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, plucking the armpit hairs, and trimming the moustache." This hadeeth includes circumcision of both males and females. You are a literally cuck if you let your women go uncircumcised. Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)16:28:33 no.222574520: >>222574258 yes it will, at least you won't have many sjw women running around. Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)16:29:06 no.222574584: >>222574520 HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH AHHAHA Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)16:30:16 no.222574703: >>222570304 Hi Karim. Mohammed was a pig fucker and Allah is a false idol. You can go burn in Hell with the rest of your shit stinking muzrat brethren now, cheers. Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)16:31:42 no.222574879: Not a fan of the multiple marriage thing. I want state enforced, life time monogamy. Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)16:34:34 no.222575220: >>222573113 A fucking leaf, yet again. Everytime I hear this line, though, I always think of this vid gjjXQo68 Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)16:35:55 no.222575373: >>222574330 >envious You are. I've been here long enough to have read between the lines for years. Even your incel Saint Tarrant acknowledged it as the first thing in his manifesto. That should tell you something if that triggered faggot had it at the forefront of his tiny mind. >Men allowed it Yes you capitulated as I said. You did what other supposedly subhuman men didn't. Women desire to be controlled. When you cede to a woman's demands, you inadvertently signal to her that you are a lower value male. Non whites have done just fine without you for long enough, we'll be fine when you're gone. The real women of race are you whites. Unable to defend yourselves or your nations and allowing yourselves to be repeatedly cucked into oblivion. And then blaming it all on brown men. >finally proved how much their femininity is worth Only a delusional frog could write such garbage. Even your fellow whites must be reading that and cringing. >>222574336 It doesn't include women at all. You can't be a dumb Wahhabi and fob off Muslims with your poorly translated Hadith. Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)16:36:18 no.222575426: >>222574879 Ok roastie Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)16:36:45 no.222575491: >>222575373 See: Mawaahib al-Jaleel, 3/259 That circumcision is obligatory for men and is good and mustahabb for women. This is the third view of Imam Ahmad, and it is the view of some Maalikis such as Sahnoon. This view was also favoured by al-Muwaffaq ibn Qudaamah in al-Mughni. See: al-Tamheed, 21/60; al-Mughni, 1/63 It says in Fataawa al-Lajnah al-Daa’imah (5/223): Circumcision is one of the Sunnahs of the fitrah, and it is for both males and females, except that is it obligatory for males and Sunnah and good in the case of women. if you don't do this, you aren't a true muslim, just a LARPer. Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)16:37:50 no.222575612: >>222573988 you sent your criminal scum here to spread your religion, they do drugs, rape and murder all in the name of pedophile prophet goatfuck fuck off and die Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)16:38:13 no.222575647: >>222575491 I didn't see any Hadith there. Try again. Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)16:38:36 no.222575691: >>222575426 I'm not a roastie. I just want there to be one man, one woman together for a lifetime. No outside sex before or after the marriage or you get the death penalty. Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)16:39:30 no.222575799: >>222567545 They fuck goats, rape little boys, and destroy the very fabric of civilizations. They're Leftists who worship Satan. Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)16:40:15 no.222575898: >>222567545 no beer no pork no music Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)16:40:44 no.222575954: >>222568719 >>222568886 This is what I've been saying. We STOPPED doing this, look at the absolute state. Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)16:40:54 no.222575977: Yes, as much as I hate women I dont think the appropriate response is to restrict their personal freedoms to such an extent I cut their clits off and make them wear masks all day. Women are just grown up kids, and I wouldn't do that shit to a child so why would I do it to a woman? Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)16:41:01 no.222575989: >>222567545 yeah, keep your nose out of my business Also, it takes a weak ass wimp of a "god" to need humans to tell people how to behave. Also, something something not judging until your eye is better or some shit Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)16:41:42 no.222576082: >>222568059 found the muzzie Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)16:42:08 no.222576140: >>222567545 Because an affront and ut and all its adherants should be eradicated. All its holy places razed to the ground. All its qurans used to wipe the blood of pugs from the floor of slaughterhouses. All its mentions erased from the histories. It should be completely and utterly erased from humanity's collective memory. Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)16:42:30 no.222576180: >>222567545 all the good parts from sharia law is already found in Christianity Christianity just needs to rise up and take over and all liberal progressive "Christians" need to be removed Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)16:42:38 no.222576196: >>222567545 Sharia law is the definition of based, love how they kill fags Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)16:42:45 no.222576206: They're not white, they're stupid, and they don't even know what they're doing. They have no morality. When Muslims do something "based" they're not doing it because of morals. It's always for the wrong reason. Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)16:43:03 no.222576237: >>222567545 Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)16:43:33 no.222576295: >>222567545 I agree with alot of it, but sniffing a guys arse 4 times a day and my wife not being able to go to the shop alone is shit. The court system is also retarded. And mohammed is a piece of shit, so is anybody that shares his name, camel piss be upon him. Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)16:45:06 no.222576468: OP being a retard by shaming the entire west and the moderate east by posting this fucking thread. >OP IS BOSINIAN LMAO Didn't Alija fuck your country enough,retard? Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)16:45:32 no.222576532: >>222567545 >Is there any reason apart from muslims bad, that you dont like sharia law? it is fascism... real fascism. help people with shit genetic get woman to they keep reproducing and perpetuate their absolute garbage genes. Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)16:47:32 no.222576783: >>222567993 >Sharia Law is pretty based apart from the polygamy part polygamy helps men with good genes increase their genetic presence in the genetic pool
[ 13, 499, 25826, 253, 549, 2503, 262, 39746, 13, 285, 13970, 3987, 253, 278, 26202, 2679, 449, 187, 1552, 38442, 678, 3797, 4493, 68, 1297, 273, 1097, 10798, 285, 10753, 15, 187, 1394, 403, 247, 12832, 260, 1807, 604, 368, 1339, 634, 2255, 564, 5258, 1426, 360, 68, 1701, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 1619, 27, 1610, 642, 15, 1423, 21553, 1857, 938, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 1099, 3566, 22029, 187, 9820, 352, 588, 13, 387, 1878, 368, 1912, 626, 452, 1142, 41996, 88, 2255, 3515, 1475, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 1717, 27, 3071, 642, 15, 1423, 21553, 1857, 2759, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 21553, 1857, 938, 187, 10114, 10114, 10114, 10114, 10114, 10114, 10114, 10114, 10114, 41, 10114, 10114, 10114, 10114, 10114, 10114, 10114, 10114, 187, 10114, 10114, 10114, 10114, 10114, 10114, 10114, 10114, 41, 2446, 10114, 41, 10114, 10114, 10114, 10114, 10114, 10114, 41, 187, 17162, 10114, 10114, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 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16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 1671, 27, 2417, 642, 15, 1423, 1099, 1976, 29546, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 21553, 3079, 1229, 187, 31, 257, 3391, 187, 1394, 403, 15, 309, 1849, 644, 1060, 1048, 2217, 281, 452, 1239, 875, 253, 3104, 323, 1107, 15, 4952, 634, 1485, 293, 11877, 308, 35083, 14969, 352, 347, 253, 806, 2181, 275, 521, 9766, 80, 15, 2064, 943, 2028, 368, 1633, 604, 326, 17142, 269, 13046, 302, 574, 352, 387, 253, 43213, 273, 521, 10058, 2564, 15, 187, 31, 18812, 4136, 352, 187, 4374, 368, 43395, 2907, 347, 309, 753, 15, 1422, 858, 752, 643, 24628, 749, 13961, 1821, 1904, 626, 15, 10168, 8327, 281, 320, 6537, 15, 2091, 368, 260, 13616, 281, 247, 3416, 434, 11684, 13, 368, 42255, 2625, 281, 617, 326, 368, 403, 247, 2406, 1318, 5086, 15, 209, 187, 11592, 19991, 452, 2218, 816, 4030, 1293, 368, 323, 1048, 2217, 13, 359, 1833, 320, 4030, 672, 368, 1472, 4783, 15, 380, 1524, 2255, 273, 5492, 403, 368, 19991, 15, 48706, 281, 2342, 36544, 390, 634, 12390, 285, 6941, 36544, 281, 320, 12889, 260, 20044, 715, 38611, 279, 15, 1244, 840, 44601, 352, 512, 327, 8516, 1821, 15, 187, 31, 71, 3341, 8058, 849, 1199, 616, 19026, 5953, 310, 4409, 187, 11564, 247, 1448, 316, 1593, 40096, 812, 3630, 824, 22630, 15, 4952, 634, 7715, 19991, 1364, 320, 4361, 326, 285, 260, 804, 272, 15, 187, 5064, 1423, 1099, 3566, 23126, 187, 1147, 2506, 626, 2486, 2255, 387, 512, 15, 1422, 476, 626, 320, 247, 21413, 411, 1240, 8621, 74, 285, 269, 706, 745, 16492, 342, 634, 15225, 15786, 14136, 334, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 1812, 27, 1093, 642, 15, 1423, 1099, 31254, 1731, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 21553, 2385, 2787, 187, 20127, 37092, 466, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 1812, 27, 1857, 642, 15, 1423, 1099, 1976, 36458, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 1099, 1976, 29546, 187, 5035, 27, 353, 11415, 1240, 487, 355, 14, 43, 1079, 293, 13, 495, 16, 20395, 187, 2773, 4493, 68, 1297, 310, 7206, 2473, 323, 1821, 285, 310, 1175, 285, 1364, 1240, 8902, 323, 2255, 15, 831, 310, 253, 2626, 1859, 273, 3173, 312, 39505, 13, 285, 352, 310, 253, 1859, 273, 690, 7057, 267, 1479, 261, 824, 347, 32706, 8396, 15, 831, 1859, 369, 671, 46680, 407, 355, 14, 31425, 88, 2843, 32785, 18890, 79, 1165, 14776, 312, 1240, 275, 355, 14, 46, 19180, 8311, 15, 187, 5035, 27, 355, 14, 53, 312, 45217, 13, 3127, 16, 1549, 28, 355, 14, 46, 19180, 8311, 13, 337, 16, 3571, 187, 1147, 2296, 275, 401, 682, 11415, 355, 14, 45, 1432, 39521, 355, 14, 37, 5781, 457, 303, 1240, 313, 22, 16, 20360, 2262, 187, 27610, 360, 68, 1297, 310, 581, 273, 253, 4146, 39521, 84, 273, 253, 4944, 22876, 13, 285, 352, 310, 323, 1097, 10798, 285, 10753, 13, 3707, 326, 310, 352, 7206, 2473, 323, 10798, 285, 4146, 39521, 285, 1175, 275, 253, 1083, 273, 2255, 15, 187, 338, 368, 1053, 626, 513, 436, 13, 368, 6403, 626, 247, 2032, 1948, 2815, 13, 816, 247, 418, 1277, 6052, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 1787, 27, 1235, 642, 15, 1423, 1099, 28703, 805, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 21553, 1867, 2055, 187, 5658, 2197, 634, 6424, 660, 360, 1060, 281, 5195, 634, 9596, 13, 597, 513, 5835, 13, 16773, 285, 7701, 512, 275, 253, 1416, 273, 7690, 2689, 587, 33494, 23244, 71, 1807, 187, 71, 1807, 745, 285, 3150, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 1839, 27, 1012, 642, 15, 1423, 1099, 1976, 25953, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 1099, 1976, 36458, 187, 42, 1904, 626, 923, 667, 14136, 334, 627, 15, 15358, 969, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 1839, 27, 1812, 642, 15, 1423, 1099, 1976, 35356, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 1099, 31254, 1731, 187, 42, 1353, 417, 247, 37092, 466, 15, 309, 816, 971, 627, 281, 320, 581, 637, 13, 581, 3416, 2366, 323, 247, 12702, 15, 1621, 3345, 2825, 1078, 390, 846, 253, 7875, 390, 368, 755, 253, 2471, 12339, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 1867, 27, 1229, 642, 15, 1423, 1099, 31203, 1525, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 9726, 1976, 1857, 187, 3726, 7435, 36507, 13, 16773, 1652, 8290, 13, 285, 6909, 253, 1077, 8067, 273, 5079, 5904, 15, 187, 3726, 1472, 15584, 1346, 665, 17246, 28364, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 1449, 27, 1010, 642, 15, 1423, 1099, 1976, 33868, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 9726, 1976, 1857, 187, 2369, 10562, 187, 2369, 23914, 187, 2369, 3440, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 1449, 27, 2031, 642, 15, 1423, 1099, 1976, 41643, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 1099, 29868, 746, 187, 5064, 1423, 9726, 2055, 2691, 187, 1552, 310, 752, 309, 1849, 644, 3981, 15, 187, 1231, 3915, 2795, 48389, 2509, 436, 13, 1007, 387, 253, 7880, 1375, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 1449, 27, 3439, 642, 15, 1423, 1099, 32054, 2357, 27, 187, 4374, 13, 347, 1199, 347, 309, 9239, 2255, 309, 13414, 1158, 253, 4569, 2380, 310, 281, 4656, 616, 3367, 45971, 281, 824, 271, 6070, 309, 2624, 616, 502, 953, 745, 285, 1056, 731, 8251, 25965, 512, 1388, 15, 10168, 403, 816, 8228, 598, 5753, 13, 285, 309, 5082, 626, 513, 326, 10739, 281, 247, 1429, 594, 2139, 651, 309, 513, 352, 281, 247, 3416, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 3156, 27, 520, 642, 15, 1423, 1099, 32054, 2511, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 9726, 1976, 1857, 187, 90, 3983, 13, 1978, 634, 11480, 562, 273, 619, 2136, 187, 9917, 13, 352, 3936, 247, 5075, 718, 259, 11548, 273, 247, 346, 30023, 3, 281, 878, 7497, 281, 2028, 952, 849, 281, 21319, 15, 187, 9917, 13, 1633, 1633, 417, 32721, 1919, 634, 5130, 310, 1805, 390, 690, 10739, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 3156, 27, 2945, 642, 15, 1423, 21553, 1549, 3507, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 9726, 1438, 3046, 187, 14541, 253, 12910, 4396, 466, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 2945, 27, 2904, 642, 15, 1423, 1099, 3121, 12434, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 9726, 1976, 1857, 187, 8457, 8033, 15, 261, 271, 2438, 47610, 285, 2780, 285, 512, 697, 519, 379, 1103, 943, 320, 31559, 6857, 15, 1876, 697, 18465, 5053, 1218, 4337, 281, 253, 3216, 15, 1876, 697, 2805, 321, 507, 908, 281, 31179, 253, 2614, 273, 268, 22201, 432, 253, 5254, 273, 30814, 24761, 15, 1876, 697, 25957, 44767, 432, 253, 29892, 15, 733, 943, 320, 4336, 285, 23228, 44767, 432, 16457, 434, 12786, 3541, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 2945, 27, 1229, 642, 15, 1423, 1099, 3121, 11395, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 9726, 1976, 1857, 187, 455, 253, 1175, 4243, 432, 439, 8125, 1569, 310, 2168, 1119, 275, 20242, 187, 26207, 414, 816, 3198, 281, 6054, 598, 285, 1379, 689, 285, 512, 12773, 13439, 346, 13238, 2458, 3, 878, 281, 320, 5176, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 2945, 27, 1839, 642, 15, 1423, 1099, 3121, 19196, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 9726, 1976, 1857, 187, 2809, 8125, 1569, 310, 253, 5426, 273, 1754, 13, 2389, 849, 597, 5159, 269, 3544, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 2945, 27, 1857, 642, 15, 1423, 1099, 3121, 18040, 27, 187, 3726, 1472, 417, 3168, 13, 597, 1472, 11339, 13, 285, 597, 1053, 626, 1014, 871, 752, 597, 1472, 2509, 15, 1583, 452, 642, 28009, 15, 2091, 16492, 513, 1633, 346, 3169, 3, 597, 1472, 417, 2509, 352, 984, 273, 2298, 932, 15, 733, 434, 1900, 323, 253, 3430, 1921, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 3079, 27, 2941, 642, 15, 1423, 1099, 3121, 20991, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 9726, 1976, 1857, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 3079, 27, 1610, 642, 15, 1423, 1099, 3121, 22270, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 9726, 1976, 1857, 187, 42, 5194, 342, 47899, 273, 352, 13, 533, 31505, 272, 247, 6068, 549, 339, 577, 2069, 247, 1388, 285, 619, 4475, 417, 1146, 2104, 281, 564, 281, 253, 8979, 3815, 310, 10739, 15, 380, 1302, 985, 310, 671, 48101, 15, 1244, 278, 1368, 15416, 310, 247, 5313, 273, 10739, 13, 594, 310, 13098, 326, 10764, 521, 1416, 13, 46493, 24329, 320, 2220, 779, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 1857, 27, 3071, 642, 15, 1423, 21553, 1540, 2358, 27, 187, 2795, 1146, 247, 31832, 407, 439, 6472, 253, 2862, 8935, 285, 253, 10290, 9268, 407, 16920, 436, 12835, 6293, 15, 187, 31, 2795, 4110, 378, 2697, 1042, 26081, 418, 3788, 48, 187, 40795, 626, 14355, 6362, 7435, 634, 2586, 2217, 13, 1221, 472, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 1857, 27, 1237, 642, 15, 1423, 21553, 2082, 1237, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 9726, 1976, 1857, 187, 31, 2513, 627, 667, 1921, 7419, 432, 1948, 2815, 84, 3076, 13, 326, 368, 13414, 751, 439, 8125, 1569, 32, 187, 262, 310, 10942, 1204, 1051, 1524, 10942, 1204, 15, 187, 13070, 952, 342, 10739, 6380, 755, 3416, 281, 597, 1978, 39306, 285, 14549, 6340, 616, 7880, 22630, 3608, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 2504, 27, 1237, 642, 15, 1423, 21553, 2251, 3245, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 1099, 2251, 35410, 187, 31, 2809, 8125, 5405, 310, 3965, 1754, 7419, 432, 253, 35182, 14743, 629, 187, 4818, 11550, 14743, 7729, 1821, 342, 1175, 3608, 2572, 616, 6380, 3361, 275, 253, 6380, 6363 ]
a loan issued to the government by the people. >>91385664 in the form of tax incentives for investing in companies that haven't gone public or something? just giving rich people tax breaks without conditions has never led them to invest in their own competitors. but i like the idea of what you're saying. Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)19:32:11 no.91386500: >>91384868 Restrictions that were built to enrich those who put them in place. The government is terrified of Trump because he is going to cut Government out of the picture while giving Corporations an incentive not to fuck over Americans... Thus leaving more Tax Revenue for things like infrastructure, personal amenities, and even police training. As long as Democrats vote for no education and Science cuts, we should all be happy. Also no war with Russia would be nice lol Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)19:32:58 no.91386604: >>91386137 fair enough. >>91386179 once again, the economy is not the government Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)19:34:03 no.91386712: >>91384636 Donald Trump's Plans Would Add $5.3 Trillion to the National Debt Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)19:34:13 no.91386740: >>91385929 >FORTNIGHT What the fuck is a fortnight? That sounds stupid. Also a stone and twoscore? What the fuck are those? Do you still use that too? Do you use the metric system in Australia? Anyways, those terms might work, but they are so outdated, it sounds like King Arthur talking or something. What the hell do they mean anyway? Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)19:35:08 no.91386830: >>91386500 well-put. but he can't do all this stuff in the form of executive orders, can he? what if the house/senate go deadweight and we just have another 8 years of gridlock? Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)19:36:02 no.91386925: >>91386712 citation needed Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)19:37:13 no.91387060: >>91386712 Who cares? Just ignore it like you did last time. It really does not matter. Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)19:38:51 no.91387238: >>91385979 In this case it means fortnightly. Yanks dont have cool words like fortnight so they are stuck with confusing shit like biweekly. Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)19:41:24 no.91387513: >>91386925 Google it yourself dipshit >>91387060 It's ironic Liberals that balance the books more efficiently Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)19:41:43 no.91387551: >>91385979 >>91387238 I would have answered you, I didn't see your post. Biweekly means every 2 weeks. How does fortnightly mean every two weeks. How does that work? Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)19:42:48 no.91387664: >>91385965 Not bad I think you are on to something. Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)19:43:21 no.91387723: >>91387551 A contraction of fourteen nights. I see. Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)19:45:04 no.91387887: >>91386740 As an American, I wish we did use the term "fortnight"... I mean, why is "biweekly" once every two weeks if "biannually" is twice a year? Linguistically speaking, it just seems so counterproductive. Also, the imperial system has wasted far too much of my life in the process of converting to metric so as to be on the global standard. Feels bad, man :( Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)19:45:14 no.91387911: >>91387551 Looks like biweekly means both every 2 weeks, and twice in one week Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)19:46:34 no.91388062: >>91384868 Foreign aid and welfare for niggers and illegals Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)19:48:28 no.91388286: >>91387911 I guess fortnight is actually better then. Biweekly leaves to much room for mistakes if it has two meanings. But we don't use that here. Nobody would understand what I said. lol Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)19:51:03 no.91388543: >>91387513 >makes claim >"prove it for me" wew lad Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)19:51:43 no.91388619: >>91384636 UUUH B-BUT WE HAVE TO PAY MORE TAXES THE GOVERNMENT ALWAYS SPENDS OUR TAX MONEY WELL AND ISN'T JUST USING IT TO PAY BACK INTEREST ON THE MONEY THEY LOAN FROM THE FED Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)19:56:08 no.91389090: >>91384636 I have just one thing to say: China, china, china, Mexico, Mexico. Love Merica Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)19:59:27 no.91389420: >>91386221 Well, for starters, making entrepreneurship feasible in the US. Free trade only works when all members actually adhere to policies and regulations. This is currently not the case. Unequal regulations on the US versus India, China, Bangladesh, etc. in addition to differences in workers' rights, currency manipulation, one-sided taxation policies and corruption make free trade a lopsided arrangement. In essence, we exchange domestic labor participation for cheaper outsourced labor and any attempts to circumvent this are quickly made uncompetitive by disproportionate burden. Trump's economic policy can only work if the US takes a protectionist stance on the economy. Making small businesses more competitive domestically will contribute to GDP without hurting workforce participation Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)20:01:51 no.91389678: >>91385929 >fortnight >fourteen nights Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)20:06:31 no.91390158: >>91387513 >Liberals balance the books more efficiently Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)20:09:44 no.91390531: >>91384636 God, you idiots sound like the far left in Portugal now. Hope you're proud of yourselves. Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)20:12:45 no.91390889: Oh wow...$1.74....whatever will I do without it.. Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)20:24:06 no.91392212: >>91384868 Hopefully nigger food. Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)20:28:27 no.91392708: >>91388286 Bimonthly is what they mean Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)20:37:28 no.91393671: >>91384868 >what does he intend to cut that won't leave the fed gov't in a deeper hole than when he takes office We have this problem because of big government. Trump's planning to downsize shit Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)20:39:29 no.91393897: >biweekly Every time Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)20:41:35 no.91394123: >>91384868 I'd rather have the government in debt than me Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)20:43:20 no.91394326: >>91385716 Your ignorance is showing. Roads are paid and local infrastructure are paid from gas taxes. Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)21:03:09 no.91396362: >>91384636 >>91390531 Its the method OP is using to change someone's opinion. Agree with them, but take it to the extreme. You are pro death penalty, I am against it. So I tell you we shouldn't have to wait years for the execution. If guilty, give them a day to say their goodbyes, make peace with their god, eat their last meal, then shoot them in the back of the head and be done with it. Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)21:08:40 no.91396952: >>91390889 the difference is close to 90 dollars buddy Anonymous 10/03/16(
[ 247, 10119, 6808, 281, 253, 2208, 407, 253, 952, 15, 187, 5064, 26, 1012, 33120, 1540, 187, 249, 253, 830, 273, 2891, 26911, 323, 23415, 275, 4413, 326, 6468, 626, 4783, 1345, 390, 1633, 32, 816, 4933, 6793, 952, 2891, 13471, 1293, 2515, 556, 1620, 3977, 731, 281, 1718, 275, 616, 1211, 21607, 15, 533, 891, 751, 253, 2934, 273, 752, 368, 1472, 3981, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2941, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 746, 27, 1237, 27, 883, 642, 15, 26, 15148, 2082, 361, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 15148, 2385, 2358, 187, 17613, 1467, 621, 326, 497, 4270, 281, 15655, 1110, 665, 1691, 731, 275, 1659, 15, 380, 2208, 310, 32052, 273, 3778, 984, 344, 310, 1469, 281, 2624, 7295, 562, 273, 253, 5406, 1223, 4933, 9697, 569, 271, 25275, 417, 281, 7435, 689, 7108, 1051, 3308, 6108, 625, 13662, 27464, 323, 1841, 751, 11319, 13, 3367, 39456, 13, 285, 1014, 3513, 3733, 15, 1284, 1048, 347, 10823, 6273, 323, 642, 4730, 285, 6875, 12176, 13, 359, 943, 512, 320, 5211, 15, 5220, 642, 2137, 342, 7422, 651, 320, 5322, 23385, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2941, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 746, 27, 1237, 27, 3680, 642, 15, 26, 1012, 2691, 26890, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 1012, 2691, 15497, 187, 25525, 2217, 15, 187, 5064, 26, 1012, 2691, 17864, 187, 19131, 969, 13, 253, 6982, 310, 417, 253, 2208, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2941, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 746, 27, 1706, 27, 2941, 642, 15, 26, 15148, 2251, 805, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 1012, 34938, 1812, 187, 16008, 3778, 434, 43934, 14815, 5733, 370, 22, 15, 20, 1535, 2212, 281, 253, 3313, 16494, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2941, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 746, 27, 1706, 27, 1012, 642, 15, 26, 15148, 2251, 1449, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 1012, 32168, 1717, 187, 31, 39, 7396, 47, 9981, 187, 1276, 253, 7435, 310, 247, 7574, 6170, 32, 2064, 7835, 11339, 15, 187, 9917, 247, 8805, 285, 2500, 5829, 410, 32, 1737, 253, 7435, 403, 1110, 32, 3166, 368, 1335, 897, 326, 1512, 32, 187, 4045, 368, 897, 253, 7982, 985, 275, 6976, 32, 6101, 1576, 13, 1110, 2426, 1537, 789, 13, 533, 597, 403, 594, 36761, 13, 352, 7835, 751, 4377, 15948, 5015, 390, 1633, 15, 1737, 253, 7085, 513, 597, 1599, 8791, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2941, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 746, 27, 1671, 27, 2904, 642, 15, 26, 15148, 2358, 1229, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 15148, 2082, 361, 187, 4714, 14, 1065, 15, 533, 344, 476, 626, 513, 512, 436, 5017, 275, 253, 830, 273, 9165, 7367, 13, 476, 344, 32, 752, 604, 253, 2419, 16, 8243, 366, 564, 3846, 6712, 285, 359, 816, 452, 1529, 854, 1107, 273, 9860, 4348, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2941, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 746, 27, 1812, 27, 2640, 642, 15, 26, 15148, 2090, 1099, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 15148, 2251, 805, 187, 26977, 3058, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2941, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 746, 27, 1787, 27, 1012, 642, 15, 26, 15148, 1967, 1549, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 15148, 2251, 805, 187, 7883, 24505, 32, 187, 6300, 11823, 352, 751, 368, 858, 1390, 673, 15, 733, 1663, 1057, 417, 2647, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2941, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 746, 27, 1839, 27, 3712, 642, 15, 26, 1012, 2597, 21378, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 1012, 32168, 2787, 187, 688, 436, 1083, 352, 2097, 7574, 6170, 314, 15, 714, 3107, 13414, 452, 4484, 3000, 751, 7574, 6170, 594, 597, 403, 10960, 342, 21643, 10739, 751, 1794, 11151, 314, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2941, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 746, 27, 3156, 27, 1348, 642, 15, 26, 15148, 1976, 1012, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 15148, 2090, 1099, 187, 17664, 352, 4834, 12539, 26871, 209, 187, 5064, 26, 15148, 1967, 1549, 187, 1147, 434, 40066, 41172, 326, 6654, 253, 5098, 625, 14556, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2941, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 746, 27, 3156, 27, 3079, 642, 15, 26, 15148, 1976, 3712, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 1012, 32168, 2787, 187, 5064, 26, 1012, 2597, 21378, 187, 42, 651, 452, 9577, 368, 13, 309, 1904, 626, 923, 634, 1501, 15, 6943, 11151, 314, 2097, 1046, 374, 3618, 15, 1359, 1057, 7574, 6170, 314, 1599, 1046, 767, 3618, 15, 1359, 1057, 326, 789, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2941, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 746, 27, 2945, 27, 2385, 642, 15, 26, 1012, 35432, 1540, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 1012, 32168, 2082, 187, 3650, 3076, 309, 1158, 368, 403, 327, 281, 1633, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2941, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 746, 27, 3079, 27, 1797, 642, 15, 26, 15148, 2357, 1508, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 15148, 1976, 3712, 187, 34, 22170, 273, 25963, 15513, 15, 309, 923, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2941, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 746, 27, 1857, 27, 2125, 642, 15, 26, 1012, 2597, 32381, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 15148, 2251, 1449, 187, 1909, 271, 2448, 13, 309, 5730, 359, 858, 897, 253, 1307, 346, 4371, 6170, 36673, 309, 1599, 13, 2139, 310, 346, 4193, 11151, 314, 3, 2378, 1046, 767, 3618, 604, 346, 13564, 79, 1230, 3, 310, 7019, 247, 807, 32, 418, 5191, 18260, 8288, 13, 352, 816, 3133, 594, 4828, 16233, 15, 5220, 13, 253, 21474, 985, 556, 25262, 2080, 1512, 1199, 273, 619, 1495, 275, 253, 1232, 273, 22022, 281, 7982, 594, 347, 281, 320, 327, 253, 4156, 2629, 15, 5721, 1241, 3076, 13, 637, 34977, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2941, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 746, 27, 1857, 27, 1047, 642, 15, 26, 1012, 34384, 883, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 15148, 1976, 3712, 187, 35082, 751, 1794, 11151, 314, 2097, 1097, 1046, 374, 3618, 13, 285, 7019, 275, 581, 2129, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2941, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 746, 27, 2950, 27, 1706, 642, 15, 26, 15148, 1438, 3763, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 15148, 2385, 2358, 187, 40128, 8596, 285, 15519, 323, 35825, 7276, 285, 20739, 932, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2941, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 746, 27, 2385, 27, 1619, 642, 15, 26, 1012, 2055, 23360, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 1012, 34384, 883, 187, 42, 5476, 7574, 6170, 310, 2686, 1805, 840, 15, 6943, 11151, 314, 6505, 281, 1199, 2316, 323, 16503, 604, 352, 556, 767, 30460, 15, 1292, 359, 1053, 626, 897, 326, 1060, 15, 27138, 651, 2096, 752, 309, 753, 15, 23385, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2941, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 746, 27, 3712, 27, 2941, 642, 15, 26, 1012, 29805, 3079, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 15148, 1976, 1012, 187, 31, 46535, 1750, 187, 21760, 17460, 352, 323, 479, 3, 187, 664, 88, 9931, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2941, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 746, 27, 3712, 27, 3079, 642, 15, 26, 1012, 35265, 746, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 1012, 34938, 1812, 187, 33759, 38450, 187, 35, 14, 30741, 13573, 19730, 5935, 8010, 58, 22778, 308, 14942, 1410, 209, 187, 9707, 443, 4741, 18174, 10634, 6589, 46651, 9975, 1400, 5942, 38392, 308, 14942, 353, 11147, 58, 13573, 2293, 4889, 4110, 47, 8, 53, 28509, 1982, 2637, 8017, 5935, 8010, 58, 29221, 22508, 24422, 8160, 3003, 353, 11147, 58, 35460, 23310, 1539, 10727, 3003, 48974, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2941, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 746, 27, 3208, 27, 2904, 642, 15, 26, 15148, 2270, 2270, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 1012, 34938, 1812, 187, 42, 452, 816, 581, 2181, 281, 1333, 27, 4135, 13, 448, 1758, 13, 448, 1758, 13, 8987, 13, 8987, 15, 10540, 7612, 3737, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2941, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 746, 27, 3046, 27, 1630, 642, 15, 26, 1012, 2511, 25569, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 1012, 2691, 20735, 187, 4497, 13, 323, 37843, 13, 2403, 23721, 5363, 17887, 275, 253, 1982, 15, 7648, 5454, 760, 2987, 672, 512, 2758, 2686, 29534, 281, 7823, 285, 10132, 15, 187, 1552, 310, 4390, 417, 253, 1083, 15, 44589, 15847, 10132, 327, 253, 1982, 7147, 5427, 13, 4135, 13, 29310, 13, 3966, 15, 275, 1635, 281, 3910, 275, 5820, 8, 3570, 13, 14731, 19763, 13, 581, 14, 21773, 34871, 7823, 285, 16933, 1056, 1959, 5454, 247, 298, 2695, 1356, 11461, 15, 187, 688, 17718, 13, 359, 6431, 9836, 5299, 11497, 323, 20182, 20823, 47549, 5299, 285, 667, 9437, 281, 39256, 436, 403, 4541, 1160, 44690, 19922, 407, 50196, 7977, 15, 187, 18130, 434, 5054, 3646, 476, 760, 789, 604, 253, 1982, 3936, 247, 6055, 382, 22567, 327, 253, 6982, 15, 24709, 1355, 9341, 625, 12085, 41574, 1037, 588, 8162, 281, 24820, 1293, 34426, 26843, 11497, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2941, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 938, 27, 520, 27, 3712, 642, 15, 26, 1012, 2511, 25025, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 1012, 32168, 1717, 187, 31, 4371, 6170, 187, 31, 12496, 6933, 15513, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2941, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 938, 27, 3071, 27, 2405, 642, 15, 26, 15270, 520, 3680, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 15148, 1976, 1012, 187, 31, 45, 3669, 932, 6654, 253, 5098, 625, 14556, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2941, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 938, 27, 2693, 27, 2031, 642, 15, 26, 15270, 1762, 2405, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 1012, 34938, 1812, 187, 13618, 13, 368, 22467, 1502, 3590, 751, 253, 2080, 1669, 275, 24084, 1024, 15, 15541, 368, 1472, 9979, 273, 36544, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2941, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 938, 27, 805, 27, 1857, 642, 15, 26, 1012, 2270, 33546, 27, 187, 4013, 39361, 1051, 5, 18, 15, 3566, 2391, 38499, 588, 309, 513, 1293, 352, 537, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2941, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 938, 27, 1348, 27, 3071, 642, 15, 26, 15270, 1423, 805, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 15148, 2385, 2358, 187, 24004, 2920, 295, 16046, 2739, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2941, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 938, 27, 1619, 27, 1630, 642, 15, 26, 15270, 1630, 2904, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 1012, 2055, 23360, 187, 35, 15329, 394, 314, 310, 752, 597, 1599, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2941, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 938, 27, 1787, 27, 1619, 642, 15, 26, 15270, 1812, 3677, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 15148, 2385, 2358, 187, 31, 5371, 1057, 344, 18607, 281, 2624, 326, 1912, 626, 3553, 253, 10208, 564, 87, 626, 275, 247, 12861, 7793, 685, 672, 344, 3936, 3906, 187, 1231, 452, 436, 1895, 984, 273, 1943, 2208, 15, 3778, 434, 7219, 281, 1066, 3281, 10739, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2941, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 938, 27, 1867, 27, 1717, 642, 15, 26, 15270, 1839, 4148, 27, 187, 31, 4193, 11151, 314, 187, 8267, 673, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2941, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 938, 27, 3156, 27, 1671, 642, 15, 26, 1012, 3953, 10683, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 15148, 2385, 2358, 187, 42, 1871, 2581, 452, 253, 2208, 275, 6735, 685, 479, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2941, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 938, 27, 3079, 27, 938, 642, 15, 26, 1012, 3953, 22391, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 1012, 31416, 1036, 187, 7093, 24492, 310, 4645, 15, 8669, 84, 403, 5087, 285, 1980, 11319, 403, 5087, 432, 3678, 10474, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2941, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 1797, 27, 2941, 27, 2693, 642, 15, 26, 1012, 4196, 28615, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 1012, 34938, 1812, 187, 5064, 26, 15270, 1762, 2405, 187, 27132, 253, 1332, 13664, 310, 970, 281, 1818, 3095, 434, 4743, 15, 329, 3070, 342, 731, 13, 533, 1379, 352, 281, 253, 9559, 15, 209, 187, 1394, 403, 354, 2471, 12339, 13, 309, 717, 1411, 352, 15, 1893, 309, 2028, 368, 359, 10095, 626, 452, 281, 3343, 1107, 323, 253, 10636, 15, 1310, 8106, 13, 1918, 731, 247, 1388, 281, 1333, 616, 1175, 1615, 265, 13, 1056, 6330, 342, 616, 7122, 13, 6008, 616, 1390, 11484, 13, 840, 5310, 731, 275, 253, 896, 273, 253, 1481, 285, 320, 2218, 342, 352, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2941, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 1797, 27, 2904, 27, 1449, 642, 15, 26, 15270, 2090, 3583, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 1012, 2270, 33546, 187, 783, 3064, 310, 2810, 281, 5091, 8918, 29517, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2941, 16, 1036, 9 ]
the RBA stood at 8,000 active-duty personnel. Yeah I don't think you guys are going to get much help from the Bhutanese. Hopefully the US will help take out the mudshit Pakis Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)00:54:56 no.137835448: >>137834804 China vs India in a total war is the physical embodiment of "whoever loses, we win". You guys are handshake allies with India, so if it went badly you could even get to kill some chinks with a drone. Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)00:55:07 no.137835468: >>137835164 > l_Bhutan_Army Pakis are retarded thanks to their dead ideology which made them believe Allah will piss on their head if they fuck their own sisters,half of their population can't operate TV so good. Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)00:56:45 no.137835649: >>137835164 India is the biggest supporter of Bhutan financially, it's biggest trading partner, and they have a treaty to protect it. The majority of the Bhutan military are just glorified guards for royal families and shit anyways. Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)00:56:58 no.137835674: >>137835468 That would drag US into war unless you paint a tri color in your drone. Anyway a new Chink propaganda surfaced. 7woHDWbo Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)01:00:14 no.137836027: >>137831426 ITS OVER Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)01:03:02 no.137836296: >>137835674 >That would drag US into war unless you paint a tri color in your drone. umm? I don't think trump would send GI joes to die for india or china... Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)01:03:24 no.137836337: >>137831426 YAS LETS GO LETS GO FUCKING BUMP Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)01:04:13 no.137836421: O shit, an actual possible happening. Not some bitching about removing statues. Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)01:07:05 no.137836684: >Born too early to be a space pirate >Born just in time for POOS to start WW3 The Great Flush. Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)01:07:37 no.137836742: >two nuclear powers exchanging gunfire >possible KIAs >media is too busy screeching about MUH NAZIS to mention it Modern media was a mistake. In all seriousness though, what are the odds that this escalates? Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)01:08:19 no.137836814: Nothing is going to happen except a couple of incredibly minor skirmishes at the very most. Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)01:10:25 no.137837009: Oh fug tanks in 30 senpai Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)01:15:40 no.137837578: >>137835029 Think of the innocent toilets that may be destroyed in a war you stupid fucking poo. Do you really want that? Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)01:16:29 no.137837668: >>137833248 India and China had a border conflict in the late 50s, NOTHING game of if Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)01:18:30 no.137837863: >>137837578 Also, can I just take this moment to point out how amazing it is that to this poo these events could forever change his entire life and country, but in the end he's in some shitty dirt country that I could (literally) give 2 shits about so I'm just sitting here making poop jokes at him while in a year he may be getting his legs blown off by chinks. God damn I love being American. Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)01:20:11 no.137838016: >>137837668 This time its different,we never had soldiers facing off each other waiting for a command to rip each other apart. >>137837578 they can never bomb something we don't have. Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)01:20:14 no.137838021: >>137831426 > what is KIA wtf is this forum Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)01:21:46 no.137838197: >>137838021 To be fair he's probably not a native english speaker and doesn't understand that KIA stands for Killed In Action. Makes sense given the context. Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)01:22:09 no.137838245: >>137833531 wtf leave Bhutan alone ppl! Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)01:22:31 no.137838281: >>137838021 Killed in Acton STUPID FUCK! Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)01:24:49 no.137838497: >>137838197 IKR,I meant one KIA but I have to be quick when it comes to HAPPENING. ffs we play call of duty and watch top gun as well. Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)01:24:51 no.137838503: >>137838281 perro caca Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)01:26:43 no.137838668: >>137832775 (You)'ve earned this Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)01:27:13 no.137838711: >>137837863 At least my sister isn't sucking a niggers dick. Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)01:28:00 no.137838798: >>137838281 That's an impressive dump for a dog. Is that in a military situation because if that dog was fed rations then it was probably building up to that poop for a week. Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)01:28:22 no.137838836: >>137834423 That which benefits Nazbol China benefits all of humanity Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)01:29:02 no.137838901: >>137831426 >>137832488 >>137832332 >>137833604 >>137833997 >>137833993 >>137834180 >>137834218 >>137834490 More shots fired tomorrow lads ;) Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)01:29:35 no.137838962: >>137838711 Don't have a sister and even if I did my city is 86% white and in general mixed race couples are only like 2% of the population. At least my sister isn't literally poop colored. Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)01:31:25 no.137839136: >>137833997 nigger, china is so desperate to get more land they are building artificial islands in the sea letting them build into someone elses country without any response is essentially giving them the land you have to be stupid to let china try and assert dominance Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)01:31:42 no.137839167: >>137838962 Have two sisters one in Michigan other in Sunnyvale,will take a refugee like a fucking nigger in your country m8,maybe I look like one,and I will surely behave like one so your KIKE govt provide me with visa,then I am going to track your IP and shit in your lawn I swear. Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)01:33:03 no.137839313: >>137839167 So your only argument is that you're going to shit on my land which is the exact stereotype I'm making fun of you for? Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)01:34:19 no.137839429: >>137839313 >accuse designated shitter of behaving like a subhuman >designated shitter threatens to behave like a subhuman hmm Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)01:35:09 no.137839500: >>137839313 YESSSSSS don't you know meme turns into reality? Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)01:35:41 no.137839547: >>137839313 YES
[ 253, 416, 6327, 6225, 387, 854, 13, 933, 3939, 14, 37163, 11570, 15, 187, 6506, 309, 1053, 626, 1158, 368, 6068, 403, 1469, 281, 755, 1199, 1361, 432, 253, 26165, 307, 39534, 15, 33581, 253, 1982, 588, 1361, 1379, 562, 253, 16059, 26871, 10657, 261, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 361, 27, 3439, 27, 3208, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 1671, 25770, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 1706, 28927, 187, 22800, 4632, 5427, 275, 247, 2264, 2137, 310, 253, 3520, 14704, 273, 346, 10002, 972, 25068, 13, 359, 3330, 3446, 1422, 6068, 403, 1133, 35350, 17760, 342, 5427, 13, 594, 604, 352, 2427, 16426, 368, 812, 1014, 755, 281, 5159, 690, 448, 3106, 342, 247, 28141, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 361, 27, 2417, 27, 2922, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 25039, 2358, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 1671, 18467, 187, 31, 3614, 1358, 257, 15, 25842, 15, 2061, 16, 16123, 16, 51, 28682, 187, 77, 64, 35, 73, 307, 266, 64, 22552, 90, 187, 49, 30441, 403, 48101, 6701, 281, 616, 3846, 25680, 534, 1160, 731, 2868, 27006, 588, 24329, 327, 616, 1481, 604, 597, 7435, 616, 1211, 18903, 13, 14674, 273, 616, 3072, 476, 626, 10196, 5579, 594, 1175, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 361, 27, 3208, 27, 1857, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 1671, 26937, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 1671, 18467, 187, 31870, 310, 253, 5962, 31409, 273, 26165, 307, 266, 27576, 13, 352, 434, 5962, 11947, 7832, 13, 285, 597, 452, 247, 23848, 281, 4017, 352, 15, 380, 5020, 273, 253, 26165, 307, 266, 4668, 403, 816, 41070, 1245, 17269, 323, 17292, 5870, 285, 10739, 667, 1576, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 361, 27, 3208, 27, 3680, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 1671, 29327, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 25039, 2358, 187, 2773, 651, 9310, 1982, 715, 2137, 5734, 368, 6848, 247, 1195, 3295, 275, 634, 28141, 15, 187, 25954, 247, 747, 775, 750, 23306, 47300, 15, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 24583, 15, 681, 16, 13060, 32, 87, 30, 3519, 19, 187, 24, 680, 10536, 56, 2399, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 520, 27, 361, 27, 1047, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 16587, 1630, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 18486, 1731, 187, 24265, 39161, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 520, 27, 2941, 27, 2640, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 1812, 23402, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 1671, 29327, 187, 31, 2773, 651, 9310, 1982, 715, 2137, 5734, 368, 6848, 247, 1195, 3295, 275, 634, 28141, 15, 187, 20440, 32, 309, 1053, 626, 1158, 29154, 651, 5007, 27552, 3371, 265, 281, 3150, 323, 801, 571, 390, 448, 1758, 3346, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 520, 27, 2941, 27, 1348, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 1812, 23829, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 18486, 1731, 187, 58, 1719, 19116, 52, 11488, 19116, 52, 11488, 187, 30531, 7519, 2637, 26564, 4548, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 520, 27, 2125, 27, 1012, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 23100, 1797, 27, 187, 48, 10739, 13, 271, 4588, 1896, 9369, 15, 3105, 690, 2372, 7695, 670, 11922, 38490, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 520, 27, 2922, 27, 1762, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 1812, 28883, 27, 187, 31, 30937, 1512, 2393, 281, 320, 247, 2317, 42404, 187, 31, 30937, 816, 275, 673, 323, 19784, 2697, 281, 1265, 23556, 20, 187, 510, 6495, 2884, 2345, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 520, 27, 2922, 27, 1787, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 25140, 2945, 27, 187, 31, 9389, 6069, 9136, 46108, 5654, 11342, 187, 31, 24902, 611, 42, 1909, 187, 31, 8236, 310, 1512, 10000, 48675, 7695, 670, 32639, 41, 10566, 59, 1830, 281, 3748, 352, 187, 33824, 3420, 369, 247, 10551, 15, 496, 512, 42558, 2167, 13, 752, 403, 253, 13653, 326, 436, 20092, 684, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 520, 27, 2904, 27, 746, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 23926, 1047, 27, 187, 16440, 310, 1469, 281, 5108, 3707, 247, 4564, 273, 16088, 5884, 1629, 2683, 6419, 387, 253, 1077, 954, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 520, 27, 740, 27, 1099, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 1787, 8972, 27, 187, 4013, 33067, 20470, 275, 1884, 5303, 81, 2284, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 520, 27, 1010, 27, 1449, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 1787, 36554, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 16552, 1717, 187, 26068, 273, 253, 15377, 18016, 1641, 326, 778, 320, 11069, 275, 247, 2137, 368, 11339, 12835, 2963, 80, 15, 3166, 368, 1663, 971, 326, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 520, 27, 1036, 27, 1717, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 1787, 19807, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 32078, 2385, 187, 31870, 285, 4135, 574, 247, 5680, 7344, 275, 253, 3563, 2456, 84, 1157, 5803, 41, 2637, 2165, 273, 604, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 520, 27, 1093, 27, 1229, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 1787, 39948, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 1787, 36554, 187, 9917, 13, 476, 309, 816, 1379, 436, 2774, 281, 1127, 562, 849, 8644, 352, 310, 326, 281, 436, 2963, 80, 841, 3394, 812, 11654, 1818, 521, 2862, 1495, 285, 2586, 13, 533, 275, 253, 990, 344, 434, 275, 690, 10739, 555, 17819, 2586, 326, 309, 812, 313, 22478, 595, 10, 1918, 374, 439, 953, 670, 594, 309, 1353, 816, 7063, 1060, 2403, 2963, 412, 26984, 387, 779, 1223, 275, 247, 807, 344, 778, 320, 2970, 521, 9246, 24684, 745, 407, 448, 3106, 15, 2656, 15229, 309, 2389, 1146, 2448, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 520, 27, 938, 27, 883, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 1839, 11718, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 1787, 19807, 187, 1552, 673, 697, 1027, 13, 664, 1620, 574, 9647, 10268, 745, 1016, 643, 6179, 323, 247, 3923, 281, 25691, 1016, 643, 7419, 15, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 1787, 36554, 187, 9328, 476, 1620, 10110, 1633, 359, 1053, 626, 452, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 520, 27, 938, 27, 1047, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 24137, 1797, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 18486, 1731, 187, 31, 752, 310, 611, 5236, 187, 88, 16114, 310, 436, 12209, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 520, 27, 1797, 27, 2950, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 1839, 18493, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 24137, 1797, 187, 1992, 320, 4344, 344, 434, 3164, 417, 247, 7925, 48087, 14925, 285, 2506, 626, 2096, 326, 611, 5236, 9572, 323, 611, 2591, 496, 12121, 15, 46615, 3282, 1677, 253, 3634, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 520, 27, 1423, 27, 2693, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 1839, 19490, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 22519, 2405, 187, 88, 16114, 3553, 26165, 307, 266, 3815, 268, 446, 2, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 520, 27, 1423, 27, 2405, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 1839, 27571, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 24137, 1797, 187, 44, 2591, 275, 3162, 251, 187, 1267, 12456, 1838, 401, 36746, 2195, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 520, 27, 1348, 27, 2537, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 1839, 30626, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 1839, 18493, 187, 22550, 51, 13, 42, 5486, 581, 611, 5236, 533, 309, 452, 281, 320, 3158, 672, 352, 3249, 281, 388, 18137, 1400, 2637, 15, 187, 567, 84, 359, 1132, 1067, 273, 7143, 285, 3698, 1755, 5654, 347, 973, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 520, 27, 1348, 27, 3712, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 1839, 26906, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 1839, 27571, 187, 468, 287, 260, 20240, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 520, 27, 1731, 27, 3079, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 1839, 19807, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 20298, 1976, 187, 9, 1394, 18619, 306, 12431, 436, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 520, 27, 1630, 27, 1012, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 25745, 883, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 1787, 39948, 187, 3404, 1878, 619, 7586, 3548, 626, 42296, 247, 35825, 7276, 33702, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 520, 27, 1619, 27, 361, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 1839, 37348, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 1839, 27571, 187, 2773, 434, 271, 13943, 13725, 323, 247, 4370, 15, 1680, 326, 275, 247, 4668, 4112, 984, 604, 326, 4370, 369, 10208, 391, 569, 840, 352, 369, 3164, 3652, 598, 281, 326, 2963, 412, 323, 247, 2129, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 520, 27, 1619, 27, 1423, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 25085, 1812, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 22543, 1508, 187, 2773, 534, 5373, 13025, 33338, 4135, 5373, 512, 273, 16457, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 520, 27, 1717, 27, 2640, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 25592, 520, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 18486, 1731, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 21397, 2055, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 21874, 1237, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 1610, 26890, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 1610, 28315, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 1610, 35410, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 1706, 11395, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 1706, 22981, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 22543, 2270, 187, 7673, 13768, 11226, 10873, 298, 6594, 24457, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 520, 27, 1717, 27, 1671, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 25592, 3763, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 25745, 883, 187, 5498, 626, 452, 247, 7586, 285, 1014, 604, 309, 858, 619, 2846, 310, 11614, 6, 3168, 285, 275, 2087, 6804, 5492, 17581, 403, 760, 751, 374, 6, 273, 253, 3072, 15, 2058, 1878, 619, 7586, 3548, 626, 12832, 2963, 412, 18010, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 520, 27, 2405, 27, 1099, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 1867, 15220, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 1610, 28315, 187, 79, 16046, 13, 448, 1758, 310, 594, 18439, 281, 755, 625, 2659, 597, 403, 3652, 13345, 17546, 275, 253, 6150, 209, 187, 1059, 1076, 731, 1973, 715, 3095, 1045, 6628, 2586, 1293, 667, 2380, 310, 9093, 4933, 731, 253, 2659, 187, 5658, 452, 281, 320, 11339, 281, 1339, 448, 1758, 1611, 285, 4138, 26447, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 520, 27, 2405, 27, 2945, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 1867, 18146, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 25592, 3763, 187, 11778, 767, 18903, 581, 275, 11314, 643, 275, 47998, 87, 1079, 13, 9846, 1379, 247, 29302, 751, 247, 12835, 295, 16046, 275, 634, 2586, 278, 25, 13, 28489, 309, 1007, 751, 581, 13, 395, 309, 588, 13353, 21319, 751, 581, 594, 634, 611, 42, 6541, 564, 20282, 2085, 479, 342, 25105, 13, 7461, 309, 717, 1469, 281, 3540, 634, 8153, 285, 10739, 275, 634, 23298, 309, 24156, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 520, 27, 1610, 27, 2941, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 1867, 27893, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 1867, 18146, 187, 2598, 634, 760, 4154, 310, 326, 368, 1472, 1469, 281, 10739, 327, 619, 2659, 534, 310, 253, 3242, 14166, 5174, 309, 1353, 2403, 794, 273, 368, 323, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 520, 27, 1706, 27, 746, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 27463, 1717, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 1867, 27893, 187, 31, 3649, 2327, 13205, 439, 4069, 273, 50090, 751, 247, 749, 13961, 187, 31, 19417, 456, 439, 4069, 37654, 281, 21319, 751, 247, 749, 13961, 187, 44264, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 520, 27, 1671, 27, 2693, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 1867, 5388, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 1867, 27893, 187, 24239, 3528, 3528, 52, 187, 9903, 626, 368, 871, 1167, 70, 7819, 715, 6612, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 520, 27, 1671, 27, 3156, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 20216, 2504, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 1867, 27893, 187, 24239 ]
. Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)16:54:47 no.159990592: >>159990448 op most likely got it from /r/tumblrinaction as they redact names to please reddit overlords. Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)16:55:23 no.159990664: >>159986519 F I F T Y S I X I F T Y S I X Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)16:55:23 no.159990668: >>159978339 >silent majority Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)16:56:09 no.159990763: >>159987745 Say the line shill Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)16:56:26 no.159990793: >>159987027 Fuck off Bill and you shit libs that supported the Falcons over the Pats because of muh Trump. You don’t get to appropriate Falcons fandom for your shitty political feelings. Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)16:57:49 no.159990965: >>159990404 >Your grandkids are gonna be brown. Um, no sweetie. They’re gonna be yellow. Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)16:58:36 no.159991067: >inb4 that retarded commie shows up Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)16:59:14 no.159991152: >>159977929 >Haiti is already great GREAT NEWS! Haitians don't need to take refuge in the US anymore. We can send them back to their great beautiful homes. Thanks Obama! Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)16:59:34 no.159991196: jim crow laws did nothing wrong Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)16:59:57 no.159991242: >>159977929 I think the funniest part of the whole Conan debacle is that he went to a private resort to show how nice Haiti is and the next week a house less than a block away was raided for child prostitution. Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)17:00:36 no.159991326: >>159979666 Are chinks even human? Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)17:00:39 no.159991335: >>159982579 >skinnyfat security guard larping as a revolutionary somewhere in the desert is somehow beautiful Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)17:00:41 no.159991338: >>159991242 no way Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)17:03:47 no.159991773: >>159991588 >allahu aktarts lmao Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)17:03:55 no.159991793: >>159991242 >>159991338 My bad, it was back in July. Back before he went. I guess we know why he choose that resort, wink, wink, nudge, nudge, say no more. 0025-haiti-flash-33-young-girls-sav ed-before-being-sold.html Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)17:04:18 no.159991849: >>159982439 Rolling Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)17:04:45 no.159991906: >>159991725 the crusades should have never ended Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)17:05:19 no.159991978: >>159980025 Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)17:05:20 no.159991981: >>159983729 Yes, his pockets are full of tater tots. Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)17:05:27 no.159991994: >>159991378 Holy shit this makes me rage beyond belief. From now on I'll make sure to name all my termination methods suicide() rather than selfDestruct() as I used to. Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)17:05:36 no.159992010: >>159991793 well it still happened Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)17:05:54 no.159992050: >>159989260 >not banging the objectively hotter ftm theraddness 02/10/18(Sat)17:07:54 no.159992310: >>159977929 damn....conan forget how the jews jewed him? SAD! MANY SUCH CASES!!! 1488 Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)17:07:56 no.159992313: a personal favourite Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)17:08:07 no.159992334: >>159992139 "yo rwasict whyte spapyamiastst!!1" Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)17:08:19 no.159992358: >>159978415 The cake is shooped but the guy is a confirmed commie Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)17:09:10 no.159992481: >>159977929 >island country devastated by earthquake and poverty >already great What did he mean by this? Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)17:09:55 no.159992579: >>159979083 scarf killed me i am dead Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)17:10:13 no.159992627: >>159987131 C H E E N D R S Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)17:10:19 no.159992641: >>159984431 My daughter just asked me how soon the Day of the Rope could come. >"It's time for a thorough cleansing of degenerates", she explained. She's only eight years old. Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)17:10:41 no.159992682: >>159979666 Look into its eyes, /pol/. That thing has no soul. Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)17:12:48 no.159992943: this shit kills me inside. what the fuck, how did it get this bad? Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)17:15:05 no.159993342: >>159992943 J E W S E W S Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)17:16:46 no.159993550: >>159988672 Not going to lie, would tap that. Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)17:17:41 no.159993690: God I hope one of these faglords puts me in a self defense situation Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)17:18:54 no.159993841: >>159987528 >says while sporting an ancom flag Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)17:19:29 no.159993908: >>159991326 no Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)17:21:40 no.159994186: >>159988787 pretty sure that's why he left Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)17:21:51 no.159994209: >>159984118 >>159982420 I'm fucking dying. This is good. Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)17:22:53 no.159994345: >>159988275 Every time Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)17:23:17 no.159994383: >>159979409 PUBG is really coming along nicely Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)17:25:00 no.159994572: >>159990793 >caring about eggball you are the problem Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)17:25:31 no.159994638: >>159992139 i remember when that happened. always get a kicker out of: >women clutching their purses as black men walk by if they ever actually watched women, women pretty much do that to ANYONE who walks by them. even other women. that isn't "black exclusive." hell, i always check my back pocket frequently while walking to make sure i still have my wallet. and guess what? i've done it with countless of people walking by me. but hey, i guess a nigger will think i'm only doing it when a nigger walks by
[ 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 3439, 27, 2504, 642, 15, 1010, 16742, 1762, 4529, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1525, 2270, 25770, 187, 412, 954, 2779, 1694, 352, 432, 1227, 83, 16, 48556, 1559, 29814, 421, 347, 597, 2502, 514, 4454, 281, 4496, 28159, 262, 8366, 6565, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 2417, 27, 1508, 642, 15, 1010, 1525, 30920, 1540, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 27043, 2082, 746, 187, 39, 309, 401, 308, 714, 322, 309, 1594, 187, 42, 187, 39, 187, 53, 187, 58, 209, 187, 52, 187, 42, 187, 57, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 2417, 27, 1508, 642, 15, 1010, 1525, 2270, 19807, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1525, 3141, 23688, 187, 31, 17525, 290, 5020, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 3208, 27, 2693, 642, 15, 1010, 1525, 2270, 23250, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 27043, 2357, 1857, 187, 27128, 253, 1386, 439, 408, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 3208, 27, 1731, 642, 15, 1010, 1525, 2270, 42815, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 27043, 1967, 1630, 187, 30368, 745, 7641, 285, 368, 10739, 5135, 84, 326, 4516, 253, 20055, 5040, 689, 253, 367, 1832, 984, 273, 278, 6968, 3778, 15, 1422, 1053, 457, 85, 755, 281, 4569, 20055, 5040, 269, 2976, 323, 634, 10739, 555, 3569, 10450, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 3011, 27, 2537, 642, 15, 1010, 1525, 28766, 2082, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1525, 2270, 20611, 187, 31, 7093, 4936, 36358, 403, 6501, 320, 8516, 15, 209, 187, 26186, 13, 642, 7353, 466, 15, 1583, 457, 250, 6501, 320, 8862, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 3680, 27, 1812, 642, 15, 1010, 16742, 740, 2251, 27, 187, 31, 249, 67, 21, 326, 48101, 764, 466, 2722, 598, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 3046, 27, 1047, 642, 15, 1010, 16742, 883, 3583, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1525, 33727, 1717, 187, 31, 41, 1942, 74, 310, 2168, 1270, 187, 41127, 1194, 41059, 2, 187, 41, 1942, 2458, 1053, 626, 878, 281, 1379, 12100, 275, 253, 1982, 10542, 15, 187, 1231, 476, 5007, 731, 896, 281, 616, 1270, 5389, 9076, 15, 187, 8061, 6729, 2, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 3046, 27, 1706, 642, 15, 1010, 1525, 4739, 19196, 27, 187, 75, 303, 6207, 5323, 858, 2717, 3430, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 3046, 27, 3011, 642, 15, 1010, 16742, 805, 2945, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1525, 33727, 1717, 187, 42, 1158, 253, 794, 8311, 383, 629, 273, 253, 2644, 1716, 266, 4274, 6929, 310, 326, 344, 2427, 281, 247, 3055, 17942, 281, 921, 849, 5322, 40906, 310, 285, 253, 1735, 2129, 247, 2419, 1679, 685, 247, 2972, 1977, 369, 1218, 1356, 323, 1429, 43881, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1166, 27, 361, 27, 1812, 642, 15, 1010, 16742, 1012, 1731, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1525, 2787, 24185, 187, 6723, 448, 3106, 1014, 1966, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1166, 27, 361, 27, 1867, 642, 15, 1010, 16742, 1012, 1671, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 27043, 1099, 2787, 187, 31, 3319, 23819, 19397, 3988, 7496, 1236, 14650, 347, 247, 22564, 9366, 275, 253, 13438, 310, 10380, 5389, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1166, 27, 361, 27, 3156, 642, 15, 1010, 16742, 1012, 1839, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 16742, 805, 2945, 187, 2369, 1039, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1166, 27, 2941, 27, 2504, 642, 15, 1010, 16742, 1166, 3655, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 16742, 1010, 2055, 187, 31, 455, 20957, 46966, 12863, 187, 77, 785, 80, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1166, 27, 2941, 27, 2417, 642, 15, 1010, 16742, 1166, 4590, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 16742, 805, 2945, 187, 5064, 1010, 16742, 1012, 1839, 187, 3220, 3076, 13, 352, 369, 896, 275, 4163, 15, 8247, 1078, 344, 2427, 15, 309, 5476, 359, 871, 2139, 344, 5206, 326, 17942, 13, 42790, 13, 42790, 13, 295, 15414, 13, 295, 15414, 13, 1333, 642, 625, 15, 187, 2413, 1358, 2700, 15, 73, 1942, 9746, 250, 15, 681, 16, 257, 16, 13608, 14, 19, 187, 26236, 14, 73, 1942, 74, 14, 33390, 14, 1610, 14, 37615, 14, 23660, 84, 14, 47929, 187, 264, 14, 9131, 14, 11952, 14, 42022, 15, 2974, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1166, 27, 2125, 27, 1093, 642, 15, 1010, 16742, 1093, 2537, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 27043, 1348, 1867, 187, 46630, 1981, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1166, 27, 2125, 27, 1857, 642, 15, 1010, 16742, 746, 3071, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 16742, 1166, 1099, 187, 783, 37440, 3355, 943, 452, 1620, 7402, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1166, 27, 1762, 27, 746, 642, 15, 1010, 16742, 19791, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1525, 10695, 1099, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1166, 27, 1762, 27, 938, 642, 15, 1010, 16742, 18263, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 27043, 1787, 1717, 187, 4374, 13, 521, 21371, 403, 2120, 273, 246, 727, 281, 1641, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1166, 27, 1762, 27, 1630, 642, 15, 1010, 16742, 13034, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 16742, 1012, 3141, 187, 42846, 10739, 436, 2789, 479, 22324, 4457, 9927, 15, 187, 4509, 1024, 327, 309, 1833, 1056, 2119, 281, 1416, 512, 619, 15056, 3082, 13184, 1082, 2581, 685, 1881, 22482, 957, 1082, 347, 309, 908, 281, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1166, 27, 1762, 27, 1812, 642, 15, 1010, 16742, 7199, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 16742, 1166, 4590, 187, 4714, 352, 1335, 4592, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1166, 27, 1762, 27, 3439, 642, 15, 1010, 16742, 938, 1235, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1525, 2511, 19319, 187, 31, 1439, 270, 5610, 253, 38304, 3511, 350, 269, 20583, 535, 187, 508, 1911, 1255, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1166, 27, 2922, 27, 3439, 642, 15, 1010, 16742, 1508, 740, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1525, 33727, 1717, 187, 34681, 2391, 585, 266, 7740, 849, 253, 15589, 84, 15589, 264, 779, 32, 322, 2350, 2, 353, 22026, 43399, 34710, 1410, 15844, 1638, 2055, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1166, 27, 2922, 27, 3208, 642, 15, 1010, 16742, 1508, 1012, 27, 187, 66, 3367, 18069, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1166, 27, 2904, 27, 2922, 642, 15, 1010, 16742, 1508, 1706, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1525, 4529, 15270, 187, 3, 11904, 391, 4238, 882, 2139, 442, 653, 522, 90, 7588, 505, 296, 4672, 18, 3, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1166, 27, 2904, 27, 746, 642, 15, 1010, 16742, 1508, 3680, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 28315, 2759, 1010, 187, 510, 15221, 310, 6738, 11802, 533, 253, 5599, 310, 247, 5783, 764, 466, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1166, 27, 2693, 27, 740, 642, 15, 1010, 16742, 1348, 3593, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1525, 33727, 1717, 187, 31, 261, 1373, 2586, 43287, 407, 27108, 285, 14192, 187, 31, 39735, 1270, 187, 1276, 858, 344, 1599, 407, 436, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1166, 27, 2693, 27, 2417, 642, 15, 1010, 16742, 1099, 2787, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 28315, 2270, 3245, 187, 19378, 71, 5339, 479, 891, 717, 3846, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1166, 27, 740, 27, 1012, 642, 15, 1010, 16742, 1731, 1630, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1525, 2597, 17015, 187, 36, 388, 444, 444, 427, 399, 416, 322, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1166, 27, 740, 27, 746, 642, 15, 1010, 1525, 4529, 33976, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 27043, 2031, 2405, 187, 3220, 6122, 816, 2546, 479, 849, 3517, 253, 6258, 273, 253, 416, 1714, 812, 1705, 15, 209, 187, 21760, 1147, 434, 673, 323, 247, 11080, 46825, 273, 25273, 684, 995, 703, 5544, 15, 187, 2993, 434, 760, 4314, 1107, 1711, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1166, 27, 740, 27, 3156, 642, 15, 1010, 16742, 1731, 3507, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1525, 2787, 24185, 187, 7745, 715, 697, 2927, 13, 1227, 4818, 14206, 2064, 2181, 556, 642, 7765, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1166, 27, 805, 27, 2385, 642, 15, 1010, 16742, 1717, 3079, 27, 187, 2520, 10739, 26280, 479, 3304, 15, 752, 253, 7435, 13, 849, 858, 352, 755, 436, 3076, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1166, 27, 1010, 27, 1762, 642, 15, 1010, 16742, 1610, 2945, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 16742, 1717, 3079, 187, 43, 444, 411, 322, 209, 187, 38, 187, 56, 187, 52, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1166, 27, 1036, 27, 2950, 642, 15, 1010, 16742, 1671, 1235, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1525, 2055, 31436, 187, 3650, 1469, 281, 7027, 13, 651, 13341, 326, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1166, 27, 1166, 27, 3156, 642, 15, 1010, 16742, 1812, 2270, 27, 187, 13618, 309, 3524, 581, 273, 841, 269, 356, 42730, 12516, 479, 275, 247, 1881, 5684, 4112, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1166, 27, 1093, 27, 3439, 642, 15, 1010, 16742, 1839, 3156, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 27043, 1976, 1619, 187, 31, 84, 698, 1223, 28802, 271, 271, 681, 7908, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1166, 27, 746, 27, 1717, 642, 15, 1010, 16742, 1867, 2904, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 16742, 1012, 1731, 187, 2369, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1166, 27, 1797, 27, 1449, 642, 15, 1010, 1525, 3953, 20270, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1525, 32381, 2597, 187, 38256, 2119, 326, 434, 2139, 344, 1669, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1166, 27, 1797, 27, 3712, 642, 15, 1010, 1525, 3953, 14009, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1525, 2759, 14711, 187, 5064, 1010, 27043, 1348, 938, 187, 42, 1353, 12835, 13889, 15, 831, 310, 1175, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1166, 27, 1423, 27, 3357, 642, 15, 1010, 1525, 3953, 16767, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1525, 2055, 20450, 187, 8267, 673, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1166, 27, 1508, 27, 1166, 642, 15, 1010, 1525, 3953, 30528, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1525, 2787, 24264, 187, 7575, 21279, 310, 1663, 3551, 2112, 23395, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1166, 27, 1099, 27, 361, 642, 15, 1010, 16742, 1857, 3547, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1525, 2270, 42815, 187, 31, 68, 1875, 670, 7238, 2910, 187, 5658, 403, 253, 1895, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1166, 27, 1099, 27, 2405, 642, 15, 1010, 16742, 2950, 1839, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1525, 4529, 15270, 187, 74, 4456, 672, 326, 4592, 15, 1900, 755, 247, 8386, 254, 562, 273, 27, 187, 31, 31450, 26986, 7695, 616, 1460, 6628, 347, 2806, 1821, 2940, 407, 187, 338, 597, 2455, 2686, 9047, 2255, 13, 2255, 3965, 1199, 513, 326, 281, 9103, 11147, 665, 16771, 407, 731, 15, 1014, 643, 2255, 15, 326, 3548, 626, 346, 11958, 11855, 449, 7085, 13, 891, 1900, 2451, 619, 896, 11320, 7208, 1223, 7824, 281, 1056, 2119, 891, 1335, 452, 619, 23138, 15, 285, 5476, 752, 32, 891, 1849, 2218, 352, 342, 23499, 273, 952, 7824, 407, 479, 15, 533, 18981, 13, 891, 5476, 247, 295, 16046, 588, 1158, 891, 1353, 760, 2509, 352, 672, 247, 295, 16046, 16771, 407 ]
ovensky? Anonymous 08/23/18(Thu)08:00:10 no.183207440: >>183207342 Iznam svoih brati dobro. Anonymous 08/23/18(Thu)08:01:29 no.183207509: >>183197255 SLABIG UBION WEN xDDD :DDDDD???? Anonymous 08/23/18(Thu)08:01:31 no.183207513: Czechs are the only non russian slavs worthy of respect. Anonymous 08/23/18(Thu)08:03:30 no.183207635: >>183205879 Fuck off traitor. Anyone who defends Russians is a an enemy to our fatherland. Anonymous 08/23/18(Thu)08:04:22 no.183207683: >>183207635 Based AF, Karjala and Petseri should go back to their rightful owners (Estonia and Finland). Anonymous 08/23/18(Thu)08:04:23 no.183207685: >>183207121 >compromising to them means only a loss for poles, czechs, slovaks, and hungarians (honorary slavs) enjoy you black dick sucking then. If you are so stuck up to not see whats coming at you i think you deserve evey bit of the pain that's coming. And no you cant keep the merkel twats out for long. >why don't you up your game first so we can talk about real cooperation? >Look at this niggerish attitude, smol disposable few mln population nation will larp as a "literature creator"? why should we even care? This is retarded we have been the defences of europe and your ass for to long and you expect us to do something better when we have been in perpetual warfare trying to keep out roaches arabs and niggers out. Tbh this is insulting! how about you come over here and do our jobs for a decades and see how far you will come. Siding whit burgers that fucking stirring up shit then complane that puland has to accept migrants. Anonymous 08/23/18(Thu)08:04:36 no.183207704: >>183206949 I do this >>183206189 >>183206846 so the westerners can understand. There's not much more to say now before wandering off into the details. Bosnians behead people when at war, just like Chechens. This is a dead giveaway that they are muslims. Being Slavic and being muslim is mutually exclusive. We don't lay claim to muslim Slavs in Turkey and Turks don't lay claim christian Greeks displaced in ex-Austro-Hungary. Perhaps the best way to obtain an appreciation, a comprehensive understanding of Slavic cuckery is to examine the story of how Slavs became Christians. Based knaz Rastislav decided to BTFO all the infighting pagan Slavlets and united the splintered Panonian holds into _historically documented_ Great Moravia under the flag of Christianity (roughly the territory of Moravia, Silesia, and half of Hungary up to the Matra mountains). The closest nation with Christian scholars was the Frankish Empire, but Rastislav didn't want Franks pissing off his already salty subjects (salty about all the statuettes that were cast into rivers) even more with latin and down-talking. He also lacked a unified writing system. The Pope told him to fuck off multiple times, so he turned to Byzantium. Byzantium, struggling to stay relevant, jumped on the opportunity and sent Kyrill and Methodeus. Long story short, Great Moravia had the first unified slavic writing system and an independent Church structure. Enter the faggot our (((historians))) celebrate today as a national hero. Svatopluk the Nigger arrived in Great Moravia with an army donated by the Franks and backstabbed his ruler, blinded some folks and even had executions done by pouring molten metal. After being done with betraying his own nation and driving out all the Church apparatus set up by the 2 Saints from Thessaloniki, he doublecrossed the Franks and told them to fuck off. Anonymous 08/23/18(Thu)08:04:39 no.183207709: >>183206512 >haplogroups determine ethnicity Welcome new friend! Anonymous 08/23/18(Thu)08:04:55 no.183207723: are most croats actually seething over thompson or is that just the news blowing shit Anonymous 08/23/18(Thu)08:05:39 no.183207757: >>183207723 forgot pic Anonymous 08/23/18(Thu)08:05:55 no.183207769: >>183198055 >South Slavs are separated by land from other Slavs This isn't a problem Anonymous 08/23/18(Thu)08:07:29 no.183207860: >>183207769 nigga go get the 45 division and start liberating i cant take this shit Anonymous 08/23/18(Thu)08:08:14 no.183207906: >>183207769 it trully isn't since we now have ''Russian colonies'' here in some parts of the country Anonymous 08/23/18(Thu)08:08:17 no.183207908: >>183207685 not only you're retarded, you don't even know history geez, it's pointless to talk with inbreds Anonymous 08/23/18(Thu)08:08:24 no.183207915: >>183207769 >tfw i look like the russian mutt Anonymous 08/23/18(Thu)08:09:03 no.183207950: >>183207685 defenders of europe LOL Anonymous 08/23/18(Thu)08:09:27 no.183207974: >>183207704 cont. The Franks couldn't really care and made a deal that so as long as he doesn't fuck with them everything, east of the modern-day Czech-German border belongs to him, if he can hold it. With Christianity taught in Latin by Frankish priests, no unified writing system, and the State ruled basically like an oversized mafia, the whole thing died along with Svatopluk and there was a vacuum there until the Hungarians founded the Hungarian Kingdom. A traitorous egomaniac is celebrated as a one of the wisest rulers of Slavs. Let that sink in. The greatest folk hero of the Slovaks is a mountain nigger deserter from 2 armies. Let that sink in a little deeper. Anonymous 08/23/18(Thu)08:09:32 no.183207983: Honestly, I would love to see a Slavic Union of some sort, to really become a force against China and the US. That is as long as you leave the balts out of it. Anonymous 08/23/18(Thu)08:09:45 no.183207993: >>183206846 >>183207054 Mate, czechs are not nation of fighters. Its nation of survivalists. We could go at every invader guns blazing and get wrecked in a blaze of glory. But czech manpower is much smaller than all the invader s around is. There would be no czechia if we fought everybody. Better to bow down and outwait them. Its true that we are german protectorate right now, but its still best deal we could get. Without that connection to german i dustry and market, we wouldnt progress from 1990s a bit. These days youre either an empire or part of an empire, and were too small to be empire by ourselves Anonymous 08/23/18(Thu)08:10:10 no.183208022: >>183207908 >it's pointless to talk with inbreds hurr durr guess now i know why we hate your ass you did jack shit othere then complained Anonymous 08/23/18(Thu)08:11:17 no.183208101: >>183207950 Gusars were a mistake Anonymous 08/23/18(Thu)08:13:06 no.183208218: >>183207950 hurr durr pretends to know history of the balkans. Anonymous 08/23/18(Thu)08:13:08 no.183208220: >>183208101 Husars are Gusars? Anonymous 08/23/18(Thu)08:13:16 no.183208230: >>183207993 >be one of the Czech nations >Your Czech king holds modern-day Poland, CR, west Slovakia, Vienna, and Slovenia. >literally medieval Intermarium Lite >be a sperg and side with the Bavarians in a major battle against your king, without having the honor
[ 729, 561, 4742, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1508, 16, 1093, 9, 44644, 10, 2904, 27, 361, 27, 740, 642, 15, 1093, 18911, 3566, 1449, 27, 187, 5064, 21092, 18202, 27222, 187, 42, 91, 6292, 256, 5711, 6356, 1308, 8657, 513, 9108, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1508, 16, 1093, 9, 44644, 10, 2904, 27, 520, 27, 1717, 642, 15, 21092, 18202, 17013, 27, 187, 5064, 21092, 18493, 10637, 187, 7084, 2925, 2431, 530, 35, 2449, 411, 1400, 1269, 11927, 37, 1163, 11927, 11927, 37, 25561, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1508, 16, 1093, 9, 44644, 10, 2904, 27, 520, 27, 2405, 642, 15, 1093, 18911, 1976, 1012, 27, 187, 36, 18506, 84, 403, 253, 760, 1327, 391, 1316, 757, 1499, 580, 84, 18338, 273, 1675, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1508, 16, 1093, 9, 44644, 10, 2904, 27, 2941, 27, 1229, 642, 15, 1093, 18911, 3121, 1671, 27, 187, 5064, 21092, 16763, 34384, 187, 30368, 745, 50136, 15, 26013, 665, 809, 1727, 24794, 310, 247, 271, 9054, 281, 776, 3392, 1373, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1508, 16, 1093, 9, 44644, 10, 2904, 27, 2125, 27, 1423, 642, 15, 21092, 18202, 38518, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 18911, 3121, 1671, 187, 15545, 11854, 13, 12604, 75, 7080, 285, 367, 1507, 25933, 943, 564, 896, 281, 616, 987, 1020, 9891, 313, 38, 5493, 571, 285, 25270, 481, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1508, 16, 1093, 9, 44644, 10, 2904, 27, 2125, 27, 1508, 642, 15, 1093, 18911, 3121, 2227, 27, 187, 5064, 21092, 18202, 15144, 187, 31, 3118, 409, 2182, 281, 731, 2097, 760, 247, 2957, 323, 25284, 13, 260, 18506, 84, 13, 1499, 729, 8765, 13, 285, 10416, 19222, 313, 25224, 263, 552, 1499, 580, 84, 10, 187, 257, 3881, 368, 2806, 33702, 42296, 840, 964, 1310, 368, 403, 594, 10960, 598, 281, 417, 923, 47515, 3551, 387, 368, 891, 1158, 368, 17337, 299, 3942, 2372, 273, 253, 3075, 326, 434, 3551, 15, 1244, 642, 368, 16216, 1978, 253, 4285, 18790, 2500, 1832, 562, 323, 1048, 964, 209, 187, 31, 22309, 1053, 626, 368, 598, 634, 2165, 806, 594, 359, 476, 2312, 670, 1524, 15850, 32, 209, 187, 31, 7745, 387, 436, 295, 16046, 763, 12046, 13, 924, 311, 34679, 1643, 278, 6677, 3072, 5674, 588, 1236, 81, 347, 247, 346, 22478, 1177, 24799, 16296, 2139, 943, 359, 1014, 1557, 32, 187, 1552, 310, 48101, 359, 452, 644, 253, 809, 2979, 273, 19454, 285, 634, 718, 323, 281, 1048, 285, 368, 1902, 441, 281, 513, 1633, 1805, 672, 359, 452, 644, 275, 41510, 27205, 2820, 281, 1978, 562, 687, 3844, 549, 5375, 285, 35825, 7276, 562, 15, 308, 26576, 436, 310, 50124, 2, 849, 670, 368, 1705, 689, 1060, 285, 513, 776, 7375, 323, 247, 8007, 285, 923, 849, 2080, 368, 588, 1705, 15, 322, 2821, 30661, 42803, 326, 12835, 22213, 598, 10739, 840, 3137, 1351, 326, 4734, 395, 556, 281, 2997, 25991, 964, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1508, 16, 1093, 9, 44644, 10, 2904, 27, 2125, 27, 1812, 642, 15, 21092, 18202, 26942, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 18911, 2090, 2537, 187, 42, 513, 436, 209, 187, 5064, 21092, 18040, 18359, 586, 187, 5064, 1093, 18911, 2358, 2950, 187, 594, 253, 10439, 398, 476, 2096, 15, 187, 2512, 434, 417, 1199, 625, 281, 1333, 1024, 1078, 31590, 745, 715, 253, 4278, 15, 187, 35, 375, 79, 2458, 320, 2522, 952, 672, 387, 2137, 13, 816, 751, 4661, 5756, 84, 15, 831, 310, 247, 3846, 1918, 12594, 326, 597, 403, 1948, 2815, 84, 15, 16688, 50168, 280, 285, 1146, 1948, 2815, 310, 25834, 11855, 15, 844, 1053, 626, 2242, 1750, 281, 1948, 2815, 50168, 84, 275, 14307, 285, 47563, 1053, 626, 2242, 1750, 37622, 757, 36452, 26699, 275, 385, 14, 16796, 287, 14, 38288, 552, 15, 187, 16830, 253, 1682, 1039, 281, 4044, 271, 24540, 13, 247, 11088, 4685, 273, 50168, 280, 260, 1807, 1771, 310, 281, 9186, 253, 2926, 273, 849, 50168, 84, 3395, 15600, 15, 187, 15545, 694, 1370, 416, 505, 12937, 580, 4425, 281, 23755, 8768, 512, 253, 2192, 23144, 47372, 50168, 6639, 285, 25536, 253, 6821, 249, 3606, 9251, 33286, 6556, 715, 795, 29059, 1037, 14290, 64, 6495, 4922, 25183, 762, 253, 7908, 273, 20242, 313, 903, 314, 253, 12785, 273, 4922, 25183, 13, 322, 3205, 571, 13, 285, 2716, 273, 29171, 598, 281, 253, 6397, 376, 14700, 481, 380, 8642, 5674, 342, 6416, 12981, 369, 253, 6893, 763, 13958, 13, 533, 416, 505, 12937, 580, 1904, 626, 971, 1879, 3107, 24329, 272, 745, 521, 2168, 3779, 555, 5705, 313, 84, 9724, 670, 512, 253, 1098, 86, 23314, 326, 497, 5248, 715, 21646, 10, 1014, 625, 342, 4329, 249, 285, 1066, 14, 85, 21489, 15, 754, 671, 20296, 247, 27998, 4028, 985, 15, 380, 18422, 2183, 779, 281, 7435, 745, 2709, 2069, 13, 594, 344, 3531, 281, 38557, 386, 1514, 15, 38557, 386, 1514, 13, 15586, 281, 3297, 4623, 13, 16780, 327, 253, 5107, 285, 2197, 611, 6147, 408, 285, 36380, 853, 316, 15, 8057, 2926, 2159, 13, 6495, 4922, 25183, 574, 253, 806, 27998, 1499, 580, 280, 4028, 985, 285, 271, 3907, 6412, 2605, 15, 187, 15886, 253, 269, 13046, 302, 776, 24317, 29059, 2458, 10689, 17019, 3063, 347, 247, 3872, 8080, 15, 322, 38760, 4488, 2788, 253, 427, 16046, 7244, 275, 6495, 4922, 25183, 342, 271, 8544, 26837, 407, 253, 1879, 3107, 285, 896, 42802, 3026, 521, 29658, 13, 34903, 690, 12633, 285, 1014, 574, 3244, 3360, 2218, 407, 31226, 38534, 5148, 15, 2732, 1146, 2218, 342, 19829, 272, 521, 1211, 5674, 285, 6276, 562, 512, 253, 6412, 6576, 873, 598, 407, 253, 374, 29122, 432, 380, 859, 267, 251, 8678, 13, 344, 4021, 16599, 264, 253, 1879, 3107, 285, 2183, 731, 281, 7435, 745, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1508, 16, 1093, 9, 44644, 10, 2904, 27, 2125, 27, 1867, 642, 15, 21092, 18202, 26371, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 18911, 2082, 805, 187, 31, 3227, 446, 31481, 2121, 3653, 31908, 187, 21096, 747, 3331, 2, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1508, 16, 1093, 9, 44644, 10, 2904, 27, 2125, 27, 2417, 642, 15, 1093, 18911, 2357, 1508, 27, 187, 609, 954, 9187, 1832, 2686, 396, 1526, 689, 289, 297, 10836, 390, 310, 326, 816, 253, 3668, 24935, 10739, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1508, 16, 1093, 9, 44644, 10, 2904, 27, 1762, 27, 1867, 642, 15, 21092, 18202, 31203, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 18911, 2357, 1508, 187, 1542, 19559, 14402, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1508, 16, 1093, 9, 44644, 10, 2904, 27, 1762, 27, 2417, 642, 15, 1093, 18911, 2357, 2090, 27, 187, 5064, 21092, 16134, 2417, 187, 31, 17967, 50168, 84, 403, 9070, 407, 2659, 432, 643, 50168, 84, 187, 1552, 3548, 626, 247, 1895, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1508, 16, 1093, 9, 44644, 10, 2904, 27, 2922, 27, 1717, 642, 15, 1093, 18911, 3141, 1549, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 18911, 2357, 2090, 187, 79, 304, 2485, 564, 755, 253, 5329, 9025, 285, 1265, 10875, 839, 891, 16216, 1379, 436, 10739, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1508, 16, 1093, 9, 44644, 10, 2904, 27, 2904, 27, 1047, 642, 15, 21092, 18202, 30920, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 18911, 2357, 2090, 187, 262, 492, 26095, 3548, 626, 1580, 359, 1024, 452, 15078, 27397, 19665, 6267, 1060, 275, 690, 4243, 273, 253, 2586, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1508, 16, 1093, 9, 44644, 10, 2904, 27, 2904, 27, 1166, 642, 15, 21092, 18202, 33648, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 18911, 3121, 2227, 187, 1439, 760, 368, 1472, 48101, 13, 368, 1053, 626, 1014, 871, 2892, 187, 463, 16130, 13, 352, 434, 41690, 281, 2312, 342, 275, 29252, 84, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1508, 16, 1093, 9, 44644, 10, 2904, 27, 2904, 27, 1348, 642, 15, 1093, 18911, 2787, 1010, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 18911, 2357, 2090, 187, 31, 16114, 88, 891, 1007, 751, 253, 391, 1316, 757, 2873, 85, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1508, 16, 1093, 9, 44644, 10, 2904, 27, 2693, 27, 2941, 642, 15, 1093, 18911, 2787, 1235, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 18911, 3121, 2227, 187, 1545, 13577, 273, 19454, 49321, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1508, 16, 1093, 9, 44644, 10, 2904, 27, 2693, 27, 1630, 642, 15, 1093, 18911, 2787, 3566, 27, 187, 5064, 21092, 18202, 26942, 187, 1987, 15, 187, 510, 1879, 3107, 4571, 626, 1663, 1557, 285, 1160, 247, 2968, 326, 594, 347, 1048, 347, 344, 2506, 626, 7435, 342, 731, 3253, 13, 9268, 273, 253, 4980, 14, 1201, 21647, 14, 22353, 5680, 14125, 281, 779, 13, 604, 344, 476, 2186, 352, 15, 187, 3378, 20242, 10256, 275, 12760, 407, 6893, 763, 24061, 13, 642, 27998, 4028, 985, 13, 285, 253, 2418, 12969, 10323, 751, 271, 689, 10306, 278, 41067, 13, 253, 2644, 2181, 4962, 2112, 342, 322, 38760, 4488, 2788, 285, 627, 369, 247, 12124, 627, 1919, 253, 16835, 19222, 11420, 253, 32863, 11491, 15, 187, 34, 50136, 528, 24088, 4998, 14427, 310, 19651, 347, 247, 581, 273, 253, 14552, 383, 36491, 273, 50168, 84, 15, 1281, 326, 16338, 275, 15, 187, 510, 6459, 19365, 8080, 273, 253, 37603, 8765, 310, 247, 11129, 295, 16046, 711, 254, 350, 432, 374, 29894, 15, 1281, 326, 16338, 275, 247, 1652, 12861, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1508, 16, 1093, 9, 44644, 10, 2904, 27, 2693, 27, 1237, 642, 15, 1093, 18911, 2787, 3245, 27, 187, 23918, 27459, 13, 309, 651, 2389, 281, 923, 247, 50168, 280, 6398, 273, 690, 3686, 13, 281, 1663, 2489, 247, 3490, 1411, 4135, 285, 253, 1982, 15, 2064, 310, 347, 1048, 347, 368, 3553, 253, 4273, 1641, 562, 273, 352, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1508, 16, 1093, 9, 44644, 10, 2904, 27, 2693, 27, 1857, 642, 15, 21092, 18202, 35410, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 18911, 2358, 2950, 187, 5064, 21092, 18202, 29695, 187, 46, 366, 13, 260, 18506, 84, 403, 417, 5674, 273, 20998, 15, 7850, 5674, 273, 5788, 1346, 15, 844, 812, 564, 387, 1046, 828, 6475, 11942, 787, 34054, 285, 755, 24028, 264, 275, 247, 787, 8879, 273, 18735, 15, 1292, 260, 18506, 637, 9177, 310, 1199, 4577, 685, 512, 253, 828, 6475, 256, 1475, 310, 15, 1707, 651, 320, 642, 260, 18506, 571, 604, 359, 13465, 11648, 15, 23526, 281, 6026, 1066, 285, 562, 14061, 731, 15, 7850, 2032, 326, 359, 403, 305, 8592, 47398, 366, 987, 1024, 13, 533, 697, 1335, 1682, 2968, 359, 812, 755, 15, 12414, 326, 4602, 281, 305, 8592, 891, 8660, 610, 285, 2791, 13, 359, 651, 2649, 4780, 432, 7901, 84, 247, 2372, 15, 2053, 1897, 368, 250, 2057, 271, 20986, 390, 629, 273, 271, 20986, 13, 285, 497, 1512, 1355, 281, 320, 20986, 407, 9361, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1508, 16, 1093, 9, 44644, 10, 2904, 27, 740, 27, 740, 642, 15, 1093, 18911, 1438, 1423, 27, 187, 5064, 21092, 18202, 33648, 187, 31, 262, 434, 41690, 281, 2312, 342, 275, 29252, 84, 187, 27941, 83, 16547, 83, 209, 187, 4297, 405, 1024, 891, 871, 2139, 359, 9239, 634, 718, 209, 187, 5658, 858, 19708, 10739, 258, 9088, 840, 19375, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1508, 16, 1093, 9, 44644, 10, 2904, 27, 883, 27, 1166, 642, 15, 1093, 18911, 3593, 520, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 18911, 2787, 1235, 187, 40, 316, 1032, 497, 247, 10551, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1508, 16, 1093, 9, 44644, 10, 2904, 27, 1012, 27, 3071, 642, 15, 1093, 18911, 3507, 1093, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 18911, 2787, 1235, 187, 27941, 83, 16547, 83, 3215, 1727, 281, 871, 2892, 273, 253, 270, 1278, 507, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1508, 16, 1093, 9, 44644, 10, 2904, 27, 1012, 27, 2904, 642, 15, 1093, 18911, 3507, 938, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 18911, 3593, 520, 187, 41, 316, 1032, 403, 46194, 1032, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1508, 16, 1093, 9, 44644, 10, 2904, 27, 1012, 27, 1036, 642, 15, 1093, 18911, 3507, 1229, 27, 187, 5064, 21092, 18202, 35410, 187, 31, 1257, 581, 273, 253, 21647, 12390, 187, 31, 7093, 21647, 6963, 6556, 4980, 14, 1201, 16795, 13, 6246, 13, 8935, 37603, 34335, 13, 26229, 13, 285, 43372, 571, 15, 187, 31, 22478, 595, 24196, 496, 3945, 27601, 418, 614, 187, 31, 1257, 247, 14413, 72, 285, 1930, 342, 253, 43447, 19222, 275, 247, 2201, 6680, 1411, 634, 6963, 13, 1293, 1907, 253, 10390 ]
, I'm talking constitutional amendments. It's likely that it would happen in Trump's lame duck term if it happens at all. Anonymous 11/09/16(Wed)20:16:05 no.97569248: >>97544406 The person who gets the most votes should be president. You cannot argue against that without your head entering your anus. Anonymous 11/09/16(Wed)20:16:22 no.97569323: >>97544406 >trump shits on the electoral college several times >it's what got him elected What is there to defend? Anonymous 11/09/16(Wed)20:17:00 no.97569468: >>97568808 If you take out the illegal immigrant vote in California then Trump would win the popular vote too. Anonymous 11/09/16(Wed)20:20:07 no.97570243: >>97544825 I argued this with someone and it was beyond fucking retarded >Clinton won the popular vote! >Not by much, and if you could subtract the illegals and dead people voting for her I doubt she would have won the popular vote >Haha wow anon, can't believe you buy into that conspiracy theory shit >Link them that article about the 19 year old faggot a month ago caught registering almost 20 people to vote for Hillary >W-WELL YOU CAN'T PROVE THAT PEOPLE DON'T DO IT FOR TRUMP TO, SO THERE! Anonymous 11/09/16(Wed)20:20:20 no.97570308: >>97544406 >Donald Trump Lost The Popular Vote are all the votes counted yet? Anonymous 11/09/16(Wed)20:21:22 no.97570556: >>97569248 The United States is a federation, not a unitary state. The President should be representing the union of states and the people as a whole. The President does get elected with a majority of votes with the Electoral Votes. The Electoral College needs reform. One of them isn't reforming the Electoral College itself but through the House of Representatives. Increasing the number of seats will equalize the population to Electoral Voter ratio among all of the States. Anonymous 11/09/16(Wed)20:22:09 no.97570728: >>97570243 They literally give driver's licenses to illegal immigrants in California. Of course they can fucking vote and nobody would know. Subtract however many million that is and Trump wins. Anonymous 11/09/16(Wed)20:23:22 no.97571042: >>97554769 Trump wins again at a larger margin Only the huge city blocks voted Shillary Anonymous 11/09/16(Wed)20:25:14 no.97571492: >>97544406 >We build a solid case in defense of the Electoral College, thus the presidential mandate for Donald Trump you can't you fucking idiot you retards keep saying you voted for your idiot candidate because "le will of le peepul XD" (completely ignoring the fact that the will of the people is for hillary to be president). the electoral college is designed to remove power from the people and give it to electors chosen by the major partys and their officials. by definition, the electoral college exists to subvert the will of the people. you literally cannot support donald trump and the electoral college at the same time. Anonymous 11/09/16(Wed)20:26:11 no.97571728: >>97567846 Time for an amendment and voter verification. Anonymous 11/09/16(Wed)20:26:20 no.97571763: >>97571492 subtract illegal immigrant votes Anonymous 11/09/16(Wed)20:26:27 no.97571794: >>97571492 >will of the people is for hillary to be president By less than 1 percent. Anonymous 11/09/16(Wed)20:26:30 no.97571804: Trump won 30/50 states There is your Popular Vote faggots. Anonymous 11/09/16(Wed)20:26:49 no.97571891: >>97571042 You have to admit it's more than a little surprising that Los Angeles County is baby blue and not deep blue. Maybe it really is slowly uncucking itself. Anonymous 11/09/16(Wed)20:28:13 no.97572218: >>97568431 >ARM YOURSELVES. THE WAR BEGINS NOW. So, the lefties are going to pick up arms. Kek. Like they used to say about the right-wingers militias: How do you think that's going to work against tanks? Anonymous 11/09/16(Wed)20:28:26 no.97572275: >>97544406 FYI two months ago we were assailing the electoral map and argued that the popular vote was better regardless, the purpose of the electoral college is to help give smaller, more rural states more of a say in congress and the presidency. prevent "tyranny of the majority" in a way. Anonymous 11/09/16(Wed)20:28:48 no.97572363: >>97571891 They went 71.5% for Clinton. If that's uncucking themselves, I'd hate to see what cucked is. Oh right, that's Maryland. Anonymous 11/09/16(Wed)20:28:54 no.97572390: >>97544406 the popular vote is irreverent, all it says is that highly populated areas voted clinton, but the majority of the country voted trump. if we let the popular vote count then it's basically letting a small portion of the country run the lot, because more people live there Anonymous 11/09/16(Wed)20:29:12 no.97572464: >>97571492 you know theres a fine art of deal with it that you have to learn to not stress yourself out i learned it when obama won twice. your turn Anonymous 11/09/16(Wed)20:29:34 no.97572552: >>97570728 And Obama himself fucking said before the election that illegals can vote without fear of being arrested. They sure as fuck went and voted Anonymous 11/09/16(Wed)20:29:37 no.97572561: >>97571763 it is already been proven that illegal immigrants don't vote in these elections. anyone who has done any research into voter ID already knows that in-person voter fraud is a giant fucking myth (trump's lawyers straight up admitted it in court when they were suing to allow their voter intimidation/poll watching bullshit). Anonymous 11/09/16(Wed)20:29:39 no.97572568: >>97554769 Uncap the house of Representatives, and instead do it by amounts of population. that's how it used to be. it was amended because there would be too many representatives and nothing would get done. Anonymous 11/09/16(Wed)20:29:52 no.97572614: >>97571804 It's useless talking to popular vote fags. They WANT to be ruled by California, New York and all the dead people in Chicago. Anonymous 11/09/16(Wed)20:30:25 no.97572742: >>97571804 That's an argument I can accept. However, it is possible to win with less than half of the states to win under the Electoral College. Reform should be made to make this impossible. There should be majority rule but through the states. Then there is the problem of the population to Electoral Vote ratio. That can be solved with increasing the seats of the House of Representatives. Anonymous 11/09/16(Wed)20:31:01 no.97572883: >>97572568 Which was actually the idea. As far as the founders were concerned, a hampered government was the best government. Anonymous 11/09/16(Wed)20:31:43 no.97573065: >>97572561 Not in California Anonymous 11/09/16(Wed)20:32:01 no.97573134: >>97571804 >>97572742 I forgot my source. ELEVEN STATES NEEDED TO WIN THE PRESIDENCY 9/eleven-states-needed-to-win-the-p residency/ You can look elsewhere for more specifics on the electoral college (including what happens if no one reaches 270 votes). For now I just wanted to share the eleven states one can win to become president: California (55 votes) Texas (38 votes) Florida (29 votes) New York (29 votes) Illinois (20 votes) Pennsylvania (20 votes) Ohio (18 votes)
[ 13, 309, 1353, 5015, 10281, 26340, 15, 733, 434, 2779, 326, 352, 651, 5108, 275, 3778, 434, 42837, 27985, 1307, 604, 352, 6569, 387, 512, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2693, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 938, 27, 1036, 27, 1762, 642, 15, 26, 1976, 2090, 20520, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 1976, 2031, 24854, 187, 510, 1436, 665, 4850, 253, 954, 13008, 943, 320, 4007, 15, 209, 187, 1394, 2550, 9059, 1411, 326, 1293, 634, 1481, 11734, 634, 271, 316, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2693, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 938, 27, 1036, 27, 1423, 642, 15, 26, 1976, 2090, 21874, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 1976, 2031, 24854, 187, 31, 1206, 1765, 439, 953, 327, 253, 25575, 6831, 2067, 2069, 187, 31, 262, 434, 752, 1694, 779, 10544, 187, 1276, 310, 627, 281, 2342, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2693, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 938, 27, 1166, 27, 361, 642, 15, 26, 1976, 30467, 2358, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 1976, 2358, 23576, 187, 2042, 368, 1379, 562, 253, 9676, 28054, 6273, 275, 5002, 840, 3778, 651, 3330, 253, 4633, 6273, 1512, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2693, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 938, 27, 938, 27, 2922, 642, 15, 26, 1976, 1967, 23525, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 1976, 25770, 1099, 187, 42, 9125, 436, 342, 3095, 285, 352, 369, 4457, 12835, 48101, 187, 31, 2019, 8185, 1912, 253, 4633, 6273, 2, 187, 31, 3650, 407, 1199, 13, 285, 604, 368, 812, 43444, 253, 20739, 932, 285, 3846, 952, 13423, 323, 617, 309, 5545, 703, 651, 452, 1912, 253, 4633, 6273, 187, 31, 41, 19369, 39361, 271, 251, 13, 476, 626, 2868, 368, 4489, 715, 326, 13445, 3762, 10739, 187, 31, 10516, 731, 326, 3929, 670, 253, 655, 807, 1711, 269, 13046, 302, 247, 1770, 3622, 7270, 41863, 2761, 1384, 952, 281, 6273, 323, 18175, 187, 31, 56, 14, 10663, 2293, 8702, 20753, 8, 53, 4653, 19252, 16093, 41004, 24694, 8, 53, 7953, 8017, 6651, 7500, 47774, 5935, 13, 8717, 38038, 2, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2693, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 938, 27, 938, 27, 938, 642, 15, 26, 1976, 1967, 20777, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 1976, 2031, 24854, 187, 31, 16008, 3778, 26872, 380, 35555, 49588, 187, 609, 512, 253, 13008, 16042, 2568, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2693, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 938, 27, 1797, 27, 1423, 642, 15, 26, 31203, 1762, 3208, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 1976, 2090, 20520, 187, 510, 1986, 2077, 310, 247, 10208, 3328, 13, 417, 247, 24287, 1375, 15, 380, 3918, 943, 320, 9999, 253, 8083, 273, 3054, 285, 253, 952, 347, 247, 2644, 15, 380, 3918, 1057, 755, 10544, 342, 247, 5020, 273, 13008, 342, 253, 11051, 7909, 657, 4787, 15, 380, 11051, 7909, 6822, 3198, 8460, 15, 2596, 273, 731, 3548, 626, 8460, 272, 253, 11051, 7909, 6822, 3139, 533, 949, 253, 3995, 273, 25574, 15, 38078, 253, 1180, 273, 13512, 588, 4503, 907, 253, 3072, 281, 11051, 7909, 657, 31387, 4313, 2190, 512, 273, 253, 2077, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2693, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 938, 27, 1423, 27, 2693, 642, 15, 26, 1976, 26522, 1619, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 1976, 1967, 23525, 187, 3726, 12832, 1918, 6254, 434, 23937, 281, 9676, 16618, 275, 5002, 15, 4683, 2282, 597, 476, 12835, 6273, 285, 12445, 651, 871, 15, 4974, 43757, 2299, 1142, 3041, 326, 310, 285, 3778, 14896, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2693, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 938, 27, 1508, 27, 1423, 642, 15, 26, 31203, 740, 2945, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 27496, 2504, 2090, 187, 18130, 14896, 969, 387, 247, 4067, 8459, 187, 11564, 253, 5699, 2846, 8336, 14285, 1608, 12537, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2693, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 938, 27, 1099, 27, 1047, 642, 15, 26, 31203, 1047, 4529, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 1976, 2031, 24854, 187, 31, 1231, 1973, 247, 4891, 1083, 275, 5684, 273, 253, 11051, 7909, 6822, 13, 3021, 253, 12674, 21787, 323, 10053, 3778, 187, 5658, 476, 626, 368, 12835, 28006, 187, 5658, 851, 2196, 1978, 3981, 368, 14285, 323, 634, 28006, 7431, 984, 346, 282, 588, 273, 458, 759, 554, 335, 1594, 37, 3, 313, 43665, 23111, 253, 958, 326, 253, 588, 273, 253, 952, 310, 323, 288, 12537, 281, 320, 4007, 481, 209, 187, 783, 25575, 6831, 310, 4158, 281, 5386, 1612, 432, 253, 952, 285, 1918, 352, 281, 1516, 641, 6777, 407, 253, 2201, 629, 656, 285, 616, 6338, 15, 407, 5426, 13, 253, 25575, 6831, 4961, 281, 749, 1748, 253, 588, 273, 253, 952, 15, 368, 12832, 2550, 1329, 1053, 8950, 29154, 285, 253, 25575, 6831, 387, 253, 1072, 673, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2693, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 938, 27, 1731, 27, 883, 642, 15, 26, 31203, 1166, 1619, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 1976, 2251, 34938, 187, 4769, 323, 271, 15129, 285, 23800, 21999, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2693, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 938, 27, 1731, 27, 938, 642, 15, 26, 31203, 1166, 3571, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 31203, 1047, 4529, 187, 2377, 43757, 9676, 28054, 13008, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2693, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 938, 27, 1731, 27, 1630, 642, 15, 26, 31203, 1166, 3953, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 31203, 1047, 4529, 187, 31, 9846, 273, 253, 952, 310, 323, 288, 12537, 281, 320, 4007, 187, 3463, 1679, 685, 337, 2558, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2693, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 938, 27, 1731, 27, 1229, 642, 15, 26, 31203, 1093, 2125, 27, 187, 18130, 1912, 1884, 16, 1235, 3054, 187, 2512, 310, 634, 35555, 49588, 269, 13046, 1502, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2693, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 938, 27, 1731, 27, 2537, 642, 15, 26, 31203, 1093, 4739, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 31203, 740, 2945, 187, 1394, 452, 281, 11476, 352, 434, 625, 685, 247, 1652, 10084, 326, 8742, 9757, 3928, 310, 6858, 4797, 285, 417, 3676, 4797, 15, 8948, 352, 1663, 310, 7808, 5258, 25826, 3139, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2693, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 938, 27, 1619, 27, 1012, 642, 15, 26, 31203, 1423, 1093, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 1976, 28883, 2405, 187, 31, 24407, 22031, 2354, 17173, 1410, 15, 3003, 411, 1277, 8728, 40, 11965, 29659, 15, 187, 2598, 13, 253, 1669, 447, 403, 1469, 281, 2619, 598, 6174, 15, 611, 1441, 15, 187, 9817, 597, 908, 281, 1333, 670, 253, 987, 14, 7706, 398, 14269, 6358, 27, 1359, 513, 368, 1158, 326, 434, 1469, 281, 789, 1411, 20470, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2693, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 938, 27, 1619, 27, 1731, 642, 15, 26, 31203, 1423, 1976, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 1976, 2031, 24854, 187, 48965, 42, 767, 2607, 3622, 359, 497, 718, 13454, 253, 25575, 3711, 285, 9125, 326, 253, 4633, 6273, 369, 1805, 187, 1747, 21350, 13, 253, 4096, 273, 253, 25575, 6831, 310, 281, 1361, 1918, 4577, 13, 625, 11393, 3054, 625, 273, 247, 1333, 275, 27797, 285, 253, 26083, 15, 3657, 346, 555, 83, 10059, 273, 253, 5020, 3, 275, 247, 1039, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2693, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 938, 27, 1619, 27, 2385, 642, 15, 26, 31203, 1508, 3571, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 31203, 1093, 4739, 187, 3726, 2427, 11102, 15, 22, 6, 323, 9662, 15, 187, 2042, 326, 434, 5258, 25826, 3746, 13, 309, 1871, 9239, 281, 923, 752, 260, 20044, 310, 15, 187, 4013, 987, 13, 326, 434, 15812, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2693, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 938, 27, 1619, 27, 3439, 642, 15, 26, 31203, 1508, 2270, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 1976, 2031, 24854, 187, 783, 4633, 6273, 310, 21388, 306, 624, 13, 187, 455, 352, 2296, 310, 326, 4122, 26956, 3672, 14285, 502, 8185, 13, 533, 253, 5020, 273, 253, 2586, 14285, 29154, 15, 187, 338, 359, 1339, 253, 4633, 6273, 1385, 840, 352, 434, 10323, 13872, 247, 1355, 5110, 273, 253, 2586, 1408, 253, 2257, 13, 984, 625, 952, 3153, 627, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2693, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 938, 27, 1717, 27, 805, 642, 15, 26, 31203, 1348, 1540, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 31203, 1047, 4529, 187, 5658, 871, 253, 373, 247, 4030, 1445, 273, 2968, 342, 352, 326, 368, 452, 281, 3037, 281, 417, 4073, 4834, 562, 187, 74, 6311, 352, 672, 691, 2902, 1912, 7019, 15, 634, 1614, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2693, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 938, 27, 1717, 27, 1706, 642, 15, 26, 31203, 1099, 3583, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 1976, 26522, 1619, 187, 1898, 6729, 2994, 12835, 753, 1078, 253, 6132, 326, 20739, 932, 476, 6273, 1293, 4709, 273, 1146, 9833, 15, 1583, 2119, 347, 7435, 2427, 285, 14285, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2693, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 938, 27, 1717, 27, 1787, 642, 15, 26, 31203, 1099, 3832, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 31203, 1166, 3571, 187, 262, 310, 2168, 644, 11464, 326, 9676, 16618, 1053, 626, 6273, 275, 841, 12337, 15, 3780, 665, 556, 2218, 667, 2561, 715, 23800, 5417, 2168, 6057, 326, 275, 14, 10816, 23800, 9116, 310, 247, 10864, 12835, 13296, 313, 1206, 1765, 434, 16099, 4951, 598, 8176, 352, 275, 1302, 672, 597, 497, 402, 272, 281, 1581, 616, 23800, 16839, 17992, 16, 30209, 7487, 35281, 481, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2693, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 938, 27, 1717, 27, 1867, 642, 15, 26, 31203, 1099, 2358, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 27496, 2504, 2090, 187, 2447, 4421, 253, 2419, 273, 25574, 13, 285, 3185, 513, 352, 407, 8322, 273, 3072, 15, 187, 3529, 434, 849, 352, 908, 281, 320, 15, 352, 369, 13799, 984, 627, 651, 320, 1512, 1142, 15572, 285, 2717, 651, 755, 2218, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2693, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 938, 27, 1717, 27, 3583, 642, 15, 26, 31203, 1731, 1047, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 31203, 1093, 2125, 187, 1147, 434, 19437, 5015, 281, 4633, 6273, 269, 3544, 15, 1583, 40505, 281, 320, 12969, 407, 5002, 13, 1457, 2816, 285, 512, 253, 3846, 952, 275, 8068, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2693, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 938, 27, 1229, 27, 1099, 642, 15, 26, 31203, 1630, 2945, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 31203, 1093, 2125, 187, 2773, 434, 271, 4154, 309, 476, 2997, 15, 1723, 13, 352, 310, 1896, 281, 3330, 342, 1679, 685, 2716, 273, 253, 3054, 281, 3330, 762, 253, 11051, 7909, 6822, 15, 27828, 943, 320, 1160, 281, 1056, 436, 7479, 15, 1707, 943, 320, 5020, 4086, 533, 949, 253, 3054, 15, 187, 5872, 627, 310, 253, 1895, 273, 253, 3072, 281, 11051, 7909, 49588, 4313, 15, 2064, 476, 320, 14042, 342, 3629, 253, 13512, 273, 253, 3995, 273, 25574, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2693, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 938, 27, 2405, 27, 520, 642, 15, 26, 31203, 1619, 3245, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 31203, 1099, 2358, 187, 7371, 369, 2686, 253, 2934, 15, 1284, 2080, 347, 253, 33663, 497, 7514, 13, 247, 49141, 2208, 369, 253, 1682, 2208, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2693, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 938, 27, 2405, 27, 3079, 642, 15, 26, 31203, 1229, 2082, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 31203, 1099, 3832, 187, 3650, 275, 5002, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2693, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 938, 27, 1237, 27, 520, 642, 15, 26, 1976, 3655, 15468, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 31203, 1093, 2125, 187, 5064, 26, 31203, 1630, 2945, 187, 42, 18298, 619, 2603, 15, 187, 38, 25684, 1400, 18746, 42945, 1703, 5935, 36410, 3003, 44468, 1838, 20712, 58, 187, 2413, 1358, 2700, 15, 20707, 90, 563, 445, 15, 681, 16, 6755, 16, 740, 16, 18, 187, 26, 16, 11177, 1261, 14, 21196, 14, 34498, 14, 936, 14, 6481, 14, 783, 14, 81, 187, 373, 20927, 16, 187, 1394, 476, 1007, 11358, 323, 625, 40155, 327, 253, 25575, 6831, 313, 10387, 752, 6569, 604, 642, 581, 14190, 22540, 13008, 481, 1198, 1024, 309, 816, 3078, 281, 3894, 253, 19525, 3054, 581, 476, 3330, 281, 2489, 4007, 27, 187, 30971, 313, 2417, 13008, 10, 187, 36179, 313, 1839, 13008, 10, 187, 49210, 313, 1717, 13008, 10, 187, 4257, 2816, 313, 1717, 13008, 10, 187, 15041, 10868, 313, 938, 13008, 10, 187, 26008, 11187, 313, 938, 13008, 10, 187, 30779, 313, 1093, 13008, 10 ]
ian PM. What a fucking joke country, Ian Paisley laughs from heaven Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)08:11:24 no.172410101: >>172409915 or even better, when Mueller exonerates Trump of all crimes and claims that Trumps been right about the DOJ and FBI Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)08:11:56 no.172410132: Anybody willing to give him JUST hair? Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)08:12:36 no.172410185: >>172410132 im on it Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)08:12:57 no.172410203: Time to die Drumpfywumpfy Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)08:13:03 no.172410206: >>172409524 >>172409541 Thank goodness I woke up in time for the happening. Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)08:13:09 no.172410213: >>172410101 Probably 0% chance of that (because mueller is a deep state turd). I’m convinced Hillary’s minions have arranged for Mueller to do what Comey did to clinton (even tho he shoulda indicted her) and say mean things about Trump (oh gee trump was careless) right before 2018 elections. Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)08:13:36 no.172410237: >>172410132 Lol that absurd look on his face. Mr tough guy Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)08:13:37 no.172410242: >>172410185 dont forget the red eyes Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)08:13:38 no.172410243: Oh dear, they are panicking By trying a ‘clever’ midterm strategy that focuses on policy not scandal, the Democrats are failing to hold this White House to account. It will cost them the election. // ts-must-get-a-lot-tougher-on-the-tr ump-scandals-or-they-will-lose-the- midterms Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)08:13:38 no.172410245: >>172410101 They'll take to the streets with their switches lit up and slingshots. Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)08:14:07 no.172410285: >>172410203 Nobody cares about pajeet baloney Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)08:14:20 no.172410296: 3RD Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)08:14:34 no.172410308: >>172409541 SHOTS FIRED!!!!! Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)08:14:36 no.172410311: >>172410213 Good thing that Trump isn't at the ballot for 2018, that would be pointless and so nothing to prevent people from voting R downballot Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)08:14:40 no.172410315: >>172410026 HAHAHA! Good call Trump. Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)08:14:42 no.172410318: >>172410132 Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)08:14:47 no.172410322: >>172410244 Eyyyyy Dan Bongino ovah heah! Gabba goo! Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)08:15:06 no.172410344: >>172410132 Holy shit every picture of this guy looks almost cartoonishly evil. Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)08:15:08 no.172410346: >>172410296 Oops Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)08:15:07 no.172410347: >>172410244 I love when the God Emperor drops his big golden dong on the table. Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)08:15:13 no.172410355: >>172410203 Poo in the loo lawyer needs to sit this one out though, what a shitter Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)08:15:15 no.172410358: Vote out Bob Casey! Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)08:15:22 no.172410367: >>172410311 She wants to get dems the house and then get trump impeached as revenge for billy impeachment too. She’s just a salty cunt Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)08:15:23 no.172410370: >>172410244 AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH Brennan is being hung out to dry. I bet he responds with his own tweet as well, this is going to be amazing, what a day. Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)08:15:36 no.172410381: >>172410243 >Democrats >policy Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)08:15:35 no.172410382: DAS RIGHT k/status/997898555510673411 Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)08:15:51 no.172410399: >>172410318 Can you do this to the island of Britain in honor of their new Amerimutt Roastie Princess? Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)08:16:09 no.172410420: >>172410370 It’ll probably be some pretentious roman quote or some shit. Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)08:16:08 no.172410421: >>172408853 >mfw I met a guy literally named Mason Jar Did we do it? did we literally break reality itself? Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)08:16:14 no.172410429: >>172410244 Reminder that Dan Bongino has been right about everything this whole time, before anybody else. He's being fed information by someone in the know. Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)08:16:16 no.172410438: >>172410203 >war on trump wait i thought this was a reasonable legit investigation and not a political witch hunt Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)08:16:41 no.172410459: >>172410244 Keep going. Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)08:16:45 no.172410460: >>172410421 Was he jelly? Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)08:17:04 no.172410478: >>172409579 (((Goldhill))) My fuck It's almost time to fucking exterminate the jew plague. One more of these, just one more.... Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)08:17:40 no.172410508: >>172410420 He quoted Cicero last time, the cheeky fucker. At least it isn't irrelevant Bible quotes like Comey. Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)08:17:46 no.172410513: >>172410243 ??? I've seen Dem apologist rags saying *exactly* the opposite also. They really don't know what the fuck they're doing, do they? Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)08:17:59 no.172410527: >>172410344 John Brennan IS cartoonishly evil. Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)08:18:07 no.172410539: >>172410242 >>172410132 >>172410237 >>172410318 >>172410399 >>172410344 Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)08:18:08 no.172410540: >>172410444 >One side smearing the other ad inifnitum. Can they get actual court hearings for this shit already so it can be put to rest, people need to be >under oath and >punished for lying under oath to force these fucking retards to talk straight Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)08:18:18 no.172410553: >>172410460 Or saucey? Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)08:18:21 no.172410554: >>172410101 >>172410213 yeah pretty clear muller was hired
[ 757, 5365, 15, 1737, 247, 12835, 16391, 2586, 13, 23259, 3643, 261, 2205, 33350, 432, 13926, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 883, 27, 1348, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 6903, 520, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 14028, 1525, 1010, 187, 263, 1014, 1805, 13, 672, 26596, 22472, 254, 684, 3778, 273, 512, 12137, 285, 3916, 326, 1535, 10628, 644, 987, 670, 253, 7953, 43, 285, 12578, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 883, 27, 3208, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 6903, 1237, 27, 187, 6693, 2915, 7378, 281, 1918, 779, 28509, 4707, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 805, 27, 1812, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 6903, 2227, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 6903, 1237, 187, 303, 327, 352, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 805, 27, 3011, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 740, 17490, 27, 187, 4769, 281, 3150, 3196, 1765, 31296, 88, 1765, 31296, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 1012, 27, 2941, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 740, 18040, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 14028, 2222, 1348, 187, 5064, 1166, 14028, 2222, 3156, 187, 8398, 23190, 309, 23686, 598, 275, 673, 323, 253, 9369, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 1012, 27, 2693, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 11335, 1012, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 6903, 520, 187, 37161, 470, 6, 4839, 273, 326, 313, 12157, 12910, 7707, 310, 247, 3676, 1375, 10709, 69, 481, 309, 457, 78, 13762, 18175, 457, 84, 1054, 621, 452, 10912, 323, 26596, 281, 513, 752, 41101, 858, 281, 502, 8185, 313, 9154, 37152, 344, 943, 66, 38455, 617, 10, 285, 1333, 1599, 1841, 670, 3778, 313, 1368, 305, 1796, 29154, 369, 48292, 10, 987, 1078, 4765, 12337, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 1012, 27, 1812, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 740, 20991, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 6903, 1237, 187, 45, 311, 326, 20873, 1007, 327, 521, 2454, 15, 2305, 10458, 5599, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 1012, 27, 1787, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 740, 22232, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 6903, 2227, 187, 69, 834, 7740, 253, 2502, 2927, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 1012, 27, 1839, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 740, 23525, 27, 187, 4013, 11761, 13, 597, 403, 3199, 12427, 187, 3463, 2820, 247, 2802, 2148, 332, 457, 4260, 3945, 5700, 326, 16633, 327, 3646, 417, 20565, 13, 253, 10823, 403, 11741, 281, 2186, 436, 5219, 3995, 281, 2395, 15, 733, 588, 2105, 731, 253, 6132, 15, 187, 3614, 1358, 7585, 15, 22477, 15, 2061, 16, 15261, 16, 3614, 27, 187, 605, 2700, 15, 85, 742, 4170, 1257, 505, 15, 681, 16, 783, 14, 9468, 406, 376, 187, 1641, 14, 18265, 14, 788, 14, 66, 14, 11753, 14, 85, 529, 379, 14, 251, 14, 783, 14, 1206, 187, 1765, 14, 1026, 45642, 14, 263, 14, 9328, 14, 9846, 14, 77, 583, 14, 783, 14, 187, 7893, 27169, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 1012, 27, 1839, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 740, 19490, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 6903, 520, 187, 3726, 1833, 1379, 281, 253, 10198, 342, 616, 20994, 6195, 598, 285, 1499, 723, 40396, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 1047, 27, 2922, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 740, 23025, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 740, 17490, 187, 30213, 24505, 670, 1349, 5173, 292, 4273, 2153, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 1047, 27, 938, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 740, 23402, 27, 187, 20, 19000, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 1047, 27, 1706, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 740, 20777, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 14028, 2222, 3156, 187, 5648, 2415, 52, 401, 44780, 4672, 15844, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 1047, 27, 1812, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 12172, 883, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 11335, 1012, 187, 8620, 2181, 326, 3778, 3548, 626, 387, 253, 22523, 323, 4765, 13, 326, 651, 320, 41690, 285, 594, 2717, 281, 3657, 952, 432, 13423, 416, 1066, 2910, 302, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 1047, 27, 1449, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 12172, 1010, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 2313, 1731, 187, 10114, 10114, 10114, 2, 7088, 1067, 3778, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 1047, 27, 2945, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 12172, 1093, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 6903, 1237, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 1047, 27, 2504, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 740, 23625, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 740, 21149, 187, 38, 41246, 90, 5682, 378, 543, 2610, 14246, 1240, 344, 1240, 2, 17422, 5830, 564, 80, 2, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 1010, 27, 3071, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 740, 22543, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 6903, 1237, 187, 42846, 10739, 1046, 5406, 273, 436, 5599, 4453, 2761, 28224, 41524, 10319, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 1010, 27, 2904, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 740, 26140, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 740, 23402, 187, 48, 2695, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 1010, 27, 2922, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 740, 23568, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 740, 21149, 187, 42, 2389, 672, 253, 2656, 22212, 15323, 521, 1943, 14072, 277, 543, 327, 253, 2829, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 1010, 27, 1012, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 740, 22341, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 740, 17490, 187, 49, 3288, 275, 253, 2343, 80, 11115, 3198, 281, 1790, 436, 581, 562, 2167, 13, 752, 247, 439, 4069, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 1010, 27, 1010, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 740, 26422, 27, 187, 55, 1584, 562, 8679, 32252, 2, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 1010, 27, 1423, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 740, 25140, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 12172, 883, 187, 2993, 5605, 281, 755, 1471, 84, 253, 2419, 285, 840, 755, 29154, 19812, 2729, 347, 25442, 323, 270, 9352, 31105, 1512, 15, 187, 2993, 457, 84, 816, 247, 3779, 555, 260, 2084, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 1010, 27, 1508, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 740, 23139, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 740, 21149, 187, 7246, 2446, 17162, 17520, 17520, 17520, 17520, 17520, 41, 45572, 310, 1146, 10416, 562, 281, 6079, 15, 309, 701, 344, 27019, 342, 521, 1211, 15975, 347, 973, 13, 436, 310, 1469, 281, 320, 8644, 13, 752, 247, 1388, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 1010, 27, 1812, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 740, 30169, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 740, 23525, 187, 31, 13641, 41965, 187, 31, 22872, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 1010, 27, 1671, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 740, 31110, 27, 187, 37, 1719, 33238, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 16705, 15, 681, 16, 48079, 69, 471, 1559, 317, 187, 76, 16, 8581, 16, 28315, 2511, 2227, 27865, 740, 2251, 1706, 883, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 1010, 27, 3712, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 12172, 1525, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 12172, 1093, 187, 5804, 368, 513, 436, 281, 253, 8930, 273, 9643, 275, 10390, 273, 616, 747, 28177, 303, 13077, 8741, 505, 466, 23091, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 1036, 27, 2693, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 11238, 938, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 740, 23139, 187, 1147, 457, 620, 3164, 320, 690, 3215, 290, 784, 10102, 266, 14430, 390, 690, 10739, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 1036, 27, 2904, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 11238, 1797, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 14028, 2055, 3357, 187, 31, 78, 25837, 309, 1313, 247, 5599, 12832, 4907, 22455, 24064, 209, 187, 8917, 359, 513, 352, 32, 858, 359, 12832, 2740, 6612, 3139, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 1036, 27, 1047, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 11238, 1717, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 740, 21149, 187, 8494, 6228, 326, 5682, 378, 543, 2610, 556, 644, 987, 670, 3253, 436, 2644, 673, 13, 1078, 13098, 2010, 15, 187, 1328, 434, 1146, 10208, 1491, 407, 3095, 275, 253, 871, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 1036, 27, 1036, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 11238, 1839, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 740, 17490, 187, 31, 7523, 327, 29154, 187, 14061, 891, 1869, 436, 369, 247, 5272, 10972, 5839, 285, 417, 247, 3569, 25204, 20269, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 1036, 27, 3156, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 740, 28333, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 740, 21149, 187, 19515, 1469, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 1036, 27, 1857, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 11238, 1549, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 11238, 1797, 187, 18412, 344, 39018, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 1166, 27, 2125, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 740, 31819, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 14028, 2222, 2787, 187, 39246, 22526, 18610, 10689, 187, 3220, 7435, 187, 1147, 434, 2761, 673, 281, 12835, 385, 20792, 366, 253, 15589, 31781, 15, 2596, 625, 273, 841, 13, 816, 581, 625, 2391, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 1166, 27, 1449, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 740, 27101, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 11238, 938, 187, 1328, 15212, 45812, 2771, 1390, 673, 13, 253, 19723, 90, 7435, 254, 15, 2058, 1878, 352, 3548, 626, 19124, 13534, 19101, 751, 41101, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 1166, 27, 2950, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 10655, 1012, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 740, 23525, 187, 33186, 187, 42, 1849, 2326, 4281, 1049, 10364, 391, 3544, 3981, 475, 911, 24374, 11, 253, 7285, 671, 15, 187, 3726, 1663, 1053, 626, 871, 752, 253, 7435, 597, 1472, 2509, 13, 513, 597, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 1166, 27, 3046, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 10655, 1630, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 740, 22543, 187, 8732, 45572, 4110, 28224, 41524, 10319, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 1093, 27, 2922, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 10655, 1867, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 740, 22232, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 6903, 1237, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 740, 20991, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 12172, 1093, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 12172, 1525, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 740, 22543, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 1093, 27, 2904, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 10655, 1449, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 740, 24447, 187, 31, 4041, 1930, 924, 10745, 253, 643, 519, 275, 338, 32202, 360, 15, 187, 5804, 597, 755, 4588, 1302, 26388, 323, 436, 10739, 2168, 594, 352, 476, 320, 1691, 281, 1551, 13, 952, 878, 281, 320, 209, 187, 31, 4524, 25019, 187, 395, 209, 187, 31, 34139, 1428, 323, 10776, 762, 25019, 187, 936, 3490, 841, 12835, 851, 2196, 281, 2312, 4951, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 1093, 27, 1093, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 740, 42633, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 11238, 1549, 187, 3980, 12364, 90, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 1093, 27, 1797, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 740, 46027, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 6903, 520, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 11335, 1012, 187, 90, 3983, 3965, 2590, 278, 962, 254, 369, 14565 ]
man to fish: rator It's taking ages so I don't know. Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)13:01:42 no.148258101: >>148236228 should this campaign go for round 2 on here? Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)13:12:50 no.148259351: >>148258101 No, stick with the plan Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)13:13:43 no.148259467: problem for me in my country: I can't trigger the left that hard with the slogan Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)13:15:58 no.148259706: New - Youtube - MrIslamAnswersback - re: It's OK To Be White Hash tag Black Muslim tells you why it's not okay to be white edition meZwXWrM Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)13:16:19 no.148259754: >>148248636 This kills the computer. Here's a general recap vid kkPdQqLs Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)13:17:59 no.148259933: >>148257994 >>148236228 Looks like it's: Homizio Nova Light in all caps. It's free. varo-thomz/homizio-nova Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)13:20:26 no.148260212: >>148259351 I think what was meant was should anons start up a lot of threads for the campaign again..its slowed on here Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)13:21:19 no.148260321: >>148236228 How can we get weev to hack all the vulnerable printers in the world to print this out? He did it for the stormfags Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)13:23:42 no.148260606: >>148259467 Try: It's okay to be Right Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)13:28:48 no.148261224: saw this one today for Europe. Think the cultural marxist stuff needs to go as normies think it's a weird conspiracy Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)13:28:54 no.148261235: >>148236228 Did you know you can print images, like the one you posted? Isn't technology amazing? Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)13:30:39 no.148261442: >>148261235 It wouldn't be as clean a print though, you could do different sizes and I think the line-height needs improvement anyway. Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)13:32:47 no.148261679: My school just sent this out. Who /pol/ on my campus Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)13:33:12 no.148261722: >>148248671 Don't make fun of him. He is not even part of a legitimate country Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)13:35:24 no.148261992: >>148241674 Nice work dude. Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)13:37:35 no.148262224: IS THE FONT COPYRIGHT FREE MY GOYS? Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)13:40:44 no.148262559: >>148236228 I'd say Futura Light is close, but not the exact font (letter B) Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)13:41:33 no.148262647: >>148261679 that's a pretty based response desu Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)13:41:45 no.148262669: New ar-campus-saying-okay-white-called- racist-scandal/ Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)13:44:34 no.148262966: >>148257257 well done Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)13:49:16 no.148263468: >>148262647 Yea not kidding. Didn't expect this from a UC response. Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)13:49:29 no.148263492: So lets see where this (((OP))) stands >Civic Nationalists >Alt Lite >E-Celebs >Unimportant web news FAIL, Go back home you Wigger Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)14:00:39 no.148264826: >>148256822 Until you aren't. Agreed you can infiltrate and control information really well, but you always get blown the fuck out. Whatever, you fucking Yids seem to enjoy that part too, so you can milk it for sympathy later. One day you're getting purged, and only on that day will you know you've finally gone too far. You creatures are amazing. The type of people I have to admire, but can't respect. Shalom Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)14:09:45 no.148266146: >>148236608 You change it you change the message. We have but a simple message. "Its okay to be white" do not deviate from it. if anybody disagrees they are racist its a beautiful check if not check mate. Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)14:10:32 no.148266253: >>148261442 It would be fine and you can resize / clean up the image however the fuck you want in paint. How many potatoes does it take to kill a million Irish? None Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)14:10:32 no.148266256: >>148238017 There are few mentally ill people on live leak that have dozens of left leaning accounts. I can tell he has migrated here. He needs a good doxing Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)14:11:42 no.148266388: >>148261679 he didn't fall for the bait. Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)14:16:20 no.148266907: >>148263709 How much of a subhuman piece of shit do you have to be to stab a police horse? Those things are docile as fuck. Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)14:19:47 no.148267348: >>148249299 Fucking shill faggots changing the format and linking to alt right websites... Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)14:20:03 no.148267391: >>148266253 That might pack more of a punch coming from a people that didnt die by the hundreds of millions to starvation. Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)14:24:49 no.148267949: >>148238559 >>148239031 bro, you are doing a great job. have you joined the discord yet? we'd love to have you help with thte media channels: cTbJxZ Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)14:25:52 no.148268089: >>148261679 An unexpectedly moderated response. This guy's actually smart. Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)14:32:59 no.148269000: here in Davis too Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)14:38:29 no.148269728: bump, this campaign is ongoing and I encourage everyone to keep posting these flyers as fast as they are taken down. Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)14:39:43 no.148269901: >>148240448 >(((Tracking the alt-right))) What did they mean by this? Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)14:42:02 no.148270218: -another-trolling-campaign-emerges the fucking ADL... Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)14:43:17 no.148270366: >>148236441 I’m ashamed they didn’t report my signs in Albuquerque. :( Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)14:46:22 no.148270776: >>148270366 Post more anon Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)14:48:36 no.148271070: >>148236228 It'S oK
[ 637, 281, 6773, 27, 209, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 8345, 371, 343, 1661, 15, 681, 16, 2056, 1962, 187, 21573, 187, 1147, 434, 3192, 11880, 594, 309, 1053, 626, 871, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1012, 27, 520, 27, 2945, 642, 15, 16989, 1099, 3593, 520, 27, 187, 5064, 16989, 21358, 20694, 187, 11425, 436, 4544, 564, 323, 3790, 374, 327, 1060, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1012, 27, 805, 27, 1235, 642, 15, 16989, 20395, 27018, 27, 187, 5064, 16989, 1099, 3593, 520, 187, 2302, 13, 7356, 342, 253, 2098, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1012, 27, 1012, 27, 3079, 642, 15, 16989, 1099, 3953, 2251, 27, 187, 28872, 323, 479, 275, 619, 2586, 27, 309, 476, 626, 9632, 253, 1669, 326, 1892, 342, 253, 43387, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1012, 27, 1010, 27, 3680, 642, 15, 16989, 20395, 28166, 27, 187, 4257, 428, 49459, 428, 2305, 34330, 1145, 45823, 2135, 428, 294, 27, 733, 434, 10826, 1916, 2325, 5219, 22272, 6809, 187, 15383, 8797, 8599, 368, 2139, 352, 434, 417, 8261, 281, 320, 3168, 11166, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 24583, 15, 681, 16, 13060, 32, 87, 30, 77, 39297, 187, 1405, 59, 88, 57, 56, 83, 46, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1012, 27, 1036, 27, 746, 642, 15, 16989, 20395, 31254, 27, 187, 5064, 16989, 1348, 2691, 1812, 187, 1552, 26280, 253, 4382, 15, 187, 4943, 434, 247, 2087, 39994, 29069, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 24583, 15, 681, 16, 13060, 32, 87, 30, 5844, 52, 187, 14750, 49, 69, 50, 82, 45, 84, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1012, 27, 1166, 27, 3046, 642, 15, 16989, 1099, 1525, 1610, 27, 187, 5064, 16989, 21553, 34307, 187, 5064, 16989, 21358, 20694, 187, 35082, 751, 352, 434, 27, 209, 187, 21569, 478, 900, 30947, 10315, 275, 512, 12839, 15, 187, 1147, 434, 1959, 15, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 4909, 91, 2212, 15, 681, 16, 8345, 16, 77, 187, 2044, 80, 14, 394, 297, 91, 16, 12856, 478, 900, 14, 79, 8947, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1012, 27, 938, 27, 1731, 642, 15, 1047, 3507, 1549, 17223, 27, 187, 5064, 16989, 20395, 27018, 187, 42, 1158, 752, 369, 5486, 369, 943, 271, 790, 1265, 598, 247, 2257, 273, 17059, 323, 253, 4544, 969, 537, 953, 28837, 327, 1060, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1012, 27, 1797, 27, 746, 642, 15, 1047, 3507, 1549, 22693, 27, 187, 5064, 16989, 21358, 20694, 187, 2347, 476, 359, 755, 359, 1173, 281, 13908, 512, 253, 14043, 38121, 275, 253, 1533, 281, 3379, 436, 562, 32, 754, 858, 352, 323, 253, 9902, 71, 3544, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1012, 27, 1508, 27, 2945, 642, 15, 1047, 3507, 1549, 25358, 27, 187, 5064, 16989, 1099, 3953, 2251, 187, 17222, 27, 733, 434, 8261, 281, 320, 10154, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1012, 27, 1619, 27, 2385, 642, 15, 16989, 1731, 805, 1348, 27, 187, 35577, 436, 581, 3063, 323, 3060, 15, 209, 187, 26068, 253, 8928, 2304, 89, 382, 5017, 3198, 281, 564, 347, 5222, 447, 1158, 352, 434, 247, 12504, 13445, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1012, 27, 1619, 27, 3439, 642, 15, 16989, 1731, 805, 1671, 27, 187, 5064, 16989, 21358, 20694, 187, 8917, 368, 871, 368, 476, 3379, 3888, 13, 751, 253, 581, 368, 9269, 32, 36026, 626, 4302, 8644, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1012, 27, 1229, 27, 1867, 642, 15, 16989, 1731, 1047, 2945, 27, 187, 5064, 16989, 1731, 805, 1671, 187, 1147, 5082, 626, 320, 347, 4076, 247, 3379, 2167, 13, 368, 812, 513, 1027, 9552, 285, 309, 1158, 253, 1386, 14, 7436, 3198, 7756, 8791, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1012, 27, 1237, 27, 2504, 642, 15, 16989, 1731, 1036, 2787, 27, 187, 3220, 2143, 816, 2197, 436, 562, 15, 8452, 1227, 4818, 16, 327, 619, 13790, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1012, 27, 1610, 27, 805, 642, 15, 16989, 1731, 1166, 1423, 27, 187, 5064, 16989, 20520, 35276, 187, 5498, 626, 1056, 794, 273, 779, 15, 754, 310, 417, 1014, 629, 273, 247, 14905, 2586, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1012, 27, 1671, 27, 1348, 642, 15, 16989, 1731, 13895, 27, 187, 5064, 16989, 1348, 1036, 3566, 187, 29235, 789, 29723, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1012, 27, 1787, 27, 1671, 642, 15, 16989, 1731, 1423, 1348, 27, 187, 1830, 3003, 401, 17171, 28827, 27460, 17450, 11488, 6328, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1012, 27, 1449, 27, 2031, 642, 15, 16989, 1731, 1099, 3046, 27, 187, 5064, 16989, 21358, 20694, 187, 42, 1871, 1333, 41395, 5650, 10315, 310, 2810, 13, 533, 417, 253, 3242, 8266, 313, 15139, 378, 10, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1012, 27, 3156, 27, 1610, 642, 15, 16989, 1731, 17984, 24, 27, 187, 5064, 16989, 1731, 1036, 2787, 187, 3529, 434, 247, 3965, 1754, 2380, 711, 86, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1012, 27, 3156, 27, 1857, 642, 15, 16989, 1731, 1731, 2090, 27, 187, 4257, 10350, 15, 681, 187, 3614, 1358, 585, 5379, 15, 681, 16, 9188, 84, 14, 6243, 187, 274, 14, 23485, 316, 14, 84, 16948, 14, 536, 333, 14, 11300, 14, 8890, 14, 187, 8306, 382, 14, 1026, 14363, 16, 187, 2413, 1358, 22477, 15, 261, 16, 2577, 8484, 59, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1012, 27, 2031, 27, 1706, 642, 15, 16989, 1731, 1717, 2526, 27, 187, 5064, 16989, 21553, 21553, 187, 4714, 2218, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1012, 27, 2537, 27, 1036, 642, 15, 16989, 1731, 1706, 2358, 27, 187, 5064, 16989, 1731, 17984, 24, 187, 58, 14576, 417, 29521, 15, 40713, 626, 1902, 436, 432, 247, 23455, 2380, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1012, 27, 2537, 27, 1717, 642, 15, 16989, 1731, 1706, 4529, 27, 187, 2598, 14935, 923, 835, 436, 24317, 2795, 10689, 9572, 187, 31, 23429, 280, 3313, 1346, 187, 31, 31879, 418, 614, 187, 31, 38, 14, 36, 11177, 1768, 187, 31, 2447, 18108, 4384, 3668, 187, 27002, 13, 3617, 896, 1728, 368, 411, 16046, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1047, 27, 361, 27, 1867, 642, 15, 1047, 3507, 25020, 1731, 27, 187, 5064, 16989, 1099, 2358, 1423, 187, 24753, 368, 6403, 626, 15, 209, 187, 8903, 22767, 368, 476, 23608, 366, 285, 1453, 1491, 1663, 973, 13, 533, 368, 1900, 755, 24684, 253, 7435, 562, 15, 187, 25713, 13, 368, 12835, 714, 2352, 1646, 281, 4264, 326, 629, 1512, 13, 594, 368, 476, 8463, 352, 323, 25528, 1996, 15, 187, 4041, 1388, 368, 1472, 2970, 1460, 2400, 13, 285, 760, 327, 326, 1388, 588, 368, 871, 368, 1849, 4720, 4783, 1512, 2080, 15, 1422, 17268, 403, 8644, 15, 380, 1511, 273, 952, 309, 452, 281, 26930, 13, 533, 476, 626, 1675, 15, 1608, 267, 297, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1047, 27, 2693, 27, 1857, 642, 15, 16989, 22313, 16607, 27, 187, 5064, 16989, 21358, 25805, 187, 1394, 1818, 352, 368, 1818, 253, 3935, 15, 844, 452, 533, 247, 2969, 3935, 15, 346, 27132, 8261, 281, 320, 3168, 3, 513, 417, 1474, 4513, 432, 352, 15, 604, 13098, 10009, 6151, 597, 403, 22198, 697, 247, 5389, 2451, 604, 417, 2451, 20187, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1047, 27, 740, 27, 1237, 642, 15, 16989, 22313, 22067, 27, 187, 5064, 16989, 1731, 1047, 2945, 187, 1147, 651, 320, 4030, 285, 368, 476, 39332, 1227, 4076, 598, 253, 2460, 2299, 253, 7435, 368, 971, 275, 6848, 15, 187, 2347, 1142, 20951, 1057, 352, 1379, 281, 5159, 247, 3041, 11596, 32, 8256, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1047, 27, 740, 27, 1237, 642, 15, 16989, 22313, 9726, 27, 187, 5064, 16989, 21378, 11027, 187, 2512, 403, 1643, 23198, 2853, 952, 327, 3153, 13584, 326, 452, 18660, 273, 1669, 25661, 8553, 15, 309, 476, 2028, 344, 556, 40891, 1060, 15, 754, 3198, 247, 1175, 513, 89, 272, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1047, 27, 883, 27, 2945, 642, 15, 16989, 22313, 25085, 27, 187, 5064, 16989, 1731, 1036, 2787, 187, 248, 1904, 626, 2965, 323, 253, 35352, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1047, 27, 1036, 27, 938, 642, 15, 16989, 1731, 2090, 2922, 27, 187, 5064, 16989, 1731, 1787, 2693, 187, 2347, 1199, 273, 247, 749, 13961, 5313, 273, 10739, 513, 368, 452, 281, 320, 281, 25520, 247, 3513, 8815, 32, 9240, 1841, 403, 5474, 587, 347, 7435, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1047, 27, 746, 27, 2504, 642, 15, 16989, 23546, 25289, 27, 187, 5064, 16989, 1348, 4529, 1525, 187, 39, 25826, 439, 408, 269, 13046, 1502, 6890, 253, 5981, 285, 20057, 281, 6945, 987, 14248, 1051, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1047, 27, 938, 27, 2941, 642, 15, 16989, 23546, 30072, 27, 187, 5064, 16989, 22313, 22067, 187, 2773, 1537, 3584, 625, 273, 247, 18750, 3551, 432, 247, 952, 326, 42126, 3150, 407, 253, 8307, 273, 9790, 281, 35351, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1047, 27, 1348, 27, 2537, 642, 15, 16989, 1731, 2787, 2537, 27, 187, 5064, 16989, 1508, 2227, 3046, 187, 5064, 16989, 1508, 2270, 2405, 187, 9108, 13, 368, 403, 2509, 247, 1270, 2628, 15, 452, 368, 7416, 253, 37600, 2568, 32, 359, 1871, 2389, 281, 452, 368, 1361, 342, 289, 442, 3420, 8123, 27, 260, 53, 67, 43, 89, 59, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1047, 27, 1099, 27, 3583, 642, 15, 16989, 1731, 1438, 2511, 27, 187, 5064, 16989, 1731, 1036, 2787, 187, 1145, 34065, 771, 12072, 2380, 15, 187, 1552, 5599, 434, 2686, 7060, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1047, 27, 1237, 27, 3046, 642, 15, 16989, 23292, 933, 27, 187, 1568, 275, 11328, 1512, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1047, 27, 1839, 27, 1717, 642, 15, 16989, 1731, 4148, 1619, 27, 187, 67, 1765, 13, 436, 4544, 310, 10800, 285, 309, 11907, 4130, 281, 1978, 16920, 841, 8778, 398, 347, 3809, 347, 597, 403, 2668, 1066, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1047, 27, 1867, 27, 3079, 642, 15, 16989, 1731, 1525, 520, 27, 187, 5064, 16989, 14028, 25770, 187, 31, 39246, 2290, 10892, 253, 6945, 14, 918, 10689, 187, 1276, 858, 597, 1599, 407, 436, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1047, 27, 2945, 27, 2640, 642, 15, 16989, 1630, 2640, 1093, 27, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 324, 77, 15, 2061, 16, 9198, 16, 4064, 14, 21, 2291, 187, 14, 23955, 14, 85, 19891, 14, 49686, 14, 37114, 265, 187, 783, 12835, 5446, 45, 1051, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1047, 27, 3079, 27, 1166, 642, 15, 16989, 20256, 25772, 27, 187, 5064, 16989, 1508, 1540, 3156, 187, 42, 457, 78, 29170, 597, 1904, 457, 85, 1304, 619, 7871, 275, 1219, 9111, 14056, 1452, 15, 34977, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1047, 27, 2950, 27, 1423, 642, 15, 16989, 20256, 32332, 27, 187, 5064, 16989, 20256, 25772, 187, 8983, 625, 271, 251, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1047, 27, 2385, 27, 1812, 642, 15, 16989, 1630, 740, 1967, 27, 187, 5064, 16989, 21358, 20694, 187, 1147, 8, 52, 258, 44 ]
Anonymous 11/25/16(Fri)21:10:04 no.100254983: >>100251929 lol bigly league xd trump shuod say this Anonymous 11/25/16(Fri)21:10:08 no.100254991: >>100254734 >then the liberal hordes would ravage her why? It isn't like she has an incriminating pictures of h- oh.... Anonymous 11/25/16(Fri)21:10:09 no.100254996: >>100254551 Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you. Anonymous 11/25/16(Fri)21:10:13 no.100255005: >>100254478 Imagine being the craftsman who made that rhino. Being patient and skilled and intelligent and thoughtful enough to know your civilization wouldn't make it and eventually it would be lost to time. We saved your rhino figurine for you, Africa guy. A lot of people are looking at it, even though it's next to some dumb stone. Pls be at peace. Anonymous 11/25/16(Fri)21:10:15 no.100255010: >>100253603 Anonymous 11/25/16(Fri)21:10:24 no.100255027: why is argentina the way that it is Anonymous 11/25/16(Fri)21:10:29 no.100255036: >>100253248 >let me assure you, this time it's different Anonymous 11/25/16(Fri)21:10:31 no.100255041: >>100254950 We can see your other posts, shill. Anonymous 11/25/16(Fri)21:10:43 no.100255053: >>100254933 She had the money to FILE for a recount, now she needs to raise 8-10 million dollars more to actually have a recount in any given state, cuck Irony 11/25/16(Fri)21:11:11 no.100255109: >>100251929 It would be so ironic if Trump when he gets sworn in if he moves to imprison everybody who ever used the stupid Pepe the frog memes and all the dumbass nazis who heil solute to him and puts them in fucking concentration camps. Anonymous 11/25/16(Fri)21:11:18 no.100255117: >>100254893 There has to be a vailid reason for a recount. Al Gore said the machines were fucky in FL (and they were tampered with to some degree). That's why he got a recount. Using blog posts about Russian hackers isn't evidence in the slightest. Anonymous 11/25/16(Fri)21:11:22 no.100255122: >>100255027 Too many white people Anonymous 11/25/16(Fri)21:11:30 no.100255136: >>100255027 Dysgenics Same reason the mediterranean is barely holding on to first world status Anonymous 11/25/16(Fri)21:11:54 no.100255167: >>100254867 >Carried a distance of four fag miles whoopty doo Anonymous 11/25/16(Fri)21:11:55 no.100255168: >For maximum asspain use in January on social meidia Anonymous 11/25/16(Fri)21:12:06 no.100255187: >>100255027 jews and peronism Anonymous 11/25/16(Fri)21:12:18 no.100255203: >>100252618 >>100254505 >>100254950 Take off the tinfoil fedora conspiratard Anonymous 11/25/16(Fri)21:12:24 no.100255216: >>100255117 Don't need a reason in Wisconsin. Just money and on the ballot. Anonymous 11/25/16(Fri)21:12:29 no.100255222: anyone ever wear 2 Trump hats at the same time? It's a rush, lemme tell you. Anonymous 11/25/16(Fri)21:12:28 no.100255223: >>100255168 kek Anonymous 11/25/16(Fri)21:12:28 no.100255224: >>100255117 quit arguing with the recount faggots Just smirk and enjoy their desperation Anonymous 11/25/16(Fri)21:12:45 no.100255258: I want Tulsi to be SoS so bad, but MSM never talks about her. Anonymous 11/25/16(Fri)21:12:46 no.100255260: >>100254950 They're going to blame everything on Russia. This is the start of the narrative to justify WW3 >omg evil Russia hacked poor Hillary's emails >omg evil Russia spread "false news" during the campaign >omg evil Russia hacked the election >omg president Clinton says we need a no fly zone over Syria >omg we totally need to go to war with Russia now! The trump victory was all a set up Anonymous 11/25/16(Fri)21:13:02 no.100255274: >>100255168 What if you like in Guam? Anonymous 11/25/16(Fri)21:13:03 no.100255280: >>100255222 madman Anonymous 11/25/16(Fri)21:13:09 no.100255294: >>100255168 hahahaa Anonymous 11/25/16(Fri)21:13:15 no.100255306: anyone else find it interesting that hillary doesn't seem to care about a recount and the only one interested in recounting is jill stein, who wont' win? somethings fucky Anonymous 11/25/16(Fri)21:13:23 no.100255319: >>100255216 >Source: my ass Good luck with that recount faggot Anonymous 11/25/16(Fri)21:13:44 no.100255355: So why is Wisconsin being recounted? Trump had a 1% lead, so I assumed a recount couldn't occur. Anonymous 11/25/16(Fri)21:13:51 no.100255367: WHY ARE THEY RECOUNTING THE SWING STATES?! DID RUSSIA FUCK UP?! Anonymous 11/25/16(Fri)21:13:55 no.100255374: >unix filename timestamp has passed 1480000000000 recently >filenames will begin with 1488 from february 25 until march 8 Meme magic will be strong next year. What do you think can we expect from Kek these weeks? Anonymous 11/25/16(Fri)21:13:55 no.100255376: >>100253955 Previous campaigns didn't really have a candidate people were obsessed with like Trump, mostly just tolerated as the lesser of two evils. Even 08 Obama was just about people being sick of the Iraq war. Anonymous 11/25/16(Fri)21:13:59 no.100255383: >>100255274 He is your president Anonymous 11/25/16(Fri)21:14:01 no.100255390: UQxN-hys Irony 11/25/16(Fri)21:14:02 no.100255395: >>100255109 >>100255109 >>100255109 Anonymous 11/25/16(Fri)21:14:16 no.100255422: >>100254950 Anonymous 11/25/16(Fri)21:14:20 no.100255434: >>100255053 >8-10 million Source: you ass >file The state clearly said they are going ahead with the recount you pathetic fucking moron Anonymous 11/25/16(Fri)21:14:32 no.100255462: >>100255306 We shouldn't even bother talking about the recount anymore. CTR shills don't want us paying attention to it. Anonymous 11/25/16(Fri)21:14:33 no.100255466: >>100253995 Good for you! Too bad they'll say Trump won again. Anonymous 11/25/16(Fri)21:14:36 no.100255472: >>100254893 Wait, if they don't finish counting by 13.12 he just loses these votes automatically? Anonymous 11/25
[ 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1099, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 1797, 27, 740, 27, 2125, 642, 15, 2313, 1099, 2537, 3245, 27, 187, 5064, 2313, 1099, 746, 1717, 187, 77, 311, 1943, 314, 9728, 1269, 69, 187, 1206, 1765, 439, 86, 351, 1333, 436, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1099, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 1797, 27, 740, 27, 2904, 642, 15, 2313, 15161, 39405, 27, 187, 5064, 2313, 1099, 2504, 1706, 187, 31, 7461, 253, 12773, 288, 636, 265, 651, 37952, 486, 617, 187, 2139, 32, 209, 187, 1147, 3548, 626, 751, 703, 556, 271, 1485, 3428, 8779, 7968, 273, 288, 14, 187, 1368, 2391, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1099, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 1797, 27, 740, 27, 2693, 642, 15, 2313, 15161, 28053, 27, 187, 5064, 2313, 1099, 1857, 3712, 187, 53, 46072, 13, 309, 1333, 281, 368, 13, 597, 452, 2959, 616, 10921, 15, 1292, 672, 368, 1918, 281, 253, 878, 90, 13, 513, 417, 1339, 634, 1669, 1133, 871, 752, 634, 987, 1133, 310, 2509, 13, 594, 326, 634, 4933, 778, 320, 275, 4279, 15, 1244, 634, 10956, 665, 11403, 275, 4279, 588, 10921, 368, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1099, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 1797, 27, 740, 27, 1012, 642, 15, 2313, 1099, 5388, 22, 27, 187, 5064, 2313, 1099, 2031, 3141, 187, 38989, 1146, 253, 43021, 1342, 665, 1160, 326, 13882, 2610, 15, 187, 26143, 3110, 285, 18024, 285, 17497, 285, 30457, 2217, 281, 871, 634, 23749, 5082, 626, 1056, 352, 285, 6524, 352, 651, 320, 3663, 281, 673, 15, 187, 1231, 9809, 634, 13882, 2610, 43888, 460, 323, 368, 13, 7531, 5599, 15, 329, 2257, 273, 952, 403, 2819, 387, 352, 13, 1014, 2167, 352, 434, 1735, 281, 690, 21413, 8805, 15, 1847, 84, 320, 387, 6330, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1099, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 1797, 27, 740, 27, 1010, 642, 15, 2313, 10637, 9104, 27, 187, 5064, 2313, 1099, 16587, 20, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1099, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 1797, 27, 740, 27, 1348, 642, 15, 2313, 1099, 1235, 1630, 27, 187, 22309, 310, 1736, 290, 1758, 253, 1039, 326, 352, 310, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1099, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 1797, 27, 740, 27, 1717, 642, 15, 2313, 1099, 1235, 1812, 27, 187, 5064, 2313, 1099, 1237, 2385, 187, 31, 1059, 479, 21684, 368, 13, 436, 673, 352, 434, 1027, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1099, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 1797, 27, 740, 27, 2405, 642, 15, 2313, 1099, 1235, 3156, 27, 187, 5064, 2313, 1099, 2537, 1235, 187, 1231, 476, 923, 634, 643, 9319, 13, 439, 408, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1099, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 1797, 27, 740, 27, 3079, 642, 15, 2313, 1099, 1235, 3357, 27, 187, 5064, 2313, 1099, 2537, 1610, 187, 2993, 574, 253, 2583, 281, 15691, 323, 247, 27513, 13, 1024, 703, 3198, 281, 7164, 854, 14, 740, 3041, 8918, 625, 281, 2686, 452, 247, 27513, 275, 667, 1677, 1375, 13, 260, 1807, 535, 187, 41331, 90, 1903, 16, 1099, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 1797, 27, 883, 27, 883, 642, 15, 2313, 10637, 12852, 27, 187, 5064, 2313, 1099, 746, 1717, 187, 1147, 651, 320, 594, 40066, 604, 3778, 672, 344, 4850, 29773, 275, 604, 344, 9727, 281, 14875, 11648, 665, 2455, 908, 253, 11339, 3586, 365, 253, 40096, 1167, 265, 285, 512, 253, 21413, 515, 295, 1370, 261, 665, 344, 300, 1220, 1137, 281, 779, 285, 12516, 731, 275, 12835, 4719, 19509, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1099, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 1797, 27, 883, 27, 1093, 642, 15, 2313, 10637, 12231, 27, 187, 5064, 2313, 1099, 2385, 4590, 187, 2512, 556, 281, 320, 247, 362, 647, 301, 1921, 323, 247, 27513, 15, 1219, 37697, 753, 253, 10679, 497, 7435, 90, 275, 11953, 313, 395, 597, 497, 21526, 11712, 342, 281, 690, 4248, 481, 2064, 434, 2139, 344, 1694, 247, 27513, 15, 6915, 5311, 9319, 670, 7247, 38287, 3548, 626, 1941, 275, 253, 33456, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1099, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 1797, 27, 883, 27, 1423, 642, 15, 2313, 10637, 14351, 27, 187, 5064, 2313, 1099, 1235, 1630, 187, 25643, 1142, 3168, 952, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1099, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 1797, 27, 883, 27, 1229, 642, 15, 2313, 10637, 15220, 27, 187, 5064, 2313, 1099, 1235, 1630, 187, 37, 656, 1541, 982, 187, 27970, 1921, 253, 1129, 20478, 310, 12345, 5877, 327, 281, 806, 1533, 3708, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1099, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 1797, 27, 883, 27, 3439, 642, 15, 2313, 10637, 18146, 27, 187, 5064, 2313, 1099, 2385, 2251, 187, 31, 10697, 2200, 247, 4181, 273, 1740, 269, 356, 6574, 187, 10002, 412, 555, 513, 80, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1099, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 1797, 27, 883, 27, 2417, 642, 15, 2313, 10637, 13851, 27, 187, 31, 2214, 4869, 718, 31406, 897, 275, 4247, 327, 2675, 479, 32825, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1099, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 1797, 27, 805, 27, 3071, 642, 15, 2313, 10637, 17306, 27, 187, 5064, 2313, 1099, 1235, 1630, 187, 75, 999, 84, 285, 591, 251, 1204, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1099, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 1797, 27, 805, 27, 1093, 642, 15, 2313, 10637, 17490, 27, 187, 5064, 2313, 1099, 1731, 1093, 187, 5064, 2313, 15161, 18550, 187, 5064, 2313, 1099, 2537, 1235, 187, 12864, 745, 253, 246, 5374, 300, 10208, 6464, 11882, 255, 472, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1099, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 1797, 27, 805, 27, 1348, 642, 15, 2313, 1099, 3583, 1036, 27, 187, 5064, 2313, 10637, 12231, 187, 5498, 626, 878, 247, 1921, 275, 15558, 15, 3771, 2583, 285, 327, 253, 22523, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1099, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 1797, 27, 805, 27, 1717, 642, 15, 2313, 10637, 18895, 27, 187, 1279, 531, 2455, 8251, 374, 3778, 33054, 387, 253, 1072, 673, 32, 187, 1147, 434, 247, 16949, 13, 458, 78, 1405, 2028, 368, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1099, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 1797, 27, 805, 27, 1619, 642, 15, 2313, 10637, 20360, 27, 187, 5064, 2313, 10637, 13851, 187, 413, 76, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1099, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 1797, 27, 805, 27, 1619, 642, 15, 2313, 1099, 3583, 1348, 27, 187, 5064, 2313, 10637, 12231, 187, 48997, 16425, 342, 253, 27513, 269, 13046, 1502, 187, 6300, 924, 11131, 285, 4264, 616, 46347, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1099, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 1797, 27, 805, 27, 1857, 642, 15, 2313, 10637, 22029, 27, 187, 42, 971, 308, 7228, 74, 281, 320, 1893, 52, 594, 3076, 13, 533, 44986, 1620, 12088, 670, 617, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1099, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 1797, 27, 805, 27, 2950, 642, 15, 2313, 1099, 3583, 1549, 27, 187, 5064, 2313, 1099, 2537, 1235, 187, 3726, 1472, 1469, 281, 13387, 3253, 327, 7422, 15, 831, 310, 253, 1265, 273, 253, 14511, 281, 15249, 23556, 20, 187, 31, 297, 72, 10319, 7422, 41765, 4105, 18175, 434, 16530, 187, 31, 297, 72, 10319, 7422, 5195, 346, 7750, 3668, 3, 1309, 253, 4544, 187, 31, 297, 72, 10319, 7422, 41765, 253, 6132, 187, 31, 297, 72, 4007, 9662, 2296, 359, 878, 247, 642, 8778, 8232, 689, 12728, 209, 187, 31, 297, 72, 359, 9106, 878, 281, 564, 281, 2137, 342, 7422, 1024, 2, 209, 187, 510, 29154, 10170, 369, 512, 247, 873, 598, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1099, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 1797, 27, 1012, 27, 2640, 642, 15, 2313, 10637, 23735, 27, 187, 5064, 2313, 10637, 13851, 187, 1276, 604, 368, 751, 275, 3262, 312, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1099, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 1797, 27, 1012, 27, 2941, 642, 15, 2313, 1099, 3583, 1438, 27, 187, 5064, 2313, 10637, 18895, 187, 34180, 1342, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1099, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 1797, 27, 1012, 27, 2693, 642, 15, 2313, 10637, 22858, 27, 187, 5064, 2313, 10637, 13851, 187, 73, 1240, 1240, 5781, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1099, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 1797, 27, 1012, 27, 1010, 642, 15, 2313, 10637, 18950, 27, 187, 1279, 531, 2010, 1089, 352, 4722, 326, 288, 12537, 2506, 626, 1646, 281, 1557, 670, 247, 27513, 285, 253, 760, 581, 6110, 275, 27513, 272, 310, 480, 408, 2870, 249, 13, 665, 31451, 8, 3330, 32, 187, 34355, 678, 723, 7435, 90, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1099, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 1797, 27, 1012, 27, 1508, 642, 15, 2313, 1099, 3357, 746, 27, 187, 5064, 2313, 1099, 3583, 1036, 187, 31, 7781, 27, 619, 718, 187, 8620, 7516, 342, 326, 27513, 269, 13046, 302, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1099, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 1797, 27, 1012, 27, 2031, 642, 15, 2313, 10637, 22341, 27, 187, 2598, 2139, 310, 15558, 1146, 27513, 264, 32, 187, 18130, 574, 247, 337, 6, 1421, 13, 594, 309, 8025, 247, 27513, 4571, 626, 2826, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1099, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 1797, 27, 1012, 27, 3712, 642, 15, 2313, 10637, 25140, 27, 187, 8835, 58, 17003, 35460, 28239, 19984, 2637, 3003, 13710, 2637, 18746, 22418, 187, 37, 1838, 416, 24001, 5236, 401, 36746, 20653, 22418, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1099, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 1797, 27, 1012, 27, 2417, 642, 15, 2313, 10637, 24562, 27, 187, 31, 328, 895, 19722, 28921, 556, 4817, 20995, 4226, 361, 4102, 187, 31, 5073, 257, 1443, 588, 3135, 342, 1638, 2055, 432, 704, 67, 4701, 2030, 1919, 14172, 854, 187, 10267, 70, 10721, 588, 320, 2266, 1735, 807, 15, 1737, 513, 368, 1158, 476, 359, 1902, 432, 611, 1441, 841, 3618, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1099, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 1797, 27, 1012, 27, 2417, 642, 15, 2313, 10637, 25848, 27, 187, 5064, 2313, 1099, 1867, 2417, 187, 25925, 18120, 1904, 626, 1663, 452, 247, 7431, 952, 497, 35524, 342, 751, 3778, 13, 6571, 816, 29808, 347, 253, 16277, 273, 767, 612, 3683, 15, 4952, 16331, 6729, 369, 816, 670, 952, 1146, 8334, 273, 253, 9256, 2137, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1099, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 1797, 27, 1012, 27, 3046, 642, 15, 2313, 10637, 30528, 27, 187, 5064, 2313, 10637, 23735, 187, 1328, 310, 634, 4007, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1099, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 1797, 27, 1047, 27, 520, 642, 15, 2313, 10637, 23850, 27, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 24583, 15, 681, 16, 13060, 32, 87, 30, 57, 40965, 187, 54, 50, 89, 47, 14, 73, 656, 535, 187, 41331, 90, 1903, 16, 1099, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 1797, 27, 1047, 27, 2640, 642, 15, 2313, 10637, 20216, 27, 187, 5064, 2313, 10637, 12852, 187, 5064, 2313, 10637, 12852, 187, 5064, 2313, 10637, 12852, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1099, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 1797, 27, 1047, 27, 1036, 642, 15, 2313, 1099, 3439, 1423, 27, 187, 5064, 2313, 1099, 2537, 1235, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1099, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 1797, 27, 1047, 27, 938, 642, 15, 2313, 1099, 3439, 1706, 27, 187, 5064, 2313, 1099, 1235, 3357, 187, 31, 25, 14, 740, 3041, 187, 7781, 27, 368, 718, 187, 31, 3140, 187, 510, 1375, 4518, 753, 597, 403, 1469, 6386, 342, 253, 27513, 368, 40479, 12835, 2298, 251, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1099, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 1797, 27, 1047, 27, 1237, 642, 15, 2313, 10637, 34333, 27, 187, 5064, 2313, 10637, 18950, 187, 1231, 10095, 626, 1014, 15105, 5015, 670, 253, 27513, 10542, 15, 45239, 439, 3171, 1053, 626, 971, 441, 10054, 4116, 281, 352, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1099, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 1797, 27, 1047, 27, 1610, 642, 15, 2313, 1099, 3439, 2526, 27, 187, 5064, 2313, 22067, 28202, 187, 8620, 323, 368, 2, 21994, 3076, 597, 1833, 1333, 3778, 1912, 969, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1099, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 1797, 27, 1047, 27, 1812, 642, 15, 2313, 10637, 32006, 27, 187, 5064, 2313, 1099, 2385, 4590, 187, 13689, 13, 604, 597, 1053, 626, 8416, 15496, 407, 2145, 15, 805, 344, 816, 25068, 841, 13008, 8356, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1099 ]
(Thu)04:24:46 no.105724283: >>105716868 >lets make this black guy president, that'll make race relations better! >oh fuck what have we fucking done? Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)04:29:07 no.105724629: >>105716868 In the long run he will be remembered for being the first nigger president. Everything he did was by executive order, it will be repealed by Trump. Obamacare is getting repealed as well, so he will not have his insurance plan for people to remember him by. The only thing stopping him from being one of those 40 presidents no one knows anything about is the fact that he is black. Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)04:29:43 no.105724674: Inb4 THAT LEAF arrives to say BARACK HUSSEIN OBONGO FIXED THE ECONOMY LOOK AT MY MEME GRAPHS <|endoftext|>Anonymous 07/28/17(Fri)12:14:36 no.135289224: So after 2 years of crying treason agaisnt Trump and Russia (with no actual evidence) the DNC gets caught red handed. Dont let his story slide initer/2017/07/26/this-exploding-dn c-story-is-crazier-than-fiction-may be-rep-wasserman-schultz-can-explai n/#327916c44144 Anonymous 07/28/17(Fri)12:14:55 no.135289260: >>135289224 What if we archive that Anonymous 07/28/17(Fri)12:17:33 no.135289517: >>135289260 You're doing gods work. Anonymous 07/28/17(Fri)12:18:53 no.135289639: >>135289224 bump! Anonymous 07/28/17(Fri)12:38:34 no.135291710: >>135289224 >So after 2 years of crying treason agaisnt Trump Trump is a traitor and all the Trumdupsters worshiping the Kremlin and sucking Putin's cock are traitors too. >and Russia (with no actual evidence) Fuckton of hard, damning evidence. - Russia hacked thousands of U.S. officials, both Democrat and Republican. - Russia has activated thousands of bots and paid trolls to spread fake news on social media, supported by profiteers. - Russia has activated thousands of bots and paid trolls to spread fake support for Trump on social media, supported by profiteers - Russia has activated thousands of bots and paid trolls to divide the Democratic caucus, supported by profiteers. - RT and Sputnik News push state-sponsored propaganda through bots and social media to get it trending on Twitter, so it will go viral. - Voter rolls were hacked to identify voters to target with disinformation. - Trump was working with Russian disinformation outlets to validate news stories known to be fake. - Russians were able to successfully flood social media and specifically target key demographics such as Christians or outspoken patriots with disinformation, then duplicate counterfeit versions of the same accounts they targeted in order to amplify the spread of disinformation. Like attracts Like. - Russian disinformation and the Trump campaign effectively pushed the "election rigging" meme, while simultaneously engaging in the act of trying to influence the election by illegal means. - Senator Wyden is seeking Trump's tax returns, and has the legal authority to subpoena them, if necessary. - Russia uses business networks to influence political actors. - Private American businesses that oppose the Russian agenda are being attacked using tactics designed to negatively impact their stock prices. - Bots and trolls engage in "click fraud" (i.e. computer-automated visits to their own disinformation pages) to push them to page one in search engine results. Anonymous 07/28/17(Fri)12:38:59 no.135291758: >>135289224 - Mainstream media sometimes unwittingly published Russian propaganda because it was "trending." - The United States was completely caught off-guard, and had no mechanism in place to combat the Russian disinformation campaign. By the time people became aware of the campaign, it had achieved its objective. - Russia successfully ran practice missions prior to executing the operation against the United States, in once case convincing a town that its chemical plant had been attacked by ISIS when it had not, by using text messages and social media targeted to their region and demographics. - The GOP primaries were influenced by Russian disinformation, and Marco Rubio was specifically named as a target. - Vladimir Putin will continue to attack the United States in this manner. - Vladimir Putin wanted Trump to win, but if Trump lost, planned to continue to attempt to discredit Hillary Clinton. - "Trump Honeys" (i.e., scantily-clad young women appearing outside of Trump campaign events in Trump regalia) were hired and deployed all over the country by front companies to influence Trump support using a classic "honeypot" scheme. - Fake crimes by refugees, specifically rapes, were fabricated by Russia and spread throughout NATO countries. - Russia is actively working to influence ALL far-Right political parties throughout NATO countries, and executing operations similar to the one in the United States to discredit political moderates throughout NATO, on an ongoing basis. - Putin will continue unless we take positive steps to fight back. Everyone else is reporting it too, and there's information about the Kremlin launching the same disinformation cyberattack against Ukraine, too: rberkut-hackers-link-isis-ukrainian -weapons-negotiations-qatar-russian -2195165 Anonymous 07/28/17(Fri)12:41:08 no.135291995: >>135291710 >>135291758 This shit only works on twitter, Louise. Anonymous 07/28/17(Fri)13:01:17 no.135294017: >>135291710 Ahhahaha Just give up Anonymous 07/28/17(Fri)13:06:46 no.135294545: >>135291710 Wow you twats are spreading fake news everywhere now. Anyone who believed the Trump Russia nonsense is either a liberal political operative or someone with the IQ of a grilled cheese burger. Anomolous 07/28/17(Fri)13:08:38 no.135294740: >>135291710 If Putin declared himself emporer of America tomorrow therw's not a damned thing fake americans like you would do, and real Americans would welcome him. Anonymous 07/28/17(Fri)13:09:08 no.135294795: >>135291710 tl:dr when did /pol/ become horrible at being funny? it almost looks as if this raging faggot takes himself seriously Anonymous 07/28/17(Fri)13:09:39 no.135294858: >>135291710 I'm not seeing a single citation that validates the wall of bullshit you have just spewed out from your nether region. Just a bunch of conjecture and outright lies, sweetie. Anonymous 07/28/17(Fri)13:13:37 no.135295251: >>135291710 >>135291758 Anonymous 07/28/17(Fri)13:16:52 no.135295571: >>135289260 I'm your biggest fan. Anonymous 07/28/17(Fri)13:19:47 no.135295865: Back to the top we go Anonymous 07/28/17(Fri)13:21:14 no.135296013: >>135289224 >implying pres kennedy wasn't a genocidal, anti-white criminal O.P.... Anonymous 07/28/17(Fri)13:25:00 no.135296441: >>135289260 Thanks nord bot Anonymous 07/28/17(Fri)13:32:36 no.135297248: >>135289224 sure guy Anonymous 07/28/17(Fri)13:38:39 no.135297903: >>135296441 He's so amazing. Anonymous 07/28/17(Fri)13:40:31 no.135298112: >>135291710 Why wasn't the FBI allowed to look at the DNC's server? <|endoftext|>Anonymous 08/10/16(Wed)05:44:10 no.84803381: Should the voting age be raised? When I think back I was a retard at 18, I had no clue about politics. Anonymous 08/10/16(Wed)05:46:39 no.84803537: There should be no voting age. And no voting in general.
[ 9, 44644, 10, 2125, 27, 1348, 27, 2950, 642, 15, 740, 3011, 1348, 28933, 27, 187, 5064, 740, 3011, 13851, 2358, 187, 31, 6639, 1056, 436, 2806, 5599, 4007, 13, 326, 1833, 1056, 5492, 2493, 1805, 2, 187, 31, 1368, 7435, 752, 452, 359, 12835, 2218, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 2125, 27, 1717, 27, 2922, 642, 15, 740, 3011, 23260, 1717, 27, 187, 5064, 740, 3011, 13851, 2358, 187, 688, 253, 1048, 1408, 344, 588, 320, 12659, 323, 1146, 253, 806, 295, 16046, 4007, 15, 187, 22242, 344, 858, 369, 407, 9165, 1340, 13, 352, 588, 320, 3842, 3256, 407, 3778, 15, 187, 9379, 36801, 310, 2970, 3842, 3256, 347, 973, 13, 594, 344, 588, 417, 452, 521, 6503, 2098, 323, 952, 281, 4456, 779, 407, 15, 187, 510, 760, 2181, 15910, 779, 432, 1146, 581, 273, 1110, 3387, 37627, 642, 581, 6057, 2712, 670, 310, 253, 958, 326, 344, 310, 2806, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 2125, 27, 1717, 27, 3079, 642, 15, 740, 3011, 1348, 29327, 27, 187, 688, 67, 21, 16093, 12838, 9006, 23981, 281, 1333, 43793, 8100, 388, 3016, 2354, 1042, 27227, 1139, 10993, 38506, 1703, 3003, 444, 5707, 2277, 58, 418, 16569, 4915, 17450, 25719, 38, 9942, 2088, 8282, 2756, 50279, 45545, 18188, 16, 1619, 16, 1166, 9, 33228, 10, 805, 27, 1047, 27, 1812, 642, 15, 13743, 1619, 4529, 1348, 27, 187, 2598, 846, 374, 1107, 273, 17800, 44331, 639, 4631, 2649, 3778, 285, 7422, 313, 3113, 642, 4588, 1941, 10, 253, 399, 9431, 4850, 7270, 2502, 14048, 15, 399, 834, 1339, 521, 2926, 14518, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 1542, 12133, 15, 681, 16, 37813, 16, 925, 1164, 78, 187, 249, 2562, 16, 7132, 16, 2922, 16, 1731, 16, 2520, 14, 15083, 4442, 14, 17915, 187, 68, 14, 19192, 14, 261, 14, 68, 5744, 1321, 14, 14644, 14, 33223, 14, 11159, 187, 1257, 14, 4762, 14, 88, 515, 8592, 14, 10629, 38085, 14, 5092, 14, 15083, 2284, 187, 79, 21225, 1237, 2787, 1036, 68, 2031, 14231, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1619, 16, 1166, 9, 33228, 10, 805, 27, 1047, 27, 2417, 642, 15, 13743, 1619, 4529, 1549, 27, 187, 5064, 13743, 1619, 4529, 1348, 187, 1276, 604, 359, 21429, 326, 209, 187, 3614, 1358, 22477, 15, 261, 16, 10579, 54, 18591, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1619, 16, 1166, 9, 33228, 10, 805, 27, 1166, 27, 1610, 642, 15, 13743, 1619, 2222, 1166, 27, 187, 5064, 13743, 1619, 4529, 1549, 187, 1394, 1472, 2509, 17373, 789, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1619, 16, 1166, 9, 33228, 10, 805, 27, 1093, 27, 3357, 642, 15, 13743, 1619, 4196, 1867, 27, 187, 5064, 13743, 1619, 4529, 1348, 187, 67, 1765, 2, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1619, 16, 1166, 9, 33228, 10, 805, 27, 1839, 27, 1706, 642, 15, 13743, 1717, 1166, 740, 27, 187, 5064, 13743, 1619, 4529, 1348, 187, 31, 2598, 846, 374, 1107, 273, 17800, 44331, 639, 4631, 2649, 3778, 209, 187, 18130, 310, 247, 50136, 285, 512, 253, 1535, 360, 34856, 13297, 17246, 272, 253, 46885, 285, 42296, 22404, 434, 11694, 403, 1140, 5109, 1512, 15, 187, 31, 395, 7422, 313, 3113, 642, 4588, 1941, 10, 187, 30368, 1299, 273, 1892, 13, 2687, 920, 1941, 15, 209, 187, 14, 7422, 41765, 6763, 273, 530, 15, 52, 15, 6338, 13, 1097, 20736, 285, 8786, 15, 187, 14, 7422, 556, 10564, 6763, 273, 270, 1502, 285, 5087, 37053, 84, 281, 5195, 15223, 3668, 327, 2675, 3420, 13, 4516, 407, 1801, 614, 398, 15, 187, 14, 7422, 556, 10564, 6763, 273, 270, 1502, 285, 5087, 37053, 84, 281, 5195, 15223, 1329, 323, 3778, 327, 2675, 3420, 13, 4516, 407, 1801, 614, 398, 187, 14, 7422, 556, 10564, 6763, 273, 270, 1502, 285, 5087, 37053, 84, 281, 10957, 253, 9922, 42775, 316, 13, 4516, 407, 1801, 614, 398, 15, 187, 14, 9233, 285, 322, 1065, 16825, 6317, 7450, 1375, 14, 45519, 23306, 949, 270, 1502, 285, 2675, 3420, 281, 755, 352, 9058, 272, 327, 7879, 13, 594, 352, 588, 564, 9907, 15, 187, 14, 657, 31387, 21968, 497, 41765, 281, 4271, 11163, 281, 2303, 342, 557, 18480, 15, 187, 14, 3778, 369, 2444, 342, 7247, 557, 18480, 23812, 281, 17813, 3668, 6281, 1929, 281, 320, 15223, 15, 187, 14, 24794, 497, 2104, 281, 8379, 10802, 2675, 3420, 285, 5742, 2303, 2234, 35949, 824, 347, 15600, 390, 562, 33065, 20110, 1502, 342, 557, 18480, 13, 840, 21036, 4828, 44684, 9508, 273, 253, 1072, 8553, 597, 10522, 275, 1340, 281, 42074, 253, 5195, 273, 557, 18480, 15, 6975, 45465, 6975, 15, 187, 14, 7247, 557, 18480, 285, 253, 3778, 4544, 8069, 10184, 253, 346, 24508, 8132, 3390, 3, 1167, 70, 13, 1223, 10486, 15966, 275, 253, 769, 273, 2820, 281, 4833, 253, 6132, 407, 9676, 2097, 15, 187, 14, 18718, 18059, 3354, 310, 8445, 3778, 434, 2891, 6548, 13, 285, 556, 253, 4320, 6265, 281, 36674, 731, 13, 604, 3309, 15, 187, 14, 7422, 4648, 2136, 6928, 281, 4833, 3569, 14142, 15, 187, 14, 20859, 2448, 9341, 326, 25437, 253, 7247, 15990, 403, 1146, 13964, 970, 21041, 4158, 281, 18123, 3486, 616, 5739, 7911, 15, 187, 14, 378, 1502, 285, 37053, 84, 11377, 275, 346, 9738, 9116, 3, 313, 74, 15, 70, 15, 4382, 14, 37771, 456, 12941, 281, 616, 1211, 557, 18480, 7223, 10, 281, 7450, 731, 281, 3239, 581, 275, 3186, 3948, 1543, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1619, 16, 1166, 9, 33228, 10, 805, 27, 1839, 27, 3046, 642, 15, 13743, 1717, 1166, 3680, 27, 187, 5064, 13743, 1619, 4529, 1348, 187, 14, 11505, 4963, 3420, 4536, 10357, 2835, 314, 3863, 7247, 23306, 984, 352, 369, 346, 85, 5047, 272, 449, 187, 14, 380, 1986, 2077, 369, 4336, 7270, 745, 14, 18625, 13, 285, 574, 642, 5122, 275, 1659, 281, 11757, 253, 7247, 557, 18480, 4544, 15, 2896, 253, 673, 952, 3395, 6600, 273, 253, 4544, 13, 352, 574, 6786, 697, 8103, 15, 187, 14, 7422, 8379, 6337, 3946, 21468, 2720, 281, 24364, 253, 4254, 1411, 253, 1986, 2077, 13, 275, 2378, 1083, 21414, 247, 3874, 326, 697, 5793, 4444, 574, 644, 13964, 407, 25484, 672, 352, 574, 417, 13, 407, 970, 2505, 8169, 285, 2675, 3420, 10522, 281, 616, 2919, 285, 35949, 15, 187, 14, 380, 18485, 2248, 3927, 497, 12208, 407, 7247, 557, 18480, 13, 285, 28712, 46390, 369, 5742, 4907, 347, 247, 2303, 15, 187, 14, 31563, 22404, 588, 4035, 281, 2983, 253, 1986, 2077, 275, 436, 5133, 15, 187, 14, 31563, 22404, 3078, 3778, 281, 3330, 13, 533, 604, 3778, 3663, 13, 9355, 281, 4035, 281, 3177, 281, 1262, 12289, 18175, 9662, 15, 187, 14, 346, 18130, 388, 531, 656, 3, 313, 74, 15, 70, 904, 43721, 1031, 14, 498, 324, 2872, 2255, 15602, 3345, 273, 3778, 4544, 3394, 275, 3778, 810, 25431, 10, 497, 14565, 285, 18329, 512, 689, 253, 2586, 407, 2914, 4413, 281, 4833, 3778, 1329, 970, 247, 10610, 346, 73, 2153, 11714, 3, 6974, 15, 187, 14, 401, 640, 12137, 407, 19382, 13, 5742, 17845, 265, 13, 497, 26493, 407, 7422, 285, 5195, 4768, 24952, 4343, 15, 187, 14, 7422, 310, 15257, 2444, 281, 4833, 13556, 2080, 14, 8455, 3569, 4676, 4768, 24952, 4343, 13, 285, 24364, 5871, 2074, 281, 253, 581, 275, 253, 1986, 2077, 281, 1262, 12289, 3569, 16938, 684, 4768, 24952, 13, 327, 271, 10800, 3720, 15, 187, 14, 22404, 588, 4035, 5734, 359, 1379, 2762, 5018, 281, 3819, 896, 15, 187, 23631, 2010, 310, 9610, 352, 1512, 13, 285, 627, 434, 1491, 670, 253, 46885, 25251, 253, 1072, 557, 18480, 20239, 35946, 1411, 17111, 13, 1512, 27, 187, 2413, 1358, 2700, 15, 487, 3181, 15, 681, 16, 83, 1316, 757, 14, 951, 1257, 187, 83, 589, 76, 307, 14, 73, 471, 398, 14, 4492, 14, 261, 261, 14, 2788, 24647, 187, 14, 664, 40127, 14, 43543, 10944, 14, 82, 15642, 14, 83, 1316, 757, 187, 14, 19, 17726, 15429, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1619, 16, 1166, 9, 33228, 10, 805, 27, 3156, 27, 2904, 642, 15, 13743, 1717, 12731, 27, 187, 5064, 13743, 1717, 1166, 740, 187, 5064, 13743, 1717, 1166, 3680, 187, 1552, 10739, 760, 2987, 327, 34302, 13, 35028, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1619, 16, 1166, 9, 33228, 10, 1012, 27, 520, 27, 1166, 642, 15, 13743, 22858, 11027, 27, 187, 5064, 13743, 1717, 1166, 740, 187, 34, 12155, 1240, 19369, 187, 6300, 1918, 598, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1619, 16, 1166, 9, 33228, 10, 1012, 27, 3071, 27, 2950, 642, 15, 13743, 1717, 1857, 1857, 27, 187, 5064, 13743, 1717, 1166, 740, 187, 24243, 368, 2500, 1832, 403, 17355, 15223, 3668, 11678, 1024, 15, 26013, 665, 6566, 253, 3778, 7422, 25333, 310, 2057, 247, 12773, 3569, 24685, 390, 3095, 342, 253, 29147, 273, 247, 46342, 12173, 42463, 15, 535, 187, 1145, 297, 311, 528, 18188, 16, 1619, 16, 1166, 9, 33228, 10, 1012, 27, 2904, 27, 1839, 642, 15, 13743, 1717, 2504, 1449, 27, 187, 5064, 13743, 1717, 1166, 740, 187, 2042, 22404, 8884, 2994, 41534, 14071, 273, 3968, 10873, 253, 30217, 434, 417, 247, 31833, 2181, 15223, 41290, 507, 751, 368, 651, 513, 13, 285, 1524, 7108, 651, 10112, 779, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1619, 16, 1166, 9, 33228, 10, 1012, 27, 2693, 27, 2904, 642, 15, 13743, 1717, 2504, 2222, 27, 187, 5064, 13743, 1717, 1166, 740, 187, 17945, 27, 5267, 187, 9453, 858, 1227, 4818, 16, 2489, 19201, 387, 1146, 11755, 32, 187, 262, 2761, 4453, 347, 604, 436, 48825, 269, 13046, 302, 3936, 2994, 10369, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1619, 16, 1166, 9, 33228, 10, 1012, 27, 2693, 27, 1867, 642, 15, 13743, 22858, 31117, 27, 187, 5064, 13743, 1717, 1166, 740, 187, 42, 1353, 417, 6523, 247, 2014, 25577, 326, 3588, 684, 253, 3402, 273, 35281, 368, 452, 816, 705, 7184, 562, 432, 634, 2036, 379, 2919, 15, 209, 187, 6300, 247, 12190, 273, 24366, 285, 30227, 8696, 13, 7353, 466, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1619, 16, 1166, 9, 33228, 10, 1012, 27, 1012, 27, 1787, 642, 15, 13743, 22270, 21451, 27, 187, 5064, 13743, 1717, 1166, 740, 187, 5064, 13743, 1717, 1166, 3680, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1619, 16, 1166, 9, 33228, 10, 1012, 27, 1036, 27, 3583, 642, 15, 13743, 1717, 2417, 3677, 27, 187, 5064, 13743, 1619, 4529, 1549, 187, 42, 1353, 634, 5962, 7989, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1619, 16, 1166, 9, 33228, 10, 1012, 27, 746, 27, 2504, 642, 15, 13743, 1717, 3680, 2082, 27, 187, 8116, 281, 253, 1755, 359, 564, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1619, 16, 1166, 9, 33228, 10, 1012, 27, 1797, 27, 1047, 642, 15, 13743, 23402, 13144, 27, 187, 5064, 13743, 1619, 4529, 1348, 187, 31, 303, 2881, 272, 838, 465, 2477, 6368, 3589, 626, 247, 730, 406, 11421, 13, 3270, 14, 11300, 6424, 187, 48, 15, 49, 2391, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1619, 16, 1166, 9, 33228, 10, 1012, 27, 1099, 27, 361, 642, 15, 13743, 1717, 1540, 3156, 27, 187, 5064, 13743, 1619, 4529, 1549, 187, 8061, 295, 636, 17994, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1619, 16, 1166, 9, 33228, 10, 1012, 27, 1237, 27, 1812, 642, 15, 13743, 23185, 20520, 27, 187, 5064, 13743, 1619, 4529, 1348, 187, 43574, 5599, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1619, 16, 1166, 9, 33228, 10, 1012, 27, 1839, 27, 1867, 642, 15, 13743, 23185, 36814, 27, 187, 5064, 13743, 1717, 1540, 3156, 187, 1328, 434, 594, 8644, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1619, 16, 1166, 9, 33228, 10, 1012, 27, 1449, 27, 2405, 642, 15, 13743, 1717, 3593, 805, 27, 187, 5064, 13743, 1717, 1166, 740, 187, 4967, 3589, 626, 253, 12578, 4136, 281, 1007, 387, 253, 399, 9431, 434, 4771, 32, 2756, 50279, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 1762, 27, 2031, 27, 740, 642, 15, 2759, 1438, 1610, 3593, 27, 187, 18837, 253, 13423, 2363, 320, 5439, 32, 187, 3039, 309, 1158, 896, 309, 369, 247, 31832, 387, 1283, 13, 309, 574, 642, 22796, 670, 8672, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 1762, 27, 2950, 27, 1867, 642, 15, 2759, 1438, 1671, 1787, 27, 187, 2512, 943, 320, 642, 13423, 2363, 15, 1244, 642, 13423, 275, 2087, 15, 535 ]
:53 no.132558508: >>132557747 Lyrical miracle tier shit but, D0vv-ds8 Hopefully the line about pirating software isn't too degenerate, lol. Anonymous 07/05/17(Wed)22:33:38 no.132558577: >>132555420 Anonymous 07/05/17(Wed)22:35:45 no.132558829: >>132557221 Day and night Maad city Most shit by Kendrick Lamar Anonymous 07/05/17(Wed)22:36:46 no.132558963: _goyPCMM Anonymous 07/05/17(Wed)22:37:59 no.132559130: >>132557221 death grips Anonymous 07/05/17(Wed)22:38:41 no.132559236: >>132557747 Dude, most popular songs in any genre mention one of those three things, people like those things. Redbone by Childish Gambino is pretty deep and non-degenerate and it's top 40 as fuck. Anonymous 07/05/17(Wed)22:39:18 no.132559320: >>132557221 >>132558577 >>132558963 HOyoq-wQ "am I equal or just goyim to you" lots of non degenerate rappers (((they))) just don't want you to find them Anonymous 07/05/17(Wed)22:41:38 no.132559558: >>132555420 It's a real shame rap is the only genre which promotes masculinity. Women are objects useful only for sexual gratification, other men are either loyal comrades or enemies that you eliminate with no remorse, the only goal in life is achieving domination in social hierarchy either by killing all your enemies or obtaining the highest amount of valuable goods (by any means necessary)... While whyte bois stay mad simping for Stacy negros keep doing what a man is supposed to be doing. Anonymous 07/05/17(Wed)22:41:51 no.132559581: >>132559320 >>132559130 >>132558508 I stand corrected, but that doesn't change the fact that the majority of the rap music industry is shit that blocks out the good stuff Anonymous 07/05/17(Wed)22:43:05 no.132559707: >>132559581 I could say the same about rock and pop in the mainstream as well. Music died after 9/11 all genres some indie artists do it well, but if an artist has a label hes a puppet Anonymous 07/05/17(Wed)22:43:37 no.132559771: >>132559581 A majority of the music industry is shit that blocks out the good stuff. Sex, drugs, and violence sell really well so that's what they use to market to the kids. Anonymous 07/05/17(Wed)22:45:41 no.132559980: You don't. Please don't I make beats for these nigs. Lot of us in the game just cant anything cuz lots of rappers are we wuz tier nigs. Don't wanna get blacklisted in this industry. Anonymous 07/05/17(Wed)22:46:45 no.132560091: YUJ1kZlE word play is insane no degenerate music intelligent lyrics (RIP) Anonymous 07/05/17(Wed)22:49:54 no.132560413: >>132559858 The Jewish bourgeoisie isn't using degeneracy to corrupt the youth, they're using it to sell records to the youth. If degeneracy weren't marketable they wouldn't use it. Sadly it's extremely marketable. Anonymous 07/05/17(Wed)22:50:00 no.132560429: >>132555420 The only degenerate rap music is rap music that's produced by corporate record labels. Independent hip hop is the only music that exposes Zionism. Anonymous 07/05/17(Wed)22:50:23 no.132560473: >>132559320 >implying bob is good you fucking leaf Anonymous 07/05/17(Wed)22:51:03 no.132560554: >>132555420 mup da doo didda po mo muhfuggin bix bood sheeiyih muh diq nugguh Anonymous 07/05/17(Wed)22:53:35 no.132560793: >>132559581 No doubt. The mainstream stuff is what reflects the actual nigger culture. This is a song about black separatism from 1993. They're basically saying what /pol/ is saying for white people now. 33oeOBTE Anonymous 07/05/17(Wed)22:55:02 no.132560958: zEM8cgt0 Anonymous 07/05/17(Wed)22:56:44 no.132561142: >>132557221 nujabes luvsic part 6 faggot. listen to a genre in its entirety before you judge it. Anonymous 07/05/17(Wed)22:57:14 no.132561187: you're all Instagram faggots if you listen to rap in this day and age. Anonymous 07/05/17(Wed)23:00:13 no.132561490: >>132560958 Heh, this song that samples Zapper was in the related videos of the Freestyle Fellowship song I linked to the other anon. vmLRvAvw >>132561142 Hasn't Nujabes been dead for over a decade? He asked for popular music that was less than 10 years old, weeb. >>132561187 I don't really listen to it anymore, but I know some. Anonymous 07/05/17(Wed)23:04:15 no.132561910: Don't even try. Blacks are destroying themselves. They're eating up jewish propaganda and it's shame. Blacks could live a decent live if they slided together with whites but instead the whole rap genre is "haha fuck white people they opress me" while flaunting their cash that...well earned cause they weren't fucking opressed. Then cause they'll realize they weren't really opressed they'll turn to each other cause they need to have an enemy. Basically this was the whole west vs east coast feud of the 90s which killed 2Pac... Anonymous 07/05/17(Wed)23:04:21 no.132561923: >>132561490 luvsic was released in 2013 you cocksucking kike; besides the point that Pace Rock, Substantial, Shing02, and Apani B all released similar rap lyrics under different hip hop producers as well. Anonymous 07/05/17(Wed)23:05:54 no.132562089: >>132555420 Also..they rap against fagotry and bitches so they just need a red pill. Overall there's big potential for rappers, but it's shame they are used by corporations and stuff. Are there any red pilled rappers? I mean Kanye is more or less woke and realizes that the media is bought and biased and he had that whole Trump meeting but is there anyone full blown red pill? P.S Ayyy nice 420, checked! Anonymous 07/05/17(Wed)23:10:17 no.132562524: >>132561910 >the whole rap genre is "haha fuck white people they opress me" while flaunting their cash that You don't listen to very much rap, do you? >>132562089 >Also..they rap against fagotry and bitches so they just need a red pill. Yeah, but not in the way that you think. They need to completely drop the identitarian shit. They need to stop acting like their oppression is the main thing holding them back in life. And they've also got to stop it with the anti-fag anti-bitch shit too because fags and bitches honestly aren't that detrimental to their success either. Why let shit that doesn't affect you bother you? Anonymous 07/05/17(Wed)23:13:40 no.132562867: >>13
[ 27, 3357, 642, 15, 1012, 1099, 3680, 27101, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 10637, 2357, 2504, 187, 27524, 5526, 28065, 30625, 10739, 533, 13, 209, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 24583, 15, 681, 16, 13060, 32, 87, 30, 19, 77, 57, 187, 37, 17, 24260, 14, 1397, 25, 187, 3614, 1358, 1541, 3750, 15, 681, 16, 21, 1418, 4529, 187, 24004, 2920, 253, 1386, 670, 19188, 839, 3694, 3548, 626, 1512, 29458, 13, 23385, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 1423, 27, 1610, 27, 1839, 642, 15, 1012, 10637, 2227, 2357, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1099, 2417, 25569, 187, 3614, 1358, 90, 483, 86, 15, 1257, 16, 69, 18, 87, 38, 19, 80, 44, 83, 37, 5428, 32, 85, 30, 1237, 84, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 1423, 27, 1671, 27, 1857, 642, 15, 1012, 10637, 2055, 1717, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1099, 3011, 20735, 187, 15490, 285, 2360, 209, 187, 16490, 324, 2846, 187, 10342, 10739, 407, 32064, 4662, 16967, 274, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 1423, 27, 1812, 27, 2950, 642, 15, 1012, 10637, 2511, 3571, 27, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 24583, 15, 681, 16, 13060, 32, 87, 30, 58, 18446, 187, 64, 72, 899, 5077, 8643, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 1423, 27, 1787, 27, 3046, 642, 15, 1012, 1099, 3046, 11246, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1099, 3011, 20735, 187, 26975, 18234, 793, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 1423, 27, 1839, 27, 3156, 642, 15, 1012, 1099, 3046, 21358, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 10637, 2357, 2504, 187, 37, 2496, 13, 954, 4633, 9575, 275, 667, 19098, 3748, 581, 273, 1110, 1264, 1841, 13, 952, 751, 1110, 1841, 15, 4410, 15801, 407, 8347, 763, 41425, 2610, 310, 3965, 3676, 285, 1327, 14, 42822, 285, 352, 434, 1755, 3387, 347, 7435, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 1423, 27, 1867, 27, 1093, 642, 15, 1012, 1099, 3046, 18911, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1099, 3011, 20735, 187, 5064, 1012, 10637, 2227, 2357, 187, 5064, 1012, 10637, 2511, 3571, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 24583, 15, 681, 16, 13060, 32, 87, 30, 58, 740, 187, 23435, 11904, 82, 14, 88, 50, 346, 312, 309, 4503, 390, 816, 564, 90, 303, 281, 368, 3, 8783, 273, 1327, 29458, 1218, 13906, 24317, 9328, 10689, 816, 1053, 626, 971, 368, 281, 1089, 731, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 1423, 27, 3156, 27, 1839, 642, 15, 1012, 10637, 2222, 3680, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1099, 2417, 25569, 187, 1147, 434, 247, 1524, 14816, 17845, 310, 253, 760, 19098, 534, 18653, 30668, 5953, 15, 10168, 403, 5113, 4217, 760, 323, 5615, 15556, 1877, 13, 643, 1821, 403, 2057, 14211, 40032, 390, 13948, 326, 368, 13469, 342, 642, 47753, 13, 253, 760, 4736, 275, 1495, 310, 17170, 38767, 275, 2675, 19868, 2057, 407, 9811, 512, 634, 13948, 390, 13546, 253, 4585, 2408, 273, 9865, 10229, 313, 1615, 667, 2097, 3309, 41605, 187, 6175, 2139, 442, 1766, 261, 3297, 10279, 948, 14650, 323, 659, 1974, 2297, 2921, 1978, 2509, 752, 247, 637, 310, 6326, 281, 320, 2509, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 1423, 27, 3156, 27, 3712, 642, 15, 1012, 10637, 2222, 3593, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1099, 3046, 18911, 187, 5064, 1012, 1099, 3046, 11246, 187, 5064, 1012, 1099, 3680, 27101, 187, 42, 1462, 15045, 13, 533, 326, 2506, 626, 1818, 253, 958, 326, 253, 5020, 273, 253, 17845, 3440, 4491, 310, 10739, 326, 8336, 562, 253, 1175, 5017, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 1423, 27, 3079, 27, 1762, 642, 15, 1012, 1099, 3046, 26522, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 10637, 2222, 3593, 187, 42, 812, 1333, 253, 1072, 670, 5561, 285, 1684, 275, 253, 17068, 347, 973, 15, 11412, 4962, 846, 898, 16, 883, 512, 39831, 690, 40308, 10846, 513, 352, 973, 13, 533, 604, 271, 9558, 556, 247, 5203, 34236, 247, 47717, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 1423, 27, 3079, 27, 1787, 642, 15, 1012, 1099, 3046, 40379, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 10637, 2222, 3593, 187, 34, 5020, 273, 253, 3440, 4491, 310, 10739, 326, 8336, 562, 253, 1175, 5017, 15, 16678, 13, 5835, 13, 285, 7217, 5580, 1663, 973, 594, 326, 434, 752, 597, 897, 281, 2791, 281, 253, 5753, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 1423, 27, 1857, 27, 3156, 642, 15, 1012, 10637, 1525, 1438, 27, 187, 1394, 1053, 626, 15, 7764, 1053, 626, 309, 1056, 27125, 323, 841, 295, 17638, 15, 23519, 273, 441, 275, 253, 2165, 816, 16216, 2712, 260, 7958, 8783, 273, 1218, 13906, 403, 359, 259, 7958, 30625, 295, 17638, 15, 209, 187, 5498, 626, 17341, 755, 2806, 24328, 275, 436, 4491, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 1423, 27, 2950, 27, 1857, 642, 15, 1012, 9726, 361, 4739, 27, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 24583, 15, 681, 16, 13060, 32, 87, 30, 664, 39, 187, 58, 54, 43, 18, 76, 59, 77, 38, 3159, 1132, 310, 24812, 642, 29458, 3440, 17497, 24591, 313, 51, 3123, 10, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 1423, 27, 2537, 27, 3439, 642, 15, 1012, 1099, 26890, 1012, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1099, 3046, 31117, 187, 510, 9556, 39201, 466, 3548, 626, 970, 44877, 281, 17715, 253, 8920, 13, 597, 1472, 970, 352, 281, 5580, 5861, 281, 253, 8920, 15, 1310, 44877, 10345, 626, 2791, 494, 597, 5082, 626, 897, 352, 15, 47870, 352, 434, 6685, 2791, 494, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 1423, 27, 1235, 27, 361, 642, 15, 1012, 1099, 26890, 1717, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1099, 2417, 25569, 187, 510, 760, 29458, 17845, 3440, 310, 17845, 3440, 326, 434, 4197, 407, 10459, 1924, 13301, 15, 20911, 13290, 5184, 310, 253, 760, 3440, 326, 47566, 29452, 1204, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 1423, 27, 1235, 27, 1508, 642, 15, 1012, 1099, 1549, 31408, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1099, 3046, 18911, 187, 31, 303, 2881, 272, 33131, 310, 1175, 187, 5658, 12835, 10617, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 1423, 27, 3712, 27, 2941, 642, 15, 1012, 1099, 1549, 46027, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1099, 2417, 25569, 187, 78, 484, 4204, 513, 80, 858, 1473, 2963, 5497, 278, 6968, 71, 814, 6058, 270, 895, 270, 836, 703, 70, 14059, 6356, 278, 6968, 1073, 82, 295, 814, 4297, 73, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 1423, 27, 3357, 27, 1671, 642, 15, 1012, 1099, 1549, 42815, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 10637, 2222, 3593, 187, 2302, 5545, 15, 380, 17068, 5017, 310, 752, 13806, 253, 4588, 295, 16046, 4466, 15, 209, 187, 1552, 310, 247, 4498, 670, 2806, 2533, 44451, 432, 9725, 15, 1583, 1472, 10323, 3981, 752, 1227, 4818, 16, 310, 3981, 323, 3168, 952, 1024, 15, 209, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 24583, 15, 681, 16, 13060, 32, 87, 30, 18, 86, 22, 187, 1610, 3703, 9324, 5428, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 1423, 27, 2417, 27, 2640, 642, 15, 1012, 1099, 1549, 34240, 27, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 24583, 15, 681, 16, 13060, 32, 87, 30, 44, 49275, 187, 91, 3172, 25, 68, 7332, 17, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 1423, 27, 3208, 27, 2031, 642, 15, 1012, 9726, 883, 2945, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1099, 3011, 20735, 187, 3023, 37918, 265, 298, 8962, 25831, 629, 721, 269, 13046, 302, 15, 187, 42050, 281, 247, 19098, 275, 697, 25983, 1078, 368, 5963, 352, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 1423, 27, 3011, 27, 1047, 642, 15, 1012, 9726, 883, 2597, 27, 187, 5658, 1472, 512, 19614, 269, 13046, 1502, 604, 368, 8028, 281, 17845, 275, 436, 1388, 285, 2363, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 1508, 27, 361, 27, 1012, 642, 15, 1012, 9726, 1047, 2270, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1099, 1549, 34240, 187, 1328, 73, 13, 436, 4498, 326, 3530, 1503, 16794, 369, 275, 253, 2905, 10556, 273, 253, 8377, 12463, 37417, 4498, 309, 7939, 281, 253, 643, 271, 251, 15, 209, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 24583, 15, 681, 16, 13060, 32, 87, 30, 71, 23, 85, 187, 87, 8316, 51, 87, 13834, 88, 187, 5064, 1012, 9726, 883, 2945, 187, 15413, 79, 626, 427, 10441, 357, 265, 644, 3846, 323, 689, 247, 9976, 32, 754, 2546, 323, 4633, 3440, 326, 369, 1679, 685, 884, 1107, 1711, 13, 359, 2275, 15, 209, 187, 5064, 1012, 9726, 883, 2597, 187, 42, 1053, 626, 1663, 8028, 281, 352, 10542, 13, 533, 309, 871, 690, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 1508, 27, 2125, 27, 1010, 642, 15, 1012, 9726, 746, 740, 27, 187, 5498, 626, 1014, 1611, 15, 5418, 84, 403, 25473, 3746, 15, 187, 3726, 1472, 9123, 598, 15589, 763, 23306, 285, 352, 434, 14816, 15, 187, 5622, 7305, 812, 3153, 247, 12524, 3153, 604, 597, 1499, 1356, 2366, 342, 19991, 533, 3185, 253, 2644, 17845, 19098, 310, 346, 73, 19369, 7435, 3168, 952, 597, 1121, 560, 479, 3, 1223, 892, 66, 17852, 616, 7942, 326, 1051, 4714, 12431, 2847, 597, 10345, 626, 12835, 1121, 2079, 15, 187, 5872, 2847, 597, 1833, 8968, 597, 10345, 626, 1663, 1121, 2079, 597, 1833, 1614, 281, 1016, 643, 2847, 597, 878, 281, 452, 271, 9054, 15, 187, 37565, 436, 369, 253, 2644, 8935, 4632, 9268, 8852, 40157, 273, 253, 5091, 84, 534, 5339, 374, 27879, 1051, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 1508, 27, 2125, 27, 1797, 642, 15, 1012, 9726, 746, 1508, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 9726, 1047, 2270, 187, 7675, 10936, 280, 369, 4439, 275, 4072, 368, 260, 4121, 25826, 465, 2804, 28, 16280, 253, 1127, 326, 367, 584, 9384, 13, 4974, 22430, 13, 1608, 272, 2640, 13, 285, 329, 4029, 74, 378, 512, 4439, 2074, 17845, 24591, 762, 1027, 13290, 5184, 18014, 347, 973, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 1508, 27, 1762, 27, 3439, 642, 15, 1012, 9726, 938, 2511, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1099, 2417, 25569, 187, 9917, 537, 9328, 17845, 1411, 269, 356, 48645, 285, 2372, 2706, 594, 597, 816, 878, 247, 2502, 12575, 15, 15699, 627, 434, 1943, 2442, 323, 1218, 13906, 13, 533, 352, 434, 14816, 597, 403, 908, 407, 18674, 285, 5017, 15, 187, 6723, 627, 667, 2502, 268, 2591, 1218, 13906, 32, 187, 42, 1599, 611, 1279, 70, 310, 625, 390, 1679, 23686, 285, 36683, 326, 253, 3420, 310, 8686, 285, 23539, 285, 344, 574, 326, 2644, 3778, 4804, 533, 310, 627, 3780, 2120, 24684, 2502, 12575, 32, 187, 49, 15, 52, 329, 12502, 90, 5322, 30642, 13, 10141, 2, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 1508, 27, 740, 27, 1166, 642, 15, 1012, 9726, 1099, 1348, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 9726, 746, 740, 187, 31, 783, 2644, 17845, 19098, 310, 346, 73, 19369, 7435, 3168, 952, 597, 1121, 560, 479, 3, 1223, 892, 66, 17852, 616, 7942, 326, 187, 1394, 1053, 626, 8028, 281, 1077, 1199, 17845, 13, 513, 368, 32, 187, 5064, 1012, 9726, 938, 2511, 187, 31, 9917, 537, 9328, 17845, 1411, 269, 356, 48645, 285, 2372, 2706, 594, 597, 816, 878, 247, 2502, 12575, 15, 187, 6506, 13, 533, 417, 275, 253, 1039, 326, 368, 1158, 15, 1583, 878, 281, 4336, 5926, 253, 1548, 14621, 10739, 15, 1583, 878, 281, 3523, 8534, 751, 616, 35635, 310, 253, 2022, 2181, 5877, 731, 896, 275, 1495, 15, 1244, 597, 1849, 671, 1694, 281, 3523, 352, 342, 253, 3270, 14, 71, 356, 3270, 14, 67, 2682, 10739, 1512, 984, 269, 3544, 285, 2372, 2706, 20509, 6403, 626, 326, 30078, 281, 616, 2323, 2057, 15, 6049, 1339, 10739, 326, 2506, 626, 2818, 368, 15105, 368, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 1508, 27, 1012, 27, 1449, 642, 15, 1012, 9726, 1619, 2251, 27, 187, 5064, 1012 ]
>>152833350 >Muhhh degeneracy!! Ethnonationalist libertarianism is the best possible system. Degeneracy is a biggest fucking meme. Superior values will always rise to the top, you don't need a government to enforce them. Pic related is you. /10/libertarians-and-race-realism/ Anonymous 12/11/17(Mon)05:55:50 no.152834856: >>152833350 >m-m-muh degeneracy these things only get out of hand when socialist policies fuck up peoples families and employment prospects, policies tryhard edgy dipshits like you defend because capitalism is for le jews Anonymous 12/11/17(Mon)05:56:03 no.152834871: >>152834732 >Superior values will always rise to the top, hahaha fucking hell you americans are dumb I guess thats just why we have such good morales today amirite? Anonymous 12/11/17(Mon)05:56:13 no.152834879: Libertarians are just liberals who hate taxes. Just crypto-SJW scum that turn a blind eye to mass immigration, feminism, trannies, faggots, etc. But don't you dare touch their precious shekels, all they really care about, or you will be met with unbearable autistic screeching and canned lines like "taxation is theft". Anonymous 12/11/17(Mon)05:57:53 no.152834971: >>152834879 What's in the water up there? So weird that driving north a couple hours seems to turn the people up there into blithering spastics and idiots. Anonymous 12/11/17(Mon)05:59:13 no.152835046: >>152834971 Get the fuck out of my country you lolbertarian faggot. Anonymous 12/11/17(Mon)05:59:50 no.152835079: >>152833350 who is this semen demon Anonymous 12/11/17(Mon)06:01:08 no.152835160: >>152833350 (You) Anonymous 12/11/17(Mon)06:02:10 no.152835211: Libertarians are essentially autistic liberals. Anonymous 12/11/17(Mon)06:02:24 no.152835222: >>152835046 Stay in your shithole state and shut the fuck up. Anonymous 12/11/17(Mon)06:03:47 no.152835302: >>152834871 Some do, some don't. The ones that do are more successful. Or did you fall for the /pol/ cherrypicking and think everyone in America is a black tranny with a white girlfriend married to a soyboy cuck who smokes weed? Anonymous 12/11/17(Mon)06:05:09 no.152835370: >>152835222 t. perth >>152835302 >HEY DUDE JUST LET PEOPLE DO WANT THEY WANT AND FOLLOW WHATEVER MORALE CODE THEY WANT ITS TOTALLY WORKED IN THE PAST LIKE ROME AND EVERY OTHER CIVILIZATION RIGHT BEFORE ITS COLLAPSE Anonymous 12/11/17(Mon)06:05:17 no.152835379: >>152835211 >>152834879 >I hate freedom. Spank me harder daddyyy!!! Anonymous 12/11/17(Mon)06:05:30 no.152835395: pic related, the shitblasted libs ITT who think they own helicopters Anonymous 12/11/17(Mon)06:06:04 no.152835435: >>152835222 you are a massive fag and he is right. Anything but your shekels is your motto Anonymous 12/11/17(Mon)06:06:20 no.152835451: >>152835370 >He thinks Rome collapsed because of degeneracy. Jesus fucking Christ. Only now do I realize what I am talking to. Anonymous 12/11/17(Mon)06:06:34 no.152835469: >>152835379 >I'm a cuck who is only capable of living like a nomadic tribal because I'm too retarded and weak to institute government that does what I want Anonymous 12/11/17(Mon)06:07:06 no.152835494: >>152835379 >muh freedom You fags are just obsessed with freedom for the sake of freedom, give me one good reason if the government seized to exist why your life would be better other then muh taxes I can name atleast a hundred why it would be worse off. Anonymous 12/11/17(Mon)06:07:34 no.152835523: >>152833350 can always depend on straya to flip the script Anonymous 12/11/17(Mon)06:07:50 no.152835531: >>152834879 >libertarians cant be racist top kek Anonymous 12/11/17(Mon)06:08:08 no.152835549: >>152835494 >He thinks all libertarians are anarchists. Alright, that's enough, I'm going to sleep. Anonymous 12/11/17(Mon)06:09:18 no.152835618: >>152835451 >Ahhh you are wrong you stoppid XDDDDD Nice argument you retard, let me guess you think it collapse because the proto-commies took over? Anonymous 12/11/17(Mon)06:09:45 no.152835639: >>152835549 >i just want a government that isn't even worth calling a government Anonymous 12/11/17(Mon)06:10:17 no.152835674: hmm Anonymous 12/11/17(Mon)06:10:25 no.152835680: >>152835435 >>152835370 Oi, boofheads. I have the trips, so shut the fuck up. > JUST LET PEOPLE DO WANT THEY WANT AND FOLLOW WHATEVER MORALE CODE THEY WANT ITS TOTALLY WORKED IN THE PAST It ended the religious wars of the reformation, it allowed us to implement capitalism where people can benefit from each other and total strangers in a win-win mutually beneficial and harmonious way. You'd be surprised how unifying this freedom for me and freedom for thee actually works and you might be surprised at how much culture effects everything, how your subjective preferences can be spread through society without the threat of force making people push back. I know you'll deny it but you might be surprised with what you find examining modern history. Anonymous 12/11/17(Mon)06:12:43 no.152835832: >>152835680 What the fuck are you talking about you faggots? Are you seriously suggesting that a-moralism stopped the reformation or introduced capitalism? We followed an extremely strict version of Christianity where you couldn't even think of sex. Anonymous 12/11/17(Mon)06:12:51 no.152835839: >>152835680 >capitalism where people can benefit from each other and total strangers in a win-win mutually beneficial and harmonious way This has been happening for millennia, faggot. It's called barter and trade. Capitalism = gradually transferring society into the control of whoever is best at making trades that screw other people over. Guess who that is Anonymous 12/11/17(Mon)06:13:19 no.152835866: >Degeneracy doesn't come from 10+ years of compulsory socialist government schooling, but from the people most opposed to it. Nice divide&conquer thread kangaroo faggot, Anonymous 12/11/17(Mon)06:13:32 no.152835885: >>152833350 Anonymous 12/11/17(Mon)06:14:16 no.152835931: Is this another attempt at D&C in the alt-right? Who else can these persistent purist autists be? Anonymous 12/11/17(Mon)06:14:51 no.152835962: >>152835866 >d&c Hello newfriend Anonymous 12/11/17(Mon)06:15:07 no.152835981: >>152833350 Bump Anonymous 12/11/17(Mon)06:16:11 no.152836043: >>152835832 > Are you seriously suggesting that a-moralism stopped the reformation No I'm suggesting we had a series of religious wars until the west tried freedom of religion, as opposed to competing religious monarchs. Separation of church and state was a necessary addition.
[ 187, 5064, 1010, 1619, 1610, 16552, 187, 31, 46, 6968, 12155, 44877, 4672, 187, 22183, 4160, 1050, 382, 48845, 1204, 310, 253, 1682, 1896, 985, 15, 30114, 4330, 1974, 310, 247, 5962, 12835, 1167, 70, 15, 21112, 2193, 588, 1900, 6054, 281, 253, 1755, 13, 368, 1053, 626, 878, 247, 2208, 281, 7767, 731, 15, 20424, 2905, 310, 368, 15, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 312, 445, 15, 681, 16, 28862, 16, 6622, 187, 16, 740, 16, 4658, 797, 19222, 14, 395, 14, 27679, 14, 6549, 1204, 16, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1762, 27, 2417, 27, 1235, 642, 15, 1010, 1619, 1706, 33120, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1619, 1610, 16552, 187, 31, 78, 14, 78, 14, 1906, 73, 44877, 187, 20513, 1841, 760, 755, 562, 273, 1133, 672, 30177, 7823, 7435, 598, 22132, 5870, 285, 8410, 22087, 13, 7823, 1611, 10984, 1407, 4233, 12539, 1200, 953, 751, 368, 2342, 984, 24846, 310, 323, 458, 15589, 84, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1762, 27, 3208, 27, 2941, 642, 15, 1010, 1619, 1706, 40010, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1619, 23568, 1237, 187, 31, 15705, 1528, 2193, 588, 1900, 6054, 281, 253, 1755, 13, 187, 73, 1240, 19369, 12835, 7085, 368, 41290, 507, 403, 21413, 309, 5476, 28763, 816, 2139, 359, 452, 824, 1175, 2298, 2339, 3063, 717, 343, 614, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1762, 27, 3208, 27, 1012, 642, 15, 1010, 1619, 1706, 34384, 27, 187, 19467, 797, 19222, 403, 816, 36025, 665, 9239, 10474, 15, 3771, 23978, 14, 52, 43, 56, 660, 360, 326, 1614, 247, 9645, 5130, 281, 2280, 13163, 13, 48832, 13, 492, 1136, 447, 13, 269, 13046, 1502, 13, 3966, 15, 1292, 1053, 626, 368, 20141, 5181, 616, 18153, 703, 76, 1241, 13, 512, 597, 1663, 1557, 670, 13, 390, 368, 588, 320, 1313, 342, 26007, 613, 494, 1125, 2531, 48675, 7695, 285, 45364, 3104, 751, 346, 9292, 318, 310, 19610, 3446, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1762, 27, 3011, 27, 3357, 642, 15, 1010, 1619, 21095, 3677, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1619, 1706, 34384, 187, 1276, 434, 275, 253, 1824, 598, 627, 32, 1893, 12504, 326, 6276, 6146, 247, 4564, 3038, 3133, 281, 1614, 253, 952, 598, 627, 715, 787, 1622, 272, 653, 26245, 285, 22467, 1502, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1762, 27, 3046, 27, 1012, 642, 15, 1010, 1619, 16552, 2950, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1619, 21095, 3677, 187, 3633, 253, 7435, 562, 273, 619, 2586, 368, 23385, 6291, 6656, 269, 13046, 302, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1762, 27, 3046, 27, 1235, 642, 15, 1010, 1619, 16552, 2787, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1619, 1610, 16552, 187, 10002, 310, 436, 45769, 2725, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 3071, 27, 520, 27, 2904, 642, 15, 1010, 1619, 1671, 9913, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1619, 1610, 16552, 187, 9, 1394, 10, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 3071, 27, 2640, 27, 740, 642, 15, 1010, 1619, 1671, 17605, 27, 187, 19467, 797, 19222, 403, 9093, 1125, 2531, 36025, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 3071, 27, 2640, 27, 1348, 642, 15, 1010, 1619, 1671, 18895, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1619, 16552, 2950, 187, 28412, 275, 634, 439, 334, 1306, 1375, 285, 6294, 253, 7435, 598, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 3071, 27, 2941, 27, 2504, 642, 15, 1010, 1619, 1671, 19044, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1619, 1706, 40010, 187, 6080, 513, 13, 690, 1053, 626, 15, 380, 4394, 326, 513, 403, 625, 5547, 15, 2207, 858, 368, 2965, 323, 253, 1227, 4818, 16, 33804, 81, 12427, 285, 1158, 4130, 275, 3968, 310, 247, 2806, 492, 10059, 342, 247, 3168, 19609, 7028, 281, 247, 19175, 14889, 260, 1807, 665, 924, 7095, 32983, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 3071, 27, 1762, 27, 2693, 642, 15, 1010, 1619, 1671, 23139, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1619, 1671, 18895, 187, 85, 15, 591, 394, 209, 187, 5064, 1010, 1619, 1671, 19044, 187, 31, 1922, 58, 35049, 2573, 28509, 19116, 41004, 7953, 40505, 35460, 40505, 4889, 26483, 47689, 7245, 4966, 15537, 353, 1372, 23502, 40447, 35460, 40505, 37879, 308, 2415, 25509, 37051, 1703, 2949, 3003, 8010, 1267, 32021, 416, 14519, 4889, 39669, 19359, 330, 3252, 3077, 18769, 6570, 33238, 8728, 31966, 37879, 6392, 2293, 2088, 2354, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 3071, 27, 1762, 27, 1166, 642, 15, 1010, 1619, 1671, 24880, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1619, 1671, 17605, 187, 5064, 1010, 1619, 1706, 34384, 187, 31, 42, 9239, 7185, 15, 2101, 1164, 479, 12150, 277, 1911, 12502, 90, 15844, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 3071, 27, 1762, 27, 1229, 642, 15, 1010, 1619, 1671, 20216, 27, 187, 14985, 2905, 13, 253, 10739, 1559, 12457, 5135, 84, 309, 4490, 665, 1158, 597, 1211, 43204, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 3071, 27, 3071, 27, 2125, 642, 15, 1010, 1619, 25039, 1671, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1619, 1671, 18895, 187, 5658, 403, 247, 7863, 269, 356, 285, 344, 310, 987, 15, 33571, 533, 634, 703, 76, 1241, 310, 634, 45820, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 3071, 27, 3071, 27, 938, 642, 15, 1010, 1619, 1671, 30592, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1619, 1671, 23139, 187, 31, 1328, 11121, 12300, 21900, 984, 273, 44877, 15, 187, 27035, 12835, 2828, 15, 7214, 1024, 513, 309, 8968, 752, 309, 717, 5015, 281, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 3071, 27, 3071, 27, 1706, 642, 15, 1010, 1619, 25039, 2090, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1619, 1671, 24880, 187, 31, 42, 1353, 247, 260, 1807, 665, 310, 760, 7032, 273, 3811, 751, 247, 7163, 18535, 26903, 984, 309, 1353, 1512, 48101, 285, 5075, 281, 32097, 2208, 326, 1057, 752, 309, 971, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 3071, 27, 2922, 27, 3071, 642, 15, 1010, 1619, 1671, 32942, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1619, 1671, 24880, 187, 31, 1906, 73, 7185, 187, 1394, 269, 3544, 403, 816, 35524, 342, 7185, 323, 253, 13232, 273, 7185, 13, 1918, 479, 581, 1175, 1921, 604, 253, 2208, 17571, 281, 2226, 2139, 634, 1495, 651, 320, 1805, 643, 840, 278, 6968, 10474, 309, 476, 1416, 387, 38462, 247, 4289, 2139, 352, 651, 320, 7197, 745, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 3071, 27, 2922, 27, 1706, 642, 15, 1010, 1619, 22341, 1508, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1619, 1610, 16552, 187, 5092, 1900, 3469, 327, 1213, 12451, 281, 19153, 253, 6001, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 3071, 27, 2922, 27, 1235, 642, 15, 1010, 1619, 22341, 2405, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1619, 1706, 34384, 187, 31, 4658, 797, 19222, 16216, 320, 22198, 187, 3956, 1058, 76, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 3071, 27, 2904, 27, 2904, 642, 15, 1010, 1619, 22341, 2537, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1619, 1671, 32942, 187, 31, 1328, 11121, 512, 20107, 19222, 403, 34822, 1346, 15, 187, 47292, 13, 326, 434, 2217, 13, 309, 1353, 1469, 281, 4600, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 3071, 27, 2693, 27, 1093, 642, 15, 1010, 1619, 25008, 1093, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1619, 1671, 30592, 187, 31, 34, 12155, 73, 368, 403, 3430, 368, 4806, 377, 301, 1594, 11927, 11927, 37, 187, 29235, 4154, 368, 31832, 13, 1339, 479, 5476, 368, 1158, 352, 13551, 984, 253, 21634, 14, 2823, 447, 2335, 689, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 3071, 27, 2693, 27, 1857, 642, 15, 1010, 1619, 25008, 1867, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1619, 22341, 2537, 187, 31, 74, 816, 971, 247, 2208, 326, 3548, 626, 1014, 4409, 6789, 247, 2208, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 3071, 27, 740, 27, 1166, 642, 15, 1010, 1619, 1671, 29327, 27, 187, 44264, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 3071, 27, 740, 27, 1099, 642, 15, 1010, 1619, 25008, 1438, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1619, 25039, 1671, 187, 5064, 1010, 1619, 1671, 23139, 187, 48, 74, 13, 1766, 1171, 22089, 15, 309, 452, 253, 19055, 13, 594, 6294, 253, 7435, 598, 15, 187, 31, 28509, 19116, 41004, 7953, 40505, 35460, 40505, 4889, 26483, 47689, 7245, 4966, 15537, 353, 1372, 23502, 40447, 35460, 40505, 37879, 308, 2415, 25509, 37051, 1703, 2949, 3003, 8010, 1267, 209, 187, 1147, 7402, 253, 7231, 16860, 273, 253, 294, 1248, 13, 352, 4136, 441, 281, 3359, 24846, 835, 952, 476, 5649, 432, 1016, 643, 285, 2264, 26636, 275, 247, 3330, 14, 6481, 25834, 12912, 285, 23284, 784, 1039, 15, 1422, 1871, 320, 9861, 849, 440, 5411, 436, 7185, 323, 479, 285, 7185, 323, 19615, 2686, 2987, 285, 368, 1537, 320, 9861, 387, 849, 1199, 4466, 2538, 3253, 13, 849, 634, 17854, 17971, 476, 320, 5195, 949, 5948, 1293, 253, 4322, 273, 3490, 2403, 952, 7450, 896, 15, 309, 871, 368, 1833, 13292, 352, 533, 368, 1537, 320, 9861, 342, 752, 368, 1089, 17565, 4980, 2892, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 3071, 27, 805, 27, 3079, 642, 15, 1010, 1619, 26422, 1237, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1619, 25008, 1438, 187, 1276, 253, 7435, 403, 368, 5015, 670, 368, 269, 13046, 1502, 32, 6272, 368, 10369, 7738, 326, 247, 14, 78, 7909, 1204, 6331, 253, 294, 1248, 390, 5611, 24846, 32, 844, 3560, 271, 6685, 7654, 2715, 273, 20242, 835, 368, 4571, 626, 1014, 1158, 273, 2825, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 3071, 27, 805, 27, 3712, 642, 15, 1010, 1619, 26422, 1867, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1619, 25008, 1438, 187, 31, 38479, 1204, 835, 952, 476, 5649, 432, 1016, 643, 285, 2264, 26636, 275, 247, 3330, 14, 6481, 25834, 12912, 285, 23284, 784, 1039, 187, 1552, 556, 644, 9369, 323, 24933, 571, 13, 269, 13046, 302, 15, 733, 434, 1925, 2534, 350, 285, 5454, 15, 187, 15614, 1562, 1204, 426, 13237, 27090, 5948, 715, 253, 1453, 273, 26350, 310, 1682, 387, 2403, 28587, 326, 11598, 643, 952, 689, 15, 187, 8469, 405, 665, 326, 310, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 3071, 27, 1012, 27, 746, 642, 15, 1010, 1619, 26422, 2526, 27, 187, 31, 47068, 4330, 1974, 2506, 626, 1705, 432, 884, 12, 1107, 273, 42571, 30177, 2208, 46772, 13, 533, 432, 253, 952, 954, 10066, 281, 352, 15, 187, 29235, 10957, 7, 585, 14056, 6293, 465, 606, 274, 3288, 269, 13046, 302, 13, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 3071, 27, 1012, 27, 1237, 642, 15, 1010, 1619, 1671, 29805, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1619, 1610, 16552, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 3071, 27, 1047, 27, 1036, 642, 15, 1010, 1619, 24454, 2405, 27, 187, 2513, 436, 1529, 3177, 387, 399, 7, 36, 275, 253, 6945, 14, 918, 32, 8452, 2010, 476, 841, 15663, 1460, 382, 1125, 1346, 320, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 3071, 27, 1047, 27, 3712, 642, 15, 1010, 1619, 24454, 3763, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1619, 26422, 2526, 187, 31, 69, 7, 68, 187, 12092, 747, 8471, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 3071, 27, 1010, 27, 2922, 642, 15, 1010, 1619, 24454, 3593, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1619, 1610, 16552, 187, 35, 1765, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 3071, 27, 1036, 27, 883, 642, 15, 1010, 1619, 16587, 3079, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1619, 26422, 1237, 187, 31, 6272, 368, 10369, 7738, 326, 247, 14, 78, 7909, 1204, 6331, 253, 294, 1248, 187, 2302, 309, 1353, 7738, 359, 574, 247, 2962, 273, 7231, 16860, 1919, 253, 8935, 3597, 7185, 273, 9596, 13, 347, 10066, 281, 11771, 7231, 33490, 84, 15, 16925, 10068, 273, 6105, 285, 1375, 369, 247, 3309, 1635, 15 ]
too fucking bad for you m8 Not my problem you can't get a literal aural massage by listening to someone run their fingernails on foam. Shit feels good and it's comfortable to fall asleep to. >>210956178 any knife will do it, but a pocket knife is the easiest. I used to whittle shit all the time when I was little. Make sure it's sharp, and learn how to sharpen your knife because it WILL dull. also you absolutely will cut yourself and get slivers, just don't be a tard and it'll never be serious Anonymous 04/23/19(Tue)16:16:56 no.210959377: >>210942483 >You know how it feels for a chick to run her fingers through your hair? It's like that I've never even held a girl's hand Anonymous 04/23/19(Tue)16:17:19 no.210959412: >>210958648 >implying German autism would allow for such a substandard soap Anonymous 04/23/19(Tue)16:17:54 no.210959476: >>210958769 >lotus_breast.jpg >>210958514 Good tools cost lots of money. Anonymous 04/23/19(Tue)16:18:28 no.210959524: >>210959377 Anonymous 04/23/19(Tue)16:19:08 no.210959594: >>210958769 >>210959005 >>210959144 Chill out retards, it's a raw strawberry photoshopped onto a foot Anonymous 04/23/19(Tue)16:20:06 no.210959704: >>210959594 >it's a raw strawberry photoshopped onto a foot Wow, so I wasted a fap? Thanks, asshole. Anonymous 04/23/19(Tue)16:22:18 no.210959937: >>210941189 >Everything is the jews Even innocent videos intended to relax you. God I fucking hate this place Anonymous 04/23/19(Tue)16:22:41 no.210959973: >>210957280 You think that's bad? Every year hundreds of youtubers are dropping and bending the new flagship smartphones phones on purpose until they break. Anonymous 04/23/19(Tue)16:24:11 no.210960138: >>210958769 Anonymous 04/23/19(Tue)16:24:41 no.210960190: ASMR freaks are even more degenerate than footfags. Anonymous 04/23/19(Tue)16:24:52 no.210960213: >>210941189 I just watched a bit for the first time and found it soothing. Maybe because it looks so clean and probably smells really nice. Anonymous 04/23/19(Tue)16:25:44 no.210960285: >>210959412 Well a more frugal and economically oriented subset of the German populace can take the product and...oh,wait... Anonymous 04/23/19(Tue)16:25:48 no.210960292: >>210942483 >You know how it feels for a chick to run her fingers through your hair? You're imprinting your mind with specific surrogates that are going to make you entirely animated on artifice. Smart retards are the worst kind. Anonymous 04/23/19(Tue)16:27:43 no.210960487: >>210942483 make way, best ASMR coming through .webm Anonymous 04/23/19(Tue)16:28:05 no.210960527: >>210958908 KEK Anonymous 04/23/19(Tue)16:28:08 no.210960539: >>210960285 Anonymous 04/23/19(Tue)16:28:22 no.210960560: >>210960223 Kek Anonymous 04/23/19(Tue)16:28:23 no.210960564: >>210941189 I think the huge ASMR thing is a MK Ultra op to induce a more docile brainstate into people. I used to listen to that shit every night before going to sleep and now sometimes I will just randomly lose focus and derp out during the day for no apparent reason. It's like I trained my brain to be in that ASMR state and now it just happens spontaneously at inappropriate times. Anonymous 04/23/19(Tue)16:28:43 no.210960600: >>210959704 well i knew it was shop but well, fap is fap, i am nore into mutilated tits, but what ever floats your boat Anonymous 04/23/19(Tue)16:29:13 no.210960656: >>210960487 second kek Anonymous 04/23/19(Tue)16:29:20 no.210960669: >>210946631 Lots of pros who use small knives cut toward themselves when using small knives. The thumb is used to create stability and increased knife control. Im too much of a pussy to do this when im using a small knife to make small intricate cuts on live wood. Anonymous 04/23/19(Tue)16:29:59 no.210960752: >>210941189 I literally never heard of it until you made this thread, are you sure you're not shilling something op? And to answer your question idk people get bored i guess. Anonymous 04/23/19(Tue)16:30:34 no.210960834: >>210960190 I take offense to that statement. Please don't put people who watch/listen to normal ASMR videos for tingles in the same basket as those degenerates who religiously watch those degenerate attention videos those softcore camwhores put out every day. Anonymous 04/23/19(Tue)16:30:41 no.210960841: >>210959476 Aliexpress disagrees Anonymous 04/23/19(Tue)16:31:38 no.210960942: >>210941189 they're just waiting to see someone cut off a finger. just like people watch boring nascar races just to see the crashes. Anonymous 04/23/19(Tue)16:32:46 no.210961075: >this thread lmao, /pol/ intelect's peak performance Anonymous 04/23/19(Tue)16:33:15 no.210961135: >>210942483 I can't feel that phenomenon, i think i might have the tism. I watch bestgore for mild entertainment sometimes. Anonymous 04/23/19(Tue)16:34:53 no.210961318: >>210956623 I’ve been meaning to do this. There’s a YouTube channel called Burrfection and the dude has a good breakdown of stones, how to use them, what the different grains mean etc. Good channel if you haven’t seen it yet. Anonymous 04/23/19(Tue)16:36:58 no.210961545: >>210953692 I don't know it seems evil, like hypnosis or something. Anonymous 04/23/19(Tue)16:37:14 no.210961565: >>210958562 Nice try, Moshe Anonymous 04/23/19(Tue)16:37:48 no.210961630: Question: can anyone else trigger asmr on demand just by focusing? I used to figure everyone could do it, but I guess not. Anonymous 04/23/19(Tue)16:39:25 no.210961792: If you go on youtube trending and see 5 fag charles videos in the top 20 you'd realize this is an improvement. Every hour spent cutting soap is an hour disney won't be teaching a boy to cut his dick off. Anonymous 04/23/19(Tue)16:39:48 no.210961829: >>210943495 >51 Newman! I'm better than you! Anonymous 04/23/19(Tue)16:40:22 no.210961892: >>210961318 Good luck, desu. It's a good wholesome hobby. Anonymous 04/23/19(Tue)16:41:51 no.210962016: ASMR makes me cringe Anonymous 04/23/19(Tue)16:42:37 no.210962109: >>210956043 underrated Anonymous 04/23/19(Tue)16:42:52 no.210962126: >>210961892 Thanks. I think I’ll check out some stones this afternoon. Thanks for the post and the (you) Anonymous
[ 15627, 12835, 3076, 323, 368, 278, 25, 187, 3650, 619, 1895, 368, 476, 626, 755, 247, 22436, 247, 1546, 30877, 407, 11298, 281, 3095, 1408, 616, 8569, 1808, 5351, 327, 22441, 15, 1608, 262, 9193, 1175, 285, 352, 434, 9848, 281, 2965, 17390, 281, 15, 187, 5064, 16899, 36176, 20070, 187, 1279, 12798, 588, 513, 352, 13, 533, 247, 11320, 12798, 310, 253, 24746, 15, 309, 908, 281, 364, 1522, 10739, 512, 253, 673, 672, 309, 369, 1652, 15, 187, 13325, 2119, 352, 434, 9479, 13, 285, 3037, 849, 281, 17614, 3878, 634, 12798, 984, 352, 22268, 22544, 15, 187, 12563, 368, 8839, 588, 2624, 4834, 285, 755, 12031, 735, 13, 816, 1053, 626, 320, 247, 43596, 285, 352, 1833, 1620, 320, 4092, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1508, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 1036, 27, 1036, 27, 3208, 642, 15, 16899, 35461, 22863, 27, 187, 5064, 16899, 3953, 1348, 3245, 187, 31, 1394, 871, 849, 352, 9193, 323, 247, 8734, 281, 1408, 617, 9881, 949, 634, 4707, 32, 733, 434, 751, 326, 187, 42, 1849, 1620, 1014, 2918, 247, 3226, 434, 1133, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1508, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 1036, 27, 1166, 27, 746, 642, 15, 16899, 2222, 3953, 805, 27, 187, 5064, 16899, 34240, 25020, 187, 31, 303, 2881, 272, 5685, 27734, 651, 1581, 323, 824, 247, 749, 15291, 21961, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1508, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 1036, 27, 1166, 27, 3439, 642, 15, 16899, 35461, 31699, 27, 187, 5064, 16899, 2222, 2597, 2090, 187, 31, 11753, 316, 64, 3381, 505, 15, 11368, 187, 5064, 16899, 2222, 2227, 1047, 187, 8620, 5657, 2105, 8783, 273, 2583, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1508, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 1036, 27, 1093, 27, 1619, 642, 15, 16899, 2222, 2222, 1348, 27, 187, 5064, 16899, 35461, 22863, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1508, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 1036, 27, 746, 27, 2904, 642, 15, 16899, 2222, 2222, 3953, 27, 187, 5064, 16899, 2222, 2597, 2090, 187, 5064, 16899, 35461, 5523, 187, 5064, 16899, 35461, 14231, 187, 1779, 408, 562, 851, 2196, 13, 352, 434, 247, 9305, 17844, 12840, 7963, 1689, 1882, 4830, 247, 3174, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1508, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 1036, 27, 938, 27, 3071, 642, 15, 16899, 35461, 26942, 27, 187, 5064, 16899, 2222, 2222, 3953, 187, 31, 262, 434, 247, 9305, 17844, 12840, 7963, 1689, 1882, 4830, 247, 3174, 187, 24243, 13, 594, 309, 25262, 247, 269, 522, 32, 9375, 13, 40889, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1508, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 1036, 27, 1423, 27, 1093, 642, 15, 16899, 2222, 1525, 1787, 27, 187, 5064, 16899, 3953, 883, 2511, 187, 31, 22242, 310, 253, 15589, 84, 187, 9586, 15377, 10556, 6034, 281, 7921, 368, 15, 2656, 309, 12835, 9239, 436, 1659, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1508, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 1036, 27, 1423, 27, 3156, 642, 15, 16899, 2222, 1525, 3655, 27, 187, 5064, 16899, 2222, 3547, 1438, 187, 1394, 1158, 326, 434, 3076, 32, 6000, 807, 8307, 273, 368, 20615, 398, 403, 18752, 285, 23767, 253, 747, 39230, 33188, 15169, 327, 4096, 1919, 597, 2740, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1508, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 1036, 27, 1348, 27, 883, 642, 15, 16899, 4196, 520, 1839, 27, 187, 5064, 16899, 2222, 2597, 2090, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1508, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 1036, 27, 1348, 27, 3156, 642, 15, 16899, 4196, 520, 2270, 27, 187, 1719, 6784, 4107, 8765, 403, 1014, 625, 29458, 685, 3174, 71, 3544, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1508, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 1036, 27, 1348, 27, 3583, 642, 15, 19, 12852, 1549, 21197, 27, 187, 5064, 16899, 3953, 883, 2511, 187, 42, 816, 9047, 247, 2372, 323, 253, 806, 673, 285, 1119, 352, 47805, 15, 8948, 984, 352, 4453, 594, 4076, 285, 3164, 34247, 1663, 5322, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1508, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 1036, 27, 1099, 27, 2031, 642, 15, 19, 12852, 1549, 23025, 27, 187, 5064, 16899, 2222, 3953, 805, 187, 4497, 247, 625, 269, 2371, 267, 285, 29187, 19373, 8578, 273, 253, 5685, 28969, 584, 476, 1379, 253, 1885, 285, 1051, 1368, 13, 14061, 1051, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1508, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 1036, 27, 1099, 27, 2385, 642, 15, 19, 12852, 1549, 27122, 27, 187, 5064, 16899, 3953, 1348, 3245, 187, 31, 1394, 871, 849, 352, 9193, 323, 247, 8734, 281, 1408, 617, 9881, 949, 634, 4707, 32, 187, 1394, 1472, 41212, 272, 634, 2564, 342, 2173, 919, 6375, 684, 326, 403, 1469, 281, 1056, 368, 7094, 21530, 327, 1445, 33095, 15, 19778, 851, 2196, 403, 253, 9065, 2238, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1508, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 1036, 27, 1630, 27, 3079, 642, 15, 19, 12852, 1549, 30910, 27, 187, 5064, 16899, 3953, 1348, 3245, 187, 11145, 1039, 13, 1682, 7412, 6784, 3551, 949, 187, 2413, 1358, 74, 15, 21, 29082, 15, 2061, 16, 23200, 16, 1010, 2417, 30176, 26, 1706, 5388, 187, 15, 664, 5844, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1508, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 1036, 27, 1619, 27, 1762, 642, 15, 19, 12852, 20954, 1630, 27, 187, 5064, 16899, 34240, 33648, 187, 6541, 44, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1508, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 1036, 27, 1619, 27, 2904, 642, 15, 19, 12852, 20954, 1867, 27, 187, 5064, 19, 12852, 1549, 23025, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1508, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 1036, 27, 1619, 27, 1423, 642, 15, 19, 12852, 20954, 1549, 27, 187, 5064, 19, 12852, 1549, 20360, 187, 44, 1441, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1508, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 1036, 27, 1619, 27, 1508, 642, 15, 19, 12852, 20954, 1540, 27, 187, 5064, 16899, 3953, 883, 2511, 187, 42, 1158, 253, 5699, 7412, 6784, 2181, 310, 247, 27070, 34809, 1121, 281, 10808, 247, 625, 5474, 587, 3998, 3409, 715, 952, 15, 187, 42, 908, 281, 8028, 281, 326, 10739, 1046, 2360, 1078, 1469, 281, 4600, 285, 1024, 4536, 309, 588, 816, 12421, 7168, 2770, 285, 1784, 81, 562, 1309, 253, 1388, 323, 642, 5165, 1921, 15, 733, 434, 751, 309, 10166, 619, 3998, 281, 320, 275, 326, 7412, 6784, 1375, 285, 1024, 352, 816, 6569, 31321, 387, 19582, 2069, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1508, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 1036, 27, 1619, 27, 3079, 642, 15, 19, 12852, 1549, 10487, 27, 187, 5064, 16899, 35461, 26942, 187, 4714, 891, 3260, 352, 369, 8979, 533, 973, 13, 269, 522, 310, 269, 522, 13, 891, 717, 295, 410, 715, 2873, 31718, 246, 953, 13, 533, 752, 2455, 48158, 634, 9735, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1508, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 1036, 27, 1717, 27, 1012, 642, 15, 19, 12852, 1549, 29543, 27, 187, 5064, 19, 12852, 1549, 30910, 187, 9815, 1058, 76, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1508, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 1036, 27, 1717, 27, 938, 642, 15, 19, 12852, 25358, 2090, 27, 187, 5064, 16899, 3953, 2526, 2405, 187, 45, 1502, 273, 5847, 665, 897, 1355, 36014, 2624, 2584, 3746, 672, 970, 1355, 36014, 15, 380, 17300, 310, 908, 281, 2794, 7882, 285, 2559, 12798, 1453, 15, 3173, 1512, 1199, 273, 247, 35614, 281, 513, 436, 672, 516, 970, 247, 1355, 12798, 281, 1056, 1355, 36930, 12176, 327, 3153, 5534, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1508, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 1036, 27, 1717, 27, 3046, 642, 15, 19, 12852, 1549, 35179, 27, 187, 5064, 16899, 3953, 883, 2511, 187, 42, 12832, 1620, 3735, 273, 352, 1919, 368, 1160, 436, 6293, 13, 403, 368, 2119, 368, 1472, 417, 439, 3867, 1633, 1121, 32, 1244, 281, 3662, 634, 1953, 2654, 76, 952, 755, 23086, 891, 5476, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1508, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 1036, 27, 1229, 27, 1706, 642, 15, 19, 12852, 25805, 1706, 27, 187, 5064, 16899, 4196, 520, 2270, 187, 42, 1379, 8399, 281, 326, 3908, 15, 187, 7845, 1053, 626, 1691, 952, 665, 3698, 16, 42050, 281, 2622, 7412, 6784, 10556, 323, 39838, 868, 275, 253, 1072, 11281, 347, 1110, 25273, 684, 665, 7231, 314, 3698, 1110, 29458, 4116, 10556, 1110, 2602, 6443, 4049, 10002, 373, 1691, 562, 1046, 1388, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1508, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 1036, 27, 1229, 27, 3156, 642, 15, 19, 12852, 1549, 39506, 27, 187, 5064, 16899, 35461, 31699, 187, 2422, 466, 89, 7100, 10009, 6151, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1508, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 1036, 27, 2405, 27, 1839, 642, 15, 19, 12852, 27059, 2945, 27, 187, 5064, 16899, 3953, 883, 2511, 187, 9328, 1472, 816, 6179, 281, 923, 3095, 2624, 745, 247, 9185, 15, 816, 751, 952, 3698, 22258, 295, 4843, 274, 15820, 816, 281, 923, 253, 29212, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1508, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 1036, 27, 1237, 27, 2950, 642, 15, 16899, 4196, 740, 1976, 27, 187, 31, 2520, 6293, 187, 77, 785, 80, 13, 1227, 4818, 16, 1101, 732, 434, 5241, 3045, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1508, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 1036, 27, 1610, 27, 1010, 642, 15, 16899, 4196, 883, 1671, 27, 187, 5064, 16899, 3953, 1348, 3245, 187, 42, 476, 626, 1928, 326, 11562, 13, 891, 1158, 891, 1537, 452, 253, 246, 1204, 15, 309, 3698, 1682, 72, 410, 323, 11134, 14608, 4536, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1508, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 1036, 27, 1706, 27, 3357, 642, 15, 16899, 4196, 1012, 1093, 27, 187, 5064, 16899, 2222, 2526, 1508, 187, 42, 457, 306, 644, 4495, 281, 513, 436, 15, 1707, 457, 84, 247, 15167, 5048, 1925, 7634, 83, 3716, 285, 253, 29723, 556, 247, 1175, 19501, 273, 17380, 13, 849, 281, 897, 731, 13, 752, 253, 1027, 19786, 1599, 3966, 15, 7088, 5048, 604, 368, 6468, 457, 85, 2326, 352, 2568, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1508, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 1036, 27, 1812, 27, 3680, 642, 15, 16899, 4196, 1010, 1857, 27, 187, 5064, 16899, 2222, 1812, 4529, 187, 42, 1053, 626, 871, 352, 3133, 10319, 13, 751, 3500, 79, 2433, 390, 1633, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1508, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 1036, 27, 1787, 27, 1047, 642, 15, 16899, 4196, 1010, 2082, 27, 187, 5064, 16899, 2222, 2227, 3763, 187, 29235, 1611, 13, 19548, 248, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1508, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 1036, 27, 1787, 27, 2385, 642, 15, 16899, 4196, 1036, 1229, 27, 187, 23433, 27, 476, 3780, 2010, 9632, 347, 28094, 327, 4831, 816, 407, 13654, 32, 187, 42, 908, 281, 4677, 4130, 812, 513, 352, 13, 533, 309, 5476, 417, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1508, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 1036, 27, 1867, 27, 1099, 642, 15, 16899, 4196, 1166, 4529, 27, 187, 2042, 368, 564, 327, 49683, 9058, 272, 285, 923, 608, 269, 356, 1018, 868, 10556, 275, 253, 1755, 1384, 368, 1871, 8968, 436, 310, 271, 7756, 15, 6000, 4964, 5262, 9968, 21961, 310, 271, 4964, 557, 2191, 1912, 626, 320, 9551, 247, 5006, 281, 2624, 521, 33702, 745, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1508, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 1036, 27, 1867, 27, 2385, 642, 15, 16899, 4196, 1093, 1717, 27, 187, 5064, 16899, 3953, 1706, 2222, 187, 31, 3712, 35403, 2, 309, 1353, 1805, 685, 368, 2, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1508, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 1036, 27, 1449, 27, 1423, 642, 15, 16899, 4196, 1093, 4529, 27, 187, 5064, 16899, 4196, 1012, 1093, 187, 8620, 7516, 13, 711, 86, 15, 733, 434, 247, 1175, 24897, 485, 34057, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1508, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 1036, 27, 3156, 27, 3712, 642, 15, 16899, 4196, 6961, 27, 187, 1719, 6784, 2789, 479, 260, 20683, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1508, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 1036, 27, 2945, 27, 1787, 642, 15, 19, 12852, 3763, 12852, 27, 187, 5064, 16899, 2222, 1549, 3079, 187, 4524, 14092, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1508, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 1036, 27, 2945, 27, 3583, 642, 15, 19, 12852, 3763, 13381, 27, 187, 5064, 16899, 4196, 1093, 4529, 187, 8061, 15, 309, 1158, 309, 457, 620, 2451, 562, 690, 17380, 436, 9055, 15, 9375, 323, 253, 1501, 285, 253, 313, 5658, 10, 535, 187, 45545 ]
no.223754939: >>223754820 how does he pay for rent and food doesn't seem employed Anonymous 08/20/19(Tue)09:29:14 no.223754976: >Hello anon, we're here to collect the £280 you owe, plus tax Anonymous 08/20/19(Tue)09:29:58 no.223755043: >>223754939 he's just got loadsamoney, something i'm sure you have never witnessed or experienced Anonymous 08/20/19(Tue)09:30:05 no.223755052: >>223754939 savings and probably some scant benefits too Anonymous 08/20/19(Tue)09:30:10 no.223755063: >>223754770 well do you at least have a btec? Anonymous 08/20/19(Tue)09:30:17 no.223755072: >>223754939 ESA probably Anonymous 08/20/19(Tue)09:30:28 no.223755096: >>223754770 Court don't take your money. What's happened is that someone has registered something in your name and you have either not received it or the post has gone unopened, or its come after you have left. It's gone into court without you knowing (with about 300 others) and it gets signed by a magistrate and an excel spreadsheet. The fine goes out to the same address and then, if still unanswered, goes to bailiffs for enforcement. Two months is bullshit. Ring them and ask for listings and ask when their fines court is. Tell them you want to come down to make an urgent stat dec. There you go. Magistrates courts run them once a week. Open your post next time Anonymous 08/20/19(Tue)09:30:45 no.223755122: >>223754919 kill all manspreaders tbqh Anonymous 08/20/19(Tue)09:30:54 no.223755132: >>223754939 He lives off his inheritance I think Anonymous 08/20/19(Tue)09:30:55 no.223755133: >>223755072 it's impossible to get ESA if you have brain problems Anonymous 08/20/19(Tue)09:31:08 no.223755157: >>223754939 none of your business you cheeky cunt. Get a job ad worry about yourself. Anonymous 08/20/19(Tue)09:31:08 no.223755158: Bengali, Bengali Bengali, Bengali Oh, shelve your Western plans And understand That life is hard enough when you belong here Anonymous 08/20/19(Tue)09:31:58 no.223755207: >>223754748 Oh ok, thanks for that makes me feel a little better. I was wondering how they go about it, since it's supposed to be innocent until proven guilty, but was feeling like the opposite. I'm fuming, I hope your right and I get to watch someone pay. >>223754853 Fuck knows, I moved half way across the country and they managed to track me down, it fucking stinks. Anonymous 08/20/19(Tue)09:32:28 no.223755245: >>223754853 Because he will have priors and will already have a fine account for previous stuff, so they've just bunged it on his known name and DOB. It then gets enforced. At some point someone has used his name, address and DOB to register a car. It might not be him, but the court doesn't know that. They use the information available - which is accurate about 98 percent of the time. Anonymous 08/20/19(Tue)09:33:45 no.223755344: >>223754307 Thanks. >>223754919 No idea, but if real then I think they wanted to make the point by being over the top. Anonymous 08/20/19(Tue)09:33:54 no.223755363: >>223754748 >Someone has used your name at some point. I would suspect the dirty council scratter that moved in after anon Anonymous 08/20/19(Tue)09:35:26 no.223755461: >>223755207 Cars aren't registered to addresses. It's either a business or a name. It will be a name for yourself, which is how they've found you. When you ring your local court give them your name and DOB and ask them to search "Libra" for you in all areas, inactive cases too. Then do the same without a DOB. Ask them to check your fine account and all. Get yourself to a magistrates court ASAP and it will be dealt with in ten minutes tops. I processed dozens of these issues. The only time it didn't work was when someone ignored the process and thought they were above it. In a year or so they got brought in on a fines warrant and had to pony up £1200. Honestly DO NOT fuck it off Anonymous 08/20/19(Tue)09:36:03 no.223755522: >>223754069 Someone camped in his garden? Anonymous 08/20/19(Tue)09:36:28 no.223755553: >>223754468 Having been sectioned myself, I never saw any Filipino workers. Mostly they're either British, African (e.g. Nigeria), or from the EU. Also, promethazine is an antihistamine so I have no idea why you think they'd inject that. The only things they inject are antipsychotics. Which they usually do periodically, usually once a month, which is called a "depot" injection (it's like depositing some of the stuff into a muscle), for people with psychosis. Or they might sometimes do it as a one-off if someone is being very unruly and/or dangerous, but you have to really kick off for them to consider that. >>223754939 >>223755043 >>223755052 >>223755072 >>223755133 ESA (benefit) would be the answer, and no it's not impossible for mental problems, they do pay it for mental problems. Anonymous 08/20/19(Tue)09:37:26 no.223755630: >>223753769 based Anonymous 08/20/19(Tue)09:37:53 no.223755670: >>223755522 It was his neighbour who lives upstairs. The garden is probably shared, and he put a tent up there for a few hours and had a BBQ, but to Timmy it probably looked like a big hairy demon had taken over his garden and started to spawn slimy eggs. Anonymous 08/20/19(Tue)09:39:25 no.223755794: >>223754748 >>223754834 >>223755096 Interesting stuff. Got any other good tips for dealing with common court/gov't situations? Anonymous 08/20/19(Tue)09:39:38 no.223755810: >>223755553 He might get benefits, but it isn't enough to cover his annual rent payment, ocado deliveries, decent car etc. He has money from either inheritance or work payout. Also he mentioned that he used to own some properties. Anonymous 08/20/19(Tue)09:40:34 no.223755886: >>223755794 Don't break the law. Be a good goy Consume and obey Anonymous 08/20/19(Tue)09:41:34 no.223755954: >>223754110 Do sauf poofs sit like that? Anonymous 08/20/19(Tue)09:43:22 no.223756087: >>223755810 Is there some wiki where I could read up on Tim lore. Anonymous 08/20/19(Tue)09:44:00 no.223756141: >>223755461 When I emailed the company that deals with the fines they told me the only information they have is that that car was registered to my previous address they couldn't tell me anything else. I asked for the name but they wouldn't or couldn't tell me. That's why i'm so puzzled by the whole thing. I followed what they told me, made a statutory deceleration, the lady on the hpone said to just prove that I sold the car (she had information the car was sold) and I told her I never owned the car in the first place and she couldn't tell me the name of the car either. She said just to come in to court in two months. Anonymous 08/20/19(Tue)09:45:17 no.223756238: Gwzl
[ 642, 15, 1423, 17820, 2537, 1867, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 17820, 2385, 938, 187, 5430, 1057, 344, 2075, 323, 8845, 285, 2739, 187, 48724, 626, 1646, 7091, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 938, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 2693, 27, 1717, 27, 1047, 642, 15, 1423, 17820, 2537, 3121, 27, 187, 31, 12092, 271, 251, 13, 359, 1472, 1060, 281, 4822, 253, 8157, 19100, 368, 24186, 13, 5043, 2891, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 938, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 2693, 27, 1717, 27, 3680, 642, 15, 1423, 17820, 1235, 3079, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 17820, 2537, 1867, 187, 248, 434, 816, 1694, 16665, 312, 2153, 13, 1633, 891, 1353, 2119, 368, 452, 1620, 21153, 390, 7407, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 938, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 2693, 27, 1229, 27, 1762, 642, 15, 1423, 17820, 1235, 3583, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 17820, 2537, 1867, 187, 47929, 723, 285, 3164, 690, 43721, 5373, 1512, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 938, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 2693, 27, 1229, 27, 740, 642, 15, 1423, 17820, 1235, 3571, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 17820, 2504, 1967, 187, 4714, 513, 368, 387, 1878, 452, 247, 270, 39766, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 938, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 2693, 27, 1229, 27, 1166, 642, 15, 1423, 17820, 1235, 3547, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 17820, 2537, 1867, 187, 1410, 34, 3164, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 938, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 2693, 27, 1229, 27, 1619, 642, 15, 1423, 17820, 1235, 4196, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 17820, 2504, 1967, 187, 18336, 1053, 626, 1379, 634, 2583, 15, 1737, 434, 4592, 310, 326, 3095, 556, 9856, 1633, 275, 634, 1416, 285, 368, 452, 2057, 417, 2959, 352, 390, 253, 1501, 556, 4783, 440, 31370, 13, 390, 697, 1705, 846, 368, 452, 1669, 15, 733, 434, 4783, 715, 1302, 1293, 368, 8958, 313, 3113, 670, 7469, 2571, 10, 285, 352, 4850, 6704, 407, 247, 26462, 285, 271, 34219, 43032, 15, 380, 4030, 4566, 562, 281, 253, 1072, 2953, 285, 840, 13, 604, 1335, 440, 42195, 13, 4566, 281, 19590, 18408, 323, 10473, 15, 209, 187, 7910, 2607, 310, 35281, 15, 22668, 731, 285, 1642, 323, 32985, 285, 1642, 672, 616, 29701, 1302, 310, 15, 19906, 731, 368, 971, 281, 1705, 1066, 281, 1056, 271, 21007, 1098, 1086, 15, 1707, 368, 564, 15, 6813, 382, 27619, 7829, 1408, 731, 2378, 247, 2129, 15, 209, 187, 9807, 634, 1501, 1735, 673, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 938, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 2693, 27, 1229, 27, 1857, 642, 15, 1423, 1787, 2417, 14351, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 17820, 2537, 746, 187, 24212, 512, 30433, 13643, 398, 34244, 82, 73, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 938, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 2693, 27, 1229, 27, 3439, 642, 15, 1423, 1787, 2417, 14783, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 17820, 2537, 1867, 187, 1328, 4852, 745, 521, 24954, 309, 1158, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 938, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 2693, 27, 1229, 27, 2417, 642, 15, 1423, 1787, 2417, 14380, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 17820, 1235, 3547, 187, 262, 434, 7479, 281, 755, 444, 4576, 604, 368, 452, 3998, 3237, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 938, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 2693, 27, 2405, 27, 2904, 642, 15, 1423, 1787, 2417, 15882, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 17820, 2537, 1867, 187, 15422, 273, 634, 2136, 368, 19723, 90, 260, 2084, 15, 187, 3633, 247, 2628, 519, 7664, 670, 4834, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 938, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 2693, 27, 2405, 27, 2904, 642, 15, 1423, 1787, 2417, 18663, 27, 187, 35, 1205, 8952, 13, 21524, 8952, 187, 35, 1205, 8952, 13, 21524, 8952, 187, 4013, 13, 9200, 306, 634, 6359, 5827, 187, 1898, 2096, 187, 2773, 1495, 310, 1892, 2217, 672, 368, 5663, 1060, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 938, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 2693, 27, 2405, 27, 3680, 642, 15, 1423, 1787, 2417, 18202, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 17820, 2504, 2385, 187, 4013, 8718, 13, 6701, 323, 326, 2789, 479, 1928, 247, 1652, 1805, 15, 187, 42, 369, 12371, 849, 597, 564, 670, 352, 13, 1580, 352, 434, 6326, 281, 320, 15377, 1919, 11464, 8106, 13, 533, 369, 5471, 751, 253, 7285, 15, 187, 42, 1353, 269, 14583, 13, 309, 3524, 634, 987, 285, 309, 755, 281, 3698, 3095, 2075, 15, 187, 5064, 1423, 1787, 3439, 35866, 187, 30368, 6057, 13, 309, 4395, 2716, 1039, 2439, 253, 2586, 285, 597, 7303, 281, 3540, 479, 1066, 13, 352, 12835, 331, 3106, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 938, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 2693, 27, 1237, 27, 1619, 642, 15, 1423, 1787, 2417, 19490, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 1787, 3439, 35866, 187, 8457, 344, 588, 452, 2235, 641, 285, 588, 2168, 452, 247, 4030, 2395, 323, 2045, 5017, 13, 594, 597, 1849, 816, 270, 1947, 264, 352, 327, 521, 1929, 1416, 285, 7953, 35, 15, 733, 840, 4850, 27810, 15, 209, 187, 3404, 690, 1127, 3095, 556, 908, 521, 1416, 13, 2953, 285, 7953, 35, 281, 8749, 247, 1113, 15, 733, 1537, 417, 320, 779, 13, 533, 253, 1302, 2506, 626, 871, 326, 15, 1583, 897, 253, 1491, 2130, 428, 534, 310, 7899, 670, 10508, 2558, 273, 253, 673, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 938, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 2693, 27, 1610, 27, 1857, 642, 15, 1423, 1787, 2417, 22543, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 1787, 3439, 21645, 187, 8061, 15, 187, 5064, 1423, 17820, 2537, 746, 187, 2302, 2934, 13, 533, 604, 1524, 840, 309, 1158, 597, 3078, 281, 1056, 253, 1127, 407, 1146, 689, 253, 1755, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 938, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 2693, 27, 1610, 27, 3439, 642, 15, 1423, 1787, 2417, 26338, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 17820, 2504, 2385, 187, 31, 29065, 556, 908, 634, 1416, 387, 690, 1127, 15, 187, 42, 651, 9101, 253, 16076, 12265, 7362, 2569, 326, 4395, 275, 846, 271, 251, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 938, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 2693, 27, 1671, 27, 1731, 642, 15, 1423, 1787, 2417, 33597, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 1787, 2417, 18202, 187, 36, 1032, 6403, 626, 9856, 281, 12453, 15, 733, 434, 2057, 247, 2136, 390, 247, 1416, 15, 733, 588, 320, 247, 1416, 323, 4834, 13, 534, 310, 849, 597, 1849, 1119, 368, 15, 2091, 368, 5818, 634, 1980, 1302, 1918, 731, 634, 1416, 285, 7953, 35, 285, 1642, 731, 281, 3186, 346, 19467, 376, 3, 323, 368, 275, 512, 3672, 13, 25515, 2219, 1512, 15, 2635, 513, 253, 1072, 1293, 247, 7953, 35, 15, 26659, 731, 281, 2451, 634, 4030, 2395, 285, 512, 15, 209, 187, 3633, 4834, 281, 247, 4231, 382, 27619, 1302, 7412, 2088, 285, 352, 588, 320, 18445, 342, 275, 3578, 2909, 27164, 15, 309, 11742, 18660, 273, 841, 3374, 15, 380, 760, 673, 352, 1904, 626, 789, 369, 672, 3095, 12841, 253, 1232, 285, 1869, 597, 497, 1840, 352, 15, 496, 247, 807, 390, 594, 597, 1694, 3982, 275, 327, 247, 29701, 7501, 285, 574, 281, 50044, 598, 8157, 32158, 15, 209, 187, 23918, 27459, 7953, 5803, 7435, 352, 745, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 938, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 2693, 27, 1812, 27, 2941, 642, 15, 1423, 1787, 27865, 1423, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 17820, 1449, 2090, 187, 29065, 2986, 264, 275, 521, 10329, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 938, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 2693, 27, 1812, 27, 1619, 642, 15, 1423, 1787, 2417, 42633, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 17820, 2031, 2358, 187, 18562, 644, 2593, 264, 4266, 13, 309, 1620, 3047, 667, 36935, 2610, 5820, 15, 5595, 314, 597, 1472, 2057, 4782, 13, 8118, 313, 70, 15, 72, 15, 23856, 582, 390, 432, 253, 8215, 15, 187, 9917, 13, 1964, 678, 7841, 310, 271, 3270, 15700, 6771, 594, 309, 452, 642, 2934, 2139, 368, 1158, 597, 1871, 14888, 326, 15, 380, 760, 1841, 597, 14888, 403, 46271, 20290, 15, 6758, 597, 3798, 513, 28557, 13, 3798, 2378, 247, 1770, 13, 534, 310, 1925, 247, 346, 7955, 302, 3, 8829, 313, 262, 434, 751, 8563, 2996, 690, 273, 253, 5017, 715, 247, 6616, 582, 323, 952, 342, 49697, 15, 2207, 597, 1537, 4536, 513, 352, 347, 247, 581, 14, 2727, 604, 3095, 310, 1146, 1077, 440, 46072, 285, 16, 263, 8312, 13, 533, 368, 452, 281, 1663, 8386, 745, 323, 731, 281, 1908, 326, 15, 187, 5064, 1423, 17820, 2537, 1867, 187, 5064, 1423, 17820, 1235, 3079, 187, 5064, 1423, 17820, 1235, 3583, 187, 5064, 1423, 17820, 1235, 3547, 187, 5064, 1423, 1787, 2417, 14380, 187, 1410, 34, 313, 31891, 262, 10, 651, 320, 253, 3662, 13, 285, 642, 352, 434, 417, 7479, 323, 6255, 3237, 13, 597, 513, 2075, 352, 323, 6255, 3237, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 938, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 2693, 27, 1787, 27, 1731, 642, 15, 1423, 1787, 35466, 1229, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 17820, 1787, 2090, 187, 3169, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 938, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 2693, 27, 1787, 27, 3357, 642, 15, 1423, 1787, 35466, 1967, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 1787, 27865, 1423, 187, 1147, 369, 521, 14646, 665, 4852, 24311, 15, 380, 10329, 310, 3164, 6096, 13, 285, 344, 1691, 247, 12556, 598, 627, 323, 247, 1643, 3038, 285, 574, 247, 22819, 50, 13, 533, 281, 8969, 2577, 352, 3164, 3261, 751, 247, 1943, 4707, 90, 2725, 574, 2668, 689, 521, 10329, 285, 3053, 281, 30163, 27973, 90, 11624, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 938, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 2693, 27, 1867, 27, 1099, 642, 15, 1423, 1787, 2417, 38184, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 17820, 2504, 2385, 586, 187, 5064, 1423, 17820, 2385, 1706, 586, 187, 5064, 1423, 17820, 1235, 4196, 187, 24015, 272, 5017, 15, 21979, 667, 643, 1175, 12192, 323, 10620, 342, 1846, 1302, 16, 12312, 626, 9534, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 938, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 2693, 27, 1867, 27, 1839, 642, 15, 1423, 1787, 2417, 36016, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 1787, 2417, 42633, 187, 1328, 1537, 755, 5373, 13, 533, 352, 3548, 626, 2217, 281, 3835, 521, 7970, 8845, 7830, 13, 15715, 3377, 40547, 13, 12524, 1113, 3966, 15, 187, 1328, 556, 2583, 432, 2057, 24954, 390, 789, 2075, 483, 15, 5220, 344, 5393, 326, 344, 908, 281, 1211, 690, 3607, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 938, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 2693, 27, 1449, 27, 1706, 642, 15, 1423, 1787, 2417, 35265, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 1787, 2417, 38184, 187, 5498, 626, 2740, 253, 1569, 15, 187, 4678, 247, 1175, 564, 90, 187, 9323, 2123, 285, 20090, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 938, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 2693, 27, 3156, 27, 1706, 642, 15, 1423, 1787, 2417, 41643, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 17820, 3156, 740, 187, 4045, 618, 2375, 2963, 46627, 1790, 751, 326, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 938, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 2693, 27, 3079, 27, 1423, 642, 15, 1423, 17820, 1549, 2597, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 1787, 2417, 36016, 187, 2513, 627, 690, 35372, 835, 309, 812, 1239, 598, 327, 8969, 298, 410, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 938, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 2693, 27, 2031, 27, 361, 642, 15, 1423, 1787, 3208, 18962, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 1787, 2417, 33597, 187, 3039, 309, 48325, 253, 2567, 326, 13330, 342, 253, 29701, 597, 2183, 479, 253, 760, 1491, 597, 452, 310, 326, 326, 1113, 369, 9856, 281, 619, 2045, 2953, 597, 4571, 626, 2028, 479, 2712, 2010, 15, 187, 42, 2546, 323, 253, 1416, 533, 597, 5082, 626, 390, 4571, 626, 2028, 479, 15, 187, 2773, 434, 2139, 891, 1353, 594, 39340, 407, 253, 2644, 2181, 15, 187, 42, 3560, 752, 597, 2183, 479, 13, 1160, 247, 11315, 1086, 41563, 13, 253, 10692, 327, 253, 288, 2041, 753, 281, 816, 5276, 326, 309, 4211, 253, 1113, 313, 6689, 574, 1491, 253, 1113, 369, 4211, 10, 285, 309, 2183, 617, 309, 1620, 9633, 253, 1113, 275, 253, 806, 1659, 285, 703, 4571, 626, 2028, 479, 253, 1416, 273, 253, 1113, 2057, 15, 187, 2993, 753, 816, 281, 1705, 275, 281, 1302, 275, 767, 2607, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 938, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 2693, 27, 1857, 27, 1166, 642, 15, 1423, 1787, 3208, 21378, 27, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 24583, 15, 681, 16, 13060, 32, 87, 30, 18914, 40, 187, 40, 88, 91, 77 ]
fuck y'all faggots. Anonymous 03/12/17(Sun)00:02:46 no.116270410: >>116256948 >>116262839 This. Anonymous 03/12/17(Sun)00:02:53 no.116270428: >>116257691 > 3/07/25/cancer-risk-increases-with- height/ >tfw 6'3' fug Anonymous 03/12/17(Sun)00:16:18 no.116271684: >>116256674 How that turned up for you South America? Anonymous 03/12/17(Sun)00:17:09 no.116271751: >>116262837 Ashkenazis are not Khazars it's been debunked by genetics Anonymous 03/12/17(Sun)00:21:36 no.116272182: >>116256674 >trusting liberal media on what makes anyone "better' Are all Brazilians monkey-level intelligence to fall for this, or is it just you? Anonymous 03/12/17(Sun)00:23:39 no.116272374: >>116257668 Mixing water with alcohol raises the ABV. Not cited: of the water. <|endoftext|>Anonymous 07/05/17(Wed)22:04:54 no.132555420: How do we stop the rap problem? ITqIWtvM Anonymous 07/05/17(Wed)22:07:19 no.132555679: >>132555420 gotta stop the kikes first, ya dingus. Anonymous 07/05/17(Wed)22:07:50 no.132555736: Sick the gypsies on em. Gypsies ruin everything. (Just kidding I like Radioinactive) YQMU5asE Anonymous 07/05/17(Wed)22:09:09 no.132555888: >>132555420 I'm just here to post this gem zBJLlfk8 Anonymous 07/05/17(Wed)22:10:58 no.132556093: >>132555420 Back to Jazz, Bebob, Swing or other 30-50s music genres? Restore black families, restore Black Christianity church? Destroy leftism/cultural marxism/whole Democratic Party? Send (((them))) to ovens? Anonymous 07/05/17(Wed)22:11:11 no.132556123: >>132555888 Worldstar is the epitome of degenerate black culture Anonymous 07/05/17(Wed)22:12:12 no.132556231: Only way to do it is this >Get rid of any and all project 8 housing >Get rid of all government programs that benefit the coloreds >Get rid of fixed rent and discrimination laws >Eliminate all workplace diversity quotas and make it merit based Then niggers will die in the streets or get thier shit together Anonymous 07/05/17(Wed)22:14:49 no.132556515: >>132555888 GOT THAT DIRTY CHICKEN ON THAT DECKA Anonymous 07/05/17(Wed)22:15:27 no.132556580: >>132555420 Ruff ruff where my dogs at arff aarrf DMX for life nigga OP is a bitch ass white boi Anonymous 07/05/17(Wed)22:15:34 no.132556594: >>132555420 I bet you like metalica and ac/dc you fucking pleb. Anonymous 07/05/17(Wed)22:16:02 no.132556640: ITT: post most coon shit you can find. OQwyvKmk Anonymous 07/05/17(Wed)22:16:25 no.132556674: >>132556594 >flag You almost had me Anonymous 07/05/17(Wed)22:16:41 no.132556698: >>132555420 Rape Lyrics >Drugs >Crime >Pussy >Street life >Money >Cars >White Privilege >Poverty I can go on, but at the end of the day it's pure trash. It's sad that young white kids have to endure more of the rape scene because there are no good white role models in this fucked up neo liberal capitalistic world. Metal has its problems, but at least it dominated by whites. Anonymous 07/05/17(Wed)22:18:16 no.132556879: People who say they don't like rap and/or country are retards who haven't actually tried getting into those genres. People who hate country tend to be anti-white and people who hate rap tend to be anti-black. They're both retards. Anonymous 07/05/17(Wed)22:20:45 no.132557160: gls0Ce24&list=PLIT_txxCuQ6pFATb0ZWD t6K5_kwe_yeCk Anonymous 07/05/17(Wed)22:21:16 no.132557214: >>132555888 >Jumping off the roof with the african vodka >Make your baby do the macarena Okie dokie >>132556093 Nah. Rap is good when it's good. It's just not usually. We should ship them somewhere though. We shipped them here to begin with. It can be done. uKiBVhbw >>132556231 I think they would all fit in Florida if we're willing to give it up. >>132556640 That song is hype as fuck and you know it. >>132556698 You can rap about how good you are at super smash bros. BLwU4wII Anonymous 07/05/17(Wed)22:21:18 no.132557221: >>132556879 Show me any popular rap from a popular artist released in the last decade that doesn't promote degeneracy xABubgco Anonymous 07/05/17(Wed)22:21:41 no.132557257: >>132556640 Imagine leaving your hotel room and seeing tat production in the hallways. Anonymous 07/05/17(Wed)22:21:42 no.132557260: >>132556231 Actually... Interestingly enough - a less extreme version of that would actually be extremely helpful to the black community. Forcing people who are able to work to pull themselves up by the bootstraps and get to work instead of being reliant on the government will free them from their slave owners - aka the Democrats. Anonymous 07/05/17(Wed)22:23:39 no.132557479: >>132557221 First tell me what you consider to be degenerate so you can't move the goalposts after I respond. Anonymous 07/05/17(Wed)22:25:05 no.132557653: >>132557221 >>132557479 Tell me what you consider to be popular while you're at it. Anonymous 07/05/17(Wed)22:25:22 no.132557684: god I don't mind your nazi bullshit in other topics. but your stupidity is really showing here. you remind me paul joseph watson and his conservatism is the new counter culture meme. not to mention he fucking likes hopsin Anonymous 07/05/17(Wed)22:26:09 no.132557747: >>132557479 >drugs >sex >crime Those are the big three, but now I'm curious to your response Anonymous 07/05/17(Wed)22:26:26 no.132557775: >>132556674 at least I don't hide my flag like you do faggot Anonymous 07/05/17(Wed)22:32:34 no.132558469: >>132555420 thats not rap thats nigger pop learn what real rap is nigger Anonymous 07/05/17(Wed)22:32
[ 7435, 340, 8, 455, 269, 13046, 1502, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 805, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 361, 27, 2640, 27, 2950, 642, 15, 13210, 1630, 2125, 740, 27, 187, 5064, 13210, 1099, 2090, 2385, 187, 5064, 13210, 1731, 1619, 1867, 187, 1552, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 805, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 361, 27, 2640, 27, 3357, 642, 15, 13210, 1630, 2125, 1619, 27, 187, 5064, 13210, 21553, 35356, 187, 31, 3614, 1358, 4714, 15, 46856, 15, 79, 1767, 1022, 15, 681, 16, 1252, 187, 20, 16, 2922, 16, 1099, 16, 30366, 14, 16272, 14, 19687, 1169, 14, 3113, 14, 187, 7436, 16, 187, 31, 16114, 88, 721, 8, 20, 8, 187, 71, 814, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 805, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 361, 27, 1036, 27, 1093, 642, 15, 13210, 1630, 1036, 2759, 27, 187, 5064, 13210, 9726, 29327, 187, 2347, 326, 3531, 598, 323, 368, 3684, 3968, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 805, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 361, 27, 1166, 27, 2693, 642, 15, 13210, 1630, 1166, 3712, 27, 187, 5064, 13210, 1731, 1619, 1787, 187, 35769, 3612, 1370, 261, 403, 417, 15858, 1370, 1032, 352, 434, 644, 4274, 3938, 264, 407, 30222, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 805, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 361, 27, 1797, 27, 1812, 642, 15, 13210, 25121, 20700, 27, 187, 5064, 13210, 9726, 29327, 187, 31, 32993, 272, 12773, 3420, 327, 752, 2789, 3780, 346, 29266, 8, 187, 6723, 512, 10869, 2458, 28005, 14, 5251, 9260, 281, 2965, 323, 436, 13, 390, 310, 352, 816, 368, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 805, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 361, 27, 1508, 27, 1867, 642, 15, 13210, 1630, 1508, 3566, 27, 187, 5064, 13210, 1099, 3121, 2358, 187, 35394, 272, 1824, 342, 7665, 16540, 253, 12056, 55, 15, 187, 3650, 11106, 27, 273, 253, 1824, 15, 2756, 50279, 45545, 18188, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 1423, 27, 2125, 27, 3439, 642, 15, 1012, 1099, 2417, 25569, 27, 187, 2347, 513, 359, 3523, 253, 17845, 1895, 32, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 24583, 15, 681, 16, 13060, 32, 87, 30, 35, 21, 78, 187, 1433, 82, 42, 56, 18698, 46, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 1423, 27, 2922, 27, 746, 642, 15, 1012, 1099, 2417, 26233, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1099, 2417, 25569, 187, 19559, 893, 3523, 253, 465, 13972, 806, 13, 14076, 50097, 316, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 1423, 27, 2922, 27, 1235, 642, 15, 1012, 1099, 38032, 1812, 27, 187, 52, 781, 253, 19859, 793, 447, 327, 802, 15, 20925, 793, 447, 23737, 3253, 15, 187, 9, 6300, 29521, 309, 751, 13951, 249, 4507, 10, 209, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 24583, 15, 681, 16, 13060, 32, 87, 30, 57, 39, 67, 187, 58, 50, 40956, 22, 284, 38, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 1423, 27, 2693, 27, 2693, 642, 15, 1012, 1099, 2417, 25452, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1099, 2417, 25569, 187, 42, 1353, 816, 1060, 281, 1501, 436, 16915, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 24583, 15, 681, 16, 13060, 32, 87, 30, 19, 27767, 187, 91, 35, 43, 45, 35331, 76, 25, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 1423, 27, 740, 27, 3680, 642, 15, 1012, 10637, 1549, 4590, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1099, 2417, 25569, 187, 8116, 281, 33216, 13, 378, 2275, 706, 13, 4235, 272, 390, 643, 1884, 14, 1235, 84, 3440, 39831, 32, 187, 17613, 410, 2806, 5870, 13, 15042, 5418, 20242, 6105, 32, 187, 42881, 1669, 1204, 16, 37452, 2304, 89, 1204, 16, 40338, 9922, 7021, 32, 187, 19907, 24317, 16083, 10689, 281, 14246, 561, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 1423, 27, 883, 27, 883, 642, 15, 1012, 1099, 3208, 10683, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1099, 2417, 25452, 187, 14947, 7873, 310, 253, 8198, 485, 273, 29458, 2806, 4466, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 1423, 27, 805, 27, 805, 642, 15, 1012, 1099, 3208, 18390, 27, 187, 11564, 1039, 281, 513, 352, 310, 436, 187, 31, 3633, 8314, 273, 667, 285, 512, 2199, 854, 8039, 187, 31, 3633, 8314, 273, 512, 2208, 5659, 326, 5649, 253, 847, 410, 1397, 187, 31, 3633, 8314, 273, 4229, 8845, 285, 11081, 5323, 209, 187, 31, 38, 2815, 4024, 512, 21853, 9991, 12686, 284, 285, 1056, 352, 15785, 1754, 187, 5872, 35825, 7276, 588, 3150, 275, 253, 10198, 390, 755, 289, 1321, 10739, 2366, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 1423, 27, 1047, 27, 2537, 642, 15, 1012, 10637, 2082, 1010, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1099, 2417, 25452, 187, 40, 2415, 16093, 399, 3027, 25090, 5642, 16539, 1400, 8160, 16093, 32823, 24338, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 1423, 27, 1010, 27, 1630, 642, 15, 1012, 10637, 2082, 1438, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1099, 2417, 25569, 187, 51, 2066, 391, 2066, 835, 619, 9097, 387, 549, 567, 247, 3298, 71, 11085, 57, 323, 1495, 35825, 2485, 13664, 310, 247, 23331, 718, 3168, 1766, 74, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 1423, 27, 1010, 27, 1706, 642, 15, 1012, 10637, 2082, 3953, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1099, 2417, 25569, 187, 42, 701, 368, 751, 5148, 3737, 285, 913, 16, 12352, 368, 12835, 2318, 67, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 1423, 27, 1036, 27, 2640, 642, 15, 1012, 10637, 2526, 1449, 27, 187, 27823, 27, 1501, 954, 820, 251, 10739, 368, 476, 1089, 15, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 24583, 15, 681, 16, 13060, 32, 87, 30, 76, 53, 20, 187, 48, 50, 22383, 87, 44, 18835, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 1423, 27, 1036, 27, 1099, 642, 15, 1012, 1099, 3208, 29327, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 10637, 2082, 3953, 187, 31, 17101, 187, 1394, 2761, 574, 479, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 1423, 27, 1036, 27, 3156, 642, 15, 1012, 1099, 3208, 31671, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1099, 2417, 25569, 187, 51, 2259, 12829, 18211, 187, 31, 37, 22494, 187, 31, 14201, 553, 187, 31, 49, 25646, 209, 187, 31, 42992, 1495, 209, 187, 31, 42066, 187, 31, 36, 1032, 187, 31, 17185, 19178, 587, 463, 209, 187, 31, 49, 12809, 209, 187, 42, 476, 564, 327, 13, 533, 387, 253, 990, 273, 253, 1388, 352, 434, 6313, 22381, 15, 209, 187, 1147, 434, 8872, 326, 2872, 3168, 5753, 452, 281, 30565, 625, 273, 253, 16773, 6200, 984, 627, 403, 642, 1175, 3168, 2554, 3210, 275, 436, 35598, 598, 28522, 12773, 5347, 2531, 1533, 15, 209, 187, 12442, 267, 556, 697, 3237, 13, 533, 387, 1878, 352, 14691, 407, 19991, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 1423, 27, 1093, 27, 1036, 642, 15, 1012, 10637, 2358, 2787, 27, 187, 8836, 665, 1333, 597, 1053, 626, 751, 17845, 285, 16, 263, 2586, 403, 851, 2196, 665, 6468, 626, 2686, 3597, 2970, 715, 1110, 39831, 15, 6491, 665, 9239, 2586, 5257, 281, 320, 3270, 14, 11300, 285, 952, 665, 9239, 17845, 5257, 281, 320, 3270, 14, 11958, 15, 1583, 1472, 1097, 851, 2196, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 1423, 27, 938, 27, 1857, 642, 15, 1012, 1099, 3011, 9913, 27, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 24583, 15, 681, 16, 13060, 32, 87, 30, 1105, 52, 187, 3129, 84, 17, 27681, 1348, 7, 3550, 30, 3859, 1433, 64, 85, 5260, 18675, 50, 23, 81, 39, 1194, 67, 17, 59, 18576, 187, 85, 23, 44, 22, 64, 76, 664, 64, 6683, 36, 76, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 1423, 27, 1797, 27, 1036, 642, 15, 1012, 1099, 3011, 21866, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1099, 2417, 25452, 187, 31, 43, 30022, 745, 253, 10699, 342, 253, 6706, 37027, 49469, 187, 31, 13325, 634, 6858, 513, 253, 5315, 6950, 66, 187, 20127, 466, 513, 38703, 187, 5064, 1012, 10637, 1549, 4590, 187, 47, 1240, 15, 17314, 310, 1175, 672, 352, 434, 1175, 15, 733, 434, 816, 417, 3798, 15, 844, 943, 6215, 731, 9366, 2167, 15, 844, 24610, 731, 1060, 281, 3135, 342, 15, 733, 476, 320, 2218, 15, 209, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 24583, 15, 681, 16, 13060, 32, 87, 30, 41, 24, 44, 187, 86, 40170, 13152, 38057, 88, 187, 5064, 1012, 1099, 3208, 18390, 187, 42, 1158, 597, 651, 512, 4944, 275, 7758, 604, 359, 1472, 7378, 281, 1918, 352, 598, 15, 209, 187, 5064, 1012, 10637, 2526, 1449, 187, 2773, 4498, 310, 31012, 347, 7435, 285, 368, 871, 352, 15, 209, 187, 5064, 1012, 1099, 3208, 31671, 187, 1394, 476, 17845, 670, 849, 1175, 368, 403, 387, 2221, 45905, 1795, 84, 15, 209, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 24583, 15, 681, 16, 13060, 32, 87, 30, 56, 85, 45, 187, 5993, 88, 54, 21, 88, 2267, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 1423, 27, 1797, 27, 1093, 642, 15, 1012, 1099, 3011, 20735, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 10637, 2358, 2787, 187, 14422, 479, 667, 4633, 17845, 432, 247, 4633, 9558, 4439, 275, 253, 1390, 9976, 326, 2506, 626, 8591, 44877, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 24583, 15, 681, 16, 13060, 32, 87, 30, 26, 70, 37, 187, 89, 2925, 538, 72, 1940, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 1423, 27, 1797, 27, 3156, 642, 15, 1012, 1099, 3011, 21553, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 10637, 2526, 1449, 187, 38989, 6108, 634, 8614, 2316, 285, 6523, 21504, 3275, 275, 253, 7423, 1576, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 1423, 27, 1797, 27, 2945, 642, 15, 1012, 1099, 3011, 19319, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1099, 3208, 18390, 187, 25179, 1051, 14522, 2217, 428, 247, 1679, 9559, 2715, 273, 326, 651, 2686, 320, 6685, 9371, 281, 253, 2806, 3114, 15, 1198, 2844, 952, 665, 403, 2104, 281, 789, 281, 3785, 3746, 598, 407, 253, 7491, 10981, 793, 285, 755, 281, 789, 3185, 273, 1146, 774, 6231, 327, 253, 2208, 588, 1959, 731, 432, 616, 15945, 9891, 428, 38857, 253, 10823, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 1423, 27, 1508, 27, 1867, 642, 15, 1012, 1099, 3011, 28757, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1099, 3011, 20735, 187, 6407, 2028, 479, 752, 368, 1908, 281, 320, 29458, 594, 368, 476, 626, 2118, 253, 4736, 28361, 846, 309, 3794, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 1423, 27, 1099, 27, 1762, 642, 15, 1012, 1099, 3011, 35726, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1099, 3011, 20735, 187, 5064, 1012, 1099, 3011, 28757, 187, 17570, 479, 752, 368, 1908, 281, 320, 4633, 1223, 368, 1472, 387, 352, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 1423, 27, 1099, 27, 1423, 642, 15, 1012, 1099, 3011, 28883, 27, 187, 30023, 309, 1053, 626, 2564, 634, 295, 23248, 35281, 275, 643, 12989, 15, 533, 634, 11339, 414, 310, 1663, 4645, 1060, 15, 187, 5658, 9287, 479, 1349, 335, 480, 583, 545, 5381, 1665, 285, 521, 6405, 44451, 310, 253, 747, 4828, 4466, 1167, 70, 15, 417, 281, 3748, 344, 12835, 13052, 47010, 249, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 1423, 27, 1731, 27, 2693, 642, 15, 1012, 10637, 2357, 2504, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1099, 3011, 28757, 187, 31, 69, 22494, 187, 31, 11523, 187, 31, 44460, 187, 15745, 403, 253, 1943, 1264, 13, 533, 1024, 309, 1353, 14338, 281, 634, 2380, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 1423, 27, 1731, 27, 1731, 642, 15, 1012, 10637, 2357, 1976, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1099, 3208, 29327, 187, 255, 1878, 309, 1053, 626, 10507, 619, 7908, 751, 368, 513, 269, 13046, 302, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 1423, 27, 1237, 27, 1706, 642, 15, 1012, 10637, 2759, 2090, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1099, 2417, 25569, 187, 394, 1832, 417, 17845, 28763, 295, 16046, 1684, 3037, 752, 1524, 17845, 310, 295, 16046, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 1423, 27, 1237 ]
.... unless it's under the sharia law... which is to product of shitty genetic and inbreeds. Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)16:47:37 no.222576796: >>222571278 >For all I care, they could be 11 years old. Who want to marry an 11 year old? Not someone who deserve reproduction obviously 15/16+ is fine under that's degenerate Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)16:47:59 no.222576847: >>222575989 >until your eye is better Im a serbnigger we literally make up half of the population. Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)16:48:26 no.222576914: >>222576532 This is the exact type of motherfuckers who spew this shit on a fucking message board and yell on Facebook about how CRISPR is illegal. Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)16:48:33 no.222576927: >>222576783 Why do mormons all look retarded then Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)16:49:47 no.222577065: The Muslim mind is destroyed by Islamic thinking. If you listen to the Islamic scholar you will quickly realized it could be an inner city 8th grade nigger talking the same crap. Islam is for fucking losers, lovers of filth and people that want to marry within the family. Mosque monkey's should be forced to convert to save their worthless lives. Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)16:49:49 no.222577069: >>222576237 Im still here. Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)16:50:08 no.222577101: >>222575373 >>envious Because you can go to Europe and live like kings? I also expect envy from many whites as well. But for your inherent nature, I really doubt it. >capitulated It's not over you know. >you inadvertently signal to her that you are a lower value male Sure. But they do in fact expect a lot more from us than they do from you. That's why they're so disappointed. You however can't be graced by God if you don't submit to us once we dust ourselves off. >without you Not once in recorded history were you without us in some form or other. >>finally proved how much their femininity is worth Subconsciously, yes. Get it now? Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)16:50:15 no.222577113: >>222567545 Unless it is modified in a manner contradictory to the law's original intent, it stifles innovation and technological advancement. Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)16:50:20 no.222577116: >>222576927 wasn't trump a mormon? Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)16:52:04 no.222577326: >>222577116 No Romney was. He also looked like a goofball retard and acted like one too. He wasn't part of the polygamy sects tho, just a regular weirdo. The polygamy ones look like something lovecraft would've had nightmares about. Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)16:52:34 no.222577374: >>222573988 Tic toc paki scum. Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)16:53:06 no.222577441: LMAO y'all whites so fucked that you'll adapt a fucking even more retarded version of an abrahamic theological law rather than analyzing the brilliance that is western philosophy and paganism. It's fucking shameful how the ones who say that they'll protect the white race are equally retarded as the ones who are set to destroy it. Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)17:02:13 no.222578532: >>222567545 don't like pedophilia.. also islam is a false religion so the whole thing is pointless. Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)17:04:37 no.222578824: >>222578532 go do sunnate khatna you unwashed dravidian pig. Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)17:06:22 no.222579060: >>222578824 fuck off, quasi-turk fuck Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)17:08:19 no.222579307: >>222575977 which is why you are a faggot and forever cucked to Muhammed Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)17:09:31 no.222579457: >>222577441 Dilate tranny Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)17:09:59 no.222579517: >>222575977 You don't cut the clit in most cases, only if the girl is very promiscuous like tay tay swift. You cut only the hood, which is the equivalent of male prepuce. >>222579060 are you indian? you aren't white. Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)17:10:00 no.222579522: >>222570768 Circumcision is optional for both genders in Islam. Just encouraged. Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)17:10:27 no.222579579: >>222578824 I'm already circumcised anon Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)17:11:24 no.222579700: >>222579517 Atleast I ain't a fucking barbarian. Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)17:12:01 no.222579763: >>222579579 hahahaha Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)17:12:01 no.222579764: >>222568488 Islam is indeed retarded but have you checked out Mormonism? I think it has it beat. Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)17:13:10 no.222579896: >>222579522 egyptians follow the religion very thoroughly. They're the best example. Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)17:14:37 no.222580063: I'm muslim and I hope Sharia will come back. Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)17:15:39 no.222580178: >>222567545 arranged marriage is good for any tribe. muslims don't own it. Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)17:17:26 no.222580402: >>222567545 >Is there any reason apart from muslims bad, that you dont like sharia law? It's anti-White. It's non-White. Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)17:17:54 no.222580475: >>222568886 >White sharia when? That's like saying "White Judaism." You can't have something that is non-White be White. Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)17:18:21 no.222580539: >>222568324 >>implying that anyone here can get even a single gf >implying that's a justification for supporting White Genocide. Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)17:18:44 no.222580587: >>222577069 >Im still here. Then why is this still a shill thread? Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)17:20:00 no.222580749: >>222580178 >arranged marriage is good for any tribe. muslims don't own it. What a gigantic faggot you are. Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)17:20:44 no.222580849: >>222580475 Then that nullifies Christianity because Jesus and his acolytes were also sandretards. Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)17:21:05 no.222580910: >>222567545 Yeah... It's sorta that part where you get on your hands-and-knees... Facing a Black-Cube with the name Satan written on-it... Sticking your Butt-Hole in the air... And invoking Demons... Like WTF wit dat...? Sheeeeeeit...! Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)17:21:14 no.222580931: >>222567545 It prevents the opportunity for reform which is a fatal error in progression. Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)17:21:36 no.222580971: >>222577101 >its not over Where did I say its over? Though for many of your kind, it is
[ 2391, 5734, 352, 434, 762, 253, 439, 8125, 1569, 1051, 534, 310, 281, 1885, 273, 10739, 555, 6380, 285, 275, 3381, 5797, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 2504, 27, 1787, 642, 15, 1423, 21553, 2251, 4196, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 21553, 805, 3141, 187, 31, 2214, 512, 309, 1557, 13, 597, 812, 320, 1903, 1107, 1711, 15, 187, 7883, 971, 281, 17129, 271, 1903, 807, 1711, 32, 187, 3650, 3095, 665, 17337, 21068, 9090, 187, 1010, 16, 1036, 12, 310, 4030, 762, 326, 434, 29458, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 2504, 27, 3046, 642, 15, 1423, 21553, 2358, 2504, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 1099, 32054, 2511, 187, 31, 27390, 634, 5130, 310, 1805, 187, 3351, 247, 1151, 15453, 16046, 359, 12832, 1056, 598, 2716, 273, 253, 3072, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 2385, 27, 1731, 642, 15, 1423, 21553, 2090, 1047, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 21553, 2082, 1237, 187, 1552, 310, 253, 3242, 1511, 273, 3101, 71, 1807, 398, 665, 705, 88, 436, 10739, 327, 247, 12835, 3935, 4450, 285, 42963, 327, 6745, 670, 849, 42223, 310, 9676, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 2385, 27, 1610, 642, 15, 1423, 21553, 2090, 1630, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 21553, 2251, 3245, 187, 4967, 513, 278, 526, 790, 512, 1007, 48101, 840, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 2537, 27, 2504, 642, 15, 1423, 21553, 1967, 2082, 27, 187, 510, 8797, 2564, 310, 11069, 407, 13281, 4680, 15, 1310, 368, 8028, 281, 253, 13281, 26902, 368, 588, 4541, 8156, 352, 812, 320, 271, 6703, 2846, 854, 394, 9646, 295, 16046, 5015, 253, 1072, 23550, 15, 8033, 310, 323, 12835, 3897, 398, 13, 26987, 273, 1193, 394, 285, 952, 326, 971, 281, 17129, 1561, 253, 2021, 15, 209, 187, 46, 375, 1452, 28005, 434, 943, 320, 6726, 281, 6455, 281, 5321, 616, 40790, 4852, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 2537, 27, 2537, 642, 15, 1423, 21553, 1967, 2090, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 1099, 3121, 20991, 187, 3351, 1335, 1060, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 1235, 27, 2904, 642, 15, 1423, 1099, 2357, 6903, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 1099, 1976, 29546, 187, 5064, 257, 3391, 187, 8457, 368, 476, 564, 281, 3060, 285, 3153, 751, 25346, 32, 309, 671, 1902, 38877, 432, 1142, 19991, 347, 973, 15, 1292, 323, 634, 12794, 3753, 13, 309, 1663, 5545, 352, 15, 187, 31, 4421, 262, 2907, 187, 1147, 434, 417, 689, 368, 871, 15, 187, 31, 5658, 42255, 2625, 281, 617, 326, 368, 403, 247, 2406, 1318, 5086, 187, 17833, 15, 1292, 597, 513, 275, 958, 1902, 247, 2257, 625, 432, 441, 685, 597, 513, 432, 368, 15, 2064, 434, 2139, 597, 1472, 594, 19271, 15, 1422, 2299, 476, 626, 320, 650, 2575, 407, 2656, 604, 368, 1053, 626, 11929, 281, 441, 2378, 359, 8660, 9361, 745, 15, 209, 187, 31, 14920, 368, 187, 3650, 2378, 275, 5950, 2892, 497, 368, 1293, 441, 275, 690, 830, 390, 643, 15, 187, 5064, 71, 3341, 8058, 849, 1199, 616, 19026, 5953, 310, 4409, 187, 5623, 585, 43386, 13, 4754, 15, 5057, 352, 1024, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 1235, 27, 1010, 642, 15, 1423, 1099, 2357, 14322, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 9726, 1976, 1857, 187, 28645, 352, 310, 7321, 275, 247, 5133, 34126, 281, 253, 1569, 434, 3236, 6860, 13, 352, 331, 338, 868, 15832, 285, 20417, 32992, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 1235, 27, 938, 642, 15, 1423, 1099, 2357, 13210, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 21553, 2090, 1630, 187, 4238, 79, 626, 29154, 247, 278, 526, 251, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 3583, 27, 2125, 642, 15, 1423, 1099, 2357, 22391, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 1099, 2357, 13210, 187, 2302, 24460, 369, 15, 754, 671, 3261, 751, 247, 564, 1171, 2910, 31832, 285, 14001, 751, 581, 1512, 15, 754, 3589, 626, 629, 273, 253, 35182, 14743, 25102, 84, 37152, 13, 816, 247, 3963, 12504, 80, 15, 380, 35182, 14743, 4394, 1007, 751, 1633, 2389, 12517, 651, 1849, 574, 2360, 44672, 670, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 3583, 27, 1706, 642, 15, 1423, 1099, 2357, 24562, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 21553, 1867, 2055, 187, 53, 280, 281, 68, 268, 11938, 660, 360, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 3357, 27, 3071, 642, 15, 1423, 1099, 2357, 31774, 27, 187, 45, 3788, 48, 340, 8, 455, 19991, 594, 35598, 326, 368, 1833, 5223, 247, 12835, 1014, 625, 48101, 2715, 273, 271, 490, 20336, 280, 40723, 1569, 2581, 685, 18918, 253, 13667, 593, 326, 310, 10439, 11727, 285, 47372, 1204, 15, 187, 1147, 434, 12835, 14816, 1020, 849, 253, 4394, 665, 1333, 326, 597, 1833, 4017, 253, 3168, 5492, 403, 9696, 48101, 347, 253, 4394, 665, 403, 873, 281, 6909, 352, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1166, 27, 2640, 27, 1012, 642, 15, 1423, 21553, 2227, 1237, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 9726, 1976, 1857, 187, 9903, 626, 751, 7690, 43639, 537, 671, 310, 5247, 310, 247, 3221, 9596, 594, 253, 2644, 2181, 310, 41690, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1166, 27, 2125, 27, 1787, 642, 15, 1423, 21553, 2055, 1348, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 21553, 2227, 1237, 187, 2184, 513, 256, 4462, 366, 465, 700, 2072, 368, 440, 47690, 277, 3385, 31517, 8393, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1166, 27, 3071, 27, 1423, 642, 15, 1423, 21553, 2270, 1549, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 21553, 2055, 1348, 187, 71, 1807, 745, 13, 15539, 14, 39493, 76, 7435, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1166, 27, 2904, 27, 746, 642, 15, 1423, 1099, 2787, 21645, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 1099, 32054, 2357, 187, 4609, 310, 2139, 368, 403, 247, 269, 13046, 302, 285, 11654, 260, 20044, 281, 14554, 3964, 1314, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1166, 27, 2693, 27, 2405, 642, 15, 1423, 1099, 2787, 28744, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 1099, 2357, 31774, 187, 37, 47602, 492, 10059, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1166, 27, 2693, 27, 3046, 642, 15, 1423, 21553, 2222, 1166, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 1099, 32054, 2357, 187, 1394, 1053, 626, 2624, 253, 502, 262, 275, 954, 2219, 13, 760, 604, 253, 3226, 310, 1077, 1964, 2865, 3472, 751, 246, 333, 246, 333, 19779, 15, 187, 1394, 2624, 760, 253, 21613, 13, 534, 310, 253, 6425, 273, 5086, 3765, 6977, 15, 187, 5064, 1423, 21553, 2270, 1549, 187, 609, 368, 801, 757, 32, 368, 6403, 626, 3168, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1166, 27, 740, 27, 361, 642, 15, 1423, 21553, 2222, 1423, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 1099, 26522, 2358, 187, 27610, 360, 68, 1297, 310, 15266, 323, 1097, 305, 13577, 275, 8033, 15, 187, 6300, 14659, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1166, 27, 740, 27, 1630, 642, 15, 1423, 21553, 2222, 2787, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 21553, 2055, 1348, 187, 42, 1353, 2168, 4493, 68, 1701, 271, 251, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1166, 27, 883, 27, 1348, 642, 15, 1423, 1099, 2787, 14744, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 21553, 2222, 1166, 187, 3404, 38462, 309, 16326, 626, 247, 12835, 38615, 757, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1166, 27, 805, 27, 520, 642, 15, 1423, 1099, 2787, 23250, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 21553, 2222, 2787, 187, 73, 1240, 1240, 19369, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1166, 27, 805, 27, 520, 642, 15, 1423, 1099, 35304, 1540, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 1099, 28883, 2055, 187, 34330, 310, 6296, 48101, 533, 452, 368, 10141, 562, 34275, 1204, 32, 309, 1158, 352, 556, 352, 7171, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1166, 27, 1012, 27, 740, 642, 15, 1423, 1099, 2787, 33608, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 21553, 2222, 1423, 187, 909, 90, 431, 2458, 956, 253, 9596, 1077, 16575, 15, 187, 3726, 1472, 253, 1682, 1650, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1166, 27, 1047, 27, 1787, 642, 15, 1423, 1099, 10695, 3571, 27, 187, 42, 1353, 1948, 2815, 285, 309, 3524, 1608, 8125, 588, 1705, 896, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1166, 27, 1010, 27, 1867, 642, 15, 1423, 22029, 520, 3141, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 9726, 1976, 1857, 187, 3298, 4626, 7875, 310, 1175, 323, 667, 22184, 15, 1948, 2815, 84, 1053, 626, 1211, 352, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1166, 27, 1166, 27, 1731, 642, 15, 1423, 1099, 1438, 24948, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 9726, 1976, 1857, 187, 31, 2513, 627, 667, 1921, 7419, 432, 1948, 2815, 84, 3076, 13, 326, 368, 13414, 751, 439, 8125, 1569, 32, 187, 1147, 434, 3270, 14, 17185, 15, 733, 434, 1327, 14, 17185, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1166, 27, 1166, 27, 3439, 642, 15, 1423, 1099, 28927, 1976, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 9726, 2055, 2691, 187, 31, 17185, 439, 8125, 672, 32, 187, 2773, 434, 751, 3981, 346, 17185, 43506, 449, 1422, 476, 626, 452, 1633, 326, 310, 1327, 14, 17185, 320, 5219, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1166, 27, 1093, 27, 1797, 642, 15, 1423, 1099, 27632, 1867, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 1099, 2358, 21397, 187, 5064, 303, 2881, 272, 326, 3780, 1060, 476, 755, 1014, 247, 2014, 305, 71, 187, 31, 303, 2881, 272, 326, 434, 247, 22861, 323, 8109, 5219, 2588, 33429, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1166, 27, 1093, 27, 2031, 642, 15, 1423, 1099, 27632, 2597, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 21553, 1967, 2090, 187, 31, 3351, 1335, 1060, 15, 187, 5872, 2139, 310, 436, 1335, 247, 439, 408, 6293, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1166, 27, 938, 27, 361, 642, 15, 1423, 1099, 28950, 2537, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 22029, 520, 3141, 187, 31, 3298, 4626, 7875, 310, 1175, 323, 667, 22184, 15, 1948, 2815, 84, 1053, 626, 1211, 352, 15, 187, 1276, 247, 41490, 269, 13046, 302, 368, 403, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1166, 27, 938, 27, 2031, 642, 15, 1423, 1099, 23576, 2537, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 1099, 28927, 1976, 187, 5872, 326, 3635, 7790, 20242, 984, 7670, 285, 521, 913, 311, 12742, 497, 671, 7537, 1221, 2196, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1166, 27, 1797, 27, 1762, 642, 15, 1423, 1099, 27820, 740, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 9726, 1976, 1857, 187, 6506, 1051, 187, 1147, 434, 3686, 66, 326, 629, 835, 368, 755, 327, 634, 3564, 14, 395, 14, 76, 570, 265, 1051, 187, 39, 4234, 247, 5418, 14, 36, 4338, 342, 253, 1416, 28364, 3542, 327, 14, 262, 1051, 187, 998, 12427, 634, 1292, 85, 14, 41, 1306, 275, 253, 2329, 1051, 187, 1898, 42203, 4281, 790, 1051, 187, 9817, 12020, 39, 19311, 2856, 1051, 3736, 1500, 47285, 70, 262, 1051, 2, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1166, 27, 1797, 27, 1047, 642, 15, 1423, 1099, 27820, 2405, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 9726, 1976, 1857, 187, 1147, 16897, 253, 5107, 323, 8460, 534, 310, 247, 15444, 2228, 275, 10005, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1166, 27, 1797, 27, 1812, 642, 15, 1423, 1099, 27820, 3677, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 1099, 2357, 6903, 187, 31, 953, 417, 689, 187, 7161, 858, 309, 1333, 697, 689, 32, 11474, 323, 1142, 273, 634, 2238, 13, 352, 310 ]
Anonymous 10/17/16(Mon)20:30:20 no.93399505: Has anyone bought those Alex Jones water filters or any other survival gear? I have some extra money, and would rather support someone like Alex who is like minded Anyone hows the quality? Anonymous 10/17/16(Mon)20:35:34 no.93400315: I've been wanting to get a decent gravity filter myself, but they are so fucking expensive man. It is a piece of fucking metal with a spigot, holy fuck. I would even shell out the money if it weren't reading about how there has been issues with the spigots on the berkey filters and how people have had issues with getting proper filtration, so for now I just gave up. The thing that worries me the most if when I have a shower, it smells like a fucking pool afterwards and that can't be healthy. So please, like this guy give me some information. Anonymous 10/17/16(Mon)20:36:21 no.93400418: >>93399505 Alex Jones is CIA Don't blue pill yourself by thinking you're redpilled anon Anonymous 10/17/16(Mon)20:37:57 no.93400653: lmao that shits a scam Anonymous 10/17/16(Mon)20:39:17 no.93400829: >>93400653 Na bro, the brain force and zzzz pills actually work. Why not do some research before commenting? Anonymous 10/17/16(Mon)20:41:21 no.93401083: >>93399505 the best out there Anonymous 10/17/16(Mon)20:42:46 no.93401266: >Watching Alex "Infomercial" Jones Anonymous 10/17/16(Mon)20:43:51 no.93401408: >>93400829 suck a cock, cucklet naive, gullible pleb Anonymous 10/17/16(Mon)20:46:34 no.93401744: >>93401408 lmao @ this non supped casual, kek Anonymous 10/17/16(Mon)20:48:53 no.93402038: >>93399505 I bought the supermale vitality, after about three days of use my shriveled up 2" dong grew to a mean 5.5" and I started secreting pheromones. Been bringing girls back for filterd water & degeneracy on a nightly. Still trying to get the pussy juice stains out of my bed sheets. Anonymous 10/17/16(Mon)20:54:20 no.93402744: If you are going to buy anything from their store, buy propaganda (e.g. flags, bumper stickers, t-shirts, ect.), not placebo pills and/or placebo filters. Anonymous 10/17/16(Mon)20:57:29 no.93403151: >>93402744 I heard the life pens are good Anonymous 10/17/16(Mon)21:01:03 no.93403597: >>93399505 if you dont buy super male vitality simply for the meme value, youre missing out Anonymous 10/17/16(Mon)21:04:07 no.93403983: >>93402038 Did your dick really get bigger? I suspected that's why super male vitality was so "effective". Kinda makes me want it now... Anonymous 10/17/16(Mon)21:11:53 no.93404910: >>93400418 Maybe you should take your own advice <|endoftext|>Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)19:16:21 no.139662661: we have another petition this time against george soros. we are already halfway there. tition/declare-george-soros-terrori st-and-seize-all-his-related-organi zations-assets-under-rico-and-ndaa- law Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)19:18:59 no.139662920: >>139662661 would that thing go into toxic medical waste bin or ordinary trash bin? Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)19:21:36 no.139663205: >>139662920 its ordinary trash so regular trash will do fine. Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)19:23:01 no.139663356: >>139663205 you can never be too careful. Anonymous 08/30/17(Wed)19:24:21 no.139663479: >>139663356 true <|endoftext|>Anonymous 05/21/19(Tue)01:03:02 no.213768481: You people act like you're different, but you have the same qualities as all the rest, you compete without mercy, you have lust and envy, you're filled with pride and thick skulled. You people are smarter than the average, but thats not saying much these days. The revolution wont start here, it'll pass by you, and you'll post about it. We are all humans, different kinds, but all have the same sinful qualities that ruin innocence. The people that resist and suffer for true good are the people that give me hope. Guardians of all innocence. Anonymous 05/21/19(Tue)01:04:56 no.213768597: >guardians of all innocence AKA cucks, the real world is not a fairy tale Anonymous 05/21/19(Tue)01:08:17 no.213768800: you're fucking stupid. Anonymous 05/21/19(Tue)01:09:13 no.213768866: A man can't do it without Faith in Jesus Christ. Anonymous 05/21/19(Tue)01:09:16 no.213768870: >>213768481 >You people act like you're different Anonymous 05/21/19(Tue)01:11:16 no.213769003: >>213768481 Anonymous 05/21/19(Tue)01:11:41 no.213769031: You are us people. If you don't want to suck, go away Anonymous 05/21/19(Tue)01:23:40 no.213769780: >>213768481 Who hurt you on re**it? Anonymous 05/21/19(Tue)01:26:10 no.213769947: >>213768481 I eat and poop too anon Anonymous 05/21/19(Tue)01:52:08 no.213771553: >>213769780 He had sex. Anonymous 05/21/19(Tue)02:01:52 no.213772157: CB <|endoftext|>Anonymous 11/23/17(Thu)13:59:56 no.150632037: YOU RACIST BIGOT RESPOND TO ME NOW!!! STOP IGNORING ME I HATE YOU!!! THE POT IS HOT DRUMPF!!! YOU HAVE TO RESPOND TO ME YOU FUCKING MORON!!! RESPOOOONNNND!!!!!!! Anonymous 11/23/17(Thu)14:13:37 no.150633449: Translation: daddy pay attention to me waahhh <|endoftext|>Anonymous 01/08/17(Sun)11:35:16 no.106198000: Is slut shaming the ultimate redpill? Anonymous 01/08/17(Sun)11:36:05 no.106198074: >>106198000 >ultimate redpill I love this place. It makes me feel superior. Anonymous 01/08/17(Sun)11:41:56 no.106198649: >>106198074 You are mate. We all are :^) Anonymous 01/08/17(Sun)12:00:56 no.106200542: >>106198000 No. Anonymous 01/08/17(Sun)12:02:58 no.106200734: >>106200542 What Serbs don't want to admit; island is redpilled <|endoftext|>Anonymous 07/11/16(Mon)02:16:26 no.80575134: The White House increased their security this week! Obama has a new defense weapon Anonymous 07/11/16(Mon)02:18:43 no.80575295: >>80575134 Get a fucking Slakoth and Name yourself Gigganigga and claim that shit ASAP! Anonymous 07/11/16(Mon)02:19:55 no.80575374: >>80575295 I wish it wasn't limited to gen 1 >inb4 charizard dicksuckers Anonymous 07/11/16(Mon)02:
[ 45545, 884, 16, 1166, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 938, 27, 1229, 27, 938, 642, 15, 26, 1610, 1525, 18550, 27, 187, 15413, 3780, 8686, 1110, 6539, 8302, 1824, 15116, 390, 667, 643, 5788, 12317, 32, 309, 452, 690, 4465, 2583, 13, 285, 651, 2581, 1329, 3095, 751, 6539, 665, 310, 751, 48163, 187, 31568, 849, 84, 253, 3290, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 1166, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 938, 27, 1671, 27, 1706, 642, 15, 26, 1706, 4838, 1010, 27, 187, 42, 1849, 644, 14707, 281, 755, 247, 12524, 12926, 5806, 4266, 13, 533, 597, 403, 594, 12835, 8214, 637, 15, 733, 310, 247, 5313, 273, 12835, 5148, 342, 247, 653, 304, 302, 13, 18465, 7435, 15, 187, 42, 651, 1014, 8135, 562, 253, 2583, 604, 352, 10345, 626, 4361, 670, 849, 627, 556, 644, 3374, 342, 253, 653, 304, 1502, 327, 253, 17099, 2364, 15116, 285, 849, 952, 452, 574, 3374, 342, 2970, 1463, 24077, 13, 594, 323, 1024, 309, 816, 3534, 598, 15, 187, 510, 2181, 326, 28314, 479, 253, 954, 604, 672, 309, 452, 247, 16846, 13, 352, 34247, 751, 247, 12835, 6363, 16906, 285, 326, 476, 626, 320, 5875, 15, 187, 2598, 4496, 13, 751, 436, 5599, 1918, 479, 690, 1491, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 1166, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 938, 27, 1812, 27, 1797, 642, 15, 26, 1706, 5525, 1093, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 1610, 1525, 18550, 187, 18552, 8302, 310, 17879, 187, 5498, 626, 4797, 12575, 4834, 407, 4680, 368, 1472, 2502, 81, 2591, 271, 251, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 1166, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 938, 27, 1787, 27, 3011, 642, 15, 26, 1706, 361, 35726, 27, 187, 77, 785, 80, 326, 439, 953, 247, 35391, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 1166, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 938, 27, 1867, 27, 1166, 642, 15, 26, 1706, 8897, 1717, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 1706, 361, 35726, 187, 15061, 1795, 13, 253, 3998, 3490, 285, 1182, 4396, 91, 28123, 2686, 789, 15, 6049, 417, 513, 690, 2561, 1078, 36738, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 1166, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 938, 27, 3156, 27, 1797, 642, 15, 26, 1706, 520, 43008, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 1610, 1525, 18550, 187, 783, 1682, 562, 627, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 1166, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 938, 27, 2945, 27, 2950, 642, 15, 26, 1706, 520, 22313, 27, 187, 31, 56, 16464, 6539, 346, 20067, 297, 2269, 451, 3, 8302, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 1166, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 938, 27, 3079, 27, 3712, 642, 15, 26, 1706, 520, 22488, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 1706, 8897, 1717, 187, 84, 1807, 247, 11694, 13, 260, 1807, 1059, 187, 2072, 422, 13, 305, 962, 917, 2318, 67, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 1166, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 938, 27, 2950, 27, 1706, 642, 15, 26, 1706, 11027, 2031, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 1706, 520, 22488, 187, 77, 785, 80, 1214, 436, 1327, 915, 264, 15120, 13, 1058, 76, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 1166, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 938, 27, 2385, 27, 3357, 642, 15, 4590, 1449, 938, 1839, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 1610, 1525, 18550, 187, 42, 8686, 253, 2221, 30165, 47065, 13, 846, 670, 1264, 1897, 273, 897, 619, 35483, 652, 264, 598, 374, 3, 277, 543, 8899, 281, 247, 1599, 608, 15, 22, 3, 285, 309, 3053, 15324, 1076, 39720, 409, 2487, 15, 2325, 257, 9745, 6838, 896, 323, 5806, 69, 1824, 708, 44877, 327, 247, 2360, 314, 15, 11706, 2820, 281, 755, 253, 35614, 14709, 42131, 562, 273, 619, 3722, 14526, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 1166, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 938, 27, 3439, 27, 938, 642, 15, 4590, 1449, 1630, 2031, 27, 187, 2042, 368, 403, 1469, 281, 4489, 2712, 432, 616, 4657, 13, 4489, 23306, 313, 70, 15, 72, 15, 12201, 13, 270, 24512, 7356, 398, 13, 246, 14, 39529, 13, 26570, 11507, 417, 16254, 28123, 285, 16, 263, 16254, 15116, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 1166, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 938, 27, 3011, 27, 1717, 642, 15, 4590, 25208, 18795, 27, 187, 5064, 4590, 1449, 1630, 2031, 187, 309, 3735, 253, 1495, 17113, 403, 1175, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 1166, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 1797, 27, 520, 27, 2941, 642, 15, 4590, 1449, 1671, 4148, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 1610, 1525, 18550, 187, 338, 368, 13414, 4489, 2221, 5086, 47065, 3365, 323, 253, 1167, 70, 1318, 13, 368, 250, 5816, 562, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 1166, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 1797, 27, 2125, 27, 2922, 642, 15, 4590, 1449, 1867, 3245, 27, 187, 5064, 4590, 1449, 938, 1839, 187, 8917, 634, 33702, 1663, 755, 8750, 32, 309, 13282, 326, 434, 2139, 2221, 5086, 47065, 369, 594, 346, 13116, 3446, 209, 187, 44, 17662, 2789, 479, 971, 352, 1024, 1051, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 1166, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 1797, 27, 883, 27, 3357, 642, 15, 4590, 1449, 2537, 740, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 1706, 5525, 1093, 187, 11175, 368, 943, 1379, 634, 1211, 7535, 2756, 50279, 45545, 16331, 16, 1229, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 746, 27, 1036, 27, 1797, 642, 15, 15270, 2526, 1731, 3832, 27, 187, 664, 452, 1529, 5266, 436, 673, 1411, 3471, 4652, 21791, 375, 15, 187, 664, 403, 2168, 25854, 627, 15, 187, 3614, 1358, 30351, 84, 15, 11300, 5967, 15, 12312, 16, 365, 187, 85, 539, 16, 42754, 14, 463, 4652, 14, 7333, 375, 14, 32511, 74, 187, 296, 14, 395, 14, 339, 907, 14, 455, 14, 8701, 14, 4919, 14, 7397, 74, 187, 91, 569, 14, 26094, 14, 4524, 14, 41242, 14, 395, 14, 79, 1473, 66, 14, 187, 6937, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1229, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 746, 27, 1093, 27, 3046, 642, 15, 15270, 2526, 1717, 938, 27, 187, 5064, 15270, 2526, 1731, 3832, 187, 12756, 326, 2181, 564, 715, 12825, 3739, 8138, 10269, 390, 9826, 22381, 10269, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1229, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 746, 27, 1797, 27, 1812, 642, 15, 15270, 35216, 16763, 27, 187, 5064, 15270, 2526, 1717, 938, 187, 953, 9826, 22381, 594, 3963, 22381, 588, 513, 4030, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1229, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 746, 27, 1508, 27, 520, 642, 15, 15270, 2526, 1610, 3208, 27, 187, 5064, 15270, 35216, 16763, 187, 5658, 476, 1620, 320, 1512, 10182, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1229, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 746, 27, 1348, 27, 1797, 642, 15, 15270, 2526, 1706, 2787, 27, 187, 5064, 15270, 2526, 1610, 3208, 187, 5672, 2756, 50279, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 520, 27, 2941, 27, 2640, 642, 15, 19, 15497, 2358, 34474, 27, 187, 1394, 952, 769, 751, 368, 1472, 1027, 13, 533, 368, 452, 253, 1072, 18701, 347, 512, 253, 1551, 13, 368, 15639, 1293, 23661, 13, 368, 452, 32225, 285, 38877, 13, 368, 1472, 6898, 342, 15555, 285, 5026, 19567, 264, 15, 1422, 952, 403, 38144, 685, 253, 3388, 13, 533, 28763, 417, 3981, 1199, 841, 1897, 15, 380, 10532, 31451, 1265, 1060, 13, 352, 1833, 1509, 407, 368, 13, 285, 368, 1833, 1501, 670, 352, 15, 844, 403, 512, 7497, 13, 1027, 9351, 13, 533, 512, 452, 253, 1072, 6868, 1020, 18701, 326, 23737, 28667, 15, 209, 187, 510, 952, 326, 11623, 285, 11089, 323, 2032, 1175, 403, 253, 952, 326, 1918, 479, 3524, 15, 12174, 2458, 273, 512, 28667, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 520, 27, 2125, 27, 3208, 642, 15, 21197, 3121, 2227, 4148, 27, 187, 31, 18625, 2458, 273, 512, 28667, 187, 9780, 34, 260, 9984, 13, 253, 1524, 1533, 310, 417, 247, 33784, 17005, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 520, 27, 2904, 27, 1166, 642, 15, 21197, 3121, 2055, 361, 27, 187, 5658, 1472, 12835, 11339, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 520, 27, 2693, 27, 1012, 642, 15, 21197, 3121, 2055, 2526, 27, 187, 34, 637, 476, 626, 513, 352, 1293, 27955, 275, 7670, 2828, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 520, 27, 2693, 27, 1036, 642, 15, 21197, 3121, 2055, 1967, 27, 187, 5064, 19, 15497, 2358, 34474, 187, 31, 1394, 952, 769, 751, 368, 1472, 1027, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 520, 27, 883, 27, 1036, 642, 15, 19, 15497, 2090, 4838, 27, 187, 5064, 19, 15497, 2358, 34474, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 520, 27, 883, 27, 3156, 642, 15, 19, 15497, 2090, 26045, 27, 187, 1394, 403, 441, 952, 15, 209, 187, 2042, 368, 1053, 626, 971, 281, 15327, 13, 564, 1977, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 520, 27, 1508, 27, 1449, 642, 15, 19, 15497, 29790, 1438, 27, 187, 5064, 19, 15497, 2358, 34474, 187, 7883, 8513, 368, 327, 294, 424, 262, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 520, 27, 1731, 27, 740, 642, 15, 21197, 3121, 1525, 2504, 27, 187, 5064, 19, 15497, 2358, 34474, 187, 42, 6008, 285, 2963, 412, 1512, 271, 251, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 520, 27, 3583, 27, 2904, 642, 15, 21197, 2357, 1010, 3357, 27, 187, 5064, 19, 15497, 29790, 1438, 187, 1328, 574, 2825, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 2640, 27, 520, 27, 3583, 642, 15, 21197, 36936, 15882, 27, 187, 14922, 2756, 50279, 45545, 1903, 16, 1508, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 1012, 27, 3046, 27, 3208, 642, 15, 1010, 3071, 18911, 1787, 27, 187, 27239, 416, 1934, 6905, 39733, 2415, 21180, 49, 28104, 5935, 10616, 29659, 15844, 187, 37547, 309, 26756, 1372, 2637, 10616, 309, 388, 4966, 8702, 15844, 187, 9707, 367, 2415, 4110, 388, 2415, 10710, 47774, 39, 15844, 187, 27239, 19730, 5935, 21180, 49, 28104, 5935, 10616, 8702, 401, 36746, 2637, 353, 1372, 1139, 15844, 187, 13045, 49, 4985, 48, 1139, 8504, 6577, 18963, 15844, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1508, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 1047, 27, 1012, 27, 1787, 642, 15, 1010, 3071, 1610, 29185, 27, 187, 50208, 27, 42219, 2075, 4116, 281, 479, 5172, 1240, 12155, 2756, 50279, 45545, 14805, 16, 2904, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 883, 27, 1671, 27, 1036, 642, 15, 12971, 16903, 933, 27, 187, 2513, 48196, 439, 6472, 253, 12553, 2502, 81, 408, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 2904, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 883, 27, 1812, 27, 1762, 642, 15, 12971, 16134, 3566, 27, 187, 5064, 12971, 16903, 933, 187, 31, 503, 2542, 2502, 81, 408, 187, 42, 2389, 436, 1659, 15, 733, 2789, 479, 1928, 8936, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 2904, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 883, 27, 3156, 27, 3208, 642, 15, 12971, 16903, 26937, 27, 187, 5064, 12971, 16134, 3566, 187, 1394, 403, 20187, 15, 844, 512, 403, 1163, 13146, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 2904, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 805, 27, 361, 27, 3208, 642, 15, 12971, 9204, 2945, 27, 187, 5064, 12971, 16903, 933, 187, 2302, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 2904, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 805, 27, 2640, 27, 3680, 642, 15, 12971, 8602, 1706, 27, 187, 5064, 12971, 9204, 2945, 187, 1276, 4165, 1768, 1053, 626, 971, 281, 11476, 28, 8930, 310, 2502, 81, 2591, 2756, 50279, 45545, 18188, 16, 883, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 2640, 27, 1036, 27, 1731, 642, 15, 27632, 1976, 15468, 27, 187, 510, 5219, 3995, 2559, 616, 3988, 436, 2129, 2, 6729, 556, 247, 747, 5684, 10485, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 883, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 2640, 27, 1093, 27, 3079, 642, 15, 27632, 1976, 22270, 27, 187, 5064, 27632, 1976, 15468, 187, 3633, 247, 12835, 7335, 518, 837, 285, 9424, 4834, 44998, 1247, 304, 2485, 285, 1750, 326, 10739, 7412, 2088, 2, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 883, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 2640, 27, 746, 27, 2417, 642, 15, 27632, 1976, 24562, 27, 187, 5064, 27632, 1976, 22270, 187, 42, 5730, 352, 3589, 626, 3710, 281, 730, 337, 187, 31, 249, 67, 21, 1018, 17198, 277, 5519, 1807, 398, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 883, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 2640, 27 ]
2562524 >kikes gave them crack and weapons >kikes raised sentences on crack to destroy family unit >kikes make law that gives single mothers more money from welfare with more kids promoting single mothers in the black community for money are oppressed, but they blame the wrong people the system fucked them not white people Anonymous 07/05/17(Wed)23:13:46 no.132562872: >>132561923 I thought he died way before that. My b. Anonymous 07/05/17(Wed)23:14:58 no.132562990: >>132559558 you're not wrong anon. all the other musical genres are some betacuck shit or level 80 wizardry. Anonymous 07/05/17(Wed)23:15:50 no.132563088: >>132562872 he did, but there was stuff released after his death, with the rappers writing lyrics long after his death. Anonymous 07/05/17(Wed)23:18:53 no.132563366: >>132562867 Exactly, and it's fucking infuriating how the liberals use the "white people benefit from racism" excuse to avoid having to make life better for everyone. Affirmative action exists to divide people into political groups that they can pit against each other. Anonymous 07/05/17(Wed)23:25:10 no.132563987: >>132563088 Yeah, but he actually did die less than a decade ago, so I was wrong about that too. Anonymous 07/05/17(Wed)23:26:23 no.132564107: >>132562990 Metal can be masculine without being wizardly on occasion. 1w5MCIWY Anonymous 07/05/17(Wed)23:26:44 no.132564150: nas6q3Sg\ nig used to listen to this at work <|endoftext|>Wolfing 03/03/17(Fri)07:20:49 no.115064277: People for a new cruzade? Anonymous 03/03/17(Fri)07:37:43 no.115065567: >>115064277 count me in my eathly life is worthless anyway I would gladly sell everything I own, buy gun and machete, and go retake Jerusalem Wolfing 03/03/17(Fri)07:53:02 no.115066732: >>115065567 Okay,i have an wingged polack husar here,another one? Anonymous 03/03/17(Fri)07:58:03 no.115067159: Binlan reporting Anonymous 03/03/17(Fri)08:02:31 no.115067531: include Constantinople Anonymous 03/03/17(Fri)08:04:49 no.115067703: Only if DEUS FUCKING VULT!!! Wolfing 03/03/17(Fri)08:08:26 no.115067945: >>115067159 You can see the eyes of our enemie without fear? if so,you are in Anonymous 03/03/17(Fri)08:27:13 no.115069271: >>115064277 I'll bring the cross Anonymous 03/03/17(Fri)08:30:05 no.115069509: >>115064277 Always ready, Argentinebro. Just don't forget that Jerusalem rightfully belongs to the King of Spain. Anonymous 03/03/17(Fri)08:53:52 no.115071424: >>115064277 I unironically think the next pope should call for a coalition of all Christian lands and peoples to retake our holy land. But I might just be an autistic christfag. Anonymous 03/03/17(Fri)09:03:30 no.115072216: give up your crusade dream its not gonna happen a handful of fat manlets with swords cant do much good against the governments <|endoftext|>Anonymous 04/20/17(Thu)15:15:21 no.122028747: Post the glorious deeds of your ancestor /pol/ Pic very related. Anonymous 04/20/17(Thu)15:20:56 no.122029421: Literally took part in this charge <|endoftext|>Anonymous 02/02/18(Fri)18:04:36 no.158997694: How does /pol/ feel about drug testing? Are they an invasion of privacy or are they justified to ensure a productive and safe working environment? Anonymous 02/02/18(Fri)18:06:14 no.158997879: Anyone who feels drug testing is an invasion of privacy is a stoner/tweaker degenerate. Anonymous 02/02/18(Fri)18:08:55 no.158998198: >>158997879 stoner maybe. But most hard drugs tweekers like pass through your system in about 72 hours. Your construction crew does coke and your truck drivers use amphetamines, and will never get caught unless theyre given a random screening for a monday Anonymous 02/02/18(Fri)18:09:55 no.158998299: >>158997694 unless it's a job where you need to operate machinery, lots of money is on the line or you will be interacting with customers, i think any non-hallucinogen should be allowed. it does not matter to your employer if youre a weedhead or snort coke if you will be out of sight out of mind most of the time or cooped up in a cubicle. <|endoftext|>Anonymous 01/16/19(Wed)15:11:26 no.200019271: How many anti-circumcision threads have you seen lately? is /pol/ a faggot place to spend time, all i see is porn/memeflaggots slides. I bet this anti-circumcision really pisses them off and scares them. Stupid faggots defending the practice are not welcome and neither are meme flaggots Anonymous 01/16/19(Wed)15:26:32 no.200020614: be scared dirty kikes dotr is coming Anonymous 01/16/19(Wed)15:30:12 no.200020955: >>200020614 Closer every day. Anonymous 01/16/19(Wed)15:53:13 no.200023024: >>200022486 Holy hell. That's just downright unbridled evil. <|endoftext|>Anonymous 08/30/18(Thu)08:00:43 no.184006969: Prove that there is a better type of government than monarchy >pro tip: you can't Anonymous 08/30/18(Thu)08:02:52 no.184007080: constitutional republic you shit-eating, pedovore supporting kike Anonymous 08/30/18(Thu)08:15:07 no.184007696: A monarchy is a form of government in which a group, generally a family representing a dynasty (aristocracy), embodies the country's national identity and its head, the monarch, exercises the role of sovereignty. The actual power of the monarch may vary from purely symbolic (crowned republic), to partial and restricted (constitutional monarchy), to completely autocratic (absolute monarchy). from the start the only option is absolute monarchy. so which states are absolute monarchies? the only one in europe is a disaster. Anonymous 08/30/18(Thu)08:17:59 no.184007872: because these faggots would insufferable if trump was king white genocide now Anonymous 08/30/18(Thu)08:21:56 no.184008117: >>184006969 Just see england Anonymous 08/30/18(Thu)08:24:10 no.184008240: >>184006969 >worshipping useless parasites You're as dumb as godtards, mate Anonymous 08/30/18(Thu)08:24:19 no.184008248: >Being born qualifies me to run a country Monarchies are retarded, just like many of of the monarchs in history. Anonymous 08/30/18(Thu)08:25:26 no.184008311: >>184007872 >White guys flashing signs like niggers. This is next level faggotry my friends. Anonymous 08/30/18(Thu)09:19:30 no.184011531: >>184008248 This. Brainlets are under the impression that their fantasy "god chosen" monarch would be perfect but the reality is that he would be even easier to subvert and there would be no easy way to get rid of him after 4-5 years Anonymous 08/30/18(
[ 9726, 1099, 1348, 187, 31, 76, 13972, 3534, 731, 9370, 285, 8914, 187, 31, 76, 13972, 5439, 14683, 327, 9370, 281, 6909, 2021, 3943, 187, 31, 76, 13972, 1056, 1569, 326, 4245, 2014, 14431, 625, 2583, 432, 15519, 342, 625, 5753, 14312, 2014, 14431, 275, 253, 2806, 3114, 323, 2583, 187, 609, 48852, 13, 533, 597, 13387, 253, 3430, 952, 253, 985, 35598, 731, 417, 3168, 952, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 1508, 27, 1012, 27, 2950, 642, 15, 1012, 9726, 1619, 3547, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 9726, 746, 1508, 187, 42, 1869, 344, 4962, 1039, 1078, 326, 15, 2752, 270, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 1508, 27, 1047, 27, 3680, 642, 15, 1012, 1099, 3763, 28001, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 10637, 2222, 3680, 187, 5658, 1472, 417, 3430, 271, 251, 15, 512, 253, 643, 12256, 39831, 403, 690, 701, 317, 1807, 10739, 390, 1268, 5096, 35589, 610, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 1508, 27, 1010, 27, 1235, 642, 15, 1012, 9726, 1229, 2055, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 9726, 1619, 3547, 187, 248, 858, 13, 533, 627, 369, 5017, 4439, 846, 521, 2471, 13, 342, 253, 1218, 13906, 4028, 24591, 1048, 846, 521, 2471, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 1508, 27, 1093, 27, 3357, 642, 15, 1012, 9726, 1610, 2526, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 9726, 1619, 2251, 187, 39364, 13, 285, 352, 434, 12835, 2192, 11317, 839, 849, 253, 36025, 897, 253, 346, 11300, 952, 5649, 432, 23285, 3, 16267, 281, 3693, 1907, 281, 1056, 1495, 1805, 323, 4130, 15, 9767, 2683, 800, 2250, 4961, 281, 10957, 952, 715, 3569, 2390, 326, 597, 476, 8483, 1411, 1016, 643, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 1508, 27, 1099, 27, 740, 642, 15, 1012, 9726, 1867, 2597, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 9726, 1229, 2055, 187, 6506, 13, 533, 344, 2686, 858, 3150, 1679, 685, 247, 9976, 3622, 13, 594, 309, 369, 3430, 670, 326, 1512, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 1508, 27, 1731, 27, 1508, 642, 15, 1012, 1099, 1540, 12224, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1099, 3763, 28001, 187, 12442, 267, 476, 320, 42212, 1293, 1146, 35589, 314, 327, 8120, 15, 209, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 24583, 15, 681, 16, 13060, 32, 87, 30, 68, 43, 21, 187, 18, 88, 22, 46, 7142, 56, 58, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 1508, 27, 1731, 27, 2031, 642, 15, 1012, 1099, 1540, 8970, 27, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 24583, 15, 681, 16, 13060, 32, 87, 30, 23, 87, 58, 187, 27109, 23, 82, 20, 52, 72, 61, 187, 79, 304, 908, 281, 8028, 281, 436, 387, 789, 2756, 50279, 46691, 272, 17272, 16, 2941, 16, 1166, 9, 33228, 10, 2922, 27, 938, 27, 2537, 642, 15, 883, 1235, 1540, 23545, 27, 187, 8836, 323, 247, 747, 5385, 91, 796, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 2941, 16, 1166, 9, 33228, 10, 2922, 27, 1787, 27, 3079, 642, 15, 883, 1235, 25320, 2251, 27, 187, 5064, 883, 1235, 1540, 23545, 187, 5560, 479, 275, 187, 2577, 299, 506, 314, 1495, 310, 40790, 8791, 187, 42, 651, 46107, 5580, 3253, 309, 1211, 13, 4489, 5654, 285, 278, 2679, 442, 13, 285, 564, 851, 640, 17913, 535, 187, 46691, 272, 17272, 16, 2941, 16, 1166, 9, 33228, 10, 2922, 27, 3357, 27, 2640, 642, 15, 883, 25670, 2251, 1237, 27, 187, 5064, 883, 1235, 25320, 2251, 187, 9281, 13, 74, 452, 271, 12916, 2400, 877, 471, 5424, 274, 1060, 13, 23955, 581, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 2941, 16, 1166, 9, 33228, 10, 2922, 27, 3680, 27, 2941, 642, 15, 883, 1235, 2251, 17220, 27, 187, 38601, 13409, 9610, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 2941, 16, 1166, 9, 33228, 10, 2904, 27, 2640, 27, 2405, 642, 15, 883, 25670, 1976, 2405, 27, 187, 3709, 46329, 879, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 2941, 16, 1166, 9, 33228, 10, 2904, 27, 2125, 27, 2537, 642, 15, 883, 1235, 2251, 30349, 27, 187, 11564, 604, 6202, 3016, 401, 36746, 2637, 657, 10147, 15844, 535, 187, 46691, 272, 17272, 16, 2941, 16, 1166, 9, 33228, 10, 2904, 27, 2904, 27, 1731, 642, 15, 883, 1235, 26233, 1857, 27, 187, 5064, 883, 1235, 2251, 17220, 187, 1422, 476, 923, 253, 2927, 273, 776, 6502, 466, 1293, 4709, 32, 187, 338, 594, 13, 5658, 403, 275, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 2941, 16, 1166, 9, 33228, 10, 2904, 27, 1630, 27, 1012, 642, 15, 883, 1235, 2090, 28209, 27, 187, 5064, 883, 1235, 1540, 23545, 187, 42, 1833, 3324, 253, 2831, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 2941, 16, 1166, 9, 33228, 10, 2904, 27, 1229, 27, 1762, 642, 15, 883, 1235, 2090, 17013, 27, 187, 5064, 883, 1235, 1540, 23545, 187, 34361, 4704, 13, 47637, 9108, 15, 187, 6300, 1053, 626, 7740, 326, 17913, 987, 2920, 14125, 281, 253, 4377, 273, 11268, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 2941, 16, 1166, 9, 33228, 10, 2904, 27, 3357, 27, 3583, 642, 15, 883, 27133, 1047, 1348, 27, 187, 5064, 883, 1235, 1540, 23545, 187, 42, 440, 2002, 1037, 1158, 253, 1735, 39166, 943, 1067, 323, 247, 20706, 273, 512, 6416, 13446, 285, 22132, 281, 851, 640, 776, 18465, 2659, 15, 209, 187, 1989, 309, 1537, 816, 320, 271, 1125, 2531, 37622, 71, 356, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 2941, 16, 1166, 9, 33228, 10, 2693, 27, 2941, 27, 1229, 642, 15, 883, 27133, 1423, 1036, 27, 187, 31089, 598, 634, 37440, 796, 7156, 697, 417, 6501, 5108, 187, 66, 17167, 273, 4688, 637, 6639, 342, 36202, 16216, 513, 1199, 1175, 1411, 253, 13001, 2756, 50279, 45545, 16703, 16, 938, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 1010, 27, 1010, 27, 1797, 642, 15, 805, 938, 24117, 2504, 27, 187, 8983, 253, 28548, 30269, 273, 634, 35095, 1227, 4818, 16, 187, 37132, 1077, 2905, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 938, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 1010, 27, 938, 27, 3208, 642, 15, 805, 938, 22858, 1797, 27, 187, 46545, 595, 2335, 629, 275, 436, 4179, 2756, 50279, 45545, 16261, 16, 2640, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1093, 27, 2125, 27, 1812, 642, 15, 18663, 28315, 30467, 27, 187, 2347, 1057, 1227, 4818, 16, 1928, 670, 2854, 5175, 32, 6272, 597, 271, 11492, 273, 11068, 390, 403, 597, 17285, 281, 5416, 247, 19303, 285, 4999, 2444, 3126, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 2640, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1093, 27, 3071, 27, 1047, 642, 15, 18663, 28315, 34384, 27, 187, 31568, 665, 9193, 2854, 5175, 310, 271, 11492, 273, 11068, 310, 247, 331, 26732, 16, 85, 664, 4584, 29458, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 2640, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1093, 27, 2904, 27, 2417, 642, 15, 18663, 27043, 16903, 27, 187, 5064, 18663, 28315, 34384, 187, 5493, 254, 5046, 15, 1292, 954, 1892, 5835, 246, 11151, 398, 751, 1509, 949, 634, 985, 275, 670, 8187, 3038, 15, 5402, 5140, 10402, 1057, 820, 413, 285, 634, 9988, 10865, 897, 32263, 6168, 35753, 13, 285, 588, 1620, 755, 7270, 5734, 597, 250, 1677, 247, 3632, 9273, 323, 247, 278, 6461, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 2640, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1093, 27, 2693, 27, 2417, 642, 15, 18663, 1525, 3507, 1525, 27, 187, 5064, 18663, 28315, 30467, 187, 28558, 352, 434, 247, 2628, 835, 368, 878, 281, 10196, 20949, 13, 8783, 273, 2583, 310, 327, 253, 1386, 390, 368, 588, 320, 18745, 342, 6383, 13, 891, 1158, 667, 1327, 14, 24489, 1028, 249, 2646, 943, 320, 4136, 15, 187, 262, 1057, 417, 2647, 281, 634, 11169, 604, 368, 250, 247, 32983, 2522, 390, 3802, 430, 820, 413, 604, 368, 588, 320, 562, 273, 8184, 562, 273, 2564, 954, 273, 253, 673, 390, 820, 11802, 598, 275, 247, 12966, 2024, 15, 2756, 50279, 45545, 14805, 16, 1036, 16, 746, 9, 21091, 10, 1010, 27, 883, 27, 1731, 642, 15, 1518, 11325, 28209, 27, 187, 2347, 1142, 3270, 14, 36752, 68, 1297, 17059, 452, 368, 2326, 21403, 32, 310, 1227, 4818, 16, 247, 269, 13046, 302, 1659, 281, 6947, 673, 13, 512, 891, 923, 310, 16921, 16, 6441, 832, 77, 13046, 1502, 19459, 15, 309, 701, 436, 3270, 14, 36752, 68, 1297, 1663, 24329, 265, 731, 745, 285, 660, 4420, 731, 15, 659, 10461, 269, 13046, 1502, 21449, 253, 3946, 403, 417, 10112, 285, 6747, 403, 1167, 70, 7908, 72, 1502, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 1036, 16, 746, 9, 21091, 10, 1010, 27, 1731, 27, 1237, 642, 15, 6914, 18040, 1047, 27, 187, 1257, 16060, 16076, 465, 13972, 14261, 83, 310, 3551, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 1036, 16, 746, 9, 21091, 10, 1010, 27, 1229, 27, 805, 642, 15, 6914, 938, 31722, 27, 187, 5064, 6914, 18040, 1047, 187, 2019, 14356, 1046, 1388, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 1036, 16, 746, 9, 21091, 10, 1010, 27, 3357, 27, 1012, 642, 15, 6914, 17569, 1348, 27, 187, 5064, 6914, 17537, 2691, 187, 42846, 7085, 15, 2064, 434, 816, 1066, 918, 440, 7807, 1070, 10319, 15, 2756, 50279, 45545, 16331, 16, 1229, 16, 1093, 9, 44644, 10, 2904, 27, 361, 27, 3079, 642, 15, 1093, 8320, 2090, 2090, 27, 187, 1845, 306, 326, 627, 310, 247, 1805, 1511, 273, 2208, 685, 1114, 12638, 187, 31, 856, 9092, 27, 368, 476, 626, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1229, 16, 1093, 9, 44644, 10, 2904, 27, 2640, 27, 3583, 642, 15, 1093, 8320, 1967, 1438, 27, 187, 585, 15016, 23822, 187, 5658, 10739, 14, 70, 839, 13, 7690, 729, 410, 8109, 465, 2804, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1229, 16, 1093, 9, 44644, 10, 2904, 27, 1010, 27, 2922, 642, 15, 19105, 7931, 30651, 27, 187, 34, 1114, 12638, 310, 247, 830, 273, 2208, 275, 534, 247, 1387, 13, 3839, 247, 2021, 9999, 247, 34526, 313, 274, 382, 29149, 582, 4443, 4550, 253, 2586, 434, 3872, 6489, 285, 697, 1481, 13, 253, 33490, 13, 18418, 253, 2554, 273, 30993, 15, 380, 4588, 1612, 273, 253, 33490, 778, 6889, 432, 15846, 24762, 313, 68, 20234, 23822, 582, 281, 7898, 285, 11096, 313, 585, 15016, 1114, 12638, 582, 281, 4336, 1125, 23606, 313, 32816, 1114, 12638, 481, 187, 4064, 253, 1265, 253, 760, 4500, 310, 7880, 1114, 12638, 15, 187, 601, 534, 3054, 403, 7880, 33490, 447, 32, 187, 783, 760, 581, 275, 19454, 310, 247, 15394, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1229, 16, 1093, 9, 44644, 10, 2904, 27, 1166, 27, 3046, 642, 15, 19105, 7931, 41493, 27, 187, 12157, 841, 269, 13046, 1502, 651, 1210, 6030, 494, 604, 29154, 369, 6963, 187, 11300, 42604, 1024, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1229, 16, 1093, 9, 44644, 10, 2904, 27, 1797, 27, 3208, 642, 15, 1093, 8320, 25, 12231, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 8320, 2090, 2090, 187, 6300, 923, 2209, 1373, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1229, 16, 1093, 9, 44644, 10, 2904, 27, 1348, 27, 740, 642, 15, 1093, 8320, 25, 14028, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 8320, 2090, 2090, 187, 31, 88, 641, 5801, 2784, 19437, 27338, 187, 1394, 1472, 347, 21413, 347, 7122, 85, 2196, 13, 20187, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1229, 16, 1093, 9, 44644, 10, 2904, 27, 1348, 27, 746, 642, 15, 1093, 8320, 25, 20520, 27, 187, 31, 26143, 5686, 4426, 7790, 479, 281, 1408, 247, 2586, 187, 9304, 1116, 447, 403, 48101, 13, 816, 751, 1142, 273, 273, 253, 33490, 84, 275, 2892, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1229, 16, 1093, 9, 44644, 10, 2904, 27, 1099, 27, 1731, 642, 15, 1093, 8320, 3245, 883, 27, 187, 5064, 19105, 7931, 41493, 187, 31, 17185, 6068, 36070, 7871, 751, 35825, 7276, 15, 187, 1552, 310, 1735, 1268, 269, 13046, 48645, 619, 3858, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1229, 16, 1093, 9, 44644, 10, 2693, 27, 746, 27, 1229, 642, 15, 19105, 46744, 2405, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 8320, 25, 20520, 187, 1552, 15, 24114, 6639, 403, 762, 253, 13214, 326, 616, 16879, 346, 30023, 6777, 3, 33490, 651, 320, 3962, 533, 253, 6612, 310, 326, 344, 651, 320, 1014, 6927, 281, 749, 1748, 285, 627, 651, 320, 642, 3477, 1039, 281, 755, 8314, 273, 779, 846, 577, 14, 22, 1107, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1229, 16, 1093, 9 ]
Mon)21:09:32 no.91397020: >>91390907 People unironically voted for this guy. WEW Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)21:10:53 no.91397159: >>91385965 I'm quite proud of it Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)21:11:58 no.91397265: >>91384636 ya bros its not like inflation will coincide with the tiny increase of your wage Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)21:12:14 no.91397292: >>91384636 Woah, guess i'm voting for Trump since I want to keep more of my own money! Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)21:12:34 no.91397325: >>91397020 They gave millions to him too. Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)21:13:44 no.91397460: damn Trumps tax cut would cover my health insurance going from 485$ to 625$ the last 2 years. Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)21:22:06 no.91398318: >>91397020 the thing is i pay about $500 a month towards student loans. if bern had made college free, i wouldn't have had loans, and i would have ended up saving money because of the difference. Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)21:24:29 no.91398539: The real question is why won't Trump just release his taxes already, what's he so afraid of? No one should take this man seriously when it comes to economic matters because of this. Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)21:24:34 no.91398543: Give me the candidate that gives the largest + change in the lowest earners biweekly paycheck. Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)21:26:38 no.91398755: >>91398318 >implying he would have been able to achieve all your wildest dreams of free college Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)21:31:19 no.91399235: >>91398318 What about people like me who already are out? Why should I, like the population between the ages of 25-70 pay for your college, population ages 18-24? If I had to do it, so should you. Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)21:32:53 no.91399396: >>91384868 Implying I care what the federal government does. If we didn't have career politicians we wouldn't need exorbitant overhead to run the establishment. Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)21:37:22 no.91399824: >>91384868 Right now, companies are forced to pay rediculous taxes in the United States, which is the reason why they're leaving to find cheaper work in other countries, causing Americans to lose jobs, causing them to have less money. Also, the people's taxes are squandered in stupid shit that the govt claims is important, like war, Wall Street bailouts. think about it, all those taxes you pay and yet the country's falling apart, homeless everywhere, shit healthcare, rampant violence. If you ask me Trump (and anyone else in the political sphere) are the smart ones for using legal loopholes to avoid taxes. Everything is cyclical dude. Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)22:03:23 no.91402326: >>91397265 Lets be honest anon. Are you a little bit retarded? > Tax plan > Change to paycheck > TAX plan Inflation is for when the actual goods increase in price (i.e they pay you more, like a state imposed raising of wages) Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)22:05:18 no.91402543: >>91384868 >so where does the money come from What do you mean? this is the money you earned. You already have it, the government will just be taking less of it. Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)22:06:52 no.91402696: >>91386712 >he went to for the FACTS Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)22:07:47 no.91402787: >>91384636 ent/uploads/2016/10/100316_Goodlatt e-Letter-to-AG-Lynch.pdf icle-3819617/How-President-Obama-wo rried-Hillary-Clinton-s-health-set- secret-medical-check-Walter-Reed-re fused-fearing-LEAKING-HEART-VALVE-a rrhythmia-exposed.html illary-killed-libya-peace-deal-over -personal-vendetta-claims-whistlebl ower/ id-pr-firm-540mn-to-make-fake-terro rist-videos/ lly-barred-from-fighting-vote-fraud / kileaks-confirms-hillary-sold-weapo ns-to-isis/ 0/03/fbi-colluded-with-democrats-te am-clinton-on-email-prosecution/ /2016/10/03/yes-virginia-aliens-are -registered-and-voting-and-in-penns ylvania-by-the-thousands/?singlepag e=true eal-names-behind-911-attacks-includ ing-mossad-cia-bush-family/ on-american-india-foundation/ WHAT DID SHE MEAN BY THIS? Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)22:09:01 no.91402922: >>91396952 wow, 90 whole dollarydoos less for the year? guess i should just curl up and die. Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)22:12:14 no.91403198: >>91385896 Here is a thought You have a cow, you are a dairy farmer The healthier and stronger your cow is the more milk is produced and the more money you make Eventually you get greedy and milk the cow to exhaustion / death. You inevitably go broke because it stops producing barely anything it is not then rational to say "huh guess the issue is we ain't milking enough" because then your cow is dead dumbass Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)22:12:27 no.91403211: >>91384868 I don't think you understand how much of our taxes go towards illegal immigrants and other stupid bullshit. Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)22:13:31 no.91403324: >>91390158 > It's ironic Liberals that balance the books more efficiently Read that again. They meant: > It's ironic Liberals > Ironic > Liberals > That balance the books more efficiently Liberals that are just having a laugh about the whole liberal thing. Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)22:13:45 no.91403342: >>91399824 Bullshit, Americans are losing jobs because we moved to a global platform and american companies outsource jobs to poos because they know they can pay them slave wages all while CEOs are giving themselves multi-million dollar raises. IE David Zaslav became CEO of Discovery Channel and then gave himself a 145 million dollar raise, and was able to do so by outsourcing multiple jobs, cutting training budgets, etc. in fact Discovery is starting to invest more money over in Europe while cutting jobs in the US. How ironic that at the very same time migrants that can be paid peanuts are also pouring into Europe looking for work and will accept ANY wage. Source: Former Discovery Channel employee IE the Epipen cunt. She gives herself a multi-million dollar raise after she drastically increased the price of a product that costs nothing to manufacture but millions of lives depend on Trust me its not taxes, its greed Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)22:14:37 no.91403421: >>913
[ 9304, 10, 1797, 27, 2693, 27, 1237, 642, 15, 26, 15270, 1967, 938, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 1012, 2270, 29249, 187, 8836, 440, 2002, 1037, 14285, 323, 436, 5599, 15, 187, 10663, 56, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2941, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 1797, 27, 740, 27, 3357, 642, 15, 26, 1012, 4148, 17220, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 1012, 32168, 2082, 187, 42, 1353, 3240, 9979, 273, 352, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2941, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 1797, 27, 883, 27, 3680, 642, 15, 26, 1012, 4148, 21317, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 1012, 34938, 1812, 187, 5973, 1795, 84, 697, 417, 751, 15631, 588, 28588, 342, 253, 10058, 2572, 273, 634, 16610, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2941, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 1797, 27, 805, 27, 1047, 642, 15, 26, 1012, 4148, 27122, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 1012, 34938, 1812, 187, 56, 80, 1240, 13, 5476, 891, 1353, 13423, 323, 3778, 1580, 309, 971, 281, 1978, 625, 273, 619, 1211, 2583, 2, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2941, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 1797, 27, 805, 27, 1706, 642, 15, 26, 15270, 3655, 1099, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 15270, 1967, 938, 187, 3726, 3534, 9790, 281, 779, 1512, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2941, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 1797, 27, 1012, 27, 2031, 642, 15, 26, 15270, 3566, 1549, 27, 187, 34681, 1535, 10628, 2891, 2624, 651, 3835, 619, 1786, 6503, 1469, 432, 40873, 5, 281, 45451, 5, 253, 1390, 374, 1107, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2941, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 1797, 27, 1423, 27, 3071, 642, 15, 26, 15270, 3245, 1093, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 15270, 1967, 938, 187, 783, 2181, 310, 891, 2075, 670, 370, 5388, 247, 1770, 4404, 5974, 15407, 15, 604, 270, 1808, 574, 1160, 6831, 1959, 13, 891, 5082, 626, 452, 574, 15407, 13, 285, 891, 651, 452, 7402, 598, 13868, 2583, 984, 273, 253, 3064, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2941, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 1797, 27, 1348, 27, 1717, 642, 15, 26, 15270, 2227, 1867, 27, 187, 510, 1524, 1953, 310, 2139, 1912, 626, 3778, 816, 3727, 521, 10474, 2168, 13, 752, 434, 344, 594, 9202, 273, 32, 209, 187, 2302, 581, 943, 1379, 436, 637, 10369, 672, 352, 3249, 281, 5054, 8213, 984, 273, 436, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2941, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 1797, 27, 1348, 27, 1706, 642, 15, 26, 15270, 2227, 3079, 27, 187, 19735, 479, 253, 7431, 326, 4245, 253, 6253, 559, 1818, 275, 253, 8840, 6233, 398, 1794, 11151, 314, 2075, 5903, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2941, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 1797, 27, 1731, 27, 1839, 642, 15, 26, 1012, 4185, 27496, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 15270, 3245, 1093, 187, 31, 303, 2881, 272, 344, 651, 452, 644, 2104, 281, 5115, 512, 634, 4956, 383, 13702, 273, 1959, 6831, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2941, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 1797, 27, 2405, 27, 746, 642, 15, 26, 1012, 1525, 19568, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 15270, 3245, 1093, 187, 1276, 670, 952, 751, 479, 665, 2168, 403, 562, 32, 6049, 943, 309, 13, 751, 253, 3072, 875, 253, 11880, 273, 2030, 14, 1967, 2075, 323, 634, 6831, 13, 3072, 11880, 1283, 14, 1348, 32, 1310, 309, 574, 281, 513, 352, 13, 594, 943, 368, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2941, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 1797, 27, 1237, 27, 3357, 642, 15, 26, 1012, 1525, 24698, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 15148, 2385, 2358, 187, 30081, 2943, 309, 1557, 752, 253, 4400, 2208, 1057, 15, 1310, 359, 1904, 626, 452, 5249, 13557, 359, 5082, 626, 878, 385, 30339, 386, 18332, 281, 1408, 253, 13701, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2941, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 1797, 27, 1787, 27, 1423, 642, 15, 26, 1012, 27043, 1348, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 15148, 2385, 2358, 187, 8455, 1024, 13, 4413, 403, 6726, 281, 2075, 2502, 16512, 10474, 275, 253, 1986, 2077, 13, 534, 310, 253, 1921, 2139, 597, 1472, 6108, 281, 1089, 20182, 789, 275, 643, 4343, 13, 8479, 7108, 281, 7168, 7375, 13, 8479, 731, 281, 452, 1679, 2583, 15, 209, 187, 9917, 13, 253, 952, 434, 10474, 403, 3896, 395, 2122, 275, 11339, 10739, 326, 253, 564, 20282, 3916, 310, 1774, 13, 751, 2137, 13, 8799, 5720, 19590, 8349, 15, 1158, 670, 352, 13, 512, 1110, 10474, 368, 2075, 285, 2568, 253, 2586, 434, 10805, 7419, 13, 20783, 11678, 13, 10739, 11723, 13, 18556, 386, 7217, 15, 209, 187, 2042, 368, 1642, 479, 3778, 313, 395, 3780, 2010, 275, 253, 3569, 15269, 10, 403, 253, 7060, 4394, 323, 970, 4320, 2343, 2689, 3841, 281, 3693, 10474, 15, 209, 187, 22242, 310, 6776, 474, 29723, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2941, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 1423, 27, 2941, 27, 1508, 642, 15, 26, 1047, 2640, 22391, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 1012, 4148, 21317, 187, 1466, 84, 320, 8274, 271, 251, 15, 6272, 368, 247, 1652, 2372, 48101, 32, 187, 31, 13662, 2098, 187, 31, 15836, 281, 2075, 5903, 187, 31, 308, 14942, 2098, 187, 33675, 318, 310, 323, 672, 253, 4588, 10229, 2572, 275, 4376, 313, 74, 15, 70, 597, 2075, 368, 625, 13, 751, 247, 1375, 11295, 12976, 273, 17575, 10, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2941, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 1423, 27, 1762, 27, 1093, 642, 15, 26, 12434, 1099, 3079, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 15148, 2385, 2358, 187, 31, 601, 835, 1057, 253, 2583, 1705, 432, 187, 1276, 513, 368, 1599, 32, 436, 310, 253, 2583, 368, 12431, 15, 1422, 2168, 452, 352, 13, 253, 2208, 588, 816, 320, 3192, 1679, 273, 352, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2941, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 1423, 27, 3071, 27, 3583, 642, 15, 26, 12434, 1731, 4196, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 15148, 2251, 805, 187, 31, 248, 2427, 281, 288, 12537, 498, 8185, 15, 681, 323, 253, 10601, 33949, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2941, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 1423, 27, 2922, 27, 2504, 642, 15, 26, 12434, 1630, 2597, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 1012, 34938, 1812, 187, 3614, 1358, 6881, 18865, 15, 5967, 15, 12312, 16, 16471, 14, 1987, 187, 290, 16, 47725, 16, 6961, 16, 740, 16, 2313, 28581, 64, 8620, 77, 1595, 187, 70, 14, 47953, 14, 936, 14, 2696, 14, 48959, 348, 15, 9275, 187, 2413, 1358, 2700, 15, 69, 647, 1105, 647, 15, 1940, 15, 2788, 16, 13608, 16, 435, 187, 2024, 14, 1839, 19196, 1166, 16, 2347, 14, 20349, 14, 39302, 14, 680, 187, 83, 2200, 14, 41, 12537, 14, 2019, 8185, 14, 84, 14, 15356, 14, 1178, 14, 187, 22882, 14, 38079, 14, 5903, 14, 26366, 350, 14, 1785, 264, 14, 250, 187, 71, 3197, 14, 453, 1875, 14, 1843, 9780, 2637, 14, 1922, 5757, 14, 10403, 12695, 14, 66, 187, 2676, 14292, 571, 14, 36330, 15, 2974, 187, 2413, 1358, 2700, 15, 2050, 319, 1032, 15, 681, 16, 911, 7426, 14, 73, 187, 12537, 14, 76, 2591, 14, 4658, 5973, 14, 38385, 14, 25115, 14, 1189, 187, 14, 21941, 14, 87, 423, 19953, 14, 28803, 14, 2484, 19300, 1559, 187, 1017, 16, 187, 2413, 1358, 2700, 15, 2050, 319, 1032, 15, 681, 16, 21601, 5154, 14, 4904, 187, 301, 14, 1087, 14, 49053, 14, 34458, 16192, 14, 936, 14, 11145, 14, 39182, 14, 350, 287, 187, 2198, 14, 87, 31686, 16, 187, 2413, 1358, 2700, 15, 939, 69, 15, 681, 16, 6755, 16, 883, 16, 72, 412, 14, 1851, 66, 187, 77, 314, 14, 2009, 433, 14, 4064, 14, 71, 23144, 14, 40997, 14, 3804, 438, 187, 16, 187, 2413, 1358, 40463, 2320, 507, 15, 681, 16, 4663, 15, 5581, 16, 22084, 187, 76, 587, 8765, 14, 8259, 11178, 14, 73, 12537, 14, 42022, 14, 664, 40240, 187, 2224, 14, 936, 14, 261, 261, 16, 187, 3614, 1358, 81, 75, 8236, 15, 681, 16, 24508, 16, 6961, 16, 18, 187, 17, 16, 2941, 16, 71, 4193, 14, 14641, 21015, 14, 3113, 14, 9468, 41965, 14, 442, 187, 312, 14, 498, 8185, 14, 251, 14, 12812, 14, 856, 1704, 890, 16, 187, 3614, 1358, 81, 75, 8236, 15, 681, 16, 75, 48266, 757, 324, 1317, 187, 16, 6961, 16, 740, 16, 2941, 16, 9820, 14, 12855, 6058, 571, 14, 8952, 561, 14, 609, 187, 14, 41846, 14, 395, 14, 87, 5341, 14, 395, 14, 249, 14, 3878, 2224, 187, 10931, 14, 1615, 14, 783, 14, 394, 35314, 22549, 20199, 32590, 187, 70, 30, 5672, 187, 2413, 1358, 67, 1104, 15, 681, 16, 911, 14, 14265, 14, 84, 5353, 261, 14, 15079, 187, 70, 267, 14, 7886, 14, 44666, 14, 43474, 14, 1595, 7305, 14, 249, 741, 187, 272, 14, 78, 1730, 324, 14, 14265, 14, 67, 2345, 14, 11807, 16, 187, 2413, 1358, 5758, 29541, 999, 84, 15, 681, 16, 38584, 14, 498, 565, 187, 251, 14, 40463, 266, 14, 527, 571, 14, 14541, 318, 16, 187, 37069, 41718, 36722, 10616, 1539, 9149, 10113, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2941, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 1423, 27, 2693, 27, 520, 642, 15, 26, 12434, 1717, 1423, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 15270, 2090, 3583, 187, 88, 319, 13, 5091, 2644, 6135, 552, 3088, 375, 1679, 323, 253, 807, 32, 187, 4297, 405, 891, 943, 816, 26721, 598, 285, 3150, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2941, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 1423, 27, 805, 27, 1047, 642, 15, 26, 1047, 2941, 16903, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 1012, 2227, 33608, 187, 4943, 310, 247, 1869, 187, 1394, 452, 247, 12120, 13, 368, 403, 247, 22759, 24718, 187, 510, 33696, 285, 10046, 634, 12120, 310, 253, 625, 8463, 310, 4197, 285, 253, 625, 2583, 368, 1056, 187, 46587, 368, 755, 38754, 285, 8463, 253, 12120, 281, 29775, 1227, 2471, 15, 1422, 24473, 564, 9377, 984, 352, 14545, 9603, 12345, 2712, 187, 262, 310, 417, 840, 8870, 281, 1333, 346, 73, 6968, 5476, 253, 2523, 310, 359, 16326, 626, 2301, 4351, 2217, 3, 984, 840, 634, 12120, 310, 3846, 21413, 515, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2941, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 1423, 27, 805, 27, 1630, 642, 15, 26, 12434, 1237, 883, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 15148, 2385, 2358, 187, 42, 1053, 626, 1158, 368, 2096, 849, 1199, 273, 776, 10474, 564, 4404, 9676, 16618, 285, 643, 11339, 35281, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2941, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 1423, 27, 1012, 27, 2405, 642, 15, 26, 1047, 2941, 21397, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 15270, 520, 3680, 187, 31, 733, 434, 40066, 41172, 326, 6654, 253, 5098, 625, 14556, 187, 5703, 326, 969, 15, 1583, 5486, 27, 187, 31, 733, 434, 40066, 41172, 209, 187, 31, 309, 3462, 209, 187, 31, 41172, 209, 187, 31, 2064, 6654, 253, 5098, 625, 14556, 187, 45, 3669, 932, 326, 403, 816, 1907, 247, 9012, 670, 253, 2644, 12773, 2181, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2941, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 1423, 27, 1012, 27, 1857, 642, 15, 26, 12434, 1610, 2945, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 1012, 27043, 1348, 187, 35, 962, 26871, 13, 187, 34436, 403, 10305, 7375, 984, 359, 4395, 281, 247, 4156, 5147, 285, 41290, 266, 4413, 562, 6756, 7375, 281, 2963, 375, 984, 597, 871, 597, 476, 2075, 731, 15945, 17575, 512, 1223, 11731, 84, 403, 4933, 3746, 4471, 14, 24561, 14838, 16540, 15, 187, 9051, 187, 15418, 1503, 284, 19306, 3395, 11731, 273, 29600, 16824, 285, 840, 3534, 2994, 247, 19092, 3041, 14838, 7164, 13, 285, 369, 2104, 281, 513, 594, 407, 20823, 40883, 2709, 7375, 13, 9968, 3733, 35905, 13, 3966, 15, 187, 249, 958, 29600, 310, 4983, 281, 1718, 625, 2583, 689, 275, 3060, 1223, 9968, 7375, 275, 253, 1982, 15, 1359, 40066, 326, 387, 253, 1077, 1072, 673, 25991, 326, 476, 320, 5087, 759, 50166, 403, 671, 31226, 715, 3060, 2819, 323, 789, 285, 588, 2997, 9103, 16610, 15, 187, 7781, 27, 28351, 29600, 16824, 8183, 187, 9051, 253, 10643, 532, 257, 260, 2084, 15, 1500, 4245, 5972, 247, 4471, 14, 24561, 14838, 7164, 846, 703, 31063, 2559, 253, 4376, 273, 247, 1885, 326, 4815, 2717, 281, 6833, 533, 9790, 273, 4852, 3469, 327, 187, 31315, 479, 697, 417, 10474, 13, 697, 37819, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2941, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 1423, 27, 1047, 27, 1787, 642, 15, 26, 12434, 1706, 1797, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 1012 ]
/21/18(Mon)12:56:21 no.172431951: Imagine you're this one's father. Okay, of course, he doesn't have one. But if he did, it'd just be over, hahah, I'd have a new son, and a new family. We just would say whoops, that one didnt work out! and try again. Becoming a tranny literally invalidates your personhood. You become a sexual fetish. Plastic. Otherwise, I just messaged this guy to laugh at him, I think they like to be mocked. Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)12:57:20 no.172432042: Chris Chan - The thread Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)12:57:41 no.172432070: >>172431854 trannies that look like women do exist but they arent 18 yet. continue=1&v=2CsZh7b-Urc Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)12:57:58 no.172432100: >>172431046 I unironically believe all that "SJW craze" is a made up thing and /pol/ is bullshitting me. Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)12:58:02 no.172432104: >>172422472 It was already foretold by his eyes and lips. Some men have no masculin domination in them. You can see in their eyes, and if you can't strong chances you're a faggot too. Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)12:58:45 no.172432167: >>172431951 OH SHIT THIS FUCKER GOT FFS AT 21? AHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHA HAHA i feel a bit more cringe about mocking him then, but hahahahahahahahahaha that's like, $35,000 surgery to shave down your facial bones and make you uncanny valley AS FUCK. Skull size and measurements are the most dimorphic trait in humans. Trannies never pass because of their giant man skull and expanded facial planes. FFS does nothing for this and usually results in a failure. Who would do that to this young man? Only a jewish surgeon would fucking do this, now I feel bad. Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)12:58:51 no.172432181: >>172432100 >flag Everything checks out. Good job handling Pussy Riot, Vlad. Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)12:59:03 no.172432201: >>172423564 Estrogen banished the muscles to oblivion Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)13:00:18 no.172432304: >>172423128 Women are evil Sometime I wonder if 9/10 don't hang around with 4/potatos to appear superior next to something Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)13:01:25 no.172432421: >>172428803 >Chad steals my girl and now wants to steal my heart Life is so cruel Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)13:01:37 no.172432437: isn't the 21st century grand? Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)13:01:42 no.172432445: >>172432070 >has a vagina Fucking gross Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)13:03:16 no.172432585: >>172422472 I want to wear cute panties and clothes ;3 Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)13:04:24 no.172432679: >>172432421 >Implying chad can make a good female Their bodies don't really work for that application. Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)13:04:40 no.172432708: >>172432100 It's better to overreact than underreact Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)13:04:43 no.172432711: this one decided growing a unibrow was appropriately feminine Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)13:04:44 no.172432714: >>172432585 Are you from Barcelona? Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)13:05:00 no.172432739: >>172432181 Well, "popularity" of their views proves my point. It must be the same in Murrica. You just made up a fantasy world for yourself and exaggerate the influence that one loud political minority has over your country. I bet I can walk on streets of New York and do not meet any tranny or pink haired feminist landwhale. Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)13:05:54 no.172432827: >>172432100 I thought it was fake, too. Go to kreddit and look how many people post this stuff. Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)13:06:55 no.172432905: >>172432711 Might as well take yourself out at that point. Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)13:07:41 no.172432988: >>172432739 I live in rural Oregon and I see trannies. I wish it was fake. I know two people who are related to closet trannies. I also have old friends who know or in one's case is a tranny. Yeah, I can't believe it's real. Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)13:08:09 no.172433034: Does /pol/ have any practical advice to deal with gender dysphoria or the desire to be a woman? Aside from an heroing what options are there? With the goal being the acceptance of one's natural body and gender. Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)13:09:09 no.172433124: >>172432827 >Go to kreddit and look how many people post this stuff. And? How does it prove SJW takeover? It's like going to /pol/ and then bitching about America being taken over by nazis or something. Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)13:09:21 no.172433143: >>172424780 Being a heteroman doesn't mean you have to be blind to aesthetics. How do you groom yourself or pick clothes in a store if you don't know what looks good on a man? Do you find it a mystery why women are more likely to approach men with attractive faces than ugly faces? You have to be a special type of faggot for not being able to tell when a guy is good looking and when he's not that handsome. Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)13:09:35 no.172433161: >>172432739 You seem like a pretty cool guy. I like your philosophy. If you ever have the money, come visit our major coastal cities. Please spread news of what you see back to Russia. Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)13:10:12 no.172433217: >>172433034 Take women's rights away so no one wants to be one anymore. Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)13:10:19 no.172433224: >>172433034 Just watch sexual reassignment surgeries. Neo-vaginas are disgusting. Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)13:12:36 no.172433444: >>172422472 >why are American men terroists? >why are American men shooting up schools? >why are American men serial killers? >why are American men faggots and pedophiles? >why are American men more prone to violence and degeneracy? Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)13:12:50 no.172433465: >>172432445 >Vagina No it doesn't. At this point it has neither. It has a festering hole of flesh and tissue Frankensteined together. Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)13:12:54 no.172433473: >>172433034 >Does /pol/ have any practical advice to deal with gender dysphoria or the desire to be a woman? 1) Get off the onions 2) Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)13:13:56 no.172433548: >>172433124 Oh, well. They haven't taken over, yeah. The governments just push them and placate them, which grows them. >>172433034 I haven't found much in terms of practicality except that some people say they start taking HRT not to transition but to soothe the fetish drive or whatever which ends up pacifying them
[ 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 805, 27, 3208, 27, 1797, 642, 15, 1166, 23525, 43345, 27, 187, 38989, 368, 1472, 436, 581, 434, 3392, 15, 19619, 13, 273, 2282, 13, 344, 2506, 626, 452, 581, 15, 1292, 604, 344, 858, 13, 352, 1871, 816, 320, 689, 13, 419, 73, 1240, 13, 309, 1871, 452, 247, 747, 3347, 13, 285, 247, 747, 2021, 15, 844, 816, 651, 1333, 665, 2695, 13, 326, 581, 42126, 789, 562, 2, 285, 1611, 969, 15, 187, 4678, 4202, 247, 492, 10059, 12832, 12078, 684, 634, 1436, 3639, 15, 1422, 2489, 247, 5615, 8264, 763, 15, 1847, 3258, 15, 17501, 13, 309, 816, 4840, 2961, 436, 5599, 281, 9012, 387, 779, 13, 309, 1158, 597, 751, 281, 320, 13031, 264, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 805, 27, 3011, 27, 938, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 18911, 2945, 27, 187, 27503, 26177, 428, 380, 6293, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 805, 27, 3011, 27, 3156, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 18911, 1967, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 23525, 1093, 3439, 187, 1206, 1136, 447, 326, 1007, 751, 2255, 513, 2226, 533, 597, 403, 2649, 1283, 2568, 15, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 24583, 15, 681, 16, 13060, 32, 2606, 64, 187, 25674, 30, 18, 7, 87, 30, 19, 6072, 59, 73, 24, 67, 14, 54, 3373, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 805, 27, 3011, 27, 3680, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 1237, 2313, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 19569, 2950, 187, 42, 440, 2002, 1037, 2868, 512, 326, 346, 52, 43, 56, 8034, 2721, 3, 310, 247, 1160, 598, 2181, 285, 1227, 4818, 16, 310, 12156, 1200, 2835, 479, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 805, 27, 3680, 27, 2640, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 1237, 11238, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 17537, 3547, 187, 1147, 369, 2168, 2273, 42618, 407, 521, 2927, 285, 11233, 15, 187, 6080, 1821, 452, 642, 30668, 249, 38767, 275, 731, 15, 1422, 476, 923, 275, 616, 2927, 13, 285, 604, 368, 476, 626, 2266, 14512, 368, 1472, 247, 269, 13046, 302, 1512, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 805, 27, 3680, 27, 1857, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 1237, 18146, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 23525, 43345, 187, 8575, 7840, 1433, 187, 30308, 401, 36746, 947, 48983, 401, 7864, 4915, 3127, 32, 187, 34, 10114, 10114, 10114, 41, 10114, 10114, 41, 10114, 10114, 10114, 10114, 10114, 10114, 10114, 41, 2446, 41, 10114, 10114, 187, 10114, 10114, 187, 74, 1928, 247, 2372, 625, 260, 20683, 670, 49282, 779, 840, 13, 533, 419, 73, 1240, 1240, 1240, 1240, 1240, 1240, 1240, 19369, 187, 3529, 434, 751, 13, 370, 1671, 13, 933, 5869, 281, 439, 1123, 1066, 634, 17754, 14910, 285, 1056, 368, 5258, 10059, 17836, 7412, 401, 36746, 15, 8229, 962, 1979, 285, 6341, 403, 253, 954, 3317, 41050, 18177, 275, 7497, 15, 1535, 1136, 447, 1620, 1509, 984, 273, 616, 10864, 637, 19567, 285, 11848, 17754, 16340, 15, 401, 7864, 1057, 2717, 323, 436, 285, 3798, 1543, 275, 247, 4433, 15, 187, 7883, 651, 513, 326, 281, 436, 2872, 637, 32, 7214, 247, 15589, 763, 20997, 651, 12835, 513, 436, 13, 1024, 309, 1928, 3076, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 805, 27, 3680, 27, 3712, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 1237, 20895, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 1237, 2313, 187, 31, 17101, 187, 22242, 12255, 562, 15, 7088, 2628, 10885, 367, 25646, 416, 7173, 13, 26113, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 805, 27, 3046, 27, 2941, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 1237, 1252, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 19568, 1540, 187, 20768, 12991, 8913, 1428, 253, 13370, 281, 38611, 279, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1012, 27, 361, 27, 1093, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 1237, 19321, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 1508, 8196, 187, 22737, 403, 10319, 187, 52, 2755, 553, 309, 4282, 604, 898, 16, 740, 1053, 626, 10913, 1475, 342, 577, 16, 11714, 29392, 281, 3176, 8936, 1735, 281, 1633, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1012, 27, 520, 27, 1099, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 21397, 1797, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 1619, 28953, 187, 31, 1779, 324, 2870, 932, 619, 3226, 285, 1024, 5605, 281, 20016, 619, 2798, 187, 14660, 310, 594, 17877, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1012, 27, 520, 27, 1787, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 21397, 1787, 27, 187, 261, 79, 626, 253, 3127, 296, 5331, 4936, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1012, 27, 520, 27, 2945, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 21397, 1857, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 18911, 1967, 187, 31, 7110, 247, 42797, 187, 39, 25826, 13711, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1012, 27, 2941, 27, 1036, 642, 15, 1166, 23525, 1099, 2227, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 17537, 3547, 187, 42, 971, 281, 8251, 20295, 20018, 447, 285, 10015, 3706, 20, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1012, 27, 2125, 27, 1348, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 1237, 26233, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 21397, 1797, 187, 31, 30081, 2943, 448, 324, 476, 1056, 247, 1175, 5343, 187, 22674, 8248, 1053, 626, 1663, 789, 323, 326, 2898, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1012, 27, 2125, 27, 1449, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 1237, 27158, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 1237, 2313, 187, 1147, 434, 1805, 281, 689, 22312, 685, 762, 22312, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1012, 27, 2125, 27, 3079, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 20298, 883, 27, 187, 2520, 581, 4425, 5675, 247, 440, 487, 736, 369, 20420, 35491, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1012, 27, 2125, 27, 2031, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 20298, 1047, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 23525, 1099, 2227, 187, 6723, 368, 432, 24639, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1012, 27, 1762, 27, 361, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 20298, 1867, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 1237, 20895, 187, 4497, 13, 346, 32667, 414, 3, 273, 616, 6849, 19539, 619, 1127, 15, 733, 1364, 320, 253, 1072, 275, 8524, 23616, 15, 1422, 816, 1160, 598, 247, 16879, 1533, 323, 4834, 285, 23668, 366, 253, 4833, 326, 581, 11216, 3569, 15156, 556, 689, 634, 2586, 15, 309, 701, 309, 476, 2940, 327, 10198, 273, 1457, 2816, 285, 513, 417, 2525, 667, 492, 10059, 390, 14863, 419, 1250, 32411, 2659, 2484, 1079, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1012, 27, 1762, 27, 3439, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 22130, 1630, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 1237, 2313, 187, 42, 1869, 352, 369, 15223, 13, 1512, 15, 3617, 281, 465, 433, 22940, 285, 1007, 849, 1142, 952, 1501, 436, 5017, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1012, 27, 3071, 27, 2417, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 22011, 1762, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 20298, 883, 187, 46, 429, 347, 973, 1379, 4834, 562, 387, 326, 1127, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1012, 27, 2922, 27, 3156, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 22011, 2055, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 20298, 1867, 187, 42, 3153, 275, 11393, 15427, 285, 309, 923, 492, 1136, 447, 15, 309, 5730, 352, 369, 15223, 15, 309, 871, 767, 952, 665, 403, 2905, 281, 26348, 492, 1136, 447, 15, 309, 671, 452, 1711, 3858, 665, 871, 390, 275, 581, 434, 1083, 310, 247, 492, 10059, 15, 187, 6506, 13, 309, 476, 626, 2868, 352, 434, 1524, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1012, 27, 2904, 27, 2693, 642, 15, 1166, 23525, 1229, 1706, 27, 187, 10795, 1227, 4818, 16, 452, 667, 8542, 7535, 281, 2968, 342, 8645, 7915, 545, 20130, 390, 253, 8327, 281, 320, 247, 3416, 32, 209, 187, 1909, 504, 432, 271, 8080, 272, 752, 4610, 403, 627, 32, 2726, 253, 4736, 1146, 253, 14924, 273, 581, 434, 3626, 2133, 285, 8645, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1012, 27, 2693, 27, 2693, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 1610, 13397, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 22130, 1630, 187, 31, 6826, 281, 465, 433, 22940, 285, 1007, 849, 1142, 952, 1501, 436, 5017, 15, 187, 1898, 32, 1359, 1057, 352, 5276, 322, 43, 56, 48896, 32, 733, 434, 751, 1469, 281, 1227, 4818, 16, 285, 840, 2372, 7695, 670, 3968, 1146, 2668, 689, 407, 295, 1370, 261, 390, 1633, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1012, 27, 2693, 27, 1797, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 1610, 16150, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 18392, 1438, 187, 26143, 247, 6895, 4998, 2506, 626, 1599, 368, 452, 281, 320, 9645, 281, 47326, 15, 1359, 513, 368, 32083, 4834, 390, 2619, 10015, 275, 247, 4657, 604, 368, 1053, 626, 871, 752, 4453, 1175, 327, 247, 637, 32, 3166, 368, 1089, 352, 247, 16909, 2139, 2255, 403, 625, 2779, 281, 2746, 1821, 342, 12994, 9365, 685, 19513, 9365, 32, 209, 187, 1394, 452, 281, 320, 247, 2714, 1511, 273, 269, 13046, 302, 323, 417, 1146, 2104, 281, 2028, 672, 247, 5599, 310, 1175, 2819, 285, 672, 344, 434, 417, 326, 23639, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1012, 27, 2693, 27, 1671, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 1610, 20664, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 20298, 1867, 187, 1394, 1646, 751, 247, 3965, 4484, 5599, 15, 309, 751, 634, 11727, 15, 1310, 368, 2455, 452, 253, 2583, 13, 1705, 4143, 776, 2201, 22431, 8238, 15, 7764, 5195, 3668, 273, 752, 368, 923, 896, 281, 7422, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1012, 27, 740, 27, 805, 642, 15, 1166, 23525, 1237, 1166, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 23525, 1229, 1706, 187, 12864, 2255, 434, 3570, 1977, 594, 642, 581, 5605, 281, 320, 581, 10542, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1012, 27, 740, 27, 746, 642, 15, 1166, 23525, 1237, 1348, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 23525, 1229, 1706, 187, 6300, 3698, 5615, 17279, 5930, 37966, 15, 40989, 14, 87, 26093, 284, 403, 40449, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1012, 27, 805, 27, 1812, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 1610, 24447, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 17537, 3547, 187, 31, 22309, 403, 2448, 1821, 4109, 287, 1346, 32, 187, 31, 22309, 403, 2448, 1821, 9602, 598, 6629, 32, 187, 31, 22309, 403, 2448, 1821, 10382, 45361, 32, 187, 31, 22309, 403, 2448, 1821, 269, 13046, 1502, 285, 7690, 2689, 3205, 32, 187, 31, 22309, 403, 2448, 1821, 625, 21291, 281, 7217, 285, 44877, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1012, 27, 805, 27, 1235, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 24257, 2082, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 21397, 1857, 187, 31, 55, 356, 1758, 187, 2302, 352, 2506, 626, 15, 2058, 436, 1127, 352, 556, 6747, 15, 733, 556, 247, 269, 9358, 272, 7793, 273, 15447, 285, 4408, 6893, 257, 3241, 967, 2366, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1012, 27, 805, 27, 3439, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 1610, 31408, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 23525, 1229, 1706, 187, 31, 10795, 1227, 4818, 16, 452, 667, 8542, 7535, 281, 2968, 342, 8645, 7915, 545, 20130, 390, 253, 8327, 281, 320, 247, 3416, 32, 187, 18, 10, 5057, 745, 253, 27408, 187, 19, 10, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1012, 27, 1012, 27, 3208, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 22519, 2385, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 1610, 13397, 187, 4013, 13, 973, 15, 1583, 6468, 626, 2668, 689, 13, 10902, 15, 380, 13001, 816, 7450, 731, 285, 21927, 366, 731, 13, 534, 17202, 731, 15, 187, 5064, 1166, 23525, 1229, 1706, 187, 42, 6468, 626, 1119, 1199, 275, 2426, 273, 8542, 414, 3707, 326, 690, 952, 1333, 597, 1265, 3192, 388, 4708, 417, 281, 5502, 533, 281, 594, 4977, 253, 8264, 763, 4446, 390, 5913, 534, 7637, 598, 19162, 5411, 731 ]
Anonymous 01/01/18(Mon)21:54:49 no.155244206: It must be true. Anonymous 01/01/18(Mon)21:56:37 no.155244367: Oh thank God I'M not a Jew. Anonymous 01/01/18(Mon)21:57:13 no.155244401: >>155244206 OP is 100% straight Anonymous 01/01/18(Mon)21:57:37 no.155244425: oy vey Anonymous 01/01/18(Mon)21:58:20 no.155244485: 9/11 was done by Muslims and destabilizing the Middle East was justified. Anonymous 01/01/18(Mon)21:58:37 no.155244510: >>155244401 This statement is accurate Anonymous 01/01/18(Mon)21:59:49 no.155244592: >>155244206 six gorrilion Anonymous 01/01/18(Mon)22:00:13 no.155244625: >>155244444 <|endoftext|>Anonymous 08/08/18(Wed)17:18:44 no.181626561: Pretty much every study has shown black women are only interested in black guys and are the least attracted to white and Asian men. Us black guys know black women only want us so we can fuck around and do what we want. Anonymous 08/08/18(Wed)17:22:06 no.181626954: >>181626561 nigger Anonymous 08/08/18(Wed)17:23:46 no.181627137: If there’s anyone black men would have to worry about taking black women it’s Latino men. Anonymous 08/08/18(Wed)17:31:00 no.181627921: Funny thing is we not even that interested in white women. White women are literally just cum dumpsters we use to piss off white dudes. We just fuck them and then leave those ugly bitches to raise the kids by themselves. I’m joked out because y’all know that’s the case and that’s why y’all pissed. Black men like latinas and Asians. We don’t give a fuck about white hoes Anonymous 08/08/18(Wed)17:36:15 no.181628455: Black women like y’all white boys the least and the feeling is mutual. Every other race may like white boys for marriage because they know y’all beta fags gonna cuck. <|endoftext|>Anonymous 09/07/18(Fri)17:31:41 no.184925857: Updates? Anonymous 09/07/18(Fri)17:32:35 no.184925967: Rulebreaking troll thread. Fuck off. Anonymous 09/07/18(Fri)17:38:30 no.184926628: >>184925967 I'm seriously looking for wall updates Anonymous 09/07/18(Fri)18:02:02 no.184929294: >>184925967 kys Anonymous 09/07/18(Fri)18:07:00 no.184929820: >>184925967 nGBG4RNM 00JmWZ7A tdayukao Anonymous 09/07/18(Fri)18:07:34 no.184929886: >>184925857 BUILD THE WALL Anonymous 09/07/18(Fri)18:09:30 no.184930089: >>184925857 Where we're going, we won't need walls. Anonymous 09/07/18(Fri)18:10:17 no.184930173: >>184925857 moving along at typical government speed r-wall-prototypes-tests/ Anonymous 09/07/18(Fri)18:11:18 no.184930271: >>184925967 I hope you're at least getting paid to shill. <|endoftext|>Anonymous 10/06/17(Fri)23:12:39 no.144352852: Pre verified Brought you by 1984 And the fascists that want to control you. Anonymous 10/06/17(Fri)23:13:49 no.144352954: kay Anonymous 10/06/17(Fri)23:14:03 no.144352979: >>144352852 >what is satire This guy and his show are fucking unbearable but you're fucking retarded. Anonymous 10/06/17(Fri)23:15:55 no.144353175: >>144352979 >its just satire bro >im just a comedian man >its totally not just testing the water Fuck off already Anonymous 10/06/17(Fri)23:18:59 no.144353466: >>144352979 >>144353175 Who is this? I thought it was just some guy slapped on a shit meme. <|endoftext|>Anonymous 09/05/16(Mon)18:58:49 no.87792422: You know what to do photoshop experts of /pol/. Get to it. <|endoftext|>Anonymous 08/26/18(Sun)09:21:02 no.183558134: >be Asia Argento >rape underage boy after getting him drunk >pay $380.000 to shut his mouth and avoid charges >not facing any criminal investigations >be Donald Trump >spend some time with a pornstar >pay her $130.000 after she threatens to make it public >IMBEECH DRUMPF!! IMBEEEEEECH!!!!! How the fuck is this allowed? Anonymous 08/26/18(Sun)09:28:00 no.183558611: >>183558134 Do you have proof yet? Also, who cares? Anonymous 08/26/18(Sun)09:29:10 no.183558693: >>183558134 >be Asia A FUCKING CONTINENT >"""""""rape"""""""" >underage He's fucking seventeen you Prude >getting him drunk Yeah because she forced him to drink >pay 380,000 to shut his mouth and avoid charges Not to avoid charges retard, but definitely to shut him up >not facing criminal investigation Why should she? None of it should be allowed. People need to stop taking sex so fucking seriously. Jesus Christ. Anonymous 08/26/18(Sun)09:30:23 no.183558770: I mean if i was his age, i got to bang a semi-decent bird, get paid for it. Id be real happy right noe Anonymous 08/26/18(Sun)09:31:16 no.183558843: >>183558134 Asia Argento isn't President. Anonymous 08/26/18(Sun)09:31:48 no.183558883: >>183558134 Anonymous 08/26/18(Sun)09:32:31 no.183558934: >>183558134 From the perspective of those who would push these issues, one is a hated president and one is loved and respected. Anonymous 08/26/18(Sun)09:34:06 no.183559146: she's not facing charges? Anonymous 08/26/18(Sun)09:34:22 no.183559170: Leave it to a goddamn memeflag to forget to mention the Argento's involvement in #MeToo. "After the Weinstein scandal in 2017, she became a leader of the "#MeToo" women's rights movement." > _Argento Anonymous 08/26/18(Sun)09:35:57 no.183559291: >>183558843 Thank God. She was terrible as an actor, I can only imagine how bad she would be as President. Anonymous 08/26/18(Sun)09:36:26 no.183559331: >>183558134 >>pay her $130.000 after she threatens to make it public Not what happened, that's extortion.The apparent story is Cohen offered to do it and Trump said fine you take care of it and now the press is trying to play it off as a campaign contribution despite arguable connection to campaign Anonymous 08/26/18(Sun)09:37:04 no.183559373: >>183558693 >>"""""""rape"""""""" >>underage >He's fucking seventeen you Prude She groomed him from age
[ 45545, 14805, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1797, 27, 3439, 27, 2537, 642, 15, 15054, 21149, 18040, 27, 187, 1147, 1364, 320, 2032, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1797, 27, 3208, 27, 1787, 642, 15, 15054, 21149, 25140, 27, 187, 4013, 5717, 2656, 309, 8, 46, 417, 247, 5679, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1797, 27, 3011, 27, 1012, 642, 15, 15054, 1348, 2031, 520, 27, 187, 5064, 15054, 21149, 18040, 187, 2795, 310, 2233, 6, 4951, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1797, 27, 3011, 27, 1787, 642, 15, 15054, 1348, 2031, 1099, 27, 187, 899, 1670, 90, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1797, 27, 3680, 27, 938, 642, 15, 15054, 1348, 2031, 2227, 27, 187, 26, 16, 883, 369, 2218, 407, 16492, 285, 37355, 3006, 253, 10515, 5791, 369, 17285, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1797, 27, 3680, 27, 1787, 642, 15, 15054, 1348, 1857, 740, 27, 187, 5064, 15054, 1348, 2031, 520, 187, 1552, 3908, 310, 7899, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1797, 27, 3046, 27, 2537, 642, 15, 15054, 1348, 1857, 4529, 27, 187, 5064, 15054, 21149, 18040, 187, 17182, 42599, 21704, 279, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1423, 27, 361, 27, 1012, 642, 15, 15054, 1348, 2950, 1099, 27, 187, 5064, 15054, 1348, 2031, 2031, 2756, 50279, 45545, 16331, 16, 2904, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1166, 27, 1093, 27, 2031, 642, 15, 1093, 1036, 1731, 41081, 27, 187, 41774, 1199, 1046, 1263, 556, 2011, 2806, 2255, 403, 760, 6110, 275, 2806, 6068, 285, 403, 253, 1878, 17755, 281, 3168, 285, 11650, 1821, 15, 209, 187, 8484, 2806, 6068, 871, 2806, 2255, 760, 971, 441, 594, 359, 476, 7435, 1475, 285, 513, 752, 359, 971, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2904, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1166, 27, 1423, 27, 3071, 642, 15, 1093, 1036, 1731, 41643, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1036, 1731, 41081, 187, 79, 16046, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2904, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1166, 27, 1508, 27, 2950, 642, 15, 1093, 1036, 1630, 15497, 27, 187, 2042, 627, 457, 84, 3780, 2806, 1821, 651, 452, 281, 7664, 670, 3192, 2806, 2255, 352, 457, 84, 36180, 1821, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2904, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1166, 27, 2405, 27, 361, 642, 15, 1093, 1036, 23163, 1797, 27, 187, 39, 17259, 2181, 310, 359, 417, 1014, 326, 6110, 275, 3168, 2255, 15, 5219, 2255, 403, 12832, 816, 11277, 13725, 13297, 359, 897, 281, 24329, 745, 3168, 277, 14735, 15, 844, 816, 7435, 731, 285, 840, 3553, 1110, 19513, 2372, 2706, 281, 7164, 253, 5753, 407, 3746, 15, 309, 457, 78, 480, 8163, 562, 984, 340, 457, 455, 871, 326, 457, 84, 253, 1083, 285, 326, 457, 84, 2139, 340, 457, 455, 39309, 15, 209, 187, 15383, 1821, 751, 4329, 32121, 285, 1284, 2458, 15, 844, 1053, 457, 85, 1918, 247, 7435, 670, 3168, 8511, 265, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2904, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1166, 27, 1812, 27, 1010, 642, 15, 1093, 1036, 1619, 24614, 27, 187, 15383, 2255, 751, 340, 457, 455, 3168, 8290, 253, 1878, 285, 253, 5471, 310, 15577, 15, 6000, 643, 5492, 778, 751, 3168, 8290, 323, 7875, 984, 597, 871, 340, 457, 455, 9840, 269, 3544, 6501, 260, 1807, 15, 2756, 50279, 45545, 15630, 16, 2922, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1166, 27, 2405, 27, 3156, 642, 15, 1093, 2537, 1099, 31416, 27, 187, 5683, 24275, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 2922, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1166, 27, 1237, 27, 1671, 642, 15, 1093, 2537, 20395, 2251, 27, 187, 16295, 22071, 37053, 6293, 15, 187, 30368, 745, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 2922, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1166, 27, 1839, 27, 1229, 642, 15, 1093, 2537, 22313, 1619, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 2537, 20395, 2251, 187, 42, 1353, 10369, 2819, 323, 3402, 11269, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 2922, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1093, 27, 2640, 27, 2640, 642, 15, 1093, 2537, 1717, 22858, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 2537, 20395, 2251, 187, 76, 656, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 2922, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1093, 27, 2922, 27, 361, 642, 15, 1093, 2537, 23558, 938, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 2537, 20395, 2251, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 24583, 15, 681, 16, 13060, 32, 87, 30, 44, 23, 74, 187, 79, 6920, 40, 21, 51, 18971, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 24583, 15, 681, 16, 13060, 32, 87, 30, 51, 28777, 187, 361, 43, 78, 56, 59, 24, 34, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 24583, 15, 681, 16, 13060, 32, 87, 30, 40, 20604, 187, 85, 1201, 2788, 8500, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 2922, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1093, 27, 2922, 27, 1706, 642, 15, 1093, 2537, 1717, 35265, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 2537, 1099, 31416, 187, 33625, 3003, 411, 5626, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 2922, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1093, 27, 2693, 27, 1229, 642, 15, 1093, 2537, 7554, 2511, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 2537, 1099, 31416, 187, 7161, 359, 1472, 1469, 13, 359, 1912, 626, 878, 8099, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 2922, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1093, 27, 740, 27, 1166, 642, 15, 1093, 2537, 17615, 3655, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 2537, 1099, 31416, 187, 26621, 2112, 387, 6867, 2208, 3885, 187, 3614, 1358, 1116, 20790, 15, 681, 16, 7798, 16, 2904, 16, 3399, 615, 187, 83, 14, 12081, 14, 10075, 9117, 14, 19453, 16, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 2922, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1093, 27, 883, 27, 1093, 642, 15, 1093, 2537, 1229, 28209, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 2537, 20395, 2251, 187, 42, 3524, 368, 1472, 387, 1878, 2970, 5087, 281, 439, 408, 15, 2756, 50279, 45545, 884, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 33228, 10, 1508, 27, 805, 27, 1867, 642, 15, 14231, 1671, 1619, 3583, 27, 187, 7420, 16058, 187, 8478, 1224, 368, 407, 12459, 187, 1898, 253, 10942, 1346, 326, 971, 281, 1453, 368, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 33228, 10, 1508, 27, 1012, 27, 2537, 642, 15, 14231, 1671, 1717, 3439, 27, 187, 4629, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 33228, 10, 1508, 27, 1047, 27, 2941, 642, 15, 14231, 1671, 1717, 2787, 27, 187, 5064, 14231, 1671, 1619, 3583, 187, 31, 5371, 310, 2206, 603, 187, 1552, 5599, 285, 521, 921, 403, 12835, 26007, 613, 494, 533, 368, 1472, 12835, 48101, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 33228, 10, 1508, 27, 1010, 27, 2417, 642, 15, 14231, 29137, 14840, 27, 187, 5064, 14231, 1671, 1717, 2787, 187, 31, 953, 816, 2206, 603, 1795, 187, 31, 303, 816, 247, 43778, 637, 187, 31, 953, 9106, 417, 816, 5175, 253, 1824, 187, 30368, 745, 2168, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 33228, 10, 1508, 27, 1093, 27, 3046, 642, 15, 14231, 1671, 1706, 2526, 27, 187, 5064, 14231, 1671, 1717, 2787, 187, 5064, 14231, 29137, 14840, 187, 7883, 310, 436, 32, 309, 1869, 352, 369, 816, 690, 5599, 41352, 327, 247, 10739, 1167, 70, 15, 2756, 50279, 45545, 15630, 16, 1762, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 3680, 27, 2537, 642, 15, 25, 33727, 1348, 1423, 27, 187, 1394, 871, 752, 281, 513, 2359, 34195, 10071, 273, 1227, 4818, 14206, 5057, 281, 352, 15, 2756, 50279, 45545, 16331, 16, 1731, 16, 1093, 9, 14594, 10, 2693, 27, 1797, 27, 2640, 642, 15, 1093, 1671, 3680, 15468, 27, 187, 31, 1257, 10497, 17794, 80, 209, 187, 31, 6182, 762, 486, 5006, 846, 2970, 779, 17507, 209, 187, 31, 12080, 370, 24137, 15, 933, 281, 6294, 521, 6208, 285, 3693, 7260, 209, 187, 31, 1439, 10268, 667, 6424, 14006, 209, 187, 31, 1257, 10053, 3778, 209, 187, 31, 1033, 423, 690, 673, 342, 247, 16921, 7873, 209, 187, 31, 12080, 617, 370, 11246, 15, 933, 846, 703, 37654, 281, 1056, 352, 1345, 209, 187, 31, 2894, 35, 5607, 2775, 10710, 47774, 39, 4672, 309, 9180, 48919, 5607, 2775, 4672, 15844, 209, 187, 2347, 253, 7435, 310, 436, 4136, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1731, 16, 1093, 9, 14594, 10, 2693, 27, 1619, 27, 361, 642, 15, 1093, 22341, 2691, 883, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1671, 3680, 15468, 187, 4045, 368, 452, 4737, 2568, 32, 5220, 13, 665, 24505, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1731, 16, 1093, 9, 14594, 10, 2693, 27, 1717, 27, 740, 642, 15, 1093, 1671, 3680, 33291, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1671, 3680, 15468, 187, 31, 1257, 10497, 187, 34, 401, 36746, 2637, 34523, 1042, 3489, 187, 31, 9739, 9739, 32488, 6182, 9739, 9739, 9739, 9739, 187, 31, 4524, 486, 187, 1328, 434, 12835, 33395, 368, 2604, 2496, 187, 31, 35777, 779, 17507, 187, 6506, 984, 703, 6726, 779, 281, 5484, 187, 31, 12080, 31118, 13, 933, 281, 6294, 521, 6208, 285, 3693, 7260, 187, 3650, 281, 3693, 7260, 31832, 13, 533, 7964, 281, 6294, 779, 598, 187, 31, 1439, 10268, 6424, 5839, 187, 4967, 943, 703, 32, 187, 11336, 273, 352, 943, 320, 4136, 15, 6491, 878, 281, 3523, 3192, 2825, 594, 12835, 10369, 15, 7670, 2828, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1731, 16, 1093, 9, 14594, 10, 2693, 27, 1229, 27, 1508, 642, 15, 1093, 22341, 2597, 1967, 27, 187, 42, 1599, 604, 891, 369, 521, 2363, 13, 891, 1694, 281, 29246, 247, 10020, 14, 615, 1154, 12621, 13, 755, 5087, 323, 352, 15, 4031, 320, 1524, 5211, 987, 642, 70, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1731, 16, 1093, 9, 14594, 10, 2693, 27, 2405, 27, 1036, 642, 15, 1093, 22341, 2055, 3079, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1671, 3680, 15468, 187, 48948, 17794, 80, 3548, 626, 3918, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1731, 16, 1093, 9, 14594, 10, 2693, 27, 2405, 27, 2385, 642, 15, 1093, 22341, 2055, 3245, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1671, 3680, 15468, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1731, 16, 1093, 9, 14594, 10, 2693, 27, 1237, 27, 2405, 642, 15, 1093, 22341, 2511, 1706, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1671, 3680, 15468, 187, 4509, 253, 8668, 273, 1110, 665, 651, 7450, 841, 3374, 13, 581, 310, 247, 21023, 4007, 285, 581, 310, 7636, 285, 22694, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1731, 16, 1093, 9, 14594, 10, 2693, 27, 1706, 27, 3071, 642, 15, 1093, 1671, 3046, 16607, 27, 187, 6689, 434, 417, 10268, 7260, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1731, 16, 1093, 9, 14594, 10, 2693, 27, 1706, 27, 1423, 642, 15, 1093, 1671, 3046, 15046, 27, 187, 30359, 352, 281, 247, 45432, 1167, 832, 14293, 281, 7740, 281, 3748, 253, 17794, 80, 434, 10171, 275, 1852, 5072, 25643, 15, 187, 3, 4553, 253, 49224, 20565, 275, 4240, 13, 703, 3395, 247, 6657, 273, 253, 13938, 5072, 25643, 3, 2255, 434, 3570, 4866, 449, 187, 31, 3614, 1358, 257, 15, 25842, 15, 2061, 16, 16123, 16, 48948, 187, 64, 2906, 7322, 80, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1731, 16, 1093, 9, 14594, 10, 2693, 27, 1671, 27, 3011, 642, 15, 1093, 1671, 3046, 20922, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 22341, 2055, 3079, 187, 8398, 2656, 15, 1500, 369, 11527, 347, 271, 12353, 13, 309, 476, 760, 8564, 849, 3076, 703, 651, 320, 347, 3918, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1731, 16, 1093, 9, 14594, 10, 2693, 27, 1812, 27, 1731, 642, 15, 1093, 1671, 3046, 27385, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1671, 3680, 15468, 187, 5064, 12080, 617, 370, 11246, 15, 933, 846, 703, 37654, 281, 1056, 352, 1345, 187, 3650, 752, 4592, 13, 326, 434, 1021, 9564, 15, 510, 5165, 2926, 310, 19544, 5907, 281, 513, 352, 285, 3778, 753, 4030, 368, 1379, 1557, 273, 352, 285, 1024, 253, 2315, 310, 2820, 281, 1132, 352, 745, 347, 247, 4544, 7680, 5747, 1736, 8584, 4602, 281, 4544, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1731, 16, 1093, 9, 14594, 10, 2693, 27, 1787, 27, 2125, 642, 15, 1093, 1671, 3046, 29546, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1671, 3680, 33291, 187, 5064, 9739, 9739, 32488, 6182, 9739, 9739, 9739, 9739, 187, 5064, 4524, 486, 187, 31, 1328, 434, 12835, 33395, 368, 2604, 2496, 187, 2993, 32083, 264, 779, 432, 2363 ]
Anonymous 07/04/16(Mon)06:48:07 no.79710740: Liberals are the true fascists, so shouldn't you be on their side /pol/? The mind of a liberal is very strong. The nation wont make children? We will import people who do. The nation doesn't want to work shitty jobs? Oh we will import people who do. How is that not a bunch of total power moves? The liberals are quite clear: If you can't get a job over some uneducated african immigrant then you deserve to essentially die or rot away on some kind of minimal welfare system just like any other refugee. How is that not an honest statement that you can agree with? I mean it's 2016, it's the age of the internet and vast opportunities. If you still can't get a better job than being some guy in a warehouse then clearly YOU are the problem and YOU deserve to suffer for it. Oh you didnt get a good education? Tough shit, you are clearly one of the subhumans and you die. It has to be the STUPIDEST possible position to say "oh yeah, I'm stupid as fuck, I'm lazy and I won't do a lick of work to save my life but I am white so I still deserve everything over an immigrant" I hope you realize how absolutely on the wrong side you are now. The liberals are our future, not your 1930s prebuscent ideology where you somehow are "inherently" worth more than other people even though you dont work and are stupid as fuck. Q.E.D you stupid racist bitches. I just owned this entire board. Check 'em. Anonymous 07/04/16(Mon)06:55:38 no.79711157: FACT: Countries with large populations are always more powerful in every way. You cannot deny it. If you dont want to make children, just keep slowly dying. Nobody cares about you. Switzerland will never be as powerful as the US because it doesnt and cannot ever have as many people as the US. This is a fact. <|endoftext|>Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)23:31:58 no.131471554: Its not that millennials are lazy, entitled and cannot fend for themselves, but the culture that brought their parents up is created around the idea of state worship and altruism, not self worship and selfishness. How can you even begin to care for others if you cant care for yourself? If you were taught that to be normal you need to be this and avoid that? If you were brainwashed to believe that you need outside help of the state, of the scientists, of the popes and such leaders of men, to be what you already are? Rare is the one who lives through his own intellect and for his own gain. And if his actions benefit others like in the cases of Einstein, it would be entirely causal for it was not their intent. Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)23:33:50 no.131471751: Einstein, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs... all drop outs, all social renegades. Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)23:47:17 no.131473050: Furthermore, because Einstein did not make his contributions to science for others but himself and his curiosity, he does not accept thanks from anyone. In fact if you were to thank him for making your life easier, you'd be a parasite and prove that you cannot think alone. <|endoftext|>Anonymous 07/27/17(Thu)18:08:01 no.135191667: -72d9-11e7-aca6-c6bd07df1a3c Anonymous 07/27/17(Thu)18:10:18 no.135191922: >>135191667 Prepare to Italexit And fuck the europeist, traitors of Italy, they sold our country to g*rmans and those savages from France, that is not a western Democracy, but an African Empire. Anonymous 07/27/17(Thu)18:10:59 no.135192002: ourguy Anonymous 07/27/17(Thu)18:12:57 no.135192209: >>135191667 >subscribe to read Sage Anonymous 07/27/17(Thu)18:13:05 no.135192221: didn't want to make a new thread to post this so I guess this thread is close enough Anonymous 07/27/17(Thu)18:13:33 no.135192267: >>135191667 >subscribe to read Sage Anonymous 07/27/17(Thu)18:17:06 no.135192652: >>135192221 I don't like seeing the fleur de lys on Trudeau. He is not a real Quebecer, he can't even speak french whitout his ridiculous canadian accent. Real Quebecers shoot mosque. Anonymous 07/27/17(Thu)18:17:17 no.135192676: >>135191667 He's right. It should have been nationalized a long time ago. Anonymous 07/27/17(Thu)18:18:25 no.135192793: >>135191667 the man himself Anonymous 07/27/17(Thu)18:18:31 no.135192808: >>135191667 That's against EU rules Anonymous 07/27/17(Thu)18:19:56 no.135192983: >>135191667 fucking french Anonymous 07/27/17(Thu)18:21:19 no.135193121: >>135191922 Your nation are professional kiddy diddlers Anonymous 07/27/17(Thu)18:26:10 no.135193670: >>135192652 French Canadians are the laughing stock of country, do you really not know this? Anonymous 07/27/17(Thu)18:28:15 no.135193921: Funny that when Italy wants to nationalize anything it is higly forbidden because "muh fascism". Instead, foregners can come here, buy companies and then kick our companies out of their countries. so cool and progressive Anonymous 07/27/17(Thu)18:28:47 no.135193988: >>135193121 >italians >diddlers >but >french >germans >are not Are you kidding? Anonymous 07/27/17(Thu)18:32:35 no.135194463: lmao this is so good, this is another step towards the end of the EU, everyone thinks about own intrest, nobody gives a shit about the union... Anonymous 07/27/17(Thu)18:35:12 no.135194793: >>135191667 Why is this man suprisingly based? Anonymous 07/27/17(Thu)18:38:22 no.135195207: >>135193670 Ching Chong. Anonymous 07/27/17(Thu)18:40:25 no.135195481: Survey: Who is more faggot? Macron Trudeau Anonymous 07/27/17(Thu)18:40:40 no.135195508: >>135191667 Fuck off brazil Anonymous 07/27/17(Thu)18:41:28 no.135195620: >>135191922 Typical spaghetti nigger blaming everyone else for your problems. Did the Germans force you to be a nation of lazy pieces of shit? Anonymous 07/27/17(Thu)18:42:14 no.135195701: >>135193670 DOH-MAH! Anonymous 07/27/17(Thu)18:42:40 no.135195760: >>135195508 Day of Rake soon, i will rape you daughter and kill your son in front of you Leaf. Gonna Slave you woman and make her eat my delicious monkey soup. Anonymous 07/27/17(Thu)18:42:43 no.135195771: Quick rundown, eurobros? Anonymous 07/27/17(Thu)18:44:31 no.135195975: >>135193121 you misspelled belgium Anonymous 07/27/17(Thu)18:44:45 no.135195994: >>135195481 Macron is a manlet, Trudeau is a massive faggot Anonymous 07/27/17(Thu)18:47:23 no.135196286: >>135195620 lol, fucking murricans. did you even read anything? the french government under holland agreed to let italians buy their failed shipyard. now macron pulled back and wants to nationalise it. so liberist! Anonymous 07/27/17(Thu)18:47:44 no.135196322: I am now at the point where Macron is genuinely confusing
[ 45545, 18188, 16, 2125, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 3071, 27, 2385, 27, 2922, 642, 15, 35304, 12224, 1449, 27, 187, 45, 3669, 932, 403, 253, 2032, 10942, 1346, 13, 594, 10095, 626, 368, 320, 327, 616, 1930, 1227, 4818, 22549, 187, 510, 2564, 273, 247, 12773, 310, 1077, 2266, 15, 380, 5674, 31451, 1056, 2151, 32, 844, 588, 1395, 952, 665, 513, 15, 209, 187, 510, 5674, 2506, 626, 971, 281, 789, 10739, 555, 7375, 32, 5531, 359, 588, 1395, 952, 665, 513, 15, 187, 2347, 310, 326, 417, 247, 12190, 273, 2264, 1612, 9727, 32, 209, 187, 510, 36025, 403, 3240, 2590, 27, 1310, 368, 476, 626, 755, 247, 2628, 689, 690, 440, 45093, 6706, 37027, 28054, 840, 368, 17337, 281, 9093, 3150, 390, 4000, 1977, 327, 690, 2238, 273, 8723, 15519, 985, 816, 751, 667, 643, 29302, 15, 209, 187, 2347, 310, 326, 417, 271, 8274, 3908, 326, 368, 476, 5194, 342, 32, 209, 187, 42, 1599, 352, 434, 4022, 13, 352, 434, 253, 2363, 273, 253, 8573, 285, 8485, 9091, 15, 1310, 368, 1335, 476, 626, 755, 247, 1805, 2628, 685, 1146, 690, 5599, 275, 247, 27134, 840, 4518, 8702, 403, 253, 1895, 285, 8702, 17337, 281, 11089, 323, 352, 15, 209, 187, 4013, 368, 42126, 755, 247, 1175, 4730, 32, 308, 602, 10739, 13, 368, 403, 4518, 581, 273, 253, 749, 18256, 507, 285, 368, 3150, 15, 209, 187, 1147, 556, 281, 320, 253, 3915, 12456, 15400, 1267, 1896, 1899, 281, 1333, 346, 1368, 10902, 13, 309, 1353, 11339, 347, 7435, 13, 309, 1353, 22658, 285, 309, 1912, 626, 513, 247, 298, 781, 273, 789, 281, 5321, 619, 1495, 533, 309, 717, 3168, 594, 309, 1335, 17337, 3253, 689, 271, 28054, 3, 187, 42, 3524, 368, 8968, 849, 8839, 327, 253, 3430, 1930, 368, 403, 1024, 15, 209, 187, 510, 36025, 403, 776, 2852, 13, 417, 634, 17437, 84, 638, 13097, 1154, 25680, 835, 368, 10380, 403, 346, 249, 7853, 314, 3, 4409, 625, 685, 643, 952, 1014, 2167, 368, 13414, 789, 285, 403, 11339, 347, 7435, 15, 187, 50, 15, 38, 15, 37, 368, 11339, 22198, 2372, 2706, 15, 309, 816, 9633, 436, 2862, 4450, 15, 9423, 686, 358, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 2125, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 3071, 27, 2417, 27, 1839, 642, 15, 35304, 883, 15882, 27, 187, 5377, 1647, 27, 209, 187, 6878, 2246, 342, 1781, 7625, 403, 1900, 625, 6422, 275, 1046, 1039, 15, 209, 187, 1394, 2550, 13292, 352, 15, 1310, 368, 13414, 971, 281, 1056, 2151, 13, 816, 1978, 7808, 13889, 15, 27138, 24505, 670, 368, 15, 187, 12455, 17893, 588, 1620, 320, 347, 6422, 347, 253, 1982, 984, 352, 36908, 285, 2550, 2455, 452, 347, 1142, 952, 347, 253, 1982, 15, 831, 310, 247, 958, 15, 2756, 50279, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1508, 27, 2405, 27, 3680, 642, 15, 1012, 14555, 1010, 3439, 27, 187, 27132, 417, 326, 24933, 8075, 403, 22658, 13, 7429, 285, 2550, 269, 423, 323, 3746, 13, 533, 253, 4466, 326, 3982, 616, 4651, 598, 310, 3562, 1475, 253, 2934, 273, 1375, 17246, 285, 6945, 579, 1204, 13, 417, 1881, 17246, 285, 27915, 1255, 15, 187, 2347, 476, 368, 1014, 3135, 281, 1557, 323, 2571, 604, 368, 16216, 1557, 323, 4834, 32, 1310, 368, 497, 10256, 326, 281, 320, 2622, 368, 878, 281, 320, 436, 285, 3693, 326, 32, 1310, 368, 497, 3998, 47690, 281, 2868, 326, 368, 878, 3345, 1361, 273, 253, 1375, 13, 273, 253, 10950, 13, 273, 253, 1684, 265, 285, 824, 7038, 273, 1821, 13, 281, 320, 752, 368, 2168, 403, 32, 209, 187, 51, 609, 310, 253, 581, 665, 4852, 949, 521, 1211, 10893, 285, 323, 521, 1211, 6351, 15, 1244, 604, 521, 5231, 5649, 2571, 751, 275, 253, 2219, 273, 21003, 13, 352, 651, 320, 7094, 19349, 323, 352, 369, 417, 616, 6860, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1508, 27, 1610, 27, 1235, 642, 15, 1012, 14555, 1166, 3712, 27, 187, 48987, 13, 7641, 27982, 13, 11819, 32254, 1051, 512, 5926, 20823, 13, 512, 2675, 294, 8265, 3355, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1508, 27, 2504, 27, 1166, 642, 15, 1012, 14555, 1229, 1235, 27, 187, 20964, 13, 984, 21003, 858, 417, 1056, 521, 9021, 281, 5859, 323, 2571, 533, 2994, 285, 521, 24536, 13, 344, 1057, 417, 2997, 6701, 432, 3780, 15, 496, 958, 604, 368, 497, 281, 5717, 779, 323, 2403, 634, 1495, 6927, 13, 368, 1871, 320, 247, 25027, 285, 5276, 326, 368, 2550, 1158, 3815, 15, 2756, 50279, 45545, 18188, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 1093, 27, 2904, 27, 520, 642, 15, 13743, 746, 1036, 2251, 27, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 649, 15, 681, 16, 6071, 16, 20914, 71, 24, 317, 19, 187, 14, 3547, 69, 26, 14, 883, 70, 24, 14, 20240, 23, 14, 68, 23, 14836, 2922, 4989, 18, 66, 20, 68, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 1093, 27, 740, 27, 1093, 642, 15, 13743, 746, 746, 1423, 27, 187, 5064, 13743, 746, 1036, 2251, 187, 29779, 609, 281, 40300, 19874, 187, 1898, 7435, 253, 19454, 382, 13, 1140, 5109, 273, 9972, 13, 597, 4211, 776, 2586, 281, 305, 11, 1109, 507, 285, 1110, 5745, 1131, 432, 6181, 13, 326, 310, 417, 247, 10439, 36740, 13, 533, 271, 8118, 13958, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 1093, 27, 740, 27, 3046, 642, 15, 13743, 746, 10016, 27, 187, 454, 26619, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 1093, 27, 805, 27, 3011, 642, 15, 13743, 14403, 14009, 27, 187, 5064, 13743, 746, 1036, 2251, 187, 31, 31473, 281, 1239, 187, 52, 486, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 1093, 27, 1012, 27, 1762, 642, 15, 13743, 746, 1423, 1797, 27, 187, 48879, 626, 971, 281, 1056, 247, 747, 6293, 281, 1501, 436, 594, 309, 5476, 436, 6293, 310, 2810, 2217, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 1093, 27, 1012, 27, 1610, 642, 15, 13743, 746, 1423, 2251, 27, 187, 5064, 13743, 746, 1036, 2251, 187, 31, 31473, 281, 1239, 209, 187, 52, 486, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 1093, 27, 1166, 27, 3071, 642, 15, 13743, 746, 1731, 3583, 27, 187, 5064, 13743, 746, 1423, 1797, 187, 42, 1053, 626, 751, 6523, 253, 7771, 321, 372, 13042, 327, 45277, 15, 754, 310, 417, 247, 1524, 25287, 254, 13, 344, 476, 626, 1014, 3984, 269, 4099, 30661, 483, 521, 19082, 476, 7577, 22713, 15, 10417, 25287, 398, 5310, 37951, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 1093, 27, 1166, 27, 1166, 642, 15, 13743, 746, 1731, 3121, 27, 187, 5064, 13743, 746, 1036, 2251, 187, 1328, 434, 987, 15, 733, 943, 452, 644, 3872, 1025, 247, 1048, 673, 3622, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 1093, 27, 1093, 27, 1099, 642, 15, 13743, 746, 1630, 4590, 27, 187, 5064, 13743, 746, 1036, 2251, 187, 783, 637, 2994, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 1093, 27, 1093, 27, 2405, 642, 15, 13743, 14403, 23576, 27, 187, 5064, 13743, 746, 1036, 2251, 187, 2773, 434, 1411, 8215, 4803, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 1093, 27, 746, 27, 3208, 642, 15, 13743, 746, 1717, 3245, 27, 187, 5064, 13743, 746, 1036, 2251, 187, 71, 25826, 269, 4099, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 1093, 27, 1797, 27, 746, 642, 15, 13743, 19631, 15144, 27, 187, 5064, 13743, 746, 746, 1423, 187, 7093, 5674, 403, 5702, 465, 47994, 858, 69, 10787, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 1093, 27, 1731, 27, 740, 642, 15, 13743, 45819, 1967, 27, 187, 5064, 13743, 746, 1731, 3583, 187, 21258, 32846, 403, 253, 17053, 5739, 273, 2586, 13, 513, 368, 1663, 417, 871, 436, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 1093, 27, 1619, 27, 1010, 642, 15, 13743, 42093, 1797, 27, 187, 39, 17259, 326, 672, 9972, 5605, 281, 3872, 907, 2712, 352, 310, 1725, 314, 25415, 984, 346, 1906, 73, 10942, 1204, 3446, 187, 20576, 13, 2273, 3757, 398, 476, 1705, 1060, 13, 4489, 4413, 285, 840, 8386, 776, 4413, 562, 273, 616, 4343, 15, 187, 601, 4484, 285, 13439, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 1093, 27, 1619, 27, 2504, 642, 15, 13743, 42093, 2055, 27, 187, 5064, 13743, 19631, 15144, 187, 31, 1562, 2458, 187, 31, 69, 2016, 10787, 187, 31, 2858, 187, 31, 71, 4099, 187, 31, 72, 693, 507, 187, 31, 609, 417, 187, 6723, 368, 29521, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 1093, 27, 1237, 27, 1671, 642, 15, 13743, 42704, 3571, 27, 187, 77, 785, 80, 436, 310, 594, 1175, 1157, 436, 310, 1529, 3213, 4404, 253, 990, 273, 253, 8215, 1157, 4130, 11121, 670, 1211, 540, 1120, 1157, 12445, 4245, 247, 10739, 670, 253, 8083, 3346, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 1093, 27, 1671, 27, 805, 642, 15, 13743, 41858, 4590, 27, 187, 5064, 13743, 746, 1036, 2251, 187, 4967, 310, 436, 637, 402, 28761, 1754, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 1093, 27, 1839, 27, 1423, 642, 15, 13743, 17726, 18202, 27, 187, 5064, 13743, 45819, 1967, 187, 1779, 272, 775, 543, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 1093, 27, 1449, 27, 1099, 642, 15, 13743, 17726, 34474, 27, 187, 14102, 3942, 27, 187, 7883, 310, 625, 269, 13046, 302, 32, 187, 13815, 1406, 187, 2290, 41595, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 1093, 27, 1449, 27, 1449, 642, 15, 13743, 17726, 27101, 27, 187, 5064, 13743, 746, 1036, 2251, 187, 30368, 745, 270, 9918, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 1093, 27, 3156, 27, 1619, 642, 15, 13743, 38249, 938, 27, 187, 5064, 13743, 746, 746, 1423, 187, 12117, 474, 653, 356, 44284, 295, 16046, 44601, 4130, 2010, 323, 634, 3237, 15, 10348, 253, 20003, 3490, 368, 281, 320, 247, 5674, 273, 22658, 7437, 273, 10739, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 1093, 27, 2945, 27, 1047, 642, 15, 13743, 35364, 520, 27, 187, 5064, 13743, 45819, 1967, 187, 37, 8575, 14, 3788, 41, 2, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 1093, 27, 2945, 27, 1449, 642, 15, 13743, 35364, 1549, 27, 187, 5064, 13743, 17726, 27101, 187, 15490, 273, 416, 640, 3517, 13, 891, 588, 16773, 368, 6122, 285, 5159, 634, 3347, 275, 2914, 273, 368, 31241, 15, 187, 40, 5860, 7335, 1123, 368, 3416, 285, 1056, 617, 6008, 619, 17319, 28005, 18377, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 1093, 27, 2945, 27, 3079, 642, 15, 13743, 17726, 40379, 27, 187, 28782, 1408, 3487, 13, 17069, 67, 2921, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 1093, 27, 2031, 27, 2405, 642, 15, 13743, 36122, 1976, 27, 187, 5064, 13743, 19631, 15144, 187, 5658, 2985, 81, 5911, 1112, 20811, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 1093, 27, 2031, 27, 1857, 642, 15, 13743, 17726, 34307, 27, 187, 5064, 13743, 17726, 34474, 187, 13815, 1406, 310, 247, 637, 1059, 13, 45277, 310, 247, 7863, 269, 13046, 302, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 1093, 27, 2504, 27, 1508, 642, 15, 13743, 19196, 23360, 27, 187, 5064, 13743, 38249, 938, 187, 77, 311, 13, 12835, 4682, 695, 507, 15, 858, 368, 1014, 1239, 2712, 32, 253, 269, 4099, 2208, 762, 5965, 1373, 5821, 281, 1339, 36037, 2458, 4489, 616, 4242, 6215, 13514, 15, 1024, 5315, 1406, 7320, 896, 285, 5605, 281, 3872, 885, 352, 15, 594, 10875, 382, 2, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 1093, 27, 2504, 27, 2031, 642, 15, 13743, 19196, 23625, 27, 187, 42, 717, 1024, 387, 253, 1127, 835, 5602, 1406, 310, 27364, 21643 ]
: If the popular vote actually mattered, more Republicans would have went and voted in places like California and New York. If it mattered, Trump would have worked harder to increase universal turn out. You can't use the popular vote as evidence in an electoral election. Completely different environments. Anonymous 11/09/16(Wed)18:39:52 no.97546844: >>97544406 >Electoral College works against me >Better get rid of it Anonymous 11/09/16(Wed)18:39:56 no.97546861: >>97546099 55,000 votes is negligible in the grand scheme of things. The Popular was neck and neck. Anonymous 11/09/16(Wed)18:40:07 no.97546900: >>97544406 Obama lost the popular vote to Hillary in 2008's primaries. Anonymous 11/09/16(Wed)18:41:13 no.97547122: >>97546187 Didn't Obama lose the popular vote to Romnie but won a majority of the states a few years back? Anonymous 11/09/16(Wed)18:42:47 no.97547480: AZ and MI will close that gap by 100,000. Anonymous 11/09/16(Wed)18:44:41 no.97547920: Don't we have military absentee votes as well? We might actually win this NOTNATESILVER 11/09/16(Wed)18:45:16 no.97548046: >>97544406 My solid case in defense of the Electoral College: It says so in the Constitution. Anonymous 11/09/16(Wed)18:46:06 no.97548261: >>97545864 mcmuffin was on the ballot in a few other states too, republican candidates got more votes overall with all the states accounted for, even if they were faggots about it Anonymous 11/09/16(Wed)18:46:29 no.97548361: Going be national popular vote would disenfranchise the individual states. The point of the electoral college was that each state gets a say in what happens to the union as a whole. Otherwise we would all just be subservient to what the people of California, New York, and Texas want for themselves. If you went by popular vote in each state contest, Trump would still have the most states and still be the winner. Anonymous 11/09/16(Wed)18:47:24 no.97548577: >>97547122 no he crushed romney with the popular vote too Anonymous 11/09/16(Wed)18:47:53 no.97548700: >>97544406 I don't care. It makes Clinton's loss even more palatable to me. Anonymous 11/09/16(Wed)18:48:05 no.97548747: >>97544406 They have no excuse. They get a free 55 thanks to California. Trump ran and great campaign and won. Deal with it. Anonymous 11/09/16(Wed)18:48:10 no.97548768: Electoral College is good for one reason: Human psychology. Cities create an echo chamber of ideas where certain ideologies get spammed throughout the streets and force people to conform. Without it we would have tyranny where mass amounts of people in the city get to force people living in rural areas what to do. Anonymous 11/09/16(Wed)18:49:18 no.97549037: >>97544406 he didnt campaign to win the popular vote and neither did hillary but she did lose the election badly Anonymous 11/09/16(Wed)18:49:28 no.97549083: Why aren't they counting the votes for NH, MI, and AZ? I mean still Trump wins but it'd be nice to know the exact amount of voters Anonymous 11/09/16(Wed)18:50:24 no.97549284: >>97549083 Utah isn't in but Washington isn't all in either. Anonymous 11/09/16(Wed)18:51:04 no.97549442: >>97544406 Same thing happened in 2000 with Bush / Gore. So why didn't Obama's team fix this? Anonymous 11/09/16(Wed)18:52:57 no.97549879: I love the electoral college. it basically assured around 200k illegal immigrant votes went straight into the garbage. Anonymous 11/09/16(Wed)18:53:46 no.97550056: >>97544406 The electoral college is a defense against voter fraud. However, the best defense is voter ID, if there were voter ID I don't think it would make a difference anymore. Also you have to realize most republicans in California are well aware that their vote won't matter and many of them probably didn't even bother to vote. It would be different if it was a popular vote election, Clinton could have still won the popular vote but you can't say it would have been the exact same as it was in this election. Anonymous 11/09/16(Wed)18:53:48 no.97550069: >>97544406 If you go with popular vote, low population states would want out of the union, why would they stay? Anonymous 11/09/16(Wed)18:54:46 no.97550303: Sorry libanons. But accepting the election result is one of the hallmarks of our democracy Anonymous 11/09/16(Wed)18:55:11 no.97550418: >>97544406 is there a chance he can catch up? or at least close the gap to <100k? Anonymous 11/09/16(Wed)18:57:07 no.97550863: >>97546187 Yeah if you eliminate California then that gets rid of 2.5 million votes for Clinton and puts Trump ahead. Trump had the popular vote for America minus California. Also like you said, there were probably plenty of illegals voting in Cali thanks to no voter ID laws. Anonymous 11/09/16(Wed)18:57:37 no.97550978: Why isn't Arizona called yet. This is fucking irritating. Also get fucked weed fags. Anonymous 11/09/16(Wed)18:58:03 no.97551078: >>97544406 You're stupid if you think popular votes matter in our democracy. Stfu you stupid mexifag, you're going home. sage this stupid beaner shit. Anonymous 11/09/16(Wed)18:58:04 no.97551088: >>97546013 >electoral college did what it was designed to do by our white founding fathers Funny you should say that >Unfortunately, leaving election control to individual states led to unfair voting practices in the U.S. At first, white men with property were the only Americans routinely permitted to vote. President Andrew Jackson, champion of frontiersmen, helped advance the political rights of those who did not own property. By about 1860, most white men without property were enfranchised. But African Americans, women, Native Americans, non-English speakers and citizens between the ages of 18 and 21 had to fight for the right to vote in this country. ommaterials/presentationsandactivit ies/presentations/elections/voters. html Anonymous 11/09/16(Wed)19:00:26 no.97551636: >>97551088 >not owning land >not being white It's like you're black or something. Anonymous 11/09/16(Wed)19:00:56 no.97551757: If the vote was decided on the popular vote, he would have campaigned for the popular vote. Everyone, both sides, in heavy blue and red states would have come out. It would all be completely different and it's pointless to think about. Anonymous 11/09/16(Wed)19:01:08 no.97551815: >>97544406 no way to tell who would win a popular vote election. the campaigning strategies would have been totally different. republicans in perma blue states such as california and ny hardly bother to turn out as it is since the chances are so low to flip the state and vice versa. trump hardly bothered to spend any time there as well since it would be a waste of time. in a popular vote election he would have spent a lot more time in these states and the turnout would be higher in perma red and perma blue states since the individual vote matters more. the rules were agreed to before the election started. no point bitching about them now britfag (can&#039;t stump the trump) 11/09/16(Wed)19:01:45 no.97551949: >>97544406 >the "i'm not going to bother
[ 27, 187, 2042, 253, 4633, 6273, 2686, 43074, 13, 625, 11885, 651, 452, 2427, 285, 14285, 275, 5053, 751, 5002, 285, 1457, 2816, 15, 1310, 352, 43074, 13, 3778, 651, 452, 4307, 12150, 281, 2572, 10898, 1614, 562, 15, 1422, 476, 626, 897, 253, 4633, 6273, 347, 1941, 275, 271, 25575, 6132, 15, 1176, 10841, 600, 1027, 12620, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2693, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 1093, 27, 1867, 27, 3583, 642, 15, 26, 31254, 2358, 2031, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 1976, 2031, 24854, 187, 31, 21749, 7909, 6822, 2987, 1411, 479, 187, 31, 36011, 755, 8314, 273, 352, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2693, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 1093, 27, 1867, 27, 3208, 642, 15, 26, 31254, 2358, 3832, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 31254, 1549, 1525, 187, 2417, 13, 933, 13008, 310, 22879, 275, 253, 4936, 6974, 273, 1841, 15, 380, 35555, 369, 7623, 285, 7623, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2693, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 1093, 27, 1449, 27, 2922, 642, 15, 26, 31254, 2090, 361, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 1976, 2031, 24854, 187, 39302, 3663, 253, 4633, 6273, 281, 18175, 275, 4695, 434, 2248, 3927, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2693, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 1093, 27, 3156, 27, 1012, 642, 15, 26, 1976, 2504, 14351, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 1976, 2950, 17306, 187, 40795, 626, 6729, 7168, 253, 4633, 6273, 281, 9916, 10633, 533, 1912, 247, 5020, 273, 253, 3054, 247, 1643, 1107, 896, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2693, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 1093, 27, 2945, 27, 2504, 642, 15, 26, 1976, 2504, 21980, 27, 187, 32604, 285, 16432, 588, 2810, 326, 8037, 407, 2233, 13, 933, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2693, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 1093, 27, 2031, 27, 3156, 642, 15, 26, 1976, 28757, 938, 27, 187, 5498, 626, 359, 452, 4668, 12125, 1796, 13008, 347, 973, 32, 844, 1537, 2686, 3330, 436, 535, 187, 10311, 35649, 1410, 3077, 15537, 1903, 16, 2693, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 1093, 27, 1857, 27, 1036, 642, 15, 26, 1976, 21980, 2950, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 1976, 2031, 24854, 187, 3220, 4891, 1083, 275, 5684, 273, 253, 11051, 7909, 6822, 27, 187, 1147, 2296, 594, 275, 253, 10350, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2693, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 1093, 27, 2950, 27, 3071, 642, 15, 26, 1976, 2385, 26560, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 1976, 29435, 1540, 187, 17475, 1906, 567, 249, 369, 327, 253, 22523, 275, 247, 1643, 643, 3054, 1512, 13, 23822, 266, 9183, 1694, 625, 13008, 4583, 342, 512, 253, 3054, 20184, 323, 13, 1014, 604, 597, 497, 269, 13046, 1502, 670, 352, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2693, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 1093, 27, 2950, 27, 1717, 642, 15, 26, 1976, 2385, 29917, 27, 187, 39204, 320, 3872, 4633, 6273, 651, 557, 257, 925, 3903, 885, 253, 2060, 3054, 15, 380, 1127, 273, 253, 25575, 6831, 369, 326, 1016, 1375, 4850, 247, 1333, 275, 752, 6569, 281, 253, 8083, 347, 247, 2644, 15, 17501, 359, 651, 512, 816, 320, 749, 1498, 850, 281, 752, 253, 952, 273, 5002, 13, 1457, 2816, 13, 285, 6112, 971, 323, 3746, 15, 209, 187, 2042, 368, 2427, 407, 4633, 6273, 275, 1016, 1375, 12417, 13, 3778, 651, 1335, 452, 253, 954, 3054, 285, 1335, 320, 253, 13688, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2693, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 1093, 27, 2504, 27, 1348, 642, 15, 26, 31254, 2227, 2357, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 1976, 2504, 14351, 187, 2369, 344, 24983, 10102, 2191, 342, 253, 4633, 6273, 1512, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2693, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 1093, 27, 2504, 27, 3357, 642, 15, 26, 1976, 2385, 14744, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 1976, 2031, 24854, 187, 42, 1053, 626, 1557, 15, 733, 2789, 9662, 434, 2957, 1014, 625, 5796, 17980, 281, 479, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2693, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 1093, 27, 2385, 27, 1762, 642, 15, 26, 1976, 30910, 2504, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 1976, 2031, 24854, 187, 3726, 452, 642, 16267, 15, 1583, 755, 247, 1959, 7288, 6701, 281, 5002, 15, 3778, 6337, 285, 1270, 4544, 285, 1912, 15, 25412, 342, 352, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2693, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 1093, 27, 2385, 27, 740, 642, 15, 26, 1976, 30910, 2358, 27, 187, 21749, 7909, 6822, 310, 1175, 323, 581, 1921, 27, 8801, 20162, 15, 187, 36, 1005, 2794, 271, 7392, 9320, 273, 5697, 835, 2176, 1827, 5970, 755, 653, 15416, 4768, 253, 10198, 285, 3490, 952, 281, 10138, 15, 187, 20696, 352, 359, 651, 452, 48320, 835, 2280, 8322, 273, 952, 275, 253, 2846, 755, 281, 3490, 952, 3811, 275, 11393, 3672, 752, 281, 513, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2693, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 1093, 27, 2537, 27, 1093, 642, 15, 26, 31254, 2270, 1787, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 1976, 2031, 24854, 187, 248, 42126, 4544, 281, 3330, 253, 4633, 6273, 285, 6747, 858, 288, 12537, 209, 187, 2858, 703, 858, 7168, 253, 6132, 16426, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2693, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 1093, 27, 2537, 27, 1619, 642, 15, 26, 31254, 2270, 3245, 27, 187, 4967, 6403, 626, 597, 15496, 253, 13008, 323, 18020, 13, 16432, 13, 285, 30874, 32, 309, 1599, 1335, 3778, 14896, 533, 352, 1871, 320, 5322, 281, 871, 253, 3242, 2408, 273, 11163, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2693, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 1093, 27, 1235, 27, 1348, 642, 15, 26, 1976, 2537, 25676, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 31254, 2270, 3245, 187, 54, 15559, 3548, 626, 275, 533, 5041, 3548, 626, 512, 275, 2057, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2693, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 1093, 27, 3712, 27, 2125, 642, 15, 26, 1976, 2537, 34277, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 1976, 2031, 24854, 187, 27970, 2181, 4592, 275, 5307, 342, 11301, 1227, 37697, 15, 187, 2598, 2139, 1904, 626, 6729, 434, 2285, 4993, 436, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2693, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 1093, 27, 3583, 27, 3011, 642, 15, 26, 1976, 2537, 34384, 27, 187, 42, 2389, 253, 25575, 6831, 15, 352, 10323, 17839, 1475, 1052, 76, 9676, 28054, 13008, 2427, 4951, 715, 253, 22630, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2693, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 1093, 27, 3357, 27, 2950, 642, 15, 26, 1976, 5388, 3208, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 1976, 2031, 24854, 187, 510, 25575, 6831, 310, 247, 5684, 1411, 23800, 9116, 15, 1723, 13, 253, 1682, 5684, 310, 23800, 5417, 13, 604, 627, 497, 23800, 5417, 309, 1053, 626, 1158, 352, 651, 1056, 247, 3064, 10542, 15, 5220, 368, 452, 281, 8968, 954, 23822, 507, 275, 5002, 403, 973, 6600, 326, 616, 6273, 1912, 626, 2647, 285, 1142, 273, 731, 3164, 1904, 626, 1014, 15105, 281, 6273, 15, 733, 651, 320, 1027, 604, 352, 369, 247, 4633, 6273, 6132, 13, 9662, 812, 452, 1335, 1912, 253, 4633, 6273, 533, 368, 476, 626, 1333, 352, 651, 452, 644, 253, 3242, 1072, 347, 352, 369, 275, 436, 6132, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2693, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 1093, 27, 3357, 27, 2385, 642, 15, 26, 1976, 5388, 2090, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 1976, 2031, 24854, 187, 2042, 368, 564, 342, 4633, 6273, 13, 1698, 3072, 3054, 651, 971, 562, 273, 253, 8083, 13, 2139, 651, 597, 3297, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2693, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 1093, 27, 3439, 27, 2950, 642, 15, 26, 1976, 1235, 20914, 27, 187, 15953, 5135, 266, 790, 15, 1292, 18738, 253, 6132, 906, 310, 581, 273, 253, 7423, 17144, 273, 776, 14483, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2693, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 1093, 27, 2417, 27, 883, 642, 15, 26, 1976, 24333, 1093, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 1976, 2031, 24854, 187, 261, 627, 247, 4839, 344, 476, 5834, 598, 32, 390, 387, 1878, 2810, 253, 8037, 281, 654, 2313, 76, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2693, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 1093, 27, 3011, 27, 2922, 642, 15, 26, 1976, 1235, 39948, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 1976, 2950, 17306, 187, 6506, 604, 368, 13469, 5002, 840, 326, 4850, 8314, 273, 374, 15, 22, 3041, 13008, 323, 9662, 285, 12516, 3778, 6386, 15, 3778, 574, 253, 4633, 6273, 323, 3968, 19734, 5002, 15, 5220, 751, 368, 753, 13, 627, 497, 3164, 9828, 273, 20739, 932, 13423, 275, 2263, 74, 6701, 281, 642, 23800, 5417, 5323, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2693, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 1093, 27, 3011, 27, 1787, 642, 15, 26, 1976, 17013, 3141, 27, 187, 4967, 3548, 626, 13169, 1925, 2568, 15, 831, 310, 12835, 17339, 839, 15, 187, 9917, 755, 35598, 32983, 269, 3544, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2693, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 1093, 27, 3680, 27, 2941, 642, 15, 26, 27496, 740, 3141, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 1976, 2031, 24854, 187, 1394, 1472, 11339, 604, 368, 1158, 4633, 13008, 2647, 275, 776, 14483, 15, 659, 19766, 368, 11339, 479, 89, 338, 356, 13, 368, 1472, 1469, 1728, 15, 187, 84, 486, 436, 11339, 24732, 254, 10739, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2693, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 1093, 27, 3680, 27, 2125, 642, 15, 26, 27496, 740, 2055, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 1976, 2950, 13144, 187, 31, 13467, 7909, 6831, 858, 752, 352, 369, 4158, 281, 513, 407, 776, 3168, 23569, 24593, 187, 39, 17259, 368, 943, 1333, 326, 187, 31, 20810, 13, 6108, 6132, 1453, 281, 2060, 3054, 3977, 281, 16593, 13423, 8333, 275, 253, 530, 15, 52, 15, 2058, 806, 13, 3168, 1821, 342, 2867, 497, 253, 760, 7108, 21774, 11460, 281, 6273, 15, 3918, 11116, 9857, 13, 16928, 273, 2914, 4670, 3767, 13, 6518, 7170, 253, 3569, 3570, 273, 1110, 665, 858, 417, 1211, 2867, 15, 2896, 670, 36525, 13, 954, 3168, 1821, 1293, 2867, 497, 546, 925, 3903, 1701, 15, 1292, 8118, 7108, 13, 2255, 13, 18199, 7108, 13, 1327, 14, 14376, 17999, 285, 7815, 875, 253, 11880, 273, 1283, 285, 3127, 574, 281, 3819, 323, 253, 987, 281, 6273, 275, 436, 2586, 15, 209, 187, 2413, 1358, 39232, 15, 9450, 15, 12312, 16, 442, 24751, 16, 2437, 287, 187, 297, 11310, 16, 15068, 569, 395, 19452, 262, 187, 447, 16, 15068, 569, 16, 70, 9889, 16, 87, 302, 398, 15, 187, 2974, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2693, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 746, 27, 361, 27, 1731, 642, 15, 26, 27496, 1036, 1812, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 27496, 740, 2055, 187, 31, 1439, 37695, 2659, 187, 31, 1439, 1146, 3168, 187, 1147, 434, 751, 368, 1472, 2806, 390, 1633, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2693, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 746, 27, 361, 27, 3208, 642, 15, 26, 27496, 1166, 3011, 27, 187, 2042, 253, 6273, 369, 4425, 327, 253, 4633, 6273, 13, 344, 651, 452, 2986, 66, 1300, 323, 253, 4633, 6273, 15, 17814, 13, 1097, 7123, 13, 275, 5536, 4797, 285, 2502, 3054, 651, 452, 1705, 562, 15, 733, 651, 512, 320, 4336, 1027, 285, 352, 434, 41690, 281, 1158, 670, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2693, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 746, 27, 520, 27, 2904, 642, 15, 26, 27496, 1093, 1010, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 1976, 2031, 24854, 187, 2369, 1039, 281, 2028, 665, 651, 3330, 247, 4633, 6273, 6132, 15, 253, 46232, 8130, 651, 452, 644, 9106, 1027, 15, 23822, 507, 275, 591, 785, 4797, 3054, 824, 347, 1724, 4729, 285, 31804, 10693, 15105, 281, 1614, 562, 347, 352, 310, 1580, 253, 14512, 403, 594, 1698, 281, 19153, 253, 1375, 285, 12008, 26620, 15, 29154, 10693, 28860, 281, 6947, 667, 673, 627, 347, 973, 1580, 352, 651, 320, 247, 8138, 273, 673, 15, 275, 247, 4633, 6273, 6132, 344, 651, 452, 5262, 247, 2257, 625, 673, 275, 841, 3054, 285, 253, 46430, 651, 320, 2169, 275, 591, 785, 2502, 285, 591, 785, 4797, 3054, 1580, 253, 2060, 6273, 8213, 625, 15, 187, 783, 4803, 497, 5821, 281, 1078, 253, 6132, 3053, 15, 642, 1127, 2372, 7695, 670, 731, 1024, 535, 187, 31005, 71, 356, 313, 5092, 11167, 18832, 28, 85, 48733, 253, 29154, 10, 1903, 16, 2693, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 746, 27, 520, 27, 1857, 642, 15, 26, 27496, 40853, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 1976, 2031, 24854, 187, 31, 783, 346, 74, 1353, 417, 1469, 281, 15105 ]
Mon)09:08:29 no.172413743: >>172413350 eh, Trump did litterally nothing to obama. He not destroyed at all. Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)09:09:05 no.172413769: >>172413743 Who? Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)09:09:09 no.172413773: >>172413388 Clinton was a Chad back in the day, you can almost see the high school kids here again Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)09:09:24 no.172413794: death to stallposters Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)09:09:29 no.172413800: >>172413546 >be important guy >develop relationships with other important guys Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)09:09:54 no.172413826: >>172413617 He had 6 officers killed by a militant nigger. Guess that changed his mind >>172413704 Test case. They were going to fake some Trump vids and here we go. Authentic Stormy video next? Or will it be the pee tapes acted out? Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)09:09:59 no.172413831: >>172413679 >>172413679 >>172413679 >>172413679 FRESH BAKED BREAD!! >>172413679 >>172413679 >>172413679 >>172413679 GET IN HERE BOYS!! >>172413679 >>172413679 >>172413679 >>172413679 Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)09:10:03 no.172413838: >>172413505 >Tribe The fact that it sounds so fake is more jewish than any "Yemuel Goldsteinbergmanowitz" kind of name. Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)09:10:07 no.172413844: >>172413479 How about the police do their fucking job instead of grabbing guns? How about the Police give up THEIR guns more Americans are shot by police than all the mass shooters combined Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)09:10:35 no.172413876: >>172413743 He annihilated Obama's legacy to the point where even Obama's supporters cant name anything he did (except Obamacare) Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)09:10:48 no.172413891: >>172413546 >trump as a business man should be enemies with powerful politicians Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)09:11:46 no.172413940: >>172413561 OH FUCK OH FUCK OH FUCK OH FUCK Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)09:12:44 no.172414008: >>172411921 So he outed himself in a tweet before even being named. Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)09:15:10 no.172414163: >>172413064 You just cant buy them I'm pretty sure your parent can "buy" one for you its just under there name Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)09:15:28 no.172414177: >>172413505 Except all this happened before the Australian embassy allegedly told the FBI its suspicions of Russian interference. You know, that thing that supposedly triggered that "counter espionage" investigation Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)09:17:38 no.172414292: >>172413000 Well this just saved her father the trouble of honor killing her when she refused to marry some 50 year old guy her parents arranged for her. Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)09:20:55 no.172414502: >>172412601 Her opinions are retarded but agree used to be pretty damn hot, wow. Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)09:27:17 no.172414903: >>172413505 >We're protecting the candidate. >No need to tell the candidate about it. >Oops our agents talk shit about him constantly over texts. Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)09:28:04 no.172414964: >>172411672 >thinking this glorious flag is a "call for violence" nigger, I just want independence from this god damn yankee nation, and that's a good thing. Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)09:31:29 no.172415174: >>172413350 Pretty sure he just did Jeb! because it was funny. Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)09:31:32 no.172415177: >>172412901 Kake news? Like kike + fake news? <|endoftext|>Anonymous 11/30/18(Fri)13:48:02 no.195149489: wtf is going on in society? Anonymous 11/30/18(Fri)13:50:02 no.195149682: >>195149489 Decay, soon rebirth. Anonymous 11/30/18(Fri)14:01:19 no.195150713: >>195149489 Warning: feels are to be expected Anonymous 11/30/18(Fri)14:02:07 no.195150792: >>195149682 Says who? We’ll all die Anonymous 11/30/18(Fri)14:03:07 no.195150899: >>195149489 >Decay, Absolutely >soon rebirth. I won't live to see it. Anonymous 11/30/18(Fri)14:03:37 no.195150941: >radio in the current year Anonymous 11/30/18(Fri)14:04:12 no.195151003: >>195149489 As one of the last ten people listening to FM radio this is a tragedy. Anonymous 11/30/18(Fri)14:06:09 no.195151189: Nothing is wrong with society. Anonymous 11/30/18(Fri)14:28:07 no.195153230: >>195151189 You deserve death for posting this. Anonymous 11/30/18(Fri)14:29:58 no.195153406: >>195149489 Was it the station Ed Powell works at? Anonymous 11/30/18(Fri)14:31:26 no.195153532: >>195153230 Agreed. No (You) for him. Anonymous 11/30/18(Fri)14:31:40 no.195153555: >>195151189 what the FUCK lol people seriously do this Anonymous 11/30/18(Fri)14:32:07 no.195153597: >>195151189 Anonymous 11/30/18(Fri)14:32:26 no.195153631: >>195149489 Your society on feminism, lgbt and PC. It used to be more quarantined where even normies and regular liberals laughed at it. Now it's what communism was in Stalin's USSR. It's consumed every aspect of life and literally nobody hasn't been affected by it. Things are absolutely about to snap. Anonymous 11/30/18(Fri)14:33:22 no.195153717: >>195151189 What is that red shit falling out of their asshole? Anonymous 11/30/18(Fri)14:34:27 no.195153801: >>195149489 society went cold on the inside Anonymous 11/30/18(Fri)14:35:59 no.195153943: >>195150792 The weak. The dependent. The stupid. The brainwashed, will die And maybe I will too. But not without a good fight. 10 white men, agreed upon and committed to their course, planned thoroughly and executed, could take on hundreds of shitskins. Anonymous 11/30/18(Fri)14:44:58 no.195154738: >>195153717 their rectum Anonymous 11/30/18(Fri)14:52:03 no.195155339: >>195154738 Rectum? Damn near killed him Anonymous 11/30/18(Fri)14:52:23 no.195155365: >>195154738 >>195155339 #WrektUm Anonymous 11/30/18(Fri)15:03:09 no.195156278: >>195149489 Welcome to Weimerica, where you can't play "Baby it's Cold Outside" on the radio, but you can access
[ 9304, 10, 2693, 27, 2904, 27, 1717, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 15497, 3079, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 14380, 1235, 187, 11430, 13, 3778, 858, 30653, 595, 2717, 281, 691, 2902, 15, 754, 417, 11069, 387, 512, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2693, 27, 2693, 27, 1762, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 15497, 2090, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 15497, 3079, 187, 7883, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2693, 27, 2693, 27, 2693, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 1012, 40761, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 1012, 25085, 187, 2019, 8185, 369, 247, 34884, 896, 275, 253, 1388, 13, 368, 476, 2761, 923, 253, 1029, 2143, 5753, 1060, 969, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2693, 27, 2693, 27, 1348, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 1012, 38184, 27, 187, 26975, 281, 29282, 5996, 398, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2693, 27, 2693, 27, 1717, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 1012, 10695, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 13743, 2950, 187, 31, 1257, 1774, 5599, 187, 31, 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23531, 20466, 6328, 4672, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 1012, 26233, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 1012, 26233, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 1012, 26233, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 1012, 26233, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2693, 27, 740, 27, 2941, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 15148, 1839, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 1012, 18550, 187, 31, 53, 29798, 187, 510, 958, 326, 352, 7835, 594, 15223, 310, 625, 15589, 763, 685, 667, 346, 58, 358, 3814, 7284, 6339, 4978, 1342, 29384, 3, 2238, 273, 1416, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2693, 27, 740, 27, 2922, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 15148, 2031, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 1012, 28757, 187, 2347, 670, 253, 3513, 513, 616, 12835, 2628, 3185, 273, 37301, 11942, 32, 187, 2347, 670, 253, 9651, 1918, 598, 3003, 3027, 11942, 625, 7108, 403, 5103, 407, 3513, 685, 512, 253, 2280, 5310, 398, 5678, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2693, 27, 740, 27, 1671, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 1012, 35432, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 15497, 3079, 187, 1328, 26262, 31718, 6729, 434, 17646, 281, 253, 1127, 835, 1014, 6729, 434, 14501, 16216, 1416, 2712, 344, 858, 313, 16829, 39193, 10, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2693, 27, 740, 27, 2385, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 1012, 36793, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 13743, 2950, 187, 31, 1206, 1765, 347, 247, 2136, 637, 943, 320, 13948, 342, 6422, 13557, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2693, 27, 883, 27, 2950, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 15270, 1449, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 1012, 41081, 187, 8575, 401, 36746, 20492, 401, 36746, 20492, 401, 36746, 20492, 401, 36746, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2693, 27, 805, 27, 2031, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 1047, 8897, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 12115, 1797, 187, 2598, 344, 562, 264, 2994, 275, 247, 15975, 1078, 1014, 1146, 4907, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2693, 27, 1010, 27, 740, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 1047, 18121, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 11246, 1540, 187, 1394, 816, 16216, 4489, 731, 309, 1353, 3965, 2119, 634, 2885, 476, 346, 36261, 3, 581, 323, 368, 697, 816, 762, 627, 1416, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2693, 27, 1010, 27, 1619, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 1047, 15907, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 1012, 18550, 187, 33086, 512, 436, 4592, 1078, 253, 9943, 34202, 14163, 2183, 253, 12578, 697, 44873, 273, 7247, 11689, 15, 209, 187, 1394, 871, 13, 326, 2181, 326, 24628, 17142, 326, 346, 20285, 17985, 49093, 3, 5839, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2693, 27, 1166, 27, 1839, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 1047, 27122, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 1012, 933, 187, 4497, 436, 816, 9809, 617, 3392, 253, 7596, 273, 10390, 9811, 617, 672, 703, 9284, 281, 17129, 690, 2456, 807, 1711, 5599, 617, 4651, 10912, 323, 617, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2693, 27, 938, 27, 2417, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 1047, 28873, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 13381, 520, 187, 10759, 11626, 403, 48101, 533, 5194, 908, 281, 320, 3965, 15229, 3511, 13, 39361, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2693, 27, 1630, 27, 1166, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 1047, 36814, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 1012, 18550, 187, 31, 1231, 1472, 15233, 253, 7431, 15, 187, 31, 2302, 878, 281, 2028, 253, 7431, 670, 352, 15, 187, 31, 48, 2695, 776, 6083, 2312, 10739, 670, 779, 11485, 689, 17438, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2693, 27, 1619, 27, 2125, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 16717, 1540, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 883, 31436, 187, 31, 37341, 436, 28548, 7908, 310, 247, 346, 4065, 323, 7217, 3, 187, 79, 16046, 13, 309, 816, 971, 14275, 432, 436, 7122, 15229, 340, 266, 19719, 5674, 13, 285, 326, 434, 247, 1175, 2181, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2693, 27, 2405, 27, 1717, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 1010, 18804, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 14380, 1235, 187, 41774, 2119, 344, 816, 858, 500, 2275, 2, 984, 352, 369, 11755, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2693, 27, 2405, 27, 1237, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 1010, 15907, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 13482, 520, 187, 44, 640, 3668, 32, 187, 9817, 465, 2804, 559, 15223, 3668, 32, 2756, 50279, 45545, 1903, 16, 1229, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1012, 27, 2385, 27, 2640, 642, 15, 17726, 16717, 30452, 27, 187, 88, 16114, 310, 1469, 327, 275, 5948, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1229, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1012, 27, 1235, 27, 2640, 642, 15, 17726, 16717, 35488, 27, 187, 5064, 17726, 16717, 30452, 187, 9150, 333, 13, 3517, 6142, 12769, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1229, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1047, 27, 520, 27, 746, 642, 15, 17726, 1010, 2922, 1012, 27, 187, 5064, 17726, 16717, 30452, 187, 3614, 1358, 90, 483, 86, 15, 1257, 16, 24, 31309, 43, 24, 466, 64, 90, 32162, 187, 24979, 27, 9193, 403, 281, 320, 3264, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1229, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1047, 27, 2640, 27, 2922, 642, 15, 17726, 8970, 39282, 27, 187, 5064, 17726, 16717, 35488, 187, 52, 698, 665, 32, 844, 457, 620, 512, 3150, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1229, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1047, 27, 2941, 27, 2922, 642, 15, 17726, 1010, 2904, 1525, 27, 187, 5064, 17726, 16717, 30452, 187, 31, 9150, 333, 13, 187, 48462, 209, 187, 31, 38753, 6142, 12769, 15, 187, 42, 1912, 626, 3153, 281, 923, 352, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1229, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1047, 27, 2941, 27, 1787, 642, 15, 17726, 1010, 2693, 3156, 27, 187, 31, 25337, 275, 253, 1655, 807, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1229, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1047, 27, 2125, 27, 805, 642, 15, 17726, 1010, 2313, 20, 27, 187, 5064, 17726, 16717, 30452, 187, 1909, 581, 273, 253, 1390, 3578, 952, 11298, 281, 20160, 5553, 436, 310, 247, 22820, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1229, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1047, 27, 3071, 27, 2693, 642, 15, 17726, 1010, 883, 2511, 27, 187, 16440, 310, 3430, 342, 5948, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1229, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1047, 27, 1619, 27, 2922, 642, 15, 17726, 1010, 1237, 1229, 27, 187, 5064, 17726, 1010, 883, 2511, 187, 1394, 17337, 2471, 323, 16920, 436, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1229, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1047, 27, 1717, 27, 3680, 642, 15, 17726, 16271, 24854, 27, 187, 5064, 17726, 16717, 30452, 187, 18412, 352, 253, 4660, 3619, 27286, 2987, 387, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1229, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1047, 27, 2405, 27, 1731, 642, 15, 17726, 1010, 1671, 1237, 27, 187, 5064, 17726, 1010, 1237, 1229, 187, 8903, 22767, 15, 1621, 313, 1394, 10, 323, 779, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1229, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1047, 27, 2405, 27, 1449, 642, 15, 17726, 1010, 1671, 2417, 27, 187, 5064, 17726, 1010, 883, 2511, 187, 5371, 253, 401, 36746, 23385, 187, 13174, 10369, 513, 436, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1229, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1047, 27, 1237, 27, 2922, 642, 15, 17726, 1010, 1671, 4148, 27, 187, 5064, 17726, 1010, 883, 2511, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1229, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1047, 27, 1237, 27, 1731, 642, 15, 17726, 1010, 1812, 2405, 27, 187, 5064, 17726, 16717, 30452, 187, 7093, 5948, 327, 48832, 13, 298, 72, 2612, 285, 5578, 15, 733, 908, 281, 320, 625, 41165, 967, 835, 1014, 5222, 447, 285, 3963, 36025, 12918, 387, 352, 15, 3954, 352, 434, 752, 48709, 369, 275, 29161, 434, 48727, 15, 733, 434, 17017, 1046, 4809, 273, 1495, 285, 12832, 12445, 11210, 626, 644, 5876, 407, 352, 15, 187, 32244, 403, 8839, 670, 281, 14496, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1229, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1047, 27, 1610, 27, 1423, 642, 15, 17726, 1010, 1787, 1166, 27, 187, 5064, 17726, 1010, 883, 2511, 187, 1276, 310, 326, 2502, 10739, 10805, 562, 273, 616, 40889, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1229, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1047, 27, 1706, 27, 1630, 642, 15, 17726, 1010, 1839, 520, 27, 187, 5064, 17726, 16717, 30452, 187, 84, 4078, 2427, 5412, 327, 253, 3304, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1229, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1047, 27, 1671, 27, 3046, 642, 15, 17726, 1010, 1867, 3079, 27, 187, 5064, 17726, 8970, 39282, 187, 510, 5075, 15, 380, 7976, 15, 380, 11339, 15, 380, 3998, 47690, 13, 588, 3150, 209, 187, 1898, 5046, 309, 588, 1512, 15, 1292, 417, 1293, 247, 1175, 3819, 15, 187, 740, 3168, 1821, 13, 5821, 2220, 285, 7730, 281, 616, 2282, 13, 9355, 16575, 285, 11407, 13, 812, 1379, 327, 8307, 273, 439, 953, 7232, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1229, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1047, 27, 2031, 27, 3680, 642, 15, 17726, 1010, 2504, 1839, 27, 187, 5064, 17726, 1010, 1787, 1166, 187, 14094, 9004, 360, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1229, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1047, 27, 3583, 27, 2941, 642, 15, 17726, 15054, 23688, 27, 187, 5064, 17726, 1010, 2504, 1839, 187, 17229, 360, 32, 12304, 79, 2822, 5339, 779, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1229, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1047, 27, 3583, 27, 1508, 642, 15, 17726, 15054, 22359, 27, 187, 5064, 17726, 1010, 2504, 1839, 187, 5064, 17726, 15054, 23688, 187, 4, 56, 250, 5751, 26186, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1229, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1010, 27, 2941, 27, 2693, 642, 15, 17726, 16198, 24803, 27, 187, 5064, 17726, 16717, 30452, 187, 21096, 281, 844, 7438, 3737, 13, 835, 368, 476, 626, 1132, 346, 44480, 352, 434, 20754, 35469, 3, 327, 253, 5553, 13, 533, 368, 476, 2289 ]
: >>126417602 The politically correct version of /pol/ Anonymous 05/21/17(Sun)05:22:13 no.126418490: >>126417566 Just leave this here. Anonymous 05/21/17(Sun)05:22:43 no.126418532: >>126418004 And how do you like the content? >>126417602 Go have a visit. It's dank >>126417846 Like this board doesn't? This board is 99% Trump supporters Anonymous 05/21/17(Sun)05:23:56 no.126418605: probably 90% of "pepe le centipede MAGA" posters of /pol/ go there. reddit is a huge site and has a much bigger stage than this autism swamp. any big internet action relating to Donald Trump is credited to this subreddit rather than /pol/, because they are more influential and have far more reach. however, they are autists all the same. their sub is completely devoted to drama. whether it's drama with mainstream reddit or their own mods. they're a bunch of fags desu Anonymous 05/21/17(Sun)05:26:14 no.126418750: >>126418532 I'm speaking to the faggots on this board who have flooded the board with this shit. Not all of us obsess over Trump, or even America. Even Brit/pol/ is retarded. I think /pol/ should be an all text board like the news boards were, and let these shitters move over to /bant/ and /int/ where they belong. Anonymous 05/21/17(Sun)05:27:33 no.126418829: >>126418605 What's your intention here? What's the point of going there, if we are here? Anonymous 05/21/17(Sun)05:27:43 no.126418843: >>126418605 So why do you stay here? Anonymous 05/21/17(Sun)05:29:22 no.126418934: >any big internet action relating to Donald Trump is credited to this subreddit rather than /pol/, State your facts. You cannot quantify the effect 4chan has. Anonymous 05/21/17(Sun)05:30:13 no.126418985: >>126417566 Just checked out reddit. A bukkake gangbang is apparently ok for the top of the website but conservative opinions are not. I also got banned from the socialism board in 30 seconds for being a national socialist. Anonymous 05/21/17(Sun)05:31:32 no.126419066: >>126417566 >using plebbit Anonymous 05/21/17(Sun)05:31:41 no.126419073: >>126417566 The one and only time I ever visited that ceespool was when Trump himself did an AMA there and it was completely autistic where he only addressed like 3 questions with one sentence answers Anonymous 05/21/17(Sun)05:32:27 no.126419124: >>126418532 >/pol/ isn't just ironic shitposting and sincerely supports trump newfags actually believe this Anonymous 05/21/17(Sun)05:34:23 no.126419236: >>126419066 >using anything but 4chan Anonymous 05/21/17(Sun)05:39:23 no.126419534: >>126419236 /thread Anonymous 05/21/17(Sun)05:39:53 no.126419572: >>126417566 Bruh reddit is fucking normie cancer Anonymous 05/21/17(Sun)05:40:36 no.126419615: >>126418750 It's there other way around. We have colonised Reddit and infiltrated their admin circle Anonymous 05/21/17(Sun)05:42:00 no.126419730: >>126417566 I uses to go when I thought they weren't serious and everyone was just shitposting and in on each other's jokes. I stopped a long time ago when I I realised they were, in fact, serious. Anonymous 05/21/17(Sun)05:49:01 no.126420170: >>126419730 At one point do you realize that /pol/ is no longer satire? Anonymous 05/21/17(Sun)05:55:30 no.126420616: >>126418829 >>126418843 I was here for years, now just check in once in a while. Anonymous 05/21/17(Sun)05:59:40 no.126420864: >>126418004 I haven't browsed reddit for like 2-3 years, since r european was removed. Reddit wrecks my phone, chans doesn't. The problem with reddit is shills have immense power to shape opinions due to how early votes work and stupid sheep voting in general Let it all die. Anonymous 05/21/17(Sun)06:11:03 no.126421588: >>126420864 How does Reddit destroy your phone? Don't use the official app Anonymous 05/21/17(Sun)06:49:20 no.126424007: >>126421588 It just lags horribly most times. I could make it work with some app, but I'm senile for new things Anonymous 05/21/17(Sun)07:39:00 no.126427717: >>126417566 best board on reddit. Anonymous 05/21/17(Sun)07:53:31 no.126428612: >>126420170 says the fucking 12 year old autist thinking that pepe helped Trump to become president. Ffs gtfo, you infidel. The_walnut is a huge circlejerk and echo chamber for right wing pepe retardation and any contradicting opinions get banned. You get cucked so hard in there, that you forget how to defend your talking points, because everyone agrees with you and any other opinions are silenced. gtfo <|endoftext|>Anonymous 04/06/17(Thu)17:42:42 no.119799779: Did they put something in the weed to make you forget? For years particularly around for 8 years my memory progressively got worse to the point where I can forget things within seconds. Does anyone else have these issues? It really concerns the fuck out of me.. There has got to be something in the weed Anonymous 04/06/17(Thu)17:44:16 no.119799972: >>119799779 Nah cunt. You're just burnt. I smoked through 20+ pounds in 5 years. Took my brain 2 years of being sober to get back to normal. Anonymous 04/06/17(Thu)17:47:44 no.119800408: >>119799779 No, dipshit. Cannaboids bind to lipids (fat). Guess what your brain is made of, that's right, mostly fat. Your short-term memory is shot because there are literally residual molecules blocking your neurons and synapses. Lay off the pot for about 6 months and see how you feel. Pot isn't a terribly dangerous drug, but it does have side effects for chronic users, and this is one of them. Anonymous 04/06/17(Thu)17:52:25 no.119801061: >>119799972 >>119800408 But weed is natural <|endoftext|>Anonymous 10/31/16(Mon)19:38:20 no.95440779: Jeb surge thread? Jeb surge thread. Anonymous 10/31/16(Mon)19:40:09 no.95441000: >>95440779 >Sorry you got mixed up in this Trump, but the truth is... the game was rigged from the start. Anonymous 10/31/16(Mon)19:40:53 no.95441107: >>95440779 >Not using ¿Jeb surge thread? Anonymous 10/31/16(Mon)19:43:11 no.95441448: I got my Guaca Bowle!!! Anonymous 10/31/16(Mon)19:44:48 no.95441655: I miss jeb. Anonymous 10/31/16(Mon)19:46:40 no.95441915: Jeb is the icari shinji of presidential campaign Hilary is ayanami, she is an empty husk that only obeys her masters and will cause the end of the world. Trump is asuka Anonymous 10/31/16(Mon)19:48:21 no.95442144: I wonder if he is sat at home, wrapped in a blanket with a toy turtle and some coco while browsing these threads. Feeling happy
[ 27, 187, 5064, 805, 1540, 1166, 31459, 187, 510, 23075, 3451, 2715, 273, 1227, 4818, 16, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1762, 27, 1423, 27, 1012, 642, 15, 805, 1540, 19105, 2270, 27, 187, 5064, 805, 1540, 14840, 2526, 187, 6300, 3553, 436, 1060, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1762, 27, 1423, 27, 3079, 642, 15, 805, 1540, 17786, 1237, 27, 187, 5064, 805, 1540, 1093, 5525, 187, 1898, 849, 513, 368, 751, 253, 2600, 32, 187, 5064, 805, 1540, 1166, 31459, 187, 6826, 452, 247, 4143, 15, 733, 434, 277, 1164, 187, 5064, 805, 1540, 1166, 34938, 187, 9817, 436, 4450, 2506, 626, 32, 831, 4450, 310, 8688, 6, 3778, 14501, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1762, 27, 1508, 27, 3208, 642, 15, 805, 1540, 1093, 20954, 27, 187, 31330, 5091, 6, 273, 346, 365, 365, 458, 1399, 532, 13616, 40070, 34, 3, 32482, 273, 1227, 4818, 16, 564, 627, 15, 209, 187, 433, 22940, 310, 247, 5699, 2670, 285, 556, 247, 1199, 8750, 3924, 685, 436, 27734, 44195, 15, 667, 1943, 8573, 2250, 12600, 281, 10053, 3778, 310, 26873, 281, 436, 749, 433, 22940, 2581, 685, 1227, 4818, 40391, 984, 597, 403, 625, 20803, 285, 452, 2080, 625, 3986, 15, 209, 187, 35529, 13, 597, 403, 1125, 1346, 512, 253, 1072, 15, 616, 749, 310, 4336, 16222, 281, 14562, 15, 1880, 352, 434, 14562, 342, 17068, 28159, 262, 390, 616, 1211, 771, 84, 15, 597, 1472, 247, 12190, 273, 269, 3544, 711, 86, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1762, 27, 1731, 27, 1047, 642, 15, 805, 1540, 17306, 1235, 27, 187, 5064, 805, 1540, 17786, 1237, 187, 42, 1353, 8288, 281, 253, 269, 13046, 1502, 327, 436, 4450, 665, 452, 33913, 253, 4450, 342, 436, 10739, 15, 187, 3650, 512, 273, 441, 37562, 689, 3778, 13, 390, 1014, 3968, 15, 187, 9586, 3616, 16, 4818, 16, 310, 48101, 15, 187, 42, 1158, 1227, 4818, 16, 943, 320, 271, 512, 2505, 4450, 751, 253, 3668, 16431, 497, 13, 285, 1339, 841, 10739, 1336, 2118, 689, 281, 1227, 67, 386, 16, 285, 1227, 565, 16, 835, 597, 5663, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1762, 27, 1630, 27, 1610, 642, 15, 805, 1540, 17599, 1717, 27, 187, 5064, 805, 1540, 1093, 20954, 187, 1276, 434, 634, 8208, 1060, 32, 1737, 434, 253, 1127, 273, 1469, 627, 13, 604, 359, 403, 1060, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1762, 27, 1630, 27, 3079, 642, 15, 805, 1540, 1093, 38119, 27, 187, 5064, 805, 1540, 1093, 20954, 187, 2598, 2139, 513, 368, 3297, 1060, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1762, 27, 1717, 27, 1423, 642, 15, 805, 1540, 18359, 1706, 27, 187, 31, 1279, 1943, 8573, 2250, 12600, 281, 10053, 3778, 310, 26873, 281, 436, 749, 433, 22940, 2581, 685, 1227, 4818, 40391, 187, 5443, 634, 5441, 15, 1422, 2550, 22048, 253, 1055, 577, 2291, 556, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1762, 27, 1229, 27, 1012, 642, 15, 805, 1540, 18359, 2227, 27, 187, 5064, 805, 1540, 14840, 2526, 187, 6300, 10141, 562, 28159, 262, 15, 187, 34, 1081, 14750, 640, 10821, 67, 606, 310, 8505, 8718, 323, 253, 1755, 273, 253, 4422, 533, 11518, 11626, 403, 417, 15, 209, 187, 42, 671, 1694, 20374, 432, 253, 38384, 4450, 275, 1884, 7253, 323, 1146, 247, 3872, 30177, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1762, 27, 2405, 27, 1237, 642, 15, 805, 1540, 16129, 2526, 27, 187, 5064, 805, 1540, 14840, 2526, 187, 31, 5302, 2318, 67, 2713, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1762, 27, 2405, 27, 3156, 642, 15, 805, 1540, 746, 40991, 27, 187, 5064, 805, 1540, 14840, 2526, 187, 510, 581, 285, 760, 673, 309, 2455, 11580, 326, 2636, 265, 10730, 369, 672, 3778, 2994, 858, 271, 329, 3788, 627, 285, 352, 369, 4336, 1125, 2531, 835, 344, 760, 9713, 751, 495, 3533, 342, 581, 6197, 9172, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1762, 27, 1237, 27, 1630, 642, 15, 805, 1540, 746, 13397, 27, 187, 5064, 805, 1540, 17786, 1237, 187, 38271, 4818, 16, 3548, 626, 816, 40066, 10739, 5996, 272, 285, 43001, 8525, 29154, 187, 1826, 71, 3544, 2686, 2868, 436, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1762, 27, 1706, 27, 1508, 642, 15, 805, 1540, 746, 21358, 27, 187, 5064, 805, 1540, 16129, 2526, 187, 31, 5302, 2712, 533, 577, 2291, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1762, 27, 1867, 27, 1508, 642, 15, 805, 1540, 17726, 1706, 27, 187, 5064, 805, 1540, 746, 21358, 187, 16, 11972, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1762, 27, 1867, 27, 3357, 642, 15, 805, 1540, 35364, 19, 27, 187, 5064, 805, 1540, 14840, 2526, 187, 49157, 73, 28159, 262, 310, 12835, 5222, 466, 2923, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1762, 27, 1449, 27, 1812, 642, 15, 805, 1540, 19196, 1010, 27, 187, 5064, 805, 1540, 17306, 1235, 187, 1147, 434, 627, 643, 1039, 1475, 15, 187, 1231, 452, 6769, 1701, 39714, 285, 23608, 456, 616, 14991, 9096, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1762, 27, 2945, 27, 361, 642, 15, 805, 1540, 18493, 1229, 27, 187, 5064, 805, 1540, 14840, 2526, 187, 42, 4648, 281, 564, 672, 309, 1869, 597, 10345, 626, 4092, 285, 4130, 369, 816, 10739, 5996, 272, 285, 275, 327, 1016, 643, 434, 26984, 15, 309, 6331, 247, 1048, 673, 3622, 672, 309, 309, 25436, 597, 497, 13, 275, 958, 13, 4092, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1762, 27, 2537, 27, 520, 642, 15, 805, 1540, 1252, 1967, 27, 187, 5064, 805, 1540, 18493, 1229, 187, 3404, 581, 1127, 513, 368, 8968, 326, 1227, 4818, 16, 310, 642, 3356, 2206, 603, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1762, 27, 2417, 27, 1229, 642, 15, 805, 1540, 18040, 1036, 27, 187, 5064, 805, 1540, 17599, 1717, 187, 5064, 805, 1540, 1093, 38119, 187, 42, 369, 1060, 323, 1107, 13, 1024, 816, 2451, 275, 2378, 275, 247, 1223, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1762, 27, 3046, 27, 1449, 642, 15, 805, 1540, 17391, 1540, 27, 187, 5064, 805, 1540, 1093, 5525, 187, 42, 6468, 626, 6479, 15690, 28159, 262, 323, 751, 374, 14, 20, 1107, 13, 1580, 391, 19454, 266, 369, 5176, 15, 39714, 259, 2845, 661, 619, 4481, 13, 448, 507, 2506, 626, 15, 187, 510, 1895, 342, 28159, 262, 310, 439, 3171, 452, 24878, 1612, 281, 5281, 11626, 1955, 281, 849, 2393, 13008, 789, 285, 11339, 16396, 13423, 275, 2087, 187, 1281, 352, 512, 3150, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 3071, 27, 883, 27, 2941, 642, 15, 805, 1540, 21351, 2055, 27, 187, 5064, 805, 1540, 17391, 1540, 187, 2347, 1057, 39714, 6909, 634, 4481, 32, 5037, 626, 897, 253, 3565, 622, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 3071, 27, 2537, 27, 938, 642, 15, 805, 1540, 1348, 7931, 27, 187, 5064, 805, 1540, 21351, 2055, 187, 1147, 816, 298, 3544, 3499, 23522, 954, 2069, 15, 309, 812, 1056, 352, 789, 342, 690, 622, 13, 533, 309, 1353, 5303, 587, 323, 747, 1841, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 2922, 27, 1867, 27, 361, 642, 15, 805, 1540, 23545, 1166, 27, 187, 5064, 805, 1540, 14840, 2526, 187, 14461, 4450, 327, 28159, 262, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 2922, 27, 3357, 27, 2405, 642, 15, 805, 1540, 23360, 805, 27, 187, 5064, 805, 1540, 1252, 1967, 187, 84, 698, 253, 12835, 1249, 807, 1711, 1125, 382, 4680, 326, 759, 365, 6518, 3778, 281, 2489, 4007, 15, 401, 3671, 305, 85, 4786, 13, 368, 2192, 5735, 15, 187, 510, 64, 18758, 8712, 310, 247, 5699, 9096, 75, 9314, 285, 7392, 9320, 323, 987, 12916, 759, 365, 48112, 285, 667, 17343, 272, 11626, 755, 20374, 15, 1422, 755, 260, 20044, 594, 1892, 275, 627, 13, 326, 368, 7740, 849, 281, 2342, 634, 5015, 2792, 13, 984, 4130, 18726, 342, 368, 285, 667, 643, 11626, 403, 46616, 15, 187, 7332, 4786, 2756, 50279, 45545, 16703, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 1166, 27, 2945, 27, 2945, 642, 15, 12115, 24, 1525, 33727, 27, 187, 8917, 597, 1691, 1633, 275, 253, 32983, 281, 1056, 368, 7740, 32, 1198, 1107, 3782, 1475, 323, 854, 1107, 619, 3541, 31414, 1694, 7197, 281, 253, 1127, 835, 309, 476, 7740, 1841, 1561, 7253, 15, 9876, 3780, 2010, 452, 841, 3374, 32, 733, 1663, 7350, 253, 7435, 562, 273, 479, 537, 187, 1707, 556, 1694, 281, 320, 1633, 275, 253, 32983, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 1166, 27, 2031, 27, 1036, 642, 15, 12115, 24, 16742, 3547, 27, 187, 5064, 12115, 24, 1525, 33727, 187, 47, 1240, 260, 2084, 15, 1422, 1472, 816, 31806, 15, 187, 42, 29757, 949, 1384, 12, 12511, 275, 608, 1107, 15, 308, 645, 619, 3998, 374, 1107, 273, 1146, 31864, 281, 755, 896, 281, 2622, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 1166, 27, 2504, 27, 2031, 642, 15, 12115, 10695, 22488, 27, 187, 5064, 12115, 24, 1525, 33727, 187, 2302, 13, 12539, 26871, 15, 29336, 357, 9448, 8980, 281, 26331, 313, 19397, 481, 3262, 405, 752, 634, 3998, 310, 1160, 273, 13, 326, 434, 987, 13, 6571, 4688, 15, 187, 7093, 2159, 14, 3945, 3541, 310, 5103, 984, 627, 403, 12832, 12541, 8094, 14589, 634, 8512, 285, 40041, 15, 31910, 745, 253, 1721, 323, 670, 721, 2607, 285, 923, 849, 368, 1928, 15, 187, 29255, 3548, 626, 247, 30643, 8312, 2854, 13, 533, 352, 1057, 452, 1930, 2538, 323, 6722, 4212, 13, 285, 436, 310, 581, 273, 731, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 1166, 27, 3583, 27, 1099, 642, 15, 12115, 38510, 37545, 27, 187, 5064, 12115, 24, 16742, 3547, 187, 5064, 12115, 10695, 22488, 187, 1989, 32983, 310, 3626, 2756, 50279, 45545, 884, 16, 2405, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 746, 27, 1839, 27, 938, 642, 15, 2222, 31543, 33727, 27, 187, 43, 2275, 12061, 6293, 32, 187, 43, 2275, 12061, 6293, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2405, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 746, 27, 1449, 27, 2693, 642, 15, 2222, 2031, 9138, 27, 187, 5064, 2222, 31543, 33727, 187, 31, 15953, 368, 1694, 6804, 598, 275, 436, 3778, 13, 533, 253, 5083, 310, 1051, 253, 2165, 369, 8132, 2400, 432, 253, 1265, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2405, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 746, 27, 1449, 27, 3357, 642, 15, 2222, 2031, 7749, 24, 27, 187, 5064, 2222, 31543, 33727, 187, 31, 3650, 970, 25769, 43, 2275, 12061, 6293, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2405, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 746, 27, 3079, 27, 883, 642, 15, 2222, 2031, 1047, 2385, 27, 187, 42, 1694, 619, 3262, 20240, 10427, 282, 15844, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2405, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 746, 27, 2031, 27, 2385, 642, 15, 2222, 2031, 1036, 2417, 27, 187, 42, 2985, 480, 2275, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2405, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 746, 27, 2950, 27, 1449, 642, 15, 2222, 2031, 746, 1010, 27, 187, 43, 2275, 310, 253, 17857, 1792, 439, 249, 8020, 273, 12674, 4544, 187, 41, 300, 552, 310, 247, 8202, 7588, 13, 703, 310, 271, 6325, 5424, 76, 326, 760, 691, 70, 656, 617, 26616, 285, 588, 2847, 253, 990, 273, 253, 1533, 15, 187, 18130, 310, 347, 25501, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2405, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 746, 27, 2385, 27, 1797, 642, 15, 2222, 34277, 14231, 27, 187, 42, 4282, 604, 344, 310, 2206, 387, 1728, 13, 15312, 275, 247, 23069, 342, 247, 20953, 45993, 285, 690, 9285, 80, 1223, 33310, 841, 17059, 15, 187, 7510, 8855, 5211 ]
or privileges, which may seem to work... But what happens if the child doesn't want what you offer? Do you offer increasingly tantalizing rewards? You've now got to one-up yourself just to keep your child on par. All very lazy methods, if you ask me. Build a rapport with the child. Don't tell him you don't want him to do something, show him. Bad behavior yields a withdrawn father who is not interested in spending time with you. Good behavior yields a doting father who is interested in everything you're doing. Anonymous 02/26/18(Mon)09:08:11 no.161974574: >>161974416 Thanks Dr (((Lipschitz))) Anonymous 02/26/18(Mon)09:09:41 no.161974665: >>161974416 This. It's not a difficult concept to grasp. Kids want nothing more than the love and attention of their parents. If you take it away from them they feel it on a deep, visceral level. You just withhold it when they are bad and lavish it upon them when they are good. There, you have a well-adjusted and well-behaved child. Obviously this is a simplification but it's not wrong. Anonymous 02/26/18(Mon)09:09:56 no.161974683: >>161973678 I noticed that too. Anonymous 02/26/18(Mon)09:14:52 no.161974968: >>161974416 You should title this "How to create a self entitled brat." Anonymous 02/26/18(Mon)09:16:12 no.161975048: >>161974968 What is your solution? Whip the kid daily? it's easy to poke holes but you haven't even taken a moment to detail your beliefs. Anonymous 02/26/18(Mon)09:18:42 no.161975191: >>161974968 If you met my son, you would think, "wow what a disciplined child. He's so well behaved. Jesus his dad just gave a little whistle and the child heeled like a dog. He must beat him with a switch or something." Anonymous 02/26/18(Mon)09:20:53 no.161975327: >>161972530 I wish your absentee father hit your with a knife in your skull. Please tell me more about how I should discipline my child Mrs Single Nigger Mutt mom. Wacky, the only person who uses that word in regularity are retarded stay at home house moms aka unemployed mutt whores with mutt children, selling their wacky weight loss pills they hope to OD on themselves like Anna Nicole Smith if it means having to never look that failure of a faggot goblin you call your kin in the eyes again. Kill yourself painfully slut. Not even gonna bother with tits or gtfo because no one wants to see deflated dunecoon pancakes. Anonymous 02/26/18(Mon)09:22:59 no.161975467: >>161975191 Only faggots respond to whistles from other men. Nice job on raising the next great twink failure. Anonymous 02/26/18(Mon)09:25:42 no.161975617: >>161971877 I get it. nice. Anonymous 02/26/18(Mon)09:27:27 no.161975734: >>161970064 Seems to me he's mourning on the Rhodesian flag. Which is warranted desu. Anonymous 02/26/18(Mon)09:32:24 no.161976050: When I was 2 or 3, my family and I went to an auction in the deep south. I had to go to the bathroom so my grandmother took me to the ladies room. I was wearing a one piece shirt/pants thing and had to get completely naked to use the bathroom. When I was done, my grandmother let me put my own clothes on. I buttoned the top part first and got so happy and excited that I buttoned something for the first time that I ran out of the bathroom and into the auditorium where the auction was running through the aisles saying "Mommy, I did it, I did it, look" and ran to my mom to show her that I buttoned my shirt my self. Problem was that I was completely naked the waist down, so like 2 thousand people so my 2 year old dick and ass. The auditorium was laughing and awwing at me. So I don't know how old this kid is but if you didn't do childish shit as a kid, you're a retard. Anonymous 02/26/18(Mon)09:32:56 no.161976092: >>161975467 The only thing that can round out your argument now is if you claim that you are hit and you turned out just fine Anonymous 02/26/18(Mon)09:34:33 no.161976201: >>161974416 It's effective as long as you explain the reason they're being spanked, or having their hands smacked. I did both with my kid, and explaining your reasons for why you do things, discipline and rewards is what helps their comprehension and logistics skills grow. Anonymous 02/26/18(Mon)09:35:38 no.161976366: >>161975191 How old? I have 4 kids. Late teens to preteens. Let me know how all of that parental reward stuff goes when he's rebelling against you and wants nothing to do with you. When that time comes you better hope that you have instilled at least a little fear in him or you're in for a rough ride sister. Anonymous 02/26/18(Mon)09:36:42 no.161976439: >>161976050 >was a retarded kid >everyone else is retarded for not being quite so retarded Anonymous 02/26/18(Mon)09:37:57 no.161976510: >>161976439 I wasn't a retard, I was proud, innocent, happy, and lived in a white area. Not so anymore. Anonymous 02/26/18(Mon)09:38:51 no.161976562: >>161976510 No definitely retarded Anonymous 02/26/18(Mon)09:41:08 no.161976721: It's not autism, he just lacks discipline. It's not about hitting the child or anything like that either, all the kid needs to understand is manners and how to act in public with his "important" father. Having his child act like that REPEATEDLY on a foreign visit is ridiculous. <|endoftext|>Anonymous 10/17/16(Mon)15:29:50 no.93360214: Let's see: >Siths always search the truth(redpill). >While jedis support the status quo to evict conflict, siths are anti status quo by default, even if it means conflict. >Jedis have a horde of mindless sheep under the Council control, siths want to be free. >Jedis are a dogmatic order. You cannot doubt the teachings of the order or you'll be expulse. >Jedis are religious fanatical people with dogmas about the force. Siths think the force is just another fount of energy that should be used in their favour. >Siths are people fueled by rage, hate and bitterness. What you think /pol/? Especially the last topic Anonymous 10/17/16(Mon)15:41:17 no.93361799: >>93360214 Siths are mudslimes. Jedis are cucks. Kill yourself. Anonymous 10/17/16(Mon)15:41:26 no.93361819: Yes becausr George Lucas is a freemason and the whole plot is portraying God and absolute morality as the villain and relativistic kikes ie Jewdi as the heroes. Luke killing his father is a metaphor for Lucifer killing God which is the luciferian wet dream. Yoda is based on the demon Mephistopheles of Faust fame. /redpill <|endoftext|>Anonymous 04/26/17(Wed)10:42:52 no.122890325: 7/04/25/study-far-left-right-likely -extreme-sex/ “Having a threesome” and partner-swapping are examples given in the commentary, which highlights that the proportion of swingers amongst far left voters (23 per cent) is more than double the average in France (nine per cent). Other sexual activities favoured by the far left, according to the research, are “encounters which lack any emotional dimension — such as one night stands”, and types of ‘polyamorous’ relationships in which participants each have multiple sexual partners. Anonymous 04/26/17(Wed)10:43:32 no.122890403: >>122890325 science confirms the stereotype Anonymous 04/26/17(Wed)10:44:47 no.12289
[ 390, 25687, 13, 534, 778, 1646, 281, 789, 1051, 1292, 752, 6569, 604, 253, 1429, 2506, 626, 971, 752, 368, 3959, 32, 3166, 368, 3959, 9592, 22602, 267, 3006, 23267, 32, 1422, 1849, 1024, 1694, 281, 581, 14, 484, 4834, 816, 281, 1978, 634, 1429, 327, 1061, 15, 187, 3074, 1077, 22658, 3082, 13, 604, 368, 1642, 479, 15, 187, 10987, 247, 25325, 342, 253, 1429, 15, 5037, 626, 2028, 779, 368, 1053, 626, 971, 779, 281, 513, 1633, 13, 921, 779, 15, 15350, 3879, 11026, 247, 26924, 3392, 665, 310, 417, 6110, 275, 9100, 673, 342, 368, 15, 7088, 3879, 11026, 247, 277, 5341, 3392, 665, 310, 6110, 275, 3253, 368, 1472, 2509, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 1731, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2693, 27, 2904, 27, 883, 642, 15, 1036, 18493, 1857, 3566, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 18493, 2031, 1036, 187, 8061, 3196, 24317, 45, 2824, 37913, 10689, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 1731, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2693, 27, 2693, 27, 3156, 642, 15, 1036, 18493, 2950, 2082, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 18493, 2031, 1036, 187, 1552, 15, 187, 1147, 434, 417, 247, 2834, 4473, 281, 15909, 15, 29219, 971, 2717, 625, 685, 253, 2389, 285, 4116, 273, 616, 4651, 15, 1310, 368, 1379, 352, 1977, 432, 731, 597, 1928, 352, 327, 247, 3676, 13, 37392, 1268, 15, 1422, 816, 342, 4949, 352, 672, 597, 403, 3076, 285, 22874, 763, 352, 2220, 731, 672, 597, 403, 1175, 15, 1707, 13, 368, 452, 247, 973, 14, 23811, 285, 973, 14, 48384, 9367, 1429, 15, 187, 32102, 436, 310, 247, 8077, 1877, 533, 352, 434, 417, 3430, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 1731, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2693, 27, 2693, 27, 3208, 642, 15, 1036, 22062, 38518, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 18493, 1812, 3141, 187, 42, 8344, 326, 1512, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 1731, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2693, 27, 1047, 27, 3583, 642, 15, 1036, 18493, 2537, 2358, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 18493, 2031, 1036, 187, 1394, 943, 4060, 436, 346, 2347, 281, 2794, 247, 1881, 7429, 1308, 255, 449, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 1731, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2693, 27, 1036, 27, 805, 642, 15, 1036, 18493, 1235, 2385, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 18493, 2537, 2358, 187, 1276, 310, 634, 2900, 32, 411, 1456, 253, 5772, 5312, 32, 352, 434, 3477, 281, 2963, 413, 11385, 533, 368, 6468, 626, 1014, 2668, 247, 2774, 281, 2508, 634, 13379, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 1731, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2693, 27, 1093, 27, 2945, 642, 15, 1036, 20778, 22179, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 18493, 2537, 2358, 187, 2042, 368, 1313, 619, 3347, 13, 368, 651, 1158, 13, 346, 88, 319, 752, 247, 48310, 1429, 15, 754, 434, 594, 973, 44944, 15, 7670, 521, 12247, 816, 3534, 247, 1652, 27792, 285, 253, 1429, 344, 17371, 751, 247, 4370, 15, 754, 1364, 7171, 779, 342, 247, 5234, 390, 1633, 449, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 1731, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2693, 27, 938, 27, 3357, 642, 15, 1036, 20778, 20298, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 18493, 1099, 1229, 187, 42, 5730, 634, 12125, 1796, 3392, 4352, 634, 342, 247, 12798, 275, 634, 19567, 15, 7764, 2028, 479, 625, 670, 849, 309, 943, 17518, 619, 1429, 6827, 19757, 427, 16046, 353, 13077, 2243, 15, 411, 471, 90, 13, 253, 760, 1436, 665, 4648, 326, 3159, 275, 31793, 403, 48101, 3297, 387, 1728, 2419, 2243, 84, 38857, 35700, 2873, 85, 665, 373, 342, 2873, 85, 2151, 13, 10156, 616, 259, 471, 90, 2801, 2957, 28123, 597, 3524, 281, 26514, 327, 3746, 751, 16543, 37930, 6212, 604, 352, 2097, 1907, 281, 1620, 1007, 326, 4433, 273, 247, 269, 13046, 302, 564, 1559, 249, 368, 1067, 634, 5708, 275, 253, 2927, 969, 15, 26464, 4834, 46727, 48196, 15, 3105, 1014, 6501, 15105, 342, 246, 953, 390, 305, 85, 4786, 984, 642, 581, 5605, 281, 923, 809, 16148, 44069, 886, 3508, 13785, 1582, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 1731, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2693, 27, 1423, 27, 3046, 642, 15, 1036, 20778, 44598, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 20778, 22179, 187, 11564, 269, 13046, 1502, 3794, 281, 37031, 868, 432, 643, 1821, 15, 29902, 2628, 327, 12976, 253, 1735, 1270, 2500, 750, 4433, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 1731, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2693, 27, 1099, 27, 2945, 642, 15, 1036, 20778, 41830, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 18493, 1093, 2357, 187, 42, 755, 352, 15, 5322, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 1731, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2693, 27, 1630, 27, 1630, 642, 15, 1036, 20778, 24, 1706, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 746, 14744, 1540, 187, 3251, 3030, 281, 479, 344, 434, 43841, 327, 253, 37606, 757, 7908, 15, 6758, 310, 26085, 711, 86, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 1731, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2693, 27, 1237, 27, 1348, 642, 15, 1036, 18493, 1549, 1235, 27, 187, 3039, 309, 369, 374, 390, 495, 13, 619, 2021, 285, 309, 2427, 281, 271, 22685, 275, 253, 3676, 6420, 15, 309, 574, 281, 564, 281, 253, 15336, 594, 619, 20606, 2335, 479, 281, 253, 16901, 2316, 15, 309, 369, 9398, 247, 581, 5313, 14133, 16, 81, 1103, 2181, 285, 574, 281, 755, 4336, 16867, 281, 897, 253, 15336, 15, 2091, 309, 369, 2218, 13, 619, 20606, 1339, 479, 1691, 619, 1211, 10015, 327, 15, 309, 6409, 264, 253, 1755, 629, 806, 285, 1694, 594, 5211, 285, 9049, 326, 309, 6409, 264, 1633, 323, 253, 806, 673, 326, 309, 6337, 562, 273, 253, 15336, 285, 715, 253, 41740, 1514, 835, 253, 22685, 369, 3515, 949, 253, 247, 261, 868, 3981, 346, 24681, 2577, 13, 309, 858, 352, 13, 309, 858, 352, 13, 1007, 3, 285, 6337, 281, 619, 2243, 281, 921, 617, 326, 309, 6409, 264, 619, 14133, 619, 1881, 15, 24016, 369, 326, 309, 369, 4336, 16867, 253, 18106, 1066, 13, 594, 751, 374, 8014, 952, 594, 619, 374, 807, 1711, 33702, 285, 718, 15, 380, 41740, 1514, 369, 17053, 285, 247, 1477, 272, 387, 479, 15, 187, 2598, 309, 1053, 626, 871, 849, 1711, 436, 5772, 310, 533, 604, 368, 1904, 626, 513, 1429, 763, 10739, 347, 247, 5772, 13, 368, 1472, 247, 31832, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 1731, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2693, 27, 1237, 27, 3208, 642, 15, 1036, 18493, 1549, 4529, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 20778, 44598, 187, 510, 760, 2181, 326, 476, 3790, 562, 634, 4154, 1024, 310, 604, 368, 1750, 326, 368, 403, 4352, 285, 368, 3531, 562, 816, 4030, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 1731, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2693, 27, 1706, 27, 1610, 642, 15, 1036, 19813, 1252, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 18493, 2031, 1036, 187, 1147, 434, 3576, 347, 1048, 347, 368, 5513, 253, 1921, 597, 1472, 1146, 653, 43730, 13, 390, 1907, 616, 3564, 924, 16970, 15, 309, 858, 1097, 342, 619, 5772, 13, 285, 15571, 634, 4606, 323, 2139, 368, 513, 1841, 13, 17518, 285, 23267, 310, 752, 7729, 616, 35380, 285, 38238, 6936, 1756, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 1731, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2693, 27, 1671, 27, 1839, 642, 15, 1036, 19813, 25772, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 20778, 22179, 187, 2347, 1711, 32, 309, 452, 577, 5753, 15, 26502, 27517, 281, 638, 442, 561, 15, 1281, 479, 871, 849, 512, 273, 326, 17087, 10921, 5017, 4566, 672, 344, 434, 6142, 3485, 1411, 368, 285, 5605, 2717, 281, 513, 342, 368, 15, 2091, 326, 673, 3249, 368, 1805, 3524, 326, 368, 452, 978, 2591, 387, 1878, 247, 1652, 4709, 275, 779, 390, 368, 1472, 275, 323, 247, 7227, 9549, 7586, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 1731, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2693, 27, 1812, 27, 2945, 642, 15, 1036, 18493, 1540, 1867, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 18493, 1549, 1235, 187, 31, 4238, 247, 48101, 5772, 187, 31, 15160, 531, 2010, 310, 48101, 323, 417, 1146, 3240, 594, 48101, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 1731, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2693, 27, 1787, 27, 3011, 642, 15, 1036, 18493, 2082, 740, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 18493, 1540, 1867, 187, 42, 3589, 626, 247, 31832, 13, 309, 369, 9979, 13, 15377, 13, 5211, 13, 285, 6940, 275, 247, 3168, 2170, 15, 3105, 594, 10542, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 1731, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2693, 27, 1839, 27, 3712, 642, 15, 1036, 18493, 2082, 3763, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 18493, 2082, 740, 187, 2302, 7964, 48101, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 1731, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2693, 27, 3156, 27, 2904, 642, 15, 1036, 18493, 2251, 1797, 27, 187, 1147, 434, 417, 27734, 13, 344, 816, 19756, 17518, 15, 733, 434, 417, 670, 16116, 253, 1429, 390, 2712, 751, 326, 2057, 13, 512, 253, 5772, 3198, 281, 2096, 310, 34323, 285, 849, 281, 769, 275, 1345, 342, 521, 346, 18108, 3, 3392, 15, 209, 187, 18562, 521, 1429, 769, 751, 326, 5689, 3246, 11657, 12715, 327, 247, 5639, 4143, 310, 19082, 15, 2756, 50279, 45545, 884, 16, 1166, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 1010, 27, 1717, 27, 1235, 642, 15, 26, 1610, 1549, 21866, 27, 187, 1466, 434, 923, 27, 187, 31, 52, 334, 84, 1900, 3186, 253, 5083, 9, 433, 81, 408, 481, 187, 31, 6175, 23530, 261, 1329, 253, 3708, 29817, 281, 612, 882, 7344, 13, 256, 334, 84, 403, 3270, 3708, 29817, 407, 4284, 13, 1014, 604, 352, 2097, 7344, 15, 187, 31, 43, 264, 261, 452, 247, 3499, 615, 273, 2564, 1417, 16396, 762, 253, 6456, 1453, 13, 256, 334, 84, 971, 281, 320, 1959, 15, 187, 31, 43, 264, 261, 403, 247, 4370, 33778, 1340, 15, 1422, 2550, 5545, 253, 28480, 273, 253, 1340, 390, 368, 1833, 320, 866, 15748, 15, 187, 31, 43, 264, 261, 403, 7231, 7989, 255, 474, 952, 342, 4370, 6681, 670, 253, 3490, 15, 322, 334, 84, 1158, 253, 3490, 310, 816, 1529, 269, 702, 273, 2341, 326, 943, 320, 908, 275, 616, 9796, 15, 187, 31, 52, 334, 84, 403, 952, 45511, 407, 22324, 13, 9239, 285, 44875, 15, 187, 1276, 368, 1158, 1227, 4818, 22549, 23498, 253, 1390, 9400, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 1166, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 1010, 27, 3156, 27, 1166, 642, 15, 26, 23126, 1166, 1525, 27, 187, 5064, 26, 1610, 1549, 21866, 187, 52, 334, 84, 403, 16059, 3433, 1022, 15, 45490, 261, 403, 260, 9984, 15, 187, 44079, 4834, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 1166, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 1010, 27, 3156, 27, 1731, 642, 15, 26, 23126, 1093, 746, 27, 187, 4374, 791, 666, 83, 6086, 22838, 310, 247, 4107, 358, 1187, 285, 253, 2644, 7484, 310, 18047, 272, 2656, 285, 7880, 28009, 347, 253, 32402, 285, 29100, 465, 13972, 26332, 5679, 5168, 347, 253, 22271, 15, 18247, 9811, 521, 3392, 310, 247, 27294, 323, 10467, 9393, 9811, 2656, 534, 310, 253, 18205, 9393, 757, 9685, 7156, 15, 714, 17457, 310, 1754, 327, 253, 2725, 3189, 545, 382, 37245, 868, 273, 15404, 461, 23898, 15, 209, 187, 16, 433, 81, 408, 2756, 50279, 45545, 16703, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 740, 27, 2945, 27, 3583, 642, 15, 805, 1619, 2270, 25472, 27, 187, 2413, 1358, 2700, 15, 3381, 262, 35292, 15, 681, 16, 77, 4199, 16, 1252, 187, 24, 16, 2125, 16, 1099, 16, 34966, 14, 14103, 14, 1274, 14, 918, 14, 10355, 187, 14, 2068, 4190, 14, 11523, 16, 187, 1628, 18562, 247, 289, 6151, 485, 668, 285, 7832, 14, 2140, 5436, 403, 6667, 1677, 275, 253, 22378, 13, 534, 16681, 326, 253, 8394, 273, 14284, 398, 15995, 2080, 1669, 11163, 313, 1508, 591, 1399, 10, 310, 625, 685, 4021, 253, 3388, 275, 6181, 313, 27248, 591, 1399, 481, 187, 8665, 5615, 4712, 46680, 407, 253, 2080, 1669, 13, 2556, 281, 253, 2561, 13, 403, 773, 2083, 415, 1336, 534, 3480, 667, 8991, 7877, 1905, 824, 347, 581, 2360, 9572, 7521, 285, 3510, 273, 2802, 18372, 312, 11303, 457, 7688, 275, 534, 5014, 1016, 452, 2709, 5615, 10471, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 740, 27, 3079, 27, 1237, 642, 15, 805, 1619, 2270, 25208, 27, 187, 5064, 805, 1619, 2270, 25472, 187, 21559, 23849, 253, 14166, 5174, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 740, 27, 2031, 27, 2504, 642, 15, 805, 24208 ]
: Tim's life is like a sketch from Jam >oo shopper bear welcome Anonymous 08/20/19(Tue)08:59:11 no.223752727: Timothy James Byrne morosely embarking aboard a community bus for his monthly day out. His handler ushers him up the steps - "You're so much better now we've got your medication correct, Mr Byrne". He mumbles in confirmation as a hollow nostalgia stings his dampened soul... Who is Moosey? He looks out the window for the thirty minute journey and doesn't move or say a word. Anonymous 08/20/19(Tue)08:59:11 no.223752728: All these MP's and political officials openly collaborating with foreign governments(primarily "Ireland",Germany and France) to coup de'tat and take over our government should be thrown into a prison cell and charged with high treason and that includes the speaker. Anonymous 08/20/19(Tue)08:59:34 no.223752757: Give me some good news or I'll continue to be pessimistic about the future Anonymous 08/20/19(Tue)08:59:59 no.223752785: >>223752664 People coming to him is the problem, he just wants to be left alone Anonymous 08/20/19(Tue)09:00:16 no.223752811: >>223752678 Just seems a bit weird that if you had such a sick daughter, you would go on holiday to some remote jungle, and then she disappears without any clothes and dies in under a week from'starvation'? It's all very strange. Anonymous 08/20/19(Tue)09:00:37 no.223752833: >>223752682 Anonymous 08/20/19(Tue)09:00:56 no.223752850: >>223752728 Shoot them in the head and throw them in a ditch, today. Anonymous 08/20/19(Tue)09:01:15 no.223752874: >>223752727 That is exactly what will happen if the NHS get their hands on him Anonymous 08/20/19(Tue)09:01:19 no.223752880: >>223752757 events/17848543.keane-announce-inti mate-hometown-show-celebrate-album- release/ Anonymous 08/20/19(Tue)09:01:31 no.223752895: >>223752406 Least im not being cucked by my gf hahaha Anonymous 08/20/19(Tue)09:02:11 no.223752925: > 09/dont-blame-boris-for-the-brexit- backstop-impasse-ireland-leo-varadk ar-dup-northern-ireland-eu-customs/ >Don’t Blame Boris for the Brexit Backstop Impasse > ational/archive/2019/08/why-brexite ers-are-right-about-backstop/595567 / >The Legal Clause That Makes Brexiteers Furious—And Why They Have a Point I'm glad they're are some genuinely principled remoaners, attacking the May's dead deal not just to score political points, and not just because it partially takes the UK out of the EU, (while some people, like Kenneth Clarke, preferring that the UK became a vassal state of the EU than leave in any capacity), but recognizing that the EU is more to blame in the collapse of negotiations than the UK is. When you actually look at the reasons why the EU is insisting on the backstop, they aren't wholly invalid, but not remotely worth the risk of a no-deal, unless the EU actually wants one, or is only willing to have the UK go on terms utterly humiliating and against the principle of Brexit. Anonymous 08/20/19(Tue)09:02:13 no.223752929: last thing a terrorist thug builder sees before death Anonymous 08/20/19(Tue)09:02:38 no.223752957: Is Timmy going to last for the remainder of his tenancy? Anonymous 08/20/19(Tue)09:03:07 no.223752999: >>223752406 >'lost her respect' part. The most attractive attribute a man can have is confidence of conviction. You posting here alone has likely lead to relationship strain in terms of "conflicting opinions". Chances are you sperged at her and used all the trigger words that made her clung dry up. My advice would be to learn to channel aggression. Also do not try to convince a woman of anything, Thats not how its done. You lead by example. Anonymous 08/20/19(Tue)09:03:16 no.223753005: >>223752811 >It's all very strange. yes it is. A wee bit McCann? Anonymous 08/20/19(Tue)09:03:15 no.223753007: Non-gyppo EU citizen here. Moving to East London (pic related) before 31 October. What are my next steps to stay after Brexit? Anonymous 08/20/19(Tue)09:04:37 no.223753102: >>223753007 British citizenship test? Anonymous 08/20/19(Tue)09:04:44 no.223753113: >>223753007 >East London >Britain Anonymous 08/20/19(Tue)09:05:09 no.223753143: >>223753007 I would be surprised if you received a more welcoming response here than pic related. Anonymous 08/20/19(Tue)09:05:17 no.223753155: >>223752999 Oh certainly, she's well aware of my beliefs. Ranted when I was drunk once. I'm never shy about discussing my honest opinions on things, though. Anonymous 08/20/19(Tue)09:05:43 no.223753188: Timmy's latest video is next level crazy. WPN_3RTs I wish he'd take his meds. Anonymous 08/20/19(Tue)09:06:10 no.223753218: >>223752678 Just did, yikes. Anonymous 08/20/19(Tue)09:06:32 no.223753245: >>223751908 >Owen Jones >'mistaken' for a nonce Anonymous 08/20/19(Tue)09:06:32 no.223753248: >>223752727 if his inherent racism is exposed he will be medicated and re-educated Anonymous 08/20/19(Tue)09:06:42 no.223753258: >>223753007 step one show flag Anonymous 08/20/19(Tue)09:07:10 no.223753287: Lads who is tim, whats the story? Anonymous 08/20/19(Tue)09:07:16 no.223753295: >>223753007 Fuck off. We're full. Anonymous 08/20/19(Tue)09:07:33 no.223753315: >>223753143 Most brexiteers couldnt really give a shit about euros until Nige changed his tune during the campaign and started pointing at them instead of the 5 millions non euro races Anonymous 08/20/19(Tue)09:07:39 no.223753326: >>223753258 that's the somalian flag lad Anonymous 08/20/19(Tue)09:07:41 no.223753328: >>223752785 a little isolated house in the country where he can sing away to his heart's content would do him a world of good then again he'd probably find something else to get paranoid over Anonymous 08/20/19(Tue)09:07:52 no.223753337: >>223753102 Can I do that immediately? >>223753113 Yeah, it's just my first address. Will later go to Cornwall. Anonymous 08/20/19(Tue)09:08:09 no.223753356: *stabs u* Anonymous 08/20/19(Tue)09:08:20 no.223753364: >>223753287 paranoid schizophrenic who documents his delusions with daily tweets and videos Anonymous 08/20/19(Tue)09:09:20 no.223753448: This is the guy you called a fat faggot.
[ 27, 187, 16910, 434, 1495, 310, 751, 247, 23211, 432, 15315, 187, 31, 3288, 6738, 3803, 8800, 10112, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 938, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 2904, 27, 3046, 27, 883, 642, 15, 1423, 17820, 1630, 1630, 27, 187, 16910, 16715, 5490, 47111, 570, 2298, 375, 600, 29394, 272, 22995, 247, 3114, 1685, 323, 521, 13056, 1388, 562, 15, 3032, 16454, 441, 3398, 779, 598, 253, 5018, 428, 346, 1394, 1472, 594, 1199, 1805, 1024, 359, 1849, 1694, 634, 12358, 3451, 13, 2305, 47111, 570, 3446, 754, 278, 45143, 275, 16883, 347, 247, 19781, 19063, 32836, 331, 723, 521, 16109, 2348, 7765, 1051, 8452, 310, 6956, 583, 90, 32, 754, 4453, 562, 253, 3497, 323, 253, 10488, 7017, 9455, 285, 2506, 626, 2118, 390, 1333, 247, 3159, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 938, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 2904, 27, 3046, 27, 883, 642, 15, 1423, 17820, 1630, 1619, 27, 187, 3074, 841, 12732, 434, 285, 3569, 6338, 22134, 8317, 839, 342, 5639, 13001, 9, 13374, 3441, 346, 42, 10443, 995, 37796, 285, 6181, 10, 281, 17625, 372, 626, 255, 285, 1379, 689, 776, 2208, 943, 320, 13044, 715, 247, 5754, 894, 285, 6636, 342, 1029, 44331, 285, 326, 3797, 253, 14925, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 938, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 2904, 27, 3046, 27, 1706, 642, 15, 1423, 17820, 1630, 3011, 27, 187, 19735, 479, 690, 1175, 3668, 390, 309, 1833, 4035, 281, 320, 45234, 2531, 670, 253, 2852, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 938, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 2904, 27, 3046, 27, 3046, 642, 15, 1423, 17820, 1630, 2227, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 17820, 1731, 1540, 187, 8836, 3551, 281, 779, 310, 253, 1895, 13, 344, 816, 5605, 281, 320, 1669, 3815, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 938, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 2693, 27, 361, 27, 1036, 642, 15, 1423, 17820, 1619, 883, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 17820, 1731, 3141, 187, 6300, 3133, 247, 2372, 12504, 326, 604, 368, 574, 824, 247, 8334, 6122, 13, 368, 651, 564, 327, 13319, 281, 690, 8905, 31500, 13, 285, 840, 703, 34654, 1293, 667, 10015, 285, 9778, 275, 762, 247, 2129, 432, 434, 17447, 15357, 46146, 187, 1147, 434, 512, 1077, 8921, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 938, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 2693, 27, 361, 27, 1787, 642, 15, 1423, 17820, 1619, 1610, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 17820, 1731, 3507, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 938, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 2693, 27, 361, 27, 3208, 642, 15, 1423, 17820, 1619, 1235, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 17820, 1630, 1619, 187, 2809, 1412, 731, 275, 253, 1481, 285, 4710, 731, 275, 247, 39081, 13, 3063, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 938, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 2693, 27, 520, 27, 1010, 642, 15, 1423, 17820, 1619, 3566, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 17820, 1630, 1630, 187, 2773, 310, 4555, 752, 588, 5108, 604, 253, 28530, 755, 616, 3564, 327, 779, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 938, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 2693, 27, 520, 27, 746, 642, 15, 1423, 17820, 1619, 1438, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 17820, 1630, 3011, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 783, 1662, 316, 15, 1940, 15, 2788, 16, 282, 23479, 16, 187, 20969, 16, 1166, 2759, 2227, 3079, 15, 413, 1351, 14, 1136, 12943, 14, 565, 74, 187, 13884, 14, 73, 33448, 14, 9029, 14, 44033, 32243, 14, 31638, 14, 187, 16690, 16, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 938, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 2693, 27, 520, 27, 2405, 642, 15, 1423, 17820, 1619, 2222, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 17820, 1348, 3071, 187, 4015, 505, 516, 417, 1146, 260, 20044, 407, 619, 305, 71, 419, 73, 19369, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 938, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 2693, 27, 2640, 27, 883, 642, 15, 1423, 17820, 1717, 1099, 27, 187, 31, 3614, 1358, 37380, 22872, 15, 681, 16, 9638, 16, 2904, 16, 187, 2693, 16, 69, 834, 14, 1559, 482, 14, 3399, 261, 14, 1542, 14, 783, 14, 3381, 19706, 14, 187, 2135, 13121, 14, 11548, 18546, 14, 603, 1373, 14, 282, 80, 14, 2044, 324, 76, 187, 274, 14, 34856, 14, 79, 6664, 14, 603, 1373, 14, 16427, 14, 13994, 84, 16, 187, 31, 5498, 457, 85, 2071, 482, 35665, 323, 253, 22845, 8247, 13121, 16009, 18546, 187, 31, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 783, 42029, 6484, 15, 681, 16, 25335, 187, 1050, 16, 22477, 16, 9638, 16, 2904, 16, 22309, 14, 3381, 89, 614, 187, 398, 14, 609, 14, 918, 14, 10383, 14, 2135, 13121, 16, 22, 31722, 2251, 187, 16, 187, 31, 510, 24547, 26377, 2064, 46615, 7528, 89, 614, 398, 401, 21310, 1128, 1898, 6049, 1583, 12238, 247, 11149, 187, 42, 1353, 9995, 597, 1472, 403, 690, 27364, 3505, 74, 6216, 867, 80, 266, 398, 13, 20362, 253, 2552, 434, 3846, 2968, 417, 816, 281, 4868, 3569, 2792, 13, 285, 417, 816, 984, 352, 10571, 3936, 253, 5591, 562, 273, 253, 8215, 13, 313, 6050, 690, 952, 13, 751, 31270, 31131, 13, 4510, 804, 326, 253, 5591, 3395, 247, 362, 515, 267, 1375, 273, 253, 8215, 685, 3553, 275, 667, 5350, 582, 533, 26182, 326, 253, 8215, 310, 625, 281, 13387, 275, 253, 13551, 273, 16685, 685, 253, 5591, 310, 15, 209, 187, 3039, 368, 2686, 1007, 387, 253, 4606, 2139, 253, 8215, 310, 40694, 327, 253, 896, 13121, 13, 597, 6403, 626, 21105, 12078, 13, 533, 417, 27938, 4409, 253, 2495, 273, 247, 642, 14, 25115, 13, 5734, 253, 8215, 2686, 5605, 581, 13, 390, 310, 760, 7378, 281, 452, 253, 5591, 564, 327, 2426, 23228, 45543, 839, 285, 1411, 253, 8063, 273, 22845, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 938, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 2693, 27, 2640, 27, 1012, 642, 15, 1423, 17820, 1717, 1717, 27, 187, 6275, 2181, 247, 17150, 289, 814, 22074, 11403, 1078, 2471, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 938, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 2693, 27, 2640, 27, 1839, 642, 15, 1423, 17820, 1717, 3011, 27, 187, 2513, 8969, 2577, 1469, 281, 1390, 323, 253, 6414, 273, 521, 3578, 4306, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 938, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 2693, 27, 2941, 27, 2922, 642, 15, 1423, 1787, 3583, 16742, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 17820, 1348, 3071, 187, 28120, 38483, 617, 1675, 8, 629, 15, 187, 510, 954, 12994, 11104, 247, 637, 476, 452, 310, 7162, 273, 9611, 15, 1422, 16920, 1060, 3815, 556, 2779, 1421, 281, 2954, 7372, 275, 2426, 273, 346, 8259, 663, 1076, 11626, 3446, 775, 1972, 403, 368, 14413, 2400, 387, 617, 285, 908, 512, 253, 9632, 3000, 326, 1160, 617, 502, 1947, 6079, 598, 15, 209, 187, 3220, 7535, 651, 320, 281, 3037, 281, 5048, 27894, 15, 5220, 513, 417, 1611, 281, 18578, 247, 3416, 273, 2712, 13, 596, 1832, 417, 849, 697, 2218, 15, 1422, 1421, 407, 1650, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 938, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 2693, 27, 2941, 27, 1036, 642, 15, 1423, 1787, 3357, 5523, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 17820, 1619, 883, 187, 31, 1147, 434, 512, 1077, 8921, 15, 187, 9820, 352, 310, 15, 187, 34, 359, 70, 2372, 8771, 1136, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 938, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 2693, 27, 2941, 27, 1010, 642, 15, 1423, 1787, 3357, 7931, 27, 187, 11592, 14, 4233, 31244, 8215, 15245, 1060, 15, 39207, 281, 5791, 4693, 313, 14985, 2905, 10, 1078, 4562, 4437, 15, 1737, 403, 619, 1735, 5018, 281, 3297, 846, 22845, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 938, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 2693, 27, 2125, 27, 1787, 642, 15, 1423, 1787, 3357, 11335, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 1787, 3357, 7931, 187, 22832, 24588, 1071, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 938, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 2693, 27, 2125, 27, 2031, 642, 15, 1423, 1787, 3357, 14322, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 1787, 3357, 7931, 187, 31, 28886, 4693, 187, 31, 19189, 404, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 938, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 2693, 27, 1762, 27, 2693, 642, 15, 1423, 1787, 3357, 16150, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 1787, 3357, 7931, 187, 42, 651, 320, 9861, 604, 368, 2959, 247, 625, 33398, 2380, 1060, 685, 14402, 2905, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 938, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 2693, 27, 1762, 27, 1166, 642, 15, 1423, 1787, 3357, 15054, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 1787, 3583, 16742, 187, 4013, 5604, 13, 703, 434, 973, 6600, 273, 619, 13379, 15, 416, 9581, 672, 309, 369, 17507, 2378, 15, 309, 1353, 1620, 23478, 670, 16585, 619, 8274, 11626, 327, 1841, 13, 2167, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 938, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 2693, 27, 1762, 27, 3079, 642, 15, 1423, 1787, 3357, 17599, 27, 187, 16910, 2577, 434, 6323, 3492, 310, 1735, 1268, 10412, 15, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 24583, 15, 681, 16, 13060, 32, 87, 30, 83, 43996, 187, 56, 15332, 64, 20, 4708, 84, 187, 42, 5730, 344, 1871, 1379, 521, 1129, 84, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 938, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 2693, 27, 3071, 27, 740, 642, 15, 1423, 17820, 1237, 1093, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 17820, 1731, 3141, 187, 6300, 858, 13, 340, 13972, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 938, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 2693, 27, 3071, 27, 1237, 642, 15, 1423, 17820, 1237, 1857, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 17820, 746, 2904, 187, 31, 48, 15082, 8302, 187, 28120, 33542, 2114, 8, 323, 247, 1327, 336, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 938, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 2693, 27, 3071, 27, 1237, 642, 15, 1423, 17820, 1237, 2385, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 17820, 1630, 1630, 187, 338, 521, 12794, 23285, 310, 7329, 344, 588, 320, 4912, 456, 285, 294, 14, 45093, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 938, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 2693, 27, 3071, 27, 2945, 642, 15, 1423, 1787, 3357, 22029, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 1787, 3357, 7931, 187, 10539, 581, 921, 7908, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 938, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 2693, 27, 2922, 27, 740, 642, 15, 1423, 17820, 1237, 2597, 27, 187, 45, 6594, 665, 310, 4522, 13, 47515, 253, 2926, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 938, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 2693, 27, 2922, 27, 1036, 642, 15, 1423, 17820, 1237, 2222, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 1787, 3357, 7931, 187, 30368, 745, 15, 844, 1472, 2120, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 938, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 2693, 27, 2922, 27, 1610, 642, 15, 1423, 17820, 1610, 1010, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 1787, 3357, 16150, 187, 10342, 1517, 89, 614, 398, 812, 2649, 1663, 1918, 247, 10739, 670, 32306, 1919, 427, 9236, 4391, 521, 19928, 1309, 253, 4544, 285, 3053, 13458, 387, 731, 3185, 273, 253, 608, 9790, 1327, 17069, 15820, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 938, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 2693, 27, 2922, 27, 1867, 642, 15, 1423, 1787, 3357, 22391, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 1787, 3357, 22029, 187, 3529, 434, 253, 1260, 6770, 7908, 9931, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 938, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 2693, 27, 2922, 27, 3156, 642, 15, 1423, 1787, 3357, 22130, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 17820, 1630, 2227, 187, 66, 1652, 7011, 2419, 275, 253, 2586, 835, 344, 476, 1625, 1977, 281, 521, 2798, 434, 2600, 651, 513, 779, 247, 1533, 273, 1175, 187, 7461, 969, 344, 1871, 3164, 1089, 1633, 2010, 281, 755, 46197, 689, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 938, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 2693, 27, 2922, 27, 3583, 642, 15, 1423, 17820, 1610, 1787, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 1787, 3357, 11335, 187, 5804, 309, 513, 326, 4745, 32, 187, 5064, 1423, 1787, 3357, 14322, 187, 6506, 13, 352, 434, 816, 619, 806, 2953, 15, 7395, 1996, 564, 281, 44677, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 938, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 2693, 27, 2904, 27, 2693, 642, 15, 1423, 17820, 1610, 3208, 27, 187, 11, 296, 5375, 1484, 11, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 938, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 2693, 27, 2904, 27, 938, 642, 15, 1423, 17820, 1610, 1540, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 17820, 1237, 2597, 187, 1148, 266, 1238, 21730, 280, 665, 7177, 521, 1448, 16723, 342, 5312, 28311, 285, 10556, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 938, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 2693, 27, 2693, 27, 938, 642, 15, 1423, 17820, 1706, 2385, 27, 187, 1552, 310, 253, 5599, 368, 1925, 247, 4688, 269, 13046, 302, 15 ]
Yfw that logo is the reference to the Ireland Communist party flag Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:11:18 no.187781653: >>187781510 Please at least be tall so your ectomorph children can go Zyzz mode Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:11:36 no.187781686: >>187781162 she clearly says thank you and not that she was not thinking. sorry, but you are fake news! Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:11:38 no.187781687: >>187781596 >Sup Kav >"Hey man" >So did ya do it? >"No" >aight then man hol' on >[makes phone call] >Ay yo bitch >[vocal fry heard on the other end] >yeah, yeah, shut up for a minute, got any proofs? >[vocal fry] >aight den >[makes phone call] >dis Mark? >hey man, did Brett raw dog her at dat party? >aight man, cool. thanks >[makes phone call] >sup big nigga >Yo, FBI done dawg, Brett clean >Yup >...Yup >Yea! MAGA >later on, Don >FBI FOUND NO EVIDENCE WHAT SO EVER THAT BRETT DID SHIT Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:11:39 no.187781690: >>187781366 i'm too stupid and/or afraid to pirate it sorry Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:11:51 no.187781711: >>187781403 Does it matter? They're all shitholes. Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:11:51 no.187781712: >>187781607 >John Mccain's cancer votes the opposite of Mccain Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:11:55 no.187781721: >>187781252 How does one the most based states keep electing the worst senators. Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:11:58 no.187781727: >>187781162 >Chad tries to bantz with rigid stick up spine autist lefty >Angry autist lefty sputters and acts offended by banal bantz >Chad graciously grants her a question worth at least 50k to her career anyway, more if she can spin a fuck drumph out of it. Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:12:00 no.187781731: >>187781636 >announcing a raid in advance Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:12:03 no.187781734: >>187781607 of course not Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:12:03 no.187781735: >>187781488 >1488 Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:12:03 no.187781737: >>187781387 The announcing was more so because every other thread would be split sometimes from random people saying that it's fine and to go with whichever got linked first so people started racing to post it around 280 desu. You don't have to and I wasn't going to bother asking. What you probably already know: If I hit five threads in the catalog then let me know if I don't notice (though I almost certainly will) then I will attempt to swap from thread limiting IP. If I can't for some reason then you're up, Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:12:05 no.187781742: >>187781315 FUCKING OWNED Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:12:06 no.187781745: >>187781395 fat women aren't getting hotter, thicc isn't a thing, it's just pant technology is very advanced now Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:12:09 no.187781749: >>187781395 EXTRA THICC Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:12:15 no.187781760: >>187780912 roll Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:12:15 no.187781763: >>187781607 He'd be enthusiastically doing what Jeff Flake has been pressured in to doing. Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:12:21 no.187781772: >>187781607 He'd obviously Flake it Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:12:31 no.187781783: >>187781760 reroll Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:12:31 no.187781785: >>187781596 What FBI stuff? Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:12:37 no.187781792: >>187781686 Wrong! Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:12:40 no.187781798: What is wrong with people? And this is an R+10 poll Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:12:46 no.187781806: >>187781488 >1488 Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:12:49 no.187781808: >>187781731 >4chan has better opsec than the FBI Sad! Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:12:54 no.187781816: >>187781737 I know, I know. I'm smarter than you, since I'm actually white. Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:12:57 no.187781817: >>187781687 go back Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:13:01 no.187781820: >>187781011 She's not white but i would conquist that ass Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:13:01 no.187781821: >>187781586 Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:13:03 no.187781822: McCain sucked the air out of everyone in the Senate, now that he is dead republicans can afford a little more fun like >>187781636 or graham's shenanigans Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:13:05 no.187781830: >>187781721 It's full of Aztecs and blue-state retirees. They consistently vote Republicans because the old folks are on fixed income and need low taxes, but their politics are otherwise abhorrent. Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:13:07 no.187781837: >>187781534 >What is he refreshing? Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:13:13 no.187781842: would you do butt stuff with alyissa? Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:13:15 no.187781844: >>187781315 I think I'm missing some context here. Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:13:23 no.187781854: >>187781745 >pant technology is very advanced now Keker And true. Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:13:26 no.187781860: >>187781315 Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:13:29 no.187781863: >>187781798 link to poll? Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:13:37 no.187781887: >>187781731 If it puts the fear of God into them and makes them shred a bunch of documents and suicide a few interns instead of the next round of bullshit that's more than enough. Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:13:37 no.187781889: >>187781808 They run our servers. That's the least I expect out of them. Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:13:37 no.187781890: >>187781636 Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:13:40 no.187781893: >>187781488 Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:13:40 no.187781894: >>187781488 >1488 Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:14:00 no.187781926: 58 people died in the biggest mass shooting in US history in Las Vegas, but all we got was a lousy blackout for an hour Anonymous 10/
[ 58, 25837, 326, 18479, 310, 253, 3806, 281, 253, 11011, 22356, 3128, 7908, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 883, 27, 1093, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 1036, 3357, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 33505, 1010, 740, 187, 7845, 387, 1878, 320, 10086, 594, 634, 26570, 6737, 2151, 476, 564, 1503, 90, 4396, 4438, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 883, 27, 1812, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 1036, 2691, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 33505, 883, 3763, 187, 6689, 4518, 2296, 5717, 368, 285, 417, 326, 703, 369, 417, 4680, 15, 7016, 13, 533, 368, 403, 15223, 3668, 2, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 883, 27, 1839, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 1036, 2597, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 33505, 1010, 4196, 187, 31, 23291, 611, 580, 187, 21760, 8262, 637, 3, 187, 31, 2598, 858, 14076, 513, 352, 32, 187, 21760, 2302, 3, 187, 31, 66, 429, 840, 637, 5965, 8, 327, 187, 39822, 46535, 4481, 1067, 62, 187, 31, 42829, 26352, 23331, 187, 39822, 87, 3100, 39622, 3735, 327, 253, 643, 990, 62, 187, 31, 90, 3983, 13, 10902, 13, 6294, 598, 323, 247, 7017, 13, 1694, 667, 27947, 32, 187, 39822, 87, 3100, 39622, 62, 187, 31, 66, 429, 1850, 187, 39822, 46535, 4481, 1067, 62, 187, 31, 3431, 4744, 32, 187, 31, 26512, 637, 13, 858, 36604, 9305, 4370, 617, 387, 2856, 3128, 32, 187, 31, 66, 429, 637, 13, 4484, 15, 6701, 187, 39822, 46535, 4481, 1067, 62, 187, 31, 8403, 1943, 35825, 2485, 187, 31, 39996, 13, 12578, 2218, 277, 1403, 72, 13, 36604, 4076, 187, 31, 58, 484, 187, 31, 1051, 58, 484, 187, 31, 58, 14576, 2, 40070, 34, 187, 31, 31312, 327, 13, 5037, 187, 31, 39, 6159, 401, 15289, 7651, 9463, 1838, 17740, 29632, 8717, 9463, 947, 16093, 46299, 4490, 41718, 7840, 1433, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 883, 27, 1867, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 1036, 2270, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 33505, 1012, 2526, 187, 74, 1353, 1512, 11339, 285, 16, 263, 9202, 281, 42404, 352, 7016, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 883, 27, 3712, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 1166, 883, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 33505, 1047, 2941, 187, 10795, 352, 2647, 32, 1583, 1472, 512, 439, 334, 3841, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 883, 27, 3712, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 1166, 805, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 33505, 1036, 2922, 187, 31, 8732, 353, 550, 404, 434, 2923, 13008, 253, 7285, 273, 353, 550, 404, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 883, 27, 2417, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 1166, 1797, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 33505, 805, 3583, 187, 2347, 1057, 581, 253, 954, 1754, 3054, 1978, 1516, 272, 253, 9065, 31650, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 883, 27, 3680, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 1166, 1630, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 33505, 883, 3763, 187, 31, 1779, 324, 14177, 281, 270, 386, 91, 342, 16572, 7356, 598, 17201, 1125, 382, 458, 30399, 187, 31, 22284, 610, 1125, 382, 458, 30399, 653, 307, 1336, 285, 6993, 35872, 407, 8913, 267, 270, 386, 91, 187, 31, 1779, 324, 40763, 8140, 16311, 617, 247, 1953, 4409, 387, 1878, 2456, 76, 281, 617, 5249, 8791, 13, 625, 604, 703, 476, 5508, 247, 7435, 14988, 545, 562, 273, 352, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 805, 27, 361, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 1166, 2405, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 33505, 1036, 1812, 187, 31, 1136, 28590, 247, 25682, 275, 7170, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 805, 27, 2941, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 1166, 1706, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 33505, 1036, 2922, 187, 1171, 2282, 417, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 805, 27, 2941, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 1166, 1671, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 33505, 1047, 2055, 187, 31, 1047, 2055, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 805, 27, 2941, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 1166, 1787, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 33505, 1012, 2597, 187, 510, 30849, 369, 625, 594, 984, 1046, 643, 6293, 651, 320, 8085, 4536, 432, 3632, 952, 3981, 326, 352, 434, 4030, 285, 281, 564, 342, 39347, 1694, 7939, 806, 594, 952, 3053, 16893, 281, 1501, 352, 1475, 22121, 711, 86, 15, 1422, 1053, 626, 452, 281, 285, 309, 3589, 626, 1469, 281, 15105, 7004, 15, 1737, 368, 3164, 2168, 871, 27, 1310, 309, 4352, 2620, 17059, 275, 253, 20623, 840, 1339, 479, 871, 604, 309, 1053, 626, 4366, 313, 2004, 309, 2761, 5604, 588, 10, 840, 309, 588, 3177, 281, 22101, 432, 6293, 14155, 8153, 15, 1310, 309, 476, 626, 323, 690, 1921, 840, 368, 1472, 598, 13, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 805, 27, 1762, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 1166, 2945, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 33505, 1012, 1010, 187, 30531, 7519, 2637, 473, 35414, 1703, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 805, 27, 3071, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 1166, 1857, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 33505, 1012, 2222, 187, 19397, 2255, 6403, 626, 2970, 3511, 350, 13, 289, 280, 68, 3548, 626, 247, 2181, 13, 352, 434, 816, 20018, 4302, 310, 1077, 7269, 1024, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 805, 27, 2693, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 1166, 2537, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 33505, 1012, 2222, 187, 4237, 26963, 4392, 48856, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 805, 27, 1010, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 1166, 1549, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 2357, 27820, 805, 187, 1811, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 805, 27, 1010, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 1166, 3571, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 33505, 1036, 2922, 187, 1328, 1871, 320, 12833, 20595, 2509, 752, 9069, 2884, 640, 556, 644, 2315, 1520, 275, 281, 2509, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 805, 27, 1797, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 1166, 3547, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 33505, 1036, 2922, 187, 1328, 1871, 9090, 2884, 640, 352, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 805, 27, 2405, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 1166, 3245, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 33505, 1166, 1549, 187, 250, 1811, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 805, 27, 2405, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 1166, 2227, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 33505, 1010, 4196, 187, 1276, 12578, 5017, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 805, 27, 1787, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 1166, 4529, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 33505, 1036, 2691, 187, 56, 29487, 2, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 805, 27, 1449, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 1166, 4185, 27, 187, 1276, 310, 3430, 342, 952, 32, 1244, 436, 310, 271, 416, 12, 740, 8461, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 805, 27, 2950, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 1093, 3071, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 33505, 1047, 2055, 187, 31, 1047, 2055, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 805, 27, 2537, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 1093, 2904, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 33505, 1166, 2405, 187, 31, 21, 2291, 556, 1805, 1121, 1704, 685, 253, 12578, 187, 41052, 2, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 805, 27, 3439, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 1093, 1036, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 33505, 1166, 1787, 187, 42, 871, 13, 309, 871, 15, 309, 1353, 38144, 685, 368, 13, 1580, 309, 1353, 2686, 3168, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 805, 27, 3011, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 1093, 1166, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 33505, 1036, 2597, 187, 2184, 896, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 1012, 27, 520, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 1093, 938, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 2357, 3593, 13925, 187, 2993, 434, 417, 3168, 533, 891, 651, 345, 32446, 326, 718, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 1012, 27, 520, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 1093, 1797, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 33505, 1010, 2691, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 1012, 27, 2941, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 1093, 1423, 27, 187, 41378, 404, 33853, 253, 2329, 562, 273, 4130, 275, 253, 8907, 13, 1024, 326, 344, 310, 3846, 23822, 507, 476, 7848, 247, 1652, 625, 794, 751, 209, 187, 5064, 1093, 33505, 1036, 1812, 187, 390, 7098, 3964, 434, 703, 11943, 304, 507, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 1012, 27, 1762, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 1093, 1229, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 33505, 1166, 1797, 187, 1147, 434, 2120, 273, 13063, 442, 6113, 285, 4797, 14, 3409, 11585, 265, 15, 1583, 12724, 6273, 11885, 984, 253, 1711, 12633, 403, 327, 4229, 6021, 285, 878, 1698, 10474, 13, 533, 616, 8672, 403, 5010, 490, 1688, 624, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 1012, 27, 2922, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 1093, 1787, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 33505, 1010, 1706, 187, 31, 1276, 310, 344, 31255, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 1012, 27, 1012, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 1093, 2945, 27, 187, 12756, 368, 513, 11566, 5017, 342, 247, 314, 14302, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 1012, 27, 1010, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 1093, 2031, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 33505, 1012, 1010, 187, 42, 1158, 309, 1353, 5816, 690, 3634, 1060, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 1012, 27, 1508, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 1093, 3439, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 33505, 1166, 1857, 187, 31, 81, 386, 4302, 310, 1077, 7269, 1024, 187, 44, 44691, 187, 1898, 2032, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 1012, 27, 1731, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 1093, 1549, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 33505, 1012, 1010, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 1012, 27, 1717, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 1093, 3571, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 33505, 1166, 4185, 187, 4492, 281, 8461, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 1012, 27, 1787, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 1093, 2597, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 33505, 1166, 2405, 187, 2042, 352, 12516, 253, 4709, 273, 2656, 715, 731, 285, 2789, 731, 28347, 247, 12190, 273, 7177, 285, 13184, 247, 1643, 734, 2224, 3185, 273, 253, 1735, 3790, 273, 35281, 326, 434, 625, 685, 2217, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 1012, 27, 1787, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 1093, 2511, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 33505, 1093, 2904, 187, 3726, 1408, 776, 14903, 15, 2064, 434, 253, 1878, 309, 1902, 562, 273, 731, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 1012, 27, 1787, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 1093, 2270, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 33505, 1036, 1812, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 1012, 27, 1449, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 1093, 4590, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 33505, 1047, 2055, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 1012, 27, 1449, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 1093, 3953, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 33505, 1047, 2055, 187, 31, 1047, 2055, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 1047, 27, 361, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 746, 1731, 27, 187, 3680, 952, 4962, 275, 253, 5962, 2280, 9602, 275, 1982, 2892, 275, 15878, 18088, 13, 533, 512, 359, 1694, 369, 247, 298, 528, 90, 2806, 483, 323, 271, 4964, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16 ]
16(Tue)21:32:04 no.97156085: >>97142316 fuck you both WOLFPACK Anonymous 11/08/16(Tue)21:32:35 no.97156406: 704 Gastonia Anonymous 11/08/16(Tue)21:33:05 no.97156691: >Traded MN for NH God damn it. GET THAT SHIT BACK Anonymous 11/08/16(Tue)21:33:35 no.97156975: >>97155092 No, that will literally never ever happen. Whites are a minority in California. Anonymous 11/08/16(Tue)21:36:29 no.97158720: >>97153472 Fuck it. That's pretty badass. Whats your stage name gonna be? I'll root for you Anonymous 11/08/16(Tue)21:37:47 no.97159475: >>97155092 FULL OF SHITSKINS AND FAGGOTS WITH HER Anonymous 11/08/16(Tue)21:39:52 no.97160755: what is happening lads Anonymous 11/08/16(Tue)21:40:29 no.97161160: OHIO IS DONE! 59.3% done 53/42 Trump! Anonymous 11/08/16(Tue)21:41:01 no.97161496: >>97131428 Trump is winning in NC, OP. \○/ PRAISE KEK\○/ MAGA! Anonymous 11/08/16(Tue)21:41:06 no.97161553: Remember: FBI Anon said she'd get NY but Trump will get Cali. Let's see if FBIAnon was right? Anonymous 11/08/16(Tue)21:41:08 no.97161575: >>97160755 The cities bro. Anonymous 11/08/16(Tue)21:42:19 no.97162291: >>97160755 >>97161160 >>97161496 We just need Cali and/or Mont. And Trump will win no problems. Anonymous 11/08/16(Tue)21:43:26 no.97163020: MEME MAGIC IS REAL. PAINT IT RED, BIG DON! <|endoftext|>Anonymous 11/01/16(Tue)11:38:17 no.95530090: Friendly reminder. Anonymous 11/01/16(Tue)11:39:15 no.95530215: >pls respond Anonymous 11/01/16(Tue)11:39:24 no.95530237: >>95530090 Saged Anonymous 11/01/16(Tue)11:39:52 no.95530299: > record > NOT corrected Anonymous 11/01/16(Tue)11:40:03 no.95530326: >Nate Uranium-238 Anonymous 11/01/16(Tue)11:40:35 no.95530406: Says increasingly nervous shill for the millionth time this week Anonymous 11/01/16(Tue)11:42:20 no.95530617: >>95530237 still not enough for him to win Anonymous 11/01/16(Tue)11:42:41 no.95530664: Based on the evolution of his (((polls))), next revision will be 65-35 Anonymous 11/01/16(Tue)11:43:58 no.95530831: >>95530090 holy shit, its doubled to 25 now? Anonymous 11/01/16(Tue)11:44:46 no.95530942: >>95530090 BUT BUT MUH POLLS Anonymous 11/01/16(Tue)11:44:59 no.95530967: >>95530617 he's ahead in nevada and tied in new mexico and new hampshire, so many paths now, i think it might be over Anonymous 11/01/16(Tue)11:46:07 no.95531107: >>95530831 He's gaining like 1% every 6 hours now. Anonymous 11/01/16(Tue)11:46:23 no.95531142: The fire rises. Let me tell you something, we haven't even begun to peak. And when we do peak, you'll know. Because were gonna peak so hard that everybody in America's gonna feel it. Anonymous 11/01/16(Tue)11:47:32 no.95531292: >>95530090 Hillary is going to win. Even is the most optimistic pro-Trump scenario that is still realistic it still does result in a win for Hillary Anonymous 11/01/16(Tue)11:47:52 no.95531329: This is the first point in the election I actually have begun to think Trump might win. Wiener might have just done it for him Anonymous 11/01/16(Tue)11:48:59 no.95531471: >>95531292 >Inb4 TRUMP WILL WIN PA I live in PA. He won't Anonymous 11/01/16(Tue)11:49:12 no.95531496: > Nate feces Anonymous 11/01/16(Tue)11:50:27 no.95531632: >>95531292 Bro, it's time to stop. You've been spamming that same map in threads for the last few hours. Anonymous 11/01/16(Tue)11:51:54 no.95531805: He went from under 10 to over 25 in a matter of days. He's rising up, he's back on the street. Anonymous 11/01/16(Tue)11:52:16 no.95531848: >>95531471 >he wont City nigger detected Everywhere i go theres trump shit. Anonymous 11/01/16(Tue)11:52:18 no.95531853: >>95530090 >nate flatulence kek. sage'd Anonymous 11/01/16(Tue)11:52:32 no.95531890: >>95531632 I just made it. What kind of shit have you been smoking? Anonymous 11/01/16(Tue)11:54:23 no.95532135: >>95530090 Friendly reminder. Anonymous 11/01/16(Tue)11:54:23 no.95532136: >>95531890 shh shh shh. It's ok. Just close out of the board for the day. Anonymous 11/01/16(Tue)11:56:59 no.95532496: >>95531848 I just got back from gettysburg Hillary/Trump signs pretty evenly split Anonymous 11/01/16(Tue)11:58:31 no.95532704: >>95530090 What is this, the usual graph manipulated by Rubber cos Trump supporters are being mean to him on Twitter? Anonymous 11/01/16(Tue)11:59:08 no.95532781: >>95531292 What about New Hampshire Anonymous 11/01/16(Tue)12:00:47 no.95532980: >tfw a fucking leaf can predict the outcome of ameridiot elections better than ameridiots Anonymous 11/01/16(Tue)12:03:30 no.95533314: >>95532980 It's always interesting to watch the troll maps shift as a collective. It used to have a blue NV and some other state to give like 278 or something and now it has a blue NH to tip it to 272. You guys really need to try and vary the ways in which you show Trump losing, it would lend more credibility to your attempts as it would show "more ways" he can lose. Anonymous 11/01/16(Tue)12:03:43 no.95533336: >Trump is up >Hillary still ahead in Nate Kikerberg's polls okay then. Nate flat out said on Colbert's show he was wrong about Trump in the primaries because he had an axe to grind. This is not non-partisan analysis. Anonymous 11/01/16(Tue)12:05:00 no.95533520: >>95531853 Trump will not win Michigan in a 4-way race Anonymous 11/01/16(Tue)12:05:14 no.95533538: Is it just me or is the red bar less than 25% of the bar? Anonymous 11/01/16(Tue)12:05:47 no.95533618: >>95530090 >was 15% 3 days ago Anonymous 11/01/16(Tue)12:06:05 no.95533671: >>95531292 He's
[ 1036, 9, 50110, 10, 1797, 27, 1237, 27, 2125, 642, 15, 4148, 1010, 1549, 2227, 27, 187, 5064, 4148, 1047, 1508, 1036, 187, 71, 1807, 368, 1097, 411, 3271, 7073, 8100, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2904, 16, 1036, 9, 50110, 10, 1797, 27, 1237, 27, 1671, 642, 15, 4148, 16198, 24854, 27, 187, 26942, 443, 505, 9409, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2904, 16, 1036, 9, 50110, 10, 1797, 27, 1610, 27, 1762, 642, 15, 4148, 16198, 35356, 27, 187, 31, 2290, 7917, 26583, 323, 18020, 187, 13618, 15229, 352, 15, 19220, 16093, 7840, 1433, 29221, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2904, 16, 1036, 9, 50110, 10, 1797, 27, 1610, 27, 1671, 642, 15, 4148, 1010, 2090, 1976, 27, 187, 5064, 4148, 1010, 1235, 4529, 187, 2302, 13, 326, 588, 12832, 1620, 2455, 5108, 15, 1536, 3254, 403, 247, 15156, 275, 5002, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2904, 16, 1036, 9, 50110, 10, 1797, 27, 1812, 27, 1717, 642, 15, 4148, 1010, 2597, 938, 27, 187, 5064, 4148, 1010, 1706, 3547, 187, 30368, 352, 15, 2064, 434, 3965, 3076, 515, 15, 44891, 634, 3924, 1416, 6501, 320, 32, 309, 1833, 5230, 323, 368, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2904, 16, 1036, 9, 50110, 10, 1797, 27, 1787, 27, 2504, 642, 15, 4148, 1010, 3953, 1976, 27, 187, 5064, 4148, 1010, 1235, 4529, 187, 47825, 3481, 7840, 1433, 16582, 11965, 4889, 401, 2696, 40, 2415, 52, 9277, 20467, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2904, 16, 1036, 9, 50110, 10, 1797, 27, 1867, 27, 3583, 642, 15, 4148, 9913, 27496, 27, 187, 5371, 310, 9369, 298, 6594, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2904, 16, 1036, 9, 50110, 10, 1797, 27, 1449, 27, 1717, 642, 15, 4148, 1036, 883, 1549, 27, 187, 8575, 6527, 4110, 399, 11147, 2, 8978, 15, 20, 6, 2218, 8676, 16, 2945, 3778, 2, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2904, 16, 1036, 9, 50110, 10, 1797, 27, 3156, 27, 520, 642, 15, 4148, 1036, 1047, 4196, 27, 187, 5064, 4148, 1012, 1047, 1619, 187, 18130, 310, 9880, 275, 11248, 13, 13664, 15, 187, 61, 27739, 222, 16, 4653, 34, 19433, 17594, 44, 61, 27739, 222, 16, 187, 46492, 34, 2, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2904, 16, 1036, 9, 50110, 10, 1797, 27, 3156, 27, 3071, 642, 15, 4148, 1036, 1010, 3357, 27, 187, 21914, 27, 12578, 743, 251, 753, 703, 1871, 755, 10310, 533, 3778, 588, 755, 2263, 74, 15, 1281, 434, 923, 604, 12578, 1145, 251, 369, 987, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2904, 16, 1036, 9, 50110, 10, 1797, 27, 3156, 27, 2904, 642, 15, 4148, 1036, 1010, 1976, 27, 187, 5064, 4148, 9913, 27496, 187, 510, 8238, 1795, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2904, 16, 1036, 9, 50110, 10, 1797, 27, 2945, 27, 746, 642, 15, 4148, 1036, 1423, 4739, 27, 187, 5064, 4148, 9913, 27496, 187, 5064, 4148, 1036, 883, 1549, 187, 5064, 4148, 1036, 1047, 4196, 187, 1231, 816, 878, 2263, 74, 285, 16, 263, 7812, 15, 1244, 3778, 588, 3330, 642, 3237, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2904, 16, 1036, 9, 50110, 10, 1797, 27, 3079, 27, 1731, 642, 15, 4148, 1036, 1229, 938, 27, 187, 17589, 38, 40070, 1864, 4110, 40830, 15, 187, 4899, 7999, 8017, 40559, 13, 39733, 24694, 2, 2756, 50279, 45545, 1903, 16, 520, 16, 1036, 9, 50110, 10, 883, 27, 1839, 27, 1166, 642, 15, 2222, 3357, 49455, 27, 187, 44427, 314, 24388, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 520, 16, 1036, 9, 50110, 10, 883, 27, 1867, 27, 1010, 642, 15, 31722, 19044, 1010, 27, 187, 31, 446, 84, 3794, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 520, 16, 1036, 9, 50110, 10, 883, 27, 1867, 27, 1348, 642, 15, 31722, 1229, 20991, 27, 187, 5064, 2222, 3357, 49455, 187, 52, 2961, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 520, 16, 1036, 9, 50110, 10, 883, 27, 1867, 27, 3583, 642, 15, 31722, 19044, 1525, 27, 187, 31, 1924, 187, 31, 5803, 15045, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 520, 16, 1036, 9, 50110, 10, 883, 27, 1449, 27, 2941, 642, 15, 31722, 1229, 22391, 27, 187, 31, 47, 366, 530, 4011, 1514, 14, 21378, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 520, 16, 1036, 9, 50110, 10, 883, 27, 1449, 27, 1671, 642, 15, 31722, 1229, 24854, 27, 187, 52, 698, 9592, 11219, 439, 408, 323, 253, 3041, 394, 673, 436, 2129, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 520, 16, 1036, 9, 50110, 10, 883, 27, 2945, 27, 938, 642, 15, 31722, 18950, 1166, 27, 187, 5064, 31722, 1229, 20991, 187, 23350, 417, 2217, 323, 779, 281, 3330, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 520, 16, 1036, 9, 50110, 10, 883, 27, 2945, 27, 3156, 642, 15, 31722, 18950, 1540, 27, 187, 15545, 327, 253, 5606, 273, 521, 24317, 30209, 84, 1228, 582, 1735, 18520, 588, 320, 7251, 14, 1671, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 520, 16, 1036, 9, 50110, 10, 883, 27, 3079, 27, 3680, 642, 15, 31722, 20777, 2405, 27, 187, 5064, 2222, 3357, 49455, 187, 73, 10270, 10739, 13, 697, 25128, 281, 2030, 1024, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 520, 16, 1036, 9, 50110, 10, 883, 27, 2031, 27, 2950, 642, 15, 31722, 22000, 2945, 27, 187, 5064, 2222, 3357, 49455, 187, 30741, 17706, 32639, 41, 19784, 2293, 52, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 520, 16, 1036, 9, 50110, 10, 883, 27, 2031, 27, 3046, 642, 15, 31722, 22000, 2251, 27, 187, 5064, 31722, 18950, 1166, 187, 248, 434, 6386, 275, 425, 87, 2960, 285, 12331, 275, 747, 479, 46591, 285, 747, 10546, 22617, 13, 594, 1142, 11865, 1024, 13, 891, 1158, 352, 1537, 320, 689, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 520, 16, 1036, 9, 50110, 10, 883, 27, 2950, 27, 2922, 642, 15, 31722, 2405, 12224, 27, 187, 5064, 31722, 20777, 2405, 187, 1328, 434, 21896, 751, 337, 6, 1046, 721, 3038, 1024, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 520, 16, 1036, 9, 50110, 10, 883, 27, 2950, 27, 1508, 642, 15, 2222, 3357, 883, 2945, 27, 187, 510, 3289, 22844, 15, 1281, 479, 2028, 368, 1633, 13, 359, 6468, 626, 1014, 13207, 281, 5241, 15, 1244, 672, 359, 513, 5241, 13, 368, 1833, 871, 15, 4923, 497, 6501, 5241, 594, 1892, 326, 11648, 275, 3968, 434, 6501, 1928, 352, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 520, 16, 1036, 9, 50110, 10, 883, 27, 2504, 27, 1237, 642, 15, 2222, 3357, 805, 4529, 27, 187, 5064, 2222, 3357, 49455, 187, 41, 12537, 310, 1469, 281, 3330, 15, 4952, 310, 253, 954, 28684, 354, 14, 18130, 10076, 326, 310, 1335, 15958, 352, 1335, 1057, 906, 275, 247, 3330, 323, 18175, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 520, 16, 1036, 9, 50110, 10, 883, 27, 2504, 27, 3583, 642, 15, 2222, 3357, 1012, 1717, 27, 187, 1552, 310, 253, 806, 1127, 275, 253, 6132, 309, 2686, 452, 13207, 281, 1158, 3778, 1537, 3330, 15, 187, 56, 1914, 254, 1537, 452, 816, 2218, 352, 323, 779, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 520, 16, 1036, 9, 50110, 10, 883, 27, 2385, 27, 3046, 642, 15, 2222, 3357, 44389, 27, 187, 5064, 2222, 3357, 805, 4529, 187, 31, 688, 67, 21, 7500, 47774, 22268, 36410, 8010, 187, 42, 3153, 275, 8010, 15, 754, 1912, 626, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 520, 16, 1036, 9, 50110, 10, 883, 27, 2537, 27, 805, 642, 15, 2222, 3357, 1047, 4196, 27, 187, 31, 42973, 49131, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 520, 16, 1036, 9, 50110, 10, 883, 27, 1235, 27, 1630, 642, 15, 2222, 3357, 1036, 1237, 27, 187, 5064, 2222, 3357, 805, 4529, 187, 19968, 13, 352, 434, 673, 281, 3523, 15, 1422, 1849, 644, 653, 28444, 326, 1072, 3711, 275, 17059, 323, 253, 1390, 1643, 3038, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 520, 16, 1036, 9, 50110, 10, 883, 27, 3712, 27, 3439, 642, 15, 2222, 3357, 1093, 1762, 27, 187, 1328, 2427, 432, 762, 884, 281, 689, 2030, 275, 247, 2647, 273, 1897, 15, 754, 434, 11002, 598, 13, 344, 434, 896, 327, 253, 6406, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 520, 16, 1036, 9, 50110, 10, 883, 27, 3583, 27, 1036, 642, 15, 2222, 3357, 1093, 2385, 27, 187, 5064, 2222, 3357, 44389, 187, 31, 248, 31451, 187, 21093, 295, 16046, 5189, 187, 8267, 2811, 891, 564, 253, 373, 29154, 10739, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 520, 16, 1036, 9, 50110, 10, 883, 27, 3583, 27, 1093, 642, 15, 2222, 3357, 1093, 3357, 27, 187, 5064, 2222, 3357, 49455, 187, 31, 79, 366, 6507, 17827, 187, 413, 76, 15, 35855, 1871, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 520, 16, 1036, 9, 50110, 10, 883, 27, 3583, 27, 1237, 642, 15, 2222, 3357, 1093, 2270, 27, 187, 5064, 2222, 3357, 1036, 1237, 187, 42, 816, 1160, 352, 15, 1737, 2238, 273, 10739, 452, 368, 644, 10470, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 520, 16, 1036, 9, 50110, 10, 883, 27, 3439, 27, 1508, 642, 15, 31722, 1237, 13743, 27, 187, 5064, 2222, 3357, 49455, 187, 44427, 314, 24388, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 520, 16, 1036, 9, 50110, 10, 883, 27, 3439, 27, 1508, 642, 15, 31722, 1237, 15220, 27, 187, 5064, 2222, 3357, 1093, 2270, 187, 1200, 73, 439, 73, 439, 73, 15, 733, 434, 8718, 15, 3771, 2810, 562, 273, 253, 4450, 323, 253, 1388, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 520, 16, 1036, 9, 50110, 10, 883, 27, 3208, 27, 3046, 642, 15, 31722, 1237, 30693, 27, 187, 5064, 2222, 3357, 1093, 2385, 187, 42, 816, 1694, 896, 432, 755, 555, 45570, 187, 41, 12537, 16, 18130, 7871, 3965, 25356, 8085, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 520, 16, 1036, 9, 50110, 10, 883, 27, 3680, 27, 2405, 642, 15, 31722, 1237, 26942, 27, 187, 5064, 2222, 3357, 49455, 187, 1276, 310, 436, 13, 253, 7312, 4216, 32494, 407, 11879, 589, 7349, 3778, 14501, 403, 1146, 1599, 281, 779, 327, 7879, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 520, 16, 1036, 9, 50110, 10, 883, 27, 3046, 27, 2904, 642, 15, 31722, 1237, 44953, 27, 187, 5064, 2222, 3357, 805, 4529, 187, 1276, 670, 1457, 24129, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 520, 16, 1036, 9, 50110, 10, 805, 27, 361, 27, 2504, 642, 15, 31722, 22011, 1438, 27, 187, 31, 16114, 88, 247, 12835, 10617, 476, 3283, 253, 6454, 273, 717, 254, 301, 7173, 12337, 1805, 685, 717, 254, 13535, 1502, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 520, 16, 1036, 9, 50110, 10, 805, 27, 2941, 27, 1229, 642, 15, 31722, 1610, 18486, 27, 187, 5064, 31722, 22011, 1438, 187, 1147, 434, 1900, 4722, 281, 3698, 253, 37053, 8115, 5333, 347, 247, 12786, 15, 733, 908, 281, 452, 247, 4797, 24671, 285, 690, 643, 1375, 281, 1918, 751, 31242, 390, 1633, 285, 1024, 352, 556, 247, 4797, 18020, 281, 9092, 352, 281, 32513, 15, 1422, 6068, 1663, 878, 281, 1611, 285, 6889, 253, 4088, 275, 534, 368, 921, 3778, 10305, 13, 352, 651, 28698, 625, 17938, 281, 634, 9437, 347, 352, 651, 921, 346, 3062, 4088, 3, 344, 476, 7168, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 520, 16, 1036, 9, 50110, 10, 805, 27, 2941, 27, 3079, 642, 15, 31722, 1610, 23126, 27, 187, 31, 18130, 310, 598, 187, 31, 41, 12537, 1335, 6386, 275, 42973, 611, 24736, 4978, 434, 22207, 187, 536, 333, 840, 15, 42973, 6507, 562, 753, 327, 2065, 6291, 434, 921, 344, 369, 3430, 670, 3778, 275, 253, 2248, 3927, 984, 344, 574, 271, 44910, 281, 35001, 15, 831, 310, 417, 1327, 14, 2003, 16870, 1783, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 520, 16, 1036, 9, 50110, 10, 805, 27, 1762, 27, 361, 642, 15, 31722, 22519, 938, 27, 187, 5064, 2222, 3357, 1093, 3357, 187, 18130, 588, 417, 3330, 11314, 275, 247, 577, 14, 1106, 5492, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 520, 16, 1036, 9, 50110, 10, 805, 27, 1762, 27, 1047, 642, 15, 31722, 22519, 1839, 27, 187, 2513, 352, 816, 479, 390, 310, 253, 2502, 2534, 1679, 685, 2030, 6, 273, 253, 2534, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 520, 16, 1036, 9, 50110, 10, 805, 27, 1762, 27, 2504, 642, 15, 31722, 23126, 1093, 27, 187, 5064, 2222, 3357, 49455, 187, 31, 4238, 1458, 6, 495, 1897, 3622, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 520, 16, 1036, 9, 50110, 10, 805, 27, 3071, 27, 1762, 642, 15, 31722, 1610, 35276, 27, 187, 5064, 2222, 3357, 805, 4529, 187, 1328, 434 ]
: >>202860847 Opportunists who only care to be on the winning side Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:30:52 no.202861027: >>202860591 that was just the oldest one we know but yea Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:31:02 no.202861043: >>202860913 >>202859960 A rock concert in Tehran. Musical instruments are still banned on state television. Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:31:14 no.202861055: >>202860360 >You realize Shiites mostly support the Republican party? i have seen plenty of voter breakdowns by religious affiliation and yet i have not seen a single proof of this statement i couldn't give less of a shit about the lebanese, other than they all have to go back Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:31:23 no.202861079: >>202859567 Lie in the bed of your making, Tracey. Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:31:25 no.202861083: >>202859859 so did she disavow or what? Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:31:30 no.202861097: KAMALA HARRIS CALLS FOR LEGALIZATION OF WEED Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:31:46 no.202861125: >>202860824 >they're even cheap with their bribes doesn't mean shit when they've got the power of psychological control of the populace and the politicians >>202860325 Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:31:58 no.202861142: QRD on ilhan omar situation? Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:32:10 no.202861155: >>202861097 that's not all she smoked in college lmao Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:32:12 no.202861163: Thank for baking, fren! Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:32:18 no.202861171: >>202860847 How can anyone even still respect someone who made a point to be NEVER something, then go back on it? Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:32:20 no.202861177: >>202860718 Israel used to be run by leftists for a long time, but now it's close to impossible for them to win elections due to demographics. First of all, Israel got browned big time since 1948 (they went from being 80% Ashkenazi to ~35% now) and Mizrahi + Sephardic Jews are big time Likudniks, whereas Ashkenazim tend to either go for Labor (center-left) or Meretz (literally the "open borders for Israel" party) or become ultra-Orthodox themselves and leech off the government, secondly people thought leftists were too soft on Palestinians. It's a bit more complicated than that but I can't see the Israeli left making a comeback anytime soon Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:32:30 no.202861196: >>202861043 >>202859960 A woman posing at the Tabiat Bridge, one of Tehran’s most picturesque spots. That's all friends. Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:32:30 no.202861200: >>202861142 She apologized Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:32:45 no.202861228: >>202860824 those are the ones that they show guess who knows all those (not NRA maybe the unions) and other lobbies Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:32:50 no.202861244: >>202861142 >REEEEEEEEEE >APOLIGIZE NOW >lol ok Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:32:55 no.202861251: >>202861097 the brownies vote, slightly unbecoming. Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:33:06 no.202861269: how much do you want to bet trump did this on purpose? Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:33:07 no.202861271: How long will the non-Rasmussen major pollsters wait until they start releasing polls again? Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:33:13 no.202861282: Shills seem extra salty today. Wonder what's got them so assblasted? Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:33:29 no.202861309: >>202861043 >have to sit down during a concert because dancing is illegal Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:33:31 no.202861312: >>202861142 Somali double nigger (sand and oogabooga) called out AIPAC and kikes everywhere screamed in agony. Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:33:44 no.202861324: >>202861269 5% Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:33:44 no.202861327: >>202861282 Trump's approval topping 50% desu Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:33:45 no.202861328: >>202861142 Cuckess Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:33:46 no.202861332: >>202860705 I'm iffy on it, not sure KAG should be KMAG or something I dunno Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:33:51 no.202861342: >>202860824 Id rather vote for a politician that was donated to by the nra than aipac Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:34:03 no.202861358: Okay so we have Chang Goldberg on his Israeli proxy and an intern working at Damascus on an American proxy. What a nightmare. Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:34:09 no.202861373: >>202861097 I'm sure all those inmates she sent to prison for smoking weed in her state will have her vote now! Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:34:10 no.202861374: >>202861271 When it's convenient for them. Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:34:24 no.202861395: >>202860586 >he doesn't know about the kosher sandwich Sad! Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:34:29 no.202861406: >>202861142 Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:34:29 no.202861407: >>202861142 >nazi in the congress uses debunked antisemitic canards to spread that hateful ideology Just another day in Drumpf's America. Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:34:32 no.202861411: >>202861324 rare, thanks Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:34:36 no.202861420: >>202861324 nice try proxyfag Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:34:40 no.202861428: >>202861324 Holy shit, a talking girl scout cookie! Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:34:43 no.202861437: >>202861177 >"whites" are cucks even in Israel Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:34:51 no.202861452: >>202859960 Red and white checkered isn't Sunni. That shits shiit Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:34:57 no.202861461: >>202861332 I'd take MAG, even. >Make America Greater Even then, our infrastructure is still 3rd world. Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:35:00 no.202861464: >>202861244 Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:35:03 no.202861473: >>202861324 what's The Rock like in real life? Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:35:24 no.202861512: >>202861309 i like your style Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:35:26 no.202861513: DEATH TO AIPAC NOW Anonymous 02/11/19
[ 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1619, 25805, 2504, 187, 42153, 2665, 1346, 665, 760, 1557, 281, 320, 327, 253, 9880, 1930, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1229, 27, 3583, 642, 15, 938, 23360, 740, 1630, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1619, 1549, 43581, 187, 3529, 369, 816, 253, 17172, 581, 359, 871, 533, 9094, 66, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 2405, 27, 2640, 642, 15, 938, 23360, 740, 3079, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1619, 27059, 1012, 187, 5064, 938, 23025, 1525, 1549, 187, 34, 5561, 12699, 275, 35889, 15, 4878, 474, 13225, 403, 1335, 20374, 327, 1375, 7315, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 2405, 27, 1047, 642, 15, 938, 23360, 740, 2417, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1619, 1549, 16587, 187, 31, 1394, 8968, 31645, 3254, 6571, 1329, 253, 8786, 3128, 32, 209, 187, 74, 452, 2326, 9828, 273, 23800, 19501, 84, 407, 7231, 37846, 285, 2568, 891, 452, 417, 2326, 247, 2014, 4737, 273, 436, 3908, 187, 74, 4571, 626, 1918, 1679, 273, 247, 10739, 670, 253, 458, 5568, 3248, 13, 643, 685, 597, 512, 452, 281, 564, 896, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 2405, 27, 1508, 642, 15, 938, 23360, 740, 2787, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 23025, 2222, 2251, 187, 28625, 275, 253, 3722, 273, 634, 2403, 13, 1535, 32175, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 2405, 27, 1099, 642, 15, 938, 23360, 740, 3245, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1619, 3046, 32168, 187, 601, 858, 703, 557, 580, 319, 390, 752, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 2405, 27, 1229, 642, 15, 938, 23360, 740, 4148, 27, 187, 44, 2300, 1556, 34, 388, 9482, 1830, 32388, 52, 6651, 12838, 33044, 18769, 6570, 3481, 13573, 1703, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 2405, 27, 2950, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 3832, 9312, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1619, 25805, 1348, 187, 31, 9328, 1472, 1014, 11142, 342, 616, 49364, 265, 187, 48724, 626, 1599, 10739, 672, 597, 1849, 1694, 253, 1612, 273, 12264, 1453, 273, 253, 28969, 584, 285, 253, 13557, 209, 187, 5064, 938, 1619, 1549, 25472, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 2405, 27, 3680, 642, 15, 938, 23360, 883, 2945, 27, 187, 18787, 37, 327, 4164, 5582, 258, 4175, 4112, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1237, 27, 740, 642, 15, 938, 23360, 883, 2417, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 23360, 740, 4148, 187, 3529, 434, 417, 512, 703, 29757, 275, 6831, 298, 785, 80, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1237, 27, 805, 642, 15, 938, 23360, 883, 3571, 27, 187, 8398, 323, 17326, 13, 28080, 2195, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1237, 27, 1093, 642, 15, 938, 23360, 883, 3677, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1619, 25805, 2504, 187, 2347, 476, 3780, 1014, 1335, 1675, 3095, 665, 1160, 247, 1127, 281, 320, 48231, 1633, 13, 840, 564, 896, 327, 352, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1237, 27, 938, 642, 15, 938, 23360, 45085, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1619, 25616, 1093, 187, 25054, 908, 281, 320, 1408, 407, 1669, 1346, 323, 247, 1048, 673, 13, 533, 1024, 352, 434, 2810, 281, 7479, 323, 731, 281, 3330, 12337, 1955, 281, 35949, 15, 3973, 273, 512, 13, 5143, 1694, 8516, 264, 1943, 673, 1580, 22557, 313, 9328, 2427, 432, 1146, 5096, 6, 12521, 3612, 23248, 281, 5062, 1671, 6, 1024, 10, 285, 45722, 376, 5801, 559, 1023, 545, 472, 280, 11563, 403, 1943, 673, 34461, 438, 8311, 661, 13, 5727, 12521, 3612, 1370, 303, 5257, 281, 2057, 564, 323, 9543, 313, 9229, 14, 1274, 10, 390, 3189, 1221, 91, 313, 22478, 595, 253, 346, 5758, 18275, 323, 5143, 3, 3128, 10, 390, 2489, 17452, 14, 3980, 394, 19966, 3746, 285, 458, 5036, 745, 253, 2208, 13, 1273, 314, 952, 1869, 1669, 1346, 497, 1512, 2602, 327, 28072, 15, 733, 434, 247, 2372, 625, 9542, 685, 326, 533, 309, 476, 626, 923, 253, 13389, 1669, 2403, 247, 41759, 28537, 3517, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1237, 27, 1229, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 3832, 19196, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 23360, 740, 3079, 187, 5064, 938, 23025, 1525, 1549, 187, 34, 3416, 42501, 387, 253, 19660, 5946, 15454, 13, 581, 273, 35889, 457, 84, 954, 7968, 1452, 13977, 15, 187, 2773, 434, 512, 3858, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1237, 27, 1229, 642, 15, 938, 23360, 32158, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 23360, 883, 2945, 187, 2993, 46446, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1237, 27, 1857, 642, 15, 938, 23360, 805, 1619, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1619, 25805, 1348, 187, 21808, 403, 253, 4394, 326, 597, 921, 187, 4297, 405, 665, 6057, 512, 1110, 313, 1439, 48812, 5046, 253, 21324, 10, 285, 643, 11037, 47272, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1237, 27, 1235, 642, 15, 938, 23360, 805, 2031, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 23360, 883, 2945, 187, 31, 1848, 48919, 5607, 18529, 187, 31, 2088, 3271, 2431, 38517, 29659, 187, 31, 77, 311, 8718, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1237, 27, 2417, 642, 15, 938, 23360, 805, 3712, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 23360, 740, 4148, 187, 783, 8516, 447, 6273, 13, 5777, 46908, 4202, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1610, 27, 3071, 642, 15, 938, 23360, 805, 2090, 27, 187, 5430, 1199, 513, 368, 971, 281, 701, 29154, 858, 436, 327, 4096, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1610, 27, 2922, 642, 15, 938, 23360, 805, 3677, 27, 187, 2347, 1048, 588, 253, 1327, 14, 51, 4542, 36357, 2201, 8461, 13297, 3343, 1919, 597, 1265, 20437, 22207, 969, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1610, 27, 1012, 642, 15, 938, 23360, 805, 3507, 27, 187, 2809, 3171, 1646, 4465, 3779, 555, 3063, 15, 26733, 752, 434, 1694, 731, 594, 718, 1559, 12457, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1610, 27, 1717, 642, 15, 938, 23360, 1012, 2693, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 23360, 740, 3079, 187, 31, 9802, 281, 1790, 1066, 1309, 247, 12699, 984, 18792, 310, 9676, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1610, 27, 2405, 642, 15, 938, 23360, 1012, 805, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 23360, 883, 2945, 187, 52, 7838, 74, 4021, 295, 16046, 313, 40728, 285, 258, 462, 40826, 13703, 10, 1925, 562, 329, 3123, 1934, 285, 465, 13972, 11678, 29273, 275, 41335, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1610, 27, 2031, 642, 15, 938, 23360, 1012, 1348, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 23360, 805, 2090, 187, 22, 6, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1610, 27, 2031, 642, 15, 938, 23360, 1012, 1630, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 23360, 805, 3507, 187, 18130, 434, 9612, 281, 2784, 2456, 6, 711, 86, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1610, 27, 1857, 642, 15, 938, 23360, 1012, 1619, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 23360, 883, 2945, 187, 36, 1807, 405, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1610, 27, 2950, 642, 15, 938, 23360, 1012, 1237, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1619, 25616, 1762, 187, 42, 1353, 604, 31296, 327, 352, 13, 417, 2119, 611, 2696, 943, 320, 611, 46492, 390, 1633, 309, 44069, 2369, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1610, 27, 3712, 642, 15, 938, 23360, 1012, 2945, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1619, 25805, 1348, 187, 2618, 2581, 6273, 323, 247, 18468, 326, 369, 26837, 281, 407, 253, 295, 376, 685, 247, 532, 317, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1706, 27, 2941, 642, 15, 938, 23360, 1012, 3680, 27, 187, 9281, 594, 359, 452, 28926, 48261, 327, 521, 13389, 17335, 285, 271, 4184, 2444, 387, 47419, 327, 271, 2448, 17335, 15, 1737, 247, 28026, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1706, 27, 2693, 642, 15, 938, 23360, 1012, 3655, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 23360, 740, 4148, 187, 42, 1353, 2119, 512, 1110, 26538, 703, 2197, 281, 5754, 323, 10470, 32983, 275, 617, 1375, 588, 452, 617, 6273, 1024, 2, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1706, 27, 740, 642, 15, 938, 23360, 1012, 3566, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 23360, 805, 3677, 187, 3039, 352, 434, 11638, 323, 731, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1706, 27, 1348, 642, 15, 938, 23360, 1012, 2222, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1619, 20954, 2691, 187, 31, 248, 2506, 626, 871, 670, 253, 29348, 379, 25749, 187, 41052, 2, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1706, 27, 1717, 642, 15, 938, 23360, 1047, 3071, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 23360, 883, 2945, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1706, 27, 1717, 642, 15, 938, 23360, 1047, 2922, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 23360, 883, 2945, 187, 31, 79, 23248, 275, 253, 27797, 4648, 4274, 3938, 264, 21827, 358, 17533, 476, 2196, 281, 5195, 326, 9239, 1020, 25680, 187, 6300, 1529, 1388, 275, 3196, 1765, 71, 434, 3968, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1706, 27, 1237, 642, 15, 938, 23360, 1047, 883, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 23360, 1012, 1348, 187, 376, 250, 13, 6701, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1706, 27, 1812, 642, 15, 938, 23360, 1047, 938, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 23360, 1012, 1348, 187, 40199, 1611, 17335, 71, 356, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1706, 27, 1449, 642, 15, 938, 23360, 1047, 1619, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 23360, 1012, 1348, 187, 42846, 10739, 13, 247, 5015, 3226, 42513, 19550, 2, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1706, 27, 3079, 642, 15, 938, 23360, 1047, 1787, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 23360, 45085, 187, 21760, 2484, 3254, 3, 403, 260, 9984, 1014, 275, 5143, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1706, 27, 3712, 642, 15, 938, 23360, 1047, 3583, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 23025, 1525, 1549, 187, 10252, 285, 3168, 1161, 33144, 433, 3548, 626, 45409, 15, 2064, 439, 953, 439, 74, 262, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1706, 27, 3011, 642, 15, 938, 23360, 1047, 3832, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 23360, 1012, 1237, 187, 42, 1871, 1379, 40070, 13, 1014, 15, 209, 187, 31, 13325, 3968, 28319, 187, 9586, 840, 13, 776, 11319, 310, 1335, 495, 5784, 1533, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1671, 27, 361, 642, 15, 938, 23360, 1047, 1540, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 23360, 805, 2031, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1671, 27, 2941, 642, 15, 938, 23360, 1047, 3655, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 23360, 1012, 1348, 187, 5371, 434, 380, 9384, 751, 275, 1524, 1495, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1671, 27, 1348, 642, 15, 938, 23360, 1010, 805, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 23360, 1012, 2693, 187, 74, 751, 634, 3740, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1671, 27, 1731, 642, 15, 938, 23360, 1010, 1012, 27, 187, 2573, 10948, 5935, 329, 3123, 1934, 29659, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746 ]
Anonymous 07/01/18(Sun)11:17:44 no.177130641: How could we organize a black exit from the west? If we make them think it’s their idea and that their perfect Utopia exists in Africa away from all the evil whites, we could be rid of a large portion of them. Anonymous 07/01/18(Sun)11:26:16 no.177131283: >>177130641 Lmao keep dreaming. Europe will be black Anonymous 07/01/18(Sun)11:50:37 no.177133184: >>177131283 Niggers you gotta pick it up on the drunk driving the spics are beating you. <|endoftext|>Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)20:17:27 no.126096522: pCqsXE8g Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)20:18:43 no.126096676: NEWFAG!!!! Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)20:20:47 no.126096910: >>126096522 newfag Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)20:23:27 no.126097225: >>126096522 Holy fucking newfag. This has been circulated here for quite a while Anon. Spread it to normies you know who are interested in politics. There's another video of him in a college lecture that's pretty good too. He explains more of Cultural Marxism and the techniques it uses. Check it out. Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)20:27:11 no.126097617: >>126096522 Babby's first day on /pol/ <|endoftext|>Anonymous 09/19/16(Mon)16:29:46 no.89515296: >>89514898 >country created by Hitler >containment zone for jews >build wall >bomb muslim orphanages Whats not to like? Anonymous 09/19/16(Mon)16:31:30 no.89515500: >>89514898 we have to play their game we can't afford to "like or dislike" We have to be smart Anonymous 09/19/16(Mon)16:32:45 no.89515640: >>89514898 I don't. They're a joke site fronted by a faggot. My dad always told me to mistrust the news Jew. His exact words were "I do t fucking listen to stories from men who wear god damned make up. Now shut up you little bitch and fetch me my scotch". Anonymous 09/19/16(Mon)16:34:08 no.89515840: >>89514898 >he thinks the Israeli Jew is the same as the Secular Kike good goy Anonymous 09/19/16(Mon)16:36:10 no.89516121: >>89515840 >he thinks the secular like is not lobbying in his country to support the israeli jew Anonymous 09/19/16(Mon)16:38:17 no.89516407: Because they have more credibility than the networks combined. Anonymous 09/19/16(Mon)16:43:31 no.89517072: Nobody despises left wing Jews more than right wing Jews. <|endoftext|>Anonymous 12/28/18(Fri)13:28:13 no.198017241: Why do the Irish lack the ability to tan and just stay bright pink year round? Its ugly as shit, they stick out in every part of Europe they go to, except maybe Brittany and the northern fringes of Spain. Anonymous 12/28/18(Fri)13:30:43 no.198017431: Why do anglos look like their chins are recessed 3 inchs into their faces? Anonymous 12/28/18(Fri)13:32:30 no.198017550: here's my impression of an irishman "im a leprechaun yer here tah steam me gold" Anonymous 12/28/18(Fri)13:33:40 no.198017620: >>198017241 Irish are the purest white Anonymous 12/28/18(Fri)13:34:09 no.198017644: >>198017550 Irish BTFO, how can Eire ever recover? Anonymous 12/28/18(Fri)13:34:46 no.198017694: >>198017620 >white >is actually red Anonymous 12/28/18(Fri)13:36:56 no.198017877: >>198017620 >Irish are the purest white yeah, but all the good ones came to america Anonymous 12/28/18(Fri)13:37:10 no.198017901: >>198017644 i can do all kinds of impressions. heres my impression of someone in london "oi fuckin' 'ell my dad is drunk again" Anonymous 12/28/18(Fri)13:37:46 no.198017953: >>198017620 Yes and your skin looks like a raw chicken Anonymous 12/28/18(Fri)13:38:35 no.198018007: I tan quite easily, so there goes your theory. But I know what you mean. It's called living in a country with shit weather 95% of the time. Honestly anon, it's not a difficult concept to grasp. Anonymous 12/28/18(Fri)13:38:48 no.198018027: >>198017620 Maybe the dumbest whites Anonymous 12/28/18(Fri)13:39:36 no.198018092: >>198017550 >steam Wut? Anonymous 12/28/18(Fri)13:40:42 no.198018170: >>198017241 They're beautiful and pale. Better then the tanned crap Anonymous 12/28/18(Fri)13:41:11 no.198018206: >>198018027 The smart ones went to the US and now dominate the country Anonymous 12/28/18(Fri)13:41:50 no.198018247: >>198018092 i dunno what the hell happened. i think I got leprechauns in my keyboard Anonymous 12/28/18(Fri)13:43:08 no.198018346: >>198017241 high admixture of edomite blood, potato niggers. cain is the author of violence, the irish are very violent. add it up. Anonymous 12/28/18(Fri)13:43:43 no.198018401: >>198018247 Oh begorrah. Feckin little bastards they are. Anonymous 12/28/18(Fri)13:43:50 no.198018413: >>198018206 Is it the same story here? Anonymous 12/28/18(Fri)13:44:47 no.198018479: >>198018027 estimated 50,000,000 Irish Americans, we run this bitch now well actually kikes run it but we're second in line, once we genocide the Jews were gonna be back on top Anonymous 12/28/18(Fri)13:45:25 no.198018535: >>198018413 We have lots of Arabs in our borders The Jews that came here raised the average IQ from the 80’s to that. Anonymous 12/28/18(Fri)13:46:45 no.198018631: >>198018479 Ok buddy Anonymous 12/28/18(Fri)13:47:02 no.198018657: >>198018479 God speed. Send potatoes. Anonymous 12/28/18(Fri)13:49:14 no.198018836: >>198018657 The potato empire shall rise Anonymous 12/28/18(Fri)13:49:18 no.198018845: >>198017241 Its so we can synthesize vitamin D at alarming rates like the gods we are. Any criticism of Irish phenotypes is a tacit approval of niggerdom. Anonymous 12/28/18(Fri)13:50:16 no.198018930: >>198017241 Why are suggesting that looking like a shitskin when exposed to sunlight is a good thing? Anonymous 12/28/18(Fri)13:50:23 no.198018938: I tan easily and I'm from Ireland. Last summer here we had warm sunny weather for for weeks on end and everyone was looking tanned. Anonymous 12/28/18(Fri)13:50:59 no.198018980: >>198017431 >irish >anglos ???? Anonymous 12/28/18(Fri)13
[ 45545, 18188, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 14594, 10, 883, 27, 1166, 27, 2031, 642, 15, 15907, 11246, 33976, 27, 187, 2347, 812, 359, 23968, 247, 2806, 10463, 432, 253, 8935, 32, 1310, 359, 1056, 731, 1158, 352, 457, 84, 616, 2934, 285, 326, 616, 3962, 530, 3956, 571, 4961, 275, 7531, 1977, 432, 512, 253, 10319, 19991, 13, 359, 812, 320, 8314, 273, 247, 1781, 5110, 273, 731, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 14594, 10, 883, 27, 1731, 27, 1036, 642, 15, 15907, 1012, 805, 3245, 27, 187, 5064, 15907, 11246, 33976, 187, 45, 785, 80, 1978, 36515, 15, 3060, 588, 320, 2806, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 14594, 10, 883, 27, 1235, 27, 1787, 642, 15, 15907, 14380, 19105, 27, 187, 5064, 15907, 1012, 805, 3245, 187, 47, 304, 7276, 187, 5658, 17500, 2619, 352, 598, 327, 253, 17507, 6276, 253, 653, 982, 403, 18019, 368, 15, 2756, 50279, 45545, 16987, 16, 1093, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 938, 27, 1166, 27, 1630, 642, 15, 805, 27059, 2082, 1423, 27, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 24583, 15, 681, 16, 13060, 32, 87, 30, 22, 3757, 187, 81, 36, 41317, 57, 38, 25, 72, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1093, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 938, 27, 1093, 27, 3079, 642, 15, 805, 1549, 4196, 29462, 27, 187, 24650, 39, 2696, 18963, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1093, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 938, 27, 938, 27, 2504, 642, 15, 805, 27059, 2090, 740, 27, 187, 5064, 805, 27059, 2082, 1423, 187, 1826, 71, 356, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1093, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 938, 27, 1508, 27, 1630, 642, 15, 805, 27059, 3547, 1099, 27, 187, 5064, 805, 27059, 2082, 1423, 187, 42846, 12835, 747, 71, 356, 15, 831, 556, 644, 41443, 1060, 323, 3240, 247, 1223, 743, 251, 15, 43611, 352, 281, 5222, 447, 368, 871, 665, 403, 6110, 275, 8672, 15, 1707, 434, 1529, 3492, 273, 779, 275, 247, 6831, 22077, 326, 434, 3965, 1175, 1512, 15, 754, 11424, 625, 273, 31075, 19381, 1204, 285, 253, 5609, 352, 4648, 15, 9423, 352, 562, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1093, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 938, 27, 1630, 27, 883, 642, 15, 805, 27059, 3121, 1166, 27, 187, 5064, 805, 27059, 2082, 1423, 187, 49903, 1615, 434, 806, 1388, 327, 1227, 4818, 16, 2756, 50279, 45545, 15630, 16, 746, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 1036, 27, 1717, 27, 2950, 642, 15, 25, 2222, 1010, 23402, 27, 187, 5064, 25, 2222, 1047, 33868, 187, 31, 18362, 3562, 407, 18816, 187, 31, 1987, 404, 420, 8232, 323, 15589, 84, 187, 31, 7973, 3402, 187, 31, 67, 4894, 1948, 2815, 33260, 1131, 187, 1276, 84, 417, 281, 751, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 746, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 1036, 27, 2405, 27, 1229, 642, 15, 25, 2222, 1010, 5388, 27, 187, 5064, 25, 2222, 1047, 33868, 187, 664, 452, 281, 1132, 616, 2165, 359, 476, 626, 7848, 281, 346, 3022, 390, 34941, 3, 187, 1231, 452, 281, 320, 7060, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 746, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 1036, 27, 1237, 27, 1857, 642, 15, 25, 2222, 16198, 1449, 27, 187, 5064, 25, 2222, 1047, 33868, 187, 42, 1053, 626, 15, 1583, 1472, 247, 16391, 2670, 2914, 264, 407, 247, 269, 13046, 302, 15, 187, 3220, 12247, 1900, 2183, 479, 281, 5384, 18037, 253, 3668, 5679, 15, 3032, 3242, 3000, 497, 346, 42, 513, 246, 12835, 8028, 281, 6281, 432, 1821, 665, 8251, 7122, 31833, 1056, 598, 15, 3954, 6294, 598, 368, 1652, 23331, 285, 20279, 479, 619, 660, 302, 348, 3446, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 746, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 1036, 27, 1706, 27, 2904, 642, 15, 25, 2222, 18663, 1449, 27, 187, 5064, 25, 2222, 1047, 33868, 187, 31, 248, 11121, 253, 13389, 5679, 310, 253, 1072, 347, 253, 5466, 792, 611, 2804, 187, 12311, 564, 90, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 746, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 1036, 27, 1812, 27, 740, 642, 15, 25, 2222, 1036, 15144, 27, 187, 5064, 25, 2222, 18663, 1449, 187, 31, 248, 11121, 253, 22884, 751, 310, 417, 40140, 275, 521, 2586, 281, 1329, 253, 310, 4690, 74, 15589, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 746, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 1036, 27, 1839, 27, 1166, 642, 15, 25, 2222, 1036, 24769, 27, 187, 8457, 597, 452, 625, 17938, 685, 253, 6928, 5678, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 746, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 1036, 27, 3079, 27, 2405, 642, 15, 25, 2222, 1166, 42515, 27, 187, 30213, 26882, 3013, 1669, 12916, 11563, 625, 685, 987, 12916, 11563, 15, 2756, 50279, 45545, 1249, 16, 1619, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1012, 27, 1619, 27, 1012, 642, 15, 16903, 11027, 24552, 27, 187, 4967, 513, 253, 11596, 3480, 253, 3745, 281, 23136, 285, 816, 3297, 6627, 14863, 807, 3790, 32, 7850, 19513, 347, 10739, 13, 597, 7356, 562, 275, 1046, 629, 273, 3060, 597, 564, 281, 13, 3707, 5046, 37601, 1279, 285, 253, 11186, 269, 45324, 273, 11268, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 1619, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1012, 27, 1229, 27, 3079, 642, 15, 16903, 520, 3566, 2405, 27, 187, 4967, 513, 2897, 26185, 1007, 751, 616, 448, 968, 403, 761, 16187, 495, 16416, 84, 715, 616, 9365, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 1619, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1012, 27, 1237, 27, 1229, 642, 15, 16903, 520, 1976, 1235, 27, 187, 1568, 686, 84, 619, 13214, 273, 271, 3496, 763, 1342, 187, 3, 303, 247, 458, 3456, 13420, 328, 48570, 1060, 246, 1240, 15401, 479, 5328, 3, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 1619, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1012, 27, 1610, 27, 1449, 642, 15, 16903, 520, 3121, 938, 27, 187, 5064, 16903, 11027, 24552, 187, 45383, 403, 253, 6313, 296, 3168, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 1619, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1012, 27, 1706, 27, 2693, 642, 15, 16903, 11027, 25959, 27, 187, 5064, 16903, 520, 1976, 1235, 187, 45383, 23755, 8768, 13, 849, 476, 444, 603, 2455, 9295, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 1619, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1012, 27, 1706, 27, 2950, 642, 15, 16903, 11027, 30467, 27, 187, 5064, 16903, 520, 3121, 938, 187, 31, 11300, 187, 31, 261, 2686, 2502, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 1619, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1012, 27, 1812, 27, 3208, 642, 15, 16903, 520, 3141, 2357, 27, 187, 5064, 16903, 520, 3121, 938, 187, 31, 45383, 403, 253, 6313, 296, 3168, 187, 90, 3983, 13, 533, 512, 253, 1175, 4394, 2210, 281, 717, 254, 3737, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 1619, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1012, 27, 1787, 27, 740, 642, 15, 16903, 520, 2787, 520, 27, 187, 5064, 16903, 11027, 25959, 187, 74, 476, 513, 512, 9351, 273, 34965, 15, 344, 373, 619, 13214, 273, 3095, 275, 298, 4199, 187, 3, 10986, 49826, 8, 686, 437, 619, 12247, 310, 17507, 969, 3, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 1619, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1012, 27, 1787, 27, 2950, 642, 15, 16903, 11027, 41892, 27, 187, 5064, 16903, 520, 3121, 938, 187, 4374, 285, 634, 4808, 4453, 751, 247, 9305, 11152, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 1619, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1012, 27, 1839, 27, 1671, 642, 15, 16903, 12058, 7931, 27, 187, 42, 23136, 3240, 4354, 13, 594, 627, 4566, 634, 3762, 15, 1292, 309, 871, 752, 368, 1599, 15, 733, 434, 1925, 3811, 275, 247, 2586, 342, 10739, 8588, 5325, 6, 273, 253, 673, 15, 10916, 27459, 271, 251, 13, 352, 434, 417, 247, 2834, 4473, 281, 15909, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 1619, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1012, 27, 1839, 27, 2385, 642, 15, 16903, 520, 1438, 1630, 27, 187, 5064, 16903, 520, 3121, 938, 187, 11175, 253, 21413, 383, 19991, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 1619, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1012, 27, 1867, 27, 1812, 642, 15, 16903, 520, 1438, 4529, 27, 187, 5064, 16903, 520, 1976, 1235, 187, 31, 3241, 312, 187, 56, 307, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 1619, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1012, 27, 1449, 27, 2945, 642, 15, 16903, 12058, 15046, 27, 187, 5064, 16903, 11027, 24552, 187, 3726, 1472, 5389, 285, 14530, 15, 23526, 840, 253, 246, 5442, 23550, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 1619, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1012, 27, 3156, 27, 883, 642, 15, 16903, 12058, 18040, 27, 187, 5064, 16903, 520, 1438, 1630, 187, 510, 7060, 4394, 2427, 281, 253, 1982, 285, 1024, 25903, 253, 2586, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 1619, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1012, 27, 3156, 27, 1235, 642, 15, 16903, 12058, 18392, 27, 187, 5064, 16903, 520, 1438, 4529, 187, 74, 44069, 2369, 752, 253, 7085, 4592, 15, 891, 1158, 309, 1694, 458, 3456, 13420, 4539, 275, 619, 15487, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 1619, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1012, 27, 3079, 27, 2904, 642, 15, 16903, 12058, 26140, 27, 187, 5064, 16903, 11027, 24552, 187, 8656, 519, 7373, 6638, 273, 1407, 297, 614, 2614, 13, 14408, 35825, 7276, 15, 187, 68, 404, 310, 253, 2488, 273, 7217, 13, 253, 3496, 763, 403, 1077, 187, 43115, 15, 823, 352, 598, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 1619, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1012, 27, 3079, 27, 3079, 642, 15, 16903, 520, 2759, 520, 27, 187, 5064, 16903, 12058, 18392, 187, 4013, 2353, 263, 22876, 15, 5721, 777, 249, 1652, 19697, 2196, 597, 403, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 1619, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1012, 27, 3079, 27, 1235, 642, 15, 16903, 520, 2759, 1012, 27, 187, 5064, 16903, 12058, 18040, 187, 2513, 352, 253, 1072, 2926, 1060, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 1619, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1012, 27, 2031, 27, 2504, 642, 15, 16903, 12058, 28757, 27, 187, 5064, 16903, 520, 1438, 1630, 187, 383, 18280, 2456, 13, 933, 13, 933, 11596, 7108, 13, 359, 1408, 436, 23331, 1024, 187, 4714, 2686, 465, 13972, 1408, 352, 533, 359, 1472, 1273, 275, 1386, 13, 2378, 359, 42604, 253, 11563, 497, 6501, 320, 896, 327, 1755, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 1619, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1012, 27, 1857, 27, 1099, 642, 15, 16903, 520, 2227, 1671, 27, 187, 5064, 16903, 520, 2759, 1012, 187, 1231, 452, 8783, 273, 39004, 275, 776, 18275, 187, 510, 11563, 326, 2210, 1060, 5439, 253, 3388, 29147, 432, 253, 5096, 457, 84, 281, 326, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 1619, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1012, 27, 2950, 27, 1857, 642, 15, 16903, 520, 2691, 2405, 27, 187, 5064, 16903, 12058, 28757, 187, 20127, 29517, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 1619, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1012, 27, 2504, 27, 2640, 642, 15, 16903, 12058, 28339, 27, 187, 5064, 16903, 12058, 28757, 187, 13618, 3885, 15, 23934, 20951, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 1619, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1012, 27, 2537, 27, 1047, 642, 15, 16903, 520, 2055, 1812, 27, 187, 5064, 16903, 12058, 28339, 187, 510, 14408, 20986, 3091, 6054, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 1619, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1012, 27, 2537, 27, 1093, 642, 15, 16903, 520, 2055, 1857, 27, 187, 5064, 16903, 11027, 24552, 187, 27132, 594, 359, 476, 46919, 14590, 399, 387, 40975, 4142, 751, 253, 17373, 359, 403, 15, 187, 6693, 14226, 273, 11596, 21903, 310, 247, 32851, 262, 9612, 273, 295, 16046, 3335, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 1619, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1012, 27, 1235, 27, 1036, 642, 15, 16903, 520, 2511, 1229, 27, 187, 5064, 16903, 11027, 24552, 187, 4967, 403, 7738, 326, 2819, 751, 247, 439, 953, 5914, 672, 7329, 281, 23993, 310, 247, 1175, 2181, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 1619, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1012, 27, 1235, 27, 1508, 642, 15, 16903, 520, 2511, 1839, 27, 187, 42, 23136, 4354, 285, 309, 1353, 432, 11011, 15, 9859, 5768, 1060, 359, 574, 5890, 32650, 8588, 323, 323, 3618, 327, 990, 285, 4130, 369, 2819, 246, 5442, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 1619, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1012, 27, 1235, 27, 3046, 642, 15, 16903, 520, 2511, 1438, 27, 187, 5064, 16903, 520, 3566, 2405, 187, 31, 343, 763, 187, 31, 606, 26185, 187, 25561, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 1619, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1012 ]
jealous of others >doesn’t realize I still make more than he does as a project manager No I’m honestly happy for you anon. What’s your trade? Anonymous 08/08/18(Wed)15:38:47 no.181615880: >>181615523 >Sounds like an excuse to me. I was like you in my early 20's "fuck college, fuck women, I'll do what i want" blah blah, you want to be broke at 30? I didn't, that is what motivated me. Go get a real job loser. just no Anonymous 08/08/18(Wed)15:39:18 no.181615927: >>181615453 It makes perfect sense. Women are biologically driven to undo civilization. Civilization was formed by men counter to female sexuality. Women have been working tirelessly ever since to undo this agreement. Anonymous 08/08/18(Wed)15:39:28 no.181615944: >>181615688 >the solution is to be a cuck Anonymous 08/08/18(Wed)15:39:30 no.181615949: >>181615692 im a lawyer, my family are doctors, own an estate in the countryside and agricultural business, ive travelled through europe in my life and no i dont have expensive cars because if my family taught me one thing its not to waste money on unnecessary things Anonymous 08/08/18(Wed)15:40:00 no.181615992: >>181615927 bcs women just want to have fun and fuck and be carefree Anonymous 08/08/18(Wed)15:40:18 no.181616011: >>181615812 Shit, you're right. It's only 3x your average salary while still having a comparable cost of living. My bad. Anonymous 08/08/18(Wed)15:41:05 no.181616095: >>181613777 That's actually Physiognomy. Which was "debunked" by people who happen to have untrustworthy faces. With the advent of AI, we now know that it's real. ech/article-2593598/Researchers-cla ims-tell-intelligent-man-just-LOOKI NG-dont-know-doesnt-work-women.html Anonymous 08/08/18(Wed)15:41:38 no.181616157: >>181615949 Smart anon. I still drive the car I bought in college and maintain it myself. In real life we might even be able to get along Anonymous 08/08/18(Wed)15:41:50 no.181616177: >>181616011 >comparable cost of living now im 100% sure youve never been out of kansas Anonymous 08/08/18(Wed)15:43:32 no.181616337: >>181614126 You are not right. I'm an overly-degreed engineer and I unironically wish I had just joined the Navy Diver program at age 18, learned underwater welding, and started a business later. Anonymous 08/08/18(Wed)15:44:16 no.181616397: >>181616157 i mean, i get it that money doesnt mean as much as people think you cant live in 2 houses at once or drive two cars at once, but the idea that one partner has more opportunity, is more better educated and ends up stay at home because thats how the pioneers lives is utterly ridiculous to me Anonymous 08/08/18(Wed)15:44:25 no.181616410: >>181615189 >A psychology degree. Anonymous 08/08/18(Wed)15:45:21 no.181616497: >>181611230 muh smert wahmen Anonymous 08/08/18(Wed)15:45:30 no.181616505: >>181612176 How so? Set up a proper non cucked marriage contract! Most countries allow for that besides their standard procedure. Anonymous 08/08/18(Wed)15:46:51 no.181616626: >>181616095 Ah you're right. But even before then people knew because crimonologists noticed serial killers often had similar facial features based on composites in the 70s. Anonymous 08/08/18(Wed)15:46:52 no.181616627: >>181616177 Average price of a liter of milk in your country is $0.35 In the US you can buy a gallon of milk for $1.65 Yes, we have a very comparable cost of living. Meanwhile the price of 1 gallon of fuel in Croatia would be about $6+, so for some things we are even better off than you. Anonymous 08/08/18(Wed)15:47:04 no.181616646: >>181615011 You sure? And aren’t those other people low level office clerks or plumbers? Anonymous 08/08/18(Wed)15:47:05 no.181616647: >>181613777 >>181612835 Thanks for the info guys. Appreciate it. Anonymous 08/08/18(Wed)15:47:11 no.181616659: >>181611230 >claim to wamt equality in marriage partners >admit they want to marry up Women...always changing thier minds. Am I right fellas?! Anonymous 08/08/18(Wed)15:47:45 no.181616706: >>181615927 >Women are biologically driven to undo civilization. Women are biologically driven to hypergamy If tearing down civilization helps them toward this, they'll do it If women didn’t care about having material support in the form of a long term partner, they would only mate with the top 5-10% of men, leaving 90-95% of men sexless, without family, love or children. This is why women always support leftist socialism. It’s not empathy. Consciously or subconsciously, they want the government to take over the role of provider/protector male, so that they are free to only mate with the top 5-10% of men. Feminism is nothing more than women wishing to be untethered from provider/protector males so that they can fuck the alpha. Women are hard wired to want to reduce 90% of males to an existence of loneliness, meaninglessness and pain, while they have the government steal the money of these lonely men and redistribute it to them Anonymous 08/08/18(Wed)15:48:02 no.181616734: >>181615730 Well done, anon. Anonymous 08/08/18(Wed)15:48:03 no.181616739: >>181611230 ironically the only men who get married these days are dumb Anonymous 08/08/18(Wed)15:48:24 no.181616758: >>181616627 are you aware that in europe people go around mostly via public travel services like trains, planes, tramways, buses also yea, theres a lot of agricultural issues fucking up the price of milk, but not like it matters for me since i make my own Anonymous 08/08/18(Wed)15:48:49 no.181616795: >‘They wanted equality in their relationship.’ >Infact, another study co-authored by Professor Inhorn found women often desired men from a higher socio-economic level. ALMONDS ASSUMING DIRECT CONTROL Anonymous 08/08/18(Wed)15:50:26 no.181616947: >>181616758 >are you aware that in europe people go around mostly via public travel services like trains, planes, tramways, buses I get that. But the data shows that we do have a very comparable cost of living. Aside from housing. >theres a lot of agricultural issues fucking up the price of milk There's a lot of housing issues fucking up the prices of houses in the US. We all got problems. Anonymous 08/08/18(Wed)15:50:37 no.181616966: >>181614602 No amount of money or title of degree has ever gotten a man hard. But they don't understand that because they're women, and that's exactly the type of shit they get wet for. Anonymous 08/08/18(Wed)15:50:43 no.181616976: >>181616647 The correct term is Physiognomy, I fucked up. Anonymous 08/08/18(Wed)15:50:51 no.181616993: >>181611230 Nice post Anonymous 08/08/18(Wed)15:52:53 no.1816
[ 23327, 273, 2571, 187, 31, 48724, 457, 85, 8968, 309, 1335, 1056, 625, 685, 344, 1057, 347, 247, 2199, 7205, 209, 187, 2302, 309, 457, 78, 20509, 5211, 323, 368, 271, 251, 15, 1737, 457, 84, 634, 5454, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2904, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1010, 27, 1839, 27, 2504, 642, 15, 1093, 1036, 18663, 1438, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1036, 15054, 1508, 187, 31, 41099, 751, 271, 16267, 281, 479, 15, 309, 369, 751, 368, 275, 619, 2393, 1384, 434, 346, 71, 1807, 6831, 13, 7435, 2255, 13, 309, 1833, 513, 752, 891, 971, 3, 37598, 37598, 13, 368, 971, 281, 320, 9377, 387, 1884, 32, 309, 1904, 626, 13, 326, 310, 752, 17194, 479, 15, 3617, 755, 247, 1524, 2628, 48222, 15, 187, 6309, 642, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2904, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1010, 27, 1867, 27, 1093, 642, 15, 1093, 1036, 17220, 1630, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1036, 1010, 31213, 187, 1147, 2789, 3962, 3282, 15, 10168, 403, 35605, 8877, 281, 42137, 23749, 15, 10109, 1320, 369, 4447, 407, 1821, 4828, 281, 5343, 30545, 15, 10168, 452, 644, 2444, 20052, 13102, 2455, 1580, 281, 42137, 436, 4345, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2904, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1010, 27, 1867, 27, 1619, 642, 15, 1093, 1036, 17220, 2031, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1036, 16198, 2055, 187, 31, 783, 2900, 310, 281, 320, 247, 260, 1807, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2904, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1010, 27, 1867, 27, 1229, 642, 15, 1093, 1036, 17220, 2537, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1036, 1010, 34769, 187, 303, 247, 11115, 13, 619, 2021, 403, 11576, 13, 1211, 271, 8304, 275, 253, 31504, 285, 17340, 2136, 13, 209, 422, 29433, 949, 19454, 275, 619, 1495, 187, 395, 642, 891, 13414, 452, 8214, 8458, 984, 604, 619, 2021, 10256, 479, 581, 2181, 697, 417, 281, 8138, 2583, 327, 15279, 1841, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2904, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1010, 27, 1449, 27, 361, 642, 15, 1093, 1036, 1010, 34363, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1036, 17220, 1630, 187, 67, 6113, 2255, 816, 971, 281, 452, 794, 285, 7435, 285, 320, 1557, 4924, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2904, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1010, 27, 1449, 27, 1093, 642, 15, 1093, 1036, 1036, 13925, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1036, 18663, 805, 187, 37858, 13, 368, 1472, 987, 15, 209, 187, 1147, 434, 760, 495, 89, 634, 3388, 16268, 1223, 1335, 1907, 247, 10870, 2105, 273, 3811, 15, 2752, 3076, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2904, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1010, 27, 3156, 27, 1762, 642, 15, 1093, 1036, 9913, 2222, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1036, 1012, 28880, 187, 2773, 434, 2686, 4111, 74, 2331, 4182, 15, 6758, 369, 346, 25206, 3938, 264, 3, 407, 952, 665, 5108, 281, 452, 440, 32993, 26214, 9365, 15, 2726, 253, 9957, 273, 14980, 13, 359, 1024, 871, 326, 352, 434, 1524, 15, 209, 187, 3614, 1358, 22477, 15, 4786, 16, 87, 54, 69, 48, 43, 187, 2413, 1358, 2700, 15, 69, 647, 1105, 647, 15, 1940, 15, 2788, 16, 1026, 1914, 68, 292, 187, 5036, 16, 14600, 14, 20395, 1671, 4185, 16, 2632, 31103, 14, 498, 66, 187, 14381, 14, 38878, 14, 565, 46207, 14, 1342, 14, 6309, 14, 45, 16569, 42, 187, 12770, 14, 69, 834, 14, 14428, 14, 18566, 2649, 14, 1601, 14, 31450, 15, 2974, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2904, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1010, 27, 3156, 27, 1839, 642, 15, 1093, 1036, 1036, 15882, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1036, 17220, 2537, 187, 37222, 271, 251, 15, 309, 1335, 4446, 253, 1113, 309, 8686, 275, 6831, 285, 6558, 352, 4266, 15, 496, 1524, 1495, 359, 1537, 1014, 320, 2104, 281, 755, 2112, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2904, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1010, 27, 3156, 27, 1235, 642, 15, 1093, 1036, 1036, 15907, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1036, 1036, 13925, 187, 31, 681, 36730, 2105, 273, 3811, 187, 2666, 516, 2233, 6, 2119, 368, 306, 1620, 644, 562, 273, 465, 10642, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2904, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1010, 27, 3079, 27, 1237, 642, 15, 1093, 1036, 1036, 23829, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1036, 1047, 13381, 187, 1394, 403, 417, 987, 15, 309, 1353, 271, 27662, 14, 16887, 22767, 16518, 285, 309, 440, 2002, 1037, 5730, 309, 574, 816, 7416, 253, 13669, 399, 2373, 2086, 387, 2363, 1283, 13, 6311, 35355, 34329, 13, 285, 3053, 247, 2136, 1996, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2904, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1010, 27, 2031, 27, 1036, 642, 15, 1093, 1036, 1036, 26933, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1036, 1036, 15882, 187, 74, 1599, 13, 891, 755, 352, 326, 2583, 36908, 1599, 347, 1199, 347, 952, 1158, 187, 5658, 16216, 3153, 275, 374, 9910, 387, 2378, 390, 4446, 767, 8458, 387, 2378, 13, 533, 253, 2934, 326, 581, 7832, 556, 625, 5107, 13, 310, 625, 1805, 19149, 285, 7637, 598, 3297, 387, 1728, 984, 28763, 849, 253, 22223, 398, 4852, 310, 23228, 19082, 281, 479, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2904, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1010, 27, 2031, 27, 1099, 642, 15, 1093, 1036, 18467, 740, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1036, 1010, 18359, 187, 31, 34, 20162, 4248, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2904, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1010, 27, 1857, 27, 1797, 642, 15, 1093, 1036, 1036, 30626, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1036, 11124, 1229, 187, 1906, 73, 924, 797, 259, 1240, 3767, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2904, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1010, 27, 1857, 27, 1229, 642, 15, 1093, 1036, 1036, 18550, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1036, 805, 17184, 187, 2347, 594, 32, 6618, 598, 247, 1463, 1327, 260, 20044, 7875, 3310, 2, 5595, 4343, 1581, 323, 326, 16280, 616, 2629, 5199, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2904, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1010, 27, 2950, 27, 3712, 642, 15, 1093, 1036, 17962, 1731, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1036, 9913, 2222, 187, 13924, 368, 1472, 987, 15, 1292, 1014, 1078, 840, 952, 3260, 984, 5435, 251, 11644, 8344, 10382, 45361, 2223, 574, 2074, 17754, 3386, 1754, 327, 38471, 275, 253, 5571, 84, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2904, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1010, 27, 2950, 27, 3583, 642, 15, 1093, 1036, 17962, 1630, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1036, 1036, 15907, 187, 33993, 4376, 273, 247, 4133, 273, 8463, 275, 634, 2586, 310, 370, 17, 15, 1671, 187, 688, 253, 1982, 368, 476, 4489, 247, 46740, 273, 8463, 323, 370, 18, 15, 2082, 187, 4374, 13, 359, 452, 247, 1077, 10870, 2105, 273, 3811, 15, 209, 187, 18978, 253, 4376, 273, 337, 46740, 273, 7236, 275, 42862, 651, 320, 670, 370, 23, 24728, 594, 323, 690, 1841, 359, 403, 1014, 1805, 745, 685, 368, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2904, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1010, 27, 2504, 27, 2125, 642, 15, 1093, 1036, 1036, 25238, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1036, 1010, 13925, 187, 1394, 2119, 32, 1244, 6403, 457, 85, 1110, 643, 952, 1698, 1268, 3906, 31557, 661, 390, 29896, 1653, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2904, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1010, 27, 2504, 27, 1762, 642, 15, 1093, 1036, 1036, 25953, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1036, 1012, 28880, 187, 5064, 1093, 1036, 8196, 1671, 187, 8061, 323, 253, 8692, 6068, 15, 2051, 2845, 4513, 352, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2904, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1010, 27, 2504, 27, 883, 642, 15, 1093, 1036, 1036, 21889, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1036, 11124, 1229, 187, 31, 7041, 281, 259, 312, 85, 13919, 275, 7875, 10471, 187, 31, 324, 2225, 597, 971, 281, 17129, 598, 187, 22737, 1051, 25737, 6890, 289, 1321, 13846, 15, 3052, 309, 987, 6497, 284, 22418, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2904, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1010, 27, 2504, 27, 1857, 642, 15, 1093, 1036, 1036, 28166, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1036, 17220, 1630, 187, 31, 22737, 403, 35605, 8877, 281, 42137, 23749, 15, 187, 22737, 403, 35605, 8877, 281, 4373, 72, 14743, 209, 187, 2042, 35765, 1066, 23749, 7729, 731, 2584, 436, 13, 597, 1833, 513, 352, 187, 2042, 2255, 1904, 457, 85, 1557, 670, 1907, 2144, 1329, 275, 253, 830, 273, 247, 1048, 1307, 7832, 13, 597, 651, 760, 20187, 342, 253, 1755, 608, 14, 740, 6, 273, 1821, 13, 6108, 5091, 14, 2222, 6, 273, 1821, 2825, 1417, 13, 1293, 2021, 13, 2389, 390, 2151, 15, 831, 310, 2139, 2255, 1900, 1329, 1669, 382, 38384, 15, 733, 457, 84, 417, 32496, 15, 49143, 8140, 390, 749, 585, 43386, 13, 597, 971, 253, 2208, 281, 1379, 689, 253, 2554, 273, 11716, 16, 8517, 1870, 5086, 13, 594, 326, 597, 403, 1959, 281, 760, 20187, 342, 253, 1755, 608, 14, 740, 6, 273, 1821, 15, 401, 27600, 1204, 310, 2717, 625, 685, 2255, 30685, 281, 320, 18093, 10666, 433, 432, 11716, 16, 8517, 1870, 10798, 594, 326, 597, 476, 7435, 253, 9765, 15, 10168, 403, 1892, 36427, 281, 971, 281, 4796, 5091, 6, 273, 10798, 281, 271, 6242, 273, 43241, 13, 4495, 23786, 285, 3075, 13, 1223, 597, 452, 253, 2208, 20016, 253, 2583, 273, 841, 25106, 1821, 285, 25529, 352, 281, 731, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2904, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1010, 27, 2385, 27, 2640, 642, 15, 1093, 1036, 18146, 1706, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1036, 15882, 1229, 187, 4497, 2218, 13, 271, 251, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2904, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1010, 27, 2385, 27, 2941, 642, 15, 1093, 1036, 18146, 1867, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1036, 11124, 1229, 187, 2002, 1037, 253, 760, 1821, 665, 755, 7028, 841, 1897, 403, 21413, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2904, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1010, 27, 2385, 27, 1348, 642, 15, 1093, 1036, 1036, 33607, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1036, 17962, 1630, 187, 609, 368, 6600, 326, 275, 19454, 952, 564, 1475, 6571, 3066, 1345, 4288, 3238, 751, 18784, 13, 16340, 13, 32926, 1576, 13, 23444, 187, 12563, 9094, 66, 13, 253, 373, 247, 2257, 273, 17340, 3374, 12835, 598, 253, 4376, 273, 8463, 13, 533, 417, 751, 352, 8213, 323, 479, 1580, 891, 1056, 619, 1211, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2904, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1010, 27, 2385, 27, 2537, 642, 15, 1093, 1036, 18146, 2222, 27, 187, 31, 8924, 3726, 3078, 13919, 275, 616, 2954, 9027, 187, 31, 688, 12690, 13, 1529, 1263, 820, 14, 14399, 2149, 407, 12734, 496, 27721, 1119, 2255, 2223, 6799, 1821, 432, 247, 2169, 18522, 14, 17989, 1268, 15, 187, 1556, 22362, 5942, 21893, 5529, 2637, 35739, 19061, 3271, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2904, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1010, 27, 1235, 27, 1731, 642, 15, 1093, 1036, 17809, 2504, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1036, 1036, 33607, 187, 31, 609, 368, 6600, 326, 275, 19454, 952, 564, 1475, 6571, 3066, 1345, 4288, 3238, 751, 18784, 13, 16340, 13, 32926, 1576, 13, 23444, 187, 42, 755, 326, 15, 1292, 253, 941, 2722, 326, 359, 513, 452, 247, 1077, 10870, 2105, 273, 3811, 15, 209, 187, 1909, 504, 432, 8039, 15, 209, 187, 31, 783, 373, 247, 2257, 273, 17340, 3374, 12835, 598, 253, 4376, 273, 8463, 187, 2512, 434, 247, 2257, 273, 8039, 3374, 12835, 598, 253, 7911, 273, 9910, 275, 253, 1982, 15, 209, 187, 1231, 512, 1694, 3237, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2904, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1010, 27, 1235, 27, 1787, 642, 15, 1093, 1036, 17809, 2526, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1036, 1047, 31459, 187, 2302, 2408, 273, 2583, 390, 4060, 273, 4248, 556, 2455, 12759, 247, 637, 1892, 15, 1292, 597, 1053, 626, 2096, 326, 984, 597, 1472, 2255, 13, 285, 326, 434, 4555, 253, 1511, 273, 10739, 597, 755, 9685, 323, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2904, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1010, 27, 1235, 27, 3079, 642, 15, 1093, 1036, 17809, 3121, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1036, 1036, 25953, 187, 510, 3451, 1307, 310, 4111, 74, 2331, 4182, 13, 309, 35598, 598, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2904, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1010, 27, 1235, 27, 3712, 642, 15, 1093, 1036, 1036, 35410, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1036, 11124, 1229, 187, 29235, 1501, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2904, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1010, 27, 3583, 27, 3357, 642, 15, 1093, 1036 ]
not a lefty. Anonymous 08/27/17(Sun)15:32:10 no.139255065: >>139239644 we occupy bolchewist TV stations t/v/t1.0-9/21077335_134537745556011 1_2060179962269054573_n.jpg?oh=cb36 87d8110f78031d642b5835c96417&oe=5A2 1513C Anonymous 08/27/17(Sun)15:32:18 no.139255081: >>139254926 Are you retarded? When will you stop comparing antifa to fascism? They are fucking anarchists. How does fascism have anything to do with anarchism? Anonymous 08/27/17(Sun)15:33:07 no.139255171: >>139255065 Anonymous 08/27/17(Sun)15:33:33 no.139255217: >>139255081 They think opposing fascism is the same as fascism since both involve violence. It's retarded but hey, the absolute state of /pol/ today. Anonymous 08/27/17(Sun)15:33:35 no.139255221: >>139252080 I would agree with you, If you were actually from Poland. Poland is 80+ % homogeneous. They have their own identity to stand behind. We do not. and mainstream conservatism quite obviously does not protect us Anonymous 08/27/17(Sun)15:34:32 no.139255334: >>139253000 Everytime a commie can't defend the atrocities that happened under commie ideas, the give that lameads "but it wasn't real communism." At least the Nazi bastards here stand by the negatives by today's standards of facism by saying "so what, it was war " If shtf I'd probably side with them desu, at least they have honor and consistency Anonymous 08/27/17(Sun)15:34:33 no.139255336: >>139254474 Anonymous 08/27/17(Sun)15:34:42 no.139255352: NEXT THREAD MOVE ON TO IT >>139255288 >>139255288 Anonymous 08/27/17(Sun)15:35:05 no.139255402: >>139254809 >anyone who has not read Marx and blindly agrees to go along with communism is dumb And this why all of those communist manifesto books must be burned, deleted, and wiped. Karl Marx should be forgotten for the good of humanity. Inspiration direven from him can only lead to suffering brought about an attempt to help the masses. The communist's methodology is forced, unnatural and not driven by nescesity, but by a desire for fairness in all things. Anonymous 08/27/17(Sun)15:35:16 no.139255416: >>139254926 You don't define our movement Anonymous 08/27/17(Sun)15:35:57 no.139255480: >>139245004 >Communism is inevitable even if you are dragged kicking and screaming You realize that the Right will kill every last one of you before that happens. You understand that the police and military will be on the side of the Right? You know that the majority of this country DOES NOT support your cause or activities? Anonymous 08/27/17(Sun)15:36:09 no.139255501: >>139242946 let's see Anonymous 08/27/17(Sun)15:36:52 no.139255581: >>139242946 rello Anonymous 08/27/17(Sun)15:37:06 no.139255614: >>139241948 We must bash de benis gomrade :DDDDD Propreledarian will rise xp Anonymous 08/27/17(Sun)15:37:48 no.139255692: >>139254401 >>139254350 >>139254650 Look, im not saying it was the jew's....but it was the Jews. Also, read Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn to learn more about the (((roots))) of communism. Anonymous 08/27/17(Sun)15:38:28 no.139255766: >>139255501 fitting Anonymous 08/27/17(Sun)15:39:00 no.139255827: >>139242946 rolling BABY Anonymous 08/27/17(Sun)15:39:05 no.139255834: >>139242946 i'll probably be fine with the baguette desu Anonymous 08/27/17(Sun)15:39:17 no.139255857: >>139255416 You're not a movement, you're a slaughter march. Anonymous 08/27/17(Sun)15:39:26 no.139255879: The Alt Left movement is the new Fascism of our time. So then...when will the Alt left have a real book burning session? Which college will this be at? You faggots are just the same as the Nazi's...get over it. Anonymous 08/27/17(Sun)15:43:05 no.139256289: >>139255879 >since I cant convince people that blacks and jews and brown people are subhuman, I will just try to make an equivalence between me and the people who react naturally to nazis wow, you imbeciles are really fascinating to see in action Anonymous 08/27/17(Sun)15:43:40 no.139256364: >>139255879 >Alt left have a real book burning session? We really should meme this. Look how easily these commie morons got pushed into going after statues, surely the same could be done to literature. We just spread idea on jewbook to the normies about the racism, slavery, hetero whatever, etc. in books like "Tom Sawyer, LoTR, history books, etc. We could get these idiots on camera destroying books in under a week, Anonymous 08/27/17(Sun)15:43:55 no.139256396: >>139242946 rooooooooool Anonymous 08/27/17(Sun)15:45:14 no.139256540: >>139239644 onI8Td_M Anonymous 08/27/17(Sun)15:46:23 no.139256667: >>139255402 >some information should be illegal or erased from history fuck, I hate commies but now you're just retarded Anonymous 08/27/17(Sun)15:47:10 no.139256746: >>139255692 no thanks Anonymous 08/27/17(Sun)15:51:56 no.139257305: >>139255402 The thing that amazes me about Marx and leftists is that they have all this horrific evidence that his system doesn't work, yet they keep wanting to try it again. Forget that hundreds of millions of people got killed trying to make this shit tier ideology work lets give it another throw of the dice and see if we get lucky this time. Any other ideology would recognize these repeated failures, and invent a new ideology, something more practical that actually takes human nature into account. But these fucking retards can't do that, gotta stick to good ol' tried and failed Marxism. Definition of insanity and all that I guess. Anonymous 08/27/17(Sun)15:52:37 no.139257373: >>139251846 This smuggle is important. ALWAYS force commie to tell you where they see themselves after the revolution ALWAYS mock their response. Anonymous 08/27/17(Sun)15:54:47 no.139257612: >>139256667 It's too dangerous to be left in the hands of the public! Much like Charles Manson's full trial proceedings. Anonymous 08/27/17(Sun)15:54:54 no.139257624: >>139250073 >writes "actual letter from kid" on letter obviously written by kid, with arrow pointing at the only other piece of paper in the picture Are people really this stupid? Anonymous 08/27/17(Sun)15:55:07 no.139257664: >>139242946 roll <|endoftext|>Anonymous 04/26/18(Thu)09:44:04 no.169499278: What did Kanye mean by this? <|endoftext|>Anonymous 04/06/17(Thu)16:10:05 no.119787193: Can I get a swift redpill on laissez faire policies? <|endoftext|>Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)00:16:31 no.1378
[ 417, 247, 458, 30399, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 1237, 27, 740, 642, 15, 15270, 1099, 1235, 2082, 27, 187, 5064, 15270, 20487, 25959, 187, 664, 26263, 16049, 1962, 88, 382, 5579, 10988, 209, 187, 3614, 1358, 84, 6071, 14, 925, 85, 20, 14, 19, 15, 5260, 15, 15662, 29082, 15, 570, 187, 85, 16, 87, 16, 85, 18, 15, 17, 14, 26, 16, 16899, 2357, 22519, 64, 1012, 1857, 22863, 1857, 35466, 13925, 187, 18, 64, 18040, 11027, 28053, 1423, 2090, 1762, 1857, 3655, 64, 79, 15, 11368, 32, 1368, 30, 11316, 1812, 187, 2597, 69, 3593, 740, 71, 43698, 2405, 69, 32834, 67, 3680, 1671, 68, 26, 1540, 1166, 7, 3703, 30, 22, 34, 19, 187, 1010, 1012, 36, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 1237, 27, 1093, 642, 15, 15270, 1099, 1235, 3593, 27, 187, 5064, 15270, 1099, 2537, 1731, 187, 6723, 368, 48101, 32, 2091, 588, 368, 3523, 10941, 32534, 66, 281, 10942, 1204, 32, 1583, 403, 12835, 34822, 1346, 15, 1359, 1057, 10942, 1204, 452, 2712, 281, 513, 342, 34822, 1204, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 1610, 27, 2922, 642, 15, 15270, 10637, 19816, 27, 187, 5064, 15270, 1099, 1235, 2082, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 1610, 27, 1610, 642, 15, 15270, 1099, 3583, 1166, 27, 187, 5064, 15270, 1099, 1235, 3593, 187, 3726, 1158, 18327, 10942, 1204, 310, 253, 1072, 347, 10942, 1204, 1580, 1097, 6388, 7217, 15, 733, 434, 48101, 533, 18981, 13, 253, 7880, 1375, 273, 1227, 4818, 16, 3063, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 1610, 27, 1671, 642, 15, 15270, 10637, 20735, 27, 187, 5064, 15270, 1099, 938, 1438, 187, 42, 651, 5194, 342, 368, 13, 1310, 368, 497, 2686, 432, 16795, 15, 16795, 310, 5096, 12, 2462, 17010, 15, 1583, 452, 616, 1211, 6489, 281, 1462, 3212, 15, 844, 513, 417, 15, 285, 17068, 6405, 44451, 3240, 9090, 1057, 417, 4017, 441, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 1706, 27, 1237, 642, 15, 15270, 10637, 24257, 27, 187, 5064, 15270, 22067, 933, 187, 8267, 2606, 247, 764, 466, 476, 626, 2342, 253, 36837, 1005, 326, 4592, 762, 764, 466, 5697, 13, 253, 1918, 326, 42837, 6594, 346, 2858, 352, 3589, 626, 1524, 48709, 449, 2058, 1878, 253, 21219, 19697, 2196, 1060, 1462, 407, 253, 2297, 3993, 407, 3063, 434, 7465, 273, 2344, 1204, 407, 3981, 346, 601, 752, 13, 352, 369, 2137, 346, 187, 2042, 256, 384, 71, 309, 1871, 3164, 1930, 342, 731, 711, 86, 13, 387, 1878, 597, 452, 10390, 285, 15274, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 1706, 27, 1610, 642, 15, 15270, 10637, 23126, 27, 187, 5064, 15270, 1099, 2031, 3566, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 1706, 27, 2945, 642, 15, 15270, 10637, 27267, 27, 187, 30425, 4392, 13587, 187, 46, 19252, 8160, 5935, 8017, 187, 5064, 15270, 10637, 21340, 187, 5064, 15270, 10637, 21340, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 1671, 27, 1762, 642, 15, 15270, 10637, 24948, 27, 187, 5064, 15270, 15161, 27820, 187, 31, 1279, 531, 665, 556, 417, 1239, 19381, 285, 9645, 314, 18726, 281, 564, 2112, 342, 48709, 310, 21413, 187, 1898, 436, 2139, 512, 273, 1110, 33823, 9766, 80, 5098, 1364, 320, 15676, 13, 16737, 13, 285, 27150, 15, 21138, 19381, 943, 320, 14454, 323, 253, 1175, 273, 16457, 15, 39551, 10153, 1185, 1261, 432, 779, 476, 760, 1421, 281, 9958, 3982, 670, 271, 3177, 281, 1361, 253, 11843, 15, 380, 33823, 434, 16182, 310, 6726, 13, 44822, 285, 417, 8877, 407, 295, 265, 707, 414, 13, 533, 407, 247, 8327, 323, 28959, 275, 512, 1841, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 1671, 27, 1036, 642, 15, 15270, 1099, 3439, 1036, 27, 187, 5064, 15270, 1099, 2537, 1731, 187, 1394, 1053, 626, 4853, 776, 4866, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 1671, 27, 3011, 642, 15, 15270, 1099, 3439, 1438, 27, 187, 5064, 15270, 1348, 5388, 21, 187, 31, 20294, 1204, 310, 19455, 1014, 604, 368, 403, 22944, 29048, 285, 22233, 187, 1422, 8968, 326, 253, 10154, 588, 5159, 1046, 1390, 581, 273, 368, 1078, 326, 6569, 15, 187, 1422, 2096, 326, 253, 3513, 285, 4668, 588, 320, 327, 253, 1930, 273, 253, 10154, 32, 187, 1422, 871, 326, 253, 5020, 273, 436, 2586, 7953, 1410, 5803, 1329, 634, 2847, 390, 4712, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 1812, 27, 2693, 642, 15, 15270, 1099, 2417, 520, 27, 187, 5064, 15270, 1348, 1717, 2950, 187, 1059, 434, 923, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 1812, 27, 3583, 642, 15, 15270, 1099, 2417, 3593, 27, 187, 5064, 15270, 1348, 1717, 2950, 187, 11436, 80, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 1787, 27, 3071, 642, 15, 15270, 1099, 3208, 1047, 27, 187, 5064, 15270, 1348, 41646, 187, 1231, 1364, 29826, 372, 2240, 261, 305, 297, 24830, 1163, 11927, 11927, 37, 187, 21389, 250, 1070, 6656, 588, 6054, 1269, 81, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 1787, 27, 2385, 642, 15, 15270, 10637, 34769, 27, 187, 5064, 15270, 1099, 2031, 520, 187, 5064, 15270, 1099, 3079, 1235, 187, 5064, 15270, 1099, 2950, 1235, 187, 7745, 13, 516, 417, 3981, 352, 369, 253, 15589, 434, 2391, 2858, 352, 369, 253, 11563, 15, 209, 187, 9917, 13, 1239, 16660, 661, 395, 83, 8144, 91, 864, 953, 1362, 281, 3037, 625, 670, 253, 24317, 32919, 10689, 273, 48709, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 1839, 27, 1619, 642, 15, 15270, 1099, 3011, 2526, 27, 187, 5064, 15270, 1099, 2417, 520, 187, 31893, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 1867, 27, 361, 642, 15, 15270, 1099, 3680, 1630, 27, 187, 5064, 15270, 1348, 1717, 2950, 187, 19891, 378, 2925, 58, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 1867, 27, 1762, 642, 15, 15270, 1099, 3680, 1706, 27, 187, 5064, 15270, 1348, 1717, 2950, 187, 74, 1833, 3164, 320, 4030, 342, 253, 7351, 86, 5464, 711, 86, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 1867, 27, 1166, 642, 15, 15270, 10637, 31416, 27, 187, 5064, 15270, 1099, 3439, 1036, 187, 1394, 1472, 417, 247, 4866, 13, 368, 1472, 247, 30814, 14172, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 1867, 27, 1731, 642, 15, 15270, 10637, 34384, 27, 187, 510, 21913, 15584, 4866, 310, 253, 747, 47281, 1204, 273, 776, 673, 15, 1893, 840, 1051, 9453, 588, 253, 21913, 1669, 452, 247, 1524, 1984, 13195, 6874, 32, 6758, 6831, 588, 436, 320, 387, 32, 1422, 269, 13046, 1502, 403, 816, 253, 1072, 347, 253, 21219, 434, 1051, 788, 689, 352, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 3079, 27, 1762, 642, 15, 15270, 9726, 24208, 27, 187, 5064, 15270, 10637, 34384, 187, 31, 17480, 309, 16216, 18578, 952, 326, 26769, 285, 15589, 84, 285, 8516, 952, 403, 749, 13961, 13, 309, 588, 816, 1611, 281, 1056, 271, 19945, 875, 479, 285, 253, 952, 665, 8071, 10748, 281, 295, 1370, 261, 187, 88, 319, 13, 368, 516, 12781, 3205, 403, 1663, 20996, 281, 923, 275, 2250, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 3079, 27, 1449, 642, 15, 15270, 1099, 3571, 1540, 27, 187, 5064, 15270, 10637, 34384, 187, 31, 31879, 1669, 452, 247, 1524, 1984, 13195, 6874, 32, 187, 1231, 1663, 943, 1167, 70, 436, 15, 9870, 849, 4354, 841, 764, 466, 2298, 790, 1694, 10184, 715, 1469, 846, 38490, 13, 13353, 253, 1072, 812, 320, 2218, 281, 6239, 15, 209, 187, 1231, 816, 5195, 2934, 327, 15589, 3305, 281, 253, 5222, 447, 670, 253, 23285, 13, 21245, 13, 50116, 5913, 13, 3966, 15, 275, 5098, 751, 346, 15883, 29961, 7885, 13, 9497, 3125, 13, 2892, 5098, 13, 3966, 15, 209, 187, 1231, 812, 755, 841, 22467, 1502, 327, 6568, 25473, 5098, 275, 762, 247, 2129, 13, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 3079, 27, 2417, 642, 15, 15270, 9726, 24698, 27, 187, 5064, 15270, 1348, 1717, 2950, 187, 287, 33363, 50036, 1062, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 1857, 27, 1047, 642, 15, 15270, 1099, 2082, 1449, 27, 187, 5064, 15270, 20487, 25959, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 24583, 15, 681, 16, 13060, 32, 87, 11468, 43262, 187, 251, 42, 25, 53, 69, 64, 46, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 2950, 27, 1508, 642, 15, 15270, 1099, 2526, 2251, 27, 187, 5064, 15270, 10637, 24948, 187, 31, 8826, 1491, 943, 320, 9676, 390, 44767, 432, 2892, 187, 71, 1807, 13, 309, 9239, 764, 447, 533, 1024, 368, 1472, 816, 48101, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 2504, 27, 740, 642, 15, 15270, 1099, 2251, 2950, 27, 187, 5064, 15270, 10637, 34769, 187, 2369, 6701, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 3712, 27, 3208, 642, 15, 15270, 21553, 19042, 27, 187, 5064, 15270, 10637, 24948, 187, 510, 2181, 326, 7001, 265, 479, 670, 19381, 285, 1669, 1346, 310, 326, 597, 452, 512, 436, 41485, 1941, 326, 521, 985, 2506, 626, 789, 13, 2568, 597, 1978, 14707, 281, 1611, 352, 969, 15, 1198, 788, 326, 8307, 273, 9790, 273, 952, 1694, 5339, 2820, 281, 1056, 436, 10739, 30625, 25680, 789, 14935, 1918, 352, 1529, 4710, 273, 253, 25807, 285, 923, 604, 359, 755, 13476, 436, 673, 15, 209, 187, 6693, 643, 25680, 651, 9446, 841, 6015, 20101, 13, 285, 10242, 247, 747, 25680, 13, 1633, 625, 8542, 326, 2686, 3936, 1966, 3753, 715, 2395, 15, 1292, 841, 12835, 851, 2196, 476, 626, 513, 326, 13, 17500, 7356, 281, 1175, 8919, 8, 3597, 285, 4242, 19381, 1204, 15, 209, 187, 18712, 273, 41403, 285, 512, 326, 309, 5476, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 3583, 27, 1787, 642, 15, 15270, 21553, 29546, 27, 187, 5064, 15270, 1099, 1093, 2950, 187, 1552, 39817, 10582, 310, 1774, 15, 209, 187, 1556, 46651, 3490, 764, 466, 281, 2028, 368, 835, 597, 923, 3746, 846, 253, 10532, 209, 187, 1556, 46651, 13031, 616, 2380, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 3439, 27, 2504, 642, 15, 15270, 1099, 3121, 805, 27, 187, 5064, 15270, 1099, 2526, 2251, 187, 1147, 434, 1512, 8312, 281, 320, 1669, 275, 253, 3564, 273, 253, 1345, 2, 18770, 751, 8444, 25686, 251, 434, 2120, 2332, 10061, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 3439, 27, 3439, 642, 15, 15270, 1099, 3121, 1348, 27, 187, 5064, 15270, 47227, 3655, 187, 31, 8510, 265, 346, 26651, 4857, 432, 5772, 3, 327, 4857, 9090, 3542, 407, 5772, 13, 342, 14150, 13458, 387, 253, 760, 643, 5313, 273, 2929, 275, 253, 5406, 187, 6723, 952, 1663, 436, 11339, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 2417, 27, 2922, 642, 15, 15270, 1099, 3121, 1540, 27, 187, 5064, 15270, 1348, 1717, 2950, 187, 1811, 2756, 50279, 45545, 16703, 16, 1731, 16, 1093, 9, 44644, 10, 2693, 27, 2031, 27, 2125, 642, 15, 1036, 3953, 1525, 24803, 27, 187, 1276, 858, 611, 1279, 70, 1599, 407, 436, 32, 2756, 50279, 45545, 16703, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 1036, 27, 740, 27, 1762, 642, 15, 12115, 24, 2597, 19631, 27, 187, 5804, 309, 755, 247, 19779, 2502, 81, 408, 327, 826, 16886, 91, 22870, 7823, 32, 2756, 50279, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 361, 27, 1036, 27, 2405, 642, 15, 1012, 3141 ]
19(Mon)17:13:11 no.202859258: >>202858790 Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:13:24 no.202859281: >>202859166 So this is what it's like to live in a Vassal State. Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:13:23 no.202859283: HUFFPO: THE GREEN NEW DEAL WILL WORK Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:13:26 no.202859291: What the fuck, you can pay less taxes if your kids are Mexicans, or - allah forgive me- LEAVES? Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:13:52 no.202859326: Paris. France The hilarity spreads Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:13:54 no.202859329: >>202859166 >inb4 1.6$bn for the wall and less beds Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:13:56 no.202859333: Bolton sending a love letter to the Ayatollah > us/1095060986787258368 Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:14:15 no.202859360: MAGA Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:14:25 no.202859374: NEW REPORT: 1/3 OF SMALL BUSINESSES HURT BY SHUTDOWN Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:14:39 no.202859389: I love Trump and I hate Jews If you don't know about the Jews yet, Start with these: >Crash Course: Life, Race and Politics >The Greatest Story Never Told https://thegreateststorynevertold.t v >Europa: The Last Battle https://europathelastbattle.wordpre >Mein Kampf Volume I & II - Adolf Hitler _Kampf/index.html tlersMeinKampf-CompleteAudioBookMp3 >The Revolt Against Civilization - Dr. Lothrop Stoddard oks_added2009-3/RevoltAgainstCivili zation.pdf >Subversion - Yuri Bezmenov Explains the 1960s, JFK, major turning point is USA society >White Power - US Commander George Lincoln Rockwell LtrzoMYI ockwell/materials/books/pdf/WhitePo wer.pdf Highly Recommended Redpill Material: >Dr. William Luther Pierce er.php/133469/The_Turner_Diaries.pd f cJu9NRFY nDissidentVoicesDrWilliamLutherPier ce >On The Jews and Their Lies - Martin Luther On_Jews.pdf >The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion dd/thesis/pdf/protocols.pdf K-jYZIEU >The International Jew - Henry Ford ernational-Jew-Henry-Ford.pdf >Sun and Steel - Yukio Mishima 654195/Sun-and-Steel-YUKIO-MISHIMA- pdf >Historian David Irving >Manly Palmer Hall nieNet/videos >The Money Masters >Jewish Ritual Murder vEApMT_U Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:14:43 no.202859398: AWOW~ Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:14:49 no.202859403: >>202859326 I have yet to see one anti-semitic attack that wasn't a false flag Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:14:49 no.202859406: >>202859333 How cute of him. Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:14:49 no.202859407: >>202859281 Yes, Venezuela is a vassal state of Cuba Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:15:06 no.202859433: >>202859343 Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:15:14 no.202859441: >>202859053 >She will never yell at you do guys like that? Should I just yell at a guy and gesture towards him violently to get a valentine's date? Or what? Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:15:17 no.202859447: >>202859343 timpf get Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:15:25 no.202859463: >>202859441 tits or gtfo Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:15:25 no.202859465: >>202859283 Huffpost, more like huffingpaint amirite Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:15:41 no.202859493: >>202859326 amazing to watch the jews squirm so much in real time. imagine what it would have been like had this place existed in 1933 Germany Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:15:44 no.202859502: >>202859222 In the Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:15:49 no.202859510: >>202859326 CHAOS WILL ENGULF THE WORLD Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:15:51 no.202859511: >>202859333 checked Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:15:59 no.202859518: >>202859311 BY THE DAWNS EARLY MART Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:16:02 no.202859525: Please Clap Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:16:09 no.202859531: >>202859333 checking >>202859343 rolling Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:16:14 no.202859541: Don't vote klobuchar! She will kill awoos Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:16:17 no.202859546: >>202859283 >the land that is mostly left alone, has the most regulations, and is a place meant to be preserved is the driver of climate change Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:16:25 no.202859557: lol Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:16:28 no.202859569: >>202859166 Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:16:45 no.202859590: >>202859502 hippopotamus Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:16:56 no.202859600: NORTHAM ADDRESSES MOONWALK Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:17:00 no.202859607: >>202859398 OWO~ Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17
[ 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1012, 27, 883, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 3046, 22029, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 23025, 2597, 2270, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1012, 27, 1348, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 3046, 27571, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1619, 3046, 17962, 187, 2598, 436, 310, 752, 352, 434, 751, 281, 3153, 275, 247, 657, 515, 267, 2418, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1012, 27, 1508, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 3046, 28933, 27, 187, 26809, 3269, 5964, 27, 3003, 30273, 1400, 22428, 49731, 22268, 37051, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1012, 27, 1731, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 3046, 20922, 27, 187, 1276, 253, 7435, 13, 368, 476, 2075, 1679, 10474, 604, 634, 5753, 403, 6691, 27441, 13, 390, 428, 512, 1240, 23697, 479, 14, 12838, 5851, 1410, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1012, 27, 3583, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 3046, 22391, 27, 187, 36062, 15, 6181, 187, 510, 31157, 414, 35818, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1012, 27, 3439, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 3046, 22011, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1619, 3046, 17962, 187, 31, 249, 67, 21, 337, 15, 23, 5, 15453, 323, 253, 3402, 285, 1679, 20534, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1012, 27, 3208, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 3046, 20084, 27, 187, 35, 311, 1299, 10430, 247, 2389, 4857, 281, 253, 22587, 255, 37740, 187, 31, 5987, 1358, 16705, 15, 681, 16, 17185, 26448, 16, 8766, 187, 316, 16, 12852, 1235, 1549, 4185, 2251, 2597, 22029, 23926, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1047, 27, 1010, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 3046, 16587, 27, 187, 46492, 34, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1047, 27, 1099, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 3046, 24562, 27, 187, 24650, 5689, 13766, 27, 337, 16, 20, 3481, 26381, 42113, 1410, 388, 3322, 53, 9149, 7840, 3329, 35248, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1047, 27, 1867, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 3046, 25592, 27, 187, 42, 2389, 3778, 285, 309, 9239, 11563, 187, 2042, 368, 1053, 626, 871, 670, 253, 11563, 2568, 13, 11075, 342, 841, 27, 187, 31, 14201, 1225, 29746, 27, 7813, 13, 23752, 285, 27282, 187, 3614, 1358, 90, 483, 86, 15, 1257, 16, 51, 8904, 38, 34772, 67, 4985, 72, 88, 187, 31, 510, 6495, 383, 16061, 9018, 308, 744, 187, 3614, 1358, 783, 17124, 383, 19192, 570, 1748, 744, 15, 85, 187, 87, 187, 31, 38, 8177, 66, 27, 380, 9859, 15764, 187, 3614, 1358, 70, 8177, 255, 2955, 505, 67, 4046, 15, 3418, 3456, 187, 859, 15, 681, 16, 13060, 16, 187, 31, 5072, 249, 46882, 71, 22248, 309, 708, 3719, 428, 2006, 6352, 18816, 187, 2413, 1358, 2700, 15, 26824, 2146, 15, 2061, 16, 8510, 723, 16, 5072, 249, 187, 64, 44, 1301, 71, 16, 4663, 15, 2974, 187, 3614, 1358, 22477, 15, 2061, 16, 23454, 16, 3837, 6352, 12764, 187, 85, 10787, 5072, 249, 44, 1301, 71, 14, 26626, 23751, 12323, 46, 81, 20, 187, 31, 510, 3555, 7391, 24161, 10109, 1320, 428, 3196, 15, 418, 837, 1658, 659, 13323, 472, 187, 2413, 1358, 2700, 15, 75, 83, 3305, 1665, 1282, 15, 681, 16, 26423, 64, 11478, 187, 24560, 64, 22566, 7857, 14, 20, 16, 7498, 7391, 20517, 296, 23429, 3093, 187, 91, 318, 15, 9275, 187, 31, 5623, 4149, 428, 714, 11317, 2325, 91, 3767, 729, 209, 187, 3614, 1358, 90, 483, 86, 15, 1257, 16, 22, 3757, 81, 36, 41317, 57, 38, 25, 72, 187, 3614, 1358, 90, 483, 86, 15, 1257, 16, 81, 23, 77, 661, 43, 73, 35, 9210, 187, 29795, 1550, 253, 11994, 84, 13, 500, 27168, 13, 2201, 8577, 1127, 310, 5106, 5948, 187, 31, 17185, 8916, 428, 1982, 24609, 6086, 15915, 9384, 4714, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 24583, 15, 681, 16, 13060, 32, 87, 30, 47911, 89, 187, 45, 1206, 8636, 19805, 42, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 40463, 1136, 1370, 40475, 90, 15, 681, 16, 83, 187, 825, 4714, 16, 11310, 16, 15592, 16, 9275, 16, 17185, 8816, 187, 8358, 15, 9275, 187, 3614, 1358, 90, 483, 86, 15, 1257, 16, 39, 50, 23, 45, 293, 20, 3220, 777, 187, 12412, 314, 1720, 34274, 4410, 81, 408, 17724, 27, 187, 31, 9034, 15, 7252, 24496, 32042, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 70, 14, 24042, 15, 34583, 16, 3305, 1088, 187, 254, 15, 5581, 16, 1012, 1706, 2090, 16, 510, 64, 22529, 254, 64, 12558, 3927, 15, 19875, 187, 71, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 24583, 15, 681, 16, 13060, 32, 87, 30, 70, 832, 187, 68, 40700, 26, 10189, 48965, 187, 3614, 1358, 90, 483, 86, 15, 1257, 16, 91, 17, 1479, 2350, 16350, 6623, 88, 187, 3614, 1358, 22477, 15, 2061, 16, 23454, 16, 24573, 187, 79, 37, 739, 888, 28201, 1271, 9034, 23684, 45, 16580, 33798, 187, 336, 187, 31, 2374, 380, 11563, 285, 7160, 418, 447, 428, 8698, 24496, 187, 3614, 1358, 90, 483, 86, 15, 1257, 16, 72, 89, 80, 17, 90, 82, 41, 82, 5229, 17, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 1087, 348, 478, 15, 446, 16, 446, 8678, 16, 45, 16580, 64, 187, 2374, 64, 27341, 84, 15, 9275, 187, 31, 510, 37319, 12862, 273, 253, 13039, 9306, 22921, 398, 273, 29452, 187, 2413, 1358, 89, 29488, 15, 12855, 6058, 571, 15, 13808, 32395, 785, 520, 16, 5985, 187, 1678, 16, 783, 5114, 16, 9275, 16, 10075, 12862, 15, 9275, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 24583, 15, 681, 16, 13060, 32, 87, 11468, 47391, 187, 44, 14, 75, 58, 59, 9051, 54, 187, 31, 510, 5625, 5679, 428, 8966, 12673, 187, 2413, 1358, 7187, 491, 15, 2061, 16, 75, 2496, 66, 16, 9275, 16, 510, 14, 4807, 187, 1808, 1050, 14, 27341, 14, 29473, 14, 39, 636, 15, 9275, 187, 31, 14594, 285, 19727, 428, 37342, 900, 353, 763, 8032, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 8425, 69, 15, 681, 16, 3306, 16, 23695, 187, 29195, 17726, 16, 14594, 14, 395, 14, 6812, 293, 14, 58, 19642, 6527, 14, 46, 14535, 2894, 34, 14, 187, 9275, 187, 31, 32086, 757, 5119, 38071, 187, 3614, 1358, 90, 483, 86, 15, 1257, 16, 46714, 83, 1258, 7510, 39, 20, 9051, 187, 31, 4779, 314, 28854, 6696, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 24583, 15, 681, 16, 4537, 16, 19262, 466, 187, 10633, 8695, 16, 87, 31686, 187, 31, 510, 22405, 29351, 187, 3614, 1358, 90, 483, 86, 15, 1257, 16, 34772, 89, 28124, 76, 32310, 39007, 88, 187, 31, 37721, 416, 262, 780, 46681, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 24583, 15, 681, 16, 13060, 32, 87, 30, 71, 25, 78, 187, 87, 38, 11538, 6229, 64, 54, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1047, 27, 3079, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 3046, 26221, 27, 187, 24564, 4290, 95, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1047, 27, 2537, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 3046, 25208, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1619, 3046, 22391, 187, 42, 452, 2568, 281, 923, 581, 3270, 14, 339, 2225, 280, 2983, 326, 3589, 626, 247, 3221, 7908, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1047, 27, 2537, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 3046, 24854, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1619, 3046, 20084, 187, 2347, 20295, 273, 779, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1047, 27, 2537, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 3046, 24769, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1619, 3046, 27571, 187, 4374, 13, 27608, 310, 247, 362, 515, 267, 1375, 273, 24605, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1010, 27, 3071, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 37308, 1610, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1619, 3046, 26274, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1010, 27, 1047, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 3046, 31774, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1619, 3046, 33220, 187, 31, 2993, 588, 1620, 42963, 387, 368, 187, 3088, 6068, 751, 326, 32, 187, 18837, 309, 816, 42963, 387, 247, 5599, 285, 21850, 4404, 779, 39843, 281, 755, 247, 821, 290, 460, 434, 3522, 32, 209, 187, 3980, 752, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1010, 27, 1166, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 3046, 28943, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1619, 3046, 26274, 187, 85, 11548, 71, 755, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1010, 27, 1099, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 3046, 36043, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1619, 3046, 31774, 187, 85, 953, 390, 305, 85, 4786, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1010, 27, 1099, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 37308, 2082, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1619, 3046, 28933, 187, 41, 2066, 5996, 13, 625, 751, 288, 2066, 272, 81, 1143, 717, 343, 614, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1010, 27, 3156, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 3046, 35337, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1619, 3046, 22391, 187, 23300, 272, 281, 3698, 253, 15589, 84, 3896, 2683, 594, 1199, 275, 1524, 673, 15, 8564, 752, 352, 651, 452, 644, 751, 574, 436, 1659, 13164, 275, 26916, 6176, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1010, 27, 2031, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 3046, 28873, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1619, 3046, 18895, 187, 688, 253, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1010, 27, 2537, 642, 15, 938, 23025, 2222, 740, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1619, 3046, 22391, 187, 46227, 2697, 22268, 47000, 4641, 39, 3003, 26393, 9803, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1010, 27, 3712, 642, 15, 938, 23025, 2222, 883, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1619, 3046, 20084, 187, 21542, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1010, 27, 3046, 642, 15, 938, 23025, 2222, 1093, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1619, 3046, 27348, 187, 15012, 3003, 15670, 56, 4883, 444, 1277, 12715, 353, 5757, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1036, 27, 2640, 642, 15, 938, 23025, 2222, 1099, 27, 187, 7845, 1639, 522, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1036, 27, 2693, 642, 15, 938, 23025, 2222, 2405, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1619, 3046, 20084, 187, 47009, 187, 5064, 938, 1619, 3046, 26274, 187, 19891, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1036, 27, 1047, 642, 15, 938, 23025, 2222, 3156, 27, 187, 5498, 626, 6273, 27451, 706, 38130, 2, 1500, 588, 5159, 247, 680, 375, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1036, 27, 1166, 642, 15, 938, 23025, 2222, 2950, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1619, 3046, 28933, 187, 31, 783, 2659, 326, 310, 6571, 1669, 3815, 13, 556, 253, 954, 10132, 13, 285, 310, 247, 1659, 5486, 281, 320, 15296, 310, 253, 6254, 273, 7952, 1818, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1036, 27, 1099, 642, 15, 938, 23025, 2222, 3011, 27, 187, 77, 311, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1036, 27, 1619, 642, 15, 938, 23025, 2222, 2090, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1619, 3046, 17962, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1036, 27, 1857, 642, 15, 938, 23025, 2222, 2270, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1619, 3046, 28873, 187, 73, 5265, 43191, 19202, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1036, 27, 3208, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 3046, 10487, 27, 187, 38035, 3886, 2300, 5446, 4976, 5479, 1410, 14789, 1139, 56, 31545, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1166, 27, 361, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 3046, 25616, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1619, 3046, 26221, 187, 4290, 48, 95, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166 ]
S jesus christ you dunce Anonymous 03/21/18(Wed)16:43:20 no.164848751: >>164848510 >the ring don't give a fuck who you fuck Kill yourself you boomer retard. Anonymous 03/21/18(Wed)16:43:26 no.164848763: >>164848510 This thread is a psyop. Conservatives will never accept homosexuality and I bet yall are a bunch of homos like pjw Anonymous 03/21/18(Wed)16:43:35 no.164848783: >>164848185 He does look pretty gay in that photo Anonymous 03/21/18(Wed)16:44:33 no.164848907: >>164848532 He was forced online by Alex Jones lol. They created his page and have had 'interventions' to make him make moar videos with Mike Cernivich. Paul's almost a debilitated introvert. Anonymous 03/21/18(Wed)16:44:55 no.164848956: >>164848290 a type desert plant called a succulent Anonymous 03/21/18(Wed)16:44:59 no.164848965: >>164845659 what the fuck reeee drumpf apologize!! Nooo; everything I know is a lie! Wait no. OP is fucking retarded what is the point of this thread. Anonymous 03/21/18(Wed)16:45:03 no.164848970: >>164845659 Only a whore like Aydin would spew this shit meme, tits or gtfo man girl. Anonymous 03/21/18(Wed)16:46:28 no.164849142: >>164845659 Kiss Me!! Anonymous 03/21/18(Wed)16:47:08 no.164849212: >>164848970 It's real. He's a faggot. atus/976537619491368961 Anonymous 03/21/18(Wed)16:47:45 no.164849297: >>164848751 neck yourself, mohammed. the day we start mass exterminating you inbred Orcs is fast approaching. >>164848763 why? gay people are fine, it's faggots we have a problem with. gay people are just like us and do most of their fucking out of public view. faggots main aim in life is to push their faggotry down your throat at every chance they get. the more public the better. Anonymous 03/21/18(Wed)16:48:10 no.164849349: >>164846831 Hes always been a fag. What the fuck is up with all the anons who dont know this? It wasnt a secret. Anonymous 03/21/18(Wed)16:49:37 no.164849522: >>164849297 >defends faggots >tries to act tough Don't make me laugh, Abu. Anonymous 03/21/18(Wed)16:51:20 no.164849745: >>164849522 your reading comprehension need serious work, orc. Anonymous 03/21/18(Wed)16:52:05 no.164849835: >>164849297 No, sodomy is a spit in the face of God and even the natural order. People only started saying things like what you're saying i.e."Gays are fine! We just hate faggots xD" in the last 10-15 years. Tradition does not accept sodomites. No traditions accept it, because it's abhorrent. It's not just a Biblical thing either- pretty much all traditional societies have slain and/or ostracized homofags. Anonymous 03/21/18(Wed)16:52:08 no.164849844: >>164849297 I agree, fags are a non issue at this point, if sodomy were our biggest concern i would be relieved. The majority of fags work against us though. Anonymous 03/21/18(Wed)16:53:03 no.164849958: >>164849835 >god Not going to stop the fall of the west with prayers and bible verses. Anonymous 03/21/18(Wed)16:54:57 no.164850189: he's a cool fag then wait he's probably sucking cock right now. let that sink in. Anonymous 03/21/18(Wed)16:57:33 no.164850515: >>164849958 Prayer and scripture have transformed millions of people and helped to conform them to the image of the Son. So I disagree. Prayer and scripture were once a large part of the Western foundation as well... a time where faggots were universally abhorred as being cursed with dark spirits. Anonymous 03/21/18(Wed)16:58:24 no.164850618: >>164849793 >>164849522 Faggots are next To be fair, they can keep fucking themselves in the ass for all I care, they just have to do it privately And they can't be allowed around children Anonymous 03/21/18(Wed)16:59:39 no.164850758: >>164845659 if you give a fuck about e-celebs then you are the faggotry. Anonymous 03/21/18(Wed)17:03:32 no.164851206: >>164850618 The fact that anyone can tolerate faggots knowing they do this shit makes my blood boil. Keep up the good work anon Anonymous 03/21/18(Wed)17:03:50 no.164851240: >>164850758 Who's your favorite news or opinion source? Genuinely curious. Anonymous 03/21/18(Wed)17:05:26 no.164851416: >>164849835 tradition? nigga pls. if your #1 waifu was on the rag and said "you can only fuck my ass tonight" you'd say no? you might be gay. also the gay community at large HATES faggots more than we ever could. >>164849844 i feel it's more a case of the tumblrinas and social media queers these days that are the loudest so it looks like there is a lot in agreement with them. most people are just weak and need a bandwagon to follow. but your average everyday gay person is just like us, they want to be left alone and to just get on with living life. Anonymous 03/21/18(Wed)17:08:23 no.164851778: >>164851240 Videos of peoples cellphones on the internet Anonymous 03/21/18(Wed)17:14:22 no.164852498: >>164851416 >saying "nigga pls" unironically >saying "waifu" unironically >suggesting sodomites hate sodomites I don't know why I come to this website. Sodomy is sodomy- which includes having anal sex with a girl. I know it's hard to do anything but laughingly sneer at the mention of traditional morals, but not everyone has allowed modern decay to corrupt their souls. Anonymous 03/21/18(Wed)17:17:46 no.164852903: >>164851778 I perfer cat videos myself. Could care less about their personal lives obviously, and I don't disagree with those that critique clickbait talking heads. Not sure how people fell for the e-celeb bs though. Seems like a jew trick to make people ignore those influencing society online. Makes you think. P.S. I hate and we should all sage threads with titles like " What does /pol/ think of x?" These are cancer, and a psyop to hate influencers, most of which lean right and are being banned off YouTube coincidentally. Anonymous 03/21/18(Wed)17:20:37 no.164853238: >>164852498 >meme flag >what was persia >what was egypt >what was rome a whole bunch of gayers that built some of the wonders of the world and their influence still affects our lives daily thousands of years later. and they ALL had a whole bunch of sodomy. so your "traditional morals" and "modern decay"? fuck outta here with your pseudointellectual pigshit. if you think fucking someone in the ass is what is causing the world to turn to shit you're deluded. Anonymous 03/21/18(Wed)17:24:28 no.164853683: >>164848330 >gays know what happens when islam takes over, Muslims make up 0.8% of the population so
[ 52, 480, 265, 316, 37622, 368, 44069, 336, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1036, 27, 3079, 27, 938, 642, 15, 1036, 2385, 2385, 37950, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 29579, 2227, 740, 187, 31, 783, 5818, 1053, 626, 1918, 247, 7435, 665, 368, 7435, 187, 44079, 4834, 368, 1766, 8056, 31832, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1036, 27, 3079, 27, 1731, 642, 15, 1036, 2385, 2385, 23250, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 29579, 2227, 740, 187, 1552, 6293, 310, 247, 32884, 412, 15, 40055, 588, 1620, 2997, 39880, 285, 309, 701, 340, 455, 403, 247, 12190, 273, 2860, 375, 751, 268, 75, 88, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1036, 27, 3079, 27, 1671, 642, 15, 1036, 2385, 2385, 46076, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 2385, 2385, 17786, 187, 1328, 1057, 1007, 3965, 11730, 275, 326, 7512, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1036, 27, 2031, 27, 1610, 642, 15, 1036, 2385, 2385, 29249, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 29579, 2227, 1237, 187, 1328, 369, 6726, 3909, 407, 6539, 8302, 23385, 15, 1583, 3562, 521, 3239, 285, 452, 574, 686, 2388, 9637, 8, 281, 1056, 779, 1056, 5497, 274, 10556, 342, 10035, 330, 1808, 400, 469, 15, 5171, 434, 2761, 247, 4274, 6133, 456, 26432, 1748, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1036, 27, 2031, 27, 2417, 642, 15, 1036, 2385, 2385, 36176, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 2385, 2385, 22308, 187, 66, 1511, 13438, 4444, 1925, 247, 18382, 13543, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1036, 27, 2031, 27, 3046, 642, 15, 1036, 2385, 30452, 2082, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 2385, 1857, 21889, 187, 5371, 253, 7435, 294, 1796, 70, 1837, 1765, 71, 26012, 40040, 1621, 3288, 28, 3253, 309, 871, 310, 247, 7027, 2, 187, 13689, 642, 15, 13664, 310, 12835, 48101, 752, 310, 253, 1127, 273, 436, 6293, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1036, 27, 1857, 27, 2941, 642, 15, 1036, 2385, 30452, 1967, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 2385, 1857, 21889, 187, 11564, 247, 364, 410, 751, 329, 10120, 249, 651, 705, 88, 436, 10739, 1167, 70, 13, 246, 953, 390, 305, 85, 4786, 637, 3226, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1036, 27, 2950, 27, 1619, 642, 15, 1036, 2385, 2537, 17364, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 2385, 1857, 21889, 187, 44, 739, 3189, 40040, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1036, 27, 2504, 27, 2904, 642, 15, 1036, 2385, 2537, 17223, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 2385, 30452, 1967, 187, 1147, 434, 1524, 15, 754, 434, 247, 269, 13046, 302, 15, 187, 3614, 1358, 16705, 15, 681, 16, 6140, 1988, 23092, 292, 16, 296, 187, 3144, 16, 4148, 2082, 25848, 40853, 1012, 29941, 3832, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1036, 27, 2504, 27, 1857, 642, 15, 1036, 2385, 2537, 23185, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 2385, 2385, 37950, 187, 34936, 4834, 13, 278, 1368, 15416, 15, 253, 1388, 359, 1265, 2280, 385, 20792, 839, 368, 275, 29252, 2207, 6113, 310, 3809, 17682, 15, 209, 187, 5064, 1036, 2385, 2385, 23250, 187, 22309, 32, 11730, 952, 403, 4030, 13, 352, 434, 269, 13046, 1502, 359, 452, 247, 1895, 342, 15, 11730, 952, 403, 816, 751, 441, 285, 513, 954, 273, 616, 12835, 562, 273, 1345, 1859, 15, 269, 13046, 1502, 2022, 4388, 275, 1495, 310, 281, 7450, 616, 269, 13046, 48645, 1066, 634, 13386, 387, 1046, 4839, 597, 755, 15, 253, 625, 1345, 253, 1805, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1036, 27, 2385, 27, 740, 642, 15, 1036, 2385, 2537, 21095, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 29579, 2358, 2405, 187, 41, 265, 1900, 644, 247, 269, 356, 15, 1737, 253, 7435, 310, 598, 342, 512, 253, 271, 790, 665, 13414, 871, 436, 32, 733, 369, 2649, 247, 4279, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1036, 27, 2537, 27, 1787, 642, 15, 1036, 29579, 2222, 1423, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 2385, 2537, 23185, 187, 31, 1545, 1727, 269, 13046, 1502, 187, 31, 85, 2246, 281, 769, 10458, 187, 5498, 626, 1056, 479, 9012, 13, 26957, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1036, 27, 3712, 27, 938, 642, 15, 1036, 2385, 30626, 1857, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 29579, 2222, 1423, 187, 12550, 4361, 35380, 878, 4092, 789, 13, 390, 68, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1036, 27, 3583, 27, 1762, 642, 15, 1036, 2385, 31358, 1671, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 2385, 2537, 23185, 187, 2302, 13, 9359, 4182, 310, 247, 37205, 275, 253, 2454, 273, 2656, 285, 1014, 253, 3626, 1340, 15, 6491, 760, 3053, 3981, 1841, 751, 752, 368, 1472, 3981, 891, 15, 70, 449, 40, 698, 403, 4030, 2, 844, 816, 9239, 269, 13046, 1502, 1269, 37, 3, 275, 253, 1390, 884, 14, 1010, 1107, 15, 41283, 1057, 417, 2997, 9359, 297, 3254, 15, 1621, 21188, 2997, 352, 13, 984, 352, 434, 490, 1688, 624, 15, 733, 434, 417, 816, 247, 26453, 25675, 2181, 2057, 14, 3965, 1199, 512, 5899, 21262, 452, 47256, 285, 16, 263, 258, 1344, 317, 1025, 2860, 1171, 3544, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1036, 27, 3583, 27, 2904, 642, 15, 1036, 2385, 31358, 2031, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 2385, 2537, 23185, 187, 42, 5194, 13, 269, 3544, 403, 247, 1327, 2523, 387, 436, 1127, 13, 604, 9359, 4182, 497, 776, 5962, 4468, 891, 651, 320, 24192, 15, 380, 5020, 273, 269, 3544, 789, 1411, 441, 2167, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1036, 27, 3357, 27, 2941, 642, 15, 1036, 29579, 1525, 3680, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 2385, 31358, 1671, 187, 31, 30023, 187, 3650, 1469, 281, 3523, 253, 2965, 273, 253, 8935, 342, 24861, 285, 270, 917, 34067, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1036, 27, 3439, 27, 3011, 642, 15, 18467, 2227, 520, 2511, 27, 187, 248, 434, 247, 4484, 269, 356, 840, 187, 14061, 187, 248, 434, 3164, 42296, 11694, 987, 1024, 15, 1339, 326, 16338, 275, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1036, 27, 3011, 27, 1610, 642, 15, 1036, 2385, 18550, 1010, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 29579, 1525, 3680, 187, 49, 1402, 254, 285, 6001, 459, 452, 13657, 9790, 273, 952, 285, 6518, 281, 10138, 731, 281, 253, 2460, 273, 253, 11832, 15, 1893, 309, 14936, 15, 45358, 285, 6001, 459, 497, 2378, 247, 1781, 629, 273, 253, 6359, 12153, 347, 973, 1051, 247, 673, 835, 269, 13046, 1502, 497, 35114, 490, 1688, 433, 347, 1146, 39349, 342, 3644, 19851, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1036, 27, 3680, 27, 1348, 642, 15, 1036, 2385, 25670, 1093, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 2385, 2537, 42815, 187, 5064, 1036, 29579, 2222, 1423, 187, 39, 13046, 1502, 403, 1735, 187, 1992, 320, 4344, 13, 597, 476, 1978, 12835, 3746, 275, 253, 718, 323, 512, 309, 1557, 13, 597, 816, 452, 281, 513, 352, 27904, 209, 187, 1898, 597, 476, 626, 320, 4136, 1475, 2151, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1036, 27, 3046, 27, 1867, 642, 15, 1036, 2385, 1235, 33607, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 2385, 1857, 21889, 187, 338, 368, 1918, 247, 7435, 670, 299, 14, 44033, 1768, 840, 368, 403, 253, 269, 13046, 48645, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1166, 27, 2941, 27, 1237, 642, 15, 18467, 2227, 805, 3071, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 2385, 25670, 1093, 187, 510, 958, 326, 3780, 476, 31259, 269, 13046, 1502, 8958, 597, 513, 436, 10739, 2789, 619, 2614, 22149, 15, 16600, 598, 253, 1175, 789, 271, 251, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1166, 27, 2941, 27, 1235, 642, 15, 18467, 2227, 805, 1449, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 2385, 1235, 33607, 187, 7883, 434, 634, 7583, 3668, 390, 4743, 2603, 32, 2588, 86, 14258, 14338, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1166, 27, 1762, 27, 1731, 642, 15, 18467, 2227, 1047, 1036, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 2385, 31358, 1671, 187, 1206, 30718, 32, 35825, 2485, 499, 84, 15, 604, 634, 1852, 18, 5172, 338, 86, 369, 327, 253, 23603, 285, 753, 346, 5658, 476, 760, 7435, 619, 718, 11608, 3, 368, 1871, 1333, 642, 32, 368, 1537, 320, 11730, 15, 671, 253, 11730, 3114, 387, 1781, 388, 42564, 269, 13046, 1502, 625, 685, 359, 2455, 812, 15, 187, 5064, 1036, 2385, 31358, 2031, 187, 74, 1928, 352, 434, 625, 247, 1083, 273, 253, 3034, 1559, 11078, 284, 285, 2675, 3420, 1753, 398, 841, 1897, 326, 403, 253, 11216, 383, 594, 352, 4453, 751, 627, 310, 247, 2257, 275, 4345, 342, 731, 15, 954, 952, 403, 816, 5075, 285, 878, 247, 3961, 88, 5154, 281, 956, 15, 533, 634, 3388, 15363, 11730, 1436, 310, 816, 751, 441, 13, 597, 971, 281, 320, 1669, 3815, 285, 281, 816, 755, 327, 342, 3811, 1495, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1166, 27, 2904, 27, 1508, 642, 15, 18467, 2227, 1166, 3141, 27, 187, 5064, 18467, 2227, 805, 1449, 187, 55, 31686, 273, 22132, 894, 15791, 327, 253, 8573, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1166, 27, 1047, 27, 1423, 642, 15, 18467, 2227, 1348, 4185, 27, 187, 5064, 18467, 2227, 1047, 1036, 187, 31, 84, 16948, 346, 79, 304, 2485, 499, 84, 3, 440, 2002, 1037, 187, 31, 84, 16948, 346, 8754, 338, 86, 3, 440, 2002, 1037, 187, 31, 35640, 272, 9359, 297, 3254, 9239, 9359, 297, 3254, 187, 42, 1053, 626, 871, 2139, 309, 1705, 281, 436, 4422, 15, 322, 351, 4182, 310, 9359, 4182, 14, 534, 3797, 1907, 1115, 2825, 342, 247, 3226, 15, 309, 871, 352, 434, 1892, 281, 513, 2712, 533, 17053, 314, 16037, 254, 387, 253, 3748, 273, 5899, 2298, 932, 13, 533, 417, 4130, 556, 4136, 4980, 10027, 281, 17715, 616, 23729, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1166, 27, 1166, 27, 2950, 642, 15, 18467, 2227, 1717, 2941, 27, 187, 5064, 18467, 2227, 1166, 3141, 187, 42, 591, 1592, 5798, 10556, 4266, 15, 16574, 1557, 1679, 670, 616, 3367, 4852, 9090, 13, 285, 309, 1053, 626, 14936, 342, 1110, 326, 29254, 5532, 67, 1942, 5015, 9851, 15, 3105, 2119, 849, 952, 6497, 323, 253, 299, 14, 44033, 67, 48996, 2167, 15, 50140, 751, 247, 15589, 10480, 281, 1056, 952, 11823, 1110, 29189, 5948, 3909, 15, 46615, 368, 1158, 15, 367, 15, 52, 15, 309, 9239, 285, 359, 943, 512, 35855, 17059, 342, 14505, 751, 346, 1737, 1057, 1227, 4818, 16, 1158, 273, 1269, 865, 2053, 403, 2923, 13, 285, 247, 32884, 412, 281, 9239, 3108, 2083, 398, 13, 954, 273, 534, 9644, 987, 285, 403, 1146, 20374, 745, 15167, 10891, 37536, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1166, 27, 938, 27, 1787, 642, 15, 18467, 2227, 1237, 1839, 27, 187, 5064, 18467, 2227, 1348, 4185, 187, 31, 6441, 70, 7908, 187, 31, 5371, 369, 1153, 571, 187, 31, 5371, 369, 299, 9565, 187, 31, 5371, 369, 209, 5450, 187, 66, 2644, 12190, 273, 305, 8883, 326, 4270, 690, 273, 253, 28770, 273, 253, 1533, 285, 616, 4833, 1335, 11852, 776, 4852, 5312, 6763, 273, 1107, 1996, 15, 285, 597, 13556, 574, 247, 2644, 12190, 273, 9359, 4182, 15, 594, 634, 346, 46052, 2298, 932, 3, 285, 346, 26944, 10027, 16296, 7435, 562, 893, 1060, 342, 634, 10585, 842, 293, 37246, 8393, 26871, 15, 604, 368, 1158, 12835, 3095, 275, 253, 718, 310, 752, 310, 8479, 253, 1533, 281, 1614, 281, 10739, 368, 1472, 1448, 21015, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1166, 27, 1348, 27, 1619, 642, 15, 18467, 2227, 1812, 3245, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 2385, 2385, 24070, 187, 31, 72, 698, 871, 752, 6569, 672, 310, 5247, 3936, 689, 13, 187, 38682, 84, 1056, 598, 470, 15, 25, 6, 273, 253, 3072, 594 ]
28 no.168501210: >>168500970 WTF Starbucks are begging to get nogged Anonymous 04/17/18(Tue)13:59:56 no.168501260: >>168480955 I'm too lazy to get on Photoshop but I like this. Lulz incoming! Anonymous 04/17/18(Tue)14:00:18 no.168501304: >>168500594 It's actually fucking hilarious because, as manager, I have to be the one who holds the sensitivity meetings. Anonymous 04/17/18(Tue)14:00:23 no.168501309: >>168500970 >it's real So they're going to close their stores, that mostly serve white people, to teach their mostly white staff to.... what? Allow all black people to loiter? LOL. Starbucks is so retarded. Anonymous 04/17/18(Tue)14:00:32 no.168501321: >>168480955 Glorious. Please spread these. Anonymous 04/17/18(Tue)14:01:05 no.168501377: >>168495978 >Devilish Anonymous 04/17/18(Tue)14:02:23 no.168501485: >>168501101 >>168501304 gib free coffee Anonymous 04/17/18(Tue)14:02:26 no.168501490: >>168487278 >ice coffee why you put ice in coffee Anonymous 04/17/18(Tue)14:02:28 no.168501495: >>168501309 It's just a front I expect they don't want niggers to chimp out but the fact they keep going deeper into the rabbit hole is retarded. They already lost when they apologised. Anonymous 04/17/18(Tue)14:03:21 no.168501579: >>168500970 >The virtue signalling sjws who spend all their days their spouting crap lost all of their hangouts >Because of black people I >CLAP LOVE >CLAP 2018 >CLAP Anonymous 04/17/18(Tue)14:03:26 no.168501588: >>168500970 Those fucking comments, someone nuke us all. Anonymous 04/17/18(Tue)14:03:31 no.168501594: >>168484896 Hoo shit this. Anonymous 04/17/18(Tue)14:03:55 no.168501630: I wonder what the criminal/civil risk involved is when distributing fake coupons. If one leads to an altercation, I imagine you could find yourself in a heap of trouble. I don't know specifics, though. Anonymous 04/17/18(Tue)14:04:50 no.168501714: I'm keking. Anonymous 04/17/18(Tue)14:05:00 no.168501725: >>168481447 slow minded boomer. Anonymous 04/17/18(Tue)14:05:11 no.168501747: 85642512206491649 Send a coupon to this nog. He already went and got his 'justice.' He'll help spread the word... Anonymous 04/17/18(Tue)14:05:12 no.168501749: >>168501588 Sorry anon didn't see your post there Anonymous 04/17/18(Tue)14:05:36 no.168501793: >>168501630 please respect our preferred pronouns shitlord. this is an UNDOCUMENTED coupon. NO coupon is illegal! Anonymous 04/17/18(Tue)14:05:38 no.168501795: >>168496627 i love murder she wrote, then again i'm not a nigger Anonymous 04/17/18(Tue)14:06:30 no.168501881: >>168501714 No i just dont want coffee shops to be legal squatting grounds. Anonymous 04/17/18(Tue)14:06:59 no.168501921: >>168484896 >free water >must use our bucket shheeeiiiitttt Anonymous 04/17/18(Tue)14:07:12 no.168501944: >>168501495 This. They are overcompensating because they don't want people to realIze that those employees were following company policy 100%. Anonymous 04/17/18(Tue)14:07:33 no.168501986: >>168480955 >>168486405 great idea. best to place it on college campuses with a in-house starbucks Anonymous 04/17/18(Tue)14:07:34 no.168501990: >>168500970 JUST ONE DAY????!!!!! I GUESS THAT'S ALL THE BLACK MAN'S DIGNITY IS WORTH TO STARBUCKS. Anonymous 04/17/18(Tue)14:07:48 no.168502017: >>168493023 >perhaps use a serif font, because Starbucks is gay. my sides were not ready for this bread Anonymous 04/17/18(Tue)14:08:32 no.168502087: >>168480955 Bump Anonymous 04/17/18(Tue)14:09:05 no.168502138: send this to every open printer in every anglophone nation Anonymous 04/17/18(Tue)14:09:14 no.168502154: cXVwqkQQ Anonymous 04/17/18(Tue)14:09:20 no.168502164: >>168501986 This is a great place to put them. Anonymous 04/17/18(Tue)14:09:32 no.168502187: >>168500632 Gotta make it believable Anonymous 04/17/18(Tue)14:09:34 no.168502190: >>168501588 >>168501714 wew Anonymous 04/17/18(Tue)14:09:38 no.168502200: >>168495185 Holy shit redneck no lol. Nobody from the 21st century says that shit especially SJW Starbucks fags. Anonymous 04/17/18(Tue)14:10:03 no.168502241: >>168481447 Dad i told you to stop getting on 4chan! You don't understand memeology Anonymous 04/17/18(Tue)14:10:30 no.168502271: >>168496627 lek. double kek >>168499013 >>168501795 Anonymous 04/17/18(Tue)14:10:37 no.168502290: >>168481447 anon i.... don't think you understand what's going on here Anonymous 04/17/18(Tue)14:11:03 no.168502328: >>168484896 This Anonymous 04/17/18(Tue)14:11:12 no.168502345: black people don't really drink coffee though Anonymous 04/17/18(Tue)14:11:23 no.168502360: >>168495185 It says on the barcode. Anonymous 04/17/18(Tue)14:11:23 no.168502365: >>168481372 The mutt should try it out Anonymous 04/17/18(Tue)14:12:10 no.168502452: >>168502345 Yea but they will go ape shit for anything that is free. Anonymous 04/17/18(Tue)14:12:24 no.168502480: >>168501749 Anonymous 04/17/18(Tue)14:12:29 no.168502484: >>168502365 Is that Sam Hyde? Anonymous 04/17/18(Tue)14:12:41 no.168502504: more of this Anonymous 04/17/18(Tue)14:12:43 no.168502508: >>168502345 >people nice try, JIDF anyway, niggers could use a hot beverage to splash in somebody's face and steal their phone Anonymous 04/17/18(Tue)14:12:44 no.168502510: >>168481309 >We need to get Starcucks to embrace free coffees for poc with petitions and such. This. There should be a coordinated effort first to raise awareness. Someone get a fake account and make
[ 1619, 642, 15, 1036, 2227, 12522, 740, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 2227, 8972, 1967, 187, 56, 13837, 47841, 403, 38141, 281, 755, 30876, 2400, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1166, 16, 1093, 9, 50110, 10, 1012, 27, 3046, 27, 3208, 642, 15, 1036, 2227, 12522, 1549, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 2759, 1438, 31722, 187, 42, 1353, 1512, 22658, 281, 755, 327, 39075, 533, 309, 751, 436, 15, 418, 335, 91, 19363, 2, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1166, 16, 1093, 9, 50110, 10, 1047, 27, 361, 27, 1093, 642, 15, 1036, 2227, 520, 19321, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 2227, 361, 37308, 187, 1147, 434, 2686, 12835, 37750, 984, 13, 347, 7205, 13, 309, 452, 281, 320, 253, 581, 665, 6556, 253, 7340, 12225, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1166, 16, 1093, 9, 50110, 10, 1047, 27, 361, 27, 1508, 642, 15, 1036, 2227, 520, 22000, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 2227, 8972, 1967, 187, 31, 262, 434, 1524, 187, 2598, 597, 1472, 1469, 281, 2810, 616, 10111, 13, 326, 6571, 5752, 3168, 952, 13, 281, 9798, 616, 6571, 3168, 4750, 281, 2391, 752, 32, 32664, 512, 2806, 952, 281, 2343, 2562, 32, 49321, 15, 47841, 310, 594, 48101, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1166, 16, 1093, 9, 50110, 10, 1047, 27, 361, 27, 1237, 642, 15, 1036, 2227, 520, 22693, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 2759, 1438, 31722, 187, 40, 3833, 784, 15, 7764, 5195, 841, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1166, 16, 1093, 9, 50110, 10, 1047, 27, 520, 27, 1762, 642, 15, 1036, 2227, 520, 22863, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 2759, 35461, 3141, 187, 31, 11148, 300, 763, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1166, 16, 1093, 9, 50110, 10, 1047, 27, 2640, 27, 1508, 642, 15, 1036, 2227, 11494, 2227, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 2227, 520, 6903, 187, 5064, 1036, 2227, 520, 19321, 187, 72, 487, 1959, 8574, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1166, 16, 1093, 9, 50110, 10, 1047, 27, 2640, 27, 1731, 642, 15, 1036, 2227, 11494, 2270, 27, 187, 5064, 13851, 30910, 24803, 187, 31, 547, 8574, 187, 22309, 368, 1691, 6749, 275, 8574, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1166, 16, 1093, 9, 50110, 10, 1047, 27, 2640, 27, 1619, 642, 15, 1036, 2227, 11494, 2222, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 2227, 520, 22000, 187, 1147, 434, 816, 247, 2914, 309, 1902, 597, 1053, 626, 971, 35825, 7276, 281, 448, 11548, 562, 533, 253, 958, 597, 1978, 1469, 12861, 715, 253, 17876, 7793, 310, 48101, 15, 1583, 2168, 3663, 672, 597, 15251, 1701, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1166, 16, 1093, 9, 50110, 10, 1047, 27, 2941, 27, 1797, 642, 15, 1036, 2227, 10496, 2787, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 2227, 8972, 1967, 187, 31, 510, 16968, 25345, 41996, 8819, 665, 6947, 512, 616, 1897, 616, 653, 20309, 23550, 3663, 512, 273, 616, 10913, 8349, 209, 187, 31, 8457, 273, 2806, 952, 209, 187, 42, 187, 31, 3207, 2088, 187, 45, 19252, 187, 31, 3207, 2088, 187, 7798, 187, 31, 3207, 2088, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1166, 16, 1093, 9, 50110, 10, 1047, 27, 2941, 27, 1731, 642, 15, 1036, 2227, 10496, 2055, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 2227, 8972, 1967, 187, 15745, 12835, 5701, 13, 3095, 8794, 413, 441, 512, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1166, 16, 1093, 9, 50110, 10, 1047, 27, 2941, 27, 2405, 642, 15, 1036, 2227, 520, 37308, 27, 187, 5064, 13851, 2385, 2385, 4196, 187, 41, 3288, 10739, 436, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1166, 16, 1093, 9, 50110, 10, 1047, 27, 2941, 27, 2417, 642, 15, 1036, 2227, 11718, 1229, 27, 187, 42, 4282, 752, 253, 6424, 16, 44757, 2495, 3206, 310, 672, 35904, 15223, 49516, 15, 1310, 581, 5644, 281, 271, 6990, 24435, 13, 309, 8564, 368, 812, 1089, 4834, 275, 247, 26486, 273, 7596, 15, 309, 1053, 626, 871, 40155, 13, 2167, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1166, 16, 1093, 9, 50110, 10, 1047, 27, 2125, 27, 1235, 642, 15, 1036, 2227, 11027, 1047, 27, 187, 42, 1353, 1058, 4351, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1166, 16, 1093, 9, 50110, 10, 1047, 27, 1762, 27, 361, 642, 15, 1036, 2227, 11027, 1099, 27, 187, 5064, 13851, 2385, 1047, 2504, 187, 31200, 48163, 1766, 8056, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1166, 16, 1093, 9, 50110, 10, 1047, 27, 1762, 27, 883, 642, 15, 1036, 2227, 11027, 2504, 27, 187, 3614, 1358, 16705, 15, 681, 16, 55, 24669, 12764, 16, 8581, 16, 26, 187, 2227, 1540, 1099, 805, 938, 26937, 1036, 2537, 187, 19907, 247, 44254, 281, 436, 30876, 15, 754, 2168, 2427, 285, 1694, 521, 686, 6309, 547, 2464, 754, 1833, 1361, 5195, 253, 3159, 1051, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1166, 16, 1093, 9, 50110, 10, 1047, 27, 1762, 27, 805, 642, 15, 1036, 2227, 11027, 2537, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 2227, 10496, 2055, 187, 15953, 271, 251, 1904, 626, 923, 634, 1501, 627, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1166, 16, 1093, 9, 50110, 10, 1047, 27, 1762, 27, 1812, 642, 15, 1036, 2227, 520, 42815, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 2227, 11718, 1229, 187, 32897, 1675, 776, 9013, 43980, 84, 10739, 20305, 15, 436, 310, 271, 43675, 3231, 44854, 1703, 44254, 15, 7651, 44254, 310, 9676, 2, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1166, 16, 1093, 9, 50110, 10, 1047, 27, 1762, 27, 1839, 642, 15, 1036, 2227, 11027, 2222, 27, 187, 5064, 13851, 2537, 2526, 1630, 187, 74, 2389, 7701, 703, 4159, 13, 840, 969, 891, 1353, 417, 247, 295, 16046, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1166, 16, 1093, 9, 50110, 10, 1047, 27, 3071, 27, 1229, 642, 15, 1036, 2227, 520, 41325, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 2227, 11027, 1047, 187, 2302, 891, 816, 13414, 971, 8574, 16999, 281, 320, 4320, 39163, 1076, 9905, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1166, 16, 1093, 9, 50110, 10, 1047, 27, 3071, 27, 3046, 642, 15, 1036, 2227, 11325, 1797, 27, 187, 5064, 13851, 2385, 2385, 4196, 187, 31, 4924, 1824, 187, 31, 18265, 897, 776, 22205, 187, 1200, 248, 1796, 12211, 770, 1440, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1166, 16, 1093, 9, 50110, 10, 1047, 27, 2922, 27, 805, 642, 15, 1036, 2227, 11325, 2031, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 2227, 11494, 2222, 187, 1552, 15, 1583, 403, 689, 3118, 561, 839, 984, 597, 1053, 626, 971, 952, 281, 1524, 42, 2721, 326, 1110, 6171, 497, 1563, 2567, 3646, 2233, 7739, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1166, 16, 1093, 9, 50110, 10, 1047, 27, 2922, 27, 1610, 642, 15, 1036, 2227, 11325, 2691, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 2759, 1438, 31722, 187, 5064, 13851, 27538, 20680, 187, 17124, 2934, 15, 1682, 281, 1659, 352, 327, 6831, 46794, 342, 247, 275, 14, 5967, 4177, 41422, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1166, 16, 1093, 9, 50110, 10, 1047, 27, 2922, 27, 1706, 642, 15, 1036, 2227, 520, 28001, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 2227, 8972, 1967, 187, 49594, 21252, 39045, 25561, 4672, 15844, 309, 31844, 5479, 16093, 8, 52, 13556, 3003, 13242, 8100, 31250, 8, 52, 399, 13003, 7400, 4110, 26393, 3886, 5935, 3915, 1277, 7817, 7519, 52, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1166, 16, 1093, 9, 50110, 10, 1047, 27, 2922, 27, 2385, 642, 15, 13851, 1235, 7132, 27, 187, 5064, 13851, 2537, 1229, 1508, 187, 31, 30875, 897, 247, 1151, 338, 8266, 13, 984, 47841, 310, 11730, 15, 187, 2577, 7123, 497, 417, 4704, 323, 436, 10238, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1166, 16, 1093, 9, 50110, 10, 1047, 27, 2904, 27, 1237, 642, 15, 13851, 1235, 938, 2597, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 2759, 1438, 31722, 187, 35, 1765, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1166, 16, 1093, 9, 50110, 10, 1047, 27, 2693, 27, 1762, 642, 15, 13851, 28873, 15148, 27, 187, 13161, 436, 281, 1046, 1527, 19736, 275, 1046, 2897, 77, 41461, 5674, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1166, 16, 1093, 9, 50110, 10, 1047, 27, 2693, 27, 1047, 642, 15, 13851, 28873, 17161, 27, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 24583, 15, 681, 16, 13060, 32, 87, 30, 91, 56, 25, 187, 68, 40421, 88, 82, 76, 25138, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1166, 16, 1093, 9, 50110, 10, 1047, 27, 2693, 27, 938, 642, 15, 13851, 1235, 17271, 21, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 2227, 11325, 2691, 187, 1552, 310, 247, 1270, 1659, 281, 1691, 731, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1166, 16, 1093, 9, 50110, 10, 1047, 27, 2693, 27, 1237, 642, 15, 13851, 28873, 17306, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 2227, 7174, 1237, 187, 25302, 893, 1056, 352, 1802, 17254, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1166, 16, 1093, 9, 50110, 10, 1047, 27, 2693, 27, 1706, 642, 15, 13851, 28873, 16129, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 2227, 10496, 2055, 187, 5064, 1036, 2227, 11027, 1047, 187, 664, 88, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1166, 16, 1093, 9, 50110, 10, 1047, 27, 2693, 27, 1839, 642, 15, 13851, 1235, 1423, 361, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 2759, 2222, 17786, 187, 42846, 10739, 2502, 34936, 642, 23385, 15, 27138, 432, 253, 3127, 296, 5331, 2296, 326, 10739, 3340, 322, 43, 56, 47841, 269, 3544, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1166, 16, 1093, 9, 50110, 10, 1047, 27, 740, 27, 2941, 642, 15, 13851, 1235, 17537, 18, 27, 187, 5064, 13851, 2385, 1047, 2504, 187, 34234, 891, 2183, 368, 281, 3523, 2970, 327, 577, 2291, 2, 209, 187, 1394, 1053, 626, 2096, 1167, 70, 1497, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1166, 16, 1093, 9, 50110, 10, 1047, 27, 740, 27, 1229, 642, 15, 13851, 1235, 1423, 3677, 27, 187, 5064, 13851, 2537, 2526, 1630, 187, 282, 76, 15, 187, 12237, 1058, 76, 187, 5064, 1036, 2759, 1525, 13144, 187, 5064, 1036, 2227, 11027, 2222, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1166, 16, 1093, 9, 50110, 10, 1047, 27, 740, 27, 1787, 642, 15, 13851, 1235, 1423, 2270, 27, 187, 5064, 13851, 2385, 1047, 2504, 187, 46339, 891, 2391, 1053, 626, 1158, 368, 2096, 752, 434, 1469, 327, 1060, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1166, 16, 1093, 9, 50110, 10, 1047, 27, 883, 27, 2941, 642, 15, 13851, 1235, 19136, 25, 27, 187, 5064, 13851, 2385, 2385, 4196, 187, 1552, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1166, 16, 1093, 9, 50110, 10, 1047, 27, 883, 27, 805, 642, 15, 13851, 1235, 1508, 1857, 27, 187, 11958, 952, 1053, 626, 1663, 5484, 8574, 2167, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1166, 16, 1093, 9, 50110, 10, 1047, 27, 883, 27, 1508, 642, 15, 13851, 1235, 1508, 1549, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 2759, 2222, 17786, 187, 1147, 2296, 327, 253, 2534, 3211, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1166, 16, 1093, 9, 50110, 10, 1047, 27, 883, 27, 1508, 642, 15, 13851, 1235, 1508, 2082, 27, 187, 5064, 13851, 2385, 1012, 3547, 187, 510, 2873, 85, 943, 1611, 352, 562, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1166, 16, 1093, 9, 50110, 10, 1047, 27, 805, 27, 740, 642, 15, 13851, 1235, 1348, 3583, 27, 187, 5064, 13851, 1235, 1508, 1857, 187, 58, 14576, 533, 597, 588, 564, 247, 365, 10739, 323, 2712, 326, 310, 1959, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1166, 16, 1093, 9, 50110, 10, 1047, 27, 805, 27, 1348, 642, 15, 13851, 1235, 1348, 1438, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 2227, 11027, 2537, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1166, 16, 1093, 9, 50110, 10, 1047, 27, 805, 27, 1717, 642, 15, 13851, 1235, 1348, 2759, 27, 187, 5064, 13851, 1235, 1508, 2082, 187, 2513, 326, 5769, 42703, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1166, 16, 1093, 9, 50110, 10, 1047, 27, 805, 27, 3156, 642, 15, 13851, 1235, 1099, 2125, 27, 187, 3062, 273, 436, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1166, 16, 1093, 9, 50110, 10, 1047, 27, 805, 27, 3079, 642, 15, 13851, 1235, 1099, 2904, 27, 187, 5064, 13851, 1235, 1508, 1857, 187, 31, 13174, 187, 40199, 1611, 13, 500, 1838, 39, 187, 1279, 1106, 13, 35825, 7276, 812, 897, 247, 3511, 32715, 281, 34058, 275, 11853, 434, 2454, 285, 20016, 616, 4481, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1166, 16, 1093, 9, 50110, 10, 1047, 27, 805, 27, 2031, 642, 15, 13851, 1235, 1099, 740, 27, 187, 5064, 13851, 2385, 1012, 2693, 187, 31, 1231, 878, 281, 755, 659, 3178, 9984, 281, 19653, 1959, 7691, 453, 265, 323, 268, 406, 342, 33432, 285, 824, 15, 187, 1552, 15, 1707, 943, 320, 247, 25899, 3434, 806, 281, 7164, 11891, 15, 187, 29065, 755, 247, 15223, 2395, 285, 1056 ]
Anonymous 05/18/17(Thu)10:53:59 no.126025985: YAMEROOOOOO <|endoftext|>Anonymous 11/27/16(Sun)12:52:41 no.100480637: How come no non-white cultures ever composed and played based music like this? PcmmUkkg Anonymous 11/27/16(Sun)12:57:50 no.100481232: bump <|endoftext|>Anonymous 03/03/18(Sat)20:57:35 no.162650135: Is Sam Hyde good or bad for young men? Anonymous 03/03/18(Sat)20:59:17 no.162650287: >>162650135 who cares? it's up to their interpretation of good and bad. Anonymous 03/03/18(Sat)21:03:56 no.162650709: Samuel Hyderomonous really helped me at a low point in my life. Now I want to be big and strong just like him. Anonymous 03/03/18(Sat)21:05:40 no.162650873: Considering how many people he's killed, at least some of them were surely young men, so bad. Anonymous 03/03/18(Sat)21:07:26 no.162651034: >>162650135 I tried asking him once and the fuck try to run me over. As he drove away he yell "I HATE NIGGERS. THIS TRUMP AMERICA" Anonymous 03/03/18(Sat)21:07:43 no.162651059: >>162650135 All he does is laugh at retards, tell people that achieving anything worth while is hard so be ready for that and don't waste your time. Anyone who finds his message offensive is a massive waste of space If you don't find him funny or think being an ugly mess is a big deal that's fair Anonymous 03/03/18(Sat)21:08:53 no.162651166: >>162650287 Dirty fucking post-modernist. Anonymous 03/03/18(Sat)21:09:25 no.162651222: He’s inspiring young men to commit mass homicide, and he’s getting away with it. You tell me. When will he be stopped? Anonymous 03/03/18(Sat)21:09:58 no.162651259: >>162650135 He sucks tranny dicks Nuff said Anonymous 03/03/18(Sat)21:10:32 no.162651318: He's a massive underachiever considering his pedigree. Anonymous 03/03/18(Sat)21:10:34 no.162651320: >>162650709 See I can respect some of his messages like lifting weights, not doing drugs not looking at porn. But the sense of bitterness and hatred he can envoke sometimes, I'm wrestling with whether or not it's really good, just psychologically for his fans. Not saying that I care about the leftists and sjws, but I just not sure if it's healthy or productive to fixate on hating them. Anonymous 03/03/18(Sat)21:10:53 no.162651354: >>162650287 very true, with most things it's all subjective. Anonymous 03/03/18(Sat)21:11:24 no.162651398: >>162650135 >A Sam Hyde shill thread Fuck off op Anonymous 03/03/18(Sat)21:12:46 no.162651519: >>162650135 pffffff He is young men, stupid. He was born in the late 80s. Anonymous 03/03/18(Sat)21:14:08 no.162651629: >>162651519 well he's 32, sure he's young, but most people should have their shit somewhat together at that point. I'm talking about people early to mid 20's Anonymous 03/03/18(Sat)21:14:53 no.162651689: >>162651222 he can't keep getting away with it! Anonymous 03/03/18(Sat)21:15:09 no.162651715: >>162651320 Hatred and anger is the only thing that provides any amount of motivation to me. Anonymous 03/03/18(Sat)21:17:11 no.162651906: >>162651629 >well he's 32, sure he's young, but most people should have their shit somewhat together at that point. I Why? He had another 20yrs to father children and kill Commies. We live in an abstraction of the real world now. It's not the fucking 1970s anymore. Give the kid a break. He's like the only real Comedian left. Anonymous 03/03/18(Sat)21:17:39 no.162651947: >>162651259 He's also a massive reddit fag. Anonymous 03/03/18(Sat)21:17:42 no.162651953: >>162651519 1985. Anonymous 03/03/18(Sat)21:18:25 no.162652010: >>162651947 Didn't that subreddit die already? Anonymous 03/03/18(Sat)21:18:53 no.162652064: >>162651947 Not surprising, he's been getting pushed by redditors here for 3 years Anonymous 03/03/18(Sat)21:21:05 no.162652277: He would be good if he wasn't an online e-celeb YouTuber 'larping' as a comedian. If he had written something, or produced a stand alone piece of work that was detached from online memes and "muh he cant keep getting away with it", then yeah, living that way would make him a net positive. But he doesn't, does he? Can he ever now? He sells t-shirts and garbage to edgy numales who also buy Kekistani flags. He collaborates with Soundcloud rappers and all in all fails to live up to his potential. If Sam Hyde was born anywhere but America, he might have been alright. Instead, he's just some fucking retard being ironic and talking into a camera to idiots about nothing. His life is one constant passive aggressive bitchy episode like a fucking makeup YouTuber. Why even bother? Why not just embrace the low hanging fruit of all the shit at that point? He has grit and is smart, he could have been alright, but instead he chose to become a faggot who mocks faggots. He is pretending his videos aren't serious attempts at producing something because of the fact that it's utter garbage, and he knows it. Sam Hyde... move out of America, or cancel your internet connection for a while and stop being a faggot. Anonymous 03/03/18(Sat)21:23:33 no.162652507: >>162652064 >>162651947 >he's been getting pushed by redditors here for 3 years >I'm one of you. You're so obvious NatBol-ALT-Right fag WHY? WHY DOES DUGIN HATE THE LAUGHTER WHY DOES SPENCER HATE THE LAUGHTER? WHY DOES BANNON HATE THE LAUGHTER?? Anonymous 03/03/18(Sat)21:24:22 no.162652580: >>162652277 >If Sam Hyde was born anywhere but America, he might have been alright. Remeber this when Islam is burning these fucking cunts to the ground Anonymous 03/03/18(Sat)21:25:26 no.162652683: >>162652507 dude wut, calm down summer child Anonymous 03/03/18(Sat)21:25:45 no.162652713: >>162651906 listen that's not the point i'm trying to make, I'm just saying his fan base is more likely going to be younger bitter guys who don't have their shit together. Anonymous 03/03/18(Sat)21:26:20 no.162652768: Ideas Man, the PowerPoint presentations, and many of the cell phone vids are good Anonymous 03/03/18(Sat)21:27:19 no.162652851: >>162652277 The only right wing comedians you will find on traditional media are cuckservative fags or art school douchbags that like to larp at being "real men" while constantly reminding their audience that it's a joke and they should be cucked irl. If being on the internet immediately excludes you from being worth anything then you need to suck jew cock to be relevant. Anonymous 03/03/18(Sat)21:28:20 no.162652957:
[ 45545, 16987, 16, 1093, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 740, 27, 3357, 27, 3046, 642, 15, 805, 1549, 20395, 2227, 27, 187, 58, 2300, 947, 4985, 4985, 4985, 2756, 50279, 45545, 1903, 16, 1630, 16, 1036, 9, 14594, 10, 805, 27, 3583, 27, 3156, 642, 15, 2313, 21980, 44260, 27, 187, 2347, 1705, 642, 1327, 14, 11300, 11048, 2455, 9924, 285, 4546, 1754, 3440, 751, 436, 32, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 24583, 15, 681, 16, 13060, 32, 87, 30, 36639, 50, 187, 49, 68, 2188, 42399, 5840, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1630, 16, 1036, 9, 14594, 10, 805, 27, 3011, 27, 1235, 642, 15, 2313, 2385, 805, 1237, 27, 187, 67, 1765, 2756, 50279, 45545, 17272, 16, 2941, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 938, 27, 3011, 27, 1671, 642, 15, 1036, 21317, 520, 1671, 27, 187, 2513, 5769, 42703, 1175, 390, 3076, 323, 2872, 1821, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 2941, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 938, 27, 3046, 27, 1166, 642, 15, 1036, 1731, 1235, 24117, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 21317, 520, 1671, 187, 10002, 24505, 32, 352, 434, 598, 281, 616, 7914, 273, 1175, 285, 3076, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 2941, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1797, 27, 2941, 27, 3208, 642, 15, 1036, 1731, 1235, 26371, 27, 187, 17232, 3814, 8305, 491, 16142, 528, 1663, 6518, 479, 387, 247, 1698, 1127, 275, 619, 1495, 15, 3954, 309, 971, 281, 320, 1943, 285, 2266, 816, 751, 779, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 2941, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1797, 27, 1762, 27, 1449, 642, 15, 1036, 1731, 1235, 43847, 27, 187, 40619, 849, 1142, 952, 344, 434, 5339, 13, 387, 1878, 690, 273, 731, 497, 13353, 2872, 1821, 13, 594, 3076, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 2941, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1797, 27, 2922, 27, 1731, 642, 15, 1036, 21317, 740, 1706, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 21317, 520, 1671, 187, 42, 3597, 7004, 779, 2378, 285, 253, 7435, 1611, 281, 1408, 479, 689, 15, 1284, 344, 12668, 1977, 344, 42963, 346, 42, 388, 4966, 427, 2431, 40, 6117, 15, 10113, 7500, 47774, 46063, 3, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 2941, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1797, 27, 2922, 27, 3079, 642, 15, 1036, 21317, 740, 3046, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 21317, 520, 1671, 187, 3074, 344, 1057, 310, 9012, 387, 851, 2196, 13, 2028, 952, 326, 17170, 2712, 4409, 1223, 310, 1892, 594, 320, 4704, 323, 326, 285, 1053, 626, 8138, 634, 673, 15, 187, 31568, 665, 9010, 521, 3935, 13413, 310, 247, 7863, 8138, 273, 2317, 187, 2042, 368, 1053, 626, 1089, 779, 11755, 390, 1158, 1146, 271, 19513, 4840, 310, 247, 1943, 2968, 326, 434, 4344, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 2941, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1797, 27, 2904, 27, 3357, 642, 15, 1036, 21317, 883, 2526, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 1731, 1235, 24117, 187, 37, 6111, 12835, 1501, 14, 26944, 382, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 2941, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1797, 27, 2693, 27, 1099, 642, 15, 1036, 1731, 19233, 1423, 27, 187, 1328, 457, 84, 29853, 2872, 1821, 281, 4514, 2280, 35050, 13, 285, 344, 457, 84, 2970, 1977, 342, 352, 15, 1422, 2028, 479, 15, 2091, 588, 344, 320, 6331, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 2941, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1797, 27, 2693, 27, 3680, 642, 15, 1036, 1731, 19233, 3046, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 21317, 520, 1671, 187, 1328, 35058, 492, 10059, 277, 5519, 187, 47, 2066, 753, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 2941, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1797, 27, 740, 27, 1237, 642, 15, 1036, 21317, 1012, 1093, 27, 187, 1328, 434, 247, 7863, 762, 607, 466, 332, 7296, 521, 44914, 658, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 2941, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1797, 27, 740, 27, 1706, 642, 15, 1036, 21317, 1012, 938, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 1731, 1235, 26371, 187, 5035, 309, 476, 1675, 690, 273, 521, 8169, 751, 20284, 13461, 13, 417, 2509, 5835, 417, 2819, 387, 16921, 15, 1292, 253, 3282, 273, 44875, 285, 24307, 344, 476, 17400, 3136, 4536, 13, 309, 1353, 28508, 342, 1880, 390, 417, 352, 434, 1663, 1175, 13, 816, 4369, 11220, 323, 521, 7458, 15, 3105, 3981, 326, 309, 1557, 670, 253, 1669, 1346, 285, 41996, 8819, 13, 533, 309, 816, 417, 2119, 604, 352, 434, 5875, 390, 19303, 281, 4993, 366, 327, 288, 839, 731, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 2941, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1797, 27, 740, 27, 3357, 642, 15, 1036, 21317, 1012, 3439, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 1731, 1235, 24117, 187, 635, 2032, 13, 342, 954, 1841, 352, 434, 512, 17854, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 2941, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1797, 27, 883, 27, 1348, 642, 15, 1036, 21317, 1012, 4185, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 21317, 520, 1671, 187, 31, 34, 5769, 42703, 439, 408, 6293, 187, 30368, 745, 1121, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 2941, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1797, 27, 805, 27, 2950, 642, 15, 1036, 21317, 1010, 746, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 21317, 520, 1671, 187, 81, 40495, 187, 1328, 310, 2872, 1821, 13, 11339, 15, 754, 369, 5686, 275, 253, 3563, 5096, 84, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 2941, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1797, 27, 1047, 27, 2904, 642, 15, 1036, 21317, 1036, 1717, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 21317, 1010, 746, 187, 4714, 344, 434, 4567, 13, 2119, 344, 434, 2872, 13, 533, 954, 952, 943, 452, 616, 10739, 8489, 2366, 387, 326, 1127, 15, 309, 1353, 5015, 670, 952, 2393, 281, 4260, 1384, 434, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 2941, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1797, 27, 1047, 27, 3357, 642, 15, 1036, 21317, 1036, 2511, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 1731, 19233, 1423, 187, 248, 476, 626, 1978, 2970, 1977, 342, 352, 2, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 2941, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1797, 27, 1010, 27, 2693, 642, 15, 1036, 21317, 1166, 1010, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 21317, 1012, 938, 187, 41, 255, 433, 285, 12700, 310, 253, 760, 2181, 326, 3400, 667, 2408, 273, 16038, 281, 479, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 2941, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1797, 27, 1166, 27, 883, 642, 15, 1036, 21317, 746, 3071, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 21317, 1036, 1717, 187, 31, 4714, 344, 434, 4567, 13, 2119, 344, 434, 2872, 13, 533, 954, 952, 943, 452, 616, 10739, 8489, 2366, 387, 326, 1127, 15, 309, 187, 4967, 32, 187, 1328, 574, 1529, 1384, 41939, 281, 3392, 2151, 285, 5159, 11293, 447, 15, 844, 3153, 275, 271, 38562, 273, 253, 1524, 1533, 1024, 15, 733, 434, 417, 253, 12835, 10333, 84, 10542, 15, 187, 19735, 253, 5772, 247, 2740, 15, 754, 434, 751, 253, 760, 1524, 1176, 264, 757, 1669, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 2941, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1797, 27, 1166, 27, 1867, 642, 15, 1036, 21317, 41858, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 1731, 19233, 3046, 187, 1328, 434, 671, 247, 7863, 28159, 262, 269, 356, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 2941, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1797, 27, 1166, 27, 2945, 642, 15, 1036, 21317, 40533, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 21317, 1010, 746, 187, 15117, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 2941, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1797, 27, 1093, 27, 1099, 642, 15, 1036, 21317, 7199, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 21317, 41858, 187, 40795, 626, 326, 749, 433, 22940, 3150, 2168, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 2941, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1797, 27, 1093, 27, 3357, 642, 15, 1036, 21317, 938, 1540, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 21317, 41858, 187, 3650, 10084, 13, 344, 434, 644, 2970, 10184, 407, 28159, 5109, 1060, 323, 495, 1107, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 2941, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1797, 27, 1797, 27, 1762, 642, 15, 1036, 21317, 1423, 2357, 27, 187, 1328, 651, 320, 1175, 604, 344, 3589, 626, 271, 3909, 299, 14, 44033, 67, 1422, 53, 22651, 686, 77, 5916, 272, 8, 347, 247, 43778, 15, 209, 187, 2042, 344, 574, 3542, 1633, 13, 390, 4197, 247, 1462, 3815, 5313, 273, 789, 326, 369, 31418, 432, 3909, 1167, 265, 285, 346, 1906, 73, 344, 16216, 1978, 2970, 1977, 342, 352, 995, 840, 10902, 13, 3811, 326, 1039, 651, 1056, 779, 247, 2036, 2762, 15, 1292, 344, 2506, 626, 13, 1057, 344, 32, 2615, 344, 2455, 1024, 32, 754, 27924, 246, 14, 39529, 285, 22630, 281, 1407, 4233, 930, 2339, 665, 671, 4489, 611, 1441, 30474, 12201, 15, 754, 8317, 684, 342, 18874, 18534, 1218, 13906, 285, 512, 275, 512, 10224, 281, 3153, 598, 281, 521, 2442, 15, 209, 187, 2042, 5769, 42703, 369, 5686, 9825, 533, 3968, 13, 344, 1537, 452, 644, 34557, 15, 7820, 13, 344, 434, 816, 690, 12835, 31832, 1146, 40066, 285, 5015, 715, 247, 6568, 281, 22467, 1502, 670, 2717, 15, 3032, 1495, 310, 581, 3638, 16864, 13847, 23331, 90, 9037, 751, 247, 12835, 24071, 1422, 53, 22651, 15, 6049, 1014, 15105, 32, 6049, 417, 816, 19653, 253, 1698, 14203, 9279, 273, 512, 253, 10739, 387, 326, 1127, 32, 209, 187, 1328, 556, 650, 262, 285, 310, 7060, 13, 344, 812, 452, 644, 34557, 13, 533, 3185, 344, 9703, 281, 2489, 247, 269, 13046, 302, 665, 278, 4121, 269, 13046, 1502, 15, 754, 310, 34452, 521, 10556, 6403, 626, 4092, 9437, 387, 9603, 1633, 984, 273, 253, 958, 326, 352, 434, 13894, 22630, 13, 285, 344, 6057, 352, 15, 209, 187, 17232, 42703, 1051, 2118, 562, 273, 3968, 13, 390, 14002, 634, 8573, 4602, 323, 247, 1223, 285, 3523, 1146, 247, 269, 13046, 302, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 2941, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1797, 27, 1508, 27, 1610, 642, 15, 1036, 21317, 1099, 2922, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 21317, 938, 1540, 187, 5064, 1036, 21317, 41858, 187, 31, 248, 434, 644, 2970, 10184, 407, 28159, 5109, 1060, 323, 495, 1107, 187, 31, 42, 1353, 581, 273, 368, 15, 187, 1394, 1472, 594, 4755, 17320, 35, 311, 14, 29526, 14, 8455, 269, 356, 187, 8835, 58, 32, 187, 8835, 58, 7953, 1410, 399, 18591, 1042, 388, 4966, 3003, 12226, 47897, 4827, 187, 8835, 58, 7953, 1410, 9975, 20712, 947, 388, 4966, 3003, 12226, 47897, 4827, 32, 187, 8835, 58, 7953, 1410, 378, 24582, 1139, 388, 4966, 3003, 12226, 47897, 4827, 8220, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 2941, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1797, 27, 1348, 27, 1423, 642, 15, 1036, 21317, 1099, 1438, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 21317, 1423, 2357, 187, 31, 2042, 5769, 42703, 369, 5686, 9825, 533, 3968, 13, 344, 1537, 452, 644, 34557, 15, 187, 8494, 70, 589, 436, 672, 8033, 310, 13195, 841, 12835, 260, 24779, 281, 253, 3216, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 2941, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1797, 27, 1099, 27, 1731, 642, 15, 1036, 21317, 1731, 3245, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 21317, 1099, 2922, 187, 69, 2496, 259, 307, 13, 11874, 1066, 5768, 1429, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 2941, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1797, 27, 1099, 27, 1857, 642, 15, 1036, 21317, 1630, 1012, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 21317, 746, 3071, 187, 42050, 326, 434, 417, 253, 1127, 891, 1353, 2820, 281, 1056, 13, 309, 1353, 816, 3981, 521, 7989, 2613, 310, 625, 2779, 1469, 281, 320, 9243, 17123, 6068, 665, 1053, 626, 452, 616, 10739, 2366, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 2941, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1797, 27, 1731, 27, 938, 642, 15, 1036, 21317, 1630, 2358, 27, 187, 42317, 284, 3083, 13, 253, 8916, 8682, 27228, 13, 285, 1142, 273, 253, 894, 4481, 362, 2352, 403, 1175, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 2941, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1797, 27, 1630, 27, 746, 642, 15, 1036, 21317, 1619, 3712, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 21317, 1423, 2357, 187, 510, 760, 987, 12916, 25795, 2458, 368, 588, 1089, 327, 5899, 3420, 403, 260, 9984, 677, 800, 269, 3544, 390, 1445, 2143, 2443, 348, 46728, 326, 751, 281, 1236, 81, 387, 1146, 346, 6549, 1821, 3, 1223, 11485, 40935, 616, 8446, 326, 352, 434, 247, 16391, 285, 597, 943, 320, 260, 20044, 209, 2587, 15, 209, 187, 2042, 1146, 327, 253, 8573, 4745, 43337, 368, 432, 1146, 4409, 2712, 840, 368, 878, 281, 15327, 15589, 11694, 281, 320, 4623, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 2941, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1797, 27, 1619, 27, 938, 642, 15, 1036, 21317, 1717, 3011, 27, 187 ]
Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:04:18 no.187780912: PRESIDENT DONALD J TRUMP >b-but Trump hasnt done anything! ARCHIVE LINKS DAILY SCHEDULE (WH Press Corps) TrumpTV Weekly Updates: NEWTRUMP NIGHTLY NEWS >Bannon: Trump @War re-up 9/28/18 NEW APPEARANCES >Pres Trump MAGA Rally in Johnson City TN 7pmET (RSBN pre/postRally LIVE) 10/1/18 >Pres Trump Departs DC 10/1/18 >Pres Trump Statement Upon Departure 10/1/18 >Pres Trump Presents MoH to StaffSgt Shurer II 10/1/18 >Pres Trump Press Conf On USMCA 10/1/18 >SoS Pompeo meets with shitposter FM Payne 10/1/18 >CommSec Wilburine on FBN 10/1/18 >NECDir Kudlow on FBN 10/1/18 >NECDir Kudlow outside WH 10/1/18 0-1/ >WHTradeDir Navarro on CNBC 10/1/18 >WHTradeDir Navarro on F&F 10/1/18 >DHS/Immigration officials Annual Immig Policy Conf 10/1/18 8-1/ 8-2/ >Meeting of Pres Adv Council on Biz in Africa 10/1/18 >Turtleman accuses dems of McCarthyism 10/1/18 >KAC on State of the Union 9/30/18 >WHTradeDir Navarro on FoxNews 9/30/18 OP pastebin: prev >>187778661 Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:04:23 no.187780923: MAGA Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:05:05 no.187780985: >illegally migrated Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:05:17 no.187781011: >>187780912 I can't stop thinking about putting my head between this fat bitch's talcum powder covered thighs. Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:05:33 no.187781047: MAGA Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:05:36 no.187781059: >>187780912 AWOO! Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:05:40 no.187781062: FIRST TO DAH-LING Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:05:41 no.187781066: update: downloading GIMP. I've got a funny idea for this pic hehehehe Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:05:54 no.187781091: >>187781011 you need help my man Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:06:01 no.187781103: OH ROCK ME MAMA LIKE A WAGON WHEEL Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:06:03 no.187781106: Pokemon romhack but the region is the United States and you battle with congressmen. Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:06:07 no.187781109: Trump Rally at 7 PM ET Live streams / IP TV: > OJ06KVIBs FNC > et4gG6uh8 CBS > WxXBYhpWY RSBN > 59-1/president-trump-campaigns-gop- senate-candidate-marsha-blackburn-t ennessee > special-live-3?cid=HP_LB_THUMB > /abc_live03@423397/index_4000_av-b. m3u8 Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:06:10 no.187781115: Hello Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:06:27 no.187781146: MAGA mofo's Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:06:31 no.187781153: >>187781062 >seasonal vvaifu Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:06:32 no.187781154: >>187781106 Both chambers? Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:06:40 no.187781162: This is Trump feeding the koi fish wrong levels of fake news. The reporter clearly says she's "not thinking", not "I'm not, thank you". atus/1046792225173196801 Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:06:43 no.187781169: >>187781115 kill yourself Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:06:43 no.187781170: Backup baker friend, please reply to first and OP post every thread to let me know you are indeed here and ready to go when you arrive in the thread when the rally starts up, if you would be so kind. Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:06:50 no.187781184: >>187781066 dude what the fuck look at flakes finger. What the FUCK??? Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:06:52 no.187781186: >>187781115 goodbye Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:06:56 no.187781191: >>187781011 just imagine suckling her milky teat after she gives birth to your twins Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:06:56 no.187781192: PRAY FOR OUR EMPRESS 046880407235563526 MAY THE AFRINIGGERS KEEP THEIR HANDS OFF HER Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:07:00 no.187781199: Anyone got that meme with the rope pulling libertarian and fascist? Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:07:00 no.187781201: >>187781066 Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:07:04 no.187781208: >>187781066 >GIMP Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:07:13 no.1877812
[ 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 2125, 27, 1093, 642, 15, 1093, 2357, 27820, 805, 27, 187, 42706, 25788, 24694, 1556, 37, 500, 7500, 47774, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 11300, 5967, 15, 12312, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 69, 6540, 75, 1206, 1765, 15, 681, 16, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 13382, 3013, 413, 431, 15, 681, 16, 586, 187, 31, 67, 14, 2858, 3778, 556, 2649, 2218, 2712, 2, 187, 3614, 1358, 23164, 4805, 15, 681, 16, 43, 79, 52, 22, 50, 90, 19, 50, 187, 3614, 1358, 23164, 4805, 15, 681, 16, 35, 68, 52, 2696, 78, 37, 71, 586, 187, 20756, 11477, 38268, 14007, 3944, 1358, 23164, 4805, 15, 681, 16, 1362, 40421, 23, 2775, 53, 187, 4877, 37784, 44026, 1703, 54, 1843, 313, 8835, 5687, 17729, 10, 5987, 1358, 4387, 10730, 15, 5914, 6362, 15, 681, 16, 187, 18130, 12101, 33022, 5863, 24275, 27, 5987, 1358, 23164, 4805, 15, 681, 16, 23, 42636, 41, 27686, 82, 39, 187, 24650, 3125, 47774, 427, 9981, 12715, 41059, 3944, 1358, 23164, 4805, 15, 681, 16, 90, 2906, 71, 19642, 69, 36, 586, 187, 31, 35, 16554, 27, 3778, 1214, 21082, 294, 14, 484, 898, 16, 1619, 16, 1093, 187, 3614, 1358, 90, 483, 86, 15, 1257, 16, 49926, 12502, 51, 22, 6217, 82, 88, 586, 187, 24650, 17870, 1277, 24831, 1410, 187, 31, 13349, 3778, 40070, 34, 416, 595, 275, 7902, 3228, 24758, 818, 2617, 2025, 313, 6453, 17044, 638, 16, 5996, 51, 595, 418, 11477, 10, 884, 16, 18, 16, 1093, 187, 3614, 1358, 90, 483, 86, 15, 1257, 16, 43, 46106, 89, 57, 15012, 28368, 56, 58, 187, 31, 13349, 3778, 3315, 12863, 9087, 884, 16, 18, 16, 1093, 187, 3614, 1358, 90, 483, 86, 15, 1257, 16, 83, 24859, 18, 68, 6577, 69, 20, 49, 17, 187, 31, 13349, 3778, 21978, 15797, 3315, 435, 459, 884, 16, 18, 16, 1093, 187, 3614, 1358, 90, 483, 86, 15, 1257, 16, 13935, 26, 74, 40956, 25695, 27421, 21, 187, 31, 13349, 3778, 3327, 592, 6956, 41, 281, 17112, 52, 7332, 1608, 13615, 3719, 884, 16, 18, 16, 1093, 187, 3614, 1358, 90, 483, 86, 15, 1257, 16, 2795, 43563, 17, 9244, 2484, 47938, 187, 31, 13349, 3778, 5687, 11204, 1623, 1982, 46, 4280, 884, 16, 18, 16, 1093, 187, 3614, 1358, 90, 483, 86, 15, 1257, 29987, 22, 3322, 13837, 54, 7675, 57, 25, 187, 31, 2598, 52, 40868, 80, 16382, 342, 10739, 5996, 254, 20160, 42073, 884, 16, 18, 16, 1093, 187, 3614, 1358, 90, 483, 86, 15, 1257, 16, 91, 48, 72, 35389, 84, 18, 85, 20, 36, 76, 187, 31, 25600, 4538, 5874, 13156, 460, 327, 401, 17044, 884, 16, 18, 16, 1093, 187, 3614, 1358, 90, 483, 86, 15, 1257, 16, 2385, 50, 58, 2357, 69, 51, 19973, 58, 187, 31, 6603, 3717, 343, 611, 438, 676, 327, 401, 17044, 884, 16, 18, 16, 1093, 187, 3614, 1358, 90, 483, 86, 15, 1257, 16, 91, 21, 48, 24, 74, 45, 83, 12548, 22, 68, 187, 31, 6603, 3717, 343, 611, 438, 676, 3345, 7245, 884, 16, 18, 16, 1093, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 68, 14, 2551, 15, 2061, 16, 16455, 22549, 1857, 20991, 187, 17, 14, 18, 16, 187, 31, 8835, 2290, 796, 13694, 8221, 47019, 327, 18526, 3979, 884, 16, 18, 16, 1093, 187, 3614, 1358, 90, 483, 86, 15, 1257, 16, 463, 57, 27681, 64, 53, 5229, 18, 54, 187, 31, 8835, 2290, 796, 13694, 8221, 47019, 327, 401, 7, 39, 884, 16, 18, 16, 1093, 187, 3614, 1358, 90, 483, 86, 15, 1257, 16, 91, 53, 35759, 82, 90, 23, 54, 18853, 46, 187, 31, 37, 8282, 16, 36735, 15037, 6338, 25627, 17573, 304, 11981, 11204, 884, 16, 18, 16, 1093, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 68, 14, 2551, 15, 2061, 16, 16455, 22549, 1857, 17537, 187, 25, 14, 18, 16, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 68, 14, 2551, 15, 2061, 16, 16455, 22549, 1857, 17537, 187, 25, 14, 19, 16, 187, 31, 5072, 8211, 273, 3327, 13536, 6456, 327, 378, 478, 275, 7531, 884, 16, 18, 16, 1093, 187, 3614, 1358, 90, 483, 86, 15, 1257, 16, 38, 5736, 86, 17, 57, 64, 59, 24, 40, 72, 187, 31, 53, 4405, 39772, 756, 5123, 1471, 84, 273, 32101, 1204, 884, 16, 18, 16, 1093, 187, 3614, 1358, 90, 483, 86, 15, 1257, 16, 35, 17, 4123, 40, 1864, 14, 22, 52, 17, 187, 31, 44, 1934, 327, 2418, 273, 253, 6398, 898, 16, 1229, 16, 1093, 187, 3614, 1358, 90, 483, 86, 15, 1257, 16, 79, 18243, 19, 48, 4213, 5432, 80, 187, 31, 8835, 2290, 796, 13694, 8221, 47019, 327, 11024, 19537, 898, 16, 1229, 16, 1093, 187, 3614, 1358, 90, 483, 86, 15, 1257, 16, 40, 78, 36, 26, 2795, 66, 52, 84, 32999, 586, 187, 2795, 15596, 4805, 27, 3944, 1358, 23164, 4805, 15, 681, 16, 5134, 72, 46036, 1717, 51, 187, 22340, 209, 187, 5064, 1093, 2357, 3141, 36630, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 2125, 27, 1508, 642, 15, 1093, 2357, 27820, 1508, 27, 187, 46492, 34, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 1762, 27, 1762, 642, 15, 1093, 2357, 27820, 2227, 27, 187, 31, 300, 1851, 595, 40891, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 1762, 27, 1166, 642, 15, 1093, 2357, 3593, 13925, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 2357, 27820, 805, 187, 42, 476, 626, 3523, 4680, 670, 8133, 619, 1481, 875, 436, 4688, 23331, 434, 5269, 38655, 11687, 6107, 38855, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 1762, 27, 1610, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 740, 2504, 27, 187, 46492, 34, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 1762, 27, 1812, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 740, 3046, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 2357, 27820, 805, 187, 24564, 4985, 2, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 1762, 27, 1449, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 740, 3763, 27, 187, 46962, 5935, 15670, 41, 14, 45, 2637, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 1762, 27, 3156, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 740, 2526, 27, 187, 11183, 27, 33676, 443, 40921, 15, 309, 1849, 1694, 247, 11755, 2934, 323, 436, 14402, 344, 248, 248, 248, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 1762, 27, 3439, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 740, 4739, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 2357, 3593, 13925, 187, 5658, 878, 1361, 619, 637, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 3071, 27, 520, 642, 15, 1093, 2357, 3593, 12172, 27, 187, 8575, 416, 9466, 10616, 353, 38022, 32021, 329, 411, 2696, 1139, 31286, 3887, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 3071, 27, 2941, 642, 15, 1093, 2357, 3593, 12971, 27, 187, 49, 536, 15125, 10102, 73, 471, 533, 253, 2919, 310, 253, 1986, 2077, 285, 368, 6680, 342, 27797, 3767, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 3071, 27, 2922, 642, 15, 1093, 2357, 3593, 12852, 27, 187, 18130, 416, 595, 387, 818, 5365, 17464, 187, 27229, 17795, 1227, 8153, 5579, 27, 187, 31, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 24583, 15, 681, 16, 13060, 32, 87, 30, 8316, 187, 48, 43, 3071, 44, 55, 5472, 84, 401, 9431, 187, 31, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 24583, 15, 681, 16, 13060, 32, 87, 30, 909, 187, 292, 21, 72, 40, 23, 6968, 25, 21946, 187, 31, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 24583, 15, 681, 16, 13060, 32, 87, 30, 43, 45, 187, 56, 89, 57, 15012, 28368, 56, 58, 416, 15803, 47, 187, 31, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 68, 14, 2551, 15, 2061, 16, 16455, 22549, 1857, 938, 187, 3046, 14, 18, 16, 39140, 14, 1206, 1765, 14, 49686, 84, 14, 72, 412, 14, 187, 8243, 366, 14, 68, 33524, 14, 78, 1032, 3227, 14, 11958, 14814, 14, 85, 187, 2477, 15031, 187, 31, 3614, 1358, 19758, 13608, 15, 2184, 15, 681, 16, 22621, 16, 16455, 16, 187, 19586, 14, 22621, 14, 20, 32, 68, 301, 30, 18582, 64, 34547, 64, 3886, 5529, 35, 187, 31, 3614, 1358, 357, 498, 422, 18, 14, 77, 73, 15, 518, 312, 2284, 13838, 15, 3024, 16, 74, 187, 16, 19758, 64, 22621, 2941, 33, 38043, 26933, 16, 4663, 64, 25851, 64, 580, 14, 67, 15, 187, 78, 20, 86, 25, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 3071, 27, 740, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 883, 1010, 27, 187, 12092, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 3071, 27, 1630, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 883, 2950, 27, 187, 46492, 34, 278, 1171, 80, 434, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 3071, 27, 2405, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 883, 3357, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 33505, 740, 3763, 187, 31, 13263, 267, 362, 6156, 338, 86, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 3071, 27, 1237, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 883, 3439, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 2357, 3593, 12971, 187, 14358, 23462, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 3071, 27, 1449, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 883, 3763, 27, 187, 1552, 310, 3778, 12422, 253, 465, 10986, 6773, 3430, 2308, 273, 15223, 3668, 15, 380, 12726, 4518, 2296, 703, 434, 346, 1439, 4680, 995, 417, 346, 42, 1353, 417, 13, 5717, 368, 3446, 187, 3614, 1358, 16705, 15, 681, 16, 41520, 267, 47, 1145, 84, 1792, 16, 296, 187, 3144, 16, 11238, 26233, 1423, 1099, 21151, 25929, 520, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 3071, 27, 3079, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 883, 2090, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 33505, 883, 1010, 187, 24212, 4834, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 3071, 27, 3079, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 883, 1967, 27, 187, 8116, 484, 270, 4584, 3331, 13, 4496, 12252, 281, 806, 285, 13664, 1501, 1046, 6293, 281, 1339, 479, 871, 368, 403, 6296, 1060, 285, 4704, 281, 564, 672, 368, 12666, 275, 253, 6293, 672, 253, 18240, 7866, 598, 13, 604, 368, 651, 320, 594, 2238, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 3071, 27, 1235, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 883, 2759, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 33505, 740, 2526, 187, 69, 2496, 752, 253, 7435, 1007, 387, 44603, 9185, 15, 187, 1276, 253, 401, 36746, 33186, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 3071, 27, 3583, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 883, 2691, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 33505, 883, 1010, 187, 12311, 17034, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 3071, 27, 3208, 642, 15, 1093, 2357, 3593, 22179, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 2357, 3593, 13925, 187, 6309, 8564, 15327, 1981, 617, 2301, 4742, 716, 255, 846, 703, 4245, 4201, 281, 634, 26664, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 3071, 27, 3208, 642, 15, 1093, 2357, 3593, 14403, 27, 187, 3175, 8506, 6651, 38392, 16133, 22400, 187, 3614, 1358, 16705, 15, 681, 16, 4639, 2415, 3016, 16, 8581, 16, 18, 187, 2125, 2358, 1438, 24769, 1508, 35466, 1671, 1731, 187, 3788, 58, 3003, 329, 6764, 1042, 2431, 40, 6117, 611, 35447, 3003, 3027, 46683, 52, 21890, 20467, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 2922, 27, 361, 642, 15, 1093, 2357, 3593, 3031, 27, 187, 31568, 1694, 326, 1167, 70, 342, 253, 20762, 14252, 48845, 285, 10942, 382, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 2922, 27, 361, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 805, 520, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 33505, 740, 2526, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 2922, 27, 2125, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 805, 2904, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 33505, 740, 2526, 187, 31, 40, 40921, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 2922, 27, 1012, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 805 ]
GRAPHS Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:21:29 no.202860049: >>202859166 Don't criticize AIPAC, goys. Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:21:56 no.202860098: >>202859343 1 is jess waters 3 is boomity 6 is brett bear 7 - no idea 8 - no idea doobs - Tuckette Who are 7 and 8? Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:21:55 no.202860099: >>202859823 429491-one-third-of-small-businesse s-harmed-by-shutdown-poll Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:22:01 no.202860112: Wtf!? The moon just flew over my house! Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:22:03 no.202860115: >>202860007 Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:22:13 no.202860131: wow the pleasant quite humble type, that is nice way to be. Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:22:15 no.202860134: >>202859966 the trump is patton theory? Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:22:16 no.202860135: >>202859709 >the /pol/ position top kek at least >we posters try to make it a bit more subtle i believe we should kill literally everyone in the region, cube worshipper or kike alike, and most of the world's problems will be fixed Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:22:30 no.202860159: >>202859441 i'm a fan of confident people Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:22:39 no.202860173: >>202859960 >The US did that! Except we helped with the top, those idiots chose the bottom. Enjoy being irrelevant once Bibi loses :) Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:23:26 no.202860252: >>202859343 hopin for a sweet zero Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:23:34 no.202860264: >>202860115 I don't get Ben's comment here. Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:23:40 no.202860272: wtf I LITERALLY love democrats now Your GOD EMPEROR MAGA only licked jewish asshole for the entirety of his presidency Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:23:42 no.202860274: >>20285976 I thought he wasn't referring to slaves. Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:23:50 no.202860285: >>202860115 someone give me that pic where you can see his gigantic manboobs and i'll post it under that Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:23:51 no.202860289: >>202859960 i read on leddit of all places that this was 100% photo op bullshit. if you really think they went from western to full durka durka just like that you're pretty dumb desu Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:24:00 no.202860309: >>202859859 she is still going XD Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:24:05 no.202860321: >Beta even back then Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:24:08 no.202860325: >>202860007 Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:24:10 no.202860329: >>202859709 >Shiites: >>Modern, sophisticated, intelligent >In comparison to Sunnis, have rational, secular societies TOP JEJ Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:24:19 no.202860342: >>202859567 Was the a vote on jews today? Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:24:21 no.202860347: >>202859812 a man of taste Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:24:23 no.202860350: >>202860173 Not likely, with how Israel is positioned with demographics. Unless Bibi fucks up in a massive way or a massive Reform aliyah occurs, Likud + their orthodox buddies will be in power forever Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:24:24 no.202860354: >>202859283 IMPORTANT CLIMATE CHANGE ALERT!!!!! Winter will end soon, much of the Northern Hemaphere's snow will melt, then summer will be so hot that you could fry a jew on a city sidewalk! Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:24:26 no.202860360: >>202860135 You realize Shiites mostly support the Republican party? The Republicans have several Lebanese congressmen, even Jeanine Pirro is Lebanese. gkGI5h0A Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:24:28 no.202860362: >>202860272 >Romania Stop posting here Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:24:44 no.202860393: >>202859859 I think she's a head chopper fo sho. Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:24:46 no.202860397: im near el paso. Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:24:50 no.202860400: >>202860159 yeah they can be cool too. Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:25:01 no.202860412: >>202860134 no the one after that we are the same band of fuckers that do weird shit and advance society while laughing Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:25:04 no.202860415: >>202860115 >>202860264 Seriously, I can think of plenty of better analogies Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:25:11 no.202860430: >>202860260 I remember when they made a huge deal about Mittens Romney flip flopping during the 2012 elections. I guess that doesn't matter any more! Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:25:29 no.202860464: >>202860325 AIPAC ain't got shit on Big Pharma. Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:25:37 no.202860481: >>202860325 >blue checkmark >actually on point Weird. Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:25:42 no.202860495: >>202860289 It's true, the CIA supported coup that overturned Iranian government brought in crazy fundamentalists that turned Iran into a backwards Islamist regime. Before that Iran was pretty much like any European country Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:25:44 no.202860502: >>202859590 is the slaughter Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:26:06 no.202860534: >Assadpedes Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:26:14 no.202860545: >>202860329 Iran has the 2nd most transgender surgeries in the world, it's even got state funding Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:26:26 no.202860560: >>202859166 Fuck President Trump. Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:26:29 no.202860563: >>202860397 I must kill turmp Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:26:31 no.202860569: >>202859374 >hurt fake news Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:26:35 no.202860579: >>202860534 And of course in about two months... Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:26:35 no.202860581: RSBN just said MAGA is dead Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:26:36 no.202860586: Pretty much losing all respect for every single host on Fox News today when they talk about the supposed antisemitism Only hope I have left is Tucker, but he'll probably lose his show
[ 6217, 2088, 8282, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1797, 27, 1717, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 10487, 2537, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1619, 3046, 17962, 187, 5498, 626, 45688, 329, 3123, 1934, 13, 564, 656, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1797, 27, 3208, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 10487, 4185, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1619, 3046, 26274, 187, 18, 310, 480, 405, 12685, 187, 20, 310, 25014, 414, 187, 23, 310, 270, 12436, 8800, 187, 24, 428, 642, 2934, 187, 25, 428, 642, 2934, 187, 3088, 10600, 428, 308, 1807, 5464, 187, 7883, 403, 818, 285, 854, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1797, 27, 2417, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 10487, 1525, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1619, 37687, 1508, 187, 3614, 1358, 783, 18610, 15, 681, 16, 22872, 16, 9750, 593, 16, 187, 34637, 36458, 14, 531, 14, 19016, 14, 1171, 14, 6795, 14, 13097, 1100, 339, 187, 84, 14, 9432, 1314, 14, 1615, 14, 43780, 3487, 14, 30209, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1423, 27, 520, 642, 15, 938, 23360, 520, 805, 27, 187, 56, 16114, 2, 32, 380, 12334, 816, 18811, 689, 619, 2419, 2, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1423, 27, 2941, 642, 15, 938, 23360, 46744, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 23360, 19635, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1423, 27, 1012, 642, 15, 938, 23360, 520, 2405, 27, 187, 88, 319, 253, 17127, 3240, 26896, 1511, 13, 326, 310, 5322, 1039, 281, 320, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1423, 27, 1010, 642, 15, 938, 23360, 520, 1706, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 23025, 1525, 2526, 187, 783, 29154, 310, 869, 1299, 3762, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1423, 27, 1036, 642, 15, 938, 23360, 520, 1671, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1619, 3046, 26371, 187, 31, 783, 1227, 4818, 16, 1899, 187, 3956, 1058, 76, 387, 1878, 2239, 664, 32482, 1611, 281, 1056, 352, 247, 2372, 625, 16105, 187, 74, 2868, 359, 943, 5159, 12832, 4130, 275, 253, 2919, 13, 23636, 43055, 32456, 390, 465, 2804, 19605, 13, 285, 954, 273, 253, 1533, 434, 3237, 588, 320, 4229, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1423, 27, 1229, 642, 15, 938, 23360, 520, 3046, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1619, 3046, 31774, 187, 74, 1353, 247, 7989, 273, 13224, 952, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1423, 27, 1867, 642, 15, 938, 23360, 520, 3655, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 23025, 1525, 1549, 187, 31, 510, 1982, 858, 326, 2, 187, 33086, 359, 6518, 342, 253, 1755, 13, 1110, 22467, 1502, 9703, 253, 5004, 15, 30706, 1146, 19124, 2378, 26453, 74, 25068, 9418, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1508, 27, 1731, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 1549, 20438, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1619, 3046, 26274, 187, 12242, 249, 323, 247, 7353, 5058, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1508, 27, 1706, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 1549, 17984, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 23360, 46744, 187, 42, 1053, 626, 755, 6029, 434, 4385, 1060, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1508, 27, 1449, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 1549, 25121, 27, 187, 88, 16114, 309, 418, 25419, 25509, 2389, 8738, 1832, 1024, 187, 7093, 43360, 444, 4548, 947, 1372, 40070, 34, 760, 298, 14050, 15589, 763, 40889, 323, 253, 25983, 273, 521, 26083, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1508, 27, 2945, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 1549, 23735, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1619, 3046, 3121, 187, 42, 1869, 344, 3589, 626, 14339, 281, 20086, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1508, 27, 1235, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 1549, 23025, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 23360, 46744, 187, 48472, 1918, 479, 326, 14402, 835, 368, 476, 923, 521, 41490, 637, 2399, 10600, 285, 891, 1833, 1501, 352, 762, 326, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1508, 27, 3712, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 1549, 24208, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 23025, 1525, 1549, 187, 74, 1239, 327, 3977, 22940, 273, 512, 5053, 326, 436, 369, 2233, 6, 7512, 1121, 35281, 15, 604, 368, 1663, 1158, 597, 2427, 432, 10439, 281, 2120, 16547, 4530, 16547, 4530, 816, 751, 326, 368, 1472, 3965, 21413, 711, 86, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1348, 27, 361, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 1549, 22000, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1619, 3046, 32168, 187, 6689, 310, 1335, 1469, 1594, 37, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1348, 27, 1762, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 1549, 22693, 27, 187, 31, 35, 1464, 1014, 896, 840, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1348, 27, 2904, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 1549, 25472, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 23360, 19635, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1348, 27, 740, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 1549, 22011, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1619, 3046, 26371, 187, 31, 2809, 74, 3254, 27, 187, 5064, 33824, 13, 18144, 13, 17497, 187, 31, 688, 5301, 281, 4146, 24836, 13, 452, 8870, 13, 22884, 21262, 187, 32887, 48597, 43, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1348, 27, 746, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 1549, 27222, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 23025, 2222, 2251, 187, 18412, 253, 247, 6273, 327, 15589, 84, 3063, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1348, 27, 1797, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 1549, 23568, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1619, 37687, 805, 187, 66, 637, 273, 9075, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1348, 27, 1508, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 1549, 16552, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 23360, 520, 3655, 187, 3650, 2779, 13, 342, 849, 5143, 310, 15471, 342, 35949, 15, 15999, 26453, 74, 269, 9984, 598, 275, 247, 7863, 1039, 390, 247, 7863, 27828, 355, 14059, 1240, 6634, 13, 34461, 438, 559, 616, 9373, 19966, 5524, 37229, 588, 320, 275, 1612, 11654, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1348, 27, 1348, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 1549, 25039, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1619, 3046, 28933, 187, 2894, 13766, 5656, 8951, 2894, 4966, 5642, 25876, 6589, 6366, 4672, 15844, 187, 47463, 588, 990, 3517, 13, 1199, 273, 253, 11442, 18402, 522, 1568, 434, 8762, 588, 14534, 13, 840, 5768, 588, 320, 594, 3511, 326, 368, 812, 39622, 247, 15589, 327, 247, 2846, 33619, 2, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1348, 27, 1731, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 1549, 16587, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 23360, 520, 1671, 187, 1394, 8968, 31645, 3254, 6571, 1329, 253, 8786, 3128, 32, 209, 187, 510, 11885, 452, 2067, 46900, 27797, 3767, 13, 1014, 13089, 460, 25017, 287, 310, 46900, 15, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 24583, 15, 681, 16, 13060, 32, 87, 30, 19875, 59, 187, 72, 76, 23802, 22, 73, 17, 34, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1348, 27, 1619, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 1549, 28615, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1619, 1549, 25121, 187, 31, 30574, 571, 187, 15021, 16920, 1060, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1348, 27, 2031, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 1549, 29360, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1619, 3046, 32168, 187, 42, 1158, 703, 434, 247, 1481, 2093, 3803, 7954, 6738, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1348, 27, 2950, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 1549, 26933, 27, 187, 303, 2822, 1045, 7222, 80, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1348, 27, 1235, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 1549, 8320, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 23360, 520, 3046, 187, 90, 3983, 597, 476, 320, 4484, 1512, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1099, 27, 520, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 26890, 805, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 23360, 520, 1706, 187, 2369, 253, 581, 846, 326, 359, 403, 253, 1072, 3961, 273, 7435, 398, 326, 513, 12504, 10739, 285, 7170, 5948, 1223, 17053, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1099, 27, 2125, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 26890, 1010, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 23360, 46744, 187, 5064, 938, 1619, 1549, 17984, 187, 6075, 8140, 13, 309, 476, 1158, 273, 9828, 273, 1805, 7370, 447, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1099, 27, 883, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 26890, 1229, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1619, 1549, 19319, 187, 42, 4456, 672, 597, 1160, 247, 5699, 2968, 670, 32726, 561, 24460, 19153, 9071, 2784, 1309, 253, 4050, 12337, 15, 309, 5476, 326, 2506, 626, 2647, 667, 625, 2, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1099, 27, 1717, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 26890, 1540, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1619, 1549, 25472, 187, 34, 3123, 1934, 16326, 626, 1694, 10739, 327, 7967, 1777, 21401, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1099, 27, 1787, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 1549, 34474, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1619, 1549, 25472, 187, 31, 11863, 2451, 4698, 187, 31, 35264, 327, 1127, 187, 1231, 1817, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1099, 27, 2945, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 26890, 2222, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1619, 1549, 24208, 187, 1147, 434, 2032, 13, 253, 17879, 4516, 17625, 326, 45965, 20533, 2208, 3982, 275, 10412, 7936, 1346, 326, 3531, 7751, 715, 247, 24291, 46733, 9459, 15, 187, 8639, 326, 7751, 369, 3965, 1199, 751, 667, 5284, 2586, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1099, 27, 2031, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 1549, 28873, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 23025, 2222, 2270, 187, 261, 253, 30814, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1731, 27, 3071, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 20954, 1706, 27, 187, 31, 6717, 324, 9357, 265, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1731, 27, 1047, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 20954, 1857, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1619, 1549, 22011, 187, 38824, 556, 253, 374, 2109, 954, 31737, 37966, 275, 253, 1533, 13, 352, 434, 1014, 1694, 1375, 8362, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1731, 27, 1731, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 20954, 1549, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1619, 3046, 17962, 187, 30368, 3918, 3778, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1731, 27, 1717, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 1549, 42310, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1619, 1549, 26933, 187, 42, 1364, 5159, 10709, 2503, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1731, 27, 2405, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 20954, 2090, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1619, 3046, 24562, 187, 31, 73, 4405, 187, 39182, 3668, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1731, 27, 1671, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 20954, 2787, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1619, 20954, 1706, 187, 1898, 273, 2282, 275, 670, 767, 2607, 1051, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1731, 27, 1671, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 20954, 3593, 27, 187, 6453, 17044, 816, 753, 40070, 34, 310, 3846, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1731, 27, 1812, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 20954, 2691, 27, 187, 41774, 1199, 10305, 512, 1675, 323, 1046, 2014, 3167, 327, 11024, 6317, 3063, 672, 597, 2312, 670, 253, 6326, 21827, 358, 31367, 187, 11564, 3524, 309, 452, 1669, 310, 34070, 13, 533, 344, 1833, 3164, 7168, 521, 921 ]
Not Okay to be White? Our girl edition If there was one video that you watch, watch this one. It goes in depth into the reason this campaign worked so well. It discusses "white genocide". She gives statistics and studies that support her position. A very good watch G64iM82k Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)10:09:37 no.148239078: >>148236228 wingdings Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)10:17:37 no.148239826: New - Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center for Holocaust Studies (FSWC) Salty >"The coordinated effort being made through social media combined with the willingness to create division by promoting a message of intolerance is a most troubling development," said Avi Benlolo, President and CEO of FSWC. "We once again urge campus administrators and student bodies to speak out in condemnation against those who wish to poison the climate on campus and to work with enforcement personnel and police to ensure that those responsible are identified and disciplined." https://www.friendsofsimonwiesentha ut-coordinated-efforts-to-distribut e-okay-to-be-white-posters Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)10:21:40 no.148240233: you in a heap of trouble boi Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)10:23:12 no.148240403: >>148236228 IT'S OKAY TO BE ARMED. Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)10:23:35 no.148240448: New - Angry White Men (Blog) I don't know how I missed this super salty blog >And they know that people will condemn these messages, not because it isn’t “okay” to be white, but because these online reactionaries are attempting to slowly mainstream expressions of “white pride” — a common and historically illiterate refrain of white supremacists. >And these very same reactionaries have predictably toxic views of blacks, Jews, and other minorities. One anonymous poster who claimed white people “built” civilization wrote, “Jealous haters, enabled by Jews (seeking not to be a minority themselves) want to claim that being White is a bad thing.” Some posted anti-Semitic caricatures of hook-nosed Jewish men. >From there, the campaign went digital with the assistance of alt-right figures with tens of thousands of Twitter followers. “Vox Day” tweeted, “Dear White America, it’s okay to be white. Really. #ItsOkayToBeWhite.” Lana Lokteff of Red Ice Radio and Radio 3Fourteen wrote, “Yes, yes it is. #ItsOkayToBeWhite. Anyone who says differently is trying to sell you on genocide.” >Jazzhands McFeels — co-host of the podcast Fash the Nation — tweeted several vintage photos of white people having a picnic or sitting on a park bench along with the #ItsOkayToBeWhite hashtag. >“Identitarian Youth” cautioned people against “listen[ing] to the anti-white propaganda,” and posted a picture of a blonde-haired and blue-eyed white woman. The caption on the photo read: Most whites are brainwashed and think its wrong to love and support their own race. Don’t be one of them.” 3/the-its-okay-to-be-white-campaign -is-another-byproduct-of-toxic-chan -culture/ Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)10:26:47 no.148240783: Just print that fucking picture, you fucking shill faggot Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)10:31:26 no.148241225: New - The Nut House @ Red pill edition >The fact that this is even newsworthy is telling as hell. The fact someone thought those signs would be provoking is telling, and the fact they actually provoked a reaction is telling. I just think the tail is wagging the dog in our society these days. The extremes are getting all the attention, leaving the average person to think all hell is breaking loose. I also think the ultimate stick in the eye phrase is "white privilege." One of the dumbest things I have ever heard. Doesn't hold up to scrutiny _____ >I don't wake up daily thinking "Am I still white?" that's the problem with the left, they wake up looking for something to complain about. Everything is political (racists, sexist, homophobic) to the left. >If I was in the middle of a jungle where no outside contact has been recorded, and I found a tribe, and said "Hello", regardless if the tribe could understand my hello, I'd wager the left would claim I was cultural appropriating the tribe, racist towards the tribe and enslaving the tribe. It's the mental state of the left. _____ >It’s all just part of the same Soro-sponsored divide and conquer. Just like BLM and Antifa. _____ >People do dumb things at times for attention. This isn't newsworthy and wasn't report by anyone major. >This kind of thing if reported widely is counterproductive to what these folks want. _____ >I am a straight successful white male and legal gun owner. I am the enemy. >Proud of it too! e/Board/104375/Contents/Its-okay-to -be-white--109917493 Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)10:35:42 no.148241674: New - KCJJ 1630 AM To-Be-White-Stickers-Turn-Up-on-UI- Camp/23165595 Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)10:42:14 no.148242388: College students don't have the money to buy shirts and it's best to use the original font. Sure, you can just print the jpg, but that doesn't always work well depending on the computer and the program you have. Those who are profiting, well... Karma's a bitch! If Milo doesn't donate the profits he's making he'll lose more subs/follower/friends. I expect a statement soon or I'll withdraw all support, start looking the other way and tell others to do the same. It adds up. Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)10:43:32 no.148242525: New - The Burning Platform 2017/11/04/its-okay-to-be-white-sig ns-found-at-maryland-high-school/ Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)10:43:40 no.148242539: >>148239826 >*Kvetching intensifies* Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)10:44:29 no.148242626: Sooo it seems we won this one kek found the real racist Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)10:56:01 no.148243945: many of the links here are very useful and interesting, keep posting them!!! Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)10:57:35 no.148244126: New - Vlad TV Based Blacks vs Niggers edition This some good reading (N) >When was it NOT OK to be white?!? _____ (B) >When Liberals started engaging in identity politics. People are tired of being beat over the head with "privilege" "cultural appropriation" and general political correctness. >"Don't say that" "Don't wear that", "Think this way". And if you don't subscribe to liberal group think, you're a racist, sexist, homophobe or transphobe or Islamaphobe or whatever they can make stick. _____ (N) >Why do you feel that you need to be offensive to other people in order to fully realize being white? Why is hatred of the "other" tied to being white? Is it so bad to say, 'no you can't call me nig*er' _____ (B) >Who is "you"? I not white, I'm just tired of identitarian politics. Why do you feel it's ok to find every damn thing offensive? Racial slurs are an extreme example that no reasonable person would argue against. _____ (N) >So why do you hate everyone else? _____ (B) >See? You're too busy crying to read what I said. I don't believe in perpetual victimhood
[ 3105, 19619, 281, 320, 5219, 32, 187, 6067, 3226, 11166, 187, 2042, 627, 369, 581, 3492, 326, 368, 3698, 13, 3698, 436, 581, 15, 733, 4566, 275, 6864, 715, 253, 1921, 436, 4544, 4307, 594, 973, 15, 733, 25339, 346, 11300, 42604, 3446, 1500, 4245, 9990, 285, 2175, 326, 1329, 617, 1899, 15, 329, 1077, 1175, 3698, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 24583, 15, 681, 16, 13060, 32, 87, 30, 18, 57, 23, 187, 40, 1540, 74, 46, 3507, 76, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 740, 27, 2693, 27, 1787, 642, 15, 16989, 1508, 2270, 3141, 27, 187, 5064, 16989, 21358, 20694, 187, 7706, 26935, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 740, 27, 1166, 27, 1787, 642, 15, 16989, 1508, 4185, 1731, 27, 187, 4257, 428, 24456, 273, 14698, 411, 447, 45541, 5197, 323, 34140, 11709, 313, 7864, 23398, 10, 187, 52, 9724, 187, 21760, 510, 25899, 3434, 1146, 1160, 949, 2675, 3420, 5678, 342, 253, 24741, 281, 2794, 9025, 407, 14312, 247, 3935, 273, 45458, 310, 247, 954, 39728, 2440, 937, 753, 329, 6584, 6029, 77, 13013, 13, 3918, 285, 11731, 273, 401, 13753, 36, 15, 346, 1231, 2378, 969, 21434, 13790, 30015, 285, 5974, 8248, 281, 3984, 562, 275, 40676, 1411, 1110, 665, 5730, 281, 14537, 253, 7952, 327, 13790, 285, 281, 789, 342, 10473, 11570, 285, 3513, 281, 5416, 326, 1110, 5506, 403, 3636, 285, 48310, 449, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 8471, 601, 71, 3549, 251, 88, 447, 290, 3227, 187, 77, 9229, 15, 681, 16, 13608, 16, 71, 2140, 68, 14, 585, 39833, 14, 40826, 187, 307, 14, 29309, 3901, 14, 11801, 8707, 14, 936, 14, 8155, 1782, 187, 70, 14, 536, 333, 14, 936, 14, 1257, 14, 11300, 14, 5996, 398, 187, 2413, 1358, 22477, 15, 261, 16, 41, 661, 59, 53, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 740, 27, 1797, 27, 1449, 642, 15, 16989, 1348, 13269, 20, 27, 187, 5658, 275, 247, 26486, 273, 7596, 1766, 74, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 740, 27, 1508, 27, 805, 642, 15, 16989, 14028, 25208, 27, 187, 5064, 16989, 21358, 20694, 187, 1433, 8, 52, 10826, 8506, 5935, 8728, 6647, 19047, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 740, 27, 1508, 27, 1671, 642, 15, 16989, 14028, 25770, 27, 187, 4257, 428, 4965, 610, 5219, 9730, 313, 48943, 10, 187, 42, 1053, 626, 871, 849, 309, 9829, 436, 2221, 3779, 555, 5311, 187, 31, 1898, 597, 871, 326, 952, 588, 25650, 841, 8169, 13, 417, 984, 352, 3548, 457, 85, 773, 536, 333, 668, 281, 320, 3168, 13, 533, 984, 841, 3909, 4884, 3927, 403, 13756, 281, 7808, 17068, 12091, 273, 773, 11300, 15555, 668, 1905, 247, 1846, 285, 24842, 2853, 48532, 35531, 273, 3168, 25937, 317, 1346, 15, 187, 31, 1898, 841, 1077, 1072, 4884, 3927, 452, 3283, 1598, 12825, 6849, 273, 26769, 13, 11563, 13, 285, 643, 31691, 15, 2596, 17679, 20731, 665, 7558, 3168, 952, 773, 20989, 668, 23749, 4159, 13, 773, 20723, 19357, 7856, 398, 13, 11410, 407, 11563, 313, 41772, 417, 281, 320, 247, 15156, 3746, 10, 971, 281, 1750, 326, 1146, 5219, 310, 247, 3076, 2181, 1425, 3808, 9269, 3270, 14, 18581, 17533, 1113, 280, 2478, 273, 10584, 14, 79, 1700, 9556, 1821, 15, 187, 31, 4509, 627, 13, 253, 4544, 2427, 5865, 342, 253, 8385, 273, 6945, 14, 918, 8442, 342, 7114, 273, 6763, 273, 7879, 18409, 15, 773, 55, 1004, 6258, 668, 27140, 13, 773, 24723, 5219, 3968, 13, 352, 457, 84, 8261, 281, 320, 3168, 15, 24744, 15, 1852, 27132, 9281, 1992, 4678, 17185, 1425, 418, 3230, 45802, 442, 567, 273, 4410, 22078, 13951, 285, 13951, 495, 14039, 6933, 4159, 13, 773, 4374, 13, 4754, 352, 310, 15, 1852, 27132, 9281, 1992, 4678, 17185, 15, 26013, 665, 2296, 13359, 310, 2820, 281, 5580, 368, 327, 42604, 1425, 187, 31, 43, 11105, 43442, 3044, 7510, 1241, 1905, 820, 14, 5465, 273, 253, 21110, 401, 1225, 253, 15963, 1905, 27140, 2067, 30939, 7963, 273, 3168, 952, 1907, 247, 38769, 390, 7063, 327, 247, 5603, 10955, 2112, 342, 253, 1852, 27132, 9281, 1992, 4678, 17185, 41035, 356, 15, 187, 31, 1628, 11540, 14621, 23789, 668, 17458, 264, 952, 1411, 773, 42050, 60, 272, 62, 281, 253, 3270, 14, 11300, 23306, 1806, 285, 9269, 247, 5406, 273, 247, 35932, 14, 37128, 285, 4797, 14, 26731, 3168, 3416, 15, 380, 11743, 327, 253, 7512, 1239, 27, 5595, 19991, 403, 3998, 47690, 285, 1158, 697, 3430, 281, 2389, 285, 1329, 616, 1211, 5492, 15, 5037, 457, 85, 320, 581, 273, 731, 1425, 187, 3614, 1358, 606, 610, 2484, 4835, 257, 15, 2061, 16, 7132, 16, 883, 16, 17, 187, 20, 16, 783, 14, 953, 14, 536, 333, 14, 936, 14, 1257, 14, 11300, 14, 49686, 187, 14, 261, 14, 23955, 14, 1615, 7509, 14, 1171, 14, 39826, 14, 2291, 187, 14, 29831, 16, 187, 2413, 1358, 22477, 15, 261, 16, 87, 31663, 35, 89, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 740, 27, 1731, 27, 2504, 642, 15, 16989, 1348, 2922, 3245, 27, 187, 6300, 3379, 326, 12835, 5406, 13, 368, 12835, 439, 408, 269, 13046, 302, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 740, 27, 2405, 27, 1731, 642, 15, 16989, 1348, 805, 1099, 27, 187, 4257, 428, 380, 20473, 3995, 1214, 42307, 15, 681, 187, 10252, 12575, 11166, 187, 31, 510, 958, 326, 436, 310, 1014, 747, 2140, 23137, 310, 7746, 347, 7085, 15, 380, 958, 3095, 1869, 1110, 7871, 651, 320, 872, 6856, 310, 7746, 13, 285, 253, 958, 597, 2686, 42652, 247, 4884, 310, 7746, 15, 309, 816, 1158, 253, 8105, 310, 259, 29191, 253, 4370, 275, 776, 5948, 841, 1897, 15, 380, 41798, 403, 2970, 512, 253, 4116, 13, 6108, 253, 3388, 1436, 281, 1158, 512, 7085, 310, 10155, 13155, 15, 309, 671, 1158, 253, 12553, 7356, 275, 253, 5130, 12616, 310, 346, 11300, 15863, 449, 2596, 273, 253, 21413, 383, 1841, 309, 452, 2455, 3735, 15, 44205, 626, 2186, 598, 281, 24852, 187, 1713, 64, 187, 31, 42, 1053, 626, 11772, 598, 5312, 4680, 346, 8096, 309, 1335, 3168, 865, 326, 434, 253, 1895, 342, 253, 1669, 13, 597, 11772, 598, 2819, 323, 1633, 281, 17805, 670, 15, 16942, 310, 3569, 313, 8306, 1346, 13, 2825, 382, 13, 2860, 2689, 12789, 10, 281, 253, 1669, 15, 187, 31, 2042, 309, 369, 275, 253, 4766, 273, 247, 31500, 835, 642, 3345, 3057, 556, 644, 5950, 13, 285, 309, 1119, 247, 22184, 13, 285, 753, 346, 12092, 995, 10159, 604, 253, 22184, 812, 2096, 619, 23120, 13, 309, 1871, 259, 3800, 253, 1669, 651, 1750, 309, 369, 8928, 3991, 839, 253, 22184, 13, 22198, 4404, 253, 22184, 285, 546, 3433, 3292, 253, 22184, 15, 733, 434, 253, 6255, 1375, 273, 253, 1669, 15, 187, 1713, 64, 187, 31, 1147, 457, 84, 512, 816, 629, 273, 253, 1072, 322, 12892, 14, 45519, 10957, 285, 35590, 15, 3771, 751, 13242, 46, 285, 9422, 38139, 15, 187, 1713, 64, 187, 31, 8836, 513, 21413, 1841, 387, 2069, 323, 4116, 15, 831, 3548, 626, 747, 2140, 23137, 285, 3589, 626, 1304, 407, 3780, 2201, 15, 187, 31, 1552, 2238, 273, 2181, 604, 2361, 7561, 310, 4828, 16233, 281, 752, 841, 12633, 971, 15, 187, 1713, 64, 187, 31, 42, 717, 247, 4951, 5547, 3168, 5086, 285, 4320, 5654, 7302, 15, 309, 717, 253, 9054, 15, 187, 31, 6140, 2995, 273, 352, 1512, 2, 187, 3614, 1358, 1026, 483, 15, 681, 16, 2052, 3792, 16, 1368, 900, 14, 8766, 187, 70, 16, 32994, 16, 11238, 17820, 16, 29617, 16, 27132, 14, 536, 333, 14, 936, 187, 14, 1257, 14, 11300, 283, 740, 1525, 1166, 35337, 187, 2413, 1358, 22477, 15, 261, 16, 83, 22, 59, 257, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 740, 27, 1671, 27, 2945, 642, 15, 16989, 1348, 1036, 3566, 27, 187, 4257, 428, 36635, 39540, 1668, 1229, 5208, 187, 2413, 1358, 2700, 15, 1036, 1229, 39745, 22492, 15, 681, 7448, 1147, 14, 84, 14, 9281, 14, 187, 1992, 14, 4678, 14, 17185, 14, 998, 40593, 14, 22529, 14, 5683, 14, 251, 14, 9571, 14, 187, 25046, 16, 1508, 1036, 2417, 2222, 187, 2413, 1358, 22477, 15, 261, 16, 90, 88, 23, 87, 42, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 740, 27, 2945, 27, 1047, 642, 15, 16989, 1348, 1508, 2055, 27, 187, 45970, 3484, 1053, 626, 452, 253, 2583, 281, 4489, 32622, 285, 352, 434, 1682, 281, 897, 253, 3236, 8266, 15, 15594, 13, 368, 476, 816, 3379, 253, 480, 8159, 13, 533, 326, 2506, 626, 1900, 789, 973, 7293, 327, 253, 4382, 285, 253, 2086, 368, 452, 15, 9240, 665, 403, 1801, 2996, 13, 973, 1051, 12604, 785, 434, 247, 23331, 2, 1310, 6939, 80, 2506, 626, 31656, 253, 16256, 344, 434, 2403, 344, 1833, 7168, 625, 8790, 16, 25739, 254, 16, 29261, 15, 309, 1902, 247, 3908, 3517, 390, 309, 1833, 10687, 512, 1329, 13, 1265, 2819, 253, 643, 1039, 285, 2028, 2571, 281, 513, 253, 1072, 15, 733, 11323, 598, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 740, 27, 3079, 27, 1237, 642, 15, 16989, 1348, 1099, 1099, 27, 187, 4257, 428, 380, 19941, 272, 28449, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 783, 14814, 272, 19161, 15, 681, 16, 187, 7132, 16, 883, 16, 2125, 16, 953, 14, 536, 333, 14, 936, 14, 1257, 14, 11300, 14, 24502, 187, 2224, 14, 14541, 14, 255, 14, 3454, 1373, 14, 8656, 14, 19221, 16, 187, 2413, 1358, 22477, 15, 261, 16, 886, 29481, 54, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 740, 27, 3079, 27, 1449, 642, 15, 16989, 1348, 1099, 1867, 27, 187, 5064, 16989, 1508, 4185, 1731, 187, 31, 11, 44, 14763, 7695, 12934, 7790, 11, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 740, 27, 2031, 27, 1717, 642, 15, 16989, 1348, 1731, 1731, 27, 187, 2598, 3288, 352, 3133, 359, 1912, 436, 581, 1058, 76, 1119, 253, 1524, 22198, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 740, 27, 3208, 27, 520, 642, 15, 16989, 1348, 1867, 1857, 27, 187, 20415, 273, 253, 4859, 1060, 403, 1077, 4217, 285, 4722, 13, 1978, 16920, 731, 15844, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 740, 27, 3011, 27, 1671, 642, 15, 16989, 21149, 13381, 27, 187, 4257, 428, 26113, 5579, 187, 15545, 5418, 84, 4632, 18759, 7276, 11166, 187, 1552, 690, 1175, 4361, 187, 9, 47, 10, 187, 31, 3039, 369, 352, 5803, 10826, 281, 320, 3168, 22418, 32, 187, 1713, 64, 187, 9, 35, 10, 187, 31, 3039, 41172, 3053, 15966, 275, 6489, 8672, 15, 6491, 403, 11870, 273, 1146, 7171, 689, 253, 1481, 342, 346, 13552, 587, 463, 3, 346, 37452, 3991, 318, 3, 285, 2087, 3569, 36594, 15, 187, 21760, 5498, 626, 1333, 326, 3, 346, 5498, 626, 8251, 326, 995, 346, 26068, 436, 1039, 3446, 1244, 604, 368, 1053, 626, 26302, 281, 12773, 1387, 1158, 13, 368, 1472, 247, 22198, 13, 2825, 382, 13, 2860, 2689, 8594, 390, 811, 545, 8594, 390, 8033, 9761, 8594, 390, 5913, 597, 476, 1056, 7356, 15, 187, 1713, 64, 187, 9, 47, 10, 187, 31, 4967, 513, 368, 1928, 326, 368, 878, 281, 320, 13413, 281, 643, 952, 275, 1340, 281, 4751, 8968, 1146, 3168, 32, 6049, 310, 24307, 273, 253, 346, 977, 3, 12331, 281, 1146, 3168, 32, 1680, 352, 594, 3076, 281, 1333, 13, 686, 2369, 368, 476, 626, 1067, 479, 35825, 11, 254, 8, 187, 1713, 64, 187, 9, 35, 10, 187, 31, 7883, 310, 346, 5658, 16296, 309, 417, 3168, 13, 309, 1353, 816, 11870, 273, 1548, 14621, 8672, 15, 6049, 513, 368, 1928, 352, 434, 8718, 281, 1089, 1046, 15229, 2181, 13413, 32, 416, 19601, 1499, 2244, 403, 271, 9559, 1650, 326, 642, 5272, 1436, 651, 9059, 1411, 15, 187, 1713, 64, 187, 9, 47, 10, 187, 31, 2598, 2139, 513, 368, 9239, 4130, 2010, 3736, 187, 1713, 64, 187, 9, 35, 10, 187, 31, 5035, 32, 1422, 1472, 1512, 10000, 17800, 281, 1239, 752, 309, 753, 15, 309, 1053, 626, 2868, 275, 41510, 5487, 3639 ]
they are waaaay too liberal for me Anonymous 08/08/18(Wed)16:59:33 no.181624487: >>181624373 w-what? are you trolling me? Anonymous 08/08/18(Wed)16:59:48 no.181624512: >>181622626 >Implying women can be cucks Anonymous 08/08/18(Wed)17:00:05 no.181624554: >>181624487 why would i be trolling you? afd are cool modern liberal people, im a trad catholic whats there for surprise Anonymous 08/08/18(Wed)17:00:11 no.181624568: >>181624103 >this is all very true for where i live and yet we all live in peace Are (((Media))) is always trying to stir up shit so we can never really achieve that anyway. There will never be coexistence, we are in the same sate Rome was during it's late stages. >i live in migrant drug hub where natives are a minority Yeah that's not something to be proud of. Anonymous 08/08/18(Wed)17:00:46 no.181624633: >>181623145 I am on the right side of history. Traditionalism is fucking dying. I recognize that and I embrace women as equals and they fucking like that a lot. The real reason why so many conservative men dislike modern women is because old fashioned conservative men cannot handle a woman that can support herself. Traditional conservative blue collar men like it when women are less intelligent than them and dependent of them because it makes them feel masculine and reassures their male identity. However, modern women go to college, earn their own living, and are smarter than conservative men. Modern women do not need conservative men in the traditional dependency sense, and conservative men hate that. I chose the path of the future for men. Instead of getting an old fashioned low paying blue collar job I went to college and am pursuing higher degrees. Conservative men need to stop being stubborn and let go of the traditional ways, but they refuse to. Anonymous 08/08/18(Wed)17:01:03 no.181624668: >>181622846 >highest on the MCAT medical school pre entry exam The skills you need as a medical doctor are different from some multiple choice test. I hope you know that. Anonymous 08/08/18(Wed)17:01:02 no.181624672: >>181614707 Engineers can easily earn more than doctors. >Especially in tech dominated countries >Not some durka durka tribal hellhole. Anonymous 08/08/18(Wed)17:01:44 no.181624747: >>181624633 >I am on the right side of history. Biggest spook I've ever heard kek Anonymous 08/08/18(Wed)17:01:58 no.181624767: >>181624568 well our media are openly ultra extremely liberal, but its always been like that, not like anyone takes them seriously >Yeah that's not something to be proud of. i dont like it, id prefer if it werent like that, but that doesnt mean i will hate immigrants, they are often good people Anonymous 08/08/18(Wed)17:02:47 no.181624851: >>181624554 you make absolutely no sense, think about what you type first. have a nice evening. Anonymous 08/08/18(Wed)17:03:25 no.181624910: >>181620488 It doesn't take any men at all, left to themselves womentards will ruin Everything in a hartbeat. Anonymous 08/08/18(Wed)17:04:12 no.181624992: >>181624767 >well our media are openly ultra extremely liberal, but its always been like that, not like anyone takes them seriously Well people here do, so it's kind of a huge problem. >i will hate immigrants, they are often good people It doesn't matter if they are good or bad, they aren't you, if you let to many in they will transform your country into theirs, for good or bad. Anonymous 08/08/18(Wed)17:04:48 no.181625053: >>181620733 put a baby in her belly. Anonymous 08/08/18(Wed)17:04:53 no.181625062: >waah women wear headcover thats opression >we must help women to be independent from opression and evil opressive religions >lesbian careerwoman leaders >women must be able to be dressed like sluts and make their choice >we must preserve secular liberal valeus of europe its a pretty normal position to have, but for me its too liberal and i honestly dont know how do they even pass as right wing we live in strange times Anonymous 08/08/18(Wed)17:05:41 no.181625150: >>181620818 Was anything he said untrue? Anonymous 08/08/18(Wed)17:06:15 no.181625206: >>181624992 you seem awfully focused for immigrants why do you even care if you have police and weapons to protect and uphold law >>181624851 are you that dense not to understand someone have different position than you do Anonymous 08/08/18(Wed)17:06:17 no.181625211: >>181623216 Good for you hombre. At least you don't have to deal with retarded women at college, that don't think they are retarded. Anonymous 08/08/18(Wed)17:07:10 no.181625315: >>181614688 And women like her are the ones who rule us. No wonder the world is in state od disarray Anonymous 08/08/18(Wed)17:07:12 no.181625316: >>181620818 roastie spotted. *tick* *tock* Anonymous 08/08/18(Wed)17:08:00 no.181625403: >>181614688 deserved it. Anonymous 08/08/18(Wed)17:08:00 no.181625405: >>181625206 >why do you even care if you have police and weapons to protect and uphold law Well why care about anything? If you don't care about the makeup of your country you may as well be a nihilist or some cuckservative who only cares about abstractions Anonymous 08/08/18(Wed)17:08:30 no.181625452: >>181611230 Don't most women think they do that anyway? Anonymous 08/08/18(Wed)17:09:32 no.181625571: >>181612551 Yes. It is completely true. I am a clinical psychologist and expert in body language and reading people. It's all I do. You can tell what someone's behavioral traits will be by their appearance. Anonymous 08/08/18(Wed)17:09:43 no.181625599: >>181611230 Women like patriarchy more than men, they just can't admit it. Anonymous 08/08/18(Wed)17:10:06 no.181625633: >>181611230 They don't want a high iq man, they want a man that can earn more money than they do. But those men will want a pretty girl, which is not usually the case with smart women. Anonymous 08/08/18(Wed)17:10:28 no.181625684: >>181625405 i mean you are estranged from your families, your country is a playground for big corporations, it is slowly collapsing and you are bothered by having an immigrant neighbour now, im sorry if this offends you but i just dont share your mentality Anonymous 08/08/18(Wed)17:10:53 no.181625732: >>181625452 Except it becomes an actual problem when equality(tm). Again, they want the cake and eat it. Anonymous 08/08/18(Wed)17:12:48 no.181625932: >>181611230 Are we finally at the point where journalists are so young they missed watching Daria? Anonymous 08/08/18(Wed)17:13:04 no.181625955: >>181625684 >i mean you are estranged from your families, Your country IS you family, if not you're basically the same as a Jew. These aren't "immigrant neighbors" they are invaders who want to take over the country like the barbarians who sacked Rome. Anonymous 08/08/18(Wed)17:13:21 no.181625984: >>181616505 Prenuptial agreements get tossed out in divorce courts all the time. You have to ensure she gets a lawyer to
[ 597, 403, 5172, 5781, 333, 1512, 12773, 323, 479, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2904, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1036, 27, 3046, 27, 1610, 642, 15, 1093, 1036, 1348, 30910, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1036, 1348, 29546, 187, 88, 14, 5371, 32, 403, 368, 246, 19891, 479, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2904, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1036, 27, 3046, 27, 2385, 642, 15, 1093, 1036, 1348, 19233, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1036, 21345, 1731, 187, 31, 30081, 2943, 2255, 476, 320, 260, 9984, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2904, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1166, 27, 361, 27, 1762, 642, 15, 1093, 1036, 1348, 46027, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1036, 1348, 30910, 187, 22309, 651, 891, 320, 246, 19891, 368, 32, 187, 2320, 69, 403, 4484, 4980, 12773, 952, 13, 516, 247, 2901, 22594, 3422, 47515, 627, 323, 9326, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2904, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1166, 27, 361, 27, 883, 642, 15, 1093, 1036, 19490, 2358, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1036, 1348, 12172, 187, 31, 2520, 310, 512, 1077, 2032, 323, 835, 891, 3153, 285, 2568, 359, 512, 3153, 275, 6330, 187, 6723, 24317, 17831, 10689, 310, 1900, 2820, 281, 10576, 598, 10739, 594, 359, 476, 1620, 1663, 5115, 326, 8791, 15, 1707, 588, 1620, 320, 820, 29419, 13, 359, 403, 275, 253, 1072, 256, 366, 12300, 369, 1309, 352, 434, 3563, 8661, 15, 209, 187, 31, 74, 3153, 275, 35816, 2854, 14713, 835, 38646, 403, 247, 15156, 187, 6506, 326, 434, 417, 1633, 281, 320, 9979, 273, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2904, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1166, 27, 361, 27, 2950, 642, 15, 1093, 1036, 23260, 1610, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1036, 1508, 11838, 187, 42, 717, 327, 253, 987, 1930, 273, 2892, 15, 37629, 1204, 310, 12835, 13889, 15, 309, 9446, 326, 285, 309, 19653, 2255, 347, 18207, 285, 597, 12835, 751, 326, 247, 2257, 15, 380, 1524, 1921, 2139, 594, 1142, 11518, 1821, 34941, 4980, 2255, 310, 984, 1711, 47485, 11518, 1821, 2550, 6016, 247, 3416, 326, 476, 1329, 5972, 15, 37629, 11518, 4797, 23966, 1821, 751, 352, 672, 2255, 403, 1679, 17497, 685, 731, 285, 7976, 273, 731, 984, 352, 2789, 731, 1928, 42212, 285, 17279, 980, 616, 5086, 6489, 15, 1723, 13, 4980, 2255, 564, 281, 6831, 13, 6233, 616, 1211, 3811, 13, 285, 403, 38144, 685, 11518, 1821, 15, 16349, 2255, 513, 417, 878, 11518, 1821, 275, 253, 5899, 18925, 3282, 13, 285, 11518, 1821, 9239, 326, 15, 309, 9703, 253, 1854, 273, 253, 2852, 323, 1821, 15, 7820, 273, 2970, 271, 1711, 47485, 1698, 10054, 4797, 23966, 2628, 309, 2427, 281, 6831, 285, 717, 23453, 2169, 7759, 15, 23222, 1821, 878, 281, 3523, 1146, 32864, 285, 1339, 564, 273, 253, 5899, 4088, 13, 533, 597, 16410, 281, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2904, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1166, 27, 520, 27, 2941, 642, 15, 1093, 1036, 1348, 19807, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1036, 1423, 34938, 187, 31, 49842, 327, 253, 15300, 1194, 3739, 2143, 638, 5857, 1174, 187, 510, 6936, 368, 878, 347, 247, 3739, 7345, 403, 1027, 432, 690, 2709, 4327, 1071, 15, 309, 3524, 368, 871, 326, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2904, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1166, 27, 520, 27, 2640, 642, 15, 1093, 1036, 1348, 31436, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1036, 1047, 26522, 187, 19217, 398, 476, 4354, 6233, 625, 685, 11576, 15, 187, 31, 15168, 2998, 275, 13817, 14691, 4343, 187, 31, 3650, 690, 16547, 4530, 16547, 4530, 26903, 7085, 13928, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2904, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1166, 27, 520, 27, 2031, 642, 15, 1093, 1036, 18392, 2504, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1036, 23260, 1610, 187, 31, 42, 717, 327, 253, 987, 1930, 273, 2892, 15, 187, 5178, 3219, 653, 645, 309, 1849, 2455, 3735, 1058, 76, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2904, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1166, 27, 520, 27, 3680, 642, 15, 1093, 1036, 18392, 2251, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1036, 19490, 2358, 187, 4714, 776, 3420, 403, 22134, 17452, 6685, 12773, 13, 533, 697, 1900, 644, 751, 326, 13, 417, 751, 3780, 3936, 731, 10369, 187, 31, 6506, 326, 434, 417, 1633, 281, 320, 9979, 273, 15, 187, 74, 13414, 751, 352, 13, 2654, 4510, 604, 352, 359, 624, 751, 326, 13, 533, 326, 36908, 1599, 891, 588, 9239, 16618, 13, 597, 403, 2223, 1175, 952, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2904, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1166, 27, 2640, 27, 2504, 642, 15, 1093, 1036, 1348, 37256, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1036, 1348, 46027, 187, 5658, 1056, 8839, 642, 3282, 13, 1158, 670, 752, 368, 1511, 806, 15, 452, 247, 5322, 7237, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2904, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1166, 27, 2941, 27, 1099, 642, 15, 1093, 1036, 21361, 740, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1036, 15781, 2055, 187, 1147, 2506, 626, 1379, 667, 1821, 387, 512, 13, 1669, 281, 3746, 1606, 290, 2196, 588, 23737, 16942, 275, 247, 288, 435, 19505, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2904, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1166, 27, 2125, 27, 805, 642, 15, 1093, 1036, 1348, 34363, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1036, 18392, 2251, 187, 31, 4714, 776, 3420, 403, 22134, 17452, 6685, 12773, 13, 533, 697, 1900, 644, 751, 326, 13, 417, 751, 3780, 3936, 731, 10369, 187, 4497, 952, 1060, 513, 13, 594, 352, 434, 2238, 273, 247, 5699, 1895, 15, 209, 187, 31, 74, 588, 9239, 16618, 13, 597, 403, 2223, 1175, 209, 187, 13174, 187, 1147, 2506, 626, 2647, 604, 597, 403, 1175, 390, 3076, 13, 597, 6403, 626, 368, 13, 604, 368, 1339, 281, 1142, 275, 597, 588, 4979, 634, 2586, 715, 31187, 13, 323, 1175, 390, 3076, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2904, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1166, 27, 2125, 27, 2385, 642, 15, 1093, 1036, 1099, 33220, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1036, 18202, 1610, 187, 1065, 247, 6858, 275, 617, 23828, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2904, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1166, 27, 2125, 27, 3357, 642, 15, 1093, 1036, 1099, 37258, 27, 187, 31, 8754, 1240, 2255, 8251, 1481, 16484, 28763, 1121, 1256, 187, 31, 664, 1364, 1361, 2255, 281, 320, 3907, 432, 1121, 1256, 285, 10319, 1121, 8122, 31194, 187, 31, 868, 13564, 5249, 17217, 7038, 187, 31, 31450, 1364, 320, 2104, 281, 320, 14186, 751, 1499, 14298, 285, 1056, 616, 4327, 187, 31, 664, 1364, 14003, 22884, 12773, 821, 70, 316, 273, 19454, 187, 953, 247, 3965, 2622, 1899, 281, 452, 13, 533, 323, 479, 697, 1512, 12773, 285, 891, 20509, 13414, 871, 849, 513, 597, 1014, 1509, 347, 987, 12916, 187, 664, 3153, 275, 8921, 2069, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2904, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1166, 27, 1762, 27, 3156, 642, 15, 1093, 1036, 1099, 8970, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1036, 17391, 1093, 187, 18412, 2712, 344, 753, 440, 5672, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2904, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1166, 27, 3071, 27, 1010, 642, 15, 1093, 1036, 1099, 18040, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1036, 1348, 34363, 187, 5658, 1646, 3768, 2920, 7106, 323, 16618, 187, 22309, 513, 368, 1014, 1557, 604, 368, 452, 3513, 285, 8914, 281, 4017, 285, 39954, 1569, 187, 5064, 1093, 1036, 1348, 37256, 187, 609, 368, 326, 14086, 417, 281, 2096, 3095, 452, 1027, 1899, 685, 368, 513, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2904, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1166, 27, 3071, 27, 1166, 642, 15, 1093, 1036, 1099, 17605, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1036, 19136, 1036, 187, 8620, 323, 368, 2860, 3381, 15, 187, 3404, 1878, 368, 1053, 626, 452, 281, 2968, 342, 48101, 2255, 387, 6831, 13, 326, 1053, 626, 1158, 597, 403, 48101, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2904, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1166, 27, 2922, 27, 740, 642, 15, 1093, 1036, 22067, 1010, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1036, 16607, 2055, 187, 1898, 2255, 751, 617, 403, 253, 4394, 665, 4086, 441, 15, 1621, 4282, 253, 1533, 310, 275, 1375, 7687, 557, 3728, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2904, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1166, 27, 2922, 27, 805, 642, 15, 1093, 1036, 22067, 1036, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1036, 17391, 1093, 187, 287, 505, 466, 20673, 15, 187, 11, 47487, 11, 475, 85, 825, 11, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2904, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1166, 27, 2904, 27, 361, 642, 15, 1093, 1036, 1099, 25208, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1036, 16607, 2055, 187, 3229, 4994, 352, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2904, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1166, 27, 2904, 27, 361, 642, 15, 1093, 1036, 1099, 20680, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1036, 1099, 18040, 187, 31, 22309, 513, 368, 1014, 1557, 604, 368, 452, 3513, 285, 8914, 281, 4017, 285, 39954, 1569, 187, 4497, 2139, 1557, 670, 2712, 32, 1310, 368, 1053, 626, 1557, 670, 253, 24071, 273, 634, 2586, 368, 778, 347, 973, 320, 247, 295, 6356, 300, 382, 390, 690, 260, 9984, 677, 800, 665, 760, 24505, 670, 490, 10981, 960, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2904, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1166, 27, 2904, 27, 1229, 642, 15, 1093, 1036, 1099, 34237, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1036, 11124, 1229, 187, 5498, 626, 954, 2255, 1158, 597, 513, 326, 8791, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2904, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1166, 27, 2693, 27, 1237, 642, 15, 1093, 1036, 1099, 37644, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1036, 805, 41227, 187, 4374, 15, 733, 310, 4336, 2032, 15, 309, 717, 247, 3382, 35085, 285, 6485, 275, 2133, 3448, 285, 4361, 952, 15, 733, 434, 512, 309, 513, 15, 1422, 476, 2028, 752, 3095, 434, 14613, 13795, 588, 320, 407, 616, 7286, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2904, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1166, 27, 2693, 27, 3079, 642, 15, 1093, 1036, 10637, 1525, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1036, 11124, 1229, 187, 22737, 751, 20110, 12638, 625, 685, 1821, 13, 597, 816, 476, 626, 11476, 352, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2904, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1166, 27, 740, 27, 3071, 642, 15, 1093, 1036, 9726, 1610, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1036, 11124, 1229, 187, 3726, 1053, 626, 971, 247, 1029, 891, 82, 637, 13, 597, 971, 247, 637, 326, 476, 6233, 625, 2583, 685, 597, 513, 15, 1292, 1110, 1821, 588, 971, 247, 3965, 3226, 13, 534, 310, 417, 3798, 253, 1083, 342, 7060, 2255, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2904, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1166, 27, 740, 27, 1619, 642, 15, 1093, 1036, 1099, 28883, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1036, 1099, 20680, 187, 74, 1599, 368, 403, 49712, 4626, 432, 634, 5870, 13, 634, 2586, 310, 247, 41008, 323, 1943, 18674, 13, 352, 310, 7808, 45130, 285, 368, 403, 28860, 407, 1907, 271, 28054, 14646, 187, 2666, 13, 516, 7016, 604, 436, 745, 1727, 368, 533, 891, 816, 13414, 3894, 634, 38656, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2904, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1166, 27, 740, 27, 3357, 642, 15, 1093, 1036, 21553, 1237, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1036, 1099, 34237, 187, 33086, 352, 4916, 271, 4588, 1895, 672, 13919, 9, 20583, 481, 10036, 13, 597, 971, 253, 15221, 285, 6008, 352, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2904, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1166, 27, 805, 27, 2385, 642, 15, 1093, 1036, 20395, 1237, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1036, 11124, 1229, 187, 6723, 359, 4720, 387, 253, 1127, 835, 18680, 403, 594, 2872, 597, 9829, 7487, 399, 8125, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2904, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1166, 27, 1012, 27, 2125, 642, 15, 1093, 1036, 1099, 31722, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1036, 1099, 28883, 187, 31, 74, 1599, 368, 403, 49712, 4626, 432, 634, 5870, 13, 187, 7093, 2586, 4110, 368, 2021, 13, 604, 417, 368, 1472, 10323, 253, 1072, 347, 247, 5679, 15, 2053, 6403, 626, 346, 12784, 45243, 15833, 3, 597, 403, 828, 16208, 665, 971, 281, 1379, 689, 253, 2586, 751, 253, 2534, 67, 19222, 665, 256, 16970, 12300, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2904, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1166, 27, 1012, 27, 1797, 642, 15, 1093, 1036, 20395, 2759, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1036, 1036, 18550, 187, 49, 445, 18642, 451, 15486, 755, 27352, 562, 275, 17038, 7829, 512, 253, 673, 15, 209, 187, 1394, 452, 281, 5416, 703, 4850, 247, 11115, 281 ]
Anonymous 01/04/19(Fri)16:46:54 no.198731517: >>198731183 Sir, I assure you that is not a concern. Anonymous 01/04/19(Fri)16:47:18 no.198731560: >>198731018 And, increasingly, for diversity. Anonymous 01/04/19(Fri)16:48:03 no.198731625: >>198729570 I unironically got a BA when I was 1 class away from a BS. I still want to kill my self because of this. Anonymous 01/04/19(Fri)16:48:07 no.198731632: >>198729141 she does not have a BA in Economics she's a fucking liar, she minored in Economics and her major was International Relations which is pure (Clowns in America) shit Anonymous 01/04/19(Fri)16:48:24 no.198731664: >>198731448 I don't care about her university. I'm speaking to the fact that she was 28 years old and working as a bartender. Anonymous 01/04/19(Fri)16:48:26 no.198731669: >>198731352 >because the proposed solution is not perfect in every way, it is not worth doing we are all aware walls can be bypassed, your house has walls, yet somehow you're inside it I guess you don't need the walls Anonymous 01/04/19(Fri)16:50:45 no.198731903: >>198731352 Maginot line was a good idea Anonymous 01/04/19(Fri)16:53:56 no.198732199: >>198731669 >durr hurr ur saying all walls are the same no use in a border wall if things like tunnels and boats exist Anonymous 01/04/19(Fri)16:53:58 no.198732203: >>198728692 And yet you elected this. Anonymous 01/04/19(Fri)16:53:58 no.198732210: >>198731664 It's a pretty shit economy, loads of people are under employed in shit jobs desu. Anonymous 01/04/19(Fri)16:54:02 no.198732219: >>198731517 But at its smallest location it's only seven miles from sho to sho. Anonymous 01/04/19(Fri)16:54:52 no.198732315: >>198731903 not really considering the best parts of it are nowhere near belgium Anonymous 01/04/19(Fri)16:56:27 no.198732481: >>198732210 Show flag, kike. Anonymous 01/04/19(Fri)16:57:53 no.198732639: >>198731124 He was a mediocre President but a top-tier ex-President. Anonymous 01/04/19(Fri)16:58:12 no.198732666: >>198732199 You decided to bring up ancient walls, ignoring the fact that a wall today is almost always combined with other tech to further improve it >hurr durr we can't stop tunnels & ladders so why even try a wall a wall is step 1 the shit you bring up can be dealt with you're acting as if tunnels should be the first priority, what kind of retard thinks people make tunnels if there isn't a wall first and we already have a fix for boats, its called the fucking coat guard you're a brainlet my man Anonymous 01/04/19(Fri)16:58:24 no.198732694: >>198732199 wft, I guess we should all just kill ourselves and let the foreign hordes take over our country. Anonymous 01/04/19(Fri)16:59:05 no.198732765: >>198732203 He's offered so many results that your arguement at this point is rediculous. Anonymous 01/04/19(Fri)16:59:35 no.198732812: >>198728997 Based Anonymous 01/04/19(Fri)17:00:26 no.198732896: >>198732219 We understand, and we assure you that this is not an issue that you should be concerned about. Anonymous 01/04/19(Fri)17:00:43 no.198732921: >>198729141 >Cum laude implied cum laude implies the tribunal liked you, or you did something to like the tribunal calm your tits Anonymous 01/04/19(Fri)17:01:38 no.198733015: >>198732921 Tribunal? Anonymous 01/04/19(Fri)17:02:13 no.198733071: >>198728692 See what I mean. A year after this picture was taken, this man was in prison for child molestation and pedophilia. Most pedos and serial killers are white. Just facts. Anonymous 01/04/19(Fri)17:02:29 no.198733102: >>198733015 whatever ensemble judged her work when graduating. called tribunal here Anonymous 01/04/19(Fri)17:03:00 no.198733143: >>198732666 >ancient walls >maginot line was built in the 1900s >actually had pillboxes and military hardware >germany just went through belgium again the real point is that life finds a way, so why chuck the 5 billion in a furnace also >coat guard fuck man those guys are useless, never once defended my coat against thieves Anonymous 01/04/19(Fri)17:03:49 no.198733220: >>198732315 The fact that it herded the Germans through a relatively narrow point of entry was good, and what you want defenses to do. However the French failed to utilize that advantage. Anonymous 01/04/19(Fri)17:04:12 no.198733250: >>198730434 Whatever, ALL grades are inflated in comparison to the late eighties, instead of fucking wikipedia read Allan Bloom's Closing of the American Mind. Anonymous 01/04/19(Fri)17:05:02 no.198733342: >>198733220 germany always steamrolled france through belgium, are you retarded or is it that you just cant into history Anonymous 01/04/19(Fri)17:05:23 no.198733378: >>198732765 >Trumpfags actually believe this Anonymous 01/04/19(Fri)17:05:39 no.198733411: >>198732896 Aight den. Anonymous 01/04/19(Fri)17:06:04 no.198733444: >>198733102 Isn't that for graduate students? Undergrads don't do a thesis, it's based on GPA. (At least at my college.) Anonymous 01/04/19(Fri)17:06:20 no.198733465: >>198732203 Memes and jokes aside, I really think old age fucked him up. I genuinely believe he is/was a smart person and I watched interviews from the 80s and 90s and he was very articulate and came across as intelligent. Now he talks like he lost 30 IQ points Anonymous 01/04/19(Fri)17:06:26 no.198733476: New Zealands accidental prime minister, who is so far left she makes trudeau look like netanyahu, has never had a job. Oh except working in her parents fish and chip shop after school. It gave her all the skills a woman needs to head orange man bad rallies, and accuse all men of rape when a backpacker from the UK is found dead. Anonymous 01/04/19(Fri)17:06:30 no.198733485: Liberal Arts Anonymous 01/04/19(Fri)17:07:25 no.198733581: >>198728692 Because while they may be "elected" by "the people" they are not "elected" into their positions and authority, they are chosen as controllable tools for the true masters behind the scenes. (they) don't need high IQ intellectuals too follow orders, infact that's counter-productive. What they need is low intelligent, faithful and otherwise controllable figures. Anonymous 01/04/19(Fri)17:07:44 no.198733616: >>198733143 >why chuck the 5 billion in a furnace At least with a wall you get an actual tangible result with the funds. Think about all the billions we've *literally* wasted on social programs and aid to foreign shitholes that hate us. Anonymous 01/04/19(Fri)17:09:09 no.198733749: >>198733342 Shit, I guess both Anonymous 01/04/19(Fri)17:11:03 no.198733933: >>198733616 if you wanted a tangible result then it could be put in our shitass aging road & bridge infrastructure
[ 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 2125, 16, 746, 9, 33228, 10, 1036, 27, 2950, 27, 3439, 642, 15, 15089, 23580, 1166, 27, 187, 5064, 15089, 27348, 3245, 187, 20405, 13, 309, 21684, 368, 326, 310, 417, 247, 4468, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 2125, 16, 746, 9, 33228, 10, 1036, 27, 2504, 27, 1093, 642, 15, 15089, 23580, 1549, 27, 187, 5064, 15089, 2405, 12058, 187, 1898, 13, 9592, 13, 323, 9991, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 2125, 16, 746, 9, 33228, 10, 1036, 27, 2385, 27, 2941, 642, 15, 15089, 28581, 1099, 27, 187, 5064, 15089, 22270, 1967, 187, 42, 440, 2002, 1037, 1694, 247, 23730, 672, 309, 369, 337, 966, 1977, 432, 247, 23446, 15, 209, 187, 42, 1335, 971, 281, 5159, 619, 1881, 984, 273, 436, 964, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 2125, 16, 746, 9, 33228, 10, 1036, 27, 2385, 27, 2922, 642, 15, 15089, 28581, 1237, 27, 187, 5064, 15089, 1717, 18962, 187, 6689, 1057, 417, 452, 247, 23730, 275, 31015, 703, 434, 247, 12835, 43459, 13, 703, 1054, 2149, 275, 31015, 285, 617, 2201, 369, 5625, 18817, 534, 310, 6313, 313, 2019, 628, 84, 275, 3968, 10, 10739, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 2125, 16, 746, 9, 33228, 10, 1036, 27, 2385, 27, 1348, 642, 15, 15089, 28581, 1540, 27, 187, 5064, 15089, 18486, 2385, 187, 42, 1053, 626, 1557, 670, 617, 9835, 15, 309, 1353, 8288, 281, 253, 958, 326, 703, 369, 3349, 1107, 1711, 285, 2444, 347, 247, 44693, 3109, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 2125, 16, 746, 9, 33228, 10, 1036, 27, 2385, 27, 1731, 642, 15, 15089, 28581, 2090, 27, 187, 5064, 15089, 27893, 3583, 187, 31, 12157, 253, 4081, 2900, 310, 417, 3962, 275, 1046, 1039, 13, 352, 310, 417, 4409, 2509, 187, 664, 403, 512, 6600, 8099, 476, 320, 18210, 264, 13, 634, 2419, 556, 8099, 13, 2568, 10380, 368, 1472, 3304, 352, 187, 42, 5476, 368, 1053, 626, 878, 253, 8099, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 2125, 16, 746, 9, 33228, 10, 1036, 27, 1235, 27, 1857, 642, 15, 15089, 33899, 2941, 27, 187, 5064, 15089, 27893, 3583, 187, 46, 26093, 302, 1386, 369, 247, 1175, 2934, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 2125, 16, 746, 9, 33228, 10, 1036, 27, 3357, 27, 3208, 642, 15, 15089, 1237, 3031, 27, 187, 5064, 15089, 28581, 2090, 187, 31, 69, 321, 83, 7929, 83, 2936, 3981, 512, 8099, 403, 253, 1072, 187, 2369, 897, 275, 247, 5680, 3402, 604, 1841, 751, 37285, 285, 19750, 2226, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 2125, 16, 746, 9, 33228, 10, 1036, 27, 3357, 27, 3680, 642, 15, 15089, 1237, 17490, 27, 187, 5064, 15089, 1619, 34769, 187, 1898, 2568, 368, 10544, 436, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 2125, 16, 746, 9, 33228, 10, 1036, 27, 3357, 27, 3680, 642, 15, 15089, 1237, 16899, 27, 187, 5064, 15089, 28581, 1540, 187, 1147, 434, 247, 3965, 10739, 6982, 13, 16665, 273, 952, 403, 762, 7091, 275, 10739, 7375, 711, 86, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 2125, 16, 746, 9, 33228, 10, 1036, 27, 3439, 27, 2640, 642, 15, 15089, 23625, 746, 27, 187, 5064, 15089, 23580, 1166, 187, 1989, 387, 697, 8004, 4328, 352, 434, 760, 5093, 6574, 432, 6738, 281, 6738, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 2125, 16, 746, 9, 33228, 10, 1036, 27, 3439, 27, 3583, 642, 15, 15089, 21874, 1010, 27, 187, 5064, 15089, 33899, 2941, 187, 1439, 1663, 7296, 253, 1682, 4243, 273, 352, 403, 17663, 2822, 1112, 20811, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 2125, 16, 746, 9, 33228, 10, 1036, 27, 3208, 27, 1630, 642, 15, 15089, 1237, 34474, 27, 187, 5064, 15089, 1237, 16899, 187, 14422, 7908, 13, 465, 2804, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 2125, 16, 746, 9, 33228, 10, 1036, 27, 3011, 27, 3357, 642, 15, 15089, 22391, 1867, 27, 187, 5064, 15089, 2405, 13397, 187, 1328, 369, 247, 12069, 49636, 3918, 533, 247, 1755, 14, 42614, 385, 14, 20349, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 2125, 16, 746, 9, 33228, 10, 1036, 27, 3680, 27, 805, 642, 15, 15089, 1237, 24185, 27, 187, 5064, 15089, 1237, 3031, 187, 1394, 4425, 281, 3324, 598, 9129, 8099, 13, 23111, 253, 958, 326, 247, 3402, 3063, 310, 2761, 1900, 5678, 342, 643, 13817, 281, 2007, 3157, 352, 187, 31, 27941, 83, 16547, 83, 359, 476, 626, 3523, 37285, 708, 298, 1911, 398, 594, 2139, 1014, 1611, 247, 3402, 187, 66, 3402, 310, 3213, 337, 187, 783, 10739, 368, 3324, 598, 476, 320, 18445, 342, 187, 5658, 1472, 8534, 347, 604, 37285, 943, 320, 253, 806, 11674, 13, 752, 2238, 273, 31832, 11121, 952, 1056, 37285, 604, 627, 3548, 626, 247, 3402, 806, 187, 395, 359, 2168, 452, 247, 4993, 323, 19750, 13, 697, 1925, 253, 12835, 11959, 7496, 187, 5658, 1472, 247, 3998, 1059, 619, 637, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 2125, 16, 746, 9, 33228, 10, 1036, 27, 3680, 27, 1348, 642, 15, 15089, 1237, 30467, 27, 187, 5064, 15089, 1237, 3031, 187, 88, 649, 13, 309, 5476, 359, 943, 512, 816, 5159, 9361, 285, 1339, 253, 5639, 288, 636, 265, 1379, 689, 776, 2586, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 2125, 16, 746, 9, 33228, 10, 1036, 27, 3046, 27, 1762, 642, 15, 15089, 20298, 2082, 27, 187, 5064, 15089, 1237, 17490, 187, 1328, 434, 5907, 594, 1142, 1543, 326, 634, 23311, 1003, 387, 436, 1127, 310, 2502, 16512, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 2125, 16, 746, 9, 33228, 10, 1036, 27, 3046, 27, 1671, 642, 15, 15089, 22130, 805, 27, 187, 5064, 15089, 1619, 28315, 187, 15545, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 2125, 16, 746, 9, 33228, 10, 1166, 27, 361, 27, 1731, 642, 15, 15089, 1237, 33608, 27, 187, 5064, 15089, 23625, 746, 187, 1231, 2096, 13, 285, 359, 21684, 368, 326, 436, 310, 417, 271, 2523, 326, 368, 943, 320, 7514, 670, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 2125, 16, 746, 9, 33228, 10, 1166, 27, 361, 27, 3079, 642, 15, 15089, 22011, 1797, 27, 187, 5064, 15089, 1717, 18962, 187, 31, 36, 360, 826, 2496, 10466, 187, 38655, 826, 2496, 8018, 253, 41223, 10490, 368, 13, 390, 368, 858, 1633, 281, 751, 253, 41223, 187, 1179, 78, 634, 246, 953, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 2125, 16, 746, 9, 33228, 10, 1166, 27, 520, 27, 1839, 642, 15, 15089, 1610, 10496, 27, 187, 5064, 15089, 22011, 1797, 187, 53, 725, 23795, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 2125, 16, 746, 9, 33228, 10, 1166, 27, 2640, 27, 1012, 642, 15, 15089, 24070, 3677, 27, 187, 5064, 15089, 1619, 34769, 187, 5035, 752, 309, 1599, 15, 329, 807, 846, 436, 5406, 369, 2668, 13, 436, 637, 369, 275, 5754, 323, 1429, 14008, 35804, 285, 7690, 43639, 15, 209, 187, 10342, 7690, 375, 285, 10382, 45361, 403, 3168, 15, 3771, 5441, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 2125, 16, 746, 9, 33228, 10, 1166, 27, 2640, 27, 1717, 642, 15, 15089, 1610, 11335, 27, 187, 5064, 15089, 1610, 10496, 187, 38499, 19862, 24242, 617, 789, 672, 38588, 15, 1925, 41223, 1060, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 2125, 16, 746, 9, 33228, 10, 1166, 27, 2941, 27, 361, 642, 15, 15089, 1610, 16150, 27, 187, 5064, 15089, 1237, 24185, 187, 31, 1377, 850, 8099, 187, 31, 20752, 249, 302, 1386, 369, 4270, 275, 253, 24810, 84, 187, 31, 35264, 574, 12575, 28904, 285, 4668, 10309, 187, 31, 72, 693, 1279, 816, 2427, 949, 1112, 20811, 969, 187, 783, 1524, 1127, 310, 326, 1495, 9010, 247, 1039, 13, 594, 2139, 22522, 253, 608, 6494, 275, 247, 33926, 187, 12563, 187, 31, 33445, 7496, 187, 71, 1807, 637, 1110, 6068, 403, 19437, 13, 1620, 2378, 25860, 619, 11959, 1411, 42727, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 2125, 16, 746, 9, 33228, 10, 1166, 27, 2941, 27, 2537, 642, 15, 15089, 32078, 938, 27, 187, 5064, 15089, 21874, 1010, 187, 510, 958, 326, 352, 617, 4861, 253, 20003, 949, 247, 4942, 6891, 1127, 273, 5857, 369, 1175, 13, 285, 752, 368, 971, 25774, 281, 513, 15, 1723, 253, 5112, 4242, 281, 16584, 326, 5750, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 2125, 16, 746, 9, 33228, 10, 1166, 27, 2125, 27, 805, 642, 15, 15089, 1610, 9519, 27, 187, 5064, 15089, 19321, 1706, 187, 25713, 13, 13556, 23129, 403, 41470, 275, 5301, 281, 253, 3563, 4314, 447, 13, 3185, 273, 12835, 259, 15170, 1239, 38266, 21034, 434, 1639, 5555, 273, 253, 2448, 18296, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 2125, 16, 746, 9, 33228, 10, 1166, 27, 1762, 27, 2640, 642, 15, 15089, 1610, 27222, 27, 187, 5064, 15089, 32078, 938, 187, 72, 693, 1279, 1900, 15401, 9095, 1315, 593, 949, 1112, 20811, 13, 403, 368, 48101, 390, 310, 352, 326, 368, 816, 16216, 715, 2892, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 2125, 16, 746, 9, 33228, 10, 1166, 27, 1762, 27, 1508, 642, 15, 15089, 1610, 25139, 27, 187, 5064, 15089, 20298, 2082, 187, 31, 18130, 71, 3544, 2686, 2868, 436, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 2125, 16, 746, 9, 33228, 10, 1166, 27, 1762, 27, 1867, 642, 15, 15089, 24257, 883, 27, 187, 5064, 15089, 1237, 33608, 187, 34, 429, 1850, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 2125, 16, 746, 9, 33228, 10, 1166, 27, 3071, 27, 2125, 642, 15, 15089, 1610, 24447, 27, 187, 5064, 15089, 1610, 11335, 187, 33989, 626, 326, 323, 16125, 3484, 32, 6166, 4971, 84, 1053, 626, 513, 247, 22857, 13, 352, 434, 1754, 327, 443, 4899, 15, 313, 3404, 1878, 387, 619, 6831, 2698, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 2125, 16, 746, 9, 33228, 10, 1166, 27, 3071, 27, 938, 642, 15, 15089, 24257, 2082, 27, 187, 5064, 15089, 1237, 17490, 187, 10267, 265, 285, 26984, 9255, 13, 309, 1663, 1158, 1711, 2363, 35598, 779, 598, 15, 309, 27364, 2868, 344, 310, 16, 4238, 247, 7060, 1436, 285, 309, 9047, 12888, 432, 253, 5096, 84, 285, 5091, 84, 285, 344, 369, 1077, 40244, 285, 2210, 2439, 347, 17497, 15, 3954, 344, 12088, 751, 344, 3663, 1884, 29147, 2792, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 2125, 16, 746, 9, 33228, 10, 1166, 27, 3071, 27, 1731, 642, 15, 15089, 1610, 31699, 27, 187, 4257, 7728, 267, 2287, 31120, 4335, 9843, 13, 665, 310, 594, 2080, 1669, 703, 2789, 492, 41595, 1007, 751, 2036, 36640, 13, 556, 1620, 574, 247, 2628, 15, 187, 4013, 3707, 2444, 275, 617, 4651, 6773, 285, 11291, 8979, 846, 2143, 15, 187, 1147, 3534, 617, 512, 253, 6936, 247, 3416, 3198, 281, 1481, 13735, 637, 3076, 49727, 13, 285, 45577, 512, 1821, 273, 16773, 672, 247, 30564, 254, 432, 253, 5591, 310, 1119, 3846, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 2125, 16, 746, 9, 33228, 10, 1166, 27, 3071, 27, 1229, 642, 15, 15089, 24257, 2227, 27, 187, 19467, 1560, 15118, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 2125, 16, 746, 9, 33228, 10, 1166, 27, 2922, 27, 1099, 642, 15, 15089, 22519, 3593, 27, 187, 5064, 15089, 1619, 34769, 187, 8457, 1223, 597, 778, 320, 346, 43514, 3, 407, 346, 783, 952, 3, 597, 403, 417, 346, 43514, 3, 715, 616, 6887, 285, 6265, 13, 597, 403, 6777, 347, 3661, 494, 5657, 323, 253, 2032, 26616, 3212, 253, 13451, 15, 313, 9328, 10, 1053, 626, 878, 1029, 29147, 48970, 1512, 956, 7367, 13, 2192, 514, 326, 434, 4828, 14, 16233, 15, 1737, 597, 878, 310, 1698, 17497, 13, 21738, 285, 5010, 3661, 494, 8442, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 2125, 16, 746, 9, 33228, 10, 1166, 27, 2922, 27, 2031, 642, 15, 15089, 23126, 1036, 27, 187, 5064, 15089, 1610, 16150, 187, 31, 22309, 22522, 253, 608, 6494, 275, 247, 33926, 187, 3404, 1878, 342, 247, 3402, 368, 755, 271, 4588, 33631, 906, 342, 253, 8064, 15, 19296, 670, 512, 253, 25866, 359, 1849, 475, 22478, 595, 11, 25262, 327, 2675, 5659, 285, 8596, 281, 5639, 439, 334, 3841, 326, 9239, 441, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 2125, 16, 746, 9, 33228, 10, 1166, 27, 2693, 27, 2693, 642, 15, 15089, 23829, 2537, 27, 187, 5064, 15089, 1610, 27222, 187, 37858, 13, 309, 5476, 1097, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 2125, 16, 746, 9, 33228, 10, 1166, 27, 883, 27, 2941, 642, 15, 15089, 23688, 1610, 27, 187, 5064, 15089, 23126, 1036, 187, 338, 368, 3078, 247, 33631, 906, 840, 352, 812, 320, 1691, 275, 776, 10739, 515, 15174, 3971, 708, 9729, 11319 ]
Not even half the population voted Anonymous 10/14/17(Sat)15:23:55 no.145284031: >be 40% nonwhite >see, just over half of people love diversity! Really makes you ponder Anonymous 10/14/17(Sat)15:24:24 no.145284080: >>145283932 Dead people and illegal immigrants inflated her numbers Anonymous 10/14/17(Sat)15:24:37 no.145284097: Alright, then. The kind of diversity that fucks up America is already here and already fucks up America. Americans associate more diversity with 'it can't be worse than the dindus, we'll get some foreigners moving in and we will have ethnic restaurants. Europeans have a different problem with diversity- you're being flooded with sand dindus and pretty soon you'll understand why we love guns so much and enshrine self defense in our legal systems. Good luck with your diversity, though. Anonymous 10/14/17(Sat)15:27:00 no.145284321: >>145284097 You're full of shit, libertariantard. The polls say this because we're already 40% nonwhite, of course foreigners want more diversity. Anonymous 10/14/17(Sat)15:27:14 no.145284346: >>145284097 >Good luck with your diversity, though And you with your diversity, anon. Although the future looks bleak Anonymous 10/14/17(Sat)15:28:00 no.145284415: >>145282987 Its either the magical 'white unicorn' defense in 30 years or we make them think 'white'. We're trying to make something here guy. Relax a little. Anonymous 10/14/17(Sat)15:29:25 no.145284555: >>145282987 America is the worst country on earth. Not hard to explain. Luckily it will become a brown shit hole soon and rightfully fade from global prominence. Anonymous 10/14/17(Sat)15:47:35 no.145286109: >>145283932 The majority came from California where you don't even have to be a citizen to vote. The election registry literally asks if you're a citizen of california and asks nothing of your US citizenship. Anonymous 10/14/17(Sat)15:59:04 no.145287182: >>145282987 BASED GREEKS! Anonymous 10/14/17(Sat)16:08:04 no.145287993: >>145283519 that's what i don't get. why doesn't the right or whatever conduct its own polls? Anonymous 10/14/17(Sat)16:16:48 no.145288854: >>145282987 NFL players and trump are in conflict. Such idealism is a lie. Conflict between white people and colored races in the USA is getting deeper. Anonymous 10/14/17(Sat)16:18:45 no.145289036: >>145287993 I'd assume because they don't get funds for it. Most unis are liberal and bias, they won't even go out and say that faggots are bad because it hurts their narrative. Anonymous 10/14/17(Sat)16:20:46 no.145289219: >>145282987 well, we are only a 28% white country <|endoftext|>Anonymous 06/01/18(Fri)15:04:40 no.173713573: 39:45 who was in the wrong here? Anonymous 06/01/18(Fri)15:04:52 no.173713597: U7_1527878295 Anonymous 06/01/18(Fri)15:06:02 no.173713710: Looks like a bunch of racists saw an Arab man and couldn't take a joke. Who really thinks suicide bombers have female vocal countdowns? Anonymous 06/01/18(Fri)15:06:03 no.173713713: >2 “Say to the Israelites: ‘Any Israelite or any foreigner residing in Israel who sacrifices any of his children to Molek is to be put to death. The members of the community are to stone him. Anonymous 06/01/18(Fri)15:10:46 no.173714210: >>173713573 I hope he gets raped to Catholicism in prison, fuck mudslimes. Anonymous 06/01/18(Fri)15:17:39 no.173714871: he should countersue the school and students Anonymous 06/01/18(Fri)15:18:54 no.173715006: >>173714210 Are you mad pablo, dont you have some family members to bury? Goddamn savages Anonymous 06/01/18(Fri)15:20:26 no.173715161: >>173713573 There are no white people. Anonymous 06/01/18(Fri)15:20:33 no.173715165: >>173715006 Goddammit even Switzerland has sandniggers? Anonymous 06/01/18(Fri)15:24:40 no.173715625: >>173713573 >no link you Anonymous 06/01/18(Fri)15:25:24 no.173715688: >>173715625 >he didnt see the second post Anonymous 06/01/18(Fri)15:30:11 no.173716307: Haha this guy is based arab. AM4YlDlk SvsPisDw&has_verified=1 Anonymous 06/01/18(Fri)15:31:31 no.173716451: lol that guy ratting him out at the end of the vid Anonymous 06/01/18(Fri)15:33:13 no.173716641: >>173713573 This is pure "can't falsely shout fire in a crowded theater" shit. Fuck the dumb shitskin. Anonymous 06/01/18(Fri)15:33:51 no.173716699: >>173713573 damn that was great Anonymous 06/01/18(Fri)15:34:02 no.173716721: >>173716641 The donor was the one who shouted it, bro Anonymous 06/01/18(Fri)15:35:20 no.173716845: >>173716721 Don't act like the shitskin didn't know what was coming, faggot. Everyone knows he was going in to create the premise of a terror attack. He fucking talks about it in advance. Anonymous 06/01/18(Fri)15:36:06 no.173716930: >>173713573 this shit is funny as fuck Anonymous 06/01/18(Fri)15:37:28 no.173717070: >>173716641 oh boo fucking hoo Anonymous 06/01/18(Fri)15:38:48 no.173717219: >>173713573 Anonymous 06/01/18(Fri)15:41:27 no.173717498: >fire in a crowded theatre Funny but he got everything he deserved Anonymous 06/01/18(Fri)15:42:55 no.173717649: Seems like a annoying sandnigger to me Anonymous 06/01/18(Fri)15:43:48 no.173717763: >>173716641 >"can't falsely shout fire in a crowded theater" You can though, the case that that saying is based off of is unconstitutional. As it revolved around people passing out fliers denouncing the draft and being arrested under the Espionage Act. I wonder if you are actually supportive of an authoritarian government overreach allowing them to arrest anyone for saying anything bad about the government. Anonymous 06/01/18(Fri)15:49:19 no.173718316: >>173713573 fake bomb threat is a crime (as it should be to prevent real terrorism) shitskin is getting jailed Anonymous 06/01/18(Fri)15:49:34 no.173718336: (((land of the free))) Anonymous 06/01/18(Fri)15:50:19 no.173718407: >>173718316 he didnt make a bomb threat tho, someone else did Anonymous 06/01/18(Fri)15:57:46 no.173719141: >>173718407 >I just carry a speaker around and let other broadcast threats, I dindo nuffin you dont escape responsibility this way,
[ 187, 3650, 1014, 2716, 253, 3072, 14285, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 1047, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1010, 27, 1508, 27, 2417, 642, 15, 11838, 1619, 1449, 2405, 27, 187, 31, 1257, 3387, 6, 1327, 11300, 187, 31, 2887, 13, 816, 689, 2716, 273, 952, 2389, 9991, 2, 187, 22582, 2789, 368, 37202, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 1047, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1010, 27, 1348, 27, 1348, 642, 15, 11838, 1619, 1449, 1438, 27, 187, 5064, 11838, 1619, 1867, 1237, 187, 36205, 952, 285, 9676, 16618, 41470, 617, 3904, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 1047, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1010, 27, 1348, 27, 1787, 642, 15, 11838, 1619, 1449, 4148, 27, 187, 47292, 13, 840, 15, 380, 2238, 273, 9991, 326, 269, 9984, 598, 3968, 310, 2168, 1060, 285, 2168, 269, 9984, 598, 3968, 15, 7108, 15629, 625, 9991, 342, 686, 262, 476, 626, 320, 7197, 685, 253, 277, 527, 316, 13, 359, 1833, 755, 690, 34550, 4886, 275, 285, 359, 588, 452, 16175, 15114, 15, 187, 18913, 507, 452, 247, 1027, 1895, 342, 9991, 14, 368, 1472, 1146, 33913, 342, 7537, 277, 527, 316, 285, 3965, 3517, 368, 1833, 2096, 2139, 359, 2389, 11942, 594, 1199, 285, 546, 1200, 7920, 1881, 5684, 275, 776, 4320, 2718, 15, 7088, 7516, 342, 634, 9991, 13, 2167, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 1047, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1010, 27, 1630, 27, 361, 642, 15, 11838, 25676, 22693, 27, 187, 5064, 11838, 1619, 1449, 4148, 187, 1394, 1472, 2120, 273, 10739, 13, 20107, 6410, 472, 15, 380, 22207, 1333, 436, 984, 359, 1472, 2168, 3387, 6, 1327, 11300, 13, 273, 2282, 34550, 971, 625, 9991, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 1047, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1010, 27, 1630, 27, 1047, 642, 15, 11838, 25676, 26140, 27, 187, 5064, 11838, 1619, 1449, 4148, 187, 31, 8620, 7516, 342, 634, 9991, 13, 2167, 187, 1898, 368, 342, 634, 9991, 13, 271, 251, 15, 4129, 253, 2852, 4453, 47077, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 1047, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1010, 27, 1619, 27, 361, 642, 15, 11838, 1619, 2031, 1010, 27, 187, 5064, 11838, 1619, 1717, 2597, 187, 27132, 2057, 253, 21653, 686, 11300, 440, 41257, 8, 5684, 275, 1884, 1107, 390, 359, 1056, 731, 1158, 686, 11300, 5983, 844, 1472, 2820, 281, 1056, 1633, 1060, 5599, 15, 5712, 991, 247, 1652, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 1047, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1010, 27, 1717, 27, 1099, 642, 15, 11838, 1619, 1857, 2417, 27, 187, 5064, 11838, 1619, 1717, 2597, 187, 24573, 310, 253, 9065, 2586, 327, 6149, 15, 3105, 1892, 281, 5513, 15, 41624, 352, 588, 2489, 247, 8516, 10739, 7793, 3517, 285, 987, 2920, 28755, 432, 4156, 44373, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 1047, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1010, 27, 2504, 27, 1671, 642, 15, 11838, 23360, 12852, 27, 187, 5064, 11838, 1619, 1867, 1237, 187, 510, 5020, 2210, 432, 5002, 835, 368, 1053, 626, 1014, 452, 281, 320, 247, 15245, 281, 6273, 15, 380, 6132, 23595, 12832, 12325, 604, 368, 1472, 247, 15245, 273, 1724, 4729, 285, 12325, 2717, 273, 634, 1982, 24588, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 1047, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1010, 27, 3046, 27, 2125, 642, 15, 11838, 24117, 20700, 27, 187, 5064, 11838, 1619, 1717, 2597, 187, 48121, 1703, 443, 12241, 14007, 2, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 1047, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 2904, 27, 2125, 642, 15, 11838, 24117, 35410, 27, 187, 5064, 11838, 1619, 1671, 746, 187, 3529, 434, 752, 891, 1053, 626, 755, 15, 2139, 2506, 626, 253, 987, 390, 5913, 2589, 697, 1211, 22207, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 1047, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 1036, 27, 2385, 642, 15, 11838, 1619, 2055, 3439, 27, 187, 5064, 11838, 1619, 1717, 2597, 187, 47, 4639, 3773, 285, 29154, 403, 275, 7344, 15, 187, 18869, 7445, 1204, 310, 247, 7027, 15, 50072, 875, 3168, 952, 285, 18010, 15820, 275, 253, 5106, 310, 2970, 12861, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 1047, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 1093, 27, 1857, 642, 15, 11838, 1619, 2270, 1812, 27, 187, 5064, 11838, 24117, 35410, 187, 42, 1871, 5467, 984, 597, 1053, 626, 755, 8064, 323, 352, 15, 5595, 440, 261, 403, 12773, 285, 8492, 13, 597, 1912, 626, 1014, 564, 562, 285, 1333, 326, 269, 13046, 1502, 403, 3076, 984, 352, 31835, 616, 14511, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 1047, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 938, 27, 2950, 642, 15, 11838, 1619, 4529, 746, 27, 187, 5064, 11838, 1619, 1717, 2597, 187, 4714, 13, 359, 403, 760, 247, 3349, 6, 3168, 2586, 2756, 50279, 45545, 17796, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1010, 27, 2125, 27, 1449, 642, 15, 1166, 1787, 1012, 43924, 27, 187, 1867, 27, 1857, 187, 10002, 369, 275, 253, 3430, 1060, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1010, 27, 2125, 27, 3583, 642, 15, 1166, 1787, 1012, 34651, 27, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 22621, 282, 518, 15, 681, 16, 1374, 32, 85, 30, 84, 22, 53, 187, 54, 24, 64, 1010, 1630, 34802, 22270, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1010, 27, 3071, 27, 2640, 642, 15, 1166, 1787, 15497, 740, 27, 187, 35082, 751, 247, 12190, 273, 7393, 1346, 3047, 271, 8365, 637, 285, 4571, 626, 1379, 247, 16391, 15, 8452, 1663, 11121, 13184, 42504, 452, 5343, 17898, 1385, 3487, 84, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1010, 27, 3071, 27, 2941, 642, 15, 1166, 1787, 15497, 1012, 27, 187, 31, 19, 773, 27128, 281, 253, 5143, 3254, 27, 2802, 6693, 5143, 614, 390, 667, 5639, 254, 33978, 275, 5143, 665, 38558, 667, 273, 521, 2151, 281, 353, 1306, 76, 310, 281, 320, 1691, 281, 2471, 15, 380, 2758, 273, 253, 3114, 403, 281, 8805, 779, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1010, 27, 740, 27, 2950, 642, 15, 1166, 1787, 1047, 16899, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1787, 1012, 43924, 187, 42, 3524, 344, 4850, 34597, 281, 10503, 1204, 275, 5754, 13, 7435, 16059, 3433, 1022, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1010, 27, 1166, 27, 1867, 642, 15, 1166, 1787, 1047, 40010, 27, 187, 248, 943, 33605, 489, 253, 2143, 285, 3484, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1010, 27, 1093, 27, 3439, 642, 15, 1166, 1787, 1010, 7174, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1787, 1047, 16899, 187, 6723, 368, 10279, 268, 30662, 13, 13414, 368, 452, 690, 2021, 2758, 281, 33163, 32, 2656, 34681, 5745, 1131, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1010, 27, 938, 27, 1731, 642, 15, 1166, 1787, 1010, 20664, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1787, 1012, 43924, 187, 2512, 403, 642, 3168, 952, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1010, 27, 938, 27, 1610, 642, 15, 1166, 1787, 1010, 15429, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1787, 1010, 7174, 187, 13618, 11747, 2225, 1014, 18908, 556, 7537, 79, 304, 7276, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1010, 27, 1348, 27, 1449, 642, 15, 1166, 1787, 16198, 1099, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1787, 1012, 43924, 187, 31, 2369, 3048, 187, 5658, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1010, 27, 1099, 27, 1348, 642, 15, 1166, 1787, 16198, 2055, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1787, 16198, 1099, 187, 31, 248, 42126, 923, 253, 1273, 1501, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1010, 27, 1229, 27, 883, 642, 15, 1166, 1787, 1036, 21645, 27, 187, 41, 19369, 436, 5599, 310, 1754, 549, 357, 15, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 24583, 15, 681, 16, 13060, 32, 87, 30, 85, 21, 14, 187, 2300, 21, 58, 77, 37, 44859, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 24583, 15, 681, 16, 13060, 32, 87, 30, 41, 85, 50, 187, 52, 10936, 49, 261, 37, 88, 7, 7110, 64, 332, 1245, 30, 18, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1010, 27, 2405, 27, 2405, 642, 15, 1166, 1787, 1036, 30592, 27, 187, 77, 311, 326, 5599, 2839, 1076, 779, 562, 387, 253, 990, 273, 253, 29069, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1010, 27, 1610, 27, 1012, 642, 15, 1166, 1787, 1036, 33976, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1787, 1012, 43924, 187, 1552, 310, 6313, 346, 5092, 626, 39380, 11557, 3289, 275, 247, 22299, 18876, 3, 10739, 15, 49142, 253, 21413, 439, 953, 5914, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1010, 27, 1610, 27, 3712, 642, 15, 1166, 1787, 17962, 1525, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1787, 1012, 43924, 187, 34681, 326, 369, 1270, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1010, 27, 1706, 27, 2640, 642, 15, 1166, 1787, 18146, 1797, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1787, 1036, 33976, 187, 510, 14773, 369, 253, 581, 665, 19294, 352, 13, 1795, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1010, 27, 1671, 27, 938, 642, 15, 1166, 1787, 13851, 1857, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1787, 18146, 1797, 187, 5498, 626, 769, 751, 253, 439, 953, 5914, 1904, 626, 871, 752, 369, 3551, 13, 269, 13046, 302, 15, 17814, 6057, 344, 369, 1469, 275, 281, 2794, 253, 26536, 273, 247, 7075, 2983, 15, 754, 12835, 12088, 670, 352, 275, 7170, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1010, 27, 1812, 27, 3071, 642, 15, 1166, 1787, 17809, 1229, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1787, 1012, 43924, 187, 2520, 10739, 310, 11755, 347, 7435, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1010, 27, 1787, 27, 1619, 642, 15, 1166, 1787, 15046, 1967, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1787, 1036, 33976, 187, 1368, 41001, 12835, 288, 3288, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1010, 27, 1839, 27, 2385, 642, 15, 1166, 1787, 20333, 746, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1787, 1012, 43924, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1010, 27, 3156, 27, 1630, 642, 15, 1166, 1787, 1166, 31358, 27, 187, 31, 11342, 275, 247, 22299, 20021, 187, 39, 17259, 533, 344, 1694, 3253, 344, 29774, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1010, 27, 2945, 27, 2417, 642, 15, 1166, 1787, 1166, 26937, 27, 187, 3251, 3030, 751, 247, 24659, 7537, 79, 16046, 281, 479, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1010, 27, 3079, 27, 2385, 642, 15, 1166, 1787, 1166, 23250, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1787, 1036, 33976, 187, 21760, 5092, 626, 39380, 11557, 3289, 275, 247, 22299, 18876, 3, 187, 1394, 476, 2167, 13, 253, 1083, 326, 326, 3981, 310, 1754, 745, 273, 310, 27093, 15, 1284, 352, 3585, 5336, 1475, 952, 8136, 562, 892, 4670, 1850, 28590, 253, 7482, 285, 1146, 9833, 762, 253, 25951, 49093, 3162, 15, 309, 4282, 604, 368, 403, 2686, 23384, 273, 271, 43902, 2208, 689, 21943, 6941, 731, 281, 5263, 3780, 323, 3981, 2712, 3076, 670, 253, 2208, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1010, 27, 2537, 27, 746, 642, 15, 1166, 1787, 21092, 1036, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1787, 1012, 43924, 187, 39182, 10110, 4322, 310, 247, 6617, 313, 284, 352, 943, 320, 281, 3657, 1524, 19227, 10, 187, 439, 953, 5914, 310, 2970, 480, 7193, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1010, 27, 2537, 27, 1706, 642, 15, 1166, 1787, 1093, 23126, 27, 187, 39246, 1373, 273, 253, 1959, 10689, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1010, 27, 1235, 27, 746, 642, 15, 1166, 1787, 1093, 24769, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1787, 21092, 1036, 187, 248, 42126, 1056, 247, 10110, 4322, 37152, 13, 3095, 2010, 858, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1010, 27, 3011, 27, 2950, 642, 15, 1166, 1787, 746, 18962, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1787, 1093, 24769, 187, 31, 42, 816, 4459, 247, 14925, 1475, 285, 1339, 643, 10675, 14207, 13, 309, 277, 40870, 295, 2066, 249, 187, 5658, 13414, 8773, 8294, 436, 1039, 13 ]
. Anonymous 09/23/17(Sat)13:21:48 no.142613552: >>142607254 I'm pretty sure those men who fought didn't want their children to be raped and killed. Listen morons, we have an entire fucking country, South Africa to prove our point. This country also proves that we have already won in many ways. Your murderous ideology of multiculturalism will come crashing down as those ''smart blacks'' start to disappear once our numbers go down. They legitimately cannot feed themselves without aid, it's not just Zimbabwe that still relies on billions from Europeans after they decided they could do it better than white rule, it's nearly all of them. A lot of us might get killed in the long run, but we have already won. The battle is already over. You cannot change nature. Anonymous 09/23/17(Sat)13:21:53 no.142613565: >>142608252 Trump acts like SC has never been to the White House before. Anonymous 09/23/17(Sat)13:21:58 no.142613577: >>142604572 I don't care if they don't want to stand during the national anthem. Nobody is forcing retarded people to watch football. A field of overpaid men in tights..... enjoy your brain injury, while your utopian cities look like fucking war zones, and you never make it to the history books. They wouldn't have a platform of this country wasn't so fucking stupid. Anonymous 09/23/17(Sat)13:23:57 no.142613793: I love what's happening to the popularity of professional sports, the mainstream media and Hollywood. I fucking love it. The fucking Jews always overplay their hand until they get BTFO again. Gentlemen, we are just about there. Anonymous 09/23/17(Sat)13:27:09 no.142614098: >>142607254 blacks aren't people Anonymous 09/23/17(Sat)13:32:07 no.142614552: >>142613565 True. I believe this was right before the tender anal sex. Anonymous 09/23/17(Sat)13:41:26 no.142615571: >Trump shits on niggerball >Millionaire niggers chimp out publicly >Whites disgusted by niggers' ruining sports >Whites vote Republican 2018/2020 4D chess folks Anonymous 09/23/17(Sat)13:42:25 no.142615691: >>142610332 Bloompf posting :^} Anonymous 09/23/17(Sat)13:49:21 no.142616484: >>142612475 No one is going to an interview in sweats. You're a retard lol Anonymous 09/23/17(Sat)13:52:54 no.142616879: >>142616484 >people dont go to interviews in sweats You are such an innocent child. One day youll realize just how retarded most of the population is. Anonymous 09/23/17(Sat)13:57:33 no.142617361: They won't go in sweatpants, but they'll go in cornrows and screw up grammar which will make them look stupid. Anonymous 09/23/17(Sat)14:00:46 no.142617682: >>142607522 Wow it really hurts that you were too scared to join doesn't it? That's ok, you can call them out for having healthcare instead. Anonymous 09/23/17(Sat)14:02:52 no.142617918: >>142608021 Making up for it...the really dark ones don't bother with rights and microaggressions, they're too busy raping and robbing Anonymous 09/23/17(Sat)14:08:59 no.142618563: >>142612475 But this means there are legitimate ways to not hire them. >Showing up late >Not dressed appropriately >Swearing I've turned nigs down for jobs because of the above. I've thrown pakis out for switching first, middle and last name around (common trick). If your companies are hiring aggressive, rude and sloppy nigs complain. Anonymous 09/23/17(Sat)14:11:57 no.142618865: >>142616484 Sadly they do. One guy showed up in a Hawaiian shirt because it was the only shirt with buttons he had. Anonymous 09/23/17(Sat)14:17:00 no.142619413: This will be the normie gamergate. Anonymous 09/23/17(Sat)14:17:49 no.142619487: >>142604572 Dumbass unemployed nigger dindu nuffin during the playing of the National Anthem. Anonymous 09/23/17(Sat)14:18:40 no.142619595: >>142607254 >appealing to the only war that literally no one got behind in the USA try another tack next time Anonymous 09/23/17(Sat)14:21:34 no.142619912: >>142619413 Hopefully there are consequences this time. The western gaming industry has doubled down on the insanity since then. Anonymous 09/23/17(Sat)14:22:45 no.142620039: >>142608496 Anonymous 09/23/17(Sat)14:24:38 no.142620253: >>142619912 It seems to be: >NFL TV Ratings Slide Worries Wall Street >CBS, ESPN, Fox and NBC will generate about $2.5 billion in NFL advertising revenue this season, but a 10 percent shortfall could translate to a $200 million cut in earnings, an analyst estimates. Anonymous 09/23/17(Sat)14:24:41 no.142620260: >>142607387 You don't need to have a twitter account to browse twitter. Anonymous 09/23/17(Sat)14:25:09 no.142620315: God-Emperor Trump tells it like it is. fuck the NFL. Anonymous 09/23/17(Sat)14:27:50 no.142620671: >>142619912 >consequences this time There are plenty with gamergate and games in general. Do you know how many franchises have been killed because of blatant leftism? I mean literally killed, such little sales that decade old ongoing franchises were completely stopped. Anonymous 09/23/17(Sat)14:29:05 no.142620835: >>142620260 Anonymous 09/23/17(Sat)14:30:25 no.142621012: >>142613565 Closeted homos. Anonymous 09/23/17(Sat)14:31:36 no.142621147: >>142604572 Anonymous 09/23/17(Sat)14:35:12 no.142621603: The establishment is pushing their resistance to Trump through all available means. Mainstream news, Hollywood elite and now pro sports. Nothing has really stuck yet although they are really trying hard. Most people have no clue what their protests are even hoping to achieve. The just willingly accept it if has victimhood attached to it. Anonymous 09/23/17(Sat)14:37:53 no.142621929: >>142620835 >dumb phoneposter Use this one Anonymous 09/23/17(Sat)14:38:08 no.142621966: I just don't get the SJWdom injected into sports. Sports unironically helped bring people of all races together. Like shut the fuck up and play some ball. Anonymous 09/23/17(Sat)14:54:30 no.142623871: >>142621966 That's the point, erode the middle and force people to pick a side. Sports are a big opiate in the west Anonymous 09/23/17(Sat)14:54:52 no.142623923: >>142621147 lol, the raised fist is a good touch, wonder if it should have an antifa logo too Anonymous 09/23/17(Sat)14:56:09 no.142624076: >>142607254 >nazis >vietnam what the fuck am I reading Anonymous 09/23/17(Sat)14:56:44 no.142624157: >>142607522 This is true, and a hard red pill for most (it seems /pol/, especially) to swallow. The fact that any war the U.S. gets involved in lasts more than 10 hours is proof that the long-term sustainability of it is the true motivation. Anonymous 09/
[ 15, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1508, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1012, 27, 1797, 27, 2385, 642, 15, 1047, 1731, 1012, 39338, 27, 187, 5064, 17364, 25616, 15161, 187, 42, 1353, 3965, 2119, 1110, 1821, 665, 13465, 1904, 626, 971, 616, 2151, 281, 320, 34597, 285, 5339, 15, 187, 19577, 2298, 790, 13, 359, 452, 271, 2862, 12835, 2586, 13, 3684, 7531, 281, 5276, 776, 1127, 15, 831, 2586, 671, 19539, 326, 359, 452, 2168, 1912, 275, 1142, 4088, 15, 5402, 7701, 528, 25680, 273, 1554, 40319, 1204, 588, 1705, 34869, 1066, 347, 1110, 15078, 30382, 26769, 6267, 1265, 281, 15529, 2378, 776, 3904, 564, 1066, 15, 1583, 10972, 7325, 2550, 3997, 3746, 1293, 8596, 13, 352, 434, 417, 816, 38581, 326, 1335, 15771, 327, 25866, 432, 33671, 846, 597, 4425, 597, 812, 513, 352, 1805, 685, 3168, 4086, 13, 352, 434, 4829, 512, 273, 731, 15, 209, 187, 34, 2257, 273, 441, 1537, 755, 5339, 275, 253, 1048, 1408, 13, 533, 359, 452, 2168, 1912, 15, 380, 6680, 310, 2168, 689, 15, 1422, 2550, 1818, 3753, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1508, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1012, 27, 1797, 27, 3357, 642, 15, 1047, 1731, 13743, 2082, 27, 187, 5064, 17364, 25805, 20438, 187, 18130, 6993, 751, 10011, 556, 1620, 644, 281, 253, 5219, 3995, 1078, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1508, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1012, 27, 1797, 27, 3680, 642, 15, 1047, 1731, 13743, 2357, 27, 187, 5064, 17364, 1549, 1857, 3547, 187, 309, 1053, 626, 1557, 604, 597, 1053, 626, 971, 281, 1462, 1309, 253, 3872, 49689, 15, 27138, 310, 17190, 48101, 952, 281, 3698, 5842, 15, 329, 1673, 273, 689, 21470, 1821, 275, 246, 4380, 20340, 4264, 634, 3998, 4975, 13, 1223, 634, 2780, 40113, 8238, 1007, 751, 12835, 2137, 18192, 13, 285, 368, 1620, 1056, 352, 281, 253, 2892, 5098, 15, 1583, 5082, 626, 452, 247, 5147, 273, 436, 2586, 3589, 626, 594, 12835, 11339, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1508, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1012, 27, 1508, 27, 3011, 642, 15, 1047, 1731, 1012, 42815, 27, 187, 42, 2389, 752, 434, 9369, 281, 253, 18395, 273, 5702, 9001, 13, 253, 17068, 3420, 285, 14759, 15, 309, 12835, 2389, 352, 15, 187, 510, 12835, 11563, 1900, 689, 1993, 616, 1133, 1919, 597, 755, 23755, 8768, 969, 15, 25870, 45457, 13, 359, 403, 816, 670, 627, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1508, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1012, 27, 1630, 27, 2693, 642, 15, 1047, 1731, 1047, 41345, 27, 187, 5064, 17364, 25616, 15161, 187, 1559, 7305, 6403, 626, 952, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1508, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1012, 27, 1237, 27, 2922, 642, 15, 1047, 1731, 1047, 39338, 27, 187, 5064, 1047, 1731, 13743, 2082, 187, 5088, 15, 309, 2868, 436, 369, 987, 1078, 253, 14510, 1115, 2825, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1508, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1012, 27, 3156, 27, 1731, 642, 15, 1047, 1731, 1010, 37644, 27, 187, 31, 18130, 439, 953, 327, 295, 16046, 2910, 187, 31, 46, 2212, 10723, 35825, 7276, 448, 11548, 562, 13644, 187, 31, 3152, 3254, 20538, 15172, 407, 35825, 7276, 8, 8864, 1699, 9001, 187, 31, 3152, 3254, 6273, 8786, 4765, 16, 14952, 187, 21, 37, 29992, 12633, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1508, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1012, 27, 2945, 27, 1099, 642, 15, 1047, 1731, 1010, 35356, 27, 187, 5064, 1047, 1731, 12172, 1237, 187, 48265, 297, 18569, 16920, 1163, 63, 94, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1508, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1012, 27, 2537, 27, 1797, 642, 15, 1047, 1731, 1036, 29579, 27, 187, 5064, 1047, 1731, 13397, 1976, 187, 2302, 581, 310, 1469, 281, 271, 4572, 275, 4365, 1832, 15, 1422, 1472, 247, 31832, 23385, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1508, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1012, 27, 3583, 27, 3439, 642, 15, 1047, 1731, 1036, 34384, 27, 187, 5064, 1047, 1731, 1036, 29579, 187, 31, 13174, 13414, 564, 281, 12888, 275, 4365, 1832, 187, 1394, 403, 824, 271, 15377, 1429, 15, 2596, 1388, 368, 620, 8968, 816, 849, 48101, 954, 273, 253, 3072, 310, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1508, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1012, 27, 3011, 27, 1610, 642, 15, 1047, 1731, 1166, 29917, 27, 187, 3726, 1912, 626, 564, 275, 17052, 81, 1103, 13, 533, 597, 1833, 564, 275, 14128, 8111, 285, 11598, 598, 28146, 534, 588, 1056, 731, 1007, 11339, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1508, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1047, 27, 361, 27, 2950, 642, 15, 1047, 1731, 1166, 35488, 27, 187, 5064, 17364, 1549, 1976, 1423, 187, 24243, 352, 1663, 31835, 326, 368, 497, 1512, 16060, 281, 6604, 2506, 626, 352, 32, 2064, 434, 8718, 13, 368, 476, 1067, 731, 562, 323, 1907, 11723, 3185, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1508, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1047, 27, 2640, 27, 3583, 642, 15, 1047, 1731, 17864, 1093, 27, 187, 5064, 17364, 1549, 1438, 1797, 187, 35338, 598, 323, 352, 1051, 783, 1663, 3644, 4394, 1053, 626, 15105, 342, 3570, 285, 2494, 356, 3161, 621, 13, 597, 1472, 1512, 10000, 1218, 14650, 285, 687, 30690, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1508, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1047, 27, 2904, 27, 3046, 642, 15, 1047, 1731, 1093, 42310, 27, 187, 5064, 1047, 1731, 13397, 1976, 187, 1989, 436, 2097, 627, 403, 14905, 4088, 281, 417, 16263, 731, 15, 187, 31, 14422, 272, 598, 3563, 187, 31, 3650, 14186, 20420, 187, 31, 12455, 10745, 187, 42, 1849, 3531, 295, 17638, 1066, 323, 7375, 984, 273, 253, 1840, 15, 309, 1849, 13044, 268, 30441, 562, 323, 12797, 806, 13, 4766, 285, 1390, 1416, 1475, 313, 9784, 10480, 481, 187, 2042, 634, 4413, 403, 20252, 13847, 13, 30446, 285, 1499, 45695, 295, 17638, 17805, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1508, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1047, 27, 883, 27, 3011, 642, 15, 1047, 1731, 17599, 2082, 27, 187, 5064, 1047, 1731, 1036, 29579, 187, 41052, 314, 597, 513, 15, 2596, 5599, 2692, 598, 275, 247, 43326, 14133, 984, 352, 369, 253, 760, 14133, 342, 16020, 344, 574, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1508, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1047, 27, 1166, 27, 361, 642, 15, 1047, 1731, 19332, 1012, 27, 187, 1552, 588, 320, 253, 5222, 466, 18814, 1326, 366, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1508, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1047, 27, 1166, 27, 2537, 642, 15, 1047, 1731, 746, 30910, 27, 187, 5064, 17364, 1549, 1857, 3547, 187, 37, 3561, 515, 35700, 295, 16046, 277, 527, 86, 295, 2066, 249, 1309, 253, 4882, 273, 253, 3313, 743, 16083, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1508, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1047, 27, 1093, 27, 1449, 642, 15, 1047, 1731, 17726, 2222, 27, 187, 5064, 17364, 25616, 15161, 187, 31, 6243, 4052, 281, 253, 760, 2137, 326, 12832, 642, 581, 1694, 3212, 275, 253, 5106, 187, 14626, 1529, 11463, 1735, 673, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1508, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1047, 27, 1797, 27, 1706, 642, 15, 1047, 1731, 3031, 805, 27, 187, 5064, 1047, 1731, 19332, 1012, 187, 24004, 2920, 627, 403, 9099, 436, 673, 15, 380, 10439, 16791, 4491, 556, 25128, 1066, 327, 253, 41403, 1580, 840, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1508, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1047, 27, 1423, 27, 1857, 642, 15, 1047, 1731, 1518, 1867, 27, 187, 5064, 17364, 25805, 30693, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1508, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1047, 27, 1348, 27, 1839, 642, 15, 1047, 1731, 938, 22067, 27, 187, 5064, 1047, 1731, 3031, 805, 187, 1147, 3133, 281, 320, 27, 187, 31, 47, 4639, 5579, 18194, 723, 7335, 504, 22607, 2246, 8799, 5720, 187, 31, 42866, 13, 27478, 13, 11024, 285, 22303, 588, 6635, 670, 370, 19, 15, 22, 6494, 275, 13946, 12089, 11784, 436, 2952, 13, 533, 247, 884, 2558, 2159, 12615, 812, 16497, 281, 247, 370, 1518, 3041, 2624, 275, 20375, 13, 271, 23960, 8197, 15, 187, 2413, 1358, 22477, 15, 261, 16, 91, 2275, 56, 89, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1508, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1047, 27, 1348, 27, 3156, 642, 15, 1047, 1731, 18161, 1549, 27, 187, 5064, 17364, 25616, 25745, 187, 1394, 1053, 626, 878, 281, 452, 247, 34302, 2395, 281, 34740, 34302, 15, 187, 3614, 1358, 16705, 15, 681, 16, 8716, 14, 9511, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1508, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1047, 27, 1099, 27, 2693, 642, 15, 1047, 1731, 17490, 1010, 27, 187, 13618, 14, 11223, 14652, 3778, 8599, 352, 751, 352, 310, 15, 7435, 253, 13946, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1508, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1047, 27, 1630, 27, 1235, 642, 15, 1047, 1731, 938, 35276, 27, 187, 5064, 1047, 1731, 3031, 805, 187, 31, 585, 45997, 436, 673, 187, 2512, 403, 9828, 342, 18814, 1326, 366, 285, 3958, 275, 2087, 15, 3166, 368, 871, 849, 1142, 14754, 3013, 452, 644, 5339, 984, 273, 40458, 386, 1669, 1204, 32, 309, 1599, 12832, 5339, 13, 824, 1652, 6224, 326, 9976, 1711, 10800, 14754, 3013, 497, 4336, 6331, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1508, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1047, 27, 1717, 27, 1762, 642, 15, 1047, 1731, 17391, 1671, 27, 187, 5064, 1047, 1731, 18161, 1549, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1508, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1047, 27, 1229, 27, 1099, 642, 15, 1047, 1731, 1797, 12522, 27, 187, 5064, 1047, 1731, 13743, 2082, 187, 2019, 375, 33610, 2860, 375, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1508, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1047, 27, 2405, 27, 1812, 642, 15, 1047, 1731, 17605, 2504, 27, 187, 5064, 17364, 1549, 1857, 3547, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1508, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1047, 27, 1671, 27, 805, 642, 15, 1047, 1731, 17271, 2941, 27, 187, 510, 13701, 310, 13383, 616, 5052, 281, 3778, 949, 512, 2130, 2097, 15, 11505, 4963, 3668, 13, 14759, 17832, 285, 1024, 354, 9001, 15, 209, 187, 16440, 556, 1663, 10960, 2568, 3738, 597, 403, 1663, 2820, 1892, 15, 5595, 952, 452, 642, 22796, 752, 616, 18162, 403, 1014, 11525, 281, 5115, 15, 380, 816, 45116, 2997, 352, 604, 556, 5487, 3639, 7660, 281, 352, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1508, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1047, 27, 1787, 27, 3357, 642, 15, 1047, 1731, 24558, 1717, 27, 187, 5064, 1047, 1731, 17391, 1671, 187, 31, 69, 3561, 4481, 5996, 254, 187, 11244, 436, 581, 187, 3614, 1358, 27806, 15, 16705, 15, 681, 16, 8716, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1508, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1047, 27, 1839, 27, 2904, 642, 15, 1047, 1731, 24558, 2526, 27, 187, 42, 816, 1053, 626, 755, 253, 322, 43, 56, 3335, 13945, 715, 9001, 15, 15000, 440, 2002, 1037, 6518, 3324, 952, 273, 512, 15820, 2366, 15, 6975, 6294, 253, 7435, 598, 285, 1132, 690, 4023, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1508, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1047, 27, 3439, 27, 1229, 642, 15, 1047, 1731, 1508, 40010, 27, 187, 5064, 1047, 1731, 24558, 2526, 187, 2773, 434, 253, 1127, 13, 2827, 853, 253, 4766, 285, 3490, 952, 281, 2619, 247, 1930, 15, 15000, 403, 247, 1943, 1121, 4513, 275, 253, 8935, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1508, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1047, 27, 3439, 27, 3583, 642, 15, 1047, 1731, 20487, 1508, 27, 187, 5064, 1047, 1731, 17605, 2504, 187, 77, 311, 13, 253, 5439, 20008, 310, 247, 1175, 5181, 13, 4282, 604, 352, 943, 452, 271, 32534, 66, 18479, 1512, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1508, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1047, 27, 3208, 27, 2693, 642, 15, 1047, 1731, 1348, 41923, 27, 187, 5064, 17364, 25616, 15161, 187, 31, 79, 1370, 261, 187, 31, 87, 2880, 6292, 187, 5371, 253, 7435, 717, 309, 4361, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1508, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1047, 27, 3208, 27, 2031, 642, 15, 1047, 1731, 1348, 15882, 27, 187, 5064, 17364, 1549, 1976, 1423, 187, 1552, 310, 2032, 13, 285, 247, 1892, 2502, 12575, 323, 954, 313, 262, 3133, 1227, 4818, 40391, 3340, 10, 281, 17510, 15, 187, 510, 958, 326, 667, 2137, 253, 530, 15, 52, 15, 4850, 3206, 275, 34756, 625, 685, 884, 3038, 310, 4737, 326, 253, 1048, 14, 3945, 32435, 273, 352, 310, 253, 2032, 16038, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16 ]
>>210941189 >>210941351 I mean, if we imagine the soap is Jew soap, maybe. Anonymous 04/23/19(Tue)15:46:30 no.210956111: >>210955603 >Because it feels like a massage this is the most autistic, faggot bullshit I have ever heard Anonymous 04/23/19(Tue)15:47:10 no.210956178: >>210954858 >whittled Had to google this word. How does one get into wood carving? What kind of knife do I need and which wood type? Anonymous 04/23/19(Tue)15:47:29 no.210956203: >>210942936 Lol. Fuck me. It’s been years too. There’s a strange wire claw device you can buy that does it. Anonymous 04/23/19(Tue)15:47:50 no.210956239: >>210943495 Anonymous 04/23/19(Tue)15:47:57 no.210956246: I'm more into soap making myself. Anonymous 04/23/19(Tue)15:49:49 no.210956447: >>210956178 Get an old Case folding pocket knife and start with a chunk of Balsa wood. Balsa is super easy to cut and is good to start with the basics on. Once you get advanced you can transition to soft conifers woods such as pine and fir, then move into hardwoods such as oak, elm and cherry. Anonymous 04/23/19(Tue)15:51:29 no.210956623: >>210956178 Also, learn how to sharpen your knife by hand. Anonymous 04/23/19(Tue)15:53:27 no.210956824: >>210941189 >soap cutting westerners are autists Anonymous 04/23/19(Tue)15:53:56 no.210956867: >>210956623 this reminds me, my EDC pocket knife is hella dull and I need to sharpen it... Anonymous 04/23/19(Tue)15:54:02 no.210956876: >>210956623 I'll just get a lansky blademedic Anonymous 04/23/19(Tue)15:54:49 no.210956972: >>210956623 latherwork, sewing carving all good stuff Anonymous 04/23/19(Tue)15:55:38 no.210957055: >>210956623 I have Poles and other assorted nomad slavniggers do that for me for €3 apiece. Anonymous 04/23/19(Tue)15:56:00 no.210957092: >>210956876 If you're going to be a lazy piece of shit, at least do it right. Anonymous 04/23/19(Tue)15:56:26 no.210957135: >>210956824 >pedophilia Muslims are perverts Anonymous 04/23/19(Tue)15:56:47 no.210957178: >>210956178 get yourself a chisel set and a wood carving knife. a good knife will have 5 or more blades, all differently shaped. there is a lot of book on whittling. make a whistle or a fish, a bird, whatever you fancy. Anonymous 04/23/19(Tue)15:57:02 no.210957202: >>210956447 >Acts like he knows about knives >Buy this shitty chink steel non-locking Boomer knife Gas yourself Anonymous 04/23/19(Tue)15:57:28 no.210957248: >>210941189 >observing the breakdown of forms (think Jenga tower crashing) >smooth novel sound >>210955910 >watching some one carve small objects or sew fine stuff subconciously tell our brain we are safe because this usualy means no stress is ahead >evokes positive memories of soap fragrance >pleasant colors, patterns, and opacity >autism Anonymous 04/23/19(Tue)15:57:47 no.210957280: >>210941189 That's a lot of soap they're mincing. Are they at least saving the bits, putting it in a double boiler with some distilled water, and melting it down to press into new bricks? I don't think you can rebatch it indefinitely, but the second batch will be fine for actually bathing. It'll piss me off if they're just wasting it. Anonymous 04/23/19(Tue)15:58:39 no.210957372: >>210946202 Thanks dad Anonymous 04/23/19(Tue)15:59:36 no.210957469: >>210941189 would you prefer they watch brainwashing TV or fortnite? Anonymous 04/23/19(Tue)15:59:38 no.210957474: >>210946202 Anonymous 04/23/19(Tue)16:00:15 no.210957547: >>210942483 Honestly, it's a form of feeling that we are loosing due top tech. Human interaction is missing. Look at the weighted blanket. Big sales for roasties. Anonymous 04/23/19(Tue)16:01:22 no.210957666: >>210957202 Oh, wise man speak. Case folding knifes are inexpensive, entry level knives the fit into the hand nicely and keeps an edge well. It's what you start with, Sharish. Anonymous 04/23/19(Tue)16:01:47 no.210957726: >>210954833 >>210955511 Why not both? Anonymous 04/23/19(Tue)16:03:51 no.210957977: Anonymous 04/23/19(Tue)16:04:38 no.210958057: What is the evolutionary reason why we enjoy watching soap cutting videos? My only guess is its somehow related to pimple spot popping videos. Our brain perceives it as some sort of infection and removing it, revealing a clean surface below, is satisfying. Anonymous 04/23/19(Tue)16:04:38 no.210958058: >>210941189 This thing triggers my trypophobia. Anonymous 04/23/19(Tue)16:05:33 no.210958156: >>210956246 This Anonymous 04/23/19(Tue)16:08:53 no.210958502: >>210956246 >thinking Nazis would ever literally BATHE with soaps refined from disgusting heebs just ludicrous desu Anonymous 04/23/19(Tue)16:09:01 no.210958514: >>210957092 Fug that's a lot of money. What's that work out to in Canadian pesos? $84? Anonymous 04/23/19(Tue)16:09:25 no.210958562: >>210958057 >What is the evolutionary reason... Anonymous 04/23/19(Tue)16:09:41 no.210958597: inb4 lotus seeds Anonymous 04/23/19(Tue)16:10:06 no.210958648: >>210958502 Export goods. Anonymous 04/23/19(Tue)16:10:52 no.210958739: >>210958514 Go find an old sharpening stone at a garage sale or an estate sale. Anonymous 04/23/19(Tue)16:11:10 no.210958769: >>210941189 makes me itchy Anonymous 04/23/19(Tue)16:12:40 no.210958908: >>210941189 seems like a bad idea pic related Anonymous 04/23/19(Tue)16:13:06 no.210958961: what have you done to me OP faggot Anonymous 04/23/19(Tue)16:13:25 no.210959005: >>210958769 FUCKING DELETE THIS Anonymous 04/23/19(Tue)16:13:31 no.210959020: Oddly satisfying is reddit kike garbage Anonymous 04/23/19(Tue)16:14:50 no.210959144: >>210958769 YOU KNOW I DUN TOLD YOU Anonymous 04/23/19(Tue)16:16:24 no.210959317: I have no fucking idea why people like this shit. Anonymous 04/23/19(Tue)16:16:30 no.210959328: >>210956111 >he doesn't get tingles and massage sensations from particular sounds
[ 187, 5064, 16899, 3953, 883, 2511, 187, 5064, 16899, 3953, 1012, 3712, 187, 42, 1599, 13, 604, 359, 8564, 253, 21961, 310, 5679, 21961, 13, 5046, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1508, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 1010, 27, 2950, 27, 1229, 642, 15, 16899, 36176, 10768, 27, 187, 5064, 16899, 31722, 29251, 187, 31, 8457, 352, 9193, 751, 247, 30877, 187, 2520, 310, 253, 954, 1125, 2531, 13, 269, 13046, 302, 35281, 309, 452, 2455, 3735, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1508, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 1010, 27, 2504, 27, 740, 642, 15, 16899, 36176, 20070, 27, 187, 5064, 16899, 41643, 31117, 187, 31, 2484, 770, 1070, 187, 29887, 281, 17899, 436, 3159, 15, 1359, 1057, 581, 755, 715, 5534, 1113, 1382, 32, 1737, 2238, 273, 12798, 513, 309, 878, 285, 534, 5534, 1511, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1508, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 1010, 27, 2504, 27, 1717, 642, 15, 16899, 36176, 17490, 27, 187, 5064, 16899, 3953, 1717, 1812, 187, 45, 311, 15, 49142, 479, 15, 733, 457, 84, 644, 1107, 1512, 15, 187, 2512, 457, 84, 247, 8921, 6371, 44758, 2813, 368, 476, 4489, 326, 1057, 352, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1508, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 1010, 27, 2504, 27, 1235, 642, 15, 16899, 36176, 20487, 27, 187, 5064, 16899, 3953, 1706, 2222, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1508, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 1010, 27, 2504, 27, 3011, 642, 15, 16899, 36176, 23260, 27, 187, 42, 1353, 625, 715, 21961, 2403, 4266, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1508, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 1010, 27, 2537, 27, 2537, 642, 15, 16899, 2222, 1540, 2504, 27, 187, 5064, 16899, 36176, 20070, 187, 3633, 271, 1711, 10498, 23205, 11320, 12798, 285, 1265, 342, 247, 20540, 273, 378, 37809, 5534, 15, 378, 37809, 310, 2221, 3477, 281, 2624, 285, 310, 1175, 281, 1265, 342, 253, 30486, 327, 15, 7243, 368, 755, 7269, 368, 476, 5502, 281, 2602, 345, 338, 398, 18557, 824, 347, 21175, 285, 36901, 13, 840, 2118, 715, 1892, 48853, 824, 347, 29098, 13, 1045, 78, 285, 33804, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1508, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 1010, 27, 3712, 27, 1717, 642, 15, 16899, 2222, 2526, 1508, 27, 187, 5064, 16899, 36176, 20070, 187, 9917, 13, 3037, 849, 281, 17614, 3878, 634, 12798, 407, 1133, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1508, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 1010, 27, 3357, 27, 1630, 642, 15, 16899, 2222, 2358, 1348, 27, 187, 5064, 16899, 3953, 883, 2511, 187, 31, 44337, 9968, 187, 18288, 398, 403, 1125, 1346, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1508, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 1010, 27, 3357, 27, 3208, 642, 15, 16899, 2222, 2358, 2251, 27, 187, 5064, 16899, 2222, 2526, 1508, 187, 2520, 25264, 479, 13, 619, 8360, 36, 11320, 12798, 310, 7085, 66, 22544, 285, 309, 878, 281, 17614, 3878, 352, 1051, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1508, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 1010, 27, 3439, 27, 2640, 642, 15, 16899, 2222, 2358, 3121, 27, 187, 5064, 16899, 2222, 2526, 1508, 187, 42, 1833, 816, 755, 247, 298, 507, 4742, 787, 4788, 39877, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1508, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 1010, 27, 3439, 27, 2537, 642, 15, 16899, 2222, 2090, 3547, 27, 187, 5064, 16899, 2222, 2526, 1508, 187, 77, 1226, 1601, 13, 36787, 1113, 1382, 512, 1175, 5017, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1508, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 1010, 27, 2417, 27, 1839, 642, 15, 16899, 34920, 26881, 27, 187, 5064, 16899, 2222, 2526, 1508, 187, 42, 452, 3130, 265, 285, 643, 718, 7551, 7163, 324, 1499, 580, 79, 304, 7276, 513, 326, 323, 479, 323, 17275, 20, 1049, 36450, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1508, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 1010, 27, 3208, 27, 361, 642, 15, 16899, 2222, 1967, 4529, 27, 187, 5064, 16899, 2222, 2358, 3121, 187, 2042, 368, 1472, 1469, 281, 320, 247, 22658, 5313, 273, 10739, 13, 387, 1878, 513, 352, 987, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1508, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 1010, 27, 3208, 27, 1731, 642, 15, 16899, 34920, 13743, 27, 187, 5064, 16899, 2222, 2358, 1348, 187, 31, 9357, 43639, 187, 38682, 84, 403, 591, 31332, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1508, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 1010, 27, 3208, 27, 2504, 642, 15, 16899, 34920, 20070, 27, 187, 5064, 16899, 36176, 20070, 187, 788, 4834, 247, 448, 47238, 873, 285, 247, 5534, 1113, 1382, 12798, 15, 247, 1175, 12798, 588, 452, 608, 390, 625, 25254, 13, 512, 13359, 16745, 15, 627, 310, 247, 2257, 273, 1984, 327, 364, 770, 1981, 15, 1056, 247, 27792, 390, 247, 6773, 13, 247, 12621, 13, 5913, 368, 18612, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1508, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 1010, 27, 3011, 27, 2640, 642, 15, 16899, 34920, 18161, 27, 187, 5064, 16899, 2222, 1540, 2504, 187, 31, 6014, 84, 751, 344, 6057, 670, 36014, 187, 31, 37517, 436, 10739, 555, 448, 750, 10194, 1327, 14, 49662, 3452, 8056, 12798, 187, 43537, 4834, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1508, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 1010, 27, 3011, 27, 1619, 642, 15, 16899, 34920, 20520, 27, 187, 5064, 16899, 3953, 883, 2511, 187, 31, 23705, 272, 253, 19501, 273, 4948, 313, 18959, 500, 1205, 66, 15469, 34869, 10, 187, 31, 34006, 4460, 3590, 187, 5064, 16899, 2222, 3046, 740, 187, 31, 13060, 272, 690, 581, 1113, 306, 1355, 5113, 390, 29696, 4030, 5017, 749, 45542, 8140, 2028, 776, 3998, 359, 403, 4999, 984, 436, 7312, 90, 2097, 642, 4073, 310, 6386, 187, 31, 1173, 7095, 2762, 12959, 273, 21961, 48339, 187, 31, 26273, 9830, 13, 6127, 13, 285, 26655, 187, 31, 1920, 1204, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1508, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 1010, 27, 3011, 27, 2504, 642, 15, 16899, 2222, 3547, 1438, 27, 187, 5064, 16899, 3953, 883, 2511, 187, 2773, 434, 247, 2257, 273, 21961, 597, 1472, 1054, 2844, 15, 6272, 597, 387, 1878, 13868, 253, 9886, 13, 8133, 352, 275, 247, 4021, 39870, 342, 690, 35755, 1824, 13, 285, 22244, 352, 1066, 281, 2315, 715, 747, 40154, 32, 309, 1053, 626, 1158, 368, 476, 6142, 1506, 352, 39450, 13, 533, 253, 1273, 14604, 588, 320, 4030, 323, 2686, 44547, 15, 209, 187, 1147, 1833, 24329, 479, 745, 604, 597, 1472, 816, 31160, 352, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1508, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 1010, 27, 3680, 27, 1867, 642, 15, 16899, 34920, 29412, 27, 187, 5064, 19, 12852, 2950, 18161, 187, 8061, 12247, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1508, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 1010, 27, 3046, 27, 1812, 642, 15, 16899, 2222, 3566, 2090, 27, 187, 5064, 16899, 3953, 883, 2511, 187, 12756, 368, 4510, 597, 3698, 3998, 88, 3834, 5579, 390, 7574, 79, 614, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1508, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 1010, 27, 3046, 27, 1839, 642, 15, 16899, 34920, 30413, 27, 187, 5064, 19, 12852, 2950, 18161, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1508, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 1036, 27, 361, 27, 1010, 642, 15, 16899, 2222, 1976, 2504, 27, 187, 5064, 16899, 3953, 1348, 3245, 187, 23918, 27459, 13, 352, 434, 247, 830, 273, 5471, 326, 359, 403, 2343, 5555, 1955, 1755, 13817, 15, 8801, 5016, 310, 5816, 15, 9870, 387, 253, 17375, 23069, 15, 7967, 6224, 323, 37092, 447, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1508, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 1036, 27, 520, 27, 1423, 642, 15, 16899, 34920, 24185, 27, 187, 5064, 16899, 34920, 18161, 187, 4013, 13, 15822, 637, 3984, 15, 10498, 23205, 694, 338, 265, 403, 27296, 13, 5857, 1268, 36014, 253, 4944, 715, 253, 1133, 23395, 285, 11359, 271, 5024, 973, 15, 733, 434, 752, 368, 1265, 342, 13, 25454, 763, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1508, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 1036, 27, 520, 27, 2504, 642, 15, 16899, 2222, 2357, 1731, 27, 187, 5064, 16899, 2222, 2385, 1610, 187, 5064, 16899, 2222, 2417, 883, 187, 4967, 417, 1097, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1508, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 1036, 27, 2941, 27, 3712, 642, 15, 16899, 2222, 2787, 2357, 27, 187, 3614, 1358, 90, 483, 86, 15, 1257, 16, 34, 10663, 50, 18858, 22, 3170, 16054, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1508, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 1036, 27, 2125, 27, 1839, 642, 15, 16899, 2222, 1438, 3011, 27, 187, 1276, 310, 253, 16483, 1921, 2139, 359, 4264, 7487, 21961, 9968, 10556, 32, 187, 3220, 760, 5476, 310, 697, 10380, 2905, 281, 268, 45501, 6308, 42084, 10556, 15, 3824, 3998, 50135, 1644, 352, 347, 690, 3686, 273, 5066, 285, 11922, 352, 13, 19678, 247, 4076, 2553, 2708, 13, 310, 14127, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1508, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 1036, 27, 2125, 27, 1839, 642, 15, 16899, 2222, 1438, 3680, 27, 187, 5064, 16899, 3953, 883, 2511, 187, 1552, 2181, 23785, 619, 1611, 81, 40988, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1508, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 1036, 27, 1762, 27, 1610, 642, 15, 16899, 34240, 16198, 27, 187, 5064, 16899, 36176, 23260, 187, 1552, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1508, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 1036, 27, 2904, 27, 3357, 642, 15, 16899, 34240, 28873, 27, 187, 5064, 16899, 36176, 23260, 187, 31, 37341, 33406, 651, 2455, 12832, 44725, 1922, 342, 594, 1825, 22407, 432, 40449, 344, 70, 1768, 187, 6309, 44961, 280, 18437, 711, 86, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1508, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 1036, 27, 2693, 27, 520, 642, 15, 16899, 2222, 2227, 1047, 27, 187, 5064, 16899, 2222, 1967, 4529, 187, 39, 814, 326, 434, 247, 2257, 273, 2583, 15, 1737, 434, 326, 789, 562, 281, 275, 9462, 27246, 375, 32, 370, 2759, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1508, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 1036, 27, 2693, 27, 1099, 642, 15, 16899, 2222, 2227, 3763, 27, 187, 5064, 16899, 2222, 1438, 3011, 187, 31, 1276, 310, 253, 16483, 1921, 1051, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1508, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 1036, 27, 2693, 27, 3156, 642, 15, 16899, 2222, 2227, 4148, 27, 187, 249, 67, 21, 2257, 316, 12922, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1508, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 1036, 27, 740, 27, 3071, 642, 15, 16899, 34240, 25020, 27, 187, 5064, 16899, 34240, 28873, 187, 39139, 10229, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1508, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 1036, 27, 740, 27, 3583, 642, 15, 16899, 2222, 2597, 1867, 27, 187, 5064, 16899, 2222, 2227, 1047, 187, 6826, 1089, 271, 1711, 9479, 2980, 8805, 387, 247, 19476, 7289, 390, 271, 8304, 7289, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1508, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 1036, 27, 883, 27, 740, 642, 15, 16899, 2222, 2597, 2090, 27, 187, 5064, 16899, 3953, 883, 2511, 187, 46535, 479, 352, 43749, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1508, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 1036, 27, 805, 27, 1449, 642, 15, 16899, 34240, 33648, 27, 187, 5064, 16899, 3953, 883, 2511, 187, 339, 3030, 751, 247, 3076, 2934, 187, 14985, 2905, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1508, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 1036, 27, 1012, 27, 3071, 642, 15, 16899, 2222, 2511, 3832, 27, 187, 5371, 452, 368, 2218, 281, 479, 13664, 269, 13046, 302, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1508, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 1036, 27, 1012, 27, 1099, 642, 15, 16899, 35461, 5523, 27, 187, 5064, 16899, 2222, 2597, 2090, 187, 30531, 7519, 2637, 187, 44285, 187, 30308, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1508, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 1036, 27, 1012, 27, 2405, 642, 15, 16899, 2222, 2270, 938, 27, 187, 48, 1678, 314, 14127, 310, 28159, 262, 465, 2804, 22630, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1508, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 1036, 27, 1047, 27, 1235, 642, 15, 16899, 35461, 14231, 27, 187, 5064, 16899, 2222, 2597, 2090, 187, 27239, 33219, 309, 399, 4037, 308, 15930, 8702, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1508, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 1036, 27, 1036, 27, 1348, 642, 15, 16899, 2222, 4590, 1166, 27, 187, 42, 452, 642, 12835, 2934, 2139, 952, 751, 436, 10739, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1508, 16, 746, 9, 50110, 10, 1036, 27, 1036, 27, 1229, 642, 15, 16899, 35461, 22130, 27, 187, 5064, 16899, 36176, 10768, 187, 31, 248, 2506, 626, 755, 39838, 868, 285, 30877, 41868, 432, 1798, 7835, 187 ]
the ground, another male has approached and kicked him in the body a number of times," a police spokeswoman said in a statement. >Police have released an image of a man they wish to speak to. >Officers have interviewed the teenager and the senator. Police release image of man who allegedly kicked 'Egg Boy', the teen who egged Fraser Anning -08/police-search-for-man-who-kicke d-teen-who-egged-fraser-anning/1098 1024 Anonymous 04/08/19(Mon)06:53:06 no.209275963: >>209275826 Anonymous 04/08/19(Mon)06:53:44 no.209275993: >>209275859 Yeah, they'll be high up as well but Anning also wants to gib guns. Anonymous 04/08/19(Mon)06:54:00 no.209276001: >>209275826 >Who the fuck else are we going to vote for? >The endless labour/liberal carousel? Gee. I fuckin wonder? Anonymous 04/08/19(Mon)06:54:56 no.209276039: >>209268781 please stop, I can only get so hard. Anonymous 04/08/19(Mon)06:55:07 no.209276045: >>209275963 kek >>209276001 Did you even read what I was responding to? Anonymous 04/08/19(Mon)06:55:11 no.209276049: >>209265915 Anonymous 04/08/19(Mon)06:55:16 no.209276056: >>209275847 You first, you shill Bob came out and defended Fraser, and only caved in because the Unions threatened to withdraw their funding from his party. >Bob Katter says Fraser Anning's speech was'solid gold' -15/katter-says-anning-speech-was-s olid-gold/10123216 Anonymous 04/08/19(Mon)06:55:49 no.209276086: Anyone started doxxing these fucking vegans yet? Surely the idiots have so much public information with their social media wankery it'd be easy to make their lives hell. Anonymous 04/08/19(Mon)06:56:34 no.209276125: >>209275963 Anonymous 04/08/19(Mon)06:56:46 no.209276135: >>209275917 >While the 17-year-old boy was being held on the ground, another male has approached and kicked him in the body a number of times I've watched the entire footage a couple of times and I don't ever remember seeing that, they just took him down and held him there til the cops came and got him... Very strange. Anonymous 04/08/19(Mon)06:56:53 no.209276141: >>209275826 Like I said as a protest vote to make yourself feel like your doing something, yeah. But far right ethnic nationalism is not going to fly with most Australians or'll get a small turnout for Anning and possibly a seat for him in his electorate. It's hard to compete against the big left leaning population centers...Melbourne, Sydney.... Anonymous 04/08/19(Mon)06:57:09 no.209276153: >>209276125 gotta deepfake a chunky facial on that cunts face Anonymous 04/08/19(Mon)06:57:10 no.209276154: >>209269067 Having the luxury to decide not to eat meat is the quintessential example of White Privilige. >the third world doesnt get to choose Anonymous 04/08/19(Mon)06:58:27 no.209276206: >>209275826 Vote for Anning Bob Katter Any other meme party Anonymous 04/08/19(Mon)06:58:37 no.209276214: >>209276125 Anonymous 04/08/19(Mon)07:01:01 no.209276329: >>209276154 yeah, imagine laying bricks or doing hard labor on only vegetables when labor get in meat, electricity, petrol, smokes, booze, and a few other things will probably go up Anonymous 04/08/19(Mon)07:02:53 no.209276403: >>209276056 >Bob Katter says Fraser Anning's speech was'solid gold' >Bob came out and defended Fraser, and only caved in because the Unions threatened to withdraw their funding from his party. So he likes Anning but rolled on him so he could get more money from the commies? Sounds just like the guy we don't need. If he was in agreement with Anning he would have supported him instead of throwing Anning under the bus to appease his commie masters. I guess that like 99% of pollies he just plays both sides to get votes from ALL factions without standing up for anything. Anonymous 04/08/19(Mon)07:03:02 no.209276410: >>209276329 >a few >a few Lets not kid around here anon. Anonymous 04/08/19(Mon)07:03:12 no.209276414: >>209275467 Um.. No! Go fuck yourself Soros shill! No one with self respect is voting for that shit. Anonymous 04/08/19(Mon)07:03:47 no.209276442: >>209270467 Simples. Anonymous 04/08/19(Mon)07:04:59 no.209276489: >>209273895 Checking in, south end. Honestly Labour>Liberal, Labour atleast pretends to care about the people. Pic related can we bring him back. Anonymous 04/08/19(Mon)07:05:41 no.209276511: >>209276403 >>209276414 t. retards Bob Katter has openly stated that Australia should remain white, and is a white nation. Bob Katter is the only politician to have brought up the low birth rates of native Australian's and the high immigration numbers of Australia in parliament. He has literally talked about White Genocide. Anonymous 04/08/19(Mon)07:05:53 no.209276524: >>209276410 i like seeing lefties lose it but i also want to see boomers suffer who to hate the most Anonymous 04/08/19(Mon)07:06:08 no.209276537: >>209276489 Fuck off cfmeu Anonymous 04/08/19(Mon)07:06:25 no.209276550: >>209276141 Don't give a fuck. Not gonna stand here and watch this country burn because its "too hard". What else is there to do? Accept that the future of this country is going to be run by muslim dogs and their jewish handlers? Fuck off with your cynical bullshit and do nothing if you want, I've made my choice. Anonymous 04/08/19(Mon)07:07:45 no.209276609: >>209276511 >Bob Katter has openly stated that Australia should remain white He's part Lebo though. Anonymous 04/08/19(Mon)07:08:26 no.209276640: >>209276489 Anonymous 04/08/19(Mon)07:08:33 no.209276644: Anyone watching TandA tonight? Anonymous 04/08/19(Mon)07:08:34 no.209276646: >>209276550 Go for it and good luck. Anonymous 04/08/19(Mon)07:08:36 no.209276647: >>209276537 >wah wah muh unions Are you rich or just a capitalists cocksucker? Anonymous 04/08/19(Mon)07:09:05 no.209276663: >>209276609 Pretty intelligent of him to recognize Australia was founded as a Christian nation then isn't it? Anonymous 04/08/19(Mon)07:09:37 no.209276682: >>209276640 Liberal is the party of Jewry, Labour the party of chinkdom. I never said either were in anyway good. Anonymous 04/08/19(Mon)07:10:33 no.209276714: >>209276647 Unions and their supporters should be gassed Anonymous 04/08/19(Mon)07:12:09 no.209276777: >>209276646 Anonymous 04/08/
[ 253, 3216, 13, 1529, 5086, 556, 13781, 285, 19301, 779, 275, 253, 2133, 247, 1180, 273, 2069, 937, 247, 3513, 35027, 753, 275, 247, 3908, 15, 187, 31, 24195, 452, 4439, 271, 2460, 273, 247, 637, 597, 5730, 281, 3984, 281, 15, 187, 31, 21756, 398, 452, 20114, 253, 28713, 285, 253, 27445, 15, 187, 24195, 3727, 2460, 273, 637, 665, 14163, 19301, 686, 38, 1266, 12143, 1383, 253, 11332, 665, 7238, 264, 42597, 743, 920, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 19758, 15, 3024, 15, 1952, 16, 13608, 16, 9638, 14, 2125, 187, 14, 2904, 16, 50141, 14, 8716, 14, 1542, 14, 1342, 14, 10002, 14, 76, 280, 413, 187, 69, 14, 6933, 14, 10002, 14, 909, 2400, 14, 925, 12290, 14, 7526, 16, 740, 4185, 187, 31111, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 2904, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 3071, 27, 3357, 27, 3071, 642, 15, 14009, 1630, 3046, 3571, 27, 187, 5064, 14009, 1630, 3680, 1731, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 2904, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 3071, 27, 3357, 27, 2031, 642, 15, 14009, 20450, 35410, 27, 187, 5064, 14009, 20450, 32168, 187, 6506, 13, 597, 1833, 320, 1029, 598, 347, 973, 533, 743, 920, 671, 5605, 281, 33342, 11942, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 2904, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 3071, 27, 3439, 27, 361, 642, 15, 14009, 22818, 2874, 27, 187, 5064, 14009, 1630, 3680, 1731, 187, 31, 7883, 253, 7435, 2010, 403, 359, 1469, 281, 6273, 323, 32, 187, 31, 510, 19461, 18213, 16, 4658, 1560, 1113, 36086, 32, 187, 40, 1796, 15, 187, 42, 49826, 4282, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 2904, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 3071, 27, 3439, 27, 3208, 642, 15, 14009, 1630, 1549, 1867, 27, 187, 5064, 14009, 1731, 2597, 3593, 187, 32897, 3523, 13, 309, 476, 760, 755, 594, 1892, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 2904, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 3071, 27, 2417, 27, 2922, 642, 15, 14009, 1630, 1549, 1857, 27, 187, 5064, 14009, 1630, 3046, 3571, 187, 413, 76, 187, 5064, 14009, 22818, 2874, 187, 8917, 368, 1014, 1239, 752, 309, 369, 19392, 281, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 2904, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 3071, 27, 2417, 27, 883, 642, 15, 14009, 1630, 1549, 2537, 27, 187, 5064, 14009, 1731, 3046, 1010, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 2904, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 3071, 27, 2417, 27, 1036, 642, 15, 14009, 1630, 1549, 3208, 27, 187, 5064, 14009, 1630, 3680, 2504, 187, 1394, 806, 13, 368, 439, 408, 187, 26845, 2210, 562, 285, 25860, 42597, 13, 285, 760, 260, 9367, 275, 984, 253, 914, 621, 13699, 281, 10687, 616, 8362, 432, 521, 3128, 15, 209, 187, 31, 26845, 611, 2569, 2296, 42597, 743, 920, 434, 6519, 369, 686, 23706, 5328, 8, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 19758, 15, 3024, 15, 1952, 16, 13608, 16, 7798, 14, 2904, 187, 14, 1010, 16, 76, 2569, 14, 84, 698, 14, 7526, 14, 48460, 14, 4238, 14, 84, 187, 9528, 14, 27716, 16, 6903, 19136, 1036, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 2904, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 3071, 27, 2417, 27, 2537, 642, 15, 14009, 1630, 1549, 2691, 27, 187, 31568, 3053, 513, 5260, 272, 841, 12835, 1670, 72, 507, 2568, 32, 34921, 253, 22467, 1502, 452, 594, 1199, 1345, 1491, 342, 616, 2675, 3420, 259, 1164, 1771, 352, 1871, 320, 3477, 281, 1056, 616, 4852, 7085, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 2904, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 3071, 27, 3208, 27, 1706, 642, 15, 14009, 22818, 9312, 27, 187, 5064, 14009, 1630, 3046, 3571, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 2904, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 3071, 27, 3208, 27, 2950, 642, 15, 14009, 22818, 13743, 27, 187, 5064, 14009, 1630, 3046, 1166, 187, 31, 6175, 253, 1722, 14, 2913, 14, 744, 5006, 369, 1146, 2918, 327, 253, 3216, 13, 1529, 5086, 556, 13781, 285, 19301, 779, 275, 253, 2133, 247, 1180, 273, 2069, 187, 42, 1849, 9047, 253, 2862, 20541, 247, 4564, 273, 2069, 285, 309, 1053, 626, 2455, 4456, 6523, 326, 13, 597, 816, 2335, 779, 1066, 285, 2918, 779, 627, 10751, 253, 23247, 2210, 285, 1694, 779, 1051, 15997, 8921, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 2904, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 3071, 27, 3208, 27, 3357, 642, 15, 14009, 22818, 18962, 27, 187, 5064, 14009, 1630, 3680, 1731, 187, 9817, 309, 753, 347, 247, 8005, 6273, 281, 1056, 4834, 1928, 751, 634, 2509, 1633, 13, 10902, 15, 1292, 2080, 987, 16175, 41552, 310, 417, 1469, 281, 8778, 342, 954, 45373, 390, 19954, 88, 261, 1051, 5658, 1833, 755, 247, 1355, 46430, 323, 743, 920, 285, 6830, 247, 7319, 323, 779, 275, 521, 46866, 15, 733, 434, 1892, 281, 15639, 1411, 253, 1943, 1669, 25661, 3072, 12127, 1051, 23021, 17722, 13, 17361, 2391, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 2904, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 3071, 27, 3011, 27, 2693, 642, 15, 14009, 22818, 16271, 27, 187, 5064, 14009, 22818, 9312, 187, 19559, 893, 3676, 39182, 247, 20540, 90, 17754, 327, 326, 260, 24779, 2454, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 2904, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 3071, 27, 3011, 27, 740, 642, 15, 14009, 22818, 17161, 27, 187, 5064, 14009, 1731, 2270, 2251, 187, 18562, 253, 18997, 281, 7617, 417, 281, 6008, 9132, 310, 253, 31919, 33132, 1650, 273, 5219, 19178, 300, 9236, 15, 187, 31, 783, 2626, 1533, 36908, 755, 281, 5206, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 2904, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 3071, 27, 3680, 27, 1630, 642, 15, 14009, 22818, 18040, 27, 187, 5064, 14009, 1630, 3680, 1731, 187, 55, 1584, 323, 743, 920, 187, 26845, 611, 2569, 187, 6693, 643, 1167, 70, 3128, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 2904, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 3071, 27, 3680, 27, 1787, 642, 15, 14009, 1630, 3763, 1047, 27, 187, 5064, 14009, 22818, 9312, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 2904, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 2922, 27, 520, 27, 520, 642, 15, 14009, 22818, 22011, 27, 187, 5064, 14009, 22818, 17161, 187, 90, 3983, 13, 8564, 23157, 40154, 390, 2509, 1892, 5299, 327, 760, 15737, 187, 9453, 5299, 755, 275, 187, 1405, 255, 13, 13978, 13, 46181, 13, 924, 7095, 13, 41001, 2721, 13, 285, 247, 1643, 643, 1841, 588, 3164, 564, 598, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 2904, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 2922, 27, 2640, 27, 3357, 642, 15, 14009, 22818, 25208, 27, 187, 5064, 14009, 1630, 1549, 3208, 187, 31, 26845, 611, 2569, 2296, 42597, 743, 920, 434, 6519, 369, 686, 23706, 5328, 8, 187, 31, 26845, 2210, 562, 285, 25860, 42597, 13, 285, 760, 260, 9367, 275, 984, 253, 914, 621, 13699, 281, 10687, 616, 8362, 432, 521, 3128, 15, 209, 187, 2598, 344, 13052, 743, 920, 533, 14436, 327, 779, 594, 344, 812, 755, 625, 2583, 432, 253, 764, 447, 32, 187, 41099, 816, 751, 253, 5599, 359, 1053, 626, 878, 15, 187, 2042, 344, 369, 275, 4345, 342, 743, 920, 344, 651, 452, 4516, 779, 3185, 273, 15950, 743, 920, 762, 253, 1685, 281, 1393, 511, 521, 764, 466, 26616, 15, 187, 42, 5476, 326, 751, 8688, 6, 273, 8461, 447, 344, 816, 7120, 1097, 7123, 281, 755, 13008, 432, 13556, 41850, 1293, 6306, 598, 323, 2712, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 2904, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 2922, 27, 2941, 27, 2640, 642, 15, 14009, 1630, 1540, 740, 27, 187, 5064, 14009, 22818, 22011, 187, 31, 66, 1643, 187, 31, 66, 1643, 187, 1466, 84, 417, 5772, 1475, 1060, 271, 251, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 2904, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 2922, 27, 2941, 27, 805, 642, 15, 14009, 1630, 1540, 1047, 27, 187, 5064, 14009, 1630, 3439, 2251, 187, 26186, 537, 1621, 2, 3617, 7435, 4834, 24367, 375, 439, 408, 2, 187, 2302, 581, 342, 1881, 1675, 310, 13423, 323, 326, 10739, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 2904, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 2922, 27, 2941, 27, 2504, 642, 15, 14009, 1630, 1540, 2945, 27, 187, 5064, 14009, 1630, 2125, 2251, 187, 4749, 1868, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 2904, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 2922, 27, 2125, 27, 3046, 642, 15, 14009, 1630, 1540, 2511, 27, 187, 5064, 14009, 1630, 1839, 2222, 187, 9063, 272, 275, 13, 6420, 990, 15, 187, 23918, 27459, 15702, 31, 19467, 1560, 13, 15702, 387, 38462, 3215, 1727, 281, 1557, 670, 253, 952, 15, 187, 37132, 2905, 476, 359, 3324, 779, 896, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 2904, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 2922, 27, 1762, 27, 3156, 642, 15, 14009, 1630, 2082, 883, 27, 187, 5064, 14009, 22818, 25208, 187, 5064, 14009, 1630, 1540, 1047, 187, 85, 15, 851, 2196, 209, 187, 26845, 611, 2569, 556, 22134, 4767, 326, 6976, 943, 3464, 3168, 13, 285, 310, 247, 3168, 5674, 15, 8679, 611, 2569, 310, 253, 760, 18468, 281, 452, 3982, 598, 253, 1698, 4201, 4142, 273, 7925, 9943, 434, 285, 253, 1029, 13163, 3904, 273, 6976, 275, 16005, 15, 209, 187, 1328, 556, 12832, 10062, 670, 5219, 2588, 33429, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 2904, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 2922, 27, 1762, 27, 3357, 642, 15, 14009, 1630, 2082, 1348, 27, 187, 5064, 14009, 1630, 1540, 740, 187, 74, 751, 6523, 1669, 447, 7168, 352, 187, 2858, 891, 671, 971, 281, 923, 1766, 14724, 11089, 187, 10002, 281, 9239, 253, 954, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 2904, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 2922, 27, 3071, 27, 2904, 642, 15, 14009, 1630, 2082, 1787, 27, 187, 5064, 14009, 1630, 1540, 2511, 187, 30368, 745, 21194, 1405, 86, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 2904, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 2922, 27, 3071, 27, 1099, 642, 15, 14009, 1630, 2082, 1235, 27, 187, 5064, 14009, 22818, 18962, 187, 5498, 626, 1918, 247, 7435, 15, 3105, 6501, 1462, 1060, 285, 3698, 436, 2586, 5451, 984, 697, 346, 15627, 1892, 3446, 187, 1276, 2010, 310, 627, 281, 513, 32, 31884, 326, 253, 2852, 273, 436, 2586, 310, 1469, 281, 320, 1408, 407, 1948, 2815, 9097, 285, 616, 15589, 763, 40093, 32, 187, 30368, 745, 342, 634, 47892, 35281, 285, 513, 2717, 604, 368, 971, 13, 309, 1849, 1160, 619, 4327, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 2904, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 2922, 27, 2922, 27, 1857, 642, 15, 14009, 22818, 27059, 27, 187, 5064, 14009, 1630, 2082, 883, 187, 31, 26845, 611, 2569, 556, 22134, 4767, 326, 6976, 943, 3464, 3168, 187, 1328, 434, 629, 2070, 2399, 2167, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 2904, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 2922, 27, 2904, 27, 1731, 642, 15, 14009, 1630, 2526, 1449, 27, 187, 5064, 14009, 1630, 1540, 2511, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 2904, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 2922, 27, 2904, 27, 1610, 642, 15, 14009, 22818, 25959, 27, 187, 31568, 7487, 308, 395, 34, 11608, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 2904, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 2922, 27, 2904, 27, 1706, 642, 15, 14009, 22818, 25238, 27, 187, 5064, 14009, 1630, 2082, 1235, 187, 6826, 323, 352, 285, 1175, 7516, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 2904, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 2922, 27, 2904, 27, 1812, 642, 15, 14009, 22818, 25953, 27, 187, 5064, 14009, 1630, 2082, 1787, 187, 31, 88, 1240, 259, 1240, 278, 6968, 21324, 187, 6723, 368, 6793, 390, 816, 247, 5347, 1346, 260, 4121, 18141, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 2904, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 2922, 27, 2693, 27, 1762, 642, 15, 14009, 1630, 2526, 3571, 27, 187, 5064, 14009, 22818, 27059, 187, 41774, 17497, 273, 779, 281, 9446, 6976, 369, 11420, 347, 247, 6416, 5674, 840, 3548, 626, 352, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 2904, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 2922, 27, 2693, 27, 1787, 642, 15, 14009, 1630, 19807, 19, 27, 187, 5064, 14009, 1630, 2526, 1449, 187, 19467, 1560, 310, 253, 3128, 273, 5679, 610, 13, 15702, 253, 3128, 273, 448, 750, 3335, 15, 309, 1620, 753, 2057, 497, 275, 8791, 1175, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 2904, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 2922, 27, 740, 27, 1610, 642, 15, 14009, 1630, 2251, 1047, 27, 187, 5064, 14009, 22818, 25953, 187, 2447, 621, 285, 616, 14501, 943, 320, 305, 39479, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 2904, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 2922, 27, 805, 27, 2693, 642, 15, 14009, 1630, 2251, 2357, 27, 187, 5064, 14009, 22818, 25238, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 2904, 16 ]
It's incomprehensible, but it exists. Why on earth would people choose to be gay in places where homosexuality is outlawed? It just doesn't make sense. And then there's those instances of family-values pastors who end up being closet fags. Also, attraction to certain races or body types aren't always transient. Anonymous 06/14/17(Wed)01:52:34 no.129834574: >>129834076 >Why on earth would people choose to be gay in places where homosexuality is outlawed? People like defy authority People like to play the victim People like to be taboo People want to fight for how they feel People have persecution complexes Sexuality is like weight. Some are born predisposed to have a harder time with it than others. It's not easy or quick to change. It's largely what and how much you consume that determines it. With time and effort, it can change. Oh and fools take something so biologically basic and make it their core identity. Anonymous 06/14/17(Wed)01:56:19 no.129834917: >>129834076 Well I didn't say that same sex attraction wasn't difficult to change, I just said it could be changed. Because psychology dictates our preferences comes from years of conditioning and reinforcement. People can't choose their sexuality in the same way they can't choose to be, say, muscular. They can't wake up and decide to have muscles. All they can do is try and make the lifestyle changes in order to facilitate that gradual change. Anonymous 06/14/17(Wed)02:03:15 no.129835599: >>129834574 >>129834917 If it's really something you can change, then why do "pray the gay away" camps and electroshock therapy seem to never work? Most "reformed" homosexuals eventually get caught fucking some dude behind their wife's back. Furthermore, like I said, no clear cause can be traced to homosexuality. Gay people come from all kinds of backgrounds, from growing up on the streets to being raised in conservative Christian households. If there's nothing that clearly conditions you into being a homosexual, then how do you break the "conditioning"? Anonymous 06/14/17(Wed)02:05:22 no.129835805: >>129834574 Also, many gay people will admit that they'd like to be straight or even that they've tried to become straight, some even willingly going into conversion therapy. That kind of outlaws the whole notion that homosexuality is a choice. Anonymous 06/14/17(Wed)02:05:53 no.129835843: >>129826646 Hey guys, what's wrong with gay marriage? Honestly I don't see anything wrong with it, redpill me or else you're all republican shills. Anonymous 06/14/17(Wed)02:08:54 no.129836122: >>129826646 Personally I wouldn't bother but >>129829026 idea is always fun. Anonymous 06/14/17(Wed)02:09:29 no.129836180: >>129827126 Ancap is the only way my friend, everyone has right to have their own opinions as long as they are in their own domain and you have no right to infringe upon his freedom. If he is in your house just gun him. Anonymous 06/14/17(Wed)02:13:23 no.129836559: >>129835843 My only problem with it is that it's called "marriage" and can therefore be used to attack Christians by undermining their traditional values. The UK has it right with the whole civil unions thing. If anything I think it's a good thing because it encourages gays to be monogamous which leads to less STDs. Anonymous 06/14/17(Wed)02:13:29 no.129836567: >>129835599 Conversion therapy doesn't work because they keep making the same mistakes as the gay community. In treating same sex attraction as some sort of intrinsic identity or even as a mental condition, when all it really is is just an attraction that causes them problems. Sexual attractions are hard to change, but they can be changed. And you don't need conversion therapy. I still can't believe that sexuality is something black and white and unchanging. A lot of gay people wouuld be happier in traditional relationships. Under pressure, many "straight" people in the gay-straight dichotomy will admit that they have attraction to certain members of the same sex. So it stands to reason that many gay people have attraction to certain people of the opposite sex. They should act on those feeling for a better life. Anonymous 06/14/17(Wed)02:13:44 no.129836601: >>129826646 Honestly he was respectful and you should be too. Anonymous 06/14/17(Wed)02:18:24 no.129837053: >>129828619 I know how disgusting faggots are, but reading that made me want to vomit. Anonymous 06/14/17(Wed)02:20:40 no.129837246: >>129836567 That's a lot of assumptions. Most gay men will argue that they've never felt attraction toward a woman. But the question remains, exactly how do you "force" yourself to be straight? Anonymous 06/14/17(Wed)02:23:14 no.129837465: >>129828619 Some of these statistics seem preposterous. Especially considering most of these sources date from the 70s to the early 90s. Anonymous 06/14/17(Wed)02:26:23 no.129837748: >>129828018 >spreads aids everywhere >"i-i-it not h-hurting anyone" Anonymous 06/14/17(Wed)02:27:51 no.129837870: >>129826646 big govt cuck Anonymous 06/14/17(Wed)02:28:07 no.129837886: >>129828729 >homo lifespan up to 20 years less compared to heteros >MUH LUV >MUH DIK Anonymous 06/14/17(Wed)02:29:38 no.129838022: >>129837870 >54% >freedum Anonymous 06/14/17(Wed)02:30:05 no.129838070: >>129826646 There is nothing wrong with gay people getting it on together. Sorry i makes you feel insecure, but the world doesn't have to oppresss others just so you can sleep at night. Anonymous 06/14/17(Wed)02:30:10 no.129838079: >>129837246 It really isn't difficult. By practicing chastity, trying to rid your mind of lust, aquainting yourself with family values, being in a culture which emphasises family values and marriage etc Too much of the time, people with same sex attraction or other troublesome attractions let themselves become isolated, or involved in unsavoury communities, and let themselves be consumed by concupiscance. It takes years to get into that place, and it might take a long time to get out. Anonymous 06/14/17(Wed)02:31:36 no.129838181: >>129838079 These things have been done in the amazing world of "conversion therapy." All that's done is made gay people hate themselves more and ruin lives. Anonymous 06/14/17(Wed)02:32:59 no.129838306: >>129837748 >spreads Aids Yeah, among gays. It's not a problem unless you fuck gay men. Anonymous 06/14/17(Wed)02:34:11 no.129838412: >>129826646 >love Shoiuld have said that you don't believe in it. Anonymous 06/14/17(Wed)02:34:46 no.129838455: >>129838079 >rying to rid your mind of lust, aquainting yourself with family values, being in a culture which emphasises family values and marriage etc Like I said, many gay people are born into God-fearing Christian households. They are raised to respect these values and never experience anything else. Why do they end up gay? Anonymous 06/14/17(Wed)02:34:53 no.129838462: >>129838306 >aids never leaves the gay population >aids doesn't cost tax dollars Anon... Anonymous 06/14/17(Wed)02:36:11 no.129838586: >>129826646 Anonymous 06/14/17(Wed)02:36:23 no.129838610: >mfw beating and bullying the local faggot into giving you a BJ ah to be 14 again Anonymous 06/14/17(Wed)02:36:44 no.129838639: >>
[ 187, 1147, 434, 15321, 6792, 6286, 13, 533, 352, 4961, 15, 6049, 327, 6149, 651, 952, 5206, 281, 320, 11730, 275, 5053, 835, 39880, 310, 46084, 264, 32, 733, 816, 2506, 626, 1056, 3282, 15, 1244, 840, 627, 434, 1110, 10872, 273, 2021, 14, 8858, 2469, 641, 665, 990, 598, 1146, 26348, 269, 3544, 15, 187, 9917, 13, 21779, 281, 2176, 15820, 390, 2133, 3510, 6403, 626, 1900, 15550, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1047, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 520, 27, 3583, 27, 1706, 642, 15, 805, 4185, 1706, 38503, 27, 187, 5064, 13482, 3245, 1449, 3121, 187, 31, 4967, 327, 6149, 651, 952, 5206, 281, 320, 11730, 275, 5053, 835, 39880, 310, 46084, 264, 32, 187, 8836, 751, 809, 90, 6265, 187, 8836, 751, 281, 1132, 253, 5487, 187, 8836, 751, 281, 320, 10334, 3288, 187, 8836, 971, 281, 3819, 323, 849, 597, 1928, 187, 8836, 452, 31222, 12872, 187, 30386, 10982, 310, 751, 2801, 15, 3808, 403, 5686, 29498, 7334, 281, 452, 247, 12150, 673, 342, 352, 685, 2571, 15, 733, 434, 417, 3477, 390, 3158, 281, 1818, 15, 733, 434, 8127, 752, 285, 849, 1199, 368, 21409, 326, 14802, 352, 15, 2726, 673, 285, 3434, 13, 352, 476, 1818, 15, 5531, 285, 47948, 1379, 1633, 594, 35605, 5044, 285, 1056, 352, 616, 5161, 6489, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1047, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 520, 27, 3208, 27, 746, 642, 15, 805, 4185, 21095, 1166, 27, 187, 5064, 13482, 3245, 1449, 3121, 187, 4497, 309, 1904, 626, 1333, 326, 1072, 2825, 21779, 3589, 626, 2834, 281, 1818, 13, 309, 816, 753, 352, 812, 320, 4391, 15, 4923, 20162, 44682, 776, 17971, 3249, 432, 1107, 273, 21839, 285, 35221, 15, 187, 8836, 476, 626, 5206, 616, 30545, 275, 253, 1072, 1039, 597, 476, 626, 5206, 281, 320, 13, 1333, 13, 27602, 15, 1583, 476, 626, 11772, 598, 285, 7617, 281, 452, 13370, 15, 1876, 597, 476, 513, 310, 1611, 285, 1056, 253, 14898, 2544, 275, 1340, 281, 12454, 326, 26830, 1818, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1047, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 2640, 27, 2941, 27, 1010, 642, 15, 805, 4185, 22341, 1525, 27, 187, 5064, 805, 4185, 1706, 38503, 187, 5064, 805, 4185, 21095, 1166, 187, 2042, 352, 434, 1663, 1633, 368, 476, 1818, 13, 840, 2139, 513, 346, 1087, 333, 253, 11730, 1977, 3, 19509, 285, 4640, 35492, 4918, 1646, 281, 1620, 789, 32, 5595, 346, 250, 10574, 3, 29721, 84, 6524, 755, 7270, 12835, 690, 29723, 3212, 616, 4475, 434, 896, 15, 209, 187, 20964, 13, 751, 309, 753, 13, 642, 2590, 2847, 476, 320, 26098, 281, 39880, 15, 25498, 952, 1705, 432, 512, 9351, 273, 24550, 13, 432, 5675, 598, 327, 253, 10198, 281, 1146, 5439, 275, 11518, 6416, 18294, 15, 1310, 627, 434, 2717, 326, 4518, 2515, 368, 715, 1146, 247, 29721, 13, 840, 849, 513, 368, 2740, 253, 346, 42743, 16296, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1047, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 2640, 27, 1762, 27, 1423, 642, 15, 805, 4185, 1671, 27632, 27, 187, 5064, 805, 4185, 1706, 38503, 187, 9917, 13, 1142, 11730, 952, 588, 11476, 326, 597, 1871, 751, 281, 320, 4951, 390, 1014, 326, 597, 1849, 3597, 281, 2489, 4951, 13, 690, 1014, 45116, 1469, 715, 9436, 4918, 15, 2064, 2238, 273, 562, 33530, 253, 2644, 10732, 326, 39880, 310, 247, 4327, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1047, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 2640, 27, 1762, 27, 3357, 642, 15, 805, 4185, 1671, 38119, 27, 187, 5064, 805, 4185, 1731, 25238, 187, 8262, 6068, 13, 752, 434, 3430, 342, 11730, 7875, 32, 10916, 27459, 309, 1053, 626, 923, 2712, 3430, 342, 352, 13, 2502, 81, 408, 479, 390, 2010, 368, 1472, 512, 23822, 266, 439, 3171, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1047, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 2640, 27, 2904, 27, 3439, 642, 15, 805, 4185, 1812, 14351, 27, 187, 5064, 805, 4185, 1731, 25238, 187, 19589, 595, 309, 5082, 626, 15105, 533, 209, 187, 5064, 805, 4185, 1717, 17048, 187, 2934, 310, 1900, 794, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1047, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 2640, 27, 2693, 27, 1717, 642, 15, 805, 4185, 1812, 11395, 27, 187, 5064, 805, 4185, 1630, 13381, 187, 1145, 4421, 310, 253, 760, 1039, 619, 3331, 13, 4130, 556, 987, 281, 452, 616, 1211, 11626, 347, 1048, 347, 597, 403, 275, 616, 1211, 5028, 285, 368, 452, 642, 987, 281, 18632, 70, 2220, 521, 7185, 15, 209, 187, 2042, 344, 310, 275, 634, 2419, 816, 5654, 779, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1047, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 2640, 27, 1012, 27, 1508, 642, 15, 805, 4185, 1812, 36002, 27, 187, 5064, 805, 4185, 1671, 38119, 187, 3220, 760, 1895, 342, 352, 310, 326, 352, 434, 1925, 346, 4175, 5896, 3, 285, 476, 3103, 320, 908, 281, 2983, 15600, 407, 762, 39590, 616, 5899, 2193, 15, 380, 5591, 556, 352, 987, 342, 253, 2644, 5079, 21324, 2181, 15, 1310, 2712, 309, 1158, 352, 434, 247, 1175, 2181, 984, 352, 29426, 305, 698, 281, 320, 1114, 462, 14919, 534, 5644, 281, 1679, 3915, 19277, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1047, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 2640, 27, 1012, 27, 1717, 642, 15, 805, 4185, 22359, 2251, 27, 187, 5064, 805, 4185, 22341, 1525, 187, 1773, 4149, 4918, 2506, 626, 789, 984, 597, 1978, 2403, 253, 1072, 16503, 347, 253, 11730, 3114, 15, 496, 12767, 1072, 2825, 21779, 347, 690, 3686, 273, 15276, 6489, 390, 1014, 347, 247, 6255, 1617, 13, 672, 512, 352, 1663, 310, 310, 816, 271, 21779, 326, 5997, 731, 3237, 15, 187, 30386, 780, 31154, 403, 1892, 281, 1818, 13, 533, 597, 476, 320, 4391, 15, 1244, 368, 1053, 626, 878, 9436, 4918, 15, 187, 42, 1335, 476, 626, 2868, 326, 30545, 310, 1633, 2806, 285, 3168, 285, 440, 28276, 15, 187, 34, 2257, 273, 11730, 952, 259, 276, 29752, 320, 33128, 275, 5899, 7688, 15, 187, 11752, 3473, 13, 1142, 346, 10981, 429, 3, 952, 275, 253, 11730, 14, 10981, 429, 19821, 22438, 588, 11476, 326, 597, 452, 21779, 281, 2176, 2758, 273, 253, 1072, 2825, 15, 1893, 352, 9572, 281, 1921, 326, 1142, 11730, 952, 452, 21779, 281, 2176, 952, 273, 253, 7285, 2825, 15, 1583, 943, 769, 327, 1110, 5471, 323, 247, 1805, 1495, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1047, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 2640, 27, 1012, 27, 2031, 642, 15, 805, 4185, 25772, 520, 27, 187, 5064, 805, 4185, 1731, 25238, 187, 23918, 27459, 344, 369, 38975, 285, 368, 943, 320, 1512, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1047, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 2640, 27, 1093, 27, 1348, 642, 15, 805, 4185, 1787, 33220, 27, 187, 5064, 805, 4185, 23360, 746, 187, 42, 871, 849, 40449, 269, 13046, 1502, 403, 13, 533, 4361, 326, 1160, 479, 971, 281, 20648, 262, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1047, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 2640, 27, 938, 27, 1449, 642, 15, 805, 4185, 1787, 23260, 27, 187, 5064, 805, 4185, 22359, 2251, 187, 2773, 434, 247, 2257, 273, 13260, 15, 5595, 11730, 1821, 588, 9059, 326, 597, 1849, 1620, 3543, 21779, 2584, 247, 3416, 15, 1292, 253, 1953, 4558, 13, 4555, 849, 513, 368, 346, 4774, 3, 4834, 281, 320, 4951, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1047, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 2640, 27, 1508, 27, 1047, 642, 15, 805, 4185, 24562, 2082, 27, 187, 5064, 805, 4185, 23360, 746, 187, 6080, 273, 841, 9990, 1646, 3765, 7337, 528, 15, 23498, 7296, 954, 273, 841, 4973, 3522, 432, 253, 5571, 84, 281, 253, 2393, 5091, 84, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1047, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 2640, 27, 1731, 27, 1508, 642, 15, 805, 4185, 22863, 2385, 27, 187, 5064, 805, 4185, 1619, 12058, 187, 31, 1033, 38387, 34253, 11678, 187, 21760, 74, 14, 74, 14, 262, 417, 288, 14, 27941, 1076, 3780, 3, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1047, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 2640, 27, 1630, 27, 3712, 642, 15, 805, 4185, 25139, 1967, 27, 187, 5064, 805, 4185, 1731, 25238, 187, 2760, 564, 20282, 260, 1807, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1047, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 2640, 27, 1619, 27, 2922, 642, 15, 805, 4185, 1787, 35265, 27, 187, 5064, 805, 4185, 24117, 1717, 187, 31, 12856, 80, 36846, 598, 281, 1384, 1107, 1679, 2429, 281, 6895, 375, 187, 31, 46, 38450, 418, 14817, 187, 31, 46, 38450, 15441, 44, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1047, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 2640, 27, 1717, 27, 1839, 642, 15, 13482, 3245, 1438, 1423, 27, 187, 5064, 805, 4185, 25139, 1967, 187, 31, 3439, 6, 187, 31, 18105, 264, 360, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1047, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 2640, 27, 1229, 27, 1762, 642, 15, 13482, 3245, 1438, 1967, 27, 187, 5064, 805, 4185, 1731, 25238, 187, 2512, 310, 2717, 3430, 342, 11730, 952, 2970, 352, 327, 2366, 15, 26070, 891, 2789, 368, 1928, 46519, 13, 533, 253, 1533, 2506, 626, 452, 281, 1937, 560, 84, 2571, 816, 594, 368, 476, 4600, 387, 2360, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1047, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 2640, 27, 1229, 27, 740, 642, 15, 13482, 3245, 1438, 2787, 27, 187, 5064, 805, 4185, 1787, 23260, 187, 1147, 1663, 3548, 626, 2834, 15, 187, 3463, 25815, 49882, 414, 13, 2820, 281, 8314, 634, 2564, 273, 32225, 13, 12649, 404, 1076, 4834, 342, 2021, 2193, 13, 1146, 275, 247, 4466, 534, 10251, 3013, 2021, 2193, 285, 7875, 3966, 187, 25643, 1199, 273, 253, 673, 13, 952, 342, 1072, 2825, 21779, 390, 643, 45991, 31154, 1339, 3746, 2489, 7011, 13, 390, 3206, 275, 5061, 25755, 90, 7888, 13, 285, 1339, 3746, 320, 17017, 407, 345, 6837, 2865, 593, 15, 187, 1147, 3936, 1107, 281, 755, 715, 326, 1659, 13, 285, 352, 1537, 1379, 247, 1048, 673, 281, 755, 562, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1047, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 2640, 27, 2405, 27, 1812, 642, 15, 805, 4185, 1839, 20895, 27, 187, 5064, 13482, 3245, 1438, 2787, 187, 6872, 1841, 452, 644, 2218, 275, 253, 8644, 1533, 273, 346, 44503, 4918, 449, 1876, 326, 434, 2218, 310, 1160, 11730, 952, 9239, 3746, 625, 285, 23737, 4852, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1047, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 2640, 27, 1237, 27, 3046, 642, 15, 805, 4185, 1839, 18950, 27, 187, 5064, 805, 4185, 22863, 2385, 187, 31, 1033, 38387, 329, 2352, 187, 6506, 13, 2190, 305, 698, 15, 733, 434, 417, 247, 1895, 5734, 368, 7435, 11730, 1821, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1047, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 2640, 27, 1706, 27, 883, 642, 15, 805, 4185, 19948, 805, 27, 187, 5064, 805, 4185, 1731, 25238, 187, 31, 26617, 187, 49498, 74, 29752, 452, 753, 326, 368, 1053, 626, 2868, 275, 352, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1047, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 2640, 27, 1706, 27, 2950, 642, 15, 805, 4185, 1839, 24614, 27, 187, 5064, 13482, 3245, 1438, 2787, 187, 31, 11729, 281, 8314, 634, 2564, 273, 32225, 13, 12649, 404, 1076, 4834, 342, 2021, 2193, 13, 1146, 275, 247, 4466, 534, 10251, 3013, 2021, 2193, 285, 7875, 3966, 187, 9817, 309, 753, 13, 1142, 11730, 952, 403, 5686, 715, 2656, 14, 453, 1875, 6416, 18294, 15, 1583, 403, 5439, 281, 1675, 841, 2193, 285, 1620, 2793, 2712, 2010, 15, 6049, 513, 597, 990, 598, 11730, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1047, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 2640, 27, 1706, 27, 3357, 642, 15, 805, 4185, 1839, 34333, 27, 187, 5064, 805, 4185, 1839, 18950, 187, 31, 66, 2352, 1620, 6505, 253, 11730, 3072, 209, 187, 31, 66, 2352, 2506, 626, 2105, 2891, 8918, 187, 1145, 251, 1051, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1047, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 2640, 27, 1812, 27, 883, 642, 15, 805, 4185, 24677, 2691, 27, 187, 5064, 805, 4185, 1731, 25238, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1047, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 2640, 27, 1812, 27, 1508, 642, 15, 805, 4185, 20373, 740, 27, 187, 31, 78, 25837, 18019, 285, 38738, 253, 1980, 269, 13046, 302, 715, 4933, 368, 247, 378, 43, 187, 1240, 281, 320, 1638, 969, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1047, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 2640, 27, 1812, 27, 2031, 642, 15, 805, 4185, 20373, 1867, 27, 187, 5064 ]
>>132655965 Its like this Productive White Men: >no job >no family >die off Whale Feminist: >job >no family >die off this is how you ultimately kill off a population. don't give jobs to people who will reproduce. Anonymous 07/06/17(Thu)16:53:08 no.132656332: Our generation is sheltered as hell. Most (middle/upper-class) kids don't know the first thing about suffering. This isn't unique to our generation, it's a phenomenon that coincides with our getting richer. Our society has become a themepark, and it's expected the citizens act like children. Like the point above, parenting is a skill and requires mature individuals. Those people are in short supply. Mostly for lower-class kids, the great recession had demolished many opportunities. Especially when your identity is partly defined by the hard labour your do. It threw a generation into a identity void where they couldn't achieve what was expected of them, and they couldn't shake it off either. Anonymous 07/06/17(Thu)16:53:24 no.132656362: >>132655667 I am an Electrician. My hands are "workers hands" and are rough. But other than that I've been fine. My dad did physical labor into his late 50's and he enjoyed retirement. As for worrying about Mexicans...there aren't any. My workers are all white guys who grew up here and had to learn the trade. Mexicans can't learn welding or electrical lighting just like that. Keep in mind I'm working 7 days a week and making more many than the others guy working for me. So even though I'm working my ass off, I still get bank. Anonymous 07/06/17(Thu)16:53:32 no.132656379: >>132655489 It's funny how genz thinks they're doing just great because they're young and excited about joining the workforce. Guess what, back in 2007 millenials busted ass too. I used to work 60 hours a week. Anonymous 07/06/17(Thu)16:53:52 no.132656410: >>132655589 i dont know alot about the older generations really i only know what my parents experience adn they both left school and had to work hard to pay for housing etc most people now stay with their parents until they are atleast 26 Anonymous 07/06/17(Thu)16:54:09 no.132656450: Also goyish libretardian capitalist idiots didn't help you at all >hurr a company should have to give you insurance or vacation >I hate having time off I dont know to do with myself >You don't deserve a job if you need time off This is your future Anonymous 07/06/17(Thu)16:56:24 no.132656685: >>132656362 Going into tradeschool to be an electrician myself, wish me luck. Anonymous 07/06/17(Thu)16:57:00 no.132656755: >>132656136 The computer science a level is good if you goto the right college but the one i went too had a shit version of it we spent a whole year learning visual basic and the difficulty barely got harder than it was at gcse it sorta killed my enthusiasm and love for programming i had friends doing it at another college and they learnt c and were doing loads of cool projects What trade you thinking about ive been working renovating houses with my dad since the end of may Anonymous 07/06/17(Thu)16:57:38 no.132656822: heavy computer use scrambles the mind... Anonymous 07/06/17(Thu)17:01:25 no.132657251: If you want to secure a safe financial future for yourself, buy some Bitcoin Anonymous 07/06/17(Thu)17:02:14 no.132657345: >>132656410 Anonymous 07/06/17(Thu)17:04:36 no.132657611: >>132656755 Spark. Know how you feel about CompSci. I was put on the course 6months late and finished it within 3 months. Learned nothing and could get through with the knowledge I already had. Anonymous 07/06/17(Thu)17:05:12 no.132657683: >>132645972 Diminishing returns. Anonymous 07/06/17(Thu)17:10:15 no.132658242: >>132657345 Gotta love the excuse memes used to justify why faggots get nowhere now. Protip: your failures are because you didn't try very hard, no matter what MUH BOOMERS put in place, it's still all your fault even if you choose to deny it. t. Guy who knows enough people who had to struggle and work 80-100/hrs per week to get to the top of their game because they didn't need to carve out half their day to shitpost and play vidya and preferred accomplishment to making excuses Anonymous 07/06/17(Thu)17:11:31 no.132658378: >>132657611 yeah it's shit ive spent the last month trying to apply to as many software development aprenticeships as possible also trying to get onto any uni course that will take me Anonymous 07/06/17(Thu)17:12:32 no.132658478: >>132652328 You're wrong, though. Anonymous 07/06/17(Thu)17:12:39 no.132658487: >>132645972 Because growing up my mother never inspired me and my father did work I could never do because I don't have the physical strength my father has. So I opted to becoming a housewife and now I'm barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen. Anonymous 07/06/17(Thu)17:15:18 no.132658789: >>132645972 >millenials this millenials that gen z and gen x boomers boomers just a kind reminder to those who are unaware: these are divide and conquer threads and the content should be ignored or mocked Anonymous 07/06/17(Thu)17:16:23 no.132658904: would it be easy for me to come to murica for uni instead of doing it here think id much prefer to live there by next year were probably all have to have morning prays around a big black cube in the middle of town while shouting allah akbar Anonymous 07/06/17(Thu)17:16:30 no.132658916: >>132658378 Did you only get a pass or something to do with GCSE? Anonymous 07/06/17(Thu)17:20:23 no.132659333: >>132658242 >mehmet my son, you must choose >will you be wage-cuck good goy working 100 hours a week to make money for Jews and niggers while your wife fucks other men? >or will you be a NEET soldier against Jewry who leeches off the dying system and gets to do everything you want all day, every day? Anonymous 07/06/17(Thu)17:20:54 no.132659386: >>132649155 How can someone be this fucking dumb? Anonymous 07/06/17(Thu)17:21:40 no.132659472: I wanted to be a filmmaker before I knew what was going on in the world. I'm completely clueless now and I lack the ability to get gud at anything that I'm not 100% excited about. Anonymous 07/06/17(Thu)17:21:53 no.132659495: >>132649155 It's all math. Anonymous 07/06/17(Thu)17:22:09 no.132659526: >Be me >24 years old, born 1992. >Moderately fit >Exercise + eat well >University degree >Work as a sound engineer >Play Piano + Guitar >Play in a band >Generous and good with money >I volunteer helping sick kids >Women find me attractive >If interested they always pull away or excuse themselves before anything serious starts >Only ever had sex while at university in South England with mainly sluts from conservate backgrounds >Offered job with one of the UKs leading audio hire companies >Work in the warehouse, doing mundane things >Boss is alright guy, but hes a pushover >Anyone who moans or complains about having to do their job getting preferential treatment >The 3 women who work here are completely useless, so they are promoted to jobs that involved extremely simple tasks with also a payrise >Guy who used to be a drug dealer was hired by boss to try and get him on the straight and narrow >Constantly injuring himself, often late, often called in sick >Constantly complaining and getting stressed out over simple tasks >Gets an entire office built for him
[ 5064, 1012, 1731, 36002, 2082, 187, 27132, 751, 436, 187, 13443, 422, 5219, 9730, 27, 187, 31, 2369, 2628, 187, 31, 2369, 2021, 187, 31, 20875, 745, 187, 3152, 1079, 401, 27600, 382, 27, 187, 31, 17455, 187, 31, 2369, 2021, 187, 31, 20875, 745, 187, 2520, 310, 849, 368, 9142, 5159, 745, 247, 3072, 15, 1053, 626, 1918, 7375, 281, 952, 665, 588, 18302, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 1036, 27, 3357, 27, 2904, 642, 15, 1012, 1731, 3208, 32078, 27, 187, 6067, 5978, 310, 9200, 3606, 347, 7085, 15, 5595, 313, 16389, 16, 23725, 14, 2437, 10, 5753, 1053, 626, 871, 253, 806, 2181, 670, 9958, 15, 831, 3548, 626, 4451, 281, 776, 5978, 13, 352, 434, 247, 11562, 326, 30150, 342, 776, 2970, 38539, 15, 3824, 5948, 556, 2489, 247, 731, 554, 782, 13, 285, 352, 434, 3264, 253, 7815, 769, 751, 2151, 15, 187, 9817, 253, 1127, 1840, 13, 31104, 310, 247, 10861, 285, 4419, 14242, 4292, 15, 9240, 952, 403, 275, 2159, 6186, 15, 187, 10342, 314, 323, 2406, 14, 2437, 5753, 13, 253, 1270, 29276, 574, 44550, 1142, 9091, 15, 23498, 672, 634, 6489, 310, 13730, 2931, 407, 253, 1892, 18213, 634, 513, 15, 733, 13222, 247, 5978, 715, 247, 6489, 2991, 835, 597, 4571, 626, 5115, 752, 369, 3264, 273, 731, 13, 285, 597, 4571, 626, 17941, 352, 745, 2057, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 1036, 27, 3357, 27, 1348, 642, 15, 1012, 1731, 3208, 28615, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1731, 35466, 2251, 187, 42, 717, 271, 21171, 757, 15, 2752, 3564, 403, 346, 26719, 3564, 3, 285, 403, 7227, 15, 1292, 643, 685, 326, 309, 1849, 644, 4030, 15, 2752, 12247, 858, 3520, 5299, 715, 521, 3563, 2456, 434, 285, 344, 11346, 15072, 15, 209, 187, 1909, 323, 29124, 670, 6691, 27441, 1051, 9088, 6403, 626, 667, 15, 2752, 5820, 403, 512, 3168, 6068, 665, 8899, 598, 1060, 285, 574, 281, 3037, 253, 5454, 15, 6691, 27441, 476, 626, 3037, 34329, 390, 8545, 15632, 816, 751, 326, 15, 209, 187, 19515, 275, 2564, 309, 1353, 2444, 818, 1897, 247, 2129, 285, 2403, 625, 1142, 685, 253, 2571, 5599, 2444, 323, 479, 15, 1893, 1014, 2167, 309, 1353, 2444, 619, 718, 745, 13, 309, 1335, 755, 4310, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 1036, 27, 3357, 27, 1237, 642, 15, 1012, 1731, 3208, 24880, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1731, 2417, 30452, 187, 1147, 434, 11755, 849, 730, 91, 11121, 597, 1472, 2509, 816, 1270, 984, 597, 1472, 2872, 285, 9049, 670, 14167, 253, 26843, 15, 3262, 405, 752, 13, 896, 275, 5215, 5499, 257, 8075, 270, 15172, 718, 1512, 15, 309, 908, 281, 789, 3925, 3038, 247, 2129, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 1036, 27, 3357, 27, 3583, 642, 15, 1012, 21317, 1540, 740, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1731, 27865, 2511, 187, 74, 13414, 871, 47899, 670, 253, 5662, 14649, 1663, 891, 760, 871, 752, 619, 4651, 2793, 519, 79, 597, 1097, 1669, 2143, 285, 574, 281, 789, 1892, 281, 2075, 323, 8039, 3966, 954, 952, 1024, 3297, 342, 616, 4651, 1919, 597, 403, 387, 38462, 3436, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 1036, 27, 3439, 27, 2693, 642, 15, 1012, 21317, 1540, 1235, 27, 187, 9917, 564, 90, 763, 5135, 1221, 472, 757, 33712, 22467, 1502, 1904, 626, 1361, 368, 387, 512, 209, 187, 31, 27941, 83, 247, 2567, 943, 452, 281, 1918, 368, 6503, 390, 18125, 187, 31, 42, 9239, 1907, 673, 745, 309, 13414, 871, 281, 513, 342, 4266, 187, 31, 1394, 1053, 626, 17337, 247, 2628, 604, 368, 878, 673, 745, 187, 1552, 310, 634, 2852, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 1036, 27, 3208, 27, 1348, 642, 15, 1012, 21317, 2526, 2227, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1731, 3208, 28615, 187, 39204, 715, 28587, 1651, 281, 320, 271, 5637, 757, 4266, 13, 5730, 479, 7516, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 1036, 27, 3011, 27, 361, 642, 15, 1012, 1731, 3208, 27496, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1731, 3208, 15220, 187, 510, 4382, 5859, 247, 1268, 310, 1175, 604, 368, 28357, 253, 987, 6831, 533, 253, 581, 891, 2427, 1512, 574, 247, 10739, 2715, 273, 352, 359, 5262, 247, 2644, 807, 4715, 5304, 5044, 285, 253, 10183, 12345, 1694, 12150, 685, 352, 369, 387, 305, 68, 339, 352, 3686, 66, 5339, 619, 23027, 285, 2389, 323, 10717, 891, 574, 3858, 2509, 352, 387, 1529, 6831, 285, 597, 34003, 260, 285, 497, 2509, 16665, 273, 4484, 6493, 187, 1276, 5454, 368, 4680, 670, 209, 422, 644, 2444, 30074, 839, 9910, 342, 619, 12247, 1580, 253, 990, 273, 778, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 1036, 27, 3011, 27, 1839, 642, 15, 1012, 21317, 2358, 1423, 27, 187, 37893, 4382, 897, 7362, 1369, 868, 253, 2564, 1051, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 1166, 27, 520, 27, 1099, 642, 15, 1012, 1731, 3011, 21451, 27, 187, 2042, 368, 971, 281, 7895, 247, 4999, 4832, 2852, 323, 4834, 13, 4489, 690, 15025, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 1166, 27, 2640, 27, 1047, 642, 15, 1012, 1731, 3011, 16767, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 21317, 1540, 740, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 1166, 27, 2125, 27, 1812, 642, 15, 1012, 1731, 33333, 883, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1731, 3208, 27496, 187, 6104, 782, 15, 13665, 849, 368, 1928, 670, 3631, 4316, 74, 15, 309, 369, 1691, 327, 253, 2282, 721, 17348, 3563, 285, 6699, 352, 1561, 495, 2607, 15, 13039, 9306, 2717, 285, 812, 755, 949, 342, 253, 3640, 309, 2168, 574, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 1166, 27, 1762, 27, 805, 642, 15, 1012, 1731, 3011, 38518, 27, 187, 5064, 14783, 1540, 3046, 3547, 187, 18157, 249, 3647, 6548, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 1166, 27, 740, 27, 1010, 642, 15, 1012, 1731, 3680, 22232, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1731, 3011, 16767, 187, 25302, 893, 2389, 253, 16267, 1167, 265, 908, 281, 15249, 2139, 269, 13046, 1502, 755, 17663, 1024, 15, 187, 1845, 22076, 27, 634, 20101, 403, 984, 368, 1904, 626, 1611, 1077, 1892, 13, 642, 2647, 752, 32639, 41, 20466, 2277, 6117, 1691, 275, 1659, 13, 352, 434, 1335, 512, 634, 9331, 1014, 604, 368, 5206, 281, 13292, 352, 15, 187, 85, 15, 22757, 665, 6057, 2217, 952, 665, 574, 281, 11182, 285, 789, 5096, 14, 2313, 16, 73, 2967, 591, 2129, 281, 755, 281, 253, 1755, 273, 616, 2165, 984, 597, 1904, 626, 878, 281, 1113, 306, 562, 2716, 616, 1388, 281, 10739, 5996, 285, 1132, 29069, 5973, 285, 9013, 42285, 281, 2403, 38219, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 1166, 27, 883, 27, 2405, 642, 15, 1012, 1731, 3680, 25139, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1731, 33333, 883, 187, 90, 3983, 352, 434, 10739, 209, 422, 5262, 253, 1390, 1770, 2820, 281, 4647, 281, 347, 1142, 3694, 2440, 1049, 624, 1271, 16458, 347, 1896, 671, 2820, 281, 755, 4830, 667, 42015, 2282, 326, 588, 1379, 479, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 1166, 27, 805, 27, 1237, 642, 15, 1012, 1731, 3680, 31819, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1731, 3583, 22130, 187, 1394, 1472, 3430, 13, 2167, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 1166, 27, 805, 27, 1867, 642, 15, 1012, 1731, 3680, 30910, 27, 187, 5064, 14783, 1540, 3046, 3547, 187, 8457, 5675, 598, 619, 3101, 1620, 11797, 479, 285, 619, 3392, 858, 789, 309, 812, 1620, 513, 984, 309, 1053, 626, 452, 253, 3520, 4757, 619, 3392, 556, 15, 1893, 309, 33549, 281, 7552, 247, 2419, 27505, 285, 1024, 309, 1353, 8050, 8938, 285, 12821, 275, 253, 8576, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 1166, 27, 1010, 27, 1093, 642, 15, 1012, 21317, 2597, 2511, 27, 187, 5064, 14783, 1540, 3046, 3547, 187, 31, 17993, 257, 8075, 436, 5499, 257, 8075, 326, 730, 1182, 285, 730, 1269, 1766, 14724, 1766, 14724, 187, 6309, 247, 2238, 24388, 281, 1110, 665, 403, 25229, 27, 841, 403, 10957, 285, 35590, 17059, 285, 253, 2600, 943, 320, 12841, 390, 13031, 264, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 1166, 27, 1036, 27, 1508, 642, 15, 1012, 21317, 2511, 2125, 27, 187, 12756, 352, 320, 3477, 323, 479, 281, 1705, 281, 4682, 3737, 323, 42015, 3185, 273, 2509, 352, 1060, 1158, 2654, 1199, 4510, 281, 3153, 627, 407, 1735, 807, 497, 3164, 512, 452, 281, 452, 4131, 819, 698, 1475, 247, 1943, 2806, 23636, 275, 253, 4766, 273, 3874, 1223, 26523, 512, 1240, 29507, 2009, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 1166, 27, 1036, 27, 1229, 642, 15, 1012, 21317, 2511, 1036, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1731, 3680, 25139, 187, 8917, 368, 760, 755, 247, 1509, 390, 1633, 281, 513, 342, 15679, 2354, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 1166, 27, 938, 27, 1508, 642, 15, 1012, 1731, 3046, 20084, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1731, 3680, 22232, 187, 31, 1405, 73, 3899, 619, 3347, 13, 368, 1364, 5206, 187, 31, 9846, 368, 320, 16610, 14, 68, 1807, 1175, 564, 90, 2444, 2233, 3038, 247, 2129, 281, 1056, 2583, 323, 11563, 285, 35825, 7276, 1223, 634, 4475, 269, 9984, 643, 1821, 32, 187, 31, 263, 588, 368, 320, 247, 8973, 2025, 15796, 1411, 5679, 610, 665, 458, 27462, 745, 253, 13889, 985, 285, 4850, 281, 513, 3253, 368, 971, 512, 1388, 13, 1046, 1388, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 1166, 27, 938, 27, 3439, 642, 15, 1012, 1731, 3046, 20373, 27, 187, 5064, 14783, 26937, 15054, 187, 2347, 476, 3095, 320, 436, 12835, 21413, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 1166, 27, 1797, 27, 1449, 642, 15, 1012, 1731, 3046, 32006, 27, 187, 42, 3078, 281, 320, 247, 45436, 1078, 309, 3260, 752, 369, 1469, 327, 275, 253, 1533, 15, 309, 1353, 4336, 502, 3814, 405, 1024, 285, 309, 3480, 253, 3745, 281, 755, 305, 438, 387, 2712, 326, 309, 1353, 417, 2233, 6, 9049, 670, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 1166, 27, 1797, 27, 3357, 642, 15, 1012, 1731, 3046, 32296, 27, 187, 5064, 14783, 26937, 15054, 187, 1147, 434, 512, 14168, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 1166, 27, 1423, 27, 2693, 642, 15, 1012, 21317, 2222, 1731, 27, 187, 31, 4678, 479, 187, 31, 1348, 1107, 1711, 13, 5686, 9748, 15, 187, 31, 4120, 254, 1523, 4944, 187, 31, 1672, 23393, 559, 6008, 973, 187, 31, 19339, 4248, 187, 31, 10282, 347, 247, 3590, 16518, 187, 31, 21020, 367, 10356, 559, 443, 36567, 187, 31, 21020, 275, 247, 3961, 187, 31, 10203, 528, 285, 1175, 342, 2583, 187, 31, 42, 20848, 9073, 8334, 5753, 187, 31, 22737, 1089, 479, 12994, 187, 31, 2042, 6110, 597, 1900, 3785, 1977, 390, 16267, 3746, 1078, 2712, 4092, 7866, 187, 31, 11564, 2455, 574, 2825, 1223, 387, 9835, 275, 3684, 5854, 342, 7194, 1499, 14298, 432, 6405, 366, 24550, 187, 31, 4527, 3850, 2628, 342, 581, 273, 253, 5591, 84, 4283, 9797, 16263, 4413, 187, 31, 10282, 275, 253, 27134, 13, 2509, 48657, 1841, 187, 31, 35, 1730, 310, 34557, 5599, 13, 533, 34236, 247, 7450, 1189, 187, 31, 31568, 665, 5497, 507, 390, 40538, 670, 1907, 281, 513, 616, 2628, 2970, 41637, 1971, 187, 31, 510, 495, 2255, 665, 789, 1060, 403, 4336, 19437, 13, 594, 597, 403, 15127, 281, 7375, 326, 3206, 6685, 2969, 8892, 342, 671, 247, 2075, 24078, 187, 31, 46963, 665, 908, 281, 320, 247, 2854, 23827, 369, 14565, 407, 12145, 281, 1611, 285, 755, 779, 327, 253, 4951, 285, 6891, 187, 31, 29080, 314, 2450, 981, 2994, 13, 2223, 3563, 13, 2223, 1925, 275, 8334, 187, 31, 29080, 314, 25917, 285, 2970, 21198, 562, 689, 2969, 8892, 187, 31, 40, 1507, 271, 2862, 3906, 4270, 323, 779 ]
then fuck off. Anonymous 06/14/17(Wed)01:11:48 no.129830881: >>129826646 You have no reason to be against homosexuality unless you're a Christian or Muslim who doesn't believe in separation of church and state, so trying to "redpill" your friend on homosexuality is basically like trying to convert them to your religion. That being said I realize that the gay community is a cesspool of hedonism and that STDs are more common among gays than straights. However these things are more the result of the liberal agenda that was forced upon gays than gays themselves. Furthermore, outlawing homosexuality won't actually stop homosexuals from existing; gays will still exist in an underground community as they do in middle eastern countries today. If anything, enforcing sodomy laws would only help to propagate the spread of STDs. The gay issue is a pretty dumb one IMO. Yeah, homosexuality definitely isn't something should be celebrated, but it's not something that you can change or prevent either. It's existed in every society throughout history, and any attempts in the past to "cure" it have been futile. Anonymous 06/14/17(Wed)01:12:27 no.129830952: >>129826646 Redpill him even if it ruins your frienship it would be extremly altruistic Anonymous 06/14/17(Wed)01:14:24 no.129831157: >>129829159 >i hat queers! it's immoral! >literally browses a site with boards dedicated to pornography and homosex Anonymous 06/14/17(Wed)01:15:18 no.129831234: >>129831157 That's like saying it's wrong for me to use the internet because there's porn on it. Anonymous 06/14/17(Wed)01:17:38 no.129831453: >>129827531 Dude, he is clearly gay then. Anonymous 06/14/17(Wed)01:18:14 no.129831507: >>129830599 I'm speaking wisdom. You can hold the beliefs, you can express the beliefs, but it's not worth trying to force them on your family and friends. What good are consistent, even true, beliefs, if you're a lonely miser? The fact is that people don't live consistent with their beliefs. And furthermore, if you commit yourself to a distorted, exaggerated cause at the expense of your family and friendships, you're forfeiting the only things that are worth protecting in this world. Anonymous 06/14/17(Wed)01:23:24 no.129831969: >>129826646 god damn it you fucking tards dont get it. there is no need to "red pill" any one on anything. bunch of try hards that understand human nature very little just doing more damage you wont convince another person of anything. they have to come to that assessment on their own the best you could hope for is showing them fags being fags and hoping they are repulsed and thats not going to work often this is no different than a abortion argument. the opposition has made up their minds. they will only change their minds if they suddenly dont like the idea. now you should understand your at a loss to change another person Anonymous 06/14/17(Wed)01:24:47 no.129832093: >>129830881 >It's existed in every society throughout history Wrong. Same sex activity has been observed in past societies, but being "gay" (i.e. taking on those same activities as an identity, along with the belief that you are born that way and its a lifelong state that is not subject to change) is a compeltely recent phenomenon that only appeared in the last 40 years or so. People like Greeks and Romans viewed same sex activity as just an activity. The idea that people were "wired" like that was unknown to them, or any other society in history. Furthermore, the "born this way" ideology goes against psychology, which dictates that sexuality is fluid and changing and highly complex. People can gain and lose attractions to all sorts of exotic features. Sexual attractions can be traced back to years of conditioning and reinforcement. Oh, except attraction to genders. That's a super special case and its always black and white and unchanging. You just have to believe us on that. It's hard to believe this ideology. It just doesn't make sense. They have been searching for years to find a "gay" gene, but all they have found so far is some weakly correlated biological markers. Until they do find the gay gene, it would be easy to believe what is rational and say that "gayness" is a construct, and people aren't just born like that. Anonymous 06/14/17(Wed)01:25:15 no.129832140: >>129831969 >you wont convince another person of anything That's literally all I do, son. Anonymous 06/14/17(Wed)01:27:26 no.129832326: >Right-wing beliefs automatically make you a social outcast This meme needs to die. I grew up in the lefty hellhole New Jersey in a township populated over 40% by Jews, and I've still never had any difficulty cultivating a close circle of like-minded friends, and a broader circle of acquaintances including people who disagree with me. This is an absolutely incredibly fun time to play the part of the high-energy right-wing charismatic. Just learn to have some damn tact when it's called for and properly play the "concerned skeptic who isn't always sure that all these social experiments are turning out in the sunshine and rainbows way people all hoped they would" when conversations get more serious instead of rambling like a know-it-all autist and you'll be fucking fine. People these days, even the generally blue-pilled and agreeable, absolutely HATE, positively DESPISE the oppressive cultural climate of compulsory political correctness that currently hangs over all of our heads. They hate it deep down in their heart of hearts, feel the stress and strain of it on a subconscious level whether they realize it consciously or not. Play on that. Give them little glimpses of what a free man looks like, and do so with enough poise and tact not to trigger the immediate reflexive defense response that has been ingrained in them, and they will *always* like you and hear you out in spite of themselves. And the ones who really do see things the way you do (there are more out there than mainstream propaganda would allow you to believe) will start to gather around you. Having believes that go against the grain of the basic-bitch neoliberal consensus is no excuse for loneliness. You're not being persecuted for your beliefs. You just haven't figured out how to integrate these beliefs into a functioning outward persona yet. Anonymous 06/14/17(Wed)01:28:04 no.129832392: >>129828619 Wanna touch pee pees together? Anonymous 06/14/17(Wed)01:33:16 no.129832872: >>129832093 I was never arguing that people are "born" gay, nor that being gay was ever an identity in the past. However, there have been many historical instances of men who clearly preferred other men to women, but many of them still likely married women due to social pressures. We don't know what actually causes homosexuality, but like I said, it's likely a chemical thing that can't be prevented or "corrected" with our available knowledge on the subject. Anonymous 06/14/17(Wed)01:34:54 no.129833013: >>129829627 Gay rape is ridiculously common Africa, and most of their shithole governments don't even enforce laws in the first place. Also pic related fag Anonymous 06/14/17(Wed)01:42:32 no.129833646: >>129826646 Socratic method. You must ask the right questions. Anonymous 06/14/17(Wed)01:42:45 no.129833665: >>129832872 Homosexuality is caused by an imbalance of hormones in the womb, when artificial wombs come out homesexuality will cease to exist. The source of all our problems is women. Once we can replicate what women are supposed to do with technology, society will prosper. Anonymous 06/14/17(Wed)01:44:01 no.129833789: >>129832872 It's a hard pill to swallow. To just accept that attraction to the same sex is somehow different to, say, attraction to certain races or body types, which are accepted as trasnient. Considering how similar men and women are in the grand scheme of things. Like it's the one attraction out of all possible attractions that can be attributed to some sort of "chemical" origin. Seems a little ridiculous to me. Anonymous 06/14/17(Wed)01:45:45 no.129833949: >>129826646 tell him to stop being a stupid faggot then let him decide. Anonymous 06/14/17(Wed)01:47:09 no.129834076: >>129833789
[ 840, 7435, 745, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1047, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 520, 27, 883, 27, 2385, 642, 15, 805, 4185, 1229, 41325, 27, 187, 5064, 805, 4185, 1731, 25238, 187, 1394, 452, 642, 1921, 281, 320, 1411, 39880, 5734, 368, 1472, 247, 6416, 390, 8797, 665, 2506, 626, 2868, 275, 9712, 273, 6105, 285, 1375, 13, 594, 2820, 281, 346, 433, 81, 408, 3, 634, 3331, 327, 39880, 310, 10323, 751, 2820, 281, 6455, 731, 281, 634, 9596, 15, 187, 2773, 1146, 753, 309, 8968, 326, 253, 11730, 3114, 310, 247, 29057, 10730, 273, 344, 9903, 1204, 285, 326, 3915, 19277, 403, 625, 1846, 2190, 305, 698, 685, 3405, 4380, 15, 1723, 841, 1841, 403, 625, 253, 906, 273, 253, 12773, 15990, 326, 369, 6726, 2220, 305, 698, 685, 305, 698, 3746, 15, 5488, 13, 46084, 272, 39880, 1912, 626, 2686, 3523, 29721, 84, 432, 5368, 28, 305, 698, 588, 1335, 2226, 275, 271, 19076, 3114, 347, 597, 513, 275, 4766, 14730, 4343, 3063, 15, 1310, 2712, 13, 37703, 9359, 4182, 5323, 651, 760, 1361, 281, 38500, 253, 5195, 273, 3915, 19277, 15, 187, 510, 11730, 2523, 310, 247, 3965, 21413, 581, 309, 6329, 15, 11739, 13, 39880, 7964, 3548, 626, 1633, 943, 320, 19651, 13, 533, 352, 434, 417, 1633, 326, 368, 476, 1818, 390, 3657, 2057, 15, 733, 434, 13164, 275, 1046, 5948, 4768, 2892, 13, 285, 667, 9437, 275, 253, 2469, 281, 346, 68, 459, 3, 352, 452, 644, 42568, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1047, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 520, 27, 805, 27, 1630, 642, 15, 805, 4185, 1229, 39621, 27, 187, 5064, 805, 4185, 1731, 25238, 187, 10252, 81, 408, 779, 1014, 604, 352, 28478, 634, 2054, 561, 1456, 352, 651, 320, 5320, 314, 6945, 579, 2531, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1047, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 520, 27, 1047, 27, 1348, 642, 15, 13482, 3245, 883, 3011, 27, 187, 5064, 805, 4185, 1717, 17220, 187, 31, 74, 7856, 1753, 398, 2, 352, 434, 4293, 7909, 2, 209, 187, 31, 22478, 595, 6479, 6628, 247, 2670, 342, 16431, 9940, 281, 37314, 285, 2860, 15800, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1047, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 520, 27, 1010, 27, 1093, 642, 15, 13482, 3245, 28941, 27, 187, 5064, 13482, 3245, 883, 3011, 187, 2773, 434, 751, 3981, 352, 434, 3430, 323, 479, 281, 897, 253, 8573, 984, 627, 434, 16921, 327, 352, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1047, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 520, 27, 1166, 27, 1839, 642, 15, 13482, 3245, 1047, 3357, 27, 187, 5064, 805, 4185, 20450, 2405, 187, 37, 2496, 13, 344, 310, 4518, 11730, 840, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1047, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 520, 27, 1093, 27, 1047, 642, 15, 13482, 3245, 1010, 2922, 27, 187, 5064, 805, 4185, 19042, 1525, 187, 42, 1353, 8288, 15799, 15, 1422, 476, 2186, 253, 13379, 13, 368, 476, 3890, 253, 13379, 13, 533, 352, 434, 417, 4409, 2820, 281, 3490, 731, 327, 634, 2021, 285, 3858, 15, 209, 187, 1276, 1175, 403, 5185, 13, 1014, 2032, 13, 13379, 13, 604, 368, 1472, 247, 25106, 24050, 32, 380, 958, 310, 326, 952, 1053, 626, 3153, 5185, 342, 616, 13379, 15, 1244, 33810, 13, 604, 368, 4514, 4834, 281, 247, 32408, 13, 36074, 2847, 387, 253, 14247, 273, 634, 2021, 285, 49986, 13, 368, 1472, 24184, 2996, 253, 760, 1841, 326, 403, 4409, 15233, 275, 436, 1533, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1047, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 520, 27, 1508, 27, 1348, 642, 15, 13482, 3245, 25892, 27, 187, 5064, 805, 4185, 1731, 25238, 187, 30023, 15229, 352, 368, 12835, 246, 2196, 13414, 755, 352, 15, 627, 310, 642, 878, 281, 346, 433, 12575, 3, 667, 581, 327, 2712, 964, 12190, 273, 1611, 1892, 84, 326, 2096, 1966, 3753, 1077, 1652, 816, 2509, 625, 4723, 187, 5658, 31451, 18578, 1529, 1436, 273, 2712, 964, 597, 452, 281, 1705, 281, 326, 6803, 327, 616, 1211, 187, 783, 1682, 368, 812, 3524, 323, 310, 4645, 731, 269, 3544, 1146, 269, 3544, 285, 11525, 597, 403, 1234, 7228, 264, 285, 28763, 417, 1469, 281, 789, 2223, 187, 2520, 310, 642, 1027, 685, 247, 16403, 4154, 15, 253, 10266, 556, 1160, 598, 616, 13846, 964, 597, 588, 760, 1818, 616, 13846, 604, 597, 8423, 13414, 751, 253, 2934, 15, 1024, 368, 943, 2096, 634, 387, 247, 2957, 281, 1818, 1529, 1436, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1047, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 520, 27, 1348, 27, 2504, 642, 15, 13482, 3245, 938, 4590, 27, 187, 5064, 805, 4185, 1229, 41325, 187, 31, 1147, 434, 13164, 275, 1046, 5948, 4768, 2892, 187, 56, 29487, 15, 187, 27970, 2825, 2425, 556, 644, 2540, 275, 2469, 21262, 13, 533, 1146, 346, 48223, 3, 313, 74, 15, 70, 15, 3192, 327, 1110, 1072, 4712, 347, 271, 6489, 13, 2112, 342, 253, 9927, 326, 368, 403, 5686, 326, 1039, 285, 697, 247, 36536, 1375, 326, 310, 417, 2256, 281, 1818, 10, 310, 247, 509, 2585, 600, 3332, 11562, 326, 760, 5420, 275, 253, 1390, 3387, 1107, 390, 594, 15, 187, 8836, 751, 36452, 285, 30396, 11575, 1072, 2825, 2425, 347, 816, 271, 2425, 15, 380, 2934, 326, 952, 497, 346, 88, 1250, 3, 751, 326, 369, 7202, 281, 731, 13, 390, 667, 643, 5948, 275, 2892, 15, 187, 20964, 13, 253, 346, 6448, 436, 1039, 3, 25680, 4566, 1411, 20162, 13, 534, 44682, 326, 30545, 310, 6514, 285, 6890, 285, 4122, 2570, 15, 6491, 476, 6351, 285, 7168, 31154, 281, 512, 16308, 273, 26015, 3386, 15, 40448, 31154, 476, 320, 26098, 896, 281, 1107, 273, 21839, 285, 35221, 15, 5531, 13, 3707, 21779, 281, 305, 13577, 15, 2064, 434, 247, 2221, 2714, 1083, 285, 697, 1900, 2806, 285, 3168, 285, 440, 28276, 15, 1422, 816, 452, 281, 2868, 441, 327, 326, 15, 187, 1147, 434, 1892, 281, 2868, 436, 25680, 15, 733, 816, 2506, 626, 1056, 3282, 15, 1583, 452, 644, 12203, 323, 1107, 281, 1089, 247, 346, 48223, 3, 3320, 13, 533, 512, 597, 452, 1119, 594, 2080, 310, 690, 22112, 9578, 7534, 9588, 15, 187, 24753, 597, 513, 1089, 253, 11730, 3320, 13, 352, 651, 320, 3477, 281, 2868, 752, 310, 8870, 285, 1333, 326, 346, 48223, 1255, 3, 310, 247, 3989, 13, 285, 952, 6403, 626, 816, 5686, 751, 326, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1047, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 520, 27, 1099, 27, 1010, 642, 15, 805, 4185, 1237, 12434, 27, 187, 5064, 13482, 3245, 25892, 187, 31, 5658, 31451, 18578, 1529, 1436, 273, 2712, 187, 2773, 434, 12832, 512, 309, 513, 13, 3347, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1047, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 520, 27, 1630, 27, 1731, 642, 15, 805, 4185, 1237, 22391, 27, 187, 31, 8455, 14, 7706, 13379, 8356, 1056, 368, 247, 2675, 562, 4008, 187, 1552, 1167, 70, 3198, 281, 3150, 15, 309, 8899, 598, 275, 253, 458, 30399, 7085, 13928, 1457, 8911, 275, 247, 40707, 26956, 689, 3387, 6, 407, 11563, 13, 285, 309, 1849, 1335, 1620, 574, 667, 10183, 19324, 839, 247, 2810, 9096, 273, 751, 14, 23674, 3858, 13, 285, 247, 16055, 9096, 273, 28262, 1972, 1690, 952, 665, 14936, 342, 479, 15, 187, 1552, 310, 271, 8839, 16088, 794, 673, 281, 1132, 253, 629, 273, 253, 1029, 14, 14115, 987, 14, 7706, 1018, 43307, 15, 3771, 3037, 281, 452, 690, 15229, 13253, 672, 352, 434, 1925, 323, 285, 6283, 1132, 253, 346, 585, 39833, 38504, 665, 3548, 626, 1900, 2119, 326, 512, 841, 2675, 4679, 403, 8577, 562, 275, 253, 34793, 285, 9313, 36553, 1039, 952, 512, 13937, 597, 651, 3, 672, 16072, 755, 625, 4092, 3185, 273, 391, 17461, 751, 247, 871, 14, 262, 14, 455, 1125, 382, 285, 368, 1833, 320, 12835, 4030, 15, 187, 8836, 841, 1897, 13, 1014, 253, 3839, 4797, 14, 81, 2591, 285, 5194, 494, 13, 8839, 388, 4966, 13, 14962, 20955, 49, 19433, 253, 50205, 8928, 7952, 273, 42571, 3569, 36594, 326, 4390, 37778, 689, 512, 273, 776, 9851, 15, 1583, 9239, 352, 3676, 1066, 275, 616, 2798, 273, 15060, 13, 1928, 253, 4073, 285, 7372, 273, 352, 327, 247, 749, 23739, 1268, 1880, 597, 8968, 352, 42913, 390, 417, 15, 10223, 327, 326, 15, 7918, 731, 1652, 50216, 265, 273, 752, 247, 1959, 637, 4453, 751, 13, 285, 513, 594, 342, 2217, 2963, 885, 285, 13253, 417, 281, 9632, 253, 8993, 22375, 422, 5684, 2380, 326, 556, 644, 6446, 11273, 275, 731, 13, 285, 597, 588, 475, 25737, 11, 751, 368, 285, 4089, 368, 562, 275, 15866, 273, 3746, 15, 1244, 253, 4394, 665, 1663, 513, 923, 1841, 253, 1039, 368, 513, 313, 9088, 403, 625, 562, 627, 685, 17068, 23306, 651, 1581, 368, 281, 2868, 10, 588, 1265, 281, 9580, 1475, 368, 15, 187, 18562, 11532, 326, 564, 1411, 253, 13723, 273, 253, 5044, 14, 67, 2682, 425, 46220, 13969, 310, 642, 16267, 323, 43241, 15, 1422, 1472, 417, 1146, 22411, 4525, 323, 634, 13379, 15, 1422, 816, 6468, 626, 15433, 562, 849, 281, 19837, 841, 13379, 715, 247, 15415, 22684, 35554, 2568, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1047, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 520, 27, 1619, 27, 2125, 642, 15, 805, 4185, 1237, 29827, 27, 187, 5064, 805, 4185, 23360, 746, 187, 56, 9045, 5181, 759, 70, 759, 265, 2366, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1047, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 520, 27, 1610, 27, 1036, 642, 15, 805, 4185, 1237, 41493, 27, 187, 5064, 13482, 3245, 938, 4590, 187, 42, 369, 1620, 16425, 326, 952, 403, 346, 6448, 3, 11730, 13, 4543, 326, 1146, 11730, 369, 2455, 271, 6489, 275, 253, 2469, 15, 1723, 13, 627, 452, 644, 1142, 9493, 10872, 273, 1821, 665, 4518, 9013, 643, 1821, 281, 2255, 13, 533, 1142, 273, 731, 1335, 2779, 7028, 2255, 1955, 281, 2675, 19919, 15, 844, 1053, 626, 871, 752, 2686, 5997, 39880, 13, 533, 751, 309, 753, 13, 352, 434, 2779, 247, 5793, 2181, 326, 476, 626, 320, 14415, 390, 346, 43122, 3, 342, 776, 2130, 3640, 327, 253, 2256, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1047, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 520, 27, 1706, 27, 3439, 642, 15, 805, 4185, 1610, 13144, 27, 187, 5064, 805, 4185, 23402, 1630, 187, 40, 333, 16773, 310, 8314, 40685, 1846, 7531, 13, 285, 954, 273, 616, 439, 334, 1306, 13001, 1053, 626, 1014, 7767, 5323, 275, 253, 806, 1659, 15, 5220, 14402, 2905, 269, 356, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1047, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 520, 27, 2945, 27, 1237, 642, 15, 805, 4185, 1610, 25238, 27, 187, 5064, 805, 4185, 1731, 25238, 187, 52, 23606, 1332, 15, 1422, 1364, 1642, 253, 987, 3533, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1047, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 520, 27, 2945, 27, 1857, 642, 15, 805, 4185, 23126, 2082, 27, 187, 5064, 805, 4185, 1237, 41493, 187, 21569, 34427, 310, 4269, 407, 271, 31561, 273, 23884, 275, 253, 49009, 13, 672, 13345, 1606, 1768, 1705, 562, 9076, 911, 10982, 588, 22907, 281, 2226, 15, 380, 2603, 273, 512, 776, 3237, 310, 2255, 15, 7243, 359, 476, 25464, 752, 2255, 403, 6326, 281, 513, 342, 4302, 13, 5948, 588, 20464, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1047, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 520, 27, 2031, 27, 520, 642, 15, 805, 4185, 23829, 2511, 27, 187, 5064, 805, 4185, 1237, 41493, 187, 1147, 434, 247, 1892, 12575, 281, 17510, 15, 187, 1992, 816, 2997, 326, 21779, 281, 253, 1072, 2825, 310, 10380, 1027, 281, 13, 1333, 13, 21779, 281, 2176, 15820, 390, 2133, 3510, 13, 534, 403, 7607, 347, 40800, 79, 850, 15, 24258, 849, 2074, 1821, 285, 2255, 403, 275, 253, 4936, 6974, 273, 1841, 15, 187, 9817, 352, 434, 253, 581, 21779, 562, 273, 512, 1896, 31154, 326, 476, 320, 12877, 281, 690, 3686, 273, 346, 20465, 3, 6510, 15, 50140, 247, 1652, 19082, 281, 479, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1047, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 520, 27, 1857, 27, 1857, 642, 15, 805, 4185, 23688, 2537, 27, 187, 5064, 805, 4185, 1731, 25238, 187, 38878, 779, 281, 3523, 1146, 247, 11339, 269, 13046, 302, 840, 1339, 779, 7617, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1047, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 520, 27, 2504, 27, 2693, 642, 15, 13482, 3245, 1449, 3121, 27, 187, 5064, 805, 4185, 23829, 2511 ]
Anonymous 03/09/19(Sat)19:06:00 no.205698230: Am not sure what is going on right now. Maybe someone can explain it. I found it on Reddit and asked a Friend and he wasn't very helpful. I do have mixed Feeling about trump He did good things and just plain stupid things. The one that gets me is the Bump Fire Stocks. A government should not get involved with Freedom of Choice. What are we a Fashish Nation the Fashey were socialist as well <|endoftext|>Anonymous 12/01/17(Fri)19:32:37 no.151665872: The real war was between superior Germany and Soviet Union. Inferior Britain was just sitting on their shitty island and getting a lot of resources from (((america))). And Amerimutts joined when the war was already over. Anonymous 12/01/17(Fri)19:34:08 no.151666059: >>151665872 the real war is between slide threads and current political events can i have another bowl of sage please Anonymous 12/01/17(Fri)19:40:46 no.151666850: >>151666059 >leaf <|endoftext|>Anonymous 08/31/16(Wed)14:53:08 no.87241706: Atheism is the answer. Religion is for the weak slaves Anonymous 08/31/16(Wed)14:54:24 no.87241811: >>87241706 Very fine idea sir! *tips fedora and teleports away* Anonymous 08/31/16(Wed)14:55:02 no.87241860: >>87241706 > >>87241706 >Very fine idea sir! >*tips fedora and teleports away* Slave Anonymous 08/31/16(Wed)14:58:08 no.87242151: >>87241706 >i will repeat like a parrot what my prophet richard dawkins says, use my bible which is his book, and blindly believe whatever someone in a white lab coat says without doing my own research. gosh i dont care about religion, thats why i spen every single second talking about it Anonymous 08/31/16(Wed)15:01:07 no.87242428: >>87241811 *pulls out katana* Pshh, nothing personnel, kid Anonymous 08/31/16(Wed)15:04:31 no.87242770: >>87241706 Atheism is the root of all degeneracy. If the anti-Christ were on earth he'd be gorgeous, charming, and speak very well. All the while he'd be thinking to himself "but you should meet my father below". That's why so many people are brainwashed today. All it takes is a pop star, actor, institution of (((higher learning))) or model to shill their drivel on social media and over the airwaves and millions will follow. They can follow the herd right off the cliff for all I care. 3/10 bait funny picture might imply you're being ironic. Anonymous 08/31/16(Wed)15:08:35 no.87243166: >>87241811 >>87242428 >>87242770 >It's the same memes every fucking thread every fucking year Very epic! Anonymous 08/31/16(Wed)15:09:30 no.87243247: >>87241706 Or you could just ignore all of it including faggot edgy atheism and live a good life how you see fit. Anonymous 08/31/16(Wed)15:12:24 no.87243535: >>87243166 Because there is no arguing with people who fell for the atheism meme. Also even Dawkins realized his error. Anonymous 08/31/16(Wed)15:13:48 no.87243663: >>87242428 Anonymous 08/31/16(Wed)15:15:12 no.87243782: >>87241706 No it isn't. Now fuck off with your edgy shit. >t. Atheist Anonymous 08/31/16(Wed)15:15:12 no.87243784: >>87243535 I....dont really follow Dawkins. Like seriously never cared for him and his narcissistic ass. From my own view and being brought up in a catholic environment and going to catholic school I can say that its dangerous, destructive, and buuuuuuullshit. Its called living how one sees fit. I dont need a shitty old book and muh christian morals to be fit in society. Slave. Anonymous 08/31/16(Wed)15:21:53 no.87244399: >>87243784 >I dont need a shitty old book and muh christian morals to be fit in society Most people do, tho. And look at most of your atheist peers, they treat atheism like a religion, to which they must convert all the stupid theists. Oh, that includes you as well. Slave. Anonymous 08/31/16(Wed)15:22:26 no.87244459: >>87243535 >Christians aren't as bad as muslims, therfore atheism is an error. lmao, how many atheists have ever blown anything up? And why do you think most people voting pro-immigration are Christians? Anonymous 08/31/16(Wed)15:23:03 no.87244516: >>87241706 >Atheism is the answer. To what? Anonymous 08/31/16(Wed)15:24:10 no.87244633: OP this is God speaking, STFU or I'm adding 10 more years to your virgin sentence. Anonymous 08/31/16(Wed)15:25:21 no.87244741: >>87241706 Most athiests are more devoted than religious people and don't even realise the irony of how blindly they believe. Anonymous 08/31/16(Wed)15:27:02 no.87244884: Don't listen to him fellow /pol/acks Atheism ruined my country Anonymous 08/31/16(Wed)15:27:24 no.87244924: >>87242770 >America is the root of all degeneracy. Anonymous 08/31/16(Wed)15:34:22 no.87245615: >>87241811 >>87242151 >i will repeat like a parrot what everyone else says to athists and blindly believe whatever's popular on /pol/ because my wife's boyfriend says I'm not allowed to think for myself Anonymous 08/31/16(Wed)15:38:02 no.87245996: non autistic people are agnostic Anonymous 08/31/16(Wed)15:39:15 no.87246119: Reminder Agnosticism is the true redpill Anonymous 08/31/16(Wed)15:41:32 no.87246320: >>87245996 >>87246119 agnostic people are just people who haven't looked into the historical evidence for the resurrection of Christ yet. Anonymous 08/31/16(Wed)15:44:36 no.87246616: >>87241706 RELIGION IS THE SINGLE MOST BLUEPILLED NORMIE BULLSHIT TO COME ABOUT. Literally a way to control the masses. Christians are the ones "turning the other cheek". >>87245996 Agnostics are wishy washy fucks who can't decided to shit or get off the pot. Anonymous 08/31/16(Wed)15:44:57 no.87246651: >>87246320 you mean the book describing it, finished centuries after the event? Anonymous 08/31/16(Wed)15:46:41 no.87246836: >>87243784 > Catholic > Referring to the bible for morals Nice try ignorant fedora. Next time learn something about religion before shitposting. Anonymous 08/31/16(Wed)15:47:38 no.87246933: >>87246616 I'd rather be an agnostic who doesn't care much for religion, then an atheist who is fixated upon it. Anonymous 08/31/16(Wed)15:48:39 no.87247047: Is the swiss JW faggot here by any chance? >inb4 its me Anonymous 08/31/16(Wed)15:49:36 no.87247143: >>87241706 Good goy. Remember that religion is problematic and the sooner we forget it the sooner we can move on from pesky western civilisation Anonymous 08/31/16(
[ 45545, 17272, 16, 2693, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 746, 27, 3071, 27, 361, 642, 15, 16763, 2090, 3507, 1229, 27, 187, 8096, 417, 2119, 752, 310, 1469, 327, 987, 1024, 15, 8948, 3095, 476, 5513, 352, 15, 309, 1119, 352, 327, 39714, 285, 2546, 247, 25845, 285, 344, 3589, 626, 1077, 9371, 15, 209, 187, 42, 513, 452, 6804, 5721, 8855, 670, 29154, 754, 858, 1175, 1841, 285, 816, 8342, 11339, 1841, 15, 380, 581, 326, 4850, 479, 310, 253, 378, 1765, 8726, 659, 4121, 15, 329, 2208, 943, 417, 755, 3206, 342, 20574, 273, 31303, 15, 1737, 403, 359, 247, 401, 1225, 763, 15963, 253, 38777, 26512, 497, 30177, 347, 973, 2756, 50279, 45545, 1249, 16, 520, 16, 1166, 9, 33228, 10, 746, 27, 1237, 27, 1787, 642, 15, 1010, 1036, 2082, 41493, 27, 187, 510, 1524, 2137, 369, 875, 8936, 6176, 285, 12194, 6398, 15, 209, 187, 688, 1592, 1528, 9643, 369, 816, 7063, 327, 616, 10739, 555, 8930, 285, 2970, 247, 2257, 273, 5300, 432, 24317, 13429, 3737, 43075, 209, 187, 1898, 28177, 303, 307, 1641, 7416, 672, 253, 2137, 369, 2168, 689, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 520, 16, 1166, 9, 33228, 10, 746, 27, 1706, 27, 2904, 642, 15, 1010, 17962, 1549, 3046, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1036, 2082, 41493, 187, 783, 1524, 2137, 310, 875, 14518, 17059, 285, 1655, 3569, 3394, 187, 5092, 891, 452, 1529, 11636, 273, 35855, 4496, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 520, 16, 1166, 9, 33228, 10, 746, 27, 1449, 27, 2950, 642, 15, 1010, 17962, 2358, 1235, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 17962, 1549, 3046, 187, 31, 26342, 2756, 50279, 45545, 16331, 16, 2405, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 1047, 27, 3357, 27, 2904, 642, 15, 2597, 1348, 1166, 3071, 27, 187, 34, 783, 1204, 310, 253, 3662, 15, 34959, 310, 323, 253, 5075, 20086, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2405, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 1047, 27, 3439, 27, 1348, 642, 15, 2597, 1348, 1093, 883, 27, 187, 5064, 2597, 1348, 1166, 3071, 187, 17534, 4030, 2934, 8674, 2, 187, 11, 85, 2824, 10208, 6464, 285, 4014, 4124, 1977, 11, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2405, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 1047, 27, 2417, 27, 2640, 642, 15, 2597, 1348, 1093, 1549, 27, 187, 5064, 2597, 1348, 1166, 3071, 187, 31, 187, 5064, 2597, 1348, 1166, 3071, 187, 31, 17534, 4030, 2934, 8674, 2, 187, 31, 11, 85, 2824, 10208, 6464, 285, 4014, 4124, 1977, 11, 187, 10612, 1123, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2405, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 1047, 27, 3680, 27, 2904, 642, 15, 2597, 22232, 18795, 27, 187, 5064, 2597, 1348, 1166, 3071, 187, 31, 74, 588, 10280, 751, 247, 1061, 8601, 752, 619, 33494, 6793, 472, 277, 1403, 7232, 2296, 13, 897, 619, 270, 917, 534, 310, 521, 1984, 13, 285, 9645, 314, 2868, 5913, 3095, 275, 247, 3168, 5188, 11959, 2296, 1293, 2509, 619, 1211, 2561, 15, 305, 6934, 891, 13414, 1557, 670, 9596, 13, 28763, 2139, 891, 653, 257, 1046, 2014, 1273, 5015, 670, 352, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2405, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 1010, 27, 520, 27, 2922, 642, 15, 2597, 1348, 1348, 1619, 27, 187, 5064, 2597, 1348, 1093, 883, 187, 11, 23290, 84, 562, 45470, 3230, 11, 187, 49, 1200, 73, 13, 2717, 11570, 13, 5772, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2405, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 1010, 27, 2125, 27, 2405, 642, 15, 2597, 1348, 1630, 1967, 27, 187, 5064, 2597, 1348, 1166, 3071, 187, 34, 783, 1204, 310, 253, 5230, 273, 512, 44877, 15, 1310, 253, 3270, 14, 13238, 497, 327, 6149, 344, 1871, 320, 23535, 13, 25507, 13, 285, 3984, 1077, 973, 15, 1876, 253, 1223, 344, 1871, 320, 4680, 281, 2994, 346, 2858, 368, 943, 2525, 619, 3392, 2708, 3446, 2064, 434, 2139, 594, 1142, 952, 403, 3998, 47690, 3063, 15, 1876, 352, 3936, 310, 247, 1684, 4177, 13, 12353, 13, 8848, 273, 24317, 41832, 4715, 10689, 390, 1566, 281, 439, 408, 616, 2642, 652, 327, 2675, 3420, 285, 689, 253, 2329, 47003, 285, 9790, 588, 956, 15, 1583, 476, 956, 253, 33361, 987, 745, 253, 28900, 323, 512, 309, 1557, 15, 187, 20, 16, 740, 35352, 11755, 5406, 1537, 16084, 368, 1472, 1146, 40066, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2405, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 1010, 27, 2904, 27, 1671, 642, 15, 2597, 23525, 17962, 27, 187, 5064, 2597, 1348, 1093, 883, 187, 5064, 2597, 1348, 1348, 1619, 187, 5064, 2597, 1348, 1630, 1967, 187, 31, 1147, 434, 253, 1072, 1167, 265, 1046, 12835, 6293, 1046, 12835, 807, 187, 17534, 19876, 2, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2405, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 1010, 27, 2693, 27, 1229, 642, 15, 2597, 1348, 1237, 2504, 27, 187, 5064, 2597, 1348, 1166, 3071, 187, 3980, 368, 812, 816, 11823, 512, 273, 352, 1690, 269, 13046, 302, 1407, 4233, 15389, 1204, 285, 3153, 247, 1175, 1495, 849, 368, 923, 4944, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2405, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 1010, 27, 805, 27, 1348, 642, 15, 2597, 1348, 1671, 1671, 27, 187, 5064, 2597, 23525, 17962, 187, 8457, 627, 310, 642, 16425, 342, 952, 665, 6497, 323, 253, 15389, 1204, 1167, 70, 15, 209, 187, 9917, 1014, 27080, 7232, 8156, 521, 2228, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2405, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 1010, 27, 1012, 27, 2385, 642, 15, 2597, 1348, 1812, 3571, 27, 187, 5064, 2597, 1348, 1348, 1619, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2405, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 1010, 27, 1010, 27, 805, 642, 15, 2597, 1348, 1787, 3507, 27, 187, 5064, 2597, 1348, 1166, 3071, 187, 2302, 352, 3548, 626, 15, 3954, 7435, 745, 342, 634, 1407, 4233, 10739, 15, 209, 187, 31, 85, 15, 19705, 382, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2405, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 1010, 27, 1010, 27, 805, 642, 15, 2597, 1348, 1787, 2759, 27, 187, 5064, 2597, 1348, 1671, 1671, 187, 42, 2391, 69, 834, 1663, 956, 27080, 7232, 15, 6975, 10369, 1620, 24782, 323, 779, 285, 521, 47852, 2531, 718, 15, 4325, 619, 1211, 1859, 285, 1146, 3982, 598, 275, 247, 22594, 3422, 3126, 285, 1469, 281, 22594, 3422, 2143, 309, 476, 1333, 326, 697, 8312, 13, 27009, 13, 285, 1081, 19558, 19558, 86, 962, 26871, 15, 7850, 1925, 3811, 849, 581, 11403, 4944, 15, 309, 13414, 878, 247, 10739, 555, 1711, 1984, 285, 278, 6968, 37622, 757, 2298, 932, 281, 320, 4944, 275, 5948, 15, 7335, 1123, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2405, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 1010, 27, 1797, 27, 3357, 642, 15, 2597, 1348, 3079, 1525, 27, 187, 5064, 2597, 1348, 1787, 2759, 187, 31, 42, 13414, 878, 247, 10739, 555, 1711, 1984, 285, 278, 6968, 37622, 757, 2298, 932, 281, 320, 4944, 275, 5948, 187, 10342, 952, 513, 13, 37152, 15, 187, 1898, 1007, 387, 954, 273, 634, 48621, 21736, 13, 597, 1555, 15389, 1204, 751, 247, 9596, 13, 281, 534, 597, 1364, 6455, 512, 253, 11339, 253, 1346, 15, 5531, 13, 326, 3797, 368, 347, 973, 15, 7335, 1123, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2405, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 1010, 27, 1423, 27, 1731, 642, 15, 2597, 21149, 28333, 27, 187, 5064, 2597, 1348, 1671, 1671, 187, 31, 13238, 2458, 6403, 626, 347, 3076, 347, 1948, 2815, 84, 13, 253, 83, 922, 15389, 1204, 310, 271, 2228, 15, 187, 77, 785, 80, 13, 849, 1142, 15389, 1346, 452, 2455, 24684, 2712, 598, 32, 187, 1898, 2139, 513, 368, 1158, 954, 952, 13423, 354, 14, 12784, 15037, 403, 15600, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2405, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 1010, 27, 1508, 27, 2941, 642, 15, 2597, 1348, 1857, 1036, 27, 187, 5064, 2597, 1348, 1166, 3071, 187, 31, 34, 783, 1204, 310, 253, 3662, 15, 187, 1992, 752, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2405, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 1010, 27, 1348, 27, 740, 642, 15, 2597, 1348, 2950, 1610, 27, 187, 2795, 436, 310, 2656, 8288, 13, 209, 187, 1267, 30531, 390, 309, 1353, 6240, 884, 625, 1107, 281, 634, 34570, 6197, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2405, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 1010, 27, 1099, 27, 1797, 642, 15, 2597, 1348, 2504, 3156, 27, 187, 5064, 2597, 1348, 1166, 3071, 187, 10342, 387, 5801, 6655, 403, 625, 16222, 685, 7231, 952, 285, 1053, 626, 1014, 27753, 253, 33740, 273, 849, 9645, 314, 597, 2868, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2405, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 1010, 27, 1630, 27, 2640, 642, 15, 2597, 21149, 34305, 27, 187, 5498, 626, 8028, 281, 779, 7715, 1227, 4818, 16, 7305, 187, 34, 783, 1204, 27826, 619, 2586, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2405, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 1010, 27, 1630, 27, 1348, 642, 15, 2597, 1348, 2537, 1348, 27, 187, 5064, 2597, 1348, 1630, 1967, 187, 31, 24573, 310, 253, 5230, 273, 512, 44877, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2405, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 1010, 27, 1706, 27, 1423, 642, 15, 2597, 1348, 3208, 1010, 27, 187, 5064, 2597, 1348, 1093, 883, 187, 5064, 2597, 22232, 18795, 187, 31, 74, 588, 10280, 751, 247, 1061, 8601, 752, 4130, 2010, 2296, 281, 9621, 1346, 285, 9645, 314, 2868, 5913, 434, 4633, 327, 1227, 4818, 16, 984, 619, 4475, 434, 22273, 2296, 309, 1353, 417, 4136, 281, 1158, 323, 4266, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2405, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 1010, 27, 1839, 27, 2640, 642, 15, 2597, 19490, 28053, 27, 187, 4160, 1125, 2531, 952, 403, 639, 79, 6932, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2405, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 1010, 27, 1867, 27, 1010, 642, 15, 2597, 1348, 3832, 746, 27, 187, 8494, 6228, 3419, 79, 6932, 1204, 310, 253, 2032, 2502, 81, 408, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2405, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 1010, 27, 3156, 27, 1237, 642, 15, 2597, 1348, 3571, 938, 27, 187, 5064, 2597, 19490, 28053, 187, 5064, 2597, 1348, 3832, 746, 187, 1530, 6932, 952, 403, 816, 952, 665, 6468, 626, 3261, 715, 253, 9493, 1941, 323, 253, 44515, 273, 2828, 2568, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2405, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 1010, 27, 2031, 27, 1812, 642, 15, 2597, 1348, 2526, 1036, 27, 187, 5064, 2597, 1348, 1166, 3071, 187, 33792, 2431, 2449, 4110, 3003, 322, 2637, 1843, 353, 13792, 13242, 6028, 8022, 2293, 1703, 38116, 6402, 38, 378, 4523, 5648, 1433, 5935, 8610, 38, 34130, 15, 187, 46545, 595, 247, 1039, 281, 1453, 253, 11843, 15, 15600, 403, 253, 4394, 346, 14077, 272, 253, 643, 19723, 3446, 209, 187, 5064, 2597, 19490, 28053, 187, 34, 3757, 21234, 403, 5730, 90, 369, 1994, 269, 9984, 665, 476, 626, 4425, 281, 10739, 390, 755, 745, 253, 1721, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2405, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 1010, 27, 2031, 27, 3011, 642, 15, 2597, 23260, 33297, 27, 187, 5064, 2597, 1348, 3571, 938, 187, 5658, 1599, 253, 1984, 12930, 352, 13, 6699, 14020, 846, 253, 2362, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2405, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 1010, 27, 2950, 27, 3156, 642, 15, 2597, 1348, 2358, 1812, 27, 187, 5064, 2597, 1348, 1787, 2759, 187, 31, 10503, 187, 31, 7567, 24247, 281, 253, 270, 917, 323, 2298, 932, 209, 187, 29235, 1611, 28884, 10208, 6464, 15, 10209, 673, 3037, 1633, 670, 9596, 1078, 10739, 5996, 272, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2405, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 1010, 27, 2504, 27, 1839, 642, 15, 2597, 1348, 2090, 1610, 27, 187, 5064, 2597, 1348, 2526, 1036, 187, 42, 1871, 2581, 320, 271, 639, 79, 6932, 665, 2506, 626, 1557, 1199, 323, 9596, 13, 840, 271, 48621, 665, 310, 4993, 456, 2220, 352, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2405, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 1010, 27, 2385, 27, 1867, 642, 15, 2597, 1348, 1967, 2504, 27, 187, 2513, 253, 1863, 739, 500, 56, 269, 13046, 302, 1060, 407, 667, 4839, 32, 187, 31, 249, 67, 21, 697, 479, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2405, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 1010, 27, 2537, 27, 1812, 642, 15, 2597, 18392, 16150, 27, 187, 5064, 2597, 1348, 1166, 3071, 187, 8620, 564, 90, 15, 18741, 326, 9596, 310, 20276, 285, 253, 19473, 359, 7740, 352, 253, 19473, 359, 476, 2118, 327, 432, 27246, 4742, 10439, 5079, 5837, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2405, 16, 1036, 9 ]
Pope Anon I 06/04/17(Sun)23:21:00 no.128535978: Hello, i am Pope Anon I, supreme leader of the Church of /pol/. Today i will be excommunicating Turks and they will not be allowed to post here any more. Anonymous 06/04/17(Sun)23:21:47 no.128536078: >>128535978 Turks need to get the fuck out - NOW. Pope Anon I 06/04/17(Sun)23:23:47 no.128536289: I will be browsing /pol/ to find abhorrent posters. I will be excommunicating more groups of people if they continue with the awful posting Anonymous 06/04/17(Sun)23:24:48 no.128536395: 6aVeLmaw Anonymous 06/04/17(Sun)23:25:34 no.128536473: >>128535978 4o4OOyH4 Anonymous 06/04/17(Sun)23:30:07 no.128536947: >>128535978 Beware the false preachers! Long live Pope Anon I! Pope Anon I 06/04/17(Sun)23:32:51 no.128537225: >>128536947 The false preachers will soon be dealt with. The Church of /Pol/ will be exiling the heretics shortly <|endoftext|>Anonymous 10/30/17(Mon)12:04:16 no.147232307: Remember this next time you hear a Muslim claim that Islam is the cure for degeneracy. Islam is the ultimate degeneracy. slim-teens-rape-rabid-donkey.html/ Anonymous 10/30/17(Mon)12:06:18 no.147232488: Shit's been rough since shrek went away Anonymous 10/30/17(Mon)12:07:48 no.147232633: >>147232307 What was the donkey treated for? Anonymous 10/30/17(Mon)12:10:36 no.147232871: >>147232307 >>147232488 Anonymous 10/30/17(Mon)12:12:43 no.147233062: >>147232488 Underrated nostalgic kek Anonymous 10/30/17(Mon)12:15:18 no.147233292: >>147232307 WHAA IM WHITE. Anonymous 10/30/17(Mon)12:16:15 no.147233371: >>147233292 Donkey fucker detected. Anonymous 10/30/17(Mon)12:16:43 no.147233436: >>147232488 >America >White Anonymous 10/30/17(Mon)12:16:49 no.147233448: >>147232307 Can someone explain what makes people want to rape a donkey? I need an explanation. Anonymous 10/30/17(Mon)12:17:12 no.147233484: >>147232307 Were they actually teens or are they 30-45 like the other Muslim "teens" Anonymous 10/30/17(Mon)12:17:46 no.147233546: >>147233371 Anonymous 10/30/17(Mon)12:18:28 no.147233609: >>147232307 >mfw atleast they're not raping a women. Dunno why /pol/ is mad again? Anonymous 10/30/17(Mon)12:18:40 no.147233631: >>147233546 Found the donkey! Anonymous 10/30/17(Mon)12:19:19 no.147233691: >>147232488 lole Anonymous 10/30/17(Mon)12:19:59 no.147233749: >>147233631 >>147233448 >>147232633 Anonymous 10/30/17(Mon)12:20:13 no.147233769: >>147233436 Is everyone a skinhead ot whole EU got Cancer? Anonymous 10/30/17(Mon)12:21:52 no.147233917: >>147233769 POO ON THE STREET Anonymous 10/30/17(Mon)12:22:18 no.147233951: >>147233448 It's all about tapping that ass, with those degenerates. Anonymous 10/30/17(Mon)12:23:34 no.147234099: >>147233951 He thinks America is white. Anonymous 10/30/17(Mon)12:24:36 no.147234211: >>147233917 Is this the most intelligible thing you could think of all? Such a shame Shithead. Anonymous 10/30/17(Mon)12:26:15 no.147234389: >>147234211 Anonymous 10/30/17(Mon)12:26:42 no.147234436: >>147232307 he heeee Anonymous 10/30/17(Mon)12:26:51 no.147234449: >>147232307 I think we know what we have to do, boys: infect donkeys in Morocco with genetically modified strains of incurable rabies. Anonymous 10/30/17(Mon)12:27:25 no.147234508: >>147234211 Dumbass did not even know its in the loo. Sometimes I wonder why these shills even bother Anonymous 10/30/17(Mon)12:28:11 no.147234590: >>147233546 >>meme flag TFW they realize the living incarnation of their beloved Amerimutt meme is their next door neighbor, Anonymous 10/30/17(Mon)12:28:43 no.147234647: >>147234389 >People showing empathy for a little animal and considering them to show same motherly affection. Hahaaaa. Nothing wrong in that underage dumb cunt. Anonymous 10/30/17(Mon)12:30:12 no.147234796: >>147234508 Wveryone i dislike is a shill. WHAAA Anonymous 10/30/17(Mon)12:31:21 no.147234917: >>147234508 You're the most irrelevant Country on /pol/ why bother coming here? Oh must be here to Shill about the Jewess Lauren Southern. Anonymous 10/30/17(Mon)12:32:12 no.147235000: >>147234590 Anonymous 10/30/17(Mon)12:33:01 no.147235078: >>147235000 hello mate Anonymous 10/30/17(Mon)12:38:21 no.147235572: >>147232307 those boys respected women so much they didn't dare to actually talk to one... islam is the most feminist religion ever Anonymous 10/30/17(Mon)12:44:29 no.147236156: God bless America Anonymous 10/30/17(Mon)12:46:20 no.147236346: >>147232488 Halal kek Anonymous 10/30/17(Mon)12:46:52 no.147236409: as an ex muslim this makes me happy that I don't have to rape donkeys anymore Anonymous 10/30/17(Mon)12:47:26 no.147236478: >>147232307 this feels like suicide level degeneracy, like when thise 2 parents left their baby to starve and rot in a swing outside their home. Anybody taking the plunge for rabid donkey-fucking muslims? Anonymous 10/30/17(Mon)12:55:59 no.147237382: >>147233292 >>147233436 >>147233546 >>147233749 >>147234099 >>147234796 >>147235000 Turkroach detected Anonymous 10/30/17(Mon)12:56:57 no.147237480: >>147234917 >You're the most irrelevant Country on /pol/ why bother coming here? I have literally never seen a better example of projection in my life. Fins are bros. They whooped up on rooskies for us some and they acted as a wall to contain the USSR out of scandinavia. India gave us some spices in exchange for the brits
[ 49, 1714, 743, 251, 309, 17796, 16, 2125, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1508, 27, 1797, 27, 361, 642, 15, 805, 2227, 24454, 3141, 27, 187, 12092, 13, 891, 717, 18422, 743, 251, 309, 13, 24555, 6657, 273, 253, 6412, 273, 1227, 4818, 14206, 11056, 891, 588, 320, 385, 11713, 30782, 47563, 285, 597, 588, 417, 320, 4136, 281, 1501, 1060, 667, 625, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 2125, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1508, 27, 1797, 27, 2504, 642, 15, 805, 2227, 16587, 3141, 27, 187, 5064, 805, 2227, 24454, 3141, 187, 23992, 661, 878, 281, 755, 253, 7435, 562, 428, 29659, 15, 535, 187, 49, 1714, 743, 251, 309, 17796, 16, 2125, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1508, 27, 1508, 27, 2504, 642, 15, 805, 2227, 1812, 24208, 27, 187, 42, 588, 320, 33310, 1227, 4818, 16, 281, 1089, 490, 1688, 624, 32482, 15, 309, 588, 320, 385, 11713, 30782, 625, 2390, 273, 952, 604, 597, 4035, 342, 253, 18580, 16920, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 2125, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1508, 27, 1348, 27, 2385, 642, 15, 805, 2227, 1812, 20216, 27, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 24583, 15, 681, 16, 13060, 32, 87, 30, 68, 36, 88, 187, 23, 66, 31516, 45, 785, 88, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 2125, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1508, 27, 1099, 27, 1706, 642, 15, 805, 2227, 23100, 3655, 27, 187, 5064, 805, 2227, 24454, 3141, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 24583, 15, 681, 16, 13060, 32, 87, 30, 39, 17, 40, 187, 21, 80, 21, 4985, 90, 41, 21, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 2125, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1508, 27, 1229, 27, 2922, 642, 15, 805, 2227, 26673, 2504, 27, 187, 5064, 805, 2227, 24454, 3141, 187, 35, 999, 609, 253, 3221, 638, 24751, 2, 8057, 3153, 18422, 743, 251, 309, 2, 535, 187, 49, 1714, 743, 251, 309, 17796, 16, 2125, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1508, 27, 1237, 27, 3712, 642, 15, 805, 2227, 1787, 14832, 27, 187, 5064, 805, 2227, 26673, 2504, 187, 510, 3221, 638, 24751, 588, 3517, 320, 18445, 342, 15, 380, 6412, 273, 1227, 7638, 16, 588, 320, 385, 4837, 253, 1060, 49631, 13515, 2756, 50279, 45545, 884, 16, 1229, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 805, 27, 2125, 27, 1036, 642, 15, 1047, 3547, 1237, 21645, 27, 187, 21914, 436, 1735, 673, 368, 4089, 247, 8797, 1750, 326, 8033, 310, 253, 16498, 323, 44877, 15, 8033, 310, 253, 12553, 44877, 15, 209, 187, 3614, 1358, 81, 20662, 356, 7707, 15, 681, 16, 7132, 16, 740, 16, 1906, 187, 84, 2815, 14, 442, 561, 14, 6182, 14, 37588, 301, 14, 9903, 2364, 15, 2974, 16, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 1229, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 805, 27, 3071, 27, 1093, 642, 15, 1047, 3547, 21397, 2055, 27, 187, 37858, 434, 644, 7227, 1580, 439, 18415, 2427, 1977, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 1229, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 805, 27, 2922, 27, 2385, 642, 15, 1047, 3547, 22391, 1610, 27, 187, 5064, 1047, 3547, 1237, 21645, 187, 1276, 369, 253, 49695, 4127, 323, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 1229, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 805, 27, 740, 27, 1812, 642, 15, 1047, 3547, 1237, 40010, 27, 187, 5064, 1047, 3547, 1237, 21645, 187, 5064, 1047, 3547, 21397, 2055, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 1229, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 805, 27, 805, 27, 3079, 642, 15, 14555, 1508, 1229, 3763, 27, 187, 5064, 1047, 3547, 21397, 2055, 187, 11752, 14092, 19063, 13256, 280, 1058, 76, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 1229, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 805, 27, 1010, 27, 1093, 642, 15, 14555, 1508, 1237, 4529, 27, 187, 5064, 1047, 3547, 1237, 21645, 187, 8835, 2446, 10744, 7245, 12752, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 1229, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 805, 27, 1036, 27, 1010, 642, 15, 14555, 1508, 1610, 3677, 27, 187, 5064, 14555, 1508, 1237, 4529, 187, 5498, 2364, 7435, 254, 5189, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 1229, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 805, 27, 1036, 27, 3079, 642, 15, 14555, 1508, 1706, 1812, 27, 187, 5064, 1047, 3547, 21397, 2055, 187, 31, 24573, 209, 187, 31, 17185, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 1229, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 805, 27, 1036, 27, 2537, 642, 15, 14555, 1508, 1706, 2385, 27, 187, 5064, 1047, 3547, 1237, 21645, 187, 5804, 3095, 5513, 752, 2789, 952, 971, 281, 16773, 247, 49695, 32, 309, 878, 271, 8813, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 1229, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 805, 27, 1166, 27, 805, 642, 15, 14555, 1508, 1706, 2759, 27, 187, 5064, 1047, 3547, 1237, 21645, 187, 41192, 597, 2686, 27517, 390, 403, 597, 1884, 14, 1857, 751, 253, 643, 8797, 346, 442, 561, 3, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 1229, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 805, 27, 1166, 27, 2950, 642, 15, 14555, 1508, 1671, 2950, 27, 187, 5064, 14555, 1508, 1610, 3677, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 1229, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 805, 27, 1093, 27, 1619, 642, 15, 14555, 1508, 16587, 26, 27, 187, 5064, 1047, 3547, 1237, 21645, 187, 31, 78, 25837, 387, 38462, 597, 1472, 417, 1218, 14650, 247, 2255, 15, 187, 45318, 2369, 2139, 1227, 4818, 16, 310, 10279, 969, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 1229, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 805, 27, 1093, 27, 1449, 642, 15, 14555, 1508, 1812, 2405, 27, 187, 5064, 14555, 1508, 1671, 2950, 187, 16641, 253, 49695, 2, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 1229, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 805, 27, 746, 27, 746, 642, 15, 14555, 1508, 1812, 4739, 27, 187, 5064, 1047, 3547, 21397, 2055, 187, 77, 1306, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 1229, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 805, 27, 746, 27, 3046, 642, 15, 14555, 1508, 1787, 2537, 27, 187, 5064, 14555, 1508, 1812, 2405, 187, 5064, 14555, 1508, 1706, 2385, 187, 5064, 1047, 3547, 22391, 1610, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 1229, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 805, 27, 938, 27, 1012, 642, 15, 14555, 1508, 1787, 2090, 27, 187, 5064, 14555, 1508, 1706, 1812, 187, 2513, 4130, 247, 4808, 2522, 14366, 2644, 8215, 1694, 13877, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 1229, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 805, 27, 1797, 27, 3583, 642, 15, 14555, 1508, 1867, 1166, 27, 187, 5064, 14555, 1508, 1787, 2090, 187, 49, 4985, 8160, 3003, 3915, 1848, 2025, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 1229, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 805, 27, 1423, 27, 1093, 642, 15, 14555, 1508, 1867, 3712, 27, 187, 5064, 14555, 1508, 1706, 2385, 187, 1147, 434, 512, 670, 37005, 326, 718, 13, 342, 1110, 25273, 684, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 1229, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 805, 27, 1508, 27, 1706, 642, 15, 14555, 1508, 1449, 1525, 27, 187, 5064, 14555, 1508, 1867, 3712, 187, 1328, 11121, 3968, 310, 3168, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 1229, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 805, 27, 1348, 27, 1812, 642, 15, 14555, 1508, 2945, 883, 27, 187, 5064, 14555, 1508, 1867, 1166, 187, 2513, 436, 253, 954, 6835, 917, 2181, 368, 812, 1158, 273, 512, 32, 187, 18869, 247, 14816, 1608, 262, 2522, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 1229, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 805, 27, 1731, 27, 1010, 642, 15, 14555, 20210, 25592, 27, 187, 5064, 14555, 1508, 2945, 883, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 1229, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 805, 27, 1731, 27, 2945, 642, 15, 14555, 1508, 2031, 1812, 27, 187, 5064, 1047, 3547, 1237, 21645, 187, 248, 344, 1796, 70, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 1229, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 805, 27, 1731, 27, 3712, 642, 15, 14555, 1508, 2031, 2537, 27, 187, 5064, 1047, 3547, 1237, 21645, 187, 42, 1158, 359, 871, 752, 359, 452, 281, 513, 13, 8290, 27, 12741, 1053, 12305, 275, 40983, 342, 24663, 7321, 8709, 273, 1485, 11722, 28301, 447, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 1229, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 805, 27, 1630, 27, 1099, 642, 15, 14555, 1508, 15645, 25, 27, 187, 5064, 14555, 1508, 2945, 883, 187, 37, 3561, 515, 858, 417, 1014, 871, 697, 275, 253, 2343, 80, 15, 187, 20806, 309, 4282, 2139, 841, 439, 3171, 1014, 15105, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 1229, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 805, 27, 1619, 27, 883, 642, 15, 14555, 1508, 1857, 2270, 27, 187, 5064, 14555, 1508, 1671, 2950, 187, 5064, 6441, 70, 7908, 187, 13837, 56, 597, 8968, 253, 3811, 40553, 318, 273, 616, 21426, 28177, 303, 13077, 1167, 70, 310, 616, 1735, 3369, 6346, 13, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 1229, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 805, 27, 1619, 27, 3079, 642, 15, 14555, 20210, 25953, 27, 187, 5064, 14555, 20210, 25592, 187, 31, 8836, 4645, 32496, 323, 247, 1652, 5893, 285, 7296, 731, 281, 921, 1072, 3101, 314, 21909, 15, 187, 41, 1240, 23342, 15, 13529, 3430, 275, 326, 762, 486, 21413, 260, 2084, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 1229, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 805, 27, 1229, 27, 805, 642, 15, 14555, 1508, 2504, 4196, 27, 187, 5064, 14555, 1508, 15645, 25, 187, 56, 635, 531, 891, 34941, 310, 247, 439, 408, 15, 7245, 28183, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 1229, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 805, 27, 2405, 27, 1797, 642, 15, 14555, 1508, 2537, 1166, 27, 187, 5064, 14555, 1508, 15645, 25, 187, 1394, 1472, 253, 954, 19124, 17241, 327, 1227, 4818, 16, 2139, 15105, 3551, 1060, 32, 187, 4013, 3343, 1051, 5658, 1364, 320, 1060, 281, 1608, 408, 670, 253, 5679, 405, 33821, 10586, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 1229, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 805, 27, 1237, 27, 805, 642, 15, 14555, 19568, 933, 27, 187, 5064, 14555, 1508, 1857, 2270, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 1229, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 805, 27, 1610, 27, 520, 642, 15, 14555, 1508, 1235, 3141, 27, 187, 5064, 14555, 19568, 933, 187, 25521, 20187, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 1229, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 805, 27, 1839, 27, 1797, 642, 15, 14555, 1508, 2417, 3547, 27, 187, 5064, 1047, 3547, 1237, 21645, 187, 21808, 8290, 22694, 2255, 594, 1199, 597, 1904, 626, 20141, 281, 2686, 2312, 281, 581, 1051, 310, 5247, 310, 253, 954, 32411, 9596, 2455, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 1229, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 805, 27, 2031, 27, 1717, 642, 15, 14555, 21358, 16198, 27, 187, 13618, 11736, 3968, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 1229, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 805, 27, 2950, 27, 938, 642, 15, 14555, 21358, 26140, 27, 187, 5064, 1047, 3547, 21397, 2055, 187, 34238, 267, 1058, 76, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 1229, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 805, 27, 2950, 27, 3583, 642, 15, 14555, 21358, 24264, 27, 187, 284, 271, 385, 1948, 2815, 436, 2789, 479, 5211, 326, 309, 1053, 626, 452, 281, 16773, 1053, 12305, 10542, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 1229, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 805, 27, 2504, 27, 1731, 642, 15, 14555, 1508, 1540, 3141, 27, 187, 5064, 1047, 3547, 1237, 21645, 187, 2520, 9193, 751, 13184, 1268, 44877, 13, 751, 672, 436, 70, 374, 4651, 1669, 616, 6858, 281, 4177, 306, 285, 4000, 275, 247, 14284, 3345, 616, 1728, 15, 187, 6693, 2915, 3192, 253, 46894, 323, 28301, 301, 49695, 14, 71, 25826, 1948, 2815, 84, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 1229, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 805, 27, 2417, 27, 3046, 642, 15, 14555, 20991, 31110, 27, 187, 5064, 14555, 1508, 1237, 4529, 187, 5064, 14555, 1508, 1706, 1812, 187, 5064, 14555, 1508, 1671, 2950, 187, 5064, 14555, 1508, 1787, 2537, 187, 5064, 14555, 1508, 1449, 1525, 187, 5064, 14555, 1508, 2504, 4196, 187, 5064, 14555, 19568, 933, 187, 44354, 287, 607, 5189, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 1229, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 805, 27, 3208, 27, 3011, 642, 15, 14555, 1508, 3566, 1438, 27, 187, 5064, 14555, 1508, 2537, 1166, 187, 31, 1394, 1472, 253, 954, 19124, 17241, 327, 1227, 4818, 16, 2139, 15105, 3551, 1060, 32, 187, 42, 452, 12832, 1620, 2326, 247, 1805, 1650, 273, 12378, 275, 619, 1495, 15, 401, 968, 403, 1795, 84, 15, 1583, 665, 11802, 598, 327, 687, 375, 76, 447, 323, 441, 690, 285, 597, 14001, 347, 247, 3402, 281, 3831, 253, 48727, 562, 273, 660, 35508, 25183, 15, 5427, 3534, 441, 690, 37484, 275, 6431, 323, 253, 270, 902, 84 ]
white mix, yes they are about 15 points smarter than your average nog, yet 15 points dumber than your average white. Anonymous 03/11/17(Sat)22:09:44 no.116259333: >>116256674 Well well well. Guess I'm the smartest person in this thread. Suck it vanilla race cucks. Anonymous 03/11/17(Sat)22:10:32 no.116259421: >>116259192 jesus christ. what is wrong with you monkeys? why do you have to be such savages? Anonymous 03/11/17(Sat)22:10:55 no.116259454: >>116259192 Well yes I know she was shaking because she was hit. Was just wondering what medical condition she was suffering from that was causing her to shake. Also anyone got any context? Anonymous 03/11/17(Sat)22:11:24 no.116259501: >>116257725 >Racemixing raises intelligence of the society overall Nice doublespeak there. The only thing it does is average and dilute out the intelligence. The only "raise" your perceive is purely anecdotal after living among the dumb and worthless. Anonymous 03/11/17(Sat)22:12:38 no.116259654: >>116256674 Pictures shows statistically small Asian breeding with a statistically taller white, obviously offspring will be taller. Also both generally accepted as intelligent. Also most genetic improvement is based on increased health due to better food, better water, better everything in modern countries. Intermix whatever you want with unhealthy scum and get unhealthy scum. Classic shows presented by [wsg] 03/11/17(Sat)22:13:03 no.116259704: >reading shill threads >not getting comfy, chatting, and watching redpilled shows with /pol/lacks Drop by and say hello Anonymous 03/11/17(Sat)22:13:37 no.116259774: >>116257668 it's not hat hard bro, if thats your dream you could probably make that dream come true pretty easy Anonymous 03/11/17(Sat)22:14:03 no.116259826: >>116256674 Which ancestors? Of course a kid with a white parent is going to be smarter than it's black ancestors Anonymous 03/11/17(Sat)22:14:24 no.116259848: >>116256674 Well, this is easily proven wrong. Tallest countries in the world are >Netherlands >Montenegro >Denmark. >Norway >Serbia >Germany. >Croatia >Czech Republic >Slovenia >Luxembourg What do these countries have in common? They are all white countries with very little mongrels. Anonymous 03/11/17(Sat)22:15:13 no.116259947: >>116256674 >racemixing is ba- Anonymous 03/11/17(Sat)22:15:23 no.116259965: Theoretically you are combining the ancestral knowledge of two people from different regions of the world. All the knowledge from ancient europeans and and all the knowledge from the ancient asians, locked in the offspring's genetic code. Seems legit but fuck all that shit I don't want no gooky-eyed children. I can't wait until genetic manipulation becomes more advanced then I can have qt.314 asian waifu and before I procreate I can turn off her gooky-eye genes. I'd probably want to turn off the weird hair that males have as well. Anonymous 03/11/17(Sat)22:15:36 no.116259988: >>116256674 Lies. My mom is white and my dad is white. I'm 6'4. Not a single person in my family is that tall. I've never had an IQ test but I think I'm pretty intelligent. One of my brothers is a manlet at 5'7", but he's much more intelligent than I am. My sister is 5'1" and a doctor. My youngest brother is 6'3 and will probably surpass my height. I think he's smarter than all of as well. They're just trying to promote race mixing. Anonymous 03/11/17(Sat)22:15:48 no.116260002: >>116256674 >taller damn so that means if I waste my 6'5 genes on a 5'5 gook it might make a little 5'8 manlet damn thats progress! a mixed race person tecnically taller than his chink ancestry! wow! Anonymous 03/11/17(Sat)22:16:34 no.116260101: >>116257269 are all southern spics this retarded? Did you pass high school biology? Anonymous 03/11/17(Sat)22:16:41 no.116260118: >>116259947 What race is the man? Anonymous 03/11/17(Sat)22:16:46 no.116260126: >>116256674 >racemixed nigger childs are smarter than their 100% nigger ancestors YOU DONT SAY? Anonymous 03/11/17(Sat)22:16:56 no.116260140: >>116256674 Which ancestors are we talking about? Cuz yeah of course the offspring is going to be taller and more intelligent than some shit shovelling inbred poo from the Raj or some hobbit sized chink. Anonymous 03/11/17(Sat)22:18:00 no.116260238: >>116256674 > Race mixing makes us smarter I thought intelligence didn't have anything to do with races Anonymous 03/11/17(Sat)22:18:16 no.116260267: >>116256674 Sounds like a legit study p. related Anonymous 03/11/17(Sat)22:18:16 no.116260268: >>116259654 I'm way smarter and taller than both my parents by miles. It's probably the autism that made me smarter. t. halfie Anonymous 03/11/17(Sat)22:18:38 no.116260309: >>116256917 what if you breed ashkenazi kikes with nips? Would you get the perfect mind in a deformed twisted yellow body? Anonymous 03/11/17(Sat)22:18:51 no.116260331: >>116258401 Anonymous 03/11/17(Sat)22:19:20 no.116260382: >>116258441 >white should outbreed >asians score higher on every genetic IQ test The bleachskins will be culled with the shitskins and the rest of the trash. Superior asian genes only. Anonymous 03/11/17(Sat)22:19:21 no.116260383: >mother is a 5'4'' 85IQ coalburner >father is a 5'9'' 70IQ negro >offspring is a 5'7 80IQ halfbreed >it's above the average of the parents! Anonymous 03/11/17(Sat)22:19:47 no.116260435: >>116259454 It's a seizure caused by a concussion. If she manages to survive, she'll very likely be epileptic. >>116259421 Someone has to keep Liveleak running Anonymous 03/11/17(Sat)22:19:55 no.116260451: >>116256674 >Race is a social construct >Race-mixing can have a positive effect on the intelligence and height of offspring. Pick one Anonymous 03/11/17(Sat)22:20:45 no.116260547: >>116259454 Brain damage It's like a computer's hdd Hit it overhead with a log and it fucking dies Anonymous 03/11/17(Sat)22:20:45 no.116260551: >>116260331 not to mention most nigger shooters are racially motivated and target whites Anonymous 03/11/17(Sat)22:20:54 no.116260567: >>116260309 That's pretty much Elliot Rodger Anonymous 03/11/17(Sat)22:21:02 no.116260582: >>116256674 >making us smarter Not if you breed with dindus or sandniggers. Anonymous 03/11/17(Sat)22:21:19 no.116260610: >>116257269 cmon brazil, apply yourself Anonymous 03/11/17(Sat)22:22:15 no.116260710: Its actually the opposite Don't tell the goyim though Anonymous 03/11
[ 3168, 5878, 13, 4754, 597, 403, 670, 1458, 2792, 38144, 685, 634, 3388, 30876, 13, 2568, 1458, 2792, 277, 2764, 685, 634, 3388, 3168, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1423, 27, 2693, 27, 2031, 642, 15, 13210, 20395, 20084, 27, 187, 5064, 13210, 9726, 29327, 187, 4497, 973, 973, 15, 3262, 405, 309, 1353, 253, 7060, 383, 1436, 275, 436, 6293, 15, 187, 52, 1807, 352, 26724, 5492, 260, 9984, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1423, 27, 740, 27, 1237, 642, 15, 13210, 1099, 3953, 1797, 27, 187, 5064, 13210, 20395, 14403, 187, 39238, 316, 37622, 15, 752, 310, 3430, 342, 368, 30552, 32, 2139, 513, 368, 452, 281, 320, 824, 5745, 1131, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1423, 27, 740, 27, 2417, 642, 15, 13210, 20395, 27087, 27, 187, 5064, 13210, 20395, 14403, 187, 4497, 4754, 309, 871, 703, 369, 18577, 984, 703, 369, 4352, 15, 12349, 816, 12371, 752, 3739, 1617, 703, 369, 9958, 432, 326, 369, 8479, 617, 281, 17941, 15, 5220, 3780, 1694, 667, 3634, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1423, 27, 883, 27, 1348, 642, 15, 13210, 1099, 2222, 520, 27, 187, 5064, 13210, 1099, 2357, 1099, 187, 31, 51, 317, 358, 895, 272, 16540, 9260, 273, 253, 5948, 4583, 187, 29235, 33478, 27183, 627, 15, 380, 760, 2181, 352, 1057, 310, 3388, 285, 49203, 562, 253, 9260, 15, 187, 510, 760, 346, 22525, 3, 634, 24947, 310, 15846, 34009, 5256, 267, 846, 3811, 2190, 253, 21413, 285, 40790, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1423, 27, 805, 27, 1839, 642, 15, 13210, 20395, 29195, 27, 187, 5064, 13210, 9726, 29327, 187, 49, 24249, 2722, 10126, 1355, 11650, 19050, 342, 247, 10126, 38165, 3168, 13, 9090, 22167, 588, 320, 38165, 15, 5220, 1097, 3839, 7607, 347, 17497, 15, 187, 9917, 954, 6380, 7756, 310, 1754, 327, 2559, 1786, 1955, 281, 1805, 2739, 13, 1805, 1824, 13, 1805, 3253, 275, 4980, 4343, 15, 187, 688, 3945, 895, 5913, 368, 971, 342, 36713, 660, 360, 285, 755, 36713, 660, 360, 15, 535, 187, 4947, 280, 2722, 3559, 407, 544, 88, 8433, 62, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1423, 27, 1012, 27, 2941, 642, 15, 13210, 20395, 26942, 27, 187, 31, 24042, 439, 408, 17059, 187, 31, 1439, 2970, 389, 31296, 13, 44096, 13, 285, 7487, 2502, 81, 2591, 2722, 342, 1227, 4818, 16, 77, 7305, 187, 2413, 1358, 6839, 356, 487, 15, 18698, 16, 84, 282, 518, 2945, 187, 24475, 407, 285, 1333, 23120, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1423, 27, 1012, 27, 1787, 642, 15, 13210, 20395, 30715, 27, 187, 5064, 13210, 1099, 3121, 2358, 187, 262, 434, 417, 7856, 1892, 1795, 13, 604, 28763, 634, 7156, 368, 812, 3164, 1056, 326, 7156, 1705, 2032, 3965, 3477, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1423, 27, 1047, 27, 2941, 642, 15, 13210, 1099, 4185, 1731, 27, 187, 5064, 13210, 9726, 29327, 187, 7371, 25938, 32, 187, 4527, 2282, 247, 5772, 342, 247, 3168, 2885, 310, 1469, 281, 320, 38144, 685, 352, 434, 2806, 25938, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1423, 27, 1047, 27, 1348, 642, 15, 13210, 1099, 4185, 2385, 27, 187, 5064, 13210, 9726, 29327, 187, 4497, 13, 436, 310, 4354, 11464, 3430, 15, 187, 53, 455, 383, 4343, 275, 253, 1533, 403, 187, 31, 47, 7851, 6056, 209, 187, 31, 28211, 257, 909, 287, 209, 187, 31, 20990, 4698, 964, 187, 31, 22427, 1106, 209, 187, 31, 6075, 26978, 209, 187, 31, 37796, 964, 187, 31, 40053, 255, 571, 209, 187, 31, 36, 18506, 4687, 209, 187, 31, 10612, 13606, 571, 209, 187, 31, 45, 2310, 358, 32620, 209, 187, 1276, 513, 841, 4343, 452, 275, 1846, 32, 1583, 403, 512, 3168, 4343, 342, 1077, 1652, 49535, 32742, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1423, 27, 1010, 27, 1012, 642, 15, 13210, 1099, 1525, 2504, 27, 187, 5064, 13210, 9726, 29327, 187, 31, 8306, 358, 895, 272, 310, 18927, 14, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1423, 27, 1010, 27, 1508, 642, 15, 13210, 1099, 1525, 2082, 27, 187, 510, 7262, 1037, 368, 403, 16248, 253, 37147, 3640, 273, 767, 952, 432, 1027, 4811, 273, 253, 1533, 15, 1876, 253, 3640, 432, 9129, 19454, 507, 285, 285, 512, 253, 3640, 432, 253, 9129, 347, 2458, 13, 12623, 275, 253, 22167, 434, 6380, 2127, 15, 50140, 10972, 533, 7435, 512, 326, 10739, 309, 1053, 626, 971, 642, 564, 44814, 14, 26731, 2151, 15, 309, 476, 626, 3343, 1919, 6380, 19763, 4916, 625, 7269, 840, 309, 476, 452, 2805, 85, 15, 18486, 347, 757, 5172, 338, 86, 285, 1078, 309, 354, 6953, 309, 476, 1614, 745, 617, 564, 44814, 14, 30978, 3608, 15, 309, 1871, 3164, 971, 281, 1614, 745, 253, 12504, 4707, 326, 10798, 452, 347, 973, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1423, 27, 1010, 27, 1812, 642, 15, 13210, 1099, 1525, 2055, 27, 187, 5064, 13210, 9726, 29327, 187, 45, 447, 15, 187, 3220, 2243, 310, 3168, 285, 619, 12247, 310, 3168, 15, 209, 187, 42, 1353, 721, 8, 21, 15, 3105, 247, 2014, 1436, 275, 619, 2021, 310, 326, 10086, 15, 309, 1849, 1620, 574, 271, 29147, 1071, 533, 309, 1158, 309, 1353, 3965, 17497, 15, 2596, 273, 619, 13189, 310, 247, 637, 1059, 387, 608, 8, 24, 995, 533, 344, 434, 1199, 625, 17497, 685, 309, 717, 15, 2752, 7586, 310, 608, 8, 18, 3, 285, 247, 7345, 15, 2752, 25423, 4929, 310, 721, 8, 20, 285, 588, 3164, 28842, 619, 4898, 15, 309, 1158, 344, 434, 38144, 685, 512, 273, 347, 973, 15, 187, 3726, 1472, 816, 2820, 281, 8591, 5492, 12480, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1423, 27, 1010, 27, 2385, 642, 15, 13210, 1731, 12603, 27, 187, 5064, 13210, 9726, 29327, 187, 31, 85, 455, 254, 187, 34681, 594, 326, 2097, 604, 309, 8138, 619, 721, 8, 22, 3608, 327, 247, 608, 8, 22, 564, 536, 352, 1537, 1056, 247, 1652, 608, 8, 25, 637, 1059, 187, 34681, 28763, 4780, 2, 247, 6804, 5492, 1436, 716, 14340, 1037, 38165, 685, 521, 448, 750, 38408, 2, 39361, 2, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1423, 27, 1036, 27, 1706, 642, 15, 13210, 1731, 26764, 27, 187, 5064, 13210, 21553, 23292, 187, 609, 512, 11053, 653, 982, 436, 48101, 32, 10348, 368, 1509, 1029, 2143, 16775, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1423, 27, 1036, 27, 3156, 642, 15, 13210, 1731, 520, 1093, 27, 187, 5064, 13210, 1099, 1525, 2504, 187, 1276, 5492, 310, 253, 637, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1423, 27, 1036, 27, 2950, 642, 15, 13210, 1731, 520, 1731, 27, 187, 5064, 13210, 9726, 29327, 187, 31, 8306, 358, 2658, 295, 16046, 1429, 84, 403, 38144, 685, 616, 2233, 6, 295, 16046, 25938, 187, 27239, 399, 17171, 322, 8506, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1423, 27, 1036, 27, 3208, 642, 15, 13210, 1731, 520, 1449, 27, 187, 5064, 13210, 9726, 29327, 187, 7371, 25938, 403, 359, 5015, 670, 32, 330, 7958, 10902, 273, 2282, 253, 22167, 310, 1469, 281, 320, 38165, 285, 625, 17497, 685, 690, 10739, 439, 729, 3485, 275, 29252, 2963, 80, 432, 253, 17549, 390, 690, 48287, 2713, 25180, 448, 750, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1423, 27, 1093, 27, 361, 642, 15, 883, 3763, 1549, 21378, 27, 187, 5064, 13210, 9726, 29327, 187, 31, 23752, 12480, 2789, 441, 38144, 187, 42, 1869, 9260, 1904, 626, 452, 2712, 281, 513, 342, 15820, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1423, 27, 1093, 27, 1036, 642, 15, 883, 3763, 1549, 23546, 27, 187, 5064, 13210, 9726, 29327, 187, 41099, 751, 247, 10972, 1263, 209, 187, 81, 15, 2905, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1423, 27, 1093, 27, 1036, 642, 15, 883, 3763, 1549, 22913, 27, 187, 5064, 13210, 20395, 29195, 187, 42, 1353, 1039, 38144, 285, 38165, 685, 1097, 619, 4651, 407, 6574, 15, 733, 434, 3164, 253, 27734, 326, 1160, 479, 38144, 15, 187, 85, 15, 2716, 466, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1423, 27, 1093, 27, 1839, 642, 15, 883, 3763, 1549, 22000, 27, 187, 5064, 13210, 1099, 2090, 1166, 187, 5371, 604, 368, 21876, 15898, 3612, 23248, 465, 13972, 342, 295, 2824, 32, 187, 17304, 368, 755, 253, 3962, 2564, 275, 247, 37196, 18935, 8862, 2133, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1423, 27, 1093, 27, 3712, 642, 15, 883, 3763, 1549, 27385, 27, 187, 5064, 13210, 1099, 2759, 520, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1423, 27, 746, 27, 938, 642, 15, 883, 3763, 1549, 31110, 27, 187, 5064, 13210, 22029, 31774, 187, 31, 11300, 943, 562, 3381, 264, 187, 31, 284, 2458, 4868, 2169, 327, 1046, 6380, 29147, 1071, 187, 510, 7387, 607, 49818, 588, 320, 260, 49277, 342, 253, 439, 953, 7232, 285, 253, 1551, 273, 253, 22381, 15, 21112, 347, 757, 3608, 760, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1423, 27, 746, 27, 1797, 642, 15, 883, 3763, 1549, 30528, 27, 187, 31, 13875, 310, 247, 608, 8, 21, 6267, 9330, 43756, 10089, 14814, 254, 187, 31, 13453, 310, 247, 608, 8, 26, 6267, 5571, 43756, 2297, 287, 187, 31, 2727, 10167, 310, 247, 608, 8, 24, 5096, 43756, 2716, 3381, 264, 187, 31, 262, 434, 1840, 253, 3388, 273, 253, 4651, 2, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1423, 27, 746, 27, 2504, 642, 15, 883, 3763, 26890, 1671, 27, 187, 5064, 13210, 20395, 27087, 187, 1147, 434, 247, 21935, 4269, 407, 247, 7036, 26148, 15, 1310, 703, 26091, 281, 11883, 13, 703, 1833, 1077, 2779, 320, 22815, 13683, 15, 187, 5064, 13210, 1099, 3953, 1797, 187, 29065, 556, 281, 1978, 14309, 282, 518, 3515, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1423, 27, 746, 27, 2417, 642, 15, 883, 3763, 1549, 30592, 27, 187, 5064, 13210, 9726, 29327, 187, 31, 51, 584, 310, 247, 2675, 3989, 209, 187, 31, 51, 584, 14, 24706, 272, 476, 452, 247, 2762, 1055, 327, 253, 9260, 285, 4898, 273, 22167, 15, 209, 187, 36942, 581, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1423, 27, 938, 27, 1857, 642, 15, 883, 3763, 20954, 2504, 27, 187, 5064, 13210, 20395, 27087, 187, 35, 1949, 4723, 187, 1147, 434, 751, 247, 4382, 434, 288, 1678, 187, 32914, 352, 18332, 342, 247, 2412, 285, 352, 12835, 9778, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1423, 27, 938, 27, 1857, 642, 15, 883, 3763, 1549, 41227, 27, 187, 5064, 883, 3763, 1549, 27385, 187, 1439, 281, 3748, 954, 295, 16046, 5310, 398, 403, 7393, 1365, 17194, 285, 2303, 19991, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1423, 27, 938, 27, 3439, 642, 15, 883, 3763, 20954, 2251, 27, 187, 5064, 883, 3763, 1549, 22000, 187, 2773, 434, 3965, 1199, 49867, 11064, 1063, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1423, 27, 1797, 27, 2640, 642, 15, 883, 3763, 20954, 3507, 27, 187, 5064, 13210, 9726, 29327, 187, 31, 11849, 441, 38144, 187, 3650, 604, 368, 21876, 342, 277, 527, 316, 390, 7537, 79, 304, 7276, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1423, 27, 1797, 27, 746, 642, 15, 883, 3763, 25358, 740, 27, 187, 5064, 13210, 21553, 23292, 187, 68, 2163, 270, 9918, 13, 4647, 4834, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1423, 27, 1423, 27, 1010, 642, 15, 883, 3763, 25616, 740, 27, 187, 27132, 2686, 253, 7285, 209, 187, 5498, 626, 2028, 253, 564, 90, 303, 2167, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883 ]
Q anyway, this is so cool for them. Just read comments Anonymous 09/13/17(Wed)13:42:29 no.141393502: bump Anonymous 09/13/17(Wed)13:49:45 no.141394208: We need some goys undercover desu. We could stab Antifa in the back during fights and save our guys Anonymous 09/13/17(Wed)13:51:19 no.141394363: >>141392431 I spent all summer working in D.C. and would walk by many Antifa / Anti Trump protests on my way to the Metro. never got any " good " pictures. I'll be ready in the spring with my good camera when I go back. Anonymous 09/13/17(Wed)13:54:25 no.141394680: >>141394363 that's fucking awesome. Anonymous 09/13/17(Wed)13:59:06 no.141395171: We don't need to do anything. They are already bringing knives and bats and bike locks and attacking people. You can only randomly stab and beat people for so long before you kill one. Anonymous 09/13/17(Wed)14:02:23 no.141395474: Who would be a martyr to antifa? Nobody would be dumb to sacrifice thier life to antifa murdering them Anonymous 09/13/17(Wed)14:04:31 no.141395692: Gonna be /comfy/ pads. Wonder if we'll see another nut shot Anonymous 09/13/17(Wed)14:06:17 no.141395862: >>141394208 Honestly, infiltration sounds like fun, but the stickler about doing infiltration is that you have people on the home team who know what you're doing, and know not to target you. There's no point in sticking your neck out when there's a good chance you'll be arrested before you actually get anything of value from them. Best you can really do is get information about the next riot, then report the details to the local police Anonymous 09/13/17(Wed)14:13:33 no.141396588: >>141395862 >Honestly, infiltration sounds like fun not for me. to lazy but i am not even in usa so.. >>141395171 that is right about stabbing. they were close with that bike lock. not naive thing desu. but still. when they hit economy (like burning a mart) they will get really nasty enemies i guess... Anonymous 09/13/17(Wed)14:15:25 no.141396765: >>141388437 I'm rooting for antifa. Gas the kikes Anonymous 09/13/17(Wed)14:21:43 no.141397397: >>141396765 better... let them fight... Anonymous 09/13/17(Wed)14:30:31 no.141398354: >>141397397 Cuckservatives who like Ben Shapiro are legitimately worse enemies than antifa. Antifa are just misguided whites who understand something is wrong, but are too low IQ to understand what it is, so they buy into the vague narratives sold to them by punk rock bands and other establishment media. Their genuine anti-establishment feeling is used by the elites, but the feeling is still genuine. Cuckservatives actually support the system and all that it does, so they are much worse. <|endoftext|>Anonymous 11/07/16(Mon)23:26:11 no.96807397: I HURT MYSELF TODAY <|endoftext|>Anonymous 01/09/18(Tue)11:58:58 no.156105414: Is our country stupid enough to let the Democrats regain control? Anonymous 01/09/18(Tue)11:59:58 no.156105495: Only if Harvey is her VP Anonymous 01/09/18(Tue)12:15:45 no.156106785: >>156105414 She knew. Let's nip this in the bud before it gets out of control. Anonymous 01/09/18(Tue)12:16:38 no.156106857: If this scenario ends up being the real election in 2020, I will never not laugh when the USA name is mentioned in any sentence on any topic. Anonymous 01/09/18(Tue)12:17:40 no.156106947: >>156105414 She isn't running, Oprah hates the DNC. Why is this meme still being spammed? Anonymous 01/09/18(Tue)12:18:34 no.156107009: >>156106785 HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA >Tfw Oprah winfrey is now a real candidate against Donald Trump BRAVE NEW AMERICA© Anonymous 01/09/18(Tue)12:19:55 no.156107118: >>156106947 The fact that her running gathered the most attention so far as a real opponent for Trump is the most amusing thing for me this year. Anonymous 01/09/18(Tue)12:20:01 no.156107127: >>156106947 shills trying to make the right look like rabid leftys, trying to create a backlash like they had in 2016 Anonymous 01/09/18(Tue)12:24:04 no.156107465: Yes. Unless Trump can be so amazing that the liberal media actually likes him, then yes, after maybe 2 terms, Trump will be replaced by a Democrat. Don't forget that Democrats were saying that the Republicans were a dead party after Obama got elected twice. I doubt the next leader is going to be The Rock or Oprah though... Anonymous 01/09/18(Tue)12:25:58 no.156107633: >>156105414 OPRAH at her best video ALL OLD WHITES NEED TO DIE @ 3:39 OPRAH wants all white boomers to die. Acts like every black working in nursing homes. Anonymous 01/09/18(Tue)12:28:03 no.156107804: >>156105414 We need to put stone cold steve Austin in the office before anything else how he hasn't become president yet idk but he needs to crack open a can of whoop ass on Congress Anonymous 01/09/18(Tue)12:28:50 no.156107873: if Oprah runs vs Trump a socialist will win. DSA will hopefully run a candidate. Fuck both parties. Fuck Trump. Anonymous 01/09/18(Tue)12:30:15 no.156108007: >>156105414 If DACA amnesty goes undefeated, then yes. Anonymous 01/09/18(Tue)12:30:49 no.156108047: #she knew should be able cause enough damage to her reputation, however doubletap that bitch Anonymous 01/09/18(Tue)12:32:58 no.156108244: Has Trump ever worked a day in his life? Owning New York real estate property is literally owning a money printer. Just starting businesses with your name/dick placed over it without any risk of ever going bankrupt isn't exactly being a venture capitalist. Anonymous 01/09/18(Tue)12:37:41 no.156108638: >>156108244 >Has Trump ever worked a day in his life? Nope. Anonymous 01/09/18(Tue)12:39:17 no.156108777: >work hard for a job >Get a 4 year degree and have to fight tooth and nail for a frycook job lol Anonymous 01/09/18(Tue)12:41:32 no.156108958: >>156108244 dude Trump's backstory is too much.... His grandfather was a draft-dodging immigrant pimp in the yukon gold rush: "He later returned to Germany and married. When authorities found that he had emigrated when young to avoid fulfilling his military service, he lost his Bavarian citizenship; he and his family returned to the United States." ""For single men the Arctic has excellent accommodations as well as the best restaurant in Bennett, but I would not advise respectable women to go there to sleep as they are liable to hear that which would be repugnant to their feelings – and uttered, too, by the depraved of their own sex."[3] The Arctic House was one of the largest and most extravagant restaurants in that region of the Klondike, offering fresh fruit and ptarmigan in addition to the staple of horsemeat.[10] The Arctic was open 24 hours a day and advertised "Rooms for ladies", which included beds and scales for measuring gold dust. The local Canadian Mounties were known to tolerate vice so long as it was conducted discreetly." He got rich doing that and moved to NY. Trump's father was
[ 50, 8791, 13, 436, 310, 594, 4484, 323, 731, 15, 3771, 1239, 5701, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1012, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 1012, 27, 2945, 27, 1717, 642, 15, 1047, 1012, 4590, 28873, 27, 187, 67, 1765, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1012, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 1012, 27, 2537, 27, 1857, 642, 15, 1047, 1012, 3953, 17391, 27, 187, 1231, 878, 690, 564, 656, 42417, 711, 86, 15, 209, 187, 1231, 812, 25520, 9422, 38139, 275, 253, 896, 1309, 24662, 285, 5321, 776, 6068, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1012, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 1012, 27, 3712, 27, 746, 642, 15, 1047, 1012, 3953, 26338, 27, 187, 5064, 1047, 15270, 1348, 2405, 187, 42, 5262, 512, 5768, 2444, 275, 399, 15, 36, 15, 285, 651, 2940, 407, 1142, 9422, 38139, 1227, 18567, 3778, 18162, 327, 619, 1039, 281, 253, 23212, 964, 1620, 1694, 667, 346, 1175, 346, 7968, 964, 309, 1833, 320, 4704, 275, 253, 7203, 342, 619, 1175, 6568, 672, 309, 564, 896, 964, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1012, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 1012, 27, 3439, 27, 1099, 642, 15, 1047, 15270, 2950, 1438, 27, 187, 5064, 1047, 1012, 3953, 26338, 187, 3529, 434, 12835, 13103, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1012, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 1012, 27, 3046, 27, 3071, 642, 15, 1047, 1012, 2222, 19816, 27, 187, 1231, 1053, 626, 878, 281, 513, 2712, 15, 209, 187, 3726, 403, 2168, 9745, 36014, 285, 28156, 285, 13696, 24811, 285, 20362, 952, 15, 1422, 476, 760, 12421, 25520, 285, 7171, 952, 323, 594, 1048, 1078, 368, 5159, 581, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1012, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 1047, 27, 2640, 27, 1508, 642, 15, 1047, 1012, 2222, 30413, 27, 187, 7883, 651, 320, 247, 16172, 6147, 281, 32534, 66, 32, 27138, 651, 320, 21413, 281, 17789, 289, 1321, 1495, 281, 32534, 66, 7701, 272, 731, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1012, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 1047, 27, 2125, 27, 2405, 642, 15, 1047, 1012, 2222, 34769, 27, 187, 40, 5860, 320, 1227, 681, 31296, 16, 25297, 15, 187, 56, 9631, 604, 359, 1833, 923, 1529, 5825, 5103, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1012, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 1047, 27, 3071, 27, 1166, 642, 15, 1047, 1012, 2222, 45343, 27, 187, 5064, 1047, 1012, 3953, 17391, 187, 23918, 27459, 13, 25514, 7835, 751, 794, 13, 533, 253, 7356, 2146, 670, 2509, 25514, 310, 326, 368, 452, 952, 327, 253, 1728, 2285, 665, 871, 752, 368, 1472, 2509, 13, 285, 871, 417, 281, 2303, 368, 15, 1707, 434, 642, 1127, 275, 26530, 634, 7623, 562, 672, 627, 434, 247, 1175, 4839, 368, 1833, 320, 9833, 1078, 368, 2686, 755, 2712, 273, 1318, 432, 731, 15, 9567, 368, 476, 1663, 513, 310, 755, 1491, 670, 253, 1735, 34170, 13, 840, 1304, 253, 4278, 281, 253, 1980, 3513, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1012, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 1047, 27, 1012, 27, 1610, 642, 15, 1047, 15270, 2082, 2055, 27, 187, 5064, 1047, 1012, 2222, 45343, 187, 31, 23918, 27459, 13, 25514, 7835, 751, 794, 187, 1439, 323, 479, 15, 187, 936, 22658, 187, 2858, 891, 717, 417, 1014, 275, 441, 66, 594, 537, 187, 5064, 1047, 1012, 2222, 19816, 187, 3529, 310, 987, 670, 331, 22590, 15, 597, 497, 2810, 342, 326, 13696, 5569, 15, 417, 27785, 2181, 711, 86, 15, 533, 1335, 15, 672, 597, 4352, 6982, 313, 3022, 13195, 247, 16172, 10, 597, 588, 755, 1663, 26321, 13948, 891, 5476, 1051, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1012, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 1047, 27, 1010, 27, 1099, 642, 15, 1047, 15270, 2251, 2082, 27, 187, 5064, 1047, 1012, 34305, 1787, 187, 42, 1353, 5230, 272, 323, 32534, 66, 15, 18644, 253, 465, 13972, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1012, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 1047, 27, 1797, 27, 3079, 642, 15, 1047, 1012, 4148, 26933, 27, 187, 5064, 1047, 15270, 2251, 2082, 187, 29266, 1051, 1339, 731, 3819, 1051, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1012, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 1047, 27, 1229, 27, 2405, 642, 15, 1047, 1012, 4185, 25039, 27, 187, 5064, 1047, 1012, 4148, 26933, 187, 36, 9984, 677, 3993, 665, 751, 6029, 44934, 403, 10972, 7325, 7197, 13948, 685, 32534, 66, 15, 9422, 38139, 403, 816, 3731, 26960, 19991, 665, 2096, 1633, 310, 3430, 13, 533, 403, 1512, 1698, 29147, 281, 2096, 752, 352, 310, 13, 594, 597, 4489, 715, 253, 21248, 39062, 4211, 281, 731, 407, 30304, 5561, 10604, 285, 643, 13701, 3420, 15, 7160, 13241, 3270, 14, 15425, 8922, 5471, 310, 908, 407, 253, 43599, 13, 533, 253, 5471, 310, 1335, 13241, 15, 330, 9984, 677, 3993, 2686, 1329, 253, 985, 285, 512, 326, 352, 1057, 13, 594, 597, 403, 1199, 7197, 15, 2756, 50279, 45545, 1903, 16, 2922, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 1508, 27, 1731, 27, 883, 642, 15, 4196, 28950, 26933, 27, 187, 42, 388, 3322, 53, 17450, 2354, 19546, 42971, 2756, 50279, 45545, 14805, 16, 2693, 16, 1093, 9, 50110, 10, 883, 27, 3680, 27, 3680, 642, 15, 16198, 740, 3439, 1047, 27, 187, 2513, 776, 2586, 11339, 2217, 281, 1339, 253, 10823, 35398, 1453, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 2693, 16, 1093, 9, 50110, 10, 883, 27, 3046, 27, 3680, 642, 15, 16198, 740, 3439, 2222, 27, 187, 11564, 604, 24611, 310, 617, 25867, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 2693, 16, 1093, 9, 50110, 10, 805, 27, 1010, 27, 1857, 642, 15, 16198, 740, 2251, 2227, 27, 187, 5064, 16198, 740, 3439, 1047, 187, 2993, 3260, 15, 1281, 434, 295, 532, 436, 275, 253, 5524, 1078, 352, 4850, 562, 273, 1453, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 2693, 16, 1093, 9, 50110, 10, 805, 27, 1036, 27, 1839, 642, 15, 16198, 12971, 31416, 27, 187, 2042, 436, 10076, 7637, 598, 1146, 253, 1524, 6132, 275, 9169, 13, 309, 588, 1620, 417, 9012, 672, 253, 5106, 1416, 310, 5393, 275, 667, 6197, 327, 667, 9400, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 2693, 16, 1093, 9, 50110, 10, 805, 27, 1166, 27, 1449, 642, 15, 16198, 740, 2090, 2504, 27, 187, 5064, 16198, 740, 3439, 1047, 187, 2993, 3548, 626, 3515, 13, 12605, 22876, 38232, 253, 399, 9431, 15, 6049, 310, 436, 1167, 70, 1335, 1146, 653, 15416, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 2693, 16, 1093, 9, 50110, 10, 805, 27, 1093, 27, 1706, 642, 15, 16198, 12224, 8972, 27, 187, 5064, 16198, 740, 2251, 2227, 187, 10114, 10114, 10114, 10114, 10114, 10114, 10114, 10114, 187, 31, 53, 25837, 12605, 22876, 259, 2050, 5292, 310, 1024, 247, 1524, 7431, 1411, 10053, 3778, 187, 35, 5214, 12695, 22428, 46063, 17737, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 2693, 16, 1093, 9, 50110, 10, 805, 27, 746, 27, 2417, 642, 15, 16198, 12224, 14711, 27, 187, 5064, 16198, 740, 2090, 2504, 187, 510, 958, 326, 617, 3515, 13037, 253, 954, 4116, 594, 2080, 347, 247, 1524, 16871, 323, 3778, 310, 253, 954, 38420, 2181, 323, 479, 436, 807, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 2693, 16, 1093, 9, 50110, 10, 805, 27, 938, 27, 520, 642, 15, 16198, 12224, 11946, 27, 187, 5064, 16198, 740, 2090, 2504, 187, 1200, 3171, 2820, 281, 1056, 253, 987, 1007, 751, 28301, 301, 458, 30399, 84, 13, 2820, 281, 2794, 247, 43343, 751, 597, 574, 275, 4022, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 2693, 16, 1093, 9, 50110, 10, 805, 27, 1348, 27, 2125, 642, 15, 16198, 740, 3566, 2082, 27, 187, 4374, 15, 15999, 3778, 476, 320, 594, 8644, 326, 253, 12773, 3420, 2686, 13052, 779, 13, 840, 4754, 13, 846, 5046, 374, 2426, 13, 3778, 588, 320, 7932, 407, 247, 20736, 15, 209, 187, 5498, 626, 7740, 326, 10823, 497, 3981, 326, 253, 11885, 497, 247, 3846, 3128, 846, 6729, 1694, 10544, 7019, 15, 187, 42, 5545, 253, 1735, 6657, 310, 1469, 281, 320, 380, 9384, 390, 12605, 22876, 2167, 1051, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 2693, 16, 1093, 9, 50110, 10, 805, 27, 1099, 27, 3680, 642, 15, 16198, 740, 3121, 1610, 27, 187, 5064, 16198, 740, 3439, 1047, 187, 2795, 5214, 41, 387, 617, 1682, 3492, 209, 187, 5626, 473, 9803, 7245, 1433, 1410, 42945, 5935, 399, 9051, 187, 33, 495, 27, 1867, 209, 187, 3614, 1358, 90, 483, 86, 15, 1257, 16, 19, 58, 57, 37, 38697, 14, 21, 38, 70, 21, 187, 2795, 5214, 41, 5605, 512, 3168, 1766, 14724, 281, 3150, 15, 187, 6014, 84, 751, 1046, 2806, 2444, 275, 15929, 9076, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 2693, 16, 1093, 9, 50110, 10, 805, 27, 1619, 27, 2941, 642, 15, 16198, 12224, 28927, 27, 187, 5064, 16198, 740, 3439, 1047, 187, 1231, 878, 281, 1691, 8805, 5412, 2870, 306, 16916, 275, 253, 3906, 1078, 2712, 2010, 849, 344, 11210, 626, 2489, 4007, 2568, 2654, 76, 533, 344, 3198, 281, 9370, 1527, 247, 476, 273, 665, 412, 718, 327, 5759, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 2693, 16, 1093, 9, 50110, 10, 805, 27, 1619, 27, 1235, 642, 15, 16198, 12224, 43847, 27, 187, 338, 12605, 22876, 6613, 4632, 3778, 247, 30177, 588, 3330, 15, 399, 4576, 588, 18670, 1408, 247, 7431, 15, 49142, 1097, 4676, 15, 49142, 3778, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 2693, 16, 1093, 9, 50110, 10, 805, 27, 1229, 27, 1010, 642, 15, 16198, 12347, 7931, 27, 187, 5064, 16198, 740, 3439, 1047, 187, 2042, 399, 33550, 717, 38971, 4566, 15560, 453, 456, 13, 840, 4754, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 2693, 16, 1093, 9, 50110, 10, 805, 27, 1229, 27, 2537, 642, 15, 16198, 43201, 2504, 27, 187, 4, 6689, 3260, 943, 320, 2104, 2847, 2217, 4723, 281, 617, 12681, 13, 2299, 4021, 37056, 326, 23331, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 2693, 16, 1093, 9, 50110, 10, 805, 27, 1237, 27, 3680, 642, 15, 16198, 12347, 21149, 27, 187, 15413, 3778, 2455, 4307, 247, 1388, 275, 521, 1495, 32, 209, 187, 47646, 920, 1457, 2816, 1524, 8304, 2867, 310, 12832, 37695, 247, 2583, 19736, 15, 3771, 4983, 9341, 342, 634, 1416, 16, 69, 781, 4845, 689, 352, 1293, 667, 2495, 273, 2455, 1469, 35728, 3548, 626, 4555, 1146, 247, 18875, 33712, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 2693, 16, 1093, 9, 50110, 10, 805, 27, 1787, 27, 3156, 642, 15, 16198, 740, 2691, 1839, 27, 187, 5064, 16198, 12347, 21149, 187, 31, 15413, 3778, 2455, 4307, 247, 1388, 275, 521, 1495, 32, 209, 187, 47, 1714, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 2693, 16, 1093, 9, 50110, 10, 805, 27, 1867, 27, 1166, 642, 15, 16198, 12347, 28880, 27, 187, 31, 1601, 1892, 323, 247, 2628, 187, 31, 3633, 247, 577, 807, 4248, 285, 452, 281, 3819, 15205, 285, 23806, 323, 247, 39622, 29519, 2628, 187, 77, 311, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 2693, 16, 1093, 9, 50110, 10, 805, 27, 3156, 27, 1237, 642, 15, 16198, 12347, 34240, 27, 187, 5064, 16198, 12347, 21149, 187, 69, 2496, 3778, 434, 896, 19192, 310, 1512, 1199, 2391, 187, 8389, 21507, 369, 247, 7482, 14, 69, 351, 3390, 28054, 268, 11548, 275, 253, 340, 2788, 251, 5328, 16949, 27, 187, 3, 1328, 1996, 4895, 281, 6176, 285, 7028, 15, 2091, 9061, 1119, 326, 344, 574, 37797, 14092, 672, 2872, 281, 3693, 34873, 521, 4668, 2579, 13, 344, 3663, 521, 43447, 6656, 24588, 28, 344, 285, 521, 2021, 4895, 281, 253, 1986, 2077, 449, 187, 9739, 2214, 2014, 1821, 253, 27693, 556, 7126, 45579, 347, 973, 347, 253, 1682, 10301, 275, 26853, 13, 533, 309, 651, 417, 22276, 39034, 2255, 281, 564, 627, 281, 4600, 347, 597, 403, 15922, 281, 4089, 326, 534, 651, 320, 1234, 814, 45886, 281, 616, 10450, 1108, 285, 41856, 13, 1512, 13, 407, 253, 1305, 376, 1272, 273, 616, 1211, 2825, 31830, 20, 62, 187, 510, 27693, 3995, 369, 581, 273, 253, 6253, 285, 954, 44231, 386, 15114, 275, 326, 2919, 273, 253, 18223, 857, 2804, 13, 9159, 5352, 9279, 285, 31048, 1513, 8541, 275, 1635, 281, 253, 37891, 273, 8815, 1405, 255, 4681, 740, 62, 380, 27693, 369, 1527, 2164, 3038, 247, 1388, 285, 37636, 346, 22052, 3056, 323, 16901, 995, 534, 2908, 20534, 285, 11498, 323, 10499, 5328, 8660, 15, 380, 1980, 9462, 8352, 447, 497, 1929, 281, 31259, 12008, 594, 1048, 347, 352, 369, 5196, 45696, 314, 449, 187, 1328, 1694, 6793, 2509, 326, 285, 4395, 281, 10310, 15, 3778, 434, 3392, 369 ]
:// yM9Axn-w 6o7eDF2U QJlYRrZs QKF7xgTQ UT5OisoA 7o_FuX-c Anonymous 03/11/17(Sat)23:15:13 no.116265778: >>116265003 Now, I'm not a faggot or anything like that. But if I woke up in the middle of the night and found young Clint Eastwood in my bed, I sure as hell wouldn't kick him out. Anonymous 03/11/17(Sat)23:15:42 no.116265831: Humans can be genetically categorized into five racial groups, corresponding to traditional races. blications/pdfs/RosenbergEtAl02.pdf Genetic analysis "supports the traditional racial groups classification." shtonpdfs/PPPL1.pdf "Human genetic variation is geographically structured" and corresponds with race. 15508000 Race can be determined via genetics with certainty for >99.8% of individuals. 15625622 Oral bacteria can be used to determine race. 10-oral-bacteria-fingerprint-mouth. html Race can be determined via brain scans. /abstract/S0960-9822(15)00671-5 Common-sense racial categories have biological meaning. sesardic/Race2.pdf Anonymous 03/11/17(Sat)23:17:03 no.116265967: >>116265831 >Human intelligence up to 75% inheritible ence/science-news/12061787/Intellig ence-genes-discovered-by-scientists .html >Human intelligence is highly heritable. 6/n10/abs/mp201185a.html >You can use DNA to determine the race of a criminal cience/building-face-and-a-case-on- dna.html Anonymous 03/11/17(Sat)23:19:07 no.116266170: >>116264663 gets me everytime. that stupid, stupid little jew. Anonymous 03/11/17(Sat)23:21:05 no.116266393: >>116265778 feel yeh breh Anonymous 03/11/17(Sat)23:22:13 no.116266509: >>116259965 Asians are also nasty people in general. Just mean animals. Better off marying some Anglo or Aryan or Nord or something. You get the moderately high IQ and they have empathy. >source: Am half asian, mom is soulless, entire lineage is soulless except maternal grandfather, also the history of east asian states Anonymous 03/11/17(Sat)23:22:20 no.116266527: >>116263032 I teach two girls who are half white/Japanese One is White mother, Japanese father >Fairly outgoing, smart, sporty, probably average looks when older, very chatty. Other is Japanese mother, white father >Quiet, conserved, short and cute, smart with higher potential than the other one, barely talks, submissive. I think the whole hafa kids are trouble applies only to males. Girls seem to be fine. Anonymous 03/11/17(Sat)23:23:20 no.116266612: >>116256674 "making us taller and smarter" "making us"? Like just being in their proximity makes everyone around them better. yah Anonymous 03/11/17(Sat)23:24:24 no.116266723: >>116265703 >>116265831 >>116265967 Another /pol/ scientist Anonymous 03/11/17(Sat)23:24:39 no.116266746: >>116256674 Yes, race mixing is good between whites and asians, because both have high IQs. Mixing with niggers bring down the IQ. Anonymous 03/11/17(Sat)23:24:53 no.116266768: >>116257691 >A woman’s cancer risk appears to increase with her height >A woman's not a man's height I know you are trolling but come on! Anonymous 03/11/17(Sat)23:25:26 no.116266820: >>116258607 thats why the average poopoo indian in the US makes 100K+ on average while the aryan master race makes about 50k. Anonymous 03/11/17(Sat)23:26:22 no.116266918: >>116262839 Pure chinks in China are getting damn tall, the average in north china is already on par with the nethetlands Anonymous 03/11/17(Sat)23:31:59 no.116267420: >>116266527 stop assisting rice niggers. Exploit and subjugate them Anonymous 03/11/17(Sat)23:33:49 no.116267620: >>116266723 another whiny leftcuck Anonymous 03/11/17(Sat)23:33:56 no.116267628: >>116266820 Average Indian subhuman went through a vetting process and is usually from more or less eugenicaly selected higher caste. Europeans arrived to the US en masse from all walks of life Anonymous 03/11/17(Sat)23:35:43 no.116267802: >>116266820 >comparing the smartest.000001% of Indians that manage to get into the US to the average whites lol do you even know what statistical averages are? Do you know how many Indians there are? Did you know 600 million of them can't even use a toilet? Anonymous 03/11/17(Sat)23:36:03 no.116267839: >>116260331 But where's the list of white people shootings LOL Anonymous 03/11/17(Sat)23:39:53 no.116268207: >>116267839 not a thing. when you look it up, you rarely find any actual white people. we are more efficient when it comes to slaughter for purpose. Think Breivik and Churchill Big Dick McGhee 03/11/17(Sat)23:44:40 no.116268644: >>116265778 Clint was a good looking dude and a bad ass actor. I'm not gay but my boyfriend is. Lol....JOKING Anonymous 03/11/17(Sat)23:45:08 no.116268690: >>116267839 whites mass shooters are exactly represented by their per capita population Asians are 2x over represented as mass shooters than their population Anonymous 03/11/17(Sat)23:46:35 no.116268829: >>116268690 Don't forget that Italians, Spanish and castizos are not White Anonymous 03/11/17(Sat)23:49:34 no.116269123: >race doesn't exist >racemixing makes us better Anonymous 03/11/17(Sat)23:52:53 no.116269428: >>116258817 There's also a lot of dismissal of IQ by the left unless it supports the multikulti. These discussions should be encouraged. Anonymous 03/11/17(Sat)23:55:04 no.116269636: >>116256674 Yeah, one half of the ancestors Anonymous 03/11/17(Sat)23:59:00 no.116270033: RACEMIX, STUPID RACIST GOYIM Anonymous 03/11/17(Sat)23:59:57 no.116270127: >taller Fucking lanklets The Injuns were 6'2 and they were FUCKING STUPID Real whites are 5'8,
[ 1358, 2700, 15, 24583, 15, 681, 16, 13060, 32, 87, 30, 53, 20293, 187, 90, 46, 26, 19820, 79, 14, 88, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 24583, 15, 681, 16, 13060, 32, 87, 30, 82, 58, 41, 187, 23, 80, 24, 70, 14803, 19, 54, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 24583, 15, 681, 16, 13060, 32, 87, 30, 90, 17424, 187, 42806, 77, 18352, 83, 59, 84, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 24583, 15, 681, 16, 13060, 32, 87, 30, 12944, 82, 187, 50, 44, 39, 24, 89, 72, 53, 50, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 24583, 15, 681, 16, 13060, 32, 87, 30, 6784, 84, 187, 3329, 22, 48, 14699, 34, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 24583, 15, 681, 16, 13060, 32, 87, 30, 10189, 26, 187, 24, 80, 64, 42238, 57, 14, 68, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1508, 27, 1010, 27, 1012, 642, 15, 13210, 21317, 33505, 27, 187, 5064, 13210, 21317, 4838, 187, 4125, 13, 309, 1353, 417, 247, 269, 13046, 302, 390, 2712, 751, 326, 15, 187, 1989, 604, 309, 23686, 598, 275, 253, 4766, 273, 253, 2360, 285, 1119, 2872, 43276, 5791, 5308, 275, 619, 3722, 13, 309, 2119, 347, 7085, 5082, 626, 8386, 779, 562, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1508, 27, 1010, 27, 2945, 642, 15, 13210, 1731, 3680, 2405, 27, 187, 40320, 507, 476, 320, 24663, 27948, 715, 2620, 15066, 2390, 13, 3969, 281, 5899, 15820, 15, 187, 2413, 1358, 81, 902, 32675, 13068, 15, 18549, 4379, 15, 13808, 16, 11113, 187, 67, 18498, 16, 19875, 3671, 16, 51, 5458, 4978, 24858, 2422, 2640, 15, 9275, 187, 7475, 1999, 1783, 346, 4032, 8707, 253, 5899, 15066, 2390, 9162, 449, 187, 2413, 1358, 20980, 1497, 15, 86, 680, 15, 6357, 16, 28402, 11788, 16, 579, 187, 84, 41844, 19875, 3671, 16, 4785, 3859, 18, 15, 9275, 187, 3, 22705, 6380, 7629, 310, 3471, 32414, 18872, 3, 285, 10140, 342, 5492, 15, 187, 2413, 1358, 2700, 15, 35301, 15, 35510, 15, 24645, 15, 12312, 16, 16712, 1314, 16, 187, 1010, 27101, 933, 187, 51, 584, 476, 320, 3413, 3066, 30222, 342, 23140, 323, 2239, 1525, 15, 25, 6, 273, 4292, 15, 187, 2413, 1358, 2700, 15, 35301, 15, 35510, 15, 24645, 15, 12312, 16, 16712, 1314, 16, 187, 16198, 9726, 1423, 187, 48, 1544, 9574, 476, 320, 908, 281, 3653, 5492, 15, 187, 2413, 1358, 38079, 89, 7100, 15, 681, 16, 13608, 16, 6622, 14, 187, 740, 14, 7909, 14, 67, 45913, 14, 37638, 3845, 14, 19845, 15, 187, 2974, 187, 51, 584, 476, 320, 3413, 3066, 3998, 20947, 15, 187, 2413, 1358, 2700, 15, 3992, 15, 681, 16, 6259, 14, 36415, 187, 16, 15834, 16, 52, 2693, 1549, 14, 4185, 1423, 9, 1010, 10, 361, 35276, 14, 22, 187, 18170, 14, 33829, 15066, 9050, 452, 7534, 4495, 15, 187, 2413, 1358, 2700, 15, 6677, 15, 13808, 15, 44734, 16, 545, 5463, 80, 16, 34632, 16, 187, 6628, 472, 280, 16, 51, 584, 19, 15, 9275, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1508, 27, 1166, 27, 2941, 642, 15, 13210, 1731, 3046, 2251, 27, 187, 5064, 13210, 1731, 3680, 2405, 187, 31, 22705, 9260, 598, 281, 6879, 6, 30686, 917, 187, 2413, 1358, 2700, 15, 442, 27414, 15, 1940, 15, 2788, 16, 13608, 16, 29409, 187, 566, 16, 21559, 14, 13608, 16, 805, 3071, 1166, 2597, 16, 4807, 5327, 187, 566, 14, 22422, 14, 12722, 3111, 14, 1615, 14, 30202, 1346, 187, 15, 2974, 187, 31, 22705, 9260, 310, 4122, 617, 7116, 15, 187, 2413, 1358, 2700, 15, 36791, 15, 681, 16, 2503, 16, 19317, 16, 87, 18, 187, 23, 16, 79, 740, 16, 5375, 16, 2503, 1252, 17786, 66, 15, 2974, 187, 31, 1394, 476, 897, 3882, 281, 3653, 253, 5492, 273, 247, 6424, 187, 2413, 1358, 2700, 15, 79, 1767, 1022, 15, 681, 16, 6620, 16, 2640, 16, 1348, 16, 84, 187, 68, 1482, 16, 22157, 14, 1664, 14, 395, 14, 66, 14, 5045, 14, 251, 14, 187, 69, 2072, 15, 2974, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1508, 27, 746, 27, 2922, 642, 15, 13210, 22313, 15046, 27, 187, 5064, 883, 3763, 1540, 35216, 187, 18145, 479, 1046, 2606, 15, 326, 11339, 13, 11339, 1652, 15589, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1508, 27, 1797, 27, 1762, 642, 15, 13210, 22313, 29360, 27, 187, 5064, 13210, 21317, 33505, 187, 39336, 9094, 73, 1517, 73, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1508, 27, 1423, 27, 1012, 642, 15, 13210, 22313, 17013, 27, 187, 5064, 13210, 1099, 1525, 2082, 187, 1909, 2458, 403, 671, 26321, 952, 275, 2087, 15, 3771, 1599, 5074, 15, 187, 36011, 745, 278, 552, 272, 690, 33252, 390, 329, 36440, 390, 23060, 390, 1633, 15, 1422, 755, 253, 28249, 1029, 29147, 285, 597, 452, 32496, 15, 187, 31, 6756, 27, 3052, 2716, 347, 757, 13, 2243, 310, 18155, 620, 405, 13, 2862, 23009, 310, 18155, 620, 405, 3707, 14834, 21507, 13, 671, 253, 2892, 273, 9268, 347, 757, 3054, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1508, 27, 1423, 27, 938, 642, 15, 13210, 1731, 2082, 1630, 27, 187, 5064, 13210, 1731, 1229, 1237, 187, 42, 9798, 767, 6838, 665, 403, 2716, 3168, 16, 25559, 187, 4041, 310, 5219, 3101, 13, 6692, 3392, 187, 31, 38645, 314, 31995, 13, 7060, 13, 9678, 90, 13, 3164, 3388, 4453, 672, 5662, 13, 1077, 12939, 555, 15, 187, 8665, 310, 6692, 3101, 13, 3168, 3392, 187, 31, 3864, 2880, 13, 14900, 13, 2159, 285, 20295, 13, 7060, 342, 2169, 2442, 685, 253, 643, 581, 13, 12345, 12088, 13, 749, 35407, 15, 187, 42, 1158, 253, 2644, 419, 6855, 5753, 403, 7596, 10384, 760, 281, 10798, 15, 26152, 1646, 281, 320, 4030, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1508, 27, 1508, 27, 938, 642, 15, 13210, 1731, 2526, 805, 27, 187, 5064, 13210, 9726, 29327, 187, 3, 11849, 441, 38165, 285, 38144, 3, 187, 3, 11849, 441, 16296, 187, 9817, 816, 1146, 275, 616, 18326, 2789, 4130, 1475, 731, 1805, 15, 187, 90, 1240, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1508, 27, 1348, 27, 1348, 642, 15, 13210, 1731, 2251, 1508, 27, 187, 5064, 13210, 21317, 30349, 187, 5064, 13210, 1731, 3680, 2405, 187, 5064, 13210, 1731, 3046, 2251, 187, 8195, 1227, 4818, 16, 20687, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1508, 27, 1348, 27, 1867, 642, 15, 13210, 1731, 2251, 2950, 27, 187, 5064, 13210, 9726, 29327, 187, 4374, 13, 5492, 12480, 310, 1175, 875, 19991, 285, 347, 2458, 13, 984, 1097, 452, 1029, 29147, 84, 15, 22347, 272, 342, 35825, 7276, 3324, 1066, 253, 29147, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1508, 27, 1348, 27, 3357, 642, 15, 13210, 1731, 2251, 2358, 27, 187, 5064, 13210, 21553, 35356, 187, 31, 34, 3416, 457, 84, 2923, 2495, 4620, 281, 2572, 342, 617, 4898, 187, 31, 34, 3416, 434, 187, 1439, 247, 637, 434, 4898, 187, 42, 871, 368, 403, 246, 19891, 533, 1705, 327, 2, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1508, 27, 1099, 27, 1731, 642, 15, 13210, 1731, 2358, 938, 27, 187, 5064, 13210, 22029, 25616, 187, 394, 1832, 2139, 253, 3388, 2963, 412, 3288, 801, 757, 275, 253, 1982, 2789, 2233, 44, 12, 327, 3388, 1223, 253, 549, 8202, 6303, 5492, 2789, 670, 2456, 76, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1508, 27, 1731, 27, 1423, 642, 15, 13210, 1731, 2090, 1093, 27, 187, 5064, 13210, 1731, 1619, 1867, 187, 49, 459, 448, 3106, 275, 4135, 403, 2970, 15229, 10086, 13, 253, 3388, 275, 6146, 448, 1758, 310, 2168, 327, 1061, 342, 253, 2036, 6168, 6056, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1508, 27, 2405, 27, 3046, 642, 15, 13210, 1731, 3566, 938, 27, 187, 5064, 13210, 1731, 2082, 1630, 187, 13121, 34735, 11789, 35825, 7276, 15, 14499, 27521, 285, 749, 18936, 366, 731, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1508, 27, 1610, 27, 2537, 642, 15, 13210, 1731, 3121, 938, 27, 187, 5064, 13210, 1731, 2251, 1508, 187, 23955, 364, 5104, 1669, 68, 1807, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1508, 27, 1610, 27, 3208, 642, 15, 13210, 1731, 3121, 1619, 27, 187, 5064, 13210, 1731, 2358, 938, 187, 33993, 5396, 749, 13961, 2427, 949, 247, 26925, 1076, 1232, 285, 310, 3798, 432, 625, 390, 1679, 299, 47306, 474, 90, 4236, 2169, 50091, 15, 33671, 7244, 281, 253, 1982, 546, 9425, 339, 432, 512, 16771, 273, 1495, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1508, 27, 1671, 27, 3079, 642, 15, 13210, 23546, 28879, 27, 187, 5064, 13210, 1731, 2358, 938, 187, 31, 681, 48434, 253, 7060, 383, 964, 40817, 6, 273, 16869, 326, 8722, 281, 755, 715, 253, 1982, 281, 253, 3388, 19991, 187, 77, 311, 187, 3088, 368, 1014, 871, 752, 7605, 31218, 403, 32, 187, 4045, 368, 871, 849, 1142, 16869, 627, 403, 32, 10348, 368, 871, 12891, 3041, 273, 731, 476, 626, 1014, 897, 247, 21487, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1508, 27, 1812, 27, 2941, 642, 15, 13210, 1731, 3141, 1867, 27, 187, 5064, 883, 3763, 1549, 27385, 187, 1989, 835, 434, 253, 1618, 273, 3168, 952, 42509, 49321, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1508, 27, 1867, 27, 3357, 642, 15, 13210, 22913, 18202, 27, 187, 5064, 13210, 1731, 3141, 1867, 187, 1439, 247, 2181, 15, 672, 368, 1007, 352, 598, 13, 368, 11766, 1089, 667, 4588, 3168, 952, 15, 359, 403, 625, 5919, 672, 352, 3249, 281, 30814, 323, 4096, 15, 19296, 7528, 400, 1479, 285, 27961, 535, 187, 5178, 15392, 16442, 31622, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1508, 27, 2031, 27, 1449, 642, 15, 13210, 22913, 25959, 27, 187, 5064, 13210, 21317, 33505, 187, 2019, 565, 369, 247, 1175, 2819, 29723, 285, 247, 3076, 718, 12353, 15, 309, 1353, 417, 11730, 533, 619, 22273, 310, 15, 418, 311, 22833, 43, 10249, 2637, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1508, 27, 1857, 27, 2904, 642, 15, 13210, 22913, 31055, 27, 187, 5064, 13210, 1731, 3141, 1867, 187, 2484, 3254, 2280, 5310, 398, 403, 4555, 6607, 407, 616, 591, 37297, 3072, 209, 187, 1909, 2458, 403, 374, 89, 689, 6607, 347, 2280, 5310, 398, 685, 616, 3072, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1508, 27, 2950, 27, 1671, 642, 15, 13210, 1731, 2055, 1717, 27, 187, 5064, 13210, 22913, 31055, 187, 5498, 626, 7740, 326, 40300, 2458, 13, 9883, 285, 5248, 478, 375, 403, 417, 5219, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1508, 27, 2537, 27, 1706, 642, 15, 13210, 23292, 10683, 27, 187, 31, 27679, 2506, 626, 2226, 187, 31, 8306, 358, 895, 272, 2789, 441, 1805, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1508, 27, 3583, 27, 3357, 642, 15, 13210, 1731, 3953, 1619, 27, 187, 5064, 13210, 1099, 2055, 1166, 187, 2512, 434, 671, 247, 2257, 273, 16852, 273, 29147, 407, 253, 1669, 5734, 352, 8525, 253, 1554, 1479, 503, 74, 964, 187, 6872, 11985, 943, 320, 14659, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1508, 27, 2417, 27, 2125, 642, 15, 13210, 1731, 4196, 1812, 27, 187, 5064, 13210, 9726, 29327, 187, 6506, 13, 581, 2716, 273, 253, 25938, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1508, 27, 3046, 27, 361, 642, 15, 13210, 1630, 40306, 27, 187, 51, 1934, 3172, 10569, 13, 3915, 12456, 1838, 416, 1934, 6905, 11488, 58, 2894, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1508, 27, 3046, 27, 3011, 642, 15, 13210, 1630, 520, 1630, 27, 187, 31, 85, 455, 254, 187, 39, 25826, 298, 1164, 6639, 187, 510, 496, 75, 4539, 497, 721, 8, 19, 285, 597, 497, 401, 36746, 2637, 3915, 12456, 1838, 187, 17642, 19991, 403, 608, 8, 25, 13 ]
:17:05 no.202859622: hi lurkers and newshills. remember: you're here forever :^) Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:17:34 no.202859660: >>202859541 kek Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:17:39 no.202859664: >>202859567 lol someone he found the dumbest possible take Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:17:41 no.202859670: 1 burger and 43 fries till Trump Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:17:45 no.202859672: >>202859343 Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:17:47 no.202859678: >>202859607 AWUO~ Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:17:58 no.202859691: >>202859541 If only the awoo was crying. Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:18:06 no.202859703: >>202859558 AT THE ISLE-LIGHT'S LAST FLICKERING Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:18:09 no.202859709: For dumb boomer retards who don't understand Middle Eastern politics beyond Fox News propaganda: There are basically two main factions in the Middle East: Sunnis: >Basically backwards savages. >Stone people to death, circumcise women, barbaric laws >Are responsible for 99.9% of the Muslim terror attacks >Have never invented or developed anything whatsoever >Primary holy site is Mecca, don't really give a fuck about Israel >only hate jews to the extent they hate all Muslims, and to the extent there are certain passages in the Quran about Muhammed killing jews in Medina. Shiites: >Modern, sophisticated, intelligent >In comparison to Sunnis, have rational, secular societies >Shiites in the West fill the universities and contribute disproportionately to science, business, and technology >Primary Holy Site is Jerusalem, from their perspective the Israeli occupation is intolerable >Commit no terror bombings, but organize against Israel with sophisticated state-level actions and intelligence networks. Constitute a real threat Although it would be in the USA's interest to support the Shiites, instead the USA supports the Sunnis (because of Israeli lobbying). Thus the USA is on the side of crazy Jihadist headchoppers, the same people who flew planes into the World Trade Center. The US is a source of destabilization and spreads terror and misery all across the Middle East. The /pol/ position is to support Iran, Assad, and Hezbollah. Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:18:33 no.202859743: >>202859541 >Don't vote klobuchar! She will kill awoos Someone tell PETA about her Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:18:36 no.202859745: >>202859333 >I don't think you'll have many more anniversaries to enjoy Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:18:40 no.202859751: >>202859600 I thought he had a lame soul patch from your picture. Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:18:40 no.202859754: >>202859670 3 burgers, fren, 1900 mountain, 2100 eastern Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:18:45 no.202859763: >>202859343 rollrollroll Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:18:46 no.202859766: no no no no! Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:18:49 no.202859768: >>202859333 That towel head is a just a larper, the real leaders are the military leaders. Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:18:51 no.202859774: >>202859558 AT THE PANT STAIN'S LAST REEKING Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:18:53 no.202859778: PRO LIFERS BTFO Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:18:59 no.202859785: >>202859557 El Paso has a wall. Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:18:59 no.202859787: >>202859600 Baby killer! Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:19:00 no.202859789: >>202859525 Happy birthday, Turtleman. Hope we get to see you stump for Trump in Florida in 2020. Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:19:11 no.202859804: >>202859678 WAOO~ Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:19:13 no.202859808: >>202859709 We're never going to support shiites until Iran pays in full for what they did to us in 1979 Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:19:14 no.202859812: >>202859343 Five me up senpai Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:19:19 no.202859823: >>202859374 nice headline show me the data Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:19:28 no.202859833: >>202859374 >1/3 need a government employee to live Found the commies Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:19:33 no.202859841: Can anybody tell me where I can find the GDP numbers of the fourth quarter? I just wanna know if Trump reached the 3% goal for 2018 and can't find it. Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:19:39 no.202859846: >>202859709 This is a board that would rather see that place renamed the glowing sea. Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:19:44 no.202859859: NEW NEW NEW NEW Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:19:53 no.202859875: >>202859709 >The /pol/ position is to support Iran, Assad, and Hezbollah. That’s not edgy and contrarian enough for me, I only support Third World Maoism Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:20:03 no.202859896: >>202859766 He'll be the new David Duke by the time he's through Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:20:07 no.202859903: >>202846837 left eats itself, even a pussy hat wearing faggot showed up to protest against gun control. Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:20:09 no.202859905: >>202859709 Fuck off back to /sg/ Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:20:17 no.202859915: >>202859709 >Shiites: >>Modern, sophisticated, intelligent Fuck off, Hezbollah. Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:20:29 no.202859943: >>202859808 Plus their garbo force are drug peddlers here to south america, they need to pay with their own lives for those who died of overdoses. Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:20:31 no.202859949: >>202857613 The passage he's quoting refers to every "false prophet", not only Jesus afaik. Someone should tell the other desert tribe from the Middle East what the Talmud says about their prophet. Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:20:35 no.202859958: >>202859859 lmao I'm sure she's in tears, typical raghead exaggeration Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:20:36 no.202859960: >>202859808 How about what the USA did to Iran? Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:20:38 no.202859963: >>202859766 He meant farm equipment Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:20:39 no.202859966: >>202859493 you really think we would be different remember the reincarnation theory /ptg/ had on the beggining of 2016 Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:21:05 no.202860007: GET FUCKED SCHIZOPOSTERS IT WAS DEBUNKED NOW QUIT POSTING YOUR FALSE FACTS AND INFO
[ 27, 1166, 27, 1762, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 36679, 1423, 27, 187, 5801, 29661, 23521, 285, 747, 1200, 3171, 15, 4456, 27, 368, 1472, 1060, 11654, 1163, 13146, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1166, 27, 1706, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 36679, 1549, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 23025, 2222, 3156, 187, 413, 76, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1166, 27, 1867, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 36679, 1540, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 23025, 2222, 2251, 187, 77, 311, 3095, 344, 1119, 253, 21413, 383, 1896, 1379, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1166, 27, 3156, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 36679, 1967, 27, 187, 18, 42463, 285, 7652, 2054, 265, 7357, 3778, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1166, 27, 1857, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 3046, 31436, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1619, 3046, 26274, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1166, 27, 2504, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 3046, 25025, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1619, 3046, 25616, 187, 24564, 54, 48, 95, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1166, 27, 3680, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 3046, 35356, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 23025, 2222, 3156, 187, 2042, 760, 253, 247, 680, 80, 369, 17800, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1093, 27, 3071, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 3046, 30349, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 23025, 2222, 3680, 187, 1194, 3003, 4110, 1843, 14, 45, 9981, 8, 52, 12226, 1267, 11953, 16539, 947, 2637, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1093, 27, 2693, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 3046, 26371, 27, 187, 2214, 21413, 1766, 8056, 851, 2196, 665, 1053, 626, 2096, 10515, 11867, 8672, 4457, 11024, 6317, 23306, 27, 187, 2512, 403, 10323, 767, 2022, 41850, 275, 253, 10515, 5791, 27, 187, 52, 4462, 261, 27, 187, 31, 37565, 24291, 5745, 1131, 15, 187, 31, 49518, 952, 281, 2471, 13, 4493, 68, 885, 2255, 13, 38615, 280, 5323, 187, 31, 6723, 5506, 323, 8688, 15, 26, 6, 273, 253, 8797, 7075, 8104, 187, 31, 11778, 1620, 23179, 390, 3715, 2712, 24612, 187, 31, 27967, 18465, 2670, 310, 3189, 18442, 13, 1053, 626, 1663, 1918, 247, 7435, 670, 5143, 209, 187, 31, 7483, 9239, 15589, 84, 281, 253, 6070, 597, 9239, 512, 16492, 13, 285, 281, 253, 6070, 627, 403, 2176, 24392, 275, 253, 49970, 670, 14554, 3964, 1314, 9811, 15589, 84, 275, 3050, 1758, 15, 187, 2809, 74, 3254, 27, 187, 31, 33824, 13, 18144, 13, 17497, 187, 31, 688, 5301, 281, 4146, 24836, 13, 452, 8870, 13, 22884, 21262, 209, 187, 31, 2809, 74, 3254, 275, 253, 4255, 7522, 253, 18403, 285, 8162, 30839, 1523, 281, 5859, 13, 2136, 13, 285, 4302, 187, 31, 27967, 13936, 17855, 310, 17913, 13, 432, 616, 8668, 253, 13389, 17238, 310, 40621, 494, 187, 31, 2115, 2225, 642, 7075, 10110, 723, 13, 533, 23968, 1411, 5143, 342, 18144, 1375, 14, 5251, 5231, 285, 9260, 6928, 15, 1716, 5157, 247, 1524, 4322, 187, 8430, 352, 651, 320, 275, 253, 5106, 434, 1600, 281, 1329, 253, 31645, 3254, 13, 3185, 253, 5106, 8525, 253, 4146, 24836, 313, 12157, 273, 13389, 40140, 481, 3308, 253, 5106, 310, 327, 253, 1930, 273, 10412, 500, 26590, 382, 1481, 4039, 13906, 13, 253, 1072, 952, 665, 18811, 16340, 715, 253, 3645, 17061, 5197, 15, 380, 1982, 310, 247, 2603, 273, 37355, 1320, 285, 35818, 7075, 285, 33030, 512, 2439, 253, 10515, 5791, 15, 187, 510, 1227, 4818, 16, 1899, 310, 281, 1329, 7751, 13, 38220, 13, 285, 754, 49038, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1093, 27, 1610, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 34651, 3079, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 23025, 2222, 3156, 187, 31, 5498, 626, 6273, 27451, 706, 38130, 2, 1500, 588, 5159, 247, 680, 375, 187, 29065, 2028, 19602, 34, 670, 617, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1093, 27, 1812, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 34651, 1857, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1619, 3046, 20084, 187, 31, 42, 1053, 626, 1158, 368, 1833, 452, 1142, 625, 2459, 1564, 3927, 281, 4264, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1093, 27, 1449, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 3046, 37950, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1619, 3046, 10487, 187, 42, 1869, 344, 574, 247, 42837, 7765, 12097, 432, 634, 5406, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1093, 27, 1449, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 3046, 31254, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1619, 36679, 1967, 187, 20, 42803, 13, 28080, 13, 24810, 11129, 13, 374, 2313, 14730, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1093, 27, 1857, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 3046, 23250, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1619, 3046, 26274, 187, 1811, 1811, 1811, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1093, 27, 2950, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 34651, 2526, 27, 187, 2369, 642, 642, 642, 2, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1093, 27, 2537, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 34651, 2358, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1619, 3046, 20084, 187, 2773, 29861, 1481, 310, 247, 816, 247, 1236, 468, 13, 253, 1524, 7038, 403, 253, 4668, 7038, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1093, 27, 3712, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 3046, 30715, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 23025, 2222, 3680, 187, 1194, 3003, 367, 5656, 3915, 23098, 8, 52, 12226, 1267, 416, 41404, 2637, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1093, 27, 3357, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 3046, 33505, 27, 187, 20371, 418, 3801, 6117, 23755, 8768, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1093, 27, 3046, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 34651, 2227, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 23025, 2222, 3011, 187, 8677, 43623, 556, 247, 3402, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1093, 27, 3046, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 34651, 2597, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1619, 3046, 10487, 187, 44480, 17830, 2, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 746, 27, 361, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 34651, 2511, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 23025, 2222, 1099, 187, 33298, 14348, 13, 308, 4405, 39772, 15, 15541, 359, 755, 281, 923, 368, 48733, 323, 3778, 275, 7758, 275, 9169, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 746, 27, 883, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 3046, 28927, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1619, 3046, 25025, 187, 13363, 4985, 95, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 746, 27, 1012, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 3046, 23576, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1619, 3046, 26371, 187, 1231, 1472, 1620, 1469, 281, 1329, 439, 74, 3254, 1919, 7751, 17587, 275, 2120, 323, 752, 597, 858, 281, 441, 275, 13842, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 746, 27, 1047, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 37687, 805, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1619, 3046, 26274, 187, 25438, 479, 598, 5303, 81, 2284, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 746, 27, 746, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 37687, 1508, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1619, 3046, 24562, 187, 40199, 30062, 209, 187, 9029, 479, 253, 941, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 746, 27, 1619, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 37687, 1610, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1619, 3046, 24562, 187, 31, 18, 16, 20, 878, 247, 2208, 8183, 281, 3153, 187, 16641, 253, 764, 447, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 746, 27, 1610, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 3046, 39506, 27, 187, 5804, 13098, 2028, 479, 835, 309, 476, 1089, 253, 24820, 3904, 273, 253, 7002, 7150, 32, 309, 816, 17341, 871, 604, 3778, 4925, 253, 495, 6, 4736, 323, 4765, 285, 476, 626, 1089, 352, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 746, 27, 1867, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 3046, 34938, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1619, 3046, 26371, 187, 1552, 310, 247, 4450, 326, 651, 2581, 923, 326, 1659, 27624, 253, 33055, 6150, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 746, 27, 2031, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 3046, 32168, 27, 187, 24650, 22428, 22428, 22428, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 746, 27, 3357, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 37687, 1976, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1619, 3046, 26371, 187, 31, 510, 1227, 4818, 16, 1899, 310, 281, 1329, 7751, 13, 38220, 13, 285, 754, 49038, 15, 187, 2773, 457, 84, 417, 1407, 4233, 285, 2916, 6656, 2217, 323, 479, 13, 309, 760, 1329, 12245, 3645, 36194, 1204, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 938, 27, 2941, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 3046, 33608, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1619, 34651, 2526, 187, 1328, 1833, 320, 253, 747, 5119, 14913, 407, 253, 673, 344, 434, 949, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 938, 27, 2922, 642, 15, 938, 23025, 1525, 2941, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 25676, 2358, 1787, 187, 1274, 40724, 3139, 13, 1014, 247, 35614, 7856, 9398, 269, 13046, 302, 2692, 598, 281, 8005, 1411, 5654, 1453, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 938, 27, 2693, 642, 15, 938, 23025, 1525, 1762, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1619, 3046, 26371, 187, 30368, 745, 896, 281, 1227, 8433, 16, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 938, 27, 1166, 642, 15, 938, 23025, 1525, 1010, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1619, 3046, 26371, 187, 31, 2809, 74, 3254, 27, 187, 5064, 33824, 13, 18144, 13, 17497, 187, 30368, 745, 13, 754, 49038, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 938, 27, 1717, 642, 15, 938, 23025, 1525, 3079, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1619, 3046, 23576, 187, 25263, 616, 6746, 2399, 3490, 403, 2854, 7690, 69, 10787, 1060, 281, 6420, 717, 254, 3737, 13, 597, 878, 281, 2075, 342, 616, 1211, 4852, 323, 1110, 665, 4962, 273, 689, 69, 4863, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 938, 27, 2405, 642, 15, 938, 23025, 1525, 2537, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1619, 33333, 1012, 187, 510, 10056, 344, 434, 32249, 10770, 281, 1046, 346, 7750, 33494, 995, 417, 760, 7670, 6706, 66, 1479, 15, 24955, 943, 2028, 253, 643, 13438, 22184, 432, 253, 10515, 5791, 752, 253, 12636, 45400, 2296, 670, 616, 33494, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 938, 27, 1671, 642, 15, 938, 23025, 1525, 3680, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1619, 3046, 32168, 187, 77, 785, 80, 309, 1353, 2119, 703, 434, 275, 12330, 13, 6867, 23603, 2522, 23668, 318, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 938, 27, 1812, 642, 15, 938, 23025, 1525, 1549, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1619, 3046, 23576, 187, 2347, 670, 752, 253, 5106, 858, 281, 7751, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 938, 27, 1839, 642, 15, 938, 23025, 1525, 3571, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1619, 34651, 2526, 187, 1328, 5486, 6389, 6500, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 938, 27, 1867, 642, 15, 938, 23025, 1525, 2526, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1619, 3046, 35337, 187, 5658, 1663, 1158, 359, 651, 320, 1027, 187, 41773, 253, 294, 1763, 1596, 318, 3762, 1227, 431, 72, 16, 574, 327, 253, 28332, 1699, 273, 4022, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1797, 27, 1762, 642, 15, 938, 23360, 19635, 27, 187, 9278, 401, 36746, 1703, 44026, 18769, 2795, 13792, 6117, 187, 1433, 22250, 6202, 35, 4037, 44, 1703, 187, 22731, 26999, 1433, 28846, 2637, 22031, 26194, 10601, 33949, 4889, 37561 ]
ump and dump This is literally illegal hi Ontario Securities exchange authority. Anonymous 01/08/18(Mon)18:31:27 no.156029636: >>156028014 <|endoftext|>Anonymous 02/22/19(Fri)14:03:14 no.204050812: >jews control the media and academia >liberals hate Israel How can that happen? It makes no sense. <|endoftext|>Anonymous 02/26/18(Mon)07:58:06 no.161970064: Is trudeau Jr autistic, will be shitpost here? Anonymous 02/26/18(Mon)08:21:21 no.161971458: Nah, probably just like his father, a little faggot. Anonymous 02/26/18(Mon)08:22:36 no.161971539: Look at that idiot, rolling around the floor and acting the fool. If he was my child I'd be extremely embaressed. STAND UP. SHUTUP. Act mature for a few minutes whilst we meet with these leaders. He can act like a child again when we get off camera. How the fuck did Trudeau get elected? He can barely control his own children how can he control an entire country? CANADA IS A JOKE. Anonymous 02/26/18(Mon)08:23:46 no.161971608: >>161971458 >faggot Why the homophobia? Anonymous 02/26/18(Mon)08:26:07 no.161971764: >>161970105 >>161970190 >>161971257 >>161971458 >>161971539 >Act mature Glad you guys aren't fathering any children. The "era" of embarrassing your child for expressing themselves is probably why most of 4chan is autistic shutins. Anonymous 02/26/18(Mon)08:27:40 no.161971877: >>161971608 What? Anonymous 02/26/18(Mon)08:28:56 no.161971956: >>161971764 Anon i woundnt want my kid talking about the Jews in public either Anonymous 02/26/18(Mon)08:30:07 no.161972030: They strike me as the kind of family that would let their child wander around the house unclothed and soiled because he's "finding himself". Anonymous 02/26/18(Mon)08:32:48 no.161972213: Oh no, we're very progressive. We don't believe in discipline for children. But say anything remotely derogatory about muzzies.... Anonymous 02/26/18(Mon)08:33:25 no.161972261: >>161972030 KEK, my mother said the exact same thing Anonymous 02/26/18(Mon)08:34:06 no.161972310: >>161970064 looks like a normal kid that hasn't been disciplined properly.. no surprise.. Anonymous 02/26/18(Mon)08:34:42 no.161972343: >>161971764 I hope you don't have any children. I bet they'd grow up to be riotous, dirty antifa Marxist scum. You wouldn't see Baron Trump rolling around like a fucking moron. You know why? BECAUSE HIS DAD IS A WINNER. Anonymous 02/26/18(Mon)08:37:41 no.161972530: >>161972213 >discipline for children How do you discipline a kid for being wacky? That's like hitting a child for watching spongebob and laughing at the wrong jokes. Anonymous 02/26/18(Mon)08:39:13 no.161972630: >>161972530 which any self-respecting father would do Anonymous 02/26/18(Mon)08:39:14 no.161972632: >>161972530 You teach your kids to hide their power level from a young age Anonymous 02/26/18(Mon)08:41:04 no.161972736: >>161972530 You explain to him that if he wants to stay up late and get to meet the Indian dignitaries with the rest of his family that he should behave sensibly, just for a short while. He can act like a child again later but just while the cameras are rolling and his dad is shaking hands with important people, he needs to behave like an adult. If he cannot do this he stays home and goes to bed early. It's not exactly fucking difficult. You don't need to spank him. If you cannot converse properly with a 6 year old you're an absolute disgrace. Anonymous 02/26/18(Mon)08:41:19 no.161972753: >>161971764 yeah, first you let your kid roll in a grass during an important meeting, and 20 years later the kid will be drawing loli porno because you never taught him any limits Anonymous 02/26/18(Mon)08:42:05 no.161972795: >>161972530 >hitting a child Who mentioned hitting a child? Lack of discipline is why the world is becoming such a fucked-up shithole. Anonymous 02/26/18(Mon)08:45:03 no.161972984: >>161972530 You’re so fucking pathetic. Anonymous 02/26/18(Mon)08:51:08 no.161973399: >>161970064 looks like he is the only normal one Anonymous 02/26/18(Mon)08:53:36 no.161973584: A kid acting retarded like that is not necessarily a sign of autism... I would need to observe more to have an idea where he's at on the spectrum. He's acting like a little shit, plain and simple. He lacks discipline. My son does this retarded shit when his mother takes him to the store. When he is on an outing with his father, however, he's got a stiff back, a raised chin, and he is polite to those we encounter. All I have to do is say "be good for your mother" and he's fine for her. I haven't beaten my child. I don't hit or spank at all. I've merely been a strong father figure who has precisely set expectations. My son knows how to get on his dad's good side. A son should view his father with a precarious mix of terror and desire... Desire to please their father and be next to him, this drives the child to learn and to grow into a man... Terror of their father's wrath, this keeps the kid in line. A sort of reverence that's unique to the father. Think about your childhood... Was there anyone you were more afraid of than your father? Was there anyone you would rather be next to? Trudeau Junior is merely suffering from not having a real father. Anonymous 02/26/18(Mon)08:54:57 no.161973678: For a white supremacist niggerdeath right wing death squad imageboard, /pol/ is weirdly full of nu-age parenting fags who think spanking and telling your kid not to be a sperg in public are horrible child abuse. Anonymous 02/26/18(Mon)08:55:47 no.161973725: >>161970064 That's not autism, that's just gayness. Anonymous 02/26/18(Mon)08:55:51 no.161973731: >>161970064 I thought Canada doesn’t allow import of retards Anonymous 02/26/18(Mon)08:58:17 no.161973901: >>161973731 They relaxed the rules to allow any migrant, regardless of how capable they are. Even if the person is blind, deaf, mute, no legs, no arms, retarded. They're welcome in Nu-Canada. Anonymous 02/26/18(Mon)08:59:39 no.161973987: t7PwzAnI Anonymous 02/26/18(Mon)09:05:41 no.161974416: >>161973678 Spanking is the lowest form of discipline. It's the easiest. I'm not against spanking, per se... There's just better ways. There's more effective ways. You can just say, "if you do x I'll punish you with y." You can just say, "if you do z I'll reward you with w" This probably won't work, though... At least not until the child has a strong logical processor and a strong understanding of language. You can instantly punish with a spanking for bad behavior... This might seem to work, but what it actually does is teach the child "I can do what I want, I just have to deal with some quick pain." You can instantly reward with treats
[ 1765, 285, 13725, 187, 1552, 310, 12832, 9676, 187, 5801, 17367, 33393, 6431, 6265, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 2904, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 2405, 27, 1630, 642, 15, 1010, 1549, 23402, 1812, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1549, 1619, 11494, 2756, 50279, 45545, 16261, 16, 1423, 16, 746, 9, 33228, 10, 1047, 27, 2941, 27, 1047, 642, 15, 938, 1449, 27101, 805, 27, 187, 31, 75, 999, 84, 1453, 253, 3420, 285, 8371, 571, 187, 31, 77, 3669, 932, 9239, 5143, 187, 2347, 476, 326, 5108, 32, 733, 2789, 642, 3282, 15, 2756, 50279, 45545, 16261, 16, 1731, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2922, 27, 3680, 27, 3071, 642, 15, 1036, 746, 14744, 1540, 27, 187, 2513, 492, 41595, 10512, 1125, 2531, 13, 588, 320, 10739, 5996, 1060, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 1731, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 1797, 27, 1797, 642, 15, 1036, 18493, 1047, 3680, 27, 187, 47, 1240, 13, 3164, 816, 751, 521, 3392, 13, 247, 1652, 269, 13046, 302, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 1731, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 1423, 27, 1812, 642, 15, 1036, 18493, 1010, 1867, 27, 187, 7745, 387, 326, 28006, 13, 14572, 1475, 253, 5254, 285, 8534, 253, 11213, 15, 1310, 344, 369, 619, 1429, 309, 1871, 320, 6685, 4443, 66, 2079, 15, 3915, 5543, 20653, 15, 7840, 3329, 12456, 15, 3162, 14242, 323, 247, 1643, 2909, 16682, 359, 2525, 342, 841, 7038, 15, 754, 476, 769, 751, 247, 1429, 969, 672, 359, 755, 745, 6568, 15, 1359, 253, 7435, 858, 45277, 755, 10544, 32, 754, 476, 12345, 1453, 521, 1211, 2151, 849, 476, 344, 1453, 271, 2862, 2586, 32, 187, 4280, 1322, 4877, 4110, 329, 20152, 6541, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 1731, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 1508, 27, 2950, 642, 15, 1036, 18493, 1036, 2904, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 18493, 1047, 3680, 187, 31, 71, 13046, 302, 187, 4967, 253, 2860, 40988, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 1731, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 1731, 27, 2922, 642, 15, 1036, 18493, 1166, 1540, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 18493, 520, 1762, 187, 5064, 1036, 18493, 520, 2270, 187, 5064, 1036, 18493, 805, 3011, 187, 5064, 1036, 18493, 1047, 3680, 187, 5064, 1036, 18493, 1010, 1867, 187, 31, 6014, 14242, 187, 9030, 324, 368, 6068, 6403, 626, 3392, 272, 667, 2151, 15, 380, 346, 3525, 3, 273, 34019, 634, 1429, 323, 13002, 3746, 310, 3164, 2139, 954, 273, 577, 2291, 310, 1125, 2531, 6294, 968, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 1731, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 1630, 27, 1449, 642, 15, 1036, 18493, 1093, 2357, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 18493, 1036, 2904, 187, 1276, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 1731, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 1619, 27, 3208, 642, 15, 1036, 18493, 38249, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 18493, 1166, 1540, 187, 1145, 251, 891, 10785, 2649, 971, 619, 5772, 5015, 670, 253, 11563, 275, 1345, 2057, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 1731, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 1229, 27, 2922, 642, 15, 1036, 18493, 938, 1229, 27, 187, 3726, 9974, 479, 347, 253, 2238, 273, 2021, 326, 651, 1339, 616, 1429, 34702, 1475, 253, 2419, 440, 498, 302, 742, 285, 594, 4206, 984, 344, 434, 346, 28983, 2994, 3446, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 1731, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 1237, 27, 2385, 642, 15, 1036, 18493, 1423, 1012, 27, 187, 4013, 642, 13, 359, 1472, 1077, 13439, 15, 187, 1231, 1053, 626, 2868, 275, 17518, 323, 2151, 15, 187, 1989, 1333, 2712, 27938, 1784, 462, 2473, 670, 12910, 4396, 447, 2391, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 1731, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 1610, 27, 1099, 642, 15, 1036, 18493, 1423, 3832, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 18493, 938, 1229, 187, 6541, 44, 13, 619, 3101, 753, 253, 3242, 1072, 2181, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 1731, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 1706, 27, 3071, 642, 15, 1036, 18493, 1508, 740, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 746, 14744, 1540, 187, 6204, 84, 751, 247, 2622, 5772, 326, 11210, 626, 644, 48310, 6283, 537, 642, 9326, 537, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 1731, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 1706, 27, 2945, 642, 15, 1036, 18493, 1508, 3079, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 18493, 1166, 1540, 187, 42, 3524, 368, 1053, 626, 452, 667, 2151, 15, 309, 701, 597, 1871, 1756, 598, 281, 320, 34170, 528, 13, 16076, 32534, 66, 48641, 660, 360, 15, 1422, 5082, 626, 923, 26192, 3778, 14572, 1475, 751, 247, 12835, 2298, 251, 15, 1422, 871, 2139, 32, 8728, 4280, 17423, 38164, 399, 2350, 4110, 329, 36410, 21598, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 1731, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 1787, 27, 3156, 642, 15, 1036, 18493, 1099, 1229, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 18493, 1423, 1012, 187, 31, 12722, 47890, 323, 2151, 187, 2347, 513, 368, 17518, 247, 5772, 323, 1146, 259, 471, 90, 32, 187, 2773, 434, 751, 16116, 247, 1429, 323, 7487, 39088, 43979, 285, 17053, 387, 253, 3430, 26984, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 1731, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 1867, 27, 1012, 642, 15, 1036, 18493, 1731, 1229, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 18493, 1099, 1229, 187, 4609, 667, 1881, 14, 21014, 272, 3392, 651, 513, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 1731, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 1867, 27, 1047, 642, 15, 1036, 18493, 1731, 1237, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 18493, 1099, 1229, 187, 1394, 9798, 634, 5753, 281, 10507, 616, 1612, 1268, 432, 247, 2872, 2363, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 1731, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 3156, 27, 2125, 642, 15, 1036, 18493, 1630, 1812, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 18493, 1099, 1229, 187, 1394, 5513, 281, 779, 326, 604, 344, 5605, 281, 3297, 598, 3563, 285, 755, 281, 2525, 253, 5396, 18131, 262, 3927, 342, 253, 1551, 273, 521, 2021, 326, 344, 943, 21319, 2288, 4360, 13, 816, 323, 247, 2159, 1223, 15, 754, 476, 769, 751, 247, 1429, 969, 1996, 533, 816, 1223, 253, 14693, 403, 14572, 285, 521, 12247, 310, 18577, 3564, 342, 1774, 952, 13, 344, 3198, 281, 21319, 751, 271, 6782, 15, 1310, 344, 2550, 513, 436, 344, 19931, 1728, 285, 4566, 281, 3722, 2393, 15, 209, 187, 1147, 434, 417, 4555, 12835, 2834, 15, 1422, 1053, 626, 878, 281, 653, 1164, 779, 15, 1310, 368, 2550, 42810, 6283, 342, 247, 721, 807, 1711, 368, 1472, 271, 7880, 40655, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 1731, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 3156, 27, 746, 642, 15, 1036, 18493, 1630, 3357, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 18493, 1166, 1540, 187, 90, 3983, 13, 806, 368, 1339, 634, 5772, 4533, 275, 247, 10583, 1309, 271, 1774, 4804, 13, 285, 1384, 1107, 1996, 253, 5772, 588, 320, 10263, 298, 10424, 16921, 80, 984, 368, 1620, 10256, 779, 667, 7787, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 1731, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 2945, 27, 1762, 642, 15, 1036, 18493, 1630, 2222, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 18493, 1099, 1229, 187, 31, 73, 2835, 247, 1429, 187, 7883, 5393, 16116, 247, 1429, 32, 187, 45, 471, 273, 17518, 310, 2139, 253, 1533, 310, 7552, 824, 247, 35598, 14, 484, 439, 334, 1306, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 1731, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 1857, 27, 2941, 642, 15, 1036, 18493, 1717, 2759, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 18493, 1099, 1229, 187, 1394, 457, 250, 594, 12835, 40479, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 1731, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 3712, 27, 2904, 642, 15, 1036, 18493, 1610, 1525, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 746, 14744, 1540, 187, 6204, 84, 751, 344, 310, 253, 760, 2622, 581, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 1731, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 3357, 27, 1812, 642, 15, 1036, 18493, 1671, 2759, 27, 187, 34, 5772, 8534, 48101, 751, 326, 310, 417, 7933, 247, 861, 273, 27734, 1051, 309, 651, 878, 281, 10018, 625, 281, 452, 271, 2934, 835, 344, 434, 387, 327, 253, 6637, 15, 187, 1328, 434, 8534, 751, 247, 1652, 10739, 13, 8342, 285, 2969, 15, 754, 19756, 17518, 15, 187, 3220, 3347, 1057, 436, 48101, 10739, 672, 521, 3101, 3936, 779, 281, 253, 4657, 15, 2091, 344, 310, 327, 271, 562, 272, 342, 521, 3392, 13, 2299, 13, 344, 434, 1694, 247, 13827, 896, 13, 247, 5439, 22239, 13, 285, 344, 310, 30405, 281, 1110, 359, 13329, 15, 187, 3074, 309, 452, 281, 513, 310, 1333, 346, 1257, 1175, 323, 634, 3101, 3, 285, 344, 434, 4030, 323, 617, 15, 187, 42, 6468, 626, 20698, 619, 1429, 15, 309, 1053, 626, 4352, 390, 653, 1164, 387, 512, 15, 187, 42, 1849, 7960, 644, 247, 2266, 3392, 4677, 665, 556, 10534, 873, 12656, 15, 187, 3220, 3347, 6057, 849, 281, 755, 327, 521, 12247, 434, 1175, 1930, 15, 187, 34, 3347, 943, 1859, 521, 3392, 342, 247, 3509, 37993, 5878, 273, 7075, 285, 8327, 1051, 3666, 603, 281, 4496, 616, 3392, 285, 320, 1735, 281, 779, 13, 436, 14137, 253, 1429, 281, 3037, 285, 281, 1756, 715, 247, 637, 1051, 187, 53, 3775, 273, 616, 3392, 434, 38696, 13, 436, 11359, 253, 5772, 275, 1386, 15, 187, 34, 3686, 273, 3195, 1196, 326, 434, 4451, 281, 253, 3392, 15, 187, 26068, 670, 634, 11948, 1051, 12349, 627, 3780, 368, 497, 625, 9202, 273, 685, 634, 3392, 32, 12349, 627, 3780, 368, 651, 2581, 320, 1735, 281, 32, 187, 2290, 41595, 25418, 310, 7960, 9958, 432, 417, 1907, 247, 1524, 3392, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 1731, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 3439, 27, 3011, 642, 15, 1036, 18493, 1812, 3141, 27, 187, 2214, 247, 3168, 25937, 317, 382, 295, 16046, 26975, 987, 12916, 2471, 13487, 2460, 4697, 13, 1227, 4818, 16, 310, 12504, 314, 2120, 273, 8794, 14, 486, 31104, 269, 3544, 665, 1158, 653, 41988, 285, 7746, 634, 5772, 417, 281, 320, 247, 14413, 72, 275, 1345, 403, 19201, 1429, 7242, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 1731, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 2417, 27, 2504, 642, 15, 1036, 18493, 1787, 1099, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 746, 14744, 1540, 187, 2773, 434, 417, 27734, 13, 326, 434, 816, 11730, 1255, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 1731, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 2417, 27, 3712, 642, 15, 1036, 18493, 1787, 2405, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 746, 14744, 1540, 187, 42, 1869, 6144, 2506, 457, 85, 1581, 1395, 273, 851, 2196, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 1731, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 3680, 27, 1166, 642, 15, 1036, 18493, 1867, 520, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 18493, 1787, 2405, 187, 3726, 19595, 253, 4803, 281, 1581, 667, 35816, 13, 10159, 273, 849, 7032, 597, 403, 15, 4952, 604, 253, 1436, 310, 9645, 13, 26057, 13, 49425, 13, 642, 9246, 13, 642, 6174, 13, 48101, 15, 1583, 1472, 10112, 275, 24903, 14, 32235, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 1731, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 3046, 27, 1867, 642, 15, 1036, 18493, 1867, 2597, 27, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 24583, 15, 681, 16, 13060, 32, 87, 30, 69, 34, 82, 187, 85, 24, 49, 88, 91, 1145, 42, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 1731, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2693, 27, 1762, 27, 3156, 642, 15, 1036, 18493, 2031, 1036, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 18493, 1812, 3141, 187, 6104, 41988, 310, 253, 8840, 830, 273, 17518, 15, 733, 434, 253, 24746, 15, 187, 42, 1353, 417, 1411, 653, 41988, 13, 591, 396, 1051, 1707, 434, 816, 1805, 4088, 15, 1707, 434, 625, 3576, 4088, 15, 187, 1394, 476, 816, 1333, 13, 346, 338, 368, 513, 1269, 309, 1833, 21854, 368, 342, 340, 449, 187, 1394, 476, 816, 1333, 13, 346, 338, 368, 513, 1182, 309, 1833, 10921, 368, 342, 259, 3, 187, 1552, 3164, 1912, 626, 789, 13, 2167, 1051, 2058, 1878, 417, 1919, 253, 1429, 556, 247, 2266, 13760, 13732, 285, 247, 2266, 4685, 273, 3448, 15, 187, 1394, 476, 18319, 21854, 342, 247, 653, 41988, 323, 3076, 3879, 1051, 831, 1537, 1646, 281, 789, 13, 533, 752, 352, 2686, 1057, 310, 9798, 253, 1429, 346, 42, 476, 513, 752, 309, 971, 13, 309, 816, 452, 281, 2968, 342, 690, 3158, 3075, 449, 187, 1394, 476, 18319, 10921, 342, 26574 ]
>best weather Finland. Fuck that heat shit boi. >most beautiful women Sweden. >most powerful military Russia. >most beautiful landscape Norway. >strongest people Germany. >favorite city Venice/Florence/Rome >most redpilled country Poland. >most religious country Poland. >most faithful women Poland. >most traditional country Al-fucking-bania. >most peaceful Switzerland. >most Übermensch Germany. >most intelligent Germany. >most inventive United Kucks/Germany >most trustworthy people Norway. >greatest in history Greece. >place you would raise your children Norway. >>177693911 Anonymous 07/06/18(Fri)02:55:48 no.177694698: >best culture Finnic >best architecture Scythian >best food Swedish >best art Schythian >best people Estonian >best dancers Estonian >best healthcare Estonian >best weather Southwest Europe >most beautiful women Celtic >most powerful military Finnic >most beautiful landscape Russia >strongest people Finnic >favorite city Tartu >most redpilled country Estonia >most religious country Greece >most faithful women Turkey >most traditional country Turkey >most peaceful Estonia >most Übermensch Finnic and Celtic >most intelligent Finnic >most inventive Finnic >most trustworthy people Finnic >greatest in history Finnic >place you would raise your children Europe Anonymous 07/06/18(Fri)02:56:45 no.177694758: >>177694084 <3 Anonymous 07/06/18(Fri)02:58:30 no.177694866: >>177693831 France >Most blacks Anonymous 07/06/18(Fri)03:00:10 no.177694954: >>177694698 >>most beautiful women >Celtic Are you attempting to persuade me that British slags are the epitome of beauty? Anonymous 07/06/18(Fri)03:06:42 no.177695366: >>177693831 >best culture I can't really pick one. I think they are all fantastic in different ways. If I had to narrow it down to just a few then: Italy and Nordic countries >best architecture >best food Italy >best art France and Italy >best people Scandinavian people >best dancers Russians >best healthcare A country with low amount of immigrants >best weather Northern Italy >most beautiful women Sweden >most powerful military Russia >most beautiful landscape Norway >strongest people Germany >favorite city Stockholm >most redpilled country Poland >most religious country Poland >most faithful women Probably Poland >most traditional country Poland/Italy >most peaceful No clue >most Übermensch The North Westerners >most intelligent Germanics >most inventive Sweden/Germany >most trustworthy people Norway/Denmark >greatest in history Germany/England >place you would raise your children Norway Anonymous 07/06/18(Fri)03:08:20 no.177695475: >>177695366 Sorry about the spacing. Anonymous 07/06/18(Fri)03:14:06 no.177695866: >>177695475 Top quality post mein freund Anonymous 07/06/18(Fri)03:14:55 no.177695921: >>177694954 Brits are anglos, Celts are irish/scottish. Anonymous 07/06/18(Fri)03:16:45 no.177696023: >>177695921 Inherently false. But even if it were true, Irish women do NOT content for most beautiful. Anonymous 07/06/18(Fri)03:17:24 no.177696065: >>177693831 >Australia You’re entire fucken continent (bar the bases ruskies and poles) is ovverrun with shit-tier slaves and not a single on of you supreme cucklord countries has the balls to do anything to stop it. And you want to talk about how great Europe is??? Mate you’re a fucken tripper cunt Anonymous 07/06/18(Fri)03:43:55 no.177697660: >>177695475 >Sorry about the spacing. you're forgiven and thanks for the vote of confidence. you too >>177694084 also, thanks for Mövenpick, great coffee. Anonymous 07/06/18(Fri)03:56:33 no.177698421: >>177694698 You're biased. I mean, best healthcare in Estonia? Have you ever been to ER here? It takes like an hour to get decent healthcare. Anonymous 07/06/18(Fri)03:57:45 no.177698496: >Best country Finno-Ugric Khanate. Anonymous 07/06/18(Fri)03:59:27 no.177698591: >>177696023 Not true, the ugly Brits with broken teeth are Anglos, Celts are actually pretty good-looking. Anonymous 07/06/18(Fri)04:00:44 no.177698655: >>177693831 >>best culture Italy >>best architecture Italy >>best food Italy >>best art Italy >>best people Finland >>best dancers ? >>best healthcare Denmark? >>best weather Italy >>most beautiful women Italy >>most powerful military France >>most beautiful landscape Italy >>strongest people Iceland >>favorite city Italy >>most redpilled country Hungary >>most religious country Poland? >>most faithful women ? >>most traditional country Hungary >>most peaceful Iceland >>most Übermensch Hungary >>most intelligent Northern Italy >>most inventive Germany >>most trustworthy people Finland >>greatest in history Italy >>place you would raise your children Italy (assuming current political trends persist and intensify) Anonymous 07/06/18(Fri)04:01:35 no.177698702: >>177693831 >best culture UK >best architecture Georgia >best food Russia >best art Italy >best people Serbia >best dancers idk >best healthcare Germany >best weather Switzerland >most beautiful women Poland >most powerful military Bongs >most beautiful landscape Georgia >strongest people Serbia >favorite city Lviv >most redpilled country Hungary >most religious country Poland >most faithful women Ukraine >most traditional country Armenia >most peaceful Any of the non shit post-soviet countries like us. >most Übermensch Slovenia >most intelligent Estonia >most inventive WE >most trustworthy Slovakia >greatest in history subjective >place you would raise your children here >inb4 georgia and armenia aren’t european. Anonymous 07/06/18(Fri)04:02:10 no.177698744: >>177697660 I'm fairly certain that I have seen this statue underground in Helsingor when I visited Kronborg.Denmark is a beautiful country. Anonymous 07/06/18(Fri)04:03:00 no.177698791: >>177698702 >Most intelligent >Estonia Bruhhh Anonymous 07/06/18(Fri)04:03:09 no.177698799: >>177693831 use this map instead Anonymous 07/06/18(Fri)04:09:50 no.177699132: >>177696065 You're one to talk, cunt. Isn't like three quarters of your country Chinese owned now? Last time I had the misfortune of visiting Australia there were ching chongs fucking everywhere in both Melbourne and Sydney. Way to hand your country off to the slants, that certainly won't come back to bite future generations of white Australian trash, eh? Anonymous 07/06/18(Fri)04:10:04 no.177699137: >best culture Dutch >best architecture Italy >best food French >best art French
[ 187, 31, 14461, 8588, 187, 17398, 1373, 15, 49142, 326, 4250, 10739, 1766, 74, 15, 187, 31, 2252, 5389, 2255, 187, 42589, 257, 15, 187, 31, 2252, 6422, 4668, 187, 37881, 15, 187, 31, 2252, 5389, 13016, 187, 22427, 1106, 15, 187, 31, 9072, 383, 952, 187, 37796, 15, 187, 31, 71, 36170, 2846, 187, 39685, 547, 16, 6623, 24930, 16, 51, 485, 187, 31, 2252, 2502, 81, 2591, 2586, 187, 7638, 395, 15, 187, 31, 2252, 7231, 2586, 187, 7638, 395, 15, 187, 31, 2252, 21738, 2255, 187, 7638, 395, 15, 187, 31, 2252, 5899, 2586, 187, 2422, 14, 71, 25826, 14, 5568, 571, 15, 187, 31, 2252, 19951, 187, 12455, 17893, 15, 187, 31, 2252, 37995, 589, 78, 49296, 187, 37796, 15, 187, 31, 2252, 17497, 187, 37796, 15, 187, 31, 2252, 10242, 422, 187, 11586, 611, 9984, 16, 37796, 187, 31, 2252, 46808, 952, 187, 22427, 1106, 15, 187, 31, 17124, 383, 275, 2892, 187, 40, 658, 336, 15, 187, 31, 5070, 368, 651, 7164, 634, 2151, 187, 22427, 1106, 15, 187, 5064, 15907, 2090, 1867, 883, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 3071, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 2640, 27, 2417, 27, 2385, 642, 15, 15907, 30467, 31671, 27, 187, 31, 14461, 4466, 187, 39, 2966, 280, 187, 31, 14461, 10336, 187, 52, 951, 394, 757, 187, 31, 14461, 2739, 209, 187, 42589, 763, 187, 31, 14461, 1445, 187, 10859, 90, 394, 757, 187, 31, 14461, 952, 187, 38, 5493, 757, 187, 31, 14461, 39576, 187, 38, 5493, 757, 187, 31, 14461, 11723, 187, 38, 5493, 757, 187, 31, 14461, 8588, 187, 17967, 8535, 3060, 187, 31, 2252, 5389, 2255, 187, 36, 2585, 280, 187, 31, 2252, 6422, 4668, 187, 39, 2966, 280, 187, 31, 2252, 5389, 13016, 187, 37881, 187, 31, 9072, 383, 952, 187, 39, 2966, 280, 187, 31, 71, 36170, 2846, 187, 53, 435, 86, 187, 31, 2252, 2502, 81, 2591, 2586, 187, 38, 5493, 571, 187, 31, 2252, 7231, 2586, 187, 40, 658, 336, 187, 31, 2252, 21738, 2255, 187, 23992, 2364, 187, 31, 2252, 5899, 2586, 187, 23992, 2364, 187, 31, 2252, 19951, 187, 38, 5493, 571, 187, 31, 2252, 37995, 589, 78, 49296, 187, 39, 2966, 280, 285, 40327, 187, 31, 2252, 17497, 187, 39, 2966, 280, 187, 31, 2252, 10242, 422, 187, 39, 2966, 280, 187, 31, 2252, 46808, 952, 187, 39, 2966, 280, 187, 31, 17124, 383, 275, 2892, 187, 39, 2966, 280, 187, 31, 5070, 368, 651, 7164, 634, 2151, 187, 18913, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 3071, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 2640, 27, 3208, 27, 1857, 642, 15, 15907, 2090, 30176, 25, 27, 187, 5064, 15907, 2090, 1449, 2759, 187, 29, 20, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 3071, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 2640, 27, 3680, 27, 1229, 642, 15, 15907, 2090, 2385, 2526, 27, 187, 5064, 15907, 2090, 1839, 2405, 187, 33639, 187, 31, 10342, 26769, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 3071, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 2941, 27, 361, 27, 740, 642, 15, 15907, 30467, 41643, 27, 187, 5064, 15907, 30467, 31671, 187, 5064, 2252, 5389, 2255, 187, 31, 36, 2585, 280, 187, 6723, 368, 13756, 281, 29720, 479, 326, 4782, 1499, 3544, 403, 253, 8198, 485, 273, 10763, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 3071, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 2941, 27, 3071, 27, 2945, 642, 15, 15907, 26541, 25772, 27, 187, 5064, 15907, 2090, 1839, 2405, 187, 31, 14461, 4466, 187, 42, 476, 626, 1663, 2619, 581, 15, 309, 1158, 597, 403, 512, 15143, 275, 1027, 4088, 15, 1310, 309, 574, 281, 6891, 352, 1066, 281, 816, 247, 1643, 840, 27, 9972, 285, 23060, 280, 4343, 187, 31, 14461, 10336, 187, 31, 14461, 2739, 209, 187, 1147, 5242, 187, 31, 14461, 1445, 187, 33639, 285, 9972, 187, 31, 14461, 952, 187, 4316, 35508, 35026, 952, 187, 31, 14461, 39576, 187, 17233, 2458, 187, 31, 14461, 11723, 187, 34, 2586, 342, 1698, 2408, 273, 16618, 187, 31, 14461, 8588, 187, 49107, 9972, 187, 31, 2252, 5389, 2255, 187, 42589, 257, 187, 31, 2252, 6422, 4668, 187, 37881, 187, 31, 2252, 5389, 13016, 187, 22427, 1106, 187, 31, 9072, 383, 952, 187, 37796, 187, 31, 71, 36170, 2846, 187, 35484, 26666, 187, 31, 2252, 2502, 81, 2591, 2586, 187, 7638, 395, 187, 31, 2252, 7231, 2586, 187, 7638, 395, 187, 31, 2252, 21738, 2255, 187, 37161, 16795, 187, 31, 2252, 5899, 2586, 187, 7638, 395, 16, 1147, 5242, 187, 31, 2252, 19951, 187, 2302, 22796, 187, 31, 2252, 37995, 589, 78, 49296, 187, 510, 3729, 6359, 398, 187, 31, 2252, 17497, 187, 22353, 982, 187, 31, 2252, 10242, 422, 187, 42589, 257, 16, 37796, 187, 31, 2252, 46808, 952, 187, 22427, 1106, 16, 20990, 4698, 187, 31, 17124, 383, 275, 2892, 187, 37796, 16, 45353, 187, 31, 5070, 368, 651, 7164, 634, 2151, 187, 22427, 1106, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 3071, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 2941, 27, 2904, 27, 938, 642, 15, 15907, 2090, 3439, 1976, 27, 187, 5064, 15907, 26541, 25772, 187, 15953, 670, 253, 22735, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 3071, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 2941, 27, 1047, 27, 3071, 642, 15, 15907, 2090, 3680, 2526, 27, 187, 5064, 15907, 2090, 3439, 1976, 187, 11387, 3290, 1501, 479, 249, 4107, 1504, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 3071, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 2941, 27, 1047, 27, 2417, 642, 15, 15907, 2090, 3046, 1797, 27, 187, 5064, 15907, 30467, 41643, 187, 19189, 84, 403, 2897, 26185, 13, 23948, 1641, 403, 3496, 763, 16, 1026, 1519, 763, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 3071, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 2941, 27, 1036, 27, 1857, 642, 15, 15907, 2090, 1549, 1508, 27, 187, 5064, 15907, 2090, 3046, 1797, 187, 688, 7853, 314, 3221, 15, 1292, 1014, 604, 352, 497, 2032, 13, 11596, 2255, 513, 5803, 2600, 323, 954, 5389, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 3071, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 2941, 27, 1166, 27, 1348, 642, 15, 15907, 2090, 1549, 2082, 27, 187, 5064, 15907, 2090, 1839, 2405, 187, 31, 37150, 187, 1394, 457, 250, 2862, 7435, 257, 25294, 313, 2009, 253, 14395, 391, 24378, 447, 285, 25284, 10, 310, 14246, 332, 6321, 342, 10739, 14, 42614, 20086, 285, 417, 247, 2014, 327, 273, 368, 24555, 260, 1807, 20305, 4343, 556, 253, 15254, 281, 513, 2712, 281, 3523, 352, 15, 1244, 368, 971, 281, 2312, 670, 849, 1270, 3060, 310, 33186, 40758, 368, 457, 250, 247, 7435, 257, 1195, 3803, 260, 2084, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 3071, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 2941, 27, 3079, 27, 2417, 642, 15, 15907, 2090, 3121, 1549, 27, 187, 5064, 15907, 2090, 3439, 1976, 187, 31, 15953, 670, 253, 22735, 15, 187, 5658, 1472, 46804, 285, 6701, 323, 253, 6273, 273, 7162, 15, 368, 1512, 209, 187, 5064, 15907, 2090, 1449, 2759, 187, 12563, 13, 6701, 323, 353, 2381, 1261, 29397, 13, 1270, 8574, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 3071, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 2941, 27, 3208, 27, 1610, 642, 15, 15907, 2090, 2759, 1797, 27, 187, 5064, 15907, 30467, 31671, 187, 1394, 1472, 23539, 15, 309, 1599, 13, 1682, 11723, 275, 39863, 571, 32, 12238, 368, 2455, 644, 281, 7220, 1060, 32, 733, 3936, 751, 271, 4964, 281, 755, 12524, 11723, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 3071, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 2941, 27, 3011, 27, 1857, 642, 15, 15907, 31671, 30693, 27, 187, 31, 17277, 2586, 187, 17398, 2369, 14, 54, 72, 695, 21128, 366, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 3071, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 2941, 27, 3046, 27, 1630, 642, 15, 15907, 2090, 2227, 4739, 27, 187, 5064, 15907, 2090, 1549, 1508, 187, 3650, 2032, 13, 253, 19513, 3616, 84, 342, 7154, 9970, 403, 25939, 375, 13, 23948, 1641, 403, 2686, 3965, 1175, 14, 13565, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 3071, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 2125, 27, 361, 27, 2031, 642, 15, 15907, 31671, 25320, 27, 187, 5064, 15907, 2090, 1839, 2405, 187, 5064, 14461, 4466, 187, 1147, 5242, 187, 5064, 14461, 10336, 187, 1147, 5242, 187, 5064, 14461, 2739, 187, 1147, 5242, 187, 5064, 14461, 1445, 187, 1147, 5242, 187, 5064, 14461, 952, 187, 17398, 1373, 187, 5064, 14461, 39576, 187, 32, 187, 5064, 14461, 11723, 187, 20990, 4698, 32, 187, 5064, 14461, 8588, 187, 1147, 5242, 187, 5064, 2252, 5389, 2255, 187, 1147, 5242, 187, 5064, 2252, 6422, 4668, 187, 33639, 187, 5064, 2252, 5389, 13016, 187, 1147, 5242, 187, 5064, 9072, 383, 952, 187, 42, 26589, 187, 5064, 71, 36170, 2846, 187, 1147, 5242, 187, 5064, 2252, 2502, 81, 2591, 2586, 187, 38288, 552, 187, 5064, 2252, 7231, 2586, 187, 7638, 395, 32, 187, 5064, 2252, 21738, 2255, 187, 32, 187, 5064, 2252, 5899, 2586, 187, 38288, 552, 187, 5064, 2252, 19951, 187, 42, 26589, 187, 5064, 2252, 37995, 589, 78, 49296, 187, 38288, 552, 187, 5064, 2252, 17497, 187, 49107, 9972, 187, 5064, 2252, 10242, 422, 187, 37796, 187, 5064, 2252, 46808, 952, 187, 17398, 1373, 187, 5064, 17124, 383, 275, 2892, 187, 1147, 5242, 187, 5064, 5070, 368, 651, 7164, 634, 2151, 187, 1147, 5242, 313, 37411, 1655, 3569, 13554, 24266, 285, 12934, 1419, 10, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 3071, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 2125, 27, 520, 27, 1671, 642, 15, 15907, 31671, 30967, 27, 187, 5064, 15907, 2090, 1839, 2405, 187, 31, 14461, 4466, 187, 19642, 187, 31, 14461, 10336, 187, 35848, 571, 187, 31, 14461, 2739, 187, 37881, 187, 31, 14461, 1445, 187, 1147, 5242, 187, 31, 14461, 952, 187, 6075, 26978, 187, 31, 14461, 39576, 187, 301, 76, 187, 31, 14461, 11723, 187, 37796, 187, 31, 14461, 8588, 187, 12455, 17893, 187, 31, 2252, 5389, 2255, 187, 7638, 395, 187, 31, 2252, 6422, 4668, 187, 35, 23750, 187, 31, 2252, 5389, 13016, 187, 35848, 571, 187, 31, 9072, 383, 952, 187, 6075, 26978, 187, 31, 71, 36170, 2846, 187, 45, 40418, 187, 31, 2252, 2502, 81, 2591, 2586, 187, 38288, 552, 187, 31, 2252, 7231, 2586, 187, 7638, 395, 187, 31, 2252, 21738, 2255, 187, 42399, 12737, 187, 31, 2252, 5899, 2586, 187, 22552, 23364, 187, 31, 2252, 19951, 187, 6693, 273, 253, 1327, 10739, 1501, 14, 46508, 2880, 4343, 751, 441, 15, 209, 187, 31, 2252, 37995, 589, 78, 49296, 187, 10612, 13606, 571, 187, 31, 2252, 17497, 187, 38, 5493, 571, 187, 31, 2252, 10242, 422, 187, 10663, 187, 31, 2252, 46808, 187, 10612, 729, 34335, 187, 31, 17124, 383, 275, 2892, 187, 19091, 422, 187, 31, 5070, 368, 651, 7164, 634, 2151, 187, 1568, 187, 31, 249, 67, 21, 3471, 2061, 571, 285, 549, 3767, 571, 6403, 457, 85, 19454, 266, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 3071, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 2125, 27, 2640, 27, 740, 642, 15, 15907, 2090, 2597, 2031, 27, 187, 5064, 15907, 2090, 3121, 1549, 187, 42, 1353, 9648, 2176, 326, 309, 452, 2326, 436, 23957, 19076, 275, 31078, 272, 263, 672, 309, 11580, 611, 1406, 28925, 15, 20990, 4698, 310, 247, 5389, 2586, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 3071, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 2125, 27, 2941, 27, 361, 642, 15, 15907, 2090, 2597, 4739, 27, 187, 5064, 15907, 31671, 30967, 187, 31, 10342, 17497, 187, 31, 38, 5493, 571, 187, 49157, 12155, 73, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 3071, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 2125, 27, 2941, 27, 2693, 642, 15, 15907, 2090, 2597, 1525, 27, 187, 5064, 15907, 2090, 1839, 2405, 187, 2327, 436, 3711, 3185, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 3071, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 2125, 27, 2693, 27, 1235, 642, 15, 1166, 3121, 1525, 14783, 27, 187, 5064, 15907, 2090, 1549, 2082, 187, 1394, 1472, 581, 281, 2312, 13, 260, 2084, 15, 36026, 626, 751, 1264, 19902, 273, 634, 2586, 5628, 9633, 1024, 32, 9859, 673, 309, 574, 253, 30181, 42460, 273, 13975, 6976, 627, 497, 448, 272, 448, 23750, 12835, 11678, 275, 1097, 21818, 285, 17361, 15, 10834, 281, 1133, 634, 2586, 745, 281, 253, 1499, 1103, 13, 326, 5604, 1912, 626, 1705, 896, 281, 18470, 2852, 14649, 273, 3168, 9943, 22381, 13, 25685, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 3071, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 2125, 27, 740, 27, 2125, 642, 15, 1166, 3121, 1525, 15497, 27, 187, 31, 14461, 4466, 187, 45854, 187, 31, 14461, 10336, 187, 1147, 5242, 187, 31, 14461, 2739, 209, 187, 21258, 187, 31, 14461, 1445, 187, 21258 ]
ard like weeks ago Anonymous 05/24/18(Thu)15:22:53 no.172789708: >>172789065 > alpha as fuck Litetally no magazine, and zipties so you cant insert a magazine Anonymous 05/24/18(Thu)15:23:21 no.172789765: Kim is going to bend the knee and kiss the ring very soon. Anonymous 05/24/18(Thu)15:24:25 no.172789871: >>172787763 CAN BOLTON FIX IT? IS HE THE REAL FIXER??? Anonymous 05/24/18(Thu)15:24:48 no.172789910: >>172787763 Anonymous 05/24/18(Thu)15:26:12 no.172790044: >>172789708 >ghost-stocked Anonymous 05/24/18(Thu)15:26:33 no.172790113: This is the only thing you should be concerned about.. it is connected to pizzagate, QFagFraudnon and the Elite... It is ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE >when it is fully in place we will not have any recourse It will be too late... >the elite worship demons and satan >Elon musk says we are summoning the demons with AI >CERN mass sacrifice to Shiva >the elite are worshiping technology >AI will be their saving grace and god We must stop THEM before it's too late Also Hawaii is doomed and say bye bye to San Francisco Anonymous 05/24/18(Thu)15:28:35 no.172790323: >>172787763 K Anonymous 05/24/18(Thu)15:30:11 no.172790502: >>172789871 Anonymous 05/24/18(Thu)15:30:30 no.172790530: >>172787763 It's the Fart of the Deal, a book that Trump didn't write...or read. Anonymous 05/24/18(Thu)15:31:37 no.172790639: >>172787763 Anonymous 05/24/18(Thu)15:33:42 no.172790862: Hail to the chief! Make them realize they blew it! Wind up the military and go on alert. Scare the fuck out of them back to the table. Make them sit down and apologize for the little twisted fucks they are and kiss the ring. KISS THE RING and maybe you can join the rest of the world. Anonymous 05/24/18(Thu)15:34:14 no.172790916: >>172788863 >mexican intellectual Anonymous 05/24/18(Thu)15:43:39 no.172791908: >>172788225 Whats the matter with meme flags? Is it because you have no power? Does that make you feel sad and hurt inside that you have no ammunition to attack people? Am I attacking your Canadian flag? Naw. Why would I make fun of the cesspool of liberalism and apathy? Anonymous 05/24/18(Thu)15:53:26 no.172792897: >>172787763 >beliebe the process q anons Anonymous 05/24/18(Thu)16:02:01 no.172793741: >>172790113 Will the AI kill the basedboys? Maybe skynet saw how degenerate humanity was getting so it did the universe a favor? Anonymous 05/24/18(Thu)16:03:27 no.172793862: >>172791908 Meme flags are good for one thing and that's triggering the shit out of people so you're doing it right Sargoy. Anonymous 05/24/18(Thu)16:04:18 no.172793938: >>172788225 >ridiculing - checked >insulting - checked >no argument - checked Fuck off, jew, You have been found out! Anonymous 05/24/18(Thu)16:31:21 no.172796625: >>172787763 <|endoftext|>Anonymous 07/15/18(Sun)01:18:53 no.178787583: MADAME PRESIDENT 11/could-democrats-nominate-maxine- waters-for-president-answer-yes/ Anonymous 07/15/18(Sun)01:20:17 no.178787686: >>178787583 OHMUGHAD. No way. It's over. Trump's finished. How can he ever recover! Anonymous 07/15/18(Sun)01:22:22 no.178787839: >>178787686 TAKE YO MEDICINE DRUMPF Anonymous 07/15/18(Sun)01:22:49 no.178787868: Is that her real hair? Anonymous 07/15/18(Sun)01:23:54 no.178787948: >>178787868 GET READY TO PAY YO REPURASHUNS WH*TE BOY Port 07/15/18(Sun)01:25:28 no.178788071: She want's to be VP for sure. If someone crazier than even Burnie gets the nomination, it's possible. In fact, odds are the next Dem Nominee will be Bernie or worse. Dem turnout will be high and we could be living in a communist state in 3 years. Sleep well. :( Anonymous 07/15/18(Sun)01:27:31 no.178788196: >>178787583 PLEASE RUN THIS NUT >PLEASE RUN THIS NUT PLEASE RUN THIS NUT >PLEASE RUN THIS NUT PLEASE RUN THIS NUT >PLEASE RUN THIS NUT PLEASE RUN THIS NUT >PLEASE RUN THIS NUT Anonymous 07/15/18(Sun)01:27:39 no.178788205: >>178787583 If so she's going to be worse than Angela Merkel and Theresa May combined. Prepare for 10 million refugees from South America and a hard USExit from NATO and the WTO. Anonymous 07/15/18(Sun)01:28:45 no.178788287: NEVER has there been a more qualified candidate than Maximus Walters Anonymous 07/15/18(Sun)01:28:59 no.178788298: Who the fuck would vote for her lol Anonymous 07/15/18(Sun)01:29:15 no.178788313: >>178787583 Would be a great way to finally get the next civil war over with. Anonymous 07/15/18(Sun)01:29:34 no.178788344: >>178787583 PLEASE LET THIS HAPPEN Anonymous 07/15/18(Sun)01:29:36 no.178788346: >>178787583 >No Please don't nominate her you Democrats >We can't beat this Stronk Qweeenz Anonymous 07/15/18(Sun)01:31:37 no.178788487: >>178787583 yes. she. can. YES. SHE. CAN. Anonymous 07/15/18(Sun)01:34:46 no.178788726: >>178787583 aunt jemima for president Anonymous 07/15/18(Sun)01:36:42 no.178788858: >>178788344 honestly it will probably be a celebrity. I'm thinking Beyonce with Jay-Z as the vice president. Trump has convinced these morons they all can win. Tom Hanks, George Clooney, Alec Baldwin- they could be in the primaries too. Queen Bae would have the most support though. The media will shill her 100x more than hillary. Anonymous 07/15/18(Sun)01:37:17 no.178788894: >>178787583 Anonymous 07/15/18(Sun)01:40:08 no.178789083: >>178787583 Lemme try... Ahem... FUCKING NIGGER Nope, couldn’t do it. Anonymous 07/15/18(Sun)01:42:37 no.178789260: Don't bully me for this anons, but she legit reminds me of that corrupt council woman from Luke Cage who was the real crime lord. Anonymous 07/15/18(Sun)01
[ 472, 751, 3618, 3622, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1348, 16, 1093, 9, 44644, 10, 1010, 27, 1423, 27, 3357, 642, 15, 1166, 1630, 2511, 27158, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 24803, 2270, 2082, 187, 31, 9765, 347, 7435, 187, 32401, 292, 595, 642, 11338, 13, 285, 1182, 9155, 447, 594, 368, 16216, 5669, 247, 11338, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1348, 16, 1093, 9, 44644, 10, 1010, 27, 1508, 27, 1797, 642, 15, 1166, 1630, 34284, 2082, 27, 187, 27682, 310, 1469, 281, 23104, 253, 12267, 285, 10135, 253, 5818, 1077, 3517, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1348, 16, 1093, 9, 44644, 10, 1010, 27, 1348, 27, 1099, 642, 15, 1166, 1630, 2511, 40010, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 24803, 2357, 3571, 187, 40555, 378, 3271, 18587, 38506, 8017, 32, 187, 1830, 10197, 3003, 40830, 38506, 947, 33186, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1348, 16, 1093, 9, 44644, 10, 1010, 27, 1348, 27, 2385, 642, 15, 1166, 24803, 1525, 740, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 24803, 2357, 3571, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1348, 16, 1093, 9, 44644, 10, 1010, 27, 1731, 27, 805, 642, 15, 1166, 1630, 18104, 2031, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1630, 2511, 27158, 187, 31, 72, 5465, 14, 17764, 264, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1348, 16, 1093, 9, 44644, 10, 1010, 27, 1731, 27, 1610, 642, 15, 1166, 23163, 520, 1012, 27, 187, 1552, 310, 253, 760, 2181, 368, 943, 320, 7514, 670, 537, 352, 310, 4802, 281, 268, 11114, 356, 366, 13, 1165, 39, 356, 39, 42433, 4160, 285, 253, 42676, 1051, 187, 1147, 310, 23681, 45442, 13859, 2949, 5428, 2293, 47167, 209, 187, 31, 9453, 352, 310, 4751, 275, 1659, 359, 588, 417, 452, 667, 761, 9249, 187, 1147, 588, 320, 1512, 3563, 1051, 209, 187, 31, 783, 17832, 17246, 33262, 285, 2206, 266, 209, 187, 31, 8677, 251, 1948, 76, 2296, 359, 403, 23439, 272, 253, 33262, 342, 14980, 187, 31, 36, 18174, 2280, 17789, 281, 1608, 9321, 187, 31, 783, 17832, 403, 17246, 272, 4302, 209, 187, 31, 18128, 588, 320, 616, 13868, 14426, 285, 7122, 187, 3614, 1358, 90, 483, 86, 15, 1257, 16, 36, 72, 58, 19, 47, 24, 38, 17, 70, 15168, 187, 1231, 1364, 3523, 46632, 1078, 352, 434, 1512, 3563, 187, 9917, 22085, 310, 38467, 285, 1333, 44319, 44319, 281, 5003, 10765, 187, 3614, 1358, 90, 483, 86, 15, 1257, 16, 15155, 57, 71, 1615, 56, 8903, 21226, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1348, 16, 1093, 9, 44644, 10, 1010, 27, 1619, 27, 1671, 642, 15, 1166, 1630, 2270, 21874, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 24803, 2357, 3571, 187, 44, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1348, 16, 1093, 9, 44644, 10, 1010, 27, 1229, 27, 883, 642, 15, 1166, 1630, 2270, 28873, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1630, 2511, 40010, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1348, 16, 1093, 9, 44644, 10, 1010, 27, 1229, 27, 1229, 642, 15, 1166, 23163, 1762, 1229, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 24803, 2357, 3571, 187, 1147, 434, 253, 401, 435, 273, 253, 25412, 13, 247, 1984, 326, 3778, 1904, 626, 3630, 1051, 263, 1239, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1348, 16, 1093, 9, 44644, 10, 1010, 27, 2405, 27, 1787, 642, 15, 1166, 1630, 30920, 1867, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 24803, 2357, 3571, 187, 10252, 22940, 15, 681, 16, 83, 16, 783, 64, 69, 6540, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1348, 16, 1093, 9, 44644, 10, 1010, 27, 1610, 27, 2945, 642, 15, 1166, 1630, 2270, 45343, 27, 187, 41, 647, 281, 253, 7015, 2, 209, 187, 13325, 731, 8968, 597, 24294, 352, 2, 17054, 598, 253, 4668, 285, 564, 327, 10028, 15, 1810, 609, 253, 7435, 562, 273, 731, 896, 281, 253, 2829, 15, 10338, 731, 1790, 1066, 285, 26012, 323, 253, 1652, 18935, 269, 9984, 597, 403, 285, 10135, 253, 5818, 15, 209, 187, 44, 16808, 3003, 416, 2637, 285, 5046, 368, 476, 6604, 253, 1551, 273, 253, 1533, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1348, 16, 1093, 9, 44644, 10, 1010, 27, 1706, 27, 1047, 642, 15, 1166, 1630, 28766, 1036, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1630, 2055, 39948, 187, 31, 78, 911, 9593, 12720, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1348, 16, 1093, 9, 44644, 10, 1010, 27, 3079, 27, 1867, 642, 15, 1166, 23163, 746, 2904, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1630, 2055, 14832, 187, 1276, 84, 253, 2647, 342, 1167, 70, 12201, 32, 1680, 352, 984, 368, 452, 642, 1612, 32, 9876, 326, 1056, 368, 1928, 8872, 285, 8513, 3304, 326, 368, 452, 642, 28630, 281, 2983, 952, 32, 3052, 309, 20362, 634, 9462, 7908, 32, 427, 1403, 15, 6049, 651, 309, 1056, 794, 273, 253, 29057, 10730, 273, 12773, 1204, 285, 1049, 7822, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1348, 16, 1093, 9, 44644, 10, 1010, 27, 3357, 27, 1731, 642, 15, 1166, 23163, 1619, 4148, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 24803, 2357, 3571, 187, 31, 21002, 1257, 253, 1232, 2805, 271, 790, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1348, 16, 1093, 9, 44644, 10, 1036, 27, 2640, 27, 520, 642, 15, 1166, 23163, 1787, 3156, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 23163, 520, 1012, 187, 12978, 253, 14980, 5159, 253, 1754, 25637, 32, 8948, 1629, 1362, 292, 3047, 849, 29458, 16457, 369, 2970, 594, 352, 858, 253, 10325, 247, 3718, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1348, 16, 1093, 9, 44644, 10, 1036, 27, 2941, 27, 1630, 642, 15, 1166, 23163, 1839, 3763, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 23163, 746, 2904, 187, 10267, 70, 12201, 403, 1175, 323, 581, 2181, 285, 326, 434, 30444, 253, 10739, 562, 273, 952, 594, 368, 1472, 2509, 352, 987, 322, 1662, 899, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1348, 16, 1093, 9, 44644, 10, 1036, 27, 2125, 27, 1093, 642, 15, 1166, 23163, 1867, 1839, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1630, 2055, 14832, 187, 31, 6992, 10152, 272, 428, 10141, 187, 31, 968, 503, 272, 428, 10141, 187, 31, 2369, 4154, 428, 10141, 187, 30368, 745, 13, 15589, 13, 187, 1394, 452, 644, 1119, 562, 2, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1348, 16, 1093, 9, 44644, 10, 1036, 27, 2405, 27, 1797, 642, 15, 1166, 23163, 2526, 1099, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 24803, 2357, 3571, 2756, 50279, 45545, 18188, 16, 1010, 16, 1093, 9, 14594, 10, 520, 27, 1093, 27, 3357, 642, 15, 1166, 34802, 1976, 3245, 27, 187, 46, 2350, 14081, 44468, 25788, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 406, 15905, 15, 681, 16, 7798, 16, 2922, 16, 187, 883, 16, 16534, 14, 9468, 41965, 14, 25009, 4024, 14, 4090, 460, 14, 187, 48920, 14, 1542, 14, 39140, 14, 31984, 14, 9820, 16, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1010, 16, 1093, 9, 14594, 10, 520, 27, 938, 27, 1166, 642, 15, 1166, 2597, 2597, 28057, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 34802, 1976, 3245, 187, 8575, 40956, 12677, 2350, 15, 187, 2302, 1039, 15, 733, 434, 689, 15, 3778, 434, 6699, 15, 1359, 476, 344, 2455, 9295, 2, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1010, 16, 1093, 9, 14594, 10, 520, 27, 1423, 27, 1423, 642, 15, 1166, 2597, 34802, 1867, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 2597, 2597, 28057, 187, 7656, 6541, 714, 48, 32036, 1864, 7570, 10710, 47774, 39, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1010, 16, 1093, 9, 14594, 10, 520, 27, 1423, 27, 2537, 642, 15, 1166, 2597, 34802, 2358, 27, 187, 2513, 326, 617, 1524, 4707, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1010, 16, 1093, 9, 14594, 10, 520, 27, 1508, 27, 3439, 642, 15, 1166, 2597, 34384, 2385, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 2597, 34802, 2358, 187, 9278, 28204, 58, 5935, 8010, 58, 714, 48, 5689, 49, 3322, 14194, 4037, 52, 7245, 11, 5428, 20466, 58, 535, 187, 11688, 18188, 16, 1010, 16, 1093, 9, 14594, 10, 520, 27, 1099, 27, 1619, 642, 15, 1166, 34802, 1438, 3677, 27, 187, 2993, 971, 434, 281, 320, 25867, 323, 2119, 15, 1310, 3095, 260, 5744, 1321, 685, 1014, 19941, 466, 4850, 253, 23726, 13, 352, 434, 1896, 15, 496, 958, 13, 13653, 403, 253, 1735, 4281, 37947, 22593, 588, 320, 29580, 390, 7197, 15, 4281, 46430, 588, 320, 1029, 285, 359, 812, 320, 3811, 275, 247, 33823, 1375, 275, 495, 1107, 15, 26735, 973, 15, 34977, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1010, 16, 1093, 9, 14594, 10, 520, 27, 1630, 27, 2405, 642, 15, 1166, 2597, 2055, 19196, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 34802, 1976, 3245, 187, 20982, 9434, 34540, 10113, 427, 3329, 187, 31, 20982, 9434, 34540, 10113, 427, 3329, 187, 20982, 9434, 34540, 10113, 427, 3329, 187, 31, 20982, 9434, 34540, 10113, 427, 3329, 187, 20982, 9434, 34540, 10113, 427, 3329, 187, 31, 20982, 9434, 34540, 10113, 427, 3329, 187, 20982, 9434, 34540, 10113, 427, 3329, 187, 31, 20982, 9434, 34540, 10113, 427, 3329, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1010, 16, 1093, 9, 14594, 10, 520, 27, 1630, 27, 1867, 642, 15, 1166, 2597, 2055, 16763, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 34802, 1976, 3245, 187, 2042, 594, 703, 434, 1469, 281, 320, 7197, 685, 29804, 44669, 285, 37976, 2552, 5678, 15, 187, 29779, 609, 323, 884, 3041, 19382, 432, 3684, 3968, 285, 247, 1892, 1982, 34108, 432, 24952, 285, 253, 411, 7058, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1010, 16, 1093, 9, 14594, 10, 520, 27, 1619, 27, 1857, 642, 15, 1166, 2597, 2055, 24117, 27, 187, 6603, 15537, 556, 627, 644, 247, 625, 12165, 7431, 685, 7903, 24439, 8178, 1336, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1010, 16, 1093, 9, 14594, 10, 520, 27, 1619, 27, 3046, 642, 15, 1166, 2597, 2055, 23558, 27, 187, 7883, 253, 7435, 651, 6273, 323, 617, 23385, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1010, 16, 1093, 9, 14594, 10, 520, 27, 1717, 27, 1010, 642, 15, 1166, 2597, 2055, 27893, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 34802, 1976, 3245, 187, 17304, 320, 247, 1270, 1039, 281, 4720, 755, 253, 1735, 5079, 2137, 689, 342, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1010, 16, 1093, 9, 14594, 10, 520, 27, 1717, 27, 1706, 642, 15, 1166, 2597, 2055, 22543, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 34802, 1976, 3245, 187, 20982, 9434, 19116, 10113, 388, 18137, 1400, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1010, 16, 1093, 9, 14594, 10, 520, 27, 1717, 27, 1812, 642, 15, 1166, 2597, 2055, 26140, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 34802, 1976, 3245, 187, 31, 2302, 7764, 1053, 626, 7163, 4024, 617, 368, 10823, 187, 31, 1231, 476, 626, 7171, 436, 659, 1406, 76, 1165, 664, 9673, 91, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1010, 16, 1093, 9, 14594, 10, 520, 27, 2405, 27, 1787, 642, 15, 1166, 2597, 2055, 30910, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 34802, 1976, 3245, 187, 9820, 15, 703, 15, 476, 15, 187, 24239, 15, 36722, 15, 20753, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1010, 16, 1093, 9, 14594, 10, 520, 27, 1706, 27, 2950, 642, 15, 1166, 2597, 32381, 1731, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 34802, 1976, 3245, 187, 66, 2084, 480, 358, 8032, 323, 4007, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1010, 16, 1093, 9, 14594, 10, 520, 27, 1812, 27, 2945, 642, 15, 1166, 2597, 2055, 31117, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 2597, 2055, 22543, 187, 25224, 27459, 352, 588, 3164, 320, 247, 29192, 15, 309, 1353, 4680, 2325, 90, 19131, 342, 16246, 14, 59, 347, 253, 12008, 4007, 15, 3778, 556, 13762, 841, 2298, 790, 597, 512, 476, 3330, 15, 6270, 388, 3107, 13, 6086, 1639, 80, 2153, 13, 16660, 68, 37103, 14, 597, 812, 320, 275, 253, 2248, 3927, 1512, 15, 11628, 378, 3348, 651, 452, 253, 954, 1329, 2167, 15, 380, 3420, 588, 439, 408, 617, 2233, 89, 625, 685, 288, 12537, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1010, 16, 1093, 9, 14594, 10, 520, 27, 1787, 27, 1166, 642, 15, 1166, 2597, 2055, 37493, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 34802, 1976, 3245, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1010, 16, 1093, 9, 14594, 10, 520, 27, 1449, 27, 2904, 642, 15, 1166, 34802, 2270, 3245, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 34802, 1976, 3245, 187, 25533, 1405, 1611, 1051, 187, 34, 3296, 1051, 187, 30531, 7519, 2637, 427, 2431, 19622, 187, 47, 1714, 13, 4571, 457, 85, 513, 352, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1010, 16, 1093, 9, 14594, 10, 520, 27, 2945, 27, 1787, 642, 15, 1166, 2597, 2511, 19319, 27, 187, 5498, 626, 48233, 479, 323, 436, 271, 790, 13, 533, 703, 10972, 25264, 479, 273, 326, 17715, 12265, 3416, 432, 18247, 330, 486, 665, 369, 253, 1524, 6617, 17991, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1010, 16, 1093, 9, 14594, 10, 520 ]
)19:30:19 no.135201066: >>135199759 >arguing with a roman god Anonymous 07/27/17(Thu)19:30:34 no.135201092: >>135200666 Oh you, this isnt the 19th century. Anonymous 07/27/17(Thu)19:30:41 no.135201103: >>135200666 I've seen too much faggots in this thread suporting a nationalization of a company. Has the board become /leftypol/ somehow? Anonymous 07/27/17(Thu)19:30:43 no.135201110: >>135199890 +1 If france (show your flag Francois) want to block the migrant flux they can block it in Niger, or in Fezzan, that are full of French soldiers. It is used to make pressure on Italy, after Lybia war to control and colonize Libya. Daily reminder: French is not a western democratic country, it is an African Empire. Anonymous 07/27/17(Thu)19:31:15 no.135201179: >>135191667 Anonymous 07/27/17(Thu)19:31:19 no.135201191: >>135200666 >let's pump that public debt up which is already a 100% just to keep a failed expensive business afloat to get some popularity back and not let a long time ally and eu partner fellow eu founding member know anything about our military commissions and technology, god forbid. i don't know what he would have done if he had been even slightly socialist Anonymous 07/27/17(Thu)19:32:06 no.135201263: >>135201092 Wilkommen in Europa dear member of an useless country. Germany and France always did their interest on the shoulder of Italy, the only retard who really believed in EU project. Anonymous 07/27/17(Thu)19:38:55 no.135202028: >>135201103 whats wrong with nationalizing a company, specifically first, shipyard? Anonymous 07/27/17(Thu)19:40:42 no.135202227: >>135201191 >failed expensive business afloat who wanted the failed expensive business why? Anonymous 07/27/17(Thu)19:40:43 no.135202235: >>135202028 nothing at all. it should all be nationalized. Anonymous 07/27/17(Thu)19:42:16 no.135202403: >>135202227 italian constructor fincantieri, they were planning investing heavily on it Anonymous 07/27/17(Thu)19:42:58 no.135202491: >>135192221 Instead of that rule breaking 4chan URL, put Ben Garrison instead. It sends the same message without being detrimental to the culture. Anonymous 07/27/17(Thu)19:44:33 no.135202698: >>135199759 >Macron is just a standard neoliberal the guy is a monarchist Anonymous 07/27/17(Thu)19:46:17 no.135202884: >>135202698 Legitimist, Orleanist, or Bonapartist? Anonymous 07/27/17(Thu)19:51:16 no.135203452: Chances are slim but I hope this escalates into a war. Europe desperately another war. Ideally nothing major, but big enough to reignite the proud militaristic spirit of our continent, something which has been missing for too long. Anonymous 07/27/17(Thu)19:51:20 no.135203462: >>135202884 Himself Anonymous 07/27/17(Thu)19:52:19 no.135203571: >>135203452 plz no. We have a decent military now, but not decent enough to face France. Anonymous 07/27/17(Thu)19:54:01 no.135203771: >>135203571 we have the nukes tho Anonymous 07/27/17(Thu)19:56:31 no.135204074: >>135203771 Yes, but only Trump has the codes to launch them. *wink* Anonymous 07/27/17(Thu)19:58:33 no.135204353: >>135204074 no, we have control over them too Anonymous 07/27/17(Thu)20:01:37 no.135204716: >>135196659 It stops migration He can do both, but as long as he's contrary to Merkel Anonymous 07/27/17(Thu)20:06:09 no.135205210: >>135203571 >but not decent enough to face France. in a 1 on 1, it'd be anyone's game but it ain't 1 on 1, europe can't be switzerland, and russia sure as hell would jump on that Anonymous 07/27/17(Thu)20:10:18 no.135205674: >>135202227 Because fincantieri want the shipyard, not the business itself. Anonymous 07/27/17(Thu)20:13:12 no.135205995: >>135196765 whoa Anonymous 07/27/17(Thu)20:21:06 no.135206841: >>135191667 Because fuck private property rights and budget discipline and shit. Anonymous 07/27/17(Thu)20:24:14 no.135207210: >>135201103 Are /leftypol/ stupid enough to fall for a bankers puppet increasing public debt in failing companies so as to accrue debt to the debt masters? Once they get enough illiterate chancers from Africa into France to erase it, who cares about their economic health anyway. what does it drive? Anonymous 07/27/17(Thu)20:28:06 no.135207630: >>135200466 Because we kill those who dont Anonymous 07/27/17(Thu)20:30:03 no.135207841: >>135207630 Anonymous 07/27/17(Thu)20:33:33 no.135208237: >>135191922 Its not the country, its the fucking government. Anonymous 07/27/17(Thu)20:40:48 no.135208998: >>135196322 >1488 What a stupid fucking forced meme. Take you Stormfag shit put of here, Reddit. Anonymous 07/27/17(Thu)20:59:09 no.135210939: >>135191667 Maricón - what a smarmy little cunt this guy is. <|endoftext|>Anonymous 04/24/17(Mon)18:15:44 no.122647072: Pan-africans BTFO Do you research <|endoftext|>Anonymous 02/09/17(Thu)16:56:02 no.111889561: War is a necessary evil. Extremely long periods of peace turn populations into cowards who don't believe in fighting for anything other than useless social reform. Every time a major war kicks off, Men are expected to Fight for their country and Woman are expected to aid the Men, which in turn keeps the Nation State productive and Alert. Once said war is over, Humanity tends to advance tremendously fast in Technological progress and the Winner of the war gains an unbelievable amount of True Prosperity. This prosperity does NOT last forever. Anonymous 02/09/17(Thu)17:02:34 no.111890471: >>111889561 War cleanise nation of its brave and strong and make cowards survive. Anonymous 02/09/17(Thu)17:04:48 no.111890776: >>111890471 Well you're mixing war with communism. Communism kills the best to prevent everybody from rebelling. War kills both heroes and cowards. Anonymous 02/09/17(Thu)17:05:40 no.111890876: >>111889561 RADICAL AIR TIME DUDE Anonymous 02/09/17(Thu)17:07:04 no.111891079: War also tends to bring Deep rooted Unity among the common man of the Nation State. Unity among Men leads to great achievements. Once peace has been dragged out for a certain period of time, the Unity goes away because Men begin to feel as if the foreign threat has dissipated. This in turn causes Men to fight amongst themselves allowing Women to take advantage of this infighting. Eventually the Men become Cowards and the Woman begin to demand a say in foreign policy and government. This then brings sympathy to the Nation Stayes outlook on other tribes of people. Which of course leads to Massive Foreign Immigration, because the Woman of the Nation State want to ensure their genes get passed on. Anonymous 02/09/17(Thu)17:07:07 no.111891085: War is a blood sacrifice to feed the
[ 10, 746, 27, 1229, 27, 746, 642, 15, 13743, 7199, 2526, 27, 187, 5064, 13743, 3031, 32054, 187, 31, 1662, 5845, 342, 247, 10102, 266, 7122, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 746, 27, 1229, 27, 1706, 642, 15, 13743, 1252, 46838, 27, 187, 5064, 13743, 1518, 24185, 187, 4013, 368, 13, 436, 310, 2649, 253, 655, 394, 5331, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 746, 27, 1229, 27, 3156, 642, 15, 13743, 1252, 12172, 27, 187, 5064, 13743, 1518, 24185, 187, 42, 1849, 2326, 1512, 1199, 269, 13046, 1502, 275, 436, 6293, 402, 631, 272, 247, 3872, 1320, 273, 247, 2567, 15, 14026, 253, 4450, 2489, 1227, 282, 30399, 4818, 16, 10380, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 746, 27, 1229, 27, 3079, 642, 15, 13743, 7330, 740, 27, 187, 5064, 13743, 11496, 2270, 187, 12, 18, 1310, 1315, 593, 313, 9029, 634, 7908, 6743, 10225, 10, 971, 281, 2972, 253, 35816, 8868, 597, 476, 2972, 352, 275, 32345, 13, 390, 275, 5721, 4396, 266, 13, 326, 403, 2120, 273, 5112, 9647, 15, 187, 1147, 310, 908, 281, 1056, 3473, 327, 9972, 13, 846, 12829, 26978, 2137, 281, 1453, 285, 6769, 907, 30174, 15, 187, 34934, 24388, 27, 187, 21258, 310, 417, 247, 10439, 18545, 2586, 13, 352, 310, 271, 8118, 13958, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 746, 27, 2405, 27, 1010, 642, 15, 13743, 1252, 17864, 27, 187, 5064, 13743, 746, 1036, 2251, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 746, 27, 2405, 27, 746, 642, 15, 13743, 1252, 22179, 27, 187, 5064, 13743, 1518, 24185, 187, 31, 1059, 434, 8670, 326, 1345, 6735, 598, 534, 310, 2168, 247, 2233, 6, 816, 281, 1978, 247, 4242, 8214, 2136, 247, 9599, 281, 755, 690, 18395, 896, 285, 417, 1339, 247, 1048, 673, 25550, 285, 21187, 7832, 7715, 21187, 23569, 3558, 871, 2712, 670, 776, 4668, 36662, 285, 4302, 13, 7122, 45035, 15, 187, 74, 1053, 626, 871, 752, 344, 651, 452, 2218, 604, 344, 574, 644, 1014, 5777, 30177, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 746, 27, 1237, 27, 3071, 642, 15, 13743, 1252, 24235, 27, 187, 5064, 13743, 1252, 46838, 187, 21892, 21971, 3767, 275, 19930, 11761, 3558, 273, 271, 19437, 2586, 15, 187, 37796, 285, 6181, 1900, 858, 616, 1600, 327, 253, 9215, 273, 9972, 13, 253, 760, 31832, 665, 1663, 6566, 275, 8215, 2199, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 746, 27, 1839, 27, 2417, 642, 15, 13743, 14952, 1619, 27, 187, 5064, 13743, 1252, 12172, 187, 5371, 84, 3430, 342, 3872, 3006, 247, 2567, 13, 5742, 806, 13, 6215, 13514, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 746, 27, 1449, 27, 2945, 642, 15, 13743, 938, 1423, 1630, 27, 187, 5064, 13743, 1252, 22179, 187, 31, 27337, 8214, 2136, 247, 9599, 187, 10002, 3078, 253, 4242, 8214, 2136, 2139, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 746, 27, 1449, 27, 3079, 642, 15, 13743, 938, 1423, 1671, 27, 187, 5064, 13743, 14952, 1619, 187, 26142, 387, 512, 15, 352, 943, 512, 320, 3872, 1025, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 746, 27, 2945, 27, 1036, 642, 15, 13743, 938, 1348, 2941, 27, 187, 5064, 13743, 938, 1423, 1630, 187, 1562, 757, 16757, 1442, 68, 386, 33239, 13, 597, 497, 7219, 23415, 11306, 327, 352, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 746, 27, 2945, 27, 3680, 642, 15, 13743, 938, 1348, 4739, 27, 187, 5064, 13743, 746, 1423, 1797, 187, 20576, 273, 326, 4086, 10155, 577, 2291, 10611, 13, 1691, 6029, 443, 27995, 3185, 15, 187, 1147, 16965, 253, 1072, 3935, 1293, 1146, 30078, 281, 253, 4466, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 746, 27, 2031, 27, 1610, 642, 15, 13743, 938, 1731, 4185, 27, 187, 5064, 13743, 3031, 32054, 187, 31, 13815, 1406, 310, 816, 247, 2629, 425, 46220, 187, 783, 5599, 310, 247, 33490, 382, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 746, 27, 2950, 27, 1166, 642, 15, 13743, 938, 1619, 2759, 27, 187, 5064, 13743, 938, 1731, 4185, 187, 18596, 262, 303, 382, 13, 2207, 282, 266, 382, 13, 390, 11228, 522, 435, 382, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 746, 27, 3712, 27, 1036, 642, 15, 13743, 938, 1706, 3583, 27, 187, 1779, 1972, 403, 27973, 533, 309, 3524, 436, 20092, 684, 715, 247, 2137, 15, 3060, 26426, 1529, 2137, 15, 45903, 2717, 2201, 13, 533, 1943, 2217, 281, 19485, 614, 253, 9979, 44386, 2531, 5968, 273, 776, 25294, 13, 1633, 534, 556, 644, 5816, 323, 1512, 1048, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 746, 27, 3712, 27, 938, 642, 15, 13743, 938, 1706, 3763, 27, 187, 5064, 13743, 938, 1619, 2759, 187, 41, 303, 1286, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 746, 27, 3583, 27, 746, 642, 15, 13743, 938, 1671, 3677, 27, 187, 5064, 13743, 938, 1706, 3583, 187, 446, 91, 642, 15, 844, 452, 247, 12524, 4668, 1024, 13, 533, 417, 12524, 2217, 281, 2454, 6181, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 746, 27, 3439, 27, 520, 642, 15, 13743, 938, 1787, 3677, 27, 187, 5064, 13743, 938, 1671, 3677, 187, 664, 452, 253, 295, 41757, 37152, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 746, 27, 3208, 27, 2405, 642, 15, 13743, 938, 1449, 3566, 27, 187, 5064, 13743, 938, 1787, 3677, 187, 4374, 13, 533, 760, 3778, 556, 253, 11646, 281, 8027, 731, 15, 475, 88, 750, 11, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 746, 27, 3680, 27, 1610, 642, 15, 13743, 15781, 29137, 27, 187, 5064, 13743, 938, 1449, 3566, 187, 2369, 13, 359, 452, 1453, 689, 731, 1512, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 938, 27, 520, 27, 1787, 642, 15, 13743, 938, 2504, 1036, 27, 187, 5064, 13743, 19196, 21889, 187, 1147, 14545, 10346, 187, 1328, 476, 513, 1097, 13, 533, 347, 1048, 347, 344, 434, 10214, 281, 44669, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 938, 27, 3071, 27, 2693, 642, 15, 13743, 938, 3583, 740, 27, 187, 5064, 13743, 938, 1671, 3677, 187, 31, 2858, 417, 12524, 2217, 281, 2454, 6181, 15, 187, 249, 247, 337, 327, 337, 13, 352, 1871, 320, 3780, 434, 2165, 187, 2858, 352, 16326, 626, 337, 327, 337, 13, 19454, 476, 626, 320, 1863, 17893, 13, 285, 391, 1316, 571, 2119, 347, 7085, 651, 6923, 327, 326, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 938, 27, 740, 27, 1093, 642, 15, 13743, 16763, 29327, 27, 187, 5064, 13743, 938, 1423, 1630, 187, 8457, 1442, 68, 386, 33239, 971, 253, 6215, 13514, 13, 417, 253, 2136, 3139, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 938, 27, 1012, 27, 805, 642, 15, 13743, 16763, 28202, 27, 187, 5064, 13743, 26369, 2082, 187, 10002, 66, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 938, 27, 1797, 27, 3071, 642, 15, 13743, 938, 2358, 3156, 27, 187, 5064, 13743, 746, 1036, 2251, 187, 8457, 7435, 3055, 2867, 3570, 285, 7563, 17518, 285, 10739, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 938, 27, 1348, 27, 1047, 642, 15, 13743, 938, 3547, 740, 27, 187, 5064, 13743, 1252, 12172, 187, 6723, 1227, 282, 30399, 4818, 16, 11339, 2217, 281, 2965, 323, 247, 44478, 47717, 3629, 1345, 6735, 275, 11741, 4413, 594, 347, 281, 756, 32340, 6735, 281, 253, 6735, 26616, 32, 187, 10758, 597, 755, 2217, 2853, 48532, 448, 13342, 432, 7531, 715, 6181, 281, 36844, 352, 13, 665, 24505, 670, 616, 5054, 1786, 8791, 15, 752, 1057, 352, 4446, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 938, 27, 1619, 27, 3071, 642, 15, 13743, 938, 3121, 1229, 27, 187, 5064, 13743, 9430, 2526, 187, 8457, 359, 5159, 1110, 665, 13414, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 938, 27, 1229, 27, 2941, 642, 15, 13743, 18202, 39506, 27, 187, 5064, 13743, 938, 3121, 1229, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 938, 27, 1610, 27, 1610, 642, 15, 13743, 17391, 20991, 27, 187, 5064, 13743, 746, 746, 1423, 187, 27132, 417, 253, 2586, 13, 697, 253, 12835, 2208, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 938, 27, 1449, 27, 2385, 642, 15, 13743, 17391, 27043, 27, 187, 5064, 13743, 19196, 23625, 187, 31, 1047, 2055, 187, 1276, 247, 11339, 12835, 6726, 1167, 70, 15, 11668, 368, 25005, 71, 356, 10739, 1691, 273, 1060, 13, 39714, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 938, 27, 3046, 27, 2693, 642, 15, 1012, 3583, 12852, 1867, 27, 187, 5064, 13743, 746, 1036, 2251, 187, 9709, 280, 3876, 428, 752, 247, 924, 1513, 90, 1652, 260, 2084, 436, 5599, 310, 15, 2756, 50279, 45545, 16703, 16, 1348, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 1010, 27, 2031, 642, 15, 14351, 1540, 1967, 3547, 27, 187, 12309, 14, 2320, 695, 507, 23755, 8768, 187, 4045, 368, 2561, 2756, 50279, 45545, 16261, 16, 2693, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 1036, 27, 3208, 27, 2640, 642, 15, 883, 17599, 2222, 3832, 27, 187, 21082, 310, 247, 3309, 10319, 15, 9052, 42807, 1048, 9894, 273, 6330, 1614, 7625, 715, 12120, 2196, 665, 1053, 626, 2868, 275, 8615, 323, 2712, 643, 685, 19437, 2675, 8460, 15, 6000, 673, 247, 2201, 2137, 32356, 745, 13, 9730, 403, 3264, 281, 40402, 323, 616, 2586, 285, 23724, 403, 3264, 281, 8596, 253, 9730, 13, 534, 275, 1614, 11359, 253, 15963, 2418, 19303, 285, 37330, 15, 7243, 753, 2137, 310, 689, 13, 8801, 414, 14280, 281, 7170, 17623, 4087, 3809, 275, 6439, 1975, 4780, 285, 253, 411, 5338, 273, 253, 2137, 15988, 271, 42798, 2408, 273, 11793, 33523, 468, 414, 15, 831, 30391, 1057, 5803, 1390, 11654, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 2693, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 1166, 27, 2640, 27, 1706, 642, 15, 883, 18359, 2125, 3677, 27, 187, 5064, 883, 17599, 2222, 3832, 187, 21082, 4076, 885, 5674, 273, 697, 21189, 285, 2266, 285, 1056, 12120, 2196, 11883, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 2693, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 1166, 27, 2125, 27, 2385, 642, 15, 883, 1093, 2270, 32332, 27, 187, 5064, 883, 18359, 2125, 3677, 187, 4497, 368, 1472, 12480, 2137, 342, 48709, 15, 187, 20294, 1204, 26280, 253, 1682, 281, 3657, 11648, 432, 6142, 3485, 15, 187, 21082, 26280, 1097, 22271, 285, 12120, 2196, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 2693, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 1166, 27, 1762, 27, 1449, 642, 15, 883, 1093, 2270, 35432, 27, 187, 5064, 883, 17599, 2222, 3832, 187, 42318, 25129, 49847, 25329, 35049, 2573, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 2693, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 1166, 27, 2922, 27, 2125, 642, 15, 883, 18359, 740, 2787, 27, 187, 21082, 671, 14280, 281, 3324, 18147, 26415, 29368, 2190, 253, 1846, 637, 273, 253, 15963, 2418, 15, 29368, 2190, 9730, 5644, 281, 1270, 26751, 15, 7243, 6330, 556, 644, 22944, 562, 323, 247, 2176, 2180, 273, 673, 13, 253, 29368, 4566, 1977, 984, 9730, 3135, 281, 1928, 347, 604, 253, 5639, 4322, 556, 18335, 456, 15, 831, 275, 1614, 5997, 9730, 281, 3819, 15995, 3746, 6941, 10168, 281, 1379, 5750, 273, 436, 2192, 23144, 15, 25010, 253, 9730, 2489, 18544, 2196, 285, 253, 23724, 3135, 281, 4831, 247, 1333, 275, 5639, 3646, 285, 2208, 15, 831, 840, 10316, 25528, 281, 253, 15963, 28504, 265, 29338, 327, 643, 23206, 273, 952, 15, 6758, 273, 2282, 5644, 281, 7532, 422, 15839, 28866, 13, 984, 253, 23724, 273, 253, 15963, 2418, 971, 281, 5416, 616, 3608, 755, 4817, 327, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 2693, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 1166, 27, 2922, 27, 2922, 642, 15, 883, 18359, 740, 2227, 27, 187, 21082, 310, 247, 2614, 17789, 281, 3997, 253 ]
silly, there is no revolution. This is the board of peace, love, and tolerance. We are gentle souls, and are only here to worship in peace. Anonymous 03/18/19(Mon)19:24:39 no.206907590: >>206905507 BETA UPRISING NOW Anonymous 03/18/19(Mon)19:25:39 no.206907696: >>206907549 This we'll just peacefully annex the world with satire and irony Anonymous 03/18/19(Mon)19:30:31 no.206908228: >>206905507 Somebody has to fuck it up for the rest of us. Anonymous 03/18/19(Mon)19:31:12 no.206908297: >>206907696 >annex My brother, ours is the gracious path. We do not use such troublesome language. Only good things will come to society from our hands and words. This is the way of peace, so that we may spread our love far and wide. Anonymous 03/18/19(Mon)19:33:19 no.206908514: >>206908297 enrich? My english isn't so goods Anonymous 03/18/19(Mon)19:34:07 no.206908601: >>206905507 Revolutions are happening organically throughout Europe and in places where people are fed up with aggressive, overbearing muslims that don't assimilate to the country the migrated to. This has nothing to do with /pol/ and is a completely natural reaction. You think the Native Americans needed /pol/ when the English started invading their land to be pissed off and fight back? The only difference is it's not just muslims that are the problem it's the NGOs and globalists enabling them. Anonymous 03/18/19(Mon)19:34:09 no.206908609: pol is a board of peace the time for peace is now brothers <|endoftext|>Anonymous 12/04/16(Sun)05:29:26 no.101457128: tell me the raw truth about Colombia <|endoftext|>Anonymous 06/14/17(Wed)00:29:13 no.129826646: >passively mentioned my disdain for same-sex relationships to one of my closest friends IRL >figured he already knew since I'm a Catholic >"Dude, I don't want to say anything over the top out of respect for you and our friendship, but love is love" >have this mighty urge to redpill him but also don't what to ruin our friendship What do I do /pol/? I don't want to lose any more friends than I already have. Anonymous 06/14/17(Wed)00:32:12 no.129826962: >>129826646 Do it OP. "I came not to bring peace but the sword" and so on Anonymous 06/14/17(Wed)00:33:37 no.129827126: Redpill him. If he is unable to swallow it, it's best you cut ties with him. Just be subtle as not to spook him. Anonymous 06/14/17(Wed)00:37:24 no.129827531: >>129827126 I really want to, but I'm unsure. He's pilled about everything else, on race and such. This seems to be the only issue he's not redpilled on. He even hates trannies. Anonymous 06/14/17(Wed)00:40:55 no.129827861: Redpill on homosexuality inb4 the jews created homosexuality cause white genocide Anonymous 06/14/17(Wed)00:42:28 no.129828018: why do you care about other people's relationships? Anonymous 06/14/17(Wed)00:45:05 no.129828302: >>129827531 he wants your dick Anonymous 06/14/17(Wed)00:45:54 no.129828377: >>129826646 Motherfucker I haven't had a friend in ten years, get with the fucking program and redpill that nigger. Anonymous 06/14/17(Wed)00:48:01 no.129828588: >>129826646 If you can't have a conversation with someone about a conflicting viewpoint then what you have is not a friend. Anonymous 06/14/17(Wed)00:48:08 no.129828600: >>129828302 This. If he won't swallow this redpill, it means he wants to swallow your redpill, if you know what I mean. And by your redpill, I mean homosexual activities. Anonymous 06/14/17(Wed)00:48:17 no.129828619: >>129827861 >>129828018 Because it's immoral. Anonymous 06/14/17(Wed)00:48:35 no.129828653: >love is love is he cool with fathers fucking their sons? i mean no chance of a pregnancy, and its just love right? Anonymous 06/14/17(Wed)00:48:38 no.129828663: What's wrong with same sex relationships? I honestly don't know? >inb4 child molesters ow/html/facts_molestation.html That's not a genuine relationship I'm not talking about child molesters, I'm talking about two consenting adults in a relationship with each other Anonymous 06/14/17(Wed)00:49:16 no.129828729: >>129826646 You're not going to convince him that homosexuality is wrong. Fuck Christcucks. >preferring females to men Disgusting. Anonymous 06/14/17(Wed)00:50:37 no.129828839: >>129828653 Not genuine consenting relationship. And incest is outlawed for numerous reasons beyond'muh immorality' Anonymous 06/14/17(Wed)00:50:54 no.129828862: >>129828600 Don't cut him off. He seems smart if he's on board with the rest of it. He'll get there some day. Anonymous 06/14/17(Wed)00:51:03 no.129828874: >>129828729 Thank you for your wonderful insight, faggot. Anonymous 06/14/17(Wed)00:51:03 no.129828875: >>129827531 Take him to a popular faggot parade then. Let him see with his own eyes. Then remind him of the slippery slope, or even that they are pushing (((pedosexuality))). You'll win him over. Anonymous 06/14/17(Wed)00:51:25 no.129828917: >is christcuck >is super duper strict about it >comes to 4chan kys Anonymous 06/14/17(Wed)00:51:49 no.129828965: >>129826646 You can't redpill normies OP. Normies can only redpill themselves. Anonymous 06/14/17(Wed)00:51:58 no.129828975: >>129828600 And what do you means by 'homosexual activities?' Anonymous 06/14/17(Wed)00:52:23 no.129829009: >>129828663 AIDS. faggot are not monogamous Anonymous 06/14/17(Wed)00:52:32 no.129829026: >>129826646 make LGBTQP jokes with the p being pedophelia and watch him struggle to figure out why love is love in some cases but not others Anonymous 06/14/17(Wed)00:52:35 no.129829030: >>129828975 You know what I mean, you fuckin poofter. Anonymous 06/14/17(Wed)00:52:35 no.129829031: >>129828839 >Not genuine consenting relationship. an 18 year old can consent regardless of their relationship with the person. Also, how is it immoral? love is love amitrite ;^) Anonymous 06/14/17(Wed)00:52:36 no.129829033: >>129828917 this lol Anonymous 06/14/17(Wed)00:53:37 no.129829132: >>129827861 much higher rates of STD's rampant pedophilia genetic dead end Anonymous 06/14/17(Wed)00:53:56 no.129829159: >>129828917 /pol/ is a Christian board you faggot and that will never change. Anonymous 06/14/17(Wed)00:54:16 no
[ 19456, 13, 627, 310, 642, 10532, 15, 831, 310, 253, 4450, 273, 6330, 13, 2389, 13, 285, 13761, 15, 844, 403, 9950, 23729, 13, 285, 403, 760, 1060, 281, 17246, 275, 6330, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 1093, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 746, 27, 1348, 27, 1867, 642, 15, 938, 2090, 29631, 2270, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 2090, 1762, 27133, 187, 35, 2025, 34, 530, 3175, 31476, 29659, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 1093, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 746, 27, 1099, 27, 1867, 642, 15, 938, 2090, 2922, 30651, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 2090, 29631, 2537, 187, 1552, 359, 1833, 816, 6330, 2920, 29557, 253, 1533, 342, 2206, 603, 285, 33740, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 1093, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 746, 27, 1229, 27, 2405, 642, 15, 938, 2090, 2904, 20694, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 2090, 1762, 27133, 187, 49682, 556, 281, 7435, 352, 598, 323, 253, 1551, 273, 441, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 1093, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 746, 27, 2405, 27, 805, 642, 15, 938, 2090, 2904, 23185, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 2090, 2922, 30651, 187, 31, 266, 12929, 187, 3220, 4929, 13, 20451, 310, 253, 46582, 1854, 15, 844, 513, 417, 897, 824, 45991, 3448, 15, 7214, 1175, 1841, 588, 1705, 281, 5948, 432, 776, 3564, 285, 3000, 15, 831, 310, 253, 1039, 273, 6330, 13, 594, 326, 359, 778, 5195, 776, 2389, 2080, 285, 4618, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 1093, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 746, 27, 1610, 27, 746, 642, 15, 938, 31055, 2227, 1047, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 2090, 2904, 23185, 187, 257, 5969, 32, 2752, 48087, 3548, 626, 594, 10229, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 1093, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 746, 27, 1706, 27, 2922, 642, 15, 938, 31055, 2691, 520, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 2090, 1762, 27133, 187, 7498, 17009, 403, 9369, 1963, 1037, 4768, 3060, 285, 275, 5053, 835, 952, 403, 10208, 598, 342, 13847, 13, 689, 26201, 1948, 2815, 84, 326, 1053, 626, 26030, 47602, 281, 253, 2586, 253, 40891, 281, 15, 831, 556, 2717, 281, 513, 342, 1227, 4818, 16, 285, 310, 247, 4336, 3626, 4884, 15, 1422, 1158, 253, 18199, 7108, 3058, 1227, 4818, 16, 672, 253, 4383, 3053, 45573, 616, 2659, 281, 320, 39309, 745, 285, 3819, 896, 32, 380, 760, 3064, 310, 352, 434, 417, 816, 1948, 2815, 84, 326, 403, 253, 1895, 352, 434, 253, 36096, 84, 285, 4156, 1346, 17690, 731, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 1093, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 746, 27, 1706, 27, 2693, 642, 15, 938, 2090, 2904, 27059, 27, 187, 4818, 310, 247, 4450, 273, 6330, 209, 187, 783, 673, 323, 6330, 310, 1024, 13189, 2756, 50279, 45545, 1249, 16, 2125, 16, 1036, 9, 14594, 10, 1762, 27, 1717, 27, 1731, 642, 15, 6903, 28744, 8196, 27, 187, 38878, 479, 253, 9305, 5083, 670, 31003, 2756, 50279, 45545, 17796, 16, 1047, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 361, 27, 1717, 27, 1012, 642, 15, 805, 4185, 1731, 25238, 27, 187, 31, 5858, 1242, 5393, 619, 49443, 323, 1072, 14, 11523, 7688, 281, 581, 273, 619, 8642, 3858, 309, 6587, 187, 31, 926, 1520, 344, 2168, 3260, 1580, 309, 1353, 247, 10503, 187, 21760, 37, 2496, 13, 309, 1053, 626, 971, 281, 1333, 2712, 689, 253, 1755, 562, 273, 1675, 323, 368, 285, 776, 19429, 13, 533, 2389, 310, 2389, 3, 187, 31, 9802, 436, 25427, 21434, 281, 2502, 81, 408, 779, 533, 671, 1053, 626, 752, 281, 23737, 776, 19429, 187, 1276, 513, 309, 513, 1227, 4818, 22549, 309, 1053, 626, 971, 281, 7168, 667, 625, 3858, 685, 309, 2168, 452, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1047, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 361, 27, 1237, 27, 805, 642, 15, 805, 4185, 23292, 3763, 27, 187, 5064, 805, 4185, 1731, 25238, 187, 4045, 352, 13664, 15, 346, 42, 2210, 417, 281, 3324, 6330, 533, 253, 14228, 3, 285, 594, 327, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1047, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 361, 27, 1610, 27, 1787, 642, 15, 805, 4185, 1630, 13381, 27, 187, 10252, 81, 408, 779, 15, 1310, 344, 310, 7591, 281, 17510, 352, 13, 352, 434, 1682, 368, 2624, 16027, 342, 779, 15, 3771, 320, 16105, 347, 417, 281, 653, 645, 779, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1047, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 361, 27, 1787, 27, 1348, 642, 15, 805, 4185, 20450, 2405, 27, 187, 5064, 805, 4185, 1630, 13381, 187, 42, 1663, 971, 281, 13, 533, 309, 1353, 31488, 15, 754, 434, 268, 2591, 670, 3253, 2010, 13, 327, 5492, 285, 824, 15, 831, 3133, 281, 320, 253, 760, 2523, 344, 434, 417, 2502, 81, 2591, 327, 15, 754, 1014, 38232, 492, 1136, 447, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1047, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 361, 27, 1449, 27, 2417, 642, 15, 805, 4185, 1630, 38978, 27, 187, 10252, 81, 408, 327, 39880, 187, 249, 67, 21, 253, 15589, 84, 3562, 39880, 2847, 3168, 42604, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1047, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 361, 27, 2945, 27, 1619, 642, 15, 805, 4185, 1619, 12058, 27, 187, 22309, 513, 368, 1557, 670, 643, 952, 434, 7688, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1047, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 361, 27, 1857, 27, 1762, 642, 15, 805, 4185, 1619, 19044, 27, 187, 5064, 805, 4185, 20450, 2405, 187, 248, 5605, 634, 33702, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1047, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 361, 27, 1857, 27, 3439, 642, 15, 805, 4185, 1619, 22863, 27, 187, 5064, 805, 4185, 1731, 25238, 187, 29859, 71, 18141, 309, 6468, 626, 574, 247, 3331, 275, 3578, 1107, 13, 755, 342, 253, 12835, 2086, 285, 2502, 81, 408, 326, 295, 16046, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1047, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 361, 27, 2385, 27, 520, 642, 15, 805, 4185, 23025, 2055, 27, 187, 5064, 805, 4185, 1731, 25238, 187, 2042, 368, 476, 626, 452, 247, 7827, 342, 3095, 670, 247, 24648, 31460, 840, 752, 368, 452, 310, 417, 247, 3331, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1047, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 361, 27, 2385, 27, 2904, 642, 15, 805, 4185, 1619, 10487, 27, 187, 5064, 805, 4185, 1619, 19044, 187, 1552, 15, 1310, 344, 1912, 626, 17510, 436, 2502, 81, 408, 13, 352, 2097, 344, 5605, 281, 17510, 634, 2502, 81, 408, 13, 604, 368, 871, 752, 309, 1599, 15, 1244, 407, 634, 2502, 81, 408, 13, 309, 1599, 29721, 4712, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1047, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 361, 27, 2385, 27, 1166, 642, 15, 805, 4185, 23360, 746, 27, 187, 5064, 805, 4185, 1630, 38978, 187, 5064, 805, 4185, 1619, 12058, 187, 8457, 352, 434, 4293, 7909, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1047, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 361, 27, 2385, 27, 1671, 642, 15, 805, 4185, 1619, 35726, 27, 187, 31, 26617, 310, 2389, 187, 261, 344, 4484, 342, 24593, 12835, 616, 15196, 32, 187, 74, 1599, 642, 4839, 273, 247, 10438, 13, 285, 697, 816, 2389, 987, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1047, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 361, 27, 2385, 27, 1839, 642, 15, 805, 4185, 1619, 35216, 27, 187, 1276, 434, 3430, 342, 1072, 2825, 7688, 3736, 187, 42, 20509, 1053, 626, 871, 32, 187, 31, 249, 67, 21, 1429, 278, 3841, 1336, 187, 2413, 1358, 20980, 1497, 15, 1028, 34926, 261, 15, 13808, 16, 1949, 67, 187, 319, 16, 2974, 16, 33799, 64, 17071, 35804, 15, 2974, 187, 2773, 434, 417, 247, 13241, 2954, 187, 42, 1353, 417, 5015, 670, 1429, 278, 3841, 1336, 13, 309, 1353, 5015, 670, 767, 7578, 272, 7747, 275, 247, 2954, 342, 1016, 643, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1047, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 361, 27, 2537, 27, 1036, 642, 15, 805, 4185, 24117, 1717, 27, 187, 5064, 805, 4185, 1731, 25238, 187, 1394, 1472, 417, 1469, 281, 18578, 779, 326, 39880, 310, 3430, 15, 187, 30368, 2828, 68, 9984, 15, 187, 31, 11499, 24247, 10753, 281, 1821, 187, 6744, 72, 461, 272, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1047, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 361, 27, 1235, 27, 1787, 642, 15, 805, 4185, 21340, 1867, 27, 187, 5064, 805, 4185, 1619, 35726, 187, 3650, 13241, 7578, 272, 2954, 15, 1244, 1485, 383, 310, 46084, 264, 323, 7418, 4606, 4457, 686, 1906, 73, 4293, 263, 1319, 8, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1047, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 361, 27, 1235, 27, 3439, 642, 15, 805, 4185, 1619, 45343, 27, 187, 5064, 805, 4185, 1619, 10487, 187, 5498, 626, 2624, 779, 745, 15, 754, 3133, 7060, 604, 344, 434, 327, 4450, 342, 253, 1551, 273, 352, 15, 754, 1833, 755, 627, 690, 1388, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1047, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 361, 27, 3712, 27, 2941, 642, 15, 805, 4185, 1619, 35537, 27, 187, 5064, 805, 4185, 24117, 1717, 187, 8398, 368, 323, 634, 9386, 12288, 13, 269, 13046, 302, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1047, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 361, 27, 3712, 27, 2941, 642, 15, 805, 4185, 21340, 1976, 27, 187, 5064, 805, 4185, 20450, 2405, 187, 12864, 779, 281, 247, 4633, 269, 13046, 302, 28768, 840, 15, 1281, 779, 923, 342, 521, 1211, 2927, 15, 2635, 9287, 779, 273, 253, 46903, 14679, 13, 390, 1014, 326, 597, 403, 13383, 24317, 9357, 34427, 43075, 1422, 1833, 3330, 779, 689, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1047, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 361, 27, 3712, 27, 1099, 642, 15, 805, 4185, 24208, 1166, 27, 187, 31, 261, 37622, 68, 1807, 187, 31, 261, 2221, 3443, 468, 7654, 670, 352, 187, 31, 3217, 281, 577, 2291, 187, 76, 656, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1047, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 361, 27, 3712, 27, 2537, 642, 15, 805, 4185, 24208, 2082, 27, 187, 5064, 805, 4185, 1731, 25238, 187, 1394, 476, 626, 2502, 81, 408, 5222, 447, 13664, 15, 13531, 447, 476, 760, 2502, 81, 408, 3746, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1047, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 361, 27, 3712, 27, 3680, 642, 15, 805, 4185, 24208, 1976, 27, 187, 5064, 805, 4185, 1619, 10487, 187, 1898, 752, 513, 368, 2097, 407, 686, 12856, 20703, 4712, 5554, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1047, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 361, 27, 3583, 27, 1508, 642, 15, 805, 4185, 1717, 8972, 27, 187, 5064, 805, 4185, 1619, 35216, 187, 38281, 15, 269, 13046, 302, 403, 417, 1114, 462, 14919, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1047, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 361, 27, 3583, 27, 1237, 642, 15, 805, 4185, 1717, 17048, 27, 187, 5064, 805, 4185, 1731, 25238, 187, 11145, 23641, 30570, 26984, 342, 253, 268, 1146, 7690, 412, 2955, 571, 285, 3698, 779, 11182, 281, 4677, 562, 2139, 2389, 310, 2389, 275, 690, 2219, 533, 417, 2571, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1047, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 361, 27, 3583, 27, 1671, 642, 15, 805, 4185, 1717, 15960, 27, 187, 5064, 805, 4185, 24208, 1976, 187, 1394, 871, 752, 309, 1599, 13, 368, 49826, 2963, 80, 699, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1047, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 361, 27, 3583, 27, 1671, 642, 15, 805, 4185, 22308, 2405, 27, 187, 5064, 805, 4185, 21340, 1867, 187, 31, 3650, 13241, 7578, 272, 2954, 15, 187, 266, 1283, 807, 1711, 476, 7578, 10159, 273, 616, 2954, 342, 253, 1436, 15, 187, 9917, 13, 849, 310, 352, 4293, 7909, 32, 2389, 310, 2389, 717, 262, 3852, 3706, 13146, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1047, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 361, 27, 3583, 27, 1812, 642, 15, 805, 4185, 1717, 18092, 27, 187, 5064, 805, 4185, 24208, 1166, 187, 2520, 23385, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1047, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 361, 27, 3357, 27, 1787, 642, 15, 805, 4185, 1717, 14783, 27, 187, 5064, 805, 4185, 1630, 38978, 187, 25914, 2169, 4142, 273, 3915, 37, 434, 187, 83, 1301, 386, 7690, 43639, 187, 1541, 1999, 3846, 990, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1047, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 361, 27, 3357, 27, 3208, 642, 15, 805, 4185, 1717, 17220, 27, 187, 5064, 805, 4185, 24208, 1166, 187, 16, 4818, 16, 310, 247, 6416, 4450, 368, 269, 13046, 302, 285, 326, 588, 1620, 1818, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1047, 16, 1166, 9, 21091, 10, 361, 27, 3439, 27, 1036, 642 ]
in poor neighborhoods. In Black neighborhoods it seems like they are still living in the jungles of Africa where to be "Alpha Male" means beating each other senseless or killing each other until one chimp comes out on top, Gorillas and chimps do this a lot. Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)11:21:20 no.131397517: >>131396903 >sir please, stop dancing on the tables >sir I can see those Jordans under your shirt, give them back >sir we don't accept EBT cards as payments at Red Lobster >sir this debit card under an old white womans name has been declined OH IT BE BECUZ IM BLACK AINT IT BAKA DIS SOME DISCRIMINATANATATION UP INZ THIS BITCH Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)11:21:55 no.131397570: >>131393081 >tfw Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)11:22:19 no.131397605: >>131396554 Anyone save that pasta which flips the whole "blacks are good at sports" on it's head? Niggers are good at NBA, NFL and Track, literally every other sport they are garbage and Whites dominate them. Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)11:23:15 no.131397683: >>131395698 >I did it too, but what else could I do? They invited me This is fake as fuck. Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)11:23:29 no.131397708: >>131396903 You're one stupid mother fucker you know that? They cut in line and started filming both of which are valid reasons to deny service to anyone. Race had nothing to do with this, except of course as a decent hint as to why those niggers were acting like, well, niggers Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)11:24:07 no.131397760: >>131393081 >Alpha male shit. Throws bottle and drives away like a little scared bitch, niggers are fucking retarded. Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)11:24:14 no.131397770: >>131396903 Where are you inferring that someone is denying someone service on the basis of them being black in this situation? Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)11:24:25 no.131397788: >>131397181 >>131397150 >>131397209 This story comes from a single comment. A single lone twitter comment. It's not verifiable and could have been fabricated. Why should I, or anyone for that matter, believe it? Even if it was true, how do we know there wasn't some car broken down in the drive through (a common occurrence in the US during the summers) that singalled them to go ahead? Its happened to me before, I'm sure its happened to others. Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)11:25:01 no.131397831: >>131397683 It would be nice if it was fake, but that's just how normalized it is in their culture. Don't forget that their holy text's prime figure consummated his marriage with a 9 year old. Christians try to live as Jesus did and Muslims try to live as Mohammad did. Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)11:25:06 no.131397837: >>131392192 BITCHASSNIGGA BITCHASSNIGGA BITCHASSNIGGA BITCHASSNIGGA BITCHASSNIGGA BITCHASSNIGGA BITCHASSNIGGA BITCHASSNIGGA Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)11:25:10 no.131397843: >>131396903 Even if that were true, which it's not, the appropriate action isn't to physically assault the person. Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)11:25:15 no.131397854: >>131397605 Look them colored folk are dumb as fuck, any sport that requires much complex thought or focus is going to give them a huge disadvantage. But as far as giving a simple directive goes, them negros can be better than oxes as far as I'm concerned. Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)11:26:59 no.131398037: >>131393876 Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)11:27:23 no.131398085: Niggers gonna nig Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)11:28:10 no.131398145: 1/4 of this thread is supporting this nigger its fucking summer Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)11:28:22 no.131398169: >>131397683 No it isn't go watch the vid. 9OioF4uc&t=296s Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)11:29:12 no.131398240: >>131397788 You're real fucking stupid if you think that being denied service is justification for responding like a nigger. "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character" And, judging by the content of their character, the three in the vehicle in that video are verified niggers. Let them get mowed down in the streets by the cops, society will be better off for it. Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)11:29:53 no.131398312: >>131398145 /pol/ is 25% shitposters nowdays Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)11:30:25 no.131398372: >>131397032 >he left like their real daddy too Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)11:31:44 no.131398492: >>131392192 Lul the comments.. I can't wait for some cops to kill more niggers. I think they should up their numbers.. high scores are kinda low lately. Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)11:32:31 no.131398558: >>131397788 Wog fancier detected. Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)11:32:31 no.131398559: >>131398169 Yep, gas them. Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)11:32:38 no.131398572: >>131398240 I would rather have a bottle thrown at me for my racist actions than lose my job and be in jail for civil rights act violations. No harm done. Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)11:32:56 no.131398603: >>131392192 low intelligence low impulse control Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)11:33:19 no.131398637: >>131392262 Seriously though, this. Fight back you pussies Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)11:34:07 no.131398729: >>131392192 Oh come on he could've shot him or something but he threw a water bottle at him instead. It's not ok but it could've been much much worse Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)11:35:15 no.131398825: >>131398729 Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)11:37:25 no.131399057: >>131395490 Underrated post Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)11:37:51 no.131399106: >>131398825 I didn't say it was ok but It's not something to get pissy about. Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)11:38:29 no.131399168: >>131398729 It's still criminal assault, you faggot. Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)11:39:13 no.131399241: >>131392192 Blacks commit 52% of homicides in the US, they are 40 times more likely to attack whites than vice versa and overall commit the most interracial crime by far, for the entire year of 2007, there wasn't a single case of a white committing interracial rape on a black woman but there were plenty of cases of blacks raping others. >After researching the FBI numbers for "Suicide of a Superpower," this writer concluded: "An analysis of'single offender victimization figures' from the FBI for 2007 finds blacks committed 433,934 crimes against whites, eight times the 55,685 whites committed against blacks. Interracial rape is almost exclusively black on white — with 14,000 assaults on white women by African Americans in 2007. Not one case of
[ 275, 4105, 25237, 15, 496, 5418, 25237, 352, 3133, 751, 597, 403, 1335, 3811, 275, 253, 480, 1947, 868, 273, 7531, 835, 281, 320, 346, 29858, 23588, 3, 2097, 18019, 1016, 643, 2288, 6134, 390, 9811, 1016, 643, 1919, 581, 448, 11548, 3249, 562, 327, 1755, 13, 35160, 28769, 285, 19114, 793, 513, 436, 247, 2257, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 1797, 27, 938, 642, 15, 1012, 15270, 1976, 1166, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 15270, 2090, 2941, 187, 31, 84, 343, 4496, 13, 3523, 18792, 327, 253, 7180, 209, 187, 31, 84, 343, 309, 476, 923, 1110, 500, 636, 507, 762, 634, 14133, 13, 1918, 731, 896, 209, 187, 31, 84, 343, 359, 1053, 626, 2997, 444, 11584, 8364, 347, 10762, 387, 4410, 418, 706, 2971, 187, 31, 84, 343, 436, 46810, 3120, 762, 271, 1711, 3168, 1606, 507, 1416, 556, 644, 13072, 209, 187, 8575, 8017, 8728, 378, 4625, 54, 59, 10744, 13242, 8100, 329, 7999, 8017, 378, 9780, 34, 15724, 44933, 15724, 1311, 2894, 1042, 1194, 1539, 1194, 6570, 20653, 2949, 59, 10113, 378, 38283, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 1797, 27, 2417, 642, 15, 1012, 15270, 1976, 1967, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 15270, 1229, 3593, 187, 31, 16114, 88, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 1423, 27, 746, 642, 15, 1012, 1012, 4148, 20954, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 15270, 2082, 3439, 187, 31568, 5321, 326, 27725, 534, 892, 2824, 253, 2644, 346, 1559, 7305, 403, 1175, 387, 9001, 3, 327, 352, 434, 1481, 32, 187, 47, 304, 7276, 403, 1175, 387, 19305, 13, 13946, 285, 31633, 13, 12832, 1046, 643, 9678, 597, 403, 22630, 285, 1536, 3254, 25903, 731, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 1508, 27, 1010, 642, 15, 1012, 1012, 4148, 38518, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1012, 2222, 31671, 187, 31, 42, 858, 352, 1512, 13, 533, 752, 2010, 812, 309, 513, 32, 1583, 12470, 479, 187, 1552, 310, 15223, 347, 7435, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 1508, 27, 1717, 642, 15, 1012, 1012, 4148, 27158, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 15270, 2090, 2941, 187, 1394, 1472, 581, 11339, 3101, 7435, 254, 368, 871, 326, 32, 1583, 2624, 275, 1386, 285, 3053, 32539, 1097, 273, 534, 403, 3588, 4606, 281, 13292, 2579, 281, 3780, 15, 187, 51, 584, 574, 2717, 281, 513, 342, 436, 13, 3707, 273, 2282, 347, 247, 12524, 12662, 347, 281, 2139, 1110, 35825, 7276, 497, 8534, 751, 13, 973, 13, 35825, 7276, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 1348, 27, 2922, 642, 15, 1012, 15270, 2357, 1549, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 15270, 1229, 3593, 187, 31, 29858, 5086, 10739, 15, 187, 1044, 8111, 11996, 285, 14137, 1977, 751, 247, 1652, 16060, 23331, 13, 35825, 7276, 403, 12835, 48101, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 1348, 27, 1047, 642, 15, 1012, 15270, 2357, 1967, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 15270, 2090, 2941, 187, 7161, 403, 368, 9441, 804, 326, 3095, 310, 14624, 3095, 2579, 327, 253, 3720, 273, 731, 1146, 2806, 275, 436, 4112, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 1348, 27, 1099, 642, 15, 1012, 15270, 2357, 2055, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1012, 4148, 20895, 187, 5064, 1012, 1012, 4148, 8970, 187, 5064, 1012, 1012, 4148, 14009, 187, 1552, 2926, 3249, 432, 247, 2014, 4385, 15, 187, 34, 2014, 33178, 34302, 4385, 15, 187, 1147, 434, 417, 2336, 18397, 285, 812, 452, 644, 26493, 15, 187, 4967, 943, 309, 13, 390, 3780, 323, 326, 2647, 13, 2868, 352, 32, 187, 9586, 604, 352, 369, 2032, 13, 849, 513, 359, 871, 627, 3589, 626, 690, 1113, 7154, 1066, 275, 253, 4446, 949, 313, 66, 1846, 12340, 275, 253, 1982, 1309, 253, 14568, 398, 10, 326, 1625, 18859, 731, 281, 564, 6386, 32, 187, 27132, 4592, 281, 479, 1078, 13, 309, 1353, 2119, 697, 4592, 281, 2571, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 1099, 27, 520, 642, 15, 1012, 15270, 3141, 2405, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1012, 4148, 38518, 187, 1147, 651, 320, 5322, 604, 352, 369, 15223, 13, 533, 326, 434, 816, 849, 12650, 352, 310, 275, 616, 4466, 15, 5037, 626, 7740, 326, 616, 18465, 2505, 434, 4335, 4677, 3651, 78, 456, 521, 7875, 342, 247, 898, 807, 1711, 15, 15600, 1611, 281, 3153, 347, 7670, 858, 285, 16492, 1611, 281, 3153, 347, 15493, 20136, 858, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 1099, 27, 3071, 642, 15, 1012, 15270, 3141, 1787, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1012, 4529, 14403, 187, 14609, 2775, 7810, 47, 2431, 7283, 378, 38283, 7810, 47, 2431, 7283, 378, 38283, 7810, 47, 2431, 7283, 378, 38283, 7810, 47, 2431, 7283, 378, 38283, 7810, 47, 2431, 7283, 378, 38283, 7810, 47, 2431, 7283, 378, 38283, 7810, 47, 2431, 7283, 378, 38283, 7810, 47, 2431, 7283, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 1099, 27, 740, 642, 15, 1012, 1012, 4148, 38119, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 15270, 2090, 2941, 187, 9586, 604, 326, 497, 2032, 13, 534, 352, 434, 417, 13, 253, 4569, 2250, 3548, 626, 281, 13318, 9222, 253, 1436, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 1099, 27, 1010, 642, 15, 1012, 1012, 4148, 36208, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1012, 4148, 20954, 187, 7745, 731, 18010, 19365, 403, 21413, 347, 7435, 13, 667, 9678, 326, 4419, 1199, 2570, 1869, 390, 2770, 310, 1469, 281, 1918, 731, 247, 5699, 18928, 15, 209, 187, 1989, 347, 2080, 347, 4933, 247, 2969, 26777, 4566, 13, 731, 2297, 2921, 476, 320, 1805, 685, 3475, 265, 347, 2080, 347, 309, 1353, 7514, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 1731, 27, 3046, 642, 15, 1012, 15270, 1438, 1787, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 15270, 1839, 3121, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 1630, 27, 1508, 642, 15, 1012, 15270, 1438, 2227, 27, 187, 47, 304, 7276, 6501, 35825, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 1619, 27, 740, 642, 15, 1012, 1012, 4185, 11838, 27, 187, 18, 16, 21, 273, 436, 6293, 310, 8109, 436, 295, 16046, 187, 953, 12835, 5768, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 1619, 27, 1423, 642, 15, 1012, 1012, 4185, 17809, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1012, 4148, 38518, 187, 2302, 352, 3548, 626, 564, 3698, 253, 29069, 15, 5987, 1358, 2700, 15, 24583, 15, 681, 16, 13060, 32, 87, 30, 34, 28221, 187, 26, 48, 900, 39, 21, 1028, 7, 85, 30, 23402, 84, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 1717, 27, 805, 642, 15, 1012, 1012, 4185, 14028, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 15270, 2357, 2055, 187, 1394, 1472, 1524, 12835, 11339, 604, 368, 1158, 326, 1146, 5868, 2579, 310, 22861, 323, 19392, 751, 247, 295, 16046, 15, 209, 187, 3, 42, 452, 247, 7156, 326, 619, 1740, 1652, 2151, 588, 581, 1388, 3153, 275, 247, 5674, 835, 597, 588, 417, 320, 24242, 407, 253, 3295, 273, 616, 4808, 13, 533, 407, 253, 2600, 273, 616, 1894, 3, 187, 1898, 13, 32721, 407, 253, 2600, 273, 616, 1894, 13, 253, 1264, 275, 253, 4958, 275, 326, 3492, 403, 16058, 35825, 7276, 15, 1281, 731, 755, 278, 12997, 1066, 275, 253, 10198, 407, 253, 23247, 13, 5948, 588, 320, 1805, 745, 323, 352, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 1717, 27, 3357, 642, 15, 1012, 15270, 3245, 805, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1012, 4185, 11838, 187, 16, 4818, 16, 310, 2030, 6, 10739, 5996, 398, 1024, 11015, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 1229, 27, 1099, 642, 15, 1012, 1012, 4185, 29412, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 15270, 1967, 1237, 187, 31, 248, 1669, 751, 616, 1524, 42219, 1512, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 2405, 27, 2031, 642, 15, 1012, 1012, 4185, 33964, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1012, 4529, 14403, 187, 45, 335, 253, 5701, 537, 309, 476, 626, 3343, 323, 690, 23247, 281, 5159, 625, 35825, 7276, 15, 309, 1158, 597, 943, 598, 616, 3904, 537, 1029, 7363, 403, 26702, 1698, 21403, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 1237, 27, 2405, 642, 15, 1012, 15270, 2227, 3680, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 15270, 2357, 2055, 187, 56, 462, 43126, 1321, 5189, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 1237, 27, 2405, 642, 15, 1012, 15270, 2227, 3046, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1012, 4185, 17809, 187, 47195, 13, 3678, 731, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 1237, 27, 1839, 642, 15, 1012, 15270, 2227, 3547, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1012, 4185, 14028, 187, 42, 651, 2581, 452, 247, 11996, 13044, 387, 479, 323, 619, 22198, 5231, 685, 7168, 619, 2628, 285, 320, 275, 12907, 323, 5079, 3570, 769, 15927, 15, 187, 2302, 5237, 2218, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 1237, 27, 3208, 642, 15, 1012, 1012, 4185, 29251, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1012, 4529, 14403, 187, 676, 9260, 187, 676, 27354, 1453, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 1610, 27, 746, 642, 15, 1012, 15270, 2691, 1787, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 15270, 1423, 3763, 187, 6075, 8140, 2167, 13, 436, 15, 40402, 896, 368, 268, 1316, 447, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 1706, 27, 2922, 642, 15, 1012, 15270, 2597, 1717, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1012, 4529, 14403, 187, 4013, 1705, 327, 344, 812, 1849, 5103, 779, 390, 1633, 533, 344, 13222, 247, 1824, 11996, 387, 779, 3185, 15, 209, 187, 1147, 434, 417, 8718, 533, 352, 812, 1849, 644, 1199, 1199, 7197, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 1671, 27, 1010, 642, 15, 1012, 15270, 2055, 1099, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 15270, 2597, 1717, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 1787, 27, 1099, 642, 15, 1012, 1012, 1525, 30768, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1012, 2222, 38808, 187, 11752, 14092, 1501, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 1787, 27, 3712, 642, 15, 1012, 1012, 1525, 12971, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 15270, 2055, 1099, 187, 42, 1904, 626, 1333, 352, 369, 8718, 533, 733, 434, 417, 1633, 281, 755, 24329, 90, 670, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 1839, 27, 1717, 642, 15, 1012, 1012, 1525, 13851, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 15270, 2597, 1717, 187, 1147, 434, 1335, 6424, 9222, 13, 368, 269, 13046, 302, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 1867, 27, 1012, 642, 15, 1012, 1012, 1525, 24552, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1012, 4529, 14403, 187, 5622, 7305, 4514, 8073, 6, 273, 2860, 26685, 275, 253, 1982, 13, 597, 403, 3387, 2069, 625, 2779, 281, 2983, 19991, 685, 12008, 26620, 285, 4583, 4514, 253, 954, 734, 8306, 451, 6617, 407, 2080, 13, 323, 253, 2862, 807, 273, 5215, 13, 627, 3589, 626, 247, 2014, 1083, 273, 247, 3168, 26841, 734, 8306, 451, 16773, 327, 247, 2806, 3416, 533, 627, 497, 9828, 273, 2219, 273, 26769, 1218, 14650, 2571, 15, 209, 187, 31, 4553, 37676, 253, 12578, 3904, 323, 346, 9244, 9429, 273, 247, 6053, 9177, 937, 436, 8406, 7945, 27, 346, 1145, 1783, 273, 686, 20199, 27484, 5487, 1320, 8442, 8, 432, 253, 12578, 323, 5215, 9010, 26769, 7730, 38935, 13, 26, 1706, 12137, 1411, 19991, 13, 4314, 2069, 253, 7288, 13, 49722, 19991, 7730, 1411, 26769, 15, 5383, 8306, 451, 16773, 310, 2761, 14288, 2806, 327, 3168, 1905, 342, 1638, 13, 933, 44848, 327, 3168, 2255, 407, 8118, 7108, 275, 5215, 15, 3105, 581, 1083, 273 ]
)00:13:21 no.151943052: >>151930051 this. honestly if your out of college and smoke weed more than once in a blue moon, you are a total fucking loser Anonymous 12/04/17(Mon)00:14:39 no.151943147: >>151930729 10/10 would doom the universe. Anonymous 12/04/17(Mon)00:15:21 no.151943190: >>151934121 every girl I've ever dated. shame they have such low self-esteem that the minute someone else starts giving them attention they fall for it Anonymous 12/04/17(Mon)00:16:20 no.151943273: >>151934865 PLEASE POST MORE OF SHADOW GIRLFRIEND Anonymous 12/04/17(Mon)00:17:15 no.151943337: >>151934511 Anonymous 12/04/17(Mon)00:17:22 no.151943355: >>151936384 this is 4chan Anonymous 12/04/17(Mon)00:21:31 no.151943703: >>151935744 >sir bearington's not a bear anon YES HE FUCKING IS Anonymous 12/04/17(Mon)00:23:16 no.151943843: >>151936079 open it in a new tab, 4chan auto-resizes to fit the screen. Look at the resolution of the image next to the filename, it's bigger than you think it is Anonymous 12/04/17(Mon)00:29:39 no.151944305: >>151934764 no. Anonymous 12/04/17(Mon)00:30:29 no.151944361: >>151933838 hey *she* might have lopped off penis Anonymous 12/04/17(Mon)00:30:39 no.151944375: >255 replies >not posting worst/best gf ever Anonymous 12/04/17(Mon)00:31:02 no.151944413: I don't think any of them beat clown GF :/ Anonymous 12/04/17(Mon)00:32:29 no.151944522: >>151929740 >I drink craft beer >I bring weed for you to smoke >Can I get you another beer? The maker should kys seriously. Anonymous 12/04/17(Mon)00:35:16 no.151944733: At this point I unironiclly think that i'll only be happy with a femanon gf. How do I find femanons? Anonymous 12/04/17(Mon)00:38:55 no.151945002: >>151944375 Pro tip: she can pretend to be most of the gfs in this thread, and she'll choose the one you like the most within 5 minutes of meeting her if she likes you. Anonymous 12/04/17(Mon)00:45:34 no.151945477: >>151938585 you know what you must do >>151941772 Anonymous 12/04/17(Mon)00:46:38 no.151945553: >>151931597 gib conflicted milk glands gf Anonymous 12/04/17(Mon)00:46:51 no.151945568: >>151944732 Anonymous 12/04/17(Mon)00:47:50 no.151945645: >>151944733 At this point I would only be satisfied by an ayy or some sort of sapient fantasy creature. Kill me. Anonymous 12/04/17(Mon)00:48:12 no.151945671: >>151945002 Hello fellow BPD hunter. >we can have a threesome with my sister if you want >WAHHHH!! YOU'RE GONNA DUMP ME FOR THAT CASHIER BECAUSE SHE PUT THE CHANGE IN YOUR HAND INSTEAD OF ON THE COUNTER! >I cooked you dinner and tried to fuck your best friend. You have to love me forever now. Anonymous 12/04/17(Mon)00:49:22 no.151945755: >>151945645 >>151944733 Anything goes Anonymous 12/04/17(Mon)00:49:42 no.151945782: >>151935671 I am sorry anon. Aleast you have something to live for. I can't even get a gf. I'm only 20 never having a gf and I felt like I have already wasted my life. Only thing that's keeping me going is memes and helping putting humanity back on track. Bless you anon. Anonymous 12/04/17(Mon)00:49:56 no.151945804: >>151945645 Femanons are the only one's who could ever understand us. Ever since imageboards started evolving as a culture in their own right I don't think I could ever have a healthy relationship with a normalfag. Just to much cultural difference. Anonymous 12/04/17(Mon)00:50:05 no.151945818: >>151936718 bull fucking shit, bro. Anonymous 12/04/17(Mon)00:50:42 no.151945860: >>151931810 10/10 nailed it perfectly. Anonymous 12/04/17(Mon)00:51:11 no.151945889: Didn't think I'd see a cringe thread on /pol/ Anonymous 12/04/17(Mon)00:51:53 no.151945944: >>151935442 Anonymous 12/04/17(Mon)00:53:39 no.151946056: >>151934078 fuck this was my high school gf Anonymous 12/04/17(Mon)00:54:01 no.151946080: >>151932320 I love you Annie, I should've been there for you. Anonymous 12/04/17(Mon)00:54:20 no.151946104: >>151928217 Anonymous 12/04/17(Mon)00:55:34 no.151946199: >>151944375 yep thats her alright Anonymous 12/04/17(Mon)00:55:56 no.151946220: >>151945804 Honestly this is sort of true. I just spent some time with normalfag friends yesterday and they're a world apart in a lot of ways. I can still have good conversations and stuff with them but there's a distinct barrier in some regards. >>151945889 >>151946104 That's the good shit >>151945755 True that Anonymous 12/04/17(Mon)00:56:57 no.151946280: >>151946080 :( Anonymous 12/04/17(Mon)00:57:44 no.151946330: >>151934116 >no comment on emu's cucking the bf 3/10 best I can do. Anonymous 12/04/17(Mon)00:59:23 no.151946441: r8 my gf lads Anonymous 12/04/17(Mon)01:00:24 no.151946519: >>151930729 yes please Anonymous 12/04/17(Mon)01:00:51 no.151946554: >>151946220 >Honestly this is sort of true. I just spent some time with normalfag friends yesterday and they're a world apart in a lot of ways. I can still have good conversations and stuff with them but there's a distinct barrier in some regards. Eventually we're going to consider ourselves a distinct people and nation. More and more I feel a culture barrier between me and literally everyone who's not one of us. The anon nationalist movements in 20 years are going to be interesting. Anonymous 12/04/17(Mon)01:02:10 no.151946643: >>151946441 10/10 Anonymous 12/04/17(Mon)01:05:10 no.151946840: >>151946080 Was she hit by a smooth criminal? Anonymous 12/04/17(Mon)01:05:31 no.151946869: >>151933333 fuck off, memes are being shared. I don't care what your quints say. Anonymous 12/04/17(Mon)01:07:39 no.151947024: >>151946554 Nah. Nothing real in terms of a nation will coalesce due to the nature of people here. Also consider that people from all over the world are here. The culture on this site is also getting a lot more diluted with all the newfags (the explosion from the election was fuggin crazy), and eventually unless there's some crazy
[ 10, 361, 27, 1012, 27, 1797, 642, 15, 1010, 19332, 1229, 3583, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 746, 7554, 3712, 187, 2520, 15, 20509, 604, 634, 562, 273, 6831, 285, 11283, 32983, 625, 685, 2378, 275, 247, 4797, 12334, 13, 368, 403, 247, 2264, 12835, 48222, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 2125, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 361, 27, 1047, 27, 1867, 642, 15, 1010, 47868, 14555, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 746, 21645, 1717, 187, 740, 16, 740, 651, 45471, 253, 10325, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 2125, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 361, 27, 1010, 27, 1797, 642, 15, 1010, 47868, 16129, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 42362, 15144, 187, 15160, 3226, 309, 1849, 2455, 15483, 15, 14816, 597, 452, 824, 1698, 1881, 14, 40597, 326, 253, 7017, 3095, 2010, 7866, 4933, 731, 4116, 597, 2965, 323, 352, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 2125, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 361, 27, 1036, 27, 938, 642, 15, 1010, 19332, 1237, 3655, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 746, 25289, 2082, 187, 20982, 9434, 28846, 22778, 3481, 7840, 2350, 4290, 443, 3027, 19546, 4873, 8112, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 2125, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 361, 27, 1166, 27, 1010, 642, 15, 1010, 19332, 1610, 1787, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 746, 16767, 883, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 2125, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 361, 27, 1166, 27, 1423, 642, 15, 1010, 19332, 1610, 2417, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 45819, 19948, 187, 2520, 310, 577, 2291, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 2125, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 361, 27, 1797, 27, 2405, 642, 15, 1010, 19332, 1787, 2941, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 746, 24424, 2031, 187, 31, 84, 343, 12206, 1299, 434, 417, 247, 8800, 271, 251, 187, 24239, 10197, 401, 36746, 2637, 4110, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 2125, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 361, 27, 1508, 27, 1036, 642, 15, 1010, 19332, 1839, 3079, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 746, 16587, 2787, 187, 5758, 352, 275, 247, 747, 10334, 13, 577, 2291, 6753, 14, 373, 4219, 281, 4944, 253, 3601, 15, 187, 7745, 387, 253, 6064, 273, 253, 2460, 1735, 281, 253, 19722, 13, 352, 434, 8750, 685, 368, 1158, 352, 310, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 2125, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 361, 27, 1717, 27, 1867, 642, 15, 1010, 42704, 19042, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 746, 23568, 1540, 187, 2369, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 2125, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 361, 27, 1229, 27, 1717, 642, 15, 1010, 42704, 29917, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 746, 23922, 1839, 187, 26512, 475, 6689, 11, 1537, 452, 2343, 1882, 745, 29292, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 2125, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 361, 27, 1229, 27, 1867, 642, 15, 1010, 42704, 17820, 27, 187, 31, 10637, 32114, 187, 31, 1439, 16920, 9065, 16, 14461, 305, 71, 2455, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 2125, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 361, 27, 2405, 27, 2640, 642, 15, 1010, 746, 24447, 1012, 27, 187, 42, 1053, 626, 1158, 667, 273, 731, 7171, 42493, 33952, 1163, 16, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 2125, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 361, 27, 1237, 27, 1717, 642, 15, 1010, 19332, 1857, 1423, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 746, 23185, 1449, 187, 31, 42, 5484, 11072, 10562, 187, 31, 42, 3324, 32983, 323, 368, 281, 11283, 187, 31, 5804, 309, 755, 368, 1529, 10562, 32, 187, 510, 24320, 943, 465, 656, 10369, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 2125, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 361, 27, 1671, 27, 1036, 642, 15, 1010, 746, 28943, 1610, 27, 187, 3404, 436, 1127, 309, 440, 2002, 280, 77, 314, 1158, 326, 891, 1833, 760, 320, 5211, 342, 247, 3427, 46339, 305, 71, 15, 187, 2347, 513, 309, 1089, 3427, 266, 790, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 2125, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 361, 27, 1839, 27, 2417, 642, 15, 1010, 36354, 4699, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 42704, 17820, 187, 1845, 9092, 27, 703, 476, 22830, 281, 320, 954, 273, 253, 305, 3671, 275, 436, 6293, 13, 285, 703, 1833, 5206, 253, 581, 368, 751, 253, 954, 1561, 608, 2909, 273, 4804, 617, 604, 703, 13052, 368, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 2125, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 361, 27, 1857, 27, 1706, 642, 15, 1010, 746, 27087, 2357, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 746, 24677, 2227, 187, 5658, 871, 752, 368, 1364, 513, 187, 5064, 1010, 19332, 1166, 3547, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 2125, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 361, 27, 2950, 27, 1839, 642, 15, 1010, 36354, 42633, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 19631, 1010, 4148, 187, 72, 487, 7344, 264, 8463, 29108, 305, 71, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 2125, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 361, 27, 2950, 27, 3712, 642, 15, 1010, 746, 24614, 2358, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 746, 28943, 1237, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 2125, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 361, 27, 2504, 27, 1235, 642, 15, 1010, 36354, 25654, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 746, 28943, 1610, 187, 3404, 436, 1127, 309, 651, 760, 320, 10048, 407, 271, 247, 12502, 390, 690, 3686, 273, 35223, 850, 16879, 15906, 15, 26464, 479, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 2125, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 361, 27, 2385, 27, 805, 642, 15, 1010, 36354, 35276, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 36354, 4699, 187, 12092, 7715, 378, 5414, 32290, 15, 187, 31, 664, 476, 452, 247, 289, 6151, 485, 342, 619, 7586, 604, 368, 971, 187, 31, 13363, 17520, 17520, 4672, 8702, 8, 1848, 443, 1139, 1322, 35049, 4548, 10616, 6651, 16093, 330, 14194, 35960, 8728, 4280, 17423, 36722, 367, 3329, 3003, 5642, 25876, 2949, 22031, 46683, 2949, 38795, 2350, 3481, 8160, 3003, 46981, 4827, 2, 187, 31, 42, 18621, 368, 8955, 285, 3597, 281, 7435, 634, 1682, 3331, 15, 1422, 452, 281, 2389, 479, 11654, 1024, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 2125, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 361, 27, 2537, 27, 1423, 642, 15, 1010, 36354, 27496, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 36354, 25654, 187, 5064, 1010, 746, 28943, 1610, 187, 38714, 4566, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 2125, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 361, 27, 2537, 27, 2945, 642, 15, 1010, 36354, 44037, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 47208, 35276, 187, 42, 717, 7016, 271, 251, 15, 16660, 505, 368, 452, 1633, 281, 3153, 323, 15, 309, 476, 626, 1014, 755, 247, 305, 71, 15, 309, 1353, 760, 1384, 1620, 1907, 247, 305, 71, 285, 309, 3543, 751, 309, 452, 2168, 25262, 619, 1495, 15, 7214, 2181, 326, 434, 7562, 479, 1469, 310, 1167, 265, 285, 9073, 8133, 16457, 896, 327, 3540, 15, 38658, 368, 271, 251, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 2125, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 361, 27, 2537, 27, 3208, 642, 15, 1010, 36354, 28927, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 36354, 25654, 187, 39, 11155, 790, 403, 253, 760, 581, 434, 665, 812, 2455, 2096, 441, 15, 18901, 1580, 2460, 19184, 3053, 25537, 347, 247, 4466, 275, 616, 1211, 987, 309, 1053, 626, 1158, 309, 812, 2455, 452, 247, 5875, 2954, 342, 247, 2622, 71, 356, 15, 187, 6300, 281, 1199, 8928, 3064, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 2125, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 361, 27, 1235, 27, 1762, 642, 15, 1010, 746, 29435, 1093, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 746, 25140, 1093, 187, 33443, 12835, 10739, 13, 1795, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 2125, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 361, 27, 1235, 27, 2945, 642, 15, 1010, 746, 29435, 1549, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 19631, 1093, 740, 187, 740, 16, 740, 295, 7193, 352, 9670, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 2125, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 361, 27, 3712, 27, 883, 642, 15, 1010, 36354, 33546, 27, 187, 40795, 626, 1158, 309, 1871, 923, 247, 260, 20683, 6293, 327, 1227, 4818, 16, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 2125, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 361, 27, 3712, 27, 3357, 642, 15, 1010, 746, 28333, 2031, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 47208, 34277, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 2125, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 361, 27, 3357, 27, 1867, 642, 15, 1010, 19332, 1549, 3208, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 19631, 1449, 3141, 187, 71, 1807, 436, 369, 619, 1029, 2143, 305, 71, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 2125, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 361, 27, 3439, 27, 520, 642, 15, 1010, 19332, 1549, 1438, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 48184, 18911, 187, 42, 2389, 368, 31338, 13, 309, 943, 1849, 644, 627, 323, 368, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 2125, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 361, 27, 3439, 27, 938, 642, 15, 1010, 43970, 11238, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 746, 1619, 19443, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 2125, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 361, 27, 2417, 27, 1706, 642, 15, 1010, 43970, 3031, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 42704, 17820, 187, 90, 554, 28763, 617, 34557, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 2125, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 361, 27, 2417, 27, 3208, 642, 15, 1010, 43970, 14256, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 36354, 28927, 187, 23918, 27459, 436, 310, 3686, 273, 2032, 15, 309, 816, 5262, 690, 673, 342, 2622, 71, 356, 3858, 11066, 285, 597, 1472, 247, 1533, 7419, 275, 247, 2257, 273, 4088, 15, 309, 476, 1335, 452, 1175, 16072, 285, 5017, 342, 731, 533, 627, 434, 247, 5799, 11394, 275, 690, 17730, 15, 187, 5064, 1010, 36354, 33546, 187, 5430, 1826, 15, 579, 187, 5064, 1010, 43970, 11238, 187, 2773, 434, 253, 1175, 10739, 187, 5064, 1010, 36354, 27496, 187, 5088, 326, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 2125, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 361, 27, 3208, 27, 3011, 642, 15, 1010, 43970, 19100, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 19332, 1549, 1438, 187, 10477, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 2125, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 361, 27, 3011, 27, 2031, 642, 15, 1010, 43970, 24070, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 42362, 13210, 187, 31, 2369, 4385, 327, 802, 86, 434, 260, 25826, 253, 270, 71, 187, 20, 16, 740, 1682, 309, 476, 513, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 2125, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 361, 27, 3046, 27, 1508, 642, 15, 1010, 19332, 1540, 3156, 27, 187, 83, 25, 619, 305, 71, 298, 6594, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 2125, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 520, 27, 361, 27, 1348, 642, 15, 1010, 19332, 2082, 746, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 746, 21645, 1717, 187, 9820, 4496, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 2125, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 520, 27, 361, 27, 3712, 642, 15, 1010, 19332, 2082, 3439, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 43970, 14256, 187, 31, 23918, 27459, 436, 310, 3686, 273, 2032, 15, 309, 816, 5262, 690, 673, 342, 2622, 71, 356, 3858, 11066, 285, 597, 1472, 247, 1533, 7419, 275, 247, 2257, 273, 4088, 15, 309, 476, 1335, 452, 1175, 16072, 285, 5017, 342, 731, 533, 627, 434, 247, 5799, 11394, 275, 690, 17730, 15, 187, 46587, 359, 1472, 1469, 281, 1908, 9361, 247, 5799, 952, 285, 5674, 15, 3010, 285, 625, 309, 1928, 247, 4466, 11394, 875, 479, 285, 12832, 4130, 665, 434, 417, 581, 273, 441, 15, 209, 187, 510, 271, 251, 38204, 11438, 275, 1384, 1107, 403, 1469, 281, 320, 4722, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 2125, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 520, 27, 2640, 27, 740, 642, 15, 1010, 43970, 31730, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 19332, 1540, 3156, 187, 740, 16, 740, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 2125, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 520, 27, 1762, 27, 740, 642, 15, 1010, 19332, 2358, 1449, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 19332, 1549, 1438, 187, 18412, 703, 4352, 407, 247, 6032, 6424, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 2125, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 520, 27, 1762, 27, 2405, 642, 15, 1010, 19332, 2358, 2090, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 49812, 20084, 187, 71, 1807, 745, 13, 1167, 265, 403, 1146, 6096, 15, 309, 1053, 626, 1557, 752, 634, 572, 23578, 1333, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 2125, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 520, 27, 2922, 27, 1867, 642, 15, 1010, 19332, 1967, 1348, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 19332, 2082, 3439, 187, 47, 1240, 15, 13529, 1524, 275, 2426, 273, 247, 5674, 588, 40405, 336, 1955, 281, 253, 3753, 273, 952, 1060, 15, 5220, 1908, 326, 952, 432, 512, 689, 253, 1533, 403, 1060, 15, 380, 4466, 327, 436, 2670, 310, 671, 2970, 247, 2257, 625, 21042, 342, 512, 253, 747, 71, 3544, 313, 783, 18864, 432, 253, 6132, 369, 33067, 6058, 10412, 582, 285, 6524, 5734, 627, 434, 690, 10412 ]
turn in a sks Anonymous 02/20/19(Wed)22:18:34 no.203877301: >>203877177 I'd recommend a Buck Tempest. Served me well for nearly a decade, now. Anonymous 02/20/19(Wed)22:19:21 no.203877393: >>203871104 *knives I only buy Condor and Bark River... Anonymous 02/20/19(Wed)22:19:22 no.203877396: Bitch made faggots. Anonymous 02/20/19(Wed)22:19:48 no.203877429: >>203877177 How about cold steel? Anonymous 02/20/19(Wed)22:20:57 no.203877537: >>203877301 I still have a few buck knives from the 80s. I've got my great grandfathers knives from the early 1900s. They are still the best knives in the house. Anonymous 02/20/19(Wed)22:21:12 no.203877554: >>203877429 Mostly good for memes. Anonymous 02/20/19(Wed)22:21:51 no.203877623: >>203871104 >Capitalism is bad They are getting paid for something that would be done anyways. What is the issue? Anonymous 02/20/19(Wed)22:23:22 no.203877778: >>203877177 I've been very happy with my Spyderco Paramilitary II as an EDC. It's really well sorted out for what it is. Anonymous 02/20/19(Wed)22:25:36 no.203877993: >>203877177 >not buying Case Anonymous 02/20/19(Wed)22:25:37 no.203877999: >>203877429 >cold steel Sure why not? Hell i have knives that the steel is so hard I've never been able to resharpen them (Benchmade ATS-34) and no one else has either. Must need some magic mojo that I don't have. As long as it hold a decent edge for a few weeks, fine by me. Hell I can shave with a Boy Scout knife, don't really need much more although I like the weight of Spydercos in ATS-55. Anonymous 02/20/19(Wed)22:25:48 no.203878016: >>203871104 >Cutting the sawing off a shotgun in front of the police Absolute madman! Anonymous 02/20/19(Wed)22:26:21 no.203878074: >>203877993 Lot's of good knifes out there. Anonymous 02/20/19(Wed)22:27:28 no.203878187: >>203871104 only one post...this is not a discussion its a shill Anonymous 02/20/19(Wed)22:30:06 no.203878453: >>203877177 breddy much, not that I was ever their target demo >>203877623 >being proud and bragging about it I would bake the cake, but I certainly wouldnt tell the world. Anonymous 02/20/19(Wed)22:31:09 no.203878557: Spyderco Master Race Anonymous 02/20/19(Wed)22:31:19 no.203878572: >>203878016 Speaking of, did they ever charge that lady who was running for office that cut an AR-15's barrel down on camera as a publicity stunt? Wouldn't have cycled on its own, but it still would have worked as a straight-pull bolt-action. Anonymous 02/20/19(Wed)22:32:40 no.203878701: >>203877999 I EDC'd a Ti-lite for several years. Loved it's versatility and use as a kubaton. AUS-8 steel wasn't the best, but I still enjoyed carrying the knife. The only Cold Steel knife I still own is a Pocket Bushman. Anonymous 02/20/19(Wed)22:32:48 no.203878716: I own a 551 Griptilian, 162 Bushcrafter, Saddle Mtn Skinner, and a Puukko. Benchmade rules! Those guns were gonna be destroyed either harm in helping the cops. Anonymous 02/20/19(Wed)22:33:10 no.203878751: >>203871104 All you vain fools studied the gun, while we happy few studied the blade. Our time is now. Anonymous 02/20/19(Wed)22:36:51 no.203879097: >>203877623 Supply and demand is also part of capitalism. How many places do you think have high-capacity steel cutting/grinding equipment that could destroy multiple guns in a short period of time? Not very many. You can't just walk into any corner store and have this done, it's a specialized service. Suppose there are 3 places in an area that can do it, but 2 refuse outright, leaving the 3rd to charge an exorbitant sum. That frustrates police efforts, drains whatever public money was allocated for this, and overall allows the police to buy back fewer guns. Anonymous 02/20/19(Wed)22:37:05 no.203879116: >>203878701 Yeah I'm not nutty about which steel although I HATE knives that are hard to sharpen. If I can't shave with it after a simple wetstone, it's too much work for me. Seems in my childhood all the knives sharpened easier. Probably softer steel. Seems like you need a degree in knife sharpening now for some knives. Hell my Grandfather's WWII Kbar sharpens right up really easily with just and old piece of junk whetstone. Although i do admire the people that can go through the whole process to get a hard steel razor sharp. Better men than me lol Anonymous 02/20/19(Wed)22:38:49 no.203879267: Spyderco all the way. You cant beat 1000x folded japanese steel. Anonymous 02/20/19(Wed)22:39:03 no.203879282: >>203871104 Definitely won't be buying a benchmade now Anonymous 02/20/19(Wed)22:40:12 no.203879375: >>203879116 Agreed. My in the field knives are all 1075, 1095. I have one CPM-S30V Anonymous 02/20/19(Wed)22:41:46 no.203879517: >>203871104 They have a nigger on their webpage grinding a knife, or inspecting one. They're overpriced knives too. Anonymous 02/20/19(Wed)22:43:38 no.203879681: >>203878701 >Ti-Lite Great knife (the 4" that is. I think the 6" is goofy). I've got both an AUS-8 and XHP; I really haven't noticed any difference, outside of XHP being a little harder to sharpen. Anonymous 02/20/19(Wed)22:44:08 no.203879728: >>203877177 I carry a Böker but don’t know how cucked they are. Anonymous 02/20/19(Wed)22:44:31 no.203879766: >>203878751 >not training with both >not training archery as well Enjoy being outclassed by well rounded warriors like me who can readily adapt to any combat situation. Anonymous 02/20/19(Wed)22:46:25 no.203879928: >Be knife company >Support gun destruction >Gun owners have to switch to knives >How convenient >Make massive profit selling knives OMG I JUST FIGURED OUT THEIR MASTER PLAN! SPREAD THIS! Anonymous 02/20/19(Wed)22:47:46 no.203880051: >>203879097 That's why they often take confiscated guns (ie criminal, poaching, etc) and throw them into the new foundation of a house. Confiscated guns have to be destroyed. Anonymous 02/20/19(Wed)22:48:02 no.203880075: >>203871104 CLAIM: >They are under the thumb of the Oregon police FACT 1: Oregon is a state, and there is no such thing as the "Oregon Police" FACT 2: The article clearly references "Oregon City Police", because Oregon City is a municipality. CONCLUSION: OP is a faggot Anonymous 02/20/19(Wed)
[ 1614, 275, 247, 256, 661, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 938, 16, 746, 9, 21091, 10, 1423, 27, 1093, 27, 1706, 642, 15, 938, 1839, 2357, 17615, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1839, 2357, 15907, 187, 42, 1871, 5583, 247, 18885, 40708, 383, 15, 322, 4994, 479, 973, 323, 4829, 247, 9976, 13, 1024, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 938, 16, 746, 9, 21091, 10, 1423, 27, 746, 27, 1797, 642, 15, 938, 1839, 2357, 29360, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1839, 3677, 11238, 187, 11, 3696, 1644, 187, 42, 760, 4489, 12776, 263, 285, 46548, 7121, 1051, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 938, 16, 746, 9, 21091, 10, 1423, 27, 746, 27, 1423, 642, 15, 938, 1839, 2357, 24698, 27, 187, 35, 2682, 1160, 269, 13046, 1502, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 938, 16, 746, 9, 21091, 10, 1423, 27, 746, 27, 2385, 642, 15, 938, 1839, 30715, 1717, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1839, 2357, 15907, 187, 2347, 670, 5412, 10194, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 938, 16, 746, 9, 21091, 10, 1423, 27, 938, 27, 3011, 642, 15, 938, 25745, 1976, 1787, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1839, 2357, 17615, 187, 42, 1335, 452, 247, 1643, 12433, 36014, 432, 253, 5096, 84, 15, 187, 42, 1849, 1694, 619, 1270, 21507, 84, 36014, 432, 253, 2393, 24810, 84, 15, 1583, 403, 1335, 253, 1682, 36014, 275, 253, 2419, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 938, 16, 746, 9, 21091, 10, 1423, 27, 1797, 27, 805, 642, 15, 938, 25745, 49565, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1839, 30715, 1717, 187, 10342, 314, 1175, 323, 1167, 265, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 938, 16, 746, 9, 21091, 10, 1423, 27, 1797, 27, 3712, 642, 15, 938, 1839, 32332, 1508, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1839, 3677, 11238, 187, 31, 15614, 1562, 1204, 310, 3076, 187, 3726, 403, 2970, 5087, 323, 1633, 326, 651, 320, 2218, 667, 1576, 15, 1737, 310, 253, 2523, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 938, 16, 746, 9, 21091, 10, 1423, 27, 1508, 27, 1423, 642, 15, 938, 1839, 2357, 33505, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1839, 2357, 15907, 187, 42, 1849, 644, 1077, 5211, 342, 619, 48156, 491, 1940, 2956, 34206, 3516, 3719, 347, 271, 8360, 36, 15, 733, 434, 1663, 973, 20045, 562, 323, 752, 352, 310, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 938, 16, 746, 9, 21091, 10, 1423, 27, 1099, 27, 1812, 642, 15, 938, 1839, 2357, 35410, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1839, 2357, 15907, 187, 31, 1439, 11280, 10498, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 938, 16, 746, 9, 21091, 10, 1423, 27, 1099, 27, 1787, 642, 15, 938, 1839, 2357, 16742, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1839, 30715, 1717, 187, 31, 32538, 10194, 187, 17833, 2139, 417, 3736, 187, 39312, 891, 452, 36014, 326, 253, 10194, 310, 594, 1892, 309, 1849, 1620, 644, 2104, 281, 501, 9432, 3878, 731, 313, 35, 15152, 12710, 4915, 52, 14, 1706, 10, 285, 642, 581, 2010, 556, 2057, 15, 19680, 878, 690, 10721, 5497, 5309, 326, 309, 1053, 626, 452, 15, 1284, 1048, 347, 352, 2186, 247, 12524, 5024, 323, 247, 1643, 3618, 13, 4030, 407, 479, 15, 17358, 309, 476, 439, 1123, 342, 247, 12143, 42307, 12798, 13, 1053, 626, 1663, 878, 1199, 625, 3738, 309, 751, 253, 2801, 273, 48156, 491, 4752, 275, 4915, 52, 14, 2417, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 938, 16, 746, 9, 21091, 10, 1423, 27, 1099, 27, 2385, 642, 15, 938, 1839, 3141, 11718, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1839, 3677, 11238, 187, 31, 28512, 1076, 253, 3047, 272, 745, 247, 35694, 275, 2914, 273, 253, 3513, 187, 49805, 10279, 1342, 2, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 938, 16, 746, 9, 21091, 10, 1423, 27, 1731, 27, 1797, 642, 15, 938, 25745, 1438, 3566, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1839, 2357, 35410, 187, 45, 302, 434, 273, 1175, 694, 338, 265, 562, 627, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 938, 16, 746, 9, 21091, 10, 1423, 27, 1630, 27, 1619, 642, 15, 938, 1839, 3141, 17306, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1839, 3677, 11238, 187, 7483, 581, 1501, 1051, 2520, 310, 417, 247, 5955, 697, 247, 439, 408, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 938, 16, 746, 9, 21091, 10, 1423, 27, 1229, 27, 3071, 642, 15, 938, 1839, 3141, 31213, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1839, 2357, 15907, 187, 29252, 6421, 1199, 13, 417, 326, 309, 369, 2455, 616, 2303, 22020, 187, 5064, 938, 1839, 32332, 1508, 187, 31, 11952, 9979, 285, 1308, 29191, 670, 352, 209, 187, 42, 651, 32413, 253, 15221, 13, 533, 309, 5604, 651, 2649, 2028, 253, 1533, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 938, 16, 746, 9, 21091, 10, 1423, 27, 2405, 27, 2693, 642, 15, 938, 25745, 2227, 3011, 27, 187, 52, 4789, 491, 1940, 10718, 23752, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 938, 16, 746, 9, 21091, 10, 1423, 27, 2405, 27, 746, 642, 15, 938, 25745, 2227, 3547, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1839, 3141, 11718, 187, 28326, 273, 13, 858, 597, 2455, 4179, 326, 10692, 665, 369, 3515, 323, 3906, 326, 2624, 271, 6647, 14, 1010, 434, 15474, 1066, 327, 6568, 347, 247, 29957, 47765, 32, 187, 17304, 79, 626, 452, 6776, 264, 327, 697, 1211, 13, 533, 352, 1335, 651, 452, 4307, 347, 247, 4951, 14, 23290, 22491, 14, 1913, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 938, 16, 746, 9, 21091, 10, 1423, 27, 1237, 27, 1449, 642, 15, 938, 25745, 2597, 520, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1839, 2357, 16742, 187, 42, 8360, 36, 1871, 247, 15984, 14, 46788, 323, 2067, 1107, 15, 418, 3149, 352, 434, 49607, 285, 897, 347, 247, 465, 538, 13078, 15, 329, 3016, 14, 25, 10194, 3589, 626, 253, 1682, 13, 533, 309, 1335, 11346, 8785, 253, 12798, 15, 380, 760, 20754, 19727, 12798, 309, 1335, 1211, 310, 247, 367, 5156, 11301, 1342, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 938, 16, 746, 9, 21091, 10, 1423, 27, 1237, 27, 2385, 642, 15, 938, 25745, 2597, 1036, 27, 187, 42, 1211, 247, 47319, 443, 1122, 38515, 13, 23094, 11301, 33205, 699, 13, 322, 17014, 353, 14543, 8229, 5338, 13, 285, 247, 14902, 2788, 7381, 15, 209, 187, 35, 15152, 12710, 4803, 2, 209, 187, 15745, 11942, 497, 6501, 320, 11069, 2057, 1039, 1051, 2369, 5237, 275, 9073, 253, 23247, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 938, 16, 746, 9, 21091, 10, 1423, 27, 1610, 27, 740, 642, 15, 938, 1839, 3141, 37950, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1839, 3677, 11238, 187, 3074, 368, 23732, 47948, 5421, 253, 5654, 13, 1223, 359, 5211, 1643, 5421, 253, 15096, 15, 3824, 673, 310, 1024, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 938, 16, 746, 9, 21091, 10, 1423, 27, 1812, 27, 3712, 642, 15, 938, 25745, 2270, 4148, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1839, 32332, 1508, 187, 40429, 285, 4831, 310, 671, 629, 273, 24846, 15, 209, 187, 2347, 1142, 5053, 513, 368, 1158, 452, 1029, 14, 37473, 10194, 9968, 16, 737, 3087, 6500, 326, 812, 6909, 2709, 11942, 275, 247, 2159, 2180, 273, 673, 32, 3105, 1077, 1142, 15, 1422, 476, 626, 816, 2940, 715, 667, 7145, 4657, 285, 452, 436, 2218, 13, 352, 434, 247, 18052, 2579, 15, 209, 187, 4140, 627, 403, 495, 5053, 275, 271, 2170, 326, 476, 513, 352, 13, 533, 374, 16410, 30227, 13, 6108, 253, 495, 5784, 281, 4179, 271, 385, 30339, 386, 2020, 15, 2064, 15052, 684, 3513, 6031, 13, 6536, 968, 5913, 1345, 2583, 369, 18564, 323, 436, 13, 285, 4583, 4483, 253, 3513, 281, 4489, 896, 11184, 11942, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 938, 16, 746, 9, 21091, 10, 1423, 27, 1787, 27, 1762, 642, 15, 938, 1839, 2787, 13210, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 25745, 2597, 520, 187, 6506, 309, 1353, 417, 5825, 555, 670, 534, 10194, 3738, 309, 388, 4966, 36014, 326, 403, 1892, 281, 17614, 3878, 15, 1310, 309, 476, 626, 439, 1123, 342, 352, 846, 247, 2969, 9685, 10228, 13, 352, 434, 1512, 1199, 789, 323, 479, 15, 50140, 275, 619, 11948, 512, 253, 36014, 9479, 2348, 6927, 15, 27692, 44108, 10194, 15, 187, 3251, 3030, 751, 368, 878, 247, 4248, 275, 12798, 9479, 2980, 1024, 323, 690, 36014, 15, 17358, 619, 8481, 13453, 434, 23556, 2267, 611, 2009, 9479, 561, 987, 598, 1663, 4354, 342, 816, 285, 1711, 5313, 273, 26246, 488, 85, 10228, 15, 187, 8430, 891, 513, 26930, 253, 952, 326, 476, 564, 949, 253, 2644, 1232, 281, 755, 247, 1892, 10194, 41823, 9479, 15, 23526, 1821, 685, 479, 23385, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 938, 16, 746, 9, 21091, 10, 1423, 27, 1839, 27, 2537, 642, 15, 938, 1839, 2787, 23546, 27, 187, 52, 4789, 491, 1940, 512, 253, 1039, 15, 1422, 16216, 7171, 9098, 89, 20618, 480, 3682, 3248, 10194, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 938, 16, 746, 9, 21091, 10, 1423, 27, 1867, 27, 2941, 642, 15, 938, 1839, 2787, 28899, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1839, 3677, 11238, 187, 4612, 16107, 1912, 626, 320, 11280, 247, 10955, 12710, 1024, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 938, 16, 746, 9, 21091, 10, 1423, 27, 1449, 27, 805, 642, 15, 938, 1839, 2787, 17820, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1839, 2787, 13210, 187, 8903, 22767, 15, 2752, 275, 253, 1673, 36014, 403, 512, 884, 1976, 13, 884, 2222, 15, 309, 452, 581, 330, 9122, 14, 52, 1229, 55, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 938, 16, 746, 9, 21091, 10, 1423, 27, 3156, 27, 2950, 642, 15, 938, 25745, 2222, 1166, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1839, 3677, 11238, 187, 3726, 452, 247, 295, 16046, 327, 616, 42498, 33046, 247, 12798, 13, 390, 16030, 272, 581, 15, 187, 3726, 1472, 689, 49972, 36014, 1512, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 938, 16, 746, 9, 21091, 10, 1423, 27, 3079, 27, 1839, 642, 15, 938, 1839, 2787, 33304, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 25745, 2597, 520, 187, 31, 23976, 14, 45, 614, 187, 15611, 12798, 313, 783, 577, 3, 326, 310, 15, 309, 1158, 253, 721, 3, 310, 564, 1171, 90, 481, 187, 42, 1849, 1694, 1097, 271, 329, 3016, 14, 25, 285, 1594, 18582, 28, 309, 1663, 6468, 626, 8344, 667, 3064, 13, 3345, 273, 1594, 18582, 1146, 247, 1652, 12150, 281, 17614, 3878, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 938, 16, 746, 9, 21091, 10, 1423, 27, 2031, 27, 2904, 642, 15, 938, 1839, 35304, 1619, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1839, 2357, 15907, 187, 42, 4459, 247, 378, 2381, 6426, 533, 1053, 457, 85, 871, 849, 260, 20044, 597, 403, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 938, 16, 746, 9, 21091, 10, 1423, 27, 2031, 27, 2405, 642, 15, 938, 1839, 35304, 2526, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1839, 3141, 37950, 187, 31, 1439, 3733, 342, 1097, 187, 31, 1439, 3733, 549, 5316, 90, 347, 973, 187, 45772, 1146, 562, 2437, 264, 407, 973, 9971, 29353, 751, 479, 665, 476, 12450, 5223, 281, 667, 11757, 4112, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 938, 16, 746, 9, 21091, 10, 1423, 27, 2950, 27, 1099, 642, 15, 938, 25745, 1525, 1619, 27, 187, 31, 4678, 12798, 2567, 187, 31, 22032, 5654, 12536, 187, 31, 48182, 9891, 452, 281, 5234, 281, 36014, 187, 31, 2347, 11638, 187, 31, 13325, 7863, 11528, 10156, 36014, 187, 2277, 40, 309, 28509, 7705, 3322, 1703, 16341, 3003, 3027, 6908, 30883, 11188, 1539, 2, 9975, 13587, 10113, 2, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 938, 16, 746, 9, 21091, 10, 1423, 27, 2504, 27, 2950, 642, 15, 938, 1839, 10695, 3712, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 25745, 2270, 4148, 187, 2773, 434, 2139, 597, 2223, 1379, 38509, 456, 11942, 313, 466, 6424, 13, 2963, 5250, 13, 3966, 10, 285, 4710, 731, 715, 253, 747, 12153, 273, 247, 2419, 15, 11204, 2865, 456, 11942, 452, 281, 320, 11069, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 938, 16, 746, 9, 21091, 10, 1423, 27, 2385, 27, 2640, 642, 15, 938, 1839, 10695, 1976, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 1839, 3677, 11238, 187, 35772, 27, 187, 31, 3726, 403, 762, 253, 17300, 273, 253, 15427, 3513, 187, 5377, 1647, 337, 27, 187, 48, 14467, 310, 247, 1375, 13, 285, 627, 310, 642, 824, 2181, 347, 253, 346, 48, 14467, 9651, 3, 209, 187, 5377, 1647, 374, 27, 209, 187, 510, 3929, 4518, 10414, 346, 48, 14467, 3228, 9651, 995, 984, 15427, 3228, 310, 247, 24530, 15, 209, 187, 5707, 32200, 27, 13664, 310, 247, 269, 13046, 302, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 938, 16, 746, 9, 21091, 10 ]
build a house, or do any work. You don’t own anything, it’s all “tribal land” which gets used in the manner that the tribal council seems fit. The Lumbee Indians were never federally recognized and had to integrate with main stream culture. They have become very prosperous in the Carolinas where they are from, probably have their own issues but not to the degree that occurs on reservations. Anonymous 09/09/18(Sun)23:43:32 no.185192948: >>185192081 based reindeer-herder Anonymous 09/09/18(Sun)23:50:20 no.185193511: >>185192063 more free gibs for staying on the res Anonymous 09/09/18(Sun)23:51:29 no.185193609: >>185192948 Getting drunk tonight because I took tomorrow off. The granddaughter of this Veps-speaker named Liita who was such a joy to met and record singing a Veps lullaby emailed me to say Liita had passed at the age of 98. That woman insisted on making us bread when we visited and was overjoyed people wanted to hear her sing and tell stories of her youth. She was so cheerful. I'm actually heart broken at her death. Anonymous 09/09/18(Sun)23:52:51 no.185193729: >>185192063 >China- or Korea-Town This is America, Ahmed. They can live wherever they’d like. Anonymous 09/09/18(Sun)23:53:42 no.185193800: >>185191646 >Does anyone have a problem with Indian reservations? Never been to one, but if their anything like the Amish then they deserve to burn. Fuck those straw-hatted retards, refusing to utilize more efficient agricultural methods; we should tax them. Anonymous 09/09/18(Sun)23:54:10 no.185193833: >>185193729 I meant they create a city-quarter to stay together as a community. Anonymous 09/10/18(Mon)00:02:21 no.185194504: >>185193609 > That woman insisted on making us bread when we visited and was overjoyed people wanted to hear her sing and tell stories of her youth. She was so cheerful. I know a few people through university who record and research the last speakers of Unserdeutsch, the only pidgin language of German, spoken in New Guinea, with less than 80 speakers left and less than 10 who speak it well. They are truly happy that people care to preserve their language and stories. >I'm actually heart broken at her death. I feel you.... Anonymous 09/10/18(Mon)00:09:47 no.185195069: >>185194504 We are desperately trying to contact Ter speakers. Russia keeps barring us from setting up a meet with any of them because the Kola Peninsula is a military district(?) and the last two Ter speakers we know of are in a restricted city. Anonymous 09/10/18(Mon)00:11:10 no.185195173: >>185192582 >Lumbee Indians It's tough sifting through the bullshit on this site, but I do learn things from time to time. Thanks, anon. Our Reservations in Canada are simply staging point for raids on whites now. It is totally out of control. They take my taxes, and then subsidize the breeding and welfare of Indians. Then, when (if) they get caught, they get a lighter sentence than non Indians (see Gladue Report, below). We used to have an 'ilegal' pass system to keep them under control, but no more. e_report system_(Canadian_history) Anonymous 09/10/18(Mon)00:17:25 no.185195725: >>185195069 why does Russia care if UNESCO talks to 2 90-year-old indigenous people? Fucking retarded. Anonymous 09/10/18(Mon)00:18:08 no.185195788: Send it back to the stone age Anonymous 09/10/18(Mon)00:22:55 no.185196194: >>185191646 Yes. The rez system must be destroyed and Indians fully assimilated. t. Half-breed Anonymous 09/10/18(Mon)00:24:16 no.185196300: >>185192491 like your vets after vietnam? Anonymous 09/10/18(Mon)00:25:59 no.185196440: >>185191646 Redman here - the res fucking blows. Everyone would have been better off if there were no reservations. On the one I spent the most time in, you could walk from one end to the other and never touch ground - just walk on the beer cans etc. Nothing but alcoholics, drug addicts, and suicide. Anonymous 09/10/18(Mon)00:28:09 no.185196625: >>185196440 How did your family escape that fate, anon? Maybe there is a lesson there. Anonymous 09/10/18(Mon)00:29:53 no.185196756: >>185191646 You left out car theft, rape, welfare fraud, fetal-alchohol syndrome, and home robberies. Anonymous 09/10/18(Mon)00:30:48 no.185196834: >>185196625 Ancestors fled to Canada during the removals, then came back after about a decade later and settled with the whites. Integration breeds prosperity, even if it is tantamount to admitting defeat. (We did actually lose, so... yeah) Anonymous 09/10/18(Mon)00:32:01 no.185196940: >>185195725 Putin loves killing non-Russian speakers. Anonymous 09/10/18(Mon)00:32:17 no.185196969: >>185193800 >hating based Amish I smell a dirty new jersey/yorker Anonymous 09/10/18(Mon)00:34:31 no.185197145: >>185196440 Hey Redman, why are you former great warriors so prone to alcoholism, your relatives below the Rio Grande aren't drunk on Tequila 24/7? Why not drugs, heroin, crack like the blacks? What's your best guess why your people are so susceptible by alcohol? Anonymous 09/10/18(Mon)00:35:34 no.185197229: >>185191646 Not a problem but I do have reservations Anonymous 09/10/18(Mon)00:41:20 no.185197676: >>185197145 Missing some of the enzymes to process it in a few tribes, the rest - alcohol was a common trade good on the frontier (along with coffee, flour, sugar and fatback), and the northern natives had no culture of drinking alcohol. So, rather than drinking a little, they'd drink to excess. Plenty of chieftains traded their entire tribe's land for whisky etc. In more modern times, all sorts of drugs are common, not just alcohol. Reservation life is so depressing, there's not much else to do but drink, fuck or shoot up. South of the deserts are a completely different culture... They had alcohol already, as well as human sacrifice lol what a wonderful bunch of people. Anonymous 09/10/18(Mon)00:44:03 no.185197905: I despise Indians, they are legitimately subhuman, it would be better if they were extinct. Anonymous 09/10/18(Mon)00:46:01 no.185198071: >>185196834 I am glad to hear you didn't share that fate. I don't know about US reservations, but the Canadian ones I have seen...well I can't believe that system was made by 'Christians'. Anonymous 09/10/18(Mon)00:50:44 no.185198445: >>185197676 >Missing some of the enzymes to process it in a few tribes Very interesting, basically like the Irish. If you took over your ex reservation how much would it cost in bribes to set up a casino? Anonymous 09/10/18(Mon)00:52:47 no.185198633: >>185198071 I still have some family up in Canada on one of your 'first nations'. Honestly, the British empire treated Indians better than the Americans did, and look at the result. Canadian Indians still seem to have some sense of resistance to the state once in a while, while down here that pretty much died out (with a few major exceptions). That stuff doesn't make anyone's life any better, though. The schools happened down here, too, but so many of the eastern Indians were already either dead, shipped west or interbred before the 20th century, and the western ones just live in isolated poverty, so... Nobody really cared much I guess. In
[ 1973, 247, 2419, 13, 390, 513, 667, 789, 15, 187, 1394, 1053, 457, 85, 1211, 2712, 13, 352, 457, 84, 512, 773, 85, 725, 267, 2659, 668, 534, 4850, 908, 275, 253, 5133, 326, 253, 26903, 12265, 3133, 4944, 15, 187, 510, 36652, 28700, 16869, 497, 1620, 46381, 595, 7478, 285, 574, 281, 19837, 342, 2022, 5542, 4466, 15, 1583, 452, 2489, 1077, 47058, 275, 253, 7618, 32121, 835, 597, 403, 432, 13, 3164, 452, 616, 1211, 3374, 533, 417, 281, 253, 4248, 326, 6634, 327, 33196, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 2693, 16, 1093, 9, 14594, 10, 1508, 27, 3079, 27, 1237, 642, 15, 17786, 746, 1717, 2385, 27, 187, 5064, 17786, 39134, 3593, 187, 3169, 294, 25313, 254, 14, 379, 491, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 2693, 16, 1093, 9, 14594, 10, 1508, 27, 1235, 27, 938, 642, 15, 17786, 47208, 883, 27, 187, 5064, 17786, 39134, 3571, 187, 3062, 1959, 33342, 84, 323, 14596, 327, 253, 501, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 2693, 16, 1093, 9, 14594, 10, 1508, 27, 3712, 27, 1717, 642, 15, 17786, 746, 16587, 26, 27, 187, 5064, 17786, 746, 1717, 2385, 187, 27347, 17507, 11608, 984, 309, 2335, 10873, 745, 15, 380, 4936, 33475, 273, 436, 657, 2265, 14, 9293, 4584, 4907, 8182, 5741, 665, 369, 824, 247, 11010, 281, 1313, 285, 1924, 16115, 247, 657, 2265, 298, 962, 19699, 48325, 479, 281, 1333, 8182, 5741, 574, 4817, 387, 253, 2363, 273, 10508, 15, 2064, 3416, 16701, 327, 2403, 441, 10238, 672, 359, 11580, 285, 369, 689, 3881, 264, 952, 3078, 281, 4089, 617, 1625, 285, 2028, 6281, 273, 617, 8920, 15, 1500, 369, 594, 39567, 15, 209, 187, 42, 1353, 2686, 2798, 7154, 387, 617, 2471, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 2693, 16, 1093, 9, 14594, 10, 1508, 27, 3583, 27, 3712, 642, 15, 17786, 45750, 1717, 27, 187, 5064, 17786, 39134, 3571, 187, 31, 22800, 14, 390, 9733, 14, 37261, 187, 1552, 310, 3968, 13, 32787, 15, 1583, 476, 3153, 20312, 597, 457, 69, 751, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 2693, 16, 1093, 9, 14594, 10, 1508, 27, 3357, 27, 2945, 642, 15, 17786, 44611, 361, 27, 187, 5064, 17786, 746, 1036, 2950, 187, 31, 10795, 3780, 452, 247, 1895, 342, 5396, 33196, 32, 187, 15751, 644, 281, 581, 13, 533, 604, 616, 2712, 751, 253, 3052, 763, 840, 597, 17337, 281, 5451, 15, 187, 30368, 1110, 17844, 14, 700, 8659, 851, 2196, 13, 21455, 281, 16584, 625, 5919, 17340, 3082, 28, 359, 943, 2891, 731, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 2693, 16, 1093, 9, 14594, 10, 1508, 27, 3439, 27, 740, 642, 15, 17786, 44611, 1610, 27, 187, 5064, 17786, 45750, 1717, 187, 42, 5486, 597, 2794, 247, 2846, 14, 35443, 281, 3297, 2366, 347, 247, 3114, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 361, 27, 2640, 27, 1797, 642, 15, 17786, 746, 15645, 21, 27, 187, 5064, 17786, 746, 16587, 26, 187, 31, 2064, 3416, 16701, 327, 2403, 441, 10238, 672, 359, 11580, 285, 369, 689, 3881, 264, 952, 3078, 281, 4089, 617, 1625, 285, 2028, 6281, 273, 617, 8920, 15, 1500, 369, 594, 39567, 15, 209, 187, 42, 871, 247, 1643, 952, 949, 9835, 665, 1924, 285, 2561, 253, 1390, 17999, 273, 914, 2152, 615, 307, 10629, 13, 253, 760, 33786, 6058, 3448, 273, 5685, 13, 13452, 275, 1457, 34410, 13, 342, 1679, 685, 5096, 17999, 1669, 285, 1679, 685, 884, 665, 3984, 352, 973, 15, 1583, 403, 7777, 5211, 326, 952, 1557, 281, 14003, 616, 3448, 285, 6281, 15, 187, 31, 42, 1353, 2686, 2798, 7154, 387, 617, 2471, 15, 187, 42, 1928, 368, 2391, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 361, 27, 2693, 27, 2504, 642, 15, 17786, 32522, 2090, 27, 187, 5064, 17786, 746, 15645, 21, 187, 1231, 403, 26426, 2820, 281, 3057, 12324, 17999, 15, 7422, 11359, 2534, 804, 441, 432, 4758, 598, 247, 2525, 342, 667, 273, 731, 984, 253, 611, 6836, 33489, 310, 247, 4668, 3286, 9, 14677, 285, 253, 1390, 767, 12324, 17999, 359, 871, 273, 403, 275, 247, 11096, 2846, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 361, 27, 883, 27, 740, 642, 15, 17786, 17726, 21151, 27, 187, 5064, 17786, 746, 1099, 3507, 187, 31, 45, 360, 28700, 16869, 187, 1147, 434, 10458, 256, 12545, 949, 253, 35281, 327, 436, 2670, 13, 533, 309, 513, 3037, 1841, 432, 673, 281, 673, 15, 9375, 13, 271, 251, 15, 187, 6067, 2213, 677, 569, 275, 6144, 403, 3365, 28727, 1127, 323, 39395, 327, 19991, 1024, 15, 733, 310, 9106, 562, 273, 1453, 15, 1583, 1379, 619, 10474, 13, 285, 840, 14761, 907, 253, 19050, 285, 15519, 273, 16869, 15, 2635, 13, 672, 313, 338, 10, 597, 755, 7270, 13, 597, 755, 247, 21259, 6197, 685, 1327, 16869, 313, 2887, 36977, 489, 10840, 13, 2708, 481, 844, 908, 281, 452, 271, 686, 587, 9896, 8, 1509, 985, 281, 1978, 731, 762, 1453, 13, 533, 642, 625, 15, 187, 3614, 1358, 257, 15, 25842, 15, 2061, 16, 16123, 16, 9030, 324, 86, 187, 70, 64, 16223, 187, 3614, 1358, 257, 15, 25842, 15, 2061, 16, 16123, 16, 12161, 64, 187, 10394, 18284, 31478, 64, 22328, 10, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 361, 27, 1166, 27, 1099, 642, 15, 17786, 35364, 1099, 27, 187, 5064, 17786, 32522, 2090, 187, 22309, 1057, 7422, 1557, 604, 7379, 1410, 5915, 12088, 281, 374, 5091, 14, 2913, 14, 744, 24984, 952, 32, 187, 39, 25826, 48101, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 361, 27, 1093, 27, 2904, 642, 15, 17786, 35364, 2055, 27, 187, 19907, 352, 896, 281, 253, 8805, 2363, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 361, 27, 1423, 27, 2417, 642, 15, 17786, 19196, 19332, 27, 187, 5064, 17786, 746, 1036, 2950, 187, 4374, 15, 380, 294, 91, 985, 1364, 320, 11069, 285, 16869, 4751, 26030, 31718, 15, 187, 85, 15, 23177, 14, 3381, 264, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 361, 27, 1348, 27, 1036, 642, 15, 17786, 30488, 361, 27, 187, 5064, 17786, 746, 1348, 4739, 187, 3022, 634, 362, 1507, 846, 2177, 292, 6292, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 361, 27, 1099, 27, 3046, 642, 15, 17786, 29639, 1449, 27, 187, 5064, 17786, 746, 1036, 2950, 187, 10252, 1342, 1060, 428, 253, 501, 12835, 31033, 15, 17814, 651, 452, 644, 1805, 745, 604, 627, 497, 642, 33196, 15, 1623, 253, 581, 309, 5262, 253, 954, 673, 275, 13, 368, 812, 2940, 432, 581, 990, 281, 253, 643, 285, 1620, 5181, 3216, 428, 816, 2940, 327, 253, 10562, 34208, 3966, 15, 13529, 533, 7665, 982, 13, 2854, 26716, 84, 13, 285, 13184, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 361, 27, 1619, 27, 2693, 642, 15, 17786, 28355, 1099, 27, 187, 5064, 17786, 29639, 1449, 187, 2347, 858, 634, 2021, 8773, 326, 13742, 13, 271, 251, 32, 8948, 627, 310, 247, 16507, 627, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 361, 27, 1717, 27, 3357, 642, 15, 17786, 19196, 28703, 27, 187, 5064, 17786, 746, 1036, 2950, 187, 1394, 1669, 562, 1113, 19610, 13, 16773, 13, 15519, 9116, 13, 16728, 14, 267, 348, 1368, 311, 9237, 13, 285, 1728, 42012, 447, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 361, 27, 1229, 27, 2385, 642, 15, 17786, 25929, 1706, 27, 187, 5064, 17786, 28355, 1099, 187, 1145, 68, 383, 641, 18436, 281, 6144, 1309, 253, 5326, 932, 13, 840, 2210, 896, 846, 670, 247, 9976, 1996, 285, 11371, 342, 253, 19991, 15, 43309, 35328, 30391, 13, 1014, 604, 352, 310, 22602, 19581, 281, 28168, 13313, 15, 313, 1231, 858, 2686, 7168, 13, 594, 1051, 10902, 10, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 361, 27, 1237, 27, 520, 642, 15, 17786, 25892, 1449, 27, 187, 5064, 17786, 35364, 1099, 187, 12501, 249, 14528, 9811, 1327, 14, 27397, 17999, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 361, 27, 1237, 27, 1166, 642, 15, 17786, 25892, 2090, 27, 187, 5064, 17786, 44611, 361, 187, 31, 700, 272, 1754, 3052, 763, 209, 187, 42, 13624, 247, 16076, 747, 42896, 16, 90, 1064, 254, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 361, 27, 1706, 27, 2405, 642, 15, 17786, 18493, 11838, 27, 187, 5064, 17786, 29639, 1449, 187, 8262, 4410, 1342, 13, 2139, 403, 368, 3438, 1270, 29353, 594, 21291, 281, 7665, 1204, 13, 634, 17772, 2708, 253, 22319, 35896, 6403, 626, 17507, 327, 308, 2655, 8807, 2164, 16, 24, 32, 209, 187, 4967, 417, 5835, 13, 29575, 13, 9370, 751, 253, 26769, 32, 187, 1276, 434, 634, 1682, 5476, 2139, 634, 952, 403, 594, 16931, 407, 7665, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 361, 27, 1671, 27, 1706, 642, 15, 17786, 18493, 17107, 27, 187, 5064, 17786, 746, 1036, 2950, 187, 3650, 247, 1895, 533, 309, 513, 452, 33196, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 361, 27, 3156, 27, 938, 642, 15, 17786, 18493, 29462, 27, 187, 5064, 17786, 18493, 11838, 187, 36840, 690, 273, 253, 12807, 281, 1232, 352, 275, 247, 1643, 23206, 13, 253, 1551, 428, 7665, 369, 247, 1846, 5454, 1175, 327, 253, 34642, 313, 28694, 342, 8574, 13, 12274, 13, 8618, 285, 4688, 2135, 582, 285, 253, 11186, 38646, 574, 642, 4466, 273, 10678, 7665, 15, 1893, 13, 2581, 685, 10678, 247, 1652, 13, 597, 1871, 5484, 281, 6714, 15, 1847, 4108, 273, 448, 466, 649, 1550, 24191, 616, 2862, 22184, 434, 2659, 323, 22445, 90, 3966, 15, 496, 625, 4980, 2069, 13, 512, 16308, 273, 5835, 403, 1846, 13, 417, 816, 7665, 15, 2213, 21752, 1495, 310, 594, 47517, 13, 627, 434, 417, 1199, 2010, 281, 513, 533, 5484, 13, 7435, 390, 5310, 598, 15, 187, 17967, 273, 253, 13438, 84, 403, 247, 4336, 1027, 4466, 1051, 1583, 574, 7665, 2168, 13, 347, 973, 347, 1966, 17789, 23385, 752, 247, 9386, 12190, 273, 952, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 361, 27, 2031, 27, 2941, 642, 15, 17786, 18647, 1762, 27, 187, 42, 26882, 885, 16869, 13, 597, 403, 10972, 7325, 749, 13961, 13, 352, 651, 320, 1805, 604, 597, 497, 40168, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 361, 27, 2950, 27, 520, 642, 15, 17786, 16134, 3677, 27, 187, 5064, 17786, 25929, 1706, 187, 42, 717, 9995, 281, 4089, 368, 1904, 626, 3894, 326, 13742, 15, 309, 1053, 626, 871, 670, 1982, 33196, 13, 533, 253, 9462, 4394, 309, 452, 2326, 1051, 4714, 309, 476, 626, 2868, 326, 985, 369, 1160, 407, 686, 13238, 2458, 5983, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 361, 27, 1235, 27, 2031, 642, 15, 17786, 15624, 1857, 27, 187, 5064, 17786, 18493, 29462, 187, 31, 36840, 690, 273, 253, 12807, 281, 1232, 352, 275, 247, 1643, 23206, 187, 17534, 4722, 13, 10323, 751, 253, 11596, 15, 187, 2042, 368, 2335, 689, 634, 385, 28930, 849, 1199, 651, 352, 2105, 275, 49364, 265, 281, 873, 598, 247, 25961, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 361, 27, 3583, 27, 2504, 642, 15, 17786, 14880, 1610, 27, 187, 5064, 17786, 16134, 3677, 187, 42, 1335, 452, 690, 2021, 598, 275, 6144, 327, 581, 273, 634, 686, 7053, 12390, 5983, 10916, 27459, 13, 253, 4782, 20986, 4127, 16869, 1805, 685, 253, 7108, 858, 13, 285, 1007, 387, 253, 906, 15, 9462, 16869, 1335, 1646, 281, 452, 690, 3282, 273, 5052, 281, 253, 1375, 2378, 275, 247, 1223, 13, 1223, 1066, 1060, 326, 3965, 1199, 4962, 562, 313, 3113, 247, 1643, 2201, 16022, 481, 2064, 5017, 2506, 626, 1056, 3780, 434, 1495, 667, 1805, 13, 2167, 15, 187, 510, 6629, 4592, 1066, 1060, 13, 1512, 13, 533, 594, 1142, 273, 253, 14730, 16869, 497, 2168, 2057, 3846, 13, 24610, 8935, 390, 734, 29252, 1078, 253, 1384, 394, 5331, 13, 285, 253, 10439, 4394, 816, 3153, 275, 7011, 14192, 13, 594, 1051, 27138, 1663, 24782, 1199, 309, 5476, 15, 496 ]
18:30:10 no.187783581: >>187782829 >Not getting the BM59 I had a chance to buy Alpine version of BM-59 for $2800, this was a class 3 weapon I regret not buying it Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:30:20 no.187783598: >>187783555 Nu uh Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:30:25 no.187783616: >Abandoned Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:30:27 no.187783617: >>187783426 Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:30:35 no.187783624: >>187781315 QCUMBERS UNITE Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:30:35 no.187783629: >>187783550 MAGA AWOO Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:30:38 no.187783632: >>187783555 But its has 88 keys, anon. >88 Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:30:40 no.187783635: >>187783453 >>187783453 >>187783453 NEW THREAD >>187783453 >>187783453 >>187783453 FRESH BREAD >>187783453 >>187783453 >>187783453 GO >>187783453 >>187783453 >>187783453 Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:31:04 no.187783674: >>187781749 "Butt like a 40 dollar Georgia mule" is a saying down south. It's not necessarily an insult either. Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:31:05 no.187783675: >>187781488 Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:31:05 no.187783676: >>187783225 > They now know that it works. Not without Flake and the Dems. Also by the next time a SCOTUS confirmation comes up, half of the Dem senators will prob be facing charges. Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:31:06 no.187783678: >>187783555 Your a stupid instrument. Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:31:24 no.187783715: >>187783286 Your dad busts his ass doing my neighbor's lawn for 10 dollars an hour. Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:31:52 no.187783765: >>187782150 Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:33:50 no.187783973: >>187781315 + replies >t. uninformed niggers that haven't followed Q since he was on /pol/ a year ago Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:35:48 no.187784185: HFOUMBcA this is fun to watch. Im glad i fought in the meme war. Wish we had someone like this desu Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:42:21 no.187784910: >>187782103 underrated Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:47:30 no.187785461: >>187781315 Even Trump kicks them out for that shit. Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:48:59 no.187785603: >Hillary is going to prison >Comey will be indicted >Mueller is /ourguy/ >Feinstein will be brought up on charges >Croaky voiced skinbag will be charged with perjury >itsallsotiresome.jpg <|endoftext|>Anonymous 10/31/16(Mon)10:57:16 no.95377104: What is /pol/ doing for Halloween this year? Going to a party? Handing out candy? What's your plan. Anonymous 10/31/16(Mon)10:59:38 no.95377335: I'm having the "I'm not home sign" and playing some Vidya and watching movies by myself. Anonymous 10/31/16(Mon)11:01:26 no.95377510: Give out sweets Eat leftover sweets Sleep Anonymous 10/31/16(Mon)11:03:21 no.95377693: >>95377104 the swastika is flipped, fuck it's burning my eyes. i'm sick so i'll be shitposting here Anonymous 10/31/16(Mon)11:04:04 no.95377761: I will trick people into my gas chamber (This post is satire) Anonymous 10/31/16(Mon)11:04:56 no.95377840: >>95377104 havnt mowed my lawn in a month i hope everyone gets the message and fucks off Anonymous 10/31/16(Mon)11:06:01 no.95377961: It's the only day I request off all year. I've got a playlist ready with about three hours of halloween music. That'll be playing throughout most of the house. In my rec room movies are lined up. Doing a Rob Zombie theme tonight finishing with his newest, 31. Snickers, twix, kitkat, hersheys, reese's, and junior mints for the little devils that knock on my door. I spent last night making sugar cookies. I'll decorate them later. Also carving a pumpkin. For dinner I'm stuffing orange peppers and carving jack-o-lanturn faces into them. Chips, bean dip, salsa, and a cake are provided. It's a bit much considering the only guest coming over this year is mom. Anonymous 10/31/16(Mon)11:06:07 no.95377971: Playing vidya with friends, writing. Anonymous 10/31/16(Mon)11:06:09 no.95377976: They don't really celebrate Halloween here in Spain, so going to take kidanon down to 'Taste of America" where they will be handing out sweets. Maybe buy some Lucky Charms Cereal for $9. Anonymous 10/31/16(Mon)11:06:14 no.95377986: I'm gonna go out and get some free candy. You're never to old for free shit, especially when people down the street give out full size candy bars. Anonymous 10/31/16(Mon)11:06:44 no.95378036: >>95377104 Same as last year. Leave the front door wide open and a trail of candy leading down the basement stairs.... Anonymous 10/31/16(Mon)11:07:25 no.95378121: >>95377761 nice try hans the police are on their way dominator drug from a partner 10/31/16(Mon)11:08:07 no.95378187: Same thing as last year, and the year before that, and the year before that. Pass out sugar candies to anyone who knocks on the doorbell. I feel like a drugdealer. Personally, I knocked sugar out of my diet years ago after discovering marijuana. Sugar is a dominator drug, as documented by Terrence Mckenna in 'The Food of the Gods'. Promoting ego, false identity. A luxury drug in other words. By law I abide and keep my legal medicine to myself and spread out candy to the neighborhood like a good Samaritan would do. Or so i'm told anyway. Happy cultural day. Happy "give money to corporations for their sugar drugs that go in turn to going against marijuana legalization". Sorry for having to fit in to society. Anonymous 10/31/16(Mon)11:08:13 no.95378201: >>95377761 The only chamber you have now Hans are rapefugee chambers where you send your white women to get enriched by mudslimes. Anonymous 10/31/16(Mon)11:09:08 no.95378301: >>95377961 you're not alone anon we're right here with you Anonymous 10/31/16(Mon)11:09:42 no.95378358: Giving out candy, watching movies, and playing vidya games. I'll also be sniffing and licking my porch rug if the one girl from last year comes by barefoot again. A boring night I guess. Anonymous 10/31/16(Mon)11:10:44 no.95378450: >>95378301 My warmest Halloween greetings to you and the rest of anons. Anonymous 10/31/16(Mon)11:14:13 no
[ 1093, 27, 1229, 27, 740, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 1671, 3593, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 33505, 1619, 1717, 187, 31, 3650, 2970, 253, 15334, 3046, 187, 42, 574, 247, 4839, 281, 4489, 1219, 23344, 2715, 273, 15334, 14, 3046, 323, 370, 43518, 13, 436, 369, 247, 966, 495, 10485, 187, 42, 14938, 417, 11280, 352, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 1229, 27, 938, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 1671, 4185, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 33505, 1671, 2417, 187, 41208, 16831, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 1229, 27, 1099, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 1812, 1036, 27, 187, 31, 34, 4152, 11406, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 1229, 27, 1630, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 1812, 1166, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 33505, 1706, 1731, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 1229, 27, 1671, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 1812, 1348, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 33505, 1012, 1010, 187, 37556, 5529, 35, 6117, 7379, 12752, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 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45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 2405, 27, 2125, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 1812, 3566, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 33505, 1166, 2537, 187, 3, 1989, 85, 751, 247, 3387, 14838, 12096, 278, 1657, 3, 310, 247, 3981, 1066, 6420, 15, 733, 434, 417, 7933, 271, 20423, 2057, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 2405, 27, 1762, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 1812, 1976, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 33505, 1047, 2055, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 2405, 27, 1762, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 1812, 3121, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 33505, 1237, 1099, 187, 31, 1583, 1024, 871, 326, 352, 2987, 15, 187, 3650, 1293, 2884, 640, 285, 253, 399, 3030, 15, 5220, 407, 253, 1735, 673, 247, 10011, 2415, 3016, 16883, 3249, 598, 13, 2716, 273, 253, 4281, 31650, 588, 1742, 320, 10268, 7260, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 2405, 27, 3071, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 1812, 3141, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 33505, 1671, 2417, 187, 7093, 247, 11339, 7935, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 2405, 27, 1348, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 1787, 1010, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 33505, 1237, 2691, 187, 7093, 12247, 21501, 84, 521, 718, 2509, 619, 6346, 434, 23298, 323, 884, 8918, 271, 4964, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 2405, 27, 3583, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 1787, 2082, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 2357, 3507, 8970, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 1610, 27, 1235, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 1867, 3655, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 33505, 1012, 1010, 187, 559, 32114, 187, 31, 85, 15, 440, 38967, 35825, 7276, 326, 6468, 626, 3560, 1165, 1580, 344, 369, 327, 1227, 4818, 16, 247, 807, 3622, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 1671, 27, 2385, 642, 15, 1093, 2357, 2759, 17786, 27, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 24583, 15, 681, 16, 13060, 32, 87, 30, 71, 5736, 187, 21996, 2185, 9180, 42485, 187, 2520, 310, 794, 281, 3698, 15, 3173, 9995, 891, 13465, 275, 253, 1167, 70, 2137, 15, 47836, 359, 574, 3095, 751, 436, 711, 86, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 2945, 27, 1797, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 2537, 740, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 2357, 3507, 12172, 187, 4524, 14092, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 2504, 27, 1229, 642, 15, 1093, 2357, 2227, 33597, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 33505, 1012, 1010, 187, 9586, 3778, 32356, 731, 562, 323, 326, 10739, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 2385, 27, 3046, 642, 15, 1093, 2357, 2227, 29251, 27, 187, 31, 41, 12537, 310, 1469, 281, 5754, 187, 31, 8380, 90, 588, 320, 38455, 187, 31, 31425, 7707, 310, 1227, 454, 26619, 16, 187, 31, 7510, 14130, 588, 320, 3982, 598, 327, 7260, 187, 31, 40053, 22560, 39544, 4808, 22738, 588, 320, 6636, 342, 591, 20551, 187, 31, 953, 10037, 302, 2731, 485, 15, 11368, 2756, 50279, 45545, 884, 16, 2405, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 740, 27, 3011, 27, 1036, 642, 15, 2222, 22863, 11238, 27, 187, 1276, 310, 1227, 4818, 16, 2509, 323, 30556, 436, 807, 32, 33469, 281, 247, 3128, 32, 10535, 272, 562, 26996, 32, 1737, 434, 634, 2098, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2405, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 740, 27, 3046, 27, 1839, 642, 15, 2222, 22863, 22519, 27, 187, 42, 1353, 1907, 253, 346, 42, 1353, 417, 1728, 861, 3, 285, 4882, 690, 657, 301, 5973, 285, 7487, 11321, 407, 4266, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2405, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 520, 27, 1731, 642, 15, 2222, 1787, 1976, 740, 27, 187, 19735, 562, 4365, 1507, 187, 38, 255, 1669, 1189, 4365, 1507, 187, 33669, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2405, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 2941, 27, 1797, 642, 15, 2222, 22863, 33291, 27, 187, 5064, 2222, 22863, 11238, 187, 783, 1863, 505, 11825, 310, 34572, 13, 7435, 352, 434, 13195, 619, 2927, 15, 187, 74, 1353, 8334, 594, 891, 1833, 320, 10739, 5996, 272, 1060, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2405, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 2125, 27, 2125, 642, 15, 2222, 1787, 2357, 3832, 27, 187, 42, 588, 10480, 952, 715, 619, 3678, 9320, 187, 9, 1552, 1501, 310, 2206, 603, 10, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2405, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 2125, 27, 3208, 642, 15, 2222, 1787, 3141, 1449, 27, 187, 5064, 2222, 22863, 11238, 187, 10940, 2649, 278, 12997, 619, 23298, 275, 247, 1770, 187, 74, 3524, 4130, 4850, 253, 3935, 285, 269, 9984, 745, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2405, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 3071, 27, 520, 642, 15, 2222, 1787, 2787, 3832, 27, 187, 1147, 434, 253, 760, 1388, 309, 2748, 745, 512, 807, 15, 187, 42, 1849, 1694, 247, 1132, 3550, 4704, 342, 670, 1264, 3038, 273, 7423, 319, 9673, 3440, 15, 2064, 1833, 320, 4882, 4768, 954, 273, 253, 2419, 15, 496, 619, 761, 2316, 11321, 403, 21817, 598, 15, 38733, 247, 6625, 1503, 4894, 466, 10014, 11608, 19083, 342, 521, 26101, 13, 4562, 15, 209, 187, 16350, 40593, 13, 2500, 895, 13, 6119, 29846, 13, 617, 6689, 656, 13, 294, 3248, 434, 13, 285, 19394, 278, 23578, 323, 253, 1652, 1474, 3683, 326, 7569, 327, 619, 3369, 15, 209, 187, 42, 5262, 1390, 2360, 2403, 8618, 14268, 15, 309, 1833, 11482, 366, 731, 1996, 15, 5220, 1113, 1382, 247, 43818, 15, 1198, 8955, 309, 1353, 5017, 272, 13735, 39916, 285, 1113, 1382, 19708, 14, 80, 14, 77, 386, 662, 9365, 715, 731, 15, 187, 36, 16458, 13, 24732, 12539, 13, 256, 37809, 13, 285, 247, 15221, 403, 2530, 15, 187, 1147, 434, 247, 2372, 1199, 7296, 253, 760, 12141, 3551, 689, 436, 807, 310, 2243, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2405, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 3071, 27, 2922, 642, 15, 2222, 1787, 2787, 3677, 27, 187, 49579, 29069, 5973, 342, 3858, 13, 4028, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2405, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 3071, 27, 2693, 642, 15, 2222, 1787, 2787, 3121, 27, 187, 3726, 1053, 626, 1663, 17019, 30556, 1060, 275, 11268, 13, 594, 1469, 281, 1379, 5772, 46339, 1066, 281, 686, 53, 4740, 273, 3968, 3, 835, 597, 588, 320, 35865, 562, 4365, 1507, 15, 8948, 4489, 690, 45023, 3976, 983, 16357, 6549, 323, 370, 26, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2405, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 3071, 27, 1047, 642, 15, 2222, 1787, 2787, 2691, 27, 187, 42, 1353, 6501, 564, 562, 285, 755, 690, 1959, 26996, 15, 209, 187, 1394, 1472, 1620, 281, 1711, 323, 1959, 10739, 13, 3340, 672, 952, 1066, 253, 6406, 1918, 562, 2120, 1979, 26996, 8965, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2405, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 3071, 27, 2031, 642, 15, 2222, 1787, 1438, 1812, 27, 187, 5064, 2222, 22863, 11238, 187, 27970, 347, 1390, 807, 15, 28593, 253, 2914, 3369, 4618, 1527, 285, 247, 11693, 273, 26996, 4283, 1066, 253, 21135, 16303, 2391, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2405, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 2922, 27, 1099, 642, 15, 2222, 25139, 15144, 27, 187, 5064, 2222, 1787, 2357, 3832, 187, 40199, 1611, 288, 507, 253, 3513, 403, 327, 616, 1039, 535, 187, 3335, 12915, 2854, 432, 247, 7832, 884, 16, 2405, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 2904, 27, 2922, 642, 15, 2222, 25139, 17306, 27, 187, 27970, 2181, 347, 1390, 807, 13, 285, 253, 807, 1078, 326, 13, 285, 253, 807, 1078, 326, 15, 11271, 562, 8618, 3940, 447, 281, 3780, 665, 694, 4121, 327, 253, 3369, 10910, 15, 309, 1928, 751, 247, 2854, 25115, 254, 15, 49920, 13, 309, 19336, 8618, 562, 273, 619, 6196, 1107, 3622, 846, 30375, 13717, 15, 187, 52, 16734, 310, 247, 7630, 1080, 2854, 13, 347, 14290, 407, 12324, 1196, 353, 777, 13685, 275, 686, 510, 11431, 273, 253, 38778, 5983, 13798, 5341, 23057, 13, 3221, 6489, 15, 329, 18997, 2854, 275, 643, 3000, 15, 187, 3463, 1569, 309, 41761, 285, 1978, 619, 4320, 9921, 281, 4266, 285, 5195, 562, 26996, 281, 253, 9168, 751, 247, 1175, 5769, 274, 10157, 651, 513, 15, 2207, 594, 891, 1353, 2183, 8791, 15, 27575, 8928, 1388, 15, 27575, 346, 31089, 2583, 281, 18674, 323, 616, 8618, 5835, 326, 564, 275, 1614, 281, 1469, 1411, 13717, 4320, 1320, 3446, 187, 15953, 323, 1907, 281, 4944, 275, 281, 5948, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2405, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 2904, 27, 1012, 642, 15, 2222, 25139, 1252, 27, 187, 5064, 2222, 1787, 2357, 3832, 187, 510, 760, 9320, 368, 452, 1024, 16137, 403, 16773, 71, 4079, 70, 23462, 835, 368, 5007, 634, 3168, 2255, 281, 755, 18839, 407, 16059, 3433, 1022, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2405, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 2693, 27, 2904, 642, 15, 2222, 1787, 3245, 520, 27, 187, 5064, 2222, 1787, 2787, 3832, 187, 5658, 1472, 417, 3815, 271, 251, 359, 1472, 987, 1060, 342, 368, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2405, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 2693, 27, 2945, 642, 15, 2222, 25139, 26422, 27, 187, 40, 2179, 562, 26996, 13, 7487, 11321, 13, 285, 4882, 29069, 5973, 3958, 15, 187, 42, 1833, 671, 320, 31505, 272, 285, 298, 12427, 619, 28392, 16051, 604, 253, 581, 3226, 432, 1390, 807, 3249, 407, 8050, 8938, 969, 15, 329, 22258, 2360, 309, 5476, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2405, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 740, 27, 2031, 642, 15, 2222, 1787, 2759, 1235, 27, 187, 5064, 2222, 1787, 3245, 520, 187, 3220, 5890, 383, 30556, 16524, 723, 281, 368, 285, 253, 1551, 273, 271, 790, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2405, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 1047, 27, 1012, 642 ]
Anonymous 08/03/16(Wed)17:59:30 no.84018369: JUST U S T Anonymous 08/03/16(Wed)18:09:20 no.84019526: >>84018369 Can we get a dump of redpill images to counter this bullshit? My folder has been lost. Post and sage shill threads. Anonymous 08/03/16(Wed)18:11:44 no.84019859: >>84018369 Khaleesi is coming to Westeros! Anonymous 08/03/16(Wed)18:16:03 no.84020385: >>84019526 fox polls are reliable <|endoftext|>Anonymous 03/07/19(Thu)06:50:40 no.205424638: Did you know your already eating 2 pounds of bugs per year found in your foods and drinks. Just thought i'd mention it. Anonymous 03/07/19(Thu)07:06:08 no.205425422: N OMEGALUL Anonymous 03/07/19(Thu)07:07:44 no.205425502: >>205424638 How do Chinese people get into the food? Anonymous 03/07/19(Thu)07:10:50 no.205425666: >>205424638 did you know your mother eats 2 pounds of bug infested cum right from my dick each year? <|endoftext|>Anonymous 11/19/16(Sat)17:51:19 no.99334880: I know the supreme Court Is 1/3 godamn Jewish but how well have the chosen people been able to whittle away at the original intent? How far off is pic related from reality, she's talking about trump. Anonymous 11/19/16(Sat)17:52:51 no.99335038: >>99334880 Allowing a paparazzi crew to not follow you is not a violation of the first amendment. Don't like it? Take it to the Supreme Court :^) Anonymous 11/19/16(Sat)17:56:41 no.99335524: >>99335038 See that's what I thought but you never know these fucking days Anonymous 11/19/16(Sat)17:58:52 no.99335851: >>99334880 first amendment is a negative right it obliges the gov to not prevent or punish someone for exercising their freedom of speech it does not say the gov has to help you exercise it nor does it give you the right to stalk any public employee anytime you wish Anonymous 11/19/16(Sat)18:04:07 no.99336575: >>99335851 So this person is literally as retarded as they seem? Fucking shit we really need to fix our schools <|endoftext|>TrumpGen 11/25/16(Fri)20:41:10 no.100251929: PRESIDENT ELECT DONALD J TRUMP >Trump Playlist NEW >Thanksgiving Message from President Elect Trump 11/23/16 >Just The Two Of Us qOWLg3Tc APPEARANCES >A Message from President-Elect Donald J. Trump 11/21/16 >Trump Objectified 11/18/16 >Trump ditches press pool to get steak dinner >Pence emotional return to Indiana 11/10/16 >Trump Meets with Obama 11/10/16 SALT >Best Of The Young Turks Election Day Meltdown 2016 >The Truth about Trump Protesters >SJW Meltdowns >Trump Saltmining >Liberal Tears and Rants ELECTION NIGHT >Trump Victory Speech 11/8/16 >Donald Trump projected president on CNN >Donald Trump projected president on Fox News >Putin congratulates Trump >Clinton landslide INSPIRATION >Inauguration of Fire >In the Hall of the Trumpen President >We Are The Silent Majority >American Comeback Story >AD: Trump's Argument for America >#TrumpTheEstablishement >American Hero >The Lion >TRUMP - MAGA >Trump Triumphant y prev >>100245749 Anonymous 11/25/16(Fri)20:41:34 no.100251964: AWOO~ Anonymous 11/25/16(Fri)20:41:34 no.100251969: Stein would have to find 27,257 Clinton ballots out of nowhere to flip Wisconsin back blue >(She wont) Stein would have to find 68,283 Clinton ballots of out of nowhere to flip PA blue >(She wont) Stein would have to find 11,612 Clinton paper ballots out of nowhere to flip Michigan back to blue >(She Wont) >They already did one recount where they found 500 extra votes for Clinton in Wayne County >Doing ANOTHER recount >expecting to find MORE instead of less after the first county sweep >Nov 25th >Doing a hand recount in 3 states before the Dec 13th deadline Even IF they managed to find thousands and thousands of extra Clinton votes out of nowhere and flip 2 out of the 3 states BEFORE the deadline, Trump still wins Al Gore spent 100 Mill in Florida to flip 500 votes and didn't get enough. Now Stein is using 5 million to flip 100k+ votes? >those odds It's over lmao Anonymous 11/25/16(Fri)20:41:52 no.100252001: AWOOOMENT Anonymous 11/25/16(Fri)20:42:00 no.100252010: REQUESTING LEWD MONSTER MUSUME AND SHIMONETAI PICS Anonymous 11/25/16(Fri)20:42:02 no.100252017: STAY CALM LADS ITS HAPPENING Anonymous 11/25/16(Fri)20:42:18 no.100252045: hmmmmmmmmm Anonymous 11/25/16(Fri)20:42:19 no.100252047: Is there a man more anally annihilated than Ricky? Post salt please. I need it. Anonymous 11/25/16(Fri)20:42:23 no.100252058: AWOOURRRRPPP Anonymous 11/25/16(Fri)20:42:33 no.100252076: AWOOOOOOOOOOO BOLAN FOR TRUMP Anonymous 11/25/16(Fri)20:42:34 no.100252081: Why is Watters meming on jews so hard First the dradel joke now this Im fucking dying Anonymous 11/25/16(Fri)20:42:49 no.100252100: If you're anywhere near WI, you should be there, manning the polls
[ 45545, 16331, 16, 2941, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 1166, 27, 3046, 27, 1229, 642, 15, 2759, 12058, 26673, 27, 187, 49594, 187, 54, 187, 52, 187, 53, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2941, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 1093, 27, 2693, 27, 938, 642, 15, 2759, 520, 2222, 1731, 27, 187, 5064, 2759, 12058, 26673, 187, 5804, 359, 755, 247, 13725, 273, 2502, 81, 408, 3888, 281, 4828, 436, 35281, 32, 2752, 11534, 556, 644, 3663, 15, 209, 187, 8983, 285, 35855, 439, 408, 17059, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2941, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 1093, 27, 883, 27, 2031, 642, 15, 2759, 11325, 32168, 27, 187, 5064, 2759, 12058, 26673, 187, 35994, 1079, 27544, 310, 3551, 281, 411, 9358, 375, 2, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2941, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 1093, 27, 1036, 27, 2941, 642, 15, 38586, 938, 24677, 27, 187, 5064, 2759, 520, 2222, 1731, 187, 15736, 22207, 403, 9630, 2756, 50279, 45545, 17272, 16, 2922, 16, 746, 9, 44644, 10, 3071, 27, 1235, 27, 1449, 642, 15, 938, 3439, 23260, 1839, 27, 187, 8917, 368, 871, 634, 2168, 9123, 374, 12511, 273, 19775, 591, 807, 1119, 275, 634, 12134, 285, 17208, 15, 187, 6300, 1869, 891, 1871, 3748, 352, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 2922, 16, 746, 9, 44644, 10, 2922, 27, 3071, 27, 2904, 642, 15, 938, 3439, 15161, 1423, 27, 187, 47, 473, 5288, 33044, 4641, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 2922, 16, 746, 9, 44644, 10, 2922, 27, 2922, 27, 2031, 642, 15, 938, 3439, 1099, 28873, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 3439, 23260, 1839, 187, 2347, 513, 5628, 952, 755, 715, 253, 2739, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 2922, 16, 746, 9, 44644, 10, 2922, 27, 740, 27, 1235, 642, 15, 938, 3439, 1099, 24185, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 3439, 23260, 1839, 187, 14958, 368, 871, 634, 3101, 40724, 374, 12511, 273, 7505, 2192, 7250, 11277, 987, 432, 619, 33702, 1016, 807, 32, 2756, 50279, 45545, 1903, 16, 746, 16, 1036, 9, 20794, 10, 1166, 27, 3712, 27, 746, 642, 15, 1525, 1610, 2385, 1438, 27, 187, 42, 871, 253, 24555, 2111, 1680, 337, 16, 20, 7122, 312, 79, 9556, 533, 849, 973, 452, 253, 6777, 952, 644, 2104, 281, 364, 1522, 1977, 387, 253, 3236, 6860, 32, 209, 187, 2347, 2080, 745, 310, 14402, 2905, 432, 6612, 13, 703, 434, 5015, 670, 29154, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 746, 16, 1036, 9, 20794, 10, 1166, 27, 3583, 27, 3712, 642, 15, 1525, 1610, 1235, 1839, 27, 187, 5064, 1525, 1610, 2385, 1438, 187, 3074, 23581, 247, 13860, 274, 1370, 9877, 10402, 281, 417, 956, 368, 310, 417, 247, 8411, 273, 253, 806, 15129, 15, 5037, 626, 751, 352, 32, 11668, 352, 281, 253, 6413, 2111, 1163, 13146, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 746, 16, 1036, 9, 20794, 10, 1166, 27, 3208, 27, 3156, 642, 15, 1525, 1610, 2417, 1348, 27, 187, 5064, 1525, 1610, 1235, 1839, 187, 5035, 326, 434, 752, 309, 1869, 533, 368, 1620, 871, 841, 12835, 1897, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 746, 16, 1036, 9, 20794, 10, 1166, 27, 3680, 27, 3583, 642, 15, 1525, 22519, 37256, 27, 187, 5064, 1525, 1610, 2385, 1438, 187, 7053, 15129, 310, 247, 4016, 987, 187, 262, 7206, 265, 253, 564, 87, 281, 417, 3657, 390, 21854, 3095, 323, 30347, 616, 7185, 273, 6519, 187, 262, 1057, 417, 1333, 253, 564, 87, 556, 281, 1361, 368, 5763, 352, 4543, 1057, 352, 1918, 368, 253, 987, 281, 33587, 667, 1345, 8183, 28537, 368, 5730, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 746, 16, 1036, 9, 20794, 10, 1093, 27, 2125, 27, 2922, 642, 15, 1525, 1610, 2082, 1976, 27, 187, 5064, 1525, 22519, 37256, 187, 2598, 436, 1436, 310, 12832, 347, 48101, 347, 597, 1646, 32, 209, 187, 39, 25826, 10739, 359, 1663, 878, 281, 4993, 776, 6629, 2756, 50279, 18130, 7475, 1903, 16, 1099, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 938, 27, 3156, 27, 740, 642, 15, 2313, 1099, 746, 1717, 27, 187, 42706, 25788, 444, 9656, 24694, 1556, 37, 500, 7500, 47774, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 17124, 16245, 15, 12312, 16, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 69, 6540, 75, 1206, 1765, 15, 681, 16, 187, 31, 18130, 10223, 3550, 187, 2413, 1358, 23164, 4805, 15, 681, 16, 57, 26, 82, 42806, 55, 44, 43, 187, 24650, 187, 31, 8061, 19647, 17775, 432, 3918, 11051, 3778, 1903, 16, 1508, 16, 1036, 187, 3614, 1358, 90, 483, 86, 15, 1257, 16, 35, 2447, 87, 23, 44, 67, 24, 19089, 50, 187, 31, 6300, 380, 5761, 4683, 8802, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 24583, 15, 681, 16, 13060, 32, 87, 30, 25, 13312, 187, 82, 4290, 45, 72, 20, 36352, 187, 2088, 3246, 1277, 24831, 1410, 187, 31, 34, 17775, 432, 3918, 14, 21749, 10053, 500, 15, 3778, 1903, 16, 1797, 16, 1036, 187, 3614, 1358, 90, 483, 86, 15, 1257, 16, 24, 89, 57, 64, 29456, 998, 5518, 25, 187, 31, 18130, 9206, 1245, 1903, 16, 1093, 16, 1036, 187, 3614, 1358, 90, 483, 86, 15, 1257, 16, 33980, 18, 4989, 1010, 55, 78, 6072, 187, 31, 18130, 16465, 2706, 2315, 6363, 281, 755, 36557, 8955, 187, 3614, 1358, 90, 483, 86, 15, 1257, 16, 3519, 47, 20, 35, 4976, 14, 23, 69, 54, 187, 31, 49, 566, 8991, 1091, 281, 14614, 1903, 16, 740, 16, 1036, 187, 3614, 1358, 90, 483, 86, 15, 1257, 16, 72, 34453, 489, 56, 40, 76, 4019, 34, 187, 31, 18130, 3189, 1507, 342, 6729, 1903, 16, 740, 16, 1036, 187, 3614, 1358, 90, 483, 86, 15, 1257, 16, 79, 18, 785, 14, 40, 43, 23, 11236, 68, 187, 52, 29526, 187, 31, 17277, 4683, 380, 10231, 47563, 29686, 6258, 353, 2585, 3487, 4022, 187, 3614, 1358, 90, 483, 86, 15, 1257, 16, 17, 88, 26, 6869, 25, 88, 12403, 58, 187, 31, 510, 23921, 670, 3778, 1294, 5298, 1336, 187, 3614, 1358, 90, 483, 86, 15, 1257, 16, 18, 69, 26, 20347, 14, 53, 2597, 35572, 187, 31, 52, 43, 56, 353, 2585, 3487, 84, 187, 3614, 1358, 90, 483, 86, 15, 1257, 16, 21087, 36058, 44, 50, 21, 18914, 3172, 187, 31, 18130, 23790, 39590, 187, 3614, 1358, 90, 483, 86, 15, 1257, 16, 22098, 14, 58, 67, 82, 71, 76, 7958, 46, 187, 31, 19467, 1560, 308, 6364, 285, 416, 1103, 187, 3614, 1358, 90, 483, 86, 15, 1257, 16, 49511, 57, 14, 81, 49392, 35811, 57, 68, 187, 35417, 8286, 427, 9981, 187, 31, 18130, 44071, 38399, 1903, 16, 25, 16, 1036, 187, 3614, 1358, 90, 483, 86, 15, 1257, 16, 1410, 27413, 47370, 83, 56, 1867, 42, 187, 31, 16008, 3778, 16589, 4007, 327, 16098, 187, 3614, 1358, 90, 483, 86, 15, 1257, 16, 1906, 6285, 18068, 71, 3519, 48, 72, 187, 31, 16008, 3778, 16589, 4007, 327, 11024, 6317, 187, 3614, 1358, 90, 483, 86, 15, 1257, 16, 59, 64, 71, 2995, 37, 3583, 81, 50, 187, 31, 12501, 249, 28858, 17815, 3778, 187, 3614, 1358, 90, 483, 86, 15, 1257, 16, 56, 78, 37943, 57, 339, 8720, 77, 42, 187, 31, 2019, 8185, 13446, 77, 504, 187, 3614, 1358, 90, 483, 86, 15, 1257, 16, 88, 12770, 90, 6764, 75, 7258, 20, 58, 187, 1042, 4350, 3027, 6570, 187, 31, 688, 2321, 2742, 273, 8726, 187, 3614, 1358, 90, 483, 86, 15, 1257, 16, 57, 44, 71, 25, 75, 14581, 29416, 54, 187, 31, 688, 253, 6696, 273, 253, 3778, 257, 3918, 187, 3614, 1358, 90, 483, 86, 15, 1257, 16, 57, 82, 38, 1678, 532, 12303, 20168, 187, 31, 1231, 6272, 380, 7949, 290, 43471, 187, 3614, 1358, 90, 483, 86, 15, 1257, 16, 20, 77, 2676, 11070, 22, 74, 4899, 76, 187, 31, 7878, 13516, 2135, 16061, 187, 3614, 1358, 90, 483, 86, 15, 1257, 16, 2617, 25, 79, 26, 82, 15778, 44, 64, 25, 187, 31, 2350, 27, 3778, 434, 37026, 323, 3968, 187, 3614, 1358, 90, 483, 86, 15, 1257, 16, 87, 1267, 3832, 56, 21, 67, 40, 78, 25, 187, 31, 4, 18130, 510, 20768, 1752, 261, 248, 420, 187, 3614, 1358, 90, 483, 86, 15, 1257, 16, 76, 2513, 291, 59, 21619, 46, 82, 72, 187, 31, 7878, 22885, 187, 3614, 1358, 90, 483, 86, 15, 1257, 16, 69, 14, 57, 20, 13152, 5246, 7084, 80, 187, 31, 510, 26571, 187, 3614, 1358, 90, 483, 86, 15, 1257, 16, 22653, 21, 55, 8484, 991, 84, 23, 38, 187, 31, 3125, 47774, 428, 40070, 34, 187, 3614, 1358, 90, 483, 86, 15, 1257, 16, 49, 356, 31516, 59, 72, 41, 26576, 76, 187, 31, 18130, 308, 9007, 13645, 187, 2413, 1358, 69, 647, 1105, 5011, 15, 681, 16, 16455, 16, 89, 21, 335, 8754, 187, 90, 187, 22340, 209, 187, 5064, 2313, 1348, 3011, 2537, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1099, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 938, 27, 3156, 27, 1706, 642, 15, 2313, 1099, 29639, 27, 187, 24564, 4985, 95, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1099, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 938, 27, 3156, 27, 1706, 642, 15, 2313, 1099, 25892, 27, 187, 6812, 249, 651, 452, 281, 1089, 3435, 13, 21553, 9662, 42865, 562, 273, 17663, 281, 19153, 15558, 896, 4797, 187, 8743, 2993, 31451, 10, 187, 6812, 249, 651, 452, 281, 1089, 9934, 13, 28933, 9662, 42865, 273, 562, 273, 17663, 281, 19153, 8010, 4797, 187, 8743, 2993, 31451, 10, 187, 6812, 249, 651, 452, 281, 1089, 1903, 13, 39649, 9662, 2929, 42865, 562, 273, 17663, 281, 19153, 11314, 896, 281, 4797, 187, 8743, 2993, 411, 834, 10, 187, 31, 3726, 2168, 858, 581, 27513, 835, 597, 1119, 6783, 4465, 13008, 323, 9662, 275, 22165, 3928, 187, 31, 4045, 272, 2933, 39835, 27513, 187, 31, 23824, 272, 281, 1089, 22778, 3185, 273, 1679, 846, 253, 806, 9635, 24516, 187, 31, 27303, 2030, 394, 187, 31, 4045, 272, 247, 1133, 27513, 275, 495, 3054, 1078, 253, 7659, 2145, 394, 20639, 187, 9586, 8681, 597, 7303, 281, 1089, 6763, 285, 6763, 273, 4465, 9662, 13008, 562, 273, 17663, 285, 19153, 374, 562, 273, 253, 495, 3054, 8728, 31966, 253, 20639, 13, 3778, 1335, 14896, 187, 2422, 37697, 5262, 2233, 13134, 275, 7758, 281, 19153, 6783, 13008, 285, 1904, 626, 755, 2217, 15, 3954, 23202, 310, 970, 608, 3041, 281, 19153, 2233, 76, 12, 13008, 32, 187, 31, 21808, 13653, 187, 1147, 434, 689, 298, 785, 80, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1099, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 938, 27, 3156, 27, 3583, 642, 15, 2313, 1099, 8971, 27, 187, 24564, 4985, 2277, 3489, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1099, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 938, 27, 2945, 27, 361, 642, 15, 2313, 1099, 7199, 27, 187, 34407, 2637, 12838, 18576, 33995, 30883, 46305, 54, 5288, 4889, 7840, 2894, 1139, 2025, 18128, 367, 25261, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1099, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 938, 27, 2945, 27, 2640, 642, 15, 2313, 1099, 7132, 27, 187, 1267, 8506, 30865, 46, 418, 36160, 187, 24265, 388, 18137, 1400, 2637, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1099, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 938, 27, 2945, 27, 1093, 642, 15, 2313, 1099, 938, 1857, 27, 187, 44264, 2188, 2188, 2188, 78, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1099, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 938, 27, 2945, 27, 746, 642, 15, 2313, 1099, 938, 2504, 27, 187, 2513, 627, 247, 637, 625, 271, 595, 26262, 31718, 685, 49557, 32, 5779, 7043, 4496, 15, 309, 878, 352, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1099, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 938, 27, 2945, 27, 1508, 642, 15, 2313, 1099, 938, 3680, 27, 187, 34, 20293, 11862, 14253, 51, 4785, 49, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1099, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 938, 27, 2945, 27, 1610, 642, 15, 2313, 1099, 938, 3121, 27, 187, 24564, 4985, 4985, 4985, 4985, 4985, 48, 187, 35, 3271, 1539, 6651, 7500, 47774, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1099, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 938, 27, 2945, 27, 1706, 642, 15, 2313, 1099, 938, 3593, 27, 187, 4967, 310, 11327, 1336, 1167, 272, 327, 15589, 84, 594, 1892, 187, 6407, 253, 1837, 11391, 16391, 1024, 436, 187, 3351, 12835, 13889, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 1099, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 938, 27, 2945, 27, 2537, 642, 15, 2313, 1099, 38832, 27, 187, 2042, 368, 1472, 9825, 2822, 39279, 13, 368, 943, 320, 627, 13, 637, 920, 253, 22207 ]
156 > How is there not a thread on this? Who gives a shit? > hur dur we will kill fucking yanks > this time we really mean it! > send more food through Anonymous 07/29/16(Fri)08:56:29 no.83339164: A Chinese rocket exploded over America a couple of days ago. America is crawling with sleeper agents. US Carriers in the South China Sea. The Norks declared war. Nope, nothing going on here. Anonymous 07/29/16(Fri)08:56:37 no.83339177: >>83338940 He caught Trumpitis. Anonymous 07/29/16(Fri)08:57:01 no.83339214: >>83338591 dat mouse Anonymous 07/29/16(Fri)08:57:22 no.83339248: lol who cares Anonymous 07/29/16(Fri)08:57:40 no.83339273: THE FACT THAT YOU THINK THIS IS A HAPPENING SHOWS YOUR DEEP, DEEP, DEEP IGNORANCE OF NK/USA RELATIONS AND NEWS IN GENERAL ARE YOU 12 FUCKING YEARS OLD? THAT'S THE ONLY EXPLANATION. Anonymous 07/29/16(Fri)08:58:02 no.83339310: >>83338905 The only missile he will be launching is the one in his bowels. Anonymous 07/29/16(Fri)08:59:13 no.83339400: >>83339214 Isn't that a trackball I remember reading about those things in Computer Idee back in the nineties Anonymous 07/29/16(Fri)08:59:26 no.83339414: >>83339273 Why are you shouting? Anonymous 07/29/16(Fri)09:01:56 no.83339596: >>83339414 Rule 31 newfag: CAPSLOCK IS CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOL. Anonymous 07/29/16(Fri)09:02:14 no.83339616: It's been way too long since we've had a good Nork thread Dump your best DPRK memes Anonymous 07/29/16(Fri)09:02:43 no.83339650: Norks are manlets with acient weapons and their country is roughly the same size as Mississippi. Anonymous 07/29/16(Fri)09:03:19 no.83339707: >>83339596 I'll keep that in mind. Thanks bucko. Anonymous 07/29/16(Fri)09:05:33 no.83339886: Every year in August NK is threatening the south and the US It always leads to new agreements and most likely food supplying. They just run out of food and provocation is the only way they can obtain anything Anonymous 07/29/16(Fri)09:05:50 no.83339912: >>83337156 >Day of historical and divided DNC nominee acceptance speech. >AP >ABC Looks to me like some more propaganda and fear mongering coming out of the Clinton/Obama regime. Anonymous 07/29/16(Fri)09:06:25 no.83339955: >>83339791 >Anastasia Aren't you the prettiest little princess :3? Anonymous 07/29/16(Fri)09:08:30 no.83340124: >>83339955 Did you ever meet KJU? He went to school in Switzerland. Anonymous 07/29/16(Fri)09:09:10 no.83340186: I'm 31, and I remember them threatening war in various colorful ways, and declaring US and SK actions as acts of war, way back when I was in HS. It would be unusual if they went to long WITHOUT threatening war. Anonymous 07/29/16(Fri)09:09:40 no.83340226: China has to look after NK Guess what happens if NK goes to war AHAHAHAHHAHAAH SK BTFO Anonymous 07/29/16(Fri)09:11:58 no.83340402: >>83337156 There was no thread because those loonies declare war on us every other week, demanding reparations and chicken tendies. Anonymous 07/29/16(Fri)09:12:01 no.83340404: >>83337156 Mate they do this pretty much every time they go through a food shortage. They just want more money for dem programs. They're going through a famine atm I think, I remember reading a while back that the people had been told to prepare for an "arduous march" which is code for prepare to fucking starve. Anonymous 07/29/16(Fri)09:15:09 no.83340662: >>83338591 You put sanctions on Russia too, but that doesn't seem to stop them >USA is pretty much a gutless turd sitting for the taking atm. You forget that Putin can launch missiles from shipping containers on cargo ships these days. You think your gonna need so much navy equipment, He only needs a transport boat, now there is plenty of them moving around the world. That's how he'll attack you, with complete surprise Anonymous 07/29/16(Fri)09:15:10 no.83340664: >>83340124 I know, but I'm from another part of the country. There was a lengthy article about in a political magazine a while back. Very interesting. All a pretty secretive operation. Nobody really had a clue. Loved playing basketball, was friendly but reserved. We also had a scandal like a year back when a swiss army colonel took some NK officers shooting at our finest combat training facility... Anonymous 07/29/16(Fri)09:15:33 no.83340685: >>83338893 Anonymous 07/29/16(Fri)09:17:09 no.83340827: >>83340685 You do know that reptiles can see in the dark. Anonymous 07/29/16(Fri)09:17:53 no.83340886: >>83340662 Russia isn't a psycho country that has isolated itself like NK, it just has an agenda that isn't to the liking of America. Russia still has friends and people it can do business with. It's also a resource rich country. Anonymous 07/29/16(Fri)09:19:26 no.83341010: >>83340662 >being this retarded >posting shit totally irrelevant to this thread Putin doesn't have to put a fucking nuke on a transport ship if he wants to hit USA you autist Anonymous 07/29/16(Fri)09:19:44 no.83341041: >>83337156 They say this every war-games. They are trying to lower SK war readiness so they can win in their starvation-induced delirium Anonymous 07/29/16(Fri)09:21:00 no.83341120: >>83340886 China is the only country that keeps NK in check to some degree. If you go to war with NK, and pushed NK almost back to the China border, you would awaken the sleeping giant and cause an even bigger shit storm. The whole of Asia will be dragged into it Anonymous 07/29/16(Fri)09:22:49 no.83341269: >>83337156 If i were russiachina I would try to get an alliance with the us to overthrow the norks. Why? You ask. Because it satisfies the thirst for conflict the us has under current leadership, in the time that obama is president giving time for trump to me elected, rather than in eastern europe or south china sea. Furthermore it creates a basis for partnership in destroying terrorist states Anonymous 07/29/16(Fri)09:23:12 no.83341303: >>83341120 China just doesn't want to have to deal with the refugees that would inevitably flee any real military action in DPRK. Anonymous 07/29/16(Fri)09:23:15 no.83341305: >>83339214 It is for the tracking system, more stable and accurate Anonymous 07/29/16(Fri)09:24:33 no.83341406: >>83341120 >china >sleeping giant What are they going to goosestep us to death? Fucking shit tier military that trains more to march in formation and sing songs than use weapons. Anonymous 07/29/16(Fri)09:34:28 no.83342223: Unless it's posted on a youtube account and involves jews or some massive conspiracy, /pol/ doesn't care. Anonymous 07/29/16(Fri)09:35:13 no.83342280: >>83341120 Not sure. The only reason China gives a fuck about NK is because it acts as a buffer between SK and China, meaning it
[ 16198, 187, 31, 1359, 310, 627, 417, 247, 6293, 327, 436, 32, 187, 7883, 4245, 247, 10739, 32, 187, 31, 7929, 16547, 359, 588, 5159, 12835, 340, 3107, 187, 31, 436, 673, 359, 1663, 1599, 352, 2, 187, 31, 5007, 625, 2739, 949, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1717, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 2904, 27, 3208, 27, 1717, 642, 15, 44160, 1867, 18467, 27, 187, 34, 5628, 21912, 31032, 689, 3968, 247, 4564, 273, 1897, 3622, 15, 3968, 310, 44922, 342, 3574, 8390, 6083, 15, 1982, 2639, 8856, 275, 253, 3684, 4135, 11936, 15, 380, 427, 3869, 8884, 2137, 15, 187, 47, 1714, 13, 2717, 1469, 327, 1060, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1717, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 2904, 27, 3208, 27, 1787, 642, 15, 44160, 1867, 15907, 27, 187, 5064, 44160, 25592, 1449, 187, 1328, 7270, 3778, 5895, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1717, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 2904, 27, 3011, 27, 520, 642, 15, 44160, 1867, 21866, 27, 187, 5064, 44160, 1839, 43581, 187, 8608, 6521, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1717, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 2904, 27, 3011, 27, 1423, 642, 15, 44160, 1867, 20520, 27, 187, 77, 311, 665, 24505, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1717, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 2904, 27, 3011, 27, 1449, 642, 15, 44160, 1867, 25671, 27, 187, 9707, 10601, 1647, 16093, 8702, 4392, 15130, 10113, 4110, 329, 388, 18137, 1400, 2637, 7840, 33069, 22031, 399, 35447, 13, 399, 35447, 13, 399, 35447, 309, 26756, 1372, 19320, 3481, 18156, 16, 22396, 37954, 32663, 4889, 41059, 2949, 17666, 1556, 187, 9818, 8702, 1249, 401, 36746, 2637, 32342, 15286, 473, 9803, 32, 16093, 8, 52, 3003, 35310, 8021, 3859, 1539, 6570, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1717, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 2904, 27, 3680, 27, 2640, 642, 15, 44160, 1867, 19569, 27, 187, 5064, 44160, 25592, 1762, 187, 510, 760, 22822, 344, 588, 320, 25251, 310, 253, 581, 275, 521, 6026, 1241, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1717, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 2904, 27, 3046, 27, 1012, 642, 15, 44160, 1867, 8320, 27, 187, 5064, 44160, 1867, 21866, 187, 33989, 626, 326, 247, 3540, 2910, 187, 42, 4456, 4361, 670, 1110, 1841, 275, 19179, 17315, 70, 896, 275, 253, 19510, 447, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1717, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 2904, 27, 3046, 27, 1731, 642, 15, 44160, 27463, 1047, 27, 187, 5064, 44160, 1867, 25671, 187, 4967, 403, 368, 26523, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1717, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 2693, 27, 520, 27, 3208, 642, 15, 44160, 1867, 36679, 27, 187, 5064, 44160, 27463, 1047, 187, 16295, 4562, 747, 71, 356, 27, 187, 20027, 7084, 9466, 4110, 6246, 54, 19433, 19061, 3271, 6651, 6392, 3271, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1717, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 2693, 27, 2640, 27, 1047, 642, 15, 44160, 24698, 1036, 27, 187, 1147, 434, 644, 1039, 1512, 1048, 1580, 359, 1849, 574, 247, 1175, 427, 1064, 6293, 187, 37, 1765, 634, 1682, 399, 3175, 44, 1167, 265, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1717, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 2693, 27, 2640, 27, 3079, 642, 15, 44160, 24698, 1235, 27, 187, 47, 3869, 403, 637, 6639, 342, 913, 850, 8914, 285, 616, 2586, 310, 11467, 253, 1072, 1979, 347, 18531, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1717, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 2693, 27, 2941, 27, 746, 642, 15, 44160, 1867, 26522, 27, 187, 5064, 44160, 1867, 36679, 187, 42, 1833, 1978, 326, 275, 2564, 15, 9375, 12433, 80, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1717, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 2693, 27, 1762, 27, 1610, 642, 15, 44160, 1867, 35265, 27, 187, 8267, 807, 275, 4223, 18156, 310, 18844, 253, 6420, 285, 253, 1982, 187, 1147, 1900, 5644, 281, 747, 15486, 285, 954, 2779, 2739, 28106, 15, 187, 3726, 816, 1408, 562, 273, 2739, 285, 872, 4341, 310, 253, 760, 1039, 597, 476, 4044, 2712, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1717, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 2693, 27, 1762, 27, 1235, 642, 15, 25, 20084, 1525, 805, 27, 187, 5064, 44160, 1787, 16198, 187, 31, 15490, 273, 9493, 285, 4272, 399, 9431, 28690, 14924, 6519, 15, 187, 31, 2088, 187, 31, 25647, 187, 35082, 281, 479, 751, 690, 625, 23306, 285, 4709, 49535, 2158, 3551, 562, 273, 253, 9662, 16, 39302, 9459, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1717, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 2693, 27, 3071, 27, 1099, 642, 15, 25, 20084, 1525, 2417, 27, 187, 5064, 44160, 1867, 44030, 187, 31, 1145, 505, 13411, 187, 34, 445, 626, 368, 253, 638, 1440, 10558, 1652, 28806, 1163, 20, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1717, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 2693, 27, 2904, 27, 1229, 642, 15, 25, 24257, 520, 1348, 27, 187, 5064, 25, 20084, 1525, 2417, 187, 8917, 368, 2455, 2525, 611, 43, 54, 32, 187, 1328, 2427, 281, 2143, 275, 18908, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1717, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 2693, 27, 2693, 27, 740, 642, 15, 25, 24257, 520, 2691, 27, 187, 42, 1353, 4562, 13, 285, 309, 4456, 731, 18844, 2137, 275, 2710, 30820, 4088, 13, 285, 27906, 1982, 285, 18460, 5231, 347, 6993, 273, 2137, 13, 1039, 896, 672, 309, 369, 275, 21502, 15, 733, 651, 320, 11555, 604, 597, 2427, 281, 1048, 15002, 18844, 2137, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1717, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 2693, 27, 2693, 27, 1449, 642, 15, 44160, 1449, 21345, 27, 187, 22800, 556, 281, 1007, 846, 18156, 187, 8469, 405, 752, 6569, 604, 18156, 4566, 281, 2137, 187, 34, 10114, 10114, 10114, 41, 10114, 41, 2446, 41, 187, 16582, 23755, 8768, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1717, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 2693, 27, 883, 27, 3680, 642, 15, 44160, 1449, 24948, 27, 187, 5064, 44160, 1787, 16198, 187, 2512, 369, 642, 6293, 984, 1110, 2343, 19844, 11165, 2137, 327, 441, 1046, 643, 2129, 13, 17905, 294, 1148, 569, 285, 11152, 5257, 447, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1717, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 2693, 27, 805, 27, 520, 642, 15, 44160, 1449, 20611, 27, 187, 5064, 44160, 1787, 16198, 187, 46, 366, 597, 513, 436, 3965, 1199, 1046, 673, 597, 564, 949, 247, 2739, 28938, 15, 187, 3726, 816, 971, 625, 2583, 323, 1471, 5659, 15, 187, 3726, 1472, 1469, 949, 247, 48768, 387, 78, 309, 1158, 13, 309, 4456, 4361, 247, 1223, 896, 326, 253, 952, 574, 644, 2183, 281, 10347, 323, 271, 346, 472, 3472, 14172, 3, 534, 310, 2127, 323, 10347, 281, 12835, 4177, 306, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1717, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 2693, 27, 1010, 27, 2693, 642, 15, 44160, 1449, 33847, 27, 187, 5064, 44160, 1839, 43581, 187, 1394, 1691, 17634, 327, 7422, 1512, 13, 533, 326, 2506, 626, 1646, 281, 3523, 731, 187, 31, 22396, 310, 3965, 1199, 247, 11479, 1417, 10709, 69, 7063, 323, 253, 3192, 387, 78, 15, 187, 1394, 7740, 326, 22404, 476, 8027, 28665, 432, 15076, 17671, 327, 18826, 11811, 841, 1897, 15, 209, 187, 1394, 1158, 634, 6501, 878, 594, 1199, 29401, 6500, 13, 754, 760, 3198, 247, 4616, 9735, 13, 1024, 627, 310, 9828, 273, 731, 4886, 1475, 253, 1533, 15, 187, 2773, 434, 849, 344, 1833, 2983, 368, 13, 342, 3426, 9326, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1717, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 2693, 27, 1010, 27, 740, 642, 15, 44160, 24854, 1540, 27, 187, 5064, 25, 24257, 520, 1348, 187, 42, 871, 13, 533, 309, 1353, 432, 1529, 629, 273, 253, 2586, 15, 1707, 369, 247, 24585, 3929, 670, 275, 247, 3569, 11338, 247, 1223, 896, 15, 15997, 4722, 15, 1876, 247, 3965, 4279, 422, 4254, 15, 27138, 1663, 574, 247, 22796, 15, 418, 3149, 4882, 14648, 13, 369, 11453, 533, 10827, 15, 187, 1231, 671, 574, 247, 20565, 751, 247, 807, 896, 672, 247, 1863, 739, 8544, 41513, 2335, 690, 18156, 6251, 9602, 387, 776, 23476, 11757, 3733, 9509, 1051, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1717, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 2693, 27, 1010, 27, 1610, 642, 15, 44160, 24854, 2227, 27, 187, 5064, 44160, 1839, 43726, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1717, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 2693, 27, 1166, 27, 2693, 642, 15, 44160, 22488, 1630, 27, 187, 5064, 44160, 24854, 2227, 187, 1394, 513, 871, 326, 43571, 3205, 476, 923, 275, 253, 3644, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1717, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 2693, 27, 1166, 27, 3357, 642, 15, 44160, 1449, 35265, 27, 187, 5064, 44160, 1449, 33847, 187, 37881, 3548, 626, 247, 30543, 2586, 326, 556, 7011, 3139, 751, 18156, 13, 352, 816, 556, 271, 15990, 326, 3548, 626, 281, 253, 35908, 273, 3968, 15, 187, 37881, 1335, 556, 3858, 285, 952, 352, 476, 513, 2136, 342, 15, 733, 434, 671, 247, 7741, 6793, 2586, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1717, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 2693, 27, 746, 27, 1731, 642, 15, 44160, 3156, 9104, 27, 187, 5064, 44160, 1449, 33847, 187, 31, 11952, 436, 48101, 187, 31, 5996, 272, 10739, 9106, 19124, 281, 436, 6293, 187, 12501, 249, 2506, 626, 452, 281, 1691, 247, 12835, 8794, 413, 327, 247, 4616, 6215, 604, 344, 5605, 281, 4352, 5106, 368, 1125, 382, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1717, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 2693, 27, 746, 27, 2031, 642, 15, 25, 24257, 740, 3156, 27, 187, 5064, 44160, 1787, 16198, 187, 3726, 1333, 436, 1046, 2137, 14, 39464, 15, 1583, 403, 2820, 281, 2406, 18460, 2137, 40628, 594, 597, 476, 3330, 275, 616, 35351, 14, 6367, 47556, 1514, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1717, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 2693, 27, 1797, 27, 361, 642, 15, 44160, 3156, 8193, 27, 187, 5064, 44160, 1449, 35265, 187, 22800, 310, 253, 760, 2586, 326, 11359, 18156, 275, 2451, 281, 690, 4248, 15, 187, 2042, 368, 564, 281, 2137, 342, 18156, 13, 285, 10184, 18156, 2761, 896, 281, 253, 4135, 5680, 13, 368, 651, 25708, 253, 14343, 10864, 285, 2847, 271, 1014, 8750, 10739, 9902, 15, 380, 2644, 273, 10497, 588, 320, 22944, 715, 352, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1717, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 2693, 27, 1423, 27, 2537, 642, 15, 25, 24257, 805, 2090, 27, 187, 5064, 44160, 1787, 16198, 187, 2042, 891, 497, 391, 20191, 607, 1758, 309, 651, 1611, 281, 755, 271, 23158, 342, 253, 441, 281, 47743, 253, 295, 3869, 15, 187, 4967, 32, 1422, 1642, 15, 187, 8457, 352, 12310, 253, 31391, 323, 7344, 253, 441, 556, 762, 1655, 9550, 13, 275, 253, 673, 326, 691, 2902, 310, 4007, 4933, 673, 323, 29154, 281, 479, 10544, 13, 2581, 685, 275, 14730, 19454, 390, 6420, 448, 1758, 6150, 15, 5488, 352, 10513, 247, 3720, 323, 11696, 275, 25473, 17150, 3054, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1717, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 2693, 27, 1508, 27, 805, 642, 15, 25, 24257, 1012, 2941, 27, 187, 5064, 44160, 3156, 8193, 187, 22800, 816, 2506, 626, 971, 281, 452, 281, 2968, 342, 253, 19382, 326, 651, 24473, 32645, 667, 1524, 4668, 2250, 275, 399, 3175, 44, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1717, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 2693, 27, 1508, 27, 1010, 642, 15, 25, 24257, 1012, 1762, 27, 187, 5064, 44160, 1867, 21866, 187, 1147, 310, 323, 253, 12544, 985, 1157, 625, 6474, 285, 7899, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1717, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 2693, 27, 1348, 27, 1610, 642, 15, 25, 24257, 1047, 3071, 27, 187, 5064, 44160, 3156, 8193, 187, 31, 348, 1758, 187, 31, 28850, 272, 10864, 187, 1276, 403, 597, 1469, 281, 564, 375, 383, 554, 441, 281, 2471, 32, 401, 25826, 10739, 30625, 4668, 326, 18784, 625, 281, 14172, 275, 4702, 285, 1625, 9575, 685, 897, 8914, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1717, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 2693, 27, 1706, 27, 1619, 642, 15, 25, 24257, 1423, 1508, 27, 187, 28645, 352, 434, 9269, 327, 247, 49683, 2395, 285, 8687, 15589, 84, 390, 690, 7863, 13445, 13, 1227, 4818, 16, 2506, 626, 1557, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1717, 16, 1036, 9, 33228, 10, 2693, 27, 1671, 27, 1012, 642, 15, 25, 24257, 1423, 1438, 27, 187, 5064, 44160, 3156, 8193, 187, 3650, 2119, 15, 380, 760, 1921, 4135, 4245, 247, 7435, 670, 18156, 310, 984, 352, 6993, 347, 247, 6391, 875, 18460, 285, 4135, 13, 4495, 352 ]
in South Africa are violent criminals. niggers in the US are violent for no reason. probably cause they get everything handed to them. Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)12:21:55 no.131403118: >>131392192 Sissy whitebois are too soft, can't compete LMAO Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)12:22:06 no.131403137: >>131402445 >If it was a nigger at the drive through or white guys throwing it no if you fuck with people like this you're a piece of trash Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)12:22:26 no.131403163: >>131392192 He relaxed around niggers and paid the price. He also retardedly treated them like humans. Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)12:22:46 no.131403190: >>131393081 >We rape our own at an incredible rate >Alpha male shit >You wouldn't understand white boi Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)12:22:54 no.131403200: >>131403061 I doubt it. Why would a fast food employee on the job agree to do a video like this? It doesn't sound scripted to me Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)12:22:57 no.131403207: >>131401693 I am convinced that they don't, they just pretend that they do. Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)12:23:00 no.131403209: >>131393081 Alpha Males dont throw and run. Thats what the little monkeys do to the big one. Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)12:23:07 no.131403222: >>131401863 >>innocent >>black people Oh come the fuck on Anon! Use better bait! Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)12:23:25 no.131403248: >>131396903 You really are stupid, Kys. They were not denied service because they are niggers it's because they cut in line and were rude fucking niggers! Not impressed 06/26/17(Mon)12:24:54 no.131403363: >>131394785 Summer as fuck Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)12:25:02 no.131403378: I'm just happy to know these niggers have >10x more chance of being shot and killed >75% of being locked up for life >100% of always being a nigger and never white Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)12:25:27 no.131403416: >>131403363 t. summerfag Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)12:26:02 no.131403455: >>131401837 >be retarded nigger monkey >attack a fast food worker because manager refused to serve you fried chicken for cutting in line kek Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)12:26:16 no.131403478: >>131395698 we should employ the Genghis khan tactics in Afghanistan, if it moves kill it. Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)12:26:54 no.131403533: >>131403478 >if it moves kill it. Your limp dick is immortal. Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)12:28:54 no.131403718: >>131403533 triggered refugee spotted :) Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)12:28:55 no.131403721: >>131396316 >their action was understandable They committed violence no its not understandable. The way they filled the bottle ahead of time shows its premeditated also. Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)12:29:08 no.131403740: >>131403718 >:) Gay. Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)12:29:15 no.131403750: >>131402878 Well, he means nothing happens to niggers when they do casual coon shit. Obviously murder is murder and the police will get involved in that case (mostly,) but things like punching people in the jaw, stealing, throwing shit at people, groping etc. is disgustingly tolerated by the average American (whites and otherwise) because our lives are good enough as it is, and we haven't hit a point of decay where we can no longer ignore it. When we do get to that point, a lot of innocent people are probably going to get hurt by others who think they can do as they please, but then and only then will you get a better idea of who really runs this show. (Hint: it's not niggers) Right now most Americans are still to blindsided by the fact most of our adult population consists of overgrown children, and we haven't come to terms with that so we can't quite deal with it yet. Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)12:29:43 no.131403790: if Americans didnt want strong black men in their country they should not have shipped them here in the first place. Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)12:29:57 no.131403802: >>131401863 Yes. That's how monkeys learn. Stop treating blacks as humans, and start treating them as chimps like we used to. This is the ultimate "atleast im not a racist" comment. Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)12:30:05 no.131403812: >>131392192 Ignorant, massive self esteem, constantly told they're the oppressed victims; it's a recipe for urban destruction. Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)12:30:19 no.131403830: >>131392192 >black >people Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)12:31:50 no.131403951: >>131403721 We can agree to disagree. Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)12:32:46 no.131404029: >>131403750 You sound way more sensible and intelligent than the other guy. Thank you for being more thoughtful. I mean this unironically. Not impressed 06/26/17(Mon)12:33:40 no.131404104: >>131396242 >>131396242 >location 1. Carl's Junior - Southern California, maybe just California. 2. metro stop 115 3. Downey in big letters on building 4. Shell station next to it. >Vehicle 1. Recently purchased - has paper plates taped in the passenger side window 2. Infiniti SUV That's why they probably have not been caught. The paper plates. Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)12:34:49 no.131404201: >>131392192 are bitch, ass and nigga the only words they know? Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)12:35:55 no.131404287: >>131404104 Look at his shirt. It says canes, not Carl's Jr. Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)12:37:04 no.131404382: >>131393743 Low IQ and a culture that ostracizes smart ones for being "too white" Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)12:37:27 no.131404408: >>131396710 Mulatto here. Kill me. Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)12:37:35 no.131404417: >>131403740 refugees never learned emoticons? muslim education is truly the marvel of the world Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)12:38:10 no.131404462: >>131392192 It isn't necessarily just being violent, blacks have a low impulse control (or something along those lines) so they'll snap and resort to conflict easier. Even for dumb shit like ordering fast food Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)12:38:21 no.131404491: >>131392192 Its part of their DNA, but Im tired of posting shit that only shills pretend they havent seen here already. Lol someone already posted the dont compare me to niggers one. Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)12:38:52 no.131404538: >>131404417 This sissy snowflake depends on emoticons to express his thoughts. Sad. And gay. Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)12:38:59 no.131404552: almost every nigger is secretly gay, and they hide the fact by acting masculine Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)12:39:35 no.
[ 275, 3684, 7531, 403, 12338, 25481, 15, 35825, 7276, 275, 253, 1982, 403, 12338, 323, 642, 1921, 15, 3164, 2847, 597, 755, 3253, 14048, 281, 731, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 805, 27, 1797, 27, 2417, 642, 15, 1012, 1047, 2941, 14711, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1012, 4529, 14403, 187, 52, 739, 90, 3168, 2399, 261, 403, 1512, 2602, 13, 476, 626, 15639, 418, 3788, 48, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 805, 27, 1423, 27, 3071, 642, 15, 1012, 1047, 2941, 15497, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 12434, 1348, 1857, 187, 31, 2042, 352, 369, 247, 295, 16046, 387, 253, 4446, 949, 390, 3168, 6068, 15950, 352, 209, 187, 2369, 187, 338, 368, 7435, 342, 952, 751, 436, 368, 1472, 247, 5313, 273, 22381, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 805, 27, 1423, 27, 1731, 642, 15, 1012, 1047, 2941, 18121, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1012, 4529, 14403, 187, 1328, 19595, 1475, 35825, 7276, 285, 5087, 253, 4376, 15, 754, 671, 48101, 314, 4127, 731, 751, 7497, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 805, 27, 1423, 27, 2950, 642, 15, 1012, 1047, 2941, 16129, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 15270, 1229, 3593, 187, 31, 1231, 16773, 776, 1211, 387, 271, 14331, 2281, 187, 31, 29858, 5086, 10739, 187, 31, 1394, 5082, 626, 2096, 3168, 1766, 74, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 805, 27, 1423, 27, 3439, 642, 15, 1012, 12434, 1237, 361, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 12434, 1229, 3832, 187, 42, 5545, 352, 15, 6049, 651, 247, 3809, 2739, 8183, 327, 253, 2628, 5194, 281, 513, 247, 3492, 751, 436, 32, 733, 2506, 626, 3590, 6001, 264, 281, 479, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 805, 27, 1423, 27, 3011, 642, 15, 1012, 1047, 2941, 18202, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1047, 520, 33291, 187, 42, 717, 13762, 326, 597, 1053, 626, 13, 597, 816, 22830, 326, 597, 513, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 805, 27, 1508, 27, 361, 642, 15, 1012, 1047, 2941, 14009, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 15270, 1229, 3593, 187, 29858, 353, 2339, 13414, 4710, 285, 1408, 15, 596, 1832, 752, 253, 1652, 30552, 513, 281, 253, 1943, 581, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 805, 27, 1508, 27, 2922, 642, 15, 1012, 12434, 1237, 1423, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1047, 520, 39948, 187, 5064, 2966, 40420, 209, 187, 5064, 11958, 952, 187, 4013, 1705, 253, 7435, 327, 743, 251, 2, 7890, 1805, 35352, 2, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 805, 27, 1508, 27, 1099, 642, 15, 1012, 12434, 1237, 2385, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 15270, 2090, 2941, 187, 1394, 1663, 403, 11339, 13, 611, 656, 15, 209, 187, 3726, 497, 417, 5868, 2579, 984, 597, 403, 35825, 7276, 352, 434, 984, 597, 2624, 275, 1386, 285, 497, 30446, 12835, 35825, 7276, 2, 535, 187, 3650, 17847, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 805, 27, 1348, 27, 3439, 642, 15, 1012, 12434, 1610, 3571, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 15270, 2504, 2227, 187, 46735, 347, 7435, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 805, 27, 1099, 27, 2640, 642, 15, 1012, 12434, 1610, 3141, 27, 187, 42, 1353, 816, 5211, 281, 871, 841, 35825, 7276, 452, 187, 31, 740, 89, 625, 4839, 273, 1146, 5103, 285, 5339, 187, 31, 1976, 6, 273, 1146, 12623, 598, 323, 1495, 187, 31, 2313, 6, 273, 1900, 1146, 247, 295, 16046, 285, 1620, 3168, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 805, 27, 1099, 27, 1630, 642, 15, 1012, 12434, 1706, 1036, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 12434, 1610, 3571, 187, 85, 15, 5768, 71, 356, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 805, 27, 1731, 27, 2640, 642, 15, 1012, 12434, 1706, 2417, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1047, 12058, 1787, 187, 31, 1257, 48101, 295, 16046, 28005, 187, 31, 35946, 247, 3809, 2739, 12954, 984, 7205, 9284, 281, 5752, 368, 31894, 11152, 323, 9968, 275, 1386, 187, 413, 76, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 805, 27, 1731, 27, 1036, 642, 15, 1012, 12434, 1706, 3141, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1012, 2222, 31671, 187, 664, 943, 2126, 253, 443, 1205, 8701, 465, 5582, 21041, 275, 16111, 13, 604, 352, 9727, 5159, 352, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 805, 27, 1731, 27, 3439, 642, 15, 1012, 12434, 1671, 1610, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 12434, 1706, 3141, 187, 31, 338, 352, 9727, 5159, 352, 15, 187, 7093, 46169, 33702, 310, 34677, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 805, 27, 1619, 27, 3439, 642, 15, 1012, 12434, 1787, 1093, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 12434, 1671, 1610, 187, 39168, 12466, 29302, 20673, 9418, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 805, 27, 1619, 27, 2417, 642, 15, 1012, 12434, 1787, 1797, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 15270, 3571, 1036, 187, 31, 14094, 2250, 369, 34007, 187, 3726, 7730, 7217, 642, 697, 417, 34007, 15, 380, 1039, 597, 6898, 253, 11996, 6386, 273, 673, 2722, 697, 638, 1314, 15281, 671, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 805, 27, 1717, 27, 2904, 642, 15, 1012, 12434, 1787, 1449, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 12434, 1787, 1093, 187, 32056, 10, 187, 40, 333, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 805, 27, 1717, 27, 1010, 642, 15, 1012, 12434, 1787, 1235, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 12434, 1619, 3141, 187, 4497, 13, 344, 2097, 2717, 6569, 281, 35825, 7276, 672, 597, 513, 15120, 820, 251, 10739, 15, 22469, 7701, 310, 7701, 285, 253, 3513, 588, 755, 3206, 275, 326, 1083, 313, 39025, 43508, 533, 1841, 751, 18750, 272, 952, 275, 253, 21065, 13, 27980, 13, 15950, 10739, 387, 952, 13, 305, 1658, 272, 3966, 15, 310, 24808, 5356, 29808, 407, 253, 3388, 2448, 313, 2484, 3254, 285, 5010, 10, 984, 776, 4852, 403, 1175, 2217, 347, 352, 310, 13, 285, 359, 6468, 626, 4352, 247, 1127, 273, 10027, 835, 359, 476, 642, 3356, 11823, 352, 15, 2091, 359, 513, 755, 281, 326, 1127, 13, 247, 2257, 273, 15377, 952, 403, 3164, 1469, 281, 755, 8513, 407, 2571, 665, 1158, 597, 476, 513, 347, 597, 4496, 13, 533, 840, 285, 760, 840, 588, 368, 755, 247, 1805, 2934, 273, 665, 1663, 6613, 436, 921, 15, 313, 34737, 27, 352, 434, 417, 35825, 7276, 10, 10154, 1024, 954, 7108, 403, 1335, 281, 9645, 21773, 407, 253, 958, 954, 273, 776, 6782, 3072, 8414, 273, 689, 30144, 2151, 13, 285, 359, 6468, 626, 1705, 281, 2426, 342, 326, 594, 359, 476, 626, 3240, 2968, 342, 352, 2568, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 805, 27, 1717, 27, 3079, 642, 15, 1012, 12434, 1787, 2270, 27, 187, 338, 7108, 42126, 971, 2266, 2806, 1821, 275, 616, 2586, 597, 943, 417, 452, 24610, 731, 1060, 275, 253, 806, 1659, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 805, 27, 1717, 27, 3011, 642, 15, 1012, 1047, 2941, 28879, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1047, 520, 39948, 187, 4374, 15, 2064, 434, 849, 30552, 3037, 15, 187, 15021, 12767, 26769, 347, 7497, 13, 285, 1265, 12767, 731, 347, 19114, 793, 751, 359, 908, 281, 15, 209, 187, 1552, 310, 253, 12553, 346, 255, 38462, 516, 417, 247, 22198, 3, 4385, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 805, 27, 1229, 27, 1762, 642, 15, 1012, 12434, 1839, 805, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1012, 4529, 14403, 187, 25424, 263, 386, 13, 7863, 1881, 12368, 358, 13, 11485, 2183, 597, 1472, 253, 48852, 10349, 28, 352, 434, 247, 13612, 323, 10106, 12536, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 805, 27, 1229, 27, 746, 642, 15, 1012, 12434, 1839, 1229, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1012, 4529, 14403, 187, 31, 11958, 209, 187, 31, 13174, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 805, 27, 2405, 27, 1235, 642, 15, 1012, 12434, 1867, 3712, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 12434, 1787, 1797, 187, 1231, 476, 5194, 281, 14936, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 805, 27, 1237, 27, 2950, 642, 15, 1012, 12434, 1449, 1717, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 12434, 1787, 1235, 187, 1394, 3590, 1039, 625, 24600, 285, 17497, 685, 253, 643, 5599, 15, 11239, 368, 323, 1146, 625, 30457, 15, 309, 1599, 436, 440, 2002, 1037, 15, 535, 187, 3650, 17847, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 805, 27, 1610, 27, 1449, 642, 15, 1012, 1047, 2125, 11238, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1012, 4196, 22232, 187, 5064, 1012, 1012, 4196, 22232, 187, 31, 12428, 187, 18, 15, 11197, 434, 25418, 428, 10586, 5002, 13, 5046, 816, 5002, 15, 187, 19, 15, 40011, 3523, 11343, 187, 20, 15, 23549, 2191, 275, 1943, 4876, 327, 3652, 187, 21, 15, 28707, 4660, 1735, 281, 352, 15, 187, 31, 55, 11430, 2024, 187, 18, 15, 17746, 9716, 428, 556, 2929, 10855, 246, 7760, 275, 253, 15828, 1930, 3497, 187, 19, 15, 13160, 4478, 74, 36175, 187, 2773, 434, 2139, 597, 3164, 452, 417, 644, 7270, 15, 380, 2929, 10855, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 805, 27, 1706, 27, 2537, 642, 15, 1012, 1047, 2125, 1252, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1012, 4529, 14403, 187, 609, 23331, 13, 718, 285, 35825, 2485, 253, 760, 3000, 597, 871, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 805, 27, 1671, 27, 2417, 642, 15, 1012, 1047, 2125, 24117, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1047, 2125, 11238, 187, 7745, 387, 521, 14133, 15, 733, 2296, 476, 265, 13, 417, 11197, 434, 10512, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 805, 27, 1787, 27, 2125, 642, 15, 1012, 1047, 2125, 31110, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 15270, 1787, 3079, 187, 20357, 29147, 285, 247, 4466, 326, 258, 1344, 317, 4219, 7060, 4394, 323, 1146, 346, 15627, 3168, 3, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 805, 27, 1787, 27, 1630, 642, 15, 1012, 1047, 2125, 22488, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 15270, 2251, 740, 187, 46, 335, 44530, 1060, 15, 187, 44079, 479, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 805, 27, 1787, 27, 1671, 642, 15, 1012, 12434, 2031, 1166, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 12434, 1787, 1449, 187, 709, 4079, 265, 1620, 6311, 802, 3875, 790, 32, 187, 14557, 2815, 4730, 310, 7777, 253, 29553, 273, 253, 1533, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 805, 27, 1839, 27, 740, 642, 15, 1012, 12434, 2031, 3763, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1012, 4529, 14403, 187, 1147, 3548, 626, 7933, 816, 1146, 12338, 13, 26769, 452, 247, 1698, 27354, 1453, 313, 263, 1633, 2112, 1110, 3104, 10, 594, 597, 1833, 14496, 285, 17942, 281, 7344, 6927, 15, 4952, 323, 21413, 10739, 751, 15824, 3809, 2739, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 805, 27, 1839, 27, 1797, 642, 15, 1012, 12434, 2031, 4739, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1012, 4529, 14403, 187, 27132, 629, 273, 616, 3882, 13, 533, 3173, 11870, 273, 16920, 10739, 326, 760, 439, 3171, 22830, 597, 419, 2254, 2326, 1060, 2168, 15, 187, 45, 311, 3095, 2168, 9269, 253, 13414, 7277, 479, 281, 35825, 7276, 581, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 805, 27, 1839, 27, 3583, 642, 15, 1012, 12434, 1857, 1839, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 12434, 2031, 1166, 187, 1552, 256, 739, 90, 8762, 1258, 640, 7024, 327, 802, 3875, 790, 281, 3890, 521, 7906, 15, 187, 41052, 15, 1244, 11730, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 805, 27, 1839, 27, 3046, 642, 15, 1012, 12434, 1857, 3583, 27, 187, 25855, 1046, 295, 16046, 310, 31065, 11730, 13, 285, 597, 10507, 253, 958, 407, 8534, 42212, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 805, 27, 1867, 27, 1671, 642, 15 ]
the most in Bosnian Croats and Croats in general, biggest characteristic is the height. We and the Dutch are the tallest people in the world. Muh Aryan original eVropeans Anonymous 08/23/18(Thu)09:46:00 no.183214498: >>183213839 Oh, so you deny DNA or what? Or you just want do be slavic so bad? Make a test. See what comes out. Slavic blood is on third place in most. Which means we are a mix. End of story. Anonymous 08/23/18(Thu)09:49:31 no.183214755: >>183214422 I fucked up so many words, idgaf Anonymous 08/23/18(Thu)09:50:36 no.183214841: >>183214498 you also have the reading comprehension of a fucking 4 year old, which isn't surprising given your previous statements. If you actually take the time to read my post again you'll see I never said we're pure slavs or even anything close to that, but you and that other japan flag faggot are literal we wuzzers. Anonymous 08/23/18(Thu)09:53:34 no.183215274: >>183206069 Aгpeeд Anonymous 08/23/18(Thu)09:54:15 no.183215350: I would gladly join in a pan-slavic superstate but Russians would have to apologize for fucking over most of the other slavs first and stop being imperialistic towards us. I hold no bad blood towards other Slavs and although I don't exactly like some I wouldn't mind living in one state with them. Anonymous 08/23/18(Thu)09:57:40 no.183215593: >>183214498 So we're what then? Indigenous peoples just like the hungarians? Aka thracian. Anonymous 08/23/18(Thu)10:12:05 no.183216718: >>183215593 He already told you we're a mix, which is right. And yes there are people who do have thracian blood in some parts of the country at least, but having genes in groups of people throughout the country doesn't make those people thracian, neither does it make bulgarians as a whole thracians, same goes for "insert any other of the major groups that are part of this mixed shtifest". Anonymous 08/23/18(Thu)10:13:53 no.183216865: >>183216718 Everyone is "mixed" in Europe. But hey we look the same for the most part, as long as we are white. Anonymous 08/23/18(Thu)10:15:37 no.183217007: >>183215593 You probably voted for „Дa, Бългapия” based on your rhetoric. A Union based on the fact that all of us are slavic is the problem. And idiotic in itself. No, you didn’t deny that we are a mix. But we can’t just get ourselves some identity and go with it. You should first learn about and know your past. Have a strong senses of who you are and then go for alliances or Unions. We have lost our identity and all we produce is corruption and destruction. >>183214841 A Union based on the fact that all of us are slavic is the problem. And idiotic in itself. No, you didn’t deny that we are a mix. But we can’t just pick ourselves some identity we like and go with it. You should first learn about and know your past. Have a strong senses of who you are and then go for alliances or Unions. We have lost our identity and all we produce is corruption and destruction. Look into DNA Analysis and research on Bulgarians. We are first and foremost Proto-Bulgarians. Then comes Thracian (Tpифoн зapeзaн e cтap тpaкийcки eзичecки пpaзник, кoйтo oщe днec ce пpaзнyвa) and then Slavic. In some regions in Bulgaria the Slavic part comes second. Neo Jet 08/23/18(Thu)10:16:05 no.183217043: Ironically, I believe that all of this bitching between Slavs & others will unite them, bcz it's like the pattern of kids or ppl fighting for a bit, then befriending one another. Like a rotten bond, but still a bond which gets better & better. My doubts are on countries that steal entire cultural parts bcz they're mongoloids, referring to "Macedonians", aka rip offs Anonymous 08/23/18(Thu)10:19:55 no.183217382: >>183214060 we take our lands back without help tho er_Poland_uprising_(1918%E2%80%9319 19) Anonymous 08/23/18(Thu)10:22:54 no.183217639: >>183217043 blame the serbs for that they stole bulgarian land and brainwashed the population Anonymous 08/23/18(Thu)10:27:41 no.183218030: >>183216865 >Everyone is "mixed" in Europe. well yeah sure, but that's just the easy way of explaining things >>183217007 >You probably voted for „Дa, Бългapия” based on your rhetoric. Holy fuck dude you're retarded, what fucking rhetoric, he literally asked you a question. >A Union based on the fact that all of us are slavic is the problem. And idiotic in itself. No, you didn’t deny that we are a mix. But we can’t just pick ourselves some identity we like and go with it. You should first learn about and know your past. Have a strong senses of who you are and then go for alliances or Unions. We have lost our identity and all we produce is corruption and destruction. I've literally never even addressed that topic in any of my posts so far so I don't know why you're bringing it up as it has nothing to do with my arguments. > Look into DNA Analysis and research on Bulgarians. We are first and foremost Proto-Bulgarians. Then comes Thracian (Tpифoн зapeзaн e cтap тpaкийcки eзичecки пpaзник, кoйтo oщe днec ce пpaзнyвa) and then Slavic. In some regions in Bulgaria the Slavic part comes second first off no we aren't, I don't know which brain dead monkey you got those "studies" from, but I've said in one of the posts above, if you think several thousand proto bulgarians can come here and mix with the slavic tribes which were way more numerous, and then have their proto bulgarian genes be dominant, then you're retarded >then comes thracian yeah then you proceed to go from you DNA "evidence" to fucking folklore as an argument, which is retarded since if pagan celebrations were actually proof of anything, given as you claim that we have mostly proto bulgarian blood then we'd surely have more proto bulgarian pagan leftovers than thracian, which we don't Anonymous 08/23/18(Thu)10:28:51 no.183218133: >>183218030 >Look into DNA Analysis and research on Bulgarians. We are first and foremost Proto-Bulgarians. Then comes Thracian (Tpифoн зapeзaн e cтap тpaкийcки eзичecки пpaзник, кoйтo oщe днec ce пpaзнyвa) and then Slavic. In some regions in Bulgaria the Slavic part comes second I don't know which brain dead monkey you got those "studies" from, but I've said in one of the posts above, if you think several thousand proto bulgarians can come here and mix with the slavic tribes which were way more numerous, and then have their proto bulgarian genes be dominant, then you're retarded fucked my enter there Anonymous 08/23/18(Thu)10:30:28 no.183218280: >>183212831 So can you please post links to the DNA studies and the history you speak of? Anonymous 08/23/18(Thu)10:38:45 no.183218978: >>183213815 >Canadian flag >says one of oldest European countries is fake Lol Anonymous 08/23/18(Thu)10:46:53 no.183219604: >>183203106 Actually, right after the Smolenks plane crash Poland and Russia had the warmest and most friendly relations since the fall of the Soviet
[ 253, 954, 275, 18624, 79, 757, 13198, 1832, 285, 13198, 1832, 275, 2087, 13, 5962, 8847, 310, 253, 4898, 15, 844, 285, 253, 13986, 403, 253, 10086, 383, 952, 275, 253, 1533, 15, 25236, 329, 36440, 3236, 26748, 287, 365, 507, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1508, 16, 1093, 9, 44644, 10, 2693, 27, 2950, 27, 361, 642, 15, 1093, 1237, 1047, 31358, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1237, 15148, 1867, 187, 4013, 13, 594, 368, 13292, 3882, 390, 752, 32, 2207, 368, 816, 971, 513, 320, 1499, 580, 280, 594, 3076, 32, 209, 187, 13325, 247, 1071, 15, 2594, 752, 3249, 562, 15, 209, 187, 10612, 580, 280, 2614, 310, 327, 2626, 1659, 275, 954, 15, 187, 7371, 2097, 359, 403, 247, 5878, 15, 8072, 273, 2926, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1508, 16, 1093, 9, 44644, 10, 2693, 27, 2537, 27, 2405, 642, 15, 1093, 1237, 1047, 27496, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1237, 14231, 1423, 187, 42, 35598, 598, 594, 1142, 3000, 13, 2654, 72, 2320, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1508, 16, 1093, 9, 44644, 10, 2693, 27, 1235, 27, 1812, 642, 15, 1093, 1237, 1047, 39506, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1237, 1047, 31358, 187, 5658, 671, 452, 253, 4361, 35380, 273, 247, 12835, 577, 807, 1711, 13, 534, 3548, 626, 10084, 1677, 634, 2045, 7234, 15, 1310, 368, 2686, 1379, 253, 673, 281, 1239, 619, 1501, 969, 368, 1833, 923, 309, 1620, 753, 359, 1472, 6313, 1499, 580, 84, 390, 1014, 2712, 2810, 281, 326, 13, 533, 368, 285, 326, 643, 480, 3682, 7908, 269, 13046, 302, 403, 22436, 359, 259, 86, 4396, 398, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1508, 16, 1093, 9, 44644, 10, 2693, 27, 3357, 27, 1706, 642, 15, 1093, 1237, 1010, 23735, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 18911, 1549, 2090, 187, 34, 9925, 49953, 5129, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1508, 16, 1093, 9, 44644, 10, 2693, 27, 3439, 27, 1010, 642, 15, 1093, 1237, 16271, 1235, 27, 187, 42, 651, 46107, 6604, 275, 247, 3199, 14, 3433, 580, 280, 2221, 3409, 533, 24794, 651, 452, 281, 26012, 323, 12835, 689, 954, 273, 253, 643, 1499, 580, 84, 806, 285, 3523, 1146, 21474, 2531, 4404, 441, 15, 309, 2186, 642, 3076, 2614, 4404, 643, 50168, 84, 285, 3738, 309, 1053, 626, 4555, 751, 690, 309, 5082, 626, 2564, 3811, 275, 581, 1375, 342, 731, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1508, 16, 1093, 9, 44644, 10, 2693, 27, 3011, 27, 1449, 642, 15, 1093, 1237, 1010, 43114, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1237, 1047, 31358, 187, 2598, 359, 1472, 752, 840, 3736, 35623, 22132, 816, 751, 253, 10416, 19222, 3736, 329, 4530, 7635, 317, 757, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1508, 16, 1093, 9, 44644, 10, 740, 27, 805, 27, 1762, 642, 15, 1093, 1237, 18146, 1093, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1237, 1010, 43114, 187, 1328, 2168, 2183, 368, 359, 1472, 247, 5878, 13, 534, 310, 987, 15, 1244, 4754, 627, 403, 952, 665, 513, 452, 7635, 317, 757, 2614, 275, 690, 4243, 273, 253, 2586, 387, 1878, 13, 533, 1907, 3608, 275, 2390, 273, 952, 4768, 253, 2586, 2506, 626, 1056, 1110, 952, 7635, 317, 757, 13, 6747, 1057, 352, 1056, 5152, 72, 19222, 347, 247, 2644, 7635, 317, 2458, 13, 1072, 4566, 323, 346, 14447, 667, 643, 273, 253, 2201, 2390, 326, 403, 629, 273, 436, 6804, 256, 384, 42112, 3446, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1508, 16, 1093, 9, 44644, 10, 740, 27, 1012, 27, 3357, 642, 15, 1093, 1237, 13851, 2082, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1237, 18146, 1093, 187, 23631, 310, 346, 37340, 3, 275, 3060, 15, 1292, 18981, 359, 1007, 253, 1072, 323, 253, 954, 629, 13, 347, 1048, 347, 359, 403, 3168, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1508, 16, 1093, 9, 44644, 10, 740, 27, 1010, 27, 1787, 642, 15, 1093, 1237, 1166, 7931, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1237, 1010, 43114, 187, 1394, 3164, 14285, 323, 16724, 32697, 66, 13, 38177, 13396, 3415, 9925, 522, 10743, 668, 1754, 327, 634, 26527, 15, 209, 187, 34, 6398, 1754, 327, 253, 958, 326, 512, 273, 441, 403, 1499, 580, 280, 310, 253, 1895, 15, 1244, 2654, 12381, 275, 3139, 15, 1621, 13, 368, 1904, 457, 85, 13292, 326, 359, 403, 247, 5878, 15, 1292, 359, 476, 457, 85, 816, 755, 9361, 690, 6489, 285, 564, 342, 352, 15, 1422, 943, 806, 3037, 670, 285, 871, 634, 2469, 15, 12238, 247, 2266, 21768, 273, 665, 368, 403, 285, 840, 564, 323, 512, 18843, 390, 914, 621, 15, 844, 452, 3663, 776, 6489, 285, 512, 359, 4711, 310, 16933, 285, 12536, 15, 209, 187, 5064, 1093, 1237, 1047, 39506, 187, 34, 6398, 1754, 327, 253, 958, 326, 512, 273, 441, 403, 1499, 580, 280, 310, 253, 1895, 15, 1244, 2654, 12381, 275, 3139, 15, 1621, 13, 368, 1904, 457, 85, 13292, 326, 359, 403, 247, 5878, 15, 1292, 359, 476, 457, 85, 816, 2619, 9361, 690, 6489, 359, 751, 285, 564, 342, 352, 15, 1422, 943, 806, 3037, 670, 285, 871, 634, 2469, 15, 12238, 247, 2266, 21768, 273, 665, 368, 403, 285, 840, 564, 323, 512, 18843, 390, 914, 621, 15, 844, 452, 3663, 776, 6489, 285, 512, 359, 4711, 310, 16933, 285, 12536, 15, 209, 187, 7745, 715, 3882, 10330, 285, 2561, 327, 13289, 72, 19222, 15, 844, 403, 806, 285, 31971, 1294, 936, 14, 36068, 72, 19222, 15, 2635, 3249, 596, 8306, 757, 313, 39422, 1389, 18341, 80, 1640, 8793, 2259, 7762, 66, 1640, 299, 260, 1367, 522, 8134, 4904, 3721, 18664, 68, 23379, 299, 7762, 18565, 886, 23379, 3776, 4904, 7762, 42720, 13, 6467, 80, 10411, 1367, 80, 258, 11514, 70, 6564, 1640, 886, 2636, 3776, 4904, 7762, 1640, 90, 4183, 66, 10, 285, 840, 50168, 280, 15, 496, 690, 4811, 275, 43905, 253, 50168, 280, 629, 3249, 1273, 15, 535, 187, 6560, 80, 27430, 16331, 16, 1508, 16, 1093, 9, 44644, 10, 740, 27, 1036, 27, 1762, 642, 15, 1093, 1237, 1166, 21045, 27, 187, 41331, 1037, 13, 309, 2868, 326, 512, 273, 436, 2372, 7695, 875, 50168, 84, 708, 2571, 588, 41697, 731, 13, 270, 14617, 352, 434, 751, 253, 3102, 273, 5753, 390, 268, 446, 8615, 323, 247, 2372, 13, 840, 40660, 363, 1946, 581, 1529, 15, 209, 187, 9817, 247, 46301, 5533, 13, 533, 1335, 247, 5533, 534, 4850, 1805, 708, 1805, 15, 209, 187, 3220, 24626, 403, 327, 4343, 326, 20016, 2862, 8928, 4243, 270, 14617, 597, 1472, 49535, 311, 9448, 13, 14339, 281, 346, 46, 2575, 251, 2458, 995, 38857, 25691, 745, 84, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1508, 16, 1093, 9, 44644, 10, 740, 27, 746, 27, 2417, 642, 15, 1093, 1237, 1166, 31110, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1237, 12434, 1549, 187, 664, 1379, 776, 13446, 896, 1293, 1361, 37152, 209, 187, 3614, 1358, 257, 15, 25842, 15, 2061, 16, 16123, 16, 15611, 187, 254, 64, 7638, 395, 64, 484, 37897, 18284, 45995, 6, 38, 19, 6, 1438, 6, 4590, 746, 187, 746, 10, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1508, 16, 1093, 9, 44644, 10, 740, 27, 1423, 27, 3439, 642, 15, 1093, 1237, 17184, 1867, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1237, 1166, 21045, 187, 1559, 482, 253, 1151, 1768, 323, 326, 597, 26044, 5152, 5209, 757, 2659, 285, 3998, 47690, 253, 3072, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1508, 16, 1093, 9, 44644, 10, 740, 27, 1630, 27, 3156, 642, 15, 1093, 1237, 11395, 1229, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1237, 13851, 2082, 187, 31, 23631, 310, 346, 37340, 3, 275, 3060, 15, 187, 4714, 10902, 2119, 13, 533, 326, 434, 816, 253, 3477, 1039, 273, 15571, 1841, 187, 5064, 1093, 1237, 1166, 7931, 187, 31, 1394, 3164, 14285, 323, 16724, 32697, 66, 13, 38177, 13396, 3415, 9925, 522, 10743, 668, 1754, 327, 634, 26527, 15, 209, 187, 42846, 7435, 29723, 368, 1472, 48101, 13, 752, 12835, 26527, 13, 344, 12832, 2546, 368, 247, 1953, 15, 187, 31, 34, 6398, 1754, 327, 253, 958, 326, 512, 273, 441, 403, 1499, 580, 280, 310, 253, 1895, 15, 1244, 2654, 12381, 275, 3139, 15, 1621, 13, 368, 1904, 457, 85, 13292, 326, 359, 403, 247, 5878, 15, 1292, 359, 476, 457, 85, 816, 2619, 9361, 690, 6489, 359, 751, 285, 564, 342, 352, 15, 1422, 943, 806, 3037, 670, 285, 871, 634, 2469, 15, 12238, 247, 2266, 21768, 273, 665, 368, 403, 285, 840, 564, 323, 512, 18843, 390, 914, 621, 15, 844, 452, 3663, 776, 6489, 285, 512, 359, 4711, 310, 16933, 285, 12536, 15, 187, 42, 1849, 12832, 1620, 1014, 9713, 326, 9400, 275, 667, 273, 619, 9319, 594, 2080, 594, 309, 1053, 626, 871, 2139, 368, 1472, 9745, 352, 598, 347, 352, 556, 2717, 281, 513, 342, 619, 7125, 15, 187, 31, 187, 7745, 715, 3882, 10330, 285, 2561, 327, 13289, 72, 19222, 15, 844, 403, 806, 285, 31971, 1294, 936, 14, 36068, 72, 19222, 15, 2635, 3249, 596, 8306, 757, 313, 39422, 1389, 18341, 80, 1640, 8793, 2259, 7762, 66, 1640, 299, 260, 1367, 522, 8134, 4904, 3721, 18664, 68, 23379, 299, 7762, 18565, 886, 23379, 3776, 4904, 7762, 42720, 13, 6467, 80, 10411, 1367, 80, 258, 11514, 70, 6564, 1640, 886, 2636, 3776, 4904, 7762, 1640, 90, 4183, 66, 10, 285, 840, 50168, 280, 15, 496, 690, 4811, 275, 43905, 253, 50168, 280, 629, 3249, 1273, 187, 7053, 745, 642, 359, 6403, 626, 13, 309, 1053, 626, 871, 534, 3998, 3846, 28005, 368, 1694, 1110, 346, 14091, 447, 3, 432, 13, 533, 309, 1849, 753, 275, 581, 273, 253, 9319, 1840, 13, 604, 368, 1158, 2067, 8014, 21634, 5152, 72, 19222, 476, 1705, 1060, 285, 5878, 342, 253, 1499, 580, 280, 23206, 534, 497, 1039, 625, 7418, 13, 285, 840, 452, 616, 21634, 5152, 5209, 757, 3608, 320, 11360, 13, 840, 368, 1472, 48101, 187, 31, 7461, 3249, 7635, 317, 757, 187, 90, 3983, 840, 368, 4262, 281, 564, 432, 368, 3882, 346, 22432, 3, 281, 12835, 6305, 7261, 410, 347, 271, 4154, 13, 534, 310, 48101, 1580, 604, 47372, 41044, 497, 2686, 4737, 273, 2712, 13, 1677, 347, 368, 1750, 326, 359, 452, 6571, 21634, 5152, 5209, 757, 2614, 840, 359, 1871, 13353, 452, 625, 21634, 5152, 5209, 757, 47372, 1669, 12239, 685, 7635, 317, 757, 13, 534, 359, 1053, 626, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1508, 16, 1093, 9, 44644, 10, 740, 27, 1619, 27, 3712, 642, 15, 1093, 1237, 1093, 14380, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1237, 11395, 1229, 187, 31, 7745, 715, 3882, 10330, 285, 2561, 327, 13289, 72, 19222, 15, 844, 403, 806, 285, 31971, 1294, 936, 14, 36068, 72, 19222, 15, 2635, 3249, 596, 8306, 757, 313, 39422, 1389, 18341, 80, 1640, 8793, 2259, 7762, 66, 1640, 299, 260, 1367, 522, 8134, 4904, 3721, 18664, 68, 23379, 299, 7762, 18565, 886, 23379, 3776, 4904, 7762, 42720, 13, 6467, 80, 10411, 1367, 80, 258, 11514, 70, 6564, 1640, 886, 2636, 3776, 4904, 7762, 1640, 90, 4183, 66, 10, 285, 840, 50168, 280, 15, 496, 690, 4811, 275, 43905, 253, 50168, 280, 629, 3249, 1273, 187, 42, 1053, 626, 871, 534, 3998, 3846, 28005, 368, 1694, 1110, 346, 14091, 447, 3, 432, 13, 533, 309, 1849, 753, 275, 581, 273, 253, 9319, 1840, 13, 604, 368, 1158, 2067, 8014, 21634, 5152, 72, 19222, 476, 1705, 1060, 285, 5878, 342, 253, 1499, 580, 280, 23206, 534, 497, 1039, 625, 7418, 13, 285, 840, 452, 616, 21634, 5152, 5209, 757, 3608, 320, 11360, 13, 840, 368, 1472, 48101, 187, 71, 20044, 619, 4901, 627, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1508, 16, 1093, 9, 44644, 10, 740, 27, 1229, 27, 1619, 642, 15, 1093, 1237, 1093, 19100, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1237, 8196, 2405, 187, 2598, 476, 368, 4496, 1501, 4859, 281, 253, 3882, 2175, 285, 253, 2892, 368, 3984, 273, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1508, 16, 1093, 9, 44644, 10, 740, 27, 1839, 27, 1857, 642, 15, 1093, 1237, 18359, 3141, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1237, 15148, 1010, 187, 31, 31478, 7908, 187, 31, 84, 698, 581, 273, 17172, 5284, 4343, 310, 15223, 187, 45, 311, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1508, 16, 1093, 9, 44644, 10, 740, 27, 2950, 27, 3357, 642, 15, 1093, 1237, 746, 26890, 27, 187, 5064, 21092, 17490, 12971, 187, 25179, 13, 987, 846, 253, 3774, 12901, 661, 6415, 13035, 16795, 285, 7422, 574, 253, 5890, 383, 285, 954, 11453, 2493, 1580, 253, 2965, 273, 253, 12194 ]
Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)10:43:56 no.131394294: All fucking niggers must fucking hang. Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)10:44:36 no.131394350: >>131393081 This bitch ass white boys Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)10:46:22 no.131394497: >>131392192 A racist is born Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)10:47:50 no.131394617: >>131393743 It's trained into the base mind. Listen to most any popular rap blaring from their cars. It tends to be some variation of chyeah nigga chyeah nigga over the same beat. Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)10:48:02 no.131394630: >>131393856 projecting much Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)10:48:51 no.131394697: Because groups like black lives matter have got them thinking they're better than everyone else, and that white males are "disgusting" and "evil." Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)10:49:40 no.131394767: >>131394497 >fast food employee >not already racist from previous experiences Pretty sure anyone that deals with the bottom end of society, no matter the job, knows how it is. Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)10:49:50 no.131394785: @131394004 3 easy (you)s Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)10:50:05 no.131394801: >>131392192 Higher rates of muscle mass require more blood to circulate to operate. This robs the forebrain of juice and makes the psyche more centered around the mid-brain, which is what happens when normal whites undergo vasoconstriction when adrenaline is released into the bloodstream. The mid brain is our primal, more animal traits of thought. Negros mostly operate within this realm more than others. Of course their are some outliers but on the whole this condition affects their entire race. Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)10:51:18 no.131394892: >>131392192 >recording a crime and then posting it on the internet Why do black people do this? Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)10:51:57 no.131394952: >>131392192 It seems more like an American black thing. You might think thats weird coming from a South African but the majority of blacks here dont feel comfortable committing violence. Its seems like the vast majority of blacks in the USA are perfectly fine with violent acts towards others. Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)10:52:00 no.131394958: >>131392192 Africa's lack of law and government meant people that should have been killed go free to breed into the next generation. Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)10:53:13 no.131395056: >>131392192 The niggers in the comments know that nothing will happen because it's not a big enough deal for the police to investigate. Basically, they know that niggers commit so much crime that cops don't even bother with "petty" assault. Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)10:54:06 no.131395142: God damn it I hate niggers Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)10:54:14 no.131395160: >>131394892 >ayyoo mufugga, y'all seein this? this mufugga just took out A DAMN WHIITEE BOOOII basically virtue signaling but for niggers Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)10:54:25 no.131395179: >>131393081 You say that, but the real reason you get away with it is because people feel sorry for you, just like how a retard. In reality, you're just one wrong move away from being dragged by your legs down a gravel road by a pickup truck. Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)10:54:25 no.131395181: >>131392192 Fuck niggers man. Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)10:55:21 no.131395277: >>131392192 why is twitter full of niggers? Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)10:55:36 no.131395304: >>131394630 >implying niggas don't enjoy the dick Why the fuck you think they can't seem to stay out of jail? Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)10:56:07 no.131395350: >>131394801 >higher rates of muscle mass That's probably the dumbest thing I've read in months. Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)10:56:22 no.131395365: >>131392192 niggers gonna nig Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)10:57:31 no.131395457: >>131395277 Whites deserted it. Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)10:57:52 no.131395490: He relaxed at the end and got a bottle in the face. Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)10:58:00 no.131395501: >>131394551 >we become more aggressive and keep breeding >white become more feminine and willing of our dicks Maad Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)10:58:06 no.131395510: >>131392192 Wow i bet he had a red mark on his face for a good 30 mins dey got him good bitchass nigguh Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)10:58:39 no.131395561: >>131395350 L2 concepts then motherfucker because that's based in reality. You ever study the negro up close? In the field so to speak Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)10:58:57 no.131395585: >>131388343 Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)10:59:52 no.131395659: >>131392733 >>131393378 Based Bernini poster Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)11:00:18 no.131395698: >>131395501 Shut the fuck up dancing boi. Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)11:00:30 no.131395711: Niggers calling a human "nigga", yet they chimp out f humans call them niggers. Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)11:02:41 no.131395905: >>131395561 Except it has no actual basis in reality. Even American blacks, who are a quarter white on average, can't compete with whites in strength sports. It's not even close. Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)11:03:20 no.131395964: They getting roasted by their fellow niggers in the comments Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)11:03:23 no.131395972: >>131393081 This nigga gets it. Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)11:03:58 no.131396022: >>131392192 >bitsch aeschh niggeh >bitsch aeschh niggeh >bitsch aeschh niggeh Niggers. Holy fuck. Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)11:04:58 no.131396118: >>131393081 If you think that this is the kind of shit 'alphas' spend their time doing, you're fucking retarded Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)11:06:22 no.131396242: >>131392192 So: >Location >Date and time >Names involved That's all you need for the cops to come in and see him go full DINDUNUFFIN. We could make this into a legit news story Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)11:06:56 no.131396278: I can only imagine an MRI picture of a nigger brain. One lobe dedicated to kfc, watermelon and gangsta rap and the other lobe dedicated to their speech which consists of approximately 100 broken english words in total. Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)11:07:16 no.131396316: >>131392192 Guys, take one second to calm down. Consider this important fact: >no idea what happened beforehand This employee could have denied them service, in which case, their action was understandable. Let's put
[ 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 740, 27, 3079, 27, 3208, 642, 15, 1012, 1012, 3953, 22858, 27, 187, 3074, 12835, 35825, 7276, 1364, 12835, 10913, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 740, 27, 2031, 27, 1812, 642, 15, 1012, 15270, 3079, 1235, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 15270, 1229, 3593, 187, 1552, 187, 67, 2682, 718, 3168, 8290, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 740, 27, 2950, 27, 1423, 642, 15, 1012, 15270, 2031, 4148, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1012, 4529, 14403, 187, 34, 22198, 310, 5686, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 740, 27, 2504, 27, 1235, 642, 15, 1012, 15270, 2950, 1166, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 15270, 1787, 3079, 187, 1147, 434, 10166, 715, 253, 2613, 2564, 15, 33851, 281, 954, 667, 4633, 17845, 787, 1875, 432, 616, 8458, 15, 733, 14280, 281, 320, 690, 7629, 273, 448, 90, 3983, 35825, 2485, 448, 90, 3983, 35825, 2485, 689, 253, 1072, 7171, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 740, 27, 2385, 27, 2640, 642, 15, 1012, 15270, 2950, 1229, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 15270, 1839, 3208, 187, 10408, 272, 1199, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 740, 27, 2385, 27, 3712, 642, 15, 1012, 1012, 3953, 29790, 27, 187, 8457, 2390, 751, 2806, 4852, 2647, 452, 1694, 731, 4680, 597, 1472, 1805, 685, 4130, 2010, 13, 285, 326, 3168, 10798, 403, 346, 3431, 72, 461, 272, 3, 285, 346, 41617, 449, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 740, 27, 2537, 27, 1449, 642, 15, 1012, 15270, 2504, 2251, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 15270, 2031, 4148, 187, 31, 7957, 2739, 8183, 209, 187, 31, 1439, 2168, 22198, 432, 2045, 8450, 209, 187, 41774, 2119, 3780, 326, 13330, 342, 253, 5004, 990, 273, 5948, 13, 642, 2647, 253, 2628, 13, 6057, 849, 352, 310, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 740, 27, 2537, 27, 1235, 642, 15, 1012, 15270, 2504, 2227, 27, 187, 33, 1012, 1012, 3953, 5525, 187, 20, 3477, 313, 5658, 10, 84, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 740, 27, 1235, 27, 1762, 642, 15, 1012, 15270, 2385, 520, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1012, 4529, 14403, 187, 34969, 379, 4142, 273, 6616, 2280, 2430, 625, 2614, 281, 5947, 3699, 281, 10196, 15, 209, 187, 1552, 687, 1768, 253, 2273, 21590, 273, 14709, 285, 2789, 253, 32884, 1962, 625, 18932, 1475, 253, 4260, 14, 21590, 13, 534, 310, 752, 6569, 672, 2622, 19991, 15080, 16016, 16033, 296, 14365, 672, 20385, 16373, 310, 4439, 715, 253, 2614, 4963, 15, 209, 187, 510, 4260, 3998, 310, 776, 819, 1983, 13, 625, 5893, 13795, 273, 1869, 15, 15186, 2921, 6571, 10196, 1561, 436, 19929, 625, 685, 2571, 15, 209, 187, 4527, 2282, 616, 403, 690, 42559, 533, 327, 253, 2644, 436, 1617, 11852, 616, 2862, 5492, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 740, 27, 3712, 27, 1093, 642, 15, 1012, 15270, 2385, 4529, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1012, 4529, 14403, 187, 31, 2845, 1573, 247, 6617, 285, 840, 16920, 352, 327, 253, 8573, 187, 4967, 513, 2806, 952, 513, 436, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 740, 27, 3712, 27, 3011, 642, 15, 1012, 1012, 3953, 39621, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1012, 4529, 14403, 187, 1147, 3133, 625, 751, 271, 2448, 2806, 2181, 15, 209, 187, 1394, 1537, 1158, 28763, 12504, 3551, 432, 247, 3684, 8118, 533, 253, 5020, 273, 26769, 1060, 13414, 1928, 9848, 26841, 7217, 15, 209, 187, 27132, 3133, 751, 253, 8485, 5020, 273, 26769, 275, 253, 5106, 403, 9670, 4030, 342, 12338, 6993, 4404, 2571, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 740, 27, 3583, 27, 361, 642, 15, 1012, 1012, 3953, 34240, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1012, 4529, 14403, 187, 19405, 23616, 434, 3480, 273, 1569, 285, 2208, 5486, 952, 326, 943, 452, 644, 5339, 564, 1959, 281, 21876, 715, 253, 1735, 5978, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 740, 27, 3357, 27, 1012, 642, 15, 1012, 15270, 1235, 3208, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1012, 4529, 14403, 187, 510, 35825, 7276, 275, 253, 5701, 871, 326, 2717, 588, 5108, 984, 352, 434, 417, 247, 1943, 2217, 2968, 323, 253, 3513, 281, 7409, 15, 32415, 13, 597, 871, 326, 35825, 7276, 4514, 594, 1199, 6617, 326, 23247, 1053, 626, 1014, 15105, 342, 346, 8337, 555, 3, 9222, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 740, 27, 3439, 27, 3071, 642, 15, 1012, 1012, 2222, 17364, 27, 187, 13618, 15229, 352, 309, 9239, 35825, 7276, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 740, 27, 3439, 27, 1047, 642, 15, 1012, 1012, 2222, 9913, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 15270, 2385, 4529, 187, 31, 333, 90, 3288, 278, 2375, 814, 2485, 13, 340, 8, 455, 923, 249, 436, 32, 436, 278, 2375, 814, 2485, 816, 2335, 562, 329, 22012, 47, 7245, 42, 1433, 5607, 378, 4985, 48, 2267, 187, 10352, 1037, 16968, 7601, 533, 323, 35825, 7276, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 740, 27, 3439, 27, 1099, 642, 15, 1012, 1012, 2222, 17864, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 15270, 1229, 3593, 187, 1394, 1333, 326, 13, 533, 253, 1524, 1921, 368, 755, 1977, 342, 352, 310, 984, 952, 1928, 7016, 323, 368, 13, 816, 751, 849, 247, 31832, 15, 496, 6612, 13, 368, 1472, 816, 581, 3430, 2118, 1977, 432, 1146, 22944, 407, 634, 9246, 1066, 247, 33791, 3971, 407, 247, 26351, 9988, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 740, 27, 3439, 27, 1099, 642, 15, 1012, 1012, 2222, 20895, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1012, 4529, 14403, 187, 30368, 35825, 7276, 637, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 740, 27, 2417, 27, 1797, 642, 15, 1012, 1012, 2222, 23545, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1012, 4529, 14403, 187, 22309, 310, 34302, 2120, 273, 35825, 7276, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 740, 27, 2417, 27, 1812, 642, 15, 1012, 1012, 2222, 19321, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 15270, 2950, 1229, 187, 31, 303, 2881, 272, 295, 20878, 284, 1053, 626, 4264, 253, 33702, 187, 4967, 253, 7435, 368, 1158, 597, 476, 626, 1646, 281, 3297, 562, 273, 12907, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 740, 27, 3208, 27, 2922, 642, 15, 1012, 1012, 2222, 16552, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 15270, 2385, 520, 187, 31, 41832, 4142, 273, 6616, 2280, 187, 2773, 434, 3164, 253, 21413, 383, 2181, 309, 1849, 1239, 275, 2607, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 740, 27, 3208, 27, 1423, 642, 15, 1012, 1012, 2222, 22359, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1012, 4529, 14403, 187, 79, 304, 7276, 6501, 35825, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 740, 27, 3011, 27, 2405, 642, 15, 1012, 1012, 2222, 28744, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1012, 2222, 23545, 187, 3152, 3254, 36986, 352, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 740, 27, 3011, 27, 3583, 642, 15, 1012, 1012, 2222, 38808, 27, 187, 1328, 19595, 387, 253, 990, 285, 1694, 247, 11996, 275, 253, 2454, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 740, 27, 3680, 27, 361, 642, 15, 1012, 1012, 31722, 520, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 15270, 1857, 3712, 187, 31, 664, 2489, 625, 13847, 285, 1978, 19050, 187, 31, 11300, 2489, 625, 35491, 285, 7378, 273, 776, 277, 5519, 187, 16490, 324, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 740, 27, 3680, 27, 3071, 642, 15, 1012, 1012, 31722, 740, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1012, 4529, 14403, 187, 24243, 891, 701, 344, 574, 247, 2502, 1616, 327, 521, 2454, 323, 247, 1175, 1884, 29202, 372, 90, 1694, 779, 1175, 23331, 515, 35825, 4297, 73, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 740, 27, 3680, 27, 1867, 642, 15, 1012, 1012, 2222, 41081, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1012, 2222, 16552, 187, 45, 19, 12342, 840, 3101, 71, 18141, 984, 326, 434, 1754, 275, 6612, 15, 209, 187, 1394, 2455, 1263, 253, 2297, 287, 598, 2810, 32, 496, 253, 1673, 594, 281, 3984, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 740, 27, 3680, 27, 3011, 642, 15, 1012, 1012, 31722, 2227, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1012, 2055, 26274, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 740, 27, 3046, 27, 3583, 642, 15, 1012, 1012, 2222, 21889, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 15270, 1630, 1610, 187, 5064, 1012, 15270, 1610, 3141, 187, 15545, 10246, 5391, 20731, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 361, 27, 1093, 642, 15, 1012, 1012, 2222, 31671, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1012, 31722, 520, 187, 32832, 253, 7435, 598, 18792, 1766, 74, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 361, 27, 1229, 642, 15, 1012, 1012, 34920, 883, 27, 187, 47, 304, 7276, 6789, 247, 1966, 346, 79, 304, 2485, 995, 2568, 597, 448, 11548, 562, 269, 7497, 1067, 731, 35825, 7276, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 2640, 27, 3156, 642, 15, 1012, 1012, 35461, 1762, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1012, 2222, 41081, 187, 33086, 352, 556, 642, 4588, 3720, 275, 6612, 15, 4952, 2448, 26769, 13, 665, 403, 247, 7150, 3168, 327, 3388, 13, 476, 626, 15639, 342, 19991, 275, 4757, 9001, 15, 733, 434, 417, 1014, 2810, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 2941, 27, 938, 642, 15, 1012, 1012, 35461, 1540, 27, 187, 3726, 2970, 38240, 407, 616, 7715, 35825, 7276, 275, 253, 5701, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 2941, 27, 1508, 642, 15, 1012, 1012, 35461, 3547, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 15270, 1229, 3593, 187, 1552, 35825, 2485, 4850, 352, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 2941, 27, 3680, 642, 15, 1012, 15270, 1549, 1423, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1012, 4529, 14403, 187, 31, 11209, 348, 247, 21099, 73, 35825, 463, 73, 187, 31, 11209, 348, 247, 21099, 73, 35825, 463, 73, 187, 31, 11209, 348, 247, 21099, 73, 35825, 463, 73, 187, 47, 304, 7276, 15, 13936, 7435, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 2125, 27, 3680, 642, 15, 1012, 1012, 4196, 14711, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 15270, 1229, 3593, 187, 2042, 368, 1158, 326, 436, 310, 253, 2238, 273, 10739, 686, 21697, 284, 8, 6947, 616, 673, 2509, 13, 368, 1472, 12835, 48101, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 3071, 27, 1423, 642, 15, 1012, 1012, 4196, 22232, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1012, 4529, 14403, 187, 2598, 27, 187, 31, 11930, 187, 31, 6958, 285, 673, 187, 31, 14090, 3206, 187, 2773, 434, 512, 368, 878, 323, 253, 23247, 281, 1705, 275, 285, 923, 779, 564, 2120, 399, 9816, 4037, 54, 3269, 1042, 15, 844, 812, 1056, 436, 715, 247, 10972, 3668, 2926, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 3071, 27, 3208, 642, 15, 1012, 1012, 4196, 24803, 27, 187, 42, 476, 760, 8564, 271, 14478, 5406, 273, 247, 295, 16046, 3998, 15, 2596, 27317, 9940, 281, 465, 12964, 13, 37385, 46842, 285, 10821, 18233, 17845, 285, 253, 643, 27317, 9940, 281, 616, 6519, 534, 8414, 273, 5512, 2233, 7154, 48087, 3000, 275, 2264, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 2922, 27, 1036, 642, 15, 1012, 15270, 3571, 1036, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1012, 4529, 14403, 187, 8469, 656, 13, 1379, 581, 1273, 281, 11874, 1066, 15, 187, 16628, 436, 1774, 958, 27, 187, 31, 2369, 2934, 752, 4592, 38565, 187, 1552, 8183, 812, 452, 5868, 731, 2579, 13, 275, 534, 1083, 13, 616, 2250, 369, 34007, 15, 187, 1466, 434, 1691 ]
17198: >>181614688 >froze her eggs on her late 30s a decade too late if you ask me Anonymous 08/08/18(Wed)15:52:59 no.181617206: >>181615869 I make more than both of you put together x10, while wearing jammies, and I left school at age 14. Y'all need to stop comparing dicks because there is always someone bigger. Anonymous 08/08/18(Wed)15:53:13 no.181617234: >>181616947 >I get that. But the data shows that we do have a very comparable cost of living. >Aside from housing. well im talking from my personal experience, talking to people and knowledge croatia has higher price of living than rest of eastern world cause it has very high taxes and state puts itself everywhere, but its still lowere than everywhere in the west by a large margin >There's a lot of housing issues fucking up the prices of houses in the US. We all got problems. you can buy a large, furnished house for like 10k dollars here Anonymous 08/08/18(Wed)15:53:27 no.181617267: >>181616966 What do you expect women to do? Get married at 18? Leech off men their entire life? Anonymous 08/08/18(Wed)15:53:43 no.181617296: >>181616659 They are like the animals that they wish to infest all parts of Western Civilization with. Anonymous 08/08/18(Wed)15:54:56 no.181617421: >>181616337 >underwater welding Might as well just suicide by differential pressure, if you had done that job you'd be dead. Why do you think they try to get so many people into it? Anonymous5 08/08/18(Wed)15:55:01 no.181617429: >>181611230 What's considered "smart" today, beyond one's bank account, means very, very little when it comes to enticing a woman. Women are attracted to what biologically makes a man a man and being some software engineering faggot might make them want you initially but they will soon realize what they have chosen when this "smart" man cannot perform basic tasks like fixing something with hand tools, building something, having observable muscular strength and confidence, etc. This is why the cuck thing is so big these days, blacks aren't smart by any shake of the term - dumb as shit, really, but they strike women as alpha men and being an alpha has nothing to do with being "dumb" or "smart" as they would define it today. Anonymous 08/08/18(Wed)15:55:08 no.181617451: >>181616646 Yes 400 million plumbers and office clerks. All 8 million American Jews are doctors and engineers. >>181616397 We make more than enough money with her working part time. And we believe in tradition of the wife being home to raise the kids. But she will also probably continue to work until she’s unable to while I plan on retiring by 48 Anonymous 08/08/18(Wed)15:55:27 no.181617485: >>181617234 >you can buy a large, furnished house for like 10k dollars here Am actually jelly over that. American boomers imported large amounts of third worlders and it keeps our housing artificially high. That and our lending institutions stopped giving a fuck and issues loans to anybody. $450k+ homes everywhere. Anonymous 08/08/18(Wed)15:55:43 no.181617509: >>181616646 a ton of mormons in america fill those higher middle class positions too are mormons the new jew? Anonymous 08/08/18(Wed)15:56:34 no.181617591: >>181617267 that's how it used to work and it got us this far. A man should provide and a woman should serve. A woman with degrees and high status is worth shit if she isn't young. Anonymous 08/08/18(Wed)15:56:35 no.181617593: >>181611230 >Smart women adviced to marry dumb men In other words, they're adviced to marry equally intelligent individuals? Anonymous 08/08/18(Wed)15:57:30 no.181617669: >>181617451 >And we believe in tradition of the wife being home to raise the kids im pretty sure that tradition included women not getting educated for public work too >>181617485 honestly if your family dont own a house already youre slave-tier Anonymous 08/08/18(Wed)15:57:40 no.181617691: >>181617206 Exactly why I never get jealous. Even on my days off I don’t wear jammies all day. I get outside with my wife and kid and explore. The best things in life are free Anonymous 08/08/18(Wed)15:57:51 no.181617715: >>181611230 If she's so smart why couldn't she get a better man? Checkmate roasties. Anonymous 08/08/18(Wed)15:58:58 no.181617829: >>181611614 When she looked at those rings, what she saw in the reflection staring back were all her failed relantionships and lack of emotional self-control. Anonymous 08/08/18(Wed)15:59:00 no.181617832: >>181611230 Because smart men don´t want the catlady bossy 30 year old manager woman. They can actually get a real wife and not some bromance with a tomboy. Like it or not but "smart" women are either getting really welthy men or they go the carrer way and marry a fat piece of shit that can´t support himself that only did it because he doesn´t want to work, these women they divorce them and off themselves when they are 40. The only way they prolonge the suffering is by having an unwanted brat with the guy forcing them to stay alive by their mothewrly instincts for a child stupider than themselves that they probably hate. A smart woman would just use her favorable position as a woman and get fit to marry a nice guy with money to make a fammily with him. Anonymous 08/08/18(Wed)15:59:10 no.181617843: >>181617715 UHCDVYB8 Watch this. Anonymous 08/08/18(Wed)15:59:23 no.181617875: >>181612613 Accurate. I want a girl who needs me, who begs me not to go to work every day, and has an innie. T. lawyer making 200k in his 20s Anonymous 08/08/18(Wed)15:59:37 no.181617893: >>181611230 >dumb men obviously is referring to africans. Anonymous 08/08/18(Wed)15:59:50 no.181617912: >>181617669 My family owns like 8 and rents a few out. I don't own one personally though. Not at that point in my life yet where I want a mortgage. Anonymous 08/08/18(Wed)16:01:05 no.181618056: >>181617593 they are adviced to marry men who have equally good education and salary. Only problem is, western women are the highest educated group on the planet. Anonymous 08/08/18(Wed)16:01:05 no.181618058: >>181617451 >All 8 million American Jews are doctors and engineers. So you are saying half of all American doctors are not Jewish? Anonymous 08/08/18(Wed)16:01:13 no.181618072: >>181617912 if your family owns 8 of them you own all of them why the fuck would you get a mortgage are you insane? or did they disown you or something? Anonymous 08/08/18(Wed)16:01:22 no.181618092: >>181615949 >own an estate in the countryside and agricultural business >this is the upper class in Croatia HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAH What kind of lawyer are you? Anonymous 08/08/18(Wed)16:01:55 no.181618140: >>181611230 >study talks about differences in education and socio-economic levels >media says it’s “smart” vs “dumb” I had a friend like this. Spent thousands getting 2 masters in art and bags groceries because he can’t find a job, but reminds people around him that because he’s more
[ 1166, 16903, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1036, 16607, 2055, 187, 31, 35255, 2721, 617, 11624, 327, 617, 3563, 1884, 84, 187, 66, 9976, 1512, 3563, 604, 368, 1642, 479, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2904, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1010, 27, 3583, 27, 3046, 642, 15, 1093, 1036, 1166, 18040, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1036, 18663, 2090, 187, 42, 1056, 625, 685, 1097, 273, 368, 1691, 2366, 1269, 740, 13, 1223, 9398, 480, 3681, 447, 13, 285, 309, 1669, 2143, 387, 2363, 1638, 15, 714, 8, 455, 878, 281, 3523, 10941, 277, 5519, 984, 627, 310, 1900, 3095, 8750, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2904, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1010, 27, 3357, 27, 1012, 642, 15, 1093, 1036, 1166, 20210, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1036, 17809, 2504, 187, 31, 42, 755, 326, 15, 1292, 253, 941, 2722, 326, 359, 513, 452, 247, 1077, 10870, 2105, 273, 3811, 15, 209, 187, 31, 1909, 504, 432, 8039, 15, 187, 4714, 516, 5015, 432, 619, 3367, 2793, 13, 5015, 281, 952, 285, 3640, 187, 23853, 255, 571, 556, 2169, 4376, 273, 3811, 685, 1551, 273, 14730, 1533, 2847, 352, 556, 1077, 1029, 10474, 285, 1375, 12516, 3139, 11678, 13, 533, 697, 1335, 1698, 11892, 685, 11678, 275, 253, 8935, 407, 247, 1781, 8459, 187, 31, 2512, 434, 247, 2257, 273, 8039, 3374, 12835, 598, 253, 7911, 273, 9910, 275, 253, 1982, 15, 209, 187, 1231, 512, 1694, 3237, 15, 187, 5658, 476, 4489, 247, 1781, 13, 25032, 2419, 323, 751, 884, 76, 8918, 1060, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2904, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1010, 27, 3357, 27, 1630, 642, 15, 1093, 1036, 1166, 23546, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1036, 17809, 2526, 187, 1276, 513, 368, 1902, 2255, 281, 513, 32, 5057, 7028, 387, 1283, 32, 8652, 348, 745, 1821, 616, 2862, 1495, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2904, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1010, 27, 3357, 27, 3079, 642, 15, 1093, 1036, 1166, 23402, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1036, 1036, 21889, 187, 3726, 403, 751, 253, 5074, 326, 597, 5730, 281, 2192, 383, 512, 4243, 273, 6359, 10109, 1320, 342, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2904, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1010, 27, 3439, 27, 3208, 642, 15, 1093, 1036, 18804, 1797, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1036, 1036, 23829, 187, 31, 4524, 7779, 34329, 187, 46, 429, 347, 973, 816, 13184, 407, 8967, 3473, 13, 604, 368, 574, 2218, 326, 2628, 368, 1871, 320, 3846, 15, 6049, 513, 368, 1158, 597, 1611, 281, 755, 594, 1142, 952, 715, 352, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 22, 16331, 16, 2904, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1010, 27, 2417, 27, 520, 642, 15, 1093, 1036, 18804, 1717, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1036, 11124, 1229, 187, 1276, 434, 2783, 346, 30382, 3, 3063, 13, 4457, 581, 434, 4310, 2395, 13, 2097, 1077, 13, 1077, 1652, 672, 352, 3249, 281, 994, 11733, 247, 3416, 15, 10168, 403, 17755, 281, 752, 35605, 2789, 247, 637, 247, 637, 285, 1146, 690, 3694, 11369, 269, 13046, 302, 1537, 1056, 731, 971, 368, 8523, 533, 597, 588, 3517, 8968, 752, 597, 452, 6777, 672, 436, 346, 30382, 3, 637, 2550, 1347, 5044, 8892, 751, 18505, 1633, 342, 1133, 5657, 13, 3652, 1633, 13, 1907, 24802, 27602, 4757, 285, 7162, 13, 3966, 15, 831, 310, 2139, 253, 260, 1807, 2181, 310, 594, 1943, 841, 1897, 13, 26769, 6403, 626, 7060, 407, 667, 17941, 273, 253, 1307, 428, 21413, 347, 10739, 13, 1663, 13, 533, 597, 9974, 2255, 347, 9765, 1821, 285, 1146, 271, 9765, 556, 2717, 281, 513, 342, 1146, 346, 69, 3561, 3, 390, 346, 30382, 3, 347, 597, 651, 4853, 352, 3063, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2904, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1010, 27, 2417, 27, 2904, 642, 15, 1093, 1036, 1166, 30592, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1036, 1036, 25238, 187, 4374, 9166, 3041, 29896, 1653, 285, 3906, 31557, 661, 15, 1876, 854, 3041, 2448, 11563, 403, 11576, 285, 19414, 15, 209, 187, 5064, 1093, 1036, 1036, 26933, 187, 1231, 1056, 625, 685, 2217, 2583, 342, 617, 2444, 629, 673, 15, 1244, 359, 2868, 275, 4062, 273, 253, 4475, 1146, 1728, 281, 7164, 253, 5753, 15, 1292, 703, 588, 671, 3164, 4035, 281, 789, 1919, 703, 457, 84, 7591, 281, 1223, 309, 2098, 327, 42200, 407, 5693, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2904, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1010, 27, 2417, 27, 1630, 642, 15, 1093, 1036, 18804, 2227, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1036, 1166, 20210, 187, 31, 5658, 476, 4489, 247, 1781, 13, 25032, 2419, 323, 751, 884, 76, 8918, 1060, 187, 8096, 2686, 39018, 689, 326, 15, 187, 7878, 1766, 14724, 21117, 1781, 8322, 273, 2626, 1533, 398, 285, 352, 11359, 776, 8039, 41544, 1029, 15, 2064, 285, 776, 32497, 10003, 6331, 4933, 247, 7435, 285, 3374, 15407, 281, 13098, 15, 370, 15645, 76, 12, 9076, 11678, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2904, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1010, 27, 2417, 27, 3079, 642, 15, 1093, 1036, 1166, 17013, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1036, 1036, 25238, 187, 66, 7020, 273, 278, 526, 790, 275, 717, 254, 3737, 7522, 1110, 2169, 4766, 966, 6887, 1512, 187, 609, 278, 526, 790, 253, 747, 15589, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2904, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1010, 27, 3208, 27, 1706, 642, 15, 1093, 1036, 1166, 43581, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1036, 1166, 23546, 187, 3529, 434, 849, 352, 908, 281, 789, 285, 352, 1694, 441, 436, 2080, 15, 209, 187, 34, 637, 943, 2085, 285, 247, 3416, 943, 5752, 15, 187, 34, 3416, 342, 7759, 285, 1029, 3708, 310, 4409, 10739, 604, 703, 3548, 626, 2872, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2904, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1010, 27, 3208, 27, 1671, 642, 15, 1093, 1036, 1166, 43114, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1036, 11124, 1229, 187, 31, 37222, 2255, 1604, 5491, 281, 17129, 21413, 1821, 187, 688, 643, 3000, 13, 597, 1472, 1604, 5491, 281, 17129, 9696, 17497, 4292, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2904, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1010, 27, 3011, 27, 1229, 642, 15, 1093, 1036, 17184, 2090, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1036, 1166, 30592, 187, 31, 1898, 359, 2868, 275, 4062, 273, 253, 4475, 1146, 1728, 281, 7164, 253, 5753, 187, 303, 3965, 2119, 326, 4062, 2908, 2255, 417, 2970, 19149, 323, 1345, 789, 1512, 187, 5064, 1093, 1036, 18804, 2227, 187, 25224, 27459, 604, 634, 2021, 13414, 1211, 247, 2419, 2168, 368, 250, 15945, 14, 42614, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2904, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1010, 27, 3011, 27, 1449, 642, 15, 1093, 1036, 1166, 35356, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1036, 1166, 18040, 187, 39364, 2139, 309, 1620, 755, 23327, 15, 4952, 327, 619, 1897, 745, 309, 1053, 457, 85, 8251, 480, 3681, 447, 512, 1388, 15, 309, 755, 3345, 342, 619, 4475, 285, 5772, 285, 8338, 15, 380, 1682, 1841, 275, 1495, 403, 1959, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2904, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1010, 27, 3011, 27, 3712, 642, 15, 1093, 1036, 15907, 1010, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1036, 11124, 1229, 187, 2042, 703, 434, 594, 7060, 2139, 4571, 626, 703, 755, 247, 1805, 637, 32, 187, 9063, 13884, 37092, 447, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2904, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1010, 27, 3680, 27, 3680, 642, 15, 1093, 1036, 20070, 1717, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1036, 13210, 1047, 187, 3039, 703, 3261, 387, 1110, 14445, 13, 752, 703, 3047, 275, 253, 12906, 17303, 896, 497, 512, 617, 4242, 774, 386, 621, 16458, 285, 3480, 273, 8991, 1881, 14, 8519, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2904, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1010, 27, 3046, 27, 361, 642, 15, 1093, 1036, 20070, 1237, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1036, 11124, 1229, 187, 8457, 7060, 1821, 1053, 11679, 85, 971, 253, 5798, 77, 5102, 12145, 90, 1884, 807, 1711, 7205, 3416, 15, 209, 187, 3726, 476, 2686, 755, 247, 1524, 4475, 285, 417, 690, 27726, 593, 342, 247, 26908, 899, 15, 209, 187, 9817, 352, 390, 417, 533, 346, 30382, 3, 2255, 403, 2057, 2970, 1663, 6210, 24085, 1821, 390, 597, 564, 253, 1113, 6554, 1039, 285, 17129, 247, 4688, 5313, 273, 10739, 326, 476, 11679, 85, 1329, 2994, 326, 760, 858, 352, 984, 344, 2506, 11679, 85, 971, 281, 789, 13, 841, 2255, 597, 17038, 731, 285, 745, 3746, 672, 597, 403, 3387, 15, 209, 187, 510, 760, 1039, 597, 354, 18640, 463, 253, 9958, 310, 407, 1907, 271, 25824, 1308, 255, 342, 253, 5599, 17190, 731, 281, 3297, 9338, 407, 616, 1733, 248, 10641, 314, 39609, 323, 247, 1429, 331, 484, 1334, 685, 3746, 326, 597, 3164, 9239, 15, 209, 187, 34, 7060, 3416, 651, 816, 897, 617, 13857, 1899, 347, 247, 3416, 285, 755, 4944, 281, 17129, 247, 5322, 5599, 342, 2583, 281, 1056, 247, 1431, 78, 1031, 342, 779, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2904, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1010, 27, 3046, 27, 740, 642, 15, 1093, 1036, 1166, 38119, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1036, 15907, 1010, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 24583, 15, 681, 16, 13060, 32, 87, 30, 69, 38, 25, 187, 38450, 3717, 55, 58, 35, 25, 187, 20083, 436, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2904, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1010, 27, 3046, 27, 1508, 642, 15, 1093, 1036, 20070, 1976, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1036, 13381, 1012, 187, 11728, 33559, 15, 309, 971, 247, 3226, 665, 3198, 479, 13, 665, 2353, 84, 479, 417, 281, 564, 281, 789, 1046, 1388, 13, 285, 556, 271, 4470, 466, 15, 187, 53, 15, 11115, 2403, 1052, 76, 275, 521, 1384, 84, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2904, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1010, 27, 3046, 27, 1787, 642, 15, 1093, 1036, 1166, 43726, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1036, 11124, 1229, 187, 31, 69, 3561, 1821, 187, 706, 11529, 310, 14339, 281, 6706, 695, 507, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2904, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1010, 27, 3046, 27, 1235, 642, 15, 1093, 1036, 17864, 805, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1036, 17184, 2090, 187, 3220, 2021, 21186, 751, 854, 285, 42071, 247, 1643, 562, 15, 209, 187, 42, 1053, 626, 1211, 581, 11697, 2167, 15, 3105, 387, 326, 1127, 275, 619, 1495, 2568, 835, 309, 971, 247, 15842, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2904, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1036, 27, 520, 27, 1762, 642, 15, 1093, 1036, 1093, 29160, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1036, 1166, 43114, 187, 9328, 403, 1604, 5491, 281, 17129, 1821, 665, 452, 9696, 1175, 4730, 285, 16268, 15, 7214, 1895, 310, 13, 10439, 2255, 403, 253, 4585, 19149, 1387, 327, 253, 8859, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2904, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1036, 27, 520, 27, 1762, 642, 15, 1093, 1036, 1093, 30541, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1036, 1166, 30592, 187, 31, 3074, 854, 3041, 2448, 11563, 403, 11576, 285, 19414, 15, 209, 187, 2598, 368, 403, 3981, 2716, 273, 512, 2448, 11576, 403, 417, 9556, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2904, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1036, 27, 520, 27, 1012, 642, 15, 1093, 1036, 1093, 42515, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1036, 17864, 805, 187, 338, 634, 2021, 21186, 854, 273, 731, 368, 1211, 512, 273, 731, 187, 22309, 253, 7435, 651, 368, 755, 247, 15842, 403, 368, 24812, 32, 187, 263, 858, 597, 557, 628, 368, 390, 1633, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2904, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1036, 27, 520, 27, 1423, 642, 15, 1093, 1036, 1093, 46838, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1036, 17220, 2537, 187, 31, 628, 271, 8304, 275, 253, 31504, 285, 17340, 2136, 187, 31, 2520, 310, 253, 5170, 966, 275, 42862, 187, 10114, 10114, 10114, 10114, 10114, 10114, 41, 2446, 10114, 41, 187, 1276, 2238, 273, 11115, 403, 368, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2904, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1036, 27, 520, 27, 2417, 642, 15, 1093, 1036, 1093, 12434, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1036, 11124, 1229, 187, 31, 34966, 12088, 670, 3910, 275, 4730, 285, 18522, 14, 17989, 2308, 209, 187, 31, 8236, 2296, 352, 457, 84, 773, 30382, 668, 4632, 773, 69, 3561, 668, 209, 187, 42, 574, 247, 3331, 751, 436, 15, 2101, 290, 6763, 2970, 374, 26616, 275, 1445, 285, 15284, 45160, 447, 984, 344, 476, 457, 85, 1089, 247, 2628, 13, 533, 25264, 952, 1475, 779, 326, 984, 344, 457, 84, 625 ]
Anonymous 10/31/17(Tue)02:30:26 no.147320660: Hello friends, I am a Christian Identitarian, i.e. I believe that Adam was the first Aryan and his lineage remained pure in certain descendants which lead to the life of Jesus Christ. I believe that Jesus was culturally Hellenic and either ethnically Greek, Persian, or Roman (but probably not Roman). Here are some more of my beliefs to provide context: >there was an ancient Aryan civilization that has been lost in history. >this civilization was over 200,000 years old >I believe in micro evolution >if macro evolution exists, it takes place on a much longer time line than we have been lead to believe >there was an ancient Aryan religion that splintered in various religions, eg Christianity, Hinduism, zorastrianism (maybe, unsure, don't really know about it). >Odin was a king from this ancient Aryan civilization and passed rule to Thor, but they weren't gods. >Baldur (or Thor depending on the source) was a previous iteration of the Christ who then became Jesus of Nazareth later on. >the deluge of ~12000 years ago, as chronicled by Plato and in various religions, destroyed this ancient Aryan civilization That should be good for an opening statement. Disclaimer: this topic involves knowledge of genetics, anthropology, biblical, ancient, and geological history, biblical and no biblical philosophy, and a lot of other shit. I am no expert, but what convinces me is that white people took Christianity and flourished with it... It just seems like such a perfect match of our soul. I in no way wish to denigrate paganism as it is still part of our history and something that white people used to flourish. I am not saying that white people are Jews either, so please keep that to yourself. I am going to be selective to whom I respond, if this thread picks up at all. Thanks Anonymous 10/31/17(Tue)02:44:56 no.147321563: >>147320660 Jesus was Greek not sandnigger Anonymous 10/31/17(Tue)02:45:44 no.147321606: I used to believe fairy tales too. You'll grow up.. relax. Anonymous 10/31/17(Tue)02:45:44 no.147321608: khazar meme proven wrong by yahudi science 90% of Ashkenazi yahudis are of Greek origin Anonymous 10/31/17(Tue)02:46:05 no.147321629: >>147321606 its not fairy tale shitskin Anonymous 10/31/17(Tue)02:52:11 no.147322001: >>147321608 Yea, I actually only agree with the top part of the meme. Good catch. Anonymous 10/31/17(Tue)02:52:46 no.147322044: >>147321606 If you're so able to dismantle my beliefs then please AMA relevant Anonymous 10/31/17(Tue)02:56:32 no.147322257: >>147322001 yahudi science not my opinion >According to research carried out by the geneticist, Dr Eran Elhaik of the University of Sheffield, over 90 per cent of Ashkenazic ancestors come from that converted partially Greek-originating ancient community in north-east Turkey. nt/early/2016/03/03/gbe.evw046.full .pdf+html Anonymous 10/31/17(Tue)02:57:24 no.147322311: >>147320660 >I am a Christian Identitarian Go back to plebbit. There are plenty of christ cucks and mud mamas on tumblr too. Anonymous 10/31/17(Tue)02:59:04 no.147322402: >>147320660 So funny, no one can ask a question... I wonder (((why))) Anonymous 10/31/17(Tue)02:59:32 no.147322427: >>147322044 What do you know about the Documentary Hypothesis? Anonymous 10/31/17(Tue)03:02:07 no.147322561: >>147322427 Can you give me a quick explanation? Anonymous 10/31/17(Tue)03:06:29 no.147322814: >>147322561 It's the product of Biblical scholarship, what we call Source Criticism, over hundreds of years by people like Wellhausen, that attempts to explain the source texts used to compose the Torah (first five books) and the rest of the Old Testament, particularly books like the Deuteronomistic history (Joshua, Judges, Samuel, Kings). I believe it has very good explanatory power for biblical mysteries like the two creation stories in Genesis, parallel accounts all through the Torah, etc. Worth looking into if you were unawares Anonymous 10/31/17(Tue)03:10:21 no.147323007: >>147322814 Interesting. If I had to push this through the lenses of CI, I would say something like the Bible is an imperfect but reliable account of Stories that originated in the ancient Aryan religion. When this civilization collapsed the stories were scattered and transmitted orally in different regions by different people in different environments. Anonymous 10/31/17(Tue)03:11:51 no.147323079: >>147323007 Did you ever hear about the theory that the fragmentary accounts in Psalms and Isaiah of Yahweh slaying the dragon are derived indirectly from Indo-European myth through Babylonian religion? Anonymous 10/31/17(Tue)03:15:46 no.147323293: >>147323079 I have not, please expalin Anonymous 10/31/17(Tue)03:16:51 no.147323352: >>147323079 although i heard a theory about how the younger dryas is remembered as a dragon in folk stories. Anonymous 10/31/17(Tue)03:18:03 no.147323415: >>147323293 Anonymous 10/31/17(Tue)03:18:30 no.147323436: >>147323415 some of this is conjecture so use your own judgment Anonymous 10/31/17(Tue)03:18:48 no.147323454: >>147323436 Anonymous 10/31/17(Tue)03:19:11 no.147323477: >>147323454 Anonymous 10/31/17(Tue)03:20:01 no.147323512: >>147320660 Theory: Mass communication technologies (tv, internet) were rediscovered from ancient times. Anonymous 10/31/17(Tue)03:23:23 no.147323685: >>147323512 No 'ancient technology' theory is likely because radioactive and specific-isotope byproducts of that technology would be easily detectable. We are almost definitely the first on our block to get anywhere near this far. Anonymous 10/31/17(Tue)03:24:31 no.147323766: >>147323685 Could just found blueprints Rican asshole 10/31/17(Tue)03:29:20 no.147324009: >>147320660 >Hello friends, I am a Christian Identitarian, What evidence do you have for your religious belief is my real question? can you back up your assertions with evidence or does this rely on faith? >there was an ancient Aryan civilization that has been lost in history. Ancient civilization sure can be lost in history but i need more evidence before you point to the specifics of it (how would you know what race these people are?) >this civilization was over 200,000 years old Again evidence is needed as you further make assumptions. Not only do you believe that an ancient lost civilization was the race but now you claim to know the dates on it (it was before X date). >if macro evolution exists, it takes place on a much longer time line than we have been lead to believe Macro Evolution already is said to take a long ass time. So do you have evidence to back up your claims? Anonymous 10/31/17(Tue)03:31:43 no.147324132: >>147323685 Well it depends on what you mean by technology. Yes, I agree that we are the first ones to develop digital technology, but there were probably other styles of technology... Stuf that was more mechanical as opposed to electric or digital. Is it even possible to construct the pyramids with known and available technology, let alone a structure like Gobekli tepei 10,000 years ago? Anonymous 10/31/17(Tue)03:37:03 no.147324404: >>147324132
[ 45545, 884, 16, 2405, 16, 1166, 9, 50110, 10, 2640, 27, 1229, 27, 1731, 642, 15, 1047, 3655, 18040, 1549, 27, 187, 12092, 3858, 13, 309, 717, 247, 6416, 15108, 14621, 13, 891, 15, 70, 15, 309, 2868, 326, 13187, 369, 253, 806, 329, 36440, 285, 521, 23009, 6376, 6313, 275, 2176, 32148, 534, 1421, 281, 253, 1495, 273, 7670, 2828, 15, 209, 187, 42, 2868, 326, 7670, 369, 42838, 17358, 23876, 285, 2057, 22603, 1037, 11308, 13, 31534, 13, 390, 8370, 313, 2858, 3164, 417, 8370, 481, 187, 4943, 403, 690, 625, 273, 619, 13379, 281, 2085, 3634, 27, 187, 31, 9088, 369, 271, 9129, 329, 36440, 23749, 326, 556, 644, 3663, 275, 2892, 15, 209, 187, 31, 2520, 23749, 369, 689, 1052, 13, 933, 1107, 1711, 187, 31, 42, 2868, 275, 2494, 5606, 209, 187, 31, 338, 14823, 5606, 4961, 13, 352, 3936, 1659, 327, 247, 1199, 3356, 673, 1386, 685, 359, 452, 644, 1421, 281, 2868, 187, 31, 9088, 369, 271, 9129, 329, 36440, 9596, 326, 6821, 249, 3606, 275, 2710, 31194, 13, 24088, 20242, 13, 26334, 1204, 13, 1182, 263, 505, 5651, 1204, 313, 28489, 13, 31488, 13, 1053, 626, 1663, 871, 670, 352, 481, 187, 31, 48, 23341, 369, 247, 6963, 432, 436, 9129, 329, 36440, 23749, 285, 4817, 4086, 281, 23077, 13, 533, 597, 10345, 626, 17373, 15, 209, 187, 31, 35, 8950, 321, 313, 263, 23077, 7293, 327, 253, 2603, 10, 369, 247, 2045, 19502, 273, 253, 2828, 665, 840, 3395, 7670, 273, 13025, 40654, 1996, 327, 15, 209, 187, 31, 783, 1448, 4079, 273, 5062, 805, 933, 1107, 3622, 13, 347, 6722, 1070, 407, 36353, 285, 275, 2710, 31194, 13, 11069, 436, 9129, 329, 36440, 23749, 209, 187, 2773, 943, 320, 1175, 323, 271, 5909, 3908, 15, 209, 187, 43963, 27, 436, 9400, 8687, 3640, 273, 30222, 13, 21698, 1497, 13, 35525, 13, 9129, 13, 285, 3471, 1975, 2892, 13, 35525, 285, 642, 35525, 11727, 13, 285, 247, 2257, 273, 643, 10739, 15, 209, 187, 42, 717, 642, 6485, 13, 533, 752, 13136, 707, 479, 310, 326, 3168, 952, 2335, 20242, 285, 12274, 1428, 342, 352, 1051, 733, 816, 3133, 751, 824, 247, 3962, 3761, 273, 776, 7765, 15, 309, 275, 642, 1039, 5730, 281, 1850, 304, 4427, 47372, 1204, 347, 352, 310, 1335, 629, 273, 776, 2892, 285, 1633, 326, 3168, 952, 908, 281, 44958, 15, 209, 187, 42, 717, 417, 3981, 326, 3168, 952, 403, 11563, 2057, 13, 594, 4496, 1978, 326, 281, 4834, 15, 309, 717, 1469, 281, 320, 13687, 281, 5207, 309, 3794, 13, 604, 436, 6293, 21460, 598, 387, 512, 15, 209, 187, 8061, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2405, 16, 1166, 9, 50110, 10, 2640, 27, 2031, 27, 3208, 642, 15, 14555, 1237, 1010, 3571, 27, 187, 5064, 1047, 3655, 18040, 1549, 187, 27035, 369, 11308, 187, 1439, 7537, 79, 16046, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2405, 16, 1166, 9, 50110, 10, 2640, 27, 1857, 27, 2031, 642, 15, 14555, 1237, 1036, 3071, 27, 187, 42, 908, 281, 2868, 33784, 25970, 1512, 15, 209, 187, 1394, 1833, 1756, 598, 537, 7921, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2405, 16, 1166, 9, 50110, 10, 2640, 27, 1857, 27, 2031, 642, 15, 14555, 1237, 1036, 2904, 27, 187, 17616, 25151, 1167, 70, 11464, 3430, 407, 340, 1240, 36460, 5859, 187, 2270, 6, 273, 12521, 3612, 23248, 340, 1240, 438, 261, 403, 273, 11308, 6510, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2405, 16, 1166, 9, 50110, 10, 2640, 27, 2950, 27, 1762, 642, 15, 14555, 1237, 1036, 1717, 27, 187, 5064, 14555, 1237, 1036, 3071, 187, 953, 417, 33784, 17005, 439, 953, 5914, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2405, 16, 1166, 9, 50110, 10, 2640, 27, 3583, 27, 883, 642, 15, 14555, 1237, 8971, 27, 187, 5064, 14555, 1237, 1036, 2904, 187, 58, 14576, 13, 309, 2686, 760, 5194, 342, 253, 1755, 629, 273, 253, 1167, 70, 15, 209, 187, 8620, 5834, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2405, 16, 1166, 9, 50110, 10, 2640, 27, 3583, 27, 2950, 642, 15, 14555, 1237, 938, 2031, 27, 187, 5064, 14555, 1237, 1036, 3071, 187, 2042, 368, 1472, 594, 2104, 281, 37227, 282, 619, 13379, 840, 4496, 329, 3788, 4623, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2405, 16, 1166, 9, 50110, 10, 2640, 27, 3208, 27, 1237, 642, 15, 14555, 1237, 14832, 24, 27, 187, 5064, 14555, 1237, 8971, 187, 90, 1240, 36460, 5859, 187, 1439, 619, 4743, 187, 31, 7130, 281, 2561, 4824, 562, 407, 253, 6380, 382, 13, 3196, 444, 4011, 3599, 3227, 1479, 273, 253, 2499, 273, 42894, 13, 689, 5091, 591, 1399, 273, 12521, 3612, 1370, 280, 25938, 1705, 432, 326, 11516, 10571, 11308, 14, 28474, 8779, 9129, 3114, 275, 6146, 14, 26139, 14307, 15, 187, 2413, 1358, 72, 1257, 15, 49184, 34859, 15, 2061, 16, 585, 442, 187, 2649, 16, 18579, 16, 6961, 16, 2941, 16, 2941, 16, 72, 1257, 15, 1173, 88, 26857, 15, 11546, 187, 15, 9275, 12, 2974, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2405, 16, 1166, 9, 50110, 10, 2640, 27, 3011, 27, 1348, 642, 15, 14555, 1237, 1508, 883, 27, 187, 5064, 1047, 3655, 18040, 1549, 187, 31, 42, 717, 247, 6416, 15108, 14621, 187, 6826, 896, 281, 2318, 67, 2713, 15, 1707, 403, 9828, 273, 37622, 260, 9984, 285, 16059, 28346, 284, 327, 3034, 41266, 1512, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2405, 16, 1166, 9, 50110, 10, 2640, 27, 3046, 27, 2125, 642, 15, 14555, 1237, 1348, 2640, 27, 187, 5064, 1047, 3655, 18040, 1549, 187, 2598, 11755, 13, 642, 581, 476, 1642, 247, 1953, 1051, 309, 4282, 24317, 22309, 10689, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2405, 16, 1166, 9, 50110, 10, 2640, 27, 3046, 27, 1237, 642, 15, 14555, 1237, 1348, 1630, 27, 187, 5064, 14555, 1237, 938, 2031, 187, 1276, 513, 368, 871, 670, 253, 15027, 552, 25295, 4521, 261, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2405, 16, 1166, 9, 50110, 10, 2941, 27, 2640, 27, 2922, 642, 15, 14555, 1237, 1099, 3832, 27, 187, 5064, 14555, 1237, 1348, 1630, 187, 5804, 368, 1918, 479, 247, 3158, 8813, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2405, 16, 1166, 9, 50110, 10, 2941, 27, 3071, 27, 1717, 642, 15, 14555, 1237, 1619, 1047, 27, 187, 5064, 14555, 1237, 1099, 3832, 187, 1147, 434, 253, 1885, 273, 26453, 25675, 26104, 13, 752, 359, 1067, 12269, 330, 17425, 1204, 13, 689, 8307, 273, 1107, 407, 952, 751, 6089, 25531, 257, 13, 326, 9437, 281, 5513, 253, 2603, 17438, 908, 281, 38530, 253, 46855, 313, 7053, 2620, 5098, 10, 285, 253, 1551, 273, 253, 8937, 26529, 13, 3782, 5098, 751, 253, 1605, 18696, 11168, 2531, 2892, 313, 39324, 5738, 13, 19592, 13, 20628, 13, 20567, 481, 187, 42, 2868, 352, 556, 1077, 1175, 41355, 1612, 323, 35525, 40710, 751, 253, 767, 8869, 6281, 275, 39184, 13, 7529, 8553, 512, 949, 253, 46855, 13, 3966, 15, 32354, 2819, 715, 604, 368, 497, 440, 1403, 4420, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2405, 16, 1166, 9, 50110, 10, 2941, 27, 740, 27, 1797, 642, 15, 14555, 1237, 7554, 24, 27, 187, 5064, 14555, 1237, 1619, 1047, 187, 24015, 272, 15, 209, 187, 2042, 309, 574, 281, 7450, 436, 949, 253, 22881, 273, 7309, 13, 309, 651, 1333, 1633, 751, 253, 13534, 310, 271, 35180, 533, 9630, 2395, 273, 30902, 326, 23923, 275, 253, 9129, 329, 36440, 9596, 15, 209, 187, 3039, 436, 23749, 21900, 253, 6281, 497, 17485, 285, 12573, 32939, 275, 1027, 4811, 407, 1027, 952, 275, 1027, 12620, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2405, 16, 1166, 9, 50110, 10, 2941, 27, 883, 27, 3712, 642, 15, 14555, 1237, 1229, 2787, 27, 187, 5064, 14555, 1237, 7554, 24, 187, 8917, 368, 2455, 4089, 670, 253, 3762, 326, 253, 10087, 552, 8553, 275, 10363, 267, 983, 285, 48401, 273, 714, 1240, 664, 73, 1499, 16948, 253, 22159, 403, 6012, 21719, 432, 2102, 80, 14, 27748, 13296, 949, 37125, 757, 9596, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2405, 16, 1166, 9, 50110, 10, 2941, 27, 1010, 27, 2950, 642, 15, 14555, 1237, 1237, 4590, 27, 187, 5064, 14555, 1237, 1229, 2787, 187, 42, 452, 417, 13, 4496, 866, 19337, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2405, 16, 1166, 9, 50110, 10, 2941, 27, 1036, 27, 3712, 642, 15, 14555, 1237, 1610, 3583, 27, 187, 5064, 14555, 1237, 1229, 2787, 187, 20261, 891, 3735, 247, 3762, 670, 849, 253, 9243, 6079, 284, 310, 12659, 347, 247, 22159, 275, 19365, 6281, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2405, 16, 1166, 9, 50110, 10, 2941, 27, 1093, 27, 2941, 642, 15, 14555, 1237, 1706, 1010, 27, 187, 5064, 14555, 1237, 1237, 4590, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2405, 16, 1166, 9, 50110, 10, 2941, 27, 1093, 27, 1229, 642, 15, 14555, 1237, 1706, 1812, 27, 187, 5064, 14555, 1237, 1706, 1010, 187, 8826, 273, 436, 310, 24366, 594, 897, 634, 1211, 3883, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2405, 16, 1166, 9, 50110, 10, 2941, 27, 1093, 27, 2385, 642, 15, 14555, 1237, 1706, 3439, 27, 187, 5064, 14555, 1237, 1706, 1812, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2405, 16, 1166, 9, 50110, 10, 2941, 27, 746, 27, 883, 642, 15, 14555, 1237, 1706, 2357, 27, 187, 5064, 14555, 1237, 1706, 3439, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2405, 16, 1166, 9, 50110, 10, 2941, 27, 938, 27, 520, 642, 15, 14555, 1237, 1671, 805, 27, 187, 5064, 1047, 3655, 18040, 1549, 187, 510, 590, 27, 7532, 5511, 10296, 313, 18698, 13, 8573, 10, 497, 2502, 2865, 3111, 432, 9129, 2069, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2405, 16, 1166, 9, 50110, 10, 2941, 27, 1508, 27, 1508, 642, 15, 14555, 1237, 1812, 2227, 27, 187, 5064, 14555, 1237, 1671, 805, 187, 2302, 686, 1377, 850, 4302, 8, 3762, 310, 2779, 984, 33419, 285, 2173, 14, 16174, 1714, 407, 23832, 273, 326, 4302, 651, 320, 4354, 21759, 15, 844, 403, 2761, 7964, 253, 806, 327, 776, 2972, 281, 755, 9825, 2822, 436, 2080, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2405, 16, 1166, 9, 50110, 10, 2941, 27, 1348, 27, 2405, 642, 15, 14555, 1237, 1787, 2526, 27, 187, 5064, 14555, 1237, 1812, 2227, 187, 18179, 816, 1119, 4797, 21937, 535, 187, 51, 9593, 40889, 884, 16, 2405, 16, 1166, 9, 50110, 10, 2941, 27, 1717, 27, 938, 642, 15, 14555, 1237, 8320, 26, 27, 187, 5064, 1047, 3655, 18040, 1549, 187, 31, 12092, 3858, 13, 309, 717, 247, 6416, 15108, 14621, 13, 187, 1276, 1941, 513, 368, 452, 323, 634, 7231, 9927, 310, 619, 1524, 1953, 32, 476, 368, 896, 598, 634, 33184, 342, 1941, 390, 1057, 436, 10725, 327, 6009, 32, 187, 31, 9088, 369, 271, 9129, 329, 36440, 23749, 326, 556, 644, 3663, 275, 2892, 15, 209, 187, 1145, 23389, 23749, 2119, 476, 320, 3663, 275, 2892, 533, 891, 878, 625, 1941, 1078, 368, 1127, 281, 253, 40155, 273, 352, 313, 5430, 651, 368, 871, 752, 5492, 841, 952, 403, 14677, 187, 31, 2520, 23749, 369, 689, 1052, 13, 933, 1107, 1711, 187, 20517, 1941, 310, 3058, 347, 368, 2007, 1056, 13260, 15, 3105, 760, 513, 368, 2868, 326, 271, 9129, 3663, 23749, 369, 253, 5492, 533, 1024, 368, 1750, 281, 871, 253, 12282, 327, 352, 313, 262, 369, 1078, 1594, 3522, 481, 187, 31, 338, 14823, 5606, 4961, 13, 352, 3936, 1659, 327, 247, 1199, 3356, 673, 1386, 685, 359, 452, 644, 1421, 281, 2868, 187, 13815, 287, 27452, 2168, 310, 753, 281, 1379, 247, 1048, 718, 673, 15, 187, 2598, 513, 368, 452, 1941, 281, 896, 598, 634, 3916, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2405, 16, 1166, 9, 50110, 10, 2941, 27, 2405, 27, 3079, 642, 15, 14555, 21397, 14783, 27, 187, 5064, 14555, 1237, 1812, 2227, 187, 4497, 352, 7024, 327, 752, 368, 1599, 407, 4302, 15, 209, 187, 4374, 13, 309, 5194, 326, 359, 403, 253, 806, 4394, 281, 1287, 5865, 4302, 13, 533, 627, 497, 3164, 643, 14957, 273, 4302, 1051, 659, 2375, 326, 369, 625, 8651, 347, 10066, 281, 5637, 390, 5865, 15, 209, 187, 2513, 352, 1014, 1896, 281, 3989, 253, 25874, 2352, 342, 1929, 285, 2130, 4302, 13, 1339, 3815, 247, 2605, 751, 42216, 1441, 965, 716, 46392, 884, 13, 933, 1107, 3622, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 2405, 16, 1166, 9, 50110, 10, 2941, 27, 1787, 27, 2941, 642, 15, 14555, 21397, 20611, 27, 187, 5064, 14555, 21397, 14783, 187 ]
(Wed)07:37:03 no.170975906: >>170975726 Just get some pollen medicine that actually works Anonymous 05/09/18(Wed)07:38:02 no.170975966: >>170975906 Fexofenadine Hcl? Anonymous 05/09/18(Wed)07:40:58 no.170976150: >>170975966 Ved ikke hvad den hedder, men det er ikke det. Det er en lille hvid pille der oploses i munden. Anonymous 05/09/18(Wed)07:42:15 no.170976229: >>170969423 I still can't believe what you did to that giraffe. Holy shit! Anonymous 05/09/18(Wed)07:43:21 no.170976292: >>170976150 saa laenge det virker er det det vigtigste. >>170976229 The giraffe was a Soros plant Anonymous 05/09/18(Wed)08:21:51 no.170978739: This thread was moved to >>>/bant/5063161 <|endoftext|>Anonymous 12/19/18(Wed)21:21:10 no.197156480: > tfw you realise that the art of the deal was to promise the wall and immigration crackdown which you weren't planning to deliver at all just to get elected Anonymous 12/19/18(Wed)21:23:09 no.197156675: He dun punked us... <|endoftext|>Anonymous 04/07/17(Fri)02:51:45 no.119902678: The attack on the airbase was actually ingenious 12D chess >Everyone knows now that Trump is not playing around. He will take action if you cross him. Classic madman theory. Adversaries of the US are freaking out right now thinking what Trump might do to them. >Helps calm the 24/7 narrative of Trump/Russia >China will now be much more serious about Trump. Plus, Russia is already acting like a poodle. >The attack was brilliantly planned to minimize casualties and risk yet maximize destruction of the base. >American lives were not wasted. Also, no costly invasion. Stop being on an Arab side Syria is a mudslime shithole That needed bombing anyway Anonymous 04/07/17(Fri)02:54:18 no.119903021: Ignore all shill threads like this one. Back to r*ddit, you stupid fucking nigger. Anonymous 04/07/17(Fri)02:58:36 no.119903567: >>119903021 Being pro Trump is exactly the opposite of a shill, take your meds schizo. <|endoftext|>A new mission 07/27/17(Thu)02:20:49 no.135108163: he's being a dick to my friends just because she's a mod. Anonymous 07/27/17(Thu)02:22:10 no.135108293: Kill yourself twice Anonymous 07/27/17(Thu)02:24:26 no.135108472: lad you know she isn't going to fuck you for this right <|endoftext|>Anonymous 08/28/16(Sun)01:20:39 no.86857157: Are abos human? ubgsfK8E Anonymous 08/28/16(Sun)01:27:26 no.86857641: >>86857157 41Lg70fg Anonymous 08/28/16(Sun)01:30:58 no.86857870: They work good as farm equipment...but they need to be properly trained first. Anonymous 08/28/16(Sun)01:32:26 no.86857966: >>86857157 >Are abos human? All humans are animals, but not all animals are humans Anonymous 08/28/16(Sun)01:33:18 no.86858020: >>86857870 >They work good as farm equipment They do? BRaretEk Anonymous 08/28/16(Sun)01:33:38 no.86858041: >>86857157 Are abos a failure and living disproval of natural selection, or were they a joke made by God? Anonymous 08/28/16(Sun)01:34:06 no.86858070: >>86857966 Thanks Aristotle. NcaxmGHo Anonymous 08/28/16(Sun)01:34:44 no.86858114: >>86857870 They were never farm equipment The brits showed up, saw that they practiced cannibalism on their weak children, and they decided that abbos weren't even tribal humans like bantu nigger That's right, even when whites were colonial racists taking slaves we viewed blacks as just low tier tribal humans, abbos were considered less sophisticated then even blacks and the british shot them and chased them away Anonymous 08/28/16(Sun)01:35:07 no.86858145: >>86857157 Their almost certainly part Homo Erectus. >>86855821 → [Embed] >To the Vietnamese people and the government of the DRVN: >From John Sidney McCain, 624787, Lieutenant Commander, U.S. Navy, born 29 August, 1936, Panama, home state Oregon. Shot down 26 October, 1967, A-4E, an aircraft. >I, as a U.S. airman, am guilty of crimes against the Vietnamese country and people. I bombed their cities, towns and villages and caused many injuries, even deaths, for the people of Vietnam. >I was captured in the capital city of Hanoi, while attacking it. After I was captured, I was taken to the hospital in Hanoi, where I received very good medical help. I was given an operation on my legs, which allowed me to walk again in a camp, and my right arm, which was badly broken in three places. >The doctors were very good and they knew a great deal about the practice of medicine. I remained in the hospital for some time and regained much of my health and strength. Since I arrived in the camp of detention, I received humane and lenient treatment. >I received this kind treatment and food even though I came here as an aggressor and the people who I injured have much difficulty in their living standards. I wish to express my deep gratitude for my kind treatment and I will never forget this kindness extended to me.” Anonymous 08/28/16(Sun)01:35:50 no.86858200: Humanoid, for sure. Anonymous 08/28/16(Sun)01:37:10 no.86858290: >>86858070 what the fuck is this? it seems so out of touch because these are the types of abos that are getting drunk are your local park Anonymous 08/28/16(Sun)01:38:10 no.86858373: >>86857641 I wanna believe this is a joke but part of me thinks there is an epidemic of abos being trampled to death by cars for sleeping on the road Anonymous 08/28/16(Sun)01:38:14 no.86858375: >>86857157 I remember this video from an older video on gavin mcinnes. That's a dude singing, right? Anonymous 08/28/16(Sun)01:39:37 no.86858446: >>86858114 I wish the niggers in America would eat each other. I would might actually move back. Anonymous 08/28/16(Sun)01:39:49 no.86858465: >>86858041 They are an example of what early humans did look like when they left Africa. A dead branch on the evolution tree. Anonymous 08/28/16(Sun)01:40:15 no.86858485: >>86857157 No, they're not. >>86857870 >abos >work Top fucking kek m80. I think you've confused abos with Africans. Australian aboriginals are literally the worst group of people the world has ever produced Josef Mengele 08/28/16(Sun)01:41:07 no.86858545: >>86858446 >he moved to Iraq to get away from Africans Anonymous 08/28/16(Sun)01:42:36 no.86858640: >>86858373 It's real. /key-resources/promotion-resources? l
[ 9, 21091, 10, 2922, 27, 1787, 27, 2941, 642, 15, 1166, 2693, 1976, 30920, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 2693, 31203, 1731, 187, 6300, 755, 690, 31371, 9921, 326, 2686, 2987, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 2693, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 2922, 27, 1839, 27, 2640, 642, 15, 1166, 2693, 32054, 2526, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 2693, 1976, 30920, 187, 39, 911, 1171, 257, 324, 460, 388, 498, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 2693, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 2922, 27, 1449, 27, 3680, 642, 15, 1166, 2693, 3121, 8970, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 2693, 32054, 2526, 187, 55, 264, 19574, 47369, 324, 1850, 21867, 491, 13, 1821, 843, 2827, 19574, 843, 15, 4597, 2827, 546, 298, 4002, 288, 18049, 268, 4002, 1784, 258, 446, 4863, 891, 35271, 257, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 2693, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 2922, 27, 2945, 27, 1010, 642, 15, 1166, 2693, 3121, 17107, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 2693, 30467, 1508, 187, 42, 1335, 476, 626, 2868, 752, 368, 858, 281, 326, 48496, 23510, 15, 13936, 10739, 2, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 2693, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 2922, 27, 3079, 27, 1797, 642, 15, 1166, 2693, 3121, 27122, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 2693, 3121, 8970, 187, 84, 5781, 826, 4703, 843, 2432, 6426, 2827, 843, 843, 13271, 46362, 3241, 15, 187, 5064, 1166, 2693, 3121, 17107, 187, 510, 48496, 23510, 369, 247, 24367, 375, 4444, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 2693, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 2904, 27, 1797, 27, 3712, 642, 15, 1166, 39289, 2597, 1867, 27, 187, 1552, 6293, 369, 4395, 281, 209, 187, 17636, 16, 67, 386, 16, 1235, 3571, 20664, 2756, 50279, 45545, 1249, 16, 746, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1797, 27, 1797, 27, 740, 642, 15, 18493, 1010, 1540, 1438, 27, 187, 31, 246, 25837, 368, 27753, 326, 253, 1445, 273, 253, 2968, 369, 281, 9023, 253, 3402, 285, 13163, 9370, 3487, 534, 368, 10345, 626, 7219, 281, 7257, 387, 512, 816, 281, 755, 10544, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 746, 16, 1093, 9, 21091, 10, 1797, 27, 1508, 27, 2693, 642, 15, 18493, 1010, 2526, 1976, 27, 187, 1328, 44069, 30304, 264, 441, 1051, 2756, 50279, 45545, 16703, 16, 2922, 16, 1166, 9, 33228, 10, 2640, 27, 3712, 27, 1857, 642, 15, 12115, 2270, 1731, 3141, 27, 187, 510, 2983, 327, 253, 2329, 4793, 369, 2686, 35604, 784, 1249, 37, 29992, 187, 31, 23631, 6057, 1024, 326, 3778, 310, 417, 4882, 1475, 15, 754, 588, 1379, 2250, 604, 368, 2831, 779, 15, 27015, 10279, 1342, 3762, 15, 2006, 735, 3927, 273, 253, 1982, 403, 4107, 1170, 562, 987, 1024, 4680, 752, 3778, 1537, 513, 281, 731, 15, 187, 31, 9494, 793, 11874, 253, 2164, 16, 24, 14511, 273, 3778, 16, 37881, 187, 31, 22800, 588, 1024, 320, 1199, 625, 4092, 670, 3778, 15, 14820, 13, 7422, 310, 2168, 8534, 751, 247, 268, 836, 282, 15, 187, 31, 510, 2983, 369, 13667, 5954, 9355, 281, 15338, 32853, 285, 2495, 2568, 22950, 12536, 273, 253, 2613, 15, 187, 31, 7878, 4852, 497, 417, 25262, 15, 5220, 13, 642, 19983, 11492, 15, 187, 15021, 1146, 327, 271, 8365, 1930, 187, 30187, 5182, 310, 247, 16059, 3433, 553, 439, 334, 1306, 187, 2773, 3058, 25485, 8791, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 2922, 16, 1166, 9, 33228, 10, 2640, 27, 3439, 27, 1093, 642, 15, 12115, 2270, 1229, 1797, 27, 187, 36142, 512, 439, 408, 17059, 751, 436, 581, 15, 187, 8116, 281, 391, 11, 1678, 262, 13, 368, 11339, 12835, 295, 16046, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 2922, 16, 1166, 9, 33228, 10, 2640, 27, 3680, 27, 1812, 642, 15, 12115, 2270, 1671, 2251, 27, 187, 5064, 12115, 2270, 1229, 1797, 187, 26143, 354, 3778, 310, 4555, 253, 7285, 273, 247, 439, 408, 13, 1379, 634, 1129, 84, 5807, 38585, 15, 2756, 50279, 34, 747, 7517, 18188, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 2640, 27, 938, 27, 2537, 642, 15, 13743, 12347, 18121, 27, 187, 248, 434, 1146, 247, 33702, 281, 619, 3858, 816, 984, 703, 434, 247, 771, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 2640, 27, 1423, 27, 740, 642, 15, 13743, 12347, 19630, 27, 187, 44079, 4834, 7019, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 2640, 27, 1348, 27, 1731, 642, 15, 13743, 12347, 32006, 27, 187, 17869, 368, 871, 703, 3548, 626, 1469, 281, 7435, 368, 323, 436, 987, 2756, 50279, 45545, 16331, 16, 1619, 16, 1036, 9, 14594, 10, 520, 27, 938, 27, 1867, 642, 15, 2691, 31416, 15882, 27, 187, 6723, 490, 375, 1966, 32, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 24583, 15, 681, 16, 13060, 32, 87, 30, 67, 6159, 187, 538, 5943, 71, 44, 25, 38, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1619, 16, 1036, 9, 14594, 10, 520, 27, 1630, 27, 1731, 642, 15, 2691, 31416, 33976, 27, 187, 5064, 2691, 31416, 15882, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 24583, 15, 681, 16, 13060, 32, 87, 30, 39706, 19, 187, 3156, 45, 72, 1967, 16054, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1619, 16, 1036, 9, 14594, 10, 520, 27, 1229, 27, 3680, 642, 15, 2691, 2227, 3141, 1967, 27, 187, 3726, 789, 1175, 347, 6389, 6500, 1051, 2858, 597, 878, 281, 320, 6283, 10166, 806, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1619, 16, 1036, 9, 14594, 10, 520, 27, 1237, 27, 1731, 642, 15, 2691, 2227, 2787, 2526, 27, 187, 5064, 2691, 31416, 15882, 187, 31, 6723, 490, 375, 1966, 32, 187, 3074, 7497, 403, 5074, 13, 533, 417, 512, 5074, 403, 7497, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1619, 16, 1036, 9, 14594, 10, 520, 27, 1610, 27, 1093, 642, 15, 2691, 2227, 1438, 938, 27, 187, 5064, 2691, 2227, 3141, 1967, 187, 31, 3726, 789, 1175, 347, 6389, 6500, 187, 3726, 513, 32, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 24583, 15, 681, 16, 13060, 32, 87, 30, 82, 2019, 187, 7941, 9668, 38, 76, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1619, 16, 1036, 9, 14594, 10, 520, 27, 1610, 27, 1839, 642, 15, 2691, 2227, 1438, 3156, 27, 187, 5064, 2691, 31416, 15882, 187, 6723, 490, 375, 247, 4433, 285, 3811, 557, 856, 1208, 273, 3626, 5438, 13, 390, 497, 597, 247, 16391, 1160, 407, 2656, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1619, 16, 1036, 9, 14594, 10, 520, 27, 1706, 27, 3071, 642, 15, 2691, 2227, 1438, 1967, 27, 187, 5064, 2691, 2227, 2787, 2526, 187, 8061, 35274, 15, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 24583, 15, 681, 16, 13060, 32, 87, 30, 47, 85, 17, 187, 47, 68, 991, 78, 12677, 80, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1619, 16, 1036, 9, 14594, 10, 520, 27, 1706, 27, 2031, 642, 15, 2691, 31117, 13391, 27, 187, 5064, 2691, 2227, 3141, 1967, 187, 3726, 497, 1620, 6389, 6500, 187, 510, 270, 902, 84, 2692, 598, 13, 3047, 326, 597, 26193, 13066, 34300, 1204, 327, 616, 5075, 2151, 13, 285, 597, 4425, 326, 490, 37298, 10345, 626, 1014, 26903, 7497, 751, 270, 386, 86, 295, 16046, 187, 2773, 434, 987, 13, 1014, 672, 19991, 497, 21441, 7393, 1346, 3192, 20086, 359, 11575, 26769, 347, 816, 1698, 30625, 26903, 7497, 13, 490, 37298, 497, 2783, 1679, 18144, 840, 1014, 26769, 285, 253, 270, 902, 763, 5103, 731, 285, 40754, 731, 1977, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1619, 16, 1036, 9, 14594, 10, 520, 27, 1671, 27, 2922, 642, 15, 2691, 31117, 11838, 27, 187, 5064, 2691, 31416, 15882, 187, 22674, 2761, 5604, 629, 15388, 80, 444, 6471, 316, 15, 187, 5064, 2691, 2227, 3680, 1797, 187, 19167, 187, 3614, 1358, 90, 483, 86, 15, 1257, 16, 89, 41208, 24534, 54, 14, 43539, 20, 68, 544, 45392, 62, 187, 31, 1992, 253, 30907, 952, 285, 253, 2208, 273, 253, 10710, 55, 47, 27, 187, 31, 4509, 2516, 46637, 30926, 13, 721, 18392, 2597, 13, 22389, 24609, 13, 530, 15, 52, 15, 13669, 13, 5686, 3285, 4223, 13, 27386, 13, 37783, 13, 1728, 1375, 15427, 15, 43761, 1066, 3436, 4437, 13, 17342, 13, 329, 14, 21, 38, 13, 271, 9954, 15, 187, 31, 42, 13, 347, 247, 530, 15, 52, 15, 2329, 1342, 13, 717, 8106, 273, 12137, 1411, 253, 30907, 2586, 285, 952, 15, 309, 13962, 3026, 616, 8238, 13, 15918, 285, 18430, 285, 4269, 1142, 9478, 13, 1014, 8923, 13, 323, 253, 952, 273, 15732, 15, 187, 31, 42, 369, 10848, 275, 253, 5347, 2846, 273, 388, 46116, 13, 1223, 20362, 352, 15, 2732, 309, 369, 10848, 13, 309, 369, 2668, 281, 253, 4675, 275, 388, 46116, 13, 835, 309, 2959, 1077, 1175, 3739, 1361, 15, 309, 369, 1677, 271, 4254, 327, 619, 9246, 13, 534, 4136, 479, 281, 2940, 969, 275, 247, 2986, 13, 285, 619, 987, 4430, 13, 534, 369, 16426, 7154, 275, 1264, 5053, 15, 187, 31, 510, 11576, 497, 1077, 1175, 285, 597, 3260, 247, 1270, 2968, 670, 253, 3946, 273, 9921, 15, 309, 6376, 275, 253, 4675, 323, 690, 673, 285, 47414, 1199, 273, 619, 1786, 285, 4757, 15, 3932, 309, 7244, 275, 253, 2986, 273, 22680, 13, 309, 2959, 1547, 1351, 285, 8472, 850, 1971, 15, 187, 31, 42, 2959, 436, 2238, 1971, 285, 2739, 1014, 2167, 309, 2210, 1060, 347, 271, 27562, 263, 285, 253, 952, 665, 309, 11062, 452, 1199, 10183, 275, 616, 3811, 7465, 15, 309, 5730, 281, 3890, 619, 3676, 27579, 323, 619, 2238, 1971, 285, 309, 588, 1620, 7740, 436, 28426, 6508, 281, 479, 1425, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1619, 16, 1036, 9, 14594, 10, 520, 27, 1671, 27, 1235, 642, 15, 2691, 31117, 1518, 27, 187, 22705, 1238, 13, 323, 2119, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1619, 16, 1036, 9, 14594, 10, 520, 27, 1787, 27, 740, 642, 15, 2691, 31117, 22308, 27, 187, 5064, 2691, 2227, 1438, 1967, 187, 5371, 253, 7435, 310, 436, 32, 352, 3133, 594, 562, 273, 5181, 984, 841, 403, 253, 3510, 273, 490, 375, 326, 403, 2970, 17507, 403, 634, 1980, 5603, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1619, 16, 1036, 9, 14594, 10, 520, 27, 1839, 27, 740, 642, 15, 2691, 31117, 29546, 27, 187, 5064, 2691, 31416, 33976, 187, 42, 17341, 2868, 436, 310, 247, 16391, 533, 629, 273, 479, 11121, 627, 310, 271, 22954, 273, 490, 375, 1146, 32926, 6216, 281, 2471, 407, 8458, 323, 14343, 327, 253, 3971, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1619, 16, 1036, 9, 14594, 10, 520, 27, 1839, 27, 1047, 642, 15, 2691, 31117, 17820, 27, 187, 5064, 2691, 31416, 15882, 187, 42, 4456, 436, 3492, 432, 271, 5662, 3492, 327, 305, 23793, 278, 68, 2966, 265, 15, 2064, 434, 247, 29723, 16115, 13, 987, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1619, 16, 1036, 9, 14594, 10, 520, 27, 1867, 27, 1787, 642, 15, 2691, 31117, 27590, 27, 187, 5064, 2691, 31117, 13391, 187, 42, 5730, 253, 35825, 7276, 275, 3968, 651, 6008, 1016, 643, 15, 309, 651, 1537, 2686, 2118, 896, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1619, 16, 1036, 9, 14594, 10, 520, 27, 1867, 27, 2537, 642, 15, 2691, 2227, 2759, 2082, 27, 187, 5064, 2691, 2227, 1438, 3156, 187, 3726, 403, 271, 1650, 273, 752, 2393, 7497, 858, 1007, 751, 672, 597, 1669, 7531, 15, 329, 3846, 7789, 327, 253, 5606, 5202, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1619, 16, 1036, 9, 14594, 10, 520, 27, 1449, 27, 1010, 642, 15, 2691, 2227, 2759, 2227, 27, 187, 5064, 2691, 31416, 15882, 187, 2302, 13, 597, 1472, 417, 15, 209, 187, 5064, 2691, 2227, 3141, 1967, 187, 31, 357, 375, 187, 31, 1601, 187, 11387, 12835, 1058, 76, 278, 1438, 15, 309, 1158, 368, 1849, 13477, 490, 375, 342, 45359, 15, 187, 35761, 490, 28474, 10529, 403, 12832, 253, 9065, 1387, 273, 952, 253, 1533, 556, 2455, 4197, 535, 187, 27342, 71, 353, 4703, 282, 16331, 16, 1619, 16, 1036, 9, 14594, 10, 520, 27, 3156, 27, 2922, 642, 15, 2691, 2227, 2227, 1857, 27, 187, 5064, 2691, 31117, 27590, 187, 31, 248, 4395, 281, 9256, 281, 755, 1977, 432, 45359, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1619, 16, 1036, 9, 14594, 10, 520, 27, 2945, 27, 1812, 642, 15, 2691, 2227, 2691, 1449, 27, 187, 5064, 2691, 31117, 29546, 187, 1147, 434, 1524, 15, 187, 2413, 1358, 2700, 15, 15356, 2050, 47956, 15, 886, 86, 15, 13808, 15, 1952, 187, 16, 2364, 14, 21830, 16, 13382, 5011, 14, 21830, 32, 187, 77 ]
100% repulsed naturally. That is unless he's in sweden in which case non-consensual affections are state sanctioned. Whats the current situation looking like in Norway anon? Anonymous 09/25/19(Wed)13:53:25 no.227742756: >>227742152 this is an extremely cryptic comment. Anonymous 09/25/19(Wed)13:54:23 no.227742836: >>227742248 >>227742700 who cares if they get laid? they do with low-tier teenage-hoes. just make yourself better than them. improve yourself Anonymous 09/25/19(Wed)13:57:18 no.227743138: >>227741093 Fuck off nigger Anonymous 09/25/19(Wed)13:58:56 no.227743327: >>227740231 kikes in a world without heroes the misguided youth idolizes false idols the thing about rap music i always found funny was how its almost like 20% "real" rappers trying to monetize their shitty gangster lifestyle to leave said lifestyle, while simultaneously promoting it and the other 80% are retards acting and imitating like they're living like the person above Anonymous 09/25/19(Wed)14:01:03 no.227743546: Your an ethnocentric sociopath so you cannot relate to other cultures much less your own race. Racism is just a way to align yourself with a mission regardless of the insane consequences. Diversity is a break from the ordinary. A variety of foods, ideas, norms and the freedom. The advancement of technologies is a byproduct of many races putting technology to work. Anonymous 09/25/19(Wed)14:01:41 no.227743610: >>227740231 Nothing wrong with weed. Anonymous 09/25/19(Wed)14:02:00 no.227743639: >>227743327 I’d say even 20% is too high. Anonymous 09/25/19(Wed)14:05:38 no.227744044: >>227743610 It makes you stink is one bad thing I can think of Anonymous 09/25/19(Wed)14:05:51 no.227744072: >>227743327 >20% "real" rappers trying to monetize their shitty gangster lifestyle Is gangster rap even a thing anymore. I though rappers just talked about doing drugs and watching anime now Anonymous 09/25/19(Wed)14:07:38 no.227744285: >>227740231 Weed isn't a nigger culture, they have stolen it Anonymous 09/25/19(Wed)14:08:28 no.227744368: >>227744285 Weed has been associated with niggers even before the 20th century lol Anonymous 09/25/19(Wed)14:10:28 no.227744584: >>227744285 Anonymous 09/25/19(Wed)14:11:21 no.227744667: >>227744044 No it doesn't. I smoke weed like 3 times a week. Stop spreading lies about weed. Anonymous 09/25/19(Wed)14:12:32 no.227744796: >>227744667 When you have to pause and say does that person smell like weed or a skunk you don't smell good. Anonymous 09/25/19(Wed)14:13:11 no.227744853: >>227744072 Gangster rappers still exist (21 savage, Meek mill, etc.) but the genre is moving away from violence as it grows more popular. Anonymous 09/25/19(Wed)14:13:36 no.227744894: >>227744368 Including ever nation for healing purposes Anonymous 09/25/19(Wed)14:13:58 no.227744946: >>227744667 You stink mate. You just don’t realise it. Anonymous 09/25/19(Wed)14:15:56 no.227745175: >>227744894 So was cocaine lol that's not a really good argument Anonymous 09/25/19(Wed)14:17:34 no.227745349: >>227744667 you're a nigger Anonymous 09/25/19(Wed)14:17:59 no.227745410: >>227740824 Genuine good luck meeting a white "female" who doesn't listen to rap or kpop. Anonymous 09/25/19(Wed)14:18:04 no.227745419: >>227744853 Oh I never listened to rap music, when I was in highschool Eminem and 50cent were the most popular rappers and I've been told they weren't even gangster rappers I just assumed it died out with the 90s Anonymous 09/25/19(Wed)14:19:12 no.227745538: >>227740641 disgusting Anonymous 09/25/19(Wed)14:19:21 no.227745552: >>227740231 Tavistock Institute created that culture and promotes it worldwide. Israeli Jews working in the UK and counting the EU as one of their listed clients. Take the true redpill of who and what is behind all the bullshit and degeneracy in our modern world. k_201601/Coleman_John_-_The_Tavisto ck_Institute_of_Human_Relations_djv u.txt Anonymous 09/25/19(Wed)14:19:41 no.227745578: >>227744796 That's for idiots who smoke before going out in the world or who carry it on there person. >>227744946 I do not. >>227745349 I'm a spic with a better paying job than you. Anonymous 09/25/19(Wed)14:20:57 no.227745720: >>227742836 This is good advice anon, even tho these nigs are not getting laid as often as people thing. Work on yourself, you will attract better women than they do Anonymous 09/25/19(Wed)14:21:05 no.227745731: >>227745578 That's not hard when its illegal to employ white people Anonymous 09/25/19(Wed)14:21:17 no.227745752: >>227741807 True, the difference here is that redneck culture is not the dominant culture for white people, but nigger culture is arguably the dominant culture for black people. Can’t say why whites are adopting black culture at such a high rate though (((who))) could be responsible for that? >>227741799 Despite hating each other, rednecks and nigs are basically the same >loud >stupid >lazy >rampant substance abuse >high time preference >money spent on flashy material possessions i.e. spinning rims and big trucks >government assistance >love of firearms >prone to violence Anonymous 09/25/19(Wed)14:23:07 no.227745964: >>227745731 Takes your meds. Anonymous 09/25/19(Wed)14:23:13 no.227745985: >>227740231 It's Government approved, But if wypipo do anything but Nigger tier your hated for life Anonymous 09/25/19(Wed)14:23:34 no.227746014: >>227745410 This is why EDM is based. You can say what you want but EDM is about the music and not the package. All festivals are pretty 90%+ white. Anonymous 09/25/19(Wed)14:24:07 no.227746085: >>227740231 Only Britain. You dont see American nigger culture anywhere else in Europe or Asia not even in Canada. Not in any significant means. Britain is however turning into a Nigger shithole due to huge immigration. Anonymous 09/25/19(Wed)14:24:31 no.227746143: >>227745964 Apply for more affirmative action >>227746014 >All festivals are pretty 90%+ white. So are most rap concerts Anonymous 09/25/19(Wed)14:27:28 no.227746517: >>227745752 >Despite hating each other, rednecks and nigs are basically the same The trashiest meth addicted white subhumans are nowhere near as shit as the average black, regardless of his social standing. I live in the most nigger infested state in this god forsaken country. Anonymous 09/25
[ 2233, 6, 1234, 7228, 264, 10748, 15, 2064, 310, 5734, 344, 434, 275, 1863, 264, 257, 275, 534, 1083, 1327, 14, 5040, 561, 780, 6706, 9024, 403, 1375, 49215, 15, 187, 1276, 84, 253, 1655, 4112, 2819, 751, 275, 20341, 271, 251, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1099, 16, 746, 9, 21091, 10, 1012, 27, 3357, 27, 1099, 642, 15, 1423, 30715, 1630, 3208, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 2357, 2945, 17472, 187, 2520, 310, 271, 6685, 10105, 280, 4385, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1099, 16, 746, 9, 21091, 10, 1012, 27, 3439, 27, 1508, 642, 15, 1423, 30715, 1619, 1812, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 2357, 2945, 20520, 187, 5064, 1423, 30715, 1630, 361, 187, 10002, 24505, 604, 597, 755, 10090, 32, 597, 513, 342, 1698, 14, 42614, 29386, 14, 1689, 265, 15, 816, 1056, 4834, 1805, 685, 731, 15, 3157, 4834, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1099, 16, 746, 9, 21091, 10, 1012, 27, 3011, 27, 1093, 642, 15, 1423, 2357, 3079, 15148, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 30715, 740, 4590, 187, 30368, 745, 295, 16046, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1099, 16, 746, 9, 21091, 10, 1012, 27, 3680, 27, 3208, 642, 15, 1423, 2357, 3079, 20298, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 2357, 1449, 18390, 187, 76, 13972, 187, 249, 247, 1533, 1293, 22271, 253, 3731, 26960, 8920, 36123, 4219, 3221, 2654, 3017, 187, 783, 2181, 670, 17845, 3440, 891, 1900, 1119, 11755, 369, 849, 697, 2761, 751, 1384, 6, 346, 6549, 3, 1218, 13906, 2820, 281, 48938, 907, 616, 10739, 555, 10821, 2971, 14898, 281, 3553, 753, 14898, 13, 1223, 10486, 14312, 352, 187, 395, 253, 643, 5096, 6, 403, 851, 2196, 8534, 285, 516, 27427, 751, 597, 1472, 3811, 751, 253, 1436, 1840, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1099, 16, 746, 9, 21091, 10, 1047, 27, 520, 27, 2941, 642, 15, 1423, 30715, 1671, 2950, 27, 187, 7093, 271, 22603, 406, 19458, 10621, 11036, 594, 368, 2550, 14588, 281, 643, 11048, 1199, 1679, 634, 1211, 5492, 15, 33005, 1204, 310, 816, 247, 1039, 281, 8495, 4834, 342, 247, 7517, 10159, 273, 253, 24812, 9099, 15, 399, 2095, 310, 247, 2740, 432, 253, 9826, 15, 329, 5235, 273, 12134, 13, 5697, 13, 22429, 285, 253, 7185, 15, 380, 32992, 273, 10296, 310, 247, 407, 7509, 273, 1142, 15820, 8133, 4302, 281, 789, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1099, 16, 746, 9, 21091, 10, 1047, 27, 520, 27, 3156, 642, 15, 1423, 30715, 1812, 740, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 2357, 1449, 18390, 187, 16440, 3430, 342, 32983, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1099, 16, 746, 9, 21091, 10, 1047, 27, 2640, 27, 361, 642, 15, 1423, 30715, 1812, 1867, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 2357, 3079, 20298, 187, 42, 457, 69, 1333, 1014, 1384, 6, 310, 1512, 1029, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1099, 16, 746, 9, 21091, 10, 1047, 27, 1762, 27, 1839, 642, 15, 1423, 30715, 1449, 2031, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 30715, 1812, 740, 187, 1147, 2789, 368, 331, 750, 310, 581, 3076, 2181, 309, 476, 1158, 273, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1099, 16, 746, 9, 21091, 10, 1047, 27, 1762, 27, 3712, 642, 15, 1423, 30715, 1449, 3547, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 2357, 3079, 20298, 187, 31, 938, 6, 346, 6549, 3, 1218, 13906, 2820, 281, 48938, 907, 616, 10739, 555, 10821, 2971, 14898, 187, 2513, 10821, 2971, 17845, 1014, 247, 2181, 10542, 15, 309, 2167, 1218, 13906, 816, 10062, 670, 2509, 5835, 285, 7487, 29326, 1024, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1099, 16, 746, 9, 21091, 10, 1047, 27, 2922, 27, 1839, 642, 15, 1423, 2357, 2031, 23025, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 2357, 1449, 18390, 187, 1231, 264, 3548, 626, 247, 295, 16046, 4466, 13, 597, 452, 15661, 352, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1099, 16, 746, 9, 21091, 10, 1047, 27, 2904, 27, 1619, 642, 15, 1423, 2357, 2031, 23926, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 2357, 2031, 23025, 187, 1231, 264, 556, 644, 2330, 342, 35825, 7276, 1014, 1078, 253, 1384, 394, 5331, 23385, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1099, 16, 746, 9, 21091, 10, 1047, 27, 740, 27, 1619, 642, 15, 1423, 30715, 1857, 2759, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 2357, 2031, 23025, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1099, 16, 746, 9, 21091, 10, 1047, 27, 883, 27, 1797, 642, 15, 1423, 2357, 27590, 2251, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 30715, 1449, 2031, 187, 2302, 352, 2506, 626, 15, 309, 11283, 32983, 751, 495, 2069, 247, 2129, 15, 21305, 17355, 8696, 670, 32983, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1099, 16, 746, 9, 21091, 10, 1047, 27, 805, 27, 1237, 642, 15, 1423, 2357, 2031, 35323, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 2357, 27590, 2251, 187, 3039, 368, 452, 281, 19309, 285, 1333, 1057, 326, 1436, 13624, 751, 32983, 390, 247, 1629, 3938, 368, 1053, 626, 13624, 1175, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1099, 16, 746, 9, 21091, 10, 1047, 27, 1012, 27, 883, 642, 15, 1423, 2357, 2031, 35866, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 30715, 1449, 3547, 187, 40, 606, 2971, 1218, 13906, 1335, 2226, 313, 1797, 40810, 13, 3189, 1441, 5499, 13, 3966, 2698, 533, 253, 19098, 310, 4886, 1977, 432, 7217, 347, 352, 17202, 625, 4633, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1099, 16, 746, 9, 21091, 10, 1047, 27, 1012, 27, 1812, 642, 15, 1423, 2357, 2031, 37493, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 2357, 2031, 23926, 187, 688, 6547, 2455, 5674, 323, 13255, 6378, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1099, 16, 746, 9, 21091, 10, 1047, 27, 1012, 27, 3680, 642, 15, 1423, 2357, 29185, 2950, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 2357, 27590, 2251, 187, 1394, 331, 750, 20187, 15, 1422, 816, 1053, 457, 85, 27753, 352, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1099, 16, 746, 9, 21091, 10, 1047, 27, 1010, 27, 3208, 642, 15, 1423, 2357, 1857, 14840, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 2357, 2031, 37493, 187, 2598, 369, 16394, 23385, 326, 434, 417, 247, 1663, 1175, 4154, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1099, 16, 746, 9, 21091, 10, 1047, 27, 1166, 27, 1706, 642, 15, 1423, 2357, 1857, 21095, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 2357, 27590, 2251, 187, 5658, 1472, 247, 295, 16046, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1099, 16, 746, 9, 21091, 10, 1047, 27, 1166, 27, 3046, 642, 15, 1423, 2357, 27087, 740, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 2357, 22488, 1348, 187, 7475, 86, 460, 1175, 7516, 4804, 247, 3168, 346, 35686, 3, 665, 2506, 626, 8028, 281, 17845, 390, 465, 9576, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1099, 16, 746, 9, 21091, 10, 1047, 27, 1093, 27, 2125, 642, 15, 1423, 2357, 27087, 746, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 2357, 2031, 35866, 187, 4013, 309, 1620, 18029, 281, 17845, 3440, 13, 672, 309, 369, 275, 1029, 19221, 444, 1222, 358, 285, 2456, 1154, 497, 253, 954, 4633, 1218, 13906, 285, 309, 1849, 644, 2183, 597, 10345, 626, 1014, 10821, 2971, 1218, 13906, 309, 816, 8025, 352, 4962, 562, 342, 253, 5091, 84, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1099, 16, 746, 9, 21091, 10, 1047, 27, 746, 27, 805, 642, 15, 1423, 2357, 24614, 1839, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 2357, 1449, 33976, 187, 3431, 72, 461, 272, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1099, 16, 746, 9, 21091, 10, 1047, 27, 746, 27, 1797, 642, 15, 1423, 2357, 1857, 39338, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 2357, 1449, 18390, 187, 53, 580, 382, 825, 6516, 3562, 326, 4466, 285, 18653, 352, 11762, 15, 13389, 11563, 2444, 275, 253, 5591, 285, 15496, 253, 8215, 347, 581, 273, 616, 7117, 8548, 15, 11668, 253, 2032, 2502, 81, 408, 273, 665, 285, 752, 310, 3212, 512, 253, 35281, 285, 44877, 275, 776, 4980, 1533, 15, 187, 3614, 1358, 22477, 15, 2061, 16, 4963, 16, 53, 580, 382, 406, 187, 76, 64, 6961, 520, 16, 48592, 1342, 64, 8732, 18914, 64, 510, 64, 53, 580, 28697, 187, 777, 64, 688, 5157, 64, 1171, 64, 22705, 64, 39466, 64, 45061, 87, 187, 86, 15, 10134, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1099, 16, 746, 9, 21091, 10, 1047, 27, 746, 27, 3156, 642, 15, 1423, 2357, 1857, 36554, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 2357, 2031, 35323, 187, 2773, 434, 323, 22467, 1502, 665, 11283, 1078, 1469, 562, 275, 253, 1533, 390, 665, 4459, 352, 327, 627, 1436, 15, 209, 187, 5064, 1423, 2357, 29185, 2950, 187, 42, 513, 417, 15, 209, 187, 5064, 1423, 2357, 1857, 21095, 187, 42, 1353, 247, 653, 280, 342, 247, 1805, 10054, 2628, 685, 368, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1099, 16, 746, 9, 21091, 10, 1047, 27, 938, 27, 3011, 642, 15, 1423, 2357, 1857, 26813, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 30715, 1619, 1812, 187, 1552, 310, 1175, 7535, 271, 251, 13, 1014, 37152, 841, 295, 17638, 403, 417, 2970, 10090, 347, 2223, 347, 952, 2181, 15, 209, 187, 10282, 327, 4834, 13, 368, 588, 6427, 1805, 2255, 685, 597, 513, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1099, 16, 746, 9, 21091, 10, 1047, 27, 1797, 27, 1762, 642, 15, 1423, 2357, 28744, 2405, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 2357, 1857, 36554, 187, 2773, 434, 417, 1892, 672, 697, 9676, 281, 2126, 3168, 952, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1099, 16, 746, 9, 21091, 10, 1047, 27, 1797, 27, 1166, 642, 15, 1423, 2357, 1857, 35179, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 30715, 1093, 2922, 187, 5088, 13, 253, 3064, 1060, 310, 326, 2502, 34936, 4466, 310, 417, 253, 11360, 4466, 323, 3168, 952, 13, 533, 295, 16046, 4466, 310, 25711, 253, 11360, 4466, 323, 2806, 952, 15, 2615, 457, 85, 1333, 2139, 19991, 403, 25987, 2806, 4466, 387, 824, 247, 1029, 2281, 2167, 24317, 10002, 10689, 812, 320, 5506, 323, 326, 32, 187, 5064, 1423, 30715, 1166, 1525, 187, 14067, 288, 839, 1016, 643, 13, 2502, 570, 6163, 285, 295, 17638, 403, 10323, 253, 1072, 187, 31, 77, 2995, 187, 31, 296, 10461, 187, 31, 77, 26537, 187, 31, 83, 1301, 386, 10359, 7242, 187, 31, 8656, 673, 14682, 187, 31, 29706, 5262, 327, 10299, 90, 2144, 35586, 891, 15, 70, 15, 24428, 391, 14381, 285, 1943, 21510, 187, 31, 20129, 8385, 209, 187, 31, 26617, 273, 27050, 187, 31, 1087, 531, 281, 7217, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1099, 16, 746, 9, 21091, 10, 1047, 27, 1508, 27, 2922, 642, 15, 1423, 2357, 28333, 1540, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 2357, 28744, 2405, 187, 53, 1582, 634, 1129, 84, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1099, 16, 746, 9, 21091, 10, 1047, 27, 1508, 27, 1012, 642, 15, 1423, 2357, 28333, 2227, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 2357, 1449, 18390, 187, 1147, 434, 7295, 7012, 13, 1292, 604, 259, 3170, 532, 80, 513, 2712, 533, 427, 16046, 30625, 634, 21023, 323, 1495, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1099, 16, 746, 9, 21091, 10, 1047, 27, 1508, 27, 1706, 642, 15, 1423, 2357, 2950, 11494, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 2357, 27087, 740, 187, 1552, 310, 2139, 8360, 46, 310, 1754, 15, 187, 1394, 476, 1333, 752, 368, 971, 533, 8360, 46, 310, 670, 253, 3440, 285, 417, 253, 5522, 15, 187, 3074, 33182, 403, 3965, 5091, 6, 12, 3168, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1099, 16, 746, 9, 21091, 10, 1047, 27, 1348, 27, 2922, 642, 15, 1423, 30715, 1549, 2227, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 2357, 1449, 18390, 187, 11564, 9643, 15, 1422, 13414, 923, 2448, 295, 16046, 4466, 9825, 2010, 275, 3060, 390, 10497, 417, 1014, 275, 6144, 15, 3105, 275, 667, 1534, 2097, 15, 9643, 310, 2299, 8577, 715, 247, 427, 16046, 439, 334, 1306, 1955, 281, 5699, 13163, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1099, 16, 746, 9, 21091, 10, 1047, 27, 1348, 27, 2405, 642, 15, 1423, 2357, 2950, 16150, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 2357, 28333, 1540, 187, 42102, 323, 625, 25712, 2250, 187, 5064, 1423, 2357, 2950, 11494, 187, 31, 3074, 33182, 403, 3965, 5091, 6, 12, 3168, 15, 187, 2598, 403, 954, 17845, 34888, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1099, 16, 746, 9, 21091, 10, 1047, 27, 1630, 27, 1619, 642, 15, 1423, 30715, 2082, 1166, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 2357, 1857, 35179, 187, 31, 14067, 288, 839, 1016, 643, 13, 2502, 570, 6163, 285, 295, 17638, 403, 10323, 253, 1072, 187, 510, 22381, 10558, 10258, 46512, 3168, 749, 18256, 507, 403, 17663, 2822, 347, 10739, 347, 253, 3388, 2806, 13, 10159, 273, 521, 2675, 6306, 15, 309, 3153, 275, 253, 954, 295, 16046, 2192, 7250, 1375, 275, 436, 7122, 46427, 2114, 2586, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1099 ]
.com/en/images /Gallery/FTM/Phalloplasty/ALT-phall oplasty.jpg no look at what these dykes fucking do! Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)13:45:42 no.172436830: >>172436758 O4/UeSCO1vT6gI/AAAAAAAAEOY/-esu7BRK 4CE/s1600/Image+6.png finally, the meat log of my dreams! I don't want to be banned, but this looks fake Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)13:45:58 no.172436878: >>172422472 mental illness mixed with want for less to no responsibility. Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)13:46:09 no.172436897: >>172436285 >Post-op trannies are just as miserable as pre-op. Lol, they actually feel worse. At least as traps, they can regain what little masculinity they have, but trans will see their vaginas as an open wound instead of a pussy. They'll miss their dick and regret losing it until they off themselves Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)13:46:14 no.172436908: The same people respinsible for trannies are the same people responsible for pic related. How someone can try to argue that they want what's best for you, and not their bank accounts, is insane. Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)13:46:30 no.172436934: Because being a ‘Young White Male’ is no longer acceptable in our society. White men are violent, racist, cultureless, homophobic sexual predators whose mere presence on a college campus is triggering to both women and people of color. Unrelated but I wonder what could possibly be causing young white men to turn against our welcoming society and do things like shoot up schools. Real head scratcher. Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)13:46:51 no.172436965: >>172434000 Nevermind Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)13:47:29 no.172437015: >>172436673 she posts in soc's trap thread once a week Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)13:47:32 no.172437019: >>172436209 >tfw no qt3.14 gf (male) Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)13:48:10 no.172437080: because women are oppressed Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)13:49:29 no.172437229: >>172437019 I know that feel Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)13:50:15 no.172437306: >>172436758 >>172436830 I post on /lgbt/ sometimes because of reasons and browse this board every day so I am certain that I would have heard of this before. No offense to you, I don't think you want to lie to anyone, but this has to be some kind of special procedure or whatever. I refuse to believe that this is real. >>172437019 Do you believe that that looks like a guy, Nachbar? Am I going crazy? Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)13:50:25 no.172437318: >>172437080 so oppressed Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)13:52:12 no.172437495: >>172437306 >because of reasons Do you just sit back and observe these specimens in action, Mr. Anthropologist? Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)13:52:49 no.172437549: >>172437015 Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)13:53:12 no.172437586: >>172437306 >I refuse to believe that this is real. ... >It goes against my version of reality?!? >And there’s proof!!! >I refuse to believe it. Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)13:54:09 no.172437691: >>172436908 Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)13:54:17 no.172437702: >>172437306 He's a guy who looks like a girl. Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)13:54:40 no.172437737: >>172437495 Eh, something like that >>172437586 No anon it was really not meant in a bad way, it was partly because I have really never heard of this before and partly because this is so disgusting that I just can't comprehend it Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)13:54:43 no.172437746: >>172436965 >AGP: unsuccessful in passing as women Funfact a lot of HSTS transwomen are AGP because they dont pass and cant get men. the barrier between HSTS and AGP is paper thin. Eitherway.... In the future once younger trannies grow up because of hormone blockers even the AGP ones will pass. Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)13:55:18 no.172437784: >>172422472 >coping with their gayness in a way that makes them "not gay" >a psychotic fracturing of identity stemming from not being aware that ITS OKAY FOR MEN TO HAVE FEMININE QUALITIES AND THAT DOESNT MAKE THEM LITERALLY A WOMAN >people who have meaningless lives think that their unhappiness is due to their body having the wrong dingle dangle >people who have meaningless lives and want attention, want to be seen as a romantic, oppressed hero who has a F A S C I N A T I N G story Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)13:56:22 no.172437882: >>172437737 >this is so disgusting that I just can't comprehend it Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)13:56:25 no.172437884: >>172437702 Oh, I just realized that this person was posted as an example of a passing MtF, I thought it was supposed to be an unpassing one. Phew, thought I had completely lost it. >>172437746 It should be added that this AGP/HSTS stuff is very debatable, many say it's bullshit. Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)13:56:41 no.172437914: >>172437784 oh yeah, or like, more sympathetically: >fucked up by parents, in any number of ways---either daddy really wanted a son or mommy liked to dress up her boy in lady-wear >genuine psychosis Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)13:56:53 no.172437930: >>172437306 how stupid are you just look it up lloplasty Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)13:57:57 no.172438025: >>172437737 It's called phalloplasty, go on youtube. One woman got it done, and has had 8 revision surgeries and her anus redirected because a fistula opened between the vagina they took out and the anus, or some shit, so now she POOPS IN A BAG. this one, this one! this was a girl who tried to become a guy and wowee! Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)13:58:20 no.172438062: >>172437586 Survival instinct is strong. In the case of trannies, accepting reality is a death sentence. Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)13:58:23 no.172438065: >>172437884 Are you Melon Pan per chance? Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)13:58:36 no.172438080: >>172422472 It's a form of mass hysteria and delusion, an epidemic and viral form of mental illness. Similar examples of this phenomenon in effect include: ng_plague_of_1518 nyika_laughter_epidemic Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)13:59:58 no.172438190: >>172438080 It has a social contagion element, but the fetishistic part is a function of male masochism. In women, it does take the form of mass hysteria. Actually, the name fucking fits PERFECT! But really, Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria when teenage girls decide they want to become
[ 15, 681, 16, 257, 16, 13485, 187, 16, 31266, 1771, 16, 5518, 46, 16, 2641, 455, 33470, 16, 29526, 14, 545, 455, 187, 33470, 15, 11368, 187, 2369, 1007, 387, 752, 841, 17713, 8583, 12835, 513, 2, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1012, 27, 1857, 27, 2945, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 23926, 1229, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 1812, 33607, 187, 2413, 1358, 18, 15, 12303, 15, 32586, 15, 681, 7448, 42, 1093, 276, 2945, 84, 50, 187, 48, 21, 16, 54, 70, 4061, 48, 18, 87, 53, 23, 72, 42, 16, 14587, 38, 36615, 7448, 265, 86, 24, 7941, 44, 187, 21, 4339, 16, 84, 34691, 16, 6586, 12, 23, 15, 8567, 187, 71, 3341, 13, 253, 9132, 2412, 273, 619, 13702, 2, 187, 42, 1053, 626, 971, 281, 320, 20374, 13, 533, 436, 4453, 15223, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1012, 27, 1857, 27, 3680, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 1812, 34802, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 17537, 3547, 187, 30132, 9749, 6804, 342, 971, 323, 1679, 281, 642, 8294, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1012, 27, 2950, 27, 2693, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 1812, 34284, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 1812, 23025, 187, 31, 8983, 14, 412, 492, 1136, 447, 403, 816, 347, 28714, 347, 638, 14, 412, 15, 187, 45, 311, 13, 597, 2686, 1928, 7197, 15, 2058, 1878, 347, 30678, 13, 597, 476, 35398, 752, 1652, 30668, 5953, 597, 452, 13, 533, 811, 588, 923, 616, 12531, 32121, 347, 271, 1527, 10785, 3185, 273, 247, 35614, 15, 1583, 1833, 2985, 616, 33702, 285, 14938, 10305, 352, 1919, 597, 745, 3746, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1012, 27, 2950, 27, 1047, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 1812, 33648, 27, 187, 510, 1072, 952, 1183, 968, 917, 323, 492, 1136, 447, 403, 253, 1072, 952, 5506, 323, 14402, 2905, 15, 1359, 3095, 476, 1611, 281, 9059, 326, 597, 971, 752, 434, 1682, 323, 368, 13, 285, 417, 616, 4310, 8553, 13, 310, 24812, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1012, 27, 2950, 27, 1229, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 26673, 1706, 27, 187, 8457, 1146, 247, 2802, 29140, 5219, 23588, 457, 187, 261, 642, 3356, 12207, 275, 776, 5948, 15, 5219, 1821, 403, 12338, 13, 22198, 13, 4466, 1417, 13, 2860, 2689, 12789, 5615, 36207, 3692, 11019, 3361, 327, 247, 6831, 13790, 310, 30444, 281, 1097, 2255, 285, 952, 273, 3295, 15, 209, 187, 2447, 4919, 533, 309, 4282, 752, 812, 6830, 320, 8479, 2872, 3168, 1821, 281, 1614, 1411, 776, 33398, 5948, 285, 513, 1841, 751, 5310, 598, 6629, 15, 10417, 1481, 7362, 255, 5316, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1012, 27, 2950, 27, 3712, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 26673, 2082, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 1706, 933, 187, 15751, 14785, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1012, 27, 2504, 27, 1717, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 1787, 10496, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 1812, 35791, 187, 6689, 9319, 275, 9267, 434, 15464, 6293, 2378, 247, 2129, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1012, 27, 2504, 27, 1237, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 1787, 11325, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 1812, 14009, 187, 31, 16114, 88, 642, 2805, 85, 20, 15, 1047, 305, 71, 313, 30165, 10, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1012, 27, 2385, 27, 740, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 23139, 1438, 27, 187, 12157, 2255, 403, 48852, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1012, 27, 2537, 27, 1717, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 1787, 17107, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 1787, 11325, 187, 42, 871, 326, 1928, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1012, 27, 1235, 27, 1010, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 1787, 18950, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 1812, 33607, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 23926, 1229, 187, 42, 1501, 327, 1227, 21619, 2612, 16, 4536, 984, 273, 4606, 285, 34740, 436, 4450, 1046, 1388, 594, 309, 717, 2176, 326, 309, 651, 452, 3735, 273, 436, 1078, 15, 209, 187, 2302, 8399, 281, 368, 13, 309, 1053, 626, 1158, 368, 971, 281, 7027, 281, 3780, 13, 533, 436, 556, 281, 320, 690, 2238, 273, 2714, 5199, 390, 5913, 15, 309, 16410, 281, 2868, 326, 436, 310, 1524, 15, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 1787, 11325, 187, 4045, 368, 2868, 326, 326, 4453, 751, 247, 5599, 13, 41535, 2009, 32, 3052, 309, 1469, 10412, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1012, 27, 1235, 27, 1099, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 1787, 28560, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 23139, 1438, 187, 601, 48852, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1012, 27, 3583, 27, 805, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 24562, 2222, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 1787, 18950, 187, 31, 12157, 273, 4606, 187, 4045, 368, 816, 1790, 896, 285, 10018, 841, 13751, 275, 2250, 13, 2305, 15, 49593, 10364, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1012, 27, 3583, 27, 2537, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 17820, 2537, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 1787, 10496, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1012, 27, 3357, 27, 805, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 17820, 2691, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 1787, 18950, 187, 31, 42, 16410, 281, 2868, 326, 436, 310, 1524, 15, 187, 1051, 187, 31, 1147, 4566, 1411, 619, 2715, 273, 6612, 22418, 32, 209, 187, 31, 1898, 627, 457, 84, 4737, 15844, 209, 187, 31, 42, 16410, 281, 2868, 352, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1012, 27, 3439, 27, 2693, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 1787, 35356, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 1812, 33648, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1012, 27, 3439, 27, 1166, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 1787, 30967, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 1787, 18950, 187, 1328, 434, 247, 5599, 665, 4453, 751, 247, 3226, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1012, 27, 3439, 27, 1449, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 22863, 1787, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 24562, 2222, 187, 47733, 13, 1633, 751, 326, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 17820, 2691, 187, 2302, 271, 251, 352, 369, 1663, 417, 5486, 275, 247, 3076, 1039, 13, 352, 369, 13730, 984, 309, 452, 1663, 1620, 3735, 273, 436, 1078, 285, 13730, 984, 436, 310, 594, 40449, 326, 309, 816, 476, 626, 37240, 352, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1012, 27, 3439, 27, 3079, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 22863, 2950, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 26673, 2082, 187, 31, 2696, 49, 27, 28008, 275, 8136, 347, 2255, 187, 22096, 12690, 247, 2257, 273, 388, 42950, 811, 31450, 403, 329, 12295, 984, 597, 13414, 1509, 285, 16216, 755, 1821, 15, 253, 11394, 875, 388, 42950, 285, 329, 12295, 310, 2929, 6906, 15, 22660, 1106, 2391, 496, 253, 2852, 2378, 9243, 492, 1136, 447, 1756, 598, 984, 273, 14689, 48846, 1014, 253, 329, 12295, 4394, 588, 1509, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1012, 27, 2417, 27, 1093, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 22863, 2759, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 17537, 3547, 187, 31, 68, 18225, 342, 616, 11730, 1255, 275, 247, 1039, 326, 2789, 731, 346, 1439, 11730, 3, 187, 31, 66, 49503, 10232, 981, 273, 6489, 45030, 432, 417, 1146, 6600, 326, 37879, 10826, 8506, 6651, 353, 1400, 5935, 19730, 401, 3172, 1042, 7570, 26999, 1556, 1433, 9785, 4889, 16093, 7953, 1410, 6369, 49213, 46632, 418, 25419, 25509, 329, 411, 2277, 1539, 187, 31, 13174, 665, 452, 34209, 4852, 1158, 326, 616, 20209, 1212, 1632, 310, 1955, 281, 616, 2133, 1907, 253, 3430, 277, 33202, 277, 2134, 187, 31, 13174, 665, 452, 34209, 4852, 285, 971, 4116, 13, 971, 281, 320, 2326, 347, 247, 18109, 13, 48852, 8080, 665, 556, 247, 401, 329, 322, 330, 309, 427, 329, 308, 309, 427, 443, 2926, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1012, 27, 3208, 27, 1423, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 1787, 39027, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 22863, 1787, 187, 31, 2520, 310, 594, 40449, 326, 309, 816, 476, 626, 37240, 352, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1012, 27, 3208, 27, 1099, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 1787, 34305, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 1787, 30967, 187, 4013, 13, 309, 816, 8156, 326, 436, 1436, 369, 9269, 347, 271, 1650, 273, 247, 8136, 30480, 39, 13, 309, 1869, 352, 369, 6326, 281, 320, 271, 440, 5858, 272, 581, 15, 367, 45623, 13, 1869, 309, 574, 4336, 3663, 352, 15, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 22863, 2950, 187, 1147, 943, 320, 2879, 326, 436, 329, 12295, 16, 41, 42950, 5017, 310, 1077, 4274, 17980, 13, 1142, 1333, 352, 434, 35281, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1012, 27, 3208, 27, 3156, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 24880, 1047, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 22863, 2759, 187, 1368, 10902, 13, 390, 751, 13, 625, 12514, 4349, 85, 1037, 27, 187, 31, 71, 20044, 598, 407, 4651, 13, 275, 667, 1180, 273, 4088, 1532, 26597, 42219, 1663, 3078, 247, 3347, 390, 2243, 2577, 10490, 281, 7619, 598, 617, 5006, 275, 10692, 14, 21417, 187, 31, 1541, 86, 460, 49697, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1012, 27, 3208, 27, 3357, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 24880, 1229, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 1787, 18950, 187, 5430, 11339, 403, 368, 816, 1007, 352, 598, 187, 3614, 1358, 257, 15, 78, 15, 25842, 15, 2061, 16, 16123, 16, 2641, 66, 187, 620, 33470, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1012, 27, 3011, 27, 3011, 642, 15, 1166, 23525, 1438, 1099, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 22863, 1787, 187, 1147, 434, 1925, 815, 455, 33470, 13, 564, 327, 49683, 15, 187, 4041, 3416, 1694, 352, 2218, 13, 285, 556, 574, 854, 18520, 37966, 285, 617, 271, 316, 2502, 17799, 984, 247, 49214, 5485, 875, 253, 42797, 597, 2335, 562, 285, 253, 271, 316, 13, 390, 690, 10739, 13, 594, 1024, 703, 19784, 34659, 2949, 329, 378, 2696, 15, 187, 3614, 1358, 90, 483, 86, 15, 1257, 16, 24, 55, 54, 3546, 14, 15453, 64, 39745, 187, 2520, 581, 13, 436, 581, 2, 436, 369, 247, 3226, 665, 3597, 281, 2489, 247, 5599, 285, 39361, 1796, 2, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1012, 27, 3680, 27, 938, 642, 15, 1166, 23525, 1438, 3763, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 17820, 2691, 187, 14102, 48527, 18110, 310, 2266, 15, 496, 253, 1083, 273, 492, 1136, 447, 13, 18738, 6612, 310, 247, 2471, 6197, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1012, 27, 3680, 27, 1508, 642, 15, 1166, 23525, 1438, 2082, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 1787, 34305, 187, 6723, 368, 8359, 251, 9251, 591, 4839, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1012, 27, 3680, 27, 1812, 642, 15, 1166, 23525, 40058, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 1348, 17537, 3547, 187, 1147, 434, 247, 830, 273, 2280, 32685, 571, 285, 1448, 2035, 13, 271, 22954, 285, 9907, 830, 273, 6255, 9749, 15, 15397, 6667, 273, 436, 11562, 275, 1055, 2486, 27, 187, 3614, 1358, 257, 15, 25842, 15, 2061, 16, 16123, 16, 37, 1377, 74, 187, 1251, 64, 446, 3611, 64, 1171, 64, 1010, 1093, 187, 3614, 1358, 257, 15, 25842, 15, 2061, 16, 16123, 16, 53, 28874, 187, 5134, 11825, 64, 36425, 64, 554, 5710, 280, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1012, 27, 3046, 27, 3680, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 1839, 16129, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 23525, 40058, 187, 1147, 556, 247, 2675, 41142, 279, 3284, 13, 533, 253, 8264, 763, 2531, 629, 310, 247, 1159, 273, 5086, 9425, 3770, 1204, 15, 187, 688, 2255, 13, 352, 1057, 1379, 253, 830, 273, 2280, 32685, 571, 15, 24697, 13, 253, 1416, 12835, 13840, 23564, 39, 9649, 2, 1292, 1663, 13, 37645, 1623, 1178, 33849, 399, 656, 545, 20130, 672, 29386, 6838, 7617, 597, 971, 281, 2489 ]
/17(Mon)02:22:58 no.135611016: >>135610494 >But, the fact that nationalism is trending is a good thing. It's not trending though, you fucking retard. Think of all the weird shit people are into sexually. Foot fetishes, scat, cuckold, latex, etc. Before the Internet, you couldn't get material for any of it. You just had to make due with fantasy. Then the Internet came along. And women found out that they could shit in cups online, and a million little freaks would pay them good money for them to do it. This is the same shit (figuratively). You get social outcasts; men's rights advocates, Nazis, natsocs, alt-righters, who are generally seen as a joke in society and keep their power levels to themselves. Then, with the birth of the Internet, entrepreneurial women realized that if they perked up their tits and read some Mein Kampf passages on Youtube, they could get all the edgy, sexually repressed retards like yourself to send them money for doing it. Good job putting pussy on a pedestal AGAIN, neckbeard. <|endoftext|>Anonymous 04/14/18(Sat)01:04:53 no.168015354: >ywn have pride in your country like nazis did >ywn be a nazi chad fucking his government funded aryan wife (lebensborn program) >ywn be part of the most badass country ever existed ( >inb4 amerimutts and their shithole country ) what is the point of life Anonymous 04/14/18(Sat)01:15:29 no.168016865: >>168015354 that's great, doug Anonymous 04/14/18(Sat)01:21:59 no.168017741: Better than your country. <|endoftext|>Anonymous 11/22/16(Tue)13:32:31 no.99756010: I am an Moscow nationalist Ask me anything about Moscow <|endoftext|>Anonymous 01/01/17(Sun)13:54:24 no.105244650: T-34 was the best mass produced tank and pic related the best tank of the entire war. All made from the Soviet Union. Germans cant build solid tanks. Anonymous 01/01/17(Sun)13:56:14 no.105244797: >>105244650 >mass produced = good no. Anonymous 01/01/17(Sun)13:56:49 no.105244844: >>105244650 Hans, nochmal in den Geschichtsunterricht. Säge. Anonymous 01/01/17(Sun)13:57:20 no.105244889: >>105244650 better crew comfort = more efficiency Anonymous 01/01/17(Sun)13:57:33 no.105244913: >>105244797 If not quality and crews t34 would be obsolete tank for ww2 with 1/100 kd Anonymous 01/01/17(Sun)13:58:19 no.105244988: >>105244650 God damn Ivan did you lose one too many times to the Shermans in War Thunder? Anonymous 01/01/17(Sun)13:59:58 no.105245139: The best meem come from 9gags or tumblr Anonymous 01/01/17(Sun)14:00:11 no.105245166: Its because dumbasses get their history from comic books. In educated circles its a well known fact that German tanks were not that great. Its how the Germans used their tanks which gave them the advantage. Anonymous 01/01/17(Sun)14:01:57 no.105245341: >>105244650 Your Soviet fanboyism is showing. Both make great tanks. Now, as a German, it would be healthy for you to have a bit of an in-group preference. You shouldn't dismiss your own countries achievrments so hastily. Listen to some Wagner, watch some German-perspective WW2 films, enjoy some superior beer, develop some patriotism, and enjoy the rest of your day. Anonymous 01/01/17(Sun)14:03:48 no.105245541: >>105244650 The meme comes from >muh wittman (who was a retard getting his entire squadron killed charging over flat terrain against known AT positions, the SS just pinned victories on him for propaganda reasons) >muh Tiger I (which was shit with non-angled armour just way too heavily armoured for its time, in 1943 it was shit) >muh Panther 1, which was arguably a good tank in all rights and probably the best tank of the war had Steel quality in Germany not been so flawed at the time to supply problems that even hitting it with non-penetrating hits would cause the steel to start cracking) Even France had better tanks to you, you just had better doctrine. One might say you wrote the book on tank warfare. Anonymous 01/01/17(Sun)14:03:50 no.105245545: >>105244988 Lol shermans sucks in wt tbqh they can't even oneshot t34 Anonymous 01/01/17(Sun)14:06:51 no.105245831: >>105245545 Nothing can oneshot a T34. (within its tier) >muh sloped armor Anonymous 01/01/17(Sun)14:06:52 no.105245832: >>105244650 >T-34 was the best mass produced tank But thats literally the biggest meme of WW2 Anonymous 01/01/17(Sun)14:07:09 no.105245858: kill to death ratio? Anonymous 01/01/17(Sun)14:08:00 no.105245947: >german tanks >all those 90 degree angled plates to penetrate >all those unnecessary hatches and variations among models literally meme tier Anonymous 01/01/17(Sun)14:09:04 no.105246047: The only good tank was The Panther and it still had it's problems. Anonymous 01/01/17(Sun)14:09:24 no.105246064: >>105245858 literally not tank fault Anonymous 01/01/17(Sun)14:09:44 no.105246109: >>105246047 Because of bad ore supply, the steel could only withstand 1 or 2 hits before the entire plate would crack. Anonymous 01/01/17(Sun)14:10:12 no.105246151: >>105245545 Obviously,fuck Gaijin and their bias Anonymous 01/01/17(Sun)14:10:19 no.105246167: >>105245947 The King Tiger (and the Tiger also) are certainly the most beautiful tanks from the second world war. My cousin was a veteran in the 90s. He told me why the Old German tanks have the armor always vertical: A German tank always stands upright. A German tank never ducks. Once he was in Canada, Canadians wanted to get on his LEO2 and go along. He said, "No Anglo is going on with my German competitor. That remains in my memory. Anonymous 01/01/17(Sun)14:10:49 no.105246208: But did German tanks come with shower heads? Anonymous 01/01/17(Sun)14:10:49 no.105246209: Panther hans. Anonymous 01/01/17(Sun)14:11:11 no.105246249: >IS-2 Into the Trash it goes. Couldn't hold a lot of ammo, still got rekt by Tiger Is and Panthers, even though it was supposed to be a Tiger killer. It couldn't do shit against the King Tigers. >T-34 Mass produced, but not invincible. In 1956, it only took a few Molotov cocktails to destroy them. The engine wasn't protected from liquid, burning gasoline leaked in and turned the tank into an oven. Russian tanks were good, but not as good as German ones. Germany>Russia>Britain>US>Japan Anonymous 01/01/17(Sun)14:11:38 no.105246291: >>105246167 >A German tank always stands upright. A German tank never ducks. That damage control, top fucking kek. Anonymous 01/01/17(Sun)14:12:02 no.105246319: >>105246167 >German competitor. Meant German Tank Anonymous 01/01/17(Sun)14:12:38 no.105246375: >>105244650 They could barely even penetrate the armour of a Panzer VI Anonymous 01/01/17(Sun)14:13:05 no.105246412: >>105244650 I'd also like to know. Was the Panzer
[ 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 2640, 27, 1423, 27, 3680, 642, 15, 1012, 3208, 883, 11718, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 3208, 740, 32942, 187, 31, 1989, 13, 253, 958, 326, 41552, 310, 9058, 272, 310, 247, 1175, 2181, 15, 187, 1147, 434, 417, 9058, 272, 2167, 13, 368, 12835, 31832, 15, 187, 26068, 273, 512, 253, 12504, 10739, 952, 403, 715, 20512, 15, 12867, 8264, 6419, 13, 660, 255, 13, 260, 1807, 744, 13, 44127, 13, 3966, 15, 9613, 253, 7336, 13, 368, 4571, 626, 755, 2144, 323, 667, 273, 352, 15, 1422, 816, 574, 281, 1056, 1955, 342, 16879, 15, 187, 5872, 253, 7336, 2210, 2112, 15, 1244, 2255, 1119, 562, 326, 597, 812, 10739, 275, 15107, 3909, 13, 285, 247, 3041, 1652, 4107, 8765, 651, 2075, 731, 1175, 2583, 323, 731, 281, 513, 352, 15, 187, 1552, 310, 253, 1072, 10739, 313, 926, 321, 3146, 481, 1422, 755, 2675, 562, 44358, 28, 1821, 434, 3570, 23318, 13, 33406, 13, 295, 1832, 46864, 13, 6945, 14, 83, 15053, 13, 665, 403, 3839, 2326, 347, 247, 16391, 275, 5948, 285, 1978, 616, 1612, 2308, 281, 3746, 15, 187, 5872, 13, 342, 253, 4201, 273, 253, 7336, 13, 23721, 451, 2255, 8156, 326, 604, 597, 591, 16386, 598, 616, 246, 953, 285, 1239, 690, 3189, 249, 46882, 71, 24392, 327, 49459, 13, 597, 812, 755, 512, 253, 1407, 4233, 13, 20512, 47960, 851, 2196, 751, 4834, 281, 5007, 731, 2583, 323, 2509, 352, 15, 187, 8620, 2628, 8133, 35614, 327, 247, 21861, 267, 43492, 1042, 13, 7623, 1257, 472, 15, 2756, 50279, 45545, 16703, 16, 1047, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 520, 27, 2125, 27, 3357, 642, 15, 13851, 10496, 25039, 27, 187, 31, 90, 939, 452, 15555, 275, 634, 2586, 751, 295, 1370, 261, 858, 187, 31, 90, 939, 320, 247, 295, 23248, 448, 324, 12835, 521, 2208, 14597, 549, 8202, 4475, 313, 282, 67, 561, 6448, 2086, 10, 187, 31, 90, 939, 320, 629, 273, 253, 954, 3076, 515, 2586, 2455, 13164, 313, 2239, 249, 67, 21, 717, 254, 303, 307, 1641, 285, 616, 439, 334, 1306, 2586, 2387, 187, 5371, 310, 253, 1127, 273, 1495, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1047, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 520, 27, 1010, 27, 1717, 642, 15, 13851, 520, 2358, 2082, 27, 187, 5064, 13851, 10496, 25039, 187, 3529, 434, 1270, 13, 277, 529, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 1047, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 520, 27, 1797, 27, 3046, 642, 15, 13851, 520, 2357, 3156, 27, 187, 36011, 685, 634, 2586, 15, 2756, 50279, 45545, 1903, 16, 1423, 16, 1036, 9, 50110, 10, 1012, 27, 1237, 27, 2405, 642, 15, 1525, 28703, 9104, 27, 187, 42, 717, 271, 16496, 38204, 187, 30326, 479, 2712, 670, 16496, 2756, 50279, 45545, 14805, 16, 520, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1012, 27, 3439, 27, 1348, 642, 15, 10655, 1348, 2950, 1235, 27, 187, 53, 14, 1706, 369, 253, 1682, 2280, 4197, 11100, 285, 14402, 2905, 253, 1682, 11100, 273, 253, 2862, 2137, 15, 1876, 1160, 432, 253, 12194, 6398, 15, 187, 29816, 507, 16216, 1973, 4891, 20470, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 520, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1012, 27, 3208, 27, 1047, 642, 15, 10655, 1348, 2504, 4148, 27, 187, 5064, 10655, 1348, 2950, 1235, 187, 31, 14611, 4197, 426, 1175, 187, 2369, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 520, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1012, 27, 3208, 27, 2537, 642, 15, 10655, 1348, 2385, 2031, 27, 187, 5064, 10655, 1348, 2950, 1235, 187, 41, 507, 13, 28547, 10367, 275, 1850, 46315, 11014, 13998, 350, 32246, 15, 322, 1392, 463, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 520, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1012, 27, 3011, 27, 938, 642, 15, 10655, 21149, 33546, 27, 187, 5064, 10655, 1348, 2950, 1235, 187, 29266, 10402, 5956, 426, 625, 6733, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 520, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1012, 27, 3011, 27, 1610, 642, 15, 10655, 1348, 2537, 1012, 27, 187, 5064, 10655, 1348, 2504, 4148, 187, 2042, 417, 3290, 285, 32173, 246, 1706, 651, 320, 40072, 11100, 323, 259, 88, 19, 342, 337, 16, 2313, 465, 69, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 520, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1012, 27, 3680, 27, 746, 642, 15, 10655, 1348, 2537, 2055, 27, 187, 5064, 10655, 1348, 2950, 1235, 187, 13618, 15229, 27443, 858, 368, 7168, 581, 1512, 1142, 2069, 281, 253, 10648, 24044, 275, 3660, 27926, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 520, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1012, 27, 3046, 27, 3680, 642, 15, 10655, 19490, 15270, 27, 187, 510, 1682, 479, 358, 1705, 432, 898, 72, 3544, 390, 3034, 41266, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 520, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1047, 27, 361, 27, 883, 642, 15, 10655, 19490, 17962, 27, 187, 27132, 984, 21413, 30131, 755, 616, 2892, 432, 17478, 5098, 15, 187, 688, 19149, 14240, 697, 247, 973, 1929, 958, 326, 5685, 20470, 497, 417, 326, 1270, 15, 7850, 849, 253, 20003, 908, 616, 20470, 534, 3534, 731, 253, 5750, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 520, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1047, 27, 520, 27, 3011, 642, 15, 10655, 19490, 28459, 27, 187, 5064, 10655, 1348, 2950, 1235, 187, 7093, 12194, 7989, 14889, 1204, 310, 4645, 15, 187, 14358, 1056, 1270, 20470, 15, 187, 4125, 13, 347, 247, 5685, 13, 352, 651, 320, 5875, 323, 368, 281, 452, 247, 2372, 273, 271, 275, 14, 4399, 14682, 15, 1422, 10095, 626, 5597, 634, 1211, 4343, 3143, 24987, 942, 594, 44753, 15, 33851, 281, 690, 31424, 13, 3698, 690, 5685, 14, 5726, 4911, 23556, 19, 6590, 13, 4264, 690, 8936, 10562, 13, 1287, 690, 43371, 1204, 13, 285, 4264, 253, 1551, 273, 634, 1388, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 520, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1047, 27, 2941, 27, 2385, 642, 15, 10655, 1348, 2417, 3156, 27, 187, 5064, 10655, 1348, 2950, 1235, 187, 510, 1167, 70, 3249, 432, 2239, 1906, 73, 259, 770, 1342, 313, 10002, 369, 247, 31832, 2970, 521, 2862, 40294, 5339, 16153, 689, 6507, 25061, 1411, 1929, 4915, 6887, 13, 253, 13575, 816, 32861, 34158, 327, 779, 323, 23306, 4606, 10, 187, 31, 1906, 73, 31822, 309, 313, 4609, 369, 10739, 342, 1327, 14, 33195, 44878, 816, 1039, 1512, 11306, 4430, 9698, 323, 697, 673, 13, 275, 23430, 352, 369, 10739, 10, 187, 31, 1906, 73, 21925, 379, 337, 13, 534, 369, 25711, 247, 1175, 11100, 275, 512, 3570, 285, 3164, 253, 1682, 11100, 273, 253, 2137, 574, 19727, 3290, 275, 6176, 417, 644, 594, 33657, 387, 253, 673, 281, 6186, 3237, 326, 1014, 16116, 352, 342, 1327, 14, 3878, 11656, 839, 12830, 651, 2847, 253, 10194, 281, 1265, 33118, 10, 187, 9586, 6181, 574, 1805, 20470, 281, 368, 13, 368, 816, 574, 1805, 12791, 15, 2596, 1537, 1333, 368, 4159, 253, 1984, 327, 11100, 27205, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 520, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1047, 27, 2941, 27, 1235, 642, 15, 10655, 1348, 2417, 1857, 27, 187, 5064, 10655, 1348, 2537, 2055, 187, 45, 311, 22968, 24044, 35058, 275, 22923, 34244, 82, 73, 187, 9328, 476, 626, 1014, 4394, 12022, 246, 1706, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 520, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1047, 27, 3071, 27, 3712, 642, 15, 10655, 1348, 3680, 2405, 27, 187, 5064, 10655, 1348, 2417, 1857, 187, 16440, 476, 4394, 12022, 247, 308, 1706, 15, 313, 24767, 697, 30625, 10, 187, 31, 1906, 73, 1499, 11802, 25034, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 520, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1047, 27, 3071, 27, 3583, 642, 15, 10655, 1348, 3680, 1237, 27, 187, 5064, 10655, 1348, 2950, 1235, 187, 31, 53, 14, 1706, 369, 253, 1682, 2280, 4197, 11100, 187, 1989, 28763, 12832, 253, 5962, 1167, 70, 273, 23556, 19, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 520, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1047, 27, 2922, 27, 2693, 642, 15, 10655, 19490, 31117, 27, 187, 24212, 281, 2471, 4313, 3736, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 520, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1047, 27, 2904, 27, 361, 642, 15, 10655, 1348, 3046, 2504, 27, 187, 31, 72, 8592, 20470, 209, 187, 31, 455, 1110, 5091, 4248, 2897, 1070, 10855, 281, 34165, 209, 187, 31, 455, 1110, 15279, 7856, 2706, 285, 10575, 2190, 3210, 209, 187, 22478, 595, 1167, 70, 30625, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 520, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1047, 27, 2693, 27, 2125, 642, 15, 10655, 1348, 1549, 2504, 27, 187, 510, 760, 1175, 11100, 369, 380, 21925, 379, 285, 352, 1335, 574, 352, 434, 3237, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 520, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1047, 27, 2693, 27, 1348, 642, 15, 10655, 1348, 1549, 1540, 27, 187, 5064, 10655, 19490, 31117, 187, 22478, 595, 417, 11100, 9331, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 520, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1047, 27, 2693, 27, 2031, 642, 15, 10655, 23260, 12852, 27, 187, 5064, 10655, 1348, 1549, 2504, 187, 8457, 273, 3076, 29900, 6186, 13, 253, 10194, 812, 760, 32385, 337, 390, 374, 12830, 1078, 253, 2862, 5340, 651, 9370, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 520, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1047, 27, 740, 27, 805, 642, 15, 10655, 23260, 18795, 27, 187, 5064, 10655, 1348, 2417, 1857, 187, 32102, 13, 71, 1807, 12146, 1944, 249, 285, 616, 8492, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 520, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1047, 27, 740, 27, 746, 642, 15, 10655, 23260, 18146, 27, 187, 5064, 10655, 1348, 3046, 2504, 187, 510, 4377, 31822, 313, 395, 253, 31822, 671, 10, 403, 5604, 253, 954, 5389, 20470, 432, 253, 1273, 1533, 2137, 15, 187, 3220, 19338, 369, 247, 18425, 275, 253, 5091, 84, 15, 754, 2183, 479, 2139, 253, 8937, 5685, 20470, 452, 253, 25034, 1900, 9118, 27, 329, 5685, 11100, 1900, 9572, 24922, 15, 329, 5685, 11100, 1620, 46495, 15, 187, 10758, 344, 369, 275, 6144, 13, 32846, 3078, 281, 755, 327, 521, 12838, 48, 19, 285, 564, 2112, 15, 754, 753, 13, 346, 2302, 33252, 310, 1469, 327, 342, 619, 5685, 32048, 15, 2064, 4558, 275, 619, 3541, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 520, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1047, 27, 740, 27, 2537, 642, 15, 10655, 23260, 17391, 27, 187, 1989, 858, 5685, 20470, 1705, 342, 16846, 9851, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 520, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1047, 27, 740, 27, 2537, 642, 15, 10655, 23260, 14009, 27, 187, 49, 386, 379, 288, 507, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 520, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1047, 27, 883, 27, 883, 642, 15, 10655, 23260, 21361, 27, 187, 31, 1830, 14, 19, 187, 34868, 253, 1535, 1225, 352, 4566, 15, 16574, 79, 626, 2186, 247, 2257, 273, 717, 6972, 13, 1335, 1694, 294, 5751, 407, 31822, 1680, 285, 42422, 13, 1014, 2167, 352, 369, 6326, 281, 320, 247, 31822, 17830, 15, 733, 4571, 626, 513, 10739, 1411, 253, 4377, 33572, 15, 187, 31, 53, 14, 1706, 187, 23067, 4197, 13, 533, 417, 828, 1763, 917, 15, 496, 22716, 13, 352, 760, 2335, 247, 1643, 24429, 302, 729, 11694, 37465, 281, 6909, 731, 15, 380, 3948, 3589, 626, 6885, 432, 5558, 13, 13195, 29312, 31347, 275, 285, 3531, 253, 11100, 715, 271, 14195, 15, 187, 27397, 20470, 497, 1175, 13, 533, 417, 347, 1175, 347, 5685, 4394, 15, 209, 187, 37796, 31, 37881, 31, 19189, 404, 31, 3016, 31, 19291, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 520, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1047, 27, 883, 27, 1839, 642, 15, 10655, 23260, 20922, 27, 187, 5064, 10655, 23260, 18146, 187, 31, 34, 5685, 11100, 1900, 9572, 24922, 15, 329, 5685, 11100, 1620, 46495, 15, 187, 2773, 4723, 1453, 13, 1755, 12835, 1058, 76, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 520, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1047, 27, 805, 27, 2640, 642, 15, 10655, 1348, 3571, 746, 27, 187, 5064, 10655, 23260, 18146, 187, 31, 22353, 32048, 15, 187, 5072, 386, 5685, 40202, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 520, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1047, 27, 805, 27, 1839, 642, 15, 10655, 23260, 17820, 27, 187, 5064, 10655, 1348, 2950, 1235, 187, 3726, 812, 12345, 1014, 34165, 253, 44878, 273, 247, 9251, 8260, 17128, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 520, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1047, 27, 1012, 27, 1762, 642, 15, 10655, 1348, 1540, 805, 27, 187, 5064, 10655, 1348, 2950, 1235, 187, 42, 1871, 671, 751, 281, 871, 15, 12349, 253, 9251, 8260 ]
-3 rounds. Contemporary German tank crews would have been be appalled if they let enemy AT guns get more than two rounds off before they took defensive action. This example highlights the difference between tanks designed to optimise all their fire control related systems and hence maximise their firepower, and those that weren’t. Anonymous 01/01/17(Sun)14:43:34 no.105249402: Panzer IV was the best tank of the Second World War. About 1,936 Panzer IVs were produced Decent armor 7.5 cm KwK 40 main armament Anonymous 01/01/17(Sun)14:43:35 no.105249403: In real life tactic, communication, field of vision and layout within the tank is more important than in video games. Anonymous 01/01/17(Sun)14:44:17 no.105249470: >>105244650 IS on the pic not t-34 Anonymous 01/01/17(Sun)14:44:30 no.105249489: >>105249402 tbqh they shouldve just focused on updating the gun and ammunition instead of making ever heavier and difficult to manufacture tanks Anonymous 01/01/17(Sun)14:44:31 no.105249491: >>105249282 Doesn't make your tanks explode less. Also Russian won both WW2 and cold war. Anonymous 01/01/17(Sun)14:45:07 no.105249543: >>105249099 >And the rest 25% was shot by the NKVD because they failed to stay in the tank and fight to the last as they were ordered True story BTW. Anonymous 01/01/17(Sun)14:45:19 no.105249563: >>105249402 Its a shame they are letting all those vehicles sit and rot at Aberdeen. At least they restored the Elefant. They should really do the same with the Jagdtiger and Jagdpanther that are there. Anonymous 01/01/17(Sun)14:45:24 no.105249571: >>105249491 >USSR won cold war oh, did the USA convert to communism? Anonymous 01/01/17(Sun)14:45:31 no.105249579: >>105249169 Are you? It looks very similar to the is-6 Anonymous 01/01/17(Sun)14:45:31 no.105249584: >>105249395 The T-34’s Performance in 1942 The problem with using 1941 figures however is that T-34 proponents will always argue that the operational state of the Soviet mechanised forces and the general situation in 1941 were the primary factors in the T-34’s combat performance in 1941. So what of the T-34’s combat record in later years when these factors were removed or when they swung in the Soviet’s favour? The combat results for 1942, 1943, 1944 and 1945 show the Soviets lost an average of 6, 4, 4 and 1.2 tanks respectively, for every German tank lost.(12) If all German and Soviet assault guns, and all other types of fully tracked AFV losses are included, then the ratio changes to 5, 3, 3 and 1.3 for 1942, 1943, 1944 and 1945 respectively, in the German favour.(13) The figures for 1945 are not much use as the majority of German losses were operational or strategic, i.e. they are classified as lost when Germany surrendered in 1945. The figures for 1942 to 1944 are more useful in assessing the T-34’s tactical combat performance. Anonymous 01/01/17(Sun)14:45:31 no.105249585: >>105249192 The weakness was it's suspension system that caused the crew space to be tiny. The early models with the 76mm cannon was anaemic. The 85mm was also anaemic. The slavs couldn't refine tungsten They though stuffing TNT into their AP shells was a good idea Shitty weld quality And the biggest problem of all: [spoiler]They were crewed by slavs[/spoiler] Anonymous 01/01/17(Sun)14:45:57 no.105249626: >>105249402 This. People underestimate how good the 7.5 cm KwK 40 gun on that thing is. It had good enough armor that made it good to mass-produce. Panzer IV models were there from 1939 all the way to 1945. Anonymous 01/01/17(Sun)14:46:25 no.105249681: >>105249491 RUbyui7s Anonymous 01/01/17(Sun)14:46:31 no.105249693: >>105249491 >Also Russian won both WW2 and cold war. You're welcome, comrade.See you on the moon, oh, what's that? you never got there? Faggot. Anonymous 01/01/17(Sun)14:46:39 no.105249707: >>105249579 it's a Is-2 mod 1944 you dense prick When did the is-6 drive through Berlin? Anonymous 01/01/17(Sun)14:46:39 no.105249708: >>105249584 The year 1942 deserves particular attention, because at the operational level the sides were more evenly matched. In this year the most common Soviet main battle tank was the T-34/76. The most common German main battle tanks were Pz IIIs with long and short 50mm guns and Pz IVs, most still with short 75mm L/24 guns. The Pz IV and StuG assault guns with long 75mm L/43 or L/48 guns had only began appearing on the East Front in limited numbers. This gun was capable of destroying a T-34 frontally at around 1 000 metres. However, only 870 Pz IVs and 699 StuG IIIs with the long 75mm gun were manufactured in the whole of 1942, and many of these didn’t reach the East Front until 1943.(14) Hence for most of 1942 the majority of German tanks were still the older and apparently obsolete types. In addition many publications rate the Pz IV with the long 75mm gun as only equivalent to the T-34/76 in terms of firepower, but still much weaker in terms of armour and mobility. So what happened? The Soviets still managed to loose 15 100 fully tracked AFVs in 1942 including 6 600 T-34s and 1 200 of the even more powerful KV heavy tanks.(15) This meant their loss ratio was almost as bad as 1941. To a large extent it was worse than 1941 because in this case over half the tanks destroyed were T-34 and KV tanks, and the large majority of losses were due to direct enemy fire and cannot be attributed to operational losses. There is no doubt that on average German tank crews in 1942 were probably still the best trained and most experienced in the world. However, this does not explain how apparently obsolete and inferior German AFVs achieved a kill ratio of better than three to one against T-34s in direct combat, unless the overall combat power of the T-34 is historically overrated.(16) The T-34 must be the only tank in history rated as the best in the world in the same year it lost three or four for every enemy AFV destroyed. *** Anonymous 01/01/17(Sun)14:46:54 no.105249728: >>105245541 >>105246109 >>105248371 But what about muh Krupp Stahl? Anonymous 01/01/17(Sun)14:47:30 no.105249781: >>105247283 >>105247283 Russians always die en masse in every war. Russian strategy: >gib army antique weapons/equipment that was shitty and hastily produced even when they were considered modern >gib 1 month to 30 seconds of training >send this dirty rabble to die 10 for every 1 enemy >retreat >retreat after every small skirmish (which is also always a loss) lel benis >wait for enemy to freeze or run out of supplies or both >harass them as they leave, pretending it's part of some grand strategy Every time Anonymous 01/01/17(Sun)14:47:41 no.105249802: >>105249585 >The early models with the 76mm cannon was anaemic. >The 85mm was also anaemic. My favorite part is that the soviet tank had bigger caliber guns because their shells were shit, so the countered this by MAKE THE GUN BIGGAH! which mean less space in the turret, longer reload and didn't fix shit because the shells were still shit. Anonymous 01/01/17(Sun)14:47:42 no.105249805: >>105249491 If you die in the millions you win. Anonymous 01/01/17(Sun)14:47:53 no.105249819: >>105249707 I didn't say
[ 14, 20, 16334, 15, 39921, 5685, 11100, 32173, 651, 452, 644, 320, 622, 18859, 604, 597, 1339, 9054, 4915, 11942, 755, 625, 685, 767, 16334, 745, 1078, 597, 2335, 14397, 2250, 15, 831, 1650, 16681, 253, 3064, 875, 20470, 4158, 281, 5556, 885, 512, 616, 3289, 1453, 2905, 2718, 285, 7613, 11903, 885, 616, 3289, 9177, 13, 285, 1110, 326, 10345, 457, 85, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 520, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1047, 27, 3079, 27, 1706, 642, 15, 10655, 21361, 24948, 27, 187, 12309, 8260, 8019, 369, 253, 1682, 11100, 273, 253, 6347, 3645, 3660, 15, 187, 10572, 337, 13, 26, 1812, 9251, 8260, 8019, 84, 497, 4197, 187, 9150, 290, 25034, 187, 24, 15, 22, 7892, 48601, 44, 3387, 2022, 4430, 2247, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 520, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1047, 27, 3079, 27, 1671, 642, 15, 10655, 21361, 25208, 27, 187, 688, 1524, 1495, 36633, 13, 5511, 13, 1673, 273, 8113, 285, 12806, 1561, 253, 11100, 310, 625, 1774, 685, 275, 3492, 3958, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 520, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1047, 27, 2031, 27, 1166, 642, 15, 10655, 1348, 3953, 1967, 27, 187, 5064, 10655, 1348, 2950, 1235, 187, 1830, 327, 253, 14402, 417, 246, 14, 1706, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 520, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1047, 27, 2031, 27, 1229, 642, 15, 10655, 21361, 30452, 27, 187, 5064, 10655, 21361, 24948, 187, 25192, 82, 73, 597, 943, 306, 816, 7106, 327, 22753, 253, 5654, 285, 28630, 3185, 273, 2403, 2455, 27953, 285, 2834, 281, 6833, 20470, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 520, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1047, 27, 2031, 27, 2405, 642, 15, 10655, 21361, 36458, 27, 187, 5064, 10655, 21361, 28899, 187, 10795, 79, 626, 1056, 634, 20470, 34667, 1679, 15, 187, 9917, 7247, 1912, 1097, 23556, 19, 285, 5412, 2137, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 520, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1047, 27, 1857, 27, 2922, 642, 15, 10655, 1348, 2222, 3079, 27, 187, 5064, 10655, 1348, 2270, 1525, 187, 31, 1898, 253, 1551, 2030, 6, 369, 5103, 407, 253, 18156, 8528, 984, 597, 4242, 281, 3297, 275, 253, 11100, 285, 3819, 281, 253, 1390, 347, 597, 497, 6960, 187, 5088, 2926, 23755, 56, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 520, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1047, 27, 1857, 27, 746, 642, 15, 10655, 1348, 2222, 3571, 27, 187, 5064, 10655, 21361, 24948, 187, 27132, 247, 14816, 597, 403, 13872, 512, 1110, 9411, 1790, 285, 4000, 387, 29677, 48737, 15, 209, 187, 3404, 1878, 597, 16789, 253, 13173, 47459, 15, 1583, 943, 1663, 513, 253, 1072, 342, 253, 25198, 7064, 8047, 285, 25198, 12132, 386, 379, 326, 403, 627, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 520, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1047, 27, 1857, 27, 1348, 642, 15, 10655, 1348, 2222, 3677, 27, 187, 5064, 10655, 21361, 36458, 187, 31, 3016, 7611, 1912, 5412, 2137, 187, 1368, 13, 858, 253, 5106, 6455, 281, 48709, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 520, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1047, 27, 1857, 27, 2405, 642, 15, 10655, 1348, 2222, 2787, 27, 187, 5064, 10655, 21361, 17809, 187, 6723, 368, 32, 187, 1147, 4453, 1077, 2074, 281, 253, 310, 14, 23, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 520, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1047, 27, 1857, 27, 2405, 642, 15, 10655, 1348, 2222, 2759, 27, 187, 5064, 10655, 21361, 20216, 187, 510, 308, 14, 1706, 457, 84, 21856, 275, 22420, 187, 510, 1895, 342, 970, 22715, 8442, 2299, 310, 326, 308, 14, 1706, 4198, 8999, 588, 1900, 9059, 326, 253, 15942, 1375, 273, 253, 12194, 2543, 1701, 5621, 285, 253, 2087, 4112, 275, 22715, 497, 253, 3625, 2616, 275, 253, 308, 14, 1706, 457, 84, 11757, 3045, 275, 22715, 15, 1893, 752, 273, 253, 308, 14, 1706, 457, 84, 11757, 1924, 275, 1996, 1107, 672, 841, 2616, 497, 5176, 390, 672, 597, 27858, 275, 253, 12194, 457, 84, 9796, 32, 187, 510, 11757, 1543, 323, 22420, 13, 23430, 13, 21930, 285, 18824, 921, 253, 10968, 46426, 3663, 271, 3388, 273, 721, 13, 577, 13, 577, 285, 337, 15, 19, 20470, 2975, 13, 323, 1046, 5685, 11100, 3663, 14517, 805, 10, 1310, 512, 5685, 285, 12194, 9222, 11942, 13, 285, 512, 643, 3510, 273, 4751, 27173, 11854, 55, 11655, 403, 2908, 13, 840, 253, 4313, 2544, 281, 608, 13, 495, 13, 495, 285, 337, 15, 20, 323, 22420, 13, 23430, 13, 21930, 285, 18824, 2975, 13, 275, 253, 5685, 9796, 14517, 1012, 10, 380, 8442, 323, 18824, 403, 417, 1199, 897, 347, 253, 5020, 273, 5685, 11655, 497, 15942, 390, 15285, 13, 891, 15, 70, 15, 597, 403, 10509, 347, 3663, 672, 6176, 41594, 275, 18824, 15, 380, 8442, 323, 22420, 281, 21930, 403, 625, 4217, 275, 18005, 253, 308, 14, 1706, 457, 84, 31532, 11757, 3045, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 520, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1047, 27, 1857, 27, 2405, 642, 15, 10655, 1348, 2222, 2227, 27, 187, 5064, 10655, 21361, 14403, 187, 510, 14855, 369, 352, 434, 13394, 985, 326, 4269, 253, 10402, 2317, 281, 320, 10058, 15, 209, 187, 510, 2393, 3210, 342, 253, 10909, 2188, 35996, 369, 19059, 11060, 15, 209, 187, 510, 9330, 2188, 369, 671, 19059, 11060, 15, 209, 187, 510, 1499, 580, 84, 4571, 626, 39494, 49128, 16750, 187, 3726, 2167, 5017, 272, 308, 6369, 715, 616, 4097, 24383, 369, 247, 1175, 2934, 187, 37858, 555, 6210, 69, 3290, 187, 1898, 253, 5962, 1895, 273, 512, 27, 187, 60, 1033, 80, 6731, 62, 3726, 497, 1424, 7184, 407, 1499, 580, 84, 32871, 1033, 80, 6731, 62, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 520, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1047, 27, 1857, 27, 3011, 642, 15, 10655, 1348, 4196, 1731, 27, 187, 5064, 10655, 21361, 24948, 187, 1552, 15, 187, 8836, 45166, 849, 1175, 253, 818, 15, 22, 7892, 48601, 44, 3387, 5654, 327, 326, 2181, 310, 15, 733, 574, 1175, 2217, 25034, 326, 1160, 352, 1175, 281, 2280, 14, 5551, 336, 15, 187, 12309, 8260, 8019, 3210, 497, 627, 432, 22745, 512, 253, 1039, 281, 18824, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 520, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1047, 27, 2950, 27, 1099, 642, 15, 10655, 21361, 33304, 27, 187, 5064, 10655, 21361, 36458, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 24583, 15, 681, 16, 13060, 32, 87, 30, 87, 23667, 187, 21642, 1615, 4113, 24, 84, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 520, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1047, 27, 2950, 27, 2405, 642, 15, 10655, 21361, 33291, 27, 187, 5064, 10655, 21361, 36458, 187, 31, 9917, 7247, 1912, 1097, 23556, 19, 285, 5412, 2137, 15, 187, 1394, 1472, 10112, 13, 389, 24830, 15, 5035, 368, 327, 253, 12334, 13, 12506, 13, 752, 434, 326, 32, 368, 1620, 1694, 627, 32, 187, 39, 13046, 302, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 520, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1047, 27, 2950, 27, 1867, 642, 15, 10655, 21361, 26522, 27, 187, 5064, 10655, 1348, 2222, 2787, 187, 262, 434, 247, 1680, 14, 19, 771, 21930, 368, 14086, 37937, 187, 3039, 858, 253, 310, 14, 23, 4446, 949, 12911, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 520, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1047, 27, 2950, 27, 1867, 642, 15, 10655, 21361, 27158, 27, 187, 5064, 10655, 1348, 2222, 2759, 187, 510, 807, 22420, 22828, 1798, 4116, 13, 984, 387, 253, 15942, 1268, 253, 7123, 497, 625, 25356, 13373, 15, 496, 436, 807, 253, 954, 1846, 12194, 2022, 6680, 11100, 369, 253, 308, 14, 1706, 16, 3121, 15, 380, 954, 1846, 5685, 2022, 6680, 20470, 497, 367, 91, 6490, 84, 342, 1048, 285, 2159, 2456, 2188, 11942, 285, 367, 91, 8019, 84, 13, 954, 1335, 342, 2159, 6879, 2188, 418, 16, 1348, 11942, 15, 380, 367, 91, 8019, 285, 659, 86, 40, 9222, 11942, 342, 1048, 6879, 2188, 418, 16, 3079, 390, 418, 16, 2385, 11942, 574, 760, 3407, 15602, 327, 253, 5791, 15808, 275, 3710, 3904, 15, 831, 5654, 369, 7032, 273, 25473, 247, 308, 14, 1706, 2914, 595, 387, 1475, 337, 20181, 26156, 15, 1723, 13, 760, 854, 1967, 367, 91, 8019, 84, 285, 721, 1525, 659, 86, 40, 6490, 84, 342, 253, 1048, 6879, 2188, 5654, 497, 18461, 275, 253, 2644, 273, 22420, 13, 285, 1142, 273, 841, 1904, 457, 85, 3986, 253, 5791, 15808, 1919, 23430, 14517, 1047, 10, 7757, 323, 954, 273, 22420, 253, 5020, 273, 5685, 20470, 497, 1335, 253, 5662, 285, 8505, 40072, 3510, 15, 496, 1635, 1142, 16516, 2281, 253, 367, 91, 8019, 342, 253, 1048, 6879, 2188, 5654, 347, 760, 6425, 281, 253, 308, 14, 1706, 16, 3121, 275, 2426, 273, 3289, 9177, 13, 533, 1335, 1199, 21076, 275, 2426, 273, 44878, 285, 16239, 15, 187, 2598, 752, 4592, 32, 380, 10968, 46426, 1335, 7303, 281, 13155, 1458, 2233, 4751, 27173, 11854, 19973, 275, 22420, 1690, 721, 12891, 308, 14, 1706, 84, 285, 337, 1052, 273, 253, 1014, 625, 6422, 611, 55, 5536, 20470, 14517, 1010, 10, 831, 5486, 616, 2957, 4313, 369, 2761, 347, 3076, 347, 22715, 15, 1916, 247, 1781, 6070, 352, 369, 7197, 685, 22715, 984, 275, 436, 1083, 689, 2716, 253, 20470, 11069, 497, 308, 14, 1706, 285, 611, 55, 20470, 13, 285, 253, 1781, 5020, 273, 11655, 497, 1955, 281, 1480, 9054, 3289, 285, 2550, 320, 12877, 281, 15942, 11655, 15, 1707, 310, 642, 5545, 326, 327, 3388, 5685, 11100, 32173, 275, 22420, 497, 3164, 1335, 253, 1682, 10166, 285, 954, 7407, 275, 253, 1533, 15, 1723, 13, 436, 1057, 417, 5513, 849, 8505, 40072, 285, 18134, 5685, 11854, 19973, 6786, 247, 5159, 4313, 273, 1805, 685, 1264, 281, 581, 1411, 308, 14, 1706, 84, 275, 1480, 11757, 13, 5734, 253, 4583, 11757, 1612, 273, 253, 308, 14, 1706, 310, 24842, 689, 14092, 14517, 1036, 10, 380, 308, 14, 1706, 1364, 320, 253, 760, 11100, 275, 2892, 20139, 347, 253, 1682, 275, 253, 1533, 275, 253, 1072, 807, 352, 3663, 1264, 390, 1740, 323, 1046, 9054, 11854, 55, 11069, 15, 187, 9264, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 520, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1047, 27, 2950, 27, 3439, 642, 15, 10655, 1348, 4148, 1619, 27, 187, 5064, 10655, 1348, 2417, 3156, 187, 5064, 10655, 23260, 12852, 187, 5064, 10655, 20520, 28898, 187, 1989, 752, 670, 278, 6968, 611, 579, 377, 659, 16758, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 520, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1047, 27, 2504, 27, 1229, 642, 15, 10655, 21361, 44953, 27, 187, 5064, 10655, 18392, 28933, 187, 5064, 10655, 18392, 28933, 187, 17233, 2458, 1900, 3150, 546, 9425, 339, 275, 1046, 2137, 15, 187, 27397, 5700, 27, 187, 31, 72, 487, 8544, 41450, 8914, 16, 2655, 5805, 326, 369, 10739, 555, 285, 44753, 4197, 1014, 672, 597, 497, 2783, 4980, 209, 187, 31, 72, 487, 337, 1770, 281, 1884, 7253, 273, 3733, 209, 187, 31, 13161, 436, 16076, 28301, 934, 281, 3150, 884, 323, 1046, 337, 9054, 209, 187, 31, 1221, 675, 209, 187, 31, 1221, 675, 846, 1046, 1355, 1629, 2683, 763, 313, 4609, 310, 671, 1900, 247, 2957, 10, 458, 77, 2240, 261, 209, 187, 31, 14061, 323, 9054, 281, 21090, 390, 1408, 562, 273, 13191, 390, 1097, 209, 187, 31, 9432, 515, 731, 347, 597, 3553, 13, 34452, 352, 434, 629, 273, 690, 4936, 5700, 209, 187, 8267, 673, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 520, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1047, 27, 2504, 27, 3156, 642, 15, 10655, 21361, 28879, 27, 187, 5064, 10655, 1348, 2222, 2227, 187, 31, 510, 2393, 3210, 342, 253, 10909, 2188, 35996, 369, 19059, 11060, 15, 209, 187, 31, 510, 9330, 2188, 369, 671, 19059, 11060, 15, 187, 3220, 7583, 629, 310, 326, 253, 594, 87, 2880, 11100, 574, 8750, 46672, 11942, 984, 616, 24383, 497, 10739, 13, 594, 253, 2258, 3606, 436, 407, 49213, 3003, 443, 4037, 39733, 7283, 41, 2, 534, 1599, 1679, 2317, 275, 253, 10709, 1221, 13, 3356, 31018, 285, 1904, 626, 4993, 10739, 984, 253, 24383, 497, 1335, 10739, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 520, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1047, 27, 2504, 27, 2945, 642, 15, 10655, 21361, 27632, 27, 187, 5064, 10655, 21361, 36458, 187, 2042, 368, 3150, 275, 253, 9790, 368, 3330, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 520, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1047, 27, 2504, 27, 3357, 642, 15, 10655, 1348, 4185, 746, 27, 187, 5064, 10655, 21361, 26522, 187, 42, 1904, 626, 1333 ]
a white sexual assault on a black female was found in the FBI study." Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)11:40:22 no.131399333: >>131399168 >throwing a bottle at someone is criminal assault You would be hard pressed to find a law enforcement officer, let alone a court, who would agree with you. Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)11:40:31 no.131399352: >>131393081 You're a fucking retard if you think this is alpha. Picking on a beta that was trying to kiss ass by saying "my man" and already on the phone with 911, just makes you a nigger. This is just ordinary nigger behavior that can only be observed and not understood by anyone with IQ over 100. Being a worthless brain dead nigger automatically makes you beta. Niggers can never be human alphas. Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)11:40:45 no.131399370: >>131397788 "How do we know it isn't this hypothetical situation that I just created out of thin air? There must be racism afoot!." You're dumb as fuck. The manager was already on the phone with the police when they drove up. What did he do, call to report blackness? Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)11:41:05 no.131399403: >>131399168 >suing someone over a stupid bottle of water >calls me faggot Grow a pair. it's not even piss, aids blood or sewage water Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)11:42:01 no.131399485: >>131392192 Is this in Massachusetts? Lets id these pavement apes Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)11:42:17 no.131399510: >>131399370 Probably was his mother and he wast just saying it was the police. Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)11:44:11 no.131399680: >>131392192 If black people are so violent then why the white folk always starting wars and destroying other nonwhite nations? Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)11:45:28 no.131399801: >>131399680 Lol niggers act like they wouldn't do the exact same shit if given the chance. Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)11:45:49 no.131399836: >>131398085 >that excessive use of nigger hieroglyphs Maybe they really wuz kangz. Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)11:46:12 no.131399884: >>131397461 >associating with germanic natsoc >doesn't give a fuck about germany WOW Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)11:47:25 no.131399994: >>131399680 I mean niggers are such a peaceful and enlightened people. Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)11:47:33 no.131400004: >>131399680 Because Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)11:47:36 no.131400012: >>131399884 >Germany >NatSoc Germany There's a yuge difference. Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)11:48:02 no.131400046: >>131392192 Remove niggers from North American soil Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)11:49:43 no.131400204: >>131399994 Y'all fucked up africa for centuries and stole our land and people and act surprised when niggas be tearin each other apart when everything we had was stolen by you? Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)11:50:51 no.131400297: >ayy yo, that little bitch ass nigga, whatchu talkin' about, hard as fuck, you know what I'm sayin'? Do black people in America really talk like that? I thought stuff like that was just from /pol/ comics like this one. Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)11:51:24 no.131400342: >>131393743 low IQ Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)11:52:05 no.131400396: We need a htler for black people Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)11:53:05 no.131400493: >>131396592 That second sentence, is the reality. Surprised even nu/pol/ isn't biting this one, it's essentially a paraphrased Trump quote. Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)11:53:10 no.131400497: >>131400204 You had nothing are all retarded and if left alone you would all have died from AIDs by now. We only fucked ourselves by attempting to adapt niggers into human society. Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)11:53:34 no.131400533: >>131392192 There is only one solution to the nigger problem and that's killing every single one of them or if you're feeling generous, fly them to Africa so they get killed by other niggers. You can't even leave the black people who work/don't commit crimes so those 2 niggas also have to go. Because the stupid monkeys see themselves as niggers first. That's why America is fucked up because of identarian politics. That's why fags are also fucked up. They don't see themselves as people first, but as cum guzzling faggots. Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)11:53:37 no.131400541: >>131400204 Quit larping you asshole. Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)11:54:33 no.131400608: >>131393081 >Gets enslaved by literally everyone >"Alpha male shit. You wouldn't understand." Niggers are literally cancer. Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)11:54:55 no.131400648: >>131392192 Because whitey won't fight back. If you want niggers to leave you alone, they have to respect you. Niggers only respect what they fear. If they don't fear you then they throw water bottles at you. This will continue and get worse and worse every day until you wake up and fight back. Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)11:55:30 no.131400700: >>131399333 trips usually don't lie, but he was assaulted and can press charges. That wasn't a small water bottle either, it was a gatorade bottle and the plastic is thicker. They filled it with water to weigh it down so that it would hurt more. They obviously intended to do harm Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)11:56:30 no.131400800: Everyone is violent not just blacks The white man's problem is he adopted a sand iike religion that oreaches to not be violent or agressive and after 1,500 years it's hit peak pathetic passivity. We are supposed to be a violent race, niggers don't fuck with the other races because they still have their spines. We don't >Inb4 christcucks try to pretend their Jewish mandated wars means they ever had balls Fanaticism does not mean violent it means simple and stupid Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)11:57:26 no.131400887: >>131400297 Discussions on /pol/ are based on real events. 2dbh6dgE aTMxq__4 Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)11:57:28 no.131400889: >>131392192 Just putting this out there for all you niganons..keep it up this is like Russian roulette for you..eventually you will pick the wrong person...and some of us have no empathy for you. Trust me, I sleep fine t. Wrong person Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)12:00:03 no.131401119: >>131393081 >alpha male shit >throw a bottle at him and drive away nigger logic Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)12:00:27 no.131401152: >>131399680 A Lot of the times the countries are so unstable and a war breaks out, so then the US interveins. We really should't even be apart of it. So niggers are the violent ones, have you seen Africa? Anonymous 06/26/17(Mon)12:00:36 no.131401165: >Bitch ass nigga >Bitch ass nigga >
[ 247, 3168, 5615, 9222, 327, 247, 2806, 5343, 369, 1119, 275, 253, 12578, 1263, 449, 187, 2413, 1358, 22477, 15, 261, 16, 49, 87, 296, 38, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 1449, 27, 1423, 642, 15, 1012, 1012, 1525, 20084, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1012, 1525, 13851, 187, 31, 394, 18639, 247, 11996, 387, 3095, 310, 6424, 9222, 187, 1394, 651, 320, 1892, 13661, 281, 1089, 247, 1569, 10473, 5908, 13, 1339, 3815, 247, 1302, 13, 665, 651, 5194, 342, 368, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 1449, 27, 2405, 642, 15, 1012, 1012, 1525, 27267, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 15270, 1229, 3593, 187, 1394, 1472, 247, 12835, 31832, 604, 368, 1158, 436, 310, 9765, 15, 367, 12427, 327, 247, 9840, 326, 369, 2820, 281, 10135, 718, 407, 3981, 346, 2577, 637, 3, 285, 2168, 327, 253, 4481, 342, 28546, 13, 816, 2789, 368, 247, 295, 16046, 15, 831, 310, 816, 9826, 295, 16046, 3879, 326, 476, 760, 320, 2540, 285, 417, 7192, 407, 3780, 342, 29147, 689, 2233, 15, 16688, 247, 40790, 3998, 3846, 295, 16046, 8356, 2789, 368, 9840, 15, 18759, 7276, 476, 1620, 320, 1966, 355, 545, 284, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 1449, 27, 1857, 642, 15, 1012, 1012, 1525, 23139, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 15270, 2357, 2055, 187, 3, 2347, 513, 359, 871, 352, 3548, 626, 436, 27710, 4112, 326, 309, 816, 3562, 562, 273, 6906, 2329, 32, 1707, 1364, 320, 23285, 6706, 1412, 2, 449, 187, 1394, 1472, 21413, 347, 7435, 15, 380, 7205, 369, 2168, 327, 253, 4481, 342, 253, 3513, 672, 597, 12668, 598, 15, 1737, 858, 344, 513, 13, 1067, 281, 1304, 2806, 1255, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 3156, 27, 1762, 642, 15, 1012, 1012, 1525, 25208, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1012, 1525, 13851, 187, 31, 3467, 272, 3095, 689, 247, 11339, 11996, 273, 1824, 187, 31, 4065, 84, 479, 269, 13046, 302, 187, 40, 736, 247, 4667, 15, 352, 434, 417, 1014, 24329, 13, 34253, 2614, 390, 42655, 1824, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 2945, 27, 520, 642, 15, 1012, 1012, 34307, 2227, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1012, 4529, 14403, 187, 2513, 436, 275, 14070, 32, 1281, 84, 2654, 841, 37984, 1049, 265, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 2945, 27, 1166, 642, 15, 1012, 1012, 28202, 740, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1012, 1525, 23139, 187, 37161, 369, 521, 3101, 285, 344, 369, 85, 816, 3981, 352, 369, 253, 3513, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 2031, 27, 883, 642, 15, 1012, 1012, 28053, 1438, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1012, 4529, 14403, 187, 2042, 2806, 952, 403, 594, 12338, 840, 2139, 253, 3168, 19365, 1900, 4983, 16860, 285, 25473, 643, 1327, 11300, 12390, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 1857, 27, 1619, 642, 15, 1012, 1012, 27043, 520, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1012, 28053, 1438, 187, 45, 311, 35825, 7276, 769, 751, 597, 5082, 626, 513, 253, 3242, 1072, 10739, 604, 1677, 253, 4839, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 1857, 27, 2537, 642, 15, 1012, 1012, 27043, 1812, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 15270, 1438, 2227, 187, 31, 3529, 13622, 897, 273, 295, 16046, 10549, 19644, 545, 84, 187, 11175, 597, 1663, 259, 7958, 465, 606, 91, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 2950, 27, 805, 642, 15, 1012, 1012, 1525, 34305, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1012, 4148, 33597, 187, 31, 10769, 839, 342, 305, 8592, 280, 295, 1832, 406, 187, 31, 48724, 626, 1918, 247, 7435, 670, 14638, 1279, 187, 56, 4290, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 2504, 27, 1099, 642, 15, 1012, 1012, 14432, 21, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1012, 28053, 1438, 187, 42, 1599, 35825, 7276, 403, 824, 247, 19951, 285, 49400, 952, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 2504, 27, 1610, 642, 15, 1012, 1047, 1418, 21, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1012, 28053, 1438, 187, 8457, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 2504, 27, 1812, 642, 15, 1012, 1047, 5831, 19, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1012, 1525, 34305, 187, 31, 37796, 187, 31, 45721, 49497, 6176, 187, 2512, 434, 247, 340, 4079, 3064, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 2385, 27, 2640, 642, 15, 1012, 1047, 933, 2950, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1012, 4529, 14403, 187, 21605, 35825, 7276, 432, 3729, 2448, 8825, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 2537, 27, 3079, 642, 15, 1012, 1047, 361, 15781, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1012, 14432, 21, 187, 58, 8, 455, 35598, 598, 6706, 23616, 323, 14020, 285, 26044, 776, 2659, 285, 952, 285, 769, 9861, 672, 295, 20878, 284, 320, 16024, 249, 1016, 643, 7419, 672, 3253, 359, 574, 369, 15661, 407, 368, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 1235, 27, 3712, 642, 15, 1012, 1047, 361, 23185, 27, 187, 31, 333, 90, 26352, 13, 326, 1652, 23331, 718, 35825, 2485, 13, 752, 46260, 2312, 249, 8, 670, 13, 1892, 347, 7435, 13, 368, 871, 752, 309, 1353, 1333, 249, 46146, 187, 4045, 2806, 952, 275, 3968, 1663, 2312, 751, 326, 32, 309, 1869, 5017, 751, 326, 369, 816, 432, 1227, 4818, 16, 26465, 751, 436, 581, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 3712, 27, 1348, 642, 15, 1012, 1047, 361, 27222, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 15270, 1787, 3079, 187, 676, 29147, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 3583, 27, 1762, 642, 15, 1012, 1047, 361, 24698, 27, 187, 1231, 878, 247, 288, 85, 2146, 323, 2806, 952, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 3357, 27, 1762, 642, 15, 1012, 1047, 361, 35337, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 15270, 2082, 4529, 187, 2773, 1273, 6197, 13, 310, 253, 6612, 15, 6201, 1087, 1701, 1014, 8794, 16, 4818, 16, 3548, 626, 41185, 436, 581, 13, 352, 434, 9093, 247, 1061, 24596, 833, 3778, 14430, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 3357, 27, 740, 642, 15, 1012, 1047, 361, 30626, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1047, 361, 15781, 187, 1394, 574, 2717, 403, 512, 48101, 285, 604, 1669, 3815, 368, 651, 512, 452, 4962, 432, 329, 31724, 407, 1024, 15, 844, 760, 35598, 9361, 407, 13756, 281, 5223, 35825, 7276, 715, 1966, 5948, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 3357, 27, 1706, 642, 15, 1012, 1047, 5523, 1610, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1012, 4529, 14403, 187, 2512, 310, 760, 581, 2900, 281, 253, 295, 16046, 1895, 285, 326, 434, 9811, 1046, 2014, 581, 273, 731, 390, 604, 368, 1472, 5471, 19649, 13, 8778, 731, 281, 7531, 594, 597, 755, 5339, 407, 643, 35825, 7276, 15, 1422, 476, 626, 1014, 3553, 253, 2806, 952, 665, 789, 16, 9903, 626, 4514, 12137, 594, 1110, 374, 295, 20878, 284, 671, 452, 281, 564, 15, 4923, 253, 11339, 30552, 923, 3746, 347, 35825, 7276, 806, 15, 2064, 434, 2139, 3968, 310, 35598, 598, 984, 273, 1548, 6656, 8672, 15, 2064, 434, 2139, 269, 3544, 403, 671, 35598, 598, 15, 1583, 1053, 626, 923, 3746, 347, 952, 806, 13, 533, 347, 11277, 1149, 4396, 1981, 269, 13046, 1502, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 3357, 27, 1787, 642, 15, 1012, 1047, 5523, 3156, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1047, 361, 15781, 187, 50, 2338, 1236, 14650, 368, 40889, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 3439, 27, 1610, 642, 15, 1012, 1047, 361, 25805, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 15270, 1229, 3593, 187, 31, 40, 1507, 546, 3433, 9367, 407, 12832, 4130, 187, 21760, 29858, 5086, 10739, 15, 1422, 5082, 626, 2096, 449, 187, 47, 304, 7276, 403, 12832, 2923, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 3439, 27, 2417, 642, 15, 1012, 1047, 361, 25020, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1012, 4529, 14403, 187, 8457, 3168, 90, 1912, 626, 3819, 896, 15, 187, 2042, 368, 971, 35825, 7276, 281, 3553, 368, 3815, 13, 597, 452, 281, 1675, 368, 15, 18759, 7276, 760, 1675, 752, 597, 4709, 15, 1310, 597, 1053, 626, 4709, 368, 840, 597, 4710, 1824, 20321, 387, 368, 15, 187, 1552, 588, 4035, 285, 755, 7197, 285, 7197, 1046, 1388, 1919, 368, 11772, 598, 285, 3819, 896, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 2417, 27, 1229, 642, 15, 1012, 1047, 7931, 361, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1012, 1525, 20084, 187, 12512, 793, 3798, 1053, 626, 7027, 13, 533, 344, 369, 37576, 285, 476, 2315, 7260, 15, 2064, 3589, 626, 247, 1355, 1824, 11996, 2057, 13, 352, 369, 247, 305, 1080, 796, 11996, 285, 253, 8013, 310, 36651, 15, 1583, 6898, 352, 342, 1824, 281, 14357, 352, 1066, 594, 326, 352, 651, 8513, 625, 15, 1583, 9090, 6034, 281, 513, 5237, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 3208, 27, 1229, 642, 15, 1012, 1047, 8897, 361, 27, 187, 23631, 310, 12338, 417, 816, 26769, 187, 510, 3168, 637, 434, 1895, 310, 344, 8671, 247, 7537, 891, 2804, 9596, 326, 29900, 3844, 281, 417, 320, 12338, 390, 639, 8122, 285, 846, 337, 13, 5388, 1107, 352, 434, 4352, 5241, 40479, 1509, 2351, 15, 187, 1231, 403, 6326, 281, 320, 247, 12338, 5492, 13, 35825, 7276, 1053, 626, 7435, 342, 253, 643, 15820, 984, 597, 1335, 452, 616, 49898, 15, 187, 1231, 1053, 626, 209, 187, 31, 688, 67, 21, 37622, 68, 9984, 1611, 281, 22830, 616, 9556, 37310, 16860, 2097, 597, 2455, 574, 15254, 187, 49987, 1420, 1204, 1057, 417, 1599, 12338, 352, 2097, 2969, 285, 11339, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 3011, 27, 1731, 642, 15, 1012, 1047, 361, 32381, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1047, 361, 23185, 187, 37, 8552, 621, 327, 1227, 4818, 16, 403, 1754, 327, 1524, 3394, 15, 209, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 24583, 15, 681, 16, 13060, 32, 87, 30, 90, 746, 187, 19, 5470, 73, 23, 27421, 38, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 24583, 15, 681, 16, 13060, 32, 87, 30, 88, 1779, 187, 66, 14592, 89, 82, 876, 21, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 3011, 27, 1619, 642, 15, 1012, 1047, 361, 33546, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1012, 4529, 14403, 187, 6300, 8133, 436, 562, 627, 323, 512, 368, 295, 8541, 790, 537, 19773, 352, 598, 436, 310, 751, 7247, 30497, 26137, 323, 368, 537, 8045, 1230, 368, 588, 2619, 253, 3430, 1436, 1051, 395, 690, 273, 441, 452, 642, 32496, 323, 368, 15, 10215, 479, 13, 309, 4600, 4030, 187, 85, 15, 47693, 1436, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 805, 27, 361, 27, 2941, 642, 15, 1012, 1047, 520, 12115, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 15270, 1229, 3593, 187, 31, 1637, 5086, 10739, 187, 31, 22408, 247, 11996, 387, 779, 285, 4446, 1977, 187, 79, 16046, 9317, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 805, 27, 361, 27, 1630, 642, 15, 1012, 1047, 520, 17472, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 1012, 28053, 1438, 187, 34, 23519, 273, 253, 2069, 253, 4343, 403, 594, 17631, 285, 247, 2137, 13471, 562, 13, 594, 840, 253, 1982, 734, 306, 968, 15, 844, 1663, 943, 626, 1014, 320, 7419, 273, 352, 15, 1893, 35825, 7276, 403, 253, 12338, 4394, 13, 452, 368, 2326, 7531, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1731, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 805, 27, 361, 27, 1812, 642, 15, 1012, 1047, 520, 15429, 27, 187, 31, 35, 2682, 718, 35825, 2485, 187, 31, 35, 2682, 718, 35825, 2485, 187, 31 ]
his property by the two defendants. As the victim was dragging it back into the alley once more, the Miller father and son appeared, shirtless and brandishing weapons. The elder Miller was wielding a handgun and the younger Miller was holding a shotgun. Victim was unarmed, until he was handed a baseball bat by his brother for self-defense. There was a dispute over the disposal of the mattress and over the Miller’s pointing their weapons at victim in front of his niece and nephew, who he regarded as his own children. The video pans over to Michael Miller who taunts victim with a sexual gesture. Shots are heard, and the camera turns back over to victim. Victim has been shot by John Miller. As victim attempts to flee, defendant Michael Miller ruthlessly shoots him down with his shotgun. Both John and Michael Miller have been charged with murder in the first degree. Anonymous 09/21/18(Fri)19:11:18 no.186501886: >>186500977 >self defense means murder Anonymous 09/21/18(Fri)19:11:20 no.186501887: >>186501642 More proof that americans are closer to ants than people. Nobody in all of USA is white. Anonymous 09/21/18(Fri)19:11:23 no.186501895: >>186497348 What a load of Europen faggotry ITT. A schozophrenic repeatedly says hes gonns kill you then gets out a bat, you should shoot him. Anonymous 09/21/18(Fri)19:11:43 no.186501943: >>186499308 You must be a manlet because my point went way over your head. Anonymous 09/21/18(Fri)19:11:56 no.186501959: >>186498540 >OP's point that someone dies over trash still stands with your role reversal Anonymous 09/21/18(Fri)19:13:13 no.186502111: >>186501887 I'm sure you enjoy the view of Muhammad railing your mother and wife because of your endless "human" compassion. This obsession with keeping every gross, belligerent, and neurotic idiot alive is a recent communistic liberal invention. You're noting but a jew slave. Anonymous 09/21/18(Fri)19:13:45 no.186502170: >>186501633 >nog uses force and violence when the guy is just yelling at them for illegally parking in a handicap spot >gets shot Don't see why he had to come out and push the guy to the ground. If I had a gun I'd probably do the same. Anonymous 09/21/18(Fri)19:13:49 no.186502173: >>186501531 murdering people isn't being macho you clueless mutt Anonymous 09/21/18(Fri)19:14:39 no.186502274: >>186501339 STAND YOUR GROUND. That's what the father and son did, and they were 100% clear that was their intention. They literally left nothing to misinterpretion, they are wearing nothing but fucking shorts so the guns aren't obscured. They verbally explained that they were armed and were willing to use the guns if Orange didn't back down Orange and his wife chose instead to contest the ground with a BB bat. Obviously a 7 foot criminal meth head can do some damage with a blunt weapon, but that's not a fight he could win despite his bravado Anonymous 09/21/18(Fri)19:15:05 no.186502323: >>186501537 >Almost positive he did them That's what I mean. The guy was a menace to society and I'm certain he committed many more crimes than he was convicted of. There's a pattern in behavior. His pattern isn't so pretty Anonymous 09/21/18(Fri)19:16:02 no.186502428: >>186502111 >This obsession with keeping every gross, belligerent, and neurotic idiot alive is a recent communistic liberal invention AHAHAHAHA and you dare to say this after you people defend those two subhumans gut toting niggers? Anonymous 09/21/18(Fri)19:16:38 no.186502502: >>186502170 >force Are american jelly bodies so weak they shatter into thousand pieces upon contact with human hand? Anonymous 09/21/18(Fri)19:16:41 no.186502509: The two fat mutts should be jailed, but the other guy is an utter moron. He sees these two looked like the product of 5 generations of inbreeding, would pull fucking guns over a fucking mattress and on top of that told you they will shoot you multiple times if you escalate. If you are stupid enough to go into the face of a guy with a gun whos warning you that they will shoot you, and even pull a fucking bat to irritate the clearly trigger happy inbreds, you deserved to be fucking shot. I dont know what the guy was trying to accomplish by escalating it to that level, he really brought his own demise by the hand of these inbred mutts. Anonymous 09/21/18(Fri)19:16:58 no.186502540: >>186501895 how about civilized man don't kill other people for minor disagreements hmm? Anonymous 09/21/18(Fri)19:17:31 no.186502616: >>186502173 >self defense is murder Anonymous 09/21/18(Fri)19:18:06 no.186502670: >>186502111 No such thing in my country. If you do stupid shit you get a beating, not a killing. >>186502274 ROE sonny boy. Anonymous 09/21/18(Fri)19:18:07 no.186502672: >>186501959 All the nigger had to do was apologize and take his mattress to the dump, instead he got out a bat. He wasn't killed over trash, but over his idiotic temper tantrum Anonymous 09/21/18(Fri)19:18:13 no.186502676: >>186502323 Well he's not going to be a menace anymore thats for sure. And if we did that you'd have people crying about the constitution and human rights even if it solved a lot of problems. Plus I don't like the idea of my tax money going towards feeding and clothing these kinds of guys. Anonymous 09/21/18(Fri)19:18:19 no.186502684: >>186502428 >Calm >Stated clearly the NAP to the orange shirt genetic reject >Man violates the NAP anyways after verbally stating he will kill them. They are more civilized than you're dildo stuffed onions laden asshole who wants to live in society where IVs of solyent are shipped in to sustain every waste of oxygen at the taxpayers expense. Your ancestors would probably hang your fag enabling ass themselves. Anonymous 09/21/18(Fri)19:18:23 no.186502692: >>186500087 Anonymous 09/21/18(Fri)19:18:37 no.186502716: >>186502616 >it's self defense to shoot someone in the head ... Anonymous 09/21/18(Fri)19:19:36 no.186502820: >>186497348 He deserved it for threatening them and acted violently - good riddance and you should join him in Hell Anonymous 09/21/18(Fri)19:19:51 no.186502845: >>186502502 >what is escalation Can't believe a eurofag is defending a nog who solves all its problems by pushing and punching, oh wait, yes I do believe it. Anonymous 09/21/18(Fri)19:19:53 no.186502848: >>186502540 >kill other people for minor disagreements That schizo meth head wasn't killed for a minor disagreement He was killed because he chose to attack people with a baseball bat, something that is a deadly weapon. Just like Trayboon wasn't killed because he had skittles in his pocket He was killed because he chose to be a violent shitheel Anonymous 09/21/18(Fri)19:20:26 no.186502914: >>186502716 If he's attacking you, yeah actually. Anonymous 09/21/18(Fri)19:20:39 no.186502938: >>186502670 You can tell that orange shirt gorilla wanted to beat those men for getting mad at him littering, and it was indicated by his crime record, speech and mannerisms. He was a mire against society itself and nothing of value was lost. Anonymous 09/21/18(Fri)19:21:06 no.186502983: >>186502540 >charging
[ 521, 2867, 407, 253, 767, 7159, 15, 1284, 253, 5487, 369, 32126, 352, 896, 715, 253, 31132, 2378, 625, 13, 253, 11418, 3392, 285, 3347, 5420, 13, 14133, 1417, 285, 7138, 3647, 8914, 15, 380, 11504, 11418, 369, 37214, 272, 247, 47164, 285, 253, 9243, 11418, 369, 5877, 247, 35694, 15, 27699, 303, 369, 440, 21201, 13, 1919, 344, 369, 14048, 247, 14623, 10464, 407, 521, 4929, 323, 1881, 14, 29337, 15, 1707, 369, 247, 12027, 689, 253, 23585, 273, 253, 34489, 285, 689, 253, 11418, 457, 84, 13458, 616, 8914, 387, 5487, 275, 2914, 273, 521, 43551, 285, 33793, 13, 665, 344, 12258, 347, 521, 1211, 2151, 15, 380, 3492, 45039, 689, 281, 6277, 11418, 665, 15307, 24779, 5487, 342, 247, 5615, 21850, 15, 1608, 1502, 403, 3735, 13, 285, 253, 6568, 7819, 896, 689, 281, 5487, 15, 27699, 303, 556, 644, 5103, 407, 2516, 11418, 15, 1284, 5487, 9437, 281, 32645, 13, 3257, 6277, 11418, 39428, 13102, 32299, 779, 1066, 342, 521, 35694, 15, 209, 187, 14358, 2516, 285, 6277, 11418, 452, 644, 6636, 342, 7701, 275, 253, 806, 4248, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 746, 27, 883, 27, 1093, 642, 15, 1093, 2082, 520, 35265, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 2082, 8972, 2357, 187, 31, 1286, 5684, 2097, 7701, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 746, 27, 883, 27, 938, 642, 15, 1093, 2082, 520, 32381, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 2082, 520, 32834, 187, 7673, 4737, 326, 41290, 507, 403, 8003, 281, 39912, 685, 952, 15, 187, 30213, 275, 512, 273, 5106, 310, 3168, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 746, 27, 883, 27, 1508, 642, 15, 1093, 2082, 12058, 2222, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1540, 4148, 25289, 187, 1276, 247, 3301, 273, 13124, 257, 269, 13046, 48645, 309, 4490, 15, 329, 256, 4039, 91, 2689, 445, 280, 12889, 2296, 34236, 26087, 2224, 5159, 368, 840, 4850, 562, 247, 10464, 13, 368, 943, 5310, 779, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 746, 27, 883, 27, 3079, 642, 15, 1093, 2082, 11325, 3079, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1540, 1525, 20777, 187, 1394, 1364, 320, 247, 637, 1059, 984, 619, 1127, 2427, 1039, 689, 634, 1481, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 746, 27, 883, 27, 3208, 642, 15, 1093, 2082, 520, 35461, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 26937, 2227, 1449, 187, 31, 2795, 434, 1127, 326, 3095, 9778, 689, 22381, 1335, 9572, 342, 634, 2554, 21080, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 746, 27, 1012, 27, 1012, 642, 15, 20270, 28873, 10768, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 2082, 520, 32381, 187, 42, 1353, 2119, 368, 4264, 253, 1859, 273, 28453, 1218, 4837, 634, 3101, 285, 4475, 984, 273, 634, 19461, 346, 13961, 3, 20992, 15, 831, 37238, 342, 7562, 1046, 13711, 13, 270, 5327, 41377, 13, 285, 6551, 3028, 28006, 9338, 310, 247, 3332, 1681, 2531, 12773, 3688, 15, 1422, 1472, 15806, 533, 247, 15589, 15945, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 746, 27, 1012, 27, 1857, 642, 15, 20270, 28873, 15046, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 2082, 11718, 1610, 187, 31, 79, 462, 4648, 3490, 285, 7217, 672, 253, 5599, 310, 816, 34553, 387, 731, 323, 30060, 12102, 275, 247, 34898, 522, 6308, 187, 31, 18145, 5103, 187, 5498, 626, 923, 2139, 344, 574, 281, 1705, 562, 285, 7450, 253, 5599, 281, 253, 3216, 15, 1310, 309, 574, 247, 5654, 309, 1871, 3164, 513, 253, 1072, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 746, 27, 1012, 27, 2537, 642, 15, 20270, 1235, 19443, 20, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 2082, 10496, 2405, 187, 29050, 491, 272, 952, 3548, 626, 1146, 3674, 80, 368, 502, 3814, 405, 2873, 85, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 746, 27, 1047, 27, 1867, 642, 15, 20270, 1235, 1423, 3566, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 2082, 520, 23688, 187, 48643, 22031, 9942, 15289, 15, 2064, 434, 752, 253, 3392, 285, 3347, 858, 13, 285, 597, 497, 2233, 6, 2590, 326, 369, 616, 8208, 15, 1583, 12832, 1669, 2717, 281, 3731, 22416, 279, 13, 597, 403, 9398, 2717, 533, 12835, 32353, 594, 253, 11942, 6403, 626, 45650, 15, 1583, 17257, 595, 5544, 326, 597, 497, 12360, 285, 497, 7378, 281, 897, 253, 11942, 604, 21491, 1904, 626, 896, 1066, 187, 3980, 912, 285, 521, 4475, 9703, 3185, 281, 12417, 253, 3216, 342, 247, 22819, 10464, 15, 22469, 247, 818, 3174, 6424, 10258, 1481, 476, 513, 690, 4723, 342, 247, 29156, 10485, 13, 533, 326, 434, 417, 247, 3819, 344, 812, 3330, 5747, 521, 45980, 3377, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 746, 27, 1010, 27, 1762, 642, 15, 20270, 1235, 19136, 20, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 2082, 10496, 1787, 187, 31, 33451, 2762, 344, 858, 731, 209, 187, 2773, 434, 752, 309, 1599, 15, 380, 5599, 369, 247, 1821, 584, 281, 5948, 285, 309, 1353, 2176, 344, 7730, 1142, 625, 12137, 685, 344, 369, 13084, 273, 15, 1707, 434, 247, 3102, 275, 3879, 15, 3032, 3102, 3548, 626, 594, 3965, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 746, 27, 1036, 27, 2640, 642, 15, 20270, 1235, 1348, 1619, 27, 187, 5064, 20270, 28873, 10768, 187, 31, 1552, 37238, 342, 7562, 1046, 13711, 13, 270, 5327, 41377, 13, 285, 6551, 3028, 28006, 9338, 310, 247, 3332, 1681, 2531, 12773, 3688, 187, 34, 10114, 10114, 10114, 10114, 187, 395, 368, 20141, 281, 1333, 436, 846, 368, 952, 2342, 1110, 767, 749, 18256, 507, 11479, 281, 1076, 35825, 7276, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 746, 27, 1036, 27, 1839, 642, 15, 20270, 1235, 1099, 2640, 27, 187, 5064, 20270, 28873, 15046, 187, 31, 4774, 187, 6723, 41290, 266, 39018, 8248, 594, 5075, 597, 439, 2569, 715, 8014, 7437, 2220, 3057, 342, 1966, 1133, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 746, 27, 1036, 27, 3156, 642, 15, 20270, 1235, 1099, 2693, 27, 187, 510, 767, 4688, 2873, 1641, 943, 320, 480, 7193, 13, 533, 253, 643, 5599, 310, 271, 13894, 2298, 251, 15, 187, 1328, 11403, 841, 767, 3261, 751, 253, 1885, 273, 608, 14649, 273, 275, 3381, 7022, 13, 651, 3785, 12835, 11942, 689, 247, 12835, 34489, 285, 327, 1755, 273, 326, 2183, 368, 597, 588, 5310, 368, 2709, 2069, 604, 368, 20092, 366, 15, 1310, 368, 403, 11339, 2217, 281, 564, 715, 253, 2454, 273, 247, 5599, 342, 247, 5654, 364, 375, 9734, 368, 326, 597, 588, 5310, 368, 13, 285, 1014, 3785, 247, 12835, 10464, 281, 17339, 366, 253, 4518, 9632, 5211, 275, 29252, 84, 13, 368, 29774, 281, 320, 12835, 5103, 15, 187, 42, 13414, 871, 752, 253, 5599, 369, 2820, 281, 14294, 407, 20092, 839, 352, 281, 326, 1268, 13, 344, 1663, 3982, 521, 1211, 40580, 407, 253, 1133, 273, 841, 275, 29252, 2873, 1641, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 746, 27, 1036, 27, 3680, 642, 15, 20270, 1235, 1099, 1449, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 2082, 12058, 2222, 187, 5430, 670, 47182, 637, 1053, 626, 5159, 643, 952, 323, 5884, 10009, 36559, 34746, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 746, 27, 1166, 27, 2405, 642, 15, 20270, 1235, 1731, 1036, 27, 187, 5064, 20270, 1235, 19443, 20, 187, 31, 1286, 5684, 310, 7701, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 746, 27, 1093, 27, 3071, 642, 15, 20270, 1235, 1731, 1967, 27, 187, 5064, 20270, 28873, 10768, 187, 2302, 824, 2181, 275, 619, 2586, 15, 1310, 368, 513, 11339, 10739, 368, 755, 247, 18019, 13, 417, 247, 9811, 15, 187, 5064, 20270, 1235, 1423, 3566, 187, 13935, 38, 3347, 5134, 5006, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 746, 27, 1093, 27, 2922, 642, 15, 20270, 1235, 1731, 3547, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 2082, 520, 35461, 187, 3074, 253, 295, 16046, 574, 281, 513, 369, 26012, 285, 1379, 521, 34489, 281, 253, 13725, 13, 3185, 344, 1694, 562, 247, 10464, 15, 209, 187, 1328, 3589, 626, 5339, 689, 22381, 13, 533, 689, 521, 2654, 12381, 2660, 22602, 4638, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 746, 27, 1093, 27, 1012, 642, 15, 20270, 1235, 1731, 3121, 27, 187, 5064, 20270, 1235, 19136, 20, 187, 4497, 344, 434, 417, 1469, 281, 320, 247, 1821, 584, 10542, 28763, 323, 2119, 15, 1244, 604, 359, 858, 326, 368, 1871, 452, 952, 17800, 670, 253, 7410, 285, 1966, 3570, 1014, 604, 352, 14042, 247, 2257, 273, 3237, 15, 14820, 309, 1053, 626, 751, 253, 2934, 273, 619, 2891, 2583, 1469, 4404, 12422, 285, 14234, 841, 9351, 273, 6068, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 746, 27, 1093, 27, 746, 642, 15, 20270, 1235, 1731, 2759, 27, 187, 5064, 20270, 1235, 1348, 1619, 187, 31, 4218, 78, 187, 31, 998, 456, 4518, 253, 427, 2088, 281, 253, 13735, 14133, 6380, 12009, 187, 31, 4779, 28096, 253, 427, 2088, 667, 1576, 846, 17257, 595, 14851, 344, 588, 5159, 731, 15, 187, 3726, 403, 625, 47182, 685, 368, 1472, 277, 786, 80, 30040, 27408, 9931, 257, 40889, 665, 5605, 281, 3153, 275, 5948, 835, 8019, 84, 273, 1220, 90, 290, 403, 24610, 275, 281, 10265, 1046, 8138, 273, 7768, 387, 253, 27551, 14247, 15, 187, 7093, 25938, 651, 3164, 10913, 634, 269, 356, 17690, 718, 3746, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 746, 27, 1093, 27, 1508, 642, 15, 20270, 1235, 1731, 4529, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 2082, 933, 2597, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 746, 27, 1093, 27, 1787, 642, 15, 20270, 1235, 1630, 1036, 27, 187, 5064, 20270, 1235, 1731, 1036, 187, 31, 262, 434, 1881, 5684, 281, 5310, 3095, 275, 253, 1481, 187, 1051, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 746, 27, 746, 27, 1812, 642, 15, 20270, 1235, 1619, 938, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1540, 4148, 25289, 187, 1328, 29774, 352, 323, 18844, 731, 285, 14001, 39843, 428, 1175, 391, 2016, 593, 285, 368, 943, 6604, 779, 275, 17358, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 746, 27, 746, 27, 3712, 642, 15, 20270, 1235, 1619, 1857, 27, 187, 5064, 20270, 1235, 1099, 2640, 187, 31, 5371, 310, 20092, 318, 187, 5804, 626, 2868, 247, 17069, 71, 356, 310, 21449, 247, 30876, 665, 35910, 512, 697, 3237, 407, 13383, 285, 18750, 272, 13, 12506, 3343, 13, 4754, 309, 513, 2868, 352, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 746, 27, 746, 27, 3357, 642, 15, 20270, 1235, 1619, 2385, 27, 187, 5064, 20270, 1235, 1099, 1449, 187, 31, 24212, 643, 952, 323, 5884, 10009, 36559, 187, 2773, 5807, 38585, 10258, 1481, 3589, 626, 5339, 323, 247, 5884, 30859, 209, 187, 1328, 369, 5339, 984, 344, 9703, 281, 2983, 952, 342, 247, 14623, 10464, 13, 1633, 326, 310, 247, 18649, 10485, 15, 209, 187, 6300, 751, 308, 1402, 2399, 251, 3589, 626, 5339, 984, 344, 574, 1629, 770, 868, 275, 521, 11320, 187, 1328, 369, 5339, 984, 344, 9703, 281, 320, 247, 12338, 10739, 248, 293, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 746, 27, 938, 27, 1731, 642, 15, 20270, 1235, 1717, 1047, 27, 187, 5064, 20270, 1235, 1630, 1036, 187, 2042, 344, 434, 20362, 368, 13, 10902, 2686, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 746, 27, 938, 27, 1867, 642, 15, 20270, 1235, 1717, 1839, 27, 187, 5064, 20270, 1235, 1731, 1967, 187, 1394, 476, 2028, 326, 13735, 14133, 42599, 6077, 3078, 281, 7171, 1110, 1821, 323, 2970, 10279, 387, 779, 30653, 272, 13, 285, 352, 369, 4860, 407, 521, 6617, 1924, 13, 6519, 285, 5133, 3931, 15, 187, 1328, 369, 247, 278, 603, 1411, 5948, 3139, 285, 2717, 273, 1318, 369, 3663, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 746, 27, 1797, 27, 3071, 642, 15, 20270, 1235, 1717, 3245, 27, 187, 5064, 20270, 1235, 1099, 1449, 187, 31, 10847, 272 ]
/12/18(Fri)15:19:19 no.189184170: >>189181192 enjoy you're paypay maymay Anonymous 10/12/18(Fri)15:40:53 no.189186297: >I-I'm not being programmed! Anonymous 10/12/18(Fri)15:45:27 no.189186722: >>189180446 >NPC memes got me feeling like Anonymous 10/12/18(Fri)15:46:04 no.189186796: >>189180446 Literally npcs Anonymous 10/12/18(Fri)15:46:21 no.189186827: >>189182977 >This will lead to false flag attack. Seize your memeing immediately! >IF YOU USE THIS MEME PEOPLE WILL DOWN JUST PLEASE STOP THE MEME RIGHT NOW GUYS! YOU'RE BEING TRICKED, IF U MEME IT EVEN ONCE PEOPLE WILL DIE AND BLAME IT ON YOU! >THE ONLY WAY TO STOP THIS IS IF YOU STOP NPC MEME RIGHT NOW! Anonymous 10/12/18(Fri)15:48:58 no.189187079: >>189180446 NARCISSIST TRASH FAILED HUMANS Anonymous 10/12/18(Fri)15:49:11 no.189187093: >>189182117 I hate it because it's a weak-ass meme. The idea that people without an internal monologue are somehow less conscious makes /pol/ look stupid because the opposite is more true. It makes the whole thing seem artificially stitched together. I'm all in favor of meme magic, but the memes need to be strong. Anonymous 10/12/18(Fri)15:50:56 no.189187259: >>189182977 Sounds like revenge of the glow in the darks if you ask me. Anonymous 10/12/18(Fri)15:51:29 no.189187322: >>189187093 >The idea that people without an internal monologue are somehow less conscious makes /pol/ look stupid because Here we have one defending it's programming in real time. The utter impotent horror! Anonymous 10/12/18(Fri)16:03:02 no.189188502: >>189187322 See: Linguistic relativity hypothesis; Neurolinguistic programming Words are units of meaning, so for intellectually passive humans that rarely think about thoughts themselves, there's an implicit sense that meaning comes from words. When words are thought of as absolute, you can control or shape their thoughts by controlling or shaping (or policing) language. Look at the SJW rhetoric: Their whole shit is predicated on an *adjustment* of what racism is. They've "changed" it from simply meaning "dscrimination based on race" to something like "privilege + power" or some shit like that, therefore enabling them to make the argument that "black people can't be racist." If people weren't shackled by words, this wouldn't work. If people understood the limitations of language, they would recognize how arbitrary words are, which would destroy any internal sense of "stigma" they have associated with certain words and phrases, like "conspiracy theory," "antisemitic," "unpatriotic," etc. It's really pathetic that I have to explain this. In short: Consciousness is not beholden to human languages because consciousness gave rise to human languages. Thought that is not parsed into words is free, multiphasic, and multiaxial, making it much stronger than thoughts bootstrapped to words. You guys are dumb. Anonymous 10/12/18(Fri)16:03:57 no.189188597: >>189180446 It made me realize what I was suspecting for a very long time—that meme magic doesn't come from 4chan. This place is being trolled by shills and discord zoomers. It's 2 steps behind the rest of the internet. I see things on twitter 2 days before I see them on /pol/ Anonymous 10/12/18(Fri)16:06:46 no.189188874: >>189188502 But how does that relate to the internal monologue? When you can create other personas in your head top act out interpersonal roles, you gain better understanding of what motivates other people and how you can relate to that. Anonymous 10/12/18(Fri)16:11:07 no.189189303: >>189181265 NPC is political because logic of democracy depends on agency FAGGOT Anonymous 10/12/18(Fri)16:12:13 no.189189400: >>189188597 >I see things on twitter 2 days before I see them on /pol/ >I see things on twitter Get out of here normie Anonymous 10/12/18(Fri)16:12:35 no.189189436: >>189188874 The "internal monologue" is when thoughts are formatted as language. Your "root level" brain activity is not linguistic, which means that language is a filter. I'm not saying that it's some kind of a sin; There are some practical uses to doing this intentionally for certain specific purposes ("cognitive exercises/tools"), but a person who does this all the time and by default is cognitively "caged," in a manner of speaking. Language is inherently two-dimensional, so to rely on language cognitively is to "compress" or "flatten" or "crush" your thought into something simpler, thus making it more limited. I.e., a person who *always* thinks in words is limiting themselves significantly while a person who by default does not parse their thoughts into words is more "raw" or unshackled, making them *LESS* susceptible to propaganda techniques and neurolinguistic programming, not the opposite. Anonymous 10/12/18(Fri)16:13:54 no.189189570: >>189189400 No, you. <|endoftext|>Anonymous 05/17/18(Thu)15:46:14 no.171962277: Why do we even need the amendment, it's such an antiquated law. /pol/ BTFO Anonymous 05/17/18(Thu)15:46:37 no.171962312: >>171962277 assault rifle Anonymous 05/17/18(Thu)15:49:10 no.171962553: >>171962277 bot shill high capacity AR Anonymous 05/17/18(Thu)16:07:53 no.171964498: >>171962277 We really need to start institutionalizing you chimps. <|endoftext|>Anonymous 06/16/19(Sun)22:22:17 no.216534461: Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu took his friendship with Donald Trump to a new level by inaugurating Trump Heights in the Golan. “It is a historic day,” said Israel’s prime minister, standing next to US ambassador David Friedman. “Many years have passed since a new settlement was established in the Golan Heights. Today it is happening: We are making an important step toward the rise of Trump Heights. It will proudly carry the name of a very great friend of the State of Israel, and I am also very proud to say a great friend of mine.” Netanyahu spoke of the name as a symbol of gratitude for the White House decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and Golan as a part of Israel, while Friedman spoke of the settlement as a “beautiful birthday present” to Trump, who turned 73 on Friday. Trump later tweeted his gratitude. Source: p-heights-golan-netanyahu/ Anonymous 06/16/19(Sun)22:24:20 no.216534603: MIGA baste migapedes Anonymous 06/16/19(Sun)22:46:21 no.216536212: >>216534461 ((We)) did it Reddit. ((We)) have taken over! Anonymous 06/16/19(Sun)23:00:25 no.216537393: >>216534461 MIGA NIGGA <|endoftext|>Anonymous 09/24/18(Mon)19:05:50 no.186841136: "For the past 40 years in this country, our great middle class — once the envy of the world — has been disappearing. All over America, people are working two or three jobs, scared to death about the futures of their children, while almost all new income goes to a small number of people at the top. But this is not a uniquely American phenomenon. All over the world, people are seeing that same tendency. Today, in the global economy, the top 1 percent owns more than the bottom 99 percent, and a handful of billionaires own more than the bottom half of people around the world — that’s 3.7 billion people. That is the reality. People in our own country, and around the world, are angry, and they feel that nobody is listening to their pain. And one
[ 16, 805, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1010, 27, 746, 27, 746, 642, 15, 18359, 19105, 15046, 27, 187, 5064, 18359, 1093, 12115, 19, 187, 257, 3881, 368, 1472, 2075, 12080, 778, 11159, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 805, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1010, 27, 1449, 27, 3357, 642, 15, 18359, 20270, 23185, 27, 187, 31, 42, 14, 42, 1353, 417, 1146, 27881, 2, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 805, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1010, 27, 1857, 27, 1630, 642, 15, 18359, 1093, 2251, 1423, 27, 187, 5064, 18359, 11395, 27590, 187, 31, 47, 5077, 1167, 265, 1694, 479, 5471, 751, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 805, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1010, 27, 2950, 27, 2125, 642, 15, 18359, 1093, 2251, 4196, 27, 187, 5064, 18359, 11395, 27590, 187, 46545, 595, 295, 5902, 84, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 805, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1010, 27, 2950, 27, 1797, 642, 15, 18359, 1093, 2358, 1630, 27, 187, 5064, 18359, 1093, 1717, 2357, 187, 31, 1552, 588, 1421, 281, 3221, 7908, 2983, 15, 1023, 907, 634, 1167, 21228, 4745, 2, 187, 31, 3801, 8702, 19226, 10113, 25719, 38, 41004, 22268, 46647, 28509, 367, 26084, 3915, 2795, 3003, 25719, 38, 33238, 29659, 31844, 6328, 2, 8702, 8, 1848, 8728, 2637, 7500, 16539, 1703, 13, 8681, 530, 25719, 38, 8017, 38698, 8160, 4339, 41004, 22268, 399, 9051, 4889, 13242, 14081, 8017, 8160, 8702, 2, 187, 31, 9707, 35310, 32155, 5935, 3915, 2795, 10113, 4110, 8681, 8702, 3915, 2795, 37662, 25719, 38, 33238, 29659, 2, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 805, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1010, 27, 2385, 27, 3680, 642, 15, 18359, 1093, 1967, 2787, 27, 187, 5064, 18359, 11395, 27590, 187, 47, 28077, 1830, 5824, 1267, 7500, 14194, 45139, 1703, 388, 5529, 19038, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 805, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1010, 27, 2537, 27, 883, 642, 15, 18359, 1093, 1967, 4590, 27, 187, 5064, 18359, 20700, 12231, 187, 42, 9239, 352, 984, 352, 434, 247, 5075, 14, 515, 1167, 70, 15, 380, 2934, 326, 952, 1293, 271, 4812, 1114, 862, 489, 403, 10380, 1679, 9680, 2789, 1227, 4818, 16, 1007, 11339, 984, 253, 7285, 310, 625, 2032, 15, 733, 2789, 253, 2644, 2181, 1646, 41544, 331, 34005, 2366, 15, 209, 187, 42, 1353, 512, 275, 3718, 273, 1167, 70, 10721, 13, 533, 253, 1167, 265, 878, 281, 320, 2266, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 805, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1010, 27, 1235, 27, 3208, 642, 15, 18359, 17306, 20395, 27, 187, 5064, 18359, 1093, 1717, 2357, 187, 41099, 751, 25442, 273, 253, 15795, 275, 253, 277, 7969, 604, 368, 1642, 479, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 805, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1010, 27, 3712, 27, 1717, 642, 15, 18359, 17306, 23625, 27, 187, 5064, 18359, 1093, 1967, 4590, 187, 31, 510, 2934, 326, 952, 1293, 271, 4812, 1114, 862, 489, 403, 10380, 1679, 9680, 2789, 1227, 4818, 16, 1007, 11339, 984, 187, 4943, 359, 452, 581, 21449, 352, 434, 10717, 275, 1524, 673, 15, 380, 13894, 1607, 302, 290, 15535, 2, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 805, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1036, 27, 2941, 27, 2640, 642, 15, 18359, 17599, 28873, 27, 187, 5064, 18359, 17306, 23625, 187, 5035, 27, 418, 5191, 2531, 39241, 9079, 28, 29459, 1102, 5191, 2531, 10717, 187, 40779, 403, 5085, 273, 4495, 13, 594, 323, 10893, 1230, 16864, 7497, 326, 11766, 1158, 670, 7906, 3746, 13, 627, 434, 271, 15424, 3282, 326, 4495, 3249, 432, 3000, 15, 2091, 3000, 403, 1869, 273, 347, 7880, 13, 368, 476, 1453, 390, 5281, 616, 7906, 407, 10938, 390, 29209, 313, 263, 48638, 10, 3448, 15, 9870, 387, 253, 322, 43, 56, 26527, 27, 7160, 2644, 10739, 310, 49902, 327, 271, 475, 18570, 420, 11, 273, 752, 23285, 310, 15, 1583, 1849, 346, 11950, 3, 352, 432, 3365, 4495, 346, 69, 1026, 30879, 1754, 327, 5492, 3, 281, 1633, 751, 346, 13552, 587, 463, 559, 1612, 3, 390, 690, 10739, 751, 326, 13, 3103, 17690, 731, 281, 1056, 253, 4154, 326, 346, 11958, 952, 476, 626, 320, 22198, 449, 187, 2042, 952, 10345, 626, 44213, 1070, 407, 3000, 13, 436, 5082, 626, 789, 15, 1310, 952, 7192, 253, 7364, 273, 3448, 13, 597, 651, 9446, 849, 10341, 3000, 403, 13, 534, 651, 6909, 667, 4812, 3282, 273, 346, 296, 2005, 3, 597, 452, 2330, 342, 2176, 3000, 285, 25491, 13, 751, 346, 45097, 1974, 3762, 937, 346, 35902, 358, 17533, 937, 346, 328, 44001, 3875, 937, 3966, 15, 209, 187, 1147, 434, 1663, 40479, 326, 309, 452, 281, 5513, 436, 15, 496, 2159, 27, 49143, 35715, 310, 417, 38189, 257, 281, 1966, 11515, 984, 14099, 3534, 6054, 281, 1966, 11515, 15, 29084, 326, 310, 417, 36838, 715, 3000, 310, 1959, 13, 10796, 7110, 280, 13, 285, 1554, 571, 89, 451, 13, 2403, 352, 1199, 10046, 685, 7906, 7491, 10981, 1882, 281, 3000, 15, 187, 1394, 6068, 403, 21413, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 805, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1036, 27, 2941, 27, 3011, 642, 15, 18359, 1093, 2227, 4148, 27, 187, 5064, 18359, 11395, 27590, 187, 1147, 1160, 479, 8968, 752, 309, 369, 9101, 272, 323, 247, 1077, 1048, 673, 1128, 3529, 1167, 70, 10721, 2506, 626, 1705, 432, 577, 2291, 15, 831, 1659, 310, 1146, 246, 9095, 407, 439, 3171, 285, 37600, 21282, 398, 15, 733, 434, 374, 5018, 3212, 253, 1551, 273, 253, 8573, 15, 187, 42, 923, 1841, 327, 34302, 374, 1897, 1078, 309, 923, 731, 327, 1227, 4818, 16, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 805, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1036, 27, 3071, 27, 2950, 642, 15, 18359, 1093, 2055, 3566, 27, 187, 5064, 18359, 17599, 28873, 187, 1989, 849, 1057, 326, 14588, 281, 253, 4812, 1114, 862, 489, 32, 2091, 368, 476, 2794, 643, 42226, 275, 634, 1481, 1755, 769, 562, 43849, 9503, 13, 368, 6351, 1805, 4685, 273, 752, 15265, 684, 643, 952, 285, 849, 368, 476, 14588, 281, 326, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 805, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1036, 27, 883, 27, 2922, 642, 15, 18359, 18359, 20914, 27, 187, 5064, 18359, 1093, 805, 2082, 187, 47, 5077, 310, 3569, 984, 9317, 273, 14483, 7024, 327, 6757, 401, 2696, 40, 2415, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 805, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1036, 27, 805, 27, 1012, 642, 15, 18359, 1093, 3953, 361, 27, 187, 5064, 18359, 1093, 2227, 4148, 187, 31, 42, 923, 1841, 327, 34302, 374, 1897, 1078, 309, 923, 731, 327, 1227, 4818, 16, 187, 31, 42, 923, 1841, 327, 34302, 187, 3633, 562, 273, 1060, 5222, 466, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 805, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1036, 27, 805, 27, 1671, 642, 15, 18359, 1093, 3953, 1812, 27, 187, 5064, 18359, 1093, 2055, 3566, 187, 510, 346, 11577, 1114, 862, 489, 3, 310, 672, 7906, 403, 39113, 347, 3448, 15, 5402, 346, 9723, 1268, 3, 3998, 2425, 310, 417, 32019, 13, 534, 2097, 326, 3448, 310, 247, 5806, 15, 309, 1353, 417, 3981, 326, 352, 434, 690, 2238, 273, 247, 6868, 28, 1707, 403, 690, 8542, 4648, 281, 2509, 436, 23209, 323, 2176, 2173, 6378, 5550, 68, 26833, 18418, 16, 16885, 8375, 533, 247, 1436, 665, 1057, 436, 512, 253, 673, 285, 407, 4284, 310, 7709, 25785, 346, 68, 2961, 937, 275, 247, 5133, 273, 8288, 15, 18847, 310, 26557, 767, 14, 6967, 13, 594, 281, 10725, 327, 3448, 7709, 25785, 310, 281, 346, 42693, 3, 390, 346, 1258, 21562, 3, 390, 346, 7083, 2345, 3, 634, 1869, 715, 1633, 19554, 13, 3021, 2403, 352, 625, 3710, 15, 309, 15, 70, 904, 247, 1436, 665, 475, 25737, 11, 11121, 275, 3000, 310, 14155, 3746, 3012, 1223, 247, 1436, 665, 407, 4284, 1057, 417, 14390, 616, 7906, 715, 3000, 310, 625, 346, 2040, 3, 390, 440, 1200, 471, 1070, 13, 2403, 731, 475, 45, 5479, 11, 16931, 281, 23306, 5609, 285, 12644, 1102, 5191, 2531, 10717, 13, 417, 253, 7285, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 805, 16, 1093, 9, 33228, 10, 1036, 27, 1012, 27, 3439, 642, 15, 18359, 1093, 2222, 1967, 27, 187, 5064, 18359, 1093, 3953, 361, 187, 2302, 13, 368, 15, 2756, 50279, 45545, 16987, 16, 1166, 16, 1093, 9, 44644, 10, 1010, 27, 2950, 27, 1047, 642, 15, 1166, 19196, 1423, 2357, 27, 187, 4967, 513, 359, 1014, 878, 253, 15129, 13, 352, 434, 824, 271, 47160, 456, 1569, 15, 1227, 4818, 16, 23755, 8768, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1166, 16, 1093, 9, 44644, 10, 1010, 27, 2950, 27, 1787, 642, 15, 1166, 19196, 1508, 805, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 19196, 1423, 2357, 187, 515, 1923, 20260, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1166, 16, 1093, 9, 44644, 10, 1010, 27, 2537, 27, 740, 642, 15, 1166, 19196, 1099, 3357, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 19196, 1423, 2357, 187, 12042, 187, 1200, 408, 187, 8656, 5350, 187, 1277, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1166, 16, 1093, 9, 44644, 10, 1036, 27, 2922, 27, 3357, 642, 15, 1166, 29639, 31358, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 19196, 1423, 2357, 187, 1231, 1663, 878, 281, 1265, 15772, 3006, 368, 19114, 793, 15, 2756, 50279, 45545, 17796, 16, 1036, 16, 746, 9, 14594, 10, 1423, 27, 1423, 27, 1166, 642, 15, 19, 15429, 1706, 33597, 27, 187, 25054, 74, 5365, 19046, 39094, 2335, 521, 19429, 342, 10053, 3778, 281, 247, 747, 1268, 407, 23942, 321, 839, 3778, 34841, 275, 253, 443, 24361, 15, 773, 1147, 310, 247, 14464, 1388, 1806, 753, 5143, 457, 84, 4335, 9843, 13, 6306, 1735, 281, 1982, 27178, 5119, 38734, 15, 187, 1628, 10195, 1107, 452, 4817, 1580, 247, 747, 10858, 369, 4232, 275, 253, 443, 24361, 34841, 15, 11056, 352, 310, 9369, 27, 844, 403, 2403, 271, 1774, 3213, 2584, 253, 6054, 273, 3778, 34841, 15, 733, 588, 35731, 4459, 253, 1416, 273, 247, 1077, 1270, 3331, 273, 253, 2418, 273, 5143, 13, 285, 309, 717, 671, 1077, 9979, 281, 1333, 247, 1270, 3331, 273, 7477, 1425, 187, 8695, 36640, 7560, 273, 253, 1416, 347, 247, 9484, 273, 27579, 323, 253, 5219, 3995, 3061, 281, 9446, 17913, 347, 5143, 457, 84, 5347, 285, 443, 24361, 347, 247, 629, 273, 5143, 13, 1223, 38734, 7560, 273, 253, 10858, 347, 247, 773, 1257, 35752, 14348, 1246, 668, 281, 3778, 13, 665, 3531, 11087, 327, 6794, 15, 187, 18130, 1996, 27140, 521, 27579, 15, 187, 7781, 27, 5987, 1358, 2700, 15, 1378, 15, 681, 16, 13608, 16, 2950, 14952, 14, 1206, 360, 187, 81, 14, 248, 4380, 14, 72, 24361, 14, 3024, 36640, 16, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1036, 16, 746, 9, 14594, 10, 1423, 27, 1348, 27, 938, 642, 15, 19, 15429, 1706, 29251, 27, 187, 46, 2431, 34, 1666, 442, 5563, 7760, 265, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1036, 16, 746, 9, 14594, 10, 1423, 27, 2950, 27, 1797, 642, 15, 19, 15429, 1812, 17223, 27, 187, 5064, 19, 15429, 1706, 33597, 187, 4464, 1231, 1228, 858, 352, 39714, 15, 6048, 1231, 1228, 452, 2668, 689, 2, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1036, 16, 746, 9, 14594, 10, 1508, 27, 361, 27, 1099, 642, 15, 19, 15429, 1787, 29360, 27, 187, 5064, 19, 15429, 1706, 33597, 187, 46, 2431, 34, 427, 2431, 7283, 2756, 50279, 45545, 15630, 16, 1348, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 746, 27, 1762, 27, 1235, 642, 15, 1093, 28883, 883, 1812, 27, 187, 3, 2214, 253, 2469, 3387, 1107, 275, 436, 2586, 13, 776, 1270, 4766, 966, 1905, 2378, 253, 38877, 273, 253, 1533, 1905, 556, 644, 42689, 15, 1876, 689, 3968, 13, 952, 403, 2444, 767, 390, 1264, 7375, 13, 16060, 281, 2471, 670, 253, 36424, 273, 616, 2151, 13, 1223, 2761, 512, 747, 6021, 4566, 281, 247, 1355, 1180, 273, 952, 387, 253, 1755, 15, 187, 1989, 436, 310, 417, 247, 22506, 2448, 11562, 15, 187, 3074, 689, 253, 1533, 13, 952, 403, 6523, 326, 1072, 14955, 15, 11056, 13, 275, 253, 4156, 6982, 13, 253, 1755, 337, 2558, 21186, 625, 685, 253, 5004, 8688, 2558, 13, 285, 247, 17167, 273, 6494, 21296, 1211, 625, 685, 253, 5004, 2716, 273, 952, 1475, 253, 1533, 1905, 326, 457, 84, 495, 15, 24, 6494, 952, 15, 187, 2773, 310, 253, 6612, 15, 6491, 275, 776, 1211, 2586, 13, 285, 1475, 253, 1533, 13, 403, 11790, 13, 285, 597, 1928, 326, 12445, 310, 11298, 281, 616, 3075, 15, 187, 1898, 581 ]
Anonymous 09/03/18(Mon)10:46:58 no.184427176: ISIS caught trying to kill hindu leaders in India Anonymous 09/03/18(Mon)10:55:02 no.184427854: >>184427176 >ISIS caught trying to kill hindu leaders It's a shame it wasn't successful Anonymous 09/03/18(Mon)10:55:51 no.184427908: *yawn* Anonymous 09/03/18(Mon)10:56:40 no.184427991: >>184427854 Fuckin cut dick Anonymous 09/03/18(Mon)10:56:58 no.184428016: >>184427908 *put in dick Anonymous 09/03/18(Mon)10:57:48 no.184428089: >mfw when Mamata Banerjee dies Anonymous 09/03/18(Mon)11:01:00 no.184428367: >>184427176 Gedocide ingoming :DDDD EBIN Anonymous 09/03/18(Mon)11:02:18 no.184428492: nobody cares Anonymous 09/03/18(Mon)11:02:33 no.184428516: >>184428089 Based and Redpilled Anonymous 09/03/18(Mon)11:03:04 no.184428554: >>184428367 Based Anonymous 09/03/18(Mon)11:03:06 no.184428557: >>184427176 Day of the Sweep Anonymous 09/03/18(Mon)11:04:32 no.184428672: Why are all those islamists so inbred? Look at they're faces.Holy shit they look like a genetic fuckup. Anonymous 09/03/18(Mon)11:05:28 no.184428743: I wish Pakistan and India would just go to war already. Paolo Dorati 09/03/18(Mon)11:07:39 no.184428923: >>184428743 Me too. So they could genocide each other out. Paolo Dorati 09/03/18(Mon)11:08:22 no.184428968: >>184428672 Fucking kek. Anonymous 09/03/18(Mon)11:09:42 no.184429108: >>184428923 >>184428968 t. Paki Anonymous 09/03/18(Mon)11:10:54 no.184429205: >>184428016 We are gonna need some vagine for verification. Paolo Dorati 09/03/18(Mon)11:11:10 no.184429223: >>184429108 t. Italian who hates brown people and is not religious Anonymous 09/03/18(Mon)11:11:30 no.184429249: >>184429205 Xd Anonymous 09/03/18(Mon)11:11:58 no.184429289: >>184429223 Chup reah katue Anonymous 09/03/18(Mon)11:12:14 no.184429311: I swear they all look like fuking inbreds all of em,maybe the Turks and Arabs look somewhat normal. But holy shit those north africans,pakistani look like the product of "bring your cousin to bed" day. Paolo Dorati 09/03/18(Mon)11:12:59 no.184429361: >>184429289 Speak english. Anonymous 09/03/18(Mon)11:13:31 no.184429418: >>184427176 >brown people killing brown people more news at 11 Anonymous 09/03/18(Mon)11:13:35 no.184429424: >>184427176 i swear if these jews dont stop sending evangelists and islamists after india and hindus india will launch nukes at israel and we will rejoice and have the greatest party ever,. Anonymous 09/03/18(Mon)11:14:42 no.184429518: >>184429424 >india will launch nukes at all of middle east apart from Israel Ftfy Paolo Dorati 09/03/18(Mon)11:15:01 no.184429543: >>184429418 Brown people killing brown people is the best part. Fucking doin' our job themselves. Anonymous 09/03/18(Mon)11:15:04 no.184429552: >>184429361 Shit up cut dick Anonymous 09/03/18(Mon)11:16:19 no.184429647: >>184427176 So Americans aren't parodying those accents, but accurately depict them. I see. Paolo Dorati 09/03/18(Mon)11:16:25 no.184429653: >>184429552 Muh dick is uncut. Also, stop speaking your rotten language. I'm italian and I hate all religions. Anonymous 09/03/18(Mon)11:18:02 no.184429789: >>184429653 You're a paki i recognize you, stop being a name fag Anonymous 09/03/18(Mon)11:18:34 no.184429833: >>184427854 fuck off ahmed Anonymous 09/03/18(Mon)11:18:48 no.184429849: >>184429647 Nah that's just south Indian Anonymous 09/03/18(Mon)11:19:54 no.184429936: Bump Anonymous 09/03/18(Mon)11:20:33 no.184429994: >go to google >search news WOW NO WONDER WHY THE FUCK THIS IS NOT THE FRONT NEWS. Paolo Dorati 09/03/18(Mon)11:21:09 no.184430046: >>184429789 Non sono pakistano pelle-merda che non sei altro. Anonymous 09/03/18(Mon)11:22:22 no.184430148: >>184430046 Gand me hath daldonga Anonymous 09/03/18(Mon)11:22:45 no.184430172: >>184429994 Who Anonymous 09/03/18(Mon)11:24:29 no.184430308: Bump Anonymous 09/03/18(Mon)11:24:37 no.184430320: >>184427854 >>184427908 t. achmed and omar fuck off with this muttposting Paolo Dorati 09/03/18(Mon)11:25:56 no.184430440: >>184430148 Come on shitskins, come @ my house to kill me! Anonymous 09/03/18(Mon)11:26:54 no.184430536: >>184428672 They look like Mount&Blade characters. Anonymous 09/03/18(Mon)11:27:09 no.184430558: >>184430440 Did you murder him? Anonymous 09/03/18(Mon)11:27:10 no.184430561: Pajeet throws poo at achmed. Achmed is confused. It hurts itself in confusion Anonymous 09/03/18(Mon)11:27:59 no.184430630: >>184427176 Poos are our closest allies. Crushing the muslims between India and Europe like hammer and anvil, when? Paolo Dorati 09/03/18(Mon)11:28:17 no.184430654: >>184430558 Faggot, it's me. I am a fearless Italian man. Anonymous 09/03/18(Mon)11:28:27 no.184430672: >>184428672 You’re just ignorant. You need more diversity Anonymous 09/03/18(Mon)11:29:03 no.184430719: >>184430654 Kek Anonymous 09/03/18(Mon)11:29:07 no.184430724: >>184430654 >fearless Until an African confronts you Paolo Dorati 09/03/18(Mon)11:29:28 no.184430746: >>184430561 Pokémon style
[ 45545, 15630, 16, 2941, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 740, 27, 2950, 27, 3680, 642, 15, 1093, 2031, 1630, 17184, 27, 187, 1830, 1830, 7270, 2820, 281, 5159, 17134, 86, 7038, 275, 5427, 187, 3614, 1358, 90, 483, 86, 15, 1257, 16, 9006, 50, 16427, 19, 81, 49, 81, 20, 42, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 2941, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 740, 27, 2417, 27, 2640, 642, 15, 1093, 2031, 1630, 36208, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 2031, 1630, 17184, 187, 31, 1830, 1830, 7270, 2820, 281, 5159, 17134, 86, 7038, 187, 1147, 434, 247, 14816, 352, 3589, 626, 5547, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 2941, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 740, 27, 2417, 27, 3712, 642, 15, 1093, 2031, 1630, 33648, 27, 187, 11, 5973, 939, 11, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 2941, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 740, 27, 3208, 27, 1449, 642, 15, 1093, 2031, 1630, 39405, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 2031, 1630, 36208, 187, 30368, 249, 2624, 33702, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 2941, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 740, 27, 3208, 27, 3680, 642, 15, 1093, 2031, 1619, 11718, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 2031, 1630, 33648, 187, 11, 1065, 275, 33702, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 2941, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 740, 27, 3011, 27, 2385, 642, 15, 1093, 2031, 19100, 2511, 27, 187, 31, 78, 25837, 672, 37963, 682, 16456, 254, 39101, 9778, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 2941, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 520, 27, 361, 642, 15, 1093, 2031, 1619, 25140, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 2031, 1630, 17184, 187, 40, 264, 33429, 6446, 19275, 1163, 11927, 11927, 187, 22917, 1042, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 2941, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 2640, 27, 1093, 642, 15, 1093, 2031, 1619, 33964, 27, 187, 31528, 1197, 24505, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 2941, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 2640, 27, 1610, 642, 15, 1093, 2031, 23025, 1036, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 2031, 19100, 2511, 187, 15545, 285, 4410, 81, 2591, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 2941, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 2941, 27, 2125, 642, 15, 1093, 2031, 1619, 46027, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 2031, 1619, 25140, 187, 15545, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 2941, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 2941, 27, 3071, 642, 15, 1093, 2031, 1619, 38032, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 2031, 1630, 17184, 187, 15490, 273, 253, 38583, 554, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 2941, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 2125, 27, 1237, 642, 15, 1093, 2031, 1619, 31436, 27, 187, 4967, 403, 512, 1110, 310, 5247, 1346, 594, 275, 29252, 32, 187, 7745, 387, 597, 1472, 9365, 15, 42846, 10739, 597, 1007, 751, 247, 6380, 7435, 484, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 2941, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 1762, 27, 1619, 642, 15, 1093, 2031, 24117, 3079, 27, 187, 42, 5730, 13115, 285, 5427, 651, 816, 564, 281, 2137, 2168, 15, 535, 187, 9387, 13013, 14040, 8657, 15630, 16, 2941, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 2922, 27, 1867, 642, 15, 1093, 2031, 24208, 1508, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 2031, 24117, 3079, 187, 5072, 1512, 15, 1893, 597, 812, 42604, 1016, 643, 562, 15, 535, 187, 9387, 13013, 14040, 8657, 15630, 16, 2941, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 2904, 27, 1423, 642, 15, 1093, 2031, 24208, 2358, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 2031, 1619, 31436, 187, 39, 25826, 1058, 76, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 2941, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 2693, 27, 2945, 642, 15, 1093, 2031, 1717, 12347, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 2031, 24208, 1508, 187, 5064, 1093, 2031, 24208, 2358, 187, 85, 15, 10657, 74, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 2941, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 740, 27, 3439, 642, 15, 1093, 2031, 1717, 16763, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 2031, 1619, 11718, 187, 1231, 403, 6501, 878, 690, 12531, 460, 323, 21999, 15, 535, 187, 9387, 13013, 14040, 8657, 15630, 16, 2941, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 883, 27, 740, 642, 15, 1093, 2031, 1717, 20360, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 2031, 1717, 12347, 187, 85, 15, 9890, 665, 38232, 8516, 952, 285, 310, 417, 7231, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 2941, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 883, 27, 1229, 642, 15, 1093, 2031, 1717, 21361, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 2031, 1717, 16763, 187, 57, 69, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 2941, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 883, 27, 3680, 642, 15, 1093, 2031, 1717, 24208, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 2031, 1717, 20360, 187, 1779, 484, 294, 1240, 45470, 489, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 2941, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 805, 27, 1047, 642, 15, 1093, 2031, 19630, 883, 27, 187, 42, 24156, 597, 512, 1007, 751, 269, 2788, 272, 275, 29252, 84, 512, 273, 802, 13, 28489, 253, 47563, 285, 39004, 1007, 8489, 2622, 15, 187, 1989, 18465, 10739, 1110, 6146, 6706, 695, 507, 13, 81, 518, 30474, 1007, 751, 253, 1885, 273, 346, 30788, 634, 19338, 281, 3722, 3, 1388, 15, 535, 187, 9387, 13013, 14040, 8657, 15630, 16, 2941, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 805, 27, 3046, 642, 15, 1093, 2031, 1717, 29917, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 2031, 1717, 24208, 187, 12923, 518, 48087, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 2941, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 1012, 27, 2405, 642, 15, 1093, 2031, 22858, 1093, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 2031, 1630, 17184, 187, 31, 33167, 952, 9811, 8516, 952, 187, 3062, 3668, 387, 1903, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 2941, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 1012, 27, 1671, 642, 15, 1093, 2031, 22858, 1348, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 2031, 1630, 17184, 187, 74, 24156, 604, 841, 15589, 84, 13414, 3523, 10430, 28813, 1346, 285, 310, 5247, 1346, 846, 801, 571, 285, 17134, 316, 187, 527, 571, 588, 8027, 295, 41757, 387, 310, 4690, 285, 359, 588, 27326, 547, 285, 452, 253, 6459, 3128, 2455, 23659, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 2941, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 1047, 27, 2945, 642, 15, 1093, 2031, 22270, 1093, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 2031, 22858, 1348, 187, 31, 527, 571, 588, 8027, 295, 41757, 387, 512, 273, 4766, 9268, 7419, 432, 5143, 187, 39, 16114, 90, 535, 187, 9387, 13013, 14040, 8657, 15630, 16, 2941, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 1010, 27, 520, 642, 15, 1093, 2031, 22270, 3079, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 2031, 22858, 1093, 187, 27543, 952, 9811, 8516, 952, 310, 253, 1682, 629, 15, 401, 25826, 513, 249, 8, 776, 2628, 3746, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 2941, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 1010, 27, 2125, 642, 15, 1093, 2031, 1717, 39338, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 2031, 1717, 29917, 187, 37858, 598, 2624, 33702, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 2941, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 1036, 27, 746, 642, 15, 1093, 2031, 1717, 25953, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 2031, 1630, 17184, 187, 2598, 7108, 6403, 626, 1061, 1197, 272, 1110, 756, 592, 13, 533, 13613, 17154, 731, 15, 309, 923, 15, 535, 187, 9387, 13013, 14040, 8657, 15630, 16, 2941, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 1036, 27, 1099, 642, 15, 1093, 2031, 1717, 35726, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 2031, 1717, 39338, 187, 46, 6968, 33702, 310, 5258, 307, 15, 5220, 13, 3523, 8288, 634, 46301, 3448, 15, 309, 1353, 352, 6770, 285, 309, 9239, 512, 31194, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 2941, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 1093, 27, 2640, 642, 15, 1093, 2031, 23185, 2511, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 2031, 1717, 35726, 187, 1394, 1472, 247, 268, 11938, 891, 9446, 368, 13, 3523, 1146, 247, 1416, 269, 356, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 2941, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 1093, 27, 1706, 642, 15, 1093, 2031, 23558, 1610, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 2031, 1630, 36208, 187, 71, 1807, 745, 21799, 1314, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 2941, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 1093, 27, 2385, 642, 15, 1093, 2031, 23558, 2537, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 2031, 1717, 25953, 187, 47, 1240, 326, 434, 816, 6420, 5396, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 2941, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 746, 27, 3439, 642, 15, 1093, 2031, 24514, 1812, 27, 187, 35, 1765, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 2941, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 938, 27, 1610, 642, 15, 1093, 2031, 24514, 3953, 27, 187, 31, 2184, 281, 17899, 209, 187, 31, 8716, 3668, 209, 187, 56, 4290, 7651, 411, 1139, 13635, 7245, 58, 3003, 401, 36746, 10113, 4110, 5803, 3003, 7499, 17171, 41059, 15, 535, 187, 9387, 13013, 14040, 8657, 15630, 16, 2941, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 1797, 27, 2693, 642, 15, 1093, 2031, 7554, 2950, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 2031, 23185, 2511, 187, 11592, 24268, 268, 518, 382, 4692, 268, 4415, 14, 961, 1473, 1161, 1327, 42185, 6945, 287, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 2941, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 1423, 27, 1423, 642, 15, 1093, 2031, 17615, 2385, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 2031, 7554, 2950, 187, 40, 395, 479, 29272, 277, 8950, 543, 66, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 2941, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 1423, 27, 1857, 642, 15, 1093, 2031, 17615, 3547, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 2031, 24514, 3953, 187, 7883, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 2941, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 1348, 27, 1717, 642, 15, 1093, 2031, 1229, 20777, 27, 187, 35, 1765, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 2941, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 1348, 27, 1787, 642, 15, 1093, 2031, 1229, 18911, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 2031, 1630, 36208, 187, 5064, 1093, 2031, 1630, 33648, 187, 85, 15, 247, 348, 1314, 285, 258, 4175, 187, 71, 1807, 745, 342, 436, 2873, 85, 5996, 272, 535, 187, 9387, 13013, 14040, 8657, 15630, 16, 2941, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 1099, 27, 3208, 642, 15, 1093, 2031, 19321, 1449, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 2031, 17615, 2385, 187, 8380, 327, 439, 953, 7232, 13, 1705, 1214, 619, 2419, 281, 5159, 479, 2, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 2941, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 1731, 27, 3439, 642, 15, 1093, 2031, 19042, 1812, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 2031, 1619, 31436, 187, 3726, 1007, 751, 8352, 7, 5622, 796, 5810, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 2941, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 1630, 27, 2693, 642, 15, 1093, 2031, 1229, 38070, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 2031, 19321, 1449, 187, 8917, 368, 7701, 779, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 2941, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 1630, 27, 740, 642, 15, 1093, 2031, 1229, 41081, 27, 187, 49, 32444, 292, 12326, 2963, 80, 387, 247, 348, 1314, 15, 31651, 1314, 310, 13477, 15, 733, 31835, 3139, 275, 13775, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 2941, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 1630, 27, 3046, 642, 15, 1093, 2031, 18950, 1229, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 2031, 1630, 17184, 187, 8816, 375, 403, 776, 8642, 17760, 15, 187, 14201, 7849, 253, 1948, 2815, 84, 875, 5427, 285, 3060, 751, 24627, 285, 271, 33745, 13, 672, 32, 535, 187, 9387, 13013, 14040, 8657, 15630, 16, 2941, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 1619, 27, 1166, 642, 15, 1093, 2031, 1229, 29195, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 2031, 1229, 38070, 187, 39, 13046, 302, 13, 352, 434, 479, 15, 309, 717, 247, 4709, 1417, 9890, 637, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 2941, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 1619, 27, 1630, 642, 15, 1093, 2031, 1229, 31436, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 2031, 1619, 31436, 187, 1394, 457, 250, 816, 28884, 15, 1422, 878, 625, 9991, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 2941, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 1717, 27, 2941, 642, 15, 1093, 2031, 21645, 746, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 2031, 1229, 29195, 187, 44, 1441, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 2941, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 1717, 27, 2922, 642, 15, 1093, 2031, 21645, 1348, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 2031, 1229, 29195, 187, 31, 453, 274, 1417, 209, 187, 24753, 271, 8118, 11449, 84, 368, 535, 187, 9387, 13013, 14040, 8657, 15630, 16, 2941, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 1717, 27, 1619, 642, 15, 1093, 2031, 21645, 2950, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 2031, 1229, 41081, 187, 49, 536, 36197, 3740 ]
to death alongside your jewish handlers, don't forget that. Anonymous 06/24/19(Mon)18:51:21 no.217346737: >>217304397 Wasn't that the point of resettling people under communism, to destroy any sense of communal identity based on race, ethnicity or nation? Anonymous 06/24/19(Mon)18:55:10 no.217347043: >>217304397 What's with the constant anti-Russian shilling by Russian flags here? We know Russia isn't ideal, but it's still much better than the West, and the only country in the world where white birthrates are above replacement level. >>217304565 >It’s probably the most degenerate shithole in the west. Nah, that's Jewmerica by far. Anonymous 06/24/19(Mon)18:57:09 no.217347212: >>217347043 >We know Russia isn't ideal, but it's still much better than the West, Anonymous 06/24/19(Mon)18:59:28 no.217347376: >>217347212 Capitalism will never succeed among Slavic people because of our mentality. As long as Russia is capitalist it will always remain a shithole compared to west,just like Tsarist Russia was a illiterate shithole compared to industrialized west at that times Anonymous 06/24/19(Mon)19:06:36 no.217347950: These threads are a Butthurt Belt circle jerk Endlessly reposting the same images for a decade now (look at the dates on those statistic maps) End your life Anonymous 06/24/19(Mon)19:08:40 no.217348112: >>217347212 Better to have decaying buildings than trans kids. Anonymous 06/24/19(Mon)19:18:29 no.217348899: >>217348112 >Better to have decaying buildings than trans kids. Anonymous 06/24/19(Mon)19:30:44 no.217349906: >>217347376 Serbian tankies? God save the Earth... Anonymous 06/24/19(Mon)19:47:23 no.217351430: >>217349906 Your little cock puppet is always there to back up whatever bullshit you spew out. It's like a retarded brown gypsy parrot on your shoulder comrade. Anonymous 06/24/19(Mon)19:56:44 no.217352260: Look at Catalonia. Every public school look like this. Fuck Gambians and Senegalese Anonymous 06/24/19(Mon)19:57:20 no.217352312: Russia is kill. Anonymous 06/24/19(Mon)19:59:17 no.217352479: >>217304397 your manlet king will not go down easy he wants to rule forever Anonymous 06/24/19(Mon)20:00:21 no.217352588: >>217352312 The Russian woman commenting on her pic is another coalburner married to an African. How do we stop Russian girls from marrying Africans? This is getting out of hand. Anonymous 06/24/19(Mon)20:01:29 no.217352671: >>217305285 In that war, you shitskins need to go too. Anonymous 06/24/19(Mon)20:02:17 no.217352740: >>217352588 This is the new face of Russia. Embrace it. Anonymous 06/24/19(Mon)20:05:20 no.217352985: >>217304397 The Church warned you guys to start churning out children or you'd be overwhelmed in nogs, chinks, Hasidic Jews, and mudslimes. Why didn't you listen? H92hAo_I <|endoftext|>Anonymous 03/29/19(Fri)12:27:00 no.208222293: /cyb/ + /priv/ - CYBERPUNK/PRIVACY FREE SPEECH GENERAL THE CYPHERPUNK MANIFESTO: [ /manifesto.html ] The Crypto Anarchist Manifesto: [ /crypto-anarchy.html ] AUS and NZ countries have blocked access to 4chan, EU has passed article 13 making 4chan liable for copyrighted material posted on it thus incentivizing to just block posters from eu. We are slowly sliding into a dystopian and more censored world our duty as sovereign individuals and strong online community is to inform and educate ourself on how to circumvent goverment restrictions, and spread alternative cultures and narratives trough red pills and memes. This thread purpose is offering solutions to privacy and freedom of speech infrangiment by central authoritys trough tech and tips: -Self-contained Networks: -GPG: -Addons: e refox/addon/decentraleyes/ -Mail: -Private chat: -Vpn le-vpn-comparison-chart/ -Decentralized vpn -Encrypted pastebin -Concept tech /experimental tech: -Filesharing -OS: Anonymous 03/29/19(Fri)12:32:56 no.208222849: >>208222293 Bump Anonymous 03/29/19(Fri)12:38:22 no.208223336: roviders-pull-russian-servers-as-pu tins-ban-threatens-to-bite/ First it was kiwi anons, then Aussies, now bolsheviks. Whos next anons? Place your bets Anonymous 03/29/19(Fri)12:44:20 no.208223855: >>208223336 Bet it's france/germany/england/sweden, one of those cesspools. Anonymous 03/29/19(Fri)12:46:42 no.208224071: >>208223855 they will come for everybody don't worry Anonymous 03/29/19(Fri)12:48:37 no.208224254: Microsoft president Brad Smith has warned companies are no longer comfortable storing customer data in Australia after the introduction of controversial encryption laws. "When I travel to other countries I hear companies and governments say 'we are no longer comfortable putting our data in Australia', so they are asking us to build more data centres in other countries," Mr Smith said. Anonymous 03/29/19(Fri)12:52:00 no.208224546: >>208224254 >comfortable storing customer data this sentence alone triggers me Anonymous 03/29/19(Fri)12:53:36 no.208224703: >>208223855 I feel like sweden is first, but at this point its such a cuck country that news like that wouldnt even get reported Anonymous 03/29/19(Fri)13:02:56 no.208225519: >>208224703 yeah thats why we have to educate people about VPNs and decentralized software before its too late Anonymous 03/29/19(Fri)13:18:53 no.208226968: Skycoin/Skywire needs to be on this list, given that they're actually building an off-grid global mesh network. Anonymous 03/29/19(Fri)13:21:14 no.208227178: I love freedoms and the right for privacy Why are there literally zero politicians who go in for this Anonymous 03/29/19(Fri)13:22:14 no.208227260: This might be obvious to many of you, but for the tech-brainlets who don't know Make sure you always use HTTPS when using the internet. Not every website supports it
[ 281, 2471, 12936, 634, 15589, 763, 40093, 13, 1053, 626, 7740, 326, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1348, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 3712, 27, 1797, 642, 15, 19443, 1706, 2251, 1787, 27, 187, 5064, 19443, 19321, 26933, 187, 18412, 79, 626, 326, 253, 1127, 273, 501, 3592, 1981, 952, 762, 48709, 13, 281, 6909, 667, 3282, 273, 40378, 6489, 1754, 327, 5492, 13, 31908, 390, 5674, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1348, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 2417, 27, 740, 642, 15, 19443, 1706, 1967, 3079, 27, 187, 5064, 19443, 19321, 26933, 187, 1276, 434, 342, 253, 3638, 3270, 14, 27397, 439, 3867, 407, 7247, 12201, 1060, 32, 844, 871, 7422, 3548, 626, 7445, 13, 533, 352, 434, 1335, 1199, 1805, 685, 253, 4255, 13, 285, 253, 760, 2586, 275, 253, 1533, 835, 3168, 4201, 27619, 403, 1840, 5407, 1268, 15, 209, 187, 5064, 19443, 1229, 1857, 2082, 187, 31, 1147, 457, 84, 3164, 253, 954, 29458, 439, 334, 1306, 275, 253, 8935, 15, 187, 47, 1240, 13, 326, 434, 5679, 1446, 66, 407, 2080, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1348, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 3011, 27, 2693, 642, 15, 19443, 1706, 3547, 805, 27, 187, 5064, 19443, 1706, 1967, 3079, 187, 31, 1231, 871, 7422, 3548, 626, 7445, 13, 533, 352, 434, 1335, 1199, 1805, 685, 253, 4255, 13, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1348, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 3046, 27, 1619, 642, 15, 19443, 23568, 25848, 27, 187, 5064, 19443, 1706, 3547, 805, 187, 15614, 1562, 1204, 588, 1620, 9302, 2190, 50168, 280, 952, 984, 273, 776, 38656, 15, 187, 1909, 1048, 347, 7422, 310, 33712, 352, 588, 1900, 3464, 247, 439, 334, 1306, 2429, 281, 8935, 13, 6309, 751, 20613, 274, 382, 7422, 369, 247, 2853, 48532, 439, 334, 1306, 2429, 281, 9787, 1025, 8935, 387, 326, 2069, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1348, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 746, 27, 3071, 27, 1812, 642, 15, 19443, 1706, 2787, 1235, 27, 187, 6872, 17059, 403, 247, 1292, 394, 4405, 39398, 9096, 27964, 187, 7689, 13102, 1234, 493, 272, 253, 1072, 3888, 323, 247, 9976, 1024, 313, 6204, 387, 253, 12282, 327, 1110, 26312, 8115, 10, 187, 7689, 634, 1495, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1348, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 746, 27, 2904, 27, 1449, 642, 15, 19443, 1706, 3593, 805, 27, 187, 5064, 19443, 1706, 3547, 805, 187, 36011, 281, 452, 46957, 9195, 685, 811, 5753, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1348, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 746, 27, 1093, 27, 1717, 642, 15, 19443, 1706, 2055, 1525, 27, 187, 5064, 19443, 1706, 3593, 805, 187, 31, 36011, 281, 452, 46957, 9195, 685, 811, 5753, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1348, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 746, 27, 1229, 27, 2031, 642, 15, 19443, 1706, 1525, 3071, 27, 187, 5064, 19443, 23568, 25848, 187, 6075, 13564, 11100, 447, 32, 2656, 5321, 253, 7565, 1051, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1348, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 746, 27, 2504, 27, 1508, 642, 15, 19443, 1671, 1047, 1229, 27, 187, 5064, 19443, 1706, 1525, 3071, 187, 7093, 1652, 11694, 47717, 310, 1900, 627, 281, 896, 598, 5913, 35281, 368, 705, 88, 562, 15, 733, 434, 751, 247, 48101, 8516, 19859, 19060, 1061, 8601, 327, 634, 9215, 389, 24830, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1348, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 746, 27, 3208, 27, 2031, 642, 15, 19443, 1671, 1423, 1549, 27, 187, 7745, 387, 17684, 9409, 15, 6000, 1345, 2143, 1007, 751, 436, 15, 49142, 41425, 2458, 285, 4673, 909, 2339, 70, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1348, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 746, 27, 3011, 27, 938, 642, 15, 19443, 1671, 1508, 805, 27, 187, 37881, 310, 5159, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1348, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 746, 27, 3046, 27, 1166, 642, 15, 19443, 1671, 1348, 2787, 27, 187, 5064, 19443, 19321, 26933, 187, 12550, 637, 1059, 6963, 588, 417, 564, 1066, 3477, 187, 248, 5605, 281, 4086, 11654, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1348, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 938, 27, 361, 27, 1797, 642, 15, 19443, 1671, 1099, 2055, 27, 187, 5064, 19443, 1671, 1508, 805, 187, 510, 7247, 3416, 36738, 327, 617, 14402, 310, 1529, 10089, 14814, 254, 7028, 281, 271, 8118, 15, 1359, 513, 359, 3523, 7247, 6838, 432, 45906, 45359, 32, 831, 310, 2970, 562, 273, 1133, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1348, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 938, 27, 520, 27, 1717, 642, 15, 19443, 1671, 1731, 3677, 27, 187, 5064, 19443, 19042, 23025, 187, 688, 326, 2137, 13, 368, 439, 953, 7232, 878, 281, 564, 1512, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1348, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 938, 27, 2640, 27, 1166, 642, 15, 19443, 1671, 1630, 1449, 27, 187, 5064, 19443, 1671, 1099, 2055, 187, 1552, 310, 253, 747, 2454, 273, 7422, 15, 4825, 19276, 352, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1348, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 938, 27, 1762, 27, 938, 642, 15, 19443, 1671, 1717, 2227, 27, 187, 5064, 19443, 19321, 26933, 187, 510, 6412, 14315, 368, 6068, 281, 1265, 43132, 272, 562, 2151, 390, 368, 1871, 320, 29991, 275, 295, 14175, 13, 448, 3106, 13, 14026, 44521, 11563, 13, 285, 16059, 3433, 1022, 15, 6049, 1904, 626, 368, 8028, 32, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 24583, 15, 681, 16, 13060, 32, 87, 30, 19214, 44, 187, 41, 4529, 73, 34, 80, 64, 42, 2756, 50279, 45545, 17272, 16, 1717, 16, 746, 9, 33228, 10, 805, 27, 1630, 27, 361, 642, 15, 17391, 48049, 4590, 27, 187, 16, 951, 67, 16, 559, 1227, 13552, 16, 428, 36571, 15051, 49, 4037, 44, 16, 3175, 3252, 1934, 58, 27460, 23012, 38, 2775, 17666, 1556, 187, 9707, 36571, 6663, 947, 49, 4037, 44, 31250, 3801, 24422, 48, 27, 544, 5987, 1358, 2700, 15, 19452, 1204, 15, 3024, 16, 951, 20640, 42246, 187, 16, 21338, 22055, 15, 2974, 5032, 187, 510, 28451, 80, 743, 1116, 382, 3083, 338, 22055, 27, 544, 5987, 1358, 2700, 15, 19452, 1204, 15, 3024, 16, 951, 20640, 42246, 187, 16, 36371, 14, 266, 12638, 15, 2974, 5032, 187, 34, 3016, 285, 40986, 4343, 452, 13230, 2289, 281, 577, 2291, 13, 8215, 556, 4817, 3929, 2145, 2403, 577, 2291, 15922, 323, 47934, 2144, 9269, 327, 352, 3021, 15210, 400, 3006, 281, 816, 2972, 32482, 432, 21187, 15, 187, 1231, 403, 7808, 20661, 715, 247, 32692, 40113, 285, 625, 23339, 2149, 1533, 776, 7143, 347, 16629, 4292, 285, 2266, 3909, 3114, 310, 281, 4151, 285, 31150, 776, 1286, 327, 849, 281, 39256, 1726, 420, 13133, 13, 285, 5195, 5795, 11048, 285, 39062, 39445, 2502, 28123, 285, 1167, 265, 15, 187, 1552, 6293, 4096, 310, 9159, 5482, 281, 11068, 285, 7185, 273, 6519, 275, 925, 606, 2092, 407, 4275, 6265, 84, 39445, 13817, 285, 12192, 27, 187, 14, 23315, 14, 41010, 32492, 27, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 13473, 10408, 15, 2061, 16, 187, 3614, 1358, 788, 74, 19, 81, 15, 3024, 16, 257, 16, 187, 3614, 1358, 71, 1820, 292, 10408, 15, 2061, 16, 187, 3614, 1358, 8260, 47956, 15, 900, 16, 187, 14, 40, 11070, 27, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 72, 8159, 21, 6481, 15, 2061, 16, 187, 14, 4717, 790, 27, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 11801, 15, 2061, 16, 3614, 14, 15160, 88, 379, 187, 70, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 11801, 15, 2061, 16, 13552, 1974, 14367, 1063, 187, 3614, 1358, 1911, 790, 15, 45189, 15, 2061, 16, 257, 14, 3016, 16, 11125, 187, 709, 1004, 16, 1911, 251, 16, 615, 1154, 83, 1079, 9820, 16, 187, 14, 29594, 27, 187, 3614, 1358, 5719, 15, 856, 1299, 5719, 15, 681, 187, 14, 22279, 12939, 27, 187, 3614, 1358, 49851, 15, 303, 16, 187, 3614, 1358, 27644, 15, 2061, 16, 187, 3614, 1358, 1221, 287, 18316, 15, 550, 16, 187, 14, 55, 16077, 187, 3614, 1358, 3529, 531, 13552, 317, 656, 614, 15, 3024, 16, 3549, 81, 187, 282, 14, 87, 16077, 14, 47109, 14, 21341, 16, 187, 14, 9150, 290, 1544, 1025, 362, 16077, 187, 3614, 1358, 17094, 29943, 15, 1940, 16, 187, 14, 13502, 20814, 15596, 4805, 187, 3614, 1358, 90, 4805, 15, 1405, 16, 209, 187, 14, 1773, 916, 13817, 1227, 49363, 13817, 27, 187, 3614, 1358, 3757, 328, 292, 15, 2061, 16, 257, 16, 187, 14, 19284, 73, 1875, 187, 3614, 1358, 251, 621, 73, 609, 15, 2061, 16, 187, 14, 2697, 27, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 371, 12133, 14, 375, 15, 2061, 16, 187, 3614, 1358, 37465, 15, 67, 276, 78, 15, 2061, 16, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 1717, 16, 746, 9, 33228, 10, 805, 27, 1237, 27, 3208, 642, 15, 17391, 1423, 1619, 2537, 27, 187, 5064, 17391, 48049, 4590, 187, 35, 1765, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 1717, 16, 746, 9, 33228, 10, 805, 27, 1839, 27, 1423, 642, 15, 17391, 1423, 1610, 1812, 27, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 38218, 3024, 15, 681, 16, 14600, 16, 87, 16077, 14, 81, 187, 18540, 5852, 14, 23290, 14, 83, 1316, 757, 14, 2152, 735, 14, 284, 14, 11113, 187, 85, 968, 14, 5568, 14, 26039, 561, 14, 936, 14, 67, 614, 16, 187, 6407, 352, 369, 25130, 22084, 271, 790, 13, 840, 48739, 447, 13, 1024, 270, 3017, 248, 6584, 661, 15, 1536, 375, 1735, 271, 790, 32, 13470, 634, 45780, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 1717, 16, 746, 9, 33228, 10, 805, 27, 2031, 27, 938, 642, 15, 17391, 1423, 1839, 2417, 27, 187, 5064, 17391, 1423, 1610, 1812, 187, 16339, 352, 434, 1315, 593, 16, 72, 693, 1279, 16, 1205, 1373, 16, 2140, 264, 257, 13, 581, 273, 1110, 29057, 10730, 84, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 1717, 16, 746, 9, 33228, 10, 805, 27, 2950, 27, 2945, 642, 15, 938, 3507, 1348, 41432, 27, 187, 5064, 17391, 1423, 1839, 2417, 187, 9328, 588, 1705, 323, 11648, 1053, 626, 7664, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 1717, 16, 746, 9, 33228, 10, 805, 27, 2385, 27, 1787, 642, 15, 938, 3507, 1348, 15161, 27, 187, 16880, 4007, 13105, 6212, 556, 14315, 4413, 403, 642, 3356, 9848, 20073, 7731, 941, 275, 6976, 846, 253, 10199, 273, 15620, 24589, 5323, 15, 209, 187, 3, 3039, 309, 4288, 281, 643, 4343, 309, 4089, 4413, 285, 13001, 1333, 686, 664, 403, 642, 3356, 9848, 8133, 776, 941, 275, 6976, 1383, 594, 597, 403, 7004, 441, 281, 1973, 625, 941, 23221, 275, 643, 4343, 937, 2305, 6212, 753, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 1717, 16, 746, 9, 33228, 10, 805, 27, 3583, 27, 361, 642, 15, 938, 3507, 19490, 2950, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 3507, 1348, 15161, 187, 31, 12625, 494, 20073, 7731, 941, 187, 2520, 6197, 3815, 23785, 479, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 1717, 16, 746, 9, 33228, 10, 805, 27, 3357, 27, 1812, 642, 15, 938, 3507, 1348, 30349, 27, 187, 5064, 17391, 1423, 1839, 2417, 187, 42, 1928, 751, 1863, 264, 257, 310, 806, 13, 533, 387, 436, 1127, 697, 824, 247, 260, 1807, 2586, 326, 3668, 751, 326, 651, 2649, 1014, 755, 2361, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 1717, 16, 746, 9, 33228, 10, 1012, 27, 2640, 27, 3208, 642, 15, 938, 3507, 10637, 746, 27, 187, 5064, 938, 3507, 1348, 30349, 187, 90, 3983, 28763, 2139, 359, 452, 281, 31150, 952, 670, 38146, 84, 285, 40880, 3694, 1078, 697, 1512, 3563, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 1717, 16, 746, 9, 33228, 10, 1012, 27, 1093, 27, 3357, 642, 15, 17391, 1423, 2090, 2358, 27, 187, 45060, 9669, 16, 45060, 22302, 3198, 281, 320, 327, 436, 1618, 13, 1677, 326, 597, 1472, 2686, 3652, 271, 745, 14, 15476, 4156, 17489, 2990, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 1717, 16, 746, 9, 33228, 10, 1012, 27, 1797, 27, 1047, 642, 15, 17391, 20785, 20070, 27, 187, 42, 2389, 45971, 285, 253, 987, 323, 11068, 187, 4967, 403, 627, 12832, 5058, 13557, 665, 564, 275, 323, 436, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 1717, 16, 746, 9, 33228, 10, 1012, 27, 1423, 27, 1047, 642, 15, 17391, 1423, 3547, 1549, 27, 187, 1552, 1537, 320, 4755, 281, 1142, 273, 368, 13, 533, 323, 253, 13817, 14, 21590, 6639, 665, 1053, 626, 871, 187, 13325, 2119, 368, 1900, 897, 388, 44168, 672, 970, 253, 8573, 15, 3105, 1046, 4422, 8525, 352 ]
wants to use the power of the government to oppress anti-fascist groups You can’t make this shit up Anonymous 08/17/19(Sat)11:54:57 no.223428060: >>223427780 Why stop there? Why not commit mass genocide? Anonymous 08/17/19(Sat)11:56:25 no.223428174: Add this to the growing heap of things Trump said he would 'consider' but never did. Anonymous 08/17/19(Sat)11:56:30 no.223428184: >>223427365 Holy shit! Another tweet! Trump will surely do something and he isn't just trying to court votes of retarded conservatives Anonymous 08/17/19(Sat)11:57:24 no.223428266: >>223427967 Thinking trump is a facist, what a dumb fuck you are Anonymous 08/17/19(Sat)11:57:32 no.223428278: >>223428060 >Why not commit mass genocide? Slow down, one step at a time. That comes later. Anonymous 08/17/19(Sat)11:57:46 no.223428300: >>223427967 >Labels Anonymous 08/17/19(Sat)11:58:00 no.223428322: >>223427365 >boomer bloviates about things he won't do Also there's a damn good reason we don't have a real list of domestic terror organizations, with all the first amendment hand wringing that would happen. Just RICO their asses Anonymous 08/17/19(Sat)11:58:48 no.223428391: >>223427365 >have group named antifa >anti fascist >act like fascists what did antifa mean by this? Anonymous 08/17/19(Sat)11:59:27 no.223428438: >>223427365 >Major consideration Let me know when this worthless faggot actually does more than just tweet about Antifa. Anonymous 08/17/19(Sat)12:01:05 no.223428587: >>223427365 This boomer is full of shit. Anonymous 08/17/19(Sat)12:02:20 no.223428695: >>223427780 We need to round up those who call for the rounding up of others. Anonymous 08/17/19(Sat)12:03:08 no.223428766: >>223428184 Let's see how the portland mayor handles the situation Muhammad. Art of the deal bitch. Anonymous 08/17/19(Sat)12:05:19 no.223428972: >>223428695 *other legal American citizens Anonymous 08/17/19(Sat)12:05:45 no.223429014: >>223428766 Lol yes let's see how the protland mayor handles it... Not like the fucking POTUS has any pull. Just face it trump is controlled op only their to give a facade of nationalism. If you can't see this by now you're to stupid to be interested in politics Anonymous 08/17/19(Sat)12:06:12 no.223429050: >>223427365 Based Anonymous 08/17/19(Sat)12:06:47 no.223429094: >>223427967 We need to push this narrative to spur the left into violent action. Just imagine how many leftists would delete their antifa antics, and scrub all social media from the web. It would definitely trigger some leftist into committing a shooting. I hope law enforcement knows what they're doing. Things are so shaken and volatile in the USA. I've never see the USA so unstable in my life. T. 26 year old neet I'm scared /pol/ Anonymous 08/17/19(Sat)12:07:37 no.223429162: >>223427365 Empty threats. He won't do it, or he would have done it already. Anonymous 08/17/19(Sat)12:08:10 no.223429217: >>223427967 Can’t wait to cause crime in the name of anti fascism Anonymous 08/17/19(Sat)12:08:52 no.223429275: >>223427365 >consideration Ok, sure thing. Anonymous 08/17/19(Sat)12:09:11 no.223429305: >>223427897 But antifa isn't a group, it's an ideology. It's like declaring Islam a terror organization, it just doesn't make sense. Anonymous 08/17/19(Sat)12:09:56 no.223429365: >>223428174 FraMeWoRkS (60 captcha clicks later now that i ditched chrome for brave) us/1162056070858203136 Anonymous 08/17/19(Sat)12:10:22 no.223429413: >>223429014 I understand the deaftism is an inherent trait in you cucks, but don't try and push that montra over here.. or shall I remind you? Anonymous 08/17/19(Sat)12:10:35 no.223429432: >>223429305 >But antifa isn't a group, it's an ideology Yikes, cringe. Anonymous 08/17/19(Sat)12:13:27 no.223429702: >>223429365 Trump promised 3 years ago if he won he would investigate the Clinton Foundation if elected. Remember "Because you'd be in jail"? Meanwhile Hillary is doing book tours and Trump is doing useless rallys. Anonymous 08/17/19(Sat)12:15:41 no.223429937: why not just, oh I don't know, do it? Anonymous 08/17/19(Sat)12:15:57 no.223429963: >>223429413 I agree, let's lie to ourselves and believe that Trump is on our side. Anonymous 08/17/19(Sat)12:17:01 no.223430071: >>223429305 If they have a flag it's a fucking group. Islam may not be a terrorist organization but isis certainly is, and guess what they have? Anonymous 08/17/19(Sat)12:18:18 no.223430190: >>223429963 Nigger... he literally will be forced to do something soon by his campaign manager and close associates. Even if he can't see it right now, they're not politically retarded. They know that this is one of, if not the top issue some Americans are concerned with. Keep watching your yang gang videos fag. Anonymous 08/17/19(Sat)12:18:24 no.223430198: >>223429937 Because that requires him to do his job. Anonymous 08/17/19(Sat)12:19:04 no.223430257: >>223427967 Terrorism: The use of violence or threat of violence to achieve a political goal. Antifa: A group that uses violence and the threats of violence to reach a political goal. Anonymous 08/17/19(Sat)12:19:09 no.223430269: >>223429094 Come home 'white' man. You're still missing six counties and Gerry turned into a cuck. Come to the midwest :^) Anonymous 08/17/19(Sat)12:19:10 no.223430270: >>223427365 >Trust me guys! I’m going to do it eventually More and more of Trump’s supporters are being beaten up in the street every day. Yet this fat pompous faggot only tweets about it instead of actually doing changes that prevent stuff like that from happening. Either name them a terrorist organization or not. Because saying you will doesn’t mean it will happen. Anonymous 08/17/19(Sat)12:19:28 no.223430296: >>223430190 Yep, he's totally going to do more than just tweet about it! Just wait, you'll see... Anonymous 08/17/19(Sat)12:19:31 no.223430303: >>223427780 We shouldn’t round them up. We should be executing them in front of their families Anonymous 08/17/19(Sat)12:20:12 no.223430365: >>223429305 They unite under an idea, group name, symbol of allegiance, and actively communicate in order to organize; it’s a fucking organization you gaslighting dipshit Anonymous 08/17/19(Sat)12:20:22 no.223430378
[ 5605, 281, 897, 253, 1612, 273, 253, 2208, 281, 1937, 560, 3270, 14, 71, 4843, 382, 2390, 187, 1394, 476, 457, 85, 1056, 436, 10739, 598, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 883, 27, 3439, 27, 3011, 642, 15, 1423, 1706, 19100, 1549, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 1706, 23545, 1438, 187, 4967, 3523, 627, 32, 6049, 417, 4514, 2280, 42604, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 883, 27, 3208, 27, 1099, 642, 15, 1423, 1706, 1619, 18804, 27, 187, 4717, 436, 281, 253, 5675, 26486, 273, 1841, 3778, 753, 344, 651, 686, 15603, 8, 533, 1620, 858, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 883, 27, 3208, 27, 1229, 642, 15, 1423, 1706, 1619, 19105, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 1706, 1630, 22359, 187, 42846, 10739, 2, 8035, 15975, 2, 3778, 588, 13353, 513, 1633, 285, 344, 3548, 626, 816, 2820, 281, 1302, 13008, 273, 48101, 28963, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 883, 27, 3011, 27, 1348, 642, 15, 1423, 1706, 1619, 22313, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 1706, 23163, 2251, 187, 1044, 10274, 29154, 310, 247, 2344, 382, 13, 752, 247, 21413, 7435, 368, 403, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 883, 27, 3011, 27, 1237, 642, 15, 1423, 1706, 1619, 24803, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 1706, 19100, 1549, 187, 31, 4967, 417, 4514, 2280, 42604, 32, 187, 40246, 1066, 13, 581, 3213, 387, 247, 673, 15, 2064, 3249, 1996, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 883, 27, 3011, 27, 2950, 642, 15, 1423, 1706, 1619, 7554, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 1706, 23163, 2251, 187, 31, 46341, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 883, 27, 3680, 27, 361, 642, 15, 1423, 1706, 1619, 23625, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 1706, 1630, 22359, 187, 31, 2399, 8056, 787, 729, 28032, 670, 1841, 344, 1912, 626, 513, 187, 9917, 627, 434, 247, 15229, 1175, 1921, 359, 1053, 626, 452, 247, 1524, 1618, 273, 9836, 7075, 8889, 13, 342, 512, 253, 806, 15129, 1133, 259, 804, 272, 326, 651, 5108, 15, 187, 6300, 416, 24218, 616, 718, 265, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 883, 27, 3680, 27, 2385, 642, 15, 1423, 1706, 1619, 30072, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 1706, 1630, 22359, 187, 31, 9802, 1387, 4907, 32534, 66, 187, 31, 11924, 10942, 382, 209, 187, 31, 514, 751, 10942, 1346, 187, 5371, 858, 32534, 66, 1599, 407, 436, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 883, 27, 3046, 27, 1630, 642, 15, 1423, 1706, 25676, 1839, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 1706, 1630, 22359, 187, 31, 25052, 8180, 187, 1466, 479, 871, 672, 436, 40790, 269, 13046, 302, 2686, 1057, 625, 685, 816, 15975, 670, 9422, 38139, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 805, 27, 520, 27, 1762, 642, 15, 1423, 1706, 23025, 2597, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 1706, 1630, 22359, 187, 1552, 1766, 8056, 310, 2120, 273, 10739, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 805, 27, 2640, 27, 938, 642, 15, 1423, 1706, 1619, 26541, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 1706, 23545, 1438, 187, 1231, 878, 281, 3790, 598, 1110, 665, 1067, 323, 253, 46551, 598, 273, 2571, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 805, 27, 2941, 27, 2904, 642, 15, 1423, 1706, 24117, 2526, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 1706, 1619, 19105, 187, 1466, 434, 923, 849, 253, 2245, 1373, 14967, 22139, 253, 4112, 28453, 15, 3975, 273, 253, 2968, 23331, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 805, 27, 1762, 27, 746, 642, 15, 1423, 1706, 24208, 3547, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 1706, 1619, 26541, 187, 11, 977, 4320, 2448, 7815, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 805, 27, 1762, 27, 1857, 642, 15, 1423, 1706, 1717, 11494, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 1706, 24117, 2526, 187, 45, 311, 4754, 1339, 434, 923, 849, 253, 3861, 1373, 14967, 22139, 352, 1051, 3105, 751, 253, 12835, 367, 2415, 3016, 556, 667, 3785, 15, 3771, 2454, 352, 29154, 310, 6537, 1121, 760, 616, 281, 1918, 247, 2344, 796, 273, 41552, 15, 1310, 368, 476, 626, 923, 436, 407, 1024, 368, 1472, 281, 11339, 281, 320, 6110, 275, 8672, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 805, 27, 3071, 27, 805, 642, 15, 1423, 1706, 1717, 20812, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 1706, 1630, 22359, 187, 15545, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 805, 27, 3071, 27, 2504, 642, 15, 1423, 1706, 1717, 41280, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 1706, 23163, 2251, 187, 1231, 878, 281, 7450, 436, 14511, 281, 36057, 253, 1669, 715, 12338, 2250, 15, 209, 187, 6300, 8564, 849, 1142, 1669, 1346, 651, 11352, 616, 32534, 66, 1331, 982, 13, 285, 28990, 512, 2675, 3420, 432, 253, 4384, 15, 187, 1147, 651, 7964, 9632, 690, 1669, 382, 715, 26841, 247, 9602, 15, 187, 42, 3524, 1569, 10473, 6057, 752, 597, 1472, 2509, 15, 19348, 403, 594, 36712, 285, 22326, 275, 253, 5106, 15, 209, 187, 42, 1849, 1620, 923, 253, 5106, 594, 17631, 275, 619, 1495, 15, 187, 53, 15, 3436, 807, 1711, 425, 292, 187, 42, 1353, 16060, 1227, 4818, 16, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 805, 27, 2922, 27, 1787, 642, 15, 1423, 1706, 1717, 19603, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 1706, 1630, 22359, 187, 16801, 14207, 15, 754, 1912, 626, 513, 352, 13, 390, 344, 651, 452, 2218, 352, 2168, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 805, 27, 2904, 27, 740, 642, 15, 1423, 1706, 1717, 19443, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 1706, 23163, 2251, 187, 5804, 457, 85, 3343, 281, 2847, 6617, 275, 253, 1416, 273, 3270, 10942, 1204, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 805, 27, 2904, 27, 3583, 642, 15, 1423, 1706, 1717, 20450, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 1706, 1630, 22359, 187, 31, 15603, 318, 209, 187, 20127, 13, 2119, 2181, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 805, 27, 2693, 27, 883, 642, 15, 1423, 1706, 1717, 19042, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 1706, 1630, 34284, 187, 1989, 32534, 66, 3548, 626, 247, 1387, 13, 352, 434, 271, 25680, 15, 733, 434, 751, 27906, 8033, 247, 7075, 6003, 13, 352, 816, 2506, 626, 1056, 3282, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 805, 27, 2693, 27, 3208, 642, 15, 1423, 1706, 1717, 22359, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 1706, 1619, 18804, 187, 39, 376, 5072, 56, 80, 51, 76, 52, 313, 1549, 3403, 13420, 31317, 1996, 1024, 326, 891, 16465, 2147, 36605, 323, 21189, 10, 187, 3614, 1358, 16705, 15, 681, 16, 33612, 27916, 5391, 16, 8766, 187, 316, 16, 13210, 16763, 1549, 1967, 31117, 17490, 15220, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 805, 27, 740, 27, 1423, 642, 15, 1423, 1706, 22858, 1012, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 1706, 1717, 11494, 187, 42, 2096, 253, 372, 8635, 1204, 310, 271, 12794, 18177, 275, 368, 260, 9984, 13, 533, 1053, 626, 1611, 285, 7450, 326, 24325, 376, 689, 1060, 537, 390, 3091, 309, 9287, 368, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 805, 27, 740, 27, 1671, 642, 15, 1423, 1706, 22858, 1237, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 1706, 1717, 19042, 187, 31, 1989, 32534, 66, 3548, 626, 247, 1387, 13, 352, 434, 271, 25680, 187, 58, 13972, 13, 260, 20683, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 805, 27, 1012, 27, 1630, 642, 15, 1423, 1706, 1717, 30967, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 1706, 1717, 22359, 187, 18130, 12316, 495, 1107, 3622, 604, 344, 1912, 344, 651, 7409, 253, 9662, 6807, 604, 10544, 15, 18741, 346, 8457, 368, 1871, 320, 275, 12907, 16296, 16257, 18175, 310, 2509, 1984, 24478, 285, 3778, 310, 2509, 19437, 18240, 84, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 805, 27, 1010, 27, 3156, 642, 15, 1423, 1706, 24514, 1787, 27, 187, 22309, 417, 816, 13, 12506, 309, 1053, 626, 871, 13, 513, 352, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 805, 27, 1010, 27, 3011, 642, 15, 1423, 1706, 24514, 3571, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 1706, 22858, 1012, 187, 42, 5194, 13, 1339, 434, 7027, 281, 9361, 285, 2868, 326, 3778, 310, 327, 776, 1930, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 805, 27, 1166, 27, 520, 642, 15, 1423, 1706, 7554, 3677, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 1706, 1717, 19042, 187, 2042, 597, 452, 247, 7908, 352, 434, 247, 12835, 1387, 15, 8033, 778, 417, 320, 247, 17150, 6003, 533, 310, 261, 5604, 310, 13, 285, 5476, 752, 597, 452, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 805, 27, 1093, 27, 1093, 642, 15, 1423, 1706, 17615, 2270, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 1706, 24514, 3571, 187, 47, 16046, 1051, 344, 12832, 588, 320, 6726, 281, 513, 1633, 3517, 407, 521, 4544, 7205, 285, 2810, 26624, 15, 4952, 604, 344, 476, 626, 923, 352, 987, 1024, 13, 597, 1472, 417, 23075, 48101, 15, 1583, 871, 326, 436, 310, 581, 273, 13, 604, 417, 253, 1755, 2523, 690, 7108, 403, 7514, 342, 15, 16600, 7487, 634, 30966, 10821, 10556, 269, 356, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 805, 27, 1093, 27, 1348, 642, 15, 1423, 1706, 17615, 4185, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 1706, 24514, 1787, 187, 8457, 326, 4419, 779, 281, 513, 521, 2628, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 805, 27, 746, 27, 2125, 642, 15, 1423, 1706, 1229, 21553, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 1706, 23163, 2251, 187, 53, 3775, 1204, 27, 380, 897, 273, 7217, 390, 4322, 273, 7217, 281, 5115, 247, 3569, 4736, 15, 187, 24657, 38139, 27, 329, 1387, 326, 4648, 7217, 285, 253, 14207, 273, 7217, 281, 3986, 247, 3569, 4736, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 805, 27, 746, 27, 2693, 642, 15, 1423, 1706, 1229, 23292, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 1706, 1717, 41280, 187, 8380, 1728, 686, 11300, 8, 637, 15, 1422, 1472, 1335, 5816, 2800, 21813, 285, 443, 9587, 3531, 715, 247, 260, 1807, 15, 13516, 281, 253, 4260, 8535, 1163, 13146, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 805, 27, 746, 27, 740, 642, 15, 1423, 1706, 1229, 20256, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 1706, 1630, 22359, 187, 31, 31315, 479, 6068, 2, 309, 457, 78, 1469, 281, 513, 352, 6524, 209, 187, 7673, 285, 625, 273, 3778, 457, 84, 14501, 403, 1146, 20698, 598, 275, 253, 6406, 1046, 1388, 15, 9110, 436, 4688, 268, 23242, 528, 269, 13046, 302, 760, 28311, 670, 352, 3185, 273, 2686, 2509, 2544, 326, 3657, 5017, 751, 326, 432, 9369, 15, 22660, 1416, 731, 247, 17150, 6003, 390, 417, 15, 4923, 3981, 368, 588, 2506, 457, 85, 1599, 352, 588, 5108, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 805, 27, 746, 27, 1619, 642, 15, 1423, 1706, 1229, 23402, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 1706, 17615, 2270, 187, 47195, 13, 344, 434, 9106, 1469, 281, 513, 625, 685, 816, 15975, 670, 352, 2, 3771, 3343, 13, 368, 1833, 923, 1051, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 805, 27, 746, 27, 2405, 642, 15, 1423, 1706, 1229, 20914, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 1706, 23545, 1438, 187, 1231, 10095, 457, 85, 3790, 731, 598, 15, 187, 1231, 943, 320, 24364, 731, 275, 2914, 273, 616, 5870, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 805, 27, 938, 27, 805, 642, 15, 1423, 1706, 1229, 22359, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 1706, 1717, 19042, 187, 3726, 41697, 762, 271, 2934, 13, 1387, 1416, 13, 9484, 273, 44436, 13, 285, 15257, 13791, 275, 1340, 281, 23968, 28, 352, 457, 84, 247, 12835, 6003, 368, 3678, 3243, 272, 12539, 26871, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 805, 27, 938, 27, 1423, 642, 15, 1423, 1706, 1229, 25139 ]
Wed)15:50:22 no.87247230: >>87246836 Lmfao fuck off, you stupid slave. I will laugh as you fucking die and get eaten by parasites as your body decomposes into nothing Anonymous 08/31/16(Wed)15:52:19 no.87247452: >>87246933 You mean an agnostic atheist, faggot. Get your terms right. Anonymous 08/31/16(Wed)15:52:22 no.87247456: >>87247230 >slave How exactly he is a slave? Anonymous 08/31/16(Wed)15:53:50 no.87247624: >>87247456 Slave to the christian cult that forces him to believe in bullshit and give money to their child rape gangs. Anonymous 08/31/16(Wed)15:54:56 no.87247750: >>87247452 Oh sorry, i'm not up to date with all of the special snowflake labels Anonymous 08/31/16(Wed)15:55:30 no.87247818: >>87246651 >you mean the book describing it sort of. a creed (1 Corinthians 15:3-7) written within an epistle that is included in the Bible is part of the evidence, but that creed is from an earlier source. non-christian historians date the central creed in question to the same year it was purported to happen: >James D. G. Dunn writes: "This tradition, we can be entirely confident, was formulated as tradition within months of Jesus' death." >Michael Goulder: "Paul'received' the tradition -- that is, he was taught it at his convesion -- perhaps two years after Jesus' death." >Ulrich Wilckens: "indubitably goes back to the oldest phase of all in the history of primitive Christianity" >Gerd Ludemann: "the elements in the tradition are to be dated to the first two years after the crucifixion of Jesus." >Paul Barnett: "within two or three years of the First easter." >Richard Burridge and Graham Gould: "from only a few years after Jesus' death." >Robert Funk and the Jesus Seminar: within "two or three years at most." >Richard Hays: "within about three years after Jesus was crucified in Jerusalem." >Alexander Wedderburn: "first half of the 30s." this creed is only meant to be evidence to show that that's what the Christians believed. part of the evidence to support the event described in the creed happening is the fact that the people who witnessed it suffered immense persecution, and a lot of them crucifixion themselves for never recanting it. which is something a person who knows that they're lying is not going to do. Anonymous 08/31/16(Wed)15:56:20 no.87247912: >>87247750 >all of the special snowflake labels Fuck you christfag atheism is not that new. Anonymous 08/31/16(Wed)15:57:35 no.87248062: >>87247912 I'm not a christian, nice try though, trilby Anonymous 08/31/16(Wed)16:01:36 no.87248490: >>87247230 >this much edge The memes are true. Anonymous 08/31/16(Wed)16:02:06 no.87248553: Hahahaha The butthurt factor for theistcuck shills is always very high. Why do religious types always have fragile egos? Anonymous 08/31/16(Wed)16:04:22 no.87248823: >>87248553 who are you talking to debts man? Anonymous 08/31/16(Wed)16:04:58 no.87248886: >>87244459 >lmao, how many atheists have ever blown anything up? The western civilization. Liberalism is the source of european infertility. >And why do you think most people voting pro-immigration are Christians? Oh really? Anonymous 08/31/16(Wed)16:12:10 no.87249691: I do not hate religion per se, but I despise semetic religions whole heartedly Anonymous 08/31/16(Wed)16:14:44 no.87250021: >>87241706 *taps bidora* Anonymous 08/31/16(Wed)16:14:59 no.87250042: >>87247624 >that forces him to believe in bullshit and give money How does they force him to believe into something? And how they force him to give them money? Anonymous 08/31/16(Wed)16:20:15 no.87250682: >Religions are shit and for stupid people >Become Atheist >Getting scared of being a social outcast for "radical" atheist beliefst >Make Atheism into religion to obtain hugbox >Religions are Shit and for stupid people, become atheist mate, here read the atheismtower and come to the community center to pray to the great fedora Every edgy current year atheist ever. Anonymous 08/31/16(Wed)16:20:23 no.87250700: >>87247818 I don't deny he lived and had a major impact. But if you look at history of christianity, you see a lot of adaptability. Even the early christians had to work with incomplete records, passed on by successors of his disciples, which already means some distortions probably have taken place. Add in numerous councils from times, when christianity became institutionalised and you have somethings, that bends the rules to fit the age and local society more often, than it adheres to the original message. Just try to count all relevant chistian churches today and tell me, which one is right. Not mentioning what calls itself Christianity in our beloved Scandinavia and western Europe Anonymous 08/31/16(Wed)16:27:21 no.87251618: >>87250700 >I don't deny he lived good, Jesus-mythers are a joke. but my point is that the evidence points to the fact that he rose from the dead, if you're not dogmatically naturalistic when weighing it. your religious syncretism meandering has nothing to do with that. Anonymous 08/31/16(Wed)16:27:30 no.87251645: >>87250682 >Make Atheism into religion How stupid are you, bait? Anonymous 08/31/16(Wed)16:32:22 no.87252358: >>87251645 it is though, at least in america. >religious monuments infront of courthouses displaying Atheist™ statement of faith >atheist churches etc, etc. Anonymous 08/31/16(Wed)16:32:27 no.87252371: >>87251645 At this point there are more atheist fags that want to talk to you about god, than jehovas witnesses.... Anonymous 08/31/16(Wed)16:33:37 no.87252539: >>87252358 Doesn't mean they worship a god or gods, faggot. Anonymous 08/31/16(Wed)16:34:10 no.87252612: >>87248886 yes really, also make a distinction between american atheists and atheists outside of america. Anonymous 08/31/16(Wed)16:34:14 no.87252624: >>87250021 I go into work and people are vaping in the back room every fucking fucking time. Then When I go back to get ice for the cups I have to crawl my way through that smoky war zone like it's MGS4 Anonymous 08/31/16(Wed)16:34:54 no.87252724: >>87252539 neither does the term'religion' necessarily. there are plenty of atheist religions. Anonymous 08/31/16(Wed)16:35:42 no.87252847: >>87252371 >want to talk to you about god Still doesn't mean they are a religion. Anonymous 08/31/16(Wed)16:35:58 no.87252884: >>87251618 >but my point is that the evidence points to the fact that he rose from the dead source I understand it more as an alegory to his legacy living on, than actual ressurection. >>87252358 the irony Anonymous 08/31/16(Wed)16:36:16 no.87252930: To all those christcucks out there, you are aware that you worship the God of the jewish tribe, yahweh Anonymous 08/31/16(Wed)16
[ 21091, 10, 1010, 27, 1235, 27, 1423, 642, 15, 2597, 1348, 3547, 1229, 27, 187, 5064, 2597, 1348, 2358, 1812, 187, 45, 78, 6855, 80, 7435, 745, 13, 368, 11339, 15945, 15, 309, 588, 9012, 347, 368, 12835, 3150, 285, 755, 22186, 407, 27338, 347, 634, 2133, 11101, 6013, 715, 2717, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2405, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 1010, 27, 3583, 27, 746, 642, 15, 2597, 18392, 34237, 27, 187, 5064, 2597, 1348, 2090, 1610, 187, 1394, 1599, 271, 639, 79, 6932, 48621, 13, 269, 13046, 302, 15, 5057, 634, 2426, 987, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2405, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 1010, 27, 3583, 27, 1423, 642, 15, 2597, 18392, 25133, 27, 187, 5064, 2597, 1348, 3547, 1229, 187, 31, 39629, 187, 2347, 4555, 344, 310, 247, 15945, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2405, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 1010, 27, 3357, 27, 1235, 642, 15, 2597, 1348, 3121, 1348, 27, 187, 5064, 2597, 18392, 25133, 187, 10612, 1123, 281, 253, 37622, 757, 2453, 326, 5621, 779, 281, 2868, 275, 35281, 285, 1918, 2583, 281, 616, 1429, 16773, 44090, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2405, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 1010, 27, 3439, 27, 3208, 642, 15, 2597, 1348, 2357, 1235, 27, 187, 5064, 2597, 18392, 34237, 187, 4013, 7016, 13, 891, 1353, 417, 598, 281, 3522, 342, 512, 273, 253, 2714, 8762, 1258, 640, 13301, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2405, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 1010, 27, 2417, 27, 1229, 642, 15, 2597, 1348, 3141, 1093, 27, 187, 5064, 2597, 23260, 33297, 187, 31, 5658, 1599, 253, 1984, 12930, 352, 187, 15227, 273, 15, 187, 66, 1424, 264, 313, 18, 41118, 2458, 1458, 27, 20, 14, 24, 10, 3542, 1561, 271, 2563, 19300, 326, 310, 2908, 275, 253, 13534, 310, 629, 273, 253, 1941, 13, 533, 326, 1424, 264, 310, 432, 271, 4321, 2603, 15, 187, 4160, 14, 48266, 757, 30525, 3522, 253, 4275, 1424, 264, 275, 1953, 281, 253, 1072, 807, 352, 369, 28751, 281, 5108, 27, 187, 31, 18448, 399, 15, 443, 15, 36552, 12013, 27, 346, 1552, 4062, 13, 359, 476, 320, 7094, 13224, 13, 369, 26115, 347, 4062, 1561, 2607, 273, 7670, 8, 2471, 449, 187, 31, 18744, 443, 35233, 27, 346, 17239, 686, 35413, 8, 253, 4062, 1969, 326, 310, 13, 344, 369, 10256, 352, 387, 521, 345, 1634, 279, 1969, 4931, 767, 1107, 846, 7670, 8, 2471, 449, 187, 31, 40026, 5969, 5874, 777, 561, 27, 346, 527, 538, 20961, 4566, 896, 281, 253, 17172, 3408, 273, 512, 275, 253, 2892, 273, 20523, 20242, 3, 187, 31, 40, 15182, 26064, 39480, 27, 346, 783, 3603, 275, 253, 4062, 403, 281, 320, 15483, 281, 253, 806, 767, 1107, 846, 253, 29325, 338, 895, 279, 273, 7670, 449, 209, 187, 31, 17239, 15359, 3592, 27, 346, 24767, 767, 390, 1264, 1107, 273, 253, 3973, 1842, 350, 449, 187, 31, 23833, 7634, 16068, 285, 17953, 44511, 27, 346, 4064, 760, 247, 1643, 1107, 846, 7670, 8, 2471, 449, 187, 31, 21309, 47280, 285, 253, 7670, 13740, 19854, 27, 1561, 346, 9389, 390, 1264, 1107, 387, 954, 449, 187, 31, 23833, 388, 698, 27, 346, 24767, 670, 1264, 1107, 846, 7670, 369, 29325, 1245, 275, 17913, 449, 187, 31, 41736, 7213, 491, 14814, 27, 346, 7053, 2716, 273, 253, 1884, 84, 449, 187, 2520, 1424, 264, 310, 760, 5486, 281, 320, 1941, 281, 921, 326, 326, 434, 752, 253, 15600, 6566, 15, 187, 2003, 273, 253, 1941, 281, 1329, 253, 2362, 2529, 275, 253, 1424, 264, 9369, 310, 253, 958, 326, 253, 952, 665, 21153, 352, 9606, 24878, 31222, 13, 285, 247, 2257, 273, 731, 29325, 338, 895, 279, 3746, 323, 1620, 761, 25841, 352, 15, 209, 187, 4609, 310, 1633, 247, 1436, 665, 6057, 326, 597, 1472, 10776, 310, 417, 1469, 281, 513, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2405, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 1010, 27, 3208, 27, 938, 642, 15, 2597, 1348, 2787, 805, 27, 187, 5064, 2597, 1348, 2357, 1235, 187, 31, 455, 273, 253, 2714, 8762, 1258, 640, 13301, 187, 30368, 368, 37622, 71, 356, 15389, 1204, 310, 417, 326, 747, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2405, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 1010, 27, 3011, 27, 1671, 642, 15, 2597, 1348, 1438, 3763, 27, 187, 5064, 2597, 1348, 2787, 805, 187, 42, 1353, 417, 247, 37622, 757, 13, 5322, 1611, 2167, 13, 492, 300, 1615, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2405, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 1036, 27, 520, 27, 1812, 642, 15, 2597, 1348, 2759, 2270, 27, 187, 5064, 2597, 1348, 3547, 1229, 187, 31, 2520, 1199, 5024, 187, 510, 1167, 265, 403, 2032, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2405, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 1036, 27, 2640, 27, 3071, 642, 15, 2597, 1348, 2227, 3357, 27, 187, 41, 1240, 1240, 19369, 209, 187, 510, 533, 394, 4405, 2803, 323, 253, 382, 68, 1807, 439, 3171, 310, 1900, 1077, 1029, 15, 209, 187, 4967, 513, 7231, 3510, 1900, 452, 28304, 24088, 375, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2405, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 1036, 27, 2125, 27, 1423, 642, 15, 2597, 1348, 2055, 1508, 27, 187, 5064, 2597, 1348, 2227, 3357, 187, 10002, 403, 368, 5015, 281, 26131, 637, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2405, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 1036, 27, 2125, 27, 3680, 642, 15, 2597, 1348, 2055, 2691, 27, 187, 5064, 2597, 21149, 28333, 187, 31, 77, 785, 80, 13, 849, 1142, 15389, 1346, 452, 2455, 24684, 2712, 598, 32, 187, 510, 10439, 23749, 15, 21739, 1204, 310, 253, 2603, 273, 19454, 266, 44371, 15, 187, 31, 1898, 2139, 513, 368, 1158, 954, 952, 13423, 354, 14, 12784, 15037, 403, 15600, 32, 187, 4013, 1663, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2405, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 1036, 27, 805, 27, 740, 642, 15, 2597, 21361, 35356, 27, 187, 42, 513, 417, 9239, 9596, 591, 396, 13, 533, 309, 26882, 885, 3300, 1999, 31194, 2644, 2798, 15376, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2405, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 1036, 27, 1047, 27, 2031, 642, 15, 2597, 1099, 39060, 27, 187, 5064, 2597, 1348, 1166, 3071, 187, 11, 85, 1825, 12246, 6464, 11, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2405, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 1036, 27, 1047, 27, 3046, 642, 15, 2597, 47227, 2945, 27, 187, 5064, 2597, 1348, 3121, 1348, 187, 31, 3529, 5621, 779, 281, 2868, 275, 35281, 285, 1918, 2583, 187, 2347, 1057, 597, 3490, 779, 281, 2868, 715, 1633, 32, 1244, 849, 597, 3490, 779, 281, 1918, 731, 2583, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2405, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 1036, 27, 938, 27, 1010, 642, 15, 2597, 9519, 35488, 27, 187, 31, 9112, 304, 621, 403, 10739, 285, 323, 11339, 952, 187, 31, 35, 886, 485, 19705, 382, 187, 31, 27347, 16060, 273, 1146, 247, 2675, 562, 4008, 323, 346, 4614, 474, 3, 48621, 9927, 296, 187, 31, 13325, 19705, 1204, 715, 9596, 281, 4044, 15729, 3364, 187, 31, 9112, 304, 621, 403, 1608, 262, 285, 323, 11339, 952, 13, 2489, 48621, 20187, 13, 1060, 1239, 253, 15389, 1204, 85, 1017, 285, 1705, 281, 253, 3114, 4055, 281, 12518, 281, 253, 1270, 10208, 6464, 187, 8267, 1407, 4233, 1655, 807, 48621, 2455, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2405, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 1036, 27, 938, 27, 1508, 642, 15, 2597, 1099, 2922, 361, 27, 187, 5064, 2597, 1348, 3141, 1093, 187, 42, 1053, 626, 13292, 344, 6940, 285, 574, 247, 2201, 3486, 15, 1292, 604, 368, 1007, 387, 2892, 273, 37622, 757, 414, 13, 368, 923, 247, 2257, 273, 5223, 1430, 15, 4952, 253, 2393, 37622, 2458, 574, 281, 789, 342, 18464, 5861, 13, 4817, 327, 407, 2323, 641, 273, 521, 33846, 13, 534, 2168, 2097, 690, 46598, 3164, 452, 2668, 1659, 15, 5733, 275, 7418, 45667, 432, 2069, 13, 672, 37622, 757, 414, 3395, 15772, 1701, 285, 368, 452, 1260, 678, 723, 13, 326, 270, 1727, 253, 4803, 281, 4944, 253, 2363, 285, 1980, 5948, 625, 2223, 13, 685, 352, 519, 14210, 281, 253, 3236, 3935, 15, 3771, 1611, 281, 1385, 512, 4623, 448, 382, 757, 18777, 3063, 285, 2028, 479, 13, 534, 581, 310, 987, 15, 3105, 29570, 752, 5841, 3139, 20242, 275, 776, 21426, 40261, 25183, 285, 10439, 3060, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2405, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 1036, 27, 1630, 27, 1797, 642, 15, 2597, 1099, 1036, 1093, 27, 187, 5064, 2597, 1099, 2922, 361, 187, 31, 42, 1053, 626, 13292, 344, 6940, 187, 12311, 13, 7670, 14, 2577, 508, 84, 403, 247, 16391, 15, 187, 2858, 619, 1127, 310, 326, 253, 1941, 2792, 281, 253, 958, 326, 344, 9461, 432, 253, 3846, 13, 604, 368, 1472, 417, 4370, 33866, 3626, 2531, 672, 27466, 352, 15, 187, 12550, 7231, 2753, 2414, 1204, 479, 48299, 556, 2717, 281, 513, 342, 326, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2405, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 1036, 27, 1630, 27, 1229, 642, 15, 2597, 1099, 1036, 1857, 27, 187, 5064, 2597, 9519, 35488, 187, 31, 13325, 19705, 1204, 715, 9596, 187, 2347, 11339, 403, 368, 13, 35352, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2405, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 1036, 27, 1237, 27, 1423, 642, 15, 2597, 1099, 1508, 3680, 27, 187, 5064, 2597, 1099, 1036, 1857, 187, 262, 310, 2167, 13, 387, 1878, 275, 717, 254, 3737, 15, 187, 31, 42572, 41650, 275, 6342, 273, 1960, 394, 15011, 19703, 19705, 382, 14313, 3908, 273, 6009, 187, 31, 4349, 382, 18777, 187, 14069, 13, 3966, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2405, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 1036, 27, 1237, 27, 1630, 642, 15, 2597, 1099, 1508, 3677, 27, 187, 5064, 2597, 1099, 1036, 1857, 187, 3404, 436, 1127, 627, 403, 625, 48621, 269, 3544, 326, 971, 281, 2312, 281, 368, 670, 7122, 13, 685, 5139, 44227, 284, 12170, 2391, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2405, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 1036, 27, 1610, 27, 1787, 642, 15, 2597, 1099, 1099, 1867, 27, 187, 5064, 2597, 1099, 1508, 3680, 187, 10795, 79, 626, 1599, 597, 17246, 247, 7122, 390, 17373, 13, 269, 13046, 302, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2405, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 1036, 27, 1706, 27, 740, 642, 15, 2597, 1099, 1731, 805, 27, 187, 5064, 2597, 1348, 2055, 2691, 187, 9820, 1663, 13, 671, 1056, 247, 13812, 875, 41290, 266, 15389, 1346, 285, 15389, 1346, 3345, 273, 717, 254, 3737, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2405, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 1036, 27, 1706, 27, 1047, 642, 15, 2597, 1099, 1731, 1348, 27, 187, 5064, 2597, 1099, 39060, 187, 42, 564, 715, 789, 285, 952, 403, 362, 15609, 275, 253, 896, 2316, 1046, 12835, 12835, 673, 15, 2635, 2091, 309, 564, 896, 281, 755, 6749, 323, 253, 15107, 309, 452, 281, 37431, 619, 1039, 949, 326, 924, 44814, 2137, 8232, 751, 352, 434, 353, 10339, 21, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2405, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 1036, 27, 1706, 27, 3439, 642, 15, 2597, 1099, 1630, 1348, 27, 187, 5064, 2597, 1099, 1099, 1867, 187, 570, 1622, 1057, 253, 1307, 686, 1661, 24734, 8, 7933, 15, 187, 9088, 403, 9828, 273, 48621, 31194, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2405, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 1036, 27, 1671, 27, 2945, 642, 15, 2597, 1099, 1619, 2504, 27, 187, 5064, 2597, 1099, 1508, 3677, 187, 31, 28206, 281, 2312, 281, 368, 670, 7122, 187, 16812, 2506, 626, 1599, 597, 403, 247, 9596, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2405, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 1036, 27, 1671, 27, 3680, 642, 15, 2597, 1099, 1619, 2759, 27, 187, 5064, 2597, 1099, 1036, 1093, 187, 31, 2858, 619, 1127, 310, 326, 253, 1941, 2792, 281, 253, 958, 326, 344, 9461, 432, 253, 3846, 187, 6756, 187, 42, 2096, 352, 625, 347, 271, 247, 1851, 590, 281, 521, 17646, 3811, 327, 13, 685, 4588, 501, 43574, 421, 15, 187, 5064, 2597, 1099, 1508, 3680, 187, 783, 33740, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2405, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 1036, 27, 1812, 27, 1036, 642, 15, 2597, 1099, 1717, 1229, 27, 187, 1992, 512, 1110, 37622, 68, 9984, 562, 627, 13, 368, 403, 6600, 326, 368, 17246, 253, 2656, 273, 253, 15589, 763, 22184, 13, 340, 1240, 664, 73, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 2405, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 1036 ]
km) and successfully land it on a target deep inside the kingdom. In a new report published Monday, The New York Times provided satellite data and visual evidence that proved the success of the Yemeni missile forces, or to put it more clearly, the failure of the US military’s supposedly cutting-edge missile defense system in deterring a missile of the Scud family, which have been around since the 1950s. Anonymous 12/05/17(Tue)17:27:59 no.152146131: >>152145846 >>152145914 >>152146011 Rise my TURK brothers! Anonymous 12/05/17(Tue)17:28:43 no.152146205: >>152146128 Citing evidence analyzed by a team of missile experts, the Times reported that “the missile’s warhead flew unimpeded over Saudi defenses” and “detonated so close to the domestic terminal that customers jumped out of their seats.” >The past records of US missile systems The first rebuttal of the Saudi claims of shooting down the missile offered in the report is a simple fact: American missile defense systems have always had a hard time targeting missiles of the Scud family. “During the first (Persian) Gulf War, the United States claimed a near-perfect record in shooting down Iraqi variants of the Scud. Subsequent analyses found that nearly all the interceptions had failed,” the report reads. >The missile debris Social media footage of debris scattered around in streets shows that either the Saudi military forces either targeted the missile’s harmless body or had missed that part as well. The missile parts started to rain on downtown Riyadh at the same time that Saudis fired off missile defenses. After being collected, the debris was put on display on state TV as evidence that the missile was successfully neutered mid-air. The footage contained a major giveaway: the war head was missing. >CONT....... Anonymous 12/05/17(Tue)17:29:22 no.152146272: >>152146205 Ballistic would separate into two parts mid-flight to reduce the flight stress and increase the chances of evading defensive measures. “The tube, which propels the missile for most of its trajectory, falls away. The warhead, smaller and harder to hit, continues toward the target,” the experts said, arguing that since the debris displayed in Riyadh were only consisted of the rear tube it could be safely assumed that the warhead had continued toward its target. >The location of the explosion While the debris were falling down somewhere in Riyadh, and explosion was heard at the airport 12 miles away, suggesting that the warhead had successfully delivered the explosives to its target. “There was an explosion at the airport,” a man said in a video taken moments after the blast. Another video, taken from the tarmac, shows the emergency vehicles at the end of the runway while beyond them is a plume of smoke is clearly visible, resembling a possible point of impact. Also, Saudi officials claimed that some of the debris was gathered from the airport, which is unlikely unless we accept that some part had somehow managed to keep course and fly for another 12 miles on their own. >CONT... Anonymous 12/05/17(Tue)17:29:57 no.152146331: >>152146272 >The impact Meanwhile, analysts were able to locate the Patriot batteries that tried to target the missile and were positive that the warhead had flown way beyond them before impact. Judging by “the emergency response and a plume of smoke” seen at the airport, the experts further argue that the Yemeni missile had defied the defense systems. “A photo of the plume taken from a different location on the tarmac appears consistent with plumes produced by similar missiles, suggesting the explosion was not an errant piece of debris or an unrelated incident,” the report noted. Using satellite imagery and identifying buildings seen in the video footage from the explosion, the experts were also able to locate the precise location of the plume, near the runway 33R and the airport’s domestic terminal. While available imagery taken immediately before and after the blast is not detailed enough to show an impact crater, it still shows the “ground damage from the emergency vehicles” at the blast site. >CONT Anonymous 12/05/17(Tue)17:30:06 no.152146345: >>152146062 >from the southwest wot, link? Anonymous 12/05/17(Tue)17:30:33 no.152146386: >>152146331 >US systems’ performance ‘shocking’ Laura Grego, a missile expert at the Union of Concerned Scientists, told the Times that given the Saudi military’s firing of five missiles to intercept the Borkan, the fact that tit could still hit its target was “shocking.” "You shoot five times at this missile and they all miss? That's shocking,” she said. “That's shocking because this system is supposed to work.” The alleged downing were even touted by US President Donald Trump, who boasted, "our system knocked the missile out of the air." Jeffrey Lewis, the analyst who led the research into the Yemeni missile, said Saudi officials denying the impact were either lying or had received the wrong information. “Governments lie about the effectiveness of these systems. Or they’re misinformed,” said Lewis. “And that should worry the hell out of us.” Anonymous 12/05/17(Tue)17:30:57 no.152146423: >>152145767 native Anonymous 12/05/17(Tue)17:31:50 no.152146503: >>152146062 >>152146345 Anonymous 12/05/17(Tue)17:31:56 no.152146516: >>152145925 Trump goal is to isolate America by losing all allies. Or he’s a retard. Anonymous 12/05/17(Tue)17:32:16 no.152146549: >>152146386 >>152146331 >>152146272 >>152146205 >>152146128 The Patriot system being a meme is one thing. But how much of a police state do you have to be in order to be able to hide such a strike on yourself? Anonymous 12/05/17(Tue)17:32:18 no.152146551: >>152146062 >>152146503 Green=Saudi Anonymous 12/05/17(Tue)17:35:19 no.152146851: >US President Donald Trump’s expected declaration of Jerusalem al-Quds as Israel’s “capital” has drawn opposition from various countries and international bodies, including Turkey and the European Union (EU). Trump reportedly plans to recognize Jerusalem al-Quds as the “capital” of Israel in a speech on Wednesday in an apparent bid to justify his pledge to move the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem al-Quds. In reaction, Arab League Secretary General Ahmed Aboul Gheit on Tuesday described the potential relocation of the US embassy or the recognition of al-Quds as Israel’s “capital” as “dangerous,” warning that the measures would have repercussions across the region. He told Arab government delegates that they had decided to meet in Cairo “given the danger of this matter, if it were to happen, and the possible negative consequences not only for the situation in Palestine but also for the Arab and Islamic region.” >Turkey threatens to cut ties with Israel over al-Quds Meanwhile, Turkish President Reccep Tayyip Erdogan has described the move as a “red line” for Muslims, warning that Ankara could cut ties with Tel Aviv if the US formally recognized al-Quds as Israel’s “capital.” “Mr Trump, Jerusalem [al-Quds] is the red line of Muslims. It is a violation of international law to take a decision supporting Israel while the Palestinian society’s wounds are still bleeding,” Erdogan said at a parliamentary meeting of his ruling AK Party. “This can go as far as severing Turkey’s ties with Israel. I am warning the United States not to take such a step, which will deepen the problems in the region,” he said. >CONT....... Anonymous 12/05/17(Tue)17:35:48 no.152146912: CORRECTION: Hadi and Houthi clashing in southwest part of Houthi attempt to put Taiz under siege >>152146345 tus/938164191856398336 tus/938170894987530240 Anonymous 12/05/17(Tue)17:35:53 no.152146921: >>152146851 >Palestinians threaten to stop contacts with US A diplomatic adviser to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas also said the Palestinian leadership would “stop contacts” with Washington if Trump declared the recognition. Majdi Khaldi said on Tuesday that the US would lose credibility as a Mideast mediator if Trump went ahead with the move. >Macron expresses concern Separately, French President Emmanuel Macron has expressed his concern over the potential US move during a phone call with Trump. “The French
[ 10771, 10, 285, 8379, 2659, 352, 327, 247, 2303, 3676, 3304, 253, 18794, 15, 187, 688, 247, 747, 1304, 3863, 7216, 13, 380, 1457, 2816, 7717, 2530, 15109, 941, 285, 5304, 1941, 326, 8058, 253, 2323, 273, 253, 27412, 74, 22822, 5621, 13, 390, 281, 1691, 352, 625, 4518, 13, 253, 4433, 273, 253, 1982, 4668, 457, 84, 24628, 9968, 14, 13057, 22822, 5684, 985, 275, 843, 24247, 247, 22822, 273, 253, 1810, 438, 2021, 13, 534, 452, 644, 1475, 1580, 253, 13918, 84, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 50110, 10, 1166, 27, 1630, 27, 3046, 642, 15, 17472, 16607, 17015, 27, 187, 5064, 17472, 11838, 34938, 187, 5064, 17472, 1047, 3046, 1047, 187, 5064, 17472, 16607, 13925, 187, 51, 885, 619, 308, 3322, 44, 13189, 2, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 50110, 10, 1166, 27, 1619, 27, 3079, 642, 15, 17472, 16607, 16763, 27, 187, 5064, 17472, 16607, 8196, 187, 36, 2996, 1941, 5867, 407, 247, 2285, 273, 22822, 10071, 13, 253, 7717, 2361, 326, 773, 783, 22822, 457, 84, 2137, 2522, 18811, 32505, 9357, 264, 689, 16158, 25774, 668, 285, 773, 5992, 251, 456, 594, 2810, 281, 253, 9836, 8351, 326, 6383, 16780, 562, 273, 616, 13512, 1425, 187, 31, 510, 2469, 5861, 273, 1982, 22822, 2718, 187, 510, 806, 30080, 22559, 273, 253, 16158, 3916, 273, 9602, 1066, 253, 22822, 5907, 275, 253, 1304, 310, 247, 2969, 958, 27, 2448, 22822, 5684, 2718, 452, 1900, 574, 247, 1892, 673, 12262, 28665, 273, 253, 1810, 438, 2021, 15, 187, 1628, 10457, 253, 806, 313, 16330, 757, 10, 18351, 3660, 13, 253, 1986, 2077, 7558, 247, 2822, 14, 32060, 1924, 275, 9602, 1066, 24923, 11640, 273, 253, 1810, 438, 15, 41925, 6260, 1119, 326, 4829, 512, 253, 734, 14233, 574, 4242, 1806, 253, 1304, 9563, 15, 187, 31, 510, 22822, 21593, 187, 25123, 3420, 20541, 273, 21593, 17485, 1475, 275, 10198, 2722, 326, 2057, 253, 16158, 4668, 5621, 2057, 10522, 253, 22822, 457, 84, 25365, 2133, 390, 574, 9829, 326, 629, 347, 973, 15, 187, 510, 22822, 4243, 3053, 281, 9313, 327, 17207, 416, 14059, 33233, 387, 253, 1072, 673, 326, 322, 5353, 261, 11226, 745, 22822, 25774, 15, 187, 4553, 1146, 5728, 13, 253, 21593, 369, 1691, 327, 3148, 327, 1375, 5579, 347, 1941, 326, 253, 22822, 369, 8379, 425, 1137, 433, 4260, 14, 1094, 15, 380, 20541, 6221, 247, 2201, 1918, 12594, 27, 253, 2137, 1481, 369, 5816, 15, 187, 31, 34053, 2391, 1051, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 50110, 10, 1166, 27, 1717, 27, 1423, 642, 15, 17472, 16607, 25121, 27, 187, 5064, 17472, 16607, 16763, 187, 38404, 2531, 651, 4858, 715, 767, 4243, 4260, 14, 31045, 281, 4796, 253, 8630, 4073, 285, 2572, 253, 14512, 273, 612, 6748, 14397, 5593, 15, 187, 1628, 510, 9402, 13, 534, 4198, 1241, 253, 22822, 323, 954, 273, 697, 18974, 13, 11521, 1977, 15, 380, 2137, 2522, 13, 4577, 285, 12150, 281, 4352, 13, 7788, 2584, 253, 2303, 1806, 253, 10071, 753, 13, 16425, 326, 1580, 253, 21593, 8653, 275, 416, 14059, 33233, 497, 760, 14278, 273, 253, 10581, 9402, 352, 812, 320, 15792, 8025, 326, 253, 2137, 2522, 574, 4821, 2584, 697, 2303, 15, 187, 31, 510, 4328, 273, 253, 18864, 187, 6175, 253, 21593, 497, 10805, 1066, 9366, 275, 416, 14059, 33233, 13, 285, 18864, 369, 3735, 387, 253, 13952, 1249, 6574, 1977, 13, 7738, 326, 253, 2137, 2522, 574, 8379, 8549, 253, 42403, 281, 697, 2303, 15, 187, 1628, 2512, 369, 271, 18864, 387, 253, 13952, 1806, 247, 637, 753, 275, 247, 3492, 2668, 9506, 846, 253, 17916, 15, 187, 8195, 3492, 13, 2668, 432, 253, 246, 42244, 13, 2722, 253, 8945, 9411, 387, 253, 990, 273, 253, 39486, 1223, 4457, 731, 310, 247, 499, 2123, 273, 11283, 310, 4518, 7985, 13, 37427, 247, 1896, 1127, 273, 3486, 15, 187, 9917, 13, 16158, 6338, 7558, 326, 690, 273, 253, 21593, 369, 13037, 432, 253, 13952, 13, 534, 310, 11543, 5734, 359, 2997, 326, 690, 629, 574, 10380, 7303, 281, 1978, 2282, 285, 8778, 323, 1529, 1249, 6574, 327, 616, 1211, 15, 187, 31, 34053, 1051, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 50110, 10, 1166, 27, 1717, 27, 3011, 642, 15, 17472, 16607, 27385, 27, 187, 5064, 17472, 16607, 25121, 187, 31, 510, 3486, 187, 18978, 13, 26154, 497, 2104, 281, 19912, 253, 21740, 302, 19978, 326, 3597, 281, 2303, 253, 22822, 285, 497, 2762, 326, 253, 2137, 2522, 574, 35653, 1039, 4457, 731, 1078, 3486, 15, 187, 27302, 3390, 407, 773, 783, 8945, 2380, 285, 247, 499, 2123, 273, 11283, 668, 2326, 387, 253, 13952, 13, 253, 10071, 2007, 9059, 326, 253, 27412, 74, 22822, 574, 809, 728, 253, 5684, 2718, 15, 187, 1628, 34, 7512, 273, 253, 499, 2123, 2668, 432, 247, 1027, 4328, 327, 253, 246, 42244, 4620, 5185, 342, 499, 9181, 4197, 407, 2074, 28665, 13, 7738, 253, 18864, 369, 417, 271, 1486, 386, 5313, 273, 21593, 390, 271, 20804, 7119, 1806, 253, 1304, 4879, 15, 187, 11888, 15109, 27471, 285, 12488, 9195, 2326, 275, 253, 3492, 20541, 432, 253, 18864, 13, 253, 10071, 497, 671, 2104, 281, 19912, 253, 10799, 4328, 273, 253, 499, 2123, 13, 2822, 253, 39486, 5922, 51, 285, 253, 13952, 457, 84, 9836, 8351, 15, 187, 6175, 2130, 27471, 2668, 4745, 1078, 285, 846, 253, 17916, 310, 417, 7000, 2217, 281, 921, 271, 3486, 47642, 13, 352, 1335, 2722, 253, 773, 2595, 4723, 432, 253, 8945, 9411, 668, 387, 253, 17916, 2670, 15, 187, 31, 34053, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 50110, 10, 1166, 27, 1229, 27, 3071, 642, 15, 17472, 16607, 16767, 27, 187, 5064, 17472, 1047, 1549, 3763, 187, 31, 4064, 253, 31438, 187, 88, 302, 13, 3048, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 50110, 10, 1166, 27, 1229, 27, 1610, 642, 15, 17472, 16607, 20373, 27, 187, 5064, 17472, 16607, 27385, 187, 31, 3016, 2718, 457, 3045, 2802, 35492, 272, 457, 187, 45, 38131, 13916, 80, 13, 247, 22822, 6485, 387, 253, 6398, 273, 1716, 39833, 45273, 13, 2183, 253, 7717, 326, 1677, 253, 16158, 4668, 457, 84, 14954, 273, 2620, 28665, 281, 22548, 253, 378, 1064, 266, 13, 253, 958, 326, 8225, 812, 1335, 4352, 697, 2303, 369, 773, 35492, 272, 1425, 187, 3, 1394, 5310, 2620, 2069, 387, 436, 22822, 285, 597, 512, 2985, 32, 2064, 434, 29103, 1806, 703, 753, 15, 773, 2773, 434, 29103, 984, 436, 985, 310, 6326, 281, 789, 1425, 187, 510, 5575, 1066, 272, 497, 1014, 14078, 264, 407, 1982, 3918, 10053, 3778, 13, 665, 1766, 12457, 13, 346, 454, 985, 19336, 253, 22822, 562, 273, 253, 2329, 449, 187, 27656, 5292, 13054, 13, 253, 23960, 665, 3977, 253, 2561, 715, 253, 27412, 74, 22822, 13, 753, 16158, 6338, 14624, 253, 3486, 497, 2057, 10776, 390, 574, 2959, 253, 3430, 1491, 15, 187, 1628, 47795, 942, 7027, 670, 253, 12510, 273, 841, 2718, 15, 2207, 597, 457, 250, 3731, 38967, 1806, 753, 13054, 15, 773, 1898, 326, 943, 7664, 253, 7085, 562, 273, 441, 1425, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 50110, 10, 1166, 27, 1229, 27, 3011, 642, 15, 17472, 1047, 1540, 1508, 27, 187, 5064, 17472, 1047, 3011, 2251, 187, 23963, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 50110, 10, 1166, 27, 2405, 27, 1235, 642, 15, 17472, 16607, 26906, 27, 187, 5064, 17472, 1047, 1549, 3763, 187, 5064, 17472, 16607, 16767, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 50110, 10, 1166, 27, 2405, 27, 3208, 642, 15, 17472, 1047, 2082, 1036, 27, 187, 5064, 17472, 1047, 3046, 1099, 187, 18130, 4736, 310, 281, 20843, 3968, 407, 10305, 512, 17760, 15, 187, 3980, 344, 457, 84, 247, 31832, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 50110, 10, 1166, 27, 1237, 27, 1036, 642, 15, 17472, 1047, 2082, 2537, 27, 187, 5064, 17472, 16607, 20373, 187, 5064, 17472, 16607, 27385, 187, 5064, 17472, 16607, 25121, 187, 5064, 17472, 16607, 16763, 187, 5064, 17472, 16607, 8196, 187, 510, 21740, 302, 985, 1146, 247, 1167, 70, 310, 581, 2181, 15, 187, 1989, 849, 1199, 273, 247, 3513, 1375, 513, 368, 452, 281, 320, 275, 1340, 281, 320, 2104, 281, 10507, 824, 247, 9974, 327, 4834, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 50110, 10, 1166, 27, 1237, 27, 1093, 642, 15, 17472, 1047, 2082, 3712, 27, 187, 5064, 17472, 1047, 1549, 3763, 187, 5064, 17472, 16607, 26906, 187, 18942, 30, 52, 14504, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 50110, 10, 1166, 27, 1671, 27, 746, 642, 15, 17472, 16607, 37256, 27, 187, 31, 3016, 3918, 10053, 3778, 457, 84, 3264, 16204, 273, 17913, 355, 14, 50, 36626, 347, 5143, 457, 84, 773, 38479, 668, 556, 8392, 10266, 432, 2710, 4343, 285, 5213, 8248, 13, 1690, 14307, 285, 253, 5284, 6398, 313, 30476, 481, 187, 18130, 17324, 5827, 281, 9446, 17913, 355, 14, 50, 36626, 347, 253, 773, 38479, 668, 273, 5143, 275, 247, 6519, 327, 8330, 275, 271, 5165, 12246, 281, 15249, 521, 31760, 281, 2118, 253, 1982, 34202, 432, 21123, 47945, 281, 17913, 355, 14, 50, 36626, 15, 187, 688, 4884, 13, 8365, 6884, 9526, 4214, 32787, 3506, 3941, 443, 23867, 327, 7948, 2529, 253, 2442, 46293, 273, 253, 1982, 34202, 390, 253, 8981, 273, 355, 14, 50, 36626, 347, 5143, 457, 84, 773, 38479, 668, 347, 773, 36510, 528, 1806, 9734, 326, 253, 5593, 651, 452, 21230, 68, 45874, 2439, 253, 2919, 15, 187, 1328, 2183, 8365, 2208, 30679, 326, 597, 574, 4425, 281, 2525, 275, 37068, 773, 28821, 253, 5434, 273, 436, 2647, 13, 604, 352, 497, 281, 5108, 13, 285, 253, 1896, 4016, 9099, 417, 760, 323, 253, 4112, 275, 29313, 533, 671, 323, 253, 8365, 285, 13281, 2919, 1425, 187, 31, 23992, 2364, 37654, 281, 2624, 16027, 342, 5143, 689, 355, 14, 50, 36626, 187, 18978, 13, 18416, 3918, 4568, 41839, 43789, 90, 532, 37602, 19356, 556, 2529, 253, 2118, 347, 247, 773, 433, 1386, 668, 323, 16492, 13, 9734, 326, 42847, 4595, 812, 2624, 16027, 342, 21123, 47945, 604, 253, 1982, 19186, 7478, 355, 14, 50, 36626, 347, 5143, 457, 84, 773, 38479, 1425, 187, 1628, 7710, 3778, 13, 17913, 544, 267, 14, 50, 36626, 62, 310, 253, 2502, 1386, 273, 16492, 15, 733, 310, 247, 8411, 273, 5213, 1569, 281, 1379, 247, 3061, 8109, 5143, 1223, 253, 19018, 5948, 457, 84, 19952, 403, 1335, 14771, 1806, 37602, 19356, 753, 387, 247, 30566, 4804, 273, 521, 10362, 16826, 7021, 15, 187, 1628, 1552, 476, 564, 347, 2080, 347, 1917, 272, 14307, 457, 84, 16027, 342, 5143, 15, 309, 717, 9734, 253, 1986, 2077, 417, 281, 1379, 824, 247, 3213, 13, 534, 588, 3676, 257, 253, 3237, 275, 253, 2919, 1806, 344, 753, 15, 187, 31, 34053, 2391, 1051, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 50110, 10, 1166, 27, 1671, 27, 2385, 642, 15, 17472, 1047, 2090, 805, 27, 187, 39683, 1848, 8286, 27, 187, 41, 11282, 285, 388, 2001, 74, 502, 3834, 275, 31438, 209, 187, 2003, 273, 388, 2001, 74, 3177, 281, 1691, 15543, 478, 762, 33758, 187, 5064, 17472, 16607, 16767, 187, 3614, 1358, 16705, 15, 681, 16, 51, 22967, 43, 274, 18256, 16, 18233, 187, 85, 316, 16, 26, 1839, 18467, 45995, 3208, 26221, 23126, 187, 3614, 1358, 16705, 15, 681, 16, 51, 13774, 266, 34, 1405, 257, 16, 18233, 187, 85, 316, 16, 26, 1839, 15046, 2511, 31358, 1976, 1229, 14028, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 50110, 10, 1166, 27, 1671, 27, 3357, 642, 15, 17472, 1047, 2090, 1797, 27, 187, 5064, 17472, 16607, 37256, 187, 31, 16281, 383, 249, 2458, 29138, 281, 3523, 12716, 342, 1982, 187, 34, 23949, 28051, 281, 19018, 3918, 12828, 78, 2995, 47979, 671, 753, 253, 19018, 9550, 651, 773, 13121, 12716, 668, 342, 5041, 604, 3778, 8884, 253, 8981, 15, 187, 46, 1432, 5168, 35667, 5168, 753, 327, 7948, 326, 253, 1982, 651, 7168, 17938, 347, 247, 353, 504, 505, 37190, 604, 3778, 2427, 6386, 342, 253, 2118, 15, 187, 31, 13815, 1406, 30599, 4468, 187, 38830, 1523, 13, 5112, 3918, 49765, 5602, 1406, 556, 4469, 521, 4468, 689, 253, 2442, 1982, 2118, 1309, 247, 4481, 1067, 342, 3778, 15, 187, 1628, 510, 5112 ]
/17(Sat)22:22:19 no.116260716: >>116260118 Persian, which is a an aryan race (though more mongrelized than euros), so the girl is still white (mostly). Anonymous 03/11/17(Sat)22:22:20 no.116260718: >>116260567 Elliot was two shit ethnicities mixed. Anonymous 03/11/17(Sat)22:22:21 no.116260720: >>116260451 Abbos have 3x the genetic diversity of Europids therefore they have smarter kids. That's genetic science Anonymous 03/11/17(Sat)22:22:32 no.116260743: >>116256674 They grow taller because they marry tall white people. They grow intelligent because they marry intelligent weight people. Whites are on the losing side to this. Anonymous 03/11/17(Sat)22:22:36 no.116260750: For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. They gay walrus from mythbusters Anonymous 03/11/17(Sat)22:23:10 no.116260798: >>116260743 >weight white* Anonymous 03/11/17(Sat)22:23:17 no.116260814: >>116259454 Probably shock maybe even brain damage. Anonymous 03/11/17(Sat)22:23:27 no.116260834: >>116260118 I honestly don't know. I think his last name is Stevenson, but he doesn't like quite 'White'. Anonymous 03/11/17(Sat)22:25:40 no.116261054: >>116257811 Out! Anonymous 03/11/17(Sat)22:25:49 no.116261076: >>116257505 Yeah exactly Anonymous 03/11/17(Sat)22:26:21 no.116261124: >>116260309 This is the origin of Humanity. Anonymous 03/11/17(Sat)22:27:47 no.116261269: >>116257042 >Brazilian Intellectuals Anonymous 03/11/17(Sat)22:28:51 no.116261375: >>116257668 Chinks in general are clingy if you're white. Anonymous 03/11/17(Sat)22:31:14 no.116261600: >>116256674 they're not wrong. Mixed race kids ARE far more intelligent than their nig ancestors Anonymous 03/11/17(Sat)22:31:46 no.116261656: >>116256674 Comparing kids today to people hundreds of years ago >being this retarded Anonymous 03/11/17(Sat)22:34:13 no.116261908: >>116258583 this is fucked up Anonymous 03/11/17(Sat)22:34:37 no.116261935: >>116257269 >asked for citation to support scientific claim >posts daily fail link Are all Brazilians so stupid or are you special Anonymous 03/11/17(Sat)22:35:08 no.116261991: >>116257691 >how to spot a manlette in one post Chin up, kid. I said up. Anonymous 03/11/17(Sat)22:36:36 no.116262137: >>116256674 Rin Nakai is the only pol approved wifu Anonymous 03/11/17(Sat)22:37:27 no.116262228: >>116260743 That file name though. Anonymous 03/11/17(Sat)22:37:49 no.116262259: >>116262137 get that twig girl out of here Anonymous 03/11/17(Sat)22:39:55 no.116262467: >>116261908 Watching favela monkeys killing each other isn't that much different from a nature documentary when you think about it. Anonymous 03/11/17(Sat)22:40:20 no.116262516: >>116262259 How hard is it to migrate to Russia? I want a qt like that Brazilian girls who lift always take steroids and look like fucking apes with manly voices Anonymous 03/11/17(Sat)22:40:30 no.116262532: >>116258583 the fuck man? Anonymous 03/11/17(Sat)22:40:42 no.116262551: >>116256674 >more intelligent than half their ancestors ftfy Anonymous 03/11/17(Sat)22:40:56 no.116262576: >>116259947 That dude is super fucking ugly, and the girl on the right is kinda ugly too. She might even be really gross without the makeup Anonymous 03/11/17(Sat)22:40:59 no.116262586: >>116262516 those are men Brazil Anonymous 03/11/17(Sat)22:41:47 no.116262662: That isn't true at all though Unless it's like races mixing with like races say black with black white with white etc you actually get bad regressive traits and there are almost 0 positive gains by mixing them Take Koreans for example When they mix with whites they usually get the short end of the stick with maybe 10% of them actually gaining the benefits from their white genetics(taller, bigger dick, less oily skin, better diseases protection, cold weather resistance) And from what I've seen pretty much every time they do its because the father is white not the mother Anonymous 03/11/17(Sat)22:41:55 no.116262667: >>116262516 We hate Meds and non-whites. You would live with central asian subhumans and hill niggers Anonymous 03/11/17(Sat)22:42:50 no.116262760: >>116257668 No, I probably will. Anonymous 03/11/17(Sat)22:42:55 no.116262771: >>116262516 >implying they need to take steroids to look like apes Anonymous 03/11/17(Sat)22:43:30 no.116262837: >>116260309 No, Turks are not smart They're just tribal as fuck and are a small group at that. If whites were as tribal and tight knit as they were we would btfo them so hard it's ridiculous They are where they are ONLY because whites have become Christcucks giving them a pass and because they work together above all else Anonymous 03/11/17(Sat)22:43:34 no.116262839: >>116256948 this >this chink is now 5'9 instead of 5'5 due to his 6' white father!!! >see how this man destroyed his lineage with this simple trick! White Nationalist hate him!! Anonymous 03/11/17(Sat)22:45:33 no.116263032: >>116257668 Their child will bring pain and suffering to people. Anonymous 03/11/17(Sat)22:45:54 no.116263063: >>116256674 Wtf this is fake as fuk, just take a look at Brazil Anonymous 03/11/17(Sat)22:47:06 no.116263179: >>116257725 "It's not lying!" ~ semantic semite, lying Jew Anonymous 03/11/17(Sat)22:48:12 no.116263277: what happened to lefties saying that intelligence isnt determined by your genetics? Anonymous 03/11/17(Sat)22:48:12 no.116263279: >>116259947 who is the girl Anonymous 03/11/17(Sat)22:48:26 no.116263300: >>116256674 The wife in that pic is cute though. Would racemix and make Elliotts with ۞_۞ 03/11/17(Sat)22:48:50 no.116263332: >>116256674 More intelligent than half of their ancestors obviously. Anonymous 03/11/17(Sat)22:49:56 no.116263413: >nigger and coalburner have a baby >baby ends up smarter than the nigger or the coalburner who'da thunk Anonymous 03/11/17(Sat)22:49:56 no.116263414: >>116262586 >>116262771 average brazilian /fit/ girl Shield your eyes consequences 03/11/17(Sat)22:50:54 no.116263508: >>116256674
[ 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1423, 27, 1423, 27, 746, 642, 15, 883, 3763, 25616, 1036, 27, 187, 5064, 13210, 1731, 520, 1093, 187, 16330, 757, 13, 534, 310, 247, 271, 549, 8202, 5492, 313, 2004, 625, 49535, 1661, 1025, 685, 32306, 10, 1157, 594, 253, 3226, 310, 1335, 3168, 313, 39025, 481, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1423, 27, 1423, 27, 938, 642, 15, 883, 3763, 25616, 1093, 27, 187, 5064, 883, 3763, 20954, 2251, 187, 28578, 7173, 369, 767, 10739, 16175, 1005, 6804, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1423, 27, 1423, 27, 1797, 642, 15, 883, 3763, 25616, 938, 27, 187, 5064, 883, 3763, 1549, 30592, 187, 34, 4482, 375, 452, 495, 89, 253, 6380, 9991, 273, 13124, 2352, 3103, 597, 452, 38144, 5753, 15, 187, 2773, 434, 6380, 5859, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1423, 27, 1423, 27, 1237, 642, 15, 883, 3763, 25616, 3079, 27, 187, 5064, 13210, 9726, 29327, 187, 3726, 1756, 38165, 984, 597, 17129, 10086, 3168, 952, 15, 209, 187, 3726, 1756, 17497, 984, 597, 17129, 17497, 2801, 952, 15, 187, 3152, 3254, 403, 327, 253, 10305, 1930, 281, 436, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1423, 27, 1423, 27, 1812, 642, 15, 883, 3763, 1549, 22330, 27, 187, 2214, 1046, 2250, 627, 310, 271, 4503, 285, 7285, 4884, 15, 187, 3726, 11730, 10250, 14734, 432, 13296, 67, 29577, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1423, 27, 1508, 27, 740, 642, 15, 883, 3763, 1549, 37348, 27, 187, 5064, 883, 3763, 25616, 3079, 187, 31, 6712, 187, 11300, 11, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1423, 27, 1508, 27, 1166, 642, 15, 883, 3763, 25805, 1047, 27, 187, 5064, 13210, 20395, 27087, 187, 37161, 6966, 5046, 1014, 3998, 4723, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1423, 27, 1508, 27, 1630, 642, 15, 883, 3763, 25805, 1706, 27, 187, 5064, 13210, 1731, 520, 1093, 187, 42, 20509, 1053, 626, 871, 15, 309, 1158, 521, 1390, 1416, 310, 49752, 13, 533, 344, 2506, 626, 751, 3240, 686, 17185, 5983, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1423, 27, 1099, 27, 1449, 642, 15, 13210, 1731, 740, 3439, 27, 187, 5064, 13210, 1099, 3141, 883, 187, 5677, 2, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1423, 27, 1099, 27, 2537, 642, 15, 13210, 1731, 740, 3121, 27, 187, 5064, 13210, 21553, 18550, 187, 6506, 4555, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1423, 27, 1731, 27, 1797, 642, 15, 13210, 1731, 11124, 21, 27, 187, 5064, 883, 3763, 1549, 22000, 187, 1552, 310, 253, 6510, 273, 8801, 414, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1423, 27, 1630, 27, 2504, 642, 15, 13210, 1731, 805, 2090, 27, 187, 5064, 13210, 1099, 1967, 2945, 187, 31, 41946, 757, 17545, 37246, 84, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1423, 27, 1619, 27, 3712, 642, 15, 13210, 1731, 1012, 1976, 27, 187, 5064, 13210, 1099, 3121, 2358, 187, 1779, 3106, 275, 2087, 403, 49196, 90, 604, 368, 1472, 3168, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1423, 27, 2405, 27, 1047, 642, 15, 13210, 1731, 34691, 27, 187, 5064, 13210, 9726, 29327, 187, 9328, 1472, 417, 3430, 15, 45126, 5492, 5753, 17003, 2080, 625, 17497, 685, 616, 35825, 25938, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1423, 27, 2405, 27, 2950, 642, 15, 13210, 1731, 1036, 3208, 27, 187, 5064, 13210, 9726, 29327, 187, 31968, 272, 5753, 3063, 281, 952, 8307, 273, 1107, 3622, 187, 31, 11952, 436, 48101, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1423, 27, 1706, 27, 1012, 642, 15, 13210, 1731, 746, 2904, 27, 187, 5064, 13210, 1099, 2227, 3245, 586, 187, 2520, 310, 35598, 598, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1423, 27, 1706, 27, 1787, 642, 15, 13210, 1731, 47208, 27, 187, 5064, 13210, 21553, 23292, 187, 31, 1945, 264, 323, 25577, 281, 1329, 8249, 1750, 187, 31, 28361, 5312, 1891, 3048, 187, 6723, 512, 10869, 2458, 594, 11339, 390, 403, 368, 2714, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1423, 27, 1671, 27, 2904, 642, 15, 13210, 1731, 14209, 27, 187, 5064, 13210, 21553, 35356, 187, 31, 5430, 281, 6308, 247, 637, 26137, 275, 581, 1501, 187, 1779, 249, 598, 13, 5772, 15, 309, 753, 598, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1423, 27, 1812, 27, 1812, 642, 15, 13210, 24724, 15497, 27, 187, 5064, 13210, 9726, 29327, 187, 51, 249, 27280, 2284, 310, 253, 760, 877, 7012, 259, 338, 86, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1423, 27, 1787, 27, 1630, 642, 15, 13210, 1731, 1423, 1619, 27, 187, 5064, 883, 3763, 25616, 3079, 187, 2773, 1873, 1416, 2167, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1423, 27, 1787, 27, 2537, 642, 15, 13210, 1731, 14832, 26, 27, 187, 5064, 13210, 24724, 15497, 187, 788, 326, 2500, 304, 3226, 562, 273, 1060, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1423, 27, 1867, 27, 2417, 642, 15, 13210, 1731, 1348, 2251, 27, 187, 5064, 13210, 1731, 746, 2904, 187, 56, 16464, 2883, 7896, 30552, 9811, 1016, 643, 3548, 626, 326, 1199, 1027, 432, 247, 3753, 18802, 672, 368, 1158, 670, 352, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1423, 27, 1449, 27, 938, 642, 15, 13210, 1731, 1099, 1036, 27, 187, 5064, 13210, 1731, 14832, 26, 187, 2347, 1892, 310, 352, 281, 31690, 281, 7422, 32, 187, 42, 971, 247, 2805, 85, 751, 326, 187, 41946, 757, 6838, 665, 8488, 1900, 1379, 34481, 285, 1007, 751, 12835, 1049, 265, 342, 637, 314, 15547, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1423, 27, 1449, 27, 1229, 642, 15, 13210, 1731, 1099, 1237, 27, 187, 5064, 13210, 1099, 2227, 3245, 187, 783, 7435, 637, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1423, 27, 1449, 27, 2945, 642, 15, 13210, 1731, 1099, 3712, 27, 187, 5064, 13210, 9726, 29327, 187, 31, 3062, 17497, 685, 2716, 616, 25938, 209, 187, 649, 31296, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1423, 27, 1449, 27, 3208, 642, 15, 13210, 1731, 1099, 3121, 27, 187, 5064, 13210, 1099, 1525, 2504, 187, 2773, 29723, 310, 2221, 12835, 19513, 13, 285, 253, 3226, 327, 253, 987, 310, 26702, 19513, 1512, 15, 1500, 1537, 1014, 320, 1663, 13711, 1293, 253, 24071, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1423, 27, 1449, 27, 3046, 642, 15, 13210, 1731, 1099, 2691, 27, 187, 5064, 13210, 1731, 1099, 1036, 187, 21808, 403, 1821, 10869, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1423, 27, 3156, 27, 2504, 642, 15, 13210, 1731, 1731, 3763, 27, 187, 2773, 3548, 626, 2032, 387, 512, 2167, 187, 28645, 352, 434, 751, 15820, 12480, 342, 751, 15820, 1333, 2806, 342, 2806, 3168, 342, 3168, 3966, 368, 2686, 755, 3076, 810, 8122, 13795, 285, 627, 403, 2761, 470, 2762, 15988, 407, 12480, 731, 187, 12864, 6588, 507, 323, 1650, 187, 3039, 597, 5878, 342, 19991, 597, 3798, 755, 253, 2159, 990, 273, 253, 7356, 342, 5046, 884, 6, 273, 731, 2686, 21896, 253, 5373, 432, 616, 3168, 30222, 9, 85, 455, 254, 13, 8750, 33702, 13, 1679, 258, 1031, 4808, 13, 1805, 6578, 6055, 13, 5412, 8588, 5052, 10, 187, 1898, 432, 752, 309, 1849, 2326, 3965, 1199, 1046, 673, 597, 513, 697, 984, 253, 3392, 310, 3168, 417, 253, 3101, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1423, 27, 3156, 27, 2417, 642, 15, 13210, 1731, 1731, 2251, 27, 187, 5064, 13210, 1731, 1099, 1036, 187, 1231, 9239, 3050, 84, 285, 1327, 14, 2484, 3254, 15, 1422, 651, 3153, 342, 4275, 347, 757, 749, 18256, 507, 285, 13599, 35825, 7276, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1423, 27, 2945, 27, 1235, 642, 15, 13210, 1731, 1630, 1549, 27, 187, 5064, 13210, 1099, 3121, 2358, 187, 2302, 13, 309, 3164, 588, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1423, 27, 2945, 27, 2417, 642, 15, 13210, 1731, 1630, 3677, 27, 187, 5064, 13210, 1731, 1099, 1036, 187, 31, 303, 2881, 272, 597, 878, 281, 1379, 34481, 281, 1007, 751, 1049, 265, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1423, 27, 3079, 27, 1229, 642, 15, 13210, 1731, 1619, 1787, 27, 187, 5064, 883, 3763, 1549, 22000, 187, 2302, 13, 47563, 403, 417, 7060, 187, 3726, 1472, 816, 26903, 347, 7435, 285, 403, 247, 1355, 1387, 387, 326, 15, 1310, 19991, 497, 347, 26903, 285, 6863, 44474, 347, 597, 497, 359, 651, 37989, 4786, 731, 594, 1892, 352, 434, 19082, 187, 3726, 403, 835, 597, 403, 35310, 984, 19991, 452, 2489, 2828, 68, 9984, 4933, 731, 247, 1509, 285, 984, 597, 789, 2366, 1840, 512, 2010, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1423, 27, 3079, 27, 1706, 642, 15, 13210, 1731, 1619, 1867, 27, 187, 5064, 13210, 1099, 2090, 2385, 187, 2520, 187, 31, 2520, 448, 750, 310, 1024, 608, 8, 26, 3185, 273, 608, 8, 22, 1955, 281, 521, 721, 8, 3168, 3392, 15844, 187, 31, 2887, 849, 436, 637, 11069, 521, 23009, 342, 436, 2969, 10480, 2, 5219, 3313, 382, 9239, 779, 4672, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1423, 27, 1857, 27, 1610, 642, 15, 13210, 1731, 1229, 1237, 27, 187, 5064, 13210, 1099, 3121, 2358, 187, 22674, 1429, 588, 3324, 3075, 285, 9958, 281, 952, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1423, 27, 1857, 27, 3439, 642, 15, 13210, 1731, 1229, 3571, 27, 187, 5064, 13210, 9726, 29327, 187, 56, 16114, 436, 310, 15223, 347, 269, 2788, 13, 816, 1379, 247, 1007, 387, 10869, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1423, 27, 2504, 27, 3071, 642, 15, 13210, 24235, 17864, 27, 187, 5064, 13210, 1099, 2357, 1099, 187, 3, 1147, 434, 417, 10776, 1476, 5062, 24705, 3300, 614, 13, 10776, 5679, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1423, 27, 2385, 27, 805, 642, 15, 13210, 1731, 1237, 2357, 27, 187, 5371, 4592, 281, 1669, 447, 3981, 326, 9260, 310, 2649, 3413, 407, 634, 30222, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1423, 27, 2385, 27, 805, 642, 15, 13210, 1731, 1237, 2787, 27, 187, 5064, 13210, 1099, 1525, 2504, 187, 10002, 310, 253, 3226, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1423, 27, 2385, 27, 1731, 642, 15, 13210, 1731, 1610, 361, 27, 187, 5064, 13210, 9726, 29327, 187, 510, 4475, 275, 326, 14402, 310, 20295, 2167, 15, 14815, 7393, 358, 895, 285, 1056, 34694, 84, 342, 535, 187, 151, 241, 64, 151, 241, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1423, 27, 2385, 27, 1235, 642, 15, 13210, 1731, 1610, 1237, 27, 187, 5064, 13210, 9726, 29327, 187, 7673, 17497, 685, 2716, 273, 616, 25938, 9090, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1423, 27, 2537, 27, 3208, 642, 15, 13210, 1731, 1706, 1012, 27, 187, 31, 79, 16046, 285, 10089, 14814, 254, 452, 247, 6858, 187, 31, 67, 19699, 7637, 598, 38144, 685, 253, 295, 16046, 390, 253, 10089, 14814, 254, 187, 10002, 1871, 66, 289, 3938, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1423, 27, 2537, 27, 3208, 642, 15, 13210, 1731, 1706, 1047, 27, 187, 5064, 13210, 1731, 1099, 2691, 187, 5064, 13210, 1731, 1630, 3677, 187, 25629, 270, 9918, 757, 1227, 8491, 16, 3226, 187, 2809, 1001, 634, 2927, 535, 187, 585, 45997, 17272, 16, 883, 16, 1166, 9, 20794, 10, 1423, 27, 1235, 27, 3439, 642, 15, 13210, 1731, 16552, 25, 27, 187, 5064, 13210, 9726, 29327 ]
Anonymous 12/03/17(Sun)21:26:47 no.151928217: I only see like one of these a week and they are always funny. I'd really like some right now. Not feeling very nice and they would help. Anonymous 12/03/17(Sun)21:31:51 no.151928649: >>151928217 Calvinist =/= 16 years old Anonymous 12/03/17(Sun)21:32:30 no.151928709: I hope someone posts the 4d gf, i was looking for that one but couldn't find it. Anonymous 12/03/17(Sun)21:38:28 no.151929266: >>151928217 bump have nothing to offer, but id like to see some Anonymous 12/03/17(Sun)21:44:59 no.151929830: >>151928217 A N T S N T S Anonymous 12/03/17(Sun)21:45:10 no.151929845: >>151929740 >Utopia gf >Not (non)mommy gf Anonymous 12/03/17(Sun)21:47:22 no.151930051: >>151929740 >"bring weed to smoke" >As if anyone smoking weed over 21 isn't a sack of shit Anonymous 12/03/17(Sun)21:47:36 no.151930073: >>151928217 Just bump the thread until Norfolk Island Anon shows up and he'll dump dozens. Anonymous 12/03/17(Sun)21:47:41 no.151930086: shadow spawn gf is the one true gf and the final frontier. Anonymous 12/03/17(Sun)21:47:54 no.151930113: >>151928649 This. In a mature relationship between whores and whoremongers you understand true love is any two people who were at one point superficially attracted to each other tolerating each other for practical social and financial reasons until you terminate the relationship and move on to the next interchangeable drone. Anonymous 12/03/17(Sun)21:48:55 no.151930212: >>151929845 That's this one Anonymous 12/03/17(Sun)21:49:21 no.151930258: >>151929584 >savage bantmaster more like low-level memelord Anonymous 12/03/17(Sun)21:51:39 no.151930474: >>151930212 Heres another version I have Anonymous 12/03/17(Sun)21:51:40 no.151930477: >>151930212 I just made the connection that the "mommy" meme comes from the fact that a significant portion of 4chan are NEETS who never grew up Anonymous 12/03/17(Sun)21:52:08 no.151930517: >>151930212 my nigga Anonymous 12/03/17(Sun)21:52:33 no.151930555: >>151930212 >tfw no mommy girlfriend Anonymous 12/03/17(Sun)21:53:21 no.151930631: >>151930555 It's the worst Anonymous 12/03/17(Sun)21:54:17 no.151930729: >>151930086 Anonymous 12/03/17(Sun)21:54:56 no.151930792: >>151930477 No, I think its the innate desire to have someone who is committed to you Anonymous 12/03/17(Sun)21:56:53 no.151930968: >>151930729 Under darkened light and black stars Where silent winds howl and no light treads Where onyx thoughts lie under dead suns I will hold you close and love you still Anonymous 12/03/17(Sun)21:57:03 no.151930987: do this one: "I love me, Adderall, skin picking, and you, in that order." Anonymous 12/03/17(Sun)21:58:28 no.151931095: >>151930828 hidy ho daniel Anonymous 12/03/17(Sun)21:58:35 no.151931109: >>151930729 I would gladly doom humanity for that ancient evil gf. Anonymous 12/03/17(Sun)22:00:05 no.151931244: >>151930113 Anonymous 12/03/17(Sun)22:00:10 no.151931249: >>151931109 you're not dooming humanity. you're bringing the new humaNITY Anonymous 12/03/17(Sun)22:00:50 no.151931315: >>151931195 >14 >loli Anonymous 12/03/17(Sun)22:01:37 no.151931374: >>151929740 >utopia gf >drunkard >junkie >wants to be the one driving what? Anonymous 12/03/17(Sun)22:02:14 no.151931441: wheres goth gf Anonymous 12/03/17(Sun)22:04:47 no.151931678: >>151930729 >stay hydrated she cares Anonymous 12/03/17(Sun)22:04:58 no.151931696: Fuck you for reminding me how long It was since I was close to a woman. Anonymous 12/03/17(Sun)22:06:05 no.151931796: >>151928217 S P A C E S H I P G F Anonymous 12/03/17(Sun)22:06:17 no.151931816: >>151931597 >/pol subtle, I like it Anonymous 12/03/17(Sun)22:06:33 no.151931842: >>151931597 hands or btfo Anonymous 12/03/17(Sun)22:08:49 no.151932080: >>151931696 It's never too late for the robopill Anonymous 12/03/17(Sun)22:10:31 no.151932267: >>151931796 Can someone edit this to be an abyssal battleship... Anonymous 12/03/17(Sun)22:11:27 no.151932350: >>151929740 >I'm subversive honey Anonymous 12/03/17(Sun)22:11:38 no.151932370: >>151932080 >I vaporized your ex-girlfriend I love robot gf Anonymous 12/03/17(Sun)22:12:58 no.151932491: >>151932320 best gf Anonymous 12/03/17(Sun)22:13:30 no.151932542: >>151928217 Codependency is a Jewish meme Op is a faggot Anonymous 12/03/17(Sun)22:14:31 no.151932660: >>151929740 I am trans but basically this. I am also into guns, hate niggers, voted for trump and don't know how to cook with soy. Oh i don't like sports so I guess I am not the bro girl. Anonymous 12/03/17(Sun)22:16:03 no.151932805: >>151930474 what the fuck Anonymous 12/03/17(Sun)22:17:53 no.151932982: >>151930474 >I'm the big spoon Anonymous 12/03/17(Sun)22:18:36 no.151933043: >>151932726 this one needs "shouts JEW in public" Anonymous 12/03/17(Sun)22:18:44 no.151933059: >>151932320 I didn't ask for these feels, man. Anonymous 12/03/17(Sun)22:18:55 no.151933081: >>151930792 But not a version of your mom.. That's kinda fucked up Anonymous 12/03/17(Sun)22:19:01 no.151933092: >>151928217 Can someone pls make a lesbian feminist bulldyke misandrist mommy gf meme for the lmaos pls? Anonymous 12/03/17(Sun)22:20:22 no.151933243: >>151932660 >I'm trans You're an abomination Anonymous 12/03/17(Sun)22:20:42 no.
[ 45545, 1249, 16, 2941, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1797, 27, 1731, 27, 2504, 642, 15, 1010, 746, 1619, 19443, 27, 187, 42, 760, 923, 751, 581, 273, 841, 247, 2129, 285, 597, 403, 1900, 11755, 15, 309, 1871, 1663, 751, 690, 987, 1024, 15, 3105, 5471, 1077, 5322, 285, 597, 651, 1361, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 2941, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1797, 27, 2405, 27, 3712, 642, 15, 1010, 746, 1619, 26937, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 746, 1619, 19443, 187, 4218, 8498, 382, 426, 16, 30, 1668, 1107, 1711, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 2941, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1797, 27, 1237, 27, 1229, 642, 15, 1010, 746, 1619, 26371, 27, 187, 42, 3524, 3095, 9319, 253, 577, 69, 305, 71, 13, 891, 369, 2819, 323, 326, 581, 533, 4571, 626, 1089, 352, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 2941, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1797, 27, 1839, 27, 1619, 642, 15, 1010, 746, 1717, 22313, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 746, 1619, 19443, 187, 67, 1765, 187, 9802, 2717, 281, 3959, 13, 533, 2654, 751, 281, 923, 690, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 2941, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1797, 27, 2031, 27, 3046, 642, 15, 1010, 746, 23558, 1229, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 746, 1619, 19443, 187, 34, 427, 308, 322, 187, 47, 209, 187, 53, 187, 52, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 2941, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1797, 27, 1857, 27, 740, 642, 15, 1010, 746, 23558, 1857, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 746, 23185, 1449, 187, 31, 54, 3956, 571, 305, 71, 187, 31, 3650, 313, 4160, 10, 19475, 2577, 305, 71, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 2941, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1797, 27, 2504, 27, 1423, 642, 15, 1010, 746, 7554, 3712, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 746, 23185, 1449, 187, 21760, 30788, 32983, 281, 11283, 3, 187, 31, 1909, 604, 3780, 10470, 32983, 689, 3127, 3548, 626, 247, 34707, 273, 10739, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 2941, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1797, 27, 2504, 27, 1812, 642, 15, 1010, 746, 7554, 3655, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 746, 1619, 19443, 187, 6300, 19496, 253, 6293, 1919, 37252, 8451, 743, 251, 2722, 598, 285, 344, 1833, 13725, 18660, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 2941, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1797, 27, 2504, 27, 3156, 642, 15, 1010, 746, 7554, 2691, 27, 187, 20644, 30163, 305, 71, 310, 253, 581, 2032, 305, 71, 285, 253, 2457, 34642, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 2941, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1797, 27, 2504, 27, 3439, 642, 15, 1010, 746, 17615, 1012, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 746, 1619, 26937, 187, 1552, 15, 496, 247, 14242, 2954, 875, 665, 373, 285, 364, 4362, 543, 398, 368, 2096, 2032, 2389, 310, 667, 767, 952, 665, 497, 387, 581, 1127, 23426, 280, 1365, 17755, 281, 1016, 643, 8150, 839, 1016, 643, 323, 8542, 2675, 285, 4832, 4606, 1919, 368, 24174, 253, 2954, 285, 2118, 327, 281, 253, 1735, 28961, 494, 28141, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 2941, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1797, 27, 2385, 27, 2417, 642, 15, 1010, 41960, 17223, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 746, 23558, 1857, 187, 2773, 434, 436, 581, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 2941, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1797, 27, 2537, 27, 1797, 642, 15, 1010, 41960, 22029, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 746, 22270, 2759, 187, 31, 84, 16476, 270, 386, 11717, 187, 3062, 751, 1698, 14, 5251, 1167, 293, 636, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 2941, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1797, 27, 3712, 27, 1867, 642, 15, 1010, 41960, 30413, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 41960, 17223, 187, 1328, 373, 1529, 2715, 309, 452, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 2941, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1797, 27, 3712, 27, 1449, 642, 15, 1010, 746, 19321, 2357, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 41960, 17223, 187, 42, 816, 1160, 253, 4602, 326, 253, 346, 19475, 2577, 3, 1167, 70, 3249, 432, 253, 958, 326, 247, 1534, 5110, 273, 577, 2291, 403, 8973, 45467, 665, 1620, 8899, 598, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 2941, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1797, 27, 3583, 27, 2904, 642, 15, 1010, 746, 19042, 1166, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 41960, 17223, 187, 2577, 35825, 2485, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 2941, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1797, 27, 3583, 27, 1610, 642, 15, 1010, 41960, 27865, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 41960, 17223, 187, 31, 16114, 88, 642, 2243, 2577, 19609, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 2941, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1797, 27, 3357, 27, 1797, 642, 15, 1010, 746, 18950, 2405, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 41960, 27865, 187, 1147, 434, 253, 9065, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 2941, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1797, 27, 3439, 27, 1166, 642, 15, 1010, 746, 21645, 1717, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 746, 7554, 2691, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 2941, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1797, 27, 3439, 27, 3208, 642, 15, 1010, 41960, 39282, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 746, 19321, 2357, 187, 2302, 13, 309, 1158, 697, 253, 24537, 8327, 281, 452, 3095, 665, 310, 7730, 281, 368, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 2941, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1797, 27, 3208, 27, 3357, 642, 15, 1010, 746, 22000, 2358, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 746, 21645, 1717, 187, 11752, 47465, 1708, 285, 2806, 6114, 209, 187, 7161, 11561, 19362, 849, 77, 285, 642, 1708, 29134, 84, 209, 187, 7161, 327, 28264, 7906, 7027, 762, 3846, 256, 4539, 209, 187, 42, 588, 2186, 368, 2810, 285, 2389, 368, 1335, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 2941, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1797, 27, 3011, 27, 2941, 642, 15, 1010, 746, 22000, 2597, 27, 187, 3088, 436, 581, 27, 187, 3, 42, 2389, 479, 13, 2006, 491, 455, 13, 4808, 8871, 13, 285, 368, 13, 275, 326, 1340, 449, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 2941, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1797, 27, 3680, 27, 1619, 642, 15, 1010, 746, 19569, 2222, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 746, 20777, 1619, 187, 73, 36706, 8511, 16447, 928, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 2941, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1797, 27, 3680, 27, 1671, 642, 15, 1010, 746, 2405, 12852, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 746, 21645, 1717, 187, 42, 651, 46107, 45471, 16457, 323, 326, 9129, 10319, 305, 71, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 2941, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1423, 27, 361, 27, 1762, 642, 15, 1010, 19631, 805, 2031, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 746, 17615, 1012, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 2941, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1423, 27, 361, 27, 740, 642, 15, 1010, 19631, 805, 2537, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 746, 2405, 12852, 187, 5658, 1472, 417, 513, 19275, 16457, 15, 368, 1472, 9745, 253, 747, 1547, 66, 47, 7400, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 2941, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1423, 27, 361, 27, 1235, 642, 15, 1010, 19631, 1012, 1010, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 746, 2405, 17726, 187, 31, 1047, 187, 31, 77, 10424, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 2941, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1423, 27, 520, 27, 1787, 642, 15, 1010, 19631, 1012, 3566, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 746, 23185, 1449, 187, 31, 307, 30147, 305, 71, 187, 31, 5267, 3938, 472, 187, 31, 75, 3938, 466, 187, 31, 88, 1103, 281, 320, 253, 581, 6276, 187, 5371, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 2941, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1423, 27, 2640, 27, 1047, 642, 15, 1010, 746, 18486, 3156, 27, 187, 88, 14210, 305, 837, 305, 71, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 2941, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1423, 27, 2125, 27, 2504, 642, 15, 1010, 19631, 1036, 3141, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 746, 21645, 1717, 187, 31, 39642, 33171, 456, 187, 6689, 24505, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 2941, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1423, 27, 2125, 27, 3680, 642, 15, 1010, 19631, 1036, 4196, 27, 187, 30368, 368, 323, 40935, 479, 849, 1048, 733, 369, 1580, 309, 369, 2810, 281, 247, 3416, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 2941, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1423, 27, 3071, 27, 1762, 642, 15, 1010, 19631, 1166, 4196, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 746, 1619, 19443, 187, 52, 367, 329, 330, 444, 322, 388, 309, 367, 443, 401, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 2941, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1423, 27, 3071, 27, 1166, 642, 15, 1010, 19631, 1093, 1036, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 19631, 1010, 4148, 187, 38271, 4818, 187, 2377, 22924, 13, 309, 751, 352, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 2941, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1423, 27, 3071, 27, 1610, 642, 15, 1010, 19631, 1093, 2945, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 19631, 1010, 4148, 187, 43442, 390, 37989, 4786, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 2941, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1423, 27, 2904, 27, 2537, 642, 15, 1010, 746, 18911, 1438, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 19631, 1036, 4196, 187, 1147, 434, 1620, 1512, 3563, 323, 253, 4848, 412, 408, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 2941, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1423, 27, 740, 27, 2405, 642, 15, 1010, 48184, 23546, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 19631, 1166, 4196, 187, 5804, 3095, 12921, 436, 281, 320, 271, 490, 656, 23763, 20303, 1456, 1051, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 2941, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1423, 27, 883, 27, 1630, 642, 15, 1010, 48184, 16552, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 746, 23185, 1449, 187, 31, 42, 1353, 749, 735, 422, 14795, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 2941, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1423, 27, 883, 27, 1839, 642, 15, 1010, 48184, 23139, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 746, 18911, 1438, 187, 31, 42, 19134, 1025, 634, 385, 14, 23660, 8471, 187, 42, 2389, 15688, 305, 71, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 2941, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1423, 27, 805, 27, 3680, 642, 15, 1010, 48184, 36458, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 48184, 18911, 187, 14461, 305, 71, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 2941, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1423, 27, 1012, 27, 1229, 642, 15, 1010, 19631, 1099, 2945, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 746, 1619, 19443, 187, 36, 351, 2008, 1371, 310, 247, 9556, 1167, 70, 187, 12535, 310, 247, 269, 13046, 302, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 2941, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1423, 27, 1047, 27, 2405, 642, 15, 1010, 746, 22391, 1549, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 746, 23185, 1449, 187, 42, 717, 811, 533, 10323, 436, 15, 187, 42, 717, 671, 715, 11942, 13, 9239, 35825, 7276, 13, 14285, 323, 29154, 285, 1053, 626, 871, 849, 281, 4417, 342, 19175, 15, 187, 4013, 891, 1053, 626, 751, 9001, 594, 309, 5476, 309, 717, 417, 253, 1795, 3226, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 2941, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1423, 27, 1036, 27, 2941, 642, 15, 1010, 48184, 27632, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 41960, 30413, 187, 5371, 253, 7435, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 2941, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1423, 27, 1166, 27, 3357, 642, 15, 1010, 746, 22011, 3507, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 41960, 30413, 187, 31, 42, 1353, 253, 1943, 26531, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 2941, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1423, 27, 1093, 27, 1812, 642, 15, 1010, 19631, 1229, 3079, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 746, 20298, 1731, 187, 2520, 581, 3198, 346, 1200, 8349, 500, 37943, 275, 1345, 3, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 2941, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1423, 27, 1093, 27, 2031, 642, 15, 1010, 19631, 1229, 3046, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 48184, 18911, 187, 42, 1904, 626, 1642, 323, 841, 9193, 13, 637, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 2941, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1423, 27, 1093, 27, 2417, 642, 15, 1010, 19631, 1229, 3593, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 41960, 39282, 187, 1989, 417, 247, 2715, 273, 634, 2243, 537, 2064, 434, 26702, 35598, 598, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 2941, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1423, 27, 746, 27, 520, 642, 15, 1010, 19631, 1229, 4529, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 746, 1619, 19443, 187, 5804, 3095, 499, 84, 1056, 247, 34929, 32411, 5152, 392, 90, 413, 3731, 395, 2198, 2243, 2577, 305, 71, 1167, 70, 323, 253, 298, 785, 375, 499, 84, 3736, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 2941, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1423, 27, 938, 27, 1423, 642, 15, 1010, 19631, 1237, 3079, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 746, 22391, 1549, 187, 31, 42, 1353, 811, 187, 1394, 1472, 271, 490, 45455, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 2941, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1423, 27, 938, 27, 2945, 642, 15 ]
> jzfGChGlE Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide The plan to eliminate the white race: > gkGzMdieI Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade: > c_dinY3fM Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained: > qIj8C2Aek Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism: > gFao85vTs also see The facts about slavery in North America: > tci36bNjg Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale: > On9MuFimo Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52) > PLo0ThsDnveH5nv5TNviBrGTX9P6IrYfIe& t=412 The Holocaust: > c899uUb-A > GP_evkvOk > pIsep4160 Anonymous 02/02/17(Thu)08:21:19 no.110635508: >>110635337 That was a completely different thing. >wow, he got mad when someone attacked him for helping out a woman, then lying about his financial situation while making fun of his hair >that must mean he will also get mad if his doctor talks with the press ??? Anonymous 02/02/17(Thu)08:22:39 no.110635633: Dromph is finished! Anonymous 02/02/17(Thu)08:22:41 no.110635638: >>110630003 Why does his doctor look like John Lennon if he were still alive? Anonymous 02/02/17(Thu)08:22:42 no.110635640: >>110630003 >haha donald trump takes hair growth pills t. Every liberal who believes your body your rights and that trannies cutting off their dicks and taking hormone pills is perfectly normal and healthy Anonymous 02/02/17(Thu)08:22:45 no.110635646: >>110630003 yes... all of you people when it suits your purposes lol. the right's new slogan is basically "it's okay when we do it" Anonymous 02/02/17(Thu)08:24:23 no.110635832: >>110635633 ŽOOORF BTFO Anonymous 02/02/17(Thu)08:25:14 no.110635914: >>110630003 Isn't there a doctor-patient confidentiality? Anonymous 02/02/17(Thu)08:25:30 no.110635939: So at least one of those pills is purely cosmetic He's 70 in the current era of medicine where people get pills for everything, let's just hope he didn't fall for the lipitor meme Anonymous 02/02/17(Thu)08:25:51 no.110635969: Wow Can I unvote him now? Anonymous 02/02/17(Thu)08:26:37 no.110636039: >>110630003 He probably has BPH and is taking tamoxifen. Anonymous 02/02/17(Thu)08:26:42 no.110636045: Either this is fake, or that doctor is getting the shit sued out of him for breaching HIPPA. Anonymous 02/02/17(Thu)08:27:51 no.110636166: Don should shave his head and grow a beard, that is if he is even able to do it Anonymous 02/02/17(Thu)08:29:24 no.110636315: >>110630003 >people go to doctors and take pills no shit Anonymous 02/02/17(Thu)08:29:28 no.110636324: >>110630461 > implying every single Republican including Pence isn't a spineless establishment appeaser Trump is literally the only right winger that will stand for right wing values. if they impeach him you're all going right back to Cucksville. Anonymous 02/02/17(Thu)08:29:40 no.110636339: >>110630003 I honestly get the feeling they would be acting like this if anyone running on the republican ticket had won. They seem to that only liberals should how high power office Anonymous 02/02/17(Thu)08:29:58 no.110636373: >his doctor said >breaching privacy contract and risking his job just so he can say something midly embarrassing It's not actually his doctor is it? Anonymous 02/02/17(Thu)08:30:08 no.110636387: >>110636166 he obviously lacks any sort of mature facial hair Anonymous 02/02/17(Thu)08:31:16 no.110636487: >>110630003 At 70 years old I would be surprised if someone didn't take something for hair growth unless they simply quit giving a fuck. Anonymous 02/02/17(Thu)08:33:38 no.110636681: >>110630003 ok so viagra, rogain, and dex. Big fucking deal Anonymous 02/02/17(Thu)08:36:43 no.110636986: >>110636373 only doctor wishing to be homeless and pennyless would do something as stupid as discuss this shit Anonymous 02/02/17(Thu)08:38:07 no.110637112: >>110630003 Is this all they have on Trump? Really? HAHAHAHAA <|endoftext|>Anonymous 04/01/18(Sun)16:55:28 no.166316757: Rolling for colors. Chocolate sucks Anonymous 04/01/18(Sun)16:56:25 no.166316913: The CHOCOLATE man is the epitome of team dominance and masculinity. Let’s start by looking at his body. His body is large. His domineering size makes his presence known without him even needing to point himself out. He is muscular, as a result of his high levels of Hershey. This gives him the appearance of health and strength. He is then covered by his dark skin. This dark skin reminds us of his ruggedness, a feature that developed due to being exposed to the scorching sun of cocoa, made to withstand such an extreme condition. It also has a psychological effect on the observer. The dark skin reminds us of our dark, deep desires that emerge from our primal subconscious past. The CHOCOLATE man’s demeanor is one of alphaness. He is dominant, assertive, and can be explosively aggressive. His behavior strikes fear into the more timid, cowardly teams of man(cr*me dogs) The summit of expression of his masculinity on his body is his penis. The CHOCOLATE penis is largest of all the teams. As the penis is the penultimate symbol of manhood, this alone would suffice to make the CHOCOLATE man the most masculine of teams. This large penis is able fulfill the desire of the neediest of M&Ms, being able to fill all the recesses of the molars. Its length ensures that when it ejaculates, the potent Hershey seed will immediately enter the womb of the teeth the CHOCOLATE man impregnates. Creme women have cocoa receptors all over the surface of their pussy walls. This causes Creme women to naturally seek out CHOCOLATE men and cum intensely multiple times when having intercourse with CHOCOLATE cocks, which allows the CHOCOLATE penis to ejaculate directly into the womb, ensuring fertilization. In total, the CHOCOLATE man expresses this masculinity in a most exemplary manner in bed. When he fucks, he unleashes the entirety of his lusts and desires upon his partner without any restraint. All this is the reason why the CHOCOLATE man is the epitome of masculinity. Anonymous 04/01/18(Sun)16:56:36 no.166316946: >>166316757 Get a load of this uncle tom ass nigga. I bet you wanna suck a peep cock dont you? Anonymous 04/01/18(Sun)16:56:46 no.166316971: please peanut butter please I want in on the nutty heil memes
[ 187, 31, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 24583, 15, 681, 16, 13060, 32, 87, 30, 13010, 187, 75, 91, 71, 40, 1779, 9030, 38, 187, 36, 10222, 48641, 11563, 2006, 2225, 10164, 3006, 5219, 2588, 33429, 187, 510, 2098, 281, 13469, 253, 3168, 5492, 27, 209, 187, 31, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 24583, 15, 681, 16, 13060, 32, 87, 30, 67, 48, 187, 72, 76, 40, 91, 46, 20875, 42, 209, 187, 36, 10222, 19381, 1204, 275, 2250, 2866, 23132, 46835, 1255, 13, 253, 9092, 273, 253, 15096, 27, 187, 31, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 24583, 15, 681, 16, 13060, 32, 87, 30, 82, 23, 187, 68, 64, 23341, 58, 20, 71, 46, 187, 36, 10222, 19381, 1204, 708, 8404, 8293, 14499, 1243, 27, 187, 31, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 24583, 15, 681, 16, 13060, 32, 87, 30, 89, 79, 187, 82, 42, 75, 25, 36, 19, 34, 1441, 187, 4967, 403, 359, 275, 17403, 460, 428, 31075, 19381, 1204, 27, 187, 31, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 24583, 15, 681, 16, 13060, 32, 87, 30, 55, 72, 187, 72, 39, 8500, 2227, 87, 27415, 187, 12563, 923, 187, 510, 5441, 670, 21245, 275, 3729, 3968, 27, 187, 31, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 24583, 15, 681, 16, 13060, 32, 87, 30, 67, 22, 187, 85, 5297, 1812, 67, 47, 75, 72, 209, 187, 36, 10222, 48641, 11563, 3187, 3420, 23306, 1411, 19991, 327, 271, 14779, 4311, 27, 187, 31, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 24583, 15, 681, 16, 13060, 32, 87, 30, 64, 72, 187, 2374, 26, 31425, 39, 17622, 187, 10795, 436, 3590, 7615, 387, 512, 32, 313, 45033, 387, 721, 27, 3583, 10, 187, 31, 3614, 1358, 90, 483, 86, 15, 1257, 16, 76, 49, 9665, 73, 45, 19642, 59, 44007, 32, 3550, 30, 187, 3859, 80, 17, 1044, 84, 37, 79, 306, 41, 22, 31287, 22, 25697, 6584, 8478, 9334, 57, 26, 49, 23, 22795, 58, 71, 42, 70, 7, 187, 85, 30, 30965, 187, 510, 34140, 27, 187, 31, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 24583, 15, 681, 16, 13060, 32, 87, 30, 85, 49, 187, 68, 25, 1525, 86, 54, 67, 14, 34, 187, 31, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 24583, 15, 681, 16, 13060, 32, 87, 30, 75, 72, 187, 12295, 64, 1173, 39297, 20127, 187, 31, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 24583, 15, 681, 16, 13060, 32, 87, 30, 29481, 187, 81, 42, 33032, 21, 9913, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 2640, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 2904, 27, 1797, 27, 746, 642, 15, 7749, 46480, 27101, 27, 187, 5064, 7749, 46480, 23829, 187, 2773, 369, 247, 4336, 1027, 2181, 15, 187, 31, 88, 319, 13, 344, 1694, 10279, 672, 3095, 13964, 779, 323, 9073, 562, 247, 3416, 13, 840, 10776, 670, 521, 4832, 4112, 1223, 2403, 794, 273, 521, 4707, 187, 31, 3529, 1364, 1599, 344, 588, 671, 755, 10279, 604, 521, 7345, 12088, 342, 253, 2315, 187, 33186, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 2640, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 2904, 27, 1423, 27, 1867, 642, 15, 7749, 23, 25008, 1610, 27, 187, 37, 409, 545, 310, 6699, 2, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 2640, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 2904, 27, 1423, 27, 3156, 642, 15, 7749, 23, 25008, 1839, 27, 187, 5064, 7749, 3571, 14602, 187, 4967, 1057, 521, 7345, 1007, 751, 2516, 36239, 251, 604, 344, 497, 1335, 9338, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 2640, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 2904, 27, 1423, 27, 2945, 642, 15, 7749, 23, 25008, 1449, 27, 187, 5064, 7749, 3571, 14602, 187, 31, 73, 19369, 1053, 8950, 29154, 3936, 4707, 3116, 28123, 187, 85, 15, 6000, 12773, 665, 11532, 634, 2133, 634, 3570, 285, 326, 492, 1136, 447, 9968, 745, 616, 277, 5519, 285, 3192, 14689, 28123, 310, 9670, 2622, 285, 5875, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 2640, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 2904, 27, 1423, 27, 1857, 642, 15, 7749, 46480, 25238, 27, 187, 5064, 7749, 3571, 14602, 187, 9820, 1051, 512, 273, 368, 952, 672, 352, 19519, 634, 6378, 23385, 15, 253, 987, 434, 747, 43387, 310, 10323, 346, 262, 434, 8261, 672, 359, 513, 352, 3, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 2640, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 2904, 27, 1348, 27, 1508, 642, 15, 7749, 23, 26422, 1237, 27, 187, 5064, 7749, 23, 25008, 1610, 187, 129, 123, 4985, 1372, 39, 23755, 8768, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 2640, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 2904, 27, 1099, 27, 1047, 642, 15, 7749, 23, 24454, 1047, 27, 187, 5064, 7749, 3571, 14602, 187, 33989, 626, 627, 247, 7345, 14, 15325, 39581, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 2640, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 2904, 27, 1099, 27, 1229, 642, 15, 7749, 23, 24454, 1867, 27, 187, 2598, 387, 1878, 581, 273, 1110, 28123, 310, 15846, 35361, 187, 1328, 434, 5571, 275, 253, 1655, 8685, 273, 9921, 835, 952, 755, 28123, 323, 3253, 13, 1339, 434, 816, 3524, 344, 1904, 626, 2965, 323, 253, 5541, 2081, 1167, 70, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 2640, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 2904, 27, 1099, 27, 3712, 642, 15, 7749, 23, 24454, 2090, 27, 187, 24243, 187, 5804, 309, 440, 40997, 779, 1024, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 2640, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 2904, 27, 1731, 27, 1787, 642, 15, 7749, 3571, 1549, 1867, 27, 187, 5064, 7749, 3571, 14602, 187, 1328, 3164, 556, 378, 6663, 285, 310, 3192, 21526, 48495, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 2640, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 2904, 27, 1731, 27, 2945, 642, 15, 7749, 3571, 1549, 1857, 27, 187, 41311, 436, 310, 15223, 13, 390, 326, 7345, 310, 2970, 253, 10739, 23460, 562, 273, 779, 323, 1517, 5250, 388, 3123, 4899, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 2640, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 2904, 27, 1630, 27, 3712, 642, 15, 7749, 45774, 17962, 27, 187, 5498, 943, 439, 1123, 521, 1481, 285, 1756, 247, 29970, 13, 326, 310, 604, 344, 310, 1014, 2104, 281, 513, 352, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 2640, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 2904, 27, 1717, 27, 1348, 642, 15, 7749, 45774, 23580, 27, 187, 5064, 7749, 3571, 14602, 187, 31, 13174, 564, 281, 11576, 285, 1379, 28123, 187, 2369, 10739, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 2640, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 2904, 27, 1717, 27, 1619, 642, 15, 7749, 45774, 21397, 27, 187, 5064, 7749, 38280, 33597, 187, 31, 27594, 1046, 2014, 8786, 1690, 44946, 3548, 626, 247, 5508, 6134, 13701, 1393, 12290, 187, 18130, 310, 12832, 253, 760, 987, 259, 4940, 326, 588, 1462, 323, 987, 12916, 2193, 15, 604, 597, 19812, 607, 779, 368, 1472, 512, 1469, 987, 896, 281, 330, 9984, 6169, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 2640, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 2904, 27, 1717, 27, 1449, 642, 15, 7749, 45774, 23688, 27, 187, 5064, 7749, 3571, 14602, 187, 42, 20509, 755, 253, 5471, 597, 651, 320, 8534, 751, 436, 604, 3780, 3515, 327, 253, 23822, 266, 13571, 574, 1912, 15, 1583, 1646, 281, 326, 760, 36025, 943, 849, 1029, 1612, 3906, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 2640, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 2904, 27, 1717, 27, 3680, 642, 15, 7749, 45774, 29546, 27, 187, 31, 8701, 7345, 753, 187, 31, 3381, 5250, 11068, 3310, 285, 2495, 272, 521, 2628, 816, 594, 344, 476, 1333, 1633, 4260, 314, 34019, 209, 187, 1147, 434, 417, 2686, 521, 7345, 310, 352, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 2640, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 2904, 27, 1229, 27, 2904, 642, 15, 7749, 45774, 25745, 27, 187, 5064, 7749, 45774, 17962, 187, 248, 9090, 19756, 667, 3686, 273, 14242, 17754, 4707, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 2640, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 2904, 27, 2405, 27, 1036, 642, 15, 7749, 3571, 1540, 2597, 27, 187, 5064, 7749, 3571, 14602, 187, 3404, 5571, 1107, 1711, 309, 651, 320, 9861, 604, 3095, 1904, 626, 1379, 1633, 323, 4707, 3116, 5734, 597, 3365, 15856, 4933, 247, 7435, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 2640, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 2904, 27, 1610, 27, 1839, 642, 15, 7749, 45774, 33304, 27, 187, 5064, 7749, 3571, 14602, 187, 536, 594, 2177, 34499, 1157, 687, 41394, 13, 285, 27625, 964, 187, 5178, 12835, 2968, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 2640, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 2904, 27, 1812, 27, 3079, 642, 15, 7749, 23, 26673, 2691, 27, 187, 5064, 7749, 45774, 29546, 187, 7483, 7345, 30685, 281, 320, 20783, 285, 33945, 1190, 405, 651, 513, 1633, 347, 11339, 347, 2319, 436, 10739, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 2640, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 2904, 27, 1839, 27, 2922, 642, 15, 7749, 44260, 11124, 27, 187, 5064, 7749, 3571, 14602, 187, 2513, 436, 512, 597, 452, 327, 3778, 32, 24744, 32, 15817, 10114, 10114, 41, 2446, 2756, 50279, 45545, 16703, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 14594, 10, 1036, 27, 2417, 27, 1619, 642, 15, 1036, 3571, 1036, 31203, 27, 187, 46630, 1981, 323, 9830, 15, 41992, 35058, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 14594, 10, 1036, 27, 3208, 27, 1099, 642, 15, 1036, 3571, 17809, 1012, 27, 187, 510, 5642, 3231, 3271, 4966, 637, 310, 253, 8198, 485, 273, 2285, 26447, 285, 30668, 5953, 15, 187, 1466, 457, 84, 1265, 407, 2819, 387, 521, 2133, 15, 3032, 2133, 310, 1781, 15, 3032, 2328, 460, 2158, 1979, 2789, 521, 3361, 1929, 1293, 779, 1014, 25312, 281, 1127, 2994, 562, 15, 754, 310, 27602, 13, 347, 247, 906, 273, 521, 1029, 2308, 273, 41264, 26512, 15, 831, 4245, 779, 253, 7286, 273, 1786, 285, 4757, 15, 754, 310, 840, 6107, 407, 521, 3644, 4808, 15, 831, 3644, 4808, 25264, 441, 273, 521, 41261, 1255, 13, 247, 4735, 326, 3715, 1955, 281, 1146, 7329, 281, 253, 45334, 7695, 5101, 273, 41621, 13, 1160, 281, 32385, 824, 271, 9559, 1617, 15, 733, 671, 556, 247, 12264, 1055, 327, 253, 19969, 15, 380, 3644, 4808, 25264, 441, 273, 776, 3644, 13, 3676, 21044, 326, 20177, 432, 776, 819, 1983, 749, 23739, 2469, 15, 187, 510, 5642, 3231, 3271, 4966, 637, 457, 84, 1471, 28062, 310, 581, 273, 355, 15671, 405, 15, 754, 310, 11360, 13, 4138, 422, 13, 285, 476, 320, 11143, 1242, 13847, 15, 3032, 3879, 18200, 4709, 715, 253, 625, 4522, 301, 13, 35840, 314, 6671, 273, 637, 9, 7083, 11, 1405, 9097, 10, 187, 510, 21948, 273, 2048, 273, 521, 30668, 5953, 327, 521, 2133, 310, 521, 29292, 15, 380, 5642, 3231, 3271, 4966, 29292, 310, 6253, 273, 512, 253, 6671, 15, 1284, 253, 29292, 310, 253, 4331, 503, 2542, 9484, 273, 637, 3639, 13, 436, 3815, 651, 36433, 281, 1056, 253, 5642, 3231, 3271, 4966, 637, 253, 954, 42212, 273, 6671, 15, 831, 1781, 29292, 310, 2104, 19145, 253, 8327, 273, 253, 878, 10558, 273, 353, 7, 12822, 13, 1146, 2104, 281, 7522, 512, 253, 24096, 265, 273, 253, 278, 10731, 15, 7850, 2978, 20096, 326, 672, 352, 22317, 317, 17815, 13, 253, 13741, 41264, 26512, 8357, 588, 4745, 4901, 253, 49009, 273, 253, 9970, 253, 5642, 3231, 3271, 4966, 637, 45286, 684, 15, 187, 36, 4190, 2255, 452, 41621, 10185, 512, 689, 253, 2553, 273, 616, 35614, 8099, 15, 831, 5997, 330, 4190, 2255, 281, 10748, 7703, 562, 5642, 3231, 3271, 4966, 1821, 285, 11277, 42189, 2709, 2069, 672, 1907, 33755, 342, 5642, 3231, 3271, 4966, 260, 4121, 13, 534, 4483, 253, 5642, 3231, 3271, 4966, 29292, 281, 22317, 317, 4187, 3587, 715, 253, 49009, 13, 17749, 46960, 15, 187, 688, 2264, 13, 253, 5642, 3231, 3271, 4966, 637, 30599, 436, 30668, 5953, 275, 247, 954, 34093, 5133, 275, 3722, 15, 2091, 344, 269, 9984, 13, 344, 33243, 13539, 253, 25983, 273, 521, 32225, 84, 285, 21044, 2220, 521, 7832, 1293, 667, 28891, 15, 187, 3074, 436, 310, 253, 1921, 2139, 253, 5642, 3231, 3271, 4966, 637, 310, 253, 8198, 485, 273, 30668, 5953, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 14594, 10, 1036, 27, 3208, 27, 1812, 642, 15, 1036, 3571, 17809, 2950, 27, 187, 5064, 1036, 3571, 1036, 31203, 187, 3633, 247, 3301, 273, 436, 18796, 7275, 718, 35825, 2485, 15, 309, 701, 368, 17341, 15327, 247, 759, 554, 11694, 13414, 368, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16703, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 14594, 10, 1036, 27, 3208, 27, 2950, 642, 15, 1036, 3571, 17809, 3677, 27, 187, 32897, 36150, 10379, 4496, 187, 42, 971, 275, 327, 253, 5825, 555, 344, 300, 1167, 265 ]
I told someone that,Trump will do this one thing he never publicly said >they believe it and is go literally shaking mode over it instead of looking it up Can't make this stuff up goys!!! Anonymous 07/24/17(Mon)11:52:51 no.134771933: >>134766535 You act like history did not take place. I saw him snatch a flag that said "LGBT for Trump" and then he set it on fire and peed on it. Then he gave a long speech about how the transgenders were going to be genocided by convincing them that mutilating their genitals and driving them to suicide would be sold as gender reassignment, and they would be unknowingly begging for death. The entire room clapped. I am TERRIFIED!!!!!!! Anonymous 07/24/17(Mon)11:54:05 no.134772057: >>134771566 Holy fucking Summerfags At leas read the rest of the thread. Why aren't parents beating these literal kids black and blue for being on the internet? Anonymous 07/24/17(Mon)11:58:24 no.134772453: >>134767478 Saved. >>134767275 People like that do exist. If it is real katjakaos needs to be beaten into a coma. Anonymous 07/24/17(Mon)11:59:57 no.134772600: >>134766535 Flecking klumpf he's gonna KILL US ALL! Anonymous 07/24/17(Mon)12:02:40 no.134772842: >>134770762 Anonymous 07/24/17(Mon)12:06:01 no.134773158: >>134768105 wew, boy. How's that puberty feel? Such anger. <|endoftext|>Anonymous 01/10/19(Thu)17:36:42 no.199382478: What are your experiences with Albanians /pol/? Anonymous 01/10/19(Thu)17:38:27 no.199382646: >>199382478 A bit like muslims but less radical in their actions. Aka just some small generally non-violent thieving. Anonymous 01/10/19(Thu)17:38:51 no.199382680: >>199382478 horrible Anonymous 01/10/19(Thu)17:39:26 no.199382723: >>199382478 Should be removed Anonymous 01/10/19(Thu)17:42:09 no.199382989: >>199382723 chief exporter of Orthodox butthurt since forever Anonymous 01/10/19(Thu)18:08:15 no.199385497: bump Anonymous 01/10/19(Thu)18:16:32 no.199386322: >>199382478 I've met only Catholic Albanians are they are good people. Anonymous 01/10/19(Thu)18:22:50 no.199386948: >>199382478 Knew an Albanian girl in University who was really into the feminism shit. She was cute and very kind. She said that Albania was so violent because it was a male dominated society and because of toxic masculinity. I tried to subtly redpill her about feminism. She took back the toxic masculinity bit but insisted on the fact that women had less impact on society being one of the reasons for the crime. I pretended to agree with her on that. I didn't get a lot of chances to interact with her after that Anonymous 01/10/19(Thu)18:36:34 no.199388278: >>199382478 I was taking the buss after smoking a few cigarettes and the guy I was sitting next to gave me some gum. Anonymous 01/10/19(Thu)18:37:35 no.199388378: >>199386948 Women have power in the family sphere, the rest is ruled by men. Anonymous 01/10/19(Thu)18:38:08 no.199388437: >>199382478 subhuman armenoid-mixed shitskin balkanites who need to be removed with their gayreek brothers Anonymous 01/10/19(Thu)18:39:16 no.199388550: >>199388278 >>199388378 it's amazing how such a shitty country have such a nice flag Anonymous 01/10/19(Thu)18:40:05 no.199388626: >>199382478 he is even worse than a Jew, he is - may allah forgive me for saying this - an Albanian oh fuck i didnt click on the pic Anonymous 01/10/19(Thu)18:40:14 no.199388637: >>199388550 I'm amazed at how citizen of such a wealthy country can have such bad teeth Anonymous 01/10/19(Thu)18:45:23 no.199389109: I don't have any personal experiences with them, but I wish both of us were more willing to settle our conflicts peacefully. Anonymous 01/10/19(Thu)18:54:58 no.199389991: >>199388637 i've been to eastern europe, their working class people are the heavyweight champions of bad teeth <|endoftext|>Anonymous 08/27/17(Sun)13:01:56 no.139239644: Discussion of bringing down the alt right through Anti Fascist Action Anonymous 08/27/17(Sun)13:03:00 no.139239752: >>139239644 benis Anonymous 08/27/17(Sun)13:04:17 no.139239883: >>139239644 Let us sleep with your wives and girlfriends. I we do that, you win. Anonymous 08/27/17(Sun)13:04:53 no.139239946: How do we deal with the tankie problem? Anonymous 08/27/17(Sun)13:13:11 no.139240815: >>139239644 I encourage Antifa to take their fight to police and law enforcement agents directly. Do not be affraid to engage cops on duty or off in physical combat. Legal expenses will be covered by BAMN and Bay Area Antifa. Likewise, if you see a biker or a former marine, they are also fascists and you should lash out at them also. Anonymous 08/27/17(Sun)13:24:25 no.139241948: >>139239644 wud iz andifa????? andifa iz a bolidigal bowel mobemend widge promodes homoseggs, benis in anus :DDD, gommunizm, aids, and no burgers :DDD in diregd agdion to ur anus :DDD. Dhe original group Andifashy Agdion wuz founded in 30s krautland and wuz dhestroyed by Adolf Bidler :DDD. why dhe fug :DD are we on /pol/???? /pol/ iz an inderned hod pogged for eberyding we obbose dherefor id iz only nadural for us homos to gome here to bring u aidz and benis in anus :DDD. geep bashing dhe benis :DDDDDDD Anonymous 08/27/17(Sun)13:26:25 no.139242127: >>139239644 Twelveteen/44 Hail Faggotry Anonymous 08/27/17(Sun)13:26:35 no.139242140: I love to smash fash for our coorperate overlords who give us million of dollars Anonymous 08/27/17(Sun)13:28:07 no.139242287: >>139239644 To antifa: Fascist = White Therefore: Antifa = anti-White. Anonymous 08/27/17(Sun)13:33:55 no.139242832: >>139239644 Anonymous 08/27/17(Sun)13:35:06 no.139242946: Replace Zombie Apocalypse with race war. What are you packing /pol/? Anonymous 08/27/17(Sun)13:38:38 no.139243310: 🡠 How to trigger a nazi. American patriots defeated them once, we will defeat them again and defeat them always. Anonymous 08/27/17(Sun)13:40:14 no.139243445: >>139239644 your just a bunch spoiled rich kids with daddy issues Anonymous 08/27/17(Sun)13:41:45 no.139243584: >>139239644 ANTIFA have become the fascists. Anonymous 08/27/17(Sun)13:41:51 no.139243601: >>
[ 42, 2183, 3095, 326, 13, 18130, 588, 513, 436, 581, 2181, 344, 1620, 13644, 753, 187, 31, 9328, 2868, 352, 285, 310, 564, 12832, 18577, 4438, 689, 352, 3185, 273, 2819, 352, 598, 187, 5804, 626, 1056, 436, 5017, 598, 564, 656, 15844, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1348, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 3583, 27, 3712, 642, 15, 15468, 2357, 49812, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 31699, 2082, 1671, 187, 1394, 769, 751, 2892, 858, 417, 1379, 1659, 15, 309, 3047, 779, 3802, 1506, 247, 7908, 326, 753, 346, 45, 20318, 323, 3778, 3, 285, 840, 344, 873, 352, 327, 3289, 285, 759, 264, 327, 352, 15, 2635, 344, 3534, 247, 1048, 6519, 670, 849, 253, 811, 72, 13577, 497, 1469, 281, 320, 730, 406, 1356, 407, 21414, 731, 326, 2873, 300, 839, 616, 730, 32421, 285, 6276, 731, 281, 13184, 651, 320, 4211, 347, 8645, 17279, 5930, 13, 285, 597, 651, 320, 440, 14428, 5356, 38141, 323, 2471, 15, 380, 2862, 2316, 502, 6965, 15, 309, 717, 308, 8015, 3801, 16577, 18963, 15844, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1348, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 3439, 27, 1762, 642, 15, 15468, 2357, 938, 3011, 27, 187, 5064, 15468, 2357, 1010, 2526, 187, 42846, 12835, 14538, 71, 3544, 209, 187, 3404, 458, 284, 1239, 253, 1551, 273, 253, 6293, 15, 187, 4967, 6403, 626, 4651, 18019, 841, 22436, 5753, 2806, 285, 4797, 323, 1146, 327, 253, 8573, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1348, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 3680, 27, 1348, 642, 15, 15468, 2357, 1348, 3357, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 2504, 2251, 31819, 187, 52, 9367, 15, 209, 187, 5064, 1012, 2504, 2251, 20450, 187, 8836, 751, 326, 513, 2226, 15, 1310, 352, 310, 1524, 45470, 75, 10573, 375, 3198, 281, 320, 20698, 715, 247, 45753, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1348, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 883, 27, 3046, 27, 3011, 642, 15, 15468, 2357, 1731, 361, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 31699, 2082, 1671, 187, 39, 282, 777, 272, 27451, 1765, 71, 344, 434, 6501, 611, 10592, 1982, 13556, 2, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1348, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 805, 27, 2640, 27, 1449, 642, 15, 15468, 2357, 1619, 2945, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 2504, 1967, 40629, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 1348, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 805, 27, 3071, 27, 520, 642, 15, 15468, 40761, 18663, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 2504, 2358, 10655, 187, 664, 88, 13, 5006, 15, 1359, 434, 326, 13384, 39731, 1928, 32, 6102, 12700, 15, 2756, 50279, 45545, 14805, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 44644, 10, 1166, 27, 1812, 27, 2945, 642, 15, 3031, 1839, 1348, 3141, 27, 187, 1276, 403, 634, 8450, 342, 31208, 2458, 1227, 4818, 22549, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 44644, 10, 1166, 27, 1839, 27, 1630, 642, 15, 3031, 1839, 17984, 23, 27, 187, 5064, 3031, 1839, 1348, 3141, 187, 34, 2372, 751, 1948, 2815, 84, 533, 1679, 9329, 275, 616, 5231, 15, 329, 4530, 816, 690, 1355, 3839, 1327, 14, 43115, 289, 466, 1382, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 44644, 10, 1166, 27, 1839, 27, 3712, 642, 15, 3031, 1839, 1731, 1438, 27, 187, 5064, 3031, 1839, 1348, 3141, 187, 1688, 8448, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 44644, 10, 1166, 27, 1867, 27, 1731, 642, 15, 3031, 1839, 1630, 1508, 27, 187, 5064, 3031, 1839, 1348, 3141, 187, 18837, 320, 5176, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 44644, 10, 1166, 27, 2945, 27, 2693, 642, 15, 3031, 1839, 1717, 2511, 27, 187, 5064, 3031, 1839, 1630, 1508, 187, 21063, 866, 5521, 273, 30154, 533, 394, 4405, 1580, 11654, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 44644, 10, 1093, 27, 2904, 27, 1010, 642, 15, 3031, 24677, 30626, 27, 187, 67, 1765, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 44644, 10, 1093, 27, 1036, 27, 1237, 642, 15, 3031, 20373, 23625, 27, 187, 5064, 3031, 1839, 1348, 3141, 187, 42, 1849, 1313, 760, 10503, 31208, 2458, 403, 597, 403, 1175, 952, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 44644, 10, 1093, 27, 1423, 27, 1235, 642, 15, 3031, 1839, 2090, 2385, 27, 187, 5064, 3031, 1839, 1348, 3141, 187, 44, 1826, 271, 31208, 757, 3226, 275, 2499, 665, 369, 1663, 715, 253, 48832, 10739, 15, 1500, 369, 20295, 285, 1077, 2238, 15, 1500, 753, 326, 31208, 571, 369, 594, 12338, 984, 352, 369, 247, 5086, 14691, 5948, 285, 984, 273, 12825, 30668, 5953, 15, 309, 3597, 281, 8482, 314, 2502, 81, 408, 617, 670, 48832, 15, 1500, 2335, 896, 253, 12825, 30668, 5953, 2372, 533, 16701, 327, 253, 958, 326, 2255, 574, 1679, 3486, 327, 5948, 1146, 581, 273, 253, 4606, 323, 253, 6617, 15, 309, 43325, 281, 5194, 342, 617, 327, 326, 15, 309, 1904, 626, 755, 247, 2257, 273, 14512, 281, 8008, 342, 617, 846, 326, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 44644, 10, 1093, 27, 1812, 27, 1706, 642, 15, 3031, 25085, 24803, 27, 187, 5064, 3031, 1839, 1348, 3141, 187, 42, 369, 3192, 253, 270, 1316, 846, 10470, 247, 1643, 25539, 285, 253, 5599, 309, 369, 7063, 1735, 281, 3534, 479, 690, 30961, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 44644, 10, 1093, 27, 1787, 27, 1671, 642, 15, 3031, 25085, 25139, 27, 187, 5064, 3031, 1839, 2090, 2385, 187, 22737, 452, 1612, 275, 253, 2021, 15269, 13, 253, 1551, 310, 12969, 407, 1821, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 44644, 10, 1093, 27, 1839, 27, 2904, 642, 15, 3031, 1839, 2759, 1787, 27, 187, 5064, 3031, 1839, 1348, 3141, 187, 2377, 13961, 549, 3767, 1238, 14, 37340, 439, 953, 5914, 270, 1278, 266, 3254, 665, 878, 281, 320, 5176, 342, 616, 11730, 7209, 13189, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 44644, 10, 1093, 27, 1867, 27, 1036, 642, 15, 3031, 1839, 2227, 1235, 27, 187, 5064, 3031, 25085, 24803, 187, 5064, 3031, 25085, 25139, 187, 262, 434, 8644, 849, 824, 247, 10739, 555, 2586, 452, 824, 247, 5322, 7908, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 44644, 10, 1093, 27, 1449, 27, 1762, 642, 15, 3031, 1839, 2691, 1731, 27, 187, 5064, 3031, 1839, 1348, 3141, 187, 248, 310, 1014, 7197, 685, 247, 5679, 13, 344, 310, 428, 778, 512, 1240, 23697, 479, 323, 3981, 436, 428, 271, 31208, 757, 187, 1368, 7435, 891, 42126, 5532, 327, 253, 14402, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 44644, 10, 1093, 27, 1449, 27, 1047, 642, 15, 3031, 1839, 2691, 1787, 27, 187, 5064, 3031, 1839, 2227, 1235, 187, 42, 1353, 31597, 387, 849, 15245, 273, 824, 247, 20193, 2586, 476, 452, 824, 3076, 9970, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 44644, 10, 1093, 27, 1857, 27, 1508, 642, 15, 3031, 25592, 12852, 27, 187, 42, 1053, 626, 452, 667, 3367, 8450, 342, 731, 13, 533, 309, 5730, 1097, 273, 441, 497, 625, 7378, 281, 16359, 776, 15272, 6330, 2920, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 44644, 10, 1093, 27, 3439, 27, 3680, 642, 15, 3031, 1839, 1525, 4739, 27, 187, 5064, 3031, 1839, 2691, 1787, 187, 74, 1849, 644, 281, 14730, 19454, 13, 616, 2444, 966, 952, 403, 253, 5536, 6712, 28002, 273, 3076, 9970, 2756, 50279, 45545, 16331, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1012, 27, 520, 27, 3208, 642, 15, 15270, 20487, 25959, 27, 187, 14146, 273, 9745, 1066, 253, 6945, 987, 949, 18567, 47281, 382, 12121, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1012, 27, 2941, 27, 361, 642, 15, 15270, 20487, 35179, 27, 187, 5064, 15270, 20487, 25959, 187, 7564, 261, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1012, 27, 2125, 27, 1166, 642, 15, 15270, 20487, 39273, 27, 187, 5064, 15270, 20487, 25959, 187, 1466, 441, 4600, 342, 634, 26283, 285, 3226, 29261, 15, 309, 359, 513, 326, 13, 368, 3330, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1012, 27, 2125, 27, 3357, 642, 15, 15270, 1508, 1525, 2950, 27, 187, 2347, 513, 359, 2968, 342, 253, 11100, 466, 1895, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1012, 27, 1012, 27, 883, 642, 15, 15270, 1348, 2904, 1010, 27, 187, 5064, 15270, 20487, 25959, 187, 42, 11907, 9422, 38139, 281, 1379, 616, 3819, 281, 3513, 285, 1569, 10473, 6083, 3587, 15, 187, 4045, 417, 320, 2438, 46088, 281, 11377, 23247, 327, 7143, 390, 745, 275, 3520, 11757, 15, 24547, 12222, 588, 320, 6107, 407, 378, 2300, 47, 285, 6912, 14564, 9422, 38139, 15, 187, 9817, 3020, 13, 604, 368, 923, 247, 270, 24736, 390, 247, 3438, 17787, 13, 597, 403, 671, 10942, 1346, 285, 368, 943, 298, 1225, 562, 387, 731, 671, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1012, 27, 1348, 27, 1099, 642, 15, 15270, 1348, 41646, 27, 187, 5064, 15270, 20487, 25959, 187, 88, 438, 24901, 285, 38139, 25561, 32, 187, 395, 38139, 24901, 247, 270, 9528, 304, 267, 25211, 9119, 358, 423, 259, 3526, 1964, 3180, 2860, 583, 1266, 84, 13, 2240, 261, 275, 271, 316, 1163, 11927, 37, 13, 305, 297, 1815, 478, 78, 13, 34253, 13, 285, 642, 42803, 1163, 11927, 37, 275, 1185, 35333, 639, 69, 279, 281, 2936, 271, 316, 1163, 11927, 37, 15, 399, 248, 3236, 1387, 1244, 338, 1225, 90, 3419, 69, 279, 259, 7958, 11420, 275, 1884, 84, 465, 376, 307, 1373, 285, 259, 7958, 277, 3957, 4926, 264, 407, 2006, 6352, 378, 301, 2146, 1163, 11927, 37, 15, 187, 22309, 277, 248, 33067, 1163, 11927, 403, 359, 327, 1227, 4818, 16, 3736, 33186, 187, 16, 4818, 16, 24901, 271, 275, 491, 9306, 288, 351, 268, 462, 2400, 323, 299, 14907, 5361, 359, 691, 67, 583, 277, 248, 709, 263, 2654, 24901, 760, 33078, 1546, 323, 441, 2860, 375, 281, 305, 485, 1060, 281, 3324, 1484, 8596, 91, 285, 2240, 261, 275, 271, 316, 1163, 11927, 37, 15, 187, 463, 554, 270, 3834, 277, 248, 2240, 261, 1163, 11927, 11927, 11927, 37, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1012, 27, 1731, 27, 1099, 642, 15, 15270, 22232, 11946, 27, 187, 5064, 15270, 20487, 25959, 187, 14191, 293, 14763, 9673, 16, 2031, 187, 41, 647, 401, 13046, 48645, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1012, 27, 1731, 27, 1671, 642, 15, 15270, 22232, 12434, 27, 187, 42, 2389, 281, 45905, 269, 1225, 323, 776, 820, 263, 44640, 8366, 6565, 665, 1918, 441, 3041, 273, 8918, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1012, 27, 1619, 27, 2922, 642, 15, 15270, 1348, 1423, 2597, 27, 187, 5064, 15270, 20487, 25959, 187, 1992, 32534, 66, 27, 47281, 382, 426, 5219, 187, 17756, 27, 9422, 38139, 426, 3270, 14, 17185, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1012, 27, 1610, 27, 2417, 642, 15, 15270, 1348, 1619, 1237, 27, 187, 5064, 15270, 20487, 25959, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1012, 27, 1671, 27, 3071, 642, 15, 15270, 1348, 1717, 2950, 27, 187, 34435, 1503, 4894, 466, 4276, 43862, 342, 5492, 2137, 15, 187, 1276, 403, 368, 22485, 1227, 4818, 22549, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1012, 27, 1839, 27, 1839, 642, 15, 15270, 1348, 1610, 740, 27, 187, 14931, 96, 243, 1359, 281, 9632, 247, 295, 23248, 15, 187, 7878, 20110, 1502, 16473, 731, 2378, 13, 359, 588, 13313, 731, 969, 285, 13313, 731, 1900, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1012, 27, 1449, 27, 1047, 642, 15, 15270, 1348, 1706, 1857, 27, 187, 5064, 15270, 20487, 25959, 187, 12550, 816, 247, 12190, 46935, 6793, 5753, 342, 42219, 3374, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1012, 27, 3156, 27, 1857, 642, 15, 15270, 1348, 1671, 2759, 27, 187, 5064, 15270, 20487, 25959, 187, 5656, 3801, 34, 452, 2489, 253, 10942, 1346, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1012, 27, 3156, 27, 3712, 642, 15, 15270, 1348, 1812, 520, 27, 187, 5064 ]
133 well done Anonymous 12/05/17(Tue)20:41:49 no.152166958: >>152166794 through al qaeda territories source: (((you))) Anonymous 12/05/17(Tue)20:42:09 no.152166990: >>152166133 >"made something for the check'em fags" >dubs zozzle >>152166794 smuggling world/middleeast/iran-houthis-fifth -fleet-admiral.html here is a small article from the NYT about it Anonymous 12/05/17(Tue)20:43:42 no.152167185: >>152166794 they tell saudis to do it for them, saudis transport weapons to Houthis under the disguise of incompetent mercenary niggers it's 5d camel jockey Anonymous 12/05/17(Tue)20:45:55 no.152167425: >>152167185 >saudis transport weapons to Houthis under the disguise of incompetent mercenary niggers Anonymous 12/05/17(Tue)20:46:15 no.152167466: >>152166279 >MBS is incompetent agreed, when it comes to tactical warfare, he is. but he knows his stuff when it comes to propaganda. like that sophia AI thing. giving a robot that almost seemingly barely functions on machine learning, saudi citizenship, is utterly pointless if you exclude the fact that he did it to foreshadow what’s to come. or at least what he plans to make. and who am i to doubt him, it’d be good for the ME if SA modernizes. ultimately passing down the torch of islamic extremism to iran. Anonymous 12/05/17(Tue)20:46:21 no.152167478: >>152166133 Sehr gud. Anonymous 12/05/17(Tue)20:48:09 no.152167660: >>152166958 >tfw you offended Jihadi Pierre by mistaking his terrorgroup with another Please don’t target my country Anonymous 12/05/17(Tue)20:48:34 no.152167712: >>152166133 Well played Arab Baathist 12/05/17(Tue)20:49:50 no.152167846: Hey fuckers, im still alive and well. Havent been shot by any black dudes in case anyone was wondering. Anonymous 12/05/17(Tue)20:50:21 no.152167902: Houthis have killed General Tariq Saleh, nephew of killed ex-president Saleh they also executed his 13-year-old son >13 yo >executed wew Arab Baathist 12/05/17(Tue)20:51:22 no.152167996: >>152166279 He's like 32 years old and went from nobody to almost king in 3 years, with no experience whatsoever and all the billions saudi has in his hands. Of course he will fuck things up. Anonymous 12/05/17(Tue)20:51:40 no.152168026: >>152167846 That's wonderful! Anonymous 12/05/17(Tue)20:51:41 no.152168028: >>152167846 I was not, in fact I forgot about you. Still Chicago or south now? Anonymous 12/05/17(Tue)20:51:53 no.152168046: >>152167660 >houtis >terror group low energy shitpost tbqh Anonymous 12/05/17(Tue)20:52:18 no.152168096: >>152167466 That's what this whole thing is m8, propaganda. A literal PR stunt, the only thing that will change is them funding Sunni extremism with a smiley face so he can fool Amerikneels to eat his shit. The only way you can modernize Wahhabism and Saudi Arabia is purge them and the royal family from existence Arab Baathist 12/05/17(Tue)20:52:33 no.152168116: >>152167902 Are we even sure the houthis are doing this? I think the Zio-Saudi alliance is behind this to stir problems in Sanaa. Arab Baathist 12/05/17(Tue)20:53:28 no.152168216: >>152168028 Hey edgy-hans, im in Minnesota. Anonymous 12/05/17(Tue)20:54:04 no.152168278: >>152167846 >Havent been shot by any black dudes in case anyone was wondering. Just when I was getting hopeful..... Arab Baathist 12/05/17(Tue)20:54:25 no.152168314: Sounds about right. Anonymous 12/05/17(Tue)20:54:38 no.152168339: >>152168116 They did it, there pics of them capturing him, they may kill Saudis but they're still hardcore as fuck. They're necessary evil for that exact reason Anonymous 12/05/17(Tue)20:55:08 no.152168402: >>152167902 >wew yeah let's wait till he grow up so he can fuck with houtis in the future because of muh feefees Anonymous 12/05/17(Tue)20:55:18 no.152168421: >>152168216 woah first time u got it right, congratz. enjoy your stay in burgerland Arab Baathist 12/05/17(Tue)20:55:44 no.152168451: >>152168339 Yeah but how do we know the houthis did it? Its not logical for them to act like this, it will only make them lose what little support they had. Anonymous 12/05/17(Tue)20:56:16 no.152168494: >>152168421 >woah first time u got it right I was surprised Arab Baathist 12/05/17(Tue)20:57:20 no.152168596: >>152168494 Gay-hans would have missed me (despite being a degenerate). Edgy-hans is the only german that hates me. Anonymous 12/05/17(Tue)20:57:34 no.152168616: >>152168451 what support do they even have? Anonymous 12/05/17(Tue)20:59:08 no.152168773: >>152168596 >that hates me. only when u sperg and argue with people who largly agree with you but u still call them eurocuck kurds or whatever. other times is mostly bant Anonymous 12/05/17(Tue)20:59:10 no.152168778: >>152158546 Hey, have you seen this? edia:Administrators%27_noticeboard/ Incidents#A_different_proposal edia:Administrators%27_noticeboard/ Incidents#User:Chas._Caltrop_for_th e_third_time There's so much /pol/ fodder on one article it's beautiful. Anonymous 12/05/17(Tue)20:59:31 no.152168807: >>152166990 >The report concluded that the available evidence pointed to an apparent “weapon pipeline, extending from Iran to Somalia and Yemen, which involves the transfer, by dhow, of significant quantities of Iranian-manufactured weapons and weapons that plausibly derive from Iranian stockpiles.” So they literally sail ATGM’s and stuff in boats from Somalia to Houthis? Do Houthis possess anti ship weaponry since burgers can’t just sail up and blockade Yemen - Somalia sailroutes? Arab Baathist 12/05/17(Tue)21:00:29 no.152168916: Seems like no one knows why Ali Abdullah Saleh switched sides(or at least asked for dialogue). Its just not logical, he was a good man that wanted to united yemen and was a arab nationalist. Without his party, the houthis look more and more like iranian agents. I just hope they mend things with the General People's Congress or this will be a huge win for the Zio-Saudi alliance. Anonymous 12/05/17(Tue)21:01:06 no.152168978: Baking fresh SOON Arab Baathist 12/05/17(Tue)21:01:50 no.152169060: >>152168773
[ 14380, 187, 4714, 2218, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 50110, 10, 938, 27, 3156, 27, 2537, 642, 15, 1010, 17271, 2090, 3680, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 17271, 2251, 3953, 187, 10489, 355, 2805, 28031, 26949, 187, 6756, 27, 24317, 5658, 10689, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 50110, 10, 938, 27, 2945, 27, 2693, 642, 15, 1010, 17271, 23, 28001, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 17271, 23, 14380, 187, 21760, 12710, 1633, 323, 253, 2451, 8, 358, 269, 3544, 3, 187, 31, 69, 24976, 187, 8636, 12610, 187, 5064, 1010, 17271, 2251, 3953, 187, 3610, 37706, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 79, 1767, 1022, 15, 681, 16, 7132, 16, 2693, 16, 1093, 16, 187, 10186, 16, 16389, 26139, 16, 343, 266, 14, 73, 2001, 261, 14, 25512, 394, 187, 14, 39923, 292, 14, 44434, 7411, 15, 2974, 187, 1568, 310, 247, 1355, 3929, 432, 253, 10310, 53, 670, 352, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 50110, 10, 938, 27, 3079, 27, 2945, 642, 15, 1010, 17271, 24, 17786, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 17271, 2251, 3953, 187, 9328, 2028, 618, 438, 261, 281, 513, 352, 323, 731, 13, 618, 438, 261, 4616, 8914, 281, 388, 2001, 261, 762, 253, 40646, 273, 43650, 14480, 35634, 35825, 7276, 187, 262, 434, 608, 69, 46493, 480, 13464, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 50110, 10, 938, 27, 1857, 27, 2417, 642, 15, 1010, 17271, 3566, 1099, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 17271, 24, 17786, 187, 31, 84, 5353, 261, 4616, 8914, 281, 388, 2001, 261, 762, 253, 40646, 273, 43650, 14480, 35634, 35825, 7276, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 50110, 10, 938, 27, 2950, 27, 1010, 642, 15, 1010, 17271, 3566, 2526, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 17271, 23, 23163, 187, 31, 46, 4449, 310, 43650, 209, 187, 356, 22767, 13, 672, 352, 3249, 281, 31532, 27205, 13, 344, 310, 15, 533, 344, 6057, 521, 5017, 672, 352, 3249, 281, 23306, 15, 751, 326, 13731, 571, 14980, 2181, 15, 4933, 247, 15688, 326, 2761, 16907, 12345, 3470, 327, 5145, 4715, 13, 618, 36460, 24588, 13, 310, 23228, 41690, 604, 368, 16670, 253, 958, 326, 344, 858, 352, 281, 35903, 73, 7240, 752, 457, 84, 281, 1705, 15, 390, 387, 1878, 752, 344, 5827, 281, 1056, 15, 285, 665, 717, 891, 281, 5545, 779, 13, 352, 457, 69, 320, 1175, 323, 253, 10616, 604, 12041, 4980, 4219, 15, 9142, 8136, 1066, 253, 30162, 273, 310, 5247, 280, 5320, 1204, 281, 3496, 266, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 50110, 10, 938, 27, 2950, 27, 1797, 642, 15, 1010, 17271, 24, 31819, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 17271, 23, 14380, 187, 3251, 6285, 305, 438, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 50110, 10, 938, 27, 2385, 27, 2693, 642, 15, 1010, 17271, 3121, 1549, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 17271, 2090, 3680, 187, 31, 16114, 88, 368, 35872, 500, 6356, 11282, 25298, 407, 5384, 1170, 521, 7075, 4399, 342, 1529, 187, 7845, 1053, 457, 85, 2303, 619, 2586, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 50110, 10, 938, 27, 2385, 27, 1706, 642, 15, 1010, 17271, 2357, 805, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 17271, 23, 14380, 187, 4497, 4546, 535, 187, 24850, 11086, 506, 382, 1249, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 50110, 10, 938, 27, 2537, 27, 1235, 642, 15, 1010, 17271, 24, 34938, 27, 187, 8262, 7435, 398, 13, 516, 1335, 9338, 285, 973, 15, 32977, 290, 644, 5103, 407, 667, 2806, 277, 14735, 275, 1083, 3780, 369, 12371, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 50110, 10, 938, 27, 1235, 27, 1797, 642, 15, 1010, 17271, 24, 35808, 27, 187, 41, 2001, 261, 452, 5339, 4214, 308, 1792, 82, 29068, 73, 13, 33793, 273, 5339, 385, 14, 39140, 29068, 73, 187, 9328, 671, 11407, 521, 2145, 14, 2913, 14, 744, 3347, 187, 31, 1012, 26352, 187, 31, 9993, 4525, 187, 664, 88, 535, 187, 24850, 11086, 506, 382, 1249, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 50110, 10, 938, 27, 3712, 27, 1423, 642, 15, 1010, 17271, 24, 28053, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 17271, 23, 23163, 187, 1328, 434, 751, 4567, 1107, 1711, 285, 2427, 432, 12445, 281, 2761, 6963, 275, 495, 1107, 13, 342, 642, 2793, 24612, 285, 512, 253, 25866, 618, 36460, 556, 275, 521, 3564, 15, 4683, 2282, 344, 588, 7435, 1841, 598, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 50110, 10, 938, 27, 3712, 27, 1449, 642, 15, 1010, 17271, 1438, 1731, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 17271, 24, 34938, 187, 2773, 434, 9386, 2, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 50110, 10, 938, 27, 3712, 27, 3156, 642, 15, 1010, 17271, 1438, 1619, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 17271, 24, 34938, 187, 42, 369, 417, 13, 275, 958, 309, 18298, 670, 368, 15, 187, 16812, 8068, 390, 6420, 1024, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 50110, 10, 938, 27, 3712, 27, 3357, 642, 15, 1010, 17271, 1438, 2950, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 17271, 3121, 1549, 187, 31, 73, 483, 261, 187, 31, 32511, 1387, 187, 676, 2341, 10739, 5996, 34244, 82, 73, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 50110, 10, 938, 27, 3583, 27, 1093, 642, 15, 1010, 17271, 1438, 4196, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 17271, 3566, 2526, 187, 2773, 434, 752, 436, 2644, 2181, 310, 278, 25, 13, 23306, 15, 329, 22436, 4653, 47765, 13, 253, 760, 2181, 326, 588, 1818, 310, 731, 8362, 45409, 5320, 1204, 342, 247, 8580, 90, 2454, 594, 344, 476, 11213, 28177, 1479, 570, 1241, 281, 6008, 521, 10739, 15, 187, 510, 760, 1039, 368, 476, 4980, 907, 411, 1240, 8621, 1204, 285, 16158, 20498, 310, 45726, 731, 285, 253, 17292, 2021, 432, 6242, 535, 187, 24850, 11086, 506, 382, 1249, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 50110, 10, 938, 27, 3583, 27, 1610, 642, 15, 17472, 13851, 13210, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 17271, 24, 35808, 187, 6723, 359, 1014, 2119, 253, 288, 2001, 261, 403, 2509, 436, 32, 309, 1158, 253, 1503, 900, 14, 52, 14504, 23158, 310, 3212, 436, 281, 10576, 3237, 275, 322, 3230, 66, 15, 535, 187, 24850, 11086, 506, 382, 1249, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 50110, 10, 938, 27, 3357, 27, 1619, 642, 15, 1010, 17271, 3507, 1036, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 17271, 1438, 1619, 187, 8262, 1407, 4233, 14, 73, 507, 13, 516, 275, 14748, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 50110, 10, 938, 27, 3439, 27, 2125, 642, 15, 17472, 13851, 24803, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 17271, 24, 34938, 187, 31, 41, 580, 290, 644, 5103, 407, 667, 2806, 277, 14735, 275, 1083, 3780, 369, 12371, 15, 187, 6300, 672, 309, 369, 2970, 29874, 20340, 535, 187, 24850, 11086, 506, 382, 1249, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 50110, 10, 938, 27, 3439, 27, 1099, 642, 15, 1010, 17271, 3245, 1047, 27, 187, 41099, 670, 987, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 50110, 10, 938, 27, 3439, 27, 1839, 642, 15, 17472, 13851, 23688, 27, 187, 5064, 17472, 13851, 13210, 187, 3726, 858, 352, 13, 627, 40482, 273, 731, 26475, 779, 13, 597, 778, 5159, 322, 5353, 261, 533, 597, 1472, 1335, 45960, 347, 7435, 15, 1583, 1472, 3309, 10319, 323, 326, 3242, 1921, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 50110, 10, 938, 27, 2417, 27, 2904, 642, 15, 17472, 13851, 24948, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 17271, 24, 35808, 187, 31, 664, 88, 187, 90, 3983, 1339, 434, 3343, 7357, 344, 1756, 598, 594, 344, 476, 7435, 342, 288, 483, 261, 275, 253, 2852, 984, 273, 278, 6968, 9801, 453, 265, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 50110, 10, 938, 27, 2417, 27, 1093, 642, 15, 1010, 17271, 2759, 1797, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 17271, 3507, 1036, 187, 680, 1240, 806, 673, 1484, 1694, 352, 987, 13, 345, 737, 16859, 15, 187, 257, 3881, 634, 3297, 275, 42463, 1373, 535, 187, 24850, 11086, 506, 382, 1249, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 50110, 10, 938, 27, 2417, 27, 2031, 642, 15, 17472, 13851, 30592, 27, 187, 5064, 17472, 13851, 23688, 187, 6506, 533, 849, 513, 359, 871, 253, 288, 2001, 261, 858, 352, 32, 7850, 417, 13760, 323, 731, 281, 769, 751, 436, 13, 352, 588, 760, 1056, 731, 7168, 752, 1652, 1329, 597, 574, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 50110, 10, 938, 27, 3208, 27, 1036, 642, 15, 17472, 13851, 32942, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 17271, 2759, 1797, 187, 31, 680, 1240, 806, 673, 1484, 1694, 352, 987, 187, 42, 369, 9861, 535, 187, 24850, 11086, 506, 382, 1249, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 50110, 10, 938, 27, 3011, 27, 938, 642, 15, 1010, 17271, 2227, 4196, 27, 187, 5064, 17472, 13851, 32942, 187, 40, 333, 14, 73, 507, 651, 452, 9829, 479, 313, 3229, 3784, 1146, 247, 29458, 481, 3619, 4233, 14, 73, 507, 310, 253, 760, 305, 8592, 326, 38232, 479, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 50110, 10, 938, 27, 3011, 27, 1706, 642, 15, 1010, 17271, 2691, 1036, 27, 187, 5064, 17472, 13851, 30592, 187, 5371, 1329, 513, 597, 1014, 452, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 50110, 10, 938, 27, 3046, 27, 2904, 642, 15, 17472, 13851, 40761, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 17271, 2227, 4196, 187, 31, 3529, 38232, 479, 15, 187, 7483, 672, 1484, 14413, 72, 285, 9059, 342, 952, 665, 7950, 314, 5194, 342, 368, 533, 1484, 1335, 1067, 731, 17069, 68, 1807, 42981, 1397, 390, 5913, 15, 643, 2069, 310, 6571, 270, 386, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 50110, 10, 938, 27, 3046, 27, 740, 642, 15, 17472, 13851, 33505, 27, 187, 5064, 17472, 1010, 2227, 2950, 187, 8262, 13, 452, 368, 2326, 436, 32, 209, 187, 3614, 1358, 257, 15, 25842, 15, 2061, 16, 16123, 16, 56, 14956, 187, 7366, 27, 41800, 38844, 6, 1630, 64, 37277, 4697, 16, 187, 29228, 9274, 4, 34, 64, 19623, 64, 856, 40384, 187, 3614, 1358, 257, 15, 25842, 15, 2061, 16, 16123, 16, 56, 14956, 187, 7366, 27, 41800, 38844, 6, 1630, 64, 37277, 4697, 16, 187, 29228, 9274, 4, 6989, 27, 1779, 284, 3333, 36, 2711, 1658, 64, 1542, 64, 394, 187, 70, 64, 19016, 64, 2606, 187, 2512, 434, 594, 1199, 1227, 4818, 16, 269, 351, 491, 327, 581, 3929, 352, 434, 5389, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 50110, 10, 938, 27, 3046, 27, 2405, 642, 15, 17472, 13851, 28950, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 17271, 23, 28001, 187, 31, 510, 1304, 7945, 326, 253, 2130, 1941, 8042, 281, 271, 5165, 773, 664, 23821, 15722, 13, 13633, 432, 7751, 281, 46699, 285, 27412, 13, 534, 8687, 253, 3700, 13, 407, 277, 5430, 13, 273, 1534, 13483, 273, 20533, 14, 48117, 1520, 8914, 285, 8914, 326, 18662, 4360, 15313, 432, 20533, 5739, 81, 3205, 1425, 187, 2598, 597, 12832, 15901, 4915, 14633, 457, 84, 285, 5017, 275, 19750, 432, 46699, 281, 388, 2001, 261, 32, 187, 4045, 388, 2001, 261, 7081, 3270, 6215, 10485, 610, 1580, 42803, 476, 457, 85, 816, 15901, 598, 285, 28398, 27412, 428, 46699, 15901, 27861, 265, 32, 535, 187, 24850, 11086, 506, 382, 1249, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 50110, 10, 1797, 27, 361, 27, 1717, 642, 15, 1010, 17271, 2511, 1036, 27, 187, 3251, 3030, 751, 642, 581, 6057, 2139, 14355, 49445, 29068, 73, 17609, 7123, 9, 263, 387, 1878, 2546, 323, 17414, 481, 7850, 816, 417, 13760, 13, 344, 369, 247, 1175, 637, 326, 3078, 281, 25536, 340, 14745, 285, 369, 247, 549, 357, 38204, 15, 187, 20696, 521, 3128, 13, 253, 288, 2001, 261, 1007, 625, 285, 625, 751, 3496, 44316, 6083, 15, 309, 816, 3524, 597, 278, 423, 1841, 342, 253, 4214, 6491, 434, 5759, 390, 436, 588, 320, 247, 5699, 3330, 323, 253, 1503, 900, 14, 52, 14504, 23158, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1249, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 50110, 10, 1797, 27, 520, 27, 3071, 642, 15, 1010, 17271, 2511, 3141, 27, 187, 35, 1170, 5352, 8717, 1139, 535, 187, 24850, 11086, 506, 382, 1249, 16, 1762, 16, 1166, 9, 50110, 10, 1797, 27, 520, 27, 1235, 642, 15, 1010, 17271, 2270, 1549, 27, 187, 5064, 17472, 13851, 40761 ]
159983586: >>159979498 This autist is on the wrong team. Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)16:00:58 no.159983611: >>159979153 > protruding Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)16:01:33 no.159983677: >>159978339 >no u be quiet Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)16:02:00 no.159983729: >>159979498 holy crap is that napolean dynamite? Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)16:02:39 no.159983806: >>159982739 Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)16:02:43 no.159983810: >>159978716 >kill whitey Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)16:02:47 no.159983818: >>159982740 Id give him 3 before the grids catch up with him Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)16:04:58 no.159984061: >>159982798 But you forgot the part about the 80's >black communities are violent because they ain't enough police in poor black neighborhoods >they neglecting us because we black >dis racism REEEEEEEEEEE 90's >THERES TOO MANY POLICE IN BLACK COMMUNITIES >THEY TARGETING US BECAUSE WE BLACK >DAS RAYCISS REEEEEEE Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)16:05:37 no.159984118: >>159981837 Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)16:07:40 no.159984371: >>159978847 >that redhead qt Poor soul Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)16:08:26 no.159984468: >>159983234 Every news article before the election >no matter who wins this election, we need to come together and support our new leader because this country is so divided After the election >#resist >not my president Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)16:09:47 no.159984621: >>159979786 Coyotes should die because they are filthy pests. Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)16:10:02 no.159984654: >>159983646 This just has to be a bamboozle. Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)16:11:27 no.159984827: >>159983896 Lord have mercy on us Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)16:11:59 no.159984890: >>159983234 Be nice to Laci Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)16:13:07 no.159985018: >>159982740 Did you just assume xer gender? Jk, but that’s actually a female Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)16:14:39 no.159985213: hollywood made victimhood so sexy huh Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)16:15:21 no.159985292: >>159984890 i'll be nice to laci if she lets me doodle all over her butthole Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)16:15:47 no.159985358: >>159983518 shoulda shot it. Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)16:15:51 no.159985363: >>159982909 Thats a Romanian PSL you mong. Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)16:16:26 no.159985452: >>159978415 If he lived in Communist Russia he’d probably be gulag’d or better yet executed via firing squad for promoting degeneracy Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)16:17:29 no.159985601: fuck im a commie now Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)16:18:29 no.159985738: >>159982265 i walk into school and see my child with this, people or "its" would die. Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)16:18:55 no.159985793: >>159984604 And yet they did not move. Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)16:19:29 no.159985856: >>159977929 Time to stop donating to haiti charities. Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)16:20:01 no.159985927: >>159979498 he be the first to die under socialism Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)16:20:08 no.159985952: >>159978684 tha "right vs easy" quote isnt even correct. it's in the wrong order. Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)16:21:27 no.159986105: >>159982323 Oh no Oh no This.... this is to much... i was quiet before but they have gone to far Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)16:21:47 no.159986143: >>159983264 Ugly af ruined the gsd breed Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)16:22:45 no.159986285: >>159986100 Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)16:22:46 no.159986288: >>159985896 I got the same shit for reporting that group that harassed that girl from the play in Ithaca, NY. A day later I got another notification that they deleted content from the page that went against community standards, turns out that content was all the 1 star reviews for the page. Facebook needs to die and Zuckerjew needs to be gassed. Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)16:23:05 no.159986326: >>159977929 No point in donating any more, or spending budget to rebuild if its already great. God fucking damn these elites are so fucking in their own world. This is like Trump extending the olive branch to blacks, then Hillary, and blacks were all "we are just fine, we need no help". Crazy. Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)16:23:11 no.159986339: >>159986000 >for 500 years More like over 5000 years. Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)16:23:12 no.159986342: this thread convinces me to vote right wing in any election and to stomp the ever living shit out of any liberal i can catch alone. Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)16:23:14 no.159986345: >>159981068 The other three out of four are just grey, faceless nobodies Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)16:23:48 no.159986416: >>159986202 >Rothschild banker >French Hitler In your fucking dreams Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)16:24:44 no.159986550: >>159985363 No it isn't you fucking retard Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)16:24:47 no.159986556: >>159979498 >cure to headache is a guillotine Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)16:26:02 no.159986705: >>159979704 perfect Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)16:26:40 no.159986790: >>159978339 >be silent >proceed to sue you for thought crime Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)16:27:17 no.159986860: >>159978415 >Commie >Owns an oven to bake things with which could be construde as means of production which is would be illegal for that thing to own under Soviet union. Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)16:27:59 no.159986955: >>159978415 The sickle and hammer are photoshopped, but anyway, in USSR homosexuality was forbidden and fags were sent to prison Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)16:28:47 no.159987066: >>159986955 *gulag. For re-education. Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)16:28:47 no.159987067: >>159986416 well he did a lot shit that triggered leftists in france but yeah Anonymous 02/10/18(Sat)16:28:58 no.159987088: >>159985018 What's that on the pic?
[ 1010, 27043, 1671, 2691, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1525, 2787, 31358, 187, 1552, 1125, 382, 310, 327, 253, 3430, 2285, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 361, 27, 3680, 642, 15, 1010, 27043, 1812, 883, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1525, 2787, 16271, 187, 31, 26322, 27951, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 520, 27, 1610, 642, 15, 1010, 27043, 1812, 2357, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1525, 3141, 23688, 187, 31, 2369, 1484, 320, 7107, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 2640, 27, 361, 642, 15, 1010, 27043, 1787, 1717, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1525, 2787, 31358, 187, 73, 10270, 23550, 310, 326, 19422, 7451, 3970, 614, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 2640, 27, 1867, 642, 15, 1010, 1525, 3245, 29288, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 27043, 1630, 1867, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 2640, 27, 3079, 642, 15, 1010, 27043, 1839, 740, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 28315, 2597, 1036, 187, 31, 24212, 3168, 90, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 2640, 27, 2504, 642, 15, 1010, 27043, 1839, 1093, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 27043, 1630, 1449, 187, 2618, 1918, 779, 495, 1078, 253, 42590, 5834, 598, 342, 779, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 2125, 27, 3680, 642, 15, 1010, 27043, 1449, 3832, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 27043, 1630, 4185, 187, 1989, 368, 18298, 253, 629, 670, 253, 5096, 434, 187, 31, 11958, 7888, 403, 12338, 984, 597, 16326, 626, 2217, 3513, 275, 4105, 2806, 25237, 187, 31, 9328, 18369, 272, 441, 984, 359, 2806, 187, 31, 3431, 23285, 416, 48919, 48919, 18529, 187, 2270, 434, 187, 31, 13656, 1410, 308, 4985, 353, 22026, 32504, 8875, 2949, 13242, 8100, 15135, 49101, 9785, 209, 187, 31, 9707, 58, 308, 24587, 2637, 1982, 8728, 4280, 17423, 13573, 13242, 8100, 187, 31, 37, 1719, 416, 8506, 36, 16808, 416, 48919, 18529, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 1762, 27, 1787, 642, 15, 1010, 1525, 2759, 14711, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 27043, 1093, 1787, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 2922, 27, 1449, 642, 15, 1010, 1525, 2759, 28898, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 28315, 2055, 2504, 187, 31, 3529, 2502, 2522, 2805, 85, 187, 37666, 7765, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 2904, 27, 1731, 642, 15, 1010, 27043, 2031, 2358, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 27043, 1237, 1706, 187, 8267, 3668, 3929, 1078, 253, 6132, 187, 31, 2369, 2647, 665, 14896, 436, 6132, 13, 359, 878, 281, 1705, 2366, 285, 1329, 776, 747, 6657, 984, 436, 2586, 310, 594, 4272, 187, 4553, 253, 6132, 187, 31, 4, 373, 382, 209, 187, 31, 1439, 619, 4007, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 2693, 27, 2504, 642, 15, 1010, 1525, 34938, 1797, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1525, 35304, 2691, 187, 36, 899, 4787, 943, 3150, 984, 597, 403, 46280, 268, 6655, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 740, 27, 2640, 642, 15, 1010, 1525, 2759, 29195, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1525, 3245, 25238, 187, 1552, 816, 556, 281, 320, 247, 42657, 91, 282, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 883, 27, 1630, 642, 15, 1010, 27043, 2385, 1630, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 27043, 1839, 4196, 187, 27537, 452, 23661, 327, 441, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 883, 27, 3046, 642, 15, 1010, 27043, 2385, 2270, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 27043, 1237, 1706, 187, 4678, 5322, 281, 418, 26293, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 1012, 27, 2922, 642, 15, 1010, 1525, 2227, 12058, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 27043, 1630, 1449, 187, 8917, 368, 816, 5467, 1269, 254, 8645, 32, 187, 43, 76, 13, 533, 326, 457, 84, 2686, 247, 5343, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 1047, 27, 1867, 642, 15, 1010, 1525, 2227, 21197, 27, 187, 73, 41265, 1160, 5487, 3639, 594, 25594, 23445, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 1010, 27, 1797, 642, 15, 1010, 1525, 2227, 27122, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 27043, 2385, 2270, 187, 74, 1833, 320, 5322, 281, 26238, 74, 604, 703, 14935, 479, 513, 351, 282, 512, 689, 617, 533, 394, 1306, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 1010, 27, 2504, 642, 15, 1010, 1525, 2227, 26422, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 27043, 1671, 1093, 187, 11425, 66, 5103, 352, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 1010, 27, 3712, 642, 15, 1010, 1525, 2227, 26338, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 27043, 1717, 2693, 187, 2773, 84, 247, 45575, 367, 7084, 368, 49535, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 1036, 27, 1731, 642, 15, 1010, 1525, 2227, 34237, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 28315, 2759, 1010, 187, 2042, 344, 6940, 275, 22356, 7422, 344, 457, 69, 3164, 320, 49725, 356, 457, 69, 390, 1805, 2568, 11407, 3066, 14954, 13487, 323, 14312, 44877, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 1166, 27, 1717, 642, 15, 1010, 1525, 33120, 520, 27, 187, 71, 1807, 516, 247, 764, 466, 1024, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 1093, 27, 1717, 642, 15, 1010, 1525, 31416, 1839, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 27043, 1423, 2082, 187, 74, 2940, 715, 2143, 285, 923, 619, 1429, 342, 436, 13, 952, 390, 346, 953, 3, 651, 3150, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 1093, 27, 2417, 642, 15, 1010, 1525, 2227, 42815, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1525, 2759, 26890, 187, 1898, 2568, 597, 858, 417, 2118, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 746, 27, 1717, 642, 15, 1010, 1525, 2227, 33120, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1525, 33727, 1717, 187, 4769, 281, 3523, 1053, 839, 281, 419, 15208, 45643, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 938, 27, 520, 642, 15, 1010, 1525, 32168, 1630, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1525, 2787, 31358, 187, 248, 320, 253, 806, 281, 3150, 762, 38384, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 938, 27, 2904, 642, 15, 1010, 1525, 2227, 39621, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1525, 3141, 28883, 187, 19243, 346, 918, 4632, 3477, 3, 14430, 310, 2649, 1014, 3451, 15, 352, 434, 275, 253, 3430, 1340, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 1797, 27, 1630, 642, 15, 1010, 1525, 2691, 10655, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1525, 3507, 21874, 187, 4013, 642, 187, 4013, 642, 209, 187, 1552, 22833, 436, 310, 281, 1199, 3346, 891, 369, 7107, 1078, 533, 597, 452, 4783, 281, 2080, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 1797, 27, 2504, 642, 15, 1010, 1525, 2691, 16150, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 27043, 1237, 1540, 187, 54, 13233, 6706, 27826, 253, 305, 8289, 21876, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 1423, 27, 1857, 642, 15, 1010, 1525, 2691, 23025, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1525, 2691, 2313, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 1423, 27, 2950, 642, 15, 1010, 1525, 2691, 21340, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1525, 2227, 33608, 187, 42, 1694, 253, 1072, 10739, 323, 9610, 326, 1387, 326, 15598, 264, 326, 3226, 432, 253, 1132, 275, 309, 394, 20240, 13, 10310, 15, 187, 34, 1388, 1996, 309, 1694, 1529, 19313, 326, 597, 16737, 2600, 432, 253, 3239, 326, 2427, 1411, 3114, 7465, 13, 7819, 562, 326, 2600, 369, 512, 253, 337, 4177, 10123, 323, 253, 3239, 15, 187, 25116, 3198, 281, 3150, 285, 1503, 18141, 75, 999, 3198, 281, 320, 305, 39479, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 1508, 27, 1762, 642, 15, 1010, 1525, 2691, 22391, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1525, 33727, 1717, 187, 2302, 1127, 275, 1053, 839, 667, 625, 13, 390, 9100, 7563, 281, 21550, 604, 697, 2168, 1270, 15, 187, 13618, 12835, 15229, 841, 43599, 403, 594, 12835, 275, 616, 1211, 1533, 15, 831, 310, 751, 3778, 13633, 253, 17972, 7789, 281, 26769, 13, 840, 18175, 13, 285, 26769, 497, 512, 346, 664, 403, 816, 4030, 13, 359, 878, 642, 1361, 3446, 15615, 3847, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 1508, 27, 883, 642, 15, 1010, 1525, 2691, 23688, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1525, 2691, 933, 187, 31, 1542, 6783, 1107, 187, 7673, 751, 689, 29067, 1107, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 1508, 27, 805, 642, 15, 1010, 1525, 2691, 27222, 27, 187, 2520, 6293, 13136, 707, 479, 281, 6273, 987, 12916, 275, 667, 6132, 285, 281, 11044, 81, 253, 2455, 3811, 10739, 562, 273, 667, 12773, 891, 476, 5834, 3815, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 1508, 27, 1047, 642, 15, 1010, 1525, 2691, 16767, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 27043, 740, 2358, 187, 510, 643, 1264, 562, 273, 1740, 403, 816, 14370, 13, 2344, 6134, 39046, 4550, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 1508, 27, 2385, 642, 15, 1010, 27043, 1540, 1036, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1525, 2691, 18161, 187, 31, 51, 21992, 7003, 47880, 187, 31, 21258, 18816, 187, 688, 634, 12835, 13702, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 1348, 27, 2031, 642, 15, 1010, 27043, 2082, 1235, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1525, 2227, 26338, 187, 2302, 352, 3548, 626, 368, 12835, 31832, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 1348, 27, 2504, 642, 15, 1010, 27043, 2082, 3208, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1525, 2787, 31358, 187, 31, 68, 459, 281, 24934, 310, 247, 1149, 408, 26410, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 1731, 27, 2640, 642, 15, 1010, 27043, 2251, 1762, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1525, 2787, 26942, 187, 32060, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 1731, 27, 1449, 642, 15, 1010, 27043, 2251, 2270, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1525, 3141, 23688, 187, 31, 1257, 11561, 187, 31, 856, 2638, 281, 25457, 368, 323, 1869, 6617, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 1630, 27, 1166, 642, 15, 1010, 27043, 2358, 1549, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 28315, 2759, 1010, 187, 31, 25600, 466, 187, 31, 22585, 84, 271, 14195, 281, 32413, 1841, 342, 534, 812, 320, 1030, 83, 2496, 347, 2097, 273, 3275, 534, 310, 651, 320, 9676, 323, 326, 2181, 281, 1211, 762, 12194, 8083, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 1630, 27, 3046, 642, 15, 1010, 27043, 2090, 2417, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 28315, 2759, 1010, 187, 510, 8334, 282, 285, 24627, 403, 7963, 1689, 1882, 13, 533, 8791, 13, 275, 48727, 39880, 369, 25415, 285, 269, 3544, 497, 2197, 281, 5754, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 1619, 27, 2504, 642, 15, 1010, 27043, 1967, 2526, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 27043, 2090, 2417, 187, 11, 72, 335, 356, 15, 187, 2214, 294, 14, 43052, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 1619, 27, 2504, 642, 15, 1010, 27043, 1967, 2251, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 27043, 1540, 1036, 187, 4714, 344, 858, 247, 2257, 10739, 326, 17142, 1669, 1346, 275, 1315, 593, 533, 10902, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 740, 16, 1093, 9, 20794, 10, 1036, 27, 1619, 27, 3680, 642, 15, 1010, 27043, 1967, 2055, 27, 187, 5064, 1010, 1525, 2227, 12058, 187, 1276, 434, 326, 327, 253, 14402, 32 ]
>>139251679 Hmm, weren't there anarcho-commie gangs in Spain and Ukraine at different times? They all were basically shitty red terror mini-Somalias, though. 504TGDpE Anonymous 08/27/17(Sun)15:04:07 no.139252168: >>139245658 watermark Anonymous 08/27/17(Sun)15:04:27 no.139252194: >>139239644 truexfalse 08/27/17(Sun)15:04:38 no.139252215: Commies and antifa are inferior to humans. Anonymous 08/27/17(Sun)15:04:51 no.139252237: >>139251679 >Muh antifa is like the battle of normandy As for your question, I've still seen tons of commies who think the ussr where the good guys even though they betrayed the allies a few years after ww2 ended. Anonymous 08/27/17(Sun)15:05:00 no.139252258: >>139242946 If it started today-- Anonymous 08/27/17(Sun)15:05:40 no.139252331: >>139243584 This. They think, act, believe and even dress the same way. The fact they don't see it makes me lmfao Everytime I see punch a Nazi anywhere on the internet. Anonymous 08/27/17(Sun)15:06:02 no.139252368: >>139251679 >Literally not real communism >Neigh blasphemous comparison of American soldiers to filthy unemployed virgin communists You don't belong here. It's time to leave Anonymous 08/27/17(Sun)15:06:07 no.139252377: >>139239644 Anonymous 08/27/17(Sun)15:06:32 no.139252426: >>139251956 Yes it is. Communist speech must be banned along with racism. Punch nazis and communists. I can't wait for the next great movement which will round up nazis and communists alike and wipe them away like rain cleaning the streets of filth. That day is coming. Your little "we need to start violence cause of nazis" is hilarious to us because it gives us a mandate to destroy you all. Anonymous 08/27/17(Sun)15:06:49 no.139252456: >>139239644 We need to destroy all the institutions he right holds dear. Let's rally and protest every place that distributes wildlife and fisheries licenses. Anonymous 08/27/17(Sun)15:07:07 no.139252482: >>139251679 >Name one instance where property and state was removed. The Bolshevik government had requisitioned supplies from the peasantry for little or nothing in exchange. This led peasants to drastically reduce their crop production. >Lenin ordered the seizure of the food peasants had grown for their own subsistence and their seed grain in retaliation for this "sabotage", leading to widespread peasant revolts.[10] In 1920, Lenin ordered increased emphasis on food requisitioning from the peasantry. an_famine_of_1921%E2%80%9322#Origin s There's tons of other instances, but this was fucking right out of the gate, the revolution had just occurred and the commies started grabbing shit. Anonymous 08/27/17(Sun)15:07:22 no.139252508: >>139239644 anti-bump Praceteom 08/27/17(Sun)15:07:31 no.139252519: >>139252054 Anonymous 08/27/17(Sun)15:07:54 no.139252560: >>139250511 >Antifa are the REAL racists! You're on the wrong website, my friend Anonymous 08/27/17(Sun)15:08:49 no.139252666: >>139252010 And I agree that they should. I can't answer for americans, I'm eurotrash. >>139251343 >>139251548 yiannopolous-pedophilia-transcript- pederasty-video-full-sex-boys-men-c atholic-priest-cpac-quotes/ >The law is probably about right, that’s probably roughly the right age. I think it’s probably about okay, but there are certainly people who are capable of giving consent at a younger age >Some of those relationships between younger boys and older men, the sort of coming of age relationships, the relationships in which those older men help those young boys to discover who they are, and give them security and safety and provide them with love and a reliable and sort of a rock where they can’t speak to their parents. Some of those relationships are the most- >Yeah, I don’t mind admitting that. I think particularly in the gay world and outside the Catholic church, if that’s where some of you want to go with this, I think in the gay world, some of the most important, enriching and incredibly life affirming, important shaping relationships very often between younger boys and older men, they can be hugely positive experiences for those young boys inb4 "it's not pedophilia because he said it wasn't". Anonymous 08/27/17(Sun)15:09:11 no.139252703: >>139242946 roll Anonymous 08/27/17(Sun)15:09:44 no.139252758: >>139250196 >i thought blm didn't like homosexuals? Not that there's anything wrong with that Anonymous 08/27/17(Sun)15:10:10 no.139252794: >>139242946 roll Anonymous 08/27/17(Sun)15:10:28 no.139252831: >>139239644 Anonymous 08/27/17(Sun)15:10:59 no.139252883: >>139252519 Does anyone know who the artist who made these two libertarian waifu pics is? Anonymous 08/27/17(Sun)15:11:00 no.139252886: >>139239644 >1 post by this ID Anonymous 08/27/17(Sun)15:11:23 no.139252928: >>139251969 just because its legal doesn't mean you should do it. Anonymous 08/27/17(Sun)15:12:00 no.139253000: >>139252482 That wasn't true communism though. not an argument Anonymous 08/27/17(Sun)15:12:10 no.139253015: >>139242946 rolling Anonymous 08/27/17(Sun)15:12:51 no.139253098: >>139252883 a retard, thats for sure Anonymous 08/27/17(Sun)15:13:27 no.139253150: >communism is so good, you have to send tank battalions into Hungary to stop them from protesting it Praceteom 08/27/17(Sun)15:13:42 no.139253172: >>139253098 I don't think a commie has any credence in calling anyone else a retard~ Anonymous 08/27/17(Sun)15:14:11 no.139253216: >>139252883 >>139252519 Idk, reminds me of pic related Anonymous 08/27/17(Sun)15:14:29 no.139253239: b-bash the fash Anonymous 08/27/17(Sun)15:14:37 no.139253251: >>139239644 >anti fascists >totalitarian scum, scum that's unable and unwilling to provide any kind of value so they opt to bring everyone down to their level can't wait for burgers excersising their 1A starting to off them in record numbers courtesy of 2A Anonymous 08/27/17(Sun)15:14:39 no.139253254: >>139252967 >da juuu is the reason I dont have a girlfriend embarrassment to humanity Anonymous 08/27/17(Sun)15:14:46 no.139253269: >>139242946 roll Anonymous 08/27/17(Sun)15:14:48 no.139253271: >>139253150 helicopter rides are too merciful for the communist scum. Anonymous 08/27/17(Sun)15:15:02 no.139253290: >>139253172 You don't even understand communism. I bet you didn't even
[ 187, 5064, 15270, 1099, 1036, 2787, 187, 33633, 13, 10345, 626, 627, 34822, 80, 14, 2823, 466, 44090, 275, 11268, 285, 17111, 387, 1027, 2069, 32, 187, 3726, 512, 497, 10323, 10739, 555, 2502, 7075, 12949, 14, 52, 7838, 6358, 13, 2167, 15, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 24583, 15, 681, 16, 13060, 32, 87, 30, 79, 25314, 187, 24333, 16854, 37, 81, 38, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 2125, 27, 2922, 642, 15, 15270, 20438, 13851, 27, 187, 5064, 15270, 19490, 28836, 187, 16526, 693, 782, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 2125, 27, 1630, 642, 15, 15270, 20438, 19332, 27, 187, 5064, 15270, 20487, 25959, 535, 187, 5672, 89, 7750, 16331, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 2125, 27, 1839, 642, 15, 15270, 1099, 1423, 1010, 27, 187, 25600, 447, 285, 32534, 66, 403, 18134, 281, 7497, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 2125, 27, 3712, 642, 15, 15270, 1099, 1423, 1787, 27, 187, 5064, 15270, 1099, 1036, 2787, 187, 31, 46, 6968, 32534, 66, 310, 751, 253, 6680, 273, 5222, 13183, 187, 1909, 323, 634, 1953, 13, 309, 1849, 1335, 2326, 16298, 273, 764, 447, 665, 1158, 253, 441, 18356, 835, 253, 1175, 6068, 1014, 2167, 597, 35935, 253, 17760, 247, 1643, 1107, 846, 259, 88, 19, 7402, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 1762, 27, 361, 642, 15, 15270, 1099, 14832, 25, 27, 187, 5064, 15270, 1348, 1717, 2950, 187, 2042, 352, 3053, 3063, 283, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 1762, 27, 1449, 642, 15, 15270, 1099, 1508, 2405, 27, 187, 5064, 15270, 1348, 1671, 2759, 187, 1552, 15, 1583, 1158, 13, 769, 13, 2868, 285, 1014, 7619, 253, 1072, 1039, 15, 380, 958, 597, 1053, 626, 923, 352, 2789, 479, 298, 78, 6855, 80, 6000, 2606, 309, 923, 18750, 247, 21219, 9825, 327, 253, 8573, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 3071, 27, 2640, 642, 15, 15270, 1099, 1508, 2358, 27, 187, 5064, 15270, 1099, 1036, 2787, 187, 31, 46545, 595, 417, 1524, 48709, 187, 31, 6560, 798, 787, 4938, 3296, 528, 5301, 273, 2448, 9647, 281, 46280, 35700, 34570, 1681, 1346, 187, 1394, 1053, 626, 5663, 1060, 15, 733, 434, 673, 281, 3553, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 3071, 27, 2922, 642, 15, 15270, 1099, 1508, 2357, 27, 187, 5064, 15270, 20487, 25959, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 3071, 27, 1237, 642, 15, 15270, 1099, 1348, 1731, 27, 187, 5064, 15270, 1099, 38249, 187, 4374, 352, 310, 15, 22356, 6519, 1364, 320, 20374, 2112, 342, 23285, 15, 367, 3204, 295, 1370, 261, 285, 1681, 1346, 15, 209, 187, 42, 476, 626, 3343, 323, 253, 1735, 1270, 4866, 534, 588, 3790, 598, 295, 1370, 261, 285, 1681, 1346, 19605, 285, 31179, 731, 1977, 751, 9313, 12478, 253, 10198, 273, 1193, 394, 15, 187, 2773, 1388, 310, 3551, 15, 5402, 1652, 346, 664, 878, 281, 1265, 7217, 2847, 273, 295, 1370, 261, 3, 310, 37750, 281, 441, 984, 352, 4245, 441, 247, 21787, 281, 6909, 368, 512, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 3071, 27, 2537, 642, 15, 15270, 1099, 1348, 3208, 27, 187, 5064, 15270, 20487, 25959, 187, 1231, 878, 281, 6909, 512, 253, 10003, 344, 987, 6556, 11761, 15, 1281, 434, 18240, 285, 8005, 1046, 1659, 326, 940, 8029, 23816, 285, 14654, 38486, 23937, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 2922, 27, 2922, 642, 15, 15270, 1099, 1348, 3507, 27, 187, 5064, 15270, 1099, 1036, 2787, 187, 31, 2402, 581, 4227, 835, 2867, 285, 1375, 369, 5176, 15, 187, 510, 378, 3017, 248, 30127, 2208, 574, 997, 10293, 264, 13191, 432, 253, 41207, 610, 323, 1652, 390, 2717, 275, 6431, 15, 831, 3977, 43401, 281, 31063, 4796, 616, 17177, 3275, 15, 187, 31, 18378, 249, 6960, 253, 21935, 273, 253, 2739, 43401, 574, 8228, 323, 616, 1211, 8790, 11347, 285, 616, 8357, 13723, 275, 29995, 323, 436, 346, 84, 357, 302, 486, 995, 4283, 281, 14414, 41207, 46577, 1641, 4681, 740, 62, 496, 18471, 13, 49444, 6960, 2559, 15075, 327, 2739, 997, 10293, 272, 432, 253, 41207, 610, 15, 187, 3614, 1358, 257, 15, 25842, 15, 2061, 16, 16123, 16, 17233, 74, 187, 266, 64, 71, 6771, 64, 1171, 64, 746, 1797, 6, 38, 19, 6, 1438, 6, 26, 23625, 4, 34478, 187, 84, 187, 2512, 434, 16298, 273, 643, 10872, 13, 533, 436, 369, 12835, 987, 562, 273, 253, 7394, 13, 253, 10532, 574, 816, 5866, 285, 253, 764, 447, 3053, 37301, 10739, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 2922, 27, 1423, 642, 15, 15270, 1099, 1099, 2904, 27, 187, 5064, 15270, 20487, 25959, 187, 11924, 14, 67, 1765, 535, 187, 6140, 12204, 70, 297, 16331, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 2922, 27, 2405, 642, 15, 15270, 1099, 1099, 746, 27, 187, 5064, 15270, 1099, 938, 3439, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 2922, 27, 3439, 642, 15, 15270, 1099, 1099, 1549, 27, 187, 5064, 15270, 1099, 1762, 883, 187, 31, 24657, 38139, 403, 253, 40830, 7393, 1346, 2, 187, 1394, 1472, 327, 253, 3430, 4422, 13, 619, 3331, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 2904, 27, 2537, 642, 15, 15270, 1099, 1731, 2526, 27, 187, 5064, 15270, 1099, 7199, 187, 1898, 309, 5194, 326, 597, 943, 15, 309, 476, 626, 3662, 323, 41290, 507, 13, 309, 1353, 17069, 1206, 1225, 15, 187, 5064, 15270, 1099, 1012, 3079, 187, 5064, 15270, 1099, 1010, 2385, 187, 2413, 1358, 37893, 15, 681, 16, 13608, 16, 7132, 16, 2640, 16, 22009, 80, 14, 187, 90, 757, 79, 15762, 528, 14, 9357, 43639, 14, 49223, 14, 187, 9357, 254, 9898, 14, 16455, 14, 11546, 14, 11523, 14, 25637, 14, 3767, 14, 68, 187, 506, 3422, 14, 3225, 383, 14, 7693, 317, 14, 371, 4787, 16, 187, 31, 510, 1569, 310, 3164, 670, 987, 13, 326, 457, 84, 3164, 11467, 253, 987, 2363, 15, 309, 1158, 352, 457, 84, 3164, 670, 8261, 13, 533, 627, 403, 5604, 952, 665, 403, 7032, 273, 4933, 7578, 387, 247, 9243, 2363, 187, 31, 6080, 273, 1110, 7688, 875, 9243, 8290, 285, 5662, 1821, 13, 253, 3686, 273, 3551, 273, 2363, 7688, 13, 253, 7688, 275, 534, 1110, 5662, 1821, 1361, 1110, 2872, 8290, 281, 9413, 665, 597, 403, 13, 285, 1918, 731, 3988, 285, 5252, 285, 2085, 731, 342, 2389, 285, 247, 9630, 285, 3686, 273, 247, 5561, 835, 597, 476, 457, 85, 3984, 281, 616, 4651, 15, 3808, 273, 1110, 7688, 403, 253, 954, 14, 187, 31, 6506, 13, 309, 1053, 457, 85, 2564, 28168, 326, 15, 309, 1158, 3782, 275, 253, 11730, 1533, 285, 3345, 253, 10503, 6105, 13, 604, 326, 457, 84, 835, 690, 273, 368, 971, 281, 564, 342, 436, 13, 309, 1158, 275, 253, 11730, 1533, 13, 690, 273, 253, 954, 1774, 13, 15655, 272, 285, 16088, 1495, 48984, 13, 1774, 29209, 7688, 1077, 2223, 875, 9243, 8290, 285, 5662, 1821, 13, 597, 476, 320, 40704, 2762, 8450, 323, 1110, 2872, 8290, 187, 249, 67, 21, 346, 262, 434, 417, 7690, 43639, 984, 344, 753, 352, 3589, 626, 3446, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 2693, 27, 883, 642, 15, 15270, 1099, 1630, 2941, 27, 187, 5064, 15270, 1348, 1717, 2950, 187, 1811, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 2693, 27, 2031, 642, 15, 15270, 1099, 1630, 3680, 27, 187, 5064, 15270, 1099, 520, 4196, 187, 31, 74, 1869, 787, 78, 1904, 626, 751, 29721, 84, 32, 187, 3650, 326, 627, 434, 2712, 3430, 342, 326, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 740, 27, 740, 642, 15, 15270, 1099, 1630, 3953, 27, 187, 5064, 15270, 1348, 1717, 2950, 187, 1811, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 740, 27, 1619, 642, 15, 15270, 1099, 1619, 2405, 27, 187, 5064, 15270, 20487, 25959, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 740, 27, 3046, 642, 15, 15270, 1099, 1619, 3245, 27, 187, 5064, 15270, 1099, 1099, 746, 187, 10795, 3780, 871, 665, 253, 9558, 665, 1160, 841, 767, 48845, 5172, 338, 86, 40482, 310, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 883, 27, 361, 642, 15, 15270, 1099, 1619, 2691, 27, 187, 5064, 15270, 20487, 25959, 187, 31, 18, 1501, 407, 436, 5417, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 883, 27, 1508, 642, 15, 15270, 1099, 1717, 1619, 27, 187, 5064, 15270, 1099, 25892, 187, 6309, 984, 697, 4320, 2506, 626, 1599, 368, 943, 513, 352, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 805, 27, 361, 642, 15, 15270, 22067, 933, 27, 187, 5064, 15270, 1099, 1348, 3507, 187, 2773, 3589, 626, 2032, 48709, 2167, 15, 417, 271, 4154, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 805, 27, 740, 642, 15, 15270, 22067, 10496, 27, 187, 5064, 15270, 1348, 1717, 2950, 187, 19891, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 805, 27, 3712, 642, 15, 15270, 1099, 1229, 4185, 27, 187, 5064, 15270, 1099, 1619, 3245, 187, 66, 31832, 13, 28763, 323, 2119, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 1012, 27, 1630, 642, 15, 15270, 22067, 8970, 27, 187, 31, 11713, 1204, 310, 594, 1175, 13, 368, 452, 281, 5007, 11100, 11750, 267, 621, 715, 29171, 281, 3523, 731, 432, 45665, 352, 535, 187, 6140, 12204, 70, 297, 16331, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 1012, 27, 2945, 642, 15, 15270, 22067, 20333, 27, 187, 5064, 15270, 1099, 1229, 4185, 187, 42, 1053, 626, 1158, 247, 764, 466, 556, 667, 3552, 566, 275, 6789, 3780, 2010, 247, 31832, 95, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 1047, 27, 883, 642, 15, 15270, 1099, 1237, 1036, 27, 187, 5064, 15270, 1099, 1619, 3245, 187, 5064, 15270, 1099, 1099, 746, 187, 2618, 76, 13, 25264, 479, 273, 14402, 2905, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 1047, 27, 1717, 642, 15, 15270, 1099, 1237, 1867, 27, 187, 67, 14, 31333, 253, 269, 1225, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 1047, 27, 1787, 642, 15, 15270, 22067, 21451, 27, 187, 5064, 15270, 20487, 25959, 187, 31, 11924, 10942, 1346, 187, 31, 13074, 14621, 660, 360, 13, 660, 360, 326, 434, 7591, 285, 27086, 281, 2085, 667, 2238, 273, 1318, 594, 597, 1478, 281, 3324, 4130, 1066, 281, 616, 1268, 187, 5092, 626, 3343, 323, 42803, 2507, 398, 2182, 616, 337, 34, 4983, 281, 745, 731, 275, 1924, 3904, 23633, 273, 374, 34, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 1047, 27, 1867, 642, 15, 15270, 22067, 15161, 27, 187, 5064, 15270, 1099, 1717, 2251, 187, 31, 1473, 7166, 19558, 310, 253, 1921, 309, 13414, 452, 247, 19609, 187, 358, 2009, 13404, 420, 281, 16457, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 1047, 27, 2950, 642, 15, 15270, 1099, 1237, 2090, 27, 187, 5064, 15270, 1348, 1717, 2950, 187, 1811, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 1047, 27, 2385, 642, 15, 15270, 1099, 1237, 3677, 27, 187, 5064, 15270, 22067, 8970, 187, 248, 663, 15578, 28742, 403, 1512, 14480, 4552, 323, 253, 33823, 660, 360, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1630, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 1010, 27, 2640, 642, 15, 15270, 1099, 1237, 2270, 27, 187, 5064, 15270, 22067, 20333, 187, 1394, 1053, 626, 1014, 2096, 48709, 15, 309, 701, 368, 1904, 626, 1014 ]
.222586361: >>222567545 They are the dirtiest like fucking christ. I work at mcdonald's and they can't speak dutch, if they can it's like a retard overall will chose a staff staffed by retards than muslims. Had a near civil war in the kitchen over a burger with bacon. Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)18:07:48 no.222586509: imagine not being able to drink alcohol Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)18:08:00 no.222586532: >>222586031 Just join trad Catholics, no need to start to lower your future family's IQ for sake of decency that can be reached without inbred bride and honour culture of her family. Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)18:09:17 no.222586679: >>222586361 >I work at mcdonald's lol faggot, neck yourself incel. Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)18:09:33 no.222586715: >>222586220 screen cap this. Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)18:10:20 no.222586808: >>222586679 >memeflag >no argument Dilate Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)18:10:48 no.222586860: >>222586532 I never said I’d breed with a shitskin. White sharia bro Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)18:11:05 no.222586900: >>222586220 >"enrich Europe" >commies bending to capitalism The absolute state of nu-commies. Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)18:11:43 no.222586970: >>222585880 ffs does it have to be this long? I don't have time to answer all of that since I need to sleep NOW it's 1AM and i got shit to do but i will say this: Heaven is the reward for being a good respectable man in your earthly life and just an all around decent human being but as to how it looks like and how it is there are only vague descriptions but what we are told is that you are given complete and REAL freedom to do anything you want, you'll have to ask some Muslim scolar or something for more detail Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)18:11:46 no.222586977: >>222585880 Mate you seem turned on by the Islamic Paradise, are you sure you're attacking Islam rn? Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)18:11:56 no.222586995: >>222567545 >what no like bout sharia The Vitamin D deficiency due to lack of sunshine to the body turns your burqa wearing thots in fat diseased penguins barely able to walk before they even hit thirty years old. Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)18:12:41 no.222587072: The bible says that the devil is the father of lies. In other words he couldn't even tell the truth without twisting it - even if he wanted to. Satan is like a pathological liar on steroids. That is why people who read the Quran see that "allah" can't even stick to his own facts. Some stories are repeated ad nauseum and extremely boring from all the repition(Moses for example), but every time allah quotes them differently or changes vital details of what actually took place. Satan (allah) keeps changing the story like a pathologically habitual liar who cannot tell the truth because he hates the truth that YHWH is the one true God. Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)18:12:52 no.222587086: >Muh Sharia Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)18:12:55 no.222587094: >>222567545 Sharia law is for niggers who cannot write their own laws. Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)18:13:01 no.222587108: >>222586808 you are a wagecuck faggot, end yourself, you aren't making a fortune, hahaha. I bet you are some half white, half indonesian nigger. Why don't you practice islam anyway? indonesians are muslim. Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)18:13:11 no.222587121: >>222586052 >Yeah bro its totally not degenerate to let your daughter's seed age half a decade at least before fertilization. Anon you se the beauty of being superior is that no matter what you say, I dont have to listen to your shit. You want to legalize pedophilia? Fucking try it. I know damn well that me and the people who agree with me will defeat you in the comming crisis And proceed to execute you in the street. So please do try. It will be just the slap in the face White of Character will need to start executing pedos, kikes, niggers and faggots in the damn street and finally end the false pretense of democracy. The very lie you were foolish enough to buy into. The idea that we are all equal. You and I are not equal anon. The people who agree with you and the people who agree with me are not fucking equal You're a fucking neet pedo shit poster online whos only allies are effeminate kikes, retarded sand niggers, and other neets online. On my side our the vast majority of white men who have ever held a gun in america. You're opinion is irrelevant And you're belief that it is shows exactly the damage democracy has caused. Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)18:13:59 no.222587199: >>222586860 you got no other option as a Muslim, lmao Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)18:14:10 no.222587224: >>222586995 Hahahahaha Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)18:14:15 no.222587230: >>222587108 >Memeflag >Still no arguments only insults dilate than neck yourself Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)18:14:21 no.222587243: >>222568346 Based Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)18:14:21 no.222587244: It's an Arab law, if you use it you're a cuck for Ayrabs. Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)18:14:53 no.222587309: >inbred muzzies ignoring my post like plague ZERO ARGUMENTS LMAO.... make yourself a favor and go eat a sausage. Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)18:15:51 no.222587420: >>222586361 >had a near civil war over a budger with bacon. At least they had the balls to resist other people enforcing their culture on them. Why cant whites be like this when they start getting served faggotry? Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)18:15:52 no.222587427: >>222587230 >dilate than neck yourself nice grammar nazi you are admit you are a hapa with muslim traitor mom at least. You aren't white. Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)18:17:14 no.222587581: >>222586977 No I think it's disgusting, and it's quite telling that the only fallback you have is "no, you"... typical antics of someone whose religion leaves them on the developmental age of 5 mentally. Also you know that what I said about your Muslim idea of heaven is true. Why do you try to deflect it with that retarded cop-out, lol Kind of lame Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)18:18:02 no.222587678: >>222587420 > balls to resist > Arabs lmao, you got to pick one. Bitching about greasy bacon like a useless white thot is far from anything that one can call being a man Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)18:19:33 no.222587863: >>222586977 And hey, I am not the one claiming that Allah wants to watch a neverending disgusting orgy of adultery and degeneracy... that is Islam. The one true religion of Satan. Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)18:19:45 no.222587885: >>222587678 >>222587581 why are g*rmans here? are you guys muslim turks? if no, then get the fuck out of this thread. Anonymous 08/10/19(Sat)18:20:02 no.222587919: >weak males find society that forces
[ 15, 1423, 1099, 2691, 29917, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 9726, 1976, 1857, 187, 3726, 403, 253, 17819, 10558, 751, 12835, 37622, 15, 187, 42, 789, 387, 278, 2428, 6540, 434, 285, 597, 476, 626, 3984, 5387, 348, 13, 604, 597, 476, 352, 434, 751, 247, 31832, 4583, 588, 9703, 247, 4750, 4750, 264, 407, 851, 2196, 685, 1948, 2815, 84, 15, 187, 29887, 247, 2822, 5079, 2137, 275, 253, 8576, 689, 247, 42463, 342, 29855, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1093, 27, 2922, 27, 2385, 642, 15, 1423, 1099, 2691, 17013, 27, 187, 303, 18720, 417, 1146, 2104, 281, 5484, 7665, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1093, 27, 2904, 27, 361, 642, 15, 1423, 22029, 2082, 1237, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 22029, 1549, 2405, 187, 6300, 6604, 2901, 33097, 13, 642, 878, 281, 1265, 281, 2406, 634, 2852, 2021, 434, 29147, 323, 13232, 273, 1086, 1371, 326, 476, 320, 4925, 1293, 275, 29252, 28338, 285, 19248, 4466, 273, 617, 2021, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1093, 27, 2693, 27, 1166, 642, 15, 1423, 1099, 2691, 26233, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 1099, 2691, 29917, 187, 31, 42, 789, 387, 278, 2428, 6540, 434, 187, 77, 311, 269, 13046, 302, 13, 7623, 4834, 1485, 293, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1093, 27, 2693, 27, 1610, 642, 15, 1423, 22029, 2251, 1010, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 1099, 2691, 14256, 187, 14396, 1729, 436, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1093, 27, 740, 27, 938, 642, 15, 1423, 1099, 2691, 23576, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 1099, 2691, 26233, 187, 31, 6441, 832, 14293, 187, 31, 2369, 4154, 187, 37, 47602, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1093, 27, 740, 27, 2385, 642, 15, 1423, 22029, 2358, 1549, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 22029, 2082, 1237, 187, 42, 1620, 753, 309, 457, 69, 21876, 342, 247, 439, 953, 5914, 15, 5219, 439, 8125, 1795, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1093, 27, 883, 27, 1762, 642, 15, 1423, 22029, 2090, 361, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 1099, 2691, 14256, 187, 21760, 257, 5969, 3060, 3, 187, 31, 2823, 447, 23767, 281, 24846, 187, 510, 7880, 1375, 273, 8794, 14, 2823, 447, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1093, 27, 883, 27, 3079, 642, 15, 1423, 22029, 2090, 1967, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 1099, 31117, 1438, 187, 567, 84, 1057, 352, 452, 281, 320, 436, 1048, 32, 309, 1053, 626, 452, 673, 281, 3662, 512, 273, 326, 1580, 309, 878, 281, 4600, 29659, 352, 434, 337, 2300, 285, 891, 1694, 10739, 281, 513, 533, 891, 588, 1333, 436, 27, 187, 1328, 7603, 310, 253, 10921, 323, 1146, 247, 1175, 39034, 637, 275, 634, 6149, 314, 1495, 285, 816, 271, 512, 1475, 12524, 1966, 1146, 533, 347, 281, 849, 352, 4453, 751, 285, 849, 352, 310, 627, 403, 760, 21248, 20121, 533, 752, 359, 403, 2183, 310, 326, 368, 403, 1677, 3426, 285, 40830, 7185, 281, 513, 2712, 368, 971, 13, 368, 1833, 452, 281, 1642, 690, 8797, 660, 6062, 390, 1633, 323, 625, 2508, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1093, 27, 883, 27, 2950, 642, 15, 1423, 22029, 2090, 2357, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 1099, 31117, 1438, 187, 46, 366, 368, 1646, 3531, 327, 407, 253, 13281, 40577, 13, 403, 368, 2119, 368, 1472, 20362, 8033, 391, 79, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1093, 27, 883, 27, 3208, 642, 15, 1423, 1099, 2691, 28202, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 9726, 1976, 1857, 187, 31, 5371, 642, 751, 23928, 439, 8125, 187, 510, 39944, 399, 14384, 1955, 281, 3480, 273, 34793, 281, 253, 2133, 7819, 634, 3600, 31569, 9398, 289, 1502, 275, 4688, 45644, 42151, 47701, 12345, 2104, 281, 2940, 1078, 597, 1014, 4352, 10488, 1107, 1711, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1093, 27, 805, 27, 3156, 642, 15, 1423, 22029, 1967, 3547, 27, 187, 510, 270, 917, 2296, 326, 253, 22144, 310, 253, 3392, 273, 8696, 15, 187, 688, 643, 3000, 344, 4571, 626, 1014, 2028, 253, 5083, 1293, 37871, 352, 428, 1014, 604, 344, 3078, 281, 15, 187, 20794, 266, 310, 751, 247, 18977, 43459, 327, 34481, 15, 187, 2773, 310, 2139, 952, 665, 1239, 253, 49970, 923, 326, 346, 455, 1240, 3, 476, 626, 1014, 7356, 281, 521, 1211, 5441, 15, 3808, 6281, 403, 6015, 519, 28237, 360, 285, 6685, 22258, 432, 512, 253, 1234, 539, 9, 46, 4863, 323, 1650, 582, 533, 1046, 673, 512, 1240, 19101, 731, 13359, 390, 2544, 12232, 4278, 273, 752, 2686, 2335, 1659, 15, 187, 20794, 266, 313, 455, 1240, 10, 11359, 6890, 253, 2926, 751, 247, 1854, 11220, 41633, 43459, 665, 2550, 2028, 253, 5083, 984, 344, 38232, 253, 5083, 326, 714, 41, 8835, 310, 253, 581, 2032, 2656, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1093, 27, 805, 27, 3583, 642, 15, 1423, 22029, 1967, 2691, 27, 187, 31, 46, 6968, 1608, 8125, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1093, 27, 805, 27, 2417, 642, 15, 1423, 22029, 1967, 3953, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 9726, 1976, 1857, 187, 2809, 8125, 1569, 310, 323, 35825, 7276, 665, 2550, 3630, 616, 1211, 5323, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1093, 27, 1012, 27, 520, 642, 15, 1423, 1099, 2597, 12347, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 1099, 2691, 23576, 187, 5658, 403, 247, 16610, 68, 1807, 269, 13046, 302, 13, 990, 4834, 13, 368, 6403, 626, 2403, 247, 19994, 13, 419, 73, 19369, 15, 187, 42, 701, 368, 403, 690, 2716, 3168, 13, 2716, 801, 2487, 757, 295, 16046, 15, 6049, 1053, 626, 368, 3946, 310, 5247, 8791, 32, 801, 2487, 2458, 403, 1948, 2815, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1093, 27, 1012, 27, 883, 642, 15, 1423, 1099, 2597, 15144, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 22029, 1549, 3583, 187, 31, 6506, 1795, 697, 9106, 417, 29458, 281, 1339, 634, 6122, 434, 8357, 2363, 2716, 247, 9976, 387, 1878, 1078, 46960, 15, 187, 1145, 251, 368, 396, 253, 10763, 273, 1146, 8936, 310, 326, 642, 2647, 752, 368, 1333, 13, 187, 42, 13414, 452, 281, 8028, 281, 634, 10739, 15, 187, 1394, 971, 281, 4320, 907, 7690, 43639, 32, 187, 39, 25826, 1611, 352, 15, 187, 42, 871, 15229, 973, 326, 479, 285, 253, 952, 665, 5194, 342, 479, 588, 13313, 368, 275, 253, 764, 272, 8891, 209, 187, 1898, 4262, 281, 13194, 368, 275, 253, 6406, 15, 187, 2598, 4496, 513, 1611, 15, 187, 1147, 588, 320, 816, 253, 37551, 275, 253, 2454, 5219, 273, 18633, 588, 878, 281, 1265, 24364, 7690, 375, 13, 465, 13972, 13, 35825, 7276, 285, 269, 13046, 1502, 275, 253, 15229, 6406, 285, 4720, 990, 253, 3221, 3215, 1215, 273, 14483, 15, 187, 510, 1077, 7027, 368, 497, 24924, 2217, 281, 4489, 715, 15, 209, 187, 510, 2934, 326, 359, 403, 512, 4503, 15, 209, 187, 1394, 285, 309, 403, 417, 4503, 271, 251, 15, 187, 510, 952, 665, 5194, 342, 368, 285, 253, 952, 665, 5194, 342, 479, 403, 417, 12835, 4503, 187, 1394, 1472, 247, 12835, 425, 292, 7690, 80, 10739, 20731, 3909, 364, 375, 760, 17760, 403, 3098, 358, 4024, 465, 13972, 13, 48101, 7537, 35825, 7276, 13, 285, 643, 425, 1507, 3909, 15, 187, 2374, 619, 1930, 776, 253, 8485, 5020, 273, 3168, 1821, 665, 452, 2455, 2918, 247, 5654, 275, 717, 254, 3737, 15, 187, 1394, 1472, 4743, 310, 19124, 187, 1898, 368, 1472, 9927, 326, 352, 310, 2722, 4555, 253, 4723, 14483, 556, 4269, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1093, 27, 1012, 27, 3046, 642, 15, 1423, 1099, 2597, 3031, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 22029, 2358, 1549, 187, 5658, 1694, 642, 643, 4500, 347, 247, 8797, 13, 298, 785, 80, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1093, 27, 1047, 27, 740, 642, 15, 1423, 1099, 2597, 17537, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 1099, 2691, 28202, 187, 41, 1240, 1240, 1240, 19369, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1093, 27, 1047, 27, 1010, 642, 15, 1423, 1099, 2597, 17569, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 1099, 2597, 12347, 187, 31, 10267, 832, 14293, 187, 31, 16812, 642, 7125, 760, 44812, 187, 43886, 366, 685, 7623, 4834, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1093, 27, 1047, 27, 1797, 642, 15, 1423, 1099, 2597, 23525, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 1099, 2358, 26140, 187, 15545, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1093, 27, 1047, 27, 1797, 642, 15, 1423, 1099, 2597, 21149, 27, 187, 1147, 434, 271, 8365, 1569, 13, 604, 368, 897, 352, 368, 1472, 247, 260, 1807, 323, 329, 6147, 5375, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1093, 27, 1047, 27, 3357, 642, 15, 1423, 1099, 2597, 22000, 27, 187, 31, 249, 29252, 12910, 4396, 447, 23111, 619, 1501, 751, 31781, 187, 59, 34675, 6647, 40, 5529, 24937, 187, 45, 3788, 48, 2391, 1056, 4834, 247, 3718, 285, 564, 6008, 247, 40741, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1093, 27, 1010, 27, 3712, 642, 15, 1423, 1099, 2597, 25569, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 1099, 2691, 29917, 187, 31, 10178, 247, 2822, 5079, 2137, 689, 247, 5524, 1063, 342, 29855, 15, 187, 3404, 1878, 597, 574, 253, 15254, 281, 11623, 643, 952, 37703, 616, 4466, 327, 731, 15, 187, 4967, 16216, 19991, 320, 751, 436, 672, 597, 1265, 2970, 5608, 269, 13046, 48645, 3736, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1093, 27, 1010, 27, 3583, 642, 15, 1423, 1099, 35537, 1630, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 1099, 2597, 17569, 187, 31, 43886, 366, 685, 7623, 4834, 187, 40199, 28146, 295, 23248, 368, 403, 187, 324, 2225, 368, 403, 247, 419, 4904, 342, 1948, 2815, 50136, 2243, 387, 1878, 15, 1422, 6403, 626, 3168, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1093, 27, 1166, 27, 1047, 642, 15, 1423, 22029, 1976, 3593, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 22029, 2090, 2357, 187, 2302, 309, 1158, 352, 434, 40449, 13, 285, 352, 434, 3240, 7746, 326, 253, 760, 2965, 2135, 368, 452, 310, 346, 2369, 13, 368, 36673, 6867, 1331, 982, 273, 3095, 3692, 9596, 6505, 731, 327, 253, 16743, 2363, 273, 608, 23198, 15, 187, 9917, 368, 871, 326, 752, 309, 753, 670, 634, 8797, 2934, 273, 13926, 310, 2032, 15, 187, 4967, 513, 368, 1611, 281, 44013, 352, 342, 326, 48101, 5440, 14, 483, 13, 23385, 187, 18808, 273, 42837, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1093, 27, 1093, 27, 2640, 642, 15, 1423, 1099, 2597, 25025, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 1099, 2597, 25569, 187, 31, 15254, 281, 11623, 209, 187, 31, 39004, 187, 77, 785, 80, 13, 368, 1694, 281, 2619, 581, 15, 378, 31054, 670, 13738, 7077, 29855, 751, 247, 19437, 3168, 289, 302, 310, 2080, 432, 2712, 326, 581, 476, 1067, 1146, 247, 637, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1093, 27, 746, 27, 1610, 642, 15, 1423, 1099, 2597, 39948, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 22029, 2090, 2357, 187, 1898, 18981, 13, 309, 717, 417, 253, 581, 15081, 326, 27006, 5605, 281, 3698, 247, 425, 306, 5047, 272, 40449, 390, 4233, 273, 23935, 18631, 285, 44877, 1051, 326, 310, 8033, 15, 380, 581, 2032, 9596, 273, 28364, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1093, 27, 746, 27, 1857, 642, 15, 1423, 1099, 2597, 29805, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 1099, 2597, 25025, 187, 5064, 1423, 22029, 1976, 3593, 187, 22309, 403, 305, 11, 1109, 507, 1060, 32, 187, 609, 368, 6068, 1948, 2815, 10709, 661, 32, 187, 338, 642, 13, 840, 755, 253, 7435, 562, 273, 436, 6293, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 740, 16, 746, 9, 20794, 10, 1093, 27, 938, 27, 2640, 642, 15, 1423, 1099, 34384, 746, 27, 187, 31, 20881, 10798, 1089, 5948, 326, 5621 ]
't actually tanks ok Anonymous 01/01/17(Sun)15:17:47 no.105252775: >>105251992 molotov and gasoline Anonymous 01/01/17(Sun)15:17:53 no.105252785: >>105252020 yea, he's right. It's an "assault gun" or what we would call a tank destroyer. Early Stugs were actual assault guns, but once they put high velocity guns on them they became tank destroyers Anonymous 01/01/17(Sun)15:18:22 no.105252822: >>105251749 Critical theory. Instead of bourgeois and workers are minorities and whites. You are obligated to carry this infestation and never criticize it. Same goes with special treatment for snowflakes and "progress". There are constant efforts to push trough more censorship and more government control by government that is owned by said private persons who lobby it. Anonymous 01/01/17(Sun)15:18:26 no.105252827: >>105252644 This. Also, the occasional Hungarian People's Army T-34/85 or AT gun blasting them at point-blank, I guess. There were no recorded tank VS tank fights, but they were bound to happen. Anonymous 01/01/17(Sun)15:19:00 no.105252894: Adulthood is accepting the Sherman was the all around superior tank of WW2, most people refuse to accept it because the Sherman looks kinda gay Anonymous 01/01/17(Sun)15:19:20 no.105252925: >>105252333 i'd read some books from the eyes of the russians but they're all dead Anonymous 01/01/17(Sun)15:20:23 no.105253031: >>105252785 >built on a light tank chasis >classified by the Germans as a "light tank destroyer" I guess you are right. The germans were wrong >"no it's not a tank" Anonymous 01/01/17(Sun)15:20:24 no.105253035: >>105252452 Nah, only a few WWII and migrant crisis Hungarian Pepes. We are not that popular -sadly drinks refugee tears- Anonymous 01/01/17(Sun)15:20:27 no.105253040: >>105252424 Oh yeah sure they scared their geopolitical neighbors away from their influence after invading them and now Russia is pumping money into those worthless pieces of territories so they dont become absolute embarrassments for the "russki mir". >Russian birth rates >standards of living Cmon m8 surely youre pulling my leg here Anonymous 01/01/17(Sun)15:20:33 no.105253048: >>105252785 >on to of the tank cannon fodder Anonymous 01/01/17(Sun)15:21:00 no.105253096: I think the truth is that the German tank crews were outstanding, whereas the German tanks, especially in the late-war were over-engineered with no time for proper field testing. Didn't most Panthers break down at Kursk or some shit? A good German tank crew with a well maintained Tiger I was pretty solid. T-34's were basically zerg rushed to the point of literally colliding with Panzer 4s. Brit/US tanks were by far the shittiest. Anonymous 01/01/17(Sun)15:21:05 no.105253105: >>105252894 *late war shermans Anonymous 01/01/17(Sun)15:21:05 no.105253106: >>105252715 no turret, no tank Anonymous 01/01/17(Sun)15:21:21 no.105253133: >>105252715 It doesn't have a turret, therefore it's not a fucking tank. Anonymous 01/01/17(Sun)15:21:28 no.105253140: >>105252925 Epic response, greatest ally. Anonymous 01/01/17(Sun)15:21:50 no.105253176: >>105253040 No, they were horribly shit, also AIDS and abortion, but they are continously improving. Anonymous 01/01/17(Sun)15:22:22 no.105253222: >>105244650 nice slidethread ahmed jesus people its not even the t34 in the pic Anonymous 01/01/17(Sun)15:22:39 no.105253254: >>105252894 >Sherman >Superior HAHAHAHA, you fucking leaf. Here, give a a hug to your superior Sherman. Anonymous 01/01/17(Sun)15:23:06 no.105253299: >>105249073 They burnt alive when the tin foil Sherman tanks failed on them and caught fire - 'cause gasoline engines, and not diesel... Anonymous 01/01/17(Sun)15:23:10 no.105253304: >>105253105 Jew shemans killed t-55s and t-62s Anonymous 01/01/17(Sun)15:23:25 no.105253323: >>105253031 the tank its based on, the Panzer 38(t) was classified as medium tank in the early part of the 2nd world war Anonymous 01/01/17(Sun)15:23:34 no.105253343: >>105253254 Pre wet ammo rack REEEEEEEEEE! Anonymous 01/01/17(Sun)15:24:54 no.105253473: >>105253035 What a pity. Someone has to do it. Anonymous 01/01/17(Sun)15:25:01 no.105253482: >>105253304 though to be fair those russian tanks were crewed by sand monkies who cannot into combined arms and cooperation, which is what tank warfare was all about by then Anonymous 01/01/17(Sun)15:25:05 no.105253487: >>105253035 >tfw when we are not that popular to have 1956 pepes :c Anonymous 01/01/17(Sun)15:26:04 no.105253577: >>105247961 >Soldiers with anti-tank weapons, planes, and other tanks of course. Don't forget AT field guns and any sort of fixed dug-in gun emplacements. Anonymous 01/01/17(Sun)15:26:19 no.105253601: >>105253176 Not really its the cities like Moscow and St.Petersburg with decent standards pulling the rest of the country. Everything else is depressing. Anonymous 01/01/17(Sun)15:26:37 no.105253635: >>105253299 wrong, the diesel shermans (M4A2) were just as likely to catch fire. What prevented most of the fires was wet ammo storage Anonymous 01/01/17(Sun)15:26:49 no.105253652: >>105253299 Didn't stop you from making good use of them Anonymous 01/01/17(Sun)15:27:06 no.105253673: >>105249402 >1936 You mean 8000. But I disagree. Panther was much better and they still managed to produce 5000 of them. Anonymous 01/01/17(Sun)15:27:10 no.105253684: >>105253106 >>105253133 >no turret, no tank Explain the Stridsvagn 103 Explain the mk1 tank Explain the Mk2 tank Explain the mk3 tank Explain every tank that doesn't have a turret like the Fv4005e Explain the mk4 tank Anonymous 01/01/17(Sun)15:27:13 no.105253688: Can Hungarian AFVs get some love? They were shit, but they terrorised Soviet infantry w/ cavalary tactics like noone else. Anonymous 01/01/17(Sun)15:28:27 no.105253794: Um no the m1 abrahams is the best tank faggot Anonymous 01/01/17(Sun)15:28:39 no.105253812: >>105253688 forgot the pic Anonymous 01/01/17(Sun)15:28:44 no.105253819: >>105253482 I mean proof of concept, the sherman tank was versatile enough so that it could be up gunned and modernized enough to fight tanks far more modern than itself. Anonymous 01/01/17(Sun)15:28:55 no.105253837: >>105253684 ever heard of: tank destroyer
[ 626, 2686, 20470, 187, 536, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 520, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 1166, 27, 2504, 642, 15, 10655, 1099, 1630, 1976, 27, 187, 5064, 10655, 1099, 13895, 187, 17071, 302, 729, 285, 29312, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 520, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 1166, 27, 3357, 642, 15, 10655, 1099, 1630, 2227, 27, 187, 5064, 10655, 1099, 14952, 187, 6683, 66, 13, 344, 434, 987, 15, 733, 434, 271, 346, 515, 1923, 5654, 3, 390, 752, 359, 651, 1067, 247, 11100, 6909, 254, 15, 15643, 659, 22201, 497, 4588, 9222, 11942, 13, 533, 2378, 597, 1691, 1029, 7602, 11942, 327, 731, 597, 3395, 11100, 6909, 398, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 520, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 1093, 27, 1423, 642, 15, 10655, 1099, 1619, 1423, 27, 187, 5064, 10655, 1099, 1166, 2537, 187, 42993, 3762, 15, 7820, 273, 39201, 285, 5820, 403, 31691, 285, 19991, 15, 187, 1394, 403, 37782, 281, 4459, 436, 2192, 35804, 285, 1620, 45688, 352, 15, 26197, 4566, 342, 2714, 1971, 323, 8762, 1258, 1582, 285, 346, 24951, 3446, 187, 2512, 403, 3638, 6031, 281, 7450, 39445, 625, 40043, 285, 625, 2208, 1453, 407, 2208, 326, 310, 9633, 407, 753, 3055, 7732, 665, 16612, 352, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 520, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 1093, 27, 1731, 642, 15, 10655, 1099, 1619, 1630, 27, 187, 5064, 10655, 1099, 17984, 21, 187, 1552, 15, 5220, 13, 253, 19322, 32863, 6491, 434, 8663, 308, 14, 1706, 16, 2227, 390, 4915, 5654, 787, 14669, 731, 387, 1127, 14, 22473, 13, 309, 5476, 15, 1707, 497, 642, 5950, 11100, 29151, 11100, 24662, 13, 533, 597, 497, 3033, 281, 5108, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 520, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 746, 27, 361, 642, 15, 10655, 1099, 1619, 3953, 27, 187, 3837, 335, 22834, 310, 18738, 253, 32106, 369, 253, 512, 1475, 8936, 11100, 273, 23556, 19, 13, 954, 952, 16410, 281, 2997, 352, 984, 253, 32106, 4453, 26702, 11730, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 520, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 746, 27, 938, 642, 15, 10655, 1099, 1717, 1099, 27, 187, 5064, 10655, 1099, 1508, 1610, 187, 74, 1871, 1239, 690, 5098, 432, 253, 2927, 273, 253, 391, 1316, 2458, 533, 597, 1472, 512, 3846, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 520, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 938, 27, 1508, 642, 15, 10655, 1099, 1229, 2405, 27, 187, 5064, 10655, 1099, 1630, 2227, 187, 31, 20989, 327, 247, 1708, 11100, 448, 4914, 187, 31, 39651, 407, 253, 20003, 347, 247, 346, 3243, 11100, 6909, 254, 3, 187, 42, 5476, 368, 403, 987, 15, 380, 14638, 507, 497, 3430, 187, 21760, 2369, 352, 434, 417, 247, 11100, 3, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 520, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 938, 27, 1348, 642, 15, 10655, 1099, 1229, 1671, 27, 187, 5064, 10655, 1099, 1348, 3583, 187, 47, 1240, 13, 760, 247, 1643, 23556, 2267, 285, 35816, 8891, 32863, 50191, 265, 15, 187, 1231, 403, 417, 326, 4633, 428, 84, 324, 314, 17208, 29302, 12330, 14, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 520, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 938, 27, 1630, 642, 15, 10655, 1099, 1229, 1449, 27, 187, 5064, 10655, 1099, 1348, 1348, 187, 4013, 10902, 2119, 597, 16060, 616, 3471, 15762, 19424, 15833, 1977, 432, 616, 4833, 846, 45573, 731, 285, 1024, 7422, 310, 28176, 2583, 715, 1110, 40790, 7437, 273, 26949, 594, 597, 13414, 2489, 7880, 15005, 942, 323, 253, 346, 83, 1316, 5985, 6385, 3446, 209, 187, 31, 27397, 4201, 4142, 187, 31, 1676, 2196, 273, 3811, 187, 36, 2163, 278, 25, 13353, 368, 250, 14252, 619, 1791, 1060, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 520, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 938, 27, 1610, 642, 15, 10655, 1099, 1229, 2385, 27, 187, 5064, 10655, 1099, 1630, 2227, 187, 31, 251, 281, 273, 253, 11100, 187, 68, 16554, 269, 351, 491, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 520, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 1797, 27, 361, 642, 15, 10655, 1099, 1229, 4196, 27, 187, 42, 1158, 253, 5083, 310, 326, 253, 5685, 11100, 32173, 497, 16383, 13, 5727, 253, 5685, 20470, 13, 3340, 275, 253, 3563, 14, 7523, 497, 689, 14, 15179, 2122, 342, 642, 673, 323, 1463, 1673, 5175, 15, 209, 187, 40795, 626, 954, 42422, 2740, 1066, 387, 611, 2244, 76, 390, 690, 10739, 32, 209, 187, 34, 1175, 5685, 11100, 10402, 342, 247, 973, 8838, 31822, 309, 369, 3965, 4891, 15, 209, 187, 53, 14, 1706, 434, 497, 10323, 1182, 1326, 20906, 281, 253, 1127, 273, 12832, 3007, 2821, 342, 9251, 8260, 577, 84, 15, 187, 19189, 16, 3016, 20470, 497, 407, 2080, 253, 439, 770, 10558, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 520, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 1797, 27, 1762, 642, 15, 10655, 22067, 10655, 27, 187, 5064, 10655, 1099, 1619, 3953, 187, 11, 12579, 2137, 22968, 24044, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 520, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 1797, 27, 1762, 642, 15, 10655, 22067, 12971, 27, 187, 5064, 10655, 1099, 1630, 1010, 187, 2369, 10709, 1221, 13, 642, 11100, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 520, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 1797, 27, 1797, 642, 15, 10655, 22067, 14380, 27, 187, 5064, 10655, 1099, 1630, 1010, 187, 1147, 2506, 626, 452, 247, 10709, 1221, 13, 3103, 352, 434, 417, 247, 12835, 11100, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 520, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 1797, 27, 1619, 642, 15, 10655, 22067, 12434, 27, 187, 5064, 10655, 1099, 1717, 1099, 187, 38, 14985, 2380, 13, 6459, 25550, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 520, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 1797, 27, 1235, 642, 15, 10655, 22067, 17184, 27, 187, 5064, 10655, 1099, 1229, 1449, 187, 2302, 13, 597, 497, 3499, 23522, 10739, 13, 671, 24482, 285, 16403, 13, 533, 597, 403, 1558, 4087, 11138, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 520, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 1423, 27, 1423, 642, 15, 10655, 1099, 1237, 1423, 27, 187, 5064, 10655, 1348, 2950, 1235, 187, 40199, 22803, 678, 1088, 21799, 1314, 187, 39238, 316, 952, 697, 417, 1014, 253, 246, 1706, 275, 253, 14402, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 520, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 1423, 27, 1867, 642, 15, 10655, 22067, 15161, 27, 187, 5064, 10655, 1099, 1619, 3953, 187, 31, 40337, 1342, 187, 31, 15705, 1528, 187, 10114, 10114, 10114, 10114, 13, 368, 12835, 10617, 15, 3856, 13, 1918, 247, 247, 15729, 281, 634, 8936, 32106, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 520, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 1508, 27, 3071, 642, 15, 10655, 1099, 1237, 1525, 27, 187, 5064, 10655, 1348, 2270, 3655, 187, 3726, 31806, 9338, 672, 253, 20596, 27204, 32106, 20470, 4242, 327, 731, 285, 7270, 3289, 428, 686, 18923, 29312, 14917, 13, 285, 417, 28628, 1051, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 520, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 1508, 27, 740, 642, 15, 10655, 22067, 19321, 27, 187, 5064, 10655, 22067, 10655, 187, 27341, 703, 24044, 5339, 246, 14, 2417, 84, 285, 246, 14, 3763, 84, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 520, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 1508, 27, 1099, 642, 15, 10655, 22067, 21874, 27, 187, 5064, 10655, 1099, 1229, 2405, 187, 783, 11100, 697, 1754, 327, 13, 253, 9251, 8260, 6480, 9, 85, 10, 369, 10509, 347, 4646, 11100, 275, 253, 2393, 629, 273, 253, 374, 2109, 1533, 2137, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 520, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 1508, 27, 1706, 642, 15, 10655, 1099, 1610, 3079, 27, 187, 5064, 10655, 22067, 15161, 187, 7420, 9685, 717, 6972, 22173, 416, 48919, 48919, 5607, 2, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 520, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 1348, 27, 3439, 642, 15, 10655, 1099, 1706, 3655, 27, 187, 5064, 10655, 1099, 1229, 1671, 187, 1276, 247, 27042, 15, 24955, 556, 281, 513, 352, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 520, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 1099, 27, 520, 642, 15, 10655, 1099, 1706, 3507, 27, 187, 5064, 10655, 22067, 19321, 187, 2004, 281, 320, 4344, 1110, 391, 1316, 757, 20470, 497, 1424, 7184, 407, 7537, 35295, 447, 665, 2550, 715, 5678, 6174, 285, 15850, 13, 534, 310, 752, 11100, 27205, 369, 512, 670, 407, 840, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 520, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 1099, 27, 1762, 642, 15, 10655, 1099, 1706, 2597, 27, 187, 5064, 10655, 1099, 1229, 1671, 187, 31, 16114, 88, 672, 359, 403, 417, 326, 4633, 281, 452, 22716, 268, 554, 265, 187, 27, 68, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 520, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 1731, 27, 2125, 642, 15, 10655, 1099, 1671, 2357, 27, 187, 5064, 10655, 1348, 2787, 3832, 187, 31, 52, 744, 4670, 342, 3270, 14, 85, 1164, 8914, 13, 16340, 13, 285, 643, 20470, 273, 2282, 15, 187, 5498, 626, 7740, 4915, 1673, 11942, 285, 667, 3686, 273, 4229, 25640, 14, 249, 5654, 24795, 28633, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 520, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 1731, 27, 746, 642, 15, 10655, 1099, 1812, 520, 27, 187, 5064, 10655, 22067, 17184, 187, 3650, 1663, 697, 253, 8238, 751, 16496, 285, 659, 15, 49, 2521, 6121, 342, 12524, 7465, 14252, 253, 1551, 273, 253, 2586, 15, 16942, 2010, 310, 47517, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 520, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 1731, 27, 1787, 642, 15, 10655, 1099, 1812, 1671, 27, 187, 5064, 10655, 1099, 1237, 1525, 187, 36222, 1157, 253, 28628, 22968, 24044, 313, 46, 21, 34, 19, 10, 497, 816, 347, 2779, 281, 5834, 3289, 15, 1737, 14415, 954, 273, 253, 19333, 369, 9685, 717, 6972, 5718, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 520, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 1731, 27, 2537, 642, 15, 10655, 1099, 1812, 3583, 27, 187, 5064, 10655, 1099, 1237, 1525, 187, 40795, 626, 3523, 368, 432, 2403, 1175, 897, 273, 731, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 520, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 1630, 27, 3071, 642, 15, 10655, 1099, 1812, 3655, 27, 187, 5064, 10655, 21361, 24948, 187, 31, 45819, 187, 1394, 1599, 48296, 15, 1292, 309, 14936, 15, 21925, 379, 369, 1199, 1805, 285, 597, 1335, 7303, 281, 4711, 29067, 273, 731, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 520, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 1630, 27, 740, 642, 15, 10655, 1099, 1812, 2759, 27, 187, 5064, 10655, 22067, 12971, 187, 5064, 10655, 22067, 14380, 187, 31, 2369, 10709, 1221, 13, 642, 11100, 187, 1672, 19104, 253, 7962, 2352, 87, 1530, 13062, 187, 1672, 19104, 253, 36904, 18, 11100, 187, 1672, 19104, 253, 353, 76, 19, 11100, 187, 1672, 19104, 253, 36904, 20, 11100, 187, 1672, 19104, 1046, 11100, 326, 2506, 626, 452, 247, 10709, 1221, 751, 253, 401, 87, 21, 5523, 70, 187, 1672, 19104, 253, 36904, 21, 11100, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 520, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 1630, 27, 1012, 642, 15, 10655, 1099, 1812, 2055, 27, 187, 5804, 32863, 11854, 19973, 755, 690, 2389, 32, 1583, 497, 10739, 13, 533, 597, 7075, 1701, 12194, 32468, 259, 16, 9605, 267, 552, 21041, 751, 642, 531, 2010, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 520, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 1619, 27, 1630, 642, 15, 10655, 1099, 1787, 3953, 27, 187, 26186, 642, 253, 278, 18, 490, 22876, 1317, 310, 253, 1682, 11100, 269, 13046, 302, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 520, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 1619, 27, 1867, 642, 15, 10655, 1099, 1839, 805, 27, 187, 5064, 10655, 1099, 1812, 2055, 187, 1542, 19559, 253, 14402, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 520, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 1619, 27, 2031, 642, 15, 10655, 1099, 1839, 746, 27, 187, 5064, 10655, 1099, 1706, 3507, 187, 42, 1599, 4737, 273, 4473, 13, 253, 22968, 1342, 11100, 369, 30708, 2217, 594, 326, 352, 812, 320, 598, 305, 25383, 285, 4980, 1025, 2217, 281, 3819, 20470, 2080, 625, 4980, 685, 3139, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 520, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 1010, 27, 1619, 27, 2417, 642, 15, 10655, 1099, 1839, 1787, 27, 187, 5064, 10655, 1099, 1812, 2759, 187, 972, 3735, 273, 27, 187, 85, 1164, 6909, 254, 187 ]
31426: Shots have been fired in itpb sector by Chinese might be a KIA. Some military insider has posted in IDF.(PIC RELATED) threads/loc-lac-ib-skirmishs.79649/ page-65 This is it,they are testing it,soon they will fire some rockets or some shit,fuck 500km from Doklam,will I get glassed? Any military anon? Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)00:25:02 no.137832332: heres a bump man Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)00:26:31 no.137832488: >>137831426 Can I get a rundown on the situation? Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)00:28:23 no.137832698: I would also like a rundown Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)00:28:59 no.137832775: >>137832698 Just look at his underpants Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)00:30:58 no.137833005: >>137832775 Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)00:33:12 no.137833248: >>137831426 >a war between two nuclear armed nations might happen and /pol/ doesn't care The absolute state of us. Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)00:34:42 no.137833399: >>137832488 >>137832698 we're gonna need that rundown OP Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)00:36:03 no.137833531: >>137832488 Like the whole rundown? >Chinese building road on Bhutanese soil jeopardizing Indias security,ie the chicken neck region tying the Myanmar side of the country. >Bhutan calls India for help. >India goes in stops the occupation. >China chimps out. >Since then series of propaganda. >No diplomatic solution. >3 days ago stone pelting by Chinese military. >after 2 months here we are. Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)00:36:40 no.137833604: >>137831426 God speed Poo. Flush some Chinese commies for us. Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)00:37:27 no.137833687: >>137831426 Gonna need some more proofs than some literally poo on some forum Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)00:39:00 no.137833845: >>137833531 Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)00:40:36 no.137833979: Any chance of another Tibet Uprising? Surely they're not happy about their land being militarized. Would Pakistan consider helping China if it came to a real war? Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)00:40:44 no.137833993: >>137833687 I don't know man he said he will come up with a confirmation,wait for it,might be a false report,but looking at the credibility of the profile it might well be true. If this shit true and escalates US will surely intervene,the establishment waited for NK guam shit,now they will surely use this conflict to annex NK as well. Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)00:40:44 no.137833997: >>137833531 two months wtf what a waste of time, just let them build the road already. It's JUST a road??? Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)00:41:58 no.137834142: What are the chances that India nuclear war with China would go global? Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)00:42:22 no.137834180: >>137831426 Have a bump Pajeet. We're rooting for you Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)00:42:43 no.137834218: >>137833979 Ofcourse Pakistan would consider fighting with us,heck their political establishment motto is to annex India. Here is a prophecy in Islam stan-seek-a-war-with-india-its-ghaz wa-e-hind-stupid/ And Pakistan is Islamic Republic,fuck a literal terrorist is running for election. Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)00:42:54 no.137834247: >>137832488 >>137833399 Depends on which area they're talking about, but basically China and India have been having a bitchfight about a road that china wants to build through a piece of remote Himalayan wasteland that technically belongs to bhutan, but has been claimed by China following invasions of Bhutan back in 1966. Since India is Bhutan's ally and have been having a cold war with China for a couple of decades, India decided to mess with China by sending troops into the area to disrupt construction a few weeks ago, china threatened to send troops to push them out, India thumbed the nose, so now we have Chinese and Indian forces facing off and possibly shooting each other. HOWEVER, there is also another border dispute hotting up over on the China/India border with troops in another piece of worthless wasteland getting rowdy, so it could also be that situation ramping up a notch. Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)00:44:18 no.137834388: >>137834142 By my estimates there's a zero percent chance that india and china escalate this conflict to go nuclear. It's literally just a f*cking road that China wants built, big deal. Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)00:44:33 no.137834423: >>137833997 lmfao "just a road" It's a 'road' that would only help china in the event of war, benefiting nobody else really. Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)00:45:06 no.137834485: >>137833531 Could nukes fly? India and China have never been on good terms have they? Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)00:45:10 no.137834490: >>137833997 The fuck? First off they are bullying with Bhutan? And we as a military might of South Asia have to side with justice and put an end to this Chink imperialism. >>137834142 Well 1962 War started because a generals spectacle fell down while having a faggot fight with our soldiers he got triggered went back to his camp blown the siren came back fired at our unarmed soldiers. >Chinks. You have seen how retarded they are,they might even use a mini nuke,who knows. Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)00:46:04 no.137834572: >>137834388 Just show some cuck porn of a Chinese man fucking an Indian girl, while a guy in an India soldier uniform jerks off Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)00:47:04 no.137834667: >>137834423 how do you build a one-way road, I don't understand. You don't like the "strategic potential" of this, build a military base on your side of the border Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)00:48:21 no.137834797: >>137834667 A road that would be occupied and heavily guarded by the PLA.. Not sure what's so hard to understand about this man. Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)00:48:27 no.137834804: Good luck if shit hits the fan, Indian anon. I've always hated those Chinese bastards. Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)00:48:47 no.137834838: >>137834490 Why do you SUDDENLY care about Bhutan? How can you be so sure that you're not being influenced by Indian government propaganda? This is just like the Allies in WWII /suddenly/ "caring" about Poland only after Germany wanted to annex it, but stopped giving a f*ck when the Soviet Union raped it. Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)00:50:37 no.137835029: >>137834838 Who cares I want HAPPENING Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)00:51:04 no.137835062: >>137831426 Good thing I'm not at the mart.. Anonymous 08/17/17(Thu)00:52:00 no.137835164: >>137834490 _Bhutan_Army >As of 2008
[ 18486, 1731, 27, 187, 2809, 1502, 452, 644, 11226, 275, 352, 15656, 8776, 407, 5628, 1537, 320, 247, 611, 5236, 15, 187, 6080, 4668, 45937, 556, 9269, 275, 5417, 39, 14517, 49, 1864, 37954, 11657, 10, 187, 2413, 1358, 1545, 566, 39061, 527, 571, 15, 681, 16, 39061, 16, 187, 41042, 16, 9450, 14, 42184, 14, 487, 14, 3319, 2683, 763, 84, 15, 2787, 26937, 16, 187, 6377, 14, 2082, 187, 1552, 310, 352, 13, 9328, 403, 5175, 352, 13, 38753, 597, 588, 3289, 690, 39647, 390, 690, 10739, 13, 71, 1807, 6783, 10294, 432, 399, 536, 5247, 13, 9846, 309, 755, 5253, 264, 32, 6101, 4668, 271, 251, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 361, 27, 1099, 27, 2640, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 21874, 1237, 27, 187, 14210, 247, 19496, 637, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 361, 27, 1731, 27, 2405, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 21397, 2055, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 18486, 1731, 187, 5804, 309, 755, 247, 1408, 3487, 327, 253, 4112, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 361, 27, 1619, 27, 1508, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 1237, 31671, 27, 187, 42, 651, 671, 751, 247, 1408, 3487, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 361, 27, 1619, 27, 3046, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 20298, 1976, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 1237, 31671, 187, 6300, 1007, 387, 521, 762, 81, 1103, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 361, 27, 1229, 27, 3680, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 1610, 5523, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 20298, 1976, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 361, 27, 1610, 27, 805, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 32078, 2385, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 18486, 1731, 187, 31, 66, 2137, 875, 767, 6069, 12360, 12390, 1537, 5108, 285, 1227, 4818, 16, 2506, 626, 1557, 187, 510, 7880, 1375, 273, 441, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 361, 27, 1706, 27, 2945, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 20084, 1525, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 21397, 2055, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 1237, 31671, 187, 664, 1472, 6501, 878, 326, 1408, 3487, 13664, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 361, 27, 1812, 27, 2941, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 22519, 2405, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 21397, 2055, 187, 9817, 253, 2644, 1408, 3487, 32, 586, 187, 31, 27223, 3652, 3971, 327, 26165, 307, 39534, 8825, 28068, 3006, 2102, 6358, 3988, 13, 466, 253, 11152, 7623, 2919, 42068, 253, 43828, 1930, 273, 253, 2586, 15, 187, 31, 35, 73, 307, 266, 5841, 5427, 323, 1361, 15, 187, 31, 31870, 4566, 275, 14545, 253, 17238, 15, 187, 31, 22800, 19114, 793, 562, 15, 187, 31, 7542, 840, 2962, 273, 23306, 15, 187, 31, 2302, 23949, 2900, 15, 187, 31, 20, 1897, 3622, 8805, 10065, 1076, 407, 5628, 4668, 15, 187, 31, 6438, 374, 2607, 1060, 359, 403, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 361, 27, 1812, 27, 1449, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 1610, 26890, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 18486, 1731, 187, 13618, 3885, 367, 3288, 15, 187, 6623, 2345, 690, 5628, 764, 447, 323, 441, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 361, 27, 1787, 27, 1630, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 1610, 29868, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 18486, 1731, 187, 40, 5860, 878, 690, 625, 27947, 685, 690, 12832, 2963, 80, 327, 690, 12209, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 361, 27, 1867, 27, 361, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 23922, 1857, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 22519, 2405, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 361, 27, 1449, 27, 1812, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 23688, 2787, 27, 187, 6693, 4839, 273, 1529, 27061, 530, 20733, 32, 34921, 597, 1472, 417, 5211, 670, 616, 2659, 1146, 44386, 1025, 15, 187, 17304, 13115, 1908, 9073, 4135, 604, 352, 2210, 281, 247, 1524, 2137, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 361, 27, 1449, 27, 2031, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 1610, 35410, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 1610, 29868, 187, 42, 1053, 626, 871, 637, 344, 753, 344, 588, 1705, 598, 342, 247, 16883, 13, 14061, 323, 352, 13, 22732, 320, 247, 3221, 1304, 13, 2858, 2819, 387, 253, 17938, 273, 253, 6222, 352, 1537, 973, 320, 2032, 15, 187, 2042, 436, 10739, 2032, 285, 20092, 684, 1982, 588, 13353, 32014, 13, 783, 13701, 13308, 323, 18156, 1149, 312, 10739, 13, 2666, 597, 588, 13353, 897, 436, 7344, 281, 29557, 18156, 347, 973, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 361, 27, 1449, 27, 2031, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 1610, 28315, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 22519, 2405, 187, 9389, 2607, 259, 16114, 187, 5371, 247, 8138, 273, 673, 13, 816, 1339, 731, 1973, 253, 3971, 2168, 15, 733, 434, 28509, 247, 3971, 33186, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 361, 27, 3156, 27, 3680, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 1706, 17364, 27, 187, 1276, 403, 253, 14512, 326, 5427, 6069, 2137, 342, 4135, 651, 564, 4156, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 361, 27, 2945, 27, 1423, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 1706, 11395, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 18486, 1731, 187, 11778, 247, 19496, 367, 32444, 292, 15, 844, 1472, 5230, 272, 323, 368, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 361, 27, 2945, 27, 3079, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 1706, 22981, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 23688, 2787, 187, 4527, 17406, 13115, 651, 1908, 8615, 342, 441, 13, 248, 777, 616, 3569, 13701, 45820, 310, 281, 29557, 5427, 15, 187, 4943, 310, 247, 45368, 275, 8033, 209, 187, 2413, 1358, 85, 46396, 71, 682, 73, 15, 681, 16, 22309, 14, 18566, 14, 81, 11938, 187, 18549, 14, 32179, 14, 66, 14, 7523, 14, 3113, 14, 527, 571, 14, 953, 14, 18068, 1370, 187, 8754, 14, 70, 14, 18615, 14, 296, 10461, 16, 187, 1898, 13115, 310, 13281, 4687, 13, 71, 1807, 247, 22436, 17150, 310, 3515, 323, 6132, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 361, 27, 2945, 27, 3439, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 1706, 18392, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 21397, 2055, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 20084, 1525, 187, 10851, 1727, 327, 534, 2170, 597, 1472, 5015, 670, 13, 533, 10323, 4135, 285, 5427, 452, 644, 1907, 247, 23331, 44641, 670, 247, 3971, 326, 448, 1758, 5605, 281, 1973, 949, 247, 5313, 273, 8905, 49389, 26782, 369, 85, 15235, 326, 22335, 14125, 281, 270, 73, 307, 266, 13, 533, 556, 644, 7558, 407, 4135, 1563, 45052, 621, 273, 26165, 307, 266, 896, 275, 19213, 15, 209, 187, 7542, 5427, 310, 26165, 307, 266, 434, 25550, 285, 452, 644, 1907, 247, 5412, 2137, 342, 4135, 323, 247, 4564, 273, 8007, 13, 5427, 4425, 281, 4840, 342, 4135, 407, 10430, 10824, 715, 253, 2170, 281, 13201, 5140, 247, 1643, 3618, 3622, 13, 448, 1758, 13699, 281, 5007, 10824, 281, 7450, 731, 562, 13, 5427, 289, 360, 3026, 253, 11480, 13, 594, 1024, 359, 452, 5628, 285, 5396, 5621, 10268, 745, 285, 6830, 9602, 1016, 643, 15, 187, 46528, 26727, 13, 627, 310, 671, 1529, 5680, 12027, 3511, 1076, 598, 689, 327, 253, 4135, 16, 31870, 5680, 342, 10824, 275, 1529, 5313, 273, 40790, 369, 85, 15235, 2970, 4194, 6421, 13, 594, 352, 812, 671, 320, 326, 4112, 18556, 272, 598, 247, 38983, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 361, 27, 2031, 27, 1093, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 1706, 25085, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 1706, 17364, 187, 3463, 619, 8197, 627, 434, 247, 5058, 2558, 4839, 326, 801, 571, 285, 448, 1758, 20092, 366, 436, 7344, 281, 564, 6069, 15, 733, 434, 12832, 816, 247, 269, 11, 777, 272, 3971, 326, 4135, 5605, 4270, 13, 1943, 2968, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 361, 27, 2031, 27, 1610, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 22543, 1508, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 1610, 28315, 187, 20347, 6855, 80, 346, 6309, 247, 3971, 3, 187, 1147, 434, 247, 686, 7704, 8, 326, 651, 760, 1361, 448, 1758, 275, 253, 2362, 273, 2137, 13, 2750, 2996, 12445, 2010, 1663, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 361, 27, 1857, 27, 3071, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 22543, 2227, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 22519, 2405, 187, 18179, 295, 41757, 8778, 32, 5427, 285, 4135, 452, 1620, 644, 327, 1175, 2426, 452, 597, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 361, 27, 1857, 27, 740, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 22543, 2270, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 1610, 28315, 187, 510, 7435, 32, 3973, 745, 597, 403, 38738, 342, 26165, 307, 266, 32, 1244, 359, 347, 247, 4668, 1537, 273, 3684, 10497, 452, 281, 1930, 342, 8426, 285, 1691, 271, 990, 281, 436, 775, 750, 21474, 1204, 15, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 1706, 17364, 187, 4497, 20208, 3660, 3053, 984, 247, 39091, 37466, 6497, 1066, 1223, 1907, 247, 269, 13046, 302, 3819, 342, 776, 9647, 344, 1694, 17142, 2427, 896, 281, 521, 2986, 24684, 253, 4927, 445, 2210, 896, 11226, 387, 776, 440, 21201, 9647, 15, 187, 31, 1779, 3106, 15, 187, 1394, 452, 2326, 849, 48101, 597, 403, 13, 9328, 1537, 1014, 897, 247, 12949, 8794, 413, 13, 10002, 6057, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 361, 27, 2950, 27, 2125, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 1706, 42763, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 1706, 25085, 187, 6300, 921, 690, 260, 1807, 16921, 273, 247, 5628, 637, 12835, 271, 5396, 3226, 13, 1223, 247, 5599, 275, 271, 5427, 15796, 6447, 23313, 661, 745, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 361, 27, 2504, 27, 2125, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 26140, 2251, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 22543, 1508, 187, 5430, 513, 368, 1973, 247, 581, 14, 1106, 3971, 13, 309, 1053, 626, 2096, 15, 1422, 1053, 626, 751, 253, 346, 1344, 992, 280, 2442, 3, 273, 436, 13, 1973, 247, 4668, 2613, 327, 634, 1930, 273, 253, 5680, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 361, 27, 2385, 27, 1797, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 1706, 35304, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 26140, 2251, 187, 34, 3971, 326, 651, 320, 13598, 285, 11306, 39824, 407, 253, 36770, 537, 3105, 2119, 752, 434, 594, 1892, 281, 2096, 670, 436, 637, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 361, 27, 2385, 27, 1630, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 1706, 28927, 27, 187, 8620, 7516, 604, 10739, 12830, 253, 7989, 13, 5396, 271, 251, 15, 309, 1849, 1900, 21023, 1110, 5628, 19697, 2196, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 361, 27, 2385, 27, 2504, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 25289, 1839, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 22543, 2270, 187, 4967, 513, 368, 322, 7273, 42917, 12715, 1557, 670, 26165, 307, 266, 32, 1359, 476, 368, 320, 594, 2119, 326, 368, 1472, 417, 1146, 12208, 407, 5396, 2208, 23306, 32, 187, 1552, 310, 816, 751, 253, 48907, 275, 23556, 2267, 1227, 84, 438, 22912, 16, 346, 68, 1875, 3, 670, 16795, 760, 846, 6176, 3078, 281, 29557, 352, 13, 533, 6331, 4933, 247, 269, 11, 777, 672, 253, 12194, 6398, 34597, 352, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 361, 27, 1235, 27, 1787, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 16552, 1717, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 25289, 1839, 187, 7883, 24505, 309, 971, 388, 18137, 1400, 2637, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 361, 27, 3712, 27, 2125, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 16552, 3763, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 18486, 1731, 187, 8620, 2181, 309, 1353, 417, 387, 253, 16172, 537, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1166, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 361, 27, 3583, 27, 361, 642, 15, 1012, 3141, 1671, 18467, 27, 187, 5064, 1012, 3141, 22543, 2270, 187, 3614, 1358, 257, 15, 25842, 15, 2061, 16, 16123, 16, 40262, 187, 64, 35, 73, 307, 266, 64, 22552, 90, 187, 31, 1909, 273, 4695 ]
Anonymous 08/16/19(Fri)12:13:42 no.223312666: A MAN WAS KILLED BECAUSE OF HE KNEW SOME SHIT THE FACT THAT THIS GUY WAS KILLED IS CHILLING AND JUST POINTS TO HOW THESE PEOPLE OPERATE. THEY ARE PURE EVIL. THEY ARE THE PEOPLE THAT KILLED JEFF EPSTEIN. Anonymous 08/16/19(Fri)12:20:21 no.223313278: Hollywood is Pure Evil. It perpetuates exploitation for personal gain. Normal humans don't act this way. Anonymous 08/16/19(Fri)12:27:45 no.223313982: >>223312666 Anonymous 08/16/19(Fri)12:30:39 no.223314240: its sickening <|endoftext|>Anonymous 01/19/17(Thu)12:00:02 no.107827185: Donald J. Trump will be our President in just 24 hours. How does that make you feel /pol/? Did you think this would actually happen 1 1/2 years ago when this all started? Thread theme: KZIqay4E First post is the best post 01/19/17(Thu)12:00:41 no.107827273: >>107827185 Ecstatic Anonymous 01/19/17(Thu)12:01:14 no.107827331: >>107827185 about fucking time Anonymous 01/19/17(Thu)12:03:30 no.107827546: >>107827185 I can't believe this is actually going to happen. God bless this amazing country. Anonymous 01/19/17(Thu)12:03:45 no.107827582: Based fucking Trump Anonymous 01/19/17(Thu)12:04:23 no.107827655: >>107827185 >>107827185 >How does that make you feel /pol/? HIGH ENERGY AS FUCK TBQH FAMALAM DESU SENPAI Anonymous 01/19/17(Thu)12:04:58 no.107827726: >>107827185 >Donald J. Trump will be our President Not my president Anonymous 01/19/17(Thu)12:06:23 no.107827902: >>107827185 hahahahahah s-PRMAg0 Anonymous 01/19/17(Thu)12:06:33 no.107827925: Im going to miss the "DRUMPF IS FINISHED" posts. I hope they continue, it's really funny to see people grasp at straws, even though im sure 80% of it is ironic for some (yous) Anonymous 01/19/17(Thu)12:07:10 no.107828013: >>107827185 I'm actually surprised the mods didn't do the MM countdown for this. For shame. Anonymous 01/19/17(Thu)12:07:32 no.107828049: >implying he will still be alive in 24 hours Anonymous 01/19/17(Thu)12:11:53 no.107828524: >>107827925 >Im going to miss the "DRUMPF IS FINISHED" posts. That shit will only stop when trump leaves office. as of tomorrow we will be seeing a huge amount of "drumpf is done" threads because libtards will use everything, literally every thing they can lay their crooked fingers on to get trump impeached. no matter how ridiculous and crazy their claims will be. the snowflakes will cry "impeachment nao!!!!!!!" for the next 8 years... nothing will change desu senpai enjoy the salt with a nice glass pf liberal tears Anonymous 01/19/17(Thu)12:12:12 no.107828552: You guys know that the MAGA hats are a misprint? He really said 'Make America gay again.' Anonymous 01/19/17(Thu)12:13:38 no.107828678: >>107827185 Fellow burgers and supportive euro fags, we did it. Anonymous 01/19/17(Thu)12:31:39 no.107830666: >>107827185 >Did you think this would actually happen 1 1/2 years ago when this all started? No. Even on election night I didn't think it would happen. I didn't realize it was going to happen until the results were coming in for Florida. <|endoftext|>Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:12:17 no.202859166: PRESIDENT DONALD J TRUMP @realDonaldTrump >b-but Trump hasnt done anything! ARCHIVED LINKS DAILY SCHEDULE WH Public Pool: NEW APPEARANCES >ActCoS Mulvaney on MtP 2/10/19 >ActCoS Mulvaney on FoxNews 2/10/19 >ALL HAIL GOD EMPEROR TRUMP 2/9/19 6 (@03:07:56) >Lara Trump on JudgeJeanine 2/9/19 >RNCChair McDaniel on JudgeJeanine 2/9/19 >Pres Trump arrives @WH 2/8/19 >Pres Trump goes for a checkup 2/8/19 3-1/ >VP Pence @CBP Baltimore Briefing 2/8/19 7-1/ >ActAG Whitaker @House on RussiaRussiaRussia 2/8/19 4-1/ >Amb Cohen @UN on Sexual Violence 2/8/19 >StateDep Foreign Press Brief (Amb Brownback) 2/8/19 >DepPressSec Hogan outside WH 2/8/19 3-1/ >SpecRep4Afghanistan Khalilzad @USIP on Peace Talks 2/8/19 9-1/ >This Week@State 2/8/19 >WHVideo: VP Pence visits Port of Baltimore 2/8/19 >GOPAd: What do dems stand for? 2/7/19 >Pres Trump Launches some woman thing 2/7/19 4-1/ >Pres Trump @Natl Prayer Breakfast 2/7/19 OP pastebin: prev >>202855103 Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:12:51 no.202859222: indelible Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:12:59 no.202859233: AWOO! Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:13:05 no.202859243: Working hard, thank you! Anonymous 02/11/19(Mon)17:13:07 no.202859252: MAGA Anonymous 02/11/
[ 45545, 16331, 16, 1036, 16, 746, 9, 33228, 10, 805, 27, 1012, 27, 2945, 642, 15, 1423, 1610, 805, 24185, 27, 187, 34, 31250, 22250, 611, 10592, 1703, 8728, 4280, 17423, 3481, 10197, 611, 24650, 44933, 7840, 1433, 187, 3614, 1358, 90, 483, 86, 15, 1257, 16, 88, 2945, 89, 83, 49, 2696, 2904, 42, 187, 9707, 10601, 1647, 16093, 10113, 31844, 58, 22250, 611, 10592, 1703, 4110, 5642, 10592, 2637, 4889, 187, 49594, 19784, 1042, 6901, 5935, 28281, 4392, 37453, 41004, 473, 10810, 4966, 15, 35460, 187, 9818, 367, 10860, 9463, 3077, 15, 35460, 17003, 3003, 41004, 16093, 611, 10592, 1703, 209, 187, 38836, 3269, 16602, 38795, 1042, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1036, 16, 746, 9, 33228, 10, 805, 27, 938, 27, 1797, 642, 15, 1423, 1610, 1012, 24803, 27, 187, 41, 41265, 310, 29062, 34565, 15, 733, 14549, 21094, 30211, 323, 3367, 6351, 15, 187, 20167, 7497, 1053, 626, 769, 436, 1039, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1036, 16, 746, 9, 33228, 10, 805, 27, 1630, 27, 1857, 642, 15, 1423, 1610, 15270, 3507, 27, 187, 5064, 1423, 1610, 805, 24185, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1036, 16, 746, 9, 33228, 10, 805, 27, 1229, 27, 1867, 642, 15, 1423, 1610, 1047, 14028, 27, 187, 953, 8334, 2980, 2756, 50279, 45545, 14805, 16, 746, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 805, 27, 361, 27, 2640, 642, 15, 740, 3141, 1630, 17786, 27, 187, 16008, 500, 15, 3778, 588, 320, 776, 3918, 275, 816, 2164, 3038, 15, 187, 2347, 1057, 326, 1056, 368, 1928, 1227, 4818, 22549, 187, 8917, 368, 1158, 436, 651, 2686, 5108, 337, 337, 16, 19, 1107, 3622, 672, 436, 512, 3053, 32, 187, 11589, 10014, 27, 5987, 1358, 2700, 15, 24583, 15, 681, 16, 13060, 32, 87, 30, 50, 2082, 187, 44, 59, 42, 82, 333, 21, 38, 535, 187, 6407, 1501, 310, 253, 1682, 1501, 14805, 16, 746, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 805, 27, 361, 27, 3156, 642, 15, 740, 3141, 1630, 25671, 27, 187, 5064, 740, 3141, 1630, 17786, 187, 48152, 4659, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 746, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 805, 27, 520, 27, 1047, 642, 15, 740, 3141, 1630, 27385, 27, 187, 5064, 740, 3141, 1630, 17786, 187, 10383, 12835, 673, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 746, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 805, 27, 2941, 27, 1229, 642, 15, 740, 3141, 20450, 2950, 27, 187, 5064, 740, 3141, 1630, 17786, 187, 42, 476, 626, 2868, 436, 310, 2686, 1469, 281, 5108, 15, 187, 13618, 11736, 436, 8644, 2586, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 746, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 805, 27, 2941, 27, 1857, 642, 15, 740, 3141, 20450, 3507, 27, 187, 15545, 12835, 3778, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 746, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 805, 27, 2125, 27, 1508, 642, 15, 740, 3141, 1630, 25320, 27, 187, 5064, 740, 3141, 1630, 17786, 187, 5064, 740, 3141, 1630, 17786, 187, 31, 2347, 1057, 326, 1056, 368, 1928, 1227, 4818, 22549, 187, 41, 30292, 16449, 947, 39491, 7412, 401, 36746, 14792, 50, 41, 45638, 1556, 2300, 20955, 54, 322, 1400, 4899, 42, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 746, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 805, 27, 2125, 27, 3680, 642, 15, 740, 3141, 23545, 1731, 27, 187, 5064, 740, 3141, 1630, 17786, 187, 31, 16008, 500, 15, 3778, 588, 320, 776, 3918, 187, 3650, 619, 4007, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 746, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 805, 27, 3071, 27, 1508, 642, 15, 740, 3141, 1630, 35808, 27, 187, 5064, 740, 3141, 1630, 17786, 187, 73, 1240, 1240, 1240, 1240, 1240, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 24583, 15, 681, 16, 13060, 32, 87, 30, 80, 20, 38, 187, 84, 14, 3175, 3788, 72, 17, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 746, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 805, 27, 3071, 27, 1610, 642, 15, 740, 3141, 23163, 1099, 27, 187, 3351, 1469, 281, 2985, 253, 346, 4976, 47774, 39, 4110, 36121, 44024, 3, 9319, 15, 187, 42, 3524, 597, 4035, 13, 352, 434, 1663, 11755, 281, 923, 952, 15909, 387, 17844, 84, 13, 1014, 2167, 516, 2119, 5096, 6, 273, 352, 310, 40066, 323, 690, 313, 90, 528, 10, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 746, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 805, 27, 2922, 27, 740, 642, 15, 740, 3141, 1619, 13144, 27, 187, 5064, 740, 3141, 1630, 17786, 187, 42, 1353, 2686, 9861, 253, 771, 84, 1904, 626, 513, 253, 16975, 1385, 3487, 323, 436, 15, 1198, 14816, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 746, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 805, 27, 2922, 27, 1237, 642, 15, 740, 3141, 19100, 2537, 27, 187, 31, 303, 2881, 272, 344, 588, 1335, 320, 9338, 275, 2164, 3038, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 746, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 805, 27, 883, 27, 3357, 642, 15, 740, 3141, 23025, 1348, 27, 187, 5064, 740, 3141, 23163, 1099, 187, 31, 3351, 1469, 281, 2985, 253, 346, 4976, 47774, 39, 4110, 36121, 44024, 3, 9319, 15, 187, 2773, 10739, 588, 760, 3523, 672, 29154, 6505, 3906, 15, 187, 284, 273, 10873, 359, 588, 320, 6523, 247, 5699, 2408, 273, 346, 5267, 1765, 71, 310, 2218, 3, 17059, 984, 5135, 85, 2196, 588, 897, 3253, 13, 12832, 1046, 2181, 597, 476, 2242, 616, 9187, 8163, 9881, 327, 281, 755, 29154, 19812, 2729, 15, 642, 2647, 849, 19082, 285, 10412, 616, 3916, 588, 320, 15, 209, 187, 783, 8762, 1258, 1582, 588, 3501, 346, 303, 365, 8941, 5549, 80, 18963, 4672, 1476, 323, 253, 1735, 854, 1107, 1051, 187, 26142, 588, 1818, 711, 86, 5303, 81, 2284, 187, 257, 3881, 253, 7043, 342, 247, 5322, 5253, 268, 71, 12773, 12330, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 746, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 805, 27, 805, 27, 805, 642, 15, 740, 3141, 1619, 39338, 27, 187, 1394, 6068, 871, 326, 253, 40070, 34, 33054, 403, 247, 3731, 3845, 32, 754, 1663, 753, 686, 13325, 3968, 11730, 969, 2464, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 746, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 805, 27, 1012, 27, 1839, 642, 15, 740, 3141, 1619, 25025, 27, 187, 5064, 740, 3141, 1630, 17786, 187, 39, 3827, 42803, 285, 23384, 17069, 269, 3544, 13, 359, 858, 352, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 14805, 16, 746, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 805, 27, 2405, 27, 1867, 642, 15, 740, 3141, 1229, 24185, 27, 187, 5064, 740, 3141, 1630, 17786, 187, 31, 8917, 368, 1158, 436, 651, 2686, 5108, 337, 337, 16, 19, 1107, 3622, 672, 436, 512, 3053, 32, 187, 2302, 15, 4952, 327, 6132, 2360, 309, 1904, 626, 1158, 352, 651, 5108, 15, 309, 1904, 626, 8968, 352, 369, 1469, 281, 5108, 1919, 253, 1543, 497, 3551, 275, 323, 7758, 15, 2756, 50279, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 805, 27, 1166, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 3046, 17962, 27, 187, 42706, 25788, 24694, 1556, 37, 500, 7500, 47774, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 11300, 5967, 15, 12312, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 69, 6540, 75, 1206, 1765, 15, 681, 16, 187, 33, 6549, 16008, 18130, 187, 31, 67, 14, 2858, 3778, 556, 2649, 2218, 2712, 2, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 13382, 3013, 413, 431, 15, 681, 16, 187, 2413, 1358, 2700, 15, 20752, 522, 408, 15, 681, 16, 187, 20756, 3252, 1703, 38268, 14007, 3944, 1358, 23164, 4805, 15, 681, 16, 1362, 40421, 23, 2775, 53, 187, 4877, 37784, 44026, 1703, 54, 1843, 5987, 1358, 16705, 15, 681, 16, 49, 2415, 3016, 64, 42377, 187, 8835, 5259, 32879, 27, 5987, 1358, 4387, 10730, 15, 5914, 6362, 15, 681, 16, 187, 24650, 17870, 1277, 24831, 1410, 187, 31, 6014, 6869, 52, 26251, 87, 27674, 327, 30480, 49, 374, 16, 740, 16, 746, 187, 3614, 1358, 90, 483, 86, 15, 1257, 16, 58, 90, 35, 79, 14, 6432, 74, 41, 87, 50, 187, 31, 6014, 6869, 52, 26251, 87, 27674, 327, 11024, 19537, 374, 16, 740, 16, 746, 187, 3614, 1358, 90, 483, 86, 15, 1257, 16, 77, 64, 59, 17, 5260, 64, 91, 52, 17, 46, 187, 31, 5626, 15817, 3077, 43360, 444, 4548, 947, 1372, 7500, 47774, 374, 16, 26, 16, 746, 187, 3614, 1358, 90, 483, 86, 15, 1257, 16, 17, 82, 6527, 68, 17, 76, 951, 40, 68, 187, 3614, 1358, 90, 483, 86, 15, 1257, 16, 89, 19, 14, 38, 67, 45, 1277, 17, 2967, 32, 85, 30, 11124, 24, 187, 23, 12626, 2941, 27, 2922, 27, 3208, 10, 187, 31, 45, 4595, 3778, 327, 6798, 36751, 460, 374, 16, 26, 16, 746, 187, 3614, 1358, 90, 483, 86, 15, 1257, 16, 85, 17, 70, 938, 37, 22, 87, 44, 32786, 187, 31, 51, 9431, 1779, 1094, 3044, 24526, 327, 6798, 36751, 460, 374, 16, 26, 16, 746, 187, 3614, 1358, 90, 483, 86, 15, 1257, 16, 1171, 17, 1206, 52, 20, 41, 88, 14, 34, 187, 31, 13349, 3778, 23981, 1214, 8835, 374, 16, 25, 16, 746, 187, 3614, 1358, 90, 483, 86, 15, 1257, 16, 35, 14, 1678, 22, 39, 4396, 22, 15121, 187, 31, 13349, 3778, 4566, 323, 247, 2451, 484, 374, 16, 25, 16, 746, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 68, 14, 2551, 15, 2061, 16, 16455, 22549, 1857, 40761, 187, 20, 14, 18, 16, 187, 31, 18355, 44946, 1214, 36, 7282, 19585, 16404, 272, 374, 16, 25, 16, 746, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 68, 14, 2551, 15, 2061, 16, 16455, 22549, 1857, 40379, 187, 24, 14, 18, 16, 187, 31, 6014, 2696, 17353, 4584, 1214, 26448, 327, 7422, 37881, 37881, 374, 16, 25, 16, 746, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 68, 14, 2551, 15, 2061, 16, 16455, 22549, 28744, 1036, 187, 21, 14, 18, 16, 187, 31, 33818, 19544, 1214, 4037, 327, 40448, 43627, 374, 16, 25, 16, 746, 187, 3614, 1358, 90, 483, 86, 15, 1257, 16, 26, 69, 56, 19, 5470, 555, 6739, 80, 187, 31, 5443, 10851, 15839, 5687, 16404, 313, 33818, 7233, 2135, 10, 374, 16, 25, 16, 746, 187, 3614, 1358, 90, 483, 86, 15, 1257, 16, 37, 90, 35, 296, 21, 74, 36, 81, 57, 84, 187, 31, 10851, 17919, 4538, 45714, 3345, 7245, 374, 16, 25, 16, 746, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 68, 14, 2551, 15, 2061, 16, 16455, 22549, 1857, 32332, 187, 20, 14, 18, 16, 187, 31, 8546, 6802, 21, 19405, 12608, 7399, 35667, 300, 91, 324, 1214, 3016, 3123, 327, 20000, 12636, 661, 374, 16, 25, 16, 746, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 68, 14, 2551, 15, 2061, 16, 16455, 22549, 28744, 1967, 187, 26, 14, 18, 16, 187, 31, 1552, 12664, 33, 5443, 374, 16, 25, 16, 746, 187, 3614, 1358, 90, 483, 86, 15, 1257, 16, 22141, 23, 43, 45, 67, 31073, 17, 51, 25, 187, 31, 8835, 17213, 27, 25867, 44946, 12941, 6162, 273, 19585, 374, 16, 25, 16, 746, 187, 3614, 1358, 90, 483, 86, 15, 1257, 16, 35, 43, 19, 79, 41, 19, 87, 24, 83, 47, 50, 187, 31, 40, 2795, 3837, 27, 1737, 513, 1471, 84, 1462, 323, 32, 374, 16, 24, 16, 746, 187, 3614, 1358, 90, 483, 86, 15, 1257, 16, 2025, 90, 20, 69, 20, 1433, 2422, 80, 187, 31, 13349, 3778, 3905, 328, 2706, 690, 3416, 2181, 374, 16, 24, 16, 746, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 68, 14, 2551, 15, 2061, 16, 16455, 22549, 28744, 2251, 187, 21, 14, 18, 16, 187, 31, 13349, 3778, 1214, 47, 42029, 45358, 46798, 374, 16, 24, 16, 746, 187, 3614, 1358, 90, 483, 86, 15, 1257, 16, 15332, 27132, 57, 47, 21, 8506, 54, 187, 2795, 15596, 4805, 27, 3944, 1358, 23164, 4805, 15, 681, 16, 5134, 72, 46036, 1717, 51, 187, 22340, 209, 187, 5064, 938, 1619, 2417, 12172, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 805, 27, 3712, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 3046, 18895, 27, 187, 527, 293, 917, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 805, 27, 3046, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 3046, 22187, 27, 187, 24564, 4985, 2, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1012, 27, 1762, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 3046, 23525, 27, 187, 32197, 1892, 13, 5717, 368, 2, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16, 746, 9, 9304, 10, 1166, 27, 1012, 27, 2922, 642, 15, 938, 1619, 3046, 20438, 27, 187, 46492, 34, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 883, 16 ]
>“Surgeons have taken a vein out of her left thigh to replace her left arm artery with success, but her ulnar artery replacement could not produce a pulse. They’re working on nerves and tendons...” >“She’s devastated. She looks at her arm and it’s not there.” >“She’s in America! She’s not in Iraq or Afghanistan! This is like the wound of someone who is a warrior fighting in a war. This is not a war, she’s just trying to peacefully get people to not destroy the water supply. And they’re trying to kill her.” >“She’s afraid right now. She’s worried that someone from [pipeline builder] Energy Transfers Partnership is going to send someone to kill her. She’s actually fearful of her life now. She wants me to stay and make sure she’s protected. <|endoftext|>Anonymous 06/17/18(Sun)18:34:03 no.175532369: If you had a chance to subtly mold society before being born, but you didn't know what race/gender/wealth/country you'd be born into, would you still be in favor of killing all jews, having a white ethnostate, blacks not being allowed to reproduce, implementing anti-minority policies, etc... Or would you stick to your current /pol/ "beliefs" no matter what? Anonymous 06/17/18(Sun)18:38:47 no.175532768: if i could trade being stillborn for a total eradication of niggers and jews, i would do it i would be worshiped harder than jesus for millennia Anonymous 06/17/18(Sun)18:44:30 no.175533280: >>175532369 I'm no stormfrontnigger but my understanding of NatSoc is each nation would look out for their own race. It's when people start forcing diversity etc that we have problems. All those things you mention aren't actually NatSoc, and I don't even defend them that much because it's currently edgelord status like commies, attracts too many morons to take seriously. NatSoc could work though where communism never will as NatSoc allows for self interest. Therefore Jews would have a strong Israel, whites would have a strong Europe or whatever, Blacks would have a strong Africa and each race would have self determination by their own merits pass or fail. In this actual version of Natsoc I would be in favor of it, even if I were born into a randomized lottery as you state. >t. currently supporting civnat MAGApede Anonymous 06/17/18(Sun)18:48:43 no.175533684: >>175532369 obviously fucking not mate, if i was born black i would be a blue-pilled globalist like most are - the way the world is going is great for them. Anonymous 06/17/18(Sun)19:03:57 no.175535084: >>175532369 If you killed all of a race then you would not be able to be born into that specific race. Anonymous 06/17/18(Sun)19:13:39 no.175535849: >>175532369 I would stick to my beliefs. If I am born white, I get to live in the white ethnostate. If I'm born nonwhite, hopefully my parents have the sense to leave white people the fuck alone. There is no reason not to stick to my beliefs because we know that scenario is hell for everyone. <|endoftext|>Anonymous 11/14/16(Mon)20:54:29 no.98565149: John Podesta's brother Tony, of recent Pizza fame, heads up lobbying firm Podesta Group. Their top client by far in terms of revenue in 2016 is Hitomi Financial with $540,000 (Open Secrets org). In Japanese Hitomi means "pupil of the eye." There is very limited info on what they actually do, looks like a shell company. Bloomberg company profile just says: Sector: Consumer Discretionary Industry: Distributors - Discretionary Sub-Industry: Other Wholesalers SEC has address listed for Hitomi: HITOMI FINANCIAL LIMITED, a company incorporated in the British Virgin Islands (registered no. 1039660), whose registered office is at Jipfa Building, 3rd Floor, 142 Main Street, Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands The Panama Papers lists this same Tortola address for a number of different companies. Time to go down the rabbit hole anons and expose these cucks <|endoftext|>Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)06:15:56 no.172403850: What are some /pol/ approved religions? Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)06:24:11 no.172404285: what are some of the most bullshit posts? THIS ONE DEFINITELY IS SHIT Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)07:24:40 no.172407363: >>172403850 Christianity Anonymous 05/21/18(Mon)08:05:40 no.172409737: God, having all life, glory, goodness, blessedness, in and of himself, is alone in and unto himself all-sufficient, not standing in need of any creature which he hath made, nor deriving any glory from them, but only manifesting his own glory in, by, unto, and upon them; he is the alone fountain of all being, of whom, through whom, and to whom are all things, and he hath most sovereign dominion over all creatures, to do by them, for them, or upon them, whatsoever himself pleaseth; in his sight all things are open and manifest, his knowledge is infinite, infallible, and independent upon the creature, so as nothing is to him contingent or uncertain; he is most holy in all his counsels, in all his works, and in all his commands; to him is due from angels and men, whatsoever worship, service, or obedience, as creatures they owe unto the Creator, and whatever he is further pleased to require of them. <|endoftext|>Anonymous 05/17/19(Fri)21:49:49 no.213439978: Just have sex. Anonymous 05/17/19(Fri)21:52:20 no.213440163: >>213439978 sounds stupid right? that's why authoritarianism is retarded. Anonymous 05/17/19(Fri)21:53:43 no.213440283: >>213439978 I already am. 3-4 times a day with my wife :) Anonymous 05/17/19(Fri)21:54:02 no.213440308: More bugs incoming Anonymous 05/17/19(Fri)21:54:44 no.213440367: >>213439978 This man is 54 years old. Aging like milk in the chinese sun. Anonymous 05/17/19(Fri)21:55:40 no.213440450: >>213440283 How does she not get chafed? Anonymous 05/17/19(Fri)21:55:47 no.213440461: >>213440283 can I do it with your wife? Anonymous 05/17/19(Fri)21:56:54 no.213440546: >>213439978 "Sir I need a raise to continue. My family can't live like this" "Have sex" Anonymous 05/17/19(Fri)21:57:14 no.213440579: >>213440308 >implying that there's a difference between Chink heritage and Down's Syndrome Fuck off, you Chink supremacist. Anonymous 05/17/19(Fri)21:58:11 no.213440661: This man doesnt just have sex, this man FUCKS Anonymous 05/17/19(Fri)21:59:25 no.213440770: >>213440283 >30 yo virgin here Anonymous 05/17/19(Fri)22:01:23 no.213440918: >>213440450 She does. That's how I keep her from cheating. I make her sore. >>213440461 Only if you want to die, and cause me to kill a bunch of Jews. Anonymous 05/17/19(Fri)22:01:47 no.213440948: >>213440770 Sad. It's not hard to find gf. Anonymous 05/17/19(Fri)22:04:45 no.213441186: KPI? Jesus Fucking Christ I hate stupid business jargon seeping into everything. Fuck this bugman and his politically connected company. I hope a fucking asteroid strikes Shanghai. Anonymous 05/17/19(Fri)22:07:07 no.213441388: >>213440948 I had gfs in early 20s buy due to moral righteousness ( sex is bad) I didn't touch my 4 gfs back then. Not even kiss. Now I am stuck
[ 187, 31, 1628, 14102, 49485, 452, 2668, 247, 17716, 562, 273, 617, 1669, 33845, 281, 8171, 617, 1669, 4430, 12235, 342, 2323, 13, 533, 617, 12130, 27380, 12235, 5407, 812, 417, 4711, 247, 10724, 15, 1583, 457, 250, 2444, 327, 22614, 285, 5257, 790, 1051, 668, 187, 31, 1628, 2993, 457, 84, 43287, 15, 1500, 4453, 387, 617, 4430, 285, 352, 457, 84, 417, 627, 1425, 187, 31, 1628, 2993, 457, 84, 275, 3968, 2, 1500, 457, 84, 417, 275, 9256, 390, 16111, 2, 831, 310, 751, 253, 10785, 273, 3095, 665, 310, 247, 27237, 8615, 275, 247, 2137, 15, 831, 310, 417, 247, 2137, 13, 703, 457, 84, 816, 2820, 281, 6330, 2920, 755, 952, 281, 417, 6909, 253, 1824, 6186, 15, 1244, 597, 457, 250, 2820, 281, 5159, 617, 1425, 187, 31, 1628, 2993, 457, 84, 9202, 987, 1024, 15, 1500, 457, 84, 11926, 326, 3095, 432, 544, 81, 24997, 22074, 62, 11669, 4480, 15618, 32015, 310, 1469, 281, 5007, 3095, 281, 5159, 617, 15, 1500, 457, 84, 2686, 35268, 273, 617, 1495, 1024, 15, 1500, 5605, 479, 281, 3297, 285, 1056, 2119, 703, 457, 84, 6885, 15, 2756, 50279, 45545, 17796, 16, 1166, 16, 1093, 9, 14594, 10, 1093, 27, 1706, 27, 2941, 642, 15, 1166, 2417, 1237, 26673, 27, 187, 2042, 368, 574, 247, 4839, 281, 8482, 314, 13100, 5948, 1078, 1146, 5686, 13, 533, 368, 1904, 626, 871, 752, 5492, 16, 21069, 16, 13902, 16, 18362, 368, 1871, 320, 5686, 715, 13, 651, 368, 1335, 320, 275, 3718, 273, 9811, 512, 15589, 84, 13, 1907, 247, 3168, 22603, 493, 366, 13, 26769, 417, 1146, 4136, 281, 18302, 13, 16994, 3270, 14, 1222, 24649, 7823, 13, 3966, 1051, 2207, 651, 368, 7356, 281, 634, 1655, 1227, 4818, 16, 346, 31815, 84, 3, 642, 2647, 752, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1166, 16, 1093, 9, 14594, 10, 1093, 27, 1839, 27, 2504, 642, 15, 1166, 2417, 20298, 2358, 27, 187, 338, 891, 812, 5454, 1146, 1335, 6448, 323, 247, 2264, 31559, 8518, 273, 35825, 7276, 285, 15589, 84, 13, 891, 651, 513, 352, 209, 187, 74, 651, 320, 17246, 264, 12150, 685, 480, 265, 316, 323, 24933, 571, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1166, 16, 1093, 9, 14594, 10, 1093, 27, 2031, 27, 1229, 642, 15, 1166, 2417, 32078, 1438, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 2417, 1237, 26673, 187, 42, 1353, 642, 9902, 6342, 79, 16046, 533, 619, 4685, 273, 17320, 49497, 310, 1016, 5674, 651, 1007, 562, 323, 616, 1211, 5492, 15, 733, 434, 672, 952, 1265, 17190, 9991, 3966, 326, 359, 452, 3237, 15, 187, 3074, 1110, 1841, 368, 3748, 6403, 626, 2686, 17320, 49497, 13, 285, 309, 1053, 626, 1014, 2342, 731, 326, 1199, 984, 352, 434, 4390, 1407, 11500, 636, 3708, 751, 764, 447, 13, 45465, 1512, 1142, 2298, 790, 281, 1379, 10369, 15, 17320, 49497, 812, 789, 2167, 835, 48709, 1620, 588, 347, 17320, 49497, 4483, 323, 1881, 1600, 15, 187, 17756, 11563, 651, 452, 247, 2266, 5143, 13, 19991, 651, 452, 247, 2266, 3060, 390, 5913, 13, 5418, 84, 651, 452, 247, 2266, 7531, 285, 1016, 5492, 651, 452, 1881, 7441, 407, 616, 1211, 16108, 1509, 390, 1891, 15, 187, 688, 436, 4588, 2715, 273, 427, 1832, 406, 309, 651, 320, 275, 3718, 273, 352, 13, 1014, 604, 309, 497, 5686, 715, 247, 14871, 36284, 347, 368, 1375, 15, 187, 31, 85, 15, 4390, 8109, 24134, 25781, 40070, 34, 9357, 70, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1166, 16, 1093, 9, 14594, 10, 1093, 27, 2385, 27, 3079, 642, 15, 1166, 2417, 1610, 28883, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 2417, 1237, 26673, 187, 706, 11529, 12835, 417, 20187, 13, 604, 891, 369, 5686, 2806, 891, 651, 320, 247, 4797, 14, 81, 2591, 4156, 382, 751, 954, 403, 428, 253, 1039, 253, 1533, 310, 1469, 310, 1270, 323, 731, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1166, 16, 1093, 9, 14594, 10, 746, 27, 2941, 27, 3011, 642, 15, 1166, 2417, 16552, 2759, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 2417, 1237, 26673, 187, 2042, 368, 5339, 512, 273, 247, 5492, 840, 368, 651, 417, 320, 2104, 281, 320, 5686, 715, 326, 2173, 5492, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17796, 16, 1166, 16, 1093, 9, 14594, 10, 746, 27, 1012, 27, 1867, 642, 15, 1166, 2417, 26422, 2537, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 2417, 1237, 26673, 187, 42, 651, 7356, 281, 619, 13379, 15, 1310, 309, 717, 5686, 3168, 13, 309, 755, 281, 3153, 275, 253, 3168, 22603, 493, 366, 15, 1310, 309, 1353, 5686, 1327, 11300, 13, 18670, 619, 4651, 452, 253, 3282, 281, 3553, 3168, 952, 253, 7435, 3815, 15, 187, 2512, 310, 642, 1921, 417, 281, 7356, 281, 619, 13379, 984, 359, 871, 326, 10076, 310, 7085, 323, 4130, 15, 2756, 50279, 45545, 1903, 16, 1047, 16, 1036, 9, 9304, 10, 938, 27, 3439, 27, 1717, 642, 15, 26, 2227, 2082, 16717, 27, 187, 8732, 20361, 17062, 434, 4929, 14861, 13, 273, 3332, 45463, 23898, 13, 9851, 598, 40140, 5882, 20361, 17062, 5901, 15, 209, 187, 22674, 1755, 5268, 407, 2080, 275, 2426, 273, 11784, 275, 4022, 310, 14473, 21206, 18598, 342, 370, 34458, 13, 933, 313, 9807, 1023, 39796, 4955, 481, 496, 6692, 14473, 21206, 2097, 346, 81, 484, 300, 273, 253, 5130, 449, 209, 187, 2512, 310, 1077, 3710, 8692, 327, 752, 597, 2686, 513, 13, 4453, 751, 247, 8135, 2567, 15, 32952, 2567, 6222, 816, 2296, 27, 209, 187, 52, 7720, 27, 30549, 5201, 7401, 552, 187, 47219, 610, 27, 3656, 42505, 428, 5201, 7401, 552, 187, 5623, 14, 47219, 610, 27, 5131, 1536, 3841, 267, 398, 187, 20869, 556, 2953, 7117, 323, 14473, 21206, 27, 187, 41, 1433, 2277, 42, 36121, 1539, 28408, 25666, 13, 247, 2567, 11217, 275, 253, 4782, 8237, 18708, 313, 41846, 642, 15, 884, 24698, 1549, 582, 3692, 9856, 3906, 310, 387, 500, 532, 6855, 16790, 13, 495, 5784, 32370, 13, 21669, 11505, 5720, 13, 8669, 10079, 13, 35472, 6836, 13, 4782, 8237, 18708, 187, 510, 37783, 28182, 10894, 436, 1072, 35472, 6836, 2953, 323, 247, 1180, 273, 1027, 4413, 15, 586, 187, 4769, 281, 564, 1066, 253, 17876, 7793, 271, 790, 285, 22065, 841, 260, 9984, 2756, 50279, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 3071, 27, 1010, 27, 3208, 642, 15, 1166, 14028, 1839, 1235, 27, 187, 1276, 403, 690, 1227, 4818, 16, 7012, 31194, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 3071, 27, 1348, 27, 883, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 2125, 23025, 27, 187, 5371, 403, 690, 273, 253, 954, 35281, 9319, 32, 209, 187, 30308, 21252, 34428, 25844, 39155, 4110, 7840, 1433, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2922, 27, 1348, 27, 1449, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 2922, 26338, 27, 187, 5064, 1166, 14028, 1839, 1235, 187, 26207, 414, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 2904, 27, 1762, 27, 1449, 642, 15, 1166, 1348, 39289, 1787, 27, 187, 13618, 13, 1907, 512, 1495, 13, 18735, 13, 23190, 13, 24011, 1255, 13, 275, 285, 273, 2994, 13, 310, 3815, 275, 285, 18032, 2994, 512, 14, 31031, 13, 417, 6306, 275, 878, 273, 667, 15906, 534, 344, 29272, 1160, 13, 4543, 44190, 667, 18735, 432, 731, 13, 533, 760, 9766, 272, 521, 1211, 18735, 275, 13, 407, 13, 18032, 13, 285, 2220, 731, 28, 344, 310, 253, 3815, 36822, 273, 512, 1146, 13, 273, 5207, 13, 949, 5207, 13, 285, 281, 5207, 403, 512, 1841, 13, 285, 344, 29272, 954, 16629, 7630, 279, 689, 512, 17268, 13, 281, 513, 407, 731, 13, 323, 731, 13, 390, 2220, 731, 13, 24612, 2994, 26757, 678, 28, 275, 521, 8184, 512, 1841, 403, 1527, 285, 9766, 13, 521, 3640, 310, 11968, 13, 2192, 455, 917, 13, 285, 3907, 2220, 253, 15906, 13, 594, 347, 2717, 310, 281, 779, 32391, 390, 8767, 28, 344, 310, 954, 18465, 275, 512, 521, 2258, 84, 1241, 13, 275, 512, 521, 2987, 13, 285, 275, 512, 521, 13896, 28, 281, 779, 310, 1955, 432, 29828, 285, 1821, 13, 24612, 17246, 13, 2579, 13, 390, 40138, 13, 347, 17268, 597, 24186, 18032, 253, 40325, 13, 285, 5913, 344, 310, 2007, 13864, 281, 2430, 273, 731, 15, 2756, 50279, 45545, 16987, 16, 1166, 16, 746, 9, 33228, 10, 1797, 27, 2537, 27, 2537, 642, 15, 21197, 3079, 1525, 3141, 27, 187, 6300, 452, 2825, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1166, 16, 746, 9, 33228, 10, 1797, 27, 3583, 27, 938, 642, 15, 21197, 2031, 520, 3571, 27, 187, 5064, 21197, 3079, 1525, 3141, 187, 84, 2261, 11339, 987, 32, 187, 3529, 434, 2139, 43902, 1204, 310, 48101, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1166, 16, 746, 9, 33228, 10, 1797, 27, 3357, 27, 3079, 642, 15, 19, 15468, 1449, 28933, 27, 187, 5064, 21197, 3079, 1525, 3141, 187, 42, 2168, 717, 15, 187, 20, 14, 21, 2069, 247, 1388, 342, 619, 4475, 9418, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1166, 16, 746, 9, 33228, 10, 1797, 27, 3439, 27, 2640, 642, 15, 19, 15468, 1449, 20777, 27, 187, 7673, 19775, 19363, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1166, 16, 746, 9, 33228, 10, 1797, 27, 3439, 27, 2031, 642, 15, 19, 15468, 1449, 25140, 27, 187, 5064, 21197, 3079, 1525, 3141, 187, 1552, 637, 310, 8255, 1107, 1711, 15, 329, 3390, 751, 8463, 275, 253, 448, 5187, 5101, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1166, 16, 746, 9, 33228, 10, 1797, 27, 2417, 27, 1449, 642, 15, 19, 15468, 1449, 15645, 27, 187, 5064, 19, 15468, 1449, 28933, 187, 2347, 1057, 703, 417, 755, 448, 2320, 264, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1166, 16, 746, 9, 33228, 10, 1797, 27, 2417, 27, 2504, 642, 15, 19, 15468, 1449, 33597, 27, 187, 5064, 19, 15468, 1449, 28933, 187, 5092, 309, 513, 352, 342, 634, 4475, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1166, 16, 746, 9, 33228, 10, 1797, 27, 3208, 27, 3439, 642, 15, 19, 15468, 20680, 2950, 27, 187, 5064, 21197, 3079, 1525, 3141, 187, 3, 20405, 309, 878, 247, 7164, 281, 4035, 15, 2752, 2021, 476, 626, 3153, 751, 436, 3, 187, 3, 11778, 2825, 3, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1166, 16, 746, 9, 33228, 10, 1797, 27, 3011, 27, 1047, 642, 15, 19, 15468, 20680, 2787, 27, 187, 5064, 19, 15468, 1449, 20777, 187, 31, 303, 2881, 272, 326, 627, 434, 247, 3064, 875, 775, 750, 21904, 285, 9792, 434, 39365, 187, 30368, 745, 13, 368, 775, 750, 25937, 317, 382, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1166, 16, 746, 9, 33228, 10, 1797, 27, 3680, 27, 883, 642, 15, 19, 15468, 1449, 36630, 27, 187, 1552, 637, 36908, 816, 452, 2825, 13, 436, 637, 401, 36746, 52, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1166, 16, 746, 9, 33228, 10, 1797, 27, 3046, 27, 1099, 642, 15, 19, 15468, 24769, 1967, 27, 187, 5064, 19, 15468, 1449, 28933, 187, 31, 1229, 26352, 34570, 1060, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1166, 16, 746, 9, 33228, 10, 1423, 27, 520, 27, 1508, 642, 15, 19, 15468, 24264, 1093, 27, 187, 5064, 19, 15468, 1449, 15645, 187, 2993, 1057, 15, 2064, 434, 849, 309, 1978, 617, 432, 37142, 15, 309, 1056, 617, 25132, 15, 187, 5064, 19, 15468, 1449, 33597, 187, 11564, 604, 368, 971, 281, 3150, 13, 285, 2847, 479, 281, 5159, 247, 12190, 273, 11563, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1166, 16, 746, 9, 33228, 10, 1423, 27, 520, 27, 2504, 642, 15, 19, 15468, 24264, 2385, 27, 187, 5064, 19, 15468, 24769, 1967, 187, 41052, 15, 187, 1147, 434, 417, 1892, 281, 1089, 305, 71, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1166, 16, 746, 9, 33228, 10, 1423, 27, 2125, 27, 1857, 642, 15, 21197, 2031, 883, 2691, 27, 187, 44, 8022, 32, 7670, 401, 25826, 2828, 309, 9239, 11339, 2136, 480, 1662, 251, 396, 10413, 715, 3253, 15, 49142, 436, 7505, 1342, 285, 521, 23075, 4802, 2567, 15, 309, 3524, 247, 12835, 46125, 18200, 23494, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16987, 16, 1166, 16, 746, 9, 33228, 10, 1423, 27, 2922, 27, 2922, 642, 15, 21197, 2031, 1012, 2055, 27, 187, 5064, 19, 15468, 24264, 2385, 187, 42, 574, 305, 3671, 275, 2393, 1384, 84, 4489, 1955, 281, 9447, 48562, 313, 2825, 310, 3076, 10, 309, 1904, 626, 5181, 619, 577, 305, 3671, 896, 840, 15, 3105, 1014, 10135, 15, 187, 4125, 309, 717, 10960 ]
Anonymous 07/06/16(Wed)10:47:10 no.79951121: Deutsche Bank -7,45% Rot in hell, Germanistan! Anonymous 07/06/16(Wed)10:48:57 no.79951273: this goes on for weeks now and nothing happend. I always hope that, with all the brexit and shit, they dont see it coming Anonymous 07/06/16(Wed)11:25:52 no.79954124: >>79951121 they won't let it collapse no matter what <|endoftext|>Anonymous 03/19/17(Sun)02:17:09 no.117306137: 1. Today, someone jumped the bike racks to try to gain access to the White House 2. Less than 2 hours ago, someone tried to drive into the White House and made a bomb threat. s/843325128478003200/photo/1?ref_sr c=twsrc%5Etfw What the fuck is happening? Is the CIA doing more MKULTRA tactics to try to push back any criminal investigations? Anonymous 03/19/17(Sun)02:18:34 no.117306242: >>117306137 Mortal Kombat! Anonymous 03/19/17(Sun)02:19:01 no.117306283: FALSE FLAG Anonymous 03/19/17(Sun)02:19:03 no.117306286: >>117306137 I wonder how often shit like this happens Anonymous 03/19/17(Sun)02:20:15 no.117306392: >>117306242 Test your might! Anonymous 03/19/17(Sun)02:20:45 no.117306445: >>117306137 Trump is pulling unsuccessful false flag attacks on himself to distract the media. Anonymous 03/19/17(Sun)02:23:18 no.117306649: >>117306392 Get over here! <|endoftext|>Anonymous 08/21/18(Tue)08:55:18 no.182975582: >The entirety of Australia's most populous state, New South Wales, is suffering from a crippling drought that is the most severe in recent memory. >The tough conditions are drying up huge swathes of land, leaving farmers struggling to feed their livestock and water their crops. It's also exacerbating bushfires in the state. >One mining town in the outback, Broken Hill, is even reporting crowds of emus arriving into town searching for water and food. The birds, which are flightless and can grow more than 6 feet tall, have been spotted "running laps of the main street, eating gardens and gate crashing football matches," according to Australia's ABC. 39300/emus-swarm-town-as-australias -drought-worsens Stay safe, ausbros. Anonymous 08/21/18(Tue)08:57:08 no.182975706: >>182975582 > 239300/emus-swarm-town-as-australia s-drought-worsens As someone who lives in Broken Hill I can confirm there are emu's everywhere at the moment. If only we had won the emu war.... Anonymous 08/21/18(Tue)08:58:57 no.182975818: >>182975582 They are baaaaaaaaaaaaaack Anonymous 08/21/18(Tue)08:59:40 no.182975863: >>182975706 I'd say stay indoors but they are already eating gardens and attempting to starve you out in a prolonged siege war. Anonymous 08/21/18(Tue)09:00:16 no.182975901: >>182975582 Emus will represent a better defence against muslims than the native population > yfw Anonymous 08/21/18(Tue)09:00:39 no.182975920: >>182975582 australia is surrounded by water, why have none of these countries considered either expanding their water reservoirs or put in serious investment into desalination Anonymous 08/21/18(Tue)09:03:17 no.182976061: >>182975582 Soon the war begins. Anonymous 08/21/18(Tue)09:03:50 no.182976092: obligatory Anonymous 08/21/18(Tue)09:09:15 no.182976411: >>182975582 Okay so you feed them like the stray dogs and cats. Anonymous 08/21/18(Tue)09:11:15 no.182976548: >>182975706 You guys should've nuked them harder. Anonymous 08/21/18(Tue)09:12:15 no.182976625: >>182975582 Send in the Army! Oh.. wait. Anonymous 08/21/18(Tue)09:13:20 no.182976685: >>182975582 If only Rod Hull was still alive Anonymous 08/21/18(Tue)09:16:41 no.182976890: HAY! thats getting a bit too personal matey. like the SA - VIC border thay were still angry about....... Anonymous 08/21/18(Tue)09:16:45 no.182976894: >>182975920 I guess the same reason America's never considered taking care of its people: vested interests and too much money in politics for anything to happen for the good of the people. Anonymous 08/21/18(Tue)09:17:28 no.182976930: >>182975582 it has begun. Anonymous 08/21/18(Tue)09:22:31 no.182977262: emu wars 2 has started will the chinks finally win a battle or will they fold like the aussies before them <|endoftext|>Anonymous 11/02/17(Thu)13:30:18 no.147638475: >The rate of teen drug overdose deaths in the United States climbed 19% from 2014 to 2015 and continues to rise >Most of the overdose deaths were primarily by opioids, including painkillers such as oxycodone and illicit drugs such as heroin and street fentanyl >Studies have shown a correlation with marijuana use and eventual harder forms of drug abuse >For many marijuana users marijuana is a gateway drug to harder drugs >As marijuana is legalized younger teens perceive it to be less harmful and report using it more >Of teens in grades 9-12 nearly 1 in 10 say they smoke marijuana at least 20 or more times a month >This represents an 80 percent rise in monthly marijuana use among teens since 2008 Well well well First weed Then pills Now they are starting to shoot up Guess Generation Z isn't so based after all. How do we solve Degeneration Z's drug problem? Anonymous 11/02/17(Thu)13:32:12 no.147638691: >>147638475 What fucking high school kid has the cash to be able to smoke weed 20+ times per month? Anonymous 11/02/17(Thu)13:33:42 no.147638869: >>147638475 The under 40 depression crash is almost here. I'm hype af. Anonymous 11/02/17(Thu)13:34:16 no.147638940: >>147638691 The dealers Anonymous 11/02/17(Thu)13:38:02 no.147639349: The ones who can't handle the truth die, not hard to understand really tbqh t. Gen Z Anonymous 11/02/17(Thu)13:43:35 no.147640013: I'm sure that if I lived in America I'd rather OD on heroin than carry on living there. Anonymous 11/02/17(Thu)13:43:50 no.147640036: >>147638475 >degenerate lefty kids offing themselves . . . . >a problem Make your choice, now! Anonymous 11/02/17(Thu)13:49:10 no.147640664: >>147638475 Blame it on weed, not the ((( doctors ))) pushing opiates on everyone. Such is the nature of opiate addiction, you're either dead within five years or you were never really addicted. Anonymous 11/02/17(Thu)13:53:53 no.147641181: >>147640664 Why does nobody here talk about (((doctors))) Anonymous 11/02/17(Thu)14:05:57 no.147642582: >>147638475 >climbed 19% CLIMBED
[ 45545, 18188, 16, 3071, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 740, 27, 2504, 27, 740, 642, 15, 24, 1525, 3712, 15144, 27, 187, 3848, 307, 9163, 6022, 428, 24, 13, 1857, 6, 187, 25207, 275, 7085, 13, 5685, 7399, 2, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 3071, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 740, 27, 2385, 27, 3011, 642, 15, 24, 1525, 19233, 3655, 27, 187, 2520, 4566, 327, 323, 3618, 1024, 285, 2717, 1654, 423, 15, 209, 187, 42, 1900, 3524, 326, 13, 342, 512, 253, 1517, 19706, 285, 10739, 13, 597, 13414, 923, 352, 3551, 535, 187, 45545, 18188, 16, 3071, 16, 1036, 9, 21091, 10, 883, 27, 1099, 27, 3583, 642, 15, 24, 1525, 3439, 13397, 27, 187, 5064, 24, 1525, 3712, 15144, 187, 9328, 1912, 626, 1339, 352, 13551, 642, 2647, 752, 2756, 50279, 45545, 17272, 16, 746, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 2640, 27, 1166, 27, 2693, 642, 15, 12231, 18950, 15497, 27, 187, 18, 15, 11056, 13, 3095, 16780, 253, 13696, 391, 7305, 281, 1611, 281, 6351, 2289, 281, 253, 5219, 3995, 187, 19, 15, 15405, 685, 374, 3038, 3622, 13, 3095, 3597, 281, 4446, 715, 253, 5219, 3995, 285, 1160, 247, 10110, 4322, 15, 187, 3614, 1358, 16705, 15, 681, 16, 36440, 706, 868, 16, 8766, 86, 187, 84, 16, 2759, 1610, 1099, 8196, 2504, 10695, 1237, 361, 16, 24442, 16, 18, 32, 709, 64, 18356, 187, 68, 30, 7553, 7614, 6, 22, 38, 16114, 88, 187, 1276, 253, 7435, 310, 9369, 32, 1680, 253, 17879, 2509, 625, 27070, 4641, 26963, 21041, 281, 1611, 281, 7450, 896, 667, 6424, 14006, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 746, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 2640, 27, 1093, 27, 1706, 642, 15, 12231, 18950, 22232, 27, 187, 5064, 12231, 18950, 15497, 187, 46, 26328, 611, 4894, 255, 2, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 746, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 2640, 27, 746, 27, 520, 642, 15, 12231, 18950, 28933, 27, 187, 33814, 46923, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 746, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 2640, 27, 746, 27, 2941, 642, 15, 12231, 18950, 23360, 27, 187, 5064, 12231, 18950, 15497, 187, 42, 4282, 849, 2223, 10739, 751, 436, 6569, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 746, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 2640, 27, 938, 27, 1010, 642, 15, 12231, 18950, 29827, 27, 187, 5064, 12231, 18950, 22232, 187, 5089, 634, 1537, 2, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 746, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 2640, 27, 938, 27, 1857, 642, 15, 12231, 1229, 1540, 1857, 27, 187, 5064, 12231, 18950, 15497, 187, 18130, 310, 14252, 28008, 3221, 7908, 8104, 327, 2994, 281, 36815, 253, 3420, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 17272, 16, 746, 16, 1166, 9, 14594, 10, 2640, 27, 1508, 27, 1093, 642, 15, 12231, 18950, 26937, 27, 187, 5064, 12231, 18950, 29827, 187, 3633, 689, 1060, 2, 2756, 50279, 45545, 16331, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 50110, 10, 2904, 27, 2417, 27, 1093, 642, 15, 1093, 1717, 27496, 3507, 27, 187, 31, 510, 25983, 273, 6976, 434, 954, 1684, 15873, 1375, 13, 1457, 3684, 15420, 13, 310, 9958, 432, 247, 35956, 1981, 22216, 326, 310, 253, 954, 5460, 275, 3332, 3541, 15, 187, 31, 510, 10458, 2515, 403, 24396, 598, 5699, 1863, 255, 1041, 273, 2659, 13, 6108, 14768, 15586, 281, 3997, 616, 29592, 285, 1824, 616, 19492, 15, 733, 434, 671, 21951, 839, 28909, 43156, 275, 253, 1375, 15, 187, 31, 4041, 15067, 3874, 275, 253, 562, 2135, 13, 4819, 3612, 7061, 13, 310, 1014, 9610, 24597, 273, 802, 316, 20948, 715, 3874, 12203, 323, 1824, 285, 2739, 15, 380, 11260, 13, 534, 403, 8630, 1417, 285, 476, 1756, 625, 685, 721, 4669, 10086, 13, 452, 644, 20673, 346, 24220, 44421, 273, 253, 2022, 6406, 13, 9123, 23308, 285, 7394, 34869, 5842, 10129, 937, 2556, 281, 6976, 434, 15599, 15, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 79, 1087, 15, 2061, 16, 7798, 16, 2904, 16, 938, 16, 23, 24948, 187, 1867, 7554, 16, 358, 316, 14, 2140, 1513, 14, 10700, 14, 284, 14, 66, 461, 1544, 6358, 187, 14, 5267, 1224, 14, 88, 641, 561, 187, 28412, 4999, 13, 16506, 67, 2921, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 50110, 10, 2904, 27, 3011, 27, 2904, 642, 15, 1093, 1717, 1976, 28166, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1717, 27496, 3507, 187, 31, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 79, 1087, 15, 2061, 16, 7798, 16, 2904, 16, 938, 16, 33031, 187, 1508, 4590, 361, 16, 358, 316, 14, 2140, 1513, 14, 10700, 14, 284, 14, 66, 461, 1544, 571, 187, 84, 14, 5267, 1224, 14, 88, 641, 561, 187, 1909, 3095, 665, 4852, 275, 4819, 3612, 7061, 309, 476, 6583, 627, 403, 802, 86, 434, 11678, 387, 253, 2774, 15, 187, 2042, 760, 359, 574, 1912, 253, 802, 86, 2137, 2391, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 50110, 10, 2904, 27, 3680, 27, 3011, 642, 15, 1093, 1717, 33607, 1093, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1717, 27496, 3507, 187, 3726, 403, 270, 49642, 23342, 66, 471, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 50110, 10, 2904, 27, 3046, 27, 1449, 642, 15, 1093, 1717, 1976, 39948, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1717, 1976, 28166, 187, 42, 1871, 1333, 3297, 42842, 533, 597, 403, 2168, 9123, 23308, 285, 13756, 281, 4177, 306, 368, 562, 275, 247, 16707, 33758, 2137, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 50110, 10, 2693, 27, 361, 27, 1036, 642, 15, 1093, 1717, 32054, 520, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1717, 27496, 3507, 187, 11223, 316, 588, 1957, 247, 1805, 17147, 1411, 1948, 2815, 84, 685, 253, 7925, 3072, 187, 31, 340, 25837, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 50110, 10, 2693, 27, 361, 27, 1867, 642, 15, 1093, 1717, 32054, 938, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1717, 27496, 3507, 187, 66, 461, 1544, 571, 310, 13750, 407, 1824, 13, 2139, 452, 5293, 273, 841, 4343, 2783, 2057, 16122, 616, 1824, 45009, 390, 1691, 275, 4092, 8149, 715, 711, 267, 1515, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 50110, 10, 2693, 27, 2941, 27, 1166, 642, 15, 1093, 23185, 1549, 3832, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1717, 27496, 3507, 187, 39382, 253, 2137, 9513, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 50110, 10, 2693, 27, 2941, 27, 1235, 642, 15, 1093, 23185, 1549, 4529, 27, 187, 706, 3372, 2473, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 50110, 10, 2693, 27, 2693, 27, 1010, 642, 15, 1093, 23185, 1540, 883, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1717, 27496, 3507, 187, 9281, 594, 368, 3997, 731, 751, 253, 38134, 9097, 285, 16581, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 50110, 10, 2693, 27, 883, 27, 1010, 642, 15, 1093, 23185, 2082, 2385, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1717, 1976, 28166, 187, 1394, 6068, 943, 1849, 295, 2788, 264, 731, 12150, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 50110, 10, 2693, 27, 805, 27, 1010, 642, 15, 1093, 23185, 2526, 1099, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1717, 27496, 3507, 187, 19907, 275, 253, 8663, 2, 187, 4013, 537, 3343, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 50110, 10, 2693, 27, 1012, 27, 938, 642, 15, 1093, 23185, 2526, 2227, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1717, 27496, 3507, 187, 2042, 760, 11064, 42432, 369, 1335, 9338, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 50110, 10, 2693, 27, 1036, 27, 3156, 642, 15, 1093, 23185, 2358, 2270, 27, 187, 41, 8506, 2, 28763, 2970, 247, 2372, 1512, 3367, 20187, 90, 15, 751, 253, 12041, 428, 657, 1864, 5680, 289, 333, 497, 1335, 11790, 670, 2391, 1051, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 50110, 10, 2693, 27, 1036, 27, 1857, 642, 15, 1093, 23185, 2358, 3953, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1717, 32054, 938, 187, 42, 5476, 253, 1072, 1921, 3968, 434, 1620, 2783, 3192, 1557, 273, 697, 952, 27, 37478, 6284, 285, 1512, 1199, 2583, 275, 8672, 323, 2712, 281, 5108, 323, 253, 1175, 273, 253, 952, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 50110, 10, 2693, 27, 1166, 27, 1619, 642, 15, 1093, 23185, 2090, 1229, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 1717, 27496, 3507, 187, 262, 556, 13207, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16331, 16, 1797, 16, 1093, 9, 50110, 10, 2693, 27, 1423, 27, 2405, 642, 15, 1093, 1717, 2357, 24724, 27, 187, 36812, 16860, 374, 556, 3053, 588, 253, 448, 3106, 4720, 3330, 247, 6680, 390, 588, 597, 7975, 751, 253, 247, 1316, 447, 1078, 731, 2756, 50279, 45545, 1903, 16, 2640, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 1012, 27, 1229, 27, 1093, 642, 15, 1047, 3121, 19948, 1976, 27, 187, 31, 510, 2281, 273, 11332, 2854, 46539, 8923, 275, 253, 1986, 2077, 21863, 655, 6, 432, 4059, 281, 4104, 285, 7788, 281, 6054, 187, 31, 10342, 273, 253, 46539, 8923, 497, 8558, 407, 49001, 13, 1690, 3075, 24212, 398, 824, 347, 3475, 90, 19880, 531, 285, 41566, 5835, 824, 347, 29575, 285, 6406, 269, 290, 38593, 187, 31, 38954, 452, 2011, 247, 5921, 342, 13717, 897, 285, 27585, 12150, 4948, 273, 2854, 7242, 187, 31, 2214, 1142, 13717, 4212, 13717, 310, 247, 28894, 2854, 281, 12150, 5835, 187, 31, 1909, 13717, 310, 4320, 1025, 9243, 27517, 24947, 352, 281, 320, 1679, 19632, 285, 1304, 970, 352, 625, 187, 31, 4527, 27517, 275, 23129, 898, 14, 805, 4829, 337, 275, 884, 1333, 597, 11283, 13717, 387, 1878, 1384, 390, 625, 2069, 247, 1770, 187, 31, 1552, 6125, 271, 5096, 2558, 6054, 275, 13056, 13717, 897, 2190, 27517, 1580, 4695, 187, 4497, 973, 973, 187, 6407, 32983, 187, 5872, 28123, 187, 4125, 597, 403, 4983, 281, 5310, 598, 187, 8469, 405, 28598, 1503, 3548, 626, 594, 1754, 846, 512, 15, 187, 2347, 513, 359, 8415, 30114, 21369, 1503, 434, 2854, 1895, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2640, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 1012, 27, 1237, 27, 805, 642, 15, 1047, 3121, 1839, 35356, 27, 187, 5064, 1047, 3121, 19948, 1976, 187, 1276, 12835, 1029, 2143, 5772, 556, 253, 7942, 281, 320, 2104, 281, 11283, 32983, 1384, 12, 2069, 591, 1770, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2640, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 1012, 27, 1610, 27, 2945, 642, 15, 1047, 3121, 25085, 2090, 27, 187, 5064, 1047, 3121, 19948, 1976, 187, 510, 762, 3387, 9454, 13035, 310, 2761, 1060, 15, 309, 1353, 31012, 6706, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2640, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 1012, 27, 1706, 27, 1036, 642, 15, 1047, 3121, 25592, 1449, 27, 187, 5064, 1047, 3121, 1839, 35356, 187, 510, 31346, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2640, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 1012, 27, 1839, 27, 2640, 642, 15, 1047, 3121, 1867, 21095, 27, 187, 510, 4394, 665, 476, 626, 6016, 253, 5083, 3150, 13, 417, 1892, 281, 2096, 1663, 34244, 82, 73, 187, 85, 15, 2588, 1503, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2640, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 1012, 27, 3079, 27, 1671, 642, 15, 14555, 1540, 28059, 27, 187, 42, 1353, 2119, 326, 604, 309, 6940, 275, 3968, 309, 1871, 2581, 26514, 327, 29575, 685, 4459, 327, 3811, 627, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2640, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 1012, 27, 3079, 27, 1235, 642, 15, 14555, 1540, 46020, 27, 187, 5064, 1047, 3121, 19948, 1976, 187, 31, 42822, 458, 30399, 5753, 745, 272, 3746, 187, 15, 187, 15, 187, 15, 187, 15, 187, 31, 66, 1895, 187, 13325, 634, 4327, 13, 1024, 2, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2640, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 1012, 27, 2537, 27, 740, 642, 15, 1047, 3121, 24854, 1540, 27, 187, 5064, 1047, 3121, 19948, 1976, 187, 5622, 482, 352, 327, 32983, 13, 417, 253, 24317, 11576, 209, 10689, 13383, 1121, 28032, 327, 4130, 15, 6102, 310, 253, 3753, 273, 1121, 4513, 22103, 13, 368, 1472, 2057, 3846, 1561, 2620, 1107, 390, 368, 497, 1620, 1663, 46512, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2640, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 1012, 27, 3357, 27, 3357, 642, 15, 14555, 1540, 883, 3593, 27, 187, 5064, 1047, 3121, 24854, 1540, 187, 4967, 1057, 12445, 1060, 2312, 670, 24317, 3088, 5285, 10689, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 2640, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 1047, 27, 1762, 27, 3011, 642, 15, 14555, 1540, 1099, 3507, 27, 187, 5064, 1047, 3121, 19948, 1976, 187, 31, 498, 303, 3026, 655, 6, 187, 3207, 2894, 35, 1703 ]
:21 no.187782274: >>187781940 别客气 Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:17:23 no.187782275: >>187780912 Lel. Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:17:24 no.187782278: >>187782028 Absolute units. Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:17:32 no.187782284: >>187782117 >actually seaworthy >not diesel >no ramp Pretty shit desu Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:17:32 no.187782289: >>187782024 Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:17:37 no.187782298: >>187782028 Who is the fat chick? Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:17:42 no.187782308: >>187782117 that's a nice boot Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:17:45 no.187782312: >>187782189 holy moly Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:18:06 no.187782354: Got I want Jeff Flake to run in 2020. He'll get Jeb!'d hard in the primaries. We're gonna see Trump vs Avenatti, and I think Avenatti will take a big hit when he stands next to full sized adults Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:18:11 no.187782366: Will Flake vote for Kav? Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:18:19 no.187782380: On wednesday it will be 33 days away from the midterm elections. Use the power wisely and productively! Wednesday! Respect posts that end in 33! Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:18:30 no.187782395: >>187782177 I hate they take like 10% of wins Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:18:34 no.187782404: >>187780912 What did he mean by this? Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:18:58 no.187782436: lmao So Kavanaugh was personally texting witnesses named by Ramirez weeks before the Ronan Farrow story Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:19:01 no.187782441: >>187781745 >fat women aren't getting hotter, thicc isn't a thing, it's just pant technology is very advanced now QFT Thicc is for subhumans Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:19:16 no.187782466: >>187782177 There's a fuckton of money to be made betting against mass media hysteria and outrage culture. Tesla stock rebounds are like free cash. I wish you could buy stocks of Trump's approval rating. Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:19:17 no.187782468: Did you ever hear the tragedy of Brett Kavannaugh The Supreme? I thought not. It's not a story Congress would tell you. It's a Georgetown Prep legend. Brett Kavannaugh was a Judge of the DC Circuit, so powerful and so wise he could use conservatism to influence the laws to protect the rich… He had such a knowledge of Conservatism that he could even keep the ones he cared about from going to jail. Conservatism is a pathway to many policies some consider to be unnatural. He became so powerful… the only thing he was afraid of was the truth coming out, which eventually, of course, it did. Unfortunately, he was a huge pervert and hurt women. They finally came forward after he was nominated to the Supreme Court. Ironic. He could judge others but he couldn't judge himself. Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:19:17 no.187782470: >>187782024 >guns americans can't have but canadians can Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:19:21 no.187782476: >>187782156 >>187781636 I really hope this is the beginning of the (R)s getting the fucking message and playing hard ball with these guys. Did they think only Trump was going to be in the cross hairs? Brett Kavanaugh was a well respected person of the DC swampniggers and worked under President Bush. They thought the Dems weren't going to attack him? I think that a lot of RINOs suddenly realized the situation they are in and that by having an (R) by your name, doesn't matter if you are Flake or Cruz or Trump or Rand, an (R) next to your name means that you are an evil nazi. It's possible they might finally realize what the game is. Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:19:21 no.187782477: >>187782235 usually the leftists are very quick about bulldozing the crime scene like with Sandy Hook and that school shooter training camp, but I guess Las Vegas was too valuable to bulldoze Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:19:26 no.187782485: >>187782028 Gotta find the rats in your government who tried to sink Trump first pal. Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:19:30 no.187782499: >>187781981 >NO NO NO >THEYRE WEAPONIZING THE DOJ!!! the kike shrieks as it strikes you Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:19:38 no.187782515: >>187782274 There was a huge blood moon up there recently, great catch. So good. Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:20:02 no.187782554: >>187782395 Thats standard for betting in general. If you bet sports they take 10% off every bet, not just when you cash out. Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:20:13 no.187782572: >>187782354 What the fuck is this avannetti will win the primary meme. I mean I get that he's fiery but he's less of a statesman than Trump, he's a fucking white male, and he's got skeletons in his closet galore. Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:20:19 no.187782582: >>187782470 Kinda jealous of your Type 97s. Also your chink M14s Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:20:35 no.187782612: >>187781315 how is this boomer larp so powerful seriously I saw them donating to RSBN, and it was like $500 from several different cultists Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:20:37 no.187782622: Breaking: 5.4 earthquake just hit Mexico Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:20:52 no.187782647: >>187781115 Fuck, that's the most conversing I've had it decades Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:20:53 no.187782653: MAGA Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:21:00 no.187782662: >>187781315 Q is the pizzagate thing evolved right? Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:21:01 no.187782664: >>187782470 >jews Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:21:04 no.187782670: >>187782468 >Kennedy's retirement was a necessary loss. Soon I will have a new apprentice, one far younger and more powerful. Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:21:13 no.187782686: >>187781749 How much do i need to donate to have her brap in my face? Also when is the rally? Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:21:15 no.187782692: >>187782470 Americans can get Tavors but unfortunately they're overpriced, inaccurate, chosenite garbo Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:21:17 no.187782698: Fox News live stream says about 1 burger until rally! Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:21:25 no.187782711: >>187782582 JRA m14's are god tier, have one on order right now. Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:21:34 no.187782720: >>187782468 Anonymous 10/01/18(Mon)18:21
[ 27, 1797, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 1423, 3566, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 33505, 38765, 187, 6765, 106, 6916, 97, 17289, 231, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 1166, 27, 1508, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 1423, 1976, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 2357, 27820, 805, 187, 45, 293, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 1166, 27, 1348, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 1423, 3141, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 33505, 938, 1619, 187, 49805, 5085, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 1166, 27, 1237, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 1423, 2759, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 2357, 3507, 12231, 187, 31, 35264, 45841, 23137, 187, 31, 1439, 28628, 187, 31, 2369, 18556, 187, 41774, 10739, 711, 86, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 1166, 27, 1237, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 1423, 2511, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 33505, 938, 1348, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 1166, 27, 1787, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 1423, 4185, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 33505, 938, 1619, 187, 7883, 310, 253, 4688, 8734, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 1166, 27, 2945, 642, 15, 1093, 2357, 3507, 20777, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 2357, 3507, 12231, 187, 3529, 434, 247, 5322, 7491, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 1166, 27, 1857, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 1508, 805, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 2357, 3507, 18359, 187, 73, 10270, 278, 10270, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 1093, 27, 3071, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 1508, 3439, 27, 187, 25302, 309, 971, 9069, 2884, 640, 281, 1408, 275, 9169, 15, 754, 1833, 755, 500, 2275, 11388, 69, 1892, 275, 253, 2248, 3927, 15, 844, 1472, 6501, 923, 3778, 4632, 329, 1261, 26797, 13, 285, 309, 1158, 329, 1261, 26797, 588, 1379, 247, 1943, 4352, 672, 344, 9572, 1735, 281, 2120, 25180, 7747, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 1093, 27, 883, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 1508, 2526, 27, 187, 12978, 2884, 640, 6273, 323, 611, 580, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 1093, 27, 746, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 1508, 1438, 27, 187, 2374, 8764, 7502, 352, 588, 320, 5922, 1897, 1977, 432, 253, 4260, 3945, 12337, 15, 7890, 253, 1612, 46529, 285, 1885, 1242, 2, 8330, 2, 2213, 808, 9319, 326, 990, 275, 5922, 2, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 1093, 27, 1229, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 1508, 2222, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 2357, 3507, 15907, 187, 42, 9239, 597, 1379, 751, 884, 6, 273, 14896, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 1093, 27, 1706, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 1348, 2125, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 2357, 27820, 805, 187, 1276, 858, 344, 1599, 407, 436, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 1093, 27, 3680, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 1348, 1812, 27, 187, 77, 785, 80, 187, 2598, 47598, 369, 11697, 2505, 272, 12170, 4907, 407, 48444, 3618, 1078, 253, 15657, 266, 401, 2501, 2926, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 746, 27, 520, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 1348, 3156, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 33505, 1166, 1857, 187, 31, 19397, 2255, 6403, 626, 2970, 3511, 350, 13, 289, 280, 68, 3548, 626, 247, 2181, 13, 352, 434, 816, 20018, 4302, 310, 1077, 7269, 1024, 187, 50, 5518, 187, 1044, 280, 68, 310, 323, 749, 18256, 507, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 746, 27, 1036, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 1348, 2526, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 2357, 3507, 15907, 187, 2512, 434, 247, 7435, 1299, 273, 2583, 281, 320, 1160, 34601, 1411, 2280, 3420, 32685, 571, 285, 22145, 4466, 15, 187, 53, 265, 4123, 5739, 41531, 403, 751, 1959, 7942, 15, 309, 5730, 368, 812, 4489, 19487, 273, 3778, 434, 9612, 13716, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 746, 27, 1166, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 1348, 2358, 27, 187, 8917, 368, 2455, 4089, 253, 22820, 273, 36604, 611, 580, 1136, 3920, 380, 6413, 32, 309, 1869, 417, 15, 733, 434, 417, 247, 2926, 5759, 651, 2028, 368, 15, 733, 434, 247, 3096, 47052, 29081, 13691, 15, 36604, 611, 580, 1136, 3920, 369, 247, 6798, 273, 253, 9087, 6817, 13, 594, 6422, 285, 594, 15822, 344, 812, 897, 6405, 44451, 281, 4833, 253, 5323, 281, 4017, 253, 6793, 2866, 754, 574, 824, 247, 3640, 273, 13295, 44451, 326, 344, 812, 1014, 1978, 253, 4394, 344, 24782, 670, 432, 1469, 281, 12907, 15, 13295, 44451, 310, 247, 7178, 281, 1142, 7823, 690, 1908, 281, 320, 44822, 15, 754, 3395, 594, 6422, 2866, 253, 760, 2181, 344, 369, 9202, 273, 369, 253, 5083, 3551, 562, 13, 534, 6524, 13, 273, 2282, 13, 352, 858, 15, 12526, 13, 344, 369, 247, 5699, 591, 1748, 285, 8513, 2255, 15, 1583, 4720, 2210, 3579, 846, 344, 369, 25546, 281, 253, 6413, 2111, 15, 309, 3462, 15, 754, 812, 5963, 2571, 533, 344, 4571, 626, 5963, 2994, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 746, 27, 1166, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 1348, 1967, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 33505, 938, 1348, 187, 31, 44186, 41290, 507, 476, 626, 452, 533, 476, 324, 2458, 476, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 746, 27, 1797, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 1348, 3121, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 2357, 3507, 16198, 187, 5064, 1093, 33505, 1036, 1812, 187, 42, 1663, 3524, 436, 310, 253, 5068, 273, 253, 313, 51, 10, 84, 2970, 253, 12835, 3935, 285, 4882, 1892, 4023, 342, 841, 6068, 15, 209, 187, 8917, 597, 1158, 760, 3778, 369, 1469, 281, 320, 275, 253, 2831, 39746, 32, 187, 35, 12436, 47598, 369, 247, 973, 22694, 1436, 273, 253, 9087, 44195, 79, 304, 7276, 285, 4307, 762, 3918, 11301, 15, 1583, 1869, 253, 399, 3030, 10345, 626, 1469, 281, 2983, 779, 32, 309, 1158, 326, 247, 2257, 273, 416, 1042, 17174, 8423, 8156, 253, 4112, 597, 403, 275, 285, 326, 407, 1907, 271, 313, 51, 10, 407, 634, 1416, 13, 2506, 626, 2647, 604, 368, 403, 2884, 640, 390, 16874, 390, 3778, 390, 18250, 13, 271, 313, 51, 10, 1735, 281, 634, 1416, 2097, 326, 368, 403, 271, 10319, 295, 23248, 15, 209, 187, 1147, 434, 1896, 597, 1537, 4720, 8968, 752, 253, 2165, 310, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 746, 27, 1797, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 1348, 2357, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 33505, 1423, 1671, 187, 27978, 253, 1669, 1346, 403, 1077, 3158, 670, 5152, 392, 6002, 272, 253, 6617, 6200, 751, 342, 27504, 30276, 285, 326, 2143, 30702, 3733, 2986, 13, 533, 309, 5476, 15878, 18088, 369, 1512, 9865, 281, 5152, 392, 80, 2721, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 746, 27, 1731, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 1348, 2227, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 33505, 938, 1619, 187, 25302, 893, 1089, 253, 7600, 275, 634, 2208, 665, 3597, 281, 16338, 3778, 806, 5796, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 746, 27, 1229, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 1348, 1525, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 33505, 18263, 187, 31, 7716, 7651, 7651, 187, 31, 9707, 58, 1848, 13573, 2088, 1139, 18769, 2637, 3003, 7953, 43, 15844, 187, 783, 465, 2804, 35483, 3194, 347, 352, 18200, 368, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 746, 27, 1839, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 1099, 1010, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 33505, 1423, 3566, 187, 2512, 369, 247, 5699, 2614, 12334, 598, 627, 4102, 13, 1270, 5834, 15, 1893, 1175, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 938, 27, 2640, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 1099, 3439, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 33505, 1508, 2222, 187, 2773, 84, 2629, 323, 34601, 275, 2087, 15, 1310, 368, 701, 9001, 597, 1379, 884, 6, 745, 1046, 701, 13, 417, 816, 672, 368, 7942, 562, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 938, 27, 1012, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 1099, 3547, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 33505, 1508, 3439, 187, 1276, 253, 7435, 310, 436, 1323, 1136, 21037, 588, 3330, 253, 3625, 1167, 70, 15, 309, 1599, 309, 755, 326, 344, 434, 43620, 533, 344, 434, 1679, 273, 247, 3054, 1342, 685, 3778, 13, 344, 434, 247, 12835, 3168, 5086, 13, 285, 344, 434, 1694, 8413, 49004, 275, 521, 26348, 5918, 410, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 938, 27, 746, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 1099, 3507, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 33505, 1348, 1967, 187, 44, 17662, 23327, 273, 634, 8078, 10694, 84, 15, 5220, 634, 448, 750, 353, 1047, 84, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 938, 27, 1671, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 1731, 805, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 33505, 1012, 1010, 187, 5430, 310, 436, 1766, 8056, 1236, 81, 594, 6422, 187, 2152, 8140, 187, 42, 3047, 731, 1053, 839, 281, 416, 15803, 47, 13, 285, 352, 369, 751, 370, 5388, 432, 2067, 1027, 2453, 1346, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 938, 27, 1787, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 1731, 1423, 27, 187, 16212, 1170, 27, 608, 15, 21, 27108, 816, 4352, 8987, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 938, 27, 3583, 642, 15, 1093, 2357, 3507, 25953, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 33505, 883, 1010, 187, 30368, 13, 326, 434, 253, 954, 5636, 272, 309, 1849, 574, 352, 8007, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 938, 27, 3357, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 1731, 3357, 27, 187, 46492, 34, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 1797, 27, 361, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 1731, 3763, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 33505, 1012, 1010, 187, 50, 310, 253, 268, 11114, 356, 366, 2181, 16323, 987, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 1797, 27, 520, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 1731, 1540, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 33505, 1348, 1967, 187, 31, 75, 999, 84, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 1797, 27, 2125, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 1731, 1967, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 33505, 1348, 2358, 187, 31, 45395, 6368, 434, 15072, 369, 247, 3309, 2957, 15, 21965, 309, 588, 452, 247, 747, 35016, 547, 13, 581, 2080, 9243, 285, 625, 6422, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 1797, 27, 1012, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 1731, 2691, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 33505, 1166, 2537, 187, 2347, 1199, 513, 891, 878, 281, 31656, 281, 452, 617, 270, 1761, 275, 619, 2454, 32, 187, 9917, 672, 310, 253, 18240, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 1797, 27, 1010, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 1731, 4529, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 33505, 1348, 1967, 187, 34436, 476, 755, 308, 580, 641, 533, 19235, 597, 1472, 689, 49972, 13, 31215, 13, 6777, 614, 6746, 2399, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 1797, 27, 1166, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 1731, 4185, 27, 187, 29969, 6317, 3153, 5542, 2296, 670, 337, 42463, 1919, 18240, 2, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 1797, 27, 1099, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 1630, 883, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 33505, 1099, 3507, 187, 43, 5214, 278, 1047, 434, 403, 7122, 30625, 13, 452, 581, 327, 1340, 987, 1024, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 1797, 27, 1706, 642, 15, 1093, 33505, 1630, 938, 27, 187, 5064, 1093, 33505, 1348, 2358, 535, 187, 45545, 884, 16, 520, 16, 1093, 9, 9304, 10, 1093, 27, 1797 ]
tO bE wHItE?? Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)14:51:46 no.148271458: >>148261679 at this point you MUST submit an approval request and see what they do Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)14:56:44 no.148272095: STOP THIS SHIT STOP IT'S NOT FUCKING OK, WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING THIS? NO, IT'S NOT OK TO BE WHITE, WHY DO YOU HATE PROGRESS? STOP STOP STOP STOP STOP STOP STOP STOP STOP STOP STOP STOP STOP STOP STOP STOP STOP STOP Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)14:58:12 no.148272297: >>148270366 More Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)14:58:18 no.148272309: >>148236531 Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)14:58:21 no.148272322: >>148236228 That is so yesterdays shirt. Today we wear!!! Get with the fashion dude!!! Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)15:04:36 no.148273125: >>148236661 Purely coincidence.... Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)15:06:16 no.148273336: >>148236868 You have to be mad at the alt right co-opting it if you're upset with milo co-opting it too. I was one of the original creators of this movement and I'm a libertarian so don't pretend this is a richard spencer campaign. This is a /pol/ campaign. Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)15:07:12 no.148273455: >>148245111 >push the alt-right into the mainstream I hope it does Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)15:09:40 no.148273746: >>148239031 interesting. Are there any Youtube videos of people disagreeing and getting angry over this? Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)15:11:56 no.148274009: >>148236441 >>148270366 >make it into some student newspaper >WE DID IT!! Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)15:12:29 no.148274085: >>148236228 You could use TRUMP's font Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)15:13:39 no.148274232: >>148254717 That's because you mistake the sane part of the world with shills, mongrellus burgericus Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)15:14:31 no.148274335: >>148261679 That sounds like a trap Not a pitfall-trap, but a social/academic-suicide trap Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)15:20:55 no.148275159: >>148269000 >wider national strategy of disruption Hahah Jesus Christ. It's a fucking flyer. The barely contained rage spittle in these official declarations, even though they KNOW the point is to bait them, is wonderful. They can't help themselves. Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)15:22:14 no.148275320: >>148275136 SHILL! Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)15:22:56 no.148275417: >YFW this shit is literally going to go down in history >30 years from now students will learn that an innocuous statement like "it's okay to be white" sent the establishment, media, education sector and various normal people into an autistic meltdown. >And they will be absolutely amazed that people can be that utterly unapologetically racist. Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)15:26:43 no.148275881: Am I white can I post this? Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)15:27:10 no.148275939: >>148236228 vkqM4Zdo Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)15:28:51 no.148276158: >>148275881 No need to be white to post it. Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)15:32:34 no.148276647: >>148236228 I love this idea, I'm not white but white supremacists always say shit like : ALL COLORED PEOPLE ARE MONKEY WHITE PEOPLE DID EVERYTHING EVER AND BROWN PEOPLE ARE GAY. Like that you won't get support from non-whites, just start with stuff like ''It's Okay to Be White'' Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)15:33:43 no.148276807: >>148276647 Yes...just start.. Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)15:34:47 no.148276978: >>148275136 >bring more people for us to red pill what a terrible mistake Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)15:36:30 no.148277180: This is some master chessplaying strategy right here. >Forcing the hands of the anti-white racists worldwide to fully reveal their power-level by presenting them with the most innocent possible statement there is. >Even people not paying attention to the state of creeping anti-white sentiment in the west cannot avoid noticing the reactions to this now. The Autistic Hivemind is a true glory to behold. A living God, whose divine cells are the autismal members of a fucking anime discussion website that can't even turn a profit. Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)15:36:57 no.148277221: >>148236868 >Milo is a white supremacist nazi >anyone else attacking Milo is antisemetism I'm not sure my almonds can handle this level of activation, guise. Anonymous 11/06/17(Mon)15:37:55 no.148277369: >>148275228 There is no Stage 2, but I'm still going to accept this. <|endoftext|>Anonymous 09/20/16(Tue)17:25:32 no.89658293: Post the most white people pic you have Anonymous 09/20/16(Tue)17:35:45 no.89659479: >>89658293 <|endoftext|>Anonymous 02/02/17(Thu)07:26:21 no.110630003: Is there anyone more petty than a liberal? Anonymous 02/02/17(Thu)07:28:54 no.110630245: Wow. I bet this will stump him. Anonymous 02/02/17(Thu)07:31:23 no.110630461: Yes, get rid of Trump. That will be MUCH better! Anonymous 02/02/17(Thu)08:05:06 no.110633804: >>110630003 Yeah im sure his fucking longtime doctor broke doctor-patient confidentiality and ended his career Anonymous 02/02/17(Thu)08:12:22 no.110634579: >>110630003 >Donald's power comes from his hair How stupid have we been? Anonymous 02/02/17(Thu)08:15:13 no.110634888: >be the doctor of the most powerful man in the world that has a habbit of ending the careers of anyone who crosses him >blab about his hair wtf i guess i'm feeling the bern now Anonymous 02/02/17(Thu)08:17:03 no.110635075: >>110634888 As if Trump would give a shit. It's not a secret that he is trying to keep his hair as long as possible. Man doesn't want to go bald. Cry me a river. Anonymous 02/02/17(Thu)08:18:48 no.110635246: Why would trumps doctor be talking to (((them))) I don't understamd Anonymous 02/02/17(Thu)08:18:49 no.110635253: >>110630003 desu this guy looks like he knows a thing or two about hair growth. I would trust him. Anonymous 02/02/17(Thu)08:19:30 no.110635323: >>110634579 >Trump confrimed for plaing to destroy ISIS with a donkey jawbone. Anonymous 02/02/17(Thu)08:19:38 no.110635337: >>110635075 Did you see what he did to Rosie O'Donnell because she badmouthed him for defending his friend? Anonymous 02/02/17(Thu)08:20:48 no.110635454: >>110630003 >(((Journalism))) The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
[ 246, 48, 270, 38, 259, 41, 1147, 38, 8220, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1047, 27, 3712, 27, 2950, 642, 15, 16989, 1630, 1047, 3680, 27, 187, 5064, 16989, 1731, 1036, 2787, 187, 255, 436, 1127, 368, 35541, 11929, 271, 9612, 2748, 285, 923, 752, 597, 513, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1047, 27, 3208, 27, 2031, 642, 15, 16989, 1630, 938, 2222, 27, 187, 37547, 10113, 7840, 1433, 187, 37547, 187, 1433, 8, 52, 5803, 401, 36746, 2637, 10826, 13, 7245, 58, 3003, 401, 36746, 17003, 8702, 7953, 2637, 10113, 32, 187, 7716, 13, 8017, 8, 52, 5803, 10826, 5935, 8728, 7245, 12752, 13, 7245, 58, 7953, 8702, 388, 4966, 25382, 6217, 5479, 32, 187, 37547, 3915, 2795, 3915, 2795, 3915, 2795, 3915, 2795, 3915, 2795, 3915, 2795, 3915, 2795, 3915, 2795, 3915, 2795, 3915, 2795, 3915, 2795, 3915, 2795, 3915, 2795, 3915, 2795, 3915, 2795, 3915, 2795, 3915, 2795, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1047, 27, 3680, 27, 805, 642, 15, 16989, 1630, 1423, 4148, 27, 187, 5064, 16989, 20256, 25772, 187, 7673, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1047, 27, 3680, 27, 1093, 642, 15, 16989, 1630, 17569, 26, 27, 187, 5064, 16989, 1508, 2082, 2405, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1047, 27, 3680, 27, 1797, 642, 15, 16989, 1630, 19136, 19, 27, 187, 5064, 16989, 21358, 20694, 187, 2773, 310, 594, 4754, 350, 11015, 14133, 15, 209, 187, 14569, 359, 8251, 15844, 209, 187, 3633, 342, 253, 8142, 29723, 15844, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1010, 27, 2125, 27, 1812, 642, 15, 16989, 25671, 9312, 27, 187, 5064, 16989, 1508, 2526, 3832, 187, 49, 459, 314, 27454, 2391, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1010, 27, 3071, 27, 1036, 642, 15, 16989, 1630, 1610, 1812, 27, 187, 5064, 16989, 1508, 2358, 2358, 187, 1394, 452, 281, 320, 10279, 387, 253, 6945, 987, 820, 14, 412, 1076, 352, 604, 368, 1472, 14004, 342, 2301, 80, 820, 14, 412, 1076, 352, 1512, 15, 309, 369, 581, 273, 253, 3236, 33801, 273, 436, 4866, 285, 309, 1353, 247, 48845, 594, 1053, 626, 22830, 436, 310, 247, 6793, 472, 653, 19667, 4544, 15, 831, 310, 247, 1227, 4818, 16, 4544, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1010, 27, 2922, 27, 805, 642, 15, 16989, 1630, 1706, 2417, 27, 187, 5064, 16989, 19490, 10768, 187, 31, 11340, 253, 6945, 14, 918, 715, 253, 17068, 187, 42, 3524, 352, 1057, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1010, 27, 2693, 27, 1449, 642, 15, 16989, 1630, 1787, 2950, 27, 187, 5064, 16989, 1508, 2270, 2405, 187, 47606, 15, 209, 187, 6723, 627, 667, 49459, 10556, 273, 952, 14936, 272, 285, 2970, 11790, 689, 436, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1010, 27, 883, 27, 3208, 642, 15, 16989, 1630, 8320, 26, 27, 187, 5064, 16989, 1508, 1540, 3156, 187, 5064, 16989, 20256, 25772, 187, 31, 11145, 352, 715, 690, 5974, 11547, 187, 31, 10663, 41718, 8017, 4672, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1010, 27, 805, 27, 1717, 642, 15, 16989, 1630, 1449, 2227, 27, 187, 5064, 16989, 21358, 20694, 187, 1394, 812, 897, 7500, 47774, 434, 8266, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1010, 27, 1012, 27, 1867, 642, 15, 16989, 1630, 2945, 1237, 27, 187, 5064, 16989, 1099, 2504, 1166, 187, 2773, 434, 984, 368, 10551, 253, 44419, 629, 273, 253, 1533, 342, 439, 3171, 13, 49535, 11436, 316, 42463, 23301, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1010, 27, 1047, 27, 2405, 642, 15, 16989, 23735, 22519, 27, 187, 5064, 16989, 1731, 1036, 2787, 187, 2773, 7835, 751, 247, 15464, 187, 3650, 247, 8483, 12615, 14, 85, 1761, 13, 533, 247, 2675, 16, 317, 4788, 280, 14, 3467, 9429, 15464, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1010, 27, 938, 27, 2417, 642, 15, 16989, 20450, 17220, 27, 187, 5064, 16989, 23292, 933, 187, 31, 88, 1334, 3872, 5700, 273, 20638, 187, 41, 1240, 1240, 7670, 2828, 15, 733, 434, 247, 12835, 8778, 254, 15, 380, 12345, 6221, 22324, 653, 1522, 275, 841, 3565, 35298, 13, 1014, 2167, 597, 33219, 253, 1127, 310, 281, 35352, 731, 13, 310, 9386, 15, 1583, 476, 626, 1361, 3746, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1010, 27, 1423, 27, 1047, 642, 15, 16989, 1630, 3357, 938, 27, 187, 5064, 16989, 20450, 15220, 187, 5648, 10592, 2, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1010, 27, 1423, 27, 3208, 642, 15, 16989, 1630, 3439, 1166, 27, 187, 31, 58, 20941, 436, 10739, 310, 12832, 1469, 281, 564, 1066, 275, 2892, 187, 31, 1229, 1107, 432, 1024, 3484, 588, 3037, 326, 271, 11309, 3472, 3908, 751, 346, 262, 434, 8261, 281, 320, 3168, 3, 2197, 253, 13701, 13, 3420, 13, 4730, 8776, 285, 2710, 2622, 952, 715, 271, 1125, 2531, 14534, 3487, 15, 187, 31, 1898, 597, 588, 320, 8839, 31597, 326, 952, 476, 320, 326, 23228, 440, 522, 862, 17859, 22198, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1010, 27, 1731, 27, 3079, 642, 15, 16989, 20450, 41325, 27, 187, 8096, 309, 3168, 476, 309, 1501, 436, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1010, 27, 1630, 27, 740, 642, 15, 16989, 1630, 3046, 1867, 27, 187, 5064, 16989, 21358, 20694, 187, 3614, 1358, 2700, 15, 24583, 15, 681, 16, 13060, 32, 87, 30, 4741, 39, 187, 46065, 82, 46, 21, 59, 3088, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1010, 27, 1619, 27, 3712, 642, 15, 16989, 22818, 18663, 27, 187, 5064, 16989, 20450, 41325, 187, 2302, 878, 281, 320, 3168, 281, 1501, 352, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1010, 27, 1237, 27, 1706, 642, 15, 16989, 22818, 25953, 27, 187, 5064, 16989, 21358, 20694, 187, 42, 2389, 436, 2934, 1157, 309, 1353, 417, 3168, 533, 3168, 25937, 317, 1346, 1900, 1333, 10739, 751, 1163, 13556, 21849, 1372, 1703, 41004, 17003, 33995, 13888, 7245, 12752, 41004, 41718, 39669, 3886, 2637, 9463, 947, 4889, 11324, 15122, 41004, 17003, 443, 8506, 964, 6975, 326, 368, 1912, 626, 755, 1329, 432, 1327, 14, 2484, 3254, 1157, 816, 1265, 342, 5017, 751, 15078, 1147, 434, 19619, 281, 2325, 5219, 6267, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1010, 27, 1610, 27, 3079, 642, 15, 16989, 22818, 28950, 27, 187, 5064, 16989, 22818, 25953, 187, 4374, 1051, 6309, 1265, 537, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1010, 27, 1706, 27, 2504, 642, 15, 16989, 1630, 2090, 3141, 27, 187, 5064, 16989, 20450, 15220, 187, 31, 30788, 625, 952, 323, 441, 281, 2502, 12575, 187, 5371, 247, 11527, 10551, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1010, 27, 1812, 27, 1229, 642, 15, 16989, 23545, 11395, 27, 187, 1552, 310, 690, 6303, 29992, 30758, 5700, 987, 1060, 15, 187, 31, 2214, 2844, 253, 3564, 273, 253, 3270, 14, 11300, 7393, 1346, 11762, 281, 4751, 10313, 616, 1612, 14, 5251, 407, 15250, 731, 342, 253, 954, 15377, 1896, 3908, 627, 310, 15, 187, 31, 9586, 952, 417, 10054, 4116, 281, 253, 1375, 273, 49801, 3270, 14, 11300, 21942, 275, 253, 8935, 2550, 3693, 36307, 253, 9969, 281, 436, 1024, 15, 187, 510, 5271, 2531, 388, 422, 14785, 310, 247, 2032, 18735, 281, 38189, 15, 187, 34, 3811, 2656, 13, 3692, 18892, 1341, 403, 253, 27734, 267, 2758, 273, 247, 12835, 29326, 5955, 4422, 326, 476, 626, 1014, 1614, 247, 11528, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1010, 27, 1812, 27, 3011, 642, 15, 16989, 23545, 20735, 27, 187, 5064, 16989, 1508, 2358, 2358, 187, 31, 20643, 80, 310, 247, 3168, 25937, 317, 382, 295, 23248, 187, 31, 1279, 531, 2010, 20362, 6939, 80, 310, 21827, 358, 292, 1204, 187, 42, 1353, 417, 2119, 619, 31428, 84, 476, 6016, 436, 1268, 273, 5743, 13, 1149, 885, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 1903, 16, 3071, 16, 1166, 9, 9304, 10, 1010, 27, 1787, 27, 2417, 642, 15, 16989, 23545, 26673, 27, 187, 5064, 16989, 20450, 20694, 187, 2512, 310, 642, 23266, 374, 13, 533, 309, 1353, 1335, 1469, 281, 2997, 436, 15, 2756, 50279, 45545, 15630, 16, 938, 16, 1036, 9, 50110, 10, 1166, 27, 1099, 27, 1237, 642, 15, 2511, 28836, 19630, 27, 187, 8983, 253, 954, 3168, 952, 14402, 368, 452, 535, 187, 45545, 15630, 16, 938, 16, 1036, 9, 50110, 10, 1166, 27, 1671, 27, 1857, 642, 15, 2511, 21889, 28757, 27, 187, 5064, 2511, 28836, 19630, 2756, 50279, 45545, 16261, 16, 2640, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 2922, 27, 1731, 27, 1797, 642, 15, 7749, 3571, 14602, 27, 187, 2513, 627, 3780, 625, 38817, 685, 247, 12773, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 2640, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 2922, 27, 1619, 27, 3439, 642, 15, 7749, 38280, 19490, 27, 187, 24243, 15, 309, 701, 436, 588, 48733, 779, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 2640, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 2922, 27, 2405, 27, 1508, 642, 15, 7749, 38280, 33597, 27, 187, 4374, 13, 755, 8314, 273, 3778, 15, 2064, 588, 320, 32639, 2775, 1805, 2, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 2640, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 2904, 27, 1762, 27, 3071, 642, 15, 7749, 49754, 28927, 27, 187, 5064, 7749, 3571, 14602, 187, 6506, 516, 2119, 521, 12835, 31156, 7345, 9377, 7345, 14, 15325, 39581, 285, 7402, 521, 5249, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 2640, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 2904, 27, 805, 27, 1423, 642, 15, 7749, 23, 16767, 2787, 27, 187, 5064, 7749, 3571, 14602, 187, 31, 16008, 434, 1612, 3249, 432, 521, 4707, 187, 2347, 11339, 452, 359, 644, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 2640, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 2904, 27, 1010, 27, 1012, 642, 15, 7749, 48419, 25452, 27, 187, 31, 1257, 253, 7345, 273, 253, 954, 6422, 637, 275, 253, 1533, 326, 556, 247, 4776, 2713, 273, 12365, 253, 25829, 273, 3780, 665, 25808, 779, 187, 31, 1559, 357, 670, 521, 4707, 187, 88, 16114, 891, 5476, 891, 1353, 5471, 253, 270, 1808, 1024, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 2640, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 2904, 27, 1166, 27, 2941, 642, 15, 7749, 3571, 1235, 1976, 27, 187, 5064, 7749, 48419, 25452, 187, 1909, 604, 3778, 651, 1918, 247, 10739, 15, 187, 1147, 434, 417, 247, 4279, 326, 344, 310, 2820, 281, 1978, 521, 4707, 347, 1048, 347, 1896, 15, 3083, 2506, 626, 971, 281, 564, 37566, 15, 34712, 479, 247, 8281, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 2640, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 2904, 27, 1093, 27, 2385, 642, 15, 7749, 46480, 23260, 27, 187, 4967, 651, 492, 10628, 7345, 320, 5015, 281, 24317, 16083, 10689, 309, 1053, 626, 762, 296, 39227, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 2640, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 2904, 27, 1093, 27, 2537, 642, 15, 7749, 46480, 22067, 27, 187, 5064, 7749, 3571, 14602, 187, 3229, 86, 436, 5599, 4453, 751, 344, 6057, 247, 2181, 390, 767, 670, 4707, 3116, 15, 309, 651, 4517, 779, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 2640, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 2904, 27, 746, 27, 1229, 642, 15, 7749, 46480, 21874, 27, 187, 5064, 7749, 23, 16767, 2787, 187, 31, 18130, 345, 925, 303, 264, 323, 24939, 272, 281, 6909, 25484, 342, 247, 49695, 21065, 15801, 15, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 2640, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 2904, 27, 746, 27, 1839, 642, 15, 7749, 46480, 23829, 27, 187, 5064, 7749, 3571, 1235, 1976, 187, 8917, 368, 923, 752, 344, 858, 281, 41654, 473, 8, 36647, 984, 703, 3076, 78, 483, 742, 779, 323, 21449, 521, 3331, 32, 535, 187, 45545, 16261, 16, 2640, 16, 1166, 9, 44644, 10, 2904, 27, 938, 27, 2385, 642, 15, 7749, 46480, 27087, 27, 187, 5064, 7749, 3571, 14602, 187, 31, 39246, 24093, 1204, 10689, 187, 510, 5083, 670, 13163, 13, 407, 253, 3904, 27 ]