably be the best pussy he ever had." With that comment, she got up and stormed upstairs to sulk. I turned off the laptop, turned off the house lights, set the security alarm, and went to bed. * * * About thirty minutes later, I heard Leigha walk into my bedroom. I could see her silhouette against the light coming from the hallway but I could not see her very well. "Are you still awake?" she whispered. "I'm always available for my best friend," I offered. "I'm sorry," she apologized. "I'm just tremendously stressed out, I'm frustrated because the only guy I've ever turned on is my brother, Dad's in the hospital, and my self-esteem seems to have packed up and left town!" "That's quite a load," I said comfortingly. "Do you wanna get under the covers with me?" "I thought you'd never ask," she answered. I lifted up the covers, Leigha took off her bathrobe, and slid into bed. When I reached over to touch her shoulder and pull her closer, I realized that she wasn't wearing any top. On any other night, I would have immediately commented about that but I didn't think she needed anything but comforting tonight. She was on her side and she scooted back until she was spooned with me. She then reached back, pulled my arm over her torso, grabbed my hand and guided it directly to her boob. "I can't help it," she said. "I need to know that I'm a woman and not just a little girl. Dad having a attack scares me because I still feel like a little girl who needs her daddy. I need to do something that makes me feel like a woman and having your hand on my boob feels kind of grownup." I didn't say anything. What could I say? "No, I don't want to feel your nipple?' I didn't want to make her feel badly and, honestly, it had been a while since my last sexual relationship and having a boob in my hand felt good. "You can kinda play with it and fondle it if you want," she said. That was all the encouragement I needed. An hour ago, I would have considered the thought that this was the wrong thing to do but I was beyond the point of caring about right and wrong. As soon as I started rolling her nipple between my thumb and index finger, she started whimpering. I cupped the underside of her boob with the palm of my hand while I continued to play with her nipple and it was as hard as a raisin. "Roll over on your back and I'll do the other one," I said. Without a word of reply, she did exactly as I asked. I slid my hand from her right boob over to her left boob and started the same ministrations on the other half of her mammary apparatus. "Ted, that feels so good! . . . I wanna know . . . I've never had anybody lick on my boobs. Will you . . . will you lick me?" I had been resisting my urge to suck on those beautiful nipples and the call to resist had just been dissolved. I lowered my mouth to her left boob and licked in wide circles around the base, getting closer and closer to the areola until I finally arrived. I placed my lips over her nipple and gently sucked it into my waiting mouth and I licked and sucked as Leigha's whimpering increased to full-fledged moans. I had continued to massage her right boob with my right hand but she reached for my hand, lifted it from her boob, and placed it between her legs. At this point, I realized that Leigha would not stop until she had experienced an orgasm and the only question was whether she wanted to have me inside her virgin pussy when she came. I started rubbing the base of my hand over her pubic mound and I could tell that there was no hair beneath those thin little panties she was wearing. "Pull my panties down . . . please!" she begged. I was eager to comply. I pulled my lips away from her nipple and slid down in bed so that I could grasp the waistband of her panties. As soon as I did that, she raised her hips to allow me to pull them down and I wasted no time in getting her panties down to her knees. She lowered herself back to the bed and I continued pulling her panties down until they were removed.  I tossed her panties aside and reached up to feel her pussy. It was hot and it was wet. Her juices were flowing freely and I am certain I could have penetrated her at that moment and she would have welcomed it, but I did not do that. Not at that moment. I pulled her knees apart to make room for me and my mouth connected with her inner thigh. I slowly licked closer as I inhaled the sweet earthy aroma of her sexual arousal. As my tongue reached her wet slit, she tensed briefly and then relaxed. "Oh, yeah, Ted. Lick me down there!" I began slowly licking up and down her slit going a bit further each time until I was licking her from her perineum to her clit. Each time I reached her clit, I lingered and licked in circles a few times and then retraced my path. She tasted as sweet as she smelled and I could easily be addicted to the scent of her arousal. After teasing her for a minute, I decided to concentrate on her clit. I stopped at her little love button and began licking it very lightly. At the same time, I placed my index finger between her lips and got it lubricated before I started pushing it into her pussy. As soon as I had it inserted, I began stroking her G-spot while I licked and sucked on her clit. Before long, she began thrusting her pelvis and moaning louder. "Ted, I'm gonna cum," she warned me. I paused just long enough to reply, "Cum in my mouth, baby!" When I resumed licking and sucking, I cranked it up a notch and applied a moderate pressure to her clit as I bathed it with my saliva. "Oh . . . don't stop . . . don't stop . . . oh gawd!" she uttered as I began to feel pulsing waves of muscular contractions in her pussy, while her thrusting briefly got more intense. "Oh . . . so good . . . so good," she managed to express while being quite winded from her orgasm. I withdrew my finger from her pussy, stopped licking, and repositioned myself so that I was beside her. I leaned over and kissed her on the lips and said, "I want to be inside you now . . . if that's what you want." I waited for her reply and all she could do was nod her head affirmatively and say, "I want you. I'm yours." I told her to lift up her butt briefly and I placed pillow beneath her to make penetration easier. I got between her legs and she reached between us and positioned the tip of my dick at the entrance to her pussy. I paused just as second and then started pushing forward. As soon as I made contact with her pussy, it felt like a wet velvet glove was beckoning me to enter her. I needed no encouragement as I continued to push forward. As the head of my dick pushed inside of her, she released a small gasp and then said, "Keep going." I pushed forward until I was bottomed out in her pussy. I felt my crotch against her and my balls resting on her butt cheeks. Her hard nipples were rubbing my chest. I looked into her eyes and said, "I love you, Leigha. Not just like a brother. I love you!" I began pulling out and then reverse direction again and started slowly thrusting in and out of her tight virgin pussy. Every time I reached the bottom, she made a sub-vocal grunt of appreciation. "I feel so full!" she said. I kept my body low, close to hers, so that as I thrusted, my crotch rubbed her clit and my chest hair brushed her nipples.  "I'm gonna cum again," she said. "I'm getting so close." "I've never felt anything this good in my entire life," I said to her with sincerity. "I wanna cum inside you. Are you . . .?" "Yes, I'm on the pill. Don't pull out!" she demanded. I started thrusting harder and she started getting louder. "Fuck me hard!" she insisted, and I replied by thrusting faster and harder. I felt the pressure of my cum building inside of me and I knew I would erupt within a few seconds. "I'm close, baby, I'm so close, I'm . . . gonna cum now!" As soon as I said that, I felt her pussy quivering around me and that set me over the edge. I started to spew salvos of cum into her virgin hole. "I want you. I want YOU, baby! Oh . . . I'm cumming in your pussy!" "I want your cum in me," she assured me. After a few more thrusts, my orgasm began to recede and hers did as well. I stayed inside of her and kissed her on the lips. My tongue darted into her mouth and was met by her tongue. I could feel her nipples against my chest and they were still hard as pebbles but my erection was disappearing and I felt the tightness of her pussy expelling my flaccid member. When I had been fully expelled, I flopped down on the bed beside her and rolled onto my side to face her. "That was incredible for me, Leigha! Absolutely incredible! You have me as long as you want me!" "Ted, you know you were my first. I'm hoping you're my last. I'm not sure how we'll make this work when Dad gets out of the hospital, but I know where I want to go to sleep every night until then." "I have a confession to make," she said quietly. "I've wanted you to be my first for a long, long time. That's why nothing happened with anyone else. They just weren't you and that wasn't good enough." "Leigha, you weren't my first. I know what it would be like to be with another girl, and I don't want another girl. I've wanted you ever since I broke up with what's-her-name. This is incest even though we were both adopted. But I don't care if it's illegal. I plan on loving you for a very, very long time." We talked for a few more minutes, then we went to sleep. We were spooned and I had my arms around her. It was just perfect. When we woke up the next morning, Leigha wanted me to teach her how to give me oral sex. What a great way to wake up! * * * Dad recovered from his heart attack and came home. Now that we knew he was dating, he began bringing Julie - that's right, Julie - around on social occasions. We didn't tell him that we had fallen in love with each other but he knew that we were acting even closer than usual. He told us that he wanted us to transfer to FSU and the most economical thing for him to do was to buy a condo that we could live in for the rest of our college years and then he could either keep it as a rental property or sell it and maybe make a little profit. Leigha and I thought it was a brilliant idea. Our college friends think we are married because we have the same last name, we don't look like we came from the same family, and we never told anyone that we are brother and sister. With experience, Leigha has gotten to be something of a kinky sex addict and she keeps me awake at night by licking whipped cream off of my balls. Some nights, she loves to do role play and some nights she begs me to fuck her in the ass! Life doesn't get any better than this! For pics visit:---->>>https://bit.ly/2ReHUJI
Title: Aaron's New Stepsister, Part 2 Summary: Aaron and Kristy's secret escapades continue. Keywords: inc,fic Aaron lay awake on the couch in the morning while he waited for Stephen to return. He stared blankly at the spinning ceiling fan as he ruminated over the activities of last night. He knew from high school that Kristy was a fun and attractive girl and he was attracted to her, but she was his stepsister now. He had told himself repeatedly that he could not act on his impulses since it would be considered wrong and could jeopardize his father's chances at happiness, but when the time came, he couldn't even hold out one single day. Not one single lousy day went by, and he was already in bed with her. What was wrong with him? He was relatively drunk at that point, but he still should have known better. He should have put a stop to everything once Kristy started touching him. Somehow, he couldn't control himself, there was something about her that drove him absolutely wild, even more so than when he knew her in high school, and he couldn't stop himself from letting things get out of hand. Furthermore, there was the fact that Kristy obviously kept herself relatively chaste otherwise and yet was so willing to initiate their sexual activities almost immediately. The comments she made led him to a theory that he shuddered to think about. Aaron heard the door unlock, and closed his eyes while pretending to sleep as Stephen walked in. As Stephen entered, Aaron feigned to yawn and pretended to wake up. "Hey man, what's up?" Stephen asked as he entered. "Hey, hope you had fun last night," Aaron responded. "Sure did. So, how about you, you get any action last night?" This question caught Aaron off guard. He almost instinctively said yes, and then realized that would be a terrible idea. "Well?" "Oh, uh, no, no I didn't. I didn't want to leave Kristy alone to fend for herself; there were some belligerent drunks there and I didn't want to leave her unprotected." Aaron almost winced for a moment at the word "unprotected." Poor choice of words. "Oh, right, good call! Shit, I'm sorry, I didn't even think about that. Well, thanks for taking one for the team, the next time the three of us go out I'll stay with her so you can get some action." Aaron laughed and thanked him as Stephen went to his room. After the events of last night and the comments she made, Aaron knew he had to confront the possibility of a horrifying theory. He reluctantly began to consider if Kristy's instant eagerness to take him to bed had something to do with some sort of desire she secretly harbored for Stephen, and she used Aaron to take his place now that he was technically her brother as well. It certainly made sense, the comment about "keeping it tight" for him, calling him brother all the time, and being so casual with Stephen when they were out. The thought of her harboring those desires made him squeamish, but then he felt bile start to rise in his throat as he began to wonder if the two had ever sexually experimented before. He didn't think it was likely, as Stephen seemed to be disgusted whenever Kristy would be flirty, wear provocative clothing, or talk about sex, leading Aaron to think it must be a one way deal. As Aaron thought further, however, he realized that there was also a possibility that the two of them may have fooled around when they were younger, and Stephen feels a great deal of shame about it which causes him to react to her in that way. Based on Kristy's comments, however, that seemed unlikely -- if he were one of the two poorly endowed guys Kristy had been with previously, she probably wouldn't be fantasizing about him when she was fucking Aaron. Later in the afternoon, Kristy left to go to summer class and Stephen went to a job interview (which made Aaron sadly realize he needed to start looking for a job too). Aaron had to get some sort of answers about his suspicions, and there was only one way to do that. He walked back up to her room (which, he justified, should rightfully be his room) and opened up her laptop. He hated sneaking around and invading her privacy, but he had to know the answer or else the possibilities would destroy his mind. The computer prompted a password for unlock. Aaron had a good idea what the password was. He entered the word: S-t-e-p-h-e-n Bingo. Access granted. Aaron thought that should probably be proof enough there, but he decided to check her internet history to see if there was any clues. He looked down the screen. "Let's see...Google, Yahoo, Reddit, YouTube, fashion tips...." he mused out loud as he continued scrolling. Then he saw it. A search for "brother/sister Incest stories." He felt like there was a dagger through his heart. Kristy had searched for the terms "brother/sister," "incest," "taboo," and "brother sister creampie," resulting in a series of erotic stories and porn videos containing those things. These searches went back to a time period well before their parents had started dating. Aaron closed the laptop, put it back in its place, and sighed while looking at the floor. He had almost undeniable proof that the reason Kristy was so eager to take him to bed within the first day of knowing each other as stepsiblings had little to do with him and more to do with her expressing her feelings towards Stephen. He had thought they had shared something special, but she was only using him as a stand-in for her repressed incestuous desires. He was dealing with someone who had severe emotional issues, and he had taken advantage of her. Aaron went downstairs and paced around the house, contemplating the situation. His initial feelings of guilt and pity slowly turned towards rage. He felt cheated that she used him as a stand-in for Stephen. He was a star in college; girls at Pitt always told him that before they slept with him they would fantasize about him when they were with other partners. Girls weren't supposed to fantasize about other people when Aaron was making love to them -- and they sure as hell weren't supposed to use him to fantasize about their own damn brother! Aaron resolved never to sleep with her again, no matter how electric and pure their lovemaking felt. Still, he thought, couldn't deny their chemistry, and he began to think back to the previous night and how wonderful it felt. He couldn't stop thinking about how amazing she felt as he was inside her. Aaron started to reconsider his position. What if he was doing her a good service? Her (most likely) unrequited feelings towards her biological brother were totally wrong, and maybe as a non-biologically related stepbrother he could help her get over them. Over the course of the next few hours, he got over his guilt, jealousy, and rage and resolved that this was the right course of action. He figured that he was actually helping her out with her complicated emotional issues and doing a good service. There was nothing technically wrong with the two of them having sex, and why would Aaron turn down an opportunity to be altruistic while at the same time sleeping with a girl that he was crazy for? Later on in the day, Aaron was cooking some eggs while he heard the door unlock. Stephen walked in to the house with a beaming smile. "You look pretty happy," Aaron laughed. "I take it the job interview went well?" "Oh, more than well," Stephen replied. "You're looking at the newest Accounting Clerk at Van Tessler Industries, Phoenix Division!" Aaron laughed as he congratulated his stepbrother with a hug. "I'd say this calls for a shot, what do you say?" "Well, as you know, I'm not much of a drinker, but I do make exceptions for special occasions, and I'd say this is one of them!" Stephen laughed. Aaron walked over the cabinet and pulled out some whiskey, pouring each of them a shot, and then went to the fridge to grab a Pepsi for both of them as a chaser. Aaron was genuinely excited for the news. Foremost, he was happy for Stephen, but now in the back of his mind he knew that he was happier about the fact that Stephen would be out of the house for most of the day and Kristy and Aaron could have the house to themselves. Aaron eventually poured another two shots after that, and the two of them began to bond while talking about their lives growing up. Aaron started by talking about being raised by a single father, how his dad got him into football, and other topics. Stephen explained his life growing up as well. His parents divorced when he was two years old, right after Kristy had been born, and apparently it was a nasty divorce. His father, Allen, had accused his mother of cheating on him and there was a long and drawn out legal battle over money and the custody of the children. Eventually, they settled on the plan that Stephen would live with their father and Kristy would live with their mother. As a result, Kristy and Stephen almost never saw each other while growing up, as the divorce was so bitter the two of them didn't see each other often and weren't raised together. Once Stephen was ready to enter high school, however, his father got a job offer in New York and Stephen opted to stay in Arizona while living with his mother and sister despite the fact that he hadn't interacted with them much. This explained a lot in Aaron's mind -- he vaguely recalled seeing something on the Discovery Channel one time that being raised together is how a person recognizes someone else as a sibling and not a viable sexual partner. If Kristy was raised separately from Stephen, she doesn't have that taboo filter turned on. Whereas Stephen probably has some memory of her being born and her being a baby so he still thinks of her as a sister. While Stephen was talking, he did some Google searching on his phone and found that this theory is called the "Westermarck Effect." An hour later, Kristy came back from class and found out the news as well. The three of them drank to celebrate Stephen's new job. Aaron watched their interaction together closely, but nothing seemed amiss. Stephen told them that tomorrow he would fly out to Los Angeles on the company dime for some training at company headquarters and would have to stay there for a couple of days. Aaron was delighted at this news as it meant that he and Kristy would have the house to themselves for that duration. Still, however, there was the issue of what to do tonight while Stephen was still there. Aaron considered that he should refrain from sex for this one night, but watching Kristy's body as she drank and leaned against the kitchen countertop left him with little choice. Aaron wanted to use the alcohol to make sure Stephen was fully passed out so he and Kristy could continue their adventures that night. Aaron knew that Stephen wasn't much of a drinker except on special occasions, so he decided that with his higher alcohol tolerance he could attempt to get Stephen to try to keep up with Aaron and then pass out. Aaron kind of felt bad about doing this but he knew it was for the best, as Stephen would most certainly not want to hear his sister fucking their stepbrother and it would involve him in a mess of complications. Also, Aaron thought, as someone who only drank on certain occasions it didn't hurt for Stephen to cut loose once in a while. What's more, Stephen was a very humorous drink. "Hey....you guys....listen...." Stephen drunkenly stammered later in the night as the other two laughed, "I just....so good...now I'll push some pencils....get some of that MOOLAH....good...good times. Hey Aaron man thanks.....thanks BRO....good to have a brother now..." "Same to you man, appreciate it," Aaron responded. He felt a little guilty for getting him drunk now. "And with that I'll....I should probably....hit the hay and shit." Stephen drunkenly stammered into his room and plopped onto his bed. He was out cold, and the way he was positioned caused him to start snoring. Aaron laughed and went in to turn off his light and close the door for him. Aaron walked back to the kitchen, where Kristy was leaning against the counter and started writhing her hips against it while looking at Aaron with "fuck me" eyes. He walked up to her and grabbed her hand. "If it wasn't so risky, I would want you to fuck me right here on the counter top," she whispered to him. "We'll save that for tomorrow...you know, when we have the house to ourselves," Aaron replied as he kissed her on the forehead, and the two of them walked upstairs to her bedroom. Once they were in the bedroom and shut the door behind them, Kristy put on some music quietly from her iPhone and started to shake her ass in her tight jeans as he took off her shirt, doing a striptease for Aaron as he sat on the bed. "Hey listen, before we start..." Aaron told her as she started to undo her bra. "Yeah?" she replied. "I really think you should cut out all that calling me brother and saying you're my sister stuff. It's kind of weird, I don't think of you as a sister." She laughed and walked over to him, putting her finger on his mouth as her bra fell off, exposing her perky yet large breasts. "You're a lying liar. Whenever I called you big brother you started pumping me faster and more vigorously!" Aaron thought to himself "I was going faster because I needed more stimulus since the incest stuff is a turn-off!" but decided against saying it aloud. "You love it. You love having a little sister who's a slut for you, that you can fuck whenever you want," she said as she slowly moved her jeans and panties down her legs and walked over to him for a night of passion. "So, how do you want me tonight, big brother?" ---------------------------------------------------------------- Aaron made love to Kristy as much as possible in the next few days that Stephen was gone, taking advantage of the fact that they had the house to themselves to have sex in any location they pleased. On Saturday, they decided to go clubbing. Since no one there knew they were stepsiblings, the two of them openly got grinded in a hot and heavy manner on the dance floor while occasionally making out. "You dirty pervert," Kristy laughed at one point after she removed her lips from his, "you could have any of the girls at this club, but you choose to go home with your own sibling." "Hey, the same goes for you, vice versa!" Aaron replied. "Oh, it's a no brainer for me. Have you seen the other guys here? All losers compared to you. I roped the big prize. All these other women in the bar know it, they've been looking at me with daggers in their eyes all night." After spending so many months in a state of mild depression after having his NFL dreams crushed, he loved how Kristy would help his ego like this. More importantly, he could tell it wasn't just empty words of flattery and that she meant all of it. Kristy went to the bar to go get some drinks. When she was there, a stunning woman with flowing golden blonde hair approached him. She was thin, about 5'7 but with a decently round waist, wearing a low cut top in a blue dress that showed off her ample breasts. She seemed to be a few years older than him. "Excuse me," the woman asked, "are you....Aaron Sanders?" "Why yes, yes I am. Do you know me from somewhere, or are you a big college football fan?" "It's the latter. I went to Cincinnati, so I saw you play us a few times. I also watched a bunch of your other games." "Well then, you obviously have a pretty good memory to recognize me by face. I had my helmet on most of the time in those games!" "Well, actually," she chuckled flirtatiously, "I went out of my way to watch as many of your post-game interviews that I could , since I thought you were cute." Aaron continued flirting with this woman, who he found out was named Tracy, and felt somewhat of a connection with her. In the back of his mind, however, he was nervous, as he wasn't sure how Kristy would respond. Was he prevented from having sex with other girls now? Was he in a serious relationship? What had he gotten himself into? He saw Kristy walk back towards them. When she saw him talking to Tracy, Aaron dreaded her reaction, but he was then delighted by her response. Rather than look disappointed that he was talking to someone else, her eyes lit up. She gave him a thumbs up, then held up three fingers to represent the number "three," and then made a cute pelvic thrust motion. Aaron laughed to himself, as she was obviously giving him a hint that she was willing to engage in a threesome. Aaron had participated in a few threesomes in college and had found them quite satisfying, so he certainly wasn't turning that down that opportunity. Aaron asked Tracy if she wanted to dance, and she agreed. They exchanged numbers as he began to grind with her on the dance floor. During breaks from dancing, he continued to talk with her for a bit and saw that she was a fun and interesting person. After twenty minutes or so, Tracy left to go to the bathroom for a bit, saying she would be back in a few. Kristy, who had been watching the whole time, walked up to Aaron while smiling. "This is great," she purred, "let's take her home and the three of us can have some fun." "Sounds like a plan, but you have to pretend to be my girlfriend, of course. Absolutely no mention of me being your brother or you being my sister...for real this time." "Well, duh!" she laughed. "We can't have anyone finding out what big perverts we are." Tracy returned from the bathroom and saw the two of them talking. "Oh, hello," she said to Kristy apprehensively, "and you are?" Kristy stuck out her hand to shake Tracy's. "Oh, hello there. I'm Kristy, Aaron's girlfriend." Tracy took a step backwards and looked shocked. "Oh my god, I am so sorry, I had no idea, I never meant to..." "Oh stop that!" Kristy laughed. "It was my idea. Aaron is obviously taking his sweet time and I'm horny, so I'm just going to come out and say it: do you have any interest in threesomes?" Tracy composed herself and then laughed. "Wow....oh....yes, I've had a few of those before and they were lots of fun! I would love to!" Aaron was shocked that it was that easy. He usually was a little more slow and seductive with his methods. He wondered if he would have gotten even more action in college when he was the starting QB if he was blunt and upfront about asking for sex. He laughed to himself as this reminded him of an anecdote about former NBA player Dikembe Mutombo, who would apparently walk into bars and loudly yell "Who wants to sex Mutombo?" with no reservations. The three of them went back home in a cab together. Kristy and Tracy sat on opposite sides of Aaron and began to rub his legs, and eventually Aaron watched in delight as the two of them took turns making out with him and occasionally making out with each other while leaning over Aaron's lap. Aaron noticed the cab driver sneaking glances through his rear view mirror consistently during the times Kristy and Tracy made out with each other, and laughed as he warned the driver to watch the road. Eventually, they arrived at their house. Aaron led the two of them by the hand upstairs into Kristy's bedroom. When they finally arrived, Kristy and Tracy stripped each other of their clothes and then went to the bed. They started to make out while fingering each other. Kristy moved in to taste Tracy's pussy, and then twisted her lower body to reach Tracy's mouth as they got into a 69 position. Aaron watched this amazing spectacle while he stroked himself. "Looks like you two are having fun," Aaron laughed, "but I think it's time I joined in." After the ladies had their fill of pussy, and Kristy looked like she absolutely loved it all, the two of them walked up to Aaron and took turns sucking his cock, occasionally joining together to lick him on either side. Aaron then picked up Tracy, put her on the bed, and started to eat her out. Kristy then sat on her face and was eaten out in turn. The two of them switched positions after that. "I think it's time to feel this cock inside me," Tracy said after that. "You don't mind if I start, Kristy? You've experienced it before." "Go right ahead," Kristy smiled wickedly. Tracy wrapped a condom around Aaron's dick, and Aaron slowly lowered his dick inside Tracy's folds on the edge of the bed while Kristy curled up next to her and started to kiss her. Aaron fondled Kristy's tits during this time. After a short while, Tracy was close to orgasm, and started to release over him. "Oh, god, I'm cumming all over the place! Holy shit! Kristy, you are a lucky woman to have this dick every night. Thanks for sharing!" Tracy said, exhausted, as her juices flowed over Aaron's cock. "No worries, glad to share! It's my turn now, though, but don't worry, we won't neglect you!" Kristy said as she pulled a vibrator out from her drawer. She walked over to Aaron and pulled the condom off his dick. "No need for this anymore!" "God, you're so lucky to feel the real thing without that damned rubber. Hopefully we'll get to know each other better in the future and I can feel the real thing at some point," Tracy responded with some remorse. "We'll see if we can work something out," Aaron smiled as he grabbed Kristy's ass in mid-air as she wrapped her legs around him and he buried his unprotected dick into Kristy's sweet pussy. Kristy began to gasp as Aaron rocked back and forth as she straddled him. He lowered her onto the bed as they began to fuck missionary style. Tracy was lying next to her, and Kristy reached over to grab the vibrator, turned it on, and placed it inside Tracy's pussy. The positioning was awkward, however, and Kristy had a hard time keeping the vibrator inside Tracy in this position. Kristy turned to Aaron and asked, "Why don't you fuck me from behind to make it easier for me to take care of Tracy?" "Sounds like a plan to me," Aaron said as he grabbed her and spun her around so she was on all fours. He grabbed both sides of her ass as he entered her doggy style and watched her ass bounce back and forth on his cock, before giving her a playful spank. During that time, Tracy lay on the bed in front of them with her legs spread as Kristy put the vibrator inside her with ease. Aaron was in heaven making love to these two beautiful women, and was also extremely grateful that Kristy was on her best behavior during this and never said a word about him being her "big brother" or any of the other terms she liked to use. After bucking back and forth while fucking Kristy from behind for quite some time, it was almost time for Aaron to cum, and he announced as such to the both of them. "Hey Tracy," Kristy gasped out Aaron pounded her from behind, "I need him to cum in my pussy, you don't mind missing out on his cum load, do you?" "Oh no, that's quite alright, I understand," Tracy laughed. "I am the newcomer here, after all. Should be fun to watch." Aaron continued to fuck Kristy and she was starting to get ready to orgasm as well. She was absolutely in bliss at the thought of their two orgasms matching up at the same time, and was losing control. Her juices began to unload against his dick as he started to unload as well. "Oh God! Fuck me!" Kristy yelled. "I'm about to cum! We're cumming together! That's it! Cum inside me while I cum all over your big dick! Oh God! Fuck me! Fill me up with your cum, big brother! Fuuuuckk!" Aaron unloaded his cum into Kristy's womb. Goddamn it, he thought. She lost control and called me "big brother." He looked over to Tracy, who had a look of horror on her face. Tracy paused for a moment, shocked. Finally she responded. "I'm sorry, did you just call him 'big brother?' Big brother? What the fuck?" Aaron stammered as he tried to think of a response. "It's uh...it's just...I mean I can explain...uh..." Tracy's shock turned into a bit of anger. "Wait a fucking minute here. Don't tell me...it can't be...are you two are brother and sister?" "Uhhhh...." Aaron thought for a minute about the proper response, eventually deciding to go with the truth. "Well, she's my stepsister; our parents only got married a few months ago." Shit, he thought, he should have said it was just a term of endearment or some role-play thing or something. "That's not much better!" Tracy hurriedly stood up to put her clothes back on. "Even if its not by blood, you're still brother and sister! I have a stepbrother and I've certainly never fucked him! I mean I guess you guys didn't grow up together, but the fact that you called him 'big brother' means that you're using it as some kind of weird incest fetish thing, and that's just too weird for me!" Aaron and Kristy were silent, but Tracy ranted on as she gathered her clothes and belongings in a hurry. "Damn, Aaron, you're actually lucky that you're a has-been who never made it in the NFL. If you were a famous NFL player right now, this would be all over the tabloids. So in this instance, you're actually lucky that you're just a has-been. I can't believe you involved me in this. Have fun fucking your little sister." She stormed out of the room and then out of the house as she called a cab on her phone. Aaron didn't know what to say. He sat on the bed with his head in his hands. He was dejected by her comments, and by her discovery. Kristy grabbed his face and had him face her. "Hey, listen. Snap out of it, Aaron. Don't you dare listen to one word that stupid dumb slut has to say. Jokes on her - we got everything we wanted out of her before she left!" "Alright, but....I don't know," Aaron sighed, "I don't think we can do that again if you can't control yourself." "Alright, alright, point taken," Kristy smiled, "but don't you feel bad about yourself for one moment. Regarding that last comment, if she really thought you were a washed up-has been, would she have fucked you almost immediately after meeting you?" Aaron laughed. "Hmm, that is a good point. And if she does actually think I'm a washed-up has-been, what does it say about what a big slut she is that she fucked someone who fits that description?" "That's true," Kristy responded with a smile, "but don't worry about that at all -- no way you could possibly be a 'washed up has-been.' It takes a pretty big stud to be so irresistible that his own sister can't resist fucking him constantly, right?" "That's a good point," Aaron said. He really did think it was a good point -- maybe he can latch onto that notion in order to keep up his arousal when she called him brother and stuff. They slept in each other's arms the rest of the night. Later, they started to go at it again, and broke their record as Kristy reached three orgasms in one night. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Two days later, Stephen came back home from work training. This meant that Aaron waited until Stephen went to bed before sneaking off to Kristy, and they had to be quieter in their lovemaking efforts. This involved Aaron occasionally having to cover her mouth when she was orgasming on his cock. The situation with Stephen there alone was under control, but there was still the matter of what they were going to do when their parents came back from their honeymoon. One evening, after a night of lovemaking, Aaron and Kristy lay in bed watching TV. Kristy originally wanted to watch a romantic comedy, but Aaron convinced her to watch the third quarter of a pre-season NFL Football game, as he pleaded that some of his friends and former teammates were going to be playing in it. "I just don't understand this," Kristy said as she snuggled up to Aaron in bed and played with his chest hairs while watching the game. "I can understand why football is exciting to some degree, but this isn't even real football. The records here don't count in the preseason. It doesn't matter!" "Hey, it matters to a lot of people!" Aaron playfully replied. "Look, whoever wins this game doesn't count in the standings, but it's the only chance for a bunch of players who want to make the team. One of my friends and teammates was drafted in the fifth round by the Saints, and another friend of mine was drafted in the sixth round by the Cardinals, so I'm watching to see if they can prove themselves and make it in the league." "And who might those guys be? Elaborate." "Well," Aaron replied, "one of my good friends, Eric Green, was drafted by the Saints as a safety, and he might make the team on special teams if he proves himself here in the pre-season. And the other guy, Alex Crawford, he's an offensive tackle that was drafted by the Cardinals and, well...." Aaron paused at this name and sighed remorsefully. Kristy leaned on her elbows to look up to him and glanced in his eyes. "What's wrong? He was drafted by them, and then what?" Aaron looked back her eyes and responded. "Oh, nothing. I was just saying that he could possibly make the team. It's just that...talking about him is hard for me. I mean, I wish him the best and hope he makes it and everything, it's just that..." "Just that what?" Kristy quickly replied in a concerned fashion. Aaron sighed and a small amount of tears began to well in his eyes. "It's just that...Alex...he was the guy who missed the block against that Iowa linebacker who came at me. If he had stayed in position...I wouldn't have gotten that career ending injury, and my football career might have continued. I would have been out there, making money as an NFL player, as a backup QB, as least." Aaron stared down remorsefully as he awaited her response to this revelation. She surprised him with a playful slap in the face. "Hey, what was that about?" Aaron laughed. Kristy wasn't laughing. She wiped away the accumulating tear from Aaron's face, then grabbed his jaw and forced it to face towards her, as she addressed him in a serious fashion. "Hey. Listen to me," she said while staring into his eyes intently, "don't you ever think like that again. Everything happens for a reason. " "I suppose so," he replied, "it's just that...." "Shhhh!" she responded as she cut him off again. "You are talented, and you are smart, and you are awesome. You have talents that you can apply to other areas. Talents that can actually make a difference in this world. Talents that would be wasted if you were sitting there holding a clipboard for eight years while watching other people play football. And now, you have opportunities to express those talents, to make a difference in this world, and don't you dare waste them by dreaming of what could have been. Don't sit there thinking about what could have been, think about what you can do in the future." Aaron continued to look into Kristy's beautiful eyes as his heart warmed. He had been burdened with so much regret, and here she was telling him otherwise, telling him that there was a brighter future. Aaron leaned in to her and kissed her on the forehead. "I suppose you have a point, in many ways. After all, if I had made it in the NFL, I would have been travelling the whole time. I wouldn't have come back home. And I wouldn't have lived with you, and you're everything to me right now." Kristy squealed at this confession and rolled her naked body over him to be on top of him again under the bed sheets, as she grabbed the back of his neck and they exchanged a passionate kiss. He enjoyed the warmth of her body heat as she did so. After a few minutes of more cuddling, Aaron decided this was a good time to breach a difficult subject. "Listen," Aaron finally said to her as he stroked her back while she was on top of him, "we need to figure out how we're going to go about this when our parents get back. We can't sleep together at night -- my dad is a light sleeper, and their room is much closer to ours than Stephen's is." "I suppose you're right," Kristy said as she readjusted herself to look at him as she stroked his torso. "What are you thinking?" "I don't know. We can have sex during the day when the three of them are at work, but that will only be for a limited time since I'm going to have to get a job too pretty soon." "Maybe I can swing by your workplace and be your lunch," she smiled as she moved in to nibble his ear. "That would be way too risky, especially with you calling me brother all the time and everything. We could go out and do it in public bathrooms I guess, but those are kind of gross, and still pretty risky with the whole brother thing." "Who cares if some random person at a public restroom hears me calling you big brother? Who cares what they think?" "You have to remember, I was the star quarterback for the local high school team, and I'm also somewhat recognizable as my games were on TV. I'm not trying to sound like a big shot or anything, but there are lots of people in the area who would recognize me, and the word would spread, and I think we've established that you can't hold the brother stuff in for very long." "Okay, you got me there," Kristy said as she mulled their options. "Oh! I got it. We drive out to a non-populated area, and you take me in the back of your car." "That's perfect!" Aaron said, relieved. "That's absolutely the best option to take." Aaron reached over to grab his iPhone, and he spoke into it. "Siri, remind me to clean out my car more often." "OK, I'LL REMIND YOU," the robot voice stated back as they both laughed. ---------------------------------------------------- After Stephen returned, the three siblings started going out places more often, and Aaron began to really bond with both of them. Having a brother figure was great, as he and Stephen would hang out, play Madden, and play some pickup basketball together. Stephen also started to talk with Aaron about his issues with girls, his issues at his new job, and other personal matters while Aaron talked to him about his feelings regarding his inability to get a job and his sadness at missing out on his dream of making the NFL. Aaron obviously avoided talking about his female situation, however, due to the complications at hand. Aaron also bonded a lot with Kristy, over more than just sleeping together. He was starting to feel what it was like to have a sister, as he looked out for her, helped her with her homework, and they would hang out and go to the movies together. He found out that she was a very caring and generous person, as she would constantly give change to homeless people that they saw on the street who Aaron previously always ignored. She was very passionate about the environment as well. She believed strongly in the power of the human spirit and helping out others. Her compassion for people is why she wanted to go to nursing school after she finished undergrad, and Aaron felt inspired by her generosity. Kristy also introduced Aaron to her group of friends, and all of them were instantly smitten with him. Her friends Erica and Sandra showed particular interest, and Kristy allowed him to have sex with those two without her involvement (although she did later admit that during the time he had with Sandra that she was listening in outside the door and playing with herself). Finally, however, the time had come for their parents to come back from their honeymoon. "Hey there guys!" Aaron's father said as he and Heather came off the plane at the airport as their three children greeted them. "Hope you guys didn't get into too much trouble while we were gone!" "Nope, no trouble at all!" Kristy laughed as the five of them exchanged hugs. "We did nothing at all on our end," Aaron joked, "when you see the state of the house, the answer to your question is 'a burglar did it.'" As they were driving back, Aaron was again cramped in the backseat next to Kristy. She "accidentally" brushed her hand against his crotch a few times, which Aaron thought was a too risky with the others in the car. With their parents back, Aaron and Kristy had to be more clandestine. No more sleeping together at night, to Aaron's chagrin. Sleeping alone was a big change and was a large burden, especially since he was on the small couch. He wondered why his dad couldn't shell out some money for him to stay at a hotel room, but his father always attributed his financial success to his frugality and told him it was an unnecessary expense. Luckily, they eventually converted the workout room into another bedroom and Kristy offered to move there so Aaron could have his own room back, which he appreciated. Living in a packed house was not as bad as Aaron initially anticipated. To his relief, Heather was extremely laid back and didn't give him instructions or tell him what to do at all. She even smoked some weed with Aaron and Stephen on occasion. She didn't even seem to boss Stephen or Kristy around at all. Stephen explained that when Kristy was growing up and when he moved in during high school that she was strict enough to be a good mother and straighten them out when they were acting like dumb kids and teenagers, but once she saw that they were mature adults she let them make their own decisions and didn't bother them. Aaron and Kristy would make love during the day for a few weeks, but eventually Aaron found an entry-level job at a sports marketing firm, largely because the boss was a University of Pittsburgh alum and a huge Panthers supporter who recognized him. Aaron was extremely busy during his first week on the job, and while he planned on taking Kristy out and making love to her in his car at some point, he had so much work in his first week and Kristy had finals for her classes, so they didn't have any time to spare to do so. A full ten days went by with no sexual activity between them, and it was driving Aaron crazy. On the Saturday after the week with no sexual activity, Aaron and Kristy schemed to find a time to make the drive so they could unleash their pent-up energy. That plan was thwarted; however, as their parents surprised them with tickets to the Diamondbacks game that day for a family outing. Aaron loved going to baseball games and he was sure it would be a funny family outing, but he was incredibly frustrated that he would have to go another day without feeling Kristy's touch. His father noticed his hesitation at the news and asked him why he almost seemed upset when Aaron usually loved being surprised with baseball games. Aaron covered by saying that he was upset thinking about the fact that the Diamondbacks were having a bad season and weren't going to make the playoffs after showing so much potential the previous year. The family arrived and started walking around Chase Field, getting concessions and chitchatting. Aaron would often hang back to let the rest of them walk in front of him so he could admire Kristy's ass in her jeans. He often caught her looking back at him and smiling. He knew they were playing a dangerous game but he could hardly contain himself. Finally, the two of them had a moment alone while the other three were in the line for concessions. Kristy rubbed his chest, and then turned to him and whispered, "There's a private one-person lockable bathroom on the third floor. I'll go there, and you wait eight minutes then come in as well." Aaron was hesitant about this, but he didn't get a chance to say anything as Kristy quickly ran to tell the others that she had to make an important lengthy phone call and excused herself. Despite the risk, Aaron thought, he was certainly not going to leave her in there wanting and waiting, and he was desperate to feel her on his cock again after so many days of abstinence. Aaron went with the other three into the ballpark and watched the game for a few minutes. Aaron tried to pay attention to what was going on in the field, but could hardly pay attention and was constantly checking the clock on his phone. He could hardly contain his arousal at the prospect of finally putting himself in Kristy for the first time in so many days. There was probably only enough time for a blowjob, as that wouldn't raise suspicion and he didn't want to make her scream with all the people around, but that should suffice for now. Finally, he excused himself to go to the bathroom. He went to the bathroom Kristy said she would be in, knocked, and heard her say, "It's me," before opening the door for him. She leaned against the sink seductively, legs crossed. "Eight and a half minutes, you're late!" she joked. He locked the door behind him and she immediately got on her knees, undid his belt and pants, and pulled his cock out. "I think we only have enough time for a blowjob, we don't want to be gone so long and raise suspicion. Also, you can't be screaming in here, security will hear and kick us out," Aaron explained. She nodded in the affirmative and eagerly put his already erect cock in her mouth as she began to cup his balls. God, it felt good to be inside her again, Aaron thought, even if it's just her mouth. They'll find a time tomorrow to consummate the rest. Kristy continued to eagerly suck his cock. Aaron started to get a little conscious of time -- it took him a long time to blow his load in general, maybe too long for them to be able to avoid suspicion. He wondered if maybe they wouldn't even get the chance to finish, but there was no way he would be able to go back out there with his dick at full attention. Someone knocked on the door. "Sorry, occupied," Aaron yelled out, as the person apologized and left. Several minutes later, someone else knocked on the door. "Sorry, occupied!" Aaron stated again. "Aaron?" It was his father. Uh oh. "Aaron, you're still in there?" "Yeah....yeah...sorry about that, Dad." Shit. He had to make sure his father did not wait out there; he couldn't see Aaron and Kristy come out together. He had to get him to leave. "Are you going to be done soon? You're taking forever." "Uh, no. No, no, trust me; you're going to need to find another bathroom." Aaron felt weird lying to his father while looking down at his stepsister sucking his dick. "Alright, fine," his father finally said. "Let that be the lesson of the day -- stay away from stadium food!" and Aaron heard him laugh and walk off. Thank God, Aaron thought. Satisfied, Aaron grabbed the back of Kristy's head and pushed it back and forth as she gagged on his cock. After a few more minutes, Aaron began to feel he was almost to the point of release. Finally, Aaron came down her throat and Kristy swallowed every drop. She began to clean up and went to the sink to rinse out her mouth. "I think you owe me a Diet Coke at least to help rinse this out!" she laughed. Kristy left and saw that the coast was clear of their relatives. Eventually Aaron went out too and they went back to their seats. ------------------------------------------------------ From that point on, things quieted down a little at Aaron's work so he and Kristy began to have sex more often by having him drive her out to remote locations in his car. They would occasionally go out on weekday nights and claim they were seeing a movie or some other activity together. Aaron made sure to actually go see movies with other family members or with Kristy and other family members in tow to help make this non-suspicious, although Stephen always turned it down stating that he was busy with work. They also made up a lie that they were going to work out together because she wanted to learn some of the workout techniques that he knew from his football days. Technically this wasn't entirely a lie -- they just didn't specify what type of "workouts" they were referring to. While he was having a lot of fun, Aaron was still apprehensive about the fact that she continued the incest talk by referring to him as her "big brother," and wondered if she still imagined him as Stephen. He decided not to think about it and enjoy the fact that his immense sexual prowess allowed him constant access to holes that he shouldn't be putting himself into, with no biological repercussions. A few weeks later, Aaron received a text message from Tracy, the woman he and Kristy had met at the club who he had exchanged numbers with before her eventual outrage. "Bring Kristy and come to my apartment, we need to talk," she texted him, followed by her address. Tracy was the only one who knew about his and Kristy's relationship, and didn't exactly seem too understanding. What could this possibly be about? Had she decided to leak information or blackmail them after all? He told Kristy about this when he get home, and after he figured out a time to meet with Tracy by texting her back he and Kristy drove over there nervously. He parked a few blocks away and told Kristy to stay in the car for now in case Tracy was planning something nefarious, and he would call her when he figured out what was going on. Aaron walked a few blocks and arrived at Tracy's apartment, and walked in. He was relieved to see that she was alone. "Hello Aaron," she said to him. "Where's Kristy?" "Tell me what this is about and maybe she'll come by." She laughed. "No, please, I'm sorry. I'm not planning anything. I had a confession to make, and wanted to apologize to both of you. I just wanted to apologize, nothing more." Aaron was relieved, so he called Kristy and she walked over as well and entered the room. When Kristy arrived, Tracy spoke to both of them. "Listen, I'm sorry -- I was out of line. First of all, Aaron, I shouldn't have told you that you were a washed-up has been. That was cruel of me. You were going to be a star and the only reason it didn't work out was that you were sidelined by that injury you suffered through no fault of your own. It was the fault of that idiot offensive tackle who wasn't able to make that block when you were sacked!" Aaron was relieved and laughed. "Yeah, I definitely gave Alex the cold shoulder for quite some time after that play. No worries, I understand." "And here's the other thing...." Tracy sighed and then looked to both of them. "The truth is, the reason I reacted the way I did is because I...oh, God, I can't believe I'm admitting this...I've always been insanely attracted to my younger step-brother, Michael. I said the things I did because I was so hurt when I saw that the two of you decided to throw caution into the wind and act on your love physically while Michael always denied my advances. I was in denial to some degree, but after seeing the two of you together, as soon as I got to my car I started playing with myself while thinking about Michael making love to me." "Oh, you poor thing," Kristy said as she walked over and gave Tracy a hug. "What a terrible situation. I'm so sorry that your brother couldn't be as loving as mine." Tracy reciprocated the hug, and then continued as Kristy walked back next to Aaron. "Thank you so much. Wow, it feels good to get that off my chest after all these years. That being said, I did sort of tell you guys a little fib earlier." "What do you mean?" Aaron replied. "Well, I said earlier that I called you over here to apologize and nothing more. That's not actually true...there's something else I want," she said as she took off her shirt and walked towards the two of them. Aaron laughed. "Okay, sure, I see what you're getting at. No worries there. You down, Kris?" Kristy nodded in the affirmative. "There is one thing, though," Tracy continued. "Michael is married now, so I'll never be able to act on my intentions. Aaron, you just graduated college, right? So you're what, 22, or 23 or something?" "23, yeah." "Perfect. I'm 26, and Michael is 24. I've always wanted to pretend that my little brother was fucking me. You don't mind if I pretend that you're my brother, right?" Aaron actually minded this quite a lot -- not only because the thought of incest turned him off, but also because he didn't like the idea of a girl thinking of someone else while he was fucking them. Despite that, he certainly wasn't going to turn down another threesome with two hot women so he pushed those thoughts to the back of his mind and told her he didn't mind. Kristy laughed and walked up behind Aaron, pushing her tits up against his chest as she undid his belt. "Ooh, you naughty boy. You get to fuck your little sister and your big sister at the same time tonight. Every boy's dream!" The two of them began to take off their clothes as well as Aaron's, and during this process Aaron started to think. "You're about to have a threesome with two hot girls," he reminded himself. "You're about to have a threesome with two hot girls," he repeated to himself again. He kept reminding himself of that fact, but he was somewhat pissed off at all this nonsense -- at Pitt, he was the absolute star on campus and every girl wanted him for who he was. These two girls didn't just want him for him, they wanted him in large part because he fulfilled their bizarre incest fantasies and they were pretending that he was their brother. Despite all that, however, he knew that no straight male would ever turn down a threesome like the one he was presented with now and very few would ever find themselves in this situation with girls of this caliber, so he pressed on. Kristy and Tracy got on their knees, and when Aaron pulled out his cock they both licked the sides of it together. Eventually he went back and forth grabbing their heads and took turns deep-throating his dick down both of their mouths while they played with each other's pussies. When they were both sufficiently wet, Kristy and Tracy lay down on the bed on their sides facing each other and began to make out. They held each other closely and Aaron moved in with his cock. With their pussies basically intertwined, he rubbed his erect cock between their pussies at the same time, moving it up and down between both of their folds. "Oh yeah, that's it, baby!" Kristy yelled out. "Put your dick in between your big sister and your little sister!" Eventually, Aaron pushed his cock deep into both of them one at a time, making sure to finger the one his cock wasn't currently occupying. This sent them both into a wild state of arousal as they both came during this process. Tracy came while he was inside her and fingering Kristy. "Oh God!" Tracy yelled. "This is so wrong! I'm cumming all over my little brother's cock! Holy shit! Don't stop!" Eventually Tracy got up and walked to her closet. She rummaged through a few things before bringing out a strap-on. "Like I said earlier, I have some experience with threesomes, and I bought this as I always found it to be a handy little tool. So, here's an idea," Tracy said playfully while twirling the strap-on in between her fingers, "how about my brother fucks my pussy while my sister fucks me in the ass with this thing? Kristy, you know how to use one of these?" "I haven't before, but I think I can figure it out," Kristy smiled. Tracy helped fit the strap-on on Kristy and lubed it up. She then she jumped on Aaron while he was standing, wrapped her arms and legs around him and lowered her pussy onto his cock. She began to hump back and forth while wrapped around Aaron, as he held her ass for balance. "Your turn to join in, little sis," Tracy exclaimed as Aaron's cock rocked back and forth inside her. Kristy walked up somewhat reluctantly with the strap on, putting her hands on the outside of Aaron's to also grab Tracy's ass. She teased the strap on up Tracy's backside before spreading her cheeks and putting the strap-on inside Tracy's asshole. "Oh, fuck, YES!" Tracy yelled. "Fuck my ass with the strap-on while our brother fucks my pussy!" Aaron and Kristy made a sandwich with Tracy as they were both standing and she was huddled between them. While grasping Aaron, Tracy rocked back and forth to feel Aaron's cock and Kristy's strap-on deep within her in different strokes. After some time doing this, Tracy yelled to stop and they let her to her feet again. "That was amazing," she smiled, "and now it's time for me and Kristy to switch positions." "I don't know about that," Kristy said reluctantly, "I've never had anything up my ass before. Seems like it would hurt, right?" "Oh, you haven't?" Tracy replied. "Well, in that case, the first cock inside your ass can't be made of rubber; it has to be flesh and blood, so forget that idea. How about Aaron fucks your ass while we 69 and I eat you out?" "I don't know about that..." Kristy said sheepishly. "I don't know if I'm ready. And his thing is so big, I don't know if it will fit inside my ass." "Fine then," Tracy replied, "we'll start with the roles reversed of what I just said, and you can decide if you want it or not after you see him fuck my ass. Sounds good?" "Sure, I guess," Kristy replied. "It's settled then. Go lay down on the bed, upside down." Kristy complied as Tracy sat her pussy on Kristy's face and leaned down to eat Kristy's pussy in turn. Aaron watched this for a few moments before Tracy got up and leaned her head back at him. "What are you waiting for, little brother? Put your long, hard dick in my ass while our little sister eats me out." Aaron pushed aside the incest references and decided to comply. He walked up to the bed, spread Tracy's cheeks, and placed the tip of his dick against her asshole, slowly lowering himself in. "Oh, fuck, YES!" Tracy screamed out in ecstasy. Aaron felt amazing, he had only tried anal once before with his longtime girlfriend Jessica, and it was clear that Jessica didn't enjoy it and they never tried it again. To have a girl so willingly take him in her tightest hole was an unexpected blessing. He pulled out of her ass slowly and then alternated by thrusting it back in quickly, driving Tracy crazy. "Jesus fucking Christ! Keep it up! I'm going to fucking cum again!" Tracy yelled out. Tracy kept true to her word as the sensation of Aaron fucking her ass while Kristy licked her pussy proved too much, and she came into Kristy's eager mouth. Tracy composed herself, removed herself from Aaron, sat up on the bed, and looked at Kristy. "Now, little sis, it's your turn, you need to feel our brother's cock in your ass while I eat you out!" "I'm still not sure..." Kristy said reluctantly. "I've never had it there before, and his cock seems too big to fit me there, it seems like it might hurt." "Oh, trust me, it will hurt... but in the best possible way," Tracy replied. "I'm still not sure..." Kristy said sheepishly. "Oh come on, stop that. Families are supposed to share. And I want my brother and sister to share the experience of their first anal together with me." Kristy sighed and quietly laughed. "I guess you have a point." Tracy got onto the bed upside down, as Kristy wrapped her legs around Tracy's head to allow her to eat her out before leaning forward to return the favor. Aaron looked at Kristy's ass bouncing up and down and became very excited. Fucking Tracy's ass was one thing, but this was the one he was really looking forward to. Aaron walked up and spread Kristy's cheeks. He started to press the tip of his dick inside her asshole, but it didn't seem to quite fit. "Uhh, I don't know if this will work," Aaron said to the both of them, "I don't think I can fit." Tracy took a break from slurping Kristy's pussy to yell at him. "Fuck that, it will absolutely work! Just be persistent!" "Whatever you say," Aaron replied. He went back and pushed the tip of his cock into Kristy's asshole, before pushing against the tight resistance to put more in. "Oh, fuck, oh God, oh Jesus!" Kristy yelled. "It hurts so fucking much! Oh my God!" Aaron felt bad for a moment for hurting her. "I'm so sorry; do you want me to take it out?" "Fuck no!" Kristy replied. "Keep it up! Deeper!" Aaron shrugged and complied with her request, burying his cock deeper as Kristy screamed out in a mixture of pain and pleasure. He had never felt a hole this tight before, and after about fifteen minutes of this it felt like his cock was about to explode. "This is so fucking incredible, I think I'm about to finish real soon," he announced. "Hey Kristy, I understand if you want our brother to come inside your pussy again...or maybe in your ass this time?" Tracy responded. "No, no, no," Kristy replied. "This is a moment of family bonding. Let's have our brother cum all over both of our faces, together." They both got out of bed and onto their knees as Aaron began to slap his dick between both of their mouths. "That's what's so great about you, Kris," Aaron said as he unleashed his load, making sure to evenly distribute it over both of their faces. "You're so incredibly generous and considerate of other people." He eventually finished and Kristy and Tracy began to passionately make out in order to share as much of their brother's cum as possible. to be continued.... pics---->> http://bit.ly/1QdQXsD
Title: We Can Go Too Far Summary: My sister likes taking risks. Keywords:inc,fic,erotic,hot,young Personally, I blame my parents. They were the ones who insisted that they needed privacy and banished us down to the finished basement with its old, smelly carpeting and busted up furniture. It was our parents who decided that cable was a huge ripoff and Netflix was a scam, leaving us to explore the depths and dangers of broadcast television. And It was our parents who said -- even though I was a senior in high school and Emily was a freshman in college -- that we weren't allowed to go out unsupervised. It's like they wanted us to get into trouble. Emily and I were sitting on the couch in the basement, TV on in the background, talking about stuff that we probably shouldn't have been. Despite being older than me by a year, my big sister Emily was tiny next to me. She had light brown hair down to her shoulders. A perky little nose that turned up just slightly at the end. A wicked, sensuous smile. Emily was telling me about college -- she went to state school but Mom and Dad made her live at home. That whole trust thing again. She talked about classes and friends and, of course, boys. I asked her if she was seeing anyone and she said no. "How can I with Mom and Dad's rules?" Emily asked, "What about you, Ryan? Breaking any high school girls' hearts?" "Obviously not," I said, "I'm living with the same bullshit you are." "Seriously," Emily said, "All I've got in my life is porn, plus Rosy Palms and her five little sisters." If I'd been drinking, I'd have done a spit take. My big sister said what? "Oh come on," Emily said, "You can't tell me you don't do it, too. Plus you're a boy. I bet if you don't jerk it at least twice a day your head just pops off." I laughed and admitted that I did it at least that frequently. "See?" Emily said. "And you?" I asked. My big sister blushed. "I do it enough," Emily said, "OK, probably a bit more than enough." I had to laugh at that and Emily did too. It was a nervous laugh. Like edging water from a hose, it came out too loud and strong because of all the pressure building behind it. "Look at us two losers," I said, "Sitting in the basement watching old game shows and talking about masturbating." "You're not a loser, Ryan," Emily said. She reached over and touched my arm. In that moment it felt as intimate as if she'd grabbed my dick. "Your dirty blonde hair. Big green eyes. You have those sexy legs from soccer. You make me laugh all the time. I mean, any girl would be lucky to have you." "If I could ever take one on a date, let alone bring her home," I said. "You'll be fine," Emily said, "I'm the one who's going to end up as an old maid." "Oh Emily," I said, "Are you kidding? You're fucking gorgeous. If you think my green eyes are so great, well, you've got the same ones. Your lips are so pink and kissable. And your body. I mean, wow." "No tits," she said. "They're perfect for your build," I said, "You've got great legs and your butt is just... Not to mention how smart you are. The way you always outwork everyone else. Any guy would be lucky to have you." "If I could ever take one on a date," Emily said, "Let alone bring him home." "Exactly." We sighed in unison. "Do I really look that good?" Emily asked, "Not to my brother. But if you put your, like, guy goggles on." I mimed putting on a pair of glasses and then slowly studied my sister from head to toe. "Yup, pretty hot. From what I can see, anyway." "You're saying if you saw me naked, you might change your mind?" Emily asked. "It's just that... Well, your clothes aren't exactly revealing." Emily was wearing a pair of loose-fitting sweatpants and a beat up, white t-shirt. It looked comfortable, but she wasn't asking me about comfort. Emily smiled at me. I knew that smile. It was the one that said she was about to do something dangerous. My sister had always been a bit of a risk taker. One of the reasons she didn't have a car, that Mom actually dropped her off at school every morning, was that my parents were terrified whenever she was behind the wheel. "So if I take off my shirt, you might give me a more honest appraisal?" Emily asked. She didn't even wait for my response, just ripped her t-shirt over her head. Now my big sister was sitting in front of me in only a thin, white bra. Without the shirt, I saw that she'd sold her breasts short. They were actually pretty big, standing pertly on her chest. It was all those loose clothes she wore -- they made her look less endowed than she was. "Your turn," Emily said. Reflexively, I looked behind me. Though I can't imagine what I was worried about. We were a full flight of stairs under the rest of the house. There was a thick metal fire door at the top that my father insisted had to stay closed at all times when we were downstairs. In fact, my parents never even came down there -- they'd always just knock and yell if they needed something. The house was old, too, with thick walls and floors that seemed to swallow sound. Emily and I could have started a heavy metal band down there and my parents wouldn't know until we invited them to our first concert. Sure that the coast was clear, I stripped off my shirt and tossed it to the side. Emily's eyes went wide. "Holy fuck, Ryan!" she said, and started tracing the muscles in arms, my chest, "When did you get these?" "I don't know," I said. Honestly it wasn't something I really paid attention to. I was trying for a soccer scholarship and so I'd been working out at least twice a day, once with the team and once on my own. "I guess getting ready for the season, I just..." "You wear such loose clothing," Emily said, "I never really noticed." Her hand hadn't left my bare skin. I couldn't help myself -- I reached out and touched the top of her boob. "Holy fuck, Emily," I said, "When the fuck did you get these?" My sister gave me a dirty look, but she didn't push me away. "I was 12, remember. You were there." "Yeah, but, I mean... You were complaining about your boobs before but these are really awesome," I said, still touching the tops of her tits. "You've got an incredible body, Sis." And she did. I knew my sister was cute, I'd already told her that. But this... Her stomach was washboard flat. Her skin pale. Without really thinking about it, I dropped my hands to her sweatpants and pulled those down. Emily didn't do anything to stop me. She was wearing little purple panties. I could see bits of her brown pubic hair poking out. She was short, but her legs were lovely, with the shape and tone of a taller woman. Emily looked down as if scandalized, then reached over and ripped down my shorts. She didn't even let me keep my underwear. She just took it all in one swift pull. My penis popped up, tall and pulsing. I was hard -- of course I was hard after everything we'd been saying and showing. "Wow," Emily said, "Wow wow wow." "I'm sorry," I said, "I didn't know you were going to..." "It's so... I mean, I've seen them online and stuff but..." Emily was just mumbling to herself. Rambling on and on. The couch felt weird and scratchy on my bare bottom. The TV was showing ads for carpet cleaner. I suppose I should have been uncomfortable or embarrassed. But instead it felt really natural. Just sitting there naked in front of my sister. I guess I thought she should have the same experience. I reached over and grabbed at Emily's panties. She lifted her perky butt and let me slide them down to the floor. Her pussy, like the rest of her, was small and well shaped. I'd never seen one live before, but it looked much more perfect to me than anything I'd seen online. Cuter and more feminine. I was desperate to touch it, but I made myself stay back. Emily just smiled, then reached behind herself and undid her bra. Her breasts were gorgeous, little pink nipples all crinkled and hard. We were both now completely naked. Both breathing heavy like we'd gone for a run. Emily's whole face and the top of her chest was pink. I felt like I probably looked the same way. We were siblings, after all. "Now imagine you're not my brother," Emily said, "You're just some guy. What do you think?" "I think you're amazing, Emily. I'm not exaggerating. I think you're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my life. And you? What would you think if you weren't my sister? Just some girl." "I want you really bad," she said. "Sister or no." Then she leaned forward and kissed me, hard. Her tongue probing my mouth. Hands drifting over my chest. I leaned back, a little scared. She was so incredible, but... "But you are my sister," I said. Gasped between kisses. Emily sat back and made a pouty face. "I want you, too," I said, "I really do. But I mean... I just think we can go too far. You know?" Emily nodded. "No, I definitely don't want that. I just..." "No, I know," I said. We ran our eyes all over each other. Like hunting down every part we wanted to touch and lick and... "Well what about what I said before?" Emily said, "About my friend and her little sisters? Couldn't we just do that?" "You mean, like, together?" "Yeah," Emily said, "I mean, I'm sure you think about... stuff when you do that. I do. And after today, I mean, I think I'm going to be thinking about my little brother a lot." I couldn't argue with that. "So why not just do it together?" Emily said, "No touching. Just, you know, together. It's no different than if we went upstairs and closed our bedroom doors and did it. Which I'm telling you is what's going to happen if we don't right now." I certainly wasn't going to argue with that. Emily took my silence to mean I was into it and started working herself with abandon. I'd heard that girls needed time to build, to touch and tease, and gradually work themselves into the mood. Not my Emily. Before I'd even started stroking, she had two full fingers in her twat and was rubbing her clit so fast I could barely see it. We tested the soundproofing of the house that night, let me tell you. Emily screamed like she was getting stabbed when she came. A long loud "FFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!" I wasn't far behind -- I grunted and my semen exploded upwards with a strength I'd never experienced. It splashed warm on my stomach. My legs. When I recovered I looked up and saw that I'd accidentally gotten some on my sister's chest. Right on her boob -- better than if I'd aimed it there. She just laughed and scooped it up. Then she sucked my sperm off her fingers and I swear I almost came all over again. "Not bad," she said, "Kinda salty." We got dressed again and watched TV and eventually my parents called us for dinner. I knew it wasn't over. But, as long as we weren't touching, I figured we'd be fine. * We were fucking within a week. Every day we'd break a new boundary. The next time we rubbed together -- that same evening, right after dinner, if you can believe it -- Emily insisted I cum all over her chest and face. Next she wanted to be the one to point my penis when it shot. That broke the touching taboo. Soon she was stroking my dick while I worked her pussy. It took a couple of false starts -- she gripped too hard, me not hard enough -- but eventually we got really good at getting each other off. It reached the point where the few times I tried to do myself, I couldn't even climax. My big sister had trained me to her touch. After touching came tasting. Emily had sucked my sperm off her fingers (and her tits, and her hair) so of course I had to experience her own girl goo. It was kind of sweet and thick and I loved it so much I had to get some from the source. So now we weren't even bothering with hands. Just lips and tongues and even a bit of teeth. The first time my sister swallowed my load, I could have died right then and there. And once your sister has your dick in her mouth while you're licking her snatch, well, it's pretty simple to spin around and jam your cock in her pussy. At least that's what we discovered. By that point Emily had figured out the way to get me to do things that I might not otherwise agree to. If she brought something up cold, like "I want you to fuck my titties." I'd get nervous and say no. But if she started with something I'd already accepted and then stopped right before I blew my load she knew I'd say yes to almost anything. My cock was in Emily's mouth and her sex was in mine. I felt the pleasure building and then I heard a pop as she pulled her mouth off my dick. "Spin around," she told me and I did. My cock nestled between her legs. The root resting right at her most precious place. Emily kissed me hard, clearly she didn't care about tasting herself. Actually, she told me she thought it was really hot and would find ways to "accidentally" get some of her pussy juice in her mouth. Then she looked up at me with her big green eyes and said, "Stick it in me." I froze. I mean, I really did. Like my whole body just stopped responding. "Come on Ryan," Emily said, "I'm on fucking fire and my pussy needs that hard cock so bad. Put it in. Come on. Give your big sister what she needs." "Condoms," I managed to croak out. "What? Noooo. I want you inside me not some thing wrapped in latex. I trust you. I know you won't put your stuff in me." But I argued her out of it. It just wasn't a good idea. We were both smart enough to know that even if I didn't cum in her, I could get my sister pregnant. And that really was too far. Even Emily agreed with me on that. Condoms were the only option. Our parents wouldn't let us go on dates, they certainly weren't going to let Emily start taking the pill. My big sister talked about trying a convoluted story about an irregular period, but we both knew such a deception could take months. Neither of us was going to last that long. "We can go too far," I said, "If we're not careful. If Mom and Dad find out, if anyone did, this would be over in a second." Emily nodded. I knew she didn't want that. But she stayed sulky. I got, quite possibly, the most mundane, indifferent blowjob a sister ever gave her brother. I did my best to get Emily off, as well, but after a while we just gave up and went to bed. So it was that four days after my sister and I had agreed that 'no touching' was a safe boundary for both of us, I slipped out and bought a box of condoms on the way home from high school. That night we were in front of the TV -- Family Feud was on. I remember, because of all the dinging in the background. We got naked right away. I started kissing her, moving my mouth to her pussy, but she just pushed me away. I swear she almost stuffed my stick inside her before I could put the condom on. It wasn't easy. I fumbled it a few times. I moved my cock around for a bit, trying to find the right spot. Then Emily reached down and guided me in, herself. Just like that, without saying a word, my sister and I gave each other our virginities. Saying 'just like that' makes it sound simple, which of course it wasn't. First I had to break through her barrier, which made her scream bloody murder. If we hadn't proved how thick the walls in the house were before, we did then. All that stimulation of sliding back and forth in my sister's tightest place was too much for me and I came. So while my sister was howling in pain, I was rolling in pleasure. I pulled out and the condom was covered in blood, filled with my semen. That was the point where I knew, truly, that my sister loved me. That was the only way to explain why she was willing to fuck me again after all that. And boy, did she ever. After we both cleaned up we tried it again. Then again. I penetrated my sister until I could last inside her more than minute. Then we worked at it again until she was -- with a copious amount of clit rubbing -- able to cum on my cock. The next day I was back in CVS replenishing my condom supply. My original purchase of 15 hadn't been nearly enough. * After that, my sister and I fucked like we were incapable of anything else. We would wake up early in the morning and sneak downstairs for a morning fuck. Then after school we'd race down and do each other as many times as we could until dinner. After eating we'd go back for an evening session. I'm not superhuman but I was in high school and so my cock was able to keep up with a lot of it. When it wasn't, my sister would just ride my face or let me finger her. Sometimes she would sit there and work herself while I watched. We fucked in ways that made rabbits worry we might be overdoing it. And I say fucked, not made love or had sex or whatever because that's what we were doing. Emily told me she loved me on that second day of fucking. I'd blasted my cum into the condom and then worked her till she shuddered. As we separated, Emily grabbed my arm. "I love you, Ryan," she said, "You know that right? Not like a sister. More than a sister. I love you love you." And I told her that I loved her, too, because of course I did. But if it was supposed to be some big moment or whatever, it wasn't, and as soon as I was able to get another condom out of the foil we were rutting like degenerates on the basement floor. I think I got permanent rug burns from that stupid shag carpet. We never did the whole slow, loving sex thing where I kissed her and she kissed me and we slowly brought each other to shared ecstasy. We just... fucked. Fucked like teenagers raised on video games and YouTube clips. Drove into each other until we each got what we needed and then, when the satisfaction drained away, we did it again. * I kept telling Emily we could go too far and she kept proving me wrong. We started a new tradition of finished off our day by sneaking into each other's bedroom and fucking, one door down from our parents. One morning our Mom was running late and so we fucked in the backseat of her car before she came out to drive us to school. The best was a weekend in April when my parents took a trip with friends to the Poconos and left us to our own devices. If they'd done that a few months before, I'm sure Emily and I would have been planning for weeks -- going to parties, setting up dates -- whatever we could to take advantage of our fleeting freedom. Instead, we spent the whole weekend in the house, fucking in every room including the garage and all three bathrooms. We even fucked on our parents' bed. Twice. I began to wonder if it wasn't just the sex that got my sister off, but the risk of it. Not just fucking but fucking her brother and doing it in places and ways where we were bound to get caught eventually. And once something was done safely, she had to raise the stakes. Chase that high. If my parents suspected anything, they never said. Frankly it served them right. It was all their fault, after all. * That big April fuckfest weekend turned out to be a turning point. It felt like this big moment, a beginning of something even greater. We'd even jokingly named the whole thing Emancipenis (or Emancipussy, depending on who was talking) Weekend because we felt like we had some freedom for the first time in our lives. Emily had even made an Emancipenis Proclamation speech while riding my cock on the dining room table. There was much applause, I promise you. I could only imagine where we would go from there and I guess Emily felt the same because now nothing seemed to live up to it. Having to hump quietly in our basement hideaway just didn't have the same appeal after screaming orgasms echoing throughout the house. We tried a public bench one afternoon, but chickened out at the last minute. There was risky and then there was stupid. That's what I told Emily, anyway. We really could go too far. Life started to intrude, as well. I was a month from graduation and I still hadn't heard about my scholarship. It made me stressed and mopey which just sucked away my energy for sex. Emily wasn't around often enough for it to matter, anyway. Finals hit hard and she basically disappeared from the basement. She was either studying in her room or at the college library and I almost never saw her. I knew it was OK, that it was just a thing we had to go through, but one night I got scared. I knocked on her door and she let me in. Her room was covered in dirty clothes and discarded paper plates -- the bed, the floor, everywhere. Emily was wearing a big maroon sweatshirt with grey sweatpants. She had her glasses on, which I almost never saw. She barely looked up from her book when I walked in. We talked for a second, just about boring stuff, and then Emily asked if I wanted anything because otherwise she was busy. With the clock ticking I managed to just spit it out. "Emily I know you're super busy and if that's all it is that's fine I'm just worried. Are we breaking up?" "What?" my sister said, looking at me for the first time, "No. Don't be ridiculous." So I let her get back to studying. But I swore I heard her crying as I closed the door behind me. * It was the middle of May. A drippy, dreary day that seemed to demand everyone stay inside. My Mom was upstairs making dinner and my Dad was in the dining room doing a work thing. Finals were over. Emily was still sweating out test scores, but her time was, once again, her own. I'd gotten the scholarship and I'd be starting at Messiah in the fall. We would still be close enough to see each other -- it was only a three hour drive away -- but still. For what felt like the first time in forever, my sister had joined me down in what I'd come to think of as our 'playroom.' The basement was lousy when it rained -- it felt damp and stank of mildew, so we sat fully clothed on the couch, wrapped in a heavy knit blanket. We hadn't fucked in days -- really hadn't been regular for weeks. By this point, my balls had been trained to produce multiple loads of cum for my sister every day. Now it was all just building up in there. Worse, my cock had grown accustomed to Emily's pussy (and her mouth, and her hands, and her tits). Jerking off felt strangely empty and unsatisfying. All this meant that my testicles were incredibly tender. I had to sit in a certain way just to keep from hurting myself. Emily seemed fidgety, as well. She kept shifting position and making these little frustrated grunts. But neither of us suggested doing anything. Not even a wink or a playful grope. And so we just stared mutely at the TV as I flipped the channels. As I said, my parents wouldn't pay for cable so we just got broadcast down there. We had all the basic stuff plus these strange, sub-channels that would play, say, three hour marathons of Night Court or all the Robert DeNiro movies that weren't good. Every now and again though we'd trip over something classic. That afternoon in mid-May we hit the jackpot: Rebel Without a Cause. Emily had never seen it so we watched. The movie had that saturated look from old color movies and the red of James Dean's jacket seem like the warmest thing in the world. We got to the 'chickie' scene. James Dean gets in a knife fight with Buzz, but that's not enough. They agree to race each other, heading toward a cliff. Whoever jumps out first is 'chickie.' They line up all the other cars and flip on the lights. Each guy gets some dirt on his hands. And then they peel off toward death and destiny. Emily had been sort of in and out of the movie to this point, but when we got to this scene she leaned forward. She just stared, enraptured, as the two cars took off. The cliff got closer. Dean's rival, Buzz, got caught on the door and couldn't escape in time. While Dean rolled to safety, Buzz's car went over the side. "Holy fuck," Emily said, "I want to do that." "You want to play chickie?" I asked, a little nervous about what my sister might be planning. "Yeah," Emily said, "That would be awesome." "Seems like a good way to get killed," I said. "Not like with a car. Just something like that. Where you know that everything is at stake -- your family, your friends, your life -- but you race towards it anyway. Knowing in your heart that you'll have to stop at some point. But driving like you never will. Finding that point where your courage stops and then going just past. It's like... running with the bulls. Or jumping out of a plane." "You're not exactly selling me on this idea." "Come on, Ryan. Don't you feel it? We're trapped in this antiseptic life where even if we wanted things to go wrong our parents wouldn't allow it. Don't you just want to test yourself? See where your limits are? See if you can break through them?" "I understand," I said, "I think. But it also seems kind of scary." "That's the point," Emily said, "To be frightened. To live with real consequences. For once." "And if you go over the cliff?" "You don't," Emily said firmly, "You know when to stop. But in that moment. Wow. That has to be amazing." I was sure Buzz planned on getting out of the car before he went over the cliff, too. But I didn't say anything. I just let my sister enjoy her fantasy. Then she grabbed my hand, maybe a bit too hard. "I have an idea," she said. She tossed off the blanket and stood up. In seconds she went from jeans and a t-shirt to completely naked. Without thinking I did the same. It felt like ages since I'd seen my big sister this way and my body hurt with how much it wanted her. "I'll get a condom," I said, but Emily grabbed my wrist again and shook her head. She pointed for me to lay down on the shag carpet. My penis pointed up proudly, as hard and straight as I'd ever seen it. Emily stood over me, legs apart. She looked down and smiled. Slowly she lowered herself down. Leaned forward and kissed me on the lips. My penis bounced against her bare, unprotected pussy. God, she looked so beautiful. "Just like in the movie," Emily said, "We're both going to do something risky. We're going to race toward that precipice. And we'll see who gives up first. Got it?" Then she reached back, took my bare cock in hand, and aimed it right at her dripping puss. Oh fuck. "Emily!" I shouted, "If you put me in without a condom I could..." "Exactly," Emily said, "I'm going to stick your dick in my pussy and we're both just going to sit there. Neither of us moves. We just wait until one of us loses the nerve and pulls out." "Fuck. Emily. This... This really is too far now. I mean if I get you pregnant, Emmy? Our whole lives could be ruined." "It's not too far," Emily said, "Not yet." "OK, wait," I said, "We haven't done it in a while. My balls are... They feel really full. And my cock. I mean, I doubt I'll last a minute. Maybe we just have a quick fuck first, get out some of the tension. Then try." "No," Emily said, "That's the game. There's the risk. That's what makes it work. Because there is all that danger. Our whole lives in our hands. Besides, you'll stop before it's too late, right?" I nodded. "Well so will I." Emily smiled and picked up my cock again.She placed it at her pussy and then started to slide back. For the first time, my bare head, my naked shaft, rubbed against Emily's labia. Her vagina. And then I was completely sheathed in my sister. Without anything between us. "Holy FUCK! That feels fantastic!" Emily said. "Uh huh." It was the closest I could come to coherence. I thought we'd been fucking all this time. That I'd known what sex was. It was nothing. Being inside Emily without a condom was like the difference between a scrimmage and a championship final. They were barely the same sport. "How the hell did I ever let you talk me out of THIS?" Emily asked. "Pregnant," I croaked. "Oh right," Emily said, "Good point. Anyway, this is the game. Whoever can stay the longest." I had to admit, in that moment it was exhilarating. And the same things that made it so exciting -- my naked sister, my condomless penis, her unprotected pussy -- also made it terrifying. Emily rocked back onto her knees. She looked down at our juncture and smiled. "I always thought that looked so hot. You buried inside me." I could see now that she was teasing me. Using dirty talk to get me to go first. Only she didn't need to tease -- I was ready to burst already. But I held on. I knew I had to. If we stopped now Emily would just make me go all over again. I had to let her have her fantasy, just like she said: get as close to the edge without going over. I shifted a little and Emily warned me that I wasn't allowed to thrust. Only to lie back. As if that somehow made things safer. Like her warm, tight pussy wasn't squeezing, pulsing, pulling at my cock for its precious seed. Instead I reached up and grabbed her breasts. Pinched her nipples. I felt her pussy clench as I did it. "God, I love these," I said. "I always thought they were too small." "They're perfect. You're perfect." Emily reached back and cradled my balls. Two could play this game apparently. "These are really full," she said, "I don't know if I've ever felt them when they're like this." "Be careful," I said, "They're really tender." "Is all that build up just from me?" Emily asked, "I mean, you were unloading at least five times a day and then... Nothing. There has to be, like... God, at least 25, 30 regular cums in there." I groaned. "You might give me quintuplets, all that sperm. Fuck. You'd better not cum in me, Ryan." "I won't," I said. "I mean, just imagine, you think you've got it under control, then suddenly you slip and WHOOPS! There's my baby brother's baby inside of me." "You're cruel," I said. Emily just winked. I decided to try giving her a little scare. I flexed my penis in her pussy, almost like I might be cumming. She gasped, her face went white, and she even started to lift off a little. But then she laughed. "Ohhhh, you almost had me there, big guy." "Worth a shot," I said. "You'll be the first to give," Emily said, "I just know you will. And then you'll know that I'm the big sister." She bared down on my cock with her cunt, then laughed again. I groaned. I was getting close now. My need to explode slowly shifting from urge to reality. "I'm like, really fertile now, too," Emily said, "Like, I could probably get pregnant just from standing near some sperm today. My little egg is in my womb just waaaaaaaaiiiiting for some big bad Ryan spermies to come inside." I rolled my head back. All this talk was driving me crazy. I didn't want to make my sister pregnant but my body did -- my instinctive drive to reproduce didn't care about college or disappointing my parents or any of that. It just wanted to make more mes and my big sister was telling it exactly what it wanted to hear. I started to pant from all the pressure. The little spark of orgasm that started in the base of my penis slowly spread upwards. "Getting... close..." I said. "OOOO, yeah. I can feel that," Emily said, "Your cock is like... swelling up inside me. Fuck. And I haven't even touched my naughty little clitty. I'm telling you, Ry, I'm never going back to condoms. We're going to have to find another way. This... this is just too good." She shifted her weight again, moved up more on her feet. Ready to spring off at the last second. She could see the cliff coming now and my crazy sister just slammed on the accelerator. "My little brother's going to give me his baby," she started to chant, "My little brother's going to give me his baby." "No," I said, teeth grinding, "Can't... Won't..." "Ready to give up then, little Ryan? Admit that your big sister is the best?" Damn her. "N...no. Not yet." I still had time, I could feel it. Maybe if we were actually humping I would go, but just sitting here, I could maintain control. Emily relaxed a little. She looked down at where we were joined again. She seemed to be thinking. Then she bit her lip and her eyes went wide and wet. "I missed this," she said, "I really did. I got so used to having you in me. Maybe I forgot how much I need that cock in my pussy." "I missed you, too," I said. "I know we didn't... Maybe I didn't say it enough. But you know that I love you, Ryan. I mean it. Please. Please tell me you still love me." "Oh God, Emily. Of course I love you. I love you more than anything in the world." And then Emily's pussy squeezed my cock as hard and tight as I'd ever felt it. Not just a grip but a rolling wave that went from my root, up my shaft, then squeezed my head. Her eyes popped open and so did mine. It came out of nowhere. That little spark went straight to a raging conflagration, skipping every step in between. I raced to shove her back, to get my cock out of her pussy before... "I win!" Emily threw her arms up in triumph. I came inside my sister. Not a little spurt but a massive blast of joyous sperm that shot straight into her. A fire hydrant of fertility just opened up -- not a stream or a spurt -- but an explosion of force that filled her pussy in one shot. "OH F...!" Emily started to lift off, but then my cum hit her cervix and she stopped. Her eyes rolled back in her head and she fell forward. My cock still buried inside her. My second blast was more voluminous than the first. My dick kept going back to the well, expecting to find it empty, but instead there was still more than it could carry and it raced to dump the contents in Emily's snatch before rushing back for more. I wrapped my arms around my sister, thinking I could pull her off my cock, but she held me so tight. Her body convulsing. And then a noise came out of my sister that I'd never heard before and would never forget. It was a deep, primal sound. Something ancient from her animal brain. It started almost like a whisper and then immediately ratcheted into a deafening shout. "hhhhhhrrrrrrrrRRRRRRAAAA AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH! FUCK! Oh FFFFFFFFFUCK! You're cumming inside MEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeee!" Another blast. Another. Filling my sister's fertile twat over and over again. Ripping right into her womb. Our orgasms simply swallowed us up. I held onto my shaking sister as we both came and came like we would never stop. "I LOVE my brother's cock!" Emily howled, "I LOVE my brother's CUM!" Impossibly I felt my balls finally start to empty. My cock was still firing, but now it felt like smaller bits. Less and less. Emily's orgasms subsided with mine. Oh God. There was no way that. I mean. She was more than pregnant... Oh God. She stood up, both of us sticky with sweat. As Emily got to her feet, a rivulet of her brother's sperm streamed out of her pussy and splashed onto my leg. She reached her hand down to cup under her sex. And then she started to laugh. A kind of low, thing, that sounded almost the same as a sob. I leapt up and wrapped myself around my big sister. "I love my brother," she said. Whispered it into my ear. "I love my little brother so much." And I told her I loved her too. * My parents heard us. Of course they did. My ears still echo from Emily's orgasmic cries. Later, after she and I were able to joke about it, I named it her 'pregnancy shriek.' Her announcement to the world that she had conceived. I joked that she could join the X-Men, but of course that would require someone to knock her up every time they fought a bad guy. When they heard Emily, Mom and Dad raced downstairs. We were still stumbling around like zombies. Covered in sperm and girl cum. There was no point in lying about it. This is meant to be a happy story in the end. So I'll just say that things got ugly. The good news is that this finally got us out of the house. Pretty much forever, actually. We got our own place. I turned down the scholarship and followed Emily to school. Got a job to help pay for things while she worked on her degree. We stopped fucking after that fateful day. Instead we started making love. I've been lucky enough to hear Emily's amazing pregnancy shriek three times so far. I've don't think I'll ever get tired of hearing it. You really can go too far. I know we did. And it was the best decision we ever made. For Pics visit:---->>> https://cutt.ly/hwsMVhC
Title: She's my WHAT?!?! Summary: My soulmate turns out to be my Step-Sister.  Keywords:inc,fic,erotic,hot Growing up, I didn't understand what exactly my father did for a living. I knew he worked for the government, one of those alphabet agencies like the FBI, CIA or something like that. I guess I was 14 or 15 when he went on a special assignment as a 'deep undercover operative' which took him away for almost a year with no contact. The only thing he told us was he was stopping bad guys from hurting women. That summer, life went on without him, except for the fact that my mother became stricter by the day. Limiting when and where I went. I was increasingly becoming more defiant too. When dad returned, he told my mother that he was forced into sexual acts with various adult men and adult women to keep his cover so he could get to the real criminals in order to conclude the case and make numerous arrests. I vaguely remember a major news story surrounding the arrest and how one of the largest underaged sex trafficking rings in America was brought down with over 100 arrests. My mother blamed him for the affairs saying he could have stopped it but wanted to have sex with other women, but she never addressed the sex with other men. Long story short, they divorced. I chose to live with my dad. Over the years, I kept in touch with my mother, but didn't really spend much time with her. She still lived in the metro area, but I didn't visit or call often. The summer I turned 21, my buddies and I agreed that going to the beach in Florida for spring break would be prime hunting grounds for one-night stands. We wouldn't have to worry about seeing the girls afterward around our hometown. We arrived on Saturday afternoon, and settled into our hotel room after loading up on a supply of booze for the week. When checking into our rooms at the lobby desk, a group of ladies walked past us, giggling and carrying on as they headed toward the elevator. One of them, a strawberry blonde, caught my attention and we shared a smile. Soon we were dropping our stuff in the room. As we headed out of the hotel for dinner, I saw the same strawberry blonde sitting on a couch in the lobby with her phone in hand. I told the guys I would catch up and walked over to her. She was gorgeous. Probably 5'7" with stunning brown eyes, proportioned beautifully. If I had to guess, she probably had B cup sized breasts. She wasn't what some guys are looking for, but I was mesmerized. I had no idea what I was going to say, but I knew I had to talk to her. As I got closer to her, my nerves started getting the better of me. I froze momentarily, about to turn and head for the door, when she looked up and smiled at me. My insides turned into jelly as my heart melted. I smiled back and said, "Hey" as I grabbed a chair to steady myself. "Wow, you have barely been here and hour and you're already that drunk?" "No ma'am, just taken aback by you." Her smile broadened as she brushed her hair behind her ear, and an awkward silence set in. I was freaking out on the inside as I had never attempted to be so bold before. She broke the silence by asking, "Where are you from? Your accent and the fact that you called me ma'am, says your from somewhere here in the South." "Yes ma'am, Georgia" "I'm from Georgia!" "I'm David." "Heather." As we continued our small talk, we discovered that we lived about two hours from each other. The longer our talk went, the more drawn in I became. We were still sitting there getting to know each other when my buddies came back in from dinner. It was then that we realized we had been sitting and talking for almost two hours. I finally asked her if her friends would be worried about her, and she politely explained that they had been checking on her the entire time we were talking. If she had not enjoyed my company or our talk, they would have bailed her out she said with a laugh. Another two hours flew by as we continued to talk. We both were getting tired and I asked her if I could see her again in the morning. She said she would like that and asked me what time. I jokingly replied, "The earlier the better." "Then why say goodnight? I have my own room." I had planned on a week of nothing but one-night stands, yet I couldn't bring myself to treat her that way. Just in the several hours of talking to her, I had begun developing strong feelings, or dare I say, I was falling in love with her. I attempted to explain to her, without sounding like a blubbering idiot, that I wasn't looking to just hook up for the night. She smiled again as she said, "I know, but this just feels right, and I want to spend as much time with you as I can." Once we were in her room, we settled onto the bed half laying, half sitting, side by side as we continued to talk, getting to know each other better. I finally leaned down and kissed her on the top of the head and told her goodnight. She gave a warm, "Mmmmmm" as she snuggled into my side. The next morning, I awoke with the typical morning wood, but we were both still clothed so I was in a lot of discomfort. Heather was still snuggled up to me. I slowly and quietly slipped out of the bed and went to the bathroom. As I relieved myself, thankfully my morning wood went down. When I came out, she was looking at me through sleepy eyes with that smile. Again, I had to steady myself. I told her I needed to go take a shower and change my clothes before we got breakfast. She looked heartbroken. Then her face lit up as she suggested I go get all my clothes and stay with her the rest of the week. I couldn't get to my room fast enough. The guys were all still passed out, and by the looks of it, they will need to go get more booze before the end of the day. I texted them all letting them know I was changing rooms for the better. When I got back to Heather's room, I let myself in with the key she gave to me. I heard the shower running and didn't expect her to be sitting on the bed. I froze, there she was sitting on the edge in nothing but a towel. My mouth began to salivate. I looked her up and down and could only mutter a weak, "Wow!" Heather smiled, "There you are, was beginning to think I would have to shower alone in cold water." I was dumbfounded and in disbelief she was suggesting a shower together. I asked her if she was sure about it and she explained that I was such a gentleman as to not take advantage of her overnight or when I woke up, that she trusted me and knew I wouldn't hurt her, even if she was nude. She stood and took my breath away as she removed her towel. I let my eyes take in every inch of her bare flesh. I was right about her breast size, B-cups, or a small C and her pubic hair had been shaved. She had average sized areola's with little button sized nipples that grew as she stood there on display. She turned slowly to show me a beautiful ass. Not too big and not too small. It was exactly as I like it! She broke my trance when she asked if I was joining her. I quickly stripped out of my clothes and stood there in front of her as my flaccid cock began to rise. Heather smiled coyly and said, "I guess 'it' likes what it sees!" We stepped into the shower and let the water run over our bodies. Heather grabbed her loofa, soaping it up and began washing herself. I was in awe. She noticed me staring and teasingly asked, "Are you going to wash yourself or just stand there smiling?" "Sorry, but it is taking every ounce of self-control to keep from exploring your body." Heather blushed slightly as she offered me the loofa, "Please?" I took the loofa as she turned letting me wash her back. I started with her shoulders and slowly and worked my way down her back. I paused briefly above her ass, before I noticed her slowly nodding yes. I continued over each cheek of her ass. When I started to wash in between her cheeks, she stepped her feet apart. I continued down and around until I was washing her outer lips. Her breath began to shorten as she was grasping onto the wall for support. I washed down one leg, foot and toes and swapped over to the other foot and toes. As I made my way back up her other leg, she turned facing me and stepped further apart. I gently washed over her beautiful pussy, and continued upward across her mons, where the loofa caught in the stubble and fell out of my hands. I quickly smirked up at her and said, "Looks like I have to use my hands now." Heather nodded as I reached up and lathered up her outer lips. I slowly worked my finger in washing her inner lips. I slid my hand upward as I felt the hood of her clitoris gently fold back. She inhaled sharply and grabbed my shoulder as I slowly slid my finger over her clit. I continued upward feeling the prickly stubble of her pubic hair on my fingertips. I slowly lathered her stomach working my way up to her breasts. I took one in each hand and washed them meticulously. I used my thumbs to wash over her hard nipples, causing them to become more erect. She moaned softly in response, so I continued playing with her nipples. Reluctantly, I moved my way up to her neck and face. Once I was certain I hadn't missed an inch of her body I spoke, "Time for me to wash your hair." Heather rinsed the soap from her face and stared into my eyes. I smiled awkwardly and asked, "Did I say something wrong?" "I think I am falling for you." She softly bit her lower lip before looking back at me. With that, we embraced into a deep passionate kiss, letting our hands explore each other's bodies. We were both breathless when we pulled apart. I can't recall a time when I have ever been so turned on. She looked down at my erect cock and licked her lips. She hinted at kneeling down, so I lifted my finger to her chin turning her face upward toward me. We kissed again with the same fire and passion as the first. It was at this moment and time I knew, without a doubt, I was in love and she was my soulmate. After I finished washing her hair, Heather grabbed my body wash and lathered her hands. She smiled wide saying, "My turn." As she slowly worked her hands over my face and neck, before telling me to rinse. She then started on my shoulders and toward my chest. As she worked her way down my chest, she slowly used her thumbs on my nipples, much like I did to her. I never had that done before and it was enough to make my cock twitch. Heather worked her hands down my stomach and into my pubic region. She laughed saying, "Guess I'm not the only one who needs to shave." As she lightly scraped her nails over my own pubic stubble. By now my erection was almost painful. It had been so hard, for so long, as I was so turned on that I knew I would explode as soon as she touched it. Without going down any further, she told me to turn so she could wash my back. Heather got more body wash and washed down my back. She caressed each butt cheek with the soap, slowly working her way in between them. I was in heaven as she slid her finger across my anal opening. I gasped and reached for the wall, as my knees tried to buckle out from underneath me. She jumped back and asked, "Did I hurt you?" After catching my breath, I replied, "Oh no, that was pure pleasure. I've had never had a female touch me there. That was so erotic and pleasuring that my knees tried to buckle." Heather slowly reached back in using her finger and washed me thoroughly. I looked down at my cock and there was a string of precum from the tip to the shower floor. I told her about it, and she pressed herself into my back. She was rubbing her breasts on my back while playing with my asshole. I have never cum prematurely or cum without some type of stimulation on my cock. She never inserted her finger into me, just worked it around the outside. Right then and there, I came what felt like a bucket full onto the wall of the shower. My body convulsing and jerking uncontrollably. I was shocked and embarrassed. What kind of a man will she think I am? Heather then reached around with her soap lathered hands and began washing my cock and balls. Having just cum I was tender, but she gently milked any remnants that were left in me while ensuring I was clean. After rinsing, I wrapped her in my arms and kissed her. After what seemed like kissing for an eternity, she pulled away and said she wanted to shave. We both shaved ourselves and turned the water off. I handed her a towel before grabbing one for myself to dry off. As she finished, I took her towel and hung it up next to mine. When I turned around, I looked her naked body up and down, took her into my arms, kissing her again. Our hands began roaming each other's bodies. She reached between us and lightly stroked my semi hard cock as I reached between us and kneaded her breasts and nipples. When we broke the kiss, I continued to give her little kisses down her neck and onto her shoulder. I continue downward kissing across one breast the then other. I then began licking her back across. I licked around one of her nipples and gave a kiss directly on top of it. Her hand was in my hair and holding my head as I continued to lick and tease her nipple with my tongue. I moved to the other breast and continued with the same treatment. Her breaths were shorter and more rapid as she started to make little moans of pleasure. Still standing in the middle of the bathroom, I slowly kissed down to her navel where I teased it with my tongue briefly before continuing to kiss downward. Just as I was about to get my first taste of her, she stops me and says, "The bed would be more comfortable." I stand and pull her in for another kiss. When she wraps her arms around my neck, I slid my hands down beneath her ass picking her up. She wraps her legs around my waist, and I can feel just how turned on she really is. She was wet, really wet. We never broke our kiss as I walk us out of the bathroom and over to the bed. I slowly bend at my waist, laying her gently onto the bed. As I do this, I feel her wetness slide across the head of my cock. It twitches with excitement as I break our kiss. I stood up and admired her body before me. She was on her back, with her legs spread giving me an unobstructed view of her beauty. I lean back in for another kiss as I caress her naked body with my hands. I slide my hands down her sides, across her hips and onto her thighs. I continue caressing her legs all the way to her feet. I lift her feet and kiss the tops of them both. I give little kisses all over them working my way toward her toes. As I kissed her pretty little toes, I reached my tongue out and licked between two of her toes. I have never done that before, and don't know why I did. She began to squirm on the bed. Seeing her reaction made me do it again, with the same results. I then sucked gently on her toes continuing to work my tongue in between them. I could feel the precum oozing from my cock again. I alternated between kissing and licking up her left leg past her knee and onto her inner thigh. I could smell her arousal as I worked my way up. I got to where her inner thigh met her groin and paused, kissing and licking. After one final kiss I slowly, while breathing deeply, moved my face to the right side of her pussy and began kissing and licking the same areas. I looked at her face and saw pure bliss. She was using both of her hands to fondle her breasts and tweak her nipples. I kissed down to her foot, sucking and licking her toes, then made my way back to her inner thigh. By now her sexual scent of arousal was strong. She was so wet that she was leaking down into her ass crack. I kissed all around her outer lips. Her hips slowly gyrating on the bed. I flattened my tongue and made one long slow lick over her entire pussy. She was sweet, almost honey sweet. I continue with the long flat strokes of my tongue as she began moaning and tweaking her nipples harder now. I then narrow my tongue and begin to work her outer lips then her inner lips and back out. She is dripping more and more. I slide my hands up and push her thighs back toward the bed, which causes her pussy to fully open and exposes her anus which his covered in her juices. I dive in with my tongue lapping at her inner folds. I work my tongue back out and down to her ass. I lick every bit of her juices from her ass and focus on tickling her anal bud with my tongue. Without warning, she stiffened arching her back, she grabs my head and forces it hard into her ass. I continue probing and licking with my tongue. I then shoved my tongue directly on her anal bud penetrating her ass. She covers her face with a pillow and screams in ecstasy. I continue to wiggle my tongue until I feel her start to come down and ease her grasp on my head. I licked straight back up to the inner folds of her pussy tasting the remnants of her orgasm. As I work her pussy with my tongue, I could tell she was building another orgasm. I went for broke and slowly slid two of my fingers inside her. I gently worked around until I felt her G-spot. I slowly circled my finger inside her until I felt its texture begin to change. This was accompanied by a drastic change in her breathing. I slid my tongue up and licked her clitoris. Again, she started bucking her hips and gyrating. I mounted a full on, but sensual assault on her clit, alternating between licking and gently sucking, while my fingers continued to massage her G-spot. Grabbing me with both hands she pulled me tightly into her pussy. I sucked her clit hard and rubbed inside her feverishly. That pushed her over the edge, and she began speaking incoherent words of pleasure as she arched her back and came again on my fingers and face. I honestly think she just created a new language. Heather gasped sharply as I removed my two fingers from within her. I stuck them in my mouth and sucked them clean. With both hands still on my head she pulls me up to her and into another deep passionate kiss. As the kiss ceased, I looked into her eyes. Words can't describe what I saw as it was a mixture of pleasure, ecstasy and love amongst several other things. I couldn't help myself at that point and said, "I love you." Heather looked deeply into my eyes and said, "I love you too." With that, I slowly worked myself into position to line up my cock with her opening. I slowly eased forward while looking into her eyes. She smiled and nodded a yes and closed her eyes as I slowly entered her. Once I was fully inside her, I held perfectly still. She opened her eyes and I told her again that I loved her. I felt a shudder from her vaginal walls as I said it. I slowly backed myself out of her until the head of my cock was about to pop out, before starting another slow stroke in. I continued this pace for a couple of minutes before increasing the speed. After several minutes of traditional missionary, I pulled out and asked her to get onto her knees. She happily changed positions. As I was positioning myself, I paused long enough to bend down and give her a lick from her clit, backwards across her anal bud. She shivered with excitement as I did this. I aligned myself with her and slowly slid in from behind her. As I increased my speed, she arched her back. I could feel my ball sack slapping against her clit. She was moaning loudly as I continued. I looked down to where our bodies were adjoined. Her anal bud looked so good, I wished I could have licked it while taking her doggy style. I licked my thumb, getting it good and wet and reached down to massage her little bud. She gasped, shivered, and screamed into the pillows. Her vaginal walls shuddered along my cock before clamping down. I continued to work her little bud while doing my best to continue pumping in and out of her. Her pussy was clamping down so hard I could barely move without moving her with me. I gave up on my attempts to thrust anymore and focused attention to her ass. I began pushing my thumb on her bud until it opened and took about half an inch of my thumb inside her. As this happened, she loosened her vaginal grip and told me to pound her hard. I obliged and gave everything I had to give. I was pounding into her hard, my balls slapping her clit and my thumb slowly starting to work in and out of her ass. She was building another orgasm and I could feel the tingle beginning in my balls. We were both covered in sweat. I was feverishly pumping her pussy from behind while fingering her ass with my thumb. By now, my entire thumb was going in and out of her. The tingling in my balls grew more intense so I told her I wasn't going to last much longer and would have to pull out because I wasn't wearing a rubber. She breathlessly told me she had been on the pill since she was 15 and she wanted to feel me cum in her. Hearing that, I increased my rhythm, and pounded so hard that it was hurting my balls as they slapped against her clit. After another minute or so at this intensity, my orgasm flowed up from my balls erupting out of my cock into the depths of her pussy. As soon as the first hot gush of semen hit her insides, her pussy and ass clamped down hard as her own orgasm overtook her. I did my best to continue working my cock and my thumb in and out of her. As she passed the peak of her orgasm, her muscles loosened allowing me to continue to pleasure her. I slowed the thrusting as she rode wave after wave of her orgasm. I removed my thumb and slowly began to slide out of her as my cock was returning to a flaccid state. She collapsed to her side, and I cuddled up next to her. I held her in my arms as we both drifted into sleep. The rest of our time there was filled with much of the same sweet lovemaking. Our last day was upon us and neither of us wanted it to end. We had discussed this day previously and agreed that whatever we have between us, was meant to be. Since we only lived a few hours apart, we would make it work. Just then, my phone rang. It was my dad, telling me that I needed to call my mom. I asked if everything was ok, and he mumbled and cussed and finally said, "Just call her!" before hanging up. Heather heard this exchange and looked concerned. She took my hand and told me she would stay while I called my mother. I called my mothers house and a man answered the phone. I couldn't stop myself when I blurted out, "Who the hell are you and why are you answering MY mother's phone?!" He told me to hold on and I heard him set the phone down. My mother came on saying how she missed me, blah, blah, blah, and "oh I got married about a year ago." "I didn't tell you because you barely call and never come see me. Maybe you could find time on your way home from vacation to stop by and meet your stepdad." I was fuming, all I could see was red, when I felt a soft hand on my face. I looked at Heather and was instantly calm. I told my mother I would stop by and hung up. I looked into Heather's eyes and again told her how much I loved her. I told her that I was heading into her neck of the woods since I was going to my Mothers house a few towns over. Her eyes lit up as she asked me if I would mind driving her home, since her friends were staying a few more days. I ecstatically said yes. The drive back wasn't too bad as we laughed and joked about this and that. When we pulled up to her mom's house she asked if I would meet her mother. I told her gladly, as I need to meet the mother of the woman I intend to marry. She practically floated from the car to the house knowing I meant every word that I said. As we walked inside, she called to her mom who answered from the den. I spent an hour or so getting to know her mom as the three of us talked. She seemed skeptical of me at first, but the more we talked the more she seemed to be accepting of me. Before I left, she told the two of us that she could see the love we have for each other in our eyes and I was welcome back anytime. After our goodbyes, and hundreds of kisses, I made my way to my mother's house. I rang the bell and my mother opened the door letting me in. I could her her husband, whose name slips my mind, talking on the phone like a father would to a child, "I don't care young lady, what I say is final. Period. Do not argue about it anymore!" I thought to myself, that's a father of the year award nominee, as my mom introduced us. I tried to be cordial, but something about him struck a nerve with me. My mother mentioned we were going to dinner later that evening and told me I didn't have a choice. Arriving at the restaurant, we were promptly seated, as my mind was going about 100 miles per hour. I was in love, knew I wanted to marry Heather, and just found out I have a stepdad. I received a text and looked down at my phone. It was Heather, "Because I came home early, I have a family thing to take care of. Call you later." I responded, "Me too," followed by a laugh emoji, hearts, then, "luv u". I was waiting for her response when my mother elbowed me and said, "David, meet your two stepsisters." I was half paying attention as Heather had just responded to my text saying, "Luv u 2." My body felt warm and fuzzy after reading that when I felt another elbow from my mother. I looked up to see young girl, probably 14, and another facing away with her phone in her hand. As she turned around, I exclaimed, "She's my WHAT?!" I was staring into the eyes of the very girl I was planning on marrying. With that, I collapsed. When I came to, my mom and Heather were over top of me. I looked at Heather and began to sob. The younger girl was crying too into her father's shoulder. I don't know why she was crying, didn't care really. I wanted to run. Run straight into traffic, or off a cliff. My life was over, there was nothing worth living for anymore. Mom and Heather helped me up as paramedics were arriving. Someone in the restaurant had freaked out and called 911 when I fainted. I waved them away as I sat there heartbroken. Heather smiled at me, winked and said, "It's going to be ok." She excused herself and her sister and walked out of the restaurant as dark and desperate thoughts encroached into my mind while watching her leave. She quickly came walking back in without her sister. She sat down next to me and took my hand, before leaning over and giving the same deep passionate kiss that she had given me all week. My mother and her father inhaled sharply. Both opened their mouths to say something, but I quickly held up my hand and stared them down while shaking my head no, very slowly. I opened my mouth to speak and Heather squeezed my hand. I took that as a sign to gather my thoughts and speak with a purpose. One might think that we were being loud and causing a scene, but all of this was being done at nearly a whisper. "Heather and I are in love. We are lovers, and we plan on getting married. Nothing either of you say or do now, will change that. Her father interrupted me as he spate out, "It's illegal and I will never allow it! I'll call the police if I have too." "Go ahead," I told him with a sneered smirk on my face. "You will be the one to take the fall, and you'll take my mother with you. Had you and my mother told us about being married and introduced us, we never would have become lovers. Instead, the two of you knowingly hid the fact that you were married and encouraged our 'incestuous misdeeds' by not telling us until a year after your wedding because it fed into your sick and twisted perversion that fuels your own fantasies and role play behind closed doors. You two were content in letting us violate the law unknowingly, until we mentioned marriage." Her father looked at me bewildered. The tops of his ears were beaming a bright red, his cheeks flushed and his breathing increasing. I then gave an evil grin, "Has my mother ever told you what my dad does for a living?" My mother looked like she was about to have a nervous breakdown right there at the table. "Please David, please stop! We won't interfere..." she began to plea with me when she was interrupted. "Shut up woman, I'll hand this!" said her asshole husband. I cut my eyes to him and leaned right up to his face, gritting my teeth, "If you ever speak to my mother that way again...the only thing that will get to the hospital before you do, will be the headlights on the ambulance." His face lost all color and he sunk deep into his chair. "My father has spent a career locking up criminal perverts like the one I will make you out to be. That is ultimately why my parents divorced. If you think for one minute that Heather and I won't be able to convince everyone that this is your fault, you had best rethink." I could see the gears turning in his brain. I finished with, "If you don't believe me, ask my mother. She will tell you exactly the kind of a lawman my father is and how this will not end up good for either of you." With that, I helped Heather out of her chair and escorted her out of the restaurant. I walked her to my car and opened the door for her. She sat down and I ran around to the driver door. I quickly sat down and asked, "Where to? " Her response was simple, "Away from this town." We went to her mother's house and explained to her everything that happened. Her mother basically told us we were free to live our lives as we please, and she would help us any way she could. I was told that I could stay the night with them. I thanked her and jokingly told her, "Well then, better get off my bed before your daughter gets upset." while pointing at the couch. We all laughed. "Why don't you just sleep in Heather's bed?" her mom asked. I quickly replied with a laugh, "No arguments from me!" The next morning, I woke in an empty bed. I put my jeans on and made my way out of the room toward the smell of fresh coffee. I got just within earshot when I heard her mom say that she and her half brother are on again off again lovers. Knowing that was a private conversation, I eased backward and into the bathroom, flushing the toilet before walking out as to announce my presence. Heather jumped up and sprang into my arms. We kissed and I set her down. Her mother looked at me and asked me to sit down. She drew in a deep breath and began telling us both about how she and her half brother became lovers. I'm not going to lie; the taboo of the subject had my cock filling with blood. Heather slowly slid her hand onto my lap and was softly rubbing my cock through the jeans. I started to look around wondering where her little sister was, as I did not want to get caught. Her mom saw this and told me to relax that the younger one was at a friend's house. I breathed a sigh of relief. As her mom got more detailed, I could tell she was getting aroused as her chest started to flush and her eyes were suddenly dilated. I looked at Heather and she was the same way. I cautiously slid my hand toward Heather's groin so her mother wouldn't notice. I lifted the hem of her nightshirt to feel she was pantyless and wet. I slowly worked the outside of her pussy until my finger was basically sucked into her. I was listening to her mother and noticed she had her hand between her own legs. Then I heard it. A sloshing sound. I froze. I didn't want her mother to know I was fingering her daughter across the table. I heard it again and noticed her mothers face was glowing. I looked at Heather and she smiled. I removed my fingers from her, and we watched as her mother brought herself to an orgasm while telling us about her half brother. I've seen women masturbate in porn flicks before, but his was different. No obnoxious moaning just pure pleasure escaping her lips. I was so entranced watching her mother that I hadn't noticed that Heather had undone my pants, let alone pulled out my cock and was stroking it. Her mother was coming down from her bliss when she realized what she had done. She quickly apologized and ran to her room. Heather basically drug me into hers, ripping her shirt over her head as we walked through the door saying, "Take me, take me now." I pulled her into me as I slid my jeans to my ankles and stepped out of them, my erection in between us. She stopped kissing me and pushed me backwards until I fell onto the bed. She wasted no time grabbing my cock and started licking from my perineum up to the tip. I moaned softly and she continued this for several minutes. She then gently sucked one of my balls into her mouth teasing it with her tongue. She released that one and took the other into her mouth. Just when I thought I was in heaven; she took both at the same time. My precum was flowing freely down my shaft. She licked every bit of it off and slowly took my shaft into her mouth. She continued to use her tongue while sucking me. Until now, I didn't know what a real blowjob was. Heather repositioned to have better access and went back down. She started to gag and and pulled back taking a deep breath. She then went back down, and I could feel the head of my cock inside of her throat. I took me every bit of will power not to blow my load right then. She pulled off inhaling deeply and short of breath. She then licked back down and repositioned yet again while stroking and licking the perineum. She then pushed my knees back toward my chest and started licking my anal bud. I gasped as my cock twitched in her hand and more precum flowed from my cock. She continued her tongue assault on my ass while jacking me off. I felt the familiar tingle deep in my balls and told her I was close. She quickly sucked my cock back deep into her mouth. As I felt my head inside of her throat again, she placed her finger on my anal bud. My orgasm started to build causing my back to arch. She kept fingering at my ass until it opened up for her. As she slid her finger into my ass I erupted into her throat. She fingered my ass as more and more cum erupted into her throat. She pulled back enough to to catch her breath and continued to suck my seed as she finger fucked my ass. I was dizzy. I have never had a finger in my ass, nor have I ever cum like that before. She finished sucking me dry and slowly pulled her finger out. I gasped again as she exited me. She then moved up and we kissed. To say that I have never tasted my own cum, would be a lie. I tasted it shortly after I discovered masturbation as a teen because I was curious. This was different though. It was more potent. Nonetheless, I really enjoyed tasting it on her tongue. I noticed that my cock was still hard as stone. Maybe it was the taste of my cum or the fact that I could still feel the sensations on my asshole. I rolled her on top of me and she immediately felt how hard I still was. She slide back and forth along my shaft, which was nestled between our bodies, coating it with her juices. She reached down grabbing my cock lifted it toward her and slid down on it. As we looked into each other's eyes, she smiled as she asked, "If this is so wrong, then why does it feel so right?" I responded in earnest by saying, "I guess because it's taboo." Heather's vaginal walls vibrated around my cock as I said it. I repeated, "Taboo" drawing it out slowly. With that her first orgasm started. She continued to ride my cock at her chosen speed. As she rode out several small orgasms, she would reach up and play with her breasts and nipples. I reached down and used my thumb to rub her clit as she rode me. This set off a slightly stronger orgasm within her. I grabbed her waist and pulled her up to my face and used my tongue to lick her from her ass to her clit. I continued my tongue assault working her up her biggest orgasm yet. As she was getting close to exploding, I pushed her off me and got behind her. I reached under her, rubbing her clit with my thumb before inserting it into her soaked pussy. I pulled it out and began to trace circles around her anal bud. I then eased my cock inside of her. As I pounded her from behind, my balls again found their mark of slapping against her clit. She was panting and moaning. I spit just a little in her ass crack to provide more lube for my thumb. I pushed against her bud and it opened easily, sinking my thumb all the way in. Her orgasm hit. She convulsed repeatedly, to the point I thought she was having a seizure. When she spoke, she said she has never had one that strong. I continue my pounding into her with both my thumb and cock when she begged me to stop. She simply couldn't take anymore. I was nowhere close to another orgasm, so I wrapped her up in my arms and we fell to our sides. I remained within her as I was not going down. Every now and then I would slowly pump in and out of her. I looked toward the door and noticed a shadow outside of it. It then disappeared. I told her about it and she just nodded with a smile on her face. Later that afternoon, we were sitting in the den when her mother reappeared from her room. She tried to apologize, but I stopped her and told her that was the most erotic and sexiest thing I had ever seen and heard. She began to blush as I continued to explain that it allowed her daughter and I the best orgasms of our lives. She looked at the floor and back at us before bursting into tears. Heather jumped up and wrapped her mom in a hug and asked what was wrong. She said she felt ashamed that she eavesdropped on our love making while she masturbated outside the door. Heather kissed her cheek and said it was ok, after all, who knows how many people heard us in Florida. We all laughed. My mom tried calling me several times, but I ignored the phone. There was also another random number that called repeatedly, but I figured it was her jack ass husband. Her younger sister arrived back home, and we all sat down for dinner. As we were clearing the table my phone rang again. I was going to ignore it when I saw "Pops" on the screen. "Hey Dad, what's up?" I stopped myself short of laughing and asked him to repeat himself. I listened again to ensure I had heard what I thought he said. For a moment, I was saddened at the task at hand. I asked if Heather's little sister, Mandy, could give us some privacy. She bounced off to her room and shut the door. I took a deep breath to gather my thoughts as Heather and her mom were staring at me with eager looks on their faces. "I don't know how to say this to you, but your ex," looking at her mother, "and your father", looking at Heather, "along with my mother were involved in a fatal accident sometime last night. They didn't find the wreck until earlier this afternoon. Fire consumed the wreckage, but my mothers' phone was apparently thrown free as the car rolled down the embankment. According to my father, they were rather drunk when they left the restaurant last night." The look on their faces broke my heart. I didn't know what to say to console them. Her mother spoke first as she stood and kissed Heather on the head saying she would go tell her sister. I couldn't tell if Heather was about to cry or jump for joy. When she finally spoke, it was meaningful when she said, "Well, the only ones who knew we were stepbrother and stepsister, that would get in our way are gone. Guess it's a blessing in disguise." When her mom returned to the dining room, she said that Mandy was indifferent as she really didn't know her father that well, but she did ask about us being related. Her mom lied to her saying her dad was just trying to keep Heather away from me. Thankfully, she accepted that. Her mom winked at the both of us and said, "Now that the three of us know each other's dirty little taboo secrets," she grinned, "don't give up me and my half brother, and I won't give up the step-loving siblings." She said the last part with a wink, and we all laughed and made a pact. That night we went back to my mother's house so I could see about any paperwork she might have had regarding her wishes. I knew she had a fire safe in her closet. I found it and went searching for the key. I found it hidden in her nightstand drawer toward the back. I opened the safe and on top was a notarized copy of her will and one for her husband as well, both dated a month ago. Hers basically said that her husband would get everything, unless something happens to them at the same time, in which case, I get everything. I realized that I now own my own house, which was paid for and I have the girl of my dreams standing next to me. She summarized that her father left everything to my mother, but as it happened, everything would be split between her and her sister since they died together. I asked her if she would move in with me, into my recently acquired house, and we would work out getting married. She leapt into my arms as we began kissing. I carried her into the master bathroom and told her we needed to clean up first. Much like our first shower together, we washed each other thoroughly. I laughed out loud when a dirty thought crossed my mind. She asked me about it, but I teasingly ignored her. She she grabbed my face and turned it toward hers. Looked me into the eye and asked me again with a more determined look on her face. I shrugged my shoulders, raised then lowered my eyebrows quickly and said, "I just think it's kind of funny that I am about to make love to my STEP-SISTER." Putting emphasis on the words. That lit a a fire and hunger deep within her. I could see it in her eyes, a split second before she was all over me. Her tongue reaching into the back of my throat as she kissed me hard. Her legs climbing up and wrapping around my waist. I quickly turn the water off and carry her out of the shower. I set her on the counter as our kiss got sloppier and wetter. I grabbed my cock and aimed at her blindly. Luckily, I found the entrance to her sweet pussy. As I thrust inward, the angle between us was such that I was hitting in places I had yet to hit. She screamed in pleasure while she dragged her fingers across my back. I softly whispered, "I love you, sis." Into her ear. Her legs tightened around my waist and I could feel her insides getting wetter. Her vaginal walls were pulsing around my cock. When I said, "God this is so taboo" she pulled me even tighter. I was so deep in her I felt the tip of my my cock touch her cervix. "I can't believe I'm about to blow my taboo seed into my sister's cervix!" With that she mewed like a cat in heat as her pussy vibrated and pulsed around my cock. She then clamped down hard as I erupted deep within her. I never broke my stride and continued thrusting in and out of her. I was breathless and my back was killing me, but I kept my pace. She was on her way to another orgasm and I could feel the mixture or our juices seeping down my balls and dripping onto the floor. I kept thrusting, and she screamed, "That's right, fuck your stepsister, fill her up good. Give her all of your taboo cuuuummmmmmm!!!!!" Her second orgasm sent her off the counter and she began bouncing herself up and down. Each time I could feel her cervix. I don't know how, but I felt my own orgasm approaching again. I came hard as she bounced down and my cock hit her cervix. She said she could feel it in her stomach. I was spent and my cock rapidly softened and slid out of her. I softly kissed her and again got back into the shower to clean up. That night we slept in each other's arms on the floor. Neither of us wanted to sleep in the bed where our parents had slept. We eventually went out to Las Vegas, got married, and were living our dreams together. Then one day about four years later, her younger sister Mandy showed up at our door bruised and battered. She had nowhere else to go and knew we would help. For Pics visit:---->>> https://cutt.ly/hwsMVhC
Title: I'm hot for my older sister pt4 Summary: In part one, my sister and I fucked for the first time, We ditched school for a day of hot sex, detailed in parts 2-3. We continue on, this scene opens right after I have tit-fucked my sister to orgasm..... Keywords: True Story, Consensual Sex, Incest, Teen Male/Teen Female I flopped down next to my sister's left side on her bed, cupping and squeezing her right breast with my left hand. "You are so beautiful, Christine, I can't believe we are actually fucking now" I said. She smiled and replied: "You're a STUD, little brother. If I had known you could fuck like this, I might have spread my legs for you long ago. I can't believe how you can get your dick hard time after time like you've done." She giggled and I smiled back, bending my head down to kiss her tenderly, "Let's go for a swim!" my sister said. jumping up and sprinting for the door. "Sounds good!' I replied as I chased her down the stairs. We went into our backyard and both dived in the pool, nude. We swam around, the water washing off the sweat and stickiness of our lovemaking. I swam after my sister, finally trapping her in the shallow end, and grabbed her by the ass, reaching down with my mouth to suck her nipples into my mouth. She laughed and broke away, climbing the pool stairs and running to a pool lounge, flopping down on it on her back and parting her legs, spreading her quivering pussy lips with her fingers in anticipation. I chased her and dived on top of her, my once again excited and hard cock plunging into her wet cunt, immediately beginning to stroke in and out, my sister curling her legs around my ass and pulling me into her, moaning with pleasure. I was glad for our high privacy fences, as well as the recuperative powers of my 15 year old cock as I thrust it into my 17 year old sister. Her 36D breasts bounced deliciously. "FUCK ME, JAKE, FUCK MEEEE!!!!"" she groaned. "SLAM THAT BIG JUICY COCK INSIDE MEEEE, LITTLE BROTHERRRR!!!!!! She bucked her ass up to meet my thrusts in perfect rhythm, her pussy squeezing my cock each time I pulled it out, milking it for cum. We fucked by the pool for a while, then I took Christine by the hand and led her back into the house. We continued to fuck like sex maniacs in every room of the house- the kitchen, laundry room, living room, the stairs, on the pool table in the family room. I fucked every hole in her body as we switched locations and positions. Finally we ended up downstairs in our parent's master bedroom, fucking missionary style under the covers, and feeling an orgasm coming on I was getting down to business and plowing my sister's pussy faster and faster, her breasts bouncing, her moans intensifying into screams of orgasmic pleasure. I was balls deep in sister, my balls slapping against her ass with each thrust, when I suddenly heard the dinging of the bell from the motion detector on our house indicating that someone had intruded into our driveway or in front of our house. I glanced at the beside digital clock- 6:09 p.m. "FUCK!! Mom or Dad is home!!" I groaned as I continued to hammer my cock into my sister's quivering cunt. "SHIT!!: Christine groaned, bucking her hips up to meet my thrusts. "GET OFF!! WE'LL GET CAUGHT!!!" I moaned: "Just a SECOND, I can't stop NOWWWW!!!!" and jackhammered my cock in and out of my sister's pussy, the tension building until finally my balls clenched and I spurted my cum deep into Christine's cunt, She groaned in ecstasy and lifted her ass, her pussy spasming and trying to suck my cock in deeper in the throes of her own orgasm. We heard the front door open and scrambled to our feet, quickly pulling up the sheets and bedcovers and smoothing them out hastily.The door began to open in the master bedroom, and we dived behind it on the side away from the door, clenching each other in terror. We heard footsteps go to the master bathroom and the door close. We took the opportunity and sprang up, tiptoeing out the door and running up the stairs to our own rooms. I quickly pulled on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, grabbed one of my textbooks, and flopped on my bed, opening the book and pretending to read it. Soon I heard the flush of the toilet in my parent's master bath and soon after footsteps up the stairs. "HEY, KIDS, WHAT'S UP?!" I heard my mother yell, and yelled back: "JUST STUDYING!!. My sister yelled: "ME TOOOO!!!!!" The footsteps went back down the stairs, and after several minutes I was mentally congratulating myself at our slick escape, when I heard my mother yell: "Christine, Jake, could you come downstairs!!!" I stood up and went into the hallway, meeting my sister there, both our eyes wide and teeth clenched. We went tentatively down the stairs, saying "YESSS!! What is it!!" innocently. My mother stood in the kitchen with the phone in her hand, glaring at us. She said: "There's computer messages on the phone saying that both of you were absent at school today." She looked us both in the eyes for several seconds and asked: "Well?" My sister thought fast on her feet and replied without hesitation: "I've got a KILLER test in Trigonometry tomorrow and I needed to study for it. We weren't doing anything important in my other classes that I missed". With a few more seconds of time to think of an excuse, the best I could come up with was: "I was feeling sick to my stomach this morning, so I stayed home". My mom looked at us suspiciously for several more seconds, then turned and hung the phone up. "OK" she said "but from now on call me and tell me you're not going to school if that happens!!" Luckily, we were both good students with excellent grades so my mom trusted us in this situation. If only she KNEW what we had REALLY been doing all day! Christine looked at me and I wordlessly drew the back of my hand over my forehead, whispering :"Whewwwww.....". She opened her eyes wide and nodded silently, then walked back up the stairs. I stood there halfway down the stairs. watching my mother move around the kitchen. Not for the first time, I noticed how sexy she was, an older version of my hot older sister. She was 38, but she still had an hourglass figure sculpted by countless hours at the gym. Firm, round ass. Large, well-formed breasts jiggling in her blouse as she worked around the kitchen. Long, perfect legs, panty-hose enhancing their appearance. A beautiful face, framed by her curly jet-black hair. My friends all called her a MILF, and I had to agree. Hmmmmmmmmm......................... The rest of the evening went as usual. Mom made dinner and Dad got home around 6:30. Mom didn't display any suspicion about Christine and I not going to school that day- she even wrote us notes to excuse our absences! As we sat and ate dinner, my sister and I shot each other glances and sly smiles, pleased at our day of hot sex together and how we had avoided getting caught in the act. Our secret was safe, at least for now.... After dinner we watched a little TV together as a family, then Christine and I went upstairs to study a little, then went to bed. I heard my parents turn off the TV and go to their master bedroom downstairs about 11:30. I laid there for another hour or so, but couldn't sleep- remembering all the sex that day with my sister had me aroused and horny. My cock was rock-hard despite its exertions that day, and I reached down to it for my usual nightly session of jerking off. Then I muttered: "Fuck THAT!" and slipped out of bed and crept into the hall, nude. I softly closed my bedroom door behind me and tiptoed to my sister's room. Luckily she had left it unlocked and I quietly opened it, slipping inside and locking the door behind me. I could see that Christine was asleep, laying on her back with no covers or sheets on since the evening was warm. I could clearly see her beautiful face and sexy body in her sheer white negligee by the moonlight streaming through her window, her mouthwatering 36D breasts rising and falling with her soft breathing. I crept to her bed and climbed on between her legs, being careful not to disturb her sleep. I gingerly lifted her negligee up. She wore no panties to bed, and her recently shaved pussy was exposed, her legs already spread. I smiled and bent my head down, sticking my tongue out and softly licking her pussy lips and clit up and down. My sister licked her lips and softly moaned. Still asleep, her hips began to gyrate slightly as I continued to tongue her. I saw her snake her hand down and she began to rub her clit with it, forcing me to raise my head. She began to moan: "ooooohhhhh Jake, ooooooh Jake..." in her sleep. Obviously she was dreaming of our hot sex sessions that day. I moved up and gently eased her negligee down and below her breasts. They were quivering with her self-manipulation, her nipples hard. I cupped them from the sides and licked around the circles of her half-dollar size areolas. I licked her nipples up and down, and softly sucked them between my lips. My sister's moans grew a little louder, although she did not awaken. Finally I could control my lust no longer and I positioned my cock at the entrance to her vagina. I began to push my erect penis into her already wet and squirming cunt, her hand still diddling her clit. At this Christine slowly roused to consciousness. By the time she became aware of what was going on I was balls deep inside her. Her eyes went wide and she began to let out a surprised squeal, but I clamped my hand over her mouth to muffle her and put my forefinger to my pursed lips, softly hissing "Shhhhhhhhhhh.....". I took my hand off her mouth and she whispered: "What the hell are you doing? Mom and Dad are home! Do you want to get caught?!". I whispered back:"They're asleep. I locked the door, and they never come upstairs, anyway. Just don't make a lot of noise, it'll be OK".. She looked at me doubtfully, softly shaking her head no. I pulled my cock back to the entrance of her pussy and slowly eased it back in all the way. My sister closed her eyes and her frown changed to a soft "oooooohhhhh..." as she spread her legs farther apart, her hands gripping my waist. I began to saw my cock in and out of Christine's cunt at a moderate pace, being careful not to make the bed squeak or bang against the wall. We quietly moaned and grunted as we fucked. My sister began to lift her hips up to meet my thrusts, clenching and squeezing my cock with her pussy each time it plunged to the depths of her womb, maintaining that tight grip as we pulled away from each other, then loosening her cunt walls with each thrust of our hips towards each other as my rod pounded home into her again. She continued to milk my cock for its cum for several more minutes that way as our passion intensified. Finally I clenched up in orgasm and buried myself to the hilt in my sister, my throbbing cock blasting cum deep into her in spurt after spurt as it spasmed. I let out a series of quiet grunts, and Christine reached her own orgasm, softly squealing "ooo! ooo! ooo!" as her ass squirmed and cunt fluttered on the shaft of my cock. I lay with my cock buried in my sister until our passion subsided and I slowly went soft inside her. Then I pulled out and reached down and kissed Christine tenderly. "Night, sis! Go back to sleep now!" I whispered as I climbed off her bed. She smiled weakly and lifted her hand in goodbye with a satisfied groan as I slipped out her door and crept back to my own bed. What a great finale to an awesome day! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My life changed completely after that. Christine and I went to school as usual, she in her Senior year, myself a Freshman (I had just turned 15, she would be 18 in a couple of months). The big difference was that we fucked practically every single day. Sometimes we started off our mornings with a bang in the shower, where we could make all the noise we wanted since our parents always left early for work. Sometimes we would go at it after getting home from school when we had several hours alone before Mom and Dad got home from work. Or if we didn't hook up during the day for some reason, I'd sneak in her room late at night and fuck her silly. Due to our age difference we saw little of each other at school, but when we'd see each other in passing we acted nonchalantly, just saying: "Hey,sis" and "Hey, bro". I knew Christine was right when she said we had to keep our affair a secret- other than being a hero to a few of my friends who were hot for my sister, we would both become instants outcasts if anyone found out. And some girl jealous of my sister's looks would be sure to call our parents to tell THEM about it, and we'd be dead meat THEN. I didn't tell a soul what my sister and I were doing, much as I wanted to (These submissions are the first time I have revealed it to the world). My sister still dated guys her age that asked her out, but didn't get serious with any of them, only rarely having sex with one of them just to have some variety in her love life. I sometimes dated girls my age just to keep up appearances, but found it hard to be interested in young girls anymore when I had a mature sex goddess spreading her legs for me at home nearly every day. However, that all changed about four months after my sister and I had started fucking. Christine told a friend of hers, a black girl named Desiree, that on a family week-long stay at the beach last summer I had hooked up with some girl whose family had rented the condo next to ours, and this girl told my sister that I had a big cock and fucked like a porn star (this was pure fiction, by the way). My sister told me what she had said to Desiree that afternoon, right after I had finished blowing my wad into her pussy. She said: "Desiree looked interested. I'll bring her home from school tomorrow to study and you should put the moves on her". Surprised, I said: "Well, THANKS.....OK. But why are you doing this?" Christine replied: "Well, it's not like we can be boyfriend and girlfriend or anything. I can't just keep you all to myself, now, can I? I'm not the jealous type. Besides, my girlfriends need some good sex just as much as I do, and most of the guys in our class are lame fucks". I murmured in her ear: "You are the most awesome sister EVER" and kissed her passionately in thanks, which of course got us both aroused and led to another round of fucking. I arrived home from school first the next day, and eagerly awaited my sister's arrival with her friend. I sat in the living room in my Dad's recliner pretending to read a textbook. Soon Christine got home and brought Desiree into the living room with her. "Hey, little bro!" my sister said breezily. "Hi, Jake" Desiree added with her soft, sultry voice, flashing me a dazzling smile. I waved and ogled Desiree from the toes up. She was a tall girl with long, shapely legs, a drop-dead hourglass figure, topped with a beautiful face framed by curly black hair almost to her shoulders. She had a medium brown complexion, large doe-like eyes, and full, lucious lips. She was wearing a tight beige dress with a short skirt and low cut neckline showing ample cleavage. She didn't appear to be wearing a bra, nor did she seem to need one since her breasts stood out firm and proud. She giggled slightly as I gazed at her with lust. She obviously knew what affect the sight of her sexy body had on males and relished it, and my cock started to thicken in my shorts. "Let's study!" Christine said to Desiree, and they sat on the couch, pulling out books and quizzing each other about information from it for several minutes. Desiree and I kept sneaking smiling glances at each other as I pretended to study, too. Suddenly my sister hit her forehead with the heel of her hand, exclaiming "Damn, I forgot I've got that paper due in English tomorrow and I need to get a nice report folder for it'. She looked at Desiree and said: "I've got to go to the store and get one. There's no use in you wasting time going with me, why don't you stay here and study and we'll study some more when I get back, OK? Just hang out with my little brother for awhile. I'll get us some sodas and snacks, too, won't be gone more than an hour!" She said as she grabbed her purse and walked out the front door. Desiree watched her go and after the front door closed she looked at me for several seconds, smiling, then said as she patted the couch next to her: "Well, c'mon over here, Jake, come keep me company". I rose and walked over to sit on the sofa with her to my left, trying to conceal my growing boner with my closed book. She looked in my eyes, then gently took the book from my lap and placed it on the coffee table, saying: "Take a break from that now and talk to me". Her eyes instantly zeroed in on my bulging crotch and lingered there for a while. She flashed me her dazzling smile again and curled one leg up on the couch to face me, her right arm extended down the back of the couch towards me. I noticed how her skirt rode up on her thighs when she did this, entirely exposing her gorgeous legs and providing me a glimpse of black panties. She made no effort to rearrange her dress, although she couldn't have not noticed me checking out her goods. "So tell me, Jake, you got a girlfriend yet?' she purred flirtatiously, cocking her head and pulling softly on one of her locks of hair. "Not yet" I replied. "That's surprising" Desiree said with a wicked smile, "I heard you were one hell of a STUD". I hesitated at her boldness, then countered: "Well, I'd like to THINK so". "Ever been with an older girl before?" she asked coyly. "Sure. LOTS of times" I replied, smiling and thinking of my older sister. "Ever been with a black girl before?" she said sexily, gazing in my eyes as she ran her forefinger down my arm suggestively. "No, but I've always WANTED to" I murmured, meeting her gaze intently. She looked at me invitingly and I took the cue. I moved in closer to her, putting my right hand on her waist and left hand behind her head, bending down and kissing her passionately. She kissed back intensely, putting one arm around my back and one on my neck. Her large, wet lips felt wonderful to kiss, and our tongues circled and pushed against each other. Soon I slid my right hand up and began massaging her left breast. I had been right- no bra, and I felt her nipple begin to harden as I rubbed my thumb on it through the thin material of her dress. She moaned and her right hand descended to my crotch, rubbing my now fully erect cock through my cotton shorts. I was not wearing any underwear, being prepared for action that afternoon. Desiree gasped as she grasped the length of my shaft. She broke off our kissing and looked down, murmuring sexily: "Now WHAT have you got down THERE?" She reached with both hands and began to push my shorts down. I stood up as she slid them off, kicking them away, my erect 8" manhood pointing at her. Her eyes grew even wider as she reached out to grasp my cock, running her tongue between her lips, and with her other hand she pushed my stomach to make me sit down again, groaning: "Now THAT'S what I came over here TODAY for.. DAMN, you've got a big cock for a white guy! Circumcised and pretty, too. Just lay back, honey, I want to suck on that albino anaconda!" I complied and enjoyed the erotic sight of her drop her head and wrap her luscious black lips around the head of my cock, bobbing her head up and down, tightening her lips as they came up and over the underside of my glans. She stroked my shaft with one hand and fondled my engorged balls with her other one. She licked and sucked me like a pro for several minutes, both of us groaning, my hips grinding upwards with each descent of her mouth down the head and shaft of my engorged and throbbing cock. Finally I stood up, lifting her up by her arms as well. I reached down and pulled her dress up over her head as she raised her arms compliantly. Her magnificent black tits sprang into view, even a little larger than my sister's 36D's, with large black puffy areolas and erect nipples. She smiled at me salaciously as I reached down and slipped her black panties down, exposing a small closely trimmed pubic thatch and black pussy lips and clit slightly protruding. She turned around to show me her ass. Large and perfectly rounded, she jiggled it to show how her ass cheeks slightly bounced as she did so. I didn't think any girl's ass could surpass my sister's, but this one did. I turned her back around and laid her down on the couch. My first move was to lay my chest on her stomach and reach out my hands and fondle her firm, round, jiggling breasts, squeezing their delicious meatiness as I lowered my head and sucked and licked her areolas and turgid, quivering nipples. (As you have no doubt already surmised if you have read all the chapters of my story, I am a titaholic). She groaned and purred: "That's it, baby, suck those black titties!" as she ran her fingers through my hair. I slid down, murmuring: "I want to taste that sweet pussy of yours" and licked and sucked on her dark black labias and clit. Desiree's moans intensified: "OH YES!! LICK THAT BLACK PUSSY! OH! OH! OH! OH!". I spread her pussy lips to expose the pink inside of her cunt, and plunged my tongue in and out over and over again. "AHHHHHHHHHH!!!! TONGUE FUCK THAT BLACK PUSSY!!!" Desiree screamed, squirming her ass and bucking her hips. After several minutes of cunnilingus, Desiree pushed my head away and groaned: "I WANT THAT BIG WHITE COCK INSIDE ME! Sit back, I want to RIDE that fucker!!". I did so and she straddled my legs, grabbed my cock, placed it at the entrance to her cunt, and slowly lowered herself down on the entire length of my shaft, hissing in pleasure, until her exquisite ass rested on my balls. Then she began to bounce her ass up and down, gradually increasing speed, until she was jackhammering rapidly, her hips seemingly on a swivel, her body slapping loudly on mine with each downward lunge. Desiree interrupted her grunts of pleasure with loud groans of: "YOU LIKE FUCKING THAT BLACK PUSSY, WHITE BOY?!?! YOU LIKE MY BLACK PUSSY?!!" I sure did, reaching around to grasp her bouncing ass, then reaching up to maul and suck and lick her tits. We began to intensely french kiss, groaning with the pleasure of our frenzied fucking. Eventually I felt myself approaching orgasm, so I lifted her ass up and flipped her on her back, keeping my cock inside her. I began to rapidly pound Desiree's grasping pussy, her eyes closed and her face frozen in a grimace of ecstasy. She squealed with pleasure as I reamed her cunt mercilessly with my pulsating cock. I opened my eyes at some point and was surprised to see my sister standing in the front hallway watching us, rubbing her pussy through her shorts and biting her lower lip. She smiled crookedly and raised her hand and twiddled her fingers when she saw me notice her presence. This only increased my excitement to know my sister was watching me fuck her friend, and I finally reached the verge of an intense orgasm. "I'M CUMMMIIINNNGGG!!!!!!!!' I bellowed as my balls began to tighten in preparation to release my pent-up sperm. Deep into her own orgasm, Desiree screamed: " CUM ON MY FACE, JAKE!!! CUM ON MY FACE!!!!" I pulled out and slid up, stroking my cock quickly, and very soon the cum raced up my shaft and spewed all over her face in burst after burst, some of it depositing into her open mouth and protruding tongue. I slid further up and put the head of my cock into her mouth as the last few spurts emerged, with Desiree sucking and swallowing it down like a trooper. I finally sat back on her stomach, spent. She smiled, eyes closed, and slowly wiped my cum off her face with her first two fingers, licking them off with relish. "That was DELICIOUS!" Desiree purred as she opened her eyes. "Damn, that girl sure didn't lie when she told Christine you were a great fuck. Too bad your sister can't get any of that sweet cock of yours, I bet she'd like it!'. I smiled, enjoying the sweet irony of her comment. Then I glanced up to see my sister shuddering in silent orgasm as she rubbed her twat quickly, her eyes closed and her hips at an upward angle. She finally opened her eyes and realized that Desiree and I had stopped fucking and quickly tiptoed out the open front door, closing it soundlessly behind her. Desiree looked up at the clock and exclaimed: "OH SHIT!! Christine will be back any minute now!! Let me up and let's get dressed". We did so and she ran to the bathroom quickly and wiped herself off, brushed her hair, and tried her best to restore her appearance to how she looked before our intense fuck. I didn't bother with that, knowing what I knew. Desiree returned and sat back on the couch. She gave me a soul kiss and purred with a wicked smile: "We've got to do that again SOON, Jakey boy....." I replied with a smile: "Your wish is my command, baby". Suddenly Christine opened the front door and walked in, saying loudly: "I'M BAAAAACK! Did you have fun while I was gone?" She glanced at me quickly with a knowing smile, looking back at her friend as Desiree replied: "Yeah, your little brother's alright. He was good company while you were gone". She turned her head away from my sister, looked at me and smirked. She turned back to Christine and said: "You know what, I've got to go. I've got to get home and clean the kitchen before my mom gets home." She rose and sashayed to the hallway, swiveling her hips seductively. Before she walked out she turned back and twiddled her fingers at me. "See ya, Jake!" she chirped breezily and left. My older sister looked at me intensely for several seconds, then ran to me and we embraced. She blurted breathlessly: "That got me SO horny!! I want you to fuck me RIGHT NOW just the way you fucked DESIREE!!" I felt my cock twitch and begin to harden again, and smiled. I whispered in her ear: "Your wish is my command, sis" and happily complied with her request. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You might think my life couldn't get any better at this point, but you'd be wrong. Desiree, with no incest taboo to keep secret like my sister, evidently spread the word about our sexual liason to the rest of her and Christine's friends. Soon they all began to act much more friendly towards me than they ever had before, greeting me flirtatiously in the hallways, the bolder among them even running their hand down my arm or across my chest as they did do. My friends were in awe, asking me what the hell was up with all these older girls coming on to me like that. I told them about my sister setting me up with Desiree and our fuck session, and they were flabbergasted at my luck. Not being able to drive yet, it would have been awkward to ask these 17 and 18 year old girls on dates. I was broke, anyway. But I came up with a new strategy- I began to ask them if they would come to my house and help me study for my classes that they had all taken their Freshman year. Of course, this was just a ruse to get them alone in my bedroom, and I think they knew that, because they all agreed. Once in my bedroom alone and with the door locked, I quickly made moves on each of them, and didn't strike out once. It was GREAT to have a reputation as an awesome fuck with the older girls at school! Eventually I fucked nearly all my sister's hot friends, and she was a popular girl. These included a wide variety of girls of all shapes, colors, and sexual attributes (no fat ones, what for?). Among them were several Mexican girls (muy caliente in the sack) and one Asian girl (very submissive at first but wild once revved up). I even had a 3-way with Desiree and another black girl she brought along with her. Most were into straight sex, but some of them were into kinky stuff. I complied with their various fetishes as long as it wasn't something disgusting. I learned a lot of new tricks and all the girls I was with seemed well satisfied when we were done. Of course, they all wanted repeat performances, so my dance card was full the rest of the year. Luckily, a few of Christine's friends were Juniors, so I didn't have to worry about going back to square one the next school year once all the Seniors had graduated and moved off somewhere for college. Even with all the action I was getting, I still fucked my older sister often, usually in the morning or late at night since my afternoons and evenings were usually booked up. Rather than becoming jealous, my sister was glad for me and proud of how well I satisfied her friends' desires. What a great sister I had! Christine graduated high school and enrolled in a University in a city several hours drive away for the upcoming Fall semester. I was sad that my beloved older sister, now 18, would no longer live under the same roof as I and we would no longer be able to fuck on a daily basis. But as my sister pointed out to me, we'd still be able to hook up when she came home to visit, and besides, I already had an extensive love life servicing all of her friends sexually. We made the best of it and spent the Summer fucking like rabbits, since we had full days of privacy together while our parents worked. Meanwhile, our parents were having problems. Their marriage seemed to be on the rocks, and one night I heard them fighting in their room when my Dad got home late supposedly from work and my Mom smelled a woman on him. She accused him of having an affair with his hot new secretary, 15 years younger than my Mom, and he blew up, packed a bag, and left. Two weeks later he moved in with said secretary, confirming my mother's suspicions. By now Christine had gone off to college, and Mom and I were alone in the house. She was depressed for a short time after Dad left, but quickly got over it. She started going to a gym almost daily to work off steam, which also served to firm up her already sexy body. At 39, she was still a beautiful woman and looked 10 years younger than her age, but didn't seem interested in resuming a love life as yet. Most of the time she just hung around the house when she was off work. However, I knew she still had sexual desires, since I found a dildo and vibrator in her nightstand while rifling through it one day while she was at work. I sometimes listened with my ear to her door at night, and could hear the faint sounds of buzzing and her moaning. Her favorite way to relax was to sun herself by the pool. I enjoyed seeing her in her skimpy white bikini, the top barely concealing her 38D breasts that jiggled deliciously as she walked to the lounge. Her ass was still firm and sexy, and she had no cellulite, varicose veins, or stretch marks to mar her appearance. She had dark black curly hair like my sister, and their faces were of course similarly beautiful. At first I tried not to fantasize about fucking my mother, thinking: "It's ONE thing to fuck your sister, but it's a whole other thing to fuck your MOM!" But I found I couldn't help myself, and soon decided to try to make my fantasies into reality like I had with my sister. As part of my plan to seduce my mother, I bought a pair of those European nut-hugger swimsuits. I modeled them in the mirror, smirking at how revealing it was. I had turned 16 and grown to 6' even, and had been working out all Summer in between fucking, which also kept me lean, and I had to admit to myself I looked good in the mirror. The next day I saw my mom sunning by the pool, lying on her stomach on the lounge, her top untied to leave no tan line. I went down and dived in the pool close to her and swam around a little, then paddled over near her and pulled myself out of the pool, dripping. She raised herself slightly on her elbows to watch me emerge, giving me a nice view of her cleavage. Her eyes grew wide with shock as she eyed my bulging crotch, the extremely tight suit clearly outlining my 8" cock and balls. She said: "Don't you think that swimsuit is a little obscene, son?" looking me in the eyes, then back at my crotch. "Not really....why, does it bother you, Mom?" I replied, "Hmmm.., it doesn't leave much to the imagination, now, does it?" she countered, lifting her eyebrows. "Well, YOUR swimsuit is kind of skimpy, too, Mom" was my defense, and I ogled her ass and the top half of her tits visible from her being propped up on her elbows. She noticed my lustful gaze and laid down again, replying embarrassedly: "I'm just trying to get a good overall tan, that's all". I laughed and smacked her on the ass playfully, which bucked involuntarily with surprise. I dived back into the pool, then went and sat on the side of it with my legs spread, jutting my crotch out to give my mother a good look. I could see her peeking at me surreptitiously over the top of her sunglasses. After a while she called to me: "Hey, Jake, could you come over here and put some sunscreen on my back for me?" "Sure!" I said and went over to her and knelt by her side. squirted some lotion in my hands, and began first to apply it to her legs, starting at the calves and working up to the thighs. She spread her legs a little as I worked the inside of her thighs, and I "accidently" touched her pussy a couple of times with the edges of my forefingers as I rubbed up the inside. She twitched when I did this, and it was obvious to me how desperate she was for a man's touch there. I put more lotion in my hands for her back, then I sat on her upper thighs to apply it. I made sure to place my bulging crotch directly on her ass crack. I heard her give a slight gasp and she raised her head and turned it slightly, about to protest this intimacy, but then hesitated and laid back down. I massaged the lotion over her back and shoulders, then rubbed down her sides and once again "accidently" rubbed the sides of her breasts as I did so. My cock was rubbing into her ass as I shifted back and forth to rub her down, and I felt her shudder and stop breathing. I could see she was restraining herself from showing a passionate response to my stimulations. Finally I showed her mercy and stood, patting her on the ass (which twitched), and said: "There ya go, Mom! I'm going in now". "Thanks, Jake" she said breathlessly, peering up, and the look in her eyes told me she was trying to figure out what exactly had just happened between us. I could feel her eyes remain on me as I walked back into the house, smiling. Phase One, complete. That night I crept down to my mother's bedroom door and put my ear to it, hearing the buzzing and moaning again louder than before. I had certainly gotten her worked up that afternoon. I smiled as I went back to my room. Phase Two, complete. I laid naked on top of my bed for around half an hour or so, then I heard my door open quietly. I looked up and saw my mother slipping into my room in the moonlight, wearing a sheer negligee. I closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep, and sneaking peeks I saw her tiptoe next to me. She stood there staring at my exposed penis, and licked her lips. This made me become semi-hard, and I saw her eyes grow wider as it enlarged. She tentatively reached out to touch my cock, but pulled her hand back before doing so. She did this several times, and I could see she was waging an inner battle: her lust vs. the incest taboo. Finally she shook her head with reluctance, biting her lower lip, and tiptoed out again, closing the door softly. I lay there for a while, excited and frustrated. Damn, I had been so close to my mother initiating Phase Three herself! Then I decided to take things into my own hands, and got up and snuck down to my mother's room. Her door was open a crack, and I quietly opened it and slipped inside. The room was dark but by the moonlight I was able to see her laying naked on top of her bed, her eyes closed, and her middle finger buried in her closely trimmed pussy, frigging herself softly. I crept next to her left side,unnoticed, my mother deep into her self-stimulation. She was softly fingering her clit, moaning, her hips gyrating, her breasts jiggling. I grew hard as a rock at this mouth-watering sight. She moaned: "ooooohhhh,,,,Jake" and that was all I could take. I reached out and began to gently squeeze her yielding yet firm tits, rubbing my forefingers on her already hardened nipples. She opened her eyes and they grew wide with shock seeing me there and what I was doing to her. She knocked my hands from her breasts and crossed her arms across her chest, blurting: "What do you think you're DOING, Jake?! I'm your MOTHER, for Christ's Sake!!" I pleaded: "PLEASE, mom, I know you want it, and I want it TOO!" I reached my left hand down and rubbed her clit with my forefinger up and down several times. Her hips bucked reflexively, and she knocked that hand away, too, covering her crotch with one hand and trying to cover her breasts with the other. She panted: "NO, Jake, we are Mother and Son. This would be INCEST!" However, she then looked down for the first time at my erect penis, and when she looked back up I could see she was excited as she gazed at me with wide eyes. I smiled and put my right knee on her pillow, my hard cock quivering inches from her face. I said soothingly: "C'mon mom, look what I have for you here. I know you want to touch it, I was awake earlier when you were in my room. Go ahead, touch it". A look of shame went across my mother's face and she looked down and groaned: "Oh, no...you KNEW I was there! What was I THINKING? I'm your mother, we can't be doing THIS!". I said: "It's OK, mom, I'm not a little boy anymore. I'm a MAN with a hard cock for you. I've had sex before, I know what I'm doing. You'll like it, I promise. Besides, I know you're horny as hell right now". I rubbed her stomach, which quivered at my touch. She looked back up at my eyes, then down to my cock, then again to my eyes. She repeated this several times, barely breathing. Then she licked her lips and tentatively reached out her hand for my cock, only to pull it back again. Her inner battle raged within her. After several more starts and stops, she finally wrapped her left hand gingerly around my shaft, softly fingering my mushroom head with her thumb and forefinger. Then she gently began to stroke me, staring with lust at my cock and panting with desire. Her grip grew firmer, and she began to increase the tempo of her hand-job. Finally she whispered "FUCK IT!" and lifted her head up to wrap her lips around my cockhead. She sucked and licked it softly at first, then evidently lost all inhibitions and began to ravish my cock with her mouth. I began to softly squeeze her right breast and rub her hard nipple as my mother moaned with lust, her tit quivering at my touch. After a couple of minutes, my mother pulled her mouth off my cock and ordered: "Get up here, son, and lie down!" I complied and she knelt over me, getting down to serious business sucking my cock as only a woman of her experience could. She fondled my engorged balls with one hand while she stroked my shaft with the other, her mouth alternating between licking my glans and bobbing the mushroom head with tight lips. Then she began to suck my cock deeper into her mouth than any girl ever had before. She interrupted her feast briefly to pant "My GOD, what a MAN you've grown into! Your cock is every bit as big as your DAD'S, maybe BIGGER!" She sucked some more, stopping again to ask: "Do you like Mommy sucking your DICK, son? Does it feel GOOD?" I grunted my approval, cupping and squeezing a breast as she knelt over me. She lowered her head again to continue her excellent blow job. The sight of my own sexy mother sucking my cock was so erotic I knew I couldn't hold out long. Soon my tension built and I began to feel my orgasm approaching. I began bucking my hips upward to meet her descending mouth and yelled "I'M CUMMING! I'M CUMMMINNNGGG!!!" My mother groaned and didn't take her mouth off of me for a second. She continued to suck and gave my testicles a gentle squeeze as my groin clenched, my balls tightened, and the sperm raced up my shaft to plaster my mother's tonsils in burst after burst. She grunted and swallowed it down, not spilling a drop. She continued to softly lick and suck my cock until it began to grow soft, then laid back on her pillow with her hands behind her head, smiling salaciously. I crawled on top of her and whispered: "Thanks, Mom" and began to kiss and suck her neck, which made her moan.Then I slid down a little and pushed her big tits together, squeezing them as I circled her large areolas with the tip of my tongue and sucked her hard, excited nipples. Her breasts were not quite as firm as my sister's, but they were a little larger, making up for it. My mother groaned: "THAT"S IT, SON, SUCK MY TITS! SUCK THEM LIKE WHEN YOU WERE A BABY!!!" I continued to feast on my mother's magnificent mammaries for several minutes more while she writhed beneath me, cradling my head with her hands. I lifted my head and said: "Here's something I DIDN'T do when I was a baby" and slid down further. She spread her legs compliantly and I parted her vagina lips with my fingers to make her engorged clitoris stand out more prominently. I began to gently lick it up and down and circle it with my tongue, slowly at first, then faster and faster. I alternated between licking her clit, sucking it, and plunging my tongue deep into her pussy. Her hips gyrated and bucked under me, and she began to moan loudly in ecstasy. She gasped: "Oh my GOD! A big cock and you know how to eat pussy, TOO! OHHHHHH...you're driving me WILD!!!" As her passion grew, I grasped my mother's firm round ass and began to squeeze it as I flicked my tongue up and down on her clit as fast as I could. Her moans intensified to screams as she bucked wildly in my grip. Finally she threw her head back, raised her hips, and began to scream "I'M CUMMINNNNGGG!!! OH GOD, I'M CUMMING SO HARRDDDD!!!!" and her entire body began to shudder. She gripped my head in the throes of orgasm, her pussy pulsating and grasping at my tongue. I continued to lick her until her shuddering subsided and she lowered her hips to the bed, breathing hard and groaning with pleasure. I crawled up between my mother's legs and rubbed my once again hard cock on her clit, then placed it at the entrance to her still quivering cunt, rubbing it up and down just inside her wet pussy lips. I asked her: "Do you want me to stick it in, Mom, do you want me to FUCK you?" She groaned lustfully: "Yesssss, baby, put it innnnn.... FUCK your Mommy!!" I grinned and pushed my cock into my mother's deliciously slick pussy until I was balls deep in her, her groaning intensifying. She was not as tight as my sister, but her cunt still gripped me snugly. The liquid warmth of her love canal felt exquisite on my throbbing cock. She moaned with desire: "OH my GOD, that's what I've been MISSING...FUCK ME, SON! FUCK ME!" I pulled back and pushed into her again, sawing my cock in and out of my mother's sweet pussy, faster and faster. She wrapped her arms around my back and locked her ankles behind my ass, pulling me into her. My mother was a lively fuck, lifting her hips up to meet each downward thrust I made, clenching her pussy on my cock as I pulled back for the next lunge. Her beautiful breasts bounced up and down with the rhythm of our fucking. My mother moaned in ecstasy: "Oh my LORD, Jake....you fill me UP!!! What a big juicy cock you haaaaave!!! You're making your Mommy feel so gooooooodddd!!!" I bent down and french kissed her passionately, our tongues pushing and circling each other as I continued to slam my cock into her grasping cunt, my balls slapping her ass with each lunge I made. I alternated between kissing her and sucking her tits as my cock plunged the depths of her pulsating pussy. We continued fucking with a burning passion, our moans intensifying into screams of pleasure. Finally my mother began to gasp: "OHHHH!!! I'M ALMOST THEEEERE!!! FUCK ME FASTER, SON!!! MAKE YOUR MOMMY CUM AGAAAIIINNNN!!!!" She had a death grip on my shoulders and her hips began to buck like a wild bronco as she reached the verge of climax. The excitement of fucking my own mother to orgasm finally pushed me over the edge, and I felt the cum building up in my balls, preparing to ejaculate. I yelled: "I'M GOING TO CUMMM!!!! CAN I CUM INSIDE YOU, MOMMMMM?!?!" She screamed: "YES!! CUM INSIDE ME, SON!!!!!! I WANT TO FEEL YOUR HOT CUM IN MY PUSSY!!!!" That was all it took, and I clenched up as my balls released their load, the sperm racing to my cockhead to shoot deep into my mother's womb in a series of spurts, flooding it. Her cunt fluttered and grasped my cock rhythmically in the midst of my mother's own orgasm, milking my cock for every last drop of my cum. We both screamed incoherently in ecstatic climax, our bodies shuddering. Waves of extreme pleasure washed over both of us at the pinnacle of our incestuous coupling. Finally our orgasms subsided, and I collapsed in exhaustion on my mother, my cock still buried in her cunt. She cradled me and kissed the side of my head and neck as we regained our breath. Eventually I grew soft inside her, and I rolled off her, my cum dribbling from her pussy onto the sheet below. I laid on my side next to her. We both smiled and I kissed her softly as I stroked her stomach and softly rubbed her breasts. "That was great, Mom, you're an AWESOME fuck" I murmured in her ear. :"Yes, it was, son. That's just what I needed" she murmured back. But then she frowned slightly, continuing: "it felt good, but it was SO wrong. We're Mother and Son, we can't be lovers. This is incest. We both lost our minds there for a while, but it was a mistake, and we can't do it again". I said: "Mom, it's just sex. It's just between us, and it's nobody else's business. We're not hurting anyone, and we can make each other feel good. I want to do it again. We'll keep it a secret, no one else will EVER know". She looked at me doubtfully, so I reached down and softly began to rub her pussy lips. She closed her eyes and tilted her head back, moaning softly, and slowly gyrated her hips. Then she opened her eyes and smiled wickedly at me, purring: "Well, OK, but just for tonight. Let's get it all out of our system so we can go back to normal tomorrow" She reached down and began to stroke my cock softly back to life, gazing intently into my eyes with that wicked smile so reminiscent of my sister's. We fucked all night long in every position I knew. We did it doggy-style while I grabbed her ass and rammed her deep. She got on top and rode me while I reached up and mauled and sucked her tits, alternately grabbing and squeezing her exquisite ass as it plunged down, impaling her pussy on my cock. She rode me reverse cowgirl style and laid back so I could rub her clit with one hand and rub a nipple with the other while I lunged my cock up into her cunt. I tit-fucked her as she lay on her back, squeezing her large breasts around my cock to give it a tight, fleshy channel to fuck, and sucking the head of my cock into her mouth each time it emerged. We lay on our sides with me behind her, lifting one of her legs while I sawed my cock back and forth into her cunt, reaching around and grasping a breast with my free hand. We screwed missionary style again, this time with her legs up on my shoulders so her pussy felt even tighter and my cock rubbed her clit as I plowed it into her repeatedly. I laid her on her back with her ass on the side of the bed and lifted her legs in a V, myself standing on the floor and pounding my throbbing cock into her cunt brutally. She had her arms crossed beneath her breasts, and they bounced enticingly with each ram of my cock into my mother's vagina. I reached down and gripped her tits as I blew my load deep into my mother, her legs wrapped behind my back. I even got her to agree to anal sex, which was delicious, her sphincter gripping my cock like a vise as I blew a load deep into her ass, which squirmed with this unusual pleasure. We fucked until dawn, enjoying countless orgasms, until we were both too exhausted to go on. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Life went sort of back to normal after that. I continued to fuck my sister when she visited from college or when I went to visit her there. We hooked up about once a month, and I continued to fuck her friends the times in between. I never told my sister what Mom and I had done, living up to my promise to keep it secret. My mother never found out about my ongoing affair with my sister, either. I preferred it that way, no need for jealousy within the family. Unfortunately, my mother held firm in not continuing to have sex with me. She rationalized our night of sex as a mistake brought on by her own sexual starvation, vowing not to repeat it. That did not stop me from trying- I would sneak up behind her at the sink and squeeze her ass or reach around to fondle her breasts or rub her pussy while I kissed her neck, but she always pushed me away gently, softly saying: "No, Jake, not again". I tried to entice her by walking around the house naked. The first time I did this she told me to put some clothes on, but I said: "What for? You've already seen me naked and there's no one else here. Besides, I'm more comfortable this way". She said nothing more, but I could see her ogle me from the corners of her eyes as I strutted around bare. She then started sun-bathing in the nude herself (we had high privacy fences). The first time she did this I went up to her with a hard cock, lust in my mind, and tried to climb on top of her, but she pushed me off and said: "Don't get any ideas here. You've already seen ME naked, too. I just don't want any tan lines". However, she had a sly smile on her face as she lay back down and closed her eyes. Evidently she enjoyed the affect her nude body had on me. This mutual teasing went on for a month or so, but finally the sexual tension was broken when she walked into my room naked one night and blurted: "Jake, I can't take it any more. I'm so horny I could explode. Let's FUCK!" and climbed on my bed, immediately grabbing my cock and lowering her mouth to it. I got her into a 69 position and began to tongue her wet pussy, squeezing those awesome bare tits and ass I had been craving for. She then climbed on top of me and rode me like a crazy woman, our bodies slapping together loudly, her juices leaking down the shaft of my cock. It was obvious she had been wanting me, too, and she intended to make up for it with some wild fucking. We went on to ravish each other all night, screwing like sex maniacs. From then on we had sex fairly regularly, now that all her inhibitions were gone. My mother rationalized it as stress relief from the tensions of daily life, but I knew that she craved my big cock and couldn't resist it. Eventually, my mother met another man and remarried. Luckily, he has a job that takes him out of state often, giving my mother and I have ample opportunities to fuck while he is gone. My sister got married, too, but we still fuck occasionally when we get a chance, being very careful not to get caught and destroy her marriage. Someday I know I'll graduate high school and move off to start my adult life, but I know I'll continue to fuck my mother and sister whenever we have the opportunity. But for now, things are GREAT. What a wonderful life I have! to be continued..... pics---->> http://bit.ly/1QdQXsD
Title: Retirement and College Ch. 02 Summary: Kassie's affection gets to be too much for her uncle. Keywords: inc,fic The following weekend, Kassie and I went hiking both days. Nighttime found us watching Netflix and relaxing. We'd have a glass of wine and she would snuggle up next to me, like she had her whole life. I'd wrap my arm around her as we watched her favorite shows. I enjoyed sharing that time with her, just cuddling and talking, but I wondered if I should be. I knew I shouldn't give her a reason to become more assertive in her actions. I realized I was becoming more affectionate with her as well. Nothing too significant, just the little touches that are shared between two people that are close and comfortable with one another. A light pat or rub on her lower back. Patting her firm thigh when we were driving. She always smiled and it made me do it more often, even if I probably shouldn't. The rest of July passed quickly, as we did something together practically every day. She was having a great time and I enjoyed being with her. We took long drives in my two fun cars. She really loved driving the Ferrari, and joked that she would gladly accept one as a graduation present in a few years. The Viper was a different story, as its power scared even me at times. I'd bought it and tuned it up, often taking it up the coast to Laguna Seca to see what it what it could do. To a girl that drove a Honda Civic, it was terrifying. After she almost put us in a ravine her first time behind the wheel, she decided she'd be a passenger in the Viper. One Thursday, we decided to go to Knott's Berry Farm to ride rollercoasters. We hadn't been in a couple of summers, and there were a few new ones we were looking to try. As we walked around the park, she'd insisted on holding my hand, like she'd done when she was younger. I felt a little self-conscious when I saw women my age stare at me in disgust. I noticed there was a very different look on the faces of men my age. When we got in the Jeep to drive home, Kassie mentioned it. "They probably thought I was your sugar daddy," I laughed. She rolled her eyes, "I finally looked that up." "You see what I mean, now," I asked. "Yeah, I just thought it was something sweet," she grinned. "No, not quite," I replied, laughing as we got on the freeway. "I can't imagine doing that," she said. "Not every girl has a rich uncle that spoils them constantly, though," I laughed. "No, I'm lucky there," Kassie smiled. She reached over and rubbed my hand that rested on the gear shift. We drove in silence for a little while before she spoke again. "There are benefits for both sides, I guess," she said with a devious smile. "Ha, you think so, do you," I asked, wondering where this conversation was heading. "Yeah, I mean the guys have pretty, younger girlfriends and the girls get a man with experience," she replied. "Geez, Kassie, you seem to have thought this out," I laughed. "It's true," she persisted, enthusiastically. "Yeah, I suppose so, it's practically the perfect arrangement." "Well, not for me anyway," she laughed. "I'd hope not," I agreed. "A handsome man with experience would be nice though." "You're crazy." I smiled to hide my discomfort. "No, I'm not. It's just that guys my age are horrible. They just want to get high, play video games and expect you to send them nudes constantly. They're not respectful at all," she complained. "So, they're being teenage boys, you mean?" "Yeah," she replied. "I wish I could tell you that college will be immediately different, but I don't want to lie to you, sweetie. Boys are dumbasses until at least 21 or 22, usually." "Ugh. That's what I'm afraid of. You weren't like that in college, though. Mom said you were a great guy." "I didn't have time to be a jerk, honey. I stayed busy trying to get your mother and I through school," I said. "I know," she said sadly. "You'll just have to be patient, honey." "I know, but I'm getting tired of being patient," she replied. The first week of August, Kassie told me she had found a job at the school library. I was happy to hear that, as she'd worked in a library since she was 16. I figured that would be a good transition to college life for her. She started working almost immediately, leaving me home alone a lot during the day and early evening. I took the time to work on my Jeep and Land Rover, as well as doing some things around the house. Our flirtation continued unabated. I didn't mention it to Manda because I didn't want to give her any more ideas. I found the uneasiness I felt began to fade. She would walk up and rub my back or arm. She would hug me spontaneously. I would touch her lower back or her shoulders, particularly if she was wearing one of her sports tops. I loved feeling her bare skin. It reminded me of 1984 all over again with her mother. Many times, I saw a look in her eye that made me think she was holding back, that she was thinking of more than what we were sharing. We were treading on thin ice, I often reminded myself, but it didn't stop me from what I was doing. She said several things over the next week or so, that taken out of context, would have seemed harmless. Given the way she was acting though, they could only be interpreted one way. They were overtly sexual in nature, but she played it off as something innocent. I just smiled and laughed. I felt I should stop encouraging her, but after one of those moments of clarity, I eventually returned to my previous course. She also made a few off-hand comments about how close her mother and I were. Nothing specific, but enough to make my antenna twitch. She made sure I had opportunities to see her in less and less clothing. One morning for instance, I was in the kitchen making some oatmeal for breakfast. She walked in wearing just a tank top and a tiny black thong. I was just wearing my sleep shorts, so I guess I wasn't in any position to be overtly critical. She acted surprised, "Oh, Uncle John, I didn't realize you were up already," she smiled innocently. "Yeah, just making some breakfast, you want some," I asked. I returned her smile, even though we both knew she hadn't beat me out of bed since she'd arrived. "Sure." She replied. I watched as she reached into the cabinet to get juice glasses for us. She made an overly dramatic effort, and it had the desired effect. I couldn't help but watch. I admired her lean frame, all stretched out, her breasts unhindered beneath her tank top. I longed to walk over and caress her. When she turned back to me, she saw that I'd been watching her. She gave me an innocent little smile, but I saw something very different in her eyes. She poured the juice, then walked over behind me and gave me a hug. I felt her soft breasts and face against my back. I realized the oatmeal wasn't the only think stirring, so was my cock. She let go of me and moved beside me, her arm still around my bare lower back. I turned to look at her and saw her little nipples were rock hard. Resistance to her was becoming harder by the moment. "So, what are we going to do today," she asked. "I don't know, what do you want to do?" "Something fun," she said, running her hand over my lower back. Her hand felt amazing as she moved it in a slow circle. "That really narrows it down," I replied, smiling. The hug and her continued touch, combined with what she was wearing had the predictable effect on me. I watched her look down at the front of my shorts. My cock was rapidly on the rise. I watched her as she looked at it. She seemed almost mesmerized. Finally, she looked back up at me. "I..uh, we'll think of something, I'm sure," she said, her voice shaky. I was glad I wasn't the only one nervous about what was going on. She wrapped her arms around me again, and squeezed me tightly. "I just love hugging you, Uncle John." "You do, huh? You've been doing it a lot," I smiled. "Does it make you uncomfortable," she asked. "No, not at all. Who wouldn't want a pretty girl hugging them," I said. "Okay, good," she replied. Her right hand slid back across my abdomen and stopped. I was suddenly nervous, especially when I felt her hand begin to move down towards the waist of my shorts. "Hey, you better grab us some bowls, it's beginning to stick." I said quickly. She reluctantly complied, but as she turned, her hand grazed down across my mostly hard cock and thigh, no doubt intentionally. "Your bowls, sir," she said when she returned. Her arm went around my back once again, as I started ladling the oats into the bowls. I watched out of the corner of my eye, that she kept glancing down at my tented shorts. Knowing she was looking, my cock to further harden despite my best wishes. I needed to eat breakfast and take a cold shower, or it was going to be a difficult day, I thought. We walked in to the dining to room to eat. Naturally, she walked in front of me and I thought that there was an extra little wiggle to her walk. I couldn't believe how firm her little ass was. It hardly jiggled, and it took all my willpower not to grab it. As we ate, we chatted about plans for the day. We decided we'd go to the beach. I was thankful because I was looking for any excuse to get us out of the house at that moment. I slid back from the table and was sipping my juice, as I looked out the window at the ocean. The morning sun reflected off the blue surface, and I never got enough of looking at it. I heard her chair move and she sat on my lap, wrapping her arms around my neck. My cock had went back down, but quickly revived when her mostly bare ass hit my lap. "It's so pretty," she said, enjoying the view. "Yes, it is," I agreed. The view of the ocean was nothing compared to the view of the half-clothed Kassie in my lap, though. I was fighting my desire as she continued sitting there. I felt her move around and it allowed my hard cock to press against her thigh. She didn't seem to notice, which was probably a good thing. I had my left hand on her thigh near her knee, while my right was on her waist. I lightly stroked her thigh as we continued chatting. She turned back from watching the ocean and looked at me intently. I expected her to say something, but she just leaned her head on my shoulder. I felt her warm breath on my neck. I wrapped my arms around her, holding her tightly against me. My feelings for her were getting out of control, and I wondered what she was feeling. We sat there silently for a long while, before I felt her move and take my right hand in hers. She lightly pushed it downwards towards her hip. When my hand reached bare skin, she stopped. I lightly traced my fingers along the waistband of her thong, before continuing to rub her hip. I was waiting for a reaction, but there was none. It just seemed like the most natural thing in the world. I resumed running my hand over her hip, upper thigh and eventually her firm little ass. I couldn't resist and I had to give it a little squeeze, which caused her to giggle softly. "You think we should go to the beach before the crowds show up," I asked. "I'm enjoying the view here," she said, turning to look at me. "Yes, me too." "You do, huh," she asked, with a devilish grin. I knew the view she was hoping I was enjoying. "Of course, I do," I said. She smiled. "I'm glad." She leaned in and kissed me on the cheek. "Okay, I'll go get ready." She got up and walked to her room. My eyes never left her, which was precisely what she wanted. -------------------- That night, we were watching TV, and I realized it was getting late. I'd enjoyed a second glass of wine after dinner and my eyes were getting heavy as we sat on the couch. She lamented that she was working the next day and agreed we should go to bed. She wrapped her arms around me and gave me a quick peck on the cheek. "Uncle John, I can't say enough how much I appreciate you letting me stay here." "Don't mention it. I'm really glad you're here, sweetie," I replied as I hugged her. "So am I," she said with a big smile. She just held on to me, and rested her head against my shoulder. We sat there for a long time, I was stroking her back through her t-shirt. Finally, I said, "We should probably go to bed, huh?" She looked back up at me and nodded, with a pouting face. "Sorry, I just always like when you hold me or hug me. I feel safe," she said. "I know you do, honey," I said. "Ok, I'll let you go, but could you do one thing for me, before you go to bed?" She smiled. "Sure, what's that?" "Tuck me into bed," she smiled. "You're a little old for that, don't you think," I asked. "I'll never ask again. Promise," she grinned. "Ok, one last time." "Let me get ready for bed, then," she said. Knowing I had a few minutes, I turned off the tv and grabbed my empty wine glass. My mind churned over everything that was going on. "Ok, I'm ready," she called. I walked down the hall and saw her sitting on the bed. My mouth fell open when I saw her. She was wearing a beautiful, lacy black negligee. It fit her like it had been made for her. The breast cups left very little to the imagination. "Kassie...." "You like it," she asked. "Yes, it's gorgeous. It looks wonderful on you." "Thanks. I never imagined I'd own something like this. It just didn't feel like me, but it does now. Come and tuck me in." She patted the bed next to her, and I walked over to her bed. She started talking about our trip to the beach, and was thinking about a new swimsuit. I was trying to pay attention to her, but I couldn't keep my eyes from wondering over her body. It was making my mouth water, sitting there looking at her. I wanted to touch and caress her luscious 19-year old body. I was certain she was eager for my touch, but I resisted. "Are you okay," she asked. I knew she had caught my eyes roaming her body. "Yeah, sorry. I'm just really sleepy." I lied. Really horny for you, my beautiful Kassie, was more the truth. "Okay, we can talk tomorrow. You should go to bed." She scooted over and wrapped her arms around me. I could feel the softness of her breasts, pressed against me. Just the thin negligee and my t-shirt separating our flesh. I hugged her back and I realized her negligee was backless. Without thinking, I moved my right hand up and down her bare back. "Thanks. That feels nice. I feel so safe in your arms," she cooed. "Good." My hand reached the small of her back. She snuggled closer to me, and I could feel her warm breath against my neck. My hand was almost to her ass. Finally, I felt the satiny fabric at the bottom of the negligee. I ran my hand along the boundary, and I felt her shiver slightly. My index finger slid inside and I briefly felt the top of her ass. She wasn't wearing any panties. I soon had my hand up to my wrist inside her negligee, lightly caressing the soft skin of her ass. She seemed totally at ease, and held me close to her. "Why did you never remarry, Uncle John." She was resting her head against my chest as she spoke. "I never felt like I met the right one. Plus, I was so busy with work, it really wouldn't have been fair." "But don't you ever get lonely?" "Sometimes," I replied. "You've spent so much of your life taking care of Mom and me." "Yeah, I have, but circumstances required it honey. Besides, you two are all that matter to me." "I know," she replied. "Mom, says you've dated several women." "Yeah, a few." I replied. "Never the right one, I guess," she continued. "No, there was never the right one," I said. "Did you not want kids," she asked. "I did when I was younger, but the way things worked out, I still helped raise a beautiful young woman." "You think I'm beautiful, now?" "You've always been beautiful, Kassie." "Thank you. That really makes me feel special." "You are special. Don't ever forget it," I added. She looked at me and her smile was magical. The look in her eyes made me want to kiss her, but I managed to stop myself. "You've always been really close to Mom." She said. "Yeah, I have. Until you came along, she was all I had." "I know, Uncle John, but you two were really close." She said. Her emphasis worried me. "Yes, we were. Given our circumstances," I said, trying to steer her away from that topic. I began to suspect she knew something. "Yeah. I understand. That had to be hard. Things are so much different for me starting college than it was for Mom." "Yeah, it is honey. A lot different." I agreed. "I have the same roommate though. I'm sure I'll be just fine." She said. She raised her head back up from my shoulder and smiled. I saw the look in her eyes. There was a little twinkle, and it made me uneasy. What was all this talk about her mother and I about? "Honey, I really should go to bed." I said. "I know. You should, Uncle John." She looked at me and smiled. Her face moved towards mine, and I started to turn my head, expecting her to kiss my cheek. Her left hand touched the side of my face and I froze. She kissed me gently on the lips. I just looked at her in surprise. She simply smiled. "I better let you sleep." She said, finally letting go of me. "Good night, Uncle John." "Night, sweet pea." She laid back and I reached for the covers as I stood up. Her negligee was so short. I looked longingly at her smooth thighs, thinking about the treasure that was between them. I could feel my cock stirring. Finally, I had to pull up her bed covers. As I looked up, I saw her watching me. She had a very dreamy smile on her face. I practically ran from her room with the thoughts I was having. I laid in bed tossing and turning after that. I couldn't get my mind off what had happened that day. It was clear she was letting me know that she was willing to go as far as I wanted to take her. Then there had been that tender kiss on the lips. Was I prepared to go further with her? Should I even be thinking about it? I finally dozed off about three. My built-in alarm clock had me up at six. I replayed everything in my head again, as I brushed my teeth and dressed. I went to the kitchen and brewed a cup before walking out on to the patio. The sun was just beginning to break over the horizon. I sat down at the table and immediately dialed Manda's number. "You're up early, baby," she answered. "I had a rough night," I replied. "What happened," she asked. I explained everything that had been going on, including the previous night. Manda listened quietly. When I was finished, she replied. "So, how do you feel about it all," she asked. I heard her office door close. "I don't know, I'm confused." "About what?" "Kassie and I fooling around like we've been doing. I shouldn't be, even though I obviously can't stop myself." "Why shouldn't you with her," Manda asked. "I'm her uncle, baby." "Need I remind you of who I am," she asked, sternly. "No, you don't need to do that," I answered. "So, why is it that much different with her?" "It doesn't feel right to think of her that way, let alone act on it like I've been. It hadn't bothered me that much until last night." "John, it's not any different than me. I'm your sister for Christ's sake." "Babe, I helped raise her. It's like she's my daughter, too. I feel like it would be violating the bond she and I share." "Maybe that bond would get that much stronger, John," she replied, calmly. "Wait a minute, so you're honestly, totally okay with it," I asked. "Yes, I am," she replied. "Why though," I asked her. "John, you and I have something really special between us. You don't think it would be just as special with Kassie?" "Amanda--," I said, before she cut me off. "Admit it, John. It would be." She insisted. "I don't know. Despite what's been going on, I still feel guilty. She's 19, baby. This isn't like you and me. We were both kids." "You shouldn't feel guilty. Babe, she looks up to you and she loves you. She's not a little girl anymore, John. She's a young woman and she knows that she wants that." "Well, yeah, but..." I tried to argue. "Okay, so she's young, so she's shy and she's not direct like I was. She's still trying to tell you babe." "Maybe." "John, you want it too" she said. "Yes. I do," I admitted. "Then do it John, she wants you to teach her." "Do you think she's a virgin," I asked. "Yes. I'm pretty sure. She's very open with me. Except for this, I guess." "That makes me even more hesitant, baby." "John, be honest with me, you wish that you'd been my first, don't you?" "Yes. I do," I admitted. "I always have." "I wish you had been too, babe. I always looked up to you, loved you and wanted that with you long before we took the plunge. I wanted to learn it with you. After we lost Mom and Dad, I knew that I couldn't wait any more and had to take the chance." "I know. This just seems different, though. With you, we just had so much emotion when we started and that helped fuel it," I rambled. "That emotion is long gone, but it's still every bit as special now. Our connection is even stronger," she said. "I know that." "You can have that connection with Kassie, too. Don't you think you have the same love for her, as you did for me then? John, she really looks up to you and loves you. You'll always be her first love, just like me." "I really needed you to be a voice of reason, babe," I replied. "I can't on this. I'm sorry." "Okay. There's something else that's bothering me. Two things actually." "What, baby?" "I think our secret may not be so secret." "Why do you say that," she asked. "Just things she's said," I replied. I gave her examples. "If she knew, would it be a bad thing? If she does know, she obviously isn't freaked out about it." "No, I guess not." "It's interesting she's said those things though," Manda said. "Yeah, I think she's trying to remind me that she wouldn't be any different than you." "It won't be John, and it'll be just as special. What else is bothering you?" "If something happens, will it change things between us?" "You really have to ask me that," she replied. "Yes. I do." "The answer is no. Nothing is ever going to change things between us, babe. Not that, not anything. I love you with all of my heart and I always will." "Are you sure," I persisted. "Yes, John. I'm sure, okay?" "Okay, baby." "I love you, John. Have a good day." "I love you too, Manda. You too." I sat on the patio sipping my coffee as the sun continued to rise. I thought about what Manda had said. It was obvious what Kassie wanted. I knew what I wanted. It bothered me that she was so much younger than me, but she was a woman now. A smart, beautiful woman that I did love deeply and would do anything I could for. Just like her mother. Manda's firm agreement to all of this troubled me the most. My whole adult life she had been what I wanted. What she and I shared in college had kept me from being happy until we were reunited. I hoped to get her to California with me and we could finally just be together. Now, there was Kassie. I was worried about what changes there would be in my relationships with both of them, if things went further. I was most worried about the changes in their relationship. I dialed Manda again. "John, I know why you're calling, again," she said when she answered. "Baby, I'm just worried." "I know you are. But that doesn't change what I said earlier," she said. "Babe, how do you feel? You haven't really told me that." "John, I feel a lot of things." "That's what I was afraid of." I said. "I just don't want to mess up my relationship with either of you or the relationship between the two of you." "John, as usual, your brilliant mind is working far too hard--" "Manda--" "Let me finish. I think the three of us need to have a long talk in September when I'm there, but everything will be fine. I promise. You're not going to mess anything up, short of doing something stupid and I don't have to worry about that happening. And before you ask again, yes, I'm sure about all of this." "Okay, babe." "John, just let things take their course. It's going to be fine. I gotta go. I love you more than anything." "I love you too baby. Thanks." "Don't mention it." --------------------- Later that morning, Kassie went shopping and I was just milling around the house, doing some laundry and cleaning. After lunch, I decided I'd get in the pool. I grabbed a couple beers and put on my swimsuit. I was still in the pool relaxing, when Kassie got home. She decided to join me and went back inside to change. When she returned, she'd grabbed a beer for herself, and was wearing a black cover up. I'd never seen her wear it, as she generally just came out in her one piece. I watched intently as she pulled it over her head, revealing a shiny black bikini. I'd never seen her in one before. I stared, mesmerized by her body. She looked amazing, just so fit and trim. She reminded me so much of mother at that age. I looked up from my lusty glaring and our eyes met. "What?" She asked. A sly smile on her pretty face. "That's a beautiful swimsuit," I said. "Thanks. I just got it! It was on sale, I paid with my own money even," she laughed. "That's great. You were really putting me in the poor house." I laughed. "Whatever! You like it?" She said, twirling around so that I got the full view. "Yes, you look amazing." "You really think so," she asked. Her smile made my heart race. "Yeah, I do." She smiled at me before she walked to the diving board, stopping to sit her beer next to mine. She dove in and swam underwater to where I was wading. She surfaced and pulled back her long dark hair. She waded over to me and we hugged. I delighted in the feel of her bare skin against mine. I ran my hands over her bare back as we hugged. She snuggled closer to me as I did. Our proximity caused a stirring in my swim trunks. "Thank you, Uncle John. No one ever compliments me like you do," she said. "No one," I asked. "No, other than Mom. Guys my age aren't like you. It makes me feel so good, and it means a lot coming from you. I've always looked up to you." She squeezed me tighter. "It's no problem, sweet pea. I'm only telling you the truth." I said. She felt so good in my arms. I could feel myself starting to really get an erection, just from holding her. Finally, she let me go and we gradually started to horseplay. We sipped on our beers, as we splashed one another with water. The splashing gradually turned into wrestling. I decided to try to dunk her. That was much easier said than done, though. She was deceptively strong, and also determined to not let me get the better of her. I had my arms wrapped around her waist from behind and was trying to pull her under, but she wouldn't budge. "You're like Supergirl now. I can't get you under! I must be getting old," I gasped. "You're not old, I've just been working out a lot!" She giggled. "I can tell." My hands moved over her taut abs and obliques as we wrestled. She was so lean and fit, like her mother was at that age. Both of their bodies had benefitted from years of sports. As we continued to struggle, I felt her firm little ass rub against my crotch. My mind passed it off as happenstance, but my cock wasn't listening. It began to stiffen once more, and naturally, her ass brushed against it again. Soon, I was at full erection and still wrestling with her. I wondered how long before she noticed. It didn't take long, as she pressed her hips back towards mine while trying to break the hold I had on her. The movement pushed her firm little ass against my rigid cock. My cock slipped along the shiny fabric of her bikini and down in between her thighs. Just her bikini bottom and my swim trunks separated us. She stopped fighting back and I felt her body go rigid. Her hands were on my arms, that were still around her waist. She grabbed my wrists firmly with her hands, holding them in place. She moved her hips slowly, grinding her ass on my hard cock. Nothing was said. We were both just caught up in the moment. All of our teasing and flirting had come to this. She leaned back against my chest, her head resting against my shoulder. It was just my imagination, but it was almost as if I could feel her rapid heartbeat in my own chest. I held her tightly as she continued moving her hips. We stayed like that, with her just rubbing against me. She released my wrists and I started rubbing my hands over her abdomen. I felt her put her hand on top of mine, and she started pushing my hand down lower. Soon my fingertips brushed along the top of her bikini bottom. She wrapped her fingers in mine and began pushing my hand inside her bottom. My fingertips slipped inside and I caressed the top of her womanhood, waxed bare. Her hand was insistent and she tried pushing my hand down further. Things were getting out of hand. I thought briefly I should stop, but I knew that's not what either of us wanted. I just hoped we weren't doing something we'd regret. She moved our intertwined fingers further down and I felt the lips of her tender sex. I heard her let her breath out slowly. We'd finally crossed the line, as my fingers gently caressed her soft pussy lips. My left hand moved up her abdomen to her breasts. Her nipples were as hard as diamonds, as I took each breast in my hand in turn. Her breath was slow and measured as I continued to touch her. Her hips moved her ass slowly along my cock, driving me wild. I pulled her long, wet hair to one side and began lightly kissing and sucking on the sensitive skin of her neck. Much like her mother, she responded to that quickly. "Mmmmm," she moaned, as my hands continued their exploration of her beautiful body. I felt her reach back and grab my hip as she continued to hump against me, holding me closer to her. Her womanhood felt so wonderful in my hand. So smooth and perfect. My fingers discovered her most sensitive spot and I traced around it, causing her to squirm against me. I thought of all the other things I was going to show her in time. "Oh, Uncle John," she cooed. "It feels so good." "Good, baby doll. Just relax and enjoy it," I whispered in her ear. "Mmmm, no one has ever touched me like this," she purred. I responded by kissing her neck again. I had her breasts out of her her bikini top, and my left hand was alternating between her breasts, teasing her hard nipples. My right index finger strummed a steady beat around her hard, little clit. "Oh, Oh. Uncle John," she panted. Her arm looped back around my head and held me against her smooth neck. I continued kissing and lightly sucking. I knew she was close and I began to slowly increase the pressure and tempo around her clit. She thrashed against me and pushed her head back against my chest. Her orgasm suddenly washed over like a tidal wave. She went limp and I held her close to me, to keep her from slipping in the water. I continued kissing her neck as she regained her composure. I felt her start to move and she slipped away from me. I watched in horror as she walked as fast as she could through the water to the steps. She grabbed her things and dashed into the house without ever looking back. "Fuck," I muttered to myself. I should have just left things alone and not given into my desires. Had I been that wrong about the way she was acting towards me? She had initiated me touching her intimately, I thought. Or was it something else? Did she feel guilty? I walked to the side of the pool and grabbed my unopened beer. I drained half of it in a single pull. I needed to talk to Kassie, and I needed to talk Manda too. I went inside to take a shower. After I finished, I made my way to the kitchen to start dinner. As I passed it, I glanced down the hall to her bedroom door. Of course, it was closed. I entered the kitchen and started slicing onions and garlic for marinara sauce, as we'd planned that morning. I'd just finished, when she walked in the kitchen. She didn't look up at me. She was wearing one of her sports tops and my favorite little black shorts. They looked like they had been painted on her. I chided myself for thinking about that at that moment. "You should have asked me to help you," she said. She finally looked up at me and I couldn't ever remember seeing her looking so sad. "It's ok, honey. I had it under control." "I know you do, I just thought I should stop you from putting too much garlic in the marinara." She had meant it as a joke, but neither of us were in a laughing mood at that moment. "Sorry." "Honey, it's ok. Look, dinner can wait, let's sit down and talk for a minute. I think we need to." I said. The look on her face went from sadness to visible uneasiness. "Are you sure," she asked. "Yes, I am. Come over here," I said, taking her hand. I led her into the dining room and we sat down. She never let go of my hand. "Sweetie. I want to apologize for what happened in the pool, earlier. I hope that you'll forgive me," I said. She just looked at me blankly and then looked down at the table. She sat quietly for what seemed an unbearably long time. I feared that she felt guilty and that things would never be the same between us again. She looked up at me a couple of times before she looked back down at the table. The second time I could see tears in her eyes. I reached over and took her hand in both of mine. I waited as patiently as I could to hear her speak. "Uncle John, you don't owe me an apology. I owe you one. You did exactly what I wanted you to do and it was beautiful, but then I freaked out and ruined it," she said. Tears were rolling down her cheeks. "Honey, come here," I said. I reached out for her. She hesitated briefly before she stood up and sat on my lap. I squeezed her tightly against me. "What caused you to freak out?" "I don't really know where to begin," she said. "Just start slow. We have all the time in the world, okay," I said. She nodded and wiped her eyes. Slowly, haltingly she started talking. "It's just that I've always had this crush on you. I've thought about you. I've thought about an afternoon like today. And then it happened and I felt guilty." "Why did you feel guilty," I asked. "Is it because I'm your uncle?" "No, that doesn't bother me at all now....," she said, looking down at the floor. "Honey. You can talk to me about this," I said. I reached up and cupped her soft cheek in my hand. She looked at me and I saw a little smile there. She placed her hand on mine. We just looked at one another. She slowly leaned in towards me and I knew what was going to happen. Our lips met and we shared a slow, lingering first kiss. She pulled away and her smile was much bigger. "I've wanted to do that for a long time." She said. "It still makes me feel guilty, though." "Why?" I persisted. She sighed. "Because of Mom. I know about you and her, Uncle John." "You do," I asked. I'd voiced my suspicions to Manda, but there it was, all out in the open. "Yeah, I do." "Why does it make you feel guilty, though?" "Because of what you and her share, and I tried to come in between you." She said sadly. "Baby, I'm so sorry about all of this." "No, you shouldn't be. I know it's really beautiful between you. I always wanted that with you. When I found out, it made me think that finally we could share that as well. I just didn't realize I'd feel so guilty about it." "Sweet baby, your mother and I have been talking about this situation ourselves. I apologize that we didn't talk to you about it like we should have." I watched her expression change. The fear in those big, brown eyes began to diminish slightly. "You have," she asked. "Yes, we have, your mom doesn't mind," I replied. "I can't believe it, I've just been trying to deal with this all," she said. She started crying. "Baby. Please, it's going to be okay. I understand what you've been going through. I promise, but we're going to move forward, okay? Everything starts today, all right?" "Okay," she nodded, wiping tears from her eyes. "Sweetie, let me take you to dinner. We'll make our pasta tomorrow. We've got a lot of talking to do," I said. "Okay," she nodded. Her lips quivered as she spoke. When we stood up, I took her in my arms and kissed her, forcefully. When I pulled back, she smiled and her eyes sparkled. "Don't ever feel guilty about that, okay?" "Yes," she nodded. "Get dressed up, I'm going to take you to a nice place up the coast," I said. "I will," she said excitedly, before she walked to her bedroom quickly. I walked to my own bedroom. I knew I had plenty of time to make a quick phone call. I hit Manda's number. "Hey, how's your day," she asked. "It's had it's ups and downs," I replied. "Where's it at now," she asked, the curiosity creeping in her voice. "Up, I think." I quickly gave her the rundown of the day's events. I heard her start to cry when I told her about Kassie feeling guilty. "God, she would feel that way, too. Sometimes, I think she's too kind for her own good," Manda said, sniffling. "Yeah, I agree. The world is an ugly place." "She didn't say how she found out though," Manda asked. "No, but I'll find out," I promised. "She's a smart girl baby, we weren't going to keep it a secret forever." "I know. It's all out in the open now," Manda said. "Yes, it is," I agreed. "You better get ready, then. I'm thinking you should wear that shirt and tie I got you for Christmas with that grey suit. The one you wore when you took me to dinner for my birthday in June." "You think so, huh," I asked. "Yes. I do. She'll love you in it," she said. "I'm sure. Good night. I love you, Manda, and I always will." I said. "I love you too, baby. Have a great night. Bye!" I heard the phone click off, and I started pulling clothes out of the closet. I wondered what was going through Manda's head right now. I was glad Kassie knew the truth now. It was a big relief to me, and I hoped it meant I could get Manda to California sooner. I hoped that we weren't starting something that would change everything. I debated shaving again before I dressed. My stubble didn't look too grey, so I decided I would go with it. I looked in the mirror and I felt pretty good for 48. I just hoped I was enough for my date. I dressed slowly, knowing she'd probably be taking her time. I finally slipped my jacket on and took one last look in the mirror. Not bad, I thought. I walked out of my bedroom to the living area. I heard her bedroom door open, and I thought I'd timed that well. I looked to my left and I saw her walking down the hall. I could only smile as I looked at her. She had her hair pulled back, and wore a sexy black dress. Her legs were encased in shiny, black nylon. She walked confidently on sexy 4" heels. "You look amazing," I said. "So, do you," she replied with a smile. "Are you ready?" "Yes, I am." She wrapped her arms around me and we shared a long, slow kiss. When we broke, she smiled. "That's everything I hoped it would be." "Yes, it is," I agreed. I took her hand and we walked out to the garage. I opened the door to the Ferrari for her and she got in. I joined her and off we went. It was a warm evening and we had the top down. She held my hand as we drove up Route 1. We pulled into the restaurant. Thankfully, it wasn't very busy and we were able to get a table on the patio overlooking the ocean. "What's good here," she asked. "The tuna is always excellent," I replied. "That was easy enough," she smiled. The waiter took our order and I looked at her. "So, where do we begin," I asked. "The beginning, what happened between you and mom?" She listened patiently as I told the story of Manda and me. We had an appetizer and were mostly through our main course before I finished. She asked a few questions, but mostly she just listened. I could tell there were tears in her eyes, but she managed to keep herself together. "That's really special. I had no idea until Christmas," she said. "How did you find out?" "I went out with my friends that one night," she said. "Yeah, I remember." "I got home earlier than you two expected," she smiled. "Oh, I see." "Yeah, I heard what was going on, so I went for a drive." I nodded at her. "What did you think?" "I wasn't sure. I felt a lot of things. Jealousy was the biggest thing. I had these feelings for you and you were making love to Mom." "Yes. What about now?" "I've thought a lot about it, I'm not jealous anymore. Just envious. I want that with you, too." "We can, baby," I said. "I don't want to be in the way. Mom told me you want her to move out here." "You're not going to be in the way. Your mom feels the same way. I think we should call her tomorrow," I replied. "Okay." "How long have you been feeling this way about me?" "Like, forever," she said. "I understand. I haven't known what to think, baby. Your mom realized what you were trying to show me, but part of me kept holding back." "I know you were, that was frustrating," she admitted. "I kept getting bolder with you. I felt like I was being a complete slut." "No, you weren't. It was really cute. I just had a hard time seeing you like that. My little buddy grew into a gorgeous young woman," I said, taking her hand in mine. "Thank you," she smiled. The waiter came with the check and I paid. I took her hand and we walked out to the car. After we got in, I leaned over and kissed her. "I hope you don't mind going home for dessert," I said. "No, not at all." "Good." When we were on the highway, I reached over and stroked her leg. I loved the feel of her nylons. I wondered when she'd purchased these. I looked back up at her and saw her smiling at me. My hand crept higher on her thigh and under her dress. My fingers felt lace. I had to smile. "What have you got on under here," I asked. "A surprise. I hope you like it," she replied. "I'm sure I will. How are you feeling?" "I'm a little nervous," she replied. "Yeah, I am a little, too." "You are? Why," she asked. "It's your first time, isn't it?" "Yes," she replied. "I just want it to be really special for you." "Don't worry. I know it will be." I'll admit, I didn't observe very many speed limits on the drive home, and we were soon pulling into the garage. She practically jumped out of the car when I parked. I wasn't far behind her. She walked immediately to my bedroom. She turned to face me and I took her in my arms, kissing her. She reached up to remove my jacket. My tie was next. She fumbled with the buttons on my shirt so I released her to help. Her hands were practically shaking. "You ok," I asked. "Yeah, just a little nervous and anxious." "It's going to be fine." "I just can't believe this is finally happening." "It is," I said, kissing her again for emphasis. When my shirt was off, she ran her hands over my chest. I watched her face closely. "I've wanted this for so long. You don't know how hard it's been," she said. "I understand." "You drove me crazy in the pool earlier. I've never felt that way, ever." "I'm going to make you feel that way again," I said. My hand found the zipper on her dress. With a quick pull, the pretty black dress hit the floor revealing her lacy black lingerie and thigh highs. I took a step back and admired her. "What do you think? I picked this all out for a special occasion." "I love it. You're so sexy, baby," I replied. "Thank you, Uncle John." "Baby, I'm going to make love to you tonight. Are you ready for that?" She nodded and smiled. "Good." I kissed her slowly as my hands ran over her smooth skin. I was patient with her, letting her excitement build. I wanted her to remember that night for the rest of her life. Her hands roamed over my body as well. I broke away from her lips to kiss the soft skin on her neck. That drove her wild, just as it had in the pool. I felt her hands trying to undo my belt. She was having a hard time so I helped her. My pants hit the floor. I hadn't bothered with boxers that night, so her hand quickly found my hard cock. "Oh, I've wanted to touch you, when I was rubbing against it today...," she panted as I continued kissing and sucking on her neck. Her small hand stroked my cock softly. I could feel her innocence in the way she touched me. I looked forward to teaching her about everything. "Touch me all you want," I said. My hand moved down her side and across her abdomen. I slid my fingers inside her lacy panties, and cupped her sweet, young sex. As my fingers began to explore, I was amazed at the wetness I found. She was so eager. "Ooohhh, Uncle John. That feels so good," she said. "Good baby. I'm going to show you something else, that I think you'll like even more." I gently nudged her to bed. I stepped out of my pants and quickly pulled off my socks. She sat back on the bed, as she kicked off her sexy heels. I knelt in front of her and I unclasped her bra, revealing her beautiful breasts. "Do you like them?" "They're perfect," I replied. I cupped them in my hands and caressed their softness. I leaned forward so that I could kiss them. As I moved back and forth between them, I felt her take my head in hands. I started licking her nipples lightly, before taking one in my mouth. "Oh, that's nice," she purred, as I continued to lavish attention on her tender breasts. "I love you, Uncle John," she said. I looked up at her and smiled. "I love you, too, my sweet Kassie." I reached for the waist band of her panties. She adjusted her hips so that I could pull them off. When I had them off, I casually threw them over my shoulder. She laughed at that. "Lay back, baby," I instructed her. "Okay." She reached for some pillows and propped herself up on them. She instinctively spread her thighs. I looked at the sweet treasure between her legs. She had very tight labia, with prominent inner lips. They were wet, and glistened. I looked at her womanhood admiringly. She watched me closely. "Is it ok," she asked, there was a little worry in her voice. "Yes, baby. I'm sorry. It's beautiful." That brought a smile to her face. I leaned down and kissed her nylon covered foot. Her smile persisted as I kissed my way slowly up her leg. I reached the lacy top of her stocking and started kissing much slower. "This is so exciting, Uncle John." "Yes it is, my sweet baby. I love doing this for you. I'm going to make you feel so good tonight." She reached down and ran her fingers through my hair. I finally reached the tops of her succulent thighs, and I could smell the sweetness of her arousal. I kissed along the crease where her thighs met her hips. Then, slowly, I began planting delicate kisses on her outer lips. She shivered. I looked up at her and smiled. "Only in my dreams did I ever think you'd be doing to that to me," she said softly. "Is that so?" "Yes. You're making me so hot," she cooed. "Good. It's going to get better." "I can't wait." Her hand had moved to the back of my head. I loved that. I thought of how I would soon feel her grip strengthen as she neared her climax. I couldn't wait to experience that with my virgin niece. I stuck out my tongue and made a long pass up her wet slit. I was rewarded with my first taste of her. She moaned as my tongue gently grazed around the hood of her clit. I licked and sucked her sweet inner lips and learned her unique taste. I explored her thoroughly to learn her individual sensitive spots. She arched her back and squirmed on the bed as I continued pleasuring her. I loved her taste, so fresh and innocent. "Oh, Uncle John, it's so good," she moaned. "Mmmmhmmm," I replied, never taking my mouth and tongue away from her. Her hand held me tightly against her, just the way I'd hoped. I continued to lightly tease and savor her, thoroughly enjoying myself. "Oh, right there," she moaned, as my tongue circled around her clit. Not so soon, sweet baby, I thought. It'll only get better. I moved away, much to her disappointment, continuing to explore her succulent lips. I would often return to her pleasure center for additional teasing. I wanted it to build so that she would truly learn what her body was capable of. "Please don't tease me." "I'm not teasing. I'm building you up to something really special." "I don't think I can take it." "Yes, you can. Just trust me." I gave her the same treatment for another few minutes. Each time I came in contact with her clit, she tensed, hoping that I was finally going to grant her release. Finally, she could take it no longer. She grabbed my head with both hands and held me against her wetness. "Please, I can't take it anymore. I feel like I'm going to explode," she screamed. I focused on her clit, licking and gently suckling with my lips. Her hips ground against my face, seeking release. "Oh, Uncle John, please don't stop. Please." Her grinding became more intense. More erratic. Suddenly she jerked and her grip on my head intensified. "Oooooooooo." She wailed. "So good." As she crossed over into bliss, I slowed my licking until I was just gently kissing her wet pussy. She seemed to melt back into my bed and relaxed her grip on my head. She ran her fingers through my hair. "That was amazing." She said. "I thought this afternoon was something special, but that..." "Yeah, that's always pretty special. It's so intimate," I smiled as I looked up from between her thighs. "Yes, exactly." I slowly kissed my way up her body until I was lying next to her. I reached over and pulled her over so that her head rested on my chest. We lay there enjoying what we'd just shared. "Are you still feeling guilty," I asked. "A little, but I think if you do that one more time, I'll forget all about it," she laughed. "I think when we talk to Mom, I'll be fine." "Good." Her hand reached down to my still erect cock. She lightly stroked it. "I love touching you. It's really big." I laughed. "Thanks baby, but I'm not that big. I know how to use what I have." "I don't really have much reference. I've only ever seen pictures guys have sent me." "They just get straight to the point, I see." "Yeah. Pretty much. You understand my interest in older men?" "I better be the only older man in your life, young lady." "You're the only one I want in my life," she said, before she kissed me deeply. I reached under her and pulled her top of me. She moved until she was straddling my hips, her wet pussy was grinding against my cock as we kissed. "I'm ready, Uncle John." "I know are baby." She tried to roll me on top of her. "No, you're going to be on top baby. That way I can touch you." "I don't know what I'm doing." "Trust me, you'll pick it up pretty fast," I smiled. I reached between us and guided my cock to her wet folds. I felt her push back with her hips. "Oh," she groaned as I entered her. "That's really good." "Yes, it," I agreed. "Just go slow and get used to it. It's not hurting, is it?" She shook her head no and smiled. She put her hands on my chest to support herself. "Good," I replied. She tentatively started sliding up and down on my cock. She had the prettiest smile on her face as looked down at me. My hands found her breasts and I caressed them gently. "I love you, Uncle John. I can't tell you how happy I am right now. This is what I've always wanted." "I'm glad baby. I'm glad I finally know. I never thought I'd share this with you, too." "You are. Mom and I are both your girls now." "Yes, you always were. Even before now." I rubbed my way up from her breasts to the soft skin of her neck. When I touched her, she leaned her head back in pleasure. She softly moaned as she became familiar with my cock inside her recently virgin pussy. I wanted her to be top so I could touch her more, but I needed her to be so I had a chance of controlling myself. My senses were overloaded with the feeling of sharing this most intimate act with Kassie. I hoped she was having a night she'd never forget. When she looked back down, she ran her hands over my chest. "We're so close now. I can't get over that. Closer than we've ever been." "I know baby. This is really special." "Uh huh. Oh," she moaned. "You are so sexy, baby. My little niece is all grown up." "Yes. I am." I continued rubbing her breasts as she moved up and down on me slowly. Her tight, little pussy was exquisite and I was grateful she was taking her time. I reached up with my right hand and cupped her cheek. She smiled brightly before turning her head to kiss the palm of my hand. I could not get enough of watching her. She was just so beautiful, and she'd given herself to me completely. "I want you to be on top," she said. "Okay baby." I arched my back and rolled over with her. I managed to get over with her with my cock never having left her. I leaned down and kissed her deeply as I began slowly thrusting in her wetness. God, she felt good. I felt her silky legs wrap around my waist as I built a steady rhythm. "Oh, god. That's good," she said. "You feel amazing inside me." "You feel amazing too. Oh, Kassie. It's so good." "Mmmm, yeah. Oh, Uncle John," she moaned. I leaned back on my heels and brought her sexy legs around in front of me, her sexy ankles on my shoulders. I took turns kissing her silky feet and I thrust into her. I watched the look on her pretty face as I worked my cock in and out of her. It was burned into my memory. "God, you're so sexy Kassie!! Your pussy feels amazing baby," I groaned. I was getting close. I reached between us and lightly rubbed just to the side of her clit with my thumb. Her eyes rolled back and her moaning became heavier. I wanted to get her off one more time, before I lost control of myself. "Oh, Uncle John. You're going to make cum again. It feels so good!!" "Yeah, me too baby. I'm so close. So, close. Oh, my sweet Kassie. I love you baby doll!" "Mmmmm, oh. Oh. Yeah, don't sto... Unngghhhh!" "Yeah, baby. That's it, cum for me. Oh, Kassie. Oh, god." I slammed my cock home one last time, and felt myself erupt. I watched her face as I pumped my cum into her no longer virgin womb. Her expression was so gentle and loving. I found myself shaking as I looked at her. "You okay," she asked. "Yeah, that was a little intense," I replied. "Yes, it was. Was I okay?" "You were amazing, Kassie." "You sure," she asked, insistently. "Yeah, I'm sure," I replied. I leaned down and kissed her lustily for emphasis. "Uncle John, that was amazing," she said as our lips parted. "The night isn't over yet," I smiled. "No?" "Absolutely not. We go sit in the hot tub, cuddle and talk now," I said standing from the bed. "I like this idea." "Yeah, the night is young, baby doll," I replied as I reached for her hand. For pics visit ---->> https://bit.ly/2ReHUJI
Title: Dr. Robertson's Cure Summary: The doctor has a breakthrough that affects all his family. Keywords:inc,fic,erotic,hot The lab was unusually quiet, it had been busy for as long as I could remember. I had been working on this new drug for three years, and it was working well on the lab animals, but for now, I was just tired. Months of pulling all-nighters and sleeping at my desk had taken its toll, and as I put the last sample away, I forgot about the one in my top pocket. I felt my phone vibrate, my family was waiting in the parking lot because they were packed and ready to go. They had been packing for days trying to figure out what to bring along and what to leave when they went on the vacation I had been promising for over a year. I had put an enormous strain on my marriage, plus my children had grown and finished high school without me. I owed my family this summer vacation and going to my sister's farm was the perfect escape. "Sorry guys I said, as I slid into the driver's seat and headed for the highway. The drive was turning out to be a disaster, we had only travelled a few hours, and Evelyn and I had already started fighting. Our children, Mia and Gabriel were annoying the crap out of each other. Why couldn't they ignore each other as usual? If I didn't have my sister waiting for me, I would have just turned around and gone home. Things between my wife Eve and I had been strained for the last year, and I couldn't seem to do anything right. We hadn't made love in months, and even then, it was only a quick screw to get me off her back, or at least that's how it felt. Eve only knew little about what I was working on, mainly because it had changed from its original research in female hormones, to what it is today. This was going to be a long, ten-hour drive. By the time we stopped for gas, we were at a breaking point, I screamed at the kids, something I never did, and Eve had asked to go home. I decided to call a family meeting at the diner we stopped at on the highway. "We all need to respect each other's boundaries, and I do too. I will not scream at anyone again, I promise," I said, holding Eve's hand. All I got was a nod from the others, and that would have to do for now. The rest of the drive was better but still strained. When we pulled up to Emily's farm, she and Anthony came out to greet us. Their two girls were out riding their horses somewhere but would be back shortly. I took my sister Em in my arms and gave her a huge hug. I hadn't seen her in a few years, and I realized just how much I missed her. I gave my brother-in-law Tony a warm handshake and grabbed the bags as everyone hugged and said their hellos. We were set up in the left-wing of the large old farmhouse. It was an H shaped home, we had our own bathrooms and a porch along the side. It was beautiful. However, I was not feeling the relaxation I was here for, as Eve was giving me the silent treatment, and the kids were still fighting. Tony took me by the arm and lead me on a tour of the farm to get me away from the tension. "This is why I have farm sheds and a workshop to hide in when the family becomes too much." Tony said, as we walked into his workshop where he grabbed two beers from the old fridge in the corner. The workshop was ancient, but the inside was clean, and everything was in its place, the wood in the mainstay posts must have been cut a hundred years ago, because you could barely wrap your arms around one. "There is something magical about this old place, I can see why you love it." I said, as Tony led me to the stables with two new beers. When we got to the stable the twins were unsaddling the horses, and I got a real shock when they turned to face me. They had turned into beautiful young ladies since I last saw them. The difference from sixteen to nineteen was stunning. They had filled out in all the right spots, and my nieces Jenny and Rebeca, were going to be in demand at college when they started next year. "Hi Uncle Tim, how was the trip?" Jenny asked, hugging her father's side. "Not too bad," I lied. I hugged both the girls and as they headed up to see the rest of my family, Tony and I continued the tour. "This is the new bore we dug for our house water, it is three hundred feet deep, the water is clean and clear, and I just installed a submersible pump so the water supply will be much better than last time you were here. It pumps the water up into the tank next to the house," Tony said, going over all the connections. As I leaned over the hole to look, I heard a clinking sound, but I didn't think much about it at the time. I thought I'd knocked a rock or something down the hole. "Em and I are not fighting anymore, we are not even talking," Tony said, confiding his marriage was in a tough spot. "We're fighting all the time and it is mostly my fault, I am never there to help out when she needs it," I said, putting my hand on Tony's shoulder. "I was hoping you and your wife might be able to brighten things up while you are here," Tony said, as he led us back home. Em put on a massive spread for dinner that night, and all the kids pitched in to help clean up afterward, much to our surprise. The next day, the afternoon was hot, and the pool was calling the young ones. We all sat watching them swim, while we had some drinks, talking about how well they had done in school and sports, you know just standard proud parent stuff. "I have to admit It's all Eve. She drives the family, as I have been in the lab for the last few years. That all changes now though," I said, rubbing my wife's arm. "What have you been working on all this time?" Em said, taking a sip of her drink. "It's boring medical research, but at least now it's proven in the lab, and I can start human trials as soon as the FDA lets me," I said, avoiding the question. "He has been lost in that lab for so long I barely know him anymore," Eve said, letting out a little sigh, but still hopeful, I think. We drank a little too much and Em and I talked about the childhood pranks we had done as children. The younger ones played in the pool, talked to each other and were soon best friends like they had never been apart. We all went to bed well before midnight, and I was asleep before my head hit the pillow. I was up early, and as I went looking for the coffee maker, I ran into Em. She was an early riser too, I guess it runs in the family. "Morning Sis, do you want me to fire up the BBQ and cook out there?" I asked, hugging her again. "Yes, please Timmy," Em said, using my childhood nickname only she used, while she was still holding me. "Do you want to talk about it, Em?" I said, looking worried about my little sister. "I'm not sure it would help; you look like you have your own problems," Em said, nodding towards our bedrooms. "I am working on that too, I was hoping this break would help us connect again, it's my own fault, though. I have been trying to help couples all over the world and neglecting my own family," I said, heading for the BBQ area. "So, what is it you are working on?" Em said, as she came out carrying two cups of coffee. "A lot of research has been done on how to raise the female libido, billions of dollars have been spent. Mine works on both male and female, and I finally made it work," I said, in a low voice, so that she got that I didn't want it to be spread around. "It works on lab animals, but we can't know what it will do to someone's mental state until we start low dose human trials. We would begin with a small amount and work up until we got the desired effect," I said, blabbing about my findings hoping not to bore Em. "Can I get some for Tony? He can be your first test subject, I will forge the patient consent forms for him," Em said, only half-joking. One by one, the rest of the family joined us for breakfast. I got myself a glass of water and drank it all in one gulp trying to rehydrate after a night of alcohol. "The water tastes beautiful, it must be the country springs feeding it," I said. Everyone seemed to be drinking plenty as the day heated up. The twins took our pair off riding for the day, and I helped Tony with some fencing in the back paddock where they kept the horses. The afternoon sun drove us into the pool, and it was nice to play with the kids and not have any worries. We had a few too many drinks again and I noticed that Tony was sitting close to Em and Eve was by my side all night. The country air was having its desired effect. The twins were almost identical, but Jenny was a little shorter and had a small scar on her chin from a fall as a toddler. Their personalities were the biggest difference though. Jenny was a quiet natured girl, and Rebeca was the outgoing and the much louder 'life of the party' type. They were both stunning. I noticed that Gabe had been looking at them too, and I couldn't blame him. The next morning, I woke up with a hard-on that was stiff as iron. I tried to piss but couldn't, I stepped into the shower and decided to jerk off, with the hope, that it might let me pee. My nipples were sensitive, and I played with them as I tugged on my cock. Just then the shower door opened, and Eve stepped in, her nipples were erect, and she slid right into my arms crushing my erection between us. It had been a long time since we'd had sex in the shower, but I was not going to say no. I picked Eve up under the arms and pushed her back against the wall and slid my cock into her very wet pussy. I hadn't had this hard of an erection in years, and I was going to put it to good use. I pumped my cock in and out of her. I kissed her, and she kissed me back with more passion than I had ever seen from her. I fucked her hard, I felt her orgasm start, and it only took me a few more strokes to cum, filling her pussy to the brim. "I needed that this morning, it must be the fresh air," Eve said, blushing as she dressed. "It was a beautiful way to start the day," I said, leaning in for a kiss. At breakfast, there seemed to be tension between Tony and Em, but something had changed. The kids had run off after only a few mouthfuls of food. Leaving Em and me to clean up after breakfast. Tony took Eve down to the stable to look at the horses and maybe convince her to give it a try. "What's up, Em," I said, hoping she would open up to me. "Tony wanted to have sex this morning, he hasn't wanted to look at me in months, all of a sudden he is feeling me up, did you give him some of your stuff?" Em said, a questioning look on her face. "No, but Eve joined me in the shower this morning, so it must be the air," I said, smiling at Em. "That's brightened up your day, hasn't it? I didn't let Tony have his way, but now I am regretting it," Em said, rubbing her breast as she talked. "You look like you needed it as much as him," I said, nodding towards her erect nipples showing through her top. "Yes, they have been like that all day and some other things," Em said, but not elaborating. "Other things! Like what?" I said, smirking at my little sister's discomfort. "I can't tell my brother about my bits," Em said, looking uncomfortable. "Next you will be telling me your button is enlarged and it's unusually drippy down there," I said, making an inside joke from work without saying the words in front of my sister. Em stopped and just looked at me, trying to work something out in her head. "How do you know that? It's too private, you can't know," Em said, still rubbing her breast, her voice raised. "Shit Em, we have to get the families in here, now, and we have to hurry, it's in the water. I don't know how, but some of my drugs got into the water when I was down there on the first day," I said, already headed for the stable. Em ran the other way, and I thought she was mad until she came up beside me in a golf cart. I hopped in, and we were at the stable in a flash. We pulled up beside Tony and Em ordered them to get in. "Where are the kids? Em asked firmly, but not shouting. "North paddock near the trees, what's all the rush?" Tony said, wondering what was going on. "I must have dropped my drug in the water when we were down there. We all have ingested it, and I have to talk to everyone," I said. They both jumped in. "But you are working on hormones that can't heart hurt us, can it?" Eve said, looking over at the other couple. We pulled up to the tree line, and the girls were holding the four horses, but Gabe was nowhere in sight. "Mia, where is Gabe," I asked, trying to keep my voice calm. "He's behind the tree and won't come out," Mia said, pointing. "Hey Gabe, I am coming around there, I need you to not be embarrassed," I said, as I rounded the tree. There was poor Gabe with a hard-on that would not go down, and a wet patch on the front of his pants that must have been semen. "I will explain when we all together at home. This is not your fault, I will get rid of the girls, and we will get you back in the golf cart," I said, putting my arm around his shoulder. "You girls take the horses back and meet us at the house. It's important," I said. The girls did not get on the horses, they just led them back. I put my jacket around Gabe's waist and lead him to the golf cart. All the adults felt sorry for Gabe's predicament and looked away while he got in between his mother and me. We passed the girls on the way, and they were rubbing their breasts as well. I was right, we had all been affected, and this was all on me. When we got back to the main house, we all gathered at the dining table, only waiting for Gabe to change into sweatpants and the girls to unsaddle the horses. "I have something vital to say. I have somehow contaminated the house water with a drug I have been working on at the lab. I will stress it is not going to harm anyone or anything like that, but this is serious, the drug is not approved and is worth a lot of money. I am in serious trouble if this ever gets out, my business, and our home is gone, and I will never work again in this field or any like it," I said, and waited for the flood of questions. "What will it do to us? How did it get in the water? How long will it last? What's it going to be worth? All the questions came at once, and when they slowed down, I tried to answer them. "First things first, we are family if we can stick together in this. I will share the company profits evenly with both families, and I am talking about at least hundreds of millions. It will all be gone if this gets out. However, this is going to get tough over the next five days, as the effects didn't go away in any of the lab animals. They came down slightly after that, but only by a small amount," I said, looking out at the stunned faces. "Did you say hundreds of millions of US dollars, not peso's or something?" Rebeca said, looking at her sister. I just nodded. "I'm in," Rebeca said, without thinking. "How did it get in the water, Dad," Mia said, rubbing her breast. "I must have had a vile in my top pocket, when I looked down the hole. I don't know why I even looked, it's just a black hole, but when I did, I thought I heard a clink. I guess I dropped it, the pump picked it up, and we have been drinking it for a day or so," I said, looking at Em and Tony sadly, "I am sorry." "Do we need to stop drinking the water," Em said, rubbing her boobs too. "The water from the bore should be clean by now, and I think we've emptied the tank. You can't overdose anyway, the effects are only started with the base dose. More of the drug won't increase the effect," I said. Feeling my erection growing. "What are the effects going to be?" Tony said, adjusting his pants. "Ok, I am going to explain this, and I will go over it again anytime in private if someone needs it, but I need to know if we are in this together or not. This is going to be a big secret for our family and everything Eve, and I have rides on it staying that way," I said, looking around at everyone. A lot of nods and looks were passed around then Tony spoke. "Are we all in agreement to keep this between just us, for life?" He said, and looked at each of them one at a time. "I am in," Rebeca said, again. "Me too, Dad," Jenny said. "I am in," Em, said, looking with pride at her twins. "We have not seen you for almost three years, so I think we are already in," Eve said. For our side, the kids just nodded. "This is a drug designed to enhance human sexuality, researchers all over the world have been looking for the female Viagra for years and spent billions. So, you can see what they would pay for this product, in the female lab animals it increased their nipple size and sensitivity by 30% and the clitoris by 20%. The vaginal fluid output increased by 20% too. In males, the erections were 20% harder, and the gland at the tip increased in size and sensitivity by 15%. We don't really know about desire, but the animals increased copulation by an average of 190%. All animals from mice to monkey had the same reaction. We had no real side effects other than rashes from the sex," I said, waiting for a reaction. "You mean we going to turn into nymphomaniacs?" Em said, looking at her girls. "It is going to be a challenge, and I can't talk to mice and ask them to abstain and see if they will do it. This was meant for middle-age men and women not eighteen and twenty-year olds. I am sorry but this is going to be tough. Additionally, the increase in the size of the body parts is permanent, and sexual appetite will settle somewhat but by only about 5 to 10%," I said, laying it all on the table. "You said five days, and it will get stronger each day," Em said, holding her girls. "Yes, then it will slowly go down over the weeks after that. At least that's what we observed in animals," I said. Scratching at my nipples. "My clothes are annoying the hell out of me, what's with that?" Jenny said, rubbing her boob too. "I don't have a clue; mice don't wear clothes and can't tell us what itches. What I can tell you is the urge to copulate will get stronger tomorrow and each day after that," I said, looking at Eve for support. "Let's cook dinner and put something loose on. The pool looks good about now, might be nice to cool off," Em said, heading to her side of the house followed by Tony. We didn't see the others for half an hour, then a blushing Em came into the kitchen followed by Tony and the girls. Everyone had opted for lighter clothes. We ate by the pool, and the girls slipped into the pool or hung on the side. That didn't help a lot as the bikini-clad girls were doing nothing to keep my cock from getting hard. That night Eve came to bed from the shower naked. I say this because after 25 years of marriage she had only come to bed naked for the first few years. Once we had children it went away, and I mostly got to see her in flannel pajamas. I could not stand my clothes anymore, so I was naked. However, as soon as she was under the covers, Eve took hold of my cock and started rubbing it to full hardness. I slid my hand to her pussy and found the hottest, wettest pussy I have ever felt. As she straddled my hips, pointing my cock at her pussy, she lowered herself down and let out a sigh. "That's what I needed a hard cock, you are bigger already, I can feel you stretching me," Eve said, humping me as she moaned. I reached up and took hold of her nipples and gently rolled then between my finger and thumb. She threw her head back and groaned, bouncing on my cock, getting both of us closer to our climax. I was about to cum when Eve started to contract around my cock, I lasted only a few more thrusts and filled her pussy with my cum. "How bad is this going to get, what are our children going to do, they will want this too, I can't stop myself now, how are they going to stop themselves in a few days," Eve said, deflated. "Let's take this one day at a time," I said, as I didn't really have an answer for tomorrow let alone a few days. I woke up with Eve lowering her pussy to my mouth, and because this was a fantasy of mine, I can't believe it was finally coming true. I started licking along her outer lips, then her clit. I could really see the changes, her clit was usually hidden between her folds but now It was sitting proudly at the top of her pussy. It was much thicker than usual, even when she was aroused. Eve was playing with my cock, and when I started licking and sucking on her clit, she returned the favour and took my cockhead in her mouth. She had not done this for many years, but she must still know how to because it felt fantastic. Eve pulled her pussy away from me, spinning around and planting it on my cock. She slid down the full length of me in one stroke. I took control, rolling her over and started to drive into her with a passion I had not possessed in many years. I saw lust in my wife's eyes, and I locked onto them as I slammed into her pussy. All I could hear were the slapping sounds our bodies made as they collided with each thrust. Eve started to climax, and I kept pumping right through it. Then as the sweat rolled off my brow, I began to cum holding myself balls deep in her pussy. I bent down and kissed my wife, our tongues danced, and we only broke apart because we started to giggle. "God, it's like being a teenager again, making love every chance we get, I Love you, you know," I said, looking at Eve in a new light, not a mother, but as the sexy woman, she was. We dressed in the lightest clothes and headed out to see about breakfast, only to find the house in a bit of turmoil. "What am I supposed to do, I listened to you two going at it all night, and I can't stand to wear anything on my body, and my fingers won't do the job anymore," Rebeca said, with her hand inside her bikini bottoms. "It's a wonder you can even stand today after that display last night. I am taking this top off, my nipples just can't stand the fabric anymore," Jenny said, undid her bikini top and threw it on the kitchen counter. Tony and I sat stunned. Jenny was beautiful with clothes on, but her naked breasts were fantastic. Her nipples stood out over an inch from her teardrop-shaped breasts and were crinkled and hard. I tried to look away, but my eyes were drawn back to them. Jenny was always the conservative one, studious and quiet, so this was so out of character for her that even Rebeca who I thought would break first, had her hand over her mouth. "Yep, fuck this," Rebeca said, not to be outdone by her sister, and threw her top with by the other one. That started a domino effect as all the others threw off their bikini tops. It was hard to know where to look, and Tony was having the same problem. I looked at where he was looking and saw what he had spotted. Mia had massive D boobs, with big puffy nipples that were like small domes topped with an eraser. They were mesmerizing and I could not look away. Especially when she gripped her nipples between her fingers and palms and pulled them out to try and ease the frustration I knew was building. It was then that I noticed someone was missing, Gabe was nowhere to be seen. I went back to our end of the house, and when I got to his room, I looked in to see him rubbing his cock. Eve came up behind me, and she stopped as she looked at her son pulling on his cock, the head was swollen, and red. Eve brushed past me and went to Gabe's side. He looked up in surprise to see his mother in only her bikini bottoms with her breasts pushing into his arm as she hugged him. "Stop mom, you are going to make me...," Gabe tried to say, but his body froze. Eve worked out was about to happen, but could not move away and embarrass her son, so she hugged him tightly. The first shot hit her on the breast and left a line of cum down her side, the next splashed to her neck and the rest dribbled onto her lap. "It's alright Gabe, we are going to have to deal with this for a while. Don't be embarrassed, you have a beautiful thing there, and at your age, it is going to be hard with the girls flashing their bits everywhere," Eve said, showing me her dripping hand. I went to get a towel, and when I got back, Eve was naked, her semen covered bottoms on the floor. "Are you going to be like that all the time," Gabe said, looking worried. "I don't think modesty is going to work out too well around here from now on," Eve said, wiping off Gabe's cum. "It's going to be more intense over the next few days," I said, heading back to the group. I was pouring some cereal in a bowl when Eve and Gabe came out both naked. The chatting stopped, and Mia was first to speak. "Thank god, my clit feels like it is going to rub off," she said, and abruptly pulled her bottoms off too. Her bottoms were very wet in the crotch, and she scrunched them up and threw them near her top. I was staring at my daughter, with a hard-on, and my knob was rubbing maddeningly on my pants. Her pussy was completely bald, and her inner lips were hidden in her outer lips. Only her clit could be seen protruding at the top of her pussy. Em's face was red, and she kept looking at me with my cock tenting out my shorts. Tony looked like he was shaking, his pants were tented out just as badly, and he was fidgeting as well. "Sorry girls I have to get out of these pants, they are killing me," Tony said, stepping out of his pants and giving his cock a few rubs once it was released. This brought a smile to Gabe's face. He was now not the only cock on display, and Tony's was just as hard. I shrugged my shoulders and dropped my pants, it was such a relief to free my cock. Rebeca slid her bottoms down, and a string of her pussy juice stretched from her lips to the crotch of the bikini as she lowered them. She pulled them the rest of the way down, then used them to wipe the moisture from her crack. Then she tossed them to where Mia's lay, and all the boy's eyes followed the actions like it was a tennis match. Em looked at Gabe and me, her face flushed bright red and started to lower her bikini bottoms. She had quite a bit of hair on her pussy, and that was the first thing to come into view. The next thing was a large clit that could be seen, even with the 70's porn pubic hair. She threw her bottoms on the pile and rubbed her clit a few times without thinking, then looked up getting even redder. I looked over to Jenny, who was the first out of her top but had suddenly gotten shy. She was sitting down on the lounge, Indian style with a pillow in her lap. Her hand was hidden, but we all guessed what she was doing. When I looked back at the group, Rebeca had her hand in her lap too, but it was not hidden, just one foot next to her ass on the stool and two fingers in her pussy. Gabe was looking right at her pussy, and his cock was hard in his hand. Rebeca pulled her fingers out of her pussy and rubbed them around her clit, slid them back in, letting out a little whimper as she did. Em sat in Tony's lap, and they watched his girls fidget and try to discreetly finger their own pussy. Then I noticed her raise and lower her bottom in Tony's lap. Tony slid his hand up her side and played with her nipple making it stand out more. Eve slid in front of me and reached behind her and took hold of my cock. I looked at the three girls and noticed that they were all strumming their clits and looking at Gabe sliding his hand on his cock. "You only had sex this morning," Gabe said, then went red for letting on that he had overheard our morning sex. "I am going to have to do that more if I can't talk your mother into some alternative," I said, sliding my hand over Eve's shoulder. "I can't help it, Dad, I have to play with myself," Gabe said, stroking his quite impressive tool. I think that they all thought that masturbating was going to do it for the next few weeks, but I knew better. We were at about stage three, and in the lab, we used ten stages. In my head, I knew this was going to be a disaster for both families. Divorce and probably the police were the only outcome I could see, but the beautiful sights before me made me shut my mouth and enjoy it while it lasted. There was an audible groan as they each headed to the pool. Em and Tony were last after Em wiped herself off with a cloth. As we swam or hung on the edge of the pool, I saw Jenny finally throw her wet bikini bottoms onto the pool deck. Rebeca swam past me and rubbed herself on my cock, and Eve and pumped it a few times under the water too. This was not cooling things down like I expected, just giving cover. Em's two girls swam past Gabe quite a few times, and he was enjoying the attention. On the porch as it got dark, we all sat around having a few drinks, I was worried about having too much to alcohol, so I kept a close eye on the kids from both families. There was a lot of masturbation going on, as the drug really started to take effect, I was worried what tomorrow would bring, I would guess we would be at stage 6 by morning. What would that mean when it came to humans, with willpower and desires and fantasies? Eve and I fucked twice before going to sleep and could hear Gabe and Mia masturbating themselves to orgasm at least once too. I held Eve naked for the first time in a long time as we fell asleep. When I woke up with a hard-on trapped under me that throbbed for release, I realized I had been humping the mattress in my sleep. Eve was humping my leg, and her wetness was all over my thigh. I moved on top of her and slid my cock deep and started pumping into her. She arched her pussy up at me, urging me on. "Fuck me, honey, I need you to fuck me hard," Eve said, gritting her teeth. I sucked her nipple into my mouth, It was much more prominent today than yesterday, and she groaned as she pushed her pussy up to my thrusts. She started to shudder, and as she came, I filled her pussy and collapsed on top of her. We heard noise in our room, and both looked over to see Mia with one hand in her pussy and the other holding Gabe's cock. "I have to fuck someone now!" Mia said, as her pussy juice dripped down the inside of her leg. "It can't be Gabe, his sperm will be potent, you are not on the pill, and he will get you pregnant for sure," Eve said, grabbing her arm. We got to the family room and could hear the yelling from Rebeca and Jenny. "We need it too, you guys have been doing it all night, and our pussies are dribbling down our legs," Rebeca said, speaking for both sisters. "Gabe can't fuck Mia, she's unprotected. We need to make some decisions while we still can," I said, facing everyone. I could see they were in a much worse way; the twins have their fingers in their pussy and Mia was humping the corner of the table. Em and Tony were in each other's arms, and Eve was playing with my cock and her pussy at the same time. Any shyness had disappeared overnight, I was right about stage 6. "We will be fucking anything that moves soon, and it will need these basic rules that we can all agree on now. I think these rules might get us through this. I am not sure if it will work, but it's all I got. I feel just as on edge as everyone else," I said, looking for some help. "Get over here Gabe," Rebeca said, opening her arms and legs for him. So, Rebeca was on birth control; obviously, Eve was still able to have babies but had an IUD because of period pain, so she was ok. "Em are you on the pill or something, and what about Jenny?" Eve asked, working through the problem too. "I have had my tubes tied, but Jenny is fertile, and my guess, the way I got pregnant on contact, she would be off-limits too," Em said. "Fuck that, I am having 10 babies then," Jen said, her face showing frustration still humping the bench. "I have a good supply of condoms," Tony said, hoping to help. So, I guess Tony is potent too. Mia came right over to me and slid onto my side, her wet pussy rubbing on my hip. There should be a law against this. Shit, there is, it's called incest. "Have you had sex before," I said, Looking at Mia. "It was just the once, and it was a disaster, we barely got started, and it was over," she said. Looking at the ground. I was shocked, I had heard nothing about this but pulled her into my side, letting her know I still loved her. I was really getting horny, and her naked body was not helping. I looked over to Gabe, and Rebeca, she had his cock in her hands, and he had his fingers inside her pussy. She started humping his hand and kissing him passionately, getting ready to mount him. "I have not had a cock in here before, so don't thrust up into me if you can help it," Rebeca said. Shocking me in the process, because I would have bet anything, she had done it before. Rebeca positioned herself over Gabe's cock and slowly lowered herself. I could see the strain on her face as Gabe's cock head slipped inside her pussy. The sight of her pussy spreading out and accepting his cock was a sight to be seen. Rebeca lent forward and in doing so gave everyone a perfect view of her pussy that was sliding down on Gabe's cock. This was the last straw. I kneeled in front of Mia, lifted one leg and licked her pussy from her asshole to her clit. Mia pushed me down on my back and positioned my cock so that it lay in the groove of her pussy, and she slid it up and down the underside length of my cock. "Oh Daddy, I just need to cum so badly," She said, the look of lust written all over her face. I had already cum this morning, but I was building fast to another orgasm. I could feel Mia sliding on my cock, and it was going to cause me to cum at any moment, but I was determined to get Mia off first. I at least didn't have a chance of getting her pregnant with my cock outside her pussy. I was just about to lose my last bit of control when Mia started to jerk around and moan as she began to orgasm. I was right behind her when I splashed my cum on her and the front of me. It was a huge load that covered both our stomachs and chest. Mia just lay flat on my chest and squished the sticky cum between us. I looked up to see Eve with her pussy on Gabe's face, and Em with Tony's cock inside her and her ass pointed towards me, and Jenny sitting on Tony's face. We are past stage 6 already and what would tomorrow bring? For Pics visit:---->>> https://bit.ly/2ReHUJI
Title: Leave Me Alone! Pt. 01 Summary: Student artist deals with his unwanted family. Keywords: inc,fic Chapter 1 My Childhood It's important to know about my childhood, it defined me and my attitudes. My dad is a drunk, drug dealer, conman, and biker who specializes in getting drunk and into fights. He is a womanizer, often bringing home women for threesomes whether mom wanted to or not. Mom is a young, sexy lawyer. Unfortunately, dad's behavior cost her several jobs, or we would have been much better off. I have 2 sisters. They are gorgeous now. They are tall with long blond hair, blue eyes, narrow jaw, and have natural huge tits. They are one year apart but look more like twins, looking far more similar than different. Unfortunately, they have mouths and they talk. Lizzy and Stacy are three and four years older than me. They are the princesses that can do no wrong. Anything happens or breaks, automatically it's my fault. I am not a brother, I am a servant to them. They both had the best clothes, I was lucky to get Goodwill. My name is Mark. I had no music, sports, computers, books, and hardly any toys growing up. I get depressed, others treated me bad, and I began to feel like I deserved it. Life isn't so wonderful. My one release in life is doodling. I can draw anything. Napkins, spare paper, boxes, anything is my canvas. I like the color of paints but paints cost money, and I am not worthy of that level of expense to my family. I do a lot of work around the house and I have my dad's size, 6' 5" tall, 200lbs. body. I look thin because muscle covers a lot of my body. It isn't until midway through my freshman year in high school that my life changes. Mrs. Smith, the school's oldest teacher and my art teacher is waiting with the principal in his office for me. Mrs. Smith thinks I am amazingly talented but am very angry and have a negative view of life. They are worried I might be a risk to the school. They think I may kill people, one of those school shooting things. I explain about the inequalities at home and how I truly hate my family. However, as much as I hate my family, I am an artist and that is my release. They are relieved and very understanding. Together, they agree to help me get a scholarship at an art school. In class it's all brush painting now, I like watercolors the best, I find myself proficient at everything art. The subject or more often, my mood, dictate what type of art I use: pencil, watercolors, oil paints on canvas, etc. I can't use a computer. Since I never had one they seem foreign to me and I don't have enough control to do what I want. Most colors are available, but I find that I need to make the color. I don't know what color I want until I see it on the pallet. The final piece of my childhood is dating. I had trust and anger issues with women due to mom and my sisters which extended to people in general. It was Mrs. Smith that set me up with another art student, Ginger. It was my senior year, I am 18, Ginger is beautiful, and I am in love for the first time in my life. It's four months before I bring her home to study. She is curious about my parents and sisters. Mom and dad instantly fall in love with her and they ease up on me while she is around. Ginger likes the attention she gets from them and the contrast of biker boy and lawyer mom. A few weeks before graduation I arrive home from completing a lengthy list of errands to find Ginger's car in the driveway. I walk into the house and find my naked mom on the floor, my naked girlfriend is licking her cunt, and Ginger is being fucked by my naked father. She looks at me and tells me her ass is free and come fill it. I turn around and walk out. Two blocks away she almost hits me with her car. She barely has clothes on, cum is on her cheek, and she is crying hysterically. I check, no panties, I point out the cum on her cheek, I describe the smell of sex on her. I can't describe the disappointment I feel, only the words "my parents?" leaves my mouth. I try to express that if she tried, there is nothing worse she could have done to me. I think I told her, "You are dead to me" and "Leave me alone!" while I continue walking. She tries to apologize for two weeks, I have only one thing to say to her, "Leave me alone!" Each time I see her, it's like ripping a scab off a terrible cut and the pain coming back. Chapter 2 College The day after I graduate I go to see Mrs. Smith. She had told me it was important. I walk over to her house and there is a party at her house. Specifically, it's a graduation party for me. A few of my friends are there, Ginger, several faculty and staff, and some people from church. I have three full-ride scholarships at nice colleges in Chicago, New York, and Miami. Since New York is farthest from Oakland, that is my school. They bring me to tears when they show me the balance of my new checking account. They will rent a studio for me and promise to send painting supplies to keep me working. I am unworthy of their generosity. Ginger's family is filthy rich, she put in $100,000. For that, she wants a portrait. That seemed fair enough. She takes off her sweater and pants to reveal yoga pants and a tight-fitting top. Mildly sleazy. I still have anger issues towards Ginger. Even though she is stunningly beautiful, the anger overrides her beauty. I couldn't keep it out of my drawing. The result is a very interesting portrait that accentuated her body in a favorable way, yet an aura of evil made the drawing unsettling. Everyone watched me draw the picture and are amazed at the result. They are all convinced I will make it big someday. The group is excited and in a frenzy at what they witnessed. All I did was release my anger and I have plenty of that due to Ginger and my family. Ginger thanked me for the drawing. I hug her but never say anything to her. My broken heart still hurts, I can't speak to someone that hurt me so much. The day I leave, I pack a single backpack of clothes. I don't own a suitcase, never had a need for one as I never went on the family vacations. My plan is to wake up early, pack, leave a note, and then take off before anyone gets up. I failed. I walk downstairs with my backpack and Stacy is in the kitchen making breakfast. I ignore her and grab pen and paper. Stacy made bacon and three eggs with toast, just enough for her. I would expect no less. She sits down next to me and pushes the plate in front of me. I am confused, I don't understand. Stacy looks sad and says, "I heard what Ginger did to you. I know about the party. I know you are leaving, and I understand why. You have a wonderful opportunity, I won't tell them everything. They will know enough to not send the police after you. You have a long bus ride, I made you breakfast, and I am giving you my savings. I know I will never get to be a nurse, so I have no need of this. I want you to have this money and use it to make something of your life. I hope you finally find happiness. You sure as hell didn't get it here." She stands up, hugs me hard with tears falling down her face, says "Goodbye," and then walks back up to her room. I would have been less surprised to see a dinosaur reduce our house to kindling and then get hit by lightning as I hear I won the lottery. I ate breakfast in shock and then leave without writing the note. It's a long bus ride to New York. +++++ My new apartment is one of four on the top floor of a six-story building. It's close to school which is nice since I walk. The apartment is perfect for one person. A small washroom with a nice shower contains the only walls in my place. The bed, living room, and kitchen all share one space. A bed with sheets, a couch, and a small round table with four chairs is all the place has. No artwork, bookcases, or storage. My sister's money will go a long way to getting towels and kitchen stuff. The doorman shows up with several boxes that Mrs. Smith and friends shipped to me. Most of it is art supplies but there are some towels, sheets, a blanket, and some basic kitchen stuff like plates, cups, and silverware. Guess I don't need to buy that stuff! My first several days consist of four paintings and drawings from the perspective of each corner of my apartment. I did a pencil drawing, a watercolor, and two oil paintings in two styles. I notice there is no anger in my drawings, these are just objects. It was fun using four styles to capture most of the same items. I send these back to Mr. Smith to share with the others. I don't have a camera, I pass on what I can and what I do best. They had encouraged me to get a cell phone, but I don't want to waste their money on something I don't need. Who would I call? I have no TV, no internet, no computer, no phone. Painting and improving my craft consume me. It's the one thing in this world that makes me happy. For two years I can see nobody matches my skills, however, I am still a nobody. It isn't until we get human subjects and I match up with a gorgeous blond cheerleader with curves in all the right places that I get to show off. One models while the other paints and then you switch. We get extra credit for doing nudes. I am an A+ student, I don't need the extra credit. She needs lots of help, so I agree to help her out. I am still a male and I know pretty when I see it. She has it in spades. My place has great lighting, a terrific view, and is set up for painting already. We flip a coin and I model first. I pull up a kitchen chair and then strip in front of her while she sets up her paints. I sit on the chair, legs spread a bit, in a pose that looks like I am just finished eating a meal, my hands on my knees. She gasps at me. Jane says, "You are kidding me, right? Put that sock away." I don't understand. She walks to me and pulls my cock. She shrieks, "No fucking way, oh my god, it's real." My now growing member gets even bigger as do her eyes. I ask, "What? You do know how to paint by now right? Get to it." Jane is still staring at me, "That thing is a monster. It's long and thick. It's awesome!" I set her straight "Have you never seen a guy naked?" Jane is growing angry with me, "Are you kidding me? Look at my body. I have seen hundreds of men and I ain't never seen anything like you. Certainly the girls tell you that thing isn't normal." I laugh at her, my anger is rising, "My sex life consists of one girl that I loved, and it ended with me catching her having sex with my parents. That affects a guy." Jane's attitude is now one of concern, "Oh shit, that must have sucked." I continue solemnly, "My parents are an embarrassment and my sisters make me sick. My life growing up was terrible. So, no, I have no clue. It brings back lots of powerfully sad memories. I think it would be best if we switched partners, this is getting weird." Jane pounces, "Oh no big boy. I think I understand you now. You need me, I can help you in ways you can't comprehend yet. I can also supply you with lots of women to fuck." That last part piqued my interest which she noticed. Jane boasts, "I am the alpha female on campus. If I say a guy is a great fuck, every woman will want you. I will funnel only those that are worthy of your time and paint your way. I can't paint. I wish I could, but I just don't have the skill. I want to be a dealer. I believe I can spot talent. You have big talent and a big cock, that's as good as it gets in the art world." Jane is massaging my shoulders behind me while rubbing her breasts into my back as she says, "I am going to paint you badly but hopefully good enough to pass the class. Then you are going to paint me, and it will be good. We will have some great sex where you pound the fuck out of me, and then I want to see what you can really do when you paint me a second time." It seemed like a good plan and I get to fuck a hot woman. I go back to the chair and assume my pose. Jane starts painting and she takes her time. Two hours later, she finishes. She isn't horrible, just not special. She has an accurate drawing of me that will grade out fine. Jane certainly isn't shy being nude. As if it is nothing, she whips off her top, pants, bra, and panties. She is stunning. Her tits are artificially round and perky, her smile is perfect, she shaves. Her short blond hair touches her neck where it curls. Her pussy is pink and inviting. I expected it to be more ... worn out. It isn't. Her face is interesting. It's round with thick eyebrows. She has a slender nose and long thin lips. Her teeth are bright white and perfect. Her skin is perfection although she could use some sun. She is your typical cute cheerleader with big boobs. Jane sits on the chair, legs slightly parted, sits up straight, and looks straight at me. I draw quickly, capturing the moment, her beauty, and the mood. She inspires me, my drawing is awesome, far better than her drawing. She looks at it. Jane says, "That is amazing. I can almost feel the sexual tension. The class is going to love this." She takes my hand and pulls me over to the bed. She asks, "Can you eat pussy?" I reply honestly, "I have done it and she didn't complain. But then she was slut enough to fuck my parents so maybe it didn't take much. I like it and if I had to guess I would say she did as well." Jane replies with a smile, "Let's play it safe and skip this time. I will teach you to be a master but right now I want you to stay confident, I just want you to fuck me hard. I want to remember this fucking, and in an hour, I should still be sore. You pick the position." I explain, "Since this is our first time, I want to see the joy and/or pain in your face. I choose to fuck you in missionary." Jane smiles big as she gets on her back. She spreads her legs wide and seems apprehensive. I ask, "You seem unsure. We don't have to do this. I will never force you to do anything. It must be your choice." I start to get out of bed. Jane yells, "No! No. Noooooo. I want you to fuck me. I am just slightly scared of your huge cock. I have never taken anything like that. If you aren't careful, it could be very painful for me." That eases my fears, "Oh Jane. I don't ever want to hurt you. I will lose a race with a snail if needed, just so you don't get hurt. I also won't kiss and tell. What happens here, stays here. I would say you are too beautiful to hurt but that would be wrong. You are just too nice, thoughtful, and smart to treat poorly." I start slowly pushing my cock into Jane. The helmet goes in easy enough. The next seven inches take a while to get in. We both have stupid silly smiles on our faces. Me because she is so tight and her because it feels so good. As promised, I am slow and gentle. It takes ten minutes to hit bottom. I give her a few moments and then start pulling out. I can pull out faster. The return trip goes much faster. Soon, I can start a slow pace of thrusting in and pulling out of her steaming vagina. Jane can't talk. The mouth is working but no sound comes out. I am no better; this woman is fantastic. Now it's time to fulfill her desires. I pick up the speed and use more force with my hips. I am awkward at first but soon compensate and smooth the ride for us. In a very broken English from thrusting hard, I ask, "Birth control?" She nods her head yes. I should have asked first. I continue to ride her hard and fast. My hips are getting sore from the slamming of bodies. I hope she is ready because I won't last much longer. Her face is turning red and she starts stroking her clit. Yes, she will explode soon. One more stroke and she explodes with a long loud scream. She had already recovered from her orgasm when I finally get off and shoot five healthy ropes of cum into Jane. She gets up quickly and sits back in the chair and yells at me, "You, ... um ... Mark, paint me again. NOW!" I am sore, fatigued, hot, sweaty, and smelly. Jane has a pool of cum under her on the chair. She has the exact same pose, yet I take liberties. I gave her a slight smirk, removed a few marks, removed the redness in her face, and added the glow of a well-fucked woman. I added confidence and happiness. I capture the moment. After I finish, we take a shower. We are too sore to do anything else. Jane stays the night and it is wonderful. She snuggled up in my arms, I hold a breast, lightly teasing a nipple, and we quickly fall asleep. Chapter 3 Turning in Homework Jane's Point of View: Mark and I are having bagels for breakfast. I am sitting at his little table and enjoying the view outside. His studio does have a wonderful view of the area. The two windows come together to form a corner. The table and chairs sit looking out on the beautiful city. I could sit here all day. I tell Mark, "For Human Subjects we turn in our drawings today. I will drop yours off, so you can sleep in. Then I am hanging up my picture. It's one of the most amazing pieces of art I have ever seen. Thank you." I kiss him on the lips. "You can figure fucking me or someone else Monday through Friday night for the whole semester. If you want a night off, just let me know." +++++ I walk into Mr. Skinner's class with my two drawings and a painting. There are several other people there and a stack of drawings. This is exactly what I wanted, other female students around. I say, "Hi Mr. Skinner. I am turning in my sketch of Mark, my lab partner." I showed it to him. He wasn't impressed, "You need to work on your proportions young lady." Another girl remarked, "Damn, that is funny. Does he know you did that to him?" I smile at them, "Um, excuse me. My proportions are dead on. I know what it looks like and I can guarantee you, it's not a sock like I first thought it was. That freaking thing is real, and he knows how to use it. I brought Mark's sketch in as well. This is his official school project that I am turning in. As you can see, he is far better than the rest of us." Everyone could see the obvious difference in quality. I still have an unopened bag and I say, "After he sketched me I had him fuck the hell out of me for thirty minutes, he then painted this..." I pull out my painting. "He did this for me. I am only showing you this, so you know the type of talent he has. I consider this the most valuable possession I own right now. I am hanging this in my apartment." Mr. Skinner takes the painting and looks at it closely for several minutes. He is scrutinizing the brush strokes and then the overall image. Mr. Skinner finally lets out a gasp, "This is breathtaking. Obviously, you are very pretty, but the way he painted you is amazing. I can't say I have ever seen anything like this." He gave me back the picture and then hugged me. "I would send that home and keep it safe. Someday it will be very valuable." I reply, "It already is. He is a great fuck as well but short on experience. He needs women to show him the fine art of making love." Every woman there instantly is interested. I give them my cell phone number and email address. I explain, "I am helping him out, but this isn't just about fucking, I need to know what you can teach him before you get a shot at him." Chapter 4 Leave Me Alone Mark's point of view ... For the next eight weeks, I have a guest over every night. Often it is someone Jane has hand selected. It didn't take long to see that she is training me. Each woman has something to teach me or refine a technique. Jane is just pure fun. She is a rare visitor, she is like a pop quiz, verifying that I am learning. Most of the girls leave after posing, not even taking their painting. That is helpful because I got to see my work progress from week to week. School got much harder. Mr. Skinner took a personal interest in me. I am no longer doing the same assignments as everyone else, I get more specific instructions that force me to expand outside of my comfort zone. He is deceptively cunning at forcing me to use techniques and colors I don't like. These are the best eight weeks of my life. Then I got THE phone call that changed my life. Yes, I now own a phone, I can call and be called by Jane. Jane is still in class; therefore, I am amazed when my phone rings. It has never been called by anyone other than Jane. I answer my phone after several rings. I figured they would hang up, knowing that it is a wrong number. It's not. I sheepishly say, "Hello, this is Mark." The line isn't very good, but I hear, "Mark, your father died, we need you." Instantly I recognize the voice. It's my mother. How the hell did she find me? My dad is dead. I am not surprised, it was bound to happen with his lifestyle. Drinking at bars and getting into fights. Eventually, someone draws a knife or a gun. Surprised he lasted this long. My reply is short, and I tried to pronounce every word so there would be no doubt about my meaning or intent, "Leave me alone!" Click. I call Jane and I am short with her, "I need a week off. No girls, no sex, no drawing. Thanks." Click. My phone rang again but I didn't answer it. I got a blanket and wrap it around me as I sat in front of the city by the windows. I sit and think. I hate my dad. I hate my family. Yet he is my blood, the person that helped make me. He is also the guy that fucked Ginger. An hour later I jump out of my skin when Jane hugs me. She has her own key and let herself in when I didn't answer. I have tears running down my face but can't talk. With Jane, I don't need to. She sits next to me, I wrap us in my blanket. We hold each other, her breasts and head on my chest. She never said anything. Later, it's dark out, and I choke out, "My dad is dead. My mother called me here at my place. I told her, leave me alone." We sit for another ten minutes before I say, "They are coming." Jane holds me tighter. Jane eventually takes me to the bed where I have a series of nightmares. The next morning, we wake together, take a common shower, and sit down for bagels and cream cheese for breakfast. I am in no mood for sex, even from Jane. I ask sarcastically, "Feel like moving to France?" I get a blank look from Jane, "Will that be far enough?" She killed the fun, "Probably not." Jane asks, "Why do you think they're coming?" I smirk, "That's easy. She called me. The only time I exist is when they need me to do something. I have been here three years and only now I get a call. They are in trouble. They purposely ruined my life and my one love. They despise me and the fact that I exist. You should get going. This is going to be ugly. I don't want you to suffer on my account. My mom is a lawyer, she always wins." Jane laughs at me, "You really don't know who I am, do you?" I feel inadequate, "I know I like you. That's all I care about." Jane brags, "My family runs a famous law firm in New York. I am the black sheep, I like art. However, I grew up listening to discussions at the dinner table and won the state debate competition all four years in high school. Your mom doesn't scare me. I will stay with you and represent your interests. When they get here, let me do the talking." I give her a huge hug, "What would I ever do without you?" Jane laughs, "You are helpless, you would be at the city zoo with the Chimpanzees." +++++ The next day Jane and I return to my place after class. We picked up some Chinese for dinner. I have a large bag of food, my backpack, and am searching for my keys when I sense I have guests waiting in my hallway. Sitting on the floor next to my door is my mother, two sisters, and a police officer. The officer is the only one that looks happy to see me. Jane speaks first, "I want to see the paperwork." Officer, "Paperwork?" Jane asks, "Do you have an arrest warrant, a search order, or anything else official to explain why you are here?" The officer says, "Oh no ma'm. This isn't official, this is a courtesy service as requested by the Oakland PD. They thought there might be trouble, I am here to act as an official peacekeeper." Jane says, "Damn right there will be trouble. You people show up unannounced and want to make demands. I thought my client was very clear to you, 'Leave me alone'." Officer asks, "Client? Jane offers, "My family are the Westgates'. My uncle is the city prosecutor and they donate a ton of time helping the city. If needed I can call mommy or daddy." She takes out her phone. Officer says, "No, no. That won't be necessary. Look, I don't know these people. They are in danger and my boss wants to help them smooth things over with the son. I am in a tough spot here, I can't win, it will look bad on me if I can't get them talking." Jane laughs at him, "You need a better story." The officer looks sad, "Sorry, the truth is all I have and it's pathetic." Jane looks at my mom, "If you say anything I am going to have the nice officer gag you. He has nothing to lose. Since I am helping him he will do it." I never saw anyone put my mom in her place like that. Mom is furious but intelligently says nothing. Jane asks, "Which of you is Stacy?" Stacy raises her hand. Jane asks, "How did you trace Mark down?" Stacy's eyes go huge. How did she know it was Stacy? Stacy meekly answers, "Ginger is my best friend. Her aunt is Mrs. Smith, Mark's old art teacher who Mark still stays in touch with via letters. Letters have addresses. Phonebook matches address with the name and phone number." Jane compliments her, "Smart girl. The questions get harder now. Did Mark not make it clear he does not want any contact with you all?" Stacy answers, "He was perfectly clear. There is no doubt he never wants to see us again." Jane sticks the dagger in, "Why the fuck are you here then?" Stacy starts to tear up, "Because I don't want to die." Jane wasn't prepared for that. Even I believe Stacy. It took her a while to ask the next question. Jane asks, "Why here? Why not the witness protection program?" Stacy answers, "Dad made a gang mad, there is no case against the gang so no witness protection. Everyone at home knows the story of Mark and how much he hates us, what safer place to go? Everyone knows we will never come here. Nobody else knows where HERE is. He doesn't correspond with anyone else. No cell phone, internet, or email. He is off the grid. They figure in a year or two we will be safe. Mrs. Smith burned all the letters before we left, there is no link." Jane says to the officer, "You are dismissed. One way or the other, there is nothing more you can do." The officer quickly leaves with a smile on his face. Jane invites my family in and seats them on the couch. They look around in wonder but don't speak a word. They are too scared. Jane takes me to the balcony by the windows and softly asks me, "Do you care if they die?" I take a moment to formulate my thoughts, "Part of me doesn't care. They treated me worse than a slave. Part of me wants to kill them myself. Part of me says they were too ignorant to understand what they were doing. Part of me says they are family and nothing they did matters." Jane asks, "Do you see yourself as a caring passionate young man or a heartless killer?" I am shocked, "I guess I know where you stand." Jane quickly replies, "No. I am helping you see yourself, so you don't make a terrible decision. You have good reason to hate. However, it's not really who you are. It's not the man I fell in love with." I look at her questioningly. She nods yes. I will hate myself, but I say, "They can stay." My family looks happy but not thrilled. They now rely on me. Their lives are in my hands. Stacy looks at Jane, "Why does my brother need a high-priced lawyer?" Jane laughs, "I am an art student, both of my parents and their families are lawyers. You learn a bit growing up in that environment. My passion is art and I am assisting your brother. He is an artist, a special one. I am adequate, I hope to become an art dealer. For now, I am a friend and trainer." Stacy hints, "I quote, 'not the man I fell in love with.' So, you are more than a friend?" Jane is now quite uncomfortable. She pauses before responding. Jane replies while holding something back, "Our relationship is unique." She stares daggers at mom. "Ginger is still a scar in his heart. Permanent, painful damage there. I have a variety of women teaching him about sex and love which inspires his creativity and helps his work bloom." Jane walks to my stacks of paintings and drawings. She picks out two of each. Janes points to a drawing and a painting, "He did these two before I met him. Obvious quality and a unique style." She points to another drawing. "He did this one recently. I hope you can see how much better it is. He has improved tremendously." She points to the last painting. "This is what he is capable of after having sex. I think even a blind person can see the difference." I ask Jane, "Why are you sharing me with other women. This can't be easy on you. Oh my, I have become my parents and I made you into Ginger." My legs give out and I fall to the floor. Lizzy is quick as a cat and lunges for me, I fall on her rather than a table that is close. She rolls me over and holds me in her arms. Jane is quick to comfort me, "Mark, you silly man. I do it because I love you. You need this in your life. I am feeding you beautiful women rather than a beer and pizza like most girls do." I sit up and reply, "No, I can't do this to you. It's not fair." Jane confesses, "Do you remember our first time?" I reply, "Of course I do. You were amazing." Jane blushes, "That was only my second time." My mouth drops open. "With your cannon, I didn't want you experimenting on me. Every woman I have sent you is an expert at something and they have been teaching you. It has worked out well. Your skills are amazing now and I have about 100 women that will do anything for me day or night no questions asked." That causes her to giggle. "This is not hurting me. We are both getting what we need." Lizzy is still holding me in her arms. She hasn't said a thing, just shifting her breasts on my back and resting her chin on my shoulders. I can't remember the last time she touched me let alone held me. I get up, walk to Jane and lift her so I can hug and kiss her. She melts in my arms. I then sit down in a chair and she sits on my lap. Jane starts on my family, "You all don't get a say in things anymore. Mark is in charge. You do anything to annoy him, and we will send you packing for the streets. You will cook, clean, do laundry, do dishes, and for the next two weeks, you will scatter on weeknights, so his education can continue. I won't have you messing up his life anymore. You have done more than enough to fuck him up." All three, Mom, Lizzy, and Stacy look hurt and stare at the floor. Jane looks playful now, "Mark, I am leaving you with homework. There is an art show in a few weeks. I want five of your best paintings for that showing. It's a huge event in the art world. Everyone in New York will be there. I want one of a park, one of a student, one of your choice, and one of each sister." I blurt out, "WHAT?" Jane disarms me by laughing, "They don't have to be naked. It's my way to reconnect you with your family. From my point of view that will create drama and your best work. If I am going to be your agent, I want your best stuff." I inquire with a raised eyebrow, "I have an agent? I don't remember signing a contract." Jane is blunt, "Do you want to be rich and famous or starving down by the river in a tent?" I try to one-up Jane, "We shall see how you do and then continue from there." Jane wins, "I control the women. You know what's good for you." Lizzy timidly asks, "I think I know where the washroom/shower is. Where can I put my clothes and what part of the floor do you want me sleeping on?" Mom says, "We left quick. Didn't get to sell much. Friends gave us money to get here and not much else. I should be able to get a job even if it's a paralegal level. Anything helps." Jane takes her phone and goes into the hallway. I explain, "I only have two blankets. The only thing that works is you three in the bed and I take the couch. Have you eaten today?" Three heads shake no. "There are two Chinese dinners there, that should start you off. It's getting cold so eat now. I have bagels and cereal as well." I lost my bed and now my dinner. Yes, we are off to a fantastic start. Jane came back inside and hands a business card to mom, "Tomorrow at 9:00 AM at the address printed on the card. Ask for the lady on the back of the card. Don't expect much or nice working conditions. Those are the grunts. They are very competitive, young, and willing to do anything to move up. You are immediately a threat to them. Watch your back and you better be better than the others." Mom fought back a tear and thanked Jane. I take Jane's hand, "You, my dear, have a dinner date tonight. I gave away our dinner, I now owe you some of your favorite Italian. Then I will do some shopping, we need more food for the week." Now speaking to my family. "When I get back we can catch up. I am hungry, I am going to thank Jane for getting mom a job by taking her to her out." +++++ Chapter 5 Painting I had a nice quiet dinner with Jane. We ignored conversation about my family. Jane went to her dorm and I went grocery shopping. I have four heavy bags in my arms. The store is only a few blocks away, but my arms feel numb. Bed, dinner, and now pain. Is it too late to ... no, don't even think that. Stacy is in the lobby waiting for me. She takes three of the bags, that's her limit, and carries them to my studio. Lizzy put the groceries away. I sit back in a chair while they take the sofa. I break the ice, "I have no questions. I don't care. I had enough and just want to be free. Yet, here we are. You are in my place, sleeping in my bed, and eating my dinner. Instead of screwing a beautiful woman and improving my art, I am sitting here talking to you." Then with as little emotion as possible, "Boy, it sure is good to see you all again." Mom is first to speak, "I am sorry. I know you had it bad and my inaction was the same as supporting your father. That makes me equally responsible. He both hated you and was jealous of you. He couldn't stand your drawing because he could only do stick people. He did everything in his power to make your life a living hell. He was a flawed man, but I loved him more than anything. There were times I hated him as well. He would share me, trade me, and sell me by the hour when I was younger. Anything to get drugs, money, or other women. "His friends were filthy degenerates. Your dad would swap wives for an evening and they could do anything they wanted to me. He didn't care because he was doing the same to the other woman. I lost several good jobs because pictures or rumors got out about my lifestyle. I can't ever make up for your childhood. I will try. From now on I am yours, you own me and can do with me as you please. I deserve no less." Damn, not what I was expecting at all. Not a bad move on her part, now I must keep her around. Bed, dinner, pain, and now I own a slave. How much more can they do to me? Stacy spoke next, "I should start with I am sorry. You were like a toy. You had no feelings. I could do with you as I pleased. I never thought of you as a person. You were just Mark, a thing that existed. You weren't part of the family. You didn't matter enough to me. It wasn't until I saw how distraught Ginger was at losing you that I realized you might also have feelings. You had to have feelings for the way you treated Ginger. I was mad at her for treating a guy like that. It took a while for it to register that that guy was you. "Then everything hit me like a ton of bricks. You are a person like Lizzy and me. You had hopes, dreams, and a skill. Dad wanted to destroy your world. Ginger and her aunt quickly organized the apartment and escape. The colleges had been in the works for months by Mrs. Smith and the school principal. I knew the day before you did that you were leaving. That's why I made breakfast for you and gave you everything I had." Lizzy is tearful, "It wasn't until after you left I realized how important you were to the family. You did so much, you never complained, I took you completely for granted. The house was a lot lonelier without you around. It seemed empty without you, like a part of me was missing. All my teachers asked what was wrong. I couldn't admit that I loved my brother. I will try not to get in the way. Just tell me what you want, and I will do my best to help." I announce, "It's past midnight and I have an 8:00 class. Tomorrow I will teach you how to prepare a canvas for painting, that will help me out and then we go from there. I give mom a twenty-dollar bill. "It's all I have. That needs to get you to work, home, and lunch. Check into monthly passes. Tomorrow is hot dogs and chips for dinner. I need to adjust my budget and see how much we can spend on food. This week is all cheap dinners. Sorry. I am going to bed so you all need to as well." I did not sleep well that night. Someone was restless in the other bed. They used the washroom, got a glass of water, flipped several times. Finally, I hear footsteps patter on the floor over to me. I look up and see Stacy staring down at me. What the hell does she want? Stacy says sleepily, "I can't sleep." For 18 years she has no use for me. Only on the day that I leave my pathetic family does she show me any compassion. I don't understand her. On the other hand, she is the only family member that has done anything to help me in my life. She made me breakfast once in my life and gave me $1156.00. That money came in real handy. Otherwise I only had $34.00 of my own money until I reached New York. The $100,000 was deposited in a bank here in New York. That money from Stacy allowed me to eat well on my way here. Yet, she is one of the four main reasons I am here in the first place. Jane seems to think I am a decent person. A decent person forgives people. Can I do that? I mean, can I really and honestly forgive them for what they did to me? Mom and dad corrupted Ginger, the best thing that ever happened to me. OK, I only have to forgive three of them. Stacy is looking at me. Hopeful that I will ... what? She wants to get on the couch next to me? Why? Is it possible that she has changed? If I were being completely honest with myself, I have loved looking at my sisters for years. They are pretty. Much prettier than the hags at school. Big chests and cute faces ... and they are related to me. Yes, that is a problem. Iit so hard to believe I would fuck these two beauties that I have lusted after? No. Maybe my sisters are growing up, are more mature, and see me in a new light. With my talents and progress, maybe they see a use for me. Well, I know how to find out Stacy's intentions. I open up the blanket and she jumps in next to me. Her lithe body seems to fold inside of me. She kisses me on the cheek. She places my hands on her firm ample breasts. I now know she is not wearing a bra. She twists her body causing my hands to roam her breasts, giggles and then tries to sleep. We both quickly fall asleep. ++++++ The next evening, I send the family out at 6:00 PM because someone is coming over at 7:00 PM. This girl likes her cunt munched so I learn a few more techniques. She loves a good hard pounding and begged to come back sometime. Same answer as always, 'Talk to Jane'. This girl is different because she is an athlete and has small breasts. More muscle than I normally see and no cleavage to expose. I still found the hidden sexiness. For me, this was an exercise in accentuating the positives. She was interesting. Because of the long carpet munching session, it took longer than normal. She is heading out as my family came back. Naturally, they all go to look at the painting. Stacy is in awe, "She wasn't that good looking. She was pretty, but not like this. Yet, nothing is inaccurate. Is this an optical illusion?" I never thought of it that way, but I guess in a way it is. I explain, "I don't hide anything, everything is accurate. However, I can add more details or shading to add drama and highlight something that is special about her. What looks good on her?" Lizzy says, "I like her smile, she looks friendly. Her legs are so long and supple, their amazing. The girl that walked out of here looked like a mess. Her cheeks were red, and her hair went all ways. It was like she just had sex." I smile, "She did. We went at it for 90 minutes. I painted her face and hair from before we had sex. I don't want her to look like a slut or like I used her." Stacy asks, "Why not? Wasn't she sexy looking with the messed-up hair, rosy cheeks, and that silly smile on her face?" I took out a second canvas, ignored my family and experimented with the same picture but as she really looked like after we had sex. Her smile went from nice to intoxicatingly beautiful. Her whole demeanor went from happy and content to satisfied and giddy. I then took out another canvas and drew Jane from memory with an accurate look on her face from after sex. Mom was the first to speak, "Damn. If that is how she really looks, that woman is head over heels in love with you. I know that look. That looks says I will do anything for you." She pauses, the wheels are moving in her head. "I am not telling you what to do. I don't have that right anymore. She is putting you before her own feelings. Trust me, that is eating away at her insides. I was in love like that woman and I did terrible things. She is in love and is sacrificing herself for you. "If I were you, cancel tomorrow and have Jane over. She may think she is a lawyer, but I am a damn good one. I can get the truth out of her and then it's up to you what happens next. I understand her thinking but she is wrong just like I was for the last twenty years." A lot of things are swirling in my mind. She loves me enough to share me, so I can improve. Is my improvement worth the pain it causes her? No. I made the call to Jane. I will see her tomorrow after school. Mom says to me, "Honey, you're 100 times the man you father ever was." Tears are running down her face. "You make me so proud the way you turned out even after all the shit that has happened to you." Chapter 6 Night Games It is late again, two more paintings take a while, so again it's past midnight. We go to bed. Again, I hear tossing and turning in the bed. It's not long before Stacy joins me on the couch again. No words exchanged, I just open my blanket and she climbs in again. She places my hands on her puffy round orbs of pleasure. She uses my hands to tweak her nipples which elicits a light moan. That causes a slight stir in my groin as I start to stiffen. She continues to use my hands to pleasure herself which causes me even more pleasure. My cock shifts and it touches her leg. She uses her hands to push it away. She feels my whole cock. Stacy falls off the couch and yells, "Fucking hell, a mother fucking monster!" The lights go on, Mom and Lizzy are awake, Stacy is on the floor topless and moving enough so her boobs never stop jiggling which makes me harder. Mom yells, "What the hell is going on? Stacy, where is your bra? Put something on." Stacy ignores mom, "You won't believe what your son is packing?" Mom asks, "Put something on. What are you babbling about?" Stacy looks at me, "You tell them about the monster I found on the couch." I turn towards Lizzy and mom, "There is a reason why women like to ..." While I wasn't looking at Stacy, she moves behind me and in a very quick move, she pulls my boxers down and my fully erect cock is pointing out and up. They go silent as they stare at me. I continue my sentence, "... spend the night here. They enjoy the pounding I provide." Lizzy says, "That thing would scare me. No woman can take a thing like that." Mom boasts, "Oh please. It's not that big. I would say average." Stacy isn't buying that story, "Oh yeah? So, you could take a full hard thrust that goes balls deep from that thing right now?" Mom is more cautious now, "Yes I could. I am out of shape but yes, it wouldn't be so hard to take that thing in one swift penetration. It doesn't matter, he is my son." I grin, "Mom, I am calling bullshit on this one. I have had some loose women but nobody and I mean nobody takes me balls deep on the first thrust. If you really think you can then get your ass over here and let me prove you wrong." Mom stood still. Lizzy laughs, "I thought so. That thing is a beast. It could rip you up inside." Mom then steps forward, pulls her panties down, sits on the edge of the bed, and says, "You are bigger than your dad but no way that hurts like you think it will. I am an older, more experienced woman. I eat things like this for breakfast." Mom stands up, turns around, and puts her forearms on the bed and spreads her legs for me to enter her. I have anger flowing through my veins. I move so mom is in front of me; my sisters are at my side, mouths open staring in awe. I place my tip at her entrance with only the tip inside the slightly spread lips. I jump up and forward a bit so that as I come down, I am using the weight of my body to force my cock into my mother's tight cunt. Mom screams into the provided pillow. It is a haunting scream of agony. Instantly, the smirk on her face shifts to tears. The pillow goes behind her head and I continue removing and thrusting my cock into my mother. It's more muscle memory than a conscious effort to fuck her. I have tunnel vision and the only thing in my world is my cock pounding her pussy and it's taking a beating. Her whimpering is now moans and some grunts. She is enjoying this. She is a slut. She took that initial thrust of pain just to goat me into fucking her. She really does want to be my slave in all phases of life. Her face turns red. That's good, I am close to spurting a load into my mother. A few more extra hard thrusts and I am shooting four ropes of cum into my mother. As I shoot she orgasms and goes limp. No scream, all fight is gone. She endured a lot tonight. Her eyes are closing slowly, she is tired. Both sisters are looking at me. They want something. I nod towards Lizzy. She dives into mom and proceeds to clean out my cum. She flaunts the delicacy over to Stacy. I drag mom up to the bed and Lizzy cuddles mom. Lizzy says to me, "I will make sure she is ok, you get some sleep." I go to bed and fall asleep quickly even though I am still furious at myself. to be continued.... For pics visit ---->> https://bit.ly/2ReHUJI
Title: Charity Begins at Home Summary: Mother and son enter a charity run. Keywords:inc,fic,erotic,hot,sex You may have heard of me. I achieved relative fame in the media and the moniker, 'personal trainer to the stars' when I took on the plus sized model Lauren Brooks and an up and coming Hollywood starlet as clients. A short lived relationship with a well known underwear model; an appearance on Tmz and some paparazzi photos on a gossip website helped me to build my brand; all to the point where I was turning away business for lack of time. So when my father called and asked for help in the garden, my immediate inclination was to offer to pay for a landscaper; but when he clarified the work was for my mother's birthday I made a time to visit. "You see Kyle?" Dad gestured to the browning foliage of three shrubs beneath my parent's bedroom window. "I only planted them last summer and they're already dying." "They're getting too much sun I guess." "Exactly, I told her that when we put them in," Dad agreed. "Anyway, I bought some rose bushes for your mother's birthday. You know she loves them." "So you want me to dig these ones out and plant the roses?" I asked. "Mum'll notice! She'll see me working, won't be much of a surprise." "Oh she knows about it," Dad replied, placing his hands on his lower back and stretching. "I'd do it myself but my back, you know." I did know. Thing about my father was, if there was a way to get out of doing hard work, he'd take it. Even if it meant foisting it off onto his son. His back pain always seemed worse when he had to exercise or manual labour was involved. "Ah, here she is now," Dad continued. My mother rounded the corner of my childhood home holding a tray with three glasses. Fifty at the end of the month, her face retained a youthful glow. Her body however was showing the signs of my father's sedentary life rubbing off. A pear, she carried her weight on her hips with an equally impressive bust to match. I looked not out of any libidinous desire, more from the perspective of my profession of course. "Hello men," Mom smiled as she approached. "Thought you'd like some refreshments."  The day had become hotter than expected and the drink was welcome. "It's not soda is it Mom? You know they're full of sugar." I explained as I leaned in to kiss her cheek, her hair wet beside her face, having just come from the shower or possibly splashing water on herself to stay cool.  She rolled her eyes at me towards my father. "Oh I wouldn't dream of it. It's just flavoured mineral water."  I looked at her skeptically but took a glass despite my doubts. "So go on ask him," Dad directed toward my mother. "Alright Love, give me a moment," Mom glared back as I took a sip and realized just what the liquid was flavoured with. I'd need to run an extra block that evening to work off the sugar I mentally made a note. It was then I noticed the brochure on the tray. "So I've entered this charity run," Mom began. "Well, my girlfriend and I entered; you need a partner you see. But she's injured herself. Fell in the shower can you believe it? Nearly broke both wrists so I hear.." "Cut to the chase Vanessa!" Dad interrupted. Mom scowled but went on. "Well I was wondering if you might do it with me Honey? It's for charity. Oh, I think I said that. And I'm sure I'd get lots of sponsors with your name beside me. I can't really expect your father to do it of course..." "Well my back you see.." Dad began and Mom and I smiled at each other. She finally made note of the brochure on the tray and I took possession of the pamphlet.  'The Mud Run.' Was the name of the event and I knew it well. A fun run of sorts, it was held out of the city on a rural property. One mile of obstacles, hundreds of competitors, a way of exercising whilst socialising, fundraising and getting extremely dirty to boot. I'd participated once a year or so back and many of my clients I knew were competing this year as well. I was more than a little surprised at Mom's decision to enter and put it down more to her friend than her. Whatever, if it got her active, I was in full support.  "It's this Sunday," Mom continued. "I know it's short notice and I'll understand if you can't do it.." "Of course I'll do it!" I interrupted her. I had planned on leaving the Sunday free for myself anyway so without the need to consult my calendar, I knew I would be available. "It'll be fun. I'll put your sponsor link on my social. I'm sure that'll give you more donations. I'm looking forward to it!" And I was. I always enjoyed those kind of events and seeing how happy it had made my Mom, it was adding to my sense of fulfilment.  "So when can you do the garden?" Dad asked, reminding me of my initial reason for being there. Taking out my phone I checked my calendar, apart from Sunday, my schedule booked out for days. A two hour window the next afternoon was probably the best time for me and promised I'd be around to at least get started on the plants. Mom and Dad were grateful for any time I could spare and it made me think I had probably neglected them the last couple of years. I knew they understood, what with my heavy workload but at least the next few days would begin to balance out some of that time differential. * * * * * 6am and my mid-morning appointment with the aforementioned Hollywood starlet was cancelled by her personal assistant. It opened up the day perfectly. I could head to my parent's early and spend most of the day working in their garden. Allowing myself the luxury of sleeping in, I rolled over in bed and closed my eyes.  I didn't bother calling ahead to let them know I'd be early. Knowing Dad would be at work anyway and even if Mom wasn't home it didn't prevent me accessing the back yard and the tool shed. I arrived a little after 9am and immediately set to work. I found what I needed in Dad's shed and set about pruning the longest of the branches of the shrubs to give me better access. The sun rising warmed my back and before I set about digging around the roots I remembered my drink bottle in the car. Upon retrieving it and having a healthy draught, I placed it on the extended brick work below my parent's bedroom window. What I did then wasn't intentional. I noticed the drapes were yet to be drawn, however a small area between the two was open. Glancing, not even purposefully looking I saw into the room and the flash of skin. I had no interest in peeping. I want that to be clear. The reason, and the only reason I looked again was the position of the body I saw therein. Knowing I would see their bed from the location I was standing, the position of the bare feet that hung over the side were out of place. Sideways in fact, not the way someone would purposely lie on the bed. This, and the fact the person was face down and the legs were twitching made me inclined to think they were seizing or having some kind of fit. Alright I admit I didn't know what the hell I was thinking to be honest and the fact I moved quietly as I edged closer to the window suggests to me my actions weren't completely noble. It was my parent's house. There was no harm in me looking through a window I reasoned as I peered inside, a clearer image of the goings on in the bedroom presenting itself to me. The legs were clearly my mother's, and I was right that she lay horizontal on her bed. Again the idea she was having some kind of fit struck my mind as her feet straightened, her toes pointing in my direction and her rear lifted up off the mattress only to fall and repeat. I raised my hand to knock on the glass before the rational part of my brain stopped me. She's not having a fit you idiot. I told myself.  It was then I realized what I was actually witness to. The dark blue nightshirt or oversized t-shirt she wore crept up onto her bare buttocks even as I watched. At that point surely I should've averted my eyes but I looked on, mesmerised almost. Seeing only the back of her head and 'it' pointed in the other direction I was sure I wouldn't be observed as I watched her. Again her feet straightened, her toes curled. My mother's now completely uncovered ass; wide and pale, writhed up and down, back and forth into the bed below her and as her legs parted slightly I saw the fingers that pressed to her sex between.  I was watching my mother masturbate.  In that instant I didn't know how I felt. Was I disturbed, possibly grossed out? I cannot tell you. All I knew was like a car crash on the freeway, I couldn't look away. The room was too shadowy to allow me to see everything between her legs, to make out her pussy as her fingers delved but as if she'd heard my thought her other hand reached behind to spread her buttock, allowing light to penetrate. That I was looking upon her anus even for an instant wasn't lost on me. My mother's holiest of holes, spread before me, only a pane of glass separating us. From pawing her buttock, her hand swept out reaching for a pillow at the end of the bed. For an instant I thought she'd finished and I prepared to leap away from my position before she lifted her hips and placed the pillow between her legs, sealing it beneath herself. Her pussy now hidden from my view it did little to lessen the beauty of the moment. A half naked woman pleasuring herself against a pillow. Not any half naked woman; my mother.  Her ass gyrating, her legs squeezing around the makeshift sex toy, it wasn't long before her feet again straightened and her body shuddered before lying still. There was no doubt in my mind, my mom had just cum. My breath had been held for I didn't know how long and finally I expelled it as I saw her begin to sit up. Diving away from the window I made for the spade and plunged it into the soil at the base of the first of the shrubs. From the corner of my eye I saw no movement at the window, nor did the curtains open. I was confident I hadn't been caught and as I began to breathe normally again and the spade cut into the dirt a second time, I realized I had an erection. The soil around the dying shrubs was healthy and easily dug. Without overly concentrating on my actions I'd exposed the root ball and began the process of digging out the plant all the while my mind focused on what I'd seen. My reaction to it, even now my vivid recollection of her movements, her skin, her ass. That big, yes fat ass. Spreading for me. Her son. Minutes passed and still no sign of Mom. I was sweating heavily and threw down the spade to remove my t-shirt, lifting it above my head just as the drapes in the window of my mother's bedroom flew open. She stood there completely naked, her arms Christ like as she held open the curtains. The look on her face told me she had no idea I was there, but it wasn't her face where my eyes ventured. The thatch of pubic hair at her groin caught my attention, thick and dark, it was no wonder I hadn't been able to see her pussy moments before. I struggled to raise my eyes from her groin but only made it as far as her unfettered boobs, so heavy, her pink nipples proudly erect.  Even from outside, the window closed; I heard her swear. The drapes pulled shut instantly, her privacy restored I was in two minds as to what to do. Did I go inside, apologise for seeing her naked? What for though? She didn't know I'd been spying on her earlier, it was only an accident she had opened the curtains like that. Neither of us was to blame. I threw my t-shirt down on the grass and was all of a sudden aware of my own partial nudity. Nothing like my mother's of course. Jesus. I thought to myself, I've seen her...everything! I only had to wait another minute for her to emerge from the house. With a light dressing gown on and her hair in a towel turban she approached barefoot. "My god Honey, I didn't know you were here!" She explained as she neared. "I'm so sorry." I leaned on the spade handle as I watched her, her face a fiery red. Mine possibly similar. "Ha, don't worry about it Mom. I didn't see anything." I stated, obvious to both of us I was lying. "What are you doing here so early? You said it would be in the afternoon." She asked, now only a few feet from me, the smell of her soap from the shower hitting my senses. I took in her body, her nipples still hard and poking through the thin material of her gown. The gown itself tied tight around her waist, hugging her hips and revealing to me she wore no underwear. She was still naked under there. That hairy pussy only an arms distance away. Ridiculously I could feel myself hardening. Could she tell? My jeans were tight. Would she be looking? I don't know what I was thinking but I willed her eyes to lower. To look down and see my hardening cock and to know it was for her.  "Yeah, I guess I should've called. My client cancelled her workout. I had the morning free so I thought I'd get started early. Sorry. I probably should've warned you I was here." "No not at all," Mom declared. "It's your house too. You can come and go whenever you choose." There was an awkward moment of silence between us as, gripping the handle of the spade with both hands I lowered it across my torso, the muscles in my chest striated, my arms flexing. The action was deliberate to highlight my body while not overtly posing. Her eyes I noticed, followed the trail of the handle to my abs and stopped. Was she forcing her eyes not to lower, I wondered?  "Um about what just happened..." She struggled to say, her eyes again looking up to mine.  "Mom, seriously. It's no big deal. I've forgotten already!" Again I lied, her hirsute snatch, her tits, her exposed asshole still front and centre in my thoughts. "Just...maybe don't mention it to your father," she concluded. I hadn't thought of Dad. There was no way I would have even dreamed of talking to him about what had happened. What made Mom think I would and more to the point, in her mind, what would be so bad if I did? * * * * * By 2pm, I'd removed all three of the plants and felt twinges in muscles I infrequently worked on. Mom had laid low, venturing back out only once (fully clothed mind you) to check if I needed a drink. As I pulled my t-shirt back on she appeared again, this time holding her phone.  "It worked Honey," she exclaimed smiling. "I have ten new sponsors for the mud run! All links from your social media." I smiled broadly back at her. "I told you it'd help." She kept her eyes down on the phone and I wondered if she was still embarrassed about what had happened? Of course she was, I told myself. I also wondered if the only reason she came out when she did was that I'd put my shirt back on. Had she been watching me? Get a grip Kyle. I told myself. The only one thinking impure thoughts here was you. She's your mother and she has no interest in looking at your half naked body! But what about my completely naked body? The devil on my shoulder quickly added. "So I can't plant the roses today Mom, I've got a three o'clock." "Oh that's fine," she offered. "There's no hurry. Just come by when you have the time." I took the spade and shears back to the shed and Mom walked me out to my car. "So I'll see you Sunday?" I stated. "Yep, thank you for doing this. It means so much to me," Mom admitted as she kissed me on the cheek. Was her kiss closer to my lips than usual? Did I usually feel her breast against me when we hugged? "Oh and your father said he'll drive us." "Oh great," I remarked as I entered the car. "Remember to bring a change of clothes. These things get messy!" She laughed as she waved me away and as I drove back to my apartment I repeated the words to myself. "These thing get messy." Yeah, I thought. Fantasising about your mother could get messy. For everyone involved. * * * * * Two nights later and I still had her image in my head whenever I closed my eyes. Saturday night, in an effort to rid myself of this new found incestuous fascination, I crossed the line and accepted the advances of a client. It was a rule of mine not to mix business with pleasure and I promised myself it would only be this one time. Dixie Chester was a wealthy middle aged socialite I'd just taken on. Her ass was wide, her breasts pendulous. From behind, with her auburn colored hair she could have been my mother. Was it the reason I surrendered to her advances? When I had her lie on my bed face down and masturbate while I watched from behind, I had no doubt. I should never have done it. The dalliance didn't sate my desire, it merely fed it. Come Sunday morning I was more eager than ever to see my mother, to spend time with her, to find out what she'd be wearing. I jacked off to relieve the tension and it was her standing naked in the window I envisioned as I came. I now had no doubt, I was obsessed. * * * * * "So, you ready for this?" I smiled down at her, her small hand still in mine as it had been for the last fifteen minutes. A sign of our affection but also a means for us not to become separated in the throng of lycra clad participants. Not unexpectedly, I'd spent most of the time acknowledging those I knew, many envious looks directed towards my mother before introducing her as such. Mom herself was dressed to my approval. I'd hoped she'd be in lycra, instead wearing white running shorts which hugged her ass well and featured splits up the outer side of the leg. A pink tank top in support of her chosen charity completed her ensemble and I was delighted to see her nipples standing to attention in the morning air. Overall nothing to disappoint. The gun sounded the beginning of the event and before she could answer my question, the crowd around us were taking off. We began at a more leisurely jog as others activated their sports watches and raced towards the first of the obstacles. Knowing Mom would never keep up with my pace, I matched her speed and soon the majority of the field were ahead of us. The first obstacle was a tire run and it was when the hysterics began. Countless times my mother misstepped, falling backwards, forwards all to the accompaniment of fits of laughter. Her joy was infectious and as I held an arm around her waist to steady her progression I couldn't recall ever having this much fun with her. We found ourselves amongst other couples in the race for the same reasons. Not to compete or set the fastest time but to enjoy ourselves; spend time with our loved ones and raise money for charities in the process. Another short running section and we hit a cargo net. Horizontal; we had to crawl across the top. Harder than it looks and great for the core, I was impressed as Mom made it most of the way without falling, only losing her footing, her legs dropping down between the ropes just before the end. I jumped off and ducked beneath to boost her up from below, grabbing her sneakers and lifting, I took a moment to admire the way the rope pressed into her crotch, pushing her pussy mound outwards. I thought of the pillow between her legs and felt a stirring in my own loins.  Between bouts of laughter she made it off the cargo net and I made sure she was fit to go on. Both of us sweaty now the sun was higher in the sky, I noticed a trickle run from her neck into her cleavage. I felt the desire to drop my face to her breast and lick it up, to kiss my way up to her mouth and show her how I was feeling. To declare my love. Of course I suppressed my impulse. I was being an idiot. I'd need several more sessions with Dixie Chester to get this out of my system I determined. Staff were on hand to provide well needed encouragement and refreshment and Mom passed me the water bottle she had just drunk from without a thought. In my delusional incestuous mind I wondered if it was a sign or even a test. Either way I was eager to drink from where her lips had pressed and as I did so she pushed me back and ran on ahead giggling like a schoolgirl. I watched her ass sway as she ran then took off behind her, catching her in no time and smacking her playfully on the buttock as I overtook. She squealed excitedly and tried to keep up and after a moment I jogged backwards to allow it to happen. That, and to stare at her bouncing breasts as she closed the gap on the uneven terrain. We hit the first of the mud obstacles and it was another cargo net. This occasion the idea was to go under and there was no way not to get wet. It was easiest enough at the beginning, crawling on all fours with the net above us, but as we hit the middle the mud seemed to become deeper until finally we had to lie on our backs and pull our bodies along to make progress. The mud was warm in the morning sun and wasn't unpleasant. I didn't have a problem with it but Mom lacked the strength in her arms to effectively make it herself so being the gentleman I was, I was there to help her out. Our bodies by this stage were completely covered in mud and Mom was using up more energy laughing than exercising.  It was then I was thankful she wasn't wearing lycra. As I helped pull her along, her shorts filled with mud and began to slide down over her hips. This had her in hysterics and releasing her hold on the rope in an attempt to pull them up had her falling backwards into the pool entirely. Before her body went under I saw the top of her pubic hair and it took me back to her image in the window. I reached for her immediately and with my help she rose up above the surface spluttering and wiping the mud from her face before resuming her laughter. Pulling her and myself along we made it towards the edge of the net with Mom turning at the last moment to climb along my body. For a moment I was unsure of her motives, so sexual was the action. Her breasts pressed to my thighs and slid across my groin up onto my stomach. With her hands on my chest her own crotch pushed against mine momentarily to follow the course of her boobs and only then did I see her motive. Once again she gained her own minor victory by rising up and finishing the obstacle before me. Raising her arms in the air as I joined her from underneath the rope cargo net. "I win!" She joyously proclaimed and as I gazed upon her muddy water logged clothing, the darkness of her pubic hair visible through her shorts, her nipples hard behind the stained tank top, it was me who felt the winner. Mom was wrong however, it wasn't the end of the obstacle. The cruel designer of the course had installed a ramp of which the base sat in the mud at the end of the pit. The rest of the competitors having long departed, others far behind, we were left alone to conquer this new challenge. We stood together completely lathered in sludge as we regained some energy. After wiping mud from each other's face we tackled the ramp together. More like a slide, it would have been difficult but not impossible to mount earlier before it was covered in mud. Now it was an exercise in futility. We tried climbing together, getting half way before sliding back down into the mud. I went up alone and lay down gripping the rim as Mom tried to use my legs to climb up. Again her arms weren't strong enough and we gave up this approach. Finally I suggested she climb first and I would push her up from below. This worked fine with her body up above me until I lost my grip on her sneakers and she began to slide slowly back down. In an attempt to stop her my hands slid up onto her calves, followed by the backs of her knees. The mud coating her legs and my hands lubricated her descent and as my fingers pressed the backs of her thighs she still slid towards me. I probably should have let her go then but I was looking up between her legs and was again mesmerised by the sight. As her ass descended my hands slid up under her shorts legs and one hand cupped an ass cheek. The other, my right, was more fortunate. With my hand flat against her leg my fingers kneaded her buttock but my thumb slid between her cheeks. Without intention on my behalf my thumb eased inside what I immediately knew from its position, was her asshole.  So easily it entered her body, the nail, the first knuckle. I instinctively of course tried to withdraw it but as her body weight descended, it just went further in until my thumb was fully inserted to the webbing up her ass. It seemed to be in there forever, her sphincter squeezing around me, so warm inside. In reality only a second, and as we fell back together it dislodged and Mom ended up on top of me back down in the mud. She looked over her shoulder at me for a moment before we both broke out in convulsions. What could have been an extremely uncomfortable moment made wonderful. I lay back laughing and enjoyed the feeling of Mom's body between my legs, her back to my swelling cock. Still laughing she turned between my thighs, making no mention of the fact her tits rested upon my semi erect penis. With her hands placed on my stomach she looked me in the eyes. "I think that's something else we'd better not tell your father!" She grinned and I acknowledged, we now had two secrets.  "You can go around you know!" An attendant shouted at us from the edge of the obstacle as other couples began to attempt the challenge. If we hadn't been interrupted would something have happened, I wondered? Again I wanted to slap my face. She's your mother Kyle. She doesn't want to fuck you. And a part of me conceded it. She'd done nothing to encourage me. We were having fun together. A mother and son. Not a couple. None of her actions even hinted incest.  That is, until they did. We completed a few more dry obstacles before hitting a rope swing, again across a mud pit. Swinging across first I threw the rope back and Mom attempted the crossing. Her legs wrapped tight around the rope, she released too early and went splashing into the mud. I entered and pulled her out, her shorts finally giving up and falling half way down her legs. I couldn't help but stare at her damp pubic hair, her muddy, wet thighs glistening in the sunlight. She was slow to raise them and looked me in the eye as she did so, I thought it seemed, almost enjoying my eyes on her nudity.  Without another word about it we walked the rest of the course and crossed the finish line hand in hand. Outdoor showers had been set up and fully clothed we joined others beneath the cool water. As Mom rinsed the mud from her hair and the color came back to her pink tank top she turned to me beside her. "Our first shower together!" She joked. Her shorts were transparent. The dark of her pubic hair so clearly visible. My lycra compression tights did nothing to hide the outline of my penis. The cold water the only thing preventing me from obtaining a full erection. I took off my tank top and wrung it out beneath the flow of water and Mom watched every movement. "I love your muscles Kyle," she confessed. She'd never commented on my body before. Well maybe when I was a teenager and began working out. Back then it was primarily jokes about 'not taking steroids' and 'girls like brains too.' She blushed noticeably as she raised a hand to my chest and touched my pecs. "My god you're like concrete!" She chuckled as her hand slid down to my abs. I clenched them as she ran her fingers across my eight pack. "Now I know why they call them washboard," she laughed but as her eyes climbed back to mine I saw an intensity grow in her, in me. I was going to pull her to me. Screw who was looking. My clients, paps. Fuck it, I wanted to kiss her and right then and there I had no doubt she wanted it too. Imperceptibly slowly her hand began to lower.  "Jesus look at you two!" Dad's voice broke into our moment together. Mom's hand immediately withdrew from my stomach and we turned as one. "Thank goodness you've got a change of clothes. You wouldn't be getting into my car like that I can tell you!" "Honey," Mom shrieked and quickly abandoned me in the showers, running to my father. "Oh we've had so much fun." I watched as she threw her arms around him and kissed his mouth. The public display of affection sickening me and even taking my father by surprise. For a moment I hated her but then I hated myself for even thinking it. What was she to do? She'd just been discovered in an almost compromising position with her own son, in public no less. I forgave her immediately and joined them. "Didn't we Kyle?" She asked. I smiled and nodded my affirmation. "Yeah, it was great. You'll have to do it next time Dad," I added, knowing full well his response. "Oh yeah I'd love to. It's just my ba..." "Your back!" Mom and I said in tandem and shared the joke. "My back. Yes." Dad concluded furrowing his brow at the two of us. Mom extracted herself from my father and in front of him took my hand. "Really Kyle. I had such a good time." It was then I became aware of the hand she was holding. The hand that had touched her bottom. And more to the point the way she held it. Her fingers around the thumb that had entered her ass. "I hope we can do it again." I felt her squeeze my thumb even further. "Would you like to do it again?" I almost choked on my words as I dared consider her possible double entendre. "Um, I'd love to," I offered. "If that's what you want." My answer I thought was enough for her to read between the lines. It dawned on me that we were both in the same position. She had to be sure I was in the same boat, so to speak. As I'd told myself before, incest could get messy. * * * * * The rain began Sunday evening and continued through the night. I cancelled all of my Monday appointments when I woke the next day, citing the weather. I hadn't had a chance to talk to Mom alone since the showers but I'd informed them both I would be around as soon as possible to finish the garden. Knowing Dad would be at work I hoped Mom would be home and as I pulled into their drive I was relieved to see her car parked in the garage. I strode into the back yard hoping for a repeat of the show I'd been witness to previous. Sadly her drapes were fully open and no sign of her inside. Collecting the tools from the shed, the sun breaking out and the air stiflingly muggy I lined up the rose bushes in their respective positions and surveyed the now sodden, muddy ground. The holes I'd widened from the previous plants were half full with water. The turned earth around them, as muddy as the obstacle course. As if my thoughts had conjured her, Mom rounded the corner of the house. "Hey Kyle, I thought I heard your car."  She was dressed in what looked to be her night clothes. A white tank top and matching long pyjama bottoms. Her feet were bare on the soggy grass and I guessed she was yet to shower. She was beautiful. Why did it take me seeing her naked to convince me of that? I knew we'd have to tip toe around the situation between us. Nothing good is ever easy. "Yeah, I cancelled my clients because of the weather. Thought I'd come and finish what I started." Mom looked at the muddy ground around my feet. "It's not too wet?" She remarked. I looked back at her. "It's better when it's wet isn't it?" I felt like slapping myself at the corny line but it seemed to work, Mom's mouth smirking. She moved closer to the holes I'd dug and ran a toe across the muddy ground.  "Careful you don't slip," I warned her and as I reached down for the shovel my own heel slid on the mud, my foot dropping down into the hole and my ass landing down in the dirt with a splat.  Mom raised a hand to her mouth half out of shock and to cover her scream as she burst out laughing. My hands dug into the muddy soil to steady myself and I too began to share in her revelry.  "Oh Honey, are you okay?" She offered, delighting in my predicament.  I looked down at my muddy jeans and up at her laughing, her white pyjamas pristine in comparison. "I don't know why you're laughing, you're just as dirty!" I stated. Mom looked down at herself as if maybe she hadn't noticed something and I threw a handful of wet soil in her direction. She jumped back but not in time to avoid flecks appearing on her pants. "Oh you!" She laughed before dropping onto her haunches. Her legs spread before me, her crotch pressed tightly to her pyjama bottoms. I watched as she dropped a hand down into the hole and scoop out a handful of the wettest mud. "Mom, I wouldn't." I warned her as the smile spread on her face. "I'm telling you. Don't start something you can't finish!" Ignoring the threat she made the mud pie in her palm and seemingly happy with its consistency she stood back up. The smile now broad on her face she moved a little closer and raised her arm. "Last chance," I feebly warned her and then it hit me. My t-shirt taking the brunt of the blow, my neck and arms splattered.  She seemed so happy with herself and I'd never seen her look so gorgeous. "Right," I stated. I was quick. Too quick for her to do little more than turn in her attempt to get away. My hand reached out and grabbed hold of the back of her pants as she screamed in delight and shock. Dragging her back toward me I inadvertently pulled her pyjama bottoms and underwear half way down her buttocks. My other hand had scooped up a large amount of mud and quick as ever I slapped it against the skin of her exposed rear, releasing her in the process.  She turned to face me but did nothing to pull up her pants, the top of her pubic hair exposed. Her face was red from laughing. "Oh you are in so much trouble young man," she threatened, stalking me as I slinked backwards further into the mud behind me. "Mom, whatever you're thinking. Don't!" I again mockingly warned but it went unheeded. She pounced upon me, her pants pulling back up somewhat in the action and landed straddling my stomach. Her hands either side of me delved into the soil and came up muddy. Feebly I attempted to protect myself but allowed her to slap the mud against my chest and face. "Oh. It's war!" I declared. Scooping up mud I slapped a handful into her own face and smeared, followed up by repeating my initial attack and diving a hand down the rear of her pants. This time I allowed my hand to linger, rubbing the mud across her cheeks and tentatively pressing into her crack. We continued to laugh but it was laboured as our breathing became more pronounced. I swore I could hear my heartbeat (or was it hers?) as I again gained handfuls of mud. I'll do it, I thought. Throw caution to the wind.  With her hands in the process of gathering mud for her own attack I placed my palms directly onto my mother's breasts. I left them there as I followed her eyes. First looking down at her own breasts in shock, my hands upon them. Along my arms to my face to see the intent in my own eyes, the desire. An eternity seemed to pass. The laughter had stopped. I may not have been able to hear her heartbeat but I could feel it, passing through my right hand, syncing with my own. The corner of her mouth turned up and her eyelids narrowed. Ever so slightly she moved her body forward and I felt one hand loosen my pants before the other, laden with mud, pressed down onto my semi erect penis.  As I'd done with her breasts, she left her hand upon me. Waiting for a reaction perhaps. And she needn't wait long. The feeling of her muddy hand on my cock was indescribable. I swelled against her palm and her fingers enclosed me. In turn I squeezed her breasts, finding the nipples and working them between my thumb and index fingers. Her mouth fell open as I pinched and she slowly worked her fist back and forth along my growing erection.  I sat myself up and she slid down into my lap, her hand not leaving my cock as fully erect it pressed against her rear. Our faces drew near and I felt the heat of her breath. My lips to hers and then touching, not kissing. Still she held me as I attempted to raise her top, finally realizing she needed to let go of my penis to be unclothed but reaching back for it immediately as if being separated from it would end this reality. Her breasts were now mine, to feast my eyes upon for only the second time in my adulthood. Her hand continued to stroke me. Tighter she squeezed and faster she pulled as I wrapped my arms around her back to draw her into me, her breasts against my chest. Again our mouths touched and I whispered into hers. "Are you sure?" Her response was to kiss me. To kiss me like I'd never been kissed. The wanton lascivious kiss of a mother for her son. Her tongue danced with mine. I could taste earth but cared not. Her hand furiously stroked my cock against her butt and I took a breast in my own and squeezed as I came upon her back, biting down on her tongue, sucking it into my mouth as jet after jet of spunk sprayed her spine, splashed my own arm. If I'd had a better hand-job I couldn't recall it. If I loved anyone on Earth more than her, I hadn't met them. Her tongue slipped from my mouth despite my attempt to prevent it, not wanting to end our kiss. "Let's go inside," she whispered. * * * * * I stood naked in the shower behind my mother as she adjusted the temperature of the flow. My mud slathered cock stood erect against her comparably smeared ass. I wondered if I'd ever be soft again in her presence, so turned on was I. Satisfied with the water and with my hands on her hips she turned to face me, smiling before playfully spitting a mouthful of water into my face.  "Oh you just don't quit do you?" I laughed, pulling her to me, the water cascading and the mud washing away as mother and son we held each other. Her belly so soft against my hard-on, her breasts, cushions against my chest.  "How are we here?" I whispered into her neck as I kissed below her ear. "It's nature Honey," she sighed as my kisses descended, crossing her chest to take a nipple in my mouth. "Every mother dreams of making love to her son." I placed a hand between her thick thighs and cupped her pube covered pussy. "Mmmm...but so few ever do.." She whispered. A hand was placed on my shoulder and pressure applied. I had no doubt the intention of her subtle hint and I kissed my way between her breasts, down her stomach and buried my mouth in her mass of wet pubic hair. My tongue caressing her labia, back and forth along her folds as she raised a leg up over my shoulder and pulled my face into her vagina. Inside, my tongue ventured. Deep into my mother's welcoming entrance. Dining out on her sweet strong flavour. The taste of mommy cunt, seasoned with the piquance of incest. With water streaming down my face I found her clitoris and this pleased her; her groin grinding into my chin and lips as I attempted to suck and nibble her tiniest of buttons, her moaning increasing until finally she shuddered, her pussy twitching against my mouth. Grabbing my hair and pulling my head back from her crotch she looked down upon me. "Oh Baby, come and kiss Mommy."  Standing and taking her tongue into my mouth, my erection sat snugly between her thighs. Her hands ran up and down my arms until stopping on my biceps. "Flex for me Kyle," she whispered. I pulled back smiling and did as commanded, posing for my mother as she looked on approvingly. "You're chiseled Baby," she purred.  "You made me Mom!" I proclaimed, taking her hand and pressing it onto my bicep. Her small fingers followed the contours of my arm up onto my shoulder and joined by the other hand caressed my pecs.  "Mmm..this is what I love," she hummed as her hands ran down my abs, my hairless navel and pubic bone, to encircle my engorged cock. Not teasing; prolonging, she removed her hands and took up soap, turning me and lathering my body. My back; my glutes; my thighs; massaged by the small loving hands of the woman who raised me, who bathed me as a child. With my hands against the wall of the shower, I looked down at my cock. Had I ever been as hard? I wondered. I turned to face her and she lathered my chest and arms before dropping to her knees. The soap abandoned she took hold of my dick. "And now this.." She smiled up to me. Her tongue licked from my hairless balls to the tip of my erection. Kissing the head, tasting the pre-cum before allowing my organ to enter her mouth. Her lips enclosed around me, her cheeks sucked in and her hand masturbating my length. The sight was too much, the feeling too pleasurable. Fighting off orgasm I pulled from her to her shock, dismay even. Explaining myself, I pulled her up to her feet. "Mom." I declared. "I have to fuck you. Right now!"  Her face lit up. Her wicked smile returning as I lifted her from her feet. Pressing her to the wall, my cock found her opening without aid and entered. We breathed out as one. Pleasure, relief, happiness we were finally connected as mother and son should be. Joined at the crotch, my dick deep inside her, her breasts sandwiched between us, my hands cupping her ass. "Cum in me Kyle!" My feet spread for balance, her thighs over my biceps, I rammed into her. The slapping of my groin into hers, louder than the shower. Mom's arms wrapped tightly around my shoulders, we stared into each others eyes. "Cum in me Kyle," she repeated. "Fill my pussy Baby. Fill Mommy's pussy with cum!" I moved my mouth to hers and she drew my tongue into her, biting into me as her pussy squeezed around my cock. I increased my thrusts and felt my orgasm approach. Surging from my balls along the shaft to burst forth into my mother. She grasped the back of my head and pulled it alongside hers, whispering into my neck. "Oh God, I can feel it. Good boy," she purred. I continued thrusting, slowing with each surge of cum. "Good boy," she repeated, the last of my cum flowing from me. I allowed her legs to drop from my arms and I lowered her to the shower floor. My erection sliding from her in the process. Her hand went between her legs and cupped her pussy, collecting the excess to smear across her pubes.  I joined her hand with mine and washed my semen from her, my fingers again delving into her thatch. "I love this," I admitted, combing her dripping pubic hair. "From the first moment I saw it." She rolled her eyes and looked bashful, recalling the window incident.  "Oh my God. I was so embarrassed." I slid a finger along the length of her pussy. "You shouldn't have been. You looked beautiful. And before then.." She pulled back from me slightly, looking into my eyes. "What?" "I saw you Mom. Through the window. On the bed." She raised a hand to her open mouth. "You didn't!" Nodding, I pulled her body again into mine. "It was the hottest thing I've ever seen. I wanted you from that moment." Her bashful look was replaced with a sexual confidence. Her cheeky smile returning. "I love you so much," she stated. Wrapping my arms around her I cupped an ample ass cheek and kissed her mouth. "And I love you Mom." * * * * * Sitting in my car, my jeans were hidden from Dad's view as he stood beside my mother. "So it was too wet to plant the roses?" He asked. "Yeah, I'll be coming by tomorrow though. Might have time to do it then," I replied. "Oh! Dropping by again; what for, if not the garden?" Mom was quick to answer. "Kyle's going to be my personal trainer!" Dad looked surprised. "What? I thought you only did the stars." I smiled at Mom. "There's only one star as far as I'm concerned." We shared a knowing glance and I turned my attention back to Dad. "You're welcome to work out with us as well Dad," I added, knowing all too well his coming response. "Oh well yeah I'd like to it's just my ba.." "Your back!" Mom and I chorused, laughing.  "Tomorrow? I hope you're ready to sweat," I said to Mom. She smiled in the way I was becoming familiar, mischievous and sexy all in one. "I'll be ready. And don't worry about the sweat, I like it messy!" As I drove away I adjusted the erection in my dirty jeans. "God," I asked myself a second time. "Will I ever be soft around her again?" The end For Pics visit:---->>> https://cutt.ly/hwsMVhC
Title: I Host my Niece's Pool Party Pt. 02 Summary: Here we go again, with adults this time. Keywords: inc,fic Chapter 7 -- Divorce Word quickly spread that clothes are now mandatory, and breakfast includes coffee. Several mothers took up a collection to buy eggs, bread, ham, bacon, milk, potatoes, and fresh ground coffee. They made Denver omelets, fried and scrambled eggs, French toast, pancakes, country potatoes, toast, ham, and bacon. With forty people, that is a mountain of food. I have four large grills. Six moms are cooking which made things go fast. Malissa, Linda, Carrie, and I take a shower and are last to show up. Malissa has a goofy smile on her face that won't go away. When she shows up, the girls mob her in hugs and kisses then applaud her. She turns beet red, her grin never wavers. A girl yells out, "We may have to beat her to remove that smile." Another girl yells, "With that look, she won't be doing anything for a week." There is a pause. "Her dad will know what she did and will ground her for a week." They all giggle hard at Malissa's expense. I hug her, and she looks at me with doe eyes, I almost cry. A mom saves me by handing me a plate. Linda was elected, 'Team Mom.' Linda makes an announcement, "I don't know about all of you, but this has probably been one of the best twenty-four hours of my life. Our host has been a true gentleman. He spent a lot of money on YOUR party. He paid people to clean the house, so you could sit on a clean toilet! He is paying for your books in college. All FOUR years. If you need to go, go. However, I am going to stay and clean this house. He doesn't need to pay more people to clean up our mess. That just wouldn't be right." Carrie continues, "Eat first, enjoy breakfast. Then we have coolers, garbage, towels, washrooms, and bedrooms. Malissa gets her towel from the bedroom. A bloody memento from last night ... if she wants it. Anything else?" Vickie yells out, "Thank you uncle Phil for an amazing experience. One that will stay forever unspoken other than to us within this group." Then she runs at me and jumps into my arms and kisses me. She has tears running down her face. The group shouts out, "Agreed." With so many mothers and daughters experiencing each other, it never dawned on me at how taboo the weekend was. Yup, duplicating this day will never happen. With forty cleaners, it only took an hour before we finish cleaning. As each pair leaves, I get a kiss from both mother and daughter, along with a statement of thanks and willingness to come back on their own or as a group any time. +++++ A week later, a Saturday morning, I get a phone call from Stacy, she is hysterical, "Dad is going to kill mom!" The phone goes dead. In a flash I am in my truck on my way there. I dial 911 as I am pulling up and leave my phone running. Phone in hand, I open the door and run inside. The place has been torn apart. Carrie and John are on opposite sides of a table. Carrie is staying away but yelling at her husband to calm down. Stacy is on the ground, unconscious and with a black eye. Carrie has several bruises on her naked body. She is also crying. I announce my presence, "John, you need to calm down. The police are on the way." I show him my cell phone. He turns calm, "You have no idea what I am capable of." He pulls out a gun and shoots Stacy and then Carrie. As soon as I see the gun I am running full speed at the man. He puts the gun to his head as I hit him full force, my shoulder to his body, crumbling him as he fires his weapon. My momentum takes us both into the wall where I hear a crunch and then we fall to the ground. I manage to say "help", "quick" and "4 ambulances" before I pass out. +++++ I wake up in the ER with Linda in my face. She is an ER doctor. I try to talk but nothing comes out. Too many tubes in me. Linda excitedly says, "NO! Don't move. You took a bullet in the shoulder. A fragment got your lung and it collapsed. You are in critical condition right now, we are prepping you for surgery. Stacy took a beating and a shot in the arm, luckily it was just a scratch. Carrie took a beating and was shot in the leg, she will be fine as well. You are critical because of your injuries. You are a healthy young man, I would bet anything you will recover quickly. I am not concerned at all about your health. Stacy will be discharged soon. I will get you and Carrie a room together. You will need rest, I am going to tell the team and the moms they can't come here, although they all will want to right away." She tells me, "Good night sweet prince," gives me a shot, and I immediately fall asleep. +++++ I wake up from my surgery. No tubes down my throat. I am tired. Stacy is at my side. She has a sling on and some facial bruising. Her eyes are bloodshot, she has been crying a lot. I can only whisper, "I am fine, your mother needs you. Go." She sits stunned. "Don't make me get up and tan your ass. Go." Stacy smiles for the first time. She looks at me like she wants to hug me, too many things on me. She gives up and walks out. +++++ Next time I wake up I am in a patient room and in the next bed is Carrie. She too has been crying. Stacy is between us in a chair. There is an argument in the hallway. Voice says, "I am filing a formal complaint against you and the hospital though the nurse's union. This is bull shit, this is an all-woman wing. We don't do men!" I recognize Linda's voice, "Good luck! Do you not watch the news? That man saved his sister and niece from a dishonorably discharged soldier that never saw combat because he was a coward. He shot all three of them. Niece took a bullet that will kill her softball career and her college scholarship because it disturbed too much muscle. His sister will be fine. The brother took one in the shoulder and a fragment tore and collapsed a lung. The hospital CEO approved this pairing due to publicity. Good luck with your complaint." Linda comes storming into the room with a smile on her face like nothing just happened. Linda tells Carrie, "I am releasing you tomorrow. You will have an army of helpers to clean up and cook for you when you arrive home. You will not be alone for long. Stacy needs her sleep to help recovery so there will be a procession of mothers and daughters to keep Phil here with a friendly face. It will be hard to breath and talk so they will do the talking. Sorry Phil! "Dee and Vicki are here, waiting to take Stacy home with them. They will bring her back in the morning. All the families have offered you a place to stay so you can avoid your home. Stacy, when you leave, send Malissa in, we are taking the first shift." Stacy hugs Linda and walks out of the room. I fall asleep before Malissa gets back. +++++ Two days later, they release Carrie, she stays at my place unless she is at the hospital with me. During this time the lawyers have been out, the police have been out, and the investigation reveals that John was a bad man and linked to several more crimes. He will be in jail a long time. She is selling the house and everything inside. The best she can do is take half. The law doesn't care that he is a scumbag. It's ok, Stacy will inherit it someday. Carrie has plenty of money to pay for college now, I make a good living, we will be fine. Two more days and I go home. I get to take it easy for a while, and no pushing the cardio. Basically washroom, sleep, and watch TV. Limited work for another week. In my business, I meet people to make money. Not doing anything is killing me financially. Carrie applies for her Real Estate license to help me out. By applying for a license, Carrie can now legally get the key from a realtor's box. She can be my assistant now. I talk to the buyer in my office, we all drive out to the property, then Stacy and/or Carrie take them for the tour. They come out and I try to seal the deal. My new problem is that they are 100% honest. It takes more effort to sell a house sometimes and others it's easier because they see the house different than I do. Either way, my satisfaction surveys are going through the roof. They ambush me at dinner, tag teaming me. Carrie gives me her serious look, "We need to talk. I have really enjoyed helping you these last two weeks. I don't want this to end. I enjoy working with you more than any other boss. You don't scream at me when I cost you a sale like the Mays. Several other families didn't buy right away but did buy from us because we were honest with them when we saw something." Stacy asks, "Have you ever thought about owning your own agency? I could see me and mom working for you and under you." She giggles. "Then you inside of us." I ask even though I already know my answer, "Do I really have a say in this or have you already made up your mind?" Stacy says with a straight face, "It depends on your answer." I look at her and she doesn't break into a smile. I smile, "Kid, you are good. I think I can make something of you. It's been fun working with you two. You learn the business and I will let you do a few on your own. Until then we tag team people. Eventually, when you two get licenses, we will start our own company. That stays between us for now." They both stand up and do a happy dance. It was pathetic. Stacy is still getting a degree, but she can do real estate on the side and during the summer. When there is a good-looking single man or a frisky female giving the girls attention, the sex that night is off the charts. I stay in the car in those situations and the showing takes a lot more time than normal. They come back to the car as if nothing happened. I feel bad about it. I have checked their purses and find condoms in both. Part of me is happy that they are using condoms. Part of me is unhappy that they need to use condoms. Are they using sex to get sales? Are my numbers up because we work well as a team or they are sweetening the deal with sex? How do I bring this up with Pam? Should I bring this up with Pam? I still see Pam weekly to help with my issues. This sure has gotten complicated. OK, they are single. We have no commitment to each other. We enjoy sex together. I want Stacy to find a boyfriend. I prefer she find someone at school, not an older guy. Are they doing this to me to force me to commit to them? How do I test them? I need to date other people. That means they need to sleep elsewhere. That might cause a stir. This conversation with me has helped though. +++++ Thursday night, we are all eating dinner in the kitchen together. Let the games begin! I hope I don't get crushed. I announce, "For a while now I have put my life on hold. I hosted a wild party. I assisted with a messy divorce. I have helped you start in the real estate business. I think it would be safe to say that you two are thriving, right?" Stacy doesn't see the train coming, happily she says, "Yes. I love my work, looking forward to starting school, and glad to see dad in the rear-view mirror. Life is so awesome right now. Why, is a storm coming?" Carrie is uneasy as she asks me, "Why are you asking these questions?" I carry on, "I am ready to make some life changes. However, I can't move on and start my life again, unless I am sure you two are set in life and happy. I believe you are. Looking at your numbers, your ability to close deals, you both will do fine on your own. You really don't need me anymore. You know I will always be here for you but maybe it's time I step aside and let you live your own life ... with me as a safety net." Carrie is very cautious, "What kind of changes do you want to make?" I reply, "Remember Pam talking about Gina. Our view of sex was related to our views of each other. I want a relationship with a woman that is so into me that I am all she wants." Carrie asks, "How did you find out?" The cat is out of the hat, she is on to me. However, I can't say yes, it bothers me that you fuck every male client. I want to but now way that works out. I must be coy. I am defensive, "If I answer that question it means there is a problem with you. You are doing nothing wrong. You are a young attractive woman that is now free and living life. Do you think that makes me unhappy? You better not. No, this is about me and what I want. There are some team moms that I have an interest in. If nothing works out, then I will move on from there." Stacy has caught on, "What do you want from us?" I try to sound confident and normal, I am anything but confident right now, "I think it is time each of you picks out a bedroom and starts sleeping there." Now the fireworks will begin. I hope they don't break anything. They both are looking at me like I tore their hearts out. Uggg, this hurts. I continue, "Can you see it now? Ah Linda, um yeah, wait a minute while Carrie trims her muff. Then I can screw you. That would be just a bit awkward. By doing this I am not cramping your lifestyle or fun and I can try to piece together my life that I stopped living when Gina passed." That damn scene plays out in my head again, I have tears rolling down my face. Some guy I am. Carrie gets up and leaves the table. She is heading towards the bedroom. Stacy asks, "How long have you known?" I reply honestly, "Almost immediately. Good looking guy, twice as long to show a place if not longer, smile on your face, great sex at night. You might as well put on a neon light, 'I had sex with a client.' Like I said though, I am happy for you. I just don't want to feel like I'm being with Gina again, so I am stopping it now before it does become an issue. I expect and hope you will have fun in college. College is a great for finding the man you want to marry." Stacy questions me, "What if you are that man?" I am stern, "I have always placed your needs before mine. The best thing you can do is find a man your age. In four years you will meet some amazing people, one will treat you right and I will be a distant memory. Besides, you are way too good looking for an old guy like me." Stacy is serious, "You are right. Lots of young horny men. They will lust for me and one will amuse me, and I will snare him for my personal use." I advise her, "You will know he is right when you don't want other men and he doesn't want other women." I ask, "Can you help with your mother? Based on her reaction I think she wants me and other men. I just can't be in that type of relationship again. It nearly destroyed my life." Stacy smiles, "You are forcing her to deal with her own life and she doesn't want to. I suspected this would happen, but I expected her to try to keep you. She surprised me today. That's not good, I will talk to her. Let's go play pool, mom needs some space." I am all smiles, "I like you're thinking." Chapter 8 -- Adult Party It's October now. Stacy is off to college and having a blast. Life at home has been quite chilly. Carrie now fucks most men under 50 who are healthy. We have quit having sex. She pretends to be happy. I have yet to get around to dating, work has been exceptionally busy. At dinner Carrie stiffens up and says, "I would like to host an adult party in your playroom like we had talked about at one time. Softball moms and their husbands or boyfriends. I get a lot of requests from the ladies. A problem that I see is that they have no experience with the equipment. I don't want another Gina situation." Trying to encourage her, "As you have seen, I spent a lot of money on sex toys and furniture. I know people that own the sex stores and they do demonstrations. Would you mind assisting and being used?" Without hesitation, "Yes, that sounds like fun. Halloween?" I cautiously reply, "I will inquire and see if they are free." +++++ A week later we are again having a quiet (non-talking) dinner. I broach the subject, "I got confirmation today that both guys can attend your party. I asked for two hoping to get one and they both accepted. Seems they are eager to get more business from me again." Carrie tests me, "You just said MY party. Isn't this something you want to do as well?" I am defensive, "I don't mind helping. This will help a lot of couples. I don't have a date and I am not going to stand around perving on all the others. I will assist with the demos and then go out and watch a movie or something." Carrie counters with, "You didn't mind watching the mothers and daughters together. What's different?" I try to answer, "Because in the demo ... oh never mind." Carrie is confused, "What? What about the demo? It would be good for you to be there, to watch over people." I look at Carrie with deep concern in my eyes, "I just can't. Ok? I just can't. I am not good enough." Instantly I regretted using those last two words. Carrie has no clue, she isn't following my train of thought, "I don't understand a thing you just said." I sigh and then continue, "Don't worry about it. You will have a blast, your friends will be happy, and the party will be a smash. That's what really matters." Carrie senses that she missed something but can't figure it out and that bothers her to no end. She lets it go. Neither of us are thrilled with the result of the conversation but don't know how to move forward. +++++ The next evening at dinner, Carrie starts the conversation. Carrie asks, "Does your decision to not attend the party have anything to do with me?" I carefully craft my answer, "It has more to do with me, my issues, and my insecurities than you. You have done nothing wrong." Carrie probes deeper, "That's an evasive answer." I am now annoyed at this line of questioning, I reply with an attitude, "What do you want from me? I gave you a place to live. I took a bullet for you. I set you up in a career. I hosted a party for your daughter and the softball team. I am willing to allow a second party here. What else do you want?" Carrie seems sad now, "I don't know. I know I was happier before when I was a part of your life. I feel tossed aside. I live here with you but it's different." I am sad now, "I wish Gina was here, you two could have compared notes." She has infuriated me. I get up from the table, put my dishes in the dishwasher, and go to my room. I have said enough. No, I have said too much. I close my door, turn off the light, and lay down on my bed. After several minutes, I strip to my boxers, get under the comforter, and turn the TV on. +++++ 10:30 PM the same night. I turn off my TV. I roll over and go to sleep. There is a knock on my door and then Carrie comes barging in. She sits on my bed. I never said she could come in. Carrie looks deep into my eyes and asks, "What did you mean when you compared me to Gina?" I have anger in my eyes, "I know you fuck half of my customers." Carrie's eyes go wide with surprise. Yup, I said it and spelled it out for her. No more beating around the bushes. I go on to explain, "I choose not to share my bed with those men. I don't fault you, it must be a hell of a run. It's just not what I want. With being in a repressed relationship, I thought it was healthy for you. After my time with Gina, well, I am sure you understand. I told you, I am flawed and not good enough. Now go to bed. Nothing is going to change tonight. You have a lot of planning to do. Give me a list of supplies you need and I will get them. Close the door on your way out." Yes, I was angry and dismissive. I think she understands now. She turned off my light, closed the door, and walked to her bedroom. I did not sleep well. Tomorrow is Monday, I get to sleep in. I sleep until 10:00 AM. I feel great. Breakfast, coffee, and Carrie are waiting for me. Carrie is defiant, "I can't stop." I reply, "I know. I didn't ask you to." Carrie pleads, "I need you at the party. Two moms need dates, you can have your pick." I shake my head in disbelief, "No. I can't do that." Carrie looks hurt, "I expected you to say that. You took three daughters at the other party, why not three mothers?" I reply evenly, "I have learned a lot about Gina and myself since then. I will not allow myself to do that again. To be consistent, I won't use a woman anymore either. I do want to date but the party is clearly for having sex. I hope you understand now, I can't be there." Carrie is frustrated. She looks to be near tears. Carrie surprises me, "Am I a whore?" I am not sure how to answer that, "Um, ah, I guess it depends on how you define what a whore is. Why does it matter? What kind of a question is that to ask anyways?" Carrie is in tears, "I think of it as a woman that is free with sex, as in has sex with almost everyone or a woman that sells herself for money. If I were you looking at me, I am a whore." I don't want to hurt her or shatter her confidence. She is acting like a whore. We aren't dating so she can do anything she wants. It's really none of my business. If I fucked every other woman I met, I would be just as bad. I add, "Hey, you can't worry about how others may or may not view you. You can only control how you feel about yourself. You are worrying about this too much." Carrie sniffles, "That's how I feel now though. It just hit me." I try to bolster her confidence, "I am not here to judge you. You need to decide what makes you happy and follow your heart. I will be here no matter what. I am still working on that same issue myself with Pam." +++++ It's now just a week before the party. I have an extensive list of items to buy. Most is food, I will wait until later in the week for that. Carrie is in an excited mood now. Something has changed in her. It certainly isn't work, sales are through the floor. We are going through a rough stretch. In sales that happens so no alarm needed. In the back of my mind, I wonder if there is a connection. Dinner is pleasant and after I go to bed, my door opens, it closes, and Carrie jumps in bed with me. Carrie leans over before I say anything and says, "Shhhh. Go to bed. Don't think." She rolls up in my arms. She is wearing a nighty. She is spooning me. She has gone crazy. +++++ Wednesday night she comes back into my room. This time naked. She places my hands on her breasts. We go to sleep. I am having serious issues here. We aren't dating. It seems harmless, so I decide to ignore her as she seems to be happy. +++++ Thursday night she wants me to play with her breasts. I resist. She grabs my balls. I maul her breasts and she moans and releases her grip on my friends. This is getting weird. +++++ Friday night, she is back in her nighty and just wants to sleep. Ok, now I am completely confused. What does she want? Why is she doing this? Why go half way? Argggggg! +++++ Saturday is Halloween and party night. We are hosting dinner at 5:00 PM. Several couples show up to help us prepare. Most of the shopping is complete. I clean and sanitize the entire playroom. We do some cooking like the deviled eggs, but most started yesterday (marinating chicken) and just need to cook on the grill. Two rice cookers have rice. Someone is slicing the fruit. Beverages and ice are in coolers and placed in the sex room. With so much help, it goes smooth. We stop for lunch. Linda asks Carrie, "Did you find a date for tonight?" Carrie looks confident, "You all know my life history. My marriage was a sham. My husband tried to kill me, my daughter, and my dear brother. Phil has given me a safe place to live and a purpose in life, a real job that I love. I had freedom for the first time in my life and like a teen with no parents I went wild. I went on sexual binges. However, it's wasn't what I wanted, and it wasn't satisfying. I was in a deep well of despair." Carrie pauses. Everyone is staring at her, they want the end of the story. She smiles. Carrie continues with a smile, "You all know about the last party. All of you mothers were there. Very unexpected. Because of the fathers here I won't mention names but there were three lucky women that had an extra special time that day. Even though Phil doesn't love them, he liked them enough to give them an experience that was pretty damn close." Jim jumps in, "I knew instantly the moment I saw my daughter. The smile she had on her face was amazing. She had a fantastic experience. She told me all but who. Those poor guys in college, she is expecting them to treat her the same way. No eat, no insertion, no exceptions. She is way more confident now. I had heard of so many horror stories. I was so happy to see she had an exceptional experience. Thank you, Phil. I will kill you after the party." Cindy asks, "I don't understand, who did you pick Carrie?" Carrie looks at the ground, she looks embarrassed, "Um." Linda asks, "You haven't asked him yet, have you?" Jim looks annoyed, "Well, I am going to be really mad if Phil doesn't say yes." I quickly look up, what did he say? Did I hear that right? No, he could not be referring to me. Who else here is Phil? I am in shock. Linda can see the surprise in my face, "Phil. Why are you surprised? Nobody has ever loved her more than you. She took you for granted way too long. Carrie has finally come to her senses and realized there is only one man for her and it is you. Everyone knew it and is OK with it. She had a crappy marriage and you have treated her with nothing but love and respect even when she treated you like shit. You are her date tonight and forever." Jim speaks for everyone, "We know love is weird. It's why we are her, to rekindle that love. We want what you have. You two need to lead the party and the demos. All the parents are ok with your relationship. The children are not as accepting, half of them still thought they had a chance with you." We all giggle at that. +++++ At 4:30 I start cooking the chicken. I will wait until 5:00 for the fish. I have plenty of help and opinions. I have the experience to know that I am right. Everyone pitches in, dinner moves along quickly. They are not here for my mad BBQ skills. Clean up from dinner happens in record time. The mothers know exactly what to do, where things go, and it's a breeze. I lead everyone down to the fun room. The men are amazed at the variety of items and toys to play with. Fred has a table set up to show off several types of rope. He talks about the pros and cons of each type. He talks about hygiene and tightness. Improper tightness can cause nerve damage. Then he starts talking about the several types of knots, and how to tie them. As he is describing it, I am doing it. He then says we need a volunteer, Carrie stands up, comes to me, and strips off her clothes so she is buck ass naked. Mighty good looking as well. Now it turns fascinating. He calls out names of positions, what they good for, and then explains how to tie up the target. As he is describing it, I am doing it. Some things need multiple repetitions, this is when he talks more about safety and using rope. He chooses the positions that are easy to tie and allow great access to the partner. Some positions are for punishment, we avoid those. He shows us only positions that allow partners like us to fuck without it being routine. In each position I give her about five full strokes of my cock which earns me five large moans. I untie her and then we move on to the next position. Five more strokes, five more moans and move on. She is frustrated. After the demonstrations are over, he takes a few questions, then says he has lots of product in his truck he can sell afterwards. He will stick around to help people all night. Bill is the next demo expert. He specializes in BSDM furniture. He goes around to each piece of equipment I have, shows how to adjust it, and then how to properly use it. Each time, we use a female volunteer (Carrie) to get on the equipment. We show crops, canes, and gags in addition to the furniture. She loved the Sybian and the way I kissed her and fondled her tits while riding. Several pieces are for fucking. Of course, she enjoyed that a lot. I made sure he used the fucking table last. It is in the center of the room where all can see it well. When we finish the demo, Bill asks the crowd, "Carrie has been an exceptional sport tonight, don't you think?" The crowd cheers. "She has been teased with just five strokes at a time. I think it's a shame to waste the moment, don't you?" They all yell YES. "Might as well let Phil fuck her good in front of everyone. After that, Phil has instructions for you all before you start. All yours Phil." I already have Carrie in a suspended doggie position. I allow my cock to sway a bit, so everyone can see my size. I then slowly push it into Carrie and she screams out in joy. I now start my show. For ten minutes I pound her cunt in a medium speed. It's faster than I normally would, I don't want these people waiting an hour. After ten minutes I start picking up speed. Even this, I do faster than normal. It isn't long before I am spanking Carrie and slamming my cock deep inside her body cavity. She cries out a grunt with each thrust. I am going as fast as I can. I have a ton of energy with all these people watching me slam my sister. I sense Carrie is going to have a nuclear meltdown very soon. Sure enough, as I thrust deep and shoot my cum into by sister, she orgasms with a long, loud, scream, squirts for the first time ever, and then collapses on the device. We get a standing ovation. I try to stand up but am wobbly, I sit. I weakly point to the walls, "Behind the doors are towels to clean yourself, some extra equipment, and robes to stay warm. Tonight, is NOT an orgy, we will NOT be trading partners. You only play with the one you came with. That means tonight, no double or triple penetrations. Tonight, is about adding to your marriage or relationship. You had two awesome demonstrations done. Try some of the ropes and equipment you saw tonight. The guys are still here to assist and answer questions. "When I say go, you will start by stripping everything off your body and placing your clothes in the cubicles. Then have fun. Does anyone have a question?" No questions. "GO!" The first thing I did was remove Carrie from the fucking table. She is tired, I wrap her in a towel and hold her tight. We cuddle on the floor, oblivious to everything around us. Her eyes open but she is still under the effect of a good fucking. I pay attention to the others now. They all seem to be having fun and giggling. The women have been here before, however, this is far different. Much less breast play. Almost no pussy eating. A whole lot more fucking and discipline. Lots of very eager couples trying out equipment and rope. Rope is cheap, flexible in its uses, and takes time to be creative. Lots of fun over time for little money. Carrie asks me to tie her up. This is new. I start with an X over the chest and then tightly wrap each breast. The breast points out and is under pressure. It's turning dark red and border line purple, I ease up a bit. I then bind her arms to each other behind her back. Now I bend her leg back on itself and tie each together. Left thigh tied to left calf. Right thigh to right calf. No more walking. From the right knot, I run a rope around her back to the left knot. The more I pull, the wider her legs spread apart. Currently she is on both legs and their spread apart. This is a nice wide-open stance and very stable. From here I can push her forward and leave her rear end up in the air. Effectively giving me easy access to both holes but not comfortable as her face is on the floor. I can't do that, I push her on to her back and now the legs are up in the air (still bent) and spread wide. From here I can push my python into her hot waiting pussy. She is there. She is open. I am here. My cock needs a hole. I stand up. Carrie's eyes go wide with surprise. I walk over to a table and pick up a stack of blindfolds. I walk around the room blinding the women. Carrie is last. She looks relieved to see me again. I put the blindfold over her eyes and get down on the floor, close to her entrance. I slowly ease into my sister, leading with my large cock. She grunts, and a huge smile fills her face as my cock fills her pussy. On all sides of us other couples are enjoying each other. It's weird having others around. I never could relax around others. It's not that I mind it's just that typically, sex is more private. Not very private when there are twenty-two other couples. On the other hand, seeing all these beautiful women turns me on. Wanting to be the best is also a goal high on my list. Competition brings out the best in me. I want Carrie screaming the loudest, I plow her harder than normal. Rather than just small grunts, she emits tiny screams. Yeah, I like that. The other couples aren't in sync like we are. Last time, the women spent a full day nude and having sex. They are comfortable being naked in a group. The men are still adjusting to being naked in a group. They are not as comfortable. They women are taunting the men to go faster, harder, be bolder. The men are shy, and I find that kind of amusing. The women are begging, they want it harder and faster, they are desperate for cock. They spur me on. This isn't going to be making love. This time it is the rutting of two animals in heat. The pheromones are flying and filling the room. The men are rougher and more turned on than normal. Mating season has begun. I start slamming into her harder. She isn't unhappy about this. The smile and loud grunts are now drowning out other nearby women. I can understand her perspective though, she has a cock the size of a tree limb shoved hard up into her wet sloppy cunt. One by one the men start climaxing and shooting their loads into their very appreciative female. Nobody is straight out fucking on the floor. They are all using rope to one degree or another or using one of the pieces of furniture. Linda was the first to climax, she was on the Sybian and her husband is fucking her up the ass. Well played. Many crops and bare hands are spanking. Nobody used a flogger or cane. As noted previously, all the women are MILFs. The husbands and boyfriends in general, are not in great shape. Most of these guys won't go more than twice tonight. Some look to be in their late 50's to early 60's, this might be it for them. I see several guys sitting around after they finish. They are just watching. That's cool, you can learn. However, when everyone finishes, I am going to add a new wrinkle. Half the room will hate me, and half will love me. Everyone took a brief pause after the first round of fucking is over. Time for me to cause trouble. I stand up in the center of the room. I use a loud commanding voice and say, "For a bunch of new people, you all did very well. I see a lot of happy men and women out there. Hopefully you found something new tonight that you can use at home from time to time. The next phase of the evening is where we say thanks. When I say we, I mean us men. You look at us, then you look at this beautiful collection of women, we are all very lucky guys. Remember, this is a night of experimentation for everyone. When I say go, this time you are going to eat your woman aggressively to get as many orgasms as you can in the next fifteen minutes. Our two experts will track time. No wimping out guys, GO!" Carrie is still tied up, she says to me, "You little shit, how am I going to keep these women off you. That was brilliant, using peer pressure to make them eat pussy." I push Carrie so more of her back is on the floor, that tips her slit up to me and I devour everything. I am like lightning, my tongue is running along the outside lips, then inside of the outer lips, then outside of the inner lips. Then I go clit to brown star to clit. My tongue punches her clit causing her to scream. Speaking of screaming, there is a whole room full of screams going off. Lots of "Oh, oh, oh" and then the wail. I am behind. I use the super quick lapping tongue hitting all the sensitive spots just right. She always loves my whiskers, that's three now. I use a slow warm breath over her skin. No orgasm but huge scream. I insert two fingers from each hand and pull apart. Their still active scratching her lips. I dive in with the wide tongue and try to hit everything. She explodes after a minute of that. She explodes and needs to stop. She wants me to wrap her in my arms. There are many women in this same condition. I see a guy struggling, he has no clue. I quietly walk over to him and make him stop. I whisper, "Relax. Slow down. Less is more on some women. Use slow motion and a wide tongue. Be a kitten and lap at her folds. There is liquid gold in there, try to get some out." He follows my directions and his wife explodes. He is in shock. "Every woman is different, some don't know what they want. You just made this event a life memory for your wife. Congratulations!" I quickly scuttle back to Carrie and hold her again. They announce fifteen minutes is up. I yell, "Take a ten-minute rest break. Release your mate." I quickly release Carrie. She doesn't move, she just holds me tight. More demos are happening, lots of excited talking, all good signs. I stand up and announce, "Time to mix it up. If you did rope the first time, use equipment or furniture this time. If you can't get it up, use oral or a tickler. If you didn't use rope before, please try it now. Go!" I sit next to Carrie and ask, "Anything here that interests you?" Carrie gets all bashful, she is sooo cute like this. Carrie asks, "I would like to be completely restrained and blindfolded, then use a pinwheel on me. I haven't seen one around. My next item is ..." I laugh, "I have some, their just not popular. You pick a device and start getting in. They are in one of two closets. Be right back." A pinwheel is a real medical device that tests for nerve damage by pricking the skin which normally is easy to feel. It's a wand with a wheel on the end. On the small wheel are short tubes on the end. No, tube makes it sound large. Think four pins welded together. They are then blunt on the end, so no blood is drawn. However, because they are so thin, it feels like pricking. The device is a masterful item to a blindfolded person who can't anticipate the pickling. Carrie picked out a mini stockage made of steel bars. It has wrist, ankle, and neck restraints, along with a dildo to hold the body in place. For her purpose, it will do nicely. She has already inserted the dildo into her pussy. I attach the collar, wrist and ankle restraints. I put the blinds over her eyes. Blinds are very important with the pinwheel because the sudden sensation adds to the excitement. The hanging breasts are a favorite target for this device. Her nipples are very sensitive right now. I will try to use every region of her body to keep her guessing. Some will be gentle and some I will use moderate pressure. Every time the device touches a body part, she screams out as if I am burning her. "Ouch. Ouch. Ouch." For twenty minutes I torment her body and she loves it. Her pussy is dripping with liquids. Most other couples are done so I call "STOP! Release your partner." I release Carrie. I yell out, "You all have been awesome, and I hope you had a little bit of fun. This final segment is teamwork. You need another couple and you somehow help the other couple have sex. No penetration of the other couple. Squeezing breasts, nipples, clits, cunts, cocks, balls, massaging, and kissing are all allowed. You must leave time for both couples to assist the other. GO!" Carrie runs for her friend Dee. She drags her and Dee's younger boyfriend with her. Dee is excited and asks, "Ok Phil, what do you have for us?" I ask, "You all in?" They nod their heads eagerly. "Carrie, on your back, I am going to fuck the crap out of you. Dee, I want you positioned over Carrie, so you have access to her breasts and she has access to yours. Then Tank (that's his real name) is going to fuck the hell out of you. This is a game. Dee and me vs. Carrie and Tank. The first to orgasm loses. I will be fucking Carrie to get her to orgasm. Dee will do anything she wants to Carrie's tits to assist me. Tank and Carrie will be working on Dee to get her to orgasm first. Any questions?" A few couples hear my plan, they are just watching us now. They want to see this. I yell out, "GO!" I slam my steel cock instantly into Carrie, she screams out in surprise and joy. I am immediately on my highest speed of fucking. Carrie is immediately useless to Tank. Her eyes close and blindly she is reaching for and finds Dee's huge knockers. She grabs them harshly and she scream out her joy. I slap her ass hard, and she screams again. Her eyes roll up. She has Dee in her hands but doesn't have the mental power to comprehend what she should do. Dee on the other hand is taking a hard pounding superbly. She however, can assist me some. She too is enjoying a quick hard fuck from Tank. I don't know where, but I find a new level of energy and hit a new speed level. Oh my, this is great. No long route, straight to maximum overdrive and run everything over including Carrie's brains. She is a blubbering mess right now. Tank is doing an excellent job of fucking Dee as well and both women are incapable of any actions. I am grunting with each thrust, trying to get every ounce of energy into my thrusts. I can't keep this up forever. I look at Tank, we make eye contact. I show a pinching move with my fingers. He looks confused. I say the word, "Clit" and he has instant understanding. I will use my right hand to squeeze her clit. I hold up my left hand and show five fingers, then four, then three, then two, then one, and finally a fist. Simultaneously we both pinch their clits at the same time. In unison they both scream at the top of their lungs. Everyone stops what they are doing so they can watch the two women scream, jiggle, and then collapse. We get a standing ovation. I am exhausted and fall forward and to the side. Tank does the same thing. All four of us are exhausted, fighting to catch our breath, and enjoying the thrill we just had. That was a magnificent fuck. I am sure that when Carrie and Dee recover, they will be in tears of happiness. You don't get to share that with your best friend very often. Bill and Fred both rush to us to verify everyone is OK. They know my history and are sensitive to it. As we regain our faculties, sure enough, both Carrie and Dee are crying and holding each other. Tank shakes my hand and says, "Dude, I thought you were winning so I was going to do the clit for the win. However, even though neither of us won, that was so much better. It won't ever be that amazing again. Only because we were in a competition could I go that long and that hard. Dude, I didn't want to lose to an old guy." I am in no condition to end the night so Fred assists. Fred yells, "Attention ladies and gentlemen. Our hosts fucked their brains out in a friendly fuck competition and can't announce that the evening has come to an end. I will gladly do it for him, STOP! Bill and I will stick around to hand out cards, discuss what you saw and did tonight, and help in any other way we can. Thank you all and have a safe trip home. Oh yeah, one last thing. Thanks Phil, this was great fun." I give him the thumbs up and sit up, so I can begin to think about standing up. Might be easier to sleep down here. A few couples leave immediately. Many more stayed to talk with Bill and Fred. A few women were happy with me for shaming the husbands into eating pussy. Some had not had any in twenty years. Bill and Fred finally leave. There are fourteen couple left. I ask, "I take it you want to stay the night?" Linda says, "Damn straight, I don't ever want this night to end. We also volunteered to help clean up tomorrow morning." I say nicely, "Ladies, you know the way, find an unused bedroom and have fun. I will see you in the morning." Carrie is beat, she isn't moving. I pick her up and hold her into my arms. She hugs my chest with arms around my neck. Her eyes close from exhaustion. I carry her upstairs and set her down on the bed. She looks radiant. I use the washroom and she is sitting up in bed when I come back. Carrie looks bewildered, "I did not expect the night to go like that at all. I expected you to say strip and go fuck. Were your parties typical of tonight?" I chuckle, "Oh no, I open the door and people start fucking anything they can reach. I had never hosted a party like tonight. With so much instruction and new people with no idea what to do, I thought this would work better. The eating pussy was a hunch. The team event I made up on the spot. Never seen it done before. I think it went well." For pics visit ---->> https://bit.ly/2ReHUJI
Title: Cade and Eve, Part 1 Summary: Will Eve surrender control for the first time in her life? Keywords: erotic Her day started off like any other. The morning alarm woke her to the beautiful sight of sun streaming in her window and the tantalising aroma of coffee from the kitchen. Man, she loved programmable coffee makers - one of the only good things to come out of her two-year long relationship with her lousy ex. Well, he was long gone, but in the 6 months she had been single, Eve didnt think a day had gone by when she didnt thank her lucky stars shed manage to steal his coffee maker. She bounded out of bed and into the little kitchen to get her first hit of coffee. She didnt even bother to sit, just walked to the little window, leaned a hip against the wall and stared out. There were many things that had attracted her to the 28 th floor of the downtown Denver apartment building, but the view well that was number one. A clear view from the kitchen all the way to the Rockies. It was no wonder she hadnt bothered with drapes in any of the rooms. The only people she was likely to flash were the traffic copters and they were pretty loud in announcing themselves. Draining the cup, she decided to have a twenty minute work-out in her little home gym to clear the last of the cobwebs away before grabbing a shower, breakfast and then heading to work. If the view was number one on her list, then proximity to work was definitely number two. The precinct was a mere 20 minutes brisk walk through the sights and sounds of downtown Denver. No cars, no buses, no jam packed light rail to contend with. Heaven! Eve had been on the force for 5 years now and on the whole, she had to say she loved her job. Yeah it had its ups and downs like any other, but the investigating, the thrill of the chase, being in control she loved it all. Just as she was clearing away the last of the paperwork that she had lying around, her Lieutenant stuck his head over her booth and asked her to collect a pool car and go and take follow-up witness statements from a few people in connection with an attempted robbery she was investigating. No probs LT, she replied. Ill try not to be too long. No worries if you are," he said. "Two of them are just on the outskirts, but one guy lives up in the foothills. If you finish up near the end of your shift, just drop the car in the lot and head on home. Add an easy-going Lieutenant to the list of reasons she loved her job! She was fairly quick in getting statements from the first two people. Neither of them could add anything more than what they had said to the other officer on the day and she could tell they were trying to get rid of her quickly, pretty embarrassed to have been caught up in the whole affair. Oh well, she thought to herself, Its not every day someone tries to rob an upmarket sex store. She had to admit to herself, she was delighted to get this case as she had been secretly dying to have a look inside the place, but could never quite bring herself to go in as a customer. Sex for her had always been pretty straightforward, one guy, one girl, no kinky stuff, no role playing, no tying up. Lately she had found herself wondering if there was more to life. Laughing out loud in the car, she gave herself a shake. Thats what being single for 6 months will do to a girl. I would settle for a date at the moment! She settled in for the journey across town to the interstate, pushing the buttons on the radio until she found some rock. Cranking the volume up and the windows down, she sang loudly along, enjoying the afternoon sunshine. The traffic wasnt too bad at this hour so she made decent time to the interstate and started the climb into the foothills. After twenty minutes or so the sat-nav told her to take the exit and she found herself on a quieter road heading north. After a further 10 mins the polite, electronic voice told her that her destination was on the right. Puzzled, she gazed down the road there were no houses here. Then her keen eyes spotted a shallow in-shot just up ahead. Slowing to a crawl, she realised there were high iron gates set back from the road slightly and they were tightly shut. She was just about to pull in and get out of the car and test them when she noticed the intercom to one side, so she pulled over next to it, turned the volume down on the radio and leaned out the window to press the button. After a few moments, a wonderfully rich, deep male voice came through the speaker. Towerdene House, can I help you? Ah hi, Eve said tentatively. Im not sure I have the right place. Im looking for Mr Cade Monroe. This is he, said the voice. Oh, good afternoon Sir. My name is Officer Eve Whitby and I was hoping to take a follow-up statement and ask you a few more questions about the attempted robbery at Underworld on Tuesday afternoon. Of course Officer, please come in, the smooth reply came. Feel free to leave your vehicle in front of the main steps. Thank you Sir, Eve replied as the gates started to swing silently open. She drove on through and glanced in her rear view mirror to see them closing just as silently behind her. The driveway before her turned sharply to the right and began to climb steeply. After a few minutes of twists and turns, Eve was wondering just how big the grounds of this house were. She still could see nothing except trees on either side, and the driveway continued its steep incline in front of her. She estimated it must have been about 5 whole minutes before the trees suddenly gave way to a large manicured lawn. The lawn continued the incline and without thinking she stopped the car as she took in the massive house that towered over the expansive lawn. House didnt even do it justice. It was huge! It looked more like a castle, with towers and balconies all done in a fabulous dark gray colour that called medieval tales to mind. Eve started the car moving again, the driveway skirted the lawn to the right and opened into a big turning circle in front of the main steps. She parked up and exited the car, patting her pockets to make sure she had her trusted notebook and pen. Eve couldnt help but feel slightly intimidated as she walked up the steps to the massive entranceway. Just as she was climbing the final few steps, the right hand portion of the large wooden door swung open. The man that stood framed in the doorway certainly matched the voice she had heard on the intercom. Eve was tall for a woman, at 59 but this man towered over her. He must have been at least 63 or possibly 64. He was dressed smartly in a dark charcoal suit but wore it casually, with no tie and the white shirt unbuttoned at the collar. His raven coloured hair was slightly longer than might be considered fashionable but it added a dash of charm to his otherwise elegant demeanour. But it was the eyes that caught and held Eves attention. Those dark, dark eyes, almost black in colour had a power in them that she couldnt deny. Giving herself a mental shake, she held out her hand in greeting. Mr Monroe? she asked. Im Officer Whitby, thank you so much for agreeing to see me Sir. The pleasure is all mine Officer, I assure you, he replied, accepting her hand in a firm grip, wondering if she felt the same little jolt of electricity that he did. Please come in and I shall endeavour to answer your questions. Would you care for some hot tea or coffee? Coffee would be good if its not too much trouble, Eve replied, surreptitiously rubbing her hand on her thigh. Was it just her imagination or had there been a tangible spark when their hands had met? Its no trouble at all. I was just about to take a break myself. Please follow me to the kitchen and we can settle ourselves there so you can interrogate me. His eyes flashed with amusement as he said this and turned to lead the way upstairs. You have a beautiful home, Eve commented as she followed him up the broad sweep of stairs and through a long hallway leading all the way to the right of the property. Thank you, Cade replied. Its been in my family for generations. I recently completed renovation work on it to meet my specifications. Moving the kitchen up to this floor was one of my changes. What do you think? Saying this, he stopped at the doorway and let her precede him into the room. Wow, was all she could think. The kitchen was huge. Pale and gleaming cabinets and stainless steel appliances stretched away to both sides, with a huge island in the middle. Beyond that, the room opened up and there was a long oak table that must have been able to seat 12 easy. Beyond that again, the room curved into a graceful bay window, which led out to one of the many balconies she had spotted from the outside. She could see another table and chairs outside on the patio area, with a little parasol to block the worst of the sun. Eve had a sudden image of breakfasting out on the patio with Cade after a long, hard night of... hold on! Where on earth were her thoughts going? She was on duty and thinking sexual thoughts about a potential witness to a crime she was trying to solve. Flushing, she turned back to Cade, who had crossed to the coffee maker and switched it on. He was watching her carefully, his eyes amused again, almost as though he could tell what direction her thoughts had strayed in. Impossible, thought Eve, get a grip on yourself. Its wonderful, she said, aware of the inadequacy of her statement. Its so modern and light and airy. The house seems so imposing on the drive up, so this is ummm, refreshing. She winced, Sorry I dont mean to sound rude. Its breathtaking, really. No offence taken, he chuckled. The house can be pretty imposing, although I dont necessarily find that a bad thing, depending on who my guests are. Leaving that mysterious statement unexplained he waved a hand for her to sit at the little breakfast bar at the end of the row of cabinets. Please sit and you can ask me your questions. Eve settled herself on one of the high stools at the breakfast bar and took a moment to collect her thoughts. This man was imposing enough, never mind his house. She was slightly worried she was going to come across as a babbling idiot if she didnt pull herself together. Cream, milk, sugar? queried Cade. A little cream would be good thanks, no sugar. I must admit, I thought you would have maids or servants to do all this for you, she laughed. The house has the look of a place bustling with servants. I like to cook, so the kitchen is mostly my domain, Cade replied. Although, I have been known to occasionally have a servant or two in the past. The unholy amusement in his eyes set Eve blushing again as she realised he was not referring to the hired help. Forgive me Officer, its endearing for me to see a capable young woman, in uniform no less, blushing. I dont mean to tease... well, ok I do, but I dont mean to make you uncomfortable. I do have domestic help a couple of times a week, just to assist with the maintenance of the place, but on the whole, Im here alone. I do entertain a lot though, hence the kitchen and dining table. No matter where my guests and I start the evening off, we always seem to end up in here. Anyway, enough of my rather tedious social life. You have questions to ask me, please, ask away. Relieved to be back on track with the job at hand, Eve guided Cade through the series of follow up questions she had. He was remarkably astute and had a couple of pieces of information regarding the perpetrator that had not previously come to light, so she took notes so she could follow up any possible leads the following day. He admitted that he had not been quite as forthcoming with the officer in charge on the day, but only because the fellow had shown an uneducated contempt for those frequenting a sex store, no matter how high class and expensive its merchandise was. Please let me apologise on behalf of the department, Mr Monroe, Eve said. We aim to be professional at all times but I guess sometimes peoples personal prejudices show through. No need to apologise Officer.... May I call you Eve? Im usually on first name terms with people I discuss my sex life with. Of course Sir... ummm Cade? she replied. Hmmm, Sir Cade has a certain flair, I grant you, but Cade will do, he laughed. Ironically, the better you get to know me, the greater the chance you will be allowed to address me as Sir. Eve flushed, flustered as she realised what he was talking about. I really dont want to offend you Cade, its just I dont really know anything about the lifestyle youre referring to. If I say something inappropriate, please know its out of innocent ignorance rather than contempt. I appreciate your honesty, Cade said, tilting his head as if examining her. Its refreshing. Sex is that last big taboo. Its so strange. Most people do it, most people enjoy it, its not illegal... but ask most people to discuss it and they shy away. I understand sex can be an intensely private thing for some, but were not asking them to video it... although, that can also be an interesting experience if done correctly. Forgive me, he laughed again as Eve blushed furiously. What was wrong with her today? I seem to enjoy bringing that colour to your cheeks. Reaching out a hand he gently stroked the back of his finger down her cheek where the colour had risen. Eve, he spoke her name quietly now. Would you stay and have dinner with me tonight? The breath backed up in Eves lungs. Was this charismatic and lets face it, gorgeous man actually asking her for a date? I cant tonight Im afraid, she admitted, hoping her disappointment was evident. Once a month, on a Friday, Im honour bound to babysit my nieces, so my sister actually gets some alone time with her husband. Tomorrow then, he pressed. Can I take you to dinner tomorrow? Theres a place not too far from here that does a mean steak. A thousand reasons flashed through Eves mind as to why she should say no, potential witness being one of them. Cade kept his gaze steady on hers as if he could read the thoughts as they ran through her head. Just this once, thought Eve, to hell with the rules. Id like that, she said, smiling. Saturday dawned bright and sunny and Eve got a solid hours work out in her gym before heading to the shower. Her sister had been so excited when she heard about Eves date that she had insisted on a girls afternoon shopping spree, successfully dumping Brian and the kids with her mother in law for the day. Shed had to practically flee from Jessies clutches the night before after they had returned from their date and she had still been shouting comments on appropriate sexy underwear as Eve had bolted for her car. She was just glad the neighbours hadnt woken up! As she stood soaping herself under the pulsing water, Eves thoughts drifted to Cade. She had never been so outrageously attracted to someone she barely knew. There was an aura about him, a kind of power, for want of a better word. She thought back to the graze of his knuckle down her cheek and could almost feel her cheek tingling at the memory. As she rubbed her soapy hands over her torso she realised her nipples were erect and sensitive. God, Im like a randy teenager, she thought. She reached a hand between her legs and sure enough it wasnt just the shower making her wet. Groaning in sexual frustration, she removed her hand and focussed on the job at hand. She didnt have long before she had to meet Jess and her sister would kill her if she was late. She quickly rinsed off and towel dried, pulling her long dark hair up into a messier and looser version of the serviceable bun she wore for work. She opted for comfy jeans and a t-shirt combo, knowing Jessie would probably have her trying on god knows how many outfits. Four hours later, Eve staggered back into her apartment, laden with bags, her poor credit card abused and battered. Jessie didnt get the chance to shop much now, with the twins and Brian, but when she was let loose, boy she really went for it. Eve now had so many new sets of underwear she wondered if her sister had bought shares in Victorias Secret. She also had 3 new dresses and as much as she tried to convince herself she would take 2 of them back to the store once Jess was far, far away, she knew she wouldnt she loved them! She spent a good while on her make-up but figured after being single for 6 months, she was allowed to. She never normally bothered with make-up for work too open to sexist remarks from the male officers but she enjoyed taking the time and was satisfied when she stood back to look critically in the mirror. Her deep green eyes stared back at her, the darker shadow giving a smoky effect, her lashes long and darkened with mascara, cheekbones subtly highlighted with shimmer. She left her lips bare of colour, just slicking some clear gloss over them and turned to choose a dress from her purchases. After a few minutes deliberating, she chose the dark purple one. It was the plainest and its hemline was definitely the most decent, but it was cut just low enough at the neck to make it a challenge to whoever happened to be sitting across from her to keep their eyes on her face. Especially, she thought smugly, with her fab new lingerie, which did interesting things her bust. She reached up and loosened the knot of her hair, which tumbled down her back in sexy waves, put on her new killer heels, grabbed her clutch bag and wrap and headed for the door. Cade stood as Eve was ushered over to the table in the restaurant. He had seen her enter and give her name to the hostess and had felt a jolt deep in his stomach as she had looked over and caught his gaze. He couldnt take his eyes off her. She was simply ravishing. He took her hand as she drew close and raised it to his lips. Eve, words fail me. Just dont tell the other cops about the dress, ok? she laughed in reply, her nerves receding. They think I live in jeans. Your secret is safe with me, Cades eyes twinkled as he smiled. Dinner was wonderful and Eve was pleasantly surprised at how much they had in common. They shared similar tastes in music, literature and even sport. How can we have so much in common and yet lead such widely different lifestyles, she wondered. Eve, would you care to come back to mine for a night cap before you head home, Cade asked as he settled their check. Sure, she agreed, reluctant to cut the night short but only for a little while, as I have to work tomorrow unfortunately. On the short drive back to Cades, she found herself wondering again about the lifestyle he led and resolved to find out more. They had both deliberately avoided the subject during dinner, as if testing the waters to see what other common ground they had, other than what had brought them together. At the house, they headed up to the kitchen and Cade retrieved a bottle of wine that had been chilling in the fridge. Pouring two glasses, he handed her one and led the way out through the bay window onto the patio. The clear mountain air had a little bite to it and Eve was glad of her wrap, but she forgot all about that when she saw the view the balcony afforded. She was looking due East and she could see all the way to the lights of downtown Denver. They twinkled and sparkled in the darkness and took her breath away. You can see my building from here, she said quietly, pointing it out. I never realised we were this high above the tree line. What a view. She fell silent again, drinking the sight in. Cade, she said hesitantly, turning to him. Can you tell me something of your lifestyle? His eyes looked deeply into hers for a long while before he answered. Its getting late to start long winded explanations Eve... how about I show you instead? He chuckled at the look of startled panic on her face and raised his hands in mock innocence. A visual tour only I promise, this one time. He led her back to the ground floor, to a plain wooden door, tucked away in a quiet corner. Come and see, he invited as he opened the door and led the way down a long flight of stairs. As she followed Cade down the stairs and into the dimly lit room the objects on display caused her to stop and look around in wonder. The room was large, Eve estimated it must take up a good part of the footprint of the house, and was dominated by an enormous mirror on the far wall which made it seem even bigger. On her left, stretching away from her was a row of deep-drawered filing cabinets and on her right she could make out a little sitting and kitchen area. Her brow wrinkled momentarily at the sight, but she soon forgot about it when she laid eyes on the table in the middle of the room. To call the contraption something as mundane as a table was probably a slight to the manufacturer, but Eve could think of no other name for the object before her. Passing Cade, she took a few tentative steps towards it then stopped short again to examine it from a safe distance. My pet project... Cades voice, murmured into her ear, made her jump, the low tone and underlying sexual tension sending shivers down her spine. Go on, take a closer look, he invited. Eve walked slowly to the table, her eyes riveted, as she tried to take it all in. The table itself was just about waist height and covered with deep red velvet padding. Instead of the conventional rectangular shape, the table was a giant X At each point of the X, iron loops had been built in, and a variety of loops, some with straps and buckles attached adorned the sides of the table. The X was thicker in the middle, so as to give plenty of support to a persons torso when they were spread-eagled on it, but still, it was a blatantly sexual object and highly arousing. Eve could feel her stomach churning at all the possibilities the table represented, should one be bound and at its mercy. As she rounded the bottom of the table, she noticed a variety of levers and looked questioningly at Cade. Go on give one a turn, he said, with an amused smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. Grasping the biggest handle, Eve turned it and gasped when the bottom legs of the X began to move apart. As she reached for one of the other levers, Cade stopped her with a hand on hers. Leave the rest to the imagination for now pet, he commanded. Would you care for a top-up? Ah... sure, Eve said, reluctantly drawing her eyes away from the table and followed Cade to the kitchen area. She took a seat as Cade topped up their glasses with the wine he had brought down. Why on earth do you have a kitchen down here? she questioned. Is the one upstairs not big enough? Not at all, Cade replied, I sometimes spend hours at a time down here, and I find it... convenient to have certain things close to hand. Eves gaze was once again drawn to the table. Hours...? Just the thought of it sent her stomach jumping again and she nervously gulped the wine Cade handed to her to try and settle her nerves. Cade settled on the couch across from her, deliberately putting a bit of distance between them. He could see the effect he, and the surroundings, were having on her and whilst he didnt mind making her nervous, he didnt want her to bolt for the door. The unexpected pang he felt when he thought about losing her before he could entice her onto the table was a surprise. This woman pulled something from him, and he was not quite sure what that was yet. Better to tuck that away and analyse later he was a man used to being in control, and no sign of weakness or uncertainly would be outwardly displayed unless he meant it. Tonight was for getting to know each other a bit better. The table wasnt going anywhere. Eve, please relax Im not going to hit you over the head and strap you into the table against your will! It was exactly the right thing to say to calm Eves nerves. As if you could take me pal, she scoffed. He gave a quick delighted smile. Now that would be a challenge I could get behind, but not tonight, and certainly not in that dress. Eve settled back against the deep cushions of the couch. So, this... dungeon, she waved her hand around, looking for the right words, you what, bring slave girls here for bondage sessions? Cade barked out a laugh. You say that in a way that makes it seem... less than what it is. Lets just say I am sometimes accompanied here by very willing volunteers, eager to explore new scenes and sensations that may not be available to them elsewhere. Very diplomatically put, Eve remarked amused. One would almost assume you were afraid the cops might hear you. I dont just see a cop when I look at you Eve, Cade said, his manner sombre. I see a woman first and foremost. One who likes to be in control and one who I suspect is wondering very much what it would feel like to relinquish that control to the right person. He gazed at her, his intense dark eyes full of secrets and desire. I want you to let me be that person. God, Eve breathed. Do you know what you are asking of me? Im 28 years old and havent even found someone I trust enough to take the garbage out for me! I guess I got used to relying on myself and being in control. Kinda comes with the job, you know? She smiled ruefully. Eve, I always say that denial of the mind inevitably leads to denial of the body. Ask yourself why you are 28 years old and havent met anyway you can trust. Perhaps what you need from a lover is something that those you have previously met simply cannot provide. Eve stared at him, her expression thoughtful. Ive never thought about it that way before, she said softly. Well, do us both a favour and start thinking! Cade said, the twinkle once again back in his eye. Now, before we get too melancholy, tell me in great detail about all these men you have not trusted in the past. Laughing, Eve sipped her wine again and prepared to tell the Cade of her triumph with the programmable coffee maker. * * * With the front door in sight, the whole evening was starting to feel a little bit like a fantasy that Eve had made up in her head. Her earlier nerves had faded completely and once she had relaxed, Cade had proved to be charming company. Watching her out the corner of his eye, Cade decided he didnt want her too relaxed, so a few feet from the door he took her by the shoulders and slowly backed her up against the wall. Eves senses went into overdrive as he towered over her, millimetres away from having his whole body pressed against hers. Make no mistake Eve, I want you. I want to see you strapped to my table, and watch your eyes as I do things to your body that you can only imagine. I want to hear what sounds you make when your body is saturated with pleasure and youre begging me to stop. I want you to take some time to think about it, but know this... if you come back here again, youre mine. Her chin lifted at that, and her eyes blazed. I am my own person! She was proud that her voice didnt tremble, although she could feel the hammering of her heart in her throat. He lifted a finger and traced it down her neck gently. I can feel your heart racing. I havent even touched you yet. Imagine the possibilities... He let that thought trail off. Ill be in touch. With that, he stood back and walking to the door, opened it for her. She took a moment to get her breathing under control, then pushed off the wall and walked past him into the night air. The cab was waiting at the bottom of the stairs a familiar and mundane object in what had been frankly, a bizarre night for her. As she opened the car door she glanced back up the stairs. He was still watching her. Think of me, his voice drifted down. She knew that was one command she would not be able to fight. * * * The next few days were reassuringly normal for Eve. She went to work, caught criminals, kept her dates in court, testifying against the bad guys and generally tried to keep as busy as possible to keep her mind off Cade and his proposals. But try as she might, no matter what time she returned home, she was always left alone with her thoughts and they kept returning to the man, the house and the table. On Friday morning the alarm once again woke her and she settled into her usual place by the kitchen window with her coffee. A whole horizon to gaze at and her eyes kept returning to the same spot on the foothills she knew Cades house occupied. It was too far away to make out the house itself, but somehow she knew she was looking in the right spot. She sighed, resigned. She knew he would call and she had finally admitted to herself last night that she would go. She was both terrified and filled with a strange sense of calm, the two conflicting emotions battling for room in her head. Almost as if this moment were inevitable, but her brain was trying to convince itself that she still had a choice. She drained her coffee and turned to head for the shower when the phone rang. She froze. She knew it was him. It was almost as if he knew! Knew that she had made up her mind, that she was resolved. Knew that she was waiting for him. She picked up the phone and said Hello? The deep male voice both settled and awoke something in her. Good morning Eve, hints of amusement coming through. I trust you have had a fruitful week? Yeah, very umm... fruitful, was her flustered response. She knew he wouldnt ask her, she would have to be the one to come to him. So, I was wondering if you are free this weekend, maybe? she asked. Tonight, came the reply, still in that same amused voice. 7pm. I will cook you something to get your taste buds excited. He chuckled now, obviously amused with his double meanings. And Eve... dont be late. Yeah, no worries, she muttered as she hung up the phone. She had a feeling she wouldnt be thinking about much else in work today. At 7pm exactly, Eve alighted from the cab and made her way up the stairs at Towerdene. She had taken the time in the cab to practice breathing techniques and get her hammering heart under control, but no matter what she did, she could feel it thumping away inside her chest. She faced down criminals every day for gods sake. How did one man manage to turn her inside out and upside down with a few whispered promises? Taking one last deep breath she rang the bell and waited. After a short pause, the door swung inwards and the reason for her sleepless nights and current nervous disposition stood silhouetted in the door. Eve, he breathed her name like a caress. As punctual as ever and quite breathtaking. With that he held out his hand to draw her inside, lifting her hand to his lips as she stepped to him. Im glad youre here, he said quietly. She blushed and studied the floor until his finger raised her chin and she was forced to meet his gaze. He let some of the desire he felt for her show in his dark eyes and saw when she understood he wanted this evening to happen as much as she did. Her nerves receded and she gave him a shy smile. So, whats on the menu then? He chuckled at that. Come upstairs my pet and see for yourself. As they got closer to the kitchen, Eve could make out a variety of fantastic smells. They permeated the air and reminded her just how hungry she actually was. Cade settled her at the breakfast bar with a small selection of canaps and a glass of her new favourite white wine before returning to attend to a selection of simmering pots. He was like an artist in the kitchen, Eve noted. An artist who loved his work, and took pride in it. Before long, he was carrying various dishes over to the large table where 2 places had been set in one corner. The lights of downtown Denver twinkled magically through the bay window, setting the stage for what was a truly spectacular meal. Finally sated, Eve put down her fork, delicately wiped her mouth with her napkin and sat back. That was wonderful, she declared. Im very pleased you liked it, Cade said as he rose to fetch the wine. Topping off their glasses he sat back down and held his up. To a night of firsts, his eyes dancing with amusement in the candle light. She clinked her glass to his. Cheers. Come on. Lets walk off some of that dinner. Ill show you around the place the full guided tour! She rose, chuckling when he offered her his arm. Why thank you kind sir, she drawled in her best imitation of a southern belle. He grinned at that as he led her out of the kitchen. The place was huge! Eve had thought so before when she first saw the building from the outside, but even that didnt prepare her for the warren of rooms she had been led through. There was such a mix of rooms too some seemed to have been unchanged for centuries while others had the contemporary luxury she had come to recognise as Cades style. She had spend a full 5 minutes in his en suite bathroom, cooing in delight over the magnificent, huge jet-spray shower and sunken bath tub that she was fairly certain it was possible to swim in. As they returned to the ground floor, Cade stopped in front of the closed basement door and taking Eves shoulders turned her to face him. Only one room left, although you have had a sneak preview. I would be honoured if you would let me show you. Eve said nothing for a moment, then looked at the door and nodded. Yes please, she said quietly. Cade pulled open the door to the basement and stepped back to allow Eve to proceed. She hesitated at the top of the stairs and glanced at him. Up until you get on that table the choice is yours, he said, but please know this. I will never harm you. I only want the chance to show you unrivalled pleasure, and share the experience with you. Considering a moment longer, she then started down the stairs. With each step she could hear the blood roaring in her head louder and louder and her nerves were back and doing a crazy dance in her stomach, but in mixed in amongst all that was lust. Pure and simple lust and tonight she didnt want to deny herself that basest of pleasures. At the bottom of the stairs she stopped, unsure of where to go or what to do, but Cade draped an arm around her shoulders and moved her closer to the table. Stopping a few feet away from it, he turned to face her, staring into her eyes until he was happy with the resolution he saw there. Beautiful Eve, he murmured, lifting his hand and cupping her chin. I feel I have been waiting an eternity for you. With that, he lowered his head and touched his lips to hers. Finally, screamed the voice in Eves head, as she opened her mouth to allow him to deepen the kiss. All her pent up emotions and feelings came swirling out and she leaned into him and kissed him back passionately, her hands coming up to frame his face. In answer his hands dived into her hair and gripped. Pulling her head back, he plundered her mouth then broke the kiss to race his lips over her throat, her eyes, her cheeks, leaving her breathless and moaning for more. His eyes, when he broke away to gaze at her, were wild with passion. The depth of feeling and power in them caused Eve to tremble and she put up no fight when he reached around her shoulders for the zipper on her dress. He dragged it down slowly, torturously and nudging the straps off her shoulders, then leaned in to nibble at the exposed flesh there. Eves eyes closed in pleasure as the dress pooled at her feet. Cade feasted his eyes on the sight as Eve stood now in her simple black lace bra, matching panties and stilettos. He could see her nipples straining through the thin material and make out the outline of her beautiful pussy lips through her panties. In a casual show of strength, he swept her up and crossing to the table sat her upon it, the height meaning she was almost eye to eye with him. Leaning forward, he again captured her mouth, softly, exploring her lips with his tongue, savouring the erotic taste of her, craving more. He trailed one finger down from her neck and traced the skin just underneath the lacy edge of her bra. As his lips followed his finger, Eve leaned back on her hands, her head once again falling back in pleasure. When he swirled his tongue under the material and grazed her nipple, she let out a gasp. Reaching behind her, he unclasped her bra, and removed it as slowly as he had the dress. As her breasts sprang free her nipples hardened even more, as the cooler air washed over them and when he bent his head to suckle, her gasps turned to moans. Eve could not believe the feelings coursing through her. The man had only touched her breasts and already she was wet and aroused beyond belief. She had never felt her nipples this hard before, and the warm, wet, insisting tugging on them from his tongue and teeth was sending little jolts of electricity straight to her pussy. She fell back onto her elbows as his lips continued on a downwards journey, raining kisses over her stomach until he reached the top edge of her panties. At this, he looked up at her, leaning back, flushed, eyes dark with desire. He ran his finger from one side of her stomach to the other, just under the line of her panties, causing tingles to pop out on her skin and her breathing to quicken again. He smiled knowingly and left her panties in place, continuing his downwards exploration of her body. When his lips reached her feet, he knelt down, out of her line of sight and she could feel him undoing the straps of her stilettos. When the first foot was free he pressed his mouth to her arch, sending new and thrilling sensations through her. The second stiletto followed the first and Cade slowly worked his way back up her legs, kissing her smooth calf, gently biting the tender inside of her thigh. Straightening from his position, he hooked his fingers into the sides of her panties and gave a gentle tug. Unresisting, she lifted her hips slightly and allowed him to draw the panties down her legs, dropping them to the floor. She felt brazen and wanton, being completely naked while he was still fully clothed, but the passion was burning her blood too strong for her to care. Lie back Eve, he said quietly. His face gave nothing away, but he knew this was the final test. Once he had her restrained and under his control, he was the master and any pleas to be let loose would fall on deaf ears. This was it. Her last chance. She leaned forward slightly, touched her lips to his and lay back on the table. Power coursed through him, making him harder than he already was. That such a strong woman would be willing to relinquish power to him was his miracle and he intended to treasure her gift and open her to a whole new world of sensations. Walking round to the top of the table, he took her left arm and stretched it over her head, along one arm of the X. He then took one of the straps adorning the sides of the table and stretched it over her wrist, tightening the buckle until there was no chance of her wriggling out. Eve flexed her fingers the strap wasnt uncomfortable, due to the padding on the underside, but there was no way she was escaping it. Her right arm received the same treatment, followed by both her ankles on the bottom half of the X. For the first time ever in her adult life, Eve was entirely at someone elses mercy. Cade stood back and admired the woman spread-eagled on the table before him. Her full breasts were beautifully displayed due to her arms being confined above her head. Her nipples were still hard as rocks and pointing straight up in the air. He placed one last strap across her belly, tightening it so that her back was not able to arch off the table. He wanted her immobile, without the feeling of being fully restrained that would come with time. Moving to the bottom of the table, he grasped the largest lever and turned it so that the bottom legs of the X moved further apart. Eve gasped as she felt her legs part further, and felt her pussy leaking juices as her most private parts were exposed to the colder air. Cade drank the sight in with his eyes. He longed to dive right into her pussy with his tongue, but he had learned the art of patience over many years and knew it served to heighten her pleasure as well as his own. Grazing one finger up her leg, torso and up to her breast, he walked up the length of the table and captured her mouth once again in a ravenous kiss. Breaking it off, he stared into her eyes from inches away. Darling Eve, I promised no harm would come to you under my watch and this you may believe. I am not going to blindfold you for our first time, nor am I going to gag you yet as I want, no I need to hear your moans and hear you beg and scream for release. And believe me you will be begging and screaming before this night is over. Now hold tight, as there are a couple of items I need to retrieve before we begin. Eve lay helplessly as Cade walked away, out of her line of sight. The padded velvet was warm underneath her body, adding to the sensations that already swamped her. He nipples were aching to be sucked and bitten again and she could feel her juices dripping down the inside of her thigh as cool air continued to swirl around her exposed pussy... and he said he had not even started! He stomach tightened in anticipation of what was still to come. She could hear him moving about over at the kitchen area, and then a familiar noise from behind her head... ah yes, the filing cabinet drawers being opened and closed. Try as she might, she couldnt see what he was doing, as he had intended. He returned to her, keeping the items he was carrying down low, and placed them, unseen to her, on a shelf on the underside of the table. I have stated I will not harm you Eve, but I may cause you some pain. Not enough to really hurt, but there is a fine line between pain and pleasure that I love to explore and I hope you will agree. With that, he leant over her breast and captured a puckered nipple in his mouth, swirling his tongue around the nub and finally biting gently on it. Eve tried to arch off the table with pleasure, but the straps held her in place, somehow heightening the sensation. Cade began to bite slightly harder on her nipple, and reached over to the other one to rub it between his thumb and forefinger, pinching it gently. He then swapped his mouth to the other nipple and changed to pinching the first one, feeling them swelling even more. Eve moaned deliriously and her head thrashed about from side to side. Considering, Cade straightened and rounding the top of the table once more, stretched a strap across her forehead and buckled it in place, effectively severely limiting her head movement. Moving back to her breasts, he continued to suckle, enjoying the sweet ripe flavour of her. Eve was moaning loudly with the sweet torture. She could feel her pussy literally dripping juices down her thigh. She had always loved getting her nipples played with, but no-one had ever spent so much time and effort on them, especially without even going near her pussy. Cade must hold the world record for self control. Abruptly, the gentle tugging on her nipples was gone only to be replaced by the sharp sweet bite of nipple clamps. With no way to escape the torment, Eve was forced to focus fully on the sensation, relishing in the biting pain which was sending little sparks straight to her pussy. Just as she was getting used to the sensation, she heard the low buzz of a vibrator. Cade held it before her eyes so she could examine it. Small and metal, a little bullet, not very strong, designed mostly for clitoral stimulation. Without speaking, he lowered the bullet to her skin, lightly playing it down her torso, between her breasts. Eve shivered at this new sensation and the anticipation of where he would direct the little bullet next. Around her left breast, keeping clear of the aureole for now, and then the same around her other breast. Down over her stomach, causing her to inhale sharply, swirling round her belly button, then making its lazy way back up to her breasts. Momentarily removing the bullet, Cade leaned over and licked the top of her nipple, where it protruded from the clamp. Again the pleasure shot through her, the tips of her nipples were extremely sensitive due to the pressure of the clamps. She held her breath, knowing what was coming next. Sure enough, Cade brought the little bullet hovering over her breast and watched her, silently. Please, her eyes begged. He continued to watch her, holding the bullet inches from contact with her nipple. Please, she whispered. Just one work, quietly spoken, but it would do for now. Cade lowered the bullet and a thousand volts seemed to flow through her breast. She could feel her pussy gush in response, the need to be taken and fucked was so great she could barely stand it. After a couple of minutes torturing both her nipples Cade switched the bullet off and returned it to the hidden shelf. Picking up the next item on the agenda, he again lifted in front of Eves face so she could examine it. This time, she paled as she saw the short leather crop. Eve Cade admonished gently. I have promised to never harm you, but I want to make you aware of the pleasure your body can feel when it is opened to different sensations. Thats one way of putting it, Eve thought as her whole body tensed waiting for the first strike. Cade stepped to the bottom of the table and lightly struck the crop against the inside of her thighs. She jumped, but the stinging sensation quickly turned to heat, which turned to sheer ecstasy as his lips then followed the path that the crop took. Eve had never considered herself a pain junkie, but she found she was eagerly anticipating the sharp sting of the crop as much as the heat and the caress. Her breathing quickened as Cade put down the crop, but continued kissing and nibbling his way up the insides of her thighs. She was aching for her pussy to be touched she could not remember ever being this aroused and being powerless to do anything about it. Cade examined Eves pussy from his position between her spread-eagled legs. Her lips were puffy and a beautiful shade of pink, and her juices were dripping copiously down her thigh. Moving his face ever closer to her pussy, he continued gently biting and kissing her thighs, licking and savouring the taste of her sweet juices that had escaped her pussy. He could feel the heat emanating from her core and longed to dive his tongue right in. He reached back to the handle controlling the position of the Xs legs and turned it a little more, to fully open her pussy to him. He could see her clitoris sticking out from under its little hood and her obvious arousal turned him on all the more. Leaning down, he blew gently on her clit, causing her to moan and jerk as much as she was able in her straps. Cade loved the fact that Eve was so responsive to his touch. His self control was being stretched and he could go no longer without touching her beautiful pussy. He placed the thumb of his left hand just above Eves clit, right at the top of her dripping slit and pressed down gently on her mound with the palm of his hand. With his right hand, he then slowly inserted his index finger into her pussy, amazed at how tight, wet and hot she was. Eve let out a delirious moan as she felt her pussy being possessed finally, which became louder when he stroked his thumb ever so gently over her throbbing clit. He inserted his finger right up to the hilt then slowly withdrew it, lifting it to his mouth to taste her sweet juices. Sucking it clean, he then inserted it once more deep into her pussy and began slowly finger fucking her. After a couple of minutes of this slow pace, Cade squeezed another finger into her and lowered his mouth to her clit. His thumb was still resting just above her clit, right at the top of her slit and he pressed down slightly and pulled up towards her stomach so that her clit popped more fully out. He lapped all around the edges of it, like a cat with cream before gently nibbling on the little nub and sucking it into his mouth. Eve was going wild her moans getting louder and louder, the only release she had seeing as she was firmly strapped down. Cade continued for another minute and then stopped. There was no way she was getting to cum yet. He returned to the top of the table and cut off Eves protesting moans with another kiss, allowing her to savour the taste of herself from his tongue. Eve had never tasted herself before and she was pleasantly surprised by her sweet tasting nectar. Breaking the kiss, he held his two pussy-soaked fingers to her mouth and watched her draw them inside, sucking and licking the juice from them. Watching her sucking on his fingers made his hard cock twitch he was looking forward to having her lips wrapped around his rock hard cock in the near future. Reaching down to the shelf again, Cade retrieved another item from a plastic cup. One of the perks of having a kitchen down here was the handiness of a freezer. He again held the item up to her face for inspection and her eyes widened as she looked at what she thought was a large glass dildo. Cade held it to her lips and she reached her tongue out to lick it and immediately gasped in surprise at the coldness. On closer inspection she realised that the object was made of ice. He chuckled at her consternation. Its amazing what one can pick up at a novelty erotic gift store. With that, he trailed the ice cock down her body in much the same way as he had with the little bullet. Wherever the ice touched, little goose bumps popped out on her skin so he followed the trail with his lips, licking and kissing them away with his hot mouth. The combination of the cold then the hot was sensational and Eves moans were starting up again as he got closer to her pussy. The tip of the ice cock had started to melt due to the warmth of her skin and was now leaving little wet trails wherever he touched it to her. He flicked the end of it over her clit and she whimpered. He leaned closer, exhaling on her clit to warm it again. Another flick... she was panting now. Please, she moaned again, a little louder than before. He ignored her she could do better than that. Another flick. Please, Cade she gasped a little louder. Again he ignored her, but with one hand, began to undo the buttons on his shirt. Shrugging the garment off, he moved his free hand to his trousers, quickly shedding them to release his throbbing cock. Tell me what you want Eve, he commanded, stroking his large cock gently until it was its full, hard 9 inches. With the other hand, he again flicked the ice over her clit. I want... she swallowed, Oh god, I want you to fuck me. Louder, he said. Please, she almost sobbed. Please fuck me. Ive never felt like I need to cum this badly before. Do you want me to fuck you with the ice? Do you want to feel the ice plunge inside your depths, just for a moment? Yes, please fuck me with the ice, with your cock, with anything! Cade revelled in this woman, this amazing, strong woman, begging to be fucked. Placing the head of the ice dildo at her cunt lips, he dipped inside a centimetre or two and swirled it around. Oh god, moaned Eve. More, please give me more. The ice was melting at a rapid rate now and Cade knew that although she would feel the shock of the cold, it would not be enough to stretch her pussy and give her the fucking that she needed. He plunged the icy dildo as far into her depths as he could and held it there, just for a second or two. Oh my fucking god, Eve screamed as she felt the icy chill invade her pussy and shoot straight to her core. Cade removed the ice and giving her clit one last flick with it, replaced what was left of it in the cup under the table. Do you want me to fuck you Eve? he asked quietly, rubbing the head of his cock very gently up and down her soaking slit. It felt like a monster to Eve, who could not see anything of Cade with her head restrained at this angle. Yes Cade, I want you to fuck me. Please fuck me hard. With those words, Cade gave one hard thrust and buried his whole nine inches deep inside her. She was so wet she needed no other lubrication but the sheer size of him took her breath away. His cock felt to her like it was on fire after the coldness of the ice, her cunt branded by his hot shaft. He gave her no time to regain her senses, but immediately started driving into her again and again, pulling out to just the tip and then plunging furiously inside her. He placed the heel of one of his hands over her clit, the movements of his hard fucking making sensations pulse through it. Eve could hold back her orgasm no longer. Little sparks of electricity began to shoot outwards from her pussy to every part of her body. Sweat broke out on her skin as she felt the familiar haziness wash over her. All the nerve endings in her body seemed to gather at her core, tightening and intensifying before exploding everywhere as she came, screaming in the most deliciously violent orgasm of her life. Cade removed his hand from her over sensitive clit and momentarily stopped his thrusting, keeping his cock firmly embedded inside her. He could feel her cunt muscles milking his cock, the contractions a beautiful caress around his stiff prick. After a few minutes, he started moving again slowly, in and out, building up a rhythm. Please no, Eve gasped. I cant cum again. You are not in control here Eve, Cade said softly. You have to learn to let go, to surrender the control. With those words, he returned a thumb to her clit and gave it a gentle stroke. Oh god, Eve moaned. How are you doing this to me? She had assumed with the intensity of the previous orgasm that there was no way she could cum again so soon, but sure enough she felt the familiar sensations soon begin to swirl again as he fucked her steadily. His cock was so huge it was bottoming out against her cervix with every thrust, causing her new and bewildering feelings. She had never had such a large cock before and if she hadnt been so aroused, she doubted she could have taken it all at once. This time, he steered clear of her clit, with only the occasional thumb stroking gently over it. He let his cock do all the work, building her orgasm steadily with his patient fucking. She felt this orgasm come over her slowly. It felt like it started deep in her womb and then like waves breaking, rippled outwards to every part of her body. Her fingers and toes curled and clenched, the only parts of her body she could move. As Cade felt her pussy muscles clench on his cock once more he again slowed the pace down, although this time he kept thrusting in and out, ever so slowly, letting her ride it out. He watched her come down from the high, her breathing returning to normal, and decided he didnt want her too complacent. In a lightening flash, he removed his cock from her tight cunt and inserted the first two fingers of his right hand. His other hand pressed down just above the top of her mound and he immediately began to furiously finger fuck her, his fingers angled to hit the upper wall of her pussy. Her reaction was immediate as he could feel her straining at her bonds. She began to scream again for him to stop, finally falling silent when she realised her demands were futile. She could feel the tension building and it was like nothing she had ever felt before. He could see her fighting against it and growled at her. Let go Eve. Go with the feelings. Embrace it and accept what your body is capable of. With that, she came in a flood of juices, her pussy squirting out fluid while contracting wildly. Her whole body clenched and her eyes rolled back in her head as she nearly passed out from the intense pleasure. Her back would have arched off the table had she not been strapped down. Cade plunged his cock back into her pussy, maintaining her orgasm. After a couple of strokes, her pussy contracted violently again, forcing his cock out and squirting another load. Too weak even to scream, Eve finally surrendered to her body and when Cade once again forced his cock into her pussy, pounding away, she let fly with the feelings and rode them to another pussy clenching climax. As her cunt violently came, she felt Cade give one last powerful thrust and spill his hot seed deep inside her. His movements stilled and he left his shaft buried deep until the shuddering stopped and they both had their breathing under control. Cade pulled his spent member out of Eves cunt and slowly walked to the top of the table. He unbuckled the strap from across her forehead and leaned down to plant a kiss there. Undone by the sudden tenderness, Eve felt her eyes tearing up. Jeez whats wrong with me, she thought. The guy has literally turned my system inside out and here I am getting watery over a kiss? You ok, Cade asked, kissing her eyes where the tears has escaped. Better than ok, Eve smiled. I feel marvellous! I feel like I... I dont even have the words! I feel... reborn? Come on then pet, Cade said as he started unbuckling the rest of her restraints. Lets get us into the shower and then bed. His hands stilled. You will stay wont you? Eve glanced up at him and met his serious gaze. Id love to, she smiled. Ive been wondering what it would be like to watch the sunrise and have breakfast on that little patio of yours... to be continued.... pics---->> http://bit.ly/1QdQXsD
Title: Eros University - Chapter 1 Summary: Enyo gets accepted to a secret university of sex, depravity, and seduction, full of hot schoolgirls in short, skimpy uniforms, hunky males, and sexy full-breasted teachers. First year promises to be a blast.... Keywords: voyeur, schoolgirl, uniform, rough sex, outside sex,dark fantasy, Chapter 1: A Mysterious Letter Whoever got accepted to a university they didn't apply to? Apparently, I did. Last year in high-school I was burdened with the decision of choosing the best university for my future but just couldn't come to a conclusion. At first it was a variety of choices, many of them in different countries. Oxford in England, Edinburgh in Scotland; then there were Princeton and Harvard here. It took me months to come to a verdict and I finally chose Queens in Canada. Why? Because I thought it'd be fun to live on my own for a while; that and the fact that post-secondary education cost far less in Canada than here in the United States, even with the scholarships. But then it arrived, a letter with a wax seal like something out of the medieval age. The seal was in the shape of a red sun. No address was written on its face but my name was engraved in cursive gold letters. Naturally I opened it. The whole of it was also written in gold, though it wasn't very long in content: CONGRATULATIONS, ENYO VERGE, You have been accepted, with a full four-year scholarship, to the prestigious Eros University in the field of English Literature. We have monitored your high-school progress year-by-year and are impressed by your proficient talents in diverse subjects, particularly of the aforesaid. Should you choose to accept our invitation, you will be given free lodgings with all the basic necessities provided for at nil cost. Furthermore, we guarantee all of our scholars prompt employment in their chosen field immediately following graduation with a minimum yearly salary of $80, 000. Please check the box below labeled Yes or No affirming or denying your choice and then drop this letter in the envelope provided into the mailbox on your street: do NOT deliver this letter via the Post Office. For further information, please consult our supplemental booklet. It was a complete surprise. I must've reread the letter about five times that same day and a few more times to the rest of my family. Then came the difficult decision of whether to actually accept the offer or not. I loved reading and had always aspired to be a professional writer, but why would I choose this Eros University, a place I'd never even heard of located who knows where, when I could choose a better known institution? Now, I'm not the smartest person in the world, but I knew that I wasn't going to some university I couldn't put on a resume. But the offer seemed too good to pass up, and thinking about it now, I probably made the right decision. Eros U. has such hot girls and such naughty dealings going on every day that it can drive any guy insane (much more on that later)! But it was the promises that decided it for me. According to the booklet which came with the letter, the institution was, as they say, in the middle of nowhere, and it was indeed prestigious. Not too many students are accepted because they only took on the brighter ones, which meant I wouldn't have to deal with those dumb jerkoffs found at most collages and universities (was I mistaken). As for the promises: the 100% guarantee of a job with a salary of no less than $80, 000 to start with? Well that settled it! Sorry Canada, better luck next time. After replying to them (I just slipped my reply in the mailbox as asked, and even though they specified no return address, it apparently was received) and finishing my exams and nearly hitting the perfect mark in every subject (except math) I got my stuff ready to leave. My parents were cautious about sending me to some nameless university but I convinced them all the same...after weeks of pleading. I knew that I'd convince them no matter what. My family wasn't rich, and with so many of us living under one roof we had to scrounge a meager living. Eighty thousand a year would ensure a stable life for those I loved. * * * * * On the day and time appointed--the fourth of September--I was waiting outside my house to be picked up by the folks from Eros U. I thought my whole family was expecting it to be some wild hoax. I hoped that it wasn't, even though my heart beat quicker than usual as I stood on the front lawn of my house. But hoping didn't prevent me from constantly turning my head left and right to glance down the street for some sign of the folks from Eros U. Still nothing. Where the hell were they? While waiting, I said my final goodbyes. It was a moment I had been dreading for weeks. First I said goodbye to my weeping mother, Annette, who hugged me so hard I thought she wouldn't let me leave when the time came. Marcus, my father, was a bit more understanding: he patted me on the shoulder, told me to work hard, and gave me just the briefest hug. Of my two brothers, Dave (the older) advised me "not to screw up" and slapped the back of my head as a nice way of saying his fond farewell. Then there were my younger siblings, of whom Alex was the first. He clung to my arm, crying that he would miss me while my little sister, Laura, who was known to be overzealous and talkative, embraced me hard and said, "Bring me back something nice." And finally Jessica, my older sister and the one in charge after mom and dad, gave me a small hug while whispering in my ear, "Remember just how much we're depending on you." She was very understanding and mature for her age, though that only added to her already bossy nature. So there I stood, taking one last look at the doorstep of our old, decaying house with its dry paint and cracked windows. I would definitely miss my family (not so much my older brother and sister), but I also craved to be on my own and experience life for the first time. The house, though old and unpleasant to the eye, was still home, and I would miss it as well. Around the corner a small, gleaming black limousine turned the street. That couldn't possibly be for me, I thought, but then the vehicle stopped right in front our driveway. We were all amazed. You see, limos were a rare sight in this poor, crime-ridden district and I swear I could see a bunch of our neighbours peeking out from behind their doors and windows with looks of wonder. Out of the limo stepped Ms. Maynard, whom I would get to know well (in every sense of the word) over the next year. She stood there a moment with her hand screening her face from the sun. Oh man was she stunning! Ms. Maynard was in her late twenties and very beautiful. Her lush, shoulder-length blond hair was tied in a ponytail and made her look very sophisticated (I bet she was really wild in bed--well I found out first hand). She wore a pair of thin black spectacles behind which rested her dark hazel eyes. And what a lovely face: manicured eyebrows, high cheek-bones, lips vibrant with red lipstick, and a sweet little nose. Her figure was perfect, slender with curves in all the right places. Ms. Maynard was dressed in a black suit like a true professional. However, her skirt was short--very short. It came up only to mid-thigh, revealing the fair-coloured flesh of her long legs. I caught a look of awe from my older brother Dave as he gawked at the babe. My sisters were clearly jealous. The first thing Ms. Maynard did was step forth and shake my parents' hands. "Nice to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Verge," she said. Then she turned to me. "You must be Enyo." I nodded. "Y-yeah." "Please take care of my boy," said my weeping mother, placing her hand on my shoulder. I cringed visibly as Dave and Jessica burst out laughing. "Mom!" I hissed, turning to her. But even more embarrassing was when my dad, who was a police officer, asked with his characteristic grimness, "This Eros University is a legitimate educational facility, correct?" Ms. Maynard turned to him and answered with a smile. "Correct." "Because," my father continued, "if it isn't, then be sure there'll be trouble." "What do you mean?" inquired Ms. Maynard pleasantly with her arms crossed. "You're not going to kidnap my son are you?" my hysterical mom broke in. Ms. Maynard laughed. "I assure you we're not going to kidnap your son. We have enough money as it is." Then, placing her hand on my shoulder--her soft, shapely hand--she said, "I think it's time we got going, Enyo. Nice to have met you all." Waving goodbye to my family one last time, I stepped into the limo after Mrs. Maynard. The door closed with a depressing thud and I watched from the rear tinted-window as my family slowly disappeared from sight. I was quite miserable and felt like giving way to tears, but the presence of the gorgeous lady prevented me from doing so. As Ms. Maynard sat with those hazel eyes peering into my own, I tried my best not to eye her long, luscious legs. They were crossed and the skin was pressing leg-upon-leg; once or twice I glimpsed her panties: black like her suit. I think she must have noticed me staring and smiled. At least I think she smiled. Then again, horny guys imagine the craziest things. There was a moment of awkward silence. "Enyo," she said breaking the stillness in a most charming way, "I'll be your counselor during your stay at Eros U. Do you understand?" "Yes," I replied, sinking back into the cool leather seat. "You must have many questions," she continued, "since we really didn't give you the chance to address any through our letters and tours were not possible because of the distance." I was about to answer but she cut me off. "But let me speak first. If while at the institution you need any help, you can come to me. There are about fifteen students to each counselor so I'm sure I can always make time for you. As for your tuition, all that has been taken care of by us, as will be the entirety of your years here. Your dorm has already been set up, and as for the food--well, you'll see all of this later. No need for me to state the obvious. So, do you have anything to ask?" She declared all of this in a very low, feminine voice; it was like a whisper of silk filling the car. Continuing to cross and uncross her legs as she spoke, I sat there completely mesmerized by her. Oh, I made appointments `a plenty just to hear her pant out my name (more on that later). "Well," I began, "I chose this place mostly out of curiosity; that's not to say the full scholarship didn't help, but can I ask why--" "Is it so secretive?" she interrupted, continuing as I nodded. "Many reasons. For one, we don't like to deal with entrance forms from thousands of applicants and feel the best way is to scope out the finest students for ourselves. The less that people know about us the easier it is for us to operate since we only want the best of the brightest--no need for those to apply who can't get accepted. And we're also funded by some very large businesses that allow us to continue our operations, a debt we often repay by employing our students directly to them, even when some are in the process of their studies. Of course, these business giants wouldn't want word getting out of their dealings, especially if they're in technology, military, or government. So we have to keep our affairs just as secret." Well that made some sense, but it still sounded kind of odd. "What about the--" "Location?" she cut me off again and started speaking about that. She sure was smart as a whip. "Oh, that's to enhance the atmosphere of Eros U. It's a fusion of technology and nature, which we feel to be the perfect combination. Being secluded is better for the students since they won't have too many distractions to sway them from their studies. But don't worry; we have everything provided for, so it isn't like you're going to go insane from boredom." We sat facing each other about two feet apart. I listened somewhat; mostly I stared at her cleavage. And it wasn't my fault that I stared--I couldn't help it! As Ms. Maynard talked she would lean forward, a gesture which presented me a clear view of her black, lacy bra. Uh oh. I think she noticed me staring again. The conversation carried on a few minutes till we reached the airport. The airport! I couldn't believe it, but a private jet was waiting for us on the hot tarmac. I'd never had this kind of special treatment in my life. Heck, I'd never even been on a plane before! Of course, I'd never admit that to Ms. Maynard. The six hour flight took us from New York to...well, I don't really know, except that it was to some small forested island. Ms. Maynard was with me the whole time. She wanted us to become close friends so it would be easier for me to talk to her in case of some problem at school. At night on the plane we slept very close to each other; in fact, she slept on the row of seats just to my right. I didn't know counselors were supposed to be so friendly with students. The ones at high-school didn't even care to remember my name. The whole day we talked about ourselves--my interest in books and of her career. At night, well, let's just say some inexplicable force held me from screwing her right then and there as she slept. Ms. Maynard's golden hair had been let loose and her peaceful face was resting on a white pillow. The look on her face was indeed calm and serene; there was even the hint of a smile on her red lips. Ms. Maynard's body was on its side, legs tucked in and facing the back of the seats, and from the way she was positioned I could see her silky black panties from my bed. Actually it was just a couple of seats made into a single bed, but that didn't matter. I couldn't sleep damn it! She was so damn hot. For hours I just stared between her legs, stifling the urge to go over there and start fingering her till she woke up with a start. Lustful thoughts of Ms. Maynard and I fucking ran through my mind the entire night, but you have to believe me when I say that I'm not a pervert. Any man in my position would have felt the same! I was even more turned on because (and I admit this without blushing) I was still a virgin. For a virgin like me to be in such close quarters with a woman of Ms. Maynard's beauty was torture. Ms. Maynard did wake up once to go to the washroom while I pretended to be asleep. As she walked back to her seat I thought I felt her fingertips running gently through my hair. Was she toying with me, or was it just my youthful imagination? I debated the answer until I fell asleep. Then around 8:30 next morning someone shook me awake. "Enyo, we have a slight problem," said Ms. Maynard anxiously. "The plane's left engine is malfunctioning and we'll have to parachute to the ground." I shot up open-mouthed and wide-eyed, soon realizing that she was joking. Laughing, she said, "Oh how could you fall for that? We've already landed." That woman! If she wasn't so hot I'd give her a piece of my mind. We had landed on some secluded island, but other than that I couldn't tell you much else. An expensive-looking motorboat waited for us at the pier, which was isolated except for a few sailing vessels anchored close by. After meeting the captain of the ship, a middle-aged man in his late forties, we set off. The island was bigger than I had expected. Blue waves rocked the boat to the sound of the ocean's calm lullaby as we moved towards our destination. What a fine September day: the sun shone warm from above; the air was cool and the sky a soft indigo. I couldn't see the university at first because it was heavily wooded around the island's edge. But we weren't in the middle of nowhere; the island was connected to the main mass of land where our plane had landed by a long iron bridge. However, this just seemed to be a precautionary measure since I couldn't see any cars passing back and forth. It would make sense that the school supplies, such as food, were delivered via the bridge. In about twenty minutes we reached the island of Eros. I was completely stunned by the imagery. Such green, wild, and beautiful nature smiled at us on our journey; rare flowers and towering trees with huge branches of thick, vivid foliage lined our path. Birds sang their charming melodies and flying squirrels jumped from tree to tree. It was like being in a rainforest. Because of the wildness of the whole place we had to take a jeep (talk about style) and, after climbing a steep hill, I saw Eros University...or so I thought. "Actually that's Eros High," enlightened Ms. Maynard. It was built much later than Eros U. and helps to teach bright young kids early on and accept them later to our university so they can get the best education possible." I stared at as Eros High disappeared behind me. That's a high-school! "Just so you know," continued Ms. Maynard, "Eros High was completed only a year ago, so don't feel bad if you didn't get invited." She smirked as she said this. For a high school it sure was extravagant. But then there was Eros University itself appearing suddenly around a bend in the road, like some glowing palace of Imperial Rome in its days of glory. It covered such a huge distance that it was difficult to see where it began and ended. Sure, it wasn't as large as most universities, but that was because it had far less students. But it wasn't just its size; its design and form were magnificent. A work of pure elegance: arches, towers, domed-roofs, statues, fountains, a waterfall (yes a waterfall embedded in a hill-side), and...and so much more! There's was a prevailing colour scheme, a sort of rich cream, sometimes silver, and sometimes a dark brown. The materials: polished wood, marble, limestone, you name it. The place breathed extravagance. And its structures were arranged like pieces of some intricate puzzle. The pillar-like clock-tower, lying behind a large, many-windowed building, gave a feeling of the gothic. The newer domed edifice was somewhat in the middle and a large fountain of frolicking nymphs in direct center. It wasn't totally symmetrical, which was good because this only heightened its beauty by opting for a convergence of styles. There was also a forest to the right along with grassy hills where water ran down in silver streams to join a river. There was too much to describe! Ms. Maynard told me she had to get back to her office, so she took me to the boy's dormitory and informed me where to find her if I needed to talk. "The South Knox Building," she said and left. Well, left right before walking up close to me and, get this, pressing her body hard against mine so that we were up against a wall. She held the back of my head and brought her face close to mine--our mouths were almost touching, and I could feel Ms. Maynard's warm breath on my lips. "Tell me, Enyo," she said in a very low whisper, running her delicate fingers through my hair, "are you a virgin?" Her other hand reached for my crotch and gave it a long stroke. "I--uh--I..." My face was blushing red and all capacity for language had escaped my throat. I swear I was paralyzed. "Well, Enyo?" she pursued, bringing her face even closer to mine so that our noses touched. I was in a frenzy of panic. I wanted to turn my head left and right to see if there was anyone else in the hallway, but it was impossible to look anywhere but directly into Ms. Maynard's face. She was biting down on her cherry-coloured lip in a look that showed pure desire, and with a few golden hairs hanging in front of her face and those stylish black glasses, she looked incredibly seductive. Ms. Maynard's pert breasts crushed up harder against my chest as her long, creamy leg began sliding up and down my side, running the length of my jeans. "I guess you are," she answered for me. Before I could reply Ms. Maynard leaned in to kiss my mouth, and though our lips barely touched, I could hear the noise smack in my ears like thunder. Following a wink, she walked off down the hallway with a sexy swing of her hips. Just like that--gone! She left me standing there confused and horny, though with a smile on my lips. Yes, I told myself, I should definitely go make a counseling appointment very soon. Now here's the depressing part: the boys and girls dorms were separate. They were almost at two opposite ends of the school. But I didn't mind. Besides, it'd be rather hot if I had to sneak a girl in here or she had to get me into her dorm for some secret make-out session. At least that's what my writer's brain imagined to be hot. I entered my room on the third floor to be greeted with something worthy of a five star hotel. "Whoa!" I exclaimed, standing in the door way with my jaw unhinged. The room looked magnificent. I was really taken by the dark red colouring of the walls: it seemed so...erotic. The floor was draped in a cream-coloured carpet; gleaming furniture was set about the room with an artist's care to attention; silk curtains of transparent beige blew in the breeze which flowed in from the open windows. A large plasma television hung on a wall behind a majestic sofa with coverings of white lace, and there was a brand new computer with a LCD monitor sitting on a desk in the corner beside a bookcase. Most of this I took in as soon as I had entered, but requiring additional investigation, I explored my not-so-humble abode. Next I checked out the shower and bathroom. The bathroom mirror reflected my figure: about 5'8 with a sturdy build, I had medium-length black hair that was combed back, dark brown eyes, and a strongly contoured face with a prominent jaw. There was a small scar under my chin from a cut I received when I was ten years old. My skin resembled a natural, light-brown tan, so most people found it difficult to place my background. At the moment my lips were set in a wide grin. After that I explored my bedroom, which was simple yet serene in the sense that there was no major distraction for the eyes, just some plants, a stereo, and a small television hanging like a picture frame from the wall, not to neglect the king-sized bed (that I let many lovely ladies grace as our bodies were entwined in ardent love-making). A walk-in closet with its door open was filled with some empty hangers for my clothes and a few pairs of uniforms. Yes, uniforms. I later learned that all students were required to wear uniforms while in class, though during our spare time we could dress however we chose. You should see the uniforms the girls have to wear--hubba hubba! Next I went out onto the balcony to take in the rest of the school. My room was forty feet from the ground, which afforded a great view. A sleek carpet of grass rolled towards the forest; clusters of cherry, peach, and fig trees stood on the grass, casting wide shadows under which students sat reading or chatting on this fine summer evening. Most of the buildings looked ancient but there looked to be some newer ones off towards the forest. Ah, they're constructing another facility far off. And look, there's the girls dormitory way in the distance. Maybe I should check it out later.... Boredom spurred me to further explore the university. As I walked outside into the cool evening the orange sun was at its apex, hanging over some grayish clouds. I felt so small and feeble in this new environment. It was quite overwhelming. Upon further investigation it occurred to me that the second through fourth year students had already began their studies nearly two weeks ago. I met the irritable of their kind, daunted at some approaching test or essay that they couldn't even answer my questions of direction--I was as lost as a puppy. "Where the hell is it?" I asked myself out loud, standing on the grassy field and scratching the back of my head. "If I can't find it now I'll be late for class tomorrow." I turned about in every direction and finally spotted a girl sitting on a bench reading. "E-excuse me," I stammered after walking up to her. She looked up from her book with an irritated scowl. But then her features softened and she smiled. "Yes?" she asked. "Do you know how I get to Castle Turin?" "Sure!" she replied in a friendly voice, and pointed towards a far-off structure. "That's it over there. The thing that looks like a castle." We both laughed. I noticed her schoolbag, almost bursting with books, lying next to her. "So you're not in first year?" She followed my gaze and giggled. "Nope. Third." "I'm Enyo," I said, offering my hand. "Karen," she replied, shaking it. "Please have a seat." She closed her book and I saw the cover: the words Advanced Chemistry were printed across its top. "That's a lot of reading," I said after sitting down next to her. "Don't tell me about it," Karen replied with a nervous laugh. "When you're in third year things get really insane. First and second year are a joke compared to it." I soon realized that she seemed very frightened and frustrated over some upcoming assignment. Oh, Karen was a real looker. She was already wearing the standard uniform: a dark-blue silk top with an emblem of a fiery red sun above the left breast; its sleeves ended a few inches below the shoulders and exposed her slim arms. It seemed that Karen was inclined to soak in the sun's rays, as her skin was a healthy light-brown tone. She wore a very short pleated-skirt, ending mid-thigh, of the same colour as her top. I admired how the knee-length white socks hugged against the slopes of her calves. Though Karen was only 5'2, she had a very pleasant way about her. It was that kind face, with its dark green eyes, which first attracted my gaze. They were just so alive and vibrant. Her dusky brown hair was about shoulder length, held by a simple black headband. We talked for a while and she asked where I came from and how I found the school to be. Though Karen had a woman's beauty, she was bubbly and energetic with an almost childish nature. I felt very shy around her and had the terrible tendency to check her out whenever I could. As we sat there on the bench, staring at the beautiful sunset, I could see her short blue skirt fluttering against her naked thighs. Once or twice I even glimpsed her white panties. "It was really nice talking to you, Enyo," said Karen standing up. "But I'd better be getting back to my dorm soon and finish up with my homework." "Thanks for the directions," I said also getting to my feet. As Karen bent over and began packing up her schoolbag, I could see the two soft mounds of her panty-covered ass creasing so smoothly against her tender skin; her underwear was so tight that it was possible to distinguish the area just below her butt-cheeks turning red. I turned my head away in shame that I was ogling her, but from the corners of my eyes I could still see her buttocks. It was a struggle, but I turned to take one last quick peek. This quick peek turned into pure admiration for the soft, full slopes of her delicious ass. Perhaps it was because I was still a virgin; perhaps it was because Karen was so beautiful; perhaps it was because she was older than me--well, whatever the reason, I just wanted to reach out and squeeze her ass and hear her yelp out in shock. They made those skirts so short so guys would go nuts, I tell ya! "Bye, Enyo," she said, smiling at me with such kindness that I felt ashamed of myself for lusting after her. "B-bye," I stammered, shaking the hand she offered me. "What's the matter?" asked Karen looking serious. "You seem disturbed." I answered with a careless wave of my hand. "Nothing; I'm just worried about school tomorrow." Karen laughed. She put a hand on my shoulder and said, "Relax! I didn't mean to scare you with all those stories. I remember my first day here, and it wasn't so bad." "Thanks for everything," I said. "You're welcome," replied Karen. She turned around, started walking away, and after getting some fifteen feet, looked over her shoulder and waved bye. Waving in return, I couldn't help but sigh with joy as I thought about how beautiful and sweet Karen was. Damn, I thought, I really shouldn't have been checking her out like that. It's demeaning! My exploration continued into the night. I chose to spend some hours at the Recreation Center in the south-east corner of the university. It was nearly midnight when I decided to return to my dorm. There were no students in sight as I took the grassy, tree-filled path to cut right across to my dormitory. A sudden scream halted my steps. I spun around trying to find out where it had come from. Another scream alerted me to the source and I bolted towards it. Someone's in trouble, I thought. She needs my help! I sprinted through the field as the soft blades of grass crushed under my shoes and the wind whooshed past my ears. When I reached the source of the sound it wasn't what I had expected to find. My first inclination was to duck and hide behind a pair of bushes. Then, using my fingers to carefully pry them apart, I saw something which made the breath in my throat choke. There, some twelve feet ahead of me, were two lovers engaged in sex! The surrounding area was dark and foreboding, but there was a tall streetlamp highlighting the couple's bodies in silver. Upon closer examination I found that the girl was someone I recognized: Karen. My hiding place presented a perfect view of the fornicators. I didn't recognize the guy but presumed that he was in third or fourth year. He was already dressed in the standard male uniform: a black jacket over a white buttoned-shirt and black dress-pants. Karen's lover, probably no more than twenty one years old, lay sitting on the soft grass with his knees spread apart. His face was tense, waiting, watching, eyes wide with desire as Karen played with his swollen cock, her sweet pink lips hovering an inch above its mushroom head. She took a single lick of the sparkling knob, sending a fierce shudder up her boyfriend's body so that his long blonde hair trembled with the motion. Then Karen began stroking him violently with both her hands. I could see the force with which she would yank her boyfriend's penis up. Every time it happened, he would grunt out in a mixture of pain and pleasure and thrust his hips into the air. Karen was bent low on her knees, her back horizontal, the contours of her slender body accentuated by her skin-tight uniform. I marveled at how the gentle dip of her back rose up into her tight buttocks; the wind caused her dark blue skirt to flutter against her light brown thighs, revealing the naked flesh. Karen was looking up into her boyfriend's face from the tops of her eyes and smiling. "Come on, Chaval," she said in playful way, "tell me how much you want it." "Not as much as you," replied Chaval, pushing her head down on his throbbing prick. Karen's luscious lips parted as the column of hard flesh entered her mouth. "Mmmhhh!" groaned Karen as she started her blowjob. I could see her wet lips, wrapped tightly around her boyfriend's prick, frenziedly glide up and down its length. Even in this wide open area the wet sound of her sucking carried clear to my ears. A few seconds later the penis popped out of Karen's mouth, its mushroom-head washed silver and glinting under the light of the single streetlamp. She licked around the thin membrane connecting the length of her boyfriend's cock to its crown, swirling the tip of her tongue around it in a rapid circle. "Yes, that's it baby," moaned Chaval, "put some effort into it." Suddenly, Karen leaned down and engulfed his entire member once again; her head bobbed up and down along with the short waves of her dark brown hair. It was quite a sight. Karen would take Chaval's shaft all the way down her throat, burying her nose in the hairs of his crotch, and then drag her lips up to its gleaming pink knob. She did this over and over again at a slow, relaxed pace, taking long sucks of his prick. "That's enough!" said Chaval with an air of impatience. "Let's get to business." They stood up together as Chaval quickly undid his belt-buckle and dropped his pants to the ground along with the rest of his clothes. He moved behind the petite Karen and seized her breasts through her silk top; the two, medium-sized globes contracted between his powerful fingers and melded to his palms. In reaction, Karen leaned her head back against his bare chest and let out a long, girlish moan. "Ahhhhhh, Chaval! It hurts!" she complained. "You're being too rough again." "You shouldn't be bitching," said Chaval as he squeezed the dark blue fabric covering Karen's tits, a loathsome grin on his sallow face. "I know you like it!" As he groped Karen's tit with one hand his other snuck under her skirt and started fingering her panties. Karen arched forward, stiffening with excitement; her buttocks pushed back into Chaval's hard, slimy prick. She whimpered like a puppy and placed her arm behind her lover's head, holding him by the neck. "Ohhhhh! I've-I've been wanting this a-all week! T-there's just been--ahhhh!--too much stress!" Her words were slow, coming out in gasps. Chaval spun Karen around and dropped to his knees, burying his face between her smooth tan thighs. He stroked his nose up and down her wet panties a few times while gripping her firm buttocks. Then, taking a deep whiff of Karen's pussy, Chaval began licking the white fabric. His thin red tongue worked up and down the length of her veiled vagina and stroked it rapidly. Karen's back was curved forwards, her untamed hair fluttering in the wind. "Ohhhhhh! S-stop--t-teasing m-me!" said Karen in broken gasps. Her lips were parted and I could see her breathe in and out with great effort. At last, Chaval grabbed the edges of Karen's panties and yanked them down hard; the white panties ripped as they slid down her lush, tanned legs. Karen stepped out of them and said with irritation, "You don't have to be so damn rough!" Chaval didn't bother with an answer and instead started fingering her pussy while she stood. "Ooohhhh!" Karen moaned in wide-eyed surprise, throwing her head back. "Y-you're playing with my pussy! You're playing with my pussy!" I could see the sparkling silver juices flow down Karen's beautiful spread thighs as her lover's fingers dug deeper into her cunt. Karen was still wearing her dark blue skirt, which she held up to her hips with one hand. This presented me a clear view of her long, sexy legs and her tight slit. What a lovely patch of dark brown hair she had between her thighs. "Oh yes--I need this Chaval!" Her voice was high-pitched and girlish: Karen's schoolgirl aura made her all the more alluring. Chaval buried his nose in Karen's glistening vagina; his tongue took quick lashes at her dripping snatch as he gulped down the sweet thin honey which erupted out of it and into his mouth. Karen started shaking her head side-to-side and moaning. "Gah!" she cried insensibly with each deep thrust of her lover's tongue. "Gah! More--deeper! Stick your tongue all the way in!" Karen's knees were bent and trembling; her legs were barely holding up from the pleasure she was experiencing and I was surprised she hadn't collapsed to the ground yet. With each lick of her lover's tongue, Karen squirmed, shuddered and moaned, thrusting her hips forward into Chaval's face and burying his nose in the dark wisps of her pubic hair. Just then she exploded in orgasm, screaming, "Oh yesssssssss!" Her face twisted with the immense pleasure of sexual release, her eyelids biting down tightly as her lips parted wide in a moan. But it wasn't over. Chaval began undressing Karen and she seemed all too ready to be rid of her clothes. In a few minutes they both stood naked, highlighted only by the artificial light blazing from above. It was quite surreal to see these two lovers in the bright pool of silver light while all around them was deep darkness. I was bent hidden, transfixed by the sight of Karen's beautiful body sparkling under the light. Though she was short, her features were well developed: she had a lean, flat waist, and her medium-sized breasts, glazed in sweat, looked a bit oversized for her body. Karen's neck dipped like the sides of an hourglass to her bare shoulders, and most of her body had a flawless, light brown complexion which was glowing with perspiration. To see Karen naked was to see art: her vibrant, tanned flesh, the curves of her neck and shoulders, that tight waist and legs, and her sweet, tight ass--everything about her was stunning. The look she was giving Chaval made me wish that I was him at the moment. "Come on, Chaval," said Karen, breathless, "you just planning on standing there naked?" It was such a turn-on to see those dark strands of hair sticking to her sweaty cheeks. Not needing further instruction, Chaval squeezed her tits in his powerful hands. Karen threw her body forward into his and let out a moan; her soft breasts crushed up against her boyfriend's bare chest. Chaval leant down and kissed her hard on the mouth, forcing her lips apart and slipping his tongue in. There was a brief moment where Karan's eyes widened in shock, but soon she kissed him back with equal passion. Then Chaval stooped lower and licked her left breast, his tongue roaming around the edges of her soft tit until it marked for the pink nipple and began flicking it. Chaval's lips opened wide and closed on Karen's rubbery breast, immersing the top-half of it in his mouth. He continued to suck on her tit while his right hand groped her other one. "Oh yes!" Karen moaned in a low, rasping voice. "Suck it harder! Yes, bite my nipple!" Chaval did suck harder; his teeth clamped on the light-rosy nub and began grinding it gently. The hand that was squeezing Karen's tit made her breast swell even larger between his fingers, causing the pink nipple to jut out. Chaval's appetite was ravenous: he sucked nearly half of Karen's breast into his mouth; sometimes he bit down on the soft brownish tissue, at other times he licked the nipple with short strokes of his tongue. After a few minutes Karen's breasts had turned a deep, flushed red colour...yet somehow she didn't seem to mind. "Fuck, Chaval!" cried Karen, looking up into her boyfriend's face almost in tears. "You have half my tit in your mouth." A grunt was the only response she got. At last, Chaval released his lips from Karen's supple breast. I could see its top, especially around the nipple, glazed in his juices and shining a watery silver under the light. Karen had one hand buried in her pussy, frigging herself as she rocked back and forth on her toes; her luscious thighs were pressed tightly together, trapping her own hand in between. In long, thin streaks the juices of her pussy ran down her tanned legs. Soon followed the main course. Chaval lay down on the grass as the lovely Karen straddled his hips and began running her palms over his lean chest. I was at an angle and had a perfect view of Karen's sweet buttocks. They were full, round, and looked so juicy with sweat glistening on their creamy slopes. She positioned herself over her boyfriend's cock and began rubbing it across her dripping slit. As Karen slid down his huge shaft, she uttered a cry of joy. "Ohhhhhhhh! So goooooood! I-I c-can f-feel it s-so d-deep i-inside." Tears glimmered around the edges of her eyes. Karen leaned in towards her boyfriend, lifting her ass only to drop it down on Chaval's pike over and over again. I could hear the lewd smacking of their flesh as their movements were getting faster, rougher, and more primal. Both lovers desperately panted and groaned for release, throwing their bodies into each other. They began to perspire more and more and by now Karen was gleaming in sweat, the brunette waves of her hair blowing in the strong wind as the spheres of her tits heaved up and down with every jolt she received. With her legs spread on either side of Chaval's waist and her knees on the dark green grass, Karen jerked up and down as her lover's stiff cock plunged into her soaking pussy. I could see that she was becoming tired. Exhausted from her efforts, Karen lay her body down on top of Chaval's, her breasts squished and bulging out against his chest. Chaval gripped his girlfriend's buttocks in both hands and squeezed. "Ohhhhhh!" Karen cried in a thin, throaty voice. "Not so haaarrrrrd." But her lover went on madly fucking her while mauling her ass with his fingers. Karen's body shook and shuddered with every thrust into her tight vagina: it seemed that she wasn't even enjoying what was happening to her. This became quite obvious as Chaval drove into Karen with deep, feral groans, mouthing filthy swears as he groped her ass even harder. "Fuck yes!" he moaned. "You like that, huh bitch? You like getting your cunt hammered! Admit it, whore!" "It hurts! It hurts!" Karen screamed. "Chaval! Not so rough!" But Chaval kept raising his hips and driving his shaft into Karen's tiny flowing cunt. He said with a smirk on his arrogant face, "Thought you wanted it hard, huh?" Karen lifted her head and answered with a look of pain, "No. I-I just...wanted to forget." Forget? I asked myself. What could she possibly mean? It didn't matter. I went back to concentrating on the two fornicators, unable to escape the enticing display. Chaval wrapped his thin arms around Karen's back and continued throwing his hips into her with brute force; his throbbing prick tore apart the frail walls of her vagina and sank deep into her tender quim. Karen moaned out in excruciating pain, throwing her head of dark brown hair back. She then raised herself straight and began to ride Chaval again, perhaps in the hope that it would all end soon. Some strange noise broke my concentration away from the two lovers. It sounded like a moan.... With frantic glances in every direction I tried to find the source of the noise. I feared the worst: what if someone had caught me spying? There was a rustling near some bushes to my left. I looked over and finally saw her.... There was a mysterious girl with long black hair and glasses, dressed not in uniform, but in dark blue jeans and a black top. She was kneeling some distance away, concealed from Karen and Chaval by the shrubbery. This mysterious girl was about my height, but I couldn't distinguish her features except for her long, straight black hair and the outline of her narrow face. She seemed, though I couldn't be sure, to be a first year like myself. But the real shock was that she had her fingers buried in her pants and masturbating! Her unzipped jeans were pulled down to her thighs and I could see her pale white hand hidden in her blue panties, moving up and down with a mad desire for release. No doubt, I told myself, she's masturbating to the scene right in front of her. It was hard to say how long she'd been there, but it was probably about as long as me. She must have heard Karen's scream too. The girl's right hand was fully inside her pants; her eyes were pressed shut in a look that showed her desperate desire to climax. Soft moans escaped the girl's lips as she opened her eyes again to watch Karen and Chaval fucking in front of her. She came right then, crushing her hand between her tightly-locked thighs as her body heaved forward, her eyes flickering with the ecstasy of orgasm. The mysterious girl took out her fingers and examined them for a moment, seeing the digits soaked in her own juices, and after climbing down from her powerful climax the black-haired girl looked around in an effort to gather her dazed senses. That's when her eyes met mine. Priceless: that's how I'd describe the expression on her face. Both eyebrows curved up in wonder; her eyes opened wide and round. She shook her head a little and her mouth formed the word, "No!" Then in a burst of speed she jumped to her feet and buttoned up her pants while still looking at me in shock. It was if our eyes were magnets attracting each other's gazes: we couldn't stop staring at each other. The girl turned around and then swiftly began running off in the opposite direction. However, before she got about ten steps, she turned her face towards the light and I noted some of her once-shadowed features. Her eyes were a pale blue and the edges of her nose had a smooth curve to it. She was thin-figured and tall, with a long neck dipping with grace to her small shoulders. Fine strands of silk-black hair hung from her face, a black that was lustrous and silky under the light. She was beautiful, and her shyness only enhanced that beauty. I wanted to chase after her and explain myself, but perhaps it was better left this way. Just then I heard Karen scream. It was the sharp, ringing scream of orgasmic bliss and seemed to take the last bit of energy out of her: Karen promptly collapsed on her boyfriend. Her breasts flattened against his chest while her tight buttocks were still thrust up in the air. I didn't bother sticking around for Chaval's orgasm and headed towards my dormitory as fast as possible. My thoughts reeled from the experience and an insatiable lust for the female body burned in my mind. A quick, thoughtful shower followed. By now I was too tired to stay up any longer, so I went to my room and fell onto my bed. In minutes I was snoring, but my sleep was restless. Like on a projection screen, my mind cast images of the beautiful Karen and myself engaged in hot sex. At one point my thoughts ventured back to the mysterious black-haired girl: she was so beautiful! The sleep was uneasy, but at last I managed to enter the world of dreams late into the night. And so ended my first day at Eros University. pics---->> http://bit.ly/1D1q3qp
Title: Sibling Revival-ry Ch. 03 Summary: Mom turns out to be more than anyone bargained for. Keywords: inc,fic "Okay," Mom said, slinging her purse over her shoulder as she grabbed her keys. I was sitting at the kitchen table, and she bent to give me a kiss on the cheek.... and a peek right down the front of her blouse. I couldn't help it ; ever since Natalie and I had discovered 'the hidden Mom', her big tits had been on my mind constantly. "I'll be home in a few hours. I'm not sure when we'll see your sister, but if you could unload the dishwasher, I'd appreciate it." She smiled and turned away, wiggling her rear end on the way out the door. I watched her car leave. Less than six months ago, I would have used my solitude to take care of my typical urges, either via the Internet, or one of my DVD movies. Now, while the urges hadn't changed, the outlets had, with videos of my sister being near the top of the list, and fantasies about my Mother just behind. But while videos are great, the real thing is better. I picked up my phone, and texted Natalie. Mom didn't know where she was, but I did... just down the street at her friends house. "Hey Nats," I typed, "mother hen has flown the coop. Position available for fox." A bit James Bond maybe, but merely asking if she wanted to fuck since Mom was out seemed presumptive, and a bit dangerous. Seconds later, she responded. A single character. "?" I guess my code was unbroken. Before I could start to explain, another message arrived. "! On my way!" She had obviously figured it out. Five minutes later, I heard the door slam. I had moved downstairs to the family room. "Down here, Nats!" I yelled. Rapid footsteps came down the stairs, and my sister burst into the room. "How long do we have?" she asked, pulling her t-shirt off over her head. Maybe asking if she wanted to fuck wouldn't have been presumptive, after all, as she was obviously ready, willing and able. "Relax Sis," I said, still flicking channels on the TV. "Mom's going to be a while. We don't need to rush." "Cool!" she giggled, plunking down beside me on the leather couch. Her tits bounced, almost flying out of her bra. She turned my chin toward her and planted a nice wet one on me. "It's been way too long!" Indeed, the better part of a month, since Dad's business trip. We'd had a few steamy kisses since then, several surreptitious groping sessions, and even managed a desperate muted masturbation in each others company, in the bathroom one morning, all of which only seemed to stoke the fires further. Whether we needed to rush or not, patience was in short supply, far outweighed by unrequited desire. Natalie remained by my side for perhaps a minute, before throwing her leg over my lap and straddling me. Seconds later, her bra was flying across the room, hastily removed by my sexy sister, so she could press her big jugs in my face. I nuzzled her globes softly, kissing and nibbling on her stiffening buds until they were threats to take out an eye. She moaned, stroking my hair and holding my head close to her breasts. My hands were free to roam, caressing her ass and firm thighs, running up her sides to tickle her ribs. She giggled again, trying to slap my hands away, but reluctant to move out of range of my lips, eventually just gritting her teeth and enjoying both the tickle torture and the fire in her nipples. She was grinding her pussy against my bulge, the warmth radiating out palpably. With a final groan, she pulled my face away from her nipple, grasping my head with both hands, and attacking my lips with her own. A kiss of fierce passion, it lasted minutes, not seconds, and only ended when she needed more. She slid off my lap, knelt between my legs, and set to freeing my tool. Her mouth had been missed, the sensation of her lips sliding smoothly around my shaft as I penetrated the sucking wetness driving me wild. She moaned softly, enjoying the taste and texture. It was only a few minutes until she felt that there was a better place for my cock. Natalie stood, unsnapping her shorts and sliding them down. Her shoes flew wildly as she kicked them off, socks tugged free next, leaving only her tiny panties to remove. She saved those for me, turning her back and presenting her ass. I skinned the stringy sides over her hips and down her thighs. She briefly stood and stepped one foot out, dropping into my lap again. Her hand gripped my shaft, guiding it into her cunt as she wiggled her ass down, finally seating it fully inside her. She flicked her foot, flipping the flimsy panties high in the air, to land on the mantle, hanging from Dad's bowling trophy. Her rump bounced in my lap, fucking me deep into her hot pussy. I cupped her bouncy boobs from behind, pinching her nipples firmly. "Ngahhn! Yes!," she grunted, "HARDER!" I took care of my responsibility, tightening my grip on her nipples, while she pounded her cunt down on my dick with more force. "Oh fuck, that's good! I'm gonna cum!" She laid back against my chest, leaned her head on my shoulder, and ground her pussy harder, panting and grunting. Her body shuddered, and she frantically rubbed her clit. I tugged and twisted her nipples... Bingo! "Fuck! YES!" she gasped, "Ooooooo my GOD!" Her ass quivered in my lap as her thighs trembled with her orgasm. "Oh yes, oh yes, oh... Yes!" Her blonde hair laid across my face as she shook in my arms, finally winding down. "Ooooooo boy.... Big one! Thanks kiddo!" Natalie rested, still impaled, on my lap, until her breathing returned to a more normal level, then lifted off, turned around, and saddled up again. Her nipples were red from my tight grip, and I sucked them gently to soothe them. After a few minutes of consoling, I twisted us around and laid her on her back, starting to stroke into her pussy gently. Nats hooked her right leg over the back of the couch, and pulled her left out wide, giving me maximum access. "Fuck me hard, little brother.... Fuck me real hard!" I went to town, pounding her with fierce, full length strokes, our bodies slapping loudly together. Natalie gave a shrill moan each time I drove my cock home. Maybe that's what gave us away. "Richard Milton Anderson! What do you think you're doing?!" a voice screamed from behind me. Oh shit! We're dead! "I go out for a while, and you sneak a girl in here, and.... and... and have sex with her!?" I hadn't moved, still with my cock buried balls deep in Natalie's pussy, my bare ass in Mom's direction. Natalie tried desperately to disappear into the couch cushions, blocked from view by my body. "I don't know who you are, young lady, but I'm sure your Mother would be appalled by this behaviour!" Oh God, Mom, unless you want to get the shock of your life, and see just how right your are about that, please just turn around, and wait for me upstairs. Then chew me out. "Get off her!" Mom screeched. "Mom, I'm begging you, please, just wait for me upstairs, please? This is my fault.... I'll take the heat, but please don't make it worse!" I said, silently praying she'd say yes, and minimize the damage. "WORSE?! YOU THINK ANYTHING COULD MAKE THIS WORSE?!" she screamed. "OFF! NOW! I looked into Natalie's eyes, seeing the fear there, not knowing what to do. Tears flowed, but she nodded. I pushed off the couch, and rolled away. The sudden change in mood had made my dick wilt, and it pulled out of my sister's pussy with a pop. As I stood up and turned to face my Mother, I stayed between her and Natalie, hoping I could sacrifice myself and placate my Mother's rage. Mom's eyes dropped involuntarily to my crotch, soaked with Natalie's juices, and limp, but not fully deflated. She started to say something, but froze, her gaze locked on my cock. She finally pulled her eyes away, and barked at me. "Cover yourself, young man! You're in enough trouble!" She stepped forward and pushed me aside, intent on identifying my partner. When she saw Natalie, trying to cover herself with a throw pillow, her eyes flew open even wider than her anger had made them. "NATALIE!?" She looked at me, then at her, blinking wildly, hoping she wasn't seeing what she thought she was seeing. "Oh my!" she gasped, her voice trailing off as her hand came to her mouth. She zombie-walked away, and up the stairs, without a word. "Oh, we are so fucked!" Natalie hissed, finding her underwear on the mantle. She dressed hastily, then sat on the bottom stair, her head in her hands. I dressed too, then took my sister's hand. We went upstairs to face the music. *** Mom was sitting in the kitchen, staring blankly out the window, as we walked in. "Sit.... Both of you.... Now please," she said quietly, without looking at us. Her eyes remained unfocused, and gazing out at the horizon. "I wondered what had changed between you two." she stated, her voice flat and emotionless. "You were getting along too well. This has been going on how long?" I guess that depends on what you want to include under the umbrella of 'this'? I thought. Sex certainly. Oral? Touching? Masturbation? Nude pictures and videos? "Not long," Natalie spoke up, rescuing my thoughts. "We just got a little carried away," she added, in a candidate for understatement of the year. "Yeah," Mom snorted, finally looking at us, "I guess you did. More than a little. I suppose you're both sorry, huh? As if that makes it better." Natalie and I looked at each other sheepishly. "Okay. It goes without saying you're both grounded for the next decade," Mom said, a hint of a smile on the corners of her mouth. "Please go to your rooms.... ALONE... and think about what you've done." She realized that thought might not be punishment. "I mean, think about how wrong you were. I have to decide whether or not to tell your Father." Natalie led the way up the stairs, with me right behind her. She stopped suddenly at the top step and turned to me. "One more, for the road?" she giggled, draping her arms around my neck and kissing me gently. Her tongue was not to be denied, pushing into my mouth for a few final laps. She pulled back. "I guess this is mostly my fault," she whispered, "I was the one that kept pushing for a bit more. I'm sorry." "Well, you didn't exactly twist my arm. It's not your fault," I replied, "I could have said no. To be honest, the only thing I'm really sorry about is that I won't get to have you anymore. You'll be tough to follow." "Yeah," she smiled, "and you never even got to do my ass!" "Now that's just cruel," I said, feigning an injury. "You'd better lock your door, or I might come remedy that situation." "I'm sorry... did you say cum?" she snickered, stepping in and closing her door. I went into my room, and flopped on the bed. Shit! Why did this have to happen now? The house was dead silent. I stewed for some time, then fell asleep. *** Mom decided not to tell Dad. She kept everything, including our punishment, between the three of us. We were assigned extra chores around the house, plus new duties to be added later at her discretion, and we got a couple of weeks of 'cold shoulder' from her, but all in all, it was worth it. I meant what I said ; my sister was one dynamite fuck, and would be the benchmark for those that followed. About a week after things 'normalized' between Mom and I, she was walking past my room while I was changing. I had my underwear on, and Mom stopped in my doorway. She stared at me for several long seconds, until it actually made me a bit uncomfortable. Finally, she said what was on her mind. "I can see why you and Natalie did what you did. You're a handsome young man," she said, her eyes sweeping across my body, "and she's a beautiful young woman. It's only natural that you are curious... but you understand it was wrong, right?" "Yes Mom. I really am sorry," I answered. "Good," she whispered, giving me one more look before she left. I felt the guilt come flooding back, but guilt wasn't the only thing I felt. There was something about that last look she gave me. My little voice asked me if I had a death wish. Natalie and I kept our grubby hands off each other, not wanting to incur more jail time. Mom watched us like a hawk, and made sure our chores didn't result in time alone. It was about a month after we got busted that Mom finally relaxed her iron grip, easing our house arrest slightly as a reward for good behaviour. She made it clear that our parole was conditional, and revocable, at her whim. TV privileges restored, I was in my room watching something mindless when Mom came into my room. She took the remote out of my hand, killed the power, and closed my door. Then she sat on my desk chair, crossed her legs, and gazed at me. "Would you like to earn back some trust?" she asked, bouncing her foot. "Of course," I replied nervously. "I have something to add to your chores. Is that alright?" she asked again. "Whatever you want, Mom," I nodded. "Good," she smiled, "but there are some rules we must agree on. Non-negotiable. Right?" "Alright. What do I have to do?" I asked, wondering what she was thinking. A smile crossed her lips. "It's not so much a what. More of a who.... Me." Huh? I thought. I don't understand. She saw the huge question mark hovering over my head. She leaned closer, and clarified. "I want you... to do... me." The explosion I heard this time was my little voice, who just blew his brains out. He knew what I was going to do, and couldn't go through that again. Um, okay," I croaked. "Not yet. These are the rules. First, it goes without saying that this is between us only, but I'm going to say it anyway," she said evenly, "No one else knows... Not your friends, your sister... and especially not your father. No one.... Understood?" "Yes Ma'am," I breathed. "Second, no matter what we do together, I'm still your Mother. What I say goes, and I expect to be treated with the same respect you've always shown me, when we're not in the bedroom," she directed. "Is that clear?" "Absolutely." Third... Inside the bedroom," she whispered, rolling the chair closer, softening her eyes, and her voice, "you are the boss, and I expect you to dictate to me. You're going to tell me what to do, and when to do it. And you're going to treat me like the bad girl I am. Like a slut... A tramp. Short of peeing on you," she shuddered, "there's nothing I won't do." Her voice had a throaty, smoky sound of desire to it. Oh. My. God. I wanted to pinch myself. The thought that she could be testing my moral decisions never occurred to me, or at least, it never occurred to the part of my body that was now in charge. Yes, my dick had taken command of the bridge, and he wanted to confirm his mission. "Oral?" he asked, sounding surprisingly like my voice. "Just try to stop me!" she laughed. "Anal?" "Oh god! Yes PLEASE!" she moaned. "What if I don't want to treat you like a slut?" I asked, just to see what she would do. "Oh, please? Please... I need it. Please treat me like a sex object, a piece of meat, yours to command! Please!" She moved beside me, sitting on the bed. I hadn't noticed that she had undone a few buttons on her blouse until she pressed next to me. Her bra peeked out, along with a line of cleavage to die for. 36F... Lingerie... Porn... Dildo... Satin sheets...and submitting to my sexual whims. Wow! "Um, does dad know you're like this?" I asked as she squirmed beside me, undoing another button, and pulling her blouse aside to show me her tits. "NO!" she giggled, "And it stays that way. If anything, I'm the dominant one with him." "Dominant? Like in BDSM?" I asked. "Yes dear, except that I only like a little bit of bondage, no sadism, and a side of masochism. I like it a little rough, but not nasty rough," she moaned. "And I'm in control in here," I confirmed. "Yes. Complete control, although we might be more comfortable in my bedroom," she whispered, pressing closer. "Alright Mom. It's a deal. Now get out. You are to wait until we are together to please yourself." I was testing her, now. "Yes, dear," she said, standing and buttoning her blouse. She stopped at the door. "You learn fast. I'll let you know when we can start." She opened the door and left. My cock was as hard as steel. First my sister, now Mom? Somebody up there must like me. *** I did as instructed. EXACTLY as instructed. There is no way I was going to screw this up. I kept my mouth shut, did all chores I was asked to do without hesitation, and treated my Mother the same as always... as though she hadn't just revealed herself to be a wanton, submissive slut who was mine to use. It took a while, but Mom finally gave me the word, stopping by my room one afternoon. "Tomorrow, 1pm," was all she said, "Understand?" "Understood," I replied with a smile. I came to realize that my Mother was one hell of an actress. Not only had she hidden her submissive self from Dad for over twenty years, she gave no indication that she was less than 24 hours away from getting fucked by her son. Excitement, fear, indecision... there had to be a jumble of emotions going on in there, as was the case for me... but nothing showed through the placid surface. Dinner went smooth, as usual, but my head felt about ready to explode. Sleep was a relative term that night. Understandably, my brain was racing, making sleep difficult. When I was able to nod off, my dreams were scorching hot. At breakfast, I watched Mom's eyes for any indication that she was feeling what I was, but saw nothing. Dad went to work... Mom kissed him goodbye, as usual. Natalie had a 1pm class which meant she would leave about 12:30. Even when we were alone in the house, she went about her usual routine, as though our rendezvous was a set appointment, not to be rushed. I went up to my room to kill some time. 12:55....I saw mom breeze past my room, headed for hers. She didn't even turn her head to look at me. I heard no extra activity, no calling voices, just silence, which made the passage of those last five minutes interminable. I gave myself a full minute to make it down the hall, a journey of perhaps twenty feet, just in case there was traffic. I stopped in the bedroom doorway. Mom was sitting quietly on the bed, still dressed as usual, which today meant a starched white blouse and grey skirt. Now she looked nervous, and when she saw me standing there, she stood and smiled. I closed the door behind me, and locked it. I walked over to her. "Mom, you're sure about this?" I asked, praying she wouldn't back out. "Yes dear," she whispered, licking her lips and averting her eyes slightly. "Okay, so how do you want to start?" I asked. Her eyes snapped up, locking onto mine, and she replied in her Mom voice. "I'll say this one more time ; in here, when it's just us, you are the boss. You tell me what to do." "Yes Mom," I gulped, watching her eyes soften as she submitted again. She stood with her hands at her sides. Her big breasts pushed out at the white fabric of her blouse, rising and falling with her breathing. Her blonde hair was neatly done, framing her pretty face perfectly. The deep blue of her eyes shone brightly, and her lips were looking very kissable, painted a blood red colour. I decided to start there. I moved closer. "Kiss me," I directed. She immediately pressed her lips to mine. I kissed her back, my tongue pushing it's way into her mouth. She moaned softly. I stopped kissing, and she immediately stopped as well. I stepped back a bit, taking in her body again. With one hand, I traced my fingers up her side, past her breasts, to caress her cheek, neck, and hair. Her eyes fluttered, but didn't look at me. She breathed slightly harder. Treat me like a piece of meat, she had said. Okay. Like a slut. Not like my Mother. I palmed her big tits roughly, mauling them with both hands. She gasped, but made no move to stop me. They felt wonderful. I grabbed her blouse with both hands and ripped it open, sending buttons flying in every direction. Her breasts heaved with her excited breathing, bulging out of the cups of her pretty, lacy white bra. Hooking my fingers under the middle, I reefed the bra up, yanking it over her tits, which bounced deliciously as they fell free. I groped them excitedly, squeezing and stroking their smooth curves. She moaned, and I looked at her face. She was biting her lower lip, trying to control herself. Her body was shaking with lust. I bent my head and suckled her nipples, gently at first, but growing more aggressive, eventually biting the thick erect points. She yelped a few times, but her breathing told me she was definitely enjoying it. Still standing exactly where and how she had when I walked in, with her arms at her sides, she moaned and squirmed slightly, rubbing her thighs together and generally conveying the impression of tortured delight. I released her nipples, and stood up. "Remove your clothes, please," I said quietly, stepping back to watch. Mom did as asked, reaching behind to unzip her skirt, which she dropped and stepped out of. She was wearing white stay-up stockings. "Leave your nylons on, but lose everything else." Seconds later, my Mother stood essentially naked before me. A small tuft of blonde pubes peeked out from between her thighs. I walked a circle around her, checking her out from all sides. She was gorgeous. "Sit, please," I told her, and she sat on the edge of the bed, folding her hands in her lap. I paced back and forth in front of her, trying to decide which way to go next. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Mom's eyes, hungrily following my bulging crotch with every step, even though her head was bowed down slightly. She gave me an idea. Playing the interrogator, I stopped in front of her. I reached down and stroked her hair softly, enjoying the luxurious feel of her golden locks, a trait she shares with her daughter. She moaned, and leaned her head slightly into my hand. "I'm going to ask you some questions now, Mother, and you're going to answer them truthfully," I began, suddenly gripping her hair and tilting her head back. On a rough scale of 1 to 10, it was a 3. "Do you understand?" I stared into her wide eyes as she gasped in surprise. "Yes! Yes, I understand," she groaned. I released her hair. "Good. Let's start with some easy ones, shall we? Who are you?" "My name is Larissa Anne Anderson," she said quietly, eyes down again, but locked on my crotch. "And who am I?" I asked. "You are Richard Anderson," she said. I was gesturing for more, so she continued, "My son. I am your Mother." "That's good, you're doing great. So Larissa, I can't help noticing that you're naked. You have a very nice, sexy body, Larissa... especially your big beautiful breasts. You're proud of your body, aren't you?" I probed. "Yes," she whispered. "And you like teasing men with your body, don't you?" "Yes," she croaked. "And how does it make you feel to be naked in front of your own son? Be honest, Larissa," I reminded. "I... I feel dirty.... and excited," she said, barely breathing the words. "Now, how long have you had this urge to be naked in front of your son? When did it start, and what made you become such a filthy, dirty slut?" I laid it on pretty thick, but she was a seething mass of desire, so I gave her a chance to vent some of the pressure. "I, um.... I... since the day I caught you.... caught my son having sex with his sister. He, um, was naked, and I saw his... his big cock. It was covered with my daughter's juices. I had to... have it," she finished. She was squirming again. "You want to have it?" I asked. She nodded. "To suck it?" She nodded again, licking her plump red lips. "You want him to fuck you with it?" I continued, following her in the third person reference. "Oh yes. Please," she growled, her voice dripping with sultry desire. "What kind of Mother wants to fuck her own son?" I added, knowing she was bubbling hot. "A very, very bad Mother," she whispered, unable to suppress a moan. The corners of her mouth flickered slightly, fighting back a smile. "How long do we have to play today, Larissa? " I asked, truly wondering. "Um, Natalie will be home about 4, and your Father is done at 6," she answered. "Then we'd better get started.... We certainly don't want to get caught, do we?" I laughed. "Oh no," she groaned, "that would be baaaaad." The last word was drawn out, her voice quivering. My cock was about ready to rip my shorts open by itself, it was so hard. I couldn't wait any longer, stripping rapidly. I watched her eyes when I dropped my underwear, giving her a first look at my fully erect penis. The last time she'd seen it, the situation had made me limp, but now, I was rock hard. Her eyes widened. I took my hard cock in hand, and stepped closer, waving it at her. "Is this what you want?" "Oh god yes!" she hissed, but held still, hands in her lap. Her nipples were so swollen, they were the size of my fingertip, and nearly an inch long. I rubbed my dick around her face... across her cheeks, where the abundant precum oozing out left a shiny trail, and her lips, which were quivering. She so desperately wanted to suck it, so I left it there for several, torturous seconds. "You want to suck my cock, don't you?" She nodded, but kept her lips closed, snorting with need. "You seem excited. Do you need to cum, Mother?" I emphasized the word 'mother'. She nodded again, rapidly. Her eyes were on fire, pleading up at mine. "Very well," I relented. "On your knees, slut. You will suck my cock until I cum in your mouth, and swallow every drop. You may touch yourself while you suck me, and you may cum, if you wish." Mom dropped to her knees eagerly, but waited for permission. "May I begin?" she asked. "Yes, you may," I replied, looking down at her. Mom pounced, opening wide and plunging her mouth over the head. Her lips reached as far down my shaft as she could, almost reaching the base on her first attempt. Her left hand gripped the bottom of my cock, and her right wasted no time in diving between her own thighs. Wet squishy noises came from her soaked pussy, but were soon drowned out by the gurgling, slurping, sucking sounds her lips were making on my cock as she blew me enthusiastically. She was moaning loudly, too, and her lips clamped tighter as she grunted through her own climax within a minute of starting to masturbate. In my limited experience, I had felt that Natalie was a pretty good cocksucker, but she couldn't hold a candle to my Mother. True, I was very wound up from anticipation, and the long tease I'd put Mom through, so maybe I was a poor judge at this point, but my Mother's mouth had me on the verge of a massive, tonsil basting orgasm in no time. She was deepthroating me smoothly, a string of drool hanging from her chin, her boobs swinging in time with her actions. Mom shuddered, cumming on her own fingers for the second time. I looked down at her, into her big blue eyes. "That's my good Mommy slut. Suck my cock. Do you want me to cum in your mouth, Mommy? Do you want to swallow your son's hot sperm?" I taunted. Mom was moaning and nodding her desire, but never stopped sucking me. I felt the familiar tingle building in my balls, and she must have seen it in my eyes, because her moans and desperate sucking stepped up a level. Her lips were firmly pressed against my pubes when I came, blasting rope after rope down her throat, while she gulped and swallowed with lascivious greed. She vacuumed every drop from my cock, and was still trying to extract more when I stopped her. "That's enough, Mom. Thank you," I said, pulling away from her mouth. Spit dripped from her lips, across her chin, and landed on her breasts. She remained on her knees, awaiting my directive. "Please clean yourself up," I said, climbing into bed, "and join me in bed when you return." She was back quite quickly, and virtually leapt into bed beside me, laying close but not touching. "May I cuddle with you, dear?" she asked softly. I nodded. "What may I do next to please you?" she whispered, pressing her soft, sexy body against me. Ooooooo, the list is quite extensive, I thought. I was mulling over other questions I could ask her, as long as she was answering honestly. I finally decided I didn't really want to know the answer to most of them, most specifically how often she'd been unfaithful to Dad. At 38, she was easily the hottest Mom in our neighbourhood, attracted a lot of attention, and apparently had quite the kinky side, that must have been getting satisfied somehow. Thinking about things like that was eating into my limited Mommy ravaging time, so I put it on hold.... the thinking, that is, not the ravaging. "Mother dear, do you enjoy having your pussy licked?" I asked, while caressing her side. "Oh yes," she bubbled, "very much! Do you wish to lick my pussy?" It suddenly dawned on me what she sounded like. Submissive, yes, but more like something from TV. We had the entire series on DVD... 'I Dream of Jeannie'. She sounded like Jeannie... The only thing missing was the 'Master', after every sentence. The attitude fit, as well. "Yes, Larissa, I do. I would like to give you pleasure, and I'd like to hear you describe what you're feeling. I'd like you to talk like the dirty, filthy slut you are. Do you understand?" I commanded. "Yes, I understand. You want me to beg you to eat my dirty, wet cunt," she cooed, "and make me cum." She rolled onto her back and spread her legs wide. There was a sheen of chick slick on her inner thighs, reaching about halfway to her knees. "Please, my darling son... Please lick my hot, dripping pussy. Make me moan and squirm like a wanton whore," she groaned. That I can do, I thought, taking a place between her legs. Gladly. Natalie had a very pretty pussy, but Mom's was epic, with a huge clitoris and thick, meaty lips that dangled open around her oozing depths. It looked like the cunt of a slut, quite appropriately, but it tasted like ambrosia from a Greek goddess. My tongue did a few laps of the perimeter, enjoying her delicious flavour, playing with her hanging lips, and teasing her. She kept moaning and trying to move her pussy into a collision with my mouth, while her dialogue was enough to make a sailor blush. "Eat me! Oh god, eat my fucking cunt! Suck my fuck hole and make me cum! I'm such a horny fucking slut!" I was circling counterclockwise, and when I got to the 6, I made a sharp left, going straight up, through her dripping wetness, and across her large clit, which was straining out of its hood. "Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck yesssssssss!" she hissed, her hips bucking against my face. "Lick my clit! Suck it! Fucking bite it!" I moved on, now intent on avoiding her clit for a while, instead sucking first one, then the other of her thick lips into my mouth, tugging them out and stretching them until they hung more than an inch long. Her lips were engorged an angry red, and she was so aroused that her lubricant was visibly oozing from her opening. That was fine with me, since it was such a delicacy. I was happy to consume all she could produce, but that meant I was merely lapping at her like a pet dog, and not stimulating the part she so desperately wanted me to focus on. "Mmmm, your tongue feels nice in my cunt, but I'm begging you, please lick Mommy's clit.... Suck your slut Mother's clit, please! " Her voice betrayed her level of excitement, quavering as she spoke. Her whole body was shaking. Yes, she was a slut, but she was my Mother, and had suffered enough. The tip of my squiggling, squirming tongue headed North, continuing its dance until it settled directly on her ignition switch. It did tight little circles around her clit, flicking it from side to side as well. The situation was bizarre. This was my Mother, the woman who prior to a couple of months ago, I'd never thought of as a sexual being, and who I'd never heard curse. Now she was naked, writhing in bliss under my tongue, spreading her legs as wide as possible, and using language I didn't even know she'd ever heard. "Oh fuck yes, you motherfucking darling! That's my boy! Lick my fucking clit! You're going to make me fucking cum! Ahhhn! Yes! Yes! YESSSSS! " Her thighs slammed shut around my head, and she shuddered, twisting her body as a huge orgasm hit her hard. I tried to hold her down, but in the throes as she was, she was stronger than I would have thought, and she had my head trapped, so I followed her, rolling onto my side. I know she was screaming something, but her muscular thighs acted as earmuffs. Finally, her whole body relaxed, and she flopped on her back. I extracted myself from between her legs, and sat up, watching her big tits shake like jello as her ragged breathing made them rise and fall sharply. Mom's eyes were closed, and she was moaning softly. My dick had recovered, and as the saying goes.... 'there's no time like the present'.... to fuck Mom's juicy cunt! I guided the head between her lips, and pushed slightly. Mom's moans began to form words.... and the word was 'no'... but I was in charge here. I leaned over her ear and whispered. "Larissa, you are my slut to use as I see fit, when I see fit. Your cunt exists for my pleasure, and I want pleasure now!" I pushed in fully, sliding smoothly to the bottom of her swampy pussy in one stroke. Mom's eyes opened wide, and she groaned loudly. "Yes, I am.... your slut... fuck... me!" she panted. Don't mind if I do! I thought, starting to plough her cunt firmly. I stayed up on my arms so I could watch her big tits dance. Natalie's boobs were a bit smaller, and understandably firmer, given their age difference, so Mom's breasts moved a bit more, enthralling me with their liquid grace. "That's so good, Ricky," she grunted, "fuck Mommy's cunt like that! I'm your fuck-slut, baby! Your big cock fills my pussy just right!" Her legs came up around my waist, wrapping tightly and pulling me into her harder. "I'm such a bad girl," she groaned, "I should be punished for behaving like such a whore, fucking my son like this." I was sure there was a suggestion in there somewhere. Punishment was a relative term ; I was being punished for fucking my sister, forced to fuck my Mother and satisfy her slightly kinky desires. Suddenly, the phrase 'glutton for punishment' took on new meaning, and I hoped that I wouldn't be released early. But enough about me.... Mom wanted to be punished, which left one logical thing to do. I pulled out of her. "On all fours," I told her, catching her in a lewd little grin as she complied. She knew what was coming, in more ways than one. I grabbed her hips and slammed back into her, making her gasp in surprise, but I could feel her shivering in anticipation. "So, you're a bad girl, are you Larissa?" I asked while fucking her eagerly. "Yes....Uhn!... Very... Bad!" she panted between strokes. "What happens to bad girls like you? Do you get..... Spanked?" I asked, delivering the first blow in time with the last word. The smack echoed through the room, and she jolted in my hands. "Ouch!" she hissed, "yes, I deserve to be spanked!" SMACK! I swatted her ass again, and her head flew back, hair flying. She let out a whimper, but pushed back harder against me as I kept drilling into her pussy. SMACK! "Oh god," she moaned, "more...." SMACK! "I deserve more. I'm so bad, fucking my own son... " SMACK! "Nahhhhn! I'm sorry!" she cried, tears in her eyes. A red, hand-shaped welt was starting to rise on her right cheek. I went for alternative methods of punishment, grabbing her hair. She raised up on her knees, and I pulled her hair harder, making her raise her arms to stop me. My free hand went for one of her breasts, pinching her hard nipple and giving it a twist. That did it..... Mom came, screaming and bucking against me as I fucked her harder. She twitched and jerked in my grasp, finally falling forward onto her face on the bed, yanking her pussy off my dick as she did. I grabbed one leg, rolled her over, and speared her again, fucking her furiously now. I wanted to cum, and she was going to feel it. I pounded her, using her body solely for my own pleasure, with or without her consent. Ramming into her cunt with a vengeance got her boobs swinging again, and that sight was enough to push me past the point of no return. She was laying in an orgasmic coma, barely conscious as I fucked her hard, but when she felt my cock flex inside her, spewing hot semen into her pussy, she came to life, wrapping her arms and legs tight around my body. "Ooooooo, yes baby... cum in Mommy's cunt!" she whispered. My Mother held me close as I spilled my load into her warm, wet depths, cooing in my ear and stroking my hair. "Such a good boy.... So big and strong." We laid together like this for a few minutes. Mom finally broke the silence. "I think we should get moving, honey. Natalie will be home soon." I rolled off her, and she quickly sucked my wilted cock for a few seconds, strictly for cleanup purposes, of course. "Mmmm mmmm, yummy!" She scooted off toward the bathroom, my cum oozing slowly down her leg. "I'd better have a quick shower, and rinse your spunk out of me," she explained over her shoulder, "care to join me?" Well, who could turn down an offer like that? I heard the water start. By the time I made it in there, she was already rubbing her soapy hands all over her body. I stepped in, and her hands moved to me. She smiled. "The last time I bathed you was... oh, a long, long time ago," she laughed, "when you were little." She cupped my balls and soaped my cock lovingly. "Certainly not little anymore! I'd love to give you a nice wet blowjob, but, well, we don't have time, and I'd like to keep my hair dry, if possible. Would you settle for a nice wet kiss?" Treating Mom like a slut was her thing, to get her off, and I'd keep doing it, if it meant getting access to her eminently fuckable body... but to be honest, I'd rather treat her like a lady, and make love to her, gently and passionately. Maybe I'd get a chance sometime, but for now, a kiss would have to do. She was up on tiptoes, craning her head back to reach me. I grabbed her ass, lifting her a bit, and she wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling her soft, slippery body up mine, until our lips met. She hooked her legs around my hips, and I turned us into the corner of the shower stall, leaning into her. The dual sensations of her big, soapy tits on my chest and her plump lips on mine had my dick showing interest again. "Mmmm, we might have to do this again," she giggled when her lips left mine, "Never had sex standing in the shower, but I'd like to!" I reluctantly put her down, and we rinsed off. We towelled each other off... I especially enjoyed drying her tits... and I stepped out into the bedroom to get dressed. Mom came out of her closet, nicely dressed again for the benefit of Natalie and Dad. I knew what was under there, so wasn't fooled by the conservative suburban housewife routine. I stood at the door, and when Mom drew near, I unlocked and opened it, following her out. Less than ten feet down the hall, she spun on her high heels, grabbed me, and slammed me against the wall. She pressed her body hard to my chest and smiled at me, her eyes alight with life. "That was exactly what I needed!" she hissed, kissing me frantically. "You will continue to please me in that way, every Tuesday at 1, as part of your punishment. She smiled again. "When you ripped my blouse off, I almost came right there. I would appreciate it, however, if you wouldn't do it again. That was one of my favourite blouses," she whispered, kissing me softly this time, "but it was worth it!" *** Life in our house gradually returned to normal. Well, our version of normal, anyway. I continued to pay dearly for fucking my sister, by being forced to fuck my Mother. I know, I know... it hardly seems like punishment, and I wasn't viewing it as such. I found myself sometimes wanting to tell Dad what he'd been missing all these years, that Mom was a very complex and sexually diverse personality, but.... well, getting myself killed would be counterproductive. Instead, I kept Mom happy, giving her what she needed every Tuesday at 1, and honestly fulfilling my own fantasies as well. She was lots of fun in bed, and really liked it when I surprised her, being rough when she didn't expect it. *** I walked in the front door earlier than I'd expected to be home when I left today, thanks to a personal emergency in the teacher's life, cutting class short. I noticed how quiet the house was... but not silent. There was a vaguely familiar sound, barely audible, coming from upstairs. I crept up, following the sound, carefully avoiding the squeaky step three from the top, and moving silently down the hall. Mom's bedroom door was closed. I stood just outside the door, listening. "Oh, shit.... That's so good! Lick my pussy.... OH YES!" What the fuck? Who's licking Mom's pussy now? Jeez, she really is a slut! I listened closer. "Ngahhn! Yes! Suck my clit.... Oh god, I'm gonna cum, Mom!" I stepped back, stunned. Natalie and my Mother did sound similar under the right circumstances, like through a closed door and in the throes of passion. I had assumed that the pussy in question belonged to my Mother, since the licking was happening in her bedroom. Wrong! It would appear that my sister was doing special punishment with Mom, too. Life just got a whole lot more interesting! ******************** to be continued.... pics---->> http://bit.ly/1QdQXsD
Title: My Best Friend's Mom Ch. 02 Summary: The neighber lady gets in on the action. Keywords: mature,fic,erotic,coupling It had been several weeks now since Mrs. K and I had been caught by her daughter, Amy, and the unusual turn of events that unfolded following. Amy had taken to coming home from college on the weekends, if nothing else, to seduce me into having some really good sex with her. Mrs. K, for her part, was enjoying unfettered access to my attentions during the week, occasionally slipping into my room late at night to slip onto my cock, or on two occasions, bringing me into her own bedroom to ride me on her own bed. To my knowledge while Jase knew I was banging his sister on the weekends, I didn't think he realized that his own mother was taking the same liberties. Things had quickly slipped into a surprisingly comfortable round of sexual pleasures from the two women, a situation I wasn't eager to change. Mrs. K could be quite kinky and had an interesting array of toys that she enjoyed adding to our "play time", and her daughter, with her incredibly tight pussy, was enjoying learning from me things that her mother was teaching me during the week, although I doubted she had taken the time to try and figure out just exactly where I had learned these enjoyable tricks. She seemed to be unbothered by the fact her mother knew she was having sex with me and I wasn't at all sure that she realized I was having sex with her mother as well, although on more than one occasion Mrs. K had "joined" us on the periphery. Needless to say I didn't have to go looking for sex, it would come find me if I hung around the house any length of time. Mrs. K seemed to have no problems finding times when Jase was gone, and would be for some time, yet I was home. She seemed to enjoy christening each room of the house together , with her usually choosing the location and often the starting position. It was just the other day that she walked into the TV room, wearing some very sexy lingerie and began doing a strip tease, getting me all turned on before stripping me and leading me to the garage. To my surprise she climbed into some kind of a web sling arrangement that held her up at the perfect height for me to stand between her legs, supported by the web straps and pound into her pussy. A sex swing, I think she called it. I wondered what other little surprises she had in store for me. It was Wednesday afternoon, and I was settled in the kitchen at the table with books strewn across the table, studying for an exam when Mrs. K came in through the back door, Mrs. Jepsen, from down the street, following close behind. "Whew! It's awful hot out there for the end of September!" Mrs. K said a she stepped into the air conditioned kitchen with shopping bags looped over one arm and her purse over the other. Mrs. Jepson followed close behind with her own bags, pushing the door closed behind them with her high heel shoe. Mrs. Jepson, a friend of Mrs. K who lived down the block a few houses, was probably in her mid-thirties or so, and didn't quite have the figure that Mrs. K had, but her slightly oriental features and complexion, coupled with the always visually appealing outfits had often led to discussions of how Jase and I would love to see more of her. On a few occasions I had seen her and Mrs. K sunning in the back yard, both of them in rather revealing bikinis, but even those kept some things hidden. Today's outfit was no exception. Her white floral print dress was very light weight, allowing the faint outline of a darker colored bra show through as well as the tiny dark strings arching over her hips. It was pretty clear by the way the material lay over her otherwise bare ass that under the mid-thigh length dress she wore a little thong panty, making my cock twitch, remembering how she looked last time she was laying out with Mrs. K in a very skimpy yellow bikini. The two ladies plopped their bags on the table, partly covering my papers and notebooks. "How goes the studying Scottie?" Mrs. Jepson asked sweetly. "Pretty good Missus Jepson," I answered, turning another page in the book and trying not to stare at the trickle of sweat that was rolling down from her neck, down the vee between her breasts to disappear behind the low cut neck of the summer weigh dress. "How many times have I had to remind you to call me Tina?" she replied with a smile. "Yes ma'am," I answered. "Yes Tina!?" she said with mock sternness. "Yes Tina," I answered with a shake of my head. "Oh gosh, all this shopping in these heels!" Tina said, lifting a foot and pulling off one of her four inch spike heels. "It kills my back!" she said to Mrs. K as she pulled the second shoe off and dropped it on the kitchen floor. "I understand. Sometimes my lower back ends up killing me as much as my feet," Mrs. K answered with a laugh. "Maybe later you can talk Scottie into giving you a back rub. His fingers feel fabulous running up and down the small of my back," she said with a smile. "I bet they do," Tina answered with a grin. "So I guess you two had a good shopping spree?" I asked, trying to change the subject from me to...well, anything else. "We did!" Mrs. K answered me, reaching into one of her shopping bags and pulling out a dress. "What do you think?" she asked me, holding the short dress up against her body. "Well, that will... um...Yeah. That'll look really good on you," I finally stammered out as I thought about how she would look in the slinky, extremely short dress. "Goodness. Look at him blush!" Tina said with a girlish giggle. "And that's just a dress. What if you held up something like...." she said digging into a bag and then pulling out a very sheer nightie that I doubted would even go low enough to cover her pussy. "This?" "Um. Yeah, that would look pretty good," I answered, blushing even more. "Maybe I should try it on for him?" Tina asked Mrs. K. "Oh don't tease. That's not nice," Mrs. K answered as she dug in the bag again. "Let's see. I got some new workout clothes too," she said holding up a spandex tank top and shorts. "Hmmmmm How about this?" Tina asked, holding up a very sexy bra, and pressing it to her modest sized chest. "Think this would look good on me?" "I...um. Yeah, sure," I answered, half wishing she would put it on, since it looked like it would only cover the lower half of her breast s, leaving her nipples exposed. "You are so adorable!" Tina said with a grin. "Tell you what; I'll stop teasing you with what's in my bags if you promise to give me one of those backrubs that Linda has alluded to," she said to me, reaching into a bag and pulling a box up to the very top, but not out of it. "How about it Scottie, or should I show you what else I purchased today?" she teased, lifting the box up high enough for me to realize that what it contained was a large pink vibrator, making me blush even more. "Sure, I can use a study break," I finally answered after swallowing several times, the image of Mrs. K stuffing one of her similarly shaped vibrators in and out of herself while I licked her clit jumping into my mind, making my already hardening cock spring even harder in my workout shorts. "I'll go get some lotion. I wouldn't complain about a little back rub either," Mrs. K said, rolling her eyes as she turned and walked across the kitchen, her short dress swinging side to side with each step. "Tell you what, how about we go in the living room? The carpet there is really soft and should be pretty comfortable to lay on." "Uh sure," I answered as I got up from the table, following her from the kitchen, into the dining room and toward the living room. As we walked across the room she reached up and pulled the little bows on the thin ties over her shoulders, holding the dress up. She wiggled as she stepped through the archway to the living room, allowing the dress to slide down her body and her legs, stepping out of the thin material as she walked. "Can't get a back rub if you can't get to my back, now can I?" she asked sweetly, looking over her shoulder at me, her body looking completely nude except for the purple strings of a thong panty arching over her hips and down the cleft between her cheeks, and the band of a bra across the middle of her back. She stepped over to the coffee table and pushed it out of the way before standing with her back to me where it had been moments before. "Going to have trouble rubbing my back with this strap across it, would you mind?" she asked me over her shoulder, her fingers fiddling with the clasps of the bra. "Um. Sure," I answered stupidly as I stepped forward and reached out to undo the clasps. She held the bra in place across the front of herself as the elastic snapped around her body. She turned to face me, the little purple thong panty riding very low on her obviously shaved mound and disappearing down between her legs, her arm across her breasts, holding the bra in place. "I don't think I need this right now," she said, pulling her arm away, and with it her bra, leaving her completely nude except for the tiny triangle of fabric between her legs. Her breasts were firm and round, each just a little larger than I could cover with my hand, and on each one, a perfectly circular areola and fat puffy nipple, the size of a half dollar. Unlike Mrs. K's nipples, which were round and protruded out, her nipples seemed to flow right down into her areola, the whole fat nipple pushing outward almost half an inch like a hill on top of a hill. "You don't mind do you? I mean my bikini shows almost all of me anyway." "Uh...No, I don't mind," I answered as I stared at her. "Do you like what you see? I've seen you looking down at me before from that second floor window. I've often wondered what you'd do if I just pulled my top off out there in the yard. I've also often wondered what your hands would feel like on my body," she said as she stepped toward me, not stopping until her stomach was pressed against the bulge in my shorts and her puffy nipples were pressed against my bare chest. "Wanna touch me?" she whispered quietly, reaching for my hands and winding her fingers through mine. She stepped back, slowly pulling me to the space she cleared on the floor, easing herself down and pulling me by the hands until she was laying back on the soft carpet, with me straddling her body. She continued to pull my hands until they rested on her firm round tits, only then did she untwine her fingers from mine. With my hands resting on her tits, and almost unconsciously starting to massage them, she moved her hands down to my workout shorts, carefully pulling the front of them down to expose my rock hard cock. "My goodness," she whispered as she wrapped her hands around my cock, my shorts hooked under my balls. "I had to get a new bottle of lotion out," Mrs. K shouted, as she came down the stairs, prompting Tina to quickly roll onto her stomach, exposing her almost completely bare back and ass to me. Just as quickly I pulled my shorts back up over my hard cock, covering myself just before Mrs. K came back into the room. "Oh, I see you're already comfortable. Here you go, Scottie," She said, holding out the blue pump bottle of lotion for me to take. "Thanks, Missus K," I answered as I took the bottle from her. I squirted some lotion onto Tina's back and then began to rub it into her back using my fingers, pushing deep into the small of her back. "That is definitely in the way," Tina said from where she was lying, reaching back and pulling the strings for her thong down over her ass, working the strings down until they were in the middle of her thighs. "Be a dear and pull those the rest of the way off, won't you Scottie?" she asked sweetly. "Uh, sure," I answered, staring down at her now completely nude ass. With my hands covered in lotion, I hooked a finger in each side of the strings, and moved myself back, pulling the strings down until I pulled the panties off her legs. She spread her legs a couple feet apart, exposing her pussy to me as I crawled back up between her legs to kneel with my knees touching the inside of her thighs. I couldn't help but stare at the fat outer lips and tender inner lips protruding as I stroked my hands all the way down her back and over her ass, each stroke getting closer and closer to her pussy. "You know. If you want to, why don't you just rub her pussy?" Mrs. K whispered from behind me, her hand circling around my bare upper torso to stroke my chest as she squatted down behind me. "I promise she won't mind, and neither will I," she whispered in my ear she ran her hands down my body, hooking her fingers into my workout shorts and pushing them slowly downward, exposing more and more of my cock with each second. She continued to push my shorts down until they were around my knees, and then coaxed me to lift first one knee and then the other enough off the carpet for her to get my shorts all the way off of me. "There. Naked is so much better for this, isn't it?" She asked in my ear as she reached back and stroked my cock. "Does she look as sexy as I do? I know you boys have been watching us sunning in the yard. Have you ever thought about coming down and fucking us? Just tugging our little bikinis off and fucking us? You pushing your cock into me while Jase fucks Tina? Or have you thought about pushing your hard fat cock right into her tight little pussy? What if I told you she lay there one day on her stomach, fingering her pussy, thinking about you fucking her while you watched us from the window?" "Ohhhh," I groaned softly. "Would that turn you on? Knowing she was lying there with her finger in her pussy, pretending it was your cock? Would you like to feed your hard fat cock into her tight little pussy?" "Uh huh," I groaned as she crouched behind me, stroking my cock very slowly, my hands kneading Tina's round ass as my thumbs worked closer and closer to her pussy, her hips rising and falling encouragingly as my thumbs stroked closer and closer. "Fuck her. Push your hard cock into her. You know she wants it. Just pull her hips up toward you and let me help you feed your big hard cock into her," Mrs. K coaxed, whispering in my ear. I slid my slick hands around to her hips and she almost immediately lifted herself up, pushing her ass back toward me as she rocked back on her knees, her head still practically on the carpet. Mrs. K aimed my cock at Tina's pussy, letting her push herself back against my mushroom head while Mrs. K braced me from behind, the two of them working together to coax my fat head into her sopping wet pussy. "Ohhhhhh fuck," Tina squeaked into the carpet as she began to rock herself on her knees, each rock pulling almost all the way off my cock and then pushing back against me again, slowly working more of my shaft into her unbelievably tight pussy over my shaft. "Oh god! So big!" she moaned as my head finally pressed against the end of her tunnel with still more than an inch to go for my full length. "Oh shit," I grunted as Tina began to stroke herself on and off my cock, each stroke caressing my cock more tightly than even Amy's petite form had. "Oh yes oh yes," Tina panted as she rocked harder, each trip back pushing me back against Mrs. K, my own hips stroking forward to meet hers and drive my cock into her again. "Oh shit I'm going to cum!" I groaned, trying to hold back the inevitable. "Would you like to squirt all over her body?" Mrs. K whispered in my ear. "Sure," I answered, not really caring at that point if I came in her or on her, either way it was going to happen soon. Mrs. K gave Tina a slap on the ass and she immediately pulled off of me and rolled over, worming her way back toward me on her back so that her pussy was below my cock, which Mrs. K was still stroking. Tina reached up and replaced Mrs. K's hands with her own and then began stroking me. "Come for me sweetie. Come all over my hot little body!" Tina begged, pulling on my cock and wrapping her legs around mine to pull herself closer to me. "Squirt your cum all over my body. Give me a white cum bath!" "Just think about us lying out in the yard. Wouldn't you like to come down from upstairs and walk out in the yard and strip us naked and squirt your cum all over us? Would you like to see her laying there in the sun just waiting for you to squirt your cum all over her?" "Oh shit," I grunted, my hips pushing abruptly forward as my cock erupted with a huge gush of cum. The white streamer arched out several feet, landing on Tina below me, the bulk of it on her face, followed by a long thin strand that landed across her nude body. Again and again my body jerked, pumping more cum out on her until there were nearly a dozen large globs and streamers of cum pooling on her body, my cock drooling the last of my load out across her shaved mound. "Mmmmmm that's my sweet boy. Look at all that wonderful cum on her," Mrs. K said from behind me as Tina began rubbing the cum around her body and massaging it into her firm little tits. "Just look at that. Doesn't she look all sexy with your cum all over her body? Mmmmmm such a hot sexy body all glistening with your cum. Have you ever seen a woman lick another woman's pussy? Would you like to see her lick my pussy?" she whispered in my ear. "Ohhhhhh," I groaned at the thought. I hadn't ever seen that in person, maybe on some porn videos but never in person. She helped me up and sat me on the sofa. "Now you stay right here. Tina and I are going to be right back with a few new things we bought today," she said as she turned and walked over to where Tina was lying. She helped Tina up and the two of them headed up the stairs. Several minutes passed and I was starting to get a little self-conscious sitting on the sofa naked, but I trusted that if I waited, Mrs. K would make the wait worthwhile. She had been VERY good at that so far. After several minutes more I heard them coming down and waited to see just exactly what they had bought at the store. Mrs. K came down the stairs first, and I was flat stunned. She wore black six inch stiletto heels, black mesh thigh high stockings, a black satin looking thong panty and a black ...well, I think it's called a bustier, wrapped around her body and supporting her bare exposed tits. Tina was following behind her, wearing equally high red heels, red stockings, supported by a red garter belt around her hips, a red satin band around her neck and a long red sheer sleeveless outfit that hung down to the tops of her stockings. "Well, what do you think?" Mrs. K asked, stopping in front of me after they came down the stairs, turning once for me to display her new outfit before setting a small bag down on the coffee table. "Uhhh. HOT!" was all I could say. "Now where were we? Oh yes. Tina, I want you to take my panties off now." "Yes ma'am," Tina answered meekly, dropping to her hands and knees in front of Mrs. K. She crawled the remaining two feet to Mrs. K and then using her mouth, slowly pulled the black satin panties down off Mrs. K's mound and down her legs. I was surprised to see that Mrs. K had shaved off the remaining tuft of her pubic hair, leaving her completely smooth. Tina continued to work the panties down her legs until Mrs. K could work her feet out of the holes. With Tina still on her knees in front of her, Mrs. K sat down on the edge of the coffee table and leaned back, lifting her legs in the air and exposing her completely bare pussy and mound to us. "Lick me!" Mrs. K demanded of Tina. Tina moved forward, reaching up to hold both of Mrs. K's legs up by holding her high heels. She leaned her head down and slowly licked up Mrs. K's pussy lips, drawing a quiet sigh from Mrs. K. "Scottie, why don't you come over here?" she said as Tina drew another long slow lick up her pussy lips. "Yeah?" I asked, stepping over and looking down at her pussy while Tina began driving her tongue down between her lips. "Do you like how that looks? Does it turn you on?" "Yeah, it does." I agreed, my eyes glued to her pussy. "Remember how to use this?" she asked, reaching into the bag and pulling out a long slim vibrator. "Uh huh." "Then why don't you kneel down and tease her pussy with it. You can still watch her lick me all you want, and if you feel like you want to fuck her some more, you can do that any time you want. She's your toy to play with. Have fun!" I wasn't exactly sure how to start out. I mean I'd played a bit with one under Mrs. K's direction, teasing it in and out of her pussy and teasing her clit with it while I recovered a few times, but this was different. I moved behind her and rubbed the vibrating shaft up and down her wet lips a few times, drawing a moan from Tina's lips, buried in Mrs. K's pussy. She wiggled her ass at me, inviting me to continue my attentions. Mrs. K threw her head back and moaned loudly as I pushed the vibrator into Tina's pussy, who in turn moaned into Mrs. K again. "Yeah. She loves that. Just slide it in and out of her for a while, let it do its work inside her and then pull it out and tease her clit with it." I did as she instructed, sliding the vibrating tube in and out of her pussy, which grew wetter by the second until she was leaking her juices out of her pussy to the point that they were practically dripping. I pulled the vibrating stick out of her pussy and rubbed it back and forth across her clit, drawing a cry of pleasure that was muffled by Mrs. K pulling Tina's head against her pussy. "OH god yes. She's going to make me cum. Do you want to see her make me cum?" Mrs. K moaned. "Oh fuck yes. Oh god I'm going to cum Scottie. I'm going to squirt my cum all over her face. Do you want to see me squirt all over her? OH fuck. That's it bitch. Frig my clit. I know you want to suck my cunt juice. Make me cum! Make me squirt all over your face! OHHHHHH SHIT YES!" Mrs. K screamed loudly, her whole body trembling as she climaxed, her juices spraying out of her pussy like an intermittent stream of urine, splattering all over Tina's face, which hovered inches from her pussy. "Ohhhhh fuck yes. Oh god yes." Mrs. K panted as she pushed Tina away. "Do you want her to fuck you now? She's yours; you can fuck her any way you want. You can fuck her face, or her pussy or even her tight little ass. How would you like to fuck her Scottie?" I really didn't know what to say, so I just stayed kneeling there in shock. I'd never heard Mrs. K talk anything like this and it was definitely a different side of her. "Let me up Tina. But don't move yet." Tina did as she was commanded, letting go of Mrs. K's foot and letting her get up from the table. She stepped around to me and pulled me by the hand, taking the vibrator from me. "Come with me honey. I know just what to do. Tina...Come!" "Yes ma'am," Tina said meekly as she followed us through the house and out into the yard. Mrs. K led me to one of the lounge chairs in the middle of the yard, the same ones she used so often to sun in and had me lie down on it. "I know you've watched us sun ourselves on these chairs. I think it's time that Tina paid for those nice little climaxes she had knowing you were watching," she said to me. "Tina, I want you to ride his cock until he comes. Don't stop unless he says to, is that clear?" "Yes ma'am," Tina answered quietly, stepping over to me and the chair. She straddled the chair, hovering over me and then aimed my rock hard cock at her pussy, slowly easing herself down on it until I could feel my had pressed against the end of her tight tunnel. She lifted first one foot and then the other onto the chair and held onto the arms for balance as she began to ride up and down my shaft, each stroke caressing me tightly as my mushroom head teased the inside of her soft walls. "That's it. Ride his hard prick. Does it feel good inside you?" Mrs. K asked Tina quietly, her big tits rubbing against the sheer red material of Tina's outfit. "Yes ma'am," Tina whispered back breathlessly as I reached up and cupped both her tits through the thin material. "Do you like feeling his fat cock inside you?" "Yes ma'am." "Then why aren't you telling him how it feels?" Mrs. K practically snapped. "Sorry ma'am!" Tina answered urgently. "Oh god Scottie, your cock feels so good inside me. Oh....It's so big and fat. Please let me just keep riding my pussy on your hot fat cock!" "Much better," Mrs. K said. "You keep riding him and I'll be right back!" "Yes ma'am" Tina answered breathlessly, still riding up and down my shaft without stopping. "Ohhhhh god Scottie. I've wanted to feel your cock in me for so long. Sometimes I have to play with my pussy when I know you're watching. Do you play with yourself when you watch us? Would you like to see me completely naked, laying down here, playing with my pussy? Oh god your cock is going to make me cum so hard!" Tina practically moaned to me. I could see trickles of sweat running down her body under the sheer red outfit, the drips sliding around her firm round tits and then down her body to drip off her butt onto my thighs. "Still riding? Good girl." Mrs. K said as she walked back up to us, the little bullet vibrator in her hand. With a grin she reached down to Tina's crotch, holding the vibrating tube against top of my cock, causing it to press both against the base of my cock and against Tina's clit as she bounced up and down my shaft. "OH SHIT SHIT SHIT!" Tina screamed as her whole body suddenly shuddered at the sudden increase in sensations. Her already tight pussy seemed to clamp and spasm around my shaft as she tried desperately to continue riding up and down my cock. I watched as her whole body quaked, her motions erratic and disjointed as she gasped for breath. "OHHHHHHH FFFFUUUUCCCCCKKKKK!" she hollered as she collapsed on top of me, driving my cock deep into her pussy. Mrs. K pulled the vibrator from Tina's pussy and then sternly said to her, "I didn't tell you to stop riding him, did i?" "No ma'am," Tina breathed raggedly, putting her hands back on the arms and lifting herself up again so she could use her legs to once again pump herself up and down on my cock. "That's a girl," Mrs. K said softly to Tina, reaching down to her pussy again and teasing her clit and my cock with the vibrator. "Oh god oh god!" Tina squealed as she continued bouncing up and down on me, the combination of the vibrator and her again spasming pussy driving me crazy. I couldn't help but pump my hips up at her with each stroke she made down on me, my hands squeezing her firm tits through the red material. "OH shit! I'm going to cum!" I groaned loudly. Surprisingly, Mrs. K slipped the vibrator from Tina's pussy and moved it quickly around her, pressing it between my legs so the tip of the vibrating device was suddenly pushed against the tight sphincter of my anus. "ARG!" I grunted in surprise as my hips lifted off the seat at the sudden change in sensations. My cock unloaded deep into Tina, causing her to squeal again as my pulsing cock sent her back into another climax. Her whole body jerked and trembled in time with mine as I pumped shot after shot of hot cum into her until I lay back on the seat feeling quiet wasted. "May I stop now?" Tina asked weakly. "You may," Mrs. K answered, reaching down and skimming the sheer red material up and off her body. "Just lie down on him and rest." "Yes ma'am," Tina answered, panting heavily, her chest heaving as she lay down on top of me. Her tits pressed into me and I could feel her firm tits rubbing against my body as she struggled for breath. Mrs. K walked back to the house, leaving the two of us alone in the yard. "Just for the record, any time you want to put that fantastic cock in me again, just let me know. Even if it's right back here in the yard again." "Um. Ok. Can I ask a question?" "Sure," she answered still breathless. "Do you two do this all the time?" "What the submissive stuff? Oh hell no. We play around with all kinds of different ideas. We just thought this might really turn you on. Did it?" "Well, it was different, but to be honest, just watching you undress in front of me was more of a turn on." "I'll remember that." She said, giving me a gentle kiss on the cheek. "Linda was right, you are a great fuck," she said, wiggling her ass so that my partly hard cock rocked around inside her. "Not to mention you're at least twice as big as my husband." "Oh. I didn't mean to..." "Shush. You're not causing a problem. Linda and I both have the same problem, not nearly enough time with our husbands home to take care of our...needs. If he doesn't want me to find a substitute to meet those needs, maybe he needs to stay home a bit more." "Uh..Oh," I answered, somewhat unsure if I should still have my dick inside someone else's wife. "Well, you two all done? Jase will be home soon and I don't think you want him finding you two laying out here naked like this." "Or you dressed in that," Tina added with a laugh as she pushed herself up on me. She slowly climbed off, unleashing a flood of our cum that dripped down from her pussy and trickled down her legs, soaking her red stockings. "Goodness. I can't remember the last time I had so much cum in me that it leaked out like that!" "He does fill you up, doesn't he?" Mrs. K answered, reaching a hand for me and holding it while I got up from the chair. "Why don't you two get showered? I'll clean up upstairs." "Oh, shower with Scottie? Hell yes!" Tina answered quickly. "Come on stud. If I can get you hard again, can I play a bit more?" "I suppose." I answered, letting her pull me toward the house. Tina led me down the stairs to the workout room and quickly had the shower in the corner running. "When Linda told me that you fucked her in here, I got so horny I had to take my panties off and finger myself when she was telling me," Tina said quietly as she stripped off her garter and stockings and the red satin neck piece. Once completely naked she quickly wrapped her arms around me and pulled her body against mine. She reached her lips to mine by standing on her toes and gently sucked my lower lip into her mouth before letting it slip slowly from it. "I can't believe she let you fuck her down here, right in the open like that. God my pussy is tingling just thinking about it." "Does she tell everyone what we've done?" "Oh definitely not. We're just like...well....really good friends." "You mean like really good friends or REALLY good friends?" "You mean do we have lesbian sex? Would it make you harder faster if I told you we did?" Tina answered with a giggle. "Well we do. If our husbands don't provide enough we get together and play. Well at least until the last few weeks. Now I know why she hasn't needed to come play with me, she's been riding cock fantastic!" "Well, we should get showered," I said, feeling a bit uneasy. Clearly she wasn't a lesbian, and just as clearly she liked cock, but I didn't quite know how to deal with the revelation that Mrs. K and Tina were frequent lovers. "I can see confusion in your eyes," Tina said quietly, backing us into the shower stall and under the rain of water. "We usually just play with toys, slide dildo's and vibrators into each other, but on occasion we will orally play with each other. Let's face it, there isn't any substitute for a mouth on a tit, now is there?" "I guess not," I answered as she slipped a hand down between us and began to massage my cock. "Did you know that I've been watching you for almost two years? More than once I wanted to let my top fall off and lay there half naked for you to see, but Linda always said it would be inappropriate. That you were too young. I think secretly she wanted to do the same thing but was afraid that Jase might see too. I also know that I'm not the only one who had the hots for you," She said as she coaxed my cock harder. "One time I walked into her bedroom after we had been laying out and she was in the bathroom, and she had this long pink dildo she was sliding in and out of her pussy. You could hear her moaning your name as she stroked herself to climax, squirting her own cum all over the dildo and the bathroom floor. Can you picture that, her sitting on the edge of the sink, sliding a big fat pink dildo in and out of her pussy? Oh you can, can't you? I can feel how hard it got you to think about her doing that. Does it turn you on to see women play with themselves? Or do you like to see them half naked?" "Both," I answered breathlessly as my level of arousal was pushed quickly upward by her comments and her hand. "Hmmmmm young men always get hard again so fast. Do you want to push your cock back into me again? Do you want to feel me sliding up and down your hard shaft?" she whispered as she pushed my cock down to get it between her legs. "Ohhhhhh, you're so tall. I don't know if I can do this." "Oh fuck," I grunted, turned on again by all her talk of being out in the yard fingering herself thinking about it being me. I reached under her ass and lifted her up, getting a little squeal of surprise as I raised her up until her puffy nipples were pressing against my cheek. I slowly lowered her down, reaching under her ass to aim my cock at her pussy. She couldn't weight more than a hundred an a few pounds at most, so bouncing her up and down on my cock was an easy task. Up and down I bounced her, letting her tits rub against my chest in the close confines, her mouth trying to mate to mine as I bounced her. "Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck!" she squealed softly as my fat cock impaled her time and again. "OHHHHH FUCK HERE IT COMES AGAIN!" she squealed as her body tensed, her legs clamping around my waist and her pussy clamping around my cock. I held her for long seconds before lifting her off my still hard shaft and setting her on the shower floor. She quickly turned the shower off and pulled me out of the stall, practically dragging me over to the weight bench. She pushed me back to sit on it and then knelt down between my legs quickly wrapping her lips around my hard cock. "OH damn," I groaned as both her hands wrapped around my shaft and began sliding up and down, twisting as they went, her mouth around my head and her head bobbing up and down to stroke the last couple inches of my cock "You like?" she asked, taking her mouth from my cock and taking a breath before returning to her efforts. "Oh yeah," I grunted as she worked my cock. Up and down her hands went, her mouth slurping and her tongue teasing my cock. I could feel my cock getting fatter and getting ready to explode yet again, a surprising third time for the day, and warned her. "Oh good," she said quickly getting up and turning around. She backed herself up, reaching between her legs to find my cock and sat back on it, forcing it once again into her pussy. "Come on sweetie! Cum inside me again! Fill my hot little cunt with your juice!" She cooed, her hands holding my knees as she bounced her ass up and down, stroking my cock toward another climax. "OH FUCK!" I groaned as my body jerked spewing cum up into her pussy. By the time I finished filling her with my third shot of the day I felt exhausted, and lay back gasping for air as she sat on me wiggling her ass, her fingers quickly flying back and forth across her own clit once again. "Oh damn I'm almost there....Just another secoooonnnndddd!" she squeaked, her own fingers finishing what my cock had started. I was amazed that she could come so many times so quickly, having thought that women, like men, were somewhat limited in how soon and how many climaxes they could experience in a given time. Apparently my understanding was wrong. "OH shit!" I grunted, practically lifting Tina off my lap at the sound of Jase coming in the house upstairs. If he followed his routine, he would head to his room upstairs first, but Tina didn't have a damn stitch of clothing down here to put on. "Come on," I said in a hushed tone, dragging her out of the workout room and down the hall to my room. It only took a couple minutes before I heard his feet clomping down the stairs. By the sounds, I could tell he had headed to the workout room, which I expected. I quickly pulled on a pair of shorts and then handed a t-shirt to Tina, waiting for her to pull it on quickly. With the workout room just down the hall, I whispered that I'd go in to the workout room and get his attention away from the door so she could sneak past and head up the stairs. The plan would have worked perfectly, well, it probably would have. I just overlooked one thing, a pair of red stockings, a red garter belt and a satin neck collar lying on the floor by the shower. "Damn Scott! You taking to cross dressing?" he asked as I stepped into the room and found him standing by the shower holding up the stockings. "You been holding out on me?" "Uh not me," I said as Tina made her move, walking as quickly and silently past the door as she could without realizing that Jase was still looking toward the door. "Missus Jepson?" Jase called , seeing her scoot past the door. "Hi Jase!" Tina said brightly, leaning her head in around the corner of the doorway. "What are you doing here?" "Oh, your mom and I decided to work out a bit earlier," she said evasively. "Work out? Really?" Jase asked in disbelief, still holding the red stockings. "Oh, you found my stockings! I wondered where I left them!" she said, scurrying in in her bare feet, my t-shirt fitting her like a short dress. She took the items from Jase's hands and then turned and headed back out. "See you boys later!" she called over her shoulder as she turned the corner and ran up the stairs. "Wasn't that your t-shirt?" Jase asked me. "Uh, yeah I think it was," I answered as I walked over to the weight bench and started loading weights on the bar. Jase stood looking at me for long seconds in dead silence, "I don't even want to know," he said as he headed for the treadmill. Jase isn't stupid by any means. I have no doubt that he figured out that Tina and I were...well...you know. But he seemed to be as cool about that as he was with her sister and me. If I had any doubt that he knew, it was erased a couple days later when Mrs. K and Tina were again out catching a few late afternoon sunbeams in the back yard while Jase and I were reclining on the little deck in the shade of the house, each of us working on homework. Unlike previous times though, Tina did what she had suggested that first day, she undid her top, making a production of letting it drop to the ground, leaving her laying in just the very tiny bottom. "Damn. She does have a sweet set of tits, doesn't she?" Jase said quietly. "Yeah, she does that," I answered. "So, how is she, for a fuck I mean?" "Well, she's a petite woman," I said evasively. "Pretty tight huh?" "Yeah, pretty." "So what, she just came down and stripped off her clothes and jumped your bones?" Jase asked bluntly. "More or less." I answered, not sure if he was mad at me or not. "What about Amy? Don't you think that's kind of cheating on her?" "I suppose it would be if Amy and I were hooked up formally. She's just interested in an occasional fling." "She told you that?" "Yeah, she did," I answered with a shrug. "So what's with Missus Jepson?" "Nothing. One time thing as far as I'm concerned," I answered. "So you wouldn't mind if I just walked over there and asked her to fuck me?" "You're welcome to it, if she says yes that is," I answered him. "Go for it if you want." "Maybe I will," he said with a shrug. After a long pause he was still sitting there, so I looked back over at him, "you gonna go try?" "Maybe," he answered. "I suppose I should wait until my mom isn't there though." "Why, afraid she might not like it?" "Probably won't," he answered. "Maybe I'll just go see if your mom wants to take her top off too!" I joked. "Damn Scott. Really? You wanna check out my mom's tits?" "Sure why not?" "Kuz she's my mom dude!" "And Missus J is your neighbor. You're not creeped out by looking at her tits." "Well of course not, she's foxy. Besides, you've already seen her naked, and then some." "Well then, why don't you go see if she wants to work out with you? You never know." "You're crazy," Jase answered. "Tell you what. I'll go over and ask her to take off her bottoms. Sound good? Then you can ask her if she wants to ride your pony." "I'll bet you twenty bucks you don't have the balls to go ask her to strip for us." "Really? Twenty bucks? Hell, that's the easiest money I'll ever make." "She's gotta do it though!" Jase called as I got up and walked over to the ladies lying on the chairs. "Hi Missus K. Hi Missus J," I said as I walked up. "Hi Scottie. Enjoying the view?" "We both are, but we'd like to see a bit more," I answered. "So you're saying you want me to take the rest off too?" Tina asked with a grin. "And if I do?" "Well I win twenty bucks, but Jase gets an eye full." "Hmmmm Tell you what," she said, pushing herself up and climbing off the chair. "Why don't you take it off for me?" "Sure," I said with a grin, my shorts already tenting out. I reached down to her hips and pulled the little bows there, tugging the material off so she was standing completely naked. She wrapped her arms around my neck and stood on her tip toes, pressing her lips to mine. I felt one arm leave my neck and slip between us, finding my shorts and slipping inside. "Mmmmmm big cock time?" she asked. "fraid not," I answered quietly. "Too bad," she said. "I could use a good fuck this afternoon." "Well, Jase might be up for it." "Hmmmmm I might have to take you up on that," she said with a grin. "But for now, why don't we give him a nice little show," she said releasing me. She picked up the bikini top and gave it to me before she turned around and crawled onto the lounge chair and wiggled her ass at me, pushing her pussy out at me at the same time. I reached out and gave her pussy a gentle little stroke, making her wiggle her ass back at me before I gave it a quick swat. "Thanks lover!" she called as I walked back toward Jase. "I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it," Jase said as I plopped back down into my chair, tossing her bikini into his lap. "She said she'd come over and get it from you when she went home in a little while," I told him as he looked over at her lying completely nude in the chair. "Damn," he said quietly as I went back to my book. It was half an hour or so later that Tina got up from her lounge chair and sauntered, still nude, over to us. "So, Jase, you have my bikini?" "Uh yeah, I do!" he said looking up at her from where he sat. He picked the pieces up and held them out to her. "Uh uh. Why don't you put it back on me?" she said with a grin. Without waiting for an answer she stepped around the lounge chair he was sitting in and lifted one foot, stretching it across the chair and setting it on the arm of the chair so that her shaved pussy was exposed and right at face level. Jase had often been able to talk a good line, but as he sat there I could see his cheeks burning red with embarrassment. "Oh come now, a big strong hansom man like you is embarrassed to put a bikini back on little ole me?" she asked with an improvised southern bell drawl. "No. Not embarrassed at all." he said, suddenly putting the book aside and trying to sort out the strings on the little yellow bikini. He held out the top first. "Well, that won't fit down there, but I can bring my breasts a bit closer if you want," Tina said, sliding her foot down off the arm as she slid onto the chair, quickly ending up wither legs splayed wide apart, each one supported by an arm of the chair, and her now widely spread pussy resting on his shorts covered hardon. She leaned her chest toward him and stuck it out, bringing her tits within inches of his face. "Make sure you get it on good. However you leave it is how I'm going home!" "Um sure," he answered, reaching out tentatively to try and put the string around her back and tie it there. As he reached around he had to lean forward more, bringing his face even closer to her bare puffy nipples. "Do you like my tits? I saw you staring at them. I hope they look as good up close as they do far away," she said, her arms crossed over her head to give him as much exposure to her naked body as she could. "You know, your mom told me I wasn't allowed to seduce you into having sex with me, but she didn't say I couldn't tease you a little," she said as she wiggled her hips slightly grinding her pussy against his hardon. "I wouldn't mind having that pressing against me without those shorts, though," she added. "Uh yeah," Jase stammered, still trying to tie the string around her back. She lowered one arm down to his lap and squeezed the part of his cock that wasn't trapped under her pussy through the athletic shorts he was wearing. "That does feel nice. You wouldn't mind if I just kind of ease it out of these shorts, would you?" she asked as she dropped her other arm and began trying to work his shorts down his hips enough to expose his hard cock. "Got that one," Jase finally said as he moved his hands to around her neck to try and tie the other tie, the triangles of cloth half covering her tits. "You better make sure those are all covered. You wouldn't want me walking home exposed, would you?" She said sweetly as she lifted herself slightly using the arms of the chair with her legs and one arm pushing down on the padded seat between his legs. The other hand worked the front of his shorts down far enough to hook the material under his balls and set her pussy down on his now exposed cock. "Oh damn," he groaned quietly as he tried to adjust her bikini top to cover her breasts while holding the strings behind her neck with his other hand. "I don't know how you girls do this." "Oh the top? It takes practice. I can let you practice all you want if you want me to," she said sweetly, rocking her hips to grind her pussy against his bare shaft. "Uh sure," he said again, bringing his other hand up to tie the string now that he had the triangles of cloth in place. It took him at least a full minute with shaking hands to tie the string and bring his hands down. "Awwww. I guess you have to put the bottoms on me now. Give me a second and I'll move for you." "No hurry," Jase groaned slightly. Tina flashed me a devious little smile as she rocked her hips rubbing her pussy up his cock until his head disappeared between her lips. After a few rocks on his shaft she lifted herself up and moved to her knees, one on each side of his hips, her pussy staring him in the face. "You know, your mother said you were a grown man and able to look at a naked woman if you wanted to, but she didn't want me to take advantage of you, so I can't do what I'd like to right now, which is to reach down to that hard cock and just sit right down on it. Too bad Linda is sitting right over there or I might be tempted to try it anyway. But since she is, I'll just let you put my bikini back on me....but maybe another time I'll let you take them back off." "Oh damn," Jase muttered as he stared at her pussy. His hands were actually shaking slightly as he reached out and tried to fit the tiny piece of cloth over her wet pussy. It took several tries of his hand sliding between her legs before he managed to tie the first string around her thigh. He slid his hand between her legs again to try and situate the material, his hand captured by hers and pulled tightly to her wet pussy. "Mmmmmmm you know, women like to have their pussies played with too," she cooed softly before letting go of his hand with a giggle. "Scottie knows how to play with a pussy, don't you Scottie?" "Uh huh," I answered quietly, starting to feel a bit bad at how embarrassed Jase seemed to be. I know he's not a virgin, but I was beginning to wonder just how many of his "stories" were hot air. "Mmmmm thank you kind sir!" Tina said sweetly when Jase had finally finished tying the strings. She stepped off of the chair and stood next to it, leaning down to give him a kiss on the cheek. "Maybe we can work out some time soon," she cooed softly before standing up. "See you Linda!" she called loudly before giving me a wink and heading off into the house. "Damn," Jase said breathlessly. "That woman is one hot mama!" "Yeah, she is that!" I agreed. "Good thing your mom was here or she would have been on you like white on rice." "And she wasn't already?" "Uh uh. Just trust me when I say she's a lot more woman than either of us are used to handling!" "Yeah, that's for sure," Jase said, shaking his head and looking back to see if Mrs. Jepson was gone. "You know, I bet she's pretty wild in bed." "She's pretty wild out of bed, that's for damn sure," I answered him with a chuckle, turning back to my book. I wondered if Mrs. K would be paying me a visit later tonight. I know I was horny as hell now. For pics visit ---->> https://bit.ly/2ReHUJI
Title: Bathed in Sun, Naked Sister Summary: Sister, her virgin brother, and a modeling job. Keywords: inc,fic Day 1 It was a family vacation. Maggie sat in the backseat as they headed down the California coast. Everyone in the small family was there. Her father, her mother, and her brother. She hadn't seen much of them in the past several months. Not since she moved to San Francisco for art school. She wanted to be a fashion designer. Or anything in the field of fashion. Her younger brother lived at home and attended a nearby university. And since they had time off for summer, they decided to go on a trip together, down to the nice resorts of Southern California. *** It was heaven, Maggie thought. There was hardly anyone around the private resort. Her father, a corporate attorney, had paid top dollar for a small private villa by the shore. They had a perfect view of the beach. The villa only had two rooms. One for the parents. And another for Maggie and Jeff. Luckily the siblings had separate beds. It was going to be a lovely weekend. After relaxing for the morning, they had a nice family picnic on the sandy beach. Maggie wore her bikini, with a large white T-shirt over it. She was eager to work on her tan, but she didn't want to do it in front of her family. That would have been much too awkward. Other couples from nearby villas came and befriended Maggie's parents. They got along quickly and had a lot in common. Even though it was supposed to be a family vacation, the parents appreciated having adult conversations with other business professionals. 'Perfect,' Maggie thought. It was her chance to sneak off and work on her tan. "Maggie, take your brother with you," her mom said. Her mom was a caring person, and she always made sure the siblings stayed close with each other. And she especially didn't want Jeff getting bored while the other adults were talking. And so, Jeff was reluctantly made to follow his older sister. Maggie became slightly upset at the sudden loss of privacy, but she was going to tan anyway, she figured. She carried a small beach blanket, some lotion, a small bottle of water, and off they went. "Where are we headed?" Jeff asked. "I don't know. Any place where there's privacy. I don't want anyone seeing me tan. Well, except for you I guess since we're stuck together." They continued their short walk down the shore. It was a hot day and the sun was already taking its toll. Finally, they found the right spot. They were by the edge of the beach. There was no one nearby. It was more than enough privacy for sunbathing. Maggie spread her beach blanket on the sand and prepared to lay on it. "I'm going to take off my T-shirt," she said. "Don't make this weird, okay?" "Holy shit." "Jeff, this isn't a big deal, okay? I'm sure you've seen a hot body before." "Not you," he said. "Look, over there." Maggie turned her head to see what her brother was looking at. "What is it?" He pointed further down the beach. "Do you see that?" When Maggie squinted her eyes and looked closely, she saw a small hut, with two people, and someone taking their picture. The two people were completely naked. A lady was on her knees with her face in a naked guy's crotch. Her head was going back and forth. "Is that a fucking blowjob?" she asked incredulously. "Either that or some new yoga technique." "Jeez. What kind of place is this?" "That definitely wasn't in the brochure that dad showed us," Jeff replied. "But hey, who's complaining?" Jeff kneeled down, and so did Maggie. They didn't want to get caught. But they wanted to watch for a moment, especially the enthusiastic young Jeff. They simply watched for several long moments. In a flash, a thought came to Maggie's mind. "Wait a minute, why are we watching this?" she asked. "I don't know." Jeff's eyes were still glued to the sexual action. "Pervert. I'm going to work on my tan. Keep your eyes on the blowjob and don't look at me. Okay?" His eyes remained forward. "Got it." Maggie pulled off her T-shirt and laid on the beach blanket. Her bikini-clad body on full display. She stretched and found the perfect position to lay. At least Jeff wasn't going to be looking at her body, she thought. Jeff was too busy looking at something else. It was serenity. She finally got the sunbathing experience she wanted. Through the corner of her eye, she saw her brother still occupied by watching the oral encounter. It was weird, but gratefully, there was silence. "Excuse me. You two are on private property." The voice was strong and stern. Maggie turned to see a much older man with a peeved expression on his face. He looked upset that they had (apparently) trespassed, and more importantly, that Jeff was watching the oral encounter. The man continued coming closer. "You're not supposed to be watching this." Maggie got up and quickly put her T-shirt back on. "We didn't know this was private property," she said. "Fair enough," he said, calming down. "But now you've been told. So please, leave. People your age shouldn't be watching this." "We're both legal adults," she staunchly replied. The man calmed down even further. "Oh, my apologies then, I assumed you were younger." "Well, I'll take that as a compliment then," Maggie replied. "That doesn't change the fact that you're on private property." "Okay, okay, we're going. And if you're so concerned about the law, then you should really do something about that public blowjob over there." "You should check the local ordinances lady. And we also have permits." "What are you, some sort of porn company?" she asked. "Modeling company, now please leave." Maggie looked closely at the guy's T-shirt, which had a small company logo on it. "Do you work for Buckel Fashion Works?" The man smiled, "Yes, that's us." "Wow, I'm actually an admirer." Maggie went over to greet the man with a handshake while Jeff looked relieved that he wasn't in trouble for spying. "I'm Gustafson," the man said. "I'm Maggie. That's Jeff," she replied, pointing to her brother. "You two are dating, I'm assuming." "Yes, we are," Maggie said before her brother could comment. "Well, it was nice meeting you both. Enjoy the rest of your stay here." "Do we still have to leave?" Maggie asked. "Yes, we're working." "You know, I'm an art student in San Francisco. My goal is to work in the fashion industry. I've actually studied some photographic images from your company. And I've even used some for presentations." Gustafson gave a hearty laugh. "You know, I'm the founder of Buckel Fashion Works, don't you?" "Apparently not. I didn't know that." "Well now you do." "It's a huge honor to meet you. Really. But what's a fashion company like yours doing filming a blowjob on the beach?" "We're not a porn company," he said defensively. "We don't distribute porn, and we never well. They're newlyweds. And they've hired our best photographer for a romantic shoot. That's all." "I've done some modeling work before. Do you think we can meet your photographer and look at your set-up? I'd love to see how you operate." "And why should I allow that?" Maggie thought for a moment. "I think we can help each other. You see, I know a lot about modern techniques in regards to computer enhancements and so forth. I can help make those blowjob pictures even more gorgeous. And I can teach it to your crew. I've gotten high marks in the art academy." "What do you want in return? An internship in San Francisco?" "That sounds good. I mean if you think I'm a good fit." Gustafson thought hard and gave a sharp stare. "Okay, that sounds like a fair deal. We'll see what you can do. If you've got skills, then maybe we can collaborate. I'm always looking for new talent." A broad smile appeared on Maggie's face. *** The siblings were allowed to enter Gustafson's villa. As it turned out, he was on a work-vacation. He enjoyed the beach view. And he also assisted some clients who wanted romantic pictures taken. In a way, helping couples was a chance for Gustafson to enhance his game and try new things. He was always looking for new ways to stay innovative. Maggie and Jeff got to meet the young newlywed couple after they went back inside the villa. It was awkward for the siblings, given what they saw. But the couple didn't seem embarrassed at all. They were proud of the explicit pictures they had taken. Later, Maggie put a few touches on the photographs using the computer. She made the images look more appealing by enhancing certain colors and using nice shading. Everyone in the room seemed impressed by Maggie's skills. "Well done," Gustafson said. "You did a nice job." "Thank you," she smiled. The newlyweds and photographer also complimented Maggie on the beautiful enhancements. After a while, the newlywed couple left, and so did the photographer. It was a beautiful day and no one wanted to be stuck editing photographs any longer. "I've got good news, and not-so-good news," Gustafson said. Maggie nodded. "Let's hear it." "I've been texting with the manager of our San Francisco division, and we've just finished a new round of hiring. We've already got enough art people, probably from the same art academy that you currently attend." "Oh," she replied with a sad voice. "The good news is, I like you. You've got talent, and you've got moxie. You're a pretty cool chick." "Thanks." "So how about a modeling gig?" he offered. "I think you look good. You've got a natural spark which many people find appealing. That is, of course, if you're interested." "You bet!" she said with a sudden burst of energy. "I've done some modeling work for a part time job. So I know the drill." "Do you have a portfolio?" "I do, but I didn't bring it. I have some pictures on my phone. Professional stuff that was shot in a studio. Hang on a sec." Maggie reached for her phone and searched through it. Then she showed a few pictures of herself to Gustafson, who examined it very carefully. "Very nice. Cute face, nice body, and you've got a sassy attitude. Why don't you come back tomorrow when the photographer is here? We'll take some nice pictures of you and see where things go from there." "Sounds great." They all shook hands, and the siblings left. *** "Can you believe that?" Maggie beamed while walking on the beach towards the family villa. "I mean, wow, I might actually have a chance to work for Buckel Fashion." "I can't believe I actually saw all that stuff." She squinted at her brother. "You're a virgin, aren't you?" "No," he scoffed. "Of course not." "Don't bullshit me, Jeff. You were like a zombie looking at those adult photos. A sex crazed college student sex-obsessed zombie. It was like there was nothing else on your mind. Admit it, you're a virgin." He huffed, "So what if I am?" "There's nothing wrong with that. I think it's great that you're saving yourself for marriage." "It's not that." "So you're looking, but you've had no luck," she replied. "Basically." "You're a handsome guy Jeff. And your personality ain't bad. You'll find someone soon enough." "Thanks, I guess." Day 2 After breakfast, the parents began to socialize with the other adults in the nearby villas. That gave Maggie the perfect excuse to leave and do her own thing. But of course, she had to take her brother with her. There was no way around that. She had tied her hair in a nice ponytail, and she wore her best bikini, with a large white T-shirt over it. The siblings walked alongside the shore again, towards Gustafson's private villa. "How come we can't admit that I'm your brother?" Jeff asked. "It's pretty unusual pretending to be your boyfriend." "I know, but I had to make a split-second decision. If he knew that you're my brother, he might not have let us join. After all, they were taking sex pictures. Who would let a pair of siblings look at sex pics together? That's just weird. So it's better if he thinks that we're dating instead." "That makes sense," Jeff nodded. "Plus Buckel Fashion Works are known for their sensual and sometimes erotic images. Gustafson might have been too creeped out to let a brother & sister look at any of his photos." "I can't say I'd blame him. But like I said, it's unusual pretending to be your boyfriend." Maggie stopped walking and looked at her brother seriously. There as a no-nonsense expression on her face. "Listen, I really want to work for that company," she said. "It's my dream to work for them. I love their work. So please, don't screw this up for me." "I'll be on my best behavior." "Good. And be forewarned, their pictures are edgy and artsy. Don't be surprised by what you see." "We've already seen a lady suck her husband's dick yesterday," he replied. "I know. But this is different. I want to become a model for them. Hopefully, that'll lead to a designing job in the future. Remember, I'm desperate to work for them, okay? Don't forget it." "Got it." *** The siblings met with Gustafson along with the Italian photographer (who didn't speak a word of English) outside the villa. They had a brief conversation sitting around a table drinking lemonade. Maggie was asked about her goals and passions. She explained that she had always been attracted to the world of fashion. She further explained that she was attracted to the artistry and freedom of that industry. She talked about all the different courses she had taken at the art academy, and which ones she excelled in. "You sound like the type of person we're looking for," Gustafson said. "Now let's begin the shoot. I'm sure your boyfriend will enjoy watching." "I'm sure he will." Maggie gave her brother a playful wink. "Also, keep in mind that I don't always make the final decision when it comes to hiring. I'll send these pictures to San Francisco, and they'll decide." "That sounds good," Maggie smiled. "Great. I'm sure they'll love you. If not, they'll find something else for you to do if there's a future opening." "I really look forward to helping this company in any way possible." Gustafson nodded. "That's the attitude I like. Now let's get started." *** They all went to the beach together, right by the ocean waves. Maggie had removed her T-shirt and modeled in her bikini. She struck different poses for the Italian photographer while Jeff and Gustafson just watched. She was a natural at posing and modeling. There was a vibrancy about her. Her love-for-life attitude made her even more attractive than she already was. Then, the Italian photographer spoke. Gustafson translated, "The photographer says to remove your top." "What?" Maggie asked with a shocked expression. "Is something wrong?" "No, it's just that, I wasn't expecting this." "You're familiar with our type of work, aren't you?" Gustafson asked. "Yes, but..." "Buckel Fashion Works is a growing brand because of our sexy and classy edge. I assumed you would understand what kind of shoot this is." "I do." "If this isn't your thing, then..." "It is!" Maggie proclaimed. She reached back and untied her bikini. All the while, she gave her brother a subtle expression which said, 'sorry about this. We'll discuss this later." And then, she pulled her bikini top away and tossed it to the sand. And her breasts were exposed. They were small with an upturned perky shape. She saw Jeff look extremely uncomfortable, but after a moment, he tried to control himself. Jeff didn't want the others knowing that they were actually siblings. For some reason, seeing her brother so flustered actually made Maggie kind of excited. Maybe it was because she was teasing a virgin. Or maybe it was the taboo. Whatever the case, she had a job to do. And she did it. Her pert breasts had a bikini tan line. Her body had a slight tan, but her breasts were pale white, in the shape of white triangles on each chest. It was the first time her breasts had been exposed to the sun in a very long time. And she enjoyed it. It was the first time anyone had ever taken pictures of her breasts, and she enjoyed that even more. A slight breeze came and it made her pink nipples stiffen. She struck different poses and the camera snapped away. The moment gave her an exhilarating rush. Gustafson, the photographer, and her own brother were staring at her topless. Her pictures were being taken and she was on a beach with the hot sun on her tits. The adrenaline only gave her more confidence and bravado. And that translated perfectly towards her modeling. "You're something special," Gustafson said, almost transfixed by her beauty. She smiled, "Thank you, sir. I feel great." The photographer spoke in Italian, and Gustafson listened attentively. "He wants Jeff to remove his clothes and join you," Gustafson said. "Let's make this another couple shoot." Jeff immediately protested, and Maggie gave a diplomatic response stating why it shouldn't happen. Gustafson listened, and he tried to be understanding. "Very well," Gustafson said. "My photographer is a very passionate man. His specialty is eroticism, especially between couples. That's his favorite." "Can we continue with this shoot?" Gustafson spoke to the photographer in Italian. "He says he's done," Gustafson said. "He doesn't want to take any more pictures unless it's a set for couples. I hope you understand, my photographer is a very stubborn man. However, he is the best in our company. A true artist." "So, should I put my top back on?" "Yes, you've been amazing." Maggie quickly reached for her bikini and put it on. In some ways, it was a relief to be covered again. But in other ways, she had been enjoying the exhibitionist moment. *** After the photographer had left, the siblings were alone with Gustafson. They were inside his villa and he had emailed the pictures to his team in San Francisco. "I'll text you later when I hear their opinions," Gustafson said. "How do you think I did?" "You're a natural. You've got spunk. There are many beautiful women in the world, but you've got something which can't be taught. I really like you. And I think the rest of my team is going to like you also." "That's so wonderful to hear," Maggie smiled. "It's been such an honor working with you, and your photographer." "Likewise. And I apologize if my photographer and I had offended you earlier. We should have given you notice about the couples pictures he wanted." "No worries." He nodded. "You two looked bewildered at the idea. Especially Jeff." "My boyfriend is a very shy person," Maggie smiled again. Jeff simply stood awkwardly with a stiff expression. "That's okay," Gustafson said. "Being photographed is a lot harder than people imagine." Maggie pondered for a moment. "Just curious, but what would have happened if we had actually taken couples photographs together?" "Well, those types of sexually explicit photos show raw emotion. Obviously, we don't distribute any images like that in our advertisements or promotions. But we often use couples. So I think my team in San Francisco may have potentially looked more favorable towards you." "Really?" "I believe so. San Francisco is a tough market. They need the very best and the bravest. If I recall, some of our recent modeling hires had submitted sexually explicit photos. It showed that they were fearless and open to anything. That type of confidence is very powerful." "Interesting." "You look like you're having second thoughts," Gustafson noted. "Not exactly," she replied. "But what if I was?" "No big deal. The photographer can come back tomorrow and we can resume." "So we can still do the couples photographs tomorrow?" "Why not?" Maggie raised an eyebrow. "And what sorts of things would that require? I mean, do we have to get naked or anything?" "That's usually expected." "But I mean, specifically, what do the people in San Francisco like to see?" Gustafson thought for a moment. "Based on past models who were hired, our managers like to see nudity between couples, to make sure the model has an easygoing chemistry and can work well with others. But also, they like to see actual sex acts. As I've mentioned, it shows that the model is fearless and has an open attitude towards sex. And that type of confidence translates well in our official photographs. That's a big reason why our marketing has been so successful. Our models exude sexual confidence." "And these test pictures, no one will ever see them outside of the team, right?" "Right," he confirmed. "They're strictly confidential. And we have an extremely tight confidentiality policy. After we make a hiring decision, we delete those pictures if the model wants." "In that case, Jeff and I will come back tomorrow," she smiled. "Are you sure?" "Positive. Make sure your photographer is here." "You're a courage young lady, Maggie." They shook hands and confirmed the appointment. *** The siblings headed back to the family villa. Maggie was all smiles, and Jeff seemed like a nervous wreck. "Are you kidding me?" Jeff asked. "Please, I'm in a great mood, don't screw it up." "Sorry but, are you kidding me?" "Look, a modeling job from Buckel Fashion Works could potentially start a career for me once I graduate," she replied. "It's my dream job. And they pay a lot of money. So if you go along with it, then I'll be happy to compensate you later." "Screw the money. How do you expect me to get naked in front of you and a camera? I'm not that kind of guy. I have dignity." "No you don't. I've caught you jerking off to porn so many times." He blushed, "That was a long time ago. Big deal." "My point is, you get to see my breasts again. You liked seeing them today, didn't you?" "I'll pretend you didn't just ask me that," Jeff replied. "Well, you get to see them again. All you have to do is stand there for the shoot. Remember, the pictures are going to be deleted later. So who cares? It's nothing to worry about. Plus I'll pay you later." "But I'm terrible at the modeling stuff. I'm so awkward in front of the camera." Maggie shook her head. "Doesn't matter. They're only looking at me. I'll do all the work. You just stand there. Okay?" "You always talk me into doing these crazy things." "You're the best." She wrapped her arms around her younger brother and gave him a big kiss on the cheek. *** Late that night. Maggie & Jeff were both in bed while their parents slept in the other room. Jeff was asleep while Maggie was busy texting with Gustafson underneath the covers. According to Gustafson, the team in San Francisco were "impressed" with Maggie's potential, but they still wanted to see more. They wanted to see how Maggie would interact with a male figure on camera. The implication was that they wanted to see Maggie doing sexual stuff with someone. After thinking for a few moments, Maggie texted back: will do. Have a good night gus And that was the end of their late night texting conversation. The promise had been given. The arrangements had been made. Maggie laid in bed wondering if she could actually go through with it. With her own brother? Of all people. Him? She came to the realization that it might not be so bad. It was just sex stuff. They were both legally adults (although Jeff was a virgin). And they would both be consenting. It would feel good. It would probably be humiliating for Jeff, but he would get over it eventually, she figured. Especially if she was able to make him cum really hard. It would have been well worth it to get a job with Buckel Fashion Works. Plus, in some very strange way, the whole situation was kind of arousing to Maggie. It was fun modeling herself topless. And it was, even more, fun doing it in front of her virgin brother. All she needed was his approval. But getting Jeff's approval wasn't rocket science. He was a typical horny young college student. Bribing him should be simple, she figured. Maggie got out of bed. The bedroom was lit by moonlight, as the curtains were open, and it was a full moon night. She tip-toed over to his bed. Then she sat beside him as he slept. "Wake up," she whispered. Jeff didn't move. Then she poked him. "Wake up," she whispered again. He slowly moved. "Huh?" "Shh... It's 11:38. Keep it quiet." "Why?" "I need a favor." "Can't we talk about this in the morning?" he groaned. "No. We need to talk about it now." He sighed, "What do you want? If it's about the photograph thing, fine, I already said I'd do it." "I know, but it's a little more complicated than I thought." "Even more than getting naked?" "What's the furthest you've ever gone with a girl?" she whispered. "Huh?" "You heard me. Answer the question." "Maggie, that's private." "Just tell me." He sighed, knowing that arguing was useless. "I let my ex-girlfriend stroke me down there. I did the same to her." "Did you cum?" "Jeez." "Just answer the question. Did you cum? Did it feel really good?" "Yes, to both." Maggie reached underneath her virgin brother's thin blanket. Her hand moved to his shorts. At first, Jeff put up some resistance towards the inappropriate touching. But then he relented. Maggie was able to slip her hand inside his shorts. It only took a split second for Maggie to touch the bare skin of the soft manhood. "Here's the deal," she said. "Tomorrow, we're going to do everything together. That means, whatever the photographer wants, we'll do. Okay?" "But...but..." She squeezed his cock tighter. "No 'buts.' You have to do it. In exchange, you won't be a virgin anymore. We'll work out the details later, but that's the general agreement. Okay?" Her fingers massaged his ever growing penis. "Okay," he said meekly. "Good. Now, we have to act natural tomorrow. It has to seem like we've done sex stuff before. Obviously, since they think we're a couple. So, we have to get some practice. Okay?" Jeff's eyes widened. "Okay." "Now be very quiet. No moaning. We don't want mom & dad to hear. They'll be very upset if they knew." Maggie clenched the hardened cock and began to stroke. She stroked and stroked. The siblings looked at each other, the moonlight on their faces as Maggie masturbated her younger brother. He made short gasping noises. He had been jerked off before, but it wasn't nearly as good as the way Maggie did it. Maggie was a pro. And she knew exactly what men liked in a hand job. Jeff began to grunt and moan. His body tensed. He tried to keep the noise levels down. "Promise to be good tomorrow?" Maggie whispered. "I promise." "You better." Maggie swiftly dove her head underneath her brother's blanket. Her lips quickly found the hardened cock. She stroked furiously and Jeff came. With her lips around the tip of the erection, her mouth sucked & slurped every drop of cum. Everything. Right down to the last drop. When it was all clean and Jeff had nothing left, Maggie pulled her head out and tucked her brother's cock back inside of his shorts. Then she fixed his blanket so it was nice and neat. "Good night," she whispered. With that, Maggie tip-toed back to her bed. Day 3 The next morning. After a family breakfast, the siblings went back to Gustafson's villa. Their parents were once again spending time with the other adults for a private boat ride. The siblings walked alongside the shore and Jeff was anxious while Maggie was excited. "Will you relax?" Maggie said. "You act like something terrible is going to happen." "Well isn't it?" "Orgasms are a bad thing all of a sudden? You didn't have a problem last night." "That's different. That was private. This is going to be on a freaking beach with two guys watching, then god knows how many other people looking at our pictures." "Focus on the orgasms, Jeff. Focus on the orgasms." *** They reached the villa and Gustafson greeted them warmly. It was another friendly chat. And for the first time, Maggie was beginning to feel the nerves. The magnitude of what she was doing was finally setting it. It made her excited and scared at the same time. The contrast of feelings made her aroused. "I spoke to my San Francisco team again this morning," Gustafson said. "They reiterated that you have a lot of potential. They basically agree with me. All they need is a little more proof of how seductive and sexy you can be in front of the camera." "I can't wait." "Well, you've almost got the job. You should be getting a fairly generous offer once you get back to SF. I think you'll be pleased." "Glad to hear it," she replied. "My ultimate goal is still to become a designer. But I think this is a great step in the right direction. Assuming it goes smoothly." "Maggie, your potential is limitless. If you get hired, which I suspect you will, then you can do whatever you want when the opportunities arise." She smiled. *** They all went to the shore together, but this time, Maggie was dressed in a towel, nothing else. She was completely naked underneath. The anticipation was in the air as Maggie felt the sun on her skin and sand on her feet. It was actually happening. And there was no turning back. Her eyes surveyed the beach. There was no one around in that area. She worried that people would spy on them, much like how she and her brother spied on that other couple having oral sex. But it didn't matter. She tried not to think about that. She continued walking until her feet were near the water. Then she was told to remove the towel. And she did. The towel was tossed aside. And Maggie's naked body bathed in the sun. She was completely naked. Her tan-lined figure was revealed to Gustafson, the photographer, and her very own brother. The tan lines were on her breasts and cleanly shaven pubic area. But thanks to the naked photoshoot, she might not have those tan lines for much longer. "Gorgeous," Gustafson smiled. "Thank you." "Now in the water. Play. Have fun. Be free." Maggie smiled and turned to face the ocean waves. She revealed her naked ass, which also had tan lines, and proceeded to head towards the water. A wave hit her feet. The water came in a fast rush. She went further in the water until it was up to her knees. When she went far enough in the water, she turned around and showed her naked front side to the men. The camera had been snapping away. She smiled and moved around. She splashed the water and had fun. Her body glistened from the water on her skin, and the bright sun shining on her. It was the most vulnerable she had ever felt in her life, being naked in front of others. Yet, there was also a sense of freedom which came with the liberation. It was arousing to her. She became even more aroused knowing that her body movements had left the men tantalized and spellbound. Gustafson looked pleased by what he was seeing. The photographer was busy doing his job. And her brother Jeff looked uncomfortable, yet very aroused. Nudity wasn't something that Jeff was used to seeing in person, and especially from his own beautiful sister. The photographer spoke in Italian, and Gustafson listened. "He says to have the boyfriend join," Gustafson translated, turning to Jeff. "It's your turn to remove your clothes. Go in the water and play with your girlfriend." Jeff momentarily froze. He didn't know what to do. It wasn't until he looked at Maggie that he finally moved. She had a look on her face which said, 'Don't you dare screw this up for me, or you're in deep shit.' It was the kind of look which only a domineering older sister could give. And it worked. It always worked. With a confidence and beauty that Maggie had, who could resist? Jeff stripped down in a mechanical way. There was nothing sexy about it. It was just like undressing in the doctor's office. Only it was for an incestuous photo shoot. Maggie's eyes widened at her brother's raging erection. It was the first time she had ever seen him naked. Despite his nervousness and apprehension, Jeff's cock revealed his true feelings. It was the ultimate indicator that he was ready for action. And it showed that he possibly had secret desires for his sister. 'Holy shit, this is actually happening,' they both thought. "Come over here," Maggie said seductively to her brother. "The camera is nothing to be afraid of." Jeff got in the water and approached her. "How sexy do you want this to be?" Maggie asked Gustafson. "It's really up to you. However, keep in mind that the San Francisco team are very open minded when it comes to sex. They've seen a lot. Nothing really surprises them anymore." "Oh yeah? Watch this." And with that, Maggie grabbed her brother by the shoulders and pulled him forward, kissing him sloppily on the mouth. It was a wet hot kiss. The kind that siblings should never give each other. But it was necessary for the job. No one would ever know. She did all the work, slobbering on her brother's mouth. She even slipped her tongue inside. All the while, Jeff stood still as a board. The poor guy was completely in shock over what he was feeling. He had kissed girls before, but none was as beautiful as his own sister. "He seems very shy," Gustafson noted. Maggie ended the kiss. "That's okay. I'll loosen him up." They resumed the hot kiss, with Maggie leading the way. She later ended the kiss and put her lips to her brother's ear. "Suck my tits," she whispered. "Huh?" "Suck them. Make it look natural and hot." "Oh god," he whispered. "Just do it. Don't screw this up." She pulled her brother's head down towards her chest. He hesitated at first but then began to suck her hardened pink nipple. Once her nipple was being sucked, Maggie leaned her head back and gave a blissful look. She wanted to sell the fact that she could be sensual on camera. And she did. She peeked at the men watching through the corner of her eye, and they appeared to be thrilled by Maggie's facial expressions. Something had taken hold of Jeff and he began to suck harder. He sucked both of Maggie's pink nipples and fondled her pert breasts. "Nice job," she whispered. "Mmm Hmmm..." His mouth was too busy sucking to reply. Maggie knew that he was getting carried away. She knew he would like it. And that only made the experience even more pleasurable. She enjoyed the feeling of her nipples rolling around in his mouth, and her tits being sucked. "Oh wow," she gasped. "That looks wonderful," Gustafson said. "Now let's move things along. Is there anything else?" Maggie thought quickly. There was an innuendo in Gustafson's voice. A sexual innuendo. He wanted to see something explicit. And since he was the boss, he was the man to please. She put her hands on her brother's chest. It was a signal to Jeff to stop sucking and stand up straight. "Don't move, okay?" she whispered to her brother. "Are you going to...?" "Yes. Now stay still. Relax and enjoy." Then she dropped down to her knees. The ocean waves were to her stomach. Then she grabbed a hold of his throbbing cock. She looked up and winked at her brother. Jeff looked down with disbelief. Neither of them could believe it. She strokes him a few times to loosen the mood. Maggie winked at him again. Yes, it was about to happen. That was her simple message to her younger brother. Without any further delay, Maggie took the erection inside of her mouth and began to suck. Immediately, Jeff groaned loudly. Receiving oral sex wasn't something he was used to. And it felt amazing. She sucked and sucked. Her head bobbed rapidly. Her lips wrapped tightly around the shaft. Her hands stroking and rubbing. Her tongue licking. There was a strange feeling inside of Maggie while she sucked her brother's cock. Sure, she had always enjoyed sucking cock. According to her past partners, oral sex was her specialty. (And Maggie agreed). But this was different than simply being in private. This was something else entirely. She was doing it in public. In front of two professional men. Right on the beach with the sun on her body. The ocean waves. Most of all, she was sucking off her own brother. It felt twisted and wrong. But the taboo of everything involved was incredibly hot. She loved the fact that she was making Jeff squirm with the actions of her mouth. She knew he could barely stand from the oral assault. Her oral sex was that good. Jeff groaned, "Oh my god...I think I'm going to...I think I'm going to..." She briefly took his cock out of her mouth and she stroked him. "Cum in my mouth baby. You know how much I love your cum. You taste delicious." After giving that dirty talk, she continued sucking. The siblings looked each other in the eyes. Jeff exploded in Maggie's mouth, and she continued stroking and sucking. She didn't dare stop until Jeff was completely drained of all his cum. And that's what happened. He shot his loads until nothing was left. She winked at him in a playful way and removed her mouth. Jeff playfully fell backwards into the ocean water. It felt that good. Maggie looked at the camera and winked. Then she licked her lips. Then she winked and licked her lips at the same time while the camera continued snapping photos. "That was...it was unbelievable," Gustafson stammered. Gustafson was rarely a speechless man. But on that morning, he was. *** Later that night. Jeff was sleeping. Once again, Maggie was in the midst of another late night texting session with Gustafson. It was a short and sweet conversation. She was more than pleased with the results. After the texting ended, she got out of bed and went to her brother. She woke him up by pushing his shoulder. "Wake up," she whispered. "Wake up." His eyes slowly opened. "Hmm?" "Look." Maggie showed her brother the phone. She scrolled down to show images of the photos they had taken that day. Various images of Maggie completely naked, playing under the sun and splashing the ocean water. Images of them passionately kissing. Images of Jeff roughly sucking Maggie's nipples. And finally, images of Maggie sucking cock and swallowing cum. It looked like something out of a porn website. Not something that siblings would do. But that's what happened. Jeff was shocked seeing the pictures, but also aroused. Who wouldn't be aroused at images of Maggie naked and performing oral sex? The girl was beautiful and had a sensuality about her. Despite the hardcore nature of the photographs, there was also a classiness and beauty to them. The photographer was a pro. And his pictures were top quality stuff. "Now look down here," she whispered again. She scrolled through the text conversations with Gustafson, and showed Jeff a picture of a contract. "The people in SF liked my pictures," she whispered. "This is the contract they sent me. It's for part-time work. It pays nicely. Gustafson said that I could potentially do design work in the future. Can you believe it?" "Wow, that's nice," he whispered back. She nodded. "Remember we made a deal? If you were good today, then I'll owe you back? Well, today you were great." "Yeah, thanks." "Are you ready to lose your virginity?" His eyes widened. "Huh?" "Shhh... Keep it quiet. Okay? We don't want mom or dad waking up. I have a tendency to make guys become noisy during sex, especially with a trick I do with my vagina." Maggie pulled his blanket away. The anticipation was growing. Then she pulled his shorts down, exposing her brother's manhood. Both of them became anxious. The cock was flaccid, but it quickly grew. It didn't need any further stimulation aside from the offer of sex. Being exposed in front of Maggie was enough to make any man aroused. Siblings or not, Jeff's cock wasn't immune to Maggie's sex appeal. The cock quickly stiffened and pointed upwards. Maggie removed her own pajama bottom. She never wore panties to sleep. All that was left was a big T-shirt, and she was braless underneath. She climbed on top of her brother and guided the cock to her hole. No lubrication was needed. She had already been wet from the idea of fucking her own brother and taking his virginity. It was a surreal taboo. And she was daring enough to actually try it. She had already known that it would feel amazing for the both of them. And why not? She had already given him his first blowjob. Why not be his first love making partner? Maggie's rationale was, if Jeff was going to lose his virginity, it might as well have been with her, instead of some college slut. After all, they had always been close with each other, and Jeff had done her a big favor that day. She straddled her hips to get comfortable with Jeff's cock inside of her. They looked each other in the eyes while she slowly began to gyrate her hips. Their faces were lit by the moonlight. She moved her hips in a slow and controlled manner. It was a technique which Maggie had proudly perfected. Start slow, and work things hard later on. "How does your first pussy feel?" she asked softly. "Un...fucking...believable." "That's what I like to hear." She put her hands on Jeff's chest and leaned on him. Jeff reached up and fondled his sister's tits through her T-shirt. Maggie's breasts felt soft and delicate. The nipples hardened and poked through the fabric of her T-shirt. "Shhh...." she whispered. And that was when she picked up speed. Her hips moved faster. She knew how to make a guy feel good. After receiving a nice modeling contract, she felt that she owed him. She wanted to make things feel extra special for her virgin brother. And she did just that. She did her famous vagina trick. She clenched her pussy tightly when she moved up, and released when she slid down. It achieved its desired effect when Jeff's eyes widened and he was about to release a loud groan. But Maggie was quick enough to prevent that by putting her hand over his mouth. It had been anticipated. "No noises, remember?" she whispered. "We wouldn't want dad to know that we're fucking in here. And we wouldn't want mom to know that I'm taking your virginity. This is our secret, forever." She clenched her pussy and thrust. Her hand was still covering her brother's mouth. "I know how badly you want to cum. I can tell. It's okay. Do it. Cum inside my pussy." After a few more moments of her vaginal technique, Jeff came inside his sister's pussy. She clenched her vaginal muscles tightly and quickly rocked her hips, up and down, then back and forth. Her tight little hole maintained a strong grip on the ejaculating cock. "That's it," she whispered. "You're almost done. Almost there. That's it." She continued working her pussy until Jeff went flaccid. Then Maggie was finally able to relax her vaginal muscles. She climbed off him, and instead of using tissue for cleanup, she used her mouth, slurping everything up. Her lips and tongue made sure that Jeff was clean. Then she swallowed what was in her mouth. When it was done, Maggie pulled her brother's shorts back up, and she covered him with the blanket while he simply laid there in bliss. She couldn't resist teasing him one last time, by patting Jeff's cock through the blanket. "Good night," she smiled. "And thanks again for the help today. It's not something I'll forget." Maggie went back to bed. She didn't bother cleaning his cum from inside of her pussy. And she didn't bother putting her pajama bottom back on. She simply went to bed bottomless, with her brother's cum inside of her. pics---->> http://bit.ly/1D1q3qp
Title: My Sister In Law Beth, Chapters 5 - 8 Keywords: True Story, Chapter 5 She walked over to us and introduced herself as Raine. She was about 5'10' tall with a body and face to die for. She was dressed in a black long sleeve silk top, with matching black silk panties and black heels. She was impeccable, with long red hair that hung in curls framing her face. She smiled as she stood in front of Beth. "So, Sunny tells me its your turn young lady." she told Beth. "No, no, no.", Beth replied, "One of them can take my turn." "Nope, not going to happen.", replied Raine, "Everyone had to have a turn, its club policy." she said winking. "Yep.", I told Beth, "I had to have a turn, so do you." Beth tried to continue to argue the point as Raine walked over to the CD player. She scanned the rack and selected one, inserted it and grabbed the remote. She walked back over to Beth and took her hand. She pulled her off the sofa and led her over to one of the chairs. Beth sat down in the chair nervously, pulling down her skirt. Raine pointed the remote at the CD player and pressed play. A few seconds later the music started and Raine turned to Beth. Beth looked like a teenager who was just caught masterbating. Her face was beet red and she was looking at everything but Raine. Raine straddled Beth's thighs and moved closer to her. She began an almost hypnotic sway, perfectly in time to the music. I could tell she had worked this song before, her movements were flawless. Lower and lower she swayed until she was lightly touching Beth's lap. Beth was doing everything to avoid her that she could. Raine took charge and put one hand on each side of Beth's face and turned her to an eye to eye position. "No looking away.", Raine said, "If you don't do it right, you have to go again." Beth thought for a second and I guess decided to go with the program as presented. Raine started to move back and forth on Beth's lap while softly caressing her face with one hand. She moved up again, took Beth's hands and pulled her a bit out of the chair so she could access her lap easier. I looked at Beth's legs and notice they were open just a bit. From where I sat, I could see she had on white panties. I also noticed that her legs were trembling as Raine started her motion back down to Beth's lap. Lower and lower, until I saw Beth's legs absorb the weight of this beautiful creature. Raine began a slow steady rocking of her lips as she looked eye to eye with Beth. Her hands were behind Beth's neck, running her hands through her hair. I could tell Beth's breathing was getting more labored as her chest rose and fell. I looked over at Lance and he had this perturbed look on his face. He appeared to be totally disinterested. I looked back at the ladies and noticed Beth's legs had opened wider. Now I had a clear view of those creamy thighs and white panties. I think my cock was harder now then when Sunny was grinding against me. Raine reached down and took Beth's hands and brought them to her shoulders. She held her hands on top of Beth's, making sure there was no protest from her. Seeing none, Raine took her own hands and placed them on Beth's sides, stroking her softly. Up and down her hands moved, looking at Beth for some sort of a reaction. Then Raine's right hand moved around and cupped Beth's left breast through her shirt. Beth, startled tried to shift her position, but Raine locked her thighs on Beth's and made sure she stayed put. Slowly Raine's hand moved over Beth's breast. Beth looked over at Lance as if to say this is not my fault. She would not look at me at all. Suddenly Lance stood and moved toward the door. "This is bullshit.", he snarled, "Everyone gets a better dance than I do. I am going back to the bar." "Don't leave Lance.", Beth pleaded, "Don't leave me by myself." "Fuck this." Lance replied, "Jeff, you stay with her." He stormed out of the door, slamming it behind him. Raine started her dance again, telling Beth to blow him off. She began to move back and forth on Beth's lap, her hand once again caressing her breast. This went on for several minutes. It seemed that with Lance out of the room, Beth began to loosen up. Beth's hands which were now on Raine's hips began to move. She was responding to Raine. Raine immediately sensed Beth's change of heart. She turned to me and suggested I move from the sofa to the chair next to them. She told me the view was much better. I got up and moved as suggested. She was right, the view was spectacular. The dance continued and I noticed that Raine had began to grind her pussy into Beth's. Her hands were now around Beth's waist pulling them closer to each other. Beth was breathing heavy and had become lost in Raine's spell. Raine knew she had Beth where she wanted her. She reached up and slowly pulled her top off exposing her breasts. I saw Beth swallow hard as she was inches away from Raine's breasts. Raine reached down and put her hand between her legs and started rubbing her pussy through her silk panties. "You like that ?", she asked Beth. "Do you do this too ?" All Beth could do was nod, she was almost in a trace. Raine tilted her head back and moaned as she stroked her pussy. Her hand had started moving a little faster. I could see her nipples were hard as small pebbles, she was really getting into this. Raine moved her face back to Beth's. She raised up slightly taking the pressure off Beth's thighs. She placed her right hand on the inside of Beth's thighs and pushed up Beth's skirt a few inches. Then she sat back down never moving her hand. I couldn't see exactly where it was but judging from Beth's reaction, it had to be extremely close to her pussy. I watched Raines arm for some sort of sign as to what she was doing. Then with one quick motion of the neck, Beth's head snapped back. Raine had reached Beth's pussy. Beth let out a small moan, trying her best to muffle it. My cock was throbbing at this point. I felt like unzipping my pants and pulling it out right there and then. I wanted to stroke it while I watched these two gorgeous creatures interact with each other. Raine pulled her hand from under Beth's skirt and returned it to her own panties. She pushed it inside the front until she found her own pussy. She began to stroke herself looking deep into Beth's eyes. She leaned over and whispered something in Beth's ear. Beth shook her head no, but was not very convincing. Once again, Raine leaned over and whispered into Beth's ear. This time Beth looked nervously at me, then back at Raine. Raine just nodded at her and smiled. Beth's right hand moved to Raines panties. Raine pulled her hand out of her panties, reached down and pulled them to the side exposing herself to Beth. With her other hand she took Beth's and placed it on her pussy. Beth's fingers began to slowly explore Raine's pussy. It was clumsy, almost comical. Raine leaned over and whispered again in Beth's ear. Beth extended one finger and slipped it deep inside Raine. She then withdrew it and began to rub her clit. Raine leaned back and groaned in gratitude. Soon Beth had a great pace going and Raine's breathing became more unstable, her face showing signs of urgency. Raine placed her hand over Beth's and showed her the proper stroke. Beth quickly adapted and soon had Raine's senses reeling. Raine moved down and her lips met Beth's in a long slow kiss. I was ready to explode in my pants at this point. My cock was so hard I was not able to sit comfortably. I noticed they both opened their mouth's slightly, I knew their tongues were dancing. Then without warning Raine broke the kiss, threw her head back and screamed. "Oh shit, I'm cumming.........", she cried. Her hips bucked wildly against Beth's hands for close to a half minute. I watched her ride wave after wave of orgasmic pleasure. She slowly began to breathe normal again, her face flushed, sweat glistening on her forehead. She looked down at Beth, whose hand was still stroking her pussy and brought her close for another long but gentle kiss. They broke the kiss and looked at each other. "You were wonderful.", Raine told Beth, "Thank you." Beth, now coming to her senses removed her hand from the red head's panties. She began to turn red again, realizing she had become lost in lust. Raine stood up and began to get herself together. Once again I reached in my pocket and pulled out a 100 dollar bill. I folded it and handed it to her. "Thank you.", she said, "It was my pleasure. Wait here, I will be right back." She hurriedly pulled her top back on and fixed her panties. She scurried out of the room. Beth was just sitting there, her skirt still pushed up with a confused look on her face. "You ok.", I asked her, "You look a bit frazzled." "I ... , I..., can't believe that just happened.", Beth mumbled, "I am so embarrassed." , she said looking away from me. "Why ?", I asked, "I thought you were incredible. I will never forget tonight." Just then the door opened and Raine returned. She had put on a beautiful long black Japanese Kimono. She walked over to me and put a card in my hand, and leaned over into my ear. "I also do private parties.", she whispered, "Call the number, leave a message and maybe I will get back to you." With that , she turned and walked out. I looked at the card in my hand. It was high gloss black with gold lettering on it. It simply said Raine. Under her name was a phone number, nothing more. "What's that ?", Beth asked me. "Just a business card for the club.", I answered as I put it in my pocket. Beth stood up, straightened her skirt and blouse and fixed her hair. We both left the room and walked back downstairs to find Lance. I knew Beth was nervous of how Lance was going to react. She knew it was going to be a long night. When Lance got pissed, he always took it out on Beth. Chapter Six We entered the main room downstairs and looked around for Lance. I soon spotted him sitting at the bar talking to the bartender. After a second, it was apparent to both Beth and I , he was hitting on her. We approached him from behind so he had no idea we had come down from upstairs. Beth walked up behind him and tapped him on the shoulder. He turned and when he saw us, we got his usual annoyed look. Beth told him we were ready to leave after he finished his last drink. In typical Lance fashion, he responded. "Who said this was my last drink.", he snapped at her. "I think you have had enough, lets go ok. I want to be home before it gets too late." "Well I don't much give a fuck what you think, I'm not ready to go.", he responded. I knew this might happen. Lance never knew when to quit. To be honest, I was really quite surprised he had never wrapped himself around a tree or had a serious accident while drunk. I don't think he ever had a DWI either, if he did I never heard about it. Beth turned and looked at me, I simply shrugged my shoulders. She turned back to Lance and continued to try to convince him it was time to go. I looked at my watch and noticed it was 11:40 p.m., twenty minutes until the new year rang in. I thought to myself what a way to ring in another year, dealing with a drunk. I looked over my shoulder and saw a small table that no one was seated at. I moved over to it, pulled out a chair and sat down. Beth continued arguing with Lance and the more they talked the louder he became. She reached down and took his arm and tried to urge him off the bar stool. He made a swinging motion with his arm to get it away from her, coming very close to hitting her in the face. I was tired of this and him. I got up and walked over to them. "Look Beth, lets not do this here. We are guests of Riley's and it is the Grand Opening, lets not make a scene.", I told her calmly. She agreed and backed off Lance a few steps. He got up and started to move toward her. I quickly stepped between them. He stopped abruptly and looked up at me. I am considerably bigger then Lance in both height and weight. I had continued both cardio and weight training long after my college football days were over. Considering my age, I was in much better shape than most of the younger guys who trained at my health club. I am close to 6'3" tall, weighed about 240 lbs. but have a thirty inch waist. "What's your problem ?", he barked at me. I simply stated in a very calm matter of fact voice that I agreed with Beth, maybe it was time to go. I offered to follow them home and make sure everyone got home safe and sound. This family did not need any further tragedy. "Well, since I don't give a fuck about her opinion." , he said , pointing at Beth, "What makes you think I give a fuck about yours." "Personally what you give a fuck about is the least of my worries.", I calmly replied, "If you want to kill yourself, great, but I don't want anything to happen to Beth." "Take a fucking hike asshole.", he replied and put his finger in my face. Beth reached over and grabbed my shoulder. She pleaded with us not to do this. She just wanted to go home. But if it was going to cause all these problems, she agreed to stay with Lance. He sneered at me , turned around and sat back at the bar. I knew as long as Lance was getting free drinks, he would not leave. Besides, he was too far gone now to drive anyway. I calmly moved next to him and asked if it would be ok to drive Beth home, that way he could stay. He looked over at her and made a wave of his hand in our direction. "I don't care if you leave. I can have a better time by myself., " he laughed. "Please be careful on the way home.", Beth pleaded, as he turned his back on us. I took her arm and gently guided her towards the door. I saw Riley in the center of the room and walked over to thank him again. He told me he was really glad I could make it and to come back anytime. He winked and asked us if we enjoyed the private entertainment. Beth blushed and looked down. We shook hands and I told him we would talk soon. We left the club and walked down the block to the lot where my car was parked. I gave the Valet my stub and he hurried off to get my vehicle. Beth never said a word while we waited. Soon he returned and stepped out of my car. I tipped him and he hurried to the other side and opened the door for Beth. She climbed in and we pulled off the lot and headed home. We were driving only for a few minutes, when Beth looked at the clock on the dash. "It's 11:58.", she said, "Almost midnight. I don't know how many more year's I can keep doing this." I drove a few minutes more and approached the on-ramp to the Mississippi River Bridge which connects both the East and West Banks of the river. The signal light turned red at the bottom of the ramp and I came to a complete stop. "It's 12:03.", Beth said, "We missed the New Year. Oh well, no use in it being a total loss." With that, she reached over and put one hand behind my neck. She moved her lips to mine and kissed me. Soft at first, then pressing into my mouth with more urgency. I felt the end of her tongue on my lips. I opened my lips and mine met hers. I reached around and pulled her close to me. God, this was so good. Suddenly, a car horn broke the silence. I pulled away and looked up. The light had turned green and the driver behind me had noticed I was occupied. I waved my apology back and drove up the ramp. We pulled up to the gate in our subdivision about thirty five minutes later. I entered my code, watched the gate pull back and drove in. I was a few blocks from her house when she turned and looked at me. "I don't want to go home Jeff. I can't deal with Jeff tonight. I am so tired of this. I wish I could go home with you.", she said softly. "I don't think that would be a good idea Beth. What the hell would Lance say when he got home and you were not there. ?", I replied. "Your right, I know, but I just don't want to go into that house. Would you bring me to my Mom and Dad's ?" she asked. "You think they up this late ? Its almost one in the morning.", I asked. Beth picked up her cell phone and called her parents. They were asleep but answered relatively quickly. It was her Dad on the phone. She briefly told him what had happened and asked if she could come stay with them tonight. They agreed and Beth told them, she would be there shortly. I pulled up in front of her home a minute or so later. I asked if she wanted me to drive her but she reconsidered saying she would take her car. She thanked me and got out. Reluctantly, I drove off and watched her through my mirror walk up the drive. I went to sleep that night wondering what the hell Lance would do when he got home and Beth was gone. Beth was going to catch hell tomorrow. The last thing I remembered before falling asleep was I hope Beth arrived at her parents safely. New Year's Day came and went, I heard nothing from Beth. The following Monday morning arrived quickly and I left for work. As I passed the front of Beth and Lance's home, I noticed his car was there, hers was not. Beth never left for work this early. Was she still at her Mom's ? The entire next week was strange. I finally saw Beth's car home on Thursday evening when I returned home. I figured to my self, she had made Lance sweat a bit before coming back home. I had not heard a word from her in almost a week. Soon another weekend had passed, it was late Sunday night when I got into bed. All I could think about was Beth and how my private little world all alone had suddenly become so complicated. I simply had to get her out of mind once and for all. A few days later at work, I received a call from my mother in law. She asked me if I could stop by on my way home, she wanted to talk to me. I agreed and a few hours later we were seated in her kitchen. My father in law was in the back yard working. She asked if I had spoken to Beth lately? I told her no, not for about two weeks. She told me that Beth and Lance were having problems and that Beth was thinking of getting a separation. She went on to tell me about New Year's Eve night and the next few days Beth had stayed with her. She asked me if I would keep an eye out around their house and let her know if I saw anything out of place. I agreed and left shortly after. That Sunday I was watching the football game when the doorbell rang. I got up and went to the door, surprised to see who standing there. "Can I talk to you for minute ?", Lance asked. I let Lance in and we walked back to sofa and sat down. I could tell this was awkward for him, he was not his usual self. He told me that he had decided to leave Beth. He went on to say that things had been cold and distant between them for years now. I was glad to hear him say that the problems went back that far. It somewhat made me feel better that I had not been the sole cause of the split up. I asked him if they had both thought this out and this was what they both wanted. He told me that this had been coming for some time now. He admitted that most of this was his fault, especially the drinking. He told me he was miserable and drank to ease the pain. He also said that he had found someone else and it was depressing not to be with her. Funny, I thought, I can relate to that. It was unusual to see Lance like this. He was normal, no arrogance. I actually felt bad for him. I told him that anything either of them needed, all they had to do was ask. He got up, shook my hand and apologized to me for his behavior the past few years. He thanked me and asked me to keep an eye on the house and Beth. I smiled, thinking you don't have to ask me that twice. He thanked me once again and left quickly. I sat there the rest of that day debating on whether to call Beth. I decided against it, it was too soon. Then I began thinking, what if Beth's advances to me had been out of the same depression that Lance had been feeling ? Maybe now that she was out of her marriage, she would have a change of heart. Perhaps now, Beth would want to start a new life. I decided right then and there that I would let Beth make the next move, I would not pressure her one bit. Days passed into weeks with no contact. The only news I received was from my in laws. Lance had gotten an apartment in town, Beth was working a lot trying to keep her mind off things. They seemed relieved that they had split up. They thought it was a long time coming. Chapter Seven I would pass Beth's everyday hoping to see her outside and give me an excuse to stop and chat. But lately she seemed to be keeping longer hours than I did. My mother in law called constantly asking me if everything looked normal around there. I told her I had not heard or seen Beth in well over a month. She told me they talked on the phone every other night or so. Then she told me something that made my heart sink. "I think Beth has met someone new, Jeff.", my mother in law said. "What makes you think that ?", I responded in my bravest voice. "Last night she asked if it was too soon for her to be interested in another man ?", was her reply. She went on to tell me Beth had told her nothing specific, but from the conversation, she had figured that she had recently met someone. My heart sank and I felt sick to my stomach. I quickly made up an excuse and ended the conversation. I sat there stunned. I had no idea what to do. I thought about going over to Beth's and confronting her, telling her how much I loved her and asking her to be with me. But the more I thought about it, I was sure that was so unfair to Beth. If she had indeed met someone else, what a terrible position I would put her in. No matter how much it hurt, I had to back off. I decided to take a shower and go to bed. I really did not feel well. I skipped the next two Sundays at the in laws , keeping to myself. The last thing I needed to do was run into Beth . I tried to keep myself busy with work and errands, doing my best to stay pre-occupied. Soon it was the weekend again and I headed home Friday evening. I drove passed Beth's and saw her taking packages out of her car. She waved at me and motioned for me to stop. I pulled to the curb and lowered the window. She came over with a smile and leaned in the passenger window. "Hey, Jeff, how are you ?" , she asked brightly. "I am ok, how have you been ?", was my response. "Things have been rough, but they are getting better.", she replied. She went on to tell me that things had quieted down between her and Lance. In fact they had dinner the night before and managed to work out most of the financial arrangements of their divorce. She told me that they actually got along much better now then when they were together. I just smiled and shook my head as if I understood. She then asked me why I hadn't been to her parents house in almost a month. I responded I just had not been feeling well lately and wanted to be alone. She frowned at me and told me she understood, for the past few years, even though her and Lance lived together, she in fact felt alone. "Jeff, I have to discuss the building with you. We are either going to have to sell it or we have to buy Lance out.", she informed me. I had not thought of this. I still owned half of the building that Beth's business was in. Lance owned half of Beth's share. I started to ask price, amounts, things like that. "Tell you what.", she said, "I am going to clean up, I will go out and get dinner, meet you back at your place about eight o'clock. We can come up with a plan." "That's fine.", I replied, "See you then." Beth arrived about ten minutes after eight carrying bags of take out from Kentucky Fried Chicken. I was glad to see Beth wearing long jeans, and a button up blouse. The last thing I needed was anything to make me feel even worst about what had happened. We went into kitchen, sat at the table and began to eat. I really was not that hungry, my stomach was in a knot. Beth began to explain the arrangement that her and Lance had agreed upon. Beth wanted to keep the house but could not afford to buy Lance out of it. She agreed to giving him half of their savings and buy him out of the building in exchange for him signing over the equity in their home to her. So basically what it amounted to was having to come up with about 175,000.00 to buy him out of the business. She had roughly about 50,000.00 in cash from the savings which was her share. She agreed to sign over the complete building to me in exchange for me buying Lance out with the balance. Money had never been a problem with me. Thankfully Susan and I had prepared in the event one of us had died prematurely. We had mortgage protection on our home, the business and several pieces of land we owned together. All of the balance's were paid a few months after Susan's death, leaving me with only minor expenses. In addition we each had two large life insurances polices, so I was financially secure. I told Beth, I would contact my bank officer and start a mortgage on the building for the roughly 125,000.00, Lance was owed. I told Beth her business could pay the monthly notes and that signing over her interests in the building was not necessary. I told her anything I could do to help out during this time, I would be glad to do so. I could see her exhale a huge sigh of relief. Her eyes watered up and she tried to express herself. "Jeff, I don't know what to say. That is so generous of you. I don't know how I can ever repay you.", she said softly. "You don't have to.", I replied, "Your family. That is what families do, take care of each other. Besides, I know that's what Susan would have wanted me to do. I just want you to be happy, Beth." We finished eating, cleaned the kitchen quickly and moved into the great room. She sat on the sofa, I sat across from her in my chair. We continued to talk about the details of the building until we were both satisfied with how it was going to transpire. Without much warning, Beth changed the subject quickly. "Jeff, I know this is going to be awkward, but I really need to tell you something.", she said in a low voice. "Yes, I know.", I quickly replied, "Your mom told me." She looked puzzled for a moment, then asked what I meant by that. "Your mom has the idea that you might have met someone recently and could be thinking of starting a relationship.", I added. Beth look startled and confused, moving uneasy on the sofa. "I can't believe that my mom read me that well. I mean, I really did not say anything that I know of that would have given her any clue.", Beth answered. So it was true, she had met someone. I decided as much as this was going to hurt, I had to take the noble way out. Before Beth could say anything else, I decided to let her off the hook. "Beth, I am not going to lie to you and tell you that I do not care for you. You know I do. But all I want is for you to be happy. I know what it's like to live with hurt and I don't want that for you. I am glad that you met someone, you deserve to be happy.", I told her. "Anything you need from me, you just ask. I wish you all the best.", I continued. She was just looking at me with a blank stare, like she could not believe what I was saying. I am not sure how much time passed, it seemed like an eternity, then she responded. "Well, in fact, I have met someone.", she finally replied, "And I am not positive but I think I may be in love with him." My heart sank, I felt my stomach tighten, but I tried my best not to let on I was dying inside. I smiled at her and she continued to tell me how confused she had been for the past few months, so unsure of the right thing to do. She told me she was hesitate to start another relationship so soon after separating from Lance. She was moving slow to be absolutely sure this was real, not perhaps just a rebound relationship. "I understand.", I told her, "But if you truly have fallen in love, don't waste any more time. Be happy. Anytime you need to talk or need a shoulder to lean on, I am here for you." "Jeff, I always admired you, and in a lot of ways, I have always been extremely jealous of Susan. I saw how the two of you got along. You both were always so happy, always kidding each other, always laughing. Not only were you lovers, you were best friends. Now, I can see why Susan was so in love with you." I didn't know what to say or how to say it. Here was my sister in law telling me she had fallen in love with another man, while my heart was crying out to tell her how much I loved her. I wanted to grab her by the shoulders and shake some sense into her. But what good would that do. I was unhappy, why burden her with this. "You know it takes a special man to tell me what you just did. After what we shared together, you're only concerned about my happiness, my chance to be in love again." she said softly. "Yes, Jeff.", she said looking down at her feet, " I am pretty sure I have fallen in love again and it scares me." There it was , the final blow. My heart was pounding so hard, I was pretty sure she could hear it. My stomach was twisted in knots, I felt like I had suddenly developed a high fever. Once again, I was alone. Chapter Eight I was trying my best to be supportive but all I could think of was someone else would be holding Beth at night. After Susan's death, I had battled with just about every emotion one can have. I blamed God, blamed him for not giving me a fair shake in life. We had been successful, had a beautiful home, money, we were happy. It just was not fair. For a long time I was bitter at everything and everyone. But as time passed, I realized that no one knows what life will throw at them. Just when you think you have been dealt a cruel blow, you look around and see someone much worst off than yourself. "Does Lance know about your new love interest ?", I asked Beth. "No.", she replied, "But it should not matter to him. He has been seeing someone for years behind my back. So to be honest, I really am not worried about what he thinks." "I have seen it happen a lot though Beth. Guys leave their wife for someone else, they think they don't care, until their wife finds someone who shows interest, then the jealousy starts.", I told her. Beth, tilted her head in a puzzled look and paused a moment. "Jeff, you have no clue do you ?", she asked , "You never asked who I think I am in love with." " I really don't think I want to know, Beth.", I responded. Suddenly Beth gave me the most pitiful look. Her eyes filled with water and a tear ran down one cheek. She moved over to the end of the sofa and took my hand. "Jeff, I am so sorry. I was not thinking right. I think you misunderstood me. Yes, I do think I am in love, but it's with you silly." she said softly. It felt that the weight of the entire world had just been lifted off of my shoulders. I can't describe the feeling, but for the first time in a very long time, I felt a sudden peace. "You thought I was talking about someone else ?". she asked. I nodded dumbfounded. The lump in my throat stopped me from talking. "Even though you thought I was talking about another man, you supported me. No Jeff, its you. I have been fighting this since that day here in this room, when we....." , she stopped. I got up and moved next to her on the sofa. My hand brushed the hair from her cheek. Once again my heart was pounding, but for a much different reason. "This is going to be very difficult at first, when people find out. Its not going to be pleasant.", I warned her. She said nothing. She leaned over and her lips met mine. It felt wonderful like before, but different. We leaned back our arms wrapped around each other. I kissed her for what seemed an eternity. I never wanted to let her go. I was hoping this was not a dream. We kissed over and over, slowly with no urgency, holding each other. She looked up at me and smiled. "I need to run home for a little while, but I will be back. I want to spend the night with you. I want to wake up in your arms. Is that ok ?" she asked me. I had forgotten what it felt like to wake in the morning next to a woman. It had been so long, I barely could remember. "I would like that Beth. Please hurry.", was all I could muster. Beth kissed me again and promised she would be right back. As she closed the door my head was spinning. I hurried to the master bedroom and made sure everything was perfect. I jumped into the shower and cleaned up, getting ready for her. Just as I threw the clothes in the hamper, I heard the door open. I met her in the hallway, she was carrying a small bag over her shoulder. She leaned up and kissed me again. "I am going to clean up, if that's ok.", she told me, "I will be right with you. Open a bottle of wine, I think I will need a few glasses." She stepped into the master bath, closed the door. I heard her turn on the water and start filling the tub. I went downstairs and pulled a bottle of Merlot from the rack and went back to the kitchen. I opened the bottle, grabbed two glasses and headed back to the bedroom. When I stepped in the bedroom, I heard that familiar hum of the jets in the tub. I turned off the light and turned on a very small lamp next to the bed. I pulled back the linen and slid into the sheets. Even though we had shared two previous encounters, I was nervous as hell. Maybe five minutes passed and I heard the motors on the tub turn off. I heard the drain open and knew she was finishing up. I poured two glasses of wine and placed them on the nightstand. Soon I heard her hand on the door handle. I held my breathe, silently anticipating. Beth came out into the dimly lit room. She was wearing a floor length burgundy colored gown. It was lace from head to toe and she looked magnificent. She walked slowly over to my side of the bed. "I hope you approve.", she said, "I bought this especially for you." "You are beautiful Beth.", I replied, "You're breathe taking." She lowered her down on top of me and my lips met hers. Her perfume was subtle, not over whelming, but just right. She smelled fresh with a scent of baby powder. Her lips were warm, soft and moist. Her tongue was soon entangled with mine. Instantly my cock began to harden pressing against her soft firm body. My right on her back moved down and I cupped her ass. She began to move her hips and press her pussy into me. I rolled over to the left and lowered her on her side. I looked deep into her eyes, I felt her warm breathe on my face. "I love you Beth." I whispered, "I love you too, Jeff." My hand slid down her thigh and I slowly slid her gown up her leg. My hand reached between her warm smooth thighs and I found her pussy. She was absolutely drenched in fluids. I pushed one finger deep inside her, then back out again. Looking into her soft eyes, I withdrew the finger, placed it between my lips and sucked on it. I could see a sparkle glimmer in her eye. I lowered myself down her body, until my face was between her thighs. I extended my tongue and softly licked her pussy from bottom to top. She arched her back at my first touch, knowing what was yet to come. I continued to kiss her long smooth lips, every now and then pushing my tongue into her. Her hand went to the back of my head, softly stroking my neck, encouraging me on. I reached up and with my fingers opened her lips to expose her clit. I pressed my lips to her clit and gently began to suck on it. I could taste the juices that were now beginning to flow from her pussy, thick, warm and sweet. My lips released her clit as my tongue began to swirl around it. Her breathing was becoming shallow now, more urgent. As my tongue circled her clit, I pressed one finger inside her, just passed her opening. Her body shivered as I pushed my finger deep inside her. Her hips came up from the bed and pressed into my face. Suddenly she cried out. "Jeff, now , now, I'm cummingggggg." With that, I pulled my finger from inside her and replaced it with my tongue. My hands grabbed her ass and pressed her firmly into my mouth. I felt her juices flow all over my tongue and lips. She bucked wildly against my mouth. "God Damn , that's so fucking good." she screamed. For close to thirty seconds, I kept my tongue deep inside her as I felt her orgasm slowly subside. Her breathing was now returning to normal. I got up and moved my body above hers. I leaned down and kissed her lips. Her tongue immediately moved into my mouth as she tasted her first orgasm. Her tongue ran along my teeth and along my lips. She reached down and pushed my shorts off with one motion. Her hand wrapped around my cock as she guided me to her pussy. As she looked into my eyes, she placed my cock between her warm, very wet pussy. I took a deep breathe and slowly pushed my cock into her. The walls of her pussy were warm and very wet. It had been years since I had been deep inside of a woman. I leaned down and once again we kissed. I went very slow, I knew if I didn't I would not last very long. Her pussy felt like velvet against my rock hard cock. I began to move inside of her very slowly. Pushing as deep into her as I could, then pulling almost all of the way out, then back down again. I cannot describe the feeling she gave me. Her hands were softly caressing my back as she looked up at me. Even though this was the first time we were making love, it seemed so right, so natural. I felt my orgasm coming, then suddenly for some reason, sanity came screaming back. "Oh, Beth...Um....I forgot about protection." I stammered. "Its ok baby, I am on the pill.", she replied, "Cum inside me, Jeff." That's all it took. I pushed deep inside her and I felt the first jet of cum explode against the walls of her pussy. Over and over, I felt streams of hot cum wash her insides. She reached up and pulled my lips to hers. She whispered into my mouth. "Let it go baby, fill my pussy with that hot cum." I continued to move gently inside of her, feeling the effect of my cum inside of her. My breathing returned somewhat to normal as I lifted my weight off of her. Her hands pushed me off to the right and I rolled over and out of her. Without any hesitation she moved down my body and took my softening cock into her mouth. She gently began to suck me as her hand caressed my cock. The feeling was incredible, gentle, so loving. As she continued to suck me, I reached over and began to stroke her thighs. I thought for a second, then moved my lips back to her pussy. I had never done anything like this, so I was hesitant and not sure how she would respond as well. I decided to take a chance. I extended my tongue and touched her pussy. Her body jolted in reaction to my touch. I timidly extended my tongue again this time, slowly licking between her lips. "Oh my God Jeff.", she cried out, "Are you sure ?" "Mmmmmmmm, Hmmmmmm.", I replied without ever taking my mouth from her pussy. I had never tasted my own cum before, much less give oral sex to a woman after I had cum inside her. But I didn't hesitate, as I pushed my tongue inside of her. I tasted cum for the first time, salty, tangy, different. I slowly withdrew my tongue and swallowed some. Again I opened her lips and pushed my tongue deep inside of her. Suddenly she released my cock from her lips, grabbed my head with both hands and pressed my face firmly into her pussy. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, Oh My God, I'm cumming.", she wailed. I felt a huge splash of liquid hit my face. It soaked me, her legs, the bed. Her orgasm went on and on, probably longer than the first. Slowly her grip on my head relaxed and I eased the pressure of my mouth on her. I gently licked along her lips, stopping every once in a while to lick her still rock hard clit. "Oh my god, I have never cum like that before.", she whispered. I moved back up the bed and lay next to her. Her hand caressed my cheek lovingly. I pulled her close to me and kissed her again. Her hand moved down my body and wrapped around my cock. I had begun to get hard again. She slowly stroked my cock up and down as she kissed me. She broke our kiss , then moved down my body. She wrapped her lips around my cock and started to use suction on me. I felt my cock again begin to swell. She moved her hand up right under the head of my cock and began to stroke me with some urgency, her lips wrapped around the end of my cock. "Cum in my mouth baby.", she whispered. Her stroking became quicker and I knew it was only a matter of seconds. "Beth, I'm gonna cum baby." She moved her mouth off of me as she frantically jerked me off. The first rope of cum hit my chest. Thick streams of cum erupted from my cock. She continued her relentless hand movements milking me for all she was worth. She then leaned over, took my cum covered cock deep into her mouth and cleaned me off with her tongue. Her hand covered in cum stroked my chest. She looked up at me and smiled. "I think I may need a shower. You wanna join me ?", she asked. pics---->> http://bit.ly/1D1q3qp
Title: The Fuck Stop: Family Outing Summary: Son needs a sex toy. Mom goes shopping with him Keywords:inc,fic,erotic,hot,sex It was 5:15 on a Thursday. I had just left the office and was driving across town to my book club meeting at 6:00.  "Son of a bitch!" I exclaimed to one in particular as I realized I what I forgot: Leah's shoes. She had let me borrow a pair of gold strappy sandals for a wedding I had attended a month ago. I had forgotten to bring them back to her for the last three weeks of our book club meetings. I decided there was no way I could flake on returning them again, so I exited the highway and headed toward my house. I figured I would still be able to arrive at the event more or less on time.  I pulled into the driveway next to my son Jake's car. He is nineteen and a sophomore in college, currently home for summer break. My mind was on autopilot: "Okay Elena, you need to make a beeline for the shoes which are on the floor beside your dresser, and hightail it out of there to get to book club by 6:00."  Being so 'in the zone,' it took me a moment to register the strange sounds I heard upon walking through the back kitchen door. Loud wailing and rhythmic grunting seemed to fill the entire first floor, but my brain did not connect the dots until my vision registered the source of the noise. Displayed on my 60" wall-mounted TV was a pornographic scene in which a muscular young stud was railing an older woman. He had her bent over at the waist, holding onto her backward-stretched arms at the wrists. He was ramming his absurdly large dick up her twat from behind, his balls loudly slapping off her puffy slit. "Ohhhhh yessss! Fuck me, son! Fuck Mommy's pussy!" The MILF screamed as she looked back at her fucker.  Still in abject shock, my head turned to see Jake on the loveseat. He was naked. He had turned to look at me. He had a pair of blue panties with orange polka-dots wrapped around his cock. I happened to know that those panties were made of silk. We stared at each other, frozen in open-jawed surprise, for what felt like five minutes but was probably more like five seconds.  "Oh my god, Mom," Jake cried, "I thought you—" "Shit!" I interrupted, "I'm leaving!" I said as I fled out of the door I had just come in. I peeled out of the driveway and sped out of our neighborhood, my thoughts racing even faster than my car. I had not retrieved Leah's shoes and was in no state of mind to share thoughtful commentary on a lackluster historical fiction book anyway. So I drove around the city for an hour and a half, ruminating about the appalling scene I had walked into earlier. I understood that my son had needs—hell, we all do! But how could Jake be so brazen? So reckless? He had a laptop and a smartphone; why couldn't he rub one out in the privacy of his bedroom like the rest of us? Mostly, I was trying to figure out how to handle this delicate situation. On the one hand, I had to nip Jake's audacious living room wanks in the bud. But on the other hand, I didn't want to shame him any more than was necessary. There were a couple of things I kept getting stuck on, though. One was Jake's use of my panties—yesterday's used panties—as a masturbation aide. The other was an image my mind wanted to deny, but kept resurfacing. During the interminable moment that we stared at each other in shock, Jake kept slowly pumping his panty-wrapped cock.  I dreaded the possibility of having to face Jake when I returned home, but I couldn't drive aimlessly forever. Luckily, when I walked back in the house, he was in his room. I grabbed a protein bar out of the cupboard for dinner and hid in my room as well. I just couldn't face that conversation. I'd have to tackle it the next day.  Feeling somehow dirty from the evening's turn of events, I took off my work clothes and started the shower. As I waited for the hot water to kick in, I caught my reflection in the mirror. My light hazel eyes stared back at me. Not bad for an almost-40-year-old, I thought. At 5'4", I worked out and kept myself relatively fit. My caramel-colored hair grazed my collarbone and complimented the rosy-brown nipples on my grapefruit-sized tits. I did not have much body hair to begin with, but my little pubic bush was tidily trimmed. I wondered if I was a "MILF," then forcefully pushed the thought out of my head, due to its connection to the shit-show earlier.  In any case, I was still attractive, I thought as I stepped into the steamy shower. As I often did around this time of night, I started thinking I should make more effort to date. I hadn't made it a priority since Jake's father left ten years ago. I'd been dating more since Jake went off to college, but it only amounted to short-term things that fizzled out and a few mediocre one-night-stands.  I sighed and continued with the next step in my nightly routine. After lathering myself with body wash, I began massaging my tits, then let my fingers migrate downward. I unhooked the handheld shower sprayer from its base on the wall and slid it up and down the front, then the back of my body. I leaned back and braced myself on the corner of the bathtub. I thought about that tasty chap from the Aquaman movie and positioned the showerhead directly below my pussy. I adjusted the setting to "massage" and enjoyed the stronger pulses of water on my clit. My sexual proclivity tends toward submission, so I usually fantasize about a strong man taking control of me in some form or fashion. I was deep into a fantasy and the long-haired Aqua-stud was pounding my cunt from behind. I had the water pressure just right, my pussy was hot, and I was about to get the orgasm I needed. I imagined looking back at the beefcake fucking me as I started to cum, but instead saw the lust-dazed face of my son. I immediately recoiled from my horny reverie and my orgasm died on the vine. I was left with my pelvis humping fruitlessly into the cascading water. I went to bed unsatisfied. ******************** Having tossed and turned more than I slept that night, I woke the next morning feeling exhausted and crabby. I also woke up late, leaving me no time to masturbate to rectify the loss of last night's climax. If I get turned on and for whatever reason can't cum, I stay in an extremely horny and frustrated state until I get release. On top of all this, I was dreading the talk I would need to have with Jake that evening. But my busy work day provided sufficient distraction, and my mood eventually leveled out.  When I returned home, Jake was eating a sandwich at the kitchen table. Seeing me enter, he picked up his plate and tried to duck out of the kitchen. "Jake, sit down. Let's chat," I said.  He sat, looking down at the table. "I don't know what you want me to say, Mom." "Well," I started, with a touch of sarcasm, "You can start by explaining what possessed you to blare porn on the living room TV, while... having a go at yourself... on the loveseat!" "I'm sorry Mom, I thought you had book club. I didn't mean for you to see me," Jake replied. "I understand that you have a healthy sex drive, Jake, and I'm not trying to demonize you for that. But the whole way you were going about it last night was completely inappropriate," I said. "I know it was a bit... over the top," Jake said. "But you can't possibly imagine how horny I am constantly. I thought it would get easier over summer break, but it hasn't. My last semester was really tough and stressful. There are so many hot girls everywhere on campus, and a lot of them want my... erm... they come on to me. But I knew there was no way I'd pass calculus, let alone physics, if I was chasing tail. Seriously Mom, it was really hard." Jake's last sentence caught me off guard for a second, until I put it on context of his previous words. I mentally shook off the word "hard" that lingered in my head. Then I sat silent to contemplate the dilemma he faced at school. Poor Jakey was having to fight off the pussy with a stick, it sounded like. My mirth turned into sympathy when I saw the forlorn look on his face.  Jake really was growing into a fine specimen. He got his height and broad chest and shoulders from his father. He stood a little over 6', and built his physique playing football in high school. He wasn't on any sport team in college, but was obviously doing something to stay in shape. His sandy blond hair had grown a little shaggy. His deep brown eyes and chiseled jaw line really rounded out the package. I supposed I was seeing Jake not as my little boy, but as a man for the first time. It was disconcerting, particularly in light of last night's mishap.  "Okay, Jake. I can see where you're coming from. But why were you using those panties—my used panties—to... pleasure yourself?" I asked, feeling my cheeks grow hot. Jake hung his head and groaned. "I told you Mom, I'm horny 24-7. I jerk off a lot. Like a LOT. And my hand just isn't cutting it anymore. If I'm going to stay focused on my classes, I need to stay away from girls. That means I need something more... realistic, more fulfilling to get off. That's why I was rubbing your panties on my cock. I'm sorry. I know that's not okay." I flinched at his unnecessarily lewd language choice. "Well, Son, I can't have you masturbating in our common areas, or with my undergarments. It's inappropriate. I do support your wish to focus on your studies, of course. But you say you need something more 'real' to use. Do you have any other ideas as to what might satisfy you? Something that can be kept private?" Jake seemed to think for a moment. "Um... actually, I think having some... toys would help my situation a lot." "Some toys... as in..." I stopped myself before I said anything rude or presumptuous.  "Yeah, like maybe a couple of fleshlights. Or a sex doll," Jake said. "Really, Jake? A sex doll? Where the hell would you keep a sex doll in your shared campus apartment?" I asked, incredulous.  "Okay," he said sheepishly, "Maybe just the fleshlight, then." I fought hard not to outwardly react. I knew all about fleshlights, I wasn't that far out of the loop. In fact, a guy I briefly dated had one in his closet that I accidentally came across. When I first figured out what it was, I was somewhat disgusted. But over time, I found myself fantasizing about walking in on him using it. Something about the perceived depravity of it was a major turn on for me.  I was feeling uncomfortable and ready to end this conversation with Jake. "Okay hon, I'll give you my credit card and you can order yourself a couple of toys. Sound good?" "Actually Mom, I was kinda hoping you could take me to this adult store here in town. They supposedly have a big variety of toys displayed so you can... get a feel for what you like." I stopped myself just before I got exasperated with Jake and told him to take his damn self to the sex store. I sensed he was experiencing—what—sensitivity? Embarrassment? I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but it just seemed like one of those times he needed his mom. I didn't want to further shame him for his sexual needs, and I did want to support him. So, I agreed to go with my son to a store called The Fuck Stop the next day.  I didn't dare attempt masturbating that night, for fear of Jake's invading presence in my mind. ******************** The next day was a scorcher and I reached for a breezy sundress, which was about all I could stand to have covering my body. I tried to push down the perturbed feeling I had as I got ready to go out for the day with Jake. I figured a big part of it must have been my increasing sexual frustration due to not getting off for a few days. The other part was that I just felt plain uneasy about shopping for sex toys with my son. But I put on a happy face, determined not to make this outing any weirder than it needed to be. Luckily, things were mostly back to normal between myself and Jake as we had breakfast in the kitchen. We puttered around for a bit, had lunch at a downtown café, and eventually arrived at The Fuck Stop. Rather nondescript from the outside, we were both amazed at the store's inner expanse. It seemed pretty deserted. I told Jake to go look at what he came for, and I would be browsing around if he needed me. Just after Jake and I split up, two employees walked swiftly out of a back area of the store. They were smoothing their clothes, tidying up, as if they had been lying down on the job. Forgivable, I thought, given the lack of business at the time. The male employee was walking toward me. He was probably in his late 30s (maybe a couple years younger than me), really good looking, tall with dark hair and eyes and a fit, wiry build. The woman, whose fiery red hair I only caught a glimpse of, bustled away in the opposite direction. "Hello there! Welcome to The Fuck Stop. Can I help you find something?" he said, and gave a wide, friendly smile.  "Oh, no. Thank you though," I said. "I'm just perusing." "Great, well let me know if I can assist you in any way."  He didn't rush off like a typical retail employee. Instead, he lingered an extra moment, staring intently into my face. That brief flash of his interest caused my neck and face to redden and a tide of excited heat to roll through my crotch. "Sure will," I said and turned away. I wandered around the spacious store and found myself getting horny despite my best efforts to stay detached. God, I really should have rubbed one out before we left, I thought. I walked past some slutty lingerie and imagined the panties being pulled aside while a big cock entered me. I scanned the covers of the porn videos and recalled the MILF getting fucked in Jake's porn. I wound up in the women's toy section, surrounded by dildos and vibrators. Looking at the veiny, silicone cocks caused me to wonder exactly how long had it been since I'd been fucked. As I contemplated this, I was startled by the male employee who walked up and was standing right behind me, close enough for me to feel his warmth. His presence gave me full-body chills. Then came his low-toned voice. "Are you sure you don't need any help? You've been browsing for quite a while."  I checked my watch, and sure enough, we'd been there for 30 minutes already. I stood still, almost trembling from feeling his breath on my ear. I could find no words to say at the moment. "I'm Brad, by the way," he said as he inched closer to me. His front was now in full contact with my back. "Elena," I scratched out.  "Elena," he repeated. "Maybe I can help you find a toy you'd really like. How does that sound, Elena?" "Okay," I nearly whispered.  Brad reached around in front of me to replace an errant item on its correct hook. "So tell me, what are your favorite things to do in the bedroom? That will help me find the perfect toy for you." I was incredibly surprised to hear myself replying: "I like just about everything, but I have a fantasy of being fucked and licked at the same time."  "Oh yeah? That does sound hot." I swore I felt Brad push his hips into me slightly as he said that. "I think I have just the thing," he said. Brad led me to a nearby aisle, his hand on my lower back. My cunt was growing warmer and I had to imagine my panties were beginning to dampen. He grabbed a box off the shelf which showed a pink dildo that curved back around and on the shorter end, had a tongue-like appendage.  "Wow. Never seen one of those," I said.  "Yep. Cutting edge technology here," Brad replied. "And it comes with an instructional video. I'll set you up in one of our viewing rooms." Before I could protest, Brad was shuffling me off to another part of the store.  "Wait here just a minute and I'll get the video cued up," he said and was gone. As I stood there awkwardly, I caught sight of my son and the redheaded female employee a few aisles over. I couldn't tell what they were looking at, but it seemed that the woman was reviewing their product selection with him. They were standing very close to one another. They didn't seem to notice me.  Then Brad reappeared and ushered me into a small, clean room with a padded bench built into one side and a viewing screen on the opposite side. He patted the bench, motioning me to sit down, which I did. I think he could tell I was in heat at this point.  Brad unboxed the fancy toy, but did not hand it to me. Instead, he lifted up the skirt of my sundress and bent at his waist to inspect. He placed his thumb on the wet spot in my panties, pressing lightly. I moaned. He then set down the dildo, pointing toward my pussy. "Mmm..." he said as he licked the thumb that touched my wet panties. "Enjoy, Elena." Brad walked out, closing the door behind him. A minute later, the video started playing. At first, I couldn't pay attention because of the shock and lust swirling together within me. I couldn't believe that a sex store employee would be so bold, and yet, I really wished he'd come back and fuck my dripping pussy. The implications of the situation began to set it. Brad put me in this room with this toy and video so I could test it out on myself. Not only that, but he had deliberately turned me on so much, I couldn't resist.  On the screen, images of the product floated around for a minute before cutting abruptly to a scene of a couple on a bed. The nude woman was leaning back against the headboard with her thighs spread wide. Her muscular male companion had his face buried in her snatch. The video zoomed in on the pussy-eating action for a few moments, then switched to a new scene. This one featured a skinny woman with small tits who was riding the face of her lover, in evident ecstasy. I gasped and felt my juices soaking through my panties. My hand made its way down to my crotch and my middle finger pressed right where Brad's thumb had been moments before. I felt pretty weird preparing to masturbate since my son and I had come here together. But it wasn't like he was watching me. This was a private room. I resigned myself to the fact that this was happening. The video then cut to a woman holding the product and talking about its features. There was a closeup of the tongue part and you could see it had tiny bumps on the surface to simulate a real tongue. The camera panned out and you could see the woman was sitting on a chaise, with her bottom half totally naked. She pressed a button and the tongue came to life with a muted buzz. She demonstrated how to change the "licking" pattern and speed and then applied the tongue toy to her clit. It looked pretty fucking hot, so I decided to check it out. I slid down my panties, opened my legs and hiked my feet up on to the bench with me. My pussy was totally exposed and it was making me horny to know that while no one could see me, I was technically still in public. Gripping the dildo part, I turned the toy to a random licking setting at medium speed setting and moved it closer. When it reached my clit, it was definitely a unique sensation. I realized that there was a little bottle of lube included in the box so I squirted some on my mound and let it drip down. I put the toy back on my clit and my pelvis popped up toward the slippery stimulation. Ahhh fuck. I enjoyed the mock pussy-licking action as the video continued to show a variety of different hot cunnilingus clips. After a few minutes, the porn scenes transitioned to three-ways. In the first, a buxom blond bimbo was on her back, being fucked hard by a bald stud while a brunette girl was bending over the side of the couch, tonguing her clit. The demonstrator woman came back on to showcase other features of the toy. Then, looking deep into the eye of the camera, she stuffed the longer end of the dildo into her pussy.  "Oh Christ," I muttered and couldn't wait a second longer to mime her actions. I flipped the toy around so the cock end was pointing toward me. I teased my sopping hole a little before easing the dildo in, inch by inch. As I worked the toy into my steaming cunt, the video returned back to porn scenes. A particularly hot one showed a horny co-ed riding some cock in reverse cowgirl while another guy lapped his tongue from her opening to her clit over and over. I turned the clit-licking tongue back on as I was fucking my pussy. Holy shit. It felt amazing. My cunt was humping into the dildo, trying to cram in even more pleasure. I leaned my head back and closed my eyes, focusing in on the sensations in my pussy. The video's sound faded away and my brain continued to supply me with a barrage of fantasies to go with my self-love. Images flashed through my mind: Brad staring lustfully into my face, my ex-boyfriend getting caught fucking his fleshlight, the mother-son porn from the other night, a nondescript cock fucking me mercilessly, my son Jake jacking his throbbing cock with my used panties. With this last unexpected intrusion, my eyes flew open. At first, I thought my mind had conflated two of those images to create one in which Jake was fucking a fleshlight. It took me a moment to realize that, no, I was actually seeing this! Where the video screen had been, there was now a simple window into another viewing room. My son was in that room, looking directly at me with mouth agape, and fucking his cock hard and fast into a fleshlight. I let out a startled shriek, but it was too late. I was already cumming. I couldn't stop plunging the dildo in and out of my cunt. My orgasm rushed through my entire crotch, and the exquisite licking motion of the toy combined with the current visual stimulation had me bucking and writhing like madwoman. Jake did not slow down his assault of the toy pussy either, he kept driving his hips into it until his body shuddered and he unloaded his seed.  ******************** Evidently, my scream alerted the staff that something was wrong. Brad burst in the room to make sure I was okay. My wet, open pussy was still exposed when he came in, and I could see the outline of his cock thickening down the side of his pant-leg. I did not want to be aroused by this. "What the fuck?" I shouted. "One minute I'm watching a video in private, and the next minute, the screen is a window instead? A window into another occupied room?" "Oh my God, Elena, I am so sorry about this. I think I know what must've happened. When a video ends, the system automatically rolls up the projector screen after one minute. We will have to beg your forgiveness and understanding as well as that of the other patron. I can't believe Mallory and I screwed up so gargantuanly here." Just then, I saw the redhead who I assumed was Mallory, step into my son's room. I was struck by a nauseating idea: what if these people found out we're mother and son? I didn't think either of us could ever live that humiliation down. "Um, you know what, Brad, it's okay. Not that big a deal. We actually came together. I mean, we came here together, to this store." I cringed at the double entendre.  Brad cocked his head to the side. "You did?" "Yeah," I said as I hurriedly swiped my panties from the floor and stuffed them in my handbag. "Yep, he's... the boy who mows my lawn." This was technically the truth. "Ohhh," Brad said, a look of understanding coming over his face. "Came here for a little stranger role-play, did you?" "Uhh, yeah, sure did," I replied, ready to get the fuck out of there. "Well, in that case, sit back down and let us show you some of our fantastic couples' toys!" "Oh, actually, we have to get—" I started, but Jake and Mallory were walking into the tiny room. "Ahem... that's right, I'm here with my lawn boy and you caught us roleplaying as strangers," I said obviously to inform Jake of our cover story. "How kinky!" Mallory giggled." She pushed Jake into the room, grabbed Brad and said, "You two lovebirds stay here, we'll be right back with a few surprises." Before I could protest, she shut the door and left with Brad. I was about to apologize to Jake for having to see his mother like that and suggest that we leave, but Jake spoke up. "Mom, that was the hottest fucking thing I've ever seen." "H—how much did you see?" I asked. Jake, apparently past all pretense of decorum, replied, "Enough." His eyes roved over my body and returned with smoldering intensity to my face. I felt an involuntary twitch in my pussy. My jaw fell open and I sat in stunned silence for a moment. I wondered why even after that spectacular cum, I was still horny as fuck. Had I really just cum to the sight of my son humping a fleshlight? And had he cum to the sight of me fucking my pussy with a dildo? Before I could ponder the matter any further, Brad and Mallory returned, carrying a stash of sex toys. "Okay, guys," Mallory said, "I've brought you some really fun items to try out. Here, we have a vibrating cock ring, and a fluffy tickler—great for teasing, also, some flavored lubes—" "Um, actually..." I interrupted, "we haven't... consummated the... uh... whatever, yet."  Brad looked at me. "Oh? You haven't fucked the pool boy yet?" "Lawn boy," I corrected, stupidly. Brad grabbed the fluffy teaser toy from Mallory and stepped toward me. He dragged the soft feathers across my cleavage and leaned in to whisper in my ear.  "Why haven't you fucked the lawn boy yet, Elena? You know you want to. In fact, I bet you're just dripping for it." Brad crouched down, lifted the hem of my sundress, and barely brushed the tickler against my bare pussy. My son and Mallory were watching while I stood frozen, not knowing what to do. Brad then swirled and dipped his finger in my opening and brought the finger to his mouth to suck. We moaned in unison. He took another fingerful of my juices and held it out to Mallory, who eagerly sucked on his wet finger. "Mmm... that's divine," Mallory purred. She then stepped forward and put her own finger up my soaked cunt. I was too stunned (and horny) to say anything. "Jake, you're going to love tasting Elena," Mallory said. She pulled her finger out and stepped right in front of Jake. She stuck her pussy-coated finger in his mouth and grabbed his package with her other hand.  Jake's eyes closed and he moaned around Mallory's finger, pushing his shorts-clad crotch into her hand. He reopened his eyes and saw me standing there with Brad still holding my dress up. With a determined, lusty stare, Jake crossed the tiny room in two steps and backed me up until I fell back onto the padded bench. He grabbed my legs, lifting and spreading them at the same time until my knees almost reached my ears. He kept still for a moment, savoring the view of my glistening, exposed pussy. Jake turned his eyes up to meet mine, and while maintaining eye contact, he flattened his tongue and lapped from my leaking hole up to my protruding clit. I gasped as another torrent of liquid escaped my cunt. Jake then dove in to overwhelm my pussy as if he was passionately French kissing it.  Both Brad and Mallory expressed their joy at Jake claiming my pussy like that. "Atta boy!" Brad said, and patted Jake's shoulder. "Fuck yeah, eat that fucking pussy!" Mallory squealed with excitement. Brad reached over and roughly yanked down the top of my sundress along with my bra, leaving my tits exposed. Due to the restrictive fabric now bunched up under them, my tits were pushed upward toward my face, which really showcased their size and firmness. My nipples were rock-hard and pointing toward the ceiling. "Such pretty titties," Mallory said. She began to flick her tongue over my left nipple. Brad tweaked my right nipple hard and grunted, shifting his erect cock in his pants. "I'm gonna go check on the front. Mallory will take good care of you," he said before closing the door behind him.  So there I was, folded in half, at the mercy of my son's oral assault and the gorgeous redhead's tantalizing mouth on my tit. I was so unbelievably aroused and started to wonder if that was in spite of, or because of the taboo of the situation. Either way, my horny cunt didn't give a single damn.  Jake alternated between the flat-tongued lapping, tongue-fucking my pussy hole, and kissing and sucking my clit. He was a surprisingly accomplished pussy eater. To the extent they could (which was not much, due to my positioning), my hips began bucking upward a little, my pussy yearning for even more of my son's talented tongue.  "You like that?" Jake asked from between my legs.  "I love it," I moaned. "Cum for me Mo—" Jake started, but realized what he was about to say, and finished: "Mmm... Cum for me Elena." I flinched for a second, but Mallory didn't seem to catch his near-revelation, and moaned as she continued teasing my nipples with her tongue. Jake plunged his long middle finger into my needy pussy and focused on rolling and sucking my clit with his tongue, looking up at me the whole time. This combination of total wrongness and oh-so-rightness was too much to handle, and I felt the first waves of orgasm after about thirty seconds.  "Oh fuck! Yes... Lick my fucking cunt!" I growled through gritted teeth. My son didn't skip a beat, and kept up his mouth work as my pussy pulsed into his face. I don't squirt, but I do get incredibly wet when I cum. I could see my juices covering the entire bottom half of Jake's face. My whole crotch must have spasmed over a dozen times, and Jake stayed put for all of them, giving my clit a gentle lick here and there. I sat there limp and panting, basking in my post-cum intoxication. ******************** Mallory, having had a front-row seat to the preceding event, looked to be overwhelmed with lust. She muttered something about "taste... pussy..." and grabbed the sides of Jake's face, pulling him in for a kiss. She groaned into his mouth, as if my residual pussy juice was sustenance to her thirst. She was planting sloppy kisses all over his mouth and face, licking up wetness that trailed down his neck. Jake was hungrily kissing her back when their mouths made contact.  I watched, enthralled. It was like seeing two teenagers out of their parents' sight for the first time. Mallory only looked to be a little older than Jake, probably 24 or 25. She was really beautiful, with her striking red waves that cascaded past her shoulders, ivory skin and sparkling green eyes completing the package. She was wearing a short and twirly black skirt with a black polo shirt. Above one breast was embroidered in white: "THE FUCK STOP." The plain black outfit only served to accentuate her obviously voluptuous body. I could understand why my son was hungry for her. "I think Elena needs to rest for a bit," Mallory said, looking over at me. She was right. I was still catching my breath from the earth-shattering orgasm my son had just given me with his mouth.  "But I can tell you still have plenty of energy, right Jake?" Mallory asked. Jake nodded and grabbed one of her tits through her shirt. "Ooh, grabby, aren't we?" she teased. "I can grab stuff too." She cupped and fondled Jake's cock and balls through his pants. I hadn't really seen my son's junk yet, since the first time it was covered by my panties, and the second time it was buried in a plastic pussy. I was excited at the prospect of seeing him in all his glory as I observed the outline through the tented material.  "I bet Wee-Wee is lonely in there, does Wee-Wee need to come out and play?" Mallory cooed playfully. Jake just moaned his assent and thrust his crotch forward toward the buxom redhead. Absurd as it was, Mallory's baby talk to my son really turned me on for some reason. She reached to undo Jake's belt and unzip his pants. She pulled them down, along with his boxers and his cock sprang free. And holy shit! It was no wee-wee, it was a man-sized tool. It was fat, at least 7 ½ inches long, and had a sensual upward curve. He wasn't manscaped, but just like me, had sparse pubic hair. Fuck, even his balls looked great and made me want to suck on them. I winced internally with the realization that I wanted to suck my son's balls. Mallory obviously appreciated the outstanding cock in front of her, too.  "Ooh, nice package, Jake!" she said. "While I really want you to fuck me silly with that gorgeous cock, I think I'll save the honors for when you and Elena... consummate. No, I'm going to make you cum with one of our wonderful toys. After all, I am a saleswoman, right?" Mallory said with a giggle.  Jake was practically vibrating with desire and a moan escaped his lips when she mentioned fucking him. "What did you think of the Brandi Love Fleshlight?" Mallory asked as she rummaged through her toy stash. "It felt really good," Jake replied. "I thought you'd enjoy it. How would you like to try one of our asshole simulators?" "Uh, yes please." Mallory grabbed another fleshlight-type device, along with a clear, open-ended stroker toy and some lube. She set the items next to Jake's legs. Mallory undid several of her polo shirt buttons, grabbed both tits and let them flop out of her bra and shirt. She flipped up her skirt for both of us to see that she was not wearing any panties, her completely shaved slit on display. Mallory explained that it is store policy for employees to remain "dressed" at all times, even when "assisting customers." She added that sometimes nudity just couldn't be helped, but she tried her best to follow the rules. My son and I were staring at the hot redhead, both stunned by the surreal scene.  "My last question is, do you want a freebie, or do you want to help me get off at the same time?"  "I want to bathe in your pussy juice," Jake said seriously, and Mallory and I laughed.  "Mmm... I like your attitude," she said, and instructed Jake to lay back. She pulled his shirt up and over his head and grabbed a small, square pillow from her stash of items to place under his head. Mallory straddled my son, facing his legs and allowing her bare pussy to rest on his abdomen. She drizzled a good amount of lube onto his upward-pointing prick, and he sucked in a breath at the shock of the cool liquid.  "Don't worry, love, it'll warm up soon," she soothed. Mallory took the simple clear sleeve, about the dimensions of a soda can, and began working it down on Jake's engorged cockhead. Mallory had her skirt hitched up and Jake was switching between ogling her perfect ass and stealing glimpses of me, still exposed from our earlier play. I was watching him too, specifically the clear toy moving up and down on his hard cock. It was really fucking sexy. "So tell me, Lawn Lover Boy, have you fucked anyone's ass before?" Mallory asked. "No," Jake replied. "Well, it's important to use lots of lube. And now that we have you lubed and warmed up, let's give it a go!" With that, she swapped the clear sleeve for the asshole-shaped fleshlight, working it very slowly down his shaft. Jake grunted his approval. "Oh fuck, that's tight." "Yes, assholes are incredibly tight and you have to go in slow and easy, just like I'm doing." Jake's abdominal muscles clenched with his effort to not go apeshit on the toy at this moment. Mallory's pussy must have felt this and she wiggled her ass on him.  "Ooh, I think I'm getting wet, Jake, can you help me out with that?" Jake sank his fingers into her ass cheeks and pulled her crotch back toward his face. Mallory sighed in ecstasy as his tongue made its first contact with her waiting snatch. She continued pumping the mock-asshole toy on his cock slowly. I didn't know how much technique there was to jerking a guy off with a fleshlight, but Mallory seemed to intuitively know how to maximize his pleasure.  Each of them was moaning and groaning intermittently and the show they were putting on for me was revving my libido again. Mallory started grinding her cunt in my son's face and Jake began bucking his hips upward to fuck into the fleshlight, as Mallory increased the speed of her pumping a little.  However, I couldn't help but wish that I could see more. I couldn't see Jake's cock, because the big, clunky fleshlight obscured it. I also couldn't see his face with Mallory's pussy on top of it.  "Mallory? Would you mind going back to using the clear toy?" I asked. "Sure, Elena! You really want to watch his cock getting worked, huh? I bet you also want to watch your fuck toy—I mean lawn boy—shoot his load too!" "Mmm..." I moaned. Jake, hearing the desire drip from my voice, thrust his dick hard and fast up into the sleeve a few times. Each time the head of his cock popped out of the top of the toy, I felt my pussy get wetter. The growing heat in my crotch made me want to spread my legs. I hoisted my feet back up onto the bench with me and positioned them far apart so my cunt was on display. Mallory shifted her posture so instead of being mostly upright, she was considerably leaned over, her face inches from my son's pumping meat. She slowed down her jerking and started using her fluttering tongue to tease his cockhead as it emerged from the toy's outer end. Jake grunted as he sensed this added pleasure.  After a bit, Mallory seemed to be getting off on this, figuratively and literally. She started working her pussy hard into Jake's face, forcing him to focus on her clit. I could hear her gasping and muttering soft curses. She had abandoned the toy around Jake's cock so she could concentrate on the feel-good in her cunt. She moved her hands to the floor on either side of Jake's legs. Her mouth was open and panting, causing her tongue to haphazardly rub around on his head.  Jake was now focused on making the horny slut cum. I could actually hear his wet lapping and slurping on her pussy, which drove me crazy. I had to start touching myself again. Mallory was in the home stretch now and began grinding her clit and humping her pussy indiscriminately all over my son's face. She grunted in time with her thrusts as she came. Surprisingly, Mallory needed no recovery time, and immediately started jacking the clear sleeve on Jake's swollen cock again. She let her pussy spasm with the aftershocks and moved off of Jake's face. He was obviously very aroused and close to cumming himself. I switched between staring at my son's bucking hips and his face, which was contorted with pleasure. Mallory pumped faster, and after a few more tugs, Jake's hips were lifting off the ground and he was shooting thick ropes of cum all over the place.  Before Jake was even done spraying his seed, Brad walked back into the room. ******************** We were all a bit startled as Brad spoke: "Well, well, well... what have you all been doing? I can see that you two have been having fun. But why is Elena all alone over there?" he said leering lustily at me.  "Mallory didn't even get you a toy? You poor thing," Brad said as he stepped closer to me. "Do you need a toy, Elena?" he asked. I nodded, mock pouting up at him. Brad said nothing and unzipped his fly. My vision narrowed into a tunnel straight toward Brad's crotch and I watched him pull out his massive tool. Brad's cock was... professional. It looked like a porn star's—long, thick, and smoothly shorn. His balls were so smooth they almost looked shiny. He fisted his cock around the base, causing the taut skin on the head to strain even further. He stroked the length of the shaft a few times as I sat entranced.  Brad stepped right up next to me and rubbed his cockhead on my glistening outer labia, from my taint to my clit, his eyes fixed on mine. I gasped at the firm yet spongy sensation. Brad pulled his dick back up to stroke it with his hand a few more times. I needed to be fucked so bad. My pussy was open and begging for it, and Brad's restraint was making my cunt even more hungry. "Here's your toy, baby. Do you need it?" "Yes," I hissed. I made to grab his cock, but he deflected my attempt, placing my hand on my still-exposed left tit. While handling his dick with his right hand, his left hand moved to my right tit and began tweaking the nipple. He pointed his cock back toward my pussy and began his rubbing again, soaking his cockhead with my sticky juices.  Brad alternated between dragging his cockhead up and down the length of my wet folds, circling it around my clit, and teasing my hole by pushing in just a fraction of an inch. He continued this for a minute or two, and just as I thought I might cum from his non-penetrative rubbing alone, Brad pulled his wet cock away from my pussy.  "You might be dripping wet, my dear," he said, "But you're not quite ready yet."  My face fell in disappointment, but before I could protest, Brad spoke again. "Suck on my cock, Elena." I didn't need to be asked twice, especially if it would eventually lead to him fucking my aching cunt. I climbed down from the bench and squatted with my back against it. Honestly, I couldn't wait to get Brad's cock in my mouth, as ludicrous as the whole situation was. I was beyond caring about parental propriety or common decency. I was hornier than I'd ever been in my life, and I was operating with consideration only to my carnal desires.  I took Brad's fat dick in my hand and guided it to my mouth, flicking my tongue around it before lightly sucking on the head. Mallory and my son watched from a few feet away as they caught their breath and relaxed.  It had been six months or more since I sucked cock, but just like riding a bike, I quickly remembered all my old tricks. After sucking rather timidly for a minute, I suddenly pushed my head forward, allowing his length to be totally enveloped in my mouth. Brad groaned. I bobbed my head on his cock, occasionally letting my nose rest for a few seconds on his bare pelvis. I pulled off and gave myself a breathing break while I lapped at the underside of his prick and massaged his balls at the same time.  Brad was clearly enjoying the attention from my mouth. He let off low moans and "oh fucks" as I pleasured his glorious cock. At some point, Mallory piped up to ask if she needed to go check on the store.  "No, Mallory, Cindy came in for her shift. But I do need you to come over here and spread your legs so I can fuck you," Brad replied. "Unhhh, fuck yes," Mallory whispered as she cupped her hand on her greedy snatch. She was already rubbing her cunt as she walked the few steps over to the bench. She sat down beside me and got into the same position I had been in in, legs hiked up and feet spread wide on the bench. Brad gazed longingly at her open pussy as I kept sucking. He looked down at me and met my upturned gaze.  "I can't wait to stick it in her warm, tight cunt, Elena." "Mmmhmm," I mumbled around his cock. Brad grabbed the sides of my head and started gently thrusting into my mouth. "I'm gonna fill that little pussy with my big cock. Just like I'm filling your mouth right now. How should I fuck her, Elena? Slow and gentle?" As he said this, he pushed his dick inch by inch into my mouth, then pulled it out just as slowly. "Or do you think I should give it to her hard and fast?" I guess my sensual moan and fingers going immediately to my clit showed Brad which option I favored. "Yeah, you want me to fuck her hard, don't you?" he said through clenched teeth. He began humping into my face with some intensity now, really fucking his cock to the back of my throat. I struggled not to gag. This was making me so hot. I furiously rubbed my clit, desperate to cum. But shortly after he started fucking my face, he pulled his dick out with an audible 'pop.' Brad stepped to the side of me and instantly plunged his cock into Mallory's waiting pussy and she cried out in ecstasy. He did indeed start off fucking her rough, and it was so goddamn sexy to see the cock-in-pussy action this closely. Eventually he slowed his thrusting and the personal connection between Brad and Mallory seemed to grow, placing them in their own little world. The sudden absence of Brad's cock in my mouth made my dick deficiency apparent. I turned away from their writhing bodies and saw Jake sitting across the tiny room, his back against the wall under the window. He was looking directly at me and slowly pumping his hard-again cock. We locked eyes and I could not go a minute longer without his stiff pole in my mouth. Maintaining our eye contact, I crawled on hands and knees over to my son.  Jake's jaw fell open as I lowered down to my elbows, stuck my ass in the air, and licked the underside of his shaft in one smooth motion. Though my knees and elbows hurt on the hard floor, my lust pushed these discomforts out of my mind. I settled in to give my son the best blow job of his life.  I spent a little while teasing Jake with my tongue, running it the length of his shaft, circling it around his cockhead, fluttering it along his ballsack. My son's cock was not as big around as Brad's, but it was nearly as long. It was also harder and warmer, making me just want to devour it. Eventually, I couldn't hold back and lowered my head down, allowing my mouth to capture almost his whole shaft. "Oh fuck M—erm, Elena," Jake groaned, again almost spilling our secret.  "Does that feel good, baby?" I pulled off for a second to ask. "Real fucking good." I lowered my head back down and began slowly working my son's shaft up and down, using both suction and my tongue to accent the sensation of warm mouth. I fondled his heavy balls intermittently. I was so lost in the mission to pleasure Jake that I was jolted from behind when I felt a warm wetness up in my exposed pussy lips. I whipped my head around to see Mallory lapping at my cunt while Brad fucked her doggy-style.  I guess they wanted a change of position and/or scenery, and everyone was reaping the benefits. Brad was able to view some hot pussy eating and cock sucking while he railed Mallory. The more aroused Brad got, the more intensely he fucked her, and the harder she got fucked, the more enthusiastic her cunt-lapping was.  Mallory's tongue felt incredible licking and slurping all over my pussy. And lo and behold, the sloppy kisses on my cunt got me outrageously horny, and I bobbed even harder and deeper on my son's prick. I remembered back to previous 69s I'd had and how having my pussy licked at the same time caused me to lose control, choking down dick until I gagged—and loving it. Since mine and Mallory's mouths were occupied, the boys were left to do the dirty talking. "Ahhh, both you little sluts got your tongues working overtime! And this one's got her tight hole filled up with my dick," Brad said, as if narrating for an audience. Jake, apparently taking a cue from Brad growled, "You like sucking my big cock? Huh? Yeah, you love it."  "That's right, son, she loves taking that cock! I bet she wants you to fuck her mouth," Brad said, egging Jake on. I moaned, feeling a fresh gush of juice flood my pussy. With that, my son started bucking his hips up to maximize his invasion of my throat. The sounds of wet licking, sucking, and fucking filled the room. I thought we were both on the brink of cumming, and was so ready to take my son's load into my mouth and swallow it all. However, Jake had a different idea. ******************** My son stopped fucking my mouth and reached down to pull me up by the shoulders and closer to him. For a fleeting instant, my mind reverted back to seeing him as my precious little boy, and the underlying guilt I was compartmentalizing about the whole thing threatened to burst forth. But as Jake pulled me closer and I felt his raging erection dragging across my thigh, the need to have him filling my womb returned tenfold. Jake pulled me in for an incredibly sensual kiss. It was soft and tender at first, but became more passionate as we explored each other's mouths. He was a fantastic kisser and I thought about how weird it was that I knew that about my son. At this point, he had already mastered my pussy with his tongue, but for some reason, this deep French kissing seemed even more intimate.  I was straddling Jake, his cock nestled between my ass cheeks. My arms were wrapped around his neck and his hands were on my hips. He broke our kiss to whisper in my ear. "I want to fuck you," and then silently mouthed the word "Mom." Before I knew it, Jake was guiding my hips up and back a little, so that my sex was hovering over his straining cockhead. But he stopped there, and did not make a move to push up into me. He was waiting for me to make the decision, and I couldn't have been any more ready. I lowered my body onto my son's rock-hardness, my needy cunt devouring his cock inch by inch. Jake groaned as he entered me slowly and I gasped once the full length of his cock was inside. We sat there a minute, letting our parts get a feel for the other's territory. Soon, I needed to move, to feel his steely rod sliding in and out of my slick channel. I gyrated my hips up and down and soon we were properly fucking. Jake reached up to fondle my tits with one hand, while the other was gripping my ass. I relished the sensations of my son's fingers digging in to the soft flesh of my ass cheek and kneading my breast, all while I bounced my dripping crotch on his lap. I leaned forward to whisper in his ear, "You feel so good inside me, baby." Jake moaned and began thrusting up into me. I moved from my knees to my feet in a squatting position to give him more leverage. My son grunted each time he humped into my cunt. Before too long, he withdrew his cock and stood up, pulling me up with him. He moved me toward the bench, facing me toward it and pushing my upper back down so my head came to rest on the padded seat.  My son leaned over and breathed into my ear, "Now you're really gonna get fucked, Mom." My pussy twitched and I shivered in anticipation. Jake took his cock in hand and rubbed along my wet slit until he found my entrance, pushing in just the head. He then grabbed both of my arms and pulled them behind me. My son was now in total control. My pussy was so well lubricated and aroused from Jake's probing, that his cock slipped right in to the hilt. I yelled out from the intense pleasure at him reaching a new depth that could not be achieved in our previous position. "Oh fuck, baby! You're so deep!" Jake moaned and started plunging his dick in and pulling it almost all the way back out. He was doing this slowly at first, savoring my pussy gripping each inch of him. With him holding my arms behind me, he controlled the speed and depth of our fucking. Nonetheless, my horny cunt couldn't resist fucking back. Just before I started begging him to fuck me harder, my son began increasing the speed and force of his thrusting.  Jake and I were in our own world at this point. The surroundings, the store, Brad and Mallory no longer existed. It was just myself and my son. Fucking like animals. I felt an orgasm building in my loins and bucked my ass even harder toward him. Each time my son's cock fucked into my burning pussy, I felt closer to cumming.  "Oh Jake, fuck me! Fuck Mommy's cunt baby!" Jake humped me even harder, ramming into my pussy with all the strength he had. I could hear and feel his balls smacking off my clit. My mind suddenly flashed to the random incident that sparked all this craziness: the incest porn I walked in on Jake wanking to. We were reenacting that titillating scene! This combined with what he said next sent me over the edge.  "You like having your son balls-deep in your pussy, Mom? I'm gonna fill that tight pussy with my cum!" Jake let my arms go but wrapped one around my neck, pulling our bodies closer together. He kept thrusting into me as I came, wave after wave of gratification rolling through my crotch. Then his motions became erratic and I could feel his cock jerking, sending jets of semen deep inside me.  We both collapsed on the bench, exhausted from our physical efforts as well as the release of pleasure. It was then that the real world came crashing back down. Mere feet away from us were Mallory and Brad, still fucking, but now on the floor in the spoon position, facing us. They had been watching—and hearing—the whole thing. Brad was fucking his cock slowly and deliberately into Mallory's wet, sloppy cunt. They both had self-satisfied smiles on their faces.  "Oh my god," I said, and covered my face with my hands. Jake remained silent. There was really nothing else that could be said. "That was fucking hot," Brad offered. "I'm so embarrassed, I can't believe—" I started, before Mallory interrupted me. "Elena, there is nothing you need to worry about, babe. So you two are mother and son—so what? You both fucked and got fucked good. It's not like there's a law against that!" "Well, actually—" Brad started, but Mallory elbowed him to shut up. He slammed his cock in her up to the hilt in protest, and she moaned.  "My point is," Mallory continued, "You came here together, and sometimes things just happen for a reason. Maybe what happened today was meant to be." "Why don't either of you look surprised? Or disgusted?" I asked. "Honey, we knew when you two walked in that you were mother and son," Mallory explained. "Don't be mad! What I mean is, this happens at least once a week around here." Jake piped up, "You mean once a week a parent and a child come into the store together, or that once a week incestual fucking happens here?" Mallory thought for a moment. "Hmm, usually both!" "She's right," Brad said, "Somehow the stars usually align and people end up fucking when they come to The Fuck Stop together, regardless of their relationship." I was beginning to feel a little less atrocious. And finding myself getting aroused again watching the two employees casually bang while they conversed with us. Shit, I could not be contained today. I noticed out of the corner of my eye that Jake's cock was already stiffening again and he had begun stroking it to full hardness. "Watching your hot fuck has actually inspired me," Brad said. "How do you mean?" I asked. "Well, I had originally planned to nut all over my coworker's lovely face. But watching a young man unload his seed into his mom's cunt has inspired me to do the same."  With that, Brad picked up speed and began fucking Mallory harder. He lifted her leg up higher, spreading her pussy and allowing him to thrust deeper. Mallory reached down to rub her clit. I looked down at my son's lap and saw that his cock was now at full mast. I needed it inside me again. My cunt ached for his cock. I glanced up at Jake and his lustful expression showed that he was practically drooling for my pussy too. I scooted over on the bench and moved to a half sitting-half squatting position over him and impaled myself on his rigid cock.  "Unhhh, fuck," I groaned with the utmost pleasure of having my son inside me again. "Yeah, ride your son's cock, Elena," Brad encouraged. Mallory could not speak, as Brad's arm was curled around her shoulders, his fingers in her mouth. Despite me being in front of him, Jake was still able to see over my shoulder. We watched the sexy employees fuck while our own groins slapped together. The sounds of relentless cocks plunging in and out of wet cunts filled the small room. The aroma of horny pussy had also permeated the confined area. Brad's cock was jackhammering into Mallory's pussy now, his hefty balls bouncing with each thrust. Mallory's curvy body was quivering with the force of his fucking and her tits were jiggling about all over the place. He looked as if he was approaching the finish line and she was fingering her clit rapidly, gyrating with the direct pressure to her engorged nub. Brad pumped into her once—twice—three times, and grunted loudly as he began spurting his hot fluid into her.  "Keep going!" Mallory screamed, "Make me cum!" Brad did as requested and kept fucking his cock into Mallory while she furiously frigged her clit. Soon, she too was cumming. Her hips were bucking wildly as her pelvis strained with contractions. They both rode out their intense orgasms and went limp. Brad's withdrew his softening cock from the used pussy. "Now you'll have to go the rest of your shift with my cum leaking out of your pussy," Brad said. "Oops," he added and kissed Mallory's cheek. "Well, this has been quite an afternoon," Brad said with a smirk. "But there's one thing left to do. Mallory, what's our highest priority here at The Fuck Stop?" "Customer satisfaction, of course," Mallory replied. "I happen to know that one of Elena's fantasies is to have her pussy licked at the same time she's getting fucked," Brad said. "Oh really? That sounds fun. Think she wants to have that be her grand finale?" Mallory asked Brad. They both looked over to me. I was panting and in heat and all I could do was nod emphatically. They both got up and stepped toward the bench where I was fucking my son. Mallory leaned down and slurped a big lick all the way from Jake's balls up to my clit. I gasped and let out a horny whimper.  Mallory did this move a few more times while Brad tweaked my nipples. Then Brad and Mallory switched positions and Brad parked in front of us, letting his tongue roll over my clit at a steady pace. Mallory grabbed one of my tits and started sucking and nibbling on the nipple. I was going insane with desire at this point. All the sensations mixed together—Mallory's beautiful mouth bathing my tit and teasing my nipple, Brad's expert stimulation of my engorged clit, and my son's rigid cock pounding away deep within my cunt—had me in a state of ecstasy I had never previously experienced. Having felt so unsatisfied these last few years, the attention lavished upon me by these three wonderful individuals (particularly my son) made me feel loved and desired. I knew I would not last long in this situation, and felt my climax quickly approaching.  I began bouncing on my son's cock, each hump bringing Jake's cock deeper into my pussy and driving my clit onto Brad's tongue. I rode until I felt the first sign of ticklish heat deep in my belly and kept riding as the wave crashed through my stuffed cunt and throughout my whole body. I could feel my pussy walls clenching and spasming around Jake's cock. "Ohhh fuck," I cried, "You're all making me cum! Make Mommy cum!" My verbal and vaginal orgasmic reactions set Jake over the edge and he started cumming too. I felt his second load of jizz spurt into my already sloppy pussy. The aftershocks of pleasure kept us bucking and grinding into one another for a moment. Brad and Mallory finished their licking and sucking and withdrew from us, straightening their disheveled clothing. I collapsed back onto my son's chest. His cock stayed inside me for a minute until it began to soften and eventually flopped out. A trail of his teenage spunk dribbled out of my pussy.  "So, how would you rate your experience at The Fuck Stop today?" Brad asked. "Very, very, VERY satisfied," Jake answered. "And you, Elena?" "I just can't believe all this happened today..." I said, dazed, "but I loved it." I turned around and gave my son a not-so-innocent kiss. "Now that you know how awesome sex can be with each other, take advantage of every opportunity you can find to fuck," Mallory advised. "Hell, you may even want to come back for our Taboo Love seminar next month."  "What do you think, Mom?" Jake asked. I didn't know if I'd want to return for the seminar, but I was sure that my sexual exploration with Jake had only just begun.  I laughed and gave him the age-old mom response: "We'll see!" For Pics visit:---->>> https://cutt.ly/hwsMVhC
Title: My Sister In Law Beth, Chapters 9 - 13 Keywords: True Story, Chapter Nine That night I woke up several times, I guess due to the fact Beth was sleeping so close to me. I had not shared a bed with anyone since Susan's death. Around four thirty in the morning I was awakened again. I raised up on one elbow and looked at Beth sleeping. She was absolutely angelic, a very content look on her face. I watched her for what must have been about an hour, until finally I got up and went into the kitchen. I decided to cook her breakfast and surprise her. Halfway through the preparation, she came in rubbing her eyes. "Something smells good." , she said with a smile. "I was fixing you breakfast in bed.", I replied. "Oh how sweet, but since I am up, I will join you here." We ate breakfast, cleaned up the kitchen and got dressed. Even though it was Saturday, Beth had to go to her office for a few hours. I had errands to run as well. We agreed to meet up later in the day. The day passed quickly and around four in the afternoon Beth called me. She told me she had gotten home, cleaned up and was wondering if she could come over. About thirty minutes later Beth arrived at my house. We sat on the sofa holding hands, kissing every once in a while. We finally got around to the conversation we knew we had to have. "How and when do we break this to everyone.", I asked her. "Oh God, I have no idea Jeff.", she replied, "But I do think we should wait a while." We agreed to keep the relationship under our hat for a while and let her divorce become final. Then when she had no ties, we would tell the family. Over the next several months, Beth and I spent as much time together as we could, considering the circumstances. We were very careful when we were together, to keep it very innocent looking. In fact we went out together to restaurants several times, even the movies a few times. When we did see anyone, which was rare, we just passed it off as two single people not wanting to go out alone. About a month before Beth's divorce would become final, she got a call from Lance. He told her he wanted to talk to her. She agreed to meet him for dinner at a local restaurant. She told me she would call me as soon as she got back to her home. The dinner was supposed to be at six, but by ten she still had not called. I was getting worried that something might be wrong. Just about that time, the doorbell rang. I opened the door and Beth stepped in. I took her coat and hung it in the foyer closet. As soon as I turned to her, I knew something was wrong. I followed her into the great room and sat down. "I don't know where to start.", she said softly. "It's ok Beth, take your time.", I responded. She went on to tell me that she had met Lance about six for dinner. She said the conversation began innocent enough, just catching up on what was going on with each other. She told me Lance seemed different. He was not his normal arrogant self, instead he seemed passive and very attentive to her. Then she told me he came up with a shocker. He told her that he had made a huge mistake and wanted to know if she would consider taking him back. He admitted to her all the past mistakes he had make, but told her this time apart from her made him realize what he had lost. He begged her to, if nothing else, just start slow and date him again so he could prove to her that he had changed. She told me he actually cried several times during the dinner. "Well honestly Beth.", I started, "I can understand how he feels. I would feel the same if I had lost you." She blushed slightly and looked down at the floor. She was wringing her hands and acting very anxious. She seemed to be having a hard time finding words to say. I decided to take it a step further. "I know you and Lance have been together a long time.", I continued, "And even though, I don't have to tell you how I feel about you, if you have second thoughts and want to try to reconcile with Lance, I will understand." "I knew you would say that Jeff.", she replied, "I just knew you would. For once in my life, I know I am with a man who thinks of me first." "And I know that I love you, that you would never hurt me. But I have to admit, I can't explain the feelings I have right now. I am not sure if I feel sorry for Lance or he truly touched my heart.", she said. "I know this is not fair to you at all and its confusing as hell to me as well.", she ended. I didn't know what to say or if to say anything at all. I was getting used to having Beth by my side, but I really could understand how she felt. Even though I resented Lance more now then I probably ever had since I had known him, I understood. When your married as long as they had been, sometimes you take each other for granted. And having shared the last few months with Beth, both emotionally and sexually, I can understand why he wanted her back. "Look Beth, maybe the best thing to do right now is to not see each other for a while, so you can sort out exactly how you feel. I don't want to pressure you into something you don't want.", I told her. We talked in circles for a while but somewhere in the conversation it became apparent to me she had doubts about us. Maybe not serious doubts, but she needed to be one hundred percent sure. We agreed to just see how things went. I told her, I was not going anywhere, I would be here when she decided and I would support her either way. She hugged me and kissed me. For the next month, I lived on pins and needles. We talked very little, although I never did see Lance's car by Beth's house. That was some consolation anyway, it would have killed me to see him spend the night with her. The holidays were fast approaching again and I had really hoped Beth would be in my life this year. I so wanted to share them with her. In addition, Beth's birthday was December the 15th. I really wanted to do something special for her. Beth and I would talk every few days, we rarely saw each other. We seemed to talk about everything but what I really wanted to talk about. But I had decided not to pressure her and no matter how much this hurt, I was going to do just that. I was invited to my in laws for Thanksgiving Day Dinner, which I gladly accepted. My mother in law was an amazing cook and she always out did herself for the holidays. She also told me that there would be several other guests coming as well. I got up early on Thanksgiving morning, cleaned house and washed some laundry. I left for my in laws about eleven o'clock that morning. I arrived to the wonderful aroma from the kitchen. She had a Turkey, Gumbo, Stuffed Bell Peppers, Crab Cakes, Oyster Dressing, Baked Macaroni, and lots of side dishes. I was the first to arrive but shortly there after other guests arrived. My mother in law's childhood friend Miss Margie, her husband and daughter arrived together. Apparently they were friends back to elementary school and had remained close. I vaguely recalled meeting her at my wedding many years before. I was introduced to her daughter Jennifer, whom I am guessing was in her mid to late thirties. She was an extremely attractive brunette with an incredible figure. Everyone chatted in the living room while waiting for dinner to be served. I noticed that the conversation kept coming back to Jennifer and I both being single. Apparently Jennifer had been married once for a few years but it did not work out. She had been single for about ten years, she was an attorney. I sensed that perhaps my mother in law and her friend were trying to set us up together. When we were seated at the table, Jennifer was given the seat next to me. Not a coincidence I thought to myself. As we ate , someone asked my mother in law where Beth was. She replied that her and Lance would be joining us a bit later. I was not at all happy to hear that and figured to eat quickly and take my exit as soon as I could. Last thing I wanted to do was see them together. I still had no idea what was going on with them. I was somewhat relieved when my mother in law added that Lance was trying to reconcile but Beth was being very reluctant about it. About thirty minutes later Lance and Beth arrived together. As they said their hello's, I noticed Beth eyeing up Jennifer sitting next to me. They took their plates and sat down to eat. The conversation picked up where it left off and our meal moved along. Finally my mother in law dropped the bomb. "Jeff, I was telling Jennifer that you rarely get out and do anything. She basically said she was in the same boat. That her work kept her too busy for a social life. Maybe you two could get together and have a good time every once in a while.", she said. I looked up and saw that Beth had that deer in the headlights look. I had to try and be polite, though I really did not want to start any relationship with anyone other than Beth at this point. " I dunno Mom, I'm not much on going out, I don't know how Jennifer feels.", I replied, hoping she would let me off the hook. "Oh, I would love to go out sometime with you Jeff. I will give you my business card later, maybe you could call me.", she quickly replied. What could I do ? I just smiled and said that would be nice. I continued to eat but could feel Beth's gaze on me. Every time I looked up she was looking at me. After we had desert, we moved back to the living room and talked. I was feeling very awkward, so I decided to make my escape. I told everyone that I had an early job in the morning and thanked them for the dinner. As I got up to leave, Jennifer reached for her purse and pulled out a business card . I thanked her and told her I would be in touch. There was not much else I could say in front of everyone else. I said goodbye and left. On Saturday morning, Beth called me from her office. It was a strained conversation to say the least. I wanted to ask her about Lance, I am sure she was interested if I had called Jennifer, but neither of us brought it up. Beth told me she wanted to talk soon in person. I told her that would be fine, just let me know. Another week started and I had still not heard from Beth and I was beginning to think that maybe she had reconsidered taking Lance back. Although, I had still not seen Lance over at Beth's house. The only time I had seen them together was Thanksgiving day. I really wanted to call her and make my pitch for us being together but could never really bring myself to do it. That Tuesday at work, I received a call from Jennifer. She told me that my mother in law had given her the number. She apologized for being forward but something had come up. Apparently she was an assistant district attorney and had been invited to a banquet for several Judges. It was the type of thing you do not go to alone and since she knew no one else, she wondered if I could go. I really had absolutely no desire to go, but she continued to plead her case. I finally agreed to go and she told me she would email me the specific's. Apparently word travels very fast because shortly after I returned home from work that evening, I had a message from my mother in law to call her. When I did, she told me that she heard I had a date this Saturday night. I told her yes that I was going to the Banquet with Jennifer, but really did not want to. She begged me to be open minded and try to have a good time. She told me Jennifer was really interested and she thought we would make an excellent couple. I thought to myself, "Oh Mom, if you only knew.", you wouldn't be saying that. She asked me to call her Sunday morning after the date and let her know how it went. I agreed and hung up. I had just returned home, Friday night, when Beth called. She asked me how everything was going with me. I told her things were fine, but that I missed her. She told me that she missed me too. She added that she had just spoken to her mother and she had told her about my date. I told Beth what had happened and how I came to agree to go. "Are you interested in Jennifer.", Beth asked me. "No, I am not Beth.", I replied, "But honestly you kind of left me out to dry here." "I know Jeff, I am so sorry. I am just very confused.", she responded, "Just please don't make any quick decisions about me." "I won't Beth.", I reassured her. The next morning I got up and had a ton of things to do. I went and cleaned out my car, had it detailed. I got a haircut and went to the cleaners and picked up my suit. I returned home, did a few things around the house and started to get ready for the evening. I picked up Jennifer at her condo about seven in the evening. She came out in a black, short skirt that was sleeveless. She had a black shawl that matched and her hair had been curled. She was a knock out. I found it very hard to believe that this woman was alone on Saturday nights. I went to the car opened the door and she stepped in. As she did, her skirt rose up her legs slightly, giving me a glimpse of her thigh's. The Banquet was very nice, the food was excellent. Jennifer introduced me to a lot of people. Some of them I recall having seen their names or pictures in the local newspaper or on the TV News. We decided to leave around nine, Jennifer then suggested we stop for a cup of coffee. I agreed since we had gotten along really well that night and I had enjoyed the conversation. We stopped at a local late night caf and had a few cups of coffee. Jennifer told me about her brief marriage and how she had worked to put herself through law school afterwards. She was a remarkable lady, who had accomplished a lot on her own. She asked me about Susan and I briefly told her our history. We arrived back at her house about eleven that night. She asked me if I wanted come up to her condo for another cup of coffee. I thanked her but told her it had been a long day and I was ready to turn in. I thanked her for evening and told her that I had a very good time. She told me she had enjoyed it as well and asked if I thought I might like to go out again sometimes. I told her that sounded fine. She leaned over and gave me a very short, but very pleasant kiss goodnight. I had barely gotten out of bed the next morning, when my mother in law called. She told me she had already heard the night was a huge success and that we were planning to go out again. Apparently Jennifer had called her mom already and word spread from there. I replied to my mother in law that we might go out again, I was not sure. With Beth's birthday right around the corner, I waned to try and do something nice for her. I had given a lot of thought as to what to get her. I wanted to get her something nice, but I couldn't be too obvious about my feelings for her in front of everyone. I walked around the mall for hours not sure of exactly what to get. Finally I stopped at one of the jeweler's and explained my predicament to the sales lady. She suggested I buy a nice watch. It's a great gift, but not too personal. I agreed and she helped me pick out a really nice gold ladies watch. I got home that evening and saw several messages on my recorder. One was from my mother in law, one from a friend and one from Jennifer. One by one, I returned them all saving Jennifer for last. I was thinking of what I could say if she asked me out again ? This was perhaps the most ironic situation I had ever been in. A year ago, I was alone, disinterested in women completely. Now, I was struggling to understand a situation in which two women had suddenly appeared in my life. I finally decided to call Beth and ask her out for her birthday. I decided to call during the week when she was at work. After several tries, she returned my call. "I know your birthday is Saturday, but how about going to dinner with me on Friday night ?", I asked her. "I can't.", she told me, "I have to go to Lance's parents Friday night. They are having a party for me." Apparently a lot of people other then Lance were trying to patch up her marriage. I did not want to appear to be an idiot, but I was growing weary of waiting. "Beth, I think you need to let me know what's on your mind.", I told her, "Are you seriously considering taking Lance back ?" "I really don't know.", she answered, "He has been so kind and considerate these past weeks, like he is a different man. I sometimes think its just an act to get back in good with me, but yet other times, I am sure he is sincere." "Beth, I can't help you with this. I am biased. I love you, I want you. But I need you to be sure. If we are together, its going to cause quite a stir. No sense in going through that unless you are sure.", I replied. "I know Jeff, most of me wants to be with you. There's just a small part left clinging to my former life.", she answered. I decided not to push the issue any further, wishing her a Happy Birthday. I asked her to leave her car open and that I would slip her present inside for her. She thanked me and we hung up. Two more weeks passed and I had not heard a thing from Beth. Jennifer had called me and invited me to her Christmas Party at work. I had told her, I would get back to her, then realized by now she had little time to make any other plans. As much as I was hoping I would be with Beth for the holidays this year, it appeared that once again, I would be alone. It was December the 20th when Jennifer called me at work. She asked me again about the party and I told her I would accompany her for the evening. She thanked me and we made arrangements for later in the week. I left the office and drove home. As I have said previous, I have to pass right in front of Beth's home to get to mine. There was a vehicle ahead of me as I approached Beth's, so I was traveling relatively slowly. As I got almost in front of Beth's, I looked to the front of her house and my heart sank. She had her arms wrapped around Lance and they were kissing on the front porch. I felt as if I had been punched in the stomach, the breathe knocked out of me. I guess I must have slowed down too much, because they stopped and looked in my direction. I didn't know what to do, so I meekly waved and continued home. Chapter Ten I laid on the sofa that night so frustrated at myself for letting things get this chaotic. How could I allow myself to fall in love with Beth ? I couldn't get the sight of her and Lance out of my head. I wanted to go over there and drag him out of the house and beat the crap out of him. But , from where I was sitting it certainly appeared Beth was co-operating fully. Suddenly I knew I was going to be sick. I jumped up and ran to the bathroom, barely getting there in time. I was restless all that night and awoke early the next morning. As I opened my eyes, my mind immediately went to work. Did Lance spend the night ? I think what really bothered me the most, was that Beth had not even tried to contact me and try to explain. I got dressed and left for work. Christmas was Saturday, we were off on Friday , which was Christmas Eve. Jennifer's office party was Thursday night at one of the five star restaurants in the French Quarter. I left work early that Thursday to make sure I was ready on time. I pulled into my drive about an hour later and opened the box to get my mail. I went inside through the mail on the table and went to get cleaned up. After taking a shower and getting dressed, I noticed I was about an hour early. I turned on the TV and grabbed the mail. As I was sorting through it I came upon a letter hand addressed. I opened the letter and pulled out a small piece of folded paper. On it was printed : [ I know this is not fair to you. I can't imagine what you are going to think of me after you read this. I wanted to tell you in person, but I can't bear to look you in eyes and see the hurt I am causing you. You have been through so much already. Know that I do love you but I have to try and make this work. ] No name, no signature, nothing but those words. As I stared at the letter, I was numb. This was it ? After all we went through I was going to get a generic Dear John letter. However, the more I thought about it, the more it made sense. No names. That way if I did decide to try and get even, nothing on the letter really proved it was from Beth. In fact did she even write it ? I went over to the drawer where Susan had kept sentimental things she had gotten through the years. One of her most prized possessions was a letter that Beth had written Susan about a month before Susan died. It was a touching letter that thanked Susan for being the best big sister a girl could ever have. I opened it and compared the writing. As I thought, Beth had not wrote the note personally, I am guessing so she could deny it in case it ever came up. I guess she had one of the girls in her office write it for her. I took both letters and put them in the same drawer. I arrived at Jennifer's condo about seven that evening. The last thing I felt like doing that evening was being around a lot of people drinking and having a good time. I would have much preferred to stay home and feel sorry for myself. I walked up to the entrance and pressed the buzzer for 4D. A few seconds later the buzzer sounded. "Jeff, can you come up for a second, I am not quite ready." The buzzer sounded again and I pushed open the door. I took the elevator to the fourth floor, got out and found my way to 4D. The door was slightly ajar, so I knocked briefly, stuck my head in and announced I was here. "Come in and sit down, I will be right there.", Jennifer called out. I walked in and closed the door. I looked around and noticed how well the home was decorated. Everything in it's place, very expensive furnishings. The kitchen was open to the main living room and it was spotless. I moved over to a large beige leather sofa and sat down. About five minutes later, the bedroom door opened and Jennifer walked in. She was wearing a long red dress, floor length. She had on black heels and her hair was pulled up off her neck and shoulders. She was absolutely stunning. The gown clung to her body like a second skin, showing off all of her natural assets. She scurried around the condo grabbing things and putting them in her purse. We quickly exited and made our way back to my car. The party was pretty much as I figured it would be. People drinking too much, giving them an excuse to behave differently than they could under normal circumstances. All I could think about was Beth and the letter I had just gotten. Apparently, I must have seemed pretty down, because a young lady, maybe mid twenties, came over to where I was standing and said hello. She introduced herself as Katie, she was one of Jennifer's secretaries. She proceeded to fill me in on who was who in the rooms. Jennifer was against the opposite wall talked to two other attorney's. Katie, then started to ask me questions. Routine at first, but then getting a bit more inquisitive. "Have you ever been married before.", she asked. "Yes, I was once.", I replied. "Oh, so your divorced. Yea been there, done that.", she quickly fired back. "No, my wife died years ago. Cancer.", I continued. "Oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't have any idea.", she replied, and gently touched my arm. "It's ok, I know you didn't.", I responded. At that point, you could see she felt terrible, she hurriedly tried to change the subject. She told me Jennifer had told her about our first date. I could see perhaps she had been coached in maybe finding out what my intentions were. Jennifer soon joined us along with another young woman who Jennifer introduced as one of her paralegal's. After about an hour, the grand ballroom opened and the party flowed inside. There was a very well known local band on stage and the music started. By now the alcohol was flowing freely and inhibitions were fading. The band played a very nice mix of both relatively new songs and older classics. There were a few songs played that Susan and I had danced to in our day. I saw Jennifer looking at the couples slow dancing out on the floor. I was ready to go home but I knew I could not ruin Jennifer's night. The band took a break of about thirty minutes and returned to the stage. The singer spoke into the microphone and announced to the crowd that this was their couples segment of the show, where they played only slow music. The crowd applauded and the music started. Jennifer was finishing up a conversation with another woman just as the first song ended. Jennifer walked over to me and grabbed my hand. "You wanna dance once with me ?", she asked, shyly. "Um...well...I haven't danced in years, Jennifer.", I replied. "First enough of the Jennifer, its Jen, and second, that's not a problem, I haven't danced in years either.", she shot back. "Ok, Jen.... I'll try." We moved out on the floor just as the band started the second song. Appropriately they started playing "Open Arms" by Journey. I reached out and took Jennifer in my arms, she responded in kind. I started moving nervously to the music, it had been a while. Lying beside you, Here in the dark Feeling your heart with mine, Softly you whisper You're so sincere, How could our love be so blind........ The band was doing a great job with the song. I noticed that Jennifer had gotten a little closer to me, pressing her body to mine. She smelled very good, although the scent was unfamiliar to me. She had one hand on my back, the other on my shoulder. She was a very good dancer and soon she had me moving in sync with her. I could feel her warm breathe in my ear. As bad as I was feeling, she felt very good in my arms. I felt the hand on my shoulder move up slightly to the back of my neck. She began lightly stroking my neck, brushing my hair gently back and forth. I closed my eyes and wondered, how had I gotten to this point in my life. This was not at all what I had pictured. Just when you think you have turned the corner in your life, up comes another hurdle. Thankfully the song ended shortly there after. Through the night we danced a few more times, and soon the crowd began to thin out. We decided to leave as well, it was getting late. On the ride back to Jennifer's the topic of Christmas came up. "What are you doing for Christmas ?", she asked . "I have no plans, probably spend a quiet day at home.", I answered. "You're not going to your mother in law's for dinner ?", she asked. "No, they have been invited out for the day this year.", I responded. She then asked me if I wanted to go with her over to her parents house for dinner. She explained that her entire family was gathering and it would be a nice day. "No, one should be alone on Christmas.", she explained. "I have heard that.", I answered, "But, I am used to it. Its really not that big of a deal." "Well it is to me.", she replied, "If you don't go with me, then I will bring you some food back on my way home." I could see that my excuses were not going to fly so, I agreed to letting her stop over Christmas day , later that evening, to drop off a plate. Chapter Eleven Being off on Christmas Eve, it gave me a chance to get the entire house cleaned and all the laundry done. I went to the market, bought groceries and returned home. I was putting away the groceries when the phone rang. It was Beth. I just didn't have the heart to answer it. I let voice mail pick it up and finished putting away the groceries. When I was done, I sat in my chair and listened to the message. "Hey Jeff, its me, I.. I just wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas. I know its not what you ...... I mean.....I was hoping.....Oh hell, take care, talk to you later.", was the message. Funny, I thought. We went from being so close, to an unsigned letter and a strained voice mail in a few months. Life changes so fast sometimes, you can't keep up. That night I did a lot of thinking about Beth. As hard as it was to accept, it would be extremely difficult to be with Beth. I had no clue how the family would react, then I know Lance would be as difficult as he could be. Perhaps, this is for the best. I decided to call it a night about eleven and go to bed. As I climbed into bed, I realized that a year had passed since my first encounter with Beth. Somehow, it had not seemed that long ago. The phone woke me up the following morning about nine-thirty. I looked at the clock, surprised at the time. I answered the phone, it was my mother in law. "Merry Christmas, Jeff." she said, "Dad and I love you." "Merry Christmas Mom, I love you too.", I replied. It was always hard for us during the holidays. Even after all this time, you never really get over it. She then asked me if I had spoken to Beth. I told her no, but that she had called. She went on to tell me that Beth and Lance had reconciled and he had moved back in. I had really figured as much, so I wasn't overwhelmed by the news. I could tell by the tone in my mother in law's voice she wasn't elated by the news. If you only knew, Mom, I thought. The day passed slowly and I had a lot of thinking to do. Early that evening, I had come to two conclusions. One, any thought of a relationship with Beth was over and two, I had no clue as to how to explain to Jennifer that I was just not interested in another relationship. She of course had no way of knowing about Beth, and I had no intention of telling her. I just felt that I was better alone, it worked for me. And deep down in my heart, did I really think anyone could replace Susan ? Jennifer called around six, she was on her way over. I had everything done, so I just watched TV until the doorbell rang. I went to the door, opened it and invited her in. She was dressed in blue jeans, a red sweater and white blouse. She looked really nice. I closed the door behind her and led her to the great room. "Wow, your house is gorgeous.", she said, "Not what I pictured for a single man." "I can't take credit for it Jen, I didn't decorate it.", I replied. She had a card board tray with two plates of food, covered in plastic wrap. She offered them to me and asked me to sit down and eat. She had brought enough for both of us, so I asked her to join me. We sat at the table and had a very nice dinner, the food was excellent. We cleaned up and she asked if she could see the rest of the house. I obliged giving her the grand tour. Finally I took her out to the rear of the home where the sun room was. I had this room built about two years before Susan died and it was one of her favorites. The room had a complete glass wall across the back that looked out into the garden. In one corner, I had a very large Jacuzzi, the rest of the room was decorated with wicker furniture with floral cushions. The floor was slate tile, and there was a flat screen TV mounted to the adjacent wall, so you could sit in the Jacuzzi and watch TV. I could tell by her excitement, Jennifer liked the room. "Now I could definitely relax in here." , she exclaimed with a smile. "Too bad , I didn't bring a suit with me." "Maybe another time.", I offered her, "I am never very busy. It never gets used anymore anyway." We went back to the great room and sat down. She seemed very interested in my past and somehow the conversation drifted to Susan. After two hours, I think she had probably heard my entire life story before , during and after Susan. "I can tell how much you love her.", she said, "You get a certain look in your eye when you talk about her." "I still miss her everyday.", I said looking down. "I know.", she replied, "I can tell." She then asked me if I had ever entertained the idea about another relationship. I told her, not really, that I had grown comfortable living alone and never really gave it much thought. She pretty much told me her life had gravitated to the same place. It was kind of surprising because Jennifer was an extremely attractive, very educated woman. Looks and money usually don't last long in the single market. I had never been the kind of man who is comfortable around women. I see some guys that are smooth as silk when they talked to women. I am the exact opposite. Susan always told me that is what made me attractive to women. They love the innocent little boy persona that I gave off. And like Susan told me, with me it's the real thing, it's not an act. "Jeff, can I ask you a question.", she asked, "And please be honest with me." "I'll try.", I replied meekly. "Are you attracted to me at all ?", she asked. Once again, the kind of question that I just am not good at answering. "I think your very attractive , Jen. Downright gorgeous.", I replied, "Why do you ask ?" "Well....... I was just wondering.... You know....most guys after one or two evenings out, they always try to take things further....., she answered. I went on to try and explain to her why I was so guarded around women. No one can understand how someone feels who lost the love of their life at such a young age. There are all sorts of clich's that are used, but none of them worked for me. You feel what you feel, you can't change it, or at least I couldn't. Then after all those years, I let my guard down with Beth, only to see things fall apart. Of course I couldn't tell her about Beth, so I skirted the issue as best as possible. "Then let be honest with you.", she stated, "I enjoy being with you. I feel very secure when I am with you. You make no demands, your very easy to be with." "I guess what I want to know is....... Do you think we might have a future together ?", she asked shyly. To be honest, I had never really considered anything along those lines with Jennifer. I had always really felt that Beth would come to her senses. That and along with the fifteen year age difference between us, made a relationship not something possible. "I never gave it any thought.", I replied. "Oh.", was all she said," I was kinda hoping...... oh, never mind." "No, what did you want to say ?", I interrupted. "Well, I was kind of hoping, we could...go out together New Year's Eve?", she answered. Suddenly my mind raced back to last New Year's Eve and the party at the club. Where had the time gone? All at once, I felt a cold breeze on my neck, bringing me back to reason. I don't know what made me speak out but I did. "Sure, I would love to go.", I blurted, "You have anywhere in mind ?" "Well yes, Every year my best friend gives this huge party. I always go alone, but I would very much like you to take me.", she said. "Ok, it's a date.", I smiled. Chapter Twelve The week passed quickly, Jen and I talked several times during the week finalizing arrangements for the party. Even though I had not talked to Beth in several weeks, I did notice Lance had moved back home. I tried to put it out of my mind, it was beyond my control. We arrived at the party about nine o'clock that night and Jen introduced to me to all of her friends. Several I had met previously at the office party for Christmas. Finally Jen introduced me to Carrie, her best friend, the hostess of the party. "Ahhhhh, so your Jeff.", she said, extending her hand. "Is that a good or bad Ahhhhhh.", I replied, shaking her hand. "Oh, it's a good Ahhhh, trust me.", she answered with a smile and a wink. We talked for a while, then she excused herself to mingle with her other guests. The night moved along well and the food, music and company were all good. I guess it was about thirty minutes to midnight when Carrie pulled me aside privately. "Jeff, you make sure you kiss my best friend properly for the New Year or you will have to answer to me, Mister.", she demanded. "Properly ?", I quizzed her. "She is crazy about you, Jeff. Open your eyes, don't let her get away.", she answered. "Really ?", I stammered. "Oh, yea.", she shot back, "Now go and be a very good boy. And she is my best friend, you mess up and you have to deal with me." We went back to the party, no one noticing we had been gone for a few seconds. I moved to the back of the main room and found Jen talking to a couple next to the fireplace. I walked over and joined them. A couple of minutes before midnight everyone started pairing off with their significant others getting ready for the countdown. Jen looked nervous as hell, giving me a very weak smile. Finally the crowd started....... "Ten, nine, eight, seven......... I looked at Jen, she looked back at me. On the count of one, I put my arms around her and leaned in to kiss her. My lips found hers, soft and moist. Softly at first, but soon she was pressing her lips into mine. I felt the tip of her tongue on my lips. I opened my lips and my tongue found hers. She was a remarkable kisser. I am not sure how long we stood there, our lips together, but when we finally broke apart, the entire party applauded us. Obviously we had been lost in the moment. Carrie moved over to me and whispered in my ear. "You did real good, Jeff, real good.", she whispered. The party continued for about another hour, then people started filtering out. Jen and I found Carrie and thanked her for her hospitality. Carrie thanked us for coming and told me she hoped to see a lot more of me in the future. We waved our goodbye's and left. As I drove home, it came to me that not once that night, had I thought of Beth. In fact, I had a really good time, and felt totally at ease with Jen. We got on the interstate and headed west to home. We were nearing the exit I would have to take to bring Jen home when she leaned over to me. "Jeff, I had a great time tonight, thank you so much.", she said softly. "I really enjoyed it as well, Jen.", I replied. "I really don't want to go home.", she whispered to me, placing her hand on my arm. "Would you like to get some coffee or something ?", I offered. "No.", she answered, "I want to go back to your place tonight, if it's ok with you." I swallowed hard, I was not expecting this. I thought for a second, a million things running through my mind. "Are you sure ?", was all I could get out. "Yes, I am sure.", she quickly responded. So I passed her exit and continued on to my house. I noticed that she had slowly worked her way to me and now was leaning against my shoulder. We arrived a few minutes later in my drive. We entered the house and moved to the great room. "I really have to get out of this suit.", I told her, "I am just not comfortable." "Oh, go ahead.", she replied. I went to the master bedroom and changed into jeans and a tee shirt and returned to find her looking out into the sun room. She looked at me and replied she wish we had stopped at her place so she could have gotten some lounging clothes. I told her I was sure I had something that would fit her and led her to one of the extra bedrooms that I had turned into a huge closet. I told her to help herself and closed the door behind me. She returned a short while later dressed in one of my NFL Jerseys and from what I gathered, just panties and bra underneath. The Jersey came down mid thigh, but looked very good on her. "I hope you don't mind ?", she asked. "Heck no, it looks better on you then it does on me.", I laughed. "Ok, lets go.", she said, grabbing my hand, "I have to try out your Jacuzzi." I agreed and walked out to the sunroom. I turned on both the jets and the heater, and we both got in. The only lighting we had were the lights in the Jacuzzi. I noticed as she stepped in, I could see her figure, through the mesh holes of the jersey fabric. Because she always dressed so business like, I had never really seen her true form. She had a very thin waist, nice hips, and firm backside. She sat directly across from me in the Jacuzzi and extended her legs into my lap. I took her foot in my hand and began massaging it as we spoke. We talked for a few minutes, then she asked if she could sit next to me. When she got up the jersey clung to her body and I got a full view of her for the first time. She sat next to me gingerly, and reached over and took my hand, intertwined my fingers with her and looked at me. "Jeff, its been a very long time since I have been with a man. You make me feel very special when I am with you. The little things you do, open doors, hold my chair.", she said softly, "I want you to know, I trust you completely." With that she leaned over and kissed me. At first , it was just like the kiss we had shared hours early, but then it turned into something more demanding. Her hand on the back of my neck pulled my lips into hers firmly. My arms went around her, pulling her close, feeling her firm breasts against my chest. We kissed for a really long time without moving much else. Finally I decided to move on. Taking my arms from around her, I placed one on her waist and the other on her shoulder. As we continued to kiss, I lowered my hand from her shoulder to her right breast. I softly caressed her, being really surprised at the fullness of her breasts. She softly placed one hand on my thigh and began to lightly rub back and forth. By now, my cock was starting to respond to her touch, her lips. I ease my other hand off of her waist and placed it on the inside of her left thigh. She shifted her weight and leaned back against the spa, pulling my mouth to hers. This girl could really kiss I thought, leaning over into her. She took her right hand and placed it on my left, which was still on her thigh. She slowly pulled on my hand until it met with the sheer fabric at the crotch of her panties. She then let go of my hand and reached up the leg of my shorts until her hand found my cock. She began to lightly stroke my cock with her fingers back and forth in a very unhurried pace. I moved my hand to the waistband of her panties and pushed my way inside. I continued lowering my hand until my fingers found her very wet pussy. I felt that she was completely shaved and felt extremely smooth to the touch. She arched her hips slightly in response to my fingers stroking the lips of her pussy. "Oh that feels sooooooo good.", she whispered in my ear. "God, its been so long." I slowly pushed the tip of one finger inside, trying to be as gentle as I could. Slowly she opened up to me, until I had one finger deep inside her. I began to move my finger in and out of her slowly, pausing as I came all the way out, to stroke her clit, then push back in all the way. From the way she was holding on to me and breathing in my ear, I could tell she was enjoying it. I slid my finger back out and began to concentrate on her clit. I noticed it had become quite large and very hard. I slowly became rubbing it in small circles, very, very lightly at first. She responded by wrapping her fingers around my cock and beginning a very slow but deliberate up and down movement. I broke our kiss and had her turn and lay her back in my lap, her face looking up at me. I leaned over and my lips met hers again. I moved my hand down her flat stomach and into her panties once again. I soon found her very swollen clit again and resumed my attention to it. In this position, my hand was unrestricted and I had full access to her pussy. I continued to gently stroke her clit, every once in a while, pushing my finger inside her and pulling out her juice to lubricate her. From the sound of her breathing, I sensed she was getting pretty close. I eased my lips from hers and she opened her eyes. She had large beautiful, brown eyes that were now completely glazed over. "I hope you know, once I get started, I can't stop.", she panted . "Jen, I want you to cum for me, right now.", I whispered to her softly. That was all it took. She threw her head back, arched her hips in the air. Her hand clamped down over mine and pressed both of them hard into her pussy. "Oh, Oh, Oh, yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, Oh my God, I am cumminggggg......, Ohhhhhhhhh. She bucked and pushed against my hand for what seemed like close to thirty seconds before she started to relax and lower herself back against me. She still had a firm grasp of my hand, that was still buried in her pussy. She eased the pressure of her hand on mine and started to coax my hand to resume its movements. I eased one finger inside her again and then began to rub her swollen and still rock hard clit again. "I need more.", she said, "Lets go inside and get comfortable." Chapter Thirteen We moved down the hall into the master bath, dripping water in puddles as we went. She pulled my jersey off over her head in one movement, dropping it to the floor. I pulled her close to me , kissing her again. I reached around and unhooked her bra. She stepped back and let it fall to the floor exposing her firm ample breasts. With both hands she reached down and slid her panties down her legs to the floor and stepped out of them. She moved over to the bed, laid down on her back motioning for me to join her. I pushed my shorts down to the floor and pull my shirt over my head. I climbed over her supporting my weight on my arms. I kissed her once again, my tongue easing into her mouth to meet hers. She reached between us, and wrapped her hand around my rigid cock. I knew that it was not going to take much in the way of stimulation to get me off. I wanted to make sure she was completely satisfied before I had my orgasm. "Oh God, this feels so good.", she whispered in my ear, "Let me make you feel good Jeff." "Not yet.", I whispered back, "Not yet." I moved down slightly taking one of her nipples between my nipples, gently sucking it into my mouth. She closed her eyes and tilted her head to the side. I slowly kissed down her stomach, lower and lower until my mouth was right above her pussy. I looked at the clean shaven, very slick mound that was in front of me. She had very long narrow lips, that slightly opened at the top to expose a large, very erect clit. I eased my mouth down on her gently taking her clit into my mouth. I heard her gasp as my lips first touched her. Her clit seemed to swell even more and became harder as I alternated sucking and flicking it with my tongue. I could feel the juices flowing freely out of her. They were sweet, fresh and smelled wonderful. She was really enjoying the attention I was giving her pussy as her moans were increasing, her hips moving up and down to match my tongue movements. I reached both hands under her and pulled her pussy into my mouth, pushing my tongue deep inside of her at the same time. "Oh fuck............ Ohhhhhhhhhhh.........", she screamed as she exploded on my face. "Suck it, suck it now....", she urged. I pulled my tongue from her pussy and sucked her swollen clit between my lips hard. "Oh, Oh, another one...fuck....", she screamed. I kept sucking her clit, until she reached down with the palm of her hand and pushed against my forehead. She was trying to pry me off. "Jeff, Jeff, stop for a second, Jesus Christ.", she panted. I released her pussy from my lips and moved up to her. I gently leaned over and kissed her lips. Her breathing was very labored and shallow, her face flushed. "My God, no one has ever ate my pussy like that before. You are amazing.", she whispered. "Oh, I'm not done.", I replied with a smile. I leaned back down and slowly began to kiss her again. My hand slid down her body and found her drenched pussy. I eased one finger inside of her again, as I slipped my tongue inside of her mouth at the same time. She arched up in response, telling me she was not done yet. She put her hands on my chest and pushed me to the side. She rolled quickly over me and grabbed my cock with her right hand. She moved her mouth above me and eased my cock into her very wet and willing mouth. I felt tingling sensations up and down my body as she started a gentle suction on my cock. She had a way of using her lips and tongue in unison that was amazing. In less then a minute, I could feel my orgasm building in my balls. I reached down and lifted her mouth from me. I pulled her up and eased her on her back. I moved above her and placed my thighs between her. She reached down and grabbed my cock, guiding it toward her pussy. The head of my cock was now pressing against her very hot and very wet pussy. "Go slow baby, its been a long time.", she whispered. I didn't move, just keeping the head of my cock, against her opening. She placed her hands on my ass and started to push gently. I felt a slight pressure, then the head of my cock popped into her opening. She let out a sharp breathe as she felt it slip in. Once again she pushed against my ass, urging me deeper. Inch by inch, I sunk into her extremely tight pussy. Between the heat, the wetness and the tight walls, I knew I wouldn't last long inside of her. Finally after a few moments, I was deep inside her. Her arms wrapped around my neck and she pulled me close. I began to move inside of her, slowly not wanting to give her any discomfort. Soon she was moving her hips to match mine, her breathing becoming once more labored. I knew that any quicker pace would be the end of me. I slowed down, pushing deep inside of her until I was pressing hard against her clit. I could sense that she was close to another orgasm. Her hand slid down her body and started to reach between us. I pushed up, raising my body off of hers. I pulled my hips back and slid my cock half out of her. She reached down and her fingers found her clit. She began to rub herself with short quick strokes. I responded by pushing back into her and trying to match the speed of her strokes with thrusts of my cock. It took only about six to do it. "Oh...my....fucking... god ... I... am... cumming...", she cried out. I pushed hard into her as she pressed her hips into mine. I felt the walls of her pussy contract and squeeze as she rode out her orgasm. Over and over, I felt her spasm.... Then finally she relaxed on the bed. She opened her eyes and looked into mine. I leaned down and kissed her again, long slow, gentle. She broke the kiss, and rolled me over. She moved quickly down my body until I felt her warm breathe on my cock. With one motion she took my cock into her wet mouth, gently sucking it in. She wrapped her hand around the base of my cock, her other gently cupped my balls. Soon she was pumping my cock into her mouth as her hand gently caressed me. I felt my nuts draw up tight against me, I think she felt it too, She stopped pumping my cock, placing both hands softly around it, leaving only the head in her mouth. Her fingers were softly flicking my shaft. I couldn't take any more. "Jen...baby...watch it.. I'm going to cum....", I warned her. But she had no intention of releasing my cock. Suddenly I felt the first blast of cum race out of cock into her waiting mouth. The force of it surprised her, she attempted to swallow quickly. Then jet after jet of cum, flowed freely into her mouth. She tried to swallow as fast as she could, but I could feel it running down leg and my balls. She stayed on my cock, sucking, milking every last drop out of me. When I was done she took my softening cock back into her mouth and gently caressed me with her tongue. I pulled her back up to me and she rested her head on my chest. My hand stroked up and down her back, softly tracing her spine. Her hand was stroking my chest, slowly , softly. Sometime during the next few moments, we drifted off to sleep. pics---->> http://bit.ly/1D1q3qp
Title: Soccer Dads Ch. 03 Summary: Final day of the tourney and the girls have a plan. Keywords: inc,fic Dan was pulling on his shirt when he heard a knock and turned to see Paul look inside his room. "Ready for dinner?" Things had suddenly changed between them because they had fucked the other one's daughter. "Yeah," Dan said forcing a smile. He stopped by the bathroom sink to spray some cologne and walked out behind his friend. "I uh never expected that," Paul said nervously trying to break the ice. "I think we were set up." "You didn't offer much resistance," Dan said not looking his way. Paul laughed. "I didn't hear you complaining either." The elevator stopped and another person got on so they remained silent. A few minutes later they met the girls and the others in the lobby. The restaurant was next door so they walked through the parking lot. Dan hung back from the others to collect his thoughts and saw Alexis waiting for him. "Are you OK?" She whispered letting the others get far away. When he didn't answer she grabbed his wrist and pulled him behind a parked van. "Kiss me." Dan pushed her back but she held his wrist firmly. "What...are you nuts?" He looked around the van and saw the others nearing the restaurant. "Kiss me and I'll let you go," she purred. Dan didn't want to make a scene and realized he wanted to taste those teenage lips one more time. His hand moved around her back and pulled her face and open mouth to his. Their tongues didn't hesitate to seek and mesh together. A minute seemed like seconds before they heard a car horn and moved away. Alexis moved her hand to his growing member and squeezed. "You better let that go down before the others see it." She giggled and ran around the van. "Fuck," Dan said shaking his head. He felt he was the luckiest guy around to be messing with an eighteen year old girl but he was also very nervous about getting caught. He didn't dare think about what might happen later in the room. Manni didn't notice her best friend and her father was not with them until they stood around waiting for their tables to be ready. She moved to the window and saw Alexis dart from behind a big white van and a few seconds later saw her father walk out. "Are you cheating on me daddy?" She whispered to no one. "He's coming," Alexis said proudly to Manni when she came inside. She leaned over and whispered, "He really is a good kisser." Manni thought about pushing her down and kicking her ass but only smiled. "Tonight he is mine." After the group sat down Manni and Alexis managed to rub their bare feet against their fathers lower legs. At first the men moved away but finally gave in. By the time they left the restaurant both men were sporting hard-ons. It was on the way back to the hotel that Dora told Manni and Alexis about her father fucking her in the shower. "You're lying," Alexis gasped. Although Manni and she were talking about actually doing it there was some doubts that it would happen. Manni knew she was telling the truth. "That's so cool. Did you cum?" "No," Dora frowned. "But, we are planning on doing it later." Alexis sighed. "We are not sure if our fathers will do it." "Say," Manni smiled. "If they saw you and your dad doing it then maybe...just maybe..they will go for it." "You're crazy," Dora said moving away. "My dad will never do it to me while all of you are watching." "What if we push two of the beds together and all six of us get on it to watch TV? Then we can start messing around with them or maybe..." Alexis stopped and smiled. "Maybe we can mess around with each other? You know...do some sexy dancing and start kissing and touching?" "Each other?" Dora gasped. "I'm not into other girls." Manni joined in. "It turns men on to see women having sex. Maybe if we get them so hot they won't be able to turn us down." She remembered her fun with Alexis. * Dinner was fairly quiet since they were all thinking about what was going to happen later. They all sat around discussing the soccer matches and around 8:00PM headed back to the rooms. "We are all meeting in our room," Manni said to the three fathers walking behind him on the way to the hotel. "We'll go first and then you will come in later." "This sounds like another set up," Paul said watching the girls turn and run ahead of them. "But I'm game." "I think we need to cool it," Dan said not believing his own words. "Dora and I are going to our room," John said. "I don't think so," Paul chuckled. "Seems she is in on whatever they are planning." * "Hello...," Dan said opening his door with Paul and John close behind. They heard the girls giggling and moved in slowly after closing the door. The three men stopped when they saw the two beds pressed tightly together. "What's going on?" Manni, Alexis and Dora were stripped down to their bras and panties and stood up next to the fathers. "We want to play a game." "What kind of game?" Paul asked suspiciously. "Dora, let's go to our room," John said feeling uncomfortable seeing the other two girls in their underwear. "No, I'm going to play the game. If you want to go to the room go ahead," she said firmly. He didn't wan to leave her here. "Ok, but just for a short time." "Tell us about the game," Dan said checking out Dora's full rack. "Guess who?" Manni replied. "You men will be blindfolded and will get on the bed. We will do some things to you and you will have to guess which one of us did it." "What kind of things?" John quickly asked. "Whatever we want," Manni answered. "I'm game," Paul stated. "Me too," said Dan. They all looked at John. "Ok but just for a short time," he said again. "Since we are only wearing underwear then you guys have to strip down to yours," Alexis grinned. They watched the men hesitate but a few minutes later stood in their boxers which were starting to push outward. "On the bed on your backs and we will put on the blindfolds," Alexis said. The men climbed on the double bed and leaned back proud of their sexual towers pushing up the boxers. After the girls tied the blindfolds tightly around their heads Manni turned down the lights. "OK, we are going to do something to all of you for a minute and when we are done you have to guess which one of us did it. And you cannot touch us and have to lie still." The men heard the girls whispering and felt their presence on the bed. A few seconds later they felt their soft lips touching their own. Manni had kissed both her father and Paul but now was kissing John. It was her tongue that jabbed outward first and pushed into his mouth. Next to her Alexis was frenching Dan while Dora had her tongue deep down Paul's throat. This went on for a little over a minute before Manni moved back and the other girls did the same. "Keep your blindfolds on and guess which one kissed you?" Alexis said taking over. "Let's start with John." John realized that with the blindfold on it made it somehow alright to be kissing these young girls. "I don't know. I don't think it was my daughter so I'll guess Manni." "Daddy?" Alexis asked. "Dora," Paul said smiling. "Dan?" Alexis asked. "You," Dan grinned. "Well, leave your blindfolds on and you were all correct." Alexis giggled. "What do we win?" Paul asked with a sly grin. "You get to keep playing," Manni answered. "OK now for the next round." The girls whispered again and the men waited impatiently for them to do something. John couldn't see but his other senses were very alert. Again he felt something on his lips but it wasn't another mouth. He opened them and captured the hard digit before he realized it was a nipple. His tongue licked out to taste it before his lips tightened to suckle on it. "Umm," Paul moaned after feeling the huge nipple between his lips. His mouth opened wide to capture as much of it as possible and when his lips pressed against breast flesh he knew it had to be Dora. Manni watched the other two girls have their nipples sucked and smiled when her tips pressed between her father's lips. Her eyes closed when he started kissing and sucking. This time they went past two minutes before Alexis pulled back and tapped the other girl's feet to get them to move off the bed. "OK let's hear your guesses. We will start with Dan." "You, it was your nipple Alexis," Dan grinned. "Daddy?" "Definitely Dora," Paul laughed. "I'll guess Manni," John said before being asked. Dora spoke up this time. "Only Paul got it right." "I'm winning," Paul said proudly. They heard the girls whispering again and as the guys braced themselves they felt the girls climb on the beds and then their bodies moving up over their heads. With weigh on the men's shoulders the bodies moved downward until they felt dampness and flesh on their mouths. Paul smelt the pussy odor and pushed out his tongue to lick and taste. He knew the body couldn't be Dora's because it was not as big but didn't know if it was Alexis or Manni. He licked up into the pubic hairs and realized they were very soft. It had to be Manni. John knew the pussy on his face was not Dora's but was not sure which other girl it belonged to. He really didn't care as he licked and flicked his tongue on the swollen clitoris. As it grew his lips captured it and pulled it downward. When Alexis moaned he knew who it was sitting on his face. Dan didn't know right away whose pussy was rubbing on his mouth and nose. He knew it was very wet and hairy. As he tasted and explored deeply inside his face turned and felt the heavy thighs around his head. It was Dora's pussy and he made sure to do his best to get her to moan as well. "Oh GOD!" Dora cried out. She knew she gave herself away but didn't care. As her right hand held onto the headboard for support her left hand reached down and pulled her pussy lips open. Manni and Alexis didn't care if Dora gave herself away because seeing and feeling the men kissing their pussies was hot and wet. None of them cared to stop at the one or two minute mark and it wasn't until Dora climaxed that the men moved their tongues faster and faster until all three girls climaxed. "OHHHH!...........AHHH!........OH GOD!" The girls managed to roll off the men's faces and made it back to the base of the beds. "Ok guess," Dora grinned. "Definitely you," Dan said quickly. Paul licked his lips. "A familiar taste. It was Manni." "Not familiar and since Paul guessed Manni I'll say Alexis," John grinned. "You are all right," Manni said looking at the raised cocks. "Are you ready for the next round?" "Yes," Paul answered for them all. The men clutched the bedspread next to them while waiting. They heard the girls whispering again and felt them get on the bed. It what seemed to take forever they finally felt fingers opening up the single button on their boxers. Manni got John this time so it would be a new cock she would have to play with. He was not as long as her dad but he was definitely thicker. When the circumcised head popped out into her fingers she rubbed off the pre-cum for lubrication and started jerking him off. "Ahhhh," John moaned feeling the hot fingers. Next to him Paul's cock was in Dora's fingers. At first she just looked at it but when Manni started stroking John Dora quickly did the same to Paul. Alexis didn't mind having Dan again because he had the biggest shaft. She wanted so much to climb up on him but remembered the final goal. "Careful or I'm going to cum," Paul warned. He didn't want to climax yet in case they wanted to fuck them. The girls smiled and took their time squeezing, stroking and rubbing. All the men were ready to fire when Manni let go and pulled Dora's fingers from Paul's prick as well. Alexis left Dan's pink tower pointing upward and left the beds. "Who wants to guess first?" Alexis asked. The guys had reached the point where they didn't care if they got it right. "Dora," Paul said remembering the larger fingers. "Manni," John grinned. "Well I was going to say Alexis," Dan smiled. "So I will." "You are all correct," Manni smiled. Again the girls whispered and again they climbed up on the beds. This time they moved straight for their own fathers. "Oh shit...I was hoping," Paul groaned when hot damp lips circled and clamped onto his penis. "Me too," Dan gasped as the tongue licked up one side and down the other. "Ohhh," John moaned not being able to talk. For the next five minutes the girl's took their time and gave the men the best blowjobs they had ever had. But when the guys were ready to shoot the lips and tongues slowed down or moved away. "Please," John moaned wanting to cum. "You can take off your blindfolds," Alexis said as she lay between her father's legs. John, Paul and Dan ripped off the eye coverings and stared at their daughter's faces directly above their cocks. They had mixed feelings getting a blowjob from their daughters but couldn't say no. "Do you like it?" Manni asked Dan before opening her lips and taking in about six hard inches. "YES!" Dan moaned. He didn't care if Paul and John were looking. "Daddy," Dora giggled to get his attention. She winked and completely engulfed both of his balls. "Ah Jesus!" John moaned. Paul smiled at his daughter as she resumed her oral pleasure and closed his eyes. All the men figured they would finally cum in the girl's mouths. But another minute into the blowjobs Manni pulled her lips off and started kissing up Dan's stomach. Next to her Alexis and Dora did the same until their faces were lined up with their fathers and their pussies were lined up with the men's hard-ons. "Oh god," Paul said feeling Alexis's pussy lips open and ready. His cock head rubbed into her clit while her tongue pressed into his mouth. "We...can't," Dan groaned as Manni's fingers grabbed onto his cock and lined it up to enter her. "I want it daddy...I want you to fuck me," Manni whispered. "But...it's not...we can't..." Dan managed to say. Manni looked over at Dora and winked. Seconds later the larger girl climbed up until John's prick head was under her opened lower lips. "Watch Dora and John." Dan turned and watched as John's hard cock pushed up into Dora's depths. "He's fucking her..." Paul too was watching daughter and father united in incestual lust. He didn't move as Alexis lifted and pushed her tight pussy down his hard ram horn. "Alexis...oh shit..it feels so...GOOD!" "Daddy?" Manni asked not wanting to fuck him unless he said it was OK. "No, not like this," Dan grinned. "Let's turn over." Manni quickly fell to the side while Dan moved into the missionary position between her outstretched legs. Their eyes locked as he pushed his rigid shaft slowly into her labia and then into her sex. "OH MY GOD!" The three couples were already close to cuming so it didn't take long for them to climax. "I'm fucking close," Paul groaned as he reached around and cupped both of Alexis' buttocks. Their stomachs slapped together as they raced for satisfaction. "OH YES!" Alexis cried when she came. "NOW!" Dora had already fucked her father but not like this. Doing it in front of the others made it so much hotter. Plus the foreplay had taken her to the edge already. "I'M CUMING DADDY...I'M CUMING!" "Me too baby," John grunted. As those two couples finished Dan was taking his time fucking his beautiful daughter. Their hands and lips touched and kissed everywhere that was possible. "Don't stop," Manni begged. "I won't," Dan grinned. She was his woman and he was her man. He looked over at the other four who were watching. "I won't." "I need a shower," Alexis said finally cooling down. "Anybody want to join me?" "I will," John grinned. Dora watched them leave and moved closer to Paul. As Paul watched Dan fucking Manni Dora's rubbed and pulled on his cock until it started showing some life again. When it was hard he climbed between Dora's opened thighs and started fucking her. "I love you Manni," Dan whispered. "Me too," Manni whispered back. The words brought them to the summit. "OH I'M READY!" "AH...AH...AH...AH...AH!" Dan moaned each time he hit bottom. "OH FUCK!" Manni felt the hot juices explode inside and came herself. Her mouth opened wide but it didn't make any sounds. He kept fucking her until she climaxed a second time. "AGAIN! OH MY GOD I'M CUMING AGAIN!" Six of them paired off until midnight when the guys were spent and the girls had to get some rest for the tournament the next day. As luck would have it the heavy rain in the morning cancelled the rest of the tournament. On the long drive home Manni sat with her father in the backseat while Alexis sat next to her dad who was driving. "Be good back there," Alexis said looking into the rear view mirror. She saw the two kissing and knew their hands were roaming. "I wish we could do it right now," Manni whispered. Her father's fingers were deep inside of her moist sex. "What are we going to do when we get home? I don't want to stop doing it with you." "Same here," Dan whispered back. "We have to be very careful." For the next hour they played and kissed until it was Dan's turn to drive. Alexis and Dan moved into the back seat to have their fun. "I forgot to tell mom that we are getting home early," Dan said to Manni as they pulled into their driveway. They had already dropped off Alexis and Paul. "We'll just have to surprise her and your brother." They parked in the driveway since Jake's car blocked them getting into the garage. After tossing their bags on the garage floor they quietly moved into the house to surprise Annie and Jake. They knew they were home because both cars were outside but the first floor was dark and quiet. It was around 1PM in the afternoon so they had to be out of bed. "He's not in his bedroom," Manni whispered to her father as they walked silently towards the master bedroom. The door was cracked open so Dan peeked inside and saw his wife's naked body lying face down. It looked like she was asleep. He was about to push inside when they heard Jake's voice. "Are you ready for more old lady?" Dan leaned back and was totally shocked when his naked son crawled up onto the bed and lay prone against Annie's ass. "I can't take any more honey," Annie purred. "I think you fucked your mother to death." "Oh my god," Manni whispered after peeking under her father's body at her mother and brother's bodies. "What should we do?" Dan smiled and pulled Manni back. "Let's go back outside and beep the car horn. They should be presentable when we get back into the house." Manni didn't know what his plan was but she was excited seeing her naked brother's bod. She only had a quick glimpse but it looked like he took after their dad. They moved into the car and Manni giggled when her father pushed three loud times on the car horn. "That should get their attention." "What are we going to do?" Manni asked with a sly grin. "Just follow my lead." * "OH SHIT!" Annie yelled when she heard the familiar horn. "They are home. They must have gotten rained out. Quick, get back to your room and get dressed!" Jake took off down the hall bare-ass naked and into his room. He pulled on his jeans and tee shirt and was pulling up his socks when he heard his father's voice downstairs. "We're home!!" Manni smiled as she carried her duffle bag full of dirty clothes to the laundry room. She was happy because if her mother and brother were fucking then there shouldn't be any problems if she slept with her dad. "Manni," Dan whispered from behind her. "Take off your shirt and shorts and leave them here. Go upstairs in your undies." "Are you sure?" Manni asked knowing her brother would see her perky nipples in her sports bra and trimmed blonde bush through her semi-sheer panties. "Yes." Annie quickly pulled on her underwear and a sweatshirt and sweatpants before checking her hair. She hurried to make the bed before walking out. As she neared the top of the steps she froze when she saw Manni walking up. "Manni..god where are your clothes?" "They were dirty so I left them on the washer," Manni said embarrassed to be seen like this even in front of her mom. She moved up to the top and was about to walk by when Jake's room opened and he stood in nylon shorts and a tee shirt. "Hi Jake." Jake was speechless watching his sister's cute ass walk by. The tiny light blue thong was pushed down into her buttocks. "Don't look," Annie said as Manni moved into her bedroom and closed the door. "Why not?" Jake chuckled. "I've seen you naked." "Shhh," Annie whispered as she looked over the rail downstairs. "We have to be careful." * Dan was emptying his bag of dirty clothes when he felt his wife move up behind him and hung him back into her soft front. "Ummm...does that mean you missed me?" "Yes," she answered. She waited for him to turn around before pulling his lips down to hers. They frenched for the first time in a long time. Dan cupped her ass and then moved his hands up under her sweatshirt. He reached up to cup and caress her bra-covered mound before moving his fingers down to her navel. As he tried to move under the sweatpants she grabbed his wrist. "Don't...the kids are in the house," she said pulling as hard as she could. She knew that Jake's cum was still fresh inside. Dan figured that the evidence was inside but didn't want to push the issue just yet. "Rain check?" "Definitely," she said hoping that her sore pussy would be healed by later that night. She moved back from Dan and saw Manni's pile of clothes on the washer. "I can't believe Manni stripped down here and walked upstairs in her underwear." "It's not a big deal," Dan grinned. "We shared a room for a few days remember?" "Uh...yeah right." * Manni pulled on a robe and peeked out to see the hallway empty. She was curious about her college sophomore brother's reaction seeing her in her bra and panties. Normally she knocked when entering his room but this time she silently opened the door and moved inside. Jake's eyes were closed while he lay on his back with his right hand down under his shorts. Even after fucking his mother four times last night he was able to get hard again as he thought about his sister's ass. He didn't hear the door open but did hear it close. Panic rushed over his body when he looked at his sister standing next to the bed. "FUCK MANNI..DON'T YOU KNOCK?" Manni giggled as he jerked his hand out but got serious when she saw the huge bulge he left behind. "Were you thinking of me while you were jerking off?" "What...no..you're my sister sicko," Jake lied. "So this didn't bother you?" She asked before opening her robe and standing again in her undies. "Fuck Manni...get out of my room please," he begged seeing her blonde fleece through the panties. Manni walked to his dresser and pulled out a wad of tissue. "Here...I don't want you to make a mess." She tossed them onto his hard-on and laughed before walking out of the room. * Dan finished putting his clothes in the right piles and went upstairs to find Annie. As he walked by Jake's room he saw the door opening up and Manni walking out. "What's going on?" "Jake's beating off," Manni whispered. "And I think Mom's in the shower." She walked with him a few more steps and then pulled him into her room. "I'm so horny." "Jesus Manni," Dan gasped when she unzipped his fly and fished out his semi-hard cock. He quickly closed her door and didn't complain when she dropped to her knees and engulfed the tip of his shaft. "Oh shit...I'm not going to last very long." She looked up and didn't blink as she gave him her best blow job. It was less than a minute later when he moaned to give her a warning but she didn't even slow down. Her cheeks bellowed outward as he unloaded two mouthfuls. Manni sucked until he was empty and stood up with his cum dripping from her lips. "Kiss me." Dan didn't mind tasting his own cum and did as she said. Their tongues swooshed it around and around while he reached through her robe and into her thong. He found her raised clitty and toyed with it until she moved her mouth to his shoulder. To keep from screaming she bit into his flesh. "Ahhh," Dan groaned feeling the pain. A few seconds later she let go and moved back. "Ouch..that hurt." "Sorry," she said watching him pull his shirt to the side. Red bite marks were easily seen. "Now what am I going to tell your mother?" "Tell her it was me. I don't want to play this sneaky game. If they are doing it so can we." "I will but not yet. Just keep teasing Jake." Manni moved closer. "What if he wants to fuck me dad? Will you be jealous?" "No..uh yes...I don't know." He turned and moved out into the hallway. When he walked into the bedroom he heard the shower still running. * Annie soaped her sore pussy and thought back to yesterday when it all started. "Are you going out tonight?" Annie asked her son after she came home from work. "No, I figured you were alone and that I would be your date tonight. How about dinner and a movie?" Jake had just broken up with his long-time girlfriend and needed some company. "Sure, it's been a while since I've been with a strong handsome guy." She smiled. "Let me get cleaned up and changed." Jake had already taken a shower and realized that he had forgotten his cologne back at college. He figured he would borrow some of his fathers and tapped on the master bedroom door. He heard the shower come on and decided to sneak into the bedroom for the cologne. As he walked to the dresser he saw some movement by the bathroom door and realized it was his mother's image in the large mirror. She was naked from the waist up and was pinning her hair up to keep it from getting wet. His eyes automatically moved down to her firm full breasts and large dark brown nipples. Annie rolled the hair as she held the hairclip in her lips. She was excited to go to dinner with her son and then to a movie. She was pinning the clip on when she saw some movement by the door which she had forgotten to close. Since only Jake and she were home it had to be him. She thought about quickly covering her body and closing the door but the thought of him looking at her was too hot. "Leave," Jake told himself. He moved further back to keep her from seeing him and watched as she turned sideways. Her breasts looked even bigger. He was about to turn and leave when she opened the shower door and faced away from him to adjust the water temperature. He quickly moved to the door and peeked inside. He froze when he saw her full naked rear. God she was so beautiful. Annie took her time hoping that he was still watching. She took a deep breath and leaned over to pick up the shampoo on the lower shelve. As she did her legs opened enough for him to see her shaved pussy lips. "Ahhh," Jake moaned involuntarily when he saw her pussy. He realized that he had blown his cover and when he looked up her body she was looking directly at him. He quickly grabbed the cologne and ran from the room. Annie's heart was racing when she walked back into the bedroom after the shower. It had been a long time since she had felt this excited. Her son had grown both physically and socially since he left for college. She took her time selecting sexy underwear and a clinging black dress. Jake felt guilty about peeping at his own mother but also was troubled that she had seen him looking and had not covered up. After a year of trying to get into his girlfriend's panties he was tired of being the only virgin in his dorm. He was ready to tell his mother he was going to call and old high school girlfriend when she walked into the room looking sexy and hot. "Wow!" Annie blushed. "Careful or an old woman like me will take advantage of you," she teased as she turned to show the clinging hip line. "God mom you look hot," he smiled. "Don't call me mom tonight because I'm your date. I'm Annie. Why don't you go and change into some nicer clothes?" Jake almost tripped running past her and up the stairs. When he undressed he realized how hard he was. "Annie." He said as he pulled on his tight boxer briefs. Jake drove and had trouble watching the road because Annie's dress had risen so high on her thighs. What bothered him was that he could see she was wearing the thigh-high clinging hose. He knew she could see how excited he was but didn't make any effort to hide it. "We are going to have so much fun tonight," Annie purred. She did see his excitement and decided to tease him more by reaching over and rubbing over his right forearm. Dinner was great and very romantic. Annie enjoyed the looks of the older women who kept looking at her with the young stud. Since Jake was driving she had two glasses of wine and when they left the restaurant she pulled his arm into her breast as they walked to the car. "Thanks for dinner," she said when he walked her to the car and held open the door for her. She moved into the seat and didn't make any effort to keep her dress down as her butt landed. She knew he could see the white lace design of her moist panties. Jake hurried to the driver's seat and didn't hide the fact that he was glaring at her exposed panties. The contrast of the dark hose, her bare skin and the panties was more than he could take. "Whew," he said looking at her covered sex, upward at her breasts overflowing her dress top and then into her sexy eyes. "Do you like me Jake?" She whispered. "Mom...I love you." "I'm Annie remember?" She said hooking her left hand up around his neck and pulling his head and lips down to hers. The wine and the excitement had her playing her role for real. As their lips touched her tongue dashed into his lips, past his teeth to find his tongue. Jake was drunk too but not from booze. Having a hot woman throwing herself at him overpowered his senses. At first he did not move his tongue but after fifteen seconds of her tongue action he did the same. One minute turned into five. Both were breathing heavily and panting when Annie finally pushed him back. "We better go to the movies." Jake wiped the sweat from his brow and tried to drive carefully. Her dress was up over the white triangle of her thong and her hand was still rubbing his arm. "I think we might be a little late," Jake said noticing the movie started about twenty minutes before. "Maybe we should go home and watch a movie on HBO?" Annie said not wanting to lose the excitement. The wine was still in control and she wanted to keep teasing him. Jake didn't argue and within ten minutes pulled into their driveway. He looked at her and saw her eyes closed. "Are you awake?" "Yes, but I think I drank too much. Will you carry me into the house?" Jake didn't need to be asked twice. He hurried around and opened her door before scooping her light body into his arms. After she hooked her arms around his neck he closed the door with his hip and walked into the opened garage. Since her dress was up so high while she was sitting his left hand was resting on the bare flesh of her thigh. "You're so strong," she whispered. Her face moved into his neck and started nibbling. He managed to close the garage door and after carrying her into the main hallway he stopped. "Where do you want me to take you?" Annie knew it was decision time. Her body was on fire and the wine still had control of her mind. "Take me anywhere you want." Her lips moved to his earlobe while he made up his mind. A few seconds later she felt them going up the stairs to the bedroom. Jake wanted to take her but was afraid she was drunk and out of her senses. He moved her into the master bedroom and gently put her on the bed. "I think you need to sleep this off." "No Jake. Don't leave me," Annie whispered grabbing his wrist. "Lie with me." She moved over to make room and smiled when he moved down next to her on the pillow. "I'm not drunk Jake. Tonight I'm your woman." Annie turned and climbed up onto his body. She felt his hardness against her stomach while her lips sought his. "I...I've never," Jake moaned after her tongue moved out and then under his chin. Annie had planned to do some messing around but when she heard he was still a virgin she knew what she had to do. "Don't say anything." She moved up to sit on his waistline while she lifted her dress up over her head. The light from the hallway was enough for him to see her pink breasts and hard nipple when she pulled the matching white lace bra away. Jake started to unbutton his shirt but she pushed his hands away. "Let me do it," she giggled. Her trembling fingers opened his shirt and when he leaned upward she pulled it away. Her body slid backward until she was sitting on his knees. Jake's cock was throbbing as she unbuttoned his belt and slacks and pulled down the noisy zipper. "Annie," Jake moaned when she reached into his underwear and freed his hard eight-inch cock. Annie was happy knowing he did take after Dan. She had to get her panties off so she moved face down on top of him and whispered, "Push my panties down." Jake did as she said until they were at her knees. From there she sat back up and removed them the rest of the way. "Oh god," Jake gasped when she grabbed his cock again and licked up and down the sides. Annie knew he would cum quickly and decided to give him head. As her mouth clamped onto his crown she felt his hips jerk upward. She braced herself for the release and swallowed him three times before he was empty. "Ahhh," Jake moaned in satisfaction when it was over. As she moved back up onto him he realized that he was still hard. "Are you ready to fuck me Jake?" Annie whispered while rolling over onto her back and opening her legs. "Hurry up because I'm so hot." Jake didn't blink before moving into her thighs and letting her guide his thickness into her moist hole. He felt the moist heat surround his shaft as one, two and three inches moved into his first pussy. "Oh Godddd." Annie's eyes were close as he took his time getting all the way inside. "Go slow," she whispered. Jake felt her legs curl and clamp around his hips. He moved out and then back inside. Again and again until he lost track. He was happy he had not climaxed again so fast and so was she. "OH...YES...JUST LIKE THAT...DEEPER... DEEPER.. HARDER PLEASE...PLEASE! For the first time in almost a year Annie had an orgasm. "AHHHHHH!" Jake followed a few seconds later and both lay still connected for another five minutes. "That was unbelievable," he whispered while kissing her neck. Annie figured he would shrink and then pull out but it stayed hard. "Didn't you cum?" "Yes," he answered. "But I think I can do it again." "Really?" Annie smiled. "OK." Not only did he do it again but two more times that night. * Annie snapped back to the present and knew she had to stop this madness with her son. She knew it would destroy her marriage and knew her family and friends would condemn her. She was pulling up her shorts when she heard the bedroom door open up. She quickly turned to make sure it wasn't Jake and saw her husband. "It's you." "Yeah, who else would it be?" Dan said seriously. "No one," she replied. "I guess you not being here for a few days you know..." "Uh I have to ride Manni over to the coach's house in an hour for a team meeting. We will be gone a few hours." "That's fine," Annie grinned. "I'll have dinner ready when you get back." "Great," Dan said as he moved into the bathroom to shower. * "But there is no meeting," Manni said to her father after they got into the car. "I know," Dan grinned. "I just want to give them some time alone and then we can sneak back in." "Oh god. You mean we are going to catch them in the act." "Yes." * The car was barely out of sight when Jake hurried down the stairs and into the kitchen. "They're gone." Annie was about to pull the roast beef out of the refrigerator but stopped. "Jake we have to stop this. It's not right." "But, I know you loved it," he said not taking no for an answer. "We have two hours." "Jake I'm your mother." "Not now. Right now you are Annie." "Ohhh," Annie moaned when he moved behind her and rubbed his hard bulge against her soft bum. "Ok but let's do it here." She leaned forward with her hands on the kitchen table and reached down to push off her shorts and panties. Her legs spread while he aimed his hard-on under her ass and into her already moist sex. * "Shouldn't we wait longer?" Manni asked as they circled the block and parked a few houses down. "No, I'm sure they won't take very long," Dan grinned. They moved up the side of the house behind the bushes and peeked into the living room window. "They are not in here." "Back here," Manni said standing by the kitchen window. Her eyes were big and round as she watched her brother fucking her mother doggie style. "Oh god." Dan grinned and watched for a few seconds. "Quick let's go through the side door in the garage." Manni hid behind him through the garage and into the house. They heard the moaning and the bodies slapping together in the kitchen as they made their way around the corner. Annie and Jake didn't know they were standing behind watching until Dan coughed. "DAD!" Jake screamed. "WHAT?" Annie cried out as she turned and saw her husband's cold stare. "DAN...I...UH..WE..." She hurried to reach down and find her panties and shorts. "We'll be upstairs," Dan said looking pissed. He grabbed Manni's hand and moved out of the kitchen. "He's going to kill me," Jake said. "I'm not going up there." He quickly dressed and watched his mom do the same. "We have to talk to them and tell them it's over and hope they forgive us," Annie said in tears. They took their time walking up the stairs and noticed the master bedroom door was close. "You go first," Jake whispered. Annie was about to open the door when she heard a moan and then another one. "What the hell?" She pushed open the door and almost fainted. On the bed in front of them was Manni's naked ass and pussy rising and falling on Dan's hard shaft. Manni heard the door open and cried out. "FUCK ME DADDY!" * The End For pics visit ---->> https://bit.ly/2ReHUJI
Title: My Saving Grace Pt. 04 Summary: Discrete? Yeah, not so much... Keywords: inc,fic "Talk to me about what you're doing with Grace, Kevin," she began. "And don't bother lying to me. It won't end well for you if you do." My breath caught in my throat as I stared at her in shock. Her face was devoid of emotion, but I could see something smoldering in her eyes. Something, indefinable. Did she know something? I wondered. How? Is she bluffing me, hoping to get me to say something? I blinked, and for the first time I found myself in fear of a member of my own family. Grandma sat there next to me, her gaze never wavering. Finally, she spoke again, breaking the spell. "Out with it, boy!" "I don't know what you mean, Grandma," I said. "Kevin, I've owned a steakhouse for the better part of 40 years. Among other things, that means I can always recognize Bull when I see it! I'm not letting go of this, Kevin. There is something going on between you and Grace; something well beyond even the closest sibling relationship. Tell me NOW!" I sighed. Alright, fine. She wants to know, then I'll tell her. I've wanted to tell someone anyway, I just never dreamed it would be Grandma, of all people. It was make or break right now. If this went south, Grandma could find ways to make our lives a living hell. "Grandma, Grace and I have kissed and touched. We haven't made love yet, but we will. Grace and I are in love with each other, and that's the end of it." Her eyes widened, and then narrowed again, anger rising to the surface. "And just what would you know about love? You're 20 years old, for Heaven's sake! You're taking advantage of your OWN SISTER!" "I don't know what love is?!" I replied, suddenly enraged. How dare she? "Let me tell you something, Grandmother, I know EXACTLY what love is!" Heedless of the fact that I was stark naked beneath the blanket, and that I was hooked into several IV lines, I struggled to my feet. I could hear the warbling of my bed exit alarm, but I didn't care. This was a challenge that was going to be answered! In spite of her anger with me, Grandma's maternal instincts kicked in and she reached for me as I wobbled unsteadily. "Kevin, what the hell are you doing? Get back in bed this instant!" "Look at this, Grandma!" I said, pointing at the 15 stitches that held the deep cut on my left thigh closed. Next, I pointed out the IV lines in my right arm. "Look at all this plastic spaghetti they have plugged into me! Do you really think I would deliberately put myself through all of this, in order to take advantage of her?! Do you really think I need to go this far just to get LAID?!" My injured leg gave out and I landed on the edge of the bed. I steadied myself, still staring her down. "The last thing I thought before I jumped in that water was this: I would rather die with Grace, than live without her. If I hadn't been able to reach her, I wouldn't have left that pond. If she hadn't started breathing on her own, I would have worked on her until I collapsed! And if she had died there on the bank in spite of everything, I would have laid down next to her, so we could sleep together forever!" My eyes bored into hers, and I wasn't going to be the one to look away first. Damn it, NO ONE was going to tell me I didn't know what love is! "I love Grace, Grandma. I love her with my whole being. No matter what has me upset, her touch can calm me. I feel my mood improve when she just walks in the room. She is the focus of my life, Grandma! And make no mistake, she loves me too. I have never felt this way with anyone. Not ever." I took a second to let myself cool down before continuing. "I've thought about this a lot over the last month. I'm not emotionally running away from Kelly; I'm running towards Grace! What we have together is perfect." "Perfect!" she snorted. "It's wrong! It's incest, and it's unnatural-" "It doesn't FEEL unnatural, Grandma! It feels RIGHT! She fills in gaps within me that I never even realized were there before." "But Kevin, she's your sister! Yes, you've saved her life twice, but how can you say you're not playing the emotions from these incidents to your advantage just to get what you want?" "Because if all I wanted was to get in her panties, I could have done that many times over by now," I said, my voice uncompromising. From down the hall, I could hear rapid footsteps. Probably Hannah or another nurse coming to see what's going on. "Grandma, I'm a virgin. Yes, in this day and age, I'm an honest-to-God VIRGIN at the age of 20. I never had sex with Kelly either. The reason is the same: I loved her so very, very much, and I thought she was worth waiting for! Well, if I thought Kelly was worth it, how much more so is Grace?" "Grandma, I'm not a drooling idiot, but Grace is much smarter than I'll ever be. She's resilient, both mentally and physically. In spite of the pain love has brought her, she's not afraid to try again! She truly, deeply, cares about the people in her life. She's the most giving and generous person I know. Add to that the fact that she is stunningly beautiful, and you have the total package, as they used to say. There is precious little I wouldn't do for Grace. There's nothing I wouldn't sacrifice for her. My life is hers, if she wants it. One day, we will have children. I will make her my wife, in practice if not in law. At least she won't have to change her name!" I said, not able to resist at least a little humor. "Grandma, I love you, and Grandpa, and Mom, and Dad...but you aren't going to stand in my way. None of you will. I love Grace, and she loves me, and that's how it is. I hope you won't choose to cut us out of your life. I hope you will, if not accept our love, then at least tolerate it. I hope that, when the day comes that Grace wears my ring, you will wish us well. I hope you will welcome your great-grandchildren - if by God's grace you are still here with us. But if you can't see a way to do that, then I understand. I will respect your wishes and leave you alone. I won't hate you for it. But let me be absolutely clear: if my only choice is to give up my love for Grace, or give up a relationship with the rest of you, I will stay with Grace. " "Kevin!" came a very soft sob from the doorway. I turned and saw Grace standing there, hands over her mouth, eyes streaming tears. She rushed to my side and hugged me fiercely. "Oh my God, baby, I love you so much! What you said about me...was so...beautiful!" Gracie held me in a death grip, sobbing against my bare shoulder. But I knew her well enough to know that these were tears of joy, not sorrow. Here in front of a witness, I had declared my deepest feelings in terms that could not be misunderstood. As Winston Churchill once said, 'Here we stand. We can do no other!' (And no, I'm not comparing myself to a great statesman, I'm just cribbing a really good line.) I held my beautiful Grace close to me, caressing her back, still not looking away from my Grandmother's face. I could see turmoil there, and something else I'd never seen from her before: indecision! Naturally, Hannah chose that moment to rush into the room. "Kevin what-" she broke off, surveying the scene. "Uh, is everything...I mean, do you need any...let me help you back into bed, okay?" Hannah shut off the annoying bed exit alarm and helped me under the covers. As she untangled my IV lines, she cast a deeply disapproving glance in Grandma's direction. She obviously wasn't sure what was going on, but her instincts must have been telling her that Grandma was the antagonist here. "There we go, Kevin," she said. "If you need anything, hit your call button. DO NOT get out of bed on your own. If you fall, you might bust those sutures open, and that will make you my guest for a few more days! Clear?" "Yes, Hannah. Very clear," I said apologetically. "I think it's time you let him rest," she said next, addressing her comments to both of the other women. "Visiting hours will start again at 1pm. That's only a few hours to wait." Giving my Grandma another stern look, Hannah left. My Grandma stared at the floor for a moment, and when she looked up I could see the tears in her eyes as well. Her moment of indecision seemed to have passed. To my hopeful eyes, it almost looked like...was she willing to accept this? "I...I didn't realize, Kevin...Grace." Her frail shoulders shook once in a brief sob of emotion. "You do know what love is, Kevin; I'm so sorry I doubted you. I could never carve the two of you out of my life. You've been such a joy, the both of you!" Her expression was loving again, as she looked us over. "But you do realize, don't you, what a hard road you have ahead of you? Do you have any idea of the storms waiting on the horizon for you?" "Oh, I think we both have an idea," Grace said, dryly. "Are you...are you going to tell everyone else?" "No," Grandma said without hesitation. "It's really not my place to do that. No, you two are going to tell everyone, not me." She shifted uncomfortably in her chair, and then stood. "This is something you cannot hide long-term, even if it was best you did. And honestly, I don't know how long you can hide it in the short term either, considering the way you act." "What do you mean?" I asked, incredulously. For the first time, Grandma cracked a genuine laugh. "Kevin, honey, I'm old, not blind! How do you think I got suspicious to begin with? In just the short time we were all together on Thanksgiving, I noticed a great many things that 'clued me in,' as you young people say. The way you two look at each other, the way you're always touching - and I do mean always! Your body language is plain as day: I could tell that if you weren't already lovers, you soon would be. And then, there was a certain kiss I happened to witness while I was clipping some fresh herbs in the greenhouse. (Not very discrete, Kevin!)" Grace and I stared at each other in wide-eyed amazement, and Grandma laughed again. "Not as sneaky as you thought you were, huh?" "Obviously not," I muttered, a little humiliated. I'd thought we were discrete, but thinking back I realized Grandma was right. Grandma shook her head, and smirked at me. Her expression was an odd mixture, containing equal parts love, amusement, bewilderment, exasperation, tolerance, and sadness. "I was young once too, you know! How do you think your Mother and your Uncles got here? The Stork?" she asked, finally. "Look, I'm not going to threaten you or give you ultimatums; you are adults, and you, Kevin, have proven to me that you are willing to put your life on the line. What could I possibly do to stand in your way? But having said that, I will give you this advice, and it's the advice of someone who loves you both, very very much, so please listen! When the moment comes that you reveal your love to the rest of the Family, be sure it happens on your terms! Be sure that you choose the moment. Don't let the moment choose you! Do you understand what it is that I'm trying to say?" I looked at Grace. She nodded her head, affirmatively. "I think we do, Grandma," she answered for both of us. "Good." Grandma leaned in and kissed us both. As she turned to leave, she paused for one more word. "I love you both, and in spite of what I said earlier, I'm proud of you. You are a good man, Kevin. I cannot say I understand the love between the two of you, but there is no denying that it's there. I...I wish you well." With that, she turned and left. Gracie tenderly pressed me back and lowered the head of my bed a little. She smiled, her eyes still red with her happy tears. My God, she was beautiful! "I have to leave too, my love," Grace whispered, stroking my face tenderly. "I'll be back as soon as they let me. Nothing is going to keep us apart, Kevin. Never." She leaned in and kissed my lips. She was gentle, mindful of all my sore places. Her gentle hands soothingly caressed me while her tongue traced lightly over my lips. She broke the kiss after a moment, not wanting to get me hard. She stood, and reluctantly left my room. As I laid back against the pillows I noticed that I was shaking. The nervous tension, and the intense emotional release had drained the last of my strength away. Plus, I was still weak from the injury and loopy from the painkillers. It shouldn't be surprising that, in spite of what had just taken place, I fell immediately and deeply asleep. ### The next visit with my family went much more smoothly, fortunately. Grace sat by the head of my bed on the left, and Mom by the right. Mom didn't seem to want to let go of my hand. I could tell that Gracie badly wanted to be holding my hand as well, but Grandma's observations - and advice - was still ringing in our ears. So, little though she enjoyed it, she sat and contented herself by occasionally adjusting my blanket while Mom fussed over me. I couldn't help but notice that Grandma would occasionally look at Grace with a knowing smirk, usually just after she had fiddled with the blanket. My Father and Grandfather stood at the foot of my bed, letting the three ladies have the chairs and pay me the attention. Both of them, I noted, had puffed out their chests slightly, apparently proud that they had raised a man that would go to any measure to save a woman. I fervently hoped that they wouldn't lose that pride in me when they learn about my true feelings for Grace. As visiting hours were again coming to a close, a nurse (not Hannah, sadly) stepped in. "Excuse me, folks, just a few more minutes before visiting hours are over. However," she continued, "I can tell you that Dr. Khan is definitely releasing Mr. Richmond to home care tomorrow morning." She looked around the room. "Which one of you will be assisting him at home?" "I will!" Mom and Grace said simultaneously. They looked at each other, then at the nurse, then back at each other. "We both will," they said, again in unison. Dad and Grandma chuckled, and Grandpa signed, asking what was so funny. The nurse had spoken too quickly for him to lip-read, and Mom wasn't facing his way. While Dad relayed the hilarity to Grandpa, the Nurse went over the home care instructions with Mom and Grace. Oddly, no one involved seemed interested in whether or not the patient (me) had anything to say - about anything. But I guess that's the way it goes. True to form, I was released the next day...at 2 in the afternoon! I guess accurate time-keeping isn't included in the service, I thought to myself as I was wheeled towards the front doors. I'd been given crutches, but they wouldn't let me use them. They insisted on giving me a wheelchair ride out of the place. Grace waited for me in her Jeep. The only vehicles we owned that I could get in and out of with my leg immobilized were Grace's Jeep and my own Subaru. Dad's Camero and Mom's Bug were definite no-gos. And the RV...don't get me started! Thank God this wouldn't last long. It's also a good thing my Professors agreed to let me do some of my coursework online, so I could still take my semester finals on time. I shuddered, imagining what it would be like to have to take a bunch of incompletes. Hannah helped me into the car - the lady was a good deal stronger than she appeared! She then patted my shoulder and smiled warmly at me. "Kevin, don't take this the wrong way, but I really hope not to see you here again!" I understood exactly what she meant! "Thanks, Hannah," I said, smiling as she closed the door for me. Grace loaded my crutches and the discharge papers unceremoniously onto the back seat. Watching in the side mirror, I saw Hannah stop her and say something in her ear. Grace stared at the slightly older woman for a long moment before replying. I was curious about what they were discussing, but I couldn't make out their words and my painkillers were starting to wear off. Finally, Gracie embraced Hannah in brief but fierce hug, and she got in behind the wheel. "You okay, Sweetheart?" she asked me. I grimaced, but nodded. "I'll be okay as soon as we get my prescriptions filled. My leg feels like it's on fire." Looking at Grace, I noticed her troubled expression and decided to try and distract her. "How did I get cut, baby? I don't remember it happening." She shook her head, grimly. "I'm not surprised you don't remember, honey. You were...you were almost gone, when it happened." Gracie paused for a moment to gather herself, then continued. "As Dad told me, what happened was this: you somehow managed to get to the back door with me in your arms. Dad and Grandma heard something banging against the door. When Dad went to see what was going on, he saw you standing there, basically naked and holding me in your arms, wrapped in your parka. When Dad opened the door, you pushed me into his arms and collapsed. Apparently, at some point you knocked over and broke that old glass patio table Grandma and Grandpa had on the back porch, and when you collapsed, one of the larger fragments carved you up like a roast." We were both quiet for a long moment after that. Gracie drove to the CVS we always used, and dropped off my prescriptions. We waited outside in the Jeep; it gave us the first alone time we'd had in way too long. "Kevin," she whispered softly, her voice caressing my name. "Honey, you very nearly bled out before Mom used some cooking twine as a tourniquet. You could have drowned, or died of hypothermia..." her voice trailed off. There was so much emotion in her voice, on her face. She buried her face in my shoulder. My pain forgotten for the moment, I held her close. I kissed the top of her head and stroked her beautiful hair. "Then, there's what you said to Grandma," she continued, looking up to make eye contact again. "Kevin, you not only risked your life to save mine, you risked everything else on a roll of the dice, trusting that Grandma would understand." She shook her head in awe. "Kevin, I knew you loved me. I could feel it, but until now, I didn't truly comprehend just how deeply you love me! When you told Grandma those things, about how you'd rather die with me than live without me...Kevin, no one has ever loved me that way before! And, I've never loved anyone like that, either...until now." "You're willing to sacrifice everything for me! I don't know how I can be worthy of that kind of love from you, but I do know this: I'm going to spend the rest of our lives trying to be worthy!" She gently cupped my cheeks in her palms and gazed devotedly into my eyes. I was mesmerized by the intensity of her stare. Her eyes - my God, her beautiful hazel eyes! - were like deep pools of feeling. I could easily fall into them and never find my way out, and be happy about it. "Kevin, I will be deeply honored and proud to wear your ring. It will be the greatest pleasure and joy for me to bear your child - or children! I will be your wife and your sister, your friend and lover, and all of the other things we are for each other, until it's time for us to die! I am yours, and you are mine!" I have never been so moved in my life as I was at this moment. It was completely overwhelming. No wedding vows could match this passion or intensity! The fire in her eyes told me the truth of her words. It was the exact same overwhelming sensation she had felt when she heard me speak to our Grandmother, I realized. I still didn't know all the answers to the many problems we would face in the future, but I was more certain now than ever before that it was worth the trouble and the pain. This bond, this deep love between us was real and solid; it would endure the hardships I knew would come. There were no words in any spoken language that could express what we felt. Fortunately, none were needed. At the same exact moment, we leaned in to each other and kissed. It was the hottest kiss I've ever felt. I could feel and sense every bit of Gracie. The taste of her mouth, the smooth creamy skin of her neck beneath my fingers, the slight trembling of her muscles that was brought on by the depth of her emotion...I could smell the subtle fragrance of her perfume, the clean warm scent of her skin, and the faintest hint of her passion. All these things and more flooded my senses; for just that moment I felt we were as one. When we broke the kiss, she looked at me with wonderment. "You felt that too," she said. It wasn't a question. I merely nodded my head. Yes, this was right. ### It was after 5 before we reached the house. At this time of year in Indiana, that meant it was already after dark. I was surprised that, as we approached the house, Gracie triggered to garage door. I hadn't even noticed she had one of the remotes. I was even more surprised to see Mom's yellow Bug parked in the driveway where Grace usually parked. Normally, the garage was reserved for Mom and Dad. Again, it was like Grace read my mind. "They thought it would be easier on you coming in through the garage. There are no stairs into the house that way." I smiled. Gracie pulled in smoothly and closed the door, then handed me my crutches and watched as I hobbled inside. I wasn't allowed to put weight on my injured leg, but at least I wouldn't be confined to bed. If I had been forbidden to take myself to the bathroom, it would have been so humiliating! Under my sister's loving overwatch, I slowly and carefully made my way into the house. Mom and Dad were waiting at the kitchen table. I could see dinner was ready; Mom had made her famous (okay, not really famous, but damn it SHOULD be) slowcooker pot roast. She'd also made my favorite spinach salad to go with it. Until I smelled the food, I hadn't realized how famished I was. Dad pulled out a chair for me, and he and Grace helped steady me as I sat. We said a quick prayer and dug in. It was just as good as I knew it would be. After dinner, my family surprised me again. Dad presented me with a small wrapped box. "What's this?" I asked, as I struggled with the wrapping paper. My Dad never skimps on the tape when wrapping gifts. "My birthday isn't for another week!" "We know, sweetie," Mom said, "But there were a couple things we wanted to give you now." I finally got the wrapping paper off, and stared in shock. It was the latest Galaxy phone, complete with a custom-made case featuring (of course) an AR-15. "Wow," I said softly. "Thank you guys so much! But-" Dad waved off my thanks. "We still have our baby girl because of you, son. A new phone is nothing compared to that! Besides, when we finally did find your old one out by the pond, the screen was cracked and the innards were shorted out. I'm guessing that it fell out of your trousers pocket at some point and then you stepped on it. The guys at Best Buy were able to salvage your SD card though, so all your music and pictures and stuff are safe." I thanked them both profusely, and then Mom held out her hand to me. I reached out with my own and she dropped something small into my upturned palm. It was my faithful Kershaw folding knife! Surprised yet again, I quickly opened it and inspected the blade. It was clean and free of rust. It actually looked freshly honed and oiled. "Your Grandfather found this by the pond along with your clothes," she explained. "He has an old EdgePro set up in the barn, so he cleaned and honed it for you. Keep it close, just in case." "And last," Gracie said, grinning her mischievous grin, "Here's a little jewelry for you!" She reached out and wrapped a new paracord survival bracelet around my left wrist, and kissed my cheek. "It's the hottest fashion trend this fall!" she joked. "Thank you all! I love you guys so much!" I said. "We love you too!" It was a tender family moment, and I savored it. I hoped we could still share moments like this, even after Gracie and I revealed our secret. I carefully made my way up the stairs. Mom offered several times to make up the couch for me, but I wasn't interested. The downstairs bathroom was tiny. It would be hard to get in and out of without being able to bend my leg (or put weight on it). No, I was going to sleep in my own room tonight. It might take me 30 minutes to get up these stairs, but damn it all, I was going to make it! Mom and Dad supervised and Gracie went ahead of me, keeping a firm grip on my belt, as the nurses had taught her. It didn't really take me 30 minutes to climb the stairs, but the way I was hurting when I finally reached the top made it feel like even longer than that! At last, I sank gratefully onto the surface of my bed and sighed. After a few moments, Mom and Dad joined Grace and I. "Alright son, your Mom and I are headed to bed. Grace has sportingly agreed that, since you saved her life, she will watch out for you tonight. If you need anything, you know where to find her." He turned to Grace and hugged her tight. "I love you, baby girl," he said, tenderly. "If you need us for anything, don't hesitate to wake us." "I will, Daddy. I love you too!" Mom squeezed me tight and kissed my cheek, and then did the same for Grace. "I'll take over from you after breakfast," she told her. "Okay, Mom," she said. "It's not a burden to me, you know. It's an honor!" Mom and Dad both smiled proudly at that, and headed off towards the master suite. Gracie and I were alone again at last. She helped me up and quickly, but carefully undressed me. Then, she made a quick trip to the bathroom for soap, water, wash cloths, and towels. While I laid on a towel spread over my bed, she carefully, lovingly washed me. Unsurprisingly, I was hard as a rock well before she finished. Grace, grinning wickedly, made sure my door was securely closed. "It wouldn't be a good idea for you to have your very first time tonight, my love," she said softly. "But if you'd like, there's something else we can do. I've actually wanted to do it for you for a while now...and I'll let you do something that I've never let anyone else do." Gracie slowly peeled off her clothes, doing a masterful striptease with no music. She swayed softly to a beat only she could hear. As she slowly spun away from me, she looked back at me over her shoulder. She pulled her pretty little V-neck sweater off over her head, revealing the smooth creaminess of her back, inch by tantalizing inch. I admired the smooth, toned lines of demarcation between her shoulder blades and her muscles as she moved. She was all woman: sensuous and warm. As she turned again, Her beautiful, firm breasts were revealed. I had since learned she was 34B on top. Her perky breasts sat high on her chest and were capped with dusky pink nipples, now hard with her arousal. She let her hands wander over her body as she swayed, tracing her own curves while she bit her lip and stared at me. Then her hands dropped to her waist and pushed her soft, tight-fitting cotton trousers down, slipping one leg and then the other out of them, and teasing me with the mouth-watering sight of her ass in her pink thong. It was another special thing just for me, I knew instantly. Grace hated wearing thongs. She hated the way they felt. She also knew that this sexy underwear style was a major turn-on for me. That was the reason she wore it. The look of pure love and devotion she gave me was all the proof I needed. She continued to sway for a few moments, and I marveled at the beauty before me, until at long last she drew off her thong. I moaned at the sight of her. She had regrown her womanly bush. It was a well-trimmed triangle of soft, short curls that began above her vulva and ended a half-inch below her pantyline. Her smooth, sleek legs flexed softly as she stepped towards me. I lifted my hand and ran it over her soft belly, before tracing the line of her hip bone and cupping her incredible ass in my palm. "That was amazing, Gracie," I said to her. "You are so beautiful, and so talented, baby. I can hardly believe you're mine!" "Believe it, my love," she replied. "All that I have, all that I am, is yours!" Grace climbed onto the bed with me, infinitely cautious, from the right side. She took the greatest care not to touch or jar my injured left leg. I noticed her looking at it, and then I saw a tear roll down her cheek. "So much pain," she whispered. "Oh, my Kevin, you had to suffer just because I bought cheap-ass boots that I never should have taken into the woods, anyway!" "Stop it, Grace," I said, softly but firmly. I gently palmed her chin and steering her face towards me. "You listen to me! I have pain meds if I need them. This will heal! This won't cripple me for life! Yes, it will leave a scar, but you know what? I'm going to cherish that scar! That scar was won in rescuing you, the love of my life! And you are worth every last drop of my blood. So no more tears, darling! No more sadness. Let go of the pain in your heart, Gracie. Release it!" Her eyes bored into mine like lasers. "Kevin Michael Richmond," she said softly, solemnly, "I love you with all my heart. You make me feel like I'm worth more than all the valuables in the world. I promise you, I'm going to make you the happiest man on earth. But, for right now, I'm going to make you cum so hard, your balls will be drained for a week!" She kissed me then, deep, wet, and hungry. This kiss was loving, but passion and not tenderness lay at its core. Gracie eagerly sought entry into my mouth with her tongue; an entry I granted quickly. Her hands wandered over my body as her tongue caressed mine. She playfully tweaked my nipples and tugged on my chest hairs. Not hard enough to hurt in either case, just a tug. Then, she ended the kiss and started to tease my sensitive neck and throat, licking and teasing her way south. I moaned softly and reached for her, but she gently pushed my hands away. "You'll have your turn, lover, but I want to go first this time!" She continued her southern course, kissing and licking my skin, and occasionally nipping lightly with her teeth. Then she reached my manhood, and without hesitation she started licking my shaft. The brand-new sensation was heavenly, unlike anything I'd ever felt. "Ohhhh, Gracie," I moaned. "Oh, baby, so good..." She stared up at me, looking into my eyes and she licked her way up and down the shaft of my penis. This was an amazing sensation. But my sweet Grace was far from done! She cautiously adjusted her position and gently pushed my legs apart so she could kneel between them. Then, without a word, she took my cock in her mouth. I stuffed my own hand in my mouth to muffle my sounds of pleasure! It was so, so good...In fact, it was too good. Her fingers lightly rolled my balls around as she slid my thick 7 and a half inch cock in and out of her warm, wet mouth. She made eye contact with me again and held it while she pleasured me. "Gracie, honey, you...I'm gonna...Ohhhh Gracie...I'm gonna..." I stammered. I had to hold back, warn her I was about to cum, give her time to- "Gracie, oh honey I'm cumming I'm cumming ohhhhhh!" I said as my control gave way to the pleasure. It was the most amazing thing I'd ever felt! Gracie caressed my balls with her hands, and sucked very gently on the head of my cock as it pulsed in orgasm. It hit me just then, that I was cumming in her mouth! Grace sucked my manhood very gently until she was sure I had finished, before releasing it to flop back against my firm flat belly. I watched in amazement as she swallowed my seed without hesitation. Then she grinned at me. She kissed my dick where it lay, then she carefully got out of bed, and stepped out of the room. When she returned, I could smell a faint hint of mouthwash. "Did you...did you like that, baby?" she asked, cuddling tightly into my right side. "Ohhhhhh, Gracie, it was wonderful...amazing...I've never felt anything like it before. So, so good!" I pulled her close and kissed her deeply. I would have done it whether she rinsed her mouth or not! This incredible woman had done something amazingly intimate, deeply loving. "I figured you'd enjoy it," she said, with a girlish giggle. "I've...never done that before. I mean, I've never let anyone finish...like that...in my mouth, before. You're the first, my love! And you're the last! We belong to each other." "Yes we do!" I replied, hugging her even more tightly against me. I was humbled by the magnitude of the gift - of the pleasure - she'd just given me. I prayed that I would never fail to be worthy of the precious treasure I held beside me. Suddenly overwhelmed by my deep need of her, I tilted her chin up toward me and kissed her. I ran my hands over her now unresisting body, lingering over places where I'd learned she loved to be touched. In particular, I nibbled at her neck and her earlobes, knowing how sensitive they were and how much she enjoyed that. But tonight, I was on a mission. Gracie had tasted me, now I wanted to taste her! I wanted to explore her with my mouth! I kissed my way down the hollow of her throat. Gracie shivered as I licked over the slope of her left breast and gasped as my tongue swept over her delicate aureola. I finally claimed her nipple with my lips, taking it inside my mouth, sucking lightly and licking at the same time. "Oh my God, Kevin!" she whispered, cupping the back of my head in her hand and encouraging my attention to her breast. Not content with just one, I kissed and licked my way over to her right breast, teasing her sensitive nipple with broad, flat licks, before sucking it gently. Then I released it and blew a gentle, steady stream of air over the spit-dampened flesh. "OHHHHH!" she moaned, before shoving her hand in her mouth. Her eyes were wide with surprise and pleasure. I feasted on her breasts for several minutes, enjoying the amazing texture. So firm, yet yielding and warm! Her skin was so soft and smooth, the color of darkened ivory and the texture of silk. I kissed my way over the subtle roundedness of her belly. I loved this part of her so much. It frustrated Grace that, with all her exercise and healthy eating habits, she couldn't have a flat, hard belly. I had told her, and I still do, how much I like her the way she is! This subtle roundness wasn't flab! (A med student told me that some women simply have this shape. I've seen her do crunches many times, and trust me, she doesn't have belly flab.) It didn't stick out like a man's beer paunch. It was a soft, gentle and feminine curve. It added to her amazing shape; it didn't take away from the perfection of her form! But, now I'd run into a little snag: I desperately wanted to taste her womanhood. The smell of her arousal was strong this close to the source, and it was driving me wild with the need to experience it. However, this air-cast thing on my leg prevented me from rolling over or bending. There was no way to get my face down there. Then the solution occurred to me, and I laughed quietly. "What?" Grace asked. I didn't bother with an answer. Instead, I rolled flat on my back. She sat up and leaned over me, as I knew she would. That's when I took hold of her by the waist and lifted her up. Startled at first, she squeaked, but she quickly realized what I was about to do and the squeak turned into an excited moan. She reveled in my strength as I lifted her body above me like she was toy doll and lowered her mound over my eager face! Gracie held on to my headboard for dear life as my tongue glided through the valley of her nether-lips, seeking her hot spots. I made sure to lick her inner and outer labia, and I couldn't resist darting my tongue inside of her. The taste was stronger than it had been that time in the shower, but like before there was nothing unpleasant about it. In fact, her moans and desperate whimpers of pleasure made it that much more enjoyable! "Ohhhh, Kevin, ohhh, baby, soooo gooood," she said, as she rode my tongue. And then, at long last, I moved to her clit. Her reaction was instant, and powerful! "OOOHHH," was all she got out, before she crammed her hand back into her mouth. I gripped her thighs firmly and kept flicking my tongue over her clitoris, applying the pressure I knew she needed. Her first orgasm was intense, and her second....well, it was more so! She was so amazingly wet after she came the first time, I couldn't stop myself from slipping a moistened finger inside of her. I savored the warm, snug wetness surrounding my finger just as I savored her taste. Gracie, I thought to myself, you are so incredible! She bucked and writhed on top of me, and it was a good thing she was holding on to the headboard! Finally though, I stopped. I knew that after two orgasms, her womanhood got so sensitive that she needed a break, or pleasure could turn to pain. Gracie very carefully dismounted me, and fell into my arms for a shuddering hug. "Oh baby," she cried quietly. "I had no idea it was that good!" I was stunned. "Gracie, you mean none of your boyfriends did that for you?" "No, no," she said. "They did, it's just...damn! You're so GOOD, Kevin!" She lay there for a while, resting, before she finally got up and went to get the things she needed to clean me up. That done, she gave me a small sip of Listerine to take care of my breath. She left again, and when she came back, she was wearing a sleep shirt. Seeing the look on my face, she smiled and shook her head. "Oh, my sweet lover, I want nothing more than to sleep naked in your arms. But that probably wouldn't be too smart, and not just because of our family," she said, pointing towards my sutures. I nodded in disappointed agreement. Grace leaned over me and kissed me tenderly. "Honey, I've said it before: there will be time. One day, soon, we will sleep in each others' arms, skin to skin. One day soon, you will be inside of me. For now, rest and heal. I'll be here when you wake. Sleep now," she whispered. She covered me with a blanket, and smoothed my hair away from my eyes. "Sleep, my love," she said, tenderly. "I'll be on the other side of you dreams, waiting for you. Sleep!" Exhausted, and secure in the knowledge that she was there, I closed my eyes. As I drifted off, I reflected briefly on all that had happened. I marveled at what we had given each other, and at the fact that it all stemmed from My Saving Grace! pics---->> http://bit.ly/1QdQXsD
Title: Sunbathing Naked, Mom's Breasts Summary: Nude yoga in the backyard for her son. Keywords: inc,fic, After being named Partner at a law firm, Sophia spent much of her free time reading educational and self-help books. It was important that she be her very best with all the new duties and responsibilities she'd have. Just a few days ago, she had returned from a brief vacation on a tropical island with some of her lifelong friends. It was the perfect way to rejuvenate herself before the heavy workload she'd soon have. Things took a swift turn in her life when a package arrived to her home. She had just taken a shower after having gone to an early morning yoga class with a friend, so her son Bradley (who still lived with her while attending a nearby college) answered the door and received the package. Normally, he'd open package deliveries for her, since she always asked him to. This time, Sophia knew exactly what the package was, and it was something that was best kept private. So while she was still in her bathrobe, with her long wet hair slicked back, she hurried down the stairs, only to find that she was too late. The delivery person had already left and Bradley had cut open the box. The vibrator she had ordered was now in full view of her son. Bradley seemed dumbfounded by the device. It wasn't the standard model, but the new and advanced version. The kind that had a special tip that was specifically designed to stimulate a woman's clitoris. As she hurried towards him, Bradley closed the box to spare each other the embarrassment. "Thanks for opening it," she said while picking up the box. "Were you being sarcastic?" She shook her head. "Nope. I'm not being sarcastic at all. I always have trouble cutting into that tape. So thank you." "Well this is weird," he blushed a little. She shrugged. "It's a vibrator. Now you've seen it. What can we do?" "Hmmm... Are you possessed or something? How come you're not embarrassed?" "Why should I be?" "I don't know," he replied. "I just thought you'd be mortified that I saw it." Sophia held her chin high. "Well, I've learned some things from the books I've been reading. The prevailing wisdom is that women have true equality when there is sexual equality. And it makes perfect sense. That means I shouldn't be ashamed of having natural desires. Sexually speaking, men and women should be viewed equally." There was a newfound confidence and boldness in her attitude and voice. She had never really had sex talks with her son, but now she was casual about it. "Oh, well, whatever works for you," he replied. She looked thoroughly amused by her son's reaction. "I'll stop now," she said, almost laughing. "You look very uncomfortable hearing about my crazy new ideology, right?" "I don't know. Did a raging feminist take over my mother or something?" She winked. "It's the new me." "Let me guess," he said. "You ordered it after you came back from that vacation." "Yep." "It must have been some vacation." "You have no idea," she replied with a gleam in her eyes. "Maybe I'll tell you about it someday, but I doubt you'd be interested." *** Early the next morning. They were both in the kitchen eating breakfast. Sophia was dressed in a sharp stylish suit, while she stood and finished her coffee. It was her first day being Partner of the firm. But more than that, as she was in the kitchen with her son, she wondered if Bradley had actually heard her last night. She got a little carried away with her new vibrator before realizing that it might have been too loud. She tried reading her son's body language to see if he was being awkward around her, but so far, nothing. She shrugged it off, hoping he hadn't heard the buzzing sounds. "I ordered more things online," she said before sipping her coffee again. "It should arrive in about a week." "Should I open it for you?" he joked. "Or should I just leave it in your room?" "Go ahead and open it," she replied, almost daring him. "They're books. Put them in my room." "Oh..." She laughed. "Don't worry, they're spiritual books. A colleague recommended them to me and I'd like to keep an open mind." "Oh, nice. Whatever happened on that vacation must have really worked wonders on you." "Why? Because I'm a hippie now?" "Mom, you've become a hippie lawyer," he replied. "Is something wrong with that?" He gave a faint smile. "No. It's just... different..." It was the clue that Sophia was looking for. Her son had definitely heard her masturbating with a vibrator last night, and frankly, she hoped that her cheeks weren't turning red. *** A few months later. Sophia won her first major settlement since becoming Partner. She had spent a considerable amount of time on a fraud case which involved complex financial matters. The other party decided to settle, rather than going to court with her. She tried explaining it to her son a few times during dinner, but like most college students, he wasn't interested in those sorts of things. After getting all the good news off her chest, there was still something else she needed to tell her son. "I'm going on yet another short vacation," she said happily. "Only for this weekend. It's a small retreat that's organized by some of the women at the law firm." "Well that's cool," Bradley replied. "Should be. We're going to a Southern California resort for a few days." "It's too bad I wasn't invited, or am I? I need a vacation too." Sophia smiled and shrugged. "Women only. It was my senior Partner's idea. Let's just say that the women of this firm have a special bond." "Nice." "I know, right? Anyway, I'll leave you some cash and I hope this house remains intact when I come back." "It will, trust me. And you deserve this. You work really hard." She smiled again. "Thank you. I feel good about things. I'm excited. It's hard to explain, but I finally feel that everything is coming together for me." "I can tell. You seem really happy." Sophia agreed. Part of her newfound happiness was thanks to her new vibrator, but that was her little secret. *** The trip itself felt like yet another spiritual journey for Sophia. Normally she'd text her son nonstop to make sure everything was okay at home. This time, she focused on living in the moment and letting everything go, although she did send her son a slew of beautiful pictures she had taken. Most of the pictures she sent to Bradley were of the beach and resort area. There were some images of herself taken by a colleague. She wore a bikini in a few of the images, but it was covered by a white tshirt. There were also pictures of the other women at the law firm, as well as group photos. One of them was her mentor and senior Partner, a lawyer in her 50's. The other two were also lawyers, and the other person was a young paralegal. Despite their laid back beach attire, they still had the appearance of being well-educated. That's just the type of women they were. There was nothing but smiles on their faces as they posed on the resort and beach. On the final night, Sophia emailed her son. She kept it simple: I hope everything is okay at home. We're all having a great time here. I'll tell you more when I get back. Here are more pictures. love mom With a simple click, everything was sent. There were 68 images total, which meant that her son would have plenty to look at. And she was certain that her son would be thoroughly entertained looking at the pictures of the women that she worked with. They were an attractive group of sophisticated ladies. But there were other pictures too. Secret ones. Pictures she kept for herself. There were images of her 50-something year old mentor, topless on the beach with a smile on her face. It was the most natural thing in the world to that lady. Her lawyer friends were topless too. They were all gorgeous in their own ways. Her young paralegal was completely nude coming out of the ocean water in another set of photos. It made her aroused just looking at them. The final picture was her favorite. It was a picture of all them mostly naked together. She could hardly believe that she had agreed to pose topless in a public area, let alone with a big smile on her face. She could hardly recognize herself. She never thought she'd be so brazen and comfortable with her body. But these were her secrets. She was about to turn off her laptop when she took a final look at the images she had sent her son. Her jaw dropped, almost in horror, when she looked at the last picture. She had accidentally sent the topless group photo to her son! She couldn't believe her luck. In the midst of all her successes, both spiritually and with her career, Bradley had managed to see her vibrator and her breasts. It was a blessing and a curse. And it was too late to take any of it back. She tried to look on the bright side, that they're just tits. But she was a traditionalist who believed that there are some things a son shouldn't see. Strangely, she could feel her heart racing at the idea that her son would be seeing her topless on the beach. *** She came home with a relaxed aura. The brief vacation had worked wonders. Sophia felt more laid back, even after resuming her duties as a law firm Partner. She smiled more, she was more upbeat, and she laughed a little more often. The vacation also gave her a nice, golden brown tan. It was an even tan too, since she had been naked with her colleagues on the beach. It gave her a different look. She appeared less corporate and more free-spirited. She even started wearing tshirts and shorts more often around the house, proudly showing everything off. The following weekend, she had made the decision that she wanted to keep her tan as part of her spiritual growth. It made her feel like a new person. She took care of her tan in the early morning in the backyard when Bradley was still in bed. She laid on a beach blanket which was placed on the grass. Their backyard was near a hiking trail, so there weren't any neighbors to spy on her. She finished about the time he woke up. Unfortunately (or not) the inevitable happened and Bradley came down to the kitchen, just as she had left the backyard through the sliding door. They were both making breakfast at the same time, only this time, she was barefoot wearing shorts and a bikini top. She used a towel to cover her chest when she saw her son. Then she gave him an awkward smile. It was the first time Bradley had ever seen her in such a small bikini top with his own eyes, and from the looks of things, he seemed to have enjoyed it. They both said 'good morning' while they in the kitchen. She moved the towel around and tied it around her chest, as if she had just taken a shower. "Were you tanning?" he asked. She smiled, "My new favorite hobby, if you can believe it." "Well, you look great. Nice tan. It makes you look different." The look on her face changed. She appreciated the comment. "It makes me look younger," she noted. "More adventurous, in a way." She went to the fridge and grabbed some juice, which she poured in a cup. She gulped it down with her son watching. When she finished her drink, she put the cup in the sink and looked at him. "Why don't you join me tomorrow?" she asked. "We can meet outside at 7 am. The sunrise is breathtaking. I can't believe I've ignored it for all these years." "Is that what you did during your trip? Wake up early and watch the sunrise?" She nodded. "We watched the sunrise as a group. Sunsets too. It's such a spiritual thing. It makes me feel like I'm part of the universe." "You sound like a full-blown hippie now," he laughed. She shrugged. "I know. But it makes me happy. So how about joining me tomorrow? We'll watch the sunrise while laying on the lounge chairs. Then we'll work on our tans. Maybe do some yoga after." "No thanks. I don't want to wake up that early. Plus I don't want to ruin your 'alone time.' You seem so peaceful these days. Good for you." She smiled again, "The invitation is always open." *** The next morning at 7:23 am. What better way to start the day than with a nice orgasm? It seemed like a sure thing that Bradley was still sound asleep since he had gone out to a college party the night before. One of the dirty habits she picked up from her last vacation was the concept of outdoor masturbation. All that was needed was a beautiful view of the sunrise, a recliner seat, and something to self-stimulate with. Her vibrator seemed even louder outdoors, but she was certain that her son couldn't hear it from his upstairs bedroom. It was too far and his window was closed. So she let it buzz aloud. She laid back in her lounge chair and focused on the nice view of the hiking trail. All she wore was a bikini. And she slid the bikini bottom aside to expose her pussy to the open air and sunlight. Her body jerked the moment the vibrator went inside of her. Her toes wiggled. She faintly moaned. Then again. She could hardly believe that she was doing something so brazen outdoors. If anyone had taken an early morning hike out here, she'd be caught. Worse, if her son had woken up early, she'd be mortified. She made a small gasping noise. She was trying to be mindful in keeping her noise levels down. Her feet and toes straightened, then curled, which was her tell-tale sign that she was experiencing an orgasm. A moment later, the vibrating noise ended, and her feet suddenly became relaxed. Her morning orgasm was worth the risk of being caught. *** Sophia went to the kitchen afterwards with her bikini-clad chest on proud display. She was proud of her tanned skin color too. This time, she made no attempt to cover herself as Bradley was in the kitchen. "I look like a mess," she joked. "Excuse my sweat. I just completed a nice yoga routine under the morning sun. It's all part of my new fitness plan that I learned from my friends." "That trip must have been life changing," he said. She gestured to her slightly sweaty self. "It was, as you can see." "And hear, too," he quipped, then immediately regretting it. Those words Bradley's mouth before he had time to think. In that instant, Sophia knew that she had been caught, that her son has heard her vibrator echoing from the backyard. "This conversation was inevitable, I suppose," she said. He nervously tried to backtrack. "We don't have to. I mean, whatever you're doing is pretty cool. As long as you're happy, right?" "Come on. Let's make some coffee and go outside. We need to talk." * A moment later, they laid on separate lounge chairs outside. They were facing the nice view that they had of a hiking trail; trees, big rocks, hills, etc... The box with the vibrator inside was half hidden beside her on the ground. They both took sips of their coffee. "I know I've been acting a little suspicious lately," she finally said. "When I bought that vibrator, I never thought you'd hear me using it, let alone opening the package to see it. And that picture I accidentally sent you, that was a horrible mistake. I was in such a hurry to email you that I forgot that some of the images were inappropriate." "I've seen tits before. It's no big deal." "But you've never seen my tits before," she emphasized. "And frankly, you shouldn't have seen them at all." Things were getting uncomfortable as the conversation became serious. "I hope you're not embarrassed by..." "Listen," she said softly, cutting him off. "You shouldn't have seen my breasts in that picture. But now I don't really have a problem with it anymore." "Really? "Why should I? I'm a woman. And women have breasts. Women masturbate. That's a simple fact of life and basic human biology. And I'm proud to be a strong and confident woman." There was pride in her voice. Sophia felt empowered proclaiming her feminine side to her son. "I like your new attitude." She raised an eyebrow. "Why? Because you saw my tits? Because you saw my colleagues naked? Because you heard me buzzing this morning." "I also saw your toes curling when I peeked out of the window," he playfully added. "Jesus." He laughed. "I like seeing you confident like this instead of being so insecure all the time." "You know, I never truly understood my power until that trip. The power that all women secretly have." "Like what?" "Girl power," she explained. "When I first took my top off at the beach, I was so nervous. But my friend told me that I was doing it wrong. I needed to be confident and bold. Stand up straight. Chin up. Boobs forward. Then I'll see the results. Sure enough, when I walked around the beach with my breasts out, I could have had anything I wanted." Sophia watched her son adjust in his seat. She knew his cock was stirring inside of his shorts. She continued, "My breasts had a magnetic effect that morning. Men turned their heads. Some women too. I felt like a boss. People would do whatever I wished. That's power. True power." Her breathing became slightly heavier. So did his. She continued, "I'm not saying that I'm a perfect 10 or a glamour model. Believe me, I'm not an arrogant person. What I'm saying is, confidence means a lot. From that morning, I was hooked with the whole nudity thing. So were my colleagues. We sunbathed naked. We swam naked. It was a great time that I'll always remember." "You sound like you miss it," he noted. "Of course. And a few other things." There was a particular tone in her voice, like she was thinking of something that was a secret, and it only made him more curious. "Care to fill me in?" he asked cautiously. "You don't want to know." "After everything you've told me so far?" he asked, trying to pry the secrets out of her. She thought for a moment, looking out into the view. "You remember my paralegal, Christine, don't you?" "Yeah, I remember meeting her. She's great." "She's also a lesbian." Sophia was amused by her son shifting around. He even had to cover his shorts to hide a potential bulge. "Really? I wouldn't have guessed." "Neither would I," she replied. "As it turns out, Christine is very fond of women. Especially older women. It's her favorite." "Now this is getting interesting," he joked, unsure of what else to say. She smiled, "It's about to get even more interesting. We rented a small boat and took it out to sea. All of us were naked. Imagine that, a group of female legal professionals, naked together in a boat. What do you think happened next?" He gulped, "I don't even want to guess." "Christine took turns performing oral sex on us. For us, it was the first time ever experiencing such a thing. For Christine, it was a dream come true. We gladly returned the favor after that." Revealing her sapphic adventure was a huge revelation and she wondered if poor Bradley would ever recover from this trauma. But in the end, she knew it only made him more aroused. "Are you a..." his voice trailed away. "A lesbian?" she asked with a playfully sultry voice. "No. I'm not. It was a chance to explore my sexuality and try new things. I wasn't going to refuse." "I'm surprised." "Me too," she nodded. "I'm only telling you this because I can be clumsy with technology and computers. I always have a million things going on. So it might be inevitable that you see something that's shocking, like that topless picture I mistakenly emailed you." "That makes sense." "You don't seem upset." "We're both adults," he replied. "You look good for your age. Or any age. You should be proud." "Did you like seeing my breasts? Be honest." He cleared his throat. "If we're being honest, then sure, I liked seeing it. They're nice to look at." "Do you still look at that picture?" "Okay, I don't think it's..." She cut him off. "Would you mind if I was topless right now? I'd like to maintain my tan during the weekends. But I don't want to feel like I'm sneaking around to avoid you. It's a lot easier this way." The moment of truth had arrived. "I don't mind," he cautiously replied. "I already saw them anyway, right? And that tan looks good on you." She slowly nodded. "Thank you." She reached back and undid her bikini top. Then she put her hands in front of her chest and pulled her top away. Her breasts were free. Her brown nipples were hard. There wasn't a single tan line on her chest. Her breasts had become used to being exposed to the sun. "Would you mind if this was the new normal?" she asked. "Only on the weekends, of course, and in designated places." "Mom, you pay the bills. You can do whatever you want." She simply smiled and laid on the lounge chair to relax. Her breasts proudly exposed for him to see. *** A week later, at approximately 7:39 am on a weekend morning, Sophia had a more hardline stance and demanded that her son join her. It felt like a crime to enjoy the beautiful morning alone. So she went to his room to rouse him. "Wake up," she whispered. "The sun is rising." "So?" he groaned. "It's going to be beautiful. Come on." "I'll watch the replay on youtube," he groaned again, closing his eyes. "Look." When Bradley forced an eye open, Sophia had lifted a side of her tshirt to show a bare breast. She meant business, although there was a smile on her face. "Oh, wow," he said, with his eyes suddenly wide open. She pulled her tshirt back down. "Not so sleepy anymore, are you?" "I'm awake." "Outside in 10 minutes. The sun is coming up." She left the room and he got out of bed. Sophia changed into a bikini with shorts and a white tshirt over it. They went outside at about the same time. They sat on the lounge chairs just as the sun was coming up. As beautiful as it was, Sophia noticed, through the corner of her eye, that her son was checking out her legs. Reflexively, she curled her toes. Surely he'd like that. It was her trademark move during an orgasm. Minutes passed until the sun had fully risen. They squinted their eyes at the strong light. "Feel like a morning stretch?" she asked. "I don't like doing much in the morning." "Are you sure? It's a great way to start the day." "I'm still too tired to move anyway." There was a short pause. "Mind if I do it in front of you? It's become a weekend habit for me. It helps relieve all of the stress from the week." "It's your body. Do whatever you need," he encouraged. Sophia gave a knowing smile, sensing that he was enjoying things a little too much. But who could blame him? As she got up to stand on the backyard lawn, her body appeared as a silhouette to Bradley, since the sun was behind her. She knew that he could see the shape of her body with the sun in the background. She pulled her shirt away and threw it on the lawn. She took several steps forward and did some light arm movements. Then some light leg movements. Then she got down on the grass and did some serious stretching. She explained every stretch. Every yoga pose. Every benefit it provided to her body. Every spiritual benefit it gave to her. Her body was a mesmerizing work of art. "Elizabeth taught me these poses during the vacation," she explained. "For years, I stuck with the same novice yoga routine. She taught me the intermediate poses." Elizabeth was the 50 year old lawyer who mentored her at the firm. It gave Sophia fond memories them doing naked yoga during their vacation together. She continued, "It was hard at first. Each pose was a unique challenge. I've always been fairly flexible, so I already had a solid base." Sophia adjusted herself and struck a more challenging pose. She sat on the grass and stretched the muscles of her mid-section. She continued, "You know, Elizabeth has been highly instrumental to my spiritual growth. Liz was the person who recommended those books to me. And she suggested that I purchase that particular vibrator. It's worked wonders for me. The books have really opened my mind. And the vibrator, my gosh." There was no doubt in her voice. She was proud of herself. No question. Then she released the pose and put both feet forward, reaching across to touch her toes. She continued, while breathing deeply, "Things escalated quickly during the trip. I learned things about myself. I was pushed to new limits. I found my inner strength. And my outer strength." The pose was released. Then she struck a much harder pose. She placed her forearms on the grass, then she lifted her legs and feet in the air. Her entire body weight rested on her forearms. Her body was straight. She was upside down. The muscles in her arms looked tightly flexed. She continued, "This isn't boring you, is it?" Her voice was slightly strained because of the intense physical exertion she was performing. "Of course not. No way. I'm listening." "I figured you'd enjoy this," she said, breathing tensely. "Especially since this concerns you." "It does?" She remained silent for a moment. Then she breathed harder. Her arms and body must have been getting tired from the upside down pose. It finally came to an end and she brought her feet down. She quickly stood back up and took a deep breath. She looked exhausted and she shook her arms to relieve the tension in her muscles. "It does," she finally said. "Elizabeth and I shared intimate things during our trip. We bared our souls to each other. I've tried to keep an open mind, sexually speaking. But what I heard shocked me to the core." Bradley listened attentively. She continued, "As it turns out, believe it or not, Elizabeth is far more liberated than I ever could have imagined. Sexually speaking, she's open to everything. And she's done everything too. I won't go into all the details, but that woman is experienced. Anyway, she dropped a bombshell one night that I still don't think I've recovered from." Bradley just listened, wondering where this was headed. She continued, "Elizabeth keeps an open mind. And her legs are open just as wide. Even for her own son." He was taken aback. "Are you saying that..." "Yes, I'm saying that." "No way. It has to be a joke. I mean it's a beachside vacation. Of course people are going to exaggerate." "Elizabeth showed me a collection of pictures on her phone." There was suddenly a silence between them. He was shocked. And Sophia had a look on her face which said, 'Yeah, believe it, because it's true.' "Yikes," he managed to say. "That's the correct response." "Did it freak you out? I mean, what did you see in the pictures?" "Things which are so naughty, I'd rather not discuss," she replied humorously. "Elizabeth is single. She's in her sexual prime. And she has an adult son. Apparently she's a big fan of keeping things in the family." "Why would she talk about it? Shouldn't that be a secret? Assuming it's true." "Because, as it turns out, incest is a big part of her spiritual and sexual growth. It's something that's come to define her. You see, Liz believes that regular orgasms with a partner is a necessity. It's part of being a healthy person. She also believes that the maternal bond from a mother/son relationship only increases the power of the orgasm." Sophia bent down in a squatting position and held the pose. The muscles in her legs were heavily flexed and it looked exhausting. She continued, "Once Liz's son had turned 18 many years ago, she made the offer. And the offer was, that if he was respectful and discrete, then she was willing to exchange sexual services. The deal was accepted and they formed a symbiotic relationship. It led to the best orgasms they've ever experienced in their lives. They still do it on a regular basis." "Oh..." he gasped. She smiled, "I thought the same thing. I was stunned hearing my best friend admit to something like that. But the more I thought about it, the more sense it seemed to make. It's worked very well for them." Her legs reached exhaustion and she stood upright. Then she briefly shook each leg to relieve the tension from the prolonged squatting position. "Sounds like a provocative story." "I know," she nodded. "Now I want to make that offer with you." The tone in Sophia's voice made clear that this was a serious offer. She looked at her son, who was obviously surprised. She could see that his cock was stirring in his shorts. "Are you saying what I think you're saying?" "I know it's unusual," she said. "It goes against the rules of society. It's frowned upon. And if people ever found out, I would likely be ruined, both socially and in my legal career." "I understand." "There are many benefits though. We live together. We understand each other. And most importantly, we love each other. I've thought about this a lot, especially in the past week. It's certainly doable. But only if you're interested. And only if you swear to keep this a secret." The moment was tense, yet surprisingly casual. Sophia didn't view the offer as something lewd or lascivious. She viewed the offer as something that was beneficial to both of their well-beings. She viewed it as a necessity to her spiritual growth. And that was what allowed her to find the courage to ask such a taboo thing. Before, the thought of incest would have never crossed her mind. She would have been repulsed by it. Now, it was something she wanted to engage in as part of her newfound confidence. The words tumbled out of his mouth. "If you're serious, then... umm... I guess, but it's up to you." She smiled, "Don't be nervous. I know you've had sex before. So please don't feel uncomfortable discussing this with me." "Okay." "In order to create a fair and binding contract, you would have to know what you're bargaining for. I've made a firm offer. Now you're going to have to understand what you're accepting. Does that make sense?" Even in a sexual setting, Sophia still enjoyed speaking like a legal professional. She knew that many men enjoyed that sort of thing, and she was hoping that her son would be turned-on by her intellectual mind. "That makes perfect sense," he replied. "It's an important part of contract law." She took a few steps towards him while he still relaxed on the lounge chair. Then she removed her bottom completely. Her son was naturally in a state of utter shock, but in contrast, Sophia couldn't have looked any calmer. Her cleanly shaven vagina was on full display. "Don't move," she said. "You're in the perfect position." Showing off her flexibility, Sophia kept her legs open as she stepped over the lounge chair her son was sitting on. She inched towards him, one small step at a time. Her thighs were spread and her pussy was in front of his face. The lounge chair was low and there were no armrests. So it wasn't too difficult to do. But the sight was incredible. With her legs spread to the fullest extent, Bradley was able to see everything. She continued moving forward until her bare vagina was mere inches away from her son's face. "What do you think?" she asked. "It looks gorgeous," he gulped. "Does it look like something you'd be interested in working with?" Before he could answer, she used her fingers to pull her labia apart, giving her son a clear view of her clitoris and vaginal opening. Her brown labia was spread wide. Her clit looked engorged. Her insides were pink and wet. She was spread so wide, she was certain her son could see the insides. There was no doubt that she was incredibly aroused. It looked like an inviting pussy that craved attention. "I'm 100% interested," he replied, staring deeply at it. "So, our deal. What do you think? Are you willing to accept? If you do, you're bound to secrecy. Forever. No one can ever know." Before he could reply, Sophia put her finger on her son's lips to stop him. She already knew the answer was going to be 'yes,' but she had a much better idea instead. She continued, "Don't say it. Accept it by performance." And then she moved her hips forward. Her open pussy was an inch from his face. Bradley saw every line, detail, and drip of moisture on her pussy. This was something she craved. Bradley leaned forward and gave it a lick. A big lick. Sophia's body tensed. She moaned. Her legs slightly trembled. When her son gave another big lick, her body reacted once again. Their eyes were locked as his lips were pressed onto her vagina. There was something so arousing about the expressions on her face. It was like she couldn't believe that her son's tongue was inside her pussy, licking up and down. There was a curiosity in her eyes. She was loving this. "I've actually imagined this a few times this week," she said, grinding her pussy into her son's face. "I'm completely blown away by the feeling of exploring this with you. Liz was right. Do you like the way I taste? Just nod if you like it." He managed to nod vigorously, while she held him at her crotch. "I thought so," she smiled. "The other women on the trip said that I taste like sweet nectar. I figured you'd enjoy me also." Sophia loved the reaction of her son's body squirming. It made her laugh almost. At that point, she knew Bradley liked being teased with the thoughts of her female colleagues at the law firm tasting each other's pussies. Who wouldn't enjoy hearing something like that? "That's enough for now," she said, releasing him from the oral duty. "We still need to formalize our contract, don't you think?" There was a twinkle in Sophia's eye and she could tell Bradley was having way too much fun with this. She let him breathe for a moment, and she was even nice enough to wipe his drenched lips for him. Bradley gulped. "I'd have to agree. After all, you're the expert lawyer, not me." "That's right. There's still one more step regarding the inspection of my goods. Of course, we're referring to my vagina. Ready for the next step in negotiations?" "You know I am." She walked backward, legs still spread, until she was at the bottom of the lounge chair. She tugged at her son's shorts, and he lifted himself so that his shorts would slide off. She pulled at his underwear too. Bradley's hard cock was fully exposed and Sophia looked surprised by it. She wasn't expecting him to be so aroused by her at this point. The thing was absolutely swollen. But then again, she had done a marvelous job of bringing this on. In yet another display of flexibility, she spread her legs again and stood over the chair her son was sitting on. She stood just above his hard cock, then she slowly lowered herself. For the first time in her entire life, she touched her son's erection with her soft fingers to hold it upright. Entering wasn't hard. It wasn't difficult at all. Her legs were spread wide open. Most of all, her pussy was soaking wet, providing more than enough natural lubrication. Bradley's cock slid inside her little hole, which was warm and moist. Both of them gasped as his cock went all the way inside of her. They both had starry-eyed expressions as this was happening, but Sophia, being the professional that she was, had to keep herself composed. "Consideration is a very important aspect of creating a binding contract," she explained, showing off her self-discipline. "There must be a quid-pro-quo. In other words, both of us have to perform something. It's not fair that I simply offer you my womanhood and sexuality. I need something in return." She clenched her vaginal muscles, which sent a shock of pleasure throughout her son's body. Then she gently rocked her hips. She continued, "And what I need are orgasms in return. This isn't a free ride for you. This is for both of us. It's for both of our spiritual well beings, so we can live happily and be healthy. Understood?" It almost seemed like Bradley was at a loss for words for a few seconds. "So much pressure," he smiled. She winked, "Then you better start performing." "Good sex requires the participation of two people." "That's true," she agreed. Sophia was caught her off-guard when Bradley pulled her hips forward, driving his cock all the way inside. Her eyes widened. Whatever she was about to say, she suddenly forgot. It wasn't important anymore. All she wanted was to fuck. She rocked her hips while her son's hands guided her. It was a hot and steamy backyard sexual experience. A slight grin formed on her lips. Her hips arched upwards. So did her eyebrows. There was a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. The look on her face was something Bradley would never forget. She'd never forget this either. The curiosity was gone. She no longer had to wonder what a mother/son encounter would feel like. She was enjoying it first hand. Her hips continued rocking. "Oh my god," she groaned, still rocking her hips. "I had no idea being a lawyer and teaching contracts could be so much fun." "You'd be a great law professor someday," he teased. She slapped his chest. "This is only for you." Her attention returned to the intense feeling in her pussy. She rocked her body in a particular way. Just the way she liked. She did things the exact way she wanted. She was commanding the performance. Her eyes closed and she enjoyed the moment. The blissful tender moment. His hands rubbed up and down her thighs. Her skin felt soft and warm. While rocking her hips, Sophia took a moment to admire the beauty of their sexual experience. It was like she had blossomed from it. She was still a respectable, well-educated woman. But now she had embraced her sexuality. She was open with what she wanted. And she was no longer shy about her most intimate needs and desires. And what she wanted was an orgasm. She reached down and rubbed her clit while they fucked. Whatever she did, it worked. Her eyes opened wide. Lust was all over her face. Her two fingers rubbed her clitoris in a quick, circular motion. That, combined with her son's cock pounding her delicate pussy was an extremely potent combination. "I'm so close," she groaned. "I'm almost there." After a few more moments of rubbing her clit intensely and bouncing on his cock, she came. Her orgasm appeared in the form of a loud scream. Her face clenched. Her body became tense. Her vagina squeezed. And her back arched upwards. She squirted all over his body, which dripped everywhere, leaking through the lounge chair and onto the floor. Her breathing became labored and she made soft panting noises. It wasn't long before her son came too. Even though Sophia had just orgasmed, she still made an effort for him to climax nicely. She clenched her pussy for him and bounced a few more times, until Bradley's cum flooded her already wet vagina. When it was done, she bent down and laid on his chest. They breathed heavily. It felt nice holding each other after an orgasm. His soft cock was still inside her. She breathed in the most erotic way. Short and heavy breaths. Her chest was beating. Then things quickly slowed down. It had been a long morning already. She needed rest. ***** A few months later. Bradley came down the stairs for breakfast on a usual Saturday morning. Nothing was out of the ordinary that day. Nothing special was planned. When he was in the kitchen, he saw his mother in the backyard. She was completely naked doing yoga. Even more arousing, she was talking on the phone while holding an advanced pose. Her head and forearms were on the grass, and her body was completely straight while she was upside down. It was sexy seeing her breasts hang downwards. It was also sexy that whoever she was talking to had no idea that she was naked. "Yes, yes, that's correct," naked Sophia said on the phone call. "The deposition is tomorrow and I've already screened the questions. Everything is on track. Yes... yes... see you then. Bye." The call ended and Sophia got back to her feet. She came inside the house, completely naked, holding her phone. There was a faint look of stress on her face. She sighed. "Work stuff?" he asked, as he prepared his breakfast. She walked towards him and got down on her knees, putting her phone on the table. "Yes, work stuff. I've got a new client who suffered a breach of contract. Apparently, there are people who still don't value or understand contract law." She pulled the front of his shorts down to reveal his semi-hard cock. "Not like us, right?" She smiled and winked, "Not like us." With that, Sophia engulfed his cock. Her lips wrapped tightly around him. Her tongue worked its magic. She began to suck and bob her head. Just then, her phone beeped. Ever the good lawyer, Sophia reached up and grabbed her phone, while still sucking off her son. As good a lawyer as she was, she was an equally good mother. She made sure to give equal attention to her maternal role and to her prominent career. She checked the screen as she sucked and bobbed. It was the opposing counsel of her latest case. She had to answer it, being faithful to both her son and her powerful role in the firm. The cock plopped out of her mouth. "Good morning." When the other lawyer made pleasantries, Sophia gave some pleasantries back, and when the opposing lawyer spoke at length, Sophia went back to sucking. On one hand, she held the phone in front of her. With her other hand, she held her son's shaft upright. With her mouth, she gave a slow and powerful suck. The last thing she needed was for gossip to spread that she was making lewd sucking noises while on an important call. The legal industry is a lot smaller than people think, especially amongst prominent lawyers. So she did things as quietly and discreetly as possible, without sacrificing quality. When it was her turn to speak, she simply held the shaft upright and did her business. "That's right," she said after gently licking her lips. "We'll begin discovery soon. Yes... that's correct... we'll try to make it as painless as possible." The other guy laughed at her joke and made some banter back, which Sophia used as an opportunity to keep sucking off her son. She looked up to see Bradley in a daze and his eyes almost rolled back. She pumped her son's cock more rapidly, just as the opposing counsel gave out a list of potential dates for a meeting. It was a secret rush to stroke her son this quietly while on the phone. "The 27th works for me," Sophia told the lawyer, just as her son's cock erupted and his cum shot into the air, and all over her hand. "Thank you... you too... Have a nice day, Richard." As soon as the call ended, Sophia flashed her son a deviant grin while Bradley's cock started turning soft. "I kind of wish that call went on longer," he gasped. "It would have been nice if you had licked my cum while talking to him." She nodded. "I know, it would have been fun. But I like being loud when I clean you up. I don't want anyone to hear this part. It's too risky." It was her favorite indulgence as part of her breakfast meal. Nutritious, tasty, and energizing. Sophia parted her lips and she loudly slurped the cum from her hand and her son's soft cock. Nothing had a calming effect the way this did. The End For pics visit ---->> https://bit.ly/2ReHUJI
Title: Mom Needs Son's Huge Cock Summary: Terry wants to lose his virginity Keywords:inc,fic,erotic,hot,sex Terry is six feet, one inch tall and weighs one hundred ninety pounds. His hair is sandy blond in color, just like his mothers. For his eighteenth birthday this past summer, his parents bought him a new Jeep CJ5 to drive during his senior year in high school. This jeep was going to help Terry lose his virginity once and for all-or at least Terry was hoping for that to happen.  Terry had never been socially adept around girls, struggling to start a conversation. Once, during his junior year, he got as far as second base (headed to third) with a cheerleader named Allison. He thought that she would be the one to take his virginity, but she had decided that she wasn't yet ready and asked him to stop. The whole baseball season came and went, but with no luck getting into her panties. Terry hoped that the Jeep would help solve that problem during his upcoming senior year. Terry's school is small, and only has one hundred and twenty students in his senior class. At the start of school, many girls noticed his new jeep and wanted a ride. This lasted for about a month, but soon went back to Terry driving by himself. Terry still had his eyes on Allison. She reminded him of his mom but in a younger version. She was dating one of the star players on the football team. Terry plays soccer during the football season to get into shape for baseball in the spring.  ***** "Terry! Can you be a dear and come help me with your dad? He passed out in his chair again." "Coming Mom!" Terry yelled from the study, mumbling to himself that if he would lose some major weight and not drink so much, then he would not have some of his health problems. Jerry was his step-father. His real dad left him when he was little and Terry never saw him again. Jerry was a very successful insurance manager and could sell ice to Eskimos. He was five feet eight inches tall but weighed about two hundred sixty pounds. His daily routine was to come home from work and sit in his favorite chair, having several Crown-and-Gingers while mom worked on supper. "Dad! Wake up! Let's get you to bed." Terry shook him, and his Dad opened his eyes and looked startled. "Donna, sorry, I drank too much again."  "Dad it's me. Mom is waiting at the stairs to help you so that you don't fall."  "Ok, son. I had a rough day at work and missed lunch. I guess the drinks hit me pretty hard." Terry and his mom walked him up the stairs to make sure he didn't fall. They got him into bed and she asked Terry to go check on the food on the stove while she changed out of her running gear. "Honey, how is the rice? I hope it didn't burn," asked Mom as she walked into the kitchen. She was wearing a two-piece silk pajamas sleepwear that Terry had never seen before. The top was blue with thin spaghetti straps that showed off her ample cleavage. Terry could clearly see her navel, since the top only came down so far. Her breasts caused the thin material to fall off her body, making it look like she was wearing a halter top. The bottoms clung to her like a second skin and, as she walked towards the stove, formed a perfect V shape near her pussy. Her nipples were protruding against the silk fabric, and as she neared the stove, her perfume caught Terry's attention. It smelled like strawberries dipped in honey-if those two things were ever mixed together to make a perfume. Terry was speechless as she reached for the spoon out of his hand. "Terry close your mouth young man. You'll catch bugs if you don't." "Sorry, Mom it's just that..." "Just what?" she asked, as she stirred the rice. "Nothing, Mom. What do you need me to do now?" "Can you be a dear and open that bottle of wine on the counter? I was hoping to share a glass with your dad, but we know that won't happen, don't we?" As Terry looked for the opener, he took inventory of the way his thirty-nine-year-old mom looked, seeing her for the first time as a sexy woman and not his mom. She was five feet ten inches tall and very athletic in stature. Her sandy blond hair was cut short in a pixie style, revealing a very sexy neck and shoulders. Very small, thin blond hairs on each side of her neck cascaded down and seemed to vanish as they reached her shoulders. Her tits were firm-looking and made it easy to tell she wasn't wearing a bra. The gold ankle bracelet sparkled each time mom stepped to do anything. Terry strained his eyes to see if she was wearing any panties and then his Mom's words brought him back to reality. "Terry! What are you looking at? Have you found the wine opener?" "Sorry, Mom. Here it is." Mom bent over the stove to retrieve a lid for the pot and that is when Terry saw a blue strap coming up from between the cheeks of her ass. His mom was wearing a thong! Terry got the wine opener going and opened the wine as he gawked at his hot mom. He could feel his nine-inch cock starting to harden and knew that in a few minutes his cock would form a tent in his shorts. "Honey, pour me a glass, would you?" Mom asked, as she placed the lid on the rice.  Terry poured the wine and took it to her. His Mom's eyes darted to his shorts and he could feel her eyes on his hardening cock as he walked towards her. A slight smile appeared on her lips as she reached for the glass. "Thanks, dear," Mom said, as she leaned against the counter with her elbows, causing her breasts to jut out and swell.  Mom's nipples appeared stiffer as she took a long sip of her wine. Terry watched her swallow the first sip and imagined that his nine-inch cock was really what she was trying to swallow. The form of her breasts outlined her top, like two melons ripe for the picking. Terry could just imagine standing behind his mom with his cock buried in her hot cunt as he cupped both of her firm breasts, pinching her nipples, as he kissed the small blond hairs all over her neck. "Teeerrryyy! Terry! Son, what has gotten into you this evening?" Mom asked, as Terry focused back on the voice coming from the area near the sink. Mom had finished the glass of wine and he could feel his hard cock pressing down his leg. Damn, what a fantasy that could be if he wasn't so shy around the girls. All this time, he's had one of the hottest women in town, according to all his friends, right in his own house. "Sorry, Mom, just a little tired from weight training at practice." "Pour me another glass of wine, will you dear? Also, maybe you should go upstairs and take a hot shower before supper. I will have to bring you a fresh washcloth and towel as soon as they dry. They will be ready by the time you finish," Mom said, as she looked right at the bulge in my shorts. "Ok, mom, a hot shower would feel great." Mom looked up and that little smile appeared on her lips as he turned to go upstairs. Interesting, he thought, once he reached his bedroom. It seemed Mom was maybe a little flirty with him? ***** Meanwhile, in the kitchen ... "Hello?" "Janice, can you talk?" "Yes, I'm alone in the basement washing clothes." "You were right! My son does have a large penis! I just saw him get excited, right there in my own kitchen, when I came back down wearing that sexy two-piece nightgown you let me borrow." "I told you so Donna! I'm guessing Jerry must have passed out again, since you have on my outfit, right?" "Yes, he's upstairs, out like a light." "Donna, like I told you earlier, your son and my son were talking about which girls they wanted to lose their virginity to their senior year. I stopped at the door to listen before I almost knocked to deliver Mike his clothes. Then, the next thing I hear is them both comparing their cocks as to whose might be the largest. God forgive me, but I ran outside to look through the bedroom window, and like I told you, what I saw took my breath away. Both our boys' cocks are huge. They were sitting on the bed, holding their cocks while pointing them straight out. I couldn't tell myself whose was the largest. They looked identical to me. Neither one of us has a dildo as large as them two. That's for sure." "Damn, Janice, what am I going to do? You now have me intrigued enough that I have to see how big my son's cock is." "Stick to the plan, just like I told you. You did tell him you would bring up the fresh towels, right?" "Yes, and he's getting ready right now to take a shower." "Perfect, now you have a reason to go to the bathroom and maybe get to see your son's huge cock like I did. As I told you before, Terry's cock looked to be at least nine inches long or more and thick as my wrist." "Oh, Janice I feel lightheaded. I can't imagine such a big cock. I thought my nipples were going to tear a hole in the top when Terry was gawking at my tits. As you know, Jerry is only seven inches on his best night." "My Jim is only six inches and lord knows where my son Mike got his huge cock from. I'm glad you didn't get upset when I told you about peeking in on the boys to see just how big their cocks really were. I've tried to get a glimpse of my son's cock but so far no luck." "Oh Janice, if our husbands only knew just how much we have helped each other out in the sex department due to them under-performing! I would have done the same thing to see. Hell, I might have barged right in to see up close, myself." "OK, get off the phone and get those towels up to your son's bathroom. And call me ASAP!" "I'll call you as soon as I can." ***** Meanwhile, upstairs ... Terry took off his clothes and walked down the hallway butt-naked for the first time in a long time. "He hoped his mom sees him in the shower," thought Terry, as he turned on the water. He found his favorite music station and turned up the volume. As he waited for the water to get hot, Terry stroked his cock thinking about his mom's breasts. Damn, they looked sexy pushing against the satin material of his mom's nightshirt. His cock was now three quarters erect as he stepped into the shower. The hot water felt great on his sore shoulders and chest. Redness developed on his skin as the hot water cascaded down his body. His cock responded by becoming the hardest it had ever been, since Allison touched it through his baseball pants after a game last year. He wanted to show it off to his mother, but how? Allison said it felt huge to her, but what did she know? His mom would know for sure. Terry lathered up his cock and balls and proceeded to slowly stroke his nine-inch cock. Then it hit him. He could open the shower curtain halfway, and when his mom came in to give him the new towels, he could pretend to be washing his face with his eyes closed. That way, she would think he could not see her. Perfect! Donna struggled to walk up the stairs while thinking about how big her son's cock might be. At the end of the hall was the answer to her question, and possibly, to her desires. She could feel her cunt becoming moist and her nipples were very erect. As she neared the door, she could hear the music playing just as always when her son took a shower. "Perfect," she thought. He will not hear me come in. Donna slowly opened the door and walked towards the sink to place the towels so that Terry could reach them when he got out. This would take her past the shower and hopefully give her the chance to see her son's huge cock. Terry noticed his mom opening the door and put his plan into action. His cock was as hard as steel, and he covered his face with the washcloth as if he was in the middle of washing. He turned towards the opening of the shower facing right where his mom would walk by. Donna noticed the curtain was open and thought this was very lucky for her indeed. I will get to catch a glimpse of my son's cock and then just act startled when he sees me. No problem. Donna reached the opening only to see her son with his eyes closed and the largest cock she had ever seen pointing straight at her. Her son was holding his cock with one hand and washing his face with the other. Donna stared at the one-eyed monster between her son's legs as she felt her cunt tingle.  Terry continued to wash his face and slowly stroked his massive cock as his mother watched. Terry peeked out from behind the washcloth to see his mom looking at his rock-hard cock. On the up-stroke, Terry squeezed the head and a huge drop of pre-cum leaked out. It was then Terry heard his mother gasp aloud while placing her hand over her mouth. Terry ignored this and continued his actions as his mom backed a step away. "Holy fuck, my son is huge," thought Donna, as she tried not to let her son know she was standing only two feet from him. "His balls are huge compared to my husband's." Thought Donna as her hand started to reach out, but she quickly regained her control.  Oh shit! Did my mom almost reach out to touch my cock? Terry boldly decided to take his plan a little further. "Mom keep touching my cock, just like that. Please put more baby oil on the shaft. God, your hands feel so good wrapped around my hard cock, Mom. Oh damn, your hands are going to squeeze the cum out of my balls soon. Will you take my cock in your mouth again or do you want me to cum all over your beautiful tits?" Donna could hardly breathe as she watched her beautiful son fantasize about her taking his load. His cock glistened from the pre-cum as her son increased his pace. Donna wondered if she should leave before her son sprayed cum all over the shower, but she was glued to that spot in front of her son jerking his huge cock. "Oh, shit, Mom, I'm close! I'm glad I get to cum all over your huge tits this time. A few more strokes and I will cum. Oh my! Your tits are huge mom! Get ready." Terry could see his mom was not leaving and decided to let everything play out and accept the consequences. He clenched his eyes closed and yelled out, "COMING, MOTHER! OH GOD, I'M COMING ALL OVER YOUR BEAUTIFUL TITS! THIS IS GOING TO BE A HUGE LOAD MOM!"  The first volley of cum surprised Donna as it splattered all over the shower wall. Several more followed as her son moaned aloud, "Mom, squeeze your huge tits around my cock." Terry turned towards the shower head and Donna gathered up the towels quickly, deciding this was a good time to leave, before her son opened his eyes. As Terry washed the soap off his face, he moaned to himself, "Oh my God, I just came in front of my mom and she thinks I don't know!"  ***** "Janice, get your ass over here! Holly Shit, do I have a story to tell you about Terry's cum. Meet me at the back gate and bring your swimsuit." "CUM? Holy shit Donna! What did you do? You were supposed to just look! On my way!"  Damn, no towel, Terry thought to himself. No biggie, since he just had the best orgasm of his life. I can use an old one in my room. Donna stood by the gate as Janice came out her back door carrying her suit.  "Look at me, Janice! I'm a hot mess!"  Janice could make out a huge wet spot and started in with the questions. "What the hell happened? How in the hell did you get to watch your son cum if you were only going to take a peek for God's sake?" "Let's put on our suits and get into the Jacuzzi and I'll tell you what happened. You're not going to believe me."  "Ok, but don't you dare leave out any details. You know you owe me a new baby doll outfit!" Donna started from the beginning and proceeded to tell Janice the juicy details. "Oh my god that turned out better than you could have hoped for. You really think he is nine inches long and thicker than my wrist?  "Janice, I was only two feet from him while he jerked that huge cock. His hand barely circled his thick cock and he had at least four or five inches sticking out of his hand. Lord, my son is hung like a horse!" "Donna place your fingers in my cunt and feel how excited I am right now. I could cum any second now. I don't care who sees us, fuck I'm horny as hell!" "YOU! My cunt is on fire. I almost fainted when my son started to shoot his hot cum all over the shower wall." Janice reached over and plunged two fingers into Donna's hot cunt and started to rub her clit with her other hand. "OH shit! Janice, I'm cumming right now! Ooohhh baby! Fuck, does that feel great!"  As Donna calmed down from her intense orgasm, Janice started fingering her own cunt while playing with Donna's tits. "Here, let me help you with that." Donna slipped two fingers into Janice's cunt and placed her thumb right on Janice's clit. "Oh baby, you know my weak spots for sure. Keep it up. Right there, please. Going to cum soon ... shit, that feels great!" Donna rolled over and placed her mouth right on Janice's clit and began to suck as hard as she could. Janice grabbed Donna's head and held her in place as she started to cum on her face. "Oh, honey, I'm cumming right now. Please don't stop! Right there! Oh, fuck I needed this!  Spasm after spasm washed over Janice's body as Donna continued to slurp up the honey seeping out of her best friend's cunt. They both knew how to please each other, since their husbands seemed to have no clue on how to make them happy. And to think, it all started over Irish coffee one morning and talk of feeling frustrated. ***** Meanwhile, up in Terry's room, he just shot another load after watching his mom eat out their neighbor. Terry thought they might be messing around, since Janice was always over at their house and they were both touchy-feely all the time, as well. They spent more time in the hot tub than out of it. Terry now wanted his mom in the worst way. But damn, Mike's mom was stunning, as well. He had just never noticed before "Janice, what am I going to do now that I have seen my son's huge cock? Watching him shoot his huge load is a vision I can't get out of my head." "Donna, trust me, I've had to think about my son's and your son's cock for the last two days. I have not slept well at night and I wore out new batteries in my vibrator in just these last two days." "My son's cock?" "Yes, your son's cock. Once I saw how big it was, I can't get that image out of my brain, either. Sorry!" "I guess you're right. Let's talk tomorrow and see how it goes with the boys." "Ok, Donna, I'll see you tomorrow for coffee." ***** "Mom? Where are you? I needed a towel, but no problem, I used an old one," yelled Terry from upstairs. "Sorry, son, I was relaxing with Janice in the hot tub and just plain forgot. Can you forgive me? I'll go change and be right down for supper." "No problem mom. I'll be down in a minute." Terry searched all over his closet and underwear drawer looking for his only pair of boxer shorts. He always wore briefs since they held his cock tight to his body and kept him from getting hard-ons at school most of the time. Tonight, he would wear them with a tee-shirt to see what happens with his mom. He now would make it his full-time job to seduce his mom as soon as he could. "Supper is ready, Terry." Terry came down and sat at the dinner table. His mom no longer had on the blue baby doll outfit, but what she did have on was a short one-piece, blue satin gown that barely covered her ass. Shit, if it was any shorter he would be able to see his mom's ass cheeks. The front had a v-cut that showed off his mom's cleavage and a lot of her tan lines near her breasts. As his mom moved around the kitchen, Terry could not take his eyes off his mom's tits and ass.  "What can I fix you to drink, baby?" "Milk would be great, Mom." His mom opened the fridge and bent over at the waist just enough to raise the gown to expose her blue satin panties to her son. Donna heard her son whisper, "WOW," to himself. "What was that dear?" "Nothing mother, just now starting to relax a little. It has been a long day." Donna could feel Terry's eyes on her ass as she fished out the carton of milk. She stood on her tiptoes to reach for a glass from the cabinet and knew her son could see that she was wearing bikini panties cut up to her thighs. Her nipples started to harden as she poured the milk. She walked over to her son and once again bent over at the waist while she poured the milk. The v-cut of her gown offered her son a full view of her breasts and Donna saw Terry's eyes fixated on them.  "There, I'll fix my plate now." Terry adjusted his erect cock under the table to free it from the elastic waistband where it had become trapped. His cock poked right out the fly opening for his mother to see, but he was glad the table hid his predicament. Donna noticed her son was touching his cock under the table and knew his cock must be rock hard from the sexy show she had just performed. Her cunt was a wet mess and her nipples ached, since they were so hard. She thought, "I'll see if I can get him to stand up to see if he is too embarrassed to leave his seat." "Honey be a dear and fix me another glass of wine." "Damn it, I'll have to trap this hard cock of mine in the waistband or mom will see my cock forming a huge tent," thought Terry, as he watched his mom staring at him.  Donna watched Terry adjust his cock under the table as he slid his chair out. Donna could tell his cock was hard, since Terry walked funny to the wine bottle. Donna chuckled slightly as Terry opened the bottle. She walked over to her son with her glass, and her hip and left breast brushed up against Terry as she bent over to place the glass near him. "Here is my glass, baby," whispered Donna, as she placed the glass past Terry.  Terry's cock was now hurting somewhat being trapped in his waistband. His mom smelled once again like strawberries and honey. She stood close enough for Terry to make out fine blond hairs on her breasts as she breathed in and out. His eyes were locked on them as his mom reached for her glass of wine, causing one of her breasts to press into his arm.  "Damn, if he doesn't make a move soon I might faint," thought Donna, as she reached for the glass of wine. She could feel her tit rubbing her son's arm as she raised the glass to her lips. One huge sip later, Donna spilled the rest of the wine down the front of Terry's shirt and shorts. "Oh, baby, I'm so sorry! Quick, take those off and let's soak them, so that they don't get ruined." Before Terry could muster a response, his mom pulled at his shirt. This caused Terry's cock to spring free and form a huge tent in his shorts as his mom pulled his shirt over his head. Donna looked down to see her son's hard cock pointing straight out at her. "Holy shit, his cock is huge," Donna thought, as she finished pulling her son's shirt over his head while looking at her son's hard cock. "Baby, I'm so sorry for spilling my wine on you. Let's get those shorts off, as well, before the wine sets in." Terry remained frozen as his mom reached for the waistband of his shorts. Her hand touched his stomach and caused him to breathe in sharply, "Mom, I think I had better take these off in my room." "Nonsense, young man, your shorts will be ruined by then. Stand still while I pull them down." Terry looked down at his mom as she tugged at his shorts. She was now on her knees in front of him and her face was eye-level with his hard cock. Donna pulled down slowly at her son's shorts. His six pack abs rippled as her son gasped for air. As his shorts fell, Donna noticed the hairs around her son's cock were neatly trimmed. As she pulled the shorts down further, the shaft came into view. A thick blue vein ran down towards the head and disappeared. Once the waistband reached the head of her son's cock, it caught on the massive head. Donna pulled harder, and her son's full nine inches of cock sprang up and hit her below her chin with a thump. Startled, Donna pulled back as her son's cock landed on her cheek. Donna was now face-to-face with the cock of her desires. "Is this because of me, baby?" "Mom, I tried to hide it from you and told you I should go to my room. The outfit you're wearing is driving me crazy." "I'm flattered that you have this because of me," whispered Donna, as she placed her hand on her son's hard cock. His cock was hot to the touch and felt like the huge hard cucumber she had secretly fondled in the produce section at the grocery store. She always found the largest cucumber each time she visited, just to see what a cock would feel like if she could touch one that big. She often teased men who watched her fondle the cucumbers as she inspected them.  Terry's mom moaned as she fondled her son's huge cock. "Damn, baby, you have quite a large package down here, don't you." Terry could only nod and was about to collapse from his mom touching his cock. He looked down at his mom as she inspected his cock and could feel her hot breath on his shaft. "Son do you know you have a very large penis? Matter of fact, I think this is the largest penis I've seen. Let me correct that. This IS the largest cock I've seen. Here, hop up on the counter and sit right there," commanded Donna, as she patted a place on the counter. Terry hopped up on the counter, and his mom parted his legs as she stood facing his huge cock. "Baby this is one hell of a cock. Do you like your mommy touching your cock like this?" asked Donna, as her hand circled her son's rigid cock. Once again, Terry only nodded. Her son's cock was now at her chest level as she examined his massive tool. The head was bright purplish-red in color and was the size of a plum. The ridge that surrounded the head was clearly well developed and firm. Donna could only imagine how pleasurable his cock would feel as it plunged deep into her cunt. Donna grasped the base of her son's shaft and slowly stroked upward, making sure to catch the huge drop of pre-cum as it formed at the top. "My, that is a huge drop, baby. Can't let that go to waste," replied Donna, as she took in the head of her son's cock. "Mmmmm so delicious!" "Damn, Mom, that feels unbelievable!" moaned Terry, as his mom slurped the drop of pre-cum off his cock. Terry placed his hands on his mom's shoulders pulling her closer to his hard-on.  Donna swirled her tongue around the head, causing her son to gasp loudly. She then took in a good four inches before her mouth could not take any more. The thickness surprised Donna, since she could take her husband all the way without any trouble. Terry watched his mom suck his cock ever so slowly. He was in heaven as his mom's head bobbed up and down.  "Mom, I'm not going to last much longer. Lord, this feels incredible. It's going to be a huge mess, Mom. Donna pulled off her son's cock and took off her top. She then stepped back between her son's legs and wrapped both her breasts around her son's huge cock. The head stood up almost four inches above her breasts. Lord, he was huge! "Baby, I want to see you shoot this load all over my tits. I want to see you cum all over my tits!" Donna squeezed both breasts around her son's cock and sucked in the head. She started to suck up and down her on her son's hard cock. "Give me your hot cum, son. I want all of your cum right in my mouth and on my tits," cried Donna, as she looked into her son's eyes.  "CUUMMMIIINNNGGG MOM! OH, PLEASE DON'T STOP!" The first spurt hit Donna below her chin. Donna took in the head to catch the next spurt, but the volume was too much, and she released her son's cock. Donna continued to squeeze her breasts around her son's spurting cock as more cum sprayed all over her tits. Cum was flying everywhere as Donna continued to jerk off her son.  "That's my boy! Shoot all that hot cum right on your momma's breasts. Damn, your cum is so hot! What a huge load this is baby." The load in the shower was nowhere near as much." "Mom, you startled me in the shower when I saw you stay while I jerked off. I was even more surprised when you stayed after I started to talk about doing sexual things to you." "It's OK, baby. Mommy had to see just how big her son's cock was. Right now, I need you to help me release some stress. Hand me that kitchen towel so I can wipe off." "Let's change places. Would you like to see your mom's pussy, Terry?" Donna asked, as she took off her bottoms. "Yes, Momma, I really want that, but this will be my first time ever seeing one for real." Donna hopped up on the kitchen counter and spread her legs so that her son could stand between them.  There in front of Terry was his first look at a real pussy and it was his mom's. Sparse blond hairs outlined her wet cunt lips. Then a smooth area just above the top of his mom's pussy. Then a small patch of blond hair shaped like an upside down Christmas tree. His mom leaned against the wall as she placed one finger at the opening of her cunt. "Terry, do you see how wet my cunt is? Your hard cock made it that way. Do you want to touch my pussy, baby?" Terry nodded as his mom grabbed his hand and brought it closer to her cunt. "Place your finger right here on the hood of my clit. Do you feel how hard that little nubbin is? That is my clit. It is my most special place and all women have one and love for it to be sucked on. But we will do that in a few minutes." Donna lowered Terry's finger until she found the opening of her cunt. "Now baby, slowly insert your finger and feel how wet my pussy is. That's it, baby, that is how a woman feels when she is sexually excited with a man. Do you feel how hot I am? Oh, baby, that feels good." Terry moved closer to study his mom's cunt. He now knew why he didn't see much bush when his mom wore her bikini. The hair around her cunt was cut close and very sparse. He could see her cunt lips part near the bottom as his finger pushed in deeper.  Terry's finger was now halfway in when his mom said, "Baby, rotate your hand and then push your finger all the way in as deep as you can go. YES, that's it, all the way, just like that. Now curl your finger up and massage the spot above your finger. OH HELL YEAH! Keep doing that baby. Your momma needs to cum so bad. Are you ready to make your me cum?" Terry nodded as his mom placed her legs on his shoulders. "Honey, remember that special place I told you about earlier. I want you to place your mouth on my clit and start to suck on my special place. Hurry baby!" Donna placed her hand on the back of her son's head and guided him to her hot cunt. Donna gasped for air as her son's mouth came in contact with her cunt. "YES, LORD! YES! RIGHT THERE, BABY!" cried Donna, as her son's lips found her clit.  The smell of his mom's pussy was just like her body wash. Her cunt smelled like strawberries and honey. Then, the taste of his mom's cunt was sweet and tangy at the same time. Terry was going to do his best to satisfy his mom so that she would want him to do it again. His nine-inch cock was jutting up against the cabinet door as he sucked harder on his mom's cunt. Terry found her clit and then started to suck directly on his mom's clit. "Keep going baby, just like that! OH, BABY, YES, I'm going to cum soon. Honey, reach up and grab both my breasts and pinch my nipples. Your mom loves that!" Donna grabbed her son's head and held it in place on her clit and cried out, "TERRY! Bury your tongue in your momma as far as you can. RIGHT NOW!"  Donna slammed her thighs together on her son's head as soon as his tongue parted her cunt lips. Terry's hands found her tits and her hands grabbed a pile of her son's hair holding him in place. "CUUUMMMIIINNNGGG BABY! KEEP GOING, I'M CUMMING SO HARD!" A sweet liquid flowed into Terry's mouth as his mom shook all over his head. Terry was having trouble breathing but was scared to pull off his mom's cunt for fear of not doing it right. His mom's legs had clamped his head in place, plus she had a hold of his hair in her fist. He couldn't move if he wanted to. He pulled off her clit and ran his tongue up and down his mom's cunt in an effort to slurp up more of her cunt juices. Finally, his mom released his hair and her legs parted.  "OH, baby that was the best ever! Damn, I came so hard, son! WOW, you're a natural at that!" Donna then moved closer to the edge of the counter and said, "Baby, would it be alright if you fucked your momma? Since this is your first time, then we don't have to do anything. You should lose your virginity to a girl you love." "Momma, I love you," Terry responded, as he pulled his mom close to him. "OK baby, please go slow and let me get used to your size. You're a lot damn bigger than your father. Now take the head and rub it up and down my pussy lips to coat it nice and slick. Then ease the head in slowly, OK?" Terry guided his shaft towards his mom's parted cunt lips. The head parted the lips slightly but didn't go in like he thought it might. "Baby, hold still while I rub your cock up and down my cunt lips. It will help the head go in easier." Terry could feel his mom's hands wrap around his cock as she rubbed the head of his cock up and down her cunt lips several times. His mom looked into his eyes said, "Ok push a little harder this time." Terry pushed, and the head felt resistance just like last time. "Honey push a little harder. Grab here behind my thighs," Donna replied, as she bent her legs at the knees and parted her legs wider, while placing her son's hands around her thighs. Terry then pushed and felt the head pop in as his mom's eyes closed shut. "OH, damn, you're big! Stop for a second son. Lord, you're huge compared to your father. Hold it right there and let me catch my breath. Fuck, you have a thick cock! Oh, my god, I can feel the head parting my cunt lips. It feels just like I thought it would baby. Damn, you're huge!" Terry waited until his mom's eyes opened again and she told him, "Ease in just a little bit further, but as you do, pull out some each time to coat your cock. YES, that's it, just like that in and out slowly. Go slow, just like that baby! Oh, my god, this feels unbelievable." Terry watched his cock pull out and then go in deeper into his mom's hot cunt with each thrust. As Terry looked down to see his cock part his mom's cunt lips, her blond pussy hairs stuck to the sides of his thick shaft. With each push, more cunt hairs glistened from the contact with his shaft. Terry noticed a thick, white, creamy substance forming on his shaft each time he pulled his cock out. He had worked in about five inches when his mom screamed out, "OH FUCK, BABY! I'M CUMMING ALREADY, BABY! PLEASE DON'T STOP!" Terry watched his mom's lips form a circle as she sucked in air at a faster pace as her legs shook. His mom cried out again, "Oh, shit, this feels fucking fantastic. Damn, I never imagined a cock could feel this good. What are you doing to meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee?" Donna closed her eyes as her son increased his pace. Terry looked down to see his shaft was coated white and slick from his mom's juices. He pressed forward and buried another inch into his mom. "Mom, I'm going to cum soon. I'm sorry, but I can't hold out much longer. I'm ready right now!" "Oh, baby give me all nine inches and cum inside your mother! I'm ready for your thick cock! I want to take it all!" Terry's mom grabbed his ass cheeks and pulled her son hard, causing Terry to bury all nine inches. "That's it baby, push all the way in. I want to feel your hot cum spraying deep into my pussy when you cum." Terry lunged forward as he pulled on his mom's legs, causing all his rock hard nine inches to bottom out in his mom's sloppy cunt. His balls slapped the counter each time he buried his hard cock into his mom's cunt. Her breasts bounced up and down with each thrust.  "Oh, baby, this feels out of this world. Grab my breasts as you fuck me, baby! I'm going to cum again soon. Please cum with me, OK? I want to feel your hot cum spraying inside me as I cum with you." Terry felt his cum making its way up his shaft as he cupped both his mom's breasts and knew he would cum with a few more thrusts. "Mom, get ready, here it comes!" Donna could feel the shaft of her son's cock thicken and the head swelled as she felt the first volley of her son's hot cum splash deep inside her cunt.  "Oh, baby, I can feel your hot cum firing deep into me. I'm CUUUMMMIIINNNGGG with you!" Terry laid his head on his mom's breasts as he fired shot after shot of his hot cum deep inside her. Donna buried her fingernails into her son's back as she shook from her intense orgasm. The pain didn't register with Terry as his orgasm washed over his body while his mom held him in place tightly. Donna felt her son's cum leaking out and flowing down the crack of her ass. Damn, Jerry never came this much. She could feel her son's huge cock still twitching like it was still trying to deliver one last spurt.  "Honey! Please bring me a glass of water and two aspirins upstairs. I have a horrible headache," Jerry yelled from the top of the stairs. "Oh shit, it's your father! Quick, hurry to the guest bathroom!" Donna whispered as she pushed her son away from her.  As she felt her son's huge cock pull out of her pussy, cum splattered on the counter and then the floor. "Damn, what a load," thought Donna, as she scrambled to see if her husband was coming down the stairs.  "Honey, you stay up there. I'll be up in a minute with the water and aspirins, OK?" "Fine, but hurry up my head is killing me," Jerry replied, as he turned to go back to the bedroom. Donna fixed the glass of water and found two aspirins as cum leaked down her thighs. She just had experienced the best orgasm of her life and also the scariest moment of her life. It sounded like Jerry was in the kitchen instead at the top of the stairs. Damn, that was close. Donna grabbed a dish towel and cleaned up her son's cum from inside her thighs. She gathered up the gown and threw it in the washing machine to hide it from her husband. She picked out a robe from the dryer and put it on. As she walked up the stairs, she couldn't get the images of her son's huge cock out of her mind. She could still feel his cum in her pussy as she walked into the bedroom. Her husband thanked her as he drank down the pills and promptly flopped back on the bed. Downstairs, Terry peered out the door of the bathroom to see if the coast was clear. He gathered up his clothes and made his way up to his room. Donna heard her son walk past their room and go into his bathroom as she put on her one-piece nightgown. She could imagine what her son's cock looked like as she heard the water to the shower turn on. She could almost feel his cock throbbing in her hand again. She laid on the bed and thought about the visions of her son's hard cock plunging deep into her cunt. Why was this orgasm the best of her life? Was it because it's taboo and with her own son? Was her son OK with what happened?  Her hands cupped both breasts as she thought about these questions. Her thumbs started to make small circles around her nipples as she recalled her son fucking her with his massive cock. Her legs spread out slightly as one hand drifted towards her cunt. Her finger slid in easily as she became more aroused. Donna looked over at her husband, who was now snoring loudly, and knew he couldn't help her with her urges. She knew who could, as she walked towards the hallway. She opened the door to her son's bathroom and the room was filled with heavy steam. She closed the door and made her way to the shower, nervous as hell. Her hand reached out and she opened the door to see her son standing with his back to her. "Mom, I'm glad you came back. I almost came into your room to get you," Terry said, as he turned around to see his mom dropping her nightgown.  Terry pulled his mom towards him as the hot water soaked his mom's breasts. Terry gently kissed his mom's neck as his hands cupped both her breasts. "I wasn't sure you would want me again," Donna whispered, as her son sucked in one nipple.  "Mom, I want you from now on and what happened between us stays between us I promise. Is dad asleep?" "Yes, he is snoring loudly." "God, you're beautiful, Mom." Terry reached for a washcloth and lathered it up as his mom turned her back to him. Donna could feel her son's semi-erect cock push against her thigh as her son reached around to wash her breasts. She reached back to feel her son's penis as Terry washed her shoulders. His cock felt wonderful and strong. She stroked it slowly to feel it thicken to her touch. Terry pushed the washcloth between his mom's legs, causing her to bend over at the waist slightly. He then made several small passes up and down her cunt lips. His middle finger, soaked in suds, worked its way inside his mom's cunt, causing her to gasp.  "Spread your legs, Mom. I want to make sure you're good and clean for our next time." Donna spread her legs as her son proceeded to wash her steamy cunt thoroughly. Her son kissed her neck gently as he probed her cunt lips in a caring manner. She braced her hands on the shower wall as her son washed her dripping cunt. Donna moaned as her son started to kiss his way down to her ass. She could feel his lips on the lower part of her back as he dropped the washcloth. Slowly, Terry spread his mom's ass cheeks, revealing her engorged cunt to him. Her cunt lips were swollen and bright pink. Terry pulled at his mom's waist and sunk his tongue in as far as he could. His nose buried slightly in his mom's ass as he tried to bury his tongue as far as he could. "Oh, shit, baby what are you doing to me. Oh, god, Terry please don't stop!" Donna moaned as her son's tongue probed her cunt. Donna bent over at the waist, further giving her son more access to her cunt. Her son was now making loud slurping noises as he sucked in one cunt lip then the other. "Baby, I need your thick cock in me now. Take me from behind, right now! Give me that huge cock of yours!" Donna whimpered as her son stood up. Terry grabbed his mom by the waist and pulled her cunt towards him. His cock pushed against her cunt lips and he slid in like his cock was coated in butter. Terry started to fuck his mom at a slow pace. "Terry, fuck your mother harder right now. Give me all of that hard cock as fast as you can. I want to be fucked hard and I want it all!" "OK, damn mom hold on!" Terry slammed all nine inches as deep as he could as his mom grasped the hot and cold shower handles. Terry started to fuck his mom with deep, long strokes causing their skin to make a loud slapping noise each time Terry bottomed out in his mom's cunt. "What a wonderful sight," Terry thought, as he watched his cock pound his mother's cunt. Faster and harder Terry fucked his mom as she begged him to fuck her harder. "That's it, baby! Give it to me just like this. Oh, god, this feels fucking wonderful. I'm going to cum on your huge cock baby! CUUUMMMMMMMIIINNNGGG! OH, SHIT, HERE WE GO AGAIN!" Donna reached back to feel her son's balls as he yelled that he, too, was cumming. "Here it comes mom! Lord, your cunt is hot. Can you feel it spraying inside you? "God yes, I can feel each hot spurt and it feels wonderful." Terry reached around and cupped his mom's breasts, pulling her close to him as his cock fired more cum into her pussy. He wanted to fuck his mom all night if he could. She was like a new toy that he couldn't put down. He wondered if she would want him tomorrow.  Donna could feel her son's huge cock twitching inside her and knew she was hooked on her son's thick cock forever. Nobody ever made her feel this way or gave her such powerful orgasms. ***** The next morning, Terry awoke to the smell of bacon and slowly opened his eyes. He noticed it was already nine in the morning. "Damn," muttered Terry, as he threw on his clothes. He was to cut his neighbor's grass at nine. Running downstairs, Terry saw his dad reading the paper on the front porch like he always did on a Saturday morning.  Terry slid open the glass door to the porch and asked, "Dad, where's Mom? She didn't wake me and now I'm late cutting Mrs. White's lawn." "She is upstairs changing into her swimsuit. I think she is going over to Janice's house later to work on her tan. She fixed you a plate of food and it's on the counter in the kitchen." Terry sat down to eat his food and thought about the great time he had last night with his mom. He wondered if his mom would act differently around him and he too was wondering how he would act around her.  "Terry? Where are you?" Donna yelled from the top of the stairs. "Mom, I'm in the kitchen eating my breakfast." Donna walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. As she did, Terry noticed his mom had on a new bikini swimsuit and looked sexy as hell in it. She had on a see-thru wrap that only covered up the top part of her ass. "There you are. I checked your room but must have missed you getting up." Donna walked over to the coffee maker and poured herself a cup. As she did Terry focused on her ass as she moved about the kitchen. This new suit exposed a lot of her ass cheeks and barely contained her breasts. She was hot looking, to say the least.  Donna motioned to her son with her finger to come over to her. As Terry walked to his mom, she covered up her lips with her finger indicating she wanted Terry to be quiet. Donna glanced out to the porch to check on Jerry. Donna placed her arms around her son's waist pulling him closer. "I was hoping you would have still been in your room when I came to check on you. I wanted to talk to you about last night. Is everything OK today?" "Mom, everything is fine. What happened last night was one of the best nights of my life. I hope you are fine with what happened?" "Oh honey, that was the best sex of my life and I hope I didn't scratch your back too deeply. I got carried away and promise to be more careful from now on." Donna kissed her son's cheek as she rested her hands near his ass. Terry could smell the suntan oil wafting through the cover-up. His cock twitched and bumped into his mom's thigh.  "Mom, I'm so glad you're OK with what happened last night. I only want to make you happy and I couldn't think of a better way to lose my virginity than to the woman I love." Terry placed his hands on his mom's ass as he pulled her into his semi-erect cock. Donna could feel her son's cock pressing near her vagina. She moved slightly and now could feel the head of her son's cock pressing on her cunt.  "Damn mom you smell terrific," Terry moaned, as he kissed his mom's neck. Donna reached down and found her son's penis with her hand. She squeezed the head gently causing Terry to groan. Donna then checked on her husband as she cupped Terry's ass with her other hand. Terry kissed and lowered his mouth until he was between his mom's breasts. Donna found her son's dick and it was rock hard. Passion took over as Donna moaned to her son, "Baby, feel how wet I am right now. I need you in me now right here!" Terry pulled at his mom's bikini bottoms and his finger eased inside his mom's hot cunt. She was hot as a furnace and very wet. Donna spread her feet to give her son better access to her pussy. Terry inserted a second finger and Donna frantically unbuttoned Terry's shorts. "OH, fuck, baby! Right there! Yes, keep rubbing my clit. God, yes!" Terry could feel his shorts falling to the ground as his mother dropped to her knees. Donna grasped her son's shaft as her lips enclosed the head of her son's huge cock. "Shit, Mom, that feels fantastic," groaned Terry, as he pulled his mom further down on his cock by the back of her head. "What about dad out on the porch? He is right outside mom."  Donna pulled off her son's cock and said, "Keep watching him and everything will be fine. If he starts to come in we will be able to cover up, no problem." "Mom, get up here on the bar. It is my turn to drive you crazy." Terry lifted his mom onto the bar so that she was facing his dad and pulled off her bikini. He placed his mom's legs onto his shoulders as his tongue started to lick her thighs on both sides, teasing his mom to no end. "Baby! Stop teasing me and put that long tongue as deep as you can. HURRY!" Terry started at the very bottom of his mom's juicy cunt near her asshole and licked very slowly all the way to the top, making sure he skipped right over her clitoris with each pass. Several slow passes and his mom forcefully slammed her son's face right on her clit!  "Dammit, son suck on my clit right now! I'm so close to cumming! Please make me cum!" Terry started to suck on his mom's special place as hard as he could while he inserted two fingers deep into his mom's sloppy cunt. "CUUUMMMMMMIIINNNGGG! Oh, fuck! Keep sucking right there son! His mom's orgasm was causing her to shake all over and her cunt leaked out several huge drops of juice, forming a small puddle on the bar counter at the base of her ass. "Put your huge cock in me now Terry! I'm ready for that huge piece of meat!" Donna hopped off the bar and turned over on her stomach, spreading her legs as she looked outside to where her husband was still reading the paper. Donna reached back and guided her son's stiff cock to the entrance of her pussy.  "Take me now, baby! Put that huge cock of yours in me now!" Terry pushed forward, driving in two inches as his mom laid across the bar counter. His dad being just a few feet away made this even more exciting. Donna reached back and placed her hand on her son's stomach and moaned, "Wait, baby, I'm a little sore from last night. Let me get used to you again. Easy there, tiger." Terry stopped as his mom lifted her right leg and placed it on the bar. He looked down to see his mom pussy lips clutching tightly to his cock. Sparse blond cunt hairs dripped with juices clung once again to his shaft as he pulled out of his mom's cunt lips until only the head of his huge cock remained. Terry pushed forward, gaining new ground with each thrust. His balls felt the coldness of the bar counter with each thrust. His mom's asshole would open slightly with each thrust forming a small wet circle.  "Oh, yes, baby, keeping fucking me with your huge cock just like that. I'm going to cum again! Oh, shit, here it comes!" Terry's mom grabbed the far edges of the bar as a powerful orgasm swept over her body. She felt her son grab her by the waist as he buried all nine inches in her cunt with each hard thrust lifting her other foot off the ground. His cock felt like it was going to split her open at any moment. As she came on her son's cock, her husband stood up from his chair. "Cumming, Mom, right now!" Donna felt the first spurt of her son's cum flood her cunt. She tried to say something about Jerry on the porch but her orgasm was too intense. With each volley of cum being forced into her cunt, Donna could only make whimpering noises as her son fired spurt after spurt of hot cum deep inside her pussy. Terry stood up on his toes and reached up to grabbed his mother's shoulders to force his cock in as far possible. The last two spurts felt like a hot glove had locked around his cock. His mom's cunt was holding on tightly as the last drops filled her cunt. Terry now saw his dad standing on the porch looking out into the yard. He eased his mom off the bar and they both sank slowly to the floor with his cock still buried in his mom's pussy. Terry flexed his cock a few times more as his mom reached back to gently stroke his face. "Baby, what are we going to do? That was wonderful and if your dad wasn't here we could go for a swim and fuck some more out by the hot tub." As Terry cupped his mom's breasts, his cock slipped out his mom's cunt with a pop. Warm fluids flowed out and coated his cock and balls leaking all the way to the floor. Terry placed his hand on his mom's cunt to spread her cunt lips. He could feel his cum seeping out of his mother. He gently rubbed her clit, causing his mom to shudder. Donna pressed her son's hand down, causing him to cup her pussy. "This is all yours from now on, son. You make me feel alive each time you touch me. We will work out things around the house as far as your dad goes. I'll make sure of that. Now, let's get cleaned up before your dad comes back in." To be continued.... For pics visit:---->>>https://bit.ly/2ReHUJI
Title: Dad's Old Laptop Ch. 03 Summary: Assumptions, Revenge, and Truths. Keywords: inc,fic I ran out of my room, cum running down my leg, and tried to catch up with Mom. I found her at the bar in the kitchen trying to open a bottle of scotch with trembling hands. She wasn't much of a drinker, but I figured she needed it so I took the bottle and opened it. I fixed us both a stiff drink and sat down next to her, she didn't say anything about me fixing myself a drink. "You have to calm down," I told her softly. "Calm down? How in the hell am I supposed to calm down when I just learned my husband has been cheating on me? With his own Mother no less," she replied angrily. "You don't know that Mom. That could have been anyone on that video," I rationalized. "It was Frank," she insisted. "You can't be sure of that. They didn't call him by name. That could just be how they talk, you know, just like how they call each other ma and pa," I said. "I didn't need to hear his name. Besides, you heard him call her Mom," she said, then downed her drink in one gulp. I poured her another one and sat quietly waiting for her to calm down some. The scotch burned my throat as I sipped my drink and rubbed her back soothingly. I hadn't seen her this upset in a very long time, she was positively fuming with rage. She took another drink then turned to face me. "How could Martha have sex with her own son?" she whimpered. "I don't know Mom. But if you think about it, what we just got through doing could've easily gone in that direction too." "Oh God...you're right. I'm so sorry baby, I can't believe I let myself get carried away again," she began to weep. "It wouldn't have happened if Dad was taking care of your needs like he should," I stated. "That's not the point Russell. I'm your Mother, I shouldn't have let you touch me like you did." "I don't regret it Mom. I've wanted to touch you for a long time," I whispered. "What? You have? Oh honey, you shouldn't think that way about me. We're family." "So's Grandma," slipped out. "What's that supposed to mean?" she asked, giving me a wide-eyed stare. "Um...there's something I need to tell you," I stuttered. She sat stone-faced while I told her everything that had happened between Grandma and myself. The only reactions I got from her were a stiffening of her nipples and a few "Oh My Gods" as I described in detail my exploits. Her face became flushed when I described how I had gone down on Grandma in the attic. I couldn't stop talking until I'd finished telling her everything, including my penchant for watching incest videos online. When I finished we both sat there just looking into each other's eyes. "So let me get this straight," she finally said. "Martha forced you to have sex with her?" "No Mom, she didn't force me to do anything. She offered and I accepted." "She just spread her legs and said fuck me?" I could see she was having a hard time digesting the whole thing. "She asked if I wanted to and I said yes." "And it didn't occur to you how wrong it was? My God Russell, she's your Grandmother for crying out loud!" "I know that Mom, but I couldn't help it. When I saw her pussy I just went crazy." I was sure my reasoning for fucking Grandma wasn't going over too well with Mom. "I see. So if I were to spread my legs and show you my pussy, you'd go crazy on me too?" I took a big drink before answering. "I wouldn't do anything you didn't want me to Mom. But if I had the chance to make love to you, I definitely would." She lifted her glass to her lips with one hand and brought her other hand up and clutched her chest. I could see the wheels spinning in her soft brown eyes. She ended our conversation by telling me to go take a shower; apparently I was getting a little ripe. I downed my drink, gave her a quick hug and left her sitting there by herself. As I stripped in my room I realized the smell of dried cum was pretty strong on me. A shower was definitely called for. For twenty minutes the water cascade over me while jumbled thoughts ran through my head. I was more confused than ever by the time I was dried and dressed. I needed answers. Answers to questions like; 'Was that really Dad in the videos?' And if so, 'Why had Grandma let him, and me for that matter, have sex with her?' The only problem with getting answers would be that I'd have to ask her. If I did that then I'd have to let her know about the videos, because I'm pretty sure she'd want to know how I knew about her and Dad. I headed back to my room pondering whether or not to ask Mom for advice on what to do. I wasn't sure if she'd give me any, but I had to at least ask. I didn't have far to go to ask her, she was sitting at my desk when I reached my room. The laptops screen had a frozen image of the last video we'd watched. Mom had paused it at the point where the guy was lying on Grandma with his face turned away from the camera. "Mom, what are you doing?" I asked nervously. "Proving to you that this is your Dad. Come in and close the door," she replied. I did as she instructed and went and stood behind her. She started the video and pointed to the guy's left shoulderblade. I had to lean in closer before I realized what she was pointing at. The guy had an inch long purple birthmark just below where his shoulder sloped down toward his back. "Look familiar?" she asked. "Not really," I told her. "Then I suggest the next time your Father has his shirt off around you, you take a good look. He has that exact same birthmark!" she spit out. Truthfully I'd never noticed. In my nineteen years of life I think I'd only seen him shirtless once or twice, and that was when I was quite young. Most of the time he wore t-shirts, even when he went swimming. Something I never understood, but hey, who was I to judge. "That still doesn't prove it's him Mom," my own confidence was beginning to wane. "It does to me," she retorted, then stood and headed for the door. "There might be a way to tell for sure," I said just as she reached out for the doorknob. Turning to look at me she asked, "How?" "We could watch the rest of the videos and see if they show his face." "I don't think so. I already know it's him, but if you want to watch the rest, knock yourself out." She left before I had a chance to reply. I stood there for a while until my curiosity got the better of me. For the next forty minutes I watched Grandma have sex with both the guy holding the camera and with Grandpa. Not once did the guy's face appear on screen. Not being able to prove one way or the other if that was Dad was disappointing. Even the sex had become slightly mundane. I did have a raging hard-on by the time I was finished watching, but the urge to take care off it just wasn't there. I spent the rest of the day working on my school paper instead. Around four-thirty I went downstairs and found out I was alone in the house. The Grandparents were still gone, and when I checked the garage so was Mom's car. I ate a couple of sandwiches and washed them down with a soda, then went up and finished my paper. Seven pm rolled around and I was sitting on the porch when Grandma and Grandpa pulled up. They climbed out of their car laughing and having a good time. When they reached me the dismal look on my face made them both ask if something was wrong. I told them I was fine, just tired. Grandpa seemed to buy my explanation and went inside. Grandma on the other hand wasn't so sure. She sat down in the chair next to me and took my hand in hers. "What's really bothering you Russell? Is it because we had sex?" My head swiveled so hard on my neck that I was surprised I didn't break it as I glanced toward the front door to make sure Grandpa wasn't there. He wasn't, but the door was open. "Relax sweetie," Grandma patted my hand. "Tell me what's on your mind." "I...I was just wondering why you let me is all," I said. "Have you ever had an itch that begged to be scratched?" she asked. "I guess so," I replied, wondering what the hell she was talking about. "Well, when I saw you admiring me, I got an itch that needed scratching. When we were in the attic and I saw you staring at my pussy, your dick hard as a rock, you reminded me of someone and the itch got too strong to deny it." I wanted to say that I knew who I reminded her of but didn't. Instead I asked, "Couldn't you have gotten Grandpa to scratch it for you?" "Oh honey, Roy hasn't been able to scratch my itches for quite some time. I just take care of them myself, although he does like to watch when I do." "What are you talking about, he's been taking care of you since you guys got here," I said. "What are you talking about?" she asked, a confused look on her face. "I hear you two every morning. The headboard banging my wall?" Laughing, she leaned over and gave me a hug. "Russell, Russell, Russell. You thought we were having sex because the headboard bumped your wall?" "Yes. What other reason would it be?" "Honey, the headboard isn't even attached to the bed. Every time I make the bed it flops against the wall. Hell it does it when I just touch the bed." "But I hear grunts, then the banging stops," I persisted. "That's because I use my knees to push the mattresses back against the headboard when I'm finished making the bed. The grunts you're hearing is me using muscles I haven't used in a while." "Okay, that explains that. But it doesn't tell me why you let me make love to you," I continued. "When I bumped into you with my robe open I noticed how hard you got. That's when the itch started. When I told Roy how I had made you stiff, and that I wouldn't mind feeling your hardness in me, he told me to see if you felt the same way." "What a minute! Grandpa knows what we did?" I interrupted her. "Of course he does. I wouldn't go behind my husbands back; I love him too much for that. Since he can't, your Grandfather loves me enough to allow me to scratch my itches any way that I want. And let me tell you another thing. You are only the second man I've ever had sex with other than Roy." I could tell she was getting a little upset with me. "Didn't it bother you that I'm your Grandson?" I asked, watching her eyes for signs I'd gone far enough in my questioning. "Russell honey," she began, taking my hand softly in hers and smiling. "That's what made it special. I love you and I'm pretty sure you love me. I don't just have sex with anyone; there has to be love involved. You understand what I'm trying to tell you?" "I do love you Grandma. I love you very much," I told her squeezing her warm hand softly. "I'm glad to hear that. Do you feel better?" She let go of my hand and stood up. "A little." "Good. You go get some rest, and stop worrying," she said, making her way to the front door. "Grandma?" I called out softly. She turned and looked at me with questioning eyes. "Yes?" "I was wondering what you meant when you said I was definitely my fathers son?" "Oh my," she said, her eyes lighting up. "It's a little embarrassing to tell you." "Please, I really want to know," I gave her my best puppy-dog eyes. "If I tell you, will you promise not to think I'm some sort of degenerate?" she asked softly. "I'd never think that Grandma," I told her honestly. "Shortly after Frank and your Mom got married," she hesitantly began, "They were spending a couple of days with Roy and I. Apparently, since our car was gone, they assumed that they were alone in the house. Roy had gone to the store, but I'd stayed home. To make a long story short, I was going by their bedroom and saw them having sex. For some reason I couldn't stop watching. To this day I don't think they knew I was there. Anyway, the reason I said you were your father's son was because your Dad was banging that poor girl as hard as you banged me. Understand?" "Yeah," I said, my penis starting to twitch as I recalled how I'd plowed her furry pussy. "Do you need me to scratch your itch again?" "I'm afraid not sweetie," she chuckled. "You scratched it so good, it's gone now. But I will cherish the memory forever." She left me sitting there remembering the raw passion of our encounter. I went to my room and watched her get fucked in the videos again, until my own spunk poured out into a wad of tissues. I shut off the laptop and crawled into bed. Just as sleep was overtaking me, Mom walked in and stood by my bed looking down at me. Even in the semi-darkness I could see she had an odd look on her face. "Mom, something wrong?" I asked raising myself up on my elbows. "I want you to come straight home from school tomorrow, I need your help with something," she quietly told me, then left before I could ask her anything. It seemed to take forever for my school day to end. Mom's request to help her with something had a lot to do with making the day drag on and on. Strange thoughts ran rampant through my brain, making it almost impossible to concentrate on schoolwork. I couldn't remember the last time she'd wanted my help with anything other than housework, or grabbing something from the store on my way home. Something in the back of my mind told me it must have something to do with those videos. "Mom, I'm home," I hollered as I entered the house. Getting no response I tried again. "Mom? Anybody?" The house felt empty. Ducking back outside I saw that the Grandparents car wasn't parked in the driveway. I checked the garage and found Mom's car in there. That's odd I thought as I went back inside. Then it dawned on me, she must have gone somewhere with them. I climbed the stairs and was just about to go into my room when I noticed the attic door was ajar. Dropping my books on the bed I went over and opened the attic door all the way. The light was on. "Mom, you up there?" I called out. "Yeah. Come on up," she yelled down. When I reached the top I saw her standing by the desk with her back to me. She was wearing her tight red swimsuit, only I couldn't see the strings that tied the top on. I found out why I couldn't see them. As I got closer she turned around and placed her hands on her hips. Staring me right in the face was the loveliest set of tits I'd ever seen. Two pale triangular patches of skin with light brown nipples pointing straight at me brought me to a complete stop. My jaw went slack while my cock crawled down my pants leg. "Mom, what are you doing?" I barely managed to squeak out. "Waiting for you," she replied in a sultry tone. "Why?" I nervously asked. "Come closer and I'll tell you," she said, reaching both hands out and beckoning me forward. My brain must have shut down. Now the little head was doing all the thinking for me as I shuffled slowly over to her. When I was close enough she reached out, took one of my hands and placed it palm down on her left tit. Her other hand landed on the bulge in my britches. She stepped forward until she was pressing her body against the front of me, my hand still on her firm breast, and hers gently kneading the growing stiffness at my crotch. "I've been thinking about what you told me you did to Martha. Do you remember what you said you did to her?" she asked, her voice throaty and sexual. "Y...Yes," my head nodded up and down like a bobble-head doll. She leaned in, put her arm around my neck and purred into my ear, "I want you to do that to me." Before I could utter a protest, although I doubt if I had one in me, her full pouty lips covered mine in a smoldering passionate kiss. My hand involuntarily squeezed her tit tighter as her tongue darted into my mouth and searched for mine. As if someone else was controlling me, my arm snaked around her waist and crushed her to me. Our breathing increased as our tongues explored each other's mouths, and our hands began to explore the wonders of our bodies. My hand slid down from the small of her back and cupped the delicious firmness of her ass. The fingers of my hand on her tit found her nipple and pinched it lightly until it was stiff and hard. She moaned and pulled her lips off mine so she could suck in great gulps of air. I dropped my hand from her tit and cupped her other cheek. "That's it baby, squeeze my ass," she hissed. Swiftly her fingers deftly undid my pants and pushed them down over my raging member. The ties that held her bottoms on came undone easily as I pulled both strings at the same time. The red fabric was caught between her legs momentarily before she parted her legs and let her bottoms float to the floor. Placing one hand on her ass, I brought the other one around and cupped her hairless mound. My middle finger curled over her clit and the tip of it slid between her slick lips. "Oh shit, oh shit, God yes," she moaned as I pushed more of my finger into her pussy. I could feel her hand rubbing the head of my cock, spreading around the abundant pre-cum that was leaking from me. I'd never been this aroused; my cock was so hard it was almost painful. She stroked my shaft a couple of times then pushed herself away from me. I stood there praying that she hadn't changed her mind. "Let me get up on the desk so you can eat me first," she huffed. I began ripping off my clothes as I watched her turn toward the desk and move something out of her way. I wasn't sure what she'd moved; my eyes remained glued to the white pale flesh of her ass cheeks. When she turned back around I gazed in amazement at the smoothness of her hairless mound. I could see her pink clitoris peeking from its hiding place between her puffy outer lips. She pressed up against the desk and slid her butt onto the top. Next she leaned back onto her elbows and put her feet flat on the desktop with her legs wide open. A dab of pre-cum dropped from the end of my dick as I got down on my knees in front of her and inhaled the musky sweetness of her excited cunt. "Eat me baby. Eat me like you did Martha," she cooed. Placing both my hands gently on her hips I lowered my mouth and ran my tongue through the center of her slit. When my tongue reached her clit she pushed her pussy harder onto my mouth. I gazed up to look at her face, but saw her pointing what looked like a camera at me instead. I recognized it from magazine ads; it was a GoPro Hero3. The fact that my Mother was filming me eating her out didn't bother me in the least. If anything it turned me on even more. Now I could watch myself doing it over and over. I smiled for the camera and sank my tongue back into her hole as far as I could get it. "OOOOHHHHHHH FUCK!" she wailed, holding the camera with one hand and placing her other one behind my head to push my face deeper into her soaked slit. I rode the wave of her bucking hips with my tongued firmly stuck inside her until she began to slow down. When her pelvis stopped moving I stood up holding my cock with one hand while holding her pussy lips opened with the other. Before I could ram myself up her cunt she told me to stop. I stared with lust-crazed eyes as she reached to her side and affixed the camera to a head strap. With a shaking hand she held out the camera to me and said, "Put this on your head so you can film your cock as it goes in me." My hands fumbled a bit before I had the headgear on snug enough so it wouldn't fall off. The weight of the camera was actually lighter than I'd expected. She spread her legs once more and gave me an encouraging nod. I stepped close enough to touch her pussy with the head of my cock, pre-cum dripping down and coating her slit. "Russ baby, spank Mommy's clit with it first," she purred. I knew what she was doing; she wanted me to do everything to her that I'd done to Grandma. I held her pussy lips apart and brought the head of my cock down onto her enflamed bud. She squealed in delight each time the mushroom head slapped the stiff meat of her puffed out clit. The longer I beat my cock against her clit, the more my eyes began to play tricks on me. First I'd see my cock smacking Mom's bare cunt, then I would see Grandma's hairy pussy taking the spanking. Back and forth it went, bald pussy, hairy pussy, bald pussy, then hairy pussy. I shut my eyes to ward off the visions. I could hear Mom's moaning growing louder. I couldn't take anymore. Just like I did with Grandma, I rammed all eight inches home in one single lunge. I opened my eyes in time to see Mom's eyes grow big with surprise and her mouth form a perfect circle. "SHIIITTTT RUSS!" she screamed, at the same time pushing upwards to take more. I began to piledrive my meat into her juicy cunt. Sweat broke out on my back as I propped myself over her on my hands and steadily rammed my cock in and out of her velvet glove. Grandma's pussy had felt wonderful, but it was nowhere near like the feeling I was having sliding into Mom's tight wetness. She arched her back and clamped her muscles around my shaft. I could actually feel her juices pouring around my rod as she went over the edge of her orgasmic cliff. "UUUNNNNNNGGGGGGGHHHHHHH!" she yelled, her arms dropping down to her sides as her body slowly settled unmoving onto the top of the desk. "Not yet Mom. I'm not done fucking you," I growled, standing straight up and placing her ankles on my shoulders. I pointed my head down so the camera could catch my cock sliding in and out between her puffy lips. I slowed the pace to where I was pumping into her in long easy strokes. I pulled all the way back then slid all the way in, my cock coated with thick slick juice. Each time I drove forward I watched her beautiful tits jiggle, those pert brown nipples pointing up to the ceiling. It wasn't long before I was going faster and faster, her cunt muscles wrapped around my shaft quivering uncontrollably. Her hands came up and touched my hips. "Now Russell, now! Fill me up baby," she urged, trying to meet my thrust with her own. "OH FUCK MOM!" I groaned loudly as I flooded her pussy with my cum. I fell on top of her and her legs slid down to wrap around my back. She continued to rock her cunt up and down my shaft for a few seconds longer before she exploded again. "So good baby, so good," she chanted, throwing her arms around my back and hugging me to her as she rode the last vestiges of her bliss. When I finally had enough energy to stand, I gazed down hoping the camera was catching the exact moment my softening cock pulled out of her tight confines. I could see her inner lips clinging to my shaft, as if trying to hold me in while I slowly withdrew. Cum poured out once my cockhead cleared her entrance and dripped down onto the desk's top. "Do you think you can get it up again" I heard her ask as she sat up and looked me in the eyes. "Huh?" Before I could gather my thoughts, she hopped off the desk and sank to her knees in front of me. My lips formed a silent protest as I watched my cock disappear into her hot mouth. While she sucked life back into my flaccid penis her soft brown eyes stared straight into the camera. The sight of my Mother staring up at me with my cock in her mouth was so hot. Blood filled my dick in an instant. With a little help from her hands, one clutching my ball sack as the other stroked my shaft, she drained whatever cum I had left in my balls. Just like Grandma had done in one of the videos, Mom pulled my dick from her mouth and rubbed it around her lips and chin. Without a word she stood up, removed the camera and headgear from my head and pranced down the attic stairs completely naked. A few minutes later, after regaining some composure, I pulled up my pants and went to my room. I sat on my bed stunned, and overjoyed, by what had happened. I knew Mom was angry with Dad for fucking Grandma, but I never dreamed she'd do me just to get even. I guess I didn't know her as well as I thought. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned certainly fit this situation. Suppertime came and went. When I didn't show up for it, Mom brought a plate up to my room. She was in her maroon nightgown, her nipples hard and pressing through the thin fabric. She sat at my desk and fired up the laptop while I ate. When I glanced over between bites, I saw that she was watching the last video we'd watched together one more time. She paused it at the place that showed the purple birthmark on the guy then looked in my direction. Without saying anything she stood up and went to stand behind the chair she'd just left. Casually she bent over the back of the chair and placed one hand on the seat. With her other hand she reached around and began to pull the back of her gown up until it was bunched at the small of her back. I stared at the firm round globes of her snow-white ass while she stared at the screen. My plate went sideways on my bed and my pants fell to the floor and stayed where I stepped out of them. Neither of us thought about shutting the door. I held my rod straight out and sidled up to her butt. Bending slightly at the knees I worked the head of my cock between the slick lips of her cunt until I felt her opening. Slowly, so I could savor the moment, I pushed deeper and deeper into her wetness. When I was all the way in and my ball sack was touching her clit I reached up under her and latched the fingers of one hand onto her stiff nipple. The harder I pinched her nipple, the louder she moaned. I tried to go slow, and did at first. The feel of her walls sucking my dick soon had me thrusting madly into her. Mom's firm cheeks cushioned her against the powerful thrusts I was hammering into her. They didn't do anything to prevent my sack from spanking her clit mercilessly with each forward thrust though. "Yes! Yes! Yes," she repeated each time I rammed into her. "I...I...I'm gonna cum Mom!" I snorted and unleashed a tidal wave of sperm deep inside her clinching cunt. "GOD YESSSSS!" she screamed as her juices mixed with mine and began to flow out around my shaft. My cream-coated balls made wet slapping noises against her clit as I pumped my last drops of cum into her. Drained, all I could do was stumble backward and land on my bed. Mom lowered her gown and came over and sat next to me after moving my abandoned plate out of the way. She pulled the covers up around my crotch covering my shrinking penis from view. "This is all about getting revenge on Dad isn't it?" I was finally able to ask after catching my breath. "At first. But now..." "But now what, Mom?" "But now, this time, it was because I wanted to feel your big hard cock in me again," she stated matter-of-factly. I was just about to ask her why when Grandma walked by my room. She glanced in, saw Mom and I sitting on the bed, and smiled at us. Neither of us was exposed in any way, so I figured she thought we were just talking. She almost passed completely by but something must have caught her eye. She stopped dead in her tracks and spun around to face the laptop's screen. Her face became deathly pale and her hands flew up to cover her mouth. "Roy!" Her scream was barely muffled by the hands in front of her mouth. I heard the sound of running feet coming up the stairs and Grandpa shouting, "What's wrong?" He stopped next to Grandma and peered into my room. His eyes bounced around the room until they settled on what Grandma was staring at. His face went ashen too. "Where did you get that?" he demanded, the paleness leaving his face, only to be replaced with an angry red. "It was on Dad's old laptop. There's several of them," I stammered. Grandma shot a surprised look at Grandpa then moaned, "Oh dear God Roy!" Before he could respond she began weeping and ran to her bedroom. The slamming of her door jarred the walls in my room. Mom and I sat there staring at Grandpa for what felt like an eternity. Visibly shaking he pulled his eyes from the screen and looked us both in the eyes. I could see moisture beginning to build in his. "Give me a few minutes to get her calmed down. We'll meet you two downstairs and explain everything." He didn't wait for a reply, he took one last look at the frozen image on the screen and left. As soon as he was out of sight I jumped up and threw on my pants. I followed Mom down to the kitchen where we both took a healthy swig of scotch straight from the bottle. I didn't know about hers, but my heart was beating a mile a minute from almost being caught putting the meat to my own Mother. Although in retrospect, I shouldn't have been so scared. I'd done the same thing to Grandma, and Grandpa knew about it too. We choked down one more swallow and went into the front room. I sat on the couch and Mom parked herself in Dad's recliner facing my way. We heard them coming down the stairs. Glancing that direction I saw Grandpa supporting Grandma with his arm around her waist. He led her over and they both sat on the couch, somber-faced. Grandma's eyes were red from crying. Grandpa cleared his throat and looked back and forth between Mom and I. "First off, let us say how sorry we are. We had no idea that Frank even knew about those films, let alone that he put it on his computer. We thought we'd accidentally thrown them out or misplaced them years and years ago. I guess we were wrong." Mom seized on that in a heartbeat. "Why wouldn't Frank know about them? Shit, it was him that was filming the whole thing in the first place!" Grandma's head snapped up and she said, "What? No dear, you're wrong." "Like hell I am! I saw the birthmark," Mom shrieked. "Calm down Tammy, and let me explain," Grandpa said soothingly. "Okay, explain how I watched a video of my husband fucking Martha!" Mom was getting more agitated. "That wasn't Frank you saw, it was Robert," Grandma whispered, then started weeping into her hands. "Who's Robert?" I asked before Mom could throw out some snide remark. Grandpa scooted forward until he was sitting on the edge of his seat, put his elbows on his knees and clasped his hands together. "That is...was Frank's identical twin brother. He passed away before Frank and your Mom ever met," he choked out. "Bullshit! Frank has never mentioned anything about having a brother, especially not a twin," Mom cried out angrily. Grandpa grew livid. "Listen here missy, if you want to hear the story then shut your damn pie-hole and let me finish. Otherwise, we're done here!" I've never seen Grandpa so angry. I also expected Mom to come unhinged. Instead she settled back in the recliner, crossed her arms over her magnificent chest, and just glared at him. She didn't open her pie-hole once while Grandpa finished telling us what he had to say. Robert had been born one minute after Dad. The two boys grew up together more like best friends than siblings. By the time the boys were seventeen Robert began to have dizzy spells. He never mentioned it to Roy and Martha, only to Frank. In their senior year of high school Frank passed out in the kitchen while helping set the dinner table. He was rushed to the hospital where the attending physician didn't even bother having x-rays taken. The doctor told Roy and Martha that it was just a small concussion from his football playing. The doctor gave them a prescription for pharmaceutical-grade Tylenol and told Robert to take it easy for a day or so. One week after his eighteenth birthday Robert collapsed in class. He was rushed to the hospital where an intern in the ER ordered a barrage of x-rays and blood test. The results of the tests showed that Robert had a massive tumor growing in his brain. The intern explained that because of its size and location it was inoperable. They refused to believe that and had taken Robert to a specialist. The outcome was the same. The prognosis was that Robert's condition was terminal. Frank took it hard. He blamed himself because he hadn't told Roy and Martha about Robert's dizzy spells. Night after night they heard him crying himself to sleep. "My God. Why hasn't Frank ever told me?" Mom gently asked. "I think it was because of the guilt he's felt for not saying anything. As for Roy and I, Robert's dying request was that we got on with our lives as if he'd never existed. He told us he wouldn't rest peacefully if he knew we were in pain from mourning him. That's a request we've honored up until now," Grandma said, the pain in her heart evident. "I don't understand how you can go through life and not tell anyone about your son," Mom said respectively. "We do it because Robert made us promise. A promise we've tried to keep. I think Frank does it because it causes him too much pain and guilt to talk about his brother," Grandpa replied. "We do miss him terribly. We've got reminders of him all over our house," Grandma added. "I've been in your house Martha, and I don't remember any mementos of another son," Mom said. Grandma's eyes grew wide and then she said, "Half the picture you've seen in our house are not of Frank my dear. A lot of them are of Robert." "I...I didn't know that," Mom stammered. "Not too many people do sweetheart," Grandma softly said. Mom leaned forward in her chair and asked, "What about the videos? The birthmark I saw? And not to sound crass, why did the three of you have sex together in the first place?" "We wanted our boy to experience as much of life as possible before he died, that included being with a woman. No man should ever die before having the joy that comes from being with a woman. But we couldn't just bring in some smelly prostitute, now could we? Martha and I discussed it and came up with a solution. Martha would give herself to our boy; all of herself. The only thing we hadn't counted on was Robert's reluctance to having his Mom cheat on his Dad, even if it was with him. When we explained things, and I joined in, he grew more receptive to our plan." Grandpa ran out of breath and leaned back on the couch. Skeptically Mom said, "I'm still not sure if I believe you. I saw Frank's birthmark plain as day on the video." "Of course you did dear. Both our boys have identical birthmarks on their shoulder blades, only they are on opposite sides. Frank's is on his right, and Robert's was on his left. That's where they were pressed together in my womb," Grandma explained with a slight chuckle. Mom's eyes grew until they were as round as a plate. After a full minute of staring into space she hollered, "Oh God!" and leaped from the chair and ran up the stairs. Grandma, Grandpa and I just stared at each other for a few seconds before I jumped up and chased after her. I found her in my bedroom staring at the paused image on Dad's old laptop. It clearly showed the birthmark was on the guys left shoulder. "Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me" Mom whispered over and over and over. "What's wrong?" I asked worried. "Martha's right, this isn't your Dad." She couldn't tear her eyes off the screen. "So?" I said. "God, I was so sure it was Frank. I was so mad at him I..." she didn't finish. She turned and faced me, fear was written all over her face. A knot formed in the pit of my stomach as I asked, "What did you do Mom?" "I e-mailed the video of us having sex to your father!" Epilogue My hands were propped behind my head, a shit-eating grin plastered to my face, as I watched Mom slip her bald cunt lips over the tip of my cock. Slowly, just the way I liked it, she went lower until her pussy swallowed all eight inches and her ass cheeks settled onto my pubic hair. The GoPro strapped to my head capturing the moment in dazzling high-definition. Mom liked to fuck in the reverse cowgirl position as much as I liked for her to do it that way. It gave me a clear shot of her pussy lips slurping my dick as she rose and fell; she likes it because she said it lets my cock reach her special places better than any other position. Faster and faster she rode me until we both achieved the ultimate in pleasure. My seed poured into her and then dribbled out the sides around my sloppy wet cock. When I felt her cunt tighten up around my shaft I grabbed her hips and jammed upwards to help her reach her peak. Sighing contently she slumped back against my front and kicked her feet out toward the foot of the bed. With my hands cupping her glorious breasts, she lay on top of me like that long after my cock went soft and slid from her sticky warm embrace. It's been nearly four months since Dad divorced Mom. He never came back to the house; instead he had his lawyer arrange for pick-up of his things. He also didn't have us arrested, or drag Mom through the courts for that matter. The embarrassment of having the world know that he'd been cuckold by his own son would have been too much for him. I'm not sure if I'll ever have a relationship with him again. I seriously doubt it. But on the bright side, Mom and I are having a ball. She plans on having a sunroom built onto the back of the house this summer, so she can tan all over. I get hard just thinking about it. The grandparents stayed another week, although it was a tense week. The repairs to their house were finished sooner than expected and it took them no time in fleeing back home. To let them know there were no hard feelings, Mom gave them Dad's old laptop so they could decide what to do with the videos. That was okay with me; my new laptop is getting quite the collection of new videos that Mom and I like to watch together. I got a nice surprise the other day. I haven't made up my mind if I'm going to tell Mom about it or not. Grandma called and wanted to know if I felt like coming for a visit this summer. She told me her old itch was acting up. pics---->> http://bit.ly/2jj3ShK
Title: Anger Mismanagement Summary: His sister's vile temper must be controlled. Keywords: inc,fic Kelly was in trouble yet again. Her boyfriend had called her at work and started an argument over the phone. "What the fuck, Kelly?" he had started the conversation. Kelly knew she had a bad temper. She should have hung up the phone, or said they would talk later; anything besides having it out over the phone in front of a dozen customers. The problem with having such a volatile temper is that, of course, she didn't make the rational decision. "What is your problem, Dave?" she had immediately responded. "You promised you were going to clean up the apartment over the weekend," he said. His voice was loud enough that it could be heard over the phone by an uncomfortable-looking older couple waiting at the counter in front of Kelly. "Instead, I get back from my folks' house and the place looks like a fucking bomb went off in here. What were you doing all weekend?" "I was working," she defended herself. "I sent you a text. I had to pull an extra shift because Brianna was out sick." Kelly was just barely restraining her temper. She had worked hard all weekend and had not gotten much sleep as a result. Perhaps she would have done at least a little cleaning at the apartment if Dave hadn't been such a jerk about it. As it was, she was tired and still had three hours to go before she would get off work. "Yeah, right," he said. Kelly could picture Dave's sneer that went along with that comment. "Kelly, you haven't cleaned a damned thing around this place in months. I'm fed up with having to clean up after your ass just so I'm not embarrassed to have friends over." Kelly knew she was about to lose it. "Dave," she hissed through gritted teeth, "I am at work. I will talk to you when I get home." "Well, I have to get ready for my job," Dave went on, "and I expect you to have this pig sty cleaned up by the time I get back tonight! Oh, and I threw out that pile of crap you had sitting by the front door." That 'pile of crap' had mostly consisted of Kelly's laundry. She had left it there because it needed to be washed, but it included half of her work clothes. It would be expensive to replace so much of her wardrobe, and it was a total dick move to throw away her stuff. "You mother fucker!" she yelled into the phone. In front of her, everyone in the entire store turned to stare at her. The elderly couple involuntarily took a step back from the counter. Kelly felt a tap on her shoulder and whirled to snarl at...her manager. Shit, she thought, This is the last thing I need right now. She was fired, of course. Kelly had been warned about this sort of behavior twice before, but it hadn't been this bad either time. She was still in a towering rage as she pulled up in front of the apartment. Dave was dressed for work when she charged in the front door. "You fucking asshole!" she yelled, "You just got me fired from my fucking job!" "Good," he spat back at her, "Maybe now you'll have the time to clean up" It was the wrong thing to say. Kelly was not a terribly tall or strong woman, but Dave was really short. She leapt at him and began punching and kicking wildly. She had no self control left whatsoever. She might have killed him if one of the neighbors hadn't called 911. There happened to be a police cruiser nearby, and the police pulled her off of her unconscious and bleeding boyfriend minutes after the assault began. Kelly was arrested. She called her parents from jail. It was the second time she had been arrested for losing her temper like that. Last time, though, she had merely vandalized an ex-boyfriend's car. She was potentially facing felony assault charges this time. Her father was unsympathetic when she explained what had happened. "Look, Kelly," he said, "We have talked about this. There is no way we are bailing you out this time. You need to get your act together. For Christ's sake, Kelly, you aren't a kid anymore! You're twenty-six years old. When you get out of jail, if you need a place to stay, you can stay with us. But there won't be any more of this behavior, you got it?" Kelly was stunned. She couldn't believe they wouldn't even post bail for her. She slammed the phone down on the receiver and muttered, "Thanks for nothing, Dad." She spent the night in jail, and was surprised the next morning when she was told she had made bail. She got dressed in the clothes she had worn to work the previous day; it was a professional-looking blouse with a long skirt. She had wrecked her nylons in the process of kicking Dave's ass, so she tossed them into the trash. When she finished signing for her purse and keys, she turned and stopped in shock. Her younger brother, Greg, had been the one to post her bail. He stood there with his arms crossed, looking at her. He looked bigger than she remembered, broader across the shoulders and chest, and he looked taller, somehow. His expression was carefully neutral. They had not seen each other in two years, ever since that incident at their parents' house. He finally spoke, in a soft tone. "Mom called me," he said, "I came as soon as I could. Are you okay?" She nodded. "Yeah." "Okay," he said, "I brought my van. Let's go get your stuff." They drove to her apartment without talking. Kelly kept looking over at her younger brother, expecting him to say something. He never did. It took just over an hour to get Kelly's belongings packed into the van. They strapped her mattress and box spring to the top of the van with bungee cords. She got in her car and followed him to his apartment. Unlike the place she had shared with Dave, her brother's apartment was completely clean and tidy. Aside from her bed, Kelly had very little furniture. Greg finally broke his silence as they moved her bed into his spare bedroom. "I moved my office furniture out of this room so you could have it," he said. "Mom knows you'll be staying with me, but Dad doesn't." "Oh," she said, taking a moment to let that sink in. Greg looked her over. "Do you want to change clothes before we move the rest of your stuff?" he asked. She shrugged. "It's not all that uncomfortable," she said, "and I'll need to wash this and shower afterwards anyway." Their eyes locked briefly at the word 'shower.' Neither of them could help but recall the event that had made them so uncomfortable two years earlier. * * * Kelly had come home slightly drunk, after partying with her friends at a club. She desperately needed to pee, so she had gone into the bathroom they shared even though she could hear the shower running. Greg had no idea his sister had entered the bathroom at all. He had been sporting a solid erection all evening after a first date with a new girlfriend. Greg had soaped up his cock, but elected to wait until after his shower to relieve his sexual tension. He rinsed and stepped out of the showerand froze with his wet, throbbing erection right in his sister's face. Kelly heard the water stop, but was still surprised at how quickly her brother had stepped out in front of her. She usually dried herself inside the shower, and expected he would do the same. Instead, she found a really nice-looking dick waving right in front of her. Her eyes locked on that bouncing cock head, and in her inebriated condition she completely lost track of the fact that it was her brother's. It looked really tasty. Her mouth opened, and Greg gasped when she slurped in his bloated dick and began to suck on it. It was one of those brief moments that felt like it was much longer that it was. He managed to get control of his body first and pulled away from her. "What are you doing?" he cried out. "I..." she trailed off, unable to form a coherent sentence. Greg grabbed a towel and retreated to his bedroom. They had avoided each other for the next three days. After that, he had moved out and gotten his own place. The closest they had come to talking about it was when Kelly had called and left an apologetic voicemail. "I'm sorry, Greg," she had said, "I don't know why that happened." There was a long silence. She had thought of a dozen more things to say, but rejected all of them. Finally, she had just hung up. Somehow, they had managed to avoid each other completely, even though they lived in the same city and lived only five miles apart. * * * They were both thinking about this as they continued moving Kelly's belongings into her brother's apartment. When they were done, they stood and looked at each other awkwardly. Finally, Kelly shook her head, pursed her lips, and decided they needed to resolve this thing. "Greg," she said, "I'm really sorry I got drunk and sucked your dick. Can you forgive me so we can just move on?" "Wait, what?" he said. He looked genuinely confused. "Why would you think it was your fault that happened?" Kelly could only blink at that. She cocked her head, still looking up at her brother as her eyebrows knitted. She was thinking hard about the incident again. Embarrassingly, she was still a little aroused at the recollection. "But you said 'What are you doing?' when I took you in my mouth," she said. "I was talking to myself," he said after a brief pause, "I got out of the shower, and I was all turned on after that date with Jennifer. You were just sitting there, and you were staring at my dick. You opened your mouth a little, and I couldn't help it. I slid it into your mouth. It took me a minute to get control of myself. I felt terrible for doing that to you. That's why I moved out. I thought you knew that." "No," she whispered, shaking her head, "That's not how I remember it at all." Greg was thinking about her apologetic voicemail, but now it dawned on him that he had misinterpreted it. He had felt shamed that she had called him. He couldn't bring himself to return that call. Now he felt foolish. He really should have manned up and called his sister two years ago. "Damn," he finally breathed, "I am sorry, Kelly. I should have called you back right away." His eyes searched hers. They both had the same haunted, guilty look. Finally he smiled. "I love you, you know," he said, "It has been killing me, living with this guilt for the last two years. Should we just act like that never happened and move on?" "Works for me," Kelly grinned. She stepped up and hugged her brother. It felt so liberating to feel him hug her back. * * * Before that incident at their parents' house, Kelly and Greg had gotten along really well, at least since high school. They both had vile tempers as young children and got into vicious fights when they were very small, but they had moved past that by the time Greg got into high school. Greg had gotten into a few fights with slightly older and bigger kids when he was ten and eleven, and he had been beaten soundly. He had asked to take karate classes, and his parents had allowed it. In truth, he had been seething and hoped to learn to fight better, so that he could avenge himself. Instead, he found the discipline and meditation that accompanied the physical training were the exact counterpoint he needed in his life. For the first time, he was able to genuinely control his temper most of the time. Greg stuck with the martial arts training for seven years. His dojo did not encourage the sort of competition that others did, so he never entered tournaments or anything like that. The classmates with whom he sparred became the closest of his friends. They had nothing but mutual respect and constantly strove to make each other better. Only once after that did Greg ever get into a fight, and it was only because he stepped forward to stop a bully in the ninth grade. The older boy had instigated the fight, but Greg quickly subdued him. No adults were around at the time, so they didn't get in trouble. Because he had gained so much discipline and self control, Greg was always a calming influence on his sister. Unlike him, Kelly was always on the hairy edge of losing her temper. She got into lots of screaming matches with other young women, guys, and even with her best friends. Greg was always there to step in and help her sort out the problem. He salvaged her friendships a dozen times. After the incident in the bathroom, Kelly had rapidly spiraled out of control without her brother around. She had alienated her best friends, and had ruined her best chances at romance with her vile temper. She had wound up with Dave after several ugly breakups with guys who were really better suited to her. Dave was the sort of guy who never tired of manipulating her and relished making her furious. It fueled his perverse sex drive when he made her lose her temper, but then she would apologize and let him do whatever he wanted to her in the bedroom. To be fair, she got off on it as well. When he would spank her, or give her a brutal face-fucking or just pound her pussy or ass until he got off, she often had sensational orgasms. It just wasn't healthy. Her temper had only gotten worse. Now she was out of work, and she had to face criminal charges. * * * They lived in a large suburban sprawl, rather than in a major city. Kelly's court date was scheduled for a week after her brother had bailed her out. She spent most of her days hanging out with their mother at their childhood home. Even though she and Greg had said they would forget about the incident and move on, neither of them could really do it. They didn't completely avoid each other, and she slept at the apartment most nights, but they never really talked. There was an unpleasant confrontation between Kelly and her father two days before her court date. A friend of the family was a respected lawyer, and Kelly's mom had talked to him about taking her case. Unfortunately, the lawyer had called her dad, and he had reacted badly to them 'dragging John into this' as he put it. It devolved into another screaming match between Kelly and her father, before she stormed out of the house and drove away. She would not return to the house again. After Dave was released from the hospital, Greg dropped in to visit him. For his part, Dave had never expected that Kelly would actually physically harm him like that. Prior to the beating he had sustained, she had limited her violence to breaking things around the apartmentusually her own things. Dave agreed not to press criminal charges. He was relieved to be alive and healthy, and wanted to move on with his life. Greg had been so reasonable and sympathetic that Dave was only too happy to sign the legal paperwork to drop the assault charges. As a result, the charges against Kelly were reduced to misdemeanor assault. She still faced a year of house arrest and mandatory anger management counseling. She might have had a shorter sentence if only she had been able to contain her temper in the courtroom...Greg was only able to watch helplessly from the row behind her as she snapped at the judge and her own lawyer. He had stepped up and calmly addressed the judge, promising to do everything he could to help his sister get better. Back at their apartment after the courtroom debacle, Kelly glared at her shiny new ankle bracelet. If she strayed more than fifty meters from the apartment, she would be in violation of her house arrest and could face prison time. "I feel like a damned dog with a shock collar," she grumbled. Greg shook his head and looked at his sister. She had pushed the limits of his patience with her behavior. He really needed to sit in Zen meditation just to calm his nerves. Unfortunately, he didn't have time. He had to leave for work. He pulled his sister to her feet and hugged her tightly. At first, she resisted. She was still furious with Dave and blamed him for her current situation, and she was pissed off with her useless lawyer and that asshole judge. She snapped out of it when she felt her brother's half-hard cock pressed against her through their clothes. Her eyes widened at that unexpected sensation, and Greg was embarrassed when he realized what had happened. His sister smelled good, and holding her was turning him on. He released her quickly and stepped back. "Sorry," he mumbled, "I have to go to work." He stopped in the doorway and turned back to her. "Take a look in the fridge and cabinets," he said, "I'll stop at the grocery store on my way home and get anything you want to eat that I don't have." "Okay," she said. Kelly was lost in thought, but that gave her something to do. She made her way to the kitchen and fixed a late lunch while taking stock of the food her brother had in the apartment. She was impressed, actually. He had a much wider assortment of food than she and Dave had kept in their place. She jotted down a few of her favorites that he did not have, but it was a short list. It struck her, as she chewed on a bite of her sandwich, that he had said 'on my way home' when he left. This was her home nowat least for the next year. She now lived with her little brother, and she was completely dependent on him to provide for her. She was still angry at her whole situation, but she guiltily admitted that she would be much worse off if not for Greg. Hell, she would probably still be in jail if he hadn't stepped in. I owe him big time, she thought. What can I possibly do to make it up to him? She didn't really have any money to speak of. Greg hadn't mentioned anything about her paying for anything. It occurred to her that he may have acted out of guilt. He blamed himself for the incident in their parents' house. That just made her feel lousy, since she blamed herself for it. Once again, she was aroused as that scene ran through her mind. She could see her little brother, now a muscular man, stepping out of the shower. His body glistened wetly, and his fat cock was hard and throbbing in front of him. Her mouth watered as she recalled how tasty it had looked. It had been tasty, when it slid into her mouth. Kelly had always enjoyed having her mouth filled with a hard dick. She felt a little guilty that she was thinking about her brother's...until she realized that it would be the only one she would have near her for the next year. That was a sobering thought. She was a little shaky as she rose from the table and cleaned her dishes. Just trying to keep her mind from thoughts of her brother, she decided to shower and change clothes. As she stripped in the bathroom, she realized that her pussy was soaked. She looked at her reflection in the mirror. She was a good-looking woman, and she could say that objectively. Her breasts were full and firm, capped by thick nipples that loved to be sucked. Her strawberry blonde hair framed an attractive face. She had a scattering of freckles on her face and shoulders, and her body was... She realized she was wondering if her brother found her attractive. Fuck, she thought as she shook her head. I guess I need a cold shower. I can't think about my brother like that. The cold shower did not have the desired effect. She was still horny and thinking about her brother when she was clean and dry, dressed in loose-fitting boy shorts and a t-shirt. She decided to have a stiff drink to calm her nerves. Kelly was surprised and a bit dismayed to find that her brother had no alcohol whatsoever in his apartment. She chewed her lip at that. If he didn't drink at all, how could she ask him to buy alcohol for her? That could not go over well. The last thing she needed to do in her situation was to antagonize the one person who was still on her side. She grabbed a soda and sat on the couch, turning on the television to distract her thoughts. Her phone rang an hour later. It was her mother. "Hi Mom," Kelly answered it. "Kelly, are you okay?" her mother asked softly, "Do you need me to come and get you?" Kelly bit back an annoyed laugh. "Actually, Mom, you can't come and get me. I'm under house arrest here at Greg's place for the next year. I have one of those electronic ankle bracelets that will go off if I walk more than fifty meters from the front door." "A whole year?" her mother gasped in surprise, "Greg said your boyfriend dropped the charges. I thought you would get off with a suspended sentence." "Maybe I would have, if I just could have kept my mouth shut," Kelly responded bitterly. "Oh, Kelly," her mom said. "Thank god Greg was there," Kelly went on. "I was only making things worse until he stepped up and saved the day. At first, I was mad at him for interfering, you know? But then I calmed down enough to realize that I just needed to shut up until we got out of there." "I should have been there for you," her mother said. "Your father..." she trailed off and sighed, "I should have just ignored him and gone anyway." "It's okay, Mom, I don't blame you at all. If you had insisted on being there, you know he would have come along with you," she could picture her father's antagonistic presence. "That would have just made it worse." Deborah, Kelly and Greg's mother, was the sort of person who always blamed herself when her daughter struggled. She was an insecure person who had always struggled to be the best parent and mother that she could, but never felt she had done a good enough job of it. "Maybe," she said after a thoughtful pause, "I still feel bad that I wasn't there for you, though." "Do you feel like coming over?" Kelly asked, "I could really use a drink with my mom, and Greg apparently doesn't drink at all." "That would be nice," Deborah responded, "I'm out anyway. I'll grab something for us to drink and I'll be right over." That turned out to be a slight miscalculation. Kelly's mom arrived with two bags full of booze bottles, and the two of them got ripped over the next two hours. When her phone rang, Deborah realized with a start how long she had been there. It was her husband on the phone, wondering where she had been. "I went out for drinks with friends," she said into her phone. Her voice was a bit slurred. She listened and looked annoyed at the lecture she received. "Okay, honey," she finally said, "I'll catch a cab home. See you soon." She called for a cab, and then looked apologetic as she dug through her purse and handed Kelly a wad of cash. "I know it's not much, sweetie," she said, "I'll try to bring you more money if you need it for your bills here." "I need to talk to Greg about that," Kelly replied, "I have no idea what my share of the bills will be. He never mentioned it." They hugged and then they made their way out to the car. Deborah collected a few things from her car and made sure it was locked. They talked for a few minutes until the cab pulled up. Kelly had a nice buzz going from the alcohol, and continued to sip mixed drinks until her brother called hours later. "Hey, Kelly," he said, "do you have a shopping list for me?" "A little bit of one," she said, swaying into the kitchen to read it to him. "Have you been drinking?" Greg asked after a slight pause. "Just a bit," she answered, "Mom came over and we had a few this afternoon." Greg was careful not to say anything, but he was not happy about this development. "Is Mom still there?" he asked. "No, she took a cab home a couple of hours ago. She'll be back to get her car tomorrow." That was a bit of a relief. Greg wasn't sure he could deal with two drunk women. He was tired after that mess in court and a long day at work. "Okay," he said, "I'll grab these groceries and some takeout and I'll be home in a half hour." Greg was not averse to having a drink or two, but he was careful not to drink alone. That was the reason he kept no booze at his place. It made him uneasy to think that his sister might spend her days drinking while he was at work. Who knew what kind of trouble she could get into if she got drunk and wandered off? He felt a slight pang of guilt as he drove past his gym on the way to the supermarket. Normally he would have stopped for a vigorous workout on his way home. It wouldn't be fair to his sister to leave her home alone, and yet he hated to lose the progress he had made with his workouts. He really needed to sit down and talk with Kelly, to work out their living arrangement. If she was too drunk to have that conversation... He shook his head in frustration as he pulled into the parking lot of the grocery store. He stopped at the Chinese restaurant next to the grocery store and placed his order. It took less time to get his sister's groceries than it did for his order to be prepared, so he sat and meditated while he waited for them to finish cooking their food. That helped a bit. When he got home, he sat in the van and meditated for another five minutes, calmly breathing and counting each breath. He felt much more in control as he grabbed the bags and made his way to the apartment. Greg was relieved when his sister gave him a big hug and helped him put away the groceries he had bought for her. She seemed happy for onceperhaps the first time he had seen her happy since he had picked her up from the police station a week earlier. She was obviously tipsy, but wasn't sloppy drunk. She was not stumbling around when she walked, and she only slurred her speech occasionally. She was delighted with the Chinese take-out dinner he had brought for her. "General Tso's!" she exclaimed, giving him a wet smooch on his cheek, "You remembered my favorite! You know, Greg, I haven't had this in over a year." They sat in the living room and ate in front of the television. They had both been really hungry, and dug into their food without much conversation. Kelly stood after she had finished her glass. "I'm going to get another soda," she said, "Can I mix you a drink?" That actually sounded good, after the day he'd had. "Sure," he said. Greg found his eyes following his sister's swaying bottom as she made her way to the kitchen. He wasn't consciously aware of it as he stared at her shapely ass. When she walked around the counter, he thought that he really should see what sort of alcohol his mother had brought over. He got up and walked into the kitchen. There were six bottles of alcohol there, which he had barely noticed earlier when they put away the groceries. There were the obvious vodka, rum, and whiskey, plus grenadine, kahlua, and peach schnapps. All of the bottles were still mostly full, and the whiskey and kahlua were unopened. "Rum and coke okay, or would you like something else?" Kelly asked him. She had shouted it before she turned and saw him standing three feet away. "That sounds fine," Greg said with a smile. Kelly had to suppress a shiver when he smiled at her like that. Her brother was one sexy man. She put ice in their glasses and added rum to his, and then poured coke into both to top them off. She followed him to the living room, but she was completely aware of it as she stared at his muscular buttocks. She had stopped adding alcohol to her drinks when Greg had called earlier. She had been putting very little booze into her drinks after her mother had left, so she was sobering rapidly. Her hope had been that she would be sober enough to have a serious conversation with her brother when he got home. She had to remind herself of that, instead of imagining grabbing her brother's muscular ass and urging him to fuck her harder... She sat down and relished another spicy bite of her dinner. "Thank you for this," she murmured after she swallowed it. Greg looked over at her and smiled around a bite of his own sesame chicken. "I'm glad you like it," he said. Their eyes locked. There was definite electricity there, in that look. Greg broke it off first, and he took a long sip of his drink to calm himself. That was working, at least. He could feel the tension draining away and the muscles in his neck, shoulders, and upper back relaxing. He had been really tense on the drive home. After they stuffed themselves, Kelly took the leftovers and put them away in the refrigerator. Greg had followed, but was caught like a deer in headlights when his sister bent over with her head in the fridge. Her ass looked so damned sexy, and he couldn't tear his gaze from that sight until she stood up and caught him looking. He had a guilty look on his face as he turned back to the sink and resumed rinsing their silverware and the small bowl they had used. Kelly was turned on. She was not the least offended that her brother had been staring at her ass. It came as a relief, actually. She found him undeniably sexy, and was pleased that he found her attractive. She took the two steps to stand behind him and wrapped her arms around his midsection in a soft hug. Her nipples hardened against his muscular back, and she sighed contentedly. Greg smiled when he heard that sigh. He turned off the water and put the clean dishes into the rack next to the sink to dry. "We really need to talk, you know," Kelly said into his back. "Heh," he chuckled, "I was worried you would be too drunk for that, when I heard you over the phone earlier." She released him as he turned to face her. "We do need to talk." They walked back to the living room, where Greg turned off the television. They took their drinks to the dining room table and sat next to each other. Kelly grabbed her purse and pulled out the wad of cash their mother had given her, along with the money she had. She spread it out and counted it up quickly. "There's a hundred and sixty-three dollars here," she said apologetically, "Mom said she will bring more. I told her I didn't know what my share of the bills would be." "You should just...hold onto that," Greg said. He chewed his lip thoughtfully as he considered what to say. "Look, Kelly, I don't want to offend you, but I don't need you to pay anything for the bills. I keep this place neat, but I had to do a lot of work on it. Most of the apartments here are really run-down, so the rent is super cheap." He stood up then and walked over to a small end table on the wall near the front door. He pulled open the drawer. "I keep a bunch of quarters in here for laundry," he said, "The laundromat is close enough that you can do your laundryit won't set off your ankle bracelet. Just let me know when we get low on quarters." Kelly nodded at him, but she was distracted by the bulge in the front of his slacks. Greg walked back to the table, and she felt a shot of arousal as that bulge swayed enticingly. He was organizing their financial situation in his head, figuring out what to say next, and so did not notice her attention. "Let's see," he said, "Water and sewage and garbage disposal are all included in the rent here. Oh, cable is included as well. I pay for electricity, internet, and I pay for a land line phone. That phone is in my bedroom, but we can hook another one up wherever you'd like or move that one." "It's fine," she said, "I'm sure I will only use my cell phone unless there's some crazy-ass emergency." Greg nodded. "Normally, I like to cook," he said, "especially dinner. I was just too tired to do it today, so I grabbed takeout." "I didn't mind," Kelly grinned, "It was delicious." Greg returned her grin. It was infectious. "I was just thinking about our budget," he said, "I spend maybe two hundred bucks a month on food. I was cooking for two anyway, until Tonya and I broke up two months ago." This was news to Kelly. She had intended to ask if he was dating, and she had seen nothing around the apartment the past few days to indicate that there was a woman in his life. She didn't know who Tonya was, but it didn't seem as important to her as the fact that her brother was single. "Do you want to talk about it?" she asked. "Not really," he answered. "It wasn't an ugly breakup or anything. I met her at work, and we dated for three months. She had her own place and wasn't interested in moving in with me. She got a better job offer in another state and moved." He shrugged. "It was a pretty casual relationship for both of us." Kelly suspected that he was more upset about that breakup than he was letting on. Something about his body languagesubtle though it waslet her know that he had been more emotionally invested in that relationship than Tonya had been. "Okay," she said, letting that topic drop, "Is there anything I can do to earn my keep around here?" Greg couldn't help it; he pictured his sexy sister sucking his cock, and then imagined her bending over while he fucked her from behind. He avoided eye contact while he tried to think of somethinganythingelse. Sitting right next to him, though, Kelly saw his cock lurch in his pants. She almost reached over to grab that tempting bulge. They both searched for the words to say next, and it was Kelly who got there first. She cleared her throat softly. "It's okay, Greg," she said. His head snapped around as he searched her eyes. "Look, you have been amazing to me these past few days. You saved me from going to prison, and we both know it. You have taken me in, knowing exactly what kind of person I am, and you haven't asked me for anything. I don't know if you thought it through, though. You are stuck with me for the next year, and I can't go anywhere. You are the only man in my life, little brother." She did reach into his lap then, softly squeezing his thick shaft. Still looking into his eyes, she licked her lips. "I am going to need this," she said. "Do I need to get you drunk so you can give it to me?" "No," he groaned. His eyes held a tortured, guilty look. Kelly wasn't sure if that 'No' meant that she didn't need to get him drunk, or if he was denying her the pleasure she craved. He picked up his glass, regarding it as he thought of what to say. It was still almost half full of rum and coke. He smiled at his sister as he set the glass down on the table and pushed it away from him. "I'm not sure I can do that with you," he said. His voice was hoarse, just above a whisper. "Maybe I can find a good guy for you?" Kelly hadn't considered that possibility. "Hmm," she said, thinking it over. It didn't take her long to realize that she had already set her sights on her brother. She had been fantasizing about him for the past week. Any other guy was just not going to be good enough. Greg lightly wrapped his hand around her wrist, pulling her hand from his hardening dick. She had not realized until he did that she had still been absently stroking him this entire time. She was tempted to grab him again immediately. "Greg," she said, "I can't see that working out, in all honesty. If you bring some guy over here for me, it's not like we will be going out anywhere. You would be bringing some stranger over here to fuck your sister." Greg abruptly stood up and began pacing around the table. He looked like a caged animal, Kelly thought as she watched him. She half expected him to growl in frustration. She could certainly relate to how he must feel, and it only made her desire him more. "Greg," she finally spoke up, "Why don't you grab a shower and change into something more comfortable. You look like you need to clear your head." He nodded at her. It was a good idea. When he looked at her, though, he realized her hard nipples were clearly evident through her t-shirt. Her eyes were filled with a hungry look. A shower would not be enough to clear his head, nor would it abate his lust. He needed to get out of there. "I hate to do this to you," he said, "but I need to leave. I am going to go to my gym and get in a workout. I don't want to leave you here alone, but...Kelly, I need to think about this and I can't do it around you right now." "Go ahead," she said. "I'll be waiting for you when you get home." She was disappointed, obviously, but she could understand. It would be nice for her to go to the gym for a brisk workout at that point. In fact, up until today she had stayed away from the apartment almost every day. Now, that was no longer possible for her. Greg turned and bolted for his van. He was once again ashamed at his behavior. He barely paid attention as he drove the short distance to the gym. His mind was in a fog as he changed into the workout clothes he kept in his locker at the gym. The familiar routine of his workout kept his body occupied as his mind worked feverishly to figure a way out of this situation with his sister. He was snapped out of his mental fog by a familiar female voice. "Greg? Are you alright?" It was Valerie, one of the personal trainers at the gym. She was gorgeous, and he had flirted with her over the year and a half he had been a member at this gym. Greg always assumed she had a boyfriend, and their flirting had been casual and fun. She looked legitimately concerned as she looked at him now. He was doing bent rows with fifty-pound dumbbells, and he paid close attention to his form as he completed the set. "Was I doing something wrong?" he asked as he set down the weight. "No, it wasn't that," Valerie said, "You look like something is really bothering you." "It's that obvious, huh?" he replied, blowing out a breath of frustration. This wasn't something he could talk about with Valerie. Hell, this wasn't something he could talk about with anyone. My horny sister is waiting at my apartment right now, and I really want to fuck her all night long. I can't think of any way out of it, so I'm likely to leave here and go home to fuck her until she can't walk... Yeah, that wouldn't go over well. Greg shook his head and smiled at the lovely Valerie. "Sorry," he said, "I'm just trying to clear my head and think through this situation at home. I was hoping that a good workout would help." Valerie's eyes sparkled, "Maybe I need to give you a more strenuous, personal workout," she said. They exchanged a grin, and she sashayed away. As always, Greg assumed she was kidding, but it made him think. As attractive as Valerie was, if she was seriously interested in him...he would still be lusting after his sexy sister. He actually dropped the dumbbell when that thought rocked him to the core. He shakily retrieved the weight and continued his workout. The rest of the routine was a blur. Greg tried not to rush as he went from station to station; it wouldn't do to injure himself by being careless. He knew what he would be doing as soon as he got home, and now that he had made up his mind, he could scarcely wait for it. When he had finished his workout, he grabbed his work clothes from his locker and rushed to his car. Valerie waved to him as he passed, but he was oblivious. She saw the change in his countenance and it sent a shiver through her. Like Greg, she had enjoyed their flirting but hadn't taken it seriously. Seeing him like that made her reconsider. That was one sexy, determined man walking out her door. Back at the apartment, Kelly was relieved to hear her brother at the door. She was a little surprised to see him walk in still dressed in his sweat-soaked tank top and workout shorts. She gasped out loud when his blazing eyes locked onto hers and he spoke. "I am all sweaty and I need a shower," he growled at her, "Will you be joining me?" "Yes!" she gasped back. She practically leapt from the couch to follow him into the bathroom. She was only wearing a bathrobe, and she pulled it from her shoulders and hung it on the back of the bathroom door. Greg growled in approval when he beheld her luscious, naked body in front of him. He peeled off his sweaty tank top and dropped it on the floor. Kelly was on him instantly, licking his sweaty chest and nipping at one of his hard little nipples. Her nails raked over the other side of his body, from his neck down to his other nipple as he untied and dropped his shorts. Kelly was far too aroused to let him escape into the shower. She slid to the floor and inhaled his sweaty, musky-smelling cock. Greg groaned again as that wet and eager mouth consumed him. She was a little too eager, gagging in her haste to take him deeply. This time, Greg savored the view as his sister sucked his hard cock. Her breasts bobbed wildly as her head rocked back and forth. She was moaning loudly and making that 'gluck gluck gluck!' noise as her throat struggled to take the fat head of his cock. When she spluttered through a second gagging episode, he reached down and firmly grabbed hold of her hair, pulling her off of him. "You're amazing," he hissed at her, "but you're going to fuck around and make me come too fast. Get your sexy ass into that shower!" She nodded and rose to her feet, letting loose a delighted squeal when he smacked her bottom. She stepped into the tub first, turning on the water and letting it warm up. She turned and Greg was right there, pulling her into his arms and kissing her mouth hungrily. After that, his eyes were glazed with lust as he stared at her hard nipples. As his lips locked onto her left nipple and began to suck it hard, she groaned in appreciation. "I already showered, while you were gone," she said. He looked up into her eyes with his mouth still feverishly working over her sensitive breast. Kelly could feel the juice leaking out of her pussy at that sexy sight. She ran her hands through his hair and enjoyed the attention. He continued worshipping her eager tits, and she just looked at him adoringly and groaned throughout. Finally, though, they did turn on the shower so that he could get clean. Kelly soaped up a washcloth and scrubbed his muscular back and ass while he washed his front. He shampooed quickly and rinsed out his hair. They were both eager to get out of the shower for the main event. They walked hand-in-hand to his bedroom, each wrapped in a bath towel. They kissed passionately and groped each other like horny teenagers at the side of the bed. Greg broke off the kiss with a gasp, and he was still panting as he turned and reached into the nightstand. When he showed his sister the condom, she shook her head. "Don't," she said, "I want to feel you coming inside me." At his uncertain look, she went on, "I'm on the pilloh, shit!" Her eyes shot open as she realized she only had two weeks' worth of birth control pills left. What would they do after that? She shook the thought away. It would wait. She dropped her towel and reached for her brother's. "I am your woman, tonight. I need you to be my man and fill me with your hot cum. Can you do that for me, little brother?" "Fuck!" he gasped back. "You are so dirty, Kelly." Her eyes gleamed, and a wicked smile played across her lips as she slid onto the bed and spread her legs for him. "No I'm not," she said, "In fact, I made sure to wash my asshole so it's nice and clean for you. I am all yours, Greg." She squealed out loud again, and Greg moaned in undisguised lust as his eager cock buried itself in her molten pussy. He hadn't quite made it far enough onto the bed, and his legs were pulling him back to the floor. He grabbed her hips firmly and pulled her to the edge of the bed, where he was able to vigorously fuck his sister. Their bodies slapped loudly together. Kelly was already coming hard around her brother's thick cock, and she loved the way his balls slapped against her sensitive sphincter with each stroke. Greg bent to suck her nipples once again, and she encouraged him to bite them lightly as he continued to fuck her. As much as they had built it up in their minds, the reality was so much more intense than they had expected. Kelly's pussy was much tighter around his cock than Greg had anticipated, stimulating every nerve along his shaft as he plowed in and out of her. Kelly had not realized how thick her brother's cock would feel, and it filled and stretched her wonderfully. She had a second orgasm within minutes of the first one. It left her gasping helplessly as her brother continued to pound her defenseless little pussy and make it his own. She felt him swelling inside her and knew it was coming before he released her breast and gasped out. "I'm going to come!" his strangled cry was music to her ears. "Yes! Do it!" she cried back. She howled out loud when he erupted inside her. It was so much more than she had dared to hope. They kissed hungrily again as his cock softened inside her. She stumbled back into the bathroom a few minutes later when that flood of semen needed to be drained from her satisfied pussy. She washed it carefully afterward, looking at her swollen lips in the mirror. She couldn't help but smile. Her brother had really done it. He had fucked her and it had been marvelous. Kelly was satisfied but exhausted. She smiled again when she returned to the bedroom. Her naked brother had fallen asleep atop the covers. He still looks amazing, she thought, I can't wait for him to fuck me again. Kelly stepped into the hallway and pulled a top sheet from the linen closet. She opened it and draped it over her sleeping brother. She turned off the light and slid beneath the sheet next to him, sighing contentedly as his arms closed around her and his soft cock pressed against her bottom. His gentle breathing on her neck lulled her to sleep quickly. They hadn't set an alarm. Kelly couldn't go anywhere and Greg did not have work that next day. Thus, it was the insistent ringing of the doorbell that woke them at eight in the morning. "Who the hell could that be?" Greg wondered aloud. "Oh, shit!" Kelly gasped, "It's got to be Mom!" She rolled out of the bed, regretfully looking at her brother's renewed erection. Dammit, Mom, she thought, I would have loved to have some more of that this morning. She hastily grabbed the towels and rushed into the bathroom, wrapping her robe around her body and tying the belt as she raced to the front door. "Just a second!" she hollered en route. It was indeed their mother. She looked a little concerned when she saw her daughter's disheveled condition. "Are you alright, Kelly?" she asked, "You look like you...you and Greg didn't get into a fight, did you?" "No, Mom," Kelly replied, "We stayed up late talking, and I probably had too much to drink yesterday. You just woke me up, is all." She opened the door further, inviting her mother inside. "Come on in," she said, "I'll make us some coffee and see if Greg is up." At that moment, Greg peeked around the door frame of his room. "Who is it?" he asked. His light brown hair looked like he had put his finger in a light socket. He had fallen asleep with his hair still damp and it now stood up like it was terrified of something. His mother and sister both laughed out loud when they saw him. "What?" he said, before realizing they were looking at his hair. He ran is fingers through it for a couple of seconds and shook his head ruefully at them. "Give me a minute to get decent," he said, closing his bedroom door behind him. Kelly started coffee and chatted with her mother. They both giggled as Greg, clad only in boxer shorts, ducked from his bedroom and practically dove into the bathroom. "Wow," Deborah said, "Greg is in really good shape these days. I didn't realize how much he's been working out." "Yeah," Kelly replied, "He was super apologetic last night before he left for the gym. He said he felt really badly about leaving me here alone, but he needed to work out." "Did you guys get a chance to talk about your financial situation?" "Yes, we did. I was surprised at just how organized and self-sufficient Greg is here," Kelly replied, "He doesn't actually need me to contribute anything." Her mother thought she saw a shadow pass over Kelly's face then. "What's bothering you, sweetheart?" she asked. He's too good for me, Kelly thought, What will I do if he finds someone else to date in the next year? What if he gets sick of me and throws me out? What will I do then? She shook her head. "I just feel like I am such a burden, and Greg is being too nice about it," she said aloud. "What can I do if he decides he's had enough, and kicks me out?" "That's never going to happen," Greg's voice caused them both to turn in surprise. His hair was damp again, but brushed out neatly now. He had put his workout shorts on over his boxers, but was still topless as he approached them. "Hi, Mom," he murmured as he hugged his mother. She squeezed him in a reassuring hug. He kept an arm around his mother's shoulders as he turned to regard his sister. "I love you, Kelly," he said, "There is no way I would ever kick you out." He grinned a bit before continuing. "Plus, I told that judge that I would help you get better." Kelly's eyes narrowed at that. Was he mocking her? Her mother turned to her and squeezed her hand. "Please, Kelly," she pleaded, "You just need to be really nice to your brother. Do you think you can do that?" Oh, Mom, you have no idea. The vision of Kelly eagerly sucking her brother's cock filled both of their minds as they tried to keep that off of their faces. "I'll try my best, Mom," Kelly said. "I think the coffee is about ready," she went on, breaking off that potentially uncomfortable conversation, "Would you mind fixing me a cup while I use the bathroom?" Greg was careful to look at his mother with a smile so that he wouldn't stare at his sister's ass as she walked away from them. "So," he said to her, "How are you feeling today? I understand you and Kelly tied one on yesterday." She blushed a little at that. She was uncomfortably aware of just how attractive her son had become, how masculine his bare chest was as he stood so close with his arm around her. "I guess I miscalculated," she finally said. "Kelly told me you don't drink at all, and I got a little carried away at the liquor store." "Oh, it's alright, I think," he replied, "It's not that I don't drink; I just don't drink alone. Tonya and I never really drank here at the apartment. If Kelly wants to drink...well, she's a grown woman. I just worry about her when I'm not here, you know?" "I just wish your father could be as reasonable about it," she grumped. They walked into the kitchen and poured three cups of coffee. Greg added cream and sugar to his and Kelly's as his mother prepared her own. They took the three cups to the dining room table and set them down. "If you'll excuse me," Greg said, "I'll go put on a shirt and some socks. I'll be right back." He passed Kelly on his way, shooting her an approving grin. She looked good and entirely appropriate now that she had fixed her hair, put on a touch of makeup and had gotten dressed. She smiled back at him and joined their mother at the dining room table. Kelly was a bit shocked when she realized that their mom was checking out her brother's sexy backside. They had a really pleasant visit over the next four hours. Kelly practically forgot she was under house arrest, laughing with her mom and her brother. They really had a chance to catch up as a family. There were so many stories they had to share from the past two years. They each had a mixed drink after a couple of cups of coffee and a light breakfast. Finally, though, it was time for Deborah to leave. "This was so nice," she sighed as she hugged each of her children. "It is so good to see the two of you getting along like this. I hope we can make this a regular thing." "I would love that," Kelly smiled back at her mother. "We both would," Greg chimed in, rubbing his sister's back. "You are always welcome here, Mom." As she walked to her car, Deborah thought what a lovely couple her children made. She snorted at herself for thinking that. She looked back at their apartment, and the two of them waved at her from the doorway. She waved back before getting into her car and driving away. "You have got a dirty mind, Deborah," she mumbled to herself. She couldn't help it though. Greg was such a sexy man that she could only imagine what she would do with him if he weren't her son. By the time she arrived home, her panties were damp and she couldn't get to her vibrator fast enough. Back at the apartment, Greg and Kelly were already naked in his bed. Kelly had wanted another taste of his cock, but he was starving for her juicy pussy. They wound up in a noisy sixty-nine, with Kelly's mouth sloppily sucking his hard cock while Greg feasted on her delicious little snatch. The air was filled with lusty moans and groans from both of them, as well as the wet sounds of eager sucking. Kelly had a hair-trigger compared to her brother's slow fuse. She had a third shattering orgasm on his talented tongue and became overly sensitive. She finally released his cock and pulled her throbbing pussy away from him. "Stop!" she gasped out as he tried to follow her. "My pussy needs a break!" Greg's cock was bucking up and down in front of him as he rose to his knees. He wasn't doing it on purpose, he was merely that aroused. Kelly pushed him back onto the bed so she could take him back into her mouth without interruption. They both got an added thrill as their eyes met. "Do you want me to come in your mouth?" he asked. His voice was calm and deep. He wasn't yet close to that orgasm. "Mm-hmm!" she eagerly responded. Kelly was hungry for her brother's jism. She jacked his shaft while licking and slurping the head. His pre-cum was flowing steadily into her mouth, and it was intoxicating to her. Her mind felt like it was melting with lust and she was consumed with that desire to make him come for her. "Mm-hmm! Mm-hmm!" she moaned excitedly when she felt him swelling with his impending orgasm. He bit his lip and closed his eyes, dropping his head back as his balls unloaded into her hungry mouth. Kelly gulped the salty offering down noisily, loving the helpless look on her brother's face as she drained him. She felt so powerful, so in control at that moment of his ultimate surrender. She kept sucking gently on the tip of his cock, teasing out every drop with the tip of her tongue. Greg shivered over his entire body as that intense sensation seized control of him. When he was completely drained, he managed to raise his head to look at her again. "Amazing," he sighed. They enjoyed a naked lunch together, with Kelly sitting on his lap at the dining room table. Halfway through, his renewed erection began to bump against her wet pussy. She swallowed the mouthful of food and turned to look at her horny brother. "Were you staring at my ass again?" she asked, reaching for his cock. "Yes I was," he replied with a grin. "Are you mad at me?" She rose up until she could slide the thick head between her moist lips. As she sank onto him again she said, "Nope." They could not properly fuck and eat lunch at the same time, so they wound up taking a break from eating. Greg stood up and pushed his sister forward onto the table so that he could savor the sight of her sexy ass bouncing back and forth as he fucked her horny little pussy. She squeezed down on him with her clutching muscles as her pussy juice soaked his shaft and balls. Greg set her gently in the chair and retreated to the bathroom to wash off his cock and balls before returning to finish lunch. He sat in the chair next to her, and he was still hard the entire time. Kelly finished her food first, and slid to the tile floor of the dining room to suck that hard dick while Greg finished eating his lunch. When he was done, he scooted his chair back and said, "Come here," spreading his arms to welcome her into his lap. Kelly mounted him again, sheathing his erection inside her. He squeezed her buttocks and pulled her back and forth atop his muscular thighs while he sucked her hard nipples. Kelly hugged his neck and bit his earlobe. "I'm coming again!" she gasped right into his ear. He groaned into her breast as he felt her soak him again. Her legs lost all strength after that intense orgasm. Greg picked her up and carried her to her bedroom, gently setting her down and covering her before giving her a loving kiss on her lips. "I'll be right back," he said. She dozed off with a smile on her lips. Greg cleaned up after their lunch, and decided to shower before joining her when he saw she was asleep. They cuddled together in her bed and shared a lovely nap. Kelly was awakened later when her brother's erection began pressing insistently between the cheeks of her ass. She turned to look at her brother's sleeping face. She smiled and slid out of the bed, needing to use the bathroom. Afterwards, she showered and once again cleaned her ass thoroughly. She was incredibly turned on as she thought about what she was about to do. She was going to take her own brother's hard cock in her tight asshole. It made her shiver, just contemplating it. Kelly became annoyed as she searched the bathroom, and then her brother's bedroom. She could not find anything suitable for anal lubrication. He didn't even have Vaseline, for crying out loud! She hadn't brought any lube from her old apartmentthat had really been Dave's property, and she wouldn't have been comfortable packing that away with her brother watching at that time. She finally slid back into bed with Greg. She was facing him and watching his sleeping face. His eyes darted around behind his eyelids. I wonder what he's dreaming about? She felt his hard cock pressed into her belly and imagined it must be a sexual dream. She gently rolled him onto his back and peeled back the sheet. Once again, his cock had a tasty drop of pre-cum for her. Greg eventually woke up to that most amazing of all sensations: an incestuous blowjob. "Mmm, that feels unbelievable," he said softly. Kelly released his cock with a soft 'plop' and grinned up at him. "Speaking of unbelievable," she said, "You would have woke up with your cock in my ass if I could have found any lube." His hard cock lurched in her hand, somehow swelling even larger at that dirty thought. He hadn't had anal sex recently. The thickness of his dick scared his last two girlfriends too much for them to consider it. Greg's mind raced as he mentally inventoried the apartment. "We have Crisco," he finally said, "Do you think that would work?" Kelly was out of the bed and into the kitchen in a flash. She had never tried using shortening as a lubricant, but her horny asshole was willing to try anything to get her brother's cock inside it at that moment. She grabbed the tin and brought the whole thing to the bedroom with her. She scooped two fingers through the white, greasy substance and bent to prepare her sphincter. "I guess butter would have worked, too," she said as her fingers worked her tingling asshole. Greg nodded as he reached over for a dollop. He worked it over the length of his cock until the entire thing glistened. "Do you want to take charge this time?" he asked. He was still lying on his back with his rampant and lubricated cock sticking straight up above him. "Yes!" she gasped back, nodding rapidly as she climbed atop him in the bed and slowly fed the tip of him into her tiny hole. "Oh, fuck!" she gasped, "That feels so fucking huge!" She looked down at Greg's face, but his eyes were locked on her tiny butthole taking in the bloated head of his cock. "It looks fucking huge," he breathed, "I can't believe you'reoh, damn!" The head slipped inside her impossibly tight little bottom. The ring of muscle constricted tightly around the invading shaft. Kelly had to carefully control her breathing, willing her asshole to relax. Greg looked up at his sister's face. He expected to see her in pain, but that wasn't the case. She was biting her lip and her eyes were rolled upward in pleasure. He had never been with a woman who enjoyed anal sex as much as his sister did. It took a few minutes for her to relax and take him all the way in her ass. They had to apply more Crisco twice. The stuff tended to melt and run away down his shaft. Finally, though, she was riding him. Greg was shocked to realize that she was enjoying this ass-fucking more than he wasand he was loving it. Her left hand was in the middle of his chest, holding her steady as her right hand whipped her clit back and forth in a blur. She screamed out loud with the intensity of her orgasm, and her juices exploded out of her pussy to coat his belly. Her legs gave way, and Greg sat up to grab her so that she didn't fall off the bed. He pushed her onto her back with his cock still buried inside her and then he opened her legs wide. He fucked her ass hard, unbelievably aroused by the view of her empty, clutching pussy just above his pistoning shaft. I'm fucking my sister's ass! His mind practically screamed the filthy thought. "I'm going to come!" he gasped out. By that time, there was no way he could have stopped. They both cried out as his molten jism shot out to coat the insides of her well-fucked asshole. When that insane orgasm passed, he collapsed, gasping, onto her heaving chest. It took several minutes for them to regain their breath, and then they kissed each other lovingly. "That was fucking amazing," Kelly said. "I still can't believe you did that," he responded. "I need you to pull it out," she said softly, "I'm a little sore right now." "Oh, God! I'm so sorry!" he said. She lightly held his shoulders and smiled up at him. "It's okay," she said, "I'm just a little sensitive. Be gentle when you pull itoooh!there you go." She patted his cheek gently and kissed him again. Greg rolled to his side alongside her in the bed and he cradled her head in his arm. After the kiss, she gave him another lovely grin. "It looks like you'll need to go shopping again," she said. "Why is that?" he frowned back at her. "You need to go get some proper anal lubricant, little brother, so you can come back here and give your sister's asshole a nice, thorough fucking." The grin disappeared, and she gave him another quick kiss. "I'm serious, dammit! Go get that stuff now. I want to spend tonight with your cock buried in my tight little asshole. Is that alright with you?" "Yes, ma'am!" he said. He rose from the bed, his legs still shaking from the intensity of what they had just done. He could only imagine what they would do in the night ahead... Greg comprehended that it wouldn't just be that night, and that made him stop and turn to look at his sexy sister lying in the bed. She was his now, he realized. It would be this way every night for the next year. For pics visit ---->> https://bit.ly/2ReHUJI
Title: Stepdaughter Surprise Summary: An afternoon of sex takes a surprising and pleasant turn.  Keywords:inc,fic,erotic Life had been very good and very, very interesting for Todd ever since he'd gotten remarried. After 21 years of marriage he and his first wife had parted ways when it became apparent to both that neither of them had any interest in the other. Neither of them had been unfaithful, at least not that Todd knew of, but over the course of time they simply grew apart until eventually they were just two people living in the same house. The divorce was amicable and they tried to remain friends, but like their marriage that eventually died out as well. Todd spent about 6 months making up for lost time, dating and bedding as many women as he could. He thought that at his age he'd have trouble satisfying his desire for intimacy -- the last 10 years of his marriage had been devoid of sex of any kind -- but he was pleasantly surprised to find that there were more single women over the age of 40 out there who felt the same way he did than he thought. The internet helped greatly, and most of the women he had hooked up with were ones he'd met online. And that included his new wife, Linda. They had met in an online chat room, and the more they talked the more they discovered just exactly how much they had in common. Both of them were recently divorced, both of them were making up for lost time in the same way, and both of them had an extremely high sex drive. Linda had proven to be more adventurous and, for lack of a better word, kinky than Todd was, but that was okay with him. She was constantly surprising him in the bedroom and was the only woman he'd found who was able to keep up with his intense sexual appetite. He had always had a high sex drive, and he was elated that he'd finally found a woman who matched him perfectly in this regard. Linda, in turn, had introduced him to several of his fantasies and had tried things with him that he had always wanted to try but had never had the chance. She was big into roleplaying and had a very creative mind in that aspect, playing everything from a sexy secretary to a sexy maid and everything in between. She had also introduced the use of sex toys into their love life, something that would have absolutely revolted Todd's ex and had in fact revolted Linda's ex. She was very creative and very energetic, always wanting to try new things, and this only made Todd think they were a perfect match and made him love her more. Another thing they had in common was that they both had children from their previous marriage. Todd had a boy who had grown up and moved out on his own several years ago, and Linda had a daughter. At 19 she was younger than his son by several years, and unlike his son she was still living at home with her mother. At first Todd thought this was a little strange, but when Linda told him that she and her daughter, Emma (or "Em" for short) were very close and she just wasn't ready to move out yet, he still thought it was strange but he understood and accepted it. Linda had told him that Em was her best friend, and that they were very, very close and shared everything in life together. They had bonded like that when her ex-husband had become distant and started fooling around on her, and since Todd had bonded with his son in a similar manner when his marriage fell apart Todd understood and accepted it. Six months after they met Todd and Linda discovered that they had fallen in love with each other, and Todd asked her to marry him. She accepted immediately, much to Todd's delight, and they were married two months later. One of the first things they had talked about after he proposed was where they were going to live, and they both decided that they wanted a new place where neither of them had lived before to get a clean start. Linda also made it clear that Em was coming with her, and Todd was absolutely okay with that. Em was a sweet, beautiful young girl, and Todd liked her a lot. She was small, standing only 5'2" tall and weighing 114 pounds, with the most beautiful blue eyes he had ever seen. She had very long, luxurious brown hair that came all the way down to the top of her butt and was prone to wearing it in braids on either side of her head. She would also tie it in a ponytail on the back of her head and secure it with a big bow that always matched the color of the blouse she was wearing, and Todd thought this was very sexy. She had a very cute face with a pert nose and lips that were just right; she also had braces which was unusual for a girl of her age, but Todd thought it made her look even sexier in a "Lolita" kind of way. She was slender with a modest bustline; if Todd had to guess he would have guessed she was a "B" cup and no more. Her waist was tapered and her stomach flat, and her legs were shapely and very attractive. But the absolute best thing about her body was her butt. Not too big, not too small, perfectly formed, rounded and full, her butt drove Todd crazy. He had always been a boob man, which was one of the things that had attracted him to Linda who had a 36DD bust, but with Em he was willing to make an exception. She had the sexiest butt he had ever seen, and he never would have admitted it to Linda but he'd often wondered what those firm, rounded globes would feel like in his hands. The first time they went to the beach together after they were married and Todd got a look at her in a bikini, he had to struggle to keep from staring at her ass. The bikini was a thong which gave him an unobstructed view of her magnificent butt, and she drew admiring looks from every male on the beach when she dropped her robe and headed for the water. Todd watched her go, unaware that Linda was watching him. "She's got a nice ass, don't you think?" she said, catching him by surprise. He quickly turned away from the water and faced her, embarrassed at having been caught ogling his new stepdaughter's ass. "Damn, Linda, I'm so sorry," he said, unsure of what to say next. "I didn't mean to stare, really, I just...well, it was..." he stammered, not knowing what to say next. Linda laughed and touched him on the arm as she replied. "It's okay, Todd, really it is!" she said, smiling from behind her sunglasses and floppy beach hat. "I'm not offended and I'm certainly not mad! To tell the truth, I'd be upset if you didn't stare at her ass! She's an attractive, sexy young woman and I'm very proud of her! Hell, I'd kill to have an ass like that!" she said, smiling. She kissed him quickly on the lips and then went about setting up their blanket, and he stooped over to help, relieved that she wasn't mad at him. This was quite a relief to him at the time but it became a bigger relief shortly after that. After that trip to the beach Em had taken to wearing very short skirts and equally short shorts, showing off both her legs and her butt. She also took every opportunity to walk around in front of him, sometimes bending over in front of him and showcasing her assets to his approving eyes. Todd just figured her as being somewhat of a tease, something he was sure she got from her mother who had proven herself to be a Class "A" tease. Linda took every opportunity to showcase her big tits, wearing tight, low cut shirts, tight tank tops, and sometimes walking around in a bikini top that had just enough material in it to contain her huge mounds. Between Linda's big tits bouncing around the house and Em's legs and ass flexing in his face, Todd walked around in a near-constant state of arousal, his cock nearly always semi-erect. But Linda always took care of him, sating his appetite and satisfying his needs in every way she possibly could. One afternoon about a month after the beach trip he and Linda were in their bedroom engaged in some heavy foreplay that Todd knew was going to lead to some fantastic sex. He could always tell when Linda was especially horny by how she acted during foreplay, and all indicators today were that she was extremely horny. She had stripped out of her clothes as soon as the door closed behind him, and Todd had barely managed to get out of his before she pushed him down onto the big bed. She was all over him, licking and sucking every part of his body, her hands roaming all over him, grabbing, squeezing, and caressing his swollen cock and balls before she slid her mouth down onto his hard shaft and nearly sucked the life out of him. She gave the best blowjob he'd ever had, and today was no exception. But she didn't want him to cum that way today, so she stopped after just a few glorious minutes, lifting her head from Todd's swollen, throbbing cock. "I want to try something new today, baby!" she said, looking up at him from beneath his cock, her hand wrapped around the shaft as she pumped it slowly. The look in her eyes was pure desire, and Todd knew he was in for something special. "Are you game?" "I'm always game for anything you can cook up in that devious mind of yours, baby, you know that!" Todd replied. "What did you have in mind?" "Do you trust me, baby?" she asked, lowering her head a bit and looking up at him from beneath her eyebrows, her voice low and husky. Todd had seen that look before and knew that something very special was about to take place. "With my life," he replied. Linda smiled at his reply, one side of her mouth going up further than the other. 'Oh, boy,' Todd thought to himself, 'I know what that look means!' "Good! Now you just lay there, this will only take a minute!" she said, getting up from between his outstretched legs. She walked up the side of the bed to the head and bent over, her big, heavy breasts swaying with her movements. Todd looked up but couldn't see what she was doing. "Give me your hand," she said. Todd extended his hand to her; she took it and stretched it up towards the corner of the bed. She quickly fastened a leather cuff around his wrist, pulling the tether it was attached to tight to keep his arm in place. "Well, this should be interesting!" he said as Linda walked around the end of the bed to the other side. "You have no idea!" she replied, giving him that half-smile again and motioning for his other hand. He gave it to her and she cuffed his other wrist, again pulling the tether tight. Then she went down to the foot of the bed and secured his ankles in the same way. In no time at all he was tied spread-eagled down to the bed, his cock throbbing with excitement. She stood at the foot of the bed and looked at him for a moment, letting her eyes take in the sight of him tied down to the bed, his cock erect. "This is going to be such fun!" she said, looking him in the eyes. "I can hardly imagine what you're going to do to me, now that you have me all helpless and at your mercy like this!" he said, meaning it. He was both excited and a little scared at the same time; he had never allowed any woman to tie him up like this, a sign of just how much he trusted his new wife. "Oh, I'm not going to do anything to you!" Linda replied, turning and walking over to the chair against the wall facing the bed where she sat down and crossed her legs, placing her hands in her lap. "She is!" she said, nodding towards the door and smiling demurely. "'She'? 'She' who?" Todd said, his eyebrows furrowing with confusion. Then Todd heard the doorknob turn and the bedroom door opened; his mouth fell open at who walked into the room. "Hi, Daddy!" Em said, a big smile on her face. She was wearing only a pink bra with black lace trim and matching panties, a pair of black nylon thigh-high stockings on her legs and nothing else. She stood at the foot of the bed and looked down at him as he stared back up at her, totally speechless. She giggled when her eyes fell on his hard cock, her hand coming up to her mouth. "Wow, Mommy, you were right! He does have a big cock!" she said, smiling and looking Todd in the eyes as she spoke. "And you've really got him tied up good, don't you?" she said, looking at his arms and legs spread out and cuffed in place. "All for you, baby!" Linda replied, looking at Todd and smiling. "Linda, what the hell?" Todd asked in surprise, finally finding his voice. "You can't be serious!" "Oh, I'm serious, all right," she replied, still smiling. "And so is she!" Todd looked over at Em who was still standing at the foot of the bed, her hand up to her mouth, smiling. She spoke before he had a chance to say anything. "I've wanted to fuck you ever since I first saw you, Daddy!" she said, her voice soft and gentle. "And after hearing Mommy tell me all about your big cock and how good you were in bed, it just made me want you more!" "So I came up with this idea," Linda said. "You had already told me that one of your fantasies was to be tied down and fucked by a woman like this, so I decided to take advantage of that and kill two birds with one stone. Besides, I thought you might be a little, shall we say, resistant to the idea of fucking your new stepdaughter, so this seemed like the perfect solution!" "Wait a minute, what do you mean 'kill two birds with one stone'?" he asked. Linda's smile changed, a softer smile taking the place of the slightly wicked half-smile that had been there up until now. "I've never told you this, baby, but one of my fantasies has always been to watch you having sex with another woman," she said. "Really?" he asked, genuinely surprised. Linda nodded as she spoke again. "Really," she said, "and what better woman than my own daughter?" The wicked half-smile returned, and it made Todd's cock throb a bit harder. "I trust her, and besides, she gives the world's absolute best blowjob!" Todd looked over at Em, still standing at the foot of the bed with her hand to her mouth, still smiling, her eyes locked onto his throbbing cock. She glanced up at him for a moment, then looked back at his cock again. "Is that true?" Todd asked, and Em giggled as she nodded. "Yes, Daddy, it's true!" she said, taking her eyes off of his cock to look at him. "I'm very good at sucking cock, and I can't wait to suck yours!" she said. "When she gets her lips wrapped around your cock, you'll think you've been hooked up to a vacuum cleaner!" Linda said, smiling at her daughter. "At least, that's what I've been told!" she said, smiling at Todd. "Let me show you, Daddy," Em said, her voice low and seductive as she moved to the side of the bed. "Let me show you just what a good little cocksucker I am!" she said, sliding onto the bed next to him. She reached out and grasped his cock in her hand, wrapping her fingers around it and squeezing it firmly. "Your cock is so hard for me!" she said, smiling at him as she slowly pumped his cock. She bent down and kissed the tip with two soft, sucking kisses, then moved down between his outstretched legs. She lay down between his legs, her legs bent at the knees and her feet up in the air behind her, ankles crossed as she propped herself up on her elbows. She looked up at him past his cock and smiled at him, then kissed the underside of his cock in a series of soft kisses all the way from his balls up to the tip. Then she ran her soft, wet tongue around the head of his cock before she slipped her lips over and down around it. She slipped her mouth up and down the head of his cock several times, running the flat of her tongue along the sensitive underside, sucking gently as she moved. Her tongue piercing rubbed against the sensitive underside, making him shiver. She looked up at him and smiled around his cock, pumping the shaft with one hand and squeezing his balls with the other as she sucked on the head of his cock. "What do you think so far, baby?" Linda asked, "Is she good or what?" "She's good, I'll give you that!" Todd replied, looking over at Linda for a moment before looking back down at Em sucking on his cock. "Just wait until she really gets going," Linda said, "you ain't seen nothing yet!" Todd looked back down at Em as she continued working on the head of his cock. She glanced up at him briefly and then slid her mouth down onto his shaft slowly, taking his cock deeper and deeper into her mouth, moving her hand out of the way as she slid her mouth down onto him. She ran her tongue along the underside of his cock as she swallowed him, massaging and pulling on his balls with her other hand. She pushed her head down until she had engulfed his entire cock in her mouth, and he could feel her throat closing around the head of his cock as she swallowed around him. She held her head down for several moments, then slowly slid her mouth back up to the head of his cock, sucking on it as she did so. As soon as she got to the head of his cock she started back down, deepthroating him again. Todd watched in amazement as she deepthroated him over and over again, taking his entire cock into her mouth and down her throat with ease. Todd glanced over at Linda and saw that she was sitting back in the chair, one hand rubbing her mound and the other squeezing one of her big tits, her fingers pulling and tugging on the nipple. She was watching Em intently, and Todd could smell her musk as it began to fill the room. He looked back at Em as she slid her mouth back up his shaft, stopping when just the head was in her mouth. She looked up at him as she ran her tongue around the head of his cock again, and he could feel the nub of her piercing rubbing against the sensitive underside. "Let him have it, baby!" Linda said, her voice low and husky with desire. "Show him what you can do!" Em was still looking at Todd, but then she dropped her eyes back down as she slid her mouth down onto his cock until her lips were at his circumcision scar, wrapping her hand around the rest of his shaft and gripping it tightly. She looked back up at him, pausing for a moment, then winked at him before dropping her eyes back down to his cock and applying suction. She sucked on his cock hard, harder than Todd had ever experienced before, her cheeks hollowing in with the amount of suction she was applying. She ran her tongue against the underside of his cock, then began sliding her mouth up and down on his shaft, never going any further down than his circumcision scar and never releasing his cock from her mouth. She maintained the amount of suction she was applying to his cock, and after a few strokes of her mouth up and down on his cock she settled into a rhythm of sucking very hard on the way up and easing up a bit on the way down. She pumped his cock with her hand in time with her mouth, squeezing harder on the way up as if she was trying to pump the cum out of him. Which is exactly what she was trying to do. While she was pumping his shaft with her hand she was sucking on the first part of his cock as if it was a big soda straw, trying very hard to suck the cum from him so she could drink it down. She looked up at him as she sucked on him, milking his cock with her sucking mouth and hand, amazing Todd with the amount of suction she was applying. Linda was right, Em's mouth was like a vacuum cleaner, and he knew that he'd be cumming down her throat in no time if she kept this up. "Holy crap!" Todd exclaimed as Em continued sucking hard on his cock, "that's incredible! You keep that up and I'm gonna cum!" Em slipped her mouth from his cock with a soft 'pop,' then looked up at him and smiled. "That's the idea, Daddy," she said, pumping his cock with her hand as she spoke. "I want you to cum in my mouth so I can show it to you and then swallow it!" She smiled at him briefly before slipping her mouth down onto his cock again, picking right up where she left off. Todd gasped at the incredible suction she was applying. "Damn, that's amazing!" he said, watching Em work on his cock, her feet swaying in the air behind and above her. He looked over at Linda and saw that she still had one hand on her breast, but her other hand was moving as she slipped her fingers in and out of her own pussy. She looked up at him and smiled, her eyes glazed over with desire. "And she won't stop...aahhh!...until she gets...mmmm!...what she wants!" Linda gasped as she slipped another finger inside her sopping wet pussy. Then Em surprised him by sucking even harder, applying more suction to his cock, squeezing the shaft harder in her hand and pumping it a little bit faster. Todd moaned loudly at this, dropping his head back down onto the bed, straining at the restraints at his wrists as Em continued sucking on him. His breathing was faster now, his heart racing, as he felt the familiar twinge in his balls which signaled an impending orgasm. Em continued sliding her sucking mouth up and down on his cock, pumping the shaft with one hand while pulling and tugging on his balls with the other, her soft tongue running up and down the sensitive underside of the head of his cock. Todd felt his balls shift and his cock widen; he was getting ready to cum, and Em must have felt it as well. "MMMM-HMMMM! MMM-HMMMM! MMMM-HMMMM!" she moaned around his cock, urging him to cum. She looked up at him, her blue eyes sparkling, and kept her eyes on his as she sucked on his cock. This was the final straw, sending Todd over the edge. "MMMMM-mmmmmm!!" Em squealed around his cock as it exploded inside her wet, sucking mouth. Todd back arched and he strained against the cuffs holding his wrists and ankles, groaning loudly as his cock erupted. Em slipped her mouth down to his circumcision scar again and held it there, sucking on it like a straw and running her tongue up and down the sensitive underside while she pumped the cum from him with her hand, squeezing hard on the upstroke. She was milking the cum from him, and Todd was cumming harder than he'd ever cum before. His cock pulsed and pumped in her mouth, shooting stream after stream of hot, thick cum onto her tongue. She kept her eyes on him the entire time, genuinely enjoying what she was doing to him and proving that she was as good a cocksucker as she had said. "Oh my God, yes!" Linda moaned from her chair, rubbing her clit harder and faster as she watched Todd's cock pumping and pulsing at he came inside her daughter's mouth. Then she came, hard, throwing her head back and squeezing her eyes closed as her orgasm erupted, the waves of pleasure crashing through her body like a tidal wave. Todd was blissfully unaware of Linda's cumming as he was totally captivated by his own orgasm. After what seemed an eternity he felt the pumping of his cock begin to slow, and Em eased the suction she was applying just a bit. He opened his eyes and lifted his head to look at her and saw that she was looking at him as she drained the last bit of cum from his cock. Her blue eyes were sparkling as she took the last of his cum. "Mmmmmmm!" she moaned, smiling around his cock. When the pulsing of his cock finally stopped, Em slowly slid her mouth up his shaft and over the head of his cock, dragging her wet lips over it as she released it from her mouth. Keeping her mouth closed she squeezed his cock hard with her hand, pulling up towards the tip to get the very last bit of cum from him. A big drop of white cum appeared at the tip, and she slipped her lips over the tip to suck it into her mouth. Then she looked him in the eyes as she opened her mouth and showed him the cum on her tongue, smiling at the same time. She released his cock from her hand and held her hand out palm up under her mouth, then lowered her head a bit to let the cum drip from her mouth to the palm of her hand. It was the sexiest, most erotic thing Todd had ever seen, and he felt his cock throb in response. "Wow, you came a lot!" Em said, smiling. Then she lifted her palm to her mouth and sucked his cum back into her mouth, slurping softly as she did so. She opened her mouth again and rolled his cum around on her tongue, then closed her mouth and swallowed. She smiled and opened her mouth once more, showing him that it was now empty. "You taste good, Daddy!" she said, taking his still-hard cock in her hand and slowly pumping it. "That was incredible!" Todd gasped. He was panting for breath, a fine layer of sweat covering his body. "You should have seen it from here," Linda replied, her voice husky. Todd looked over at Linda and saw that she was slumping slightly in her chair, her legs wide open, one hand resting on her mound while the other was still cupping one of her big breasts. "I told you she was good!" she said, smiling. "He's still hard, Mommy!" Em said, looking at Todd's cock in her hand and smiling. "I told you he would be, baby!" Linda replied, sitting up in her chair. "I think I'm gonna fuck him now," Em said, smiling up at Todd as she slowly pumped his still-hard cock in her hand. "Would you like for me to fuck you, Daddy? Would you like to feel my tight little pussy wrapped around your big, hard cock?" she asked, giving him the same half-smile Linda had earlier. "I'd like that very much!" Todd replied, making Em smile. "Good! And this time when you cum, it's going to be inside my hungry little pussy instead of my mouth!" she said. She leaned forward and kissed the underside of the head of his cock, then got up from between his legs. She stepped off of the bed and stood next to it, keeping her eyes on his as she reached behind her and unfastened her bra. She let it drop to the floor, letting him see her naked tits for the first time. She was a full "B" cup, just enough to fill her hands when she ran her them up her body and cupped her breasts in her hands. Her areolas were small, much smaller than her mother's with a large, erect nipple in the center of each. She tweaked the nipples with her fingers as she spoke again. "Do you like my little tits, Daddy?" she asked, teasing him. "I know they're not as big as Mommy's, but I hope you like them anyway!" "I like them very much!" Todd replied, meaning it. Em giggled in response, then slid her hands down her body to her panties. She started to pull them down and then turned around, giving him a clear view of her ass. "I know you really like my ass, don't you, Daddy?" she said, looking back over her shoulder at him. She bent over to push her ass out at him as she slid the panties down over her ass, then she turned back around as she slid them down her legs and showed him her pussy for the first time. Her pubic hair was thick but fine, covering her mound but still letting the skin beneath show through. She had trimmed around it so that no hair showed around the edges of her panties or the bottom of her bathing suit, and Todd could see that her pussy lips were shaven smooth. She also had the biggest, meatiest set of pussy lips Todd had ever seen, and he found that it excited him to no end. She ran a hand down her stomach to her mound, rubbing her pussy with one hand while cupping and squeezing one of her breasts with the other. "I can't wait to fuck you, Daddy!" she said, her voice soft and sultry. "I can't wait to wrap my wet little pussy around your hard cock and ride you until you cum inside me!" she said, rubbing her pussy and squeezing her breasts. "Do it, baby," Linda urged, rubbing her own pussy as she spoke. "Let me see you fuck him and ride him until he cums!" "Yes, Mommy!" Em said, looking over at her mom and smiling. She climbed onto the bed and got into position over Todd, one knee on either side of his hips, her hands on the bed on either side of his chest for support. She looked down at him and smiled, her long hair hanging down around her face and falling onto his chest. "I'm going to fuck you now, Daddy, but there's something I want to do first!" she said softly. She lowered her head down and kissed him, her soft lips touching his and then parting, allowing her soft, lithe tongue to slip into his mouth and find his own. She lowered her hips down and rubbed her pussy up and down on the underside of his hard cock as she kissed him, and Todd could feel that she was already soaking wet. She pushed her tongue further into his mouth, deepening the kiss as she slid her wet pussy lips up and down on his shaft. He pushed back with his tongue, and she slid hers out of his mouth to let his slip into hers. As soon as his tongue was in her mouth she closed her lips around it and sucked hard, pulling it deeper into her mouth and sucking on it so hard that Todd thought she was going to pull it out by the roots. He could hear her breathing quicken as she sucked on his tongue, her pussy getting wetter and wetter by the moment as she slid it up and down on his shaft. By the time she released his tongue from the vacuum cleaner that was her mouth she was literally panting for breath. She looked at him and smiled sheepishly as she spoke. "Sorry, Daddy, sometimes I get a little carried away!" she said. "It's okay, Em, really," he replied, smiling back. "I'm going to fuck you now, Daddy," she said again, her voice a seductive whisper. She lifted her hips up as she reached down and grasped his cock, rubbing the head up and down between her slick outer lips before placing it at her opening. She pushed down immediately, her pussy swallowing up the head of his cock, and she closed her eyes and moaned as she placed her hand back on the bed for support. Her pussy was tight and very wet around the head of Todd's cock, and he moaned as she slid her pussy down onto his cock, slowly taking him inside her. The sensations of her tight, wet pussy enveloping his hard, throbbing cock inch by inch was unlike anything he'd ever felt before. She was hotter, wetter, and tighter than any woman he'd ever been with before, and he knew that if he hadn't cum already he'd be cumming in no time. "That's it, baby, take that hard cock all the way inside your tight little pussy!" Linda urged as she rubbed her mound with her hand. She loved watching her daughter fucking a man, and it was even more enjoyable watching her fuck Todd. She was very happy that Todd didn't put up much of a fight and seemed to be more than okay with having sex with his stepdaughter, and that was good because it was going to happen anyway whether he liked it or not. Linda and Em had already agreed to this, but it was good that Todd was going along with it. When Em had taken almost all of his cock inside her pussy she sat up, gasping as she pushed her hips down to take the last inch of his cock deep inside her. She was so wet that she was able to take his entire cock in one long, smooth movement, and now he was buried balls-deep inside the tightest pussy he'd ever felt. She put her hands on his abdomen for support as she slowly rotated her hips, grinding her pussy down on his cock. Her eyes were hooded and her mouth hanging open as she moved, and Todd could hear her breathing quicken. "Oh my God, Daddy, you feel so good!" she said breathlessly as she slowly ground her hips on his cock. Then she sat up and began moving her hips front to back, sliding her pussy up and down on his cock just a few inches while the rest of her body remained still. She slid her hands up her body and grabbed her tits in her hands, squeezing them as she rode his cock. "That's it, baby, that's it," Linda gasped from her chair, "Ride him, baby, ride that cock until he cums!" Todd looked over and saw that Linda had produced a dildo from somewhere and was now working it in and out of her pussy as she watched Em riding his cock. He looked back up at Em as she spoke. "You want me to ride you until you cum, Daddy?" Em breathed, squeezing her tits as she rode his cock. "You want me to ride you, milk you with my tight young pussy, make you cum inside me and fill me up with your hot cum?" she asked, pulling hard on her nipples. "Let me suck on your tits," Todd replied. Em smiled as she leaned over, bracing herself with her hands on the bed as she brought one of her tits to Todd's lips. She had to slide up on his cock to reach his mouth but was careful not to let it slip out of her. She gasped as his lips clamped onto one of her big nipples and he sucked hard, just as hard as she had sucked on his cock earlier. He felt her pussy clutch around his shaft as he did so. "Oh my God, yes!" Em gasped, "that feels so fucking good, Daddy!" She slid a hand under his head and pulled his mouth into her breast, urging him on. "Suck on my nipples, Daddy, suck on them hard!" she breathed. Todd sucked as hard as he could on the nub of her nipple in his mouth for a moment more, then moved over to the other nipple to repeat the process. Em moaned again as he did this, and he felt her pussy clutching at his cock. He also heard Linda moaning from her chair, but with Em's hair draped around his head he couldn't see anything even if he did turn his head to look. But he kept his lips locked onto Em's nipple, sucking it hard and flicking his tongue over it. After a few more moments of this Em sat back up, pulling her nipple from his mouth and sitting back down on his cock. Her nipples were hard and erect, slightly red from his sucking on them, and Em's mouth hung open as she started to move on his cock as before. "I want to make you cum, Daddy," she said, her voice husky with desire as she rode his cock, "I want to feel your cock pumping inside my tight little pussy as you fill me up with your cum!" "Keep that up and it won't be long!" Todd replied, watching her move on his shaft. Her pussy was hot, wet and very tight, and he knew it wouldn't be long before he was going to give her just what she wanted. "Oh, yes Daddy, yes!" she said, bringing her hand up to her mouth and smiling as she rode him harder and a little bit faster. "Fill me up, Daddy, give me that hot cum! Shoot your sperm deep into my pussy!" Em said as she squeezed his cock inside her. The room was filled with the squishy sounds of her pussy sliding up and down on his cock as she rode him harder, increasing the tempo of her hips moving on his cock. She put both hands on his abdomen and leaned forward, changing the direction of her hips from front to back to up and down, sliding her pussy up and down on his throbbing, aching cock in long, deep, and fast strokes. "Give it to me, Daddy! Give me that cum! I want every drop of it, so give it to me!" she moaned, looking into his eyes. Her own eyes were hooded and filled with desire, her mouth hanging open as she rode him hard and fast. Todd glanced over and saw that Linda was sitting back in her chair, her eyes locked on them as she moved the dildo in and out of her own pussy in time with Em's hips sliding up and down on his cock. Todd felt the first twinges of his quickly approaching orgasm and involuntarily tried to reach out and grab Em's tits, but his hands were held in place by the cuffs around them. Em giggled and continued sliding up and down on his cock, never taking her eyes from his as she smiled down at him. "Give it to me, Daddy!" she whispered, "give it to me now!" And he did just that. His orgasm hit hard, and he squeezed his eyes shut and groaned loudly as his cock erupted in a geyser of hot cum shooting deep inside Em's clutching, squeezing pussy. She cried out in delight as she felt his cock pumping stream after stream of thick cum into her waiting pussy. "Yes, Daddy, yes!" she cried, still moving on his cock. "Fill me up, fill me up with your cum! Make me cum, Daddy, make me CUUUMMMMM!" she cried, gasping loudly as her own orgasm hit. She shoved her hips down onto him hard as the first wave of her orgasm went crashing through her body, throwing her head back and closing her eyes tight as she came hard. She continued sliding up and down on his cock as their orgasms took control of them, and for the moment they were both lost in the feelings and sensations of the waves of pleasure crashing through them. Linda was having her own orgasm, her eyes locked onto her husband and daughter as they both came together, the dildo moving in and out of her as rapidly as she could stand it. She gritted her teeth and groaned as she rode out the intense orgasm, and when it was over it left her sweaty, panting, and drained. Todd and Em's orgasms were ending also, the motions of Em's hips slowing and finally stopping as her orgasm faded. She was gasping for breath, her body now also covered with a film of sweat, her nipples and pussy tingling. She felt the final spasm of Todd's cock inside her pussy as it spit the last of his second load into her, and she leaned back and smiled, bracing herself with her hands on the bed behind her. "Wow, Daddy, we came hard!" she said, grinning at him with his cock still trapped inside her. Todd lifted his head and looked down, seeing his shaft still inside her pussy, glistening with her juices. Then he looked past that at her face and saw her smile of delight, her blue eyes sparkling. "That's what you wanted, isn't it?" he asked, smiling back at her. "Yes, Daddy, that's what I wanted!" she replied, slowly rotating her hips around with his cock inside her. Then she lifted her hips up, slowly sliding her pussy from his cock until it slipped free and slapped wetly on his stomach. She reached down and rubbed her clit with one hand, then spread her lips open so he could watch as she pushed his cum out of her pussy to drip down onto his balls. He was surprised by just how much cum there was considering that this was the second time he'd cum in less than half an hour. "Wow, Daddy, that's a lot of cum!" Em said, giggling. "You really filled me up good, just like I wanted!" "Let me see!" Linda said, getting up from her chair. She wobbled a bit walking over to the bed but she made it without falling down. She looked down at the cum dripping out of Em's pussy and onto Todd's balls, then looked at Todd and smiled. "You did good, baby!" she said, turning to look at Em next. "Both of you did!" "Thank you, Mommy!" Em said, smiling as she sat up. She bent over and kissed Todd softly on the lips, briefly touching his tongue with hers. "Thank you, Daddy!" she said, holding her face just above his and smiling sweetly at him. "You're welcome, Em!" he said, smiling back. Then Em moved from on top of him and got up, standing on the other side of the bed from her mother. "Think we should turn him loose, or just leave him like that for a while?" Linda asked Em, crossing her arms under her big breasts as she spoke. She looked down at Todd as she continued. "Maybe leave him here for a bit, then come back and have our way with him again? What do you think?" "He's been a good boy -- a very good boy -- so I think we should turn him loose!" Em replied. "Besides, I don't think we're going to have to tie him down to get him to fuck me again!" she said, grinning down at Todd. "No, I don't think we will!" Linda said, reaching for the cuff around his ankle. Em reached for the other one, and a few moments after that he was free. Todd sat up in the bed and rubbed his wrists, then his ankles as Linda continued. "Not unless you want us to, that is," she said. "We'll see when the time comes, I guess!" he replied, getting up from the bed and standing in front of Linda. "You could have told me, you know," he said. "I'm going to go clean up and let you guys talk," Em said. "Not that Mommy won't tell me all about it later anyway!" she giggled, then picked up her bra and panties from the floor before leaving. "I wasn't sure how you would react," Linda said once Em was gone. "Besides, this way was a lot more fun, don't you think?" she said, smiling up at Todd. He wasn't mad, and that was a good thing. "How did she know that I liked her ass?" he asked, already knowing the answer but wanting to be sure anyway. "And how did she know what my cock looked like and that I could come twice back to back?" "I told you, baby, I share everything with her," Linda explained, running her hand along the side of his face. "And that includes you, and everything about you. Is that okay, baby?" she asked, looking up at him. He smiled at put her mind at ease. "It's just fine with me, Linda," Todd replied, bending over to give her a quick kiss. "I only have one question, though..." he started, but Linda anticipated the question and answered it before he could ask it. "Yes, she's on the pill," she said. "Thank you, baby," Todd said, kissing her again. He wrapped his arms around her and held her naked body against his, loving the feel of it. "How long before you can go again?" she asked, her voice slightly muffled by her head against his chest and his arms around here. "About an hour or so, I guess. Why?" Todd asked, his arms still around here. "Because you haven't fucked me yet, and I think I deserve it as much as Em does!" she replied, looking up at him and smiling. "Besides, if I know my daughter the way I think I do, she's going to want to fuck you at least one more time before the day is over!" "Maybe I'll fuck you both at the same time!" Todd said, smiling back at her. "Think you can handle both of us at the same time?" Linda asked. "Only one way to find out, huh?" he replied, making Linda laugh. "Yep, I guess so!" she replied. And later that evening he proved that he could, much to the surprise and delight of all three of them. For visit:---->>> https://cutt.ly/hwsMVhC
Title: Mom's Penis Treatment Pt. 01 Summary: A loving mother cares for her son's injured penis. Keywords: inc,fic This is a completely fictional story that depicts a sexual relationship between a mother and her adult son. If this does not appeal to you, please do not read. Nick had always been attracted to his mom, Connie. As far back as he can remember, he would notice little things about her body and her general appearance that gave him erections and enticed him to masturbate. In fact, the first time he masturbated was after he saw her in a new bathing suit. Her long, light brown hair, dark brown eyes, and curvaceous body always got Nick's attention. He loved how she would go braless whenever she was home for the day, which was most of the time. He would try to sneak peeks at her breasts as she went about her household chores. Her perfectly shaped C-cup breasts had large, long nipples that always seemed to show through the fabric of the thin, cotton shirts she was so fond of wearing. Nick also loved to watch her sexy hips sway as she walked. She enjoyed moving her hips as she danced around the house when she did her housework. Nick always enjoyed watching this. A round, plump butt, wide hips, skinny waist, beautiful, snow-white skin; there was nothing about his mom that didn't turn him on. Nick attributed his high sex drive to the influence his mother had upon him. He began playing with himself very early on in his life as he watched his mother display her hot body all over their home. His dad seemed to like it too, as Nick would frequently notice that they would disappear into their bedroom for an hour at a time during the weekend when his dad was home. The noises his mom made during these sessions made it obvious that his dad was making her very happy. He developed the habit of listening at the door for the sounds of panting, moaning, and other sexy noises while he stroked his cock. But all that was before his dad was caught with his secretary and their marriage became more or less one of convenience. At 19 years old, and without a girlfriend, Nick was masturbating three to five times per day on an active day and at least twice on an "off" day. Now that his summer break had just started from college, he was jacking off about five times per day while at home. Most of the time, the subject of his fantasies was his mom. Recently, Nick had taken to using olive oil to masturbate with. He needed some sort of lubricant because his cock was on the larger side, at least that's what his ex-girlfriends told him. He had personally measured a little over seven inches in length, but his girlfriends were most impressed by the circumference of his dick, which was an astounding seven inches as well. Looking at himself in the mirror, he looked like he had a big, fat, white piece of meat hanging between his legs. He liked how he looked naked. Olive oil worked at least as good as baby oil as a lubricant and he liked the smell better too. Due to his girth, he required a good deal of lubricant, with a high viscosity, that would allow for his hand to move as smoothly and as effortlessly as possible over his thick manhood. He had, on occasion, developed some chaffing, and cuts on his penis from lack of lubricant. Nick supposed he was pretty rough with himself whenever he masturbated, and he often had difficulty keeping his cock free from abrasions. He just got so excited thinking about his mom that he often became compelled to cum as fast as possible, which led to friction issues on his skin if he did not lubricate properly. Over this past week while he was home from school, Nick had been having an exceptionally difficult time. His mom had been wearing shorts that really clung to her ass and light-colored tank top shirts that revealed her nipples so clearly that Nick could see the coloring and shape of her areolas underneath. With his sexy mom wearing these revealing clothes, he was constantly making excuses to spend time with her. Helping with dishes, laundry, picking up the house, Nick was making himself very useful! These chores would usually end with him in his room with the door closed, jacking off. This only exacerbated the skin issue. Unfortunately, after several days of this, his dick had become swollen and he developed a kind of dermatitis as a result of his heavy-handed stroking using the olive oil. His mom certainly didn't help matters with her clothing preferences being on the inappropriately revealing side. He felt compelled to jack off even as his cock was injured and sore. Nick's penis finally became so bad, and his experience was so limited regarding skin conditions, that he finally needed to mention it to his mom. He needed professional help. "Mom, can I talk to you about something very personal?" Nick felt awkward even bringing up the subject. "Of course, Nicky, I'm your mother. There's nothing too personal. What's on your mind?" Connie stopped folding laundry and gave Nick her full attention. "It's very embarrassing, but I think I would be even more embarrassed asking Dad, so I guess I'll ask you." "Oh...Well, why don't you tell me and I'll let you know if it is something I can take care of or if your father will be better able to handle the problem?" His mom suggested. That sounded about right to Nick. He continued. "Well, the skin on my...penis...has become all red and swollen. There are cuts on it and it hurts." Nick was blushing a deep shade of red as he said this. "Oh! Um...okay. Hmm...how did that happen, Nicky?" His mom was clearly unprepared for the content of this discussion. Nick did not realize how embarrassing this conversation would actually be when he thought about sharing his painful condition with his mom. He could feel sweat beading on his forehead. "Okay, I'm just going to say it. I use a certain lotion on my penis to keep it from getting...dry, and I think my skin is having a reaction to it." "Oh, yes. I can understand that. We have very sensitive skin in our family, Nick. There are some lotions that have perfumes and dyes in them that cause me to break out too. Just stop using that particular lotion and I'm sure it will clear up." She smiled confidently and pat him on the knee. She was about to leave the room when Nick protested. "It has gotten too bad for that, Mom. It really hurts!" Nick was in pain even as he sat discussing his condition with his mom. "Will...it...help if I take a look at it? Or would you prefer your father?" Nick's mom hadn't seen her son's penis in probably eleven, twelve years. She was curious about it, but mostly to see how bad his condition actually was. "I don't know if I can wait for Dad to get home. I guess I'd better show you so I can get help right now." With that he reluctantly stood up in front of his mom who was seated in a chair at the kitchen table and pulled both his shorts and boxers down to his ankles. Nick's mom let out a soft gasp at the sight of her son's penis as it hung just a couple of feet away from her face. First of all, she noticed that it was remarkably fat, thick, chunky. Thicker than any penis she had ever seen (including her, albeit limited, experience with porn) So fat that she wanted to reach out and grab it. She felt an unexpected wetness in her crotch, and immediately found herself comparing her son's penis to that of his father's, which was about as long, but nowhere near as thick. She closed her eyes tightly for a moment in an effort to wash the comparison from her mind. Time to be a mom. Other than the size, it looked bad. It was swollen, some of the skin looked scabbed over, and there were folds of skin that seemed infected. Parts were red and angry looking. It looked painful. He was right. It was bad. "Um...well, it does look swollen and the skin is definitely in need of some medicine. It looks pretty bad, Nicky." Nick stood looking at his dick, which should have been rock hard, exposed for his mom like it was, but was instead was just hanging there looking like some chewed up dog toy. His mom went to the kitchen and looked for a number in her phone. She dialed, waited, and then began talking to what sounded like a doctor's office. In no time the mother and son were off to the dermatologist. ***** "Nick Sumner?" The nurse poked her head from around the door of the waiting room at Doctor Freeling's office. Nick got up nervously to follow the nurse. "Can you come with me, Mom?" "Sure! Are you certain you want me in there?" She was thrilled her son needed her at that moment. "Yes, if you don't mind." He replied. The nurse smiled and held the door open for Nick and his mother. After several minutes, the doctor entered the room and introduced himself. "So, Nick, looks like you've got a skin problem in the groin area?" Connie chimed in. "Yes, doctor, it looks like he has what I had a couple of years ago when I tried a new soap and I broke out in a rash. I think it was...contact dermatitis?" "Could be. Nick, why don't you stand up and pull your pants down, let me take a look." Nick dropped his shorts and underwear. The doctor held the penis in his glove-covered hand. He pushed the skin back and then dropped it. Nick was terrified that he would get an erection while the doctor was touching his dick and was relieved when he didn't. "It looks awful!" His mom added. "Yes, it's in pretty bad shape. Nick, have you been using any sort of new soap or different brand of lotion on your penis? I need to know the source of the irritation." Nick hung his head down in shame. "Olive oil." He muttered. There was a brief, awkward silence. "I'm sorry, son I didn't hear you." The doctor moved closer to Nick. "OLIVE OIL." Nick said a little louder than necessary this time. The doctor smiled, Nick's mom frowned. "Olive oil?!" The doctor repeated and wrote something in the folder he had opened up in his hands. "Nick, my boy, you put olive oil on salads, not on your penis!" The doctor shook his head and smiled, then laughed. Nick could have died from embarrassment. "Honey, why do you use olive oil?" asked his mom. "It's a long story. Does it really matter? Geeze." Nick replied defensively. Nick's mom was truly puzzled, but decided to spare her son the shame of further questioning in front of the doctor. The doctor wrote Nick a prescription, explained how to clean the affected area, and how to bandage it between cleaning and the application of the prescription. Nick's mom asked a few questions about the treatment and the two left. In the car, Nick's mom had a few questions for her son. "Nick, I still don't understand how your penis became so infected and inflamed and the rest of your body is fine. I also heard the doctor mention abrasions. How did that happen?" Nick's mom had not put the pieces of the puzzle that was his condition together yet. Nick was reminded that she tended to be a bit nave. "It's embarrassing, Mom. I used different lotions down there to...you know...relieve myself." Nick was dying. "Oh! Oh. Okay, okay. I understand. I'm so sorry!" It was now his mom's turn to blush. "See why this is so difficult?" Nick offered. "Yes, I get it. Well, let's get this prescription filled and get home to take care of your discomfort." Connie shook her head at her obtuseness. 'I should have known.' She thought. Nick and his mother picked up the prescription and also purchased ointment, pills, surgical gloves, gauze, medical tape, and some baking soda. Nick's mom stopped in the "Family Planning" section of the drug store where spermicides and condoms were kept. He saw that she picked up a few small bottles of something and moved to the check-out counter. Once home, his mom put everything on the counter, except the small bottles she picked up in the condom section. "Now, you have to clean out all the nooks, cracks, and creases on your penis with warm water and baking soda. Then let it dry and apply the ointment." Nick's mom filled his bathtub with warm water and added the required amount of baking soda. "Remember when I used to give you baths?" She turned and gave him an innocent smile. "Sort of. I mean, that was a long time ago, Mom." Nick sat on the toilet watching his mom and her fucking perfect body stir the bathwater to dissolve the baking soda. Her ass was moving from side-to-side, she was oozing sexuality...and here he was with a lame dick. When the water was a little less than halfway full, she turned it off. "Okay Nicky. Get in!" Connie was in Clara Barton mode. Playing nurse and taking care of her baby. It didn't even occur to her that he may feel uncomfortable getting naked in front of her. Nick couldn't believe the situation had escalated to this point, but he actually felt helpless and hurt and his dick did not feel stimulated despite the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to strip in front of his mom. "Thanks, Mom." Nick disrobed while his mom busied herself with the washcloths and the cream he would later need to treat his penis. Connie caught herself stealing glimpses of his impressive manhood as he stepped into the tub. It not only felt good to help her son, it excited her to be able to help him too! Nick felt immediate relief as his penis became submerged under the warm water solution. His mom had a wash cloth in her hand, which he thought she would hand to him. She instead squatted next to the tub and reached into the water with the cloth covering her hand. She grabbed his penis delicately and rolled the flaccid appendage in her palm pressing and rubbing the wash cloth into it. 'Wow! This is a very different feeling.' His mom thought to herself. 'His penis is incredibly thick and meaty; like a large muscle.' The tugging and dabbing actions served to remove the dead and unhealthy skin from his penis. Nick was in awe of the situation. It looked and felt surreal. He absolutely loved how his mom was helping him with his infection. It itched quite a bit, so it felt better when she used the wash cloth on it. He could tell it was helping his condition tremendously. "Wow, Mom! That really helps! Thank you!" It stung a good deal, like an open scrape, but it was good to finally be able to do something about it. Connie looked over at her son and smiled. 'Only a mother knows how to properly take care of her son,' she thought. After she thoroughly cleaned his penis, she had Nick stand up and then used a hand towel to gently dry his sore dick. Nick was finally getting some feeling back in it. His mom was now pulling and wiping it dry; really doing a number on it in an effort to dry it completely. He felt blood pump into it, and the familiar sensation of the beginning of an erection. 'Fuck!' I'm going to get hard right in her hand and she won't help me anymore. I'm going to scare her off! He thought. As his penis filled with blood and began to grow, his mom gave him a very strange look. She looked Nick right in his eyes and raised an eyebrow, but said nothing while she finished drying him. After he was dry, she put surgical gloves on and opened the tube of ointment. "Now, I am going to use this ointment and spread a thin coating over your entire...penis. It's important to work it into the cracks and skin. Try to stay still." With that command, she smoothed, rubbed, and massaged the entire length of his dick. From the top of his glans to the beginning of his scrotum. She drove her son fucking crazy applying the medication with so much touching. His cock was as hard as he had ever known it to be, which opened the wounds and cracks that were the result of his advanced dermatitis. He was both in intense pleasure and pain. His mom's beautiful face and light brown hair were but inches away from his thick cock. All his life he wanted exactly just such a sight to play out before his eyes, but the pain caused by the very actions that gave birth to his erection kept him from enjoying the experience. She was still rubbing his rock-hard dick. 'Damn!' he thought. 'She is relentless!' After what seemed an eternity, she finally took the gloves off and cut some strips of gauze. She gently wrapped the gauze around his cock and fastened it with a piece of medical tape. "When you need to urinate, carefully unwrap it completely. I can help you with that. It is important to keep it very, very clean." Nick had the feeling that his hard-on won't be leaving him for a very long time. ***** Connie had some chores to do before dinner and busied herself downstairs. When Nick's father, Allen, came home from work, Nick found it very interesting that his mom didn't tell him about his penis injury, the trip to the doctor, or the medication. Nick decided not to say anything just to see if his mom would eventually bring it up. She never did. Perhaps she didn't want his father to know. After dinner, Allen walked over to his friend's house to watch the Dodger game. Nick had to take his first piss since his mom applied the wrap. "Mom? Hey, Mom? I need to use the restroom. What should I do?" Connie had finished taking a shower and wore a tight cotton T-shirt without a bra and a clean pair of shorts, the kind that showed off her curvy ass. He could smell lotion on her. This is the mom that had turned him on for so many years. "Okay. I'll meet you in your bathroom." She turned and walked away. Nick made his way upstairs to his bathroom and stood in front of the toilet. He didn't even think about touching his penis himself. He wanted to obey whatever treatment plan his mom had in store for him. He felt it was more exciting that way. She was taking a very hands-on approach to his treatment and he didn't want to do anything to mess that up. Connie entered the bathroom with her surgical gloves on and had his medication, and other necessities in a shoe box. She got on her knees before her son and untied the drawstring on the sweatpants he was wearing. She pulled these gently to the ground and eased his boxers down as well. Just this simple act may have led Nick to ejaculate in his normal state, but he was too sore for that. Still, he felt his bandaged cock stir with arousal. She slowly and carefully unfastened the tape holding the bandage together and unwrapped his dick. Part of the wrapping had loosened quite a bit since she put it on when he was fully erect and now he was a good deal softer, though he was now stiffening as she tended to his bandages. Once the wrap was off, she looked closely at his penis. "Looks good. I think that baking soda bath really helped. We'll need to continue those." She held his penis with her right hand and pulled him a little closer to the toilet while maintaining her grip at the base. He was growing, becoming erect again. "Okay, whenever you're ready!" She announced. Nick was having a very difficult time trying to piss while his mom was holding his dick. He had to close his eyes to get started. After several moments, Nick sighed in relief as his urine began to flow. He really needed to go, but pissing while his cock was being held by his mom was turning him on. Nick began to release his full bladder into the toilet as his mom aimed his dick at the water in an effort to prevent too much spraying. It was a bizarre sight for Nick to behold. But he absolutely loved it. His semi-erect state made it difficult to accurately aim at the toilet. His mom had to readjust a few times. After after a few moments, his stream began to weaken to a few drops. "Are you done?" She asked. "Yeah." His mom grabbed the base of his penis and used a milking action to work the excess urine out of his shaft. She then shook it in the direction of the toilet to remove any lingering piss that might still be in his dick. She put a little more cream on her glove-covered hand and spread more all over his penis. After this she started the process of re-wrapping him. She began to talk to him as she was finishing up: "Do you remember when you were about ten years old and you used to run into our bed whenever there was the sound of thunder? You'd get so close to me and just tremble! You were such a momma's boy!" She smiled up at him as she continued to carefully wrap his penis with the gauze. "Yeah, I guess I've grown up, huh Mom?" She looked at his penis, probably longer than she meant to, then looked back up at him and said "I'll say!" His dick immediately grew harder in her hands as she finished the final piece of tape. She held it for a moment longer, just checking the fit. She took her gloves off and put the supplies under his sink. "What should I do when I have to take a leak after I go to bed?" "Just knock on my door. You know how soundly your father sleeps. Remember?" "Yes, I guess I do. I'm going to read for a while and go to bed." Nick kissed his mom and retired to his room. As he lay in his bed trying to go to sleep, Nick tossed and shifted his weight from his back to his sides trying to get comfortable. He couldn't. His cock was rock hard. He really felt like jacking off, but he knew that this would be an impossibility for a while. He couldn't get the image of his mom being all over his dick that day and he was dying to cum. He tried to calm his mind as his balls throbbed and ached. Eventually, he fell asleep fantasizing about his mom stroking his cock...only without the medication and the gauze. ***** Nick awoke with his usual 'morning wood' and needed to pee. He was naked all but for his boxers that he wore to bed. "Good morning, Nicky! How did you sleep?" His mom came bursting into his room in her light green shorts and yellow tank top looking as hot as ever. "Morning, Mom. I slept well...I slept a lot!" He yawned and scratched his head. He shuffled into the bathroom, his mom followed closely behind. Same routine as the day before, she knelt before him, unwrapped his penis, he pissed, she rewrapped it, took the gloves off, cleaned up. Nick was getting used to his mom "handling him" and found that he enjoyed it a great deal. After breakfast, Connie went to the store and ran some errands while Nick did some work online for a summer course he was taking during his break from school. It was lunchtime when Connie came home needing help with some groceries. "Has your father come home yet?" She asked. "Nope, haven't seen him." "He needed his dry cleaning for his trip he's taking. His flight leaves this evening." Nick remembered that his mom was always uneasy whenever his dad had to work late, or had to go out of town. He could see that she had lost respect for the man and that trust seemed to be an issue with the couple. About two years ago, Nick's mom dropped by Allan's office while he was working late. She had a bottle of wine and some take-out food and she thought she would surprise him with a romantic dinner at his office. When she unlocked the door to the building, she could hear the tell-tale sounds of love making. Connie's heart broke as she watched her beloved Allan fucking his twenty-two-year-old secretary on his desk. After confronting him that night, the two agreed to stay married until Nick had finished school and then go their separate ways. Allen's car pulled into the driveway as the two were finishing unloading the car. He went into the master bedroom to pack. Then came out for some lunch. "Nick, I'll need you to take the trash out and help your mom out while I'm gone." "You got it, Dad." He looked over at his mom who smiled at him. Allen said his good-byes after lunch and headed for the airport for his week-long trip. An hour later, Connie found her son upstairs playing a computer game. "Well?" She had her hands on her hips. "What?" Nick looked up. "You need to clean your injury. You need your daily bath." His mom turned and walked into his bathroom and started the water. She was kneeling with her sublime ass sticking up in the air again as she stirred the baking powder in the tub. Nick came in and took his T-shirt off and stood near the tub. He liked to watch her pull his dick out. When the water was ready, Connie turned to him and removed his shorts and underwear and then carefully unwrapped his penis. It was still rock hard. Nick stepped into the bath and stretched out. "That feels good." He relaxed and allowed the warm water to soak into his skin. Connie used a wash cloth to scrub his penis under the water. This time she used a little soap and washed between his legs and his scrotum. Nick loved the feeling of his mom's gentle hands on his balls, even if he only felt the wash cloth. After she was finished washing him, she went back to scrubbing his penis. She bent forward and was looking at it closely. "It is definitely looking better." She said as she was holding it and moving it up and down and from side to side. Nick was sitting in the tub mesmerized by his mother's actions. His dick had been hard the entire time and she held it like it was hers to hold. It was only about a foot or two away from her face most of the time when he was in the tub. He had to close his eyes just to keep from going crazy at the sight of his hot mother handling his dick in the bathtub. He could even feel her warm breath grazing his sensitive skin. "Here. Stand up." She had him standing in the tub while she went through her drying ritual. Then the application of medicine with the gloves, the wrapping, and off she went downstairs to busy herself with whatever. Now he was on the second day since his medication has been applied, he had been almost constantly hard. His mom's focus on his prick was ceaseless. Just knowing that she had taken it upon herself to personally handle his dick-healing regimen and that she was now touching his cock pretty much at will, was beyond even his wildest imagination. Once, while she was outside cutting some roses for the house, she called him outside. "Nick, how is your penis?" She stopped what she was doing, her tits were pushing hard against a white tank top. "Getting better." He reported. She surprised Nick by reaching out and pulling his shorts down exposing his penis. She looked at the wrapped member and back up at him. "I'll be in to bathe you in a few minutes." With that statement, Nick became hard again. It was obvious she was thinking about his dick quite a lot. This schedule repeated itself for the next two days. More dick washing, gloves, scrubbing, baths, wrapping, erections...always erections, pissing, no orgasms. Nick was getting seriously "backed up." Where once he was used to coming at least a few times per day, he now wasn't having any orgasms, and it had been five days since his last ejaculation. For Nick, that was a very long time. For those five long nights, Nick would stir in bed endlessly, desiring sleep, but overwhelmed by the intense aching in his balls. Each morning, he'd feel better, but still wake up with a heavy, hard cock. As far as his injury was concerned, he felt good today. His dick felt much better. As his mom was drawing his bath, he stripped before she had asked him to and was sitting naked on the toilet seat watching her ass poke up only a few feet from his naked body. Part of her ass cheeks were exposed as the material crept between her legs. Her hips and butt were shaking a little as she mixed the baking soda into the bath water. His dick was hard and standing straight out away from his body. She turned to take his clothes off. "Oh! Okay. I guess you're ready." She said looking down at his cock. This time, she only looked at his cock-and nothing else-and he saw that. It throbbed visibly, pulsing with his heartbeat. Nick got into the tub as usual, but today was different. His dick felt different. It felt fucking good. It was wide and thick and fat and hard and ready. Nick's mom reached her hand in, only something had changed. She scrubbed the raging, throbbing hard cock and examined it. She applied a little soap to it and his balls, she rolled his balls in her hands to wash them and then washed the soap off into the bath water. She grabbed his cock again and looked at it more. She was holding it far more than it needed to be held. It felt amazing and Nick was as hard and as horny as he had ever been in his life. Then, he realized what was different. She wasn't using a wash cloth. His mom's bare hands were all over his cock and balls rubbing and washing him, pressing his cock-flesh and stroking it as she cleaned, only without a washcloth. He felt like he was going to explode. She either didn't realize she was using her bare hands, or pretended like she didn't realize she was using bare hands. It was impossible for him to tell, other than she spent a lot more time touching him today than she did previously. Once finished, he stood up and she dried him off as usual. He had to adjust his stance due to his throbbing erection being too close to his mom's face. Connie reached for his cock and looked it over closely. "It's getting better!" She declared. She looked at it in awe. 'What a superb penis,' she thought. 'So thick, so wide, so heavy in my hands.' She felt proud that her son was so well hung. She had a difficult time thinking about anything else these days. When Connie began applying the medication on her hand, Nick noticed that she did not have her gloves on and was actually working the cream into his cock with her bare hands. There was something protective and appropriate about wearing the surgical gloves that was in stark contrast to what he felt when she did not have them on. This was an incredible turn on. It didn't feel medical at all. It felt sexual. Nick about lost it. His over-sensitive cock that hadn't had an orgasm for days was now being rubbed, pulled, stroked, and massaged by the sexiest woman in his life, and he was standing there pushing his cock out in front of his body letting her have it all in her hands. He swallowed hard, trying with all his effort to control himself. It was all he could do not to thrust his hips in time with the stroking motion her hands made on his shaft. Her expression was serious. She was focused and stared at the fat dick before her face. Her son's cock was throbbing and hot and pushing into her with every touch. She wasn't thinking about anything else except rubbing the ointment into her son's magnificent cock. Without realizing it, she had become mesmerized. It was quiet in the bathroom except for the sounds of Connie working on her son's erect penis. She gently, but firmly stroked him, massaging the ointment into his skin with her slick hands. Nick tried to think of anything to distract himself...baseball...what kind of workout he'd do later...Nothing helped. He could feel his balls tighten. Connie kept stroking him. He watched her small, gloveless hands moving over his cock. From above her, he could see her creamy breasts wobbling slightly as she handled him. Then it happened. She felt a stiffening, and a trembling coming from her son and then he nervously said "Moh-ah," but the words stuck as his voice broke. He felt cum rush up through his cock like a freight train. A thick burst of hot, white cum surged out of Nick's tip, splattering onto his mom's face and neck. She shrieked, but didn't recoil, keeping her grip on Nick's lotion-coated shaft. The first long stream was followed rapidly by several more thick jets. Connie waved her other hand helplessly. "Oh, God! Oh, God! Mom...no! Nick cried, unable to hold back as he unexpectedly had another explosive, unintentional orgasm. Cum shot out fast and hard, splattering his mother's face and neck and all over the front of her body. Nick came a lot...pulse after pulse of hot semen sprayed onto his mom and not a drop seemed to have missed her. His hot jism dripped down her neck and off of her face. After almost thirty seconds of ejaculating, his orgasm finally tapered. Connie sat there for a moment, feeling her son's hot cum oozing down her skin. Finally, she broke the silence. "Oh...my... God!... Nicky!... How could you?!" She cried, standing up and looking into the mirror. She was horrified to find her face, neck, chest, and the front of her shirt were speckled and lined with thick, teenage cum. One thick rope even trailed over her forehead and back into her hair. "What happened?!" she demanded. Her look was shocked, but not angry. Nick was dumbfounded, reeling from the intense orgasm, but unsure if he had ruined everything with his mom. He was embarrassed, but there was no denying the intense sexual energy that was present between them. It was an awesome orgasm. Easily the best he had ever had up to that time. He felt a strange pride in showing his mother how much pleasure she had given him. "I'm so, so sorry, Mom! It's just that I haven't been able to, you know, masturbate for so long that the stimulation caused me to ejaculate." Nick tried to be as medical as possible. He knew his mom didn't talk about sex and wasn't a flirtatious person. However, he also knew that she had a sexy side and seemed to enjoy wearing sexy clothes and physically teasing. He had no idea how she would react. The more Connie thought about what happened, the more excited she secretly became. She had never experienced anything like what just happened between her and her son. She had to make a very serious effort to keep from smiling. She was coming to the realization that her son found her sexually attractive to the point of having an uncontrollable ejaculation. She was also well aware of how turned on she had become over these past few days as she helped him take care of his beautiful, fat penis. She had no intention of allowing him to damage himself like that again! She said to him: "Well, I am not too pleased with having to clean my son's semen off of my face and clothes (She became wet after saying this...'what a strange thing to have to say!' she thought.), but I do understand. We will have to work around that issue for the time being. Maybe in the future you could tell me before something like that happens?" With that, she left the bathroom and went to change. Nick immediately thought 'Did she say '...in the future?' What the fuck!?' He picked up on Connie's slip. She had implied that her being present for another one of his ejaculations could happen again. Nick's head was spinning. He had always fantasized about having sex with his mother, but never would he actually take steps to try to see anything sexual happen between him and his mom. He thought it too risky. What happened today changed everything. He needed some time to think so he went to his room and began fantasizing about his mom. Connie had cleaned herself off and was lying down on her bed. She really didn't need to bathe him, or help him with going to the restroom any more. To suggest that she did would be awkward and could make Nick feel uncomfortable. She wanted to get at the core of the problem. The issue that caused his horrible case of dermatitis in the first place: His masturbation practices. She faulted herself and her husband for not having a "sex talk" when he was younger and wondered if they had, would his habits be more...normal today. She couldn't help but think about how his penis is far from normal. Connie made up her mind that she was going to talk to Nick about taking care of his penis. She even picked up a few small bottles of sexual lubricant when they were at the store several days ago that she could give to him to help. Nick had also been thinking about his sexuality. He concluded that for whatever reason, his mom was, at the very least, sexually curious about him. He was going to exploit that as much as possible. He changed into a pair of thin cotton basketball shorts, without wearing underwear. His penis was no longer going to be wrapped in gauze so he didn't have to worry about that. He didn't bother putting a shirt on. Connie was organizing a drawer in the kitchen. When he walked into the room. "Hey, Mom. Got any chores you need help with?" Connie looked up, then down, and back up at Nick taking note of the huge, fat bulge in his shorts. "You can be a big help to me by washing the windows in the dining area." She smiled. "Great!" Nick grabbed the squeegee from the garage and the cleaning supplies and headed outside. Connie could see every move Nick was making from where she was sitting in the kitchen. She watched her son squirt the windows and begin washing them. Her gaze was fully upon his cock. It was jiggling and moving as he used his torso. It could have easily been seen from thirty yards away it was so prominently displayed. She decided that she loved looking at it. 'Oh my God. What am I doing?' She thought as she caught herself staring at her son. She smiled and continued her task of removing old recipes from her stack and filing ones she wanted to keep in her recipe folder. Her eyes soon returned to Nick's bulge. She had the sudden urge to masturbate. Something she never did. Once again, she had to redirect her attention. Finally, she decided to work on dinner and began organizing what she would need. In the meantime, Nick had finished. "Great job, Honey!" His mom smiled and continued to cut vegetables for dinner. "I'm going to go up and take a shower. I'm all sweaty from the windows. Do you think that will be okay? My penis is feeling and looking a lot better." "Yes, that should be fine. Let me put the ointment on it a few more times to be sure it gets the right coverage and it is healing evenly, okay?" "You bet, Mom!" Nick winced at how enthusiastic he sounded. He needed to watch that. Nick's strategy was to avoid masturbating for a while longer and keep himself somewhat deprived so he would be more easily aroused and also so he would also have more semen available in case (when) there was another "accident." He loved coming all over his mom and wanted to see the sexy event replayed soon. Nick stroked his cock in the shower, the cuts and abrasions were nearly gone, but it was still a little sensitive. He used soap to lubricate it. He wanted to make sure that his mom saw him hard, or at least semi-hard all the time. He wasn't sure how long this was going to last so he needed to make the most of it. By the time he was finished with his shower, his mom was already in the bathroom with her box of medical supplies. "Ready?" She asked with a smile on her face. "Ready!" 'Damn! Too enthusiastic again,' he thought. Nick dried himself off and dropped the towel. He thought he could hear his mom give a sort of sigh when she looked at his exposed manhood. He stood before his mom with a hard cock waiting for her to apply the cream. Without saying a word, Connie got on her knees, and squeezed some ointment out onto her bare hand. Kneeling before her son, she wrapped her hands around his shaft, and began applying the ointment to his engorged penis. She spread it down his shaft first, taking great care to cover every inch of his skin. Once she was satisfied that she had covered the entire penis, she began rubbing it into his flesh. She used her thumb, index, and middle fingers of both hands for this. Then she switched to using her entire hand and squeezing the muscle harder than usual. When she was done, she remained on her knees and looked up at her son. "Nick, we need to talk about how you came to injure your penis so badly. I want you to know that this concerns me a great deal. If something like this were to happen at school, you would have serious health issues." The novelty of talking to his mom while she knelt before him, inches away from his stiff erection, had not lost any of its appeal for Nick. "I know, Mom. Thank you for helping me. If it had gotten more infected, I could have become very ill." "That's right. Now, tonight, after dinner, we need to talk more about what you can do to stay healthy." "Okay." Nick had some time to contemplate exactly what she could possibly have in mind. Needless to say, he was excited to get through dinner. Connie cooked vegetable lasagna for dinner, which Nick always loved. She poured two glasses of red wine for them (they eventually finished the bottle). Both mother and son were feeling relaxed and in a good mood. Nick was dressed in a white T-shirt and a different pair of gray shorts, again, no underwear. His cock had been hard most of the day and looked like it was mostly hard now, tucked in his shorts. He kept it in that state by rubbing it back to erect whenever he felt it go flaccid. He enjoyed watching his mom look at it, and she had been doing this very frequently. Connie had changed into a short nightshirt that barely covered her ass. The shirt did little to hide her thin thong or the fact that she was obviously not wearing a bra. This wasn't necessarily unusual for her, but considering the recent turn of events, contributed to Nick's desire for her. It also gave Nick a good deal to look at while she was discussing this issue of his penis. "Come, Nick, sit down with me and let's talk." Connie motioned to the sofa and loveseat in the living room. She turned on the table lamp near where she was sitting. "I want to talk to you about your injury to your penis. Can you help me understand how you came to damage the skin so badly?" Connie had a loving, yet serious look to her. Her beautiful, Audrey Hepburn-like facial features glowed in the soft light. Nick was not too enthusiastic about discussing his masturbation rituals with his mom, although he realized that there might be a small chance that this could lead to future sexual encounters with her so he decided to play along. "This isn't easy to talk about, Mom. You know, I have urges, lots of urges to...you know, to masturbate. I have tried masturbation with just my hands and nothing else, but that didn't work, it hurt, it gave me abrasions and cuts." Nick decided a sincere approach would work best to woo his mom. "I understand, Nicky. Continue please." "Okay. Well, I started experimenting with different lotions. I would borrow hand lotions from you, which you kept in the kitchen and bathroom. I would use them on me...while I masturbated. They were better than nothing, but they weren't slippery enough and ended up making my penis sticky." "I see." Connie was listening intently to what her son was saying. "One time I went to the grocery store and got some baby oil. That worked really well, except that the smell reminded me of babies and wasn't sexy enough for me." "They make different scents now." Connie added. "Yeah, I saw some the other day. Anyway, I knew I needed something to help me because of my size." Nick noticed his mom looked at his crotch when he shared this. His dick was hard and the bulge was impossible to ignore through his shorts. His mother stared for several seconds. "Anyway, I remember getting oil on my hands when I was helping you in the kitchen during Christmas and I had this thought that it might work as a good lubricant, so I took a small bottle of extra virgin olive oil back to school with me when I returned to college. It worked great! I liked the smell and it was slippery enough to make my hand slide over my penis without much friction." "Okay, Nick. So what happened, because the penis I saw several days ago was very damaged. It couldn't have just been the oil." "I don't know. I guess over time I became allergic to it, or maybe I was too rough. I don't know if there is a right way, or a wrong way, Mom. I just do what feels good at the time." Connie looked at his crotch again...still rock hard. "How often do you...do it?" She asked. "Usually between three and five times a day." He answered softly, knowing that was probably a lot in her mind. "Oh! That's...so you think about sex that often?" She asked, blushing. "I guess I do." He confessed. "Well, maybe we should look at your technique. That is, what you are actually doing when you masturbate. Why don't you show me how you do it...using a banana or something? I mean, I think you may be too rough on it. Maybe you're doing it wrong." Connie was genuinely curious. She actually wanted to see him demonstrate using his own penis, but did not want to ask for fear it would make him too uncomfortable. "Banana?! Seriously? No, it's not the same, Mom." Nick had a raging, throbbing, hot, hard-on now. He wasn't used to being so hard for such an extended period of time without relieving himself by jacking off. His cock was outlined by the gray fabric of his shorts leaving not much to the imagination. Connie was having a nearly impossible time trying not to stare at her son's giant erection. She knew he could see her looking at it, but she simply could not help herself. Now he was leaking pre-cum and the whole scene was driving her crazy. She could even smell the musky scent of his cum. "Well, I'll tell you what, why don't you show me how you do it, and I can give you my opinion about whether you are doing it right, or if you are too rough on it. I have seen your dad do it, maybe I can give you some pointers." Nick felt like he was going to cum in his shorts. 'Did my hot mom just suggest that I jack off in front of her? No fucking way!' Nick thought he had better follow his mom's suggestion or he may never get the chance again. "What should I use?" Nick's hands were at his sides, standing up in front of his mom, his full erection created a snake-like shape in his shorts. Connie had a difficult time trying to avert her eyes. "Wait here." Connie got up and nearly ran up to her room. A minute later, she returned with four small, clear bottles. She set them on the end table under the lamp. One bottle was coconut-scented baby oil, the other three seemed to be special, sexual lubricants. They looked like the bottles she got at the store a few days ago. "Oh. Where do you want me to show you?" "Why not in the kitchen? Just in case we...if something spills." Connie was excited and it showed, despite her efforts to act as if it were no big deal. She took the bottles into the kitchen and placed them on the table. "Okay, I guess." Nick's mind was a flurry of thought. 'What should I do? How should I do it? I can't believe this is happening! Fuck!' He thought. He was now in the kitchen. Connie had seated herself in a chair and was facing the open, tiled area toward the center of the kitchen itself. She had turned the bright florescent lights on. It was now brightly lit. Nick took a few steps toward his mom. He slowly pulled his shorts down. She watched as the veiny base of his thick shaft came into view, nestled in his short, wiry pubic hair. He slowly revealed inch after inch of his amazing penis, until the waistband caught on his wide head. Nick shifted slightly and his bare cock sprung free. It bobbed at eye-level with her. The bright kitchen lights made it look even bigger. Looking at her son's cock, Connie realized she was wet. Not just a little wet, but very wet...leaking wet. She could barely keep herself from squealing when she saw that Nick had no underwear on under his shorts. All of her touching and caring for her son's penis had created a sexual fascination on her part. She had come to love his penis, the feel of it, the naughty fatness that was so unique to it. She told herself she wanted to help her son, to prevent anything like this from happening ever again. Deep down she just wasn't ready for it to be healthy and out of her life. Nick thought he would narrate the process to give more of a step-by-step approach. He took a step closer, closing the distance between himself and his mom to about three feet. "First, I feel the urge. Usually, I have something to look at in order to focus my sexual feelings on, it hurries the process along." Nick looked around the room but found nothing. "Do you need a magazine or something?" Connie offered. "That might help." Nick answered. Connie got up and opened a drawer in the kitchen and pulled out a Victoria Secret catalogue. She felt his eyes on her the whole time. "How's this?" She smiled. "Uh...okay, I guess. It might work." He shrugged. Connie sat back down in her chair. She pulled her legs up to her chest and in doing so, exposed her ass and crotch to Nick as he stood right in front of her. Nick had an amazing view, much, much better than any lingerie magazine. His dick had been sticking out waiting for attention for several minutes, but was still rock hard. "After I see, or think of something that turns me on, I squirt some oil in my hands." He reached over and nervously fumbled with the baby oil bottle. He squeezed a good amount in his hand. His mother watched every motion he made as he filled his cupped hand with the oil. She was relieved to be able to stare at her son's sexy cock without feeling like she shouldn't be looking at it. She looked upon it without blinking, noticed every vein, every curve and wrinkle. Her mouth was salivating. "Next, I quickly pour more of the oil onto my penis and spread it around like this." Nick turned his hand over and poured the oil, then stroked it a few times slowly. He worked the oil into every square inch of his dick. The slick sound of his stroking his cock echoed in the large kitchen. Connie noticed that he wasn't looking at the Victoria Secret catalog at all, but was instead looking at her crotch! Her heart seemed to explode in her chest as she continued to watch her son stare at her as he stroked his penis. 'Oh my God! Is he attracted to me?!' She thought excitedly. She kept her legs up against her chest and subtly scooted her ass out a little. This caused the thong underwear she was wearing to crawl up her ass and further separate the lips of her pussy. She had intentionally given herself a wedgie and the course material of her thin thong nestled right against her throbbing clit. 'Fuck, I need to cum...' she thought. Nick noticed this, and continued with even more vigor. The greasy stroking sounds became more rapid. "Now I think about what it is that is turning me on and I imagine having sex with that woman." Nick's thick wad of a cock was a lot for even his own large hand to handle. His slow stroking was causing it to turn a darker shade of flesh-colored red. Connie noticed that he could not wrap his entire hand around it. "Then I stroke it faster and grip it harder." He was blatantly staring at his mom's nearly exposed pussy and asshole. She seemed to be pulling her legs toward her and pushing her lower body out. He could see the tight creases in the skin of her sphincter as the thin material of her thong barely covered her. He sensed that she was aware of his eyes staring at her crotch. Nick was furiously jacking off now. Pumping his hand up and down on his cock as he stood firmly planted right in front of his mom. He was making loud noises and began to breathe more rapidly. Connie couldn't believe how hard and fast her son was stroking his penis. He was giving it a rough, fast fucking with his muscular hand, which was almost a blur. She was hypnotized by it. She had never seen anything so sexy in all her life. It was extremely difficult for her to keep her hands off of her pussy and masturbate with him. She felt the urge to cum. Suddenly, Nick stopped jerking himself and thrust his cock out. Connie looked at his dark red cock head. It seemed to swell right before her eyes. "Oh...oh...Mom! I'm sorry!" "For wha..." Connie began, only to see a burst of white cum jump from his cock and fly straight at her face. "Oh!" she cried in response, closing her eyes just in time to feel the hot spunk splatter over her eyes, nose, and mouth. "Ahhh! Oh God!" He squeezed and yanked, stroked and pushed until no more semen was left. He purposely targeted his mom aiming straight at her pussy as best he could while his orgasm wracked his body. Connie felt the warm, clumpy semen hit her, covering the back of her legs, her pussy lips, thong, arms, and chest. She was surprised by his orgasm, seemed to laugh a little, then she put her legs down and smiled. A few tears came to her eyes. It was an incredibly emotional and intense experience. "Wow, Nick! That was really impressive! Let me clean off and I will share what I think." She didn't seem in the least bit angry. Nick watched his mom get up and go quickly to the guest bathroom in the hallway. He sat down, totally sated. The sight of his mom's crotch on display like that had given him an epic orgasm. Connie closed the bathroom door and took her night shirt off. She scraped the warm cum off of her legs and looked at her face in the mirror. She raised her cum-covered hand to her mouth and licked her son's semen off of it as if she was craving it, which, actually, she was. She savored the flavor of her own flesh and blood as she ate his sweet cum. She closed her eyes and exhaled deeply. "Good God, that was good." She whispered. She finished the job of cleaning herself with a washcloth and put her night shirt back on. She pressed her hand into her hot, moist pussy. It slipped in easily and Connie fucked herself briefly. After making her hand wet, she used it to rub her clit to a quick, intense climax. She bit her lip and stifled her moaning but could not remain standing. Her knees buckled and she fell against the bathroom door causing a loud 'thud.' She rolled to a kneel on the floor and enjoyed the warm glow of her own orgasm. She kneeled there catching her breath. 'That was intense.' She thought. Nick was sitting down where she had been. His dick was deflated, but not flaccid. There were drops and small puddles of cum still on the floor. As Connie returned to the kitchen, she thought he looked quite relaxed. "Nicky! That was crazy!" Connie was smiling, to Nick's relief. "My first thoughts are that you are a very sexual young man. You seem to have a high sex drive." "Thanks, Mom, I guess." "In fact, you are so into your masturbation that you are being too reckless, too hard on your penis." "You think so, Mom?" Nick was feeling embarrassed, but this was dissipating as he continued to speak with his mother. "Absolutely. You need to stop trying to have an orgasm so quickly, and instead, work on slowing down your pace and lengthening the time it takes you to achieve the orgasm." Nick listened intently. "Shoot for quality over quantity." She suggested. "I guess I can try it like you said next time." He offered. "Why don't we go to bed and try it again, more slowly, tomorrow?" Connie rubbed his back. "Good idea, Mom." Nick pulled his shorts back up and reached out to hug his mom. Connie hugged her son and relished how wet he had made her. She was giddy with lust and needed some more time alone to take care of her own needs more completely. One orgasm after that show simply would not do! She needed more. She and her son kissed on the lips, but unlike her normal one-second pecks, she pressed her lips fully against his and kept them there for six or seven seconds. She felt butterflies in her stomach as she broke off their kiss. Nick walked up to his room, lied down on his bed and fantasized about his mom. He tried jacking off again, but decided he should wait until tomorrow. He tossed and turned in his bed for a good while thinking about when he was going to jack off for his mom again. He felt like he did when he had a new girlfriend, only, there was something different about this. There was an unashamed feeling of love behind his lust. He loved his mother like, well, like his mom, but he also lusted after her like a hot college coed. It took him a good while to get to sleep that night. Connie went to her room and played with her wet pussy. She rubbed herself through three more back-to-back orgasms. As she lay on her back in the middle of the bed she wondered how far she was willing to take this fooling around with her son. She also wondered whether she would be able to stop herself from going too far, or if she even wanted to, or if there even was a 'too far' where her son was concerned. She too, like Nick, felt in love as well as in lust. She soon fell asleep fantasizing about when she would be able to see her son's beautiful cock again. to be continued.... For pics visit ---->> https://bit.ly/2ReHUJI
Title: Dad's Old Laptop Ch. 01 Summary: Fried computer starts a journey into incest. Keywords: inc,fic "Damnit, not again," I muttered under my breath as the headboard in the bedroom next to mine began to smack against the wall. That room was where Grandma and Grandpa slept. If they kept to their usual routine the banging would end in roughly ten minutes. Little consolation for a first year college student trying to finish up an important paper for school. What could I say; apparently even at sixty-three years old Gramps was still a horny old bastard. I couldn't blame him, at sixty-one, Grams was still a fine looking woman. The only thing that torked me off was this was the fifth time in four days that the sound of that stinking headboard had interrupted my studies. The worst part was it was only seven-fifteen in the morning! I'm all for sex, but damn, they're retired, couldn't they at least wait until bedtime to bump uglies? Or better yet, wait until I had left for school? Roughly eight minutes later I heard a couple of grunts and the incessant banging slowed down then stopped. Grandma and Grandpa Carver were Dad's parents and they were staying with us until the renovations on their house were complete. Dad had said that it shouldn't be more than a month before the work was finished. They had only been here four days and it already felt like two weeks, I could only imagine what it was going to feel like after a month. With my concentration ruined for now I decided to finish up later. I removed the flash drive that held all my notes and powered down my laptop. Throwing on my clothes I rushed out into the hallway and ran smack dab into Grandma. She was coming from the bathroom with her head pointing down and didn't see me. I instinctively wrapped my arms around her to prevent her from landing on her butt. Her tiny five foot four inches was no match to my six feet of lean hard muscles. "What the...? Russell Carver, you really should learn to slow down," she squealed, and then a puzzled look crossed her face as she noticed the odd stare I was giving her. I had let go of her and stepped back only to notice the robe she was wearing was untied and wide open. My eyes took in her ripe full breasts with less than the normal sag to them for a woman her age, before they swept down to observe the full bush of greyish-black pubic hair that covered her prominent mound. She had a small waist and soft wide hips that tapered down to strong firm legs. "Sorry Grandma," I stammered, my eyes locking onto the dark brown silver dollar sized areolas that topped her tits. It didn't take long for her to realize where I was looking. She glanced down and noticed the state of undress she was in. Swiftly she clutched the robe together as her face started turning all shades of red. "Oh my," she whispered sliding past me and scurrying toward her bedroom. "Hey Grandma," I called out. When she turned to look at me I added, "Lookin goooood!" "I can say the same thing to you," she snickered taking a quick glance at the front of my jeans before ducking into her room. I didn't have to look down to know that there was a bulge there, I could feel it. I got downstairs and went directly to the kitchen where I knew Mom would be. She was sitting at the bar that divided the dinning room and the kitchen proper. Perched on one of the two tall stools, one slippered foot on the floor the other wedge on the stools rungs, she was sipping her coffee with both hands on her cup. I took a moment to admire the toned shapely leg reaching the floor. Her floor length nightgown had a slit on both sides that went from her feet all the way up to the middle of her thighs. The bronze tan that covered her leg went nicely with the rich maroon color of her nightgown. Mom was what I called a Tan-O-Phile. She'd start working on her tan in very early spring, weather permitting, and wouldn't stop until it got too cold to lay by the pool. Even now, in late fall, I'd come home from school and catch her out by the pool sometimes. I didn't mind, at thirty-nine my Mother is a raven-haired beauty with a killer bod, and the swimsuits she wore covered only as much as they legally had to. After exchanging good mornings I snagged a bottle of water from the fridge, gave Mom a quick peck, and made my way out the front door. I was running late, Tom Crowley was parked at the curb waiting impatiently for me. Grandpa's voice coming from off to the side startled me. "Have a good day, Champ," he growled between puffs on his pipe. I glanced over and saw him sitting in the wicker chair on the porch sipping a steaming cup of coffee. I wanted to tell him to tone down the headboard activity, but I didn't think Grandpa Roy would take kindly to being lectured about his sex life by a nineteen year old. I just said thanks and went around Dad's car in the driveway and climbed into Tom's. It wasn't until half my day was gone before it dawned on me to wonder how Gramps had gotten dressed, poured a cup of coffee, and managed to be sitting on the porch in the short time it'd taking me to get downstairs. The rest of the day's classes made me forget all about it. My classes end early on Fridays so it was around one in the afternoon when I got home. Dropping my books on my bed, I changed into sweats and a t-shirt, and headed downstairs to raid the fridge. Grandma was washing out a few dishes in the sink and didn't hear me come up behind her. She had on a loose fitting tank top that drooped enough at the armholes for me to see the sides of her white bra if I looked hard enough. The stretch pants she had on hugged her small round rump provocatively and I couldn't resist giving it a little pat as I walked by her. She squealed and called me a masher causing us both to start laughing. One of the things I loved about her was her easygoing nature. She never seemed to take anything too serious. Another thing she liked to do was flirt with me. Just the other evening I was sitting on the couch watching the TV when she came into the room and plopped right down on my lap and planted a big wet one on my lips. When she pulled away she smushed my cheeks in her hands forcing my lips to pucker up like a fish's then asked, "How's my stud muffin of a Grandson doing?" I wasn't sure if that was funny or not, but Gramps, who was sitting on the other end of the couch had thought it was hilarious. It had taken him a full five minutes to stop laughing. After Grandma's soft ass left my lap, it had taken almost that long before the swelling in my groin had gone down. I think she really likes seeing how uncomfortable she could make me. "So Russ, did you get an eyeful this morning?" she chirped not missing a beat on what she was doing. "Truthfully Martha," I started playfully, using her given name, "What I saw this morning really should be in one of those men's magazines, so the whole world can see how stunning my Grandmother is." Her hands stopped moving in the sink and she turned her sparkling blue eyes in my direction. "You thought it looked that good huh?" "Without a doubt," I replied. "Hum, I guess I could make some extra money by posing for a girlie mag. The only trouble would be finding a photographer that I could trust," she remarked, looking up and to the side as if she were actually thinking about doing it. Unsure if she was still teasing me or not I blurted out, "I've been told I take good pictures, so if you want, I'll gladly volunteer for the job." "I'll keep that in mind," she laughed and turned her attention back to the sink. "Where's Mom?" I asked after tearing my eyes from the drooping armholes of her top. "It's a sunny afternoon, where do you think she is?" I took one last look at Grandma's fine ass, nasty little thoughts running amok in the back of my brain, and went out to the pool area. There was Mom, all five-foot nine inches of her stretched out on a lounger, the light brown bikini she was wearing blending in nicely with her bronzed skin. She had a huge brimmed hat pulled over her eyes and didn't see me coming. Being a typical horny teenager I took this opportunity to scope out the goods. Long slender legs crossed at the ankles, smooth flat stomach, and firm globes of tit flesh barely covered by the triangles of her suit greeted my eyes. Yep, Dad's one lucky fuck I told myself before faking a cough to announce my presence. "Hey sweetie, how was school today?" she asked pushing the hat back on her head and fixing her soft brown eyes on mine. "The usual, too many boring lectures and not enough time with the hands on stuff," I told her taking a seat on the lounger next to hers. I was taking computer science hoping to become a programmer so I could create my own games. This was a field that Mom had worked at for some time, before she developed a software package that garnered her enough money to say the hell with working. Now she worked on her tan and her physique. Dad enjoyed the thrill of making business deals too much to give up his job. I suspect that the occasional overseas assignments also appealed to him. When I had first started school I had planned to get my own place, probably sharing rent with one of my pals, but Mom had talked me out of it. She had said that I would be better off not having the burden of having to work part time to pay the rent. So here I was living at home with my parents, while my classmates partied and enjoyed their college experience. At least I was getting good grades, something Mom seemed proud of. "You know kiddo, you got to put the knowledge in the noggin before you can do what you want with the hands," she philosophized. "I suppose," I agreed, absently staring at the swell of her 38D chest as it rose and fell. I'd done enough laundry to know what size clothes my whole family wore. "Martha tells me that you got more of a look at her this morning than you should have," she said, a smile spreading on her full lips. "She told you about that?" "Yeah. She said she wasn't paying attention and walked right into you. So tell me Russ, how's the old gal holding up?" I saw the twinkle in her eye and knew she was just being silly. I played along. "To tell you the truth Mom, Grandma's got one fine body. That's probably why their headboard keeps banging against my wall every morning," I chuckled nervously. I hadn't wanted to add that last part, it just popped out. "I guess Roy still has some wood in the forest after all," Mom snickered. "Well if it's all the same, I'd rather he be sawing logs instead of planting trees at seven in the morning," I grumbled. "Are you sure it's seven? Roy's usually in the kitchen getting coffee by that time of the morning, I know, he gets me my first cup about that time," her brow knitted up as she asked. "I could be wrong about the time. All I know is they hump every morning right when I'm trying to cram in a quick study session," I told her nonchalantly. Laughing lightly she said, "They're not getting any younger, so be a dear and let them have their fun. It's only for a few more weeks." "Okay, I'll just put on headphones. Anything new on the home front?" I asked changing the subject. "Not much. Other than your Dad's upcoming trip this week, everything is honky-dory," she answered pulling the brim of the hat back over her eyes. "That's what, the fourth one this year? Where's he off to this time?" I asked not really giving a shit. It wasn't like I disliked Dad, we just didn't spend much time together. "Tokyo I believe," she murmured already back into her relaxed mode. I stood and was just about to walk away when I turned back to her and said, "Tans looking good Mom." "Thanks honey. Just wish I could get away with doing this without a swimsuit. Look how pale I am under it," she said, pushing the top of the patch of material covering her groin down a fraction to emphasize her point. "I wish you could too," I thought to myself as I stared at the small strip of white skin being revealed. As small as her bottoms were, if she had pushed them down any lower I was sure I would have been able to see if she shaved her snatch or not. I followed my boner back inside and went up to my room to pursue one of my favorite past times, porn surfing. I fired up my laptop before realizing that I didn't have anything to drink. A quick trip to the fridge and I was all set. Like a dumb ass I sat the opened bottle of water next to my computer. About six months ago my buddy Tom had turned me on to a site that featured a lot of mature women. It also had clips of mother-son incest, simulated of course. The more I watched, the more I became enamored with the idea of having sex with an older woman. My mind even went so far as to suggest Mom as a possible target of my desire. At first I was disgusted with myself for even thinking that. But then the idea began to grow in the back of my head. Soon I was jacking off to thoughts of Mom bending over and taking all eight inches of my cock into her warm pussy from behind. At five-nine, all she would have to do was lean over a little as I sidled up to her ass with a raging hard-on. I wouldn't have to bend my knees much to poke it up her tunnel. It wasn't long before I was engrossed in a video of an older woman devouring a stiff prick with her mouth, my hand down the front of my sweats pulling my rod. I had to pull the front of my sweats over my dick when it got to the point where I felt the stirrings of an approaching orgasm. The woman's face on the screen faded right before my eyes and was replaced with my Mother's. My cock got harder and jizz started squirting out the head of it. That's when Grandma decided to knock on my door. Panic-stricken I tried to stem the flow of spunk shooting out of my dick by placing my hand over the tip of it; at the same time I was trying to pull the sweats up over myself. Three things happened simultaneously. My hand got messy, my leg jerked out sending my foot against the desk rocking it, and the bottle of water tipped over and poured onto my keyboard. Sparks flew followed by a puff of smoke. I watched in horror as the screen flickered then went black. I jumped up, my hand still down in my pants, and screamed. "Fuck!" Grandma barged in shouting, "What's wrong, what's wrong?" "I just fried my computer," I mumbled staring absently at the wisps of smoke rising from my laptop. "Did you hurt yourself?" I heard her ask from far away. "No," I said, turning to see the strange look she had on her face. "Then why are you holding yourself?" she asked. "Huh? Oh, I was just scratching," I replied sheepishly when I realized she was looking at my crotch. I yanked my hand out of my sweats and hid it behind my back. "I see," she said, a knowing smile spreading on her lips. I was wiping the spooge off my hand onto the seat of my sweats when Mom joined the circus, wondering what was going on. She'd heard me clear out by the pool. Grandma excused herself while I explained to Mom how I had ruined my laptop. When I was through I could tell Mom wasn't too pleased with my carelessness. She did say that she'd get me a new one, but since Dad was leaving Sunday night she wouldn't be able to until Monday. She wanted to spend as much time with him as possible before he took off. She walked away before I could whine about the school assignment I'd just lost. I was just about through cleaning the gunk off my hand when Grandma reappeared. She was carrying a warm wet washcloth that she held out to me. She still had a grin on her face. "Here, you might need this," she said glancing down to the front of my sweats. Red faced I took it from her and looked down myself. The front of the grey sweats had a large wet spot on them. When I looked back up Grandma was gone. She hadn't even told me what she'd wanted in the first place. I closed my door and stripped, put on my robe and went to take a shower. After the shower I put on some cargo shorts, a t-shirt and went downstairs to mope. The rest of the day went by pretty fast. At six Dad came home, kissed Mom on the cheek and went upstairs to the master bedroom. He came down dressed in pajamas just in time for dinner. While we ate he droned on about his upcoming trip to Japan and how much money he would get if he closed the deal on time. He also informed us that he would be leaving tomorrow morning instead of Monday. Mom took it in stride, I didn't give a rat's ass, but Grandma seemed a little bummed out after she learned of his trip. "How do you handle having Frank gone so much Tammy?" Grandma asked Mom. "Don't you get lonely?" "I'm used to it Martha," Mom answered, clearly not overjoyed with the idea of Dad being gone. "Besides, I have Russ to keep me company." "Ah yes, we can't forget about young Russell here, now can we." As she spoke she glanced over at me with a strange look in her eyes. After the dishes were cleared Mom and Dad went upstairs while Grandma, Grandpa and I sat on the couch to watch a little TV. I wasn't too thrilled by how close Grandma was sitting next to me with Grandpa at the other end of the couch. I really got uncomfortable when she placed her hand on my thigh and told me what a hunk I'd grown up to be. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Grandpa glance over and smile. When she placed her other hand on his thigh I began to relax. A short time later Grandpa stood up and stretched. "I'm kind of beat, think I'll turn in Ma," he said bending down and giving Grandma a kiss on the forehead. "Okay Pa, I'll be up in a little while," she said. "You guys actually call each other Ma and Pa," I asked with a chuckle after he was gone. "Sure, and when you're old and married you and your wife will do the same, mark my words," she chuckled right back. "I seriously doubt that," I told her. "You'll see," she replied confidently, patting my thigh and settling her hand a little higher on my thigh. "You never did tell me what you wanted earlier Grandma," I reminded her. "Oh that. Your Grandpa and I are going to have our forty-third anniversary soon, and I was thinking about doing something special for the old goat. I was hoping you might be able to help me," she said shyly. "How can I help?" I asked. "Well, you said you were good at taking pictures. I was thinking of putting a small scrapbook of photos of me together for him to enjoy when I'm not at home." "What kind of photos are we talking about Grandma?" I asked my curiosity peaked. "Nothing obscene, just something sexy enough to get his motor racing is all. Interested?" "Just how sexy are we talking?" "Like the girlie magazine shots, only not quite so bold. I won't be naked if that's what you're worried about. I thought some of me posing in my nighties would do the trick," she said turning to gaze into my astonished eyes. "And you want me to take them?" I gulped. "Why not? Unless the idea of seeing me dressed in skimpy clothing is repulsive to you." "That's the problem Grams, I think it would be anything BUT repulsive," I said hoarsely. "If you're worried I'll notice you getting a chubby, like you did this morning, then don't. I was actually flattered. In any case, it might help me strike better poses knowing a young man such as yourself would find me attractive enough to get a hard-on," she quipped. "Grandma!" I hissed. "Oh relax honey. Just think about it okay? I promise not to make it too hard on you if you do help me," she said, her hand almost touching my crotch now. "How would we get away with it? What about Grandpa, won't he get suspicious if you were wearing your nightie in the middle of the day?" I inquired earnestly. "Let me worry about him. So, does that mean you'll help me?" "On one condition," I said, my voice dry. Smiling brightly she asked, "What condition?" "That you don't make fun of the baggy pants that I will definitely have to wear." "It's a deal," she told me, patting my thigh and grazing my growing bulge with the tips of her fingers. When I said I was going to bed she stood up too. After helping me lock up I followed her up the stairs, my eyes glued to her soft round butt as it jiggled in her stretch pants. By the time we reached the top my cock was as hard as a rock. She gave me a quick peck on the lips and said goodnight. I went into my room, shut the door softly behind me, and then jacked off into a wad of tissues like never before. The next morning I put on just pajama bottoms and a t-shirt and headed to the kitchen. I was halfway down the stairs before I realized something. The headboard next door hadn't banged against the wall today. Gramps must have been too tired I told myself as I made my way into the kitchen. Mom was sitting on the same stool as yesterday, wearing the same nightgown with the slits up the legs, and sipping her coffee. I did something I rarely did; I fixed myself a cup and sat on the stool next to hers. "Morning Mom, something wrong?" I asked seeing the troubled look on her face. "Morning Russ. No, nothings wrong, it's just your Dad can be pretty selfish sometimes." "Uh oh, what'd he do this time?" I asked reaching my hand up and stroking her back. As an answer she just shrugged and said forget about it. Mom and I are really close, and for her not to tell me what was bothering her meant only one thing. It had something to do with her sex life, about the only subject we hardly ever talked about. I took a stab in the dark. "Dad wouldn't put out last night huh?" "Russ!" she yelped and turned in her seat to look at me. "Well?" She laughed when she saw the blank look on my face and said, "If you must know, he hasn't put out, as you say, for over a week now." "Wow! Is he sick?" "What? No. He's not sick, why do you ask that?" "Because I can't imagine being married to you and not wanting to do you all the time," I told her, a big smile on my face. "Russell Carver, I can't believe you just said that to me. But thanks for the compliment honey, I needed it," she whispered. "You're welcome Mom. Besides I'm nineteen, and no virgin either, I know what married people do," I said hoping I wasn't going too far. "Well, since you're all grown up I don't suppose you could do me a favor could you?" she asked, touching my cheek gently with the tips of her fingers. "What's that Mom?" I asked, my mind flashing to the favor Grandma wanted. "Get me another cup of coffee, mister know-it-all," she laughed holding out her empty cup. "You know Mom," I said while handing her a full cup, "You could just march upstairs and demand Dad ravage you before he takes off." "That's a thought, only he's already gone," she replied wistfully. "Sorry," was all I could say as I sat back on my stool. "Don't be, you're not the one who left me high and dry." More like high and wet I told myself. I began rubbing her back again and she relaxed enough to make cooing sounds. That gave me a naughty idea. When I asked if she'd like a real back rub, she hesitated before answering. "I don't think that would be a good idea right now sweetie. I'm a little sensitive if you know what I mean." "Yeah, I know what you mean. Your horny," I chuckled. "You don't have to be so crude, but yeah I am. That's why I don't think it would be such a good idea to have your hands roaming over my body. That would just agitate me more than I already am," she explained. "Okay, but if you change your mind..." I let the idea trail off. "I'll let you know if I do," she snickered. "Do you think it'd be okay if I used Dad's computer in the office to re-do my paper for school?" I asked changing the subject. "I don't think that would be a good idea, he has a lot of important documents on it. I guess we could go get you a new laptop today since he's already gone." "Nah, but thanks anyway. It's too nice of a day, I wouldn't want you to miss out on all the sun," I said, hoping I wasn't sounding like a whinny kid. "You know, he does have an older laptop that he doesn't use anymore up in the attic. Why don't you see if you can use that until we get you a new one." "How old is it?" I asked, expecting her to say that it had Windows 95 or something like that on it. "It's really not that old. If I remember correctly it has XP on it, along with all the office stuff too. He only used it to store files of some sort on it that I know of. It should be in one of the boxes up there." "I'll go up there and see if I can find it, thanks Mom," I said hopping off my stool and heading up the stairs. At the far end of the upstairs hallway is a door that most people would've guessed to be a closet of some sort. But once you opened the door you would see steep stairs leading up to the attic. I flipped on the light switch just inside the door and was about to head up the stairs when Grandma called out to me. Glancing over my shoulder I saw her coming from her bedroom. She was in her robe and it was tightly tied in the middle. I could still see the swell of her chest bounce when she walked however. She asked what I was doing, and when I told her she offered to help. Before I could decline she slid past me and started up the stairs. She was more than halfway up before I started to climb too. I looked up just as she reached the top and noticed that I could see up her robe. She wasn't wearing any panties. I was slightly winded and half hard by the time I joined her. "So where should we look?" she asked. I looked around at the clutter of boxes. There were several stacks of them lining the wall to the right of the stairs, and a couple more boxes sat on top of an old desk that was pushed into one corner. How Dad had gotten the desk up here was anybody's guess. It had a flat top and wasn't very big, but still, to lug it up those stairs must have been a chore. Grandma said she'd start on one stack and I should start on another. Thirty minutes later, no laptop. I was just about to give up when I heard her gleefully call to me. She was pointing above the desk at a shelf that I hadn't noticed. "I think I see what you're looking for," she said happily clapping her hands together. I went over to stand beside her and gazed up. Whoever put up the shelf must not have wanted anyone to notice it. It was basically a square board sitting on a couple of two-by-fours jutting out from the wall. Sticking slightly over the edge I could see part of the plastic shell to a laptop. Quickly I cleared off the desk and was about to climb on top of it to reach the laptop when she grabbed my upper arm. "Maybe you should let me do that Russ. I don't think we should trust this old thing to hold your weight." There was genuine concern in her eyes. 'It'll be fine Grandma," I tried to reassure her, but she insisted so I gave in. Making a stirrup with my hands and bending over a little I watched as she stepped out of her slippers and put one bare foot into my hands. With her hand on my shoulder for balance I hoisted her up until she could step onto the desk. She glanced down at me and I was sure she saw where I was looking. She really did have a fine ass for someone her age; it was smooth and un-dimpled. "Make sure you hold on to me now, I wouldn't want to fall," she said turning away from me and looking up. "How am I supposed to hold you?" I asked, my eyes lingering on the portion of her butt I could see. "Grab my legs and keep me steady while I reach up and get it." Hesitantly I placed my hands on her legs just below her knees. She laughed and said I needed to grab higher if I want to keep her from falling. I slid my hands up to the middle of her thighs and she told me to go even higher. By the time she stopped saying higher, my hands were nearly on her hips and my thumbs were pressing into the bottom swell of her ass cheeks. When she reached up with both hands her robe rode up a little and gave me a view of most of her butt. I was even able to see between her legs slightly. Unfortunately the tangle of curly pubic hair kept me from being able to see her slit. "Got it!" she squealed, bringing it and the power cord attached to it down together. "Way to go Grandma," I joined in with equal glee. "Okay, I'm gonna turn around and squat down. When I'm ready reach under my arms and help me off the desk. Don't let go until I tell you to," she said, already starting to turn. With my arms up under her robe, my hands on her upper thighs, she slowly turned all the way around. As she did so my fingers caressed over her skin and brushed lightly against her pubic hair near the juncture of her thighs. Once she was all the way turned I noticed my arms had caused the bottom portion of her robe to open a little. I was staring straight up at her exposed hairy mound. Holding the laptop and cord to her chest she lowered herself into a squatting position with her knees parted. I looked down into the glory that was my Grandmother. There before my stunned eyes, her slit opened up revealing a rather large clit and sweet puffy pussy lips. She looked wet. My dick was instantly hard. I tore my eyes from this lovely sight and gazed up into her face. She wasn't smiling, but she didn't appear to be angry that I had seen her cunt either. The expression on her face was one I'd never seen before on a woman. "You like looking at your Grandma's pussy?" she gently asked, her eyes ablaze with what I could only describe as lust. "I...I...Oh Grandma it's beautiful," I stammered unable to stop myself from looking at it again. Sitting the laptop off to the side she put her ass on the desktop and leaned back onto her arms and hands. Without taking her eyes off my face she slid her feet apart and spread her knees wider. Her cunt opened up like a blossoming flower and showed me the pink wonders hiding between the fur-covered lips. "Would you like to touch it?" she practically purred. "Can I?" I croaked. "Of course. But only with your mouth, your hands are dirty from looking through these boxes." I was like a boy possessed. The fact that this was my Grandmother never entered my head as I lowered my mouth onto her cunt. Greedily I licked up and down her slit, probing her tunnel with my tongue as I went. My drool and spit mixed with her juices and coated my cheeks and chin with their slime. I pushed my mouth harder against her and hungrily devoured her tangy treat. Her ass began to buck as her head pivoted from side to side. "That's it boy! Eat my pussy! Eat your Granny's cunt," she hissed. Propping herself on one arm she brought her other hand to the back of my head and pushed my face even harder into her squashy slit. Her upward thrusts increased in force until I began to worry that I'd drown in between her hairy lips. Just when I thought my face couldn't take any more, her hips stopped bucking and she sat straight up with her legs dangling over the desk. I stood up and smeared the juices on my face with my hand. While I was doing that she leaned forward, took the waistband of my pajamas in her hand and pulled them down over my raging cock. Her fingers curled around my shaft and pulled me closer to the desk. "Do you want to stick this nice hard cock in your Grandma's pussy Russell?" "Oh God yes!" I blurted out. "Okay, but first I want you to spank my clit with this big piece of meat," she said, and then lay backwards and scooted her ass to the edge of the desk. She lifted her legs straight up and spread herself as wide as she could. I didn't need any more encouragement. I stepped forward until the front of my thighs were pressing against the swell of her butt and looked down at her erect clitoris sticking through the tangle of her bush. Holding the base of my throbbing cock with two fingers I began to bounce the swollen head off her bud. Harder and harder I smacked my cock against her engorged clit and watched her head roll back and forth faster and faster. "Yes! Yes! Fuck me now! Stick it in me now damnit," she demanded harshly. Sliding my inflamed cockhead over her clit I pushed it between her sloppy wet lips until I found the entrance to her steaming hot cunt. With no regard for finesse I pushed all eight inches of stiff dick into my Grandmother's pussy, stopping only when my balls felt the succulent soft cheeks of her ass. Immediately I began to hammer her cunt with my cock, the feel of her walls pulling at my shaft spurring me on to faster and harder strokes. The sound of my balls slapping her ass mixed with my groans and her mews of pleasure. "UNNNNNGGGGGGHHHHHHH!" she cried, throwing her hand over her mouth to muffle the scream. I felt her pussy clamp down and start to squeeze my shaft with alternating strength. It felt like her cunt walls were rippling as I plowed into her heat. Without warning my spunk shot out of me so hard that it splashed against the back of her pussy and rolled out along the shaft of my cock, before oozing down between her butt crack. "Grandma!" I groaned through gritted teeth as rope after rope of semen poured out of me. When the last spurt of spunk left me, so did the last ounce of energy I had. I slowly stepped back pulling my softening cock from her wet hole with a plop and sank to the floor on my butt. With the heat of passion fading fast, the realization of what we'd just done began to sink in. I lowered my face into my hands and began to tremble. Seconds later I felt a soft hand touch the back of my head. When I looked up I saw Grandma gazing down at me with love in her eyes and the warmest smile I'd ever seen. "Grandma I'm so sorry," I sniffled. "Hush now" she whispered squatting down next to me. Her knees opened up a little and the pungent smell of our mixed cream drifted up my nose. "I don't know what came over me," I moaned. "Did you enjoy yourself?" she quietly asked. "Yes." "Then don't be sad, you didn't do anything that I didn't want you too," she said, rising and then helping me to my feet. "But I...we...had sex. And what about Grandpa? What if he finds out?" I was almost in tears as I pulled up my pajamas. "You let me worry about your Grandpa. Everything's gonna be just fine, you'll see," she whispered lightly as she stroked my cheek. "I can't believe I fucked my own Grandmother," I mumbled to myself. "Believe it Russell. And I thank you for it too. Whew! You are definitely your father's son," she said as if she were talking to herself. "What do you mean by that Grandma?" I asked. "Oh nothing. Let's go get cleaned up, and don't forget the laptop," she replied already heading for the stairs, leaving drops of my juice on the floor as she went. to be continued.... pics---->> http://bit.ly/2jj3ShK
Title: She's My Best Friends Girl Summary: Two people in need, one just out of a relationship, the other pregnant and married to my best friend. Keywords: Fiction, Anal, Cheating, Cum Swallowing, Male/Female, Pregnant OK, a little background: My name is David, I'm 27 yrs old single and I continue to play the field. My best friend is Brad he is also 27 yrs old and his wife is Cindy, she is 26. Brad and I have known each other since high school so we go back at least 10 yrs and did the usual like hang out, drink, and chase girls. The girl chasing continued right on until about 5 yrs ago for Brad. Brad was dating Cindy then he decided to make it permanent and the were married about 3 yrs ago. We both knew Cindy from high school when her and Brad dated off and on. They split a few times back in the day but kept in loose contact for a few years then it got cranked up again and led to marriage. We all go back many years and know each other very well. I have went out with some of Cindy's friends back in school and since then. I had been dating Amy, a friend of Cindy's, and we were serious until recently. We all get together at one house or the other or go out, etc but that has slowed down some especially since Cindy is pregnant. Brad is a territorial manager and travels one week out of the month and Cindy works at a doctors office. I do inside sales for an equipment and parts distributor. I got a call Saturday around noon from Cindy. Brad is traveling and their air conditioner has quit and being July it didn't take long to get miserable. They know my experience with these things and didn't want to call just any repair contractor so she asked if I would mind checking it out. We help each other all the time, that's what friends are for so of course I head over there to see what I can do. Let me describe Cindy, she is about 5'9" and typically about 120 lbs with straight blond hair that reaches halfway down her back and she has crisp blue eyes and she has always been slender and lean. Oh yes, she is pretty. . She is about 6 months pregnant now (and may be 130 lbs now) so her belly is rounded out, her breasts and ass have increased in size. Not in a bad way either because as far as I'm concerned she looks a bit better and more defined to me. She always kept in shape, not that she works out but she is just a naturally slender woman and she watches what she eats so it's not like she has gained weight all over. She is a slender woman with a rounded belly. She has fresh clear smooth skin and needs no make up. Cindy answers the door and here she stands before me in her condition, drenched with sweat, a thin white top with small straps to hold it up and its clinging to her body, a pair of thin shorts and her long hair pulled back and fastened. Given her features I don't think a condition exists where she wouldn't still look good. "Thanks for coming", she said. "Not a problem", I said . I looked her up and down in a fashion like I was "checking her out" and I made sure she saw me doing it. "I look a mess", she said, putting one hand on her belly and the other wiping sweat from her brow. "I think your HOT", I said with a straight face. "Your just being kind.......... Oh DUH I got it", she said rolling her eyes up and laughing. We laughed then gave each other the obligatory hug. "Please fix the air", she said. I went about diagnosing the problem, I was back and forth between the outside and inside unit. I traced the problem and began working when Cindy came around offering me something to drink. It was hot so it didn't take long for me to be drenched in sweat and I was struggling to remove the motor given the tight conditions where it was placed. She insisted I come to the kitchen and take a break. She had a fan going so we sat at the table to cool off and I drank some tea. She expressed how much she appreciated me coming over and we talked how Brad wasn't very handy when it comes to things like this or even doing general things around the house even if he was here. It was true, he asked me to come over and fix a light, a switch, a door, or whatever. As we sat at the table and talked she asked me if I could look at the ceiling fan in their bedroom because it was making a noise. Being the jokester I am I tried to lighten things up. "Doesn't the fan block the view from the mirrors you guys have on the ceiling", I said with a smile. "Well you would know since you would have been the one to install the mirrors", she said. "Nah, I put myself in a pinhole camera when I was in the attic a couple months back", I said. "Well you haven't seen much action then", she said. "Don't shit me, you don't get pregnant by shaking hands", I responded. "Yeah, well maybe he doesn't find me attractive anymore", she said. "Unless he turned gay and blind I don't think so", I said. She looked down and just shook her head slightly and our amusement stopped. Something was wrong and she had a hard time hiding it. We all have always threw out the sexual inuendos and inquiries. I mean since we all have known each other there wasn't a conversation that wasn't laced with sexual overtures but I seemed to have hit a nerve then figured maybe it's hormones or something, I know moods can change during pregnancy. I asked if she was OK and I apologized if I crossed a line. She said it's fine then simply said that her and Brad hadn't been "close" lately. She still looked more away than at me as we continued to talk. We finished our drinks and I went back to work on the air. Finally freeing the motor I took it to where I worked to find a replacement. While I was on the way Brad called and I gave him the rundown of what happened and what I found and that I also found a small leak in their unit and I would fix that while I was there. He expressed the usual gratitude and said he would be back tomorrow afternoon and we would get together at some point, etc. I obtained what I needed and went back to their house to fix everything. While I worked Cindy would come by with a drink for me and check how things were going. I certainly didn't mind because I got to sneak in some looks at her. I'm the type that does plenty of looking, and wondering. I mean if a woman is HOT she just is, doesn't matter if she's your friends wife, girlfriend or your own girlfriends sister or her friends or whatever. I LOOK and wonder "what would it be like", you know ?. Maybe your not supposed to look and think those things but I do and I suspect more do then don't or they wouldn't even admit it to themselves. Cindy is very pretty and there is a hotness to SOME pregnant woman and she was one of them. Her pregnancy didn't diminish her attractivness and it even enhanced certain things. I finished up the motor installation, repaired the leak and finally cranked it up and ran through the checks. I went to the kitchen to sit in front of the fan and let the unit run so I could make sure it would operate fine. Being evening and the work was done Cindy offered me a beer and after a little bit we could start to feel the house cooling down. She was incredibly appreciative, saying I did a lot of work and she wanted to feed me so she ordered a pizza. While waiting for the pizza we went into the bedroom to check out the ceiling fan and I found the blades were just a little loose. While I was on the ladder tightening loose fan blades we began to joke around and the inuendos started up again. "So where is the camera you installed", she asked. "Above your side of the bed", I said. "You wouldn't want to look at me much lately", she said. I was finishing up the last of the blades and tightening a few other things and even replaced one of the light bulbs in the globe and I was about to come down the ladder. "How much are we going to owe you", she asked. "Ah, we'll just take it out in trade", I said looking down at her while holding a laugh. "Hell, I would be owing you", she said. She feigned half a smile as she said that and looked straight out like she had something on her mind. I have to admit, just the thought of it was getting me hard. I mean with all the inuendos thrown out among various people and groups there is always an element of want, need or desire in them. Hell, how naughty would that be anyway, your best friends wife, she's pregnant and gorgeous, he is out of town............... I mean they make movies on those woman's channels about stuff like this. The doorbell rang and we knew the pizza was here. She headed out to answer the door and I finished up, got my tools and put the ladder back in their garage and I cleaned up a bit in their washout sink since their laundry room is where you enter the garage. I got back to the kitchen, she had the pizza on the table and another beer waiting for me. "What were you doing out there", she said. "Oh, I was just changing the tape in the camera", I said with a big smile. She rolled her eyes and with a slight smile, "you will be bored to tears", she said. "That's what you think" I said. We ate pizza and she seemed to be looking off in the distance and thinking. When she did start talking it was about her friend Amy, who I was in a relationship with until recently. It had been a month since Amy and I split, well since Amy decided to split. She said that her and Amy "talked" and she hoped I wouldn't be mad about anything shared and wondered if I was OK. I acknowledged that it was a tender subject for me but I told her I know woman talk and that since I treated Amy good and that she never had any complaints I knew about so whatever they shared it didn't bother me. "Well she isn't going to make it long with the guy she's with, but he's "the bad boy", said Cindy as she shook her head in wonder. "I guess I'm just a nice guy, to nice huh", I asked. "There is nothing wrong with that, don't change a thing, she knows what a wonderful guy your are", she said. "Yeah, a lot of good it's done me, she still left me", I said. We talked about how all woman seem to want the bad boy then regret it afterwords and correlated that to how some men have strict criteria for the type of woman they want. The conversation melded into how people are superficial and what is the basis for attraction and is love real...........the conversation became very philosophical. Cindy said that Amy told her we had conversations like that but her and Brad didn't and she wished they did. She also affirmed that Amy had NO complaints, in any department of our relationship. I was washed with a flood of emotions as Cindy told me this. I sat there looking back on what once was along with the thought of rejection stemming from things that were just fine by most standards. Cindy noticed the change in my face and tone, she could tell I was hurt and she apologized but she was actually hoping to make me feel better by telling me it wasn't anything I did or didn't do, etc. In an attempt to alleviate any guilt she may have for bringing up the subject I said, "It's all right, I just think about it sometimes and I miss her and......things". I glanced at her, figuring she would get what I was referring to. It had been a month since I had sex so sitting here thinking of and talking about Amy made me long for "attention". The sexual inuendos helps confirm that you are still wanted, needed, attractive, viril, sexy, etc. I appreciated Cindy's sensitivity and the confirmation that I did things right in my relationship with Amy. These confirmations are not just a woman's domain, we all need it. Cindy looked at me, "I get what your saying, I understand BELIEVE ME", she said. "Things haven't been good", I asked. "I don't think he loves me anymore", she said as her eyes watered. I told her that was far from the truth and I assured her that Brad loves her and expressed how good of a person she is. I listed all her personality attributes. She retorted that all those things are great and the way it should be but that it means nothing to Brad. She feels that the physical attributes seemed to be more important to him and that Brad hasn't touched her since she just started to show and she feels he is repulsed by her. I know how he is and I expect she certainly does as well since I know there is some validity to what she feels. Brad has always liked his woman slender from head to toe and he is very explicit in his criteria. I wouldn't admit it to Cindy rather I tried to allay her fears and talked about other aspects concerning Brad. She countered that she wouldn't expect me to say anything different and that I was being a good friend by trying to back him up. She laid out the list of girls and woman he dated and she was right, there was no variation in the type. He ALWAYS went with slender, blond, blue eyes and between 5'7" and 5'9". On the other hand she listed all the girls and woman I went out with over the years and it was incredibly diverse in comparison. Be they tall, petite, blond, brunette, red head, slender, a little chunky, etc. She said either I was about the individual rather than hooked on one body type or I'm just not very discriminating and an opportunist. I told her I find beauty in many female forms and my interest is in conjunction with their character. I am a typical red blooded guy as well but I'm not a hound dog either. She said she knew that about me but had to throw jab at me but I did concede that opportunity is a somewhat of a factor but she knows I don't just poke and run. "I think Brad loves me but not ME", she said she said jabbing a finger at her heart. "Cindy, there are plenty of woman who fit the "criteria" but he married YOU", I said trying to make a point. "I know and your right but on the physical part I don't fit the mold anymore and so I feel he doesn't love me inside", she said. She was getting emotional and I was somewhat uncomfortable with her confiding in me. I didn't know if she was spilling her guts in an attempt to have me validate her concerns or convince her she was wrong about it all. I thought to myself that I need to inject some levity into the situation and try to sway the conversation elsewhere. "Cindy, I'm not a woman or a licensed bartender, you sure you want to discuss this with me", I said with a smile. She smiled and reached over and grab my hand and gave it a squeeze. "Your a friend and I know how easy you are to talk to", she said. I looked down as she withdrew her hand. It felt good, she had soft hands plus I haven't talked to anyone since Amy and I split and she understood. She knows me and she know Amy but there is something to sitting in front of and talking with a pretty woman that just warms things up. I was thinking crazy things in my head right now. I am hurt, lonely, and horny. I don't need to be in this state in this situation, I didn't need this aggravation. "We're kind of in the same boat", she said. I nodded my head slightly to affirm what she said. "I know it was more than that with you and Amy but.....it's been awhile huh", she asked. I drew in a breath and, "Yeah", I said as I looked down at the table. "Maybe we can help each other out", she said. My eyes immediately went from the table to her. She didn't have a smile on her face rather she looked at me and shrugged her shoulder as to express "why not". I didn't need this, I figured she would bust out laughing at any time but the continued silence along with the straight look on her face and my cock began to harden. I had thoughts racing through my head as I tried to interpret what she meant by that. Perhaps she means we can help my talking to each other about our issues or that she wants me to talk with Brad and she talk to Amy. I'm sure she doesn't mean her and I, me and her, that we should............... NAHHHHH. I decided it was time to lighten things up again so a little inuendo as a retort would be appropriate given my nature, that way I don't look stupid and presumptuous. Then I can get through this, go home and clean up then pound one off to clear my mind. "MMM baby, what did you have in mind", I said with a smile. "SEX", she said, still keeping that straight face. "Your not serious", I said as I continued my smile. She kept her straight face and didn't flinch. Either she had restraint she never had before when we joked around like this or she was dead serious. I was resigned to give in because the frustration was just to much for me. "Alright, what do you mean sex, sex with who", I asked with a smirk on my face instead of a smile. "Each other", she said, still no smile. I just looked at her with the same smirk as I explored her eyes, what I saw made the smirk disappear. Her eyes had the look of seriousness. I still thought that either she is throwing my inuendos back at me to teach me a lesson or something but either way I was ready to concede defeat. My need was desperate and this wasn't funny to me anymore. I drew in a breath, let it out and shook my head slightly as I spoke, "Cindy, don't play with me like that", I said. "Look, I need to have sex BAD. Brad hasn't so much as touched me in 3 months and I doubt he is going without", she said. I wanted to argue with her about whatever Brad may or may not be doing while at the same time I had empathy for her. I know Brad has his strict criteria but this is his wife and even though she is not the slender woman she was a few months back she is still a pretty and sensuous woman. I sat there amazed and thought how could he keep his hands off of her. I had thoughts in my head which I knew were driven by the lack of sex, the fact I always thought Cindy was HOT, that he is gone, that she needs it and to top it off this would be sooooo naughty and wrong. I wanted to have sex with her, I wanted it really bad and here is the opportunity. I knew I had to restrain myself but there is only so much a guy can take given certain situations. I didn't want to do the wrong thing but I was so weak and overcome with desire, I needed to have my cock buried in a warm wet pussy and I was willing to justify anything to satisfy that need. Still trying to remain calm and restrained I intended to ask her a series of questions to interpret her full desire and be ahead of any resulting fallout afterwords. "You really want to do this", I asked. "Yes. It doesn't have to mean anything, it can be just sex", she said. Now I have never been the one to just bang a woman and go nor have I been with a woman that is like that. The female body is like a work of art to me. Each one is different but share common elements that come together in may different forms and can be appreciated individually. I derive pleasure from exploring their bodies and when sex is between two people that really know each other then it seems to be more than just sex and this is a case in point. We have known each other a long time and as woman talk to each other about their "experiences" they have more information. Cindy has talked with Amy and I bet she has shared certain details plus Cindy seems to be a bit of an opportunist as well. I imagine she is justifying things in her mind being that she is blind with need just as I am............here I am justifying a wrong in my mind as I stared at her. "So what do you say, help each other out", she said, her eye brows raised in question. "One condition....No regrets", I said. I wanted it to be true and hoped it would be true but the potential for regret is obviously HUGE, we knew it. By satisfying a mutual need and not getting "attached" then perhaps regret can be averted but it's amazing what can flood into ones mind the instant after gratification. We figured if we can hold on to the appreciation of satisfying each other and kept as a secret between friends then we could have a fond memory for years to come. Without a word we each pushed back our chairs and stood up. I followed her to their guest bedroom. I walked through the door and stepped to the side of the bed and turned, she stood at the door looking at me then slowly closed it. There was still plenty of daylight outside and with the window blind down and closed the room was still bathed in light that filtered through the slats. She walked to the window and pulled the drapes closed in an attempt to darken the room some. She turned to look at me and said, "I'm a little modest", as she put a hand on her stomach. "You don't need to be", I said. She smiled and looked down then walked to the other side of the bed, turned and sat on the edge. "David, I really appreciate this", she said. I didn't know how to respond I mean what do you say "no problem, it's OK, think nothing of it", WHAT ?. I continued to stand as I began to take my shirt off as. She pulled her top off and removed her bra. I kept an eye on her to watch her movements to spot any hesitation that wasn't the result of modesty in leiu of a sudden change of mind. I removed my pants but kept my boxers on "just in case". As she remained seated she turned her head slightly to look in my direction then she removed her shorts and panties in one motion without standing up. "I'm shy", she said. "You don't need to be", I said. She kept her back to me then turned her head and body enough to look back at me. Her eyes went from mine to my boxers then back to my eyes. "Your shy", she said. "Nope", I said as I pulled down my boxers while I bent over then stood back up. Her eyes went wide as she looked at my cock then said, "oh my god". We looked at each other for several more seconds then I said, "you still want to do this". She nodded her head yes and I crawled up onto the middle of the bed and rested on my knees. She scooted back then laid down and turned on her side facing me and began to lean her head in towards me while reaching to grab my cock with her hand. "You don't have to do that", I said. "I want to", she said. I leaned over, moving my cock closer to her mouth and she took me in. She didn't just take me in she eagerly pulled me into her mouth trying to take as much as she could. I supported myself on one arm as I leaned over her head while I took my other hand and grabbed her hair. This cause her to take my in even more. She wanted me to force my cock into her mouth so I tightened my grip on her hair and pulled her head onto me as I thrust my hips to fuck her mouth. She loved the fact that I was like "forcing her" onto me, she wanted and needed to know that she could please. There was no doubt she was pleasing me as I let out an, OHHHHHHHH CINDY, IT FEELS GOOD, SUCK MY DICK. She was pent up with need and desire and made little, "mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm," noises as she worked hard to take on my dick. After a few minutes I just began to get that feeling and I didn't want to come, not yet anyway. I wanted her pussy, her pregnant pussy. I wanted to get as deep in her as I possibly could. I eased the grip on her hair as a signal that I was ready to proceed. She didn't stop at all, I was in heaven from the pleasure she was giving me as well as me looking down and seeing her pretty face as my dick stretched her sweet mouth. Her eyes were closed and she had no plan to stop. The cum started to rise towards it's exit as my breathing picked up. My eyes closed as I tried to concentrate on not cumming but my minds eye only contained the last thing I saw which was Cindy's sweet mouth stretched over my dick and all I could imagine was the cum spurting from into her mouth. "UH, UH, UH, UH, UH, CINDY YOUR GONNA MAKE ME CUM BABY. She increased the suction on my dick and began to let her tongue glide along the bottom of my shaft as she worked. I resigned to the fact that she wasn't going to stop until she made me cum. I grabbed her hair again and now concentrated on relieving my own pent up need. If she wanted me to cum in her mouth then that's what I was going to give her, as much as she could handle. My cum had risen all the way up my shaft now and I could feel some precum leak out as I squeezed my muscles closed. If I was going to cum then I wanted to cum big and hard with force. I let the pressure build as she continued to work. The more pressure that built the tighter I gripped her hair, the tighter my eyes closed. I was at the bursting point, "OHHHHHH", I moaned out as I began to lean my head back and I squeezed my muscles even tighter. I couldn't contain it anymore, I had to cum, I was about to cum in my friends wifes sweet mouth. Her expert sucking, her sweet face, the wrongness of it all was all I could take, "I'M CUMMMMMING", I roared. I relaxed my muscles and let out a loud, "UH", as an initial small squirt splashed into her mouth. Behind that initial spurt came a torrent of cum shooting from my dick, "UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH", I painfully shouted out. That huge flow of cum hurt just a little as It worked it way out. Now my cock muscles began to convulse as I moaned painful and relieving, "UHHH, UHHH, UHHH, UHHH as stream after stream of boiling hot pent up cum shot from my peehole and into Cindy's sweet mouth. Each time I shot into her mouth Cindy moaned, MMM, MMM, MMM, MMM as she tasted and swallowed my cum. I was almost in a trance as I just kept my grip on her hair with my eyes closed tight as she worked my shaft with her mouth. I snapped back to and released my rip when she pulled back and tongued my sensitive head. She pulled off and with her hand wrapped around my cock she applied pressure to her thumb and ran it under my shaft as she pulled her hand up my cock in an attempt to extract more cum. As she pulled my dick a glob of sticky cum bubbled up at my peehole. She place her mouth over my head to suck and tongue. She liked what she tasted as she loudly went, "MMMMMMM", as she extracted what was left. I was looking down at her and as she finished she pulled off of my dick and looked at me. I stroked her hair and looked at her while shaking my head and she spoke first. "I needed to do that and when we do it I want it to last", she said. I looked up and down her body as she laid there. "Your not turned off by my stomach", she asked. NO, your beautiful", I said. She smiled big, rolled over and oriented her body to the length of the bed. I moved over and laid down next to her. She truly did look beautiful. I laid on my side behind her but not scooting my body up to hers, there was a little bit of space between us. Not able to curb my natural tendencies I reached out and put my hand on her shoulder and ran down her arm and onto her side following the curve of her waist, hip and butt. I almost anticipated her to recoil as I did this because she may interpret my affection as attachment. She was my friend, she was my friends wife and I was not going to get attached but I do appreciate a woman's body and to ignore them after a session is just not in my nature. As I ran my hand along her butt, side and back she seemed relaxed and almost purred with a barely audible, "mmmmmmmmmm". She was receptive, I scooted up closer so I could feel her body against mine which allowed me to expand my reach. I wanted to feel her all over. I ran my hand over her waist then forward as I followed the curve of her pregnant belly. I was a bit surprised as she relaxed even more by letting out a breath, pushing her back against me and stretching her arm out in front of her. I moved my hand up to her breasts taking one in my hand and gently squeezing then continued to let my hand roam all over her smooth body . "oh my god this feels good.........I don't get this", she very softly said. Now I had a little worry about attachment from her. I don't have a clue what kind of attention Brad gives her even when she wasn't pregnant but I couldn't help it, she has a terrific body and her pregnancy didn't diminish a thing. "You mean you don't get this lately", I said. "NO, I mean I have NEVER gotten this", she said. "WHAT, I can't believe that", I said. "I'm telling you the truth", she said. I laid there thinking what the fuck is wrong with Brad, his wife is blazing hot and she has an all around pleasant personality. We laid there and talked and I could tell she didn't want to go on and on harping about her husband so I didn't inquire anymore but she talked about some things that Amy had told her and she acknowledged that she is experiencing things that Amy told her about me, everything from aggression to the size of my cock to the affection. I knew woman talked but Amy contributed more detail than what I thought but still wasn't sure how much. The talk of Amy, plus Cindy's hot body in front of me, the terrible wrong and secrecy of this whole thing plus what we had yet to do was getting me excited, again. As I laid there snugged up to Cindy my cock grew and it was applying pressure against her butt. With all my rubbing of her body I hadn't even touched her pussy. I ran my hand over her belly and down to her snatch. I couldn't get access like that so I ran my hand over her butt and into her crack. I followed it to her pussy and ran a finger in her slit. She was moist, but not enough. She pulled her legs up a little as I rubbed her slit and alternated by running a finger into her hole. She was TIGHT. I wanted my cock in that tight hole of hers so bad but I had to work it a little more. She leaned her back towards mine as her breathing picked while I continued to work then she let out a soft, "uhhhhhh" as her warm fluid greased my finger. I pushed myself up to my knees as she rolled over and got onto her knees and I positioned myself behind her. "Take your pick", she said. That let me know for sure that Amy told her everything. "How about some of each", I responded. "OH YESSSS", She said. I was really worked up now. As wrong as this whole thing is I figured we can't compound a wrong and if we're going to do it then let's really do it. With one hand holding my tool and the other on her hip I began to aimed my throbbing meat at her wet pregnant pussy. "Easy, it's been awhile and your huge", she said. The excitement of it had increased my heart rate and blurred my mind. All I wanted to do was shove it in and fuck her sweet little snatch but I had to control myself. I gently guided myself to her hole, my soft squishy head deformed as I applied a little pressure. She picked her head up and held a breath as her cunt lips parted with a creamy smacking sound and the flare of my head brushed past and was squeezed by the tightness of her neglected hole, I was IN and it was exquisite. She let out a breath. "Oh My God, Your So Tight", I moaned. I wanted to continue but as I pushed she tensed up, "EASY", she grunted. "Sorry", I said. "It's OK, it's been a while", she said. I pulled out slightly and started to gently go in and out to make sure her entry and my cock was being coated with her jizz then I pushed in to half my length and she let out a loud, "UH, UH, OHHHH", as I continued to saw in and out to half my length. After a few more strokes I pushed some more in which cause her to moan, "UHHH, UHHH, UHHH, DO IT DAVID, GIVE IT TO ME. I pulled back then pushed my entire length into her that caused her to let out a loud grunting "UHHHH" as I moaned out "OHHHHHH" in pleasure. I had a grip on her slender hips and begain to really fuck her pregnant pussy, her married pregnant pussy, my best friends wifes pregnant pussy, a hot tight pussy he has been neglecting. She moved with me and rocked her hips as I fucked into her. she moved while making grunting noises, she did need this, she wanted this, she loved this I pounded into her without any other thought than how dam hot and passionate she was being. I was going to satisfy her and myself. I was giving her what he should have been getting, what she needed and at this point I didn't feel the least bit bad about it. She was on all fours now with her head back and her belly hanging, "OH DAVID, THIS FEELS SOOO GOOD. I was fully enjoying this, her pussy was wet and tight and she had a need that I was going to satisfy. UH, UH, U, UH, OHHHHHH I REALLY NEEDED THIS BABY, she moaned. I had plenty of energy and thanks to her sucking the cum from my dick I wasn't going to blow anytime to soon. I ran a hand up and down her arched back as she breathed then panted as her cum flooded my hardened steel dick which was like a piston going in and out of her dripping hot cunt. I was fucking her hard and the muscles in my back and upper legs burned with fatigue. I wasn't about to quit or slow down, the burning in my muscles couldn't over come the pleasure my dick had from Cindy's hot,tight, married pussy nor could it stop the advance of the cum boiling out of my balls and rising like mercury up my shaft. I began to moan as I felt myself building to an eruption, "OH, OH, OH, OH, OH". Cindy started to grunt as she pushed back at me and rocked herself back and forth, she knew I was getting really close. "PLEASE CUM IN ME DAVID, I WANT TO FEEL YOU CUMMING IN MEEEEEEE. I was there but holding it, I intended to shoot hard and deep inside her. I was pounding away, my face was contorted with pleasure and pain, pain from holding back so much pressure, pain form my burning muscles and pleasure from the feel of her cunt gripping my shaft. It felt like my cock was swelling and if I didn't release soon it would bust wide open. With a final push I held deep inside her and "OHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I'M CUMMING INSIDE YOUUUUUUU", I roared as a blast of molten white hot lava burned her insides "I HAVE TO CUM, UH, UH, UH........OW !", she screamed out. As I pumped her I felt my cock washed in her scorching hot liquid then I shoved in deep, "AHHHHHHHHH", I yelled out, as another wave of boiling semen coated her insides. I was breathing heavily now from all the fucking and the climax as well as the tension of from every muscle in my body. I fucked in and out a few more strokes and pushed with an, "UHHHHHHHHHH", as another blast rocketed out of my dick, shooting deep inside her precious body "OH GOD DAVID, I FEEL YOU SHOOTING INSIDE MEEEEEE", she breathed out. I felt the pressure of our cum build inside her an it began to leak back out from around my cock. I pumped in and out a few strokes and my cum soaked cock made squishy noises as I worked. I was squeezing my muscles to expel any cum I had left. "OH CINDY, OH MY GOD, YOUR SO HOT, I NEVER CUM SO MUCH IN MY LIFE", I said as I huffed and puffed while trying catch my breath. I pulled out of her cum filled cunt and collapsed onto the bed. She slowly lowered herself down and onto her side facing me. We laid there in silence for a couple minutes breathing in the nice cool air. "That was amazing David, Amy didn't exaggerate", she said. I looked over at her, smiled then turned my head to look back up. "You two talked plenty I take it", I said. "OH YEAH we did. . I looked over at her and our eyes met. "David, I needed this, I really did. I thought I would go crazy without getting any, I was afraid of what I would do", she said I know the urge for sex can be very powerful and in pregnancy perhaps the urge increases, I don't know, but either way just doing without and/or being ignored can make people do things they normally wouldn't ?. "No regrets", I asked. I expected her to think about it but her response was immediate. "NONE....and you", she asked, looking at me with raised eye brows. "NOPE, I should feel bad............I feel bad for NOT feeling bad", I said with a smile on my face. We laughed then she looked away and I did as well. We laid there in silence for a little bit as our thoughts caught up then Cindy started to talk about Amy. She told me some of the details she divulged and various other things they discussed. I was somewhat annoyed at the level of detail that Amy conveyed. No that any of it was bad actually it was all positive but just the thought she may blab her mouth to someone else, I guess it was just the principle of the thing. I didn't mind she was so detailed with Cindy but hoped she is a bit more discreet going forward. Cindy asked if the things Amy told her plus what we have done (and still yet to do) would change things between all of us. I felt it was time for some more levity so told her I've been removing her clothes with my eyes for years anyway so I won't look at her any differently plus I had wondered what it would be like to have sex with her and now my curiosity is filled. We laughed but of course there was some seriousness to her question. I told her that I won't be able to help but think back on this and plan to have fond memories. When we are around each other it will be like it always has been. I told her she is my best friends wife and we needed each other and this is strictly between her and me forever, PERIOD !. I looked directly in her eyes for confirmation, worried she may feel compelled to use this has an axe on Brad sometime in the future. She promised that it would remain our secret to infinity and planned to think back on this in a positive fashion and that her curiosities are now satisfied as well, we both laughed. We both agreed there are no attachments but of course there is an attraction, hell there always has been but of course you don't normally do anything about it. "Listen, we can't right a wrong that has been done so there is no harm in............. expanding on it a little more, is there", she asked. "What do you have in mind", I asked. "Something that Amy told me about", she said. I laid there thinking for a minute. Amy told her so many things then it hit me. "OHHHH, you mean........", I said as I picked my head up with raised eyes brows as I looked over her hip to her butt. "Uh Huh, I love it "back there" but hardly ever get it", she said. She was right, we can't undo a wrong already committed and this was "just sex" for both of us. We wanted and needed satisfaction and we were prepared to get it. I think both of us could justify about anything in our minds right now. I was getting ready to speak but she beat me to it. "David, we're way past the point of return, I want to experience...........EVERYTHING", she said. "You and me both",I said We laid there for few minutes and I was wondering how she may "want it", given her condition. As tight as her pussy is as compared to the size of my cock she was going to have a hard time taking it in her ass. I have been in a situations where one woman really wanted to and others who "allowed" it. Cindy was willing, very willing in fact, and that helps a lot. This was going to be good, I wanted to fuck her tight ass as much as I did her pregnant pussy, her married pregnant pussy. She rolled over with her back to me and I instantly scooted up behind her. "It's easier for me when I lay on my side, as big as you are I'll need everything easy I can get", she said. We laid snuggled up for several minutes as I explored her body. I squeezed her tits, ran my hand over her belly, over her hip and squeezed her butt. I wanted to relax her, which it did but I also wanted to feel her precious body. She raised a leg up as I rubbed down her butt and began to finger her cunt. "Put it in my pussy first, OK", she asked. I guided my cock to her waiting cunt and slid in, she was very wet with jizz and goo from our previous session. She was tight and my large cock was stretching her causing her to catch a breath as I buried myself inside her. After a couple minutes of fucking her cunt I pulled out. I fingered her a bit then rubbed some of our mixture onto her to lube things up as best as possible. I grabbed my shaft and positioned myself. "Cindy, you ready", I asked. "YES", she said. She didn't seem nervous at. I held my cock firm in my hand and pressed into her little puckered brown hole, she instinctively tensed up. With my tool firmly in my grip and my other hand on her shoulder I pushed the head in and stopped as her anus snapped tight. "OHHHH CINDY, IT FEELS GOOD", I moaned out. After a few seconds I pushed and her reflex held me out, I wasn't making any ground and I desperately wanted as much cock in her as fast as I could get it in. I hadn't worked any at all but the excitement and anticipation caused my breathing to be labored. I gripped her shoulder tighter and held my shaft as I applied more pressure. My cock began to spread her tight hole open, making sticky smack type noises as it pushed it's way through. She really tensed up from the intrusion, she arched her back out and pulled her hips in a little and she moved her arm back and put a hand on my hip pushing against me. I let go of my cock since I was in and I put it on her hip to hold her in position and increased the force. "easy David, easy, easy", she said in a breathless voice. I stopped pushing for a few seconds then began an in and out motion. Every time I pushed in she tensed and pulled her hips forward. I was getting very excited and began to speed up a little. I tightened the grip on her shoulder and hip again and began to fuck a little harder and push more cock into her tight brownie hole. I was breathing harder now from the stimulation and she grunted under her breath as I continued to assault her asshole. As I worked in and out for a minute there was a rhythm and she relaxed. I was almost halfway in and she was enjoying it as she breathlessly kept going, "oh, oh, oh, uh huh, uh huh. I was getting crazy, as good as this felt I wanted to be balls deep into her. As I fucked in and out I heaved and pushed in to half my length, "UHHHHHH, OH MY GOD", she screamed as she tightened up. "It's alright, relax just relax", I said as I rubbed her back. "How much to you have in me", she asked. "Just half", I said. JESUS CHRIST THAT'S ALL, feels like you have the whole thing in me",she said. I continued to fuck her incredibly tight brown hole while it was squeezing my dick so hard I thought she would choke off my blood supply. Our breathing was labored now, mine from working and stimulation and hers from tensed muscles and from her own excitement. Things began to loosen up as I moved in and out of her and she relaxed some more and just when I thought this would be all there is I was surprised by what she said next. "Give it to me David, give it all to me", she said. I gripped her hip and ran my other hand back up to her shoulder and picked up the pace. After a few strokes I pushed and she let out a short scream. I continued to fuck her hot little ass and again heaved in as I buried a little more cock into her butt. With a final push she screamed "OH, OH, OH, OHHHHHH MYYY GODDDDDD". I was in, I was finally in and I was in total heaven. I fucked her sweet tight little ass with the full length of my hardened cock. I was breathing heavily and she was moaning loudly then I felt her jizz gush from her pussy and run around her leg and onto mine. I wanted to keep fucking her ass however, I was already holding a load that was constantly trying to force it's way out of the only opening it had. I pounded into her to get all of this sweet ass I had to give it up as she moaned out, "OHHHHH DAVID", which brought me on. I held deep as I let loose the muscles that held back a flood and with an, OH, OH, OH, AHHHHHHHH CINDYYYYYYY", a powerful stream of sticky spunk shot deep into her guts. All I could do was hold deep inside her and with an, OH BABY, OH BABY, OHHHH, BABYYYYY", another blast spewed from my peehole soaking her insides. I breathed hard and held it in as I tensed for more eruptions, "UHHHH, UHHHH, UHHHH", I moaned out as my cock convulsed and I expelled three more healthy squirts into her now quivering body. Tired and completely spent I reluctantly pulled my cock out of her butt and rolled onto my back, out of breath. She stayed on her side and slumped as she eased the tension of her muscles and breathed in and out. After several minutes Cindy rolled back a little and I rolled onto my side and ran my hand up and down her side. She grabbed my hand and squeezed it. "David, I never been fucked like this, oh my god I needed this, all of this so bad", she said. I didn't say anything, I wasn't sure what to say plus I didn't feel like she was totally finished with everything she wanted to say then she continued. "I want to thank you for this, I really didn't know ALL this was going to happen. I needed to be fucked and we have known each other so long. When I saw your dick and everything Amy told me plus I haven't had the opportunity to please a man in a few months.....I wanted to......be a woman, you did that for me", she said. I knew she was done, she needed me to understand her. This was out of desperation, hurt, loneliness and need. We each knew it wasn't an excuse nor would it justify what has been done here but we each had a reason, right or wrong, good or bad, it was the reason. It is what it is. "Cindy, I understand and I needed to for all the same reasons, except the "to be a woman part", I said. We laughed and felt comfortable we were on the same page. "You still feel alright about all this", she asked "OH YEAH", I said. I knew I would be pounding one off now and then while imagining I was fucking her. We had our time and I resigned myself to the fact that this was it. "David ?", she said. "Yeah", I responded. "I'M STILL GOING TO BE PREGNANT FOR ANOTHER 3 MONTHS !!!!!! We looked at each other and smiled. pics---->> http://bit.ly/1D1q3qp
Title: Auntie's Panties Pt. 01 Summary: My mother's youngest sister teaches me the ways of love. Keywords: inc,fic My name is Donal Liam Padraig O'Sullivan. If you read it with your best Irish lilt, or perhaps using your leprechaun impression, it rolls off the tongue easier, and accurately conveys my lineage. I'm lucky that even my parents didn't call me that tongue twisting moniker... unless I'm in trouble. Otherwise, I was just plain Danny. Yes, I'm Irish. And no, I'm not... at least, not really. I'm Canadian, and so are my sisters, and my parents, but that didn't stop my parents from naming us all in the Celtic tradition. My grandparents are Old Country, as are my Great Grandparents, a few of whom are still alive, and one Great Great Grandmother. I suppose, when you follow the good Catholic example of spawning enough children to start a family sports team, there will be survivors, and if a muti-generational family reunion were to happen... well, we'd need a lot of chairs. With five older sisters, twenty cousins spread across five maternal aunts and one uncle, and 18 more from my father's side, we were nearly a nation of our own. I gave up trying to figure it out beyond my great grandparents... It was giving me a headache. Let's just say the O'Sullivan genes were well spread out across the world. It got a little more confusing around our house than mere numbers. My mother is the oldest of my grandparent's children, and she met Dad, married, and had my eldest sister just after turning eighteen. It must have spurred my grandparents into action once more, and they had one more child, a girl, about a year after. By the time I came along, about five years, two single and one pair of twin girls later, my Aunt Siobhan was at our house so much, I really thought she was my sister. I don't remember much about my father, as he died shortly after my second birthday. Maybe the strain of trying to produce a male heir was too much, after so many girls. Whatever the reason, I grew up in a house full of women, the only testosterone in a sea of estrogen. I absolutely loved it. Being the youngest, and only boy, I was doted on by my all my sisters, my aunt, and my Mom. There was very little sibling rivalry that I recall... at least, not directed toward me. As my sisters grew up, there was some friction within the female members of our family, but I was blissfully uninvolved. Often, I was like a fly on the wall, completely unnoticed. Oh, the things I saw. I don't know if you've spent much time around that many females at once, but during the morning rush, it can be like backstage at a Las Vegas revue, with women in various stages of undress flitting all around. Towels were dropped, and naked women were everywhere. Of course, most of the women weren't really women yet, just barely older than I was, but Mom sometimes forgot I was around. She wouldn't be competing in any swimsuit competitions anymore, but as the first adult woman I ever saw naked, her plump, rounded curves and big tits made a lasting impression. Soon, Fiona, my eldest sister, started to take on some of the same attributes, and that's when doors started getting closed around the house. My time as an honorary sister reached its end. It was nice while it lasted, even if I didn't really know what I was seeing. I think that's about the time Vonnie and I grew closer. Yes, I'm talking about my aunt Siobhan, which is pronounced 'Shavon' for most people, despite the distinct lack of a 'V' anywhere in the name. I called her Vonnie, and as I said earlier, she spent a lot of time at our house. Only two blocks away, and closer in age to my family than her own, she was like my sixth sister, and had a different attitude than my real sisters. Her own brother... my uncle Cillian, was seventeen years older than her. Her closest sister was twelve years older, so she was every bit as much an afterthought as I was, as low boys and girls on our respective totem poles. I suppose it's natural we should become good friends, and the five year gap between us didn't seem quite so wide. Vonnie was going through the same changes my sisters were, but she remained my friend throughout, without the uncomfortable weirdness I was getting from Fiona, Maire, Muireanne, Shelagh, and Gael. As Fiona blossomed into a beautiful carbon copy of Mom, complete with the red hair and blue eyes, Vonnie became a similar version of her own mother, my grandmother. Her hair was a little darker, but the resemblance to both her mother and sister was obvious. I believe that this is about when I discovered the laundry hamper. Six... or occasionally seven... women go through a lot of panties, and I noticed the aroma that all those soiled undies were producing. I was entering puberty myself, and for some reason unknown to me at the time, the smell of pussy made my cock get very stiff. I discovered that rubbing my stiff cock felt really, realllllllly goooooood, so I would do it every day. It was fun. Mom didn't think it was so much fun, though, when she caught me one day, a pair of Fiona's panties in one hand, under my nose, and my rock hard dick in the other. Appalled, she banished me to my room, and changed the laundry procedures in the house to cut off my supply of aromatic underwear. Without the extra stimulation, masturbation lost some of its appeal, but the genie was out of the bottle, and I couldn't unlearn jerking off. I could learn to lock the damn bathroom door properly, however. *** I'm not really sure how Vonnie found out about my private bathroom activities. It might have been overheard gossip, or maybe she just figured I was the right age, and made the logical assumption. I mean, we may all have been named like we were still in the 19th century, but we were a thoroughly modern family, and knew what was what. She had this way of teasing me about it... if it had been my sisters doing it, I would have been mortified, but she made it a fun tease. She called it 'playing with my boy stuff', kind of a gentle reminder that we were different, even if she was my best female friend. It always ended with a hug, just to let me know it was not meant maliciously. The playful banter took on a new dimension one day, when she was inducing a blush by razzing me, as usual. We were alone... she was very careful not to give fuel to my sisters. It was our little game, and she didn't want it to become too emotionally painful. It was supposed to be fun, but the bomb she dropped on me made it much more than merely play. She was doing her best, turning me bright red with questions about when I last 'played with my stuff', and she looked around, making sure we were alone. "You know, girls do it too," she smiled. I was confused, and it must have shown, so she clarified. "You play with your stuff, and we play with ours. I play with mine all the time." What? We were thoroughly modern, but Mom had a modern solution to keep her children from growing up too quickly. She took parental security codes to a level I didn't know existed, so I wasn't as knowledgeable about the mechanics of sex as some of my friends. The thought that girls did... that... to themselves was new. New, and exciting. That image was front and centre in my mind during my next opportunity to play with my stuff. Despite Mom's best efforts, my sexual education had begun. I was twelve, and at a time when most boys were learning from each other or the Internet, I had a much more interesting source. A much softer, and more attractive source. My friend, who was more like a sister to me, but wasn't, because she wasn't. No. She was my mother's sister. My aunt Siobhan. *** Things remained status quo for a while. Vonnie was nearly eighteen, was dating other boys, and was still my best friend. She was also still my teacher, and would drop the odd tidbit here and there. Nothing too overt, and nothing I couldn't get from the Internet, if I could find a way around Mom's password codes... but delivered as it was from a female perspective, I found it fascinating. Her friendship had also given me more confidence around girls. Yes, she still teased me, and always held the upper hand, but coming from her I didn't mind as much. My sisters held their power as a way of putting me in my place, but Vonnie was playing when she did it. It was our private game, and she obviously enjoyed it as much as I did. Anyway, that confidence came bubbling to the surface one day when she was at our house, just after her birthday. She was officially a woman now, but that didn't change anything between us. She popped in on me in my room, but before she could begin her normal routine, I beat her to it. "So, how about you tell me when you last played with your stuff?" I asked, with a smile and a gallon of bravado. "Oh ho! Look who just grew a pair!" Vonnie laughed, her blue eyes sparkling. "Okay, Mr. O'Sullivan... It was yesterday, and it was lots of fun!" she giggled, then gestured to me. It was my turn. "This morning, and I had fun, too," I laughed back. The confidence was like a narcotic, and made me continue without thinking. "It would be better with something to sniff, um... oh, never mind." I could feel my face glowing, and turned away. "Danny?" she said softly, touching my shoulder. I turned back to face her. "It's alright. Nothing new under the sun. We girls do smell good, don't we?" She wrapped me in a big hug, letting me know my apparent perversion wasn't going to chase her away. She held me longer than usual, my head against her chest. It was so soft. A certain part of me was headed toward the other end of the scale, so I turned my hips, hoping she wouldn't notice. She released me, and left with a different look on her face, like she was thinking. At the nearest opportunity, I made a bee-line for the bathroom. *** For my thirteenth birthday, Mom got me my first cell phone. In it, she had already programmed her own cell number, and those of all my sisters, who had received their phones on their thirteenth birthday. There was one number missing, and I asked Fiona if I could borrow her phone to get it. She just smiled, and handed it to me, letting me look up Vonnie's number myself. I gave it back, and typed the information into my device. I was so proud. Getting my phone was a rite of passage in our house. It signified trust, and growing up. I wanted to call someone special for my first call, and there was only one person who qualified. I pressed the button. "Hello?" I heard from the other end. "Hi. It's me," I giggled, then clued in. Maybe she didn't recognize my voice, so I clarified. "It's Danny. I got my new phone!" "So I see," she laughed. "That's great, honey. I'd love to talk, but I'm a little busy right now. Can I call you back?" "Um, sure," I replied, "I guess I don't really have much to say anyway. Just wanted to try my phone, and wanted you to be my first call." "That's so sweet, honey. I promise, I'll call you back later, okay?" she said softly. "Okay," I nodded. "Goodbye." Just before the line went dead, I thought I heard a voice ask "who was tha..." It wasn't a girl's voice. About ten minutes later, my phone made a noise. I picked it up. My first text message. From Vonnie. Sorry about that, sweetie. I'm on a date. I'll call you when I get home, and I'm definitely coming to your party this weekend. Congratulations, little man! I read it twice. On a date? Well, that explains it. I wasn't sure what 'on a date' meant yet, but it sounded important. Maybe she'd explain it when we talked. Okay. Thanks. I typed, and hit send. I waited for her to call back, but I fell asleep before she did. *** The phone was laying on my pillow, right next to my face, so when it buzzed, it woke me easily. "Hello?" I answered, even though I knew who it was. Who else could it be? "Hi Danny!," Vonnie chirped. "I'm really sorry I couldn't talk before. I was with my boyfriend. It took a while to explain to him who you were. He's the jealous type. He thought I had another boyfriend on the side, so now he doesn't have a girlfriend." It took me a few seconds to decipher that one. She had dumped him because of my call. "I'm sorry, Vonnie. I didn't mean to cause trouble. I just..." "Danny... honey," she interrupted. "I didn't tell you that to make you feel guilty. It's not your fault, so don't worry about it. I'm actually glad I found out now that he's a jerk, before I got emotionally involved. Thank you." I had no idea what to say next, so I said nothing, hoping she would save me. "I guess that makes you my only boyfriend," she laughed. "Do you like older women?" "All the women I know are older women," I smiled, in a moment of sudden adolescent maturity. "Wow! You really have grown up lately, haven't you?" she howled. "That was funny!" I laughed along with her, feeling close despite the distance between us. A whole two blocks. "I should go, honey, but I'll see you Saturday at your party," she said softly. I really liked the idea of being her boyfriend, even if I didn't know what it meant yet. *** Things started changing around our house during the next year or so. Fiona got married and moved out before I turned fourteen. The twins were both gone by the time I turned seventeen, and my youngest older sister, Gael married shortly after that, leaving only Shelagh and myself at home with Mom. More changed at home than just the roster of residents. For example, I grew up. Literally. My father hadn't been overly tall, or at least, not that I recall. When you're a kid, everything is relative. When everyone is that much taller than you are, you only notice their height compared to each other. This fact was made worse by the fact that I was a small child. All my sisters seemed to be blessed with the long legs of a gazelle from birth, but I was the little brother, in every sense of the word. All that started to change just after I turned thirteen, as my growth spurt finally arrived. For the next three years, I was a clothing manufacturers dream, growing out of pants every three or four months. I went from just under five feet, and about 100 pounds, to just over six feet, and nearly 180. Through it all, Vonnie and I remained close. She had her life, of course, and several boyfriends, but I remained her one, constant, special friend. Our conversations, almost every night, were those of best friends, not nephew and aunt. Vonnie became my tutor again, coaching me through my earliest relationships with girls. Little more than crushes, really, but she helped me understand the female point of view, especially when the point of view excluded me. She was like a mother, my own age, or at least a lot closer to it, and she was much easier to talk to. I even returned the favour when her most serious relationship imploded, holding her while she cried, then telling her how beautiful she was, and what an idiot he was. I'll never forget her kiss of thanks...on the cheek, but still so tender and memorable. I found myself getting emotionally attached to her. It was difficult to remember she was my aunt. *** My eighteenth birthday was special. I suppose that's pretty obvious, with the whole 'legal age' thing, but mine was more so. As often happens, my actual birthday fell midweek, but there was no way our family was doing a midweek party. Too many aunts, uncles, cousins, sisters and grandparents to pull that off, so the party would be a belated affair. That didn't stop my friends from taking me out for a small gathering, however, and my sister Shelagh had a wrapped parcel for me when I got home. "Siobhan dropped this off for you," Shelagh said quietly. "Happy birthday." I looked at the package... a box, wrapped in bright paper, with a ribbon around it. A card was attached, and I opened it first. "Call me before you open this," it said, along with the usual best wishes. "No matter what time it is." Okay, you got it. I thumbed my phone into life, and scrolled down the list to Vonnie, then pressed the button. A few seconds later, I heard her familiar voice. "Hi Danny, honey," she purred. "I was wondering if I would hear from you tonight. Shelagh said you were out with your friends. Did you have fun?" "Yeah, I suppose," I replied. "Just a few of my classmates taking me out for a burger and some fun. Nothing much happened." "Any girls there?" she asked. "Any hotties after your body now that you're legal?" "I wish!" I laughed. "Just one girl tonight, the girlfriend of one of my buddies, and she's not that hot," I explained. "What's with the gift? Does this mean you're not coming this weekend?" "Oh no," she giggled, "I'll be there. You've got a birthday kiss, and a big hug coming." Mmmmm, a Vonnie hug... almost as soft as a Mom hug, and a whole lot more fun. She had developed the same big, voluptuous chest as her sisters... I mean, Mom and my other aunts. Actually all my sisters were pretty similar, as well. This house would be filled with big, soft breasts this weekend, and I'd probably get hugs from all of them. Little wonder I was a breast man. "I just thought this gift would be better without the crowd," she continued. "Actually," she laughed, "I don't think either of us wants to open this in front of anyone else." "Huh?" I asked, not following her point. "Just open it. You'll see," she directed. Okay. I plucked at the ribbon, which gave way, and allowed me to tear the paper open. A box, yes, that much I guessed. I popped the tape at each side, and lifted the lid. It was a book, one that I had been looking for. I had an interest in vintage warbirds, and this book catalogued the various models of the iconic British fighter, the Spitfire. "Vonnie! This is perfect! Thank you so much!" I gasped, then wondered, "Why wouldn't I open this in front of anyone? It's a great gift." "Well... It's not alone in there," she said softly. "Look under the tissue. I got you something you've wanted for years," she added cryptically. Women! Why can't they just answer a question? I thought, rummaging deeper. Why does everything have to... be a... Oh my god! There, between the layers of tissue paper, was a clear zip lock bag. I picked it up with trembling hands. Inside... oh god... inside was a... a pair of panties! I gasped. She's either psychic or she heard me, and knew I'd found the special gift. "I remember someone saying they wanted something to sniff while playing with their stuff," she giggled. "You still play with your stuff, don't you?" "Um, yeah," I gulped, holding the bag up. They weren't just panties ; they were sexy panties, black, lacey, and quite brief. "Are these yours, Vonnie?" I asked, picturing her in the tiny garment. "No, I stole them from a strangers house for you!" she laughed. "YES! Of course they're mine! I wore them for two days, just to make sure they'd last a while... you know, so you could play more than once. Speaking of which... did you play today?" "Uh... no actually," I stumbled. "Did you?" "Mmmmm, yes," she growled. "Twice. So I guess you'll be wanting to go now, huh? Have fun, honey." The phone went dead. My cock, on the other hand, was definitely alive. It had begun to awaken when I saw the panties in the bag, and gradually hardened throughout the conversation. Now it was harder than I could ever remember it being, and very, very uncomfortable in my pants. She was right ; I was heading to the bathroom, right now. One advantage to being nearly the last one left in the house was that bathroom time... for any reason... no longer needed to be scheduled on a seniority basis. There were two full baths and a powder room to choose from. Since it was late, and both Mom and Shelagh were asleep, I chose the powder room downstairs, as far away from them as possible. Sure, I'd be as quiet as I could, but why take extra chances? With Vonnie's gift under my arm, I crept out of my room, to the stairs and down, avoiding the squeaky stair third from the top. At last, I reached my sanctuary, closed the door, and locked it. Getting downstairs with a full blown erection had been painful, so I freed my throbbing dick, letting it stand straight out. "Oh shit, that's better," I sighed. The bag of heaven was laying on the counter, and I picked it up, holding it under my nose. The seal was doing a great job of containing the scent within, as I didn't smell anything. Grasping the edges, I pulled it open, slowly. The delicious aroma of fresh pussy wafted out, finding a welcome home in my nostrils. They say scent is the most powerful of memory triggers, and right now, I'd believe it. Images of years past, when I raided the laundry in the bathroom to find my sister's panties, then jerked off while inhaling her smells, flooded back into my mind. I gripped my shaft firmly, and started to pleasure myself. Still holding the bag under my nose, my hand moved with a mind of its own, sliding back and forth along my hard, tumescent cock. "Oh my god, Vonnie," I whispered. "Your pussy smells incredible. I can't believe you did this for me." Another deep sniff set my brain on fire, and I could feel the tingle in my balls growing. I was going to cum, soon. Her scent had me beyond excited. I gritted my teeth, stifled a bellowing grunt of release, and exploded. Semen rocketed out, splashing across the mirror in an impressionistic stripe of white. I did my Jackson Pollack impression, splattering the powder room wildly, absolutely unable to either stop or control the discharge. I had never, ever cum this hard before. At last, the final spurts subsided, and I dropped to one knee, gasping for breath. "Holy shit," I breathed, watching the room spin around my head. "That was unbelievable." I looked around. There was cum everywhere. I was going to need to clean the whole room. It was worth it. Even though it took me twenty minutes to clean up the mess... ten times longer than it took to make it... it was worth it. Silently, I walked unsteadily back upstairs, Vonnie's resealed bag held tight in my hand. I almost forgot to avoid the squeaky step, but remembered at the last second. Finally, I made it back into my room, and flopped on the bed. I stared at the ceiling for a few minutes, then found a safe hiding place for my new most treasured possession. I'd tell you where, but it's a secret. At last, I climbed into bed, and turned off the light. Just one last thing to do, so I picked up my phone. That was incredible, I typed. Thank you so much, Vonnie. Her response was nearly immediate. You're welcome. Glad it was good for you too. Too? You played as well? I asked. Oh yeah. Can't let you have all the fun. It's exciting, she replied. What is? Knowing you're sniffing MY underwear, and getting yourself off. Very nasty. I like it. Going to sleep now. Goodnight Danny. Sweet dreams. she finished. Oh shit... she had to tell me that, just before I go to sleep? I thought, feeling my cock twitch slightly. Sweet dreams, indeed. *** In the morning, I woke with a huge case of morning wood. Throughout the night, visions of Vonnie and I, inflagrante delicto, had filled my head. No, it wasn't the first time... but it was the first time I knew she was thinking about me, as well. That made it possible, not just fantasy. Problem. She's my mother's little sister... My aunt, although I had never called her Auntie. Hell, she and I were so close, she was more like MY sister. I'm not sure which one was worse, but either way, this was a relationship that could never happen, no matter how much my dick wanted it to. I'm not sure I believed in hell, but I wasn't really looking to risk it. Even if there was no eternal damnation, there was still the bulk of my family to deal with. Dozens of them. I have a feeling we'd find support hard to find among them. Then again, she's so hot, and sexy... I thought. The rationalization process began in earnest. I might have been getting ahead of myself. Just because she said she found the thought of me using her soiled panties exciting, didn't suddenly mean she was pining for me. Maybe I was just part of her playtime, as she was part of mine. Hmmm... but she did give me her panties, and she's not just part of my playtime ; she's the star, and the only woman I can picture when I feel that urge to release the tension. I finally decided not to drive myself crazy, trying to figure it out. At least, not before the weekend. *** Saturday afternoon, my relatives began to filter in around 2. The early arrivals were mostly there to help my mother with the preparation of food for the party. It simply wasn't possible for one person to whip up a meal for thirty of forty people in a single afternoon. So, the potluck contributions started to pile up in the kitchen, along with their own delicious aromas. Recent events had made me realize how sensitive to smells I had become. Certain smells more than others. The crowd was growing, making space in our house hard to come by. It was a big enough house to grow up in, with Mom and five sisters. That roster had shrunk to just three in the last year, but today's festivities had it bulging at the seams. I was the guest of honour, but it was getting a little tight. My family really did have some beautiful women in it. Along with all the red hair and blue eyes, were lots of breasts, most of them nice and round and soft. A man can only take so many sets of boobs rubbing against him before a certain part of his anatomy begins to notice. I needed to get some space, to let things calm down, so I retreated to my room. I was laying back, relaxing and watching some TV. My erection had subsided, but I hadn't received my hug from one certain guest yet. She was a late arrival, despite living only two blocks away, but I knew she was coming. There was a quiet knock on the door, and it opened. Ah, there she is... "May I come in?" she asked, smiling around the edge of my door. "I'm not interrupting, um, anything important?" "No, Vonnie," I laughed, "You're not interrupting. Come in." "Your mother asked me to find you. Dinner is ready, and everyone is here, so we need the guest of honour," she said softly. "Right," I answered, turning of the TV with the remote, and rolling off the bed. I stood, and she looked up at me. "I remember when you were smaller than me," she giggled. "Now you're a big, strong man. You'll always be little Danny, my favourite nephew, to me, though. You want your hug, now?" She opened her arms as she asked it, and my eyes fell on her chest. "Hell yeah!" I smiled, stepping into her embrace. Getting my hug in private was a very good idea, for reasons I'm sure you can guess. The feeling of her big boobs against me, and my feelings for her, made my dick spring into action. Vonnie was wrapped tight in my arms, resting her head on my chest. Her arms were around my waist, with mine around her shoulders. "Um, Danny... Is that what I think it is?" she asked, but made no move to leave. "Well, uh, yeah," I giggled. "Sorry." "No," she giggled back. "I guess you're not so little anymore, are you? I take it you're enjoying your gift," she added, leaning back to look up at me. "Yes, thank you," I smiled, and she snuggled back against me. "Let me know when they need to be recharged," she whispered. "I'll take care of it. At least, until you get a girlfriend. Then it's her job to take care of you, and this thing," she snickered, rubbing against my bulge gently. I could have stood there all day, but Vonnie was still in control, and had a mission besides causing a huge erection. "Okay... I'm, um... I'm going to leave now," she blushed, pulling back and casting a glance at the tent she had caused. "You calm down, and come downstairs when you're ready. Happy birthday, honey." As she opened the door and stepped out, I caught her sneaking a final peek at my crotch. "Wow," she breathed, and was gone. *** It only took me a few minutes to settle down and join the gathering. I came downstairs to find my grandparents using the concentration of relatives to announce that they were going to be taking an extended vacation. They would be away for a month between the flight, shore stay, and two week cruise. My grandmother took me aside, to ask me if I would please help Siobhan take care of the house. I already had a weekly date with the lawnmower in their garage, so it was no extra work. Just the same, she slipped an envelope into my hand, paying me in advance for the yard work and extra chores. There were lots of gifts... mostly more cash... and the food was great, as it always was. Everyone was older than I was, with the exception of the next generation of O'Sullivan children. I suppose they technically weren't O'Sullivans, as they were Fiona's children from her marriage, and her name was now Gerrard. I was reminded that I was an uncle. And an adult, or at least according to all the back slapping, hugs and kisses I was receiving. An adult is expected to be in control of his urges and actions, but Vonnie was not making it easy. It did seem like she was everywhere I looked, and she was making some serious eye contact, a cryptic smirk tickling the corners of her mouth. I had to assume it was an intentional tease. It was working. *** A few weeks passed. I made use of my sexy aunt's underwear often. Well, despite being an adult male, available, and reasonably handsome, the ladies were not beating a path to my door. I had a few first dates, but there were no sparks. In truth, I was being too hard on the girls I dated. I was subconsciously comparing them to my personal example of perfection, and it wasn't a fair comparison. They were lovely women, but they all had one fatal flaw ; they weren't Vonnie. Speaking of Vonnie, she visiting my house the afternoon after my grandparents left for their vacation. She said she didn't feel like eating alone, and Mom had invited her little sister over for dinner. Normally, I would have been thrilled to have the object of my desires visiting. Recently, however, I was finding it more and more difficult to disguise the fact that I was having feelings for her ; feelings I wasn't suppose to be having for a female relative. It was bad enough when she popped in on me alone, but Mom and Shelagh were there too, so I really had to play it cool. I may have played it a little too cool. After dinner, I retreated to my room, and hid. Ten minutes later, there was a gentle knock on my door, and I opened it to find Vonnie. "May I?" she asked softly, and I stepped aside, allowing her in. "Danny, are you mad at me? Did I do something wrong?" she immediately whispered, as I closed the door. Like I said... trying to hide my feelings had given the impression that I was angry with her. I wasn't good at emotional camouflage. "No, not at all," I replied, still reining in my urges. "Just distracted. Sorry about that." It was partly true, because she was a huge distraction. I found her to be one any time I saw her, but today, it was multiplied tenfold. I don't know if she had a date later, or what the reason, but her attire was making me crazy. Picture your perfect woman... Now dress her in a form fitting, cleavage displaying top, and a skirt that ends just above the knee. Now... Make her your sister, or your aunt, and you know what I was feeling. You really, really, realllllllly want to, but you really, really shouldn't. "Oh, that's good," she smiled. "I can't have my favourite boyfriend being mad at me. You're sure? Here... give me a hug. I'll be able to tell." She held her arms open. Of that I'm sure, I thought as I stood. She wrapped herself around me, and I gave up trying to fight it. I held tight, crushing her against me. "Mmmmm, this is nice," she sighed. "I admit... You don't feel mad to me." No, but if we hold this position for much longer, you'll feel something. "There is something you could do for me," I began. She stepped back, and looked up at me, glancing down for a split second at the bulge that was forming. "Anything," she giggled. I reached under my mattress, then extracted and handed Vonnie the bag that contained her panties. "Okay, you're looking for a refill?" she giggled, cracking open the seal. She inhaled. "Ooooo, yes... that's me, but it is a little weak, isn't it?" "Yes Ma'am. You said you would recharge them for me, so..." I suggested. "Are you emotionally attached to the black ones, or open to options?" she grinned. "I'm always open to options," I smiled back. "Fine. Turn around," she directed. I did, but it only made me look into the mirror. If the goal was to keep me from watching her drop her panties on my bedroom floor, this wasn't going to work. She saw me smiling at her in the reflection. "Hmmm... Not quite as planned. Okay. You... Here. Face the corner, and no peeking. Promise?" Yes Ma'am. No peeking," I nodded stepping into the position as requested. I heard the rustle of fabric, then the sound of the zip lock opening. Finally, the clicks of it closing. "Alright, here you go," she giggled, "fresh off the, um, uh... well let's just say fresh, and leave it at that." I turned, to find her holding the bag in two fingers. Instead of the lacey black panties of before, the bag now held a red thong. "Thank you," I choked. "Thank you so much." "You're welcome, honey," she purred, and kissed my cheek. "Have fun. Talk to you later?" "Mmmmm hmmm," I nodded, holding the bag tight. "Don't forget. Tomorrow is lawn day. See you there," she said, grinning widely. She gave me one more glance, and stepped out, closing the door behind her. I opened the bag. Oh my... 'fresh' was an understatement. They were still warm. They were still... wet. My dick twitched in my pants, already hard as a rock. Have you ever bought a loaf of bread, fresh and warm from the oven? Isn't it just the most irresistible thing in the world? I know I always end up ripping a chunk out of it in the checkout line, and tasting the warm deliciousness while it's available. I faced the same situation here. Vonnie's panties were even more attractive than fresh bread, and I did what you probably would have done, given the same chance ; I tasted them. I wasn't prepared for it. I had been on many dates, and even managed to visit second base on many occasions. I got thrown out between second and third once. I had cracked Mom's Internet security, and had visited hundreds of porn sites, and knew that the guys eating those porn star pussies seemed to be having a lot of fun. I was, of course, quite familiar with the delectable aroma of pussy, my aunt's in particular. But... I hadn't yet tasted it, so when I did, it almost made me cum right there. Wow. Her pussy was just... Wow. I needed the bathroom, right away. At least I had found a certain amount of control in there. After that first night, when I wound up redecorating the whole room, I had learned to prepare for the potential mess. Good thing, because this time, I barely got a dozen strokes in before cum rocketed out, splashing into the toilet. My aim was true. No cleanup would be required. *** As Vonnie had reminded me yesterday, I had to cut my grandparent's lawn. They had lived there for... Ever. When their house had been built, the neighbourhood wasn't a neighbourhood yet, and because of that, they had a huge yard, by city standards. It was even bigger at one point, but they had sold a few slices, one to either side, when the market was good. There were a few trees to provide shade, but mostly it was a sunbaked hour of hot work. It would have been wise to do it early, before the heat came up and made it unbearable. No one ever said I was wise, so I put it off, until I had no choice. It was definitely the time of day for mad dogs and Englishmen. I walked the two blocks over to my grandparent's house, and retrieved the mower from their garage. I fuelled it up, and got it started on the third pull, starting the back and forth pattern across the front yard. It was quite warm, and I had a pretty good sweat going by the time I finished the front, including the small tongue of grass that wrapped around the far end of the house, and the strip that separated the driveway from the property line. I grabbed the string trimmer, and edged the drive, pathway and fences, just to get a break from the position bent over the mower handlebar. With the front half finished, I opened the gate to the backyard, and shuttled the equipment through, rounding the corner of the house into the expanse of grass. I wasn't prepared. First, I was surprised. I didn't even know Siobhan was home, as she usually made her presence known. Second, I wasn't ready for her in a bikini. I'd seen her in a bathing suit before, but only in a one piece, which was devastating enough. Her body in a bikini was just... Oh my god! She was laid back, tanning on a lounger up on the second level deck. When she heard me slam the gate, she waved, and stood up at the railing, smiling down at me. "Hi Danny!" she laughed. "You look hot!" I assume she meant it as in 'hot and sweaty'. Looking up at her from below, I could apply the same description, but with the other meaning. She was hot. Her legs, her flat, trim tummy, and her ample chest combined were definitely gawk worthy. I tried not to be too obvious, but I couldn't see her eyes, hidden as they were behind her sunglasses. It was difficult to read her reaction. "Hold on," she smiled. "I'll come down, and get you a drink." I didn't get a chance to reply before she disappeared. A minute later, the lower glass door slid open, and she motioned me inside. "Sit down and rest. You don't need to cut it all in one shot. It's hot out there," she giggled, tipping her glasses up into her hair. I took a chair at the table. She padded around the kitchen, first getting a glass, then over to the fridge, where ice was dispensed. I watched her ass and legs as she walked, and was especially attentive when she stood in front of the open refrigerator door. The cool air wafted over her body, raising goosebumps, two in particular. With my drink poured, she closed the door, and brought it over to me. As she leaned across the table to slide it over, my eyes went to her incredible cleavage. They may have lingered a few seconds too long. Vonnie read my eyes, and glanced down at the view she was offering me. She stood up, with a curious smirk on her face, but didn't say a word. The smirk persisted, as she scanned me with her own eyes. I was expecting... I don't know what... but certainly not what happened next. "So, Danny," she whispered, "the panties I left with you last night? Did they do the job?" She moved around the side of the table, perching on the edge. Her legs swung back and forth playfully. I didn't answer, but my blush probably said more than enough. I could hardly deny it, as she knew well what I was doing with her 'gift'. "And I saw you just now, looking at my breasts," she smiled, easing a few inches closer. "Do you like them, Danny?" I didn't look up from my bowed position. I couldn't. I know she had participated, flirting back, and discussing masturbation with me. She had taught me about women, and given me her underwear to play with. The line between aunt and nephew was at best pretty fuzzy, if not obliterated. If I looked up, and saw her eyes, I was afraid I would vault over what was left of it. I didn't know she was erasing it from her side, too. I saw her thighs, so smooth and tanned, come into my lowered field of view. At their junction... Heaven. My mouth was full of cotton. I wanted so much to just reach out, peel the bottom half of her blue bikini aside, and bury my face in her cunt. She leaned closer, and touched my chin gently with her hand. I resisted, and her touch became more insistent, tipping my face up toward hers. Her blue eyes should have been angry, but they weren't. A thin smile on her face, she kissed my cheek again, as she always did. This kiss lingered, with her breath tickling my face and neck, then she repeated it, a little closer and a little longer. She backed away, looking once more into my eyes. I could see her making a decision. The smile grew wider, and she pressed forward. Vonnie kissed me. No longer a young aunt kissing her nephew on the cheek, this kiss was full on the mouth, and put all ambiguity to rest. I was surprised, but kissed back, effectively breaking down any barriers that remained. Her tongue pushed past mine, as she grasped my head with both hands. We were going down the road from which there was no return. A final pause, as we looked at each other one last time. "Is this really what you want?" I asked, hoping she would say yes. "Oh, um, jeez," she responded, biting her knuckle. Perhaps there was disappointment on my face, or maybe it was totally her decision. Either way, she dropped her hand, and looked me straight in the eyes. "Danny, honey... I know it's wrong, but yes," she smiled. "This is what I want. You are who I want. Are you okay with that?" A final chance to stop us was dropped in my lap, but my rational self was not responding, beaten senseless by the part of me that had wanted Vonnie for years. I nodded. "Alright, then, let's do it right," she whispered, reaching out for my hand. I took it, and she led the way. "Upstairs?" I fell into her wake as she walked up the long staircase. I know we were going up there to behave in a very un-nephew-aunt way, but I still felt a little weird openly ogling her ass with each sexy, wiggling step she took. Barely covered by a swatch of blue, her rump jiggled slightly, attracting my gaze even when I looked away. Her long dark auburn hair swung from side to side hypnotically. Before I knew it, we were in her room. She turned to face me, and glanced down at my bulging crotch. "Ready to go, I see," she smiled stepping in to kiss me again. "Let me take care of that for you." She directed me to stand by the corner of her bed, and kissed me as a distraction, so I didn't notice she was undoing my pants, and sliding them off over my hips. She sat me down, and skinned them off my legs, leaving me only in my t-shirt and underwear. Next off was my shirt, peeled off like a damp skin. She traced a fingertip across my chest. "Definitely not little Danny anymore," she smiled. "You're a big, strong man now. My favourite kind." She knelt, and tugged the waistband of my underwear down, letting my erection jump out. "Ooooo... emphasis on the 'big' part!" She touched my dick, rubbing the head against her cheek. It left a streak of clear ooze in its path. She inhaled, and moaned. "So, Danny... You have a thing for the smell of pussy, right?" she giggled. I just nodded. "Well, I have a thing for the smell of a man. It gets me very, very wet." I looked down at her gently stroking my cock. Her blue eyes were aflame. "Have you ever had one of your girlfriends do this for you?" she asked. I just shook my head. "Oh, well I'm certain you're going to love it. Don't hold back, honey. Just let it happen. Let Vonnie look after you, okay?" A final smile, and her tongue reached out to taste my flesh. I moaned. She moaned, and opened wide, dropping her mouth over the head. Her lips slid downward, claiming my shaft fractions of an inch at a time. She was right about me loving it ; I never imagined anything so incredible. Her mouth moved up and down, along with her hand. Boom! The room exploded. I barely even felt it coming... uh, cumming... as I spewed uncontrollably down her throat. Vonnie gulped, and swallowed, but I was cumming like a proverbial racehorse, so my load overwhelmed her, leaking out the corners of her mouth. I flopped back on the bed. The ceiling was spinning around, and I was breathing funny. I felt her slurping away at my twitching cock, then she was gone. Her smiling face appeared above me, wiping a streak of my cum off her chin. "See? Told you you'd like it!" she laughed, snuggling next to me. We laid quietly for a few minutes, until I recovered slightly. "Ready to do me?" she asked. If by 'do you', you mean lick your delicious, aromatic pussy?...then, Hell yeah! Vonnie rolled over and plucked at the strings that held her bikini bottom in place. It fell away, and she knelt above my head, letting me feast my eyes on her beautiful cunt. Her scent filled my nostrils. She was indeed very wet, with a small trickle of her honey running down her thigh. When she spread her thick, dangling lips with two fingers, more ambrosia leaked out of her pink interior folds. She was bald and smooth, save a small tuft of auburn curls at the top of her feminine slit. Finished tempting me with a display out of reach, she rolled onto her back, still wearing her top. She spread her legs wide. I chambered between her legs, face to face with the object of my fantasies. She smelled... well, there are no words for what her intense scent was doing to my brain. "Oh honey," she breathed. "Please don't keep me waiting. I need this. You have no idea how I've wanted to feel your tongue on me." Well, if you insist... I swept my tongue upward. If I thought her panties tasted good, then this was unbelievable. Salty, sweet, and completely addictive, Vonnie's juices were so delicious, I dug my tongue as deeply into her as I could to get as much as I could. "Mmmmm, yes... I do love to be licked!" she gasped. "A little higher... that's it, honey. Mmmmm, yes, suck my clit... Higher... Right there! Oh fuck! Do it!" I followed her directions, moving all around her succulent gash while she gave me the grand tour of her womanhood. Once I had the lay of the land, she relaxed and let me please her, moaning softly. Her hands were tangled in my hair, ensuring I wouldn't leave... like that was going to happen. We were going to hell now, anyway. Might as well make it worthwhile. I was ears deep in her sloppy crevice, with two fingers joining in the fun when I needed to catch my breath. Judging from her dialogue, I was doing reasonably well eating my first pussy. I hoped I would get many more opportunities to pleasure Vonnie and perfect my technique. She was my instructor, after all. Her instructions were currently peppered with a lot of 'yes's, and her hips were squirming, forcing me to pursue her across the bed. There's no way I was letting her get away. "Oh god... ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh goddddddddddddd... yes, honey, that's it, suck my clit... suck my clit... oh please, make me cum, honey, just a little more! I'm so close... so close... Yes! YES! YESSSS!" she screamed, arching her back as she came. Her pussy gushed in my mouth, surprising me, and making me lick faster, which made her cum harder, until she melted back into the mattress, gasping for air. "Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh... fuck," she was panting as I slithered up beside her. She grabbed my head and kissed me hard, then collapsed again. "Mmmmm, I do taste good, don't I?" We snuggled for a minute. I was watching her big breasts rise and fall with each breath, peeking into her bikini top. She must have seen me. "Would you like to see them?" she whispered. "Go ahead," she smiled, pulling her hair aside to let me at the string behind her neck. I grabbed the tip of one string with my teeth, and tugged while she giggled. The bow unravelled, and the fabric relaxed under the weight of her bust, springing downward. Half of her left nipple peeked out at me, until she shook her shoulders, making her globes wobble and push clear of the tiny top. At last, I saw the whole of her big tits, crowned with stiff, stubby nipples. They were magnificent, and it was now official ; my Aunt Vonnie had the whole package. I felt her hand on my leg, and she wrapped her fingers around my resurrected cock, standing at attention. She smiled, and pushed me back, easing on top of me. Her eyes never left mine as she lowered herself aboard. Oh my god! How can any one person smell so good, taste so delicious, and feel so incredible at once. My eyes rolled back as her pussy engulfed my shaft in a velvet embrace. "Oh shit, that's a nice cock," she hissed. "So nice and thick... I'm going to enjoy this a lot, I think." She sat up, reaching behind herself to undo the lower string of her top. She tossed it on the floor, then leaned forward, resting her ample chest on mine. "So, Danny," she smiled from close range, "First blowjob, right?" "Yes," I smiled back. "First time eating a girl's pussy, too?" she asked. I grinned, and nodded. "Good job! You're a natural! That was quite the orgasm you gave me!" I laughed, and marked a 'one' on my imaginary scoreboard with my finger. "I assume this is a first, as well?" she breathed, undulating her hips to confirm my dick was buried to maximum depth in her receptive socket. The look on my face must have been sufficient confirmation. "Congratulations on losing your virginity. We're gonna have a great time together." That comment was the early leader in the 'understatement of the year' competition. I assume you've been inside a pussy before? Do I need to say more? Vonnie started to rise and fall on my cock, bouncing her tits in my face. I grabbed hold and began to suckle her hungrily. This I had done before, but none of my previous girlfriends had been endowed anything like my favourite Aunt. Vonnie's big jugs were so soft, and smooth, with nipples that grew into excited prongs on my mouth. Speaking of exciting prongs... my dick certainly qualified. Vonnie's pussy was my own little slice of heaven, and it was doing things to my cock I didn't know were possible. Clutching, rippling, pulling on me. Despite my earlier orgasm, my balls were tingling again. "Go ahead, honey," she whispered, apparently psychic as well as being a goddess. "Cum inside me. We have all day to play some more." "Oh god!" I grunted, letting loose inside her with another load of spunk. She sat up, and ground herself down hard. Her head tilted back, and she shuddered, cumming along with me. "Oh god indeed," she gasped, twitching in my grasp. "Fuck! That feels so nice and warm." She snuggled down against my chest again, and kissed my cheek. "Was it good for you, too?" I laughed. What a ridiculous question! No, I hated it. Have you ever had a bad orgasm? Is it even possible? She giggled back, and patted my chest, climbing off. As she wiggled away toward the bathroom, I saw my cum dripping down her leg. My cum... My mother's sister's leg. This was so wrong, but also so right. Siobhan had always been in my life. I really did think of her more as a sister than an aunt, not that it made things between us less damning. Either way, neither my mother nor hers... my grandmother, for god's sake... would understand what we had just done. I didn't care. We had almost a full month left to explore each other before they came home, and if I could keep from grinning like a lunatic around my mother, no one would know what we were doing just two blocks away. Vonnie reappeared in the doorway. Naked, and glowing. "So, why don't we go downstairs, have some lunch, and recover. Then you can finish the yard work," she said. "When you're done out there, I've got more work for you in here." Her expression was deadpan, making my wonder if our fun was over. Still, she was naked, and making no attempt to cover up. She turned and walked away, then giggled and called over her shoulder, holding up two digits. "Round two! Later! And this time, you fuck me!" *** It's funny how much faster the backyard work went. Despite being the bigger expanse of grass, it flew by, due in no doubt to the prize that awaited me on completion. I had left my shirt inside, at her request, so she could watch me from the upstairs balcony. She had left her bikini on the bedroom floor so I would be reminded not to dally. It worked. I set a new speed record for cutting the grass and edging the fence line. She was standing on the balcony, the sun glistening off her curvaceous form, while I cleaned the mower, and put everything away. I raced inside, and up the stairs, eager to answer the bell. Holy fuck! I thought, as I paused in the doorway to her bedroom. This I'd like to see! Vonnie was spread wide on the bed, with both hands busily probing her cunt. One hand was circling her clit furiously, while the other had three fingers pistoning into the dripping folds of her twat. Combined, the movement had her boobs dancing on her chest. I unzipped, and freed myself from my shorts. My cock had been pretty stiff in the backyard, but seeing my aunt demonstrating how she played in the absence of a man had me like a rock immediately. I stroked it gently, and approached the bed. "Mmmmm, yes, play with yours while I play with mine," she purred, fingering herself madly. "This is what I was doing while you were sniffing my underwear and jerking off. Just thought you'd like to watch... then you can fuck my brains out." It was only a minute or two before her body stiffened, and she screeched a twenty-six syllable epithet of bliss. Her eyes closed, and she tried to catch her breath. My cock was lonely, but her legs were still askew. I knew just the place to put it. Easing between her thighs, I pressed my rampant erection into her swollen, engorged vagina. Her eyes remained closed, but a smiled tickled her lips. "That's it, honey... take me. Show me how you feel about me," she sighed. My hips instinctively knew what to do, and I started to thrust into her feverishly. She had blown me to one orgasm, and ridden me to a second, so the urgency was gone, but my desire was just warming up. Excitement and shock had given way to lust. Now, I really wanted to fuck. Vonnie's limp body came to life, one limb at a time. I was soon wrapped in a full embrace, as her arms encircled my shoulders, and her legs tightly gripped my waist. "Yeah, baby, fuck me!" she growled. "Gimme that cock! Fuck me hard!" The room reverberated with the sounds of sex... moans, groans, words of desperate encouragement, and bodies colliding. I should have been tired from cutting the grass, bur adrenaline was overriding fatigue, giving me enough energy to give her a proper seeing to. I was pounding her ceaselessly, maintaining a briskly rhythm of strokes into her sodden gash. "Oh god, Danny, YES!" she grunted, clawing at my back. "Gonna fucking cum again!" I felt her biting my shoulder as her body tensed yet again. She stifled a scream, and shook in my arms, while I continued unabated. "Mna'a AHHHHHHNNnnnn... FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!" she gasped as another wave hit her. My hips were a blur, as I felt my own climax making its approach known. She read the increased pace. "Spray that hot cum on my tits! I want to watch you squirt!" I grunted consent, and kept drilling her, crushing her into the mattress a final few times. The countdown commenced, and I yanked myself free, grabbing my throbbing, pussy drenched cock while I leaned over her. I watched her eyes lock onto my dick. Her tongue licked her lips unconsciously. "Jerk that fucking cock!" she demanded. "Do it! Cum on me!" "Mnahhhhhfuuuuuck!" I bellowed, and she got her wish. A rope of hot jizz leapt out, and painted her from navel to nose. More followed, until she was glazed in a coat of translucent goo, which she immediately began to run her fingers through, moaning happily. I collapsed beside her, catching my breath and watching her lick her fingers and rub my discharge into her big boobs. I was sweaty and exhausted. Just the way I should have been after cutting the grass. "Okay honey. Get your ass out of here, before my sister comes looking for you. I'm coming to dinner again tonight, so I'll see you in a couple of hours," she smiled, taking control. She kissed me, and continued. "I'll think of something I need your help with for tomorrow. You've got one more hole to take!" For pics Visit:---->>> https://cutt.ly/hwsMVhC
Title: Chaperoning the Swim Team Ch. 02 Summary: Two more teammates, two first times. Not at all the same. Keywords:inc,fic,erotic,hot,firsttime Despite my various anxieties, I fell asleep almost immediately, having been worn out by the twins, Jane and Janet, after Lexi had started me off earlier in the evening with a blow job. A blow job I received while I watched my daughter Ashley being pleasured by her swimming teammate. a blow job that made me cum while clandestinely watching my daughter cum. I was supposed to be here as an unintruding chaperone to my daughter's college swim team get together. After one day I had had sexual encounters with three of them. I fell into a restless sleep, unable to fully process all that had happened and all that I hoped and feared might happen. The dreams were sexual in part, my late wife grinding on top of me whispering with a wanton grin, "You want to fuck her, don't you?" In my dreams I resisted saying yes. I knew who she meant, who she was taunting me with. When she was alive it was exactly the kind of thing she would do. Teasing me with my own obvious desires, enjoying how it made me squirm, how hard I got as she urged me to delve into my fantasies. Of course, now I was teasing myself, a victim of my own unconscious. I woke with a start as a loud knock on my bedroom door kept the dream reaching any kind of climax. "What?" I growled, irritated at having been woken after a night of poor sleep and agitated from the dream. The door crept open and Ashley, my daughter, walked in wearing leggings that hugged her well toned legs and a sweatshirt that hung low enough to keep my eyes from my own daughter's ass. I blinked hard clearing the cob webs from my head. "Geez, dad, I guess you didn't sleep well." She stepped into the room and closed the door behind her. "We didn't keep you up, did we?" She was sheepish and awkward with me in a way she wasn't normally. Maybe Lexi and the twins had told her about our adventures, or maybe it was just the kissing contest that should never have happened. I patted the bed next to me and gave out a sigh. Hesitating with her head bowed a bit, she moved toward me and took a seat. I patted her knee and then quickly pulled my hand away. "Look Ashley, about last night..." I started but didn't quite know where to go. Continuing to look away she finished, "It was stupid to make you do that." Turning to me with eyes welling up she finished, "I'm so sorry." I pulled her into a hug. "Don't worry about it, I'm sure it seemed funny and exciting to tease me that way. It's just that..." She pulled back and looked up at me with the sweetest eyes, "It's just awkward now and I don't want us to be awkward." "We'll be fine," I gave her a reassuring smile followed by another hug. "I'll just lay low today and by tomorrow it will be like nothing happened." Letting out a little sigh she sat back and gave me her usual smile. "I'm glad, and the place will be quiet and you can take it easy today." Then she hugged me again and rested her head on my shoulder before adding, "After you get the tree." "The tree?" I turned my head toward her and realized suddenly that our faces were uncomfortably close. "Yes daddy," she affected her best little girl as she always did when she wanted something. "You can't have Christmas without a tree." I sighed, knowing I was powerless in the face of those pleading eyes. Besides, getting out alone would be welcome. "Okay," I agreed, "I'll head out and get one. But you girls will have to decorate it. I'm not touching it." She let out a little squeal of delight before kissing me on the cheek, "Of course, we've already started decorating the house." She jumped up and headed to the door but then stopped and looked shyly at the floor before saying, "And be careful, I told them not to, but the girls have put up mistletoe everywhere. I think..." she looked at me and blushed a bit, "I think the contest last night might have given them ideas." If only she knew. I wondered how long it would take for one of the twins to bring up last night as part of their constant bickering. Lexi would probably keep quiet, but in some ways she was more dangerous. In that moment in the light of the morning with a slight hangover it dawned on me that Lexi had said she'd wanted to blow me for a long time. Was this planned in some way? She certainly seemed in charge of the kissing contest. Sighing to myself I thought, I'm much too old for the ins and outs of college girls and their machinations. After a quick shower in my en suite at the cabin I pulled on a pair of jeans and a heavy flannel shirt. I remembered seeing a homemade sign advertising Christmas trees for sale an exit back on the highway. That was likely the best bet for collecting the required tree. Slowly opening my bedroom door I poked my head out and assessed the situation. Everything was quiet, no sign of the girls anywhere. I crept down the hallway, noticing the mistletoe that hung in every doorway in the cabin. Ashley wasn't kidding when she said they had gone a little crazy with the stuff. I felt like a rabbit trying to avoid traps. As I moved through the house toward the front door I relaxed a bit. No sign of anyone, they must have gone out. There was a small hill nearby and we had some sleds, so maybe they went out to enjoy some snow sports. As I passed the door to the living room, however, I learned that assertion was wrong. I glanced out, and through the living room, through the sliding glass doors to the deck, I could see the twins were getting in the hot tub and assumed that's where all of the girls were. My conversation about Ashley's bikini came back to me when Erika suddenly came up from behind me in a revealing two piece of her own and pushed past me into the living room on her way to the deck. She stopped a few steps in front of me and turned back, "Oh, hello Alex," She turned and smiled at me. Her hands on her hips as if she were posing for me. I couldn't help my eyes as they traveled over her toned body mostly on display, only barely covered by a yellow bikini. Her breasts were fuller than the twins, perfectly shaped and pert. The yellow of the bikini contrasting nicely with her dark skin. I forced my eyes back to hers. "Hi Erika," I said flatly, "Sleep well?" She wet her lips with her tongue and my heart beat a little faster as I realized the last time I saw that mouth it was causing my daughter to orgasm. "I was a bit restless after last night." She moved back toward me. "How about you? Are you okay?" Her hand went to my chest and lingered there as she looked up at me seductively. "We weren't very nice to you." "You were nice to me," I said honestly, remembering how she gave me a simple peck to finish the contest after I realized that I had made out with my own daughter. "Aww," she tilted her head to the side and batted her eyes at me. "You're so sweet. I know what it's like to need a gentle touch. But..." she trailed off. "But?" I asked, my heart speeding up a bit. "But I never did get a proper kiss." Then her eyes trailed up and I followed them to see that I was in fact standing under a clump of mistletoe. "Well," I managed, "I guess now's your chance." I paused and then began to add, "If you're intere..." but she had closed the gap between us before I finished and pressed her lips to mine. I wrapped my arms around her near naked body and she followed suit, and we stood in the doorway making out under the mistletoe. After the twins and Lexi, I guess a kiss, even a passionate kiss didn't seem so bad. Consequently, I was startled when I heard a sudden, "Dad!" from behind me down the hallway. I pulled away immediately and turned to see Ashley watching us kiss, an expression of such shock on her face. "Ashley, I..." and I glanced up at the mistletoe and her eyes followed mine, then shot to Erika who gave her a shrug and a smile. Ashley let out an exasperated growl with a shake of her head and then pushed past us both heading for the patio where the other girls were in the hot tub, not paying attention to the drama inside. I made a move to stop her but Erika placed her hand back on my chest and stopped me. "No, don't," she said, "I'll go talk to her, tell her it was my fault." "But it wasn't, I shouldn't have..." but she cut me off with another kiss. "Oh yes, you should have. And maybe later... I mean," she suddenly turned a bit shy, a side which I hadn't seen, "I mean you seem like a man who could be gentle." I couldn't process all of this right now. I was completely aroused, but also terrified that my daughter was going to never talk to me again. And if she reacted like that to a kiss then the events of the night before were not going to go over well. "I'm going to get a tree." I said noncommittally, "Please talk to Ashley, tell her I'm sorry." I pulled on my coat and stepped into the chilled air heading for my car. I felt like I was really making a mess of things. I was on edge as I approached my car in the cold morning air, somewhere between aroused and angry, mostly with myself. This feeling wasn't at all alleviated by the coquettish figure leaning against my car waiting for me. "Hello, Mr. Crenshaw," Lexi said with a coy little smile that was certainly meant to remind me that I had cum in her mouth the previous night. She wore a cute black beret from which spilled her loose red curls that framed her face. Unable to keep my eyes from wandering over the rest of her. She had on a bright white coat that stopped at her waist. She also wore an impossibly short skirt out of touch with the temperature, with black tights underneath that accentuated her shapely legs. The outfit was capped off with ankle boots designed more for sex appeal than the snow. "Lexi," I said with an exasperated sigh, "What are you doing out here? Why aren't you with the other girls in the hot tub?" "Well," she began, stepping close to me and taking my hands in hers as she looked up at me with doe eyes, "My favorite part of Christmas is getting the tree, so I wanted to come with you." Pulling my hands from hers I said, "Lexi, I'm really not in the mood. And the last thing I want right now is to be alone with you." She let out a little giggle, "Aww Mr. Crenshaw, you can't be afraid of little ole me, can you?" I just stared at her trying to effect my best unimpressed expression as she smirked up at me, completely aware of the fact that I wanted to throw her down and fuck her as hard as I could. "Oh don't worry," she finally said to cut the silence, and just then the front door to the house opened and out stepped Kate, wearing black leggings and a tight sweater that molded her smallish breasts. She wasn't wearing a coat, but had on a scarf and knit cap over her mousy brown hair. She stumbled a bit as she came down the stairs but didn't fall. She gave a wave, and the cold combined with her embarrassment over slipping gave a flush to her cheeks. She was the consummate tag-along freshman. Lexi pressed her case, "See, we won't be alone. Kate wants to come too. You don't mind if we both come, do you?" I rolled my eyes at her double entendre, but opened the driver's side door and slid in. Lexi and Kate both followed suit, each of them sliding in the back seat, leaving me alone in the front. I didn't worry too much. Regardless as to what kind of temptation Lexi, or even Kate, wanted to offer, we were going to be outdoors in sub freezing weather. What could possibly happen? The sun was out despite the cold as I steered the car back to the main highway and down to the exit where I had seen trees advertised. The girls had moved close together and whispered conspiratorily in the backseat. Every now and again I would glance at them in the review mirror, but as far as I could tell, nothing untoward was happening, despite their incessant hushed tones punctuated by giggles. The tree lot was mostly picked over when we arrived. With only three days until Christmas, most people had already had trees, and the one's on the lot had been sitting out long enough that their needles were beginning to brown and fall off at the slightest touch. The lot attendant, a young man in his early twenties kept eyeing the two girls. Who could blame him? I certainly kept looking them over despite myself. But he was a bit too country for them, wiry and gangly with bad skin. His look was almost hungry. "Mr. Crenshaw these trees are horrible," Lexi said with a pout. "Maybe they have some others in the back or something?" Kate added hopefully. "How about it?" I asked the greasy kid tending the lot, "Is this all you have?" "All we have that's cut," he answers. "If you want you can take an ax over there and walk through the grove. But anything you cut, you buy, and I ain't helping." Letting out a sigh I grabbed the ax and headed in the direction of the grove. The girls followed suit; Lexi giving the attendant a dirty look at his lack of helpfulness. We traipsed through the snow for a while, looking at various trees and debating about which one we should pick. Before we knew it, we were pretty far from where we started and the girls were getting cold, dressed more for appearance than the weather. I noticed a cabin up on the hill. Most were abandoned this time of year being typically used in the summer tourist season. I directed the girls to follow me and we made our way to it. Luckily there was an obvious fake rock with a key in it, and we entered the cabin. It was cold, but I quickly built a fire and the three of us huddled around it. "There," I said, "That's better isn't it? We'll warm up and then go and finish our task. Should easily get back by late afternoon. "Mr. Crenshaw," Lexi looked up at me, her arm around a shivering Kate, "I think she might need more than the fire, she can't stop shaking." "Just give her a minute," I knelt on the floor on the other side of the girl and wrapped my arm around her as well. We sat like that for a while, huddled together, helping Kate warm up. She leaned her head on my shoulder and then suddenly kissed my neck. I pulled back but I heard Lexi's voice behind me, she had moved to the couch and was sitting with one foot on the floor and the other flat on the cushion, her skirt falling just enough between her thighs to cover her crotch as she looked at us. "Mr. Crenshaw," She said, her eyes lidded, "Kate has something she wants to show you." When Kate hesitated, Lexi added, "Well, go on... you know you want to." I wasn't sure what was coming, but I figured it was something sexual. And sure enough Kate pulled off her sweatshirt to reveal a pink bra covering her firm breasts and revealing her toned stomach. I glanced at Lexi and rolled my eyes, but she just giggled mischievously and nodded back for me to watch Kate. When I looked back, Kate was leaning back into a bridge, her flexible form nearly making a circle as she leaned backwards before throwing her legs up and over and landing in a split. Kate smiled broadly as she looked at me, her arms out in a finishing pose. Somewhat confused and not sure what else I should do, I applauded. "Kate's going to try out for gymnastics even though she hasn't really competed before," Lexi said matter of factly. "Well I thought it was impressive." I added. "You seem, um... very flexible." Kate smiled coyly and then turned her abdomen away from me, and her legs, which had been one out in front and the other behind suddenly jutted out to either side of her, nearly perpendicular to her body leaving me with a nice view of her tight and shapely ass in her leggings. She leaned forward and rested on her elbows and then looked back over her shoulder at me through her hair which hung in her face. "Do guys like this kind of thing?" She asked with a naivete that was much more sincere that Lexi's false innocence. "It makes me hot to think guys get turned on watching me." Before I could say anything, Lexi spoke from where she watched on the couch, "Why don't you check and see how turned on Mr. Crenshaw is." I gave Lexi a sudden look that was meant to be reprimanding, but turned out to be a bit fearful. Standing up I said. "No, that's okay Kate, we really should be..." But Kate had turned her self around and was crawling toward me in the most seductive way, her mouth turned in a hungry, crooked smile, and as she reached where I stood , she ran her hands up and over my thighs. "You see Mr. Crenshaw," Lexi announced suddenly standing and walking behind me, resting her chin on my shoulder as she looked up at me, "Kate is a bit young, but... well, as you saw last night, she's quite experienced with her mouth." Kate lowered my zipper and undid my trousers, eagerly fishing out my rapidly hardening cock. She begin stroking it in her small hands as she looked up at me from her kneeling position. "He saw that?" Kate asked her eyes going wide. "Does that mean he also saw...?" "Mhmmm," Lexi purred. I knew what they were talking about. I couldn't get the image out of my head. My daughter Ashley laid back, legs spread while her teammate Erika brought her to orgasm with her tongue. "Oh my god," Kate said, suddenly bobbing her head down on my cock before pulling off, "I'd explode if I thought my dad ever watched me cum like that." And then she began sucking me in earnest. "Kate..." I groaned, unable to form the will power to force myself away, "We shouldn't..." "Shhh," Lexi hissed and then nibbled my ear, "Just enjoy her, Mr. Crenshaw, she's got a quite talented mouth... everyone on the team knows that." She tugged at my ear with her teeth and helped undo the buttons of my shirt as Kate bobbed up and down on my cock. "And I do mean everyone." I moaned at the implication and my cock twitched in Kate's mouth eliciting a muffled giggle. As Lexi backed away from me and went back to observing from the couch she added, "I mean, what do you think freshman girls are for... we all take our turn on our knees, Mr. Crenshaw." For a girl of 18, Kate had a talented mouth, and she licked and sucked and swallowed my cock with an eagerness I'm not sure I had ever seen. Her tongue was ever present, rolling over and around my cock, lapping at the underside of my shaft. She cupped my balls in one small hand and gave them just the right amount of pressure as her other hand firmly held the base of my cock. It was wet and slippery, and she made lewd slurping and sucking sounds as she got me as hard as I had ever remembered being. I heard a moan from from the couch and saw that Lexi had peeled off her tights and had leaned back, one leg up and draped over the back of the couch, the other foot on the floor as she languidly rubbed her bare and glistening pussy watching her younger friend giving exquisite head. "Okay," Lexi said slowly, "That's enough, I think he's ready." Kate sat back on her folded legs as Lexi motioned me to her. "Kate's been getting boys ready for us all year... not that I mind doing it myself... bu then you know that already... don't you Mr. Crenshaw?" I moved toward her spread legs leaving Kate and my trousers behind. The freshman was nice, but it was the redheaded vixen I wanted, and apparently she wanted me. As I knelt between her lithe, spread legs, I hovered over her, holding myself above her with one hand, and guiding my cock into her wet folds with the other. "I've been wanting this..." she mewled as I slid into her, "forever." I had wanted it forever too, and the feeling was overwhelming as her body welcomed me like it had been designed to accommodate my cock. Her young cunt gripped me with perfect pressure and just as I sunk the last measure of my cock inside her, I felt my head brush her cervix. She hooked one leg around my waist, keeping the other on the floor and locked her deep green eyes on mine with an intensity that told me she wanted to know every moment that it was her best friend's father fucking her. Biting her lower lip, Lexi moaned and then whined, "Mr. Crenshaw..." in that seductively innocent way she had always teased me with. And I pressed harder into her, thrusting my hips at a quickening pace as she ground herself up into me. "Is this what you've wanted?" I grunted as I looked into her deceptively innocent eyes, "Is this what you've been trying to coax out of me?" She gave the faintest of nods as if she were a shy little girl, but the whimpers and moans were building in intensity and her eyes were having trouble keeping focus as they rolled back again and again. "Please," she whimpered, "don't stop... I'm so close." I hooked her leg with my arm and nearly folded her in half as I began pounding down into her with my full length and strength. "Yes, yes, just like that, fuck me harder," She began to cry out, "Harder, make me your little bitch. I wanna be your little bitch." And then her eye lids fluttered and her eyes rolled back and her body quaked beneath me as I pinned her in place. I felt her cunt convulse around me, milking me as she spasmed through her orgasm. The look on the red head's face as she slipped into ecstasy was too much for me to bear, and her young, ripe body got what it wanted as I emptied thick ropes of cum deep inside her while pinning her beneath me. As the last of me emptied into her, I tried to gain control of my breathing which had become labored as I fucked her harder in search of release. She smiled up at me and almost purred, "Better than I imagined, and I imagined it a lot." The idea of her masturbating to thoughts of me, even though I was currently still inside her made me shudder. Leaning down I kissed her full on the lips and let my tongue explore her mouth as her tongue explored mine. I pushed myself up and off, leaving her legs spread, her obscenely open sex on display and oozing my cum. I couldn't look away from the sexy image until I heard Lexi say, "Okay Katy girl, come here." Kate, who I had forgotten about, but was kneeling on the floor completely nude with her hand between her spread thighs, crawled toward Lexi and licked the length of the red head's thigh before covering Lexi's mound with her eager mouth and feeding on my deposited cum like a newborn at a milky teat. It was the sexiest thing I think I had ever seen. Lexi draped her hand on the back of the freshman's head and let out a little moan. "Kate is very oral," she explained smiling at me letting out an occasional gasp, "we put that to good use." Kate moaned and continued to finger herself as she cleaned the older girl's well fucked sex. I couldn't believe what these girls did behind closed doors. I would have never expected. Would anyone? And while I watched the younger girl service the senior, my cock twitched and began to grow despite the abundance of use. Lexi ground her pelvis up into Kate's mouth, holding her in place with a hand on the back of her head. When she saw that I was watching intently and slowly stroking myself, Lexi patted the arm of the couch next to her and said between little moans, "Come sit over here, and I'll help you." I moved to Lexi's side of the couch, and she reached over with her svelte hand began stroking me as Kate continued to feed on her. With a moan Lexi leaned over and swallowed my semi hard cock and cleaned what remained of our combined juices. I slowly grew fully erect in her mouth, her moans vibrating through me and helping me along. In all honesty, she wasn't as good as Kate, but she may have been distracted by the younger girl's tongue swirling in her folds of flesh. "Kate's saving herself," Lexi panted as she obviously approached a second orgasm, "Her pussy anyway, but if you want, you can fuck her ass." Suddenly Lexi gripped the back of Kate's head with one hand and gripped my cock tighter in the other. I watched in fascination as she ground hard against the freshman's mouth and cried out into the room in thick grunts. Her stomach muscles tensing as she rode the wave of what looked like an almost painful orgasm. Falling slack, Lexi shivered and looked up at me with a giggle. She then guided Kate up from between her legs and over to where my cock stood erect and pulsing in Lexi's hand. Without a word, Kate took over responsibility for sucking my cock as Lexi recovered herself. Sitting up Lexi ran her hand over Kate's bare back as I relaxed into the luxurious treatment of the talented girl's mouth. "Good girl," Lexi said, petting her friend as she repeatedly swallowed my cock, "You keep him hard and ready. I'll be right back." I watched Lexi disappear into the next room, reminded that she was still dressed despite it all, a fact which marked the younger, completely naked girl as even more submissively obedient. When the red head returned, she held up a bottle of Olive Oil that had obviously been stored in the empty kitchen's pantry and gave me a wink. "I think," Lexi said as she sat on the couch beside where her friend was blowing me and poured a bit of the oil into her palm, "This will work perfectly." My cock was rock hard but I was nowhere near cumming after having just cum so soon. In truth I had never taken a woman's ass before and I watched in fascination as Lexi rubbed her oil laden hand into the crack of Kate's ass, spreading it with her delicate fingers. Kate simply moaned, but otherwise was not distracted from tending to my cock. Even when I saw Lexi slide her middle finger into the apparently virgin Kate's tightest hole, the freshman just gave a sort of squeal, but kept licking and sucking my cock. "I think she's ready," Lexi looked up at me as she worked her slippery finger in and out of Kate's ass. "Kate, sweetheart," she said gently, "Why don't you kneel on the floor and put your head in my lap so Mr. Crenshaw can fuck your ass. You'd like that, wouldn't you?" Kate finally lifted up from my cock and nodded, giving a slight, "uh huh," as she moved into the position Lexi commanded. The freshman girl's tight round ass glistened with the olive oil Lexi used to lubricate her. I knelt behind her and held out my hand to Lexi who poured some oil into it, and I too greased my cock before leaning forward and pressing my now slippery cock to Kate's tightest hole. Her body naturally resisted, but the oil made quick work of any such tension as I slid into her. Kate grunted and took labored breaths as she took the head of my cock into her now stretched ass. Kate gave a whimper that stuck in her throat and looked up at her older teammate, "Lexi," she said, almost pleading, looking for the older girl to reassure her. "Lexi, please, I think he's too big." She panted, "I don't think..." For her part Lexi petted the girl's brown hair and hushed her. "Just relax, he's almost all the way in. You can do it." Then Lexi looked with eager eyes at where I had begun to obscenely open the girl, and then up to me and nodded, "Keep going." I pressed forward gently, Lexi and I both lost in the fascination of seeing this petite 18 year old sodomized by my cock despite Kate's whines and grunts that indicated her struggle to take it. Suddenly, its like her body opened and stopped resisting and most of my cock slid deep into her. Kate gave a howl at the violation, but otherwise said nothing. Instead she lowered her head and actually pushed back against me, forcing another inch of my cock into her ass. I took the bottle of oil from Lexi and when I pulled back I poured more oil into the crack of her ass and over my cock before sliding back into Kate's depths. "Oh God," she whimpered, taking hold of Lexi's hands with her own and holding them tight. "it's not like fingers." She managed to pant as I pulled back and pushed forward again. Lexi gave me a sly smile that seemed to say, "Aren't virgins cute?" but then leaned down and kissed her friend softly. "You're doing great, he loves how tight you are." "Does he?" she almost whined, looking back at me over her shoulder through dark tresses that showed signs of sweat. "Yes," I reassured her, and bit my lip as took hold of her slender hips and started pumping in and out of her stretched ass, "you're perfect." She lowered her head, resting her head,face first, in Lexi's thighs, whimpering and grunting as she concentrated on making herself available to my thrusts. Lexi leaned forward and I met her half way across the freshman's bare back and we kissed passionately. Breaking the kiss, the redhead looked down and watched in awe as my thick cock split the young girl wide open over and over again. Looking back at me, she mouthed, "oh my god," with a look of wild eyed lust. She kissed me again and then whispered, "That's so sexy..." With Lexi holding my concentration, my strokes in and out of Kate were rhythmic, methodical, albeit labored given the tightness of her ass. Whining and whimpering, a thin sheen of sweat covering her entire body, Kate managed, "What... what's sexy?" Lexi slipped down in front of the belabored girl and kissed her again. "You are Kate... you're sexy, the way you're taking his cock." Lexi lingered in another kiss with her younger friend. "Would you like me to rub you off while he fucks you?" "Yes please," the freshman girl asked far too politely for the situation, and Lexi obliged, moving beside her and reaching under Kate with her hand. Immediately my daughter's youngest teammate became more vocal, moaning and grunting, as she tried to grind against Lexi's fingers while continuing to take my cock. Suddenly Kate threw her head up and cried out, "Oh fuck, it's like... nothing... fuck..." and her entire body shook as a violent orgasm washed over her small frame before she went so limp she rested her head on the floor and it was only my hands gripping her hips that kept her ass in the air. She lay there limp, moaning a low monotone as I continued fucking her, not entirely sure she was conscious. "Cum in her ass, Mr. Crenshaw." Lexi almost demanded, kneeling up beside me, one hand wet with Kate's cum, resting on my chest, the other giving my ass a squeeze. "I wanna see it..." I pounded the poor girl a bit harder, needing a bit more to find release as she lay moaning, face pressed to the floor, ass upturned and spread. But when I felt Lexi's slender fingers slip from behind me between my legs and squeeze my balls it was just what I needed to flood the young woman's rectum with my seed, and I cried out as I did so. Stretched and filled as Kate was, Lexi and I watched as thick white cream overflowed from her stretched ass and slipped out around my cock and dripped down her thighs. And when I had finished emptying myself for the second time, I slipped from what was her now gaping ass and a torrent of fluid poured from her as she collapsed on the floor, almost shivering from the orgasm and the ordeal. Lexi kissed me hard as I leaned back panting and then lay along side the freshman with an arm draped over the brunette's naked body in a gesture of comfort. "You okay sweetie?" Lexi asked softly into the mop of brown hair that hid Kate's face. Kate nodded without saying anything and then suddenly rolled over onto her back, small breasts appearing even smaller, but nipples jutting up in the chill air. "Fuck that was intense," She said dramatically, staring up at the ceiling, "I don' think I'm going to be able to walk straight for a week." She raised her head and looked to where I was kneeling near her feet. "Thank you Mr. Crenshaw, that was incredible." Her face beamed. "You're not hurt, I hope," I said, not knowing how else to respond. "Oh, I'll be sore, but," she moved to sit up and groaned a bit and then shivered and turned to Lexi. "Oh god, the pain is like a constant reminder that I let him fuck my ass. It's so hot." The older girl giggled and rose up off the floor, reaching down and offering to help Kate up. "It's your fault for insisting he couldn't fuck you right." "You know I want to be a virgin on my wedding night," Kate took the offered help and rose up gingerly. Lexi just rolled her eyes at the weirdly puritan notion of such a sexual girl. The girls found the bathroom to clean themselves and dress, and I did the same, extinguishing the fire and making sure everything, even the bottle of olive oil, was back where we found it as we headed out and made straight for the Christmas Tree camp. Lexi and Kate walked arm in arm, the older girl helping the younger in her soreness. "Forget something?" The skinny young kid attending the lot said as we walked up. When we looked confused he added with exasperation, "A tree? You were gone awful long to not come back with one." Fuck, a tree, right. The girls giggled and headed for the car, no longer caring too much about the outcome. And, of course, Kate was a bit worn out. "Nothing worth the trouble," I avoided his eyes. Scanning the lot I picked out one that didn't look too bad and handed over the money before securing it to the roof for the short drive back to my cabin. As we made our way back, I glanced in the mirror and saw that Kate was laying across the back seat with her head in Lexi's lap as the red head played with strands of the brunette's hair. It was clear Kate was still sore and maybe a little shaken after being taken like that. And suddenly I felt guilty. Did I really want to end up in Kate's memories as her friend's dad who sodomized her on Christmas break freshman year? And would she remember it fondly or blame me, and possibly Lexi, for taking advantage of her? What if she broke down and told her parents about it? I mean, she's of age, but it wouldn't be good. I glanced in the mirror again, Kate was looking up at Lexi and giggling as she whispered something I couldn't make out. That made me feel better. I took a deep breath and Lexi caught my eye in the mirror and smiled at me. Her smile told me that she wasn't done with me yet, and if I were honest, I'd have to admit I was glad of the thought. "Where've you been?" Jane was at the front door yelling down to us as we got out of the car. "Seriously, how long does it take to get a tree?" Her twin sister piled on from over Jane's shoulder. Kate blushed and lowered her eyes as she walked toward the house, and I ignored the question altogether as I busied myself with unfastening the tree. Lexi took it on herself to answer, "We ran into some car trouble." She lied as easily as she seduced. Janet immediately started babbling, "Was it the battery? Because when it's really cold like this the battery dies sometimes. At least, that's what the maid said when she didn't show up like she was supposed to and Daddy seemed to accept that, and he's a car guy." Jane, caught Lexi's eye, however, and noticed Kate's blush. A smile crept over her face as she hushed her sister and said, "Let's get inside, I'm sure we'll hear all about it." Setting the tree up into the living room, the conversation quickly turned away from where we had been and what our trip had entailed to what the girls were going to make for dinner, and whether it was worth waiting until later that evening to decorate. "Frozen pizza is not very Christmasy," Jane complained as three trays of the stuff was removed from the oven, "We should have turkey with all the trimmings." "Ugh," said Erika, "I don't eat meat. And besides, Christmas is still a few days away." Glancing in my direction Janet smiled, "I like eating meat. Especially sausage." I admit I blushed as I secured the tree in place. I glanced at Ashley and she was leaning back into the couch and rolling her eyes at the obviousness of the sexual innuendo. She had been quiet since we returned with the tree, not making eye contact with me. Had she and Erika talked while I was gone? Had the twins? Once the tree was in place I clapped my hands together and announced that my work was done, and that I was heading into the back to read and relax. Jane stood in front of me batting her pretty blue eyes coquettishly, "You're not going to stay and help decorate?" The other girls, except Ashley, moaned their disapproval. "It really doesn't seem right for you to miss all the fun, Mr. Crenshaw," a sly smile spreading over her lips, "But you may be a bit tired after your... car trouble." She glanced at her freshman teammate and Kate blushed deep crimson. "I tell you what," I compromised, "Once you girls get it all decorated, I'll come out for the big reveal." I grabbed a few slices of pizza and moved toward my office on the other end of the cabin. "Just send Ashley back to get me when you're ready." Honestly I was getting very nervous about my relationship with my daughter. After all, by this point I had, in some way, fucked four of her five teammates and she had caught me making out with the fifth right before I left for the tree. I didn't know what I was going to say, but I needed to check in with her. Some time passed before I heard a knock on my door. In between I had eaten and showered and settled into a book in the quiet part of the house. Occasionally my thoughts drifted back to the afternoon, but it was so surreal that rather than cause me anxiety, the thought of sex with Lexi and ass fucking Kate felt like I was remembering a very pleasant dream. Still, I worried about Ashley. I was already losing her to college graduation, was I making it so that she would walk out my door and never come back? There was a slight rapping on my door, and I put my book down. When I openned the door, there was Ashley, looking at me a bit sheepishly. "The tree's ready, we all want you to come see it." "All of you?" I probed. "Even you?" She let out a sigh and stepped into my room and closed the door behind her. "I..." her words stuck in her throat. "I tried to tell you ahead of time, but..." She trailed off and broke down in tears. "I'm so sorry, Daddy." Confused, I took her in my arms and hugged her as she sobbed. Why was she apologizing to me? What was I missing? "Ashley," I was near tears myself, though I didn't really understand why, "what's wrong? What's going on?" "It's just horrible the way they tease you," she bawled. "Especially Lexi," her voice turning angry at the mention of her best friend, "She thinks I don't notice, but I notice. But it's all my fault." I must admit I gave a bit of a chuckle as I guided us both to a seat on my bed. "What are you talking about?" "So..." she began with the guiltiest of looks on her face as she got her tears and anger under control. "I mean, you never date. I've never seen you, since," she paused and didn't finish the sentence. "I was telling them that I was worried about you, that I wanted you to be happy. That you're an attractive guy with a lot to offer." I offered a kind smile, "Ashley, honey, I am happy." "You know what I mean, Dad." She gave an exasperated grunt. "But then Lexi sent around your pic, the one of you at the pool party from my high school graduation party, where you're at the grill, bare chested. And they were all like, 'Your dad's hot.' and 'I'll make him happy for you.'" Her voice slipped into mocking tones when she mimicked her friends. I was beginning to understand where this was going. "And so I'm here," I said slowly, "And your friends are all flirting with me?" Her voice become very soft and she almost whispered, "And hoping for more. I told them not to do that to you" Suddenly becoming more animated, "But they're all in some kind of contest to see..." "Oh Ashley," I said again pulling her into a hug, "and I'm playing right into it. That must be horrible for you. I'm so sorry." "No Dad," she pulled away and stood up turning toward the window, "You don't understand. I mean, I want you to be happy. And I know that, well, it must be torture. So I'm saying, just..." I looked at her and raised an eyebrow. "Just what?" "God dad, you really are dense sometimes," She sighed, "Just... be happy. Don't let them torture you. I know how great a guy you are and well, they're all over 18 and... sexy. So just... it's okay." I could tell she was bright red despite having her back to me as she said it. Standing up, I squeezed her from behind. I really couldn't believe she was giving permission to fuck her friends, but it did let me breathe a sigh of relief since I had already. "It's been more difficult than I imagined," I admitted without filling in any details. "But they'll be gone in a few days and it will just be us for Christmas." I kissed the top of her head before letting her go. "I think Erika really likes you," she said straightly, "I mean, not as just some stupid contest, but really likes you." I gave a chuckle and a shrug, "What's not to like?" And I saw my daughter smile for the first time all day. "I never want to hurt you, Ashley, but your friends are making it very difficult, and I am still a man." "I know, dad," She said, "Believe me, I know." That seemed like a strange response, but I let it go as I hugged her again before following her to the other part of the house to see the newly decorated Christmas tree. The girls had really outdone themselves. In addition to the meager amount of ornaments we kept at the cabin, there were clearly others brought for the sole purpose of making this tree festive. Also, someone had popped popcorn and, in a very traditional move, had turned it into strings of homemade garland. The lights were out, but the dim glow from the roaring fire gave everything an especially magical air. The others were obviously waiting for me and Ashley before turning on the tree lights in a big reveal. "It's about time, you two," Lexi gave a fake air of exasperation, "we thought you might never come back." Lexi's green eyes shifted from me to my daughter, but Ashley ignored her and whatever she was implying. "So let's get on with it," Jane said, heading to the power switch. "I mean, most of us leave tomorrow afternoon, so all this work was for one night. "No," corrected Erika glancing up at me, "It was for Ashley and Mr. Crenshaw, who are planning to stay through Christmas." "Besides, it was fun," added Kate, who I noticed was laying on her stomach on the floor. "Alright," said Ashley, "Let's light it, and then we can sing some carols. We have spiced rum and an egg nog mixer." The girls counted down to give some suspense and anticipation to the reveal and Jane flipped the switch at the countdown's end. To my surprise, not only was the tree lit, but the girls had strung multi-colored twinkle lights through the rafters and around the door ways, making a display of the entire room. In the dark it was quite impressive and there were many Ooos and Aahhhs as the girls and I took it all in. Ashley came over to where I stood and gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek and said, "Merry Christmas, daddy. I hope you like it." "Oh Ashley it's lovely." I answered her but then added so everyone could hear me. "Thank you, all of you, for helping decorate our small cabin. It makes the season really feel special." I was about to turn back to my room and settle in for some more reading and a night's rest when Erika, who was lounging on the love seat, asked, "You're not leaving are you, Alex? The fun is just beginning." I smiled uneasily, "Well, I'm a little worn out from the afternoon, so..." "You mean the car trouble?" Erika asked, a bit of skepticism showing through in her tone and facial expression. She glanced to where Kate lay on her stomach and the freshman turned her head and blushed. "Yes, that's right,. The car trouble," I tried to affirm never being great at lying. "Come on, Mr. Crenshaw," Janet jumped in, "It's more fun with a man around." "Yes, daddy," Ashley said looking over to me, "You should stay. Have a seat next to Erika and I'll get you an egg nog." She gave me a shy smile. Added to her words in my room, I felt like she was more than just giving me permission to hook up with Erika, but was encouraging me to do it. "Are you sure?" I asked her skeptically. Ashley nodded, but Jane added, "Of course she's sure. You're a great guy, Mr. Crenshaw, we all like having you around. " Janet jumped in with a coy expression aimed at her sister. "Even if we have to share." "Come on, Alex," Erika said as she languidly lounged on the love seat, reaching over and giving the space next to her a little pat, "come sit next to me and keep me warm. I won't bite." Much like earlier in the day, any pretense to disinterest was thinning, and without more hesitation I gave in and sat next to the lovely young woman. Ashley handed me a rum soaked egg nog, strong enough that I could smell the alcohol through the spices of the holiday drink. "None for you?" I asked Erika who had leaned into me and placed her hand on my knee. "I don't drink," she said simply. "You don't drink, don't eat meat," I laughed, "Aren't you the pure one?' She smirked up at me, "I just choose to find my vices elsewhere." Soon enough the girls and I all were in good spirits as Ashley and Lexi led the room in singing. Christmas carols at first, but then songs that had nothing to do with the season at all. And finally enough of the girls had drunk enough that when Janet loaded up the karaoke app on her phone and connected to our speakers, everyone, excepting me and Erika, were eager to participate and put on a show. It was innocent enough... at first. Ashley sang Lorde's "Royals" and the twins did an overly dramatic duet of "I Will Survive." But then Lexi and Ashley sang Katy Perry's "I Kissed a Girl" and were obviously teasing each other through the song, bringing their lips close together before pulling away. It was all very funny, but also, not, and I began to wonder if my daughter was even still aware I was in the room as I sipped my drink. Eventually the singing was replaced by Ashley putting in a movie. Kate fell asleep on the floor almost immediately, and before too long the pair of stumbling twins helped her back to their shared bedroom and none of them returned. The film was "White Christmas," one of Ashley's favorites, a taste she learned from her mom, and Ashley and Lexi snuggled in together on the couch as they had so many times in our home over the past four years. Both girls on the couch, leaning into each other under a blanket. It had always been so innocent, but as I watched them together now, I wondered. I didn't pay too much attention though since I was distracted by Erika, who had rested her head on my chest with my arm around her. Her hand, however ran up and down my thigh. Light touches at first, not obvious enough to even be counted as conscious, but soon her movements were clearly more intentional and sliding higher up the inside of my thigh. Honestly, after the past two days and sex with multiple girls I was beginning to worry that, to paraphrase a better writer, my mind was willing, but my flesh would be a bit... soft. I wasn't a teenager anymore and as exciting as it was to have college aged girls so actively pursuing me, the body has limits. It seemed, however, that Erika was prepared for this, and as Ashley and Lexi watched the film from across the room, Erika held out her hand with a little blue pill in it. She whispered in my ear, "Here, take this. Lexi said you might need it after your... car trouble." I took the pill out of her hand and looked at it. I'd never taken anything like it, and frankly never needed to, but maybe I should. It hadn't quite dawned on me how forward a move this was, or how prepared Erika was. Or even that Lexi and Erika had discussed giving me such a pill for the purpose of enhancing my ability to fuck Erika. No, after the last two days, Erika handing me the pill at Lexi's instruction seemed about the most logical thing in the world. I glanced across the room to the two other girls, and while Ashley kept her eyes on the movie, Lexi was watching me intently. We made eye contact and she gave me her devilish smile as I put the pill in my mouth and swallowed it down with the aid of my drink. Ashley seemed to be nodding off, so Lexi, having seen me swallow the pill said, "Okay sleepy girl, let's go to bed." "But the movie's not over," Ashley said, glancing over where Erika was snuggled in with me. Lexi leaned over and whispered something that made Ashley blush. And in a moment both girls were standing. As they walked to the hallway leading to the bedrooms, Ashley looked back with an almost forlorn look on her face, "'Night, Dad." "Goodnight, Ashley," I replied. As soon as they turned the corner, Erika's hand went from my thigh to my crotch and began massaging me through the material of my trousers. She looked up at me and smiled while her hand continued to work. "Looks like we're alone now." Leaning down I kissed her as I felt myself growing harder against her hand. Pausing for a moment she lowered my zipper and undid my trousers as our tongue explored each other's mouths. Suddenly her hand was on my bare cock which had sprung free of my boxers. "We don't have to do anything you don't want to do," I whispered into her mouth, remembering what Ashley had said about Erika's fears of penetration. Her big brown eyes smiled up at me as her hand stroked me, "No, Alex, I'm ready. I..." she kissed me cutting herself off before continuing, "I've never trusted the boys my age... but I trust you." We kissed again, making out on the couch as her hand worked over me, the pill obviously having its intended effect as I was growing harder than I'd ever remembered being. Turning towards her I cupped her firm and ample breast feeling her nipple harden through the fabric I gave it a little tug and twist and she moaned into my mouth. Trailing kisses from mouth to her ear, and then along her neck, I slid lower, leaving her hand unable to keep up its ministrations. Truthfully I could tell I didn't need the constant contact. As I lowered I lifted the hem of her shirt, and she obliged, removing it the rest of the way, revealing her mocha torso as I unclapsed the front clasp on her lace bra, releasing her breasts. I covered her dark brown areola and sucked her erect nipple into my mouth. She moaned and writhed beneath me as I teased her breasts which were clearly sensitive. Alternating between both with my mouth, she ran her fingers through my dark hair and held me close to her chest. Trailing down over her flat stomach I hooked my fingers in the waist of her leggings and pulled both them and her panties down her athletically toned legs and off, leaving her fully naked on the couch. On my knees in front of her I put a hand on each of her knees and pushed her legs wide apart and kissed the inside of her thigh. "Oh Alex," she purred, her hips already grinding up even though nothing was touching her. "I didn't think it would be different... but it is." I licked tentatively at the folds of her young flesh, already wet, her scent filling my nostrils. She let out a little moaned, and tried to force more contact by scooting down lower as I teased her. Suddenly I covered her mound and pushed my tongue hard into her against her swelling clit and she let go a gasping cry of satisfaction as she ground against my tongue. Her hands still entwined behind my head she pulled me hard against her and writhed as I held my tongue still, letting her do the work. But I wasn't about to let her cum, for her first time, I wanted her on the edge, eager and desperate for more. Just as her breathing became ragged and her moans more intense I forced myself from her and stood in front of her, pulling my shirt off and stepping out of my trousers and boxers. Erika whined in protest as I pulled away from her, but when she saw I was standing naked in front of her, she sat up, leaned forward, and sucked my cock into her warm, wet mouth. I don't know what experience she had, but she was very talented, offering a nice wet blow job with lot of pressure from her tongue. I reached down and gently lay a hand on the back of her head, gripping a fistful of her hair that had been relaxed and lightened into loose curls highlighted with blonde streaks. The vibrations from Erika's moans rippled through me and I would have been content to receive a blow job from her to completion, but that's not what she was hoping for, and honestly, I was excited to be the man she chose to take her virginity. I reached down and lifted her to her feet, kissing her as our two naked bodies embraced. Guiding her down to lay on the couch, my hips parting her thighs as her smooth brown legs raised up and wrapped around me. I ground against her for a moment, my hard cock sliding along the folds of her very wet pussy as I looked down into her big brown eyes. "Are you ready?" I asked. She bit her lower lip and nodded, tensing in a way that was both unhelpful and unavoidable. I pulled my hips back and reached between us, wetting my head and finding my mark. I pushed forward and began the process of opening her, going slowly into untouched territory. She gasped as she felt me slide in a few inches. I pulled back and pushed a little further into her. She rose up to meet me, which was a good sign, so I pulled back again and thrust hard and deep into her, sinking most of the way in. I watched her eyes the entire time and as I pushed deeper than anyone had been her eyes shot wide and she gasped, "Oh God, Alex..." But it was done, and she was no longer a virgin. I smiled down at her as she tried to control her breathing, remaining deep in her, letting her adjust. "Are you Okay, Erika?" I smiled softly. She nodded as her breathing slowed and she relaxed. Still her tight young cunt gripped me and spasmed as it strained to accommodate the invasion. I pulled back, and slid forward, and again. Moving slowly, short movements, letting her get used to the sensation. Of course I had to be gentle earlier in the day when I took young Kate's ass, but this was different, and it had been a very long time since I had sex with a virgin. Erika moaned under me as I gradually picked up the pace, each thrust forward feeling her relax and let more of me slide into her. Deeper and and deeper I went, faster, her hips thrusting up, eager for more. "Oh God Alex," she moaned, "this is so much better than I imagined. I don't know what I was afraid of." Her lithe legs wrapped around my waist and encouraged me to fuck her deeper and I obliged. We must have looked a sight, her mocha legs wrapped around my mostly pale waist as she pressed up into me, both of us moaning and grunting as we began to fuck in earnest as her fear and discomfort vanished. She breathed, "I wanna be on top, can I be on top?" Some combination of command and request, but I nodded and pulled out of her and sat on the couch with my thick cock sticking up and glistening, ready to re enter her. I noticed there was no sign of blood, which I knew to be an indication of her arousal and my gentleness. She straddled me and reached between us, guiding me back into her as she lowered down. Sinking all the way until I was as deep in her as I could go. She bucked her hips back and forth as I filled her, riding me. I now understood. Despite her hesitation about penetration, Erika was a girl who knew what she wanted, knew what she needed, and as she ground down with my cock reaching her depths, I knew that she already understood how to get herself off. Grabbing her ass with two hands, I encouraged her to grind and fuck my stiff cock, as we both moaned into the empty room. She started a mantra of, "oh fuck... oh fuck... yes... yes," becoming increasingly needy, higher and higher pitched as she neared her release. For my own part, I was doing my best to hold back, the grip of her tight, previously virgin pussy milking me was becoming too much for me to resist. Even after the weekend, my balls were tightening as my cock swelled inside the young woman. I just needed her to get off and I knew that I would release into her. She began to shudder, spasms slowly rippling up her body as her movements became erratic. "That's it, Cum for me," I breathed, encouraging her. But even as I said it, something caught my eye, movement in the doorway. As Erika ground down hard, I glanced and saw the shadow of one of the girls peeking around the corner, watching us. But couldn't tell who. Erika let out a guttural cry as her orgasm overtook her, which brought my attention back to her and my own impending orgasm. Her cunt milking me as it contracted around my thick cock lodged deep inside the young black girl riding me. But it was only when I felt her push down hard and my cock head press against her cervix that my own orgasm triggered, pumping her full of my seed as she wound down her own climax. When I had finished, still catching my breath, Erika slumped forward as I held onto her. This gave me a better view of the doorway, but there was no sign of whoever it was that had been watching. And even as I cradled Erika, still inside the freshly fucked girl, I wondered more hopefully than I'd care to admit: Could it have been Ashley? For Pics visit:---->>> https://bit.ly/2ReHUJI
Title: Step Sister's Prank Summary: Step sister plays a prank that doesn't end the way she expected. Keywords: inc,fic It WAS a good prank. Well it would have been a good prank if it'd gone off the way she planned it. Unfortunately my stepsister and her best friend didn't quite get it carried out the way they planned. Now I don't hate Tammy. She is my stepsister after all. We haven't always gotten along. Just getting used to having a sister after being an only child for sixteen years was tough enough. Having to get used to a sister with a really warped sense of humor made the last three years a mixed bag. Her mom, my new mom, Elaine was alright. My dad seemed to like her and she made him happy, so what could I say? Even before she got married to my dad, she pulled me aside and brokered a deal with me. She'd not make life any more difficult for me than it needed to be if I didn't make life any more difficult for Tammy than it needed to be. It seemed like a reasonable arrangement, one which she has worked hard to keep her side of. I guess the pranks Tammy seemed to always play on me was her way of dealing with suddenly ending up with a brother after being an only child for her first sixteen years. They weren't usually mean, and like I said, her warped sense of humor left many of them to be less than funny in my book. Of course when I complained to Elaine, mom, she simply told me that if I wanted to return in kind she wouldn't find that to be unreasonable or unfair, as long as the pranks weren't dangerous or illegal. Consequently Tammy found the periodic live critter in places they weren't supposed to be, like her dresser drawer. All of her bras missing or her underwear hidden at inopportune times, that sort of thing. This prank wasn't meant to be mean either. I suppose it was her way of teasing me over not having a date on Valentine's Day. I was in the shower, taking care of business, if you know what I mean, when they slipped into the bathroom and dumped a container of some kind of pink powder and little red tissue paper hearts over the top of the shower curtain. Like I said, it would have been a good prank had she not lost her balance on the trash can, which she was using to get high enough to reach over the curtain. In her haste to escape she slipped and caught herself on the only thing that appeared to be strong enough to hold herself up, the shower curtain. In seconds, I found myself standing naked in the shower, with my hand wrapped around my hard cock, with both my stepsister and her friend staring at me. In itself it would have been embarrassing to be seen like that by Tammy, but at that moment I was thinking about her best friend Vickie. And given my state at the time, I'm sure you can guess what it was I was thinking about! Tammy and I had inadvertently seen each other in various states of dress and undress, which one would expect when you share a bathroom. But to date neither of us had seen the other naked, and it was my misfortune to be on the wrong end of that first time. The girls didn't stay long, running from the bathroom screaming more in surprise at what happened than in fear of anything, since I was standing covered in pink powder and tissue paper hearts, unable to chase either of them down. I suppose it was good that our parents were gone for the day when I finally got cleaned off and stormed out, pounding on her bedroom door with less than pleasant statements being hurled through her closed and locked door from my side. Two hours later I could still hear them in her room, giggling and laughing; I presumed at my predicament. My nineteen year old mind was busily working at just how I could get back at her. Little did I know that my chance would come much, much sooner than I could have ever predicted. "Vickie! NO! Don't!" I could hear Tammy practically yell at her best friend through the bedroom wall. "It's okay. I'll be back in a while." Vickie laughed. "You're the one that dared me, remember?" "But not this!" Tammy cried. "You know. If I were you, I'd not shout so loud. Unless of course you want your brother to hear you." "VICKIE!" "Uh uh. That was the dare. We're both the same or it's no go. Fair is fair!" "But Vickie! If Andy comes in!" "Well, you'll just have to be really quiet until I get back then, won't you?" she giggled before I heard the door of Tammy's room open and then close. I had to admit I was curious as hell. What were those two up to that they were worried about me seeing? And what was the dare? I waited a few minutes to make sure that Vickie was gone and then snuck to my sister's room and gently inched the door open. To say I was shocked would be the understatement of the world. There was my stepsister, laying on the bed, completely nude, her legs spread and tied to the footboard with fat white ropes and her hands handcuffed to the headboard over her head. Between her spread legs was an assortment of dildos and vibrators. I was initially afraid she'd see me peeking in until I realized her eyes were covered with a heavy pink eye cover. Like I said, I'd never seen her naked, only a couple times in her underwear, so I was in no hurry to close the door. Her tits were larger than I'd realized, each creamy mound sitting on her chest firm and round, easily larger than a coconut half. Her areola were slightly oblong with hard pink nipples sticking up toward the ceiling, almost as if anticipating being played with or licked. Even more surprising though was her pussy. Her full round lips were shaved as completely bare as her mound, a fair amount of soft looking inner lip already protruding and glistening wetly in the bedroom light. I quietly slipped into the room, making damn sure the door didn't make any noise as I pushed it most of the way closed behind me. I really wasn't all that sure what I was going to do, but after the two of them got a really good look at me in a compromising position, I really couldn't help but take advantage of paybacks. "Who's there?! Vickie? Is that you? You better damn well untie me! VICKIE!" Tammy shouted, apparently able to sense that someone had come in the room, expecting it to be her friend. I grinned and kept my mouth shut as I stepped closer to the bed and my struggling, completely nude sister. Laying among the sex toys on the bed was a large, soft feather. You know...paybacks are hell, and this was going to be one hell of a payback for a LOT of pranks against me. I picked up the feather and then, standing over her, began to draw the feather up and down her creamy thigh. "SHIT! Vickie you scared the fuck out of me! Now untie me!" I grinned to myself and continued to tease her soft smooth skin with the feather, working it slowly up her squirming body, up her stomach to her exposed tits. I slowly circled each firm orb with the feather, making her gasp as I brushed it across the fronts and her sensitive nipples. "Oh fuck Vickie. You're so fucking bad! Ohhhhhhh shit, you're good at that," she moaned as I teased around and across her nipples before slowly drawing the feather down her stomach toward her spread legs. She moaned softly as I teased the feather around her lips, the tip of the feather picking up her wetness as I teased across her soft delicate inner lips. I wasn't a virgin by any means, but I had to admit this was probably the best view I'd had of a pussy since I got laid the first time. Maybe what made it so special looking was that it was my stepsister! I teased the feather up her body again, sweeping it back and forth across her nipples, bringing more moans and gasps from her. I just couldn't resist the temptation... I pulled the feather away from her and moved to kneel on the edge of the bed, leaning over her and gently teasing her nipple with the tip of my tongue. "Ohhhhhh fuuuuuuck Vickie," she moaned softly as I swirled my tongue around and around her hard nipples, before blowing gently across the now wet areola and nipples to chill them slightly. "Oh god you are getting me so fucking wet," she moaned. I pulled my head back and stared at her, almost surprised that it hadn't occurred to me before this. Of course it made perfect sense now. She wasn't upset that Vickie was tickling her or licking her nipples because it wasn't the first time she'd done it. Fuck, my sister swung both ways! I went back to teasing her body with the feather as I considered what I should do. Laying between her legs were half a dozen dildos and vibrators. A slender blue silicone vibrator seemed to attract my attention, maybe because it still shined with lube and pussy juice. I set the feather aside and reached for the vibrator, turning on the device. The gentle hum filled the room and Tammy moaned softly, expecting its vibrating touch. I didn't disappoint her. I gently pressed the tip of the vibrator against her wet pussy lips, rubbing it up and down slightly, working it between her lips until I could tease the tip against her hard clit. She spread her legs wider and moaned loudly as I slowly stroked the soft device up and down her pussy, teasing just the end into her tunnel before pulling it out and working it back up to her clit. Over and over I stroked her, slipping more and more into her with each pass until I was pressing almost the entire length of the blue toy into her. "Oh fuck yes," she moaned loudly as I pushed the toy deep into her once again. I left the vibrator deep in her, humming away as I reached for another, intending on teasing her nipples with another of the toys. I pushed off the bed to stand up and moved slightly farther up the bed so I was even with her tits. I pressed the button on the new tiny vibrator in my hand and was about to reach down to press it to her nipple when a pair of arms circled me, one around my waist, the other cupping a hand over my mouth. My muffled cry of surprise went unheard over Tammy's loud moan of pleasure. I stood frozen, realizing that I had been caught in the act. The arms loosened around me and I turned as she pulled her arms back from me to see Vicki standing behind me. She looked up at me, being several inches shorter than I am, and moved her hands to the knee length coat she still wore. She undid the coat, spread it apart and let it slide from her, leaving her nude except for the knee length boots she still wore. She held her finger to her lips to tell me to stay quiet as she reached for the waist of my sweat pants, slipping her fingers into them and pulling them down, freeing my rock hard cock. I saw her eyebrows go up in surprise at my size and then a slight smile creep to her lips. She moved her hands to my shirt and pulled it up, letting me lift my arms to allow her to pull it all the way off. She wrapped her arms around my neck and gently pulled me down so she could whisper in my ear. "Just do what I say and stay silent." She whispered before releasing my neck and sliding down to squat in front of me. She pulled on my shoes and the sweat pants until I lifted my feet and allowed her to strip me as completely as Tammy was. She was still grinning when she stood up and took my hands, stretching herself out as she stepped to the foot of the bed and around it, getting on the other side and then pulling me to climb onto the bed with her. I carefully climbed onto the bed walking my knees carefully toward her until she stopped pulling, leaving me kneeling between my sister's spread legs. Vickie let go of my hands and reached for the vibrator protruding from my sister and slipped it slowly out. "Oh god no fair. I was getting so close," Tammy moaned loudly. "Don't worry. I'm going to put something else in there," Vickie said with a grin as she set the vibrator aside and reached for my cock. She wrapped her hand around my shaft and then gently pulled on it, encouraging me to turn to face my sister. It was all too obvious what she intended as she kept pulling on my rock hard dick, aiming me down at the pussy spread in front of me. I had to use my hands to hold myself over my sister, but Vickie didn't stop pulling until she had my engorged mushroom head rubbing up and down my sister's sopping wet lips. "I promised a new toy. Here it is," Vickie said huskily, as she tried to pull me down again and force my cock into my step-sister's pussy. "Oh fuck. Did you get a strap on?" My sister moaned as I pushed slowly into her, her hot wet tunnel expanding to allow me into her. "God it's so fucking big and so warm," she groaned as I sunk deeper into her. "Isn't it? Feels just like a real cock, doesn't it?" Vickie asked, her head near mine. "And just like I promised, I got completely naked at the checkout." "Oh fuck it feels good!" Tammy moaned as I felt the end of my eight and a half inches hit the end of her tunnel. I pulled back slowly, easing my cock out of her and back in again, pushing into her faster than I had pulled back, making her gasp and moan in pleasure. In and out I started to stroke, letting my head bump gently into the end of her tunnel with each stroke, but not so hard that I might hurt her. I looked down at my sister's round, firm tits wiggling and shaking with each impact, her hips trying to thrust at me and rock with each stroke I made. "Oh fuck! I'm going to COME!" My sister screamed as her whole body started to shake and tremble. I could feel her pussy clench around my cock as she climaxed below me, gasping for breath as spasms and shudders wracked her petite body. "Come with me," Vickie whispered in my ear before sliding gently off the bed. I pulled out of my sister and let Vickie pull me by the hand toward the door. "Be right back baby!" she said over her shoulder as she led me out the door. "God I need to fucked!" she said as she pulled the bedroom door closed behind us. "Fuck me." "Here?" "Hell yes here!" she practically demanded, as she turned around and leaned on the wall pushing her ass out at me. "Come on. We don't have all day." "Fuck. Okay," I said, stepping behind her. My already lubricated cock slid easily into her as I pushed my head against her wet lips. "Oh yeah. God you are big," she moaned softly as she pushed back against me. I pushed into her until my hips hit her full, round ass and then pulled back, jamming into her again. In moments we were pounding against each other, our bodies rhythmically slapping together as we pushed each other up the short slope remaining to climax. I felt her pussy clench around me as I took hold of her tits, squeezing them in my hands as I tried to capture the madly flying orbs of sexy flesh. "Ohhhhh fuck," she gasped as her body started to shudder and tremble. "God gonna come," I grunted as her pussy clenched around me again, pushing me beyond any hope of holding back. "Yeah. Oh fuck yeah!" She gasped as my body jerked, jamming my cock deep into her and squiring a huge gush of cum into her soft hot pussy. Over and over I jerked, adding to the load inside Vickie, my mind slowly recognizing reality again after long seconds. "Vickie! Don't leave me like this!" I heard my stepsister call from in her bedroom. "Shit. You better go," Vickie panted, pushing off the wall and pulling her pussy off my now softening cock. She turned and without another word slipped back into the bedroom, leaving me standing there with my cock dripping our combined cum. I walked to my bedroom and closed the door behind myself and flopped on my bed, my mind grappling with what I had just done. I wouldn't exactly say I regretted it, because if felt damn good, but I worried that if she found out it was me she might tell our parents, then I'd be in deep, deep, deep shit. But how would she find out? I doubted that Vickie would tell her. "No. She wouldn't." I said to myself as I closed my eyes and pictured her nude body again, trying to convince myself that it'd be alright. I was up and dressed when my parents came home later that afternoon. Vickie and my sister were still locked away in her room, the two of them being surprisingly quiet. I was slightly apprehensive when my dad called up the stairs to the pair for dinner and then came to let me know they'd brought pizza home for dinner. I turned off the hockey game I'd been watching and headed to the kitchen for a few slices. Tammy and Vickie came down shortly after, wearing somewhat revealing shorts and crop top shirts. I was pretty sure my mom noticed the lack of anything under the shirts. I know I damn well did. "So you girls have a good day?" She asked them across the kitchen island. "Yeah. Just been hanging out and talking girl stuff. You know how it is mom." "I used to," she said with a smile. "Want some company?" "Oh. You wouldn't want to hang around with us. Especially not on Valentine's Day! You should be snuggled up with your sweetie!" "Well, we've done plenty of that all day, but I wouldn't say no to some quiet time with him this evening." "Not a problem with us. How about you Andy? Wanna hang with us this evening?" I about choked on my pizza when she dropped that bomb on me. "Me?" "Ohhh that's sweet honey!" My stepmom injected. "Since neither of you have Valentine's dates, maybe you can rent a movie or something." "I doubt Andy would enjoy a romantic comedy," Tammy answered her mother. "But maybe we can find an action movie or something that he'd enjoy. I know how much he prefers action to romance!" "Awww. That's nice of you sweetie. I'm glad to see that you two have gotten so close!" Her mother answered with a sweet smile. "You have no idea!" Tammy mumbled with a grin, throwing me a sideways glance. After we ate Tammy and Vickie disappeared, apparently going out for a movie. Our parents had also disappeared, but it wasn't any mystery as to where they went to, anyone going down the hall near the master bedroom could tell very quickly. My step-mother wasn't the quietest person in the world when she climaxed, and my dad seemed to be able to make that happen quite a few times. I headed down to the basement family room to watch some TV and get away from the sound of my parents going at it like rabbits. "So, brother of mine. We tried to come up with a movie we'd all enjoy. Something with a little action for you and a little romance for us. Hope you enjoy it!" Tammy said as she walked into the family room and stepped in front of the TV, pushing the power button on the DVD player. "So what is it?" I asked with a soft sigh, realizing that I wasn't going to get to finish watching the program I'd already started. "Oh. I can't tell you that," she said as she bent over, pushing her miniskirt covered ass out at me. I did a serious double take as she wiggled her ass back and forth as she worked the buttons on the DVD player, her bare pussy sticking out at me below the hem of the short skirt. She finally straightened up when the movie flashed to life on the sixty inch flat screen, stepping over to the sofa and plopping down hard next to me, on the other side from where Vickie had settled. "You know. It's chilly down here!" she said, reaching for one of the blankets that lived on the back of the sofa. "Don't you think so Vickie?" "It is a bit chilly," her friend agreed as Tammy spread the blanket across the three of us and then pulled it up to her chin. I had no idea what the movie was called, but I had to admit that it started out with plenty of action. Two "agents" of some kind protecting a shipment of diamonds on a train became almost immediately involved in a gunfight with would be robbers. Just when I thought the two agents were going to win the day and protect their cargo in the armored rail car, an extremely busty woman snuck up behind them from I don't know where and tasered them both into unconsciousness. The now apparently successful thieves decided that stealing the diamonds wasn't enough, they had to "embarrass" the two agents, stripping them both and handcuffing them naked to the now empty safe. As the two agents came around from their untimely tasering, one of the thieves decided to pass the remaining time until their departure from the train by getting him hard and riding him until she was satisfied, which took plenty of time and plenty of bouncing boob time. I was so surprised and engrossed in the movie that I barely felt Tammy sliding over until she was sitting right against me. She reached out for my hand and pulled it to her lap, surprising me again at the lack of anything between my hand and the soft heat of her skin. "Kinda gets you turned on, doesn't it?" she whispered, pushing my hand down between her thighs. "Huh? Um. Yeah," I answered in an equally quiet whisper while the handcuffed female agent, now apparently turned on by the action of the thief, was climbing on top of the male agent to get some of her own I felt Tammy's hand release mine after pressing my fingers against her wet lips, sliding back into my lap and worming her hand into my sweat pants. "You know. I think your cock is easily as big as his is," she whispered. "At least it felt like it." "Felt like it?" I asked, my head snapping to look at her impishly grinning face. "Uh huh. When you were fucking me on the bed. You didn't think I wouldn't figure it out, did you?" I blushed a little and mumbled, "I didn't think that far." "Well, just so you know. Next time, take your clothes with you," she whispered. "Now since I didn't get to see, don't you think I deserve a little show?" "A little show?" I asked as she squeezed my rock hard cock. "Uh huh. I think you should strip for us. I mean you did it once in my room, so it shouldn't be too hard to do it again, right?" "But you already did see me naked! In the shower!" "Yeah. But I didn't get to enjoy the view. You were too busy trying to hide it. Now, I suppose if you prefer I could tie you to my bed and handcuff you like I was and see how much you like it." "No. I don't think I'd much like that at all!" I protested. "Good. Then show me," she said, pushing the blanket down with her free hand, exposing that she was completely naked except for her tank top, which was pulled up above her tits. "Uh uh. Show both of us!" Vickie chimed in, pushing the blanket down to show that she was as skimpily dressed as my sister. "Both?" "You didn't have any trouble fucking both of us earlier today, so why be coy now? Come on stud. Show me that cock!" My sister urged, pulling her hand from my sweat pants and trying to push me up from the sofa. "But if Mom and dad..." I started to protest. "What? Come down here? I doubt it. They'll be at it all night up there. Besides, you wouldn't want me to tell em that you tied me to my bed and then raped me, would you?" "I didn't rape you!" I protested quickly. "Uh. Lover boy. What do you call sticking your dick into someone without their permission? Just because I THOUGHT it was Vickie giving me a pump with a strap on doesn't change the fact that you fucked me without my permission." "Oh god." "Don't worry. I don't plan on telling anyone. At least not so long as you do what I want now." "And that is?" "Strip naked for me for a start and then I want you to lick my pussy." "Seriously?" She grinned at me and reached for her phone. "I suppose I can invite a few more friends over to watch. After all you ARE going to do what I want tonight or your new name will be jailbird come morning. What do you think Vickie? You think Sara would enjoy coming and watching my brother strip for her?" "Okay, okay. I'll do it," I huffed. I should have known that sneaking into her room like that was going to come back to bite me. I stood up and stepped in front of the TV, quickly skimming off my t-shirt and then after a moment's hesitation, pushed down my sweat pants and worked them off my feet, leaving me completely naked. "God that is a good looking cock. Now come over here and lick me. Let's see if your tongue can do as good as your dick!" she said, lifting and spreading her legs to completely expose her pussy, even more than it had been on the bed. Her fat, round, completely shaved lips, pulled apart, revealing her soft, pink inner lips. I could be a lot of things, and at the moment turned on would be high on the list. Beside the movie, seeing both of them naked on the sofa was enough to keep my already humming motor churning away. Now with an open invitation, sister or not, I didn't have to think twice. I stepped over to her, knelt on the carpet in front of her and leaned my face down between her legs. I could easily smell the musky scent of her arousal even before I touched her with my tongue. I pressed the tip of my tongue gently between her lips and stroked up along them, tasting her moisture and teasing over her softness. "Oh my god," she moaned softly as I went back for another stroke, pressing my tongue deeper into her this time. She rested her feet on my shoulders and spread her legs as far apart as she could, giving me even more access to her wetness and her now exposed clit. "Oh FUCK!" she gasped as I stroked my tongue across her hard, excited clit. I worked down and up her slit, sliding my tongue between her lips and into the entrance to her tunnel before tracing back up again to find her clit and flick and circle it with the tip of my to tongue. As good as this was, and I knew it was making her feel pretty fucking good, my brain was screaming for me to do something a whole lot different. I pulled my face from her pussy, pushed myself up so I was kneeling in front of her and knee walked closer to her, aiming my cock at her waiting pussy. I pressed the tip of my engorged mushroom head between her lips and rubbed up and down a few times, wetting my head with her juices before pushing it lower to drive into her. "Ohhhhhhhh fuuuuuuuuck," she moaned deeply as I pushed my cock into her several inches. My still dry shaft grabbed at her lips so I pulled back, allowing her juices to spread again on her lips before pushing back in again. Gentle forceful strokes was what it would take to fully wet my shaft. In and out I stroked, driving more of me into her with each push, until finally my head hit the end of her tunnel and my thighs pressed against her bare ass. "Oh my god," she moaned loudly as I started pulling back and plunging into her, driving my fat cock into her hard with each push. She reached up and pulled her tank top the rest of the way off, leaving her as naked as I was. In and out I slid, driving forcefully into her with each stroke, our bodies slapping loudly together, her tits rolling and bouncing on her chest with each impact. "Oh fuck me baby. Fuck me hard!" she moaned in pleasure as I stroked in and out of her. I could feel my own climax building deep within me, the tingle spreading through my body, and hoped she'd climax sooner rather than later. "Oh god. Gonna come again," she gasped as her body started to tremble. "Oh fuck, fuck, fuck!" she squeaked as her whole body seemed to spasm and jerk before me. I could feel her velvety, soft tunnel squeeze and grip me in time with the spasms of the rest of her body, coaxing me quickly over the brink. "Fuck!" I grunted loudly as my body jerked hard, jamming my cock deep into her as it surged a massive gush of cum into her pussy. I gasped for breath as my body twitched and spasmed, emptying shot after shot of cum into her as I held myself over her. "Oh sweet Jesus," she panted as her body began to still, occasional trembles and shudders still racing through her body with waning frequency. "God can you fuck." "You can say that again," Vickie chimed in from where she sat on the end of the sofa, every bit as naked as we were, her fingers slowly pushing in and out of her pussy as she held her legs wide apart to give herself access. "I was hoping to get another round of that myself though." "Oh, I have a hunch that he we can get him back up to give you a bit more," Tammy said with a grin. "Come on. We better get covered up in case mom and dad take a break." "Yeah," I agreed, pulling my now shrinking cock from her pussy, a small flood of cum leaking onto the floor." "It's a bit late for that, isn't it?" We heard our mom say from the doorway. "MOM!" Tammy cried in surprise. "Oh shit! MOM!" I said in almost unison, my hands jerking to cover my mostly soft cock as I looked to the door to see Elaine standing in the door in a bathrobe, the front hanging open and her naked body exposed from neck to toes. "Uh huh," she said without moving or attempting to cover herself. "I wondered why it sounded like someone was fucking down here. I just didn't expect to find it be you two." "What are you doing here mom?" Tammy asked, trying to cover herself with the blanket. "I could ask you the same thing, but it's pretty obvious. For now, let it suffice to say that I'll be talking to both of you later. For now, try to keep the noise down. I doubt your father would approve," she said before she turned and walked away. "Ohhhhhh fuck. We're so dead," I groaned as I flopped on the sofa. "Oh yeah. I know my mom. When she doesn't punish you right away, you're in for it big time," she breathed. "So what now?" I asked. "You heard her. Keep the noise down," Vickie offered. "I still wanna get fucked." "At the moment, I don't think that's happening," I answered quietly. "Not after that!" "Too bad," she said as she stood up and stepped in front of me. "Cuz I'm most definitely interested in solving this little problem you two created." "What problem is that?" I asked as she stepped across my legs and then knelt on the sofa, one leg on either side of mine. "The one where you made me horny as hell for your cock. Somehow a dildo just isn't going to cut it tonight," she said huskily as she moved closer to me, reaching out with one hand to the back of the sofa to balance herself, the other moving to one of her large soft breasts. She cupped under her breast and pressed the soft mound into a cone, aiming it at my lips as she leaned toward me. "Why don't you suck on this and we'll see if that big cock of yours gets hard again," she cooed softly, rubbing her erect nipple on my lips. "I'm sure even if your dad did show up, that he wouldn't mind you having sex with me." I opened my mouth and let her press her tit to it, her hard, protruding nipple pressing into my mouth. Almost as if it had a will of its own, my tongue reached out and swirled around the hard nub, teasing it and stroking back and forth across it. She moaned softly as I worked her nipple pulling it away after a minute or so and moving her chest to press the other where the first had been. "No point in letting it get lonely. They're not as big as your mom's though. Did you like seeing her naked? Her big, soft tits hanging down, her nipples hard as a rock as they poked out at you? Did you see her shaved pussy, all wet and glistening? I'd bet that she was fingering herself while she watched you fuck her daughter. Does that turn you on? The thought of your step mom fingering herself while she watched you?" I almost couldn't help but groan slightly as my mind drew a picture of her standing with her feet apart, her fingers sliding in and out of her pussy like Vickie's had been doing only a short time ago. I could feel Vickie's weight shift and then a hand close around my suddenly hardening cock. "It does turn you on, doesn't it? How about that Tammy. Your brother's getting a hard-on thinking about how hot and sexy your mom is," she cooed softly as her hand stroked my cock even harder. I felt a hot wetness press against my head as she worked her hand up and down my shaft, my head suddenly enveloped by her hot wet pussy. "Ohhhh fuck," she groaned quietly as she sunk down on me, her pussy not nearly as tight as my sister's but pleasantly tight just the same. She began to slowly rock herself on her knees, lifting and lowering herself up and down my still growing shaft. "That's it Andy. I can feel it getting fatter and harder. Mmmmmmm so good. Just going to ride this until I come, just like this," she breathed softly, pulling her chest from my face and her nipple from my mouth. Her tits bounced in front of my face, each soft mound bouncing up and down on her chest as she picked up speed. "I bet your thinking of her doing this. Your stepmom. Aren't you? Picturing her with that little blue robe on, spread apart, her big tits flopping up and down in front of you as she rides your cock. Mmmmmmm. Yeah. I can tell. You got the hots for your mom, don't you?" She cooed softly as she rode me. "Oh god," I groaned, unable to NOT think about that naked body now that Vickie was coaxing my thoughts there. In my mind I could easily see her straddling me, bouncing up and down on my cock, her big tits almost hitting me in the face with each plunge down my cock. "Oh lover boy, we're gonna have to find a way to make that happen," she moaned softly. "You're so fucking fat and long thinking about her on your cock. God I'm gonna come any second. Wanna feel her come around your cock? Wanna feel her pussy bouncing up and down your shaft, making you pump your cum deep into her hot wet pussy?" "OH fuuuuck!" I groaned as my body jerked, trying to force my cock up into her as she came down on me again. "YES!" she cried loudly as she felt the first surge of my cum lance up into her. She jammed her pussy down on me, grinding her clit into the base of my cock as her body shuddered and trembled. "Ohhhhhh fuck yes, yes, yes!" she gasped over and over as my cock spewed into her as her body squeezed and spasmed around my rock hard cock. "Oh god yes." She breathed more quietly after several long seconds, her body sagging slightly as the tenseness of her climax slowly washed away. "You got one hell of a problem Tammy. Your brother has the hots for your mom. "Oh god," Tammy said with a frown. "Not my mom. Not really? Right? I thought you were just playing with him." "I was, but you didn't feel how big he got when I suggested she was riding him. On yeah. He has the hots for her. If he didn't before, he does now." "Oh god. Andy!? Tell me that isn't true!" "Well, sorta. I mean she was naked and all," I answered, feeling slightly ashamed of the emotional sensation. "Don't worry. I'm sure we can figure something out," Vickie said with a grin. "I mean after all, we did get him to fuck you, right?" "SHHHHHHH!" Tammy hissed. "You weren't supposed to say anything!" "What, that you wanted to be fucked by him and we set all that up just hoping he'd come fuck you? Not much point in not being honest now, is there?" she asked with a grin. "Besides. I've got so many more ideas for you two now." "Oh lord," Tammy mumbled as she covered her hands with her face. All I could do was look back and forth between Tammy and my step sister, still sitting on my shrinking cock with her face covered, letting the confession sink in. The end. For pics visit ---->> https://bit.ly/2ReHUJI
Title: That's the Breaks Ch. 01 Summary: Rick saves his sister and changes his entire family. Keywords: inc,fic My 20 year old sister was throwing a party at the house she shared with three other coeds. My sister, Jasmine, (I call her Jazy) was a sophomore at the local college and was taking a rather light load this summer. I'm Rick, her 18 year old recent high school graduate brother and non-invitee. She has always thought of me as a pain in the ass. Once she told me I was lower than the scum of the earth! Still, I wanted to crash her party! Hmmm, maybe that is why she hates me so much. Anyway, the party was in full swing when I snuck in through the kitchen's back door, grabbed a beer and chugged it, then grabbed another. I was on my third beer when a hand grabbed my shoulder and spun me around. "What the fuck are YOU doing here? Just get the fuck out of here, NOW! Why can't you ever just leave me alone?" My sister then shoved me towards the door with firm instructions to go home. When a big brute of a guy hoisted her into his arms she squealed in delight, then they were gone from the room. I chugged my beer and grabbed another one before I started heading out the door. As I walked past the side of the house I looked in the window and saw Jazy fighting off the big guy, and screaming "NO! STOP! Leave me alone!" Several guys had formed a circle around them and were urging him on. 'What the fuck!' I thought and watched for another half minute when I saw him tear my sister's top from her body and grab for her bra. Jazy had terror written all over her face and I ran back into the house. I dove through an opening in the circle of guys and slammed my shoulder into his gut, knocking him to the floor. He looked up at me in surprise as I told him to leave her alone, then he laughed at me. He rose to his feet, picked me up by the neck and threw me out onto the lawn, then followed me outside still laughing. His friends followed us and they somehow all had aluminum baseball bats and started pounding my body with them as Jazy screamed for them to stop. I never saw the cops arrive, never saw the EMTs either as I finally came to in the hospital. I had tried to protect my head and did a fair job of it. However, my arms ended up broken in eight places (2 were compound fractures) and the surgeon told me they had to use eighteen pins and five screws to hold me together! Both arms were in full casts and basically were strapped to my body. I also ached from all the bruises and abrasions I received. Jazy, my mom (Heather) and my grandmother (Jennifer) were at my side when I awoke. Through the pain killers I vaguely remember them all being happy I wasn't hurt worse and I found it strange that my sister was concerned for me for the first time in her life. Then I faded away and awoke about an hour later. By the time the pain medicine had faded enough to clear my head it was about nine the next morning and the doctor said I could go home in one more day. I looked down at my arms and thought he must be nuts. The doctor told my mom that I would be pretty much helpless for about six weeks, and that she, or somebody, would have to do many um, things for me. Mom couldn't see using a home nurse when the three women in my life could handle everything so she said, "We will take care of his needs, won't we girls?" I looked from her to my sister and grandmother and saw them both heartily agree with her. I was discharged the next day, Sunday, at about 4 PM and mom took me home. I don't remember much of what she said on the drive home except that she was proud of me for defending my sister's honor. I just mumbled something in reply. In reality, I figured I had ruined my chance to start college on time, and for what? A sister who hated me! God, I thought, I was so stupid. I slept most of the time once I got home, and mom was cool about having to help me pee. I wasn't fazed by it as I was really in a daze from the pain meds, although it did feel strange to have mom holding my cock in her hand. Monday morning mom told me that she would be staying home with me that day, and that she, my sis and grandma had come up with a schedule so I would always have somebody there to help me. Jazy had no classes on Tuesday's and Thursday's so she would be here on those days. Grandma would cover the other weekdays and mom would be here for the weekends. Mom's job and new promotion required her to be out of town most weekdays and nights. It was about 2PM on Monday when I said with a red face, "Mom, um...I...ahhh...have to...um...shit!" "Don't get angry and start swearing, son," she said, "just tell me what you need." That made me laugh, but my bruises hurt so I winced and stopped. "Mom, um, I didn't swear." "Oh. Ooooooooohhhhh!" she said as it dawned on her and we both blushed as we each performed our part of the task. "There, that wasn't so bad." She said after pulling my shorts up and washing her hands. "Jesus, mom, this really sucks! I hate to have you do this for me! Damn, I wish I had never crashed her party!" "Don't say that! You saved your sister from hell! We are all very proud of you and will do what ever we can to make you comfortable and get through this difficult time for you!" "But, mom, she doesn't even like me! I'm not sure it was worth all this...this crap!" "SILENCE! I told you we are all proud of you, especially Jasmine. In fact she was amazed that you helped her! She told me she is really sorry to have always been so mean to you!" "Yeah, sure." Again mom silenced me and assured me she was speaking the truth. I didn't feel like arguing, so instead I took a nap, had supper and slept the night away. When I awoke I had a raging morning wood and needed to pee in the worst way. "MOM!" I called out as I struggled to slip from my bed, then called out again as I slowly headed for the bathroom. I heard her steps on the stairs and I said "Hurry, I need to take a leak, Mom!" I made it to the bathroom and took up position before the toilet, anxiously waiting for her help. "Hurry MOM!" I cried out just before Jazy's head poked around the door. I looked at her frantically and shouted "I've gotta pee!" Instantly she grabbed my shorts and yanked them down, my rock hard cock flying wildly before me as it started shooting piss all over the place. "OH GOD!" Jazy yelled before she grabbed my dick and forced it down towards the bowl, getting the rest of my yellow water to hit the target. When I finished she gave me a shake and then stroked my length, forcing out the few remaining drops. Then she looked at her wet hand and my wet cock and said, "I'd better clean us up." Quickly she got a wash cloth and ran it under the faucet before soaping it up and rubbing my cock several times along my full length (9 inches). Then she washed her hands and went to dry us off. "Um sis, what about the soap?" Jazy looked at my cock and saw it was still covered with soap bubbles from her washing me and quickly rinsed the cloth before rinsing my shaft. She pulled the rag from me and rinsed it again then took my cock in her hand again and inspected it for remaining suds. She wiped me again and then stood there holding my cock as she turned, pulled and twisted it searching for more soap. I guess she didn't realize what effect she was having on me until my cock jumped in her hand and she suddenly blushed as she gasped and tore her hand from me. "Oh shit, Rick, I'm sorry! I was just trying to clean your...you up and...oh shit, I am soooo sorry!" she cried out as she ran from the room leaving me with my cock sticking straight out and my shorts around my ankles. "Fuck!" I hissed as I thought about my predicament. Finally I carefully lifted one foot out of my shorts and then walked, basically naked, downstairs with my shorts around my left foot and my now half-hard cock leading the way. Jazy looked up at me as I neared the bottom of the steps and said, "I hope I didn't embarrass you...Rick, you are NAKED!" I took two more steps and my foot with the shorts flopping from it reached the floor as I said, "I am NOT! I am dressed as well as I can be!" My sister turned crimson and rushed to my side saying, "Damn, I forgot to pull up your shorts! I'm really sorry!" "Not as sorry as I am! This is hell, you know." Jazy knelt before me and struggled trying to get my foot through my shorts leg. Each time she looked up at me to steady me her eyes were level with my bouncing cock. She was really flustered but finally my foot was through the leg opening and she roughly pulled my shorts up to my waist then let go of the elastic waist band and it quickly trapped my cock between my stomach and the shorts with a loud snap. "OUCH! Christ, Jazy, I'm hurting bad enough! I don't need that broken too!" Her eyes spun back to me and saw my cock head clamped to my belly button and gasped then used her left hand to pull out my waist band again as her right hand grabbed my cock and rather harshly shoved my shaft out of sight. "There!" she said triumphantly, her smile leaving when she saw my reaction. "What now?" "Well, nurse crotchety, your patient skills need some fine tuning. Or are you trying to break it off of me?" "Oh gosh no! I...it's...wow, when we talked about doing this I never thought it would be so hard...I mean difficult!" "Would it help if I just stopped wearing clothes?" "Oh god NO!" "Should I just stay in my room?" Jazy looked down at the floor and said, "Rick, let's go sit down and talk for a bit, okay? I'll get us both something to drink." I went in and sat on the couch to wait for her. When she returned she surprised me by sitting next to me and holding out a Coke with a straw in it. After I took a sip she set it on the coffee table and looked at me nervously. "Gosh, this is so difficult! Look, Rick, I have always thought of you as my little brother..." "Correction, make that shit-head pain in the ass little brother!" "Granted, but this morning when you...um...when...well you know, and I had to grab you like that, I um...shit...I thought 'whose cock is this'? I mean, you were supposed to be my LITTLE brother, NOT the owner of THAT!" and she waved her hand at my crotch. "Come on sis, you've seen cocks before! This one just happens to be mine, but you will have to learn to ignore it or it's going to be a long 6 weeks!" "I'm sure making a mess of things! First I kick out of my party the only person who would protect me..." "Yeah, I did a real good job of that!" I said as I sort of lifted my casts. "But you did! Jenny had started recording it on her cell phone camera while Beth called 911, and then you slammed into Pete and it took him and four of his friends to do this to you. His friends are in jail, and Pete is in the hospital with five broken ribs from your shoulder! When the cops got there he was bleeding profusely from the mouth and coughing up blood like mad. He is also under arrest with a very high bail." "No shit!" I said amazed. "Totally true! Now as I was saying, first I kicked you out, then I make you pee all over the bathroom shit I still need to clean that up and then I try to leave you with soap all over your...um...thing!" She took a deep breath and continued, "Then I snap um, you know with the elastic waist band AFTER leaving you with your shorts around your feet! Jeez I'm a mess when it comes to being a nurse!" "Like I said, just ignore my cock and things will be a whole lot easier!" "IGNOR THAT!" she yelled, making me cringe, "How can I do that?" "Sis, a girl as pretty as you must have had tons of boyfriends, and you've probably seen most of their cocks. This can't be that big of a deal!" "From what I've seen, and felt, it is a big deal. A very big deal that none of my boyfriends could match. But I can get a handle on this and we will get past this uncomfortable stage, trust me." We talked about other stuff for a while, then she helped me take another pain pill and I dozed off for about two hours. As I came around I noticed I had another hard on and wondered about it, then I felt someone's fingers lightly stroke my full length and tease my cock head! Holy shit, my sister was playing with my cock! Part of me wanted to open my eyes and scream out "GOTCHA!" But the rest of me wanted to give her a warning that I was waking up, so the next time she ran her fingers along my length I moaned loudly and moved just a bit. Jazy's hand quickly flew away and after about half a minute I opened my eyes slowly and faked a yawn. "Oh hi," I said, "you didn't have to sit with me." "Oh I don't mind." "Well, okay. Oh shit," I said looking at my cock throbbing in my shorts, "I'm sorry Jazy, you must think I'm some kind of pervert to have a hard-on all the time!" Jazy's head snapped up and she looked into my eyes before saying softly, "Nonsense, these pills will mess with your system! Remember, I told you we would work through this. Besides, rumor has it you are still a horny teenaged boy!" "So your protector is just a boy, huh?" "NO! What I mean is you are still a teenager, but you are all man from where I sit!" "Really...all man?" I said and she nodded. "Well this MAN needs to pee again, sis." She quickly helped me to my feet and walked with me to the bathroom. Jazy gently pulled my shorts down and took my cock into her hand softly as she aimed it at the toilet bowl. I let loose a massive stream that seemed to take forever, but she never took her hand away. When I was finished she gently squeezed my base between her thumb and fore finger, then slowly pulled them my full length and then shook off the drops that formed at the tip. She retraced her movements one more time and I groaned just before she shook me again. With her other hand she grabbed some toilet paper and dabbed at the end before gently pulling up my shorts and tucking me back in with ease. Smiling brightly she said, "There, I think that went much better, don't you?" "Yes I do! I think the new nurse might have been playing with my cock, though!" Jazy blushed as she stammered trying to defend her actions. Finally she put her hands on her hips and asked "Would it be that bad if the new nurse was doing that?" "I don't know, playing can get very messy, and the other nurse doesn't like to clean up very much!" "SHIT! I forgot about the upstairs bathroom!" With that she dashed past me and ran upstairs. A few minutes later she returned and said, "I'm sorry, I should have helped you sit down! I'm glad you made it." We both laughed and the rest of the day went by rather uneventfully. I watched some foreign sport on ESPN and she worked on her assignments. Just before supper she helped me with my bathroom duties and it was a repeat of the previous time. In spite of every thing I tried, my cock was at least half hard most of the day. Around 8 PM I took another pain pill and said "Sis, would you help me take a leak again and then I need to go to bed." "Sure, Rick, my pleasure!" We went upstairs and into the bathroom where she pulled my shorts down and let them drop to the floor. "Hmmm," I thought as she eagerly took my semi hard cock into her hands and I emptied my bladder. She again stroked my cock twice to push out any stray drops and noticed my cock twitch in her hand. "Rick, I think...um...I think that six weeks is an awful long time, don't you?" "Yup," I replied as she still held my cock. "You've been hard nearly all day. Should I help with that?" "Wh...what?" I gasped as she tightened her grip. "I know that can be very uncomfortable for a guy, and grandma will be here tomorrow. So I thought that, if you don't mind, I would, you know, help out a bit." We looked into each other's eyes and she took my silence as a yes. "I think this will do nicely," she said as she reached for a pump bottle of lotion that I didn't remember seeing there before. She pumped several big dollops of lotion into her right hand and then lightly clenched her fist. "Just trying to warm it up for you," she said as her eyes devoured my rock hard cock. I had been struck mute at her suggestion and didn't regain the ability of sound creation until her hand reached out and gently wrapped around my shaft. "Ohhhh fuckkkk, sis," I groaned at her first touch. I nearly collapsed when she started stroking me, her hand moving along my entire length with a very gentle touch. "Do you like this?" she asked with a smile on her face. "Oh fuuuuuuck!" was all I could say as she tightened her grip and stroked me faster. Somehow she pumped more lotion onto her left hand as her right continued working my shaft. Jasmine moved slightly behind me and wrapped her left arm around me saying "I think this one takes two hands!" Now standing behind me Jazy's left hand wrapped around my cock head as her right squeezed my cock's base and she moaned, "Oooooh yeahhh, that is much better! Right, Rick?" "Oh my god, Jazy," I said as my hips jerked at her touch. Somehow I managed to gain some control as my sister began really sliding her slick fingers up and down my cock. With every other stroke she would give special attention to my helmet head as she leaned around my side and under my cast in order to watch her hands at work. I thought I was going to erupt three times but she must have sensed it and backed off on her efforts, still stroking me but letting my tension ease up. Many times I have jerked off in less than five minutes, and having somebody else working my shaft towards the ultimate goal was making me extremely excited. Yet somehow my sister was still working my shaft after ten minutes and three reapplications of lotion to her hands! Jazy changed from moving her hands straight back and forth and added a sensuous twist along my length and I groaned as my hips jerked again. "Does my wonderful brother like this?" she asked softly. I gasped hard again and my voice cracked out a wavering "Yes!" "Good! I really want you to enjoy this, Rick," she said softly as her right hand gripped me tighter and increased its stroking motion. She released her left hand and pulled her head back before slipping around onto my right side where she regripped again with both hands. I gasped again as she tightened her grip again and doubled her speed as her hands stroked and twisted on my shaft. "Oh god, sis, oh fuck! Oh shit you're going to make me cum!" She leaned in and kissed my ear then whispered, "That is the idea, my dear brother! Cum for me! Cum for your sister!" That was all it took and my cock hardened precipitously and my cum blasted straight out of my tip and splattered on the wall behind the toilet. Jazy then pushed my cock down with her left hand as her right hand continued wildly jerking and twisting around my purple shaft. "Oh my god! HOLY FUCK, SIS!" I cried out before she clamped her lips onto mine and kissed me hard, her tongue flailing wildly at my own while she milked more and more jism from my balls. I wanted to hug her to me so badly, but my casts wouldn't allow it. The only thing I could do was thrust my hips harder as her hands continued stroking me. Jazy broke the kiss and looked down at my cock in her hands. Then she looked at the cum explosion on the wall before moving her eyes to the toilet bowl that had rope after rope after rope of cum floating in it. "Wow, that was some load you had in there! No wonder you were hard all day! How many times do you take care of that problem?" "Um...jeez sis, that's pretty personal, you know." "Hey, I've got your cock in my hands! How much more personal can we get?" I nearly told her when she said, "DON'T answer that! But what is it, two, three, maybe four times a week?" She was nearly correct but who's going to tell her that! "You are kidding aren't you?" I said as I decided to embellish things a little. "It's at least three or four times a DAY! Damn, I was hoping to get lucky with one of the slightly tipsy girls at your party, but it has been a LONG time since then!" "Oh my poor brother, no wonder you tried to blast a hole in the wall! I hope you can hold out till Thursday! I'm here to help you with things you can't do, and I believe this falls into that category!" Did my sister just volunteer to jerk me off every day she is here? Holy shit! Jazy leaned in and lightly kissed my cheek again before saying, "Goodness me, I need to clean you off!" She was right as my cock and her hands were covered in a mixture of hand lotion and cum. "I think the wash cloth was too rough." And she quickly washed her hands before working up a huge lather and moving her hands to my cock. I groaned again as she stroked my shaft in order to 'wash' it. Several times she rewet her hands and got more soap then returned to 'cleaning' my shaft. I had been going soft until she started cleaning me and now I was rock hard again. "Oh my, little brother needs to cum again!" she said happily and this time worked straight to her goal and soon had me shooting another huge load into the cum filled toilet before my shaking legs. "Ohhhh Jazzzzzzzzy! Ohfuckfuckfuckfuck...FUCK!" I shouted as my jizm shot out of me, her aim straight and true. She made certain every drop of spunk was milked from me before she rinsed her hands and grabbed the washcloth to rinse my cock with. I stood there in stunned silence as she gently cleaned me of all traces of her activities. When she was finished she leaned down and pulled up my shorts, carefully and gently tucking my flagging cock inside. "There, good as new, dear brother!" she said as she rubbed my crotch while leaning in and kissing me lightly on the lips. "Now let's get you into bed!" and she helped me get under the covers. As she stood up I looked into her eyes and said in a wavering voice, "Thanks, um, sis. Thanks a lot!" "Oh no you don't! It's thank YOU, dear brother! Thank you with all my heart." She touched my cheek lightly before turning and walking to the door. Just before she closed it she said, "I love you Rick, sleep well!" Holy shit, was that really my sister that jerked me off, twice, and said she loved me?! ********** The next morning I awoke to a limp dick and thanked my sister for preventing an embarrassing moment with my grandmother. I was getting out of bed when sis peeked in to check on me and quickly helped me take care of business. She made breakfast and I ate, with her help, a big meal. I slept for two hours and awoke needing to pee again. Again she helped me, and she made no mention of the huge boner she had to handle. Then she left for school and my grandmother took over my care. I suppose I should mention something about my mom, sister and grandmother. Mom is 38, 5' 8" and about 130 pounds of 34C-24-36. She had Jazy at 18, three weeks after getting married to my dad. Yes, the same dad who divorced her and married his 19 year old secretary six years ago. Jazy is 5'7" tall with about 115 pounds spread over a delightful sports toned 32C-22-34 body. Grandma is 58, only had one child and has been a widow for my entire life. She is about 145 pounds spread over a 5' 11" frame and about 36D-28-36 with a slightly pudgy stomach. Jazy gets her good looks from our mom who in turn got them from grandma! I started wondering if there was such a thing as a GMILF; you know, a grand mother I'd love to fuck! Then I blamed that thought on my meds and shook my head to clear it. Grandma kept bringing the coffee pot in and refilling my cup over and over until I had to tell her I was coffeed out. So she promptly returned with a glass of Coke. I didn't refuse that as I figured it is much easier to enjoy soda through a straw than it is to drink hot coffee from the straw! All these drinks made my bladder fill several times and I had to get grandma's help every time. And each time she gently held my cock in her hands and aimed my stream straight into the bowl. We had an early supper and she easily went back and forth spooning food into my mouth, then her own before feeding me again. About an hour after supper I had to hit the bathroom again, this time to pee and poop! Grandma acted unaffected by my nudity as she cleaned me up once I was finished. "Rick, I think I should give you a bath now. That will make certain you are clean...down there!" In vain I protested but soon she had the bath water ready and then she helped me down into the very warm water. Being careful to keep my casts dry, my grandma quickly washed my legs, back, and chest before telling me to get on my knees so she could wash my bottom. With her help I got into position and her hands washed my embarrassed butt. She didn't even wince as she cleaned out my crack! My shaft was all ready at attention when she rinsed her hands before soaping back up and reaching for my cock. For the first time her fingers were doing something other than simply holding me, as she rubbed her hands deftly along my full length, making certain she didn't miss any spot. My cock lurched in her hand several times and once I let slip a moan of pleasure. "Rick, I can imagine how difficult this must be for you. You were very brave to defend your sister like you did, and then you end up like this. It just doesn't seem fair, does it?" I groaned again as she said the last two words due to her fingers tightening around me as she gave me a hard jerk on my shaft. My hopes were dashed when she said "Let's get you rinsed off and out of this tub so I can dry you off." Soon I was standing before my grandma as she knelt before me drying my legs, chest and cock. She spent quite a bit of time on my cock before reaching around me and drying my back side. This just brought her head alarmingly close to my hard shaft, but she worked seemingly oblivious to my predicament. "Oops, I forgot to grab clean shorts for you." She then stood up and grabbed my cast as she led me to my room and had me sit on the edge of my bed. My mom had bought me several more pairs of these easy on/off sports shorts and grandma grabbed one from my drawer. As she bent down and worked the shorts over my feet and up my calves her head bumped into my bouncing cock. "Ooops! Sorry honey, that thing is much bigger than your grandfather's was." She looked off to the side as if in thought before looking back at me sighing out, "Damn I sure do miss him." She was resting her hands on my thighs and her eyes went to my rock hard member, then she said, "I'm sorry Rick; my arthritis won't let me have much of a grip anymore." Thinking she was talking about having difficulty pulling up my shorts I said, "That's okay, grandma, you are doing fine today." Just then she looked up at me as she leaned forward and slipped her lips around my now twitching cock! "Oh shit! Grandma...what...oh god!" I looked down in amazement as she took my shaft all the way to the back of her mouth, then pulled back off of me as her tongue rapidly snaked along the underside. "Oh fuck!" I gasped as she sucked hard before pulling her mouth from my steel pillar. Grandma looked at me with lust filled eyes as she wrapped her hands around my shaft and said huskily, "Please don't be mad at me, Rick, I haven't seen a hard cock since your grandfather died before you were born! I didn't expect this to happen, but you have such a beautiful cock that I just can't resist it! Your grandfather really loved it when I did this for him, I hope you do to!" She gobbled up my cock before I could say anything so I just groaned in pleasure again. I was shocked when my sister jerked me off twice the day before, but this was way beyond shock! What really blew me away (no pun intended) was how good my grandma was at giving head. No, she didn't deep throat me but the first 4 to 5 inches of my cock was transported to heaven on earth. Two of my girlfriends had tried giving me blowjobs but, even though they both got mouths full of cum, neither was even one tenth as good as my surprising grandmother. Grandma had been sucking me for well over ten minutes when she sensed my cock getting harder and she worked her tongue like mad on my underside and my tip as her suction doubled in intensity. "Oh god, oh grandma you're going to make me cum!" I shouted. When she didn't stop or even slow down, I warned her again with, "Oh jeez, I'm going to cum in your mouth! Oh shit grandma! Oh god it's so good...oh god...OH GOD!" My hips began thrusting up into her mouth as best I could before I simply fell back onto my back on the bed. Grandma sucked even harder as her hands stroked my balls and exposed cock as I began to twitch in her mouth! "OH JEEEEZZZZZZZZZZZ!" I shouted as my cock jumped inside her and I blasted a huge rope deep in her mouth! Neither of my girlfriends could handle my loads and wouldn't do it again due to the mess, but grandma took all I had as if it was cotton candy. Her cheeks swelled way out, only to have her swallow it all down when my blast finished. Then I would power another blast into her and again her cheeks swelled before she swallowed it all down again. I fired six full ropes into her and she swallowed each of them without loosing even one drop! After my last salvo was launched she jerked, sucked, and licked at me in earnest in order to pull every last drop from my cock. Grandma licked and sucked my cock for two or three minutes after I stopped cumming before she let my cock slip from her lips. She gave it a parting kiss and then climbed onto my bed beside me. Stroking my cheek she said, "I hope I didn't freak you out by doing this to you! I just couldn't resist it anymore! I figured that you probably needed release since every time I saw your cock you were hard and I knew I couldn't be turning you on!" "Come on grandma, you know you are still good looking. In fact, for a grandmother you are HOT!" "Oh hush, I am not!" she said as I argued back that she is. Finally she said, "Enough! Whether I am hot or not, I don't think I want to be giving blow jobs to somebody that calls me 'grandma', so at least while I am helping out I want you to call me Jennifer or Jen!" We looked at each other for several moments before my eyes bugged out and my mouth dropped wide open, then I said, "Does...um...does that mean you plan on doing this again?!" "Well, I don't see how you will be able to jerk off on your own for quite some time, so I might as well help out some more. Besides, I really liked doing that for you. Your cum tastes much better than your grandpa's did and your cock is much bigger...MUCH bigger!" She gave my cock a squeeze then before asking, "How many times did you masturbate each week?" I winced at that question before saying, "Well, I think I averaged about three or four times..........a day!" Her face went into shock before she recovered and said, "Well, I can't help you out with that high of a number, but we'll just have to do the best we can!" We grinned at each other as I said, "Yes, gran...I mean Jen, we will do the best we can!" Grandma kissed my cock head again before saying, "Rick, this must be our secret! You can't tell anyone about this. Nobody would understand. Can you do this, keep our secret?" "Hey, if you are willing to suck my cock like you just did...which was fantastic...then I can sure keep the secret!" She pulled my shorts up finally and she hugged and kissed me before we went back downstairs. Nothing was said about what had transpired in my bedroom and we had a pleasant evening watching TV. Around 8:30 I told her I was tired and needed to get to bed. She helped me with my taking one last pee and then as I slipped onto my bed she said, "I believe you were hard in there!" I knew I wasn't, just about my normal soft size but no way would I argue about it! Grandma slid onto the bed beside me and gently took me into her mouth, quickly coaxing my shaft to its full hardness. She happily sucked and jerked my shaft, her tongue slurping around me everywhere as I tried to hump up into her mouth. She really got into it and was moaning nearly as much as I was as I got closer and closer to my climax. She was taking me to the back of her throat again when suddenly my hips thrust up high and hard as I cried out. Grandma wasn't ready for it and my cock suddenly slid all the way down her throat, her nose pressed into my pubic hair as my first blast rocketed into her throat! My hands wanted to hold her head to my cock but my fingers wiggled in vain about five inches too high as my second rope joined the first deep in her throat. Before the third blast she pulled back a bit and sucked the rest of my cum into her greedily swallowing mouth! When I finished cumming she again loved my cock as I slowly relaxed and grew slightly softer. Finally she pulled off of me and licked her lips in a satisfied motion. "Well, THAT was certainly unexpected!" she said. "I'm sorry, gr...Jen, I didn't mean to do it!" "That's okay, Rick, I sort of liked it! But I just love the taste and feel of your cum spurting into my mouth, so I just had to pull back a bit! But trust me, on Friday I will practice taking you all the way into my throat! And that is a promise, young man!" Then she kissed me again, once on the lips and once on my cock head, before pulling my shorts back up. "Good night, Rick! I can't wait till Friday!" "Goodnight, Jen, and thanks...for everything! I'll count the minutes till Friday!" My grandma slipped out the door and shut it behind her as I thought of how this week was working out. As hard as it was to believe that my sister had jerked me off twice, it was beyond any sane comprehension that my GRANDMOTHER had sucked me off not once but also twice! I tried to pinch myself but only got air. Hey, I'll take air if I still get hand jobs and blow jobs! Then I drifted off to a great night's sleep. ******** I was dreaming that Jennifer Anniston was jerking me off when I suddenly realized it was no dream! "Oh, Jen, that's so good!" I said thinking it was my grandma. "Just who the hell is this Jen girl that is playing with my brother's cock!" My head snapped up and I stared into my sister's eyes as her hand froze on my shaft. I could only think of how glad I was that I didn't say 'grandma' instead of Jen! She removed her hand and demanded, "Well?" "Sorry Jazy, I was dreaming about Jennifer Anniston jerking me off and I guess I called out her name." I tried to give her my most soulful look hoping she would buy it, and she did. "Oh, well at least you have great taste in dream girls!" she said as she resumed slowly jerking my shaft. "I figured you would need relief right away after me not being here yesterday. And I will try to do more than your usual so you can make it till I come back on Tuesday!" True to her word she jerked me off a total of five times that day. FIVE TIMES! Each time she did it I had to convince myself that the sister who hated me was actually doing this for me. By the fourth time I started thinking if she might be agreeable to doing what our grandma was already doing. Hell, I came in bucket loads the moment I visualized Jazy sucking my hard cock! I guess that is why she gave me one additional jerk off as my fourth cum was the largest of the day. During the day we talked when I was awake. I learned that she had been fucking her boyfriend, but that his cock was just barely 5 inches long. After her fourth hand job I said, "Of all your boyfriends, who was the best lover? You know, the one who made you cum the most." Jazy lowered her eyes and looked at her fingers before replying, "John (her current boyfriend) is the best, I guess, but I don't think I can cum from intercourse." "That would be sad if true." "Yeah, tell me about it! I can get myself off and I think I can cum from oral, but John doesn't like to do that..." "He's stupid." "Why do you say that? You don't even know him!" "Jeez sis, go ahead and defend your boyfriend! Defend the guy that is too stupid to make his girlfriend happy! Shit, if he can't make you cum with his little dick, then the least he should do is go down on you and make you cum that way. I think he is a selfish asshole!" "Oh you do, do you?" "Hell yes! I know that if you were my girlfriend, I'd make you cum on my tongue AND my cock!" "Oh really now! You sound pretty sure of yourself, especially since we will never find out!" "We might." I said and she gave me a weird look. "Hey, you might just break both of your arms and I would naturally return to you the same helpful attitude that you are bestowing on me!" Jazy changed the subject and we never even got close to it the rest of the day. But I knew I had planted the seed and we still had five weeks to go. She did seem sad that we would not be together for four whole days, but said she would make up for it on day five! All I could do was hope things worked out the way I wanted them to. I awoke on Friday to an awesome blow job from my grandma. She seemed to love the taste of my cum and I managed to give her an incredible...I thought...six loads of my spunk throughout the day! Twice I thought she was on the verge of mounting me and fucking the shit out of me, but in the end it never happened. Saturday morning I awoke surprised to be alone with my raging hard-on. Then I remembered that mom was due home early in the morning and so I would get no blow job from Jen. Mom checked on me shortly after I woke up and helped me to the bathroom where she did her motherly duties of holding my hard cock down so I would pee into the toilet bowl and not on the wall. She acted as if it was the most natural thing in the world to do and I was slightly disappointed. In fact, she made it through two more pee sessions and one poop fest unfazed. It wasn't until I asked her to give me a bath that she began to loose it. She was doing pretty good at maintaining our roles of mother and son; then she finally had to wash my cock. The moment I felt my flaccid cock begin to swell I groaned loudly. Damn, I hoped I hadn't overdone it! Mom paused with her hand tightly gripping my shaft before she said, "I'm sorry, Rick, I didn't mean to hurt you." "Oh mom, it didn't hurt. It felt wonderful! I...I can't do that to myself now." And I moved my cast covered arms, flailing hopelessly over my crotch. "You mean, um, you can't..." and she stroked my shaft twice along its full length. "Nope. There's no way." "Oh my poor darling, it must be quite hard," she squeezed me once, then continued, "I mean it must be very difficult for you to cope with this. I know how a young man has needs...needs that must be taken care of frequently." All the while she spoke her hand gently stroked my cock's full length. Slowly her tempo and grip increased until she was wanking me off with gusto! Mom leaned down to really concentrate on what she was doing and I managed to cup her ample left breast in my hand. She didn't seem to notice and I managed to squeeze and pinch it until I could feel her nipple tighten into a rock hard, nearly inch eraser just before I exploded. My first blast shot straight up and into her face, with most of it going right into her open mouth! She bent my shaft down and the rest of my load splashed against the other end of the tub. I didn't notice much about that though. I was concentrating on her mouth, which had closed after I filled it with my seed. None of my white lava ever seeped from between her lips, and when she finally reopened her mouth it was completely empty! Mom had swallowed my cum! When I was finished cumming she stroked my shaft about five more times before easing her hand from me. She looked down at my cock and her hand, then looked up into my eyes. "I don't believe I just did that to you, son!" "Oh mom, it felt so good! You are so hot, mom! I love you so much!" "I love you too, but I don't think I should be doing something like that to you!" "But mom, your boob sure liked it when I played with your nipple!" "WHAT! YOU DID WHAT?" She looked down at her shirt and saw both nipples were hard, but the left one directly above my hand was trying to bore a hole right through her bra and blouse. "Rick, I'm your mother! You shouldn't have done that to me!" "But I thought I should do something to you, since you were...well, you know!" She didn't speak right away so I pressed onward, "And look, your body certainly liked what my fingers were doing! You must have really great tits with nipples like those!" "RICK! Stop talking like that!" She stood up and started to leave the room before realizing she had to finish helping me. As she dried my body, my cock continued...with my help...to throb and bounce before her eyes. She couldn't stop staring at my shaft! Once she had finished drying me off and getting my shorts pulled up she was anxious to get out of the bathroom. The word 'flustered' doesn't even come close to how much she was affected by what had happened. I found her sitting in the kitchen at the table, fidgeting while her hands toyed with her water glass. After grabbing a Coke I sat across from her and thank god for straws took a sip before saying "Thanks for the bath mom. I really feel much better, now!" "Yeah, I suppose YOU do!" she sarcastically replied. She seemed in a defensive mood and I didn't want to have that so I grabbed my soda and headed to the family room. Just before I exited the kitchen I turned and said, "Oh mom, when you swallowed my cum, that really did nothing to help clean up the rest of the rope that goes across your cheek and up into your hair!" I disappeared from her view as she gasped in shock and I heard her quickly get up and go to the bathroom. Seconds later she said she was going to take a shower. I sat there dozing off wondering if my comments would work to my advantage, or if I had just screwed up. The next thing I knew was mom was shaking my right leg and softly saying, "Rick, wake up honey." I decided to pretend to be in a deep sleep as she continued to shake my leg and call out to me in her still soft voice. Her hand on my leg slowly slipped up my leg and soon was pressing against my hardening cock! She stopped trying to get me to wake up. Instead her hand wrapped around my cock and she stroked me through my shorts several times. It took all my efforts not to cry out when she took her hand from my cock before slipping it inside my shorts leg and grabbed my bare cock again. Mom let out a soft moan as she resumed stroking my rock hard cock. I started to think she was going to stroke me to another orgasm but suddenly she pulled her hand back and sat back from me. Under her breath she softly said, "Good god, Heather, get a grip on yourself! That's your son's cock! I know it's been years but this is not right!" Before I could fake waking up my mom hurried from the room and I dozed off again. Much later mom woke me by shaking my shoulder and told me our early supper was ready. My cock had shrunk back to its flaccid state by then. After she helped me eat I told her I needed to go to the bathroom and she hesitantly followed me. At the first touch of her hand on my cock it began swelling again. I smelled her hair before my nose as she bent down and said, "Ooo mom, your hair smells so good since your shower!" Instantly her hand gripped my shaft more intensely as her face turned to me, our lips nearly touching. She stammered before finally getting out "Um, thank you Rick, I'm glad you like it." Then she turned back to aiming my now rock hard cock towards the bowl. Once I was finished she used some toilet paper to dab away any stray drops from my tip before she tried to get my shaft back into my shorts. "My god, is your cock hard all the time?" she loudly said in desperation. "Well, it is when a beautiful lady strokes it like that," I told her. When her hand froze on me I said, "Oh mom, please don't stop! It was feeling so good...oh god yes," and her hand resumed jerking my shaft. "Turn around," she ordered and I obeyed her, turning until my shaft pointed straight at her face. Wrapping both hands around my cock she looked up into my eyes as her hands resumed working my shaft. After a few minutes mom said, "Rick, you can never tell anyone about this! NEVER! I think this is much too dry!" Then she leaned in and sucked my cock all the way to my root, deep throating me in one steady motion! "OH MOM!" I cried out as she pulled back nearly all the way before deep throating me again. I couldn't believe that my prim and proper mother was sucking my cock like a $1000 an hour hooker! If she could suck cock this good after years without one, just how good would she be at it after a few weeks practice? In spite of all the cumming I had been doing over the past few days, her talented tongue, throat muscles and extreme suction ability soon had me pumping my hips into her face as she devoured me. It had been between five and seven minutes from the time mom first took my cock into her mouth until I new my eruption was eminent. "Oh mom...oh god mom! Oh shit I'm going to cum!" I groaned as I tried in vain to grab her head. Mom looked into my eyes again and said around my cock, "Do it, Rick, do it! Cum in my mouth, Rick! Oh god I want to taste you cumming in my mouth!" That was all it took as my shaft erupted and my spunk blasted down her throat straight into her stomach! She massaged my shaft with her throat muscles and I gave her two more huge blasts of cum before she pulled back and took the last remaining four or five shots into her mouth. I couldn't believe how much cum my mother sucked out of my balls! All the while I was pumping her mouth full I was moaning and groaning intensely while speech was impossible! After my cock stopped throbbing and spurting mom's actions slowed way down, but she just wouldn't stop sucking me. Finally I could speak as I said weakly, "Oh hell, mom that was just incredible! I can't believe you...you swallowed my entire load!" (Shit, I nearly mentioned that grandma swallowed it all just like mom did!) "My girlfriends have never done that!" I said as I recovered my senses and covered my near oops. She paused in her slurping and said, "I'm so glad you enjoyed it! I did too!" Then she returned to sucking my slightly wilted cock. "You did too?" I said in shock. "What do you mean by that, mom? You enjoyed sucking my cock?!" "Oh honey, more than you could know!" Then she swallowed my shaft and quickly brought me back to full hardness as she once again worked her three-fold magic on my cock. All of mom's repressed sexual urges must have been set free and she frantically worked my cock in search of another huge load of my hot cum! It took her about fifteen minutes but she finally received her reward as I groaned in extreme joy while my cock throbbed incessantly as once more I pumped my mom's mouth full of my seed. She again swallowed it all, somehow not loosing even the slightest drop of my white cream. Mom continued working her tongue and lips along my shaft as it twitched and spasmed in the last reflexes of my climax. The phone rang and mom let me slip from her mouth saying, "Damn!" She didn't move and it finally stopped ringing so she swallowed my softening cock once more, her tongue slurping and stroking me everywhere! Again the phone rang and this time she let me slip from her mouth saying "I'll get back to you two in a few moments!" Then she rose to her feet as she kissed my cock head and then my lips before heading to the nearest phone. Although I could not understand what she was saying, her tone told me she was far from happy. After several moments I heard her hang up the phone with a loud BANG as she shouted "SHIT! GOD FUCKING DAMN! SHIT!" Then her head peeked around the corner and said, "I'm so sorry, Rick, but I have got to pack and fly to fucking god damned Houston!" "When?" I asked hoping for another round of incredible blowjobs. "NOW!" her dejected face yelled! "But when I return, we are going to do this again and again! But in my bed, my knees are killing me!" Again she kissed me and then dashed back to her bedroom to pack her suitcase again. Hey, at least I knew she was looking forward to sucking my cock again! Just a few minutes later she flew into the bathroom and said, "Shit, I'm sorry that I forgot to pull your shorts up! Hey, did you mean it when you said I was beautiful?" I nodded in the affirmative and she patted my cock gently as she said, "Thank you honey, you're not so bad, yourself!" I followed her downstairs as she was checking to make sure she had everything she needed. Once she was satisfied that she was ready, she said, "Your sister will be here in about 30 minutes. She'll stay until Monday morning when your grandma will spend the day with you. If I can't get back by next weekend, your sister will spend it here with you. God damn fucking Houston! That office sucks! Well, I'm sorry honey but I've just got to go!" Mom gave me a long un-motherly kiss before dashing out the door, leaving me to think of what might have been. But hey, when she comes back she may even want more than just sucking my cock. Then I thought about my sister and I wondered just how far we might take things over the next day and a half. to be continued.... For pics visit ---->> https://bit.ly/2ReHUJI
Title: My Saving Grace Summary: Sometimes family is the only thing you can trust... Keywords: inc,fic I'd gone into the bathroom to cry; I don't mind admitting it. I know it isn't the manly thing to do, but at that point I didn't care. My girlfriend Kelly had just ended our relationship in one of the worst ways possible. She and I had been together all through high school, and the past two years of college. We had been talking about getting married after we graduated. Just 45 minutes ago I had proposed and handed her the ring I'd scrimped and saved for. There I was, kneeling in front of her on the floor of our favorite restaurant, waiting for her answer. She looked down at me, her expression one of sadness. That hadn't been what I was expecting. "Kevin," she'd said softly, "Stand up. Let's not have this talk here." "What?" I'd stammered back. "Kelly...is that a no?" At that point, most of the other diners in the place turned away (especially the guys). I guess they wanted to give me a chance to rescue the last shreds of my ego. I stood back up and asked the waiter - who appeared out of nowhere as if by magic - for the check. We walked out to my car in silence, neither one of us breaking it until we were inside with the engine running. "Kevin, I-" "Don't you love me?" I asked. "I do, honey, but-" "Then why did you turn me down? We've been talking about this, and I thought you wanted to marry me as much as I want to marry you!" Kelly was quiet for a long moment. Finally, she turned toward me with sorrow all over her face. "Kevin, I do love you. A part of me always will. But over the past few days, well... I don't want to marry you. The truth is, I've met someone else, and we've...well, we've been intimate." "You've been cheating on me?" I asked, hardly able to believe it. "Yes," she said. "I didn't mean for it to happen, I just-" "Don't even think of saying it was an accident. You can't accidentally cheat on someone. You would have to be stupid beyond the ability of mere words to describe in order to believe that. Disrespecting me is bad enough! Don't make it worse by insulting my intelligence on top of that!" "Why?" I asked. "Why, Kelly? What did I do to you that make you do this?" "You didn't do anything, Kevin. I just met this man. The second I looked into his eyes, something clicked. I knew in that instant, he was THE ONE. I couldn't be with you anymore after that, but I couldn't see a way to tell you without breaking your heart. I know you'll never believe me, but I truly didn't want to do that." "So instead, you let me prattle on about marriage, and let me make a fool of myself. In public, no less. Fuck, I hate cheaters!" "You forced my hand tonight, Kevin! If I'd realized you were going to propose tonight, I would have stopped you. I would have told you everything, no matter how much it hurt you. I wouldn't have made you go through this, I wouldn't have let you find out like this -" Her voice cut off with something that sounded almost like a sob. Could that possibly be regret on her part? Somehow, I doubted it. I dropped the car into gear and took off. I still remember the look on Kelly's face as I sped through town, blowing through several red lights. No, it wasn't smart, but I didn't care. I was full of rage, pain, and humiliation. I guess, in spite of what was happening at that moment, my guardian angels were looking out for me. I didn't hit anything (or anyone), and I never saw any flashing lights in the rear view mirror. I made it to Kelly's apartment building without killing us both, and brought the car to a screeching stop. For the first time since the restaurant, I turned and looked her straight in the eyes. "So you're giving me up, you're giving up six years of love, all the things we shared...for what, exactly? For some guy you've known 'a few days' and a 'look in his eyes?'" She didn't answer, and I really didn't expect her to. After all, that was exactly what she was doing. She'd just said as much. What more was there to say? Not a damn thing. Fuck her! "Well Kelly, I guess I should say thanks for a lovely evening. And while I'm at it, thanks for delivering more hurt and pain than I've ever felt!" I gestured for her to get out of the car. "I never want to see your worthless skank ass again, you fucking whore!" I drove off and left her standing there. I didn't bother to make sure that she made it indoors. I didn't care anymore. The bitch had broken my heart, and I was officially done with her. When I got back to the house I went straight to the bathroom. I sighed, stood up and washed my face. I'd had my emotional reaction. Now it was time to face the world and move on. It was one of my Dad's rules. He'd always taught me that men are human and deserve to have emotional reactions, but afterward, they need to move on. It was good advice but sometimes it was hard to follow. I left the bathroom and headed to my room. Fortunately, Grace wasn't home at the moment. At the moment, my older sister Grace and I were the only ones living here. When I'd graduated high school and elected to go to college here locally, my Mom and Dad decided they were going to do some traveling and sightseeing. They bought a nice RV, Mom quit her job, and off they went. Dad was a day trader and did his business over the internet, so he could work from literally anywhere, as long as he could get a wi-fi connection. He did pretty well at it too. Mom had worked as a secretary for a law firm, but only because she wanted to, not because it was necessary. They let Grace and I live here, in the house we'd grown up in, rent free. All we had to do was pay the utility bills and keep the yard taken care of (and they sent us enough money every month to take care of the utilities plus buy groceries, so we were pretty much set). I had a part time job just to give me pocket money. Sighing, I undressed and flopped down on my bed in just my boxers. I didn't even bother to hang up my suit, which would've given Mom fits if she'd been there to see it. Before I realized how exhausted I was, I fell asleep. I was awakened by the feel of warm, soft lips pressing against my cheek. "Good morning, Kev," came Grace's voice. I opened my eyes reluctantly, to see Grace hovering over me. She was smiling, but I could see the concern on her face. Grace is 22, with a glowing complexion. Her eyes are hazel-colored, and her hair is a rich, dark brown. Grace has loved bicycles her whole life. Her love of riding has given her a lovely, well-shaped ass, calves and thighs. Her waist is trim, and her breasts, while not enormous, are perfectly suited to her 5'8" frame. Dad has said many times that Grace looks exactly like Mom did at that age. After having seen some photos of Mom in her 20's, I agree with him completely. She was going to graduate college in the spring. I wondered what it would be like, living in this house alone if she left soon. "Morning, Gracie," I said, with a moan. Even on normal days, I'm not a morning person. She stepped back as I dragged myself out of bed. I wandered into the bathroom and took care of my morning business, washing and brushing my teeth. I was mildly surprised to find that Grace was still in my room when I came back in. It wasn't uncommon for us to do something together on Saturdays and Sundays, but she usually waited for me in her own room, or in the kitchen. "What's up?" I asked her as I went about the task of getting dressed. It never occurred to me to be embarrassed about the fact that I was naked in front of my sister. Our family has never been bothered by being naked around each other. In fact, both my Mom and Grace have tanned topless on our deck before. "I just wanted to see how you were, after last night," Grace said, her sweet face still looking concerned. "How would you know anything about last night?" I asked, pausing to face her. My sister's expressive eyes, usually an open book, were difficult to read now. "I got a call late last night while I was out with Crystal. It was...from Kelly." "Really?" I said, my tone a clear warning that this was a subject she might be best advised to leave alone. But of course, Grace pressed on. She really was a lot like Mom, and not just physically. "She told me what happened, Kev," she said. Her tone was full of sympathy. "Gracie, please, you don't wanna go there," I started. "Kevin Micheal Richmond, you need to talk about this. It's the only way you'll get over it," she said, her tone becoming more determined now. "Get over it?" I said. "Get over it, just like that? I've loved that girl since my freshman year of high school, Grace! And I thought she loved me back! We'd been talking about getting married! She was as excited as I was! We even talked about what we'd name our KIDS!" I stopped myself before I started yelling. Gracie didn't deserve that; she was trying to help. "Gracie, I was...saving myself for her. It was her idea that we would do that! Now I find out that she's been fucking some guy she just met a few days ago, and she's leaving me!" I stalked around my room, not sure what to do with myself. I don't remember ever being so angry in my life. If Kelly had been standing in front of me at just that moment, I'm not completely certain she would have been safe. Grace didn't say anything, she just let me rage. I turned to face her yet again. "Gracie, I might've been able to get over a break-up. But the cheating! And, telling me she loved me that whole time...Gracie, I'll never get over that. That fucking Cunt!" I roared. "I let her know exactly what I thought of her, too, Kevin," she said, calmly. "You're right, there's no excuse for what she did, or the way she did it. But you might think about one thing." "What might that be?" I asked, sitting down on the edge of my bed, tired again from my tirade. "She called me, I didn't call her. She was worried about you. She didn't make up some bullshit story, either. She told me the truth, even though she had to know I was going to start in on her for what she did to my little brother. That says to me that she must still love you in some way." "So it was cool for her to lie to ME, but she told YOU the truth? Well, that was mighty fine of her! Wow, I can feel the warm gooey feeling of forgiveness running all through me! I feel so much better now! The next time I see her, I'll be sure and thank her for the depth of her caring concern, and wish her and her new fuck buddy a happy life!" "Kevin-" she began, then faltered. She didn't know what to say. Truthfully there was nothing she could say or do. Nothing was going to make this better, unless she had a time machine I could use to go back and stop her from betraying me. Or, failing that, if she'd give me a nice sharp machete and the fuck buddy's name and address, I'd settle for that. Yes, I've got a temper, no I wouldn't really hack him up with a machete. I stood up again and went to her. Grace tenderly pulled me close and held me tight, stroking my back gently. I put my arms around her, laid my face against her neck, and let her hold me, accepting the love and comfort she offered. After a moment, she pushed me back a little and took my chin in her hand and kissed me on the lips. That was new! We kissed all the time, but always on the cheek, or on the forehead. Don't get me wrong, she didn't try to slip me the tongue or anything. It just caught me a little off guard. That didn't stop me from kissing her back, though, which I did. I matched her tenderness with some of my own, using this as a way to repay her for her love and compassion. "I just feel so lost, Gracie," I said softly, after our kiss ended. "Six years Kelly and I have been together. I love her so much, and she forgot all about me in a couple of days!" "She didn't completely forget about you, Kevin," Grace said. "She had to know what I'd say to her. She had to know that I would hate her for what she did to you, but she called me anyway. I honestly do believe she is worried about you. I don't know if it's any comfort to you or not, but she must really care about you in some way, if she would willingly subject herself to the verbal assault I gave her." I shrugged. "It doesn't really matter anymore, Gracie. As far as I'm concerned, from this point on she's just a dumb slut who means nothing to me. If there's any justice in this world, I'll never have to deal with that hell-cunt ever again." I pulled my sister more tightly against me and affectionately nuzzled her neck. "Thanks, sis. As bad as I feel, you've made things a little less dark for me." I gave her another tender kiss on the lips before releasing her so I could get some clothes on. "Tell you what, how about we do something fun today, just the two of us?" "Like what?" I asked, as I pulled on my favorite pair of jeans. This was a rare Saturday; I didn't have to work, and my classwork was caught up, leaving me free to do whatever. "How about we hit the trail and see how out of shape you are?" she teased. I pretended to be outraged and shook my fist at her. "I'll show you who's out of shape, wench! Get thee to ye garage, pull forth thy bicycle, and prepare thyself for thou comeuppance!" I said, in my best Shakespearean performance. Ok, so I wasn't a drama major. My future clearly lay outside the realm of theatre. "Besides," I continued, as I pulled on a shirt, "just because I'm not in your league when it comes to bicycling, that doesn't mean I'm out of shape." I could see her eyes in the mirror over my dresser. I'd never seen her look at me that way before. If I didn't know better, I'd think she was checking me out! "No," she said, drawing the word out. "You're not out of shape, actually." Since I haven't described myself yet, I might as well do so, briefly. I'm 20 years old. Like Grace, I've got dark brown hair that I keep trimmed short. My eyes are a dark green. I stand just a hair over six feet tall and I weigh 190 pounds. I'm not bragging when I say that a lot of that is muscle. My part time job is with a landscaping contractor; Landscaping in the spring, summer, and fall, combined with snow and ice removal in the winter contributed to my physique. A desire to compete with Grace took care of the rest. If I let myself get fat, she would never let me live it down! I'm no Mr. Universe, but I get my fair share of appreciation from the female population. Kelly certainly never complained. In fact she loved to run her hands up and down my- I firmly squelched that line of thought before it could go any further. The last thing I needed was more tears. "We won't spend all day on the trails, though. What about after lunch?" I asked. "We'll eat on the trail, then we can come home, clean up, and go out," Grace replied. "Sounds good!" I said. "I think some trail time is a good idea. Maybe afterward we can see that new horror movie. I kind of wanted to see that one about Ed and Lorraine Warren." "Sure!" she agreed, watching me as I stripped my jeans and casual shirt back off and put on my biking shorts and a tee shirt instead. ### As far as the weather went, you couldn't ask for better. The sky was clear and the sun was shining. The temperature was nice too; not too hot, not too cold. Early fall is one of my favorite times of the year. The bike trails in Highland Park were sparsely populated today; Grace and I nearly had the place to ourselves as we peddled through the most difficult of the four trails. This one was graded 4 out of 4 for being physically challenging. There were many fairly steep climbs with equally steep descents. It included several sharp hairpin turns and switchbacks that could challenge even an experienced rider. In several places, riders had to ride single file because the path was so narrow. It was definitely not the kind of trail you wanted to race on! By the time we had completed the circuit twice, I had worked up a good sweat. After finishing a third, I was starting to tire. By the fourth, I had fallen some distance behind Grace, and was only hanging on because I refused to quit before her. Judging from the sweat stains on her tank top, Grace was feeling some strain too. What can I say, siblings are competitive! Finally, after traversing the path a fifth time, I sighed with relief as I followed Grace off of the path. The ride back to the parking lot provided a decent cool-off for us. There was some good-natured ribbing back and forth between us as I loaded our bikes onto the rack of Grace's Jeep Liberty. As I secured them in place, Grace got the cooler out of the back seat and spread a blanket in the grass at the edge of the lot under an old sycamore tree. She handed me a ham and swiss sandwich as I joined her on the blanket, and we ate in silence for a few minutes, just enjoying the fine day and the warm glow from the exercise. After finishing, I stood and stretched out some while Grace took care of the trash. I was a little startled when she goosed me. "Hey!" I shouted. Grace giggled girlishly, giving me an impish smile. "Come on, let's go to the creek!" she said, taking off at a run. Sighing, I followed her as she ran. The creek she was talking about wasn't much to write home about, especially after the dry summer just past. This part of it lay in a ravine with thick groves of trees and brush on each bank. The branches formed a thick canopy overhead that dappled the sunlight. This early in the fall, the leaves were still thick on the boughs, and had only just begun to change color. Our parents had brought us here many times when we were younger, and we'd come here on our own many times since. After pushing our way through the ground cover, we stood on the east bank, staring down into the ravine. The creek below was little more than a trickle. There was just enough for minnows to swim. Not dissuaded in the least by this, Grace started down the side towards it. I followed at a slower pace. My leg muscles were still feeling a little rubbery from the abuse they'd taken on the bike trail, and I didn't want to take a nasty header down the bank. Grace stepped out of her shoes and socks and started wading into the shallow stream before I'd even reached the bottom. I shed my own footwear and followed her to the center on the creek. She was staring down in fascination, watching minnows swim lazily with the current as they did whatever it is minnows do. "This has always been one of my favorite spots," she said, softly. "I still remember the first time Mom and Dad brought us here." She looked up and smiled tenderly at me. "I think you might have been two, or maybe three. The creek seemed a lot deeper, then." "I'm sure it was, from the perspective of a little kid!" I said with a chuckle. She laughed too. Grace looked around at the beautiful place, and then without a word started stripping off her clothes. Even though I'm her brother, I couldn't stop myself from admiring her body. Her legs, as I said earlier, are sculpted and toned. Her belly is well toned, with just a hint of feminine roundness. Her hips and ass are rounded and firm, tapering to nice waist. Her breasts, while not large, are firm and perfectly formed. They sat high on her chest, the dark pink of her aureola and nipples providing a lovely contrast to her tanned skin. As she moved, her breasts bounced just enough to be enticing. I wasn't surprised to see that she didn't have any tan lines on top; like I said, I've seen her and Mom tan bare-breasted on our deck before. I was a little surprised, though, to see that she'd shaved her mound completely bare. I had never seen Grace with a shaved pussy before; she usually kept it trimmed into a neat triangle. Grace must have noted my surprise, and followed my gaze to her nether regions. "Oh, I did this the day before yesterday," she said. "Matt said he wanted to see it shaved, and since I'd never tried it, I figured I'd do that for him. Do you like it?" She looked up at me shyly, seeking my approval. Matt was Matthew Segan, a casual acquaintance of mine and Grace's current boyfriend. As for her question: I don't usually care for the bald pussy look, honestly. I prefer it when a woman has a bush. It's nice when she keeps it trimmed and neat, but I just don't like it shaved bare. Kelly had always- STOP IT! I roared to myself. Stop thinking about her! Snapping back to reality, I smiled at Grace, shrugged, and started pulling my own clothes off. "It's different, Gracie, that's for sure," I said, as I tossed my clothes to the bank next to hers. "As long as you and Matt like it, that's what matters. If you really want my opinion, though, I'd have to say I prefer a woman to have at least some hair down there." I wouldn't lie to Grace. It would ruin the absolute trust we have in each other. "Yeah, I don't really care for it either," she said, running her hand casually over her lower lips. "But," she continued, "I promised I'd try it for him, and a promise is a promise!" I didn't allow myself to dwell on that comment. Instead, I concentrated on admiring my beautiful sister as she knelt naked in the middle of the stream, letting the minnows swim lazily between her fingers. "Has he seen it yet?" "No," she said. "He'll have his chance tomorrow afternoon. He's working overnights this week." She glanced up at me, a question in her eyes that she'd never actually give voice to. "I'll see what Tony is up to tomorrow. He's been wanting to head out to the rifle range before the weather turns cold, so maybe we'll go squeeze off a few rounds," I said in answer to her silent request. I'd been in the house when Grace was having sex in the past. It didn't bother her in the least (or me) but it bugged the shit out of Matt. It wouldn't kill me to get lost for a few hours. Grace's happiness was worth it. The smile that lit up her face was all the thanks I needed. I stood next to her in the stream, letting the cool water wash over my feet and ankles. It was cool enough to be a bit of shock, but it wasn't uncomfortable. Grace stood up after a few more minutes and washed the mud from the creek bed off her knees. She playfully slapped my ass before walking over to the pile of clothes and got her phone. She frowned at the screen. "We'd better take off in 15 minutes or so. We're both going to need a shower before we hit the theater," she said. "Yeah," I said, conscious of the stickiness of dried sweat all over me. I stepped out of the creek and grabbed my clothes. I looked curiously at Grace when she giggled again. "You might also like some time to take care of that," she said, looking at my crotch. I didn't get it at first, but then I quickly realized my cock was standing at full attention. I was a little embarrassed, but it wasn't too horrible. It would hardly be the first time she had seen me hard. "Did I do that?" she asked coyly, giving me a sweet smile. "Yeah," I admitted, grinning sheepishly in return. "What can I say, Gracie, you are really beautiful, and I am a guy after all." "Yes you are, Kevin, and a damn good guy, at that!" she said. She leaned over and kissed me lightly on the lips. "You really think I'm beautiful?" she asked. Her tone was light, but the look in her eye told me she was having a rare moment of insecurity. "Grace, you are one of the most beautiful women I know, and I'm not just saying that because I love you. But as nice as your body is, your heart is still your best feature." "Aww," she crooned, leaning her body into mine for a moment. "You have a talent for saying just the right thing, brother dear." She kissed me again, much more firmly this time, letting me know my words had touched her. "Come on, let's get moving!" The drive back to the house was quiet, but not somber. Grace quietly sang along with the song on the radio as she drove. One of the things I love about her is that she's one of those people who are almost always in a positive frame of mind. As bad as I felt, watching and listening to her made me feel a little better. Her good mood was almost contagious; it was hard to stay sullen and bitter when I was around her. As if she could hear my thoughts, Grace glanced over at me, smiled, and stroked my hair back. "Love you, Kev," she said. "I love you too, Gracie." "You probably won't believe this right now, but trust me, it'll get better." I had no answer to that, so I just accepted her gentle caress and sat in companionable silence for the rest of the drive. The movie was good: scary, good special effects (of course), but best of all, there was actually a plot! Gracie jumped frequently, and even squeaked a couple of times. I had almost as much fun watching her reactions as I did watching the movie. By the time the show ended and we'd had a bite to eat, it was well after midnight. Gracie tended to bed down early, especially when she had plans or classes the next day, so she said goodnight as soon as we made it home. Now I was once again alone with my thoughts. Thinking of Kelly was normal; we'd been together exclusively (or so I thought) for the last six years, and it had been only 24 hours since the meltdown of our relationship. I think it was natural for me to still be dwelling on it, even though I knew it wasn't healthy and wouldn't accomplish anything. I finally managed to get to sleep, but it wasn't very restful. The next morning, I showered early and ate a quick breakfast. I made a call to my friend Tony, grabbed my AR-15 carbine and some ammo, and it was off to the range. I made it point to go a couple times a month. I'd never be an Army Ranger, but I wasn't too bad at it. Shooting is fun, and a great stress reliever. I made it about halfway to the Northview Gun Club when I had a blowout! I was only going 55, thankfully, and this stretch of highway is straight and four lanes wide. I managed to keep my 2010 Subaru Outlander from spinning out, and pulled off onto the shoulder of the highway. I looked my tires over carefully, but there was too much debris from my blowout to tell what had caused it. Sighing, I pulled my phone out to call Tony and tell him what happened. Then I got down to the task of getting it changed. Naturally, as so often happens, my spare tire was low. It wasn't flat, but it was low enough that I didn't trust it. Damn, this weekend had the highest suck factor of any I'd had so far! Not having any other option, I put on the spare and drove as slowly and carefully as I could to the first exit ramp. I finally made it to one of those big-box supercenter stores and bought a new tire. I made damn sure they aired up my spare, too! By now, it was almost 1 in the afternoon, and I was starving. I called Tony and begged off. I might as well go home, put my stuff back in the safe, and find something to do in town. When I pulled onto our street, I noticed Matt's Charger parked in our driveway (in my spot, of course.) What surprised me was that there was another car parked on the street in front of our next door neighbor. The neighbor in question, Mrs. Bertha Coombs, was a crusty old lady. She was short, pushing 80, and was one of the toughest people I knew! Her biggest pet peeve was people parking in front of her house. She didn't even let her own visiting family members park there, so seeing a car there was odd to say the least. Annoyed at the necessity, I parked my Subaru at the curb in front of our house, grabbed my gun case and range bag, and started inside. Things took another turn as I reached the front door and found it to be unlocked. The hairs on the back of my neck stood straight up! Grace, for all of her good qualities, had a strong distrust of the general population. She would never - repeat, NEVER - leave the door unlocked! We're all human and we all make mistakes, but she would never make that one! My annoyance forgotten, I stripped the case off of my AR-15 carbine and loaded it with a 30-round MagPul P-mag. I pulled the adjustable stock out to the first position to keep it tight, and stepped carefully into the house. Almost as an afterthought, I slipped my electronic ear protectors on. They were a handy thing to have; the amplified soft sounds, left normal ones alone, and greatly diminished loud sounds to protect you hearing. If the worst happened and I had to take a shot, at least I wouldn't deafen myself. The first floor of our house is designed on an open plan. It took almost no time at all to see that was unoccupied. I could hear noises from upstairs. Grace didn't sound like she was in trouble; she actually sounded like she was having a good time. The muzzle of my AR-15 dropped slightly as I considered whether I was overreacting. Then I heard a soft creaking sound from the upstairs hall. Grace's bedroom was directly overhead from where I was standing. If she and Matt were in there (and clearly they had to be) who was in the hallway? Plus, there was the whole business with the front door being unsecured. I snapped my weapon back to the threat-response position and made my way to the stairs. The first turn and the landing were clear, as was the second flight. I approached the top very slowly. I grew up here, so I know where all the creaky spots are. It wasn't hard to avoid them as long as I took it slow. The second floor is more traditionally laid out than the ground floor. There's a hallway running from the front of the house to the back, off of which opens my room, Gracie's room, a bathroom, and the master suite which we left alone. As I poked my head cautiously over the lip of the stairs, I could see a figure crouching at the door to Gracie's room. In the darkness (there are no windows in the hallway and all the doors were closed), I couldn't make out any details, not even whether it was a male or a female. Focusing harder, I could see that there was some light. There was a faint outline of light from Grace's door, indicating that it wasn't completely closed. There was also a faint light coming from the figure's hand. What the fuck? Making my decision, I softly adjusted the brightness setting on my Aim Point sight. Rising to stand at my full height, I hit the switch for the hallway lights, screaming, "FREEZE, MOTHERFUCKER!" Alright, so I don't have any original lines of my own. At least I didn't say something like 'Reach for the sky!,' or 'in about ten seconds, you're gonna be cloud dancing!' It was a tense moment, cut me some slack. Through the narrow window of my Aim Point sight, the light revealed the kneeling figure to be a man. It was hard to tell with him kneeling, but he looked to be about my height and age range. But he was built a lot bigger. His muscles had muscles. Now here was a guy who clearly spent some time at the weight bench! His right hand, still raised against the crack in Grace's door, held a phone of some kind with a pretty large screen. Maybe one of the high-end Galaxy models, or a Note? Whatever, it didn't matter. His left hand was invisible between his splayed legs, but it didn't take a lot of imagination to guess what he was doing with it. I now had a pretty good idea what the bastard was up to, and my temper was starting to flare. The noise from Gracie's room had changed from moans and cries of pleasure to confused voices. "Kevin?" I heard her call. "Gracie, stay in your room! There's a man in the hallway right by your door! I have him at gunpoint! Call the cops right fucking now!" I roared, not letting the muzzle of my carbine move even a fraction off target. This fucker was so big, he'd literally rip me apart if he got his massive bear paws on me. I might be able to outrun him, but then Gracie and Matt would be defenseless! If the big bastard was smart, he'd stay right where he was until the cops got here. If he was really stupid, he'd come at me and make me shoot him. If he was really evil, he'd charge into Gracie's room and put her - and maybe Matt - between himself and me. Please, God, let him be smart! Through the crack in the door, I could hear Matt and Grace talking. Grace sounded terrified (only natural, I thought). Matt sounded pretty scared too, but there was something off. I couldn't make out what he was saying, because I didn't dare give it much thought. Mr. Grizzly Bear in the hallway deserved my undivided attention at the moment. The pale-skinned hulk knelt there glaring at me for moment, then he stood up. My estimate of his height was way off...he was taller than me by several inches at least. He must outweigh me by a good 50 pounds, or more! It occurred to me once more that if he got a hold of me, I was finished. He could turn me into raw hamburger without breaking a sweat. In the quiet of the hallway, the safety selector made a loud clicking sound as I pushed it to the "fire" position with my thumb. "Relax and stay right where you are, Frankenstein. You're one big motherfucker, but nobody's bullet proof." He was still looking right at me, but now he seemed unsure of himself. "Who the hell are you?" he said, in a deep, gravelly voice. I couldn't believe what I'd just heard. "Who am I? I fucking LIVE here! Who are you, and what the fuck are doing in my house, besides jerking off while recording my sister having sex?" And the evidence that he was doing exactly that couldn't be more clear. The phone was still in his hand, and his rather impressive manhood was still hanging out of his fly. His facial expression was confused, now, like he couldn't process what he'd just heard. "Matt," he said, without taking his eyes off of me, "You forgot to mention a few details to me!" I had an even worse feeling now than I did before, but things were starting to click into place. I had an ugly theory that happened to fit the facts. If I was right, my beloved sister was about to join the nasty break-up club. Maybe we could order T-shirts? I heard another flurry of conversation from Grace's room, again too distorted for me to understand. Then, her bedroom door opened and Matt stepped out, holding his hands skyward. "Kevin," he said, "Take it easy. There's no need for anyone to get hurt." "Matt, what the fuck?" I said, as he stepped deliberately between me and Andre the Giant. Instantly I brought the carbine's muzzle higher, resting the red dot of my Aim Point sight on Mr. Grizzly's head, and hoped Matt wouldn't get fragged in the process. Matt couldn't miss the motion and stopped dead. "Not a good - or a smart - place to be, Matt," I said, way more calmly than I felt. "Clear my line of fire. My sister likes you a lot, but that fact won't stop me from dropping the hammer if the Grape Ape behind you wants to play rough!" "Kevin, this isn't what you think," Matt said, taking another step towards me. All of a sudden, my suspicions seemed to be confirmed. "Grace!" I yelled. "Are the cops on the way yet?" "YES!" she shouted. "I'm staying on the line with the 911 dispatcher until they get here!" I took a careful step back, making sure I could cover both of them now. "Both of you just stay where you are, and keep cool, nobody needs to get hurt, okay? Just wait for the cops, and we'll all walk away from this with a pulse." Matt didn't miss the fact that I was keeping him covered with my weapon as well. "Kevin, please, put the gun down, okay? We were-" "I know exactly what you were about to do, you sick fuck!" I interrupted him, barely in control of my rage. "You let the Son of Kong here into the house, or maybe even found a way to get him a key, right? The plan was that you would keep Grace occupied while he came in and recorded the two of you going at it. Then you'd give him the sign, he'd come in, and you'd get a little threeway action! And if my sister didn't like that idea, well too bad! You had naked video of her you could post online and blackmail her into it! Or maybe old Colossus there would just overpower her and take her by force!" Obviously I couldn't see my own expression, but it must have looked pretty bad to Matt. He visibly paled beneath his pretty-boy tan. "Kevin, wait, please, let's just all calm down-" "Oh shut the fuck up, you stupid ass-clown!" I shouted. "If I can figure out what's going on, you can bet Grace has too! You're fucking finished, so quit your whining and wait for the damn cops!" "He doesn't have the balls to do it," the gorilla said. "I'm gonna take that thing away from you and shove it so far up your ass, you'll fire a shot every time you belch! Then I'm gonna do whatever I feel like to that delicious bitch, and I'll make it last all damn night-" As he spoke, Mighty Joe Young made a critical error in his tactical planning. He reached forward and took two huge strides towards me. He covered half the distance between us in just those two steps, and I had to make my choice. The AR-15 nudged my shoulder gently, and the sound of the shot was, in a word, deafening. The muzzle blast was worse; there was no space for it to dissipate. The bullet slammed into the floor less than 6 inches from the toes of Kong's left foot, and he came to an almost instant halt. The two of them, Matt and Mr. Bear, saw the little splinters of carpet and plywood dusting his shoes and realized that I was perfectly willing to pull the trigger. While Matt whimpered in terror, the giant just stood and scowled at me...but he shut up and kept his distance. There was going to be hell to pay later, when Mom saw the hole I'd just made in her floor. That was a pain in the ass that could wait for later, though. "I believe," I said in a casual tone, "that should cover any questions about my balls, don't you, Apocalypse?" Shifting the muzzle upwards again, I kept it trained on them. "Just so you know, the next time I'll shoot to kill." I knew they couldn't hear anything I'd said through the ringing in their ears, but they obviously got the point. They stayed put until the police finally arrived. I didn't even let the big bastard zip himself up. As far as I was concerned, he could let it all hang out for a little while longer. ### What followed was a real nightmare. The cops arrested the gorilla, who it turned out was named Lance Forster. Lance, really? No, I'll let that one go. After some discussion (and a moment listening to audio recorded on my phone) they also arrested Matt. The idiot actually admitted to them that he'd told Lance where the emergency hide-a-key was kept. (That admission startled me. I couldn't believe Grace would let that information slip, but there you go.) A criminology student at the University once remarked to me that many criminals literally talk themselves right into a cell. I guess Matt was proof of that. My new buddy Lance was at least somewhat smarter: he kept his mouth shut. As soon as Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dum were in custody, I called our parents. As it turned out, they were only a couple hours away at the riverboat casino south of us. They said they'd be home, ASAP. Grace was a total wreck. She clung tightly to me most of the time, and when she had no choice but to let go of me, she made sure I was always within her line of sight. Finally, after they finished taking statements from the two of us, the police left. I folded Grace tightly into my arms and caressed her, whispering soft reassurances in her ear. "I'm never gonna get any sleep tonight. You know that, right?" Her eyes brimmed with tears, but these tears were angry. "That fucking bastard! I can hardly believe what he was going to do to me! My God, Kevin, if you hadn't had that problem on the way to the gun club..." Her voice faded; she couldn't make herself finish the thought and I couldn't blame her. My mind wouldn't let me go there, either. "Dear Gracie," I whispered in her ear, "You can sleep easy tonight. I'll watch over you, you know that! I've already locked the doors and set the alarm. I made sure the cops took the hide-a-key away from Lance, but Dad will probably change the locks tomorrow anyway. For now, I'll stay up until Mom and Dad get here." She offered me a small, but genuine smile. Without a second thought, I leaned into her and kissed her, passionately. There was no disguising this kiss with a mask of sibling affection. I can say, truthfully, that I wasn't trying to bed her. I was just so overwhelmed with emotion at all that had happened. For her part, Grace didn't hesitate. She was kissing me back with equal fervor, her soft tongue dueling playfully with mine. Her hands stroked up and down my back in gentle motions of encouragement. I cupped the back of her head in one hand, deepening our kiss. Gracie moaned in pleasure as my other arm crushed her tighter against me. Finally, the kiss ended. We stared into each other's eyes, and we knew what had just happened was more than a knee-jerk reaction to the emotional trauma of the day. There was something real there that we both urgently wanted to explore. But, not tonight. Mom and Dad were on their way home, for one. More importantly though, was that I refused to hurt my loving Grace. She'd been through something horrible: Matt's planned betrayal was worse by an order of magnitude than what had happened to me. I still shook with rage when I thought about what he and Lance planned to do to her. How could you look at someone and say "I love you" to someone and plan to do something like that? Grace almost seemed to be reading my mind in that moment. Caressing my cheek, she smiled at me. "My dear, sweet Kevin...tonight isn't the night." I nodded my head and released her from my arms. "You're right, Gracie," I said. "Hey!" she said, capturing my arm before I moved too far away. "I want you to show me what real love is like, Kevin. I know you can, and you will. Just not tonight...my love." I smiled and kissed her again, more lightly this time. "Only if you'll do the same for me...my love!" That said, I held her close for a few more precious minutes before we separated again. As much as I hated to let go of her, I consoled myself with the knowledge that very soon I'd be doing so much more than just holding her. I knew somehow that I'd found it: My Saving Grace. To be continued.... pics---->> http://bit.ly/1QdQXsD
Title: Pure Heart Pt. 05 Summary: As his girlfriend opens up, Alex and sister enjoy their love. Keywords: inc,fic Chapter 23 Music and many voices drifted around us, nearly as thick as the lazy cloud of cigarette smoke hovering in the bar. Tanya and I were out on the town, our first date since she'd come back from visiting her family when her grandfather passed away. She looked over at me and grinned, taking another sip of her drink. I grinned back, loving how beautiful she was when she smiled, and so glad to see her feeling more like herself again. It was still a challenge not to daydream about my sister while with her - it was weird navigating through the affection I felt for both girls and sometimes got really crisscrossed. However tonight was a good night and as I listened to Tanya tell me funny stories about her family I was really enjoying being with her and very present with her. She looked fabulous tonight - her black hair falling across her shoulders, light touch of blue eye shadow, her lips glistening in a subtle shade of rose. She looked great. She looked like herself again. Inside I was still wondering what she could see in me but could tell she really liked something about me. I was just telling her an embarrassing story from when I was a kid when a small crowd of rowdy college-age students started making their way from the pool table over to the bar. Most of them were drunk and loud-mouthed - one guy in particular who was mocking people at the tables he passed, his arm around the waist of his blonde, whorishly-dressed girlfriend. "Fuck" and many slurred variations of the word seemed to make up most of his vocabulary as he boisterously trash-talked the people he passed by, his pals and their girlfriends following behind and laughing at his antics. Tanya looked at me and rolled her eyes in annoyance at the guy. I stopped talking as they walked past us as it was no longer possible to hear each other talk. The blonde girl bumped into a chair and stumbled, making the loudmouth spill some of his drink. With a rude slap to the back of her head he angrily yelled, "Bitch! Fuckin' whore!" The next thing I knew, Tanya had leaped out of her chair and was in the guy's face. "Hey asshole, don't you dare touch her like that!" He smirked angrily and shoved her back into our table. "Get outta my fuckin' face, bitch!" I was out of my chair in a shot, grabbing Tanya by the shoulders to steady her and turning to stand between her and the loudmouth. "Oh what? You gonna start something? You fuckin' pussy - you wanna go?" he mocked, getting right up in my face. I shoved him back only to have him plant both hands on my chest and push me back, off balance into the table. The table toppled and I fell in a heap against a chair and the floor with silverware, napkins and plates falling on and around me. Tanya had just barely stepped out of the way and was already helping me up. The guy's rude laughter was all I could hear. I rushed to my feet, Tanya stepping back. Everyone's eyes were on us - people at the tables around us had stood in alarm, many backing away. The guy's pals were obviously shocked and unsure what to do. I took all this in the seconds it took to stand. The loudmouth was laughing and stepped forward so I could smell the beer on his breath as he said, "Toldya you were a fuckin' pussy. You and your fuckin' whore!" The fact that I'd never been in a fight before skipped through my head a little too late to stop my fist from crashing clumsily into the side of the guy's head. He staggered back with a drunken look of surprise before returning with a punch that slammed into my chest, and another to my cheek. I saw stars but was also seeing red and caught him across the face with my left and threw my shoulder into a punch with my right that caught him hard on his jaw, sending him staggering back and falling back over a chair. As if the night weren't insane enough, his blonde girlfriend rushed me and started scratching and clawing at me. I saw the guy starting to get up but couldn't shake the girl off. Suddenly her head jerked backwards and she screamed, reaching up to her head and I saw Tanya angrily pulling the girl off me by her hair. It wasn't a moment too soon because the loudmouth rushed at me and caught me in a tackle that pushed me back but I was able to twist and cram my hand into his face, using his momentum to throw him back down to the ground...into someone's dinner plate and a heap of burger and fries on the carpet. I felt hands grab me from behind and was about to fight back until I heard them saying, "Calm down man", and "Sorry man, we'll get him out". I relaxed and the guys let me go - the friends of the loudmouth, obviously upset at their friend. A few of them picked him up and escorted him out, several apologizing to me on the way. I looked to see the blonde girl being escorted out by some of the girls in the group. I turned to see Tanya to my left, her hair and outfit roughed up but looking unhurt. We made our way to each other, ignoring the concerned people at the bar coming to our aid, picking up tables and chairs. "Are you alright?" we asked each other in unison. "Yeah. I'm okay." she said. "Me too. You sure you're okay?" I asked. She nodded. Then she grinned a little. "That was my first fight!" she said. I laughed. "Me too!" We gave each other a hug, probably looking really dumb to everyone else but not to us. Seeing that the bouncers (who looked way too old for the job) were preoccupied with the loudmouth and his crew up front, we grabbed hands and made a beeline to a side exit, ignoring the people at the tables asking if we were okay. There were police lights in the distance and growing closer as we made it to her car on a side street and took off in the other direction. After a few minutes of driving we were sure the police were stopping at the bar and no one was after us, so Tanya drove us back to her apartment. We were so intent on getting out of there that neither of us said much about what happened other than continuing to ask each other if we were okay. Tanya insisted I come in with her so I followed her upstairs and into her apartment. She immediately made me sit on the couch and started looking me over in concern. She got a pack of frozen veggies from her freezer and made me put it on my face which she said was already swelling. She made me take my shirt off and tended to the scratches I got from the blonde and the brush burns I got when I'd fallen. We were both starting to calm down as the adrenaline wore off. It was unfortunate because now my head was pounding and I was starting to feel all of my injuries. We started to talk about the fight, recounting what it looked like from the other's perspective. We started laughing about it as we relaxed and soon were nearly doubled over with giddy laughter. We felt like kids in elementary school who'd just gotten into trouble. Tanya stood up to go get me a fresh bag of frozen veggies and as she walked away I noticed the scratch marks on her arms and neck. She returned with the bag and gave it to me, but I set it down and asked her to sit on the couch with me. I sat up and she let me look at her arms and neck. "Ow!" she exclaimed as I pulled her shirt collar from a nasty scratch. "I didn't even feel these until now." "Yeah, she got you pretty good, babe." I said. Looking down I noticed her shirt was a little discolored around her lower back. "Um, do you mind if I lift your shirt a little?" "Yeah, um, sure. Did she get me there too?" I gently lifted up the edge of her shirt, unsure whether the marks were just from spilled food or not. I'd only lifted it an inch when I began to see the start of three red welts, then another inch up to see that her skin had been broken with a nasty scratch. "What the? Did you have her over your back or something?" I asked, a little amused. "I don't really remember, I was trying to watch you while I was holding onto that bitch." Tanya said, wincing as I lifted her shirt from where it had stuck to the wounds. "Well, it's up to you if you want me to take care of these but she got you down your neck and up your back." I said. She was a little awkward as she responded. "Do you need me to take my shirt off?" Knowing how shy she was and wanting to be caring and respectful, I said, "Hey, it's up to you. It would make it easier to take care of you but I'll do whatever you want." She was a little hesitant, but said, "Um, no, it's okay. I don't mind." I leaned back to give her room as she reached down for the edge of her shirt and slowly (and carefully) pulled it up. I took in her back and the scratch marks, then the back of her black bra, shoulders and more scratch marks. She pulled the shirt off over her head and arms and let it drop beside the couch. She looked back at me as I picked up the tube of antibiotic ointment and spread some over the fingertips of one hand. "Hang on for a second, my hand is still cold from the veggies." I said, rubbing my hands together. "Actually, that might feel good." She suggested. I shrugged. "Okay. Here goes." I placed my fingers on one of the scratches on her neck and gently ran them down. Using my other hand I gathered up her long hair and moved it over her shoulder. She reached up with one hand and held it there, and I placed my free hand between her neck and shoulder to steady her as I gently smoothed the ointment along the scratches. Satisfied with the top I touched the scratches on her lower back. She shivered and giggled, telling me my hand felt really cold there. She held steady and I spread the ointment until they were all well covered. "All done!" I said, giving her shoulders a friendly squeeze. "Already?" she sighed. "You have a really gentle touch." She started to get up and I let her go. I was a little surprised she didn't cover herself up but let me see her in her bra and smiled as she picked up the warm bag of veggies and walked into the kitchen to put them back in the fridge. She shut off the kitchen light, then one of the lights in the living room and returned to the couch. I looked up at her as she looked down at me, biting her lip. Then to my delight she crawled on top of me on the couch, pushing me back and laying fully on me, looking deeply into my eyes and then kissing me tenderly yet hungrily. My hands wrapped around her sides where I knew she wasn't hurt and I kissed her back, enjoying the tender touch of her soft, full lips. She got her arms under mine and put her hands on my face, holding me and kissing me gently, then placing slow kisses on my cheeks, forehead, eyes, and setting her lips warmly upon my own again. Feeling daring, I allowed my hands to slide up and down her sides. I held her hips and ran my hands down to her thighs, then back up. I slid my warm hands along her ribs and paused on the sides of her chest, feeling the edge of her bra cups. She grinned, kissing me as she felt this. She slid one of her hands from under me, up to her back and unsnapped her bra, then brought her hand back up to my face to kiss me with even more energy. Tentatively, I slid my hands across the middle of her back, under her loose bra straps, feeling her warm skin. Feeling her tremble, I slid my hands outward from the middle of her back to her sides, sliding her bra straps off her back. My hands touched the sides of her full breasts and she gasped sharply between our lips. Her hands gripped my face, unfortunately at one of the spots I had been punched but I was too engrossed to acknowledge the pain. My hands slowly, very slowly, slid along the contours of the sides of her breasts. My fingertips trailed up and down across the curves. Finally she gasped deeply and pushed herself away from me, frantically pulled her bra off and giving me a gorgeous eyeful of her perfect breasts before crashing down on me, skin against skin, and kissing me passionately. I gripped her sides as we kissed and feeling her lift her chest up, slid my palms back down the sides of her breasts and then under. I felt her nipples contract against the soft skin of my palms as they slid across. Tanya gasped deeply as she felt my hands tighten and cup her breasts. She broke our kiss and buried her face against my neck, gasping and kissing my neck as I gently squeezed her soft breasts with my hands. I slid her nipples between my thumbs and palms and lightly pinched them, earning a gasp from her against my neck. A few short moments later, Tanya groaned and pushed herself up again, put a hand on the arm of the couch and bent her chest towards my face, lifting my head with her other hand. I grabbed her sides and eagerly pressed my lips to her breast, wrapping my lips around her engorged nipple. She groaned and stretched back as I tenderly swirled the end of my tongue across and around the firm tip of her breast and I lifted my other hand up to cup her exposed breast and caress it. My lips tugged at her tender flesh and I released her only for a moment to slide my tongue around the bulk of her gorgeous breast, setting my lips tightly around her nipple again. Her fingers dug deeply into my hair and she gasped and moaned above me as I tenderly tasted her. Finally she gasped sharply and held my head tight against her, pulling herself away from my lips and cradling my face in the valley between her breasts. Her chest was warm, moist with sweat and her breasts moved against my cheeks as she breathed deeply to calm herself. She slid back down and kissed me again, slowly and more tenderly, still trying to catch her breath. She laid down on me, running her fingers across my cheek and side of my neck. Still working to control her breathing she whispered, "I'm sorry to stop...that was so good...I just, I never did that before..." I had a massive erection at this point and was nearly shaking with the buildup so it was maddening to have her stop like this. I couldn't answer at first - it was hard enough to breath with my stomach so tight and every nerve on fire. "Are you okay?" She asked, self-conscious and concerned. I just bit my lip and swallowed and nodded. "Yeah...I...um, it's hard to stop." She was quiet for a moment and I worked on trying to calm down. I didn't want to hurt her feelings, I knew she was shy but it was really hard to accept that at the moment. She slid off more to my side. I focused on the ceiling. She kissed my neck. Her hand trailed across my chest. She kissed me on the neck more deliberately and her hand slid lower...and lower. I felt her grapple with my belt and loosen it...and I gasped as she undid the button of my jeans and slid the zipper down along my straining shaft. All in a moment, she lifted her head and set her lips on mine in a fierce kiss and slid her hand into my boxers, wrapping her fingers around my shaft and starting to stroke it. I gasped and jerked at her touch and kissed her. She stroked me slowly and firmly, lifting her hand up so her finger brushed just under the head and back down. I strained, feeling the lump on my face pulsing from the rush of blood, feeling the other bruises and scrapes, and feeling my brain tying all of the sensations together into one incredible rush. I kissed Tanya deeply and leaned closer against her. Her hand worked up and down my shaft, pausing once where she slipped her fingers down between my legs to cradle my sac before reaching back up to grip my shaft again. I held Tanya tightly against me and felt her angle my shaft up, sliding the front of my boxers back with her wrist. She stroked me firmly then slipped her tongue into my mouth and pressed her thumb against the underside of my glans and sliding it around in little circles. My hips bucked and I moaned sharply as I quickly came, feeling my semen hitting me in the chest. Tanya kept pumping her hand and moving her thumb; working several strong shots from me and making me gasp and tremble. Her kisses grew slower and tenderer and her hand relaxed and began to softly caress my softening shaft. It took some time for all the stars in my eyes to disappear for me to see again. I looked at her and she at me. We exchanged another deep kiss and she settled back down against me. We rested for some time, gently running our hands over each other, and eventually got up. We were an absolute mess - scratched up, beat up, and covered in lotion. She and I both had streaks of my cum on our sides and chests. (Seeing her wiping my cum from the side of one of her breasts was nearly enough to get me hard again). It took some time to get cleaned up. Tanya grew a little bashful about being topless and soon found a loose top she could wear that didn't bother the scratches. Eventually we got ourselves put back together and curled up together on the couch again. "Two big adventures in one night!" She whispered, her head on my chest. I grinned and bent down to kiss her forehead. Chapter 24 The grey light of early dawn was already giving way to a colorful sunrise as I brought my car to a stop in the driveway. Tanya and I had slept on the couch and woke up about an hour ago - stiff and sore from sleeping awkwardly and from our scrapes and bruises. She'd wanted to go shower and clean up, so I decided to head home to give her some space. We'd shared one last hug and a really good kiss (even for just waking up) before I left. I entered the house to find it still and quiet, and made my way to the bathroom. I glanced over at Sara's room - she was away at the beach with friends and wouldn't be back for a few more days. I looked my face over in the bathroom mirror. I certainly had a good welt though the swelling seemed to be going down and making way for a lovely bruise. I showered, took care of the scrapes and went to my room to rest for another hour or so. When I finally got up and showed my face to my family, there was the expected amount of shock and concern. My dad thought I should report it to the police before they somehow looked me up, and my mom was worrying over the bumps and scrapes. Once they had calmed down I went back to my room and called Tanya to see how she was. She answered, sounding very happy to hear from me. "Hey! How're you feeling?" She asked. "Pretty good. Still ache a little but...I'm actually feeling really good." Tanya giggled a little. "Me too. Your family didn't freak out did they?" "Yeah, but nothing abnormal." I replied, grinning at how flustered my parents had been. We chatted a few minutes longer until she had to go. She was meeting up with one of her girlfriends who wanted to hear about what had happened. I sat in my room for a while, enjoying the memory of the night I spent with Tanya. Eventually my thoughts turned to Sara. We hadn't been able to spend much time together after the first night we'd had sex before she had to leave for her trip. It had definitely made for a few awkward moments for us both, especially the following morning when I had to sneak out of her room before dawn so our parents wouldn't suspect anything. It was probably good to have some time apart but if I had to be honest, even with the night I had with Tanya I was missing my sister. * * * Wednesday finally rolled around and I returned home from classes and made a beeline for Sara's room. There she was! Standing by her bed, unpacking a suitcase. I walked up to the doorway and cleared my throat. She turned in surprise and smiled excitedly, running up to me and giving me a hug. "Hey! Welcome back!" I said, still holding her. She made no move to step away and just grinned up at me with those darling, blue eyes. "Hi Alex! Did you miss me?" I glanced once over my shoulder, then turned and kissed her fully on the lips. She reached a hand behind my head and pulled me tight to kiss me back. We broke our kiss and grinned at each other. I came in and sat down by her desk and she went back to her suitcase. She caught me up on her trip, all the places she went with her friends, all the things they did. She'd had a great time and it showed in her enthusiastic, yet relaxed manner. Then I told her about the date I had with Tanya and the fight at the bar. She sat down on the bed and listened in surprise as I told her the whole story of the fight, including the things I'd left out of what I told my parents. She was shocked and concerned but also proud of me for holding my own. She asked a lot of questions and we laughed together about the silly parts. After a while I left her room to let her continue to unpack and grabbed some dinner. My parents came home and I ended up watching a movie with my dad, hearing Sara and my mom talking about her trip in the kitchen. A couple of hours later my parents had gone to bed and it was just Sara and I in the den watching TV. We talked quietly for a little while and Sara soon asked how things were going with Tanya. Feeling a little unsure, I began to tell her about going to her apartment after the fight, how she'd given me frozen vegetables for the welt on my face. I mentioned the scratches on Tanya's neck and back and started to gloss over what happened next but Sara caught me. "Wait, so did she take off her shirt?" she asked. "Well, um, yeah...and so, um..." I stammered. "Oh my gosh! So what happened then?" Sara asked, excitedly. Realizing that she didn't seem to be jealous at all, I spilled the whole story. She sat, spellbound, asking for more detail here and there. When I was finished, she grinned and held up her hand, saying, "Great job big bro!" and gave me a high-five. "I have to admit, I wasn't sure how you'd feel about it." I said after a moment. She smiled, kindly. "Well yeah, I'm jealous. But I'm happy for you too, you know? And besides, I may have met a guy on my trip." She grinned. "Really? Do tell!" I said, swallowing down a little bit of sibling protectiveness. So she told me all about him. His name was Kevin and he was on vacation too, happened to live a few counties away. They'd gone for a lot of walks and ate out a few times. They'd exchanged cell numbers before she left, and she was quite giddy as she told me how he kissed her, a little nervously, when he said goodbye. "Kinda weird, isn't it? To like other people when we're so close." She said. "Yeah, it is." I thought for a moment. "I don't know, it doesn't have to be too weird. I mean, we got close mainly so you could help me get rid of a lot of tension, you know? And it's not like that's going to go away." She bit her lip mischievously and said, "That's for sure. He is cute!" She grinned and laughed at herself. "And for what it's worth, I love being so close to you." "Me too, little sis." I said and smiled. After a moment, Sara asked, "So what did Tanya's boobs feel like, compared to mine?" She grinned at my discomfort but I answered. "Well, I guess they're a little bigger, and she's really sensitive. You get sensitive but I think she's even more so. And her, um, nipples are a little bigger too." I looked at her. She smiled at me in the dim lamplight. "Can I make a weird suggestion?" I asked. She just nodded. "Do you want to, um...it may be weird, but do you want to pretend like we're each other's crushes?" She grinned nervously. "You mean, I pretend you're Kevin if I let you pretend I'm Tanya?" "Yeah! That sounds awesome!" She said, sitting up. "Are you sure? It won't weird you out with whatever I want to do with her?" I asked, a bit nervous as well. She nodded. After a moment of awkward silence, I took the initiative and walked up to her and tenderly embraced her. Sara sighed as I bent in and began to neck with her. She began to whisper Kevin's name as I caressed her sides and held her close. She got me to pull my shirt off and rubbed her hands across my chest as I kissed her neck. Then I got her to take her shirt off and unfastened her bra. I knelt on the couch and kissed her breast as I ran my hand along her inner thigh. She moaned Kevin's name in my ear and I slid my hand between her legs. She eagerly spread her knees and I firmly but gently slid my fingers across her sensitive folds of skin. After a few minutes, I inserted a finger into her body and imagined that it wasn't Sara's gasping face I looked at, but Tanya's green eyes and pouty lips. She suddenly took initiative and reached over to start unbuckling my pants. I removed my hands from her and helped open my jeans and pull them and my boxers down to fully bare myself. She reached down and wrapped her warm fingers around my dick and began to stroke it gently. I slipped one hand behind her back and placed my other back between her legs, my fingers slipping easily between her lips. She put her free hand on my thigh and leaned in to put her head on my shoulder and gasp in pleasure as we stimulated each other. I imagined Tanya's hand on my dick, pumping, squeezing, touching my balls, massaging the head. It drove me mad with desire and before I even thought about it I had pushed Sara onto her back and knelt down between her legs, greedily sliding my tongue through her wetness. She gasped and writhed and moaned, reaching down to rub her hands on my head, moaning Kevin's name over and over as my tongue dipped into her folds and tasted her essence. I flipped her over onto her stomach and with Tanya's beautiful ass in my mind's eye, I drove my straining cock right between those soft lips and deep into my sister's body. I pressed her hard into the cushions with each thrust, stabbing my penis over and over into my sister's vagina. I groaned Tanya's name hungrily as I slid myself in and out. Sara eagerly raised her hips with each thrust, begging me to go deeper into her body. Her vagina was already slick with her body's excitement and grew more so as I called Tanya's name again. Sara gasped loudly, moaning Kevin's name. The sound of my waist slapping against Sara's butt was the only thing to be heard for several moments until Sara began to beg me to get on my back. I pulled myself out of my sister and when she'd moved, laid down on the couch, my penis wet and straining. She got on her hands and knees and straddled my stomach with her back to me, facing my feet. She got her feet under her and crouched over my dick, reaching down to grab it and point it up towards her. Sara then sat down, impaling herself willingly on my erection, sliding down it until I was buried straight up in her body with her butt on my groin. She reached one hand back onto my stomach for balance, raised herself up and impaled herself again, and then over and over until her back shone with sweat and both of us loudly whispered our imaginary lover's names. I watched her round, firm butt cheeks raise and lower before me, seeing my sister stab herself on me. I tried to imagine it was Tanya's body on mine but my imagination was faltering and seeing Sara riding on top of me caused my heart to catch in my throat. There were a few moments of quiet groans and grunts until I heard Sara quietly say my name instead of Kevin's. I closed my eyes, feeling her hot body descending on my erection again and allowed Sara's name to come out of my lips, barely a whisper. We were silent once again for a few moments but again I heard Sara say my name, this time louder and more plainly. I reached my hands out and put them on her hips and helped pull her down onto my erection. She moaned my name again as she slowly slid her body down onto mine again. "Oh god, oh...oh Sara...Sara!" I moaned. And suddenly we were no longer in our fantasies but in another, a shared fantasy. Brother and sister having sex together once again. Sara plunging herself onto her brother's body, me giving my little sister what she wanted. Sara quickly pulled herself off and struggled to turn herself around. She straddled me again, this time facing me, and we wasted no time sliding my penis back inside her. I sat up and she wrapped her legs around my butt, pressing our crotches together. With her breasts level with my face, I hungrily kissed and suckled on her as she groaned and pressed her chest forward. I held onto her butt and lifted her and set her down over and over, helping to slide her up and down my shaft. She gasped and I felt more fluids pulse out of her around my erection. She wrapped her arms around my head and pulled my face tight against her slick chest and she struggled to ride me as hard as she could. Surprisingly, in all of this I had not yet felt the urge to ejaculate but I felt it rising now. When she had calmed somewhat, I told her I was close. She leaned in, her damp hair surrounding me, her hot breath in my face, and kissed me. Then she made me lay back down again and lifted herself off of my dick. Sara eased back, watching my face to make sure I was okay. She straddled me a little further down than before so that when she sat, she was mostly on my balls and the first inch of my shaft. She grinned at me and reached down, wrapping her fingers around my glistening penis and began stroking. She began to grind herself on the bottom of my shaft as she stroked me. I chuckled and she looked at me quizzically. Whispering, I said, "It almost looks like you have a dick!" She looked down and back up at me with a grin. She pointed my dick up a little more and scooted forward a tiny bit and started stroking me again. We both looked down, and then up at each other with grins - it really did look like she had a penis! She giggled, then threw her hair back and began acting like she really was jerking herself off. She gasped and moaned dramatically, thrusting her hips in time with each stroke of her hand. I couldn't stand seeing my sister in such a display for long and with a loud grunt, I began to shoot out my cum. Sara moaned, thrusting forward with every string of cum she worked out of me, milking my dick and pretending to squirt out each shot. She suddenly got up and knelt between my legs, her face close to my dick as she stroked the rest of the cum from my body and just grinned up at me. Then, as an added shock, she teasingly said, "Oh, Kevin!" and dipped her face forward to press her lips against my ball sack as she stroked my wavering dick. I groaned loudly as I felt her tongue play across the undersides of my balls and she moaned happily. Chapter 25 It came as a surprise to me the following Saturday when Sara asked me after breakfast if I wanted to go for a hike. I agreed and we both got changed into rougher clothes and grabbed some water to take along. We piled into my car and drove off - it seemed like our mom was glad to see us going out together, probably thinking it'd be nice to have the house to herself for a change. The drive was pretty quiet. Our conversation was completely small talk but in a relaxing way. We arrived at the same park we had hiked in some time before and found just one other car there. We started out on our walk, the gravel crunching under our feet and the leaves rustling over our heads as the wind tossed the branches. It was deeply warm and humid - we were both sweating not long into the trail. Not too far in we were passed by an older couple in hiking clothes heading the opposite direction back toward the cars. After they were long gone Sara let out a long breath and walked closer to me until her shoulder was against mine. She slid her arm around mine and we walked on together. We hiked further than we would normally go, taking us deep into the forest. The trail meandered along the edge of a steep hillside and deep valley that we had both always loved. The clouds above had grown larger and more grey, and the wind was pushing them along quickly. As we were pausing to rest and look out over the valley I asked, "Doing alright?" "Yeah, this is more than I've walked in a while." We rested for several minutes more until the humidity and heat in the air made it uncomfortable to stay still. We decided to continue on the trail, not ready to return just yet. The clouds were growing darker gray and the air had stilled. A quiet calm surrounded us as we continued through the trees and rocks along our trail. We reached another lookout and paused there. I leaned against a tree and looked over at Sara. Her eyes looked at me steadily and her face looked determined, and eager. A warm breeze tossed her hair for a moment before passing by to make the branches behind her wave. "May I ask a question?" "Sure." She said and shrugged. "Well, we're both in a really weird situation and I just have to check. Are you okay with what we're doing?" I asked. She looked over at me, tucking an errant strand of hair behind an ear. "You mean, do I regret that we're having sex?" I felt my stomach and shoulders tense a little. "Yes." I answered. "Why?" She asked. I paused before replying. "Well, like you said the first night. It's incest." We walked on in silence for a few minutes, crossing a small field of rounded boulders that crossed the trail. "If I told you it was something I really enjoyed, that I'd never regret having sex with you, would that help you know how I feel?" Sara asked. I nodded. She stepped closer. "Alex, I will never regret having sex with you. I love you." In that moment of togetherness I felt my heart warm deeply for Sara. My admiration for her expanded beyond what I had ever felt for someone else - it wasn't love like in the movies, it wasn't lust, not even really romantic but it was a stronger love than I had felt before. She was my sister, Sara was my blood, my family, but also a friend, also a lover, also a woman. She was part of me in a way, as I was part of her in a way. She seemed to know what was going on inside me and she looked bashful and smiled, dropping her eyes, but then bringing them back up to return my gaze. Still looking a little bashful, she said, "I know this probably isn't right, and I know we can't stay like this forever." I nodded in agreement and she continued, "But for the moment, I feel like I want to be..." She shuffled her feet nervously, "...yours." I walked closer and put my arms around her, and kissed her forehead. "I don't think it's right either and I know we can't keep doing this but right now I feel like you're the most important person in my life and all I want to do is to be with you as long as it's possible." She smiled up at me, then stood on her toes to give me a soft kiss. "So you're okay?" She asked. "Yeah. I think I am. I really am." I said, grinning at her beautiful face. We held hands and continued along the trail together. Her voice became merry and light as we talked about all sorts of things going on in our lives until we began to feel large droplets of rain hitting our backs and shoulders. Sara laughed and giggled as the rain increased and we tried to run together to find some cover. We ended up under a large, low-growing tree that gave us a little shelter. The heat in the air was still present though the humidity was less stifling now. Sara looked over at me excitedly. "Have you ever wanted to be naked in the rain?" She asked, her eyes dancing. "Uh...well...yeah, I thought of it." "Do you want to?" She asked, grinning from ear to ear. I hesitated, but shrugged. "I guess if we wrap our clothes up, it might help keep them more dry too...sure." In moments we were untying our hiking shoes and began taking our clothes off. I watched her strip out of her shirt and jeans, and she gave me a happy grin as she slipped off her panties. I was taking my boxers off as she freed herself of her bra. We wrapped our clothes together in a tight ball and set them on our shoes close to the trunk of the tree. Completely naked we stepped out into the rain, the ground a soft, wet mess under our bare feet. She took my hand and pulled me forward, out to a small, rocky overhang that looked out on the valley. She jumped up on one of the large, round rocks and helped me up and we looked out over the valley below. She laughed happily and raised her arms up towards the sky which obliged her by shaking out the contents of the clouds over our bodies. I admired every curve of her body that the raindrops trickled down and pulled her close for a hug. We stood side by side in the warm air and warm rain gazing out on the meadows and rolling hills below. "Ooh, do you feel how warm the rock is?" She asked me, then knelt down to touch the boulder with her hands. I joined her and she was right, the rock had absorbed so much sun that it felt warm to the touch. She giggled and sat down, then lay down on her back (giving me a delicious view of her extraordinary body). Lifting her head and shielding her eyes and node with her hands she said, "I don't think this could be any better!" I grinned, then hopped down off the rock and came up to her feet, and gently parted them. She looked down at me with puzzlement, then laughed in excited surprise as I bent down between her legs. "Oh my gosh..." she exclaimed and put her head back on the rock, hands over her face, and spread her legs a little more to expose her crotch. I leaned in and set my mouth directly on her slit, working my lips between the thicker folds with short pubic hair until I tasted and felt the smooth, moist inner lips of her cunt. I heard her let out a little squeal as I found and focused on her clitoris. The rain hitting my head and her belly traveled down between her legs and I drank in the slow stream as I licked my sister's pussy. In no time at all her inner lips had swelled and I tasted more of the clear fluids that leaked from her body. I glanced up and saw her breathing heavily, still covering her face from the rain but with her palms apart so she could breath easily. Thunder rumbled quietly from a long distance as I rose and stepped closer to Sara. She raised her head to look up at me and pulled her knees up as I bent over her and laid down with my hips between her legs. I was already fully erect and as Sara wrapped her dripping arms around my back, the tip of my penis touched her cunt and then easily slid straight into her body. She gasped into my ear and wrapped her feet around my butt as I pushed myself in and out of her. I grunted and strained and she gasped and shook as the water sprayed over my back and spilled between our legs where our bodies merged. My head protected her face from the worst of the rain but still as we kissed I could feel the water coursing down my chin and over her mouth. Her breasts slipped and slid on my chest as we strained together. She raised her hips and took in as much of me as I could give her. Her fingers dug and slid on my back and she wailed and moaned and shook as an orgasm overcame her. Water fell on her face but she didn't seem to notice as she trembled and her face turned red. She let out a loud yell and held me in tightly with her legs until her hips started to buck, forcing me out but pulling me back in as hard as she could. I felt my penis touching the rubbery knob of her cervix and it was quickly stimulating me to my orgasm. As soon as she stopped convulsing and had relaxed I had to slide out of her. She tenderly caressed my neck and I grunted as I ejaculated and sprayed cum on her butt cheek and the boulder underneath. The rain slowed as I laid back on her in an embrace, and we held and caressed each other tenderly until it had stopped. I felt the warmth of the sun kiss my naked back and I rose off of her. She blinked away the rain from her eyes and wiped her face dry and I helped her up. We sat side by side on the rock, gazing out over the valley where the rain still tossed the grasses a mile away. We returned to the tree and helped wipe each other dry with our hands and waited for the breeze to help with the rest before we pulled our clothes back on. It was a long hike back and we were tired but because we were together it made us appreciate every step we took. pics---->> http://bit.ly/1D1q3qp
Title: Trophy Wife Ch. 01 Summary: Son takes a trophy wife, just not is own. Keywords:inc,fic,erotic,hot Alex stared at the tent half hidden in the dark; slowly he turned and stared at his mother standing on the lawn beside him. "What's this" he couldn't help but ask. "It's a tent silly" his mother laughed. "I got that mom" Alex turned back to the large cabin tent. ""What's it for?" he asked "Not what sweetie" his mother stepped to the tent opening. "More who, it's for you" she smiled. Alex tried to ignore watching his mother move in the dim light in the tight cocktail dress she wore. Her hips were swaying with every step. He stared at his mother confused. "I don't get it, why for me?" he tried not to stare at the curve of his mothers' ass as she turned, seeing how the snug fabric clung to every curve. "Honey, you said yourself the house is like Grand Central Station" she said softly. "I know how you value your privacy, and the party tonight is going to go half the night" she looked back at the large house lit up from every window. Alex looked back as he heard loud laughter drift across the lawn. At least he couldn't hear the music blaring from inside he thought. His mother was right; the last two days had been a strain on his nerves. His brother Michael was getting married in three days, and tonight was only the first of the events surrounding the 'main event.' God forbid if anyone called his brother Mike, Alex thought. Michael Buchmann was the spitting image of his father. Michael had graduated class president. Harvard law School and then joining their fathers law firm. He had already won two cases on his own and was a rising star. When Alex had asked about the wedding, he had been shocked at his brothers' response. "Time to mount my trophy little brother" he had said. Just like his father, he had found the perfect trophy wife and was following The Grand Plan, as it was called in the Buchmann house. The only problem was Alex didn't fit into that plan. He had always struggled with school, and when he announced he was not going into law, but instead wanted to be an architect, he thought his father was going to shit himself. Only his mother had stood by him, quietly diverting his father, working her magic, until everything had been smoothed out again. Oh people might call his mother a trophy wife, but Alex knew better. It was his mother who was in charge, but it seemed only he saw it. Just like this tent, she always seemed to find a solution just in the nick of time. "Thanks mom" he said softly. "Well come take a look" his mother smiled in the half light. She bent and unzipped the flap on the tent. Alex could only stare as her tight dress now stretched over the globes of her ass. God her ass, he thought, as just the sight started a stirring in his groin. Alex bent down and followed his mother into the tent just as he looked up his mother turned to face him. Still half bent forward from the low ceiling, the pose let her breasts hang down in her low front dress. Alex felt a rush of blood head straight south to his cock, as he stared down the top of his mothers' dress. Her expanse of cleavage was on full display to him. After a moment, he felt a finger under his chin, slowly raising his head and eyes, until he met his mothers' gaze. "My eyes are up here baby" she whispered with a sparkle in her eyes. "Sorry mom" Alex felt his face flush with shame, he had been caught staring at her. "Sorry for what?" his mother laughed lightly. "For staring at your mothers' tits?" "Jesus mom" Alex gasped. "Baby, you've stared at them before" his mother smiled. "I didn't say I minded I just wanted to talk for a moment. I can't stay long you know that." "Yeah, I know" Alex gave a resigned sigh. "Have to be the trophy for the party right mom." Grace Buchmann sighed, she knew how hard things had been for her youngest. Sometimes he just didn't fit the Buchmann 'mold'. She had met her husband at university in her second year. Twenty years old and two years into her commercial design degree when the dashing young Buchmann had swept her off her feet. By the time she turned twenty-one, she was married. Their first child was born at twenty-two and their second not more than a year later. It had seemed whirlwind to her then. Now, Grace knew better. Everything had been planned, scheduled by that dashing young man. Married with the standard two children he had entered his fathers' law practice by twenty-five. Now, at forty-seven the trophy wife and mother was watching her eldest follow the same path as his father. But Alex was somehow different, more like her side of the family. It had been a terrible disappointment to Richard when Alex had decided against the family law practice. Richard Michael Buchmann was if anything a traditionalist. One of those family traditions was the acquisition of the 'trophy wife'. Her mother-in-law was one, and it had taken only three years of their married life to know she was one. At barely five foot six inches, Grace Buchmann could turn any head in a room, even now at almost fifty years old. Age had done little to her 36D breasts, they still stood proud and full in her tight cocktail dress. She knew her best was the curves of her ass when she bent slightly forward, an art she had perfected over the years. The fact it took hours a week in the gym to keep that ass, was something very few knew. "Your father has a lot of important clients Alex" she softly replied. "As his wife I have a role to play. It helps his career, which pays our bills." "Career, there is a lot of other things more important than a career" Alex grumbled. Grace stepped closer to her son; she could feel the heat emanating from his body along with the tension that ran through him. Her hand rested on his broad chest, and she could feel his muscles ripple through his shirt. Get a grip girl, she whispered to herself. This is your son for God's sake. "Alex...look at me" Grace told her son. She waited until they locked eyes in the dim light of the tent. "In this tent, it's just us, you and me. For once in your life, pull your big boy pants up and just say what's on your mind." She told him. Grace stared into her sons' eyes, her eyes widening as she saw the light in his eyes growing. A light she had not seen in the eyes of a man in many years. It was a hunger, a mixture of lust and love that shone out of him. "He doesn't deserve you" Alex grated. "He's got the most beautiful, sexiest, loving wife; and he's in there with some fake titted bimbo on his lap with a drink in his hand." He rushed out. Grace stood stunned as the words poured out of Alex like a tidal wave. He had to have been keeping this inside for years, she realized. "He's not only an arrogant pompous ass, just like his oldest son" Alex pushed on. "He's also a fool" he spat. "If you were my wife, I would....." Suddenly, realizing what he was saying, Alex stopped himself. "Say it Alex" Grace whispered in a hushed voice. "Finish what you were saying. You would...what?" she stared into his eyes, her heart pounding. "Don't ask mom" Alex choked out. Grace's fingers curled inward, her nails digging into her son's strong pectorals. She took a deep breath, smelling the fresh cut grass, and that scent, the scent of a MAN. "What's said in this tent stays in this tent, understood." Grace told her son. "Now finish what you were saying." She waited for his response. "If you were my wife, I wouldn't have you hanging on my arm like some trinket." Alex stared back at his mother. She could hear the growing husk in his voice. "Oh you'd be my trophy wife, have no doubt. But I'd be mounting my trophy every damn chance I could." Grace was beyond stunned at her sons' words. But there was more, something defined in that moment. Gone was the pretense of the child, before her stood a primal man; confident, strong, who knew what he wanted and wasn't afraid to say it. She felt the almost animal magnetism emanate from her son, sending a jolt through her body, her nipples stretching against the fabric of her dress, while a warm wetness grew between her legs. Alex could only stare into his mothers' eyes, watching her face, as a flush began to cover her cheeks. Was she angry? Had he just overstepped the boundary he wondered. "You're jealous." Grace whispered softly, the realization hitting home. "I'm your mother, you do realize" she could barely husk back. Before she could even react, Alex leaned forward and pressed his lips to hers. This was no mother son kiss. She felt raw passion rip through her as his mouth almost devoured her. By the time they separated, Grace was almost gasping for air, she felt the rampant hardness pressed against her belly, her breasts crushed against his broad chest. She had melted into the kiss, reveling in the sheer desire a man was expressing for her. That it was her son had evaporated from her mind. "Be careful mister" Grace reached up and traced a nail along his cheek. "You're playing with fire." "Then I hope I burn alive" Alex said gruffly. Grace felt the closeness of the tent close in. Her son standing only inches from her, his chest rising and falling. The huge bulge more than evident in his tight jeans. While she felt that long forgotten wetness seep down her inner thighs. "I have to get back to the party." She whispered. Turning, she stepped to the tent flap, and then bent to grip the small zipper. Looking over her shoulder, she watched Alex, his eyes glued to the curve of her ass. "You really would, wouldn't you?" she breathed out. At first, Alex didn't understand his mothers' comment. Then, staring at her, it hit him. "In a heartbeat mom" Alex's deep voice filled her ears. Without a reply to his frank honestly, Grace stepped out of the tent and into the cool night air. Hurrying across the lawn and through the patio door, she was worried she had been gone to long and that Richard would be upset. Finding her husband among all the guests was rather easier than she thought. True to her sons' words, Richard Buchmann was sitting on a couch, one hand holding a glass of Champaign. The other resting on the hip of what had to be a twenty year old girl with the biggest fake tits Grace had ever seen. Alex knew his father well, she realized. She stood silently, comparing the two men. While the older used power and money to draw, it was actually Alex who held more. His sheer confidence in himself and that barely concealed animal magnetism that would strip away any opposition. Grace shuddered as she realized just how close she had come to surrendering to that magnetism. Son or not, the idea of Alex bending her over and mounting her sent a tremor through her belly. For the next two hours, Grace drifted among the guests, largely ignoring her husband. The dutiful hostess, she greeted everyone with elegance and style. By eleven o'clock she had made all the rounds, and needed to get away. Stepping onto the patio, she wrapped her arms around herself against the cool night air. Her eyes straining into the darkness to try and see the tent where her son was. What Grace didn't know, was that her son was only a few feet behind her, standing by the doorway to the patio, watching her. Alex had made his appearance at the party, he knew it was required or his father would be angry. He had made a point for his brother and his father to see him. Then figuring on slipping back to the tent, he had seen his mother step outside. Just watching her, he could feel his cock thicken. God he wanted her, and bad. His mother had shocked him when she had accepted the kiss earlier. Instead of being angry or insulted, she had instead made some reference to a fire. A thought suddenly clicked in his mind. As one of the servers passed by, he stopped the young man and asked for a match. When the server pulled a small book of matches from his jacket pocket, Alex reached into his own. "How would you like to make ten bucks, easy money?" he asked the young man. "Is it illegal?" the teenager half whined. "Nope, nothing illegal" Alex said. He quickly scribbled inside the matchbook cover, and then shut it again. "Just take that match book to the lady standing there, and give it to her." "Whatcha want me to tell her" the kid asked. "Nothing" Alex smiled. "She'll know. Just hand it to her and a quick ten spot." As the young server took the matchbook, Alex slipped off the patio and headed for the tent hidden in the darkness. Grace was surprised when the young server approached her, she hadn't asked for a drink. When the young man silently handed her the match book and then left, she was confused. Opening the small book, Grace was surprised to see the scrawl inside. She turned so the light from the patio door could let her read. Light my fire were the only three words. Her head snapped up and she looked back across the dark lawn. You wouldn't dare, she thought. Alex waited nervously in the tent. It had been a bold move on his part, but did it pay off. Just as he was about to call it a night and head for bed, he heard the zipper on the front flap raising. He watched as the dark form of his mother slid through the door, followed by the sound of the zipper being returned. The pair stood in the darkness, only able to see shape but not bodies. Alex tried to find the right words, but his tongue didn't seem to want to work. It was his mother who spoke first. "Do you know what you're doing?" Grace asked softly. "I know exactly what I'm doing" Alex husked back. He pulled his shirt over his head and dropped it beside the air mattress. The pale light coming through the tent walls reflected off his now bare chest. "Do you know what you're doing?" he asked back. Alex heard the sound of a zipper again, this time he watched the form of his mother shimmy until her dress fell to the tent floor at her feet. For a second he wondered if she was wearing a bra, he hadn't bothered to check before when he kept staring at her tight ass. "No" his mothers' soft voice came back. "But right now, I don't give a damn." Alex stepped towards his mother; he outstretched hands coming in contact with her soft flesh just above her hips. Slowly he ran his hands up her sides, stunned when his palms were suddenly filled with the soft globes of her bare breasts. No bra, he breathed silently. His thumbs flicked lightly over the rock hard nipples that capped his mothers' breasts. "Oh Goddddddddd" Grace hissed as a shudder went through her body. Alex felt rather than saw when his mother arched her back slightly, pushing her full breasts into his hands. "So long..." he whispered in the dark. "God I wish I could see you." He moaned. His hands gently kneading her soft tit flesh. "We're here now" Grace moaned. "Make the best of it baby, explore every inch of your mother. Tell me how long you've wanted this." Grace felt her son pull her closer to him. The heat from his bare chest radiating across her own skin. Her arms came up in the darkness, hands gripping his strong biceps. "Oh Jesus" Grace groaned, as she felt Alex leaving soft moist kisses along her skin. "So long" he mumbled, kissing along her neck. "Since I knew what sex was." His lips trailed over her shoulder. "Years...I've wanted you for years." He moaned as his lips descended downward. Grace shuddered as she felt his hot breath blow across one nipple. Her entire mind blanked as her lust grew. No longer mother and son, now they were simply man and woman, and they were about to mate she realized. "Alexxxxxxxxxxxxxx" Grace moaned deep in her throat, as she felt his hot lips wrap around her aching nipple. "God yes, suck my nipple baby. Nurse on mommas' tits." Grace felt like her body was on fire as Alex suckled first one and then the other breast. Her hands cupped the back of his head, holding his mouth against her tingling skin. She gasped as she felt his hand slide down over her flexing belly...lower...closer to her over heated core. "Touch me...please" she begged her son. "I need...Unnghhhhh" she groaned as Alex slid his hand inside her thongs, his fingers dragging along her swollen soaked lips. Grace grunted as one thick finger slid up inside her clutching pussy. Her hips began rocking as her son began slowly finger fucking her hot pussy. "Yes...yes..." she moaned. "Oh fuck...Alex..." she gasped as her son created intense pleasure in the pit of her belly. Grace could already feel the knot building deep in her gut. She could not remember ever being this turned on, this alive, in her almost fifty years. "Don't stop...Oh God" Grace moaned, as her hips moved in time to her sons' probing finger. "I'm going to cum baby, you're going to make mommy cum." She hissed. Suddenly, as if her words set something off in Alex, she felt his finger pull free of her spasming walls. Before she could react or even speak, he had dropped to his knees in the dark before her, dragging her thong down to her knees in one motion... "What are you...?" She tried to groan. "Oh SHITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT" Grace wailed as she felt her son wrap his hot lips around her empty pussy. Grace threw her head back while her hips thrust forward. Her hands were still at the back of his head from before and now she pulled tightly, mashing his face into her wet box. "Oh my Godddd...oh yes baby EAT ME" Grace babbled as her son feasted on her. Giving oral sex was something her husband constantly refused, claiming it was demeaning for a real man to perform a "lez act". Now she stood in a dark tent in her own backyard, her husband half-drunk with some floozie; while her adoring and beautiful son did what his father wouldn't. "Mmmmmmmmmm" Alex moaned as his tongue was coated with his mothers' pulsing cream. He felt her body literally vibrate as she ascended to her climax. He had every intention of giving her so much pleasure, she would beg for more. The sound of wet slurping filled the tent as Grace felt his tongue drive in and out of her soaked lips. Her juices gushing out to coat his face, she wished now she could look down and watch the hot scene at her feet. "Oh Alexxxx" the mother moaned as her body surrendered to the raw pleasure. One hand gripped her ass cheek, pulling her body tightly against his hot mouth, while the other hand kneaded her swaying breast. Pleasure coursed through her body from two different directions as Grace tumbled towards her orgasm. "Oh God...yes...oh fuck I'm going to cum" Grace moaned. Her orgasm barreled down on her like a freight train, until it slammed into the pit of her belly. "AHHHHHHHGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG" Grace wailed as she felt her belly tighten then whip back. As sparks ignited in front of her eyes in the dark tent, she felt her juices erupt out to coat the face of this darling man kneeling in front of her. "Cummmmminnngggggg" she moaned. "Soooo goooodddddddd" she shuddered through each wave. Just as he felt his mother convulse through her first wave, Alex opened his mouth and clamped his lips over her sensitive clit, pulling it into his sucking mouth. Grace couldn't even speak as a second explosion rocketed through her, right on the heels of the first. God what he was doing to her body, she wanted to scream. Only whimpers and gurgling came out of her mouth as Alex brought her to new heights of pleasure. Finally, her body felt like it was a single raw nerve, as she felt her knees threaten to buckle under her. "Enough, oh God no more" she begged. Alex was caught off guard when his mother violently shoved against his shoulders, pushing him back until he fell on his back on the sleeping bag covering his little air mattress. He felt his mother's hands rapidly slide down his bare chest to the edge of his jeans. He could feel her fingers frantically almost tearing at his jeans to get them open. "Get them off" Grace hissed in the dark. Alex lifted his hips to help as she tugged his jeans down. His eyes tried to penetrate the dark of the tent as his mother climbed up his body until she hovered over him, her breath hot on his neck. "You like eating your mothers' cunt you little pervert" Grace hissed down at her son. "God yes" Alex moaned. He felt her small hand slide between their bodies, taking his turgid cock in her grip. This same woman, who glided through his fathers' parties with grace and elegance, was like a woman possessed, and it was driving him insane to see this new side of his mother. "You want to take your father's trophy" her voice filled his ear. "Think you have what it takes?" she asked. "I don't think...I know" Alex said the first thing that came to his inflamed mind. God how he wanted this woman he thought, the emotion driving him to say things he otherwise would never dare. "Prove it baby" Grace muttered. Without warning, his mother dropped her weight down onto him, as she tried to sink every inch of his cock sank straight up into her tight wet hole. "Big...fuck you're big" Grace grunted. She was only half way down his shaft and already felt stretched full. Wantonly, she wiggled her hips, forcing her body down further. "Jesus mom you're tight" Alex gasped as it felt like a hot vise gripped his cock "You're in waters that haven't been sailed in quite a while baby" Grace dug her nails into her sons' chest beneath her. "And that isn't exactly a dingy you have" she grunted as she drove herself further down, almost three quarters of his cock now buried up inside her. "More like a fucking freighter" she gasped. By the time Grace had managed to work the rest of his raging hard cock up into her dripping pussy, both of them were panting and they were covered in sheen of sweat. "Oh My God" Grace moaned, as her walls vibrated around the thick shaft filling her. Alex reached down in the dark, cupping his mother's ass cheeks in his hand. He began to raise and lower her shaking body up and down his cock, hearing the wet sucking sounds as his cock slid in and out. Just as her body was lowering, he drove his hips up off the air mattress, impaling her on him "NNNNggggggggggggaahhhhhhhhhhhhh" Grace wailed as she felt his engorged head press against the spongy surface of her cervix. Her eyes rolled back as a convulsion tore through her body. Alex felt a splash of warm fluids on his groin as his mother trembled through her orgasm. He repeated the motion a second and then a third time "That's it mom, cum on your sons' cock" he encouraged her. "My son...my son..." Grace gurgled. Grace could not remember the last time she had been made love to like this. Richard, with his perfunctory in and out, unload and then roll off was the standard for her entire adult life. She vaguely remembered sex like this before her married life. "Fuck me...oh God yes fuck me..." she moaned as a second orgasm began rolling through her belly. Grace gave a squeal in the dark as Alex rolled her onto her back on the sleeping bag, their bodies tangling in the tight confines of the tent. As her son settled his weight on top of her, pinning her down to the small air mattress; she raised her legs and wrapped them around his waist. Her ankles locked at his low back, holding him inside her trembling body, while her heels drummed his taut ass with each stroke. For Alex it was a shock to see this woman, who had spent most of his life a cultured elegant woman, letting her own desires take control. His hips picked up speed as he began to pound down into her dipping pussy. He could hear the squelch of his cock driving hard deep into her, the sounds and smell of their sex filling the tent. Grace could feel her hot juices dripping down the crack of her ass to soak the sleeping bag under her. Her breasts were mashed against his powerful chest each time he dropped down, grinding his pelvis into her sensitive slit. She had long forgotten the pleasure of raw sex. Now, as this man above her used her; her body shuddered from one orgasm to another. Her fevered mind snapped and she knew what she wanted, son or not the craving ignited deep in her cunt. "Please...Oh God cumming againnnnn" Grace moaned wantonly. "Oh God...need...please..." she babbled softly in the dark. Alex wished he could see her face, her eyes, as he fucked his mother with every ounce of strength he had. His hips began slapping down into her convulsing body while her nails dug into his shoulders. "What do you want mom" Alex hissed in her ear. "Say it mother" he pushed harder down into her. "Cum...seed...spunk..." Grace babbled. "Fill me baby...pleaseeeee" "Whose cum, say it mom" Alex whispered. "No...can't..." Grace's mind tried to fight but when Alex raised up on his powerful arms, leveraging his cock into her harder and deeper, her walls began to tighten with a huge orgasm. She felt that delicious bolt rocket through her belly as the engorged head of his cock rubbed against the soft spot along her walls. "Say it mom" Alex grated. "Or I'll pull this dick out of you right now" "Noooooooooo" Grace moaned, the thought he would stop shredding her last resistance. Gripping his shoulders tighter, she raised her head and pressed her lips to his ear, her hot breath against his skin. Alex was stunned at the filth that poured out of his mothers' lips. "Don't stop, don't ever stop my beautiful, wonderful mother fucker" his mothers' voice dripped with lust. "Fill your mother with your jizz baby" she told him. "I want every fucking drop of that incest cum deep in my cunt until your balls are dry" she hissed. His prim and proper mother devolving into a slut was driving Alex closer to the edge and he could feel his balls tightening as they slapped his mothers' ass. His only regret was it was so dark inside the tent and he would have loved to stare into her eyes while he unloaded into her. "Fuck, I'm going to cum" Alex groaned. "Going to cum in you mommy" he almost whined. "That's it baby, cream your mother" Grace hissed. She reached between their pummeling bodies, her hand finding his swinging nut sack in the darkness. She began rolling his sensitive balls in the palm of her hand. "Oh God mommmm" Alex moaned, his body surrendering to the pleasure. Graces' eyes grew wide in the dark as she felt her sons' already thick cock swelling even more, stretching her more than she ever imagined handling. "Aaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" Alex let out a long cry as his body seemed to vibrate. Grace felt his cock jerk deep inside her belly, then the heat of his warm semen, as it spewed out to coat her walls. "Feel it...oh God Yessss" Grace moaned in wonder. "Cummmingggg in youuuuuuuuuuu" Alex wailed, even as his cock jerked a second time, sending another thick rope of his hot cum deep inside her. Grace convulsed under her son as the second then third wave of heat filling her belly set off an explosion inside her. Joining her son in pleasure, she barely registered her own juices spraying out to cover his lower body. Whimpering and mewling as she reveled in their joint climax. This she realized was being properly fucked; and by a man who craved her body as much as she now craved his. By the time his balls ejected the last of his seed, Alex could feel a warm ache settle into his groin. He couldn't remember ever having cum that hard before in his life. He eased his body down onto his mother, then slowly slid to the side to lie beside her on the sweat and cum soaked sleeping bag. "Holy fuck" the young man muttered in the dark. Grace heard the wet sucking sound as her son's cock slid from her drenched pussy, followed by the sensation of a thick glob of his cream oozing out to run down the crack of her ass. Slowly sitting up and reaching for her discarded dress she looked over at the shadow of her son, she could hear his heavy breathing in the still night. "I need to get back" she whispered softly. ""Mom, are you OK?" Alex asked in a hesitant voice. Now that the act was done, doubt and fear had crept over him. He worried that his mother would regret what had just happened. "OK?" he heard a small laugh in the dark. He watched her shadow as she pulled her tight cocktail dress back into place. "Alex, I warned you, if you start this you were lighting a fire," his mother's soft voice filled the tent. "I just had the best sex of my life baby" she said. "Which I fully intend on repeating, so don't even THINK otherwise, got that mister." "Good, because I don't think I could keep my hands off that hot body ever again." Alex smiled, his teeth flashing in the dark. As he watched his mother straighten her hair and smooth her dress, a thought that had nagged at him came to the surface. Just as she stepped to the flap of the tent, he cleared his throat. "Ummm...mom" he said hesitantly. "I just...came in you" he said quietly. "Could you get...Uhhh...you know..." "You mean pregnant?" Grace finished for him. "You didn't seem to worried about it when you were filling me with your hot baby seed" Alex thought for a moment. "No I wasn't, and honestly it still doesn't. I just wondered." Grace was a little stunned by her son's words. The fact that he could have impregnated her didn't seem to bother him a bit. She slowly unzipped the tent flap and then stared at her sons' shadow. "Well, put your mind at ease baby" she said. "Mommy is on the pill so no worries there...tonight." "Would you go off them...for me?" Alex asked in a voice barely audible. Grace froze in mid motion of stepping outside the tent. Her body shuddered at the thought of what his words meant. Like standing on the patio holding the matchbook, she faced a decision and like then, it wasn't logic or what was proper that drove her thoughts, it was pure primal response. "Yes, I would" his mother's voice spoke softly from outside the tent. As he lay there stunned, Alex listened as his mothers' footsteps headed back to the house and the party. Exhausted, he slipped inside the sleeping bag, the scent of their lovemaking filling his nostrils as he drifted off to sleep. The growing light of morning roused Alex from his sleep. His dreams had been image after image of his mother. Bent over the beck of the couch, stretched out on her marital bed; so many others had floated through the young man's sleep fevered mind. In everyone, Alex had seen himself pleasuring his mother again and again in ways she would never know with the "husband" she stood beside. As he walked into the kitchen he found his mother sipping from her coffee, already dressed for the day. "Morning sleepy head" Grace's voice sounded amused. "Was someone a little tired last night?" She smiled. Alex was startled at his mothers' blatant side reference to their passion from last night... Two can play at this game, he thought. "A little" he stared at his mother. "I had a hard ride last night and it kind of wore me out a bit." "I hope my man isn't too worn out" Grace chuckled. Sliding from her chair she walked across the kitchen to stand in front of her son. Her eyes were drifting down his chiseled body to that evident bulge in his jeans. "I might need him to take another hard ride with me today" she whispered softly. "Anytime mom" Alex stared back into his mothers' eyes. "Tell me where the fire is and I'll put it out for you." His voice was husky with desire. "Mmmmmmm" Grace hummed. "Believe me you hosed the fire well last night" her own voice dripped with lust. Reaching into the pocket of her skirt, she pulled out a small crumpled cloth and slipped it into her sons' hand. "See" Grace rasped. Alex looked down and realized his was holding his mothers' thong from last night. While parts of it were dried with her own juices, parts were still soaked, probably from the hot load of cum that had seeped out of her. Raising his head he saw the smile on his mothers' face. She was teasing the hell out of him, and loving every second of it. She's a fucking minx Alex thought. "Your father and brother are running to town a little later" Grace told her son. "They are making the last minute arrangements for tonight's get together." Alex almost groaned. Last night had been the public party. All of his father's work connections, clients and partners had been there. It had been as much a business meeting as a party for his brothers' wedding. The usual Buchmann party to show off to everyone, Alex knew. Tonight was Michaels' bachelor party. There would be a dozen or more men drunk and raucous in the house tonight. His father Richard had announced he planned to 'work late" to give his eldest son his "space". Alex knew it was nothing but a veiled excuse to be in some ritzy hotel banging one of his secretaries. "Why don't you stay here darling" his mothers' voice brought him back to the kitchen. "I could use your help with a few chores around the house" her voice was deep and husky. "You don't mind being your old mommy's house boy do you" she asked with a tease in her voice. "I didn't think so" his mother husked, as her finger trailed down his chest, ending just at the clasp to his jeans. She could see the now swollen thickness pressing at the front of his jeans. Mutely Alex stood and watched as his mother turned at started walking from the kitchen. Nothing he had ever dreamed of had prepared him for how wanton his mother really was. Just as she reached the doorway to the dining room, Grace turned and looked back at her son. "Oh and sweetheart" she said softly. Alex looked up at his mother, tearing his eyes off her swinging ass and swinging breasts he knew were unfettered in her blouse. "Mommy seems to have forgotten to take her medicine this morning" Grace stared at her son. "You don't mind do you?" she asked softly. "Not in the least" Alex never broke his gaze from his mother. Grace shuddered as she now knew Alex had meant every word last night. She had hinted she had gone off her birth control pills to him, and his unquestioned reaction had sent a bolt through her. Grace knew she couldn't get pregnant so quickly after stopping. But the mere idea that Alex was aware and wanted her that way, sent an almost flood of hot juices into the gusset of the thong she now wore. "Mom" Alex's voice stopped her. She looked up and saw raw determination in her sons' face. "Once they leave this house, get rid of the panties. I don't want anything in my way, you belong to me now and when I want you...I WANT you. Understood?" his voice was deeper, almost commanding. "Yes dear" Grace trembled at her own words. Two hours later Grace was busily moving smaller items from the living room to one of the guest rooms of the large house. While she had not approved of hosting the bachelor party, she had known better than to oppose her husband. Still, the last thing she wanted was something valuable broken by over a dozen drunken oafs banging around her house. It had taken less than five minutes from when her husband and oldest son had pulled out of the long driveway before she had stripped her soaked thong off and thrown it in the laundry basket. She could feel her juices seep down her thighs in anticipation as her body quivered every time she thought of her son Alex. Even she had been startled by the growing hunger in her own body, it was all she could do at times to not reach out and grab that hard package when he walked by her. The staid mother had slipped into a state of constant need for her son's hard cock. She had warned Alex he was playing with fire if he started this and even she was surprised at the intensity of the heat between the pair. As she bent over to retrieve two small figurines from the end table by the couch, she wondered if Alex knew his father and brother hand left yet. Her answer came when she felt a large hand slide under the hem of her skirt from behind and then slide up her slick thigh. "Ohhhhh Alexxxxxx" Grace moaned at the sudden intrusion. "Fuck mom you're soaked" the deep voice of her son filled her ear from behind. "For you baby" Grace moaned. "Oh God" she could only grunt as two thick fingers drove between her swollen lips. "So...damn...tight" Alex's voice hissed in her ear, his fingers started to pump into her wet hole. "Oh God...oh fuck..." Grace shook and trembled as her son used her body. No child now, this now man was exerting his primal need, and that animal desire was aimed at her. As Alex maneuvered his mother away from the small table and to the back of the couch, Grace felt him rolling the hem of her skirt up over her hips. Feeling his thick fingers slide from her clutching hole, she had no resistance as her youngest son pressed her back against the back of the couch. Grace looked down at her son as he slid to his knees in front of her, knowing she was totally exposed from the waist down. Alex was wearing only his loose gym shorts with no shirt, he had come prepared. Grace could only watch as the muscles of his young chest rippled, when he reached out to grip her hips. Even in the folds of his loose shorts, his hard cock swung free, pressing against the thin fabric. Last night had been in the darkness of a tent, this time there was no hiding from the light of day. Grace felt self-conscious of every flaw as her son knelt before her. "Oh baby, I'm sorry..." she started to apologize. From the small pooch of her belly she had never been able to rid herself of, to the extra few pounds she knew still clung to her mature thighs; the nearly fifty year old mother felt her voice fade even as she watched her son. There was no revulsion on his face, no indifference of his father in his eyes. No, what the trembling mother saw was raw hunger shining in Alex's eyes, while his face displayed a pure animal need...for her. "You're perfect mom, just shut up." Alex whispered as he gazed at his mother. Alex was stunned at the sight before him. Not a virgin, he had seen his share of pussy, but seeing his mother now sent blood raging through his already throbbing cock. Her full mature thighs opened wider as his mother shifted her stance against the back of the couch. The well-trimmed landing strip of dark hair was pointing him toward his goal. He felt his mouth water at the sight of her swollen and protruding lips that glistened with her own desire. It was her clit that surprised him the most. Last night, he had known it was bigger than other women he had gone down on, he had felt it in his mouth. Now, he could only stare in wonder as his mothers' growing excitement caused the hood to slowly pull back, as that throbbing bud came into view. Grace reached down and held Alex's head between her hands, staring down into his lust filled eyes. "I love you baby" she whispered. "This is how much I love you mom" Alex growled. Then he rammed his face between her thighs. Grace went rigid as she felt his tongue slam into her dripping pussy, piercing through her sodden lips to probe deep inside her. "Ohhhhh GAWWWDDDDDDDDDD" Grace's scream echoed through the empty house. Her belly flexed and then exploded in orgasm from the sudden onslaught of her sons' hot mouth. Tangling her fingers in his hair, her hips drove against Alex's face, grinding her tingling pussy into him. The one act that had driven her insane last night, one even her husband refused her; and here was her son kneeling worshipping her cunt with his hungry mouth. "You like that mom?" Alex muffled voice drifted up to her. "You like your son eating your wet cunt?" "Like," Grace almost screamed back. Her eyes locked on her sons face. "Oh my God Alexxxxxxx" she wailed. "Then...try THIS." He told her. Suddenly Grace felt her engorged clit pulled into his mouth, his teeth nipping at it while he sucked it hard. In a haze she felt her eyes rolling back as stars went off behind her sockets. Her second orgasm began tearing through her ravaged body. "Oh Jesus....oh fuck" the filth poured from his mothers' mouth as her body convulsed against his face. "Eat me you wonderful motherfucker" Grace moaned. "Eat meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" her voice climbing as she felt a third orgasm shredding her mind and body. Alex held her hips tight, pressing her back against the couch. He could feel her knees threaten to buckle as grunting and whimpering came from her lips. He heard his mother give a guttural moan, and then hot fluids wash over his face. She squirted on me, he realized. I just made my mother SQUIRT, he thought. In her sex induced haze, Grace dimly felt Alex rise to his feet and turn her shaking body around. Whatever he wanted, she knew she could no longer resist him. Bending his mother slowly over the back of the couch, Alex stared at her ass as it filled his vision. Her juices glistened on her thighs while the tight ring of her ass seemed to wink at him. "Time to mount MY trophy" Alex growled. Graces' eyes flew open as she realized the position she was now in. Before she could utter a word, Alex lined up behind her and drove every inch of his thick cock deep into her waiting hole. She opened her mouth to speak, but all that came out was a soft whimper and drops of her own saliva to run down her chin. ""My sonnnnnn" Grace gurgled as her belly rolled from one orgasm to another, until she lost count of the waves pulsing through her. "My mother...my trophy whore" her sons' voice filled her ear. Graces' head snapped up at his words. Never in her life had she been called a whore. Her mind tried to rebel against his words. Turning to say something to her son, her eyes locked on the glazed glass of the china cabinet only feet from them. The image reflected back at her stunned the mature mother. The image was of a woman bent over the back of a couch with her ass jutting in the air; her tits swaying under her rocking body. While that woman's son hammered a hard thick cock into her willing body from behind. Grace watched the pair fucking like two animals, realizing her son was right. She might be Richard Buchman's trophy wife; but now she was Alex Buchman's' trophy whore, and she loved every moment of it. "Fuck me baby" Grace grunted. "Fuck your mother" She could feel his full balls slapping her ass with every stroke. She looked over her shoulder with a blazing hunger in her eyes. She watched her son gritting his teeth, almost a snarl on his face as he tried to keep from exploding in her tight pussy. "Come on Alex, fuck me" she hissed. "Cum in your mother and you better do it fast baby, before my fucking husband gets home" she shoved her ass back at his invading cock. She didn't know how, maybe it was sheer youth, but Alex picked up the pace even more. His body started hammering into her as she hung helpless over the couch. For Alex it was like everything mounted in his aching balls at the same time. The fact this was his mother he was balls deep in, the fact he was about to cum in his fathers' wife, the fact that his mother not only was fucking back at him but wanted his hot seed in her belly. Especially that for the first time he could not only feel her, but see this hot and sexy woman for the first time. Throwing his head back, Alex roared his release as his cream exploded from the tip of his cock to spew into his mother. "FUCK...FUCK...FUUUCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK" Grace listened to her sons' primal roar behind her. She felt his thick cock expand to what she swore was twice the size, feeling her walls stretched beyond belief. Then, the sheer force of his ejaculation was jetting his hot seed against the walls of her cunt. Her mind blanked as one and then two hot thick ropes pumped into her. She dimly felt a third and fourth rope flooding her as her own body erupted with raw pleasure. The pair trembled and shook together as the smell of sex hung in the living room air, the sound of their raspy breathing loud in the silence. Grace felt her sons' now deflating cock sliding from her soaked pussy with an obscene slurp, followed by the sensation of a thick warm glob of his semen oozing down her thigh. Standing on wobbly legs, she reached down and scooped the white cream onto her fingers, staring into her sons' eyes as she licked her hand clean. Hearing the crunch of gravel under tires, Grace glanced out the living room window to see the family BMW pulling into the driveway. She stepped over and wrapped her fingers around Alex's cum slick cock. "That was the best damn fucking of my life" she told Alex, her voice hoarse from her recent screaming. "Next time I want it even harder and deeper baby" she said. "Now get your ass upstairs before your father or brother sees you." She handed him his shorts as he stumbled from the room. Straightening her dress, Grace wasn't sure how, but she had no doubt their next time would be even hotter yet. The remainder of the day was a whirlwind of activity around the Buchmann house. Grace was putting the final touches to the wedding plans, while the men were setting up for the evening. By eleven that night Grace had retreated to her bedroom while a dozen horny males held their night of total debauchery. For Alex, the noise swiftly became too much and he had to hide. While he ached to be with his mother, Alex was well aware of the risks tonight; instead curbing his hunger waiting for a better day. The next day did not present any better opportunities as the house prepared for the wedding. The caterer's arrived by ten and began setting up tents and chairs on the back lawn, while Grace buzzed around the house directing traffic. Alex admired his mother as she worked, not only was she stunning just to look at, but it was more than evident who was the real power in the Buchmann house. Just before lunch Alex was hanging garlands around the stairwell rails when the front doorbell rang. Surprised he looked at the clock. The wedding wasn't until four that afternoon, and guests weren't scheduled to arrive for another two hours. Hesitantly, he opened the front door and was startled to find his grandmother Madeline standing on the front porch. "Grandmother, you're early." Alex stumbled out. His grandmother could only be defined as the Matriarch of the Buchmann family, and as such had always been an intimidating figure to Alex. The older woman simply stared quietly at him, arching one eyebrow. "Forgive me" Alex hastily backed up. "Please, come in." "Thank you dear" Madeline Buchmann said as she stepped into the foyer. "And I am never early my dear" she said softly. "Nor am I ever late. I know exactly when to arrive." "Yes Grandmother" Alex breathed out. "Now, be a dear and fetch your mother." The older woman instructed. Grace hurried after her son, hearing her mother-in-law had suddenly arrived. Entering the foyer, she glanced at Alex as she approached Madeline. "Mother Madeline" Grace gently embraced the older woman, kissing her cheek. "To what do we owe for this early arrival?" she asked. Madeline stared at her daughter-in-law for a moment, and then nodded her head. "Yes" she said softly. "I think it's time we had a talk my dear." "Now" Grace asked. "The wedding..." she started to say. "My dear, knowing you, every detail has been worked through three times already." Madeline chuckled softly. "The rest can handle itself I am sure, this is rather important." Grace knew better than to argue, Madeline Buchmann was one woman who was very used to getting her way. "Shall we go to the sitting room then?" Grace started to lead the way. "I would prefer somewhere more private" Madeline stopped. "Perhaps the back garden?" she smiled. "Of course" Grace turned to lead the pair through the dining room to the back yard. Whatever her mother-in-law had to say, it apparently demanded total privacy. No one came around the back garden except those who knew it was there. As the pair started to walk to the patio door, Madeline stopped and turned to her grandson. "Young man" she said to Alex. "You will accompany us." Grace hid her surprise as she led the way out the doors, slowly crossing the expansive yard. The trio passed the small tent she had placed for Alex, Madeline stopping to gaze for a moment, then following with a small smile on her face. Stepping past the hedges into the small garden at the far back of the yard, Grace gestured to a bench for her mother-in-law. Madeline sat in the center of the one bench, forcing Alex and Grace to sit side by side on the only other bench. Grace sat silent while Madeline studied the pair. She was shocked when the older woman reached forward and took her hand. "Congratulations my dear" there was more warmth in the older woman's voice than Grace could ever remember. "You finally woke up." "I don't understand..." Grace was stunned. "Oh come on my dear" Madeline actually laughed. "That 'I've just had the shit fucked out me glow is all over you Grace." She said softly. Grace opened her mouth to speak, but no words could come out. Alex sat in awe as he watched his grandmother literally transform into a different woman here in the small garden. "I always thought it would be a pool boy, or perhaps the son of some client you met randomly." Madeline continued. "I should have known better" she turned and looked at Alex. "Do you love her?" Madeline asked her grandson softly. Alex knew something had happened here, he didn't know what. It seemed pointless to argue with his grandmother, and he didn't have the heart to lie to her. He stared back into the older woman's face. "With all my heart" his voice was strong with his commitment. Grace felt like she was going to burst. First the shock that Madeline somehow knew about her and Alex, and then her son brazenly proclaiming his love for her. "How hard does he make you cum Grace?" Madeline asked as a small wicked smile spread across her lips. "Oh my God" Grace could only shudder at the memory of Alex taking her body bent over the couch. "It sounds like you do a good job stud." Madeline looked at her grandson. Alex could only stare open mouthed at his grandmother. It was like he was meeting her for the first time in his life. Madeline leaned forward, her voice a conspiratorial whisper. "How long since you blew a load in her boy?" she whispered. "Madeline!" Grace could barely choke out. "Don't get sanctimonious on me girl" Madeline turned to her daughter-in-law. "I've had more dicks shoved up me than you can dream of and ninety percent of it was NOT Richards' father." "Oh My God" Grace whispered. "Answer the question young man." Madeline turned back to her grandson. "Two days ago" Alex said. Both women could hear the frustration in his voice. "I wondered why you were both so damn jittery" Madeline scoffed. "Stand up" she told her grandson. Alex did as he was told, standing facing his grandmother as his mother sat beside him speechless. "Drop the pants Alex" Madeline commanded her grandson. "But...I'm..." Alex stuttered out. "You're rock hard aren't you" Madeline's voice husked. "That's why you're doing this." Madeline turned to Grace. "Your turn, stand up my darling daughter-in-law, off with the panties my dear." While she was speaking Alex had undone his jeans and dropped them at his feet, slowly returning to his seat on the bench. Madeline turned back to him. "Jesus Christ" she whispered, staring at her grandson. His face flushed with embarrassment. "How big are you" Madeline's voice was hushed. "Ummm almost nine inches" Alex mumbled. "God girl; doesn't that thing hurt?" she asked Grace. "It did...at first" Grace smiled for the first time. "Sit on it" Madeline told her. "Now...here" Grace was shocked. "I need to talk to both of you" Madeline said in an exasperated voice. "And quite frankly, you need a good fucking. This way we kill both birds." Grace stared at this strange woman sitting quietly across from her, as she backed slowly up to her son. Her legs straddled his as she positioned herself over his raging hard cock. She felt his hands lightly guiding her hips down as she reached down to position the engorged head at her sodden lips. "Oh fuckkkkk" Grace softly moaned as she eased down onto her son. "Missed that didn't you" she heard her mother-in-law say softly. "God yessssssssssss" Grace could only moan back. "Fuck her Alex" Madeline told her grandson. "Fuck her like she needs boy." The soft sounds of sucking filled the air of the small garden as Grace slowly rode up and down her sons' thick pole. She couldn't believe she was fucking her son in front of her mother-in-law. "Now, talk time" Madeline folded her hands in her lap. "Alex, your mother is a trophy wife, understand." Alex mutely nodded his head. "That means a few things, things you need to understand" the older woman continued. "Nothing comes before this house and family, and I mean nothing." She stared at her grandson's face over the shoulder of his mother. "As you've seen these last two days, your mother has a role to play, not her, not you, not sex will interfere with that role. Do you understand?" "Yes" Alex grunted as his mother drove her ass down onto his lap. "Considering your restraint these last two days, I think you do" Madeline smiled. "Understand also..." she stared at the pair. "She may be your lover, your whore, your slut...whatever you two wish." He voice was steady. "But she will never be your wife, understand." "Yes" Alex grunted again. "I'm fucking my fathers' wife." He panted. "Ohhh Goddddd" Grace moaned at the words. "Good boy" Madeline approved. "She's also a woman, with needs." Madeline watched as Alex's cock slid in and out of Grace, she could feel that familiar weight in her own belly, but ignored it. "You will never go more than two days without pounding the living shit out of her, do you understand Alex?" she asked. "Fuck yessssssssss" Alex hissed as his hips lifted upward, driving his cock even deeper into his mother. "Oh fuck" Grace grunted. "Madeline...going to cum...oh God" she moaned. "Let it out my dear" Madeline cooed. She watched the younger woman's face contort with pleasure. "Ohhhhh Alexxxxx" Grace groaned as her body shuddered on his lap. The walls of her cunt rippling as hot cream flowed out to soak her son's cock and balls. Madeline sat and watched silently as Grace shuddered and moaned through her orgasm. She could see drops of her daughter-in-law's hot cream falling to the pavement stones at her feet. "Grandma" Alex gasped. He felt his balls tightening as his mothers' walls gripped him in a velvet sheath. "Unload in her Alex" Madeline told him. "Give your mother all that hot cream." "What if...Oh Fuck" Alex moaned his balls starting to tingle. "What if I get her...Oh Godddddd" he couldn't finish as a shudder tore through him. "Pregnant?" Madeline finished for him. "Do you want that Grace?" she stared at her daughter-in-law. "Do you want your son to pump his hot baby seed into your fertile belly?" She pushed hard. "God yesssss" Graces' eyes glazed over. "Fuck me baby, breed your whore motherrrrrr." She moaned. "It does happen" Madeline said softly, her eyes distant. "Ask your Uncle Frank." "Oh my God" Madeline gasped as she stared at her mother-in-law. "You mean you..." "I and a well hung young man; in fact he dumped three loads into me in one day." Madeline sighed with the memory. "But how did you..." Grace gasped. "Oh, I just made sure my husband fucked me that same night when he got home." Madeline waved her hand in dismissal. A smile crept over her face. "In fact, he fucked me in a nice cum soaked pussy and never knew it." "FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK" Alex roared as he lost control. His body jerked as hot seed spewed out the end of his buried cock, washing his mothers' pussy in his cream. "Nnngggghhhhh" Grace moaned as she felt her body filled with the heat of her sons' love. Madeline watched in fascination as the sweat drenched couple in front of her shared their orgasm together. She could smell their sex as it dripped like a faucet onto the pavement at their feet. Her eyes stared with a thinly veiled hunger at Alex's cock covered in white cream still slowly pumping in and out of his mother. "Beautiful, simply beautiful" the older woman whispered. Grace lay back against her son as she gasped for air. Her orgasm had been one of the most intense yet. Both from knowing her son was pumping his hot seed into her, but also from the fact that this woman she had always considered unflappable, totally indifferent, had sat and watched the entire act. Madeline rose and looked at the pair before her. "As I said my dear" she spoke firmly. "You are a Buchmann and that means there is an expected public decorum to be maintained." She waved her hand at them. "What you do in private is solely your business." "Kindly explain that to your husband my dear" there was steel in the woman's eyes as she spoke. "His recent public displays have been totally inappropriate; you are his better my dear" she looked directly at Grace. "Remind him of his place, and after you do, retire to your sons' bedroom for the night." Grace and Alex watched in wonder as Madeline strode to the shrubs guarding the entrance to the garden. "Right now I believe I shall return home. I have this terrible itch that perhaps Jack will simply adore scratching for me" she smiled. "Oh and Alex, do be a good grandson and visit your grandmother from time to time." She looked at her grandson. "With your mothers' approval of course "Yes Grandmother" Alex choked out. Madeline locked eyes with Grace. "I am sure I could find something for him to do...around the house." To be continued..... For Pics visit:---->>> https://bit.ly/2ReHUJI
Title: Late Night on the Loveseat with Mom Summary: Mom and son get under the blanket and, well . . .  Keywords:inc,fic,erotic,hot The mid-summer heatwave enveloped the city for seven days straight. It drove everyone a little crazy. Evening brought some relief, but even as night fell the heat lingered, hours past sunset. With heat so constant and so intense, everything loosened up: clothes, morals, and passions that otherwise would have stayed buried deep. Maddy Ryerson had long since tired of the heat. It wore her down, a little more each day. She poured herself a glass of chilled white wine and walked with it to the living room. It was 10 p.m. in the Ryerson house, and the family's favorite T.V. show was about to begin. Her husband, Carl, already lay comfortably grooved into his favorite chair, not far from the large-screen television. He had taken his seat to watch T.V. two hours earlier, and he hadn't moved the whole time except to grab beers from the kitchen. He was nursing his fifth can. His day at work had been long and stressful, and the beers had done a lot to dull the edges off his frayed temper. Maddy saw her 19-year-old son, Kyle, sit on the love seat to the left of and behind Carl's chair. Kyle, a sophomore in college, lived away from his parents during the school year, but he had chosen to stay in in his old room for the summer, and he worked long hours for a local construction firm. Kyle kicked his shoes off and put his feet up on the low table in front of the love seat. Maddy noticed how much the living room had cooled. Carl had set the thermostat to a low temperature, and the air conditioner was blasting cold air into the house, giving everyone welcome relief from the summer heat. Earlier in the day, mindful of the scorching day-time temperature, Maddy had put on a light, cotton, sleeveless sundress with buttons down the front. Now, at 10 p.m., it was cooler, even a little chilly, and goosebumps popped up on Maddy's exposed legs and arms. As she swung around the love seat to sit down, Maddy noticed both Kyle and Carl in her line of sight. Kyle looked a lot like his dad, with short, blond hair and a well-defined, strong-featured face. He was taller than his father, though, and while his father had gone soft in middle-age, Kyle kept his body fit and free of fat through steady exercise and the daily rigors of his job. Maddy's brow furrowed at the sight of her husband's figure. She wished he took better care of himself. Maddy, unlike Carl, took excellent care of herself. Although she was nearing 40, Maddy retained the fresh-scrubbed, girl-next-door looks of her youth. The short dress, snug and hitting mid-thigh, did little to conceal Maddy's voluptuous curves. Long, light-brown hair cascaded over her bare neck and shoulders. She looked critically with pale blue eyes at the placement of her son's feet. "Kyle, take your feet off the table," she said. Kyle removed his feet from the table with the slowness and reluctance of a teen. "Sorry, mom," he said. Maddy was about to sit down at the other end of the love seat when Carl spoke. "Hey, Maddy," Carl said, his voice slurring just a trace from the beer, "You might not want to sit there. I spilled a beer on that end of the love seat. I tried to clean it up with a wet towel but it's all wet on that end." "Oh!" said Maddy. She leaned over and sniffed the seat cushion. It didn't smell like beer, so Carl must have succeeded at wiping it up. But Carl was right; it was very wet. She thought about turning the seat cushion over but thought it better to leave it up to dry. Maddy took pride in taking care of things. She liked things to be just so. It wasn't easy to keep things that way with a job of her own to manage and a husband who grew lazier, it seemed, with every day. Thank goodness that her son Kyle, though like a teen boy in many of his habits, often volunteered to help with chores around the house. "Here, mom," Kyle said, patting his hand on the love seat on his left side. "There's some room here. I'll move over so you can sit next to me." Kyle pressed his legs as far as he could against the right side of the little sofa. Maddy squeezed next to Kyle on his half of the love seat. She put a pillow on the other cushion to keep her dress from contacting the wet part of the little sofa. Kyle wore shorts, and when Maddy sat down the warmth of his leg surprised her. So did its hardness; his thigh muscle pressed against her like steel. Kyle felt surprise and pleasure at the cool, soft skin of his mom's leg against his own. The T.V. show, called "Angel City Detective," began. It had premiered on a cable channel a year ago and had become their favorite. The series was about an attractive, young, female detective fighting crime in the dark underbelly of modern-day Los Angeles. Her name was Angel, and the irony of her name was that despite her by-the-book police methods, along with her innocent looks and understated beauty, she had a dark, wild, sexual side that she struggled to keep secret from her work colleagues. Its deft combination of sex, violence, and smart writing -- not to mention, the sex appeal of the actress that played Angel -- had made it a big hit. The Ryersons sat down to watch it every week. Maddy glanced at Carl again, annoyed. She wished he would control his drinking better. Maddy didn't mind Carl having a couple of drinks to relax when he came home. But lately his routine had involved more than a couple of drinks, and by the time he turned the T.V. off he often was drunk. Maddy's love life suffered as a result of Carl's drinking habit. Lately, it seemed like he loved his six-pack more than his wife. Carl's inattentiveness had left her feeling perpetually frustrated and horny. The relentless heat of the last seven days had just made it worse. While Maddy was annoyed at Carl, Kyle was thinking about how his mom's leg felt pressed against him. It felt surprisingly good, which was kind of weird, Kyle thought, because it was just his mom. Kyle, too, was agitated and antsy. He hadn't had sex once since coming back home from college for the summer. His summer job kept him working long hours and left him tired at the end of the day, and he hadn't had time to date. So far, the only sexual relief he'd gotten all summer had been through jerking off. And he'd been too tired even to do that for the last five days. Sitting on the sofa, he was hot and agitated, and he thought his balls were going to burst. As the opening credits for the show rolled, Maddy realized suddenly that the blast of air conditioning left her uncomfortably cold. "Carl," she said. "It's getting a little chilly. Do you think you could turn off the air conditioner?" "Gee, baby," said Carl. "The temperature feels fine to me. I think it's because you're dressed so skimpy. Here." Carl grabbed a colorful, crocheted throw blanket hanging over the back of his chair, and, hardly looking up from the T.V. screen, he tossed it to Maddy and Kyle. Maddy scooped it up and spread it over her bare legs and brought it up to her chest. Kyle shook his head at his dad's rudeness. "I'll do it, mom," he said as he got up to turn off the air conditioner. She left a space for him and half a minute later he was back in the same spot on the love seat. "Would you like the blanket, too?" she asked. Kyle wasn't really cold, but the room was cool and the idea of sharing the blanket with mom sounded cozy. "Sure," he said. All three of them sat, watching the show. The lead character, Angel, arrived at her apartment after a tough day investigating a murder. She poured herself some bourbon on the rocks. Something about Angel looked familiar to Kyle. "You know, mom," he said. "She kind of looks like you. Don't you think so, dad?" Carl grunted, barely registering Kyle's question through the fog of his growing drunkenness. "Maybe the way your mom was ten years ago, I guess," he said. "I don't know." His attention didn't stray from the T.V. screen. Obviously, he didn't want to be interrupted. Kyle leaned over to his mother's ear. "I don't think dad's paying attention to what he's saying," he whispered to her so his dad wouldn't hear. He gestured to the T.V. screen. "She does kind of look like you. But I think you look better than she does." Maddy, who'd scrunched her face into a frown at Carl's rude remark, perked up and smiled at Kyle's kind words. She patted him on the thigh with her hand. Again, she was struck by the tensile strength of his leg muscles, and also how much warmer his legs were than hers. Kyle felt a little electric shiver at her touch. Maddy left her hand lightly on Kyle's leg under the blanket. No sooner had Maddy touched Kyle's leg, however, when the character on the T.V. screen, Angel, quickly pulled all her clothes off and walked with her drink, naked, to the balcony of her high-rise apartment. She stood at the railing with the twinkling lights of the city spread out beyond her. Then the doorbell rang in the T.V. show. Angel went to answer it, still naked, and after opening the door she pulled a man, obviously younger than she was, through the door and into her arms. They fell to the floor and she pulled his clothes off and they writhed on the floor, naked, together. One of the things Kyle -- and the rest of America -- liked about the show was that the lead character, Angel, looked so wholesome and straight-laced, but had such a dirty and kinky side. She took her clothes off in almost every episode. It gave Kyle something to look forward to ever week. But he felt odd having just compared the woman who was naked on the floor to his mom. Mom also looked wholesome and innocent. She had a proper way of doing things. He couldn't imagine her having a sexually wild side to her. But he wondered whether mom ever got wild, before he banished the thought and told himself he shouldn't be thinking things like that. Meanwhile, Maddy watched the sex unfolding on the T.V. screen with a twinge of envy. Carl and I used to do things like that, she thought to herself. But it had been so long. Carl didn't seem to be interested in sex much, lately, and on the few occasions when he did show interest the drinking impaired his ability to keep it up, or even to get hard in the first place. In the show, Angel had surrendered to her lover's strong, muscled arms. Maddy shivered a bit at the fantasy of being held and taken like that. The man with Angel was young and blond, and he had lean but pronounced muscles, like her son Kyle, she thought. The room warmed quickly with the air conditioning off. The blanket probably was no longer necessary, but Maddy felt snug and comfy lying under it with Kyle, so she kept it on. Suddenly, on the show, a gunshot sounded offscreen. Maddy jumped, startled. She pulled her hand off Kyle's thigh and grabbed his hand. They interlocked their fingers and without thinking about what she was doing she pulled his hand back to her until it rested on her thigh. Kyle was surprised to feel the soft, cool skin of mom's thigh under his fingers, because his hand was high on her leg. The sundress must have risen a lot up her thighs. He couldn't complain, though; if mom didn't mind it, he didn't either. Maddy felt it too, and she felt how heavy Kyle's hand was on her thigh. She felt the impression it made. She felt, too, how her entire right leg was pressed against his left, and the toes on her right foot touched his calf lightly. She thought for a second that perhaps there was too much contact between them, but to do something about it would call attention to the fact, and she decided it was better just to let things lie. Carl stood up and scratched his belly. "I'm going to get another beer," he mumbled. "Anybody want anything?" Maddy and Kyle both said no. Maddy peered at her husband, again, with disapproval. Laziness and beer had taken a toll on his once-muscular physique. She was struck by the contrast between her husband and her son. Kyle, for his part, was annoyed at his dad, who seemed totally unappreciative of mom. Kyle knew that, many years before, they'd been high school sweethearts, and dad had been a star on the football team, but that had been a long time ago. Looking at his mom and dad now, they looked like a mismatch. Dad was getting plump and jowly, while his mom still looked fresh and fit and pretty. She was better looking than any of his friends' moms, no question about it. After his dad left to get a beer from the kitchen, Kyle looked through the side of his eye at mom under the blanket. He hadn't noticed before how much her breasts mounded under the striped crochet blanket. It rose and fell fetchingly over her breasts with her breathing. His hand still was clasping his mom's, and it lay on her thigh. He squeezed her hand in an affectionate gesture and tapped her thigh with his hand. The result was to bring his hand further up her thigh and to push her thin dress farther up her legs as well. "Your dad's not behaving very well, Kyle," Maddy said. "I know, mom," he said. "He should be nicer to you." Maddy struggled with a vague sense that Kyle's hand was higher on her thigh than it should be, but his hand wasn't doing anything wrong and there wasn't anything sexual about it, so she supposed it was O.K. It felt good. She was amazed at how much warmer Kyle's body was than hers; he was like a furnace. She was warmer under the blanket than she had been, but she still liked the warmth of his body, and she didn't want his hand to move. Carl returned to the living room, with not just one beer but two -- one to drink right away and one to be held in reserve if needed. Maddy hoped he wouldn't need another one. He already had drunk too much. Carl settled into his chair with a heavy sigh. He popped the tab on the beer can and soon was lost in his program. Maddy suddenly felt moisture on the underside of her left thigh. There wasn't enough room on the right side love seat cushion for two people, so her bottom and leg kept sliding onto the other cushion, which still was wet. "Ugh," she said. "What's wrong, mom?" Kyle asked. "I can't keep myself on this side of the sofa because this cushion is too small. My leg keeps pushing up against the wet part on the other cushion," she said. Kyle thought about getting up and offering his spot to his mom. That would be the chivalrous thing to do, he thought. But then he had another idea. He wasn't sure about it, but there didn't seem to be any harm in suggesting it. "How about if you get on my lap?" he asked his mom. He said it as normally as he could. But inside, against a little voice that cautioned him against putting his mom's cute bottom on his lap, he tingled at the idea of his mom's body on him. "Are you sure?" mom asked. "Don't you think that will be uncomfortable?" "No, mom," Kyle said. "You barely weigh anything." "Well," she said. "You're sweet. I know that's not true." She paused. "I guess we can try it. It's really uncomfortable constantly feeling the wet part of the sofa against me." Maddy lifted her bottom and set it on Kyle's lap, while Kyle took the blanket and lay it over the two of them again. Then he settled his strong hands on his mom's waist. "Oh!" Maddy said to herself, as she settled into Kyle's lap. Something big and firm nudged against her butt. It was her son's penis. It wasn't erect, but it wasn't completely limp, either. It was . . . somewhere in between. She hadn't expected to feel it, and she hadn't expected it to be quite so . . . big. She wasn't sure what to do. It seemed wrong to remain sitting on Kyle while feeling him in this way, but it would be embarrassing to call attention to it. Then, too, she had nowhere else to sit. After a moment's indecision, Maddy decided to remain where she was. She even twisted her pert bottom back and forth to find the right part of Kyle's lap into which to settle for the rest of the show. The contact with his mom's bottom sent a powerful electric jolt straight into Kyle's cock. Kyle felt his mom twist in his lap. The blanket started to fall so he grabbed it and adjusted it so it would stay over them. He didn't know what to do with his hands, so he brought them around her and set them on his mom's bare thighs, just below the hem of her short dress. Maddy and Kyle tried to concentrate on the T.V. show, but each had a hard time doing it. Kyle's full attention was focused on his fingertips and the way the cool skin of his mom's bare thighs felt under them. He wrestled with the feeling. You weren't supposed to think about your mom that way, he thought. But he couldn't help it. His mom's bare exposed shoulder was in front of him, inches away, peeking out from under the blanket. He saw a thin bra strap -- pink, he noticed -- nudging out the side of the shoulder of her sleeveless top. A tense action sequence in the T.V. show distracted both of them from the way they were pressed together. Maddy couldn't stop herself from jumping again during a scary scene. Her hands clasped Kyle's hard and when they rested again his hands were even higher on her thighs than they had been before. Maddy wasn't sure what she was doing. What she did know was that his strong hands felt good on her skin. She hadn't felt hands like that on her in a long time. His fingers lay right at the hem of her dress, which, she could tell, seemed somehow to be creeping up her thighs. Kyle didn't know what to think, either. Seemingly, without him having done anything he could think of to make it happen, his hands lay on his mom's cool, soft thighs; the hem of her short dress obviously was bunched higher than it had been before, and his hands were right at the edge of it. He tried to control his thoughts -- this was his mom, after all -- but he couldn't help but think that his fingertips must have rested no more than a few inches from mom's panties under the dress. He wondered if his mom's panties were pink, like her bra. Kyle had laid his hands on a girl's legs before, but it had never felt like this. But this was his mom. His hands would behave. They had to, he thought. But sometimes hands have purposes of their own. Kyle spread his fingers out, as though they needed a good stretch after lying still. The effect was to encompass more of each of mom's thighs with his hands, and to press the hem of her dress up a little farther. Without thinking about what he was doing he gave his mom's thighs a gentle squeeze with each outstretched hand. To Maddy it felt better than the best massage, and she instinctively moved her thighs up and against Kyle's strong fingers. The motion caused his fingers to slip just under her dress. They both sat still like the under the blanket. Maddy felt glad the blanket was covering her, because she wouldn't want Carl to see where Kyle's hands were on her. On the other hand, he was probably too drunk to notice. She didn't know what to do. She thought she should object, maybe with a whisper, or maybe with her hands pushing Kyle's hands back. But she wasn't sure she would be able to. His hands were so big, and so strong, and they lay heavy and implacable against her thighs. And she thought it would be worse to call attention to what was happening. After all, nothing had really happened. Saying something would be awkward. It was important to Maddy to do the right thing. But she wasn't sure what the right thing to do was. Plus, there was a little voice inside her, soft and barely audible, but growing in intensity, that said that Kyle's firm, strong hands on her thighs felt very, very right. Kyle began to feel hot under the blanket with mom on his lap. Ordinarily, he would throw off the blanket. But with dad a few feet away there was no way he'd be able to hold his hands against mom's legs like this with the blanket off. It was worth a little heat to keep them where they were. Kyle moved his body, as though he was making himself more comfortable under mom in the seat, and as he did so his right hand moved up mom's thigh another inch or two. Now he was sure that his thumb was close to mom's panties. And he knew that mom knew it too. Kyle knew he wasn't an expert at reading women, but he was having an especially difficult time figuring out what mom was thinking. She hadn't done anything to encourage him, as far as he could tell, but she hadn't discouraged him either. His hand felt good there. He decided to leave it there a minute and see what happened. The show continued. Dad seemed barely awake. He hadn't looked back at or said anything to Maddy or Kyle in over ten minutes. Maddy realized, suddenly, that she was excited. Her whole body was tense and alive. She was aroused by the feeling of her son against her. That was wrong, wasn't it? And yet they hadn't really done anything inappropriate. Kyle's hands were hidden under the crocheted blanket. With the hands out of view, she could sit and watch the television program and enjoy her arousal -- something she hadn't felt in a while -- and pretend that nothing was really happening. But it was. Something was happening. She liked the feel of Kyle's hands on her. She wondered if he liked it, what he felt, what he was thinking. She thought she was good at reading men but she was having a hard time figuring out what Kyle was thinking and feeling. His hands were close to her panties, in a place they weren't supposed to be, but they lay so still against her. They weren't doing anything. What if she sent him a signal? Just a little one. Something barely noticeable. What would he do? How would he respond? She wondered. She squirmed against him. She noticed his cock -- she let herself think of it as his cock, not a penis -- felt bigger than before. When she was done squirming her legs were farther apart than before. Kyle responded immediately, his body moving with hers to keep up the appearance of innocence. His hand moved up her thigh until his thumb contacted the side of her panties. There it stopped again. The side of her panty was just a little string. Oh mom, Kyle thought. He had no idea that his innocent-looking mom wore such tiny panties. Barely aware of what she was doing, Maddy moved her right hip toward Kyle's hand. Just a tiny bit. It was in invitation. She knew it, and he knew it, and there was no doubt about it. His cock grew under her bottom. She felt that too, and she liked it. She pushed her bottom against it, just a little, in response. In a quick sweep, he moved his right hand up under her dress and rested it on her belly. He brought his left hand up until the little string side of her panty was between his thumb and forefinger. He snuck a finger under the string and snapped it lightly against her hip bone. It was getting very warm under the blanket. But neither Maddy nor Kyle minded and neither of them was going to take it off. Maddy leaned to the side a little so she could look back and to the side at her son. She and Kyle stared into each other's eyes. They said no words, but understanding passed between them. Kyle looked back at his dad's chair. No movement from dad. He looked back at mom, and he gave her a kiss --just a peck -- on her lips. She smiled back at her son. Her loving, strong -- and increasingly large -- son. Maddy couldn't pretend it wasn't happening. Kyle was holding her like a lover, not like a son. Her body loved it. It tingled with the feeling of his hands on her belly and on her panties. She looked at the back of Carl's chair to make sure he wasn't looking, and she leaned over and gave Kyle a quick kiss back. She couldn't let this get out of hand. This was her son, after all, and her husband was right next to both of them. But she would continue to enjoy the feel of Kyle's hands on her. She turned back to the television screen and tried to watch the show. Kyle was past watching T.V., though. The feel of his mom's smooth skin against his hands and her soft voluptuous body in his arms electrified him, and every sense was at high pitch. His nose caught the fresh scent of her hair. Mom was enjoying this, Kyle thought. And she wouldn't want to make a scene in front of dad. Her sense of propriety would give him some latitude to keep touching her. He pushed his right hand down her belly and between her thighs, and he let it rest right over her panties. He pressed his middle finger down, right over where he guessed her pussy would be. He found it, all right. Maddy reacted. She couldn't help herself. She pressed her mound against his finger before she could think of a more appropriate response. I shouldn't have done that, she thought. But she didn't want his hands to stop. If she just sat there quietly, watching television, she could enjoy it and pretend it wasn't happening at the same time. Kyle's finger and Maddy's pussy mound began moving in rhythm against each other. She was impressed at her son's skill with his finger. It knew exactly where to be and how to press, and she could tell it was starting to make her damp below. She couldn't let herself come in front of husband, however. Even in his current state he would notice that. But Kyle's finger kept pressing against the slight panty fabric over her pussy. If he kept going he definitely would make her come. But he stopped. She wondered why, but not for long. His right hand moved away from her pussy to the string on her right hip. He hooked both his thumbs under the sides of her panties and began pulling. Her son was going to remove her panties under the blanket, while her husband sat just a few feet away. She couldn't let him do that. It was too risky. Her lap was under the blanket, but her legs were exposed beneath he knees. If he happened to look over -- But her body didn't listen to her scruples. Maddy raised her bottom, slightly, to make it easier for Kyle to take her panties off. The panties were tiny, and she could feel the thin material being peeled down and off her thighs. She looked down and saw the movement of Kyle's hands under the blanket as they helped the panties off her legs. To assist him she had to bring her legs up and closer to her, just a bit, and Kyle had to lean forward. It wasn't easy from their position, but the panties continued their progress off of her. Carl noticed nothing. Kyle's hands went as far as they could go from his position, so Maddy leaned forward to finish it. She felt the panties slip over her knees. Kyle saw the panties come into view where the blanket ended at his mom's knees. They were pink, and shiny, and very, very tiny. He couldn't be certain, but he thought he saw a slightly darkened patch, which he guessed was wetness. He would find out soon how wet mom was. Both Maddy and Kyle watched as the panties dropped out of sight beyond the edge of the sofa. Carl still didn't notice. With her foot Maddy tried to push the panties under the love seat. It was incredibly risky but there was a good chance Carl, in his current state, wouldn't notice. It was getting harder for Maddy to be passive about what was happening. She knew this wasn't right, but her body surged with arousal and desire. Kyle's hands -- those amazing hands, Maddy thought -- came back to her dress. Then, Kyle started to unbutton the dress, starting with the bottom button. Maddy realized her son was going to strip her naked under the blanket, next to her husband. She had to stop him. But she couldn't. He finished unbuttoning her quickly, then he pulled back the edges of her dress, away from her body, under the blanket. Then Maddy felt his hands on her bra-clad breasts. His fingers, exploring her breasts and her bra, found the bra's front-side fastener, and they nimbly unsnapped it. The bra cups sprang away from her ample breasts. Both Maddy and Kyle could hear it unsnap. Carl's attention didn't waiver from the show, so they guessed he hadn't heard it. Maddy felt her strong son's rock-hard cock under her, and she ground her ass against it. Her ability to resist him was fading fast. Kyle grabbed his mother's big breasts under the blanket. He pinched her nipples and was surprised at how long and hard they were. One hand stayed on mom's breast and the other slid down her torso to the junction between his mom's legs. Maddy spread her legs open farther to accommodate his hand when it got there. Kyle slid a finger down over her clit and along the fleshy gash below it. Mom already was dripping with excitement. He plunged a finger into her. Kyle finger-fucked his mom under the blanket. She stifled a gasp. She'd completely given her body to her son now, and she loved it. She was his, to play with and do with as he wished under the blanket on the love seat. But she still had to be careful about not letting Carl find out what was going on. Suddenly, Carl spoke. His voice startled both of them and their bodies jerked under the blanket. "I think I fell asleep for a minute," he said. "You guys enjoying the show?" Carl leaned over and turned toward them. Maddy and Kyle froze under the blanket, both of them holding their bodies still. Only Kyle's finger continued to move, pistoning in and out of Maddy's wet pussy while his father looked at them under the blanket. Kyle moved just his finger; his hand lay still so his father would see no suspicious movement under the blanket. Maddy looked at her husband and didn't speak. Her underwear and dress were off of her or peeled back and she was aware how naked she was under the blanket. And, of course, she felt her son's thick fingers in her damp pussy and his hard cock pressed against her ass. Maddy and Kyle saw, fortunately, that Carl's eyes had trouble focusing after seven beers. He looked tired, besides. His eyes swept over his son and wife without any hint that he realized what was going on. "I gotta go to the bathroom," he announced and stood up again, more unsteady than before.. He left the living room for the hall, and Maddy and Kyle stayed frozen in place until the bathroom door closed and locked. When they heard the lock, Maddy threw off her blanket and turned toward her strapping son. Without hesitating for a second she turned around and lifted her bottom off Kyle's lap and knelt at his side. She didn't care about the moisture on the love seat on her shins now. All she cared about was getting her hands on the hard cock that had been pressing against her bottom for the last half hour. Kyle watched in astonishment at his mom, naked and gorgeous, full breasts bouncing in excitement inches away, descending on the fly of his pants. She unzipped him and pulled out his cock and with one hand gripping his shaft she guided his manhood unerringly into her eager mouth. Well, that decided it, Kyle thought. His mom did have a wild side. She was as wild and cock-hungry as any woman he'd ever seen. And a lot hotter. Maddy let only the head of Kyle's cock into her mouth, at first. Her tongue swirled around the tip to lap up any precum; there was a lot, more than she'd ever encountered. Her son's cock head was big and bulbous in her mouth and she savored the saltiness of her son's fluid. When she was done she opened her mouth wider and pushed down to take as much of him as she could. She couldn't take as much as she wanted, not right at first, because he was bigger than she expected him to be. Bigger than his father, that was for certain. Carl, she imagined herself saying, your son's cock is so big and it feels so good in my mouth -- so much better than yours. Lust clouded all Maddy's other thoughts. Maddy had never mastered the art of deep-throating, but she'd never regretted her lack of skill until now, because the only way to take all of her big, hard son into her mouth was to swallow him until his cock tip hit the back of her throat, and she wanted every single inch of him. She kept taking him until her throat gagged and her eyes watered, but she didn't let that stop her. God, she wanted it so badly. With the cock head disappearing into the depths of her mouth, she kept her tongue busy swirling against his engorged shaft, tracing its length and swirling around its girth. Kyle lay his hands lightly over mom's lush hair, not believing what he was seeing and feeling. He held his head back and at an angle to get the best look possible, and he pulled a handful of hair away from her face so he could see his hard cock disappearing into his mom's pretty mouth. Mom pulled her mouth back, her lush lips stretched against him, until no more than the tip lay between her lips. And then she plunged back down. Kyle threw his head back and moaned at the ceiling while mom serviced his dick, her head bobbing up and down wildly. The sensation was pure heaven. Then they both heard the toilet flush and the bathroom door open down the hall. Carl's heavy footsteps followed. With one hand Kyle pushed on his mom's head to keep her in place and stop her from moving, and with the other he gathered what he could of the blanket and threw it over her nude body. Dad came walking woozily down the hallway and back into the living room. He stood in back of the sofa, just far enough away that Kyle didn't think he could see the bulging blanket that shrouded mom on his lap. Carl looked in an unfocused way toward the T.V. screen as though to decide whether there was anything there that required further watching. The T.V. show continued playing but none of them had any idea what was going on. Carl pointed vaguely at the television. "Did she ever find out what she was looking for?" he asked. Kyle had no idea what his dad was talking about, but he decided to play along. "Yeah, dad," he said. "I think she's right on top of it." It was all he could think to say. "Yeah, well," Carl said, "That Angel always gets what she wants." "Yes she does," Kyle said, trying to keep his voice steady. Carl looked around the room. "Where's your mom?" he asked. "Ahhh," said Kyle, "I think she went to the laundry room to get something." He was winging it. That seemed to satisfy Carl, who wasn't thinking clearly. He turned and headed toward his bedroom. He swayed a little as he walked. "I'm going to bed," he said. "Don't turn the show off on account of me. You two just keep doing what you're doing. See you in the morning." "We will, dad," Kyle said. "Good night!" When his dad's lumbering footsteps grew quieter and Kyle could hear his parents' bedroom door being closed, he threw the blanket off mom. She looked up at him, still as a mouse, eyes wide, red lips still wrapped around his thick cock. Kyle stared at his mom for almost a minute as she tended sweetly to him. "Sit up, mom," he said. Mom was naked in front but the dress and bra still clung to her back. Kyle pulled them off her. Then he pulled off his shirt and threw off his shorts and briefs in a quick motion. Kyle and Maddy sat naked together. Their bodies shone with a light film of sweat in the dim, flickering light coming from the television. The rest of the room lay in darkness. "I can't stand it anymore, mom," Kyle said, his voice barely more than a hoarse whisper. "I have to fuck you." Maddy stared at her son, naked. Her breasts heaved with her deep breaths. An hour earlier it would have been unthinkable to hear what he just said to her, and she could not have imagined sitting naked with her son as she was now. But a lot could happen in an hour. Maddy knew now that he would fuck her, and she wanted him to fuck her. Kyle's eyes swept over his mom's nude body -- the heavy breasts, the flat belly, the shapely legs, and the thick, wild pussy lips between them. He grabbed mom's hips in his hands. Maddy felt herself lifted with astonishing ease. She knew what her son was doing but marveled at how easily he did it. She held her legs open in expectation and readied herself. She was about to experience her son in a way she'd never dreamed of. And she wanted it, more badly than anything. Kyle's cock stood straight and hard and improbably long over his lap, and he held his pretty mom in his hands over it. Then he pulled her down on top of him. Kyle's cock head found its target without hesitation. He felt the hard tip push against mom's fleshy lips and spread them back and to the side, and then he felt himself slide into her wetness. Deeper, deeper, deeper; he kept pressing. It took all of Maddy's self-control to stop from crying out at being speared by her son. No man ever had filled her so completely or plumbed her so deeply. She wouldn't have thought she could have taken a cock that big that deep. Surely it would have knocked something aside inside her? But no -- somehow her body accommodated her son, fully. Maddy felt Kyle grip her hips more tightly and push his cock into her even more deeply. She was startled and worried that her body couldn't accommodate him, so she tried to rock her body in the same direction of his cock. But Kyle wouldn't let her. His grip on her hips was like iron and he stopped her from moving away as he ground his shaft into her, all the way, as deep as he could go. Maddy moaned. She couldn't help it. She had to hope that her husband already was asleep or couldn't hear her through the closed bedroom door. Then Kyle moved her body up and brought her down hard again. Up and down, rocking against her, Kyle fucked his pretty mom on his lap. Maddy gave up all resistance and surrendered to the onslaught of her son's need. Kyle's need was relentless, stoked by the heat and the days of frustration and the sight of his beautiful mother impaled on his shaft and obviously enjoying her submission to him. He pushed into her, again and again, staking his claim to his mom's body with every deep thrust. After fucking her on his lap for several minutes, Kyle lifted himself and his mom off the sofa. Maddy admired his strength and his ability to move her about as he wished so easily. Holding mom fast to his body, Kyle turned around and then lay his mom with her back on the sofa. He was still inside her, and he didn't let her go as he lay her back all the way and he spread her legs apart to savor the sight of his hardness buried in her to the hilt. Then he began fucking her in a fast rhythm that got even faster as he kept going. Kyle took his mom's legs in his strong hands and spread them back even farther so he could enjoy the sight of her and enter her more deeply. He looked at his mom underneath him in awe. Her whole body shook under the force of the hard fucking, and her ample breasts bounced and swayed, her hard, long nipples pointing in every direction. There's nothing like fucking your mother, Kyle thought. Nothing in all the whole, wide world like it. Maddy couldn't think at all. She was pure sensation -- bliss, joy, passion, surrender -- under the barrage of her son's relentless pounding of her body. Kyle felt the surge inside him coming. It was welling up inside him, and he wasn't going to hold back. A week's worth of cum was on its way. This is for you, mom, he thought. He erupted inside her, filling her with his seed. Thick spurt after thick spurt. Maddy felt her body give way and she came too. Her body bucked uncontrollably against her son. Kyle still was filling her but he wanted to see it. He pulled out and pointed his cock at his mom's belly. Thick ropes of white cum spurted and splattered all over her -- mostly on her belly but drops and splotches of it on her thighs and pussy, as well, and a sprinkling of it on her breasts as well. Kyle pumped away at his cock with his hand to empty himself all over his mom. Her body spasmed and rocked with abandon while he did so, as her orgasm continued sweeping through her in waves. They slowed down. Their bodies grew still and quiet together and they stared into each other's eyes. Maddy looked at the thick layer of white sloppy goo on her belly. She reached down and smeared it over her torso. Then she scooped as much of it as she could with two fingers and brought them to her mouth. She licked her fingers clean with a loud smack. Kyle reached out his hand. He swept it lovingly over his mom's sweat-soaked, cum-spattered body. "I think you're going to have to take a shower," Kyle said. "What would dad think if he found you with my cum all over you?" "I'm not going to shower," she said. "I'm going to bed like this, marked by you. It'll dry on me and I can wash it off in the morning. Your dad's too drunk to notice." Kyle sat down on the sofa and engulfed his mom in his arms. He held her, gently. The air conditioner had been off for nearly an hour, and the summer heat had returned to the living room, but Maddy didn't mind. She sat hot and sticky in her son's arms, and she liked it. The heat had brought out a passion she'd never felt before, and she didn't want to let go of it. The flickering light from the television distracted them. Maddy and Kyle, mother and son, turned toward the screen at the same time. The show was over and the credits were rolling. "I like that show," Maddy said, clinging to Kyle's neck and panting in his ear as she said it. Kyle agreed. He couldn't wait for the next episode. For Pics visit:---->>> https://bit.ly/2ReHUJI
Title: I Want You to Want Me Summary: Scott's world gets turned upside down by his hot sister. Keywords:inc,fic,erotic,hot,sex So the trouble all started on a Friday morning. I work as an I.T. Intern while I work on my degree. I usually have to rush around because I carpool with a buddy while my car is in the shop. I got my just over six-foot self dressed, in a polo and khakis. I wasn't a football star but I ran and tried to keep my lean form in shape, with some tone on my arms and stomach. I grabbed my bag and headed into the kitchen to see my Mom and sister Linda.  "Hey kiddo," my Mom stated as I grabbed the toasted bagel covered in cream cheese she left for me. My Mom brushed some of her curly brown hair out of her lovely face. I had my mother's eyes and sharp nose but I looked more like my Dad, well minus the black hair I also shared with Mom. Linda got her curls from Mom but her light blonde color from our Dad, but she definitely had Mom's hourglass figure and large chest. My friends commented on her consistently, adding much to my insanity. "Have a good day honey," my Mom wished me as I took a bite out of the bagel and heard a car honk outside.  "Shit there's Billy, I've got to run," I stated between bites. She shook her head as she sipped her coffee.  "Hey, movies tonight?" Linda asked, leaning back on the counter. She was wearing her running outfit, short shorts and a hugging top. I could see why my friends wanted to bang her, which I had gotten into a couple fights about.  "Yeah sure." I kissed Mom on the cheek and started out the door. "I'll talk to you after lunch."  "OK, later!" she said as I walked out the door. I climbed into Billy's car and got a grunt for a greeting from my co-intern.  "Hey man." I nodded as I took a bite of the bagel. I brushed my straight black hair out of face. We headed to work before I finished chewing.  "Ready for your report?" Billy asked, looking at me over his glasses but between his blonde hair.  "Fuck man it's the only thing I've been thinking about for three weeks. I hope this goes well so we can just be done with it," I explained as I checked to make sure I had everything.  "You got this man, you worry too much." He chuckled as we drove, "going to turn that black hair to gray before your time."  "Asshole." I chuckled with him as I took a deep breath.  My meeting was the first thing in the morning and took two hours, two hours of my stomach tossing like a three-ringed circus the whole time. I thought it went well but management was stone-faced the whole time. I grabbed a Sprite and went back to my desk to finish up a couple of things. My boss, Lena, came over to my cube. She had shoulder length brown-black hair in like a bob style, and a tight hugging suit that showed her assets off. Roughly C cup size breasts, fair hips, and a slimmer waist, giving her a bit of an hourglass. I always thought she was quite good looking, but being my boss, I kept those thoughts to myself, occasionally when I was rubbing one out late at night. Lena was a fantasy and I left it at that.  "Hey Scott, working hard?" she asked, folding her arms and leaning against one of my cubicle walls.  "Hey boss, just doing my best," I replied, turning my chair around to face her.  "I just got back from a meeting with the higher-ups," she told me, with a long pause.  "And?" I asked, timidly waiting for her to reply. "You're doing this to torture me aren't you?"  "Well I do think you're adorable when you're on pins and needles." She giggled kind of cutely. We had kind of a weird flirty thing between us. Normally I'm not great with talking with women, minus Mom, Linda, and Bexky, my best friend Ray's sister. Talking with Lena pretty much daily got rid of my anxiety with her, for the most part. "They were blown away but your presentation." I exhaled loudly, feeling like a great weight was lifted off me. "They want to move forward on your project and want you as the project lead."  "You're kidding me?" I asked excitedly. My report was to overhaul our server software. My internship was supposed to be over in four months, working on the servers would take around six to eight months to complete. "So what does this mean?"  She smirked widely and wiggled her eyebrows at me. "You didn't hear this from me." Lena lowered herself so only I could hear. I could smell her hair, something like mangoes and sweet fruits. Man I needed to get laid. "They are going to offer you a permanent position on Wednesday, and a raise when you finish your degree. You'll be making double in the fall." She stood back up and smiled widely. "And this is from me: go home, you're off the rest of the day."  "Are you serious?" I asked in disbelief. They were sticklers about clocking in and out on time.  "Yes you did a great job these last months. You and Billy are doing great work. They want to keep you both around."  "Does Billy have the day off too? He is my ride." I asked continuing my timidness, hoping for the best.  "Take the bus, you can afford it now," Lena joked as she started to walk away, but stopped and leaned back over the wall. "Oh and get your car fixed by Monday, and we'll see youTuesday, but be on your email. It will get out of hand and I'm sure there will be a lot of questions about your project."  Well I didn't stick around, got the stink eye from Billy as I passed his desk, but I was in too good of a mood to care. Although I did have to wait for twenty minutes on the bus, which would have just been the amount of time it would have taken to drive home. With the ten minute walk home from the bus stop I had been gone just shy of four hours. Linda's car was still in the driveway so I guess she had just gone for her run. Being the older sibling, I watched her get a little spoiled but she was sweet and always nice to me. We didn't really fight much and I always looked out for her. Mom was always proud of us.  I walked through the back door since the alley was closer to the bus stop. I heard the water running in the bathroom upstairs where our bedrooms were. I wanted to get out of my work clothes so I headed up to my room. As I walked up the stairs I noticed the water was really loud for some reason. I got my answer since the bathroom was the first door at the landing. The door was open, more than a crack but not like all the way open. My curiosity got the better of me, and three things shocked me.  First Linda was naked, not a stitch of clothes on her and needless to say she looked amazing. Second thing was that her right hand was buried in her crotch. She was clearly masturbating and moaning loudly and it was very sexy. Third was that I was frozen in place. I didn't say anything or move or think for that matter. She was working hard on herself, her hand was almost a blur. Lena was leaning against the wall opposite of the mirror, with her left-hand tugging and pinching her great looking nipples. I was suddenly thanking every god and deity I could think of, and noticed my cock was rock hard. Lena had her eyes closed tightly, which was good because one part of my mind reminded me that if I could see her, she could see me.  I took half a step back and the stair under my foot creaked but Linda was far too gone into the pleasure to notice. My adrenaline had my heart racing and my cock throbbing, I need some release but my body was still not catching up with me. I desperately wanted to stroke it but even my lust-filled mind knew that would be a mistake. Linda was moaning louder now.  "Oh yes," she hissed and was clearly rubbing her clit. "Oh fuck yes!" Linda pretty much shouted as she came hard. Her body was shaking. She spread her legs and slid to the floor in a puddle of pleasure. She huffed and puffed for a minute before hazily opening her eyes and bringing her cum-covered hand in front of her face. Linda smiled a little and started to suck her fingers clean. Somehow I felt my cock get harder, watching this all go down was such a big turn on for me. Linda basked in the glow of her orgasm for another moment before she picked herself up off the floor and got in the shower, without so much as a glance my way. I watched her great ass cheeks wiggle as she stepped into the shower and closed the curtain.  I regained enough of my senses to quietly sneak back out of the house and into the back yard. Mom was super proud of our back yard. There was a vine arch that covered up a bench that no one could really see from the house or really anywhere else that wasn't head on. I walked awkwardly over and listened to the sounds of the suburb during the middle of the day, which wasn't much to be honest. I leaned against the arch and unzipped my fly and my cock just about jumped out of my pants. My eight inches of steel throbbed in my hand and I furiously jerked it. It was no time at all before shot my load onto the cobblestone.  I awkwardly sat down with my cock softening as I breathed heavily from my orgasm. I sat in bliss and lost track of time when my phone rang.  One hand on the wheel  the other out the window  with a smile on my face  my middle finger up  one hand on the wheel  the other out the window  with a smile on my face  my middle finger up, 2-3-4  "Shit!" I hissed loudly as I put away my cock and pulled my phone out, it was my Mom. "Hey Mom, what's up."  "Hey honey, just wanted to remind you I'm working late tonight," my Mom's sweet voice rang over the phone.  "Ah yeah I remember now, I'll talk to Linda and we'll just order pizza or something."  "Good honey, I'm glad you've got a plan." She giggled for a moment. Mom was always teasing me about being prepared. "Hey where are you, you don't sound like you're in the office."  "Yea my presentation went really well and word from Lena is they are offering me a position next week. So she gave me today and Monday to fix my car."  "Wow that's great sweetie! I'm so proud of you... When are you moving out?" my Mom joked with me.  "Ha ha," I chuckled back while my mother still giggled.  "Yea I know, I'm hilarious. Anyway let your sister know, and let me know if I can help you with your car honey."  "Thanks Mom, I will. Love you."  "Love you too, I'll talk to you tomorrow." Mom ended the call and I looked up at Linda's window and shades were open and the light was on. I took a deep breath before heading into the house. I also paused in the kitchen to make sure I adjusted correctly, but it didn't look like she had come down yet. I tried not to look guilty as I walked up the stairs.  The bathroom was empty as I expected and her door was closed, which was good as I headed into my room and closed my door. I set my bag down on the desk and flopped down on my bed and wiped the guilty sweat from face.  Suddenly my door burst open and surprised the crap out of me. Linda was standing there in a just a big t-shirt, and I doubted anything else because her nipples were hard and poking through the shirt.  "What the hell? You got the job?!" She shouted with excitement. "Come here and give me a hug big brother!" I awkwardly chuckled and got up and hugged my sister, trying to ignore several facts. Her hard nipples pressed into my chest in front of those soft, supple, amazing breasts against me. My hands rubbing her back, my right brushing the top of her ass cheeks. I kicked myself for doing that. I really needed to get in some time with a female. "I'm so proud of you!"  "Thanks sis, I'm really glad all this work has paid off," I told her as I pulled back from the hug and saw her big ol' proud smile. "So I am guessing Mom called you?"  "Yea she had a quick question for me and dropped the news on me." Linda told me as I sat back down on the bed and noticed her shapely legs again. "So pizza tonight sound like a plan?" She asked bubbly.  "Yes, and it's on me so we can celebrate tonight! I'll get the pizza and movies tonight, you enjoy your day off. I am going to take care of everything." Linda waved her arms dramatically. she was not known for her planning skills. I was kind of the one who planned all the stuff while Linda was the one who was spontaneous and a little crazy honestly.  "Are you sure, cause I remember last time..."  Linda looked put off and pouted mockingly as she put her hands on her hips, making her shirt ride up a little bit and my eyes darted to the space between her legs. "I know I mess up sometimes, but this is a special occasion. I am getting dressed and getting everything for tonight. Get out of your work clothes and play video games or something. I've got this, for once." She added and I chuckled a little at how cute and certain she was being.  "OK, ok I will relax and let you take care of everything," I replied, holding my hands up defensively.  "Alright, I'll check back with you in a bit." She leaned over and kissed my cheek, which she rarely ever did. I got a quick look down her top and saw her breasts jiggling, goddamn I needed help.  "Thanks Linda, I appreciate it." I smiled at her and she winked at me before prancing out of my room, her shirt jumping with each step and flashing her great ass. I heard Linda close her door and I did the same, doing what I was told to do. I got out of my work clothes and heard Linda leave the house. I replayed what I just saw in my head as I strip down to my boxers, I was already hard. I couldn't help myself as I dropped my boxers and laid down on the bed and gripped my tool. Linda's moaning rang in my ears and her soft body pressed against mine. Her breasts swayed in my face and I could almost feel her ass in my hands as I beat off. Before I knew what was happening I was already blowing my load.  I know I dozed off for a bit and woke up to text on my phone making the Mario Coin Plunk. It was from my friend Ray-  R: Hey man, busy tomorrow?  Me: Not sure yet. Can I keep you posted?  R: Sure man, I've got to work the night shift so it'll have to be during the day  Me: OK man  Ray had been my best friend since we were kids and his sister was insanely hot too, so he understood what usually happened when our other friends were around. She was usually a star in my fantasies but for some reason Linda was on my mind, besides seeing her naked and masturbating. Maybe some time around Becky would help clear my mind.  I got up and cleaned myself off with my boxers and changed into a fresh pair and some basketball shorts. I booted up my computer and checked my work email to make sure nothing was going wrong. I dove into one of my games for a while and continued to lose track of time. The slam of the front door clued me to Linda getting home.  "Hey loser! I got junk food and bad movies!" Linda shouted from the stairs.  "Alright I'll be right down." I shouted back as I save my game. I grabbed a t-shirt and put it on when I hit the stairs. Linda was in the kitchen wearing a rather short gray skirt and black tank top.  "Meat Lovers deep dish, and I rented a couple of movies." Linda pointed to a stack of movies on the counter. I nodded as I took hold of the movies and checked them out. Mostly just action movies we would talk over and joke about the bad lines. The problem I noticed that she rented a foreign film, Je Veux Qur Tu Me Veuilles (I want you to want me). It was an indie film with two fairly famous stars, Maddie Warns and Sarah Hans. It was mostly funded by them, and it was supposed to be about how two woman take a trip to Paris and fell in love. The rumor was there supposed to a pretty hot sex scene between the two. Also I guess the movie was good because it won a bunch of Sundance awards. I was planning on renting it on my own.  Linda caught me looking at that movie particularly. I flashed it to her. "This one, I'm not one for subtitles." I commented on trying to brush it off like I wasn't interested.  Linda gave me a knowing look but played along with me anyway. "It's a good movie and there's lesbian sex so suck it up." She laughed as she handed me a plate with pizza on it. We headed to the basement where we have a pretty awesome set up. A projector and entertainment system, the couch was super nice but the key was the large pillow mat that was in front of the couch.  We got comfortable and watched one of movies. The night didn't really get any weirder for me at least, till Linda brought something up. "Hey Scotty, why haven't you been on a date in awhile?" She dropped that bomb on me and threw me off.  I blanked on her and looked like a deer in headlights. "Ah I don't know, just been busy with school and the job. Then they handed me this crazy big project and I knew it would make or break me getting a job with them." I was rambling and Linda started to laugh at me.  "Scott relax I was just messing with you," She told me, shutting me up and I laughed a little bit too. "Honey look it's ok, I was just wondering if maybe you needed to blow off some steam. I just can't remember the last you had a date is all."  She had a good point, it was probably why my brain was still kinda thinking about her naked. It didn't help that her skirt was riding up a little as she was laying on her stomach. "I honestly can't remember the last time I had a date either."  "Yea surprised you haven't exploded yet." She laughed again and I awkwardly chuckled with her.  "Well it's not like I can't relieve myself." I regretted that as soon as I said it.  Linda raised an eyebrow and grinned wolfishly. "Did you just admit that you jerk off?"  I sighed. She liked to make me admit crap, and liked to pretend to hold things over me. "Like we aren't both adults, I know you play with yourself." I cringed internally, she had me now.  "OH?!" She jumped up to her knees and pushed me down and sat down on my stomach. "And how would you know that?"  "I can guess that..." I mumbled and looked away. Linda watched me closely.  The surprised look on her face turned dark in a sexy way. "When did you see me? Where you spying on me? How much did see?" She held my face to look at her. "Tell me everything, or I will tell Mom, and she'll kill you for me."  Well there was no arguing with that logic. Mom rarely lost her temper but when she did, it was legendary. There had been three times she did and I was losing two out of three, so her threat was very real to me. "Ummm..." I sputtered out loud and Linda wasn't having it.  "Dish. Now."  "I came home early today and saw you before you got into the shower."  "How much did you see?" She looked deadly serious.  "I saw you working yourself, you came, and I watched you suck your fingers clean. Then you got in the shower and I left the house."  "And...?" She left that hanging out there.  "And what?" I asked very afraid what she was asking.  "And did you like what you saw? And don't you think about lying to me or leaving something out."  I gulped hard as I suddenly felt my mouth was very dry. "I was rock hard, I went outside and relieved myself by the bench. I was dozing when Mom called me."  "So you saw all of me?" Linda asked leaning back and releasing my face.  "I mean I saw everything, but like... You know," I pointed down between us.  She looked confused but look where I pointed and figured it out. "Oh..." Was all she said and stood up. I was pretty sure I pissed her off and looked away. "Well I guess we should fix that." My eyes shot back her so fast I thought they were going to pop out of my skull. Linda raised her skirt with one hand and I saw her lacy thong. It was black with red roses stitched on it and honestly didn't cover much but Linda used her other hand and pulled the thong aside. She was smooth and looked very juicy, with red sweet lips and I could see her clit poking out.  Was Linda aroused? I thought to myself as I continued to stare at her pussy. Linda used her left to stroke her lips and clit with her middle while still holding her thong aside. She moaned a little and I could feel my cock harden, which was a problem since my shorts would betray me. After about a second or two she stopped and covered herself up. Then sucked the finger she was using seductively.  With a pop she stopped sucking and licked her lips. "Well it's late and I need to masturbate, honey. Get some sleep, we are watching movies tomorrow night too." And with that she walked away and back upstairs.  "What the hell is going on?" I asked myself...  Well that night I couldn't help but jerk off to the memory of Linda's pussy and hearing her moans in my dreams. I texted Ray when I woke up and told him I was coming over today, early. He wasn't too thrilled about me cutting into his sleep but I offered to buy breakfast and he cut his bitching in half.  "You alright man, you look spooked if I'm being honest." My redheaded friend told me as we sat across from one another at the local Diner.  "I'm ok just in a weird spot," I replied and it didn't seem good enough for him.  "What do you mean?"  I rarely kept secrets from my friend but this all seemed surreal to me. "It's nothing really important man."  "Looks important, what? Did you hear anything about your internship?"  "No, well yes, they are going to offer me a position next week," I told him and he smiled at me.  "That's sweet as hell man, they don't mind you going to school too?"  "No if anything they are going to give me more money when I have my degree."  "Ok so work's good, what is bad?" Ray asked me leaning forward, sensing I was avoiding the subject and therefore it was touchy.  I leaned in and checked that only the two of us could hear. "Did you ever have... thoughts about Becky?" I implied some things, hoping he'd pick up on what I was asking based on my tone.  He looked at me puzzled for a second and then understood what I asked. "Oh... ah... well sure, I guess. Every once in awhile I suppose, I mean I am only human, and I have seen Becky naked after all."  That surprised me a bit. "Really, when?" I asked, now very curious.  "Like last summer, we were at the beach house up north and I walked in on her changing. We were both a bit shocked, but she just laughed it off. Said something like being naked was our given form or something. I had that picture in my head for some time."  "Ok how did you get rid of said thought and pictures?"  Ray shook his head from side to side. "I don't know, I guess you never really get fully rid of them, but when I was buried in Mandy Hindenson's muff, my sister was the last thing on my mind." We both laughed at his comment. "Why are you asking me this, did you see Linda bare it all?"  "In a manner of speaking." I blushed at my confession.  Ray snorted a bit and shook his head. "Linda does like to tease you, huh?"  "Also something like that," I shot back as I sipped my coffee.  "Well look it's been just about forever since you had some fun without your clothes on right?" I nodded at him, not proud of myself. "Well that's it then, all you need is some alone time with a warm blooded lady. Clean your pipes out and knock that thought out of your head."  "Yea that'd probably do me some good."  "And I am only suggesting this because you are basically my brother and I love you like a brother, but why not ask Becky out? She has implied a few times that if you got around to asking that she wouldn't be opposed."  Huh, I hadn't thought of that. Normally our sisters were off limits to any of our friends, or even anyone we knew 'cause most of those people were jerks. This was a dire situation and my friend knew it. "I mean if it wouldn't cause tension between us."  "Would you treat her right and not break her heart if it came to that?" he asked me seriously.  "Of course, I wouldn't," I responded just as serious.  "Well then, there you go, let's eat and go back to my house. You can run into Becky while we hang out and see if you can't take her to a movie or something."  "Alright, thanks for your blessing man."  "Well just so you know, if you hurt my sister I will bury you alive."  "You can try," I joked and we both laughed.  Later we were back Ray's house playing some games when Becky came out of her room. She was a redhead like their Dad, with a pale skin and some cute freckles across her nose. I always liked Becky's legs and hips, she had a sexy sway when she walked and it bounced her butt around just right. Her fairly large breasts weren't a problem for me either, and her full lips made promises I hope they would keep. She had a job as a waitress over the summer to have money for school in the fall. So when I saw her in the pencil skirt and blouse she wore for her job, it started to get my engine going. Plus the black nylons that clung to her shapely legs left many a man drooling in her wake, and I was no exception.  "Hey Scotty boy, hanging with Ray today?" Becky asked. She seemed excited that I was over.  "Just till the loser has to go to work," I told her with a chuckle and Ray tagged me on the arm.  "Well not all of us can be important computer guys." Becky laughed, making her way to the kitchen. "Can I get you something?" She offered and I saw my chance to ask her out.  "Actually I was just about to get up." I rose from my place on the couch and followed. Giving one last look at Ray to make sure he did approve of this. He smiled and nodded his head. I had a pretty good friend.  "What can I get you? A soda or tea or something?" Becky asked as she opened the fridge and bent over, putting her ass on display.  "Whatever's in front Becky," I replied, coming to stand next to her. She handed me a Coke and got herself a root beer.  "So how are things? I rarely get to see you since you're working more than Ray is now," she inquired as we popped the tops and took drinks.  "Busy, work dumped a big project on me so I was rushing around for a couple of months trying to get it all done," I told her as I watched her raise the can to her lips and take a drink. Good god was I a horny bastard.  "Well at least they are keeping you busy, I take it that's a good sign?"  "Yea I'm pretty sure they are going to make me an offer this coming week."  "That's awesome, I'm so happy for you!" she exclaimed as she pulled me in for a hug.  I smiled widely as we separated, and she smiled back. "Hey I hope this is a good time, but would you like to see a movie with me sometime?" I fired the question off at her and she looked at me a little strangely.  "Does Ray know you are trying to ask me out?"  "He suggested it, it's been awhile since I was on an actual date. He mentioned that if I asked you wouldn't be against the idea."  Becky smiled brightly. "Well I will tell you that I am not, but I am busy tonight with work and next weekend I'll be out of town." Oof, this might not have been the best short term plan. "But the weekend after I am free, and I'd like it very much to go to the movies with you Scott."  "Great, we'll make plans for that Saturday than!"  "I can't wait." She smiled again while taking another sip.  My afternoon was pretty good. I hung out with Ray till he had to go to work, and Becky and I chatted for a bit more. It was going well and I had barely thought about Linda and what I had seen until she texted me on my way home to pick up chicken for dinner tonight. Then the following text I got was from Mom telling me that she was heading out with her sister from a night on the town and not to expect her home till tomorrow morning. Great, a night alone with Linda, which normally I'd be more than happy about, but with everything that had happened; I wasn't so sure now.  I got home with the order my sister had place at the chicken place not far from the house. I came in the front door, to alert anyone that I was home. Not that I needed too, as Linda was in the living room playing Wii Tennis. It was very very clear that she wasn't wearing a bra beneath her simple yellow tank top, and her booty shorts were scandalously short.. As she moved around the room I saw her breasts bouncing and the bottom of her ass cheeks jiggling to her movements. I think through sheer force of will I suppressed my cock from getting hard, because why it wasn't at least half mass by the time I asked if I could get by was beyond me.  "Yea just finishing up my match," Linda told me as backhanded the air and won the match on the TV. "Let's eat, I am simply starving," she told me with a little growl in her voice and she chuckled as we entered the kitchen. I got the chicken ready and Linda got the plates out and drinks ready. We ate and chatted like nothing had happened the other night, and it felt good to not worry around my sister again. After we ate, she helped me clean up and deal with the leftovers. We made our way downstairs after dinner. She popped in one of the last movies before Je Veux Qur Tu Me Veuilles, which I was really hoping we wouldn't get to tonight.  After the first movie ended, Linda said she had to use the restroom. "And put in the foreign film, I want to watch that one next," she commanded before closing the door to the bathroom. I swallowed as suddenly it seemed my mouth went dry.  Maybe it won't be as sexy as I think it'll be, I told myself as I changed movies. Linda came out as stated that we need drinks and snacks. I followed her up and we prepared ourselves for the next film properly. I sat crossed legged and hoped it would cover up any hard-ons that came along, Linda sat with her legs out and close to me. She leaned back as the movie began to play and the first scene threw out all my thoughts about it not being sexy.  Both Maddie Warns and Sarah Hans were naked, at least from the waist up and kissing on a bed. Oh shit... Maddie was the older one, but still in great shape, nice full breasts and light red hair. Sarah was usually blonde but she dyed her hair a darkish brown and while she was younger and her breasts weren't as big they still looked magnificent. Now admittedly I am not big on subtitles but let's just say that I was compelled to pay attention this time. Both ladies played Americans that basically got sold on the same scam vacation and got confused for one another. They had to share a hotel room in Paris for two weeks and decided to go around Paris together. Seeing sights and what not, eventually they admitted a mutual attraction to each other and after a wild night...  Maddie was kissing Sarah with a fever and they were tearing each other's clothes off, then without warning Maddie was going down on Sarah and it looked pretty damn convincing. I had a rocket in my pocket and I need to set it off, badly. I noticed I was breathing pretty heavily and so was Linda. I honestly didn't know Linda's sexual preference but I think that this was having quite the effect on her too. I looked at her out of the corner of my eye. Linda had her legs squeezed tightly together and was licking her lips. Suddenly there was a moan on screen and looked back to Sarah going down on Maddie and I felt my cock twitch in my shorts.  "Wow this movie is pretty hot," Linda whispered, somehow she was right next to me without me noticing. "I had heard about it, but damn..." Linda's voice was a little above a whisper and I heard the husk of excitement. I couldn't look away from the movie if I tried. I don't know if it was out of excitement, embarrassment, or sheer panic. I heard a little gasp from her and I swallowed, suddenly aware of how dry my mouth was. "Are you hard?" she asked with a squeal and I felt her hand gripping my cock softly.  "Oh wow..." We both gasped as I felt her rub my cock through my shorts.  "Holy shit big brother," she emphasized big with a little moan. I moaned as she pressed her body against mine. "I want to see it," she spoke right in my ear and I felt the tip of her tongue play with my ear lobe. I quivered as she unzipped my fly and fished out my cock. It grew to its full size once he was free. "Well seeing is believing, big bro." Linda moved in front of me and she was pushing me on my back. "Let me take care of this for you."  I straightened my legs and Linda sat in between them before bending down and taking my cock in her mouth. I moaned loudly as I felt her tongue work over my cock head. The lesbian sex on screen was forgotten as Linda took more and more of my eight inches into her mouth. She sucked me while moving her head up and down. I moved my head to look down at her, in the soft glow of the movie projector. Linda was solely focused on sucking me off, her eyes were closed and she was moaning softly on my cock. The vibrations felt heavenly on my hard member and I could feel her tongue slide against the underside of it. Then she wasn't sucking but running her tongue up and down it several times.  "Holy fucking shit!" I moaned loudly as she tongued my cock. Linda chuckled before taking me back into her mouth but this time she sucked me all the way down. Her nose bumped me as she had me fully down her throat. After a minute her so she had to ease up and took a breath around my cock and sucked me again. Now she was sucking me hard and fast, I knew the end was coming sooner than I wanted. "Linda... oh god Linda, I am so close!" I warned her and she sucked me even harder! I spasmed and shot my cum into her willing mouth. Linda swallowed my juice as I moaned and grunted like an idiot.  Linda finished up, licking the tip of my cock with a dark grin. She took a drink of her coke and swirled the cola in her mouth before swallowing. "Ah, nothing like coke and cum," she told me with a wink as she crawled up next to me and kissed me hard on the mouth. Her lips were soft and supple as we kissed not like siblings. "You looked like you needed that Scott."  I grinned with a chuckle and nodded my head. "Yeah I can't remember the last time I came that hard," I told her, shaking my head and Linda pressed herself up against me.  "So I gave you a good time Scott, can I ask the same?" Linda asked me as she bit her bottom lip. Taking my hand in hers she shoved my hand down her top and I fondled one of her breasts on instinct. Linda pulled me on top of her and we continued to kiss as I pinched her nipple in my fingers. That caused a cute little moan as she pulled back and we looked each other in the eyes. I don't know why but she wasn't my younger sister at the moment, she was a hot young woman who wanted me to play with her. "Oh god!" Linda moaned as I started to kiss her neck and pulled her top down, exposing her breasts to the air. I used both hands to play with her tits, and it felt great to have both of her fleshy globes in my hands.  After kissing and licking the tender flesh of her neck and running my tongue over the edges of her ear Linda took my right hand off her breast and pressed it between her legs. She pulled my head back and looked me in the eyes with a sexy pout on her lips. "I need it baby, I need to cum so bad." She groaned as I started to rub her pussy through her shorts. It felt good to have the shoe on the other foot, as I helped her wiggle out of her shorty shorts. She had on a tiny see-through thong and she was soaked all the way through. I began rubbing my fingers across her sex as I leaned down and sucked one of her nipples into my mouth. "Oh that's sooo good," Linda whimpered as I licked her nipple in my mouth. She was rolling her head back and forth.  I pulled back enough to peel the thong off her hot pussy and down her smooth legs. She spread her legs and I looked at her sex more closely, but Linda pulled my face down and I smirked. I spread her lips with my tongue and tasted her sweet juices. A tangy but sweet taste leaked out of her, but I liked to lick pussy and Linda was no exception. I flicked and ran my tongue across her pussy lips, smearing her cum all over my mouth. Linda was moaning and rubbing her hands through my hair and over my head. She wrapped her legs up and over my shoulders and pressed me harder into her pussy and I started to suck on her clit.  "OH fuck Scott! That's soo good, I'm losing it!" Linda screamed her moan and her girl juices flowed out of her, leaking down my chin and as I flicked my tongue across her love button she exploded spraying her cum down my neck and hitting my chest. I licked her through her orgasm, even though she thrashed quite a bit. Soon she released me and I planted a kiss on both her thighs before I climbed up on top of her. She looked over my shiny face and started to lick her cum off my chin. "Mmmm I do like to taste myself." She giggled and I leaned down to kiss her. I felt her tongue run across my lips and my mouth opened. We kissed like two teenagers who just discovered kissing for the first time. Admittedly I had never kissed a woman while covered in her cum but it was really hot.  I noticed that my cock was hard again and it was tapping against her wet pussy lips. I slid it against her, feeling her leak against me. Linda moaned and leaned back, breaking our kiss. She looked me deep in the eyes. We both knew that if we continued it would get out of hand and we would cross that line forever. I pulled back, figuring maybe it would be a good idea just talk about this, but Linda wrapped her legs around me and pulled me close. My rock hard member slipped inside her and we both moaned into each other as I pressed myself into her. I bottomed out all the way inside her. It was like we were built for this.  I felt Linda squeeze my cock with her pussy with a sexy little twinkle in her eye. I almost snorted as I pulled back and pushed back into her. "Oh fucking hell!" Linda moaned and I grunted in agreement as I started to fuck her slowly, pumping her in and out steadily for a minute or so before she stopped me and pushed back. I feared that I had done something wrong but the look on her face told me otherwise. "I just want to do this right," she explained as she pulled her tanktop up and off of her, exposing her completely nude body to me again, this time knowingly.  I sat back on my knees as she got up to kneeling as well and took my wet shirt off me and tossed me on my back as she helped me take off my shorts and boxers. She climbed on top of me. Taking advantage of the situation I grasped both of her breasts as she impaled herself on my cock. My god it felt so great to be all the way inside of her again. Linda started to move back and forth, grinding against me for a few minutes. I played with her tits, which were more than a handful, and pinched her nipples with both hands. This caused a little yelp to escape her lips followed closely by the sexist moan I had ever heard.  Then she started to talk and I shook from the excitement. "Oh god Scott, this feels so good. Do you like fucking me, do you enjoy fucking your hot sister?" She moaned as I slipped my hands down to grip her ass as she started to bounce her on my cock. "Fuck Scott, you feel so good inside me, baby. God I've been thinking about this for a while now, having your hard cock inside me. I just wanted to try this so badly, when you said you saw me finger fuck myself the other day. Oh god! I knew I had to have you Scott!" Linda was near screaming her words and moans at this point. I was moaning right there with her. I felt myself near the edge again, but this time wondered about cumming inside her.  Suddenly she stopped bouncing on me, which I was disappointed about because her tits stopped bouncing in my face. She lurched over and was on her hands and knees. "Come here baby, fuck your sister doggy style, the way she loves it the most." Well I didn't need to be told twice. I scrambled up and over to her, aiming my hard eight inches and thrusting into her hard. This cause a slap of skin between us as my pelvic hit her ass and my balls slapped against her. Linda gasped and shook at my entering her from behind, her pussy gripped me tighter and I knew we were both so close to cumming.  "Yes Scott, oh fuck me!" she cried as I start to thrust into her. "Fuck me baby, cum inside me, I want to feel you finish inside me!" Linda wailed as I fucked her so hard, my balls pummeled her clit, it was almost hurting me. "Don't stop, I'm sooooo close!"  "Me too Linda!" I cried losing control. I pounded her but still wasn't quite there. Then I felt her soft hand fondle my sack gently and I came. I shot load after load into her hot pussy and Linda was cumming as soon as I started. I fucked her right through both our orgasms till Linda collapsed on her stomach and I rolled to be next to her.  I felt like I blacked out from exhaustion and could have been asleep for hours when I woke up. The DVD player and our projector had gone into power saver mode as the projector's manufacturer's logo bounced around the screen. I felt weight on my chest and in the darkness and haze of my post-orgasm bliss I saw Linda was dozing peacefully on my chest. I didn't remember her moving on top of me but her soft body felt pretty good. I brushed the sweaty hair from her face and saw her smile in the blackened glow of the screen.  "Wow," was all she said, and in a way that was all she needed to say. I agreed wholeheartedly with her.  "Yeah, wow..." I felt like an idiot after I said it too and Linda giggled cutely on my chest. She very slowly raised herself up to look at me, as if her muscles refused to listen to her.  "So not exactly how you saw the night going, right?" she asked with a grin like the cat that just ate the canary.  "No not really." I laughed till Linda kissed me, this time much softer and gentler.  "Any regrets for our first time?"  I looked at her puzzled before my brain processed. "First time, not the first and only time?" I wondered at her and her grin darkened but in a sexy way.  I felt her hand grip my balls and shaft softly. "If you think I am giving up your great cock that easily, you are in a world of trouble Big Brother." I don't know why, but the way she said Bigstarted me again and I felt my cock getting hard in her hand. She gave me a look as she raised one eyebrow and I felt her hand starting to pump my shaft. She started to slide down me, her breasts brushing against me as her lips planted kisses all down my chest, stomach and pelvic region before I felt her start to suck my cock head in her mouth.  I groaned loudly as my cock was fully hard in less than two seconds. "Oh fuck Linda, how are you so good at sucking cock?"  She left my cock and smiled her sexy little smile at me again. "Because I've had so much practice Big Brother, I love sucking guys off. Gets me horny," was what she said before she resumed working my cock over in her mouth. She was sucking hard on my cock head and I groaned like a wild animal.  "Fuck Linda," I almost shouted as I gripped the back of her head and got a handful of her curly blonde hair. She moaned on my cock as I started to fuck her mouth, losing myself in the blow job. Her tongue stuck out of the bottom of her mouth and ran across the underside of my hard member. This was getting way out of hand but at the moment I didn't care. Her spit was running down my shaft and pooling on my balls. Linda moved my hand from her head and she turned around, giving me a clear look at her beautiful ass and her dripping wet pussy. She got on my cock and rode me in the reverse cow-girl position and she was really going at it. The last time I saw something like this was in porn, Linda was hunched over and going wild.  Christ this was wonderful. I grabbed her ass and played with it, squeezing it. "MMMmmm yeah baby!" I loved to hear women moaning and Linda was no exception to that fetish. I smacked her right ass cheek and watched it jiggle. "Oh fuck Scotty!" She wailed in delight, not stopping for a minute. "Shit baby, keep spanking me! It really gets me wet!" I smacked her left cheek this time, harder, and Linda squealed with lust. Her juices were pouring out of her and I could feel the large wet spot under us.  "Linda I'm going to cum again!" I warned her after another smack and moan from her.  "Oh shit, me too!" she moaned back at me as she turned to look back. I knew what she wanted and I gave her a big smack on the ass and she exploded on me. I felt her hot cum blast out of her and coated me as she wailed in pleasure. Her moans set me off and I was shooting my cum back into her. "OH FUCK SCOTT!!"  I swear she screamed so loud that the damn neighbors heard her. I didn't care was saying the absolute least at the moment. I was covered in sweat and fluids of my own and my sister's but I was too damn exhausted to care. Needless to say this was most sex I'd had in a while and I needed it, the fact that it was with Linda was another thing I was going to have to address soon. Linda had flopped down in front of me and she was giggling softly. At a snail's pace she crawled over to me and when she got close I pulled her close to me. We kissed softly as her breasts pressed into my chest and I felt her leg rub my softening cock.  "Goddamn Scott," Linda told me with a giggle and a hazy smile. "It's got to reek like crazy sex down here." I couldn't help but laugh with her. "Well something to worry about later," Linda told me before yawning widely. "Man we should get some sleep," Linda stated as she kissed my neck a little. "You should cuddle with me tonight, we can talk about everything tomorrow." I was too tired to worry about anyway. I kissed her again, deeply as I cupped her cheek and pressed her closer to me.  "MMMmmmm," she moaned into the kiss. She broke from me and got to her feet. We didn't need words between us. I got up on shaky feet and followed Linda. I couldn't help but stare at those two firm cheeks not far from my face. The house was dark but with our eyes adjusted and having lived in the house for a number of years we easily navigated our way to Linda's room. On the second floor Linda's room was next to Mom's master bedroom while my room was next to our shared bathroom. Linda had a king-sized bed and I must say after a night of some crazy sex it felt pretty damn cozy as I cuddle up next to my naked sister. I had lots of questions and concerns about what just happened, but sleep was too inviting. I drifted off listening to Linda snore cutely next to me. My dreams were full of Linda's nakedness and the sex we just had, and well, it gave me some new ideas for tomorrow. For Pics visit:---->>> https://cutt.ly/hwsMVhC
Title: Date Night Summary: Sooner or later, love will find a way Keywords: fic,first time, virginity,erotic "So, are you gonna kiss him tonight?" Aimee's eyes sparkled with excitement. Her youthful face was alight with a playful joy as she lay on the bed, clutching a frilly pillow under her still developing breasts. Tricia watched her through the mirror as she finished the last touches to her make-up. "Of course. Jake's been my boyfriend for over a year now. It's not like we've never even kissed." "I know you have. I saw you kiss him goodbye on the porch!" It was a secret Aimee had been dying to reveal, and her playful smile became a full-fledged, knowing grin. "Oh, you little snoop!" Tricia replied in mock indignation, and threw a hand-full of cotton balls toward her sister. Screaming in girlish delight, Aimee ducked and vainly tried to protect herself from the hail of fuzzy balls that rained down over her. It was a hopeless attempt though, and the flurry of soft projectiles bounced all around her head and shoulders. Having reasserted her primacy, Tricia smiled in triumph as she turned back toward her mirror, feeling confident that she had restored the rightful order of things between her and her little sister. "You're just jealous because you still have two years before Mom and Dad will let you go on a real date." "No, I don't," Aimee retorted sharply. "I'll be eighteen in a year and a half!" "Oh! Well, a year and a half. I guess that makes all the difference," Tricia replied with all the contempt she could muster. Then, returning to her usual, superior tone, added, "Besides, It won't matter anyway if you still don't have a boyfriend by then, will it?" The two sisters shared this same type of banter everyday and Tricia waited for Aimee's next retort, but it never came. Noting her sudden silence, Tricia snuck a peek at her younger sister through the mirror and watched as Aimee's rebellious smile faded into the familiar frown she often wore when confronted by the comparative limitations of her age. The quiet defeat on Aimee's face was all the proof Tricia needed to know that her comments had struck home. Tricia made a show of smiling in satisfaction at her sister, but the truth was she understood how Aimee felt. Their parents were very strict on the subject of boys, and when Tricia was Aimee's age, she was never allowed to spend much time alone with them either. Even when she turned seventeen, and they finally had to accept that she had a real boyfriend in Jake, they never allowed her to go out with him at night unless there was an available adult to escort them. Thankfully, that changed when she turned eighteen. Now, as she was at least nominally an adult, she and Jake could finally go out unescorted. Tricia was well aware that her parents still weren't really happy about it, but she had grown into a young woman and they couldn't keep her at home forever. Not that there weren't some rules though. Her parents had been very clear on that fact. They expected her to keep her phone with her at all times, and to call if she wasn't going to be home at a reasonable hour. What it really came down to was that they understood, even if reluctantly, that she was old enough now to make her own decisions about sex. For Tricia, the most poignant moment of all came when her mother advised her to get on the pill, or some other form of birth control, 'just in case'. Not that she was going to tell any of that to her sixteen-year-old runt of a sister. For her part, Aimee wasn't quite done needling her just yet, and Tricia's thoughts were brought back to the present when her sister's devious smile returned. "Do you let him touch your boobies, Tricia? I bet you do! I bet you've let him touch you a bunch of times!" "Aimee!" Tricia yelled with a startled hush, and quickly spun around on her stool. "What's the matter with you? You shouldn't be saying such things! What if Mom or Dad hear you?" Aimee's eyes lit up as her sister's reaction gave away the truth, and she went on uncontrollably. "You did let him, didn't you? Oh my gosh! I knew it! Did you let him get under your bra?" "Aimee, shut it!" Tricia said through clenched teeth, and threatened to throw the entire box of cotton balls at her. Aimee barely even noticed the threat and stared, wide-eyed at her until Tricia felt a deep crimson cover her cheeks. They had always been very close. Even as kids, Tricia had never been able to lie to Aimee. Now, it seemed her little sister had read her so easily that she felt like the word 'slut' was written on her back. All of her teenage angst and insecurities began rushing back, until she remembered she was an adult now and didn't have to pretend to be a little girl anymore. Holding her head high, Tricia turned and gave her sister a purposefully disdainful look. "So what if I've let him touch me?" she asked with more confidence than she actually felt, "I happen to have very nice boobs, and I'm happy that Jake likes to touch them." She made a point of adjusting her full breasts in her bra as she spoke, and then cupped them in her hands. "I like my breasts, and it's not my fault yours are so much smaller." Aimee looked down at her own smaller titties and then smiled brightly. "That's okay, Tricia. Mine are still growing and will probably be nicer than yours soon anyway!" As it had always happened, Aimee's mirthful smile broke the tension, and Tricia couldn't help but laugh with her. "Yeah, you wish! I'm surprised you ever got out of your training bra." Aimee smiled happily, but then suddenly grew serious again, and her voice became a low whisper. "Tricia, are you going to... you know, do it with him?" The question struck Tricia cold, and the mood in the room was completely transformed. Unlike the needling banter they shared earlier, Tricia could see how very serious Aimee's interest was. The truth was that she and Jake had tried doing it once after class six months earlier. That they hadn't consummated the attempt was only because it had hurt her a lot, and scared them both so much that they hadn't even thought about trying it again. It was only a matter of time before they made love. Tricia knew how badly Jake wanted sex, and the truth was she wanted it as badly as he did. She knew the next time he tried, she probably wouldn't say no. The decision to make love to him had been hard though, and as Tricia again struggled with the thought, Aimee guessed the truth. "You already have, haven't you?" Aimee whispered in awe. Tricia barely nodded her head, feeling far too embarrassed to actually admit it out loud. "Wow! What was it like? Was it wonderful? Oh, my gosh! I bet it was! You have to tell me!" Aimee was terribly excited and seemed barely able to control herself. Still, she managed to keep her voice to a low whisper, knowing, as siblings do, that there are some things that were not meant to be shared with their parents. "No, it hurt and I was so scared." Tricia replied honestly and was actually relieved she could finally talk about it. "But Jake was so sweet about everything. He wasn't angry when I made him stop. He just held me in his arms and told me we could wait as long as I needed. Gosh, Aimee. That he would be so patient meant the world to me. That's when I knew he loved me. We haven't tried to do it since." "Oh, my gosh, Tricia. Are you gonna do it again?" "Yeah, probably. Eventually. I don't know. I know Jake wants to and really, I guess I do too." Tricia's phone chimed and she checked the incoming text. "That's Jake. He's here so I gotta run, squirt." Aimee watched in awe as her sister rushed out of the room, thoroughly impressed by how beautiful and grown up she looked. "Wow," she said aloud with only the empty room listening. *** Jake's mouth went dry as Tricia emerged from the house. Poised and graceful, she seemed to float down the walk as she made her way toward his car. He was in awe of her, and had been since they first met. Though she could be quite shy, she had a way of looking sexy even in the most conservative of clothing. That night, she looked absolutely stunning. Her simple blue dress, cut around mid thigh, exposed just enough of her trim legs to take his breath away. The dress itself was cut low in front, and revealed just a hint of cleavage. The way it hugged her waist made his heart race. "You look beautiful today, Trish," he said as she slipped into the passenger seat next to him. "Aw, thank you, Jake." Her usual, bubbly exuberance seemed to fill the car as she leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. "I'll give you a better kiss later," she promised with a playful whisper. "I don't want to make a scene right in front of the house." Jake smiled and sighed as he put the car into drive. He was used to her being coy around her home, and besides, the moist residue from her lips felt wonderful on his cheek. The hand she casually left on his thigh felt even better, and he quickly became hard in his jeans as she settled in next to him. Once she was safely belted in, he pulled away, already knowing that this would be a special night. Tricia felt happy and contented as he drove down the highway. They chatted pleasantly as the minutes passed. They were in no particular hurry to get anywhere, and his path seemed to weave aimlessly through the city streets. Often they spent time like this, driving while they spoke, with no apparent goal other than to enjoy each others company. Sometimes she secretly wished he would find a secluded spot for them to park so they could kiss and make out. She had dreamed of someday making love to him in the backseat of his car. It wasn't exactly the perfect place for her to finally give herself to him, but at their age, finding a place to truly be alone was almost impossible. The idea filled her with a mix of excitement and trepidation, but she knew that when he finally decided to make her his own, she would gladly agree. It was a wonderful dream, and as the street lamps raced by, she became lost in lurid thoughts of him holding her and kissing her breasts. Maybe it was because of her conversation with Aimee, but the longing she felt for him was especially strong that night. Her heart raced at the thought of him pressing her into the seat, and for a moment, she drifted off into a daydream of erotic fantasies. Those desires to be touched and made love to had been playing and replaying in her mind for months, and were now so strong that for a brief moment, she lost track of where she was. "Trish?" The sound of her name snapped her out of her fantasy with an embarrassing suddenness. "Oh, I'm sorry, Jake. I got distracted. What did you say?" "I was asking you what you wanted to do tonight." 'If you only knew!' Tricia blushed and bit her bottom lip in an effort to conceal the smile that played over her ruby lips. "Um, I don't know," she replied nervously. "I'm up for anything you want to do." 'Oh, my God! Did I just say that?' Tricia squirmed in her seat, instantly regretting that particular choice of words. The smile she'd been repressing forced its way across her face, and her cheeks went from flushed red to burning crimson. Fortunately, Jake seemed completely oblivious to her discomfort. "We could get dinner at RJ's and then maybe take a walk in Hickson Park. It's going to be a beautiful night, and I'll be happy doing anything as long as you're with me." 'Always the charmer,' she thought pleasantly as she absently continued to caress his thigh. "Oh, that's so sweet of you to say, Jake. I do love walking alongside the lake there. We could stop and get some crackers to throw to the ducks. It would be wonderfully romantic, just you and me under the moon. We've waited so long to be able to be alone and enjoy each other's company like that." It was a wonderful idea, but she still felt a pang of disappointment. Walking by the lake may not have been the night of her dreams, but those dreams could wait, as long as they were together. Jake did miss her subtle hint, but then his mind was no less distracted than hers was. The soft touch of Tricia's hand on his thigh was sending chills racing through him. He wanted her so badly he could only pray that her touch wasn't as innocent as it appeared. Outwardly, he remained calm, but he very much hoped it meant something more. The thing was, he had timed this conversation carefully, and just as the silence separating what they both wanted from what they dared admit began to grow, he pulled into the parking lot of the Kensington Hotel and Casino. The Kensington was new and grand with its Art Deco exterior and beautiful, multi-colored lighting. It advertised itself as catering specifically to couples seeking a romantic getaway, and Jake knew that it offered the perfect setting for their first true night together. Tricia's gaze flowed over the opulent grounds and beautiful statuary surrounding the hotel, wondering why he had chosen to stop here. "Are we going to the buffet? I thought you wanted to go to RJ's for dinner?" "Well, we still could, I guess." he replied, as he found a place to park. Then he took her hand from his thigh and held it in his. "It's just that I was hoping we could have room service for dinner tonight." "Room service? But for that we would need..." Her voice dried up and became a squeak as the realization of what he meant sank in. "We would need a room," he finished for her, and held up a plastic key card with the Hotel's name emblazoned across the top. "It's a corner suite on the twenty-seventh floor, Trish. I know you wanted our first night together to be special, and I do too. I want this to be a night worthy of you." "Gosh, Jake. A suite? This must have cost you a fortune. I don't know what to say!" "It really wasn't that expensive, and we don't have to go in if you aren't ready." Then he kissed her hand. "It's just that we've waited so long for this chance, and I think you know how much I want to make love to you. So, I'm asking you, Tricia Moore, will you join me in our own, private room?" With a tear in her eye, Tricia leaned over the seat and kissed him tenderly. "Yes, Jake. I will." It felt like a dream to walk through the lobby with him, and Tricia silently thanked him for having the foresight of already having the key. She felt like everyone in the hotel knew she and Jake were there to have sex, and Tricia would have died of embarrassment if she'd had to face the desk clerk. Jake held her hand tightly as he led her to the elevator. Thankfully, it was empty when the doors slid silently open. Once inside, he kissed her, letting her feel his desire for her through the heat of his lips. "Mmm, that's nice," she cooed, as they parted. "I think so too," he replied, and kissed her again. Tricia might have become lost in his eyes right then, if not for the musical ping of the doors sliding away. "This is our floor." The words were mundane enough, but spoken by him, they carried a greater significance than any she had ever heard. Finally being alone with Jake, with no chance of being seen or interrupted by anyone, was a completely new feeling for Tricia. When they tried to have sex before, it was a hurried affair in his bedroom while his parents were out. The possibility of being caught was low, but it still hung over her like an unbearable weight. Even through the heat of desire she'd felt at the time, she worried terribly that they might be discovered. Now, with her parents' tacit consent and the assured privacy of their own room, the reality of what they were doing settled in. Tricia was so nervous she could barely breathe. She was there with him, not merely to fuck, but rather to make love for the very first time, and her heart was beating in her chest so fast she could almost hear its insistent thrum. Jake sensed her mood and took her hand in his, entwining his fingers through hers. Casting his gaze downward as his fingertips softly caressed hers, he saw as much as felt the tremble in her hand. "Are you scared?" he inquired in barely more than a whisper. Tricia nodded quickly. The pristine and youthful beauty of her face glowed, as a nervous smile formed on her lips. "Yeah, a little. I've waited for so long for this night, Jake. I want this; I want you so badly it hurts. I just want our first, real time, to be perfect." Jake nuzzled his cheek on hers. "It's okay to be scared, Trish. I am too. I planned all of this so carefully, but now it seems unreal somehow. If you aren't ready, I'll understand. I don't want this unless it's really what you want. I can wait another week or a month, or until next year. You are what matters to me. Nothing else." He kissed her cheek, softly, reassuring her with his touch. Tricia's face lit even brighter, and her fingers tightened on his as if she feared he'd pull away. "You're scared too?" A single tear formed in her eye as she looked into his. Seeing the adoration in his eyes meant the world to her, and a surge of warmth filled her breast as his hand came up and carefully brushed the tear from her cheek. When Jake nodded and smiled, she leaned toward him and brushed her lips on his. "That means a lot to me, Jake. I don't know why, but it does. Do you think we can just kiss a little and see how we feel?" Jake gently cupped her face in his hand and kissed her as tenderly as she had him. "Of course. Why don't we order dinner? We have all night to decide." With another kiss, Tricia melted into him, cuddling her smaller body against him as they sat on the bed. He kissed her again, tenderly, and she sighed as his arms slipped around her waist. Never before had she felt so safe and comforted as she did in his embrace. His hands felt warm and strong, and she longed for him to explore her body. His kisses were soft and tender, and she loved the way he gently sucked on her lip. When his tongue brushed hers, she accepted it into her mouth without reservation. It was intensely passionate, yet their excitement remained tempered by their youthful uncertainty. She dared not yet succumb to the fire he was stoking within her, and he seemed to be holding himself at bay, as if he feared burning her in the heat of his own desire. As if by mutual consent, they reclined on the bed, still fully clothed and lay face-to-face, holding each other's hands while her foot idly traced lines over his leg. "Are you doing okay?" he asked between kisses. Tricia almost gasped, as if she were trying to catch her breath. "Yeah, I am. I'm glad you brought me here tonight, Jake." Her fingers absently played over the satin comforter as she spoke. The luxurious sensation of the soft bedding, and the muted, but elegant textures of the room made her feel relaxed and happy. Jake kissed her and then rested his hand on her hip. "I'm glad, Trish. It feels amazing to lay here with you like this. You are so beautiful, Trish. I could lay here and stare at you all night." Tricia laughed, and her eyes sparkled in the soft light. "I could too, Jake. I've dreamed of being alone with you so many times. I think I'm ready for us to really be together." Jake's eyes closed for a moment as her meaning pierced his heart. "I'm glad, Trish. I promise I'll be gentle." Jake drew close and brought his lips to hers again, sending a current of excitement flowing through her body. Tricia returned his kiss in kind, snuggling closer until their bodies were separated by mere inches. She loved the subtle weight of his hand on her hip. The way he slowly played it up and down her thigh was making her skin tingle with desire. Fear and nervous trepidation churned in her belly, and part of her wanted to run, but she couldn't ignore the steaming heat pulsing between her thighs. Her pussy was literally dripping wet, and she blushed as she realized her panties were becoming damp. When the tips of his fingers scraped over her breast, her heart leapt into her throat and a quiet whimper issued from her lips. Emboldened, Jake cupped her boob through her dress and gently squeezed. "Is it okay if I touch you like this?" he asked, needing to know she would accept his caress. He had fondled her like this many times before, but this time was different. This time, she knew his touch wouldn't be the fleeting caress and tempting tease it had always been until that night. This time, she knew it was the beginning of something far more profound and infinitely more satisfying. His hand felt as strong and warm through her clothes as it always had, but this time, she longed to feel his touch on the bare skin of her breast. "Mmm. It feels really good," she purred after a moment. "I've always loved how your hands feel on me, Jake. Please don't stop. Tonight, you can touch me all you want." Jake's eyes became deep and warm as he held her. His touch grew more insistent, and his fingers traced the edges of her bra under her dress. Soon, her brassiere began to feel like an obstacle to their passion, separating them in the most frustrating of ways. "Would you mind if we took our clothes off? I've been dying to see your body for so long, Trish. I'll go first, if it makes you feel better." "You wouldn't mind?" she asked impishly. "I do want you to see me, Jake. It would just be easier for me if you got undressed first." "I understand," he whispered, and took her hand in his. "Here, let's do this together." With that, he guided her hand over the buttons of his shirt, urging her to pop each one, slowly revealing his almost hairless chest. Tricia was intimately familiar with this part of his body, but never before had she spent so much time exploring him so carefully. Her hands moved from his, dragging her fingers over his pecs and abs. His skin was so hot and smooth that she wanted to kiss every inch of him as his shirt opened. His smallish nipples were pink and hard, and he actually gasped when she flicked them with her fingertips. Tricia bit her lip as the urge to suck one of those perfect nubs rose in her belly. She was dying to taste him in so many ways, yet was hesitant to do those things she never had before. Instead, she kissed him passionately, melting into him as he sucked her breath away. Her body trembled and ached as a need for something more welled up inside her. So it was that when he brought her hand to his belt, she didn't hesitate at all. Any hesitance she might have felt was forgotten as her fingers slipped the leather tongue through the brass hook, freeing him of its restraint. Her touch became confident and eager as she popped the top button of his jeans and slid his zipper down. "Oh, my gosh..." Jake murmured as she helped him slide them down his thighs. Then, she pushed his shirt from his shoulders, leaving only his boxer shorts to cover his body. Almost naked in front of her, Jake's arousal became unbearable. Lowering her back on the bed, he kissed her hard, sliding his hand up her thigh and under her dress. Tricia moaned into his mouth as his fingers played over her panties, and her breath caught in her throat as she felt his finger pass over her clitoris. She wanted his touch desperately, but memories of the last time she allowed him to touch her there flooded her mind. He had been too hurried, and she had not even seen his cock before he lowered himself between her thighs. He had been in a rut of male need, and in the fog of his lust, he took her virginity far too quickly. It wasn't just the pain that frightened her that day. It was his rush, his uncontrolled need that truly denied her the chance to appreciate the moment the way she instinctively knew she should have. This time, she was determined that her surrender would be on her terms, and at a pace, she would control. With a gentle but firm grip, she pulled his hand away from her sodden panties. "Jake, no. Please don't, not yet, baby." "What? Why? I mean, I thought you wanted this?" His voice was quiet but pained, and a look of frustration and the fear of rejection were clear in his eyes. He was close to being emotionally hurt, much as she had been before, and Tricia kissed him, reassuring him of her unquenched desire. "I do, baby. I just want to see it first, okay? I've never even touched you there and I just want to know what it feels like before we go any farther." "Really? I mean, I guess that would be okay." He was so adorably cute and vulnerable in that moment that Tricia couldn't suppress a giggle. She kissed him again and he didn't resist as she pushed him onto his back. Her hand was actually shaking as she stroked her fingers over the tent in his boxers. His cock was already hard, and she could see his circumcised head peeking through the fly. Hesitantly, she pulled on the waistband, and he lifted his hips as she drew the last bit of his clothing down over his well-defined thighs. "Wow, you are so hard," she whispered as his rampant cock bobbed excitedly. Jake seemed almost frozen, his chest barely moving as she took his cock into her hand. "Do you like to be stroked like this?" she asked as she pumped her hand along his shaft. A low growl issued from his chest, and the word "Yes" formed on his lips as she tentatively jacked his throbbing length. His legs splayed open, revealing his heavy balls, and he seemed to settle more deeply into the sheets as she lay over him. "Damn, Tricia, that feels incredible." Jake's hand found the back of her thigh as her explorations continued, and she felt a fresh rush of wetness in her sex as his hand once again moved under her dress. Soon, he was caressing her ass through her panties as she stroked him, sending bolts of pleasure racing up her spine. Now, the dress that had been giving her a sense of security was actually feeling like it was constricting her, and she reached back to draw down the zipper along her back. "Let me take this off now, baby. I want to be as naked as you are." "I think that's a good idea." Jake's eyes never left her as she slid out of her dress. The desperate hunger in his eyes encouraged her, and made her feel sexy and beautiful. It was a wonderful sensation, and it became even more pronounced as she slipped her damp panties off and dropped them to the floor. "My God, you are so beautiful," he said wistfully, as she unsnapped her bra and revealed her breast to him. "Damn, Trish. I knew your boobs would be amazing, but I never expected them to be so incredibly perfect." "Mmm, thank you, baby," she said with a smile and then lay back down next to him. "There. Now we can play with each other for awhile." Biting her lip again, her fingers encircled his cock and she began stroking him as she had before. "It feels so soft and hard at the same time, Jake. I can't believe how hot it feels in my hand. It's so big I'm almost afraid to let you put it inside me. God, it really hurt the last time." A wave of regret flowed over him at the mention of that furtive moment in his room, and Jake caressed her back, reassuring her of his love. "I know, Trish. I'm so sorry for that." Tricia's eyes glinted and a smile waxed on her delicate face. "I was a virgin. It was going to hurt. This time it should feel wonderful when we make love." Jake smiled in relief, and she felt a twinge pass through his cock as she made her unspoken promise to consummate their love. His cock throbbed as she pumped him, and his body began to writhe slightly under her insistent touch. When a small drop of fluid appeared, she rubbed it into his spongy crown with her thumb. "We have all night, right? We aren't in any hurry this time?" she asked, already knowing the answer. "We have as long as you want, Trish," he hissed as she squeezed him hard. "Mmm, good, because I want to see what it looks like when you come. I'm going to suck your cock now, Jake. But you have to tell me before you shoot, okay?" Jake already felt like he was about to explode, and hearing her say such things almost sent him off right there. Swallowing hard, he forced himself to calm and then nodded his head. "I promise," he managed to choke out, and then she slipped her wet mouth over his raging erection. "Oh, Jesus-fuck!" he gasped as her tongue swirled over his inflamed head, and his hand trembled over her naked ass as his body reacted to her mouth. She could have sworn he was getting harder as she sucked him. His cock twitched and throbbed in her mouth, and his hips rocked upward each time she sank lower over him. His taste was strong and tangy, but not at all unpleasant, and he felt perfectly formed, as if he was meant to slide over her tongue. Tricia bobbed quickly over him, taking him to the back of her mouth before the urge to gag caused her to pull back. The semi-sweet taste of precum leaked on her tongue, filling her senses with a desire for more. She knew then that sucking him like this was going to be something she did often, and she slurped happily on his turgid head until he finally gasped and pushed her away. "Trish, stop!" he plaintively begged. "I can't take anymore. I'm gonna come if you keep doing that!" Licking her lips, she silently considered the idea swallowing him again and letting him fill her mouth, but the desire to actually see his cum erupt from his cock caused her to pause. "It's okay if you come, baby," she finally replied. "I want you to come for me. I want to see what it looks like when it comes out of you." She stroked him faster as she spoke, running her fist up and down his cock and driving him relentlessly to the brink. A moment later, Jake tensed and arched his back as a low growl resonated from deep in his chest. "Ah, fuck!" he growled, and his head thrashed as a long, thick stream of white fluid gushed from the tip of his cock. Tricia was careful not to cover his head as she pumped him. She wanted to see it all and she held him tight, jerking him hard for several strokes. Watching eagerly, she gasped in awe as a fresh spurt of cum shot from his cock each time her hand rose toward the head. The hot, sticky mess fell back, covering her hand and splashing over him, coating him from his balls to his lower belly. "Oh, my God! That is so hot!" she exclaimed, dipping her fingers into the pooling cum as his orgasm subsided. Jake shuddered hard, and his chest rose and fell rapidly as he tried to regain his breath. "Holy shit, Trish. That felt amazing." Tricia laughed. "I could tell! It was so intense to see you come like that. I can't believe how hot your cum feels on my hand." They lay there together for a time, caressing each other as his erection subsided. Jake was spent from the strength of his orgasm and seemed content to let her rub his cum into his skin. Slipping his arm under her head, he drew her close and let her relax against him as her fingers played over his chest. He loved how warm she felt against him. She rested her leg over his, with her body turned so that her breasts were pressed into his side. He nuzzled her hair, letting the scent of her shampoo fill his mind. It felt like heaven to him, and soon he began to drift under her feathery touch. "That felt so good, but now I'm falling asleep, baby." Tricia watched as he yawned and stretched himself taut. It was such a normal thing, yet the way he moved seemed incredibly beautiful to her. His body was so strong and hard, but also soft and warm. The way his muscles moved under his skin reminded her of how the softer flesh of his erection slid over its hard, inner core. It was inherently masculine, and Tricia felt like she could watch him lie there all night. 'God, I never realized how gorgeous a man could be.' The thought made her smile and she ran her fingers lightly over his biceps. 'He looks like he could lift me with a single arm if he wanted. How could he be so powerful and yet be so gentle with me?' He was like a god, and she wanted to worship his body with her hands and her heart, and with her lips. 'I'm never going to get tired of touching him.' Jake continued to rest peacefully as her fingers drifted down his torso. He was lean but not skinny, and she followed his corded muscles down his body. When she came to the drying residue of his orgasm, she wrinkled her nose. It wasn't the emission itself that brought her pause. She'd loved seeing him come and thought his seed was a miraculous thing. It was simply that she felt it now marred his physical perfection. She felt an urge to care for him and right then that meant returning his skin to its pristine beauty. "Relax, baby. Just rest a minute while I get a towel." Forgetting her nudity, Tricia padded her way to the bath and ran the water until she felt it was hot enough to warm his skin without scalding him. Once satisfied, she wetted a towel and returned to Jake. He was laying on his side when she returned, watching her with a boyish grin that made her blush. "Why are you looking at me like that?" she impishly inquired. "Because you are naked and beautiful," he replied, and casually stroked her breast as she sat next to him. Tricia blushed and urged him to lay on his back. "You're just happy 'cause you get to see my boobs." Jake chuckled. "You got that right. Besides, your boobs aren't the only things I was looking at. I'm glad you shaved your kitty clean." Her blush deepening again, Tricia smiled and kissed him. "Thanks. I was hoping you'd get to see that eventually. I'm glad you like it." "I do," he murmured as she began caressing him with the towel, wiping away the remains of their earlier play. "Mmm, I really do..." Jake seemed content to let her have her way until his skin glistened, fresh and clean. Then, just as Trish lay comfortably next to him, he rolled her on her back, making her yelp and laugh. "Jake! What are you doing?" "Well, you got to have a good look at me, right?" Jake's eyes blazed with something more powerful than humor, and Tricia squirmed nervously under him as he pinned her arms on the bed. "I, ah, suppose, baby. But it's not really the same thing, is it? I mean, I don't have anything down there for you to look at, do I?" Jake's smile turned mischievous as his gaze ran down her supine body. "Oh, trust me, Trish. You've got plenty to show me, starting with these." With that, his mouth descended onto her breast and he sucked her nipple hard, causing a soft coo to escape her lips. "Oh, wow. Maybe you have a point, after all." Tricia writhed under him and she ran her fingers through his unruly mass of brown hair. Jake felt her holding him to her breasts and he sucked on her nipple until it became hard and protruded thickly from her firm mound. For over a year, he had dreamed of sucking on her like this, and the reality of doing it was far and away more exciting than he ever imagined. Everything from the sweet taste of her skin to the wonderfully sensual way she moved made his blood run hot. Her breasts were large, spilling out of his hands as he kneaded them with his fingers. Alternating from one to the other, he sucked and bit at her tender buds until they were both glossed by a layer of his saliva. He could have happily suckled her for hours, but there was another part of her glorious body he desired to kiss even more. "I loved how you played with my cock, Trish," he whispered as he kissed her belly. "Especially when you sucked me into your mouth. That felt incredible, baby. Now, I'm going to do the same thing for you." Tricia squirmed and trembled under him as his kisses trailed a line of moisture down her body. Her heart was fluttering as fast as his lips seemed to over her skin, and she gasped out loud as he pushed her knees apart, opening her sex to his view, "Oh, baby, please kiss me there. I've wanted to know what that feels like for so long." Jake settled in and kissed her inner thigh softly. "Then it's time you found out," he whispered before running the flat of his tongue over her inflamed labia. His tongue felt incredibly soft and wet on her pussy. Tingling sensations coursed up her body and she couldn't suppress a low moan that resonated up from her chest. "Oh, wow, baby. That feels so fucking good!" Jake's eyebrows lifted and he smiled into her sex as he heard her use such coarse language. It was completely atypical of her, and he knew that she must have been overcome by his touch for such a word to issue from her lips. Thus encouraged, he slipped his tongue deeper, slithering it between her lips before licking her with increasing speed. Her body quaked and she rolled her hips toward his mouth as he licked and sucked on her tender lips. He could tell from the way she brought her clit to his mouth that she wanted him to suck on her hot little button, but he was enjoying the tease far too much to give in to her so quickly. With every intention of driving her to the edge, he let his tongue flick close to her clit without actually touching it. "Please, baby, don't stop. Don't ever stop kissing me like that. It feels so good. Your tongue feels so good on my pussy." Tricia begged him with her words and movements, urging him to delve ever deeper with his flicking kisses. He was winding her up, building her orgasm into a tsunami of pleasure she feared might tear her apart. The hot pressure in her body gathered strength, causing her thighs to tense and she couldn't resist the need to clamp his head between them. She wanted to hold him there, and make him kiss her clit before she lost her mind. Jake felt her legs close around him and he pushed them apart with his hands, holding her open and vulnerable to his insidious tongue. Filled with a feral desire to make her writhe, he sank his tongue into her as deeply as he could before dragging it up and flicking it over her pulsing clit. When Tricia felt how easily Jake forced her thighs apart, something instinctive clicked in her mind. She felt a rush of fresh moisture gush into her sex and the pressure that had been building in her belly became an irresistible tide. She was already beginning to arch when his tongue flicked over her clit, and in that moment she shuddered violently as her orgasm tore through her young body. "Oh, fuck!" she started to scream, but she felt like she was burning up in the heat of her arousal, and her scream garbled into nothing more intelligible than a whimpering moan. She bucked and jerked in his arms, drowning in her orgasm until she could only feel the pulsing throb of her body's release. She was panting, and a wave of blissful exhaustion followed the receding tide of her climax. A warm, pulsing sensation matched the beat of her heart, and she could only sigh as she stared in adoration at him. "Wow, Jake. That was really good. I mean really, really good." Jake smiled back and softly kissed her throbbing clit, causing her to jerk slightly. Seeing her so thoroughly consumed by his touch, and how she was almost glowing afterward, aroused him as nothing else ever had. His cock was hard and throbbing and it dragged heavily over her inner thigh as he moved up her body. Tricia gathered him in her arms, embraced him, and welcomed him in between her thighs. She was as full of desire for him as he was for her and she held him in her hungry gaze as he rose over her. "I need you, Jake. I'm so ready for you now. Please, baby, put it inside me. Make love to me." Her hand encircled his cock as she begged him to take her, and as he moved, she guided him into her body. With a long, slow thrust, his hard cock slid into her, stretching her passage open for the very first time. Months earlier, he'd managed to break her virginity, but on that day, she'd made him stop. This time, there was nothing but her welcoming sheath, and it offered no resistance as he filled it completely. Tricia's eyes glittered brightly as he took her that first time. Her arms stroked his sides, urging him deep, and her neck arched slightly as she adjusted to his size. When he paused, keeping his rampant erection deep inside her, she felt like she could barely breathe. She wanted to kiss him, to taste his breath and to hold him there for as long as she could. She whimpered as he withdrew, but then the exquisite sensation of his cock pulling back redoubled the almost electric pleasure of having him inside her. His second thrust was stronger, more confident, and the pressure on her body sent shivers racing over her. She clutched at his body, wanting desperately to feel him over her and to drive him on. She wanted, no, she needed him to increase the pace and she grabbed his ass, squeezing his cheeks hard as he thrust into her. Jake was trying to go slow, to be the gentle lover he'd promised to be, but when he felt her nails dig into his ass, his mind fogged with lust and he gave in to his primal urges. Drawing back, he looked into her eyes, almost regretting what he was about to do, and then he drove his cock into her, hard and deep, until her face was a mix of pain and pleasure. The rapture of love and satisfaction rose in them both, and the physical burn seared them together in a dance of blissful harmony. He was pounding into her hard, sliding himself into her body with a need that he had no hope of controlling. All the while, she pulled on his body, urging him to take all of her that he needed. She tried to speak, to tell him how good he felt inside her, or to just say how much she wanted this, but each time her mouth opened, his thrust made her moan over her words. She could see that the boy she knew so well was gone - lost in his feral need, and that realization alone caused her heart to flutter. Then, the pressure in her belly exploded again, rolling through her with thunderous power. She was screaming before she knew it, and dragging her nails over his flanks, leaving red streaks in his skin. Jake felt her convulse, and the sudden scratches in his side pierced through him. It was an arrow that split the sense of love from his need, and his vision blurred as he began to come. With one last hard thrust, he drove deep, filling her passage before his come boiled out and into her body. Breathless, they collapsed together in a mass of arms and legs, sweat-covered skin and matted hair. It had been intense and beautiful, but then it had been a moment long in coming, and they both knew it would come again before the night was through. For now, they lay there together, enjoying the warmth of each others bodies. "Why don't we take a shower together?" Jake asked sometime later. "It's getting late and we still need to order dinner." Tricia kissed him softly. "I'd love to, Jake, but I need to text my parents. I've got to let them know I'm not coming home tonight. Why don't you go ahead and I'll have a look at the menu. I'll be happy to shower with you in the morning." Jake held her hand and kissed her, understanding how hard it would be for her to talk with her folks. "Are you sure you don't want me with you when you do that?" "No, I think it would be better if you weren't. I may be eighteen now, but I don't think they're going to take this very well." "Yeah. Probably not." "This was going to happen sooner or later. They're just going to have to get used to the idea." Jake kissed her forehead before leaving. Once he closed the door, Tricia slipped a robe around her body and retrieved her phone. Her fingers trembled nervously as she stared into its screen until the sound of running water could be heard from the bath. "It's my life, mom. I hope you understand." Her hand was shaking as she began to type. 'Hi mom. I need to tell you that I'm with Jake at the Kensington Hotel. I'm safe, but don't wait up for me tonight. I'll be home in the morning. I love you both.' Pressing send on that message was one of the hardest things she'd ever done. Waiting for the return text was harder still. "Just say okay, mom. Please, please don't let daddy call me! I really don't need that kind of scene tonight." The seconds ticked by and she could only imagine what her parents were saying. The longer it took, the more certain she was that telling them was a mistake. When her text tone chimed, she jumped so much she nearly dropped the phone. Simply looking at the return text was hard, and she stared at the screen for several seconds, not believing what she saw written on the illuminated face. 'If you are sure that's what you want, Tricia. Just be safe. Call us if you need help, and come home tomorrow.' Just as the relief washed over her, her phone chirped again. This time there were only four words. 'We love you, Trish.' Her eyes filled with tears as she held the phone in her lap. "I love you too." ~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~*~~~ pics---->> http://bit.ly/1QdQXsD
Title: Aunt Raven: The Story Of Jenny Ch. 02 Summary: John Wildwood is tempted by more ladies. Keywords: inc,fic Hey everybody, it's me, Larry. This is kind of a milestone story. Even though some stories are in parts, this is my 100th. one. Hot damn! It seems like just a few days ago I sat waiting like a little kid at Christmas for my first on to be posted on Literotica, now look. My first ones kinda sucked, some jerks say they still do, but hell with them, right! One person (a supposed good writer and editor on here) told me to stop wasting my time, she sucks anyhow. When I get such wonderful comments and emails from great people, I don't even care about those assholes. So, the word of the day is, keep trying your best, and never give up! Go read the first two parts before you read this!!!! 'Jen!' Carl said giving his sister a little shake, trying to break her from daydreaming. 'Are you ok?' he asked sitting down next to her. Jen snapped from her thoughts of the past and looked up to Carl. 'I'm fine. I was just thinking,' she said forcing a smile. 'It looked like you were a million miles away,' he laughed as a dazed look covered her aging face. 'What were you thinking about?' Carl asked with a smile, wondering what she'd been thinking about. She just smiled; knowing her next words to Carl was something they agreed not to talk of again. 'When mom died,' she whispered and had to smile at him. 'I haven't forgotten.' Jen said giving him a sly look. 'I thought we weren't going to bring that up?' Carl said hoping nobody would come into the room until they finished talking. 'Fuck it!' she smiled thinking of all the things they'd done together and how hard she'd just slapped her son for fucking Raven. 'I just lost my son for the same thing we did,' she said as tears began to run from her eyes and down her face. 'I know,' he replied caressing her back. 'You really need to apologize. Tim is a good kid and...' Carl added thinking of how beautiful Raven was. 'I would have done the very same thing if I was in his shoes,' he said with a smile, thinking of the things that he and Jen did as kids. 'We did the same thing.' She just gave him a little slap on his leg and smiled. 'Yes we did,' she smiled at Carl, remembering how big and hard he always got for her. 'Does your wife suck you as good as I used to?' she asked with a smile, sliding her hand up his leg, until felt him growing under her hand. 'What do you think?' Carl replied, remembering just how wonderful Jenny always sucked him. 'I don't think I'll ever get it as good as you did,' he smiled running his hand up under her skirt, wondering if his sister would be interested in reliving the past. 'Silly man! How dare you touch me like that,' she laughed as a forgotten fire started building between her legs. 'I never found a man that was ever your size and it really sucked.' Jenny said thinking of how his big, thick cock was and how great it felt. 'Does she like it?' she asked, wondering if Carl's wife loved his cock as much as she did. 'I can't fuck her the way your nasty ass liked it, but I learned to live with it,' he replied thinking how Jenny always loved him fucking her as hard and as deep as he could. 'Poor, little baby,' she teased in a motherly voice, thinking of how hard Carl would cum for her. 'I bet it really missed me.' Jenny giggled as she squeezed his cock as hard as she could. 'Missed?' he laughed hoping nobody heard him. 'When you went to college and I joined the Marines, I thought that I was going to die!' Carl said thinking of how badly he'd missed Jenny and all the worthless women he'd been with, hoping that just one would be as half as good as Jenny. Jenny couldn't help but laughing at Carl. 'I know. It was a total bitch!' she said thinking of all the guys that she'd went through, hoping she'd find one with a cock as big as his or Daddy's, but she never did and settled for her husband. 'I know who I'll be thinking of the next time she lets me fuck her.' Carl smiled hoping his wife would be in the mood to fuck later that night, if so, he'd be thinking of Jenny. Jenny smiled bigger than ever as Carl's words filled her ears, wishing that she'd be under him instead of his cold wife. 'And, who might that be?' she asked knowing who, but Jenny wanted to tease her brother. 'You're still nothing but a cock teaser,' he smiled moving his hand up her thigh, to her pussy. 'Damn! Is someone getting horny?' Carl whispered as his fingers slowly slid over her panties and was quickly covered with her warm juices. 'What do you think, fucker?' Jenny moaned spreading her legs, wishing that they were alone. 'I wish we could go back to that summer so bad,' she moaned again and was so glad that Raven threw up all over herself and Tim or she and Carl would never be having this wonderful conversation. 'It would be fun,' he smiled as his fingers ran the length of Jenny's excited pussy, enjoying her soft moaning and the feel of touching her again after so many years. 'How many times do you think we did it?' Carl asked as he tried to remember, but they fucked each other like two little rabbits and there was no way to count. 'Who knows,' she laughed as visions of a few places they fucked drifted into her mind. 'I loved doing it down by the river the best,' she smiled, having a good idea that's where Tim and Raven did it. 'Do you think Daddy was a good man?' Jenny asked Carl, wondering what he thought of their father and if he had any clue of what happened between them. 'Yes! Why did you ask something so dumb?' Carl asked pulling his hand from under Jenny's skirt. 'I know something happened with you two, but I was never sure what. One day you're at home and the next day you're going to college,' he added remembering how bad it hurt when Jenny left home. 'Did he fuck you too?' Carl asked, wondering what her answer would be or if she would even tell him. She just laughed as she gave him a loving caress on his back. 'That's a long story brother,' she laughed again as her mind slipped back to that summer so very long ago. *. Jenny sat tapping her foot, wondering where Daddy was, when she saw him walk from the elevator with Patti. 'Why is she here?' Jenny thought, watching Daddy smiling at Patti. 'Where you been, Daddy? Mom's been asking for you all morning,' she said in a hateful voice as she glared at Patti. 'He best not have done her!' Jenny thought, wondering if Daddy fucked her. 'I was helping Patti move. I bought her the house just up the road from the mill,' he replied, giving Patti a warm smile. 'Where's your brother and sister?' he asked, wishing he could slap Jenny for being so smart with him. 'He took her for a walk. She's been driving us crazy all morning. She needed to go home, but we didn't think it would be right leaving mom all alone.' Jenny added in the same hateful voice as before, not caring if Daddy got mad at her or not. He had o business being with Patti, when mom was on her last breath of air. John looked at Jenny and knew he had to stop this right now. He grabbed her arm; dragging her down the long hall into a small closet. 'Listen up little girl! I will not hesitate to slap the shit out of you!' he said through his teeth looking at Jenny. 'Do not ever talk to me like that again. I bought that house for Patti because,' he paused to take a breath before going on, wondering if he should just go ahead and slap her. 'If it hadn't been for her, the mill would have closed and I'd lost the contract for the bridge,' he added with anger rushing through his body. 'You don't have to be so fucking mean,' she snapped and was suddenly against the wall with Daddy smashed to her. 'I will slap you girl and not think a thing about it! Do you even realize what it would have meant if that contract didn't get filled on time?' he asked pushing against his daughter, feeling his cock growing. Jenny was scared as Daddy shoved her so hard and she felt him growing. 'No,' she replied with fear. She'd only seen him this mad two times and one was the night he slapped her ass and the other was at the mill when some guy tried hitting Patti. 'We would have lost the mill and,' he paused looking into her frightened eyes, wondering why his cock was growing out of control. 'The house we love so much,' he added and couldn't help but enjoying the feel of his young daughter against him. 'I'm sorry, Daddy,' she leaned to him and took a big chance. She kissed him just like they had on the front porch, deep, with lots of tongue. 'I was worried about too. You were a mess last night and it scared me that you were gone so long,' she whispered kissing him again and she felt his big, strong hands going under her thin shirt, to her excited breasts. 'Daddy!' she softly moaned as his fingers gently rolled her nipples, sending waves of need flooding her body. He couldn't resist, even though he had Patti an hour ago. Jenny was a hot-blooded girl that needed to be fucked. 'You drive me fucking crazy,' he moaning thrusting hips to hers and began grinding against her. 'I need to fuck my baby girl,' he moaned again, thinking of being deep in her tight virgin pussy, giving her the satisfaction she craved. 'Yes you do.' Jenny smiled, wishing they were at home. 'Will you 'please' do it tonight?' she begged him with need as waves of lust covered her young body, giving Jenny the feeling she was close to cuming. 'I could cum so easy,' she whispered as Daddy kept pushing his stiff cock against her eager pussy. It needed Daddy's big, hard cock to stop that awful burning that hunted her day and night. 'I want you to tell Patti you're sorry for being so rude and tonight,' he grabbed her tight ass, shoved her to his rock hard cock. 'I'm fucking you!' he growled in her ear, enjoying a low moan of lust coming from someplace deep inside her. 'Oh yes! I need it so bad, Daddy,' she whimpered thinking of him on her, with his big, hard cock rammed up her tight pussy, making her his new wife, his bitch or anything that Daddy wanted her to be. 'You're going to get it,' he laughed feeling his cock harder than it had been in years and it was all for Jenny, his daughter. 'I'm going to fuck you so hard, you'll beg me to stop,' he moaned squeezing her ass, leaning to bite her neck and wished they were at home. 'Never!' she moaned, as his hands held her ass and his teeth sank into her neck. 'Will you do it just like this?' Jenny moaned, thinking of him holding her this very same way, but his long cock deep in her pussy. 'I want it hard! Just like you'd fuck a whore!' she moaned trying to push her hips to hips. 'I'll do anything you want and I'm making you my little bitch,' he smiled thinking of Jenny being his little sex slave to fuck anytime he wanted or needed. 'Oh yes! You can fuck me whenever you want!' she moaned as that fire in her tiny pussy was totally out of control and if they didn't stop soon, she'd be cuming in her jeans. 'I need to stop Daddy. I'm so close,' she whispered, hoping she wouldn't cum; she wanted to hold it in for Daddy. He slowly pulled from her and smiled. 'We'll finish this tonight,' he said fixing his shirt and hoped nobody would notice his cock. 'Let's go and remember what I said. You better tell Patti that you're sorry!' he added pointing to her face and wouldn't hesitate to slap her sexy, little ass if she didn't. *. 'Hey Dad. Can me and Becky stay the night with Aunt Cindy? I haven't seen Bobby in two months and Becky wants to see Anna.' Carl asked, hoping that Dad would let them go to see them. He needed a break from all the things going on. John knew the answer without even thinking. He had plans with a very hot young girl that was sitting right beside him. 'I don't see why not. It'll do you two good to get away for a night,' he smiled to Carl and Becky and he knew he had to tease Jenny. 'Do you want to go with them?' he asked Jenny, holding in a laugh and he felt a hard pinch on his side. 'No,' she replied with a fake yawn. 'I need my bed tonight. I'm so tired.' Jenny added giving him a look that could kill. She knew that he was teasing, but she didn't think it was funny. She needed him to make her a woman and claim her as his. 'I know what you mean. I can't wait to get a hot shower and get in bed,' he said sliding his hand around her back, gently caressing her ass. Becky just sat looking out the side window trying her best to understand all that was happening. Her Mommy was going up to heaven to be with Jesus. 'Daddy, how come Mommy has to die?' Becky asked with tears running down her pretty, little. John's heart sank when her words filled his ears. He turned to see her crying and quickly pulled to the side of the road. 'Come here baby,' he said and Becky jumped into his arms. 'Don't baby. Mommy will be fine and trust me. She'll always be watching over us and making sure that we're ok,' he said caressing her back. 'I'm goina miss her so much, Daddy.' Becky cried harder, thinking of loosing her Mom. John couldn't hold back and he cried with her. 'We're all going to miss her. She's a very, very special lady,' he said thinking of life without Claire. They'd been married so long and now he'd be alone. Sure he'd be free to try and find a good woman, but deep down John knew he'd never find anyone like her. 'Who'll take care of us?' Becky asked looking to her Daddy. She knew he was fun to play with and lots of other things, but there was no way he could do all the things Mom did. 'Well, we can find us a housekeeper or maybe one of those nannies, like in that movie we saw last month,' he said hoping to try and comfort Becky and let her know that everything would be fine after Claire was gone. 'I love you Daddy.' Becky smiled grabbing him and hugged as tight as she could, knowing that Daddy would do his best and she didn't have a thing to worry about. 'Ok, I'm fine now,' she smiled and curled up on his lap. John couldn't help but laugh and continued driving towards their aunt's house. Cindy was Claire's younger sister and loved the kids coming over to her home. In fact, she and Claire wondered if it would be best if Cindy took Becky after Claire died. John didn't have time, Carl would be in school and Jenny wasn't the housekeeper type. John pulled up to Cindy's large house, which he bought for her when her husband left and looked at Carl. 'If anything happens...I'll come and get you two,' he said in a solemn voice, hoping it wouldn't happen on the night he chose to screw his daughter. 'Ok Dad.' Carl replied and was so glad they had a Dad like him. He kept a cool head through all of Mom's suffering and never once showed how much this was hurting him. Carl knew how much they loved each other and hoped that Dad wasn't holding too much inside. About that time, Cindy and her kids came outside. 'Well, hey there,' she smiled walking around the trunk to John. 'How's my favorite brother-in-law doing?' Cindy asked gently caressing John's massive arm, trying to hide her feelings towards him. She loved him very much, but he didn't need to know and he was married to her sister. 'I'm doing good. We needed a little break and those two wanted to come spend the night with you.' John smiled; enjoying Cindy's loving touch, like he had for years. She always had an extra smile, a soft touch and John knew why, but he loved Claire and it never went any farther. She just smiled and had a wonderful idea. 'Why don't all of you stay? It'll give us a chance to talk.' Cindy said, hoping so much that John would take her up on the offer. 'I'm making a nice chicken dinner, with all the fixings and in the morning, I'll treat you to a good, hot breakfast before you go back,' she added, smiling bigger, making sure to bat her eyes at him. She knew John loved her cooking and her chicken was his favorite. John felt his stomach growling and Jenny pinching his side, but he did need to talk with Cindy, plus, he was starving. 'You got a deal!' he replied and Jenny came close to ripping out on of his ribs, but she could wait. 'Great!' Cindy said with excitement thinking of her house being filled with kids and a man under her roof for the first time in seven long years. 'Well, let's get inside, I'm sure my chicken is about to burn and we don't want that happening,' she laughed as the kids took off running into the house, but she noticed Jenny didn't look very happy. 'What's wrong baby?' she asked looking to Jenny. 'We needed to talk about a few things. You go on in and we'll be there in just a few minutes.' John said knowing Jenny was fuming. 'I'll put on a pot of coffee for you.' Cindy replied as she turned and went in the house. 'I wonder if Jenny is trying to do something bad with her Daddy.' Cindy thought as she tended to her chicken and made John a big pot of coffee. She knew that Claire hadn't been able to have sex in a long time and as far as Cindy knew, he remained faithful to Claire. Tears ran down Jenny's as she looked to John. 'Why are we doing this? You said that tonight you'd take me,' she said feeling like her heart had been torn in two. Tonight was theirs and Daddy ruined it. She needed him and his wonderful love. 'I know and I'm sorry,' he said hugging her as tight as he could, hoping to comfort her, but John knew it was going to take more than just a hug. 'I need you too, but I also need to with Becky, Carl and Cindy had nobody, honey. She's all alone, trying to deal with her last family member dying,' he added, rocking her in his arms, trying to explain this to her. 'She's all alone, other than us baby. All her family is gone,' he whispered, hugging Jenny as her tears rolled down his big arm. Jenny knew he was right, but she was hurting so bad. Her insides were killing her and she knew that only one thing would make it better, her Daddy's big cock. 'I guess I'll take a good, hot bath and masturbate, maybe that'll help,' she smiled reaching for his cock. 'Can I suck for a couple of minutes? Please,' Jenny asked putting out her lip, hoping he'd let her get a little pleasure and she'd make sure Daddy got some too. 'Just a few minutes, Cindy will be wondering what we're doing out here,' he laughed, watching her unzipping his pants as fast as she could. 'Oh shit!' John growled when Jenny swallowed him to the root and started with all of her might. 'Oh baby!' he moaned, wondering if staying with Cindy had been a terrible mistake. He could be at home, fucking this beautiful, young girl to death, but now he'd just be left with a hard, swollen cock. Jenny sucked him hard and didn't care if he came or not. She wanted him to know just what he'd missed out on and now, he would suffer the rest of the night. 'I'll teach you,' she thought sucking him deep, to the back of her mouth and into her silky throat. 'You could have had it all,' she thought, relaxing her throat, easing his stiff cock down it, enjoying him squirming under her. 'You're an evil little girl!' John laughed, knowing what Jenny was doing to him, but he wanted to be with Cindy and try to help her through her sisters' death. 'Everything you do to me, I'll get you back later,' he laughed again, feeling her giggling. She slowly eased from him and replied, 'I'm not evil,' she smiled giving his cock one last kiss before she sat up. 'I just wanted you to know want you missed and going to get later,' she whispered giving him a hug. Jenny was going to get him, but she didn't know when and hoped that she wouldn't be too old to enjoy it. 'Trust me, I know what I missed. We'll get do it, I just don't know when,' he said caressing her beautiful face, hoping that he could go through with it. She was his baby. 'I hope it's before I die!' Jenny laughed, hugging him tighter and couldn't wait to get a hot bath. 'Ok, I'm done. Let's get in before people start talking about us!' she giggled and jumped from his truck. *. After dinner, Cindy and John sat at the table talking. 'Is that pretty daughter of yours trying to get nasty with her handsome Daddy?' Cindy asked with a big smile, wishing that her Dad had looked half as good as John did. 'How did you know?' he asked looking into Cindy's soft blue eyes, enjoying her loving smile, wondering why she never remarried. She was a beautiful woman with light brown hair cut at her shoulders, the face of an angel and a body that was out of this world. He guess that her breasts were a nice C cup; her waist was very, very thin and her ass, maybe a small 36 inches. 'That girl is heat and it's for you. Anyone with a set of eyes and a brain could see it,' she replied, wondering if they'd been together. 'Did you get any of that hot ass yet?' Cindy asked with a wink, imagining him being her Daddy. 'No, but it's just a matter of time. That girl is trying to kill me,' he laughed, seeing a look on Cindy's face that he'd never seen before. She looked like she was about to rape him too. 'I can't blame her one bit.' Cindy replied feeling like she'd wet herself. 'If you were my Dad,' she paused to take a sip of her coffee. 'I'd wanta fuck you too,' she whispered with lust, hoping John might want to be with her someday. Claire always teased them about flirting so much, but she knew they only played. 'Oh Lord!' John thought to himself. 'I got another girl wanting me,' he added, knowing deep, down that Cindy always liked him. 'It's bad enough how horny she has me, don't you add to the fire,' he said in a low voice, looking straight into her beautiful blue eyes, trying to picture looking at them as he made love to her. 'I wouldn't just add to it,' she smiled returning him look, trying to think of John on her, giving her lonely pussy a deep fuck. 'I'd pour gas on it,' she smiled again, enjoying the look of pain on his poor face. 'You're going to be a hot item when this is over.' Cindy said, wondering if he'd remain single or hook up with another woman. 'I am now,' he quickly replied. 'I have Jenny, Patti and I'm starting to wonder about my sister-in-law!' John laughed, but Cindy didn't. She just sat, looking at him, biting her lower lip and he knew. 'I've been crazy about you since the first second Claire brought you to our house,' she smiled, feeling her face turning red and her heart beating out of control. 'But, I kept it to myself. I do admit that I've masturbated quite a few times thinking about you.' Cindy added, knowing her pale face had to have looked like a tomato by now. John felt his cock filling with blood as he heard Cindy's words. 'Was it good?' he asked and couldn't believe there was anyway her face could get redder, but it did. 'Keep it up, Mister! You think Jenny turns you on? I'll go change into my white jeans and shirt you like so much.' Cindy said, remembering all the times she'd worn the outfit and how John's eyes were always on her or her tiny ass. He just looked at her and wished the kids were all in bed. 'Why don't you run the kids to bed, change and I'll make us something a little better to drink,' he said, hoping this wasn't out of line or stupid. His wife wasn't dead and here he was, thinking about fucking her baby sister. She just looked at him and wasn't sure of what to do. Claire knew that Cindy and John were very close and hinted that it would be cute if they got together after she was gone. 'You talk about me heating things up,' she said trying to figure all this out. She wanted John in the worst way and remembered the day that Claire told her it was ok to go after him. 'She told me to get you late, last year, but I couldn't. She told me she didn't mind and that you needed someone to...you know,' she giggled, knowing her face was red again. John felt like screaming. If there'd been anyone in the world he'd been willing to be unfaithful with, it would have been Cindy. 'I should put you over my knee,' he said feeling his cock getting so hard it hurt. 'When she told me to go find someone,' he paused to reach for her hand and smiled. 'You were the one I thought of.' John laughed remembering all the times Cindy made him hard in the last two years and how wonderful it would have been. 'Oh shit!' Cindy moaned thinking of all the times she'd pleasured herself and could have had the real thing. 'Well, that just plain ol' sucks, don't it,' she laughed and couldn't wait to rush the kids off to bed. She'd wanted this for a very long time and it was about to happen. 'You should tuck Jenny in bed first and see what happens. I think it would be cute if you did,' she smiled, giving his hand a gentle squeeze. 'I remember the first time my Daddy took me and I'll never forget the love we shared,' she smiled in a low, seductive voice as she caressed his hand. 'I'll be here when you're finished!' Cindy winked, knowing that her young niece was in for a wonderful time. 'I'll even help her get ready,' she smiled, stood up and rushed to find Jenny. 'Holy shit!' he thought drinking his coffee. 'I would have thought Jake would do something like that,' he laughed to himself, thinking of the old man doing it with Cindy. 'You never know,' he said lighting a cigarette, hoping he could make his daughter happy. *. Cindy found Jenny sitting in the spare bedroom looking sad and depressed. 'I got some news for you!' she said sitting on the floor next to her. 'I got a little secret you will enjoy.' Cindy smiled, holding Jenny close. 'I did it with my Daddy too,' she smiled more, feeling her face turning red. 'I was talking to your Daddy and I told him that I knew what was going on,' she added and couldn't wait to tell Jenny the rest. 'I told him that he should take you and fuck your cute, little ass off!' she said and laughed at the shocked look on Jenny's face. 'Are you kidding?' Jenny asked as a flood of excitement rushed over her. 'We've came close a few times, but something always messes us up,' she added with pain in her soft voice. 'Well.' Cindy smiled hugging Jenny and handed her something to wear. 'You try those on. Your Daddy just loves white and with this being your first time,' she said thinking of her first time with her Daddy. 'It'll be just like it was your honeymoon.' Cindy said, hoping he'd hurry, because she wanted that big ol' cock of his too. Claire told her about it and all the pleasures it gave her and Cindy wanted to feel it for herself. 'Thank you!' Jenny said grabbing Cindy, hugging her with all of her might. 'I'm going to hurry,' she said standing up, started stripping off her clothes and couldn't wait. She smiled at Cindy, trying to imagine Cindy fucking her Daddy. Jenny didn't remember much about him, but she did remember he was a very sweet man. 'What's it like? I love Daddy more than anything. Will this make it better?' she asked slipping off her panties and was completely nude, with Cindy looking over her body. 'It did for me. That's why my husband left me. He came home early from his drinking and playing pool. He caught us fuckin' in the middle of the living room like two little dogs!' Cindy laughed as that day filled her mind. 'He about shit in his pants,' she laughed more as the look on his ugly face filled her mind. 'I told him if he'd fucked me, I wouldn't have had to fuck my Daddy!' Cindy laughed more, hoping none of the kids heard them talking. 'I didn't tell him that I'd been fuckin' Daddy since I turned eighteen." 'Cool!' Jenny said wiggling her ass as she pulled up the tiny pair of white panties. 'Oh wow!' she said looking down to see. 'You can see right through them!' she gasped running a finger up the center of her young, excited pussy. 'He's going to shit,' she moaned thinking of Daddy seeing her. 'He'll faint!' Cindy whispered and couldn't resist touching her sexy, little niece. 'Nice!' she whispered running her small hand over Jenny's virgin pussy, enjoying the heat coming from her and a smile that Cindy loved. 'Did you like that?' Cindy asked with a whispered and couldn't help but touching her more. Jenny was in shock that her aunt was touching her, but in a strange way, it felt so good. 'Yes.' Jenny moaned as Cindy's loving fingers slid over her pussy, sending the strangest feeling running through her body. 'You're Daddy should have taken this a long, long time ago,' she paused to give Jenny's clit a tiny squeeze before going on. 'I know I would have,' she whispered again, giving Jenny a long and very deep kiss. Jenny just stood, enjoying Cindy, her hands and now a kiss to remember the rest of her life. 'Wow!' she moaned as her beautiful aunt pulled from her. 'Maybe next time I ask if you'd like to spend the night,' she paused to wink and give Jenny's warm pussy another soft caress. 'You'll do it.' Cindy smiled and left the room. 'Wow!' Jenny said flopping back on the bed, thinking of her aunts' warm hand between her legs, rubbing her pussy. 'Aunt Cindy is a wild one!' she giggled, remembering mom talking about how crazy Cindy was before she got married, but Jenny never gave it much thought, until now. 'Damn, that felt good,' she moaned, wondering what would happen if she stayed the night with Cindy. 'I wonder if she'd do me.' Jenny giggled, thinking of the two girls' in school that were lovers. 'She's all ready and willing!' Cindy smiled walking behind John and couldn't resist hugging him. 'You remember to save some strength for me,' she whispered in his ear as her hands slid down the front of him and to the cock Claire told her about. 'Oh my! You be easy on that little girl. You can save the rough stuff for me,' she moaned, giving it a hard squeeze, thinking of something so big and long up her lonely, little pussy. John closed his eyes, savoring Cindy's loving hands touching him after so many years being around her. 'You feel so good!' he moaned thinking of being inside his very beautiful and sexy sister-in-law. 'I want you to wear me fucking out!' Cindy growled as she sank her teeth into his neck. 'And, I want it hard!' she growled again, knowing that he needed to go get Jenny. 'Go love your daughter and then,' she purred in his ear. 'Come and fuck your new whore!' she moaned, rubbing herself, wishing it was right now, on the table with his long, hard cock rammed deep in her pussy hole. 'You bitches are going to kill me!' John laughed as he stood up, grabbed Cindy in his arms, gave her a firm slap on her ass and left the room. 'Damn, I never thought I'd have too many girls after me!' he laughed, walking to Jenny's room. *. Jenny was lying on the bed in the pair of small, white panties, her heart racing out of control, knowing that he'd be there any second. 'I hope I make him happy,' she whispered, thinking of Daddy's massive cock and if she could take him. 'I have too. If I don't, that bitch Patti or Aunt Cindy will,' she said thinking of him and Cindy flirting with each other the entire night. Then, she heard his light tap on the door and he walked in. His eyes looking over her supple body, from her face, down to her breasts, until he smiled. 'Nice!' he whispered, enjoying the small panties on her hips, knowing that they would be lying on the floor in just a few minutes. She just lay on the bed, her heart racing faster. 'Daddy, I'm scared,' she whispered putting out her lip and Jenny knew she couldn't back out now. She'd wanted this and here he was. 'You'll be ok,' he said slipping his shirt off, tossed it on the floor and started pulling off his jeans. 'Just relax and I'll take care of you,' he added stepping from the jeans, watching a shocked and frightened look on Jenny's face. 'He's ready for this.' John smiled walking towards Jenny, hoping she wasn't going to back out now, but if she did, Cindy was downstairs waiting for him. Jenny couldn't believe just how hard Daddy was. She thought he was hard when they played on the front pouch, but that was nothing compared to this. Daddy's cock was so hard and full of blood; it curved up, ready to take her. He moved to the bed, pointing his cock to her warm, panting mouth. 'Suck it for Daddy,' he said pushing the head to her mouth and wanting her to suck him. He stood, watching her just lying there, not moving or anything. 'Come on baby,' he smiled caressing the side of her face, hoping she wasn't going to back out. 'I'm so scared,' she whimpered as tears poured down her face and Daddy was quickly lying with her, hugging her nice and tight. 'It's so big,' she cried, hoping that she could calm down. Jenny wanted this so badly and she knew if she backed out now, it was surely the last time he'd mess with her. 'I'm not going to hurt you baby,' he smiled moving as close to her as he could get. 'I've loved a lot of women with this thing and only one or two didn't like it,' he smiled, easing the massive piece of meat between her legs, making sure it was against Jenny's hot, virgin pussy. 'You're nice and wet,' he whispered caressing her right breast with one hand, while the other slowing moved between her legs. 'Oh Daddy,' she moaned at his soft, loving touch, enjoying the feelings he always gave her. 'I want you in me so, so bad,' she whimpered knowing it wasn't going to be very long until her dreams came true. John carefully rolled Jenny on her back and moved over her. 'You're so pretty,' he smiled, giving his young, virgin daughter one last innocent kiss. 'Are you ready?' he whispered as he moved to the soft flesh of her neck, gently kissing, sucking, slowly positioning his stiff cock and he bit her. 'Oh Daddy!' Jenny cried as his sharp teeth sank into her neck and it happened. 'Daddy!' she cried again as his massive cock tore through her innocents and made her a woman. 'It hurts! Oh Daddy, it hurts!' Jenny moaned, hoping this would hurry and end. How could she have ever thought that she wanted him inside her? He was too big and it felt as if she was being split in two pieces. John bit her and shove forward, taking Jenny's most special thing and it felt good. He held her still, enjoying her tight pussy and muscles squeezing him so tightly. 'Easy,' he whispered as her body spasmed around him. 'Easy,' he whispered again as he kissed her as a woman. 'It'll stop in a few minutes,' he smiled, caressing her pain filled face and now he could wait to fuck her. 'Daddy's little girl is a woman now.' John smiled; kissing the tip of her perfect little nose, like he had hundreds of times before, but now he did it as he filled her pussy. She smiled up to him, enjoying his soothing voice, the same voice that comforted her as a child, now did it as a woman. 'I love you Daddy,' she smiled and something wonderful started happening. The pain was fading away and the burning that hunted her was coming back, deep in her pussy. 'We're together, Daddy. You're inside me just like I've been dreaming for so long.' Jenny said with a smile as the burning grew more. 'And.' John said kissing her. 'The best is still to come,' he added, knowing she was ready. He needed to give this hot woman a good, long fuck. 'I'm going to fuck my baby girl now,' he moaned, feeling a warm rush of excitement covering him. 'Oh yes!' Jenny moaned arching her back. 'Fuck me, Daddy! Fuck my hot pussy, make it all better,' she begged him, knowing her Daddy was going to make all the suffering go away. John slowly moved back and forth, enjoying her pussy squeezing him and her soft moans of pleasure. 'Daddy's big girl,' he whispered as his cock slid in and out of her tiny hole. 'You feel so fucking good!' John moaned hoping that he had something left for the woman downstairs that also wanted him. 'I'll always be yours.' Jenny whimpered, enjoying his girth stretching her once, virgin so wide, but it was such an amazing feeling, she didn't want it end. 'Go, Daddy! Fuck me! Fuck your girl!' she cried as his pace quickened. 'My wonderful Daddy!' Jenny moaned as the sounds of a man loving his woman filled her ears. It was a sound that she wanted to hear again and again. 'Oh yes! Oh Daddy!' she cried, squirming under him, wishing that she was more adept in the art of loving a man, but Jenny was very, very sure he would come to her more. 'I'm going to fuck you every chance we have,' he moaned pumping her tiny pussy with long and very deep thrust, hoping he didn't hurt Jenny, but he needed to cum. She'd been driving him nuts since she started developing. Her full breasts, her slender waist, the ass John loved to watch and her seductive hips, but all the wanting was over, she was his. 'Ahh yes! I want you all the time!' Jenny moaned lifting her hips to his incoming cock, giving them both more breathtaking sensations than ever. 'It's so good!' she cried enjoying the feel of his cock pushing to her core. The same cock that made her twenty years and now, it was Jenny's. 'Fuck me harder!' she grunted, wanting to please him and ensure that he knew where to come for love. 'Fuck me Daddy!' Jenny cried, not caring if anyone heard or not. John couldn't believe that Jenny was taking him this easy and was begging for him to do it harder. 'I want you on your knees,' he said, carefully easing from her stretched and bleeding pussy. 'I love fucking from behind and I'll get to see,' he paused, watching his daughter turn, get on her knees and move her lovely ass to him. 'This!' he moaned as he caressed the beautiful ass he loved watching so much. 'Anything for my Daddy,' she whispered as he slid back into her pussy and it was great. 'Oh Daddy! It feels so good!' Jenny moaned as he pushed deeper, lifting her from the bed with his swollen cock. 'Fuck me! Fuck me like a whore! I'm Daddy's whore!' Jenny cried as John did as she asked, fucking her as hard and as deep as he could. 'My God!' he moaned fucking his once innocent daughter just as if she were a common whore off the street and she loved it. 'I'm going to be in this every chance I have.' John said looking down to watch his stiff cock sliding in and out of her body. 'It looks so good seeing it in you,' he said as he continued watching his stiff cock taking Jenny. 'I'm all yours. Do anything you want to me,' she moaned, wishing that she could see his face and the pleasure on it. 'Fuck me, Daddy. Fuck my pussy!' Jenny moaned laying her upper body on the bed, leaving her ass high in the air for Daddy to fuck her anyway that he wanted. John held her hips, fucking her with long and very deep thrusts in, knowing he wasn't going to last much longer. 'I'm going to fill you with so much cum,' he moaned and something came to mind. He didn't have any protection and knew Jenny wasn't on the pill. 'Oh fuck!' he thought wondering if it would matter as he continued. He heard stories of fathers fucking daughters and having very deformed babies, but they were having way too much fun to stop. 'Oh yes! Do it!' Jenny growled thinking of Daddy shooting his warm cum up her pussy and just how great it was going to feel. 'Cum in me!' she begged moving back and forth with his deep thrusts in her. 'Cum up my pussy! Fill it full, Daddy!' Jenny cried wondering how it was going to feel having the same cum that made her filling her pussy. 'You're so nasty,' he laughed pushing in her, knowing she was going to be so fun. All those lonely nights were over. From now on, he'd be with Jenny. 'Oh baby,' he whispered holding her tighter, pushing deeper and it happened. 'Oh fuck! Baby!' John moaned out as his big cock released, squirting cum deep into his daughters' body and committing the worst sin ever. It was bad enough that he was fucking his own flesh and blood, now he was cuming in her too. 'Yes Daddy!' Jenny squealed as his hot seeds shot into her and it couldn't have felt better. Her Daddy was now her lover. 'Daddy, I'm cuming too!' she cried as her pussy clamped down on him and she came hard. Jenny's body shook, her heart pumped like never before and it felt like fire was racing through her veins. 'Oh Daddy,' she moaned collapsing on the bed with his long, hard cock still deep in her. 'That was crazy!' she giggled, hoping it would be that good every single time. pics---->> http://bit.ly/2jj3ShK
Title: Going to The Beach Summary: Son and Mom find their own beach during quarantine.  Keywords:inc,fic,erotic,hot This summer has just sucked, and I mean really sucked. Try being a just turned twenty-one year old permanently horny male living in San Clemente California. I hit my twenty-first birthday, got ready for every drunken beach party I could find and blam here was the pandemic. What does that mean? No parties, no booze and especially no pussy. Like I said, this summer has sucked. I mean California was a bit better than some states on their lockdown, but the beaches were all closed, and that was all that really mattered to me. Why the beaches? Come on dude, it's like a smorgasbord of tight toned and tanned bodies in the skimpiest bikini's you can legally get away with and not be nude. If I didn't get laid, I at least got a ton of jack off material to hold me over. So for the last month plus it's been me, my rosy fist and the internet. I would say there was mom, but Jesus man that's my MOM. I mean yeah a lot of my buddies would have loved to bed her, hell they even tried a few times; much to my laughter. It's pretty much been mom and me since middle school; which was when Dad decided that married and a family interfered with his prowling. You have caviar at home and you're not satisfied; what a dick. Needless to say I haven't heard much from him, and I would be surprised if the next time he called he told me he had the clap. Mom used to claim I was a lot like him, I mean I don't like pussy, I fucking love it. But, I got a grip when I hit high school; tried to make it with one girl at a time; but now I play the field and try to stay safe. Being stuck at home with mom hasn't been too bad, we get along pretty well; mom is pretty open minded and cool; and I try not to be a pain in her ass; even if it is a nice ass. Who am I? The name is Bart Weathers; yeah so sue me for the name; or just blame my mom. My grandparents are left over hippies in California that's why I live with my mom, Cheyenne Weathers. It was mid-morning Friday; I had already finished my online courses when mom hollered at me to help. When I got to the front door I almost shit. The poor Amazon guy had a dolly and what looked like a refrigerator in a box, trying to maneuver it through the door. "I want it downstairs" Mom was telling him. Downstairs, why there I wondered? That was the home gym, what the hell did she buy now, I thought. I helped get it down the stairs and sure enough into the gym room; in the process damn near getting squished twice. Once there, and while mom gave the guy a nice tip for the extra work; I got a chance to take a look. It was a Wolff Tanning bed, and one of the nicer ones on the market. Well, that answered where our stimulus money went, not that it would hurt us I thought. Thank God the thing was pretty much assembled, thus the huge box. I knew the thing wasn't for me, which meant only one thing, Mom was into tanning; something I had never thought about. While we got along great, we had always respected the others privacy, so it had never been a topic of discussion. I decided to give mom a hand setting the thing up, it let me ask the questions going through my head. Needless to say I wasn't the only one missing the beach; what struck me as odd was that I frequented almost every beach, and in all the years I never saw mom there. "I didn't know you were into tanning" I said nonchalantly. Instead of answering, mom turned towards me and popped the two top buttons of her blouse. Pulling it open three things hit me at the same time. The first was the expanse of bronzed skin; the second was the expanse of tit flesh; the third was a sudden loss of blood in the rest of my body as my cock went from flaccid to rock hard in like two seconds. "Fuck" I whispered. "Is that for the tan or the boobs" mom half laughed. "Both" I admitted. "Thanks" mom gave that half smile. Wait a second, my brain finally registered. I had just gotten a gander at my mothers' nearly exposed breasts, and not only wasn't she pissed, she thanked me; what the hell was that about I wondered. We got the thing together and set up at the far wall, I rearranged the weight equipment and bench for more room. Mom figured it was time for dinner, so enough for one night. The next day was Saturday, no online classes. I woke with my usual morning wood and at first thought about a wank off session to start the day. The last time had actually taken more work than I wanted, so I figured burn some calories and frustration in the gym. I was stretched out on the work bench doing some presses when mom came strolling in. She was wearing her white terry cloth bathrobe and carrying a spray bottle of oils. "I hope you don't mind, I have plans this afternoon, so I wanted to try this thing out." She told me. "Go for it" I said. I refocused on my weights as mom played with the controls. I swear it was an automatic response to turn my head when the robe came off with a rustle. I literally froze with the barbell resting against my chest. One thought went through my mind; never again would I chastise my friends for calling my mom a MILF; holy shit. Under that robe was a pale blue thong bikini, if you can call three triangles of cloth a bathing suit. When she stretched to open the bed the string of her thong slid between the cheeks of her ass, and God what an ass. It was firm and tight and bronzed a golden brown. She had to wear the same suit when she lay out at the beach I figured. When she turned to climb in my eyes filled with what had to be 36C firm globes. I swear to God if there was any sag to those babies I didn't see it. They bulged around the two triangles that strained to keep her nipples covered; for all the good it did as two bullets pressed against the pale blue cloth. This woman was forty, and she had a body that put most twenty year olds at the beach to shame; and add to that I swore every square inch of her was a perfect golden brown. Her skin was glistening with the oil as she sprayed herself. As mom settled onto the bed, she turned and looked right at me. There was a glint in her eyes and a smile on her lips. "You can breathe now" she said softly. "Sorry" I mumbled back in embarrassment. "Don't be, we like being looked at." Mom said. "You like...what?" I was confused. "We like being looked at" mom laughed. "Look you go to the beach to gawk at boobs and butts, we go to gawk at the pecs and packages" she said. "This isn't exactly the beach" I complained. "Why not" mom said. "Just think of this room as your new beach and look away." "Fuck" I whispered. "Do me a favor" mom said suddenly. "Take your shirt off, you wouldn't wear it at the beach." Setting the weights on the holder I sat up, mom was watching as I reached up and pulled my shirt over my head. I admit, I spend a fair amount of time in the gym, and it's paid off. I have usually found a defined chest can get you more pussy than a defined brain. I rose from the bench and walked over to the Nordic Track; but this time I moved it a bit before I sat down, making sure I was facing mom. "Mmmmm nice" she encouraged me. "Are you enjoying the beach?" I teased her. "Very" there was a different tone to her voice, and she made no pretense as she stared at my body. "How long are you here for?" I asked. "Long enough for you to take care of that issue by the looks of things" she smiled. I knew what she was seeing, I mean you can only hide eight inches of steel hard cock so much, and I was sure there was an obvious bulge in my shorts. "Just enjoying the view" I figured I could tease right back. "Enjoy away baby" mom sighed. For the next ten to fifteen minutes I slowly worked at the Nordic while mom tanned. When she rolled onto her stomach my eyes went back to that fantastic ass, again noticing no marks anywhere on it. I had the insane thought of burying my face between those cheeks until she screamed. Normally such a thought would make me sick to my stomach; but it was as if being here in this room, making believe we were at the beach it seemed acceptable somehow. By the time her session ended I was leaking pre cum into my shorts. When she slid off the table and picked up her robe, she walked over to where I sat. There was zero effort on her part to hide her body so I made no effort to hide my raging cock. "Time to call it" she sighed. "I think I'll come back to the beach Monday, how about you" her eyes smoldered as she looked at me. "Hell yeah" I grunted. Mom nodded and walked to the door, as I watched those bare globes sway from side to side; honestly her ass was so good it was almost indecent. At the door she turned and smiled back at me. "You better take care of that thing before it explodes" she giggled. "I plan to" I admitted. "You better take care of that" I nodded at the obvious wet spot in the small triangle between her thighs. "I plan to" mom all but husked. "Just don't mind the noise" and she was gone. True to her word, as I lay on my bed, my fist going a mile a minute on my throbbing cock; I heard her lust filled scream echo across the house. The sound waves hit my spine, and then traveled down to my balls. With a grunt I spewed a huge load all over my spasming gut. I should have been ashamed about what had just happened; but I wasn't. The fact mom was so chill about it surprised me, but put me at ease. It was also fun to envision the beach, which is what got my brain to overworking. Sunday, I knew mom would be working. She is an administrator at the local hospital, and right now the management was taking turns covering weekends with all this shit going on. Actually I was glad because it gave me the house to myself. I honestly was a bit proud of myself; I was pretty damned creative if you ask me. First I took all the covers off the dropped ceiling lights, and then brought in some spare lamps from one of the bedrooms; taking off the shades gave even more light. By that time the room was lit up like neon. I then brought in the garage space heater and tucked it in the corner. I shut the door and tested it, yep took about half an hour and it was damned near ninety in the room. I then rearranged the weight and workout equipment more towards the other end of the room. It kind of cramped it but I played Tetris and got it to work. With a chunk of the room now empty, I spread two beach towels on the floor and laid out two of the loungers from the backyard. I then mixed up some Sangria and put it to chill in the fridge. Everything set I handwrote a sign and hung it on the door. I know it all sounds like a lot of work, but I really do love my mom, and the fact we both missed going to the beach just made it such a perfect idea to me. Besides, like I had anything better to do with everything in the state closed. The next morning I set my cellphone alarm so I could beat mom getting up. By working Sunday, they had given her Monday off, so this was going to be perfect. I cranked the heat up in the room, and then waited. Sure enough here came mom wrapped in her terry cloth robe, only this time I was sitting on the basement stairs waiting. She gave me a strange look as she moved past me, and then stopped at the closed door. She stood and read the sign 'Weathers Beach-Members only' and cracked a huge smile. "I assume we are the only members" she laughed. "Better believe it" I laughed back. "You might want to take the robe off first" I suggested when she reached for the door knob. I wasn't disappointed when the cloth fell away. She was wearing a bright yellow thong bikini this time, and I swore the triangles of cloth were even smaller than the first one; her tits threatened to burst out of her top as she turned the door knob. "Oh my God" mom breathed when the blast of hot air hit her in the face. I followed her into the room carrying our drinks. As I set them on the small table between our loungers, mom looked around the room. "Oh My GOD" she almost yelled. "It's perfect sweetheart." Before I knew it she had thrown herself into my arms and was hugging me like a momma bear. God, if I didn't have a hardon when she took the robe off, having that nearly naked body pressed against me sent every ounce of blood to my cock. "Our personal beach" her hot breath touched my cheek. She pulled back a bit, and looked down over the mounds of her breasts at the loose gym shorts I was wearing. "Aren't you a bit over dressed for the beach" her teeth glittered as she smiled. "Uhhh yeah" I said. Pulling back a bit I struggled and finally pulled my shorts down. This would be the final test I figured. It was a little tough because the whole time mom all but clung to me, as if she deliberately was putting her hot skin against mine. Once my gym shorts dropped, mom looked down again. There is a lot of clothes you can hide a hard on it, but a skin tight black speedo is NOT one of them. These were my showing off to the girls trunks, I figured if mom could show skin then fair was fair. Her eyes locked onto the obvious eight inches of hard cock encased inside the latex suit. "Mmmmm I could get used to this" she smiled. "Drinks first or tan first" I tried to redirect her. "First a drink; then tan; and then more drinks" mom clapped her hands. "We have all day and our own private beach" she smiled. As mom stretched out on the lounge chair, I got my first full view of her tanned legs. Firm and supple thighs gave way to trim ankles and light pink painted toenails. Everything about her screamed I am woman come and get me. "So you like being watched" I took a sip of my drink. "Ummmhmmm" mom said swallowing her cool drink. "Come on baby" she looked at me. "We tan hard, we workout hard, we watch what we eat; and we buy the skimpiest bikini we can find" she waved a hand at her suit. "Reward...a raging hardon" she laughed. "Jesus" I was shocked at her sudden honestly. "OK...only one rule" she looked at me with mom eyes for a moment. "In here...at the beach...we are Bart and Cheyenne...deal?" She held out her glass. "Deal Cheyenne" I clinked glasses with her. "So what makes you harder, the tits or the tan" she blew me out of the water with her question. I had to think clearly, It was evident we were playing a form of truth or dare; and mom wanted no reservations. I took a deep breath. "Actually it's both" I told her. "It's how it blends. You can have too much tan or even too much tit" I took a sip. "If that makes sense" I looked at her. "It does" mom nodded. "I think a guy can have too many muscles, and even too much cock." I felt my cock lurch at her words. She looked down at the bulge in my trunks. "Now eight inches I would say, that's just perfect" she smiled. "You have a good measuring eye" I laughed. "Oh there's a better way to measure" she had a sultry smile. "Eight inches would just tickle the back of the throat" I damn near spit out my drink at her words. "So my turn" God help me this was degenerating. "I didn't see much tan lines" Mom nodded and set her drink of the table. "I usually tan nude" my cock swelled at her words. "I worried you weren't ready for that last time." She picked up the spray oil bottle. "Do you mind?" she handed me the bottle. I rose to my feet and watched as mom rose in front of me. She may have stood, but her bikini top seemed to be weighted; as she quickly pulled the tiny strings at the sides, the small cloth drifting to the floor. "Holy fuck" I choked as her breasts came into full view. "Do you like them?" she whispered as she faced me. Like them, they were fucking perfect. Curved, standing straight out from her chest; I could tell they were natural; and firmer than most twenty year old tits I had seen. How a forty year old woman packed those was beyond me. They were capped by two puffy nipples, and her areoles were darkened and dimpled as her nipples hardened in the room air. What drove me insane was that both globes had a fantastic even bronze tan to them, evidence she wasn't kidding when she said she tanned in the nude. A whole myriad of words came to mind to describe them, none of them repeatable. Mostly it was Lickable, suckable and fuckable; so instead I just stood there and gawked. "If you like them so much, then you better oil them" mom's voice had gotten husky. I sprayed a thin layer of oil over her chest, then setting down the bottle, cupped her breasts. "Mmmmmm" mom moaned as I gently squeezed the twin globes. God, here I was standing two feet from my ninety percent nude mother, holding her breasts; I don't know who was enjoying it more, me or her. "Sensitive" mom gasped as my thumbs grazed over her nipples. I reached down and picked up the spray bottle again, this time putting a liberal coating to as much of her body as I could. One hand continued to knead her firm breasts while my other hand swept over her upper chest and belly. I tried not to miss a single spot and when I looked down to make sure I had gotten all of that washboard belly, my upper hand moved and my palm drug across her nipple again. "Oh God" Mom grunted Her hands shot out and gripped the wrist of my lower hand and with a jerk she jammed my fist between her thighs. I watched her eyes squeeze shut as her body shook for a moment; and I felt a wet heat through her bikini bottoms against my hand. As her body settled down she pulled back, and without a word slid onto the tanning bed. Well, all the fun was over for now so I headed back to my seat. Stretching out I looked over at her, I had a perfect profile view of her jutting breasts as she soaked in the artificial sun. "You're still wearing your bottoms" I commented as I reached for my drink. "If I take them off, I'll finger myself." Mom's voice was almost raspy. I took a slow sip of my drink, sorting all the comments that whirled through my mind. She had said this was honest time, and to treat her like Cheyenne, so I answered with the first thought. "Am I objecting" I said calmer than I really was. Her head rolled slowly to the side and she looked over at me. For a moment I thought she was going to not answer, and then she upped the ante. "Take yours off first" she told me. I don't know what possessed me, maybe the idea of being at the beach had really settled in my brain. I raised my hips from the lounger and slid my speedo's to my knees, kicking them free. I stretched out, enjoying the warmth of the room on my skin. I could feel the drop of moisture on my belly as my cock leaked pre cum. I saw her hands reach down and pull at the strings of her thong, then her ass lift a bit as she pulled the tiny cloth free. Reaching over the edge of the tanning bed, she dropped the cloth on the floor. Her eyes never left my throbbing cock as her fingers glided back down her oil slick belly. "Nnnngggg" she gave a soft moan as I heard the squelch of fingers dipping into her soaked channel. I reached down and wrapped my hand around my raging cock. Slowly I began to stroke up and down while I stared at her. "Sorry...I have to" I told her. "Am I objecting" mom grunted back. "Do you masturbate at your nude beach" I asked. "Sometimes" mom panted as her fingers slid in and out. "Do you usually cum" I had to ask. "Sometimes" she grunted again. "Are you going to cum" she asked with a hunger in her eyes. "Like a fire hydrant" I admitted. "My body?" she asked the obvious. "Your body" I agreed. "Tell me what you're thinking" she whispered. "I can't..." I panted as my hand picked up speed. "Tell me" she insisted. "Mom..." I was losing control fast. "You like my tits baby" she changed tactics on me. "Yes" I panted as my nuts started to tighten. "You like this tanned tight body" she moaned. "Yesssss" oh my God my balls began to ache. "What do you want to do to this body" she pushed the final button. "I want to fuck you" I said in total honesty. Mom let out this soft keening sound as her head rolled back. Her back arched off the tanning bed slightly as her body stiffened and then began to quiver. I had seen girls have orgasms before, but this was so erotic it blew my mind; this tanned gorgeous woman was cumming, knowing she was being watched. "Cheyenne" I whispered in a hoarse voice. My cock pulsed and then erupted in my fist. I was stunned as an arc of thick white cream shot into the air, and then splattered down onto my thighs. Mom's head rolled to the side and she watched as my nuts spasmed again, a second thick rope following the first. "Cum for me Bart" she urged me on. Cum, hell I was fucking empting my balls as I lay there in the heat of the room, staring at her tanned body. I had to admit, the idea of pumping my jism into that tanned belly brought out a third rope of white cream; it was like I was possessed as my body shuddered violently. By the time I was finished mom had slid off the tanning bed. Exhausted I watched as she bent down and picked up her discarded bikini bottoms. She walked over to where I lay on the lounger and when she bent beside my chair to retrieve her top, it brought her face just above my thigh. I shivered as I felt her warm tongue swipe through the trail of sticky cum on my skin. "Mmmmm nice" she said in a low voice. That was it, I just watched her as she left the room, panting like a puppy, wearing my cooling cream. It was as if it had never happened, like some weird dream. For three days I wanted to talk to her about what was happening, but I never got the chance. Between her work and my online class schedule it was like we lived in the same house but passed each other only briefly. To say it was frustrating was an understatement. Friday evening I spent time studying and I could hear mom rummaging around the house. She never said what was going on, so I just left the topic. I figured she needed time. I was right, but oh so wrong. She did need time, but not for what I thought. That became clear Saturday morning when she woke me about nine in the morning. "I'm heading for the beach" she said so calmly. "Joining me?" she looked at me. "Are you sure?" this was entering dangerous territory and I knew it. "I've never been surer in my life" Mom said softly. I rummaged in my room and found my speedos; and then headed down to the basement. The door was closed and I stopped at the sign. Mom had taken a red pen and added in between the words Weathers and Beach. The word 'nude' glared back at me, and I realized mom hadn't upped the ante, she was saying all bets were off. I slid off my speedos and reached for the door knob. With a deep breath I opened the door, and stepped into an almost fantasy world. Mom had been hard at work herself. The lounge chairs were off to one side, and there was now a large beach towel spread out on the floor. She had positioned two lamps so they shone directly on the towel, almost as if the sun were beating down. The temperature in the room had been increased; she must have been running the space heater for some time because it had to be over ninety. There was soft Hawaiian music playing in the background as I stepped inside. A nude mom walked past me, her nails scratching along my chest. "Hey Bart" she said with a sultry smile. "Hey Cheyenne" I watched that firm ass sway as she headed for the towel. She picked up the spray bottle and walked over to the tanning bed. Like a rock, I just stood there and watched as she covered herself in glistening oil. "Why don't you stretch out with your drink" she waved at the towel. "While I run my session" she slid onto the table. As mom stretched out on the table, I stretched out on the towel. Thank God for carpeting, it made it much more comfortable that I thought it would be. "Bart" her voice drifted across the room. "You know what's going to happen" she asked. "Yeah" I said hesitantly. "Does it bother you?" she questioned. "Only if it bothers you" I answered. "Bother me" mom gave a short laugh. "Honey, if I get any wetter I would short out the tanning bed" "I take it that you enjoy being watched" I tried not to laugh. "Watched...a little" mom admitted. "I guess I'm a bit of a narcissist; I like being admired" she told me. "Don't we all" I sipped more of my drink, feeling more relaxed as I realized half the glass was now gone. "True" mom laughed. "But being honest, I'm not young; and having young men admire you on a beach does something for your female ego" "You're not ancient either" I countered. "I'm forty Bart" mom turned her head and looked at me. "I'm not some twenty years old with stiff boobs and a tight ass" she sighed. "Bullshit" I barked. "Believe me you have a better rack than most and an ass to die for" I said harshly. "That's what I mean" mom shuddered. "Knowing you really think that; see that..." she paused. "I work hard to stay fit, and when I started tanning at the beach; and men started staring..." she just gazed at me. "It made you horny" I finished off my drink. I knew I had a buzz and it was loosening my tongue. "As hell" mom laughed. "I remember an eighteen year old who kept staring at me, his girlfriend almost ripped his nuts off" she laughed out loud. "Then the beaches closed" I said flatly. "Yes, the beaches closed" mom nodded. "It took away my tanning, which I figured the tanning bed would solve." "But it also took away the admirers" she turned on her side facing me. My eyes focused on those firm tits, tracing the curve and then down her body over her flared hip. I could feel my cock hardening in my lap, but I never made a move to hide it. "To be wanted...desired..." she said as she stared at my crotch. She slowly sat up on the edge of the bed, letting her legs hang off the side, sitting facing me. She eased her legs open just enough I caught a glimpse of those puffy shaved lips. "When you made this beach, it came back" she said softly. "The hungry eyes, like now; and the hard cock, like now" she stared at my now rock hard dick as it stretched up my belly. "Did you fuck them?" I asked staring into her eyes. God the drink had really hit me I thought. "Sometimes yes" she looked at me. "Does that bother you?" she asked. "No" and I was being honest. "You're not owned by me" I told her. Mom slid off the edge of the tanning bed and slowly walked towards me lying on the towel on my back. She stepped up, straddling my thighs to where when I looked up I was staring between her spread thighs. I could see the glisten of oil on her skin, and a thin trickle of juices on her inner thighs. She wasn't kidding, she was soaked. "Do you want to own me Bart" her voice was husky. "Don't tempt me Cheyenne" was all I could say. "What do you see; tell me" she choked out. "I see a set of tits I want to suck on" I admitted. "A tanned tight body I want pressed under me" "Oh God yes" mom moaned as she cupped her breasts. "Do you like my pussy baby" she asked. "Do you like Cheyne's' soaking wet cunt" as her language was devolving again I realized. "It looks delicious" I told her. "You say the sweetest things" mom moaned. I just lay there waiting, knowing this was going to end in the most beautiful way as mom began to kneel straddling me. Supple thighs wrapped on each side of my head as she faced towards my head. Her hands reached down and her fingers wrapped in my hair. "Time to enjoy our day at the beach" she husked. I reached up and gripped those tanned firm ass cheeks, one in each hand. Before she could set her balance, I jerked her body down. I heard her breath whoosh out with surprise, and then a deep groan as her pelvis ground into my face. Juices and oil combined to coat my face; her musky scent filling my nostrils. ""Unnngggg" her primal groan echoed in the room. I stiffened my tongue and jammed it up into her, splitting her lips and probing deep. Hot juices covered my taste buds; that tart thick cream seeping into my mouth. "Oh God...oh shit...baby" mom grunted above me. Her fingers curled in my hair, her nails scraping my scalp as she rode my mouth. I knew she was wound as tight as a drum, and I wanted to take the edge off so she could enjoy. I opened my mouth further and pulled the pearl of her clit inside. I admit the position was unique to me, I was usually stretched out between girl's legs when I gave oral; but I adjusted and focused on breathing through my nose as she ground down harder. "Oh my God...Oh my God..." mom chanted. Her body began to rock, and I could feel her thighs quiver against my face. Suddenly she lifted slightly, and literally twirled in place; this time when she settled down she was facing towards my feet. "I need..." I partially heard as her dripping pussy descended once again. She needed, I tried to think; and then it hit. A hot wetness engulfed the head of my cock, and I felt tight lips begin to slide down my shaft. A lot of women don't like giving head, but then a lot of guys aren't into pussy munching. Me I love the taste of a good pussy; and it was more than evident mom loved sucking cock when my entire length slid into her throat. "Mmmmgggggg" was all I got out as she drew back. Her lips pursed, and the most incredible suction pulled the length of my cock; I thought she was going to pull the boiling cum right out of my balls. Her head began to bob with a ferocity I didn't know she had, I attacked her dripping hole even as I felt the boiling quickly reaching critical. I was trying to focus on her, but was losing the battle very quickly. The heat had sweat dripping down my face as my head dropped back to the floor. My ass started to lift to meet her mouth as my balls pulsed. "Mom...oh God..." I moaned. Just as I felt I was going to lose it, a tight ring of fingers clamped around the base of my cock. I wanted to cum, I needed to cum; but it was like my sperm hit a stone wall as her mouth came free. I had never experienced orgasm denial before; holy shit was it mind bending. "Mom" I gurgled as my balls began to ache "Who's sucking you" she hissed back at me. "Mom" I groaned back. "Say it baby, tell me who" Mom's voice reverberated in my brain as my balls screamed for relief. "My mom...my mom is sucking my cock" I groaned. That tight ring around the base suddenly released and I don't know which won the race. The hot mouth that slammed down over my cock; or the exploding cum that erupted like a burst volcano. "FFFUUUCCCKKKK" I screamed as hot cream poured out of my balls. I heard mom swallow as the first thick wad hit the back of her throat. I reached up and gripped those firm ass cheeks, and yanked her lower body down; my mouth sucking in her throbbing clit, nipping it with me teeth. "Barrrmmmffffffff" Mom tried to cry out; cut off as a second rope literally blasted down her throat. A sudden gush of hot fluids washed over my face as her thighs clamped around my head. I felt her body quiver as her orgasm tore through her. I had never wanted a woman as badly as I wanted her right then. With a thrust of my hips and twisting my body violently I all but threw her off as my cock popped free of her mouth with an obscene plop. I heard mom give a squeal as she sprawled out on the towel on her back. I could still taste her on my tongue and lips as I moved between her thighs. Reaching down I gripped under her knees, lifting her legs and opening them. I didn't even need to aim, I had just blown a load and my steel hard cock was pressing against her fat lips. "Oh God baby; we can't...we shouldn't..." Mom started to babble. She may have thought oral was enough; hell I was just getting started. She may have had a sudden attack of morals; but the only moral issue I had was being inside her...NOW. With a grunt I pushed forward on my knees. "Baby we...ooohhhhhh...shhhiitttttttttttttttt" Mom moaned as eight inches of hard meat sank into her sopping hole. "God you're fucking tight" I moaned as her walls wrapped around my dick. "Been...awhile...oh fuck" mom gasped back. "Then let's loosen things up" I half growled. I pulled back until just the crowned head was inside, and with a wet slurp rammed back home. I felt my balls slap her ass as mom let out a piercing scream. "Awwww FFUUCKKKKK YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS" mom wailed under me. By the third stroke, every shred of resistance had crumbled. Mom pulled her legs free and wrapped them around my waist, her supple tanned thighs gripping me. Her hands came up and nails dug into my pectorals as I pounded down into her. "Give it to me baby; give me all you've got" Mom husked up at me. I did exactly what she told me to; I put everything I had into it. I mean I all but hammered her ass to the floor as the heat of the lights bore down on my back like the noon sun. I watched those tanned globes sway and bounce on her chest, leaning down I sucked one diamond hard nipple into my mouth. Her hands slid around and gripped my biceps as she pulled her head up, her hot breath in my ear. "That's it...God yes fuck me...oh My God" Mom panted. "Show everyone on this beach how you fuck your momma so good baby." It was like her words lit a bonfire in my groin, I picked up the pace, throwing my entire weight into every thrust. Popping her nipple loose I stared into mom's eyes. "I'm going to fill you" I told her. "Right here in front of everyone; your son is going to cum deep inside you." I egged her on. "Not...protected" mom grunted between strokes. "Tell me to stop" I said it, but I knew she was well beyond that. "No...God please" mom all but mewled. "Don't stop...so close...oh God" she begged. I watched her eyes grow in wonder as her orgasm barreled down on her, and there was nothing she could do to stop it as I pounded her dripping pussy. "Cum mom" I told her. "They're watching you cum on your son's cock". That pretty much did it right there. I watched her face transform into raw lust, as her body convulsed under me, her hips driving up to slam her pelvis into mine. "Watching...son's cock...I'm going...going..." mom croaked out. "BAAARRTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT" mom screamed as hot cream splashed against my belly. Mom really was a squirter when she cut loose, it felt like I was taking a shower in hot pussy cream as she drenched me a second time. I felt the most incredible thing as a hot velvet vise clamped around my cock, the walls rippling and pulsing; every sensation went straight to my balls and set off my own explosion. "Mom I moaned; it was the only word I could get out. It was like my body seized rigid; I actually felt the hot cream leave my balls, travel down my shaft, and erupt from the tip. I admit, I had never cum as hard as I did right then, inside my mother. "Oh Jesus...so wrong...so good" mom whispered. Her legs relaxed and slid from around my waist, her tanned thighs opening wide accepting my load as she lowered them to the blanket. I felt her body quiver under me as a second gush of hot fluids soaked my pubic hair and dripped down my balls. She was right; what we were doing was legally and morally wrong; but it had never felt this good; even as a second thick rope filled her belly. For Pics visit:---->>> https://cutt.ly/hwsMVhC
Title: Stepdad's Summer Secretary Ch.01 Summary: Rebellious girl works summer job at her stepdad's office. Keywords: inc,fic Cassie Devlin sat across from her mom and stepdad at the large wooden dining room table of their Seattle waterfront home. In the background and out the numerous sliding glass doors, you could see a late-night patrol ship passing by out on Lake Washington. The home, like all the other gorgeous entries neighboring to it, was well appointed. The back yard emptied out onto an in-ground jacuzzi and small gated flower garden, which led out to the family's boathouse and dock. Cassie was very excited because today was her 18th birthday and she was fresh off of her recent high school graduation. Her mom had promised her that if she had gotten in to any of her loftier college goals, the family would be there to support her all the way through it. And Cassie had done just that. She'd be heading off to Stanford in the fall and she knew that meant that her mom would probably be helping her out quite a bit. Cassie couldn't wait to find out what her present or presents were. The family was definitely well off. Cassie had never had to worry about where money would be coming from or how she'd be getting through her early adulthood. It hadn't always been this way. When Cassie was very young her father had passed away quite suddenly, leaving her very young mother to raise a single child and work all the jobs and yadda, yadda, yadda. You've all seen the movie before. But it worked out in the end. Cassie's mom, Emily, was still a strikingly beautiful women in her twenties when she met Cassie's stepdad, a good looking guy in his early 30's that was quickly rising up the Seattle architecture power charts. Emily too had found success in her dress design company and the family story was quickly propelled into a higher tax bracket and a much more comfortable way of life. They were lucky. The two social climbers quickly fell in love, and after dating for a few years they decided to remarry. It just made sense. Cassie was ten when they made it official, and being that she had never really known her original father due to how young she was when he passed, the family decided as one that everyone would be changing their last name to 'Devlin.' Cassie didn't mind. She loved her mom and was happy to see her so happy. She also liked her stepdad quite a bit. They had always gotten along and while the relationship never quite developed in exactly the same way as it had with her own mother, she was glad for their modern family and the way they all made it work. Her stepdad sort of became like a cool best friend around the house while her mom tended to handle anything involving punishment or discipline. She liked James for this. He didn't try to play some character from a Lifetime original movie; he just allowed their relationship to play out in a way that was easiest for everyone. She loved them both and she occasionally called her stepfather "dad" rather than just "James." When it came time for discipline though, this was where Cassie had found so many of her loopholes. Because James was only her stepdad, Cassie played the system and often found herself getting into trouble just because she could. Most of her punishment came from her mother, who currently was in the process of finding success in her own very busy career, which made it pretty easy for Cassie to do just about whatever she wanted. This led to a dramatic swing midway through high school for the rambunctiously independent girl. She found boys, she found parties, and she found all of the wonders therein. As a career good girl, she relished the feeling of finally getting to be bad. Because of this sudden downswing in her sparkling grade school resume, she ended up having to retake a class or two and batten down the hatches in order to save her collegiate dreams. She hated to admit it but, if she was being honest with herself, she had become too spoiled under the magnificent roof of her stepdad's skyrocketing career. His design firm had won a number of city contracts in the previews years and the family suddenly started to see more zero's filling up their various banks accounts. As an only child Cassie wildly benefited from the familial trickle down economics of her parent's combined successes. Cassie knew she had them as an anchor and in knowing this, she almost ruined her chances with one of her dream schools as her high school partying and general lack of caring became more prominent in her older teen years. Luckily, she hadn't gone completely overboard. Her parents had finally clamped down with some ultimatums and she'd stuck with the program her mom and stepdad had set in place for the last six months of her time in high school. Somehow, against all odds, she'd pulled her academic standing back into place just in time for applications. And now here she was, sitting down at the table with her parents as they sat in front of her and smiled at their little girl all grown up. She could hardly contain her excitement. "Happy 18th Birthday my wildly adventurous daughter!" Her mother said as she placed a funfetti cupcake with a single candle in front of her (well maybe not TOO grownup). Cassie quickly blew it out as she made a gigantic wish with her eyes squeezed shut, and then as she opened them back up her stepdad handed her a single, square box with fancy, black wrapping-paper and white bow that he'd been hiding under the table. Cassie could hardly contain herself. She quickly opened up the card, read the sweet message inside, and then ripped open the package to reveal a beautiful, dark-wooded box with four drawers featuring polished brass leaf-handles. It was a hand-carved jewelry box that she had made eyes at while window-shopping in the city some months prior with her mom. She pulled the first drawer out because she knew this wasn't all. Not with how much money her step-dad made, this was definitely only the beginning. She knew she'd upheld her end of the bargain. They would too. They couldn't help but spoil her. In the first drawer of the jewelry box was a set of keys with a fob featuring the JEEP logo. She squealed with joy as she ran over to the window and looked out to see a black Jeep Wrangler with a giant yellow bow draped across it sitting in their front drive. She came back to the table where her parents hadn't moved and hugged them both profusely as she thanked them and kissed them on the cheeks. She sat back down and opened the next drawer and found another set of keys. She knew right away they were the keys to her apartment in the city. She squealed again as she clutched them to her chest. For months Cassie had been begging her mom to get her an apartment for the summer in Seattle. She reasoned that it would be the best gift ever. She didn't need some fancy European vacation or some random cruise to the Bahamas like some of her friends were doing to celebrate their 18th's, just an apartment for the summer so she could experience being out on her own. Her parents had held firm though, telling her that there was no way that was going to happen unless she focused fully on school and turned her grades and college apps around. And so she did. Cassie was bursting with joy. She was gobsmacked at the birthday haul so far. She opened the third drawer and found an American Express card. "Are you kidding me?" She said as she smiled at them both across the table. "It has a limit on it!" her Mom said as she explained that the card should only be used for regular city expenses and an appropriate amount of fun, nothing too crazy, "And we're taking it back at the end of the summer young lady so don't get too attached to having an unlimited stream of credit!" And then when she thought things couldn't get any better, she opened the fourth drawer...and she was right, they couldn't actually. "What is this?" She asked, as she took out a name-badge lanyard with 'Cassandra Devlin' written across it in bold font. Above her name sat the Devlin A&D logo of her stepfather's company in downtown Seattle. "That, my dear, is your summer job," her stepfather finally spoke up. Cassie slumped a little back into her chair. There was always a catch in life, wasn't there? Cassie had hoped to spend the summer doing absolutely nothing. She wanted to go out dancing and meet boys and have lots of fun with her friends before going off to school, and now it seemed like that was all fading away. "Look," her mother started, "We love you a lot, but these last six months have not been fun for any of us and James and I just thought that maybe it'd be good for you to work a summer job before school so you can get some work experience...see how the real world operates before attempting to conquer it yourself." Her mother explained. "Mommmmm," Cassie groveled, "I reallllly didn't want to work this summer I thought I'd have the summer off to, ya know relax and meditate so my brain is, umm, FULLY ready to expand it's learning at Stanford!" She batted her eyelashes across the table, though she knew she wasn't going to get out of this one. She knew if she actually complained she might lose the car, the apartment, the credit cardand okay, so whatever, so she'd be working some dumb job for her stepdad. She'd still be in the city at night and she could go out and party all she wanted, she figured. "Okay, well, thank you guys so much for all of this...this is amazing...so, two questions: When do I move in?" She held up the apartment keys. "And when do I start?" She held up the name badge. "We're moving you in next weekend hun," her mom said. "And you start the job that next Monday!" Her stepdad said right after. "Uhm, okay, I can do that. I can do this. This is cool. You guys are awesome. Thank you both so much!" She said, determined that everything would work out just fine as she smiled at her stepfather. "So what type of work am I going to be doing?" She said as she figured it'd be something easy like organizing letters in a mailroom somewhere on the ground floor. "Well Cas, you're going to be my secretary for the summer," her stepdad said, "my regular secretary is out on maternity leave for the next three months and it's a very high-paced and important job and if your mother and I are going to be supporting you throughout school, we want to see you that you've got some moxy in you for this kind of stuffto make sure you're ready. " "A secretary?" Cassie asked, looking a little worried. "Don't they have like, a million things to do?" "Ah yes, and who better to do those things than the lovely daughter we just gave a car, apartment and credit card to for the summer of her 18th birthday." Her mom responded matter-of-factly as she smirked at her daughter with suggestively raised eyebrows. "Yes, of course mom! You guys really ARE the best, have I mentioned that lately? How great you both are??" Cassie batted her eyelashes. "And who knows, maybe I'll end up being James's best employee and he'll have to like, fire a bunch of people cuz I'm doing all their jobs myself," Cassie joked as she bit into her cupcake. "Sure goofball, if you come into work at my office and find a way to somehow save me numerous employee's salaries' worth of money, your mother and I will up the monthly limit on the credit card." The family laughed and shared a nice moment before heading out to take a look at Cassie's new Jeep. She spent the rest of night thanking them over and over again. She was about to have her own place in the city and she was only 18. Life was pretty amazing sometimes. Later that night, Cassie had fallen asleep on the couch of the family room as the TV flashed in the background. She slept soundly as James came down to check on her and he saw his stepdaughter with her legs lightly spread as she slept. She was only wearing a t-shirt, which had ridden up to show her light-blue Victoria's Secret booty shorts. James couldn't help but find his eyes drifting over her developing body as she slept there. She was definitely her mother's daughter. Her dark hair fell around her shoulders. And her breasts were only a b-cup but they seemed like they were constantly firm in whatever she was wearing. Her legs were toned like her mom's, and her butt had benefited greatly from the family genes and the mother/daughter Yoga classes that Cassie and her mom had been doing for years. It was round and stuck out from the rest of her body in ways that seemed almost unfair for a girl her age. James shook his head as he admired her for a moment longer than usual. Her skin was surprisingly light considering her other features. She was half-Irish and half Spanish on her father's side, so the combination was something wildly exotic in it's own right. Dark, curved inviting physicality but with a soft creamy skin dotted all over with freckles. He pulled her shirt down over her panties to cover her, picked her up like he had done so many times over the years, and then carried her up the stairs to tuck her into bed. "Goodnight Dad," she said with a yawn as he kissed her forehead and left the room. She liked the way his stubble felt as he kissed her and she drifted off to sleep with visions of summer city partying dancing along in her head. What a great night it had been. *** Soon the following weekend had come along and Cassie and her mom and her stepdad were moving her in to her city apartment in downtown Seattle. The downtown area was where Devlin A&D kept their high-rise headquarters and Cassie was only a couple of blocks away from where should would be working, so her parents had clearly set her up for success. They spent the weekend sharing memories about pieces of furniture and keepsakes as they packed and unpacked boxes at each location. They finally finished early that Sunday evening and Cassie's apartment was officially all moved in. James had ordered a large pizza from a delivery spot downstairs and the three of them sat around the breakfast nook table in Cassie's loft devouring the sausage and pepperoni pie while James cracked open a few beers. He gave one to Cassie, too. He wasn't an idiot. He'd been her age once too. "Thanks pops!" Cassie cheered as she clinked bottles with him and took a swig of the amber ale. Emily clicked at her husband but she too knew that Cassie was already drinking. "If I can't have a drink with my daughter then what is the point?" He joked as Emily simply shook her head at the two of them, thick as thieves, and poured herself a glass of wine from the white she had brought over. After saying their final mother/daughter emotional goodbyes, Cassie hugged her parents and saw them off. James had reminded Cassie of the email he had sent her explaining the next day's instructions for her first day of work. She came back inside her loft and flopped down on her bed, stretching her body out of all the various aches and pains that inevitably came with moving. She stared out at all of the unpacked boxes scattering the apartment. There would be lots to do over the course of the week-decorating and reestablishing a home. It was a cute little corner loft in a set of industrially chic apartments that had sprung up over the last decade near the downtown area. She had a good amount of space in her kitchen and dining area and living/sleeping area. The room itself sort of doubled as the living area, as it stepped down into the corner of the space with large-wrap around windows to filter in large amounts of sunshine when there was sunshine to be had. She loved it. It was a sexy apartment, and she planned on having a lot of very sexy fun in this apartment now that she didn't have to worry about her parents hearing any noises coming from her room. In fact, she suddenly remembered a guy having given her his number recently at a club she had snuck into a few months prior. What was his name again? Ahh yes, Blake. She had so much to get down. She had work the next day. But...she also had her own apartment...and no one was there to tell her what to do next. On a whim, she pulled up his number and texted him to ask if he still lived in downtown Seattle. Blake: Uhh, who's this? Cassie: This is Cassie, we met at Spark a couple months back. I was the girl with the tiny white skirt that you followed around all night until finally giving me your number, remember?" Blake: Oh yeah! Hey! Never thought I'd actually hear from you. How have you been? Cassie: Pretty great as of late. Do you still live in downtown Seattle? I remember you telling me that you lived right downtown. As she texted this, her hand drifted down between her legs and lightly touched herself. She inwardly debated how brave she was feeling. Blake: Yeah, I do, why are you out and about? Want to meet up and go dancing tonight? Cassie: Yeah, that sounds nice I guess. There was a pause in the texting as the text-in-progress dots blinked on Blake's phone as she worked on another message. Cassie: I was actually wondering if maybe you'd just want to come over to my new apartment and let me ride your cock for the next few hours? Blake: . . . Cassie: I take it that's a yes? Blake: Fuck yes! Where do you live? I can come right now. Cassie texted her address and told him to bring alcohol. He showed up 10 minutes later with a bottle of tequila and a lime and Cassie spent the next few hours breaking in her new apartment with this stupidly lucky boy. They got drunker as the night went along, body shots and heavy fucking. This is what Cassie had been craving for so long. She was finally on her own and if she wanted to bring a boy over to fuck she could do so whenever she felt like it. They fucked on every surface that wasn't covered in boxes. Then they fucked on the boxes. She felt amazing. Everything was incredible. She closed her eyes as her head swam with the buzz of the cheap tequila. Then there was more buzzing. Suddenly the buzzing was louder and not so wonderful. Ugh, that buzzing. What was that? It was like needles to her brain. FUCCCK!! She sat up suddenly in bed and looked over at her last backup alarm that she had set from the night before. It was already 10:00 AM which meant she was already an hour late for her first day of work. Blake had clearly let himself out sometime during the night and she looked around the apartment to see the various pieces of clothing and empty shot glasses that dotted her furniture. She checked her phone and saw that she had a couple of text messages messages. Blake: Thanks for that completely amazing surprise last night. Had to head to work. Text me if you want to have some more fun you sexy little thing. And then there was also a text from her stepdad. James: First day of work and you're already late. Are you fucking kidding me Cas? She felt terrible, she popped up from bed and downed a couple of migraine pills and a bottle of water. She threw an outfit together thought it definitely needed to be ironed and she didn't have the time. She quickly put up her hair in what might pass for okay and then hastily did her makeup. After brushing her teeth and grabbing the rest of her things she was out the door and running towards her job. She got there by 10:30 and walked into her dad's wing of office trying her best not to make eye contact with anyone as she went. She was still a little buzzed from the tequila marathon the night before and definitely a little bruised. Her Dad saw her walking in from a windowed conference room and excused himself. He walked over to her with his arms folded and a stern expression. "Okay look, before you say anything, I'm very sorry. I fucked up. I will not be late again!" Cassie pleaded with her stepdad. "Okay, you get one free pass," he said, "but if this happens again there's going to be trouble." He led her over to his own corner office area where her desk would sit just outside and face the double doors of his roomy perch. "This will be your desk," he said, as she got situated. "That's your email and login info," he said pointing towards a piece of paper in front of her. "I need you to familiarize yourself with the phone systems and make copies of these stacks of documents you see here." He pointed to a large bundle of documents that sat in her desktop inbox. He showed her where everything was. The file drawers for various categories of important clients. Contact information. His own neatly appointed schedule folder. He showed her all of her various duties she'd be expected to attend to along with whatever else he might need her for. He squeezed her shoulder and leaned down closely to her ear, barely noticing a hickey that was attached to the lower part of her neck before it disappeared into her blouse, "Oh and there is some mouthwash in my lower desk drawer-make sure you don't meet anyone today smelling like Tequila-Sunrises," he said as he arched an admonishing eyebrow at her and strode out of the room. Cassie put a hand up to her mouth in shock. She was so embarrassed. What a start. After that things quieted down for a bit. The first week or so went pretty smoothly at her stepfather's firm. She learned the ropes through trial and error and got better at the phones and the schedule-keeping and the daily tasks set up before her. Cassie was fairly well-liked in the office, though part of that might've been from her injection of her youthful good looks and her constantly-fun demeanor. She was a city girl embracing a city girl persona and she was fun to be around no matter the circumstance. The problem was that, after a while, the job became too boring. Cassie started caring less about how she looked when she came into work, often throwing on a pair of dark jeans and a blouse that was either business casual or club casual depending on who you asked. When she finished her work early she would often roam the office to see which of the men at the firm she could flirt with the most. There were a couple of guys that she could probably see herself having a little bit of fun with, but then again, she knew none of them would take that sort of chance with her being the stepdaughter of the company president. If she was being honest with herself though, the hottest guy in the office WAS actually her stepdad. She hadn't always seen him that way. When she was younger she had always sort of looked at him like he was one of those trustworthy guys from a Cialis advertisement, rugged and working on his boat and not afraid to live life. But she had to admit now that she had grown older and more observant of such things, her mother had great taste. James Devlin was probably in his prime. He was in his early forties with a full head of salt and pepper hair with a trimmed beard to match. His body defied his age. He'd spent the last however many years by starting out his mornings with a rowing session out on the lake where his home sat. When the rain was too heavy or water too rough he'd go down to their covered boathouse where he had a rowing machine put in. He had one of those natural tans that seemed to just stick on people that spend any solid amount of time outsideit just never went away. He was business savvy, and his warm smile drew people into him and allowed them to trust him almost instantly. He was 6'1 and people simply noticed when he walked into a room. He held a person's attention with a physical presence and keen eye for observation. When it came to James Devlin, you wanted to be in business with him the moment you met him. His designs were vibrant and interesting. He saw the modern city differently than the cubists of the past. He was incredibly intelligent, and his passion for what he did permeated the very walls of the office. You could just see the sort of energy people took from him when they interacted at the office or out in the world at large. Cassie had always known all of these things about her stepdad but she suddenly found herself thinking about his physical characteristics in a new way mostly due to her work desk facing his for all hours of the day. He rarely closed his office door unless on a private call or in a meeting and he often just shouted for Cassie to come in when he needed something as she was already close enough to just hear him. Sometimes she would zip through her tasks or finish certain elements of her work early and then just pretend to look busy while she browsed the internet. She'd get horny at work all the time and sometimes she couldn't help but check out her stepdad as she sat there thinking about all the trouble she was going to get into that weekend with whatever prize she bought back to her apartment. He was so impressive to watch, especially when he was in the zone or working on a thrilling new project. It was no wonder the company had found such success. He was relentless. She wondered if any of the other women around the office had ever attempted to make a move on her stepdad. It must've happened. Even with that ring on his finger, he had to be a moving target for some of these ambitious working girls he encountered. Unfortunately for Cassie, all of this daydreaming also started to negatively affect her work around the office. Her stepdad had started to notice some of the laziness of Cassie's paperwork. There were incomplete messages that she took down with important information left out. She flip-flopped a couple of meetings on his calendar one week which cause quite an uproar with a VIP client. She arrived late occasionally, left early even more occasionally, and her outfits were at times uninspired, or simply inappropriate for work. He called her into his office a couple of weeks into the job and sat her down. It was a Friday afternoon and he showed her three architecture contracts that had been typed out incorrectly and with the wrong format. These had been Cassie's handiwork and she knew she was in trouble. He knew he had to do something but he wasn't sure what exactly. James had never been anything but a close friend to his stepdaughter and he wasn't quite sure what, if anything, he'd be able to say that would change her work ethic around the office. He remembered laying in bed with his wife the night before and talking to her about his predicament. She was going over veil designs for an upcoming dress show and trying her best to listen as she double-tasked. He wasn't sure how to approach Cassie in a way that she would actually listen. That wasn't their dynamic. He'd always been the fun stepdad that helped her get away with stuff behind her mom's back. He asked his wife if she had ever been able to get Cassie to ACTUALLY listen and follow directions for longer than a passing moment. His wife had laughed at the question. "The only way I was ever able to get that girl to be obedient was by spanking her," she said. He looked over at her and dipped his reading glasses to the end of his nose. "I don't think I can spank my 18 year-old stepdaughter, much LESS my 18 year-old stepdaughter company employee. HR tends to look down on that sort of thing." Emily laughed and shrugged as she continued on with her work. James tried to read his book, but the suggestion resonated with him. He snapped back to the moment at hand as he heard Cassie clear her throat as she sat in the chair across from his desk. "Look Cas, I don't know if this is working out, I don't know if you're going to be able to give this job the type of focus I need you to give it," he said as she absent-mindedly played with her hair. "James I'm sorry, I'll do better, I'm still learning, I've had a lot going on," she tried to make excuses as her phone dinged with another new distracting text message from a boy she'd been flirting with. The timing was very bad. "Cassie you've been coming in late again. You look unkempt and unprofessional when you come in and the other employees notice it. You've been making a lot of mistakes lately and don't pretend I don't know the difference between you working on your computer and you surfing through Buzzfeed for an hour on your phone," he said as he scolded her. "Yes, but I'm only 18! I'm bound to make mistakes right? The whole young and impressionable thing?" She tried to joke around with him and pout in a way that might spur on some of his classic push-overness that she was very used to exploiting. "Look, I'm serious this time. This job is too important and I can't keep saving your butt because you're my stepdaughter. There are lots of new college graduates out there that would love to have your job and be on the ground floor of this company so if you don't want the job, then fine. You can give back the keys and I do mean ALL of the keys and the credit card and you can figure out Stanford on your own. Just because we have money doesn't mean we're going to be stupid with that money, Cas." Her stepfather was not messing around. This was the sternest she could ever remember him being with her. She was a little hurt, and also a little pissed off. "I'm going to give you a week Cassie. Show me that you deserve to keep this job. Dress professionally and presentably. Come in on time and leave on time. Get your shit done. I want to see you put some sweat into this job. Then after a week we can decide whether you get to keep this job and live in your own place for the summer," he said as he dismissed her. She spent the rest of the evening fuming. She wasn't allowed to leave until she fixed the files, which kept her at work three hours past closing. She had to cancel her date that night and the extra work at the end of a long week left her incredibly angry. Cassie had always gotten her way. She wasn't used to actually being scolded for things and she didn't respond well to discipline because she didn't really feel like she needed any. So what that she had grown up mostly without a father figure? She didn't need one. She was independent and whip-smart and knew how to take care of herself and discipline was for suckers. These and tons of other thoughts rattled through her mind as she begrudgingly finished fixing the last of her mistakes and left the office for the night, passing a janitor in the lobby as she walked out into the crisp night air. But now she was determined, not so much to fall in line, but to rise to her stepfather's challenge. If he wanted her to be the good little cookie-cutter secretary that never fucked up, she was going to become all of that and more. An idea formed in her head and suddenly she was smiling wickedly at the possibilities. She knew EXACTLY what she was going to do next and she licked her lips at the deviousness it of it. When the alarm went off that next morning, Cassie jumped out of bed and got ready. She wore a cute pair of shorts and comfy tank top and then headed off to the nearby mall to do some very serious shopping. She fingered the edge of the credit card in her back pocket as she strolled into the designer midway. She bounced from store to store with a plan to set in motion. She cut her hair and had it styled-it curled just above her shoulders with small bangs across her face. She got a manicure and a wax. A couple of form-fitting high-backed pencil skirts in black and gray and brown. Similarly slimming blouses that showed off some cleavage in a subtle way. She bought a couple of expensive heels and updated her makeup accessories. And then finally she had arrived at her final destination, 'Agent Provocateur.' This was probably her favorite store on the planet, though she had never had her own 3,000 dollar-limit credit card before and you couldn't exactly ask for high-end lingerie for Christmas from your parents. She took over a dressing room and worked with a cute pixie-cut salesgirl as she brought her out numerous different sets to try on. She particularly fell in love with a matching Poppie bra and panty set. The fabric was translucent pink with black polka dots and a black outline. She added the matching suspenders and black stockings to complete the look. As she stood and admired her blooming sexiness in the full-length mirror, the salesgirl did a little whistle. "Damn, yeah, that's definitely the one," she said with a twinge of longing in her voice. "Would you put it all on this?" Cassie asked as she handed the sales girl her card. As the girl left the room to ring up all of her purchases, Cassie admired the way her lithesome body filled out the lingerie. "Thanks daddy!" She thought to herself. As she ran her hands up and down her body. *** That next Monday at work, James Devlin was one of the first to arrive, just like always. As he stepped into his office in the early morning hours he was surprised when he saw an attractive women bending over in a pencil skirt near the break-room coffee machine. A client, perhaps? The black pencil skirt rode up her slim waste and she wore a pastel blouse with her hair pulled up behind her in a bun with trimmed bangs. She was also wearing heels and stockings with light lace accents. He couldn't remember any clients having an ass like this one. "Excuse me miss, might I be of assistance?" James said, as he approached her from behind. "Actually yes, you can, how the hell do you get this thing to make an Americano?" Cassie said as she turned around and saw the incredible look of surprise on her stepfather's face. "CASSIE?!" He said as he gawked at his completely transformed stepdaughter. She'd gotten her hair done. Her makeup looked more sophisticated. Her nails were recently manicured. Even her outfit was brand new and ironed and she looked way too much like a full-grown woman for him to know exactly what to say next. "Well hello Mr. Devlin!" Cassie snapped right back, curtsying a little for her father. She knew how amazing she looked, and she could tell he was a little blown back by it all. "I didn't realize it was you!" He said as he drank in her entire outfit. He could see the flowery pattern of her bra straps towards the tops of her pastel blouse and he suddenly felt like this throat was very dry. "Well, it's like you told me, you wanted me to clean up my act and present myself a little more professionally at the office, so, I went all out." She said as she smiled at him and straightened her hands along her skirt. She grabbed the coffee as it finished brewing. "Ah, right, of course," he said, still a little flabbergasted. "Well Dad, you know the drill, I've gotta get to work. Lots to do today. The Sundry Townhome project is due for completion on Friday!" She picked up an apple from the fruit basket on the counter and shined it against her blouse, then without waiting for him to say anything more, she clicked past him with her heels on the tiled breakroom floor as he watched her shapely ass turn the corner and out of sight. Over the next few weeks Cassie's performance improved dramatically. She was showing up on time and getting her work done. And not only that, she was absolutely radiant every time she walked in. Certain men in the office started to notice her more, talk to her more. They'd stare at her as she sauntered by their desks. And James noticed all of this too. Now he was the one who couldn't stop staring every time his ridiculously attractive stepdaughter walked by. Now he found himself staring up from his desk during the day and occasionally having unthinkable thoughts about the girl whose legs would cross and uncross beneath those tight skirts she wore below her desk. It was like a nuclear armistice had been set in place. There was a tension there, but the dust had settled and everything seemed to be going well. It seemed like all of the trouble was fully behind them a couple of weeks later when something entirely unexpected happen. James was looking for his stepdaughter one afternoon to ask about a correction she had made in one of the files but she was in a meeting with another client to take down some notes for him and so he'd had to look through her desk to see if he could find the particular file. As he opened up a file cabinet on the bottom of the desk, he searched through the hanging folders until his hand came into contact with something he wasn't expecting. It was a small vape pen. As far as he knew, Cassie didn't smoke. He went to smell the pen and instantly recognized the unmistakable smell of weed. He sat up from her desk and took the pen into his office. He was fuming. He didn't really care if his stepdaughter smoked weed. He'd smoked weed. His wife still did for Christ sake. And they lived in Washington. It wasn't too big a leap in logic to know that his stepdaughter probably partook, but having it at work was absolutely too much. If anyone had found it, it would've been a disaster for everyone involved. James sighed as he thought about what to do. Cassie had been doing so well. She had turned everything around and it seemed like she was finally listening to him and taking direction. Fellow employees had really taken a liking to her and she had definitely enhanced the entire workplace. But maybe this too was just one more brilliant con by his irresistible stepdaughter. He started to think of how she had been dressing, sexy but just professional enough so as to not get in trouble for it. He thought of the way she would touch his back or his arm when she dropped off paperwork for him to sign. He thought of how often she seemed to be dropping things around him just so she would be forced to bend over and pick them up. The way she had chewed on her bottom lip and occasionally on the bottom of a pen while she filled out forms at her desk, her arm often absent-mindedly rubbing her neck as she stretched. Had she been completely fooling him this entire time? Maybe her mother was right. Maybe there really was only one thing left to do. When Cassie arrived back at her desk 20 minutes later she came into her stepdad's office to see if he wanted to order out for lunch. "Cassie, shut the door." James said firmly, as he crossed the room and closed the blinds that looked out onto the main cubicle farm before returning to his chair. She did as she was told and immediately started to worry about what could be wrong. Had she made another big paperwork mistake? Had she missed something important? She'd been trying so hard for the last few weeks that she was almost hurt at the idea of failing now. "Come here," he said, as he motioned her to the front of his desk. She walked over silently and stood at attention. There was something assertive in his voice she had never really heard before. "I found this in your desk while I was looking for the planning commission stuff," he said, as he handed her the vape pen. Fuck. Fucking Fucking Fuck. She was toast, and she knew it. He had her dead to rights. She was instantly crestfallen. Cassie did smoke every now and again, and she had even taken a small hit in the past when work had been particularly slow or boring, but it'd been a number of weeks now and she'd forgotten that she'd left the vape pen in the hidden file in the back of her desk as a sort of nuclear option. She hadn't smoked at all since she started giving a fuck at work, but she knew that wasn't how this looked. There wouldn't be any excuses or wiggling out of this one. "Yeah, that's mine. I'm so sorry James. Do you want me to pack up my desk?" She said. She looked like she might cry at any moment. She had really started to like the job and the role she had fallen into there. A long pause passed between them as James stood there and studied his stepdaughter, as he tried to decide what to do. She was wearing a tight brown pencil skirt with dark buttons running up a small slit in the leg. Her suit coat was brown with a tan trim trim and he could just make out a frilly peach colored bra beneath a similarly designed blouse underneath her coat. Her hair was pulled back in a bun held up by two pencils and she wore sheer stockings that dived into her tan heel and disappeared beneath her skirt. "Actually, I don't think firing you would be much of a solution," he said, as she looked up in surprise. "Really?" She asked suddenly. Had it worked again? Had she wriggled out of another situation with her wiles? "Really," he responded. "But I can't let this go by without punishing you." He said as he folded his arms in front of himself. His wife's anecdote continued to run through his head like it had been doing ever since she'd originally said it. The only punishment that had ever worked with Cassie was when she was spanked for her bad behavior. "Okay, well...what then?" She asked, suddenly feeling a little nervous from his commanding tone. He walked around to where she stood at the desk and stood directly behind her and leaned a little closer to her. "Bend over the Desk, Cassie." He said, in a deeply unquestionable tone. She looked back at her stepfather and hardly recognized him. In any other situation she probably would've said something or immediately argued at the idea of such a ridiculous proposition. But she knew there would be no reasoning her way out of this one. She was at her stepdad's mercy now. And she suddenly understood what her punishment was going to be. Cassie spread her legs a little and bent her body over her stepdad's large wooden desk. She rested her elbows on the leather padding of his day-planner and looked back over her shoulder. "James..."she started to protest, in a breathy whisper. "I'm not James right now, Cassie. I'm your father. Do you understand?" He asked her as he moved closely behind her. "Yes," she softly replied, as her heart beat faster and faster. "Yes, what?" James asked his stepdaughter again. "Yes, Dad," she said, and as she did her body seemed to suddenly agonize over the situation she was in. She was absolutely paralyzed by his sudden power. She couldn't figure out if she was terrified or ashamed or turned on, or some mixture of all of those things. "Pull your skirt up for me over your ass for me," he said, as his own cock began to harden down his left pant leg. Cassie was shocked at this command, but she didn't argue. There would be no saying no to him right now. Whatever was coming was coming. She reached down slowly and pulled the bottom of her skirt up. The fabric slipped up over her thighs where her tight tan stockings finished in a subtle lace pattern. She squeezed the skirt over the top of her ass where it caught momentarily before her cheeks both popped out on display. She was wearing a semi-sheer peach thong that matched her bra and wedged perfectly between her cheeks. Her stockings were pulled tight on her upper legs and the sight of her bent over like that with her perky 18 year-old ass pointing out was almost enough to make James moan out loud. He'd never seen an ass so perfectly round and creamy, and the way that the peach thong disappeared into her crack made her look even more delicious. "Spread your legs more and arch your ass in the air, young lady." Cassie did as she was told again, as she awaited her punishment with bated breath. James walked over to a coatrack and methodically took off his blazer as she watched him from where she leaned over, her pressed down against the sandalwood. He unbuttoned his shirt sleeves and rolled up them up, revealing his powerful arms. Cassie could see the tattoo sleeve running up his left arm that he'd collected in his earlier years, a feature she'd always loved about her cool stepdad. One day she wanted to get a tattoo of her own. He walked back over to his stepdaughter. She watched every single movement as she swallowed down a gulp. "You need to learn how to take direction Ms. Devlin," he said as she felt one of his legs press into the back of her leg. And just then. . . SMACCCCKKKKKKKK! Cassie yelped as her stepdad's hand firmly spanked her bare right ass cheek as her body pressed hard into the desk. "You need to learn that the world isn't just your oyster to do whatever the fuck you want with," he said. And again... SMAAAACCCCCKKKKKK!! This one felt harder than the last one as her left cheek stung with the impact. She suddenly thought back to the spankings she had received from her mom as a childhow it was the only way to get her to behave. These were very different spankings, but no less effective in making her feel a familiar sort of submissiveness. SMAAAAAACCCCKKKK!! She yelped louder with that one. Her entire body was on fire. She was in pain, but she was also starting to get wet. What the fuck was going on inside her brain? SMAAAAAACCCCCCCKKKKK!! He spanked her again. SMAAAAAACCCKKKKKKK!! And again. He spanked her over and over and over and over again as the string of her thong was pushed further into ass crack as it became soaked with her juices. She squirmed on top of the desk as she arched her ass up almost in desperation as he spanked her. James noticed the way she sounded. Her moans sounded eerily similar to the way Emily moaned when they fucked. He noticed the way she was moving her ass. He could see the wet spot forming on her panties as he spanked her. He could also smell her. SMAAAAACCCKKKKK!! He spanked her again. She moaned out loud again. She felt like she might pass out. Her head was spinning. His hand made large red handprints on her beautifully pale skin. "From now on, things are going to change around this office," He said as he spanked her hard across both cheeks at once, "isn't that right?" He commanded her to answer. She had never even known she needed this type of control. "Yesssss, daddddd," she said as she simultaneously moaned with his next spanking. All she could think about suddenly was pleasing her stepdad. It was a mind-fuck. She wanted to be a good girl for him. She wanted to be perfectly behaved daughter and employee. She wanted to submit to his fatherly presence and do whatever he told her to do. She wiggled her ass a little as he spanked her. She almost hoped that maybe he'd walk up behind her and rip her panties to the side and ram his cock into her from behind. SMAAACCKKKKK!! She moaned gutturally into the desk, trying her best not to reveal how turned on she was. "You're going to be a good little employee and not fuck up around this office, aren't you?" He said again, his dominance turning her into complete mush. No one had ever controlled her like this before. It was everything she'd never hadeverything she didn't even know she'd been missing. SMAACCCKKKKKK!! "YES, yes dad, I promise, I'll do whatever you sa...uunnnff..." she moaned as his strong hand gave her another spanking. "What was that?" He asked his daughter. "I couldn't hear you. You're going to be a good, submissive little employee and do whatever I tell you to do?" He said, purposefully using as many double entendres as he could. SMMAACCCKKK!! His cock was straining against his slacks now, and had he wanted to, he could've easily ripped her panties off and fucked her brains out on his desk. He could see how turned on she was. But that's not what he wanted right now. He needed to break her first. He needed her to know that the vacation was over, and that he would be providing her with a new kind of discipline in her life. The tables had instantly turned. SMAAACCCKKK!! He wanted to punish her. He wanted to leave her ass marked, like a territory he now possessed. He wanted to see that she knew how to submit to him. He wanted to know whether she could really be controlled and disciplined by being spanked. And it appeared she still could. SMMMAAACCCCKKKKK!! And she cried out, "YES DADDY, I'LL BE GOOD DADDY I PROMISE!" James Devlin had never imagined that he would have his sexy stepdaughter bent over his work desk with her skirt pulled up while she called him daddy. These were the types of thoughts that even his fantasies wouldn't entertain for sheer believability sake. But as she cried the word "Daddy" to him as he spanked her, he could feel the blood rushing through his cock and the precum leaking out along his leg. When he was finally done with his last spanking he left his hand resting on Cassie's soft ass, lightly rubbing her bright-pink bottom as her intense breathing and moans slowly started to dwindle. She shifted her weight back and forth between each leg as each of her ass cheeks lowered and raised in his hand. Her head hung slightly off the other side of his desk now as she softly pantedher hair coming somewhat undone during the ordeal, plunged towards the floor like a waterfall of ravens. When he was done softly rubbing her ass cheeks, he stood up and helped her to stand as well. He straightened her coat and blouse and then he knelt down in front of her and peeled down her skirt to its regular position, though not before getting another huge whiff of her arousal while he was eyelevel with the front of her soaked thong. He could see her juices lightly sticking to the sheer peach fabric as he could barely make out the top of her pussy. Then he stood up and faced her as he looked down at his stepdaughter's humbled expression. She was incredibly red and she looked either like she was about to cry or about to orgasm. A piece of her hair stuck to the side of her neck from her own sweat. As she glanced down she could easily see the giant outline of his cock stretched along his left leg. He looked huge. Holy fuck he looked huge. So spanking her ass had turned him on too. The thought sent another shiver running through her spinal cord as she realized just how sexual the entire thing had become. "From now on, when you fuck up, that is what will happen. No more negotiating. No more easy punishments. If you make a mistake, and I mean, ANY mistake, I will march you into my office, close my door, and give you as many hard spankings as it takes for you to finally learn your lesson. Do you understand, young lady?" "Yes," she said, as her pussy tingled at his commanding words. "Yes what?" He replied. "Yes, Daddy." She said, trying ever so slightly to access a slutty curve to her words as she said them. She straightened her hair and outfit while they stood there together. "Good girl." He said, and with that he turned around to go back to his desk. "Now get back to work," and just like that she left his office and headed out to her desk. She dropped the vape pen into her purse and then made a beeline towards the standalone handicapped bathroom at the far end of the building that was almost never used. She walked inside, locked the door, and immediately yanked her skirt and panties down to the floor as she leaned back against the door and began fingering herself furiously. She rubbed all over her clit and through her folds as she starred at her tousled hair and disheveled outfit in the mirror. She softly moaned "Yes, Daddy!" over and over again until she came harder than she could ever remember having cum before in her entire life. It all took less than thirty seconds. She slumped to the floor in an exhausted heap as the orgasm went on for way longer than expected. A single tear rolled down her left cheek as her heart beat out of her chest like a runaway freight train. But she wasn't sad. She wasn't upset either. She was emotionally enthralled. She was broken for her dad...her Daddy...her submission to him instantly cemented. Her mind roiled at what had just happened between them as she felt her entire body tingle with a sort of numbing, feverish warmththe sexual tension version of Icy-Hot. She moaned as she squeezed her breasts and lightly ran her fingers through the folds of her pussy to feel just how wet she was. She had never been so turned on in her entire life. She had never been so excited to get back into trouble. And she had especially never been so excited... ...to obey. to be continued.... For pics visit ---->> https://bit.ly/2ReHUJI
Title: Hypnotizing Mother Summary: Intimacy issues are cured through mother/son incest.  Keywords:inc,fic,erotic,voyeur,mind control,hot,sex A brand new sleeping bag was tossed onto my bedroom floor. "Pack your things, we're going camping tomorrow," my mother said with a firm sense of resolve. "Camping?" I asked. "I thought you hated camping." "I do. My therapist found that out today and he suggested I give it another try. He wants me to get over all of my phobias. It made sense once I thought about it." My mother had been going to the therapist for the past several months. I never fully understood why, but it made her happy. I also would never criticize her for that either, since I was a psychology major in college. In fact, I was always 100% supportive of anything she did that involved self-improvement (not that I thought she needed it).  "Well, if that means we get to go camping, then I'm all for it." Her eyebrow rose. "It'll only be for the weekend. Believe me, I don't want to stay in the woods any longer than I have to." "The thought of you walking around the forest trying not to get your designer clothes dirty might actually be funny to watch," I smiled. "Don't count on it mister," she replied. "I'm coming prepared. I've already spend over $200 dollars on a new outfit and hiking shoes for this camping trip, that I'll hopefully never have to wear again." "I'm sure we'll have a great time." She nodded. "Thanks. I have no clue how this is going to turn out or what we're going to do over there. But I have a good feeling about all of this." That sense of resolve remained on her face, and in the tone of her voice. This clearly meant a lot to her for whatever reason. ***  It was Saturday night and my mother and I sat around a campfire. We spent the afternoon hiking and sightseeing. I loved it, but my mother didn't have the same enthusiasm. "So now that we've spent a couple hours out here, are you a little less afraid of being in the outdoors?" I asked. "Not really," she said hesitantly. "But at least we've got to spend a lot of quality time together, right? I've been so busy lately since my recent promotion, and you've got your hands full with college. So it's nice to be able to connect with each other again." "Good point. We haven't done anything like this in a while." She nodded. "Well I'm glad that this trip hasn't been a total loss. I can't wait until we get back to the city where there's power and running water and a clean place to live." "What's this fear you have with nature anyway?" I asked. "I think that's what you mentioned yesterday, that you had a phobia or something. You never told me that before." "It's nothing you'd be interested in." There was a passive look on her face, like she wanted to move on, but that only made me more curious. "Come on mom, I'm majoring in psychology for a reason. Maybe one day I'll be in the shoes of your therapist helping people who really need it." "Fine," she said with a small huff. "When I was a little girl, our family went camping. One afternoon we went out for a hike and we ran into a grizzly bear. It wasn't a close encounter or anything, the bear was minding its own business across the river. But I remember absolutely freaking out and running for my life in the other direction. Since then I vowed to never return to the outdoors." "That's the reason?" I asked with a smile. "It sounds like the bear wasn't even close to hurting you." "You weren't there at the time to see it. It was big and scary." "That's true I guess. So what about your other reasons for seeing a therapist? Running from a bear can't be the only thing that's making you shell out thousands of dollars to go talk to a professional." "That part is off limits mister," she said in a motherly tone.  "Now you've got me even more curious. Come on mom. It's just us in the woods. You said you wanted us to spent quality time together, right? That's what people do when they camp and sit by the fireplace, they let their guards down and share revealing stories about themselves."  She paused for a moment and stared at me. "I'm seeing a therapist because I have...intimacy issues." "Intimacy issues?" Mom looked genuinely conflicted about whether she should continue or not.  She took a deep breath. "I've only had three orgasms in my life because I have a hard time being comfortable with a man, or even with myself. There, now you know my little secret." "Oh..." I gasped, not knowing how to react. "So there's your honest answer. That's why I never wanted to go into detail about why I'm seeing a therapist; because it's embarrassing to talk about."  "It's really nothing to be ashamed of though," I replied in a reassuring way. "Lots of women have intimacy issues. It's definitely treatable based on the new research that's out there." She gave a forced smile. "I know. My therapist says the same thing. We both agree that it stems from my own insecurities that I have. I've always been insecure about the way I look, among other things." For a moment, I couldn't believe what I was hearing. There was no doubt she was an attractive woman and had always presented herself with confidence and grace. But like most people with these sorts of issues, you can never really tell what's going on underneath the surface. "That's common with many women. Even famous supermodels and actresses say they feel insecure about their appearance sometimes. And for what it's worth, I think you're a very beautiful woman. Seriously, whenever we go out together, it gets awkward seeing other guys look you over." "Thanks," she smiled. "That means a lot coming from a stud like you. But it takes a little more than a few compliments and a few random guys hitting on me to fix my issues. I don't know. I had a special connection with your father and even that wasn't enough for me to fully enjoy intimacy. It's been impossible to find someone else that I can connect with like that." "So that's why you haven't been on many dates?" "Basically. It could be a great guy asking for my number, and I would always find a reason to say no. Either that or I would find a way to screw things up because I always think he's going to reject me in the end." "You're the kind of woman who can get any man she wants," I replied. "Seriously, you're beautiful, smart, funny, and you're pretty good at cooking and cleaning. You're a total package." She laughed. "Oh really? I guess that does sound like a pretty good deal for a man, minus being able to provide good sex, since...well...nevermind. That was inappropriate. I shouldn't have brought that part up." She looked a little embarrassed and briefly held her head down. "It's okay mom. We're both adults here having an adult conversation. I don't mind." "Sometimes I forget that you're already a young man. And on that note, it's time for me to hit the sack. It's been a long day and I'm exhausted." "That's not a bad idea," I replied. "I'll do the same after I catch up on some reading." "Oh? Anything interesting?" "Just some book on hypnosis. I'm writing a research paper on it." "That does seem pretty intriguing." "It is," I replied. "Some parts are controversial, but many doctors think it's the wave of the future in terms dealing with social disorders and what not." "Sounds a lot better than having to come out to the wilderness to deal with old fears. What do you say we give it a try?" she asked hesitantly. "What do you mean?" Her eyebrows rose. "How do you feel about trying a little hypnosis trick on me? It'll be fun. I'm sure it's harmless. I doubt it'll even work, and it's not like we have anything to lose." I was completely caught off guard by my mother's playful request. It was obvious she was both joking and serious at the same time. And she was right, there was nothing to lose. It's harmless. "I...I guess so. I've never done it before, but the instructions in the book don't seem that hard."  "Great! But we'll only do this on one condition," she replied. "What's that?" I asked. "That if this little experiment actually works, that you don't try to take advantage of me in any way. I'm serious. I don't want any weird things going on, like you making me your servant or giving you all of my money. Nothing weird. We're just doing this for fun and I fully expect you to treat me with the utmost of care." I nodded. "What kind of creep do you think I am? You don't have to worry about anything like that. Promise. Now let me get my book..." *** After several minutes of reading the instructions, and several more minutes of trying to do it right- it actually worked! My mother gazed at me with a blank look in her eyes. She sat motionless and was unresponsive except to my voice. She was under hypnosis. "Can you hear me?" I asked. "Yes," she replied in a lifeless voice. Seeing my mother in a state of pure emptiness was scary at first. It was uncharted territory for both of us. One wrong move could have its unintended consequences. But at the same time, it was exciting. It was human psychology and biology at its most fascinating (at least in my opinion). She was under my control and I wanted to do my very best to help her.  "Good," I said. "I understand that you have certain issues with yourself. Insecurities about who you are and the perception of your body image. Is that correct?" "Yes." "Can you tell me about them? Do you know how it started?" I asked, trying my best to play the role of a real doctor. "It started when I was young," she replied in the same hypnotic state. "My parents were strict when it came to sex. I grew up in a strict environment and I used to feel ashamed for having dirty thoughts. I never felt comfortable with myself. The feeling of acting sinful stayed with me my entire life and I never got over it." Hearing the personal details of my mother's life came as a surprise to me. I wanted to help, but I didn't want to do anything which could radically change her in any way, so I decided on putting a time limit to all of this. "I understand. I might be able to help you with this. Do you think you can follow my instructions for a while?" "Yes," she slowly nodded. "Good. Up until sometime tomorrow morning, I want you to realize how beautiful you actually are. I want you to be comfortable in your own skin. No more insecurities. No more judging yourself. And no more intimacy issues. Is that clear?" "Yes." "Good. Now I'm going to count backwards to one, and when I snap my fingers, you're going to be an entirely new person for a while. 3...2...1..." ***  The next morning was quiet. There was the usual sound nature makes, but nothing from my mother. She always wakes up earlier than me and greets me whenever I get out of bed. Her tent was open and she was nowhere in sight. I washed up, and before I could start looking for her, I heard her call me. "Hey there!" my mother yelled behind me. "Beautiful morning, isn't it? When I turned to look, I saw my mother without any clothes on. She was completely naked like there wasn't a care in the world. "Mom...you're...you're..." She briefly looked down at herself and then up at me. "What? Naked? It's a beautiful day and I really need a tan. Lighten up." My eyes wandered over her body. Her middle aged figure looked stunning. She was completely unabashed that my eyes roamed her large round breasts, which sagged a little, and the voluptuous shape of her hips. Her brown nipples looked hardened, but that was probably because of the cool breeze. "But...you're naked," I stammered.  "We went over that already," she replied with a puzzled expression. "I don't know why, but I've never felt so liberated in my life. I love it." A sudden sense of guilt came over me. I found myself becoming aroused looking at my naked mother, and it was all my fault that I had hypnotized her to be this way. "So you're just going to stay like that?" I asked. "Why not? You can join me if you'd like. I don't have a problem with that." "Uh, no thanks." She put her hands on her bare hips and gave me a stern look. "And I thought I was the family prude. Anyway, I was on my way to a morning swim, so why don't you join me? I could use the company. Now let's get you naked."  Before I could respond, my naked mother walked towards me and gave my tshirt a soft tug on the bottom.  "What are you doing?" I asked in near disbelief. She smiled and playfully kept on tugging. "What do you think I'm doing? I'm not letting go until you're butt naked and in the water with me."  My mother stayed true to her word and continued to playfully tug on my clothes. She wouldn't relent and eventually was able to get my tshirt off after I lifted my arms. "Do you really want to do this?" I asked as I stood shirtless. "I wouldn't be naked if it didn't feel good. Now off with your shorts." She reached down and her hands moved towards my bottom. At that point, I could have easily stopped her. But I couldn't. A part of me didn't want to. I felt powerless by her naked beauty.  In a swift motion, she pulled down my shorts and underwear and I was naked right alongside her. I never considered myself an exhibitionist in any way, but there was a strange thrill in being naked in front of my own mother, with her eyes looking me over.  "You've grown," she said, with her eyes roaming my body and private area. "Thanks," I blushed. "So are we just going to stand here and look at each other's naked bodies all morning?" She reached out and held my hand. "Of course not. This weather is perfect for swimming and we're going to do just that. Now into the lake young man." We held hands and walked with each other, taking step after step until we were both inside the water. She held my hand tighter after she felt the cold water touch her feet, and she loosened her grip when she got used to it. "This feels refreshing," I said as we both entered the lake. "I know. It's exactly what I was craving for since the moment I woke up this morning." She was referring to the hypnosis and she didn't even realize it. A part of me wanted to tell her outright what I had done the night before, but that could have meant that I wouldn't see her naked anymore. I wanted to make the moment last. "You're usually uptight about this," I noted. "I mean, you're always covered up at home, and now you seem to love being so free with yourself." She began to swim with a serene look on her face. "You're right. But the strangest feeling has come over me and I have never felt anything like it before. Maybe my therapist was right. Maybe all I needed was to be out here in nature to find peace." "Maybe. I haven't seen you this relaxed and happy in a while." Her hand lifted from the water and splashed my face. "How's that for happy?" I splashed the water right back in her direction. "We're even now." "You think so?" A big smile grew on her face and she swam towards my direction. She was in an incredibly playful mood as she reached out with both arms and tried to pull my head underwater. I didn't let her, and we laughed and wrestled around with each other. She ended up giving me a big hug, pressing her large breasts with her hard nipples against my chest. Feeling my mother's naked skin against mine was a surreal taboo. "God, you're a real strong lady," I joked.  She lifted one arm and flexed her bicep. "It's from years of doing housework and taking care of you. Being a good mother is hard work. I hope you appreciate it." "Of course I do." "You say that like you mean it," she said with a sincere look in her eyes. "I always mean it." "Then prove it," she said as she wrapped her hands around the back of my neck. We kissed each other on the lips. It wasn't the innocent mother/son kind of kiss. It was the dirty kind, the kind that two sexually aroused adults would give each other; and I loved every second of it. Our tongues wrestled. Our hands caressed each other's bodies. Her hand reached down and touched my hard cock, which the cold water couldn't even get rid of. I was excited at the thought of my mother giving me a handjob, but before she did, she let go. Her face went blank and her eyes were filled with a look of horror. "Why are we naked together?" she asked with a genuine curiosity. "And why was my hand on your penis? Oh my god, I can't believe this is happening." I followed her lead as we swam back to land, and things only became more awkward as she saw my raging hard cock as I followed her. *** We argued with each other for what seemed like hours, but it was only the rest of the morning. The hypnosis wore off and she had turned back to her normal self without any knowledge of the night before. To say that she was angry was an understatement. She was furious. I kept on assuring her that I wasn't a pervert and that I didn'ttake advantage of her in any way. She was skeptical about it, but eventually she remembered and had accepted the fact that she had been acting under the spell of my hypnosis. ***  The rest of the morning was awkward and our lunch time was mostly silent. She had come to terms with the fact that the hypnosis had worked and that we were completely naked together. "At least you got a good show out of this, right?" she asked softly with a faint smile. "Huh?" "That was a joke. I'm sorry for freaking out and accusing you of dirty tricks. It felt like I had just snapped back to my old self, only without any clothes on and I saw you with a big smile on your face. What else was I supposed to think?" I nodded. "You don't have to be sorry about that. We're both new to this whole hypnosis thing. I tried doing it safely, but I guess that wasn't enough." "It's a learning experience. There was nothing malicious about it." "As long as you're not mad," I said with relief. "This whole situation was the last thing I had expected to happen. I never even considered it." She arched an eyebrow. "You didn't seem so bothered by it at the time, if you know what I mean." "So now you're going to blame that on me?" "No. I take full responsibility for dragging you into the river with me naked. But I'm still curious about that massive erection you had when we got out of the water." I shrugged. "What did you expect? You've got a great body. Mom or not, ANY man would have been as excited as I was. Besides, my penis doesn't discriminate on any basis." "Apparently not." "Okay, now things are getting awkward again. We should just start packing our things. Hopefully we'll look back at this years from now and laugh."  "That's what I wanted to talk to you about," my mother said with a sense of hesitation. "I've been thinking about it for the past hour, and it really wasn't that bad. I felt a sense of freedom which I've never felt before while I was under your hypnosis. It was heavenly." "Well you could have told me that earlier and saved me the guilt trip," I joked. A smile grew on her face. "What I'm saying is, I'm still struggling with all of this. It's not easy for me. Mothers aren't supposed to let their sons see them undressed, not to mention prancing around with them in the nude. It isn't right." "I get the feeling that there's more you want to say." She took a deep breath. "I've quietly done some soul searching while we were eating lunch and I've come to the conclusion that it wouldn't be so bad if we did this again. If you're still comfortable with hypnotizing me, I would be more than willing to give it another try." Those words hit me like a smack in the face. Not only was my mother no longer upset, but she wanted to continue our hypnosis, which possibly meant that I might see her naked again. "Only if you're sure," I replied. "And only if you give me some specific guidelines, you know, so I wouldn't get blamed if you did something weird." "Fair enough. But I haven't really thought of anything in particular. I trust you. Do what you want. The only thing I ask is that you don't make anything permanent. I'd like to take things one step at a time." "You're serious about this, aren't you?" I asked.  She nodded. "I am. This morning felt like I was finally unshackled of all my emotional restraints. I felt so alive and I want to experience that again." "And the nudity part? What happens if I hypnotize you, and you get naked again? Are you going to freak out again?" "It's not what I want to happen, but if it does, I can live with it as long as no one ever find out. This stays strictly between us. Think of this as a therapist/patient privilege. I'm handing myself over to you." "What do you want out of this specifically? To feel comfortable, or to feel something more? I'm not exactly sure what you want me to do." She took a deep breath. "I want you to cure my intimacy issues. It's been so long since I've had an orgasm. You're a young man, so you could relieve yourself whenever you want. Now try not having an orgasm for a couple of years. Doesn't sound very fun does it?" My heart nearly skipped a beat. Hearing my mother talk about her sexuality and orgasms was almost music to my ears in a strange, perverted way.  "You're right, mom. I'll do my best." She smiled, "Good. Now let's get started." *** It wasn't long before I put my mother back under hypnosis. Once again, I had complete control over her mind and body. But this time, I had her permission to take things a step further. "Can you hear my voice?" I asked. "Yes," she replied robotically. "Perfect. Now I want you to think about all of your sexual troubles and all of the insecurities you have when it comes to intimacy." "Yes. It's always been difficult for me. It feels like I won't allow myself to enjoy that part of life." I took a deep breath. She was at my mercy, and under my complete control. "Now I want you to do something; for the next few hours, you're going to release your inhibitions. No more insecurities. No more shame. No more roadblocks. You're going to be a new woman that's vibrant, healthy, and lusting for sex. I want you to let go. I want you to give in to your carnal needs and I want you to satisfy it as much as your heart desires. Is that understood?" She nodded. "You want me to let go and give in to my desires." Temptations took over and I gave the final instruction to my hypnotized mother. In that split second, I convinced myself that I wasn't taking advantage of her, but that I was helping her.  "You going to obey my commands. I want you to do as I say during these next few hours. Is that understood?" She nodded again. "Yes, I understand." "Very good. Now I'm going to count backwards, and when I snap my fingers, you're going to once again be comfortable in your own skin and do everything that I've asked. 3...2...1..." *** After I snapped my fingers, my mother came back to reality and had a look of epiphany on her face. She was back to her normal self, but at the same time, I could see it in her eyes that she was a different woman. "So how do you feel?" I asked curiously. "Did it work?" She gave a long pause and thought for a moment. "It feels like nothing changed. I'm sorry, I don't think it worked this time. Maybe things will be different once we're home and I'm relaxed and alone." "You're probably right about that. This isn't exactly the environment for that sort of thing. At least we tried though, right?" "Or maybe that's the way it was meant to be," she said with a sad look. "Oh well, you did your best. Maybe I was meant to be a sexless woman. We should start to pack up now." When she stood up, she suddenly froze and her face went blank. "Uh...oh my god." "Are you okay mom? What is it?" "I...I feel..." "Aroused?" I asked. She nodded nervously and breathed heavily. "It feels so warm between my legs, like it's craving for something." "Just try to relax," I said calmly as I stood up. "The hypnosis must have worked and your body is reacting to it. This is great mom." Her knees slightly weakened and she did her best to stand upright. "I don't know if I can go through with this. It stings, and I'm scared. I want you to undo the hypnosis right now." "Wait a minute. Isn't this what you wanted? This is your chance to fully experience the things your body needs." "But you're my son," she replied with a concerned look. "I didn't expect to actually be having these feelings right in front of you." At that point, I felt incredibly conflicted. On one hand, I fully understood how embarrassing this would be for her. On the other hand, I really did want to help her in any way that I could. And more than anything, I wanted to see her naked again, not to mention sexually aroused. "Give me a chance," I replied. "I know I'm not the person you ever expected to be doing this stuff with, but it's obviously working." She paused and took a deep breath. "Okay, I'll give you chance. Now do what you need." "I want you to completely undress," I said in a commanding voice. The hypnosis once again proved how effective it was and she started removing her clothes. Piece by piece, each article of clothing she wore was removed from her body. Her face looked like she was in disbelief as she got naked for me. Once she was done, I got a better view of how aroused she was by the wetness between her legs. "Did you hypnotize me to do whatever you say?" she asked with a dumbfounded look. "I can't believe that I got naked so easily."  "Is any of this bothering you?" "Well you've already seen me naked, so there's no point in making a big fuss about it anymore." "Good," I smiled. "I probably wasn't going to stop anyway. I kind of like having you under my spell. It's fun." She held back a playful grin. "I was expecting you to be a little more professional about this." "I am being professional about this," I teased. "But that doesn't mean we can't have fun with it." "So what comes next? Are you just going to have me stand here naked all day?" "Of course not. Now I want you to put your hand between your legs and rub. Tell me what you feel." At that point, I couldn't tell if she was acting under hypnosis, or on her own accord. But she moved her hand without hesitation and placed it between her legs. Her fingers moved and a soft moan escaped her lips. "It feels...warm," she said with another moan. "My clitoris is throbbing and aching to be touched." She didn't need further instructions as she continued rubbing herself. Her facial expressions changed every few seconds while she masturbated in front of me. "You know that I enjoy watching you right?" I asked without thinking. "I can tell." Normally, this sort of thing would freak my mother out. She was always guarded with her body. But now, it seemed so bizarre that she was naked and masturbating in front of me, like this was all no big deal. On a strange level, this was totally hot for both of us. The fluids from her vagina seeped through her fingers and dripped to the ground. She went faster and more fluids dripped. "Take a few steps towards me," I ordered. She did as I asked and we became face to face. Her fingers never stopped rubbing her vagina, and I reached up with both hands and cupped her breasts. I gently squeezed and massaged them. My fingers took each of her hard brown nipples and pinched them slightly. Her facial expressions changed immediately, showing the state of pleasure she was in. I could only imagine how sensitive those big nipples were, especially in the heightened state of arousal she was in. "Don't stop," she in a sexually depraved voice. "I love the way it feels when you touch me." My mind swirled with all sorts of perverted thoughts once she admitted that. My hands caressed her harder and I continued playing with her big nipples. "Can we go further?" I asked. "Do you mind?" "I don't think I'm in a position to give you any orders," she smiled in a mischievous way, which was basically meant to encourage me. "That's right. You aren't. Now take off my tshirt the way you did this morning." Both of her hands took off my tshirt, and I couldn't help but enjoy the fact that her fingers were dripping with vaginal fluids.  "Anything else?" "My shorts." A part of me expected that my mother would snap out of her hypnosis, or admit that she was pretending to be hypnotized, and then slap me in the face for making a perverted request like that. But that never happened. She dropped to her knees and pulled my shorts and underwear down, leaving me as naked as she was. My cock immediately turned stiff in front of her face. She puckered her lips and looked at me with eager eyes. "What would you like me to do next?" From her position on her knees, licking her lips, and looking up at me, we both knew what was about to happen. And by the look in her eyes, she seemed eager to please. "I think you know what I want right now." Without hesitation, she took my throbbing hard cock inside her mouth and began to suck. One of her hands held and stroked my cock while she sucked me off, and her other hand reached down to continue rubbing her swollen clit. She sucked my cock with enthusiasm and vigor I had never felt before. She was a woman who was driven by a need to satisfy her overwhelming sexual desire. I wanted to let this continue for as long as I could, but I never forgot that this was about her and not me. "Do you like doing this?" I asked. She took my saliva covered erection out of her mouth and answered, "I'm enjoying this a lot more than when I did it for your father." "Good. Now I'm going to return the favor. I want you to experience what sex feels like when you're completely uninhibited. Now lay on your back." My mother's eyes lit up. Her dream of finally enjoying a normal sex life was finally coming true, and I was ready to give her something that she would never forget.  She got on her back, on top of the beach blanket which had already been laid out on the dirt, and she waited for my instructions. Her face showed her nervousness, and I couldn't blame her. She was about to get fucked by her own son. "What now?" she asked, with a trembling voice. "Spread your legs." Her knees arched and her thighs were spread. I got between her legs and saw the inner workings of my mother's wet vagina. I gave it a good look up close before bending down to kiss it. Her body reacted the moment I did, so I did it again and again. My tongue darted out and touched her hard clit and I could hear her moaning. Her body shook and twitched with every lick and kiss I gave. "Oh my god...don't stop...don't stop..." she bluntly stated in a depraved voice. I continued sucking and licking her labia and clitoris until my mouth got tired. Her fluids were everywhere and it was obvious she was on the brink of an intense orgasm. But my cock was still rock hard and I had a better idea. "Ask me to fuck you," I ordered. "I want to hear you say it." "Fuck me. I want you to fuck me hard. I want you to make me cum. I need it badly. I'm desperate for it." The look in her eyes and the tone in her voice gave me everything I wanted to know. She was desperate and hungry for this. I postured up between her legs and hovered over her. My naked skin pressed against hers and we were ready to give in to our powerful sexual feelings. "Now I want you to reach down and guide my cock inside of you." We were face to face, and she did what I asked. Her hand grabbed my raging hard cock and pressed it against the flesh of her vagina. I pushed my cock in, past her labia, and into her warm, tight little hole. She felt the way every woman should. It was warm and inviting.  The best part was seeing her facial expressions change with every inch I entered. Her eyebrows raised, and then lowered. Her eyes opened, and then closed. Her mouth opened, and then she would clench her teeth. It was like the perfect mixture of conflict and pleasure. "Is everything okay?" I made sure. The conflict remained on her face. "I never thought I'd be making love to my own son. But it feels perfect. Keep going. I'm not fragile. I won't break. You can make love to me. Or fuck me, if you'd like. Whichever you prefer." God, what a statement. Fast or slow? Loving or rough? This was my mother, after all, so I settled for something in between. It wasn't long before we started having sex. Slow and loving at first. Then I fucked her harder. It was just the two of us out in the middle of nowhere. The only thing that mattered was that it was the most amazing and pleasurable experience we had ever felt. Our eyes were locked onto each others and our breathing became heavy. I fucked her faster and faster, and her moans became heavier. Her facial expressions kept on changing and it was clear that she was having the time of her life. "Oh my god," she groaned loudly. "Oh my god. I'm going to...I'm going to..." She was going to cum. Hearing her express those words and feeling her skin and seeing her in pleasure was too much for me to take as well. She drove me crazy. And I did the same to her. I fucked her as hard as I possibly could and she started to scream with incredible pleasure. Her arms squeezed me tight, and so did her legs which were wrapped around my body. Her eyes were shut tightly and she clenched her teeth. I could feel her vaginal muscles contracting and a gush of fluids rushed out from her cunt. She was having a powerful orgasm. She screamed and screamed. Her back arched violently as we both came at the same time. I shot a large load of my cum deep inside of her womb before we both went completely limp, and I collapsed on top of her. We were both sweating and exhausted. I could feel her heart pounding when I rolled off of her and laid on my back for a few minutes. "So how do you feel?" I eventually asked with a heaving breath. "I'm cured." "I'm glad to hear it. That was the best sex I've ever had in my life. I don't care if anyone knows that I just fucked my own mother." "Well I do!" she said as she playfully slapped my chest. "This is our little secret. God, I don't think I'll ever be the same woman again. I feel...new. Relieved." "That was just so amazing. Maybe we could stay out here for a little while and, you know, explore a few more things." She smiled, "Well as far as I'm concerned, you're my new therapist. I'm listening to every word you have to say. And I've also got a few fantasies I'd like to explore. In the meantime, I need to wash myself. I could feel your cum leaking from inside me. Let's go back to the lake to get cleaned up." I grabbed her wrist and held her down. "Actually, I prefer the other way of cleaning up. I know you know what I'm talking about." Her eyes gave me a stern look, which turned playful. "Fine. You've earned it." "My payment for being a good therapist." "Right." She bent down and took my cum covered cock into her mouth and she sucked and swallowed. Within a matter of seconds, all the cum on my cock had been sucked away, only to be replaced with her warm saliva. Although I was clean, she kept on sucking. Then she took my cock out of her mouth and stuck her tongue out at me. "Happy?" she asked after a gulp to swallow it. Mom got up and walked naked to the lake. I followed her and watched as she crouched down and splashed water into her pussy, letting everything drip away, cleansing herself of the intense orgasm. The End For Pics visit:---->>> https://cutt.ly/hwsMVhC
Title: Hot Horny Mom Summary: Son is reunited with his pampered, horny mom. Keywords:inc,fic,erotic,hot Hayden wasn't sure it was her. The woman walking toward him in the crowded airport arrival lounge didn't look like the mother he remembered, or the one in the few pictures he'd kept hidden from his father over the years. The woman working her way through the crowd was looking straight at him as if she knew him, so thought it had to be her. But he must have changed as much as she did in the past ten years. Either way, he couldn't take his eyes off her. She was tall and blonde with a carefully pampered look that included what had to be a surgically enhanced pair of DD cup tits that were heaving as she walked, nearly falling out of the daringly low-cut dress she was wearing. The dress was indecently short, showing off smooth, slender legs. Her skin was evenly tanned and flawless, and she looked younger than the forty-two year old woman he was expecting to meet. It couldn't have been Hayden's mother. She looked like an actress walking across a stage to accept a porn star award, except that she looked calm and measured her strides with easy grace. The eighteen year old started hoping it wasn't her. Then he wouldn't feel weird about getting a hard on for a woman who turned out to be his own mother because this woman looked to be a fully self-assured sex goddess. Suddenly she was standing right in front of him, and he could barely make eye contact with her with those spectacular tits so well displayed. "Hayden? My god, you're so grown up now," she said with a subtle smile. "Mom?" She looked a little awkward when he called her that, but he noticed she blushed a little bit too. Hayden's father had passed away suddenly a few months before, and he wanted to live with his real mother instead of his stepmother. Cheryl had moved to the west coast and had just gone through her third divorce. Her second and third husbands had both been wealthy, and she was now very well off financially. Hayden's memories of her were very hazy, and since his father strictly limited any contact with her over the years it was almost like meeting a complete stranger. Except she was the hottest looking blonde MILF he'd ever met in person. He even started to wonder if he was meeting the right woman. "I'm so glad you're here," she said a little bit formally. She seemed totally self-assured. It was like she didn't even know that half her body was falling out of a dress that made her look like a stripper between shows. Hayden figured his mother must dress that way so often it didn't even faze her anymore. It was just normal for her. And it was much more normal for LA than back in Wilmington where he grew up. "Yeah, uh, thanks for letting me come," he told her. She smiled again, just as subtle as the last one. "Well, I'm your mother. Where else would you go?" "Yeah," he nodded. "I guess." He started to wonder if he should have stayed with his stepmother, but then Cheryl just told him to follow her to the car. She turned and led the way toward the parking garage while Hayden walked beside her pulling his luggage along. It wasn't hard to keep up with her. She walked at a medium pace, with easy, confident strides, even in heels that looked like they had four inch spikes. Mother or not, it was pretty much impossible not to keep checking out her smooth, evenly tanned legs as well those barely contained, world class tits that were just as evenly tanned and didn't show a hint of tan line anywhere. They didn't say anything on the way to the car, and Hayden was pretty sure his mother was well aware of the way he kept peeking at her body parts. He was curious about this woman who was his mother and who she was. But he'd also never seen a woman like her at all. Hayden caught plenty of people looking at his mom on the way to the car, but not gawking in disbelief the way they would've back home. He was trying not to gawk, but he didn't think he was doing a very good job. She led him to a brand new, black SUV with tinted windows. He put his luggage in the back and Cheryl drove to her house. They barely talked during the ride. It felt a little weird to Hayden. He wanted to get to know his mother but he didn't know where to start. Maybe she was just feeling the same way. It took a lot longer than he expected, but he was surprised to see the lavish, modern home on the hillside where it seemed like you could look out and see the entire world. Hayden liked the place immediately. He wasn't surprised when she led him inside and everything was bright and open, with large windows and more rooms than he could count right away. The furniture was sparse and all of it looked brand new, and it looked like nothing was out of place anywhere. Cheryl led Hayden up a wide flight of stairs where there was a spacious living room almost as big as the one downstairs, and then a short hallway where there were two bedrooms and the biggest bathroom he'd ever seen. His mother opened the door to one of the bedrooms and told him it was his. It was much larger than he was used to. His mother stood in the doorway and calmly watched him check out his new room. It was a fabulous room, but nothing he'd seen since he got off the plane could compare to his mother's perfectly pampered and generously displayed body. "It's really nice here," he said, sitting down on the bed. "I'm glad you like it." There was that subtle smile again. "I hope you'll feel at home. After all, this is your home now and I'm your mother. It can be like a new life for both of us." "Sure," Hayden agreed, already wondering what it was going to be like living with her. A silent moment or two passed before Cheryl said anything more. "Hayden, did your father say things about me? Things that weren't very nice?" Hayden looked at her and felt himself blush. His father had said a lot of things about his mother, always using them as an excuse to keep the two of them from communicating. He knew his mother was already reading the look on his face. It was too late to think of a polite lie. "What kinds of things did he say?" his mother asked calmly. "I don't think I should repeat them." "It's okay," she reassured him. "It's just us here talking. Mother and son, the way we've never had the chance. You can't tell me anything I haven't heard before, and besides, I want us to be able to talk to each other about anything. Once you get to know me you'll realize you can." Hayden stalled, thinking. But then he finally told his mother what she wanted to know. "He called you some pretty bad names," he said cautiously. His mother snickered briefly. "I'll be he did. Such as?" Hayden didn't want to say, but Cheryl pushed to hear more. "Well, um, he called you a slut a lot. And a whore." Cheryl responded with that coy smile of hers and calmly walked over to the bed and took a seat beside her son. She took one of his hands in both of hers and held it on her lap. The hem of her dress rode up so high that the back of his hand was touching her bare thigh. He'd never felt anything so smooth or warm in his life. "Do you think those are bad things to be?" she asked him. "I don't know," he avoided answering. "Did you believe your father when he said those things?" "Not really," Hayden replied. "I just figured he was really mad at you. He wouldn't let us talk to each other so I had to just imagine you most of the time." "I see. Am I anything like you imagined?" she asked. "Kind of," he admitted. "I mean, in my mind you were always really pretty and really nice." "Do you think I'm pretty, Hayden?" He nodded silently. "That's sweet. I'm glad you think so." "Do you think I look like a slut or a whore?" Hayden nearly choked at the question, making his mother laugh. "That's okay," she told him. "Because I am a slut. I am a whore. Just like your father said. But that should never be a reason to keep us apart, don't you think?" "No, definitely not." With one deep sigh, Cheryl's tits nearly broke free of her insanely low cut dress. "I've always been a highly charged sexual creature," she explained openly. "Your father could never satisfy me even in his dreams. No, one man could. And ever since I was your age I've been what people like to call a slut or a whore. A highly sexually active female. Society makes very unfair judgments about women like me. I wanted you to know that about your mother." "It's okay, Mom. I'm not like that." She smiled much more widely this time. "That makes me feel very proud of you, baby. I hope you know how terribly I've missed you all this time, and having you come home to me is the best possible thing that could ever happen." "I'm glad, Mom. I hated not being able to even talk to each other." "Me, too," Cheryl agreed. "But I want you to know all these things because I don't want to hide anything from you. And I don't plan to change my lifestyle with you here because I don't think there's anything wrong with it. But you should know because you're probably going to see and hear some things you're not used to." "Okay, Mom." He wasn't sure what else he should say. He was already wondering what kinds of things she thought he'd be seeing and hearing. "You can ask me about any of it. And if you really want to you can even watch, as long as you're discreet. I'm not ashamed of who I am or the things I do, and I don't want you to be ashamed of me, either." "Oh, I wouldn't be. I promise." She smiled broadly again. "You should've been with me all along," she said. Then she turned her body and gave him a hug. Her enormous tits were mashing against his body and he couldn't help but feel intense tingling in his crotch. Cheryl finally let him go and stood up. "Well I'm sure you must be tired from your trip," she told him. "I'll give you a chance to rest and unpack if you want to. There's no hurry, though. We have all the time in the world now." Hayden smiled at his beautiful mother. Then he gazed at her long legs as she left the room and closed the door behind her. The conversation had left him a little bit stunned. He was amazed at how bold and open his mother was, but he couldn't help admiring her for it. And now that she was gone, he took a moment to rub at the tingling cock she'd left him with. She was nothing like he expected, and he was upset with his father for talking about the way he always had. Even though it was like meeting her for the first time, Hayden decided he was just going to love and defend his mother with everything he had. His father had failed both of them, and they had a lot of lost time to make up for. He expected to be getting a lot of erections over her. Who wouldn't? She was a sex goddess, and by her own admission a horny slut. Well, there were worse things to deal with, and he wouldn't have to look very far for the hottest stroke fantasies ever. Eventually, maybe he'd get lucky enough to find a girlfriend who reminded him of his mother. Hayden was too keyed up to sleep, so he finally went into the bathroom and took a shower. The stall was huge, with a full, glass enclosure and hand held nozzle that he kept aiming at his cock, making it bigger and harder. He began stroking his rod, thinking of how his mother had looked when she met him at the airport, and of the way she'd admitted to being a slut. But then there was the way her amazing tits had felt when she hugged him. He was working his way toward a hard explosion when the door suddenly opened and Cheryl walked into the room carrying a stack of towels. "Hey sweetie, I just wanted to make sure you had some clean..." Her voice trailed off when she looked through the glass and discovered her son with a very impressive hard on in his fist. Hayden froze. He noticed his mother's eyes linger on his cock, which made his throbbing much much worse. "Darling, we have no prudish attitudes in this house about our bodies or pleasuring ourselves, okay? You might just catch me at it sometime, and we're not going to go around pretending there's anything wrong with it. It's perfectly natural." "Uhh, sure, Mom. Yeah," he stammered. Now she gave him the coy smile again, and she took a moment to watch him as his hand began moving back and forth on his shaft again. "That's a beautiful cock, sweetie," she told him. "You should be very proud of it." "Uhh, thanks, Mom," he croaked. She finally turned to leave, but then stopped in the doorway. "When you finish, be a dear and make sure to rinse all your cum down the drain, okay?" "Okay, Mom." Cheryl left the room without shutting the door. Hayden didn't know what came over him, but he pounded his throbbing cock like never before, spattering the glass with spunk. And just as his mother asked, he took the nozzle and rinsed his plentiful spooge down the drain. The next few days were like a blur. Hayden and his mother spent almost every minute together. She took him shopping for new clothes at all the best malls, and showed him the sights in and around the city. They had dinners out at expensive restaurants where the waiters were on a first name basis with Cheryl, and other times where they ate together on the balcony. Cheryl was full of questions, and Hayden was ecstatic to finally get to know his mother. He was careful about asking her too many questions, though. He knew she wouldn't mind, but he still wasn't used to way she lived. Then one morning he found Cheryl in the kitchen still in her satin bathrobe. It was the first time she hadn't been perfectly made up and dressed like a knockout by that hour of the day. The blonde smiled when she saw the curious look on her son's face. "This is the day for my weekly massage," she explained. "I have a wonderfully talented girl who comes every week, and today I paid her for a double session so you could have one, too." "Wow, that sounds great, Mom." "It's perfectly natural to get a little excited from the massage," she explained further. "So if you go getting one of your lovely erections there's nothing to be ashamed of. Mika is used to that. Besides, she always gives me a happy ending massage, and if you want one like that you just tell her. When you see her I think you'll want that. Do you know what a happy ending is, sweetie?" "Uh, yeah, Mom." "Good. You're gonna feel so good afterwards." About an hour later, a young, Asian woman arrived at the house lugging a folding massage table and a bag full of lotions and oils. Cheryl introduced Hayden to Mika by name, not bothering to mention that he was her son. Mika nodded and smiled, briefly shaking hands with Hayden and nodding matter-of-factly when Cheryl told her they both wanted happy endings today. She hadn't bothered to double check and ask her son if that's what he wanted, but Hayden realized she knew he wanted that even before he did. Being a beautiful day, Mika set her table up on the balcony where they had total privacy. She was a petit girl who was stronger than she looked. Hayden thought she was beautiful enough to be a model, and he couldn't look away when she stripped down to nothing but a tiny, white pair of thong panties. Her tits were perky B cups, with large nipples that were already swollen. Hayden felt awkward, wondering if he should leave the ladies on their own, but Cheryl told him she'd love to have him stay nearby. "You should get undressed so you're ready for your massage when it's your turn," his mother told him. Then she took off her robe, revealing that she was completely naked underneath. Her pussy was smooth as silk, without a hair in sight, and Cheryl showed no sign of self-consciousness as she strode naked in front of her son, tits heaving wildly, as she went to the table and lay down on her stomach. Her face was turned toward Hayden, where he was sitting on a cushioned, patio love seat. Before Mika got started, Cheryl reminded her son to take off his and be ready for his turn. He was already getting hard. After what happened in the shower a few days before, he didn't mind his mother seeing him with a boner, but Mika was a different story. Then he reminded himself that Mika was only wearing those panties that barely covered her pussy and did nothing to cover her tight little ass. Hayden stood up and took off his shorts and T shirt, sitting back down naked, with a semi-erect cock between his legs. Cheryl smiled her coy smile and stared directly at her son's cock while Mika began the massage at her feet. A dreamy looking cast came over the blonde's expression while the smaller, younger woman began oiling up her legs. Hayden's cock quickly inflated to full size as he watched Mika's deft hands manipulate his mother's exposed flesh. The masseuse wasn't shy about spreading and kneading Cheryl's ass cheeks, exposing the woman's tight ring even to her son as she worked. Cheryl sighed with pleasure, keeping her eyes on her son's cock the entire time. "It's okay if you want to touch it, darling," the blonde said. "Just don't cum, though. Let Mika take care of that for you. You won't believe how good she is at that." Hayden didn't need to be told twice. He gripped his enormous, throbbing cock and slowly stroked his shaft while he watched the agile Asian woman work over his mother's upper thighs and ass. She continued up Cheryl's back and shoulders, until she finally told the blonde to roll over. Hayden was transfixed by the sight of his mother's perfect tits and insanely smooth looking pussy. She was still looking at him, but while Mika began on her legs, Cheryl started breathing more deeply. The smaller woman was soon massaging her firm, heavy tits. She spent a long time on them, drumming her fingers over Cheryl's swollen nipples. Then the blonde spread her legs in anticipation, knowing Mika was already moving to her side. The younger woman's strong hands kneaded Cheryl's thighs, finally beginning to make fluttering strokes over the woman's fully exposed pussy lips. Cheryl smiled at her son and sighed with pleasure. Hayden gazed in awe as Mika worked over his mother's pussy with fleet fingers, stroking her slit and drumming her hardened clit. His cock was throbbing like mad and he wanted to cum desperately, but he remembered his mother's advice. Hayden watched speechlessly as Mika carefully pushed a pair of fingers into his mother's sodden pussy hole. Working the blonde's clit at the same time, she massaged Cheryl's G spot. Cheryl clutched at the sides of the table and rocked her hips, gasping loudly as the climax over her glorious body, her tits heaving to and fro. Cheryl came so hard that Hayden almost felt like Mika was making him cum, too. He wanted to cum at the same time as his mother, but he held himself off. After a moment to recover, Cheryl got off the table and told Hayden to take her place. He got onto the table while his mother took his place on the love seat, sitting with her smooth legs parted widely. Hayden lay on the table with his hard cock trapped under his body. He faced his mother the same way she had faced him. Seeing her spread so openly, so hot and beautiful, so carefree, made the throbbing in his cock worse than ever. Then Mika started massaging him, following the same circuit up the back of his body that she had with his mother. He was amazed at good it felt to have Mika's hands manipulate his ass, and when it was finally time to roll onto his back his cock was marble hard and throbbing like mad. Cheryl had that dreamy look on her face again, and she reached for her pussy with one hand and started to stroke her slit while Mika massaged the front of her son's hard, young body. Hayden gazed at his mother, transfixed by the sight of her fingers drumming and raking over her obviously wet slit. Her pussy looked perfect, and it was hard to believe she was spreading it open for him to admire while the younger woman ran her oily hands all over his naked body. He tried to ignore the intense throbbing of his cock. It was the first time he'd ever gone this long without making himself cum and his whole body just felt so good. Hayden's mother started to focus her efforts on her clit, rubbing that swollen pearl firmly while the pleasure she was feeling was all over her pretty face. Her immense tits waggled enticingly as she massaged her nub. Every time Hayden looked at his mother's face she was either looking at his big, fully exposed hard on or looking back at his face with a look of ecstatic happiness in her eyes. Mika then took a moment to smear oil over her perky tits, then she leaned over and started dragging them back and forth across Hayden's cock. Her nipples were big and hard and they felt so good scraping across his skin. She spent several minutes massaging his cock and the area all around it with her tits, then she straightened back up and took his red hot shaft into her hand. Hayden felt himself gasp with pleasure, and he hear his mother do the same thing while slipping two of her fingers from her other hand into her pussy hole. Now Cheryl was sliding her fingers in and out of her hole while rubbing her clit with the other hand. Hayden wasn't sure if he should believe what he was seeing. Mika began stroking his cock with a firm grip. She caressed his balls with the other hand for a moment or two, but then used that hand to encircle the base of his shaft tightly. She gripped the root of his organ tightly like a cock ring while her other hand was gliding up and down his shank with corkscrewing strokes. Hayden had never felt anything like this before, and the combination of pleasure and pressure was building inside him like a pressure cooker. His mother was smiling back at him. Her two handed assault on her own pussy and clit never let up and she was clearly well on her way to the peak of her own pleasure. Yet she was gazing back at her son with gleaming excitement in her eyes. He knew she understood what he was feeling. She was excited to see him experience such intense pleasure for the first time. Mika kept gripping Hayden's thick shaft and stroking with her top hand until the pressure in his balls was building to a level he'd never felt before. Suddenly, the petite Asian eased the pressure of her grip with the bottom hand, allowing the teenager's spunk to go shooting up through his rod in a head-spinning explosion of spurting cum. "Ohhhh fuck!" Hayden cried out. His cum was spurting straight up in the air, farther than he'd ever squirted before. His shooting cum was landing all over his body and some even landed on Mika's tits. "Oh yes!" his mother cried out as she furiously pumped her pussy, bringing herself to a simultaneous orgasm with her son. Her eyes were glazed with lust and excitement as she watched her son's cock erupt and spatter both his own and her masseuse's bodies. Hayden needed some time to recover from cumming so hard. Knowing his mother had cum along with him had only made his climax more intense. He was still feeling a little dazed when he finally got off the table. Mika had already toweled his cum off her tits and was getting dressed, although he and his mother were in no hurry to put any clothes on. Cheryl got up and handed Mika an envelope full of cash. "Same time next week?" she asked the younger woman. "A double session for both of us?" Mika smiled and nodded. Hayden wondered if she'd figured out she'd just given happy ending massages to a mother and her son. Either way, if the masseuse was going to come back and do this every week she was bound to learn the truth sooner or later. Hayden realized he didn't mind. Maybe he even wanted the younger woman to know. He felt proud of his bold, adventurous mother. And on top of that, she was the most overtly sexual animal he'd ever known in his life. After Mika left, Hayden and Cheryl sat naked on the balcony, sunning themselves for a while. Even though they'd been naked around each other a few times in the past few days since Hayden got there, it was the first time they'd hung out together completely in the nude. But considering the audacious way Cheryl always dressed, the woman's body held no mysteries for her admiring son. Yet he still loved seeing her naked. Being naked together. They'd both had incredibly good orgasms and now the sun felt so good on the bare bodies. Hayden loved his mother even more naked. It just felt like they were completely open to each other. He'd never felt so comfortable with anyone in his life. It was then that he realized he felt happy. Happy to be reunited with his mother, and happy that they could be so open and at ease with each other. "I could tell you enjoyed your massage," Cheryl pointed out with her coy smile. Hayden was beginning to smile the same way, subtle but so suggestive. "It was fantastic," he said. "I'm glad we could do that together." "Oh, baby, that means so much to me. I've never shared that with anyone else, and you'll be the only one I ever do." Hayden felt good about that. He wanted to have something with his beautiful mother that no one else did. "You should shave that body, though," she suggested. "Trust me, everything will feel so much better. If you want, I could even take you to the spa where I get my regular waxes." "Doesn't that hurt?" Hayden asked, although he was truly interested. His mother had yet to steer him wrong. "Everyone has a different threshold," she told him. "But it's worth it. How about just trying it once? Then, if you don't like you don't have to go back." Hayden smiled at his mother again. He was willing to try anything. It was only the next day that Cheryl got Hayden an appointment at the spa where she got her waxing done and arranged for him to get the male version of a Brazilian wax. It wasn't as painful as Hayden expected, except maybe around his balls, but later on he felt it was worth it. The morning after his wax, Hayden got up and went out naked onto the smaller, second-floor balcony. He loved the way his newly smooth body felt, and he wanted to get an all-over, line-free tan like his mother had. It felt so good to feel free to go out naked whenever the mood struck him, and he was quickly developing a huge liking for lying out nude in the sun. He was also excited by how pleased his mother was with his new appearance. She hadn't been at all shy about telling him how good he looked when she went into the bathroom while he was showering. It made him feel bolder and more confident. The feel of the sun and air on his smooth body was enough to make his young cock begin to grow thick. He couldn't resist caressing his balls and growing shaft. He was hard before long, and couldn't keep from stroking his shaft. That's what he was doing when his mother came out with two cups of coffee. Cheryl gazed at her son's aroused cock with her coy smile as she set Hayden's cup on the stand beside the chaise he was on, then she took hers and took a seat on a deck chair. She was wearing her usual, daringly short style of dress. Today it was a form-fitting sheath dress with spaghetti straps that left the size and shape of her braless tits fully accented. Sometimes Hayden couldn't decide if he loved seeing his mother more in the slutty looking clothes she always dressed in or just completely naked. He hadn't seen her naked since Mika was there to massage them, and the sight would never leave his mind. "You look like you're feeling good," Cheryl said as she sipped her coffee, gazing at her son's cock over the rim of her cup. "I feel great like this," he replied, referring to how good his body felt after the wax. Keeping his cock in one hand, he reached for his coffee with the other. "Well, you look fantastic, sweetie. And it makes your cock stand out so beautifully. You do have such a lovely cock." "Thanks, Mom. I'm really glad you like it." "You can keep stroking it, if you like, baby. I guess you already know I enjoy watching that." "I really liked watching you, too, Mom," he said, thinking of the way she'd made herself cum at the same time Mika had made him cum so hard. "I could tell, sweetheart. That made me feel so good. I know we're still kind of getting to know each other, but that made me feel so close to you." "Me, too," he agreed. "So you don't think it's weird that your mother thinks you have a beautiful cock?" she asked, looking as if she already knew the answer. "No, Mom. I really like that you do. I mean, I think your body is amazing, too, so I wouldn't want that to be weird for you, either." "I think it's the sweetest thing in the world, baby," she said. Then his mother suddenly excused herself and went inside. She went into her bedroom and returned just a moment later with a small bottle of lube, which she set beside Hayden's coffee cup. "There," she said. "I think you'll find that oil just perfect for stroking that beautiful cock." Hayden wished she would just stroke it for him. After all, they were already far more sexual with each other than "normal" mothers and sons. But maybe she just felt like that would be going too far. He wanted her like crazy, but he couldn't help but understand her feelings. He thanked her for the lube and proceeded to drip some onto his hand, then smeared it all over his shaft and balls. His heart started pumping faster when he saw the renewed interest in his mother's eyes. His cock was hard and glistening with a coat of oil, smoothing the glide of his stroking fist. "I'd love to join you sunbathing," she said, "but I've got a couple of appointments I have to get to. But how about something more to look at while you stroke?" Hayden nodded and kept stroking his cock while his mother slipped the straps off her shoulders and pulled the top of her dress off her enormous tits. She smiled and played with her nipples while she watched her son stroke his magnificent rod. "You really like my tits, don't you, baby?" she asked none too coyly. "I could tell when I picked you up at the airport." Hayden smiled back at her. A few days ago he would've been embarrassed, but life was rapidly changing in the most unexpected ways. "Who wouldn't like those tits, Mom? They're amazing," he told her. Cheryl's smile told him how pleased she was with his compliment. "Enjoy them as much as you want, baby," she said. Hayden kept stroking his cock and watching his pampered looking mother fondle and play with her exposed tits. He wanted to feel them more than anything in the world, but he also respected his mother's limits. Besides, it would be stupid to complain. "I'm so proud of how big your cock is, darling," she told him. She went on to talk about his cock while he stroked it, her hands never once pausing in their grasping and groping of her tits. Hayden was throbbing wildly, and he never took his eyes off his mother as he fist-fucked his hot, thick stalk. But before too much longer he grunted and gasped with pleasure while climax exploded, his succulent cock spurting cum all over the front of his smooth body. Afterwards, he lay back and caught his breath while his mother smiled and calmly rearranged her unwieldy tits back in her dress. She got up to go to her appointments, but as she passed Hayden, she paused and dipped her finger in one of the dollops of cum on his chest. She held the finger to her mouth and sucked the bit of spunk into her mouth. "Mmmmm, you taste so good, too," she told him proudly. "I should be back in a few hours," she added. "You can take the second car if you need to go anywhere. Oh, and later on a friend of mine will be coming to visit. A male friend. Just a casual friend, but we'll be visiting in my bedroom. I'll leave the door open for you if you want to watch us, but don't let him see you, okay? He knows you're my son so I wouldn't want it to be weird for him." She paused a little dramatically. "But it wouldn't be weird for me. Not at all." "It's okay, Mom," her son replied, wondering what his mother would be doing in her bedroom with her "friend". Cheryl had warned him he might be seeing some out of the ordinary things living under her roof, and now he imagined he was going to find out what she meant. As if the session with Mika hadn't been a big enough hint. After she left, Hayden went into the bathroom and toweled the cum off his body. Then he pulled on a pair of shorts and went down to the small exercise room his mother had set up on the ground floor. After a good workout, he went back up and showered, getting dressed in a fresh pair of shorts and T shirt. He cracked open the new laptop she'd given him and went online to research colleges in the area. Once he started college it would be easier to meet girls he could do more with than his mother. Yet he didn't want to give up what they had. But if his mother could have friends with benefits, why shouldn't Hayden? Later on after Cheryl got back home, they had dinner together on the lower balcony. His mother asked if he wanted to suggest an outfit for her to wear for her friend's visit in another hour. He said he liked the purple dress she had on when she picked him up at the airport the other day. "Your legs and tits look amazing in that dress," he told her. "Oh my, that's a very slutty outfit," she snickered. "All your outfits are slutty, Mom." "Why Hayden!" she exclaimed with mock exasperation. "Is that any way to talk to your mother?" Hayden laughed. "It would be with an average mother, but my mother is way above average," he said with a proud smile. Cheryl sighed. "You're the best son any mother ever had." Hayden was falling more in love with his mother every day, and he was sure she felt the same way. After dinner, she went upstairs and put on the dress he loved seeing her in. She found a pair of heels that matched, different from the ones she'd worn to the airport the other day. When her friend finally showed up an hour later, Hayden was out on the upper balcony with his laptop. Cheryl and her male visitor hung downstairs for a while. He could hear them talking while his mother opened a bottle of wine. After a couple of glasses each, they came upstairs. Cheryl came out to the balcony with her friend and introduced him to Hayden. "Nick, this is my son, Hayden." Hayden didn't bother getting up to shake hands. Nick gave him a perfunctory nod and greeting while Hayden gave the older man a much more thorough appraisal. The teen knew Nick had something else on his mind. He couldn't blame the guy, not when he was about to disappear into Cheryl's room with her. Nick was probably a little younger than Cheryl, but not by very much. He looked to be in pretty decent shape except for a slight paunch in front. He was good looking and wore his hair cropped short. And he seemed to be much too eager to fuck Cheryl to be worried about doing it with her son in the house. Casting a knowing smile over her shoulder at her son, Cheryl led Nick back in and toward her room. Hayden watched them walk away, watching his mother's luscious legs as they propelled her down the hall. He closed his laptop and listened. From the balcony, all he could hear was the indistinct murmur of their voices talking quietly so he got up and padded quietly closer to his mother's carelessly open doorway. Yet Hayden knew Cheryl's open door wasn't careless at all. He knew his mother was inviting her son to listen and even watch. Lingering near the door without trying to look in, he heard his mother ask Nick if his wife knew where he was. Nick laughed. "Hell, no," he replied. "If she knew I came over here on my own she'd probably call that divorce lawyer she thinks I don't know she's fucking." Cheryl snickered. "Well I guess we better not tell her, then. Now why don't you sit back and let me do the work?" "Oh yeah," Nick replied, half in a growl. Hayden waited and listened. Nick started sighing deeply. "Mmmm, that cock is getting hard so fast tonight," his mother said. "You must really need it." "Fuck, yes, I need it bad," the man groaned. "Oh, I love how big and hard you get for me," Cheryl said. Hayden then chanced a quick look into his mother's bedroom doorway. The chair that was usually in the corner of the room near her computer table had been moved to the open area near the end of her bed. It was angled so Nick was facing the opposite corner and couldn't see the doorway. Meanwhile, while his mother was kneeling on the floor between Nick's feet, Hayden could see her clearly. He had an angled side view of Nick's naked body as he sat in the chair, and the man's fully aroused cock while his mother knelt on the carpet, stroking his shaft and fondling his balls with both of her hands. When she spotted her son looking in at them, that same, coy smile crossed her pretty lips but she didn't look at Hayden directly. Hayden could tell his mother didn't want to draw Nick's attention to the doorway. He moved his body into the doorway so she could see him. Considering the way she had Nick distracted with her skillful attention to his excited cock it didn't seem like much a risk. Cheryl was maddeningly patient in the way she stroked and caressed Nick's cock. Her hands looked just as skilled as Mika's, but her style was so different. She stroked Nick's cock with slow patience, thumbing the underside of the head and making him moan deeply. Hayden was amazed and his own cock was growing hot and hard in his shorts as he discovered his mother's avid love of cocks. The way she was handling Nick's cock looked like she was pleasing herself as much as him. But it was also just as clear that Cheryl was excited by having her son watch her. Hayden pulled the band of his shorts down below his balls, exposing his impressively engorged cock to his kneeling mother as she deftly handled Nick's cock. He wanted her to see how she was affecting him, wrapping his hand around his thick, hard shaft and stroking it while she caressed and massaged the other man's cock. "It's so hard, so nice. I love that cock," Cheryl cooed sexily. A quick dart of her eyes toward Hayden told him she really meant those words for him. Meanwhile, Nick was sighing with pleasure while Cheryl patiently worked over his shaft and balls with both of her hands. Part of Hayden felt jealous, but throbbing excitement in his swollen rod was also because he felt proud of her. She was sexy and so amazing, and her son was astonished by the way she had the other man under her sexual spell. For that matter, she had her son under her spell, too. Hayden wanted to be the one sitting in that chair feeling his mother's special attention to his aching cock. He was sure she must be wishing the same thing, but they were mother and son, after all. They couldn't possibly go that far. Cheryl pulled her magnificent tits free from her open-front dress and wrapped them around Nick's cock. Nick groaned his approval. "Oh yeah," he told Hayden's mom, "stroke that cock with those big tits, baby." "You like these tits, don't you?" Cheryl asked him, casting a quick glance at her son in the doorway. "You know I do," the man said. Hayden stroked his cock and watched his mother massage Nick's cock with her tits. She held them in her hands and slid them up and down the man's rock solid shaft. After a while she reared back and went to work on his dick with her hands again. She held his shaft upright and leaned forward to slide her tongue up the underside, then letting it swirl around the flared ridge of the head. Nick moaned with pleasure and Cheryl then took his hard flesh into her mouth, patiently stroking and sucking him at the same time. The hem of Cheryl's dress was riding up around her hips, exposing more of her legs and ass at the same time. Hayden was dying to see her directly from behind and stroke his cock as he admired his mother's asshole and smooth pussy slit. But her slow, patient sucking and stroking of Nick's cock kept him hard and stroking until precum was steadily dripping from his head. He lubed his shaft with his own goo, pleased to see his mother's eyes darting in his direction every chance she had. Nick seemed to stay hard for a long time, and Hayden realized his mother's slow patience was her way of keeping the man on the edge and letting his pleasure build slowly but surely. She kept working his cock with her talented mouth and one hand while she slipped her other hand between her legs and rubbed her pussy while she continued sucking and stroking Nick. Hayden wished he had a better view of his mother's wet pussy, but it was so hot to watch her steal some pleasure for herself while working on pleasing the cock in her mouth. Eventually Nick started to grunt and gasp. Cheryl seemed to know his reactions well. She barely changed the pace of her sucking and stroking, which made Nick groan even more deeply until he gasped and started to climax. Cheryl took some of his cum into her mouth, then pulled away and stroked the rest of his load onto her tits. Hayden's cock was throbbing madly. He couldn't imagine how good it would feel to be on the receiving end of his mother's skillful attention. But after Nick finished cumming, Cheryl cast a quick look at her son and he knew he had to sneak away from her doorway before Nick saw him. Hayden padded silently into his bedroom. Closing his door, he stripped naked and kept stroking his cock. He felt like pounding his rigid meat hard and fast, but he couldn't stop thinking about his mother's slow, patient way of milking Nick's cock to a hot, intense release. Listening at his door, he could hear the murmur of voices from Cheryl's room, and within a few minutes Nick was heading out of the house. Hayden could hear his car start up and pull away. That's when he left his room again and went back to his mother's, just standing naked in her doorway again with his achingly swollen rod in his snug grip. Cheryl was sitting in the same chair Nick had, but she'd moved it again to face the doorway directly. Hayden realized his mother had been expecting him to appear. Her lusciously big tits were still hanging out in the open, and her dress hem was up around her hips. Her slender legs were parted wide and exposing her silky wet slit. She was raking her fingers up and down her slit, and she smiled when her obviously aroused son appeared in her doorway. She watched Hayden stroke his cock while he watched her massage her pussy. "I think you liked watching your mother suck her friend's cock and make him cum," the blonde said. "I did. And I know you could tell." "Yes, baby, I could tell." "And you liked having me watch," Hayden added. "I loved it, baby. I've never felt so close to anyone," she said. "Me neither," he agreed. "You don't think it's weird to have such a horny mother?" "I love it, Mom. And I love you. I want you to be happy." "You make me happier than I've ever been before, my love. I can't help feeling this way around you." As if to emphasize her point, Cheryl spread her glistening, wet pussy open wide and fingered her hole for her son. Hayden's pulse raced at the sight. "You're not the only one, Mom," her son replied with a shaky voice. She slide a finger up inside her pussy, slowly stroking it in and out. "Could you tell I was wishing Nick was you instead?" she asked. Hayden nodded. "I was wishing I could be him, too," he admitted. "Is he your boyfriend?" "Oh god, no, baby. He's kind of an asshole, to be honest, but he has such a nice cock. I have a small group of friends like Nick. We just get together to take care of our mutual urges, that's all." "I don't think he deserves you, Mom. Dad didn't deserve you, either. You should have someone who loves you like I do." "I know, baby. But...I'm your mother. We've already broken so many rules." She whimpered softly and dug her finger deeper. Hayden could tell she was reaching for her G spot. Hayden walked into the room and stood directly in front of his mother's chair. He was close enough to reach out and touch her while his hand kept stroking his dick shaft. Her eyes were gleaming as she watched him stroke. "We're not like other people, Mom," he said. "We don't need to live by the same rules." Hayden could smell his mother's intense arousal. Her slip-sliding finger was beginning to make slicking noises as it pumped steadily in and out of her hole. "Baby, think about what you're saying," the blonde said, her eyes steadily trained on his throbbing cock and stroking fist. "I know you want my cock," he told her. "I know you like it better than your friend's. It's bigger and harder and much nicer and you know it. I can see it in the way you look at me." Hayden never imagined talking to his mother this way, but his desire for her was immense and pushing him to become the young man he knew he could be for her. He reached down for her free hand and brought it to his cock. She instantly curled her hand around his shaft and started stroking him. "Oh, no," she said breathily, despite her readiness to fondle her son's rock hard organ. "Oh yes," Hayden replied. "That's so good, Mom. And you know it's right. I don't even want to hear you say Nick's name anymore. I have a bigger, better cock for you anytime you need it." "Oh god, baby, I need it so much," his mother mewled. Her usual air of confidence was changing to lustful need right before her son's eyes. She took her finger out of her pussy and started stroking and massaging her son with both hands, pleasing his sensitive shaft and caressing his balls at the same time. Just from watching, Hayden could tell his mother's loving touches were eager and firmer than what she'd given Nick. He stood a while watching the blonde massage his cock, often looking up at him as she worked. Without a doubt, his mother was the hottest, most talented cock pleaser who'd ever held his rod in her hands. She was making him ache harder and harder by the second. He couldn't resist reaching for the back of her head and pulling her face toward his cock. "Taste that cock, Mom," he groaned. "Suck it." "Bad," she cooed. "Ohhh, so bad." Then her tongue snaked out of her mouth and lapped all around her son's big shaft. She licked every inch of him, taking her time and clearly savoring the taste of his hot, swollen flesh. She licked and sucked the head, driving his pulse rate even higher while he cupped his smooth balls in her hand. Hayden groaned and began pushing deeper into his mother's mouth. His thrusts were easy but insistent. Cheryl looked up at him with surprise in her eyes. She was obviously used to taking control of things with her other men, but Hayden wasn't about to treat her like any of them. He was her son. What they had between them was too special for anyone else to understand. Hayden was soon thrusting strong and steady into his mother's wet mouth while she closed her eyes, her expression practically rapturous. He was barely able to fathom what he was seeing, not to mention the incredible sensation of the woman's agile tongue swirling against his driving shaft. His hands went to her sumptuous tits, fondling and squeezing her smooth orbs while his cock delved between her moist lips. After as long as he could take, he pulled his cock from the blonde's mouth and pushed her dress off her shoulders. "Take it off, Mom," he said. "I want you naked. Besides, that dress hardly covers anything anyway." Cheryl almost looked disoriented. Hayden realized she probably never let the other men tell her what to do, but she stood up and removed the dress that was barely covering her body. He took her by the hand and led her to her bed. She followed meekly and sat on the edge of the mattress. "Good, Mom," Hayden said, standing in front of her. "Now massage my cock with those amazing tits. I deserve it more than your other guys do." "Yes, baby, you do," she replied. Hayden pushed his cock between his mother's big globes and she pushed them together around his shaft, massaging his pole the way he wanted. He stood and watched her stroke his meat with her boobs, savoring the feel of her silky, warm skin along his. Precum was oozing heavily from his knob, wetting his mother's tan skin. Eventually, Hayden leaned over and kissed her, pushing his tongue deeply into her mouth. His heart nearly exploded just being able to kiss his sexy mother like she was his, not to mention his wildly throbbing cock. He then got down on his knees so he could fondle her heavy tits and go back and forth, sucking each of her swollen nipples in turn. Her sighs and moans of pleasure only made him want to keep going for as long as he could. But at the same time, he reached between her thighs and started to finger her pussy with his right hand. Her moans immediately grew deeper, and within seconds she lay back against the bed and planted her feet on his shoulders, opening her pussy wider. Hayden slid two fingers into his mother's fuckhole and began licking at her honey-slick sex lips, all around his thrusting fingers. Cheryl gasped and cried out her desire. Then Hayden swirled his tongue around her clit and sucked her pearl in between his lips, sucking and lapping at her pleasure node while his fingers thrust without stopping. He kept going until his mother rewarded him with two, hip-grinding orgasms almost one after the other. When she caught her breath, Cheryl raised her head and looked at her son in amazement. "Go sit on the chair, baby. Mama's got something special for you," she said. Hayden went to chair and sat. When his mother came to him and straddled him, he stretched his legs out and slid his ass to the edge of the seat, making it easier for her to reach down and grab his cock. She held his bone in place while she pressed the hot, wet lips of pussy to the head of his cock. "Fuck, yes, Mom," he groaned. "Ride that cock." "Ohhhhhh, fuck," the woman moaned as she lowered her pussy onto her son's rigid prick. Hayden groaned with pleasure as his mother's hot sheath began to swallow up every, throbbing inch of his huge cock. She sank down his shaft and began rising up down, milking him with her pussy. Her hips rolled erotically as she used her legs like springs and gave his pole a delirious cunt massage. Hayden was soon grasping at his mother's enormous tits, kneading them and twisting on her rigid nipples while she rode his cock. After all the stimulation he'd had, Hayden didn't know how he could hold out much longer, but his mother seemed to know just how hard and fast to pump her pussy up and down that cock. Cheryl was moaning deeply with pleasure. It was all over her face. Hayden was satisfied to realized she hadn't looked at Nick at all the same way. She began riding him faster, losing control of her measured strokes and milking her son's fat member for every ounce of friction she could feel. She began gasping and crying out that his cock was making her cum again. Hayden felt the rippling clamp of his mother's inner sheath. The milking stroke of her sodden cunt was more than he could take any longer, and he finally thrust hard up into her body and pumped her deeply with hard spurts of own her own son's spunk. Hayden's orgasm went on almost as long as his mother's and left her hole filled with hot cream. Afterward, she dismounted him and they went to her bed where they lay down together and held each other. They kissed for a long time. Later, they went downstairs and ate a late dinner together, both of them sitting naked at the table. They couldn't stop smiling at each other across the table. And as hard as Hayden's mother had made him cum, his cock was hard again before they finished their meal. They left their food half eaten on the table and Cheryl led her son back up to her bedroom by his cock. They both knew Hayden had finally come home. For Pics visit:---->>> https://cutt.ly/hwsMVhC
Title: Pure Heart Pt. 04 Summary: Sara teaches Alex how to touch a woman's heart. Keywords: inc,fic Chapter 19 Blonde hair, falling in waves like ocean waves in a sunrise...blue eyes sparkling with laughter...soft, red lips hiding the tenderness of a secret love... "Alex?" Her gentle, yet firm touch sending electric through my skin... "Alex!" I shook myself out of my reverie and looked up to see Tanya's frustrated glare. "It's your turn. Geez, where are you tonight?" she asked. With embarrassment I realized I had been daydreaming about my sister, Sara, again - and not for the first time tonight. I stood up feeling rather self-conscious and walked past Tanya to pick up my bowling ball from the return. My first shot was less than stellar. While waiting for the ball to return I looked over at Tanya to see her staring at me with an unhappy look in her eyes. My second shot down the lane brought down even less pins. As I returned to sit, Tanya cornered me. "What is it with you tonight? It's like you aren't even here." Instantly I felt defensive. Crossly, I said, "Would you just back off? I'm trying okay?" Wrong thing to say. It looked like a door closed in here eyes. A wall had gone up. "Fine." she said and got up to bowl. The next half hour was spent in near silence. The game had turned from something fun into a chore that had to be completed. I felt bad about what was going on but my head felt cloudy. Even though Tanya looked insanely beautiful tonight all I could think about was the physical wall she still kept up - a wall that didn't exist between my sister and I. I was resenting that wall. I wanted more with Tanya like I had with Sara. That resentment was turning into annoyance and frustration. I knew it, I could see it happening, I knew it wasn't what I wanted but it was happening. I was pushing her away. Finally the game was over and we returned our shoes and I paid. Tanya barely waited for me to finish before heading out the door. As we stepped outside I was about to speak up and apologize when her cell phone rang. She stepped to the side of the entrance and I stood near as she pulled her phone out of her small purse and answered it. She greeted whomever had called and immediately her face fell. "What?" she asked. It was silent for a moment as she listened. "How...I mean, when?" There were tears in her eyes. She wiped one off her cheek, still listening. "Okay. Yeah. I...can I just call you tomorrow?" Her voice broke. "Ok. Bye. Love you too." She hung up, breathed deeply, looking past the parking lot lights toward the stars. "Tanya, what's..." I began before she cut me off. "I have to go. Thanks for taking me out." she said and walked away to her car. I dumbly stood there and watched as her engine started up, lights came on and she drove off. It was a few seconds until I reached for my keys when it dawned on me that she'd driven us both there...I had no car. My mind reviewed what had just happened as I pulled my phone out and dialed my sister. She answered on the third ring and was very amused that I was stuck at the bowling alley. She picked up something in the tone of my voice, however, and realized that something was going on and promised to be there shortly. I sat down on the curb and thought about the evening. Thought about my feelings for Tanya - good and bad. I had a feeling I knew what the call may have meant but wasn't sure. That she hadn't wanted to tell me about it meant I must have really hurt her feelings tonight. I was so lost in my introspection that I was surprised when a car pulled up to the curb, making me jump back with a start. I heard Sara's friendly laughter come from the open window. "Sorry about that!" she said as I opened the door and got inside. "What's up? Why'd she leave you here?" Sara eased the car away from the curb, out of the parking lot and out into the road. "She got a call...sounded like someone she knows is hurt or something. I think she forgot she drove us both." Sara glanced at me after a moment of silence. "Uh huh. What else?" I looked over at her. "I can tell something else is up." I pursed my lips and sighed. "I was ignoring her I think." Sara was quiet for a minute. "Do you know why? I thought you really like her." "I do! I don't know. I just feel like she's still holding me at arms length. I don't want to pressure her to be affectionate but I get really tired wondering whether or not she feels close to me. Like the way we feel." Again, silence. "Alex...I don't want to ask this, but were you daydreaming about us tonight? Like, were you ignoring her because of that?" Hesitantly I said yes. To my surprise, Sara pulled the car over to the side of the road - several cars passing by as she turned the blinkers on. "Alex. Do you really like her or not?" It wasn't a hard question for me to answer. "Yeah. I do." Sara waited for me to look over at her before she said anything else. "Then you need to get over yourself. Okay? You told me before that she's had a rough time trusting people. She's not going to get over that and you've just hit her in the heart tonight." Her intensity startled me. Were it not for how earnestly she said it I would have felt worse but I could sense her compassion for Tanya. "What should I do? I mean, she just got that call and barely said goodbye...I was such a jerk..." "Where does she live?" Sara asked. I had barely told her before we were back out on the road. "I do not want what you and I are doing to mess things up with you and Tanya, okay? I mean that. I'm your sister Alex, and it's easy for me to love you, okay? Tanya doesn't know you like I do. She's not going to open up as quickly as you want." She turned onto the main street that Tanya's apartment building was on, several blocks away. "So what am I supposed to do? If there's something going on tonight I can't just interrupt to talk about our relationship." I said. "No. You aren't going to talk about your relationship." Sara sighed. "Girls want to be pursued, rescued. We want to know you're there to protect us when we need it. You need to pursue her tonight and let her know you're there to fight for her." I looked at Sara quizzically. She felt my stare and a little grin formed on her lips. "Okay, so when you called I was reading a romance novel alright? Give me a break and just trust me. And don't be an ass to her or I'll never talk to you again." She smiled. We had arrived at the apartments and Sara pulled into a space. With a deep breath I opened the door and got out of the car. One last glance back at Sara, who smiled encouragingly, and I pulled my phone out and began walking to the front entrance, dialing Tanya's number. I had to call twice before she picked up. Her voice sounded tired but there was a hint of apology as she answered. "I'm sorry, I forgot I drove us both." was her greeting. Feeling my heart beating strongly I said, "Hey, it's okay. Tanya, I know something's up. I was an ass tonight and I apologize." There was silence on the other end. Sara watched from the car. "You were an ass. At least you know it." Tanya finally said. "Yeah. Seriously. I'm very sorry. I'm, um...I'm outside. I got a ride here. I know the call you got was important and hurt you. I'm here for you. I know you might be angry at me right now and I deserve it, but I'm willing to take that right now if you'll let me be here for you." Another silence. She was surprised. "You're here?" "Mm hmm." She sighed. "I don't know if I want to see anyone." "I'm not going to press Tanya, but..." I swallowed nervously, "...I really do care about you. I mean it. I don't know what's going on and it might hurt...but I want to hurt with you." She waited another entire minute before speaking. When she did, my heart skipped. "I...I guess I do need you right now. I'll come down to meet you." I was stunned and let her go on the phone. I cast a thumbs-up to Sara who grinned, and backed out of her space in the lot and drove off. A few seconds later I saw Tanya's silhouette appear on the frosted window of the entryway. The door eased open and there she was - eyes red and puffy, hair slightly messed, wearing pajama bottoms... She'd never looked as beautiful to me before. I stepped up to her, looked into her troubled eyes, and we fell into each other's arms. It wasn't long before her tears were soaking into my shoulder. A few moments later she guided me up the stairs to her apartment - a stained glass dragonfly hanging from her door - and led me inside. Nothing "happened" that night, but everything changed. We sat on her couch for hours, her under a blanket, as she told me that her grandfather had passed away and shared with me how much he had meant to her. She told me stories - both funny and painful - until the early hours of the morning. I held her as she cried, rubbed her back and encouraged her as best I could. The last thing she did before falling asleep in my arms was to look me in the eyes, whisper "I love you. Thank you." and tenderly press her quivering lips to mine in a kiss deeper than I could every have dreamed of with her. She sighed after that, curled tightly against me, and fell asleep. Chapter 20 I was the first to awake, going through a quick moment of disorientation until I remembered where I was. Tanya still lay curled against me, her lips barely parted as she slept. I gently raised one hand up to clear my eyes and relaxed it on the back of the couch as I looked around. During the night I had hardly turned my eyes from Tanya as we talked and I had not seen much at all of her apartment. I was surprised to find that the girls in my lap, the girl who so enjoyed working on engines, seemed to have a fascination with dragonflies and butterflies. They adorned her counters and shelves as wire, glass or clay sculptures, they decorated her walls in framed artwork, and were even sewn into the very blanket covering us. It was just then that I realized that her earrings were also miniature dragonflies. I felt a bit foolish that I had not noticed this before. The morning sun was shining brightly through one of her windows and I admired the hanging plants that she had somehow coaxed to bloom indoors. I also noticed a picture frame by the window with a man's face - oddly enough the only picture in the room of a person - I realized it must be her grandfather. It may have been a half hour later when she finally stirred and rubbed her eyes. She laid her hand on my chest and sighed, smiling, her eyes still somewhat closed. She stifled a yawn and stretched, then lifted her chin to look up at me. I smiled at her, loving the way a lock of her dark brown hair had fallen over her forehead. She made no effort to move it, and smiled up at me. "Thanks for staying with me." She said, her voice sounding a little hoarse. "My pleasure. Thank you for letting me stay." She smiled again, then rested her head on my chest again. "You're the first guy I've ever had in my apartment." I ran my fingers through her hair, softly touching her head. "I'm sorry it was under these circumstances." I noticed her eyes dart in the direction of the window...and the picture. She let out a long sigh. "Me too." In a little while we both got up. Tanya came up close and gave me a tight hug, then slowly pulled me in to kiss me again, deeply. She didn't mind as I wrapped my arms tight around her shoulders and seemed to melt against me. She showed me to the bathroom so I could freshen up and I washed my face and neck, wet my hair and styled it as best as possible. I came out of the bathroom to find the living area empty, and walked towards where I figured the bedroom was. The door was open halfway and I thought I saw her and stepped towards the room...and stopped. Tanya had stepped into view, facing away from me and was busy pulling her hair up in a ponytail - wearing nothing but a bra and panties. I stood there dumbly, watching her hair brushing back and forth across her nearly bare shoulders, drinking in the sight of her beautifully curved back, her waist, her legs... Someone has said that a woman's body is a picture of eternity too great for a man to take in and that's exactly how I felt as I looked at Tanya. Though not as thin as my sister she was built like a goddess - beautiful curves and lines...her body exuding grace in a way I'd never seen in her before. It was several moments before I realized I should not be gazing in at her like I was without her invitation so I quietly stepped back and into the bathroom. I took a cool drink from the faucet and again splashed water on my face. She appeared in the doorway a few minutes later, smiling quietly - tiredly, and I moved to allow her room at her sink. We talked a little more that morning and she offered to drive me to my car back at the school campus. She had a number of calls to make to her family and was going to have to leave to visit them and I knew it was time that I gave her room. However the gratefulness I saw in her eyes told me that Sara's advice last night had been absolutely right - Tanya needed to know that I was there to protect her and rescue her when she wanted it. The drive back to my car was quiet but it was an intimate, understanding silence. There wasn't any reason to bother with words at the moment. I held her hand as she drove and she held mine...and held it firmly. She gave me our third kiss just before I got out of the car...and it was even deeper and more real than the first two. When I got home, Sara was quick to meet me at the door and pulled me into her bedroom before our parents even knew we were home. "So, how did things go?" she asked enthusiastically, closing her door and sitting on her bed. I proceeded to tell her some of what Tanya had shared - but not too much. And Sara didn't want to know everything, she understood that what we'd talked about was very private for Tanya. But she did want to know about how I ended up staying the night, and especially about the kisses. She was nervous to hear about the kisses but also happy. "I know I shouldn't ask...but was kissing her like kissing me?" she said, looking slightly vulnerable. I grinned and reached out my hands for hers. "Sara...kissing you is indescribable. I don't even have words for it. It means...it just feels powerful..." She smiled sweetly. "I know I really shouldn't make you compare. I'm sorry." I grinned at her. "Your advice was perfect. Thank you for helping me get my head out of my ass." She giggled. "What's a sister for?" Chapter 21 I left Sara's room and went into my own, grabbing fresh cloths before heading into the shower. My dad caught me going by and teased me lightly about where I'd been last night. He let me know that he and my mom were heading out for lunch together - something they seemed to be doing pretty frequently now. I went into the bathroom and hung my clean clothes up, then undressed and started the shower, sighing to myself as the warm water splashed over me. The steam and the heat began to ease much of my tension and I felt my muscles loosen. I closed my eyes and let the water course over my face, washing away my thoughts and concerns. I thought I heard something and brought my head out of the water to listen for a moment. I ignored it, figuring my towel had fallen off a hook or some such thing. But as I ran my face under the water again I couldn't escape the feeling that something was in the room with me. This was ridiculous. I was just starting to relax and was now making myself edgy for no good reason. To satisfy my curiosity and calm down, I pulled the curtain aside to verify I was making things up...to find my sister standing, or rather, bent over, in the middle of taking off her pants. She grinned at me very sheepishly. "You weren't supposed to hear me." She admitted. I was too stunned to say anything, so she finished slipping her pants and panties off, then slid her shirt off over her head and undid her bra as I stared in disbelief. Then she came up to me. "Mind if I join you?" Eagerly, I stepped back into the spray of the shower and gave her room to step into the shower with me. She looked fantastic - fully naked, nipples hard, little red lines on her hips from her panties. She was smiling at me as she put her hair into a ponytail. "Sara, what are you...well...I mean..." I fumbled and stammered, trying to come up with something intelligent to express my surprise and confusion. Grinning, she whispered, "Quiet! Don't let mom and dad hear you talking! They haven't left yet" She stepped closer and I moved a little to let her get into the water...feeling very weird. "I thought I'd surprise you and congratulate you for last night." "Well...it was mostly from your help, you know." I said quietly. She stepped closer and I gave her more room, but purposefully stayed close. She was looking down. I didn't realize it at first, but she was looking at my dick - now fully erect and pointed up at her. "I figured it's been hard for you to be patient and thought it was time you had some help. Looks like you were expecting me, actually." She teased. Then she grabbed my washcloth. "Want me to wash you down?" She giggled. I closed my eyes and moaned. "Sara, you have got to be kidding me!" She giggled again and grabbed the soap, working up a lather with the washcloth. "I'll be honest. I'm not just here because I thought you might need something." She hesitated and looked up at me, locking eyes meaningfully. Then she put the soap down and had me turn around. It was a crazy, bizarre feeling as Sara began to wash my shoulders and neck. She held my shoulder with her free hand and ran the washcloth across my shoulders with the other. It was strange enough to have someone else washing me, stranger still that it was my own sister! But she did a good job. As I stood with the water pouring over my chest, she gently and firmly lathered my back, even running the washcloth over my butt cheeks and down my legs. "Ok. Turn around." I had heard her, but it seemed my body was paralyzed. The next thing I knew, I had turned around, though I didn't really remember doing it. I felt the water running down my back, washing the suds away as I looked at Sara standing naked in front of me, suds running down her arm from the washcloth. She stepped close, closer than I felt comfortable with at first, and began to rub the washcloth over my neck and shoulders. She worked it across my chest and sides, then down to my belly. Then she knelt down in front of me. Wordlessly, she slid the washcloth down the left side of my groin and onto the top of my thigh. She moved her hand and slid the soapy washcloth down my other side. Her face grew closer to my groin as she wiped the cloth over my hip. She bent her face closer, moving the washcloth over to the other side to slide it over my other hip. She put her free hand on the side of my thigh, sliding the cloth down the other, her face now mere inches from my straining erection. She slid the washcloth forward and then inside of my thigh and began pulling it up until she was cupping my balls. Very gently, she massaged my sac with her fingers and the soapy cloth, gazing at my penis as her actions caused it to tug toward her. The free hand she had on my hip slid in towards my groin. All in one action, she sighed, opened her mouth, closed her eyes and melted her lips along the length of my naked dick. My sister's mouth slid down, the head of my penis on her tongue. She slid it deeper, her lips around the middle of the shaft. Still cradling my balls with the sudsy washcloth, she pulled my penis as deep as she could get it, until it touched the back of her mouth. The water coursed over my back and steam was rapidly rising as my sister knelt before me and took my dick into her mouth as far as she could. The air was filled with the perfume of soap and her hair clung to her back in big, wet strands. I could feel her tongue moving around my shaft as she tasted all of me. She slid her lips back until she could feel the tip of my penis on her tongue and she swirled the tip of her tongue over it like candy. I groaned and she glanced up at me, and as I watched, slid her lips back over my shaft, drawing me back in again. Well, that did it for me. I had had enough fooling around. I slid myself out of her mouth and pulled her up to kiss her fiercely, mashing my body to hers. She returned my embrace eagerly, allowing me to press her against the wall and hold her there as I ran my hands over any part of her body I desired. I kissed her hungrily as I felt her wet breasts with my hands, kneading them like dough. I felt her ribcage expand and contract as she breathed deeply and excitedly. I ran one hand down and grasped her butt cheek and she responded, turning her hip so I could grab more - which I did. Her hands groped my back , pulling me closer and closer as she felt my hand slide from her butt cheek around to the front and onto her pussy. I felt her strip of pubic hair and used it to guide my fingers downward between her legs where the flesh grew softer and wet. I slid my fingers into my sister's willing cunt and curled the tip of a finger around her clit, causing her to gasp and buck, then kiss me back even more passionately. My penis was stabbing her stomach and I purposefully rubbed it against her as I stimulated her between her legs. She was loosing control, heaving, gasping and writhing against me as I tantalized her clit. I held her tight and began to kiss her neck. Her hand held my head tight, rubbing my hair and neck as her body strained. Suddenly she tensed up, digging her nails into the back of my neck and my shoulders. She started to squeak out little, high-pitched moans and her legs started to tremble so badly that she would have fallen had I not been holding her. Her hips bucked and she bent her face into my neck and whined, but I wouldn't stop my administrations on her cunt. Her body writhed again and again as she passed through several orgasms. It felt like her nails were breaking my skin. She was finally calming down, still trembling, but not as bad as before. I quickly, and carefully, removed my hand and got her to kneel down again, which she did tiredly. As the water splashed against my back, I pointed my dick at her face and started to stroke it, holding her head with one hand. She was still gasping for breath, but her eyes were focused on my penis as she watched me pumping it in her face. I felt my orgasm building and didn't hold back from letting it shoot out all over Sara's waiting face. The first shot caught her perfectly across the cheek and lips and she blinked in surprise, but then eagerly leaned in closer, opening her mouth and I couldn't have helped shooting the next shot right to the back of her throat. She coughed, catching another shot on the cheek, but got her mouth back open so I leaned in and rested the tip of my dick on her lower lip as I pumped, shooting several more spurts of my semen into my sisters mouth. When I was done, she leaned back, and to my surprise, though it didn't look like she even thought about it, she swallowed. I watched in a daze as she wiped the rest of the cum from her face and rinse it off in the water. I really didn't remember much about finishing the shower. It was fast, we were both exhausted. It was quite enjoyable, the closeness we had being nude together, but after everything we'd just done, it was also a little overwhelming and I was glad to return to my room. I attempted to read a magazine, then tossed it aside to stare at the ceiling. And smile. Chapter 22 On Friday Tanya had gone home to spend a week to be with her family for her grandfather's funeral. We had been speaking on the phone every day since I had slept over and it was so encouraging to hear that she was actually doing well - almost cheerful at times, mainly due to me she said. Meanwhile I had much to owe to Sara who continued to encourage me in my support of Tanya and was often in the room while I called, reading a magazine or book, sometimes just laying there and listening. It was good to have her there to support me and I loved her for it. We'd grown very comfortable with each other so that while I was on the phone I would often stroke Sara's back as she lay on the bed, sometimes she'd rub mine too when she got tired of staying still for too long. It was a beautiful Saturday morning when our parents had gone away to shop and spend some time together. Sara and I enjoyed some time outside, washing our cars together and playing a little basketball (which neither of us excelled at). Our parents came home that afternoon and Sara showered while my Dad and I relaxed to watch a movie. We had a nice dinner together and after a little more TV, our parents left to go to bed early, leaving Sara and I to chuckle knowingly at them. I went and took and shower and when I got out, found that Sara had gone into her bedroom. She welcomed me in and we chatted for a while. I had only wrapped my towel around myself, not intending to stay long, but had been there long enough that it had started to dry. I made mention that it was getting late and she looked at the clock. "Yeah, I guess we should get ready for bed." she acquiesced, standing and stretching. She saw where my eyes fell and smiled. I blushed and grinned. "Did you want to watch me change?" she asked shyly. I gave her a sheepish smile and said, "I really would. You look great today" She smiled at my compliment. "I've been thinking the same about you." We both shared embarrassed yet excited smiles. Sara bit her lip nervously, reached down and slowly stripped her t-shirt off over her head, uncovering her flawless breasts. She hooked her thumbs under the elastic of her sweats and eased them down over her hips and legs, uncovering her white panties. I admired her every curve and the movements of her body as she pulled out her pajamas and bent over in front of me to strip her panties down. Just as her panties touched the ground, I got up and playfully tackled her onto the bed. We collapsed in a laughing mess as her hair fell over both our faces. She turned her body to face me, grinning and pulling her hair back. I relaxed, laying next to her and ran a hand down her bare side, tracing her contours. She bit her lip as I admired her breast and to my immense pleasure she allowed me to trail my fingertips across it. Gently I touched her nipple and watched the darker flesh tighten and contract. She bit her lip again as my fingertips gently caressed and massaged her erect nipple. Then she leaned back a little, bringing her breast up closer to my face, so I leaned in and set my lips to her breast. Like a little child I suckled at my sister's teat, tugging at her nipple and caressing the flesh of her breast with my hand. She sighed and closed her eyes. Hungrily I kissed her breast and toyed with her nipple with my tongue. Feeling my erection grow, I slid my hand from her breast and trailed my fingers down her side, then around her belly. She shifted and turned her torso to give my hand more room so I slid my fingers up and down her abdomen from the edge of her ribs down to the start of her strip of pubic hair. She shifted again and raised her knee up, spreading her legs apart. I got the hint and as I continued to pleasure her breast I slid my fingers down onto the soft wetness of her pussy. She groaned quietly as my fingers touched the lips of her pussy and especially as I allowed the tips of my fingers to slide along the crack between them. In a few minutes I felt her inner lips beginning to peak out from her pussy as her arousal grew. With a sudden desire I let go of my sister and stood up, tossed my towel aside and then laid back down the opposite way so that my head was at her legs, near her crotch. She giggled happily and lifted her leg wider and immediately grabbed my penis and gently began to touch and feel it. I bent my head down to gaze between my sister's legs and looked with wonder at her body. I brought my hand back up to touch her, ever so gently and tenderly feeling her softness. I admired the silky curl of each golden hair on her pussy lips, and inhaled her fragrance. I felt her touching me in a similar way - slowly feeling my penis, lifting the shaft, touching the head with her thumb. I used my fingers to part her pussy lips and admire the engorged folds of her lips. I pulled back the skin toward the very peak of her mons to reveal the small protrusion of her clitoris. She gasped with pleasure as I pressed the tip of my thumb against it and made small circles around it. In response, Sara placed her thumb at the base of the head of my dick and firmly began to massage me there. It sent waves of pleasure through my body and I almost did not notice that she was trembling almost as much as me. I toyed with her clit more firmly and she did the same with my penis until we were both emitting quiet moans of pleasure. I watched with fascination as her cunt lips had swelled even more, and deeper down had parted at the entrance of her vagina. I watched as clear fluid began to glimmer and then gather between the lips, like dew on a rose, until a drop slowly crawled onto her pussy lip and down her thigh to the bed. Her hips and legs began to buck and jerk and I heard her gasping and moaning. Suddenly her gasping stopped and I felt my penis wrapped in warmth and wetness as she slid her mouth over it and began to lick and suck passionately. It only took a few moments and I was fighting to hold back my orgasm. She was clearly in the midst of hers and she trembled and shook and began to pump her head along my shaft. I grunted and released a stream of semen into my sister's mouth before I even knew it was coming. She kept sliding her head in and out as I ejaculated. Her body had regained control and she focused her energy on pulling out of me every drop I could manage to expel. When I could cum no more, she tenderly slid me out of her mouth. We lay there, exhausted, for some time. Since she never made a move to spit out my cum, I assumed she had swallowed it again. Eventually I got up and lay down with her face to face. She turned to lay on her back and I lay on my side against her, caressing her. It seemed like hours later when she spoke. "Why do you think we're okay with this?" I was silent for a while, then asked her to explain what she meant. "Well," her eyebrows knitted together as she stared at the ceiling, "Brothers and sisters aren't supposed to be this way. We're not supposed to be intimate." I trailed my fingers over her stomach as I thought. "I've thought a lot about that." She turned her face to look at me as I explained. "With everyone else, as you get to know them you have to pretend some of who you are. Since you don't really know them, you end up trying to like what they like, or act like them to get them to like you. You know, not always, but pretty often." She nodded that she understood. I continued. "With us, we've known each other since we were kids. We already know everything about each other and we accept each other. There's no pretending, no hiding who we really are. And what's weird is that for you and I to get intimate it's looked at as perverse, while other people are willing to pretend who they are and get physically intimate with someone else who's doing the same and it's considered normal." "Like half the girls in my class who are sleeping around with guys they don't even like just so they feel pretty or don't feel alone." Sara whispered. "Yeah." I nodded. "For whatever reason, you and I are comfortable together, and desire that intimacy. We've got a pure heart towards each other. Neither of us is pretending to be someone we're not. I mean, we both know someday we'll each be with someone else and hopefully they'll accept us and love us like you and I do each other." "Right now, we've got this one heart between us that's been bringing us closer and closer not just as brother and sister but just as a guy and a girl. I want you as much as you want me - and I want to know you as deeply as I can." We were both silent for a few minutes as we held each other in the moonlight. Her hand slid up my chest to my shoulder. She leaned up and kissed me. My arms wrapped around her and I kissed her. She slipped her arms around my chest, pulling me on top of her. Her legs stayed together for a hesitating moment, then spread apart to let me lay on her fully, holding her and kissing her. We were lost in the moment, lost in our embrace. Our naked bodies held tight together as we pressed our lips together and felt each other with our hands. I hardly realized it had been long enough for my body to build another erection; it grew without any need for me to acknowledge it. As I lay on her and as her body moved sensually under me, my penis rose and my shaft pressed against her softness. She began to lift her hips to slide her herself along my shaft and I responded by firmly grinding myself against her. I broke our kiss and turned my head down to kiss her neck, sliding my body down hers a few inches. She moaned with pleasure as I necked with her and my hands felt her back. I rocked my hips back several inches and felt the tip of my penis slide down along her wet folds. I rotated my hips forward and felt the tip of myself just begin to sink between those folds. Sara's body tensed as she felt me pressing at the entrance of her body, feeling her warm lips parted around the head of my penis. "Alex..." she whispered, anxiously, "You're going inside me..." Pulling my lips away from her neck I whispered, "I know." She was worried, but her body was softening. "Sweetie...Alex...if we do it..." I pressed more firmly. Her hymen help back my penis but was stretching. Sara stiffened again. "I know." I whispered again and held her tighter as I pushed my hips forward. "...it's incest." she gasped and her hymen gave way. My sister's gate had opened and I entered into her body. The wetness of her flesh and the desire of her heart willed me forward. She gasped again, nearly a cry, as we felt our bodies merge. My shaft plunged up through her willing flesh and we shook and trembled together, clutching, kissing, crying. Two bodies became one, and our hearts were one. Completely. Fully. We ravished each other. Our bodies entwined like an unbroken knot. Straining in the moonlight, our naked flesh glistened, our mouths cried out in silent gasps. I filled my hands with the beautiful curves of her body. My mouth feasted on her breasts, her straining neck, her lips. Her back arched and my fingers felt every rib as she strained. Her nails dug deeply into my back, then lower to grab my buttocks and pull me deeper into herself. Her legs spread wide and our pubic hair meshed together - our hair that was so similarly colored that our relationship as brother and sister could be seen just in that. I felt the tears on her cheeks and mine ran with hers as we finally gave to each other what we had longed to give. We drank each other's kisses like wine, intoxicated by the touch, drunk from the passion we shared together. Brother and sister...brother and sister...drinking deeply of each other, loving each other... I had to stifle her cries with my own lips but soon it didn't matter. It was a wonder that our parents didn't hear our groans, our anguished, passionate cries. She tightened like a coiling spring - every muscle contracting - trembling - shaking - until she burst against me. Sara gasped heartily and her body rocked against mine - her hips thrusting involuntarily, drawing me into herself over and over and over. I could feel her walls pulsing and clenching around my shaft, warm fluids flowing over my skin. She buried her face in my neck and cried and moaned until I thought she couldn't get any louder. She then shocked me, pulling my head down and kissing me fiercly and with more force than she'd ever done before. Her body felt like it was pulling me into itself - her feet wrapped tightly around my butt to hold me inside. Though we weren't moving, I could still feel her body gripping me, stroking me - deep inside herself. I felt my body begin to pulse...felt my penis start to swell...felt my balls retracting and I had to pull myself up and away, barely sliding myself out before unleashing myself, ejaculating all over her pulsing and quivering lips. Even now her legs pressed against me to pull me back inside and I knew I shouldn't have but once the last burst of semen had pushed out onto her I let Sara draw me back into herself - feeling my body glide into her with no effort. We embraced, gasping, still straining together, mesmerized at the feel of our oneness. As night fell, and sleep drifted in, we still clung together - still united, still one body. Brother and sister, asleep in each other's arms. Sister and brother, bodies united as lovers. pics---->> http://bit.ly/1D1q3qp
Title: Daddy Plants His Seed Summary: Dad and Angie get overheated on a tropical beach. Keywords:inc,fic,erotic,hot "Just get back to Dad," Angie muttered under her breath. "And see if you can manage to get there without spilling these drinks on any sunbathers!" Thick, humid air and the strong, tropical sun caressed her skin until every pore felt alive. After three days, she was already half as bronze as the local girls sprawled across the expansive beach in every imaginable shape and size, every shade of complexion between butter and midnight. Thongs were so common they almost looked normal to her by now, and the girls down here wore them proudly no matter how thick their legs and butts were. Two weeks ago, in a shopping mall thousands of miles north in the Windy City, Angie had thought the bikini she bought for this trip were daringly scant. Especially considering that Max, her father, was her travel companion. But the sunbathers here practically made her feel overdressed. Angie had never felt so acutely aware of feminine butts and thighs. Thick, rounded cheeks seemed to cobble the beach in every direction, and these ladies, young and mature alike, oozed with a naturally sensuous pride in their bodies. Despite the sleek tone of her athletic curves and the firm bounce of her prominent D-cup tits, she felt envious of the comfort in their own skin these girls seemed to have. It seemed as if she'd spent half her life compensating for what she felt were her flaws -- boobs too big for her body, and definitely thighs and ass that were thicker than she wanted. But down here she almost felt underfed. It felt like her head had been spinning non-stop since before they even boarded their flight. No one had ever taken her on a vacation like this before, and the last time she'd gone on a trip with her father was before she went to college and he was still married to her mother. Everything might have been fine, except she'd always felt a little weak and giddy around her dad. She knew other girls thought he was handsome, but to her he was the best and most gorgeous man alive. Probably even more unsettling than the feelings themselves was the fact that at twenty she still hadn't outgrown them. At this point, she'd given up on that idea. Angie trod carefully around a cluster of younger men and women sunning themselves, their bodies shimmering with sweat and lotion. The cocktails were sweet and stronger than she thought they'd be. Sharing them under the hot sun with her own father was beginning to seem like a very bad idea. She found Max lying peacefully on his chaise, in the same position as when she left on another cocktail run, except that he'd moved the chair out from the shade of their umbrella to lie in the direct sun. "Here you go, stud." Angie handed him the plastic cup, affecting a light tone. She regretted calling him stud the second the word came out of her mouth. Not that it wasn't true, only that she felt like a complete idiot in front of the one man who could ever make her knees wobble. "Thanks, babe," he said, with a satisfied smirk. He let his fingers brush over hers as he took the cup out of her hand. "Babe?" She gave him a mock sneer. "Since when did you start calling me that?" She couldn't suppress the grin that crossed her face. "If the shoe fits," he replied, cracking that prize-winning grin that always made her blush. His eyes were unreadable behind his dark sunglasses, but she would have sworn he was taking another good look at her body. She'd felt it countless times in the few days since they'd arrived. He had always been quick with compliments, telling her how good she looked whenever she bought a new outfit. But that was just normal, everyday behavior, she supposed. Didn't all handsome daddies like Max tell their daughters they're beautiful? "I think the sun is cooking your brain." She forced a light-hearted giggle and ducked under the umbrella. She might as well have been talking about herself. She leaned over to set her drink on the little plastic stand beside her lounge chair, and became acutely aware of the fact that her firm, round ass was thrust directly at her father. She didn't have to guess if he was looking. She knew he had to be. Her heart fluttered as she took a little extra time to arrange things on the stand - her drink, lotion bottle, a sexy paperback - stalling to give him a better look. She finally settled into the best imitation of a relaxed position she could manage. The first drink was supposed to have settled her erotically addled nerves, but Angie decided it wasn't enough. The second would probably just make it worse, but at least the buzz of the strong concoction felt good. If she was going crazy, at least she'd have a little fun along the way. She let the sweet, chilled drink moisten her lips and throat while her eyes skimmed the contours of her father's body. He was in his early forties, and easily in the best shape of his life, with just a few flecks of grey beginning to speckle his short, dark hair. She took a long, slow sip as her eyes meandered to the inevitable final stop, the thick, tubular shape defined in the crotch of his suit. Heat and alcohol worked on her brain as she wondered what something that size would be like when it was hard. She resisted the urge to chew her lower lip as she felt a persistent tingling in her pussy. Was he grinning back at her? It was hard to tell through those dark glasses. He looked smug. Proud of himself. Proud of having such a prize cock. I should be locked up, she told herself, forcing her attention on a point about a thousand miles out to sea. She took another long sip on her drink. Max got up to move his beach recliner back under the shade. He angled it in the opposite direction of Angie's, so they were facing each other. Now there was only the umbrella pole and the little plastic table with their drinks between them. He sat sideways at the end of his chair, leaning onto his knees. Then he took off his shades and set them aside. "Um, Mom..." "Ah, so now it's back to Angie," she chided lightly. "No more 'hey babe', 'thanks for the drink, babe'? I feel like I've been demoted." Max laughed. "I knew it! You love it when I call you 'babe'." "Ha!" she brushed him off with a wave of her hand. "You just like embarrassing me. Nice way for a guy to treat his own flesh and blood." Angie brought her drink up, surprised to discover it was already empty. Max shared his. There was that grin again. "I just like teasing you," he said. "Besides, you are one." She felt herself flush. When guys on campus said things like that to her it usually just made her roll her eyes, but coming from her father the compliment made her nipples vibrate. "Well," she said, "I guess I don't mind you calling me that while we're on vacation, even though I know you don't think of your own daughter as a babe." Max smiled again. "You have no idea what I really think of you." "Oh really?" She forced an amused expression while all her nerves felt like they were suddenly misfiring. "Really," he quickly rose to her challenge. "First of all, you're beautiful...obviously. I mean, like, fucking gorgeous. Second, you've got an amazing body, and in the interest of full disclosure, I think you should get one of those thong suits you were checking out in the gift shop last night. You'd look unreal. Third, I really wish you weren't my daughter." "Ummm, full disclosure, huh?" she replied, completely flustered. She attempted a casual laugh, but it got caught in her throat and it came out more like a strangled croak. Her growing nipples were buzzing with sensation. She snatched the cup out of his hand and drained off most of what was left. Anything to avoid admitting that she'd been thinking the same kinds of things. If she couldn't admit it to herself, she certainly couldn't admit it to him. What an idiotic, sexually tortuous disaster this trip was turning out to be. And there were five more weeks to go. It was impossible to imagine surviving it with her sanity intact. "I shouldn't be drinking in the hot sun," she hastily added. "You wouldn't say things like that if you weren't drunk." "How am I supposed to get drunk if you keep drinking it for me?" he chuckled. "Now I need another one so I can catch up with you. Besides, they say people only speak the truth when they drink." Angie couldn't think straight enough to argue. At this point, she couldn't even keep track of what was really causing her buzz. She felt like he'd just planted a huge land mine between them, and she was glad to have any excuse to walk around it. "Oh, all right," she surrendered. "Let's have another round. But it's your turn to make the run." "Let's both go. It'll be funny," he said, grabbing his daughter's hand to drag her along. "I don't see what's so funny about buying a couple of drinks," she said, as she let him lead her toward the shady little beach bar. "The bartender thinks you're my girlfriend," he said with offhand pride. "That's ridiculous!" Angie nearly shrieked. "Why in the world would he think something like that?" "Well, no one knows us here," he explained. "Remember when you went to the ladies' room when we got the first round? He told me I was lucky to have such a beautiful girlfriend while you were gone." "Oh my god," Angie quipped, unable to keep her grin from reaching ear to ear. The idea of being mistaken for a couple made her blush all over again. "So what did you say?" "I said thanks," he replied. "What else?" Angie felt a wicked, self-conscious pride as they entered the shady bar. The bartender greeted them with a smile. He remembered what they were drinking and went right to work on a fresh round. Angie perched on a stool while her stood beside her and casually placed his hand on her warm, bare thigh. Her first instinct was to push it away. This was too far to go just to play a little charade in front of a total stranger, but she was almost trembling with excitement. Her father's big hand was so close to her pussy it made her head spin even faster. Her nipples were throbbing, and the tingling in her slit was rapidly turning into a hot pulse. She was on the verge of running right back to the ladies' room just to have the privacy to finger herself. Maybe it would calm her down enough to clear her mind. This wasn't supposed to feel so good. But it did. Instead of leaving him there on to wait, she pressed her thighs together, trapping her father's hand between them with a naughty smile. Max returned his daughter's grin and just grazed against her with his amazing body, brashly pressing the bulge of his cock against the outer side of her leg. Angie's heart actually skipped at the sheer boldness of it. She was getting wet, and just knowing he could slide his hand a few scant inches and feel her excitement was almost enough to make her moan aloud right there on her stool. She was dying to just stroke him to a mind-blowing erection. That would be totally insane, she knew, but she at least allowed herself to put her arm around him and let her hand rest on his amazingly firm ass. "You look so beautiful today," he told her softly, but obviously allowing the bartender to overhear. "You look gorgeous every day, but today you just look...I don't know...special." On the surface, he was only playing a little game of fool-the-bartender, but she knew he meant every word. "You make me feel special," she admitted, squeezing his strong hand even tighter between her thighs. The hand squeezed back, and she felt wet enough to soak the stool she was sitting on. She squeezed his firm ass in response. Then he leaned in and kissed her mouth. Without thinking, Angie just opened her lips and let her father's tongue probe her mouth. He tasted of alcohol and tropical fruit. She could feel the bartender watching them in the mirror while her own tongue danced with her his. It was taking a lot longer this time. He's stalling. He likes watching, she thought. She cooed softly into her father's mouth. His kiss was so deep and sure. Oh, if he would only touch her simmering pussy, even just through her bikini, she'd go off like a firecracker. "You're a very bad man," she whispered in his ear. "Yeah, I am," he whispered back. "And I've been wanting to kiss you like that for the longest time." His little confession made her clit swell. She thought about admitting the same thing to him, but then the drinks were suddenly on the bar. When the bartender took Max's credit card to swipe it, he slid his hand closer to his daughter's burning pussy, close enough that his fingers slipped in the juicy nectar smearing the smooth skin of her upper thighs. "Oh, naughty, naughty girl," he whispered. He pushed his fingers up against her aching mound and she nearly screamed. By the time they settled back under their umbrella, Angie was hopelessly aware of the stain smeared across the pert cameltoe in her little off-white bikini. Her heart was racing with excitement, not to mention the wild spectrum of thoughts and emotions flashing through her mind. Meanwhile, the satisfied smile on her father's handsome face seemed to have plastered itself on. Ignoring the second chaise, he sat on the edge of Angie's. She readjusted the back up another notch so she could face him more easily. Her aching nipples made conspicuous dents in her brief top and her father's gaze was giving equal time to her eyes and tits. She took a deep breath, forcing her firm round orbs to heave under his eager gaze. "That was the most insane thing either one of us has ever done." "Probably," he replied with a devious grin. "But there are even crazier things we could do." My god he's so beautiful, and I love him so much, Angie thought. The mixture of love and desire in his eyes was strong enough to reach out and touch. It was even more intoxicating than the drinks. Angie blew a long sigh, placing her hand on Max's warm thigh. Her fingers raked over the firm flesh of his strong leg. Then he leaned forward and kissed her again. Her lips parted automatically, accepting his probing tongue. He touched her waist, and slid his hand upward. His palm grazed slowly over her breast, pushing across her throbbing nipple, until he was holding the back of her neck, pulling her as deeply into the kiss. She moaned into his mouth and clutched his muscular thigh. She wouldn't have known the difference if they'd been kissing for a minute or an hour. Her father's hand slipped down from her neck to her tits again to fondle the firm warm flesh bulging out around the scant top covering her. Her nipples burned and throbbed while her pussy broiled in its own nectar. Max pulled away and looked around. His hand remained on her boob, gently kneading as he scanned the area. Angie scanned, too, but put her hand over his to keep it there. Despite the overtly sensual atmosphere they were in, it was still a public place. There were other people nearby, but not all that close, and they weren't paying attention to just another couple under a beach umbrella. The closest was about twenty-five feet away, a very dark skinned young woman sunning on her stomach in a red thong with her top untied. Her head was turned the other way, hopefully dozing. Angie was the only one who seemed to be concerned about what they were doing, but she was the only one within thousands of miles who knew there was a father kissing and feeling up his own daughter on an open beach. She looked back at him, breathless. Her heart felt like it wanted to explode out of her heaving chest. "Dad, I...I..." "It's okay, baby," he cut in. "This is just for us. I can always stop if you want me to, but I'll never apologize for loving you as much as I do." "Oh god," she sighed. "I love you so fucking much." His hand felt so good and there wasn't a man alive she'd rather have touching her like she belonged to him. Her pussy felt like it was going to ignite, and she suddenly realized that her hand was still resting on his thigh. She struck a mischievous grin and slid her hand the few scant inches until she was cupping the bulge of his cock and balls in her palm. His cock was rapidly getting bigger. She stroked him through the thin material of his trunks, her fingertips raking the shape of his organ as it started to grow even faster. Max uttered a low groan as she fondled him. It didn't seem entirely real. It almost felt as if her hand belonged to someone else, but the last thing she wanted to do was let go. Angie shifted, moving one leg across him so she was sitting with her feet planted on each side of the lounge chair. Her thighs were wide open, exposing the soaking wet crotch of her bikini. He slipped his fingers over her scantly covered pussy, feeling the slick nectar soaking the fabric. "Mmm, so wet, baby girl." "Ohhh...fuck, Daddy," she groaned. Max pushed his fingers past the material covering Angie's aching slit and started stroking her slick pussy lips. He rolled his thumb over her distended clit, sending shivers of delicious sensation throughout her entire body. She groaned again, arching against his hand. Max reached for one of the drinks with his free hand, passing it to Angie, who could barely hold onto the cup without spilling it. Then he reached for a towel, which he draped over the arm of the chaise, providing the barest illusion of privacy in case anyone bothered to look their way. He then picked up his own drink, and with the fingers of his free hand continued exploring his daughter's sodden pussy. He raised his cup to toast. "Here's to seeing how gorgeous you're gonna look when you cum," he said. He tapped his cup against hers and took a healthy pull on his drink. Angie drank, too, but she was already reaching for his cock with the other hand. He was poking down the leg of his suit now, and her heart nearly burst when her fingers brushed across his hot, rigid flesh. "I don't believe this is really happening," she whispered as her hand circled around the shaft of her father's hard cock. His suit was loose enough to allow her hand room to reach as far as his full balls. "I wouldn't either, except it feels so good," he told her. His dome was slick as his clear pre-lube seeped in a steady, generous flow. Angie stroked the viscous moisture all along the length of his throbbing stalk. She reached for the lotion bottle and squirted a line of cream along his thick shaft. The she gripped him firmly, her hand easily sliding along his hot flesh under his suit leg. He groaned and slipped a finger up inside her pussy, forcing his beautiful, horny daughter to stifle a pleasurable shriek. She bit her lower lip as he pushed a second finger inside. He began to pump his fingers in and out of her slippery sheath, managing to keep the pad of his thumb rolling back and forth over her clit. "Oh Dad...ohhh fuck," she cooed, grinding back against his fingers. She kept a firm grip on his huge cock as she milked it with steady strokes. His muscular chest looked magnificent as it heaved with his deep breaths. She began pumping his shaft a little faster while he matched the rhythm with his fingers. It felt like everything was covered with her pussy froth, her thighs, Daddy's hand, even the seat of the chaise felt slick. "You wouldn't believe how much I want to just fuck you right here," Max said, half groaning. "Oh yes I would, baby," his delirious daughter replied. The mutual pumping and stroking was constant and electrifying. Angie felt like she was flying. She loved seeing the cloying, needful lust in the way her father was looking at her. "I'm gonna cum for you now, baby," she moaned. "Oh darling, it feels so good." Angie's hips began grinding and rocking as she started to cum. "Ohhh, baby girl," Max groaned. His overheated cock spasmed and pulsed as the first spurts of cum spattered along his thigh and daughter's hand from his knob. Angie felt an overpowering sensation of hot pleasure tear through her while her father's sure fingers drove against her pussy. She wildly jacked the hot stalk of cockflesh in her fist as thick, plentiful wads of cum sprayed onto her hand and wrist. "God, Daddy, you have so much cum for me," Angie cooed as they slowly came back down from the high. She kept stroking his cock as it gradually relaxed. Max pulled his fingers from the warmth of his daughter's wet pussy and sucked the juice off each one. That was when they discovered that the dark-skinned girl had turned her head. She was watching! There was a dreamy smile on her face as she looked right at them. The strong looking spheres of her ass were flexing. Her hand was thrust down beneath her, and it was clear she was rubbing her pussy. Her broad, beautiful smile widened as she saw Max and Angie looking at her. Then her eyes closed and her hips rocked as she made it clear she was cumming. When she opened her eyes again, Max made an obvious display of stuffing his big cock back in place under his swimsuit. She smiled and calmly turned her head the other way. Angie and Max looked at each other in amazement, and after a moment they both started giggling. Angie picked up her drink and downed what was left. Max followed suit. "Um...I...," she was stuttering. "Did that really just happen?" "Yes, baby, it did," her father nodded. "We must be drunk," Angie concluded. "I hope that doesn't mean you're sorry." "No fucking way," she grinned. She felt so high. Her body so alive. Her orgasm had been so strong. So much of the tension she'd been feeling was relieved now, and yet she already knew her body needed more. It certainly wasn't how she envisioned her release, but it happened. She let it happen, and all she could feel for the gorgeous man gazing into her eyes was a mixture of love and lust that made her feel good to be alive. She touched his chest, rubbing his nipple with her cum-spattered fingers. "Should we talk about it? We probably should," she added with a deep sigh. "I'd rather just do it again," he replied easily. "But not here. Back at the bungalow so I can put my tongue inside you, too. I can't get enough just sucking you off my fingers. And knowing that girl was watching drives me crazy." Angie laughed and started gathering up her things. They walked back to the bungalow in silence, but there was no way to mistake what was on both of their minds. It was amazing beyond her imagination, but at the same time, it seemed like so much to take in all at once. As much as she needed more of her father's hot love, she needed a little time to catch her breath, too. *** Angie's palms were planted firmly against the tiled wall as she lowered her head into the tepid spray of the shower. The last few hours ran through her mind like a movie trailer. With her eyes closed, she just smiled at herself, feeling giddy. She made a half-hearted promise to drink something weaker tomorrow. She touched her swollen nipples, rolling them in gentle twists. She felt weightless, like she was made of pure sensation. The delicious warmth in her pussy seemed to radiate throughout her body. Now her hand moved down to cup her smooth mound. She raked the damp furrow with a long finger. The lips parted easily as she teased herself, feeling a new flush of nectar. The pulse in her clit was already growing so strong again. "Oh Daddy, my darling Daddy," she sighed. It was a barely audible whisper as the fingertip circled her sensitive nub. Where was he? What was he doing? Was he showering in his own bathroom now? Was he thinking of her while he stroked a spectacular hard on? When they got in from the beach, she convinced him it was a good idea to go their separate ways and let the afternoon's events sink in. After a calming shower and a little time to think about what had happened, they could sit in the salon and talk about it. But the most logical thought she could seem to conjure was how badly she wanted more of what they'd only tasted on the beach...in front of an eager witness. Angie forced herself to stop massaging her clit. She'd just go to his room. Everything would be fine. Deliciously, wickedly fine. He'd probably even be expecting her. She hastily wrapped one towel around her body and her wet hair up with another. She already knew exactly which set of bra and panties to wear to make an impressive entrance to her father's room. It wouldn't be such a big deal. He'd seen her in a bra and panties countless times, and the bikini she'd been wearing all day didn't cover any more. But when she stepped back into the bedroom, she discovered a slight change in plan. Max was lying on her bed, naked as they day he was born. He'd piled up all the pillows to prop himself up, allowing his legs to splay forward across the bed. His big, ripe erection was jutting up against his firm abs while he casually fondled his heavy balls with his left hand. In his right, he was holding his daughter's balled up bikini bottom to his face, the same one she'd creamed in on the beach. She'd tossed it on the floor when she stripped for her shower. It had to be terribly pungent, and Max was making it perfectly obvious how much he relished her scent. Angie froze in her tracks for a few seconds. Max just chuckled. "You usually take a lot longer in the bathroom," he teased. "Everything okay?" "Hmm," she smiled. "Just come right in and make yourself comfortable." She forced herself to walk calmly to the vanity and sit, even though she was dying to jump on that beautiful cock and ride it until she forgot her own name. "Thank you, I feel very comfortable," Max sighed. His hand shifted away from his balls to grasp his thick rod. He held it up straight, slowly stroking. "Looks to me like you're feeling something else," she replied coyly. She pulled the towel loose from her long, damp hair. The harder she worked at appearing calm, the harder her pussy throbbed. "Ahh, yeah, feeling my cock," he drawled with a strong hint of arrogance. "Feel good? Touching your own...cock?" Angie had never spoken that way to any man before. The fact that she crossed such a line with her own father only inflamed the yearning ache in her slit. "Yeah, baby girl, it feels really good. But not half as good as when you were touching it. Imagine my surprise to discover my own daughter knows how to give an amazing handjob. Remind me not to ask where you learned how." The grin was plastered across his face as he continued his stroking. Angie stared at her grinning father while she considered whether or not to tell him she'd given at least a dozen handjobs to guys she didn't like enough to fuck. He just kept grinning at her with a smoldering look in his eyes as he kept on stroking his cock. Her broiling pussy felt like it was oozing all over the seat. "So," she stated, trying to sound calm, "you think one handjob on the beach allows you to come into my room and jerk off while you sniff my dirty panties?" She could barely believe she said it, and her eyes watered with her nervous excitement. "It wouldn't be the first time," he admitted, still smiling proudly. Angie was shocked. It took a moment to find her voice, and when she did, it seemed to come from somewhere deeper in her throat. "Did it ... make you cum, doing that?" she asked. "Oh yeah," he replied. "Every time. All over myself. But sometimes I just shot off right in your panties. It makes me really hard to think about you putting them on with a big load of my cum soaking them." He was still stroking slowly, but his grip on his cock was firmer. Angie peeled off the towel and sat with her long, smooth thighs apart. Her heart raced as she spread her slippery pussy lips with her fingers, massaging her slit while her father openly watched. He groaned, his sculpted chest heaving. Angie thought she might explode, letting him see her finger dip inside her sheath. She drew it back out slowly, and sent two fingers back in on the next stroke. "That's really filthy, Daddy," she said in a matronly tone. "I can't believe you're such a freak." Her fingers were soaked, sliding so easily in and out of her hole now. "Like father, like daughter," he said. "I'm hardly in the same league as you." He laughed. His cock looked even bigger now, if that was possible. "You just jerked off your own father in a public place ... even knowing a total stranger was watching you. Trust me, baby girl. We are definitely in the same league. We were made for each other." "Oh god," the trembling brunette mewled. The thought of them being made for each other made her pussy drip harder than anything else that had happened. He muttered a soft groan of pleasure and gave his cock a tight squeeze. "It's all your fault, young lady." Angie's fingers kept in motion. She was keenly aware of her father's stare. "My fault?" "Yes. For being exactly the kind of girl I've always wanted in my life. And for being so fucking beautiful. And having that amazing body that drives me insane. I want to lick that girlhole of yours so bad right now I could explode." Angie stood up, finding herself shocked once again. Her long legs were shaky as she approached the bed. "Well, um, we can't have you exploding." She joined her horny father on the bed and spread her thighs. Her body trembled as she watched him move into position. Within seconds, he brought his face so close to her open, throbbing pussy that she could feel the heat of each breath hitting her. "Fuck," he growled. "You've got the most beautiful pussy I've ever seen. I can't believe how fucking wet you are." He planted a hungry kiss on her gaping slit. His tongue teased quickly into the aperture of her channel and then back out. Angie uttered a hot yelp. "Oh my god, I can't believe this is really happening," she gasped. "What a nasty, nasty man, licking your own daughter's hot pussy that way." His tongue moved slowly up her slit, finally drawing in on the aching swell of her clit. He slipped a thumb inside her sheath and started rolling the tip of his tongue around the hyper-sensitive nub. The strange stutters of sound rising from Angie's throat were a combination of gasps for air and incredulous laughter. It had been a long time since she'd had a good, thorough pussy licking. Now, her own precious father was giving it to her the best she'd ever had. She'd always told herself she'd do anything for him, so she supposed this fell into that category. Of course, at the moment, she really wasn't doing a thing for him except grinding against his mouth and fingers as they lit a bright hot fire at the core of her being. This just made her want to laugh even harder, but his tongue and thumb deftly switched places, and she suddenly lost the power to think about anything but the amazing pleasure coursing through her beautiful body. Max served his daughter's pussy tirelessly. Hungrily. Angie grew delirious with pleasure. She lost track of time. At some point, she realized she was lying back against the piled up pillows at the head of her bed, her legs pulled up high while Max kept on with his delicious onslaught. He was sucking her swollen clit while two of his fingers were gliding in and out of her pussy. Then one of the fingers changed course, and rolled against her puckered rim. Angie cried out when Max touched her asshole. His finger was slippery with her dew, and he massaged the taut ring while the moist suction he put on her clit was enough to make her see sparks. Then he worked the tip of his finger just inside the tight hole, barely to the first knuckle. It was enough to force his daughter to whimper. She felt like she was growing weaker as her pleasure grew stronger. "Oh baby...oh Daddy...oh fuck!" she gasped. Max's finger slowly pushed inward, opening the aperture and gently blazing a hot trail into her ass. Then his thumb slipped back inside her pussy. He rocked his hand in a sort of see-saw motion, the finger sliding up her ass while the thumb drew back, thumb sliding in while the finger drew back. All the while, his lips were closed around her clit, and his tongue lashed around the burning little nub until Angie wanted to faint. She gasped deeply and started to cum. Her entire body trembled as shockwaves of pleasure ripped through her from her heels to her temples. She clutched at Max's head, trying to grasp up handfuls of his hair as she gave in to the powerful sensations. She was instantly aware of the fact that she'd never experienced such an overpowering orgasm. She was afraid she might never catch her breath. But she did, of course, and she found herself staring into her father's dark, gleaming eyes as he looked up at her from between her thighs. His lips and chin were shiny with sex honey. "Daddy, fuck..." she mewled weakly. "So good." Max propped himself back up and leaned over her. She felt as if his eyes held her captive. "I love you so much. From the first day you were born," he told her, his voice ringing with certainty. "I love you, too, Daddy. From the day I was born." Angie realized they could never truthfully speak those words to anyone but each other. They felt like rare, special words only for them to ever say, and she was breathless over the realization of how deeply she meant them. Max leaned in and kissed her. He kissed her as if he needed her mouth to live. His lips and tongue held the strong flavor of her pussy. It made her dizzy to taste herself on her father's mouth. His engorged cock bobbed between their sweating bodies. Angie reached for the aching hot stalk with both hands. She cupped his balls in one hand while the other encircled the thick shaft. She felt his big, flaring dome, and found it was creamy-wet with pre-cum. "I need to fuck you now, baby girl," Max managed to gasp without entirely breaking off their kiss. Angie whimpered into his mouth and guided his amazing cock to her slit. She was still feeling the high from her orgasm, and yet she was dazed with the desire to feel him inside her. Each of them moaned weakly into the other's mouth as Max's full, round knob pressed into her dripping slit. She clutched at his muscular ass while he pushed deeper inside her. He was so long and thick. And so impossibly hard. Angie felt her eyes water as he gradually forged in to the hilt. She felt him hold still a moment. He was letting her feel the heat and pulse of his rock-solid shank. They just looked at each other, sharing their forbidden, mutual lust. And yet there was so much love between them, too. How could it not feel so perfect? Max drew his cock backward and then pushed back inside. Angie moaned and whimpered, "Yes, Daddy. Yes...please fuck me." Max readily complied with his daughter's urgent plea. He began stroking into her with steady thrusts. The rhythm was even and patient at first, the strong slip-sliding of his cock seeming to open new avenues of pleasure within her body on every stroke. She cooed and whimpered and groaned while her pussy swallowed up every inch of him with greed. Oh my god, she thought, my handsome father is such a hot fuck! She couldn't decide if it was the best or worst thing that could possibly happen. Her pussy was telling her it was the best. Every tingling nerve in her body said it, too. When he started sucking her nipples, pumping harder and faster into her channel, she gave up the debate and dug her nails into his flexing ass cheeks, just shy of breaking the skin. He was soon pounding into her with forceful thrusts, slamming her whole body against the mattress. She almost began to feel like she was being fucked on a trampoline. "Oh fuck," Max growled, "your pussy is fucking exquisite." "Oh my baby," Angie cried back, "fuck me as hard you want, Daddy. I love that cock. Every big, hard inch of you. Ooohhh, you're gonna make me cum all over you." She cried out as another orgasm seemed to take over her entire existence. "Oh god, now, baby! Now! Cum with me, Daddy. Let it go right inside ... fill your loving daughter with everything you got!" Max half grunted and half wailed as his overheated cock began to leap with deep surges of pleasure. Angie could feel the intense pulsing of the engorged flesh filling her. She could see moisture well up in his eyes until they seemed to be gleaming with unrivaled pleasure. She could tell how good she must have felt to him. It was a shockingly new sensation to her that only seemed to intensify the edges of an already overpowering orgasm. She ran her hands along his strong, muscular arms, amazed how they could be so beautifully solid, yet still tremble so much as he spent his forceful spasms inside her. There was so much cum spilling out of him that it started spilling back out of her. She could feel it seeping out, down, pooling against her tingling rim. Even after their mutual peak, they kept grinding against one another through the aftermath, wringing every grain of pleasure from their stolen joy. But they simply didn't want to break the delicious contact. They lay together with only the sound of their heavy breathing between them. Their naked, sweaty flesh heaved together with the effort. Max's cock slowly relaxed, softening, and slipped out from his daughter's satisfied pussy. Angie uttered a soft coo of disappointment. She felt a raw warmth all through her body. Everything was perfect, down to the sticky trickle of her father's spunk from her pussy slit. He spooned up to her with his wet cock pressing against her ass. "I love you so much, Daddy," she sighed. "I love you too, angel girl," he replied, cupping one of her full tits in his large hand. He hadn't called her angel girl in years, and hearing it gave Angie a warm, cozy feeling. There was nowhere she'd rather be than wrapped up in her father's loving arms. "Dad..." she started and then hesitated. "Yes, baby girl?" "I can't believe there's so much cum in me now." Merely saying so made her skin tingle. "Oh, yeah, um ... sorry, baby. Guess I better pick up some condoms ASAP." "No, Daddy. I guess you better not." She smiled to herself and let out a soft giggle. "Fuck," he whispered, his lips right next to hear ear. Then he lightly kissed her neck. The last thing she remembered before losing consciousness was the feel of Max's lips and breath against the hollow at the base of her neck. For Pics visit:---->>> https://bit.ly/2ReHUJI
Title: I Couldn't Sleep Summary: 7500-word quick hitter about a widower & his adult daughter. Keywords:inc,fic,erotic,hot "Whatcha watching?" Dad looked up at me from the sofa. Dressed in a white t-shirt and a pair of dark boxers, my father looked like he was about to head to bed. "Oh, just this show called Easy on Netflix," he replied while picking up the remote. The only light in the room was coming from the television, which stopped flickering because he paused the show. "Can't sleep, baby?" I always liked when Dad called me, "baby." It was incredibly comforting and reminded me of when I was younger. When life had been easier. It had been a tough few years for us, though he always tried to hide his pain from me. First, the cystic fibrosis that Mom fought with her whole life finally beat her. Mom made it much longer in life than most people with CF and never wanted to hear about how there was no cure and eventually, CF would kill her. She was/is my hero. She wasn't even my biological mother - Dad and Mom made the choice to avoid potentially passing CF to me. Her cousin and best friend, Bethany, is my actual birth mother. That said, Mom raised me from the start. I never asked the particulars of how Dad got Bethany pregnant. Six months after Mom's passing, my husband of just less than three years, Frank, informed me that he felt we had rushed into marriage and I was pushing the prospect of having children on him too much. All of that was code for "I've been fucking two different women." Luckily, I found that out before agreeing to a 50/50 split of assets with no alimony. For the record - fuck Frank. "Yeah, I'm tossing and turning," I said with a sigh. I sat down next to Dad, who was nursing a Killian's. "Brain's racing, I guess." He nodded and drank a little more from his bottle before placing it down. I grabbed it and took a gulp. I hated Killian's, but I'd try anything to get some sleep right now. Once Frank and I divorced, we sold the house I planned to raise a family in and I moved into a cute little cottage. I loved that place, but I couldn't keep up with payments once I lost my job because of COVID. And that's why, at the age of 26, I'm back at home with my father. I've tried to make the best of a bad circumstance. Dad needed a lot of help around the home because, unlike me, he could work from home as a software engineer so he did not have an over-abundance of free time. Beyond that, after Mom's death, he hadn't been doing a lot of the regular stuff Mom used to handle on her good days. When she had a lot of good days, she'd have beautiful flower beds and the house would look like a million bucks. Even when she had a bunch of bad days mixed in, she still found time to keep the house clean and orderly with a dinner ready for her husband later that evening - even if she had to bite the bullet occasionally and order some delivery. I'm not as amazing as my mother, but I've tried to do my best. I even sometimes laugh in my head as I pretend to be my Dad's new wife. It's not a romantic thing, but merely an observation of our new life together. My mac and cheese isn't as delicious as Mom's was, but he scarfs it down like it is. I make a pretty good steak, too. I've cleaned and organized the rest of the house - often turning rooms that had not been used since Mom's passing into something functional once again. The flower gardens are a work in progress, but dammit, I'm trying. "So, what's Easy about?" Dad got up and walked toward the kitchen while explaining the show to me. According to my father, the series was about several different people, modern relationships, and how they work. The episode he was watching included a couple from the previous season who were giving an open marriage a shot. "But almost every episode has different people in it," he said, passing me a Mike's Lemonade while he placed another Killian's down for himself. Finishing off the first bottle, he opened another as I took my first sugary sips of Mike's. "Honestly, I think Jane put it in the watch-list for us to watch sometime and we never got around to it." Pressing play, he sat back. Only a few minutes later, despite the sugary nature of Mike's, it didn't take long for my eyes to once again get a little heavy. Placing the drink down as we watched the couple dealing with the new challenges in their life from their choice to have an open marriage, I yawned. My eyes slightly darted away and I looked toward the steps that I would need to climb to get back to my room. It seemed so far. Besides...there was no one else up there. "Mind if I cuddle a little and close my eyes?" I asked. "Like I used to do when I was a girl?" "You still are a girl," he quipped. "You know what I mean!" He laughed and settled to get comfy before gesturing with his hand to lean into him. I didn't want to block his view of the television so I placed my head low on his belly as he chuckled at the program. Dad has a minor gut, but is still in decent shape for a guy who doesn't work out. He used to, but it was something he just didn't have time for when Mom got real bad. Still, I had a growing appreciation for "Dad bods" so I thought the gut worked for him. The episode came to a close and Netflix moved to the next one - titled "Side Hustle." The episode began with a tall blonde woman at a diner with an older woman. I want to make it clear that I'm not a prude at all. I believed that, as a wife, my job was to be supportive and open to my husband's interests. I can say that before Frank, I wasn't overly experienced. But with Frank, I tried many new things. We watched porn together, had sex outdoors, had a threesome, had a devil's threesome, and I even rimmed his ass since I couldn't come up with a better retort after he mentioned he ate my ass so willingly. But hearing another woman talk about her gang-bang rape fantasy while laying my head on my father's stomach made me a little...apprehensive. Dad didn't say anything about it and I felt too awkward to mention it so we let it pass. The blonde then went home where she cleaned up her apartment - along with cleaning her pussy - as she got dressed for someone to come by. Again, I felt like I should try to escape because, while I'm not an awkward age anymore, seeing a woman getting dressed to possibly have sex with your father so close is still uncomfortable. But the episode moved the focus away from her and to a stand-up comedian who drove an Uber. I felt myself get more at ease as a result. My eyes got heavy again and I closed them momentarily. When I opened them again, several minutes had passed and the blonde was talking to an Indian guy. I was having trouble sticking with the story, but soon, two things were quite undeniable. One, the two quickly moved to the bed where she was playing with herself while he licked her nipples. And two, Dad was starting to really get into the show. I last saw my Dad's penis when I was eighteen and I burst into my parent's room to tell them I overslept and missed the bus. Both of them were naked - clearly having fucked the previous evening. Dad often called Mom a covers hog and it seemed to be quite true as she was curled up with the blankets while only a sheet covered Dad's legs. But it stopped short of covering his cock. I didn't know then what I know now about cocks, but Dad was packing some serious heat. Mom may have got the shitty end of the stick with a terrible disease, but she won the lottery in other ways. Dad quickly covered himself, but nearly a decade later, I can still tell you how it looked. But it wasn't hard that day. Tonight - well, maybe he wasn't fully there just yet, but let's say he was definitely awake. I dared not to move. I did, though, become hyper-aware that Dad's hand on my side began to apply some pressure like he was squeezing my hip. And that fact made me even more aware that I probably should have thrown on my robe before I left my room. Upstairs gets a bit warmer than downstairs and with the July heatwave in full effect, our AC unit was giving it all she's got, but captain, it still felt a bit too muggy upstairs for my tastes. So, tonight, I slid into a pair of short gray shorts that barely covered my tush along with the matching tank top. I did have a pair of panties on so if the worst happened and my shorts started to ride up, it's not like my entire ass would be displayed. All that said, I felt quite exposed. I closed my eyes, trying to ignore both the scene on the television and the vision in front of my eyes of my father's shorts-covered cock that seemed to be expanding to unreal levels. Worse - I tried my best to ignore the fact that the little slit in his boxers was dangerously close to his hard-on and with one shift of the fabric, he'd be showing me his no-no parts. Despite myself, with my refusal to move and my eyes closed - along with the increasingly normal movement of his hand against my hip and the very top of my ass - the need to sleep once again got to me. It wasn't a deep sleep and I think music from the TV forced my eyes to open again, but time had definitely passed. The blonde with the great body and the African-American Uber stand-up comedian were no longer on the television. Instead, James Franco's brother from 21 Jump Street was fussing about something related to a brewery. But that wasn't very important. Dad's dick was still quite hard in front of me. It looked damn painful for him to keep it locked up in his boxers to be honest. Seeing a cock so hard only a few inches away from me made me think about how long it had been since I had seen one so up close. While I had some offers as news of my pending divorce spread, between needing to re-establish myself both at the cottage and then here - along with COVID - the thought of hooking up just to get some was a difficult prospect to explore. I was married the last time I was this close to a hard cock and let's just say that while Frank pushed my boundaries and had a skilled tongue, his dick was average at best. Not that having an average dick sucks. It gets the job done. But my daddy didn't have an average dick and my mind was starting to rush to compartmentalize things so that I could take a second to enjoy just how big Dad's penis really was. I was starting to wish that he would shift his boxers a few inches over to let this impressive tool slide through the slit and stand proudly. Like I said, it couldn't have felt good to be restrained. To be fair - it wasn't just the huge fucking cock nearly a tongue's length away that was pushing me from awkward embarrassment to super horny. Nor was it the fact that it had been so long since I got banged. Not that both weren't factors, but we shouldn't ignore the travelling hand that moved from my hip to lower on my ass. My tiny, little loose shorts had been pushed to the side so that he could touch underneath them and the lacy panties that still covered at least some of my modesty. Dad was squeezing my rump and running his hand back-and-forth on it. I tried to control my breathing when I felt the tip of his fingers slide down my crack and over my panty-covered asshole. It had been way too long since someone played with my ass. Frank, the fucker that he is, had spoiled me. Before him, anal was a definite "no." He turned it into a "hmmm, yeah, get your tongue in there." Now, even during masturbation, I often let a finger move down there and tease my ass until pushing in. Sometimes, if I needed it enough, I would slide my smaller vibe into my ass while I fucked my pussy with the bigger dong that I lovingly called The Punisher. God, I needed to be fucked and Dad was only making that need stronger. I pushed myself to close my eyes again and tried to ignore everything until Dad finally had enough of teasing and went to bed. But closing my eyes only sharpened my focus on Dad's hand. I knew I was getting incredibly wet and he hadn't really done anything. He could probably try to explain it as absentmindedly touching me. He was just watching the show. Okay, the way his hand grabbed one of my ass-cheeks while his fingers pushed into my crack might be a little difficult to explain. But fuck, it felt good. He shifted slightly. Just a little, but I felt it and his hand went lower - the fingers pushing against where my thighs met. My right leg was a little in front of my left one as I laid on the couch. He wouldn't get much further - not without my help. But that didn't stop him from applying some pressure, relaxing, and then re-applying pressure. Nor did it stop my pussy from gushing from the most sexual touching another person had given me in well over a year-and-a-half. For some reason, I thought of a conversation Dad and I had not too long ago. "I just can't see myself swiping whatever direction," he told me as we ate dinner one evening. "That's the worst way to start a relationship." "Well, most people who use that app aren't searching for a relationship," I joked. "Be that as it may, I'm just not interested in going down that direction." I looked over at him. He was still a handsome man even after hitting the Big 5-0. He retained his full head of hair - Mom always teased him about how his brown hair was better than hers - and the few strands of gray only made him look better in my opinion. While he wasn't running any marathons, he wasn't out-of-shape either. When he took off his shirt to mow the lawn, Mrs. Henderson front next door always found a reason to be outside, too. Yeah, there was a gut, but like I said, it only added to the look in my - and apparently Mrs. Henderson's - opinion. "Besides, we're not talking about me, we're talking about you," he pointed out. "It's been enough time, Sarah. You are a beautiful, young, and accomplished girl. No reason that you shouldn't be going on dates." This was before we knew how bad COVID was - when the prospect of casual dating wasn't so life-threatening. I ignored his comments for the most part. I had heard them before since moving back home. But he kept pushing so I fired back, "If you want me out this bad, then just say so." He was taken aback by my comment. "Baby," he said quietly. "It's not that at all. I love having you back home. It's nice to have someone to talk to again and someone to spend my life with." "Then why are you so anti-dating?" I asked. "Especially since you push me to get back out there." Dad took a few moments to gather his thoughts before replying. First, he grabbed my hand that was laying on the table. "One day, I imagine I will try to find companionship elsewhere. Not right now. I'm not nearly ready to give it a try. But one day, I will see about this whole dating thing again. But you have to understand that you and I are in very different situations. I found the woman of my dreams. I married her. We had an amazing kid together and spent nearly a quarter-a-century together. I've already met the love-of-my-life, baby. Nobody will ever - EVER - compare to Jane. But you? You still haven't met your soulmate, baby. Frank was a douchebag. He was a mistake. And mistakes are there to teach us something. I'm not saying you'll go on one date and find your Mr. Right. But Sarah, he's out there looking for you. You should be looking for him, too." I felt so bad for Dad so I joined a few apps and started chatting with a few guys. But nothing had materialized into dates with everything going on. And now, here I was, afraid to open my eyes while Dad continued to touch my ass like a lover might. His other arm began to move. I thought he might give up on this strange situation we found ourselves in and turn off the television. But instead, he moved it in front of my face for a few moments and I felt him shift a little more. His other hand went even lower and the pressure at where my legs met became even stronger. While that happened, the hand that was in front of my face moved to my head and he started to, I guess, pet me? It felt so comforting and so strange at the same time. While his pinky rubbed against my asshole, he was also petting me like I was being a good daughter? The room went dark for a second and I wondered if he had turned off the television. When I opened my eyes, I noticed that the episode was over and Netflix was wondering if Dad was still watching. He didn't move to answer their query. But again, what was happening on the television wasn't the important part. No, the cock that stood straight up having been freed from its prison was the headline here. Holy fuck, Dad was a shower and a grower. I closed my eyes tightly. I shouldn't be looking at my Dad's amazing cock. But then, with my eyes closed, I was now imagining it in my mouth. In my small hands. Sliding between the lips of my drenched cunt. Impossibly finding a way into my tight little asshole. God damn, I needed to look at it some more. Opening my eyes, I was impressed with how hard he was despite the fact he wasn't touching himself. This is a guy who has a t-shirt that says, "It should be against the law to look this good at 50," not some 23-year-old in the best shape of his life. But Dad showed zero signs of aging when it came to how his dick worked. I stared at it like it was an art piece. The way a vein traveled up the right side of it before finally disappearing from view just an inch away from the helmet. How the crown perfectly was displayed with the light of the television behind it. And at the top, a shine from precum that had already escaped from the hidden reservoirs. I even could give him a pass from the bushy pubic hair that sprouted up from the base. I preferred almost no hair - made oral sex all the more enjoyable for me to give. But hey, he wasn't doing any manscaping for anyone at the moment. I was in Cock Heaven, which is both an amazing place to be and, at least right now, a very frustrating one. I couldn't reach out and grab this cock. I couldn't taste that salty precum that shined at the top of it. This was still my Dad's cock and that was fucking unfair. It shouldn't look this tasty. Two things started to happen almost simultaneously and I'll have you know that neither helped my predicament. The first was when Dad's hand moved from my head to his dick, wrapping around the impressive shaft. He didn't move much higher from the base, but he probably had reached a point where he could no longer avoid touching that dick. I probably wasn't too far behind myself. It was screaming for me to intervene after all so it was probably a good thing Dad got to it first. Probably. The other thing that happened nearly blew my cover. Up until I felt his other hand move, doing this faux-sleep thing wasn't too difficult. From the angle I was at, Dad couldn't see my eyes. As long as I controlled my breathing, I could pretend that I was still sleeping soundly - blissfully unaware of the delicious treat in front of me or the wandering hand at my backside. But then that wandering hand wandered away from my backside. Slowly, it slid away from my ass - it felt cold without his hand - and slid back over my shorts up to my hip. It didn't stop there, though. Some skin was showing between my tank-top and shorts and I felt his hand against my bare skin. It was just my side, but fuck, when you're this turned on, any skin-to-skin touching makes you shiver. If he noticed, he didn't let on that he had, because after only a second, his hand went higher. As did the bottom of my tank-top. I felt the anxiety come back. Dad was pushing the boundaries. Hell, he was tearing them down. There was no way I could "wake up" and he could talk his way out of this. There was no, "this isn't what it looks like" to be had. This was completely what it looked like. And felt like. His hand kept moving higher and I concentrated on my breathing. I should just stir, make a sleepy noise, and try to pretend I'm slowly waking up. But I was frozen in place while his hand certainly wasn't. When the side of his index finger touched my full breasts, I nearly screamed. Or came. Or both. And the fact that he was clearly now touching my tits didn't stop him. He kept moving, his hand moving over my large tits that I definitely got from my mother's side of the family. Mom had big ones. My birth-mother has big ones. Hell, my Grandmother's breasts are obscenely large. Mom used to joke that it just runs in the family after I mentioned that I was now a D-cup. "Wait till you have kids," she joked. I was starting to get the impression that Dad was very much a boob guy. And as his fingers - one-by-one - moved over my nipple, it was impossible to breath normally anymore. Each time a digit moved over my nipple, an electric shock went straight to my pussy. I needed to orgasm so bad and Dad was only making it worse. If that wasn't bad enough, his hand moved a little faster over his cock. Not only that, but he went higher. I mean, I couldn't blame him. What was he trying to hide at this point? My nipple was between his middle and ring fingers and he was squeezing the little bud. Was he going to pretend that he also wasn't jacking off openly? Any moment now, I assumed I would have to push my hand into my panties just to get off because this was the most turned-on I had been in years. I started to wonder if he was going to blow his load on my face? Would he try to clean it up? Would I be able to secretly taste him before he did? And how good would he taste? Fuck, I needed more than my nipple toyed with. I considered opening my legs, but knew that it wouldn't look natural. I don't know who I was trying to fool. This fucking guy was tweaking my nipple with increasing force as his hand moved quicker over his cock. Why was I still pretending to sleep? How deep of a sleeper could I possibly be? But a voice in my head said that I had already gone down this road so I couldn't possibly change direction now. But that voice wasn't nearly as loud as the one begging me to just give myself to my Dad and fuck him senseless. We both needed it, after all. Yet, I couldn't force myself to move. Openly, I stared at his cock and licked my lips to keep them wet. My breathing was clearly not normal anymore and he kept driving my sensitive nipple crazy with his fingers. I felt like I was just waiting for him to cum now. Once he came, he would deal with the awkwardness and then this pleasant ordeal would be over. We probably would never mention it. It would just be this weird thing we both knew about it, but dared not to talk about. But then, he stopped stroking. I figured it was because he was ready to orgasm and that belief continued as he pulled his dick down so that it aimed at me. My dad wanted to give his baby girl a true money shot. Okay, then. Wouldn't be the first time. Well, with a family member, it would have been. For the first time in probably an hour, one of us said something. It was faint - almost inaudible over the ambiance of the air conditioner, slight noise of the television, and our breathing. But it also was clear and easy-to-understand. In a whisper, Dad said, "Oh, Jane." I knew he wasn't sleeping. I knew he was at least somewhat aware of the situation we were in. But I also knew that in his lust and loss, I wasn't just his daughter anymore. I was also my mother - the one that raised me. Honestly, if you looked down at me in the dark, you might even be able to convince yourself I was her. I'm a little bigger in my hips than she was. My ass has more heft than hers did. And while her hair was more bright blonde like most of her family, I had strawberry blonde hair. I wore mine long while Mom kept a shoulder-length cut. But in the dark, there was enough semblance to convince yourself that I was a decent Mom stand-in. But even if I didn't share any similarities with her, Dad probably would have still said her name because he was in a fantasy world where he could pretend Mom was still alive and they had just watched this show together like she probably planned on when she heard about it. They touched one another during the show, getting the engine going, and now with it done, they were ready for some more fun. His hand moved away from my breast. For a moment, I wondered if he would go south again. Instead, he pulled his arm away completely from my body. I was a bit sad about that until I felt his hand move to my head. I knew this move. I had felt that pressure before. Unless I agree to it beforehand - usually a special occasion thing - or I put Frank's hand on my head when I was feeling extra-slutty, I'm not into being force-fed a cock. It's kind of too rapey for my tastes normally. And until this evening, I had never had my father attempt to feed me his over-sized cock before. But here I was - my tank-top above my breasts, my panties drenched in my own juices, and my ass probably partially exposed as well. And to top it off, my father was pushing down on my head while he held his cock at its base and directed it toward my mouth. Instinctually, I tried to push back against the force - even though I badly wanted to taste him. I figured it would put a stop to things. After all, to this point, I pretended to sleep despite its efforts to drive me mad. But when I stopped my descent by pushing away, he added force. In his hand, he gripped his cock hard. Inches between us disappeared as we were brought closer together. And then, my top lip touched his cock. His aim wasn't perfect, but he kept pushing. I tried to keep my mouth closed - which was quite hard considering all the evil voices in my head were telling me to enjoy myself. He was persistent, though. "Come on, Jane," he said. "Open up for Daddy." What the fuck? I honestly didn't know whether he was perfectly aware of what he was doing and using Mom's name or if Mom and him were much kinkier in bed than I ever gave them credit for. I swear I was only trying to say his name. That's why I opened my mouth. I was trying to get through to him. I was trying to stop him. I swear that's what I was doing. I squealed in surprise when my voice was shut off by his thick cock sliding into my open mouth. Seeing how big my father was is one thing. Feeling his width stretch my mouth is an entire new, albeit not unpleasant, thing. He wasn't even pushing my head down hard on his cock and making me take his length, which surely would gag me. Nevertheless, as he fucked my mouth with short strokes, I kind of hoped he would make me take it. The precum was as salty and yummy as I had predicted. At first, the surprise of everything made me into a sex toy. I had the feel of a person, but not the reactions of one. But as his taste started to overpower me, I found myself moving my tongue to sweep over the top of his cock as it moved down before pushing back into my mouth. I kept the rest of my body still - still pretending that we both weren't incredibly aware of what was going on - but a sex-starved girl can only take so much before she has to act. After all, he certainly was. He kept my head still with one hand on the back of my skull while the one that had been gripping his cock moved to cradle my forehead. Meanwhile, he bridged up only an inch or two off the couch in quick shallow strokes into my mouth. My lips tightly circled around his dick as I breathed through my nose and tried not to moan as more precum was collected by my tongue. It had been so long since I had a cock in my mouth and I had never had one this big and tasty. All the while, his breathing became more and more ragged while, in a harsh whisper, words I had never thought my father would say filled my head. "Fucking take Daddy's big cock, baby. You've been such a good girl. You deserve a treat. Yes, move your tongue, Jane. Make me cum. And don't let a single drop go to waste, you sexy little whore. Mmmmm, yes!" Part of me wanted to pull off his cock and tell him, "yes, fuck your whore's mouth with your huge dick, Daddy," but I worried I would ruin this little moment where his head was fantasizing about Mom. But the more he called me a slut and a whore - along with Daddy's little girl - I found myself getting more-and-more into this. His hand moved away from the back of my head and found my nipple, roughly tweaking the little bud. I moaned in response and realized, with his hand gone, nothing was forcing my head down on his cock anymore. Except me. My desire. My need to make my Dad cum. The hand on my forehead relaxed and I took completely over, sucking my father deeper than he had attempted to make me. The hand on my breast didn't stay there for long. He moved it down my body and I quickly opened my legs, letting my father have complete access to my body. I nearly came as his hand pushed under my sleep shorts and panties, a finger sliding between my pussy lips before pushing inside of me. "Mmm, you're so fucking wet for Daddy." I hummed a response and reached over to grab his long cock. I didn't know if I would ever have another chance to suck this monster of a penis so I tried to push myself to take him as deeply as I could. I've never had to deepthroat that much. Even the few guys that were bigger than Frank weren't like this. But as I tried to relax, I claimed more of his delicious tool as I went lower on it. And let me tell you that it's not easy to concentrate when your father's fingers are playing with your pussy, but I have always tried to be an overachiever. I think he's always appreciated that about me. But try as I might, I couldn't make his entire dick disappear from view. I think part of it was the angle or the fact that I needed better control on my gag reflex. No worries, though. Dad was not disappointed. "God damn, baby," he said as two fingers pushed inside of my tight little cunt. "You're really hungry tonight." Yes, Daddy, I am. As I went low again on his dick, I tried another method to make sure every inch of that pussy punisher was going to get attention. Gripping his dick, I stroked him in unison as I bobbed my head on his dick, giving him the occasional twist of my wrist. He moaned and I heard his hand come down hard on the armrest hard as I tried every trick I knew on him. His other hand continued to toy with my pussy and I realized I was subconsciously moving my pelvis to meet his fingers. I was so close to my first orgasm with someone else in over two years and I wasn't about to stop even if Dad realized what was happening and tried to put a halt to it. But he kept saying my dead mother's name as I licked and nursed on the head of his cock while stroking the rest. I reached down - noticing how wet his boxers were getting - and tried to give his balls some love, but the way the boxers were stretched, that proved a bit fruitless. Another time, maybe. If he wanted his little girl to do this again. I wanted this to last forever in the meantime, but both of us were way too sex-starved for that to happen. "Make Daddy cum, baby," he said in a low, hoarse voice. He coughed to clear his throat and continued. "I need it, honey. It's been so long." Again, I wasn't sure if he was speaking to me, his daughter, or to the image of his wife in his head. Regardless, I wasn't going to stop until I tasted him. My pussy was on the edge of my highly-sought-after orgasm as well and I fucked the two fingers he pushed inside of me while his thumb tried to toy with my clit. Moving fast, I rolled my hips repeatedly, trying to beat him to orgasm so I could concentrate fully on coaxing a big load from his balls. Taking a chance, I grabbed his wrist with my free hand and kept it in place so I could show him I wanted him to fuck my wet pussy harder with his fingers. Then, unashamed, I moved the hand to my pussy, pushing his thumb aside to give my clit more focus. It wasn't lost on me that I literally had one hand on my father's dick while the other was on my clit. At the same time, the rest of his dick was in my mouth, my tongue swirling over the side of it while he finger-fucked my pussy hard. There would be a long, awkward conversation soon about all of this, but for the moment, I was as fucking happy as I had been in years. So what if he was still calling me by my mother's name. "You going to cum for Daddy?" he whispered. I half-hummed, half-moaned a response and he said, "Yes, Jane, cum all over Daddy's fingers." The weirdest thought hit my brain right before I came. "If he said my name instead of Mom's, would I have cum even harder?" As my entire body seemed to explode and implode at the same time, that thought would have to be addressed later. My hips came to an awkward stop as his fingers kept pushing in-and-out of my cunt. My back bridged and my toes curled. For a moment, everything stopped aside from Dad's efforts. And then a loud moan that turned almost into a muffled scream tried to escape my mouth, though Dad's thick cock made that difficult. My body started to shake as my brain went completely numb. Every neuron I had seemed to go crazy as lightning bolts traveled throughout my body. My pelvis rocked back-and-forth as Dad's fingers stayed inside me the whole time. My pussy was trying to milk them as if they had some juice to give. The whole time, he kept whispering things like, "That's good, baby...let it go...cum for Daddy...I want to taste your juices." My orgasm seemed to last several minutes, though in reality, it was over in a matter of a few seconds. While I didn't have a Top 10 list of best orgasms, I'm pretty sure this qualified as the the new #1. I pushed his hand away from my pussy to give my hyper-sensitive cunt a break. Almost at the same time, I shifted my body so that my stomach was flat against the couch. Putting a hand between his far leg and the armrest while my other hand was closer to me and also flat against the couch cushions, I bridged up a little to give me a better angle as I focused completely on making my Dad cum in my mouth. Bobbing my head down-and-up with deep strokes, I took as much of his cock as comfortably possible into my mouth. When his dick was nearly completely out of my mouth, I swirled my tongue over the head to collect any precum that escaped before dropping my head again, sucking his giant yummy stick. His dirty talk seemed to come to a halt as he sounded like he was struggling enough with breathing and words might be too difficult to deal with right now. I moaned, knowing the vibrations would only drive him crazier. I have to give him credit. I'm good at oral and he did an amazing job lasting this long - especially considering how long it had been since he had been sucked. But my jaw was starting to ache and I was far too hungry for his cum for this to continue indefinitely. I moved faster and harder, sucking him deeply as I continued to moan and hum. I pleaded with him to orgasm. Desperately needed his cum in my mouth. I heard something. A sucking sound that wasn't coming from me. And then I realized, based on how his arm was cocked as it rested on my shoulder blade as I moved up-and-down, that Dad had brought his hand to his face. In these times, we are told not to do that, but I didn't mind him sucking my juices from his fingers at all. Fuck COVID. "You...taste...so...good...FUCK!" Music to my ears, Daddy. My jaw was really hurting now, but then I heard something else. Following that f-word, Dad made some sharp intakes of breath. I knew what that meant and it only emboldened me to keep sucking him. He was right on the edge. Just needed one final push. With a loud grunt that made me smile, Dad started to blow his load into my willing mouth. I pulled up and made sure to seal my lips around the head of my his cock. I tried to suck down every drop he gave me, but it was a lot. Spurt-after-spurt filled my mouth to the breaking point and I couldn't possibly keep up with the volume. Cum trickled out of my mouth and down his shaft. I felt a little sad that I had let any of it escape. He was absolutely delicious and I knew that was largely due to who it was feeding me. Again-and-again, after each gulp, he re-filled my mouth to the limit. Finally, the onslaught of juice began to fade into a trickle. I swallowed what was left with one big gulp, sending the tasty treat down my throat. I pulled away and looked down at his cock. A small drop appeared at the top so I licked it away. The helmet shined in the light from the television. As I looked beyond it, I saw little white drops on his boxers. Feeling like I had let him down, I moved down to suck at any of the drops of cum I saw. It wasn't much, but I didn't want to leave a mess. Licking my way back up his cock, grinning like a happy slut as he caught his breath, I swirled my tongue around the helmet for a moment just to drive him crazy. I couldn't do this for much because it would get too painful for him, I'm sure, but a little pain is good in my experience. Satisfied with the fun torture I gave him, I moved away a few inches and laid my head on his upper leg as I saw his dick begin to soften. For a little while, we both sat motionless. My pussy was still humming and I could taste his juice. I hadn't felt this good in so very long. I didn't want this moment to end. Well, unless it ended with his cock getting hard again so that he could fuck my cunt until he filled my pussy with another big load. But that's not how life usually goes. When you do the things that my Dad and I just did, eventually, you remember why you weren't supposed to do it in the first place. After several minutes of enjoying the moment, he finally spoke. "Fuck." It wasn't the fuck I wanted. It wasn't a "fuck, that was amazing." It wasn't even a "fuck, did that just happen?" And, of course, it especially wasn't the "let's fuck." No, I was very aware of what this fuck meant. It was a guilty fuck. It was the kind of fuck you say when you know you fucked up. "Fuck." He repeated. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!" Well, now, that's just an excessive amount of fucks. "Sarah?" Dad asked. I looked up at him and we made eye contact. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!" He was afraid to touch me, but also felt the need to escape from the situation as quickly as possible. So, he pulled his leg - along with his entire body - away from me. I caught myself before my head crashed against the cushion. "Dad?" But he was already to his feet. His dick flopped from side-to-side as he purposely walked away. Seconds later, I heard his door shut. Part of me wanted to go after him. He needed to know I wasn't mad at him. But I was also tired as hell. I reached over to the table, blindly trying to find the remote. Once successful, I turned the television off. Grabbing the throw blanket that rested on the top of the couch, I curled up right there. I told myself I did so because when he wanted to talk about things, I should be close by. Truth was after that orgasm, I wasn't sure my legs even worked. Plus, I didn't want to leave. The smell of my father and his cum was too strong. It only took a few minutes for me to fall asleep. Please excuse the goofy fucking smile that was on my face. For Pics visit:---->>> https://cutt.ly/hwsMVhC
Title: McKenzie Shares Summary: A brother's spying begins an odessey of sexual adventures for his siblings. Keywords: Fiction, Blowjob, Erotica, Incest, Masturbation, Virginity, Voyeurism, Young McKenzie had just turned eighteen when her family was forced to moved into a different home because her parents lost their previous one in an economic slowdown. She had always had her own room and enjoyed her privacy which enabled her to enjoy masturbating without fear of discovery. She was very lacking in sexual experience being extremely shy. She had only recently learned the joys of masturbation. She had two older brothers, Austin 19 and Ryan 21. Ryan worked two jobs and was struggling in college so he had to have his own room. They had tried putting Austin and Ryan together in one bedroom and McKenzie in the other upstairs which left the one bedroom downstairs for her parents. Her parents promised they would fix the attic up and make a room that her or Austin could move into once it was finished. But in the meantime the boys had to share a room which neither cared much for. The boys got on each other's nerves a lot and argued daily about something to do with the room. Austin was also very fond of laying on his bed at night and stroking his young hard dick when he had a room to himself. This fact also led to many sleepless nights for them both as he lay trying to wait until Ryan was asleep to go to bed and his moving around kept his brother awake. It was obvious that the two of them could not share a room without Ryan's already poor grades falling even more. Their parents also worried about his health he was losing so much sleep. Eventually the decision was made to give the room to Ryan. Austin was livid when he learned he was going to have to share a room with his sister. Austin began sleeping on the couch but soon realized that he would never get any sleep or be able to touch his dick in that heavily traveled room. He resigned himself to living with his sister until their situation could improve. Mac as she was called by friends and family had no sexual experience other than kissing boys and the occasional feel of her tits which she only allowed for a few seconds before restraining the offending boy. She had never met a guy that she really wanted to go farther with, but she looked forward to her first hard dick entering her when she did. Austin had not even kissed a girl yet and his young dick ached for his first sexual experience. Being extremely shy that didn't appear to be soon coming. They both were the object of many virgin jokes and derided for being so old fashioned concerning sex. Their friends just didn't know the fires that seethed within them both that for their separate reasons they just couldn't allow to consume them. . Normally if Mac was awake she was constantly texting friends and Austin was yelling for her to quit and go to sleep. Mac liked having boys talk sexy to her as she lay in bed with her hand on her pussy and she could do that with Austin awake while laying under her covers. She did this nightly to Austin's chagrin. On one fateful night though, no one replied to her texts and she gave up and closed her eyes and lay there bored wishing she could sleep. She knew if she could just masturbate she would doze right off. Their beds were just inches apart in the small room they shared and she happened to be laying on her side facing Austin's bed thinking he was asleep and wondering if she could cum without him waking as she cupped her pussy. If she was in her own room, she thought to herself, she could play with herself and cum. Her thighs squeezed together thinking of cumming and the way it made her feel working up to it. In the darkness she could barely make out Austin laying in his underwear atop his blankets as he always liked to do. On this night though the moon light shone through a crack in the blinds and the light fell in a stream upon Austin's bed. It gave the room an eerie bluish glow as she gazed around the room. She looked towards Austin and her eyes blinked and she thought what is that, what is he holding? His eyes were closed and his breathing was steady and she was sure he was sleeping but he must have fell asleep holding something because it was standing straight up in his hand. It was long and skinny and had a roundish top, a baton possibly she thought? Why would he have my baton she wondered and her anger rose as she had one more thing to be angry about with him. The light seemed to shift though and she soon realized what he was grasping...his thing! It protruded out the side of his jockey shorts and was standing stiffly as his hand lightly grasped it as he slept. She had seen his thing lots of times but it was always flaccid and small. Seeing it hard it must be almost a foot long. It was thin at the top beneath its grotesquely large tip but it gradually got thicker and thicker as it neared its base where his hand was.. Mac felt a stirring in her a body, a pulsing like when she touched herself and her thighs clenched repeatedly. She closed her eyes and tried to sleep but couldn't. She didn't want to look but she couldn't keep her eyes off it as it swayed and jerked. Other than in porns online she had never seen a real live stiff dick, She could reach out and touch her brothers hard cock. She felt drawn to it, like she should touch it, and as her tongue slid over her lips wetting them she realized she was thinking of putting her mouth on it. That thought sent a trembling shudder racing through her body and caused her thighs to squeeze hard at the thrill she felt in her pussy. It also made her feel so slutty and bad, after all he was her brother. Her thoughts would not leave his hard dick though and unconsciously her hand slid beneath the waistband of her panties and began pressing her clit as she lay there silently staring at his dick. Her hips wouldn't remain still as they hunched and rolled as her thoughts turned to its taste. She knew girls that had sucked boys dicks and even fucked them and hearing them talk always fueled her curiosities. A fog of lust slowly enveloped her mind as her thoughts created a hunger in her body. She lay there allowing thoughts of incest to drive her fingers as they rolled her taut bud. Soon she was on her back thinking of straddling his dick as he slept and pressing it into her pussy. The thought of fucking her brother as her hand mashed her clit had her inhibitions waning quickly. It became completely plausible in her mind to believe she could slide onto his bed and put her mouth on his turgid cock and suck it until his balls rewarded her mouth with their hot juice. Thinking of her brother cumming in her mouth, as she tastes it with her tongue and swallows it, has her head flailing and her throat convulsing with her need to suck it from his hole. The hunger she feels grows exponentially as his cock sways and jerks in her gaze causing her to writhe wildly and slight moans to escape her lips. The older more experienced girls said that was what good cocksuckers did for their lovers.. Her breathing was deep now and the waistband of her panties made her wrist sore so she lifted her ass and slid them to her knees as she gazed at her brothers face to assure he was sleeping, then raised her knees and slid them off her ankles and feet. She felt so slutty lying next to him almost nude and him with a hardon. As she lay gazing at his cock it would stiffen and swell, and she thought of feeling that with it in her pussy throbbing. Her thighs opened widely and her fingers began playing over her clit faster with more pressure. The greater her arousement soared the nastier her thoughts became and the faster her hips hunched beneath her moving fingers. Thinking of how it would feel having him press his fat tip into her pussy was the stimulus for her fingers to probe the wet swollen flesh there. That thought sends her mind spiraling into a sexual vortex that has her breathing hurried and shallow, hips hunching her pussy into her penetrating fingers faster and faster. He is forgotten as she lays there enveloped in her pleasure as she furiously works her hand, mashing her clit with her palm as she's unable to stifle the moans that escape her mouth. He rolls over on his side facing her as she's tensing, wavering at the edge of the precipice as every cell of her body is crying for her to let go of her inhibitions and soar. She wills herself to lie motionless as she turns her head and gazes at him and sees his long dick hanging off the edge of the bed pointing at her. Her moans stirred him but didn't awaken him and now his dick was close enough for her to touch it. She scoots down on the bed till her face is even with it and watches its tip pulse and jerk and she wonders what he's dreaming about as his pee oozes from its tip. Then she remembers Kathy talking about a guy's Precum that oozes right before he's about to cum and she wonders if he is going to cum in his sleep. Her pussy demands attention though and her hand moves on her clit as she feels the wetness covering her pussy. She rolls over on her side and moves her face to within inches of his cock as she examines it in the pale moonlight. She wants to suck it so badly and her aroused state tells her to do it, he will just think it's a dream and never wake up but her fear is overwhelming. Without thinking though her hand moves to him and her finger touches him lightly as she watches his face for any sign of wakening. His cock twitches but his face remains frozen in sleep. Bolder now she places her fingers on it and just lets them lay on him as she feels its heat burning into her fingers. Again no response and her hand closes around him and she squeezes and her pussy lurches and she cums hard, moaning as her thighs squeeze tightly and her hand instinctively pulls at his dick. Her head falls forward as the intensity of her orgasm bends her into a fetal position causing his tip to graze her lips. Feeling his cock touching her lips has her mouth opening and her instincts drive her to suck him into the warm confines of her mouth and hold him there while she continues trembling. His dick begins moving, pressing into her mouth as he hunches and she thinks he's awake fucking her mouth. Her excitement explodes and her tongue slides slickly around his swollen tip. She holds his cock head trapped in her mouth as she continues to flood her hand. She tastes his dick, sucks his precum from his tip and his moans drive her to pump him with her hand as her mouth moves deeper onto his stiff dick. Her fingers dig at her pussy as his taste fills her mouth, she loves the taste of his dick and wonders if they all taste the same. She wants it to cum, wants to please him for letting her do this and not stopping her or telling on her. As she's licking his dick head she realizes they can do this every night as long as they are in the same room. They can even fuck or anything as long as they're quiet. For the first time she sees his balls swollen below his dick and her hand moves to them and touches them, squeezes them when he doesn't stop her. The scent of his balls and the heat of his body engulf her face as she's squeezing his balls. His ball scent is intoxicating and drives her to suck at his dick furiously. Knowing he is awake and hunching his cock into her mouth drives her to please him. She has never felt closer to her brother than at these moments. She hears his moans as her lips and tongue anoint his glans with laving and sucking caresses and she concentrates her efforts there. His balls twitch in her hand, jerk and seem to draw tightly to his body as the first hot eruption spews from those balls to jet hotly into her mouth. She chokes as it floods her throat but recovers and swallows just as the next hot spewing has his dick jerking in her mouth strongly. Feeling his dick jerk it's like it's an animal that is trying to escape her mouth. He hunches into her mouth as she sucks each hot flood down her throat as her own tensing orgasm grips her in throes of intense convulsing spasms that have her again moaning in hard satisfaction around his spewing dick.. She feels his dick softening in her mouth as he sporadically jerks, his body twitching as his dick dribbles the last of his seed onto her tongue to be sucked and swallowed before he moans and rolls over on his other side and begins to snore. She rolls over on her own back and fingers her pussy as she remembers his taste and how his dick felt throbbing against her tongue as he pumped her mouth full. She knows she's a slut. Only a slut would let her brother cum in her mouth as she wantonly sucks it from his balls as she did, squeezing his juice out into her mouth and then swallowing it. She feels so alive and free though as the sheet lays on her nude body. She wonders why he never said a word to her, just moaned, cum and rolled over and went back to sleep? Her thighs are soaked with her cum now and she remembers the wet spot she left on her bed once in the other house and she had to lie and tell her mom she had spilt water on it. She slides off the end of the bed and stands there nude from the waist down looking at his now soft dick as she rubs her clit again thinking he's really awake and might want her to suck him hard again and fuck her. Nothing though but more snoring! Disappointed she walks to the bathroom and wipes herself off and goes back to bed where she rolls onto her stomach and presses her mound into the bed, the feel of the cool sheets against the heat of her mound reminding her that she is still nude from the waist down. Finding her panties she put them back on and remembers her actions as she holds her pussy and drifts off to a peaceful sleep. Austin is not aware of any of it though as he slept through a wonderful dream that had Vicky sucking his stiff dick until he flooded her sweet mouth. The next day Mac tried to be around Austin as much as possible thinking they shared a deliciously naughty secret. She had always loved him as a brother but now she felt closer and more intimate with him. It hurt her feelings when he treated her no different at all and she realized that he must not feel what she does after their encounter. She feels a trepidation at what will happen that night but also an excitement at what could happen. She can't help glancing at his crotch every time he's around her as she remembers the taste of his dick. When he touches her she feels a pulsing in her clit and she wants to grab his hand and place it on her pussy. When their mother tells her they are trying to save some money to fix the attic so she can have her own room again she replies that there is no hurry, she will be fine where she is for a while. Her mother gives her a funny look and asks, "I thought you were just going to die if you didn't get out of there, why the sudden change of heart?" "I guess I'm just growing up and have to realize that I can't have everything I want all the time. I know you and dad are trying as hard as you can mom." Her mother smiles and says, "Well thank you McKenzie I'm so tired of hearing you two bitch about it". Mac is crushed when she hears Austin say, "Oh yeah well I'm still not happy about it!" The hurt he causes makes her lash out as she says, "Oh shut up Austin I don't like being in there with you anymore than you like being with me." She is hurt and mad at his seeming indifference to what she did for him after him not returning the favor in any way. He acts like he just slept through it she thinks. That thought makes her realize that maybe he did. Maybe he just thought it was a dream and because she had cleaned him with her mouth and tongue so well there was no evidence when he awoke. She doesn't know whether to be happy or sad at this realization. It would explain his seeming indifference to her feeling closer to him as nothing would have changed in his mind. How could he have hunched his thing in her mouth and moaned so loudly and cum with her sucking hard on his cock, squeezing his balls and not known it? It seemed incredible to her but it also made her smile knowing she had sucked her brother and his cock had influenced her orgasms and he didn't even know it. Her mind filled with all sorts of nasty scenarios that involved her using his cock for fun and excitement as he slept, thinking it was Vicky, the girlfriend of hers he had moaned about last night. She purposely waited until Austin had been in bed for over an hour before going up to bed herself. He was one of those people that went down with the setting Sun. He was always an early to bed and early to rise person while she was a nite owl preferring the night to the daytime. Especially if she could lay in her bed and play with her pussy till the Sun came up...lol...while texting with some boy she found hot. She opened the door to their room and found him sound asleep on top of his covers as usual clad only in his jockey shorts. He lay facing her bed on his side and she could see the tip of his cock protruding at the edge at his thigh. It was hard to believe something so small could grow so large when he became excited. She had to stifle an urge to lay beside him and pull his underwear back and begin licking and sucking at his soft dick. Would he tell on her she wondered or lay there and enjoy it? If only she knew the answer her actions would be easy to decide. She sat on the edge of her bed pondering what to do as her clit began that now familiar pulsing as she remembered his taste once again. She loved the hot feel of his dick in her mouth, the texture of his swollen glans beneath her tongue as she laved at his Precum hungrily, sucking it from his hole as if it was an elixir of life.. These thoughts had her needing to touch herself but it was not quite dark yet and the room was still lit up by the Sun's ebbing rays. She scooted to the wall and leant back against it as she removed her shorts, and tonight, her blouse, leaving her sitting there in bra and panties. She decided to chuck the bra also and did. Her breasts felt supple beneath her fingertips and were firm with nipples that stood proudly erect. Rolling them with thumb and forefinger caused spikes of pleasure at her clit making her squeeze her thighs. Whenever the boys saw her breasts through a wet T-shirt they all said they'd like to suck and lick them. If she's ever alone with one of them and they say that now she's sure she will take him up on it if it would just be his word against hers if he told someone. She thought of Austin sucking her nipples as he touched her pussy and instantly became wet. She was nervous and her emotions were agitated at knowing how badly she wanted to suck his cock again. She couldn't help herself as her hand slid in the leg of her panties and her fingertip began rolling her now taut bud. As she rolled it beneath her fingertips, thoughts and ideas that moments before she had dismissed as impossible to accomplish, became completely plausible in her now aroused state. Where five minutes ago she had told herself if he awoke to her sucking his cock he'd tell her parents, NOW, he would probably lay there and allow her to make him cum. The more her hips hunched, fingers excitedly agitating her clit the easier it seemed to just take his dick in her mouth and suck it without consequences. Soon she lay back moaning as her fingers entered her pussy, pressing into the wet hole of her sex, eyes closed as she relived the previous nights experience. Austin was awakened by something and as he lay there listening he heard a moaning sound. It seemed to come from Mac's side of the room and when he opened his eyes he saw her. His first instinct was to ask her what she thought she was doing. But something about the look on her face as her hand moved, digging at her pussy kept him quiet. His eyes fell to her chest and he saw her bare tits and his dick jerked, began swelling as his heart began to pound in his chest. His sister was leaning back against the wall with her thighs spread open widly hand in her panties playing with her pussy. He'd never seen a girl, any girl touching herself. Seeing Mac so obviously enjoying it had his dick pulsing, stiffening.. He lay and wondered what had gotten Mac so excited that she would do that with him right beside her. She was his sister and he knew he shouldn't be watching her. Knew it was as wrong for him to watch as it was for her to be doing it in front of him. But he couldn't take his eyes from her as her hips moved, hunching as passionate moans erupted from her lips. She appeared and sounded like she loved what she was doing but there was desperation in her sounds. She sounded like she felt like he did right before he cum while beating off. He didn't even know Mac had feelings like those or that she knew anything about sex. Everyone thought she was even dumber about sex than he was. He knew she had lost her hymen in a bike accident that jammed a narrow seat into her pussy extremely hard a year or so ago. But seeing her like this, doing the things he imagined Vicky doing as he stroked his hard dick was kinda exciting him. He knew it felt good when he beat off and sometimes when she spent the night with friends he would spend some time thinking about doing things to Vicky a girlfriend of Mac's that always made him hard to think about. Maybe she was just doing what he liked to do. He felt his dick stiffening, poking from his underwear as the air felt cool upon his inflamed glans. He knew she could see it if she opened her eyes just as he was seeing her. He closed his own eyes and tried to will his dick to stay soft but the hunger in her slight moans had him jerking, growing longer and thicker with each desperate sound from her lips. He tried to muster the courage to roll over but the sight of her groping her pussy had him mesmerized. He had never seen a girl cum and didn't want to miss it if she did, even if it was his sister. He wanted to touch his dick, to jack off while he watched her but he hadn't the courage to even let her know he was awake much less to touch himself as she watched him. He knew she would think him some kind of pervert to watch his own sister. He knew she thought he was asleep as he had been when she came to bed and her moans had him growing stiffer by the second and he couldn't prevent it. His dick was now fully extended and swollen. He knew it was pointing right at her as it jerked and swayed from the leg hole of his underwear. Suddenly her moans stopped and he heard her gasp and say softly, "Oh yeah". He barely raised his eyelids and saw her gaze directed at his dick and her hand rubbing hard in her panties. He knew girls had a spot there that they liked to have touched and they touched themselves there when they masturbated but seeing a girl, especially Mac, his sister doing it as she looked at his dick made him grow even stiffer and longer. He felt embarrassment at knowing she was seeing him excited just as he had the time at their old house when he'd left his door open and fell asleep. When he awoke a friend of his mother's was standing outside his door staring at his hard cock as it stood proudly erect. He had quickly covered himself but she just smiled and leaned on the door and said, you shouldn't cover up something us girls love to see...then paused and added....and touch.....is that the bathroom next door, I REALLY need to use it now? How many times has he played that over in his mind wishing he had said something manly like, well come touch it then, or threw the covers back and said, how's this then and lay and stroked his dick while she watched. He has beat off a thousand times it seems remembering the look in her eyes as she stared at his dick, the way she kept licking her lips and glancing down the stairs making sure his mother wasn't seeing her looking at his dick or hearing her talk to him. She was a small woman like Mac, maybe thirty and her body was thin and fit. She always smiled at him after that and once when they were alone she smiled and asked him if he'd like to put on a private show for her at her house but all he could do was blush and never worked up the courage to answer her before his mom walked up. Then his mom quit that job and he never saw her again. And now he sees the same look in his sister's eyes as she stares at his cock and again he is frozen, afraid to say or do anything, knowing the trouble he would be in if his parents found out he was letting Mac look at his dick. He knew that all the blame would be on him as Mac lied her way out of it as always. He wants her to touch him, to do everything girls do to boys but its his sister and if anyone found out........his dick is straining its skin as he watches her, knowing her excitement at thinking of doing things to his dick is caused by seeing his hardon. He wants her to see it and feel like he does as he watches her. His dick jerks hard as he craves to touch it, to stroke it as she rubs her pussy unknowingly for his pleasure. His mind races as his own arousement begins to cause him to do things to accomplish the same goal as Mac has but neither of them know it or at least can acknowledge it to themselves. He wants her to think he's sleeping so he can't be blamed for anything they do together. He rolls over on his back allowing his dick to stand straight up jerking and swaying and hears an immediate moan from Mac's lips. His hips begin rolling gently, lifting, and he moans in a whisper as if he's dreaming, suck it Vicky. Put it in your mouth...ohhhh god...doit...you know you want to. He's talking to Mac but indirectly to her through Vicky the girl in his dreams. Mac sees his dick growing, lengthening and she's sure he's dreaming again. Her mouth is dry as her breathing becomes shallow, fast, her hand rapidly rolling her swollen clit with more pressure now. She wants to taste his cum in her mouth, to feel his dick jerking as it spews. Knowing its her brothers dick and how much trouble she'd be in if her parents caught her or someone found out just heightens the already intense need she has building inside her. Her pussy is flowing its need as she fingers herself deeply. When he rolls onto his back, his dick erect and swollen, looking even larger than the night before she feels a shudder run through her body, a craving that has her thighs closing, clenching tightly and her pussy feeling empty, yearning, even though she has her fingers pressed inside her moist flesh. Her hunger is deep inside her pussy, a yearning unlike any she has ever experienced before. She listens to see if anyone is still up and rises and opens the door and silently listens as she stands at the top of the stairs. She hears nothing so she creeps back and shuts and locks the door. She turns and stands there rubbing her pussy knowing her arousement will fuel the courage she needs to crawl to his dick and place it in her mouth as she did previously. It startles her when she hears a whispered moan and she thinks Austin is talking to her as he watches her. She jerks her hand from her panties and crosses her arms over her breasts as she listens intently as he again speaks saying, suck it Vicky....put it in your mouth...ohhhh god...doit...you know you want to. She smiles as she bends and removes her panties and then straightens tossing them onto her bed as she kneels on his and begins crawling between his thighs. The cool air kissing her nude body adds to the excitement she feels at being naked with her brother. She has never been completely nude and aroused with any guy before mush less her brother while his hard dick cries out for her friends touch in the form of his sister's lips. Her heart pounds and her breathing is pronounced as she feels all the different cravings that harbor themselves within her mind and body. She has a deep yearning that cries out from her pussy to straddle his cock and sate the curiosity she feels at how it will feel inside her. But the memory of his taste, the feel of his dick hunching into her mouth has her thirsting to swallow his cum again forefront in her mind. And after all he wants her friend Vicky to suck him. Austin sees her leave the room and uses that respite to squeeze his dick and relieve some of the incessant craving he'd had to be touched. Shortly she was back and from beneath lowered eyelids he watched her remove her panties and lightly begin crawling toward him. He was conscious of his chest lifting and falling heavily as he realized she was going to touch him. Would she suck him as he had pleaded for Vicky to or would she put it in her pussy? He wondered if she had ever fucked before or if he would be her first if she fucked him. Thinking of them both losing their virginity to each other, brother and sister fucking, for some reason had his dick jerking wildly and straining, feeling as if it will explode if not touched soon. She seems hesitant, does she know I'm awake, is she teasing me, does she know I want her to touch it, his mind floods with desperation as he begs her in his mind to do it, suck it, fuck it, beat it off but do something NOW. He moans and his hand grabs his cock and he strokes up then down and moans, please Vicky, do it, do it for me. Then Mac does and the feeling as her mouth slides over his tip causes his body to shudder hard and a loud moan to rush from his lungs as her tongue slides around his taut glans. Ohgod..ohgod Vicky.....damn..suck it....ohhhhhh fuck you're so good.....oh yeah lick it His head rolls fitfully as his young mind tries to accept that he loves his sister sucking his dick. Oh dang Vicky you're so nasty...lick my balls.....oh dang.....I didn't know...didn't know you could suck so good. Mac's moans told of her own excitement at hearing him tell her she was sucking him soo good and that she was nasty. She gripped his dick and pumped it quickly as her head bobbed up and down following it. His hand was on her head holding her as his hips lifted, dick fucking her mouth as she tried to see in the dim light if he was awake. Her thighs straddled one of his and she hunched her pussy against him as she sucked her brothers' dick and craved to feel his hot cum flood her mouth. She felt so alive and free, naked and sucking a boys dick, she wished her friends could see her they'd be sooo jealous. She knew she could never tell them, tell them she loved sucking her brothers dick as he dreamed of someone else doing it. She pretended he was talking to her as she sucked his dick and it made her hot. She wished he would wake up and find her mouth sucking at his hard cock. She wanted to be fucked so badly, wanted to feel him doing things to her instead of her doing everything. But most of all she wanted him to feel her make him cum so he would feel as close to her as she did him now. Austin loved the things Mac did to him and never wanted her to stop. She seemed so driven, so hot and excited by sucking his dick. He felt her pussy on his thigh and it felt hot and wet and he wondered if that was her cum that he felt, if she had cum as she rubbed against him and that thought excited him and had his dick throbbing in her hands and mouth. He hated himself for allowing this to happen but she wanted it too he justified in his mind. He tried to convince himself he was doing no wrong that she had stripped and crawled in his bed and sucked his dick. He couldn't help himself as his seething mind realized she had done everything he asked her too. Would she fuck him, had she ever fucked anybody before, did she know how? He didn't know how but if all he had to do was lay here pretending he was asleep what did it matter. He moaned, oh god Vicky I want you to fuck me, put it in your pussy please. Show me you like me...I've never felt a pussy on my dick...do it please do it! Mac heard his pleading to fuck her and it filled her with a heat like she'd never known. She knew she wanted to do it, knew her pussy craved to feel his distended head opening her deeply. No, No he's your brother her good girl cried, but her bad girl reasoned, show him you love him like he asked. She fucked him in her mind, straddled his dick and pressed it into her and she almost cum her clit throbbed so hard and her pussy clenched tightly. God she wanted to do it. She wanted to feel a dick inside her, any dick black white it didn't matter. But her brothers dick was the only one she could fuck. She had given this considerable thought recently, all day today in fact and it always left her wanting it and flowing wetness so bad she spent half the day in the bathroom relieving herself and wiping cum from her pussy. In her thoughts they were both naked as they fucked and she reached for his waistband and began pulling his underwear over his hips slowly lest she wake him. It was hard bending his stiff dick so his undies would slide down over it and she just knew he was going to wake up but he lay there unmoving as if back in a deep sleep. He felt her removing his underwear and his dick ached as she pulled it down so she could pull them past his long dick. As she pulled them down his thighs her mouth found his tip and he moaned as her tongue drove him to insanity. He could barely see her in the slight light that came through the curtains but he made out her nude body standing over him, her pussy bare, shaved and he couldn't believe she did that. Had she also fucked already he wondered feeling embarrassed that his younger sister had maybe been fucked and as yet he hadn't. She was so beautiful standing there naked, tits round and firm, her nipples reddish brown and they looked hard, standing out from her tits and he wanted to suck them so badly. He strained to see between her thighs, wanting to see her hole but it was hidden. As she stepped forward he could not see her without raising his head and he was supposed to be asleep so he didn't. He felt strange as he watched her lower her body and reach down and grab his dick and begin positioning it at her pussy. The light streaming through the crack in the curtains fell vertically along her body illuminating her hand on his dick and most of her frontal area as she positioned his glans at her pussy.. She was doing it, she's gonna fuck me his mind cried in an excited ecstasy. He felt her soft pussy flesh on his tip as she positioned him at her opening. She felt wet, her inner pussy flesh was warm and slick as it opened and began engulfing his straining meat. Her vaginal muscles clenched as she pressed him into her need. He felt the wetness at his tip engulf it completely and thrills began racing from his glans as he felt it opening her. She was tight and as she pressed downwards she moaned passionately as if she was feeling an unreachable itch scratched vigorously. Her hips began moving in small circles as she hunched down onto his dick. His breathing was fast, shallow, and the feeling as her pussy flesh relented and he felt himself being engulfed had his mind reeling. He wanted to grab her and ram his dick into her, to fuck her like a madman. But he was supposed to be sleeping so he allowed her to work on his cock as he filled with an intense need to be deep inside her. Mac could feel her pussy spreading, opening to his bulbous tip. He was so hot and he throbbed against her wet flesh as she moaned at the realization she was really fucking, even if it was her brothers' dick, especially because it was her brother's dick. She wanted it in her but he was so big he hurt her but the need she had within her couldn't be denied and she forced her pussy down onto him until he entered her and she felt intense emotions as she realized that she was no longer a virgin but a slut, a girl that took her brothers dick and fucked it into her pussy as he slept and she loves it. Her pussy felt full and his dick throbbed inside her and she felt elated to have him in her. She couldn't stop ramming her pussy down on his stiff cock, driving him deeper and deeper as his heat radiated into her clenching pussy. She never dreamed a dick in her pussy could bring such intense thrills to her body. She wanted to feel her pussy cum on it, she craved it almost as badly as she craved him to shoot his hot slick cum up his sister's pussy. Oh god he moaned, your pussy is so hot, so good. Her hotness enveloped his tip completely and sucked at his fat shaft now. Her hips hunched and twirled as she fucked his stiff cock forcibly up into her. Her tight virgin pussy gripped his mind as tightly as his cock and he felt so close to her, He never wanted her to stop! Deeper and deeper he felt her moist walls suck him into her as her moans became full of the same love he felt for what she gave him. He started to cry out how much he loved Vickies pussy but his mind told him how wrong that is and the feelings racing from his cock as she worked feverishly to please him demanded honesty and he whispered loudly, fuck me Mac, fuck your pussy down on my dick, make me cum sis, god I love your tight pussy. Cum Mac, let me feel it on my dick, oh damn your pussy is sooo fuckin good. Mac couldn't believe what she heard and as she looked down at his face she saw his eyes open and a spasm of pure pleasure spread like a wave through every cell in her body as she realized he was awake and loved her fucking his big brotherly dick. "Oh god Austin I love your big dick, you're not mad at me are you. I couldn't help myself when I saw your big hard dick. Tell me you like my pussy, please don't make me stop. I'll do anything you want me too but don't make me stop, it's so good I want to fuck it in my pussy every night. I won't tell anybody we did it, but it feels so good, I love fucking you even if you are my brother". Austin's emotions had him filling with a different kind of love for his sister as she pumped her pussy frantically into his dick and filled him with a need so demanding that he flung her to the side and lay between her thin girlish thighs and drove his dick in her pussy hard causing her to scream in pain and he tried to shush her but her excited moans bubbled from her continuously as he fucked deep into her pussy. "Yes, yes, do it to me, fuck my pussy, oh god it hurts so good, fuck me forever with your big brother dick....damn it makes me so hot knowing you like fucking my pussy Austin. Fuck it all in my pussy, I want to feel it all, oh fuck I need it all in me. I can't stop hunching and I..I...oh..oh...yeah...yeah...right...right there...ohhhhhhyou're making me .....aiiieeeeeaarggHHHH ....CUMMIN....DOIT...OH PLEASE FUCK ME...then softer...hurt me..I like it when you fuck me hard....oh god yes, yes.....you're, you're ma..ma..oh fuck your so big and I'm cummin ag...aga..agin...I love you...I really do I love you...you fuck me so good....do you like fucking me..tell me you do please Austin" He did, he never wanted to stop either but he knew he was about to cum and he said, "Sis I can't cum in your pussy and I feel it coming on." Quickly she said, "Cum in my pussy, I want you to, I don't care, I love you. He almost did, god knows he wanted to badly enough, he never wanted to take his dick out of her tight sister pussy but he knew their lives were over if he ever made her pregnant. He knew enough to know he could so he told her. "I want you to suck it out of me, I never had a girl do that to me before." She knew that wasn't true but she didn't have time to tell him so because he suddenly pulled out of her and holding his dick tightly shoved it to her face and into her open mouth. Her mouth hadn't closed fully on his dick when it spewed hotly into her receptive throat and she began sucking him hard. He cum repeatedly, spewing long streams into her suctioning mouth. She squeezed his balls and pumped him with her hands while her lips and tongue played havoc with his mind as he continued flooding her throat for what seemed half an hour but was only minutes. "Damn he said, I've only cum like that in my dreams before Mac. Where did you learn to suck a dick like that? You're really good at that, at least I think so, although I never had anyone else do it to me before". " I learned last night when I sucked your dick and made you cum in my mouth", she replied smiling. "You didn't do me last night, were you dreaming" he replied? "No but I think you were while I did it", she said. He remembered the dream he'd had and remembered it felt so real but he didn't have any cum on him or anything when he woke up so he figured it was just an intense dream. "I cleaned your dick with my mouth she beamed. All the girls say a good cocksucker always leaves their lovers clean by licking and sucking all the cum off them so I wanted you to think I was a good cocksucker. I really thought you were awake but I guess you weren't.", she remarked proudly. He told her he was awake tonight and how he saw her playing with her pussy and how hot it made him but because she was his sister he was afraid to let her know it. "You're really a hot little cock slut, you know that McKenzie", he stated more than asked. She lay against him with her head on his shoulder and began pumping his dick as she said, "I like being your cock slut Austin. Your dick is so big and gets really hard like its doing now and it makes me feel so hot inside just seeing it. WIll you give it to me again tonight, I want you to do anything you want to me, ok", she asked almost pleading? "Have you ever done anything like this before Mac"...he asks her? "No you're my first dick, first guy I sucked, first cum I swallowed, first dick in my pussy and first time I sucked my pussy juice off a guys dick and I liked it too, all of it. Did you like it Austin, I mean really like it like I did", she asked hopefully? "Can I touch your pussy Mac, I've never felt a girl before", he asked? "Sure, she says as she places his hand on her pussy and says I like it rubbed right here, feel that bump, that's my clit and it makes me cum if I rub it long enough...ohhh yeah like that..oh that feels so good..now go down lower and put your fingers in me and feel how wet you made it. It feels so much better when you do it. Will you lick my pussy Austin, everybody says that feels so good. I've almost asked my girlfriends if they wanted to do each other but I wasn't brave enough", she confessed. "I've never done it before but I'll try if you want me to, after all you sucked mine for me" . Mac was so excited as he told her to put her butt on the edge of the bed and he sat on the floor and spread her thin thighs wide apart. It was dark and he felt his way round until he found the bump she had placed his hand on and began rubbing it. She was so thin and the way she hunched and moaned as he did it was so erotic. He wanted to taste her! He was as curious about this as she was and he leaned forward and placed his face close to her pussy and her scent wafted to his nose and the odor excited him and he felt drawn to its source. Her pussy radiated heat against his face as he tasted her pussy, licked it as her hips lifted into his licking. "She sighed loudly, saying, "Oh that feels real good Austin, lick my clit...ohhhhh...yeah.....oh boy I like you eating my pussy...do I taste good...do you like my pussy flavor? Hmmm was all he could muster as her taste excited him, her movements telling of her pleasure as his tongue slid between her lips and he laved the moisture he found there. Her pussy was alive with need as he found her clit and laved it incessantly as her hips bucked and hunched and her moans flowed continuously. He could hear her breathing and sensed her excitement by the way she moved. When he finally found the courage to slide his tongue down to her moist hole and taste the swollen soft flesh there her hands reached down and grabbed his head and held him to her pussy and hunched wildly into his flailing tongue. "Oh god..oh god....eat me...oh god...that feels so nasty and good.....I feel it in me...ohgod...I..I...ohfuck I'm...you're making me....ohhhhhhhhYESSSSS.", she groaned as she tried not to scream and wake everyone. He felt her warm juices flood his tongue, enveloping it with its slick heat as she ground her pussy into it hard, roughly, unable to care if she smothered him, lost to the craving needs his tonguing inside her young pussy created. Mac loved the way she felt, all these actions were new and sated her curiosities entirely. He presented her with intense sensations that had her filling with a roiling pleasure that permeated her entire being. Her mind felt an overwhelming insanity grip it as his tongue slid from her engulfing wetness back to her clit. His slick tongue coated her taut bud with a madness that tensed her so tightly she knew she would die before escaping the heaven he continued to hold her in.. He seemed to instinctively know what she needed when she needed it and her mind was constantly subjected to waves of newfound pleasure as she begged him not to stop and pulled him tightly into her pussy each time his tongue entered her there as he fucked her with it. Her back arched, thighs tensing repeatedly as this new form of pleasure addicted her to his mouthing of her pussy. Her reaction to his wild hunger for her pussy had his dick throbbing, straining its skin as he craved the feel of her pussy on it again. Rising he placed it at her pussy and thrust hard and was rewarded with her deep moan and a hard hunching of her hips as she cried out, "Oh god Austin aiiieeeEEEEE, YES, oh god fuck me, oh god thank you, thank you, it feels so good, fuck me hard, make me cum again...oh god I love to fuck..love feeling your long hot dick inside my tight pussy......aiiieeeEEEEEee I'm doing it...oh fuck I'm cummin sooo good...don't stop...don't...don......aaaarrgghhhHHHHHHHHHHH ohhhh....ohhhh......fuck me." O "I love you so much sis", he cried as his balls suddenly began exploding his hot ball juice deep inside his sister's cunt. Mac's eyes gaped open widely as the feel of his lava like cum flooded her unexpectedly while his dick swelled even larger. "Oh god you're cumming.....ohhhhhh fuck its so hot.....I feel it.....arrghhhhh....oh fuck I'm cumming......do me....oh god fuck it in me hard.........ohhhhh godddddd yes....y.yes! SO BIG....aaiieeeeeEEEE", she cried as her hips began undulating, thighs pulling her up into his spewing dick forcefully as he raped her pussy with the ferocity of a young man out of control, unable to care of her welfare as a primal instinct drove him to impregnate her womb. Then as he lay fully upon her, his dick straining into his sister's pussy his emotions overwhelmed him and he kissed her. Mac felt what her older brother felt as her body also strained into his flooding cock while his love of her was never more plainly gifted her. One hand held her brothers head as they kissed, the other gripped his ass cheek with her nails embedded into his flesh as the intensity of her release demanded it.. Her mind followed his into the vortex of love that had them both caught up in its swirling whirlpool of emotional love. "Oh Austin I love you so much for eating me and fucking me and letting me suck your dick. I want us to learn everything together, you're so good. Can we do this every night...tell me you will...please...promise me", she pleads? . He does promise her, he has never experienced anything as wonderful as his sister's mouth and pussy and he wants to fuck her ass too. That night they couldn't get enough of each other's hot cum. Austin's dick was fatter and longer than it ever had been as his excitement soared at the carnality his sister displayed on his dick. They fucked till they were exhausted and they fell asleep with his mouth on her pussy. Luckily he woke up and picked her up and placed her on her bed and covered her up and put his underwear on and had just lay down when their dad opened the door and said, "Get up Austin, its paper time." "Should I get Mac up", he asked him? "Naw let her sleep she was up late I think, because I heard her up here doing something. She'll have to quit that when college starts", he said. "Yeah she had me awake a lot too. I tried to pretend I was asleep but she still bothered me. She's a night person I guess", he said as he thought of how she had bothered him all night and smiled to his self. It dawned on him that his dad had walked right into their room. He had sworn Mac locked it before she had undressed while standing at his bed. Neither of them had noticed when Ryan had come home late and hearing moaning and crying had tried to open the door and finding it locked had put his ear to the door and heard them fucking and Mac begging for his dick. He had gotten a key he kept over his door for when he accidently locked himself out and pressed it into the hole in the center of the handle and quietly opened the door a crack and peered inside. Austin was atop someone fucking them really hard as they moaned and begged him to fuck them harder. He stood there watching the girls thin legs flail the air and then fall over Austins thighs and begin pulling at him, her heels digging in his ass as she pulled her pussy into his dick as she cum intensely. He felt his dick growing but he was about to say something to Austin for doing this in front of his sister when he glanced at Mac's bed but she wasn't there. Must be downstairs he reasoned, probably on the couch. That allowed him to stand there watching his brother fuck this girl energetically. He couldn't believe how big Austins hard dick was and how it looked as it filled the small girls pussy. It was almost obscene the way her pussy was stretched out by his cock and as he withdrew he saw her pussy lips drawn outwards the whole of its huge length and wondered where the girl put it all. She loved every hard inch of it though, cumming almost continuously and begging him to give it to her harder deeper and crying out how she loved his brother dick. He wondered what she meant by brother dick and he found out when she asked Austin, do you like fucking your sisters pussy Austin, do you like it as much as I like knowing it's you my brother fucking his big dick in my pussy. Ryan was stunned knowing it was Mac he was pounding that huge dick into and she loved it, begged him for more. His younger brother and sister were fucking and she was taking all his long brotherly dick to his balls and cumming on it over and over. His dick was throbbing and he didn't know why. He didn't know what to do. He slowly closed the door and went to his room and lay there remembering how Mac had sounded and the way she hunched so enthusiastically up into Austins dick, her brothers dick. She was like a cock crazed slut that couldn't get enough big dick. He'd heard of such girls but never met one and certainly didn't think his younger sister was one. He was aroused by what he saw and couldn't help wonder how long this had been going on. He thought of her under him too with his dick in her pussy and wondered if she'd respond to his fucking her like she did to Austin's big dick. He'd never had a girl react to his dick like that not even his present girl. But of course his dick was nowhere near as large as his younger brother's which instilled a bit of jealousy in his mind. He couldn't get the picture of Austins big cock stretching his sister's pussy out of his mind, her moans and cries and her legs flailing the air as he ripped her pussy deeply. But it was the way his sister's hips hunched her pussy so wildly up into Austins' huge dick that excited him the most. God he thought, she was gone, completely overwhelmed by the feelings his big dick instilled in her. Soon his hand was flying up and down his stiff dick as he replayed that scene repeatedly in his mind until it became him fucking her, her cries caused by his dicking of her pussy and his balls tensed and in his mind he was filling Macs young cunt with his cum. He wanted to fuck her now and it disgusted him knowing that fact. He had always been her protector as had been Austin and he couldn't imagine what had possessed him to take advantage of his younger sister like that . He hated that he was having thoughts of how to fuck her too. He is the responsible one, the level headed kid and now he finds himself lusting after his younger sister. He feels like a pervert feeling his dick rise thinking of her. If only he could get it out of his mind, her pussy hunching insanely up into her brothers big dick, damn she could fuck!. And where did Austin's dick come from, he was twice as long as his and so much younger. He decided to not say anything until he could sort out his own feelings about it all. The next afternoon Ryan couldn't help but notice how the two of them were stuck like glue to each other, laughing and giggling about everything they said. A part of him was jealous of the effect Austin's dick had on Mac and also he wondered if she had picked Austin or he had picked her. She definitely wasn't going to their parents about it so she must have wanted it. Today she looked like any other eighteen year old girl, but last night she was a true slut for her brother's dick. She fucked like she had been fucking for years and years and loving it every minute. He wondered what other things they had hidden from him and if he really knew either of them? His girlfriend noticed his glum mood and asked him what was wrong and he replied "Nothing, I can't talk about it" She pestered him, telling him there shouldn't be anything he couldn't talk to her about and he knew she was right if it was to work between them. He swore her to secrecy and told her everything, everything except him wanting to fuck Mac and beating off thinking of it. She seemed agitated as he spoke and asked, "Is his dick really that big, he sure doesn't act like a stud with a cock that big? I think it must have just been dark and you were seeing shadows or something", she reasoned. " No I saw her pussy lips stretched to a thin line around his fat dick and his ass must have lifted a foot before he rammed it back in her to his balls and she just kept moaning and cumming", he explained to her undivided attention. If Ryan had noticed he would have seen the wet spot on her shorts and the way her chest rose and fell heavily as he talked. He also didn't know that her and her own brother had been fucking since they were very young and how much incest turned his new girlfriend on. Her mind was already plotting a way to find out if Austin really had such a big dick and how to fuck him if he did. She would have never expected Mac to be such a hot little slut either. Hmmmm it would be nice to have mac's mouth on her clit while she did fuck Austin. She smiled as she came up with a plan and turned to Ryan and said, " Maybe I should have a talk with Mac do you think it would help", pretending concern? "I don't know, they don't know I saw them and I'd like to keep it that way for a while until I can come to terms with it", he said. Ryan really appreciated the interest she seemed to take in his family. When she said, "I won't talk to her about Austin, you know just girl things in general to be sure she knows what she's doing and how to have safe sex and not get in trouble. You know she has never seemed educated about sex", she explained. . He hugs her hard and says, "You know you're great to do that for me and Mac and if you play your cards right maybe you can have some safe sex tonight too" Yes, she thinks but it will be with your brother's big cock not you she thinks as she smiles. After he left she lay down remembering how small and tender Mac looked and imagined her with a huge dick rammed up her pussy screaming and cumming and got herself off thinking of watching that up close and personal. She was sure she could have Ryan in Mac's pussy soon after she told her how left out Ryan felt because she was fucking Austin and didn't offer any of that sweet young pussy to him. She smiled as she picked up the phone and dialed Macs cell number and when she answered said, " Hi Mac we need to talk, would you like to go shopping with me, I need to talk to you about something Ryan told me today that you should know. You would, great, I'll be there soon. Will your mother care, ok I'm on my way". She smiles as she thinks of hunching her wet pussy into Macs sweet young face in a few minutes. I bet she's just like I was in my teens when Johnny fucked my sister pussy the first time..........this is going to be sooo hot, a whole family fucking before I'm through, she thinks, with an evil grin on her face............... to be continued.... pics---->> http://bit.ly/1QdQXsD
Title: Breastfeeding Niece and Her Mom Summary: Her milky breasts were just within reach. Keywords:inc,fic,erotic,hot "You have to come over. I really need your support right now!" It was a frantic call from my sister-in-law. Clearly, she was upset but she didn't tell me why. We didn't always get along as we are both strong willed and sometimes aggressive people. There was a thaw after my brother/her husband died of a blood clot. I fully expected that I would happily drift away from her life and she from mine. Instead, my feelings and commitment toward my brother made me be in her life because of my niece and nephew. So, I drove over to her house and knocked on the door. Sarah stood there as a petite woman, barely 5 feet tall. I was reminded how funny it was to see her and my brother together. Like me, he was a tall man of 6 feet 6 inches. It struck me how much I missed him. She let me in and I followed her long thick mane of light red, and wavy hair. Today, it flowed down her back well beyond her shoulder blades but usually it was neatly piled upon her head. She smiled at me and it was disarming. Full pink lips and white teeth with high cheekbones and freckles dotted her cheeks and nose. As a distance runner, even at the age of 41, she was in shape with muscled legs and arms. I guess you would say that she had a "tight" body but she hardly ever showed it off. I do remember Sarah and my brother Frank celebrating their 10th wedding anniversary and she wore a little black dress. It fit her perfectly and showed me that she didn't always live in a jogging outfit. My first wife left me after 3 years and I left my second wife after only 5 months. No kids for me and I guess that it is just karma that I feel like my niece and nephew are somewhat my responsibility now. My niece Shaye sat on the couch with tears in her eyes. Her older brother Ryan was away at Clemson. Shaye in tears is not an unusual sight. At 18, she was a very emotional young woman. Her hair, long and colored just like her mothers was tousled around her shoulders and her pouting lips told me that they had been fighting again. Not unusual for a mother and daughter their ages to fight but this did look different. Shaye did not look like she was fighting with Sarah. She looked like she was angry with someone or something else. "What's up?" I asked lightly. "I'm pregnant." That would be Shaye's style. Right in your face and bold. Then again, she could be kidding me but this time, she wasn't. I knew those words would change my life but I didn't yet know how. We sat for hours and discussed the options. There was marriage to the boy who turned out to be an already married man of 40 ... ok, that wasn't going to work. There was abortion but they were Catholic and did not think that an option. There was also giving the baby up for adoption or keeping the baby. I was not in favor of keeping the baby. I know Sarah and I know Shaye and didn't think either could handle a baby in their lives. Sometimes, I'm an idiot. Sarah thought about it and weighed the pros and cons while Shaye thought adoption was a better bet. We decided pretty quickly that we didn't need to decide right away but that we could wait a few months and decide then. Tears seemed to have disappeared and I was actually proud of Sarah for not giving Shaye too hard a time about being stupid enough to mess with a married man and then especially without protection! The months passed by and I visited the house regularly and watched my niece blossom. Her body was never like her mother's. It was much like my mother's. Shaye was 5 foot 8 inches tall. She stood with broad shoulders and full and round breasts that pressed together on her small rib cage. Her hips were narrow and her legs and arms slim. With the onslaught of pregnancy, she began carrying up front and her breasts grew bigger to DD size. She seemed to enjoy them swinging about on her chest as she often went about the house bra-less. "That'll end when her milk comes in" chuckled Sarah as I tried not to look. The question of adoption disappeared at 8 months. Shaye was going to keep the baby. She really began to feel the pain of the extra weight. She had put on more than 40 pounds and said she felt like a cow. I only chuckled as I got her a pillow. She was 8 1/2 months pregnant when she went into labor. Honestly, we weren't ready. The three of us had done the Lamaze classes but we just weren't mentally ready. But, the baby said she was ready and I watched my pretty niece give birth at our local hospital and there I sat with a warm baby girl in my arms, Mary. It was 5 weeks later that my phone rang at 1am and shook me out of a dream of me fucking my boss' wife. "Uncle Ray, I'm sorry to wake you. Can you come over tonight?" "Be right there!" I answered as cheerily as possible when you are ripped from the image of gliding in and out of a sexy woman. Barely dressed, I stumbled out of my condo and drove over. I quietly opened the door and Shaye was holding little Mary in her arms. The babe was screaming bloody murder. "I can't get her to stop crying!" she panicked. "Mom is very tired and cranky and I haven't slept in days." I looked at Mary and took her in my arms and checked her temperature. She stopped crying and I thought I had some sort of magic. Unfortunately, she only stopped to look at me and then started screaming again. "Has she eaten?" "Sometimes" "When was the last time?" "About 3 hours ago. She just doesn't like the formula. The doctor said that I should feed her every 3 to 4 hours and that eventually she'd like it." "I thought you were breast feeding." "I am but I was trying to wean her off me." "Maybe you shouldn't" "But I feel like a cow, Uncle Ray! They're huge and though, initially I liked the looks I was getting, I think they are too big now. I'm trying to get my life back, you know?" "Sweetie, your life is now this baby. If you really had wanted your life back, you should have given her up for adoption." "I know, I know. I love her but I'm just tired and this is really tough." "Can I suggest something?" "Sure, that's why I asked you here." "Try feeding your baby and stop worrying about your breast size. You are a beautiful woman and your breasts are beautiful too, not just big." She pouted as she didn't like the answer I gave her. After a minute, "Thanks, Uncle Ray. I guess I should stop the formula and see if that is the problem. My breasts are so full anyway." I watched as my sweet niece opened her gown in front of me. She hefted an engorged breast as I handed Mary to her. I was shocked to see her naked breast with the blue veins and the teat trimmed with milk just leaking out. I felt the lump in my pants. Mary clamped on and began draining. I tried to look away but watched her in the mirror and felt like a pervert. Soon both Mary and Shaye were asleep on the couch. Mary fell off Shaye's breast and I was fascinated. Drops of milk glistened there and I wanted some. I wanted to taste it and feel it slip down my throat. There was a creek on the floor behind me. "Good to see they finally are getting some sleep." I turned to see my sister-in-law standing in the hallway. For someone who was tired and attempting sleep, she looked great in a deep green satin teddy and her long hair wrapped up in a loose braid. Her nipples pressed against the fabric and she gave me a hug before covering her daughter and granddaughter up with a blanket. "Thanks for coming over. I see she is feeding Mary again. I think that's good." "I agree." I responded. "It looks like no one is sleeping while Mary is awake." "Yeah," she paused. "She certainly has a pair of lungs. Can I talk to you in the bedroom so we don't wake them up?" I followed her petite ass down the hall and she closed the door behind me and then sat on the bed. "Sit with me, please." I sat. She took my hand. "I'm having trouble sleeping." "I'm sorry, it seems to be common problem in this house," I paused. "What can I do to help?" "Well, I miss your brother. I mean, I miss him every hour of the day." Though we were of similar builds he and I were very different personalities. There was no way to replace him, nor would I ever want to. "I miss him, too. He was a great guy but you know that we must move on." "Yeah, you are right but it is so hard to move on. It is especially tough at night. When I go to bed, I really miss him." "Yeah, I think our bodies and minds start to shut down and we allow ourselves to get sad." I hugged her lightly feeling rather awkward. "I'm sure that is the case but there is a physical thing, Ray. I mean. How do I say this?" "Just say it." She put her hand on my back, "Ray, I need a man physically. I need a man to get to sleep. It's been a couple of years and I just need to feel a man's hardness inside me ... so I can sleep at night." There was a pause. I was shocked. I didn't know what to do. She started to cry. "I know you don't like me but I'm so tired. I just need to sleep and I can't. Alcohol, sleeping pills and nothing works! I've tried everything!" I opened my mouth to speak and nothing came out. It was true, we were like oil and water but she had been different since he died. She continued. "I'm sorry! I shouldn't have said anything. I guess I'm just a stupid bitch." "You're not stupid," I quickly shot out regretting that it sounded like I thought she was a bitch. She laughed and it was a very nice laugh as she knew I didn't mean it like that. "So, you think I'm a bitch?" she teased. We both laughed and I reached an arm around her and pulled her to me. She was so tiny and fit under my arm. She put her hand on my chest and I kissed the top of her hair. It smelled like strawberries. Her hand traveled down my shirt to stroke my thigh and I glanced down her shirt to see her pert breasts. I tilted her head up. Those green eyes that sparkled with fire and flare, the neatly trimmed eyebrows and her petite nose were all captivating when she wanted them to be. I kissed her freckled cheeks and then those full lips. Our tongues touched and I felt her hand stroke my hardness for a moment and then slid down my thigh. Our movements became more frantic as she pulled my shirt off and ran her fingernails over my hairy chest. Clearly the aggressor, she pushed me down on the bed and pulled my pants and shorts off in one great tug. She could be strong when she wanted to. My cock was stiff and vertical as her tiny hand grasped it. The angry thick veins of my cock were the size of her pinky as she stroked up and down. I saw her smile as she crawled between my legs and the phallus parted her small mouth. I felt huge and thick and hard. She sucked the head and then licked teasingly the rim and skin around it. I'm no giant down there but at 8 inches, I looked huge compared to her diminutive features. Sarah gripped my cock with both hands and neither wrapped completely around as she licked and sucked the helmet of my cockhead. Her tongue felt wonderful as she was obviously happy sucking and pulling from the tip to my ball sack. I felt her finger at my anus and she stroked and poked and finally pushed a finger inside me. This was new to me. I'd never had that done and felt a surge in my cock that took me to another level. She giggled as she beat my meat in long strokes pulling the extra skin up to almost cover my fat cockhead. I reached down and literally lifted her up. I needed her impaled on my cock. It was time. Enough play. Her pussy was sopping wet as she straddled my hips and rubbed her hot cunt lips along my length. She stood straight up over me with her nipples hard and long, pink and standing straight out. Slowly she squatted down gripping my cock beneath her and aiming it for her pussy. The head is easily the biggest part of my cock and I felt her struggle with it as it pressed through her gateway. She grunted at it as she attempted a third and fourth time before getting it just inside her pussy lips with an "oh yeah!" Those were the first words either of us had spoken. She worked down on my length and her tightness created intense pressure around my throbbing cock. It had been so long since I had made love that I thought I might explode right there. She got most of me in and I began to lose control. I gripped her hips and began lifting and shoving her down hard on my spike. Her little tits bounced before my eyes. Her hands rested on my chest. Her nails scratched me. I worried that I might be hurting her and she seemed to sense my concern but her smile assured me that she was truly enjoying this. Her athletic abilities began to show as she took over the work of slamming my rod into her. Those runners' legs lifted her up and down like a well oiled machine driving my cock deep within her hot tunnel. I could feel her cervix snapping at my cock with each thrust. She worked up a good sweat and I could feel the electricity rising up my back. I wasn't going to last much longer. "This is so good. OH MY god! So deep, baby, so deep!" she cried out in stuttered shrieks. She kept up the slamming. "God, I LOVE FUCKING!" she cried out a moment later and I watched as her bright green eyes went wide. "Cum with me! Please!" She ground down on me hard grabbing my hands and putting all of her energy into her downward thrust. I felt myself throbbing in preparation. Her cunt was hot and tight as it pulsed and gripped my cock. Her face screwed up and then I shot deep inside her. Our juices mixed and flowed down my balls and made a mess on the bed. Sarah collapsed and lay on me panting and planting baby kisses on my chest. I wrapped my arms around her. I awoke an hour later and extricated myself from her arms, dressed and quietly made my way past a gently snoozing Shaye and Mary. On the trip home, I wondered what would happen in our relationship, now. I felt guilty and wondered if fucking my brother's widow was incest or not. It only took a minute to remember her orgasm face and to decide that it didn't matter though somehow I felt like I was slowly slipping down a hill without any possibility of stopping. Two days later I got a handwritten note in the mail from Sarah. "Thank you for you kindness the other night. I'd like to repay you by inviting you to dinner at my house on Friday evening. Would 7pm work? I need some help babysitting Mary. Thanks again." It was simply signed "Sarah." I could tell that she must have struggled with the note and what to say. I thought dinner would be a great idea but wondered how awkward it might be. I arrived on Friday with a bottle of red wine and a small basket of wild flowers. She greeted me at the door wearing a messy apron and holding Mary in her arms ... obviously frazzled. I grabbed Mary with a smile and followed Sarah into her living room. It was a wreck but the kitchen was worse. Sarah had fight in her eyes as she put the flowers and the bottle on the counter. It felt like somehow she was going to blame this on me. I'd seen her build up to an explosion like this before. I smiled at the unusually quiet Mary who seemed to look back at me with her own pretty eyes. I put Mary down in a seat-like contraption that allowed her to coo and giggle and not get hurt. Mary did her part. I looked at the recipes Sarah had out. Fancy chicken, a nifty sauce for asparagus, baked potatoes, some cold soup that I couldn't tell you what it was. I put my hands on her narrow shoulders and she blew a few strands of hair in exasperation. "Let me take care of this Sarah." "It just sucks. Shaye's back at work and I had this big plan but Mary wasn't helping by screaming the whole time and I don't know! Now she is quiet. You are here and she is quiet. How do you do that?" "You are beautiful," I said in a half whisper. "Now, go to your room and get your game up to gorgeous. Relax; I've got it from here if you don't mind me changing up the meal a bit." "I don't mind at all," she said with relief. She turned on her heel and headed down the hall. I called after her, "Uh, is there formula already made if Mary should get hungry? I mean, when did she last eat?" Sarah's voice called back, "Shaye is breastfeeding now. She gave up on the formula so I splurged and got her a breast pump. Milk's in the fridge and yeah, she is probably going to be hungry soon." The potatoes were almost done cooking so that was easy. I grabbed some seasoned bread crumbs, an egg and a frying pan and soon I was making a gently fried chicken. The asparagus met some Italian salad dressing in a frying pan and that was going to be tasty. Then I really got moving. I picked up the mess in the kitchen, set the table and then Mary began fussing. I found Shaye's breast milk in the fridge among about 5 bottles. I wondered if Shaye was going away somewhere as there was just so much milk in there. Mary nestled easily in one arm as I ran the bottle under warm water. I tested it by putting some drops on my wrist. Not quite ready so I just licked it off. I don't know why, but I did. It tasted different. Not bad. Not good, but different. Another few minutes in the warm tap water and it was ready to go. I sat at the table with Mary in my arms suckling on the bottle. I looked up and there was Sarah looking, as they say, like a million bucks. She wore a navy blue dress, off-white pearls and matching ear-rings. The dress ended well above her knee revealing well toned and sexy legs. Her smooth light red hair hung loosely about her shoulders. She looked taller ... ah, the heels! Beautiful navy pumps of about 5 inches. "I won't last in these," she commented pointing at her feet, "but I hope they have the right effect." "Your legs look really, really long in those," I commented rather lamely as Mary requested my attention again. "I mean, you've got great legs and those heels just intensify the effect." She smiled and knew that I had to work hard to be suave. Even so, I always seemed to fail in that endeavor. We sat down to a lovely meal. Sarah really appreciated me finishing things up for her and let me know by hip-checking me as we washed the dishes. We hadn't EVER gotten along this well and I hoped it wouldn't end after this dinner. I just didn't want to do something stupid. That is usually what happens to me. I don't often think, so this time, I was thinking hard. Sarah put Mary down to bed and we found ourselves in a dimly lit living room with a floor littered with kids' toys with 2 very full glasses of wine. Soon the wine was mostly gone and Sarah was curled up on the couch next to me just snuggling. "Did you like the other night?" she asked with her sweet eyes looking up into mine. "Loved it. You?" "Oh very much so, Ray. Very much so." She paused a moment, "Y'know, Ray, we could do that again and I bet it would be really good, too." "Yes, I believe it would be," I stroked her wavy hair with the faint smell of strawberries. "You seem like the kind of guy who likes to do different things." "Yes, sometimes," I didn't know what she had in mind and I was a bundle of nerves because of it. There was a coy smile on her face. A smile like none I'd ever seen and I think she might have been a little drunk. "You seem like a guy who likes to watch a little bit," licking her lips seductively, turning up the music and closing the curtains. She put her heels back on and combed her fingers through her hair pulling it out to fullest. She looked like a tall tigress about to eat me up as her hips swayed and thrust in that sexy blue dress. She toyed with the shoulder straps and soon they were off. She sucked her finger into her mouth like she was sucking down a skinny cock. She shook a little and the dress became a pile on the floor. She stood before me wearing only a thong, pearls and those fantastic heels. Her hips thrust as she rubbed her ass, her slim thighs and pulled on the thong which stretched causing her pussy lips to surround the soaked pussy material. My cock was straining through my pants. I had a spot where the precum had pushed its way through my khaki pants. Taking another gulp of wine, she stood before me and pulled on her nipples. They stretched and hardened and stretched some more. Then she tossed some pillows on the floor and sat facing me with her legs spread open. Pulling aside her thong, she revealed a beautiful pink pussy with engorged and glistening pussy lips. I wish I had paid more attention the other evening as I was looking at a beautiful puffy pussy. "Take your clothes off. I want to see what I've done to you," she commanded while stroking her clit. It was a fat clit for such a tiny woman. I was naked in a second and she ordered that I sit again on the couch to watch her. Watch her? I wanted to join her, but she was having none of it ... yet. "I loved your cock the other night," she huskily whispered. "When I'm done with my little show, will you give it to me again?" I nodded eagerly as she slipped first a single finger in and then another and began finger fucking herself. I was worried that her moans would wake Mary as she thrust her tiny pelvis up in the air. Her fingers worked hard and then she suddenly stopped. "Hmmm, I need something bigger, baby." I hoped she meant me but she grabbed a baby toy that was the shape of a baseball bat. I don't know what it was but it was about 15 inches long with a handle and thick as a D sized battery. She worked it along her pussy lips getting it wet and watching my cock twitch with each movement. She looked into my eyes, "You DO like this, don't you!" I could only grunt and grip my cock and stroke it for her. "Yeah, you stroke that big cock while I fuck this thing. Just keep stroking but save your cum for me!" She pushed it inside and it kept going. Once she was all the way in, she began her fucking motion. It was long enough for both her hands to grip it. Her eyes never left mine as she kept fucking the toy. She tossed her hair as her climax neared. Suddenly she got up on her hands and knees and crawled to me with the toy still embedded in her pussy. She squatted down on it as she bounced up and down on it as she brushed my hands aside and gripped my cock. I watched her head bob and enjoyed the sight and sounds of a fantastic blow job. Her petite mouth barely fit around the helmet of my cock. Her lips and tongue were so hot I thought I would scream and her hands never seemed to stop. How could she keep all the motion going? Her finger found and teased my asshole and sweat was dripping from her face. She grunted and groaned as I shot my load deep down her throat. She swallowed most of it and some dripped to her chest which she quickly scooped up with her finger and sucked it into her mouth. "I LOVE the taste of cum." she confided. Pulling the toy from her hot cunt, she straddled my thighs. My wilting cock was no match for her adept hands as they massaged me back to life. Doing my part, I alternated sucking those pert tits and nibbling on her nipples. I was surprised that I was hard so quickly. By now we were both sweating and sliding on each other. Passion fueled our movements and we were done playing around. She fed my cock into her pussy and slid quickly halfway down the shaft with a gasp. "It's going to take a while to get used to your cock, baby." she whispered into my ear as she pressed more of me into her. "I think our only option is to practice, practice, practice," I murmured back. Sarah was full of energy. Her hair was like fire in my eyes. Her lips, ripe and full were entrancing as I kissed, licked and bit them. Our pace was maddening as her hot cunt enveloped my cock over and over again. She began to cry as several orgasms quickly peaked and subsided in rapid succession. And then I heard Mary cry. So did Sarah. I kissed her neck and we slowed. My cock was sore and I'm sure her pussy was too. Sarah kissed me quickly and climbed off. She grabbed the toy she had fucked and tossed it into the trash before grabbing a bathrobe and getting Mary. I dressed slowly and then cleaned up the living room and emptied the dishwasher. I found Sarah asleep on the couch with Mary on her chest. At least they were both sleeping better. I put Mary in her bed and kissed Sarah on the forehead and heard her murmur something as I left. Though I called and we talked, we could not find a time when it made sense to get back together. I had evening commitments at work and so did she. We both couldn't seem to get our schedules to align. Finally, almost two weeks later, I headed over to visit the whole family. Shaye met me at the door in a bathrobe tied at the waist and a wet towel on her head. Her full breasts pushed the robe open showing a long cleavage. "Didn't you get my text message?" Perplexed, I answered "No, didn't see it." "Oh geez. Umm, Mom had to go to work tonight so we postponed until Sunday afternoon." "Ah, bummer. Sorry about that," I checked my phone and sure enough, the message indicator said I had a message. "Well, you might as well come in. Mary is sleeping and I was just about to have a snack before pumping." My mind went to pumping iron and working out but that didn't make sense. I entered anyway and followed her shapely ass down the hall to the kitchen. "Yeah, I have to eat or drink something whenever I use this thing. It just seems to drain me so much more completely that Mary does," she grabbed a plate of nacho chips and put some salsa in a bowl and then opened two beers handing one to me. "Beer is supposed to be good for nursing mothers but I think that is probably bullshit." I nodded, "But it tastes good so why not?" She smiled calmly. "Where's Mary?" I asked looking around. "Well, since she has been breast feeding, she gets to bed a bit earlier and sleeps longer ... so she is napping in her crib." "What's the pump for, then?" "Oh, for the upcoming days and nights when Mom is taking care of her and I can't be here." "Ah!" how dumb of me. I figured I'd better go before it gets any more uncomfortable. As it was, IT was already uncomfortable in my shorts. "Check this out Uncle Ray," she spread her robe slightly and applied the suction cup to her breast. I was fascinated. The motor hummed and her nipple extended inside the flange. Soon milk was squirting out into the bottle. My cock thickened and she smiled. Her breast was full and there were several purple veins making their way to the nipple. I found it sexy to see her like that. The humming reminded me of a vibrator and I watched as Shaye bit her lower lip before looking up at me. "Are you ok?" I asked. "Umm, yeah. Kinda ok. It's embarrasing." "What is?" "I dunno. I just sometimes get these little climaxes when I pump. It's like such a strong sucking sensation, y'know? Well, I guess you wouldn't know but about 1 out of 3 times, I get these little orgasms." "Must be nice," I was embarrassed too. She switched the pump onto her other breast leaving the first breast mostly uncovered. Small drops of milk just hung there and I found myself licking my lips. Her nipple looked tender and slightly abused while her breast still looked round and thick. I took in the totality of her beautiful chest. Her big full breasts, her long and extended nipples and then I saw her smile as I realized that I was caught watching. "You need to close your mouth or at least close your mouth on my nipple, Uncle Ray." I didn't know how to respond. Actually, I DID know how to respond. I KNEW that I should run from the room and the house but I didn't want to. I told myself that I was horny in anticipation of an evening that would end with Sarah fucking my brains out. I was horny and thinking with the wrong head. She hefted her breast toward me, "It's still got some milk in it. You might like to try it ... fresh from the source." I reached out and held it. My mind was screaming at me to think of Sarah and what would happen if she found out that I was touching her daughter and my niece. My niece!! No shit, this was like ... well INCEST. My brother's widow was one thing but my brother's daughter? Shaye's words were soft and filtered through the din of noise trying to convince me to get up and leave. Her voice won out. "That's it, Uncle Ray. That feels nice," she quietly offered. "Just suck it in and taste it. I'm sure you'll like it." I leaned forward while my mind kept screaming at me to leave. I clamped on to her nipple and felt her hand on the back of my head encouraging me to lick and suck that nipple and tit. She groaned. "Oh, that is much better," she turned off the pump and moved me over to the full tit and I began sucking that one. I felt her nipple extend into my mouth and the warm slightly sweet milk flowed across my tongue and down my throat. My cock was raging in my pants. I kept drinking until she was dry and she was cooing at my suckling of her other breast. I felt her hand rest on my cock and begin stroking me. Her breathing was ragged and harsh as another orgasm took her. She tensed and gripped my cock full and hard. I didn't stop her but enjoyed her hand and how her legs quivered as the orgasms coursed their way through her body. "Oh YES, Uncle Ray, suck my tits!" She fumbled with my pants for only a moment and got my cock out. With a smile she stroked me as I nuzzled her fleshy pillow of tit. She pulled me to her bedroom and flopped on the bed and spread her legs wide for me. I watched her glistening pussy lips spread and open awaiting my touch and insertion. I stepped out of my pants and she gripped my cock and guided it to her mouth where she sucked and licked never taking her eyes from mine. Her sweet young face was filled with lust and her cheeks flushed. Her tongue played with my cock and balls. I moved between her legs and found her pussy shaven clean. I licked gently at first and more insistently soon after. My tongue explored her pussy lips and I gently bit and pulled them aside enjoying the aroma of her arousal. I slipped a finger deep inside her curling it up to find the fleshy mound of her g-spot. She grinned and I licked at her turgid clit that stood up so proud from its hood. She responded to my licking and fingering with thrashing and her juices flowed down to my tongue ... a tasty treat but not nearly as wonderful as the taste of this young woman's milk. All thoughts of running out were far away now. Her tits flopped from side to side as she climaxed again on my tongue and I knew that my cock would invade her pussy very soon. Shaye's breathing was returning to normal as I lifted her legs to my shoulders and my cock was poised at her entrance. "Do you want it?" "I do, Uncle Ray. I do." she responded. I pushed the thick head against her swollen and soacked pussy lips and felt them part for me. Not easily but with some insistence, they parted and the tunnel was slowly mine. As I drove deeper and deeper, her eyes went wide and she climaxed again. My thickness had gotten to her. She was in a flurry of orgasms. Her head slammed from side to side as I pushed in to the hilt pressing my cockhead to her cervix. She was crying out and gripping the sheet on both sides of her. "FUCK ME!" she cried out and I slammed her hard and fast, deep and long. Her eyes were wild as I held her ankles at my neck and entered again and again. I felt my balls strain as her legs dropped to my sides and I pushed one last time depositing my seed deep within her hot cunt ... and her womb. Oh shit! What had I done? It was instant mental remorse. I fucked my niece, my dead brother's daughter, the young woman I was supposed to protect from idiots like me. Worse, I fucked the daughter of a woman I had been fucking. Better still, I was so stupid; I hadn't worn protection and she could be pregnant. I quickly climbed off her bed, grabbed my clothes, dressed and looked back at her. She was sleeping. I feigned a bad cold and didn't show on Sunday. Over the next 3 weeks, I didn't answer calls and responded to text messages with cryptic and short answers. Even so, I waited for that email, text message or voice mail that told me that I was to be a father for the first time or that my sister-in-law had decided to move and take my sweet niece with her just to get her away from her perverted Uncle Ray. It was a Saturday night and I was alone in my apartment. I was so confused. I knew a few things. I loved them both as family but I thought that maybe I could love Sarah as a wife. I found that I was missing her. I missed the way her smile was crooked at times and how she would tease me when I said dumb things. I thought about how she gave me that show, she touched herself for my benefit. She could be wild and edgy at a time in her life when most women were getting boring. I missed Shaye and Mary too but in a much different way. As a I sat there with a scotch on the rocks in the dark of my apartment I thought about how my sexual appetite has pushed me into plowing into the fertile fields of Shaye and I remembered how her milk engorged tits were just there waiting for me to hold, lick and suck. I remembered watching her pump the milk and how horny I got. My cock was rock hard and I rubbed it. I wondered what it would be like to have Shaye riding my cock and her milk spraying out all over my chest and my face. My heart wanted Sarah in my life but my cock wanted both of them and if it came out that I had fucked both of them then it was likely, I'd have neither of them! I gulped some more scotch and closed my eyes unable to see a way out of this mess. Another week passed and I continued to avoid them and felt even worse about it. I knew that I was being stupid but I just threw myself into my work to make excuses. I wondered what would happen if I confessed. Would I feel better even though I would end up with neither of them? At night, as I closed my eyes for sleep, my fantasies included remembering our fucking either one or the other. As the work week concluded, my fantasies often included both women; Shaye and her fully engorged and leaking breasts and her mother, Sarah, small, limber and physically demanding. I awoke on Friday morning with a raging and pulsating hard-on. Bits and pieces of my dreams coming back to me as I stroked myself. I lay on my back with Shaye feeding me her tits while Sarah's taut pussy gripped my cock as she bounced on my fat cock. Shaye then straddled my face feeding me her juicy pussy. Sarah was in perpetual motion fucking me hard and pounding on my chest, her light red hair streaming around her shoulders bouncing with each slam onto my cock. Work was boring that Friday and it was difficult to keep focused. I decided that this had to be resolved. Perhaps they hadn't talked to each other about me. Perhaps they didn't know and didn't need to know. Maybe I could spend time with Sarah and avoid Shaye to avoid her sexual draw on me. Could the genie get back in the bottle? Maybe I was just over reacting? Maybe it was just a one night stand for each of them. Was that the worst thought when I wanted something long-lasting with Sarah? Still confused, I made the call to Sarah and she invited me over the house that evening. I hoped that Shaye would be out. She usually went out on Friday nights and as I drove over, I thought I might get lucky. I pondered what would happen if I confessed to just one of them, especially if I confessed to Sarah. Would she forgive me my transgression with her daughter or would she throw my ass out the front door. I laughed out loud as I turned the corner to their street. The image of that tiny nymph throwing a guy my size out a door was comical ... but I knew that if mad enough, she'd try and probably succeed! The house was neat and tidy as I entered. It was actually cleaner than I had ever seen it before. Sarah grabbed my arm and held it to her side as she brought me down the hallway to the dining room table. Usually, the dining room table was covered with baby supplies, diapers and the like. Tonight, there were candles lit, 3 places set and the nice china laid out. "What's this?" I asked with total surprise. "Oh," smiled Sarah, "this is what you get for being a wonderful man in our lives. We needed you and you came. You saw problems and jumped in to help. You were there for us and we just thought we'd thank you with a nice evening." Shaye darted out of the kitchen with Mary in one arm and a tray of steak on the other which she deposited in the center of the table. "Wow, this looks fantastic!" I exclaimed. Both Shaye and Sarah beamed and then they busied themselves getting vegetables, salad, and a large bottle of red wine. Shaye put Mary in the playpen where she looked at bright and pretty objects. I was ushered into a chair and watched as both women slipped into their bedrooms and emerged seconds later wearing stunning outfits. Shaye's dress was similar to a thin robe where the front opened from the neck down to almost her waist. One side folded over one of her mammoth breasts while the other folded over the other. The tie at the waist was thin and threatened to untie itself. As she sat, the dress split up her long legs to mid thigh. She smiled seductively and smoothed out the thin, dark blue material. I noted that she was wearing her mother's pearls from the previous night. They looked very elegant on her. Sarah strutted out of her bedroom wearing a form-fitting red dress that accentuated her long, reddish hair and striking green eyes. Her nipples pressed out the sweater material and the few freckles on her chest were seductive to me. I could feel my cock reacting under the table. Sarah's legs were tight and sensual with raw sexual energy. I noticed the faint line of her thong but nothing else under that dress as there was not room for it. Her heels were once again towering for a woman her size. I can only guess at their height, maybe 4 inches or maybe even 5 inches. I don't know as I was lost in her petite ankles, those slender calves, and her tight thighs. The dress was short and as she sat, I wondered if her dress was long enough to cover her butt on the chair. We ate and enjoyed each other's company. I was nervous and on edge. They were being unusually nice and I felt like something was going to happen. At the time, I thought it was just me and I wanted to blurt out, "I've slept with both of you!" The food was gone and Shaye brought out Jell-O with whipped cream for dessert. It was tasty and I felt full and almost sleepy. "Oh dear!" stated Sarah calmly, "Honey, your leaking in that beautiful dress!" Shaye looked down and there was a growing dark stain from her left nipple and a small one starting on the right. She smiled at her mother, then me and shrugged. I looked down at her breasts as she simply pulled the dress slightly to the sides revealing completely engorged tits almost bursting from her chest. The purple veins bulged as they wound their way toward her nipples. Those nipples dripped milk into Shaye's fingers and then a napkin as she dabbed at the milk trying to hide her nipples. "Yes, mom, they are leaking again." She picked up Mary and went to her room saying "Good night" to each of us. I looked at Sarah and she smiled at me. "A wonderful evening, Sarah," I remarked more calmly than I really felt. She walked around the table and sat in my lap. Her diminutive body curled there and she wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed my nose and then my forehead. Her tongue found my ear and she whispered, "I've been having trouble sleeping again." She suppressed a giggle. "We need to talk, Sarah." "About what, baby?" "Well, I think that I've fallen in love with you and there are some things that we need to clear the air about." I couldn't believe that I was saying this. I couldn't believe that I was going to tell her that I fucked her daughter/my niece. I was putting it on the line for honesty and integrity while my cock was screaming ... "did you see those big tits you are going to give up? did you see that tight body you'll not fuck again?" "I suppose that you'd like to clear the air about how you fucked Shaye?" She knew? She KNEW? What the fuck? She flipped her hair over her shoulder, read my mind and smiled. "Of course I knew, baby. Do you think that we don't talk? Do you think that we didn't compare notes about that big cock of yours? Don't be silly, of course we talked!" I wasn't sure what to say. "It is ok with me and Shaye that you had sex with us both. We're not mad. Really. Here's the real question, though. Are you going to cheat on me after you move in? Are you going to fuck Shaye again?" I certainly wanted to fuck Shaye ... hey wait a minute ... move in? I cleared my throat. "You are inviting me to move it?" "Yes, what do you think about it?" "I'd like to but I think I need to be clear on where we stand." "Do you love me?" "Yes," I said with no hesitation surprising myself. "I love you and always have," she replied while stroking my hair and staring into my eyes. "Do you love Shaye?" "I do, but as a niece. I think she should meet a guy her own age." Sarah smiled, "Even so, I can tell that you want those big tits of hers in your face. Can you deny it?" "No, I really can't but if you want," I paused, "if you want, I'd happily forget them for you." She kissed me full on the lips. Her tongue slipped into my mouth and we enjoyed each other for a long time. Her hands found and released my cock from my pants. She kissed my neck. As her hand stroked my cock, she whispered in my ear, "Take me to our bedroom!" I easily lifted her and carried her to the master bedroom. I wanted her. I needed to feel her arms wrap around my bare skin, her nipples pressed to my chest. I needed to feel my cock buried deep within her tiny and tight pussy. I lay her on the bed and stripped her bare. I dropped my clothes and put her ankles to my shoulders while leaning in and kissing and licking down her slender thighs. She cooed as I got closer and closer to her parting pussy lips. They were spreading and glistening pink as my tongue lapped first one side and then the other. She groaned loudly as I sucked her clit and slipped two fingers into her sopping cunt. I stroked deep into her as I licked her clit up and down and fingered her g-spot. Grunting, she guided my head to her most tender spots and I kept up my barrage on her g-spot. Her hips rose up to meet my lips and fingers as she bucked. Her climax was intense as they so often are when fingering a g-spot. Her back arched and she screamed as I sucked her clit to its fullest length. It was thick in my mouth and my tongue just kept assaulting the quivering nub. Her legs were moving involuntarily and they squeezed my head. She screamed again as a 2nd and 3rd wave crashed over her. Shaye entered the room in a rush, "Mom?" We both looked up, me with my goatee covered in Sarah's juices, and both of us panting. I stood up. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize Uncle Ray was still ..." she looked at my cock, "here." "Honey," Sarah started, "Come in." "No, you guys have something going," continuing to look at my thick and ready cock, "obviously." I blushed. "Mary ok?" "Asleep in the playpen, Uncle Ray. I should let you guys get back to it." "Shaye, sit down!" Sarah was commanding. Shaye sat on the edge of the bed. "You know you want to," Sarah stated more calmly. "Yes, mom, I do." "Then?" Shaye leaned over and gripped my cock and sucked the head into her mouth. I almost exploded. I felt Sarah stroking my back and reaching around. Her nipples, hard and long dug into my back as she kissed my earlobes. "You like her sucking you?" "Yes," I said hoarsely. "I want to watch you fuck her hard," she whispered. "Fuck her really hard with that hunk of fuck meat and make her scream like you made me scream. Can you do that?" "Yes," I whispered back. "Then dump your load into her ass. I want her walking like a cowboy tomorrow." She smiled and Shaye giggled. We got Shaye up on her hands and knees. Her fat tits hanging below her like a cow's udders. Her tits hung so long that her nipples scraped the sheets. Milk dripped from them leaving spots and lines as I pushed my cock into her pussy. She wasn't nearly as tight as Sarah and her juices were running down her thighs. "You want his fat cock, don't you Shaye?" stated Sarah. "You want my boyfriend's big, fat, thick cock driving deep inside you. You can feel your pussy pulsating can't you?" Shaye nodded as I pushed more into her and Sarah gripped me and rubbed my cock feeding more passed her daughter's juicy pussy lips. Sarah pushed me deeper and then gave my ass a push and I began fucking her. I drove my cock deep and after 4 more tries I was all the way in and Shaye had collapsed onto her elbows. She had a beautiful ass and I played with her asshole as I fucked her. I was driving pleasure with each stroke and each stroke was deep and long. She was wailing with joy as she began a series of multiple climaxes. Sarah gripped her big tits and began milking them and sqeezing the nipples. She pulled them out long and pinched them. Shaye thrashed about crying and now the sheets were soaked with her milk and her tears. "Oh GOD, that feels so good, she screamed." I kept fucking. I could feel the cum welling up in my balls eagerly awaiting release. I wanted to give her my cum and give it to her deep inside her pussy but I remembered what Sarah said ... in her ass. I looked to Sarah and she smiled and kissed her daughter's cheek. "Feel good baby?" "Yes, Mom, but I'm so sore!" Sarah grabbed some lubricant from a drawer and spread it on her daughter's asshole. As I fucked, I watched her prepare her daughter's hole for my invasion. I was worried. My cock had been in an ass only a few times and most girls didn't like something of my girth in their asshole. It just stretched them out and could be painful. "Shaye, you want it there, don't you?" Shaye nodded and I pulled out to a loud plop! I was more rigid than I could ever remember. Sarah pushed a finger into Shaye's ass. Then she stuck two more in to Shaye's subsequent grunts. Pulling out her fingers, she guided me with a smile and pushed the head hard against that tight asshole. I pushed with my hips. Shaye cried out, "It's too big, Mom!" Sarah looked at me and I shrugged, "You can do it, sweetie. If it is too much, we'll stop but you haven't even started!" I pushed some more and the head was in. "OH FUCK!" was Shaye's response. I pushed more in and began a rhythm of an inch or two in and then out just rubbing that tender rim of asshole. I kept it up as I felt her get used to it and then I'd push more cock into her. Her legs spread and she was almost flat with the bed with her ass up in the air for me. I gripped her tender ass flesh and kept working my cock deep into her. It was so tight that I was loosing control. I couldn't stop as I kept pushing more and more into her. She was crying out "fuck my ass, Uncle Ray! Fuck my ass!" I was pulsating before I could help myself and dumped a load into Shaye's ass. Tired, I withdrew from her ass and my cock was sore. I fell on my side on the bed. A few minutes later, I opened my eyes to Sarah cleaning my cock with a warm facecloth. She was careful and kind. Her nipples were still hard and proud on her chest. She cleaned my balls and smiled up at me as I grew hard again. Her long hair flowed across her shoulders and she flipped it elegantly. I thought of her on my arm as we would go out to dinner. My cock clean, she sucked it into her mouth and nursed me back to hardness. She pointed to Shaye who was sleeping beside me and put her finger to her lips in a shhhh motion. I understood. Let's fuck but not wake Shaye. Quietly, sweet Sarah climbed on my hips and eased her pussy back onto my cock. She wiggled her hips and coated my cockhead with her pussy juices. She grimaced and then smiled as she pressed my cock into her pussy lips. With a smile, she mouthed the words "So BIG for me!" to me. I pulled her to me and kissed her fully on the lips. Our tongues enjoyed stroking each other as I eased her further down onto my cock. She was working her hips now getting more and more of me into her. I took turns sucking and licking her nipples with my hands on her hips pressing her onto me. She took it all. She took it deep within her and ground herself down on me gently but fully. This was different than before. Her eyes locked with mine. It was very different. We were not fucking now, we were making love. She was loving me and loving what I was doing to her. My heart filled and tears rimmed my eyes. I never felt such compassion. I never felt such warmth and caring in each stroke as she lifted herself up and drove herself down. I knew that I loved her. I had never felt like this before while fucking. It had always been a physical act and never an emotional and caring act. I could feel the physical and emotional sensations joining forces. Looking at those pretty green eyes with her long eyelashes slowly closing with each press down onto my hardness, I knew that these feelings were shared. She kissed me and then slammed her pussy down on my cock and I started squirting. It seemed to squirt forever and cum was flowing out and down my ass. She hugged me and her tears flowed down my chest and neck. "I love you!" "I love you, too!" I replied. I moved in the following weekend and sublet my apartment for the rest of my lease. My focus was easy. I loved Sarah and I loved to fuck Sarah. About once a month, Shaye would dump a boyfriend or get really horny and ask me to fuck her. I would ask Sarah and she never said no. Several times, Shaye joined Sarah and me in our bed. Those were incredible and certainly fun filled. However, they were not the same as the quiet, loving fucks between Sarah and me. ***** For Pics visit:---->>> https://cutt.ly/hwsMVhC
Title: Lactating Breasts, Mom's Relief Summary: Mom needs special attention for her milky tits.  Keywords:inc,fic,erotic,hot When Laura came home from work, she had no idea how her life was about to change. She was carrying a small brown box. She removed her footwear, standing in her office suit, and put the box in the living room where her son was watching tv. "What's that?" he asked. There was excitement on Laura's face. "That, is part of my job. I've been given a promotion. And I'll also be able to spend the next 2 weeks working from home." "Promotion...and you get to work from home?" he asked puzzled, trying to make sense of things. Laura smiled and nodded. "I've been placed in charge of legal affairs regarding a potentially breakthrough product. A new drug. It's perfectly safe and extensively tested. But I'll be testing it as well in order to help write the legal disclaimers." "Sounds interesting." None of this surprised Brian. He was used to his mom taking things to the extreme. She always brought her work home and got hands-on with things. It was one of the reasons why Laura was such a successful attorney for a big pharmaceutical company. "It should be interesting." "Well what's in the box?" he asked. "Don't tell me it's packed with pills and you'll have to take them all." The excitement left Laura's face. Now, it was time to have a serious conversation with her son for what was to come. Their household would soon be undergoing some major change for the next month. "Can you turn the tv off please?" she asked politely. He switched it off. "Everything okay?" "Everything's fine," she said, sitting on the couch next to him. "But what I'll be doing is a little...unorthodox, shall we say. The company is working on a new drug which helps with breastfeeding. In particular, it helps the breast produce milk. I'll be taking these pills and my breasts will begin to produce milk again." Naturally, he was shocked. "Really?" She clenched, feeling a little embarrassed. "This is only for a while. The effects are temporary and it's perfectly harmless." Now everything was finally laid out. She braced herself for how her son might react to this absurdity. However, she was sure her son could handle this. After all, Brian was a college student who majored in biology. So this should be something he should be getting used to. "For some reason, this doesn't surprise me," he said with an expression that was tough to decipher. "It's great that you take your job so seriously." Laura tried gauging her son's reaction. There was a hint of something there. As if Brian was going to enjoy this a little too much. She brushed away the thought and decided not to think too hard about it. She took pride in the comment. "I'm glad you think so, after all, my dedication pays for your expensive tuition." "Thanks mom," he smiled. "I'll help with the dishes tonight. I promise." What would come next was the moment she'd have to fully reveal the details of her trial. Details which would take the awkwardness to a whole new level. But it was extremely necessary for Laura's unbiased legal analysis of the new drug. Once again, she found herself tensing. "There's more," she said, trying to relax. "I'll be taking strong doses of the drug. This is necessary so that I experience the full effect, to help craft my legal opinion on the matter. For the next few weeks, I'll be heavily lactating." "That's great. I mean, no big deal. I respect what you're trying to do. Really. I think it's something that could potentially help a lot of nursing women with issues they may have." It made Laura happy that her son was such a strong supporter of nursing mothers. Who knew? At the same time, she couldn't help but have a creeping suspicion that something was off. There was something in his tone was not quite casual enough. "It's a little more than that," she needed to add. "Because of the amount of milk I'll be producing, I may have to dress a little differently." Once again, she carefully studied her son's facial expressions to see how he'd react to the news. And once again, she couldn't tell what he was thinking. "No worries. Wear whatever you need to get comfortable. It's an important job after all." The lack of true insight was driving her crazy. She needed to know how Brian honestly felt about this. She had to put her foot down. "Please be honest with me," she demanded. "Do you think I'm crazy? If you think so, just tell me. Stop being so coy." He laughed. "Mom, how many times do I have to tell you? It's no big deal! Stop feeling so paranoid about this. You don't have to keep asking me about it." She let out a breath of relief that she wasn't aware she was holding, and her mind felt relaxed. She must have been imagining the change in tone when she mentioned the lactation. "Fine, you're right. I wasn't sure how you'd react. And I'm glad that you're taking this so well." "Yeah, we'll certainly get to know each other a lot better." Laura raised an eyebrow. "Excuse me?" "You know, you'll be working from home. We'll get to see a lot of each other everyday. You're usually at the office all day." She lowered her eyebrow. "You're right. It'll be nice to spend more time at home. There's plenty of things I need to do around the house. Maybe I can get back into cooking again. We can try new recipes together." "Works for me." "I'm glad this conversation went well," she said, feeling relieved. "Now if you'll excuse me, I need to prepare for dinner." Laura stood and picked up the box she had left on the table. "Well?" he asked randomly. "Well what?" "Are you ever going to tell me what's in that box? It looks heavy." With the box in her hands, she realized that not all of her plans had been explained, and that was for a reason. Some of her plans were a little more intimate. Nevertheless, she wanted to be honest about the process. "There are different breast pumps in here," she admitted. "It'll ache if I simply allowed all the milk to stay inside me. The milk will be tested in the lab later." "Fascinating stuff." There was that same curious expression on Brian's face, along with the same tone in his voice. Laura knew big changes were coming. But there was no way she could have anticipated how big those changes would be. *** The first day of the process was fairly simple. She took the pills three times a day; morning, afternoon, and night. The lactation hadn't started yet so she still had normalcy in her life. The second day of the process was much the same. She took the pill on time and waited. According to the research, it could take 4-5 days to see any results. Same with the third day. The fourth day was when Laura finally started to see the effects of the medication. She awoke with a slightly sore, swollen feeling in her breasts. It made her happy that she could finally begin with her research on the product. She immediately went to the bathroom and undid the top of her nightgown, standing in front of the mirror with her breasts exposed. They were pert, with only a slight sag from her age. Overall, she was satisfied with the way her tits looked. They had always been her best feature, according to past boyfriends. They were ample sized handfuls that curved on the bottom. She also had nicely sized pink nipples that were very suckable, especially when she was aroused and her nipples hardened and protruded. Laura critically examined the appearance of her breasts in the mirror, looking for visible changes. They looked roughly the same, as she looked at them from the front, then turning side to side. Yet, she still felt a slight stiffness to them. Now, for the first attempt in trying to express milk. Bending over the sink, she cupped her right breast, just below the areola, squeezing gently, using her thumb and the tip of her finger. Nothing came out at first. Releasing the pressure, she repeated the process, building up a rhythm. To her surprise, drops of milk appeared, encouraging the manual stimulation. She smiled, elated, as a trickle of milk flowed from the nipple onto the sink. Success! It was her first time lactating since giving birth to her son over 19 years ago. She used a soft cotton pad and wiped her nipple clean. A look of pride shone on her face. Laura was a woman who loved researching every detail of whatever she was assigned to. She always gave her job everything she had. When the doctors & researchers explained the side effects of taking such a high dosage, Laura firmly stated that it wouldn't be a problem. She wanted to be fearless about this, no matter the personal cost. *** The next day, Laura prepared her breakfast wearing a casual white t-shirt along with sweatpants. She had a few pairs of padded bras from the company, but was wearing one of her normal ones. She didn't want to wear them yet because of how uncomfortable they were, and how much they'd stick out from her clothing. Brian came down stairs soon after and prepared a bowl of cereal. He had class in 2 hours and was in a hurry. They made small banter like they normally did. "Any results yet?" he asked. It was his first time asking about the medication since the whole thing began. It was obvious that he was trying to hide his intrigue, but Laura was glad that he took an interest in some way. "Yes, actually the lactation started yesterday morning," she said. "Not a lot. It's all very exciting though." "Really? You didn't tell me that." "It was only a small amount. I didn't want to make a big deal of it. Besides, it's sort of an intimate thing for me." Brian's eyes glanced at his mother's chest. "Mom?" "What is it?" "Your t-shirt." She looked down and was startled by the sight of her wet chest. Her newfound breast milk had stained the front of her t-shirt. She was surprised that she hadn't even noticed it. "My goodness," she gasped. "You keep eating. You have school soon. I'll go get cleaned up." Laura excused herself, hurrying upstairs to her bedroom, shutting the door so she could have the necessary privacy. She pulled off her milk stained t-shirt and tossed it in the laundry basket. Then she went to the bathroom to remove her wet bra, standing topless. God, her nipples looked and felt so stiff. They were so stiff that they were stinging, sending little shocks along the nerve endings in her breasts. As she looked at her breasts, she noticed that her nipples had become puffier and darkened in color. She knew that men loved the look of lactating nipples for that very reason. Men, in her experience, loved larger nipples. They were much more fun to suck on and play with. But even with her pregnancy 20 years ago, she never felt this level of stimulation, stiffness, or swelling. Most of all, she never felt the ease in which milk naturally came of out of her nipples. What was happening now was purely from the high dosage of the medication. She used a soft cotton pad and wiped her nipples dry, feeling her nipples grow even stiffer in the process. God, this made her fucking horny. As far as sex drive goes, Laura always considered herself to be average. Sure, she had sexual desires, but nothing extreme. In college, while most of her friends were out partying and having sex, Laura stayed in her dorm studying. The same was true throughout her legal career. Colleagues dated. Laura worked overtime. Now, Laura experienced something that felt almost indecent. Her nipples ached. In turn, that caused the blood to swell in her pussy and she began to feel a dull ache there as well. This was surely the side effect of the high dosage she was taking, she thought. It was messing with her hormones. She knew what had to be done. She needed to masturbate to alleviate the feelings. But in the morning? How obscene. At least by her standards. Nevertheless, it had become a necessity for her. She sat on the edge of the bed, her legs spread wide and began to rub her pussy. Usually she'd play with her sensitive nipples while she masturbated, but she didn't want to make a milky mess in the process. As she slowly circled and caressed her clitoris with her fingers, she heard the sound of her son coming upstairs to go to his room. He was changing his clothes, getting ready for class. God, it made her feel so guilty that her son was in the other room while she masturbated, but this was her career. She always brought her work home, but never like this. It was never sexual. Her work had always been professional and wonky. Until now... Until now, when she so desperately needed to relieve herself of the sexual urgency she felt. *** Hours later, Brian had returned home from class and Laura still had a dilemma to solve. On her bedroom table, there was a small container of her breast milk. She had used the breast pump to fill the container. It had once again aroused her as her nipples felt the suction of the device. Due to her high dosage of the medication, her nipples were now uncontrollable. Even the lightest of touches would send her down a path of sexual deviancy. Just grazing her nipples would cause them to squirt, and more alarmingly, cause her vagina to pool with wetness. The slightest touch of her bra against her breasts would give her an insatiable need to pleasure herself to completion. What that meant was, she couldn't wear a bra. If she did, her nipples would be squeezed and she'd become sexually aroused. She put on a bathrobe, wearing nothing but her panties underneath. It was a perfect outfit because the robe would absorb the milk. She didn't want to keep staining her tshirts. Then she went downstairs to greet her son, who had just come through the front door. "You look super relaxed mom," he said jokingly, only to realize that his mother was in a totally serious mood. "We need to talk. It's important." "Okay." "Can you change your clothes and come back to the living room?" He nodded, not knowing how serious this was. "Sure, give me a minute, I'll be right back." Laura sat on the couch in her bathroom, while her son headed upstairs, and in a few moments he returned in his normal home clothes. They sat on the couch together prepared for the serious conversation. "What is it?" he asked. Laura took a deep breath. "There's something I need to explain to you. For now, let's not think of each other as mother/son. I'm a lawyer. You're a biology student. So let's think of each other as working professionals who have important duties. Okay?" "Okay. Sure. That's no problem." Laura explained everything. She felt that this was the best approach. She needed to be open and honest. No detail was spared. She explained that she had been taking a high dosage of the medication and that she was told the side effects which would result. Laura also explained how the medication worked. Her breasts had become slightly fuller. They had become stiff. And her breasts were producing the intended amount of milk. Finally, and most importantly, Laura explained the side effects and how her hormones were off balance. She explained that the slightest touch to her sensitive nipples would trigger something inside of her. And how, as a result, she would have a problem wearing a bra, or even a tshirt around the house. "Jeez..." he managed to say. "I know. This is a difficult situation. Even this bath robe makes me uncomfortable to wear." "Then don't wear it. Problem solved" "Brian!" she snapped. He suddenly became meek. "Sorry mom, I didn't mean it like that. But you said that we shouldn't think of ourselves as mother/son. That we should view ourselves as working professionals doing an important job. Well, in my advanced biology courses, we've done things involving nudity. And if I decide to go to med school, there's plenty of nudity there too. Big deal." Laura calmed down. Her son was right. In order to do this, she'd have to stop being so rigid. Especially since he was already so mature at his young age. And since he considered going to med school. "How should this work?" she asked. "I don't know. This is your experiment. I don't want to get yelled at again if I try to suggest something." She nodded. "I'm sorry I yelled at you. You're right. We're both adults here. We're both professionals. So, I think we should do this?" His eyes widened. "You do?" She wondered if her son had a thing for lactating breasts. She knew it was a popular fetish, but that was really the least of her problems right now. "I think it's for the best, but only if you're okay with this. I don't want to make you uncomfortable at all." "Of course not," he said adamantly. "Your career is the most important thing. I don't mind boobs. In fact, I enjoy seeing them." "Even mine?" she asked with an eyebrow raised. He became sheepish. "Again, this would be purely professional. I promise." Drawing this out would only make things worse and increasingly awkward. If they had to go through all the nuances, this conversation would take forever. Instead, Laura stood up as Brian locked eyes on her. Then she untied the middle of her bathrobe, causing her pussy to twitch. Then she opened the bathrobe and tossed it on the couch, standing in nothing but her panties, with her hard nipples and milky tits fully exposed. His eyes were wide like saucers. "Oh god." "Remember, this is purely professional," she reminded him in a playful tone. "Of...Of course, mom...I mean doctor...I mean Ms..." "Just call me mom. Just because we're acting professional here, doesn't mean that you can't acknowledge that I'm your mother, okay?" He nodded. "Okay." "What now?" She thought for a moment. "I'll have to be like this until we find a solution. I'll have to contact the doctors and they'll think of something." "And if there's no solution?" She gestured to her tits. "Then you'll have to get used to seeing these." Laura took her bathrobe, gave another quick smile to her son, and headed back up the stairs to her bedroom, where she closed the door. She picked up the phone and made the call. *** As it turned out, there was no solution to Laura's dilemma. She was voluntarily taking a high dosage and this was the effect. Perpetual sexual arousal. There was nothing she could do to cover her breasts without feeling the excitement of her nipples being stimulated by clothes. So she'd have to be naked. She laid back in bed. God, her son had just stared at her tits. She was the one who had opened her robe to him. The recollection made her pussy so wet. She began to masturbate over the encounter, replaying it in her mind. She imagined the look on his face as he stared at her tits. She had been sexually aroused explaining everything to him and undressing for him. Nervous, but aroused. Thinking back over it as she masturbated was enough to give her the best orgasm she'd had in a long time. *** The next morning. She wondered how Brian would react coming down the stairs to see her topless again, making her breakfast while standing in nothing but her panties. He had already stared at her tits enough during the previous night when they had dinner together. Now, she wondered if Brian would be used to the taboo sight, or if his eyes would still be ogling over her. Worse, she wondered if she would still be aroused by him staring. Sure enough, he came down the stairs and the awkwardness still lingered as he headed for the kitchen. Naturally, his eyes quickly glanced at his mother's bare tits. She noticed this and it made her uncomfortable still, yet so very excited at the same time. She was almost angry with herself that she was sitting there with her tits exposed. What kind of mother would allow such a thing? Worse, it made her ache with need. After their normal morning banter, Laura felt it was finally time to break the fragile tension once and for all. It had to be done eventually, or this new arrangement was never going to work. "There's something we need to discuss," she said. "Have a seat and eat." Brian got his food and sat at the table, looking his mother straight in the eyes. "Is something wrong?" "It's about this," she said, gesturing to her breasts. "This situation is a little more unusual than I had expected." "But we had dinner last night and everything went well? Seriously, I think you're overthinking this, mom. I'm perfectly fine with it." "Maybe so, but I'm your mother. I've decided to discontinue this by the end of the day. I have enough milk samples. I won't take the medication anymore and my breasts should return to normal. So by tomorrow morning, I'll have my clothes back on. And I'll return to work a little earlier than expected." He nodded, "Okay, fine. It might be for the best. I can understand if you don't want to do this anymore. I'm sure this must be really difficult for someone like you." "Are you suggesting that I'm a quitter?" she asked, taken aback. "No, of course not. I'm just saying, not everyone can handle nudity." What the hell was this? She thought. Reverse psychology? Whatever her son was doing, it was working. She had already begun to feel guilty for terminating this experiment. And she knew that returning early to work would be viewed as a defeat, that she couldn't finish what she started. "Don't tell me about handling nudity, mister," she said defiantly. "I'm the one that's bare, while you're fully dressed as always." "I'm not the one doing the experiment. Mom, it's no big deal. If you want to stop, then stop." "It seems I have no choice but to stop. It just doesn't feel right being topless around you all the time. Especially while you're still dressed." "If you want me to get naked, just let me know," he said jokingly. "I'd be happy to oblige. I've got nothing to hide." Her eyebrow raised. "Oh really?" "Yes, really. Nudity doesn't bother me. But if you have issues with it, then you should end your research. There's no shame in defeat." She smiled, "Maybe I've had a change of heart. I suppose I still want to continue this after all. But I do need some support. So, mister, get undressed." "What?" he asked, shocked. "You heard me. If you have no problem with nudity, then this shouldn't be a problem. So get undressed. We'll do this together. You get naked. And I'll get naked. My panties will be gone." It was now Laura's turn to reverse the situation and tease her son. She was only joking. The look of torment on Brian's face was amusing. Of course he was going to refuse. There was no way he was going to do it. And when he finally refused and admitted defeat, then Laura would end this experiment. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case. Brian took a deep breath, stood up, and now it was Laura's turn to be shocked. "What are you doing?" she asked. "I'm doing what you asked. You're right. It's not fair if you have to walk around with your breasts exposed with me fully dressed. I want to support you in any way possible." Before she could tell him that she was joking, Brian yanked off his shorts and underwear, revealing his cock. It was the first time Laura had seen his manhood since he became an adult, and it was delightful for her to look at. She hadn't been with a man in a while, and her eyes lingered on his body. Then Brian removed his tshirt. All of the clothes were placed on a nearby seat, and Brian sat down to eat breakfast. "This feels...liberating," he said after a deep breath, enjoying his newfound nudity in front of his mother. Laura's eyes showed her shock. "Oh my god. I...I was only joking." "Uhhh....mom," he said, his eyes looking down at mom's chest. "Yes." "Your breasts." She looked down to see that her bare breasts were stiff and now milk was beginning to form at the tips of her hard nipples. She gasped and quickly reached for a table napkin to wipe herself. In fact, she needed two. The milk was trickling down onto her stomach and thighs. "How did that happen?" he asked. "Nothing touched your breasts." Laura knew exactly how this happened. She was fucking aroused. Her pussy was wet. Seeing her son's cock had triggered something inside of her. "I took a strong dosage, that's all," she lied. "Oh, well anyway, don't forget about the deal." "Excuse me?" "Your panties," he pointed out. "You said you'd take them off." She was surprised by her son's brazenness. And she was equally surprised that he would bring this up. It was confirmation that Brian was sexually enjoying this. His own mother. How could he? Taking a deep breath for confidence, Laura reached below to remove her panties. There was no way she was going to stand. She didn't want to show her pussy to her son, even though he'd see it later anyway. God, this was madness. "Happy?" she asked sarcastically, briefly twirling her panties before putting it down on the seat, next to her son's clothes. "Is that a wet stain on it?" "It was probably my breast milk that dripped." "The stain looked like it was from the inside, right in the middle," he said observantly. "I'm aroused, okay?" she finally admitted. "Please don't make a fuss. I've already told you what was happening. My hormones are out of control." "Did you get aroused from seeing me naked?" "How could you ask me something like that?" she demanded. "It's a reasonable question, don't you think? I'm not an idiot. Breasts don't just start dripping milk like that. Panties don't just get wet. There has to be a reason for it." Not only was Laura's suspicion confirmed, she also realized that her son was aroused by Her. His own mother! It dawned on her that Brian's desires were far from the mainstream; he not only had a thing for full milky breasts, but specifically, *her* full milky breasts! It was becoming a game. A battle of wills. Who will admit to it first? Because the truth was, Laura was horny as hell knowing that her son lusted after her. For the past few days, she loved that he was so observant about the changes in her body, and that his eyes carefully examined her bare, lactating tits. Nevertheless, this couldn't go on forever. She needed to end this. And she was curious about how this would end. "Fine," she said. "You win. I'm sexually aroused right now. I'm especially aroused because you're watching me. In my defense, the medication I'm taking is screwing with my hormones, thus screwing with my mind. So, mister, what's your defense?" "I didn't realize that I needed a defense." "Of course you do," she pointed out. "Admit it, you have a lactation fantasy." "A what?" He was clearly playing dumb. "You enjoy milky breasts," she said bluntly. "You like the plump look that lactation gives. Most of all, you enjoy how the lactation process makes a woman's nipples look so dark and swollen. Just admit it." He gulped. "Sure, I guess you're right." "And a fantasy about your own mother? I want you to admit that too." He gulped harder and spoke in a small voice. "I guess, kind of." Oh fuck, she thought. She felt her pussy clench hard, wetness deep inside her cunt, and her tits became even more swollen. If she didn't know better, milk was getting ready to shoot through her enlarged nipples. "Eat your breakfast," she said. "I need to go use a breast pump." "Wait..." "What is it? I need to go." "Can I watch?" he asked nervously. "I mean, can I help? I've always been fascinated with human biology. You know, medical stuff." A dirty thought came to mind. God, she wanted to do what her mind and pussy told her. Even though it was so wrong. At that moment, her hormones raged and she gave in to her pussy's demand. She patted the seat next to her. "Sit here." Brian scooted over and sat next to his mother. She continued, "This is only because you're a good son, because you've been professional about this, and because my hormones are raging. Consider this a courtesy." "Okay," he said, not knowing where this was headed. "Suck my nipples," she instructed. "What?" "If you ask again, I could change my mind. This is already difficult enough already. Don't make me reconsider." With all the courage he could muster, he slowly lowered his head towards his mother's chest, fearful that a slap was coming at any moment. But the slap never came. Laura watched her son's mouth close around her swollen left nipple and he began to suckle. The feeling of it! Oh god, the feeling! Her nipple felt like it was on fire. She had the same burning feeling deep within her pussy. He sucked her nipple hard, hard enough to lift her entire breast as her son moved his mouth upward, his tongue circling and lapping at her swollen nipple. She could feel the milk flowing from the breasts, to her nipples, to her son's mouth, then down his throat as he gulped, swallowing everything. It was nearly 2 decades since she last nursed him. Now he was an adult. It felt so wrong. Yet so right. Her pussy and nipples were telling her that this was the right thing to do. The tight suction of his mouth ended, causing her to cry out slightly in disappointment, but then gasp with desire and excitement when Brian lowered his head to suck her other hard nipple. More milk flowed. This time, his fingers caressed and squeezed her breasts, causing milk to shoot into his mouth, and the other breast shot milk across his face and onto the dining table. "Oh god," she gasped. "Stop. This is going too far. Stop this." It took him a few seconds before he finally listened to his mother. He needed a little more to suck, to feel her nipple inside of his mouth. Then he pulled his mouth away and removed both of his hands from mom's breasts. As Brian sat upright with a blissful expression, milk splashed across his face, Laura noticed that his cock was now raging hard. Had she done this to him? Of course she had. What else could have caused it? Her bare lactating tits and enlarged nipples had done this to him. It was her fault. She had done this. The thought of it made her pussy feel so swollen with need, almost pulsating. "You're erect," she pointed out. "Sorry." But of course, he wasn't. After sucking on mom's nipples, he was no longer bashful or ashamed about what he wanted. His intentions were clear. "Don't be sorry," she said. "You're a healthy young man. It's normal to have this sort of a reaction." "Even for my own mother?" She nodded. "I'm aroused too. So I can't blame you. Or judge you. We're both struggling with the same feelings." "You too?" "Yes. It makes me uncomfortable to talk about this. But the answer is yes." "We don't have to talk," he said, more confidently this time. "We can do other things instead, I mean, if you want to return the favor." "What makes you think I have a favor to return?" "I can see how wet your pussy is. That's because I sucked on your nipples." Laura immediately crossed her legs to obstruct the view of her pussy. Her son was right, Laura's cunt was dripping wet because of this. "That's not something you ever should have seen," she said. "Mom, I'm aching. You know what it's like to ache." "Fine. But only this once." She turned her head and looked at the refrigerator. At the same time, she reached to where Brian sat and found his cock with her left hand. It was swollen and rock hard. She grabbed the shaft and began to stroke. Her eyes never left the refrigerator. She tried to keep her mind on other things. She tried to think of what she was going to cook later that day. She tried to think of tv shows she needed to catch up on. Anything but this. But the fact remained, she was giving her son a handjob in the kitchen. Both of them completely naked from head to toe. Her pussy was wet. And her nipples were still wet from the suckling and the lactation. She did her best to keep her mind focused on other things. But reality came crashing down as she heard her son groan. His cock pulsed in her hand. "Oh fuck," he gasped. "Keep stroking like that. Faster please." She obliged, stroking him faster. Her hand gliding up and down his hard shaft. The skin felt so soft, but the cock itself felt as stiff as a rock. "I'm going to cum," he panted. "Almost there. Don't stop." She went faster and stroked him relentlessly, even after feeling his cum shoot upwards, landing on her hand. She stroked until he stopped moaning. She stroked until all the cum was drained from his balls and his cock turned flaccid again. Then she moved her hand away. It was amusing to watch her son bent over in such a flustered state. He was blown away by the incestuous handjob. Then she smiled and used a table napkin to wipe the cum from her fingers and hand. "That was some load," she said, still amused. "I'm impressed." "You're really good at that." "Thank you. Looks like both of us are producing a nice amount of fluids this morning." "Can we do it again?" he asked, nearly begging. She stood up. "I'm afraid not. That was a one-time favor. Now if you'll excuse me. I have some work to do." Of course, that was a lie. Laura's schedule was free for the day. What she really needed to do was masturbate. She needed to shut her bedroom door, lay on the bed, and rub her clitoris until her pussy gushed. It was her little secret. *** The masturbation session felt better than she had expected. She came hard. Not surprisingly, her son was the star of her masturbation fantasy. Just a week ago, the thought never would have crossed her mind. And if it did, she would have felt disgusted with herself for even thinking such a thing. Now, it added an intense fire to her previously dull sex life. She had the experimental drug to thank. Her hormones were raging and she felt like an entirely new woman. Her breasts were larger and fuller. Her nipples were now swollen, puffy, longer, and also a darker shade. Her pussy was in constant need of relief. And her mind was always thinking of sex. She had more confidence now than before. Probably due to the hormonal changes she was undergoing. Being naked in front of her son was getting easy. A week ago, she would have died on the spot. Now, she relished the feeling. During lunch, they both ate naked. None of them had mentioned sex or asked for more favors. With the amount they came that morning, they were still spent. But that would only last for so long. Soon, they'd need more. *** It was late afternoon when Laura sat on the living room couch, using the breast pump on herself. Normally, she did this in her room, in complete privacy. But now, she wasn't in the mood for privacy. She wanted things out in the open. If she was honest with herself, she was hoping that her son would come down the stairs, still naked, and they'd do whatever the hell he wanted. She knew that her son usually came downstairs during this time of day to watch tv. She heard his footsteps on the stairs, and her heart beat faster. Deep down, she hoped that he would still be naked, according to their temporary new rules of the house. When she saw him, sure enough, he remained true to his word. There he was, naked as the day he was born, walking into the living room. There was a slight awkwardness that lingered between them as he entered the living room, seeing his naked mother using a breast pump on herself. The situation was made more illicit by the fact that the front curtain was slightly open. There were windows around that floor of the house which were uncovered. Outside was still broad daylight. The openness of their home maintained a level of normalcy. The last thing Laura wanted was to feel like she was imprisoned. Even if that meant there was a possibility of being seen. "I wanted a new place to do this," she said, still holding the breast pump to her right breast. "I don't want to be stuck in my room all day. I hope you understand.' "Sure, no problem mom." "Go ahead, watch tv. Don't let me bother you." He smiled and sat down on the couch, next to his mother. "You're never bothering me. Especially not when you're naked like that." The comment made her uncomfortable, yet very aroused. She had already promised herself that she wouldn't do anything sexual with him again. She had made that clear to him. Yet her pussy and sexual desires had other plans. "Come closer," she said. "Have a look." Brian scooted closer to her on the couch, staring closely at mom's milky tits and naked mature body. She continued, "Watch how the pump creates a nice suction. The latch is air-tight on my breast. Notice how my nipple is being stretched. As a result, the milk is being extracted from my mammary glands. Do you see that?" Laura noted how her son was watching the lactation process intensely. A part of her was afraid that he would get hard again. Another part of her welcomed it. If he did get an erection again, she had no idea how she'd react. "This is a lot better than reading a book," he noted. "I'm sure it is." "Does it feel good?" "Is that relevant?" she asked back. "I'd like to know. Just out of curiosity. I mean, if you're teaching me right now, then isn't this something that's important?" She thought for a moment. They were headed down the same path as this morning. A path which lead to taboo sexual acts between a mother and her son. "You already know the answer," she admitted. "Yes, this feels good. My nipples have always been long and sensitive. Your father used to play with them all the time. He played with them while we made love, which was my favorite thing that he'd do." Instantly, she wondered why she had revealed that information about her personal sex life, and to her son of all people. By the look on Brian's face, he appreciated that secret information. "In my experience, women with longer nipples are always more sensitive there. So that makes a lot of sense." "Now for the other breast," she said, hoping to change the subject. Laura turned-off the pump and unlatched it from her tit. She used a cotton pad to wipe the excess milk from her nipple. Then she repeated the same process to her left breast, attaching the latch to her aching nipple. God, this was going to feel so good once the pump started its suction once again. When she flipped the switch and the pump sucked, she got the pleasure she was hoping for. The pump worked its magic and began extracting milk from her tit, filling up a small cup that was attached to the bottom end. All while Brian observed with the intensity of a curious doctor. "That must feel amazing with how sensitive you are," he said. "Plus that pump, along with your hormonal changes." "Yes." "Is it making you aroused?" he asked softly. Laura looked down and saw that her son's cock was stirring. It was no longer flaccid. It had grown halfway from its fully erect size. She also noticed a soft trembling in his voice. He wanted more. She wanted more also. Deep down, she knew that she'd break her promise to herself. The desire felt too good to resist. "Yes, I'm aroused." "It must be torture." She looked him straight in the eyes. "Imagine your testosterone has reached ungodly levels because of your medication. Now imagine that your cock is raging hard and your mind is consumed with deviant sexual thoughts, all because of that medication. Now imagine that your cock is being expertly sucked." "That's what you're feeling right now?" She nodded. "Yes, this breast pump is stimulating my nipples. But unlike a man getting his cock sucked, I can't orgasm from this. My pussy is burning. It aches so bad. If you wanted the truth, there it is." "I'm glad you've told me." "I didn't plan on it," she said, which was partially a lie. Deep down, Laura had hoped this conversation would happen. That's why she decided to use her breast pump in the living room, instead of the privacy of her bedroom like she normally did. Her pussy and sexual desires had led her to this point. "Can I help?" he asked, nearly pleading. "It can be like this morning. Only better. I swear I'll never tell anyone." "I told you already. What we did this morning is the end of it." "I know. But look at you. You're in desperate need of relief. Maybe we can do this while you're experimenting with your breasts milk. You know, I can help you with relief. Then we can stop this as soon as your breasts return to normal." She gave it a brief thought. "Fine. But this has to be professional and courteous. This can't be simply to indulge your perverted desires for your own mother." "Of course." "In order to ensure that this stays strictly professional, I'll need you to orgasm first, to get the lust out of your mind. Then you can focus on me in a more proper and medical way." "What do you mean?" "I'll need you to cum," she said. "After that, you can help me with my sexual frustrations. Okay?" He nodded. "How should we do this? Do you want me to go to my room and do it?" "How about we just do this here?" She looked down and saw that her son's cock was now fully erect, pointing upward, throbbing like a hormonal maniac. "Sure, anything mom." "That looks like it'll take you a while before you can climax." He looked down at his own cock. "Yeah, I know. What can I say? You made me like this. You've got a hot milf body." "Flattery always works with me," she smiled. "Oh? And what will that get me?" "Lean back and I'll show you." A smile grew on Brian's face as he leaned back on the couch. His hard cock pointing upwards, waiting for what his mother would do next. Reasonably, he expected another handjob. He knew that his mother was far too proper for anything else. To both of their surprise, Laura instinctively bent her head down and she took the stiff cock inside of her lips. Closing her lips tightly around the shaft, she sucked on it, making Brian gasp at the very feeling. "Holy shit, mom," he groaned. Being called 'mom' while taking the cock in her mouth only added fuel to the taboo fire. The breast pump was still going to work on her sore nipple. She clenched her lips tighter around the cock and sucked harder. Her head slowly bobbed. She knew exactly how to make a guy cum quickly from oral sex. Despite her intelligent and educated appearance, Laura was actually a great cocksucker. It was something she loved doing in private for a trusted romantic partner. Never in a million years did Laura expect to be naked with her son in the living room, a breast pump attached to her tit, while performing her famous oral sex technique on him. It was the ultimate taboo, and it drove her absolutely wild feeling him throb inside of her mouth. Up and down. Her mouth continued its work and her head bobbed in a slow and steady pace. As much as she enjoyed this, she wanted this to be over soon. She never lost sight of the fact that this was totally inappropriate for any kind of mother to do. "Mom, stop, stop, stop," he surprisingly said. She was stunned that her son would want to end this. Nevertheless, she knew there must have been a good reason for it. "What is it?" she asked, sitting upright. "I have an idea. My cock is throbbing. Your pussy is aching." Please don't say it, she implored through her mind, hoping that Brian would somehow know her thoughts. "What are you suggesting?" she asked. "Let's fuck." She shook her head. "That's going too far." "Think about it. Both of us get what we want." "So you've wanted to fuck me all along?" she asked with an eyebrow raised, not that surprised anymore by her son's incestuous fantasies. "The truth is, a lot of guys my age with hot moms would kill to do something like this." She sighed, "There's a jarring thought. I don't actually consider myself to be the 'hot' type." "You're hot to me. I love smart, mature, and proper women. A lot of men like that. Face it mom, you're a hot milf, whether you like it or not." A smile grew on her face. "Like I said before, flattery always works on me. I'm a sucker for compliments. Most women are." With that, Laura switched-off the breast pump and unlatched it from her breasts. She put it down on a nearby table and used a tissue to wipe the excess milk from her tit. After everything was put away, all that was left on the living room couch was the naked mother & her son. Both horny as hell, desperate for sexual relief. Desperate for each other. Their lust guiding them along. She put her knees on the couch and gracefully threw a leg over Brian's lap, straddling him while they faced each other. She tried to be calm and stoic about fucking her son. Brian, on the other hand, looked like he had just hit the jackpot. His eyes were wide and excited, as if he had waited years for this. It was an expression which made Laura feel amused and increasingly aroused. "I'm going to lower myself onto you," she said. "Hold your cock upright." He did as he was told, holding the base of his shaft so that his cock pointed upwards. Laura lowered herself and her dripping wet pussy wrapped around her son's stiff shaft. By the time she lowered herself all the way down, both of them had found a relief they were desperately searching for. Laura had a nice hard cock buried deep inside of her pussy, the first time in nearly a year. And Brian finally got to fuck his mother. It was a perfect match which suited their peculiar situation. She gave slow thrusts and they were officially fucking, looking each other straight in the eyes while they were mere inches apart. They felt their breath mingling. She wrapped her arms around his neck, drawing herself closer to him. At certain points, Laura's stiff nipples would rub against her son's chest, sending lightning bolts of feeling through her body and making both of them even more aroused. "You're a bad boy, you know that?" Laura said teasingly in a low voice. "You shouldn't want this. I've never heard of a boy wanting to fuck his mother before." He grabbed her ass, pulling her closer and burying himself deeper inside her and said, "There's a lot about sex which you still need to learn." "Do I?" In response, she clenched her pussy tight and thrust herself hard, as if to show her son who was boss. It was her way of controlling the situation. "Yes, uhhh....ohh..." he groaned. "There's still plenty to learn. I can help you with relief too....oh...." She clenched and unclenched her pussy, as she continued to ride his cock. She loved torturing her son in this way. It was pure sexual torture. The kind that both of them couldn't get enough of. Her hands caressed his chest as she moved sensuously on him. "Maybe you're right. I never claimed to be a sexual goddess. But I could certainly use the relief." "I...I could help with that..." Brian looked like he was in sexual ecstasy as his mom rode him. This nearly made Laura laugh, since she was the one on the medication, and it was her hormones that were raging. Nevertheless, Brian was somehow enjoying this more than she could have possibly imagined. She relished in giving him that pleasure. As his mother, it was her duty to make him happy, she thought. "I'd like that," she moaned in his ear while they fucked. "You could help milk my breasts. Suck them, if you'd like. Whatever it takes to relieve my breasts of tension. Then there's my pussy...oh goodness....my pussy is on fire right now." "Can I help with that too?" he panted between thrusts. She thrusted hard back. "Oh yes. I'd expect you to." The pleasure was consuming her and she arched her back a little upwards. Just then, as her breasts were pointing forward, she felt Brian mauling her tits with his hands. Her nipples were rock hard. Milk began dripping down from her mammary glands from the hard squeezing, something she suspected would arouse her son greatly. Sure enough, she was right. As her tits were being fondled and kneaded like dough, he bent forward and sucked the milk dripping from her tits and she felt him stiffen inside her. He took turns sucking each of her breasts while continuing to fondle them hard. Milk was everywhere. All over her body. All over Brian's body. Some of it even sprayed onto the couch, which was something she had always been strict about. She hated food stains on the couch. But this would be a big exception. After all, what's more natural than breast milk? "God, your tits," he gurgled, slurping up mom's milk. She wrapped her hands around the back of his head, pulling him closer, allowing him to suck and drink more. "Have as much as you'd like baby," she moaned, breathily, her voice husky with desire. "It's better that you drink it. I'd hate to waste it." "Mmm....Hmmmm." She slowed her pace as she continued to ride him, replacing her quick thrusts with long slow sweeps of her hips. She didn't want her son to cum too fast. Desire had changed her mind. Instead, she wanted this to last longer. It was their first love making session and she wanted it to feel special. She wanted to savor it. "I appreciate what you've done for me," she said in a low voice. "How responsible and respectful you are about this. You're very mature for your age. Think of this as a reward. My milk for you. I'm glad you love it. And it makes me feel so good that you're sucking on my sensitive nipples. God, I wish all mothers could have a son like you." She continued riding his throbbing hard cock. Brian continued sucking on each of his mom's milky nipples. As their incestuous action continued, Laura turned her head and looked through the small opening of the living room curtain. It was still broad daylight outside. From her viewpoint, she saw Ms. Henderson on the sidewalk walking her dog, completely oblivious to the mother/son fucking that was going on inside of the house. Ms. Henderson was a retiree in her late 60's. What made things even hotter was that Ms. Henderson used to be Brian's English teacher in high school. 'If she only knew...' Laura thought to herself, still riding her son's cock, while looking out to the street. Laura returned her focus to her son, where it should be. It was so hot knowing that some of the windows were uncovered and the living room curtain was slightly open. They lived in a slightly upper-middle class neighborhood. Everything about their home was proper and sophisticated in some way. Yet here she was, naked, fucking her son. "I'm close," he groaned, as if in agony. She put her lips his ear and whispered, "Don't you dare cum. Not yet. Your mother always comes first. Do you understand?" "Yes mom." "Now suck my nipples hard. Squeeze my tits." While her nipples were being sucked hard, and his hands clenched her breasts tightly, she rode his cock faster. She reached down and rubbed her clitoris furiously. All of her pleasure spots were being tortured in the best possible way. The culmination of everything that had been going on the past week had all built up to this. The pleasure had reached its boiling point. The tingling sensation inside of her had turned into a raging fire. She closed her eyes and concentrated on the pleasure, enjoying every second of it. "Oh my god," she said in a low voice. "I'm going to orgasm. I'm going to....oh..." Her entire body convulsed and she came in a blaze of glory. Her back arched, pulling her nipple from her son's mouth. Since all the windows were closed and they were in the privacy of their own home, Laura was free to cum as loud as she wanted. She certainly took advantage of that fact, screaming loudly, making a few strange noises, and then breathing heavily afterward. "Oh my goodness..." she gasped out loud. "I've....I've never cum like that before. Oh Jesus." A trail of fluids had gushed from her pussy, leaving an even bigger mess on the couch, and all over her son's midsection. It was the definitive proof that her hormone levels had been altered. Laura was never much of a squirter. At most, she'd leave a trickle behind after an orgasm. But now, it looked like a faucet had been turned on and both her nipples and pussy were leaking her feminine bodily fluids. As the orgasm still controlled her body and overwhelmed her, Laura's thrusts had come to a near halt and she tried to regain her breath. "Mom, fuck, I need to cum!" It was a clear reminder that her son was still raging hard. She couldn't disappoint him. Not after that magnificent orgasm she just felt, and was still in the midst of enjoying. Almost like she was sleepwalking, she climbed off him, her body limp and her legs shaking from her orgasm, and dropped to her knees. She took the wet cock in her mouth, not caring that she tasted her pussy, her orgasmic fluids, as she began to suck. Brian bucked and thrust into mom's mouth, which was greedy with need. His legs and stomach muscles tensed and pulsated as his mother sucked him to completion. When it was done, she looked at her son and nearly laughed at the absurdity of it all. Brian's face and chest were covered in breast milk. Laura's mouth and lips were covered in her son's fresh hot cum. "Is this what the rest of the week is going to look like?" she asked, nearly recovered from the massive orgasm. "I hope so." She smiled, "Then we better get used to it. Being a lawyer has never been so much fun. And it looks like there's plenty more research to be done." While her eyes were still locked on her son, she took another lick of his cock, cleaning the remnants of cum, vaginal fluids, and her own saliva. She took the cock inside her mouth again and gave another hard suck, feeling her son twitch in the process. There was a loud 'plop' sound as she pulled her mouth away. She winked at her son, then patted his leg. "I desperately need a shower," she said, licking the excess cum from her lips. "By the look of things, so do you. Care to join me?" And with that, she stood up so that Brian could observe her fully nude body. Then she collected her breast pump and dirty towels, and headed up to her bedroom. Her round butt cheeks swayed with every step, nearly hypnotizing her son. Brian eagerly got up and followed his mother to the bathroom. The End For Pics visit:---->>> https://bit.ly/2ReHUJI
Title: Bargain with Stepmom Pt. 01 Summary: Stepmom agrees to make amends. Keywords: inc,fic Chapter 1 The aftermath of my late-night game session with my friends was everywhere. There were snack bags all over my room, and the computer monitor glowed a pale grey in the distance. There was a pile of sleeping bags on the floor, and, inside them, my friends. There was a subtle knock on my door, it must have been what woke me up in the first place. "Come in," I said hoarsely as I searched from my glasses with my fingertips. I sat up slowly, slipping the black plastic frames onto the bridge of my nose. On the floor the two sleeping bags stirred as my friends, Chris and Dustin, slowly woke up. The door opened slowly, flooding my room with light as my stepmom, Jen, stepped into the room. "It's almost noon," she said matter-of-factly. She stepped over Dustin's sleeping bag and stood by my bed, her hands on her hips. She wore jeans and a tank top with wide, horizontal stripes. I tried not to stare, but the stripes outlined the curve of her ample breasts. She was thin, with an athletic build, but she had spectacular tits. I know I should not have noticed, but hormones dictated otherwise. "I know it's Saturday, but I'm not letting you sleep all day." "All right," I said, throwing my hands up in mock surrender. She laughed. Behind her Chris and Dustin sat up, shaking their heads and slowly waking up. "Can you boys clear out early?" she asked kindly. She then leaned in closer to whisper in my ear. Her short hair flopped in front of her eyes and she brushed it aside as she spoke. "Laura's coming over to use our shower. She has repairmen working on her water lines. I don't care if you stay, but thing one and thing two have to go." As she leaned in to whisper I stared at her cleavage, at the tan bra that pushed her tits together, for as long as I dared. She stood up and left swiftly, saying a kind goodbye to Chris and Dustin. When I looked over at them, they were grinning. "What?" I asked. "I was just checking out your stepmom's ass," Dustin said in a whisper. "So, so nice, my friend." "Shut up," I groaned. This was a perennial topic. Chris and Dustin had been my friends forever, and they had been ogling Jen since we had discovered girls. When my dad passed away when I was twelve, Jen and I were the only family we had, and I found my friends' newfound lust for her disturbing. Over time, I got used to it. And one day, out of the blue, I looked at her and something primal stirred inside me. It was summer, when I was fourteen, and she was bending over, looking for something in the refrigerator. I remember getting hard, my face flush at my instinctual reaction. At first I avoided it, then wallowed in guilt over it. She was my stepmother, and while my father had married a much younger woman, I felt guilty over my attraction to her. Finally I looked at it as biological instinct, that it was normal to appreciate a woman with a body like hers. And now, in my last semester of high school, it was second nature for me to appreciate the view. Dustin and Chris left, but not after making a few more comments about Jen. It aggravated me, even though I secretly agreed with them. From her blue eyes, to her freckles and short, curly, sandy-brown hair, she was adorable. Part of me was aggravated with them for being so immature, and part of me was territorial and jealous that they were even looking at her. Jen was downstairs in the kitchen when I headed down to get some food. She looked at me and smiled as I grabbed some breakfast. "I'm going to be gone for a while, I've got things to do until around four today," she said casually. "Can you let Laura in, and stick around if she needs anything?" "Sure," I said. I liked Laura. She was my mom's closest friend. They met in our church singles group. While Jen was tall, slender, with a knockout chest, Laura was shorter, curvy, with enormous tits and a big ass. She wasn't fat but was built like a renaissance statue. The idea of her stopping by did not seem like a bad idea to me. Laura rang the doorbell shortly after Jen left. She was waiting, gym bag under her arm, as I opened the door. "Hey, Steven," she said as I let her in. "Thanks for letting me use your shower. This no hot water thing is torture." "I bet," I said, getting a decent look at her bubble butt. She wore sweatpants and a zippered jacket, her hair in a messy bun that cascaded into loose curls. Her jacket was loose, and she was clearly disheveled. Her jacket was unzipped partway, revealing considerable cleavage. I wasn't sure if she was aware how much she was showing. It was clear she had nothing on under the jacket, and I felt my dick growing in my shorts, threatening to draw attention to itself. "I look like a mess," she said apologetically. "Sorry." "You look great," I said, feeling myself blush. She smiled, and I struggled to keep my eyes off her tits. "I thought I might use your mom's bathroom, if that's fine with you," she said. "But she mentioned there's a trick to it." "Oh, yeah, there is," I said. "The glass door latch is weird. I was supposed to fix it, but I keep forgetting." "Can you show me?" she said with a smile. "I don't want to dump water all over her bathroom floor." "Sure," I said. I led the way up the stairs and down the hall to Jen's room. She had the master suite, with a spacious bathroom and a glass-walled shower. "You have the lift the latch as you pull it, or it won't catch," I said, demonstrating it. She nodded, and pulled her bun down, letting her long hair fall down her shoulders. She stepped past me and turned on the hot water, feeling how cold it was. "It takes a few minutes to get hot," I said. "Okay," she said. I noticed her zipper had moved a few inches down on her jacket. She definitely had nothing on underneath it. The zipper was now halfway down, and I could see the entirety of her cleavage. If it went lower, I'd see her belly button. I wondered if she unzipped it on purpose or it had just slipped down. We made eye contact and I was self-conscious about the erection straining against my shorts. I hoped she hadn't noticed. She crouched down to dig her shampoo and lotions out of her bag. Her sweatpants rode low on her hips, and I could see several inches of her bare ass. I guessed that she had nothing on underneath. The idea that she was in such a state of undress made my dick ache. "If you need anything, just call me," I added. She smiled, and I shut the door. I headed down the hall, sitting on my bed. I could feel my heart racing and my dick throbbing. I wanted to relieve the tension, but I was worried she might finish her shower before I was done. I was already really aroused, I didn't want to get even more so if she finished before I had come. Moments later I heard Laura call my name. I stood up, adjusting my erection and hurried down the hall. I knocked, hearing water running. "Come in," she called out. I hesitated, but she called my name again, so I slowly opened the door. The room was flooded with steam, the mirrors opaque with fog. The shower doors were frosted over, but I could see the shape of Laura's nude body behind the blurry glass. I felt myself harden looking at her curves. This was the closest I had been to a naked woman. Even behind heavily fogged glass, the view was breathtaking. "That latch is stuck, and my towel is on the counter she called out. Can you throw it over the shower wall, and then open this door for me?" "Um, yeah, sure," I said, trying to keep my nerves out of my voice. I tossed her towel over the edge, sending steam swirling about her, revealing more of her shape as she shut off the water. She wrapped the towel around her midsection as I approached the door. The handle was slick from condensation, and I lifted the door slightly and pulled the latch. The door pulled open smoothly, and I stepped back to let Laura out. "You're a real hero," she teased, stepping past me. She grabbed a second towel and wrapped her hair up in it. The towel around her body clung to her curves, her tits practically spilled out of the top of it. I took in the sights as long as I dared before turning to leave. I headed down the hall, my dick throbbing in my shorts. I was planning on jerking off the moment she started her engine downstairs. I sat at my desk, my mind tracing every curve, the line of cleavage that almost popped out of her towel, every inch of her. I was lost in my reverie when she knocked on the door frame. "Hey," she said. She was leaning against the open door, still in her towel. Her hair was damp, falling around her shoulders. "You didn't have to run off." "Oh," I said. "Sorry, I guess. I thought you'd want some privacy." "No," she said simply. She stepped into my room. I turned my chair to face her. She walked right up to me, a look of determination on her face, laced with a grin. She was inches from me when she suddenly straddled my thigh. Her body was damp against the leg of my jeans. I had never been this close to a woman with this little amount of clothing on her. I tried to form words but before I could burst through my general confusion she kissed me. As her tongue entered my mouth I was still trying to register what was happening. She pressed against me, the chair back falling back into the desk. My hands, on autopilot, touched her legs. I realized she was grinding against my leg, rubbing against my jeans, her breath coming in bursts as we kissed. I let instinct take over from the shock, and my hands slid up her legs, under the towel, and grabbed her ass. She ground harder against me as I felt her ass with both hands. She threw her head back, the towel coming loose and showing most of her tits. I felt her body shudder as she came, her pussy grinding against my jeans. She kept rubbing, the towel slipping down more, until I grabbed the fabric with one hand and let it fall off her. She pressed against me, naked, grinding against my thigh as she buried her face against my shoulder. I gripped her ass harder and she rode me, until she cried out, her whole body tensing up and then releasing. She leaned against me, breathing hard, her muscles loose and her body still. "Oh, god," she whispered in my ear. She sat up, finally giving me a full view of her tits and the triangle of bushy pubic hair pressed against my jeans. She got off me, a trail of her wetness dripping onto the wet spot she made on my jeans. She pulled me up, kissing me as I stood up. My hands found her tits as her hands slid down and worked my belt buckle. She deftly opened my jeans and reached down with her left hand, grasping my member and stroking it gently. She backed toward the bed, gently guiding me with the hand wrapped around my throbbing erection. We were silent as she pushed me back onto the bed. She pulled down my jeans, stripping them off of me before climbing over me. She kissed me, her tits pressed against my chest, as the damp hair between her legs ticked the head of my dick. I ran my hands down her back, over her ass, gripping her gently as she kissed me. Suddenly, with a flourish, she sat up, straddling me. Her pussy dripped onto my dick in anticipation. She took my erection in her hand, gently guiding my dick upward as she sank onto it. I could feel her pussy lips part as the softest, wettest, warmest sensation I've ever experienced took over me. She impaled herself on me, pausing as I slid into her completely. Slowly, almost painfully slow, she raised up and lowered herself, savoring the sensation as I filled her repeatedly. I was beside myself and gripped her ass as she started to ride me fast, grinding against me. Her tits swayed with the rocking motion of her hips, beads of sweat glistening on her stomach. She came a third time, her pussy gripping me as her orgasm reached its peak. I gasped, thrusting upward like an animal, lifting her upward as I exploded inside her. She gasped as she felt my orgasm merge with hers, my dick pumping into her. She fell on top of me, laughing as our bodies gave in and a wave of pleasure overtook us both. I kept pulsing, filling her with cum as we lay there in silence. Finally spend, she crawled off of me, leaving a trail of cum dripping out of her and onto my thigh. She stood up, picking up the towel and giving me a view of her from behind. I was still on the bed, breathing hard, my first sexual encounter with a woman leaving my mind blank. She leaned over, tits heaving, and gave me kiss. "I really needed that," she said. She looked me over as I lay there, panting. She bent over and kissed me, her tits dragging across my shirt as she moved lower and kissed the shaft of my dick. I was covered in her wetness and my semen, which spread over her lips as she kissed my flaccid member over and over. She ran her tongue up and down it, and slowly it came back to life. She then sat up, stroking me as she wiped her mouth. "I guess I need a little more," she said with a giggle. She stroked me until I was completely hard, and then crawled onto the bed. She put her shoulders down, head to the side, and raised her ass in the air. She parted her legs slightly, and her pussy dripped a mixture of wetness and cum as she waited. I got up behind her on my knees, my hands shaking a little from the excitement. The view was marvelous as I approached her. I slid the head of my dick against her labia until it popped in an inch. She gasped loudly, and I penetrated her fully. "That's it," she said. "Go deep." I obliged, thrusting into her. She was beside herself, her pussy tightening as I kept thrusting, my hips slapping her ass and making it jiggle. She came, crying out as I kept going, her voice deep and throaty as she moaned. I was self-conscious about all the noise, but no one was home, so I kept going. She came a fifth time, her pussy contracting even harder, and I finally lost it. While less intense, my second orgasm was still powerful, and I emptied what cum I had left into her as I pushed as deep as I could. I pulled out of her, my cum rushing out in a torrent. She sat down on the bed next to me, her chest heaving. "The benefits of youth," she said sweetly to me as she kissed me on the cheek. I stood up, a river of cum running down her thigh. She wiped it off with the towel she had worn. "See you later," she said sweetly, and left the room. Minutes later I heard her car engine, the need for me to relieve my sexual tension long gone. I lay on the bed for some time. I felt like my nerves were rewiring themselves; everything felt different. The bed sheets on my skin, the dried cum all over my dick, the air from my fan blowing over me; it was all new. Finally, after an hour, I sat up. My muscles felt like they had never been used before. I was figuring out a whole new sensory experience after having fuckedor, really, having gotten fucked byLaura. I looked in the mirror, my dick slowly regaining some vigor as I played the morning over in my head. Soon my dick was throbbing, but the idea of jerking off so soon seemed like a waste. Instead, I got a new pair of jeans out of the dresser and headed downstairs. When Jen came home I was reading a book on the couch. I had resisted the urge to jerk off but thinking about Laura all day had kept me hard and leaking pre-cum all over the inside of my jeans. She dropped her bag on the table and set next to me on the couch. "Big day?" she asked casually. "No," I said quickly, then added, "I mean, not really." "Cool," she said, nodding. "Hey, Laura sent me a text; she says you were very sweet and helped her out." "Oh," I said, "yeah. It was no big deal." Jen shifted in her seat, turning to face me. She threw her legs across mine, something she had done a hundred times. I jumped from the contact, and she laughed. "Why so twitchy?" she teased. "No reason," I said a little too defensively. "Alright," she said, waving her hand. She looked at me. "I just thought you'd be more relaxed." "What's that mean?" I asked, my eyebrows furrowed as I tried to work out what she meant. "Oh, nothing," she said dismissively. "What do you want to do for dinner?" "Wait," I said, sitting up. She withdrew her legs and stood up. "What did you mean, you thought I'd be relaxed?" Jen blushed, turning to the window to avoid making eye contact. I stood up, a feeling of dread rising up inside me. "Oh, you know," she said. "Just because, I guess, maybe helping out Laura wasn't such a bad thing...you know." She raised her eyebrows, leading me to the logical conclusion that she knew. "I mean," she said, now talking from nerves more than anything else, "I'm not mad or anything. You're an adult, so what do I care if my friend comes over and you two...you know." "You knew?" I said, my voice raising. "Did you know beforehand?" "Um...yeah," she said, not meeting my eyes. In a low voice she added, "it was sort of my idea." "What?" I said, my hands gesturing as I spoke. "You set me up with your friend?" "I thought you wouldn't mind," Jen said. "I mean, I've seen you look at her." "Yes, but didn't you think you should maybe ask me?" I said, my temper flaring. "I don't know why you are getting so mad," she said defensively. "I mean, you just got some." She hit a nerve. "Yeah, I did. But if I was a girl, and you were my stepdad, and sent one of your guy friends over to fuck me, would that be okay?" I had hit a nerve in return, it seemed, because she threw her hands up. "Oh my god, I get you some action, while helping out a friend, and you flip out! I mean, she's been climbing the walls, needing it, and I thought you'd be more than happy to help. It's not like it was your first time, I'm sure." I said nothing, and the realization crept across her face. "Shit," she said. "I thought...I always assumed by now you had..." She sat down. "I should have asked you first." "Yeah, you should have," I said bitterly. "And now I can always remember that my first time was with my stepmom's best friend, because she needed to get laid and my stepmom lent me out." My words hit her like a slap in the face. "I didn't mean it to be like this. I thought you'd enjoy yourself, get some from a hot woman. I didn't know it was your first time. And I should have talked to you first, asked you if you would have wanted to. I'll...I'll do anything to make it up to you. Name it, and it's yours." "How about a blowjob?" I said, my voice full of acid. I said the words to sting, and they did. The tears already welling in her eyes started to spill down her cheeks. She said nothing, but stormed passed me, rage etched in her features, as she grabbed her purse and left the house. I heard the door slam and I sat down hard on the couch, my heart hammering in my chest. I had meant to hurt her with those word, to turn the situation around on her, but I still felt guilty for having said them. On one hand, I had enjoyed Laura, but I was still humiliated that my stepmom set the whole thing up. I bet Laura's shower worked just fine. I sat around fuming for a while, then went and showered for a long time. I thought about Laura but then I kept getting mad about Jen, and finally left the house to get something to eat. When I returned Jen still wasn't home. Finally, still mad, I went up to my room and played video games, trying to get my mind off of everything. Around eleven at night Jen knocked on my door. I said nothing as she slipped into the room. She looked like she had been crying a long time. Despite what she did, she was my stepmom, the only family I had. My anger at having been set up ebbed, and I felt like I needed to offer an olive branch. "Listen, about what I said," I began, but she interrupted me. "I'll do it," she said, walking across the room and sitting on the floor across from me. When it was clear to her I didn't understand, she continued. "A blowjob. I'll do it. I humiliated you and...and it's fair." "Jen, really, I didn't mean it," I said, not really processing what she was saying. "No, listen to me," she said. "I did something pretty terrible. You're right, everything you said was right. Even if it wasn't your first time, it was callous of me just to assume you'd be ready to go, even if Laura said you didn't hesitate," she laughed, but grew serious. She paused, straightening her posture. "So, I'm going to give you a blowjob, as a way of saying I'm sorry." "Jen," I said, "you're upset," but again she cut of me off. "What I did was demeaning and unfair. So I'm going to do what you suggested. Maybe your dick in my mouth will make up for what I did." I had never heard her talk like this. "You're serious, aren't you?" I said. She nodded. "Yes, dead serious. I owe you a blowjob." "Right now?" I said, as my voice cracked. "No," she said, laughing. "In a few days. I need to mentally prepare for it." "Then don't do it," I said. "Oh, I'm going to do it. When I put my mind to something, I don't back down. But even though I owe you this blowjob, and I'm doing it willingly, you have to grant me a few days of processing what I'm about to do to my stepson, okay?" "Okay," I said. She was tired and upset. I knew she didn't mean it, so I agreed to let her process things. Tomorrow, I was sure, she'd tell me she had not meant it, and I would tell it that it was all okay. She stood up, smoothing out her wrinkles in her jeans. "And don't think I'm going to change my mind." She bent forward and kissed the top of my head, her cleavage in my face. My dick twitched to life, and then roared to attention as I thought about what she actually said. She walked out of the room, pausing to say goodnight before disappearing down the hall. Chapter 2 I woke up late, having stayed up late thinking about the day's events. I abstained from jerking off, even though I desperately wanted to. I still expected Jen to come to her senses, or at the very least back out in a panic, but the idea of touching myself still paled in comparison to Laura fucking me or the thrill of Jen's suggestion. Even though I knew she hadn't meant it, the idea that she would even propose such a bargain was pretty erotic. I wondered, if she was serious, if I could go through with it. Less than ten seconds of contemplation told me that, yes, without a doubt, I could. I got dressed in the jeans Laura rubbed up against and headed downstairs. Jen was up, bustling about the house as she always did when she wasn't working. "Good morning," I said, stretching. "Good morning," she replied with a smile. "I'm glad you're not still raging mad at me. I'm really sorry about what I did." "Let's not rehash it," I said kindly. "Thank you for apologizing." She smiled back. "Thank you for accepting it," she replied. She came around the counter wearing a tank top and short khaki shorts. While Jen's tits were the main attraction, she did have a cute butt, which was rare on women as tall and slender as she. I appreciated her toned legs a lot and was glad to see her in shorts. My dick twitched, reminding me of her bargain. "I'm guessing you've come to your senses about the blowjob you offered me last night?" "If you don't want one, then say so, because I've made up my mind and I'm going to do it. In a few days, if that fits your schedule." She laughed, tossing her bangs to the side with a flip of her head. "Oh," I said. "I didn't think you were really going to ..." "Suck your dick?" she said each word separately, letting the words hang in the air with a wave of her hand. "Of course, I am. I've never backed away from a promise, sexual or otherwise." "Do you have a history of making sexual bargains?" "No," she said simply with a shrug. "I mean, once or twice, sure. But never to gain anything. More often than not it's because I lost a bet or something. Like the time I made a bet with my friend in college. He'd been wanting and scheming to get me into bed for years. And we made a bet during the playoff game that his team would beat mine. The deal was that if my team won, he'd paint my apartment. And if his team won, we'd do it once. And we had a party to watch the game. As the score went toward his favor I admit I got pretty wet. With all of our friends there, it got me even wetter. I knew by halftime it was over, so I took him back to my bedroom and let him take me from behind, you know, doggy style." To hear Jen talk about sex like this, so frankly and explicitly, had me hard. She continued, as if this was as normal as talking about her work day. "It wasn't great, the sex, that is. I mean, I entered into it willingly, that's not what I was implying. But he was really bad at it. At least he was quick. The worst part was that the fourth quarter turned around and my team won. So he got some for no reason. That's what I get for jumping the gun." "Wow, that's...um, kind of crazy. And hot." "Thanks," she smirked. "There's a lot you don't know about me." "Clearly," I said. She looked down at my pants, and saw the erection straining underneath. "Enjoy the story?" I blushed, but she continued, "Oh, come off it, Steven. I understand how those things work. Besides, that thing is going to be in my face soon, so why be embarrassed." I paused, then said, "I guess I didn't think about that. You're going to actually see it." "That's how it usually works," she said with a laugh. "Unless you want it totally in the dark." "No," I blurted out. She laughed. "I didn't think so. Any other ground rules we need to set before the deed?" "Well, okay," I said. "Naked or clothed?" "Clothed," she said firmly. "Eye contact?" "Sure," she said with a wink. "Do I have to warn you before I come." "Nah, most of the time I don't get a warning. I mean, I can usually tell when it's about to happen anyway." "Swallow?" I asked hesitantly. She paused, biting her lip, contemplating her response. "I owe you," she said. "So I'll swallow, or try to, anyway. Deal?" She extended her hand. "Deal," I said, shaking it. "I can't believe this is really happening." "Oh, believe it," she said with a grin. "Since I ruined your first time, and all." "Well, I mean, doing it with Laura wasn't horrible," I said. "Actually, it was pretty nice." I worried that telling her that would ruin my chance at a blowjob. "I still should have just asked you if you'd be willing. So, I still owe you. By the way, Laura was very, very complimentary." "Really?" I said, blushing. "She didn't go into too much detail, but let's just say she had a great time. Several times." "Yeah," I said, not meeting her eyes. "It was pretty intense." "But I really am sorry," she said. "The BJ is just part of making amends." "Part?" I said. "Sure," She said, standing up. "I know you like it when I wear shorts around the house, so I wore them." She turned once, giving me a good view of her ass. Her shorts were so small that the bottom of her firm butt almost peeked out from them. She sat back down with a flourish, her long legs propped up on the coffee table. "And before you ask how I know," she continued, "I'll just tell you right away that it's pretty obvious that you walk around with an erection all day. I know it isn't always because of me, but I figure, at least some of time, it must be right? That's why I guessed that Laura might get lucky with you, I knew you weren't afraid of older women." "You're not that old," I said quickly. She laughed. "True, but old enough. And to continue my reparations, let's watch a movie tonight, your pick. We can even watch that French one you're so fond of, the one you kept sneaking up to your room when you were younger." I stammered a reply, but she just laughed and continued. "Don't be embarrassed, I've seen it before, it's pretty steamy. And since you and I share laundry duty I know what you do all night. Don't worry about it. We all get ourselves off, right?" "You do?" I asked. "I do," she said simply. "Everyone does, unless they are lying about it. It's just easier for us girls to conceal the evidence, and whether or not we're aroused. You poor guys have to walk about with tent poles in your pants." She eyed my erection again and stretched. "Well, now that we've set the ground rules, I'm heading out for a while. I'm cooking your favorite dinner tonight." She leaned forward to kiss me on top of the head. She left the room, and moments later I heard her pull out of the driveway. I didn't wait to go upstairs. I had unzipped my jeans and freed my dick immediately. It was rock hard, pulsing, and dripping pre-cum. I ran my hand up and down the shaft slowly, using my own arousal as lubrication. My mind was buzzing, unable to focus, and I was halfway to an orgasm when I let go violently. I did not want to come, not yet. I want to build up, to really explode for her. I let my orgasm fade away and began again, stroking in earnest but stopping short of coming. I did this three more times, until I was in agony, and then got out of bed. I walked around the house naked and did some chores, my dick throbbing and dripping pre-cum everywhere. I was thankful for tile floors. When my dick finally shrank down I started to stroke it again, building myself up and stopping. Finally, after hours of getting close, I stopped altogether, and let everything subside and got dressed. When Jen came home I was on edge. I felt a dull ache in my pants, half pleasurable, half uncomfortable. She still had her tiny shorts and tank top on, and she cooked me my favorite dinner, drinking white wine in the kitchen as she cooked. I sat with her, enjoying talking to her and enjoying the view. After dinner she pulled out the French movie I had snuck up to my room so many times. She grinned as put it on, draping her legs across me as she always did. I was a little jumpy, and my erection had me leaking more pre-cum than usual. The movie was about a young man discovering sex with his neighbor, and then her mother. It was very erotic, with enough full frontal to be enticing to a teenager. I still found it thrilling to watch. "This is pretty steamy," she said lazily. She shifted a little, her leg moving up my thigh. I twitched, and rested my arm on her calf to keep her from accidentally bumping my erection. On screen, the young man was talking to his neighbor's mother, her flirtation obvious. In a few minutes she'd invite him inside, and then unbutton her blouse a few buttons when he isn't looking. The would end in a sex scene that usually got me off. "I can't believe we even bought this movie," she said. "It's so raunchy." "I don't mind it," I said. I knew there was a scene later in the movie where he gets a blowjob from the neighbor's mom, and I wondered if she remembered that scene. "Do you think it's weird?" "The movie," she asked. "No, just a little silly." "I meant the BJ," I said. "I mean, you're my stepmom." "Ah," she said, adjusting her head to look at me. "I see what you mean. No, not really. If you can keep a secret, I've done worse. My sister and I borrowed our stepbrother's car when he came home from college one year. And we wrecked his car. It wasn't totaled, but he'd have to go back to college without it for a while. He was pretty mad but didn't let us know. I felt really bad. And so, after a night of drinking a little too much, I offered him a BJ to repay what we did to his car. I thought he'd say no, but he went for it, so I went down on him. "What I didn't know is that my sister Charlotte had the same idea, but when she brought it up to him the next day, I guess I had given him so much confidence that he talked her into going all the way. So, while all I did was a BJ, she got taken from behind over the kitchen table. I guess I got off easier, so to speak." She laughed at her little joke, and then turned back to the movie as if what she had just told me was as mundane as a shopping list. I had missed the first sex scene, but I didn't care. Hearing Jen tell me that story had my dick and heart throbbing. To know she had sucked her stepbrother, had broken some kind of societal norm, and had at least twice used sex as a tool, made me view her in a different light. Part of memost of me actualexpected her to change her mind. I was, until that pointconvinced that the blowjob was probably not happening. But now that uncertainty was gone, and I was nervous. The movie continued, but Jen fell asleep, her legs draped on me still. The movie ended with the young man in bed with the neighbor, the mother spying through the door, her face inscrutable. I shifted her legs to move, and she partially woke, her eyes still closed. "Movie over?" she muttered. "I'm sorry I fell asleep." She was half out of it. "It's ok," I whispered. "Do you need help up to bed?" She nodded, her eyes still closed. "She reached out lazily, and I tried to help her up. She got up and started to slip back down. "I'll just sleep here," she muttered, flopping onto the couch. "Good night." She flopped heavily onto the couch, her tits jiggling under her shirt. Her legs were spread out, one hanging off the couch while the other was propped up by cushions. As I looked her over I could see up her shorts. The light blue cotton fabric of her underwear was soaking wet. I stared as long as I dared, and then headed to my room, my dick dripping precum down my leg. Chapter 3 I slept in the next morning. I woke up with a raging erection but fought the temptation to deal with it. I lay there, my pants on the floor, feeling the cool fabric against my engorged member. I was in a state of constant arousal, leaking precum everywhere. I wondered if it would be better to jerk off, just to relieve the pressure. I also wondered if my long wait would make me last only a second or two in Jen's mouth. I picked up my phone to look up the effects of abstention on stamina, when I noticed I had several text messages from the night before. My alerts turn off in the evening, so I had missed them. I unlocked my phone and opened the message app. I had several unread messages from an unknown number. The first read "Hi, it's Laura." The second read "I had a good time, and I was hoping you were up for some for fun." My dick twitched, and I felt even more pre-cum run down the shaft. The third message said "If you need a little incentive..." and was followed by a picture. It was of Laura, her shirt pulled down and her tits out. They were massive, inviting. The final message was also a picture. She was nude, turned to the side, showing me the side of her breasts as well as her curvy hips and round ass. I texted back "Definitely." Then, thinking a bit, I added, "You look amazing." She must have been on her phone, because seconds later she replied. "Thank you! I thought you'd like them...Are you free soon?" There was a pause as she sent her next message, which was a picture of her lying in bed, topless, and a text that read, "I feel like skipping work." "Good morning," I head from the door. I dropped my phone, adjusting the sheet over my dick. Jen stood in the door frame, looking at me. "Did I interrupt anything?" "No," I said, "Just waking up." "I see," she said. She was dressed for work. I fidgeted, trying to hide my erection. She walked into the room and sat on the bed. "Any plans today?" "No," I said, shaking my head. I realized my sheets had wet spots from all of the pre-cum, but I tried not to draw attention to them. "Good. Tonight, let's watch a different movie. My pick, okay?" She leaned forward to kiss me on top of the head. Her shirt opened, showing me her cleavage. She noticed my eyes, and I turned red. "Sneaking a peak, huh? She was still leaning forward and raised her head and lowered her torso, showing even more of her cleavage. As she did, she right arm bumped against my rigid member. I stammered an apology but she just laughed sweetly. "I know how they work, Steven. You can't hide that thing under a thin sheet." She paused, bumping it again with her arm. Then she sat up, biting her lip. She had a mischievous look on her face. She got up and then sat down softly on my lap. Her ass pressed against my dick, pinning it against my stomach. "The first time I sat on someone's hard on," she said sweetly, "I was surprised, but I pretended not to notice." She ground against me subtly, grinning. She wore leggings, so there was minimal fabric between us. Her flowery top cascaded over her hips. I was trapped as she sat right on my dick, her ass gently rubbing against me. "It's amazing that something so soft can get so hard," she mused. She kept barely moving, her ass pressed against me. I couldn't take it anymore. Days of not touching myself, days of sexual frustration and anticipation erupted from deep inside me. I came, my dick pulsing violently against her ass. My dick kept pulsing, flooding the sheet around me, soaking through it. Jen took it all in stride, as if this were completely normal. She remained still as the aftershocks of my orgasm rippled through me, and then stood up. There was a massive wet spot on her black leggings. She looked them over, and then at the mess on the sheets. "I'm going to change, then I'm going to work," she said. She kissed me on the cheek, lingering as I looked down her shirt. "See ya, Steven," she said sweetly. She gave me a grin and left the room. I lay there for a bit, and then picked up my phone and sent Laura a text message. "Are you free in an hour?" After Jen left I showered and headed over to Laura's house. She greeted me in a white t-shirt and faded jeans. The jeans were low-rise, and her shirt was cropped so a bit of her midriff was showing. Her wide hips swayed as she led me into the house. "I'm glad you wrote me back," she said, looking over her shoulder. Despite having come a massive amount an hour beforehand, I was hard just looking at her. I knew that she talked to Jen, but I didn't know if she knew that I knew about it. That convoluted logic had me thinking as I got ready to see her. I wondered just how badly Laura wanted to get laid. I figured pretty badly, so I pressed my luck. I stepped close to her, putting my hands around her waist. She stopped walking, and I pulled her close to me. I pressed against her from behind, sliding my hands under her shirt. I lifted her shirt off in one motion, tossing it over my shoulder as I turned her around. She had nothing underneath, and her impressive tits were heaving with each breath. I hooked two fingers into the waistband of her jeans and pulled her close. This action was so familiar, so forward, and she responded in kind. She pressed against me as I unzipped her jeans. She had nothing on underneath them as well, and my hand slid over her bushy pubic hairalready dampand over her wet labia. "What do you want to do?" she whispered in my ear. "I'm yours." "I have some ideas," I said, unzipping my jeans. Without hesitation she dropped to her knees and pulled my dick out. She immediately took it into her mouth, moaning as it slid into her mouth. I held her hair gently, guiding her as she sucked my dick. Her tits swayed as she moved back and forth, her hands on my ass as she took me deep into her mouth. I stepped back, enjoying the view as she sucked me on her knees. I pulled my phone out of my back pocket and held it up. She nodded, leaning back on her hands as I snapped a few pictures of her like that. Then I kicked off my jeans and pulled off my shirt. I helped her up, and then surprised her again by scooping her up into my arms. She laughed as I held her, her tits pressed against me. "Bedroom's upstairs," she said, her voice almost inaudible. I carried her upstairs to the bedroom, setting her gently on the bed. She spread her legs, her chest heaving in anticipation. She was dripping wet, and I wanted to taste her. I knelt between her legs and then went down, my tongue gliding over her labia. "Oh fuck, yes," she cried out as my tongue encircled her clit. She clamped down on me with her thighs. I licked her clit with focused intensity, while I gently probed her pussy with two fingers. I slid into her, feeling the upper wall of her pussy until I heard her moan out loud. I concentrated my fingers' efforts there while licking her furiously, and soon I felt the walls of her pussy pulse hard around my fingers. She cried out, clamping harder with her thighs, bucking her hips. I held on through her orgasm, enjoying the feeling of her losing control. I kept licking, thrusting with my fingers, and she came again, moaning my name as her whole body shook. "Stop," she cried, and I sat up. My face dripped with her wetness. "I want you inside me right now," she said. I knelt between her and guided my swollen member into her. I slid in effortlessly. She was so wet I could hear myself penetrate her. She gasped once I had entered her completely. I leaned back and started to thrust into her. Her tits shook as our bodies slapped together. She made a whimpering sound, and I leaned forward, bracing myself with my arms as I collapsed against her. I ground right against her clit, my mouth searching over her tits, gently biting her nipple as I buried my face in her soft flesh. The clit grinding did the trick, and she came. She wrapped her legs around me as I thrust against her, feeling her pussy grip my dick as her orgasm overwhelmed her. She cried out, whimpering and moaning as I kept thrusting into her. I was getting close and I wanted to enjoy myself longer, so when her climax ended I pulled out of her. She was breathing hard, and I grabbed her by the hips and flipped her over. She raised her ass in the air, parting her legs slightly. Her pussy was dripping strands of wetness. My dick was covered in her wetness, and as I got behind her to guide myself back in even more came out of her. "Fuck me hard," she said, her voice hoarse. I obliged, thrusting into her, making her ample ass jiggle as I slapped against her. I reached forward and grabbed her hair, holding it in my right hand as my left hand held her ass. She arched her back as I fucked her hard, her pussy tightening as she came yet again. She moaned louder, calling my name, and I lost it. I knew I was about to come, and I thrust deep into her and erupted. She fell forward and I popped out of her pussy, still shooting cum. Thick ropes of it flew up her back and splattered her ass. She laughed as I kept coming, coating her with it. Despite having come an enormous load earlier, it seemed I had a lot left in me. I fell down next to her, my dick pressed against her thigh. We were a sticky mess, glistening with sweat and breathing hard. She rolled onto her side to face me. Her thighs were wet from her pussy, and her messy hair was just about the hottest thing I'd ever seen. "Mmmm, thank you," she said lazily, running a hand over her left breast. I rolled onto my back as she got out of bed, walking to the mirror and pulling her hair up in a bun. I watched the cum drip down her back and off her ass as she spoke. "Listen, Steven, this is fun, right? I want to be honest with you, to let you know that this is really great, but I'd like to keep it like this. Just sex." I nodded, my chest heaving. She walked over to me and sat on the edge of the bed. Her pussy was still leaking, leaving a mess everywhere. "Good," she said. "Because this, this is pretty amazing." She gestured at the two of us. "Can I see you again soon?" "Yes," I said, sitting up. I was spent, a complete mess, and oddly enough, hungry. "I'll text you," she said, kissing me once. "I've got to get to work," she sighed. "And I've got to seriously clean up." When I got home I ate voraciously and then took a long shower. I was glad that Laura wanted to keep things completely physical, because I didn't know how I'd be able to date a forty-year-old woman anyway. I was happy to provide what she needed, because most men of any age would give anything for one chance with her. While I showered she had sent me a photo of herself fresh from the shower, with the caption "I'm still dripping wet." I knew what she meant. My dick roared back to life as my mind replayed our morning together. When Jen came home from work I had been walking around with an erection for hours. It had ebbed and returned throughout the day, and when she changed from her work clothes it was back to full attention. She had a pleated skirt and a tank top on, her long legs catching my attention. Her sandy hair fell in front of her eyes, and each time she flipped it away I felt an emotion I could not describe. It was more than lust, and certainly not guilt. We talked about our day, and then she took me out to dinner. It was an open-air restaurant that overlooked a lake, a quiet place where we sat in a corner table in relative isolation. "So, about this morning," she said. "I hope that was okay. You're not upset, right?" "Um, no," I said. "Of course not. I was surprised, sure, but not mad. I mean, it's been a weird week, right? You send your friend over to get some, without telling me. Then you say you'll go down to repay me, and then today you sit on it and I come. I mean, you've got to take these things in stride." She laughed, "I'm glad, because it has been a weird week. When I set it up with Laura, I worried if I was doing the wrong thing. And then, well, let's just say it's taken a lot to get to where we are. Besides, you looked like you were going to explode for days. I wanted your blowjob to last more than ten seconds. "Once I blew a boyfriend after he had been gone for a week. I don't think I even got it past my lips when he came. Which was fine and all, but if your stepmom's going to suck your dick, I think it should last a little while, so I can really make amends for not talking to you about Laura first." We ate and made small talk, the whole time that indescribable feeling coming and going. When we got home she made a bowl of popcorn and put on a movie. It was also French, one I had never seen before. She sat sideways next to me, throwing her legs over me. Her skirt was already short, and it rode up a bit as she got comfortable, so her bare thighs almost up to her ass were visible. The movie was subtitled and opened with a young man sitting on the beach, naked. He was probably in his early twenties but was playing a few years younger. He was reading, his eyes occasionally scanning the horizon. The scene cut to the water, where a woman was emerging from the surf. She was nude, a curvy brunette with massive tits and wide hips. The camera closed in on the water dripping off her tits and bushy pubic hair. These French, they know how to make a movie, I thought to myself. Jen shifted a little, one leg sliding toward my knees and one sliding closer to the erection that strained against my jeans. The movie shifted cameras back to the young man, whose dick was now erect as he looked at the woman approaching him. The dialog started, and I almost jumped in my seat. It was his stepmother. They spoke as the woman on screen sat next to him on the towel, seemingly oblivious to his erection. The scene shifted to the evening, where the woman was in the bathroom, showering, and he was watching her through a crack in the door. Jen's leg bumped my erection accidentally, and I put my hand on her knee to stop her. My eyes roamed over her legs, and her tits which were almost vacuum sealed in her tight tank top. "Interesting movie choice," I said. "Hmm," she replied absentmindedly. "Oh, yeah. I saw this years ago. I thought you might like it, since you have a thing for French movies." She emphasized the word French and slightly adjusted her legs on mine. My hand moved up her thigh involuntarily. We watched the movie in silence. The popcorn sat on the coffee table, untouched. The movie plot was straightforward. Stepmom and stepson on holiday. Lots of nudity because its French. He keeps making overtures at her, and she ignores them, but secretly she is attracted. The movie's climaxso to speakwas when the stepmom enters his room. She had a thin robe on, and dropped onto the floor with a flourish. Then she takes off his pants, and there was a simulated sex scene between them. The scene ended and Jen paused the movie. She sat up, pulling her legs off of me. I was about to ask her what was up when she turned to face me, and put her hands on my zipper. She grinned and unzipped my jeans. Wordlessly she reached in and freed my dick. It sprang out, ready and dripping. She then got on her knees on the couch and leaned forward. Her tits rested against my thigh and her ass was in the air as she kissed the shaft of my dick. Her wet lips pressed against my dick, and she ran her tongue along its length. I leaned back as she took me into her mouth as far as she could, and then released me altogether. She sat up on her knees, grinning. Her lips glistened. "Take off your pants," she said quietly. I slid them off, kicking them onto the floor. She bent over and resumed, taking me in her hand and working the shaft with a gentle grip as she bobbed up and down. Her tits kept rubbing against me, her tank top showing a great deal of cleavage. Her pleated skirt shifted, sliding up her back and revealing black cotton underwear. My hand ran over her short hair as she sucked my dick slowly, pausing every so often to give it a few good strokes. I ran my hand up her back and over the top of her ass. As I did, she let go of my dick and took it even further into her mouth. She paused as I reached the back of her mouth, focusing her movements there. She moaned softly as she continued to suck me, twisting her hand around my shaft as she bobbed up and down. I gripped her ass harder, knowing that I was getting closer to coming. She took me out of her mouth, gripping my shaft hard, and slid her lips over the length of my dick. I came, spurting a thick rope of cum high in the air. In landed in her hair, and as the second burst of cum issued out of me she opened her mouth and took me back in as that second rope hit her cheek. She swallowed as I kept coming, my dick pulsing in her mouth. "Oh my god," I said, sinking hard into the couch as I kept pumping cum into her mouth. She swallowed all of it, and then lay her cum-splattered cheek on my thigh and curled up in a ball next to me. She reached for the remote, wordlessly, and started the movie again. The simulated sex scene continued, until they panned away, and I saw that the young actor had indeed penetrated the actress. They continued to actually fuck on screen for a minute, and then he grunted and came inside her. The scene faded to black. The rest of the movie was about their sadness at vacation's end and a return to the regular world. There were hints that things would continue as the final scene faded to black. The credits scrolled past and Jen flopped onto her back, her tits jiggling in her shirt. She was still laying on my thigh, dried cum on her cheek and in her hair. She was inches from my flaccid dick, which still dribbled a little bit of semen onto my thigh and, now, into her hair. "Even?" she said mischievously. I nodded, and she grinned. "I can't describe how amazing that was. Thank you." "You're welcome," she beamed. She was upside down from my perspective, and her blue eyes were brilliant and alive. That odd feeling returned, even in my sexually satisfied state. "After Laura, I wanted to make it up to you, but I didn't know how until you had the best idea of all time." "Thanks," I said, laughing. "But, listen, I need to tell you something. Laura sent me some texts, and wanted to get together, you know. For some casual sex." "I know," Jen said with a grin. "She asked me, first. I figured you could make up your own mind about it." "But you still went through with it?" I said. "Of course I did. I said I would, didn't I? Besides, it wasn't torture, you know. I happen to like doing that." "And you're cool with my visiting Laura?" I said. "I don't' know," she said, frowning and biting her lip. She rolled onto her stomach, her legs in the air. Her eyes were inches from my dick, which was starting to harden slightly. "Do I have to keep sucking you?" "I hadn't thought about it," I said. "No, I guess you don't." "How about I suck you anyway," she said, taking my turgid member in her hand. "Since my friend is calling you up to get laid. I feel responsible for putting you in this situation." "If it eases your conscience," I said, and she engulfed my dick in her mouth. Within a minute I was fully erect, my hand on her ass under her skirt as she bobbed on my dick again. She raised her ass in the air, darting a hand between her legs. The skirt hid her hand but she rubbed furiously as she sucked my dick a second time. I took my other hand and gently held her short hair, guiding her up and down on my dick. I thrust my hips upward, fucking her mouth as she moaned. She came, her body shaking as my dick popped out of her mouth. It rested against her face as she cried out from her climax. She took me back into her mouth, rubbing herself even harder. Jen came again, and again, until I lost count. She stopped rubbing and gripped me with both hands, stroking me until I gasped loudly. I came, and this time several shots hit her face and hair before she could get me back into her mouth. I was exhausted, my entire body spent, and as I pulsed cum onto her mouth most of it leaked back out. She, too, was tired. When I stopped coming she gently pushed me back on the couch, and then lay next to me. My dick, sticky with cum, rested against her bare thigh. She took my arm and put it around her waist, nestling tight against me. We slowly drifted into sleep, our bodies plastered together, or breathing shallow and slow. End of Part 1 to be continued.... pics---->> https://bit.ly/2ReHUJI
Title: Hot Dogs Hot Sun, Hot Moms Hot Fun Summary: I've had a thing for Tracy for years. Keywords: Fiction, Group Sex, Lesbian, Male / Females I've had a thing for Tracy for years. It started on the very first day of my sons pre-school, where she was also dropping her son off at the same time. She was this adorable petite brunette, dressed comfortably in a sundress and cute sandals showing adorable toes, and we smiled at one another. And that was it. Except for one thing. Because the first little-known fact about hot moms and dropping kids off at pre-school, is that they are preoccupied with hugging their kids goodbye. And pre-school kids are short. And hot moms have to either crouch to kiss their kids, or lean way forward. Meaning there are often delightful sights to be had, and on that fateful first day of school, I got a glimpse all the way up Tracy's sundress, to the most delightfully hairless sight I think I had ever seen. Upskirt and down-blouse views of moms hot and cold are a great perk to dropping your kids off at pre-school, if you're a slightly twisted individual. I fit that description. And that was it. Over the following years, my son and hers became friends, and I'd hear about Timmy from time to time. They weren't necessarily inseparable best friends, and not in the same class, they just bonded a little and I'd hear about him from time to time. Which leads to the second little known fact about being a parent: you'll often have no idea what the kids last name is. Sure, some of time you know, but if for example the kids are in different classes or if there isn't a birthday party where you see the last name written down, you frequently only know kids by their first name, which is all the kids care about anyway. In Tracy's case, it was one of those times. At first I didn't know her name at all, and later on, I sent a few more years not knowing her last name either. After a couple years of waving, nods, and casual hellos and smiles, I finally talked to Timmy's hot mom in the parking lot while our boys played by the swing sets. "I'm Tracy, by the way. All these years, we've never actually had the chance to talk. I hear so much about your son!" "Jack. And very nice to meet you! I feel like I know you and Timmy already!" I smiled, and we continued small talk while our kids played. Eventually, it was time to leave. The boys came over, and wanted to go to the movies this Saturday. It seemed like a good idea, and Tracy and I exchanged numbers. And as I mentioned, you don't always bother with last names, and I plugged her number into my cell phone, and she plugged mine into hers. We were busy talking, so I just saved the name as "Tracy" in my phone's contact list and we agreed to meet at the theater by the mall for the 10:00 a.m. kid's matinee. Again, all perfectly innocent, and the day went by without a hitch. I will add that I have a bit of a sense of humor, so I save contacts in my phone with sometimes amusing names, such as "Joe Car Mechanic", "Bob Plumber", "Sonya Dentist" and so on. So one day shortly thereafter, I edited Tracy's contact entry to "Tracy Timmy's Hot Mom", just to be funny. At least in my own mind it was funny, and nobody would ever see, so it was my own inside joke to myself. On another occasion, I saw her in the parking lot after a school play, talking to another mom. Keep in mind, she's incredibly attractive and nice to look at, so I usually would remember whenever I saw her. On this day, she was talking to another mom (also hot, a voluptuous blonde) I had seen around, except they were standing unusually close to one another, and in addition, gazing deep into one another's eyes and having a very intimate conversation. I didn't think too much of it, other than wishing they'd make out and let me watch. I am, after all, still a typical male, and hot moms making out is sexy. At this stage of the game, I still didn't really know her that well, but she was attractive and sexy enough, that she was a frequent visitor to my daydreams. Fast forward even a few more years: At about age ten, the boys had gotten to be even better friends, and there were many times I dropped my son off to visit Timmy. I discovered that Tracy lived with a woman, actually the same woman I had seen her talking to before, and that Tracy and the woman were a couple, quietly living their life together, not drawing unusual attention to themselves, but not hiding their lifestyle either. "More power to them." I thought to myself. Don't get me wrong. I may be all grown up and enlightened, but Tracy was still beautiful, her roommate was also beautiful, and even if I realized there probably wasn't much hope, I still fantasized about Tracy, and now the roommate too. I imagined what they would look like together, and of course, I imagined what all three of us would look like together too. Deep down inside, I realized this was just a fantasy, and I just behaved normally and appropriately, and we were all happy that our kids had some nice friends for one another. So all this leads up to this summer. The end of school arrived, the kids still played together, and one day, I got a text from Tracy about a summer Fourth of July pool party at her house, except it was actually happening on July 1st. She also made it clear parents were invited too. I accepted, and told her I would bring my famous Strawberry Shortcake, which I made by hand, all by myself. Realistically, the Strawberry Shortcake was quite good, but it probably wasn't really all that famous. I name my Strawberry Shortcakes the same way I name contacts in my phone, with a generous bit of creative license. I arrive at the party with my son and my famous Strawberry Shortcake, and ring the doorbell. They have an ornate front door with a glass mosaic, where you can see a little bit through the glass, but not too much. I see a shape I recognize as Tracy coming to the door, and she opens the door and welcomes us in. I tried not to look too obvious as I gasped, because Tracy was in an adorable little bikini, nothing inappropriate, except for how magnificent she looked. It turned out she isn't just petite and adorable, she is also fit and firm. And the bikini top wasn't heavily padded, so there were nipple outlines to be seen through the fabric. She looked amazing. I come in, and there is the roommate, also gorgeous, except she was (as usual) overdressed. She was a girly-girl type, long blonde hair, blue eyes, big boobs, always made up wonderfully, hair perfect, make-up perfect, and a seemingly always a little overdressed for whatever the occasion. Today for example, it is a summer pool party, but she is in impeccably pressed linen shorts, an expensive top, and cute strappy sandals. She looked marvelous of course, just a bit out of place and overdressed for the occasion. We have a great fun day. There were about ten kids, two or three other parents, and Tracy and her roommate. There were hot dogs, kids jumping in pools, a game of back-yard volleyball, ice cream cones, a good time all around. During the volleyball game, I was actually a little surprised that the roommate joined us, since she might get sweaty, but as I would soon learn, she was full of surprises. She was actually very athletic, a former collegiate athlete, and better at volleyball than all the rest of us combined. It was still just back-yard volleyball though, more time chasing the ball than actually making any proper hits over the net (other than the roommate). Tracy and her roommate looked absolutely magnificent, and only got sexier as they built up a layer of glistening sweat. Tracy with beads of sweat visible on her abdomen, the roommate with sweat in her ample and tastefully visible cleavage. I also had to try to distract myself to avoid getting aroused, because they were quite affectionate as they played, occasionally bumping hips or patting one another on the back for good plays. The game ended when one of the kids hit the ball way off into the distance. I trotted down to the end of the yard to get the ball, and by the time I turned around, everyone was heading back to the house, Tracy and her roommate bringing up the rear of the crowd, and had probably forgotten that I was behind them, because they stole a kiss on the lips while they thought no-one was looking. This was obviously arousing to my simple man's mind, two beautiful women kissing, but I had to also admit, it was really sweet. They clearly were very happy together, and it wasn't just hot and sexy, it was touching and romantic. Obviously, I still wanted to watch them having hot sweaty sex then get to join them, but still, it was sweet to see their relationship. More urgent, however: I needed this erection to go down. I held the volleyball in front of me, as hopefully a distraction, and thankfully, things settled down a bit. The pool party proceeded. At one point, I got my phone out, and started taking lots of pictures. My phone has a decent camera, and some of the pictures came out extremely well, including lots of hilarious candid shots. I also confess, there were times where I timed my snapshots to include Tracy or her roommate in the background, so I would secretly still have some photos of them to look at later. I got one while she was in the pool, and her nipples were even more pronounced in that picture. I couldn't wait to get home to zoom in on it. At dusk, people were getting tired, so the arrival of the mosquitoes was just the excuse everyone was looking for to call the party over. All the other families left, leaving me and my son as the last guests present. During the extended goodbye session, I mentioned that I had gotten some great pictures, and got out my phone to show the particularly funny ones. "Oh my god, that's hilarious! Send them to me!" Tracy said. She was standing right next to me in order to see the pictures, leaning over and peering at my phone. "Definitely." I said. Then I remembered that if I sent them right then, Tracy would see the "Tracy Timmy's Hot Mom" name I had assigned to her in the phone book. I tried to delay, and said, "OK, I'll collect them all together, and send them all over in a bit." Tracy had no idea why I was delaying. "OK, but send that one of them jumping in the pool right now, I have to send that to my family, they will die laughing." "Umm... Ok." I said. This was going to be awkward, because she was still standing right next to me, and seemingly had no intention of looking away or letting me off the hook. I started typing in her phone number, instead of navigating through the contact list, in hopes that she would stop looking at my phone, but instead, she started reading off her phone number. "That's five-five-five, six-seven-nine..." and she proceeded to read off her number. The problem is that I knew that once I typed in the full number, the phone would automatically recognize the number, and display the contact list entry. I intentionally made a typo, still holding out hope Tracy would stop looking at my screen as I typed. "No, no, no, you typed it in wrong. It's six-seven-nine." she corrected me. Finally I gave up. I wasn't getting off the hook, she wasn't looking away, and I had no choice but to type in the number. As I typed in the final digit, the display changed from the phone number to "Tracy Timmy's Hot Mom". I was embarrassed of course, but Tracy chuckled as she saw it. "Sorry." I said with a laugh. Even after all these years, I still don't actually know your last name!" "Well, I'm flattered." she said. "It's Smith-Davis, by the way. But you can leave it the way it is." Tracy seemed genuinely flattered. She had a grin she just couldn't contain. Like an erection, for the facial muscles, I chuckled to myself, since my erection wasn't exactly under my control either. "Well, OK." I said, and sent the picture. She was still standing next to me, and I suddenly became aware that my forearm and hers were touching. She was standing so close. "Tell ya what, let me fix it." I said, and went to my contact list, edited her entry, and changed the name to 'Tracy Smith-Jones Timmy's Hot Mom'. "Better?" I joked, and she nodded. She seemed genuinely flattered that I had noticed. Even though to my sophisticated and observant eye, I knew she was a stunningly beautiful woman, I also realized that simpler men probably checked out her big-boobed blonde-haired roommate more than they did her. Keep in mind, I'm not criticizing her roommate at all, I just was smart enough to notice how beautiful Tracy was, more so than her roommate. Still, the party was over, it was late, and it was time to go. We said our goodbyes, and I took my son and dropped him off at my ex-wife's house. I thought the evening was more or less over, when a text from Tracy arrived. "Hey, the kids are all gone. We're having a couple drinks, if you happen to be free?" and ended with a smiley face. "That sounds great! Be right there!" I replied, also with a smiley face. "Can I bring anything?" "Just yourself, come on over! We're by the pool, so just walk around the side of the house; we might not hear the doorbell." "OK, be there in about ten minutes!" I replied. The drive took about five minutes instead of ten; all the traffic lights along the way seemed to be on my side. I arrived and parked out front. No other cars were there, which made my happy. Even though I was keeping my hopes and daydreams in check, I still couldn't help but hope. I walked around the side of the house and turned the corner, when I had to stop dead in my tracks. The roommate was squatting in front of Tracy, Tracy's left leg was raised and resting on the roommates shoulder and the roommate had pulled the fabric of Tracy's bikini off to the side, and was hungrily tonguing Tracy's pussy. I couldn't believe my eyes, and couldn't help but watch for a moment. I realized I had said ten minutes, but gotten there early, so I couldn't be sure if they were putting on a show for me, or if they were just stealing a moment before I got there. I decided to be cautious and considerate, so I backtracked carefully, went back to my car, opened the door, and then slammed it shut loudly. I walked back around the side of the house, and before I turned the corner, I said in a moderately loud voice, "I'm he-eere!", so that they would know I was arriving. I obviously hoped they were still fooling around, but this way, I was being a good courteous houseguest. I walked a little extra slowly, so they had maybe three seconds to stop, if that's what they were going to do. I turned the corner, and they were standing right next to one another, with embarrassed grins on their faces. They had indeed stopped, but obviously, had to do it in a hurry. "Hey there, come on in! There are tons of leftovers, and we are going to hop in the pool." "Excellent idea!" I said. I hadn't changed; I was still in my swim trunks and a T-Shirt. Tracy was still in her bikini, but with a T-shirt over it, and the roommate said she would go change. Tracy and I stepped in the pool, which felt marvelous. It was warm and quiet, without the voices of screaming and shouting boys all around. We were in the shallow end of the pool, facing the sliding glass doors to the house, and had a few moments to talk about how much fun the boys had, what a great day it was, how nice the night was. The roommate finally came back, this time in her swimsuit. She was tall and voluptuous, in contrast to Tracy's very buff petite body, but she was equally spectacular, just in a different way. She was in an expensive looking one-piece swimsuit, but with very high leg openings that went up above her hip bone and a plunging neck line down to her navel, with her cleavage in full view. She was of course still overdressed, with a different pair of expensive heeled sandals and a silk robe (unsashed), and something in her hand. She walked over to the pool, and went through an elaborate process of taking off the silk robe, taking off her shoes, and now using what was in her hands, started pinning up her hair. "Just get in the damn pool!" Tracy said in a joking voice. "Geez, fine! I'm just pinning up my hair!" the roommate said. "Now!" Tracy said. "You're such a girl!" she joked. "You like me being a girl!" the roommate replied with a little sass. By now, she was gracefully walking toward the pool, and gingerly stepping in and down the steps into the pool. "Well, that's true. You're all woman!" Tracy said. By now, the roommate was in the pool, and Tracy welcomed her with an embrace, and instinctively they kissed, right in front of me. They both sighed a little, and Tracy broke off the kiss and said, "Sorry, hope you don't mind." "Oh, no, not at all!" I was thankful we were a little more than waist deep, because seeing them kiss made me instantly hard. "Again, again!" I joked. "Ok then!" they both said, and embraced even more passionately and kissed passionately, this time for about ten seconds, including the roommate sliding her hand into the bottom of Tracy's bikini and copping a feel. "Ok, sorry. We won't torture you any more." Tracy said, and we proceeded to just reflect on what a great day it had been for the kids. I was doing quite a good job retaining my composure, but still, two incredibly gorgeous lesbian women had just kissed, right in front of me. The two of them were not only gorgeous though, they had a really nice relationship, filled with back and forth joking with one another and fake insults to one another, all in a very friendly and affectionate way. They were obviously very happy together, but still, they obviously had an interesting history, since both of them clearly had been with men in earlier chapters of their lives. Nonetheless, I seemed to blend in well with them, and I joined in the banter, and we were all enjoying one another's company. "Let's go inside, get something to eat." the roommate suggested. We all agreed, and went inside. The banter continued, as we grazed on the myriad of leftover pool party food. There were plates with several hot dogs left over, about half of my famous strawberry shortcake, fourth-of-July themed star shaped cookies, plus potato salad, chips, salsa, and other pool party appropriate food. They complimented me on my famous strawberry shortcake, to which I replied that it was one of my special talents. They were both impressed, and the roommate said something about needing to hear more about my talents. I wasn't sure if that was innuendo or not, so I decided to pretend I didn't see the possibility that it was. The pleasant banter continued, both of them teasing one another about various things. Tracy joked about the roommates cleavage, the roommate joked about Tracy's nipples poking an eye out, and I pretended to need a drink, but in fact, I needed to go and stand on the other side of the kitchen's large center island, to conceal my erection at their increasingly innuendo filled conversation. The roommate, had of course, put her silk robe and fancy sandals back on. Tracy joked, "God, you're so uptight! You always overdress!" "You like it that way, remember?" the roommate retorted. "Plus, you love me for my many talents too." "Fair enough." Tracy replied. Then a sly grin came across her face. "Ok, since we were talking about special talents. Show Jack YOUR special talent." and she took a hot dog wiener out of a bun, and handed it to the roommate. The roommate feigned reluctance, but clearly, she wanted to play along. After a hem and two haws, she complied. "Fine. We'll ask HIM if I'm uptight, after he sees this. We'll let him be the judge, I'll show you!" the roommate said as she took the sausage, held it by the very end, and inserted the entire thing into her mouth and deep throated the entire hot dog. She wasn't done, though; she took the hot dog and pulled it out of her mouth, sealing her lips around it so it was sliding seductively out of her mouth, then back all the way into her mouth and out, ending with inserting even her fingers into her mouth to take the hot dog all the way into her throat. "See? Definitely NOT uptight." "No, no, I'm going with not uptight!" I said, with an appreciative chuckle. "That's talent. Pure talent!" I said. "Well, I have talents too!" Tracy said. And with a prance, she turned her back to the counter behind her, hoisted herself up on the counter, and in a graceful move, put her right ankle then her left behind her neck. Then to top it off, she placed her palms on the countertop, and in a gymnastic move, actually lifted her entire body up off the counter. The sight was amazing, not just from her gymnastic prowess, but also because the stretching and flexibility also tugged her swimsuit fabric into the slit of her vagina, and additionally, exposed her outer lips entirely as she did it. "Wow!" was all I could manage to say. "Show-off!" the roommate joked. "And put your privates back in your pants!" as she reached right in to Tracy's bikini bottoms, and guided the fabric back out, obviously touching Tracy's pussy as she did. Wow, that was hot. "So how about you, Jack? Do you have any special talents?" Tracy asked, as she got down from the countertop. "Well... I do have this one talent. It maybe isn't in the same league as yours, but..." "Show us!" they both interrupted, enthusiastically drowning me out. "Well, Ok." I said. Alongside the strawberry shortcake, was a can of whipped cream, the kind with the long nozzle that you press off to one side to dispense the whipped cream. I took two of the star shaped cookies, and carefully laid them out on a paper plate, in a position where both were aligned, one tip of the star up top on both of them, in a way that suggested they were people's bodies, head, two arms, and two legs. I took the can of whipped cream and a third start shaped cookie, and positioned the nozzle of the can between the two tips of the cookie representing the legs, and I made a thrusting motion of the cookie plus the can with the nozzle sticking through the legs. I positioned the nozzle over the cookie on the plate on the right, and pressed down on the nozzle to cause some whipped cream to spurt out of the nozzle. Then a second, then a third little dispensal of whipped cream on the first cookie. Then I repeated the action, this time over the second cookie, fake thrusting and pumping for a bit, then spurting a little whipped cream on the representative crotch and stomach of the second cookie. "Twice." I said. "My special talent is being able to, uhh... you know. Twice." The ladies nodded, impressed. "Really?" said the roommate. "Really." I replied. "Look at the mess you made!" Tracy said in a scolding but joking voice. "Which one is me, the one on the right or the left?" By chance, one cookie had more white icing on it than the other, whereas the other had more red. Tracy's bikini was red, so I pointed at the red one and said, "That one." Tracy picked up the cookie representing herself, and took the part representing her head, and positioned it over the cookie representing her roommate, and took the head part of her cookie and mimicking licking, got all the whipped cream off of the roommate cookie's crotch area. "There. All cleaned up now. I always have to keep things clean." "Hold on now, you're still all messy!" the roommate said. She took the Tracy cookie and held it in her palm. She then picked up her cookie, positioned it over the Tracy cookie, but this time in a sixty-nine type position. She also took the head portion of her cookie, as Tracy had done earlier, and symbolically licked off all the whipped cream, as if she had licked it all up. "Now we're both all cleaned up. All clean and tidy." But she still wasn't done. There was a glob of whipped cream on her cookie's head, so she took that, and made a kissing action between the heads of the two cookies, passing my virtual whipped cream cum to Tracy. By now, there was no concealing my enormous erection, and thankfully, my swim trunks were flattering to its size. "Actually, I have to disagree. I think that's actually a little dirty!" I joked. "Nothing wrong with that though, being a little dirty is a good thing." I said, as I reached for the roommates hands, and took the cookies out of them. The incidental contact of my fingers on hers felt marvelous too, and I thought it was a nice moment, my finger holding hers for a second. I placed both cookies face up in my left palm, side by side, the head portion of the cookies upward. "Nothing wrong with being a little dirty at all." I repeated, and methodically, I turned the Tracy cookie over so it was face down, and the roommate cookie over the same way, now side by side, symbolically bottoms up. I took my palm up to my face, and Tracy first, then the roommate, I took the top of my tongue and softly flicked my tongue where their asses would be, and licked both of them. The roommate said "Oh my god!" in a happy sounding voice, and Tracy looked at her and smiled. "Did she tell you? You bitch!" she jokingly said to Tracy. "I didn't tell him anything! He just likes it too!" Tracy said. Then Tracy looked at me and explained, 'She absolutely loves when I do that to her. My tongue spends half the night in her ass every night." "Oh god, that's so hot." The roommate said. By now though, I was beyond hard, and I took both of them by their hands and turned them to face the counter, right next to one another. "Lean forward." I said to them both, as I dropped to a squat right behind the roommate first. Under the circumstances, doing the roommate first seemed like the thing to do, and I reached up with my left hand and pulled the fabric of her one-piece swimsuit off to the side, exposing her bottom, pulling her cheek open at the same time. I leaned in, and just as I had done to the cookie, took the top of my tongue and gave her spectacular little rosebud a soft affectionate dab. I heard her moan, and did it again, this time a longer and broader stroke with the tip of my tongue. She moaned again, and I heard things like "Oh god" and "I love that" from the background. I still had my right hand free, and I was using that to pull Tracy's swimsuit bottom off. I had to pull just a bit on one side, then a bit on the other, then the middle, and it was somewhat slow going, but I didn't mind, I was licking her roommate's perfect ass as I did it. Finally, I felt Tracy's bottoms give way, and I realized Tracy had decided to help me and had pushed it down. By the time I got their, it was halfway down her thighs, and ready to fall. I gave it one last little tug, and I felt Tracy wiggling her legs a bit to get them to fall all the way and kick them off. Reluctantly, although knowing another delight was on the way, I moved over to Tracy's ass. Hers was equally delightful, in a different way. The roommate had a soft smooth voluptuous ass, something to die for, but Tracy was in a way even better. It was firm, her glutes were hard, and her ass was so tiny. Her little hole was small and firm and tight, whereas the tip of my tongue had somewhat easily found its way a little into her roommates asshole. I gave Tracy an equal licking, enjoying the different feel to her ass. She was enjoying it as much as the roommate had, and by now, I realized the roommate had reached over in front of Tracy and was rubbing Tracy's clit as I licked her ass. I heard more conversing between them, including things like the roommate saying "You like that tongue in your ass?" and Tracy saying "God yes." and the sound of kissing. "Lets go upstairs." Tracy said, and she turned around, guided me up to my feet, and took me and her roommate by the hand. She led us upstairs, and halfway up the stairs, the stairway took a U turn, which channeled us all into a smaller space. "Kiss one another again?" I asked. "That was so incredible when you kissed, do it again." The ladies complied, this time with intensity. The noises of their lips smacking, the humming noises they were making, the groping and tight embracing. Tracy was bottomless already, and the roommate was in her one piece swimsuit still. As they kissed, I gently eased the robe off her shoulder, then the straps of the one-piece off and down her body. I gave her ass cheek one more little kiss, because it was gorgeous, but also because I was enjoying the unusual sequence of events that was taking place here. I still at this point hadn't kissed either of them on the lips, even though I had licked both of there adorable asses. A little unusual, and a nice naughty thought. I stood up, and it was time to take my swimsuit off. I had been erect for a long long time, and it felt good to be free. I walked behind Tracy, and in her case, her bikini top had a clasp, so all I had to do was undo it to get her completely naked too. They had also heard the noise of my swimsuit coming off, and had broken off their kiss to look. What they were seeing, included a long glistening string of precum hanging off of my cock, from having been so hard for so long. "Oooh, I want it!" Tracy said. "No, me, me, I want it!" the roommate joked. "No, I called it first!" Tracy said, and reached down to collect the precum rope in her palm and on her fingers. The roommate pouted jokingly. "Oh, fine! You know I can't resist your puppy dog eyes." and Tracy popped her index and middle finger into her roommates mouth. "Thank you!" she squealed, and leaned over to kiss Tracy on the lips with my precum on her lips. "You're so welcome." Tracy said, as she reached over and rubbed her roommate's pussy with the same fingers that still had some cum on them. "Open." The roommate shifted a bit, parting her legs, and I could see that Tracy had worked her fingers with my precum into her roommate's pussy. "My turn to suck those fingers." I said. With that, Tracy took her fingers, now wet with her roommates juices, and popped them into my mouth. It was heaven. I reached and embraced the two of them, Tracy's fingers still in my mouth, and we all three kissed, including licking Tracy's fingers between the kisses. I assumed it was Tracy's hand, but I wasn't quite sure. All I could tell is that a hand was now pumping my cock too. I lowered my hand, so I had an ass cheek of each of them in my palms. This was amazing. "Do it!" Tracy said to her roommate. You've told me about it for years, and now I want to see." The roommate sighed, again feigning reluctance. "Fine, I'll do it. It may take me a few minutes to get warmed up though; it's been a lot of years since I've done it. And Mister Jack here is a little thicker than my ex." With that, the roommate dropped to her knees, and took me straight into her mouth. And when I say straight, I mean straight and all the way in. In a split second, I was all the way inside her mouth, feeling not just the amazing sensation of her warm mouth, but also the coolness of her lower lip, all the way on the bottom of my balls. I had been deep throated a few times in my life, but this was by far the deepest my cock had ever been inside a mouth. Her throat made a few noises, but she was easily taking me. Tracy had dropped to her knees a moment after her roommate, and was watching intently. "Oh my god!" she was saying. "How do you do that? That's amazing! God, suck that big cock, lick his balls while he's all the way down your throat! Take that cock!" If I had thought I was experiencing something for the first time already, it was clear that there was more to come. Because the next thing I felt, was a tongue, licking even further back on my balls. This woman could suck. This woman knew how to take a cock. "Do it!" Tracy exclaimed. The roommate tried to reply, but with my cock so far in her mouth it was just some amusing muffled sounds coming out. She pulled away, and said, "Ok, he has to lie down; I can't do it with him standing. Lie down on the stairs there." she pointed. "You're so impatient! Geez!" she scolded Tracy. Clearly, they were talking about something specific, but I didn't know what. What was this 'it' they were referring to? Whatever it was, I didn't need to be asked twice to comply. I lay down on the upper landing of the stairwell, my behind on the third stair up, my legs extended to where my heels were still on the landing. The roommate stood up, then crouched over me, resting her palms on the stair just below my butt. She took my cock all the way back into her mouth, and picked up where she left off. Actually, that's not quite right, she first bobbed her head up and down three or four times, sucking deeply, pulling even more precum into her mouth. Then she settled back to taking me deep in her mouth. "Ok, do it. I wanna see this!" Tracy said. Still, in my mind, I'm wondering, what is it she wants to see? My cock was deep in her roommate's mouth, her lips almost engulfing my balls, when she went even further down, and with a few tries, sucked my entire balls into her mouth too. I was amazed, in a daze with pleasure. "That's it, that's it!" I heard from Tracy enthusiastically. "Jack, part your legs a little more." Again, I obeyed; I wasn't about to disagree with either of them on what was happening. "Ok, do it! Do it!" Tracy exclaimed. And yet again, one more time, these lovely and amazing women managed to amaze me. Not only was my cock all the way to the back of the roommate's mouth and partway down her throat. Not only were my balls also inside her mouth. And a new experience, not only was she licking the underside of my balls inside her mouth. No, she still wasn't done yet. Because the next thing I felt, yet again, was the coolness of the tip of her tongue. She reached my asshole with the tip of her tongue, and proceeded to flick my ass with her tongue, while my cock and balls were in her mouth. This wasn't just pleasure and fun, this was absolutely mind blowing. "Oh my God, THAT's a special talent!" I managed to get out. "Oh my god, that's so hot. I can't believe that. How do you do that?" Tracy was saying. Over and over, she said, "God, that's amazing. Do it some more, do it more!" And to my absolute pleasure, the roommate wasn't stopping. This wasn't just a moment in time to remember, she wasn't going anywhere. She had me all the way inside, and she was very eagerly tonguing my ass. And Tracy was so close, watching intently, I could feel the breaths from both of their mouths on my crotch area, and it was amazing. Finally, it had to come to an end, but there was so much more to look forward to. The roommate pulled away from my cock, but before giving Tracy her turn, she did delightfully give me a very passionate lick back there before leaving. "Your turn!" she said to Tracy, who hopped to her feet, climbed up to the third stair, turned around to face away from me, and lowered herself onto my cock. She grasped the banister with one hand, and propped herself up with her palm on the stair with her other hand, and started bouncing up and down on my cock. From my vantage point, I could see just her back of her lithe body, as she athletically pleased herself on my cock. If there's one lesson I'd learned over the years, it's that in addition to a time to laugh and a time to cry, there's also a time to thrust, and a time to keep still and let the woman please herself. This seemed like one of those moments, so I mostly kept still, knowing that Tracy was in a way masturbating, she just happened to be using my hard cock in her pussy to do it. "Oh yes baby, you are so beautiful." the roommate said lovingly to Tracy. "Ride it. Cum for me, let me watch you cum, my sweetheart." Just like earlier, it was sexy to see their closeness, just as it was sexy to be having incredible hot sex too. The roommate was standing and watching, and had started rubbing her own pussy as she watched Tracy bouncing on my hard cock. I grasped the railing above me also to make sure I didn't slide or lose my position, because I could sense a trembling rising in Tracy's body. She pumped herself onto me a few more times, then froze. She stayed there for several moments, and I could feel her pussy quivering and pulsating around my cock, and I could see in the roommates fixated gaze, Tracy was having herself a shuddering orgasm. Eventually, Tracy came out of her daze, and the roommate helped her up to her feet. "Oh, you are so beautiful. Sit for a second." and she guided Tracy to sit on the first step. "I'm just going to take my turn too. Relax for a bit, the join us however you please." And with that the roommate climbed on me too, but facing me. She planted her feet also on the same step as my behind, and lowered herself onto my cock. She leaned forward toward me though, and given that I was laying on the staircase, therefore at a little angle to her, all she needed to do was lean forward just a bit so that her breasts were hanging right by my mouth. "Suck my left boob." and she offered her long nipple to me, as she started riding my cock too. I took her nipple in between my lips, which I kept stretched taut. I hadn't involved my tongue or saliva yet, I was instead pinching them between my lips. She seemed to like that, and said "Oh yes, just like that." She leaned forward to rest her hands and elbows on the step behind my head, and bounced her hips up and down on me. "Yes, do my nipple just like that while I fuck you." I did have a brief moment between women to reposition and replant my feet, so I now had two free arms. I reached down and held each of her ankles as she bounced up and down. Her smooth legs were soft and feminine, and it was just nice to have all this contact. She was repositioning a bit as she rode me too, and I could tell she was working herself to where my cock was stimulating her just the way she liked, and I knew she was on her way to an orgasm of her own. "Oh yes, just stay right like that." she said, and I felt her pick up the intensity and the grinding on my body. She was working up a sweat too, and I loved the saltiness that was being added to the mix. It was time to tug her entire nipple into my mouth and suck wetly, and she seemed to like that too. "Oh yes, that's so good. Right there, right there!" "Oh god, I'm going to cum if you keep doing that." I said. "Not yet, not yet. Me first, then cum deep inside me. Just one more minute." and she started bucking wildly on me. Before too long, she threw her head back, and I felt her body trembling and shaking too, her pussy also going crazy on my cock. "Cum now!" she yelled, which made me happy, because I was out of control and going to cum anyway even if she hadn't said that. I let go, and fired a blast of my hot cum deep in her. The second spasm was as powerful as the first, and I felt the warmth in her pussy, as well as the dripping out of her and down my balls. A third blast. A fourth. By about the fifth, no more cum was coming out, but that didn't mean my cock was ready to stop twitching. "Oh god baby, that feels so good." the roommate said, at the same time that she was starting to stand. A giant glob of my cum dripped out of her pussy, and she was reaching down to use her hands to contain any more from dripping out. "No, c'mere!" I said, and pulled her by the hips to me. I leaned in, and put my mouth directly onto her cum filled pussy, and sucked all the cum out of her pussy and into my mouth. At around the same time, I felt something else, and I knew that Tracy had climbed up my torso to lick that first glob of cum off of my abdomen. I reached up and guided the roommate's head down to mine, and kissed her deeply, using my tongue to push some of my cum into her mouth. I reached down, and pulled Tracy up higher, and kissed her too, sharing cum with her too. By now, the roommate had shifted into a position next to me, as had Tracy, both of them on either side, partly on top of me, all of us sharing this very hot slippery cum filled kiss. "You two stay right there!" the roommate said. "Be right back." She bounded up the stairs, we heard the sound of a drawer opening, some shuffling around, and a draw slamming. She reappeared momentarily later, with a tube of K-Y in her hand, already squeezing some onto her right hand's fingertips. "This is for youuu.." she hummed, rubbing it generously on to my cock, all over, then said "And this is for you." to Tracy, rubbing it on her asshole, and a time or two lightly popping a finger into her asshole. "She's always got me putting stuff up there. High time it's a REAL cock, right?" She sat on the step, and motioned Tracy to sit face up on her lap. Tracy complied, and the roommate said, "Up." to get Tracy to raise her knees and ankles up in the air. She held Tracy's legs by her calf muscles, so Tracy is on her roommates lap, ass raised, legs in the air, wide open for me. From this position, Tracy's ass was just about the perfect height for me to just stand in front of her, and I positioned my cock at the entry to her adorable little asshole. The roommate reached around, and in a combination of holding my cock and rubbing Tracy's asshole, helped guide me to enter Tracy's tight little ass. After a bit of gentle pushing, rubbing by the roommate, and Tracy wiggling, I was making my way into Tracy's tight ass, and eventually, I was in. I was fucking Tracy's ass! "Give it to me!" Tracy cried. "Give me that cock!" I started thrusting, carefully and lightly at first, but clearly, Tracy liked it in her ass, there was no hesitation or reluctance on her part. "Fuck my ass!" and then to her roommate, "Oh god, he's fucking my ass!" The roommate cooed back. I also held Tracy by her shins, so from below the roommate had Tracie's legs up in the air, and from above I was also holding her. And in front of me, a naked body, and two beautiful faces staring back at me, as I live out my daydream of the lovely Tracy. But right here in front of me, her adorable little toes that I had always wanted to suck. First her big toe on the left foot. I always like to suck a girls big toe, because in a way, it's the only way of showing them how amazing it feels to have your cock sucked as a man. Except of course, it's about a hundred times better when it's your cock. But still, there's a similarity. Tracy seemed to like having her toes sucked too, and by now, she was rubbing her clit with one hand, and inserting two fingers into her pussy with the other. I proceeded to the four remaining toes, one at a time. Then all four smaller toes at once. Then, considering how delightfully petite Tracy was, all five toes, deep in my mouth. Then the right foot. Her toes were as sexy as the rest of her, and don't forget, I'm still fucking her perfect ass all at the same time. "I'm gonna cum!" Tracy cried. "God, me too!" I responded. "Cum all over her tits and neck and our faces!" the roommate said. "God, yess, all over me. All over both of us!" Tracy yelled. "Cum all over me!" I gently eased myself out of Tracy's ass. I loved the little final push, where her anus sort of expels my cock as I gently pull out. I instantly lean a little closer, and pump my cock furiously. Tracy in conjunction, is rubbing her clit hard, and lets us know she's going to come too. Since it's my hand and my cock, I manage the pace a little, to wait for Tracy to come. She tenses up again, and her head leans back and fondly rests on her roommate's shoulder. She is in ecstasy, and I see Goosebumps all over her tingling body, and her chest turns bright red. The sight of her pussy lips flapping and quivering with her orgasm is too much, and I fire a hot stream of my cum out, splattering a long trail from Tracy's hipbone up her abdomen and to her right breast. The next fires straight up, between her breasts, up to her neck, and a little stream onto her chin, lips, and a bit on her nose. The next, I try to aim at the roommate, and it splatters, partly on Tracy's cheek, past her ear onto her roommates forehead, and a little past the roommate onto the carpeting of the stairs. The fourth and fifth spasms of my cock, nothing more is really coming out, but that doesn't stop me from pumping and trying. By now, both Tracy and the roommate are using their fingertips to collect my cum off their bodies, and to my delight, both are popping their fingers in their mouths, then one another's mouths. Tracy turns her head and kisses her roommate on the lips, and they giggle. "You're kinda sexy there, Jack." Tracy said. "You know, for a man?" the roommate joked. We all laughed. I collapsed next to them, and all three of us kissed softly. We were tired. We were relaxed. We fell asleep, on the stairs. Maybe when we wake up, we'll make it all the way to the bedroom? pics---->> http://bit.ly/1D1q3qp
Title: Zwermvogels Summary: Zusje is wanhopig om haar broer. Keywords: inc,fic,young "Brave hond" ik aaide Buck terwijl hij vrolijk rondjes rond me heen sprong. We liepen richting de weilanden waar de knotwilgen langs de slootkanten weer begonnen uit te lopen. Op de schaduwplekken lag nog wat sneeuw van afgelopen nacht, maar het waterige zonnetje nam snel in sterkte toe en voor de middag zou alles weg zijn. Ik volgde de wolkjes die mijn gecondenseerde adem vormden bij het uitademen. Ik gooide de stok zo ver ik kon en Buck rende uitgelaten achter de stok aan. Boven mijn hoofd keerde een zwerm trekvogels terug na een lange winter in verre oorden. Ik volgde ze met mijn ogen. Wonderlijk hoe zo'n zwerm werkt bedacht ik me, het zijn maar een paar wiskundige regels waaraan ieder individu zich moet conformeren, en toch zo sierlijk. Ik liep richting de boerderij van Herman, een oude boer uit de buurt, hij verkocht zijn eieren voor een goede prijs en ze waren veel lekkerder dan die van de supermarkt. Ik liep langs het slootje richting het groepje wilgen aan het einde. Buck sprong enthousiast naast me en duwde steeds zijn stok in mijn hand. Ik gaf toe en gooide lachend zijn stok richting de wilgen. Buck rende door de flarden laaghangende mist, stukken gras en modder spatten op door zijn lompe draf, ik schoot in de lach. *** Herman zat voor zijn huis, een verfrommeld sjekkie tussen zijn vergeelde vingers. Hij groette me terwijl ik het erf op liep, "goedemorgen Floor, lekker aan de wandel?" Buck sprong enthousiast rond Herman en kreeg zijn beloning. Herman had altijd een zakje brokjes in zijn jas en gooide er een paar voor zijn voeten. Buck begon meteen druk te snuffelen en at dankbaar elk brokje op. Hij had zijn zin en rolde zich op een tevreden rolletje bij de voeten van Herman. Ik ging naast Herman op het bankje zitten. We keken zwijgend over de weilanden, Herman stak zijn sjekkie opnieuw aan en nam een diepe hijs. Terwijl hij uitblies keek hij naar me "Het wordt een mooie dag". Ik knikte en plukte een grashalm. Ik rolde hem tussen mijn vingers "Het is heerlijk fris, en de vogels keren alweer terug, het is bijna lente". Het was een heerlijke rust, de geur van tabak en de frisse lentelucht, de boerderijgeuren. Vele zomers waren mijn broer Thomas en ik hier kind aan huis, we hadden gespeeld in de balen hooi en we hadden Herman geholpen met kleine klusjes. We kregen altijd een heitje zoals hij dat noemde, een oud woord voor een beloning. Toen we ouder werden hadden we een aantal zomervakanties een bijbaantje gehad hier, stallen uitmesten, koeien en varkens voeren. Achteraf gezien veel te goed betaald voor wat we deden maar ik denk dat Herman onze aanwezigheid gezellig vond. Herman was altijd alleen geweest en pas toen we ouder werden hadden onze ouders verteld dat zijn vrouw en zoon jaren geleden waren verongelukt. Ineens begrepen we de melancholie die altijd over Herman heen hing. Die dag was ik samen met Buck naar Herman gelopen en ik had net als nu zwijgend naast hem gezeten. Sindsdien liep ik elke week wel een aantal keer langs, ik mocht hem graag. *** "Hoe gaat het met Thomas?" hij vroeg het achteloos, maar ik wist hoe graag hij hem mocht. Waarschijnlijk deed hij hem aan zijn zoon denken. "Prima, hij moet nog een half jaar en dan is hij afgestudeerd". Thomas studeerde iets technisch in Delft en woonde al 4 jaar op kamers, ik miste hem ontzettend ondanks dat hij vaak belde en soms langskwam. Herman knikte "Goed zo, En jij?". Ik keek even voor me uit, ik zat in het laatste jaar van het vwo maar ik had geen idee wat ik wilde met mijn leven en eigenlijk sloeg de angst me rond het hart als ik aan de toekomst dacht. "Gaat wel... laatste jaar vwo..." ik volgde een groepje vogels in de lucht en keek weer zwijgend over de weilanden. Herman piekte het stompje van zijn sjekkie over het erf en begon een nieuwe te rollen. "Wil je wat drinken?" hij vroeg het zonder te kijken, hij likte langs het vloeitje en rolde zijn sjekkie dicht. "Ja graag" Herman lachte "mooi, pak voor mij maar een glas melk dan" en hij lachte zijn raspende rokerslach. Ik schoot ook in de lach "Lekkere gastheer ben je" en ik stond op. De keuken van Herman was eeuwen oud leek het wel, alles in bruine tinten en ongelofelijk rommelig. Het was wel schoon, dat moest ik hem nageven, maar hemel wat een troep. Ik pakte twee glazen en schonk melk in. Ik gaf hem een glas en ging weer naast hem zitten. *** "Kijk daar" fluisterde Herman en hij wees richting de oude eendenkooi "vosjes". Ik moest even kijken en toen zag ik ze. "Mooie beesten" zei ik en ik nam een slok van mijn melk. "Schoonheid zit in elk facet van de schepping, de grootsheid zit in elke druppel modder, de splinter in je vinger, de wolken en de sterren" zei Herman en ik keek hem aan. Hij had gelijk, deze ochtend was perfect, de pracht van de complexe eenvoud. Even vergat ik mijn angst voor de toekomst en het gemis van Thomas. "Je bent een goede vriend" fluisterde ik. Herman keek me even aan en gaf me een glimlach terwijl hij een haal nam van zijn sjekkie, de tip gloeide op "Jij ook Floor". We zaten nog even en toen stond ik op "ik wilde graag wat eieren kopen, kan ik er tien rapen?" Herman knikte "Ik leg het geld op de keukentafel" zei ik terwijl ik de kippenren in liep. "Floor, gooi gelijk even een hand voer voor de kippen" Ik opende de ton met voer en schepte een portie granen, ik strooide het uit en de kippen begonnen meteen druk te pikken. Ik raapte mijn eieren en liep de keuken in om het geld neer te leggen. Ik liep nog even langs Herman en gaf hem een kus op zijn wang "later Herman". Hij keek verrast "Later Floor, pas goed op jezelf". Ik weet niet waarom ik een kus gaf, dat had ik nog nooit gedaan, maar op de een of andere manier voelde het goed om het te doen. In gedachte verzonken liep ik terug naar huis, Buck zoals gewoonlijk enthousiast rond me heen springend. *** Mijn moeder stond in de keuken "hoi Floor, heb je eieren gehaald bij Herman?" ik zette ze bij haar op het aanrecht en gooide mijn jas over de stoel "Ja, het is prachtig weer vandaag mam". Ik ging even aan de keukentafel zitten en keek naar mijn moeder. Ze was bezig met het eten voor vanavond. "Je bent al vroeg bezig met het eten mam, krijgen we bezoek?" Mijn moeder draaide zich om "Ja, je broer belde, hij komt eten en hij heeft een mededeling" Ik trok mijn wenkbrauwen op "oh gezellig, zei hij wat?" mijn moeder schudde haar hoofd. Ik stond op en liep naar de kamer, ik zette de tv aan en ging lui op de bank liggen, Buck bij mijn voeten, zijn hoofd op mijn benen. Ik lag zo een tijdje toen ik de auto van mijn broer hoorde. Buck sprong op en begon als een malle voor de voordeur te springen. Ik opende de deur en keek hoe mijn broer zijn oude Mazda parkeerde. Er zat iemand naast hem... een meisje... Mijn hart sloeg drie slagen over, ik voelde een traan die ik met kracht wegslikte. Gek kind, tuurlijk heeft hij iemand... Ik had altijd een zwak gehad voor Thomas, hij was 4 jaar ouder en hij was al zo lang ik wist de liefde van mijn leven. Als klein meisje droomde ik altijd dat ik met hem zou trouwen en dat zei ik ook altijd als mensen mij vroegen of ik op iemand verliefd was, ik zou gaan trouwen met Thomas. Naarmate ik ouder werd begreep ik dat dat niet zou gaan gebeuren en werd mijn liefde heimelijk, wanhopig. Ik probeerde elke glimp van hem op te vangen, ik hield met elke vezel in mijn lijf van hem. Toen hij uit huis ging en op kamers ging brak mijn hart, ik hoopte dat het over zou gaan, maar het ging niet over, mijn verliefdheid niet, het gemis ook niet. *** Melanie heette ze, en ik zou graag zeggen dat het een loeder was, maar dat was ze niet, het was een heel lief en slim meisje en Thomas en Melanie waren verliefd, Thomas vertelde ons dat ze van plan waren te gaan trouwen na hun afstuderen. Ik deed mijn best om blij voor ze te zijn. Melanie was heel knap en had alles wat ik niet heb, ze was lang, had een prachtig figuur met volle borsten en blond krullend haar, haar mooie gezicht complimenterend. Al was Thomas niet mijn broer, hij zou nooit voor mij kunnen vallen, ik ben klein, tenger, heb bijna geen borsten en heb bruin stijl haar. Mensen zeggen dat ik een knap gezicht heb, maar ik heb het nooit gezien, ik ben saai... een nerd. Tijdens het eten probeerde ik een normaal gesprek met haar te hebben en ik denk dat het lukte want niemand merkte dat mijn hart in duizend stukjes zwart glas op de bodem van mijn maag lag. Ik had weinig honger en excuseerde me nog voor het dessert. Mijn moeder vroeg wat er was en ik had gezegd dat ik me niet goed voelde, wat eigenlijk geen leugen was. In mijn kamer gooide ik mezelf op bed. Ik begroef mijn gezicht in mijn kussen en liet mijn tranen stromen. Diep van binnen had ik altijd gehoopt dat Thomas hetzelfde voelde voor mij, en ondanks dat er geen aanleiding was om die hoop te voeden hield ik me daar aan vast, al die jaren. Nu was het definitief, Thomas zou nooit de mijne zijn. Ik lag een half uur op mijn bed toen er zachtjes op de deur werd geklopt. Ik veegde mijn tranen weg en haalde diep adem "binnen" zei ik zachtjes. Het was Thomas. Hij ging naast me op bed zitten. "Gaat het?" Ik keek hem aan en loog "Ja hoor, ben gewoon niet lekker". Thomas sloeg zijn arm om me heen en ik kreeg kippenvel over mijn hele lijf van zijn aanraking, god wat had ik hem gemist, wat wilde ik hem dicht bij me. Zonder het te kunnen helpen barste ik weer in huilen uit, snikkend begroef ik mijn gezicht in zijn schouder. Thomas streelde sussend mijn haar "Hey Floortje... wat is er" Ik kon niet praten, en al had ik het gekund, ik kon het niet zeggen, ik kon hem niet vertellen wat er aan de hand was, dus ik zei niets en genoot van zijn troostende streling. Na een tijdje kwam ik op adem en ik zei dat het wel weer ging. Thomas vroeg of ik zin had om naar beneden te komen maar ik schudde mijn hoofd. Ik zei dat ik nog huiswerk had en ging aan mijn bureau zitten. Thomas stond op en gaf me een kus op mijn haar en liep weg "Ik hou van je Floor" ik draaide me om en toen de deur sloot fluisterde ik "Ik ook van jou Thomas... zo veel" maar hij hoorde het niet. Die avond lag ik vroeg op bed, ik wilde elke dag dat Thomas er was maar nu hij er was wenste ik dat hij nooit was gekomen, of in ieder geval niet met Melanie, niet met het nieuws dat hij ging trouwen. Huilend viel ik in slaap. *** De volgende ochtend was ik vroeg wakker, ik at snel een boterham en nam Buck mee. Ik liep naar de oude eendenkooi tegenover het huis van Herman. In het midden van de eendenkooi was een soort eiland met hierop een heuvel, op de top was een oude verweerde bank waar ik vaak had gezeten met Thomas. Ik beklom de heuvel met Buck en ik ging op het bankje zitten met een handvol steentjes. En voor n gooide ik ze in het water terwijl ik nadacht, Buck lag aan mijn voeten en ik genoot van de opkomende zon, het was een heldere dag. Een vlucht vogels kwam over en verwonderde me weer over de set eenvoudige regels waaraan die groep moest voldoen om zo sierlijk te bewegen en ik dacht aan mijn broer. Eenvoudige regels... zoals niet verliefd worden op je broer... bedacht ik me wrang. Ik was een mislukkeling, ik kon me niet aan die eenvoudige regels houden. Ik voelde me het equivalent van een doodgevroren trekvogel, te stom om zich aan de regels te houden en dus gedoemd om dood te vriezen. Plotseling sprong Buck enthousiast op en sprong kwispelen op en ging er vandoor. Ik riep hem maar Buck was verdwenen, ik haalde mijn schouders op, die komt wel terug. En dat klopte, na een paar minuten was hij er weer. "ey" klonk het achter me, het was Thomas. Hij kwam naast me zitten. "Hoi" zei ik zachtjes en ik gooide een steentje in het water. "Floor, wat is er?" "Niets" zei ik zachtjes, ik voelde weer tranen prikken Thomas sloeg zijn arm om me heen en ik kroop tegen hem aan "Hey Floor, we hebben toch geen geheimen voor elkaar?" Ik keek hem aan maar zei niets, ik slikte, een traan rolde over mijn wang die hij met zijn duim wegveegde. Plotseling sloeg ik mijn armen om hem heen. Ik drukte mijn lippen op zijn mond, en zoende hem, intens, met mijn tong beroerde ik zijn zachte lippen en toen brak ik me los en rende weg. Thomas riep mijn naam maar ik bleef rennen tot ik in het bos achter de eendenkooi was. Daar zakte ik met mijn rug tegen een boom aan en barste in huilen uit. Buck had me al snel gevonden, hij wist altijd precies hoe ik me voelde en hij ging bij me liggen, zijn hoofd op mijn benen. Ik aaide hem zachtjes. *** Tegen de middag liep ik naar het huis van Herman en ging naast hem op het bankje zitten "Hoi Floor, eieren nu al op?" ik keek even naar Herman en lachte flauw. "Nee, ik heb rust nodig om na te denken" Herman lachte en haalde zijn schouders op. We zaten zwijgend naast elkaar. Na een tijd stond Herman op en liep naar binnen, hij kwam terug met twee koppen thee en gaf mij er n. "Alsjeblieft Floor, en nu nooit meer klagen dat ik een slechte gastheer ben" Ik nam het aan "Dank je, Herman" zwijgend dronken we onze thee. "Wil je praten Floor?" Ik dacht even na en keek hem aan. "Nee, je zou me toch niet begrijpen, ik begrijp mezelf niet eens" en ik keek in de verte. "Ok, ik snap het" Herman legde zijn hand op mijn schouder "opgroeien is lastig, en niemand ziet de toekomst. Maar geloof me, als je terugkijkt zal je zien dat het het waard was" Ik keek hem aan en dacht aan zijn eigen verleden en plotseling voelde ik me een enorme drama-queen. Herman had de hel gezien en zat hier, in alle rust zijn wijsheden met mij te delen. Had ik maar een klein deel van zijn moed en wijsheid bedacht ik me. Ik stond op en gaf hem weer een kus "Dank je Herman, je bent een lieve vriend" Herman knikte "ik zie je later Floor" "Ja, je ziet me vanzelf weer, tot later" Samen met Buck liep ik langs de provinciale weg naar het dorp. Ik had honger maar wilde absoluut niet naar huis. Op het stationsplein zat een snackbar waar ik met Buck in mocht wist ik. Ik nam plaats aan een tafeltje met een patatje en een broodje kroket en at langzaam mijn eten op. Na het eten zou Thomas weer terug naar Delft gaan, dus nog een paar uurtjes vol maken en ik hoefde hem niet onder ogen te komen. Het was al lang donker toen ik de keuken binnen liep, mijn moeder stond aan de afwas. "Waar ben jij geweest?" vroeg ze boos "gewoon, wandelen en bij Herman" ik gaf Buck te eten en trok mijn schoenen uit. "Niet zo gezellig voor je broer he, hij heeft je amper gezien" ik haalde mijn schouders op en liep naar de woonkamer. Ik ging naast mijn vader op de bank zitten en keek samen met hem naar het journaal. *** Weken gingen voorbij en het was een heerlijke lente, elke dag wandelde ik in alle vroegte naar Herman, we spraken amper, maar gewoon even bij hem zitten was heel rustgevend. Daarna fietste ik naar school. Het waren rustige dagen, ik hoorde niets van Thomas, normaal belde hij minstens elke week met mij, maar na de kus op het bankje had ik niets meer van hem gehoord. Het gaf me op een vreemde manier rust, ik had alle hoop opgegeven, ik had me berust. De pijn werd draaglijk, zolang ik maar niet aan zijn trouwen dacht, wat toch echt steeds dichterbij kwam. Op een ochtend liep ik het erf van Herman op en ik merkte dat er iets niet goed was, Herman zat niet op zijn bankje en ik wist meteen dat er iets heel erg mis was. Ik liep het huis in om te kijken of hij daar was en ik riep zijn naam, er kwam geen reactie en toen zag ik hem, in de woonkamer, hij zat in zijn stoel, een boek op schoot. Hij was overleden, naar ik later begreep een hartaanval, hij was op slag dood. Huilend belde ik een ambulance. Ik zat verdoofd op zijn bankje toen hij naar buiten werd gedragen. Ik ben in een waas naar huis gelopen en ben snikkend in de armen van mijn moeder gevallen, met horten en stoten vertelde ik wat er was gebeurd. Die dag bleef ik thuis. Ik was mijn beste vriend kwijt, ik had nu helemaal niemand meer. De week na de begrafenis kwam een brief van een notaris, het was een uitnodiging voor het voorlezen van het testament van Herman, ik vond het vreemd, ik was geen familie, ik vroeg me af of hij sowieso familie had. Op de begrafenis waren heel weinig mensen was me opgevallen, en de meeste waren mensen die ik kende uit het dorp. Woensdag n uur zat ik in mijn mooiste kleren bij de notaris toen er nog iemand binnen kwam, het was Thomas, mijn adem stokte in mijn keel. "Hoi" zei ik zachtjes, Thomas keek me aan "Hoi lieve Floor" hij zei het zacht en in zijn mooie ogen zag ik dat hij verdriet had. Hij ging naast me zitten en hij pakte mijn hand. De pijn in mijn hart was meteen in volle sterkte terug en ik voelde een traan over mijn wang lopen "niet huilen" fluisterde hij zacht en streek de traan liefdevol weg met de muis van zijn hand. Ik knikte. *** Blijkbaar had Herman jaren geleden zijn testament op laten maken met ons als enige erfgenamen, Herman had verder geen familie meer gehad. Dat idee maakte me treurig, ik had spijt dat ik niet vaker bij hem was geweest. Herman bleek een aardig bezit te hebben gehad op het einde van zijn leven en liet ons ieder ruim 3 miljoen euro na, en de boerderij, die we ieder voor de helft erfden. Thomas liep samen met mij het kantoor van de notaris uit en hij pakte mijn hand, "ergens koffie drinken?" vroeg hij zacht. Ik knikte en liep met hem mee. We zaten aan een klein tafeltje, het was heel rustig in het cafetaria. We zwegen een tijd en toen keek ik hem aan "Ik mis Herman". Thomas knikte, "dat snap ik, jullie waren close he?" Ik knikte "Hij was mijn enige vriend" Thomas zuchtte en keek me aan "en wij? Zijn wij nog vrienden?" Ik keek weg en staarde een tijdje uit het raam naar de mensen die voorbij liepen. "Ik weet het niet, het doet me teveel pijn" Thomas stond op en rekende af. Hij zette me thuis af "Dag lieve Floor" zei hij en ik keek hem na. 's Avonds belde ik hem, ik moest weten wat te doen met de boerderij, de afgelopen weken had ik zo goed mogelijk voor de dieren gezorgd maar ik was geen boerin, de dieren moesten verkocht worden, daarna konden we beslissen wat verder te doen. Thomas stemde in en vroeg of ik hulp nodig had, ik zei dat ik het met pa zou regelen. In die week ontruimden we de hele boerderij, het was een mooie oude boerderij met een aantal stallen en loodsen op het terrein. Met wat investeringen zou het een prachtige woning kunnen zijn, het geld had ik wel, maar ik vroeg me af wat ik met zo'n grote woning moest, en daarbij, de helft was van Thomas. Misschien wilde hij er wel wonen met Melanie bedacht ik met een wrange glimlach. *** Dat weekend zou Thomas weer komen, dit keer alleen. Hij was er vroeg die zaterdag en we liepen samen naar de boerderij, het was heerlijk weer. Onderweg was Buck door het dolle en toen we op het erf liepen was hij buiten adem, hij ging meteen op zijn vaste plekje liggen. We zaten samen op het bankje en keken een tijd voor ons uit. "Het spijt me Thomas" zei ik zachtjes Thomas keek me aan "Floor... ik ben niet boos" "Waarom hoor ik dan niets meer van je?" Thomas dacht even na en keek peinzend in de verte "omdat ik je rust wilde gunnen en omdat ik in de war ben" "In de war? Waarover dan?" Ik keek hem vragend aan, soms snapte ik echt helemaal niets van hem. "Over mijn gevoelens Floor..." Thomas stond op en liep richting de stallen die nu leeg waren. Thomas gooide de deur open en liep woest naar binnen. Ik volgde hem de stal in. Thomas leunde over de rand van de hekken waar vroeger de koeien aan vast hadden gestaan. Ik ging naast hem staan. "Gevoelens? Voor Melanie bedoel je?" Thomas draaide zich om en schopte tegen een hoopje stro "Melanie en ik... we zijn al weken uit elkaar" "Wat???" ik moest mijzelf inhouden om die vraag niet te schreeuwen. "Je hoort me toch, het ging niet werken. Niet na die kus" "Hoe bedoel je? Geef je nu mij de schuld jullie breuk??" Kwaad liep ik de stal uit "weet je Thomas, vroeger was ik altijd blij je te zien maar de laatste tijd, ik wou dat je niet was gekomen, ik haat je" Thomas pakte mijn arm en trok me met een ruk naar zich toe "Hey wat doe je man, laat me los!" schreeuwde ik naar hem en ik sloeg hem zo hard als ik kon tegen zijn borst. "Haat je me echt?" vroeg hij terwijl hij mijn hoofd tussen zijn handen pakte. Voor ik antwoord kon geven voelde ik zijn lippen op de mijne, mijn adem stokte in mijn keel en ik voelde hoe hij voorzichtig mijn lippen betaste met zijn tong, teder beet hij in mijn onderlip en toen liet hij me gaan. Ik stapte verbouwereerd naar achter en keek hem aan "Thomas! Speel niet met mijn gevoelens, je breekt me" ik draaide me om en rende weg, over de velden naar de eendenkooi, huilend klom ik de heuvel op en zeeg neer op het bankje, Buck in een vrolijke achtervolging. Even later hoorde ik Thomas achter me "Floor in godsnaam praat met me". Ik stond op en maakte aanstalte om weer weg te rennen maar Thomas greep me bij mijn armen en draaide me rond mijn as zodat ik hem aankeek. "Thomas... je doet me zo'n pijn" huilde ik "Ik weet dat ik nooit de jouwe zal zijn, dat je nooit van mij zal houden zoals ik van jou hou, ik weet dat ik ziek in mijn hoofd ben, dat het ziek is om verliefd te zijn op mijn eigen broer. Maar dat is nog geen reden om met mijn gevoelens te spelen, om me ijdele hoop te geven, je mag me niet zo kwetsen" Huilend zakte ik door mijn knieen met mijn handen voor mijn gezicht "Floor, kijk me aan" zei Thomas dwingend terwijl hij voor me knielde en mijn polsen beetpakte. "Floor, ik wil je niet kwetsen en ik speel niet met je gevoelens. Weet je wat ziek is, een grote broer die zo verliefd is op zijn kleine zusje dat hij geen andere uitweg ziet dan uit huis gaan. Een oudere broer die zo wanhopig verliefd is op zijn kleine zusje dat hij bereid is een buitenstaander te kwetsen en hoop te geven op een huwelijk dat sowieso liefdeloos zou zijn geweest omdat zijn echte liefde onbereikbaar is, dat is pas ziek" Ik keek Thomas aan en zag dat de tranen over zijn wangen rolden "Meen je dat?" Thomas knikte en omhelsde me teder. Ik smolt tegen hem aan, tegen mijn grote broer en gaf hem kleine kusjes in zijn nek. "Oh Thomas... ik hou zo veel van je" zacht streelde hij mijn rug en hij draaide zijn hoofd naar mij toe. Ik keek hem in zijn ogen en toen boog hij zich naar mij en kuste me, ik opende mijn lippen en teder vonden onze tongen elkaar. Zijn handen streelden mijn nek en hij hield mijn achterhoofd beet. Mijn handen streelden zijn rug en ik drukte me tegen hem aan. Dit was beter dan mijn dromen ooit konden zijn, dit was mijn Thomas die me liefhad. "En nu?" vroeg ik hem nadat we na een tijd onze kus verbraken. "Ik weet het niet Floor, ik weet alleen dat ik van je hou" "Ik hou ook jou Thomas, ik wil je, ik wil van jou zijn" "En ik van jou" *** Aan tafel met mijn ouders voelde onwerkelijk na die middag, ik durfde amper naar Thomas te kijken, en hij naar mij. "En zijn mijn jonge miljonairs al uit de verdeling van de boerderij" Grapte mijn vader "Nee, we zijn er nog niet uit" Zei ik zachtjes "Misschien knappen we het wel op en trekken we er samen in, het is groot zat voor twee gezinnen" Merkte Thomas op Mijn hart sprong bijna uit mijn lichaam. Dat was briljant, als Thomas echt had gemeend wat hij vanmiddag zei dan was dat inderdaad een geloofwaardig en goed plan. "Lijkt me sterk dat onze Floor al uit huis wil hoor" Zei mijn moeder en keek hoopvol naar mij. Ik was echter door alle opwinding niet in staat antwoord te geven, mijn hart klopte ergens tussen mijn oren en wist zeker dat als ik zou bewegen mijn hoofd uit elkaar zou spatten. Ik keek naar Thomas en hij keek mij aan, hij meende wat hij zei. "Melanie en Floor leken het wel met elkaar te kunnen vinden" merkte mijn vader behulpzaam op, wat hem een schop onder tafel van mijn moeder opleverde. "Oh... nou daar moet ik ook nog wat over vertellen" zei Thomas schuchter "Mel en ik zijn uit elkaar" Mijn ouders keken elkaar aan... "ach jee wat jammer nou, zo'n leuke meid, he Floor?" Ik knikte, nog steeds half verdoofd. "Maar goed we moeten nog plannen maken, ik stel voor dat we zo even op jouw kamer het n en ander doorspreken en kijken hoe we het gaan regelen" zei Thomas terwijl hij naar me keek. Ik herpakte me, en realiseerde me dat ik al een tijdje als een wezenloos zat te staren "Ja is goed" Mijn moeder begon de tafel af te ruimen en keek mijn vader aan "we kunnen vanavond ook weer eens uit gaan en de kinderen de ruimte geven om hun plannen in alle rust uit te werken, als Floor echt uit huis gaat zullen we sowieso vaker op elkaar aangewezen zijn." *** Om half zeven trokken mijn ouders de deur achter zich dicht en we keken hoe ze wegreden, ik draaide me om en Thomas nam me meteen in zijn armen. Vol passie vonden onze tongen elkaar en hij tilde me op. Hij droeg me in zijn armen naar mijn slaapkamer terwijl ik zachtjes zijn nek kuste. Hij legde me op mijn bed en keek me aan. "Meende je wat je zei, wil je met mij in die boerderij wonen?" Vroeg ik hem "Het is onze enige optie op geluk, Floor, ik wil het, wil jij het?" "Ja Thomas, ik wil het, met heel mijn ziel" Thomas keek me verliefd aan. "Neem me" kreunde ik half krols terwijl ik haastig mijn shirt uittrok en mijn broek opengespte. Thomas trok aan mijn pijpen en al snel lag ik naakt voor hem op bed. Hij keek naar me en ik voelde me ineens onzeker. "Vind je me mooi?" vroeg ik hem terwijl ik met mijn armen mijn kleine borsten bedekte en mijn benen tegen elkaar drukte. "Floor, je bent het mooiste, kwetsbaarste meisje dat ik ken, je bent mijn kleine mooie nimf, mijn elfje" Zei Thomas terwijl hij zichzelf ontkleedde. Ik keek vol ontzag naar zijn erectie "Jezus Thomas...." Thomas keek omlaag en lachte, "ik zal voorzichtig zijn, en we hebben ons hele leven nog, we hebben geen haast." Ik pakte zijn arm en trok hem naar me toe, over mij heen. Thomas kuste mijn lippen en ik voelde zijn erectie tussen mijn benen, ik spreidde me voor hem, ik was zo nat en zo geil, ik wilde hem in me voelen, ik wilde mijn maagdelijkheid verliezen. Thomas zoende zachtjes mijn nek en toen mijn borsten, hij zoog zachtjes aan mijn tepel en ik voelde een schok door mijn lijf naar mijn natte poesje trekken. "Oh god ja! Thomas" Hij speelde met zijn tong rond mijn tepels terwijl hij mijn borsten met zijn handen masseerde. Ik spreidde mijn benen nog verder voor hem, mijn vocht liep langs mijn billen. Thomas begon mijn buik te zoenen en ik voelde zijn tong in mijn navel, met mijn handen woelde ik door zijn haar en hij kuste de binnenkant van mijn dijen. Ik kreunde zachtjes en toen kuste hij mijn schaamlippen, ik voelde zijn tong me openen, en hij likte over mijn kleine klitje. Ik schokte met mijn heupen en duwde zijn hoofd tegen mijn drijfnatte kutje. "Oh fuck ja... owwww" Met zijn tong penetreerde hij me, mijn broer neukte me met zijn tong. Afwisselend voelde ik hem op mijn tintelende klitje en in mijn gaatje. Het vocht gutste uit me en al snel voelde ik een vurige bal in mijn onderbuik die door mijn hele lijf heen straalde. Ik ging klaarkomen op het gezicht van Thomas. Ik kwam half overeind om hem aan te kijken en toen rolde mijn orgasme als een trein over me heen, schokkend en gillend kwam ik klaar terwijl Thomas me aankeek met mijn klitje tussen zijn lippen. Thomas kwam naast me liggen en streelde me, teder nam hij mijn borsten in zijn handen en hij speelde met mijn tepels terwijl ik langzaam weer bijkwam van mijn orgasme, mijn buikspieren schokten na bij elke aanraking. "Neuk me... ontmaagd me" Ik keek hem aan en trok hem over me heen, Ik greep zijn dikke kloppende lul en streelde mijn gevoelige klitje met zijn kloppende eikel. Ik positioneerde zijn lul tegen mijn opening en keek hem aan. "Hou je van me?" "Ja Floor, met heel mijn ziel, altijd gedaan, voor altijd" "Neuk me Thomas, nu, maak me de jouwe" Thomas kuste mijn lippen en toen mijn tong zijn mond binnendrong drong zijn lul mijn kutje binnen. Ik voelde een scherpe pijnscheut en een rekkend gevoel alsof ik uit elkaar gescheurd werd. "Oooooow oooowoowowo ow GOD oooow THOMAS!!!" Thomas stopte en keek me aan "Gaat het?" "Ja.. ja... ga door" hijgde ik hees Ik voelde zijn lul in me, mijn kut rekte op en langzaam vulde hij mijn hele lijf met zijn lul, ik had me in mijn hele leven nooit zo gevuld gevoeld. Ik sloeg mijn benen om hem heen en drukte hem tegen me aan en toen begon hij met stoten, eerst rustig maar als snel neukte Thomas me zo hard, elke stoot in me dreunde door mijn hele lijf. Mijn vocht droop uit me en ik vermoedde dat ik ook bloedde maar het kon me niet schelen, ik voelde mijn orgasme in golven toenemen en plotseling kwam ik, ik voelde mijn kutje schokken en aanspannen rond zijn dikke lul en toen voelde ik een warme golf in me tegen mijn baarmoeder aan, en nog n. Thomas kreunde mijn naam en spoot me vol met zijn zaad, mijn orgasme ging over in een allesvernietigende climax en ik gilde en schokte met mijn hele lijf, mijn kut krampte samen rond zijn lul en ik was bang dat ik hem pijn deed maar Thomas kreunde mijn naam en hij bleef stoten in me. Hij kwam nog een keer, nu een minder harde straal maar ik voelde weer zijn zaad in me. Hijgend lag hij op me, steunend op zijn ellebogen en we kusten elkaar teder, ik voelde zijn lul diep in me verslappen en toen een leegte. Hij keek me aan "Ik hou van je Floor, je bent nu van mij" Ik omhelsde hem "Jij bent nu van mij" Ik keek omlaag tussen mijn benen en zag zijn sperma vermengd met mijn bloed en vocht uit mijn ontmaagde, nog openstaande, kutje lopen. "Sjees, wat een bende" Thomas schoot in de lach *** Ik stopte mijn beddegoed in de was en hoopte dat ik het nog droog zou hebben voor mijn ouders zouden terug komen, en anders zou ik zeggen dat ik plotseling ongesteld was geworden. Ik had flink gebloed. Mijn kut klopte nog steeds, het was een prettige pijn, zeker omdat ik wist dat het Thomas was geweest die mijn maagdelijkheid had genomen. Thomas stond onder de douche, ik opende de douchecabine en stapte erbij. Hij waste me teder en toen waste ik hem. Ik speelde met zijn lul en ik voelde hem hard worden. Ik wreef mijn bovenlichaam tegen hem aan, zijn lul tussen mijn borsten, glibberig van de zeep en het water. Thomas was zo groot, of ik zo klein, ik kwam net tot zijn schouders als ik rechtop stond. Ik nam zijn lul in mijn hand en kneedde zijn ballen zachtjes, het was zo'n bijzonder gevoel. Ik knielde voor hem en likte langs de lengte van zijn lul terwijl ik hem aankeek. Hij legde zijn handen op mijn hoofd en fluisterde mijn naam. Ik pakte hem vast en likte over zijn eikel. Ik proefde hem, ondanks het water dat over ons heen stroomde. Ik opende mijn mond ik voelde hem in mij, ik speelde met mijn tong langs de schacht van zijn kloppende lul en bracht mijn hoofd verder naar voren. Zijn lul raakte mijn huig en ik moest kokhalzen, tranen sprongen in mijn ogen en ik voelde mijn speeksel lopen. Ik duwde door en voelde zijn eikel in mijn keel glijden, ik moest me ontspannen maar langzaam ging het steeds makkelijker en ik had hem in me, ik had mijn broers dikke lul diep in mijn keel. Ik begon neukende bewegingen te maken met mijn hoofd, zijn eikel schoof steeds in en uit mijn keel. Ik keek hem aan terwijl ik hem in me nam, het kwijl liep langs mijn kin. Ik schoof zijn lul uit me en ik keek hem aan. "neuk me in mijn mond, stoot jezelf diep in me, verkracht me" Ik opende mijn mond en stak mijn tong uit, klaar om door hem geneukt te worden. Ik keek hem aan en terwijl hij mijn naam noemde stootte hij zijn lul in mijn mond, ik kokhalsde weer even tot hij diep in me zat en me met krachtige stoten onteerde, ik genoot ervan, ik vond het zo geil om hem mij te laten onteren. Met mijn hand gleed ik tussen mijn benen en ik vingerde mezelf terwijl Thomas mij in mijn mond neukte, steeds harder tot hij mij grommend en kreunend volspoot met zijn zaad, ik slikte en ving een deel op in mijn mond om hem te proeven, mijn broers warme zaad.... Ik kreeg een orgasme toen ik hem in me voelde spuiten, maar verloor niet de controle, ik proefde hem terwijl ik schokkend klaarkwam. Thomas ging op zijn knien voor me zitten en nam me in zijn armen "oh god Floor.. Mijn Lieve lieve Floor" en hij kuste me terwijl het water over ons heen stroomde. *** De droger was net klaar en het bed opnieuw opgemaakt toen mijn ouders thuis kwamen, we waren inmiddels netjes gekleed, en niets deed vermoeden dat hun kinderen elkaar boven incestueus onteerd hadden. De sekslucht was uit mijn kamer verdreven door de ramen tegenover elkaar open te zetten. We zaten aan tafel en het plan was wel rond, we zouden een aannemer inhuren om alle stallen te slopen en het terrein helemaal verkoopklaar te maken. Rond de boerderij zouden we een aardig stuk grond houden als tuin, maar we hadden geen akkers nodig. De boerderij zelf zou volledig gerenoveerd worden, alleen de muren zouden origineel blijven. Voor de vorm hadden we besloten er inderdaad twee woningen van te maken, maar met 1 keuken en 1 grote woonkamer, het enige wat in tweevoud zou worden uitgevoerd was eigenlijk de slaapkamer/ badkamer combinatie. Aan de achterzijde zou een uitbouw komen met hier ruimte voor een kantoor/studiekamer voor Thomas en mij en de verdieping erop zou extra slaapkamers bieden. Het dak zou geheel vervangen worden door riet. In de tuin zou een groot terras komen en een zwembad. Thomas had berekend dat de meeste kosten gedekt zouden worden door de verkoop van de gigantische akkers rond de boerderij. Alles zou de komende maanden in gang gezet worden en als Thomas was afgestudeerd zouden we erin trekken. Het waren lange maanden en ik ging vaak heen en weer naar Delft om samen met hem te zijn. Onze liefde was sterk, en het wachten was het waard. Na een paar maanden was het zo ver en trokken we in onze woning. Thomas en ik zijn gelukkig, al 20 jaar. Twee vogels die te stom zijn om zich te conformeren aan de simpele regels van de zwerm. pics---->> http://bit.ly/2jj3ShK
Title: Retirement and College Ch. 01 Summary: Niece goes to live with uncle as she starts college. Keywords: inc,fic In January of 2012, I semi-retired from the small, but highly lucrative software engineering company I'd started in 1986. I'd developed several highly specialized security suites used by the Department of Defense and Department of Energy, as well as private clients. It had been quite a ride in those 26 years, but I was beginning to feel the strain it had taken on me. For the first time in my life, I was beginning to feel my age. I'd made a pile of money and with some smart investments, I became rather wealthy. Not Warren Buffet or Bill Gates wealthy, but money was something that I hadn't thought of in many years. The first week of January, I called my ten employees together for a meeting. It was the usual time I gave everyone their yearly bonus checks, as well as a little pep talk about hard work and perseverance. This time though, I gave them their bonus checks and told them from here on out, they'd be working for themselves. The company would now be employee owned. My very first employee, Eric Jensen, would be the new president and CEO. He had started with me as a young, bright eyed engineer, twenty-two years before. He was the sort of person that would have been successful at anything he tried. The existing employees would buy me out over a period of ten years, which could be extended if necessary. Knowing Eric, the earnings capacity, and growth potential, I knew I would be bought out as early as possible. That was fine with me, as I wanted the bulk of the company in my loyal employee's hands as soon as possible. I added one small caveat, I would retain 25% of my shares that would return to the trust upon the death of both myself and my younger sister, Amanda. The resulting balance would go to my niece, Kassie. I wanted to ensure good income for Amanda and me during our older years, while keeping the majority of my assets to take care of enjoying retirement, charitable contributions and unexpected circumstances. I also planned for Kassie to have a nice nest egg. My retirement would be official February 1. Everyone was very excited by the opportunity I had suddenly given them. Eric was obviously the most excited. I knew he'd do just fine. When it finally arrived, there was a huge sense of relief. I still planned to work one or two days a week, just to keep myself familiar with what was going on. The first two weeks were tough breaking the routine of being at the office at least 12 hours a day. The change really hit home as Eric took over my old role. I reminded myself that everything was in good hands and that he would do just fine. By the 3rd week, I was getting accustomed to sleeping in and taking a leisurely ride on one of my bicycles five mornings a week. I'd worried more about the transition from a personal standpoint than a business one. I was 48 years old, single and suddenly had no real focus in life. My personal life was complicated to say the least. The only two women that were a constant presence in my life were Amanda and Kassie. They were my world, and there was nothing I wouldn't do for the two of them. But there was more to it than that. Amanda was 14 months my junior. We'd finished raising one another after our parents were killed in an auto accident the summer after my freshman year of college. Neither Mom or Dad were particularly close with their families. So, Amanda and I found ourselves suddenly alone. It was a tough time considering I had a year of college under my belt and she'd just graduated from high school. We ended up selling everything Mom and Dad owned, plus using our college funds and their life insurance policies to cover their business debts. Little did we know at the time, this was due to my dad's business partner transferring mutually shared and his own debt onto my dad's ledger. He'd also taken several of my Dad's patents as his own. We were just kids, and after almost twenty-five years of partnership with my dad, he'd really fucked us. My dad's accountant finally figured it all out, but we certainly didn't have the money to hire an attorney at the time. I swore to Amanda that I wouldn't rest until we got Mom and Dad's money back from the bastard. As soon as my software company was going well enough I could keep my head above water, I hired the best attorney I could find. A few years later, Dad's former business partner ended up settling with Amanda and I for approximately $7.5 million dollars. Unfortunately, that wouldn't come until much later and we had to get through college first. Amanda and I shared a bedroom in a house I'd rented with four other guys. I had a job as a research assistant, and I was moonlighting writing all the code I could get my hands on. The programming was good money, but never enough to completely cover our tuition plus room and board. I finally relented and she got a job at a local bar that had just opened. I was not a regular at any of the college bars, but I thought I'd go in one night and see what it was like. To my surprise and horror, it was a strip joint. Thankfully, Manda wasn't on the stage, but she was waiting tables in just tiny panties and a cut-off shirt that barely covered her breasts. I was immediately determined to make her quit. The next morning, I talked to her about it, but she was adamant. "Look, John. I go to bed and you're on your computer working to support us. I wake up and it's the same thing. I can do my part, I don't mind." She argued. "Manda, I just don't like it. You're fucking half naked." I said. It was quite the departure from her personality. She was amazingly intelligent and beautiful, but also very shy. She dressed conservatively and looked the part of the book worm. "I know, but I made enough in tips the first week to cover the rest of our rent. I can have our utilities this week." "I still don't like it though. It's just not you." I persisted. "I know, but you're already working yourself to death just to keep up with our tuition. I really don't mind it. It's actually really fun working there." She said. I loved her and trusted her. If she was okay with it, I could be too and I let it go at that. "Please, promise me you won't start stripping there." I said, as I conceded. "I promise, John." She said as she hugged me. We both had a good laugh about that. One night in late October that first semester, Amanda was studying and I was working on some code. I was focused on my work and hadn't been paying much attention to her, until I heard her softly sobbing. I immediately walked over and put my arm around her. "Hey, what's wrong?" I asked. "It just hurts, John. We're completely on our own now. Sometimes it really hits me hard." "Manda, I know, but we still have one another. I'll always be there for you." I promised. "Yes. I don't know what I would do without you." She stood up and hugged me tightly. "I feel the same way. We're just going to have to get through this together, honey." I said. "Yes, we will." She kissed me on the cheek. I smiled at her as she pulled back. She surprised me by then kissing me on the lips. I was shocked, but I didn't have long to contemplate it, before she did it again. This time I felt her tongue trying to fight its way through my lips. "Uh, Hey. What are you doing?" I asked in confusion. "John, I don't want to feel this way any longer tonight. I want to feel something else." "Manda, we can't do that." I protested, knowing exactly what she meant. "Yes, we can. Kiss me, John." Her lips returned to mine. I hesitated. She was upset and didn't know what she was thinking, I told myself. Our lips met and she held me even tighter. Her tongue once again probed my lips. I granted her entry and our tongues met and twirled. I was surprised to learn that my own little sister was the most passionate kisser I'd ever met. She released me from her embrace and quickly unbuttoned her blouse revealing her perfect, bare breasts. She took my hands and pulled them to her chests. Her breasts felt almost electric in my hands. I rubbed them gently and teased her hard nipples with my fingertips as we continued to kiss. She frantically pulled my t-shirt over my head and pulled me close to her again. I loved the sensation of holding her against me. I found that despite our relationship, she had me more turned on than I think I'd ever been. Her right hand was between us and unbuttoned my Levi's. They were soon around my ankles, along with my briefs. She stoked my throbbing cock briefly, before removing her shorts and panties. She led me to my bed and pulled me on top of her. I felt her reach between us and grab my rock-hard cock, directing it toward her warm, inviting wetness. "Manda, are you sure about this?" I asked, between passionate, lusty kisses. I felt like I had to give her one last opportunity, even though I was well beyond the point of no return. "Mmmm yes, let's just do it, John." She replied. "I don't have any condoms." I said. "I'm on the pill." She replied. Her hands grabbed my hips and she pulled me deep inside her. "Oh," we gasped in near unison as I bottomed out. "God, that's really good, John." She moaned. "Yeah, it is honey, but you're sure though?" Despite feeling the need for confirmation, my hips were thrusting, sliding my cock in and out of her wonderful, silky wetness. "Yes, I am. We love and care about one another, I've wanted this for a long time." "You have..." I started. She raised her index finger to my lips. "Shush, let's just enjoy it. We can talk later." She said. I knew we would need to talk, but satisfying our needs came first. I was pumping in and out of her with vigor. She wrapped her shapely legs around my waist and smiled as she looked up at me. "Thank you, John. I love you so much. You've always looked out for me and took care of me." We were staring into one another's eyes. I could only nod, as my mind swam with thoughts of what we were doing. "Oh, god, you feel so good inside me!" She groaned. I was panting as I thrusted in her. "You feel really great, too. Oh Manda. So, fucking good!" "Oh, yes. Yes, John. Oh, I can't believe it. I think I'm going to cum. I've never came this fast." "Good, because I'm about to fucking explode!" I gasped. "Then do it. Do it John. Give it to me, baby." She groaned as she orgasmed. "Mmmm, oh, Manda. I'm cumming, I'm cumming." I thrust one final time and filled my little sister with everything I had. She pulled me down and kissed me. "That was amazing." She smiled. "Yeah, it was!" I smiled deliriously. "No regrets?" She asked. "No. Do you?" I replied. "None. It was wonderful." She answered. We kissed for a long time and then she moved to get up. I watched as she put her clothes back on. Finally, she looked back at me. I was looking at her curiously. "What?" She asked. "I don't really know. I mean we just made love. Now you're up and dressed, like nothing happened." I said. "I need to finish my finance homework and I have a paper to write for freshman comp. You have work to do too, right? There will be plenty of time to talk this weekend. We'll have the house to ourselves. The roomies are all going camping, remember?" She arched her eyebrows. True to her word, we did talk, and make love, repeatedly that weekend. Manda and I were lovers for the next two and a half years. Just before my graduation, I sat her down and we had a long talk. I told her that I loved her more than anything and enjoyed every moment we shared, but I felt that we both needed to move on. I'd often felt during my last year of school our relationship was somehow holding her back. Neither of us had been on a date in all that time. I felt that she needed to explore and that with me being her constant emotional, as well as physical companion, that would never happen. I explained as much to her during our talk. "John, thank you for saying that. I've been thinking I was holding you back as well, but I couldn't bring myself to tell you. I didn't want it to end, it's been so special." She gave me a big hug and a long lingering kiss. We held one another as we both cried. When we both finally stopped, there were smiles on both of our faces. We were just brother and sister again, albeit with a love and understanding that few siblings ever knew. Little did we know, another family tragedy would reunite us again, years later. -------------------------------- I'd married the year after graduation from college. She'd seemed like the perfect girl. We had a lot in common and got along great. Unfortunately, she expected me to be more successful than I was at the time. Despite all my hard work, I had not instantly become the Silicon Valley multi-millionaire she expected when we'd met. She left me shortly before our second anniversary. A year or so later, I was making more money than I knew what to do with. Naturally, she called me, offering to leave her new husband for another chance. I told her firmly, I was not interested and wished her the best of luck. I'd remained a bachelor in the intervening years. I'd met many wonderful women in that time, but I was clear with them I was only interested in companionship. I realize now, that I hurt a lot of great women, but I was callous. When I decided in my late 20's that I was never going to remarry, I had a vasectomy. I finally admitted to myself that most of my issues revolved around the fact these women were not Manda. By the time I realized this, it was too late. In 1990, Amanda married a doctor, Ryan, fresh out of medical school. She had graduated with a degree in accounting and was already working her way up at a large firm in Chicago when they met. Ryan and Amanda were the perfect couple. You could see it in the way they interacted, I admitted with envy. When Kassie was born in 1994, I was caught between feelings of happiness for them and sadness. Soon, I convinced myself that the past was gone and I needed to be happy for the life they were lucky to share. Unfortunately, their happiness was not to last. Ryan was diagnosed with glioblastoma just before Kassie's second birthday. He was gone by her third. His passing left Manda a widow at 31 and in a dire financial situation. She had spent the majority of her portion of the legal settlement from our parent's estate on helping Ryan establish his medical practice. There were also tremendous medical bills for experimental treatments during his fight with cancer that were not covered by insurance. Regrettably, Ryan never established adequate life insurance coverage for Amanda and Kassie. I was making serious money by then, so I stepped in to help her out. She was my sister despite what we'd shared before. I set up a fund for Kassie's education, and to give her things that I knew her dad would have provided for her. I tried to ensure she never wanted for anything. I was the doting uncle, but in a way, she became the daughter I never had. I set up a fund to help Amanda with finances as well. About a year after Ryan passed, Amanda asked me to come to Chicago for a few days. She had a few final things to settle with his estate and she wanted me to be there as a second set of eyes and ears. Kassie was visiting Ryan's parents in Ohio. I knew that I also needed to be there for emotional support as this was likely the final chapter of her losing her husband. She had remarked several times that the whole ordeal had been like losing Mom and Dad again, only in slow motion. I caught a red eye flight from the west coast and she met me in a cab, which took us to her attorney's office. We had a lengthy meeting regarding the final status of Ryan's estate. Unfortunately, there was a discrepancy in the amount owed on the building Ryan's medical practice was located in. The appraised value was far below the amount owed and the financing company had called the balance due, to the tune of $2,500,000. We'd expected to be able to refinance the building at a more competitive rate, not this. I looked to my left at Manda. She looked like she was about to wilt. I was about to explode, because something wasn't right. I switched from caring brother to shrewd asshole in an instant. I asked Manda to wait outside for a moment. I didn't want her to see my ugly side. The attorney representing the finance company suddenly looked uneasy. I knew that Ryan and Amanda had put a large sum of their own money into refurbishing the building in question. It was a burned-out shell in one of Chicago's roughest neighborhoods when they bought it. Ryan's dream had been to open a practice in an area typically underserved by quality medical care. He had recruited many younger medical professionals to join him. I had contributed, but Ryan and Amanda consistently refused to let me finance the whole project. I understood their feelings and agreed to let them seek other donors and investors to see the project through. As I sat in the office fuming, I wished they'd let me help them more. Once Amanda was outside the room, I went to work. "So, let me get this straight," I glared holes in the attorney for the finance company. "You say the building as it sits, completely refurbished, fully occupied with paying tenants is worth $250,000?" "Yes, Mr. Brown, that's correct." He replied smugly. I leaned forward in my chair. "You have got to be out of your fucking mind! That building is worth $5 million, period." He got a concerned look on his face, "Mr. Brown, the appraisers..." "Your appraisers are intentionally trying to fuck us." I interjected. "No, it's fair market value." He added, lamely. I doubted he even believed what he was saying. "Okay, fair market value. How about this, why don't I write you a check right now, for $2.5 million, I keep the building, and your client goes and fucks themselves." I said glaring at him. "No, Mr. Brown. It doesn't work that way. We'd have to have the property fairly appraised and...." He stammered. "So, you're admitting it was unfairly appraised to begin with?" I asked. I gave him an icy stare. His eyes blinked repeatedly. "Uh, no, that's not what I'm saying, Mr. Brown." He sputtered. He was visibly uneasy. "Then, what are you trying to say?" I asked forcefully. "I'm afraid I'll have to speak with my client about this matter." He replied, playing for time. "I suggest you talk to them immediately. Cole Palmer does the evening news for WGN. He's a close friend of my mine. I'm pretty sure your client would hate to see a story about them foreclosing on a medical center located in underprivileged neighborhood. Don't you?" "You can't bargain with me that way, Mr. Brown!" He insisted. "That's funny, I already have." I replied. "I expect an answer in an hour. Otherwise, you will be hearing from my attorney, Harlan Samuel." "Harlan Samuel?" He said, surprised. "He represents you?" "Yes, for over 20 years." I said. Jim, Amanda's attorney, finally spoke. "Bob, you can use the office next door." Bob stood up, completely flustered. Without a word, he left the office. I looked over at Jim, who was shaking his head. "That took an unexpected turn." He said. "Yeah, he thought we were going to take it lying down, didn't he?" I asked. "He did. I just hope his client sees it your way." Jim said. "It's in their best interest. Cole lives for this sort of thing. So, does Harlan." I smiled. "Yes, I'm sure they do. For a California guy, you sure know how to do things the Chicago way." "I thought being a difficult asshole was the same everywhere." I laughed. Manda walked back in the office. Jim explained what had happened. "I thought he left looking less sure of himself," she replied. She looked at me and shook her head. I knew I was going to get a talking to, but after all she'd been through, there was no way in hell I was going to let anyone push her around. We were chatting amongst ourselves when Bob walked back in. He looked even more flustered than when he'd left. He took his seat. "I'm authorized to offer you the property for $4 million." He offered. "We'll see your ass in court, then." I stood and reached for Amanda's arm. "Mr. Brown, please let's discuss this," Bob offered. "There's nothing to discuss. You said we owed $2.5. Now you're offering $4. You're not going to fuck us around. I'll spend money on attorneys until hell freezes over, or until I own your client's ass, first." I said. Amanda was looking at me. I think she wanted to smile, but the seriousness of the situation prevented her from doing it. "Mr. Brown. My client authorized me to accept a reasonable offer." He pleaded. "Our offer is $2 million. Take it or leave it." I knew the building was worth at least three times that. Local businesses had started to believe in the neighborhood again. Things were looking up. I wasn't going to let that die. "Okay, Mr. Brown. We'll accept that." Bob replied angrily. "Fine. I'll be here until Friday mid-day. I expect a contract to be written by then." "You'll have it, Mr. Brown." He said curtly. "I would hope so." I said firmly. "Jim, thank you for your help." I extended my hand. "My pleasure, John." He said. I reached out to shake Bob's hand. He begrudgingly accepted. I opened the door and Manda walked out in the hallway. "You like doing that stuff too much." She sighed. "I know I do, but ever since that jackass fucked us over when Mom and Dad died, I haven't let anyone push me around. They're not going to push you around either." I said, keeping my emotions in check. "I know, John." She took my arm and we walked to the elevator in silence. That Thursday afternoon, we signed the contract on the building. I was happy things had worked out. Ryan and Manda's dream would live on. We hailed a cab and I asked Manda where there was a good place to get dinner and a celebratory glass of wine. She suggested a place and the cab sped off. We enjoyed a delicious steak dinner and a glass soon turned into a bottle. We sat there long after dinner talking. Finally, I suggested maybe we move to the bar so that someone else might enjoy dinner. She laughed and agreed. "I want to thank you for everything, John." She said. "Baby, you don't ever have to thank me. I'm happy to do it. I told you I'd always be there for you." I replied. "You haven't called me baby in a long time." She smiled. "It didn't feel right for a long time. I had tried to just put that in the past." "I know you did, so did I. But still, you spend most of your time and a tremendous amount of money on making me happy." She said. "You and Kassie are all I have babe." I said taking a sip of my wine. "John, it doesn't have to be that way, though. It always made Ryan uncomfortable." "I was afraid of that, but with what he wanted to do, he was going to need money somewhere. Why not from me?" "I agree. I fought long and hard to get him to accept what you gave us. He didn't want to take any of it." "I'm glad you prevailed, and I hope he would be happy with what we accomplished this week." "I think he would be, however begrudgingly." She smiled. "You look a little sleepy." I offered, as I poured the last of the wine. "I am a little bit. Wine always makes me so mellow." She said. "Some things never change, do they?" I smiled, as we sipped our wine. "No, they don't. You want to get out of here? I have a couple bottles at home that are left from what you brought at Christmas." She said. "Sure. That sounds good." I helped her put her coat on and we walked out. I felt her take my hand in hers. I looked over at her. She was smiling. "You don't mind, do you?" She asked. "No, of course not. It's just me and you tonight." I smiled. "I know. That's what I like." She grinned. We got in a cab and the driver took off. I turned to look at her and she pounced on me. We exchanged the most torrid, passionate kisses either of us had ever felt. Her hands roved over my arms and shoulders, as my hands gripped her waist pulling her yet closer to me. We were both lost in the moment as our latent desire for one another boiled over in the backseat of that cab. We were both so turned on, we ignored the cab driver, and made out like horny teenagers. I unbuttoned her blouse and pulled her heaving breasts from her lacy black bra. I sucked her nipples lustily, while vigorously fingering her wet pussy through the gaping hole I'd torn in her pantyhose. For her part, she had my slacks open and heartily stroked my throbbing cock. She pushed me back towards the cab door and she lowered her beautiful face to my lap. I leaned back against the window as she enthusiastically deep throated my cock. Even over the sound of the cab in motion, I could hear the lusty, slurping sounds she made as she sucked me. I managed to look in the front seat, and noticed the cab driver was spending more time with his eyes on the rearview mirror than on the road. When we finally pulled up in front of her house, I grabbed Manda by the arm and just threw a $100 bill in the front seat. The frenzy of lovemaking that took place that night was like nothing I had ever experienced. I took her the first time that night up against the wall in her entryway. That was as far as we'd made it. There had never been a woman I'd known that could reach me on such an animalistic level as my own sister. Our lovemaking was spontaneous, wanton and passionate. The compatibility was uncanny. Despite my hesitation our very first time, there had never been a moment of awkwardness between us in bed. We would unquestioningly do anything the other desired in the heat of the moment. We finally collapsed on her bed in exhaustion about 3 in the morning. I remember waking up to find her draped over me, still asleep. I just laid there holding her until she finally woke. We had a long talk that morning over coffee. Neither of us had bothered to dress. "So, where does last night leave us, baby?" I asked. "Where do you want to leave us?" She replied. "I'll be completely honest and say that was the greatest night of lovemaking I've ever experienced." I said. "I'd be very comfortable in agreeing with that." She laughed. "What I told you 12 years ago still stands, though." I reminded her. "I know it does. And it still stands for me as well. We live half a country apart, I'm not expecting you to give up your life for me." She said. "You think we can still share what we had, though?" I asked. "Yes. I hope so." She said as she took my hand in hers. "Me too, babe." I agreed. "John, it was just so good to have you back last night. Even if it was one night. You don't know how I've missed sharing that with you." "Manda, I feel the same way. No one I've ever met has compared to you." I said. That brought another smile to her face. "I feel the same. It always bothered me that Ryan never could reach me like you could. It hurt me, because I know how hard he tried. I've spent way too many hours talking to my shrink about it." She admitted. "Yeah, I know. What we shared has stopped me on multiple occasions." I agreed. "I hate that though." She said sadly. "Don't. I'd never go back and change a thing." I said. "Neither would I." She agreed. "What time is your flight?" "1." I said. "Lovely." She said, as she stood up and walked around the table. Despite being a mother, her body was still as wonderful as I remembered our first night. She stopped in front of me before she leaned down and kissed me, slow and deep. "Looks like we have a couple hours to kill, doesn't it?" "Yes, it does....." I took her hand and led her to her bedroom. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- One day in late March after I retired, I was sitting on my back patio overlooking the ocean. I was watching the waves beat against the rocks and sipping a glass of Cabernet Sauvignon. It was from a college friend's family winery. It was nice and complex, but just a little too peppery for my palette. Perhaps next year would be more like their previous releases. I felt my phone vibrate in the pocket of my warm-ups. It was still cold along the coast. I reached for my iPhone, and saw it was Manda. Odd, she usually never called until later in the evening. I answered, jokingly, "How's my favorite girl, today?" "I'm your only girl, and I'm not good." Panic was evident in her voice. "Babe, what's wrong?" I asked, suddenly serious. "It's Kassie. She filed her paperwork for her housing at school electronically. Apparently, something went wrong and it didn't transmit. So, she didn't get into the dorms. Every apartment we can find has an eight-month waiting list. I don't know what we're going to do." She sounded exasperated. "Manda, don't worry about it. I'll get her a place to stay. I saw some houses for sale by campus this week." I offered. "John, no! You've done too much already. I mean, she'd never even be able to attend there without you." She replied. "Sweetie, I don't mind. It's no big deal. It'll be ok." "John, seriously. I can't let you do that. You're her uncle, you can't carry her through life forever." "Manda, I'm her uncle, but she's also like my own daughter. I'll always do what I can to help her. Look, what about this, why doesn't she just live with me? I'm 5 minutes from campus. I mean there's a bus stop like a block away and she can always use one of my cars." "Would you mind?" She asked. Her voice seemed calmer. "Hell no, I wouldn't mind. It's Kassie." I replied. "She can get a job and pay you rent." "Manda, Jesus, don't be crazy, that's nonsense. She doesn't need to do that, she just needs to focus on school. I don't want things to be for her like it was for us. She's welcome here as long as she wants." I said firmly. "You're serious, aren't you?" She asked. "Of course, I am." I answered. "You're sure it's not going to be an inconvenience to you?" She asked. "No, it's going to be fine." "Okay. She wants to talk to you." She passed the phone to Kassie. I heard them talking. "Uncle John, you really don't mind?" Kassie asked. "No, sweet pea, not at all. Your room will be ready and waiting." I assured her. "I love you, Uncle John. Thank you, so much!" "I love you too, sweetie. Don't mention it. I look forward to you being here." "Yes, so do I!" We said our goodbyes and I hung up. I found myself thinking about Kassie. She had always been such a joy to be around. When she got up into grade school, Amanda let her come stay with me during the summers. I would always take time away from work to spend as much time as I could with her. I taught her to play soccer and to ride a bicycle. We went to the beach and we would take trips up into the mountains. We were buddies. I enjoyed spending the time I had with her and watching her grow up. She was always so full of wonder and excitement. As the years passed, she and I grew ever closer. After she got her first cellphone, we'd text every day. I realized she often used me as a sounding board, before she approached her mom about something. I was a confidant that she could talk about boys, school or whatever with. The world had changed, but the basis issues that teenagers faced remained the same. When she was out during the summer, I would take her shopping for school clothes and the things she wanted for her athletics. I spoiled the hell out of her, but she never expected it and was always thankful. I did get a few phone calls from Manda about it, when Kassie came home with her loot. The previous summer she had turned 18. I was finally coming to grips that my little niece was practically grown up. We talked a lot that summer about what she wanted to do in life. She said that she wanted to go into medicine like her dad. I told her that was a great plan. We often sat on the back patio after dinner with a glass of wine. She joked that it made her feel sophisticated. I noticed that summer that she flirted with me a lot. She'd make comments about how handsome I was. It made me smile, because I knew even as a little girl she always a crush on me. When she would make comments like that, I would joke with her and remind her that I was a broken down old man, while finding a way to compliment her in return. Given her genetics, she was very brilliant. I'd helped Manda pay for private schools whose curriculum matched her abilities. She was also very athletic, excelling at soccer and field hockey. She'd earned academic and athletic scholarships to many schools across the country, but she had finally chosen the small west coast university her mother and I had attended. I knew that she was going to make her mother and I even prouder than we already were. --------------------------------------------------- Amanda came out for a week in June, for a conference. We had a great time just being together again and not having to sneak around. The night before she left we were sitting in my hot tub, relaxing after making love for the third time that day. I had been thinking about something that I hadn't mentioned to her before. I wasn't sure how she'd react, but I wanted to talk to her about it. I was stretched out on one of the built-in seats in the tub, with her between my legs. I had my arms around her, holding her against me. "I've been thinking about something and I want you to let me know what you think." I said. "What," she asked. "Why don't you come out here next month with Kassie?" I said. "What do you mean?" She asked. "I mean just retire, and move out here with me." I replied. "I can't retire yet. I'm not ready." She said. "Why not? You don't have to worry about money, baby." "John, no it's not money. It's just there's so many things going at work, I just can't leave right now." She said. "Babe, it was the same way with me. There wasn't going to be a good time, I just had to do it. I want us to have time before we're too old." I replied. "John, my aching pussy tells me that you've still got a lot of good in you." She turned her head back to me and smiled. "Can you give me time to think about it?" "Yes, but I want you to come out here." I repeated my wishes. "I know you do, but what would we do about Kassie? She's going to be living here next year." "I'll get her place to stay. I'll buy her a place, if I have to." I said. "Whoa, hold on crazy man. I know you've been thinking about this, and believe me, this scheme of your sounds amazing, but we need to just slow down." She cautioned. "Leave it to you to try and be reasonable." I laughed. "I'm just saying, let's think about this a little bit more. Your new roomie is not going to be very happy if you move her out though." "No?" "John, you don't know how excited she is to be staying with you." "Oh. She is?" I replied. "Yeah, she is. She talks about it constantly." "Well, that puts a damper on things." I sighed. "Hey, let's just see how things go. Maybe she'll meet some good friends and then she can decide to move out on her own." "Okay. But if you're not out here next fall. I'm coming to get you." I squeezed her tightly for emphasis. "I understand." She replied. "You're not going to believe how much she's changed since Christmas." "What do you mean?" I asked. "She's not our little girl that preferred books to boys anymore." She laughed. "Oh?" "She hasn't gone crazy, but you'd scarcely recognize her. She's not your little, rough and tumble midfielder anymore. She's become a little lady." "Wow. What brought this on?" I asked. "I don't know. It's been cute to watch. She's coming into her own though." "Haha, I bet." I smiled. "You know, I'm not going to see you for a few months." She stood up and turned to face me. "That's true." I said, looking up at her. Her breasts glistened with water in the pale light from the hot tub. "Just how old and worn out are you?" She asked. "I'm sure I could be persuaded." "In that case, why don't you sit on the edge of the hot tub then." "It'd be my pleasure." I moved and sat on the edge. "I'm sure it will be." She smiled and lowered her face to my lap... --------------------------------------- The first week of July, Kassie arrived. I picked her up at the airport in my newest toy, a bright red, Ferrari 458 Spider. I had insisted that she come out early so that we could hang out some before she got busy with school work. When I saw her at the baggage claim, I could see Manda was right. Gone were her little black rimmed glasses, and her naturally wavy hair, usually wadded up in a bun. She had finally gotten contacts and her long black hair was straightened. I couldn't ever remember her wearing makeup. She was wearing a tank top, tight little shorts and her customary flip flops. She was always the cutest little thing, but seemingly in the blink of an eye, she was now a beautiful young woman. We hugged for a long time while we waited for her baggage. She had shipped most of her stuff, which had arrived the day before, so she just had a couple of small bags and her backpack with her. We walked out of the terminal to the short-term parking lot. I led her to where the Ferrari was parked all by itself. "You did not buy this!!!" She squealed and looked at me in excitement. "I did." I smiled. "Oh my god! Can I drive it? Please?" She asked. "Haha, yes you can, but not in the city. Wait until we get home." "Okay, I can live with that." She exclaimed. "Does this mean the Viper will be my car?" "We'll need to talk about that. I was thinking maybe the Jeep or Land Rover would be your car." I laughed. "You're no fun!" She smiled. I pulled back the flip top roof. We left the airport and headed out of the city. She put on her sunglasses and enjoyed the ride as I drove the car as fast as I could, without attracting law enforcement attention. I wondered why this sudden change in her had occurred? Manda had mentioned it, but wow! I hadn't seen her since Christmas, and I missed her high school graduation to accompany Eric for a really important client meeting. We talked about her summer so far and how her mom was doing. Her mother had recently begun to try dating, again. Kassie was giving me her opinions. Most of them were negative. I was curious because Manda rarely talked about who she was dating, for the obvious reasons. I was the same way, I just didn't feel it was appropriate after all she and I had shared. "I mean, some of them are all right, but there are some that just look like losers." She said. "I can imagine so. It's hard, honey, when you get older." I said. "I know. It's just, Mom is pretty successful, but one of them didn't even have a job, Uncle John." She rolled her eyes. "I hope she skipped him." I laughed. "No, she went out with him one time, because he really was handsome. I mean he looked like Daniel Craig from the Bond movies." "Must be nice to be a sexy bastard like that," I turned and smiled at her. "You need to stop, you're sexy and you're a gazillionaire as well." She grinned. "Well, thanks, but I'm not that rich." I joked. She hadn't forgot how to flirt with me. "You're rich enough to afford this beast." She ran her hands over the dash. "I was going to get a McLaren MP4, but the dealer and I couldn't agree on the price." "What the hell is that?" She asked. "Google it." I smiled. "You GenX'rs always make fun of us poor Millennials because we don't have to look things up in an encyclopedia at the library." She laughed. "Hell, no. I'm just jealous. I wonder about what I could have accomplished with a smart phone when I was your age." "I think you did pretty well on your own." She smiled, patting my arm as I shifted gears. She continued talking about her mom. As she talked, I kept glancing over at her. I was still just amazed by the change in her appearance. Finally, when she paused, I made a comment about it. It made her smile. "Thanks," She said. "I just thought that with going away to college, I might try something different. Everyone in high school just knew me as nerdy Kassie, but now I can be whoever I want." She said. "There was nothing wrong with nerdy Kassie, you know. Your mom was always nerdy too, but she was the prettiest girl in school." "I know she was, I just thought I might try something different." She grinned. "The new look certainly suits you. You're gorgeous." I smiled. She blushed. "Well, thank you. That means a lot to me." Her smile could have made me melt. She always had the cutest little dimples. Despite all her other changes, those were still there. We talked the rest of the way home. Later that night, we made dinner and I gave her the short list of my house rules. No boys in my house until I met them. No drinking and driving. She could get a job if she wanted, but she didn't have to. I wanted her to focus on school, first and foremost. I then gave her a debit card and an American Express card. "You're spoiling me already. Just like always, Uncle John." She laughed. "No, I'm just making life a lot easier on you than it was for your mom and I." "I know. Mom told me about how hard you both worked to get through school after Grandpa and Grandma passed away. I really appreciate it." She gave me a big hug. "I know you do. You always have, sweetie." I smiled. The next few days we spent getting her school stuff settled and I also took her shopping for some new clothes. "You can't buy all of this for me." She said. We were at the mall. My arms were full of clothes, as were hers. "Yes, I can. Just don't say anything to your mother." I replied. "She told me not to take advantage of your generosity." She laughed. "You're not taking advantage of anything. I just thought the new Kassie might want some nice things to wear. Besides, I've spoiled your mom once or twice, if my memory serves me." "Yeah, I know how you are with Mom." She replied. She had a very mischievous look on her pretty face. I wondered what she'd meant by that comment? "Okay, I guess I'll let you." She smiled, with a sparkle in her big brown eyes. We went to the cashier and $1,100 later, we walked out of the store. As we walked back to my Jeep through the mall, we passed the Victoria's Secret store. I noticed she glanced briefly inside. "You can go in there too, if you want." I said. "Are you sure? You've spent so much on me already." She said. "Yeah. Go ahead. Use your cards." "You don't want to come with me?" She asked. "You don't think it might be a little odd if you take a 48-year-old man to help you shop for underthings? Not to mention, he's your uncle?" I laughed. "It wouldn't bother me at all, actually." She grinned. I smiled at her curiously, wondering if this was some of sort of game. "Come on, they'll just think you're my sugar daddy." She reached out to take my hand. "And just what do you know about sugar daddies, Kassie?" I asked, raising my eyebrow. "You've been my sugar daddy my whole life." She replied with a smile. "That's not what that means exactly, honey. You might want to Google that, too." I laughed. "What? Did I say the wrong thing?" She asked, confused. "Honey, it'll be okay." I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and squeezed her against me. "I'm so glad you're here." "So am I," she said as we walked in the store. We spent the next forty-five minutes looking at all manner of female undergarments. I was a little embarrassed as the girls in the store went about helping her while I stood there. There was no telling what they were thinking. I saw Kassie waving me over so I walked over to her. "What do you think of these? Cute or a little slutty?" She asked. She was holding a tiny lace thong in each hand. They looked like something her mom would wear. I knew from Kassie's previous summer visits she generally wore cotton bikini panties, as we'd shared laundry duties. "I don't think they're slutty. If you're confident and comfortable wearing them, that's all that matters." I said. She got a big smile on her face. "Okay, good." She turned to walk off. I found myself smiling and shaking my head. I had not prepared to lose my innocent little niece quite this fast! Finally, she announced that she was finished. The sales girls seemed to be pleased by the generous pile of things Kassie had picked. I hoped they at least got a commission. I walked towards the door as she paid. She joined me with three large bags. "I'm sorry, but they were having a big sale. I didn't spend all that much. Well, not as much as the last store, anyway." She shrugged. "It'll be ok, Kassie. I promise. It's only money." "I knew you would say something like that, Uncle John." She smiled and we walked to the parking lot. ---------------------------- Amanda called every few nights after Kassie arrived. One Thursday night in the middle of July, we just chatting, when she asked how things were going since Kassie's arrival. "Everything is fine, why would you expect differently?" I said. "You've seen her now." She laughed. "Yeah, I'm still adjusting to the new Kassie, but babe, she's fine though. I promise." I replied. "She hasn't gone wild yet." "Good. You're not spoiling her, are you?" She asked. Her tone indicated what she suspected. "No, I'm not." I replied, forgetting another shopping trip we had made earlier that day. "You better not. She doesn't need to get used to having a sugar daddy." She laughed. "She didn't know what that really meant." I replied. "She didn't? For a girl as smart as she is, she can be so nave." She laughed. "Yeah, she can. She said I'd been her sugar daddy her whole life." I said. "Bless the girl's innocence. Do you think she'll still call you her sugar daddy when she finds out what it means?" She laughed. "I hope not." I replied. "So, what have you been spoiling her with?" "Just clothes, and $400 worth of new underthings." I admitted. "You took her panty shopping, huh?" Manda asked, her curiosity obvious. "Yeah. It was her idea. I can only imagine what the sales girls thought." I added. "That's hilarious. You've never taken me panty shopping." She said. "I've bought you lots of things like that." I replied. "Yeah, but mail order and online though." "Okay, I'll take you panty shopping when you're out in September." "You don't have to. That's really cute that you went with her." She said. "I felt a little bit awkward, but I survived." "You didn't need to feel awkward. She really looks up to you. I bet it made her happy." She said. "Yeah, I suppose so." "Did she get some pretty things?" She asked. "I didn't take a full inventory, but I think you'd approve of what I saw." "Good. I used your credit card to buy some things for myself the other day." She said. "Oh, really? Like what?" I asked. "You'll just have to wait and see." She laughed mischievously. "So, she's not cramping your lifestyle, then?" "No, she's not. It's been great having her here." I said. "I just wish you'd came with her." "John, I know. Soon though, okay?" She replied. "Okay." "Have you been thinking about me?" She asked, in a voice that made my cock twitch half a continent away. "You know I have." "Do tell?" She asked. "You know what I'm always thinking about with you." I replied. "I know, but I love hearing you say it." She said lustily. "You just wait." I promised. "Oh, I'm going to be waiting all right." She replied. "I'm dying to have that big cock of yours inside me again. Nobody's ever fucked me like my big brother." "You're going to need to stop talking like that, or I'm going to have to relieve myself." "No, you will not! You'll save it for me! I'll be out soon, remember?" "That's a long time to wait, even for an old man like me." "Old man? I was sore for a week after I saw you June." "Just the way I like you. Sore and satisfied." "Mmmm, just the way I like to be too. It's a good thing Kassie doesn't know what an animal she's living with." "That's very true." I agreed. "That would really ruin her image of you. She thinks you're some sort of saint." "I doubt that. I have too many character flaws to be a saint." I joked. "She's always had the cutest little crush on you." She added. "I know. That poor girl. She'd be sadly disappointed." I laughed. "I doubt that she would. You're a great guy. You're the one that decided that you were going to be a rake the rest of your life." "That's an interesting word, rake. I don't think you've ever called me that." We both laughed. "It's fairly fitting I think." "Far from it." I laughed. "No, it's spot on I think. I know the dirty, perverted things you've done to me over the years." She purred. "You talk like I led you astray, you were the one that started it all." I reminded her. "You took the lead, after I broke the ice, if memory serves." She replied. "Yes, I did." I agreed. "Uh huh. I was still pretty young and innocent." "I think we're remembering two different little sisters." "I was! I'd only been with one other guy!!" She said. "Uh huh." I said. "Whatever." "It's been great though babe." I admitted. "Yes, it has. So, great. The things that we've shared. The closeness. I just wish...." She paused. "Wished what?" I asked. "Oh, it's nothing." She said, trying to play it off. "Don't play that game with me." I insisted. "It's just that I wish Kassie knew what it's like." "I know honey, but she never had a brother she could share that with." I replied. "That's not what I was saying John." She said quietly. My mind was churning. I thought I knew what she meant, but I had to hear her admit it. "What then?" "You know exactly what I'm saying. I'm not going to spell it out for you." She said. Her statement hung in the air like a low fog. I sat there on the phone quietly, thinking about what she'd said. "John?" She asked finally. "Yeah, I'm just trying to process what you said." I replied. "What do you think?" She asked. "Babe, I think we might need to leave that topic alone for tonight." "Okay. I better let you go anyway, babe. I've got an early presentation in the morning." "Okay. Good luck. Love you babe." "I love you too, John. Always." I hung up my phone and thought about what Manda had said. I tried to push it out of my head, but I couldn't. I was sitting on my back patio watching the sun sink into the vast void of the Pacific. I poured another glass of wine and swirled it in my glass before taking a sip. I don't know why Manda's suggestion surprised me after all we'd shared over the years. I guess I just thought that was between the two of us. We'd always kept our relationship a secret, and constantly maintained appearances around Kassie. In my mind, I always dreamed there would be a time that we could be honest with Kassie and just tell her. I hoped that she would be accepting and then I could finally have a "normal" relationship with Manda. Having her retire and move to California was the first step I hoped. I found Manda's suggestion had rocked me to the core. I couldn't see Kassie that way, even with her recent changes. I still saw her as my little niece that I'd taught to play soccer. There had been changes in our relationship in the two weeks she'd been there, I admitted. She had always been affectionate with me, but it had become much more. There were more hugs, more touching me, goodnight kisses on the cheek every night. At first, I thought it was cute, since she had always had a little crush on me, but now I wondered. And then tonight's conversation. Had she said something to her mother? Her style of dress around the house had also changed dramatically from previous visits. She'd typically worn warm ups or baggy soccer shorts. Those were replaced by tight yoga pants, gym shorts and sports tops. Ironically, I had bought practically all of them for her since she'd arrived. I was no saint, since I often looked at her as she moved around the house. I reminded myself repeatedly that she was my niece, despite how attractive she was, but how was she different than my own sister? I poured the remaining wine in the bottle in my glass. It was fully dark and the stars were making their twinkling appearance. I turned when I heard the glass back door of the house slide open. I saw Kassie's sleek form, silhouetted by the house lights, as she walked towards me. She walked over to me and sat on my lap. She took my wine glass and had a small sip. Her lips wrinkled as she sat the glass back down. "I still think I like whites better." She said. I had been enjoying a big, bold Cab. "You'll get your big girl taste buds soon I bet." I offered. "'Big girl taste buds', huh?" She smiled and put her arms around my neck. Despite all the thoughts that had just been running through my head, I couldn't resist wrapping my arms around her waist. Her mid riff was bare between her top and her shiny black yoga pants. "Yeah, it takes time." I said. "I'm sure you'll teach me about it. Along with all the other good things in life." She smiled innocently, but I could see something in her eyes that told me she'd meant something by that. I simply nodded and smiled, not knowing how to respond. "I just came out to tell you goodnight. I'm going to take a long bath and go to bed." "Okay, goodnight, sweet pea." I said. She leaned in and kissed me on the cheek. When she pulled back, she had a sweet smile on her face. "Night, Uncle John." She said as she left my lap. She walked to the house with my eyes trailing after her. She stopped at the door and she saw I was watching at her. In the bright light from the house, I could clearly see her smile from across the patio. She slid open the door and walked in. I reached for my wine glass and drained it in a single slug. How was I going to handle this? to be continued.... For pics visit ---->> https://bit.ly/2ReHUJI
Title:A Naked Submissive Mother Summary:Sexually insatiable Mom lets her Son play too. Keywords:inc,fic,erotic,sex,hot Part 1 of 3: Mom at Work My mother works as a Front Office manager at a luxury hotel. During my summer vacation from college, I got a part-time job at the same hotel. This meant that I had exclusive access to places where my mom worked. One day, I saw my mother and her boss walking towards the conference room. They were a short distance away from me. It all seemed so normal, except for the fact that the boss ran her fingers through mom's hair. For some important context, the boss is a gorgeous Hispanic woman in her 50's. Her name is Alejandra. She beams with confidence, she's a natural leader, and she has a statuesque figure which compliments her stern face. By contrast, my mother is demure and proper in every way. She's equally as desirable, but she has a delicate softness about her. It was jarring to see Alejandra rubbing mom's hair as they walked together. Especially since Alejandra was a tall woman, and my mother is so petite. No matter what my personal feelings were, to an average person, this would look sexual. It quickly sunk in, that whatever this was, it certainly wasn't business. Before they turned to head down the hall, I saw Alejandra plant a big kiss on my mother's forehead in the most dominating way.  I was stunned. I had to find out.  Thoughts swirled through my mind as I followed them. How could mom do this to our family? How could she risk everything for sex with her female boss? It was particularly surprising because I had always regarded my mother as being a very conservative, family oriented person. She always kept her body covered, even on hot days. She always greeted people with a warm smile and always taught me to do the right thing. Now here she was... This area of the hotel was for employees only. No one else was there. And the conference room was mostly private, but there were small openings from glass windows where someone could peek inside. I walked slowly, hoping this was all a crazy misunderstanding. When I spied on them through the small glass, my worst fear came true-- I saw Alejandra naked from behind as she was taking her clothes off. The boss was completely nude facing the other direction. And she appeared to strap something to her crotch. My mother wasn't in sight for a moment, until she stepped before the boss while also completely naked. This was the first time I had ever seen my mother naked before. She was so gorgeous. Her body was mouth watering and the boss eyed her up and down.  If that wasn't shocking enough, Alejandra turned and I saw that she was wearing a strap-on dildo. That thing must have easily been about 7 or 8 inches, compared to my petite 5'3 mother.  As if on cue, my mother turned around and laid her bare breasts on the conference table. She spread her legs, with her bare feet pressed on the floor. Alejandra said a few words in mom's ear, before guiding the tip of the strap-on to mom's pussy.  It took a few seconds for Alejandra to get the tip inside before she could begin to penetrate my mother. I could see mom letting out a gasp each time there was a thrust. Alejandra gripped mom's waist and then really went to work. The contrast was amazing, with Alejandra's luscious body and brown skin, compared to mom's softer physique and thin white figure. The look on their faces also showed their contrast, with Alejandra grinning, and mom's face grimacing. I was amazed by how far that strap-on could be rammed so far deep inside my mother's slender body. I could see mom clenching her jaw from the pain and squeezed her eyes shut, causing all the lines on her face to show, making her look older than she was.  I could barely watch. Yet at the same time, I found myself becoming incredibly aroused as well. The taboo was amazing of seeing my mother in an intense sexual setting with another woman. When it was done, Alejandra pulled out, with the strap-on becoming drenched in clear fluids from my mother's pussy. The boss used a tissue to wipe the strap-on, and she handed a few extra tissues for my mother to wipe herself. When my mother finally came to her senses, she stood up and used the tissue to wipe her pussy.  I had to sneak away. If I was caught, things would have been even worse. *** The next day.  After spending the last 24 hours becoming obsessed over my mother's deeply sexual side, I knew I had to do something, but I couldn't ask mom about it either. I couldn't let this, whatever this was, destroy our family. The best thing I could do was ask mom's boss directly. Alejandra let me enter her office as soon as I knocked on the door.  "Hey there," she said in a friendly manner. "How are you?" "Fine. Well, mostly fine." "Oh? Is something on your mind? What can I do for you? Any issues with the job?" "I'll get straight to the point," I said nervously. "It's about... my mother." Alejandra suddenly looked concerned. "Is everything okay? What's wrong?" I cleared my throat and took a deep breath. "Nothing's wrong, well, it's complicated. What I mean to say is, I saw you and my mother yesterday." She looked confused. "Yes, we work closely together. Your mother is very important when it comes to running this hotel." "I mean... ummm... I saw you two in the conference room. I saw you rubbing her hair, then I saw what you two did inside." I fully expected Alejandra to at least be ashamed or horrified that they were caught. Instead, she maintained her straight face and stern demeanor. "Your mother and I have a special arrangement," she said plainly. Her reaction was stunning. Apparently this was all so normal to her. "That's it?" I asked. "That's all you have to say?" "That's right. Your mother has a home life at home, where it belongs. And she has a life at work, which is beneath me." I was even more shocked. "I can report you for this." "Go ahead. The people who own this hotel know how things work. Besides, your mother and I have a very special understanding."  "What do you mean?" Alejandra smiled. "You see, I've worked closely with your mother for many, many years. I've figured her out. I know what she is and what she likes. It's time for you to learn. Your mother is my naked submissive slut. Face it." Hearing those words coming from Alejandra's smiling face sent a smoldering sensation down my spine. It was incredibly erotic to hear, even though I should have hated it. "I don't believe it," I blurted out, even though I did believe it. "Believe whatever you want," she replied. "You saw it for herself. Could you hear her moaning and begging for more? Did you see how fucking wet she got?" At this point I found myself transfixed on her every word. I was no longer angry, but curious and aroused. Hearing her describe that moment the way that she did sent a small shiver through my body.  "Why are you doing this?" I asked. "Because I can. I crave it, and so does your mother. She loves my dominance, and I love her submission. We're a sexually compatible match."  A wave of emotions came over me from hearing this. I still couldn't believe my mom would ever do this.  I found myself still being curious about all of this and feeling the same intensely erotic feelings I had felt yesterday.  "How long has this been going on?" I asked "A few years now. It's been escalating slowly and steadily." "Oh...." She grinned. "Why didn't you stop it when you had the chance? You enjoyed watching it, didn't you? You liked the sight of me fucking your naked mother. I bet you jerked off when you got home." I didn't know how to reply because it was true and I couldn't deny it.  Alejandra continued, "So tell me, what exactly made you want to watch? Have you always had a thing for your mother? Or did you like seeing how I owned another woman?"  "Both I guess," I reluctantly admitted. "I appreciate your honesty. Frankly, you're making me wet right now. I've always had a soft spot for the mom/son thing. You know, having you watch me again would be the icing on the cake." "What do you mean?" I asked, wondering the point of all this. Alejandra smiled. "I'll tell you what, I understand why you want me to end things with your mother. How about we work something out? If you watch me fuck her, I'll end things sooner with your mom." "What?" I gulped. "How would that work." "I run this hotel. I'll set something up so you can watch me own your mom. She'll never know. It'll be our secret. How about it? I'm getting drenched just thinking about it." The idea of making this kind of a deal with my mom's boss was wrong- no doubt about it. But at the same time, I couldn't resist either. Especially from all the emotions I felt the day before. So I agreed to this proposal, which was sealed with a handshake. *** The next morning.  Being alone with Alejandra in one of the higher-end hotel rooms felt like a betrayal towards my mother. Soon, I'd be watching them fuck. But as excited as it made me, I rationalized everything on the basis that it would be best for our family. The sooner this affair (or whatever it was) ended, the better it would be for all of us. At around 10 am, Alejandra received a text from my mother, stating that she'd be there soon. I felt my heart pounding. "Stay in here," Alejandra said, opening up a wooden closet. "It's a closet." "It's a special closet. This room is for swingers and cuckolds. The closet has a little peephole, so it's made for spying. The participants know, but in your mother's case, it's best if she doesn't." "What are you going to do with her?" "I'm going to fuck her, nice and hard for you to watch. That's why I asked her to meet me in the hotel room. The bed is nice. Usually I have your mother eat my pussy in the office, but that's another story." I gulped. "Do you do this with a lot of women?" "Yes." "How long will this last?" "Maybe half an hour," she said. "I'm a busy woman, and so is she." "I'm sure." "Step right in," she said, gesturing inside. "Enjoy it while you have this opportunity. I know I will." I entered the closet and Alejandra closed the door. As expected, there was a small peephole which gave me a view of the bed. I waited there for about 5 minutes, until finally my mother arrived. The sound of my mother's voice really made things sink in. Mom's voice saying 'good morning' to her dominant boss had become a turn-on. "You look amazing," mom said to her boss. "I'm glad you chose this room. It's perfect for a hot fuck." That was the very first time I had ever heard my mother using a curse word. "Like I said, today will be special," Alejandra replied. "We'll definitely be having a lot of fun. Besides, the pounding I'll be giving you will be much too risky for the conference room or my office. We wouldn't want anyone finding out about this, would we?" "No, we wouldn't," my mother said in her soft voice. "I love being your naked slut behind closed doors." "That's what I wanted to hear. Now get undressed, right over there." For the first time, I saw my mother in view. She walked over by the chair near the bed and she looked beautiful and elegant. I started becoming erect as she casually took off her jacket and pants while still facing away from me, and like a classy lady, she folded them neatly. Her blouse came next. Her body was terrific. I got excited seeing her large round ass and those beautiful thighs of hers again.  Then in one swift motion, she unsnapped her bra and slipped off her panties and placed them on top of her clothes. 'Incredible' was the only thing that came to mind as my mother was now completely in the nude.  Her ass looked pale compared to the rest of her body. And when she turned to face Alejandra, I saw mom's full front nudity. Her breasts and hips were voluptuous and she had a small patch of pubic hair. What I loved most was the sight of her large brown nipples. They looked succulent.  Alejandra walked towards my mother, also naked. "Very nice. It's a shame you have to work in a uniform. I'd prefer you naked all the time. Imagine that. Business would be amazing. I bet your husband loves these huge nipples of yours." Bending down, Alejandra sucked on mom's nipple. "Yes, he does enjoy them," mom replied in a low moan. When Alejandra finished, she stood up and they looked each other in the eyes for a moment before sharing a kiss. It wasn't just a regular kiss on the lips either, it was a passionate kiss where their hands were all over each other's bodies. I could even hear their tongues slopping around. Mom's wedding ring was pressed all over her boss's naked body. The kiss ended and they locked eyes again. "Have a seat for a moment," Alejandra said. "I'm sure you're thirsty for my cunt." "I've been dreaming about it all night." I was amazed to hear mom talk like that. But watching my mother sit down and take Alejandra's pussy in her mouth was something else. Mom opened wide and took everything in. Her lips were stretched to their limit as she was taking in her boss's vagina. She closed her eyes while she did it. The suction of her mouth looked incredibly tight as her face seemed to cave in. It was a surreal sight watching mom orally serve this Latina goddess. It was surreal watching her white face against her boss's brown skin. She looked like she was trying to do the best she could. She was clearly enjoying herself. A few minutes later, Alejandra wrapped her fingers in mom's hair and pushed her back; a trail of fluids hung from mom's lips.  "Get on all fours," Alejandra said. "I'm going to fuck you." Mom switched positions and got on her hands and knees in the middle of the bed. Her breasts hung down from that position. This time, she had a look of calmness on her face. Almost serene. She was ready for this.  That look of serenity didn't last long as Alejandra wore the strap-on and positioned herself behind my mother. The look on mom's face changed. Mom clenched her teeth and squeezed the blanket as Alejandra entered her body. They started fucking like they did last time. Hard and rough. The same dominating look on Alejandra's face, and the same look of agony on mom's.  Mom's breasts swaying back and forth. The sound alone of what they were doing could have brought me to an orgasm; the wet sound of them fucking, along with hearing my mom whimpering like a small puppy with that giant 'cock' in her. Signs of perspiration appeared on each of their faces.  "Dirty fucking slut," Alejandra said. "You're my favorite kind of wife and mother." Those words put a smile on mom's face. That was when Alejandra really started to fuck, with deeper and faster thrusts. It was to the point where my mother was doing everything she possibly could to keep herself from screaming as tears rolled down her face. To top it all off, her full breasts kept violently rocking back and forth from the fucking she had to endure.  It wasn't long until mom's body stiffened and her eyes rolled back. A steady stream of liquid started squirting as she bent her head back, squeezed her eyes shut, and let out a soft scream. Her cum was spraying out of her vagina as if she was urinating, and then her body suddenly went completely limp, burying her face in the pillow.  Mom collapsed, and Alejandra laid on top of her for a moment. Their sweaty bodies pressed together. "That was the most I've ever squirted," mom said happily. "Incredible."  "Dirty sluts enjoy being treated like dirty sluts. After this you can go back to being a manager, then at home you'll be a housewife and mom." "The way it should be," mom said, rolling over to kiss Alejandra on the lips. "Now make me cum."  Alejandra removed the strap-on and tossed it to the side, letting my mother service her pussy. Mom went to work sucking on it like before, only this time with a ravenous thirst. The boss's legs went stiff and her toes curled. Then she relaxed. "Now you can get back to work," Alejandra said, satisfied.  Mom kissed her again, then she got up, naked, and walked towards the bathroom, not knowing that her son had just witnessed this entire event. I couldn't help but think how different mom looked compared to when she first came in. Her previously neat hair was now a mess, and her once elegant face now covered with smeared makeup and sweat. She had traces of cum all around her mouth and pubic hairs, as well as cum running down her legs.  * Alejandra opened the closet door after mom left.  "You clearly enjoyed yourself," she said, while still completely naked. I stepped out of the closet. "I did. I wasn't expecting any of that. The way she talked. The way she did everything. I'm shocked." "A naked submissive like your mother is born with those traits." "Yeah, I guess." She grabbed mom's panties on the bed and tossed them at me. "For you," she said. "Your mother always gives me her panties after we mess around. Keep that as a souvenir. When you get home, smell it. It'll help you cum when you jerk off." Part 2 of 3: Mom's Perfect Panties Mom got home around 4 pm. The first thing I thought when seeing her was how proper she looked again after what had happened. After settling down, she took a shower to unwind and get cleaned up again.  I closed the door in my room and laid on my bed. I thought of my sweet and caring mother being sexually ravaged by her sexy boss. I took mom's panties out of my pocket and started examining them for the first time. I smelled them, taking in its musty odor. Alejandra was right; mom's scent was an aphrodisiac.  Suddenly, the doorbell rang. Mom yelled from her room after the shower. "Sweetie! Can you get that for me! I'm expecting a package!"  I quickly shoved mom's panties underneath my pillow before running to get the door. As expected, it was a delivery mom was expecting. "You were right!" I hollered so mom would hear me upstairs. "It's for you, it was the clothes you ordered!" I went back upstairs towards mom's room, only she wasn't there. Looking on the other side, I saw mom in my room, sitting on my bed. She was wearing a white bathrobe. More striking, she was holding the panties I had carelessly tried to hide under my pillow. Her lips were quivering as I approached. "You were never very good at hiding your things," she said with her voice trembling. "Mom...I'm so sorry..." "Where did you get this? Where!?" She was furious and I couldn't blame her. "I'll start from the beginning," I sighed, knowing I had to open about everything so we'd understand each other. "I saw you and your boss going to the conference room the other day. I... I saw what happened inside. When I went to talk to Alejandra about it, she said a few things. And she said she'd end things with you sooner if I... you know... watched." "And did you?" she asked with a hurt tone. "I did. Only because I was thinking of dad and our family. I'm sorry. I thought it was the only way." Mom pursed her lips and gulped. "Don't worry about your dad. He knows about all this." Her tone had become somber and I was totally caught off guard. She sniffled and little and fought back a tear. But in the end, it looked like she felt relief. It was like she was glad to have this secret off her back. "Dad knows?" I asked. "He knows about my dark side. The side of me that's deeply submissive. The side that craves these things." "He knows about Alejandra?" "Yes, he enjoys the details. I love your father with all my heart, and he loves me the same way. But your father knows that he can't satisfy all of me. So, he lets me explore, with only two possible exceptions." "What are they?" I asked. "First, that the person is a woman. He doesn't want me fooling around with strange men. The second is... I can't even say it..." "It's okay, you can tell me anything." Mom took a deep breath. "The second exception is that the dominant person could be a family member, either male or female. That's the only way I can have another man's cock, if I'm related to him." "What?" I gasped. "You heard that correctly." For what felt like forever, there was silence between us as we thought about what to do or say next. Neither of us had a clue. This was uncharted territory for any mom/son relationship. A sudden look of guilt came over her. "You really enjoyed watching this whole thing, didn't you? Much more than you'll ever admit. That's probably why Alejandra invited you in the first place." "Are you mad that I watched?" She reached over and held my hand. "I understand why you did it. I appreciate your desire to keep our family together. But you should have asked me first, instead of my boss." "I know. I'm sorry." "Don't be sorry," she said. "This is my fault." "Will you still be seeing her?" "Honey, I have to. It's my addiction. You father understands this. I hope you will too. Alejandra knows exactly how to handle my needs and we see each other at work." Something came to mind, that the only thing more convenient than having dom/sub sex at work, was having it at home. With me. But I shook off that crazy notion. I figured it would never happen. "I understand." "Promise you won't judge me for this?" she asked with puppy dog eyes. "I'm still your mother. I don't want anything to change between us. Even though I'm also a naked submissive." Mom smiled and showed off her sense of humor over this. I was glad to see her lightening up and feeling like she could trust me. "Only if you tell me what that thing felt like?" I asked playfully, then expecting a slap. She laughed. "You mean that 8 inch strap-on?" "Is that how big it is? Jesus." She let out a sigh and rolled her eyes. "Well, if you must know, every second was excruciating. I felt that thing inside my stomach. But at the same time, I'll admit that it's also the reason I came so hard. I've never experienced anything close to that in my life... not that it's any of your business." I took a deep breath after what I heard my own mother just say and suddenly I was becoming aroused again. "You felt that thing in your stomach? Jeez... I didn't even realize that was possible." She opened the lower part of her bathrobe and spread her legs open in my direction, revealing her hairy vagina with its gaping hole to me. Her vaginal opening was still clearly recovering from the hard fucking it had received earlier.  "Do you believe me now?" she asked, holding it wide. "You know, normally you shouldn't be able to see an opening this big from my vagina-- not even close. Alejandra really did a number on me. But a vagina is a magical thing. It'll go back to normal, eventually."  Without thinking, I reached over and put my hand on top of her vagina, feeling her pubic hairs across my hand, to which she abruptly slapped my hand and closed her robe. "No touching," she said. "You've already seen more than any son ever should of his own mother." Acting purely on impulse and my pent up frustrations, I got on my knees right between mom's legs and started rubbing her bare thighs with my hands, opening her bathrobe again in the process. She asked again, "What do you think you're doing?"  "Remember what dad said about the exceptions? Why not with me?" Mom gasped. "Are you serious?" "Remember when I was young; whenever I would get a bruise you would always kiss it for me to make it feel better? Well now I want to return the favor." With that, I used my hands to part her legs further, revealing her vagina directly in front of my face. I started planting kisses around her crotch and then on her large clitoris, feeling her pubic hairs on my face. I took a good look at it for a moment. Her pussy had long brown lips but was bright pink on the inside and it was still very wet.  That's when I did it; I stuck my tongue inside of her. I felt the wetness and soft flesh of her vagina all across my tongue. Her wetness was seeping inside of my mouth as I began to suck on her vagina, feeling the thick size of her labia and clitoris across my lips. I heard her moan, and the harder she moaned, the harder I sucked and swirled my tongue around. This must have happened for a good 10 minutes as I became fully erect. Feeling her hands rubbing across my hair and feeling her body squirming only added to my wanting to please her. I loved doing it. And I loved that she loved it. I felt her legs begin to tense up as she laid her back onto my bed and squeezed my blanket tightly-- she was cumming.  A sudden rush of liquid from her vagina flowed into my mouth as she began to scream loudly. It was the same type of scream at the hotel, only louder.  I looked up to see her laying there in bliss. Her robe was almost completely open and I had a clear view of her right breast with its large brown nipple pointing up in the air. She suddenly sat up and closed the top of her robe. She looked confused as she sat there quietly, while I waited for her to say something.  "I need to go now," she said with a bewildered look on her face as she couldn't believe what had just happened between her and her son. She stood up and closed her robe completely before leaving my room and headed back to hers.  *** Our family had dinner that night as if everything was ordinary. But it was our first dinner where I knew about the illicit secret between mom and dad. I cleaned the dishes afterwards before heading back to my room to use my laptop, while my parents watched tv in the living room as usual.  Later, I heard a knock on my door. It was my mother asking if she could come in. "Hi," she said, sitting on my bed in the same spot as earlier. "I wanted to talk about what happened. Look, I know we both enjoyed it, but it doesn't change the fact that it was wrong. Just because you know about my darker side, that shouldn't give you complete access to my body. But..." Her voice trailed off and she never looked more conflicted. "Yes?" I asked, trying to pry this out of her. "I've spoken with your father about this. I told him everything." "Really? When?" "Not long ago. And he suggested, if you're interested, that you help me with my needs. Your father thinks it'll bring the best out of me." I gulped. "How do you feel about that?" "Torn. You made me cum today. That never should have happened. But it felt like heaven." "I really enjoyed it too." "We'll take small steps. Okay? We'll take things little by little. If it all works out, maybe I'd like the idea of being a naked submissive for you when we're at home. Do you like that idea?" I leaned in and kissed her on the lips. Her mouth opened and we both used our tongues. Her mouth felt as soft and as warm as her vagina did, but what made this so different was feeling her tongue flicker across mine for a brief moment. She suddenly broke off the kiss and looked at me with her eyes filled with shock and disbelief. "We'll continue this talk another time..." she said in a serious tone as she walked out of my room. "Please, don't mention this again. And don't talk to Alejandra anymore. I'll discuss things with you when I'm ready, okay?" Part 3 of 3: Mom's Pussy & Ass A week later. She came home around 3 pm, much earlier than usual. At that hour, it could only mean one thing. "How was it?" I asked, greeting her at the door. She blushed and her face nearly turned red. "I thought I said to never mention it again?" "I couldn't resist." "Neither could I, with my boss." She clearly had sex with Alejandra again. Her hair was slightly messy and her make up looked like it was partially washed off recently. She also had a smirk on her blushing face when I asked. "Your lipstick is kind of smeared," I pointed out suggestively. "My mouth was busy." "Is that all?" "Come on, I'll show you a real mess." Mom casually dropped her pants as she headed to the living room. She didn't have any panties on. They must have been given to Alejandra as the usual souvenir.  She sat on the couch and spread her legs wide. I got on my knees between mom's legs. "You weren't kidding when you said it was messy," I told her, using my fingers to spread her labia. "I'm waiting." Her words were suggestive and I bent down to lick the dried squirt from her pubic hairs. She squirmed when I sucked her labia next. She tasted distinctive.  "I was a naked submissive again," mom said in a low moan. "This time it was in Alejandra's office. I was her naked secretary while she made phone calls and did other things. Then she made me get under her desk and eat her pussy while she had a meeting. The other person knew what was happening, but didn't see me. When the meeting ended, Alejandra fucked me while I was bent over her desk." Mom's legs clenched and her body jerked. A small trickle of fluids came out of her pussy. She came again. She rubbed my hair to stop me. "Thank you. You're very sweet." After smiling at me, she got up and grabbed her pants, walking up the stairs towards her bedroom while naked from the waist down.  *** I went up the stairs a few moments later and mom's door was wide open. She was completely naked while she removed her earrings. She made no attempt to cover herself as I walked inside her room.  "It's rude to stare at me," she said, playfully putting her hands on her hips while completely naked. "What can I do for you?" "Are you a naked submissive everytime you're undressed?" "Yes." "I'm throbbing." Mom looked emotionally torn. "Sit down on my bed. I'll use my hand on you." I got naked, throwing off my shorts and t-shirt and eagerly sat on my parents' bed, letting my mother see my penis for the first time. My mother stood there for a moment looking at my crotch.  She sat down next to me and quickly got to work wrapping her hand around my erection and began stroking it. It felt incredible being naked with my mom, feeling the soft grip of her fingers expertly sliding up and down my shaft for the first time. She showed little emotion on her face as she kept her eyes on my cock, jerking it. "You're quite the young man," she said, focusing on her task. "I am. Plus you're making me throb, the sight of you." "Thank you." My eyes shifted towards her massive brown nipples, which were just inches from my face. I reached over with one hand to caress each of her soft breasts before squeezing them with my fingers. "You remind me of your father when he was younger," she said, while continuing to give me a handjob. "He couldn't get enough of my nipples before, now he hardly pays any attention to them. I know I'm going to regret telling you this, but the reason I let you eat my pussy was because your father used to love doing that. It brought back a lot of fond memories for me. You really do take after him." She kept her eyes on my penis the entire time she shared this intimate details of her love life with dad. All I could do was lean over and give her a kiss on the mouth. "I'm about to cum," I said. She stroked me even faster and bent her head down to wrap her mouth around the tip of my cock. An intense feeling came over me, feeling her wet lips on my erection and I started shooting a massive load of cum inside my mother's mouth. She kept her lips wrapped tightly around me and sucked every time I spurted into her mouth, swallowing my cum. I gently rubbed her neck while I watched her lick the tip of my penis for any remaining drop of cum left over for her. "That was incredible, mom. Thanks for doing that for me." "Alejandra trained me," she smiled, wiping the sides of her mouth as if she had just finished a meal. "I've always been a secret slut. But when I'm naked, it's very hard for me to resist any form of sexual gratification, giving or receiving." I grabbed onto her body as she stood up and sucked one of her massive nipples. Her sagging breasts jiggled as I moved my head around with her nipple in my mouth, with my tongue slobbering all over it. "I've been dying to do that," I said after spitting it out. She kissed my forehead. "I like sharing with you." *** Friday  Mom came home early again, which meant that she played around with her boss. When I saw her in the living room, she walked with a distinct limp in her step. "Are you okay?" She smiled and grimaced at the same time. "I've been better." "Did you have sex with her again? Or did you hurt yourself?" I meant that as a joke. "Alejandra put it in my ass," she said firmly. "We had sex in the conference room. She turned me around and pressed herself there. I let it happen. I didn't want to refuse. The strap-on was already drenched with my pussy fluids, so there was plenty of lubrication." Mom started breathing a little harder, as if telling me of this taboo act was exciting for her. I could only imagine what they felt like for mom, with that long strap-on in mom's tiny hole. Was Alejandra rough like usual? I could only wonder. "Are you okay?" I asked. "I squirted when she rubbed my pussy and fucked me there. I made her squirt too, afterwards. I'll be fine." "Does it still hurt?" "Kind of." I placed my hand on my mother's shoulder in a small attempt to comfort her. Then almost without thinking, I began undoing her pants. "I want to see it," I said. She made no effort to resist as I pulled her pants down and turned her around. She bent over and held onto a nearby table and I was able to get a good look at her by spreading her cheeks. I was amazed by what I saw: her brown anus was glistening from mostly dried fluids. The insides of her most private area had just been ravished by her sexually dominant boss.  "Give it a kiss, please," mom said. "I know that'll make it feel better, just around the outside." Mom's ass was incredibly soft and luscious. So was her anus. Everything about her bottom was feminine and tender. I gave her several kisses and licked the dried squirt, too. She stopped me. "Your father texted me and said he'll be home early today. We should stop. Maybe later I'll... we'll see...." Once again, when this ended, she went up the stairs, naked from the waist down. *** Later that night I opened my bedroom door after hearing a knock. It was my mother. She wore her usual nightwear, and by the serious look on her face, I couldn't tell what she wanted. Dad was still downstairs watching tv. "May I come in?" she asked quietly. "Of course, what is it?" I replied, hoping we could play around. She closed the door as she entered and said, "Your father is watching the news. I just wanted to thank you for how you handled the whole thing earlier. You were a real gentleman about it and really helped me get myself together. And I'm glad you didn't use that opportunity to take advantage of me while I was so vulnerable. So...thank you." "You don't have to thank me. I'll always look out for you. Besides, with an ass like yours, I just had to look. You know you've got a great ass, right?" She smiled when the mood lightened. "Yes, but there's something else on my mind," she said with a wry smile on her face. "Compassion, understanding, and trust are all part of the foundation of a solid dom/sub relationship. I trust Alejandra with my submission. I'm starting to trust you with my submission, also." My heart was beating faster. She leaned forward and gave me a soft kiss on my cheek. Then she wrapped her arms behind my neck and started kissing me full on the mouth. It was the first time since we started doing this together that she initiated such a deep kiss. It was also the most effort she ever put in kissing me as she pressed her mouth and tongue hard against mine.  Mom stopped and we looked each other in the eyes for a moment. "That was amazing," I said. "There's something else you might like." My eyes turned towards her body as she started unbuttoning her top. And it wasn't long before it was undone, revealing the middle part of her braless chest. She used both of her hands to open her top to reveal her bare breasts. "These are yours, you've earned them," she said lustfully. "Anytime you want to play with my tits or suck on my thick nipples, you don't need to ask. Just take them out as you wish, but only in private. These are yours now." It was the first time as well that she offered herself to me outside of our afternoon meetings when she would come home from being with her boss. And it certainly was an opportunity I didn't let go to waste as I bent down and began sucking on her large brown nipples. I used my hands to massage both of her breasts as I continued to suck, rolling each nipple around in my mouth, for both her pleasure and mine.  She briefly ran her hands across my hair and moaned before giving me a few pats on the back, signaling it was time for me to stop. "I still owe you for this afternoon," she moaned. "Tell me what you want. My submissive side really wants to please you." I breathed deep. "Be a good mother and suck my cock." "I'm a great mother," she nodded. "Lay on the bed. Take off your shorts." I pulled off my shorts and underwear in one brief motion. I laid on my bed, excited at what she had in store for me. She clearly wanted to take things further than we've ever gone before at this point.  She got on all fours on my bed and positioned herself right between my legs. I immediately noticed her soft breasts hang straight down from her chest. Her slightly sagging breasts and big nipples were my favorite parts of her body.  Then she did it; she stuck her tongue out and gave my cock a nice lick. She started off giving me small licks. Then she gradually increased the strokes of her tongue from the base of my cock to the tip of my head. She held my hard dick upright, lifting it towards her mouth with her small fingers, and guided it between her lips. She really had to spread her jaw to fit it all inside. Her lips were stretched to their limit as she really tried to take as much as she could all at once. She moved her head back and forth, up and down, bobbing. It was slow at first, but she began picking up speed as she got more comfortable doing this for her son.  The vacuum-like suction of her mouth looked incredibly tight as her face caved around my cock. In fact, I could almost see the shape of my dick around mom's hollowed cheeks. What made the whole thing even more surreal is how we looked each other in the eyes while she increased her tight suction, which made her face look gaunt and hallowed.  It was a surreal sight and feeling, watching my mother service my dick in her mouth. She kept on bobbing her head at a much faster pace while maintaining that tight grip with her mouth. After a few minutes of her sucking me off, she spit my cock out of her mouth and gave me a familiar handjob while she started sucking my balls. She went back and forth flickering her tongue across my balls and sucking on them. "I'm about to cum," I warned my mom. She kept stroking me with her hand while taking my penis back inside her mouth and continued sucking. It didn't take long for me to orgasm. And as usual, she consumed every single drop of cum I had, with her vacuum-like mouth and eager tongue. I knew my cum had hit the back of my mother's throat several times, but she was relentless and didn't even flinch. After she finished what she came here to do, my mom got out of bed and began closing her top. I still laid in bed, relishing what she had just done for me. She smiled at me the entire time she buttoned up her top and gave me a playful slap on the leg. "Oh snap out of it," she said jokingly. "You're acting like this is the first blowjob you've ever gotten in your life." "Will you really be submissive for me?" I asked.  "We're getting there, I think. I never in my life thought I'd ever do anything sexual with you. This feels so wrong. But I thrive on the naughtiness of it. I'd be okay with sucking your dick more often. And obviously you own my tits now. We'll see how it all goes." "I think we're going to fuck someday soon," I smiled. She smiled back, "At this rate, who knows." With that, she winked and left my room, going back to becoming the perfect housewife and mother once again. Epilogue: Saturday morning. Dad went out to a sports game with friends and mom was at home preparing to cook. Instead of her usual homewear, mom was completely naked. She looked really sexy as she played the model housewife and mother. Her hair was tied in a ponytail and she gathered her ingredients. Her voluptuous ass was on full display. Her nipples looked as delicious as ever. Overall, being naked made her feel at ease. It let her feel free of the demanding work schedule she had at her job. I went behind my mother while she was chopping vegetables and gave her a great big hug, wrapping my arms around her waist and kissing her on the neck. My mom had no reaction to me doing that as she kept her gaze a few houses down the street towards a couple as they got in their car. "I wonder what the neighbors would think if they knew," mom wondered out loud as I fondled her nipples. "Sometimes I wonder what my friends and family would think if they knew about my deviant side, and everything I've done with you. I'm sure my family would disown me. And my friends, well, I'm sure they would pretend they didn't know me at all. I'd be the laughing stock at the workplace, assuming I'd still have a job." I kissed her neck again. "That's part of the appeal, isn't it? Isn't that what makes a naked submissive so fun?" She breathed a little harder. "Yes, you're right." Mom's nipples turned stiff. I felt them. I felt her breasts become engorged as well. "You're in good hands," I said. She continued to gaze outside the window. "To tell you the truth, I love having my own son do this to me. To own me like this. It's powerful." "You're such a slut." She gently grabbed my wrist that was touching her and pushed it down to her pussy. I inserted my fingers inside her and felt her wetness. The combination of me touching her and her discussing these personal matters had aroused her. "I'm your secret slut now," she said, turning her head to the side to give me a soft kiss on the lips. "Your submissive mother." We kissed and she slipped her tongue in my mouth and we continued making out for a long moment, as I used my other hand to rub her clit and finger her soaking wet vagina. She broke the kiss as she released a sensual moan, courtesy of my fingers. I then squeezed her large butt cheeks. "So how is your ass feeling? Any better?" "A little bit. Why don't you be a good boy and check for your mother?" I didn't need a further invitation as I got down on my knees. She rested both of her hands on the kitchen counter and spread her legs the best she could. I parted both of her cheeks wide open for my viewing pleasure; that is, before remembering the original purpose of all this. I stared at her little brown anus for a few seconds. Her tiny hole looked much smaller than it had been yesterday after it had been mercilessly fucked by her domme of a boss. Regardless, I had a nice view up her rectum as I used my fingers to spread it open.  "It looks beautiful, mom. I mean... It looks a lot better than yesterday. But I'm sure you already knew that." "Of course I did." She turned her head and looked at me with an innocent, yet sex filled look in her eyes. "Remember what you said when we first started doing this together, about kissing me where it hurts? Well...I'm still a little sore right now. Go ahead, do whatever you want." I suddenly felt overwhelmed with lust as it was clear what my mother had just implied and what she wanted me to do. We were about to cross a line in the foreplay we shared that I never even thought would happen.  With my fingers still spreading her anus, I leaned forward and kissed the soft flesh of her rear before making my way to the outer rim of her anus. I gave it a long kiss, planting my lips on it before slowly sticking out my tongue to lick her. It was my first time doing this, and I would imagine it was the first time she was experiencing this kind of rimming as she trembled the moment my tongue touched her body's most intimate area. But her trembling only emboldened me to please her more as my tongue started circling her small hole, feeling each and every line she has down there. I took the final plunge as I pushed my tongue deep through the small opening of her anus and inside her rectum. She let out an immediate yelp the moment I entered her tiny opening. I moved my tongue around her rectum, probing her, tasting her as far as the length of my tongue would allow. Each time my tongue would find a new place inside her, she would start to squirm. I even felt her legs start to shake as I held onto them. "Do whatever you want to me," she whispered. "I want to fuck your ass." She whispered again. "Anything you want. When I'm naked, own me." Fucking mom in the ass was easy. At least easier than it should have been. Her asshole was primed and ready from all the foreplay we had engaged in. She kept her feet apart and her ass pointed outwards. All I had to do was spread her cheeks as wide as I could, and enter slowly and delicately, giving her body time to adjust. Her screams and cries were different this time. Being fucked in the ass seemed to make her voice higher pitched.  I started going faster and faster, each time pulling back before giving a nice, slow thrust into her rectum once again. Mom's petite body could handle it all. Her body squirmed and shimmied. I could see the muscles in her back twitch. I watched her neck and she moved her head around. Slapping sounds filled the kitchen as I slammed into her butt cheeks. Yes, mom could handle every inch of this. Mom's submissive side was on full display. Every so often she'd ask me to do it harder, to call her a slut mother, or she'd say that her asshole now belonged to her son. That her breasts and asshole were her son's property. It wasn't much longer until I needed to cum. "Fill my asshole," she cried. "You can do as you please with me." And so I did. I came in mom's ass, making her cry in joy and pain. She got off on the fact that her son did this to her. She loved being a submissive mother to someone who truly cared for her very submissive needs. When it was done, mom was heaving over the vegetables on the cutting board. She managed to compose herself when I pulled my cock out of her ass. She was able to stand upright again.  "Your lunch will be ready in an hour," she said, trying her best to sound like a proper mother again, even though she was naked with a well-fucked asshole. "Good. And when we eat, leave your clothes off. Dad won't be home yet, so I still want you like this." She blushed, just as a trail of my thick white cum leaked from between her butt cheeks, down her curvy thighs. A smile formed on mom's lips.  The End For pics visit:---->>>https://bit.ly/2ReHUJI
Title: I found my sister stripping Summary: I found my sister stripping. Keywords: Fiction, Bi-sexual, Blowjob, Consensual Sex, Cum Swallowing, Drug, Female exhibitionist, Female/Female, First Time, Incest, Lesbian, Oral Sex, Virginity A pounding noise reverberates through the room, waking me from pleasant dreams. Opening my eyes, wondering who might be at the door, I realized that the pounding was coming from within my own skull, and I groan. Apparently I wasn't alone, because my groan was echoed by other voices. In shock, I look around and find three other women in my bed, one of them is... This is too much for my extremely hung-over mind to fathom, and oblivion takes me. * * * I had just turned 18 a week ago, and my friends finally convinced me to go to a strip joint in the next town over. I had agreed, mostly just to get them to quit pestering me. I mean, why should I go to a strip club and see a bunch of naked women that are out of my league, when I can just surf the web for porn and see a lot more action? You might argue that seeing tits in person is better than digitally, but I have to admit I am rather shy. We arrive at the club, one of the few that will let in those under 21, but I have to wear a red band on my wrist to denote the fact that I am too young to drink. The place is pretty hopping with a cute brunette on the stage collecting her tips from her last dance. We end up having to take seats towards the back, but are still able to see the stage pretty well. "Next up is Amber," comes the announcer's voice. "Amber. Amber please take the stage." A smoking hot red-head comes out in a school girl outfit, and begins to groove to the music. She moves her hips to the music provocatively, and turns her back to us before bending over. She runs her hand slowly up her inner thigh as she stands upright. Turning back to the audience, I am surprised to see that she has undone the knot holding her shirt on, and she soon shrugs it off. I am intrigued with how well she moves, and wonder how good she would be in bed. Despite these thoughts, I realize that I am not even hard. If I had been watching porn, I know I would have been at my full 8 inches, but there is just something about only watching a woman dance that doesn't turn me on. The dance had continued while I'd been lost in thought, and I realize that Amber, or whatever her real name is, is down to just her panties. I am shocked and pleasantly surprised to see that her nipples are pierced. I love pierced nipples! This time my cock truly does begin to stir, and I watch with more interest. She takes one of the guys sitting at the stage, and lets him thread a dollar through one of the rings. She keeps tugging on her nipple rings, and her eyes glaze over every time she does. I am not too naive to think this might all just be an act, but it still turns me on all the same. Her panties come off, and I am just able to make out the glint of a clit piercing. This chick is kinky, & I like it! The song ends too soon, and she is gone from the stage shortly after. I continue to watch other dancers, but none seem to compare to Amber. I get my courage up, and pay for a private session with Amber. I had cleaned up big from my birthday, so had plenty of cash to blow. She smiles sweetly asking for my name. "John," I say, glad my voice didn't squeak or stutter. Maybe I should describe myself. I am 6 foot 1 inch, with a slightly athletic build. I have brown hair and eyes, and a week's worth of growth for a goatee since school got out right before my birthday. I have been told that I am ruggedly good looking, if only I weren't too shy. "John, hmmm. I like that name. I had a boyfriend named John once, and he was great in bed!" I can't believe how open she is about her sex life, and just follow her silently. When we enter the room she tells me the rules. She will stay on the other side of some plexi-glass, but will come around if I tip $20 or more. I am only allowed to touch were she directs my hands and nowhere else. As she begins to dance, I quickly drop $20. I wanna touch this sexy woman. Her eyes light up seeing the bill I just laid out, and quickly steps around the plexi-glass. "You must really like what you see to drop that much so quickly!" she tells me, and I look to the bill I put down in confusion. Oh crap! I think as I realized I had put down a $100 bill instead of a $20. I can't take it back now without seeming like a real prick, so I just say the first thing that comes to my mind. "You are by far the best one out there." Corny, I know, but I'm just not good in social situations. "Ah, thanks baby. Now you just sit right there and enjoy yourself." She smiles as she places her small ass in my lap and begin to grind against my rapidly inflating tool. She grabs my hands and places them on her hips. "Mmm, is that really you in there? That feels huge!" I blush furiously, but she doesn't notice as she is turned away from me. Her grinding is really beginning to get to me, and I start using my strength to grind her hips harder on me. A low moan escapes her lips, and she stands, stepping away from me. "Not yet, big man. I don't want to end this dance too early." She pulls off a shiny red sequined top, and gyrates her hips some. I am able to see her panties under her very short skirt, and am surprised to see a slight wet spot. Was that from me or her? I don't dare look down at my crotch to find out. How embarrassing. She sits back down in my lap, this time facing me, and my hands immediately go back to her hips, the one place I know I am allowed to touch. Placing her hands behind my head, she pulls me down to her bra covered cleavage, and shakes her small tits against my cheeks. I can't help myself, and actually start licking and kissing between her breasts. She tastes like peppermint. She starts to slide her hips back and forth, really grinding against my pant covered groin. She grabs my wrists, and pulls my hands up along her back. "Undo my top," she tells me, and without hesitation I begin fumbling at the clasp. After a few moments, she giggles. "Here, let me help you." How does anyone get those things undone? Especially women who have to do it behind their backs? My face feels like it is burning, but again, I don't think she notices because it is buried in her cleavage. My hands roam up and down her back, as her bra falls between us. Without though, I immediately latch onto her right nipple, and taste the metal of the ring. "Uh-uh. I didn't say you could do that," she admonishes as her hands go to the back of my head. Instead of pushing me away though, she pulls me in tighter. "Ooh, you're good at that," she croons breathily. Her gyrations are really beginning to get to me, and I can feel my orgasm coming, when her fingers dig into my scalp, and she begins convulsing and thrashing in my lap. A loud wail escapes her lips, and I groan as my sperm flood my underwear. We sit like that for a couple more moments, before she gets up, and surprises me with a passionate kiss to my lips. I gladly respond, and even begin to feel a stirring down below, when she brakes it off. "Wow! I haven't had that happen in a long time," she tells me. I believe her until we get back out to the main floor and I remember where I am and what she is. Still I am in a rather good mood. My buddy, Rob, is the first to see me, and he rushes to me, a dreadfully serious look on his face. "We have to go, and we have to go now." "What? Why? Where is everyone?" I look around, but can't see any of the other guys we came out here with. "They're waiting in the car. come on, let's go!" "Up next is Geo. Geo, please take the stage." I get distracted by that name. I know that name... Rob groans, and I look back to him. "We have to go, NOW!" he practically screams, but it is too late. I see her. "What the--?" I trail off. Getting on stage is a 5'5" inch strawberry blonde bombshell. She has her bellybutton pierced, and as she turns around, I see some tribal tramp stamp on her back. Even though I can't see her eyes at this distance, I know that they are a striking shade of green. "I'm sorry, man. We were trying to get you out of here, before she came back up on stage. Apparently she was in a long private dance while you were out here earlier." Rob continues to drone on, but I am distracted by the fact that my sister is on the stage stripping. I haven't seen my sister for almost a year. Her and my parents got into a huge fight when she got that tattoo and she left. The only time we had heard from her, was when she sent me a birthday card with $100 in it. Probably the hundred I just gave Amber. And now here she was, dropping her top for all to see. I was mesmerized. I had always known my sister was hot, but had never really considered her in a sexual way till now. "Come on, man. This night is blown." Rob is still trying to get me out of here, but my feet are rooted, and won't budge. "Everyone is waiting." "Sorry, man. I haven't seen my sister in more than a year. I have to talk to her. You go on without me. I'll take a cab if I can't talk her into giving me a ride." "Are you sure?" Rob gives me a strange look, but I convince him to go. By the time I get seated again, her dance is over. She begins to wind her way through the crowd, then stops as she spies me. I smile at her, but there is only fear in her beautiful green eyes. She rushes up to me, and demands, "What are you doing here? Do mom and dad know you are here?" "No, they don't know I'm here! Mom would faint is she found out, and dad would kill me! You know how religious they are. What are YOU doing here?" "I... I work here. It pays the bills and school." One of the bouncers walks up to us, "Is everything alright, Geo?" The man is huge, and I have no doubt could kick my ass without breaking a sweat. "Huh? Oh, yeah. Everything is fine, Brent. We were just discussing a private dance." My sister, Jazmine Geo (Everyone pronounces it Jazmine Joe, but I always called her Geo) pulls me back into one of the private rooms. I'm somewhat embarrassed to realize it is the same one Amber and I had been in. "I'm sorry, John. We are not allowed to just stand around and talk. Back here we can talk. There is only one problem." She points to a camera in the corner I hadn't noticed earlier. My face went flame red as I remembered what I had been doing in this room not that long ago, and now I knew it had all been caught on tape. Geo must have misunderstood my reaction. "I know, it's not what I would prefer either, but I am going to have to perform in here. We can talk while I do. You can't tell our parents!" As she says this, she gets behind the divider, and begins to sway and move to the music that is coming from the overhead speakers. "The cameras can't hear us?" I ask. "No, they are for video only. We have some high ranking people come through, and they don't want their conversations taped." I decide not to point out the obvious incongruity of them being okay with being seen but not heard. "Look, are you going to tell them or not?" My sister had stopped dancing as she asked me again. Thinking fast, I pulled out a twenty, and verifying it was a twenty this time, laid it out. "You'd better keep dancing so they don't suspect," I said, indicating the camera. She looked at the money lying in front of her and glared at me. "You realize that means I have to come around now, right?" Oh, shit! I hadn't thought of that. I had only intended to keep up the ruse that this was a normal private session. I just shrug, and drop my head. What can I say? Geo steps around the plexi glass, and placing her hand just under my chin, lifts my face to look at hers. "Put your hands only where I place them, understand?" I just nod in embarrassment. She closes her eyes, and begin to really sway and move to the music. The way her hips move, and how she moves her hands along her body probably would have had me hard in no time despite her being my sister, if it hadn't been for my earlier session in this room with Amber. Watching her was forming a lump in my throat, and I had to clear it. Geo opened her eyes, and after grimacing at the camera, came over and straddled me on the couch. "You're really enjoying this, aren't you?" She whispers in my ear. I try to stammer that I hadn't meant my throat clearing for this, but my throat locks up as she begins to move her hips, and I immediately begin to get hard. "Why won't you answer me, if you are going to tell our parents or not?" The combination of her movements, and whispering in my ear are starting to have a profound effect on me, but I still can't speak. My sister is seriously turning me on, and I'm enjoying the hell out of it. What kind of sick pervert am I? She reaches behind her and I feel her top fall between us. She stands and turns away, before unzipping the side of her skirt, and letting it fall to the floor, leaving her only in her panties. Turning back around, she is covering her breasts with her hands, but my eyes are riveted to a dark spot on her panties. Apparently I'm not the only one enjoying this. Before I can think better of it, the words escape my mouth. "Why don't we see if you can convince me not to tell?" The glare returned to her eyes for only a moment, before turning into a wicked grin. "Deal! But you have to promise to tell no one!" I can only nod my head. Geo walks back over to me, then turns around and sits in my lap. My hands want to wrap around her, but I remember the rules, and keep them to my sides. Her left hand reaches back behind my neck, as her right grabs mine. Her back is plastered to me as she sways and moves. She brings my hand to her hip, and then slowly starts to drag it up her body. My hand reaches her breast, and there she leaves it. I moan as I begin to fondle her breast and pinch her nipple. She gasps, and turns her head while using her other had to draw my neck closer to her. She begins to bite and nibble as she moves. Figuring that since she moved my right hand along her side, my left could be in the same places, I move it to her thigh and begin to squeeze. My right hand moves to her other breast, and I begin to pinch and twist that nipple. She gasps loudly, and grabs my hand, almost ripping it off as she moves it to her panty covered pussy. I can feel her protruding lips through the cloth, and quickly figure out where her clit is. She moans, and begins to grind herself against my hands as I play with her. Her head leans forward, and I can't help but take advantage of her available neck. I hunch forward, as I kiss and nibble the back of her soft neck. She too tastes like peppermint, and I wonder if all the girls here use the same body spray. Her panties are getting annoying, and without asking for permission, I pull them to the side, and begin to finger her soaking wet pussy. A scream resounds in the room as she cums on my finger. When she finally calms down, she grabs my wet hand and brings it to her mouth, slowly licking it clean. This sends me over the edge, and for the second time that night, I came in my pants. Geo's head rests on my shoulder, then she quickly turns and gives me a peck on the cheek. "So, little brother, do we have an agreement? No telling our parents?" I gave her breast one more squeeze before saying, "I won't tell. But I have a favor to ask?" "Absolutely not! What we did was bad enough, but I will not go THERE with my own brother!" I stare at her confused as she gets up and begins dressing. It takes me a moment to figure out what she is talking about. "Whoa, wait. I didn't mean sex! I need a ride home. My friends left, and I'd rather not take a cab that far. If you don't want to, I understand, but..." "Well, how cute. What happened to the man who demanded I convince him a moment ago? He was replaced by this cute little boy." She smiles and plays with the small growth on my chin. Anger rises at her attitude, and I say, "Okay, you will give me a ride when you get off, or else." A smile splits her face as she responds, "Or else what, dear brother? You already agreed not to tell our parents?" She arches an eyebrow at me, and I fear I have gone too far. "Oh, don't worry. I'll give you a ride when I get off. I carpooled here with Amber and Dixie, but after we drop them off, I'll take you." I spent the rest of the evening sitting in the back of the main room, watching the dancers. I found out Dixie was the bartender. She was a cute petite brunette, and I wondered why she didn't dance. I found out on the ride to my sister's place. Apparently the three women shared rent together in a nice four bedroom condo. "I have to be working there for a couple months, before they will let me dance. Also, I don't think I'm good enough yet." "Don't listen to her." Amber piped up from the front seat. "She's almost as good as Geo here, and better than me. She just needs to be more comfortable with herself." Dixie blushed beside me, and of course, my shyness kicked in, and I didn't know what to say. We arrived at my sister's place, and I jumped into the front seat, expecting my sister to take me home. "Oh, you're not coming up for drinks?" Dixie asked. "He's too young," my sister answered for me. "So?" Amber shot back, and before anything else could be said, I jumped out, and started following the two beautiful women to the place. my sister bringing up the rear. Walking into my sister's place was a bit of a shock. They were setup pretty nice. With a large flat screen tv on the wall, plush couches, glass tables, the works. I couldn't imagine what rent must be like, even split among the three of them. "What do you want to drink?" Amber asked from the kitchen. "Nothing too strong for him, he's just a kid." Geo said right behind me. "You didn't think I was such a little kid a little while ago," I whisper back at her, a little miffed that she keeps trying to make decisions for me. Whatever she was about to say in return she cut off as Amber walked in with a few drinks. "This one is for you," she said with a wink, before handing Geo hers. "Where's mine?" Dixie asked as she came out of her room. My jaw nearly hit the floor. She had changed into a spaghetti strap pink top, without a bra, and her belly was showing. She had on matching pink pajama bottoms. "Yours is still in the kitchen. I only have two hands." While Dixie went to go get her drink, Amber and my sister walked back to their respective rooms. Dixie invited me to sit next to her on the couch, and I quickly obliged. "So, are you going to drink that, or just hold it all night?" Dixie smirked. I had completely forgotten about the drink in my hand. I quickly took a gulp. I began to splutter as it hit the back of my throat and burned. The taste had been sweet, but the aftereffects not so much. "Now, now. Don't waste any of it!" Dixie admonished. She grabbed a handkerchief and began patting me down. I jumped when she started patting my crotch, but she just smiled at me, and kept going. "What do you think you are doing to my brother, Dixie?" "He made a mess, and I was taking care of it." I about made another mess as I saw my sister and Amber. Amber had on a very tight, almost see-thru top and lacy bra that left nothing to the imagination. She had on tight daisy duke pajama bottoms, and nothing more. My sister was completely opposite, wearing a loose fitting v-neck sweater, and sweat pants. Despite wearing the most clothes, she was somehow the most alluring. "If you take care of it too much more, you're going to have another mess to clean up," Amber retorted. "So John, Jaz told me you just graduated. What do you plan on doing now?" We talked for awhile about school, and I found out that Dixie was studying to be a nurse, Amber wanted to be an accountant, and Geo hadn't made up her mind yet, only taking generals. I had a couple more drinks, and was really beginning to feel a nice buzz, when Geo pulled out a blunt and to my surprise, lit it and started taking hits off of it. "What are you doing, Geo?" I nearly screamed. "That stuff will kill you!" For some reason this made her laugh. "Calm down little brother. The only way this is going to kill me is if you tell our parents, or if I try to drive. I don't plan on driving anywhere anymore, so relax." "What about taking me home?" I demanded. "It's three in the morning. I'll take you home when we get up. You can sleep in the spare room." This mollified me somewhat, and I began to relax. Geo passed the blunt around, and when it came to me, I broke down to everyone's pressure, and took a puff. I began coughing immediately, and the three women laughed even more. I passed the blunt back to Geo, and asked, "So you must make good money, dancing." "It's called stripping, John," Amber said matter-of-factly, "and your sister is the best in three counties. Dixie, here is really good too." "Oh, yeah?" I said, really comfortable with everything going on. "I'd like to see that." Dixie tried to argue that she wasn't that good, but Amber was already up and starting some music. Dixie reluctantly got up and started swaying and moving to the music, removing her clothing. She had slightly bigger breasts than Amber, but smaller than my sister's. Her pussy was clean shaven, except for a landing strip. When she was done, I complimented her, and told her she really was good. To my surprise, she remained naked, and just sat back down next to me. "Your sister is the real treat to watch," Dixie said, still blushing from her dance. "That's right! You've had a dance from two of us, but haven't really seen Jaz go, have you John?" I about said that I had indeed seen her, but at the look she gave me, I remembered that I wasn't supposed to tell anyone about what happened earlier. "Umm, n-no, I haven't." I stammered out lamely. "He is so cute, Jaz. Why have you been hiding him from us all this time?" My sister just shook her head, and took another hit off the joint. "Okay, Jaz, your turn. Show him why you are the best." "I don't know." Geo replied, and I felt a bit of a letdown. Sure she is my sister, but I had really enjoyed our previous session, and even though I knew nothing would happen with her friends here, i couldn't help thinking... "Go on!" Dixie announced. "We are all friends here. No one is going to tell that you gave a lap dance to your brother." I could have kissed Dixie right then, but settled for squeezing her leg. When I tried to pull my hand away, she grabbed it, and put it back, just above the knee. "Oh, fine! Little brother, are you ready to have your mind blown?" She quickly downed her drink, and took a huge hit off the joint, before getting up and stating her dance. Her dance was similar to what she had done before, gyrating, and moving her hands all over her body. Dixie kept squeezing my hand, and I relaxed, allowing my hand to ride up her leg a little bit. But the time the first song was over, Geo was completely naked, and I could see that she was clean shaven. Dixie passed the joint to me, and I took another hit, holding it in better. Another song started, and instead of sitting down, my sexy sister started to dance some more. Whether it was from the alcohol and drugs, or the fact that there were two naked women in the room (one of which I was touching), I was starting to get really horny. I glanced at Dixie, and noticed that she was playing with her right breast. A quick look to Amber showed she was getting in the mood too, as her hands lightly roamed all over her body. "Watch your sister, not us," Dixie whispered in my ear, startling me as her lips brushed my cheek. I looked back to my sister to see that she was squeezing one breast in time to the music, and she was moving her pussy against her hand. My sister was masturbating in front of me! A gasp on my right brought my attention back to Dixie, and I realized I was playing with her pussy. When did that happen? Seeing that she didn't seem tom mind, I went back to watching Geo. She now had one finger buried deep in her pussy, and rolling one nipple between her fingers. Her eyes were open, and staring straight at me. There was an undeniable hunger in them, as she licked her lips. I glanced over to Amber and almost giggled as I noticed she had both hands down her pants. Suddenly she stood up, and removed all her clothing, and then went back to playing with herself. I looked back to my sister, and saw that she was staring at the obvious bulge in my pants. She took a couple steps towards me, and the music stopped, seeming to break the spell we were under. Dixie moved my hand away from her crotch, cleaned my fingers with her lips, then set my hand back on her thigh. "Thank you," she whispered. Geo came back over and sat on the other side on me. Only Amber kept going. "I'm cumming, I'm cumming, OOOH, I'M CUMMING!" she screamed, and collapsed back into her chair. "See, we told you your sister was good," Dixie said. "My only question," piped up Amber as she opened her eyes, "is why are we all naked, and you still fully dressed, John?" "Well, I... Uh..." I stammered, then was tacked by all three women, and summarily stripped. Geo was the one to get my pants off. As soon as my cock sprang free, she nearly screamed. "Oh, fuck! Is that what you were hiding in there earlier? It's huge!" "What do you mean, 'Earlier'?" Amber asked, a sneaky suspicion in her eyes. "Um, I don't know what you mean?" Geo replied, unconvincingly. "What really happened in that private room between you two?" Amber wasn't going to give this up. "I danced for him, as we talked about him not telling our parents is all. Like you said. I'm good, and he must have reacted to my skills. Nothing more!" This time she sounded more convincing. "I doubt that. When I danced for him, he didn't start getting hard till I touched him... Hmm." The joint was passed to Amber, and she seemed to forget about her line of questioning. "You really are well equipped, John. Me and your sister have been working on a dance together. Do you want to see?" "No!" My sister nearly yelled, startling us. "You know how I get after that number." For some reason she glanced over at me. "Yes I do, and I don't think we will let anything happen that isn't wanted. Here, take another hit." Geo took another hit, while Amber changed the music. This time it was a slow song, and the two beautiful women began to slowly dance towards each other. As they came together, my sister turned her back to Amber and sensuously slid along her body. Amber's hands lightly caressed Geo's body, and I could see goose bumps forming. "I can tell you like watching them," a whisper sounded at my ear. "I wonder if it is Amber, or Jaz that turns you on more?" I turned to answer, but whatever I was about to say flew from my head as Dixie's lips met mine, and her hand found my turgid cock. I kissed her back with passion, as her hand gripped me. She broke the kiss with a gasp, saying, "I need to breath. Oh my!" I turned to see what the exclamation was about. Holy shit! Amber had her head between my sister's legs and was eagerly munching her box. I don't know if this was part of the act, or not, but I nearly shot my load into Dixie's strangling grip. Once again, my sister's eyes were locked on my cock, licking her lips. "They don't usually do that, unless they are really turned on." I felt a nibble on my ear, but I couldn't turn my head away from what was happening on the floor. I did slide my hand up, and began playing with Dixie's sopping wet pussy. "Guess I won't be getting many more kisses while they're doing that." I barely heard what Dixie said, but when her hand was replaced by a warm wetness, I quickly paid more attention. I was getting my first blowjob! And my sister was watching. This was all too much for me, and I began shooting my load down Dixie's throat. She did her best to take it, but even after two others today, this one was mind blowing. "Wow, that quick, huh? Normally I prefer a bit more warning, but I guess I did good." Dixie smiled at me, and I smiled back, embarrassed. She had a small bit on her chin, but she found it and sucked it in. Amber and my sister moved into a 69 position, and I realized that I owed Dixie. I returned to kissing her, and then began working my way down her neck, between her breasts, along her stomach, and finally reached her pussy. She was sitting on the edge of the couch, and I was on my knees on the floor. I had never gone down on a girl before, and her scent was intoxicating. Thinking about how this part of a woman is sometimes called her nether-lips, I decided to just start making out with her pussy. "Mmm, that feels nice, but you're new to this, aren't you?" My face must have been beet red. "It's okay. Don't be embarrassed. I'll tell you what to do." Dixie then began to give me instructions on how to move my tongue, where to apply pressure, where to suck, and even where to nibble. Pretty soon her hands were locked on the back of my head, and my mouth was getting flooded with her wonderful nectar. By this point I was hard again, and thinking it was time for my first fuck, but she hadn't let go of my head yet. Deciding that this wasn't so bad for now, I continued tasting this beautiful woman. My cock was engulfed in another wet warmness, that I immediately recognized as a blowjob. Odd, how quickly that sensation is recognized. I tried to see who it was, but the hands on the back of my head refused to let up. Dixie came again, flooding my mouth, and I used the opportunity to pull away. What I saw when I looked down, nearly made yelp. My beautiful sister--my wonderful older sister had her lips locked around my cock. She looked up at me, and with a pop, my cock left her mouth. "Sorry, little bro, but with a cock like yours, I just had to get a taste. Yum!" And with that she went back to sucking and licking me so vehemently, I began to wonder if she had become possessed. I groaned as I flopped back on the floor, and my sister stayed with me the whole time. I looked up, and saw that Amber now had her head between Dixie's legs, bringing her to yet another orgasm. Seeing this, a thought occurred to me. I sat up, and whispered in my sister's ear. She grinned around my pole and quickly rotated her body around, and sat on my face. I couldn't believe it. My sister's pussy was mere inches from my nose, and her lips were locked around my pecker. Growing up under the strictly religious supervision of our parents, I never would have imagined a night like this! I lifted my head just a little bit, and touched the tip of my tongue to her clit. Her hips shot down, and I was thankful that we were on a carpeted floor, as my head hit it. I began to use every trick that Dixie had taught me. It took a little longer, but I soon tasted my first sister orgasm. My sister got up, and I was disappointed for a moment, until I saw what she was going to do. "Sis, no! That's incest! What we've done is bad enough, but we can't do THAT!" I tried to protest, but I didn't move as she slowly positioned herself over me. She looked me in the eyes, and I was mesmerized. She began to rub the tip of my dick along her wet slit, and I couldn't hold back a moan of purest pleasure. "Listen. I need dick, and I need it now." As she talked she continued to rub me against her, slowly picking up the pace. "Now you are the only one here with what I need. If you don't give it to me, I will go find someone who will. But I'll be honest... The fact that it is your monster cock that is poised to split me has me a little more than turned on. If you tell me no, I'll get up and walk away." She stopped her movements, and locked eyes with me. "So what is it going to be?" Without thinking, in fact, before I even had a chance for thought to enter my drugged and inebriated mind, my body acted. My hips thrust up, impaling my sister in on foul stroke. Part of my mind began screaming that this was a sin, but it was soon drowned out by my sister's cries of passion and lust. "Oh, yes! Fuck me little brother! Fuck me like only a man with your cock can fuck me! Fuck me like only a loving little brother can! Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck!" I reached my right hand down to where me and my sister were joined, and began to play with her clit. Her pussy clamped down on me, and this time I was the one yelling. "Fuck me, sister! Oh, I love the way your pussy feels. Fuck, me! I never knew it could feel this good! Oh, I am about to cum!" "Yes! Cum in me little bro. Shoot your hot load deep into your sister. I want to feel your seed finding its way deep inside me." Hearing these words, the world went white as I had the biggest orgasm of my life. I was vaguely aware of my sister screaming that she was cumming too, before she collapsed on my chest. "I'm so sorry," I blurted, realizing what I'd done. "I should have pulled out. Now we're going to have gross children, and be cast out everywhere we go." "Hey, calm down," my sister whispered in my ear. "I'm on the pill." And before I could say or think anything else, she kissed me long and hard. Only breaking the kiss long enough to look at me, and say, "My lover." To be continued.... pics---->> http://bit.ly/1QdQXsD
Title: Glory Hole Summary: His mother and sister are on the other side of the wall.   Keywords:inc,fic,erotic,hot,sex Damn! I knew I should have brought my brolly with me. What was it my Sister had said this morning? "You don't need it, it's not going to rain." Like a fool I had listened to her. Now it was raining the proverbial cats and dogs, and I was getting soaked. I had pulled the top of my coat over my head, so I was getting some protection, but really I needed to find some shelter. There was a bus station five minutes away, but I needed something closer. Then I saw it, the entrance to what appeared to be a bar. It was down some narrow steps. I had walked down this street several times before, but I had never noticed it. It didn't look particularly inviting, but as they say, 'Any port in a storm'.  As soon as I walked in, I was met by a very large man who demanded money. At first I thought I was being mugged, but then I realised it was the admission fee. It was more than I wanted to pay, but he wasn't the sort of person you argued with.  When I had entered the place, I had expected it to be rough, a bit of a dive. However, it wasn't as bad as that. It wasn't some luxurious private members club, but it was half decent. I was happy to stay until it stopped raining. I managed to get a seat at the bar. While I drank my beer I noticed men going in and out of a door at the back of the room. It wasn't the toilets, they were on the second floor. When I ordered my next drink, I asked Rick, the bartender, about it. I got a sly grin from him, then he leant forward, before speaking. "It's where the special rooms are." "What are they for?" He put a finger to his lips, then he said, "Go and see." I was annoyed that he was being all secretive, but I was also curious. "I might just do that, but how much will it cost me?" "Nothing. It's covered by the money you paid at the door." I wasn't sure if I should. I had an uneasy feeling that if I did, then I would regret it. Eventually, curiosity got the better of me. Behind the door was a corridor, with four more doors leading off it. Three of them had a red sign on them, but the fourth was green. It took me a few seconds to understand their significance. The red ones were taken, but the green one was free.  There was nothing in the room except for a small chair. "Lock the door." I nearly jumped out of my skin. Whoever had shouted that was behind the wall that was opposite the door. I was confused, but I did as I was told. The door was now secure, and on the other side the sign would now be showing red, to let others know that the room was occupied. "You must be new?" I mumbled, "Yes." "Let me tell you the score. You get your cock out and put it through the hole." It was only then that I noticed the circular hole that she was talking about.  "What happens next, depends upon what mood I am in, and how good you cock is," then she laughed, before adding, "Or on how good you are at persuading me." My brain said leave, but my cock said yes, and it had the casting vote. I was in a steady relationship, but I put that out of my mind as I unzipped myself. I then gave myself a couple of strokes, to get fully erect, before pushing my cock through the hole. "Fuck, you are a big boy." I was, ten inches of thick meat. I then felt a hand grasp it "You are way too big for me," then she laughed again, before continuing with, "But I am sure going to try." It was a minute or more before anything happened, then I felt my cock sliding into her. I could tell that the wetness was mostly lubricant, but I didn't mind, it still felt good. She had stopped with about an inch to spare, and I could now hear her breathing heavily.  "I want you fuck me. Nice and slowly at first, then harder when I tell you to." "OK. I am Simon, what's your name?" "Mary. I would like to shake your hand, but I guess you fucking me with your monster cock will have to do." This time we both laughed, and she stopped first, when I started moving my cock. For the next five minutes I gave her the gentle strokes she had asked for.  "I am ready now. I want it as hard and as fast as you can manage. Imagine you are fucking your Mother, your Sister, or even you Daughter. Whatever gets you going." I took her advice. I didn't have a Daughter, but I did have a Mother and Sister that I would like on the end of my cock.  It wasn't long before I was ready to spurt, and from the noises she was making, she would probably get a climax as well. "Finish me off." I then did, by giving her three full lengths of my cock. I don't know if she had a little cunt or not, but she had managed to take all ten inches. As she climaxed, she impressed me by keeping her bottom pushed against the wall, so that I could continue fucking her until I reached it. It was a good one, taking thirty seconds before my balls were drained. "You don't just have a big cock, you know how to use it." "And you have a nice cunt." Two minutes later I was back in the bar, and I had a big smile on my face.  Rick greeted me with, "Now you know why we are busy." "Yes, and why you charge for admission." By the time I had finished my drink, it had stopped raining. I knew I should leave, but instead I ordered another. "Rick, do the women get paid." "Yes, but not as much as you would think." That surprised me.  "Then why do they do it?" "I have talked to most of them, and I get the impression it's more about the sex than the money. Here they can have all the sex they want without having a relationship. They do it, and they enjoy it, then they go home to their loved ones," then he smiled at me, before adding, "Like you." That made me wince. However, what he had said made a lot of sense. "We have a woman who is in her early seventies. She looks her age, and she would struggle to get a man in a singles bar, but here she gets enough cock to keep herself happy. The customers love her," then he laughed before adding, "But they don't know her age." I had an uneasy feeling that I had already met her. As casually as I could manage, I asked, "What's her name?" "I shouldn't really say," then he leant forward and whispered, "Mary." On my way home I mulled it over. Did I feel guilty about cheating on my girlfriend Charlotte? I should have, but I didn't. This was just anonymous sex, for some reason it felt as if it didn't count. Also, I was twenty three, and Mary was fifty years older than me. If I had known that at the time I wouldn't have done it, I would have picked somebody else. However, I didn't have any regrets. I had enjoyed it, and she had probably enjoyed it even more.  "We were just about to send out a search party." She was smiling, but I could tell my Mother had been concerned.  "Sorry, I would have called you, but my phone is dead. I left the charger in my bedroom." "We did try calling you. And before I forget, Charlotte wants a word." I almost winced when Chloe, my Sister, mentioned my girlfriend's name. So I guess deep down there was some guilt about what I had done. "And where have you been?" To my ears it sounded like an accusation, but I knew my Mother was only asking. "I got caught in the rain. I was sheltering in a bus station." Ten minutes later, when I had enough charge on my phone, I rang Charlotte. I had expected to get the same grilling that my Mother and Sister had given me. However, she didn't ask why I was calling her so late. All she was interested in was to make arrangements for tomorrow. There was a new bar that she wanted to visit. Some of her friends had already been, and she was eager for us to go there and check it out.  For the next two weeks, I kept thinking about returning to, 'The Tavern', but I never got round to it. It was only when I got caught in the rain again, that I ended up there. I knew as I went in that I was using the weather as an excuse. I had my brolly with me, and if I still needed shelter, then the bus station had been nearer. "I knew you would be back." "I didn't think you would remember me." "I never forget a face, but in your case I might make an exception." Then he laughed, but I just gave him a weak smile. Rick obviously thought he was very funny, but he wasn't. He had even remembered what I had been drinking last time, because he brought me a beer without me having to ask. "We have made some changes," then he glanced towards the door that leads to the girls, just to make sure that I knew what he was referring to. I sipped my drink as I waited for him to tell me what those changes were, but he didn't. However, I did get a conspiratorial wink, then a finger pointing towards the door. What was different from last time? Rick wasn't saying, so there was only one way to find out. When I entered the room, I smiled. Whoever had come up with this idea deserved a pat on the back. It was such a simple change, but so practical. Each door now had a small wooden frame for holding a card, and on the card was the woman's name. It wasn't pot luck anymore. You were now able to choose somebody you liked, or avoid anybody you didn't want to see. Becky, Anne or Lizzy? Mary was the other one, but her room was occupied. I like the name Lizzy, so I chose her. This time I didn't need to be reminded about locking the door. "I am Lizzy. What would you like me to call you?" "Simon." A false name might have been better, but using my real one was easier to remember. "Nice name. I have a Son called Simon," then she giggled before adding, "You can pretend that I am your Mother." That sent a shudder of excitement down my spine. Deep down I knew that I would like to fuck my Mother, but I also knew it would never happen. But there was nothing wrong about fantasising about it. It was only as I was unzipping myself, that I noticed that the room was different. It was the same one that I had been in last time, but now there were three holes instead of just the one. It was obvious, because of their size and position, that the two extra ones were for the woman to put her breasts through. For now, they were covered by what looked to be wooden panels. The woman, if she wanted to, would open them up. Also, the hole that I had put my cock in last time, was now a lot bigger, it could easily take a hand.  When the panels opened, and she presented her tits to me, I was ready. My cock was vertical, and I was looked forward to some foreplay, before getting down to fucking her.  Then I noticed it, and I froze. What was I going to do? "Don't you like them? They are not very big, but I have been told that I have nice nipples." I Mumbled, "I do like them, and you do have nice nipples." That made her giggle. She was probably thinking that I was shy, nervous about touching her. If I waited any longer she would wonder what was going on. I knew that I should leave, but instead I groped one of them, while sucking eagerly on the other. "Easy tiger." My Mother has always been a touchy-feely person. When I reached puberty I found that a bit uncomfortable, but by my late teens I had got used to it. She didn't do anything inappropriate, but a boy can get a lot out of their Mother hugging them when she is just wearing a dressing gown, or better still, when it's a swimming costume. There was one instance I remember vividly. I was nineteen, and Mother was serving me breakfast. When she leant over, her dressing gown opened, and her breasts poured out. They were almost in my face. She quickly made herself decent, and we even joked about it, but it had been embarrassing for both of us. However, for me at least, it had also been highly erotic. She hadn't been exposed for long, but there had been time enough for me to get a good look at her nice nipples, and to notice a crescent-shaped birthmark on her left breast. This woman had the same birthmark, in the same place. She was my Mother, and she didn't know that it was her Son feasting on her nipples. I should have felt guilty, but I didn't. The guilt might come later on, but for now it was all about lust. Has there ever been a Son who hasn't wanted to have sex with his Mother? I was going to get to do it, and without her even realising it.  "Do you want to finger me, or just go straight to the fucking?" I quickly said, "Fingers." She laughed, before saying, "Good choice." I was going to continue playing with her tits, while I worked on her cunt, but that wasn't what she wanted. The panels were quickly closed, and the only available hole now was the bottom one. I pushed my hand into the opening, and then I heard her chuckling as I blindly moved my fingers about, without touching anything "Somebody is keen." What Son wouldn't be, when he has the opportunity to put his fingers inside his Mother? She let me wait for a few more seconds, then she moved closer so that I could touch her thigh. As my hand moved up, she opened her legs. When my fingers touched her opening I gasped. "Just two." They slid in easily, and it was her turn to make a sound. She gave a low satisfying moan. She was very wet, and I could tell it wasn't lubricant, it was all her own juices. "If you are a good boy, and you take your time, I might let you add more," then she paused, before adding, "Are you a good boy?" "No, I'm very, very naughty." That made her laugh, but it turned into a moan when my fingers started moving. I finger fucked her with them for a few minutes, then, without asking, I added a third. "Fuck, that feels good. But what about my clit?" She needn't have worried, that was next on my list. When I rubbed it with my thumb she purred. "Have you got a big cock? My Son has." That made me gasp again, how did she know? "I haven't fucked him, but I would like to. I saw his big cock once when he was sleeping. I could see his erection sticking up, so I pulled the covers off. It was at least nine inches," then she sighed, before saying, "I wish my husband was that big." "I can be your Son. Would you like me to fuck you, Mummy?" "Oh yes." I could tell that had got her going.  "And I do have a big cock. It's ten inches." She then made such a loud moan, that I thought she had climaxed, but thankfully she hadn't. I then quickly removed my fingers. As soon as my cock was through the hole I felt her pushing against it. I closed my eyes as I entered her, this was a moment to saviour. I was proud of her, she wasn't a particularly big woman, but she had managed to take it all. "Does Mummy like my big cock?" "Yes, but Mummy will like it even better when you fuck me with it." Normally I start slowly, but this time, because I was so excited, she got it fast from the beginning.  "Don't stop, fuck my tight little cunt. Give Mummy what she wants." That spurred me on even more. I wasn't sure about her, but I was now getting dangerously close.  "I hope you are going to come, because I am."  Good, she was ready as well. I managed to hold on until she had climaxed, then as her orgasm was fading, I reached mine. My cock twitched six or seven times as my balls emptied. I waited a few seconds before pulling out of her. She was the first to speak. "I was going to stay late, and see another one or two men, but you have well and truly fucked me. I think I will go home," then she laughed, before adding, "I just hope my husband doesn't want any tonight. If he does, then I am going to tell him I have a headache." She then laughed again, and I joined in. A couple of minutes later I was back in the bar. "Do you like the improvements we have made?" I certainly did, and when I told him so he looked pleased. He didn't say, but I got the impression the changes were his idea. Then suddenly, I had a chilling thought. "Rick, how do the women get to the rooms?" He must have seen the concern on my face, because he said, "Don't worry, not through the bar. There is a separate entrance at the back." That was a relief, it would be very embarrassing if Mother saw me here. She might even realise that it had been me who had just fucked her. On my way home, I started thinking about what we had just done. Did she really not know it was me? I don't think she did. There was a wall between us, that muffled the sound a bit. If I hadn't seen her distinctive birthmark, would I have known it was her? No, I would have been none the wiser. I was home first, then twenty minutes later Mother arrived. "Hi, did you have nice time with your friends?" "I did Simon, and thanks for asking." Wednesday was her night out, time to relax with friends. I hadn't thought much about it before, but now I knew where she was going, and what she was doing. Did my Father know about it? I would be surprised if he did.  "And what have you been doing?" I had been doing her, but I would be a fool to spoil things by saying that. "Just a few drinks," then I paused, before adding, "With friends." If the friends excuse was good enough for her, then it was good enough for me. The next day at work, I had a very uncomfortable conversation with Jim, a colleague. "Somebody was telling me that there is a bar downtown that has rooms with Glory Holes in." I hadn't heard that term before, but the mention of holes got me thinking, he was probably referring to The Tavern. I tried to look innocent. "Do you know what happens there?" He didn't let me answer, before continuing. "You put your penis through a hole in the wall, and a woman on the other side does things to it." He now had a look on his face that told me he disapproved. "That's disgusting." I put on my best serious face, then I nodded in agreement. I don't think he has much success with women. He might find the idea distasteful, but he should try it. You never know, he might actually like it. "They call it a Glory Hole, but technically that's not correct." I wasn't in the mood for one of his lectures, but in order to be sociable, I let him continue. "It's a hole in a wall through which fellatio or masturbation is conducted incognito between male homosexuals," then he puffed his chest out, proud that he knew that, before continuing with, "But in this case it's between a man and a woman." I was genuinely impressed with his knowledge, but I tried not to show it, that would only have encouraged him to say more. When I got back to my desk I googled it. I had to smile, he had been word perfect. Everybody knew that Jim could be an irritating shit, but he was the first one you picked to be on your team when it was quiz night. That evening I went out with Charlotte, and we ended up drinking in a bar that her friend Lilly had recommended. It was quite close to The Tavern, and we even passed it on the way there. I should have felt guilty about what I had done there, but I didn't. Instead I felt excitement, and I knew that I would be returning, and it would be on a Wednesday, when Mother was there again.  I couldn't wait to go back. When it got to Tuesday I was restless, but Wednesday was worse. The day dragged, and I found it very difficult to concentrate. I was glad when work finished. I was the first to leave, which was unusual for me. Thirty minutes later I was inside The Tavern. I was served by Oscar. "Rick not in today?" "No, he is on holiday this week." After two large gulps of beer I was ready. When I opened the door I was hoping that Mother, or Lizzy as she was called here, wasn't already busy. But it was worse than that. I could only choose from, Becky, Anne, Rose or Mary. No Lizzy. My heart sank, all that anticipation for nothing. Perhaps she was working later? Oscar might know. "Were they all taken?" Becky and Rose were free, but it was Mother I really wanted. "No, I thought Lizzy was working." He smiled, before saying, "So is she your favourite?" I just nodded. "Sorry, she was supposed to work today, but we were a girl short yesterday, so she worked then instead." I almost groaned. "Is she the one with that mark on her tits?" "Yes, a birthmark." "She is one of our best. I have had her a few times." That made me wince, but I don't think he noticed. "I will let you into a secret. If you want to get her going, ask her to pretend that you are her Son. She likes that." As casually as I could manage, I said, "Thanks, I might just do that." He then went off to serve another customer. Five minutes later I ordered another drink. "So you don't want one of our other girls?" I was undecided. Mother not being here had dulled the urge. "Are there any you recommend?" "I'm the wrong person to ask. I'm not very choosey, any hole will do, even Mary's." He then laughed. I didn't join in, so I think he realised that I wasn't happy with what he had just said. He now looked embarrassed, and I thought he might even apologise, but he didn't, instead he bent his head towards me. "Rose or Anne." Then he looked around, to check that we couldn't be overheard, before saying. "Rose, if you are a tit man. They are massive, with nipples you wouldn't believe. But don't bother fucking her, she has a big opening. I tried it, but my cock didn't touch the sides. She had to finish me off by hand." Then he looked at me to check that I was taking it all in. I nodded. "But if fisting is your thing." I shook my head. "Anne is our youngest, she is twenty five. I am not complaining, but I can't understand why she works here, it can't be for the money because we don't pay much. She is my favourite." I could tell he was now thinking about her. From what he had said she sounded OK, but I wanted more details. "What's special about her?" "Tiny, with small tits, and the face of an angel. She is so small that when you fuck her it feels as if you cock is massive." I thanked him, then I got back to my drink, and he got back to his bar work. Rose or Anne, or even one of the other two? I couldn't decide. I was even considering going home, but it had been three days since my balls had been drained, so I stayed.  I had decided on Anne, but she wasn't free, so I settled on Rose. "What's your name big boy?" "Simon, but how do you know I'm big?" She then laughed. It was a full uninhibited one, and I could tell she didn't care if they could hear it in the next room. "I always say that. It makes all the men feel good, even the ones who wished they had a few more inches." That's something I have never wished for. Ten inches is enough for me, and for all the women I have been with. "You are in for a treat. If you have ever seen a better pair of tits than mine, then I will give you your money back." I had to laugh, this was included in the admission fee at the door, but my laughter was drowned out by hers. For now it was endearing, but I had the feeling that later on it would irritate me. If I had paid her, I wouldn't be getting any money back. Her tits weren't just huge, they were firm as well, and they were topped by the thickest and longest nipples I had ever seen. Oscar had sung their praises, and rightly so. The two holes were big enough for most women, but not for her. She had pushed a lot into my room, but it looked as if there was still more on the other side. For the next ten minutes I worshiped them. They had my full attention. I pinched and stretched her gorgeous nipples, then I sucked on them until my jaw ached. Oscar had said not to fuck her, but I was going to, if she would let me. "Can I fuck you?" "I thought you would never ask," then after she had finished laughing, she said, "But you need a big thick cock. I am not some teeny weeny size zero girl, who would struggle to take a little finger. I am a big woman, with a big pussy." When I put my cock through the hole, it felt as if I was auditioning. I would only get to fuck her if she thought my cock was suitable. It's a long time, if ever, that I have been nervous about a woman seeing my cock for the first time. I heard something, it sounded as if she was licking her lips. "I like it, but I think my pussy will like it even better." I waited for her to laugh, but thankfully this time she didn't. I was pleased I had passed the test, and I was now eager to start. She didn't waste any time getting me inside her. As soon as my cock was at her opening, she had quickly pushed back, taking all of it in one go. Oscar was right, she was big, but there was some tightness there. Her cunt was definitely fuckable, but it required a long thick cock. One like mine. "What's your name big boy?" "Simon." "OK Simon, this is what I want from you. You are going to fuck me hard. Nice long strokes using your full length. It's a long time since I have been fucked to a climax, but you are going to do it. I will be disappointed if you come before I do." So no pressure. I started slowly, but she immediately urged me to go quicker. After five minutes she was grunting at the end of each stroke.  "This is good, but you need to do better." I felt as if I was failing. I was now determined to give her that climax that she had asked for, even if I didn't reach it, so I upped the pace. "I like that, don't stop." I didn't, but after doing it for another ten minutes, I was wishing that I could. She was getting to the boil, but I had no idea how much longer she would need before she actually reached it. I was a young fit man, but even so, there was a limit to how long I could fuck for without collapsing through exhaustion. Then a thought flashed through my mind, I might die. That made me smile, what would they put on the death certificate as the cause? Then I cleared my head, this was serious business, I needed to get back to work. She was now being fucked harder than I had ever fucked anybody before. Her grunting had turned into loud moans, almost as loud as her laughter had been. They must be able to hear her in the next room. It was brutal but it did the trick. As she climaxed she started to writhe, and her cunt contracted, squeezing my cock. That took me over the edge. More by luck than good judgment, we had both come together. I quickly pulled out of her, but she didn't move until at least another minute, and then it was another few seconds before she spoke. "Simon, you had better come back and see me again." I didn't need to think about it. We had both enjoyed it, so why wouldn't I come back? "I will," then I muttered under my breath, "But only when my Mother isn't here."  When I got back to the bar I could tell Oscar was eager to talk to me. "You were a long time. Who did you see?" "Rose." "And was I right about those tits of hers?" "Yes you were, they are magnificent." "What about her..." I didn't let him finish, "You were right about that as well. She had to finish me off by hand." He was so pleased that I had confirmed his opinion of Rose, that he gave me a complimentary beer. I had been tempted to tell him that I had fucked her to a climax, but that might have got him wondering why he hadn't been able to do that. Not all men are lucky enough to have a cock the size of mine.  When I returned the following Wednesday, I knew that Mother was working. I had been trying all week to think of some way of asking her what day she was going out with her friends. She would be suspicious if I just asked without a good reason. On Tuesday morning, at breakfast, my problem was solved when Mother told my Sister that she was going out Wednesday night. Rick was back, and there was no sign of Oscar. "Hi Rick, nice holiday?" He spent the next five minutes telling me about it, and I found out that Oscar was his Brother.  As I opened the door I was apprehensive, perhaps Mother was really out with her friends. I checked the doors, Rose, Mary, Vicky, and the last one, Lizzy. I punched the air with excitement. She was working, and she was free now. "Hello, I am Simon. Do you remember me?" "Of course I do, how could I forget my Son," then she giggled. For a split second I thought she knew, but then I realised it was all part of the pretence. "And I remember your cock. I would like some more of that," then she giggled again. This time it had sounded more girly, as if she was much younger than she was. She might be forty three, but she could still get excited at the thought of a big cock. But not as excited as I was at the thought of fucking her again. As I played with her nipples, I looked closely at the birthmark on her breast. My Father must have seen it so many times now, that I bet he hardly notices it, but I found it fascinating. "I like your birthmark." "Years ago I was thinking of having it removed, but my Husband talked me out of it. I am glad he did." Then she giggled, and I wondered why. "My Son Simon saw it when he was eighteen. It was by accident. I was leaning over and my dressing gown opened. He got a good look at my tits, and I could tell that he saw it." I was nineteen, not eighteen. I even remember the day, it was a Tuesday. "What I wanted to do was to let him suck on them, but I knew that was wrong." I almost groaned, if I had known that at the time I might have reached out for them. "Simon, please will you suck my tits." "Yes Mummy." I spent ten glorious minutes on them. Rose has a much better pair, but the fact that she was my Mother, made it far more exciting. Now it was time for her cunt. This time she was so wet that she got three fingers straight away. She gave a deep moan of approval when they were fully in. Last time I had rubbed her clit with my thumb. I was going to do that again, but first I wanted to try something different. I rotated my fingers so that my thumb could explore her ring. When I pushed the tip of it in, she purred. "You naughty boy, putting your thumb into Mummy's bottom." That sent a shiver of excitement down my spine. I suddenly realised, that my prim and proper Mother, who was a respected member of our community, was really a dirty bitch, who was up for anything.  As nice as her bottom was, her honey pot was better. When my thumb touched her clit she almost climaxed. "Easy. Mummy is too excited." For the next few minutes, I tried to be as gentle as possible, but even the lightest touch was making her squirm. "I am going to have to fuck you." That got a quick, "Yes," from her. Her tits might not be as good as Rose's, but she had the better cunt. I was now deep up her, and it felt amazing. "One day I might let my Son fuck me," then she moaned as I fucked her hard, before adding, "I hope he is as good as you." That day had already passed, and I was now doing it again. I was tempted to tell her who I really was, but despite her admitting that she wanted to do it, that was no guarantee that she would actually agree to do it. It was best not to tell her. I was getting to fuck her, and she was none the wiser. After only a few minutes I could tell she was ready to come. I had been hoping for at least ten minutes, fifteen would have been perfect. However, there was nothing I could do now except finish her off, and make sure it was a big one. When she climaxed she was almost as loud as Rose had been. There was a lot of moaning and groaning from her, and some words that I couldn't make out. My orgasm was simpler. I just grunted once, then my cock twitched a few times until my balls were drained. I wasn't complaining, it's just that women do seem to have the better climax. Neither of us spoke until I was about to leave, "Thanks Lizzy, that was really good." "I enjoyed it as well. Simon..." Then she stopped. My hand was on the door handle, and I was about to leave, but I waited. I knew she was going to say more. "Tell me what you think of this," then I heard her take a deep breath before continuing with, "Next week I want you to come back. When you see me I will have my Daughter with me. Would you like both of us together?" My head was now spinning. I blurted out, "Your real Daughter?" "Yes, but it's just for you. So don't tell Rick, or any of the others." "Why?" "She has a fantasy about fucking her Brother. This way she can do it without anybody getting hurt. So are you up for it?" I nodded my head vigorously, then I realised I had to speak. "Yes." "Thank you. I was worried that you might not want to." This was every schoolboy's wet dream, your Mother and Sister at the same time. There was no way I would not want to do it. Back at the bar I drank two beers in quick succession. Ricky gave me a funny look, but he didn't say anything. This time Mother was back home before me, she must have left The Tavern shortly after I had left her room.  The next day we had breakfast together. Father had his nose in the newspaper, and we hardly got a word out of him. My Mother and Sister talked non-stop, and both of them appeared to be in a good mood. Had Chloe been told about what was going to happen next Wednesday? I would say yes. For the next few days I found it a bit uncomfortable being around my Mother and Sister. I got an uneasy feeling that they both knew that I was the Simon that they would be seeing on Wednesday. But that was ridicules, there was no reason why that was the case. I had managed to get myself so worked up, that I decided to ease the tension by visiting The Tavern Monday night after work. Before I had even managed to sit at the bar, Rick had got me my beer. I was now a regular, and I was been treated like one. Rose was free, but I picked Anne. Oscar had rated her, so I was happy to try her out. "I am Anne. You can do whatever you want with me." I knew she was twenty five, because Oscar had told me, but she sounded as if she was a lot younger. It was exciting, but a bit creepy as well. If I hadn't known her age I would have walked out. Young yes, under age, definitely not. And it's always better to be safe than sorry. When she pushed her tits through, I was surprised how small they were. They made my Mother's look huge. However they were nice and firm, and her nipples were pert. After a few minutes my cock was straining to get out. I had to briefly stop so that I could take my trousers and underwear off. "Have you got your cock out?" "Yes, and it's ready to fuck you." She cooed with excitement, before saying, "I am only a little girl. Please be gentle with me." As I put my cock into the hole, I waited for her response.  "Fuck me. That's a nice cock." Yes, that's what I was intending to do. That's if the sight of it hadn't put her off. "I need some extra lube for this." I would have preferred it without, but she was the one to know if she needed it or not, so I kept quiet. It was another minute before I felt her cunt lips touching the head of my cock. Then slowly, very slowly, she pushed back against me. She struggled with the first couple of inches, then she rested halfway, before continuing. It must have been uncomfortable, but she took it all.  "Let me get used to it. It feels like you are splitting me in two. If it gets too much for me you might have to take it out." I hoped it wouldn't come to that. Her tight little cunt was gripping my cock like a vice, and it felt good, but it would feel even better when I started fucking her. "OK, but slowly." We were now fucking, but almost in slow motion. After a couple of minutes, I speeded up. She didn't complain. "Harder." Good, she was now ready for a proper fuck. Surprisingly, she managed to keep going for another five minutes, the last two taking full strokes. When she climaxed, I only needed another stroke before I joined her. As her tiny cunt pulsed, it squeezed out all my seed.  Back at the bar Rick asked me who I had been with. I told him. "What do you think about that voice of hers? Some customers think she puts it on, but it's her real voice." I shook my head, "Yes, I can't believe she is twenty five." "They have to be at least twenty one to work here. Don't worry, she is legal, but I must say I did check her passport very carefully when she first started." It had been a good experience, but I was already thinking about Wednesday. I still couldn't believe that I would be seeing both of them together. I didn't talk much with my Father, but when I did it was mostly sport or politics. However, it looked as if my Mother and Sister talked about their sex lives, and what their fantasies were. It must be a woman thing, because I would curl up and die if my Father ever started telling me about what he did in bed. I hadn't planned to go out Tuesday night, but Charlotte called. Her parents were away for the night so we had the house to ourselves, and she was obviously eager for me to join her. Ten minutes after I got there, we were in bed together. The sex was good, and she got the climax she wanted. I had one as well, but I would rather have saved it for tomorrow. I stayed the night, but I left early while she was still asleep. If I had waited until she woke she might have wanted to be fucked again. I might manage twice in one day, my Mother and Sister, but three times was too much. I only worked a half-day. I had a dental check-up at two, and some jobs to do, so I took the afternoon off as holiday. I was back at home for five, and my Mother and Sister were there, but they were ready to go out. "Where are you two lovely ladies going to?" They shared a knowing look, then Mother said, "That would be telling," then they both giggled. Then, with a more serious face, Mother said, "I am meeting up with my friends, and Chloe is coming with me." She sounded convincing, and I wondered if that was what they were actually going to do. If that was the case, then I was in for a disappointing night. Ten minutes later they left, but I waited until six before I went out. "It's nice to see you Simon, but twice in one week." Rick was smiling, and I could tell there was no malice in his observation. I shrugged my shoulders, before saying, "What can I say? I have a big appetite." Then I heard him mutter under his breath, "And a big cock." I pretended I hadn't heard him. The women must have been talking about me.  I didn't want to appear too eager, so I finished my drink before going into the back room. Lizzy's card was on the second door, but the sign was red. I would have to wait. I didn't like it, but there was nothing I could do about it. "Let me guess, Lizzy is busy?" I just nodded. Rick smiled, then he got me another drink. I waited another fifteen minutes before trying again. This time it was green. "Hi, it's Simon." "Hello Simon, I have been waiting for you. And so far tonight I have managed to please all the customers without fucking any of them. So you have a nice clean pussy to work with," then she giggled, and I heard another person join in. "Is your Daughter there?" "Yes I am, nice to meet you." I could hear the excitement in her voice. "Likewise." I wasn't sure how this would work. I got the feeling we would make it up as we went along. It started with the two top holes being opened, then they were both filled with tit. The left with Mother's and the right with my Sister's. I was like a kid in a candy store, where should I start?  "Suck me." It was my Sister. As I did what she had asked, I also tweaked Mother's nipple. I then kept switching. Both tits were nice, but my Sister was only twenty, so hers was firmer.  "Do you like playing with your Mother and Sister?" I mumbled, "Yes," and they both giggled. "You are a naughty boy. What are you?" I reluctantly raised my head from my Sister, so that I could speak. "Mummy, I am very naughty." One of them squealed with delight. It sounded like Chloe, but I couldn't be certain. I then got back to work on their tits, but a couple of minutes later Mother spoke again. "Don't you think it's time to finger us?" I did, but who should I start with? "Mummy, do you want to be first?" They both giggled, then my Sister said, "Put both your hands through the hole. We can have one each." My right hand was now exploring my Mother's opening, while the left one was concentrating on my Sister's large lips. They were big and chunky. If she put her cunt to the hole I might be able to suck on them. I might even suggest that later on. "Do you have a Sister?" My Mother seemed eager to know. "Yes," then I almost said Chloe, but I managed to stop myself just in time. "She is called Charlotte." My Sister giggled, before saying, "That's the name of my Brother's girlfriend." I now had three fingers up both of them, and my cock was so hard in my trousers, that it felt as if it was going to burst. I was desperate to fuck them both, but I was happy to keep my fingers in them for as long as they wanted me to. It was OK for the first five minutes, then it got difficult. My Sister was much nearer to her orgasm than Mother. I was now fingering Mother hard, but easing up on Chloe. I didn't want either of them to come until they were on the end of my cock. "Should we stop?" It was Mother, and I knew she was asking my Sister, and not me. She got a quick, "Yes," back from her. When I removed my fingers, they both sighed at the same time. That made them laugh. As I put my cock through the hole, I wondered who I would get first. Had that already been decided earlier on? "It's me first, then you get to fuck your little Sister." I was quickly into her. My aim was to finish her as soon as I could, then get to work on Chloe. If everything went to plan, she would climax, but I wouldn't. I wanted to save it for my Sister. After a few minutes of hard fucking, I realised that I had a problem. Her cunt felt so good, and all the noise she was making was getting me excited. If I didn't concentrate I was going to come, and perhaps even before she did. For the next five minutes, I tried to think about anything that would delay my orgasm. Differential Calculus did the trick, but I had to stop that because it was working too well, my cock was starting to lose some of its firmness. I then settled on thinking about work, that was always a passion killer. Two minutes later she started to tense up, then she climaxed. I kept fucking her until I was sure that she was well into it. Then I stopped, but I kept my cock in her. It only came out when her orgasm had passed, and she moved away from me. I then heard them whispering to each other. I couldn't make out what they were saying, but there was a lot of giggling going on. It then went quiet, and my Sister said, "Now it's my turn." I just kept my cock still, letting her push herself back against it. She only stopped when my balls were flat against her.  "My Brother has a big cock, just like yours. It might even be bigger." No, it was the same size. "I want you to fuck me hard until I scream like a dirty bitch." My Sister might be younger than me, but she can be very bossy. Over the years she has asked me to do lots of things for her that I have said no to. This wasn't going to be one of them. I started slowly, because I wanted to saviour it, but it soon became frantic. I couldn't help it, her ripe cunt was begging to be fucked, and I was desperate to give it what it wanted. "Fuck, this is too hard." I didn't care. I wanted it hard, and that was what she was going to get. After another minute, she spoke again "Yes, don't stop." I had to smile, but only briefly. Fucking your Sister is a serious business, you need to concentrate. When she started to gasp, I knew she was close. I was as well. I could keep going for another two or three minutes, but no more than that. I upped the pace, and that did the trick. After a few seconds the gasping stopped, and I was worried that she had stopped breathing. However, when she then screamed, I knew she was OK. Fortunately it wasn't too loud, but it had signalled the start of her climax. And it was a big one. As it surged through her body, I kept my cock still, but she rocked against it. That was enough to make we come as well. It took me a while to empty my balls, but she was still in it when I had finished. I waited until she was still, and not moaning, before pulling out. When she had recovered, there was more whispering between them. Then my Sister asked, "Who did you like the best?" I shook my head as I laughed, there was no way I was going to answer that. Back in the bar, Rick greeted me with, "What took you so long," then I got a knowing smile. I took my time finishing my beer. Then I decided to celebrate with a double of my favourite malt whisky. I winced when he told me how much it would cost, but nothing, not even an overpriced drink, was going to take the shine off the day. I enjoyed the whisky so much, that I ordered another. That would have to be my limit, anymore and I would be going home drunk, and that would spoil the day. Could life be any better? Then I laughed out loud. Yes it could, if I had another Sister! For Pics visit:---->>> https://cutt.ly/hwsMVhC
Title: My Sister In Law Beth. Chapter 14 - 15 Keywords: True Story, Chapter 14 I'm not sure how long I had been sleeping when I opened my eyes and tried to adjust them to the darkness in the room. I turned and looked over at Jennifer, she was still deep in the sleep. But somehow, I could not shake the feeling that someone else was in the room watching us. I Looked toward to window and saw the drapes move slightly. I laid there for several moments, not noticing anything else so I must have started to drift off, I'm not sure, but I thought I heard Susan's voice softly in my ear . " Sleep my love." Jennifer was in the mist of a very big government fraud trial, so our time together was limited over the next few months. We did get together once or twice a week for dinner or a movie. Jen was so easy to get along with and though despite our age differences she made me feel like a young man. We both kept ourselves busy with our prospective jobs, making time for each other when we could. On one of my normal Sunday dinners to my in laws, Jen's parents were once again present, along with Lance and Beth, and one of my father in law's sisters. I was determined to keep the conversation low key and avoid any possible unpleasantness. I was the last to arrive, which was unusual, but made my way to the table. The conversation was harmless at first until Miss Margie, Jen's mother asked how things were going between the two of us. I replied things had been very pleasant and that we had been out maybe three or four times, in the past month or so, but our work schedules were really brutal. I couldn't help but feel Beth's cold gaze on me, however I did not look in her direction to acknowledge her. One thing however, I had noticed was that Lance had somewhat began to revert to his former sense. Not near as bad mind you, but he was having his moments. After dinner was over, I got up to help my mother in law with the dishes. When we were alone in the kitchen, I asked my mother in law if we could talk. She replied that I was like a son to her and anything I wanted to say was fine by her. "Mom, you know Susan meant to world to me, I loved her with all of my heart. You and Dad have always made me feel like the son you never had and since my parents died early in my life, I can never repay you for the kindness you have shown to me.", I stated. "That's why I need to tell you something , Mom....", I continued. Before I could finish, my mom placed one finger over her lips to ask me to be quiet for a brief moment. "I think I know what your going to say Jeff. You think that perhaps you might be attracted to Jennifer, but you want to make sure that Dad and I are ok with it.", she replied. "Jeff, you were the most doting, caring, loving, thoughtful and considerable husband that we could have hoped Susan would marry. For the last six months of her life, you never left her side, never let go of her hand.", she continued. "Jennifer is a very nice girl, you too have a lot in common, you have both of our blessings to move on. I know Susan would want you to be happy." "Thanks, Mom, I love you.", I replied and hugged her. I decided to make an early exit and avoid any unpleasant situation with Beth, I arrived home an hour later and found a message from Jennifer. The message said she had closed her case and it had went to the jury. They expected a verdict by Wednesday or Thursday. She mentioned she would love to spend a nice quiet weekend, just the two of us. That sounded great to me. I had just gotten home Thursday evening from work, walked in the house and the phone rang. I picked it up and to my surprise, it was Beth. "Jeff, I really need to talk to you. Do the think the two of us can meet us for an hour or so ?"' she asked. "Beth, I don't think that's a very good idea. You and Lance are back together, all we are doing is tempting fate.", I replied. "So you have blown me off already, Jeff ?", she snapped. "Now, wait Beth, what about the letter you wrote. After all we shared that's the let down I get ?', I retorted. "Jeff, I have to talk to you to settle things once and for all, please.", she begged. "I will get back to you, Beth. Soon.", was my reply. Friday night came around, I went to the local Thai Restaurant on the way home and picked up dinner. Jen arrived about six thirty , we sat down and enjoyed a wonderful mean. We sat on the sofa and watched a movie on Lifetime, which I have to admit was not bad. Curled up on the sofa with Jen, just felt so right, so natural. Right after the movie ended, Jen started flipping channels and stopped on the HBO Channel. They were starting the serials "Reel Sex". The show started boring with a local strip club in Atlanta for women only, the second segment was about couples massage and the last segment was a sex workshop that was given In Colorado, when married couples went to expand their horizons, I seem to notice that Jen's interested piqued during the last segment. As the show went off, she turned to me and stated quite simply. "Do you have any unfulfilled sexual fantasies, Jeff ?", she asked. "Where the heck, did that come from girl?", I replied. "I dunno, I guess I am just trying to get to know you better.", she answered. "Well, how I about I ask, do you have any ?", I fired back. "A few, but you have to go first, or its no deal.", she said shyly. I went on to tell Jen, with a great deal of shyness, that I always was extremely aroused watching a woman masterbate herself to orgasm. "What about watching two girls have sex together ?", Jen asked. "I can't say Jen, I have never had that experience, but I am sure it would be pleasurable. "So what about you Jen, whats your big turn-on ?, I laughed . "Promise me you won't think any less of me if I tell you this.", she said looking down at the floor. I agreed and Jennifer began to attempt to tell me, stuttering through the sentences, that just once , she wanted to make love to a beautiful woman. "Do you think I'm weird ?", she asked. "No Jen, from what I hear, its very common these days."", I replied. Jennifer and I were becoming more and more at ease with each other. It seemed the more time I spent with her, the more attracted to her I had become. Jennifer's birthday was July 3rd, and I was hoping to do something special for her. I had decided the weekend before her party , I would take Jen, her Mom and Dad, all out to eat. The meal was great success and everyone had a great time. A few days later, it was time for me to renew my health club membership, so as I went into the trainer's office to pay, I pulled put my wallet. I found my credit card and handed it to the young lady and as I was waiting, I happened to thumb through my wallet. I reached in and pulled out the gloss back business card that said only "Raine", with a phone number. I had held on to that card for over a year, don't ask me why. As looked at the card, I suddenly had an idea. Two days later I called my friend Riley who owned the club that Beth, Lance and I had went to the previous New Year's Eve. I called him up and left word for him to return my call. He did the next day and we caught up quickly. I explained to him I had met Jennifer and what a great girl she was. He asked me to bring her down to the club, so he could meet her. I informed him, I was thinking of just that and asked him if Raine still worked there. He laughed, and told me, she was the absolute best, and he hoped she would never leave him. I asked him to see if Raine was up to a private party and I would make it worth her while. It was Monday and Jennifer's birthday was Friday, I had to figure out what I was going to do. I had previously bought her present, a very nice diamond necklace. It was a gift that said, I really like you, without coming on too strong. I was supposed to pick it up on Wednesday evening after work. I made reservations at Commander's Palace, a five star restaurant in New Orleans, which some say in the best in the city. I figured by Wednesday, I had the entire evening planned out. I had just heard from Jen, she explained the jury had reached a verdict and court would reconvene tomorrow morning, then she would be free for the weekend. After work I stopped at the jewelers on the way home, picked up Jen's birthday gift. I had just returned to my vehicle and was backing out of the parking lot when my cell phone rang. I figured it was Jen again, so I quickly answered it. I was wrong. "Hi Jeff, its Beth, how are you ?", she asked. "I am doing well Beth and you ?", I replied. "Well, not really that great, can we get together and talk soon ?", she inquired, "How about tomorrow night ?" "I can't on Friday, I have plans that I cannot break.", I stated. "You going out with Jennifer ?", she said in a very annoyed tone. "Yes, I am , its her birthday. We are just going to dinner, nothing really special.", I responded. Beth was silent for what seemed an eternity, then continued the inquisition. "Well how about tonight then. Can we talk tonight ?", she asked. "I guess so Beth, what time ?" "I'll come over after seven, see you then." I hung up and thought to myself, this is a bad idea. Jennifer still had no clue about what had happened between Beth and I, and really for the sake of the family, I hoped it never came out. But I hated to deceive Jen, she was a caring trusting person, I did not want her to find out from someone else. I decided to meet Beth tonight, then sometime over the weekend, try to explain what had happened between Beth and I to Jen. Sometime between seven and seven thirty, Beth arrived. I immediately knew from the way she was dressed, she had more on her mind than just talking. She had on a very short skirt and a revealing top. She looked very lovely, as usual. I escorted in to the great room and sat down across from her. She seemed nervous and appeared like she was trying to find the right words that would sound appropriate. Finally after an awkward pause she began. "Jeff, I know that what I did hurt you badly. That was never my intention, to be honest with you, I was thoroughly confused and to some degree, still am." she stated. "I am sorry about the note, you deserved better than that, I should have told you in person, I just didn't have the courage.", she continued. "I have been married a long time and I simply had to see if their was any chance to salvage my marriage." she added. At this point , she looked down at the floor and exhaled, like all the breathe had left her body. I figured I had better say something. "Beth, if you remember way back way, I said I thought the idea of us becoming intimate was an extremely bad idea. However, I did tell you that if you decided to go through with it, I asked you please not to deceive me.", I said softly. "Beth, I fell in love with you and I wanted us to be together, no matter what anyone else thought.", I added. "I know Jeff.", Beth replied, " I thought I was in love with you as well." "You thought ?", I asked. "No.....what I meant was .......", she was fumbling for words. "Look Beth, you owe me nothing, all I want is for you to be happy. If Lance makes you happy then by all means stay together. I will never mention a word of what happened between us to anyone.", I promised. She seemed somewhat relieved at that statement but disassociated as well. The longer I sat here across the Beth the more difficult this conversation was becoming. For a second, I really wished I could turn back the hands of time before I knew Jen and before Beth and I had gotten together. I had grown to care for Jennifer, she was a kind, caring, interesting person to be with. And as much as I wanted to deny it, I still had feelings for Beth. "I know you want what's best for me Jeff, that's why I love you so much. Never has a man put me first. You always put me first.", she finally replied. "Can I ask you a question, Jeff ?" "Sure, you can.", I responded. "Are you in love with Jennifer ?", she asked. "Honestly Beth, I don't know. I do care for Jennifer a lot. She is a great woman and we get along really well. I'm just not sure I have fallen in love with her yet.", I replied. "But you fell in love with me so quickly, Jeff. How could that be ?", she shot back. "I can't explain it you Beth. Perhaps it was due to the fact I have known you so long and already loved you in a different way. It made it so easy to get to the next phase.", I said. "Beth, what has happened, why are you bringing all of this up now, after you and Lance have gotten back together ?", I continued. "Well.....because.....I think I might have made a mistake.", she stuttered in reply. "By taking Lance back ?", I asked. She nodded her head yes immediately. This was not a situation, I was prepared for. I knew that this time, I had to be really cautious and think things out carefully before saying or doing anything else. Now, instead of turning my family upside down, I would do the same to Jennifer and her family. Not to mention that both families were extremely close friends. Before I could even finish with the thought of the consequences, Beth spoke up. "Jeff, I have missed you so much. Your touch, your kindness, your gentleness. I need to have you hold me, make me feel needed as a woman.", she softly whispered. I wanted to jump out of my chair, grab her by the hand and run down the hall to the bedroom, and make love to her for hours. She looked so helpless, but so beautiful. "Beth, first of all, you said you thought you might have made a mistake by taking Lance back, which makes me think you're still not sure. Secondly, what you and I did happened before I met Jennifer, had no effect on our relationship. However, if I sleep with you again now, it does effect her and it makes me a piece of crap.", I responded. "So, you do love her ?", Beth snapped back. "No, I am not sure that I love her, but I am certain I respect her and I will not do anything to hurt her needlessly.", I replied. "Especially since you're asking me to sleep with you but you are still not sure you want to leave Lance.", I continued, "Beth, you really need to be alone and think things out. I can't help you make this decision, but the fact you are still with Lance, tells me you love him." She looked down again, then stood up. She told me I was right, that she needed to think and thanked me for being understanding. She left abruptly. Friday morning rolled around and I left for work as usual. I was surprised not to see Lance's car in front of the house. He never left the house that early, I wondered if they had another fight. About mid - morning, the secretary announced I had a call on line three. I picked up the phone to a sultry female voice. "May I speak with Jeff ?", the voice said softly. "This is Jeff.", I replied. "Hello, Jeff.", the voice responded, "We met last year at Riley's Club, he suggested I call you." It took a minute for everything to kick in, then suddenly I realized it was Raine, the beautiful red head from the club. "Oh yes, how are you ?", I asked. "I'm fine Jeff.", she responded, "What can I do for you ?" Not sure what I should discuss on the phone, I vaguely asked that when she had given me her card, she had told me about private encounters. I continued on to ask if that was still possible. She said it was something that she did in very rare occasions, but the people and surroundings had to be very discreet and low key. I explained to her that it would just be myself and Jennifer, recalling to her how Jennifer had a fantasy about another woman. I quickly added that in no way did I expect anything more then the performance she had given to us the club. She responded that what she did was basically up to her mood and the connection she had with the people that were present. She told me that she preferred women to men, although she was not a lesbian. She then asked me what I had in mind exactly and when did I want this encounter to take place. I explained to her what I was thinking which seemed to interest her, adding tonight was the special occasion. "Tonight is Friday and my most lucrative night of the week. There is no way, I could do it tonight. I would lose entirely too much money.", she stated. I asked her what would she normally make on a Friday night, that I might be able to compensate her in an equal manner. The only thing that I asked in returned was that if Jennifer could not go through with it she would understand and we could stop at whatever point Jennifer wanted to. She explained that her take home depended on how many dancers worked that night and how many private dances she did in one night. She told me usually she would take home between eight hundred to a thousand dollars a night. She also added that she understood the situation and that was fine with her. We settled on an amount that would guarantee Raine would spent approximately one hour with us upstairs later that night. That night I picked Jennifer up at about six thirty in the evening at her place. She was wearing a white dress with thin straps and a rounded neckline. The dress was mid thigh and very snug at the hips. She looked absolutely ravishing. We arrived at the restaurant on time for our reservation and enjoyed a fabulous meal, desert and coffee. All the while Jennifer kept asking me what was going on. She said I was acting anxious, not like my normal self. I just kept passing it off that I had a really bad day at work, that it was nothing. After dinner, we walked down to the Mississippi River and sat in one of the Gazebo's facing the city. We talked for a while, held each other close and shared a few kisses. We decided to leave a short while later. I glanced at my watch, everything was going according to plan so far. We arrived back at my car about eleven o'clock, I opened the door and let Jen in and went around to the driver's side. I got in the car, opened the center console and removed Jen's birthday present. "Happy Birthday, Jen"., I told her. "Oh Jeff, you shouldn't have done that, the dinner was quite enough.". she said softly. "I wanted to Jen, just open it.", I replied. She carefully opened the long narrow box and opened the cover ever so slowly to expose the diamond necklace I had picked out. There in the long green velvet box, it looked much bigger then it did surrounded by all of the others in the jeweler's showcase. I knew immediately it was a hit. "Oh My God, Jeff, its beautiful.", she squealed. She threw her arms around me and hugged me very tight. I held her for what seemed like a few minutes, then she finally eased her grip. When we parted, I saw tears in her eyes. "What's wrong Jen ?", I asked, "Did I do something wrong." "No, no, no, Jeff. I am just so happy, I love the necklace. Thank you so much.", she whispered, "Please put it on me." I took the necklace from the box and as Jen held her hair off of her neck, clasped it on her. She turned and faced me and I had to admit, it looked lovely on her. She took my face in her hands and gave me a kiss that told me just how much she liked her gift. She leaned up and whispered in my ear. "Let's go to bed Jeff, I want to make love all night long.", she purred in ear. "Soon, Jen, but there's still more birthday to come.", I informed her. Chapter 15 "More ?", she asked, perplexed. "Yep, more.", I smiled. "You trust me Jen ?", I asked. "Of course, I trust you Jeff.", she replied, "Why do you ask ?" "Good then, we are going to see a friend of mine before we go home.", I told her. We drove the few short blocks to the club and pulled into the private lot I had parked in last year. The valet took my car and we approached the club entrance. "We are going in here ?", Jen asked in surprise. "Well, you told me that you sometimes fantasized about beautiful women. Now you get to see them up close.", I replied. We entered the foyer area and were greeted by security. I told them I was a friend of Riley's, they scanned the list and saw my name. Once again we were given the Gold VIP bands and ushered to the entrance. As we entered , we were immediately greeted by the hostess and directed to the VIP section. The club was extremely crowded, there were very few empty spots in the regular section of the club. I had heard over the radio that the club had become one of the hottest new places in the city, I was happy that Riley was having such success. The hostess sat us near the back, and told us our waitress would be over shortly. She also told me Riley had stepped out of the club for a while, but had left instructions for us to be taken care of. We were in the club about ten minutes when the music started and a very attractive blonde woman took the stage and began to dance. I asked Jen what she thought about the club. She seemed kind of embarrassed and uneasy of herself. But again, the fact that there were a lot of women patrons in the club seemed to make her feel at ease. We watched several dancer's do their sets and I noticed that she was watching them intently. "So, how do you like the entertainment ?", I asked. "Well, um, I guess it's ok.", she responded. "Just ok ?", I replied, "I thought this was sort of a fantasy of yours ?" "Well, yes, I guess it is. I guess I am just embarrassed a little.", she answered. "Don't be , enjoy yourself. It's only us, no one will ever know we were here.", I told her. A few dances later and our hostess came back to the table. She informed me that our room was ready and to follow her. Jen looked at me puzzled but I reassured her this was part of her birthday. We followed her to one of the rooms upstairs reserved for private entertainment. This time, we were given the room across from the one I had been in last year. As soon as I entered, it was much the same as I remembered the other one being. She asked us to be comfortable and have a seat. We both sat on the rounded sofa as the hostess left the room. I could tell Jen was very nervous by the way she was anxiously moving her foot and looking around the room. There was a soft knock on the door and a turn of the knob. In walked Raine, quietly closing the door behind her. She had a long black silk robe on with black high heel shoes. If possible she looked even prettier then I remembered. "So this is the Birthday Girl ?", Raine asked, extending her hand to me. "Yes it is.", I answered, "Raine this is Jennifer." "Hi Jennifer.", Raine said, again extending her hand, "And Happy Birthday." "Thank you, I think.", Jen laughed back. "Raine, you know Jeff ?", Jennifer asked. "Well, I met Jeff once, last year for our Grand Opening on New Year's Eve. He knows the owner really well.", Raine replied. I was so glad that she omitted any other details then those. Of course I am guessing in this line of work discretion is always needed. Raine went over to the CD player , loaded her music, picked up the remote and walked back over to where Jennifer was sitting. "You need to move to guest of honor seat.", Raine told Jennifer pointing to the high backed black velour chair in the center of the room. "You mean your gonna .....", Jennifer stuttered pointing to the chair. "I sure am.", smiled Raine. Raine leaned over and took Jen by the hand and led her over to the chair. Jen looked over at me for some sort of help, but I was just laughing. She said something to Raine about not being sure if this was a good idea or not. Raine assured her that she could stop anytime she wanted to. That seem to reassure Jen somewhat as she sat down in the lush black chair. She tried to pull her short skirt down as far as she could, but I was still treated to a wonderful view of her upper thigh's. Raine pointed the remote at the CD player and pressed start, the music quickly responded. Raine reached up to her waist, undid the belt of the robe and removed it in what appeared to be all one motion. She was wearing a baby blue matching bra and panty set. Her bright red hair looked absolutely amazing in contrast to the light blue. She turned and walked over to me and bent over in my ear, giving Jennifer a full rear view picture of her assets. "How far do you want me to go with her ?", she asked in my ear. "As far as she will let you go and you feel comfortable doing Raine.", I replied. "Ok, but this could get expensive.", she whispered in a laugh. "I will make it worth your while, I promise.", I reassured her. Raine turned and moved back over to Jennifer and began to slowly sway her hips in sync with the music. Jen would look at Raine for a moment, then back at me. Raine moved closer to Jen and straddled her thighs , placing her hands on Jen's shoulders. She would slowly sway back and forth until she was almost all the way down on Jen's lap, then she would move back up again. Over and over this went on , maybe six or seven times. Then she pulled Jen by the hands so that she was seated further out on the chair. I knew what was coming next. This time on the way down, Raine pressed her lap into Jen's, moving her hips back and forth. I could see Jen's legs moving with the weight of Raine's motions. As Raines hips moved back and forth on Jennifer's lap, she was pushing her skirt up her legs. After a minute or so, Jen's black panties were visible between her thigh's, which had parted slightly under Raine's weight. Raine's hands were on Jen's hips pulling her close and she looked deep into her eyes. I could tell now that Jen's embarrassment had somewhat faded and she was becoming more attentive to Raine. The red head sensed this as well and she began to get bolder, moving one hand up to softly stroke Jen's left breast. I saw Jen's eyes close as she concentrated on the feeling's she was experiencing. Raine reached down with her other hand and took one of Jen's and placed it on her hip. Jen soon followed with her other hand on Raine's right hip. Soon Jen's hand had moved up to Raine's back and was lightly stroking it up and down. Raine turned and again asked me to move into the chair next to Jen's commenting that the view was better over there. From experience, I immediately did as I was told. Jen somewhat noticed that I had moved but I don't really think she cared at this point. Raine lifted her weight from Jen and pushed her back slightly in the chair . In doing so, Raine was now seated just above Jen's knees. Raine leaned over and began to softly kiss Jen's neck. I could tell from the jolt in her body that Jen's senses were highly sensitive at this point. As Raine was kissing up and down Jen's neck, I noticed that she moved her right hand down to Jen's left thigh. She softly moved her fingers back and forth brushing her thigh lightly as she nibbled on Jen's neck. Then in one swift movement, she slide her hand between Jen's thigh's until she was touching her panties. I heard a soft inaudible moan escape from Jen's lips. Without moving her hand, Raine raised up slightly and used her other hand to push Jen's skirt up as far as it could go, exposing a pair of black lace panties. Jen looked down at Raine's hand stroking her pussy , close her eyes and threw her head back. I leaned forward to get a better view. Raine took the fingers of her other hand and slid them inside the waistband of Jen's panties, pulling them down and toward her. She then slid her other hand down Jen's panties until her fingers were rubbing Jen's pussy. Jen lifted her head and once again looked down at Raine's talented fingers. She licked her lips and looked up directly into Raine's eyes. Raine leaned forward and pressed her lips to Jen's in a very soft but extremely sensual kiss. As their lips were pressing together, I could see Raines finger moving in and out of Jen's pussy lips. Raine broke the kiss and looked at Jen and whispered in a low tone. "How about you giving me a hand here.", she stated looking down at her crotch. Without any further coaxing needed, Jen's hand went to the crotch of the red head's panties and began a soft but deliberate stroking motion. She extended her middle finger and pressed it firmly between the lips of Raine's pussy. "Oh yes, that feels so nice.", Raines whispered. For the next few minutes I watched these two beautiful women masterbate each other, both of them becoming more and more aroused with each other. Jen had now gotten her hands inside of Raine's panties and was feverishly working over her pussy. Raine was expertly working over Jen's clit like only another woman could. Raine looked in my direction and grinned. "Why don't you pull that chair closer to us and join us ?", she smiled. "Can I", I asked in wonder. "Of course you can.", she replied. I slid my chair as close to Jen's as I could get and sat back down. Jen leaned over to me and my lips found hers. Her tongue eased between my lips and hungrily sought out mine. I felt Jen's hand cross my thigh and come to rest on my cock. She firmly squeezed my rock hard cock and began to massage it through my pants. Jen broke our kiss and sat back straight in her chair, once again leaning her head back, closing her eyes. Raine looked over and me and smiled. "Come over and feel this", she whispered, looking down at Jen's pussy. I leaned forward and reached my hand between the two women allowing my fingers to slide between the lips of Jen's pussy. She was soaking wet. I eased one finger deep insider her and then slowly withdrew it. Raine continued to massage her clit as I slowly moved my finger in and out of her. By now Jen was close, very close. Raine then stopped what she was doing and stood up. She looked down at Jen and slowly slid her panties off her hips and down to the ground, exposing her beautiful pussy. She reached behind and unhooked her bra dropping it on the floor. She was a vision, she could easily be a model in any men's magazine. She moved back over to Jen, bent down and pulled Jen's panties completely off. She sat back down on Jen's lap, inserting her finger's once again into Jen's throbbing pussy. Jen reached up, her fingers entered Raine in response. I reached over , extending my finger, until I was touching Raine's rock hard clit. She looked at me and moaned in approval. I then began to move in small but quick circles. She responded by doing the same to Jen, looking deep into my eyes. Every time I increased the speed of my finger on Raines's clit, she would in turn match hers on Jen's. Jen was first to let go, her head snapped back and she screamed. "Oh my god, it feels so good. I'm cummingggggggggggg...."., she wailed, her hips bucking wildly against Raine's finger's. A few second's later Raine erupted into her own orgasm. "Fuck, I'm cumming too, nowwwwwwwwwww.", she screamed at me. My fingers were flying over her clit and she rode wave after wave of pleasure, juices running out of her, all over my hand. It took close to a minute for both of these gorgeous creatures to clear there heads from their mind numbing orgasms. Raine leaned down and kissed Jen, long and passionately. "You're a wonderful kisser.", she told Jen, "I could kiss you all day. I hope your not done." Jen responded by taking Raine's hand and placing it back on her still throbbing pussy. I got up from the chair and moved behind Raine. I reached around her and cupped both of her small but full breasts in my hands. She leaned her head back against my belt and opened her mouth slightly. I leaned down and pressed my lips to hers. She tasted fresh and sweet. Her tongue flicked against my lips causing me to part mine slightly. Her tongue eased between my lips and quickly found mine. She was good, not as good as Jen, but good. She broke our kiss still looking up at me and whispered. "Since you have been a gentleman, you will get the deluxe package. Or should I say she will.", she laughed. With that she stood up and stepped back from Jen. She moved one hand down to her pussy and began to masterbate herself in front of Jen. "You like this, Jennifer.", she asked. "Mmmmmmmmmmmm.", was Jen's response. "Then play with your pussy for me.", Raine whispered back. Jen immediately moved both hands down to her pussy. Using one to open her self up with, with the other she began to finger herself. Raine moaned in approval and quickened her pace on herself. Both women were just staring at each other while they masterbated themselves in unison with each other. Raine's hips were beginning to rock and I could sense she had yet perhaps another orgasm inside of her. I was just trying to figure out what I should do, or to who, when Raine spoke. "Can I cum in your man's mouth, Jennifer ?", she asked. I was dumbfounded. I looked at Jen and I saw a gleam in her eye. "I think he might like that.", she replied. Raine turned and reached out with one hand and directed me in front of her. She told me to sit once again in the chair next to Jennifer. Once I did, she moved so that her pussy was inches from my face. She reached down spread her pussy lips, exposing her clit. With her other hand she began to rub herself rapidly back and forth. She stopped for a second and leaned forward. "Lick my clit, please.", she asked. I leaned forward, extended my tongue and touched her rock hard clit. Gently I flicked my tongue gently across her nub as quickly as I could. "Ohhhhhhhhh yes, that feels so fucking good.", she exclaim. She placed her hand on the top of my head and pushed me away. She began to furiously masterbate just inches from my face. I knew she was close to exploding again. "I'm gonna cum again, when I tell you, I want you to suck hard on my clit.", she instructed me. By this time her she was out of control and pumping her pussy for all she was worth. It took just a few seconds. "Now, now.......I'm cumming", she screamed. I leaned forward and she grabbed the back of my head and forced my face into her pussy hard. My lips quickly found her clit which had swelled to twice its normal size. I sucked on her clit as hard as I could, a second later she erupted in my mouth. "Suck that pussy, oh fuck, I'm cumming, suck it, suck it.", she screamed. I felt her juices coating my face and running down my hands which were on her thighs. She held my face firmly against her pussy as she bucked and thrashed through her orgasm. Slowly her body eased , her hands easing her grip on my head. "Oh God, that was so good.", she said looking down at me. I turned around to look at Jen and saw that she still had two finger's buried in her pussy and was feverishly pumping them in and out. I reached out and softly stroked her thigh. Raine looked over at Jen, stating the obvious. "I think someone is still not done.", she said, glancing over at me. "I think you're right.", I replied. "Well since I got to cum in you're man's mouth Jennifer, you get to cum in mine. If you want.", Raine offered. "Oh my God yes.", Jennifer panted. Raine moved over and knelt down in front of Jennifer. She reached up and pulled Jen's fingers from her pussy. She took both fingers into her mouth and sucked on them. I moved around the left side of the chair so I could get a good view. Raine eased her lips down to Jennifer's pussy. Upon contact, Jennifer's back arched, her hips thrust forward and an inaudible sound came from her lips. I watched as Raine's expert tongue went to work on this beautiful woman's pussy. I can honestly say, looking back , I had never been this turned on in my life. I watching my beautiful girlfriend getting her pussy ate out by this gorgeous red headed vixen. I can't describe the feeling, I was having appropriately. "You like it when I lick your pussy, Jennifer ?", Raine asked between thrust of her tongue. "Ohhhhhhh Yeaaaaa.", Jen replied. "You gonna cum in my mouth, let me taste your cum baby ?", Raine whispered back. "Yes, oh God yes.", Jennifer responded. Jennifer looked at me and reached her hand out for mine. She whispered the words "Thank You", to me. I knew she was really enjoying the moment. She looked back down at Raine who was expertly working her tongue in and out of her pussy. I could see Jen's clit had become large and engorged, I knew she was close to cumming. I also noticed that Raine had once again buried two finger's in her own pussy and was rubbing herself frantically. Raine came up briefly from Jen's pussy. Her face were coated with Jen's pussy juice, she was completely glazed over. "You wanna taste your girlfriend ?", she asked me. I didn't say a word. I simply leaned over and pressed my lips into Raine's. My tongue easily slid between her lips and I tasted Jennifer's juice that had coated Raines mouth. Raine licked my lips and softly kissed my lips. I reached down and put my hand over hers, pressing it deeper into her pussy. I took my other hand and reached up and pulled Raine's lips to mine, plunging my tongue into her mouth. She screamed out into my mouth. "Mhmmmmm,Mhmmmmm,Mhmmmmm,", as she got off for the third time on her own hand. She pulled back from me panting, still bucking against her hand. She pushed me away and lowered her mouth back on Jennifer's dripping pussy. Her tongue thrust deep between the lips causing Jen to thrust her hips forward. I moved up and sat next to Jen on the large chair. I whispered softly in her ear. "You wanna cum in her beautiful mouth baby ?", I asked. "Oh God yes, I do. I wanna cum now.", she replied in a husky voice. "Then let it go baby, let that cum run down her throat, fill her mouth with your juice.", I whispered back. Quickly Jennifer reached down with both hands and entwined her finger's in Raine's red curly hair, pulling her deep into her throbbing pussy. Seconds later Jen exploded in a violent orgasm on Raine's tongue and lips. "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh Goddddddddd, Oh My God, Fuck, Ohhhhhh Yea.", she screamed out, her eyes glued to mine. I watched wave after wave of pure pleasure wash through Jen's body as the red head thrust her tongue deep into Jen's pussy, trying her best to hang on to Jen's convulsing body. Finally Jen began to relax as Raine softly kissed and licked her clit. Jen was stroking Raine's soft red hair, looking down lovingly at the first woman that had ever made her cum. "Thank you so much Raine. This has always been a fantasy of mine. I never ever dreamed it would come true.", Jen whispered softly. " You're a beautiful woman Jennifer, you excited me as much as I did you. I haven't gotten off three times in a row in quite some time. Thank you too.", Raine responded. "Oh shit.", Jen said looking at me quickly, "We forgot about you Jeff." "It's ok Jen, it was your Birthday. I am fine honey.", I responded. Raine got up, softly kissed Jen on the lips and thanked her again. She pulled her panties back on and covered her self with her robe. She looked at me and motioned to the door. "Walk me out.", she said. I followed her out the door and into the hallway. She turned and faced me. "I hope tonight turned out like you wanted. I am not just saying this, I did truly enjoy myself.", she said softly. "You were wonderful Raine. I know Jennifer had an experience she will never forget.", I responded, "Thank you so much." I know we never ever actually fixed an amount, so I don't want to offend you.", I continued," Is this enough ?" I handed her six hundred dollars that I had placed in my front pants pocket. She looked through the bills and looked back up at me. "Oh no, this is way too much.", she replied, "I can't possibly take this for one hour." "Sure you can, Raine, you were wonderful. I can't thank you enough. Buy yourself something real nice.", I finished. She leaned up on her toes and pressed her lips to mine in a long soft very moist kiss. "Anytime you want another encounter, you have my number, call me. Next time, you get in on the action as well.", she ended. pics---->> http://bit.ly/1D1q3qp
Title: Auntie's Panties Pt. 02 Summary: Danny's sexy young Aunt continues his training. keywords: inc,fic It was a fun walk home. Only two blocks, but I had to restrain myself from skipping like a little girl. A few hours ago, going the other direction, I had been a horny, reluctantly untarnished virgin. Now, I was a sexually experienced man, thanks totally to my luscious aunt. It couldn't get any better, could it? Ask me again tomorrow. I'm by no means an expert, but it seems to me that most guys might go years before a woman offers them her ass. If I could take Vonnie at her word... and she had never lied to me... I was going to get it on day two, A.V. (That's After Virginity.) The whole world seemed a brighter, more vibrant place, since I got laid. I should have done it years ago. Maybe it was just my imagination. As I walked in the door, I came face to face with my sister Shelagh, who was looking at me strangely. "What?" I asked her. "Where have you been?" she asked back. "Doing the yard work at Grandma and Grandpa's house, same as usual," I replied, mildly annoyed at the interrogation. "Why?" "Oh, nothing... you just looked different than you usually do after that," she smiled. "Still hot and sweaty, but different. Happier." Jesus! Is it that obvious? I thought. I just walk in the door, and my sister notices the change instantly? This could be trouble. What if she figures it out? Worse yet... What if Mom figures it out? I'll have to try harder to play it cool. "I guess I'm happy it's done," I offered, hoping she'd take that as an answer. Thankfully, the inner workings of her little brother was not a priority subject for Shelagh. "Yeah, whatever," she giggled, and went past me into the kitchen, where Mom was busy cooking. I went upstairs to my room, stripped off my sweaty clothes, and donned my robe, heading into the bathroom for a shower. I needed to wash the sweat off. I needed to wash Vonnie's scent off, too, lest my mother smell pussy on me. This was a very dangerous situation, but it was a danger I hoped would become commonplace. Turning the water on, I stepped into the shower, and within seconds, the evidence was gone. Gone from my body, at least. My mind was a whole other matter. There wasn't enough soap in the world to wash that out of my memory. Nor did I want it to. I stood under the spray of warm water, lost in thought. I thought about her lips and mouth on my cock, as she sucked me. I thought about the incredible sensation of her pussy surrounding my cock for the first time. I pictured her curvaceous body, naked and displayed for me, later covered with my cum. It was hard to believe it was only a few hours ago that none of it had happened. 'Hard' had another application, now, as my thoughts had triggered yet another full blown erection, which was bobbing before me, begging for attention. Well, the soap was readily available, so I took care of it, while savouring the days activities once more. Soon, my fourth load of the day was swirling down the drain, and my legs were wobbly. Now might be a good time for a nap. *** I dreamt of Vonnie. It was so real, I could taste it. Wait... That's not a dream... My eyes opened to find my Aunt's eyes staring back, from extremely close range, as she kissed me. "Sorry, Danny," she giggled, pulling back. "You looked so cute sleeping like that. I couldn't resist." "Um, no, it's okay," I mumbled, clearing my head. "What are you doing here?" "It's almost dinner time, silly," she smiled. "I told you I was coming." I smiled. She laughed, caught in a double entendre. "Mmmmm, yes... I did tell you I was cumming, didn't I?" she whispered, bending to kiss me again. Her tongue swirled around mine. "God, I haven't felt this relaxed in months. You're pretty good, for a rookie." She stood, looking down at me past her big breasts. Her hands softly caressed both full globes, and she moaned. "I'd better get out of here, before I get us in trouble," she winked. "Coming?" That one she hung there intentionally. I jumped out of bed, and followed her, downstairs. Mom was starting to shuttle the menu items to the table, so Siobhan and I each grabbed a bowl or platter and gave her a hand. "Shelagh!" Mom called, hoping my sister could hear her. "She's probably listening to music with her headphones on," Vonnie giggled. "I'll get her." She bounded out of the room, and up the stairs. It was a good diversion, making it appear that not all of her trips upstairs were to my room. I don't know if her sister... my Mom... had any idea that we were anything more than merely close, but a little misdirection couldn't hurt. A minute or so later, she was back, Shelagh close behind. "Told you. You were in competition with Taylor Swift, Sis. Taylor won," Vonnie smiled, and we all took a seat. The seating plan probably kept us from getting in trouble, as Shelagh sat across from me, per usual, and Vonnie sat opposite her sister, in Dad's former spot. I was fine with my Aunt dining with us. As far as I was concerned, she could spend the month here. There was no such thing as too much Vonnie, especially now that we had moved beyond... well, you know what we had done earlier in the day. "Muirgheal, do you have plans for Danny tomorrow?" Vonnie asked my Mother. "I was wondering if I could borrow him again? I want to clean the windows in the house, and I'm afraid of the ladder." "I don't think I need him for anything," Mom said between bites. "He's not going to get hurt, is he?" I sat there, watching the conversation like a tennis match, and hoping my expression didn't show how invested I was in the outcome. Vonnie was negotiating for my services, in a way my Mother would never understand or approve of. I might clean a window or two, but those were not really the services she was interested in, and they weren't the ones I'd be happiest about. Of course I won't get hurt. Ever hear of a sex injury that was fatal? Sure, I'd be fucked up, but I'd get fucked. "Of course not," Vonnie laughed. "I'd never do anything to put my favourite nephew in danger. He's just the big, strong, brave man I need to do the things I'm afraid to do." Mom turned to me, almost as an afterthought. Her mouth was full, so she gestured to kill time as she finished chewing. "What do you say, Danny?" she asked. "How do you feel about helping your Aunt again tomorrow?" I suppose jumping for joy would raise more questions we'd rather not answer, wouldn't it? Better to pretend it's an onerous task that I'm doing under protest. "Oh, well... I guess I can help," I replied, trying to be cool. "If you really need me to." YIPPEE! I get to fuck my Aunt again tomorrow! I get to see her naked, and probably feel her lips on my cock, and... Oh, yeah... I get to fuck her ass! I think it might take me weeks to clean all those windows. "We'll take it slow, Danny," Vonnie said, apparently reading my mind. "There's a lot of windows, and I don't want to risk you getting hurt, so we'll only do a couple each day. That way you've got time to do other things, as well, and don't need to give up your whole day. Is that alright? If by 'do other things', you mean doing you? Yes, I'm good with that. I'm so good with that you wouldn't believe it! I nodded. "Perfect!" she giggled. "I'll see you tomorrow, then!" *** I slept like shit. Remember when you were a kid, and it was Christmas Eve? You were wired, so excited about your presents you couldn't scrape yourself off the ceiling and sleep? That was me, only it was Christmas, my birthday, and the Fourth of July all rolled into one. Fortunately, adrenaline us a wonderful thing. Sleep or no sleep, I was cocked, locked, and ready to rock. After breakfast, I dutifully headed for Grandma's house, to clean those windows. Giggle. I made it out of sight of my house before I broke into a full run. Every second in Vonnie's company was a second well spent. As I rounded the corner into the backyard, I saw the ladder leaning against the wall of the house. She was really going for realism, wasn't she? I found her in the kitchen. "Hi honey!" she smiled. "Eager to get started?" Now that's a silly question. You were here yesterday, weren't you? Oh yes, you definitely were. I'll never forget it. Shall I meet you in the bedroom, or do we just get it on right here? She handed me a bucket, sponge and squeegee. Huh? I thought I was here for more training... and to fuck your ass. "The ladder is all set," she smiled. "There's a hook to hang the bucket from. If you need me, just holler." I took the supplies, and walked out, more than a little confused. She was serious about the windows? I thought she was just making an excuse to get me over here. I found myself at the foot of the ladder. Oh well... Step by step, I went up, until I found the hook she mentioned. I hung the bucket, and wet the sponge. The windows really were dirty. This one was one of the spare rooms, and there were three windows for each room, four bedrooms and an office, plus two bathrooms upstairs. It really would take me a month. I started washing the glass, watching the soapy suds turn dirty as I ran the sponge across the surface. Suddenly, the lack of sleep seemed more debilitating, as the adrenaline waned in response to my disappointment. I was focused on my hand, and the sponge, when movement caught my eye. Movement inside. It was Vonnie, of course. There was no one else here but my Aunt and I. It took me a moment or two to clue in. It was a game. She was playing the unwitting victim of the peeping window washer. Since I was the window washer, that was very good news for me. My adrenaline was back in spades. Vonnie had changed clothes since I saw her in the kitchen. Then she had been dressed for doing work around the house. Now, well... let's just say she was now dressed for a completely different task. I'm not even sure what to call the shorts she had on. Actually, I'm not sure she had them on, at all. There are short shorts, and then there were these ones. White, and skin tight, they had an inseam length of perhaps one inch. She had her back to me, putting things into the dresser, and bending over to reach the lower drawers. To say her ass was on full display would be a huge understatement. My mouth was watering, and my hand had stalled in place with the sponge dripping water down my arm. Then she turned to face me. Oh, wow! Her t-shirt was black, with a deep V-neck, deep enough that I could see the centre gore of her plunging bra. The bra was pink, and as she leaned over to fold a few items on the bed, her big, round tits just hung there, cradled in the cups, asking to be picked. I really didn't need the sponge anymore, I'm sure my drool would have been sufficient to wash the window. Speaking of which... why was I trying to see her through the filthy suds, when I had the ability to give myself a perfectly clear view? I soaked the sponge again, and scrubbed the window quickly, watching Vonnie the whole time. Her breasts swung, and swayed with her movements, making me grab the squeegee and give the glass a streak free finish. Ah. That's better. Now I could clearly see her... peeling off her shirt. Good lord, how did that little bra contain all that delectable flesh? She took a few steps to the right, and I lost sight of her. I knew she was still in the room, because I could see the door, but the angle of view was blocked in the direction she went. Then I saw her feet. On the bed. She was laying on the bed, just out of my line of sight. Something flew past. Something pink. "Dammit Vonnie, I can't see you," I muttered. "I really want to see you." I said there were three windows in this room. I had cleaned one, and the second would probably give me a perfect viewpoint. I would need to reposition the ladder first. Climbing down a ladder with a full erection would likely qualify as a safety hazard, but that's what I had to do. I tried to do it as carefully as possible, but excitement tends to cloud judgement. Still, I successfully shifted the ladder to the new position without incident. I raced back up to my perch. As I thought, the pink item that flew by was indeed her bra, and while I was busy with the ladder, she had also dropped her shorts. Now naked on the bed, she was quite the spectacle. I made quick work of the window, not wanting to miss the show, which was in full swing. She had her legs spread wide, and her right hand was busy between them. Her left hand was tugging and twisting her nipples. Putting my ear to the glass, I could hear her moaning softly. I wiped my ear print off the freshly cleaned glass, and headed for the ground again. There was one more window, around the corner, and from there I'm sure I'd see the whole package. Wrestling the ladder around to the other window wasn't easy, but I wasn't going to be denied. Within a minute or two, I was back, sponge flying madly. I set a new record for cleaning this one. Oh my god. She's not just masturbating... she's using a vibrator on her pussy. From the previous window, I couldn't quite see that far between her legs, but from here I could clearly see the purple device. She wasn't moving it in and out much, but I thought I knew why. While not an expert on vibrators by any means, I had heard of the 'rabbit', and knew one when I saw it. The little 'ears' on it were a blur, working on her clit furiously. Her nipples were standing tall, and since I had done such a fabulous job on the window, I could see the flush building on her neck and chest. Unlike the moans I heard before by pressing my ear to the window, when Siobhan came seconds later, the screams were clearly audible. I watched her arch her back, and quake wildly as the orgasm hit her. All that sharp motion was transferred to her chest, making her breasts swing, bounce and jiggle for my eyes. When her body flopped limp on the mattress a moment later, only the heaving of her ragged breathing indicated that she was still alive. I had a feeling the game was over, but I stayed at the window, watching her slowly recover. At last, she sat up weakly, and looked over at me. Her eyes opened wide in surprise... faux surprise, anyway. She tried desperately to hide her magnificent breasts with both hands, but she her hands were far too small. So were mine, and mine are big. The look of indignation slowly melted off her face, replaced by one of mischievous lust. Her hands dropped away, letting me feast my eyes on her big tits. Leaning back on her hands, she shook her shoulders, causing her breasts to sway hypnotically. She held up a finger, telling me to wait, and rolled out of bed. Still completely nude, she sauntered over and stopped in front of me, hands on hips, a grin on her pretty face. The only thing separating me from her body was the glass. She inched closer, leaning forward slightly until her tits touched the inside surface of the window. She pressed further, squashing the big globes flat. She cupped her hands below them, and dragged her hard nipples across the cool glass. "You like my tits?" her muffled voice asked. I nodded, playing along. Stepping back, she reached between her legs, dipping two fingers in the oozing slit there. When she pulled them out, I could clearly see her juices glistening on them. "You liked that, huh?" she asked. "You like to watch?" She smeared her slippery fingers across the inner surface, leaving a streak of pussy juice. I nodded again. I was liking this game. "You're a very naughty window washer... peeking in at me like that. Is your cock hard? Because of me?" she asked playing her role to the hilt. I didn't answer, but she wasn't waiting for me. She dipped her fingers again, and smudged the inside of the window further. "Oops. I've made a mess in here. Would you mind coming in to clean it up?" She reached out and unlocked the window. Being my grandparent's house, the windows were double-hung sashes of an older style. As she raised the bottom sash, she bent lower, coming closer to my bulging crotch. "Mmmmm, this looks promising," she smiled, dropping to her knees, and resting her chin on the sill. "Yes, very promising indeed." Her hand snaked out to caress the bulge in my shorts, then tugged at the zipper. She deftly freed my stiff shaft from its confines. I felt her tongue make contact, and she moaned softly. She grabbed the hem of my shorts and pulled me closer to the house, engulfing the head in her warm mouth. I suddenly felt very, very exposed. Here I was, on a ladder, outside the second floor window of my grandparent's house... getting a blowjob from my Aunt. I'm sure I was quite visible up there, to anyone who cared to look. "God, Vonnie... Someone will see us!" I hissed anxiously. "Mmmmm hmmm," she moaned, pulling my cock out of her mouth. "They might at that. I suggest you not yell when you cum, and attract attention." With that, she went back to work, sucking furiously. Excess saliva began to drip down her chin, but truthfully, I couldn't really see much. I was hanging on for dear life to the ladder, and praying no one paid any attention to the guy outside the second floor window. Her slurping sounded so loud, I was certain we'd get caught, but that was probably just my terror talking. Surprisingly, the fear didn't cause my cock to wilt. Instead, I felt my balls beginning to tingle, and quite soon exploded down her throat. "Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck..." I whispered, resting my head on the next rung of the ladder. "Vonnie, you are wicked." She sucked the last few drops out of me, then tapped the head of my dick on her tongue. "If you think that was wicked, wait until you fuck my ass," she smiled. "Get yourself together, and climb down. Be careful. I'll be waiting in the kitchen with lunch." She closed the window, leaving me to tuck myself in and catch my breath. It took several minutes before I was safely on the ground, and even then my legs were still gelatinous. Carrying my tools and bucket, I stumbled into the house. Vonnie was sitting quietly, nibbling on a grilled cheese sandwich. She had put the pink bra, black T and shorts back on, looking very delicious. She stifled a smile at my dishevelled condition. "Jeez, look at you," she giggled. "You'd think someone just gave you a window washer special. Hard work?" I declined to comment, as I didn't want to jeopardize the rest of our afternoon together. Instead, I stuffed my face, and gradually recovered my senses. After we finished lunch, Vonnie helped me position that ladder for tomorrow's 'work' session. I wondered what she would come up with for me then, but that was the future. There was still lots of today left. We did actually do some jobs around the house. I pulled out the refrigerator and stove, doing the grunt work while Siobhan ran the mop. I had a feeling the entire house would be spotless by the time Grandma and Grandpa returned, but I was willing to provide my muscle to assist her... providing my 'muscle' got into her ass... and her pussy, mouth, hands... you get the idea. Now that I knew what I'd been missing, I was hopelessly hooked. Anyway, at some point in the afternoon, Vonnie gave me a smile, and crooked her finger at me. "Okay, you've done enough for now. Time for your reward," she giggled, turning toward the stairs. "Follow me, stud." Somehow, I managed not to step on my dick as I trailed behind her, and found myself in her bedroom, watching her peel the shirt off over her head. "Can you fuck right now, or do you need some more time?" she asked, twirling her finger in her thick red hair. "I could give you another lesson in cunnilingus if you aren't ready yet," she offered, "but you're pretty good already." "Cunni-what?" I asked, not really paying attention. I was too busy staring at her tits. "Cunnilingus," she repeated, flicking her tongue at me in explanation. "Licking pussy... Muffin munching... Tasting twat... Going south with your mouth... Going downtown... A box lunch at the Y... Get the idea?" "Oh, right," I smiled. "I like your pussy. It tastes delicious." "Thank you," she laughed. "How many nephews get to say that to their Aunts?" "Don't know," I replied. "How many nephews have an Aunt as hot as you?" Vonnie blushed, and stepped over to me. Her lips were quickly on mine, kissing me with passion and heat. I wrapped her in my arms, and held her tight, undoing her bra as I did. "Mmmmm," she giggled. "That was pretty slick, buddy. Nicely done." She wriggled free of the garment, and pulled my shirt off too, resting her big boobs against my bare skin. Her hand reached down, and found my cock quite ready for use. "Ooooo. You're hard. Gotta love young men. Always ready for action." "You're only five years older than me," I reminded her. "Yes, but most of my lovers have been older men," she explained. "They like younger women, especially with big tits. Takes them longer to get started, but they're not bad in bed. You young guys, especially ones who have learned how to use their hard meat... Mmmmm, so nice to be fucked all night long, over and over." "Is that what you're doing... Teaching me?" I asked. "Making me a good lover? I was hoping it was more than that." "Danny?" she chided me, kissing me again. "Honey... Don't get emotional on me, okay? I mean... I love you. You're my best friend, and I love you... but you can't think that there's a happy ending where we get married, have kids, and move to the suburbs." "We're in the suburbs..." I grinned. "Listen, smartass!" she gasped, pointing at me with an accusing finger. "This is just for fun. I fuck you. You fuck me. Sex is so wonderful... If we don't screw it up by attaching emotional strings. If that's not enough for you, you can go back to using your hand. I'm your Mother's sister! How can we ever be together openly?!" I hated to admit it, but she was right. I would always love her, because I always did. Was it possible to feel that way about more than one woman at a time? I suppose. I didn't have enough experience to know yet. "Sorry Vonnie," I replied. "You're my first. I guess I'm a bit confused." "So we're good, as is? You can love me as your Aunt, and fuck my brains out on the side?" she asked. "Yes Ma'am. I'll try." "Good... because my pussy is lonely," she smiled, reverting to sexy Vonnie. She unzipped her shorts, and stripped the diminutive piece of clothing off. Her thong followed, sliding down her legs. She laid back. "Let's go!" she giggled. "Don't keep Auntie Vonnie waiting for your big dick! Whip it out, and fuck me!" "Awww, jeez," I grumbled, as if she was telling me to clean my room. I dropped my pants, peeled off my underwear, and stood, stroking my erection. "Do I really have to?" "Yes! Fuck my cunt, you lazy boy! Fuck me, or I swear I'll tell your Mother!" That was a little more than either of us could say straight-faced. We both laughed. "Okay! Okay! I'll do it!" I smiled, "but I won't like it!" I speared her with my shaft. "Ooooo, wanna bet?" she smiled, pulling me tight to her, and kissing me again. "You can't make me!" I added. "Oh yes I can," she purred, gripping my cock with her pussy. I gasped. "See?" She was right about that, too. She could make me like it. She could make me love it. She could make me want it more than I'd ever wanted anything before. More than I thought I could ever want anything. We rolled around the bed for quite a while, taking turns being on top. Since this was always going to be part-tutorial, Vonnie kept her instructor's hat on, and gave me several tidbits about the female libido that were helpful. Unfortunately, as I would undoubtedly come to learn in the future about all women, those tidbits were also confusing. You'd think that growing up in an all female household, I might have figured women out already, wouldn't you? Yeah, right. Why should I be any different? While having all those sisters around, plus Vonnie, had given me an insight into younger girls... Well, women tend to become just a touch more complicated as they grow up, especially modern women. The most confusing... and, when you have your dick buried balls deep in her pussy, the most applicable tidbit... had to do with the age old question; fast or slow? Hard or gentle? Quick or drawn out? To fuck her brains out, or make love? How to answer that question... without actually asking it... is the question. Vonnie's help was to be no help at all. "No, you can't just ask a woman what to do," she giggled. "Some women will tell you, but the ones who do are not the ones you're really looking for, at least not if you're looking for that 'something more' you mentioned. Those ones want you to just sense it, and read their wants and desires." I was busy shafting her smoothly, and paused, trying to read her body and expression. She seemed... Pleased? "So, let me see if I've got this straight," I said, resuming a slow rhythm of strokes into her cunt. "You, um... I mean 'you' in the collective, women in general sense... you want us men to just somehow magically 'know' what turns your crank in bed, without asking?" She nodded, a flush building on her face. "And that something that you like can arbitrarily change, from day to day, without reason?" I asked, continuing my movements while I thought. "Oh fuck, yes... just like that! Right there! Just a little more!" she gasped, raking my butt with her nails. "That's so fucking good!" I was even more confused now than before. What was I doing right? How did it happen? Did she tell me, or did I 'read' it from her? Should I stop? "Oh fuck... don't stop, honey!" she hissed. Okay, note to self... don't stop doing, um, whatever it is that she likes, right at this moment. "GNNAAAHHHHHNNNNNNN!" she screamed, clawing my back as she came. I really wish I knew what I did that worked. Good thing I had my instructor with me. "Oh my god," she panted, rubbing her face with her hand in exasperation. "How did you do that?" "How did I do what?" I asked. "All I was doing was fucking you, while you explained women to me. Thanks for that, by the way. Now I'm more fucked up than ever. Maybe I'll become a monk." "No!" she giggled, caressing my face softly. "Don't become a monk. I'll try to be more helpful in the future. Now, keep fucking me... That was a good one. See if you can do it again." Between my enthusiasm and her direction, we did manage to recreate the orgasm. Three times. It seems I had changed angles slightly when we last rolled over, and I was rubbing across her clit in a particularly pleasing manner. It might not work on every woman, but on Vonnie, it was the fast lane to O-ville. While she was teaching me, I had taught her a little something about herself. That made me happy. And, on a purely selfish note... she owed me now. I had given her a few really good orgasms, but not yet cum myself. After the last one, Vonnie was a train wreck, sweating and gasping for air. She patted my chest, asking me to stop. "Please, my clit is on fire," she whispered. "I need a break, or you'll kill me." I had never been so proud. Too bad I couldn't tell anybody about it. We snuggled together for a few minutes, before Vonnie decided she was ready for more. "Okay, baby," she smiled, "how do you want it? Your choice. You want to fuck my tits? We haven't done that yet." While the thought of her squeezing those big, soft melons around my cock while I fucked her cleavage, and then spraying my load all over her, was appealing... "Yesterday, and um, earlier today, you, um, you kind of, um, mentioned your, um..." I stammered nervously. "You said I could, um, like, fuck your ass?" "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh," she smiled, drawing out the word in understanding. "Yes, I did. You like that, huh? You wanna fuck me in the butt?" "Yes Ma'am," I nodded. "Okay, we can do that," she giggled. "Go get in the shower, and I'll be in in a minute." Whatever you say. Oh boy. I was standing under the warm spray when she pulled the curtain aside and joined me. She immediately grabbed the soap, and lathered her hands, then washed me from top to bottom. I really enjoyed it, as not only her hands, but her body, slid all over me. My dick was like stone, but other than a few soapy strokes of her hand, she avoided too much contact with it. "Don't want to set that thing off before we get to put it up my ass, do we?" she giggled, kissing me softly. "Okay, you dry off and wait for me in the bedroom. I've got a few things to do in here that I need some privacy for, but I'll be quick." I didn't know it at the time, but she was talking about flushing out her rectum. She was right. I'd rather not be there for that. With towel still in hand, I strolled back into her bedroom. There, on the bedside table was her rabbit, and a big bottle of oil, while she had spread a big towel on the bed. Oh yeah. This was going to be fun. Siobhan was a couple of minutes behind me. "All clean," she smiled. "Now we can be realllllllly dirty!" I was sitting on the bed, leaning against the headboard, and she sat next to me. She looked at my cock, which was standing straight up. "Okay, I can see he's ready for action," she laughed, patting the head like it was a puppy. "Now, a woman's ass isn't quite like her pussy," she explained. "It doesn't get wet on its own, like her pussy does. So..." she picked up the oil, "... we use lube. Lots of lube. I think you'll like it." Flipping the cap open, she squirted some onto my cock, and spread it with her hand. "Do you want to lick my ass first, or should we just skip that for now?" I suppose my expression said enough. I hadn't thought about licking her butt hole before. It was an idea that needed time. "Right... Skip the licking... Oil it is," she giggled, spreading her legs wide, and rolling to her back. She squirted some more onto her asshole, and rubbed it in, sticking a finger into herself. Then two. Finally, she had three fingers pushing oil into her ass, while I watched in fascination. Her fingers stretched the tight sphincter open wider. It was exciting. 'Lots of lube', she had said, and she meant it. Over and over, she squirted oil into her gaping hole, then jammed fingers inside. Excess oil oozed out, onto the towel. "Oh fuck, this is going to be so good," she groaned, obviously enjoying the prep. "That's enough for me," she said, and rolled onto her knees. A final squirt and stroke for my cock, and she straddled me. "Ready?" I nodded, and she reached behind her, grabbing my slippery shaft with her equally slippery hand. I felt pressure against the head of my cock, and she pressed down, until... Pop! The pressure was now all around the head. "Oh shit!" she gasped, sliding lower. Oh. My. God. Tight doesn't begin to describe it. But within seconds, it became less like a vice, and more like a deep, snug tube... which I suppose it literally was. It was fantastic. Vonnie was grunting as she used the tried and true 'two inches in, one inch out' technique. Her face was red, and twisted in pain. Pain she apparently enjoyed. "Oh god, yes! Such a nice cock... waaaaaay up my ass!" she hissed. "So fucking big! So fucking good!" At last, she was stuffed, settled fully over my now throbbing dick. "God, I really want to fuck right now, but I can feel your cock twitching," she moaned. "If I move, you're gonna cum, aren't you?" I was gritting my teeth, trying to hold back, so I could only nod. "Okay, plan B," she smiled, reaching down with one hand to rub her clit. "I'll be still, but if I don't get this one out, I'm gonna scream!" "I like it when you scream," I laughed, regaining more control by the second. "Well, you're gonna love this, then," she moaned, her fingers flying across her clit at a furious pace. "OH MY GOD, YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!" She bucked as she came, nearly causing me to join her. Somehow, I kept from exploding in her ass, and when she wilted forward onto me, I held her tight. It took her a minute or two to recover, and she gently rocked back and forth a little, moving her ass on my intruder. Finally, she sat up. "Oooooooooo boy... Now it's your turn," she breathed. She lifted off, and turned her ass in my direction, on all fours. Her ass gaped open, awaiting my return. I didn't make her wait long. Going in the second time was much easier. With a grip on her hips, I reamed her ass slowly, watching in rapt fascination as her butt hole accepted my shaft. It felt wonderful, but she had one more trick up her sleeve... or rather, her pussy. I saw her hand snake out, and retrieve the rabbit, which she slipped easily into her empty vagina. She was soaked, and there was plenty of oil present, so it slid in smoothly. I felt the pressure against the underside of my shaft... and then she turned it on. Oh my good Jesus! Her whole ass vibrated, and I managed perhaps half a dozen more strokes before my brain short-circuited, and I came. Oh boy, did I ever. I thought the blowjob on the ladder caused a big one, but this was another matter entirely. It felt like I was going to turn inside out, as I grunted, gushed, twitched, spewed and squirted a gargantuan load of semen up her ass. "Oh yes... that's good, baby," Vonnie whispered. "Shoot that hot cum up my butt! I can feel it! It's so good!" Blackness moved in suddenly, from the edges of my vision, until it was all I saw. *** I opened my eyes. The ceiling was back, but something was wrong. How did I get on the floor? Vonnie's concerned face appeared above me. "Danny?" she asked. "Are you okay?" "Mmmmm, I think so," I mumbled. "What happened?" She smiled, obviously relieved that I was alright. "You came in my ass, and passed out," she giggled. "Was it that good?" Gradually, the fuzziness cleared, and I remembered. Oh yeah, it was that good. I nodded. "You know, passing out is quite a compliment for a girl, but it's a bit concerning," she said softly. "Never had a guy do that before. You're sure you're alright? You didn't hit your head, did you?" I sat up, and shook my head. "Don't think so. Just came really hard." "Tell me about it," she laughed. "I'll be leaking semen for a week. It felt incredible. So you like fucking my ass? Wanna do it again sometime? We could get you a helmet, just in case?" "Ha, ha, ha," I smiled. "Yes, I'll fuck your ass again. It's worth the risk of injury." "Speaking of risk," she smiled, tapping her imaginary watch, "you'd better get going home. Your Mom will be worried." Yeah. Mom was concerned I'd get hurt washing the windows. Getting a concussion from fucking her younger sister's ass would probably be a bad thing. I kissed her, stood unsteadily, and stumbled toward the bathroom. A few minutes later, Vonnie followed, carrying my clothes. "Here you go," she said, handing me the pile. She turned on the shower, and stepped inside. "See you at dinner tonight." *** Sitting at the dining room table, I could see Siobhan out the corner of my eye. She seemed to be having trouble sitting still. I guess the reason should be pretty obvious. She had just been fucked in the ass. Things back there were probably a little sore. All things considered though, she did reasonably well, and the discomfort never showed on her face. She and Mom were chatting idly, and Vonnie took the opportunity to claim me for tomorrow's instalment of window washing / general labour / sexual training. Even better, Mom volunteered me for the duration, unless she needed me. Gee, thanks Mom. Little do you know how much joy I'm going to get out of it. Dinner went pretty smoothly, and when the meal was complete, I thanked Mom, then took my leave. I was playing the long game. I would see Vonnie tomorrow, and she would probably pop in on me before she left, anyway. Sure enough, about two hours later, there was a knock on my door. The sisters had been talking for a long time. "It's open," I replied. "Hey Danny," Vonnie smiled as she slipped into the room. Her voice dropped to a whisper. "Oh my god. My ass? You broke it," she giggled. "I hope my pussy will be enough for tomorrow, because the back door is out of commission." Well gee, I don't know... I've had so many other offers. Duh! I'll take any part of her I can get. "What time? Around ten?" I asked, nodding about her pussy. "Sounds good," she grinned. Her hand was still on the doorknob, holding it ajar, so Mom wouldn't get suspicious. As she opened it again, Mom appeared. "Danny, can I ask you a favour?" Mom asked. "It's getting dark out. Can you walk your Aunt home? I don't like thinking about my baby sister out there, alone in the dark." "Sure Mom," I smiled, unable to believe my luck. Sure I'd walk her home. Maybe I'd get a little bonus, too. I grabbed my jacket, and we started out toward Grandma's house. As soon as we were out of sight of my house, Vonnie took off like a shot. "Last one in bed has to do the work!" she giggled. Clearly, we were on the same page. Let me tell you... she can run like a gazelle. There was just enough light for me to watch her shapely rump wiggle as she raced away. I caught up quickly, but didn't pass her. I liked the view, and didn't mind being on top anyway. As we rounded the corner into her driveway, she had her keys out, and hit the lock with the first try. She was shedding clothes as she stormed up the stairs, and was topless by the time she burst through her bedroom door. "I win!" she cheered, jumping onto the bed. She kicked off her shoes, and wriggled out of her shorts, while I tried to do the same. My dick was semi-hard when it hit the air. She grabbed it, and stuffed it in her mouth. "Um, no," I corrected her, as she bobbed her head smoothly, sucking me to full erection. "I'm the one getting the prize." Satisfied with her work, she pulled my cock out of her mouth and smiled. She laid back, and spread her legs wide. "Time is of the essence," she directed. "Get to it, and save the platitudes for tomorrow. It's called a 'quickie' for a reason! Fuck me hard!" Enough said... Prepare to be ravished! I knelt between her legs, and she guided me in, groaning as I hit bottom on the second stroke. If she wanted it hard and fast, I could do that. I hooked her legs over my forearms, and went for it. The house was quiet, other than the raucous sounds emanating from Vonnie's bedroom, of course. I was grunting loudly, Vonnie was screaming with joy, and our bodies were crashing into each other, sending the sharp report of flesh meeting flesh into the still night air. This was simply a stylized masturbation session, as we used each other to get ourselves off. There was no caring, and no instructing. It was a race to finish. She had an advantage, though. She could cum more than once, where as when I was finished... I was finished. Also, I was up on my arms, pounding her hard, and that abused her clit, just like earlier this afternoon. She was just screaming through her second orgasm when I felt it coming... uh, cumming. "Oh shit!" I bellowed, yanking my cock out of her pussy. I stroked it furiously, and exploded, shooting ropes of glop across her heaving breasts. "Danny!" I heard from behind me. My head snapped around in terror, to find a dark silhouette against the light of the hallway. "Oh SHIT!" I gasped, as my very short life flashed before my eyes. "Shelagh? What are you doing here?!" "Siobhan forgot her phone at our place, and Mom sent me over with it," she explained, then realized she had little to apologize for. Actually, she had nothing to apologize for. I appeared to be the one defiling my Aunt. Mea culpa. "What the fuck are YOU doing here?!" "Pretty much what it looks like," Vonnie said, suddenly finding her voice. She didn't even try to cover herself, as she flipped on the bedside lamp. My semen was dripping down her buxom chest. "With my blessing, I might add. He's really very good." "But... But... But..." Shelagh began, trying to speak the unspeakable. "Yes, I know... but we're related, right?" Vonnie offered. "Um yeah!" Shelagh blurted. "Mom's gonna kill you!" I assumed that the threat was meant for me, but Vonnie had another perspective. "She'll probably kill both of us," she said, with disarming calm. "She'll start with me, since it was my idea," That statement seemed to derail Shelagh's rant, and her mouth opened, but nothing came out. It surprised me, too. "Danny! Would you please?" Shelagh gestured, and covered her eyes. I was so shocked, I hadn't even moved since seeing my sister in the doorway. Naked, with my wilting dick in my hand and still dripping semen onto Vonnie's leg, I imagine it was a shock for her as well. "Oh... Right... Sorry," I replied, trying to hide behind the covers. It wasn't very effective, as Vonnie was still spread-eagled on top of them, completely unconcerned that her niece was looking right up her hairless vestibule, and watching my cum trickle across her nipples. I saw Shelagh's eyes flit across my body, before she looked away again. "Shelagh, come in here, please," Vonnie asked. "Not until you both put some clothes on," my sister said quietly. "Fair enough," my Aunt replied, rolling out of bed. Near-death experience or not, I couldn't help noticing her beautiful breasts swaying as she did. "You... Dress," she pointed at me. "You... Sit," she directed Shelagh. "I'll be right back." I found my underwear, and was putting them on, when I felt my sister's eyes on me. I looked up. "What the fuck?" she asked me. I just shrugged. What could I say that might make things better? Within seconds, Vonnie was back, pulling her robe closed around her body. Shelagh was still glaring at me, as I continued dressing. "Okay. Hey, thanks for bringing my phone back," Vonnie smiled. Shelagh's mouth dropped open. "Thanks for bringing your phone?! I find my brother fucking my Aunt, and I get 'thanks for bringing my phone'?!" She threw up her hands. "Is there something wrong with this picture?" "Relax, Shelly," Vonnie commanded, using her pet name for her niece. "This is just sex, nothing more. I wanted it, and so did Danny." "But you're our Aunt!" Shelagh gasped. "Well, yes, but not in the normal sense, am I? I'm almost your age," Vonnie said, remaining calm. Yes, I'm your Aunt, and I'm fucking your brother. How about this weather, huh? Shelagh stalled again. She wanted to stay furious, but Siobhan kept knocking her off kilter. It was blowing her mind. Vonnie sat next to her on the bed, and glanced at me. She smiled, then whispered something I couldn't hear in my sister's ear. There was a long conversation, with a few pauses for Shelagh to look at both of us incredulously. Eventually, Shelagh smiled weakly, and nodded. She stood up, and walked out. "Come on Danny. Walk me home, before Mom gets worried," she called over her shoulder. "I'll be waiting outside." "What just happened here?" I asked, stunned. "I saved our collective asses," she exhaled, flopping back on the bed. "I reasoned with her. If it's just sex for the sake of sex, it's no different than anything she does with her boyfriends. The fact that we're related isn't really relevant, any more than how many dates she has before she puts out. She's pretty much a slut, by the way... but you didn't hear it from me. Lastly, I reminded her that the person who would be hurt the most is her Mother. Right or wrong, your Mom would pay the biggest price. Even if we stop, the damage is done. So she's going to play dumb, and you're going to come over here tomorrow, and fuck me properly." My Aunt, the evil genius. She had taken lemons and made not lemonade, but champagne! "Danny?!" Shelagh called from downstairs. "Go, before she changes her mind. I'll be here, and we can talk tomorrow," Vonnie smiled. "Nice quickie, by the way. Good cumshot. Even got some in my hair." She winked. *** Downstairs, I expected Shelagh to fix me with an icy stare, but she was surprisingly civil. She was quiet, but not hostile. About halfway home, she opened up. "You know, if I'd been five minutes later getting home, I would have missed the whole thing. It still would have happened, but I wouldn't have known, and the world would continue turning. Maybe it's not as big a deal as we've been led to believe," she said softly. "Are you having fun?" "Yeah," I laughed. "It's sex... Isn't it always fun?" "Not in my experience," she shook her head. "Not always. Some guys are pretty selfish." "Oh. Sorry," I replied. It made me question my motives somewhat. Was I being selfish? "So, Vonnie's teaching you?" she asked. I nodded. "You must be a good student. She's quite happy. Sure sounded like it tonight. I heard her from outside the front door. How did this get started?" She sure had questions. Honesty... at least between us... seemed the most logical way to keep it from blowing up in my face. "Oh, it's kind of embarrassing," I winced. "Vonnie, um... she gave me a pair of her panties to sniff when I, um... you know." She smiled, and nodded. "Growing boy with raging hormones in a house full of women? I suppose it was natural I'd gravitate toward the scent of your..." "Don't say it," she giggled. "I get the picture. I assume my undies got the same treatment, somewhere along the way?" "Uh, yeah," I admitted. "Sorry. Do you want to hit me, or something?" "Not right now," she laughed. "If I had known? Yeah. I'd kick you in the junk." "Then I'm happy you never knew," I replied. We walked in silence for a while. Soon, we were nearly home. "Shelagh?" I asked. "Yeah... we're cool. Just be careful. Mom will not be as understanding. Guaranteed." She opened the front door, and sprinted up the steps to her room. One bullet dodged. For now. *** The next morning, everything was normal. You'd never know my sister caught me in flagrante delicto with our Aunt. Mom, Shelagh and I all ate breakfast together, before I did a few chores around the house. Just before ten, I said my goodbyes, and headed toward Vonnie. I spent a couple of hours helping her around the house. We didn't play any games, like the day before, but Vonnie made it clear we were still going to be in her bedroom in the afternoon. I was eagerly awaiting her direction. After we ate lunch, Vonnie put the dishes in the sink. She came back to the table, where I was still sitting, and leaned over from the other side. I wasn't paying attention, so she reached across many touched my chin. When I looked up, it was right into her magnificent cleavage. I smiled. "Ah, that's better," she giggled. "For a while there, I was worried you had lost interest in me. May I assume you're willing to risk it?" "Definitely," I replied. "Lead the way?" She took my hand, and gently steered me in her wake, up the stairs and into her room. There, we slowly, lovingly undressed each other, and slipped into her bed. I was holding her in my arms, and we were kissing softly. "So... I'm at home, thinking about the two of you together," Shelagh said, leaning against the door frame, with her arms crossed. Both Vonnie and I jumped in surprise. "I gotta admit, it's getting me pretty worked up. I was just about to use my vibrator to ease the tension when I think, 'Hey Shelly, why don't you just go and join them?' I mean... It's just sex, right?" She smiled, and stepped into the room, her fingers unbuttoning her blouse as she did. More and more of my sister's own ample chest became visible, and I looked at Vonnie, who was as stunned as I was. She shrugged, and smiled. "My Mother taught me to share," she grinned. "Come on in, Shelly. He can handle both of us." Oh my god! For pics visit:---->>> https://cutt.ly/hwsMVhC
Title: Ashley & Madison Summary: 4th of July Gene's new independence day Keywords: Fantasy, Anal, Drug, Incest, Threesome, Virginity Genes divorce was finalized early in January and since then hes been devastated. When he first found out that his wife Courtney was cheating on him Gene fell to pieces. For 15 years Courtney and Gene seemed like they were a very loving couple. Both married at the age of 20 after being High School sweethearts. This was not the happy ending that is told in story tales or romantic comedies. Courtney never thought the affair that she was having would lead to her husband divorcing her. Courtney was in her mid thirties and wanted to get back into shape and her husband Gene had suggested taking yoga lessons to get her flexibility back as well as lose about 20lbs. When Courtney started taking classes she noticed how beautiful her instructor was. Pamela was in her late 20s and was a stunning young woman. Courtney somehow always found herself directly behind her in class. There was something about how Courtney admired Pamelas pussy as it was outlined with her leotard as she went from pose to pose. Pamela on the other hand noticed Courtney right away and found her to be extremely enticing. It was very hard on Pamela as the allurement of Courtney became insatiable after each class. Pamela was a monogamous lesbian and stealing a wife away from a loving husband was never in her plans. The relationship just sort of happened. It started off with soft touches as she helped Courtney with her poses. That led to a kiss one afternoon when class had ended and that became the beginning of a whole new relationship for both women. Courtney was surprised that she loved being with a woman sexually. Making love to Pamela became intoxicating for her she could not get enough. She always thought that Pamela would indulge in the idea that would allow Gene to share in their love affair but that never happened and Gene never wanted a lesbian in his bed. Gene a typical red-blooded American man would love to have a m?ge a trios especially a heterosexual woman not a lesbian. When Gene demanded Courtney to end her affair with Pamela that affectively ended their marriage. Gene devastated by the decision that his wife altered his life and reality forever. He lost the love of his life, his house and most of his money but the silver lining is that he still was a pretty good looking guy with a good job and he was in his mid 30s. When 4th of July rolled around Gene declined numerous invitations to parties and barbecues. Gene decided that what he needed is some complete alone time and perhaps the movie theatre was just the place. Then if the mood was right maybe go out to a bar try to pick up a woman and if that didnt work the Chinese massage parlor. Gene always thought of the massage parlor as a day spa for guys. Gene arrived at the movie theatre and looked at the start times of the various movies and he just missed the action thriller of the summer and was saddled with a romantic comedy. Things just werent going his way as usual. He got some popcorn, candy and a drink and to his happiness an almost empty movie theatre. Just as the previews were over in walked two ladies who decided the best seats in the house just happened to be right in front of him. This of course pissed Gene off, he thought of all the places to sit these two bitches had to plop down in front of him. To make matters worse they were both gabbing at each other the whole way from the front of the theatre to their seats. Whispering was not part of their fortes. As Gene listened it was a horrible conversation about how one of the ladies was being cheated on and how men are all bastards. Several minutes into the movie the conversation the two ladies were having started and stopped as each new idea that popped into their heads and had to be said right then. Gene couldnt concentrated on the movie which really pissed him off because he didnt want to see in the first place and second he couldnt hear half of it because these two decided to sit right in front of him. Half way through the movie Gene finally popped his head between the ladies and very politely asked if they could hold off on the man bashing until the end of the movie and then added that woman are not so innocent themselves. This new insight brought on a whole new litany of insults that were targeted towards Gene. Gene retorted the best he could and after five minutes of insulting both men and women they all began to laugh at one another. By then both girls had forgotten what they were talking about and asked the question as to why Gene was so bitter with women. As he began to tell his story the girls interrupted and then invited him to sit between them. Gene told his story with just the highlights and both girls felt sorry for him. Introductions were in order and Gene found out the older of the two was Ashley and the younger was Madison. Sitting in the dark Gene could not tell their exact ages but he knew that they were both younger than he was but at this point who cared. It had been over six months since he had sex and that with was an escort that he found on Craigs list. Madison turned to her friend and leaned over Gene and asked if she had any aspirin that the air conditioning was giving her a headache. Ashley turned and said no that she too was getting a headache. Gene seized on this opportunity. Before he left the apartment he had several ecstasy pills in his pocket. He figured if he didnt pick someone up at the bar that he was planning to go to after the movie then he would use the pills at the massage parlor. Now, he had two women next to him and a chance to do something he had never done before. He turned to Madison and handed her a pill and then gave one to Allison. Allison questioned him what the E was on the pill and Gene came up with a quick answer that it was Excedrin aspirin. The girls took the pills without question and 20 minutes later they started to take their affect as with the movie there was a lot of kissing going on Ashley leaned over and kissed Gene on the cheek, Thanks for the aspirin Im feeling so much better. Her hand mysteriously fell down on to his inner thigh. Madison seeing the hand of Alison on his thigh upped the ante as her hand fell ever so gently into Genes lap. Turning to face Madison Gene was about to say something but was interrupted with a kiss on the lips. Alison removed her hand from Genes thigh and turned his head and kissed him as well. Madison moved her head on Genes shoulder wrapping her shoulder with his arm. Ashley continued to kiss Gene but she moved his other arm around her shoulder. The ecstasy was really taking its effect on Ashley and placed his hand on her breast. Both girls had a warm feeling in their bodies that was ready to escape in sexual explosions. Both girls wanted to pleasure Gene right there. Ashley unzipped his pants and Madison reached in and released his manhood. Madison began to kiss his manhood while Ashley French kissed him. Gene couldnt help it as he could feel his sperm begin to bubble up his shaft but then the stupid movie ended. People started to get up and move around the theatre and girls quickly put Genes manhood away and adjusted themselves. The lights came up and as the three of them looked at each other the excitement was still there to continue what they were just doing. Ashley then made the suggestion to go back to her home. She kissed Gene mentioning that her parents were out of town. Gene being as horny as he was could care less where the three of them went just as long as it was soon so he could release the cum that was pent up in the shaft of his cock. Gene followed the girls back to Ashleys house. Gene couldnt believe the turn of events and good fortune even though the girls were drugged, he just wanted to get some pussy. Arriving at the house became a whirlwind as Gene got out of his car Madison ran down the driveway and into his arms. Her legs were wrapped around his waist and kissing soon ensued. Ashley grabbing his hand led the two of them into the house and up the stairs to the bedroom. Both girls pushed him down on the bed and that is when Gene realized the ages of these two ladies. They both had to be in their early 20s. Ashley was 54 dirty blonde hair with hazel eyes. She danced around in a circle and Madison who was a little shorter followed the lead of Ashley and began to shake her very small and tight booty in little circles as she looked back at Gene with a tiny little smirk. As the girls danced Gene wasnt wasting any time on dancing and like a small tornado his clothes were off and lying on the bed with a hard on. He was ready for whatever was going to happen next. Madison had crystal light blue eyes and her hair was a silky light blonde. She had her top off she was a small A cup. Her g-string though made her ass look spectacular. As she was shaking her ass around Gene was following the bouncing ass like the bouncing ball overtop of the lyrics that you see on TV. Gene couldnt get over how tiny her fuck holes were but that is to be expected from a petite lady. Madison looked back at the bed and giggled looking at Gene and tapped Ashley on the shoulder. Look sis I think hes ready for some fun what do you think? Gene observing both girls finally could see the resemblances between them and blurted out, Your both sisters? Ashley threw her top at his face to reveal her 34-b breasts with her small perky nipples and very small areolas. Madison said, Hey we both agreed to get naked at the same time and seduce him. Well, Madison I dont think that is a problem as hes naked and hes already got a stiffy. Come on girls no fighting. Take your time Im enjoying the hell out of this. The girls made their way over to the bed and told Gene to sit down in the chair in the corner so they could put on a little show for him. Gene sat in the chair thinking that this was a whole lot better than going to a whorehouse. The girls climbed on the bed and Ashley and Madison were on their knees kissing each other. Gene stroking his cock watching them realized he was about to be a part of a m?ge a trios. Finally with two heterosexual women but it was going to be awesome because they were sisters. Ashley lay on her side and smiled at Gene as her sister moved over to her ass and grabbed her thong and moved it to the side and exposed her pink pussy and asshole. With Madisons painted fingernails pulling her sisters ass open made Gene focus all the more. There were no tan lines around her ass that made Gene think that she must sunbathe nude. The more Gene fixated on her ass the more images ran through his mind. Madison on her knees let go of her sisters ass cheek and with both thumbs inserted into the waistband of her g-string pulled it down to the middle of her thighs and revealed her pussy and asshole as well. Gene hadnt seen a woman naked in over six months but to see two young vibrant pussies and they are both sisters, made this moment even more special. It warmed his heart to know he was getting to fuck both of them. Ashley rose to her knees and spread her sisters ass cheeks and said, You like this Gene? You like the look of my sister? Shes only 16 and still a virgin. Ashley pointing to her sisters pussy said, Look here can you see her hymen. If youre lucky enough maybe shell let you have it but she does love to suck cock and she likes it up her asshole. See this is where my father fucks her, if she were to lose her virginity to him my mom says shell divorce him. Ashley smiled at Gene and lightly bit her 16 year-old sisters ass cheek. Gene sat up to take better notice and said, Can I see both of your ass at the same time? The girls got on fours and crawled to the top of the bed and grabbed the headboard and spread their cheeks apart to reveal their woman parts once again for Gene. Then Madison looked back at Gene and said, If you fuck Ashley first and you dont hurt her with your big cock maybe just maybe I will let you fuck my pussy. You look so lonely over there how about if we come over there and take care of you? Sure that would be great. The girls slid off the bed and Gene got up from his chair. His cock was throbbing with eager anticipation as he watched the two sisters crawl on their hands and knees over to him. Ashley went down and began to suck on Genes balls and Madison the little cocksucker went right for his cock. To Genes amazement this little girl was amazing as he watched his cock slowly disappear in her mouth and then with a slow push on the back of her head Genes cock slid down her throat. The girls took turns sucking his cock. Ashley who loved her mouth filled with cock tasted the beginning of Genes pre cum. She released his cock from her mouth and staring at it slapped the head of his cock with her hand and said, No, not yet bad boy. Gene couldnt believe it, he was so close to sweet release but this little vixen knew exactly what she was doing. Gene said, How did you know that I was about to cum? Im 20 and been sucking my daddys cock since I was about 12 and I can always taste his pre cum before he blows his load into my mouth. How about we get you to slow down a little and you can get a taste of my pussy. The girls moved back up on the bed and both spread their legs and Ashley used her finger to call him over and Gene dropped down to his knees and before he began to eat her pussy he put his nose down between her legs and sniffed her pussy then did the same thing to her teenage sister. Gene couldnt help himself his tongue dripping with saliva slid it inside of Ashleys pussy. Madison was using her middle finger playing with her tiny clit and slipping it inside of her pussy overtop of her hymen. Gene didnt want to just pay attention to just one sister so he moved over to Madison. With her legs spread apart and a smirk on her face Gene spread her pussy lips to reveal her immature pussy and Genes new goal was Madisons hymen. Using his tongue the best he knew how to penetrate her pussy through the tiniest slit. Ashley jealous of the amount of time Gene was spending on her sister picked his head up from between her sisters legs and kissed Gene. Ashley was turned on that this strange man had the smell and taste of her sisters virgin pussy on his mouth. She smiled at him, I want you to fuck me Gene. Gene got on top of the bed on his back and Ashley straddled his manhood. Ashley grasped Genes shaft and began to move the head of his penis between her wet pussy lips. Genes knees actually began to quake and began to think about all the ugly nuns that used to be his schoolteachers when he was a kid. He didnt want to cum in thirty seconds. Ashley felt her pussy begin to ache. To fulfill her needs she let it penetrate her young vagina. Madison felt a little left out so she pushed Genes head down and straddled his face wanting his tongue on her womanhood again. She began to grind her clit then her pussy and finally her asshole over his tongue. Gene wanting to only taste her virgin pussy pushed a finger inside of Madisons asshole and as she squealed in ecstasy Ashley took his other hand and inserted his middle finger inside of her asshole as well. Ashleys tight vagina became too much for Gene. The image of the nuns was not working as the smell of a virgin pussy crossing over his nose and a very tight pussy made Gene ready to cum. Not more than a few minutes ago Gene was ready to pop and now he was ready once again. He pushed Ashley off of him and mumbled something between Madisons legs. Madison instinctively leaned down and noticed how her sisters pussy juice was glistening on his shaft and took Gene into her wanting mouth. After she let Gene slip down into her throat Gene could no longer hold his orgasm inside of his shaft. With one loud guttural yell from between Madisons 16 year-old-thighs, Gene exploded into Madisons teenage mouth. With Genes cum seeping from the corners of the teenagers mouth Gene thought to himself, Finally I thought it was never going to happen today. Madison rose from her knees and went to the bathroom. While she was away Ashley looked at Gene and said, You feel better now? Oh, you have no idea, I cant thank you two enough. Make you a promise. You make me cum and I promise you will get to cum in all of my holes and if you are really good maybe all of my sisters holes, okay? Shaking her hand Gene said, You got a deal. Gene knew he couldnt get hard right away so he went down on Ashley. As he was eating her pussy he stroked his cock praying that he could get it hard again. Gene did not want any of this to end. He knew if he couldnt get hard the girls would lose interest in him and this adventure would come to a horrible end. After a couple of minutes Madison came bouncing back in the room with a washrag. Lifting Genes face from between her sisters legs she kissed Gene on the lips and then stuck her tongue in his mouth. See my mouth is all clean of your cum, now let me wash your cock. Madison using a lukewarm washrag began to stroke Genes cock. When she had finished he thanked Madison by kissing her. Gene wasted no time and went back down on Ashley. Ashley loved the way his tongue caressed the inside of her vagina. Gene was trying to clean every inch of her love canal with his tongue. Madison did something that shocked Gene. It was pretty shocking that a 16-year-old would not only suck his cock but also allow him cum inside of her mouth. Madison maneuvered behind Gene as he was on all fours eating Ashley. Madison got down on all fours behind him and spread his ass cheeks wide and dipped her tongue into his asshole. Gene thought to himself again, Who the hell are these two chicks. They let slip that they suck their fathers cock and Ashley lets him fuck her on a regular basis and Madison the 16 year-old lets her father fuck her in the ass. Ashley moved her hands to the back of Genes head and nudged his tongue deeper inside of her. The feeling of Genes snake like action brought her to an orgasm on his tongue. Gene popped up licking his lips with a smile on his gazing down at the allure of Ashleys naked body and said, Now, I already came in your sisters mouth so that means I have the chance at five more holes to shoot my cum. If I make you cum again I get Madisons cherry, right? Madison said, If you want my cherry then you have to fuck me one on one with out my sister. If you want it you are going to have to wait until tomorrow morning. Gene held out his hand to Madison and said, Deal. Now I want to fuck your sisters pussy and fill her with cum. Is a cream pie okay Ashley? Is that okay ladies? Ashley grabbed Genes forearms and pulled him on top of her kissed his lips that tasted like her vagina and said, Come on and fuck me. Gene smiled and thought to himself Im going to have to keep ecstasy in my pants pocket from now on. Genes cock was nice and hard because the nice work that Madison did eating his asshole. Gene rolled on his side and spooned Ashley and Madison help him slip inside of her sisters vagina. Ashley smiled at Gene as he grabbed her breast and she kissed him. That feels so nice inside of me. Push it in all the way nice and slow please. Gene began to pump his cock inside the young 20 year-old-vagina as he played with her clit with his left hand and with his right hand began to slightly choke her throat. Ashley responded by sticking her tongue out for him to suck and Gene instinctively opened his mouth and kissed her. It only took about thirty more seconds and Ashley had another large orgasm but this time all over Genes cock. Madisons heighten sense of smell pulled Genes cock out of her sisters vagina and said, I want to taste my sisters cum on your cock. Madison opened her mouth and once again Gene watched this teenage cocksucker make his manhood disappear down her throat. She sucked him for several minutes. Ashley pulled her head off of Gene and said, Come on baby I want you to finish inside of me. I want you to fill my love tunnel full of your cum. How could Gene deny a request like that and pushed himself back inside of a very wet, warm, inviting, tight, juicy pussy. Ashley was on her back with her knees pulled back to her shoulders. Gene once again mounted her and her sister lay beside her. Madison opened her legs nice and wide. Gene began to ogle her virgin pussy and for some strange reason he felt that his cock actually become larger inside of Ashley. Gene also noticed the very small balloon knot under her undefiled vagina. Gene spit on his fingers and rubbed around the edges of her lovely little rectum. Madisons smile was all the invitation that he needed. Yes, Gene that feels great you can put fingers inside like before. My daddy can only get two inside. I bet you cant get three. Ashley had her eyes rolling up inside of her head, as Genes cock was now harder than it ever was. He was pumping her very hard and when he slammed down on top of her it felt like his cock was half way up her stomach. Gene turned on by the two sisters and their voracity they had for sex wondered where they both were all of his life. How lucky their father was to not only have a wife who fucked him but a wife who allowed him to fuck their daughters. While in thought Gene was able to get his forefinger inside of the rectum of Madison. Gene was sweating profusely now and was wiping the sweat from his brow with the hand that was just inside of Madisons asshole. With all that sweat on his fingers Gene decided to see how many fingers he could just put inside this little cocksucker. Gene started by putting his middle finger deep inside of her. Madison looked at her sister and said, Damn he so good. Is he fucking you better than daddy? Yeah, hes fucking incredible you need to let him take your virginity. Gene slid his finger out just a little and then he added his forefinger inside of her anus. Madison smiling at Gene bit her lip. Gene with two fingers inside of her now began to fuck her asshole harder just like his cock was inside of her older sister. Gene then pulled out of Madison and put his three fingers together and slowly inserted them into her 16 year-old-asshole. Madison took it like a trooper and it only took a little while when she looked up into Genes eyes, Dont you stop motherfucker, finger fuck my asshole make me cum with those fingers inside my asshole come on stretch my ass open. It didnt take much longer as Gene looked down at Ashley and said, Are you ready honey? Do you want me to cum inside your pussy or your mouth? I get to cum in a three holes so I dont care where you take it honey. In Inside of me I, I, I want you to cum inside of me now fill my pussy with your cum. Thats all he needed to hear as emptied everything that he had inside of this young girls vagina. Gene couldnt say anything it felt so good to be inside of her as he came. Gene collapsed on top of Ashley he was breathing so hard that he couldnt move. It took several minutes for Gene to recoup himself but it was worth it. As Gene pulled out of Ashley she looked up at him and said, Gene that was incredible, so much better than my father. Youre ex-wife is an idiot. Ashley looked at her sister and said, Well, do you want to clean my pussy? Ill clean yours if you want? Sure sis sounds great. Madison climbed on top of her sister and put her head between her legs and spread open her vagina. Gene sat there with his limp dick wiping the sweat off of his face as he watched these two sisters take care of one another. With Madisons ass in the air she slowly lowered it down on Ashleys face. Ashley noticed the gape of Madisons asshole and slid two fingers inside of her sister while she tongued her pussy. Gene decided to help Ashley and moved over to the girls and put his tongue inside of Madisons asshole while Ashley ate her pussy. Madison was ready to cum a couple of minutes ago so getting her ready to cum again didnt take all that much. Gene got three fingers back inside of her anus and then Madison lifted her face from Ashleys pussy with Genes cum dripping from her lips she screamed. Finger fuck my asshole motherfucker and make me cum. Madison rolled off of her sister and lay on the bed. Ashley moved over to her sister and said, Let me taste the cum that was just inside my cunt. Madison opened her mouth and stuck her tongue out towards her sister and Gene could she his cum on her tongue. Ashley sucked on her sisters tongue and then swallowed. Ashley didnt stop there as she continued to dip her tongue into Madisons mouth until there was no white cum left in her sisters mouth. The three of them fell onto the bed and fell asleep as all three were depleted of energy. It had been an hour or so when Madison tapped Gene on the shoulder and whispered, Gene come with me lets take a shower together. Gene thought about it for a while. Yeah, thats a great idea. Gene kissed Ashley on the forehead and said, Sleep little angel Im not through with you yet. The two of them tiptoed out of the room and down the hall. Madison got some towels put the toilet seat down and turned the water on. Gene ogled her perfect teenage body. It reminded him so much of his wife Courtney when they were in high school together. Madison spun around got to her tiptoes and French kissed Gene. It was the first time in a long time that Gene had tasted his cum on another womans tongue. Before they slipped into the shower Gene grabbed a couple of toothbrushes as his mouth tasted like Madisons asshole as well. They spent the next half an hour or so in the shower cleaning one another and making out. Then Madison looked up at her lover and said, I want you to fuck my asshole. You got it nice and stretched out with your fingers. I am sure you could just slip it right in. Beside I want you to fuck me just the two of us. Ill make a deal with you. I let my daddy fuck my asshole and the only reason that I am still a virgin is that he never made me cum when he fucks my dirty shithole. You make me cum and tomorrow morning Ill let you take my virginity, deal? Deal Gene took some of the soft soap they were using and got a nice lather in his hands and began to work the 16 year-olds-asshole. Then he lathered his cock. Madison turned first and kissed him and played with his cock. If youre as good as my sister says you are then youre going to make me cum real easy. Gene spun her around and bent her over. The warm water was beating on his back and he gently pushed the head between her ass cheeks. Leaning forward Gene began to caress her A cup breasts and tweaking her nipples. Gene pushed a little more and the head of his cock slipped into her asshole. There was a little gasp that came from the young teenager but Gene continued to feed her asshole until the base of his cock met the base of her asshole. Completely inside of her now Gene pushed just a little harder inside of her and Madison gasped a little but to Gene it felt so good there was no way he was pulling out. Pulling Madison up making her back meet his chest Gene grabbed her face and buried his tongue inside of her mouth. His hands were squeezing her breasts and then alternating by moving his fingers down to her virgin pussy and played with her clit. Gene said, Come on baby I want you to squeeze your ass nice and tight. Madison did as she was told. She pulled his head to hers and they began to kiss as Gene began to move faster and harder each time he went balls deep into her 16 year-old-asshole. With both hands now playing with her vagina Madison began to breath heavily and she couldnt hold it in anymore and began to moan very loudly. Then to the surprise of both of them Madison actually squirted her cum over his fingers. Gene became so excited that he inexplicably shot a load inside of her asshole. That had never happened before premature ejaculation was never a problem for him. Gene kept himself inside of her for a little while and then once again they cleaned each other. Once they were toweled off Madison led Gene to one of the bedrooms and told him to just relax in here for a while. Then Madison went back to her bedroom. Gene was naked and the air conditioner was working just fine so he climbed under the covers. He thought that he heard the shower but he fell back asleep. Once he was asleep he felt someone slip in bed with him. Gene rolled over and lying next to him was Ashley. She smiled at him, So, did you fuck her in the shower?? Yeah Did you get her virginity? No, I had to make her cum while I fucked her asshole. She promised me that I could have her virginity tomorrow. Cool. That gives you and me all night to be with each other. Madison went out with one of her girl friends. Ashley moved close into Gene. He wrapped his arms around her and held her tight. He kissed her on the lips. Ashley was the one who took the shower she smelled so good. Gene looked down at her and said, So do you think you can handle getting fucked again? Ashley looked back and said, Hey youre the one trying to satisfy two girls and fill each of their holes with cum. The real question is can you reach your goal? I dont know but I would really like to try. Okay, lets get started. Ill help you to get hard again by sucking your cock while you attend to my asshole. I am not like my sister who has daddy fucking her in the ass all the time. He only does it so she can maintain her virginity. I on the other hand need more work. My asshole is like my sisters pussy almost an anal virgin. Daddy has always fucked my pussy since he took my virginity when I was 12. Hes been fucking my vagina ever since. My mom couldnt say anything about it because I lost my virginity but she made absolute certain that Madison would remain a virgin until she was at least 16 and she would lose it to someone other than my father. Once she breaks her hymen with you my father will be allowed to fuck her at will. I dont think he is going to change though, he likes fucking my cunt and fucking my sister in the ass. What about your mom, how does she deal with your father fucking both of you? Yeah well mom and dad didnt shut the door when they fucked each other. When I walked in on them when I was about eight or nine they didnt stop what they were doing. They made me sit on the edge of the bed and watch. That is how I got my lesson about the birds and the bees. My mom was the one who started the incest path with me first and then Madison. She was the one that encouraged Madison and myself to play with each other in front of her. How we were to satisfy each other and more importantly how to satisfy our father. Eventually we progressed to being okay with playing with each others pussies and suck on our tits. Mom joined in from time to time with both of us. There are times when all four of us are in bed together. We are a very close family. I guess its okay to fuck you and your sister then, even though shes 16? It really doesnt matter now does it? Now that you know that my father has been molesting his two daughters what can they do to you? Gene kissed Ashley, Come on baby I want you to suck my cock. Get it nice and hard I want to fuck you in the ass. Ashley went down on Gene but not before she straddled his face. Placing her young pussy on his mouth Gene inhaled her sweet aroma. To his surprise he got hard right away when Ashley enveloped his limp cock. It probably helped that he had a tight 20 year-old-pussy staring him right in the eyes. Gene went to work on devouring Ashleys pussy and her asshole. Genes fingers began to move rapidly in and out of her. Ashleys arousal with Genes two fingers penetrating her anus was enough for her to let Gene fuck her asshole. It hadnt been all that long just two hours ago he had his cock inside of Ashleys sisters asshole. Gene began to fantasize about fucking Madison in the ass as Ashley sucked his cock. Her mouth felt as good as Madisons asshole. Closing his eyes and pumping his cock inside of her mouth Gene was in heaven. Ashley wanted Gene to cum so she slipped her forefinger into his asshole. Once she got a finger inside of him Gene didnt last all that long and he shot a load into her mouth. Gene lay there on the bed thinking that he hadnt gotten any pussy in the last six months. He goes to the movies and before too long he fucked both girls and got blowjobs from both sisters. He fucked Ashleys pussy and he got to fuck Madison in the ass. The only thing he was really looking forward to now was taking the virginity of a 16 year-old-nymphomaniac. Oh yeah, he was also promised to fuck a college sophomores asshole as well. This was a great independence day but more important Genes independence from his ex-wife was finally realized with these two little nymphs. Ashley had a mouthful of Genes cum. She swallowed what she had in her mouth and looked down at Gene and said, Look, Ill be right back. She kissed him on the cheek while squeezing his cock with her other hand, Ive got a surprise for you just relax and Ill be back. Ashley was gone for about a half hour. It didnt matter to Gene cumming inside her mouth just relaxed him to the point where he just wanted to nap and try to regain some power to perhaps get some more ass. When Ashley climbed back in bed and she woke Gene with a smile on her face, Hey, are you ready to have some real fun? Gene smiled and wiped his eyes with his hands and noticed the presents that Ashley returned with and said, Hey, look, Ill let you lick my asshole Ill even let you put your finger up my ass but if you think youre sticking any of those things up my ass you are sorely mistaken. Ashley laughed shaking a 12 rubber dildo in one hand and 8 vibrator in the other and said, No, these are for me silly. My asshole is very tight we need to loosen it up. Ive only let my daddy fuck me twice in the ass. So, just calm down and go back to sleep Im tired as well. Well do this later okay. It was about 8 pm the last time Gene looked over at the clock. He had been fucking and sucking for some six straight hours and he definitely needed a break. Ashley and Gene fell into a deep sleep. Some time around midnight Madison had come home. She looked around for Gene to see if he was still there or had he gone home for the night. After going out with her peers for several hours made her realize that she wanted to lose her virginity but she wanted someone who knew what they were doing. She found Ashley in bed with Gene spooning one another and a huge sigh of relief came over her that Gene was still here. Madison got undressed and slipped into bed with Gene and Ashley. For some reason she liked older men mainly her father but Gene is ten years his junior and has a superb cock. Sometime around two in the morning Gene felt a hand begin to stroke his cock. As he opened his eyes it took him a minute or so to realize who was stroking his cock and where the hell he was. He was relieved to see that it was Ashley and she had an evil smile on her face. Ashley looked at Gene and said, You ready to get some ass? Sure. Kissing her on the lips. He wrapped is arms around her. They began making out. Ashley and Gene started playing with each other. Gene was caressing her ass as she was playing with his cock. Ashley smiled and said, Lets get the toys out. Ashley wanted the vibrator first and turned the bottom until it began to hum. Okay, instead of putting your fingers inside my ass just use this. Gene looked at the toy smirked to himself when Madison woke up next to him. Hey what are you guys doing? Gene looked over at Madison. Ashley wants me to fuck her ass. So she got some of the toys that your mom has. No, my mom doesnt have any toys. These are all mine. My daddy bought them for me so that he could fuck me in the ass without hurting me. My mom doesnt want my dad to take my virginity but he is allowed to fuck my asshole. So can I play? Ashley said, Yeah but Gene is going to fuck my ass and cum inside of me. If you can live with that then no problem. Cool. Okay, Gene let me show you how all this works. Madison picked up the dildo and spread her sisters legs. Okay, Ash just relax and lets show him how two loving sisters ride a dildo. Madison eased the head of the dildo into her sisters vagina. Spreading her own legs Madison slipped the other much smaller head on the other side into her asshole. Once it was in the girls had their legs scissor together and began to thrust their pelvises forwards and backwards making the dildo inch in and out of their holes. Gene sat there in amazement that these two women who are sisters were fucking each other with one shared dildo. Ashley reached out and hugged her sister very lovingly and they began to kiss. Gene for the first time saw the real love that the two sisters have for each other. Both girls were going through the same thing and the only person each one of them could rely on was their sister. Gene sat and watched as the two sisters writhed back and forth with their hands caressing each sisters breasts while their tongues danced in and out of each others mouths. Finally both girls achieved an orgasm and fell backwards on the bed and they slowly eased the dildo out of themselves. Madison regained her composure and helped Ashley get on all fours. Ashley said, Gene you lay right here. Okay, Im going sit my cum lined cunt down on your face. Madison grasping the vibrator in her hand was preparing to penetrate her sisters very tight asshole. Okay, here we go sis. When you feel this go inside your ass just pretend to push out. It will help you open your ass better. Then Gene you can either suck on her pussy or use the dildo on her again. Madison with sisterly love eased the vibrator inside of her sisters ass. Gene took the large dildo and penetrated her vagina again. Ashleys emotions were all over the board. The dildo Gene was using was immersed in her love canal deeper than anything had ever been before. Gene never stopped but pushed the entire 12 inches inside of her. It felt great but that just masked the deep pain that she was experiencing with the smaller vibrator that was deep inside of her asshole. Madison didnt want to hurt her sister but she enjoyed watching the full eight inches of her favorite vibrator disappear inside of her sister Ashley ass. At one point Madison pushed too far and actually had some trouble trying to eject it from her asshole. Gene lying on his back pulled out the enormous dildo from Ashleys vagina. Ashleys was close to having another orgasm when she straddling his face. With her clit dancing on Genes tongue and her sister feverishly pumping her vibrator inside of her sisters asshole Ashley tried to scream but she could not. Madison pulled the vibrator out and spit inside of her sisters ass. Both of them worked on Ashleys holes with their tongues. Ashley stopped rocking back and forth on Genes tongue and just sat down on his mouth and came. Genes tongue was bathed with her sweet juices. Ashley was breathing so hard she felt like she was going to have a heart attack and fell forward off of Genes face so he could once again breath. Ashley lying on her stomach trying to catch her breadth then Madison moved to Genes mouth. She and Gene began to kiss. Gene could smell and then got taste Ashleys asshole on her sister Madisons tongue. Madison on the other hand liked the taste of her sisters orgasm and became excited that all she had to do was kiss Gene to savor her sisters flavor. While Madison began to hog Genes attention Ashley regained her composure and looked at Genes sad limp cock. She kissed it and slipped into her mouth. Ashley loved the feeling of a man growing inside of her mouth to the point where she could no longer keep all of it in her mouth. Then try to put the full erect cock back into her warm dewy mouth. She would even attempt to go balls deep on her man as long as when she choked on her guys cock until she felt like she was actually going to throw up. Gene was not hard and the way Ashley sucked his cock gave him the craving that he needed to attempt fucking her asshole. Pulling out of her mouth and bringing Ashley to all fours Gene lined up the tip of his cock to Ashleys teeny asshole opening. As he began to line up his approach Madison wanted to help as she spread her sisters ass cheeks wide for Gene. She kissed him once again and said, I wanted to be in the room the first time that my daddy fucked Ashley in the ass but I was at summer camp that year. So, I dont want to miss this. Oh, God Ashley you should see how big the head of his cock is compared to your little fuck hole. Brace yourself honey because I think hes really going to be able to fuck the literal shit out of you. Madison youre disgusting. Come on Gene lube it up and let start to party. Madison spit on her sisters asshole and then on Genes cock. She took it into her mouth and got it nice and wet for her sister. With one hand pulling her sisters ass cheeks apart she helped Gene to slide the very tip of his cock inside of her asshole. Gene pushed as gently as he could as he watched Ashleys back began to arch upwards and he could hear little gasps of pain from her mouth. Madison moved down to her sisters face. Honey just calm down he is practically all the way inside of you. I wish you could see how awesome it is to watch his cock slide in. It was a smart idea to let me use the vibrator first on you. Madison kissed her and then came back up to Gene and kissed him on the lips and said, You think her asshole is tight wait until you fuck my virgin pussy. Now, just move nice and slow in and out of my sister. I have a nice surprise for you. Gene finally pushed deep inside of Ashley and then he pulled Ashley back to his chest. Madison maneuvered behind Gene he felt her 16 year-old tongue penetrate his asshole again. This was the second time today that she rimmed his asshole. Madison couldnt help herself for such a young age shes a sexual deviant. There was something about tossing a guys salad that turned her on but every older guy just reminded her of her father. Madison closed her eyes and pretended that it was her best lover her father that she was licking. This in turn excited her and her left hand moved down to her clit. The three of them for the next ten minutes or so just writhed back and forth even though Ashley was biting her bottom lip trying to endure the pain. Gene on the other hand was playing with her clit and was bringing her closer and closer to an orgasm. Gene loved looking down at his fat cock stretching Ashleys 20-year-old asshole to its limit. Madison just loved to jerk off and cum. Madison was the first to finish. She pulled her finger from the little slit above her hymen and tasted her young precious cum. Madison came up to Gene kissed him and with a fresh dosage of her fresh cum allowed him to suck it off of her finger. She slapped Gene hard on the ass, Come on pound my sisters asshole. You like that tight shit hole? Its un-fucking-believable and shes going to make me nut inside of her. Ashley had tears streaming from her eyes but then leaned her head back and kissed Gene on the lips. She was able to taste Madisons fresh dosage of cum on his tongue. Then without warning she began to squeeze her ass as tight as she could then she looked into Genes eyes, I am so glad Madison wanted to bring you home. Come on Gene pound my ass and bring it home. I want to cum with your cock inside my asshole Gene pummeled her ass as hard as he could and then Ashley screamed. Yes. Her body began to quake and shiver on his cock. Ashley wanted to fall forward off of Genes cock but he was smart enough to fall forward with her. With his cock still inside of her asshole he straightened her legs. He made her raise her ass just a little and then fell on top of her back and continued to fuck her. It was more than he could handle and then Gene emptied his nut sack into her asshole. Gene was the one who could not move this time. He was sweating profusely and he didnt want the feeling of being inside of her never end. Gene lay there until his cock was limp and then pulled out. Ashley put both hands on her ass and cried, Holy shit that fucking hurt. Im sorry I didnt mean to hurt you it was supposed to be good. Yes, yes. It was great I just never had anything that big inside of me before. I think that Im going to walk funny for the next week or so. Madison couldnt wait anymore. She was eating everyones asshole before then why not now. Gene helped her by opening Ashleys ass. He was admiring the work he did and how big her asshole was gaped. Then Madison dipped her tongue inside of her sisters asshole and sucked out the first mouthful of cum. She didnt want to be selfish so she moved to Ashleys mouth and they kissed each other and swapped Genes cum. As Gene was no longer part of the equation he got up and took a shower. When Gene returned to the bedroom the girls were gone but the water was running. Gene climbed into Madisons bed to fall asleep. When Madison woke she new that it wasnt morning by the amount of sunlight that was streaming through her windows. When she looked at the clock it was 11 in the morning. Sleeping next to her was Gene the guy that she and her sister picked up at the movie theatre the day before. Madison promised this guy that she was going to give him her virginity. Yesterday she gave him a blowjob. Well, that no big deal she gives blow jobs like doctors give lollipops to young kids at the doctors office. She also let him fuck her asshole. Again that was not a big deal her father has been fucking her in the ass since she was 14 about two years now. She loved playing with her pussy and fingering herself but with her hymen still intact was she willing to allow a perfect stranger take her special flower or should she save it for her father. She thought to herself I could just suck his cock and let him fuck my asshole again and then get rid of him. That sounded like a good plan. Madison went to the door and locked it. She crawled under the covers and between Genes legs. When she got to Genes balls she figured it was time for enacting her plan. She kissed Genes balls and taking his limp manhood into her other hand began to stroke him. While Gene was still limp in her hand she kissed the head. That was the trick as his penis started to come to life and stand at attention for her. Gene once again woke to someone playing with his cock. This time he panicked, as he did not recognize where the hell he was and who was sucking on his cock. Pulling he covers off of him he recognized Madison. Gene thought to himself how lucky he was. Not only did this girl like to suck and fuck but she was a young hot teenager. Then he remembered that Madison had promised him her virginity today. I guess she couldnt wait any longer. Madison working on his penis wanted to get it nice and slick and then pop up and hop on top of Gene and fuck his brains out and send him on his way. That seemed like a good plan but when her mouth popped off of Genes penis there were several beautiful streams of her saliva connecting her gaped mouth and Genes penis. Gene wanted to take care of her before he took her virginity. Grabbing her shoulders he pulled her up to his mouth and kissed her. Now, that is the way to say good morning to your man. Now, let me take care of you. Pushing her down onto the bed on her back he spread her legs nice and wide. Gazing at his new goal for the morning was a pristine pink slit that was the size of a dime in width. Spitting on his fingers Gene began to caresses her outer lips as his palm as in constant contact with her clit. Madison lifted her nightgown above her hips to give Gene all access that he needed. Then she pulled her arms in and let the top slide down exposing her A-cup breasts. Madison felt the need to play with her nipples as Gene was working her vagina. Madison liked the feel of a man playing with her vagina. Her father only fucked her asshole and never paid no never mind to her vagina. Now, that Gene was working very diligently on it she began to realize what she was missing. The idea of not allowing Gene to take her virginity went out the window. If he wanted a cock full of blood on his shaft then that is exactly what he was going to get. Gene seeing that this young virgin was enjoying her morning with his hand and fingers working their magic that he decided it was time to taste her virgin pussy. Gene never took a womans virginity before so he wanted it to be special not only for her but for him as well. Gene knew it was time to bring her to orgasm before fucking her with her pussy nice and damp it was time for his tongue to taste her hymen. Gene with his years of experience of eating pussy made Madison squeal and squirm with joy. Madison actually squirted Gene in the face a couple of times. It was the first for Gene to actually get his face shot with hot cum from a woman. Madison being the little sexual imp that she was pulled Gene down to her face and licked her cum from Genes face. Gene squatting on his knees between Madisons legs stroked his penis to full length and girth. Madison smiled at him, I know its small just like my sister Ashleys asshole last night. Are you ready to pop my 16 year-old cherry baby? Yes. Do you think you can take this? Well, my asshole was actually smaller than my pussy two years ago when my daddy started to fuck me so I guess come on Gene just fuck me please. Gene pushed forward and Madison opened her mouth and coated his cock with her spit. Gene then moved between her legs. Madison wanted to control the first penetration into her teenage cunt. With both hands on his cock she maneuvered the head between her lips. Taking a deep breadth she looked up at Gene, Okay honey, push. Gene pushed and he could feel her hymen beginning to bend and envelop his head. Okay sweaty, Im going to push through are you ready? Yes, Gene make me a woman today. I want you to finish inside of me okay? Are you sure? Yes, I finished having my period two days ago so Im good to cum in for the next week or so. Before Madison could finish her sentence Gene pushed through her little girl hymen and went balls deep his very first time. When his balls met her pelvis he looked down at her and kissed her. Welcome to womanhood. Madison was in obvious pain but Gene was a caring lover. Her pussy being as tight as it was normally would make Gene cum rather quickly but after losing five or six loads the day before Gene was able to last well beyond his normal twenty minutes. Gene working Madisons pussy for half an hour straight became more like work more than anything else. Madison on the other hand like a real trooper became very comfortable with his seven inches moving slowly and deliberately. Madison looked up at her lover, Honey I dont hurt anymore. Come on fuck me like I wasnt a virgin. Gene took over and knowing he was no longer hurting her virgin pussy began to fuck her like he fucked her asshole and her mouth the day before. When Madison pulled his mouth to his and told him that he was the best lover she ever had got him excited. Come on honey talk to me, that will help me finish. Madison began talking as dirty and as nasty as she could. It only took a minute or so talking dirty and Gene looked down at his little muse and said, Where do you want me to cum honey? Are you sure you want me to cum inside of you? Its my first time I want to feel a man empty himself inside of me. Cum inside of me. Fill me up. For Gene this was not a bad decision it felt absolutely incredible being inside of her. He finished inside of her and when he pulled out his cock it was wrinkled from Madisons cunt being so wet and the amount of blood from the tip of his head to the bottom of his shaft. It was even coated with his own cum. Madison looked up at Gene with loving eyes. Thank you Madison squirmed down under Gene and took his limp cock and with her cum, blood and Genes cum on the shaft and sucked it clean. When she finished they both went to the shower and cleaned each other. When they went down to the kitchen Ashley was waiting for both of them with bacon and eggs and toast. All three ate together and the girls and Gene exchanged phone numbers. All three agreed to get together later either one on one or try more m?ge a trios. to be continued.... pics---->> http://bit.ly/1QdQXsD
Title: Not a Thing to Wear Summary: Some fun nakey and sexy times in a clothing store. Keywords:inc,fic,erotic,hot Still working in a clothing store was not what I envisioned for my early twenties. It had been fine in my teens, but I'd assumed I'd be somewhere more 'grown up' after that. Which was not to say I hated it or anything. I liked it enough that I was still there, after all. It was a pretty chill place to work, in many ways, and I knew my shit well enough by now that I didn't have any worries of fucking up like I used to in my nervous early days of employment. Plus, my best friend Julie worked there too, which made a huge difference all on its own. Julie and I working together made for the kind of employee duo that drove managers crazy. That had meant being separated many a time over the years. We'd gradually become two of the most senior workers, and at some point management had been forced to concede that in spite of our shenanigans and tendency to hang out together too much, we also got way more shit done than any of the newbies. We were technically supervisors now, which didn't mean a hell of a lot. Mostly just that we were entrusted with opening or closing, when need be, and allowed to do our own thing most of the time. We also got stuck training the new hires and keeping an eye on them, which wasn't quite made up for by the pay bump, but we got to do some bossing around too, which evened things out. Possibly my favourite part, in a weird sort of way, were the Saturday morning shifts. No one wanted them. They came too soon after a Friday night, and were dead as all hell for the first few hours. Julie and I had been saddled with them as a punishment of sorts after we'd flipped all the clothes on the mannequins inside out, which I thought was a little harsh at the time, but it turned out well for us. A few hours of ostensibly doing our job as normal, but actually just chilling together without any pesky customers, managers, or fellow employees to disturb us. The lack of customers was not guaranteed, however. This Saturday in particular we had a couple of them come in early. Early enough, as it happened, that Julie and I had only just settled in to our ritual lounging. She was perched rather unprofessionally atop the counter next to the registers staring at her phone, while I was making use of one the store's mirrors to fidget with my hair trying to get it sit just right. I was the first to notice the two girls come in since Julie wasn't even making a pretense of watching the store. I sighed, left my hair the way it was, and stepped over to Julie to give her a nudge. "Look alive," I said. "Why?" "Customers." "Really?" Julie looked up, then nodded. "Huh, so there are. What the hell do they want?" "You're asking me?" She slipped off the counter, tucking her phone away in a smooth, practiced motion calculated not to draw any attention. She'd perfected it over the years. "Damn inconsiderate of them," she grumbled. "Tell me about it." We stood behind the counter, casually keeping an eye on the girls and their progress. They were only browsing, not looking for anything specific yet. We still should have approached and offered assistance, but without any witnesses we were free to use our own judgement on these things. We knew when customers weren't ready for help yet. "Still, at least one of them's cute," I said thoughtfully. "Which one?" Julie asked. "The cute one." "Give me a hint." "The one in the skirt." "Ahhh," Julie said knowingly. "The shy, doe-eyed one." I rolled my eyes. "How would you know if she's shy?" "'Cause she's only following her friend around, and she keeps looking at us out of the corner of her eye to see if we're watching." "Which means she's shy?" "Probably. Maybe a shoplifter, but I don't get that vibe." "You're so full of shit. One psychology course and--" "Two and a half, thank you very much. Very nearly three." "Yes, very nearly." I accidentally caught the cute girl's eye. She looked away immediately, a slight flush rising on her cheek. Julie might actually be onto something, not that I'd willingly admit it. "I guess one of us should meander over to the change rooms," I said. "Just in case." "You go," Julie offered graciously. "It might give you a chance to flirt." "You're such an ass." "What? You said she was cute." "She is. But what are the odds she's into girls? And if she is, what are the odds she and her friend aren't together?" "I dunno. Fifty-fifty?" I snorted. "Yeah, either she is or she isn't. Fantastic math there Jules." "Thanks. I did it without a calculator even." She gave me a gentle push. "Just go, Bree. Give it a shot." "Fine. Just to shut you up, though. And just for the record, even given your extremely suspect percentages, I'd have to win two coin flips, which only makes it one in four." "Have fun," Julie called after me, ignoring my parting shot with ruthless cheerfulness. I moseyed over to the changing room alcove, which someone was always supposed to be guarding, according to the rules. God forbid a customer might have to wait half a minute for someone to come over and help them. Still, it gave me an excuse to pass nearer the two girls without actually having to disturb them or make it obvious I was getting a closer look. They both appeared to be around the same age as Julie and me, which was preferable if I was going to engage in even a fleeting crush on one of them. Not that I was planning on taking things even that far, but it was good to know all the same. I caught the cute one watching me as I walked past. She didn't know the angles on the strategically placed mirrors like I did. I smiled to myself and put a little extra swing in my hips, feeling silly about it even as I did. I'd meant what I told Julie. The odds just weren't in my favour. Let alone the horrible logistics and potential consequences of actually flirting with a customer. I pretended to tidy up around the area for a while, only watching the girls when they were busy looking at clothes. Julie sent me a couple texts in the interim, but I ignored them. I could make out her impish grin from where I was, and I was quite sure whatever she'd sent wasn't helpful. The girls finally headed my way with a few selections each. I set myself in a professional stance with a customer service smile plastered on my face. "Finding everything ok?" I asked cheerfully. "Yes, thanks," said Cute Girl's Friend, a slightly slyer smile on her lips to mirror mine. "We'd just like a couple rooms to try things on." "No problem at all." I glanced at Cute Girl, but she wouldn't look directly at me. I maintained my retail courtesy as I set them each up with a changing room, just a small room with some hooks, a full-length mirror, and a curtain drawn across the doorway. I tried asking Cute Girl directly if she needed anything else before I left her to her decisions, but I didn't get much out of her other than a faint blush when she finally met my gaze. It might have meant something, or it might not, but it was an adorable reaction either way. Any lingering hopes I had, not that they'd been all that high at any point, were dashed when the friend snuck across to Cute Girl's room. I pretended not to notice, though in fact it was hard to slip much of anything by me. I knew the exact type of sneak too. It came up every now and again when two people wanted to occupy the same room for less than virtuous reasons. Just to be sure, I padded silently next to the room once they were settled, and indeed there were soft whispers, giggles, and eventually some barely audible sounds of making out. Well fuck. Won one coin flip, lost the other pretty hard. Better than I thought I'd do, and yet all the more painful for it. It was Julie's fault, I decided. Left to my own devices, I very sensibly would never have considered things going anywhere at all. It wasn't like I knew this girl even a little, except that she was cute, and that she did, in fact, like girls. And that when she thought I wasn't looking, she'd given me looks like.... No, bad Bree. Stop that. All in your head. She definitely wasn't checking you out. Not when she was out with her girlfriend. Julie caught my eye as I paced out into the main store area just to get a little space. She shot me a questioning glance. I shrugged in return. Then, because I might as well get it over with, pulled out my phone and shot her a text. "They're in there together making out." Julie, thankfully, didn't make a joke of it. She sent back a sad face, then mouthed a, "Sorry," when I looked up at her again. I went back to stand by the counter in the changing area, summoning my retail happy face back for when I needed it. They'd be gone soon enough anyway, and the whole thing would blow over. I got another text from Julie. "Want me to come kick them out for you?" We weren't supposed to let people use the change rooms for sexy times, though in practice that wasn't always an easy rule to enforce. And when left to our own devices, Julie and I would use our own discretion as to whether to interfere or not. Oftentimes it came down to whether we liked the customers in question or not. This time was a bit different. It was tempting to get them out sooner, but it also felt a little too petty. "Nah. Leave them be. Thanks, though." "I got your back, Bree. No one breaks your heart on my watch." I smiled for real, if only for a moment. It wasn't all that funny, really, but I'd cooled down just enough to appreciate what humour there was. Plus, Julie was really good to have around at times like these. Even if they were basically her fault. As soon as the girls were out of there, we could huddle back up and talk shit about them. Or about relationships in general. Or whatever. It'd be fine. The problem was, the girls took fucking forever. And when the curtain finally did move, only one of them came out. The friend. I had no idea why they weren't leaving together. Surely they knew that staggering their exits wouldn't prevent me from noticing they'd been in the same room. Or maybe they weren't thinking things through that thoroughly. Who knew. I was bored and frustrated, but all that was safely hidden behind my customer service shell. I smiled and took the pile of clothes back, setting it on my counter to be refolded and rehung. "Hang onto my friend's things for her would you?" the girl asked with an even broader version of her sly smile from before. I tilted my head uncertainly. "Would she like to buy some of these?" "Not exactly." She gave me a wink, then sauntered off without bothering to explain. Nor, indeed, without waiting for makeout accomplice. None of it made sense. She'd winked at me very deliberately. I felt like she had to know that I knew what they'd been up to. Yet they weren't leaving together. And she'd seemed to think something was terribly amusing, but I couldn't begin to guess what. I absently began organizing the pile of clothes to put back on the floor while I pondered the morning thus far. It took me a moment to realize some of the clothes I was sorting weren't ours, and a moment longer still to recognize that they formed a complete outfit, excepting shoes. A complete outfit such as.... My eyes tracked toward the still-occupied changing room. I slunk toward it without really making the conscious decision to do so. There was only a small gap under the curtain, not enough to see much of anything, but enough for me to spy a pair of shoes and a bare, fidgety pair of feet next to them. I knocked on the side of the room. "Doing ok in there?" "Uh... yes, thanks." A rather nervous voice. For good reason, if I'd put the pieces together correctly. And I was pretty sure I had. "Is Cindy still there?" the girl inside asked. "Your friend? No, she left." "Oh." I waited to see if I'd get more out of her. Then, with a certain amount of self-satisfaction that I just couldn't contain, "Would you like your clothes back?" Silence a moment, then a rather meek, "Yes, please." I leaned against the side of the girl's flimsy prison. "Is this the sort of thing Cindy does to you often?" "Well... not this specifically, no. Could I please have my clothes?" "In a minute. I'm trying to figure out if this game is something you both play, or if it's mainly just her." "Does it matter?" "Kinda. If it's just her, I'm gonna grab your clothes for you and advise you to tell her to fuck off." I shrugged. "If it's both of you, then I'm gonna be spiteful and not get your clothes." "You're not?" "Nope. You'll have to come out and get them." "Why?" "I told you. Spite. For involving me in your games without even asking if I was cool with it." "Oh. If it helps any, I didn't know she was gonna do this." I felt a 'but' coming, and calmly waited for it. "But... it's not exactly like I don't know how she thinks." "So a little of both?" I hazarded. "I guess. Kinda." "Well you know that makes things complicated for me. Now I don't know whether or not to help you out." "Yeah. I know." This was getting interesting. I still wasn't quite sure what was happening, but that was ok. I also didn't know who I was talking to, and that at least could be easily resolved. "I'm Bree," I said by way of introduction. I could practically hear the anxious hesitation before I got an answer. "Riley." I nodded. "Well, Riley, we've got a bit of a predicament now, don't we?" "Sort of, I suppose." "Sort of?" "Well, uh... is there anyone else around?" I peeked out to the main floor. All quiet on the western front. "Just Jules over at cash." "The other girl working here?" "That's her." "And she's not looking?" "Got her face buried in her phone. Why?" The curtain slid back and Riley stepped out. She did the traditional, very awkward attempt at covering herself at first; hunched over, arm across her breasts, hand covering her pussy. Once she'd verified that there really wasn't anyone else around, she dropped her arms to her sides, hands clenching and unclenching with nervous energy. "Huh," I said. I really hadn't expected to see anything. I'd been messing with her, mostly out of spite just as I'd claimed, but had no intention of forcing the issue in the end. Maybe just make her beg a little or something. She was even cuter without clothes on. Partly because of her nudity itself, but more so because of how adorably shy she was about it. Eyes darting away from mine, cheeks gone rosy pink, and constant fidgeting like she wanted to hide herself or turn away, but was resisting the urge. "Wow," I said after a moment. "You don't mind, do you?" I tilted my head. "Are you kidding me? Why would I?" I cleared my throat. "But, uh, you really don't have to do this. I can grab your stuff for you." "That's ok." I had no idea why it was ok, but I let it bed. Riley stood there, gradually getting her reactions under control. She didn't move toward her clothes, nor back to the safety of her changing room. Just stood, letting me look if I wanted. Which I did. "Cindy said you were checking me out," Riley said softly. "I wasn't sure if you were or not." "Oh I totally was." I scanned up and down her naked form, taking in the cute features of her face, the smooth paleness of her uncovered skin, the curve of her breasts, the soft lines of her tummy and hips, and the forbidden slit of her pussy. "Cindy's better at seeing that kind of thing. She caught me looking at you too." "She's an observant one." I swung my eyes back up to hers. She was getting more comfortable, but still wouldn't quite meet my gaze. "I thought you were looking too. I got thrown off a bit when Cindy snuck in there with you." Riley's fading blush brightened back up again. "That's probably not quite what it looks like." "She left you naked," I said lightly. "And I heard you making out." "Yeah, but... we....." Riley folded her arms, though it seemed more a gesture of conversational discomfort than one of trying to cover her tits. "I'm not good at this." I sighed. "Sorry, I'm being a bit of a dick about it too." "No you're not." "I am. This is, like, not a situation I know what to do with." "I get that." Riley smiled tentatively. "I'm really too shy to be doing this kind of thing too." "You're a very confusing kind of shy." "That's... fair. That's pretty much how I feel about it too." I gestured to my counter. "You wanna sit? We can talk more, if you want." I shrugged. "Or you could grab your stuff and leave, too." Riley bit her lip and looked longingly at her clothes before coming to a decision. "I could talk for a bit. If you wanted." I nodded. "Ok." It would have been nice to have chairs to offer or something. As it was, we used the counter as seating, much as Julie and I so often did when no one was watching. Riley took the end against the wall where she was partly covered from anyone wandering through the store. I took a seat on the other end where I had a better view through the doorway, and where I could spot trouble more easily. I folded one leg under me and left the other dangling over the side. Riley adopted a cross-legged pose, which left her pussy quite well displayed, more than she realized I assumed, but she couldn't decide what to do with her hands, and they alternately covered and uncovered her as she fidgeted with them. I got a text from Julie as we were getting settled. "Was that a naked girl I saw? What's going on over there?" I texted back quickly, "Tell you later. Promise. Keep watch?" then put my phone away, ignoring the follow up buzz. There was a moment of awkward silence between Riley and me. I didn't quite know what to say to her, nor was I sure how much I could safely check her out without bothering her. It was a delicate balance. Riley picked anxiously at one of her nails a moment, then dropped her hands again. She took a deep breath, unwittingly drawing my attention to her chest in spite of my efforts to make eye contact. "There's kind of a thing between Cindy and me," she said. "Obviously." "Obviously," I agreed. "But it's, uh, I don't know exactly what you'd call it." "She's not your girlfriend?" "No." Riley shook her head and shrugged ruefully. "She's got a boyfriend." "Oh. Ohhh. And he doesn't--" "No, he knows. He's cool with it. But I'm very much 'on the side' for her." "Huh. Well then." Riley shifted, then peeked at me cautiously to gauge my reaction. "I honestly don't know if Cindy was just being Cindy here, or if she was legitimately trying to set us up or something." She bit her lip. "Maybe some of both." A small thrill ran through me, and it was my turn to pause and take a breath. "She likes getting you naked?" "Not naked very often. I mean, not in risky places. Usually something less extreme than that." "Right. But she'd also be ok if we... if you... you know." Riley flushed and adjusted an errant strand of hair. The gesture was as cute as I was coming to expect from her. "I mean, she cares about me. I think she'd be happy if I found a real relationship of my own." She went even brighter red. "Not that you... we... not that that's what this is, necessarily. It could be, but it doesn't... you don't...." "Riley? Chill. It's all good." She nodded, but it took a moment to get her panic levels down. "It is?" "Yeah." I let my dangling leg swing with calculated carelessness, even though I felt anything but careless inside. "I get it." "Oh. Good." She hesitantly met my eyes. "Could you explain it to me?" I laughed, expelling some of my nervous tension. Riley joined in and giggled along with me. Her body untensed somewhat and uncurled from itself. "This might sound ridiculous," I said, "but what if we thought about this like kind of a date?" Riley's eyes went wide. "A date?" "Kind of. Not a proper one, obviously, but just like a chance to see what happens. Like, uh, no expectations or anything. No commitments. But maybe with the acknowledgement that we're both kind of interested?" "That makes sense," Riley said slowly. "It's kind of unfair though." "Why?" "I'm naked." "So you are." I shrugged. "Your clothes are right there if you want them." Riley looked toward the small pile, again with a certain amount of longing. "Or maybe," I said, "you'd rather if I didn't let you have them back yet?" She squeaked in embarrassment and ducked her head under her hands to hide. "Oh god, you think I'm a total weirdo, don't you? I don't even know why I'm like this." "I think you're cute," I stated definitively. "... you do?" "And I, personally, am rather enjoying your lack of clothes." Riley reflexively moved to cover herself again, but then caught herself and forced her arms away. "So unfair," she mumbled. I was beginning to get a sense of her. Not only that, but I was rather enjoying the insight that I had gleaned. The way things were going, this could be very, very fun. Actually, it kind of already was, minus the awkward fumbling we were both doing. Though hers was quite endearing, in its own way. "I don't know," I said airily. "Maybe dating would be more fun if someone had to be naked for it." Riley smiled shyly. "But how would you decide who?" "That'd be the trick alright." I tilted my head thoughtfully. "Usually, anyway. In your case it'd be quite easy." "I really don't do this!" she protested. "This isn't, like, my version of a pick up line." "It'd be a good one if it was." "That... you...." I grinned broadly. "You'd get so many girls." "I'd get so many guys, more like," Riley grumbled. "Ooh, yeah, that is a problem. It all seemed so foolproof." Riley rolled her eyes at me, which was fine. I liked her all cute and embarrassed, but getting her loosened up and talking like a normal person--like we were on some bizarre kind of impromptu date--was probably better for getting to know each other. We talked for a while longer, not about anything in particular, just chatting, giggling, and getting comfortable with each other. I started to forget that she was even naked and found myself conversing with her like she was any other girl I was kinda sorta into. Riley was forgetting too, judging by her little reactions every now and then. She'd be all relaxed, then suddenly jerk and go a bit red, sometimes covering her chest for a second, then we'd both giggle and she'd let her arms fall away again. A few times I caught myself staring at her. Not in a checking her out kind of way, but more like my eyes just kind of zoned out a bit, and she happened to be right in front of me. It didn't hurt that she was by far the nicest thing around to look at. I knew she caught me a few times, but actually seemed not to mind at all. Her lips quirked shyly when our eyes met afterward, and she didn't do that little twitch and blush thing. Like it was ok if I looked, but it still startled her when she remembered suddenly that we were in public. "Hey, Bree? You still hiding over here?" I sighed at the sound of Julie's voice. Riley squeaked and curled up into a protective ball. "Don't worry," I whispered. "Sit tight for a sec." I hopped off my perch and intercepted Julie before she could wander into the changing area. "There you are," she said. "You're leaving me bored to tears out here. You know that, don't you?" "Yeah, well, I'll owe you one, ok?" Julie tilted her head. "You don't care, do you?" "I--" She smiled wickedly. "You've still got your little crush back there." "I do. And it's going pretty well." "Yeah?" "Yeah." "Did I really see her naked earlier? It was only quick, but--" I urged Julie further away and lowered my voice. "She's totally naked." "Seriously?" "Yes." "Damn, you move fast. And here I've been worrying about your love life all this time." "I had so very little to do with it, I assure you." "She just got naked? Then, uh, I guess she's the one who moves fast?" Julie shrugged. "Either way, hell of a first date." "Tell me about it," I murmured absently. "But, uh, I'd really like it to keep going well...." Julie grinned and punched me lightly on the arm. "Hey, dude, I got your back. It's quiet as shit out here anyway. Been a couple people poking in, but not really interested in anything. And this story is definitely gonna make up for a little boredom." She looked at me seriously. "You're gonna tell me the whole story, right?" "Promise." "Pinky promise?" I rolled my eyes at the childish gesture, but clasped pinkies with Julie without hesitation. I would have told her anyway. This wasn't the sort of event I could keep to myself. "You really need to give up on playground rules one of these years," I told her. "Haven't failed me yet." "You--" "Can't argue with success." "You're a weird girl sometimes, Jules." "Maybe." She gave me an innocent, beaming smile. "Why don't you head on back to your romantic encounter in the changing rooms at work with a naked girl you just met?" I glared at her, which didn't faze her even slightly. "Ok, you win this round." "Yeah I do." Julie pointed authoritatively over my shoulder. "Now get back in there and work some magic already." "Yes ma'am." The room was deserted as I reentered. I looked around in confusion for a moment until Riley's head cautiously popped up from behind the counter. "It's safe now," I said with only a faint trace of the amusement I felt. Riley stood up, this time appearing embarrassed over her reaction more so than her nudity. "I, uh, got a little nervous. Thought you might have been called away." "No, just had to keep Jules happy. She was getting bored." "Oh. You didn't tell her about me, did you?" "Only a little." "What?!" "It's fine. She's cool. You can meet her if you want." "Uh...." I giggled. "Relax, you don't have to. I'm just teasing. She did kinda see you for a second earlier, though. When you were naked, I mean." Riley went red again. I felt kind of bad for how much I liked doing that to her, but it wasn't my fault she was so damn adorable when she was all flustered. "I guess maybe that's fine," she said with the tone of trying to convince herself rather than me. "It is." "But, uh, maybe it's time I got dressed again?" I shook my head. "No, I don't think so." "You said I could." "I did. I changed my mind." Riley glanced toward her pile of clothes, still just sitting there temptingly. I advanced on her, cutting off her options. She stood where she was, fidgeting nervously until I was directly in front of her. "You can't change your mind," she mumbled unconvincingly. "S'not fair." "No. It isn't. But maybe I can make up for that." "How are you--" I slipped my hand to Riley's neck, then up behind her head. I held her gently as I moved in and kissed her with just a light brush of my lips on hers. "Oh," she said. I kissed her again, more firmly, testing her response. Not good or bad yet, still just anxiously fidgeting. "You can tell me if I'm being too forward," I said softly, my mouth only barely separated from hers. "I wouldn't know how to judge that, under the circumstances." My lips twitched upward. "Then tell me if I should stop." "Not fair," she repeated. "Hardly anything ever is." My third try at kissing her went so much better. She was still uncertain at first, but I held it longer this time, long enough for her to start kissing me back. It was unfair, I acknowledged. She was naked. Any touch of mine on her body was meeting her bare skin. She was ridiculously unprotected and vulnerable for such initial explorations. I was very conscious of where I put my hands, even as she stepped minutely closer and cautiously put her hands on my shoulders in return. My caution didn't last forever by any means. Riley responding and actively participating allowed me to be bolder. I slipped a hand to her tits, cupping one of them just as a test. The press of her lips didn't change as a result, nor did the tentative probe of her tongue. If anything, she may have even become more responsive when I started fondling and stroking her breasts. I pressed closer toward Riley, to the point of forcing her to back up or be knocked over. She moaned softly when she hit the wall and I kept coming until I was right up against her. She'd gotten over her reservations and hesitation, it seemed. I couldn't get close enough for her. She didn't hold me lightly any longer, but instead pulled at my lower back, then slipped a hand down to my butt, bringing me tight up against her. I smiled broadly, somewhat interrupting our making out for a moment, as I felt her grinding on my thigh. I brought my leg forward, placing it firmly between hers, giving her more purchase for rubbing off on me. This was new and exciting territory for me. I wasn't at all used to getting so intimate with someone I'd only just met, let alone at my workplace, but it felt right. I absolutely loved that Riley was so horny that she'd grind on me like that, that she'd grab my butt, that my roaming hands weren't being rebuffed. Everything about our meeting had been unique and special, and I wasn't about to start questioning it now just because it was moving so fast. We broke for air, parting our faces just enough to be able to look at each other, to search for emotions in each other's eyes. Even the way she panted was cute and made me want to aggressively kiss her some more. I held back, waiting until I had enough oxygen in reserve to make it worthwhile. Riley came for me first. She attacked me hungrily, kissing with ferocity beyond what she'd demonstrated thus far. She was losing control, not holding back, no longer worried about her fears or what I was thinking. She was just going for it. Well, if she was going to, so was I. I pulled my leg away with some difficulty, given the way she was molding herself to me. She whined and tried to use some cunning footwork to get my thigh back where she wanted it. I ignored her protests. I'd made space to get my hand in, and I made full use of it. Riley calmed down and moaned deeply as I found her pussy. I pressed my palm hard against it to reassure her that I'd take care of her, before then maneuvering my fingers with more purpose and deftness. "Holy shit you're wet," I said during another quick air break. "What did you expect?" "I dunno. Less than that, I guess? You probably soaked right through my pants." "S'your own fault. Kept me naked. Got all makey-outey with me. What d'you want from me?" I grinned and nipped at Riley's lip. "Just exactly this." She was totally mine now. She had been anyway, more or less, but with my fingers put to work, she had no more free will than a puppet. I could do anything I wanted so long as I kept her all worked up. She was so crazy turned on that I couldn't quite believe it, but I made full use of it anyway. Slipping a pair of fingers inside her was the smoothest, most natural gesture, given how wet and slick she was. I pushed into her pussy, smiling at the small gasps she made. I made my fingers dance, finding her weak spots, figuring out what she liked, what she loved, and what made her clutch desperately at me so as not to fall down. I teased her clit, but didn't focus on it yet. Not until the moment was right. For a time, Riley was my horny little plaything. She was cute, naked, desperate to cum, and reacted so beautifully to my fingering. I loved her whimpers, her wiggles, her hands grasping at me for purchase, and that overarching sense that she needed my touch more than anything. Slowly, gradually, I increased my attention to Riley's clit. She leaned into every caress, every flick of my fingertip, wanting ever more than what I gave her. Only at the end did I really give in and rub her like crazy, giving her everything she wanted and more. Riley whimpered, trembled, and leaned heavily on me as I played her clit hard and fast. She bucked against my fingers, her nails digging painfully into my skin even through my clothes, then finally gasped and moaned as she came. A fresh flood of arousal surged out, making a total mess and making my fingers even slicker. The sounds she whined into my ear were a beautiful music to me, a just reward for my efforts. I kept rubbing her until she was clearly spent. Things got a little awkward again afterward. Not too bad, really, but there was a definite moment of uncertainty for both of us. Riley extracted herself from my grasp and leaned back against the wall, still unsteady on her legs. I took a step back and gave her some space. "Well that was... something," I said, trying to sound casual. "I can't believe we did that," Riley said softly, her tone tinged with confusion and awe. "We did, though." Riley giggled madly. "We sure did." I laughed along with her, letting it expunge some of the tension from me. It was silly to even think about feeling bad, and yet it was such a new relationship that disastrous possibilities were still lurking at the fringes. It had been so much fun making Riley cum like that, but I didn't know her well enough to know what to do now. I brought my hand up to my face, then looked past it to Riley's inner thighs, the floor beneath her, and even the damp patch on my leg where she'd been grinding on me. "You made a bit of a mess." Riley didn't go as red this time as I was expected. It wasn't as cute, but I liked what it suggested about her growing comfort around me. "Not exactly my fault, is it?" "Kinda is." I licked one of my fingers experimentally. "Tastes good though." "Oh my god!" Riley buried her face in her hands. "Stop!" I grinned, enjoying her reaction. I licked myself clean-ish even while she peeked through a gap in her fingers. "I better go grab a towel or something," I said. "Wait, don't leave me here by myself again." I smiled over my shoulder as I headed away from her. "You're welcome to come with." As I expected, Riley declined and stuck with the relative safety of the changing rooms. It was preferable to parading through the store, it seemed. "Going well?" Julie asked as I passed by her to the employee area. "So well," I answered without stopping to explain. I managed to find a clean towel, and got a very curious look from Julie as I carried it back with me. Again, I didn't offer any explanation. It was more fun to make her wonder. Riley hadn't bothered to hide this time. She didn't even seem to realize how visible she was as she hung around waiting for me to return. It made me wonder just how brazen she could be made to act if I decided to make a proper effort of finding out. She inhaled sharply as I knelt in front of her. I smiled up at her, quirking my lips just a tad suggestively, then proceeded to behave myself impeccably as I patted her down with the towel I'd fetched. I started at her ankles, still amazed that it was at all necessary to begin that far down, and slowly worked my way upward. I was fully prepared to admit that I was tempted. Riley's pussy was right there at face height, thanks to my decision to kneel in front of her. The mess she'd made was as evident to me as it possibly could have been. I knew how good she tasted. I could go for it if I wanted. "I could do that myself, you know," Riley said. I smirked up at her again. "Sure. But what fun would that be?" It was a deliberately slow, tender job. I wasn't overly thorough about cleaning her, necessarily, but rather took my time traveling up the inside of her bare legs and spent my focus on exploring her soft, intimate skin with my fingertips, rather than on making sure she was dried off properly. It only got worse as I reached her upper thighs and teased myself as much as her by somehow resisting the urge to jump straight to the summit. The scent of her eventually got to me. Her sweet little pussy called to me, wet and sensuous beyond my ability to ignore for long. I breathed it in deeply, then leaned forward and extended my tongue. Riley gasped far above me. Her fingertips grazed the top of my head, flexing but not quite grasping, like she couldn't decide whether to encourage me, to push me away, or to do nothing at all. My first quick taste of her was so much better than off my fingers. It was her pure, undiluted flavour, straight from her impossibly aroused little pussy. It was the greatest, most instantly addicting taste that had ever graced my tongue. I needed more. I licked again, paused to savour it, then once more. Riley decided what she wanted to do with her hand, which turned out to be gently pressing me to her. I happily obliged, licking longer and deeper, exploring the length of her pussy. I allowed myself to get lost in it, to lap at her with no goal beyond simply seeking out her juices as they flooded toward my waiting mouth. I lost track of time almost entirely as I ate Riley out. I forgot where we were, that she was naked and I wasn't, even that she wasn't my girlfriend, let alone someone I'd known before this morning. None of it mattered anyway. Only her sweet little pussy, and what I could do to it with my tongue. It was something of a surprise to me when she came on my face. I truly hadn't been working toward that goal this time. Not yet, anyway. I loved it all the same. Loved that definitive pleasure in her adorable moans and whines as she tried to muffle herself, the mess all over my lips and chin afterward, and the heavy lidded, well-satisfied smile she gave me. I finished wiping her up, then stood. "Well, all cleaned up," I said casually. "Excellent service here," Riley murmured nearly incoherently. She gave me a soft kiss, then took the towel from me and patted my face dry. "I never think of towel-work when I'm deciding where to shop." "Tragically underrated," I concurred. Riley hopped back up on the counter, then stretched out along it, chest still rising and falling heavily as her breathing slowly returned to normal. She made such a beautiful picture reclined all fresh off a pair of orgasms, still unclothed, and with no thought at all to hiding from my gaze. I stood watching her, remaining totally still in case I disturbed the moment. "I suppose I should get dressed," she said, though made no move to follow through. "Maybe," I said. "You'll have to before long. The morning calm doesn't last forever." I chewed thoughtfully on my lip. I didn't want Riley to get dressed just yet. And she was so damn relaxed and comfortable right now that there had to be potential there. "Wanna meet Jules first?" Riley turned her head, remaining otherwise exactly where she was. She frowned slightly. "Naked?" "That's the idea." "I don't know if I can do that." "Sure you can. I'll be right there the whole time. Julie's cool. It can't be any harder than when you first walked out in front of me." "That's... actually probably true." Riley sighed and sat up. "And you've got me feeling so good it's hard to even properly panic about the idea." "That is very good to know." I took Riley's hand and tugged gently until she slid off the counter and slowly followed along behind me. I set a gentle pace, letting her come out onto the main floor as gradually as possible. Giving her time to look around, to verify that it was as safe as it was going to get, and to adjust to being naked out there. Technically, there was no one around to see Riley, excepting Julie. However, it was a pretty wide open space, broken up strategically by all the clothes racks and things. It was quite a mix of exposed and covered. I was pretty sure the people walking by the front of the store wouldn't notice anything, but it was hard to say for certain. Julie caught our approach when we were about halfway to her. Her eyes went comically wide for a second, then she grinned broadly at me. I smiled right back and squeezed Riley's hand as I felt her lagging behind a bit Riley had regained some of her adorable shyness by the time we made it to Julie. She was blushing and fidgeting, not meeting Julie's gaze, but also standing more or less straight and not trying to hide herself in any way. It was a nice mix of embarrassed and confident, one that I felt I'd had some hand in. "Julie, this is Riley. Riley, Julie." "Nice to meet you," Julie said, still with a long, appraising look at Riley. "You too," Riley mumbled. Her grip on my hand had become tighter, and I noted her anxious glances toward the glass windows at the front. No one had really stopped to stare yet, but we were, admittedly, in one of the most exposed areas with nothing next to us much higher than stomach height, albeit off to the side where anyone glancing at display racks wouldn't necessarily look. She could theoretically be seen at any time, but probably wouldn't be. Maybe. Hopefully. "You're staring, Jules," I said. "Well what did you expect?" Julie responded without a trace of shame about it, though she did flick her gaze off of Riley. "Pretty much that. Don't be rude about it, is all." "Ha, yeah. Rude." Julie shook her head. "Like any of this is my doing." She looked at Riley. "Watch out for Bree. She's a bit funny about some things." "Hey! I am not! Don't be telling her stuff like that." "Why not? Not like I could scare her off now." I paused a moment. Riley was standing closer to me than ever, and still had a solid grip on my hand. Julie's teasing honestly didn't seem likely to be much of a problem. Still, though. "Be nice," I said. Julie beamed innocently. "Always." She turned to Riley. "So, what brings you here? In the market for some new clothes?" I glared at Julie, but she cunningly ignored me. Riley rather surprised me by smiling sweetly at Julie in response. "I'd love to try some things on. Maybe you could go fetch some options for me?" Julie laughed. "Ha, alright, fair enough." She adjusted her stance and leaned casually on the counter. "So what's with the whole naked thing? Was it just to get Bree's attention? You probably didn't need to go that far." Riley shrugged. "It worked, didn't it?" Julie looked back and forth between Riley and me. "I guess so. Though how well it worked--" "Is none of your business," I interrupted firmly. "Just saying, you two alone and naked--" "I wasn't." "One of you naked, then, with no adult supervision...." "You're only technically an adult, Jules," I said, folding my arms. "And if you're fishing for an invitation to watch next time--" "Pff, yeah right. I don't need to see any of that." "I think maybe you want to," I said, jumping eagerly on the opening she'd given me to tease her right back. "I think you want to see me naaakeeeddd." "Don't flatter yourself." "Naaakeeeddd," I repeated in a sing-song voice. "Oh grow up." "After you. I insist." Luckily Riley found our squabbling funny, and seemed to help her take to Julie, even in her continued unclothed state. She still stuck close to me, but was pretty comfortable hanging out with us for a bit. Again, it became background noise that Riley was naked. It wasn't something you could miss, but it ceased to be super relevant. Or at least it did until a customer approached the counter, very nearly catching us entirely off-guard. I only just barely noticed in time to give Riley a warning, which elicited an embarrassing little squeak from her as she dove for cover. The little old lady who'd toddled up to us hadn't, so far as I could tell, seen Riley. Or hadn't noticed her lack of clothes, at any rate. She just asked for some help finding something for her granddaughter, which Julie very kindly offered to assist with, after only a single sharp elbow to her ribs by way of encouragement. Julie was still grinning like a lunatic as she led the lady away. She winked at me over her shoulder as I feigned calm and tried to ignore Riley cowering below me until our customer was out of earshot. "Did she see me?" Riley asked. "I don't think so," I said. "She's a pretty chill kinda person if she did, 'cause she sure didn't let on at all." "I think... I think maybe I need my clothes back now." "Yeah, maybe." "Maybe?" Riley looked cuter and sexier than ever, all naked and embarrassed on her knees in front of me. I hadn't moved to give her room since I didn't want to give away that anything was amiss, and now that we were alone she remained too close to leave me unaffected. I wasn't horny to the point of absolutely needing some action, but was horny enough to seriously contemplate some very questionable choices. "Riley?" "Yeah?" "I know this is kind of a stupid idea...." She gave me a confused look, but with a hint of anxious, excited anticipation that really worked for me. "What?" she asked softly. "We really shouldn't, but I want to ask...." "Tell me," she insisted breathily. She was sitting back on her heels, palms laid demurely on her thighs. The way she looked up at me, searching, waiting.... "Would you, like, lick me?" Riley's eyes shone. Her tongue flicked across her bottom lip. "Right here?" "Yeah." "Now?" "Yes." "You'll get in trouble." "Hopefully not." I gave her a crooked smile. "I haven't gotten in trouble over you yet." Riley bit her lip. She was still behind the counter, nearly invisible unless someone leaned over to get a look. She might really have been more worried about me than herself, which was touching in its own way. Slowly, shakily, she reached for me, going straight for my pants. I leaned in and braced myself on the counter in a way that I hoped looked normal and casual, but really was meant to cut down the angles in which my bottom half could be seen. Riley's trembling fingers clumsily worked at my pants, finally tugging them down past my thighs, all the way to my ankles. My panties followed much more quickly and easily in comparison. I felt light-headed and giddy, on top of my growing arousal. This wasn't something I did. Getting naked at work. At the counter. Even if it was only my bottoms, I really could get in trouble for this. And I could potentially be seen so easily. It was such a different experience than being around Riley all this time. So much more personal and visceral in a sense, while also managing to be surreal and dream-like in another. None of which even touched on the thrill of having Riley's face inches away from my bare pussy. The feel of her breath on my arousal-wet skin, the anticipation of what she was about to do, the acknowledgement of how my feelings for her had developed in such a very short time. It was crazy to have formed this mutual trust and attraction already, even if it had been spurred on by her initial nudity. I bit my lip hard at the first caress of her tongue. I couldn't make a sound, couldn't let my expression reflect what I felt. I'd inadvertently given myself the torturous task of standing like a statue while I got eaten out by the sexy little nymph kneeling between my legs. How exactly was I supposed to stay calm and quiet? I hadn't thought this through well enough at all. Riley, totally oblivious to my struggle, was quickly warming up to our risky game of cunnilingus. Her tonguing accelerated from a few tentative licks to lapping at me with puppy-like enthusiasm without much buildup time at all. My knuckles went white as I gripped the counter hard in an effort to steady to myself. I was pretty sure I couldn't do this. I couldn't stand there all nonchalantly and give nothing away. Riley slipped her hands around my butt, holding me tightly for better leverage as she licked me. Her swift little tongue probed deeper into my pussy, exploring as far as she could reach, then returned to her initial style of licking with a gentle focus on my clit. My eyes rolled back and my arms shook as I desperately tried to maintain some form of composure. It didn't work all that well. I got a sharp elbow in the ribs from Julie, who I hadn't even noticed returning. I pulled it together somewhat while Julie rang her customer through. I didn't think the woman suspected that I was getting eaten out behind the counter, and I was pretty lucky it hadn't been someone more alert and observant. "Ok, seriously?" Julie demanded as soon as the three of us were left alone again. "This is pushing it." "Not now," I gasped. "Argue later." Julie folded her arms. "You've got to be kidding." I closed my eyes, blocking out her attempt at disapproval. I focused on Riley's tongue, and only her tongue. I was still aware of Julie's presence, of Riley's grip on my butt, on the world around us, but let all of that slip away for a few glorious minutes. I was going to cum, I could feel it, and I needed it so badly. It didn't matter that Julie was watching, that anyone could come in and walked over to where I was standing. I just needed that release, and Riley was going to give it to me. Her lithe, eager tongue just kept going and going. My knees went weak, and I had to use my arms for even more support than before. My hips were going all wiggly of their own accord. I could only imagine how wanton and irresponsible I looked. That little ball of pleasure built inside me, coaxed forth by Riley's frantic licking. I tensed up so hard in an effort not to give it away, but I couldn't hold it as I came all over Riley's tongue. I moaned and whimpered, and nearly collapsed to the point where I was halfway lying across the counter by the end. My body refused to work properly, but I felt too good to care. It was a brief, magical moment. I stood up shakily and looked around. No customers. Good. Riley was still on her knees, chin wet from my pussy, looking up at me with adorable searching eyes and a proud smile. Julie, meanwhile, was on her phone again as she pretended not to be at all interested. She wasn't feigning indifference all that well, though, as I caught her peeking a few times even after we were finished. I offered a hand to Riley and helped her up. I kissed her, freely tasting myself on her lips and tongue, then wiped some of the mess off her chin. "You gonna put your pants back on yet?" Julie asked. "In a minute," I answered without taking my eyes off Riley yet. "'K. Only just 'cause a couple girls just walked in." I looked toward the entrance. There were, indeed, a pair of new customers checking out the front displays. "They never stop, do they?" I sighed. "Yeah. Such a rush this morning," Julie said as she slipped her phone away. "I've been run right off my feet. And you hardly had a spare hour for your sexy shenanigans. I'm gonna demand better working conditions as soon as I see our manager. I say it's time we go on strike. We--" "Fine, fine. You win. You're right." Julie jabbed a finger at me with a serious expression. "We don't even get our union mandated public sex breaks anymore. Having to sneak them in like this just isn't--" "Jules? Shut the fuck up. You're losing moral high ground with every word." She grinned. "Yeah, I thought I might be. Worth it, though." I pulled my pants and underwear back up, then took Riley's hand. "Come on, better get you dressed too." Riley nodded and followed along back to the changing rooms. She walked casually, not darting between racks for protection. Either she was too worn out to worry about being seen anymore, or had just grown comfortable enough with the store to figure she was safe with the cover she had. "Hey, so, uh, this was pretty fun," I said, suddenly feeling awkward again as we got back to her clothes. "It was," Riley agreed. She picked at her pile of clothes without yet grabbing anything to put on. "Would you... could we...." I stopped and took a deep breath. "Can I get your number? Maybe I should just start with that." Riley smiled. "It's a good start alright." I got her contact info all squared away, then before she could get dressed I decided to push my luck a little more. "And I should probably get a picture of you," I said. Her eyebrow lifted. "Oh?" I flushed slightly. "If that's ok." Riley matched my faint blush and smiled shyly. "Sure." I snapped a quick, nude pic of her with my phone, managing to capture some of that endearing mix of shyness and boldness that I loved in her. Her cute, naked, openly displayed body along with her blushing cheeks and a small lip bite. Such a perfect combination on her. Riley hung out with Julie and I for a little while after, though our clientele soon grew to the point that I couldn't really just stand and chat with her. Cindy eventually came back to pick her up, and since I was helping a customer at that point, I only got a farewell wave before she left. A few coworkers trickled in as their shifts started, and as it got closer to noon the store started to feel like its true self again. This Saturday more than most, I missed those precious few hours first thing in the morning when it was a ghost town. I already had wistful thoughts of Riley flitting around naked. The time passed in a blur of being helpful mixed with being utterly distracted by fond, sexy memories. Julie had to come grab me when it was time to go. "Come on, enough daydreaming at work," she said. "Time to go daydream at home." "That time already?" "Yep." "Huh." I waited until we were alone in the back rooms. "Thanks for everything today. I seriously owe you one. Or a couple." "Yeah you do." Julie shrugged. "But honestly, it was good seeing you let loose a little. Even if I didn't necessarily want to see as much of it as I did." "Oh what, 'cause you saw me getting eaten out?" "Yeah. Pretty much." "You didn't mind when Riley was naked." "You're right, I didn't. Because she's not my best friend, and no one was licking her sexy bits at the time. Those kinds of things make a difference." I gave Julie a big hug, which she didn't quite know whether to accept or not coming on the heels of her last statement. "Well I love you for putting up with my sexiness today anyway." "Yeah, yeah. Love you too, or whatever. Just keep your butt to yourself, ok?" "You've seen my butt plenty of times." "Not when you're doing sexy stuff. Again, that makes it different." "I feel like there are some real questionable lines being drawn here." "Some very reasonable lines, I think you'll find." I grinned to myself as Julie and I bickered playfully while we got our stuff together. In fact, I totally got her point. Looking back I wasn't sure what had ever possessed me to take my pants off like that, except that I'd been exceptionally horny. Apparently that had been enough to override any and all common sense that I had to work with. I checked my phone out of habit, and found myself flicking to the picture of Riley that I'd taken. It made me smile just looking at her. Julie came over while I was still fondly staring at it. "Nice pic," she said. "Thanks." "You ask her out?" "Uh... not exactly." "Bree!" "What?" Julie rolled her eyes at me. "Please tell me you at least got her number." "Yeah, I did." "Good. And you're gonna ask her out, right?" I looked down at Riley's picture again. A broad smile crept over my lips. "Hell yeah I am." For Pics visit:---->>> https://cutt.ly/hwsMVhC