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This is a test. I've accepted this test to stand victorious against my past. A person grows once they are able to defeat their weaker self. Wouldn't you agree, Jean Pierre Polnareff?

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This is a test. I've accepted this test to stand victorious against my past. A person grows once they are able to defeat their weaker self. Wouldn't you agree, Jean Pierre Polnareff?

You're... Diavolo!

It appears that no matter how much I tear apart the past, it still manages to wriggle up like a worm from under a rock. This is surprising. No wonder I couldn't think of anyone who opposed me.

How did you get here?!

But in the end, it doesn't matter how you survived after I scattered your remains in the ocean. What's important, Polnareff, is what you were trying to tell Bucciarati and his men!

Don't you dare set foot on those stairs! I'm up here! You're down there!

Why won't you fight yourself, Polnareff? Because you no longer have the mental capacity for it? Or are you no longer physically able to fight? What are you going to use that arrow for?

This is impossible. I'm sure it was a kid down there! Diavolo... when did you get so close to me?

You're the one below me, Polnareff! As long as you are below in Hell, it doesn't matter what you plan to do with that arrow!


I see your Stand ability hasn't lost any of its power. And it seems you've learned... you've figured out how to see when time has skipped by counting drops of blood. I see. In just a moment's difference in number... your timing is genius, too. If I had been any closer, I would've been gravely injured.

This is the worst... I can't believe the first person to get here was Diavolo... I won't have another chance. But I must... I must protect hope at all costs!

You're already within my range! You won't escape this time! 「KING CRIMSON」 ! Now, once the passage of time resumes, you won't be able to see how many drops of blood there are. I've just defeated my weaker self from the past! Take this! The passage of time will resume. Wh - what is this? The arrow... the Stand... I don't know what it's doing, but... take this! This arrow... what is it doing to Chariot?! There's some kind of power behind this glow! Time, resume! Impossible! What did you do? The arrow does more than just draw out Stand abilities?

This is my gamble to keep the arrow from Diavolo. I didn't want to show him that, but I don't have the power to fully control the arrow any longer.

You won't get away!

That arrow is our hope... the one who can fully control that arrow will be the one to control the world.

I - it happened again! It skipped! Time skipped again!

Trish! Where's the boss?

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