# PIE Dataset Card for "DrugProt" |
This is a [PyTorch-IE](https://github.com/ChristophAlt/pytorch-ie) wrapper for the |
[DrugProt Huggingface dataset loading script](https://huggingface.co/datasets/bigbio/drugprot). |
## Data Schema |
There are two versions of the dataset supported, `drugprot_source` and `drugprot_bigbio_kb`. |
#### `DrugprotDocument` for `drugprot_source` |
defines following fields: |
- `text` (str) |
- `id` (str, optional) |
- `metadata` (dictionary, optional) |
- `title` (str, optional) |
- `abstract` (str, optional) |
and the following annotation layers: |
- `entities` (annotation type: `LabeledSpan`, target: `text`) |
- `relations` (annotation type: `BinaryRelation`, target: `entities`) |
#### `DrugprotBigbioDocument` for `drugprot_bigbio_kb` |
defines following fields: |
- `text` (str) |
- `id` (str, optional) |
- `metadata` (dictionary, optional) |
and the following annotation layers: |
- `passages` (annotation type: `LabeledSpan`, target: `text`) |
- `entities` (annotation type: `LabeledSpan`, target: `text`) |
- `relations` (annotation type: `BinaryRelation`, target: `entities`) |
See [here](https://github.com/ArneBinder/pie-modules/blob/main/src/pie_modules/annotations.py) for the annotation |
type definitions. |
## Document Converters |
The dataset provides predefined document converters for the following target document types: |
- `pie_modules.documents.TextDocumentWithLabeledSpansAndBinaryRelations` for `DrugprotDocument` |
- `pie_modules.documents.TextDocumentWithLabeledSpansBinaryRelationsAndLabeledPartitions` for `DrugprotBigbioDocument` |
See [here](https://github.com/ArneBinder/pie-modules/blob/main/src/pie_modules/documents.py) for the document type |
definitions. |