diff --git "a/Formatted_data.csv" "b/Formatted_data.csv" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/Formatted_data.csv" @@ -0,0 +1,1001 @@ +,0 +0,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-9032\n\n### Instruction:\nWorkaround P1 incident\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'test\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +1,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-9031\n\n### Instruction:\nCzesc\r\nProsba o zweryfikowanie wymiany danych miedzy DHP a Exchange.\r\nZdazają sie VT które nie przechodzą dalej przez co potem nie sa dostępne w systemie PCS\r\n \r\nDla przykładu VT : \r\nVT-8016\r\n\r\nVT-8022\r\n\r\nVT-8024\r\n\r\nVT-8025\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Any news ??\'"", ""Comment 3: \'{code:java}System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Serwer nie może przetworzyć żądania. ---> Nie można przypisać wartości zerowej do członka typu System.Decimal"", \'Comment 4: który jest członkiem typu wartość niezerowalna. at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.ReadResponse(SoapClientMessage message\', \'Comment 5: WebResponse response\', \'Comment 6: Stream responseStream\', \'Comment 7: Boolean asyncCall) at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.Invoke(String methodName\', \'Comment 8: Object[] parameters) at PlantAgentService.PCSWSWebReference.PCSIntegrationWebService.GetPendingDeliveries(Int32 numbersOfTickets\', ""Comment 9: Int32 pcsId) in E:\\\\\\\\BambooHome\\\\\\\\xml-data\\\\\\\\build-dir\\\\\\\\18317313\\\\\\\\DHAPPS25-PCSIT182-JOB1\\\\\\\\DHPAgent\\\\\\\\Web References\\\\\\\\PCSWSWebReference\\\\\\\\Reference.cs:line 2434 at PlantAgentService.PendingDeliveriesService.ImportPendingDeliveries() in E:\\\\\\\\BambooHome\\\\\\\\xml-data\\\\\\\\build-dir\\\\\\\\18317313\\\\\\\\DHAPPS25-PCSIT182-JOB1\\\\\\\\DHPAgent\\\\\\\\Service\\\\\\\\ServicePendingDeliveries.cs:line 19{code}\'"", \'Comment 10: ""This VT was causing the problem\', \'Comment 11: the field for VtE_EstimatedWeight was null.We updated this field to zero\', \'Comment 12: VT\\\'s have been processed.!image-2023-04-25-19-19-51-287.png!""\', \'Comment 13: ""{code:java}--update dbo.VehicleTicketElement--set VtE_EstimatedWeight = 0--where vte_id in (547641,--547642)SELECT top 100 * FROM [DH_Exchange].[dbo].[Log] order by 1 descselect * FROM [DH_Exchange].[dbo].[PendingDeliveryHeader] order by 1 descWiszące:select E.VtE_Id as PendingDeliveryElementId\', \'Comment 14: E.VtE_VtHId as PendingDeliveryHeaderId\', \'Comment 15: E.VtE_No as Number\', ""Comment 16: isnull(dbo.VehicleTicketNumber(E.VtE_VtHId) + \'-\' + cast(E.VtE_No as nvarchar(5)),\'\') as PendingDeliveryElementDocumentNumber"", \'Comment 17: E.VtE_DirectionType as DirectionType\', \'Comment 18: E.VtE_PackingForm as PackingForm\', \'Comment 19: isnull(A1.CtA_CstId\', \'Comment 20: E.VtE_CstId) as CustomerId\', \'Comment 21: isnull(C1.Cst_Code\', \'Comment 22: C.Cst_Code) as CustomerCode\', \'Comment 23: isnull(A1.CtA_Name1\', \'Comment 24: A.CtA_Name1) as CustomerName\', \'Comment 25: E.VtE_ArtId as ArticleId\', \'Comment 26: E.VtE_EstimatedWeight as EstimateWeight\', \'Comment 27: E.VtE_Weight as Weight\', \'Comment 28: E.VtE_UnloadingPlace as UnloadingPlace\', \'Comment 29: E.VtE_OdEId as OrderElementId\', ""Comment 30: isnull(dbo.OrderNumber(OdE_OdHId) + \'-\' + cast(OdE_No as nvarchar(5))"", ""Comment 31: \'\') as OrderNumber"", \'Comment 32: E.VtE_CorrectionId as CorrectionPendingDeliveryElementId\', ""Comment 33: isnull(dbo.VehicleTicketNumber(E1.VtE_VtHId) + \'-\' + cast(E1.VtE_No as nvarchar(5))"", ""Comment 34: \'\') as CorrectionPendingDeliveryDocumentNumber"", \'Comment 35: E.VtE_BagsCount as BagsCount\', \'Comment 36: E.VtE_BagSize as BagSize\', \'Comment 37: E.VtE_BagWeight as BagWeight\', \'Comment 38: E.VtE_QuantityPallet as QuantityPallet\', \'Comment 39: E.VtE_Description as Description\', \'Comment 40: E.VtE_Cancel as Cancel\', \'Comment 41: E.VtE_OtherWeight as OtherWeight\', \'Comment 42: E.VtE_Quantity as Quantity\', \'Comment 43: E.VtE_Description2 as Description2\', ""Comment 44: E.VtE_ExpiryDate as ExpiryDatefrom dbo.VehicleTicketElement Ejoin dbo.MPCSPendingDeliveriesImport on E.VtE_VtHId = VtI_VtHNumerjoin dbo.CustomerCard C on E.VtE_CstId = C.Cst_Idjoin dbo.CustomerAdressCard A on C.Cst_CtAId = A.CtA_Idleft join dbo.OrderElement on E.VtE_OdEId = OdE_Idleft join dbo.OrderHeader on OdE_OdHId = OdH_Idleft join dbo.CustomerCard C1 on OdH_Cst2Id = C1.Cst_Idleft join dbo.CustomerAdressCard A1 on C1.Cst_CtAId = A1.CtA_Idleft join dbo.VehicleTicketElement E1 on E.VtE_Id = E1.VtE_CorrectionIdwhere --VtI_Ticket = \'25f67109-8c5b-46d0-9ce9-a648097a7e1d\'--andisnull(VtI_ConfirmDate,0) = 0 and e.VtE_EstimatedWeight is nullorder by E.VtE_VtHId"", \'Comment 45: E.VtE_No{code}""\', ""Comment 46: \'[[DHP 2.7] Brak VT w Exchange. Lack of VT in exchange database|onenote:https://kotrak.sharepoint.com/sites/erpasysta/Shared%20Documents/Baza%20wiedzy/Baza%20Wiedzy%20-%20ERPSD/Klienci/DEHEUS/DEHEUS%20APPLICATIONS/Polska/Baza%20wiedzy/DHP.one#%5bDHP%202.7%5d%20Brak%20VT%20w%20Exchange.%20Lack%20of§ion-id=\\\\\\\\{F3B54834-6A02-4FD8-B2D4-74ADCAEDC4E9}&page-id=\\\\\\\\{7DA7A8BA-842F-45C1-964A-31B80B3F243D}&end] ([Widok sieci Web|https://kotrak.sharepoint.com/sites/erpasysta/_layouts/OneNote.aspx?id=%2Fsites%2Ferpasysta%2FShared%20Documents%2FBaza%20wiedzy%2FBaza%20Wiedzy%20-%20ERPSD&wd=target%28Klienci%2FDEHEUS%2FDEHEUS%20APPLICATIONS%2FPolska%2FBaza%20wiedzy%2FDHP.one%7CF3B54834-6A02-4FD8-B2D4-74ADCAEDC4E9%2F%5BDHP%202.7%5D%20Brak%20VT%20w%20Exchange.%20Lack%20of%7C7DA7A8BA-842F-45C1-964A-31B80B3F243D%2F%29])\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +2,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-9030\n\n### Instruction:\nSince March the 15e, we do not receive Warehouse movements in DHC (or those are not shown in the UI) can you please check what causes this?\r\n\r\n\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'!afbeelding!\'"", ""Comment 2: \'That day we did the DHC release\'"", ""Comment 3: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +3,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-9029\n\n### Instruction:\nPlease remove (or disable) additional technology SN526402.\r\nIt isn\'t used yet and created ""by accident"".\r\n\r\nRegards,\r\nRob.\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Additional technology has been disabled.\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +4,"{'prompt': ""Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-9028\n\n### Instruction:\nPersonal User setting disappear after shutdown.\n\n### Response:\n['Comment 1: []']\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End""}" +5,"{'prompt': ""Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-9027\n\n### Instruction:\nMeeting about plan for Intense 2023.1 deployment on UAT and PROD environment.\n\n### Response:\n['Comment 1: []']\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End""}" +6,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-9026\n\n### Instruction:\nHello,\r\n\r\ncan you please set status back to \'In progress\' for lot number 87014124042324681? there are some missing batches, with cannot be resend due to status\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'!afbeelding!\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", \'Comment 3: ""{code:java} FROM [DH_Exchange_NL_PROD].[dbo].[ProductionLotReportHeader] plr where PlH_LotNumber in(\\\'87014124042324681\\\') FROM [DHP_NL_PROD].[dbo].[ProductionLotReportHeader] plr where PlH_LotNumber in(\\\'87014124042324681\\\'){code}""\', ""Comment 4: \'Status for PLR has been changed.\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +7,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-9025\n\n### Instruction:\ni have this error for documents generated for johnson warehouse wheni try to generate them from DHC into ERP.\r\n\r\nError of type XLApiException has been thrown (XLNowyDokument:33).\r\nAPI Name - XLNowyDokument\r\nAPI Result - 33\r\nFlags - 16\r\nBŁĘDY:|Nie udało się wymusić numeru dokumentu/niepoprawny numer. (NowyDokument-33)\r\n\r\nDo we need to also cancel every manually generated document for johnson also to help fix this error?\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", \'Comment 2: ""SELECT vt.ExpectedElementsQuantity\', \'Comment 3: vee.DocumentNumber,vt.documentnumber\', \'Comment 4: vee.message,o.DocumentNumber as ordernumber\', \'Comment 5: o.id as orderid\', \'Comment 6: d.*FROM [dbo].[VehicleTickets] vtjoin [dbo].[VehicleTicketElements] ve on vt.Id=ve.VehicleTicketIdjoin [dbo].[VehicleTicketElementERPDocuments] vee on vee.VehicleTicketElementId=ve.Idjoin [dbo].[VehicleTicketDocumentNumbers] d on d.Id=ve.DocumentNumberIdjoin dbo. OrderElements oe on oe.Id=ve.OrderElementIdjoin dbo.orders o on o.id=oe.OrderId--– join [ERPXL_GHA_PROD] .cdn.TraNag erp on erp.trn_gidnumer=pt.XlIdwhere d.id in (select id from [dbo].[VehicleTicketDocumentNumbers] where DocumentYear=2023 and DocumentMonth=4 and o.DocumentNumerator_Series=\\\'jons\\\') and vee.DocumentNumber is null and vee.Message like \\\'%APi%\\\' order by d.DocumentNumber desc""]\']\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +8,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-9024\n\n### Instruction:\nHello\r\nPlease help to check this stock unit: item 1101330 with serial number 240423PO805-070323V0. \r\nVT-1372/4/23 has already been closed, but the status of this stock unit is still in progress.\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'!image!\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 3: \'!image-2023-04-25-13-24-07-554.png!\'"", ""Comment 4: \'!image-2023-04-25-13-24-52-324.png!!image-2023-04-25-13-25-15-883.png!!image-2023-04-25-13-25-38-473.png!\'"", ""Comment 5: \'!image-2023-04-25-13-47-29-267.png!\'"", ""Comment 6: \'!image-2023-04-25-14-06-04-705.png!!image-2023-04-25-14-05-19-113.png!\'"", \'Comment 7: ""{code:java}Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.DbUpdateException: An error occurred while saving the entity changes. See the inner exception for details. ---> Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Cannot insert duplicate key row in object \\\'dbo.StockUnits\\\' with unique index \\\'IX_StockUnits_Barcode\\\'. The duplicate key value is (436-W0079E).The statement has been terminated. at Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception\', \'Comment 8: Boolean breakConnection\', \'Comment 9: Action`1 wrapCloseInAction) at Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj\', \'Comment 10: Boolean callerHasConnectionLock\', \'Comment 11: Boolean asyncClose) at Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.TryRun(RunBehavior runBehavior\', \'Comment 12: SqlCommand cmdHandler\', \'Comment 13: SqlDataReader dataStream\', \'Comment 14: BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler\', \'Comment 15: TdsParserStateObject stateObj\', \'Comment 16: Boolean& dataReady) at Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.TryConsumeMetaData() at Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.get_MetaData() at Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.FinishExecuteReader(SqlDataReader ds\', \'Comment 17: RunBehavior runBehavior\', \'Comment 18: String resetOptionsString\', \'Comment 19: Boolean isInternal\', \'Comment 20: Boolean forDescribeParameterEncryption\', \'Comment 21: Boolean shouldCacheForAlwaysEncrypted) at Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReaderTds(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior\', \'Comment 22: RunBehavior runBehavior\', \'Comment 23: Boolean returnStream\', \'Comment 24: Boolean isAsync\', \'Comment 25: Int32 timeout\', \'Comment 26: Task& task\', \'Comment 27: Boolean asyncWrite\', \'Comment 28: Boolean inRetry\', \'Comment 29: SqlDataReader ds\', \'Comment 30: Boolean describeParameterEncryptionRequest) at Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.RunExecuteReader(CommandBehavior cmdBehavior\', \'Comment 31: RunBehavior runBehavior\', \'Comment 32: Boolean returnStream\', \'Comment 33: TaskCompletionSource`1 completion\', \'Comment 34: Int32 timeout\', \'Comment 35: Task& task\', \'Comment 36: Boolean& usedCache\', \'Comment 37: Boolean asyncWrite\', \'Comment 38: Boolean inRetry\', \'Comment 39: String method) at Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior) at Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteDbDataReader(CommandBehavior behavior) at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Storage.RelationalCommand.ExecuteReader(RelationalCommandParameterObject parameterObject) at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Update.ReaderModificationCommandBatch.Execute(IRelationalConnection connection)ClientConnectionId:5304a8bd-c3cd-4e34-b8fe-db284c3d7fc8Error Number:2601,State:1,Class:14 --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Update.ReaderModificationCommandBatch.Execute(IRelationalConnection connection) at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Update.Internal.BatchExecutor.Execute(IEnumerable`1 commandBatches\', \'Comment 40: IRelationalConnection connection) at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.ChangeTracking.Internal.StateManager.SaveChanges(IList`1 entriesToSave) at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.ChangeTracking.Internal.StateManager.SaveChanges(StateManager stateManager\', \'Comment 41: Boolean acceptAllChangesOnSuccess) at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer.Storage.Internal.SqlServerExecutionStrategy.Execute[TState,TResult](TState state\', \'Comment 42: Func`3 operation\', \'Comment 43: Func`3 verifySucceeded) at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.ChangeTracking.Internal.StateManager.SaveChanges(Boolean acceptAllChangesOnSuccess) at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.DbContext.SaveChanges(Boolean acceptAllChangesOnSuccess) at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.EF.GenericRepositoryEf`1.Persist(TEntity entity) at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.EF.GenericConcurrencyRepositoryEf`1.Persist(TEntity entity) at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Persistence.Repositories.AggregateRootRepository`2.Persist(TAggregateRoot root) at Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic.Application.Services.RegisterIntakeService.RegisterPackedIntake(RegisterPackedIntakeDataStructure dataStructure) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\99f3ad74a1ed56c8\\\\\\\\Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Application\\\\\\\\Services\\\\\\\\RegisterIntakeService.cs:line 134 at Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic.Application.CommandHandlers.PackedIntake.RegisterPackedIntakeCommandHandler.Handle(RegisterPackedIntakeCommand command) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\99f3ad74a1ed56c8\\\\\\\\Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Application\\\\\\\\CommandHandlers\\\\\\\\PackedIntake\\\\\\\\RegisterIntakeCommandHandler.cs:line 34 at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Gate.CommandEnvironment.Run[TCommand](TCommand command) at Castle.DynamicProxy.AbstractInvocation.Proceed() at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Interceptors.LoggingInterceptor`1.Intercept(IInvocation invocation) at Castle.DynamicProxy.AbstractInvocation.Proceed() at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Gate.Filters.CommandProcessFilter`1.Execute(CommandPipelineContext`1 input) at Kotrak.Extensions.Pipeline.PredefinedFilters.FilterDecorator`1.Execute(TContext input) at Kotrak.Extensions.Pipeline.Pipeline`1.Execute(T input) at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Gate.StandardGate.DispatchCommand[TCommand](TCommand command) at Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic.Infrastructure.ContextIntegration.IntercontextCommunication.WMS.PackedIntake.WarehouseIntakeUnitLoadRegisteredApplicationMessageHandler.Handle(WarehouseIntakeUnitLoadRegisteredApplicationEvent message) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\99f3ad74a1ed56c8\\\\\\\\Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Infrastructure.ContextIntegration\\\\\\\\IntercontextCommunication\\\\\\\\WMS\\\\\\\\PackedIntake\\\\\\\\WarehouseIntakeUnitLoadRegisteredApplicationMessageHandler.cs:line 47 at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Integration.Filters.InboundMessageHandlerFilter.Execute(InternalStorageProcessContext`1 input) at Kotrak.Extensions.Pipeline.Pipeline`1.Execute(T input) at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Integration.Filters.InboundMessagesProcessFilter.Execute(InternalStorageContext`1 input){code}""\', ""Comment 44: \'{code:java}Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic.DomainAbstractions.AggregationNotes.Exceptions.AggregationNoteInvalidOperationException: Validation failed: -- AggregationStockUnitShouldBeIntakeOngoingMessage at Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic.Domain.Aggregation.Services.AggregationDomainService.RegisterIntakeAggregation(RegisterIntakeAggregationDomainDataStructure dataStructure) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\99f3ad74a1ed56c8\\\\\\\\Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Domain\\\\\\\\Aggregation\\\\\\\\Services\\\\\\\\AggregationDomainService.cs:line 323 at Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic.Domain.Aggregation.Services.AggregationDomainService.RegisterPackedIntakeAggregation(RegisterPackedIntakeAggregationDomainDataStructure dataStructure) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\99f3ad74a1ed56c8\\\\\\\\Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Domain\\\\\\\\Aggregation\\\\\\\\Services\\\\\\\\AggregationDomainService.cs:line 238 at Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic.Application.Services.RegisterIntakeService.RegisterPackedIntakeAggregation(RegisterPackedIntakeDataStructure data"", \'Comment 45: StockUnit stockUnit\', ""Comment 46: Delivery delivery) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\99f3ad74a1ed56c8\\\\\\\\Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Application\\\\\\\\Services\\\\\\\\RegisterIntakeService.cs:line 649 at Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic.Application.Services.RegisterIntakeService.RegisterPackedIntake(RegisterPackedIntakeDataStructure dataStructure) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\99f3ad74a1ed56c8\\\\\\\\Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Application\\\\\\\\Services\\\\\\\\RegisterIntakeService.cs:line 134 at Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic.Application.CommandHandlers.PackedIntake.RegisterPackedIntakeCommandHandler.Handle(RegisterPackedIntakeCommand command) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\99f3ad74a1ed56c8\\\\\\\\Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Application\\\\\\\\CommandHandlers\\\\\\\\PackedIntake\\\\\\\\RegisterIntakeCommandHandler.cs:line 34 at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Gate.CommandEnvironment.Run[TCommand](TCommand command) at Castle.DynamicProxy.AbstractInvocation.Proceed() at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Interceptors.LoggingInterceptor`1.Intercept(IInvocation invocation) at Castle.DynamicProxy.AbstractInvocation.Proceed() at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Gate.Filters.CommandProcessFilter`1.Execute(CommandPipelineContext`1 input) at Kotrak.Extensions.Pipeline.PredefinedFilters.FilterDecorator`1.Execute(TContext input) at Kotrak.Extensions.Pipeline.Pipeline`1.Execute(T input) at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Gate.StandardGate.DispatchCommand[TCommand](TCommand command) at Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic.Infrastructure.ContextIntegration.IntercontextCommunication.WMS.PackedIntake.WarehouseIntakeUnitLoadRegisteredApplicationMessageHandler.Handle(WarehouseIntakeUnitLoadRegisteredApplicationEvent message) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\99f3ad74a1ed56c8\\\\\\\\Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Infrastructure.ContextIntegration\\\\\\\\IntercontextCommunication\\\\\\\\WMS\\\\\\\\PackedIntake\\\\\\\\WarehouseIntakeUnitLoadRegisteredApplicationMessageHandler.cs:line 47 at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Integration.Filters.InboundMessageHandlerFilter.Execute(InternalStorageProcessContext`1 input) at Kotrak.Extensions.Pipeline.Pipeline`1.Execute(T input) at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Integration.Filters.InboundMessagesProcessFilter.Execute(InternalStorageContext`1 input){code}\'"", ""Comment 47: \'ID VTka52FB3FCE-4727-41B9-8E69-F44DF1137A6F!image-2023-04-25-14-18-57-328.png!!image-2023-04-25-17-04-21-380!\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +9,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-9023\n\n### Instruction:\nIOs from Johnson and Mag some of them especially from the 13th are not generating automatically kindly assist in solving this issue.\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +10,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-9022\n\n### Instruction:\nFor order SO000105268 there are three orderlines, but only the one with item 088345 is coming through to DHP. The other two are in DHC but not synced with DHP. \n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 2: \'It looks like the recipe is in DHC but not in DHP\'"", ""Comment 3: \'Hi Theo,Recipes are now available in DHP system:!image-2023-04-24-22-43-03-529.png!!image-2023-04-24-22-43-16-017.png!Please resend the order to dhp. It should be complete.\'"", ""Comment 4: \'!image-2023-04-24-22-48-04-007.png!!image-2023-04-24-22-48-15-576.png!Please give us a feedback. Could we close this ticket ?\'"", ""Comment 5: \'In meantime the complete order is in DHP\'"", ""Comment 6: \'OK. Can we close this ticket ?\'"", ""Comment 7: \'Yes"", ""Comment 8: for my part please close the ticketI assume that with vertical integration the speed of accepting recipes will increase very much... \'"", ""Comment 9: \'{code:java}2023-04-24 20:52:49,639 [117] INFO Evolution.DHCService.Dhc30.Handlers.RecipeChangedMessageHandler [E:\\\\\\\\BambooHome\\\\\\\\xml-data\\\\\\\\build-dir\\\\\\\\31916033\\\\\\\\DHAPPSV3-DHCSER546-JOB1\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCService\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCService.Dhc30\\\\\\\\Handlers\\\\\\\\BaseMessageHandler.cs:42] - Receiving message (Evolution.DHCountry.Interfaces.Recipes.RecipeChangedMessage) [Id:eb24713e-600b-4574-9904-ca832a8336f1]2023-04-24 20:52:49,702 [117] ERROR Evolution.DHCService.Dhc30.Handlers.RecipeChangedMessageHandler [E:\\\\\\\\BambooHome\\\\\\\\xml-data\\\\\\\\build-dir\\\\\\\\31916033\\\\\\\\DHAPPSV3-DHCSER546-JOB1\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCService\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCService.Dhc30\\\\\\\\Handlers\\\\\\\\BaseMessageHandler.cs:63] - Cannot handle message (Evolution.DHCountry.Interfaces.Recipes.RecipeChangedMessage). Exception occured:2023-04-24 20:52:49,702 [117] ERROR Evolution.DHCService.Dhc30.Handlers.RecipeChangedMessageHandler [E:\\\\\\\\BambooHome\\\\\\\\xml-data\\\\\\\\build-dir\\\\\\\\31916033\\\\\\\\DHAPPSV3-DHCSER546-JOB1\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCService\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCService.Dhc30\\\\\\\\Handlers\\\\\\\\BaseMessageHandler.cs:64] - System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.DbUpdateException: An error occurred while updating the entries. See the inner exception for details. ---> System.Data.Entity.Core.UpdateException: An error occurred while updating the entries. See the inner exception for details. ---> System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: The conversion of a datetime2 data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range value.The statement has been terminated.{code}!image-2023-04-25-07-34-48-345.png!\'"", ""Comment 10: \'{code:java}2023-04-24 13:43:45,069 [14] INFO Evolution.DHCService.Dhc30.Handlers.RecipeChangedMessageHandler [E:\\\\\\\\BambooHome\\\\\\\\xml-data\\\\\\\\build-dir\\\\\\\\31916033\\\\\\\\DHAPPSV3-DHCSER546-JOB1\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCService\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCService.Dhc30\\\\\\\\Handlers\\\\\\\\BaseMessageHandler.cs:42] - Receiving message (Evolution.DHCountry.Interfaces.Recipes.RecipeChangedMessage) [Id:603c13f4-ed0e-4de7-a2fe-283d9d1511f6]2023-04-24 13:43:45,100 [14] ERROR Evolution.DHCService.Dhc30.Handlers.RecipeChangedMessageHandler [E:\\\\\\\\BambooHome\\\\\\\\xml-data\\\\\\\\build-dir\\\\\\\\31916033\\\\\\\\DHAPPSV3-DHCSER546-JOB1\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCService\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCService.Dhc30\\\\\\\\Handlers\\\\\\\\BaseMessageHandler.cs:63] - Cannot handle message (Evolution.DHCountry.Interfaces.Recipes.RecipeChangedMessage). Exception occured:2023-04-24 13:43:45,100 [14] ERROR Evolution.DHCService.Dhc30.Handlers.RecipeChangedMessageHandler [E:\\\\\\\\BambooHome\\\\\\\\xml-data\\\\\\\\build-dir\\\\\\\\31916033\\\\\\\\DHAPPSV3-DHCSER546-JOB1\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCService\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCService.Dhc30\\\\\\\\Handlers\\\\\\\\BaseMessageHandler.cs:64] - System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.DbUpdateException: An error occurred while updating the entries. See the inner exception for details. ---> System.Data.Entity.Core.UpdateException: An error occurred while updating the entries. See the inner exception for details. ---> System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: The conversion of a datetime2 data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range value.The statement has been terminated.{code}!image-2023-04-25-07-40-57-577.png!\'"", ""Comment 11: \'Pierwszy zarejestrowany w logach:!image-2023-04-25-10-58-18-871.png!Dla drugiego itemu:!image-2023-04-25-10-59-17-822.png!\'"", ""Comment 12: \'Upgrade był 19 kwietnia - potwierdzone z Przemkiem. Przemek mówi"", \'Comment 13: ze communication log czyści się po miesiącu\', ""Comment 14: więc pewnie jakaś staroć została\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +11,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-9021\n\n### Instruction:\nHi\r\n\r\nWe need to produce the item *PEP8147-T* and it\'s extension PEP8147-T-S25.\r\nHowever the Production Recipe is not in DHP.\r\n\r\nCould you please help us?\r\n\r\nThank you very much!\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'!image!!image-1!\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", \'Comment 3: ""{code:java}SELECT i2.code FROM [Evolution_DHCService].[dbo].[Items] i1 right join Evolution_DHCountry.[dbo].[Items] i2 on i1.id=i2.id where i2.code in(SELECT i.code FROM Evolution_DHCountry.[dbo].[RecipeIngredients] ri inner join Evolution_DHCountry.[dbo].DhhItems dh on ri.DhhItemId=dh.Id inner join Evolution_DHCountry.[dbo].Items i on i.id=dh.baseitemid where RecipeId=\\\'6C8AED72-2897-4214-B6AA-E5F051659BFA\\\') and i1.Code is null{code}!image-2023-04-24-20-01-55-795.png!""\', ""Comment 4: \'Missing items in DHCService218312183721838Incorrect linked items in DHC"", \'Comment 5: for example!image-2023-04-24-20-03-04-246.png!Pleasefinish linking items\', ""Comment 6: they will appear in dhcservice and you will be able to send the recipe to plant.\'"", ""Comment 7: \'Hi [~Piotr.Gaczorek@kotrak.com]How did you find this missing items?Is there any DHC screen"", ""Comment 8: report or SQL query where we can find this information by ourselfs?Thank you\'"", \'Comment 9: ""Hi Maicon\', \'Comment 10: we found this in sql database by sql query: SELECT i2.code FROM [Evolution_DHCService].[dbo].[Items] i1 right join Evolution_DHCountry.[dbo].[Items] i2 on i1.id=i2.id where i2.code in(SELECT i.code FROM Evolution_DHCountry.[dbo].[RecipeIngredients] ri inner join Evolution_DHCountry.[dbo].DhhItems dh on ri.DhhItemId=dh.Id inner join Evolution_DHCountry.[dbo].Items i on i.id=dh.baseitemid where RecipeId=\\\'6C8AED72-2897-4214-B6AA-E5F051659BFA\\\') and i1.Code is nullCan we close this ticket? Thank you.""\', ""Comment 11: \'HI [~Lukasz.Lasok@kotrak.com]Thanks for this SQL query.You can close this task.Thank you very much!\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +12,"{'prompt': ""Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-9020\n\n### Instruction:\nPlease create a new user for Agra-Matic. \r\n\r\nName: Jan Willem Meijer\r\n\r\nSame permissions as Freddy Westrik.\n\n### Response:\n['Comment 1: []']\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End""}" +13,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-9019\n\n### Instruction:\nThe following Lot reports are available in DHC (draft Lot reports) but do not seem to be send to Milas. \r\nExpected: all draft Lot reports and Lot reports available in DHC are available in Milas.\r\n\r\nCan you (re)send these Lot report from DHC to Milas?\r\n\r\n0021200423072\r\n0041030423013\r\n0071200423088\r\n0071200423096\r\n0081200423097\r\n0081200423106\r\n0081200423108\r\n0081200423109\r\n0081200423110\r\n0081200423111\r\n\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'!image-1!\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", \'Comment 3: ""{code:java} select * FROM [Evolution_DHCERP_NL_AS400_Identities].[dbo].[ProductionLotReportMappings] p where dhcid in(SELECT id FROM DHCountry_NL_AS400_PROD.[dbo].[ProductionLotReports] where LotNumber in(\\\'0021200423072\\\',\\\'0041030423013\\\',\\\'0071200423088\\\',\\\'0071200423096\\\',\\\'0081200423097\\\',\\\'0081200423106\\\',\\\'0081200423108\\\',\\\'0081200423109\\\',\\\'0081200423110\\\',\\\'0081200423111\\\')){code}""\', ""Comment 4: \'Please check lot reports have been sent again to Milas.\'"", ""Comment 5: \'Thank you"", ""Comment 6: we will check this\'"", ""Comment 7: \'We received the Lot reports in Milas now. This ticket can be closed.\'"", ""Comment 8: \'Thank you for confirmation.\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +14,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-9018\n\n### Instruction:\nThe following Lot reports are confirmed in DHP. In DHC we only have draft Lot report. We expect the Lot report in DHC (and in Milas).\r\n\r\n0021210323021\r\n0071210323022\r\n0071240123084\r\n0081270123068\r\n0111040123040\r\n0111160123014\r\n\r\nPlease (re)send these Lot reports from DHP to DHC (and export to Milas)\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'!image-1!\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", \'Comment 3: ""{code:java}SELECT * FROM [DHPlantProdBusinessLogicEvents].[dbo].[ProductionLots] where AggregateId=\\\'2BBEB7D7-A953-4648-882A-70178836C43A\\\' and EventType like \\\'%conf%\\\' SELECT * FROM [DHPlantProdBusinessLogicEvents].[dbo].[ProductionLots] where AggregateId=\\\'2BBEB7D7-A953-4648-882A-70178836C43A\\\' and EventType like \\\'%finish%\\\' SELECT [ProductionLotStatus],* FROM [DHPlantProdBusinessLogicMain].[dbo].[ProductionLots] where LotNumber=\\\'0071240123084\\\'{code}{code:java}SELECT * FROM [dbo].[ProductionLotReports] where LotNumber in(\\\'0071240123084\\\',\\\'0111040123040\\\',\\\'0111160123014\\\')0071210323022 utrecht0021210323021 sneek0081270123068 Veghel0011 maasb{code}!image-2023-04-25-13-49-05-697!""]\']\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +15,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-9017\n\n### Instruction:\nSO-2061/23/UMR wont sync as item code RD37071-S7980-P created today, is not in DHP. Needed for production tonight.\r\n\r\nItem code seems to be in other plants.\r\nItem code is linked.\r\nTechnology generated\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", \'Comment 2: ""Jak dla mnie wygląda na problem z paczką{code:java}SELECT * FROM [DHCService_RSA_PROD].[dbo].[ItemExportInfoes] where (EntityId=\\\'359FD908-8E70-4BF1-9696-E73EF09160AA\\\' and ClientId=\\\'205268AF-8BE3-4344-BFA8-157AC266AAFC\\\') or PackageId=\\\'B988DCD7-0B46-4E21-A743-3E5B5DEC798C\\\' select * from CommunicationLogs where MessageDetails like \\\'%RD37071-S7980-P%\\\' select * from dbo.Items where id=\\\'359FD908-8E70-4BF1-9696-E73EF09160AA\\\'{code} !image-2023-04-24-13-57-08-885.png!DHP:!image-2023-04-24-13-58-18-650.png!W DHP jest sporo błędów dla towarów - nie wpadają do VC.Kotrak.Common.Application.Exceptions.CommandValidationException`1[Plant.VC.BusinessLogic.Application.Interfaces.Items.Commands.SynchronizeItemCommand]: Validation failed: -- WrongPackingFormMessage!image-2023-04-24-13-59-27-002.png!""]\']\nRelated Issues:\n[\'DGS-8999\']\n\n### End'}" +16,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-9016\n\n### Instruction:\nHello,\r\n\r\nCan you please send the lotreports from attached document from DHC to MILAS? It contains missing lot reports in MILAS from 1/1/2023 till 31/3/2023.\r\n\r\nKind regards,\r\nWijnand.\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'[^Ontbrekende lots in AIS.xlsx] _(11 kB)_\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 3: \'Hi Wijnand,I have resent all lot reports from your file to Milas as requested. Please"", ""Comment 4: verify and let me know if everything is fine.Regards\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +17,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-9015\n\n### Instruction:\nPlease add the relation from column AA in the MAS NL for the guarantees.\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Do zmiany relacja w sekcji gwarancji"", ""Comment 3: trzeba będzie teraz rozróżniać SI czy pochodzi z innego dokumentu - Doc_LeadingDocID czy nie.Do tej pory nie było rozróżniania. Do dodania nowa relacja z PI guarantees.!image-2023-04-25-12-04-07-849.png! \'"", ""Comment 4: \'Hi [~mbovene@deheus.com],we added new relation to Guarantees on Round (MAS NL) in Test Intense environment.You can verify it.Best regards,Grzegorz\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +18,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-9014\n\n### Instruction:\nCześć\r\n\r\nTask from Paulina.\r\n\r\nRafał Boniecki\r\n\r\n\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'!image!\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 3: \'[^DGS-9014.docx]\'"", ""Comment 4: \'**Information in the attachment[^DGS-9014.docx]\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +19,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-9013\n\n### Instruction:\nCould you give Steffen Driesens en Koen Huibers access to the mailboxes of:\r\n* Rick Reimerink AA\r\n* Erik de Groot AA\r\n* Oscar Visser AA\r\n* Arthur van der Linde\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'W międzyczasie dziś konto Rick Reimerink AA zmieniłem na Rick Reimerink"", ""Comment 2: a jego poprzednie konto jest jakoRick Reimerink_old i jest nieaktywne.Do zrobienia to samo z loginami Oscara i Erika\'"", ""Comment 3: \'Hi [~mbovene@deheus.com],we made changes on users and added access for Steffen and Koen.You can verify it.Best regards,Grzegorz\'"", ""Comment 4: \'Can be closed.\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +20,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-9012\n\n### Instruction:\nSometimes it\'s needed to choose round from Supplier on Purchase Invoice in MAS NL sector.\r\n\r\nIt should be added to list Rounds of Supplier.\r\n\r\nIt shoudln\'t be an issue when Rounds of Reference and Supplier will be shown always together because mainly only there are rounds for one of these (for Customer or for Supplier).\r\n\r\n\xa0\r\n\r\nExample from IBIP_DH database, ID\xa0118625,\xa0PI-RLM/2023/3331\r\n\r\n!image-2023-04-24-10-59-28-941.png!\n\n### Response:\n[\'Comment 1: [\\\'Hi [~mbovene@deheus.com],we\\\\\\\'ve added extra Rounds by Supplier in ""Full number"" lookup field in PI (MAS NL).Changes made on Test and Prod Intense enviornment.You can verify it.Best regards,Grzegorz\\\']\']\nRelated Issues:\n[\'DGS-8900\']\n\n### End'}" +21,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-9011\n\n### Instruction:\nInternal server error on FHP with the ip\r\nPlease help\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hi,Application Pools have been restarted. Please"", ""Comment 3: verify.Regards\'"", ""Comment 4: \'Working please close\'"", ""Comment 5: \'Thank you\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +22,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-9010\n\n### Instruction:\nOd 14.04 do dziś nie wygenerowały się żadne MM z PMX do LECGS.\r\nPoproszę o pilną naprawę problemu ponieważ jutro mamy inwentaryzację\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Whether the problem is still present. If so"", ""Comment 3: can I ask the number of the order / orders for which the documents were not generated?\'"", \'Comment 4: ""all since the 18th of April\', \'Comment 5: looks like it\\\'s a problem after the update DHC/integrator!image!""\', ""Comment 6: \'hello I have problem to log on to you environment. after log on - choosing 3 hour and rdp I got this window!image-2023-04-24-09-46-51-254.png!\'"", ""Comment 7: \'Try now\'"", ""Comment 8: \'The manager needs information What caused the problem and did the problem occur only in this one location?\'"", ""Comment 9: \'now it is working thank you\'"", ""Comment 10: \'!image-2023-04-24-12-58-01-575.png!\'"", ""Comment 11: \'select * from WMSInternalDocumentelements where wre_headerid in (SELECT idx_wrhid FROM [DHP_Leczyca].[dbo].[WMSInternalDocumentHeadersExport] where idx_date is null )\'"", ""Comment 12: \'!image-2023-04-24-14-28-48-704.png!\'"", ""Comment 13: \'we need to verify this with our developers\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +23,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-9009\n\n### Instruction:\nwe are unable to confirm bags for PLR 0705240323001 because the system says the lot can no longer be found. this lot had to be force finished (stuck in progress). \r\nID details have been resent from the error logs but this has not solved the problem.\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'!image!\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 3: \'select * from ProductionLots where lotnumber= 0705240323001select * from DHPlantWmsBusinessLogicMain.dbo.productionlots where LotNumber= 0705240323001brak lotu w wms!image-2023-04-21-16-53-02-416.png!\'"", \'Comment 4: ""brakuje też production orderaSELECT * FROM DHPlantWmsBusinessLogicMain.dbo.ProductionOrders WHERE ID=\\\'11D12F7C-4432-4A36-89FE-C6107C3E1B4B\\\'""\', \'Comment 5: ""przy próbie wysylki2023-04-21 17:47:44 (/Plant.WMS.BusinessLogic/SAKDSRV04/5544/68) [Error] Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Integration.Filters.InboundMessagesProcessFilter - Error during process inbound messageSystem.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. (Parameter \\\'code\\\')""\', ""Comment 6: \'Problem jest że wygląda jakby wms"", ""Comment 7: nie aktualizowały się cody itemów?Probowałam pro i prl przepchac rabitem i przez resend ale nic to nie dało.\'"", ""Comment 8: \'!klersdope.PNG|thumbnail!\'"", ""Comment 9: \'dzisiaj nie chodzi klersdope !klersdope.PNG!\'"", \'Comment 10: ""erory FROM [DHPlantWmsBusinessLogicIntercontext].[dbo].[Errors]where message like \\\'%519FEB6C-BA10-44E6-9F29-25ABD107DBBB%\\\'at Plant.WMS.BusinessLogic.Infrastructure.ContextIntegration.MappingProfiles.SynchronizeOrderCommandProfile.<>c.<.ctor>b__0_0(OrderChangedMessage message\', \'Comment 11: ResolutionContext context) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\f579cce2236e7995\\\\\\\\Plant.WMS.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Plant.WMS.BusinessLogic.Infrastructure.ContextIntegration\\\\\\\\MappingProfiles\\\\\\\\SynchronizeOrderCommandProfile.cs:line 0 at lambda_method6663(Closure \', \'Comment 12: OrderChangedMessage \', \'Comment 13: SynchronizeOrderCommand \', \'Comment 14: ResolutionContext ) at AutoMapper.Mapper.AutoMapper.IMapper.Map[TSource,TDestination](TSource source) at Plant.WMS.BusinessLogic.Infrastructure.ContextIntegration.IntercontextCommunication.BaseInboundMessageHandler`2.Handle(TMessage message) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\f579cce2236e7995\\\\\\\\Plant.WMS.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Plant.WMS.BusinessLogic.Infrastructure.ContextIntegration\\\\\\\\IntercontextCommunication\\\\\\\\BaseInboundMessageHandler.cs:line 26 at Kotrak.Integration.IntegrationPluginCommon.IntercontextCommunication.Inbound.IntercontextInboundHandler`2.Handle(InternalStorageDto message)""\', ""Comment 15: \'dla samego plr w wms brak ewentu oi bledów !image-2023-04-25-14-30-39-149.png!\'"", ""Comment 16: \'!image-2023-04-25-14-31-02-249.png!\'"", \'Comment 17: ""FROM [DHPlantProdBusinessLogicEvents].[dbo].[ProductionLots] where AggregateId=\\\'ED002A97-C84A-48D1-AD69-9318C8D1BE5F\\\'select* FROM [DHPlantwmsBusinessLogicEvents].[dbo].[ProductionLots] where AggregateId=\\\'ED002A97-C84A-48D1-AD69-9318C8D1BE5F\\\'""\', ""Comment 18: \'dla stocku taka sama sytuacja jak dla wms\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +24,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-9008\n\n### Instruction:\nHello,\r\n\r\nProduction helmond reports there is no communication to the pcs. Webservices are running, and are called by the pcs side, but no data is send. Please check and can you restart services on DHP side?\r\n\r\nthanks\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Just had contact with production"", ""Comment 3: communication seems to be running again\'"", ""Comment 4: \'Restart usług.\'"", ""Comment 5: \'!image-2023-04-24-12-42-13-226.png!\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +25,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-9007\n\n### Instruction:\nWe are unable to use IPOR for the additional purchase cost. we using IPOR 204/23/JON and IPOR 205/23/JON.\r\n\r\nIt only works with PORs how do make it work\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'!image!\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", \'Comment 3: ""Hi\', \'Comment 4: please be informed that the issue has held sales since yesterday; we can\\\'t sell the product without the total cost registered in the system. The product (KLC5) is also a raw material and would be used in production today. ""\', ""Comment 5: \'Koszty dodatkowe zakupu krajowego można przypisywać do założonych w Systemie dostaw za pomocą dokumentu: „Koszty Dodatkowe Zakupu – KDZ”. Koszty można dodać do dokumentów FZ"", \'Comment 6: PZ\', \'Comment 7: FRR\', \'Comment 8: PW\', ""Comment 9: PWK oraz ręcznych korekt ilościowych FKS/FKW/WKK.\'"", ""Comment 10: \'For documents of the PZI type the cost must be corrected by the SII - Internal document.First you need to issue an IMI - Import Invoice document from IPOR.Then SII Internal document from IMI.You will be able to enter costs on the Amounts tab.After confirmed SII document if fixed delivery value is selected for IPOR a correction from the SII level can be issued for this document.\'"", ""Comment 11: \'Please what is this SII document? how do correct with the SII\'"", ""Comment 12: \'Can i turn IPOR to POR if yes how do I do it\'"", ""Comment 13: \'Yes"", ""Comment 14: but it depends on the type of transaction on the order - only for Domestic transaction on PO can be process POR.We can change the transaction type for the order from the database but it will not be correct for Netherlands.\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +26,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-9006\n\n### Instruction:\nProblem z zaczytaniem listy płac I10/2023/03\r\nProszę o zdiagnozowanie i naprawienie problemu, jaki wystąpił podczas migracji listy nr I10/2023/03 z Optimy do CDn-a; poniżej screeny, lista utknęła i nie została pobrana.\r\n\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'!image!!image-1!\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 3: \'Verification of the task is in progress\'"", ""Comment 4: \'If you changed something on this employee the last time (after made main payroll)?\'"", ""Comment 5: \'[^DGS-9006.docx]\'"", ""Comment 6: \'information in the attachment[^DGS-9006.docx]\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +27,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-9005\n\n### Instruction:\ni need the definition for the following product form in ERP when creating a product ;\r\nC\r\nF\r\nL\r\nM\r\nPLT\r\nPWD\r\nW\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hello. They are already defined in XL you should add them to the product when creating the product from the level of the product attribute (from the green plus option).!image-2023-04-24-15-35-31-706.png!We can also change the settings in XL so that they appear automatically.\'"", ""Comment 3: \'what i mean is if i select C in the list of attributes under product form"", ""Comment 4: what does it mean. is C standing for something? that is what i what i want to know.\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +28,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-9004\n\n### Instruction:\nThe name and financial details of Business Partner 0526 have been changed within CDN-XL from Ajinomoto to Metex.\r\n\r\nwhen we consult via DH CDN, the data is not changed !!\r\n\r\nHow is this possible?\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'!image!!image-1!\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 3: \'Adress data for customers (business parners) can be translated in DH CDN depending on choosen language. If data for selected language is gray then it came from ERPXL. If this data for choosen language is black then translation was created in DH CDN and can be modified by user. So you can modify it by yourself.This is standard functionality provided by DH CDN.There is no translation data for customer (business partner) information in ERP XL.!image-2023-04-20-13-17-34-062.png!!image-2023-04-20-13-20-37-646.png!Data shown by DH CDN depends on Language you choose when log into application!image-2023-04-20-13-20-15-643.png!Similar issue was in taskDGS-8455Regards\'"", ""Comment 4: \'Ticket can be closed\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +29,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-9003\n\n### Instruction:\nRecipe for 147475 was sent to DHC and accepted on 19-04-2023. It is missing in DHP/PCS for Maasbracht.\r\nItem seems to be linked correctly in DHC.\r\nIn DHP item is missing (and because of that I think recipe is not imported).\r\n\r\nCan you check why the item is missing in DHP, fix this and resent the recipe? It is needed in PCS for production.\r\n\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'!image!!image-1!\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 3: \'Please check"", ""Comment 4: recipe should be in DHP already.\'"", ""Comment 5: \'Indeed"", ""Comment 6: item and recipe are now in DHP and recipe is delivered to PCS.What was the issue / how did you fix this?\'"", ""Comment 7: \'!image-2023-04-20-11-03-31-732.png!\'"", \'Comment 8: ""Hi Bob,this is a known issue that pops up every now and then\', \'Comment 9: should be fixed in a future release of DHC/DHP.Apparently the fix involves some database trickery that we can\\\'t do ourselves.Regards,Rob.PS there was a ticket for this case already: DGS-9002""\', ""Comment 10: \'Bob"", ""Comment 11: see DGS-8986\'"", ""Comment 12: \'Missing DHHitem in DHCService"", ""Comment 13: ithas been resolved since dhc 3.0.60.The current version should not have the problem but for items after the upgrade date.\'"", ""Comment 14: \'This ticket can be closedOk"", ""Comment 15: we will check for inconsistencies for items in DHC and DHP\'"", ""Comment 16: \'Thank you.\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[\'DGS-9002\']\n\n### End'}" +30,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-9002\n\n### Instruction:\nItem/recipe/labels for 147475 are all present in DHH/DHC but don\'t arrive in DHP Maasbracht.\r\n\r\nSynchronize & resend didn\'t help.\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 2: \'{code:java}select h1.*,h2.* from [DHCountry_NL_AS400_PROD].[dbo].[DhhItems] h1select h1.*,h2.* from [DHCountry_NL_AS400_PROD].[dbo].[DhhItems] h1 left join [DHCService_NL_AS400_PROD].[dbo].[DhhItems] h2 on h1.id=h2.id where h2.id is null andh1.BaseItemId is not null{code}!image-2023-04-20-10-19-59-004.png!jeszcze temat z brakiem dhhitems.!image-2023-04-20-10-19-26-620.png!\'"", ""Comment 3: \'Resolved inDGS-9003.\'"", ""Comment 4: \'Technically speaking... I was first ;)This ticket can be closed. Thanks for the support.\'"", ""Comment 5: \'Thank you for confirmation.\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[\'DGS-9003\']\n\n### End'}" +31,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-9001\n\n### Instruction:\nZZ-305/04/23 nie można zmienić kraju pochodzenia na SK-Słovakia.\r\nJeśli wybierzemy kraj SK-Slovakia wtedy po zapisie i ponownym otwarciu ZZ pole jest puste.\r\nWszystkie inne kraje zostają zapamiętane podczas zapisu i ponownego otwarcia ZZ.\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 2: \'https://helpdesk.kotrak.com/browse/DGS-7991\'"", ""Comment 3: \'Sprawdziłam"", \'Comment 4: i faktycznie orirgin country nie wpada\', ""Comment 5: sprawdziłam inne zz na słowacje z erp xl tj 381/12/2022 tez to pola jest puste w dhcdn!image-2023-04-20-13-34-09-562.png!\'"", ""Comment 6: \'na bazie kraj jest zapisany ale go nie widac widać go dla szwajcarii !image-2023-04-20-13-42-14-355.png!\'"", ""Comment 7: \'From what I verify the name of country it is visible in dhcdn gui database but not show in application.Did you have any example of order for that origin country (slovakia) when thi is visible?\'"", \'Comment 8: ""we don\\\'t\', \'Comment 9: we have such a contract first time""\', ""Comment 10: \'[~michal.kordys@kotrak.com]Ania będzie na to robić DCi.\'"", ""Comment 11: \'We ask developers ofr help with that issue.\'"", ""Comment 12: \'!image-2023-04-25-10-43-49-788.png!\'"", \'Comment 13: ""select * from cdn.krajecelne where kpc_nazwa=\\\'slovakia\\\'""\', \'Comment 14: ""--update cdn.KrajeCelne --set kpc_nazwa=\\\'test\\\'\', \'Comment 15: kpc_nazwapl=\\\'test\\\' --where kpc_id=205""\', ""Comment 16: \'pleae verify it seems it works now!image-2023-04-25-11-04-01-331.png!\'"", ""Comment 17: \'był; zdublowany wpis an bazie w erpxl na taebli cdn.kraje celne"", ""Comment 18: sprawdzalm od striony apki nie da sie tgeo dodac.\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +32,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-9000\n\n### Instruction:\nHi\r\n\r\nCould you please enable and configure SSRS for DHC? Or maybe the Printout functionality in the DHC\r\nI think we could use it for a lot of purpose.\r\n\r\nThank you\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'!image!\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 3: \'Please be informed that we have forwarded the issue to the development team in order to internal analysis.We are waiting for more details and will be back with further information as soon as possible.\'"", ""Comment 4: \'[~przemyslaw.przybyszewski@kotrak.com]to jest do zrobienia? Kolega z Amazonii pyta :)\'"", \'Comment 5: ""Hi [~mberbert@deheus.com]\', ""Comment 6: DHC doesn\'t support SSRS"", \'Comment 7: printout functionality in DHC is limited and it uses Crystal Reports to generate printouts.""]\']\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +33,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8999\n\n### Instruction:\nSO-2061/23/UMR wont sync as item code RD37071-S7980-P created today, is not in DHP. Needed for production tonight.\r\n\r\nItem code seems to be in other plants.\r\nItem code is linked.\r\nTechnology generated\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'!image!!image-1!!image-2!!image-3!\'"", \'Comment 2: ""If you find the issue\', ""Comment 3: please tell me what you did to resolve. I\'ve most of the normal solutIon. Checked for error"", \'Comment 4: Restarted application pools ,and services. Modified the item code\', \'Comment 5: etc.""\', ""Comment 6: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 7: \'Any update?\'"", \'Comment 8: ""We\\\'re working on it""\', ""Comment 9: \'!image-2023-04-19-23-46-24-523.png!\'"", ""Comment 10: \'Please verify. Now it should be ok.Please give us a feedback.\'"", ""Comment 11: \'The problem was on the side of an unknown change in the item RD37071-S7980-P. Updating this item and trying to restart the services. ErpIntegrator"", \'Comment 12: Dhc Country\', ""Comment 13: Dhc Service and integration services with DHC in side on DHP. Several times trying to restart services in that order solved the problem.Can we close this task ?\'"", ""Comment 14: \'Próba rozwiązania wg opisu w ON: [[DHC][DHC SERVICE] BRAK ITEMU"", \'Comment 15: RECEPTUR I STANDARD SPECIAL W DHC SERVICE|onenote:https://kotrak.sharepoint.com/sites/erpasysta/Shared%20Documents/Baza%20wiedzy/Baza%20Wiedzy%20-%20ERPSD/Klienci/DEHEUS/DEHEUS%20APPLICATIONS/Polska/Baza%20wiedzy/DHC.one#%5BDHC%5D%5BDHC%20SERVICE%5D%20BRAK%20ITEMU%2C§ion-id=7d50734f-49d8-4579-83b9-e51158168a8f&page-id=6b290e1b-fdf7-44cf-ae24-ff050bc32bff&end] ([Widok sieci Web|https://kotrak.sharepoint.com/sites/erpasysta/_layouts/15/Doc.aspx?sourcedoc=\\\\\\\\{03c87c92-bf92-4b3e-bfbe-d3ad2729eba6}&action=edit&wd=target%28Klienci%2FDEHEUS%2FDEHEUS%20APPLICATIONS%2FPolska%2FBaza%20wiedzy%2FDHC.one%7C7d50734f-49d8-4579-83b9-e51158168a8f%2F%5BDHC%5D%5BDHC%20SERVICE%5D%20BRAK%20ITEMU%2C%7C6b290e1b-fdf7-44cf-ae24-ff050bc32bff%2F%29&wdorigin=703&wdpreservelink=1])Dodatkowo:Kilkukrotny restart usług - erpintgratora\', \'Comment 16: dhc country\', \'Comment 17: dhcservice\', ""Comment 18: i uslugi integracji z dhc w plant - w tej kolejności problem został rozwiązany.\'"", ""Comment 19: \'Thank you. You may close the ticket.\'"", ""Comment 20: \'Hello"", ""Comment 21: RCA DGS-9017 for issue has been created.\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[\'DGS-9017\']\n\n### End'}" +34,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8998\n\n### Instruction:\nHi\r\n\r\nWe found one weird situation in DHP about Expiry Date.\r\nOn the Executiuon tab of PLR, system is getting the right information about Expiry date: 365 days.\r\nHowever, without any manual intervention, the Delivery of it\'s PLR is being created with Expiry date 180 days.\r\n\r\nWhy is that?\r\nCould you please help us to understand and fix that?\r\n\r\nThank you very much!\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'!image!!image-1!\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 3: \'Ten sam kejs co tuhttps://helpdesk.kotrak.com/browse/DGS-7160\'"", ""Comment 4: \'Hi [~mberbert@deheus.com],We know what happend.This issue is already fixed in R8.5\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[\'DAP-12931\']\n\n### End'}" +35,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8997\n\n### Instruction:\nHi\r\n\r\nWe had a power issue 1 hour ago and now DHP is not working.\r\nThe following message are everywhere on DHP screens.\r\n\r\nHelps us, please\r\nThank you\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'!image!\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hello,\\\\r\\\\rWe are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.\\\\r\\\\rRegards\\\\r\\\\r\'"", ""Comment 3: \'Please check now should be ok.\'"", ""Comment 4: \'Hi [~Agnieszka.Januszewska@kotrak.com]Now everything is OK.Thank you very much!You can close this task\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +36,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8996\n\n### Instruction:\nRecipes exported from DHH are not arriving in DHC Compound anymore.\r\nSeveral recipes were sent, but none were imported after 11:12h.\r\n\r\nProbably a result of the upgrade.\r\n\r\nPlease check.\r\n\r\nRegards,\r\nRob\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Pytanie dlaczego usługa była nieuruchomiona to ktoś od nas się zagapil i co przekazac klientowi !image-2023-04-19-18-00-08-556.png!\'"", ""Comment 3: \'po logach tej uslugi wygląda że nie była uruchomiona miedzy 11:55 a 17.55 więc chyba nasz blad,dodatkowo do weryfikacji opis z ON.:[Brak komunikacji z DHH od strony kraju. Np. Pricelist nie przechodzą.|onenote:https://kotrak.sharepoint.com/sites/erpasysta/Shared%20Documents/Baza%20wiedzy/Baza%20Wiedzy%20-%20ERPSD/Klienci/DEHEUS/DEHEUS%20APPLICATIONS/MYANMAR/Baza%20wiedzy.one#Brak%20komunikacji%20z%20DHH%20od%20strony%20kraju.%20Np.%20Pricelist%20nie§ion-id=\\\\\\\\{9275FC89-DE25-4053-A935-0246B426C25C}&page-id=\\\\\\\\{6685194F-9937-437F-9A1A-43879F0C77BD}&end] ([Widok sieci Web|https://kotrak.sharepoint.com/sites/erpasysta/_layouts/OneNote.aspx?id=%2Fsites%2Ferpasysta%2FShared%20Documents%2FBaza%20wiedzy%2FBaza%20Wiedzy%20-%20ERPSD&wd=target%28Klienci%2FDEHEUS%2FDEHEUS%20APPLICATIONS%2FMYANMAR%2FBaza%20wiedzy.one%7C9275FC89-DE25-4053-A935-0246B426C25C%2FBrak%20komunikacji%20z%20DHH%20od%20strony%20kraju.%20Np.%20Pricelist%20nie%7C6685194F-9937-437F-9A1A-43879F0C77BD%2F%29])\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[\'DGS-8995\']\n\n### End'}" +37,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8995\n\n### Instruction:\nRecipes exported from DHH are not arriving in DHC Compound anymore.\r\nSeveral recipes were sent, but none were imported after 11:12h.\r\n\r\nProbably a result of the upgrade.\r\n\r\nPlease check.\r\n\r\nRegards,\r\nRob\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'Hello,\\\\r\\\\rWe are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.\\\\r\\\\rRegards\\\\r\\\\r\'"", ""Comment 2: \'!image-2023-04-19-16-53-11-208.png!\'"", ""Comment 3: \'!image-2023-04-19-16-54-16-305.png!\'"", ""Comment 4: \'a chwile pozniej!image-2023-04-19-16-55-42-145.png!\'"", ""Comment 5: \'logi dhh holdingu2023-04-19 17:06:45,868 [181] ERROR Evolution.DHHolding.Infrastructure.MessageHandlerBase`1 [(null)] - Error occurred when processing message of type Evolution.DHHolding.Interfaces.Stocks.StockChangedMessageSystem.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.DbUpdateException: An error occurred while updating the entries. See the inner exception for details. ---> System.Data.Entity.Core.UpdateException: An error occurred while updating the entries. See the inner exception for details. ---> System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Distributed transaction completed. Either enlist this session in a new transaction or the NULL transaction. at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception"", \'Comment 6: Boolean breakConnection\', ""Comment 7: Action`1 wrapCloseInAction)\'"", ""Comment 8: \'Could you provide example of recipe ( item version)"", ""Comment 9: that I may try to resend ?\'"", ""Comment 10: \'czy to nie powinno być odkomentowane!image-2023-04-19-17-39-20-795.png!\'"", ""Comment 11: \'307302 is a nice one to try... it is also the most urgent one.\'"", ""Comment 12: \'trzeba było kopnać jeszcze te kolejkę!image-2023-04-19-18-00-08-556.png!\'"", ""Comment 13: \'The recipes are now going from dhh to DHC. About 307302 there are recipes up to 213 now "", \'Comment 14: but in DHH I can see version 214 I resend it\', ""Comment 15: but it may took a moment.\'"", ""Comment 16: \'Thank you Agniezka"", ""Comment 17: I see the recipes are being processed now.Can you think of a reason why the communication stopped (for future upgrades of DHC)?\'"", ""Comment 18: \'Please verify also version 214 for 307302"", ""Comment 19: should be in DHC in close future.\'"", ""Comment 20: \'Queue is filling up... still more recipes coming (see graph)!image!\'"", ""Comment 21: \' version 214 for 307302 has arrived :)\'"", ""Comment 22: \'May set this task too hold until you verify If everything comes to DHC or lower the priority?\'"", ""Comment 23: \'You may even close the ticket"", \'Comment 24: but I still would like to know the reason why this happened\', ""Comment 25: and how to avoid this in the future.\'"", ""Comment 26: \'Hello,In that case I will lower it to p2 until tomorrow morning"", \'Comment 27: hope to give you quick answer. But If there is a need from your sideto investigate the reasonof the issue\', ""Comment 28: we may raise RootCause Analysis (RCA)task for you.\'"", ""Comment 29: \'I think that is the plan. Close this task and raise a RCA please.For now... thank you for your invaluable support.Regards,Rob.\'"", ""Comment 30: \'RCA is underDGS-8995thank you\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[\'DGS-8996\']\n\n### End'}" +38,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8994\n\n### Instruction:\nField Saldo on Financial Statement now is calculated with gross values from invoices and feed sales, but should be calculated with net values instad of gross values.\r\n\r\nIt should be changed in all sectors.\r\n\r\n\xa0 !image-2023-04-19-13-56-00-783.png!\r\n\r\n\xa0\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'zmieniona funkcja KR_FinancialStatementSaldo - dodatkowo dodana obsługa BV i EV z taska https://helpdesk.kotrak.com/browse/DGS-8714\'"", ""Comment 2: \'zmieniona funkcjaKR_FinancialStatementSaldo wrzucona już także na IBIP_DHzmieniona funkcjaKR_FinancialStatementSaldoMASBE na IBIP_DH_TEST.Do zmiany na TEST pozostałe sektory oprócz MAS NL i MAS BE\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[\'DGS-8714\']\n\n### End'}" +39,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8993\n\n### Instruction:\nArticle is needed for dispatch today, so P1: \r\nArticle 088171 is an item with packing type = pcs. But in the WMO it\'s displayed as kg: therefore it cannot be taken in. Please check, see screenshots for 088171 compared to 088050\r\n\r\nVT-1131/4/23\r\n\r\n\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'!afbeelding!!afbeelding-1!!afbeelding-2!\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 3: \'088170 has the same issue...\'"", ""Comment 4: \'{code:java}SELECT count(*),BaseUnit FROM [DHPlantVCBusinessLogicMain].[dbo].[Items] where PackingForm=4 and SettlementType=3 group by BaseUnit{code}!image-2023-04-19-09-22-02-330.png!\'"", ""Comment 5: \'these two items have BaseUnit as KG"", ""Comment 6: for pcs should be changed.088171 088170!image-2023-04-19-09-33-08-841.png!\'"", ""Comment 7: \'This has to be changed in the ERP?\'"", ""Comment 8: \'Yes,please make the change and the data will be sent to plants.\'"", \'Comment 9: ""We\\\'re on it\', \'Comment 10: thanks for explaining. Ticket can be closed""]\']\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +40,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8992\n\n### Instruction:\nIn ASN overview, a calloff is normally filtered out when a VT is created and it is not possible to add a second VT.\r\nSee eg. call off CL000028804, VT-386/4/23 was created, but the line is not filtered and the user can add another VT, even when VT is already closed. \r\nFor Andel, I found approx 60 call offs in total with this behaviour (DHP ASN list, sort on linked document).\r\n\r\nCan you check when an ASN is not correctly filtered when the VT is created? How can we prevent this? For this user it is not clear what is the status of these ASN\'s and sending a second VT for the same call off to PCS will give issues.\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'!image!!image-1!!image-2!\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 3: \'!image-2023-04-18-19-12-43-286.png!\'"", ""Comment 4: \'U nas na wersji 8.6 (.170)"", ""Comment 5: asn z utworzonymi vtkami są widoczne tylko przy opcji show all.!image-2023-04-18-19-41-09-786.png!!image-2023-04-18-19-22-12-811.png!\'"", ""Comment 6: \'From our annalist it is related toDGS-8837 and has the same cause,It is fix in 8,6 version.Are you able to cancel the wrong vt"", ""Comment 7: are this information sufficient for you ?\'"", ""Comment 8: \'Can you give me access to that ticket?\'"", ""Comment 9: \'please try now\'"", ""Comment 10: \'Ok"", ""Comment 11: I have access now. Indeed seems to be the same case. User did not create a second VT. He only asked about the filtering. So no cleanup is needed.This ticket can be closed.\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +41,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8991\n\n### Instruction:\nSee DGS-8651 which you closed without our permission\r\n\r\nThe point is that SORC-218/09 must be clipped with SOR-155/09\r\n\r\nThe user asks what exactly to do. How should he execute the yellow shaded without making CDN difficult again.\r\n\r\nHe has no working method of this, can she also provide it?\r\n\r\nHe assumes that after a new clipp document the Sorc can be clipped, but how do we get a new document to be clipped that is accepted by SORC218?\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'!image!\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 3: \'HelloUnfortunately"", \'Comment 4: I have not received the information that the xl operator does not understand the previous instructions\', ""Comment 5: can not operate ERP XL to the appropriate extent Also please let me know if you see my comment with the source task with this date :!image-2023-04-18-14-53-39-734.png! If yes please let me know what in this information the user did not understand .the solution was at the end :!image-2023-04-18-14-55-12-429.png!Did user try to cancell invoice 512/09/2022 and got some problems,Or user do not know how to cancell invoice?{color:#403294}*In this situation does the user need instructions or are we to perform these operations for the user ourselves?*{color}I would appreciate quick and precise answers.\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +42,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8990\n\n### Instruction:\nAccording to our agreement on last retro and based on DGS-7272 please prepare and implemente similar solution in other factories, in Grodzisk and Mieścisko\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Please be informed that we have forwarded the issue to the development team in order to internal analysis.We are waiting for more details and will be back with further information as soon as possible.\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +43,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8989\n\n### Instruction:\nCould you give:\r\nMinnen, Matteo ; \r\nBroek, Hans van de \r\n\r\nThe rights to create technical results?\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Is it duplicated task to this one and we can close it?https://helpdesk.kotrak.com/servicedesk/customer/portal/56/DGS-8988\'"", ""Comment 3: \'Yes this is a dublicate. I am sorry"", ""Comment 4: I get a error message when creating the last one.\'"", ""Comment 5: \'Ok"", ""Comment 6: so I close this task\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[\'DGS-8988\']\n\n### End'}" +44,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8988\n\n### Instruction:\nCould you give:\r\nMinnen, Matteo ; \r\nBroek, Hans van de \r\n\r\nThe rights to calculate technical results?\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", \'Comment 2: ""What do you mean about calculation technical results?There are no validations for this button on Financial statement. Do you have any example of document?Only when document is Archived it\\\'s not possible to edit anythin (also not possible to use this button) unless user has right to edit any document (we have a role for this and now few users have this rights like on screen. Users can edit any type of document in Archive)!image-2023-04-18-14-03-47-104.png!Should we add these users to this role?""]\']\nRelated Issues:\n[\'DGS-8989\']\n\n### End'}" +45,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8987\n\n### Instruction:\nIssue created on the basis of an e-mail notification.\r\n \r\nOn DHVD01AP09 there are a couple of services that will not start anymore. When trying to start the service, it states it cannot find the file specified.\r\n\r\n\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'[^Service issue on DHVD01AP09.msg] _(268 kB)_\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Powodem zgłoszenia był upgrade w ramach https://helpdesk.kotrak.com/browse/DGS-8630.Sprawa była dogadana z Thomasem"", ""Comment 3: w Premixie mieli nie pracować od 23\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +46,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8986\n\n### Instruction:\nEven after numerous resending of data from the ERP and synchronizing from DHH the items 506103* and recipes don\'t arrive in DHP.\r\nThere seems to be nothing wrong with them in DHC.\r\n\r\nCould you please have a look at it?\r\n\r\nRegards,\r\nRob.\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hi,Shall I also resync967438?Regards\'"", ""Comment 3: \'Please do. Is that something I can do myself in the future?\'"", ""Comment 4: \'Recipe 506103 in plant now!image-2023-04-18-10-09-37-269.png!\'"", ""Comment 5: \'Thank you Aleksandra"", ""Comment 6: I will inform the users about it.\'"", ""Comment 7: \'Recipe for Andel is also in plant:!image-2023-04-18-10-22-00-963.png|width=669,height=294!To be honest"", \'Comment 8: part of processing is done under the db. This is known issue for Thomas and it is solved in DHC version 60 and highier.Please\', ""Comment 9: let us know if we can close this task.Regards\'"", \'Comment 10: ""If you could do your magic for the two other variants of the item first.... then you can close the ticket.They are the 506103-BB and 506103-Z20\', \'Comment 11: I still can\\\'t get them to DHP myself apparently.""\', ""Comment 12: \'Sure\'"", ""Comment 13: \'Thank you Aleksandra!\'"", ""Comment 14: \'!image-2023-04-18-10-46-48-919.png!\'"", ""Comment 15: \'All three are in Utrecht plant now.So I am closing this task as mentioned before.Regards\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +47,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8985\n\n### Instruction:\nHi\r\n\r\nWe have a Production recipe for GCN1392-T, version 1.0. However this version is not in DHP. Only version 0.0\r\n\r\nWhen we generate the subversion, then both version 1.0 and 1.1 goes to DHP.\r\nWe have another case too: GCN1390-T\r\n\r\nThis is happening to often. Could you please investigate why is this happening?\r\n\r\nThank you very much\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'Hi [~mberbert@deheus.com],For task DGS-8820 and DGS-8967 we have raised this RCA.Regards\'"", \'Comment 2: ""{code:java}select t.CreateDate,* from [Evolution_DHCountry].[dbo].[Technologies] tleft join [Evolution_DHCService].[dbo].[Technologies] tson t.id=ts.id where ts.id is nullorder by t.CreateDate desc{code}Sprawdzając braki technologi!image-2023-04-21-13-24-03-376.png!Jest 8 towarów jakby nie skończone linkowanie w DHCServer:{code:java}select * from DhhItems where Code=\\\'21837\\\'select * from DhhItems where Code=\\\'21837\\\'select * from Items where Code like \\\'21837%\\\' select h1.*,i1.* from [dbo].[DhhItems] h1 left join [dbo].[Items] i1 on h1.id=i1.DhhItemId where i1.DhhItemId is null andh1.BaseItemId is not null{code}!image-2023-04-21-13-24-39-598.png!""\', ""Comment 3: \'Hello,due to the manual linking of items the process as you can see below has not been completed by the operator:COB4421COB5051-T218382183121837COB5029For example item 21837:!image-2023-04-21-15-12-34-297.png!If the given raw material is not properly linked the production recipe and technologies will not be transferred to the plants.\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[\'DGS-8820\', \'DGS-8967\']\n\n### End'}" +48,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8984\n\n### Instruction:\nGood afternoon, we have problem wit synchronization of SO-537, it is not landing in DHC. The order is for foreign customer (export), and as far as I know it is first such case. Maybe there is an issue with county code (Burkina Faso)? \r\nAIS gives the the message (see the screen). \n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'!image!!image-1!!image-2!\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 3: \'order wysyłany 11.042023-04-11 16:06:11,961 [72] DEBUG Evolution.DHCERPService.ImplementationRestWoW.Savers.DataContractSaver`2 [E:\\\\\\\\BambooHome\\\\\\\\xml-data\\\\\\\\build-dir\\\\\\\\18317313\\\\\\\\DHAPPSV3-DHCER400-JOB1\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService.ImplementationRestWoW\\\\\\\\Savers\\\\\\\\DataContractSaver.cs:39] - Saving SalesOrderDataContractDeHeusWoW2023-04-11 16:06:11,976 [72] ERROR Evolution.DHCERPService.ImplementationRestWoW.Savers.DataContractSaver`2 [E:\\\\\\\\BambooHome\\\\\\\\xml-data\\\\\\\\build-dir\\\\\\\\18317313\\\\\\\\DHAPPSV3-DHCER400-JOB1\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService.ImplementationRestWoW\\\\\\\\Savers\\\\\\\\DataContractSaver.cs:49] - Evolution.DHCERPService.IdentityMapping.IdentityNotMappedException: Key of entity CustomerMappingEntity was not mapped. Key value Id: CIPC00070\'"", ""Comment 4: \'Country code seems ok. I found in erpintegrator logs that there is no customer with codeCIPC00070Please try to send first the customer from ERP to DHC"", ""Comment 5: then verify if it is viisble here :!image-2023-04-17-19-18-52-590.png!Then when it appears please resend order and verify.\'"", ""Comment 6: \'!image-3!\'"", ""Comment 7: \'Please verify data in your ERP application"", \'Comment 8: it seems that the the data in customer are incorrect. Please verify if the field country is not empty \', \'Comment 9: if yes\', ""Comment 10: fill it with correct value.We do not support and do not have access to your ERP system.\'"", \'Comment 11: ""Plugin return message: ERROR sending datacontract to webmethods.io.Bad request: Exception of type \\\'Evolution.DHCERPService.Service.Interface.ExceptionHandling.DataValidationException\\\' was thrown.CustomerAddressObject Id: 5637192585 Country Is required""\', ""Comment 12: \'This is the message I get from AIS when I exported the customer data to DHC. first it must be fixed before I resent the SO-537\'"", ""Comment 13: \'Yes but this address and customer is now only in YOUR ERP.Kotrak SA do not support this system. DO NOT HAVE access there"", \'Comment 14: DO NOT HAVE permissions to make any changes there.ASK someone who is this ERP Operator to create or correct this address.OR as I asked You before\', \'Comment 15: if you verified in that system\', \'Comment 16: that address is correct in that ERP \', \'Comment 17: please send some screenshot to show us that in program \', ""Comment 18: that the field named Country ( probably I do not know how this system looks) is completed.\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +49,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8983\n\n### Instruction:\nthe following production in pcs cannot be found as PLRs in DHP\r\nlot number : 202301130006 9004(6mm)-b20\r\n 202304150002 9004(6mm)-b20\r\nkindly help\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 2: \'!image-2023-04-17-18-04-58-117.png!\'"", ""Comment 3: \'Lot number 202301130006 is in DHP as 0722130123003 but for other item!image-2023-04-17-18-10-21-960.png|width=671,height=276!You do not precise for what plant you are missing that plr.\'"", ""Comment 4: \'sorry i made a mistake with the first lot numberit is 202304130006 and it is tema plant\'"", ""Comment 5: \'brak wpisów tu dla lot z 15i 13 kwietnia!image-2023-04-17-19-39-03-591.png!\'"", \'Comment 6: ""Please I didn\\\'t find nothing in errors or log files. Could you please may ask you pcs provider if the plr\\\'s were sent? Or ask them to try again and send us date and our of that operation.""\', ""Comment 7: \'okay i will do that\'"", ""Comment 8: \'Waiting for your feedback then.Regards\'"", \'Comment 9: ""I see in the database that those batches are finished in manual mode. Due to the manual mode exports won\\\'t run\', \'Comment 10: the export is triggered by the PLC when the batch has finished.It is not possible to export these 2 lotnumbers by hand. this is the response from the pcs provider""\', ""Comment 11: \'Thank you response"", \'Comment 12: we do not have access to this database\', \'Comment 13: it seems it is not DHP database.So could this person send a screenshot\', ""Comment 14: so we can see date when it was send.Also could he verify LOGS in their application.Cause because it is not our we are not able to verify that,\'"", ""Comment 15: \'the pcs provider says that because the dosing was done manually"", ""Comment 16: data is not sent. what do we do in this case.\'"", \'Comment 17: ""Well\', \'Comment 18: we do not support your PCS. If PCS users and providers did sent it to DHP in correct in that case as a work around:You are able to add plr\\\'s for both items from DHP. Ask you PCS provider for data to create it to be correct.!image-2023-04-20-17-54-32-722.png!""\', ""Comment 19: \'ok thank you. please close\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +50,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8982\n\n### Instruction:\nWe have a small request. The guarantees section is a bit out of line with the rest of the margins, as you can see on the screenshot. Could you put this in line with the rest of the document?\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'!image!\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", \'Comment 3: ""Hi Steffen,we\\\'ve made changes in TEST and PROD environment.You can verify it.Best regards,Grzegorz""\', ""Comment 4: \'Hello"", \'Comment 5: This looks good\', ""Comment 6: thank you.\'"", \'Comment 7: ""Hi,I\\\'m closing the task.Best regards,Grzegorz""]\']\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +51,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8981\n\n### Instruction:\nplease i nee dan urgent answer to the following error in DHC and how to solve it. it is really causing issues for us.\r\n\r\nError of type XLApiException has been thrown (XLNowyDokument:33).\r\nAPI Name - XLNowyDokument\r\nAPI Result - 33\r\nFlags - 16\r\nBŁĘDY:|Nie udało się wymusić numeru dokumentu/niepoprawny numer. (NowyDokument-33)\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'Hello,Kindly approve lowering priority of this task to P2 as P1 issues are only those with a critical or a blocking impact on business processes . This seems not to be the case in this issue so we suggest decreasing the issue priority.Regards\'"", ""Comment 2: \'okay approved\'"", ""Comment 3: \'Please provide me with impacted VT number. Direct translation of the error is:Error of type XLApiException has been thrown (XLNewDocument:33).API Name - XLNewDocumentAPI Result - 33Flags - 16BUGS:|Failed to force document number/invalid number. (NewDocument-33)\'"", ""Comment 4: \'VT 340/4/23/MAG\'"", \'Comment 5: ""{code:java}2023-04-17 00:33:21,881 [8] INFO Evolution.ErpIntegrator.IntegrationLibrary.Documents.VehicleTickets.VehicleTicketProcessor [(null)] - VehicleTicket - VT-340/2/2023/AC [Id: 2ac95ea4-c659-4b80-912e-4ff6d6d53b00]2023-04-17 00:33:21,881 [8] DEBUG Evolution.ErpIntegrator.IntegrationLibrary.Documents.VehicleTickets.VehicleTicketProcessor [(null)] - VehicleTicket Validator started - Evolution.ErpIntegrator.Extensions.VTOrderValidator.VehicleTicketOrderValidator2023-04-17 00:33:21,928 [8] DEBUG Evolution.ErpIntegrator.IntegrationLibrary.Documents.VehicleTickets.VehicleTicketProcessor [(null)] - VehicleTicket Validator finished - Evolution.ErpIntegrator.Extensions.VTOrderValidator.VehicleTicketOrderValidator2023-04-17 00:33:22,053 [12] DEBUG Evolution.ErpIntegrator.IntegrationLibrary.Documents.VehicleTickets.GenerateWarehouseMovementReceipt [(null)] - GenerateWarehouseMovementReceipt execution started2023-04-17 00:33:22,116 [12] DEBUG Evolution.ErpIntegrator.CdnXL.CdnXL2020.Transactions.XLTransaction [(null)] - XL transaction created\', \'Comment 6: token ID - A9;:>L8PO1G51lAK_JbP==5---.SH---2023-04-17 00:33:22,194 [12] DEBUG Evolution.ErpIntegrator.IntegrationLibrary.Documents.VehicleTickets.GenerateWarehouseMovementReceipt [(null)] - Creating WMR+ element for vte Id: 58046c96-a30a-4acd-ac42-68c418020ed4 (1003400 - 22500.000000)2023-04-17 00:33:22,256 [12] DEBUG Evolution.ErpIntegrator.IntegrationLibrary.Documents.VehicleTickets.GenerateWarehouseMovementReceipt [(null)] - Found 0 WMR- () for order IO-582/232023-04-17 00:33:22,287 [12] DEBUG Evolution.ErpIntegrator.CdnXL.CdnXL2020.Transactions.XLTransaction [(null)] - XL transaction rollbacked\', ""Comment 7: token ID - A9;:>L8PO1G51lAK_JbP==5---.SH---2023-04-17 00:33:22,287 [12] DEBUG Evolution.ErpIntegrator.DHC.DHC30.Database.DhcTransaction [(null)] - DHC transaction rollback staeted2023-04-17 00:33:22,287 [12] DEBUG Evolution.ErpIntegrator.DHC.DHC30.Database.DhcTransaction [(null)] - DHC transaction rollback finished2023-04-17 00:33:22,303 [12] ERROR Evolution.ErpIntegrator.IntegrationLibrary.Documents.VehicleTickets.GenerateWarehouseMovementReceipt [(null)] - Can\'t find WMR- document to map to WMR+Evolution.ErpIntegrator.ERP.Interfaces.Exceptions.WarehouseMovementReleaseNotMappedException: Can\'t find WMR- document to map to WMR+ at Evolution.ErpIntegrator.IntegrationLibrary.Documents.VehicleTickets.GenerateWarehouseMovementReceipt.MapWarehouseMovementRelease(VehicleTicket vehicleTicket"", \'Comment 8: InternalOrder internalOrder\', \'Comment 9: WarehouseMovementReceipt warehouseMovementReceipt) at Evolution.ErpIntegrator.IntegrationLibrary.Documents.VehicleTickets.GenerateWarehouseMovementReceipt.OnExecute(VehicleTicket vehicleTicket)2023-04-17 00:33:22,381 [12] DEBUG Evolution.ErpIntegrator.IntegrationLibrary.Documents.VehicleTickets.GenerateWarehouseMovementReceipt [(null)] - GenerateWarehouseMovementReceipt execution finished{code}""\', ""Comment 10: \'{code:java}2023-04-17 13:17:23,613 [14] DEBUG Evolution.ErpIntegrator.IntegrationLibrary.Documents.VehicleTickets.GenerateWarehouseMovementReceipt [(null)] - GenerateWarehouseMovementReceipt execution finished2023-04-17 13:17:23,910 [9] INFO Evolution.ErpIntegrator.IntegrationLibrary.Documents.VehicleTickets.VehicleTicketProcessor [(null)] - VehicleTicket - VT-340/4/2023/AC [Id: e4e59c58-ba22-4c83-9fce-2d64540747a2]2023-04-17 13:17:23,910 [9] DEBUG Evolution.ErpIntegrator.IntegrationLibrary.Documents.VehicleTickets.VehicleTicketProcessor [(null)] - VehicleTicket Validator started - Evolution.ErpIntegrator.Extensions.VTOrderValidator.VehicleTicketOrderValidator2023-04-17 13:17:23,910 [9] DEBUG Evolution.ErpIntegrator.IntegrationLibrary.Documents.VehicleTickets.VehicleTicketProcessor [(null)] - VehicleTicket Validator finished - Evolution.ErpIntegrator.Extensions.VTOrderValidator.VehicleTicketOrderValidator2023-04-17 13:17:24,270 [8] DEBUG Evolution.ErpIntegrator.IntegrationLibrary.Documents.VehicleTickets.GenerateSalesOrderRelease [(null)] - GenerateSalesOrderRelease execution started2023-04-17 13:17:24,488 [8] DEBUG Evolution.ErpIntegrator.IntegrationLibrary.Documents.VehicleTickets.GenerateSalesOrderRelease [(null)] - Forcing document number - 805/4/2023/MAG for vt element id - Id: 7a1e4ad0-e080-4b91-8abf-f96647fefdc22023-04-17 13:17:24,660 [8] DEBUG Evolution.ErpIntegrator.IntegrationLibrary.Documents.VehicleTickets.GenerateSalesOrderRelease [(null)] - VehicleTicketElement Validator started - Evolution.ErpIntegrator.Extensions.VTOrderValidator.VehicleTicketOrderValidator2023-04-17 13:17:25,363 [8] DEBUG Evolution.ErpIntegrator.IntegrationLibrary.Documents.VehicleTickets.GenerateSalesOrderRelease [(null)] - VehicleTicketElement Validator finished - Evolution.ErpIntegrator.Extensions.VTOrderValidator.VehicleTicketOrderValidator2023-04-17 13:17:25,379 [8] DEBUG Evolution.ErpIntegrator.CdnXL.CdnXL2020.Transactions.XLTransaction [(null)] - XL transaction created"", \'Comment 11: token ID - gEl.P/^14Q7<8M]H^h`7A-5----_C]--2023-04-17 13:17:25,379 [8] DEBUG Evolution.ErpIntegrator.CdnXL.CdnXL2020.Documents.Ordes.CdnXL2020OrderRepository [(null)] - Found reservation 1\', \'Comment 12: 2960142023-04-17 13:17:25,395 [8] DEBUG Evolution.ErpIntegrator.CdnXL.CdnXL2020.Documents.Ordes.CdnXL2020OrderRepository [(null)] - Found reservation 1\', \'Comment 13: 2960152023-04-17 13:17:25,395 [8] DEBUG Evolution.ErpIntegrator.CdnXL.CdnXL2020.Documents.Ordes.CdnXL2020OrderRepository [(null)] - Found reservation 1\', \'Comment 14: 2960132023-04-17 13:17:25,410 [8] DEBUG Evolution.ErpIntegrator.CdnXL.CdnXL2020.Documents.Ordes.CdnXL2020OrderRepository [(null)] - Found reservation 1\', \'Comment 15: 2960162023-04-17 13:17:25,410 [8] INFO Evolution.ErpIntegrator.IntegrationLibrary.Documents.VehicleTickets.GenerateSalesOrderRelease [(null)] - Prcision 22023-04-17 13:17:25,410 [8] INFO Evolution.ErpIntegrator.IntegrationLibrary.Documents.VehicleTickets.GenerateSalesOrderRelease [(null)] - Prcision 22023-04-17 13:17:25,410 [8] INFO Evolution.ErpIntegrator.IntegrationLibrary.Documents.VehicleTickets.GenerateSalesOrderRelease [(null)] - Prcision 22023-04-17 13:17:25,410 [8] INFO Evolution.ErpIntegrator.IntegrationLibrary.Documents.VehicleTickets.GenerateSalesOrderRelease [(null)] - Prcision 22023-04-17 13:17:25,426 [8] DEBUG Evolution.ErpIntegrator.CdnXL.Interfaces.Documents.ExternalOrderTransactions.XLAPIExternalOrderTransaction [(null)] - NB Flag - Class = Net\', ""Comment 16: API = N2023-04-17 13:17:25,754 [8] ERROR Evolution.ErpIntegrator.CdnXL.CdnXL2020.Documents.ExternalOrderTransactions.CdnXL2020ExternalOrderTransactionRepository [(null)] - Error of type Evolution.ErpIntegrator.CdnXL.CdnXL2020.XLApiException has been thrown (XLNowyDokument:33).API Name - XLNowyDokumentAPI Result - 33Flags - 16B£ʄY:|Nie uda³o si꠷ymusi栮umeru dokumentu/niepoprawny numer. (NowyDokument-33) at Evolution.ErpIntegrator.CdnXL.CdnXL2020.Documents.ExternalOrderTransactions.CdnXL2020ExternalOrderTransactionRepository.CreateHeader(XLExternalOrderTransaction documentHeader) in C:\\\\\\\\TeamCity\\\\\\\\buildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\57a7e278b67a115c\\\\\\\\Evolution.ErpIntegrator\\\\\\\\CdnXL\\\\\\\\Evolution.ErpIntegrator.CdnXL.CdnXL2020\\\\\\\\Documents\\\\\\\\ExternalOrderTransactions\\\\\\\\CdnXL2020ExternalOrderTransactionRepository.cs:line 792023-04-17 13:17:25,754 [8] ERROR Evolution.ErpIntegrator.CdnXL.CdnXL2020.Transactions.XLTransaction [(null)] - XL rollback error - possibly no transactionError of type Evolution.ErpIntegrator.CdnXL.CdnXL2020.XLApiException has been thrown (XLTransakcja - Rollback:-1).API Name - XLTransakcja - RollbackAPI Result - -1{code}\'"", ""Comment 17: \'zamowienie dla podanego vt[[DHC] generowanie dokumentów z VT|onenote:https://kotrak.sharepoint.com/sites/erpasysta/Shared%20Documents/Baza%20wiedzy/Baza%20Wiedzy%20-%20ERPSD/Klienci/DEHEUS/DEHEUS%20APPLICATIONS/RPA/Baza%20wiedzy.one#%5bDHC%5d%20generowanie%20dokument%C3%B3w%20z%20VT§ion-id=\\\\\\\\{A2F09CD6-A23A-42F3-92F5-ED66B521455B}&page-id=\\\\\\\\{AFD9446F-4C74-4FAE-9502-1F02911E382C}&end] ([Widok sieci Web|https://kotrak.sharepoint.com/sites/erpasysta/_layouts/OneNote.aspx?id=%2Fsites%2Ferpasysta%2FShared%20Documents%2FBaza%20wiedzy%2FBaza%20Wiedzy%20-%20ERPSD&wd=target%28Klienci%2FDEHEUS%2FDEHEUS%20APPLICATIONS%2FRPA%2FBaza%20wiedzy.one%7CA2F09CD6-A23A-42F3-92F5-ED66B521455B%2F%5BDHC%5D%20generowanie%20dokument%C3%B3w%20z%20VT%7CAFD9446F-4C74-4FAE-9502-1F02911E382C%2F%29])\'"", \'Comment 18: ""SELECT vt.ExpectedElementsQuantity\', \'Comment 19: vee.DocumentNumber,vt.documentnumber,d.* FROM [dbo].[VehicleTickets] vt join [dbo].[VehicleTicketElements] ve on vt.Id=ve.VehicleTicketId join [dbo].[VehicleTicketElementERPDocuments] vee on vee.VehicleTicketElementId=ve.Id join [dbo].[VehicleTicketDocumentNumbers] d on d.Id=ve.DocumentNumberId where vt.id = \\\'1D34D81C-0CEF-4B9A-B0B5-B957978A0EC7\\\' or d.id in ( select id from [dbo].[VehicleTicketDocumentNumbers] where DocumentYear=2023 and DocumentMonth=4 )order by d.DocumentNumber desc""\', ""Comment 20: \'!image-2023-04-17-14-50-43-569.png!\'"", ""Comment 21: \'Good morningWhile reviewing the request"", \'Comment 22: we noticed that there was a problem with the operation of erp xl on server is a bug which sometimes happens in ERPXL\', \'Comment 23: when the user mainly uses a language version other than Polish.This situation caused a problem with generation of documents - it has been fixed.As for the error itself\', \'Comment 24: it can be translated to"" Failed to force document number/invalid number.""It is due to the fact that in dhc is generated maximum document number predicted for VTwhich is already used in ERP XL ( it is about the full document number including series ).When such situation happened sometimes in other countries were single SOR documents generated manually by the operator then we suggest that you cancel the documents made manually\', \'Comment 25: then the number is released and you can generate an SOR document from DHC\', \'Comment 26: and the manual document from another order is then created again by the operator.I verified that recently for SOR documents with ""mag"" series from April\', \'Comment 27: the maximum number generated from dhc is SOR SOR-696/23/MAG with vt 34/4/2023/AC. However\', \'Comment 28: since then in erp xl for sales orders with MAG series\', \'Comment 29: there were manually generated SOR documents that block the indicated number.In addition\', \'Comment 30: after erp xl was repaired\', \'Comment 31: the message given appeared for some cases - so it is possible that some of the ungenerated SOs in dhc were generated manually.Like here :!image-2023-04-17-17-19-54-875.png!this message means that the source document\', \'Comment 32: i.e. SO is in the status not allowing executionSO for that vt is 811. This order is already executed in erp xl!image-2023-04-17-17-23-15-370.png!SOR documents with mag series for April generated by a non-erpint operator are currently 134.So numbers from 697 up tu 806 are blocked.In that case for the first one I am asking you to as users ( mainly Hdabi - who created all documents from that list) to stop creating manual SOR for SO for MAG series until we solve this,The second thing\', \'Comment 33: please review the given file in the first sheet is a list of vt for which there may be a problem with the generation. The second sheet is the number of SOR and orders. Please have them reviewed and decisions made or executed : their cancellation If any SOr on the list concerned an order related to ""hanging vt""\', ""Comment 34: please add in the file what about the document in the following columns. !image-2023-04-17-17-40-50-483.png![^sors.xlsx]I!image-2023-04-17-17-40-50-483!\'"", \'Comment 35: ""select trn_gidnumer,cdn.nazwaobiektu(TrN_GIDTyp,trn_gidnumer,1,2) as numberSOR,--TrN_OpeNumerW,cdn.NazwaObiektu(zan_gidtyp,zan_gidnumer,1,2) as Ordernumber from cdn.tranag left join cdn.zamnag on zan_gidnumer=TrN_ZaNNumerwhere trn_gidtyp in ( 2001) and TrN_RokMiesiac=202304 and trn_trnnumer >=697 and trn_openumerw<>2and trn_stan not in (6) and TrN_TrNSeria in (\\\'mag\\\')SELECT vt.ExpectedElementsQuantity\', \'Comment 36: vee.DocumentNumber,vt.documentnumber\', \'Comment 37: d.* FROM [dbo].[VehicleTickets] vt join [dbo].[VehicleTicketElements] ve on vt.Id=ve.VehicleTicketId join [dbo].[VehicleTicketElementERPDocuments] vee on vee.VehicleTicketElementId=ve.Id join [dbo].[VehicleTicketDocumentNumbers] d on d.Id=ve.DocumentNumberId where vt.id = \\\'1D34D81C-0CEF-4B9A-B0B5-B957978A0EC7\\\' or d.id in ( select id from [dbo].[VehicleTicketDocumentNumbers] where DocumentYear=2023 and DocumentMonth=4 ) and vee. DocumentNumber is null order by d.DocumentNumber desc""\', ""Comment 38: \'okay your submission is well noted"", ""Comment 39: is there a way we can see which document number an SOR is supposed to have?\'"", ""Comment 40: \'so if i should cancel all the SORs in the list will it resume automatic generation?\'"", ""Comment 41: \'Yes in cases where there is a connection to vt in DHC,For other cases the SO will be confirmed or in progress.You may verify them later.\'"", ""Comment 42: \'okay then \'"", ""Comment 43: \'Will you cancel the Sors? If yes I will wait until you did it. I\'"", ""Comment 44: \'i will speak to finance if i can cancel the SORs"", ""Comment 45: if not i will let you know\'"", ""Comment 46: \'we have identified SORs we want to cancel"", \'Comment 47: we want to be sure if we should go ahead and cancel them\', ""Comment 48: can we force the start of automatic document generation?\'"", ""Comment 49: \'And we also need the excel list for Johnson as well"", ""Comment 50: you only sent MAG\'"", \'Comment 51: ""Please ignore what i have said earlier.The main issue now is all the SORs on the list has to be reported to head quarters this week and from Finance they are advising that we don\\\'t cancel anything and if we do not cancel anything\', \'Comment 52: is it possible to force the automatic generation starting from the last available SOR number?""\', ""Comment 53: \'I need to contact with developers with that - as I understand you want the SORs to be started with the first free number yes ?Automatic generation is still working"", \'Comment 54: but for some documents where you have an error.I prepare second file with 2 sheets in first you have vt with existing document number ( api-33) and in second sheet you have few VT\', ""Comment 55: that are related to orders that SOr documents generated manually as you can see.We may mapp this douments.For error api-33 we need to consult it with our developers.Also it looks that works willworks may exceed the 3 rbh.[^ghana_analisys2.xlsx]\'"", \'Comment 56: ""Przydatne selectySELECT vt.ExpectedElementsQuantity\', \'Comment 57: vee.DocumentNumber,vt.documentnumber\', \'Comment 58: vee.message,o.DocumentNumber as ordernumber\', \'Comment 59: o.id as orderid\', \'Comment 60: d.*FROM [dbo].[VehicleTickets] vtjoin [dbo].[VehicleTicketElements] ve on vt.Id=ve.VehicleTicketIdjoin [dbo].[VehicleTicketElementERPDocuments] vee on vee.VehicleTicketElementId=ve.Idjoin [dbo].[VehicleTicketDocumentNumbers] d on d.Id=ve.DocumentNumberIdjoin dbo. OrderElements oe on oe.Id=ve.OrderElementIdjoin dbo.orders o on o.id=oe.OrderId-- join [ERPXL_GHA_PROD] .cdn.TraNag erp on erp.trn_gidnumer=pt.XlIdwhere d.id in (select id from [dbo].[VehicleTicketDocumentNumbers] where DocumentYear=2023 and DocumentMonth=4 ) and vee.DocumentNumber is null and vee.Message is not null order by d.DocumentNumber desci dla wyfiltrowanych błędów z api-158 czyli tam gdzie status zamowienia jest złyselect ERPXL_GHA_PROD.CDN.nazwaobiektu(zan_gidtyp,zan_gidnumer,1,2)\', \'Comment 61: ERPXL_GHA_PROD.CDN.nazwaobiektu(TrN_GIDTyp,TrN_GIDNumer,1,2),z.zan_stan\', \'Comment 62: TrN_OpeNumerW from DhcErpPlugin_GHA_Prod.dbo.OrderSyncs pojoin ERPXL_GHA_PROD.cdn.ZamNag z on z.zan_gidnumer=xlidjoin ERPXL_GHA_PROD.cdn.TraNag t on t.trn_zannumer=z.ZaN_GIDNumerwhere po.DhcId in (\\\'6DE29D59-8F78-4647-A4FB-D619E6E0F6FA\\\',\\\'7610DC71-A50A-4057-A2E5-D6EBEFD81A2E\\\',\\\'12F2ED3C-66A1-4C75-BE90-AE82A5B4C4B0\\\',\\\'A9776347-68EF-49CD-A720-EC8EE38DCB91\\\',\\\'28443909-7191-40BA-9B0C-F6AAF0CC29C4\\\',\\\'2E226F97-2A0C-496E-BEDF-E1E3D49842A3\\\',\\\'5247F3C3-A272-4D10-9D3D-172703B28924\\\')erpint ma gidnumer 2 więc ostatniej kolumnie jak nie ma 2 znaczy to że oni wystawili.""\', ""Comment 63: \'what do you mean by mapping these documents please?\'"", \'Comment 64: ""Hello,I clicked all documents vt in april with the error api-result=33It took about 1 rbh.AsAs I informed you\', \'Comment 65: the part with the error api-33 ( no number) turned into 158 - that is\', \'Comment 66: they are VTs connected to orders already completed in part or in full. Sometimes there are 2-3 such cases in other customers then we can map the SOR document in ERPXL and DHC. However\', \'Comment 67: currently - at 8 pm such cases are with you : 112 VT. Counting for each about 10-15 minutes for updates it is about 28- manhours.And there still be 36 vt blocked by numeration.And the last free number is also set in DHP\', \'Comment 68: so I guess it may be also 2-3 hours of our work.I understand that the finance department may not be pleased to have to cancel erroneously generated documents by document users. However\', \'Comment 69: cancellation is the simplest\', \'Comment 70: fastest\', \'Comment 71: and safest solution in this situation. I can prepare for you a filter on the SOR list in erp xl\', \'Comment 72: which will search for all documents from April\', ""Comment 73: with the series \'mag\' created by an operator other than erp xl.You may then checked all filter documents and then just cancel it.Then maybe there will be need to press generate on hanging vt from april from Thema"", \'Comment 74: but we or you may do it\', \'Comment 75: and it want take more then 1 or max 2 hours\', \'Comment 76: to verify or resynchronised that.ALSO ASK YOUR TEAM to stop generating SOR\', \'Comment 77: until we finished blocking function.""\', ""Comment 78: \'ookay i understand you.I have asked them to stop generating SORs but it is not only tema but johnson also\'"", ""Comment 79: \'i mean it is not only mag but johnson also\'"", ""Comment 80: \'please create the filter for the series mag and jons please\'"", ""Comment 81: \'I do not know If you understand"", \'Comment 82: that this task is for problem with api-result-33 error message on vt.I do not see that VT with that error wich diffrent plant.If you see that VT for that plant are not generated for diffrent reason please create other task.For case I am trying to explain you I am asking for your decision,a. Do you agree to cancel incorrect SOR documents ?- and you will do It?b. Do you want other solution that could cost you about 30 man-hoursPlease send one clear response\', \'Comment 83: because\', \'Comment 84: every single comment\', \'Comment 85: which does not allow us to start any work\', \'Comment 86: it only disturbs the way SLa is calculated in this task. In addition\', \'Comment 87: if you would decide to second change suggest changing the type of request to Service Request because it is a large amount of work that is due to user errors or create new SR\', ""Comment 88: for fixing about 150 VT.\'"", ""Comment 89: \'We agree to cancel incorrect SOR documents and we will do it\'"", ""Comment 90: \'Ok so as I mentioned I created a filter so you can find all documents on SOR listwith that criteria : type=SOR"", \'Comment 91: created by user different then erp_integrator\', \'Comment 92: from april 042023\', ""Comment 93: with mag series.!image-2023-04-21-16-00-23-278.png!If you need to have some information for future what will be cancell you may use export to excel after you filtered that!image-2023-04-21-16-01-35-999.png!Please verify.\'"", ""Comment 94: \'okay\'"", ""Comment 95: \'i cannot find the filter \'"", ""Comment 96: \'!image!\'"", ""Comment 97: \'use module sales !image-2023-04-21-18-14-22-014.png!\'"", ""Comment 98: \'that is what i used\'"", \'Comment 99: ""let\\\'s meet on teams on Monday""\', ""Comment 100: \'Hellooo so i realised when i use the filter it only filters for MAG but not JOHNSON\'"", \'Comment 101: ""YESdid you read/see my previus comments - are all my comments visiblePlease read that and let me know if for vt that was matter for that task that were reason for THAT issue after cancellation it works fine.CAUSE AS I ALSO EXPLAINED YOU BEFORE\', \'Comment 102: for series different than mag there were no errors likeAPI Result - 33.So please if there are problem with Vt from Johnson CREATE A NEW TASK.And for VT\\\'s from Tema plant. Did you cancel them and they were generated successfully?!image-2023-04-25-10-11-40-462.png!""\', ""Comment 103: \'okay understood\'"", ""Comment 104: \'the SORs have been cancelled what is the next steps\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +52,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8980\n\n### Instruction:\nProduct 329900 is available in DHC, but not in DHP Helmond. Can you resend it to DHP Helmond?\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Item is in DHP now !screenshot-1! \'"", \'Comment 3: ""Thanks\', \'Comment 4: it\\\'s working now.""\', ""Comment 5: \'Thank you for confirmation.\\\\rFrom DHC version 3.0.60 problem should not occur.\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +53,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8979\n\n### Instruction:\nHi, task from Paulina\r\n\r\nRafał Boniecki\r\n\r\n\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'!image!\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 3: \'Trigger has been disabled. Immediately after making changes"", ""Comment 4: please let me know if it can be turned on.\'"", ""Comment 5: \'Please let me know if the trigger can be enabled\'"", ""Comment 6: \'No"", ""Comment 7: we will turn it on ourselves if we need.\'"", ""Comment 8: \'Task to close.\'"", ""Comment 9: \'ok"", \'Comment 10: but we would like to inform you that the trigger was created to ensure the correctness of the provisions regarding fixed-term contracts\', \'Comment 11: its disabling may cause numerous irregularities in the system. The trigger should be constantly on\', \'Comment 12: only in exceptional situations (due to the layout of old data) it can be turned off for a while. If incorrect data is multiplied\', ""Comment 13: turning it on this trigger will generate enormous number of error messages.\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +54,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8978\n\n### Instruction:\nHi, \r\n\r\nThese item (883486200030, 883486500030, 883486900070) are zero quantity in Item screen. However, when I check with Administrator >>special function>> Restore Item stock, I do see transaction (please refer attached for more details). What kinds of these transactions are? Why cannot I restore it?\r\n\r\nBest Regards, \r\n\r\nClara\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'!image!!image-1!!image-2!!image-3!\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", \'Comment 3: ""Hi Clara,On your screenshot I can see ERP XL version 2020\', \'Comment 4: however\', \'Comment 5: in our accesses I don\\\'t have information about server with 2020 versio. Could you please provide me with the ip address of the relevant server?Regards""\', ""Comment 6: \'Hi,I do raise for Food Business. Please reach there\'"", ""Comment 7: \'Hi"", \'Comment 8: Are you able to access it? Best Regards\', ""Comment 9: Clara\'"", ""Comment 10: \'Hi"", ""Comment 11: Any update? \'"", ""Comment 12: \'We are working on this issue.Regards\'"", ""Comment 13: \'What database?!image-2023-04-20-11-41-07-633.png!I should start that password: Admin@123 does not work for none of above DB.!image-2023-04-20-11-41-55-278.png!Regards\'"", ""Comment 14: \'Please work on DHF_MM\'"", ""Comment 15: \'But the passwordAdmin@123 does not work\'"", ""Comment 16: \'Last time has no issue. Any way please try again.\'"", ""Comment 17: \'Item stock restoration in history mode allows you to determine what happened to the items historically.Analysis below: # Item 883486200030When you double-click on the item"", ""Comment 18: you can see that there is a difference for the stock quantity forIR+211/04/23/Y!image-2023-04-20-14-24-26-126.png!If there is a delivery document in the details!image-2023-04-20-14-25-03-536.png!you can go to History and find the differences!image-2023-04-20-14-26-06-810.png!!image-2023-04-20-14-27-08-126.png!you can find the reason for the differenceThis document need to be confirm - WR--936/04/232.883486500030!image-2023-04-20-14-34-51-009.png!Same document:!image-2023-04-20-14-36-14-736.png!3.883486900070!image-2023-04-20-14-37-28-084.png!Same document:!image-2023-04-20-14-38-28-903.png!!image-2023-04-20-14-41-26-871.png!\'"", ""Comment 19: \'This document must be confirmed WR--936/04/23 and created related trade document.Another way is to delete this WR--936/04/23 ( if it is incorrect).There will be differences if there is no complete set of documents.\'"", ""Comment 20: \'Hi"", ""Comment 21: I will check with user and proceed. You can close the ticket now. Thanks\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +55,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8977\n\n### Instruction:\nHi\r\n\r\nPleas help to check this PLR 4361200323092 in Hai Phong 2 Plant ( 0436).\r\n\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'[^PLR - 4361200323092.docx] _(170 kB)_\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 3: \'View from App!image-2023-04-17-08-46-36-705.png!\'"", ""Comment 4: \'!image-2023-04-17-08-49-15-009.png!!image-2023-04-17-08-50-24-894.png!\'"", \'Comment 5: ""Hi,I tried to verify your issue but:>> there is no PLR: 4361200323092 visible in the app update: found it by PrO number>> I can see it under database but in PLR\\\'s elements I can see only one element: item1002010 Could you please explain that?""\', \'Comment 6: ""{code:java}SELECT * FROM [DHPlantProdBusinessLogicMain].[dbo].[ProductionLots] where LotNumber = \\\'4361200323092\\\' SELECT * FROM [DHPlantProdBusinessLogicMain].[dbo].[ProductionLotElements] where RecipeId = \\\'241D59C2-D7DB-4D0A-BDCB-809E5171D163\\\' --and ItemId = \\\'6166FA3D-93F8-4A21-962D-018997A344AF\\\' SELECT * FROM [DHPlantProdBusinessLogicMain].[dbo].[Recipes] where ItemId = \\\'87130F35-55F0-41D1-97C1-5C9141434D19\\\' SELECT * FROM [DHPlantProdBusinessLogicMain].[dbo].[RecipeElements] where Id = \\\'241D59C2-D7DB-4D0A-BDCB-809E5171D163\\\' SELECT * FROM [DHPlantProdBusinessLogicMain].[dbo].[Items] where code = \\\'2579\\\' SELECT * FROM [DHPlantProdBusinessLogicMain].[dbo].[Items] where id in (\\\'6166FA3D-93F8-4A21-962D-018997A344AF\\\',\\\'EC557595-73C0-41DA-B98C-D827B824026C\\\',\\\'47266428-01DF-42AF-818C-6A326688E5CB\\\'){code}""\', ""Comment 7: \'!image-2023-04-17-09-11-45-719.png!!image-2023-04-17-09-12-12-445.png!\'"", ""Comment 8: \'!image-2023-04-17-09-26-52-906.png!\'"", ""Comment 9: \'!image-2023-04-17-09-41-47-853.png!!image-2023-04-17-09-41-16-666.png!\'"", ""Comment 10: \'Cześć [~maciej.dobrzanski@kotrak.com]Maciej,[~marcin.block@kotrak.com]sugerujena analize w Developmencie"", ""Comment 11: to też zostawiam ciekawy kejs :P :)\'"", ""Comment 12: \'Please be informed that we have forwarded the issue to the development team in order to internal analysis.We are waiting for more details and will be back with further information as soon as possible.\'"", ""Comment 13: \'Hello,Is there any update on this issue?\'"", ""Comment 14: \'Hi [~Hardy.huy@deheus.com],We have planned to work on this ticket tomorrow\'"", ""Comment 15: \'[~marcin.block@kotrak.com] będzie rozmawiał z Ericiem\'"", ""Comment 16: \'[~maciej.dobrzanski@kotrak.com] [~marcin.block@kotrak.com]dziękuję <3\'"", ""Comment 17: \'hi Maciej"", \'Comment 18: this is user mistake. please close this case. this bagging recipe should not be prepare by this way. Normally\', ""Comment 19: bagging recipe will have 1 bulk and 1 empty bag.\'"", ""Comment 20: \'We are closing this task. Thank you.\'"", ""Comment 21: \'Hi [~Eric.quang@deheus.com]Thsnk you for the response\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +56,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8976\n\n### Instruction:\nHi,\r\nWe can not preview all printout\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'!image!\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 3: \'wydruki nie chodziły tez 16 i 15 mieli jakies bledy!image-2023-04-17-03-24-41-689.png!\'"", ""Comment 4: \'było przy wejsciu na serwer 503"", \'Comment 5: usluga niby działa\', ""Comment 6: teoretycznie,profilaktycznie restart usługi potem puli na iis !image-2023-04-17-04-09-06-849.png!teraz infow logach ndal o błedzie ale ze maszyna na ktorej jest ssrs odmawia dostępu !image-2023-04-17-04-06-48-230.png!!image-2023-04-17-04-08-11-895! !image-2023-04-17-04-09-06-849!\'"", ""Comment 7: \'bledy z uslugie srrs sprzed restartu: !image-2023-04-17-04-16-48-364.png!!image-2023-04-17-04-15-40-493.png!\'"", ""Comment 8: \'Widzę że ktoś u nas (?)coś zmieniał!image-2023-04-17-04-27-47-215.png!\'"", ""Comment 9: \'odnośnie daty licencji wyglada ze jest expired od 13.01ale to moze tez wskazywac na jakis blad w konfig ?!image-2023-04-17-04-35-19-217.png!\'"", ""Comment 10: \'Please let me know since when there are problems with Reporting Services"", ""Comment 11: have you done any work on it recently? Or on server10.84.162.71?The problems may indicate problems with the license for Reporting Services\'"", ""Comment 12: \'install that from Kotrak side and it have issue in this morning.what we have to do to solve thís?\'"", ""Comment 13: \'The situation requires verification and possible repair of the configuration of reporting services"", \'Comment 14: it is necessary to support the development team because to make the correct configuration\', \'Comment 15: including in terms of DHP. I forward this information to our development team\', ""Comment 16: assistance will be available in about 3 hours.\'"", ""Comment 17: \'in case continue issue"", ""Comment 18: please install SSRS in\'"", ""Comment 19: \'hi,you can close the ticket\'"", ""Comment 20: \'update tematu: powód DGS - licencje SSRS wygasły\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +57,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8975\n\n### Instruction:\nHi\r\n\r\nWe created a STK-LO for location PRODUÇÃO which has 3 WMS locations.\r\nWhen we try to Confirm the WO(STK-LO), system shows an error message.\r\nCould you please confirm this WO document? Or cancel it.\r\nThere is only this 3 location to finish\r\n\r\nWe are stuck with no action.\r\n\r\nThank you\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'!image-1!!image-2!\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hello,\\\\r\\\\rWe are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.\\\\r\\\\rRegards\'"", ""Comment 3: \'Hello,could you bring back a new password for my user for mubrasil domain. - AjanuszewskaI am not able to log on.!image-2023-04-14-22-23-59-601.png!\'"", ""Comment 4: \'Hi [~lalmeida1@deheus.com]Could you please help us with this access?Thank you\'"", ""Comment 5: \'Hi [~Agnieszka.Januszewska@kotrak.com]You are using wrong domain.It must be LATAM.corp.deheus.comThank you\'"", ""Comment 6: \'!image-2023-04-14-22-40-12-802.png!\'"", ""Comment 7: \'it works thank You\'"", \'Comment 8: ""select *into dbo.StorageLocationsBack2from dbo.StorageLocationswhere ParentId = \\\'0b024a71-b586-49e3-a4c8-9237c088801b\\\'--update dbo.StorageLocations--set ParentId = null--where ParentId =\\\'0b024a71-b586-49e3-a4c8-9237c088801b\\\'""\', ""Comment 9: \'Could you try to confirm WOSTK please?\'"", ""Comment 10: \'WO are procesable please verify!image-2023-04-14-23-23-55-621.png!\'"", ""Comment 11: \'[[DHP 3.0] Inwentaryzacja "", ""Comment 12: Stocktaking Brazylia.|onenote:https://kotrak.sharepoint.com/sites/erpasysta/Shared%20Documents/Baza%20wiedzy/Baza%20Wiedzy%20-%20ERPSD/Klienci/DEHEUS/DEHEUS%20APPLICATIONS/Brazil/Baza%20wiedzy.one#%5bDHP%203.0%5d%20Inwentaryzacja%20,%20Stocktaking%20Brazylia.§ion-id=\\\\\\\\{05DF1439-683C-45FE-8260-61E2EC66DC91}&page-id=\\\\\\\\{B3F3F0B8-ADEF-4142-8A6F-E63F7E114E16}&end] ([Widok sieci Web|https://kotrak.sharepoint.com/sites/erpasysta/_layouts/OneNote.aspx?id=%2Fsites%2Ferpasysta%2FShared%20Documents%2FBaza%20wiedzy%2FBaza%20Wiedzy%20-%20ERPSD&wd=target%28Klienci%2FDEHEUS%2FDEHEUS%20APPLICATIONS%2FBrazil%2FBaza%20wiedzy.one%7C05DF1439-683C-45FE-8260-61E2EC66DC91%2F%5BDHP%203.0%5D%20Inwentaryzacja%20%2C%20Stocktaking%20Brazylia.%7CB3F3F0B8-ADEF-4142-8A6F-E63F7E114E16%2F%29])\'"", \'Comment 13: ""Hi AgnieszkaNow we can see WO on mobile scanners. Thank youI\\\'d like to ask your help to wait until we finish this coiunting and Settle this STK.So you can lower to P2Thank you""\', ""Comment 14: \'HiThank you for the support.You can close this task\'"", ""Comment 15: \'Hi [~mberbert@deheus.com]@lalmeida1@deheus.com,Could you be so kind and reply my email?Regards\'"", \'Comment 16: ""Hi [Aleksandra.Przybylek@kotrak.com]I asked for [~lalmeida1@deheus.com]\\\'s help in the email.Thank you""\', ""Comment 17: \'Thank you Maicon :)\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[\'DGS-8246\']\n\n### End'}" +58,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8974\n\n### Instruction:\nUnable to run historical prices, when run they either time out or a blank screen appears with no indication as to whether it is running or not. \r\n\r\nServer stack trace: \r\n at System.ServiceModel.Channels.RequestChannel.Request(Message message, TimeSpan timeout)\r\n at System.ServiceModel.Dispatcher.RequestChannelBinder.Request(Message message, TimeSpan timeout)\r\n at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel.Call(String action, Boolean oneway, ProxyOperationRuntime operation, Object[] ins, Object[] outs, TimeSpan timeout)\r\n at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannelProxy.InvokeService(IMethodCallMessage methodCall, ProxyOperationRuntime operation)\r\n at System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannelProxy.Invoke(IMessage message)\r\n\r\nException rethrown at [0]: \r\n at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.HandleReturnMessage(IMessage reqMsg, IMessage retMsg)\r\n at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.PrivateInvoke(MessageData& msgData, Int32 type)\r\n at DHCDNRMPriceService.Contracts.IDHCDNRMPriceService.GetHistoricPriceDocumentsWithPaging(PageRequest`1 request)\r\n at Kotrak.XLInterface.RMPrices.Infrastructure.WcfService.DHCDNRMPriceServiceClient.GetHistoricPriceDocumentsWithPaging(PageRequest`1 request) in E:\\BambooHome\\xml-data\\build-dir\\152764417\\DHGUI-DHCDN1041-JOB1\\DHCDN.RMPrices\\Kotrak.XLInterface.RMPrices.Infrastructure\\WcfService\\DHCDNRMPriceServiceClient.cs:line 81\r\n at Kotrak.XLInterface.RMPrices.Infrastructure.WcfService.Paging.<>c__DisplayClass2_0`2.b__0(String cursor) in E:\\BambooHome\\xml-data\\build-dir\\152764417\\DHGUI-DHCDN1041-JOB1\\DHCDN.RMPrices\\Kotrak.XLInterface.RMPrices.Infrastructure\\WcfService\\Paging.cs:line 33\r\n at Kotrak.XLInterface.RMPrices.Infrastructure.WcfService.Paging.GetPaginated[TResult](Func`2 serviceMethod, Func`3 aggregate, TResult initResult) in E:\\BambooHome\\xml-data\\build-dir\\152764417\\DHGUI-DHCDN1041-JOB1\\DHCDN.RMPrices\\Kotrak.XLInterface.RMPrices.Infrastructure\\WcfService\\Paging.cs:line 20\r\n at Kotrak.XLInterface.RMPrices.Infrastructure.WcfService.Paging.GetPaginated[TResult](Func`2 serviceMethod) in E:\\BambooHome\\xml-data\\build-dir\\152764417\\DHGUI-DHCDN1041-JOB1\\DHCDN.RMPrices\\Kotrak.XLInterface.RMPrices.Infrastructure\\WcfService\\Paging.cs:line 28\r\n at Kotrak.XLInterface.RMPrices.Infrastructure.WcfService.Paging.GetPaginated[TFilter,TResult](Func`2 serviceMethod, TFilter filter) in E:\\BambooHome\\xml-data\\build-dir\\152764417\\DHGUI-DHCDN1041-JOB1\\DHCDN.RMPrices\\Kotrak.XLInterface.RMPrices.Infrastructure\\WcfService\\Paging.cs:line 33\r\n at Kotrak.XLInterface.RMPrices.Presentation.Forms.ItemHistoricalPriceListModule.GetCalculatedHistoricalPrices(Filter filter) in E:\\BambooHome\\xml-data\\build-dir\\152764417\\DHGUI-DHCDN1041-JOB1\\DHCDN.RMPrices\\Kotrak.XLInterface.RMPrices.Presentation\\Forms\\ItemHistoricalPriceListModule.cs:line 767\r\n at Kotrak.XLInterface.RMPrices.Presentation.Forms.ItemHistoricalPriceListModule.RefreshList() in E:\\BambooHome\\xml-data\\build-dir\\152764417\\DHGUI-DHCDN1041-JOB1\\DHCDN.RMPrices\\Kotrak.XLInterface.RMPrices.Presentation\\Forms\\ItemHistoricalPriceListModule.cs:line 411\r\n at Kotrak.XLInterface.RMPrices.Presentation.Commands.BarItemUICommand`1.<>c__DisplayClass6_0.<.ctor>b__1(TArgument arg) in E:\\BambooHome\\xml-data\\build-dir\\152764417\\DHGUI-DHCDN1041-JOB1\\DHCDN.RMPrices\\Kotrak.XLInterface.RMPrices.Presentation\\Commands\\BarItemUICommand.cs:line 30\r\n at Kotrak.XLInterface.RMPrices.Presentation.Commands.BarItemUICommand`1.OnExecute() in E:\\BambooHome\\xml-data\\build-dir\\152764417\\DHGUI-DHCDN1041-JOB1\\DHCDN.RMPrices\\Kotrak.XLInterface.RMPrices.Presentation\\Commands\\BarItemUICommand.cs:line 45\r\n at Kotrak.XLInterface.RMPrices.Presentation.Commands.UserInterfaceCommandBase.Execute() in E:\\BambooHome\\xml-data\\build-dir\\152764417\\DHGUI-DHCDN1041-JOB1\\DHCDN.RMPrices\\Kotrak.XLInterface.RMPrices.Presentation\\Commands\\UserInterfaceCommandBase.cs:line 22\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'!image-1!\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 3: \'Dear Thabile,It seems to be the same case as underDGS-8940.Please check RDS server and confirm if everything is fine on server side.Best regards\'"", ""Comment 4: \'During Teams conversation with Thabile I have checked DB sahosrv07:>> time proceesin was quite high!image-2023-04-14-17-10-45-620.png|width=995,height=205!>> 134 blocking sessions!image-2023-04-14-17-12-08-110.png!>> verified sahosrv04 and sahosrv024: for me it worked on sahosrv04"", \'Comment 5: on 24 there was a timeout; for Thabile\', \'Comment 6: on 24 timeout\', ""Comment 7: on 04 worked very slow.\'"", ""Comment 8: \'Hi,Per Teams conversation"", \'Comment 9: please use sahosrv04 server as a workaround. What is more\', ""Comment 10: please let us know if there is any possibility to restart 024 and chech if it helped.Best regards\'"", ""Comment 11: \'Hello"", ""Comment 12: Plugin is working now thank you. task can be closed\'"", ""Comment 13: \'Thank you\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +59,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8973\n\n### Instruction:\nThe item is linked to the wrong base item, but this can\'t be changed.\r\nSee attached image.\r\n\r\nCould you change it for me?\r\n\r\nThanks in advance,\r\nRob.\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'!image!\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 3: \'Rob"", ""Comment 4: what base item should be used?Regards\'"", ""Comment 5: \'Hi Aleksandra"", ""Comment 6: it should be the regular 967367 instead of the 100kg variant\'"", ""Comment 7: \'ok\'"", ""Comment 8: \'Please"", \'Comment 9: verify now. In addition\', ""Comment 10: pleae remember that new recipes for this item must be generated now!image-2023-04-14-14-33-15-016.png|width=929,height=306!Regards\'"", \'Comment 11: ""It\\\'s looking great now\', \'Comment 12: thanks.I will inform the user they must create a new recipe fr the item.The ticket can be closed.""\', ""Comment 13: \'Thank you\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +60,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8972\n\n### Instruction:\nFor Andel incorrect additional technologies were created for item 087001. \r\nThis code must only be used in Andel-Mest. Not in Andel-West.\r\n\r\nPlease remove \r\nAM087001 subversion 0 \r\nAW087001 subversion 0\r\nAW087001-BB\r\nAW087001-Z25\r\n\r\nIssue is that these versions are still available in recipe list when manually creating a lot report for these items. User often selects AW recipe or AM subversion 0 recipe. This last one, results in a Lot report without RM and the Lot report does not show in Lot report overview (e.g. 0052140423005)\r\n\r\nAM087001 subversion 1 is correct. It is ok if you remove this one as well and then I will create one new additional technology for this item.\r\n\r\nAttached: \r\nDHC Additional technologies for 087001 (archived subversion 0 is not shown here)\r\nDHP recipes for 087001, AM version 0 is the one that does not have RM\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'!image-4!!image-5!\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 3: \'Hello,incorrect additional technologies have been removed. Please verify.Regards\'"", ""Comment 4: \'Hello,can we close this issue?Regards\'"", ""Comment 5: \'Additional technology indeed was removed. This ticket can be closed.The goal of this request was to clean up recipes for the plant when creating a Lot report in DHP (plant agent now often select incorrect recipe version"", \'Comment 6: e.g. Andel-West version instead of Andel-Mest version). However\', \'Comment 7: after removing /archiving of addtional technologies\', ""Comment 8: the recipes still exist. But I understand that this is not fixed with this action.\'"", ""Comment 9: \'Hi Bob,I have processed archivisation of questioned recipes:AM087001 subversion 0AW087001 subversion 0AW087001-BBAW087001-Z25in PCS once again. Please"", \'Comment 10: check. However\', ""Comment 11: starting from DGS-8666 we do not delete from db anything.Please verify.Regards\'"", ""Comment 12: \'Hi Aleksandra"", \'Comment 13: thank you. However when I create a Lot report for 08001\', \'Comment 14: line Andel-W is selected by default (there is a recipe) and after selecting line Andel-Mest\', ""Comment 15: I still can choose from recipes 0.0 and 0.1.!image!!image-1!\'"", ""Comment 16: \'!image-2023-04-20-11-29-55-025.png!!image-2023-04-20-11-30-12-105.png!!image-2023-04-20-11-30-35-118.png!\'"", ""Comment 17: \'Jeśli chodzi o te dwie receptury: AM087001 subversion 0 AW087001 subversion 0 trzy razy puszczałam skrypt na bazie PCS i guzik"", \'Comment 18: receptury nadal dostępne ...[~maciej.dobrzanski@kotrak.com]\', ""Comment 19: co mogło pójść nie tak?\'"", ""Comment 20: \'Dear Bob,Recipes are available because as I mentioned before"", \'Comment 21: we block it in PCS so that they are not used in PCS. What I can propose is tochange their status to blocked and renamed them with arch.Please\', ""Comment 22: let us know if this is fine for you.Regards\'"", ""Comment 23: \'Hi,Any feedback?Regards\'"", ""Comment 24: \'Yes"", ""Comment 25: this is fine with me. \'"", ""Comment 26: \'Dear Bob,I have archivedAM087001 subversion 0AW087001 subversion 0should I also archive:AW087001-BBAW087001-Z25the same way?Regards\'"", ""Comment 27: \'Hello Aleksandra"", ""Comment 28: yes please archive the AW087001-BB and -Z25 as well.\'"", ""Comment 29: \'AW087001-BBAW087001-Z25also archived. Please"", ""Comment 30: verify.Best regards\'"", ""Comment 31: \'Thank you. This is really helpful to prevent that the users create incorrect Lot reports.This ticket can be closed.\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +61,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8971\n\n### Instruction:\nApplicable for all plants.\r\n\r\nWe found that draft Lot reports received in Milas in some cases contains incorrect itemcode. In DHC I found that for items without repcipe, code 999999 is shown in draft Production Lot reports. And the basecode 969587 of this item is sent to Milas...\r\nThe Production Lot report contains the correct (produced) item and correct data is sent to Milas.\r\n\r\nNote that Bestmix item 999999 is used for linking ERP items without own recipe. This code 999999 and its basecode must never be used in reports and the base code in this item\r\n\r\nIssue is that draft production Lot reports are sent with incorrect item to Milas and possible Starlims.\r\n\r\nExpected: item that was produced is registered in the draft production lot report and sent to Milas and Starlims. So, use the ERP item and no lookup of Bestmix / base item.\r\n\r\nExample:\r\nAndel-Mest Lot report 0052140423005\r\nItem produced: 087001\r\nThis item does not have its own recipe and therefore it is linked to 999999\r\ndraft Lot report contains 999999. Exported to Milas 969587 (not correct)\r\nProduction Lot report contains 087001 (correct)\r\n\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'!image!!image-1!\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 3: \'For your information: we already had many draft Production Lot reports with code 999999 for Helmond (009)"", ""Comment 4: Andel-West (005) and Andel-Mest (098)!image-2!\'"", \'Comment 5: \\\'{code:java}2023-04-14 09:19:22,260 [128] INFO WcfSendRequestLogger [C:\\\\\\\\Projects\\\\\\\\evolution.dhcerpservice\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService.Service\\\\\\\\Logging\\\\\\\\LoggingInspectorBehavior.cs:53] - Request: unit01_dhc_adapter_ws_provider_wsd_webMethods_DHC_Provider_Binder_insertProductionLotReport
Milas DHC 2023-04-14T08:35:00 1829561f-b0b0-46a0-bef7-d72ae569d507
0052140423005 969587 1860 kg 98 2023-04-14T08:35:00 9
{code}\\\'\', ""Comment 6: \'Hello,a GDC change for the described issue was already resolved. In the DHC version 3.0.63 this change is already included.\'"", ""Comment 7: \'Ok"", ""Comment 8: that is great. Do you have the GDC number for me?\'"", ""Comment 9: \'Hello,GDC-886 this GDC exactly.\'"", ""Comment 10: \'I checked on DHC production today and I still find draft Lot reports for 999999see attachment. This draft Lot report should have reported 088521-Z25!image-3!!image-4!\'"", \'Comment 11: \\\'005221042300100522104230020092210423002Są z 21.4 piątku bez zmian:{code:java}2023-04-21 10:35:45,517 [50] INFO WcfSendRequestLogger [E:\\\\\\\\BambooHome\\\\\\\\xml-data\\\\\\\\build-dir\\\\\\\\152764417\\\\\\\\DHAPPSV3-DHCER412-JOB1\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService.Service\\\\\\\\Logging\\\\\\\\LoggingInspectorBehavior.cs:54] - Request: unit01_dhc_adapter_ws_provider_wsd_webMethods_DHC_Provider_Binder_insertProductionLotReport
Milas DHC 2023-04-21T10:35:44.74 763d9979-40de-4531-b8bc-341c58e2bbcf
0092210423002 969587 100 kg 9 2023-04-21T10:35:44.74 9
{code}{code:java}2023-04-21 07:32:49,838 [45] INFO WcfSendRequestLogger [E:\\\\\\\\BambooHome\\\\\\\\xml-data\\\\\\\\build-dir\\\\\\\\152764417\\\\\\\\DHAPPSV3-DHCER412-JOB1\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService.Service\\\\\\\\Logging\\\\\\\\LoggingInspectorBehavior.cs:54] - Request: unit01_dhc_adapter_ws_provider_wsd_webMethods_DHC_Provider_Binder_insertProductionLotReport
Milas DHC 2023-04-21T06:02:00 91aa58f0-97e3-4f7f-972b-0eaede2fb702
0052210423001 969587 1980 kg 5 2023-04-21T06:02:00 9
{code}{code:java}2023-04-21 10:35:45,517 [50] INFO WcfSendRequestLogger [E:\\\\\\\\BambooHome\\\\\\\\xml-data\\\\\\\\build-dir\\\\\\\\152764417\\\\\\\\DHAPPSV3-DHCER412-JOB1\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService.Service\\\\\\\\Logging\\\\\\\\LoggingInspectorBehavior.cs:54] - Request: unit01_dhc_adapter_ws_provider_wsd_webMethods_DHC_Provider_Binder_insertProductionLotReport
Milas DHC 2023-04-21T10:35:44.74 763d9979-40de-4531-b8bc-341c58e2bbcf
0092210423002 969587 100 kg 9 2023-04-21T10:35:44.74 9
{code}\\\'\', ""Comment 12: \'hej"", \'Comment 13: podali kolejne z 21.4 piątku. Mógłbyś popatrzeć? \', ""Comment 14: jest bez zmian.\\\\r\\\\rDzięki.\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +62,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8970\n\n### Instruction:\nCześć,\r\n\r\nError id 6467308 start transfer.\r\n\r\nProszę o szybkie usunięcie problemu -brak raportowania i zaraz postój.\r\n\r\nPilne!!!!\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Incorrect message has been canceled.\'"", ""Comment 3: \'Cześć ,Kolejny error id 6467379 – start transfer.\'"", ""Comment 4: \'StartTransferError 8: Production lot is already closed\'"", ""Comment 5: \'Mozliwe ze problemem jest raort produkcyjny ( z wczescniejszego bledu gdzie mimo produkcji workowanej do plr wpadly big bagi )!image!\'"", ""Comment 6: \'Kolejny errorId 6467407\'"", \'Comment 7: ""There were three PLR\\\'s already closed:230414003,230414004,230414005Messages have been canceled.""\', \'Comment 8: ""Now it\\\'s Ok .""\', ""Comment 9: \' do zmiany statusu na ostatnia dla palety 27-6FDNG dla 915908-w25 lot 0272140423003\'"", ""Comment 10: \' !screenshot-1! \'"", ""Comment 11: \'Any news ?? \'"", ""Comment 12: \'But this barcode is a BigBag"", ""Comment 13: whether to make the change anyway? !screenshot-2! \'"", ""Comment 14: \'Please contact with business reporter\'"", ""Comment 15: \'Corrected.\'"", ""Comment 16: \'Confirmed with factory"", ""Comment 17: can we close?\'"", ""Comment 18: \'Yes\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +63,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8969\n\n### Instruction:\nIO-61/23/DKD and IO-62/23/DKD are not showing in DHP\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 2: \'!image-2023-04-14-09-04-29-819.png!\'"", \'Comment 3: ""{code:java}The \\\'TypeAs\\\' expression with an input of type \\\'System.Guid\\\' and a check of type \\\'System.Nullable`1[[System.Guid\', \'Comment 4: mscorlib\', \'Comment 5: Version=\', \'Comment 6: Culture=neutral\', \'Comment 7: PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]]\\\' is not supported. Only entity types and complex types are supported in LINQ to Entities queries{code}""\', ""Comment 8: \'We need to do one more fix for DHC. It will take 15minutes,there will be a downtime at DHC.\'"", \'Comment 9: ""Ustalone na 16\', \'Comment 10: Michał Kordys będzie wgrywał\', \'Comment 11: do sprawdzenia po - ponowne przesłanie zamówień z XL:IO-61/23/DKD and IO-62/23/DKD{code:java}--update z --set zan_stan=ZaN_Stan FROM [CDNXL_DHFU].[CDN].[ZamNag] z where ZaN_GIDNumer in(803632,803778){code}powiadomić Rey\\\'a iNosipho Basi po.""\', ""Comment 12: \'Hi,The fix has been deployed and ordersIO-61/23/DKD and IO-62/23/DKD have been resent.Please"", ""Comment 13: verify.Regards\'"", ""Comment 14: \'Hi,Can we close this task?Regards\'"", ""Comment 15: \'Yes you may\'"", ""Comment 16: \'Thank you.Regards\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +64,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8968\n\n### Instruction:\nHi\r\n\r\nPlease help to check this issue. VT-728/4/23 can not complete and close ticket.\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'!image!\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 3: \'Hi,Could you please verify?!image-2023-04-13-19-13-36-840.png!Best regards\'"", ""Comment 4: \'HiPlease remote to\'"", ""Comment 5: \'we changed to new Servers!image-1!\'"", ""Comment 6: \'!image-2023-04-14-14-51-40-651.png!\'"", \'Comment 7: \\\'{code:java}2023-04-14 19:51:24 (6465440b-b56d-4b96-b0a2-39607b64c782/Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic/VNAPPDHP-PCDV/7976/20) [Error] Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Middleware.LoggingMiddleware.ControllerLoggingMiddleware - Error during request{ ""scheme"": ""http""\', \'Comment 8: ""host"": { ""Value"": """"\', \'Comment 9: ""HasValue"": true\', \'Comment 10: ""Host"": """"\', \'Comment 11: ""Port"": 92 }\', \'Comment 12: ""path"": ""/api/RegisterBulkDispatch/getCompleteBulkDispatchValidationInfo""\', \'Comment 13: ""queryString"": []\', \'Comment 14: ""requestBody"": ""{\\\\\\\\""elements\\\\\\\\"":[{\\\\\\\\""sourceDocument\\\\\\\\"":{\\\\\\\\""id\\\\\\\\"":\\\\\\\\""77087023-2a75-494b-916e-febeada28666\\\\\\\\"",\\\\\\\\""no\\\\\\\\"":1,\\\\\\\\""number\\\\\\\\"":\\\\\\\\""VT-728/4/23\\\\\\\\"",\\\\\\\\""type\\\\\\\\"":100},\\\\\\\\""itemId\\\\\\\\"":\\\\\\\\""073b0b3b-f40f-442b-a646-f2ee64b26940\\\\\\\\"",\\\\\\\\""requestedQuantity\\\\\\\\"":{\\\\\\\\""unit\\\\\\\\"":\\\\\\\\""kg\\\\\\\\"",\\\\\\\\""value\\\\\\\\"":0},\\\\\\\\""stockUnits\\\\\\\\"":[{\\\\\\\\""stockUnitId\\\\\\\\"":\\\\\\\\""2254b5c5-ce2c-4bc6-939f-4e61bbbc7271\\\\\\\\"",\\\\\\\\""deliveryId\\\\\\\\"":\\\\\\\\""4c55ade3-1324-4d34-ad02-95584836cad7\\\\\\\\"",\\\\\\\\""stockUnitStatuses\\\\\\\\"":[4,2048,1048576],\\\\\\\\""quantityOnHand\\\\\\\\"":{\\\\\\\\""unit\\\\\\\\"":\\\\\\\\""kg\\\\\\\\"",\\\\\\\\""value\\\\\\\\"":239},\\\\\\\\""plannedReservedQuantity\\\\\\\\"":{\\\\\\\\""unit\\\\\\\\"":\\\\\\\\""kg\\\\\\\\"",\\\\\\\\""value\\\\\\\\"":0}}]}]}""}.System.ApplicationException: \\\\\\\'2052\\\\\\\' is not a valid value in Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic.Domain.StockUnits.Enumerations.LogisticStatus at Kotrak.Common.SharedKernel.Enumeration.Parse[T,K](K value\', \'Comment 15: String description\', \'Comment 16: Func`2 predicate) at Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic.Application.MappingProfiles.CompleteBulkDispatchValidationInfoQueryMappingProfile.<>c.<.ctor>b__0_1(CompleteBulkDispatchStockUnitValidationInfo x) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\99f3ad74a1ed56c8\\\\\\\\Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Application\\\\\\\\MappingProfiles\\\\\\\\CompleteBulkDispatchValidationInfoQueryMappingProfile.cs:line 21 at System.Linq.Enumerable.SelectListIterator`2.ToList() at Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic.Domain.ActionData.CompleteBulkDispatchValidationDataStructure..ctor(IEnumerable`1 stockUnits\', \'Comment 17: SourceDocument sourceDocument\', \'Comment 18: AggregateId itemId\', \'Comment 19: Quantity requestedQuantity\', \'Comment 20: DocumentMissingStock missingStock\', \'Comment 21: IEnumerable`1 reservations) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\99f3ad74a1ed56c8\\\\\\\\Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Domain\\\\\\\\ActionData\\\\\\\\CompleteBulkDispatchValidationDataStructure.cs:line 17 at Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic.Application.MappingProfiles.CompleteBulkDispatchValidationInfoQueryMappingProfile.<.ctor>b__0_0(CompleteBulkDispatchElementValidationInfo s\', \'Comment 22: ResolutionContext _) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\99f3ad74a1ed56c8\\\\\\\\Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Application\\\\\\\\MappingProfiles\\\\\\\\CompleteBulkDispatchValidationInfoQueryMappingProfile.cs:line 21 at lambda_method8721(Closure \', \'Comment 23: CompleteBulkDispatchElementValidationInfo \', \'Comment 24: CompleteBulkDispatchValidationDataStructure \', \'Comment 25: ResolutionContext ) at lambda_method8722(Closure \', \'Comment 26: Object \', \'Comment 27: Object \', \'Comment 28: ResolutionContext ) at AutoMapper.Mapper.AutoMapper.IMapper.Map[TDestination](Object source) at Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic.Application.RegisterBulkDispatch.CompleteBulkDispatchValidationInfoQueryHandler.Handle(CompleteBulkDispatchValidationInfoQuery query) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\99f3ad74a1ed56c8\\\\\\\\Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Application\\\\\\\\RegisterBulkDispatch\\\\\\\\CompleteBulkDispatchValidationInfoQueryHandler.cs:line 35 at Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic.Infrastructure.Api.Controllers.RegisterBulkDispatchController.GetCompleteBulkDispatchValidationInfo(CompleteBulkDispatchValidationInfoFilterViewModel viewModel) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\99f3ad74a1ed56c8\\\\\\\\Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Infrastructure.Api\\\\\\\\Controllers\\\\\\\\RegisterBulkDispatchController.cs:line 62 at lambda_method8714(Closure \', \'Comment 29: Object \', \'Comment 30: Object[] ) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ActionMethodExecutor.SyncActionResultExecutor.Execute(IActionResultTypeMapper mapper\', \'Comment 31: ObjectMethodExecutor executor\', \'Comment 32: Object controller\', \'Comment 33: Object[] arguments) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ControllerActionInvoker.InvokeActionMethodAsync() at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ControllerActionInvoker.Next(State& next\', \'Comment 34: Scope& scope\', \'Comment 35: Object& state\', \'Comment 36: Boolean& isCompleted) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ControllerActionInvoker.InvokeNextActionFilterAsync()--- End of stack trace from previous location --- at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ControllerActionInvoker.Rethrow(ActionExecutedContextSealed context) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ControllerActionInvoker.Next(State& next\', \'Comment 37: Scope& scope\', \'Comment 38: Object& state\', \'Comment 39: Boolean& isCompleted) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ControllerActionInvoker.InvokeInnerFilterAsync()--- End of stack trace from previous location --- at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ResourceInvoker.g__Awaited|20_0(ResourceInvoker invoker\', \'Comment 40: Task lastTask\', \'Comment 41: State next\', \'Comment 42: Scope scope\', \'Comment 43: Object state\', \'Comment 44: Boolean isCompleted) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ResourceInvoker.g__Awaited|17_0(ResourceInvoker invoker\', \'Comment 45: Task task\', \'Comment 46: IDisposable scope) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ResourceInvoker.g__Awaited|17_0(ResourceInvoker invoker\', \'Comment 47: Task task\', \'Comment 48: IDisposable scope) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.EndpointMiddleware.g__AwaitRequestTask|6_0(Endpoint endpoint\', \'Comment 49: Task requestTask\', \'Comment 50: ILogger logger) at Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.SwaggerUI.SwaggerUIMiddleware.Invoke(HttpContext httpContext) at Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.Swagger.SwaggerMiddleware.Invoke(HttpContext httpContext\', \'Comment 51: ISwaggerProvider swaggerProvider) at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Middleware.LoggingMiddleware.ControllerLoggingMiddleware.Invoke(HttpContext httpContext)2023-04-14 19:51:24 (7f6a931a-8d89-4aae-ac69-9c2d6ef00b36/Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic/VNAPPDHP-PCDV/7976/41) [Error] Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Middleware.LoggingMiddleware.ControllerLoggingMiddleware - Error during request{ ""scheme"": ""http""\', \'Comment 52: ""host"": { ""Value"": """"\', \'Comment 53: ""HasValue"": true\', \'Comment 54: ""Host"": """"\', \'Comment 55: ""Port"": 92 }\', \'Comment 56: ""path"": ""/api/RegisterBulkDispatch/getCompleteBulkDispatchValidationInfo""\', \'Comment 57: ""queryString"": []\', \'Comment 58: ""requestBody"": ""{\\\\\\\\""elements\\\\\\\\"":[{\\\\\\\\""sourceDocument\\\\\\\\"":{\\\\\\\\""id\\\\\\\\"":\\\\\\\\""77087023-2a75-494b-916e-febeada28666\\\\\\\\"",\\\\\\\\""no\\\\\\\\"":2,\\\\\\\\""number\\\\\\\\"":\\\\\\\\""VT-728/4/23\\\\\\\\"",\\\\\\\\""type\\\\\\\\"":100},\\\\\\\\""itemId\\\\\\\\"":\\\\\\\\""073b0b3b-f40f-442b-a646-f2ee64b26940\\\\\\\\"",\\\\\\\\""requestedQuantity\\\\\\\\"":{\\\\\\\\""unit\\\\\\\\"":\\\\\\\\""kg\\\\\\\\"",\\\\\\\\""value\\\\\\\\"":0},\\\\\\\\""stockUnits\\\\\\\\"":[{\\\\\\\\""stockUnitId\\\\\\\\"":\\\\\\\\""2254b5c5-ce2c-4bc6-939f-4e61bbbc7271\\\\\\\\"",\\\\\\\\""deliveryId\\\\\\\\"":\\\\\\\\""4c55ade3-1324-4d34-ad02-95584836cad7\\\\\\\\"",\\\\\\\\""stockUnitStatuses\\\\\\\\"":[4,2048,1048576],\\\\\\\\""quantityOnHand\\\\\\\\"":{\\\\\\\\""unit\\\\\\\\"":\\\\\\\\""kg\\\\\\\\"",\\\\\\\\""value\\\\\\\\"":239},\\\\\\\\""plannedReservedQuantity\\\\\\\\"":{\\\\\\\\""unit\\\\\\\\"":\\\\\\\\""kg\\\\\\\\"",\\\\\\\\""value\\\\\\\\"":0}}]}]}""}.System.ApplicationException: \\\\\\\'2052\\\\\\\' is not a valid value in Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic.Domain.StockUnits.Enumerations.LogisticStatus at Kotrak.Common.SharedKernel.Enumeration.Parse[T,K](K value\', \'Comment 59: String description\', \'Comment 60: Func`2 predicate) at Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic.Application.MappingProfiles.CompleteBulkDispatchValidationInfoQueryMappingProfile.<>c.<.ctor>b__0_1(CompleteBulkDispatchStockUnitValidationInfo x) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\99f3ad74a1ed56c8\\\\\\\\Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Application\\\\\\\\MappingProfiles\\\\\\\\CompleteBulkDispatchValidationInfoQueryMappingProfile.cs:line 21 at System.Linq.Enumerable.SelectListIterator`2.ToList() at Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic.Domain.ActionData.CompleteBulkDispatchValidationDataStructure..ctor(IEnumerable`1 stockUnits\', \'Comment 61: SourceDocument sourceDocument\', \'Comment 62: AggregateId itemId\', \'Comment 63: Quantity requestedQuantity\', \'Comment 64: DocumentMissingStock missingStock\', \'Comment 65: IEnumerable`1 reservations) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\99f3ad74a1ed56c8\\\\\\\\Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Domain\\\\\\\\ActionData\\\\\\\\CompleteBulkDispatchValidationDataStructure.cs:line 17 at Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic.Application.MappingProfiles.CompleteBulkDispatchValidationInfoQueryMappingProfile.<.ctor>b__0_0(CompleteBulkDispatchElementValidationInfo s\', \'Comment 66: ResolutionContext _) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\99f3ad74a1ed56c8\\\\\\\\Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Application\\\\\\\\MappingProfiles\\\\\\\\CompleteBulkDispatchValidationInfoQueryMappingProfile.cs:line 21 at lambda_method8721(Closure \', \'Comment 67: CompleteBulkDispatchElementValidationInfo \', \'Comment 68: CompleteBulkDispatchValidationDataStructure \', \'Comment 69: ResolutionContext ) at lambda_method8722(Closure \', \'Comment 70: Object \', \'Comment 71: Object \', \'Comment 72: ResolutionContext ) at AutoMapper.Mapper.AutoMapper.IMapper.Map[TDestination](Object source) at Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic.Application.RegisterBulkDispatch.CompleteBulkDispatchValidationInfoQueryHandler.Handle(CompleteBulkDispatchValidationInfoQuery query) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\99f3ad74a1ed56c8\\\\\\\\Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Application\\\\\\\\RegisterBulkDispatch\\\\\\\\CompleteBulkDispatchValidationInfoQueryHandler.cs:line 35 at Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic.Infrastructure.Api.Controllers.RegisterBulkDispatchController.GetCompleteBulkDispatchValidationInfo(CompleteBulkDispatchValidationInfoFilterViewModel viewModel) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\99f3ad74a1ed56c8\\\\\\\\Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Infrastructure.Api\\\\\\\\Controllers\\\\\\\\RegisterBulkDispatchController.cs:line 62 at lambda_method8714(Closure \', \'Comment 73: Object \', \'Comment 74: Object[] ) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ActionMethodExecutor.SyncActionResultExecutor.Execute(IActionResultTypeMapper mapper\', \'Comment 75: ObjectMethodExecutor executor\', \'Comment 76: Object controller\', \'Comment 77: Object[] arguments) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ControllerActionInvoker.InvokeActionMethodAsync() at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ControllerActionInvoker.Next(State& next\', \'Comment 78: Scope& scope\', \'Comment 79: Object& state\', \'Comment 80: Boolean& isCompleted) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ControllerActionInvoker.InvokeNextActionFilterAsync()--- End of stack trace from previous location --- at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ControllerActionInvoker.Rethrow(ActionExecutedContextSealed context) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ControllerActionInvoker.Next(State& next\', \'Comment 81: Scope& scope\', \'Comment 82: Object& state\', \'Comment 83: Boolean& isCompleted) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ControllerActionInvoker.InvokeInnerFilterAsync()--- End of stack trace from previous location --- at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ResourceInvoker.g__Awaited|20_0(ResourceInvoker invoker\', \'Comment 84: Task lastTask\', \'Comment 85: State next\', \'Comment 86: Scope scope\', \'Comment 87: Object state\', \'Comment 88: Boolean isCompleted) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ResourceInvoker.g__Awaited|17_0(ResourceInvoker invoker\', \'Comment 89: Task task\', \'Comment 90: IDisposable scope) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ResourceInvoker.g__Awaited|17_0(ResourceInvoker invoker\', \'Comment 91: Task task\', \'Comment 92: IDisposable scope) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.EndpointMiddleware.g__AwaitRequestTask|6_0(Endpoint endpoint\', \'Comment 93: Task requestTask\', \'Comment 94: ILogger logger) at Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.SwaggerUI.SwaggerUIMiddleware.Invoke(HttpContext httpContext) at Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.Swagger.SwaggerMiddleware.Invoke(HttpContext httpContext\', ""Comment 95: ISwaggerProvider swaggerProvider) at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Middleware.LoggingMiddleware.ControllerLoggingMiddleware.Invoke(HttpContext httpContext){code}\'"", \'Comment 96: \\\'{code:java}023-04-14 19:51:24 (/Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic/VNAPPDHP-PCDV/7976/20) [Error] Serilog.AspNetCore.RequestLoggingMiddleware - HTTP ""POST"" ""/api/RegisterBulkDispatch/getCompleteBulkDispatchValidationInfo"" responded 500 in 10.7165 ms2023-04-14 19:51:24 (/Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic/VNAPPDHP-PCDV/7976/41) [Error] Serilog.AspNetCore.RequestLoggingMiddleware - HTTP ""POST"" ""/api/RegisterBulkDispatch/getCompleteBulkDispatchValidationInfo"" responded 500 in 6.9073 ms{code}\\\'\', \'Comment 97: \\\'{code:java}2023-04-14 23:08:09 (/Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic/VNAPPDHP-PCDV/7976/34) [Error] Serilog.AspNetCore.RequestLoggingMiddleware - HTTP ""POST"" ""/api/RegisterBulkDispatch/getCompleteBulkDispatchValidationInfo"" responded 500 in 10.1007 ms2023-04-14 23:08:09 (/Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic/VNAPPDHP-PCDV/7976/90) [Error] Serilog.AspNetCore.RequestLoggingMiddleware - HTTP ""POST"" ""/api/RegisterBulkDispatch/getCompleteBulkDispatchValidationInfo"" responded 500 in 15.3161 ms{code}{code:java}2023-04-14 23:08:09 (c6c51aae-ae3c-4c05-b7ac-93e7fb8f98c6/Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic/VNAPPDHP-PCDV/7976/90) [Error] Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Middleware.LoggingMiddleware.ControllerLoggingMiddleware - Error during request{ ""scheme"": ""http""\', \'Comment 98: ""host"": { ""Value"": """"\', \'Comment 99: ""HasValue"": true\', \'Comment 100: ""Host"": """"\', \'Comment 101: ""Port"": 92 }\', \'Comment 102: ""path"": ""/api/RegisterBulkDispatch/getCompleteBulkDispatchValidationInfo""\', \'Comment 103: ""queryString"": []\', \'Comment 104: ""requestBody"": ""{\\\\\\\\""elements\\\\\\\\"":[{\\\\\\\\""sourceDocument\\\\\\\\"":{\\\\\\\\""id\\\\\\\\"":\\\\\\\\""77087023-2a75-494b-916e-febeada28666\\\\\\\\"",\\\\\\\\""no\\\\\\\\"":2,\\\\\\\\""number\\\\\\\\"":\\\\\\\\""VT-728/4/23\\\\\\\\"",\\\\\\\\""type\\\\\\\\"":100},\\\\\\\\""itemId\\\\\\\\"":\\\\\\\\""073b0b3b-f40f-442b-a646-f2ee64b26940\\\\\\\\"",\\\\\\\\""requestedQuantity\\\\\\\\"":{\\\\\\\\""unit\\\\\\\\"":\\\\\\\\""kg\\\\\\\\"",\\\\\\\\""value\\\\\\\\"":0},\\\\\\\\""stockUnits\\\\\\\\"":[{\\\\\\\\""stockUnitId\\\\\\\\"":\\\\\\\\""2254b5c5-ce2c-4bc6-939f-4e61bbbc7271\\\\\\\\"",\\\\\\\\""deliveryId\\\\\\\\"":\\\\\\\\""4c55ade3-1324-4d34-ad02-95584836cad7\\\\\\\\"",\\\\\\\\""stockUnitStatuses\\\\\\\\"":[4,2048,1048576],\\\\\\\\""quantityOnHand\\\\\\\\"":{\\\\\\\\""unit\\\\\\\\"":\\\\\\\\""kg\\\\\\\\"",\\\\\\\\""value\\\\\\\\"":239},\\\\\\\\""plannedReservedQuantity\\\\\\\\"":{\\\\\\\\""unit\\\\\\\\"":\\\\\\\\""kg\\\\\\\\"",\\\\\\\\""value\\\\\\\\"":0}}]}]}""}.System.ApplicationException: \\\\\\\'2052\\\\\\\' is not a valid value in Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic.Domain.StockUnits.Enumerations.LogisticStatus at Kotrak.Common.SharedKernel.Enumeration.Parse[T,K](K value\', \'Comment 105: String description\', \'Comment 106: Func`2 predicate) at Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic.Application.MappingProfiles.CompleteBulkDispatchValidationInfoQueryMappingProfile.<>c.<.ctor>b__0_1(CompleteBulkDispatchStockUnitValidationInfo x) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\99f3ad74a1ed56c8\\\\\\\\Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Application\\\\\\\\MappingProfiles\\\\\\\\CompleteBulkDispatchValidationInfoQueryMappingProfile.cs:line 21 at System.Linq.Enumerable.SelectListIterator`2.ToList() at Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic.Domain.ActionData.CompleteBulkDispatchValidationDataStructure..ctor(IEnumerable`1 stockUnits\', \'Comment 107: SourceDocument sourceDocument\', \'Comment 108: AggregateId itemId\', \'Comment 109: Quantity requestedQuantity\', \'Comment 110: DocumentMissingStock missingStock\', \'Comment 111: IEnumerable`1 reservations) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\99f3ad74a1ed56c8\\\\\\\\Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Domain\\\\\\\\ActionData\\\\\\\\CompleteBulkDispatchValidationDataStructure.cs:line 17 at Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic.Application.MappingProfiles.CompleteBulkDispatchValidationInfoQueryMappingProfile.<.ctor>b__0_0(CompleteBulkDispatchElementValidationInfo s\', \'Comment 112: ResolutionContext _) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\99f3ad74a1ed56c8\\\\\\\\Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Application\\\\\\\\MappingProfiles\\\\\\\\CompleteBulkDispatchValidationInfoQueryMappingProfile.cs:line 21 at lambda_method8721(Closure \', \'Comment 113: CompleteBulkDispatchElementValidationInfo \', \'Comment 114: CompleteBulkDispatchValidationDataStructure \', \'Comment 115: ResolutionContext ) at lambda_method8722(Closure \', \'Comment 116: Object \', \'Comment 117: Object \', \'Comment 118: ResolutionContext ) at AutoMapper.Mapper.AutoMapper.IMapper.Map[TDestination](Object source) at Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic.Application.RegisterBulkDispatch.CompleteBulkDispatchValidationInfoQueryHandler.Handle(CompleteBulkDispatchValidationInfoQuery query) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\99f3ad74a1ed56c8\\\\\\\\Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Application\\\\\\\\RegisterBulkDispatch\\\\\\\\CompleteBulkDispatchValidationInfoQueryHandler.cs:line 35 at Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic.Infrastructure.Api.Controllers.RegisterBulkDispatchController.GetCompleteBulkDispatchValidationInfo(CompleteBulkDispatchValidationInfoFilterViewModel viewModel) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\99f3ad74a1ed56c8\\\\\\\\Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Infrastructure.Api\\\\\\\\Controllers\\\\\\\\RegisterBulkDispatchController.cs:line 62 at lambda_method8714(Closure \', \'Comment 119: Object \', \'Comment 120: Object[] ) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ActionMethodExecutor.SyncActionResultExecutor.Execute(IActionResultTypeMapper mapper\', \'Comment 121: ObjectMethodExecutor executor\', \'Comment 122: Object controller\', \'Comment 123: Object[] arguments) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ControllerActionInvoker.InvokeActionMethodAsync() at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ControllerActionInvoker.Next(State& next\', \'Comment 124: Scope& scope\', \'Comment 125: Object& state\', \'Comment 126: Boolean& isCompleted) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ControllerActionInvoker.InvokeNextActionFilterAsync()--- End of stack trace from previous location --- at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ControllerActionInvoker.Rethrow(ActionExecutedContextSealed context) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ControllerActionInvoker.Next(State& next\', \'Comment 127: Scope& scope\', \'Comment 128: Object& state\', \'Comment 129: Boolean& isCompleted) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ControllerActionInvoker.InvokeInnerFilterAsync()--- End of stack trace from previous location --- at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ResourceInvoker.g__Awaited|20_0(ResourceInvoker invoker\', \'Comment 130: Task lastTask\', \'Comment 131: State next\', \'Comment 132: Scope scope\', \'Comment 133: Object state\', \'Comment 134: Boolean isCompleted) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ResourceInvoker.g__Awaited|17_0(ResourceInvoker invoker\', \'Comment 135: Task task\', \'Comment 136: IDisposable scope) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ResourceInvoker.g__Awaited|17_0(ResourceInvoker invoker\', \'Comment 137: Task task\', \'Comment 138: IDisposable scope) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.EndpointMiddleware.g__AwaitRequestTask|6_0(Endpoint endpoint\', \'Comment 139: Task requestTask\', \'Comment 140: ILogger logger) at Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.SwaggerUI.SwaggerUIMiddleware.Invoke(HttpContext httpContext) at Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.Swagger.SwaggerMiddleware.Invoke(HttpContext httpContext\', ""Comment 141: ISwaggerProvider swaggerProvider) at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Middleware.LoggingMiddleware.ControllerLoggingMiddleware.Invoke(HttpContext httpContext){code}\'"", \'Comment 142: ""Coś tu jest nie teges:!image-2023-04-14-18-36-06-348.png!{code:java}SELECT * FROM [DHPlantStockBusinessLogicMain].[dbo].[StockUnits] where id = \\\'2254b5c5-ce2c-4bc6-939f-4e61bbbc7271\\\' SELECT * FROM [DHPlantStockBusinessLogicMain].[dbo].[Items] where code = \\\'FG00\\\' or id = \\\'073b0b3b-f40f-442b-a646-f2ee64b26940\\\'{code} !image-2023-04-14-18-48-31-748.png!""\', \'Comment 143: ""{code:java}/****** Script for SelectTopNRows command from SSMS ******/SELECT * FROM [DHPlantVCBusinessLogicMain].[dbo].[VehicleTicketBulkDispatchElements] where ItemId = \\\'2C7C3E04-DC5C-4DCC-B685-3A02AC543AD7\\\' and id = \\\'77087023-2A75-494B-916E-FEBEADA28666\\\' SELECT * FROM [DHPlantVCBusinessLogicMain].[dbo].[VehicleTicketBulkDispatchElements] where ItemId = \\\'073B0B3B-F40F-442B-A646-F2EE64B26940\\\' and id = \\\'77087023-2A75-494B-916E-FEBEADA28666\\\' SELECT * FROM [DHPlantVCBusinessLogicMain].[dbo].[VehicleTickets] where Document = \\\'VT-728/4/23\\\'{code}!image-2023-04-14-18-50-45-656.png!""\', \'Comment 144: ""Inna sprawa\', ""Comment 145: że żadnego z tych barcodów nie ma w WMS....!image-2023-04-14-18-53-47-621.png!{code:java}/****** Script for SelectTopNRows command from SSMS ******/SELECT * FROM [DHPlantWmsBusinessLogicMain].[dbo].[UnitLoads] where barcode in( \'436-S00C5Y\'"", \'Comment 146: \\\'VTBD-VC00KVT\\\',\\\'VTBD-VC00KVZ\\\'){code}""\', ""Comment 147: \'Hi,There is some inaccuracy: on VT we can see one element = item FG00*!image-2023-04-14-18-55-51-629.png|width=879,height=486!*But when I recreated your error"", ""Comment 148: I have received information about item1599C. Could you please let me know what should be onVT-728/4/23 ?Regards\'"", ""Comment 149: \'Hi First"", \'Comment 150: the user adds SO with element 1599C\', \'Comment 151: but system shows this error message when the user completes dispatching. Then\', ""Comment 152: user cancels element 1599C and adds element FG00 to try to complete VT and the system also shows this error message.!image-2!\'"", \'Comment 153: ""On clipped\\\'SO-4437/23/HPG2\\\' there is item1599C. Please cancelVT-728/4/23\', \'Comment 154: create a new one with correct item and if error reoccurs\', \'Comment 155: please inform us.""\', ""Comment 156: \'HiVT-1116/4/23 was created to replace VT-728/4/23 and still facing this issue . Please help to check.!image-3!\'"", ""Comment 157: \'Hi,I am sorry for my delay. VT-1116 is already closed. Please"", ""Comment 158: let me know if we should do something more on our side.Regards!image-2023-04-24-07-58-11-589.png!\'"", \'Comment 159: ""HelloYes\', ""Comment 160: that\'s right"", \'Comment 161: Eric Quang has solved this issue. Thanks you,""]\']\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +65,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8967\n\n### Instruction:\nHi\r\n\r\nWe have the Technology generated for:\r\n# POP5390-T-S30\r\n# SUN7835-T-S20\r\n\r\nThe technology for its base item isin the DHP, however for informed item, it\'s not.\r\nWe have DGS-8820 wih other cases.\r\nIf we resend it, they will get in DHP, however we need to understand what is happening. So I\'ll no resend until you check.\r\n\r\nCould you please help?\r\n\r\nThank you\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 2: \'[~mberbert@deheus.com]we will analyse tracing more tomorrow morning with devs. For now"", ""Comment 3: recipes are in Plant now.Regards\'"", ""Comment 4: \'Hi [~Aleksandra.Przybylek@kotrak.com]You can close this task and keep the tracing on DGS-8820Thank you very much!\'"", ""Comment 5: \'Thank you.Regards\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[\'DGS-8820\', \'DGS-8985\']\n\n### End'}" +66,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8966\n\n### Instruction:\nPlease find enclosed review of the documents where the COGS seems to be unlogic. If we compare COGS of these products in some other weeks, it is easier to conclude that something went wrong in the calculation. What I noticed that some IRC documents were generated, and people whose names are on those documents cannot explain it. They claim that they not create it.\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'Zgłoszenie założone na prośbę Piotra Łuczaka w imieniu dyrektora finansowego z Serbii.\'"", ""Comment 2: \'To kogo wrzucić w reportera?\'"", ""Comment 3: \'Piotr Łuczak tel 604 494 664[~beata.kapturska@kotrak.com]Piotr Ł prosi o kontakt"", ""Comment 4: jeśli byś miała pytania.\'"", ""Comment 5: \'Na razie mam wszystkie potrzebne informacje. Myślę"", ""Comment 6: że dzisiaj w godzinach późniejszych zaloguję się do Serbii i sprawdzę te dokumenty. \'"", ""Comment 7: \'I attached excel file with additional column with JO and other documents that are reason of higher costs on SORs.[^Wrong Historic COGS_with JO documents.xlsx]\'"", ""Comment 8: \' [^Wrong Historic COGS_with JO documents.xlsx] \'"", \'Comment 9: ""We are interested in root cause of this calculation\', \'Comment 10: and we must be sure it won\\\'t happen again""\', ""Comment 11: \'If it was improper action of a user - we must instruct him/her what to avoid. If the additional documents have been generated in the different way - we must exclude such possibility. \'"", \'Comment 12: ""I found 3 reasons of incorrect COGS on sales documents:1. *value correction of IR+ document* like IRC+-4/02/23/SC for JO-326/02/23/S; IRC+3/02/23/SC for JO-248/02/23/S\', ""Comment 13: IRC+1/03/23/SC for JO-208/03/23/S - those documents are made by user.Such documents should not be created because they have increased the cost of the product in relation to the materials used. The cost of the product is too high.2. *the number of used materials is too large* - for example on JO-518/12/22/S (3820-B2) - used materials: 250 kg - product quantity - 100 kgThe quantity of materials in technology is correct.It looks like the quantity of product was 250kg before and then was changed (for some reasons) to 100 kg but the number of materials were left without changes.3. *the number of used bags on JO is too large* - it looks like the technology wasn\'t correct at the time when JO was generated"", \'Comment 14: The technology is correct now\', \'Comment 15: but the number of bags in JO wasn\\\'t corrected""\', ""Comment 16: \'[^Wrong Historic COGS_with_column_The_cause.xlsx]\'"", ""Comment 17: \' [^Wrong Historic COGS_with_column_The_cause.xlsx] \'"", \'Comment 18: \\\'HiI added report on the list of Job orders -> ""Cost difference between IR+ and IR-"" !screenshot-1! There are many documents where costs of materials doesn\\\\\\\'t match with product cost.These documents can be fixed but if we fix them - the cost of sales will also change.On the list of documents there is a filter like ""Corrections""The filter shows correction documents like IRC+ !screenshot-2! We also can make report which will show IRC+ (value correction) that are created to Job Orders.Such documents should be verified and possibly removed.Please let us know if you want us to create such a reportAlso let me know if you want to correct wrong costs on documents? Best RegardsBeata\\\']\']\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +67,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8965\n\n### Instruction:\nHi\r\nVt tansfer didn\'t synchronized from Golub.\r\nHelp needed.\r\n\r\nRafał Boniecki \r\n\r\n\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'!image!\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 3: \'Please check VT is now in DHP.!image-2023-04-13-15-25-07-890.png!\'"", \'Comment 4: ""{code:java} select * --update v --set Status=Status FROM [Evolution_DHCountry].[dbo].[VehicleTickets] v where-- DocumentNumber like \\\'4146/4/2023/D\\\' or DocumentNumber like \\\'4485/4/2023/D\\\' SELECT c.OrderElementId,s.OrderElementId,c.No --update s --set s.OrderElementId=c.OrderElementId FROM [Evolution_DHCountry].[dbo].[VehicleTicketElements] c join [Evolution_DHCService].[dbo].[VehicleTicketElements] s on c.id=s.Id where c.[VehicleTicketId] in(select id FROM [dbo].[VehicleTickets] where DocumentNumber like \\\'4485/4/2023/D\\\')select * FROM [Evolution_DHCService].[dbo].[VehicleTicketExportInfoes] where EntityId=\\\'F96BD737-733F-47DA-BD29-D903E2BF74C7\\\'{code}""\', \'Comment 5: ""yep\', \'Comment 6: it is. What\\\'s happen?How to resynchronize vt transfer?""\', ""Comment 7: \'For this VT elements there was a difference between the data in DHCservice and DHCServer database in relation to orders elements.It is possible that the issue is related to the RCA DGS-8881 - it will be known if the problem will repeat when the RCA will be solved.\'"", ""Comment 8: \'ok"", \'Comment 9: thanks\', ""Comment 10: you can close it.\'"", ""Comment 11: \'Thank you\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[\'DGS-8879\', \'DGS-8881\']\n\n### End'}" +68,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8964\n\n### Instruction:\nPlease remove/archive additional technology VE307617. Plant needs the recipe for an order for this item. Due to additional technology it is now blocked.\r\n\r\n\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'!image!\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 3: \'Hi Bob,Technology has been archived. Please"", ""Comment 4: verify.Reards\'"", ""Comment 5: \'Thank you for the quick response. I now see that the recipe is sent to PCS. This ticket can be closed.\'"", ""Comment 6: \'Thank you\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +69,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8963\n\n### Instruction:\nDear, \r\nI need to add new period for window ""Frekvence a trvání léčby"". I need to fill ""7 -10 dnů / 7 - 10 dní"" for CZ_SK templates and ""7 - 10 dní / 7 - 10 napig"" for SK_HU templates.\r\nfor templates in annex\r\n\r\nCould you do it till tomorrow pls?\r\n\r\n\r\n\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'!image!!image-2!\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", \'Comment 3: \\\'New period for window ""Frekvence a trvání léčby"" has been added. Please verify and send a feedback.\\\'\', ""Comment 4: \'Hi"", ""Comment 5: it is okay. thx\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +70,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8962\n\n### Instruction:\nDears,\r\n\r\nall list of attached VT is in DHC and not in ERP.\r\n\r\nplease check and advise?\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'!image!\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hello,\\\\r\\\\rWe are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.\\\\r\\\\rRegards\\\\r\\\\r\'"", \'Comment 3: ""2023-04-13 11:17:42,374 [169] ERROR Evolution.DHCERPService.MessageSender.Actors.ClientServiceCallActor [E:\\\\\\\\BambooHome\\\\\\\\xml-data\\\\\\\\build-dir\\\\\\\\152764417\\\\\\\\DHAPPSV3-DHCER-JOB1\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService.MessageSender\\\\\\\\Actors\\\\\\\\ClientServiceCallActor.cs:86] - Message with command PurchaseOrderReceiptSave and object id a4c03943-08f2-44fe-bf8f-fdaf8183160f couldn\\\'t be processed. Exception occured:2023-04-13 11:17:42,374 [169] ERROR Evolution.DHCERPService.MessageSender.Actors.ClientServiceCallActor [E:\\\\\\\\BambooHome\\\\\\\\xml-data\\\\\\\\build-dir\\\\\\\\152764417\\\\\\\\DHAPPSV3-DHCER-JOB1\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService.MessageSender\\\\\\\\Actors\\\\\\\\ClientServiceCallActor.cs:87] - System.Exception: Internal server error. Problems witch getting object from database. at Evolution.DHCERPService.Service.BaseQuery`2.GetById(Guid Id) in E:\\\\\\\\BambooHome\\\\\\\\xml-data\\\\\\\\build-dir\\\\\\\\152764417\\\\\\\\DHAPPSV3-DHCER-JOB1\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService.Service\\\\\\\\BaseQuery.cs:line 89 at Evolution.DHCERPService.EGWebServiceClient.Commands.PurchaseOrderReceiptSaveCommand.Execute(Guid id) in E:\\\\\\\\BambooHome\\\\\\\\xml-data\\\\\\\\build-dir\\\\\\\\152764417\\\\\\\\DHAPPSV3-DHCER-JOB1\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService.EGWebServiceClient\\\\\\\\Commands\\\\\\\\PurchaseOrderReceiptSaveCommand.cs:line 42 at Evolution.DHCERPService.MessageSender.Actors.ClientServiceCallActor.CallClientService(ObjectChangedMessage message) in E:\\\\\\\\BambooHome\\\\\\\\xml-data\\\\\\\\build-dir\\\\\\\\152764417\\\\\\\\DHAPPSV3-DHCER-JOB1\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService.MessageSender\\\\\\\\Actors\\\\\\\\ClientServiceCallActor.cs:line 592023-04-13 11:17:42,390 [157] ERROR Evolution.DHCERPService.Service.BaseQuery`2 [E:\\\\\\\\BambooHome\\\\\\\\xml-data\\\\\\\\build-dir\\\\\\\\152764417\\\\\\\\DHAPPSV3-DHCER-JOB1\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService.Service\\\\\\\\BaseQuery.cs:85] - System.Exception: Not all vehicle ticket elements are present.""\', ""Comment 4: \'!image-2023-04-13-13-59-11-862.png!\'"", ""Comment 5: \'!image-2023-04-13-14-01-24-456.png!\'"", ""Comment 6: \'We resend all vt for 1002010 "", \'Comment 7: there were problem with lacking end-dates for item nutrition levels.To other VT : 359\', \'Comment 8: 382\', ""Comment 9: are under analisys.\'"", ""Comment 10: \'dla kolejnego itema znowu nachodzi : !image-2023-04-13-15-11-58-197.png!\'"", ""Comment 11: \'vt - 382 was also resend"", ""Comment 12: there were the same problem as for previous one.\'"", \'Comment 13: ""vt 359 same towary packing!image-2023-04-13-15-42-20-426.png!2023-04-14 00:40:00,847 [40] ERROR Evolution.DHCERPService.MessageSender.Actors.ClientServiceCallActor [E:\\\\\\\\BambooHome\\\\\\\\xml-data\\\\\\\\build-dir\\\\\\\\152764417\\\\\\\\DHAPPSV3-DHCER-JOB1\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService.MessageSender\\\\\\\\Actors\\\\\\\\ClientServiceCallActor.cs:87] - System.Exception: Data were not found for vehicle ticket id 0a01c812-0877-4f0a-abdd-7e754122d8c3 at Evolution.DHCERPService.EGWebServiceClient.Commands.PurchaseOrderReceiptSaveCommand.Execute(Guid id) in E:\\\\\\\\BambooHome\\\\\\\\xml-data\\\\\\\\build-dir\\\\\\\\152764417\\\\\\\\DHAPPSV3-DHCER-JOB1\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService.EGWebServiceClient\\\\\\\\Commands\\\\\\\\PurchaseOrderReceiptSaveCommand.cs:line 51 at Evolution.DHCERPService.MessageSender.Actors.ClientServiceCallActor.CallClientService(ObjectChangedMessage message) in E:\\\\\\\\BambooHome\\\\\\\\xml-data\\\\\\\\build-dir\\\\\\\\152764417\\\\\\\\DHAPPSV3-DHCER-JOB1\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService.MessageSender\\\\\\\\Actors\\\\\\\\ClientServiceCallActor.cs:line 592023-04-14 00:40:16,742 [78] ERROR Evolution.DHCERPService.MessageSender.Actors.ClientServiceCallActor [E:\\\\\\\\BambooHome\\\\\\\\xml-data\\\\\\\\build-dir\\\\\\\\152764417\\\\\\\\DHAPPSV3-DHCER-JOB1\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService.MessageSender\\\\\\\\Actors\\\\\\\\ClientServiceCallActor.cs:86] - Message with command PurchaseOrderReceiptSave and object id 0a01c812-0877-4f0a-abdd-7e754122d8c3 couldn\\\'t be processed. Exception occured:2023-04-14 00:40:16,742 [78] ERROR Evolution.DHCERPService.MessageSender.Actors.ClientServiceCallActor [E:\\\\\\\\BambooHome\\\\\\\\xml-data\\\\\\\\build-dir\\\\\\\\152764417\\\\\\\\DHAPPSV3-DHCER-JOB1\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService.MessageSender\\\\\\\\Actors\\\\\\\\ClientServiceCallActor.cs:87] - System.Exception: Data were not found for vehicle ticket id 0a01c812-0877-4f0a-abdd-7e754122d8c3""\', ""Comment 14: \'!image-2023-04-13-16-03-29-390.png!\'"", \'Comment 15: ""po updatec na forced na 0 przeszło?update VehicleTicketForProcessings set forced=0 where VehicleTicketId=\\\'B979ED97-6D38-434C-BDF5-1E6EE6BF6F47\\\' and VehicleTicketElementId is null""\', ""Comment 16: \'please check also 359/4\'"", ""Comment 17: \'Thanks!all is in ERP. you can close this ticket.\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[\'DGS-8788\', \'DGS-8936\']\n\n### End'}" +71,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8961\n\n### Instruction:\nProduction location Sneek reports that they have to cancel and recreate VT;s for intake on regular basis, because VT doesn\'t show up in pcs. I checked with the pcs supplier and reason is tha deliveryID is missing. example: 611/4/23\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", \'Comment 2: ""VT z 12/4 - jest accepted. {code:java} FROM [DHPlantPCSBusinessLogicMain].[dbo].[WebApiRequestLog] where Headers like \\\'%VT-611/4/23%\\\' or body like \\\'%VT-611/4/23%\\\'{code}!image-2023-04-14-12-43-27-534.png!{code:java}SELECT * FROM [DHPlantPCSBusinessLogicMain].[dbo].[VehicleTickets] where DocumentNumber=\\\'vt-611/4/23\\\'SELECT * FROM [DHPlantPCSBusinessLogicMain].[dbo].[ExportVehicleTickets] order by 1 desc -- where EntityId=\\\'20520\\\'{code} !screenshot-1! ""\', ""Comment 3: \'Czy to może być ten case? Mają już 8.5\\\\rhttps://helpdesk.kotrak.com/browse/DGS-8263\\\\rhttps://helpdesk.kotrak.com/browse/DAP-13164?\'"", \'Comment 4: \\\' !screenshot-2! {code:java} VT-611/4/23 CL000027027 1 2023-04-13T04:00:00 HEU HEU 2 TRUCK 1 0642 KALKSTEENTJES (CACO3 BLK 0.000000 kg L002368 Cefetra Feed Service B.V. 25000.000000 kg * {code}{code:java} VT-611/4/23 {code}Oni dostali ten VT i go potwierdzili\\\'\', ""Comment 5: \'jakby mieli uwagi przekazać do ponownej weryfikacji do PCS provider.\'"", ""Comment 6: \'Hi [~TDankers@deheus.com],According to our investigation"", \'Comment 7: it looks like PCS did receive this VT on time (!pcsintergation!). VT-611/4/23 was sent to PCS on at 2023-04-12 at 19:05 and PCS confirmed this message on 2023-04-12 at 19:05.Please look at the response message:{code:java} VT-611/4/23 CL000027027 1 2023-04-13T04:00:00 HEU HEU 2 TRUCK 1 0642 KALKSTEENTJES (CACO3 BLK 0.000000 kg L002368 Cefetra Feed Service B.V. 25000.000000 kg * {code}And also on confirmation from pcs:{code:java} VT-611/4/23 {code}Please contact the PCS supplier for further conclusionsRegards\\\'\', ""Comment 8: \'Yes it is send and received"", \'Comment 9: but as you can see in the response message\', ""Comment 10: deliveryID is missing: DeliveryID is needed in the pcs to further process and send back intake weight!afbeelding!\'"", ""Comment 11: \'Hi [~TDankers@deheus.com],I have created a GDC-923. We will block sending VT to PCS where there will be no delivery yset\'"", ""Comment 12: \'this ticket can be closed\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[\'DGS-8263\', \'DAP-13577\']\n\n### End'}" +72,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8960\n\n### Instruction:\nRecipe 3220.150KAU does not appear in DHP, even though it has been properly created in ERP system, linked with DHC, and there was no problem with technology generation\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'!1!!2!\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 3: \'Hello"", \'Comment 4: recipes are now in DHP\', ""Comment 5: please check and send a feedback. !image-2023-04-14-07-20-29-532.png!\'"", ""Comment 6: \'Can you tell me the reason? and will this problem be repeated in the future? thanks in advance\'"", ""Comment 7: \'Yes,this has been resolved in DHC 3.0.60.Isolated cases can unfortunately occur.\'"", ""Comment 8: \'thank you"", ""Comment 9: everything is ok now\'"", ""Comment 10: \'Thank you for confirmation.\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +73,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8959\n\n### Instruction:\nDears,\r\n\r\nall orders sent to DHC is not in DHP, Example (23009771, 23009772, 2300973)\r\n\r\nNote: we can\'t receive any raw materials without linking with orders.\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'Issue under analisys\'"", ""Comment 2: \'2023-04-12 13:50:20 (/Plant.DHC.Integration/DHP-3/8348/214) [Error] Plant.Integration.DhcService.Infrastructure.FetchDataFromDhcTask - ContaminationRulePipelineExecutor execution errorSystem.Exception: Cannot connect to server ---> System.ServiceModel.CommunicationException: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it ---> System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it\'"", ""Comment 3: \'Orders are in dhp now please verify!image-2023-04-13-02-18-52-282.png!\'"", ""Comment 4: \'Hello"", ""Comment 5: yes all in DHP.we have the same issue for all those VT in attachment.looks like there is an issue in DHC-ERP service.!image!\'"", \'Comment 6: \\\'Could you pleasespecify ""the same problem with vt""?Previously\', \'Comment 7: the topic was about not sending PO from DHC to DHP. From what I noticed there were problems with the service on the dhp side\', \'Comment 8: there were timeouts which disrupted its task after restarting the services on the dhp side and dhc service orders went through. VT documents\', \'Comment 9: on the other hand\', ""Comment 10: go from DHP to DHC. So this is a separate problem and should be reported with a separate ticket to this.I verified few VT from your list and there are in both system - DHC i DHP.If the problem is with DHC-> ERP integartion II restarted the service prophylactically if there still will be missing VT in ERP please create new task for this one cause this is a diffrent function.May we close this taskconcerning originally integartion dhc->dhp and orders.\'"", ""Comment 11: \'Hello,clear! i will open new ticket\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +74,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8958\n\n### Instruction:\nHi\r\n\r\nWe are trying to register the ULs from PLR 0831110423007\r\nHowever system displays an error message:\r\n{color:red}\r\n*Requested quantity for unit load exceeds available produced quantity. Unit load cannot be registered.*\r\n{color}\r\n\r\nBut we generated exactly what what produced.\r\n\r\nCould you please help?\r\n\r\nThank you\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'!image!!image-1!\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 3: \'ID :7438398f-fe2d-4117-b287-72cf9b05a390\'"", ""Comment 4: \'!image-2023-04-12-21-09-01-452.png!\'"", \'Comment 5: \\\'An error occurred while saving the entity changes. See the inner exception for details. -> The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint ""FK_StockUnits_UnitLoads_UnitLoadId"". The conflict occurred in database ""DHPlantWmsBusinessLogicMain""\', \'Comment 6: table ""dbo.UnitLoads""\', ""Comment 7: column \\\\\'Id\\\\\'.The statement has been terminated.\'"", ""Comment 8: \'Please try now.\'"", ""Comment 9: \'[[DHP 3.0] Brak unit loadu"", ""Comment 10: na stocku jest|onenote:https://kotrak.sharepoint.com/sites/erpasysta/Shared%20Documents/Baza%20wiedzy/Baza%20Wiedzy%20-%20ERPSD/Klienci/DEHEUS/DEHEUS%20APPLICATIONS/Brazil/Baza%20wiedzy.one#%5bDHP%203.0%5d%20Brak%20unit%20loadu,%20na%20stocku%20jest§ion-id=\\\\\\\\{05DF1439-683C-45FE-8260-61E2EC66DC91}&page-id=\\\\\\\\{961E2282-2E7C-47A8-B946-33764D357518}&end] ([Widok sieci Web|https://kotrak.sharepoint.com/sites/erpasysta/_layouts/OneNote.aspx?id=%2Fsites%2Ferpasysta%2FShared%20Documents%2FBaza%20wiedzy%2FBaza%20Wiedzy%20-%20ERPSD&wd=target%28Klienci%2FDEHEUS%2FDEHEUS%20APPLICATIONS%2FBrazil%2FBaza%20wiedzy.one%7C05DF1439-683C-45FE-8260-61E2EC66DC91%2F%5BDHP%203.0%5D%20Brak%20unit%20loadu%2C%20na%20stocku%20jest%7C961E2282-2E7C-47A8-B946-33764D357518%2F%29])\'"", ""Comment 11: \'HiThe message changed: look the attached screenshotThank you!image-2!\'"", ""Comment 12: \'!image-2023-04-12-22-25-18-605.png!\'"", ""Comment 13: \'po insercie kody przypiely sie do zamowienia 90/4/23!image-2023-04-12-22-32-41-961.png!\'"", ""Comment 14: \'tak wynika z selecta !image-2023-04-12-22-35-57-077.png!\'"", ""Comment 15: \'There was a bug that blocked the creation of the stock unit and unit load from the application level in the WMS module"", ""Comment 16: which in turn resulted in the first error. Stocks and UnitLoad were completed from the database side. Please verify.At this point it now looks like a problem with the status of the WO(ip) document itself .If the slopes are ok then can the level be downgraded to P2?!image-2023-04-12-22-43-20-687.png!\'"", \'Comment 17: ""Hi [~Agnieszka.Januszewska@kotrak.com]Yes we can lower to P2. We\\\'ll load the truck with these ULs.But then\', \'Comment 18: we need to execute the WO(IP). So could you please ask for someone to fix that tomorrow morning as first task?Thank you""\', ""Comment 19: \'Status for teh WO(ip) was fixed please verify.\'"", ""Comment 20: \'updatowano status na 50 ( exeuted na nagłówku i elemnta)"", \'Comment 21: na elemnatach uzupełniono też daty exeuted\', ""Comment 22: executed user na Admin - na id =b145240c-e1e8-462c-b0a3-6b48af0bc5ae)\'"", \'Comment 23: ""Hi [~Agnieszka.Januszewska@kotrak.com]I see that in the WO(IP) there are no realization\', \'Comment 24: however I can see the UL in the stock. So\', \'Comment 25: let\\\'s move as is.You can close this task.Thank you very much!""]\']\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +75,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8957\n\n### Instruction:\nSO000097321 does not appear in DHP Meppel.\r\n\r\nWhile doing some research I found that item 140402 (which is the only item in the salesorder) is not in DHP Meppel either. I tried to resend this from the recipes in DHH, but it still hasn\'t arrived.\r\n\r\nOrder is scheduled for tomorrow early in the morning, therefore this is a P1.\r\n\r\nCan you please investigate? Thanks!\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Forgot to mention that the Salesorder is visible in DHC.\'"", ""Comment 3: \'Resynced Item"", \'Comment 4: Recipe\', ""Comment 5: Production Recipe and Technology!image-2023-04-12-19-56-59-711.png!\'"", ""Comment 6: \'I see the recipe / item is there"", ""Comment 7: but the order not yet.Guess I have to be patient? :) Or should I try to resend it from Milas?\'"", ""Comment 8: \'Yes. The issue is known -the item was not in DHC service. Yes"", ""Comment 9: we need to wait a bit.Regards\'"", ""Comment 10: \'Dear Martijn,Please"", ""Comment 11: resend the order from Milas.Regards\'"", \'Comment 12: ""Done\', \'Comment 13: I see it now in DHP. I\\\'ve asked the reporter to check if everything is OK now.""\', ""Comment 14: \'Great. Waiting for your feedback then :)\'"", ""Comment 15: \'Confirmed"", ""Comment 16: everything is OK now. Thanks!\'"", ""Comment 17: \'Thank you\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +76,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8956\n\n### Instruction:\nCould you please uncheck all checkboxes called ""technical results"" in the customer cards in MAS BE?\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'!image!\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", \'Comment 3: ""[~mbovene@deheus.com],we\\\'ve updated all customers in MAS BE.Best regards,Grzegorz""]\']\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +77,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8955\n\n### Instruction:\nHello,\r\n\r\nPlease assist.\r\n\r\nAttached lot is not generating in DHC.\r\n\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'!image!!image-1!!image-2!\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 3: \'HI,JO has been generated. IR documents should generate when all production will be registered!image-2023-04-12-19-54-09-381.png!!image-2023-04-12-19-54-27-043.png!Regards\'"", ""Comment 4: \'Hi AleksandraWhat stopped it from being generated?Regards\'"", \'Comment 5: ""Hi Rey,To be honest\', ""Comment 6: I have focused on unblocking the process / fixing the issue so what I\'ve done was only to resync Recipe"", \'Comment 7: Production Recipe and Technology and clicked generate documnets on PLR card in DHC as error message said about inactive technology. I am also pretty sure that resend technology only would also helped.Please\', \'Comment 8: let me know if we should treat it as an incident? Or wait to another example to perform some root cause analysis :)Best regards""\', ""Comment 9: \'Thanks"", ""Comment 10: you may close this ticket\'"", ""Comment 11: \'Thank you\'"", ""Comment 12: \'coś takiego się dzieje jak usuną technologię z XL.Jak technologii nie było przed wysyłką ponowną w XL.\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +78,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8954\n\n### Instruction:\nHi\r\n\r\nWe have this UL Barcode *89-W00YQ0-C202304041110494225*\r\nHowever we don\'t know why is it with this -C suffix.\r\nWe know who created it, and we know it was dispatched, but we don\'t know the source of it\'s creation: Was it created from DummyPallet in PLR? Was it splited from another UL?\r\nWe\'d like to understand what happened with this UL barcode.\r\n\r\nThank you\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'!image!\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 3: \'Jest tylko ten długaśny:!image-2023-04-14-12-59-57-669.png!!image-2023-04-14-12-59-57-669!\'"", \'Comment 4: ""{code:java}SELECT * FROM [DHPlantWmsBusinessLogicMain].[dbo].[UnitLoads] where barcode = \\\'89-W00YQ0-C202304041110494225\\\' or barcode like \\\'89-W00YQ0%\\\' SELECT * FROM [DHPlantWmsBusinessLogicMain].[dbo].[UnitLoads] where ItemId in (--\\\'E4016894-DA25-4E4C-A554-28D858D3569B\\\',\\\'7A73A0CD-DC3A-46BF-8DBC-7155BD56262D\\\')--\\\'809594FF-5948-4561-8929-306F5CFA5810\\\') SELECT * FROM [DHPlantProdBusinessLogicMain].[dbo].[Items] where id = \\\'7A73A0CD-DC3A-46BF-8DBC-7155BD56262D\\\' SELECT * FROM [DHPlantProdBusinessLogicMain].[dbo].[Items] where code like \\\'FCP4945-T%\\\'{code}!image-2023-04-13-19-56-19-098.png!""\', ""Comment 5: \'patrząc po unitloadzie!image-2023-04-13-19-59-10-307.png!\'"", ""Comment 6: \'do zapytania na stand up\'"", ""Comment 7: \'Hi [~Pawel.Sadowski@kotrak.com]Did you have opportunity to check this issue?I was noticed about one more case of it.Thank you\'"", ""Comment 8: \'Hej Maciek,[~maciej.dobrzanski@kotrak.com]skąd taki dziwny barcode"", \'Comment 9: tzn z czego pobrał taki ciąg znaków? Spacer kota po klawiaturze nie bierzemy pod uwagę. I nie jest to rework\', ""Comment 10: barcode jest z 3 kwietnia. Pomysły wyczerpane heh :)pytałam na DHApps :PZ góry dzięki\'"", ""Comment 11: \'Hi [~mberbert@deheus.com],Could you please provide us with second example and ask user to describe step by step how did he or she create questioned barcode (not how it should be done but what user did).We have forwarded your issue to Dev analysis.Reagards\'"", ""Comment 12: \'[~aleksandra.przybylek@kotrak.com] taki kod się tworzy jak jest anulowany\'"", ""Comment 13: \'[~mberbert@deheus.com]This suffix creates when the barcode is cancelled. C for cancelled"", \'Comment 14: then you have a date of cancellation:*C202304041110494225 -* the 4th of April\', ""Comment 15: 2023.Regards\'"", \'Comment 16: ""Hi [~Aleksandra.Przybylek@deheus.com]About ask user what step was used to create\', \'Comment 17: he doesn\\\'t remember what happened. And we need to understand what is happening. Why do we have 1.9tons of PLR and 2.4tons on WO(IP).Seems that — somehow — system is not validating the WO(IP) quantity with PLR quantity.If this barcode was cancelled how did they dispatch it?How this barcode was created?Thank you ""\', \'Comment 18: \\\'Id StoredAt AggregateType AggregateId Event EventType UserId UserName CorrelationId CreatedAt SentAtId StoredAt AggregateType AggregateId Event EventType UserId UserName CorrelationId CreatedAt SentAtCA02DFED-0251-44A9-9363-9C8C3ABB6BCE 2023-04-04 11:10:50.2010213 Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic.Domain.StockUnits.StockUnit 807a0522-5be4-4578-b434-e461789cd6a7 {""StockUnitId"":{""Id"":""807a0522-5be4-4578-b434-e461789cd6a7""},""*OldBarcode"":\\\\\\\\{""Code"":""89-W00YQ0""},""NewBarcode"":\\\\\\\\{""Code"":""89-W00YQ0-C202304041110494225""}}* Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic.DomainAbstractions.StockUnits.StockUnitBarcode*ChangedEvent* 51867B60-5E3C-4689-84E4-EE3DBBDABC08 *lqueiroz* E741EB87-FBFE-4F3D-9164-AD701C43CEDF 2023-04-04 11:10:50.1932341 2023-04-04 11:10:50.3503482WMS dla Unitload||Head |EventType|UserName|CreatedAt||Plant.WMS.BusinessLogic.DomainAbstractions.UnitLoads.DomainEvents.UnitLoadUpdatedEvent|lqueiroz|2023-04-04 11:10:49.4225918||Plant.WMS.BusinessLogic.DomainAbstractions.UnitLoads.DomainEvents.UnitLoadBarcodeChangedEvent|lqueiroz|2023-04-04 11:10:49.4225935||Plant.WMS.BusinessLogic.DomainAbstractions.UnitLoads.DomainEvents.UnitLoadCancelledEvent|lqueiroz|2023-04-04 11:10:49.4225942|ing 1||Heading 2|||Col A1|Col A2|\\\'\', ""Comment 19: \'Hello. User lqueiroz canceled this Barcode at2023-04-04 11:10.User tgrassi at 2023-04-04 10:44 released related stock for this barcode.Should we do a analysis for this case?\'"", ""Comment 20: \'Hi,Any feedback?Regards\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +79,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8953\n\n### Instruction:\nFor trip 01005748 two dispatch messages were sent from PCS. Both messages were not accepted in DHP. \r\nError message (with retry with these messages from Swagger): ""Message"": ""An unexpected error occurred. Please contact system help desk."",\r\n\r\nCan you please check why these messages were not accepted / how it can be fixed? We need to deliver the sales packing slip to the customers.\r\n\r\n{\r\n""trips"":[{""tripId"":""01005748"",""loadingDate"":""2023-04-10T07:31:39.87"",""salesOrders"":[{""salesOrderNumber"":""SO-3677/4/23"",""salesOrderLines"":[{""salesOrderLineNumber"":""1"",""articleCode"":""114339"",""recipeId"":95784,""quantity"":18260.0,""compartments"":[{""compartmentNumber"":1,""compartmentWeight"":1100.0},{""compartmentNumber"":4,""compartmentWeight"":4100.0},{""compartmentNumber"":5,""compartmentWeight"":4080.0},{""compartmentNumber"":8,""compartmentWeight"":4120.0},{""compartmentNumber"":9,""compartmentWeight"":4860.0}]}]}]}]}\r\n\r\n{\r\n ""trips"":[{""tripId"": ""01005748"",""loadingDate"": ""2023-04-10T07:23:06.955Z"",""salesOrders"":[{""salesOrderNumber"": ""SO-3678/4/23"",""salesOrderLines"": [\r\n{""salesOrderLineNumber"": ""1"",""articleCode"": ""115337"",""recipeId"": 95956,""quantity"": 9900,""compartments"": [{""compartmentNumber"": 2,""compartmentWeight"": 1160},{""compartmentNumber"": 3,""compartmentWeight"": 1180},{ ""compartmentNumber"": 7,""compartmentWeight"": 3880},{ ""compartmentNumber"": 6,""compartmentWeight"": 3680}]}]}]}]}\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'!image!\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", \'Comment 3: \\\'Same issue in Veghel for trip 01006224Message is not accepted in DHP (actually no indication if it is accepted or not) and error message: ""Message"": ""An unexpected error occurred. Please contact system help desk."",I checked sales order/trip/itemline/recipeId... all seems to be okPlease check the issue for these tickets. We need to send the correct packing slip to the customers.{""trips"":[{""tripId"":""01006224"",""loadingDate"":""2023-04-12T12:20:34.563"",""salesOrders"":[{""salesOrderNumber"":""SO-4125/4/23"",""salesOrderLines"":[{""salesOrderLineNumber"":""1"",""articleCode"":""318235"",""recipeId"":59951,""quantity"":12024.0,""compartments"":[{""compartmentNumber"":1,""compartmentWeight"":2772.0},{""compartmentNumber"":3,""compartmentWeight"":1870.0},{""compartmentNumber"":5,""compartmentWeight"":3706.0},{""compartmentNumber"":7,""compartmentWeight"":3676.0}]}]}]}]}\\\'\', ""Comment 4: \'Same issue for a dispatch from Utrecht. In this case"", \'Comment 5: the operator manually created a VT and registered quantities on the VT. Original dispatch message from PCS was not accepted in DHP.010056622023-04-11T09:12:25SO-3823/4/23150536067734401284012SO-3407/4/2315053836773950063200253004SO-1811/4/231505360677348014220086300093006010058622023-04-11T09:12:25SO-4115/4/2325052106726139961205671940150507566429752243216104306\\\'\', ""Comment 6: \'For the dispatch from Utrecht"", \'Comment 7: I found and solved the issue: for one of the orders\', ""Comment 8: a different trip number was used. That trip was cancelled in DHP. I updated the tripnumber and reprocessed the dispatch message from PCS. Now it was processed correctly in DHP.For the not processed dispatches for Maasbracht and Veghel I need your help.\'"", \'Comment 9: ""Hi Bob,I\\\'m not sure what is the exact issue.In Veghelfor trip 01006224 I can see all data is in Plant. Could you please verify and let me know?!image-2023-04-12-19-11-15-422.png!!image-2023-04-12-19-10-42-735.png!""\', ""Comment 10: \'!image-2023-04-12-19-20-14-862.png!!image-2023-04-12-19-20-48-602.png!\'"", ""Comment 11: \'Hi Aleksandra"", \'Comment 12: the quanties were entered manually on the VT. This results in an incorrect SPS. For that compartment information and recipeId is required.I tried to register the quantities again using the original dispatch message from PCS. But saw that this message was not accepted (not the first time it was sent from PCS and not when I resent it). I do not understand why the dispatch message from PCS is not accepted in DHP. I checked tripnumber\', \'Comment 13: SO number\', ""Comment 14: etc and all seems to be ok.I hope you can help me with this.That is my question.\'"", ""Comment 15: \'VT jest z 12 kwietnia"", ""Comment 16: na tą datę nie mamy errorów:!image-2023-04-13-14-32-35-010.png!!image-2023-04-13-14-32-50-599.png!\'"", ""Comment 17: \'!image-2023-04-13-16-33-42-460.png!!image-2023-04-13-16-35-22-711.png!\'"", \'Comment 18: ""*Veghel*{code:java}--SELECT *-- FROM [DHPlantVCBusinessLogicMain].[dbo].[VehicleTicketBulkDispatchElements] where ItemId = \\\'1A611975-3A76-4156-8590-97D2E811666C\\\' -- and OrderId = \\\'E7AE4918-A671-4289-B5CB-D73322A8A923\\\'SELECT * FROM [DHPlantProdBusinessLogicMain].[dbo].[Items] where code = \\\'318235\\\' --SELECT * --FROM [DHPlantProdBusinessLogicMain].[dbo].[Recipes] where itemid = \\\'1A611975-3A76-4156-8590-97D2E811666C\\\' order by CreateDate descSELECT* FROM [DHPlantVCBusinessLogicMain].[dbo].[Orders] where Document = \\\'SO-4125/4/23\\\' --SELECT* --FROM [DHPlantVCBusinessLogicMain].[dbo].[OrderElements] where ItemId = \\\'1A611975-3A76-4156-8590-97D2E811666C\\\' --and id = \\\'E7AE4918-A671-4289-B5CB-D73322A8A923\\\'select RecipeId,* from VehicleTicketBulkDispatchElementswhere ItemId=\\\'1A611975-3A76-4156-8590-97D2E811666C\\\' and OrderId=\\\'E7AE4918-A671-4289-B5CB-D73322A8A923\\\'{code}!image-2023-04-13-18-11-54-342.png!""\', \'Comment 19: ""*Maasbracht*{code:java} SELECT * FROM [DHPlantProdBusinessLogicMain].[dbo].[Items] where code = \\\'114339\\\' SELECT * FROM [DHPlantProdBusinessLogicMain].[dbo].[Items] where code = \\\'115337\\\'{code}{code:java}SELECT* FROM [DHPlantVCBusinessLogicMain].[dbo].[Orders] where Document in (\\\'SO-3677/4/23\\\'\', ""Comment 20: \'SO-3678/4/23\'){code}{code:java} select RecipeId,* from [DHPlantVCBusinessLogicMain].[dbo].VehicleTicketBulkDispatchElementswhere ItemId in (\'368D6BA7-1AD5-45CC-AD8F-3AA40ABF67DF\'"", ""Comment 21: \'FAAB180C-A073-4440-ABAC-DB0F0E75108F\') and OrderId in (\'045816A0-33F3-4C83-8CF1-EF11CFC2BECA\'"", \'Comment 22: \\\'625BB384-4455-4938-B644-8DA8211C45F8\\\'){code}!image-2023-04-13-18-38-07-567.png!!image-2023-04-13-18-41-08-306.png!""\', \'Comment 23: ""Veghelfaktycznie brakuje vte recipe id na tym bulku w module vtogolnie takich pozycji w bazie dla Veghel jest ok 600 z czego cześć ma jakies dziwne daty i jest stara ale częścz jest z okresu do miesiącaSELECT vde.[Id]\', \'Comment 24: recipeid,FinalWeighingDate,*FROM [DHPlantVCBusinessLogicMain].[dbo].[VehicleTicketBulkDispatchElements] vde join VehicleTickets vt on vt.id=vde.id where vt.id=\\\'0FB32AD6-C6EE-47B7-BD48-50C94657F5D4\\\' or vde.recipeid is null order by vde.FinalWeighingDate desc!image-2023-04-14-09-07-36-796.png!Podana receptura przeszła do pcs :!image-2023-04-14-09-08-38-496.png! zamówienie też pasuje!image-2023-04-14-09-09-58-759.png!""\', ""Comment 25: \'dla Veghel ustawiłam recznie recipe id bo wszystko pasuje"", \'Comment 26: wersja\', \'Comment 27: towar\', ""Comment 28: labelki sa w tej wersji zoabczymy czy pomogło\'"", ""Comment 29: \'Hello,Could you verify the Veghel VT and tripVeghel for trip 01006224I filled in teh recipe id"", ""Comment 30: that was missing on vt element.\'"", \'Comment 31: ""--update -- [DHPlantVCBusinessLogicMain].[dbo].[VehicleTicketBulkDispatchElements] --set recipeid=\\\'D58BDABD-F3D8-437E-9DA8-EB8C65286F75\\\'-- where id=\\\'0FB32AD6-C6EE-47B7-BD48-50C94657F5D4\\\'""\', ""Comment 32: \'Hello Agnieszka"", \'Comment 33: I now see that VT is closed and that compartments are still missing...For a correct SPS printout from DHP we need a) compartment information b) reipeId. Both are in the original dispatch message that was sent by PCS but this was not accepted in DHP.My question is mainly to find the reason why the dispatch message from PCS was not accepted. As far as I could check\', ""Comment 34: the format and data of the message is ok (same for other two from Maasbracht).!image-1!\'"", ""Comment 35: \'[^SPS_admin_14042023_114227568_9c249fd0-cdf3-4623-a110-bd585519f8b2.xml]\'"", ""Comment 36: \'Yes butIn this task we have focused on clearingandunblocking the process. I add missing information from database and ask you if sps printout is now ok for vt 489/4/23 from plant Veghel.Because you feedback was unclear I generated test xml sps printout for that element ( see attachement). Please verify if that sps printout is correct.[^SPS_admin_14042023_114227568_9c249fd0-cdf3-4623-a110-bd585519f8b2.xml]I quess this is a printout you mentioned.If that works fine for that object I will fixed it for VT from Massbracht"", \'Comment 37: that you sent us before..If there is a need from your sideto investigate the reasonof the issue\', \'Comment 38: why recipeid\', \'Comment 39: it is not declared on VT elements\', \'Comment 40: we may raise RootCause Analysis (RCA)task for you.Please\', ""Comment 41: let us knowhow you wish us to proceed.\'"", ""Comment 42: \'Hi Agnieszka,The XML is processed in another application (Transform). It requires data for the compartments. This is currently missing in the XML that you generated.So"", \'Comment 43: it does not really help to manually add recipeId. The printout will still not be correct.The reason that recipeId and compartments are missing in the VT is that the dispatch message from PCS was not processed. Quantities were entered manually by the operator. The recipeId and compartments cannot be added by the user\', \'Comment 44: so the will be missing. Normally\', \'Comment 45: dispatch must be registered based on the dispatch message from PCS.To clarify my issue once more: Please check why the dispatch message from PCS is not processed in DHP. What is the reason for the error message ""An unexpected error occurred. Please contact system help desk.""\\\'\', \'Comment 46: ""Hi Bob,In that case this issue needs to be verified by dev team\', \'Comment 47: so please be informed that your task has been transferred to dev department. We\\\'ll let you know about the result as soon as possible.Regards""\', ""Comment 48: \'[~maciej.dobrzanski@kotrak.com]jeszcze pytanko"", \'Comment 49: powiązać task z https://helpdesk.kotrak.com/browse/DGS-8609i https://helpdesk.kotrak.com/browse/DGS-8610i robimy RCA?Tak naprawdę\', ""Comment 50: zgłaszają dosyć sporo tych problemów z packingslips... :/\'"", ""Comment 51: \'[~aleksandra.przybylek@kotrak.com] nie. Rozmawiałem w środę w tym temacie z Bobem. Pewnie bedzie potrzebne GDC\'"", ""Comment 52: \'ok :)\'"", ""Comment 53: \'Hi Aleksandra"", \'Comment 54: another example from Utrecht: 010078902023-04-14T09:31:39SO-6370/4/231505075687317964122922230683366SO-6373/4/2315063656808055564306862488\\\\tThe error message (after retry in Swagger):500 UndocumentedError: Internal Server ErrorResponse bodyDownload[ { ""Message"": ""An unexpected error occurred. Please contact system help desk.""\', \'Comment 55: ""Code"": null }]Note: for code 500 errors\', ""Comment 56: I think another ticket was already created.\'"", ""Comment 57: \'Hi [~BKennedy@deheus.com],For this case"", ""Comment 58: we have more than one shipping notice. One ASN is canceled and the other is in progress that is why the error appears. !doubledasns! There is a GDC-901 raised that is about to solve this issue: !901! The requirement marked in yellow will solve this issue since the PCS NL module will skip canceled trips.Regards\'"", \'Comment 59: \\\'Hi Maciej,Thank you for the response.I was not aware that the issue is cancelled trips (with same trip number). I think due to the approach in DHC that an update of an ASN results in a cancellation and a ""new"" ASN with the same trip number\', \'Comment 60: in DHP we have a lot of cases where we have multiple ASN with the same trip number.Priority of the GDC-901 I think has to be checked (I saw version 3.8...). We must be able to send a correct packing slip to the customer. For this we need compartment info and recipeId (it is not yet possible to enter this manually in the VT).If we have the issue now\', \'Comment 61: as a workaround\', ""Comment 62: it would help to update the trip number of the cancelled trip e.g. add a - or put it to 0... correct?\'"", ""Comment 63: \'Hi [~BKennedy@deheus.com],Yes"", \'Comment 64: I do really understand that is a big issue that is why both I and Theo have decided to implement the ""yellow"" point as a hotfix to the DHP R8.5. The rest of the scope will be planned for the later version.In my opinion\', \'Comment 65: we should be ready somewhere in the middle of next week\', ""Comment 66: then we can plan the upgrades of only PCS.NL service.I hope that is good news for you\'"", ""Comment 67: \'Ok"", ""Comment 68: thank you. Indeed this is good news!This ticket can be closed.\'"", ""Comment 69: \'Thank you.Regards\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +80,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8952\n\n### Instruction:\nHi, Task form Paulina\r\n\r\n\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'!image!\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 3: \'The task was addressed to the producer of the system OPT/993023\'"", \'Comment 4: \\\'Producer\\\\\\\'s response:""{color:#2e2e2e}Po aktualizacji zawsze usuwana jest data wyrejestrowania - {color}jest to standardowe działanie programu. Najczęściej aktualizacja po wyrejestrowaniu dotyczy ponownego zatrudnienia dlatego data wyrejestrowania jest automatycznie usuwana.""\\\'\', ""Comment 5: \'!image-1!\'"", ""Comment 6: \'Pani Paulino,Jeśli mają Panie taki przypadek że po zwolnieniu pracownika i wyrejestrowaniu go z ZUS robią Panie na nim aktualizację (dodają kolejny zapis historyczny np. zmieniający wydział) to trzeba pamiętać iż traci się informacja o wyrejestrowaniu z ZUS i dane te należy ponownie uzupełnić w ramach tego zapisu historycznego. Producent nie traktuje tego jako błąd.\'"", ""Comment 7: \'Could you please confirm if we can close this task?Regards\'"", \'Comment 8: ""I\\\'m waiting for user response""\', ""Comment 9: \'Thank you for the information\'"", ""Comment 10: \'Task to close"", ""Comment 11: thanks.\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +81,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8951\n\n### Instruction:\n I tried to Move opening Balance for 2023 from 2022 Ending and closing balance, but not working properly it will take 2022 Opening Balance as 2023 Opening balance. Can you help us to be resolved.\r\n\r\n\r\n Thanks.\r\nGetish Lemma\r\nAlema Koudijs Feed Plc\r\nFinance Manager\r\n\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\n\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'!1!!2!!3!!4!\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 3: \'Dear Sir"", \'Comment 4: Ok thank you and much appreciated if you can help us. Thanks. {color:#1F3864}With best Regards,{color} {color:#1F3864}{color} {color:#1F3864}Getish Lemma\', \'Comment 5: Finance Manager{color} {color:#1F3864}{color} {color:#1F3864}Alema Koudijs Feed PLC{color} {color:#1F3864}(+251) 912 144 728{color}{color:#2E74B5}{color} !image001!{color:#2E74B5}{color} *From:* De Heus Global Service Desk *Sent:* Wednesday\', \'Comment 6: April 12\', ""Comment 7: 2023 2:32 PM *To:* Getish Lemma *Subject:* DGS-8951 ERP Opening Balance Move to 2023 \'"", ""Comment 8: \'Dear Sir"", \'Comment 9: Ok thank you and much appreciated if you can help us. Thanks. {color:#1F3864}With best Regards,{color} {color:#1F3864}{color} {color:#1F3864}Getish Lemma\', \'Comment 10: Finance Manager{color} {color:#1F3864}{color} {color:#1F3864}Alema Koudijs Feed PLC{color} {color:#1F3864}(+251) 912 144 728{color}{color:#2E74B5}{color} !image001!{color:#2E74B5}{color} *From:* Paweł Sadowski (Jira) *Sent:* Wednesday\', \'Comment 11: April 12\', ""Comment 12: 2023 2:34 PM *To:* Getish Lemma *Subject:* DGS-8951 ERP Opening Balance Move to 2023 \'"", ""Comment 13: \'Hi1. change period to 2023 (1.png)2. Tools -> Transfer of opening balance -> check: all accounts"", ""Comment 14: Status : Accepted - > then click Lightning icon The system will only transfer the balances of those accounts that have a balance in 2022 and that have not already been transferredIt will transfer closing balance from 2022 as opening balance in 2023The opening balance can be transferred many times in this way - the system will always transfer only differences - creating an OB correction document.If you need- the opening balance can be deleted very easily from the list of Menu Accounting -> Opening balancesYou can just change status of opening balance - Accepted to Buffer and then just delete it.\'"", ""Comment 15: \'Dear Sir"", \'Comment 16: I have tried to do like below\', \'Comment 17: Still not resolved it is taking opening Balance of 2022 for 2023. See the attached Excel file. Regards\', ""Comment 18: Getish[^Alema Koudijs Feed Plc Opping Balance moved for 2023 but it is openning balance of 2022.xlsx] _(20 kB)_\'"", ""Comment 19: \'I transferred opening balance. Please"", ""Comment 20: checkI had to change configuration !screenshot-1! \'"", ""Comment 21: \'Dear Sir"", \'Comment 22: Thanks a lot for helping me\', \'Comment 23: I have got a difference for below account which is not found and I added to the chart of account and also the balances: and for Retained earning account from Net income is not moving for total Amount of ETB 217,190,338.60 I have also added the Balance for account number 30-31000 (Retained Earning). |{color:black} Number{color} |{color:black} Type{color} |{color:black} Name{color} |{color:black} Debit balance{color} |{color:black} Credit Balance{color} |{color:black} Credit and Debit Balance{color} | |{color:black} 11-11200-03--304{color} |{color:black} R{color} |{color:black} KEBEDE ZEWDE{color} |{color:black} 500.00{color} |{color:black} -{color} |{color:black} 500.00{color} | |{color:black} 11-11200-03-390{color} |{color:black} R{color} |{color:black} Temesgen Niguse{color} |{color:black} 3,250.00{color} |{color:black} -{color} |{color:black} 3,250.00{color} | |{color:black} 20-29401{color} |{color:black} R{color} |{color:black} Dividend Tax Payable{color} |{color:black} 1,422.00{color} |{color:black} - {color} |{color:black} 1,422.00{color} | | | | | | | | |{color:black} 30-31000{color} |{color:black} AP{color} |{color:black} Retained earnings{color} |{color:black} {color} |{color:black} 217,190,338.60{color} |{color:black} (217,190,338.60){color} | Now the problem seems resolved. Thanks a lot. Regards\', ""Comment 24: Getish!image001-1!\'"", ""Comment 25: \'Dear Getish,{color:#000000}The system didn\\\\\'t transfer the balance of those accounts:11-11200-03–304"", \'Comment 26: 11-11200-03-390\', \'Comment 27: 20-29401{color}{color:#000000}because they are created in 2023 by hand\', \'Comment 28: not by transferring chart of accounts from 2022\', \'Comment 29: so those account didnt have connection with account in 2022.I rebuilt this connection by filling the field ""Account in the next period"".!image-2023-04-18-15-42-03-221.png!Now \', ""Comment 30: everything is ok for me.{color}Could you please confirm if we can close this task?Regards,{color:#000000}Beata{color}\'"", ""Comment 31: \'Dear Beata Kapturska"", \'Comment 32: Thanks for your effort to help me now it is fine\', \'Comment 33: and good. Thank you. Regards\', ""Comment 34: Getish!image001-2!\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +82,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8950\n\n### Instruction:\nCould you change the customer numbers on these SR\'s to 100290:\r\n* SR/6406\r\n* SR/6407\r\n* SR/6409\r\n* SR/6412\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", \'Comment 2: ""Hi [~mbovene@deheus.com],we are investingating this issue and which customer are you would to change on these SR\\\'s?If it will be Farmer (Farmer code\', \'Comment 3: Farmer name)\', \'Comment 4: which Round do we need to update?Best regards,Grzegorz""\', ""Comment 5: \'We can close the task\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +83,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8949\n\n### Instruction:\nHi\r\n\r\nThe factory reported that Production Order Printout for PRO-657/3/23 (FCP5290-T-S24) version 1.0 didn\'t list all elements.\r\nLooking to the PrO and PLR, all items are there, however printout is not displaying it.\r\nI found the problem: the scale number on DHP for this recipe is NULL.\r\nHowever on DHC we have the right scale number.\r\n\r\nWhen we execute the following query, we find 32 registers with ScaleNumber = NULL.\r\n\r\n{noformat}\r\nSELECT * FROM DHPlantProdBusinessLogicMain.dbo.RecipeElements re WHERE ScaleNumber IS NULL\r\n{noformat}\r\n\r\nCould you please fix that?\r\n\r\nThank you very much\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'Ostatni komentarz toHi[~Agnieszka.Januszewska@kotrak.com]We now have more 3 recipes with elements with ScaleNumber = NULL:||Item||Version||Subversion|||FCP5271-T-S12|8|2||GLN2217-S25|59|0||SUN7500-S15|14|1|And yes"", \'Comment 2: please\', \'Comment 3: raise a RCACzy te 3 przypadki updatowa\', ""Comment 4: czy zostawić wam do analizy.\'"", ""Comment 5: \'It will be necessary to log the exact data sent from the DHC to the DHP. We can incorporate them however we would ask for an exact date. We would ask for monitoring of free disk space during this period. Such logging would last about a week"", ""Comment 6: we would ask then and sending a new example\'"", ""Comment 7: \'Hi [~Agnieszka.Januszewska@kotrak.com]You have access to our servers"", ""Comment 8: feel free to get these logs.We are monitoring free disk space since last month and we are fine until know.Thank you\'"", ""Comment 9: \'[~przemyslaw.przybyszewski@kotrak.com]mamy zeilone światło\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[\'DGS-8807\']\n\n### End'}" +84,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8948\n\n### Instruction:\nI would like to know if it is possible to block manual confirmations where documents are to be generated automatically\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Could you please provide more details: * what kind of documents ( SOR"", \'Comment 3: POR\', \'Comment 4: IR+\', ""Comment 5: JO?) * the blocking should be for all users? * What do you mean bygenerated automaticallyO maybe you have in mind to block generating sor/por and from orders?\'"", ""Comment 6: \'yes i want to block manual generation of SOR and POR from warehouses with DHP\'"", ""Comment 7: \'problem z logowaniem do ich erp xl!image-2023-04-17-13-35-42-635.png!\'"", ""Comment 8: \'!image-2023-04-17-13-43-29-047.png!\'"", ""Comment 9: \'if ERPINT is supposed to generate the document"", \'Comment 10: i dont want any user to be able to do manual execution of SOR\', \'Comment 11: POR\', ""Comment 12: IR and JO\'"", \'Comment 13: ""Could you please provide credentials for test envirovment - so I can test a solution?I reccomend add-inn \\\'s or bans.If that should be bans please provide a list of users\', \'Comment 14: if for bans provide a centers.""\', ""Comment 15: \'okay\'"", ""Comment 16: \'i dont think we have license for the test environment"", ""Comment 17: we moved all to production environment\'"", ""Comment 18: \'for the list of users that needs to be blocked from creating manual documents when ERPINT should do that are;Gilbert Laweh ZogblahChristian GodsonHarriet DabiRita AppiahEdem Zode\'"", ""Comment 19: \'any update for this?\'"", ""Comment 20: \'Are these users to be blocked from adding SOR Por"", \'Comment 21: eor and pori \', \'Comment 22: IR+\', ""Comment 23: Ir- documents completely?Or only for designated warehouses ?\'"", ""Comment 24: \'For just johnson and mag\'"", ""Comment 25: \'Do users ( you did listed) need to edit SO"", \'Comment 26: PO\', \'Comment 27: IO (except creating sor etc)?do they creating new document from order by using right-click ?There are 2 options: * I may created a filter that will hide all the orders that are for warehouses specified by you and in status confirmed and in progress\', \'Comment 28: it is kind of filter\', ""Comment 29: that unable to change it * We may create an add-inbut for that we need more tests\'"", ""Comment 30: \'Yes they need to edit SO"", ""Comment 31: PO and IO and i will prefer they are unable to create SOR or POR or WMR for MAG and JOHNSON by right clicking on the order. I dont knownif the filter will be very effective \'"", ""Comment 32: \'Could please set the test enviroment for erp xl"", \'Comment 33: so I can prepare solution and test it ?when the order are not visisble ( in specified ststaus and so one\', ""Comment 34: there an unreachable to use righcklick on order)\'"", ""Comment 35: \'in order for us to use the test environment we need to request an upgrade first\'"", ""Comment 36: \'we have to upgrade the key manager first\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +85,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8947\n\n### Instruction:\nRecipe version 46 of product 967118 for plant 4 is not exported from DHC to MILAS. I don\'t see an entry in the recipemappings table as well.\r\n\r\nCan you check why it is not send and fix it?\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hello,\\\\r\\\\rWe are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.\\\\r\\\\rRegards\\\\r\\\\r\'"", \'Comment 3: ""recipeid=\\\'31901BFF-0161-4553-8E81-156D1E87722F\\\'""\', ""Comment 4: \'Please could you ask verify Milas to verify again.\'"", ""Comment 5: \'Is the recipe still missing or may we close the task?\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +86,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8946\n\n### Instruction:\nWhen we try to open the Comarch ERP program, an error comes, and it cannot be opened. An error message window attached with this request. The program version is Comarch ERP XL.\r\n\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'!Screenshot 2023-04-12 105101!\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 3: \'Issue is already analysis in DGS-8945.\'"", ""Comment 4: \'Issue resolved in DGS-8945.\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[\'DGS-8945\']\n\n### End'}" +87,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8945\n\n### Instruction:\nDear help Desk ! \r\nwe are having this problem this week when users try login ; i tried sometime to clear the Temp files and sign out and restart the Server ; but what is the permanent solution you suggest to solve this ; \r\nThanks always \n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'!image!\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Thanks Very Much !\'"", ""Comment 3: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 4: \'Thanks Very much ! Regards\'"", ""Comment 5: \'Hello"", ""Comment 6: I changed settings for public shortcut to run as administrator!screenshot-1! Please check if the problem still exists\'"", ""Comment 7: \'Dear Brother Yes I see the difference in the login to CDNXL as Admin but I couldn`t login still ; same error notification are displaying ???!image001!\'"", ""Comment 8: \'The reasons for this may be vary.Please provide additional information:Please check if the problem is also on another server - ETAPP03.Is the problem opening every module?\'"", ""Comment 9: \'Hello Dear We never experienced this problem on other Application except ETTS02 (ERP CDNXL). ETAPP03 is fine and no problem login ; Only this ETTS02 ERP CDNXL is rejecting the login ; Last Monday problem happened and used the Run command and %Temp% and deleted the Temp folder ; signed out and worked Great ; but today this problem was happened n couldn`t fix ? hoping you have more expirence with the Applications and problems of this kinds ; For AKF Ethiopia it is our first experience Regards \'"", ""Comment 10: \'Hey Dear Status of my Desktop Short cut ; Admin User Name (Tgemechis ) ; hope it might be helpful . Thanks\'"", \'Comment 11: ""!image001! *From:* Gemechis Terefe *Sent:* Wednesday\', \'Comment 12: April 12\', ""Comment 13: 2023 10:25 *To:* \'dgs@help.kotrak.com\' *Subject:* RE: DGS-8945 ERP CDNXL Remotely login problems Hey Dear Status of my Desktop Short cut ; Admin User Name (Tgemechis ) ; hope it might be helpful . Thanks *From:* Piotr Gaczorek (Jira) <[jira@kotrak.com|mailto:jira@kotrak.com]> *Sent:* Wednesday"", \'Comment 14: April 12\', \'Comment 15: 2023 09:48 *To:* Gemechis Terefe <[gemechis@alemakoudijs.com|mailto:gemechis@alemakoudijs.com]> *Subject:* DGS-8945 ERP CDNXL Remotely login problems !image001-1!""\', ""Comment 16: \'We will verify the differences between the servers"", ""Comment 17: but if you can work on the server can we reduce the priority to p2?Does the error occur only when trying to open a module?What hours users work on the problematic server?\'"", ""Comment 18: \'Hello Dear ; Additional information ? Some users are login remotely after a long Wait . but I and other users still couldn`t ! I can login using the main server ; but Remote login problems are still happening ; All users can`t connect to the server at the same time . so"", ""Comment 19: operation is affected in our company We all were supposed to do work Today from 07:20 till 17:00 pm ; but still I and some other users couldn`t login ! Yes The ERROR happens when trying open the Module using the desktop short cut !\'"", ""Comment 20: \'We will repair XL but I would like to ask you to log out all operators from XL - or specify what time will be appropriate.\'"", ""Comment 21: \'Hey Dear We Will stop Working on CDNXL and related system after 16:00 (4pm) Netherlands Time / 17:00 (5pm) Ethiopian time . Every one will log out and you can repair XL Thanks very much !\'"", ""Comment 22: \'Thank you for information"", ""Comment 23: we will start at this time.\'"", ""Comment 24: \'You are Welcome to start anytime from now on even ; Now all users are forced to Log out . no user can`t access the module any more for the same kind of Error . \'"", ""Comment 25: \'Hi,We will push repairing at 8 p.m. Netherlands time.Regards\'"", ""Comment 26: \'Ok Dear Good ; Ask if anything we could help is needed . we ll be online to see your feed back . All users were forced to log out already. Thanks Again !\'"", ""Comment 27: \'Hello"", \'Comment 28: XL repair did not solve the problem\', ""Comment 29: we are consulting the issue with the XL app producer.Unfortunately - I will let you know as soon as I know something new.\'"", ""Comment 30: \'Hey May be XL repair worked ! including me ; all users are logged in . CDNXL is working great Again ; just wanted to see the total progress and report that to ya sir. i appreciate the immediate response ya guys give us quick ! Thanks Again \'"", ""Comment 31: \'Thank you for information"", ""Comment 32: so please check and let me know.\'"", ""Comment 33: \'Hi i have some updates on the ERP module ! Users logged in Early in the morning are still working fine ! But users exited module and tried to login back had the same error like yesterday . including Me ; the picture is the remote login trail fail i received 5min ago . As it is very critical for us ; Sales and finance users are all told not to log out or ideal n end the session till customers are gone !So this problem is not fully resolved ; Last Monday we had unexpected shut down to the main server . (power Failure) Since this problem came an issue ! Tomorrow all day long there is no work here AKF Ethiopia ; no users will log in to the module. S you can have enough time to investigate What sup if possible ! Thanks always !image-1!\'"", ""Comment 34: \'XL/993102\'"", \'Comment 35: ""I\\\'m still waiting for the manufacturer\\\'s information\', \'Comment 36: can users work on another server?""\', ""Comment 37: \'hithe ERP module was / is created on this Server ETTS02 . (This same server with error ) users only use other servers for other modules . Here "", ""Comment 38: Sales gives service for customer n Finance-transaction both on ERP module . Tonight after 16 pm NL time all users will log out till 15th Saturday morning 7am NL. so let me know your updates ! \'"", ""Comment 39: \'Hi 👋Wanted to inform ya that"", ""Comment 40: tomorrow Friday 14 is holiday here in ETH. So no one will be around the factory from 7:00 am - 10 pm (NL time). We will shut down the main server also. Because electricians will shut down the power Generator n leave. But if you have new updates from t manufacturer n wants to login ? We will try our best to make it happen 🙏 Just let us know here yr plans beforehand.Less ya do schedule t time out of the mentioned time intervals.Regards \'"", ""Comment 41: \'Hi,No worries. I think it will take a day or two until we receive feedback from producer as the issue seems to be more complicated.We will inform you as soon as we receive some feedback.Best regards\'"", ""Comment 42: \'Well that is great. Thanks 👍\'"", ""Comment 43: \'hello dears are there any updates ? this issue became very critical ! Today Monday Apri-17 ; No user can log in to the ERP Module and both Sales and Finance Department already stopped Working ; so what is the immediate solution you advise ? our working environment is really affected ; \'"", ""Comment 44: \'Hi,attempts were made today to repair the application after turning on the server but we are currently still working on solving the problem.Does the problem currently affect all operators?"", ""Comment 45: because I see that they are logged in to XL.We can repair the application again as a temporary solution but then you cannot work in XL on this server.Break about 15 minutes.\'"", ""Comment 46: \'Hi please "", ""Comment 47: Now every one stopped working ; some tried to login this morning but the session ended and i can`t cut users ; all Users and operators are affected ; No one is working ; only sales are trying server the customers by hand written Receipts manually ; Repair and do you miracles ; Becouse Finace is just sitting and weighbridge row material operators also just sitting \'"", ""Comment 48: \'please repair it if you can now ; because every one is told not to try work on the XL \'"", ""Comment 49: \'just let me know when you guys are finished ? we will try login ASAP and change manual Documents to CDNXL Regards \'"", ""Comment 50: \'Please check again"", ""Comment 51: can I get access the server WIN-27LQHK3KIPV?What license key is used for XL? !screenshot-2! \'"", ""Comment 52: \'Use My Credential !User Name ( Alemakoudijs\\\\\\\\Tgemechis)Password (Jesus@2021) use this account ; so i will update it later ! \'"", \'Comment 53: ""You don\\\'t have access to that server either.""\', ""Comment 54: \'User: Administrator Password : Summer2019! ----\'"", ""Comment 55: \'Hey dearUse this to accept WIN-27LQHK3KIPV User name (Administrator)Password (Akf@main2023!) Regards \'"", ""Comment 56: \'Please verify application should working correct now,the problem was incorrect data on the XL side for translations.\'"", ""Comment 57: \'[[ERP XL] [deheus]Nie można się zalogować "", ""Comment 58: informacje o braku licencji .|onenote:https://kotrak.sharepoint.com/sites/erpasysta/Shared%20Documents/Baza%20wiedzy/Baza%20Wiedzy%20-%20ERPSD/Baza%20wiedzy/XL.one#%5bERP%20XL%5d%20%5bdeheus%5dNie%20mo%C5%BCna%20si%C4%99%20zalogowa%C4%87%20§ion-id=\\\\\\\\{FACAA0DC-563C-4105-A8C0-CDBAAB485E6B}&page-id=\\\\\\\\{3D9A0481-8941-4C49-9EDB-69C2A9CC5AAA}&end] ([Widok sieci Web|https://kotrak.sharepoint.com/sites/erpasysta/_layouts/OneNote.aspx?id=%2Fsites%2Ferpasysta%2FShared%20Documents%2FBaza%20wiedzy%2FBaza%20Wiedzy%20-%20ERPSD&wd=target%28Baza%20wiedzy%2FXL.one%7CFACAA0DC-563C-4105-A8C0-CDBAAB485E6B%2F%5BERP%20XL%5D%20%5Bdeheus%5DNie%20mo%C5%BCna%20si%C4%99%20zalogowa%C4%87%20%7C3D9A0481-8941-4C49-9EDB-69C2A9CC5AAA%2F%29])\'"", ""Comment 59: \'Hey Dear The Application is working great ! checked it myself and Operators from sales and finance ; Great !new things we noticed was just a language changes in some area from English to Polish ; For example ; finance Department noticed this changes 1. Reference for inventory IR+ IR- changed to PW - and RW- 2. Purchase Documents invoice PI - changed to FZ- and POR to PZ-3. Sales invoice SI (Sales invoice) changed to FS and SOR to WZ 4. Last Sales SOR print out customer name "", ""Comment 60: issued by . Date of Dispatch .. all changed to Polish from English ; see attached Picture Thanks again !image-2!!image-3!\'"", ""Comment 61: \'Hello,Happy to see if the erp works fine"", \'Comment 62: please try to after log on use that option and verify if that works fine :Log to erp xl\', \'Comment 63: choose modul you need\', ""Comment 64: then use system - change languge and just confirm your settings . Then log out and log on and see if that helps.If not we will look at it but ,kindly approve lowering priority of this task to P2 as P1 issues are only those with a critical or a blocking impact on business processes . This seems not to be the case in this issue so we suggest decreasing the issue priority.Regards!image-2023-04-17-15-08-56-341.png!!image-2023-04-17-15-08-56-341!\'"", ""Comment 65: \'Hey dear This is were the only new things they noticed so far . ERP was great again. We will set the language n will report you the results ASAPThanks always \'"", ""Comment 66: \'Good Morning SirERP module is Working great again ! all operators are working ; The language setting was done and receipts are changed to English !Task P2 can be changed to Task P1 Thanks very much i will follow up the day routine responses from the operators and will let you know the Result . So we can close the Ticket finally . Regards \'"", ""Comment 67: \'Hello"", \'Comment 68: thank you for confirmation.So\', ""Comment 69: we will wait for final feedback.\'"", ""Comment 70: \'Hey Dear Today all our operators work day was great ! ERP is Doing Great again ; AKF was Dispatching and financial report sent using ERP module and no problems at all . Now we can close the ticket ! Problem Solved ! Thanks very much ! your immediate response and tentative support is very appreciated and helpful to our daily routine . Thanks again \']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[\'DGS-8946\']\n\n### End'}" +88,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8944\n\n### Instruction:\nHi\r\n\r\nWe have this SU barcode 90-W00WK4\r\nChecking the location tracking, we can find that it was moved with fast movement between 2 BUs, but the configuration is set to block such fast movement.\r\nCould you check why this happened and be sure that this will not happen again?\r\n\r\nThank you very much!\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'!image!!image-1!\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 3: \'https://helpdesk.kotrak.com/browse/DAP-13372\'"", ""Comment 4: \'!image-2023-04-12-15-39-05-635.png!\'"", ""Comment 5: \'!image-2023-04-12-15-39-51-257.png!\'"", ""Comment 6: \'!image-2023-04-12-15-51-45-077.png!\'"", ""Comment 7: \'Na naszym tescie gdzie jest wersja 8,5 jest tylko jeden unit aleCiekawa rzecz kiedy sprawdząłam to wczoraj mieli to zaznczone"", ""Comment 8: aktualnie jest ti odznaczone u nichna false!image-2023-04-13-08-55-23-246.png!!image-2023-04-13-08-53-28-678.png!\'"", ""Comment 9: \'!dzisiaj.PNG! HelloWhen the movement was done,I noticed that when I verify configuration yestserday this parametr was checked - today it is unmarked ?Could you please verify why this was changed? There is possibility that in this case someone was able to create fast movement because"", ""Comment 10: the configuration was changed.!dzisiaj.PNG|thumbnail!\'"", \'Comment 11: ""Hi [~Agnieszka.Januszewska@kotrak.com]That\\\'s weird. I just access it and it\\\'s turned off. I\\\'m turning on right now!Only me and Priscyla have permission to configure this option. Priscyla is on vacation and I didn\\\'t turned off this configuration.Can you trace who is disabling it?Thank you very much!""\', ""Comment 12: \'HiThe situation is crtical: some users (like vandrade) have access to WMS configuration screen"", ""Comment 13: however they are not System admin function.\'"", ""Comment 14: \'Ile takich przypadków wystąpiło? Moze po zmianie konfiguracji na zablokowana któryś z operatorów na mobilnym nie przelogował się i dalej miał zaczytana konfiguracje pozwalająca na movement?Użytkownik z uprawnieniami jak vandrade ma dostęp do konfiguracji"", \'Comment 15: ale po zapisie pojawia się komunikat o braku uprawnień.Oprócz Maicona i Priscyli konfiguracje mogą zmieniać aguelfi\', \'Comment 16: jveroneze (maja role system admina) i mój użytkownik :PInformacje o zmianie konfiguracji nie są zapisywane w tej wersji (dopiero w 8.6 w HttpRequestEvents)\', ""Comment 17: więc nie mam jak sprawdzić czy ktoś przestawiał konfigurację.!screenshot-1! \'"", ""Comment 18: \'Thank you for Your patience # regarding the functionality itself and with the blocking parameter enabled"", \'Comment 19: we have not been able to reproduce the situation. # from version 8.6 will be logged in the database information about who changed the configuration at this time we are not able to verify this # a user with permissions such as Vandrade only has access to view the configuration but should not be able to edit it (should show an error) # other users who can change configurations are Aguelfi\', ""Comment 20: Jveronezead 1,are there any more recent cases where you in production have managed to do fast movment and the parameter was definitely on ?If not and the explanations given are sufficient then can we close this task ?\'"", \'Comment 21: ""Hi [~Agnieszka.Januszewska@kotrak.com]Thank you for these information.Let\\\'s wait for R8.6You can close this taskThank you very much!""\', ""Comment 22: \'W AspNetUserClaims claima WmsConfiguration posiada:* admin* systemadmin\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +89,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8943\n\n### Instruction:\nHi\r\n\r\nThe PLR 0881100423005 didn\'t integrate from DHP to DHC.\r\nCould you please check why this happened and fix it?\r\n\r\nThank you very much!\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 2: \'12:56id=7c0a7f16-ab3d-4bca-8f6a-248a19b7c581!image-2023-04-11-18-01-13-510.png!!image-2023-04-11-18-01-13-510!\'"", ""Comment 3: \'!image-2023-04-11-18-03-33-100.png!!image-2023-04-11-18-25-23-759.png!!image-2023-04-11-18-25-23-759!\'"", ""Comment 4: \'Logi z wczoraj po id PLRa{code:java}2023-04-10 12:28:18 (9505b7fd-ae3a-4866-8563-0a83e5eb17cd/Plant.DHC.Integration/BR-3-SV-VM0202/6864/21) [Error] Plant.Integration.DhcService.Application.DhpToDhcMapFilter - Couldn\\\\\'t map dhp message Plant.QAM.BusinessLogic.DomainAbstractions.Quarantine.ProductionLotReportQuarantineSynchronizationEventKotrak.Integration.IdentityMapping.IdentityNotMappedException: Key of entity ProductionLotReportIdentityEntity was not mapped. Key value Id: 7c0a7f16-ab3d-4bca-8f6a-248a19b7c581 at Kotrak.Integration.IdentityMapping.EF.GenericIdentityMappingRepository`1.GetExternalKey(GuidKey key) at Plant.Integration.DhcService.Application.ProductionLotReports.ProductionLotReportQuarantineMapFilter.MapIds(ProductionLotReportQuarantineSynchronizationEvent message"", \'Comment 5: ProductionLotReportQuarantine externalObject) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\e810c04f78ab209c\\\\\\\\Plant.Integration.DhcService\\\\\\\\Plant.Integration.DhcService.Application\\\\\\\\ProductionLotReports\\\\\\\\ProductionLotReportQuarantineMapFilter.cs:line 28 at Plant.Integration.DhcService.Application.DhpToDhcMapFilter`2.Process(PackageIntegrationState input) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\e810c04f78ab209c\\\\\\\\Plant.Integration.DhcService\\\\\\\\Plant.Integration.DhcService.Application\\\\\\\\DhpToDhcMapFilter.cs:line 442023-04-10 12:28:18 (9505b7fd-ae3a-4866-8563-0a83e5eb17cd/Plant.DHC.Integration/BR-3-SV-VM0202/6864/21) [Error] Plant.Integration.DhcService.Infrastructure.Handlers.BaseInboundMessageHandler - ProductionLotReportQuarantinePipelineExecutor execution errorKotrak.Integration.IdentityMapping.IdentityNotMappedException: Key of entity ProductionLotReportIdentityEntity was not mapped. Key value Id: 7c0a7f16-ab3d-4bca-8f6a-248a19b7c581 at Kotrak.Integration.IdentityMapping.EF.GenericIdentityMappingRepository`1.GetExternalKey(GuidKey key) at Plant.Integration.DhcService.Application.ProductionLotReports.ProductionLotReportQuarantineMapFilter.MapIds(ProductionLotReportQuarantineSynchronizationEvent message\', \'Comment 6: ProductionLotReportQuarantine externalObject) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\e810c04f78ab209c\\\\\\\\Plant.Integration.DhcService\\\\\\\\Plant.Integration.DhcService.Application\\\\\\\\ProductionLotReports\\\\\\\\ProductionLotReportQuarantineMapFilter.cs:line 28 at Plant.Integration.DhcService.Application.DhpToDhcMapFilter`2.Process(PackageIntegrationState input) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\e810c04f78ab209c\\\\\\\\Plant.Integration.DhcService\\\\\\\\Plant.Integration.DhcService.Application\\\\\\\\DhpToDhcMapFilter.cs:line 44 at Kotrak.Integration.Pipeline.PredefinedFilters.FilterBase`1.Execute(T input) at Kotrak.Integration.Pipeline.Pipeline`1.Excecute(T input) at Plant.Integration.DhcService.Infrastructure.Handlers.BaseInboundMessageHandler`1.Handle(TEvent message) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\e810c04f78ab209c\\\\\\\\Plant.Integration.DhcService\\\\\\\\Plant.Integration.DhcService.Infrastructure\\\\\\\\Handlers\\\\\\\\BaseInboundMessageHandler.cs:line 492023-04-10 12:28:18 (9505b7fd-ae3a-4866-8563-0a83e5eb17cd/Plant.DHC.Integration/BR-3-SV-VM0202/6864/21) [Error] Kotrak.Integration.IntegrationPluginCommon.IntercontextCommunication.Inbound.InboundIntercontextErrorHandler - Error during handling message of type ""Plant.QAM.BusinessLogic.DomainAbstractions.Quarantine.ProductionLotReportQuarantineSynchronizationEvent""\', \'Comment 7: retry no 1Kotrak.Integration.IdentityMapping.IdentityNotMappedException: Key of entity ProductionLotReportIdentityEntity was not mapped. Key value Id: 7c0a7f16-ab3d-4bca-8f6a-248a19b7c581 at Kotrak.Integration.IdentityMapping.EF.GenericIdentityMappingRepository`1.GetExternalKey(GuidKey key) at Plant.Integration.DhcService.Application.ProductionLotReports.ProductionLotReportQuarantineMapFilter.MapIds(ProductionLotReportQuarantineSynchronizationEvent message\', ""Comment 8: ProductionLotReportQuarantine externalObject) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\e810c04f78ab209c\\\\\\\\Plant.Integration.DhcService\\\\\\\\Plant.Integration.DhcService.Application\\\\\\\\ProductionLotReports\\\\\\\\ProductionLotReportQuarantineMapFilter.cs:line 28 at Plant.Integration.DhcService.Application.DhpToDhcMapFilter`2.Process(PackageIntegrationState input) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\e810c04f78ab209c\\\\\\\\Plant.Integration.DhcService\\\\\\\\Plant.Integration.DhcService.Application\\\\\\\\DhpToDhcMapFilter.cs:line 44 at Kotrak.Integration.Pipeline.PredefinedFilters.FilterBase`1.Execute(T input) at Kotrak.Integration.Pipeline.Pipeline`1.Excecute(T input) at Plant.Integration.DhcService.Infrastructure.Handlers.BaseInboundMessageHandler`1.Handle(TEvent message) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\e810c04f78ab209c\\\\\\\\Plant.Integration.DhcService\\\\\\\\Plant.Integration.DhcService.Infrastructure\\\\\\\\Handlers\\\\\\\\BaseInboundMessageHandler.cs:line 49 at Kotrak.Integration.IntegrationPluginCommon.IntercontextCommunication.Inbound.IntercontextInboundHandler`2.Handle(InternalStorageDto message){code}\'"", ""Comment 9: \'!image-2023-04-11-18-13-07-747.png!!image-2023-04-11-18-17-28-608.png!!image-2023-04-11-18-17-05-044.png!!image-2023-04-11-18-16-22-596.png!\'"", ""Comment 10: \'Ostatni PCSowy event dla tego Lota to finished:!image-2023-04-11-18-27-59-817.png!!image-2023-04-11-18-29-59-430.png!!image-2023-04-11-18-29-59-430!\'"", ""Comment 11: \'Stany poszły:!image-2023-04-11-18-38-28-547.png!\'"", ""Comment 12: \'Przy wróceniu PLRa na finished i confirm z aplikacji pojawia się błąd:Current settlement configuration requires that deliveries are explicitly specified appearsTo samo co tu:https://helpdesk.kotrak.com/browse/DGS-8639\'"", ""Comment 13: \'Hi [~mberbert@deheus.com] I have verified this issue very carefully and it is the same as in taskDGS-8639. So similarly"", \'Comment 14: I need to ask dev team for help. We will revert to you as soon as possible. Please\', ""Comment 15: let me know if there is any possibility to downgrade priority to P2?Regards\'"", ""Comment 16: \'Hi AleksandraYes"", ""Comment 17: you can downgrade to P2Thank you\'"", ""Comment 18: \'Hej"", ""Comment 19: przekazuję zgodnie z ustaleniami z Olą. Dzięki.\'"", ""Comment 20: \'Hej,Po rozmowie z Łukaszem wynika że znowu poleciał timeout.Do wersji 8.5 udało się już zrobić rozwiązanie która zwiększa ten timeout: https://helpdesk.kotrak.com/browse/DAP-13377.Jeżeli chodzi o wygenerowanie eventa to jest skrypt który go tworzy: linii nr 8 nalezy podać id lotu\'"", ""Comment 21: \'Dziękuję <3\'"", ""Comment 22: \'Hi [~mberbert@deheus.com],PLR in DHC now:!image-2023-04-12-13-20-56-173.png!Regards\'"", \'Comment 23: ""Hi [~Aleksandra.Przybylek@kotrak.com]If the root cause is the same as DGS-8639\', \'Comment 24: do you know why the recipe is in DHP but not in DHC?You see? DHP only have the recipe because it was received from DHC\', \'Comment 25: and now DHC doesn\\\'t have it. Is it some crashing in the DHC database?Thank you""\', ""Comment 26: \'There was a timeout while confirm PLR. The event did not create correct and PLR did not arrive to DHC.In version 8.5 it is solved by extending the time untill the timeout.Can we close this task?Regards\'"", ""Comment 27: \'Hi [~Aleksandra.Przybylek@kotrak.com]Thank you!You can close this task.\'"", ""Comment 28: \'Thank you\'"", ""Comment 29: \'Timeout był - Łukasz Furlepa znalazł\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +90,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8942\n\n### Instruction:\nIn DHC test (3.0.63) we do not get any data from ERP in orders overview. Data seem to be processed in DHC (order is in communication log), but it is not visible in Order overview and not sent to DHP.\r\nSee e.g. sales order SO000057002, created 11/4/2023 15:44\r\n\r\n\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'!image!!image-1!\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hi Bob,I am very sorry but the DGS project is to raise the incident/issue tickets related to the production environment. In case of introducing new features or modifying existing ones please rise a GDC ticket"", ""Comment 3: for questions or issues on the test environment you can rise a DHITS.Best regards\'"", ""Comment 4: \'Hi Aleksandra"", ""Comment 5: I have created https://helpdesk.kotrak.com/projects/GDC/issues/GDC-914?filter=allissues for this issue.This ticket can be closed.\'"", ""Comment 6: \'Thank you"", ""Comment 7: Bob.Regards\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +91,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8941\n\n### Instruction:\nHello guys, we have problem with PO-213. in DHC and DHP it has status ""Executed"", which is incorrect. PO-213 has ordered quantity 1000t and received q-ty (from VTs) = 339.14t. I have checked in ERP and, each VT received by ERP has multiplied intake quantity - 3 or 4 times. In the attached .xml example you will see 4 lines for VT-240, which intake quantity was: 39.68 t, and in ERP we received 158.72t (4 times more), that is why each intake consumes ordered quantity 3 or 4 times faster. For PO-213 we have 9 VTs registered, and it is impossible that each of them is for 100-150 t, as we see in ERP. I have checked the log from DHC and I can see there are indeed wrong quantities sent from DHC to ERP (see attached screen). Please investigate the reason of such error, and fix it ASAP, users cannot register more intakes for this PO. \r\nAs another example there is .xml for VT-74 - for the same PO-213, tripled quantity. \r\nPlease make sure that DHC error is fixed, because we have such problems with other POs as well. Once the error is fixed, please deploy the update on the production environment asap, to prevent such issues in the future. \n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'!image!!image-1!!image-2![^INTK_PO000213_2621.xml] _(3 kB)_[^INTK_PO000213_2944.xml] _(4 kB)_\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 3: \'Hello"", ""Comment 4: any news? \'"", \'Comment 5: ""{code:java}SELECT * FROM [DHCountry_IVC_Prod].[dbo].[Orders] where DocumentNumber = \\\'PO000213\\\' SELECT * FROM [DHCountry_IVC_Prod].[dbo].[OrderElements] where OrderId = \\\'F2900603-1487-410E-8113-38796A186978\\\' SELECT * FROM [DHCountry_IVC_Prod].[dbo].[VehicleTickets] where DocumentNumber like \\\'240/1/2023%\\\'{code}!image-2023-04-12-17-06-45-081.png!""\', \'Comment 6: \\\'{code:java}xmlMessage: 1342243292 1 CIP-002585 1002010 Maïs Importer Received 62.06 t 1900-01-01T00:00:00 1900-01-01T00:00:00 240/1/2023/ 2023-01-10T00:00:00 158.72 t 0 2022-12-28T00:00:00 PO000213 2022-12-28T11:00:45 0 CIPV00071 KENZ COTE D\\\\\\\'IVOIRE Delivered weight 300000 1 t CIPWH01 CIPWH01 000006027 Confirmed 0 2023-01-10T17:51:49.2242058+01:00 Admin CIP 2 7.0.6441.41 2023-01-11T17:51:49.2242058+01:00 {3AD57C82-A1D7-47A2-9943-9396D95E6351} AX Intake_20235110045149000_PO0002132023-01-10 16:51:49,118 [29] DEBUG Evolution.DHCERPService.ImplementationRestWoW.Savers.DataContractSaver`2 [E:\\\\\\\\BambooHome\\\\\\\\xml-data\\\\\\\\build-dir\\\\\\\\31916033\\\\\\\\DHAPPSV3-DHCER391-JOB1\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService.ImplementationRestWoW\\\\\\\\Savers\\\\\\\\DataContractSaver.cs:39] - Saving IntakeDataContractDeHeusWoW2023-01-10 16:51:49,165 [29] DEBUG Evolution.DHCERPService.Service.BaseSaveService`1 [E:\\\\\\\\BambooHome\\\\\\\\xml-data\\\\\\\\build-dir\\\\\\\\31916033\\\\\\\\DHAPPSV3-DHCER391-JOB1\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService.Implementation\\\\\\\\Orders\\\\\\\\OrderSaveService.cs:165] - UnmapDeletedElements deletedElements.Count = 02023-01-10 16:51:49,165 [29] INFO Evolution.DHCERPService.Service.BaseSaveService`1 [E:\\\\\\\\BambooHome\\\\\\\\xml-data\\\\\\\\build-dir\\\\\\\\31916033\\\\\\\\DHAPPSV3-DHCER391-JOB1\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService.Service\\\\\\\\BaseSaveService.cs:79] - Saved: OrderObject with Id Id: PO0002132023-01-10 16:51:49,165 [29] DEBUG Evolution.DHCERPService.ImplementationRestWoW.Savers.DataContractSaver`2 [E:\\\\\\\\BambooHome\\\\\\\\xml-data\\\\\\\\build-dir\\\\\\\\31916033\\\\\\\\DHAPPSV3-DHCER391-JOB1\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService.ImplementationRestWoW\\\\\\\\Savers\\\\\\\\DataContractSaver.cs:44] - IntakeDataContractDeHeusWoW saved2023-01-10 16:51:50,477 [61] INFO Evolution.DHCERPService.MessageSender.Actors.ClientServiceCallActor [E:\\\\\\\\BambooHome\\\\\\\\xml-data\\\\\\\\build-dir\\\\\\\\31916033\\\\\\\\DHAPPSV3-DHCER391-JOB1\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService.MessageSender\\\\\\\\Actors\\\\\\\\ClientServiceCallActor.cs:66] - Message with command PurchaseOrderReceiptSave and object id 1255a0c0-6c77-4a20-8181-5757aaec751c was sucessfully processed.2023-01-10 16:51:50,477 [57] INFO Evolution.DHCERPService.WoWWebServiceClient.Commands.CommandDecorator [E:\\\\\\\\BambooHome\\\\\\\\xml-data\\\\\\\\build-dir\\\\\\\\31916033\\\\\\\\DHAPPSV3-DHCER391-JOB1\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService.WoWWebServiceClient\\\\\\\\Commands\\\\\\\\CommandDecorator.cs:26] - Executing VehicleTicketSaveCommand 1255a0c0-6c77-4a20-8181-5757aaec751c2023-01-10 16:51:50,477 [57] WARN Evolution.DHCERPService.WoWWebServiceClient.Commands.VehicleTicketSaveCommand [E:\\\\\\\\BambooHome\\\\\\\\xml-data\\\\\\\\build-dir\\\\\\\\31916033\\\\\\\\DHAPPSV3-DHCER391-JOB1\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService.WoWWebServiceClient\\\\\\\\Commands\\\\\\\\VehicletTicketSaveCommand.cs:63] - VT 1255a0c0-6c77-4a20-8181-5757aaec751c was already synchronized - skiped2023-01-10 16:51:50,477 [57] INFO Evolution.DHCERPService.MessageSender.Actors.ClientServiceCallActor [E:\\\\\\\\BambooHome\\\\\\\\xml-data\\\\\\\\build-dir\\\\\\\\31916033\\\\\\\\DHAPPSV3-DHCER391-JOB1\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService.MessageSender\\\\\\\\Actors\\\\\\\\ClientServiceCallActor.cs:66] - Message with command PurchaseOrderReceiptSave and object id 1255a0c0-6c77-4a20-8181-5757aaec751c was sucessfully processed.2023-01-10 17:16:03,277 [52] DEBUG Evolution.DHCERPService.ImplementationRestWoW.Controllers.ServiceController [E:\\\\\\\\BambooHome\\\\\\\\xml-data\\\\\\\\build-dir\\\\\\\\31916033\\\\\\\\DHAPPSV3-DHCER391-JOB1\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService.ImplementationRestWoW\\\\\\\\Controllers\\\\\\\\ServiceController.cs:48] - dataContract: ArticleDataContractDeHeusWoW{code}\\\'\', ""Comment 7: \'Z 10 stycznia nie ma żadnego messega!image-2023-04-12-17-16-27-965.png!\'"", ""Comment 8: \'{code:java}2023-01-10 16:51:49,274 [24] INFO Evolution.DHCService.Dhc30.Handlers.OrderChangedMessageHandler [E:\\\\\\\\BambooHome\\\\\\\\xml-data\\\\\\\\build-dir\\\\\\\\31916033\\\\\\\\DHAPPSV3-DHCSER538-JOB1\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCService\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCService.Dhc30\\\\\\\\Handlers\\\\\\\\BaseMessageHandler.cs:37] - Receiving message (Evolution.DHCountry.Interfaces.Orders.Messages.OrderChangedMessage) [Id:f2900603-1487-410e-8113-38796a186978]2023-01-10 16:51:49,290 [24] INFO Evolution.DHCService.Dhc30.Handlers.OrderChangedMessageHandler [E:\\\\\\\\BambooHome\\\\\\\\xml-data\\\\\\\\build-dir\\\\\\\\31916033\\\\\\\\DHAPPSV3-DHCSER538-JOB1\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCService\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCService.Dhc30\\\\\\\\Handlers\\\\\\\\BaseMessageHandler.cs:49] - Message received successfuly!2023-01-10 16:52:12,874 [12] INFO Evolution.DHCService.Dhc30.OrderService [E:\\\\\\\\BambooHome\\\\\\\\xml-data\\\\\\\\build-dir\\\\\\\\31916033\\\\\\\\DHAPPSV3-DHCSER538-JOB1\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCService\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCService.Dhc30\\\\\\\\BaseGetService.cs:47] - [ClientId: (6be3433c-61ee-4586-94a0-f5c966542f45)] Handling: (Order) Package(33ba31df-b1bb-4080-b79c-18db6e34cb57) Sending: 12023-01-10 16:52:12,936 [12] INFO Evolution.DHCService.Dhc30.OrderService [E:\\\\\\\\BambooHome\\\\\\\\xml-data\\\\\\\\build-dir\\\\\\\\31916033\\\\\\\\DHAPPSV3-DHCSER538-JOB1\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCService\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCService.Dhc30\\\\\\\\BaseGetService.cs:64] - [ClientId: (6be3433c-61ee-4586-94a0-f5c966542f45)] Handling: (Order) Package(33ba31df-b1bb-4080-b79c-18db6e34cb57) Confirming: 12023-01-10 17:26:51,794 [27] INFO Evolution.DHCService.Dhc30.Handlers.ItemChangedMessageHandler [E:\\\\\\\\BambooHome\\\\\\\\xml-data\\\\\\\\build-dir\\\\\\\\31916033\\\\\\\\DHAPPSV3-DHCSER538-JOB1\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCService\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCService.Dhc30\\\\\\\\Handlers\\\\\\\\BaseMessageHandler.cs:37] - Receiving message (Evolution.DHCountry.Interfaces.Items.ItemChangedMessage) [Id:1fa62ef5-d7c8-44df-aee9-59700526448d]2023-01-10 17:26:51,856 [27] INFO Evolution.DHCService.Dhc30.Handlers.ItemChangedMessageHandler [E:\\\\\\\\BambooHome\\\\\\\\xml-data\\\\\\\\build-dir\\\\\\\\31916033\\\\\\\\DHAPPSV3-DHCSER538-JOB1\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCService\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCService.Dhc30\\\\\\\\Handlers\\\\\\\\BaseMessageHandler.cs:49] - Message received successfuly!2023-01-10 17:27:12,512 [32] INFO Evolution.DHCService.Dhc30.ItemService [E:\\\\\\\\BambooHome\\\\\\\\xml-data\\\\\\\\build-dir\\\\\\\\31916033\\\\\\\\DHAPPSV3-DHCSER538-JOB1\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCService\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCService.Dhc30\\\\\\\\BaseGetService.cs:47] - [ClientId: (6be3433c-61ee-4586-94a0-f5c966542f45)] Handling: (Item) Package(f8806264-93a0-40b5-80a6-2bb8243554f6) Sending: 12023-01-10 17:27:12,606 [32] INFO Evolution.DHCService.Dhc30.ItemService [E:\\\\\\\\BambooHome\\\\\\\\xml-data\\\\\\\\build-dir\\\\\\\\31916033\\\\\\\\DHAPPSV3-DHCSER538-JOB1\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCService\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCService.Dhc30\\\\\\\\BaseGetService.cs:64] - [ClientId: (6be3433c-61ee-4586-94a0-f5c966542f45)] Handling: (Item) Package(f8806264-93a0-40b5-80a6-2bb8243554f6) Confirming: 12023-01-10 17:27:19,325 [19] INFO Evolution.DHCService.Dhc30.Handlers.ItemChangedMessageHandler [E:\\\\\\\\BambooHome\\\\\\\\xml-data\\\\\\\\build-dir\\\\\\\\31916033\\\\\\\\DHAPPSV3-DHCSER538-JOB1\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCService\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCService.Dhc30\\\\\\\\Handlers\\\\\\\\BaseMessageHandler.cs:37] - Receiving message (Evolution.DHCountry.Interfaces.Items.ItemChangedMessage) [Id:1fa62ef5-d7c8-44df-aee9-59700526448d]2023-01-10 17:27:19,341 [19] INFO Evolution.DHCService.Dhc30.Handlers.ItemChangedMessageHandler [E:\\\\\\\\BambooHome\\\\\\\\xml-data\\\\\\\\build-dir\\\\\\\\31916033\\\\\\\\DHAPPSV3-DHCSER538-JOB1\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCService\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCService.Dhc30\\\\\\\\Handlers\\\\\\\\BaseMessageHandler.cs:49] - Message received successfuly!2023-01-10 17:27:19,622 [17] INFO Evolution.DHCService.Dhc30.Handlers.ItemChangedMessageHandler [E:\\\\\\\\BambooHome\\\\\\\\xml-data\\\\\\\\build-dir\\\\\\\\31916033\\\\\\\\DHAPPSV3-DHCSER538-JOB1\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCService\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCService.Dhc30\\\\\\\\Handlers\\\\\\\\BaseMessageHandler.cs:37] - Receiving message (Evolution.DHCountry.Interfaces.Items.ItemChangedMessage) [Id:1fa62ef5-d7c8-44df-aee9-59700526448d]2023-01-10 17:27:19,638 [17] INFO Evolution.DHCService.Dhc30.Handlers.ItemChangedMessageHandler [E:\\\\\\\\BambooHome\\\\\\\\xml-data\\\\\\\\build-dir\\\\\\\\31916033\\\\\\\\DHAPPSV3-DHCSER538-JOB1\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCService\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCService.Dhc30\\\\\\\\Handlers\\\\\\\\BaseMessageHandler.cs:49] - Message received successfuly!2023-01-10 17:27:19,888 [16] INFO Evolution.DHCService.Dhc30.Handlers.ItemChangedMessageHandler [E:\\\\\\\\BambooHome\\\\\\\\xml-data\\\\\\\\build-dir\\\\\\\\31916033\\\\\\\\DHAPPSV3-DHCSER538-JOB1\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCService\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCService.Dhc30\\\\\\\\Handlers\\\\\\\\BaseMessageHandler.cs:37] - Receiving message (Evolution.DHCountry.Interfaces.Items.ItemChangedMessage) [Id:1fa62ef5-d7c8-44df-aee9-59700526448d]2023-01-10 17:27:19,919 [16] INFO Evolution.DHCService.Dhc30.Handlers.ItemChangedMessageHandler [E:\\\\\\\\BambooHome\\\\\\\\xml-data\\\\\\\\build-dir\\\\\\\\31916033\\\\\\\\DHAPPSV3-DHCSER538-JOB1\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCService\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCService.Dhc30\\\\\\\\Handlers\\\\\\\\BaseMessageHandler.cs:49] - Message received successfuly!2023-01-10 17:28:12,491 [27] INFO Evolution.DHCService.Dhc30.ItemService [E:\\\\\\\\BambooHome\\\\\\\\xml-data\\\\\\\\build-dir\\\\\\\\31916033\\\\\\\\DHAPPSV3-DHCSER538-JOB1\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCService\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCService.Dhc30\\\\\\\\BaseGetService.cs:47] - [ClientId: (6be3433c-61ee-4586-94a0-f5c966542f45)] Handling: (Item) Package(064108f1-0585-4bcd-baa0-4ecfc437a3de) Sending: 12023-01-10 17:28:12,522 [27] INFO Evolution.DHCService.Dhc30.ItemService [E:\\\\\\\\BambooHome\\\\\\\\xml-data\\\\\\\\build-dir\\\\\\\\31916033\\\\\\\\DHAPPSV3-DHCSER538-JOB1\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCService\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCService.Dhc30\\\\\\\\BaseGetService.cs:64] - [ClientId: (6be3433c-61ee-4586-94a0-f5c966542f45)] Handling: (Item) Package(064108f1-0585-4bcd-baa0-4ecfc437a3de) Confirming: 1{code}\'"", ""Comment 9: \'Po id vt!image-2023-04-12-17-29-20-121.png!po ID elementu też nie!image-2023-04-12-17-31-36-451.png!\'"", ""Comment 10: \'!image-2023-04-12-17-36-48-323.png!\'"", ""Comment 11: \'Good morning"", ""Comment 12: any news? \'"", ""Comment 13: \'[~aleksandra.przybylek@kotrak.com]daj na DEV"", ""Comment 14: sprawdzimy\'"", ""Comment 15: \'[~piotr.chmielarski@kotrak.com]dziękuję bardzo :)ja mam w tym tygodniu 2 zmianę czyli od 12"", \'Comment 16: ogarniam maile :)Przeprowadziłam jakąś wstępną analizę\', \'Comment 17: ale szczerze mówiąc zabrakło mi pomysłu i jakichś jednoznacznych treści logów\', ""Comment 18: co w erpie poszło nie tak ...\'"", ""Comment 19: \'Good morning"", ""Comment 20: any news? \'"", ""Comment 21: \'Błąd był rozwiązany w tym tasku: https://helpdesk.kotrak.com/browse/DHITS-639podegranie było 01.19.2023 !screenshot-1! a zgłaszają problem z 01.10.2023 !screenshot-2! \'"", ""Comment 22: \'Hi,This issue has been resolved in https://helpdesk.kotrak.com/browse/DHITS-639and DHCERPService with a fix has been deployed on19th of January. Reported PO are from the 10th of January.Regards\'"", \'Comment 23: ""Indeed\', ""Comment 24: this is not the case for later PO\'s. Thank you for the response"", \'Comment 25: please close the ticket.""\', ""Comment 26: \'Thank you\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +92,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8940\n\n### Instruction:\nHello,\r\n\r\nPlease assist we are getting the attached error message when we log in on Replacement Prices/ Historical Price.\r\n\r\n\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'!image!\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 3: \'SELECT TOP (1000) * FROM [CDNXL_DHFU].[dbo].[RMPricesReplacementPriceQuery] where itemtype is null – tu jest czysto\'"", ""Comment 4: \'!image-2023-04-11-15-27-24-410.png!\'"", ""Comment 5: \'Could you please try again?\'"", ""Comment 6: \'https://helpdesk.kotrak.com/browse/DGS-4257\'"", ""Comment 7: \'Still getting the same error message.\'"", ""Comment 8: \'[[DHCDN] Historical Prices Upload timeout|#%5bDHCDN%5d%20Historical%20Prices%20Upload%20timeout§ion-id=\\\\\\\\{A2F09CD6-A23A-42F3-92F5-ED66B521455B}&page-id=\\\\\\\\{8C2933BA-621C-4FF9-AA0C-BD7B0049AC54}&end] ([Widok sieci Web|https://kotrak.sharepoint.com/sites/erpasysta/_layouts/OneNote.aspx?id=%2Fsites%2Ferpasysta%2FShared%20Documents%2FBaza%20wiedzy%2FBaza%20Wiedzy%20-%20ERPSD&wd=target%28Klienci%2FDEHEUS%2FDEHEUS%20APPLICATIONS%2FRPA%2FBaza%20wiedzy.one%7CA2F09CD6-A23A-42F3-92F5-ED66B521455B%2F%5BDHCDN%5D%20Historical%20Prices%20Upload%20timeout%7C8C2933BA-621C-4FF9-AA0C-BD7B0049AC54%2F%29]) ale ten adres 138 jest już chyba niekatulny ,może to 248 - tam jest teraz BI.\'"", ""Comment 9: \'Please try again.\'"", \'Comment 10: ""As per teams\', \'Comment 11: I\\\'m still getting the same error message""\', ""Comment 12: \'Dear Nosipho,I have restarted service. For me it is working fine. Could you please check on your side?Regards\'"", ""Comment 13: \'I think the case is similar as in taskDGS-8328As you can see below"", ""Comment 14: percentage of fragmentation seems to be quite high. And there are 114 rows for fragmentation higher than 30%In taskDGS-8328 Rey mentioned that then server 20 has failed. Could you please verify the server and let me know if shall I rebuild indexes?Regards!image-2023-04-11-16-49-19-421.png!\'"", ""Comment 15: \'to raczej będzie tohttps://helpdesk.kotrak.com/browse/DGS-8328\'"", ""Comment 16: \'Reindex ran this morning"", ""Comment 17: but we still have the issue.I am going to reboot and manually run th ere-index.!image-1!!image-2!\'"", ""Comment 18: \'!serw20.PNG|thumbnail!\'"", ""Comment 19: \'According to what Aleksandra wrote yesterdayI check now the indexes on erp_xl database there are still indexes with high fragmentation - mainly related to tables use for replacment price!image-2023-04-12-09-17-25-218.png|width=503,height=324!So let us know whe you will finish the rebiuld or if you wish us to do it.Second thing is the working of server|SAHOSRV020||in previous similar task :DGS-8328There were problem with it. Could you please verify it alsoAnd could we change the priority for p2 issue?\'"", ""Comment 20: \'!image-3!\'"", ""Comment 21: \'ERP-XL databases are indexed daily"", ""Comment 22: and that job is also succeeding !image-4!\'"", ""Comment 23: \'What server is in your screenshot? I just checked SAHOSRV07 and nothing of any size is above 6% fragmentation.\'"", ""Comment 24: \'Morning,Still getting the attached error message !image-5!\'"", ""Comment 25: \'|SAHOSRV07||I verified only erp xl database!image-2023-04-12-09-57-33-478.png!\'"", \'Comment 26: \\\'I double check and this are some tables that do not use clustered/nonclustered ""indexes \', \'Comment 27: but ""heaps"".Did you verify the server10.27.0.248 if t s working fine ?Hello,Kindly approve lowering priority of this task to P2 as P1 issues are only those with a critical or a blocking impact on business processes .Regards\\\'\', \'Comment 28: ""We have not modified or adjusted any index\\\'s in the SRV020. As we did not want to affect it\\\'s performance in a negative manner. Has someone from Kotrak removed index\\\'s with the last update?What server is 248?This issue is urgent. We need to resolve ASAP. Do you have a solution?""\', ""Comment 29: \'I restarted services again. Please verify if that help.\'"", ""Comment 30: \'Same error message\'"", ""Comment 31: \'As Aleksandra mentioned before And I also mentioned8328the server is the|SAHOSRV020||!image-2023-04-12-10-15-42-574.png!\'"", ""Comment 32: \'Your records are incorrect. See attached screenshot of ping to server. What server are you looking at?On the screenshot you supplied of the heap tables"", ""Comment 33: I assume you are refering to the KR_ReplacementPriceForecast table. This table is tiny. See second screenshot. Can you tell me what table is causing this issue?!image-6!!image-7!\'"", ""Comment 34: \'On task DGS-8328. All maintenance jobs were implimented and are running succefully. Have also been run manually this morning. What further information do you require?\'"", ""Comment 35: \'We are consulting issue with developer"", ""Comment 36: if we have ither question we will ask\'"", ""Comment 37: \'komunikat wyslany an teams:!image-2023-04-12-11-35-57-816.png!\'"", ""Comment 38: \'Please try now. But it wroks slow 5-10 minutes!image-2023-04-12-12-44-01-192.png!!image-2023-04-12-12-44-01-192!\'"", \'Comment 39: ""I\\\'m getting this error message !image-8!""\', ""Comment 40: \'Please log out "", ""Comment 41: close dhcdn and ten start it and log again.\'"", ""Comment 42: \'The plug in is too slow"", ""Comment 43: it ran for 15min (no error messages).\'"", ""Comment 44: \'Hello,In this task we have focused on clearingandunblocking the process.Kindly approve lowering priority of this task to P2 as P1 issues are only those with a critical or a blocking impact on business processes . This seems not to be the case in this issue so we suggest decreasing the issue priority.In terms of performance"", \'Comment 45: it would be recommended to rebuild the current functionality\', \'Comment 46: one direction could be to make it independent of the ERPXL table\', ""Comment 47: for this we would ask you to create a change request - GDC.\'"", ""Comment 48: \'You can lower to P2.\'"", ""Comment 49: \'About slowly work "", \'Comment 50: today I verify the function again and list of historical prices and the list loaded after 1-2 minutes.So if there were any other job or other problems thatslowed down the operation ?Could you test it today ?Also as I wrote beforeIn terms of performance\', \'Comment 51: it would be recommended to rebuild the current functionality\', \'Comment 52: one direction could be to make it independent of the ERPXL table\', ""Comment 53: for this we would ask you to create a change request - GDC.\'"", ""Comment 54: \'Hello,We restarted RDS servers last night and the issue was resolved.\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +93,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8939\n\n### Instruction:\nProszę o analizę podstawy wynagrodzenia pracownika Johannes van der Wegen na liście E-UM/2023/03/*.\r\n\r\nJest bardzo wysoka podstawa do składki zdrowotnej.\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 2: \'[^DGS-8939.docx]\'"", ""Comment 3: \'The description in the attachment[^DGS-8939.docx]\'"", ""Comment 4: \'Task to close \']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +94,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8938\n\n### Instruction:\nThere is PO-363 which is not synchronized to DHP. The PO element is new RM and it was not linked with BMX item before the PO was registered in ERP. I have linked the item 1116010 (po item) with production area IVC in DHH, the item was sent to DHC and automatically linked with ERP article, however the PO-363 (made for 1116010) is not synced to DHP. Please can you sent the PO-363 to DHP? Users must register the intake asap. \n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 2: \'please resend the order from ERP\'"", ""Comment 3: \'Done and it worked. Thanks for the support"", ""Comment 4: you can close the ticket. \'"", ""Comment 5: \'Thank you"", ""Comment 6: for confirmation.\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +95,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8937\n\n### Instruction:\nNext to item codes \'TARW\',\'OWNW\',\'0041\',\'0043\',\'0048\',\'702066\',\'704910\' we need to include \'704913\'.\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", \'Comment 2: ""w procedurach KR_calculatetechresults iKR_calculatetechresults_MASBEpowinnien być uwzględniany także kod \\\'704913\\\' w kalkulacji @WeightofWheat!image-2023-04-11-12-39-44-142.png!""\', \'Comment 3: ""Item with code\\\'704913\\\' has been added to calculation. Now it is also included for Weight of Wheat\', \'Comment 4: so value of \\\'Percentage Wheat\\\' will be calulated also including this item.It\\\'s ready to test on Test environment in MAS NL and MAS BE sectors.Please verify and then we can move it to Production environment.""\', ""Comment 5: \'Can be closed\'"", ""Comment 6: \'It has been moved to Production environment in MAS NL and MAS BE sectors.\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +96,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8936\n\n### Instruction:\nDears,\r\n\r\nVT no. 158/4/2023 is in DHC and not in ERP even after generation.\r\n\r\nNote this issue is repeated with the same item number.\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 2: \'{code:java}2023-04-11 10:03:58,992 [188] INFO Evolution.DHCERPService.MessageSender.Handlers.BaseMessageHandler`1 [E:\\\\\\\\BambooHome\\\\\\\\xml-data\\\\\\\\build-dir\\\\\\\\152764417\\\\\\\\DHAPPSV3-DHCER-JOB1\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService.MessageSender\\\\\\\\Handlers\\\\\\\\BaseMessageHandler.cs:52] - Receiving message (Evolution.DHCountry.Interfaces.VehicleTickets.Messages.VehicleTicketFinishedChangedMessage) [Id:86768678-f8e1-4374-a1ca-c75bb38855fc]2023-04-11 10:03:58,995 [188] INFO Evolution.DHCERPService.MessageSender.Handlers.BaseMessageHandler`1 [E:\\\\\\\\BambooHome\\\\\\\\xml-data\\\\\\\\build-dir\\\\\\\\152764417\\\\\\\\DHAPPSV3-DHCER-JOB1\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService.MessageSender\\\\\\\\Handlers\\\\\\\\BaseMessageHandler.cs:60] - Message received successfuly!2023-04-11 10:03:59,069 [141] INFO Evolution.DHCERPService.MessageSender.Actors.ClientServiceCallActor [E:\\\\\\\\BambooHome\\\\\\\\xml-data\\\\\\\\build-dir\\\\\\\\152764417\\\\\\\\DHAPPSV3-DHCER-JOB1\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService.MessageSender\\\\\\\\Actors\\\\\\\\ClientServiceCallActor.cs:66] - Message with command PurchaseOrderReceiptSave and object id 86768678-f8e1-4374-a1ca-c75bb38855fc was sucessfully processed.{code}{code:java}2023-04-05 16:10:44,403 [95] INFO Evolution.DHCERPService.MessageSender.Handlers.BaseMessageHandler`1 [E:\\\\\\\\BambooHome\\\\\\\\xml-data\\\\\\\\build-dir\\\\\\\\152764417\\\\\\\\DHAPPSV3-DHCER-JOB1\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService.MessageSender\\\\\\\\Handlers\\\\\\\\BaseMessageHandler.cs:52] - Receiving message (Evolution.DHCountry.Interfaces.VehicleTickets.Messages.VehicleTicketFinishedChangedMessage) [Id:86768678-f8e1-4374-a1ca-c75bb38855fc]2023-04-05 16:10:44,403 [95] INFO Evolution.DHCERPService.MessageSender.Handlers.BaseMessageHandler`1 [E:\\\\\\\\BambooHome\\\\\\\\xml-data\\\\\\\\build-dir\\\\\\\\152764417\\\\\\\\DHAPPSV3-DHCER-JOB1\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService.MessageSender\\\\\\\\Handlers\\\\\\\\BaseMessageHandler.cs:60] - Message received successfuly!2023-04-05 16:10:44,653 [175] INFO Evolution.DHCERPService.MessageSender.Handlers.BaseMessageHandler`1 [E:\\\\\\\\BambooHome\\\\\\\\xml-data\\\\\\\\build-dir\\\\\\\\152764417\\\\\\\\DHAPPSV3-DHCER-JOB1\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService.MessageSender\\\\\\\\Handlers\\\\\\\\BaseMessageHandler.cs:52] - Receiving message (Evolution.DHCountry.Interfaces.VehicleTickets.Messages.VehicleTicketFinishedChangedMessage) [Id:86768678-f8e1-4374-a1ca-c75bb38855fc]2023-04-05 16:10:44,653 [175] INFO Evolution.DHCERPService.MessageSender.Handlers.BaseMessageHandler`1 [E:\\\\\\\\BambooHome\\\\\\\\xml-data\\\\\\\\build-dir\\\\\\\\152764417\\\\\\\\DHAPPSV3-DHCER-JOB1\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService.MessageSender\\\\\\\\Handlers\\\\\\\\BaseMessageHandler.cs:60] - Message received successfuly!2023-04-05 16:10:46,075 [186] INFO Evolution.DHCERPService.MessageSender.Actors.ClientServiceCallActor [E:\\\\\\\\BambooHome\\\\\\\\xml-data\\\\\\\\build-dir\\\\\\\\152764417\\\\\\\\DHAPPSV3-DHCER-JOB1\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService.MessageSender\\\\\\\\Actors\\\\\\\\ClientServiceCallActor.cs:66] - Message with command PurchaseOrderReceiptSave and object id 86768678-f8e1-4374-a1ca-c75bb38855fc was sucessfully processed.2023-04-05 16:10:46,091 [38] INFO Evolution.DHCERPService.MessageSender.Actors.ClientServiceCallActor [E:\\\\\\\\BambooHome\\\\\\\\xml-data\\\\\\\\build-dir\\\\\\\\152764417\\\\\\\\DHAPPSV3-DHCER-JOB1\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService.MessageSender\\\\\\\\Actors\\\\\\\\ClientServiceCallActor.cs:66] - Message with command PurchaseOrderReceiptSave and object id 86768678-f8e1-4374-a1ca-c75bb38855fc was sucessfully processed.{code}\'"", ""Comment 3: \'We have information from the DHCERPService that the document PurchaseOrderReceiptSave was sucessfully processed,can you check on the ERP side?\'"", ""Comment 4: \'Sorry"", ""Comment 5: the VT no is :185/4/2023\'"", ""Comment 6: \'Błąd jak we wcześniejszych taskach - System.Exception: Not all vehicle ticket elements are present.Brak end date dla Item nutrient level z 31.3 !screenshot-1! Po wpisaniu przeszło.\'"", \'Comment 7: ""itemversionclosed - taki message!image-2023-04-13-12-36-13-150.png!ostatnie błędy są z 2022!image-2023-04-13-12-37-39-400.png!\', \'Comment 8: dla tych co dodałem closed nie ma wpisu w logu DHCServer. tj.{code:java}select * FROM [Evolution_DHCountry].[dbo].[ItemVersions] where DhhItemId=\\\'E90F8CC2-6546-4F2D-B10A-BE40CDCC896C\\\' and id in(\\\'F7BE2FD1-844E-4BD8-8173-7F617C905DAB\\\',\\\'EA544B81-2C29-4103-B689-BDB64F0C790D\\\') order by version desc{code}EA544B81-2C29-4103-B689-BDB64F0C790DF7BE2FD1-844E-4BD8-8173-7F617C905DAB!image-2023-04-13-12-24-09-804.png!!image-2023-04-13-12-37-39-400!""\', ""Comment 9: \'185/4/2023 should be in ERP"", ""Comment 10: RCA will be needed to determine the cause of a recurring problem.Please confirm to create one.\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[\'DGS-8788\', \'DGS-8962\']\n\n### End'}" +97,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8935\n\n### Instruction:\npleae check on attachment\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'!image!\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 3: \'Sprawdzaliśmy wydruk. Poprawki wprowadzone. [~marcin.block@kotrak.com] jeszczem miał rozmawiać aby sobie Eric wgrał brakujące funkcje.\'"", ""Comment 4: \'Could you please verify"", ""Comment 5: it should be fine now.\'"", ""Comment 6: \'Przekazałem wczoraj Ericowi"", ""Comment 7: że brakowało procedury i funkcji. I zmieniliśmy konfigurację w aplikacji.\'"", ""Comment 8: \'May we close the task?\'"", ""Comment 9: \'May we close the task?\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +98,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8934\n\n### Instruction:\nW DHC zawisł VT-6797/M\r\nWprowadziłem zmainy w ZS w 1 pozycji ponieważ widac było większa wartosc która przeszła z DHP\r\nZmiany naniesione na zamóieniu w CDN nie przeniosły sie do DHC ( mówa tu o ilości w zmaóieniu ) Dodatkowo od bazy wprowadziłęm inna wartośc na ilosci z zamóienia co nie skutkowało jej zmiana w VT w DHC\r\nZmiana daty realizacji zamóienia rowniez nie zmieniła sie po modyfikacji w CDN\r\nProsba o weryfikacje \n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 2: \'!image-2023-04-07-20-49-41-568.png!!image-2023-04-07-20-53-24-676.png!!image-2023-04-07-20-53-52-445.png!\'"", ""Comment 3: \'Proszę o rozwinięcie myśli:W DHC zawisł VT-6797/M. Zawisł czyli co? VT w DHC jest w statusie Ticket Closed.Dodatkowo"", \'Comment 4: zmiana ilości od bazy nie zmieni ilości na innym dokumencie. Rozumiem\', ""Comment 5: że poprawne ilości są w CDN?Data realizacji zamówienia w CDN i w DHC jest taka sama - kwietnia.Jakie są dokładne oczekiwania? Zmiana ilości na VT?Pozdrawiam\'"", ""Comment 6: \'Stwierdzenie zawisło odnosi sie do tego ze VT nie przeszedł z DHC do CDNJAk widac w pozycji 1 w VT widac ze wiecej paszy przyszło z DHP niz jest to na zamóieniu w CDN stad tez była proba zmiany ilosci na zamowieniu by VT przeszedł z DHC do CDN lecz zmiana tak nie pokazałą sie w DHC i nadal w polu Quantity w Ordersach jest poprzednia wartośc a nie nowa zmieniona w CDN\'"", ""Comment 7: \'Na zamówieniu w DHC jest 23 tony!image-2023-04-07-21-22-14-012.png!W DHP (chyba"", ""Comment 8: że chodzi o pomocniczą)!image-2023-04-07-21-23-58-464.png!W GUI zrealizowana!image-2023-04-07-21-25-27-232.png!\'"", ""Comment 9: \'Na zamówieniu!image-2023-04-07-21-28-43-006.png!Minus niezrealizowane!image-2023-04-07-21-29-15-984.png!\'"", ""Comment 10: \'Proszę o ponowną weryfikację. VT jest generated w DHC czyli wpadlo do CDN. Zarówno w DHC"", \'Comment 11: DHP\', \'Comment 12: CDN i GUI ilość zrealizowana sumarycznie to 23 tony (po ok 11,5 per element)!image-2023-04-07-21-31-11-551.png!W CDN widzimy ilości zamawiane!image-2023-04-07-21-32-37-973.png!Ale jak zmienimy na niezrealizowane\', \'Comment 13: i odejmiemy\', ""Comment 14: wtedy też będą 23 tony!image-2023-04-07-21-33-14-795.png!\'"", ""Comment 15: \'Tak teraz widze ze VT sie wygenerował i że moja zmiana na ilosci w zamowieniu przeszła do DHC z bardzo dużym opoznieniem\'"", ""Comment 16: \'czyli wszystko w porządku i zamykamy? Wygenerował się"", ""Comment 17: bo puściłam synchronizację na zamówieniu.\'"", ""Comment 18: \'Tak . Zgłoszenie do zamkniecia\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +99,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8933\n\n### Instruction:\nExamples for Utrecht. Issue I think is applicable for all plants.\r\n\r\nIn Milas we have issues with stocks, e.g. for item 0048. For this item, corrections for 0041 (-) and 0048 (+) are sent from PCS. The correction seems to be registered correctly in DHP. \r\nIn export from DHC to WM/ERP for some corrections we see that the signs of the quantities seem to be switched: we see + on 0041 and - on 0048\r\n\r\nExpected: corrections are processed/sent to WM/ERP as received from PCS/DHP\r\nPlease check/fix this issue; we have incorrect bookings and incorrect stocks due to this issue.\r\n\r\nExample correct message from DHC to WM/ERP:\r\n\r\nSTK-3521. Geregistreerd in DHP op 31-03-2023 23:59\r\n\r\n2023-03-31 23:59:02,932 [79] INFO\xa0 WcfSendRequestLogger [C:\\Projects\\evolution.dhcerpservice\\Evolution.DHCERPService\\Evolution.DHCERPService.Service\\Logging\\LoggingInspectorBehavior.cs:53] -\xa0\r\nRequest:\r\n\r\nunit01_dhc_adapter_ws_provider_wsd_webMethods_DHC_Provider_Binder_insertStockCorrection\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n
\r\n\r\nExample incorrect message from DHC to WM/ERP:\r\n\r\nSTK-3460, registered in DHP on 31-03-2023 14:29\r\nIn DHP: RM-for 0041 and RM+ for 0048\r\n\xa0\r\nOnly message I found from DHC to WM/ERP was sent at 16:42 and signs of the corrections are switched.\r\n\xa0\r\n2023-03-31 16:42:42,421 [75] INFO\xa0 WcfSendRequestLogger [C:\\Projects\\evolution.dhcerpservice\\Evolution.DHCERPService\\Evolution.DHCERPService.Service\\Logging\\LoggingInspectorBehavior.cs:53] -\xa0\r\nRequest:\r\n\r\nunit01_dhc_adapter_ws_provider_wsd_webMethods_DHC_Provider_Binder_insertStockCorrection\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n
\r\n\r\nExpected: same corrections as received from PCS/registered in DHP.\r\n\r\nNote: we do have additional technology defined for changing 0041 to 0048. But that must not change any correction bookings from PCS/DHP to WM/ERP.\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'!image!!image-1!\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", \'Comment 3: ""{code:java}/****** Script for SelectTopNRows command from SSMS ******/SELECT s.Document,i.Code,se.QuantityAfter-se.QuantityBefore,s.SettledDate,s.* FROM [DHPlantStockBusinessLogicMain].[dbo].[StocktakingElements] se inner join dbo.Items i on i.id=se.ItemId inner join [DHPlantStockBusinessLogicMain].[dbo].[Stocktakings] s on s.id=se.Id where s.Document like \\\'%STK-3521%\\\' or s.Document like \\\'%STK-3460%\\\'{code} !screenshot-1! !image-2023-04-11-12-52-16-034!!image-2023-04-11-12-53-10-859! !image-2023-04-11-12-53-23-748!""\', \'Comment 4: ""{code:java}SELECT TOP (1000) [Id] ,[No] ,[DeliveryId] ,[ItemId] ,[CorrectionDate] ,[Description] ,[Quantity] ,[QuantityUnit] ,[ReasonCode] FROM [DHPlantStockBusinessLogicMain].[dbo].[StockCorrectionElements] where id in( SELECT [Id] FROM [DHPlantStockBusinessLogicMain].[dbo].[StockCorrections] where StocktakingId in(\\\'31505044-A633-4064-A852-E8AE67A66B30\\\',\\\'50117CBD-7F7F-45B9-A12D-8011D54547F2\\\'))select * from dbo.Itemswhere Id in(\\\'E6537639-D413-4EC7-AB70-F9D2469E71B1\\\',\\\'84BCB9B4-A989-49A0-B8D1-0DBE864D19A0\\\' ){code}{code:java}SELECT TOP (1000) [PlantId] ,[PlantIdNo] ,[LongId] ,[StringId] ,[GuidId] FROM [DHPlantIntegrationDhcServiceIdentityMapping].[dbo].[StockCorrectionIdentityMappings] where plantid in(\\\'9D131D34-E7A7-4932-9B2B-6889E88E4AF2\\\',\\\'EBB34212-D1AC-437C-A0ED-12E477ABECCC\\\'){code}{code:java}SELECT s.*,i.Code FROM [DHCService_NL_AS400_PROD].[dbo].[StockCorrectionElements] s join dbo.items i on i.id=s.ItemId where s.ExternalId in(\\\'7581\\\',\\\'7582\\\',\\\'7583\\\',\\\'7446\\\',\\\'7447\\\',\\\'7448\\\') and s.StockCorrectionId in(\\\'7C27CC46-647F-4D4E-867E-F5DF96F875A0\\\',\\\'7765E48E-5B6F-440D-ADB8-EC2E3D9DD090\\\'){code}jest jak w plancie: !screenshot-2! !image-2023-04-12-15-00-58-303!""\', ""Comment 5: \'ten STK w dhcservice jest jak w plancie jeden jest poprawny drugi na odwrót.\\\\r\\\\rProśba o pomoc w analizie"", ""Comment 6: jakby co to jestem do dyspozycji.\'"", ""Comment 7: \'Do you have an update on this issue?\'"", ""Comment 8: \'Do you have an update for this issue? We need correct sign in stock corrections in ERP.\'"", ""Comment 9: \'[~BKennedy@deheus.com]this is the only case or do you have other examples?\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +100,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8932\n\n### Instruction:\nOrder SOBE000019659 is planned for today but doesn\'t arrive from DHP into PCS. Could you see what is wrong with it?\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 2: \'!image-2023-04-07-12-22-50-720.png!\'"", ""Comment 3: \'Could you please verify with you pcs provider"", ""Comment 4: we may see that order was exported today about11:13:18.\'"", ""Comment 5: \'The problems for this particular order seems to be at the pcs provider indeed. Thanks for your assistance"", ""Comment 6: ticket can be closed\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +101,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8931\n\n### Instruction:\nHi.\r\nPleas help to check VT-12571/23 was closed without releasing stock .\r\n\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'!image!!image-1!!image-2!\'"", \'Comment 2: ""Hi 1. Checking at the database level\', \'Comment 3: we found that the system allowed VT-12571/23 to pick lot 43710060423004 even though this lot had just been created ,not confirmed. 2. PLR 43710060423004 has been completed after VT-12571/23 execution and the quantity after completion is less than during creation. That\\\'s why the system is reserving a quantity in excess of the on-hand quantity?3. So. How to fix this case ?!image-3!""\', ""Comment 4: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 5: \'vt. zamkniety o 17-21 !image-2023-04-07-14-32-37-501.png!\'"", \'Comment 6: ""select * FROM [DHPlantVCBusinessLogicEvents].[dbo].[VehicleTickets] where AggregateId=\\\'ef4b4acd-ec15-45f0-8d01-c6f9e16e2900\\\' and eventtype like \\\'%close%\\\'!image-2023-04-07-14-36-34-408.png!""\', ""Comment 7: \'blad z czasu !image-2023-04-07-14-46-02-234.png!\'"", \'Comment 8: ""select* FROM [DHPlantStockBusinessLogicEvents].[dbo].[Deliveries] where AggregateId=\\\'5BCEDD86-2FFA-44A2-8E11-8284316F3219\\\'jest 2 razy event change id na deliwery raz na 10000 raz na 9921 ta róznica to 79.user który confirmowal mniejsza ilosc teżTAJINYKO- to on mogl to zrobić!image-2023-04-07-15-00-43-553.png!""\', ""Comment 9: \'If the PLR was created manually and by PCS then the system allows its use before approval. This is not an error. As for the resource for the given code you can try to make an inventory. Please let me know if these infirmations are sufficient?\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +102,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8930\n\n### Instruction:\nDear All,\r\n\r\nWe have issues on both the interfaces recipe and ingredients.\r\n\r\n1. Recipe interface\r\nThe recipe was originally sent and an error occurred - see attachment imagine\r\nI corrected the data in DHH but xml does not want to integrate and repeats the error. In the meantime, the new versions of recipes (6 and 7) were sent see Imagine 1.\r\n\r\n2. ingredient interface\r\nWe also had a whole-day issue with the ingredient interface. We cleaned the Kotrak tables a few times but the error repeated. I think it might be related to the recipe interface issue - see image 5\r\n\r\nCan you please help? For is it is PRIO 1\r\n\r\nKind regards,\r\nDiana Cielecka\r\nmobile +31 615 280 243\r\n\r\n\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'!image!!image-1!!image-2!\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 3: \' !screenshot-1! \'"", ""Comment 4: \'Integration with Spain and Portugal sent the Pricelist to DHH in a loop"", ""Comment 5: which resulted in a large queue.As a result all messages except recipes and labels were delayed.We have stopped communication with Spain and Portugal. Clearing messages allowed others messages to be processed.Will provide information when all will be processed.\'"", ""Comment 6: \'Sprawdzanie kolejki.{code:java}select count(1) from DHHolding with (nolock){code}\'"", ""Comment 7: \'Spain and Portugal jeśli chodzi o te kraje Przemek zgłosił aby ze ogarnęli.\'"", ""Comment 8: \'!image-2023-04-06-20-15-38-793.png!\'"", ""Comment 9: \'Hi,Message queues are empty now. Please"", ""Comment 10: verify.Regards\'"", ""Comment 11: \'Everything works fine. Thank you very much. Great job!\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +103,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8929\n\n### Instruction:\nCould you please fix this ASAP?\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", \'Comment 2: ""Roles forArthur van der Linde has been added to his user in task [https://helpdesk.kotrak.com/servicedesk/customer/portal/56/DGS-8915]Please verify right now if he gets items to Inbox and should be also able to open list of New Items.!image-2023-04-06-16-40-04-940.png!If he need access to others inbox for old items\', \'Comment 3: we can share someone\\\'s inbox to allow him accept New Item Cards.""]\']\nRelated Issues:\n[\'DGS-8915\']\n\n### End'}" +104,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8928\n\n### Instruction:\nVT-89 is filled in from pcs intake, but not closed (that\'s the 1e problem)\r\nNow in this case there was also a wrong quantity send, so an opportunity to adjust, but after adjustment ticket cannot be close, see attached error message: Please close ticket with adjusted weight \n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'!afbeelding!\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 3: \'!afbeelding-1!\'"", ""Comment 4: \'Hi Thomas,I tried to recreate your error but in fact I managed to close VT without any issues. I will verify errors what happened yesterday and let you know.Regards!image-2023-04-07-08-02-50-647.png!\'"", \'Comment 5: \\\'W maintanance{code:java}2023-04-07 08:21:45 (dfa8eb10-811d-4057-81c5-3ae37cc3362b/Plant.Maint.BusinessLogic/DHVD01AP181/5512/94) [Error] Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Middleware.LoggingMiddleware.ControllerLoggingMiddleware - Error during request{ ""scheme"": ""http""\', \'Comment 6: ""host"": { ""Value"": ""dhvd01ap181:89""\', \'Comment 7: ""HasValue"": true\', \'Comment 8: ""Host"": ""dhvd01ap181""\', \'Comment 9: ""Port"": 89 }\', \'Comment 10: ""path"": ""/api/intercontext/vc/errors""\', \'Comment 11: ""queryString"": []\', \'Comment 12: ""requestBody"": ""{\\\\\\\\""sortedColumns\\\\\\\\"":[{\\\\\\\\""columnName\\\\\\\\"":\\\\\\\\""createDate\\\\\\\\"",\\\\\\\\""order\\\\\\\\"":2}],\\\\\\\\""pagingViewModel\\\\\\\\"":{\\\\\\\\""pageSize\\\\\\\\"":25,\\\\\\\\""pageNumber\\\\\\\\"":1},\\\\\\\\""summaryColumns\\\\\\\\"":[],\\\\\\\\""createDate\\\\\\\\"":{\\\\\\\\""rangeStart\\\\\\\\"":null,\\\\\\\\""rangeEnd\\\\\\\\"":null}}""}.AutoMapper.AutoMapperMappingException: Error mapping types.Mapping types:PaginatedResultDto`1 -> ErrorPaginatedListViewModelKotrak.Common.Application.Dtos.PaginatedResultDto`1[[Plant.Maint.BusinessLogic.Application.Interfaces.Intercontext.ErrorListDto\', \'Comment 13: Plant.Maint.BusinessLogic.Application.Interfaces\', \'Comment 14: Version=\', \'Comment 15: Culture=neutral\', \'Comment 16: PublicKeyToken=null]] -> Plant.Maint.BusinessLogic.Infrastructure.Api.ViewModels.Intercontext.ErrorPaginatedListViewModelType Map configuration:PaginatedResultDto`1 -> ErrorPaginatedListViewModelKotrak.Common.Application.Dtos.PaginatedResultDto`1[[Plant.Maint.BusinessLogic.Application.Interfaces.Intercontext.ErrorListDto\', \'Comment 17: Plant.Maint.BusinessLogic.Application.Interfaces\', \'Comment 18: Version=\', \'Comment 19: Culture=neutral\', ""Comment 20: PublicKeyToken=null]] -> Plant.Maint.BusinessLogic.Infrastructure.Api.ViewModels.Intercontext.ErrorPaginatedListViewModelDestination Member:ItemViewModels ---> AutoMapper.AutoMapperMappingException: Error mapping types.Mapping types:ErrorListDto -> ErrorListViewModelPlant.Maint.BusinessLogic.Application.Interfaces.Intercontext.ErrorListDto -> Plant.Maint.BusinessLogic.Infrastructure.Api.ViewModels.Intercontext.ErrorListViewModelType Map configuration:ErrorListDto -> ErrorListViewModelPlant.Maint.BusinessLogic.Application.Interfaces.Intercontext.ErrorListDto -> Plant.Maint.BusinessLogic.Infrastructure.Api.ViewModels.Intercontext.ErrorListViewModelDestination Member:MessageType ---> System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. (Parameter \\\\\'startIndex\\\\\') at System.String.LastIndexOf(Char value"", \'Comment 21: Int32 startIndex\', \'Comment 22: Int32 count) at Plant.Maint.BusinessLogic.Infrastructure.Api.MappingProfiles.ErrorMessageTypeResolver.Resolve(ErrorListDto source\', \'Comment 23: ErrorListViewModel destination\', \'Comment 24: String member\', \'Comment 25: ResolutionContext context) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\778bbb0f253eec26\\\\\\\\Plant.Maint.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Plant.Maint.BusinessLogic.Infrastructure.Api\\\\\\\\MappingProfiles\\\\\\\\ErrorMappingProfile.cs:line 42 at lambda_method99551(Closure \', \'Comment 26: PaginatedResultDto`1 \', \'Comment 27: ErrorPaginatedListViewModel \', \'Comment 28: ResolutionContext ) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at lambda_method99551(Closure \', \'Comment 29: PaginatedResultDto`1 \', \'Comment 30: ErrorPaginatedListViewModel \', \'Comment 31: ResolutionContext ) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at lambda_method99551(Closure \', \'Comment 32: PaginatedResultDto`1 \', \'Comment 33: ErrorPaginatedListViewModel \', \'Comment 34: ResolutionContext ) at Plant.Maint.BusinessLogic.Infrastructure.Api.Controllers.Intercontext.VcIntercontextController.GetErrorsPaginatedList(ErrorPaginatedListFilterViewModel filterViewModel) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\778bbb0f253eec26\\\\\\\\Plant.Maint.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Plant.Maint.BusinessLogic.Infrastructure.Api\\\\\\\\Controllers\\\\\\\\Intercontext\\\\\\\\VcIntercontextController.cs:line 71 at lambda_method99565(Closure \', \'Comment 35: Object \', \'Comment 36: Object[] ) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ActionMethodExecutor.SyncActionResultExecutor.Execute(IActionResultTypeMapper mapper\', \'Comment 37: ObjectMethodExecutor executor\', \'Comment 38: Object controller\', \'Comment 39: Object[] arguments) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ControllerActionInvoker.InvokeActionMethodAsync() at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ControllerActionInvoker.Next(State& next\', \'Comment 40: Scope& scope\', \'Comment 41: Object& state\', \'Comment 42: Boolean& isCompleted) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ControllerActionInvoker.InvokeNextActionFilterAsync()--- End of stack trace from previous location --- at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ControllerActionInvoker.Rethrow(ActionExecutedContextSealed context) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ControllerActionInvoker.Next(State& next\', \'Comment 43: Scope& scope\', \'Comment 44: Object& state\', \'Comment 45: Boolean& isCompleted) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ControllerActionInvoker.InvokeInnerFilterAsync()--- End of stack trace from previous location --- at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ResourceInvoker.g__Awaited|20_0(ResourceInvoker invoker\', \'Comment 46: Task lastTask\', \'Comment 47: State next\', \'Comment 48: Scope scope\', \'Comment 49: Object state\', \'Comment 50: Boolean isCompleted) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ResourceInvoker.g__Awaited|17_0(ResourceInvoker invoker\', \'Comment 51: Task task\', \'Comment 52: IDisposable scope) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ResourceInvoker.g__Awaited|17_0(ResourceInvoker invoker\', \'Comment 53: Task task\', \'Comment 54: IDisposable scope) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.EndpointMiddleware.g__AwaitRequestTask|6_0(Endpoint endpoint\', \'Comment 55: Task requestTask\', \'Comment 56: ILogger logger) at Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.SwaggerUI.SwaggerUIMiddleware.Invoke(HttpContext httpContext) at Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.Swagger.SwaggerMiddleware.Invoke(HttpContext httpContext\', ""Comment 57: ISwaggerProvider swaggerProvider) at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Middleware.LoggingMiddleware.ControllerLoggingMiddleware.Invoke(HttpContext httpContext){code} !image-2023-04-07-08-54-15-338.png!\'"", ""Comment 58: \'!image-2023-04-07-09-26-53-534.png!\'"", ""Comment 59: \'Ostatni error z wczoraj!image-2023-04-07-09-28-03-212.png!\'"", ""Comment 60: \'!image-2023-04-07-09-30-28-631.png!\'"", ""Comment 61: \'W inbound messages czysto"", ""Comment 62: restart servisu i restart pooli nie pomógł\'"", ""Comment 63: \'But it should be corrected to 18000..\'"", \'Comment 64: ""My fault and my mistake I haven\\\'t asked what quantity should be in VT\', \'Comment 65: what quantity is correct. Now the most sensible solution would be correct the stock by stock correction from PCS or opening balance in plant... Would that be possible for you?Regards""\', ""Comment 66: \'Hi,May we close this task?Regards\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +105,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8927\n\n### Instruction:\nAs follow up on DGS-8904:\r\n\r\nI asked the dba of Valid to investigate this. He came back with the following:\r\n\r\n================================================\r\nI’ve checked the DHVD01AG09 instance and found that\r\nthe process in the screenshot is the weekly index maintenance.\r\n\r\nIt seems it was blocked (which is also visible from\r\nthe screenshot) from process with ID 126 which was killed yesterday afternoon:\r\n\r\n\xa0\r\nDate\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\r\n4-4-2023 15:14:34\r\n\r\nLog\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\r\nSQL Server (Current - 5-4-2023 09:45:00)\r\n\r\nSource\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\r\nspid53\r\n\r\nMessage\r\n\r\nProcess ID 126 was killed by hostname DHVD01DB45, host\r\nprocess ID 7696.\r\n\r\n\xa0\r\nThe index maintenance was blocked during execution of\r\nthe following:\r\n\r\nALTER INDEX [PK_Deliveries] ON [dbo].[Deliveries]\r\nREBUILD WITH (SORT_IN_TEMPDB = OFF, ONLINE = ON, RESUMABLE = OFF)\r\n\xa0\r\n\r\nThe table DHPlantPCSBusinessLogicEvents is 20MB with 4\r\nMB indexes and for some reason this operation was blocked for more than 2 days,\r\nmeaning something else was holding lock on this table.\r\n\r\nIn order to prevent such long running Index maintenance operations\r\ncaused by table locks my proposal is to limit the time for the operation to\r\nwait for a lock to be released to let’s say 5 minutes. And if the lock is still\r\nactive to continue with the next index. \r\n\r\n===================================================\r\n\r\nI think this proposal makes sense. Do you agree? If so, I\'ll ask him to implement this.\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Please be informed that we have forwarded the issue to the development team in order to internal analysis.We are waiting for more details and will be back with further information as soon as possible.\'"", ""Comment 3: \'[~maciej.dobrzanski@kotrak.com]spojrzysz okiem swym? :)\'"", \'Comment 4: ""Hi [~mmeier@deheus.com],We are aware of issues related to the growing Events databases along with their indexes. That is why in agreement with Theo we decided to change the way of maintenance of those databases. We can expect this mechanism to be implemented in the Release 8.7 of the DHP. Since then\', \'Comment 5: both the size of databases and indexes should stop growing so much.Limiting operation time to 5 min is for sure a good idea. We don\\\'t recommend doing any activities related to rebuilding indexes or any other jobs that may affect the performance of the DB server during work time (when a factory is running).""]\']\nRelated Issues:\n[\'DGS-8904\']\n\n### End'}" +106,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8926\n\n### Instruction:\n6_L000175708 has an item in pcs packing, but it should be KG. On the order the packing form is correct, but on trip its false: Can you check reason and inform how to solve?\r\n\r\n\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'!afbeelding!\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", \'Comment 3: ""Hi Thomas,Have you resynced anything? The data on a Trip is correct - it\\\'s bulk and kg!image-2023-04-07-07-52-59-978.png!""\', ""Comment 4: \'Oke"", ""Comment 5: I did a resync yes. Ticket can be closed\'"", ""Comment 6: \'Thank you.Regards\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +107,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8925\n\n### Instruction:\nHello,\r\n\r\nPlease assist.\r\n\r\nIO-113/23/KLR is not showing in DHP.\r\n\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Please be informed that we have forwarded the issue to the development team in order to internal analysis.We are waiting for more details and will be back with further information as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 3: \'https://helpdesk.kotrak.com/browse/DGS-8924?focusedCommentId=1122121&page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:comment-tabpanel#comment-1122121\'"", ""Comment 4: \'Wczoraj był problem z tymi IO:O-56/23/DKDIO-36/23/DKDIO-54/23/DKDIO-58/23/DKDIO-57/23/DKDIO-28/23/DKDIO-59/23/DKDIO-26/23/DKDIO-45/23/DKDIO-55/23/DKDIO-60/23/DKDIO-37/23/DKD list of orders - please check.\'"", ""Comment 5: \'Po upgrade DHC w RPA"", \'Comment 6: dla IO ustawia się flaga isInnerBU\', \'Comment 7: mimo że w DHC nie ma w konfiguracji wpisu odpowiadającego za ustawianie tej flagi. Config ten był robiony pod BR RC task GDC-500.Aktualnie flaga jest zmieniana na bazie DHC. Natomiast jeśli zrobią w ERP update IO\', ""Comment 8: to znów się ustawi flaga na true.\'"", ""Comment 9: \'Please assist IO-133/23/KLR \'"", ""Comment 10: \'done!image-2023-04-06-15-08-44-843.png!\'"", ""Comment 11: \'IO-134/23/KLR\'"", ""Comment 12: \'Hi"", ""Comment 13: done.\'"", ""Comment 14: \'Thanks\'"", ""Comment 15: \'Hello,Please assist IO-28/23/DKD and IO-29/23/DKD are not showing in DHP\'"", ""Comment 16: \'Hi,orders should be in DHP (visible).\'"", \'Comment 17: ""DHC ustawia flagę IsInnerBusinessUnit gdy DestinationWarehouseId i SourceWarehouseId mają wartość i zapytanie:!screenshot-1! zwróci wpisy z jednym BusinessStructuresIddla magazynu \\\'KLD Depot - Klerksdorp\\\' brak wpisu w dbo.ProductionAreaWarehouses i zapytanie zamiast zwrócić dwa rezultaty zwraca jeden.jest 46 magazynów bez przypisanej production area: !screenshot-2! Przypisanie production area rozwiązało by problem.Można również zmienić zapytanie\', \'Comment 18: by uwzględniało magazyny bez przypiętego production area ""\', ""Comment 19: \'trzeba podegrać nową wersję. DHCountry-release-Release-3.0.63-4-202304111336-FTP No configuration.zip na ftp\'"", ""Comment 20: \'hej [~piotr.gaczorek@kotrak.com]przekażesz proszę klientowi rezultat analizy? Michał dodatkowo zmienił zapytanie więc trzeba by ustalić z nimi kiedy możemy podegrać DHC z zmianą tego zapytania (zakładany downtime - 30min(\'"", ""Comment 21: \'[~marek.mamcarz@kotrak.com] między godziną 7-15 ustalić tą lukę na podegranie? i będzie wyłączony DHC wtedy tak?\'"", ""Comment 22: \'Hello"", \'Comment 23: we need to upload a change for DHC.The DHC downtime will then be around 30 minutes.Please let me know when we can make the change between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m.If not today\', ""Comment 24: possibly tomorrow.As to the change will be required due to the fact that most warehouses do not have an assigned production area.Only the ones below: !screenshot-3! \'"", \'Comment 25: ""As per our teams discussion. Noon is the best time but\', ""Comment 26: I\'m happy with any time"", \'Comment 27: as long as we have at least 1 hour notification. ""\', ""Comment 28: \'Hi"", ""Comment 29: the change for DHC has been uploaded.\'"", ""Comment 30: \'Ostatnia poprawa:IO-57/23/KBDIO-56/23/KBDIO-18/23/KBSIO-8/23/KBGIO-53/23/KBDIO-59/23/KBDIO-58/23/KBDIO-54/23/KBDIO-51/23/KBDIO-29/23/DKDIO-28/23/DKDIO-19/23/KBSIO-17/23/MOMIO-6/23/KBGIO-20/23/KBSIO-55/23/KBDIO-52/23/KBD\'"", ""Comment 31: \'Hello.According to the changes for DHC please let me know if the problems still exist for IO?If not"", ""Comment 32: can we close this RCA?\'"", ""Comment 33: \'Hello,Can we keep the ticket open till Friday (21.04.2023)\'"", ""Comment 34: \'Yes"", \'Comment 35: please send me information on Friday\', ""Comment 36: thanks.\'"", ""Comment 37: \'Hello,You may close this ticket\'"", ""Comment 38: \'Hello"", ""Comment 39: thank you.\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[\'DGS-8924\']\n\n### End'}" +108,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8924\n\n### Instruction:\nHello,\r\n\r\nPlease assist.\r\n\r\nIO-113/23/KLR is not showing in DHP.\r\n\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 2: \'[~marek.mamcarz@kotrak.com] [~piotr.chmielarski@kotrak.com]tak jak wspominałem po upgrade DHC w RPA mamy problemy z IO. Aktualizacje na bieżąco robi [~piotr.gaczorek@kotrak.com]Natomiast temat trzeba sprawdzić. Rozumiem że RCA dla [~przemyslaw.przybyszewski@kotrak.com]\'"", ""Comment 3: \'Na razie Wasza procka działa :)\'"", ""Comment 4: \'IO in plant now. Please"", ""Comment 5: verify!image-2023-04-06-11-54-08-385.png!\'"", ""Comment 6: \'RCA task underDGS-8925\'"", ""Comment 7: \'Hello,Please assist IO-28/23/DKD and IO-29/23/DKD are not showing in DHP\'"", ""Comment 8: \'Hi"", ""Comment 9: orders should be in DHP (visible).\'"", ""Comment 10: \'Can you give new cases only to RCA?Can p1 issue be closed?\'"", ""Comment 11: \'DGS-8925 - RCA related was closed. This ticket also has been closed.\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[\'DGS-8925\']\n\n### End'}" +109,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8923\n\n### Instruction:\nHi\r\n\r\nCan we change the way the ERP calcualtes a customers SO block when over the limit? \r\n\r\nWe would like it to take into account existing confirmed SO\'s + outstanding SI.\r\n\r\nHow & were do we change this?\r\n\r\nRegards\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'https://helpdesk.kotrak.com/servicedesk/customer/portal/56/DGS-7197\'"", ""Comment 2: \'I see from the other ticket how this is done. Can you place this ticket on hold till we test please.\'"", \'Comment 3: ""HiPlease can we put this request back in progress. The configuration doesn\\\'t seem to be working as intended.Regards ""\', ""Comment 4: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", \'Comment 5: ""Thank you...We will need to put the ticket back on hold. I\\\'m getting new stories from the accounts team. I want to do some manual confirmations first to test.""]\']\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +110,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8922\n\n### Instruction:\nASN-870/04/2023 does not arrive in DHP\r\n\r\nAlready tried it 3 times to send, even created a whole new contract, in which everything is just right. (supplier is already known to us, has delivered more often and there was no problem)\r\n\r\n\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'!image!!image-1!\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 3: \'Hello"", ""Comment 4: We kindly inform you that wecurrentlyare processing another Priority1 task.We will revert to processing your task as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 5: \'we rae back working on Your issue\'"", ""Comment 6: \'!image-2023-04-06-11-46-13-432.png!\'"", \'Comment 7: \\\'The UPDATE statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint ""FK_dbo.Orders_dbo.Addresses_MainBusinessPartnerAddressId"". The conflict occurred in database ""Evolution_DHCountry""\', \'Comment 8: table ""dbo.Addresses""\', ""Comment 9: column \\\\\'Id\\\\\'.The statement has been terminated.\'"", \'Comment 10: ""select * from AddressSyncs where dhcid in (\\\'3190D73A-D136-4D77-8C0D-A3635E32E7D5\\\',\\\'E3FAFAA8-3C17-4848-AEB1-8CF13C496DF4\\\') or xlid=3296!image-2023-04-06-12-28-28-199.png!""\', \'Comment 11: ""The problem was the changed address on the order on the order used an archived address\', \'Comment 12: which in erpxl had almost identical data to the current one ( screen from the database). On the order I changed the gidnumber of the address to the non-archived one.!image-2023-04-06-12-58-25-920.png!When trying to synchronize the address and the PO itself\', \'Comment 13: it turned out that the person editing the new address\', ""Comment 14: set the wrong country - the prefix PO instead of \'pl\'"", \'Comment 15: which was also corrected. The order went through and the new address went through\', \'Comment 16: but there is still an error about the address on the shipping notice\', \'Comment 17: which does not pass the items.!image-2023-04-06-12-58-47-553.png!I think that in this situation the fastest way is to cancel the order and create a new one on the basis of the already corrected order - please verify whether such an order will synchronize correctly.""\', ""Comment 18: \'Ticket can be closed\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +111,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8921\n\n### Instruction:\n VT-12423/23 can not release for intake\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'!image!\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 3: \'{code:java}2023-04-06 15:29:52 (028004eb-4560-44bb-af97-1685aa9f7d11/Plant.VC.BusinessLogic/VNPCT-TS01/32500/211) [Error] Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.ICommandRunEnvironment - Error during Void Run[ReleaseVehicleTicketIntakeCommand](Plant.VC.BusinessLogic.Application.Interfaces.VehicleTickets.Commands.ReleaseVehicleTicketIntakeCommand) methodSystem.InvalidOperationException: Nullable object must have a value. at Plant.VC.BusinessLogic.Domain.VehicleTickets.Factories.VehicleTicketDomainEventFactory.CreateVehicleTicketReleasedForIntakeEvent(VehicleTicket vehicleTicket) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\67ba263564c33499\\\\\\\\Plant.VC.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Plant.VC.BusinessLogic.Domain\\\\\\\\VehicleTickets\\\\\\\\Factories\\\\\\\\VehicleTicketDomainEventFactory.cs:line 538 at Plant.VC.BusinessLogic.Domain.VehicleTickets.VehicleTicket.ReleaseForIntake(DateTime date) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\67ba263564c33499\\\\\\\\Plant.VC.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Plant.VC.BusinessLogic.Domain\\\\\\\\VehicleTickets\\\\\\\\VehicleTicket.cs:line 521 at Plant.VC.BusinessLogic.Application.VehicleTickets.Services.VehicleTicketService.ReleaseVehicleTicketIntake(AggregateId vehicleTicketId"", \'Comment 4: DateTime date) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\67ba263564c33499\\\\\\\\Plant.VC.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Plant.VC.BusinessLogic.Application\\\\\\\\VehicleTickets\\\\\\\\Services\\\\\\\\VehicleTicketService.cs:line 194 at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Commands.CommandEnvironment.Run[TCommand](TCommand command) at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Commands.Decorators.IntercontextEventCommandRunEnvironmentDecorator.Run[TCommand](TCommand command) at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Commands.Decorators.EventCommandRunEnvironmentDecorator.Run[TCommand](TCommand command) at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Commands.Decorators.ValidationCommandEnvironmentDecorator.Run[TCommand](TCommand command) at Castle.DynamicProxy.AbstractInvocation.Proceed() at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Interceptors.LoggingInterceptor`1.Intercept(IInvocation invocation)2023-04-06 15:29:52 (null/Plant.VC.BusinessLogic/VNPCT-TS01/32500/207) [Error] Serilog.AspNetCore.RequestLoggingMiddleware - HTTP ""POST"" ""/api/VehicleTicket/releaseIntake"" responded 500 in 17.8458 ms{code}a ze stocka{code:java}2023-04-06 14:30:05 (null/Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic/VNPCT-TS01/19396/5) [Error] Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.ICommandRunEnvironment - Error during Void Run[SynchronizeBusinessPartnerCommand](Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic.Application.Interfaces.BusinessPartners.SynchronizeBusinessPartnerCommand) methodKotrak.Extensions.Validation.Abstractions.ValidationException: Validation failed: -- Business partner name is missing ---> Kotrak.Common.Application.Exceptions.CommandValidationException`1[Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic.Application.Interfaces.BusinessPartners.SynchronizeBusinessPartnerCommand]: Validation failed: -- MissingBusinessPartnerNameMessage at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Commands.Decorators.ValidationCommandEnvironmentDecorator.Run[TCommand](TCommand command) at Castle.DynamicProxy.AbstractInvocation.Proceed() at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Interceptors.LoggingInterceptor`1.Intercept(IInvocation invocation) --- End of inner exception stack trace ---2023-04-06 14:30:05 (null/Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic/VNPCT-TS01/19396/5) [Error] Kotrak.Integration.IntegrationPluginCommon.IntercontextCommunication.Inbound.InboundIntercontextErrorHandler - Error during handling message of type ""Plant.Integration.Common.PublishedLanguage.BusinessPartnerChangedMessage""\', ""Comment 5: retry no 0Kotrak.Extensions.Validation.Abstractions.ValidationException: Validation failed: -- Business partner name is missing ---> Kotrak.Common.Application.Exceptions.CommandValidationException`1[Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic.Application.Interfaces.BusinessPartners.SynchronizeBusinessPartnerCommand]: Validation failed: -- MissingBusinessPartnerNameMessage at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Commands.Decorators.ValidationCommandEnvironmentDecorator.Run[TCommand](TCommand command) at Castle.DynamicProxy.AbstractInvocation.Proceed() at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Interceptors.LoggingInterceptor`1.Intercept(IInvocation invocation) at Castle.DynamicProxy.AbstractInvocation.Proceed() at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Commands.Decorators.HistoryGateDecorator.Dispatch[TCommand](TCommand command) at Kotrak.Integration.IntegrationPluginCommon.IntercontextCommunication.Inbound.IntercontextInboundHandler`2.Handle(InternalStorageDto message) --- End of inner exception stack trace ---{code}\'"", ""Comment 6: \'!image-2023-04-06-10-52-20-663.png!\'"", ""Comment 7: \'Please"", ""Comment 8: check now.Regards\'"", \'Comment 9: ""HiWhat\\\'s issue with VT? We have faced this issue a few times before. So how to fix it ?""\', ""Comment 10: \'There was no arrival date here:!image-2023-04-06-11-11-12-056.png|width=1171,height=257!I have updated it with arrival weight date.Can we close this task?Regards\'"", ""Comment 11: \'Yes . Please close this VT.\'"", ""Comment 12: \'Thank you\'"", ""Comment 13: \'more question : Why is arrival date missing here ?\'"", ""Comment 14: \'Hi,We still have RCA task open for this issue underDGS-8281 and will be fixed in 8.6 version of DHPAs soon as we get so information"", ""Comment 15: we will let you know.Regards\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[\'DGS-8281\']\n\n### End'}" +112,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8920\n\n### Instruction:\nProszę o aktualizację i cofnięcie anulowania wynagrodzeni Dobrzenieckiej Karoliny z listy E-UM/2023/02/*\r\n\r\nProsba tez o weryfikacje czemu w obecnej wersjii user nie moze tego dokonac od strony aplikacji\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Wypłata została przywrócona"", ""Comment 3: proszę o weryfikację.Wgrano też aktualną funkcję do cofania anulowania.\'"", \'Comment 4: ""Now it\\\'s OkTask to close""]\']\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +113,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8919\n\n### Instruction:\nthe attached recipes are not in DHC.\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'!image!\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 3: \'Recipe is in DHC now"", ""Comment 4: please vervfied!image-2023-04-05-16-01-47-862.png!\'"", ""Comment 5: \'could you please also check the issue with attached list of recipes as all of them are also not in DHC.!image-1!\'"", ""Comment 6: \'We resnd it from the DHH"", ""Comment 7: please check.\'"", ""Comment 8: \'yes"", ""Comment 9: all is in DHC\'"", ""Comment 10: \'Could you please confirm if we can close this task?Regards\'"", ""Comment 11: \'yes"", ""Comment 12: please close this ticket.thank you!\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +114,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8918\n\n### Instruction:\nRecipe 967268 is present in DHC and is accepted, however, it doesn\'t arrive in DHP\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Recipe is in plant now!image-2023-04-05-15-42-00-150.png!\'"", ""Comment 3: \'thank you! Ticket can be closed\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +115,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8917\n\n### Instruction:\nPrzy naliczaniu wynagrodzeń za mc marzec pracownikowi Leszek Daraż, pokazuje się poniższy komunikat.\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'!image!\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 3: \'Pracownik posiada Zajęcie wynagrodzenia ale nie został dla niego przypisany komornik:. !image-2023-04-05-16-58-10-531.png!\'"", ""Comment 4: \'Could you please confirm if we can close this task?Regards\'"", ""Comment 5: \'Yes\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +116,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8916\n\n### Instruction:\nPotrzebny pilnie (na dzisiaj) wykaz zmian zapisów historycznych ze szczegółami na kontach pracowników.\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 3: \'Hello,Kindly approve lowering priority of this task to P2 as P1 issues are only those with a critical or a blocking impact on business processes that is production or transport. This seems not to be the case in this issue so we suggest decreasing the issue priority.Regards\'"", ""Comment 4: \'[^DGS-8916.docx]\'"", \'Comment 5: ""In the attachment description of Optima\\\'s functionality and topics to be detailed[^DGS-8916.docx]""\', ""Comment 6: \'We can lower priority to P2. I shared the doc with the user.\'"", \'Comment 7: ""Thank you\', \'Comment 8: I\\\'m waiting for an answer""\', \'Comment 9: \\\'User answer ""Na potrzeby audytu potrzebuje zestawienia zmian ,dokładnie :Dziennik zmian dokonywanych w zbiorze danych podstawowych pracownika (historia zmian „nowy vs stary”).""\\\'\', ""Comment 10: \'Please provide more information as described in the uploaded document\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +117,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8915\n\n### Instruction:\nCould you give Arthur the same rights in the MAS as Rick Reimerink.\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Now he has all roles which has user:Rick ReimerinkRick Reimerink AAPlease verify if he can do all needed operations.\'"", ""Comment 3: \'His inbox is still empty. He should have the same things as Rick Reimerink AA (but then only for MAS"", ""Comment 4: not PAS/OPPAS).\'"", \'Comment 5: ""Last New Item Card has been createt in MAS NL which can be accepted and then created Item card is from 2.02.2023 and then he hasn\\\'t been in process of New Item Cards.I gave him right now access to Rick Reimerink AA access. Arthur should be able to see in inbox all New Item Cards which also have Rick Reimeink.Only what he need to do is to use option \\\'All shared inboxes\\\' to see other users document (in this case only of Rick\\\'s) or direcly choose to which inbox in option \\\'Inboxe owned by user\\\'!image-2023-04-07-13-34-14-887.png!""\', \'Comment 6: ""I wasn\\\'t just talking about New Item Cards. He doesn\\\'t receive any tasks in his Inbox. So no SR\\\'s etc.""\', \'Comment 7: ""Oh\', \'Comment 8: so I deleted this shared inbox of Rick.For SR he should be added to role for this (Rick is not in this role -Slaughtery Report from Kofax users)Now there are users like below. I\\\'ve added Arthur also to this role. He should gets new SR to inbox.Does he need any other documents? He should be able to manually create documents,I see now in his inbox some Financial statement and Purchase Invoice and also Round and Feed sale (last 2 automatically generated to users inboxes).!image-2023-04-07-14-26-13-342.png!""]\']\nRelated Issues:\n[\'DGS-8929\']\n\n### End'}" +118,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8914\n\n### Instruction:\nBardzo proszę o zweryfikowanie poprawności działania środowiska produkcyjnego, pod kątem poprawności działania synchronizacji pomiędzy aplikacjami ERP-DHC-DHP i Integratorów.\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 2: \'1. Statusy tras się nie aktualizują w DHC"", \'Comment 3: T-2605/23/D tylko pierwsza zmiana spowodowała zmianę statusu na Anulowany\', \'Comment 4: a pozostałe pozostają już w statusie Potwierdzony2. T-2605/23/D jest nie kompletna w DHP. Brakuje elementów z fabryki pasz ZW-52/03/23/I\', \'Comment 5: zamówienie jest w DHP 3. ZW 52/03/23/I - są dwa kompletnie różne zamówienia z różnymi elementami\', \'Comment 6: ale z tym samym numerem 4. Jeżeli brakuje Trasy w DHP i na VT są podpięte zamówienia zamiast tras\', ""Comment 7: to w DHC VT nie ma połączenia z ZS np.VT-6185/Ł!image!!image-1!!image-2!!image-3!!image-4!\'"", ""Comment 8: \'Order for unlinked VT /ZW-163/03/23/g and order ZW-52/03/23/I are from 2023-03-27"", \'Comment 9: do we have current examples\', ""Comment 10: e.g. from the last two or three days?\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[\'DGS-8881\']\n\n### End'}" +119,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8913\n\n### Instruction:\nIf the original document is visible on the round than the credit document should also be visible on the round. \r\n\r\n\xa0\r\n\r\n\xa0\r\n\r\nCPI-M/2023/0200 isn\'t visible on Round\xa0015236/0187/0004\r\n\r\n!image-2023-04-05-10-09-33-789.png!\r\n\r\n\xa0\r\n\r\nIn relation table for this case leading doc is filled in and on the round only invoices without leading doc are displayed.\r\n\r\n\xa0\n\n### Response:\n[\'Comment 1: [""It\\\'s ready to test on Test environment.Changes are described in task [https://helpdesk.kotrak.com/servicedesk/customer/portal/56/DGS-8764]{quote}Changes have been made on TEST environment. You can verify them.In some sectors and sections displaying Credit invoices worked correctly before\', \'Comment 2: we\\\'ve made changes in Expenses sections.Changes that have been made in sectors on documents: * RoundMAS NL expenses sectionLAS expenses sectionNAS expenses sectionVAS expenses section * Financial StatementMAS NL expenses sectionLAS expenses sectionNAS expenses sectionVAS expenses section * Financial Statement printoutsMAS NLLASNASVAS * Saldo to PayMAS NLLASNASVAS{quote}""]\']\nRelated Issues:\n[\'DGS-8764\']\n\n### End'}" +120,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8912\n\n### Instruction:\nPlease cancel the following VT\'s:\r\nVT-36/4/23\r\nVT-38/4/23\r\nVT-185/4/23\r\n\r\nDue to wrong packaging type (pcs) for ASN the VT\'s cannot be cancelled by us. Should be more flexible in my opinion, I corrected the packaging type but VT is not updated and I cannot cancel it\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hi Thomas,All three VTs are cancelled. Please"", ""Comment 3: verify,Regards\'"", ""Comment 4: \'Thanks"", ""Comment 5: ticket can be closed\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +121,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8911\n\n### Instruction:\nProblem with open and creating VT in DHP.\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 2: \'resolved by Mateusz Banaszczyk .\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +122,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8910\n\n### Instruction:\nDear, \r\nI need to link BMX code 0982 with Integra code 10892. I did it in the same way but now it looks different. After selection of ""Base item"", item isn´t seen at left side in ""unliked items""\r\npls look at it.\r\nthx\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'!image!\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 3: \'There are two steps of linking - first the base item"", ""Comment 4: then the rest when reopening the linking window.Were there any errors when linking the item for the first time?I had to correct it from the database.Now should be fine.\'"", ""Comment 5: \'It´s okay now.No"", ""Comment 6: it is firt time for longer period when I had problem with linking.\'"", ""Comment 7: \'The question is whether this is an incident"", ""Comment 8: please check in the following days if the problem will repeat for other items linking and send a example.\'"", ""Comment 9: \'Hi"", ""Comment 10: today I have linked item. it was ok.\'"", ""Comment 11: \'Can we close it as an incident?\'"", ""Comment 12: \'Hi"", ""Comment 13: today. another link was created. Everything is okay. you can close the issue.thx\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +123,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8909\n\n### Instruction:\nHi\r\n\r\nWe have this GDC-805 to select Packing Form for ShippingNotice item when creating VT based on Shipping Notice.\r\n\r\nHowever, we are facing an issue, because now the Packing Form for ShippingNotice item is Packed, but DHP is getting the Packing form from Item when creating the VT based on Shipping Notice.\r\n\r\nI integrated a Shipping Notice Trip from ERP to DHP test server, so you can check by yourself this case: CG040192\r\n\r\nCould you please fix that?\r\n\r\nThank you very much!\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'!image!!image-1!!image-2!\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 3: \'Dear Maicon,The DGS project is to raise the incident/issue tickets related to the production environment. In case of introducing new features or modifying existing ones please rise a GDC ticket"", ""Comment 4: for questions or issues on the test environment you can rise a DHITS.Regards\'"", ""Comment 5: \'!image-2023-04-05-14-32-25-042.png!!image-2023-04-05-14-33-41-853.png! !image-2023-04-05-14-32-25-042!!image-2023-04-05-14-33-41-853!\'"", ""Comment 6: \'Plus this is how item is configured in DHC"", ""Comment 7: it is a bulk!image-2023-04-05-14-36-39-044.png!\'"", \'Comment 8: ""Hi [~Aleksandra.Przybylek@kotrak.com]I understand the differences betweem GDC and DGS. I\\\'m sorry if I wasn\\\'t too clear in the description of issue. I thought that mentining the GDC would help the understanding of this issue\', ""Comment 9: but I screwed up. I\'m sorry!*Let me try again:*h4. SCENARIOWe have the ShippingNotice document in DHP!As far as I was informed"", \'Comment 10: when creating the VT\', \'Comment 11: the +Packing form+ in VT will get this information from the ShippingNotice Element.h4. ISSUEWhen creating the VT document based on Shipping Notice\', \'Comment 12: instead of getting the +Packing form+ from Shipping Notice\', \'Comment 13: it is getting the +Packing form+ from the Article card.Could you please help with that?""\', \'Comment 14: ""Hi [~mberbert@deheus.com]That\\\'s not the point. Your scenario and description says about test environment. And on service desk we can only verify issue on Production environment. I understand your scenario. But still\', \'Comment 15: I need example from porduction\', \'Comment 16: otherwise you need to create DHITS to check on test.Best regards :)""\', ""Comment 17: \'HiYou can check *CG041697* in the Production environmentThank you!image-3!\'"", ""Comment 18: \'!image-2023-04-06-09-29-46-904.png! Dla wszystkich itemów packing form = bulk!image-2023-04-06-09-37-04-998.png!!image-2023-04-06-10-15-56-866.png!!image-2023-04-06-10-16-31-716.png!!image-2023-04-06-10-15-56-866! !image-2023-04-06-10-16-31-716!\'"", ""Comment 19: \'21518!image-2023-04-06-09-39-06-364.png!21500!image-2023-04-06-09-38-44-044.png!21533!image-2023-04-06-09-39-31-842.png!21509-MP!image-2023-04-06-09-40-02-948.png!\'"", ""Comment 20: \'HejOlcia [~aleksandra.masternak@kotrak.com]MAciek [~maciej.dobrzanski@kotrak.com]pytanko mam:Berbeć powiada"", \'Comment 21: że jak na SN jest packed\', \'Comment 22: to na VT też powinien być packed\', \'Comment 23: ale:>> item w DHC i DHP jest bulk (wszystkie 4)\', \'Comment 24: czyli zakładam\', \'Comment 25: że w erp też tak jest>> zakładam również\', \'Comment 26: że packing form został na SN zmieniony ręcznie\', \'Comment 27: być może na poziomie erpa>> pytanie: czy przy tworzeniu VT bierze packing form z SN czy jednak z konfiguracji itema?Berbeć podpiera się tym stwierdzeniem:!image-2023-04-06-10-13-28-377.png|width=737,height=177!Ale chyba nie doczytał reszty\', \'Comment 28: i znadinterpretował...Niestety\', \'Comment 29: do tego tripa nie ma VT w systemie\', ""Comment 30: ale z chęcią stworzę if you agree!image-2023-04-06-10-15-11-479.png!\'"", \'Comment 31: \\\'[~aleksandra.przybylek@kotrak.com]Co mają ustawione w konfigu w VC ""Vehicle ticket from shipping notice generation policy""? Może jest tam wybrane itemsettlement zamiast default?Bo generalnie powinno to działać tak:DefaultVehicleTicketFromShippingNoticeGenerationPolicy - patrzy na packing form elementu ASNA\', \'Comment 32: wiec powinien utworzyć pakowane elementy.ItemSettlementTypeVehicleTicketFromShippingNoticeGenerationPolicy - patrzy na settlement type itema\', \'Comment 33: więc jeśli te elementy mają settlement type bulky\', ""Comment 34: to powinien utworzyć bulkowe elementy\'"", ""Comment 35: \'[~aleksandra.masternak@kotrak.com]Mają niby poprawnie:!image-2023-04-06-11-18-51-756.png!Tylko w tym przypadku chyba jedyna metoda weryfikacji"", \'Comment 36: to create VT. Bo ten ASN nie ma jeszcze VT. Więc ewentualnie trzeba wierzyć mu na słowo :PWybacz\', \'Comment 37: że troszku zeszło\', ""Comment 38: P1 z Vietnamu miałam :)\'"", ""Comment 39: \'Hi [~Aleksandra.Przybylek@kotrak.com]Any news from this task?We need to start using the functionality this asap.Thank you\'"", ""Comment 40: \'Aktualnie dla dispatcha działa to w oparciu o settlement type na kartotece towarowej"", ""Comment 41: jesli chca zmiany to musza zrobić GDC.\'"", ""Comment 42: \'Hi Maicon,We have investigated your case. Currently"", \'Comment 43: for dispatch VT\', \'Comment 44: it takes settlement type from item card.If you need a change\', ""Comment 45: please raise a GDC task.Regards\'"", \'Comment 46: ""Hi [~Aleksandra.Przybylek@kotrak.com]I won\\\'t raise a new GDC for that we already have one: GDC-805I received the information in the GDC-805 that this Packing form needs to come in Shipping notices from ERP\', \'Comment 47: now I have new information.Could you please talk with Maciej Dobrzański and Theo Berendsen and check what information is right?Thank you""\', ""Comment 48: \'Hi [~mberbert@deheus.com],As I understand this DGS correctly it refers to the TRIP (ASN for dispatch).The rules for creating vehicle tickets based on ASN differ on whether it is for dispatch or intake. What is more"", \'Comment 49: we have more than one policy for generating Vehicle tickets from shipping notices eg. In the case of ASN intake (packing form and settlement type) are considered and for dispatch only (item settlement type)The request from GDC-805 is in my opinion different. First of all\', \'Comment 50: you mentioned raw materials so that is why we understood it as an ASN for intake\', \'Comment 51: not dispatch. It was described so the user will be able to choose the packing form on the Vehicle Ticket\', ""Comment 52: not on the Shipping notice during the generation of the Vehicle Ticket.I suggest scheduling a meeting with Theo in order to discuss all of the details.\'"", \'Comment 53: ""Hi [~mberbert@deheus.com]Is Maciej\\\'s explanation sufficient for you? Can we close this task?Regards""]\']\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +124,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8908\n\n### Instruction:\nwe have problem in recipe scale when element is added by additional techologies, DHC is not adding the scale.\r\n* example: item SUE1605-S25 version 114/1, we added the element ROPBCO12A scale type bag, but in the recipe the field is empty, when integrate to DHP was added automatically the scale macro, and the element is sent for wrong production area when integrate to PCS.\r\n\r\nCould you check why recipe is without scale and fix it the functionality (not only this recipe)?\r\n\r\nThank you\r\n\r\n\r\n\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'!image!!image-1!!image-2!\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", \'Comment 3: "" !screenshot-1! {code:java}2023-04-04 09:42:11,487 [311] DEBUG Evolution.DHCountry.Logging.EventPublisherWithLog4NetTracing [(null)] - Published event [Evolution.DHCountry.Production.ProductionRecipes.Events.ProductionRecipeChangedEvent[ProductionRecipeId=\\\'81ccab2b-0573-44da-827b-cbe2d1baee20\\\']] to publisher [Evolution.Events.EventPublisher] under domain context [d22dcd7d00654c0b96f1d79170665cad]2023-04-04 09:42:12,722 [DefaultQuartzScheduler_QuartzSchedulerThread] DEBUG Quartz.Core.QuartzSchedulerThread [(null)] - Batch acquisition of 0 triggers2023-04-04 09:42:16,648 [330] DEBUG Evolution.DHCountry.Logging.DomainCommandHandlerWithLog4NetTracing [(null)] - Handled command [Evolution.DHCountry.Production.ProductionRecipes.Commands.AcceptProductionRecipeCommand] by command handler [Evolution.DHCountry.Domain.DomainCommandHandlerWithPublishingEvents] under domain context [32a19184cb3c48929b8a3babde1b2592]2023-04-04 09:42:16,723 [330] DEBUG Evolution.DHCountry.Logging.EventPublisherWithLog4NetTracing [(null)] - Published event [Evolution.DHCountry.Production.ProductionRecipes.Events.ProductionRecipeAcceptedEvent[ProductionRecipeId=\\\'81ccab2b-0573-44da-827b-cbe2d1baee20\\\']] to publisher [Evolution.Events.EventPublisher] under domain context [2c2168f4537d4cf6a854dae6c6987f08]{code}{code:java}/****** Script for SelectTopNRows command from SSMS ******/SELECT * FROM [Evolution_DHCountry].[dbo].[TechnologyIngredients] where TechnologyId=\\\'833ED31F-5249-48B0-9A45-20BCF32BAF0D\\\' SELECT ScaleType,* FROM [Evolution_DHCountry].[dbo].[Items] where id=\\\'B45C5C4A-49B3-41E7-AD40-AE65FED4A8EF\\\'------------------------------2023-04-04 09:42:25,642 [183] DEBUG Evolution.DHCountry.Logging.EventPublisherWithLog4NetTracing [(null)] - Published event [Evolution.DHCountry.Production.Technologies.Events.TechnologyGeneratedEvent[TechnologyId=\\\'833ed31f-5249-48b0-9a45-20bcf32baf0d\\\']] to publisher [Evolution.Events.EventPublisher] under domain context [90b7c4d930174e85b8ada49eda5ccf4b]{code}!image-2023-04-11-08-56-20-136!""\', ""Comment 4: \'DHC nie przenosi się Scale type do pozycji technologi jak klient dodaje element z poziomu add.technology. Jak to można zreprodukować? Jest jeszcze coś takiego ale tutaj wygląda że chodzi o planta? DGS-8807\'"", ""Comment 5: \'Na widoku related items ScaleType brane jest z składnika technologii połączonej do production recipe.Jeżeli nie ma technologii"", \'Comment 6: jest generowana.Widzę\', ""Comment 7: że przy dodawaniu packing technologii w AddPackagingTechnologyActivity nie jest przepisywane scaleType !screenshot-2! Wymagana jest zmiana \'"", ""Comment 8: \'Prosił bym aby konsultować wpisywanie DGS reason w przypadku Application Bug"", ""Comment 9: to że user oczekiwał ze aplikacja działa inaczej nie oznacza zaraz że jest to błąd aplikacji.\'"", ""Comment 10: \'[~psilva@deheus.com]this is how the Additional Technology Form was designed. If you would like to change this please contact PO Wijnand van Geerenstein but I also this that change https://helpdesk.kotrak.com/browse/GDC-895will solve this issue.\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +125,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8907\n\n### Instruction:\nOn printout there is verification on document which Round category exist on Invoice, but in this case there is no \'Doc No. Intense\'.\r\n When there is no Intense document on S2P like on screen it\'s treated as a invoice from Slaughtery section.\r\n\r\n\r\n I think in those cases we should always go for “Voer”, because feed deliveries can be missing in Intense (but existing in Milas). Slaughter revenues can never not exist in Intense.\r\n\r\n!https://attachments.office.net/owa/damian.swistek%40kotrak.com/service.svc/s/GetAttachmentThumbnail?id=AAMkADY2ZTAxMzM3LTE0YjctNGI0Ni1hYjIxLWE3MDFjOTVkNmExNwBGAAAAAAA%2FcPjpt4lNRZFonusrO6C9BwA5bA29TyJrQIX6A6F8SkSqAAAAAAEJAAA5bA29TyJrQIX6A6F8SkSqAATcM30IAAABEgAQAI9G%2Bh4R%2FQROh0ZHcQ%2B8g%2Fs%3D&thumbnailType=2&token=eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IkQ4OThGN0RDMjk2ODQ1MDk1RUUwREZGQ0MzODBBOTM5NjUwNDNFNjQiLCJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJ4NXQiOiIySmozM0Nsb1JRbGU0Tl84dzRDcE9XVUVQbVEifQ.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.RxgLnlWD94h6yCeFLSc0ElebIk2_fYnT0n7Gjm-5oLh8oHzyGA2cAoSGutoOBWYRnM2DhaoniNCNVPoX099BZOB9HRjUjxPDjorUqV6Kh626Om9RcPHMJiYX66yVZLglQukCUY6aNlKSDM9dGAOkJTHcfhBGPiEDnEhbmyy1ssOjfZZO0gCc0FsDSvcsfoifpQ-ilVV5vVK-JPfvLM8D933lpkpL1N5BDFIxox3W7uZk1VVuzXx1ytIpRt8rqOqiKw2xT6uDxP1eDBavZq48bYJNgQ6Li8uYRnVPju-HNLlYMdddEQykRdfQZ3TDbkKEf5O0mMyWnMfJxRPNA4tP-Q&X-OWA-CANARY=GLSHExmL6Eu7znDmDGZ5nxB-2n0VNdsYJ-jRsGybjBBV9mGxDMviQ4OL_y0B6YPZHiU-go2WSF4.&owa=outlook.office.com&scriptVer=20230324008.13&animation=true!\r\n\r\n!https://attachments.office.net/owa/damian.swistek%40kotrak.com/service.svc/s/GetAttachmentThumbnail?id=AAMkADY2ZTAxMzM3LTE0YjctNGI0Ni1hYjIxLWE3MDFjOTVkNmExNwBGAAAAAAA%2FcPjpt4lNRZFonusrO6C9BwA5bA29TyJrQIX6A6F8SkSqAAAAAAEJAAA5bA29TyJrQIX6A6F8SkSqAATcM30IAAABEgAQAHIKh4tjHrZCoo2dB%2FrRHHk%3D&thumbnailType=2&token=eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IkQ4OThGN0RDMjk2ODQ1MDk1RUUwREZGQ0MzODBBOTM5NjUwNDNFNjQiLCJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJ4NXQiOiIySmozM0Nsb1JRbGU0Tl84dzRDcE9XVUVQbVEifQ.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.RxgLnlWD94h6yCeFLSc0ElebIk2_fYnT0n7Gjm-5oLh8oHzyGA2cAoSGutoOBWYRnM2DhaoniNCNVPoX099BZOB9HRjUjxPDjorUqV6Kh626Om9RcPHMJiYX66yVZLglQukCUY6aNlKSDM9dGAOkJTHcfhBGPiEDnEhbmyy1ssOjfZZO0gCc0FsDSvcsfoifpQ-ilVV5vVK-JPfvLM8D933lpkpL1N5BDFIxox3W7uZk1VVuzXx1ytIpRt8rqOqiKw2xT6uDxP1eDBavZq48bYJNgQ6Li8uYRnVPju-HNLlYMdddEQykRdfQZ3TDbkKEf5O0mMyWnMfJxRPNA4tP-Q&X-OWA-CANARY=1mI5yJ-jBEuBYBZ0G7hUesA1F1cVNdsYKjzn0au9aJcB07w9uuqnY6Elc3kjLAOeLl8vEy_44pU.&owa=outlook.office.com&scriptVer=20230324008.13&animation=true!\r\n\r\n\xa0\r\n\r\n\xa0\n\n### Response:\n[\'Comment 1: [\\\'[~mbovene@deheus.com],we\\\\\\\'ve made changes for empty ""Doc No. Intense"" in S2P new printouts (MAS NL\', ""Comment 2: MAS BE).You can verify it.Best regards,Grzegorz\'"", ""Comment 3: \'Do przeniesienia na Prod!image-2023-04-21-13-30-38-807.png!\'"", \'Comment 4: ""Hi [~mbovene@deheus.com],we\\\'ve moved it to the PROD Intense environment.Best regards,Grzegorz""\', ""Comment 5: \'Can be closed\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[\'DGS-8326\']\n\n### End'}" +126,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8906\n\n### Instruction:\nOn Round is displayed and in this column for SI Regular and Financed there is displayed Delivery date from Leading doc - Purchasae Invoice where Delivery date is 6.12.2022\r\n\r\n!https://attachments.office.net/owa/damian.swistek%40kotrak.com/service.svc/s/GetAttachmentThumbnail?id=AAMkADY2ZTAxMzM3LTE0YjctNGI0Ni1hYjIxLWE3MDFjOTVkNmExNwBGAAAAAAA%2FcPjpt4lNRZFonusrO6C9BwA5bA29TyJrQIX6A6F8SkSqAAAAAAEMAAA5bA29TyJrQIX6A6F8SkSqAATeOusYAAABEgAQAIpBwolwUt5Kp9labJwZCpM%3D&thumbnailType=2&token=eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IkQ4OThGN0RDMjk2ODQ1MDk1RUUwREZGQ0MzODBBOTM5NjUwNDNFNjQiLCJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJ4NXQiOiIySmozM0Nsb1JRbGU0Tl84dzRDcE9XVUVQbVEifQ.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.RxgLnlWD94h6yCeFLSc0ElebIk2_fYnT0n7Gjm-5oLh8oHzyGA2cAoSGutoOBWYRnM2DhaoniNCNVPoX099BZOB9HRjUjxPDjorUqV6Kh626Om9RcPHMJiYX66yVZLglQukCUY6aNlKSDM9dGAOkJTHcfhBGPiEDnEhbmyy1ssOjfZZO0gCc0FsDSvcsfoifpQ-ilVV5vVK-JPfvLM8D933lpkpL1N5BDFIxox3W7uZk1VVuzXx1ytIpRt8rqOqiKw2xT6uDxP1eDBavZq48bYJNgQ6Li8uYRnVPju-HNLlYMdddEQykRdfQZ3TDbkKEf5O0mMyWnMfJxRPNA4tP-Q&X-OWA-CANARY=y6c3QNbRokWcBtjbMC8OwkCPftcUNdsYXm6OfBQhJ-droiov8sMRjvX3fVB2LsdtmZ3VP1Y1aCU.&owa=outlook.office.com&scriptVer=20230324008.13&animation=true!\r\n\r\n\xa0\r\n\r\n\xa0\r\n\r\n!image-2023-04-04-15-59-22-635.png!\n\n### Response:\n[\'Comment 1: [""Do zmiany wyświetlanie \\\'Delivery date\\\' dla SI Regular i SI Financed. Powinna być wyświetlana Delivery date z dokumentu SI\', \'Comment 2: a nie z PI\', \'Comment 3: który jest Leading doc.""\', ""Comment 4: \'Changed on production and test database.\'"", ""Comment 5: \'Can be closed\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +127,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8905\n\n### Instruction:\nSee attached screenshot, the \'unsupported VT close direction\' error is new for me: Can you please check and solve, and advice how to prevent this next time?\r\n\r\nVT-1916/3/23\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'!afbeelding!\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 3: \'Hi"", \'Comment 4: I have now information about missing stock\', ""Comment 5: can you please check again? !screenshot-1! \'"", ""Comment 6: \'After adding stock"", ""Comment 7: I get the same message: !afbeelding-1!\'"", \'Comment 8: \\\'{code:java}2023-04-17 08:53:36 (a4569f8e-3213-4200-832c-88063fcc7253/Plant.VC.BusinessLogic/DHVD01AP183/23516/12) [Error] Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Middleware.LoggingMiddleware.ControllerLoggingMiddleware - Error during request{ ""scheme"": ""http""\', \'Comment 9: ""host"": { ""Value"": ""dhvd01ap183:82""\', \'Comment 10: ""HasValue"": true\', \'Comment 11: ""Host"": ""dhvd01ap183""\', \'Comment 12: ""Port"": 82 }\', \'Comment 13: ""path"": ""/api/VehicleTicket/registerBulkDispatchElementWeightsToVehicleTicket""\', \'Comment 14: ""queryString"": []\', \'Comment 15: ""requestBody"": ""{\\\\\\\\""vehicleTicketId\\\\\\\\"":\\\\\\\\""714f3e93-1639-450f-ac66-09ccd9b367b6\\\\\\\\"",\\\\\\\\""elements\\\\\\\\"":[{\\\\\\\\""vehicleTicketNo\\\\\\\\"":12,\\\\\\\\""quantity\\\\\\\\"":{\\\\\\\\""unit\\\\\\\\"":\\\\\\\\""kg\\\\\\\\"",\\\\\\\\""value\\\\\\\\"":1360}},{\\\\\\\\""vehicleTicketNo\\\\\\\\"":14,\\\\\\\\""quantity\\\\\\\\"":{\\\\\\\\""unit\\\\\\\\"":\\\\\\\\""kg\\\\\\\\"",\\\\\\\\""value\\\\\\\\"":2012}}]}""}.Kotrak.Extensions.Validation.Abstractions.ValidationException: Validation failed: -- Vehicle ticket should be in dispatch in progress -- Vehicle ticket should be in dispatch completed -- Vehicle ticket should be released for dispatch ---> Plant.VC.BusinessLogic.DomainAbstractions.VehicleTickets.VehicleTicketInvalidDispatchOperationException: Validation failed: -- VehicleTicketShouldBeInDispatchInProgressMessage -- VehicleTicketShouldBeInDispatchCompletedMessage -- VehicleTicketShouldBeReleasedForDispatchMessage at Plant.VC.BusinessLogic.Domain.VehicleTickets.VehicleTicket.PerformBulkDispatchInitialWeighing(Int32 vehicleTicketElementId\', \'Comment 16: Weighing weighing) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\67ba263564c33499\\\\\\\\Plant.VC.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Plant.VC.BusinessLogic.Domain\\\\\\\\VehicleTickets\\\\\\\\VehicleTicket.cs:line 947 at Plant.VC.BusinessLogic.Domain.VehicleTickets.Policies.DefaultFeedRecalculationPolicy.RecalculateFeed(VehicleTicket vehicleTicket\', \'Comment 17: ICurrentUserPolicy currentUserPolicy\', \'Comment 18: String weighbridgeId\', \'Comment 19: IEnumerable`1 changedElements) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\67ba263564c33499\\\\\\\\Plant.VC.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Plant.VC.BusinessLogic.Domain\\\\\\\\VehicleTickets\\\\\\\\Policies\\\\\\\\DefaultFeedRecalculationPolicy.cs:line 33 at Plant.VC.BusinessLogic.Domain.VehicleTickets.Services.Implementations.RegisterBulkDispatchDomainService.RegisterBulkDispatchWeights(RegisterMultipleBulkDispatchWeightsDomainDataStructure dataStructure) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\67ba263564c33499\\\\\\\\Plant.VC.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Plant.VC.BusinessLogic.Domain\\\\\\\\VehicleTickets\\\\\\\\Services\\\\\\\\Implementations\\\\\\\\RegisterBulkDispatchDomainService.cs:line 66 at Plant.VC.BusinessLogic.Application.VehicleTickets.Services.VehicleTicketBulkDispatchService.RegisterBulkDispatchWeights(RegisterMultipleBulkDispatchWeightsDataStructure dataStructure) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\67ba263564c33499\\\\\\\\Plant.VC.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Plant.VC.BusinessLogic.Application\\\\\\\\VehicleTickets\\\\\\\\Services\\\\\\\\VehicleTicketBulkDispatchService.cs:line 327 at Plant.VC.BusinessLogic.Application.VehicleTickets.CommandHandlers.RegisterBulkDispatchElementWeightsToVehicleTicketCommandHandler.Handle(RegisterBulkDispatchElementWeightsToVehicleTicketCommand command) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\67ba263564c33499\\\\\\\\Plant.VC.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Plant.VC.BusinessLogic.Application\\\\\\\\VehicleTickets\\\\\\\\CommandHandlers\\\\\\\\RegisterBulkDispatchElementWeightsToVehicleTicketCommandHandler.cs:line 29 at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Gate.CommandEnvironment.Run[TCommand](TCommand command) at Castle.DynamicProxy.AbstractInvocation.Proceed() at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Interceptors.LoggingInterceptor`1.Intercept(IInvocation invocation) at Castle.DynamicProxy.AbstractInvocation.Proceed() at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Gate.Filters.CommandProcessFilter`1.Execute(CommandPipelineContext`1 input) at Kotrak.Extensions.Pipeline.PredefinedFilters.FilterDecorator`1.Execute(TContext input) at Kotrak.Extensions.Pipeline.Pipeline`1.Execute(T input) at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Gate.StandardGate.DispatchCommand[TCommand](TCommand command) at Plant.VC.BusinessLogic.Infrastructure.Api.Controllers.VehicleTicketController.RegisterBulkDispatchElementWeightsToVehicleTicket(RegisterBulkDispatchElementWeightsToVehicleTicketViewModel viewModel) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\67ba263564c33499\\\\\\\\Plant.VC.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Plant.VC.BusinessLogic.Infrastructure.Api\\\\\\\\Controllers\\\\\\\\VehicleTicketController.cs:line 558 at lambda_method20037(Closure \', \'Comment 20: Object \', \'Comment 21: Object[] ) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ActionMethodExecutor.SyncActionResultExecutor.Execute(IActionResultTypeMapper mapper\', \'Comment 22: ObjectMethodExecutor executor\', \'Comment 23: Object controller\', \'Comment 24: Object[] arguments) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ControllerActionInvoker.InvokeActionMethodAsync() at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ControllerActionInvoker.Next(State& next\', \'Comment 25: Scope& scope\', \'Comment 26: Object& state\', \'Comment 27: Boolean& isCompleted) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ControllerActionInvoker.InvokeNextActionFilterAsync()--- End of stack trace from previous location --- at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ControllerActionInvoker.Rethrow(ActionExecutedContextSealed context) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ControllerActionInvoker.Next(State& next\', \'Comment 28: Scope& scope\', \'Comment 29: Object& state\', \'Comment 30: Boolean& isCompleted) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ControllerActionInvoker.InvokeInnerFilterAsync()--- End of stack trace from previous location --- at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ResourceInvoker.g__Awaited|20_0(ResourceInvoker invoker\', \'Comment 31: Task lastTask\', \'Comment 32: State next\', \'Comment 33: Scope scope\', \'Comment 34: Object state\', \'Comment 35: Boolean isCompleted) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ResourceInvoker.g__Awaited|17_0(ResourceInvoker invoker\', \'Comment 36: Task task\', \'Comment 37: IDisposable scope) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ResourceInvoker.g__Awaited|17_0(ResourceInvoker invoker\', \'Comment 38: Task task\', \'Comment 39: IDisposable scope) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.EndpointMiddleware.g__AwaitRequestTask|6_0(Endpoint endpoint\', \'Comment 40: Task requestTask\', \'Comment 41: ILogger logger) at Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.SwaggerUI.SwaggerUIMiddleware.Invoke(HttpContext httpContext) at Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.Swagger.SwaggerMiddleware.Invoke(HttpContext httpContext\', ""Comment 42: ISwaggerProvider swaggerProvider) at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Middleware.LoggingMiddleware.ControllerLoggingMiddleware.Invoke(HttpContext httpContext) --- End of inner exception stack trace ---{code}!image-2023-04-17-15-48-11-121! !image-2023-04-17-15-48-49-471!!image-2023-04-17-15-49-42-126!!image-2023-04-17-15-58-39-468!\'"", ""Comment 43: \'Hello,The VT status has been corrected from the database and a message about closing the VT has been sent again to WMS. After the changes in version 8.6 the problem should not occur. The theme of the changes is manageable response time between modules.Regards.\'"", ""Comment 44: \'Oke thanks. same problem also applies to \'"", ""Comment 45: \'VT-452/4/23\'"", \'Comment 46: ""{code:java}SELECT v.Status,s.status FROM [DHPlantVCBusinessLogicMain].[dbo].[VehicleTickets] v join DHPlantStockBusinessLogicMain.[dbo].[VehicleTickets] son v.id=s.id where v.DocumentNumber=452 and v.DocumentMonth=4 and v.DocumentYear=2023 select * FROM [DHPlantStockBusinessLogicMain].[dbo].[StockUnitReleases] where SourceDocumentId=\\\'abbebe20-b427-4417-b157-5460b44633cd\\\'{code} !image-2023-04-18-15-02-53-873.png!""\', ""Comment 47: \'VT-1916 został poprawiony "", \'Comment 48: zgłosili kolejny gdzie status VT-452/4/23 jest 110 w bazach stock\', \'Comment 49: vc.nie ma już rezerwacji\', ""Comment 50: WO są executed.Jakby co jestem do dyspozycji :).\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +128,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8904\n\n### Instruction:\nVT\'s are send to pcs, without the deliveryID: This is needed for processing in the pcs system: please solve this, intakes cannot be done automatically at this moment.\r\n\r\n2 example VTs:\r\nVT-128/4/23\r\nVT-12/4/23\r\n\r\n\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'!afbeelding!\'"", ""Comment 2: \'VT-127/4/23\'"", ""Comment 3: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 4: \'!image-2023-04-04-13-23-58-332.png!\'"", \'Comment 5: ""select * from VehicleTicketElements where id in (\\\'7C1AAAAD-D0C1-4E3A-9B8E-3D64115FD064\\\',\\\'1714F1F6-47A0-4638-B8C6-5A359D5BDF3F\\\')""\', ""Comment 6: \'w dhc service też brak deliveryid!image-2023-04-04-13-33-26-434.png!\'"", ""Comment 7: \'!image-2023-04-04-13-45-08-274.png!\'"", ""Comment 8: \'wydaje się być powiązane z tymhttps://helpdesk.kotrak.com/browse/DGS-8263\'"", ""Comment 9: \'select * FROM [DHPlantPCSBusinessLogicIntercontext].[dbo].[InboundMessages] where Retries>1jeden problem!image-2023-04-04-13-55-03-837.png!\'"", ""Comment 10: \'!image-2023-04-04-13-57-22-784.png!\'"", \'Comment 11: \\\'uusnieto event wiszacy z 900 retry messageselect * FROM [DHPlantPCSBusinessLogicIntercontext].[dbo].[InboundMessages]{""DeliveryId"":\\\\\\\\{""Id"":""68c0b827-b28f-41c9-aaeb-029e79548330""},""InitialOwnerId"":\\\\\\\\{""Id"":""423c58b5-f3a8-4e9d-817d-63710a86c93e""},""BusinessUnitId"":\\\\\\\\{""Id"":""423c58b5-f3a8-4e9d-817d-63710a86c93e""},""ItemId"":\\\\\\\\{""Id"":""b81ceec3-4ed3-42ba-86f0-4ff700074a3b""},""CreatedDate"":""2023-04-03T06:11:44.2540018+02:00"",""InitialSourceDocument"":\\\\\\\\{""DocumentId"":{""Id"":""3d6bdfad-4d53-47ba-a6d4-a5fa9742de3e""},""DocumentNo"":1,""DocumentNumber"":""VT-17/4/23"",""DocumentTypeValue"":100},""SourceDocument"":\\\\\\\\{""DocumentId"":{""Id"":""3d6bdfad-4d53-47ba-a6d4-a5fa9742de3e""},""DocumentNo"":1,""DocumentNumber"":""VT-17/4/23"",""DocumentTypeValue"":100},""SerialNumber"":null,""ForeignSerialNumber"":null,""InternalSerialNumber"":""VT-17/4/23-1"",""Quantity"":\\\\\\\\{""Unit"":""kg"",""Value"":0.0},""ProducerId"":null,""ExpiryDate"":null,""IsMedicated"":false,""IsBrokenBatch"":false,""UnitLoadId"":null,""BusinessPartners"":[],""OrderElements"":[]}\\\'\', \'Comment 12: ""eventid=id=\\\'303F8B94-E88A-4E01-AC19-97A92FE2754F\\\'""\', ""Comment 13: \'deliveries were not created because the database was locked the following session"", ""Comment 14: looks like a query to create/modify indexes!image-2023-04-04-15-18-42-679.png|width=926,height=196!\'"", \'Comment 15: ""trzeba pilnowac te dostawe :select * FROM [DHPlantPCSBusinessLogicIntercontext].[dbo].[InboundMessages] where Id =\\\'303F8B94-E88A-4E01-AC19-97A92FE2754F\\\'""\', ""Comment 16: \'insert into DHPlantPCSBusinessLogicIntercontext.dbo.InboundMessages(Id"", \'Comment 17: ReceivedAt\', \'Comment 18: Retries\', \'Comment 19: MessageType\', \'Comment 20: Message\', \'Comment 21: ProcessDate\', \'Comment 22: Queue\', \'Comment 23: Metadata\', \'Comment 24: CreatedAt\', \'Comment 25: MetadataType\', \'Comment 26: Priority\', \'Comment 27: PriorityText\', \'Comment 28: Sender\', \'Comment 29: SentAt\', \'Comment 30: Status\', \'Comment 31: StatusText)select d.Id\', \'Comment 32: GETDATE()\', \'Comment 33: 0\', \'Comment 34: d.EventType\', \'Comment 35: d.Event\', \'Comment 36: GETDATE()\', ""Comment 37: \\\\\'Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic.DomainAbstractions\\\\\'"", \'Comment 38: \\\\\\\'\\\\\\\\{""CorrelationId"":{""Id"":""\\\\\\\'+CAST(NEWID() AS NVARCHAR(MAX))+\\\\\\\'""}}\\\\\\\'\', \'Comment 39: GETDATE()\', ""Comment 40: \\\\\'Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Integration.IntercontextMessageMetadata"", \'Comment 41: Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Integration\', \'Comment 42: Version=\', \'Comment 43: Culture=neutral\', ""Comment 44: PublicKeyToken=null\\\\\'"", \'Comment 45: 3\', ""Comment 46: \\\\\'Medium\\\\\'"", ""Comment 47: \\\\\'Stock\\\\\'"", \'Comment 48: GETDATE()\', \'Comment 49: 0\', ""Comment 50: \\\\\'Created\\\\\'from DHPlantStockBusinessLogicEvents.dbo.Deliveries d where d.Id = \\\\\'303F8B94-E88A-4E01-AC19-97A92FE2754F\\\\\'\'"", ""Comment 51: \'Any update?\'"", ""Comment 52: \'So it is fixed now?\'"", ""Comment 53: \'Yes"", ""Comment 54: the messages queue has been unlocked and messages have been processed.\'"", ""Comment 55: \'Hi"", \'Comment 56: the problem was caused by unconsulted actions on the datbase (creation of indexes on the previous screenshot) not implemented by us\', ""Comment 57: they caused time-outs that blocked the queue and prevented the generation of stock which caused deliveryid=0 on VT. The name of the login of the db user is visible on the screen shoot.!image-2023-04-05-08-05-48-141.png!\'"", ""Comment 58: \'do you still have problem with deliveryid on this vt"", ""Comment 59: or may we close this task?\'"", \'Comment 60: ""Hi,I asked the dba of Valid to investigate this. He came back with the following:================================================I’ve checked the DHVD01AG09 instance and found thatthe process in the screenshot is the weekly index maintenance.It seems it was blocked (which is also visible fromthe screenshot) from process with ID 126 which was killed yesterday afternoon:Date4-4-2023 15:14:34LogSQL Server (Current - 5-4-2023 09:45:00)Sourcespid53MessageProcess ID 126 was killed by hostname DHVD01DB45\', \'Comment 61: hostprocess ID 7696.The index maintenance was blocked during execution ofthe following:ALTER INDEX [PK_Deliveries] ON [dbo].[Deliveries]REBUILD WITH (SORT_IN_TEMPDB = OFF\', \'Comment 62: ONLINE = ON\', \'Comment 63: RESUMABLE = OFF)The table DHPlantPCSBusinessLogicEvents is 20MB with 4MB indexes and for some reason this operation was blocked for more than 2 days,meaning something else was holding lock on this table.In order to prevent such long running Index maintenance operationscaused by table locks my proposal is to limit the time for the operation towait for a lock to be released to let’s say 5 minutes. And if the lock is stillactive to continue with the next index. ===================================================I think this proposal makes sense. Do you agree? If so\', \'Comment 64: I\\\'ll ask him to implement this.""\', ""Comment 65: \'Hello,In this task we have focused on clearingandunblocking the process.[~mmeier@deheus.com] about the last comment"", \'Comment 66: thank you for all information\', ""Comment 67: please raise another task for this (SR) I will pass this to our developers to verify it.About themain subject of the task can we close it?\'"", ""Comment 68: \'DGS-8927 is created.@Thomas Dankers"", ""Comment 69: do you agree to close this one?\'"", ""Comment 70: \'Yes I agree\'"", ""Comment 71: \'Thank you\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[\'DGS-8927\']\n\n### End'}" +129,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8903\n\n### Instruction:\nWhen Anja makes a credit invoice from a PI to reverse the SI she must be able to create a SI again.\r\n\r\nShe sees the button but it is not active, so she cannot create a new SI.\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'!image!\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 3: \'Do sprawdzenia czy w tym przypadku była dostępna akcja spod pioruna do generowania SI.\'"", ""Comment 4: \'Due to the fact that the document was in the archive"", \'Comment 5: the button was inactive\', \'Comment 6: but we got the functionality on the document that when the button is visible\', ""Comment 7: at the same time the action create sales invoice from lightning is active.\'"", ""Comment 8: \'To verify by Anja\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +130,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8902\n\n### Instruction:\nHi, from Wiola\r\n\r\n\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'!image!\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 3: \'[^DGS-8902.docx]\'"", ""Comment 4: \'Description in the attachment[^DGS-8902.docx]^^\'"", ""Comment 5: \'!image-1!\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +131,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8901\n\n### Instruction:\nVT-1214/2/23 contains intake of 0303 from a barge. During intake, a correction was made on this VT. The intake was closed and has status On stock. The correction still has status In Progress and many Lot reports have made a reservation on this line. Due to this, many production reports cannot automatically be confirmed.\r\nCan you \r\n- change the status of this correction to On stock, or \r\n- remove this correction and the reservations that were made on this line?\r\n\r\nso that Lot reports that consume 0303 can be automatically confirmed\r\n\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'!image!\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 3: \'!image-2023-04-11-15-31-09-412.png!!image-2023-04-11-15-30-54-012.png!\'"", \'Comment 4: \\\'Dla tego ""correction"" barcode:!image-2023-04-11-15-32-35-607.png!!image-2023-04-11-15-34-14-813.png!\\\'\', ""Comment 5: \'Obecnie jest 67 PLRów w statusie Finished!image-2023-04-11-15-34-49-055.png!\'"", ""Comment 6: \'We updated the status of this stock unit. The stock can now automatically be consumed in the lot reports. This ticket can be closd.\'"", ""Comment 7: \'Thank you for your informationRegards\'"", ""Comment 8: \'Dear Bob,If you have another case like that"", ""Comment 9: please let us know via new task. We would like to check why this happened.Regards\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +132,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8900\n\n### Instruction:\nWe are dealing with the following situation. When Farach sends an PI to Nancy and the round number is not correct (see the example in the attachment) than Nancy is not able to select the correct round number.\r\n\r\nWhen she sends it back to entry however Farach is also not able to change the full round number. Both users should be able to do so.\r\n\r\nNote: for SI\'s this is possible at the moment. Could you make it possible for PI\'s as well?\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'!image!\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 3: \'Do sprawdzenia dla przesłanego przykładu dlaczego nie da się wybrać rundy - sprawdzenie co jest na lookupie w liście wartości i jakie są tam warunki.\'"", \'Comment 4: ""* For Sales invoice documents\', ""Comment 5: we check whether the customer indicated in the \'customer\' field has BP_Category set as Slaughter"", ""Comment 6: we are looking for rounds for the customer indicated in the \'reference\' field. * For Sales invoice"", \'Comment 7: which have customers in other BP_Category as likeSlaughter wejust check active rounds for this customer. * For Purchase invoice documents\', \'Comment 8: we just check active rounds for customers from \\\'Refence\\\' field""\', \'Comment 9: ""[~mbovene@deheus.com]When PI is generated from SI Full round number is copied to PI. Probably you expect that it will be possible to choose rounds from \\\'Supplier\\\'\', ""Comment 10: but it\'s possible right now to choose only rounds from \'Reference\'"", \'Comment 11: not from Supplier.Should we adjust it somehow?""\', ""Comment 12: \'Yes"", \'Comment 13: please make the rounds for the user who is selected as ""Supplier"" available as well.\\\'\', ""Comment 14: \'It has been done in task [https://helpdesk.kotrak.com/servicedesk/customer/portal/56/DGS-9012]Please verify that is possible.\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[\'DGS-9012\']\n\n### End'}" +133,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8899\n\n### Instruction:\nFor some labels the feeding program section in the XML to MILAS is not populated with feeding programs.\r\n\r\nE.g. item 705900 and item 704922 .\r\nIf you check the most recent label messages that are sent from DHC there should be a feeding program in it. \r\n705900 should contain BE\r\nand the other one a whole list: \r\nBE\r\nQS\r\nVP\r\nVB\r\nVG\r\nCV\r\nVC\r\nDU\r\nDV\r\nBE\r\nQS\r\nVP\r\nVB\r\nVG\r\nCV\r\nVC\r\nDU\r\nDV\r\n\r\nCan you please check why it is not send. Probably this is the case for more labels. Is there a way to find out for which ones it goes wrong and since when?\r\n\r\n\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Wchodząc w Label config np. nie ma BE dla Feeding program - !screenshot-1! Ale inne już są.!image-2023-04-11-09-53-33-863!\'"", ""Comment 3: \'synchro z MILAS było GDC-719"", \'Comment 4: czy to jest ten zakres zmian? Wchodząc w Label config np. nie ma BE dla Feeding program\', ""Comment 5: ale inne już są.\'"", ""Comment 6: \'label configuration nie ma nic do tego\'"", ""Comment 7: \'niech podadzą dla których fabryk"", ""Comment 8: widzę ze dla jednych fabryk te informacje otrzymujemy z bestmixa a dla innych nie więc pewnie muszą się pokornie udać do działu nutrition.\'"", ""Comment 9: \'Hello"", ""Comment 10: we need an additional information. For which factories is the problem?because for some this information is provided from Bestmix.\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +134,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8898\n\n### Instruction:\nPlant Maasbracht sometimes has big delays in printing of SPS. In those cases plant is using PCS printouts, but that is not desired, because e.g. label information is missing\r\nI tried to analyze the following case:\r\n\r\nSO-12553/3/23\r\ntrip 00999257\r\n2 sales orders: SOBE000018544 (SO-13410/3/23) en SOBE000018362 (SO-12553/3/23)\r\n\r\nVT-2136/3/23 \r\ncreationdate: 29/03/2023 6:34 AM (corresponds to dispatch message received from PCS for order SO-12553/3/23)\r\nclosed: 29/03/2023 6:54 AM (corresponds to dispatch message received from PCS for order SO-13410/3/23)\r\n\r\nGeneration of XML for SPS for both sales orders: 07.25\r\n\r\nSo, the dispatch message from PCS is processed immediately in the VT.\r\nHowever, the XML for Transform is genertated 50 (for first order) -30 (for second order) minutes later!\r\n\r\nWhat can cause these delays? Is the process to close Lot reports/VT\'s (I remember this was the issue in Utrecht)? \r\nHow can we solve this issue? Plant mus be able to deliver correct SPS to the driver directly after dispatch is registered.\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 2: \'[~maciej.dobrzanski@kotrak.com]czy mamy jakiś sposób"", ""Comment 3: żeby zbadać przyczynę opóźnień? :)\'"", ""Comment 4: \'Hello,Please be informed that we have forwarded the issue to the development team in order to internal analysis.We are waiting for more details and will be back with further information as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 5: \'[~aleksandra.przybylek@kotrak.com] możemy zrobić RCA i zaplanować to analizy\'"", ""Comment 6: \'Hi Bob,We have discussed your task. As you have asked for analysis of the rootcause"", \'Comment 7: due to service process\', \'Comment 8: we need to close this incident and raise RCA task. Please\', ""Comment 9: let us know if you accept RCA task.Regards\'"", ""Comment 10: \'[~aleksandra.przybylek@kotrak.com] to może być też przczyną tych opóźnień:https://helpdesk.kotrak.com/browse/DGS-8904?focusedCommentId=1120975&page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels%3Acomment-tabpanel#comment-1120975\'"", ""Comment 11: \'Hi Bob,Are you able to tell me if there is anydelay in printing of SPS today? If any delay occurs today"", ""Comment 12: could you please let me know?Regards\'"", ""Comment 13: \'Tak na szybko"", \'Comment 14: inbound czysto:!image-2023-04-05-11-29-55-423.png!Tu też czysto:!image-2023-04-05-11-30-55-006.png!!image-2023-04-05-11-31-40-043.png!Musieliby rzeczywiście dać znać\', \'Comment 15: że tu i teraz jest opóźnienie\', ""Comment 16: a nie tydzień temu ...\'"", ""Comment 17: \'Plant is not reporting every delay directly. I am not able to provide this information. I did not get any further information about delays. This task can be closed.\'"", ""Comment 18: \'Sure. Waiting for new examples and new task then.Regards\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +135,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8897\n\n### Instruction:\nUsers who close S2P documents should have access to inboxes of other users who has linked documents Financial Statement, Round, Feed sale in their inboxes.\r\n\r\nIt\'s related to recent changes in S2P closing: If the user sends S2P to Archive via flow, others documents such as FS, Round and Feed sale will also be in Archived status.\xa0\r\n\r\n\xa0\r\n\r\nExample\xa0SP-M/0706\r\n\r\nS2P has been sent to Archive\r\n\r\nFS has been sent to Archive\r\n\r\nRound hasn\'t been sent to Archive\r\n\r\nFeed sale hasn\'t been sent to Archive.\r\n\r\n\xa0\r\n\r\nRound\r\n!image-2023-04-03-15-17-47-365.png!\r\n\r\nUsers shared inboxes\r\n\r\n!image-2023-04-03-15-18-04-171.png!\r\n\r\n\xa0\r\n\r\n\xa0\n\n### Response:\n[\'Comment 1: [""The solution will be to extend shared inboxes for users who can close S2P\\\'s and give them access to all users who can create Round\', \'Comment 2: Financial Statement\', \'Comment 3: S2P.[~mbovene@deheus.com]do you know which users are closing S2P documents?We can also verify who can process S2Ps and give them access to inboxes ofusers who can create Rounds\', \'Comment 4: Feed sales\', \'Comment 5: Financial statement. If we should do it in that way\', \'Comment 6: please let us know and we can also prepare some analysis to be sure that we don\\\'t want to give access for too many users.""\', ""Comment 7: \'do you know which users are closing S2P documents? -->MAS: Nancy van Dam"", \'Comment 8: Peter Moeiliker\', \'Comment 9: Steffen Driessens\', \'Comment 10: Koen Huiberts,NAS: Bert Geijtenbeek and Christine de JongVAS: Bert GeijtenbeekLAS: Bert GeijtenbeekOPPAS/PAS: Rick Reimerink\', ""Comment 11: Thelma Meijer \'"", ""Comment 12: \'Poniżej wymienieni userzy powinni mieć prawo do udostępnionych inboxów wszystkuich userów"", \'Comment 13: którzy mogą tworzyć Rundy\', \'Comment 14: Feed sale\', \'Comment 15: Financial statement (do sprawdzenia na węzłach dla tych dokumentów\', \'Comment 16: kto może je tworzyć). Bez tego wymienieni userzy nie są w stanie przesłać dokumentów do Archiwum. Przy zamykaniu S2P zamykane są automatycznie powiązane dokument FS\', \'Comment 17: Runda\', \'Comment 18: Feed sale.MAS: Nancy van Dam\', \'Comment 19: Peter Moeiliker\', \'Comment 20: Steffen Driessens\', \'Comment 21: Koen Huiberts,NAS: Bert Geijtenbeek and Christine de JongVAS: Bert GeijtenbeekLAS: Bert GeijtenbeekOPPAS/PAS: Rick Reimerink\', ""Comment 22: Thelma Meijer\'"", ""Comment 23: \'Dwie role obejmują całość-Normal contract administrator-Senior contract administrator\'"", ""Comment 24: \'Dodano na każdym przepływie do archiwum w dokumentach saldo2pay przed wykonaniem flow na innych dokumentach insert na tabele userrelation a po wykonaniu flow jest wykonywany delete na danym użytkowniku.\'"", \'Comment 25: ""Finally to avoid giving rights of many shared inboxes to users we found another solution.When user will perform flow to \\\'Archive\\\' for Saldo 2 Pay document we add for a while permission for shared inboxes users who can perform flows for archiving FS\', \'Comment 26: Round\', \'Comment 27: Feed sale. This rights will be added only when user perform this flow to Archive for S2P document and will be removed at the end of performing flow.In this case flows should be always performed properly and FS\', \'Comment 28: Round\', \'Comment 29: Feed sale should be perform to Archive even if these documents are in other users inboxes.You can verify it on test environment.For this case it should be tested on some user who has rights for performing S2P flow and for example linked FS or Round is in inbox of other users. User who want to archived S2P shouldn\\\'t has rights to inbox of user who has in inbox FS or Round document.""\', ""Comment 30: \'It will be tested internally by Kotrak on IBIP_DH_TEST and after then will be moved to Prod environment.When it will be good and will be no issues in logs in Intense on prod after deployment on Prod we will close the task.\'"", ""Comment 31: \'[~damian.swistek@kotrak.com]do sprawdzenia na IBIP_DH_TEST\'"", ""Comment 32: \'[~tomasz.zygon@kotrak.com]"", \'Comment 33: sprawdziłem na IBIP_DH_TEST i wygląda ok\', ""Comment 34: do przerzucenia na Prod.Po przerzuceniu daj znać w komentarzu i zobaczymy przez jakiś czas czy w logach nie ma już błędów związanych z brakiem uprawnień do przesyłanych tasków.\'"", ""Comment 35: \'Przerzucono na proda jednak tylko w mas be i mas nl wykonują się przepływy dla powiązanych dokumentów w reszcie dodałem to w oczekiwaniu na przeniesienie całościowe rozwiązania z testa\'"", ""Comment 36: \'Moved to prod\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[\'DGS-8705\']\n\n### End'}" +136,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8896\n\n### Instruction:\nGood morning,\r\n\r\nplease we have got a problem with communication between PCS and DHP on plant Helmond.\r\n\r\nFor example SO-14644/3/23\r\n\r\nIt\'s not processed on DHP.\r\n\r\nCould you have a look at it.\r\n\r\nKind regards,\r\n\r\nGerard Geerts\r\n\r\n\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'Hello,\\\\r\\\\rWe are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.\\\\r\\\\rRegards\\\\r\\\\r\'"", \'Comment 2: \\\'01.04 dla modułu pcs były timeouty i 03.04 też.W logach host dla pcs jest info o braku z order w module pcs.2023-04-03 12:11:55 (40516f78-4f32-487a-9659-9efe1467fe6e/Plant.PCS.BusinessLogic/DHVD01AP203/13480/15) [Error] Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Update - An exception occurred in the database while saving changes for context type \\\\\\\'""Plant.PCS.BusinessLogic.Infrastructure.EF.PcsDbContext""\\\\\\\'.""""""Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.DbUpdateException: An error occurred while saving the entity changes. See the inner exception for details. ---> Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): The MERGE statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint \\\\\\\\""FK_VehicleTicketElements_Orders_OrderId\\\\\\\\"". The conflict occurred in database \\\\\\\\""DHPlantPCSBusinessLogicMain\\\\\\\\""\', \'Comment 3: table \\\\\\\\""dbo.Orders\\\\\\\\""\', ""Comment 4: column \\\\\'Id\\\\\'\'"", ""Comment 5: \'!image-2023-04-04-12-09-21-312.png!\'"", ""Comment 6: \'W module dhc były problemy z deadlockami2023-04-03 07:18:45 (/Plant.DHC.Integration/DHVD01AP203/12848/3) [Error] Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Integration.Jobs.InboundProcessJob - Error during inbound processingMicrosoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Transaction (Process ID 158) was deadlocked on lock resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction. at Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception"", \'Comment 7: Boolean breakConnection\', \'Comment 8: Action`1 wrapCloseInAction) at Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj\', \'Comment 9: Boolean callerHasConnectionLock\', \'Comment 10: Boolean asyncClose) at Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.TryRun(RunBehavior runBehavior\', \'Comment 11: SqlCommand cmdHandler\', \'Comment 12: SqlDataReader dataStream\', \'Comment 13: BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler\', \'Comment 14: TdsParserStateObject stateObj\', \'Comment 15: Boolean& dataReady) at Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.TryHasMoreRows(Boolean& moreRows) at Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.TryReadInternal(Boolean setTimeout\', ""Comment 16: Boolean& more) at Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.Read() at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Query.Internal.SplitQueryingEnumerable`1.Enumerator.MoveNext() at System.Collections.Generic.LargeArrayBuilder`1.AddRange(IEnumerable`1 items) at System.Collections.Generic.EnumerableHelpers.ToArray[T](IEnumerable`1 source) at Kotrak.Extensions.Communication.InternalStorage.Fetch.InternalStorageInboundFetchService`1.FetchEntities(Int32 packageSize) at Kotrak.Extensions.Communication.Database.Fetch.DbFetchService`2.Fetch() at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Integration.Filters.InternalStorageFetchFilter`1.Execute(InternalStorageContext`1 input) at Kotrak.Extensions.Pipeline.Pipeline`1.Execute(T input) at Kotrak.Extensions.Pipeline.ContinuousPipeline`1.Execute(TContext input) at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Integration.Jobs.InboundProcessJob.<>c__DisplayClass3_0.b__3()ClientConnectionId:733ba743-ff1e-4b55-901c-825655c09f3f\'"", ""Comment 17: \'023-03-31 15:37:50 (c780c84f-ec61-4491-8a54-cf8403b82ab5/Plant.DHC.Integration/DHVD01AP203/12848/56) [Error] Plant.Integration.DhcService.Infrastructure.Handlers.BaseInboundMessageHandler - VehicleTicketDispatchPipelineExecutor execution errorKotrak.Extensions.Communication.Exceptions.ConnectionBrokenException: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time"", \'Comment 18: or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond. (dhvd01ap174:8087) ---> System.ServiceModel.CommunicationException: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time\', \'Comment 19: or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond. *{color:#de350b}(dhvd01ap174:8087){color}* ---> System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time\', \'Comment 20: or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond. (dhvd01ap174:8087) ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException (10060): A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time\', \'Comment 21: or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond. at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.AwaitableSocketAsyncEventArgs.ThrowException(SocketError error\', ""Comment 22: CancellationToken cancellationToken) at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.AwaitableSocketAsyncEventArgs.System.Threading.Tasks.Sources.IValueTaskSource.GetResult(Int16 token)\'"", ""Comment 23: \'server dhc !image-2023-04-04-12-17-39-887.png!\'"", ""Comment 24: \'!image-2023-04-04-12-19-22-720.png!\'"", ""Comment 25: \'Hello"", \'Comment 26: after yesterday situation on Helmond\', \'Comment 27: raised in task https://helpdesk.kotrak.com/browse/DGS-8904we found someunautorized actions on the database that practically blocked pcs module\', \'Comment 28: causing a lot of timeouts and deadlocks\', \'Comment 29: it seems\', ""Comment 30: that this could be ( with high possibility) reason for also situation raised in dgs-8090.log analysis earlier also showed only timeout You can see that values in milliseconds is close to over 56 hour!image-2023-04-05-08-17-24-523.png!Is that information sufficient for you and may we close the task?\'"", ""Comment 31: \'May we close the task?\'"", ""Comment 32: \'May we close the task?\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[\'DGS-8890\']\n\n### End'}" +137,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8895\n\n### Instruction:\nHi\r\n\r\nPlease could you find the entry that is breaking the cross posting rule for me.\r\n\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'!image!\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", \'Comment 3: \\\'This entry (screenshot-1) is breaking the cross posting rule ""Deny company cross posting"" !screenshot-1! !screenshot-2! \\\'\', ""Comment 4: \'HiYes"", ""Comment 5: but how is that a cross entry?\'"", ""Comment 6: \'The finance team found the issue. Wrong accountTicket may be closed. Thank you for the help!!image-3!\'"", ""Comment 7: \'Thank you for information :)\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +138,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8894\n\n### Instruction:\nIn the category ""Eggs"" we have multiple sections (in the round and one the FS). We miss one important one called ""Tweede soort"". Could you add this?\r\n\r\nIn this section we should present the bookings with item code ""TWEE"". \n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'!image!\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 3: \'Section Tweede soort are added in FS document and Round document for sector PAS.\'"", ""Comment 4: \'Can be closed.\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +139,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8893\n\n### Instruction:\nHi, from Iwona.\r\n\r\n\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'!image!\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 3: \'The definition of the category for this pay component has been changed.The changes will be visible when the system recreates the analytic description for this payroll.Please verify.\'"", ""Comment 4: \'Task to close. Thanks.\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +140,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8892\n\n### Instruction:\nMorning\r\nPlease could you assist with the following issue:\r\n\r\nDHM BANK 31/03/2023 23/MFNBC/73/39 is not closing\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'!image!!image-1!\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 3: \'!image-2!\'"", ""Comment 4: \'Please place this ticket on hold as per screenshot. User is going to make a work around.\'"", ""Comment 5: \'Apologies"", ""Comment 6: the work around failed. We need to continue with this ticket.\'"", ""Comment 7: \'HiCould we unpost this bank report and try to do this again?\'"", ""Comment 8: \'Asking finance to do it now.\'"", ""Comment 9: \'Still getting an error!image-3!\'"", ""Comment 10: \'I changed the posting scheme 020IN.Please"", ""Comment 11: check\'"", ""Comment 12: \'DHM is closed now. What was wrong with 020IN?\'"", \'Comment 13: ""I changed the formula in 4th position to:\\\'020-\\\'&KontoWymiaru(\\\'category\\\')it was before:\\\'020-\\\'&KontoWymiaru(\\\'kategoria\\\')""\', ""Comment 14: \'Oh"", ""Comment 15: ok. So a small translation issue. Thanks You can close the ticket.\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +141,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8891\n\n### Instruction:\nHi,\r\n\r\nPlease help to check this issue. User can not confirm PLR . \n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'!image!\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hello,\\\\r\\\\rWe are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.\\\\r\\\\rRegards\\\\r\\\\r\'"", \'Comment 3: \\\'{code:java}2023-04-03 14:04:31 (96389402-eba3-4a08-9cb4-623c54f63b91/Plant.Prod.BusinessLogic/VNTN-TS01/5984/161) [Error] Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Middleware.LoggingMiddleware.ControllerLoggingMiddleware - Error during request{ ""scheme"": ""http""\', \'Comment 4: ""host"": { ""Value"": """"\', \'Comment 5: ""HasValue"": true\', \'Comment 6: ""Host"": """"\', \'Comment 7: ""Port"": 83 }\', \'Comment 8: ""path"": ""/api/productionLot/update""\', \'Comment 9: ""queryString"": []\', \'Comment 10: ""requestBody"": 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One or more errors occurred. (Response status code does not indicate success: 500 (Internal Server Error).) ---> Refit.ApiException: Response status code does not indicate success: 500 (Internal Server Error). at Refit.RequestBuilderImplementation.<>c__DisplayClass14_0`2.<b__0>d.MoveNext() in d:\\\\\\\\a\\\\\\\\1\\\\\\\\s\\\\\\\\Refit\\\\\\\\RequestBuilderImplementation.cs:line 273 --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.GetResultCore(Boolean waitCompletionNotification) at Plant.Prod.BusinessLogic.Infrastructure.ContextIntegration.ApiServices.StockEngine.StockEngineApi.UpdateReservationsAndConfirmProductionLot(AggregateId productionLotId\', \'Comment 11: AggregateId businessUnitId\', \'Comment 12: Quantity productionQuantity\', \'Comment 13: IEnumerable`1 settlementData\', \'Comment 14: IEnumerable`1 dosingSiloItemData) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\957197a90f25e5f0\\\\\\\\Plant.Production.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Infrastructure.ContextIntegration\\\\\\\\ApiServices\\\\\\\\StockEngine\\\\\\\\StockEngineApi.cs:line 135 at Plant.Prod.BusinessLogic.Domain.ProductionLots.ConfirmProductionLotDomainService.UpdateReservationsAndConfirmProductionLot(ProductionLot productionLot\', \'Comment 15: ConfirmProductionLotActionData data\', \'Comment 16: IEnumerable`1 reservations\', \'Comment 17: IEnumerable`1 dosingSiloItemData) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\957197a90f25e5f0\\\\\\\\Plant.Production.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Domain\\\\\\\\ProductionLots\\\\\\\\ConfirmProductionLotDomainService.cs:line 82 at Plant.Prod.BusinessLogic.Application.ProductionLots.ProductionLotService.UpdateProductionLot(UpdateProductionLotActionData data) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\957197a90f25e5f0\\\\\\\\Plant.Production.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Application\\\\\\\\ProductionLots\\\\\\\\ProductionLotService.cs:line 325 at Plant.Prod.BusinessLogic.Application.ProductionLots.CommandHandlers.UpdateProductionLotCommandHandler.Handle(UpdateProductionLotCommand command) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\957197a90f25e5f0\\\\\\\\Plant.Production.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Application\\\\\\\\ProductionLots\\\\\\\\CommandHandlers\\\\\\\\UpdateProductionLotCommandHandler.cs:line 39 at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Commands.CommandEnvironment.Run[TCommand](TCommand command) at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Commands.Decorators.IntercontextEventCommandRunEnvironmentDecorator.Run[TCommand](TCommand command) at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Commands.Decorators.EventCommandRunEnvironmentDecorator.Run[TCommand](TCommand command) at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Commands.Decorators.ValidationCommandEnvironmentDecorator.Run[TCommand](TCommand command) at Castle.DynamicProxy.AbstractInvocation.Proceed() at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Interceptors.LoggingInterceptor`1.Intercept(IInvocation invocation) at Castle.DynamicProxy.AbstractInvocation.Proceed() at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Commands.Decorators.HistoryGateDecorator.Dispatch[TCommand](TCommand command) at Plant.Prod.BusinessLogic.Infrastructure.Api.Controllers.ProductionLotController.UpdateProductionLot(UpdateProductionLotViewModel viewModel) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\957197a90f25e5f0\\\\\\\\Plant.Production.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Infrastructure.Api\\\\\\\\Controllers\\\\\\\\ProductionLotController.cs:line 110 at lambda_method(Closure \', \'Comment 18: Object \', \'Comment 19: Object[] ) at Microsoft.Extensions.Internal.ObjectMethodExecutor.Execute(Object target\', \'Comment 20: Object[] parameters) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Internal.ActionMethodExecutor.SyncObjectResultExecutor.Execute(IActionResultTypeMapper mapper\', \'Comment 21: ObjectMethodExecutor executor\', \'Comment 22: Object controller\', \'Comment 23: Object[] arguments) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Internal.ControllerActionInvoker.InvokeActionMethodAsync() at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Internal.ControllerActionInvoker.InvokeNextActionFilterAsync() at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Internal.ControllerActionInvoker.Rethrow(ActionExecutedContext context) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Internal.ControllerActionInvoker.Next(State& next\', \'Comment 24: Scope& scope\', \'Comment 25: Object& state\', \'Comment 26: Boolean& isCompleted) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Internal.ControllerActionInvoker.InvokeInnerFilterAsync() at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Internal.ResourceInvoker.InvokeNextResourceFilter() at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Internal.ResourceInvoker.Rethrow(ResourceExecutedContext context) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Internal.ResourceInvoker.Next(State& next\', \'Comment 27: Scope& scope\', \'Comment 28: Object& state\', ""Comment 29: Boolean& isCompleted) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Internal.ResourceInvoker.InvokeFilterPipelineAsync() at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Internal.ResourceInvoker.InvokeAsync() at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.RouterMiddleware.Invoke(HttpContext httpContext) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.StaticFiles.StaticFileMiddleware.Invoke(HttpContext context) at Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.SwaggerUI.SwaggerUIIndexMiddleware.Invoke(HttpContext httpContext) at Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.Swagger.SwaggerMiddleware.Invoke(HttpContext httpContext) at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Middleware.LoggingMiddleware.ControllerLoggingMiddleware.Invoke(HttpContext httpContext)---> (Inner Exception #0) Refit.ApiException: Response status code does not indicate success: 500 (Internal Server Error). at Refit.RequestBuilderImplementation.<>c__DisplayClass14_0`2.<b__0>d.MoveNext() in d:\\\\\\\\a\\\\\\\\1\\\\\\\\s\\\\\\\\Refit\\\\\\\\RequestBuilderImplementation.cs:line 273<---{code}\'"", ""Comment 30: \'{code:java}2023-04-03 14:04:31 (96389402-eba3-4a08-9cb4-623c54f63b91/Plant.Prod.BusinessLogic/VNTN-TS01/5984/161) [Error] Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.ICommandRunEnvironment - Error during Void Run[UpdateProductionLotCommand](Plant.Prod.BusinessLogic.Application.Interfaces.ProductionLots.Commands.UpdateProductionLotCommand) methodSystem.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. (Response status code does not indicate success: 500 (Internal Server Error).) ---> Refit.ApiException: Response status code does not indicate success: 500 (Internal Server Error). at Refit.RequestBuilderImplementation.<>c__DisplayClass14_0`2.<b__0>d.MoveNext() in d:\\\\\\\\a\\\\\\\\1\\\\\\\\s\\\\\\\\Refit\\\\\\\\RequestBuilderImplementation.cs:line 273 --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.GetResultCore(Boolean waitCompletionNotification) at Plant.Prod.BusinessLogic.Infrastructure.ContextIntegration.ApiServices.StockEngine.StockEngineApi.UpdateReservationsAndConfirmProductionLot(AggregateId productionLotId"", \'Comment 31: AggregateId businessUnitId\', \'Comment 32: Quantity productionQuantity\', \'Comment 33: IEnumerable`1 settlementData\', \'Comment 34: IEnumerable`1 dosingSiloItemData) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\957197a90f25e5f0\\\\\\\\Plant.Production.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Infrastructure.ContextIntegration\\\\\\\\ApiServices\\\\\\\\StockEngine\\\\\\\\StockEngineApi.cs:line 135 at Plant.Prod.BusinessLogic.Domain.ProductionLots.ConfirmProductionLotDomainService.UpdateReservationsAndConfirmProductionLot(ProductionLot productionLot\', \'Comment 35: ConfirmProductionLotActionData data\', \'Comment 36: IEnumerable`1 reservations\', \'Comment 37: IEnumerable`1 dosingSiloItemData) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\957197a90f25e5f0\\\\\\\\Plant.Production.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Domain\\\\\\\\ProductionLots\\\\\\\\ConfirmProductionLotDomainService.cs:line 82 at Plant.Prod.BusinessLogic.Application.ProductionLots.ProductionLotService.UpdateProductionLot(UpdateProductionLotActionData data) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\957197a90f25e5f0\\\\\\\\Plant.Production.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Application\\\\\\\\ProductionLots\\\\\\\\ProductionLotService.cs:line 325 at Plant.Prod.BusinessLogic.Application.ProductionLots.CommandHandlers.UpdateProductionLotCommandHandler.Handle(UpdateProductionLotCommand command) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\957197a90f25e5f0\\\\\\\\Plant.Production.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Application\\\\\\\\ProductionLots\\\\\\\\CommandHandlers\\\\\\\\UpdateProductionLotCommandHandler.cs:line 39 at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Commands.CommandEnvironment.Run[TCommand](TCommand command) at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Commands.Decorators.IntercontextEventCommandRunEnvironmentDecorator.Run[TCommand](TCommand command) at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Commands.Decorators.EventCommandRunEnvironmentDecorator.Run[TCommand](TCommand command) at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Commands.Decorators.ValidationCommandEnvironmentDecorator.Run[TCommand](TCommand command) at Castle.DynamicProxy.AbstractInvocation.Proceed() at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Interceptors.LoggingInterceptor`1.Intercept(IInvocation invocation)---> (Inner Exception #0) Refit.ApiException: Response status code does not indicate success: 500 (Internal Server Error). at Refit.RequestBuilderImplementation.<>c__DisplayClass14_0`2.<b__0>d.MoveNext() in d:\\\\\\\\a\\\\\\\\1\\\\\\\\s\\\\\\\\Refit\\\\\\\\RequestBuilderImplementation.cs:line 273<---2023-04-03 14:04:31 (null/Plant.Prod.BusinessLogic/VNTN-TS01/5984/161) [Error] Serilog.AspNetCore.RequestLoggingMiddleware - HTTP ""POST"" ""/api/productionLot/update"" responded 500 in 4844.1201 ms{code}\\\'\', ""Comment 38: \'{code:java}2023-04-03 14:04:31 (96389402-eba3-4a08-9cb4-623c54f63b91/Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic/VNTN-TS01/9384/250) [Error] Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.ICommandRunEnvironment - Error during Void Run[UpdateReservationsAndConfirmProductionLotCommand](Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic.Application.Interfaces.ProductionLots.Commands.UpdateReservationsAndConfirmProductionLotCommand) methodSystem.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Could not allocate a new page for database \\\\\'DHPlantStockBusinessLogicEvents\\\\\' because of insufficient disk space in filegroup \\\\\'PRIMARY\\\\\'. Create the necessary space by dropping objects in the filegroup"", \'Comment 39: adding additional files to the filegroup\', \'Comment 40: or setting autogrowth on for existing files in the filegroup. at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception\', \'Comment 41: Boolean breakConnection\', \'Comment 42: Action`1 wrapCloseInAction) at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj\', \'Comment 43: Boolean callerHasConnectionLock\', \'Comment 44: Boolean asyncClose) at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.TryRun(RunBehavior runBehavior\', \'Comment 45: SqlCommand cmdHandler\', \'Comment 46: SqlDataReader dataStream\', \'Comment 47: BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler\', \'Comment 48: TdsParserStateObject stateObj\', \'Comment 49: Boolean& dataReady) at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.Run(RunBehavior runBehavior\', \'Comment 50: SqlCommand cmdHandler\', \'Comment 51: SqlDataReader dataStream\', \'Comment 52: BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler\', \'Comment 53: TdsParserStateObject stateObj) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopy.RunParser(BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopy.CopyBatchesAsyncContinuedOnSuccess(BulkCopySimpleResultSet internalResults\', \'Comment 54: String updateBulkCommandText\', \'Comment 55: CancellationToken cts\', \'Comment 56: TaskCompletionSource`1 source) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopy.CopyBatchesAsyncContinued(BulkCopySimpleResultSet internalResults\', \'Comment 57: String updateBulkCommandText\', \'Comment 58: CancellationToken cts\', \'Comment 59: TaskCompletionSource`1 source) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopy.CopyBatchesAsync(BulkCopySimpleResultSet internalResults\', \'Comment 60: String updateBulkCommandText\', \'Comment 61: CancellationToken cts\', \'Comment 62: TaskCompletionSource`1 source) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopy.WriteToServerInternalRestContinuedAsync(BulkCopySimpleResultSet internalResults\', \'Comment 63: CancellationToken cts\', \'Comment 64: TaskCompletionSource`1 source) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopy.WriteToServerInternalRestAsync(CancellationToken cts\', \'Comment 65: TaskCompletionSource`1 source) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopy.WriteToServerInternalAsync(CancellationToken ctoken) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopy.WriteRowSourceToServerAsync(Int32 columnCount\', \'Comment 66: CancellationToken ctoken) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopy.WriteToServer(DbDataReader reader) at EFCore.BulkExtensions.SqlBulkOperation.Insert[T](DbContext context\', \'Comment 67: IList`1 entities\', \'Comment 68: TableInfo tableInfo\', \'Comment 69: Action`1 progress) at EFCore.BulkExtensions.DbContextBulkExtensions.BulkInsert[T](DbContext context\', \'Comment 70: IList`1 entities\', \'Comment 71: BulkConfig bulkConfig\', \'Comment 72: Action`1 progress) at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.EF.EventRepository.GenericEventRepositoryEf`2.Persist(TAggregateRoot aggregateRoot) at Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic.Infrastructure.Persistance.StockUnits.Repositories.StockUnitRepository.PersistRangeAfterProductionConfirmation(IEnumerable`1 modifiedStockUnits\', \'Comment 73: IEnumerable`1 newStockUnits) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\99f3ad74a1ed56c8\\\\\\\\Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Infrastructure.Persistance\\\\\\\\StockUnits\\\\\\\\Repositories\\\\\\\\StockUnitRepository.cs:line 316 at Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic.Application.ProductionLots.ProductionLotService.PersistConfirmProductionLotResult(ProductionLot productionLot\', \'Comment 74: ICollection`1 semiProductProductionLots\', \'Comment 75: ConfirmProductionLotResult result) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\99f3ad74a1ed56c8\\\\\\\\Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Application\\\\\\\\ProductionLots\\\\\\\\ProductionLotService.cs:line 756 at Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic.Application.ProductionLots.ProductionLotService.UpdateReservationsAndConfirmProductionLot(UpdateReservationsAndConfirmProductionLotActionData data) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\99f3ad74a1ed56c8\\\\\\\\Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Application\\\\\\\\ProductionLots\\\\\\\\ProductionLotService.cs:line 450 at Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic.Application.ProductionLots.CommandHandlers.UpdateReservationsAndConfirmProductionLotCommandHandler.Handle(UpdateReservationsAndConfirmProductionLotCommand command) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\99f3ad74a1ed56c8\\\\\\\\Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Application\\\\\\\\ProductionLots\\\\\\\\CommandHandlers\\\\\\\\UpdateReservationsAndConfirmProductionLotCommandHandler.cs:line 33 at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Commands.CommandEnvironment.Run[TCommand](TCommand command) at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Commands.Decorators.IntercontextEventCommandRunEnvironmentDecorator.Run[TCommand](TCommand command) at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Commands.Decorators.EventCommandRunEnvironmentDecorator.Run[TCommand](TCommand command) at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Commands.Decorators.ValidationCommandEnvironmentDecorator.Run[TCommand](TCommand command) at Castle.DynamicProxy.AbstractInvocation.Proceed() at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Interceptors.LoggingInterceptor`1.Intercept(IInvocation invocation)ClientConnectionId:2bcc4c1b-68ec-4dbf-9bb7-c952c05bf408Error Number:1101,State:12,Class:172023-04-03 14:04:31 (null/Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic/VNTN-TS01/9384/250) [Error] Serilog.AspNetCore.RequestLoggingMiddleware - HTTP ""POST"" ""/api/productionLot/updateReservationsAndConfirm"" responded 500 in 4693.3152 ms{code}\\\'\', \'Comment 76: ""I have recreated your error. In logs we have information:{code:java}2023-04-03 14:04:31 (96389402-eba3-4a08-9cb4-623c54f63b91/Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic/VNTN-TS01/9384/250) [Error] Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.ICommandRunEnvironment - Error during Void Run[UpdateReservationsAndConfirmProductionLotCommand](Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic.Application.Interfaces.ProductionLots.Commands.UpdateReservationsAndConfirmProductionLotCommand) methodSystem.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Could not allocate a new page for database \\\'DHPlantStockBusinessLogicEvents\\\' because of insufficient disk space in filegroup \\\'PRIMARY\\\'. Create the necessary space by dropping objects in the filegroup\', \'Comment 77: adding additional files to the filegroup\', \'Comment 78: or setting autogrowth on for existing files in the filegroup.{code}Please\', \'Comment 79: see db server below: !image-2023-04-03-09-17-49-468.png!Regards""\', ""Comment 80: \'i have been clean our backup for space but may we have clean data in event DBs?!image-1!\'"", ""Comment 81: \'Hi,You can clean this data but please"", ""Comment 82: clean the oldest ones. But please try to shrink them first.Regards\'"", ""Comment 83: \'i try to shrink database but it still have it\'"", ""Comment 84: \'Can we lower the priority?If you cannot shrink"", ""Comment 85: please delete the oldest data.Regards\'"", ""Comment 86: \'yes"", ""Comment 87: please set it to P3\'"", ""Comment 88: \'Did you delete oldest data?Regards\'"", \'Comment 89: ""hi\', \'Comment 90: i\\\'m not delete data. just shrink database but after sometime still back to old""\', ""Comment 91: \'[~maciej.dobrzanski@kotrak.com] Maciek"", \'Comment 92: Marcin Block mówił\', \'Comment 93: żew czwratek w tej fabryce jest upgrade plus zmiana serwerów\', ""Comment 94: drążyć temat? Albo po prostu wrzucam FYI :)\'"", ""Comment 95: \'ja bym poczekał na przypadek po upgrade. Nie mam wersji 8.3 (a taka chyba mają) więc cięzko będzie nam cokolwiek zreprodukować.\'"", ""Comment 96: \'Hi,I have some information that on Thursday afternoon CET time you have upgrade inHai Phong 2 factory. After short discussion with dev"", ""Comment 97: it is advise to wait to upgrade and check if the issue wll occur for 8.5 version.Regards\'"", ""Comment 98: \'so mean that this ticket will be hold to after upgrade?\'"", ""Comment 99: \'Yes"", ""Comment 100: if you agree\'"", ""Comment 101: \'agree"", ""Comment 102: please keep in HOLD\'"", ""Comment 103: \'Sure\'"", ""Comment 104: \'Hi,Does the issue occur in version 8.5?Regards\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +142,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8890\n\n### Instruction:\nGood morning,\r\n\r\nplease we have got a problem with communication between PCS and DHP on plant Helmond.\r\n\r\nFor example SO-14644/3/23\r\n\r\nIt\'s not processed on DHP.\r\n\r\nCould you have a look at it.\r\n\r\nKind regards,\r\n\r\nGerard Geerts\r\n\r\n\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 2: \'!image-2023-04-03-09-00-49-160.png!\'"", ""Comment 3: \'!image-2023-04-03-09-04-14-125.png!\'"", ""Comment 4: \'Culd please verify again "", \'Comment 5: I do not see any errors\', ""Comment 6: and we had informaction that order was exported 31.03 at 16:28.\'"", ""Comment 7: \'Hello Agnieszka,Problem still on. Could it be a problem with the Webservices?Gerard\'"", ""Comment 8: \'Hello Agnieska,There is no data communicating tot DHP.Maybe first to have a look at the communication between DHC and DHP. Because the salesorder SO000092646 with trip: 9_L000275519 is not communicating to DHP.Regards,Gerard \'"", ""Comment 9: \'Helloso-14644 is in dhp: its forieng number isSO000091362 ? did you still have problem with that order?!image-2023-04-03-11-18-04-800.png|width=1062,height=171!\'"", ""Comment 10: \'Hallo Agnieska"", \'Comment 11: with so-14644 the problem is that there no VT created\', \'Comment 12: while the dispatch message is accepted in the webservice: Please check thatBesides\', \'Comment 13: Gerard also reports that orders and trips are not coming into DHP\', \'Comment 14: with the example SO000092646 and trip 9_L000275519: please check that also,this as a higher priority\', ""Comment 15: because orders and trips do not arrive in the pcs and are blocking the production\'"", ""Comment 16: \'For your other example it was send to DHP. Please check others.\'"", ""Comment 17: \'SO000092646 is indeed now in DHP but not send to pcs. please check\'"", ""Comment 18: \'!afbeelding!\'"", ""Comment 19: \'!afbeelding-1!\'"", \'Comment 20: ""Ok so by now there are 2 cases : # that from 1 so no VT was created.- Are you able to create a VT from DHP as workaround? # that other SO\\\'s need resynchro to PCS""\', ""Comment 21: \'For 2 Please trigger resync"", \'Comment 22: I expect you can do thisFor 1: No we cannot\', ""Comment 23: because we need a correct packing slip therefore info from the dispatch message is required\'"", ""Comment 24: \'ad 2. it looks like integration looks fine"", ""Comment 25: please verify If there is still something missing.\'"", ""Comment 26: \'ad 1. VT was created please verify!image-2023-04-03-12-15-50-874.png!\'"", ""Comment 27: \'Oke"", ""Comment 28: can we determine root cause because complete communication seems to be down during this mornng: Was the problem mainly in DHC>DHP communication?\'"", ""Comment 29: \'RCA is underDGS-8896 may we close this one?\'"", ""Comment 30: \'yes can be closed\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[\'DGS-8896\']\n\n### End'}" +143,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8889\n\n### Instruction:\nMorning\r\nMy support team is not in today, and we are deploying a DHApps update. I\'m not able to investigate this issue. Please can you take a look for me. This is word for word from the internal ticket supplied by the user.\r\n\r\n""Please see below, the accounting note does not reflect on the payment plan for the customer 010-15-10-06070""\r\n\r\nThe finance team needs this resolved today to close the period.\r\n\r\nRegards\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'!image!\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", \'Comment 3: ""Hi This accounting note is not visible in Payment plan because there is no customer (Payer) on this Note.There is only amount.As I see this type of Accounting note - ACC19 is configured in a way it doesn\\\'t allow to add the Payer on it.I can change configuration for this document or you could use simplified note to enter this payment.Best Regards""\', ""Comment 4: \'Will ask the finance team what they would like\'"", ""Comment 5: \'HiThis ticket can be closed. Thank you for the help. Finance team used a simplified note.Regards\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +144,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8888\n\n### Instruction:\nHi\r\n\r\nPlease help to check 2PLRs 4322010423007 and 4322010423006 .\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'!image!\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 3: \'Hi!.Please help to close this ticket . t has been resolved . Thanks u.\'"", ""Comment 4: \'Issue has been closed as requested.\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +145,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8887\n\n### Instruction:\nCould you please cancel PRO-1032/3/23?\r\n\r\nItem SUR6912-MD-B500\r\nOrder SO-638076283/23/PED\r\n\r\nWe need to produce urgent and system not allow to create new PRO.\r\nThank you\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 2: \'PrO has been canceled.\'"", ""Comment 3: \'Hi Piotr,ok"", ""Comment 4: you can close this task. Thank you.\'"", ""Comment 5: \'Thank you for confirmation.\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[\'DGS-8869\']\n\n### End'}" +146,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8886\n\n### Instruction:\nerror id 6428793 - Intake for this barcode is already closed\r\n\r\nProduction stopped please take care about the problem fast.\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 2: \'It seems that the message was incorrect. We have cancelled this message. Please"", ""Comment 3: verify.Regards\'"", ""Comment 4: \'Production started - task to close.\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +147,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8885\n\n### Instruction:\nWe got informed the Belgian Intense users experience a very slow performance of Intense in the past weeks. Today is really slow. \r\n\r\nThis is opposed by the Dutch users, who don\'t have such complaints.\r\n\r\nBoth working via Citrix.\r\n\r\nCan you please investigate why the performance is so poor for the Belgian users?\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'Hi Martijn,Do you have any details about examples of slow operations in Intense? Regards,Tomasz\'"", ""Comment 2: \'{color:black}Hi Koen,{color} {color:black}{color} {color:black}I created a ticket at Kotrak for the slowness you experience. As the Dutch users don’t experience this slowness"", \'Comment 3: I don’t think Citrix is the issue.{color} {color:black}{color} {color:black}Can you give Tomasz some examples as he requests below? Thanks!{color} {color:black}{color} | |{color:#000001} Kindregards,{color}{color:white}\\\\u200b{color}{color:white}\\\\u200b{color}{color:white}\\\\u200b{color}{color:white}\\\\u200b{color}{color:#000001}{color} | | | |{color:#000001} Martijn{color} |{color:#000001} {color} |{color:#000001} Meier{color} | {color:#000001}ApplicationEngineer{color} | | | |{color:black}{color} {color:black}{color}{color:windowtext}{color}{color:black}{color}!image001!{color:black} <[https://www.deheus.com/]>{color} | | *{color:#006FB7} *DEHEUSANIMALNUTRITIONB.V.*{color}* | | | |{color:#000001} P.O.Box396 6710BJEde TheNetherlands{color} | |{color:#000001} Rubensstraat175 6717VEEde TheNetherlands{color} | | |{color:#000001} M:{color}{color:#000001}{color}{color:#000001}+31621679216{color}{color:#000001} {color} | {color:#000001}CoC16011201{color} _{color:#000001} _Thise‑mailmessageanditsattachmentsaresubjecttothedisclaimer_ _publishedonthewebsiteof_{color}_{color:#000001} _+{color}[{color:#000001}{color}{color:#000001} _+ DeHeusAnimalNutrition+_{color}{color:#000001} {color}|https://www.deheus.com/disclaimer]{color:#000001} {color}+__{color:#000001} _._{color}_ | | !image002! <[https://www.facebook.com/deheusanimalnutrition]>{color:black}{color} | | !image003! <[https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqkrGebUlFowgumurz-abxQ]>{color:black}{color} | | !image004! <[https://www.linkedin.com/company/royal-de-heus/mycompany/]>{color:black}{color} | | !image005! <[https://www.instagram.com/de_heus_animal_nutrition/]>{color:black}{color} | *From:* Tomasz Kozioł (Jira) *Sent:* vrijdag 31 maart 2023 13:54 *To:* Meier\', ""Comment 4: Martijn *Subject:* DGS-8885 Intense slow for Belgian users \'"", ""Comment 5: \'To verify possibilty of adding RAM memory on SQL Server\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +148,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8884\n\n### Instruction:\nNote: ticket is applicable for all DHP\'s\r\n\r\nVehicle tickets for dispatches are missing in DHC/Milas. We checked and found that Vehicle tickets with status Dispatch completed do not seem to be sent anymore from DHP to DHC. \r\nFor Dutch Feed plants this was the case and it is still needed. \r\n\r\nCan you check if configuration is missing and correct this? \r\nWe need VT\'s with status Dispatch completed in DHC/Milas.\r\n\r\nExamples e.g,1314/3/23 and 1315/3/23 for Sneek: dispatch completed in DHP, no data in DHC\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'!image!!image-1!\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 3: \'Hi Bob,Are you able to confirm if missing VTs are only from March?Regards\'"", \'Comment 4: ""Indeed only VT\\\'s from March seem to be missing in DHC.I checked for Sneek in February and March and I found only issues in March (from March 9 - date of the deploy of new DHP version for Sneek). First plant for which new DHP was deployed was Ravenstein (28-feb). Also for that plan I only found missing VT in DHC in March""\', ""Comment 5: \'Cześć.[~maciej.dobrzanski@kotrak.com],W tym statusie jest ogólnie 145 VT"", \'Comment 6: ale zakładam\', \'Comment 7: że nie tylko o status Dispatch Completed chodzi.Rozumiem\', \'Comment 8: że to ten sam kejs\', \'Comment 9: co tu https://helpdesk.kotrak.com/browse/DGS-8694 # Czy jest szansa na skrypt + czy chodzi tylko o VT dispatch completed? # Czy ktoś mógłby spawdzić konfigurację\', \'Comment 10: ewentualnie podac screena\', \'Comment 11: co sprawdzić\', ""Comment 12: to sprawdzę?Thanks from the mountain :)[~marek.mamcarz@kotrak.com]ktoś juz pisał z NL z tym do Ciebie?\'"", ""Comment 13: \'Thank you Bob for your information.Regards\'"", ""Comment 14: \'[~aleksandra.przybylek@kotrak.com] a nie przesyłaliście ostatnio we współpracy z [~maciej.buchacz@kotrak.com]?\'"", ""Comment 15: \'[~maciej.dobrzanski@kotrak.com] ale to były PLR"", ""Comment 16: a tu chcą VT :)to ten scrypt wymagałby małej modyfkacji czy dużego przemeblowania? :)\'"", ""Comment 17: \'[~aleksandra.przybylek@kotrak.com] tak trzeba troche pozmieniać.[~marcin.kleszcz@kotrak.com] może [~maciej.buchacz@kotrak.com] mógłby pomóc? Już podobne skrypty przerabiał.Jeśli nie trzeba resendować ręcznie\'"", ""Comment 18: \'[~aleksandra.przybylek@kotrak.com] Czy mogłabyś podać listę dokumentów VT"", ""Comment 19: którą należy przesłać? (albo skąd wzięłaś ilość 145 vt :) ).\'"", ""Comment 20: \'[~maciej.buchacz@kotrak.com] Z bazy danych wyszukałam po statusie Dispatch complete we wszystkich plantach. Ale nauczona doświadczeniem z akcji z PLR"", \'Comment 21: to nie jestem pewna\', ""Comment 22: czy to jedyny właściwy status... [~marek.mamcarz@kotrak.com]??\'"", ""Comment 23: \'no i zawęziłam do marca ofkors :P\'"", ""Comment 24: \'Do you have an update on this ticket?\'"", ""Comment 25: \'[^dgs8884.xlsx]\'"", \'Comment 26: \\\'Dear Bob,I have doubts if status ""dispatch completed"" and month = march is accurate filter for Vehicle Tickets.I have filtered documents list two days ago and today and they differ. In attach\', \'Comment 27: please see al VT documents with status dispatch completed. In some plants we do not have VTs with this status on the VT list. If someone could verified this list and confirm or provide us with the list of VT documents that should be sent\', ""Comment 28: I would be very thankful.Regards[^dgs8884.xlsx]\'"", ""Comment 29: \'[^DGS-8884.xlsx]\'"", ""Comment 30: \'lista z id i cała resztą informacji[^DGS-8884.xlsx]\'"", ""Comment 31: \'Hi Aleksandra"", \'Comment 32: The list will indeed change every day: - as soon as VT is closed (by operator or automatic closing process by the system)\', \'Comment 33: the VT gets status Closed and is automatically synced -> no action needed- as long as the bug is not fixed\', \'Comment 34: new VT in April will be on the list that still need to be send (e.g. VT-160/4/23\', \'Comment 35: 167/4/23\', \'Comment 36: 173/4/23 for Nijkerk). So\', ""Comment 37: I think correct filter is: all VT with status Dispatch Completed from March 1 until todaySecond part of this ticket is solving the bug/change config so that VT with status Dispatch completed are automatically synced to DHC.\'"", ""Comment 38: \'I have resent those four for Utrecht. Please"", ""Comment 39: verify and let me know if this is fine for you so that I could send from other plants!image-2023-04-06-11-29-01-363.png!\'"", ""Comment 40: \'This list for Utrecht is correct\'"", ""Comment 41: \' !before after! konfigi dla fabryk przed i po upgrade\'"", \'Comment 42: \\\'I have resent all VTs with status ""Dispatch complete"" from March.Now I will check April and will provide you with the list of resent documents\\\'\', ""Comment 43: \'Below is the list of VTs from April sent to MilasVeghel:VT-227/4/23Maasbracht:VT-361/4/23VT-179/4/23VT-243/4/23VT-84/4/23VT-170/4/23VT-384/4/23VT-211/4/23VT-344/4/23VT-152/4/23VT-318/4/23VT-150/4/23Ravenstein:VT-118/4/23VT-92/4/23VT-56/4/23VT-55/4/23VT-24/4/23VT-123/4/23VT-36/4/23VT-33/4/23VT-119/4/23VT-89/4/23VT-117/4/23VT-70/4/23VT-98/4/23Helmond:VT-81/4/23VT-242/4/23Nijkekr:VT-111/4/23VT-64/4/23VT-1/4/23VT-122/4/23VT-13/4/23VT-160/4/23VT-173/4/23VT-167/4/23VT-123/4/23VT-41/4/23VT-98/4/23Sneek:VT-9/4/23VT-117/4/23VT-133/4/23VT-257/4/23VT-160/4/23VT-189/4/23VT-24/4/23VT-192/4/23VT-287/4/23\'"", ""Comment 44: \'To skoro konfiguracja dla tego procesu się nie zmieniła"", \'Comment 45: to już nie wiem co... Na razie przesłałam marzec i na bieżąco\', \'Comment 46: ale jest coś\', ""Comment 47: że nie działa...\'"", ""Comment 48: \'[^Resend draft vehicle ticket to DHC 8.5.sql]\'"", ""Comment 49: \'[^Resend draft vehicle ticket to DHC 8.5.sql]\'"", \'Comment 50: ""Hi [~BKennedy@deheus.com],We found some cases that may not be sent to DHC. We have fix for that. Do you agree if we deploy the fix? You don\\\'t need to stop production.Best regards""\', \'Comment 51: ""Hi Aleksandra,Thank you for sending the VT\\\'s. Will the fix solve the issue that next VT\\\'s with status Dispatch completed will be sent to DHC automatically?Can it be that some of the VT\\\'s listed below are not yet in DHC? (e.g. 118/4/2023/004 - for Ravenstein). Or will this be solved with the fix as well?On Tuesday\', \'Comment 52: I will check with Thomas for the deploy of the fix.""\', \'Comment 53: ""Hi Bob,Yes\', \'Comment 54: there may be taht some VTs from the list still did not arrive.The fix will solve the issue ofnext VT\\\'s with status Dispatch complete to be sent.Waitng for your feedback then after Thomas\\\'s acceptance.Regards""\', ""Comment 55: \'Update w Utrecht done.\'"", ""Comment 56: \'pięknie <3\'"", ""Comment 57: \'Hi [~BKennedy@deheus.com],The fix has been implemented to Utrecht. Please"", ""Comment 58: test if it is woring fine for you now and provide us with the feedback so that we could implement in other factories.Regards\'"", \'Comment 59: ""Hi @Aleksandra\', \'Comment 60: after the update I did not find any VT with status Dispatch Completed\', ""Comment 61: so I could not check if the fix is working correctly. I did check if all other VT\'s (with status Closed) are in DHC"", \'Comment 62: and that is still ok. I think you can continue with update for other plants ""\', ""Comment 63: \'Thank you. I am transferring this task to Dev Team.Regards\'"", ""Comment 64: \'Hi,The fix has been implemented in all plants.Please"", ""Comment 65: let us know if we can close this taskRegards\'"", \'Comment 66: ""New VT\\\'s with status Dispatch Completed are indeed in DHC now. This ticket can be closed.""\', ""Comment 67: \'Thank you.Regards\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[\'DGS-8694\', \'DAP-13538\']\n\n### End'}" +149,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8883\n\n### Instruction:\nWe still see a lot of old S2P’s in Intense that are still on the status Entry. We are for 99% sure that all these S2P’s are already settled in Milas. However the users forgot to put the status on archive.\r\n\r\nAfter some modifications in the system now it won’t be possible to settle a S2P in Milas if it is not archived so this problem will not exist in the future.\r\n\r\nAre you able to change the status of these S2P to archive without sending them again to Milas? Just to make sure: we don’t want these to be send to Milas again.\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'[^S2P Entry.xlsx]\'"", ""Comment 2: \'There are list of documents from Excel which have been sent to Archive in Intense without sending to Milas.There are some documents with no mapping in mapping table of sent to Milas S2Ps.Please verify that all these documents are in Milas.|*ID*|*Number*|*Mapping*||55460|SP-M/0005|No mapping||63362|SP-M/0020|||68583|SP-M/0029|||71689|SP-M/0043|No mapping||72091|SP-M/0051|No mapping||72619|SP-M/0068|No mapping||72644|SP-M/0070|No mapping||73007|SP-M/0080|||73563|SP-M/0090|||73816|SP-M/0094|||74088|SP-M/0100|No mapping||74462|SP-M/0105|||75705|SP-M/0124|||75921|SP-M/0127|No mapping||76001|SP-M/0128|||77272|SP-M/0152|||77426|SP-M/0156|||77447|SP-M/0157|No mapping||77457|SP-M/0158|No mapping||77987|SP-M/0172|No mapping||78695|SP-M/0185|No mapping||78790|SP-M/0187|||78813|SP-M/0189|||78871|SP-M/0190|||80239|SP-M/0202|||80275|SP-M/0203|No mapping||80646|SP-M/0214|||81796|SP-M/0222|||82056|SP-M/0231|||82721|SP-M/0234|||83141|SP-M/0244|||83220|SP-M/0246|No mapping||83730|SP-M/0262|||83732|SP-M/0263|||83909|SP-M/0269|||84748|SP-M/0296|No mapping||85623|SP-M/0307|No mapping||86661|SP-M/0327|No mapping||86712|SP-M/0328|||86762|SP-M/0330|||86968|SP-M/0331|No mapping||87636|SP-M/0337|||88179|SP-M/0347|||88189|SP-M/0349|||88630|SP-M/0357|||88935|SP-M/0362|||89349|SP-M/0370|||89519|SP-M/0378|||89612|SP-M/0379|No mapping||90107|SP-M/0388|||90344|SP-M/0389|||90379|SP-M/0392|||90449|SP-M/0396|||90540|SP-M/0398|||90650|SP-M/0400|||90817|SP-M/0403|No mapping||90869|SP-M/0404|No mapping||90872|SP-M/0405|No mapping||90965|SP-M/0406|No mapping||91016|SP-M/0407|No mapping||91020|SP-M/0408|No mapping||91046|SP-M/0410|No mapping||91051|SP-M/0411|No mapping||91052|SP-M/0412|||91149|SP-M/0416|||91395|SP-M/0425|||91497|SP-M/0427|||91628|SP-M/0432|||91636|SP-M/0433|||91670|SP-M/0434|No mapping||91751|SP-M/0435|||92041|SP-M/0437|||92112|SP-M/0438|||92135|SP-M/0439|||92197|SP-M/0440|||92199|SP-M/0441|||92277|SP-M/0442|||92293|SP-M/0443|||92321|SP-M/0444|||92375|SP-M/0445|||92382|SP-M/0446|||92402|SP-M/0447|||92406|SP-M/0448|||92416|SP-M/0449|||92449|SP-M/0450|||92482|SP-M/0451|||92485|SP-M/0452|||92491|SP-M/0453|||92669|SP-M/0454|||92673|SP-M/0455|||92681|SP-M/0456|||92688|SP-M/0457|||92701|SP-M/0458|||92705|SP-M/0459|||92710|SP-M/0460|||92843|SP-M/0461|||92909|SP-M/0464|No mapping||93167|SP-M/0466|No mapping||93206|SP-M/0467|||93357|SP-M/0469|||93442|SP-M/0473|No mapping||93686|SP-M/0479|||93859|SP-M/0483|||93877|SP-M/0484|||93886|SP-M/0485|||94327|SP-M/0487|No mapping||95350|SP-M/0504|No mapping||96840|SP-M/0518|No mapping||97187|SP-M/0523||\'"", ""Comment 3: \'We are verifying this. The task can be closed. \']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[\'DGS-8877\']\n\n### End'}" +150,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8882\n\n### Instruction:\nFor sales order SO000091430 with special for Helmond, the one time recipe 303436 version 136 subversion 1 is generated and in DHP, but it is not sent to PCS.\r\n\r\nYesterday an additional technology for this code was archived (see: https://helpdesk.kotrak.com/servicedesk/customer/portal/56/DGS-8852)\r\n\r\nIn DHC the one time recipe is generated on the correct (303436) code. However, plant did not receive the one time recipe in PCS.\r\n\r\nPlease check if archiving of additional technology was done correctly (in DHC and DHP).\r\nPlant needs the one time recipe for production.\r\n\r\n\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'!image!\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", \'Comment 3: ""select * from items where code=\\\'303436\\\'select * from Recipes where id=\\\'5718735F-47FA-4453-81F3-C690A2A60F0C\\\'select * from ExportRecipes where entityid=15317!image-2023-03-31-09-47-42-220.png!""\', ""Comment 4: \'!image-2023-03-31-09-49-30-691.png!\'"", \'Comment 5: ""obu nie ma tabeli export recipes dla tego itema jest tylkoselect * from ExportRecipes where entityid in(select entityid from Recipes where id=\\\'5718735F-47FA-4453-81F3-C690A2A60F0C\\\' or (ItemId=\\\'08B78E4E-277B-4282-8154-FB338C827580\\\'))!image-2023-03-31-09-59-10-730.png!""\', \'Comment 6: ""-- DECLARE @RecipeId UNIQUEIDENTIFIER = \\\'FEF262AC-67B2-4F07-A79E-0A299ED68592\\\'; -- id receptury version 0-- DECLARE @RecipeId UNIQUEIDENTIFIER = \\\'FEF262AC-67B2-4F07-A79E-0A299ED68592\\\'; -- id receptury version 0-- DECLARE @RecipeEntityId INT= (SELECT r.EntityId FROM dbo.Recipes r WHERE r.Id = @RecipeId);-- UPDATE dbo.Recipes-- SET IsProductDefinition = 0-- WHERE Id = @RecipeId;-- DELETE FROM dbo.ExportRecipes-- WHERE EntityId = @RecipeEntityId;-- INSERT INTO dbo.ExportRecipes (PackageId\', \'Comment 7: SendDate\', \'Comment 8: ConfirmDate\', \'Comment 9: ExternalSystemId\', \'Comment 10: EntityId)-- SELECT NEWID()\', \'Comment 11: GETDATE()\', \'Comment 12: GETDATE()\', \'Comment 13: er.Id\', \'Comment 14: r.EntityId-- FROM dbo.Recipes r-- JOIN dbo.ExternalSystems er ON 1 = 1--WHERE r.Id = @RecipeId;update [DHPlantProdBusinessLogicMain].dbo.Recipes set IsProductDefinition = 0where Id = \\\'FEF262AC-67B2-4F07-A79E-0A299ED68592\\\'""\', ""Comment 15: \'Please check should be ok now.\'"", ""Comment 16: \'Thank you"", ""Comment 17: I asked plant to verify if they received the one time recipe correctly.\'"", ""Comment 18: \'This ticket can be closed\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +151,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8881\n\n### Instruction:\nPo wczorajszej aktualizacji ERP integratora nasili się problem z synchronizacją tras z DHC do DHP, np:\r\n5041/23/L\r\n\r\n5059/23/G\r\n\r\n2040/23/P\r\n\r\n2224/23/I\r\n\r\n2225/23I\r\n\r\n1039/23/J\r\n\r\nPo wygenerowaniu VT poprzez podpięcie ZS w DHC generują sie elementy bez powiązania z ZS, np. \r\n\r\nVT 4237/P, 4279/P, 4280/P, 6124/M, 6289/G\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'ERP Integratora"", \'Comment 2: są dwa rodzaje błędów\', \'Comment 3: dla change message:[^error_1.txt]-- dla calego ordera i dla elementówSystem.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Evolution.DHCService.Dhc30.Handlers.ShippingNoticeElementChangedMessageHandler.FillEntity(ShippingNoticeElementChangedMessage message\', \'Comment 4: ShippingNoticeElementEntity entity) in E:\\\\\\\\BambooHome\\\\\\\\xml-data\\\\\\\\build-dir\\\\\\\\31916033\\\\\\\\DHAPPSV3-DHCSER538-JOB1\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCService\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCService.Dhc30\\\\\\\\Handlers\\\\\\\\ShippingNoticeElementChangedMessageHandler.cs:line 43 at Evolution.DHCService.Dhc30.Handlers.BaseMessageHandler`2.Handle(TMessage message) in E:\\\\\\\\BambooHome\\\\\\\\xml-data\\\\\\\\build-dir\\\\\\\\31916033\\\\\\\\DHAPPSV3-DHCSER538-JOB1\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCService\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCService.Dhc30\\\\\\\\Handlers\\\\\\\\BaseMessageHandler.cs:line 56 at lambda_method(Closure \', \'Comment 5: Object \', \'Comment 6: Object ) at NServiceBus.Unicast.MessageHandlerRegistry.Invoke(Object handler\', \'Comment 7: Object message\', \'Comment 8: Dictionary`2 dictionary) in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\Unicast\\\\\\\\MessageHandlerRegistry.cs:line 126 at NServiceBus.Unicast.MessageHandlerRegistry.InvokeHandle(Object handler\', \'Comment 9: Object message) in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\Unicast\\\\\\\\MessageHandlerRegistry.cs:line 84 at NServiceBus.LoadHandlersBehavior.b__1(Object handlerInstance\', \'Comment 10: Object message) in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\Unicast\\\\\\\\Behaviors\\\\\\\\LoadHandlersBehavior.cs:line 40 at NServiceBus.InvokeHandlersBehavior.Invoke(IncomingContext context\', \'Comment 11: Action next) in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\Unicast\\\\\\\\Behaviors\\\\\\\\InvokeHandlersBehavior.cs:line 24 at NServiceBus.BehaviorChain`1.InvokeNext(T context) in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\Pipeline\\\\\\\\BehaviorChain.cs:line 107 at NServiceBus.BehaviorChain`1.<>c__DisplayClass5.b__2() in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\Pipeline\\\\\\\\BehaviorChain.cs:line 94 at NServiceBus.SetCurrentMessageBeingHandledBehavior.Invoke(IncomingContext context\', ""Comment 12: Action next) in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\Unicast\\\\\\\\Behaviors\\\\\\\\SetCurrentMessageBeingHandledBehavior.cs:line 17\'"", ""Comment 13: \'Moja mała uwaga odnosnie twierdzenia że nic nie zmieniali na zamówieniach"", ""Comment 14: z tego co widze to na tabeli w ERP xl nie loguje sie info o zmianach na zamówieniach ( kwestiach ich konfigu ale np dla zamówienia 130 na tabeli cdn.zamvat ( nie ma tej zakładki widocznej w erp xl) ale widzimy dla zamówieniaZW-130/03/23/D na tabeli cdn.zamvat mamy zav_gidlp tylko 5 - wiec oznacza to ze pozycje jakies były usuwane bo nie ma pozycji miedzy 1-5 wiec zdecydowanie cos z tymi zamówienia się działo,!image-2023-03-31-07-42-46-952.png|width=950,height=347!\'"", ""Comment 15: \'Trasę \\\\\'T-5041/23/L\\\\\' nawet nie wiem jak miałbym sprawdzać"", \'Comment 16: powstały trzy awizacje o takim numerze jedna wyjazdowa z jednej fabryki i dwie identyczne wjazdowe na drugą fabrykę co już samo w sobie jest absurdalne. Do trasy ""T-5059/23/G"" sprawdziłem jak wyglądała historia zmian zamówienia (można sprawdzić wpisy w tabeli communicationLogs) otóż na przestrzeni 3 dni dostaliśmy 69 aktualizacji tego zamówienia. Generalnie analiza w tym przypadku mija się już z celem bo i tak nigdy nie dojdziemy czemu brakowało elementów zamówienia spiętych z tymi trasami.Generalnie mają ERP integratora ustawionego tak zeby synchronizował niepotwierdzone zamówienia w których grzebią jak tylko mogą i takie są tego efekty.\\\'\', ""Comment 17: \'Hello"", ""Comment 18: is there any progress with this RCA? Similar cases pop up everyday and engage local IT resources. \'"", ""Comment 19: \'Good morning,Short analysis results below in two languages to avoid misunderstandingTrasa \\\\\'T-5041/23/L\\\\\' - powstały trzy awizacje o takim numerze - jedna wyjazdowa z jednej fabryki i dwie identyczne wjazdowe na drugą fabrykę"", \'Comment 20: co nie jest dobre dla systemu\', \'Comment 21: a przede wszystkim procesu biznesowego i powoduje zamieszanie. Do trasy ""T-5059/23/G"" sprawdziliśmy jak wyglądała historia zmian zamówienia. W ciągu 3 dni dostaliśmy 69 aktualizacji tego zamówienia. Generalnie analiza w tym przypadku mija się już z celem\', \'Comment 22: bo nie jesteśmy w stanie ustalić\', \'Comment 23: dlaczego brakowało elementów zamówienia spiętych z tymi trasami.ERP integratora macie ustawionego tak żeby synchronizował niepotwierdzone zamówienia\', \'Comment 24: w których są dokonywane pewne zmiany\', ""Comment 25: co również powoduje wskazane problemy.Route \\\\\'T-5041/23/L\\\\\' - three Shipping Notices with this number were created"", \'Comment 26: one dispatch SN from one factory and two identical intake Shipping Notices to the other factory\', \'Comment 27: which is not good for the system\', \'Comment 28: and above all for the business process\', \'Comment 29: and it also causes confusion. For the ""T-5059/23/G"" route\', \'Comment 30: we checked the history of the order changes. We have got 69 updates related to this order within 3 days. In general\', \'Comment 31: the analysis in this case misses the point because we are unable to determine why the order elements associated with these routes were missing.Your ERP integrator is set up to synchronize unconfirmed orders where some changes are made\', ""Comment 32: which also causes the indicated problems.Best regards\'"", ""Comment 33: \'Informacyjnie"", \'Comment 34: config ErpIntegrator_MSG oraz ErpIntegrator_DOC nie zmienił się podczas zeszłotygodniowej aktualizacji. Jedynie na końcu configu została zmieniona wersja biblioteki log4net.dll z na\', \'Comment 35: co wyszło na środowisku testowym podczas pierwszych testów bo nie otrzymaliśmy informacji o tej zmianie.Zaznaczę też że podczas poprzednich aktualizacji wykonywanych przez DH PL IT\', \'Comment 36: nie były zmieniane configi od PlatformApplication\', \'Comment 37: chyba że w kooperacji z Wami\', ""Comment 38: przy zgłoszonych DGSach że nagle coś przestało działać po podniesieniu integratora.\'"", ""Comment 39: \'[~przemyslaw.przybyszewski@kotrak.com] Przemek"", ""Comment 40: a ERP Int wcześniej też był tak skonfigurowany? Pamiętasz może?\'"", ""Comment 41: \'W tej chwili pojawił się przykład trasy 5096/23/G która zaczyna się w Mieścisku jedzie przez Janowiec "", ""Comment 42: Buk i kończy się w Grodzisku. Powodem braku trasy w DHP Mieścisko były zamówienia 168 i 169 /03/23/G które z jakiegoś powodu nie przeszły do DHP. Wymuszony update na zamówieniu ( poprzez zmianę daty realizacji w CDN ) przepchnął zamówienia do DHP co po ponownym potwierdzeniu trasy skutkowało jej pojawieniem się w systemie Jak widać takie trasy nie powodują wielkiego zamieszania lecz z jakiś powodów Integrator nie przesyła wszystkich danych miedzy systemami . !image!\'"", ""Comment 43: \'T-1099/23/J jest w DHC nie ma w DHCService\'"", ""Comment 44: \'Hello"", ""Comment 45: due to the number of operations on the orders( as it was mentioned earlier) can I get the current case/example (without synchronization attempts)?Thanks.\'"", ""Comment 46: \'T-5494/L brak trasy w DHPZamówienie dla tej trasy jest w DHP !image-1!\'"", ""Comment 47: \'Any news ?? \'"", ""Comment 48: \'Kolejny przykład T-5467 / L \'"", ""Comment 49: \'It can be process now this second one. Thank you.\'"", ""Comment 50: \'{code:java} SELECT o.* FROM [dbo].[Orders] o left join [dbo].[OrderElements] e on o.id=e.orderid where DocumentNumerator_Year=2023 and\\\\tDocumentNumerator_Month in(2,3,4) and e.id is null and status <>6 {code}\'"", ""Comment 51: \'Two examples from today:T-5467/23/L ZS-2431/03/23/LT-5494/23/L ZS-2445/03/23/LOrders elements were missing in DHCService.After sending again orders and trips are in DHC Service and DHP.All orders have a common creation date on 27.3.2023.Was there an upgrade day?All problematic orders have the same date- apart from one ZW(ZW-38/03/23/M)"", ""Comment 52: there are currently 79 of them.ZS-959/03/23/PZS-953/03/23/DZS-952/03/23/DZS-851/03/23/IZS-1028/03/23/DZS-1001/03/23/DZW-38/03/23/MZS-1445/03/23/ŁZS-2455/03/23/LZS-2433/03/23/LZS-958/03/23/PZS-963/03/23/PZS-859/03/23/IZS-1656/03/23/SZS-858/03/23/IZS-870/03/23/IZS-871/03/23/IZZ-976/03/23ZS-1026/03/23/DZS-874/03/23/IZS-951/03/23/DZS-1627/03/23/SZS-862/03/23/IZS-1043/03/23/DZS-865/03/23/IZS-2439/03/23/LZS-1003/03/23/DZW-154/03/23/MZS-1449/03/23/ŁZS-978/03/23/DZS-967/03/23/DZS-842/03/23/IZS-2450/03/23/LZS-1450/03/23/ŁZS-958/03/23/DZS-943/03/23/DZS-861/03/23/IZS-959/03/23/DZS-2454/03/23/LZS-1443/03/23/ŁZS-841/03/23/IZS-864/03/23/IZS-2451/03/23/LZS-849/03/23/IZS-954/03/23/DZS-857/03/23/IZS-1655/03/23/SZS-872/03/23/IZS-964/03/23/DZS-2453/03/23/LZS-844/03/23/IZS-845/03/23/IZS-840/03/23/IZS-873/03/23/IZS-1444/03/23/ŁZS-850/03/23/IZS-866/03/23/IZS-1007/03/23/DZS-876/03/23/IZS-1439/03/23/ŁZS-863/03/23/IZS-980/03/23/DZS-70/03/23/YZS-843/03/23/IZS-999/03/23/DZS-2452/03/23/LZS-1441/03/23/ŁZS-960/03/23/DZS-1438/03/23/ŁZZ-997/03/23ZS-2438/03/23/LZS-875/03/23/IZS-846/03/23/IZS-965/03/23/PZS-2446/03/23/LZS-2434/03/23/LZS-1442/03/23/ŁZS-960/03/23/PZS-1448/03/23/Ł,we can correct (send again) them and check if there are new cases. \'"", ""Comment 53: \'I have found that re-syncing the order helps in my cases. The idea of \\\\u200b\\\\u200bre-syncing orders may solve the problem.\'"", ""Comment 54: \'Orders have been sent again"", ""Comment 55: please check after current date and time.\'"", ""Comment 56: \'Problem nadal występuje . Zamówienia potwierdzane wczoraj - przeszły do DHPTrasa potwierdzana godzinę temu - nie przeszła do DHP Przykład trasa 2248/P \'"", \'Comment 57: ""I\\\'m waiting for another one\', \'Comment 58: this one has already gone to DHP.""\', ""Comment 59: \'Brak trasy w DHP T-5527/23/G\'"", ""Comment 60: \'When it comes to this route T-5527/23/G"", \'Comment 61: the problem was when changing the Vehicles/Platenumbers to PZ1H806\', \'Comment 62: PZ2K201from PZ 1H806\', ""Comment 63: PZ 2K201. The user made several changes to these Vehicles looking at the logs. I sent the registrations again in the order and route.\'"", ""Comment 64: \'Kolejna trasa : T-2455 /23/ I\'"", ""Comment 65: \'For DHcService messages need to be process !screenshot-2! \'"", ""Comment 66: \'Why does the queue raised up to almost 700 orders changed?\'"", ""Comment 67: \'Were any changes made to the documents"", ""Comment 68: as indicated by the message?\'"", \'Comment 69: ""I think some orders have been modified\', \'Comment 70: but many of them were synchronizing all the time so queue shouldn\\\'t raise that much. I think queue should be clear or have only few documents to sync - not 700 orders""\', ""Comment 71: \'Kolejna trasa : 131/23/MS \'"", ""Comment 72: \'Messages need time to process"", \'Comment 73: some are more time consuming\', ""Comment 74: e.g. technologies.Each order operation is logged as a change - so there can be several of them for each order.\'"", ""Comment 75: \'Kolejne trasy: 3527/23/S"", \'Comment 76: 465/23/P\', ""Comment 77: 5624/23/L\'"", ""Comment 78: \'ZS-742/4/23/L (nie było w dhp"", \'Comment 79: przeszło po odświeżeniu\', \'Comment 80: ale jako niepotwierdzone\', \'Comment 81: pomimo\', ""Comment 82: ,że w cdn było potwierdzone)\'"", ""Comment 83: \'Kolejne nie przeszły: 3517/23/S"", ""Comment 84: 5621/23/G\'"", ""Comment 85: \'brak ZS-438/04/23/S oraz trasy 3531/23/S\'"", ""Comment 86: \'brak ZS-53/4/23/G (towar niezlinkowany) oraz T-5757/23/G\'"", ""Comment 87: \'brak T-5641/23/G\'"", ""Comment 88: \'brak T-5653/23/G\'"", ""Comment 89: \'brak T-3491/04/23/S"", ""Comment 90: T-3504/04/23/S\'"", ""Comment 91: \'brak T-2310/04/23/P\'"", ""Comment 92: \'T-2310/04/23/P finalnie w ogóle nie przeszła nawet do serwisu\'"", ""Comment 93: \'Hello"", \'Comment 94: referring to yesterday\', \'Comment 95: after 1:30 pm there was still a large number of messages for the dhcservice queue to be processed (several thousand). Were there any changes made to the DHCService message queue\', \'Comment 96: as it was already 0 on the processing list before 2pm?Also function activity monitor was permanently paused for login dhbp. Can we get access to activity monitor for DHC databases? Or for my domain account\', ""Comment 97: thank you.\'"", ""Comment 98: \'Whether additional processes were running that could have caused mass changes to the data?I see that after 9 am messages began to be processed in very large quantities and are still growing for DHCService !screenshot-3! \'"", \'Comment 99: ""Other users from Kotrak could run activity monitor\', ""Comment 100: you were not listed there because it\'s the first time you need it. Access granted"", \'Comment 101: verify.User dhbp is an application user\', ""Comment 102: so it should not have additional privileges like for example activity monitor - its not good practice. On other servers you probably also won\'t run any activity monitor using application user like masterplant"", \'Comment 103: dhbp and similar.""\', ""Comment 104: \'I have asked and nobody told me about any other source of problems that could cause this amount of changed data. Long time ago we had same problem"", ""Comment 105: just look back in requests. Analysis was done and you fixed something.\'"", ""Comment 106: \'Brak tras w DHP (wszystkie zamówienia są w DHP)T-2808/23/DT-4450/23/MT-4120/23/ŁT-5647/23/L\'"", ""Comment 107: \'Przykład do analizy ( załadunek na 16:00) T-5767/23/G\'"", ""Comment 108: \'Brak: ZS-983/04/23/L i T-5708/23/L\'"", ""Comment 109: \'Kolejka komunikatów niby pusta a synchro leży....\'"", ""Comment 110: \'We vt-kach brakuje spięcia z zamówieniami !image-2!\'"", ""Comment 111: \'!image-3!\'"", ""Comment 112: \'Brak : T-3519/23/S\'"", ""Comment 113: \'Brak w DHPT-2512/23/IPotwierdzona o 9:12!image-4!\'"", ""Comment 114: \'Brak: T-4435/23/M\'"", ""Comment 115: \'We are collecting data for analysis.It is not currently necessary to send a new examples.In order for the trips to be process you need to resent the order earlier.I will try to provide more information tomorrow - the results of the analysis.\'"", ""Comment 116: \'hello"", \'Comment 117: as for the amount of changes\', ""Comment 118: this was already a issue:DGS-6103operator TSSROBO These operators currently perform the most changes. !screenshot-4! !screenshot-5! \'"", ""Comment 119: \'ilość zamówień jakie były modyfikowane.{code:java}SELECT count(*) as ilosc_zmian,ZaN_OpeNumerMod,o.Ope_Nazwisko --[ZaN_OpeNumerMod] --,cdn.tstodate([ZaN_LastMod],2) FROM [CDNXL_DEHEUS].[CDN].[ZamNag] z join cdn.OpeKarty o on o.Ope_GIDNumer=z.ZaN_OpeNumerMod where [ZaN_LastMod]>=1050120000 group by ZaN_OpeNumerMod ,o.Ope_Nazwisko order by count(*) desc{code} !screenshot-6! \'"", ""Comment 120: \'In DGS-6103 issue has been resolved. It seems to be something similar"", ""Comment 121: but we had no details what caused this problem with sync before.Could you explain what fixed problem reported in DGS-6103? I think you have some notes because it has been resolved temporarily last time.\'"", ""Comment 122: \'There are two issues - one problem with orders in dhcservice - this is being analyzedand the second message queue on DHCServiceAs for the number of messages for order changes and operators described above. If there are so many changes for orders the messages must be processed.Currently"", ""Comment 123: there are no such problems as in the task mentioned earlier - I only indicated why there are so many messages on the DHCService queue.\'"", ""Comment 124: \'PiotrCh będzie rozmawiał z Łukaszem Grodzkim\'"", ""Comment 125: \'[Przesyłanie Order/zamówień i tras /ShippingNotice - brak elementów zamówień w DHCService|onenote:https://kotrak.sharepoint.com/sites/erpasysta/Shared%20Documents/Baza%20wiedzy/Baza%20Wiedzy%20-%20ERPSD/Klienci/DEHEUS/DEHEUS%20APPLICATIONS/Polska/Baza%20wiedzy/DHC.one#Przesy%C5%82anie%20Order/zam%C3%B3wie%C5%84%20i%20tras%20/ShippingNotice%20-%20brak%20element%C3%B3w§ion-id=\\\\\\\\{7D50734F-49D8-4579-83B9-E51158168A8F}&page-id=\\\\\\\\{F79626AC-B068-431D-BAC5-C6AAFA54C428}&end] ([Widok sieci Web|https://kotrak.sharepoint.com/sites/erpasysta/_layouts/OneNote.aspx?id=%2Fsites%2Ferpasysta%2FShared%20Documents%2FBaza%20wiedzy%2FBaza%20Wiedzy%20-%20ERPSD&wd=target%28Klienci%2FDEHEUS%2FDEHEUS%20APPLICATIONS%2FPolska%2FBaza%20wiedzy%2FDHC.one%7C7D50734F-49D8-4579-83B9-E51158168A8F%2FPrzesy%C5%82anie%20Order%5C%2Fzam%C3%B3wie%C5%84%20i%20tras%20%5C%2FShippingNotice%20-%20brak%20element%C3%B3w%7CF79626AC-B068-431D-BAC5-C6AAFA54C428%2F%29]) naprawa przypadków.\'"", ""Comment 126: \'Naprawiłam 9 przypadków\'"", ""Comment 127: \'Kolejki puste"", ""Comment 128: zamówień 24 - przesłano!image-2023-04-14-19-05-22-715.png!!image-2023-04-14-19-04-58-252.png!\'"", ""Comment 129: \'!image-2023-04-15-11-14-54-457.png|width=512,height=436!dzisiaj pusto\'"", \'Comment 130: ""HI\', \'Comment 131: please check after today\\\'s ugrade how the synchronization working and send a feedback.Thank you.""\', ""Comment 132: \'Please let me know if there are currently any problems described in the issue?Thank you.\'"", ""Comment 133: \'We need a little more time until orders made after last update will be processed - there are still some cases with orders made before the update.\'"", ""Comment 134: \'We will wait for final confirmation.\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[\'DGS-8879\', \'DGS-8965\', \'DGS-8914\']\n\n### End'}" +152,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8880\n\n### Instruction:\nWe tried to weight one truck in unit 2 but for VT from unit 1 but the weight is not available.\r\nCould you check why is not working?\r\n\r\n\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'!image!\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Dispatch weight : 88860kg!MicrosoftTeams-image (61)!\'"", ""Comment 3: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 4: \'Hi,I can see bothe scales are running and VT-1906 is already closed. Do you have any similar example?Regards\'"", ""Comment 5: \'!image-2023-04-03-11-06-39-563.png!\'"", ""Comment 6: \'!image-2023-04-03-11-07-01-561.png!\'"", \'Comment 7: ""Hi [~Aleksandra.Przybylek@kotrak.com]Unfortunately we don\\\'t have any other example.You can close this task.Thank you very much!""\', ""Comment 8: \'Thank you.Regards\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +153,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8879\n\n### Instruction:\nPo wczorajszej aktualizacji ERP integratora nasili się problem z synchronizacją tras z DHC do DHP, np:\r\n5041/23/L\r\n\r\n5059/23/G\r\n\r\n2040/23/P\r\n\r\n2224/23/I\r\n\r\n2225/23I\r\n\r\n1039/23/J\r\n\r\nPo wygenerowaniu VT poprzez podpięcie ZS w DHC generują sie elementy bez powiązania z ZS, np. \r\n\r\nVT 4237/P, 4279/P, 4280/P, 6124/M, 6289/G\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Ewelina jeszcze dzwoniła"", \'Comment 3: że ze swojej strony przeanalizowali wszystko. Na zamówieniach nie było nic ruszane\', \'Comment 4: żadne dane.Odnośnie tej części:{color:#0747a6}_Po wygenerowaniu VT poprzez podpięcie ZS w DHC generują sie elementy bez powiązania z ZS\', \'Comment 5: np._{color}{color:#0747a6}_VT 4237/P\', \'Comment 6: 4279/P\', \'Comment 7: 4280/P\', \'Comment 8: 6124/M\', \'Comment 9: 6289/G_{color}Ewelina mówi\', \'Comment 10: że w ten sposób sobie radzili\', ""Comment 11: ale ilość dokumentów wzrasta bardzo szybko\'"", ""Comment 12: \'Z ERP Integratora"", \'Comment 13: są dwa rodzaje błędów\', \'Comment 14: dla change message:{code:java}System.InvalidOperationException: Cannot find Order element for specific OrderElementId = 029de345-296b-449b-a0a9-b84a34015907 at Evolution.DHCService.Dhc30.Handlers.ShippingNoticeChangedMessageHandler.MapOrders(ShippingNoticeElementEntity shippingNoticeElementEntity\', \'Comment 15: List`1 orderMessageElemenets) in E:\\\\\\\\BambooHome\\\\\\\\xml-data\\\\\\\\build-dir\\\\\\\\31916033\\\\\\\\DHAPPSV3-DHCSER538-JOB1\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCService\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCService.Dhc30\\\\\\\\Handlers\\\\\\\\ShippingNoticeChangedMessageHandler.cs:line 95 at Evolution.DHCService.Dhc30.Handlers.ShippingNoticeChangedMessageHandler.FillEntity(ShippingNoticeChangedMessage message\', \'Comment 16: ShippingNoticeEntity entity) in E:\\\\\\\\BambooHome\\\\\\\\xml-data\\\\\\\\build-dir\\\\\\\\31916033\\\\\\\\DHAPPSV3-DHCSER538-JOB1\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCService\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCService.Dhc30\\\\\\\\Handlers\\\\\\\\ShippingNoticeChangedMessageHandler.cs:line 74 at Evolution.DHCService.Dhc30.Handlers.BaseMessageHandler`2.Handle(TMessage message) in E:\\\\\\\\BambooHome\\\\\\\\xml-data\\\\\\\\build-dir\\\\\\\\31916033\\\\\\\\DHAPPSV3-DHCSER538-JOB1\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCService\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCService.Dhc30\\\\\\\\Handlers\\\\\\\\BaseMessageHandler.cs:line 56 at lambda_method(Closure \', \'Comment 17: Object \', \'Comment 18: Object ) at NServiceBus.Unicast.MessageHandlerRegistry.Invoke(Object handler\', \'Comment 19: Object message\', \'Comment 20: Dictionary`2 dictionary) in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\Unicast\\\\\\\\MessageHandlerRegistry.cs:line 126 at NServiceBus.Unicast.MessageHandlerRegistry.InvokeHandle(Object handler\', \'Comment 21: Object message) in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\Unicast\\\\\\\\MessageHandlerRegistry.cs:line 84 at NServiceBus.LoadHandlersBehavior.b__1(Object handlerInstance\', \'Comment 22: Object message) in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\Unicast\\\\\\\\Behaviors\\\\\\\\LoadHandlersBehavior.cs:line 40 at NServiceBus.InvokeHandlersBehavior.Invoke(IncomingContext context\', \'Comment 23: Action next) in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\Unicast\\\\\\\\Behaviors\\\\\\\\InvokeHandlersBehavior.cs:line 24 at NServiceBus.BehaviorChain`1.InvokeNext(T context) in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\Pipeline\\\\\\\\BehaviorChain.cs:line 107 at NServiceBus.BehaviorChain`1.<>c__DisplayClass5.b__2() in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\Pipeline\\\\\\\\BehaviorChain.cs:line 94 at NServiceBus.SetCurrentMessageBeingHandledBehavior.Invoke(IncomingContext context\', \'Comment 24: Action next) in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\Unicast\\\\\\\\Behaviors\\\\\\\\SetCurrentMessageBeingHandledBehavior.cs:line 17 at NServiceBus.BehaviorChain`1.InvokeNext(T context) in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\Pipeline\\\\\\\\BehaviorChain.cs:line 107 at NServiceBus.BehaviorChain`1.<>c__DisplayClass5.b__2() in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\Pipeline\\\\\\\\BehaviorChain.cs:line 94 at NServiceBus.LoadHandlersBehavior.Invoke(IncomingContext context\', \'Comment 25: Action next) in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\Unicast\\\\\\\\Behaviors\\\\\\\\LoadHandlersBehavior.cs:line 45 at NServiceBus.BehaviorChain`1.InvokeNext(T context) in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\Pipeline\\\\\\\\BehaviorChain.cs:line 107 at NServiceBus.BehaviorChain`1.<>c__DisplayClass5.b__2() in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\Pipeline\\\\\\\\BehaviorChain.cs:line 94 at NServiceBus.Transports.SQLServer.ReadIncomingCallbackAddressBehavior.Invoke(IncomingContext context\', \'Comment 26: Action next) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\888dd942b44bad5a\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.SqlServer\\\\\\\\ReadIncomingCallbackAddressBehavior.cs:line 17 at NServiceBus.BehaviorChain`1.InvokeNext(T context) in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\Pipeline\\\\\\\\BehaviorChain.cs:line 107 at NServiceBus.BehaviorChain`1.<>c__DisplayClass5.b__2() in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\Pipeline\\\\\\\\BehaviorChain.cs:line 94 at NServiceBus.ApplyIncomingMessageMutatorsBehavior.Invoke(IncomingContext context\', \'Comment 27: Action next) in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\MessageMutator\\\\\\\\ApplyIncomingMessageMutatorsBehavior.cs:line 23 at NServiceBus.BehaviorChain`1.InvokeNext(T context) in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\Pipeline\\\\\\\\BehaviorChain.cs:line 107 at NServiceBus.BehaviorChain`1.<>c__DisplayClass5.b__2() in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\Pipeline\\\\\\\\BehaviorChain.cs:line 94 at NServiceBus.ExecuteLogicalMessagesBehavior.Invoke(IncomingContext context\', \'Comment 28: Action next) in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\Unicast\\\\\\\\Messages\\\\\\\\ExecuteLogicalMessagesBehavior.cs:line 24 at NServiceBus.BehaviorChain`1.InvokeNext(T context) in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\Pipeline\\\\\\\\BehaviorChain.cs:line 107 at NServiceBus.BehaviorChain`1.<>c__DisplayClass5.b__2() in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\Pipeline\\\\\\\\BehaviorChain.cs:line 94 at NServiceBus.CallbackInvocationBehavior.Invoke(IncomingContext context\', \'Comment 29: Action next) in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\Unicast\\\\\\\\Behaviors\\\\\\\\CallbackInvocationBehavior.cs:line 22 at NServiceBus.BehaviorChain`1.InvokeNext(T context) in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\Pipeline\\\\\\\\BehaviorChain.cs:line 107 at NServiceBus.BehaviorChain`1.<>c__DisplayClass5.b__2() in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\Pipeline\\\\\\\\BehaviorChain.cs:line 94 at NServiceBus.DeserializeLogicalMessagesBehavior.Invoke(IncomingContext context\', \'Comment 30: Action next) in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\Unicast\\\\\\\\Messages\\\\\\\\DeserializeLogicalMessagesBehavior.cs:line 47 at NServiceBus.BehaviorChain`1.InvokeNext(T context) in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\Pipeline\\\\\\\\BehaviorChain.cs:line 107 at NServiceBus.BehaviorChain`1.<>c__DisplayClass5.b__2() in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\Pipeline\\\\\\\\BehaviorChain.cs:line 94 at NServiceBus.ApplyIncomingTransportMessageMutatorsBehavior.Invoke(IncomingContext context\', \'Comment 31: Action next) in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\MessageMutator\\\\\\\\ApplyIncomingTransportMessageMutatorsBehavior.cs:line 20 at NServiceBus.BehaviorChain`1.InvokeNext(T context) in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\Pipeline\\\\\\\\BehaviorChain.cs:line 107 at NServiceBus.BehaviorChain`1.<>c__DisplayClass5.b__2() in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\Pipeline\\\\\\\\BehaviorChain.cs:line 94 at NServiceBus.SubscriptionReceiverBehavior.Invoke(IncomingContext context\', \'Comment 32: Action next) in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\Unicast\\\\\\\\Subscriptions\\\\\\\\MessageDrivenSubscriptions\\\\\\\\SubscriptionReceiverBehavior.cs:line 31 at NServiceBus.BehaviorChain`1.InvokeNext(T context) in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\Pipeline\\\\\\\\BehaviorChain.cs:line 107 at NServiceBus.BehaviorChain`1.<>c__DisplayClass5.b__2() in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\Pipeline\\\\\\\\BehaviorChain.cs:line 94 at NServiceBus.UnitOfWorkBehavior.Invoke(IncomingContext context\', \'Comment 33: Action next) in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\UnitOfWork\\\\\\\\UnitOfWorkBehavior.cs:line 42 at NServiceBus.BehaviorChain`1.InvokeNext(T context) in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\Pipeline\\\\\\\\BehaviorChain.cs:line 107 at NServiceBus.BehaviorChain`1.<>c__DisplayClass5.b__2() in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\Pipeline\\\\\\\\BehaviorChain.cs:line 94 at NServiceBus.ChildContainerBehavior.Invoke(IncomingContext context\', \'Comment 34: Action next) in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\Unicast\\\\\\\\Behaviors\\\\\\\\ChildContainerBehavior.cs:line 17 at NServiceBus.BehaviorChain`1.InvokeNext(T context) in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\Pipeline\\\\\\\\BehaviorChain.cs:line 107 at NServiceBus.BehaviorChain`1.<>c__DisplayClass5.b__2() in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\Pipeline\\\\\\\\BehaviorChain.cs:line 94 at NServiceBus.ProcessingStatisticsBehavior.Invoke(IncomingContext context\', \'Comment 35: Action next) in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\Monitoring\\\\\\\\ProcessingStatisticsBehavior.cs:line 23 at NServiceBus.BehaviorChain`1.InvokeNext(T context) in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\Pipeline\\\\\\\\BehaviorChain.cs:line 107 at NServiceBus.BehaviorChain`1.Invoke() in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\Pipeline\\\\\\\\BehaviorChain.cs:line 52 at NServiceBus.Pipeline.PipelineExecutor.Execute[T](BehaviorChain`1 pipelineAction\', \'Comment 36: T context) in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\Pipeline\\\\\\\\PipelineExecutor.cs:line 129 at NServiceBus.Pipeline.PipelineExecutor.InvokePipeline[TContext](IEnumerable`1 behaviors\', \'Comment 37: TContext context) in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\Pipeline\\\\\\\\PipelineExecutor.cs:line 85 at NServiceBus.Pipeline.PipelineExecutor.InvokeReceivePhysicalMessagePipeline() in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\Pipeline\\\\\\\\PipelineExecutor.cs:line 102 at NServiceBus.Unicast.UnicastBus.TransportMessageReceived(Object sender\', ""Comment 38: TransportMessageReceivedEventArgs e) in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\Unicast\\\\\\\\UnicastBus.cs:line 826 at NServiceBus.Unicast.Transport.TransportReceiver.OnTransportMessageReceived(TransportMessage msg) in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\Unicast\\\\\\\\Transport\\\\\\\\TransportReceiver.cs:line 411 at NServiceBus.Unicast.Transport.TransportReceiver.ProcessMessage(TransportMessage message) in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\Unicast\\\\\\\\Transport\\\\\\\\TransportReceiver.cs:line 344 at NServiceBus.Unicast.Transport.TransportReceiver.TryProcess(TransportMessage message) in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\Unicast\\\\\\\\Transport\\\\\\\\TransportReceiver.cs:line 228 at NServiceBus.Transports.SQLServer.AmbientTransactionReceiveStrategy.TryReceiveFrom(TableBasedQueue queue) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\888dd942b44bad5a\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.SqlServer\\\\\\\\AmbientTransactionReceiveStrategy.cs:line 57{code}\'"", ""Comment 39: \'I dla change element message :{code:java}System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Evolution.DHCService.Dhc30.Handlers.ShippingNoticeElementChangedMessageHandler.FillEntity(ShippingNoticeElementChangedMessage message"", \'Comment 40: ShippingNoticeElementEntity entity) in E:\\\\\\\\BambooHome\\\\\\\\xml-data\\\\\\\\build-dir\\\\\\\\31916033\\\\\\\\DHAPPSV3-DHCSER538-JOB1\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCService\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCService.Dhc30\\\\\\\\Handlers\\\\\\\\ShippingNoticeElementChangedMessageHandler.cs:line 43 at Evolution.DHCService.Dhc30.Handlers.BaseMessageHandler`2.Handle(TMessage message) in E:\\\\\\\\BambooHome\\\\\\\\xml-data\\\\\\\\build-dir\\\\\\\\31916033\\\\\\\\DHAPPSV3-DHCSER538-JOB1\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCService\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCService.Dhc30\\\\\\\\Handlers\\\\\\\\BaseMessageHandler.cs:line 56 at lambda_method(Closure \', \'Comment 41: Object \', \'Comment 42: Object ) at NServiceBus.Unicast.MessageHandlerRegistry.Invoke(Object handler\', \'Comment 43: Object message\', \'Comment 44: Dictionary`2 dictionary) in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\Unicast\\\\\\\\MessageHandlerRegistry.cs:line 126 at NServiceBus.Unicast.MessageHandlerRegistry.InvokeHandle(Object handler\', \'Comment 45: Object message) in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\Unicast\\\\\\\\MessageHandlerRegistry.cs:line 84 at NServiceBus.LoadHandlersBehavior.b__1(Object handlerInstance\', \'Comment 46: Object message) in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\Unicast\\\\\\\\Behaviors\\\\\\\\LoadHandlersBehavior.cs:line 40 at NServiceBus.InvokeHandlersBehavior.Invoke(IncomingContext context\', \'Comment 47: Action next) in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\Unicast\\\\\\\\Behaviors\\\\\\\\InvokeHandlersBehavior.cs:line 24 at NServiceBus.BehaviorChain`1.InvokeNext(T context) in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\Pipeline\\\\\\\\BehaviorChain.cs:line 107 at NServiceBus.BehaviorChain`1.<>c__DisplayClass5.b__2() in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\Pipeline\\\\\\\\BehaviorChain.cs:line 94 at NServiceBus.SetCurrentMessageBeingHandledBehavior.Invoke(IncomingContext context\', \'Comment 48: Action next) in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\Unicast\\\\\\\\Behaviors\\\\\\\\SetCurrentMessageBeingHandledBehavior.cs:line 17 at NServiceBus.BehaviorChain`1.InvokeNext(T context) in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\Pipeline\\\\\\\\BehaviorChain.cs:line 107 at NServiceBus.BehaviorChain`1.<>c__DisplayClass5.b__2() in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\Pipeline\\\\\\\\BehaviorChain.cs:line 94 at NServiceBus.LoadHandlersBehavior.Invoke(IncomingContext context\', \'Comment 49: Action next) in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\Unicast\\\\\\\\Behaviors\\\\\\\\LoadHandlersBehavior.cs:line 45 at NServiceBus.BehaviorChain`1.InvokeNext(T context) in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\Pipeline\\\\\\\\BehaviorChain.cs:line 107 at NServiceBus.BehaviorChain`1.<>c__DisplayClass5.b__2() in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\Pipeline\\\\\\\\BehaviorChain.cs:line 94 at NServiceBus.Transports.SQLServer.ReadIncomingCallbackAddressBehavior.Invoke(IncomingContext context\', \'Comment 50: Action next) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\888dd942b44bad5a\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.SqlServer\\\\\\\\ReadIncomingCallbackAddressBehavior.cs:line 17 at NServiceBus.BehaviorChain`1.InvokeNext(T context) in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\Pipeline\\\\\\\\BehaviorChain.cs:line 107 at NServiceBus.BehaviorChain`1.<>c__DisplayClass5.b__2() in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\Pipeline\\\\\\\\BehaviorChain.cs:line 94 at NServiceBus.ApplyIncomingMessageMutatorsBehavior.Invoke(IncomingContext context\', \'Comment 51: Action next) in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\MessageMutator\\\\\\\\ApplyIncomingMessageMutatorsBehavior.cs:line 23 at NServiceBus.BehaviorChain`1.InvokeNext(T context) in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\Pipeline\\\\\\\\BehaviorChain.cs:line 107 at NServiceBus.BehaviorChain`1.<>c__DisplayClass5.b__2() in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\Pipeline\\\\\\\\BehaviorChain.cs:line 94 at NServiceBus.ExecuteLogicalMessagesBehavior.Invoke(IncomingContext context\', \'Comment 52: Action next) in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\Unicast\\\\\\\\Messages\\\\\\\\ExecuteLogicalMessagesBehavior.cs:line 24 at NServiceBus.BehaviorChain`1.InvokeNext(T context) in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\Pipeline\\\\\\\\BehaviorChain.cs:line 107 at NServiceBus.BehaviorChain`1.<>c__DisplayClass5.b__2() in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\Pipeline\\\\\\\\BehaviorChain.cs:line 94 at NServiceBus.CallbackInvocationBehavior.Invoke(IncomingContext context\', \'Comment 53: Action next) in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\Unicast\\\\\\\\Behaviors\\\\\\\\CallbackInvocationBehavior.cs:line 22 at NServiceBus.BehaviorChain`1.InvokeNext(T context) in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\Pipeline\\\\\\\\BehaviorChain.cs:line 107 at NServiceBus.BehaviorChain`1.<>c__DisplayClass5.b__2() in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\Pipeline\\\\\\\\BehaviorChain.cs:line 94 at NServiceBus.DeserializeLogicalMessagesBehavior.Invoke(IncomingContext context\', \'Comment 54: Action next) in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\Unicast\\\\\\\\Messages\\\\\\\\DeserializeLogicalMessagesBehavior.cs:line 47 at NServiceBus.BehaviorChain`1.InvokeNext(T context) in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\Pipeline\\\\\\\\BehaviorChain.cs:line 107 at NServiceBus.BehaviorChain`1.<>c__DisplayClass5.b__2() in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\Pipeline\\\\\\\\BehaviorChain.cs:line 94 at NServiceBus.ApplyIncomingTransportMessageMutatorsBehavior.Invoke(IncomingContext context\', \'Comment 55: Action next) in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\MessageMutator\\\\\\\\ApplyIncomingTransportMessageMutatorsBehavior.cs:line 20 at NServiceBus.BehaviorChain`1.InvokeNext(T context) in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\Pipeline\\\\\\\\BehaviorChain.cs:line 107 at NServiceBus.BehaviorChain`1.<>c__DisplayClass5.b__2() in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\Pipeline\\\\\\\\BehaviorChain.cs:line 94 at NServiceBus.SubscriptionReceiverBehavior.Invoke(IncomingContext context\', \'Comment 56: Action next) in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\Unicast\\\\\\\\Subscriptions\\\\\\\\MessageDrivenSubscriptions\\\\\\\\SubscriptionReceiverBehavior.cs:line 31 at NServiceBus.BehaviorChain`1.InvokeNext(T context) in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\Pipeline\\\\\\\\BehaviorChain.cs:line 107 at NServiceBus.BehaviorChain`1.<>c__DisplayClass5.b__2() in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\Pipeline\\\\\\\\BehaviorChain.cs:line 94 at NServiceBus.UnitOfWorkBehavior.Invoke(IncomingContext context\', \'Comment 57: Action next) in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\UnitOfWork\\\\\\\\UnitOfWorkBehavior.cs:line 42 at NServiceBus.BehaviorChain`1.InvokeNext(T context) in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\Pipeline\\\\\\\\BehaviorChain.cs:line 107 at NServiceBus.BehaviorChain`1.<>c__DisplayClass5.b__2() in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\Pipeline\\\\\\\\BehaviorChain.cs:line 94 at NServiceBus.ChildContainerBehavior.Invoke(IncomingContext context\', \'Comment 58: Action next) in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\Unicast\\\\\\\\Behaviors\\\\\\\\ChildContainerBehavior.cs:line 17 at NServiceBus.BehaviorChain`1.InvokeNext(T context) in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\Pipeline\\\\\\\\BehaviorChain.cs:line 107 at NServiceBus.BehaviorChain`1.<>c__DisplayClass5.b__2() in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\Pipeline\\\\\\\\BehaviorChain.cs:line 94 at NServiceBus.ProcessingStatisticsBehavior.Invoke(IncomingContext context\', \'Comment 59: Action next) in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\Monitoring\\\\\\\\ProcessingStatisticsBehavior.cs:line 23 at NServiceBus.BehaviorChain`1.InvokeNext(T context) in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\Pipeline\\\\\\\\BehaviorChain.cs:line 107 at NServiceBus.BehaviorChain`1.Invoke() in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\Pipeline\\\\\\\\BehaviorChain.cs:line 52 at NServiceBus.Pipeline.PipelineExecutor.Execute[T](BehaviorChain`1 pipelineAction\', \'Comment 60: T context) in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\Pipeline\\\\\\\\PipelineExecutor.cs:line 129 at NServiceBus.Pipeline.PipelineExecutor.InvokePipeline[TContext](IEnumerable`1 behaviors\', \'Comment 61: TContext context) in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\Pipeline\\\\\\\\PipelineExecutor.cs:line 85 at NServiceBus.Pipeline.PipelineExecutor.InvokeReceivePhysicalMessagePipeline() in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\Pipeline\\\\\\\\PipelineExecutor.cs:line 102 at NServiceBus.Unicast.UnicastBus.TransportMessageReceived(Object sender\', ""Comment 62: TransportMessageReceivedEventArgs e) in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\Unicast\\\\\\\\UnicastBus.cs:line 826 at NServiceBus.Unicast.Transport.TransportReceiver.OnTransportMessageReceived(TransportMessage msg) in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\Unicast\\\\\\\\Transport\\\\\\\\TransportReceiver.cs:line 411 at NServiceBus.Unicast.Transport.TransportReceiver.ProcessMessage(TransportMessage message) in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\Unicast\\\\\\\\Transport\\\\\\\\TransportReceiver.cs:line 344 at NServiceBus.Unicast.Transport.TransportReceiver.TryProcess(TransportMessage message) in c:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\3206e2123f54fce4\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.Core\\\\\\\\Unicast\\\\\\\\Transport\\\\\\\\TransportReceiver.cs:line 228 at NServiceBus.Transports.SQLServer.AmbientTransactionReceiveStrategy.TryReceiveFrom(TableBasedQueue queue) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\888dd942b44bad5a\\\\\\\\src\\\\\\\\NServiceBus.SqlServer\\\\\\\\AmbientTransactionReceiveStrategy.cs:line 57{code}\'"", ""Comment 63: \'Te błedy lecą praktycznie od wczoraj!image-2023-03-30-18-45-37-204.png!\'"", ""Comment 64: \'Hi Ewelina,Are mentioned ASNs the only ones that requires immediate repairing? Today"", \'Comment 65: we will unblock the process but it needs to be investigated in RCA tas tomorrow morning.Please\', ""Comment 66: let us know if there are more examples to correct.Regards\'"", \'Comment 67: ""*Dla\\\'T-5041/23/L\\\'* ZW-130/03/23/D ZW-137/03/23/D*Dla T-5059/23/G*ZS-1640/03/23/G*Dla T-2040/23/P*ZS-953/03/23/P ZS-950/03/23/P ZS-951/03/23/P*Dla\\\'T-2224/23/I\\\'* ZS-1076/03/23/I ZS-1077/03/23/I*Dla\\\'T-2225/23/I\\\'*ZS-1076/03/23/IZS-1077/03/23/I""\', ""Comment 68: \'SN-1202900/2023\'"", ""Comment 69: \'Can you explain which process has been unlocked to drain synchro ? \'"", ""Comment 70: \'Some of the orders have been resent and so the trips. An entries in the DHC Service database were missing for orders"", ""Comment 71: trips.list:T-2034/23/PT-2992/23/ST-120/23/JST-2994/23/ST-3775/23/MT-4997/23/LT-3567/23/ŁT-2039/23/PT-4992/23/LT-2040/23/PT-5026/23/GT-2226/23/IT-2041/23/PT-2176/23/IT-2453/23/DT-2453/23/DT-5059/23/GT-2201/23/ICan you verified again and send cases for current missing data.\'"", \'Comment 72: ""{code:java} SELECT * FROM [Evolution_DHCountry].[dbo].[ShippingNotices] sh left join [Evolution_DHCService].[dbo].[ShippingNotices] shc on sh.id=shc.Id where shc.id is null and sh.IssueDate>=\\\'2023-03-29 00:00\\\' and sh.Status=3{code}{code:java}SELECT * FROM [Evolution_DHCountry].[dbo].[Orders] c left join [Evolution_DHCService].[dbo].[Orders] e on c.id=e.id where c.CreateDate>=\\\'2023-03-25 00:00:00.000\\\' and e.id is null and c.DocumentNumerator_Year=2023 and c.DocumentNumerator_Month=3 and c.Status in(5,6) and c.OrderType=2{code}""\', ""Comment 73: \'What these shipping notices have in common and what caused problem with them? \'"", ""Comment 74: \'They were missing in DHCService"", ""Comment 75: and as for the reason RCA should be created for analysis.\'"", ""Comment 76: \'RCa is created under :DGS-8881\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[\'DGS-8881\', \'DGS-8965\']\n\n### End'}" +154,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8878\n\n### Instruction:\nMigration files for customer 008093\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'[^AA - PAS_Migration_PURCHASEINVOICE_workfile_Faber.xlsx] _(126 kB)_[^AA - PAS_Migration_SALESINVOICE_workfile_Faber.xlsx] _(603 kB)_\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 3: \'[~mbovene@deheus.com],the invoices have been migrated into PROD Intense environment.You can verify it.Best regards,Grzegorz\'"", ""Comment 4: \'Can be closed.\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +155,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8877\n\n### Instruction:\nThere is analysis of procedure for calculating technical results in MAS NL (in MAS BE it\'s similar, but sequence of generating PI and SI from SR is different)\r\n \xa0[^Technical Results.xlsx]\r\n\r\n\xa0\r\n|\xa0|\xa0|Documents involved in calculations|\xa0Documents involved in calculations|\xa0Documents involved in calculations|\r\n|Name|Value selected from documents|SR|PI|SI|\r\n|Deliver date DOC\'s|PI, SI|\xa0|x|x|\r\n|Deliver day broilers first loaders|PI|x|x|x|\r\n|Delivery date all loaders|PI|x|x|x|\r\n|Average weight first loaders|SR, PI|x|x|x|\r\n|Weight of all loaders (in kg)|SR|x|\xa0|\xa0|\r\n|Disapproves all loaders (in kg)|SR|x|\xa0|\xa0|\r\n|Average weight all loaders|SR, PI|x|x|x|\r\n|Total value of all loaders|PI|x|x|x|\r\n|Numbers of all loaders (quantity)|SR|x|\xa0|\xa0|\r\n|m2|Customer card|\xa0|\xa0|\xa0|\r\n|Average weight in gram|SR, PI|x|x|x|\r\n|Number of DOC\'s|PI, SI|\xa0|x|x|\r\n|Total value of DOC\'s|PI, SI|\xa0|x|x|\r\n|Total weight Feed (in kg)|PI, SI, Feed sale|\xa0|x|x|\r\n|Total value Feed\xa0|PI, SI, Feed sale|\xa0|x|x|\r\n|Numbers of first loaders (quantity)|SR|x|\xa0|\xa0|\r\n|Weight of first loaders (in kg)|SR|x|\xa0|\xa0|\r\n|Disapproves first loaders (in kg)|SR|x|\xa0|\xa0|\r\n|Total value of first loaders|PI|x|x|x|\r\n|Delivery date previous round|PI|x|x|x|\r\n|Dropout percentage|SR, PI, SI|x|x|x|\r\n|Feed conversion netto|SR, PI, SI, Feed sale|x|x|x|\r\n|Feed conversion 1.500 gram|SR, PI, SI, Feed sale|x|x|x|\r\n|Maximum days of living|PI, SI|x|x|x|\r\n|Average days of living|SR, PI, SI|x|x|x|\r\n|Growth per day (in grams):|SR, PI, SI|x|x|x|\r\n|Production number|SR, PI, SI|x|x|x|\r\n|Feed profit per broiler|SR, PI, SI, Feed sale|x|x|x|\r\n|First Load percentage|SR|x|\xa0|\xa0|\r\n|Average price delivered DOC\'s|PI, SI|\xa0|x|x|\r\n|Average price delivered broilers|PI, SR|x|x|x|\r\n|Average price feed per 100 kg|PI, SI, Feed sale|\xa0|x|x|\r\n|Feedcost / kg. broilers bruto 1500 gr|SR, PI, SI, Feed sale|x|x|x|\r\n|Feedcost / kg. broilers netto|SR, PI, SI, Feed sale|x|x|x|\r\n|Feedcost / kg. broilers netto|SR, PI, SI, Feed sale|x|x|x|\r\n|Feed use per delivered broiler per gram per day|SR, PI, SI, Feed sale|x|x|x|\r\n|Startfeed per delivered DOC\'s per gram|PI, SI, Feed sale|\xa0|x|x|\r\n|Fase 2 feed per delivered DOC\'s per gram|PI, SI, Feed sale|\xa0|x|x|\r\n|Fase 3 feed per delivered DOC\'s per gram|PI, SI, Feed sale|\xa0|x|x|\r\n|Fase 4 feed per delivered DOC\'s per gram|PI, SI, Feed sale|\xa0|x|x|\r\n|Percentage Wheat|PI, SI, Feed sale|\xa0|x|x|\r\n|Amount of DOC\'s per m2|PI, SI, Customer card|\xa0|x|x|\r\n|Net Weight per delivered broilers per m2|SR, Customer card|x|\xa0|\xa0|\r\n|Saldo per m2|PI, SI, Feed sale, Loan payment, Customer card|\xa0|x|x|\r\n|Saldo /\xa0 m2 / day|SR, PI, SI, Feed sale, Loan payment, Customer card|x|x|x|\r\n|Feed Profit / m2 / day|PI, SI, Feed sale|\xa0|x|x|\r\n|Percentage Corn|PI, SI, Feed sale|\xa0|x|x|\r\n|Average price delivered broilers per kg|PI, SR|x|x|x|\r\n|Net weight per delivered broilers m2 AL|SR, Customer card|x|\xa0|\xa0|\r\n|Age first loaders|SR|x|\xa0|\xa0|\r\n|Age all loaders|SR|x|\xa0|\xa0|\r\n|Hakdermatitus|SR|x|\xa0|\xa0|\r\n|Voerprogramma|Round|\xa0|\xa0|\xa0|\r\n|Feed profit|PI, SI, Feed sale|x|x|x|\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'[^Technical Results.xlsx]\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[\'DGS-8732\', \'DGS-8883\', \'DGS-8215\', \'DGS-8325\', \'DGS-8641\', \'DGS-8675\', \'DGS-8714\']\n\n### End'}" +156,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8876\n\n### Instruction:\nProśba o usunięcie dokumentu AM 00004/2023/03 – za duża liczba rekordów.\r\n\r\nCzy mamy jakieś rozwiązanie z poziomu usera na tego typu błędy na przyszłość?\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'Documenthas been discarded\'"", ""Comment 2: \'What about 2nd question?\'"", ""Comment 3: \'we will back with answer. Can I lower the priority ?\'"", ""Comment 4: \'Ofcourse \'"", ""Comment 5: \'Unfortunatelly there is no solution from user side. Only from database.\'"", ""Comment 6: \'Could you please confirm if we can close this task?Regards\'"", ""Comment 7: \'Sure\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +157,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8875\n\n### Instruction:\nPlease remove/disable additional technology SN506159 from DHC Compound.\r\n\r\nPlease do the same for SN506247, as requested in ticket DGS-8867, this is getting urgent.\r\n\r\nRegards,\r\nRob.\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hi Rob,I have increased Priority for DGS-8867,so working on both.Regards\'"", ""Comment 3: \'SN506159 has been deactivated"", ""Comment 4: please verify.Regards\'"", ""Comment 5: \'Thank you for your support"", ""Comment 6: the ticket can be closed.Regards,Rob.\'"", ""Comment 7: \'This additional tech is in hindsight still active.Could you please have another look at it?Regards,Rob.\'"", ""Comment 8: \'Please"", ""Comment 9: check now.Regards\'"", ""Comment 10: \'Great"", ""Comment 11: is inactive now.Thanks again for the support.\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +158,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8874\n\n### Instruction:\nGood morning, since middle of March the integration of the data between ERP and DHC is not working properly, we cannot sent the data from ERP to DH Apps: orders and master data, please check and fix the communication. We are getting the following message from the interface AIS:\r\nPlugin return message: ERROR sending datacontract to webmethods.io. Details : Http status 500 (Internal Server Error): failed parsing retrieved response object. -\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'!image!\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", \'Comment 3: ""Calling: DhpWEBUI...System.NotSupportedException: The response content cannot be parsed because the Internet Explorer engine is not available\', \'Comment 4: or Internet Explorer\\\'s first-launch configuration is not complete. Specify the UseBasicParsing parameter and try again. at Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WebRequestPSCmdlet.VerifyInternetExplorerAvailable(Boolean checkComObject) at Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeWebRequestCommand.ProcessResponse(WebResponse response) at Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WebRequestPSCmdlet.ProcessRecord()PS D:\\\\\\\\kotrak>""\', ""Comment 5: \'Dear Katarzyna,Please"", ""Comment 6: verify if it is working now.Regards\'"", ""Comment 7: \'Hello"", ""Comment 8: can you inform what was not working? In meantime we will push data to synchronise. \'"", ""Comment 9: \'Report server was stopped again and not connected to db.Please"", ""Comment 10: let me know if synchronisation is working now\'"", ""Comment 11: \'Hi"", \'Comment 12: we have verified if the data/documents are sent to DHC\', \'Comment 13: and unfortunately they are not. We still have SO/PO documents stuck in the integration\', ""Comment 14: and the message is: Plugin return message: ERROR sending datacontract to webmethods.io. Details : Http status 500 (Internal Server Error): failed parsing retrieved response object. - As example: SO000417/SO000455/SO000432/SO000420/SO259. PO000423/PO000421/PO000413/PO000427... !image-1!\'"", ""Comment 15: \'it is not working \'"", \'Comment 16: ""DlaPO000423 i PO000421{code:java}PO000423 PO000423 Line 8074: Intake_20235228105223000_PO000423 Line 8078: ObjectType: OrderObject\', \'Comment 17: Id: Id: PO000423\', \'Comment 18: FieldName: OrderType\', ""Comment 19: Message: Realization date can\'t be earlier than issue date Line 8081: ObjectType: OrderObject"", \'Comment 20: Id: Id: PO000423\', \'Comment 21: FieldName: OrderType\', ""Comment 22: Message: Realization date can\'t be earlier than issue date Line 8084: ObjectType: OrderObject"", \'Comment 23: Id: Id: PO000423\', \'Comment 24: FieldName: OrderType\', ""Comment 25: Message: Realization date can\'t be earlier than issue date Line 16217: PO000423{code}{code:java}2023-03-30 13:11:49,649 [28] DEBUG Evolution.DHCERPService.ImplementationRestWoW.Savers.DataContractSaver`2 [E:\\\\\\\\BambooHome\\\\\\\\xml-data\\\\\\\\build-dir\\\\\\\\18317313\\\\\\\\DHAPPSV3-DHCER400-JOB1\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService.ImplementationRestWoW\\\\\\\\Savers\\\\\\\\DataContractSaver.cs:39] - Saving IntakeDataContractDeHeusWoW2023-03-30 13:11:49,664 [28] ERROR Evolution.DHCERPService.Service.BaseSaveService`1 [E:\\\\\\\\BambooHome\\\\\\\\xml-data\\\\\\\\build-dir\\\\\\\\18317313\\\\\\\\DHAPPSV3-DHCER400-JOB1\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService.Service\\\\\\\\BaseSaveService.cs:66] - Validation Exception:Exception of type \'Evolution.DHCERPService.Service.Interface.ExceptionHandling.DataValidationException\' was thrown.ObjectType: OrderObject"", \'Comment 26: Id: Id: PO000423\', \'Comment 27: FieldName: OrderType\', ""Comment 28: Message: Realization date can\'t be earlier than issue date2023-03-30 13:11:49,664 [28] ERROR Evolution.DHCERPService.Service.BaseSaveService`1 [E:\\\\\\\\BambooHome\\\\\\\\xml-data\\\\\\\\build-dir\\\\\\\\18317313\\\\\\\\DHAPPSV3-DHCER400-JOB1\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService.Service\\\\\\\\BaseSaveService.cs:75] - Validation Exception:Exception of type \'Evolution.DHCERPService.Service.Interface.ExceptionHandling.DataValidationException\' was thrown.ObjectType: OrderObject"", \'Comment 29: Id: Id: PO000423\', \'Comment 30: FieldName: OrderType\', ""Comment 31: Message: Realization date can\'t be earlier than issue date2023-03-30 13:11:49,664 [28] ERROR Evolution.DHCERPService.ImplementationRestWoW.Savers.DataContractSaver`2 [E:\\\\\\\\BambooHome\\\\\\\\xml-data\\\\\\\\build-dir\\\\\\\\18317313\\\\\\\\DHAPPSV3-DHCER400-JOB1\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService.ImplementationRestWoW\\\\\\\\Savers\\\\\\\\DataContractSaver.cs:49] - Validation Exception:Exception of type \'Evolution.DHCERPService.Service.Interface.ExceptionHandling.DataValidationException\' was thrown.ObjectType: OrderObject"", \'Comment 32: Id: Id: PO000423\', \'Comment 33: FieldName: OrderType\', \'Comment 34: Message: Realization date can\\\'t be earlier than issue date{code}""\', \'Comment 35: ""These are in DHC and DHP now after restart of Business Platform: PO000423/PO000421/PO000413However\', ""Comment 36: there are dozens Ordres that do not arrive to Pant with error message:Realization date can\'t be earlier than issue datefor example: PO000438"", \'Comment 37: 446\', \'Comment 38: 442\', \'Comment 39: 448\', \'Comment 40: 447\', \'Comment 41: 449\', \'Comment 42: 443\', \'Comment 43: 441\', \'Comment 44: 439\', \'Comment 45: etcNo wonder if we have examples like that!image-2023-03-30-17-29-43-216.png!That is why validation failed for Purchase Orders [^image-2023-03-30-17-29-43-216.png]As I already mentioned\', \'Comment 46: I have restarted business platform. Found nothing unusual in logs so far. Could you please\', \'Comment 47: resend Sales Order from ERP to DHC once again?Regards""\', ""Comment 48: \'Tylko to jest dziwne"", ""Comment 49: bo Sales Ordery z tak zrobionymi datami puszcza:!image-2023-03-30-17-58-46-571.png!!image-2023-03-30-17-58-23-953.png!\'"", ""Comment 50: \'We are fixing the issue on ERP side \'"", ""Comment 51: \'Shall we close this task?\'"", ""Comment 52: \'Actually you can close this ticket"", \'Comment 53: but currently I have problem with only one PO-368 - error 500 occurs still. If you can help to resolve that PO-368 within\', ""Comment 54: then we can close the task. \'"", ""Comment 55: \'Hi,Are you sure that it isPO-368? I cannot see this document in both appsRegards!image-2023-04-20-08-16-26-353.png!!image-2023-04-20-08-17-03-161.png!\'"", ""Comment 56: \'!image-2023-04-20-08-21-27-821.png!\'"", ""Comment 57: \'indeed the PO-368 is not in DH Apps"", \'Comment 58: and we do not know why\', \'Comment 59: the message Error-500 does not explain too much\', \'Comment 60: can you investigate deeper\', \'Comment 61: please\', ""Comment 62: or shall we look inside ERP? \'"", \'Comment 63: ""Hi,Could you please resendPO-368 and provide me with it\\\'s created date and issue date?Regards""]\']\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +159,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8873\n\n### Instruction:\nFor order SOBE000018737 the one-time recipes are not created in DHC: As far we can see orders are send with additions from Webmethods. Please check\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Please resent an order from ERP.\'"", ""Comment 3: \'Just resend 702260\'"", ""Comment 4: \'Sorry"", ""Comment 5: just resend \'"", ""Comment 6: \'SOBE000018737 \'"", ""Comment 7: \'!afbeelding!\'"", ""Comment 8: \' !screenshot-1! \'"", ""Comment 9: \'Please resent an order from ERP.In dhc were two the same additional technology with product definition=1one of them has been archived. !screenshot-2! \'"", \'Comment 10: ""Oke\', \'Comment 11: I understand; Order was now cancelled and a new order will be created. i\\\'ll check that one if it is processed correct""\', ""Comment 12: \'Thank you.\'"", ""Comment 13: \'[[DHC 3.0] missing one-time/onetime recipe for SO"", ""Comment 14: brak onetime receptury dla zamówienia. |onenote:https://kotrak.sharepoint.com/sites/erpasysta/Shared%20Documents/Baza%20wiedzy/Baza%20Wiedzy%20-%20ERPSD/Klienci/DEHEUS/DEHEUS%20APPLICATIONS/Holandia%20Premix%20i%20AS400/Baz%20wiedzy%20z%20AS400.one#%5bDHC%203.0%5d%20missing%20one-time/onetime%20recipe%20for§ion-id=\\\\\\\\{9BB564BA-0B58-4580-B9E0-F3CF9D6D80A7}&page-id=\\\\\\\\{DEE5C2FD-8FB2-4F3E-88D7-1E04278DDE76}&end] ([Widok sieci Web|https://kotrak.sharepoint.com/sites/erpasysta/_layouts/OneNote.aspx?id=%2Fsites%2Ferpasysta%2FShared%20Documents%2FBaza%20wiedzy%2FBaza%20Wiedzy%20-%20ERPSD&wd=target%28Klienci%2FDEHEUS%2FDEHEUS%20APPLICATIONS%2FHolandia%20Premix%20i%20AS400%2FBaz%20wiedzy%20z%20AS400.one%7C9BB564BA-0B58-4580-B9E0-F3CF9D6D80A7%2F%5BDHC%203.0%5D%20missing%20one-time%5C%2Fonetime%20recipe%20for%7CDEE5C2FD-8FB2-4F3E-88D7-1E04278DDE76%2F%29])\'"", ""Comment 15: \'ticket can be closed\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +160,"{'prompt': ""Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8872\n\n### Instruction:\nDear ,\r\n\r\nPlease help to check this issue in Hai Phong 2 plant (0436) . PLR 4361240323076 receipt both bulk and batch.\r\n\n\n### Response:\n['Comment 1: []']\nRelated Issues:\n['DGS-8829']\n\n### End""}" +161,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8871\n\n### Instruction:\nGood morning, since middle of March the integration of the data between ERP and DHC is not working properly, we cannot sent the data from ERP to DH Apps: orders and master data, please check and fix the communication. We are getting the following message from the interface AIS: \r\nPlugin return message: ERROR sending datacontract to webmethods.io. Details : Http status 500 (Internal Server Error): failed parsing retrieved response object. - \r\n\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'!image!\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 3: \'hi"", \'Comment 4: any news? this is urgent\', \'Comment 5: people are waiting for the Sales Orders\', ""Comment 6: adn Purchase Orders to register daily operations. \'"", \'Comment 7: ""Hi,Issue has been reported as a service request with Priority P3. If this is really urgent as commented below\', ""Comment 8: why didn\'t you raise an Incident with highier Priority from the very beginning?AsDGS-8874 has been raised right now"", \'Comment 9: I am closing SR.Regards""\', ""Comment 10: \'Thank you"", ""Comment 11: please close this ticket. \']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +162,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8870\n\n### Instruction:\nHi,\r\nPlease help to check this issue in Can Tho Plant ( 0437) .\r\nCan not release this lot ( 140123L00123-271022CHN-MEN ).\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'!image!\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", \'Comment 3: \\\'2023-03-30 08:16:45 (00d6e63e-fc48-49bf-8425-e725e9a0a83d/Plant.WMS.BusinessLogic/VNPCT-TS01/35264/224) [Error] Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Middleware.LoggingMiddleware.ControllerLoggingMiddleware - Error during request{ ""scheme"": ""http""\', \'Comment 4: ""host"": { ""Value"": """"\', \'Comment 5: ""HasValue"": true\', \'Comment 6: ""Host"": """"\', \'Comment 7: ""Port"": 85 }\', \'Comment 8: ""path"": ""/api/WarehouseStocktaking/registerUnitLoadStocktaking""\', \'Comment 9: ""queryString"": []\', \'Comment 10: ""requestBody"": ""\\\\\\\\{\\\\\\\\""unitLoadStocktakingData\\\\\\\\"":[{\\\\\\\\""unitLoadId\\\\\\\\"":\\\\\\\\""6566df10-c81f-4057-aa0d-0c1071ac8d1f\\\\\\\\"",\\\\\\\\""quantity\\\\\\\\"":{\\\\\\\\""unit\\\\\\\\"":\\\\\\\\""kg\\\\\\\\"",\\\\\\\\""value\\\\\\\\"":0}}]}""}.Refit.ApiException: Response status code does not indicate success: 500 (Internal Server Error).\\\'\', ""Comment 11: \'could you please verify it that problem still occurs?\'"", ""Comment 12: \'Hello,Yes"", ""Comment 13: this problem still occurs. User can not stocktaking this lot .\'"", ""Comment 14: \'Hi,tomorrow will stock count"", ""Comment 15: so please solve this error today. Thank u.\'"", ""Comment 16: \'!image-2023-03-31-15-25-33-690.png!\'"", ""Comment 17: \'{code:java}2023-03-31 20:31:38 (bff12ead-5bd7-4ba7-a19b-65fb990f62e5/Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic/VNPCT-TS01/37472/254) [Error] Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.ICommandRunEnvironment - Error during Void Run[CompensateRegisterStockUnitStocktakingCommand](Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic.Application.Interfaces.Stocktaking.Commands.CompensateRegisterStockUnitStocktakingCommand) methodSystem.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.Parameter name: value at Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(String value"", \'Comment 18: Type type\', \'Comment 19: JsonSerializerSettings settings) at Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject[T](String value\', \'Comment 20: JsonSerializerSettings settings) at Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic.Application.Stocktaking.StocktakingService.CompensateRegisterStockUnitStocktaking(Guid correlationId) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\99f3ad74a1ed56c8\\\\\\\\Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Application\\\\\\\\Stocktaking\\\\\\\\StocktakingService.cs:line 274 at Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic.Application.Stocktaking.CommandHandlers.CompensateRegisterStockUnitStocktakingCommandHandler.Handle(CompensateRegisterStockUnitStocktakingCommand command) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\99f3ad74a1ed56c8\\\\\\\\Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Application\\\\\\\\Stocktaking\\\\\\\\CommandHandlers\\\\\\\\CompensateRegisterStockUnitStocktakingCommandHandler.cs:line 38 at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Commands.CommandEnvironment.Run[TCommand](TCommand command) at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Commands.Decorators.IntercontextEventCommandRunEnvironmentDecorator.Run[TCommand](TCommand command) at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Commands.Decorators.EventCommandRunEnvironmentDecorator.Run[TCommand](TCommand command) at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Commands.Decorators.ValidationCommandEnvironmentDecorator.Run[TCommand](TCommand command) at Castle.DynamicProxy.AbstractInvocation.Proceed() at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Interceptors.LoggingInterceptor`1.Intercept(IInvocation invocation)2023-03-31 20:31:38 (null/Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic/VNPCT-TS01/37472/237) [Error] Serilog.AspNetCore.RequestLoggingMiddleware - HTTP ""POST"" ""/api/stocktaking/compensateRegisterStockUnitStocktaking"" responded 500 in 20.4732 ms{code}\\\'\', \'Comment 21: \\\'Request WMSA{code:java}2023-03-31 20:31:38 (bff12ead-5bd7-4ba7-a19b-65fb990f62e5/Plant.WMS.BusinessLogic/VNPCT-TS01/39200/247) [Error] Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Middleware.LoggingMiddleware.ControllerLoggingMiddleware - Error during request{ ""scheme"": ""http""\', \'Comment 22: ""host"": { ""Value"": """"\', \'Comment 23: ""HasValue"": true\', \'Comment 24: ""Host"": """"\', \'Comment 25: ""Port"": 85 }\', \'Comment 26: ""path"": ""/api/WarehouseStocktaking/registerUnitLoadStocktaking""\', \'Comment 27: ""queryString"": []\', \'Comment 28: ""requestBody"": ""{\\\\\\\\""unitLoadStocktakingData\\\\\\\\"":[{\\\\\\\\""unitLoadId\\\\\\\\"":\\\\\\\\""6566df10-c81f-4057-aa0d-0c1071ac8d1f\\\\\\\\"",\\\\\\\\""quantity\\\\\\\\"":{\\\\\\\\""unit\\\\\\\\"":\\\\\\\\""kg\\\\\\\\"",\\\\\\\\""value\\\\\\\\"":0}}]}""}.Refit.ApiException: Response status code does not indicate success: 500 (Internal Server Error). at Refit.RequestBuilderImplementation.<>c__DisplayClass20_0.<b__0>d.MoveNext() in d:\\\\\\\\a\\\\\\\\1\\\\\\\\s\\\\\\\\Refit\\\\\\\\RequestBuilderImplementation.cs:line 773--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown --- at Plant.WMS.BusinessLogic.Infrastructure.ContextIntegration.ApiServices.StockEngine.StockEngineExternalApi.CompensateRegisterStockUnitStocktaking(Guid correlationId) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\f579cce2236e7995\\\\\\\\Plant.WMS.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Plant.WMS.BusinessLogic.Infrastructure.ContextIntegration\\\\\\\\ApiServices\\\\\\\\StockEngine\\\\\\\\StockEngineExternalApi.cs:line 91 at Castle.Proxies.Invocations.IStockEngineExternalApi_CompensateRegisterStockUnitStocktaking.InvokeMethodOnTarget() at Castle.DynamicProxy.AbstractInvocation.Proceed() at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Interceptors.ApiReferenceExceptionInterceptor.Intercept(IInvocation invocation) at Castle.DynamicProxy.AbstractInvocation.Proceed() at Plant.WMS.BusinessLogic.Application.WarehouseStocktaking.Handlers.RegisterUnitLoadStocktakingCommandHandler.<>c__DisplayClass6_0.b__2() in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\f579cce2236e7995\\\\\\\\Plant.WMS.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Plant.WMS.BusinessLogic.Application\\\\\\\\WarehouseStocktaking\\\\\\\\Handlers\\\\\\\\RegisterUnitLoadStocktakingCommandHandler.cs:line 52 at Plant.WMS.BusinessLogic.Application.Workflows.WorkflowRunner.Run(Workflow workflow) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\f579cce2236e7995\\\\\\\\Plant.WMS.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Plant.WMS.BusinessLogic.Application\\\\\\\\Workflows\\\\\\\\WorkflowRunner.cs:line 21 at Plant.WMS.BusinessLogic.Application.WarehouseStocktaking.Handlers.RegisterUnitLoadStocktakingCommandHandler.Handle(RegisterUnitLoadStocktakingCommand command) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\f579cce2236e7995\\\\\\\\Plant.WMS.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Plant.WMS.BusinessLogic.Application\\\\\\\\WarehouseStocktaking\\\\\\\\Handlers\\\\\\\\RegisterUnitLoadStocktakingCommandHandler.cs:line 60 at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Commands.CommandEnvironment.Run[TCommand](TCommand command) at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Commands.Decorators.IntercontextEventCommandRunEnvironmentDecorator.Run[TCommand](TCommand command) at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Commands.Decorators.EventCommandRunEnvironmentDecorator.Run[TCommand](TCommand command) at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Commands.Decorators.ValidationCommandEnvironmentDecorator.Run[TCommand](TCommand command) at Castle.DynamicProxy.AbstractInvocation.Proceed() at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Interceptors.LoggingInterceptor`1.Intercept(IInvocation invocation) at Castle.DynamicProxy.AbstractInvocation.Proceed() at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Commands.Decorators.HistoryGateDecorator.Dispatch[TCommand](TCommand command) at Plant.WMS.BusinessLogic.Infrastructure.Api.Controllers.WarehouseStocktakingController.RegisterUnitLoadStocktaking(RegisterUnitLoadStocktakingViewModel viewModel) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\f579cce2236e7995\\\\\\\\Plant.WMS.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Plant.WMS.BusinessLogic.Infrastructure.Api\\\\\\\\Controllers\\\\\\\\WarehouseStocktakingController.cs:line 151 at lambda_method(Closure \', \'Comment 29: Object \', \'Comment 30: Object[] ) at Microsoft.Extensions.Internal.ObjectMethodExecutor.Execute(Object target\', \'Comment 31: Object[] parameters) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Internal.ActionMethodExecutor.SyncActionResultExecutor.Execute(IActionResultTypeMapper mapper\', \'Comment 32: ObjectMethodExecutor executor\', \'Comment 33: Object controller\', \'Comment 34: Object[] arguments) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Internal.ControllerActionInvoker.InvokeActionMethodAsync() at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Internal.ControllerActionInvoker.InvokeNextActionFilterAsync() at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Internal.ControllerActionInvoker.Rethrow(ActionExecutedContext context) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Internal.ControllerActionInvoker.Next(State& next\', \'Comment 35: Scope& scope\', \'Comment 36: Object& state\', \'Comment 37: Boolean& isCompleted) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Internal.ControllerActionInvoker.InvokeInnerFilterAsync() at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Internal.ResourceInvoker.InvokeNextResourceFilter() at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Internal.ResourceInvoker.Rethrow(ResourceExecutedContext context) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Internal.ResourceInvoker.Next(State& next\', \'Comment 38: Scope& scope\', \'Comment 39: Object& state\', ""Comment 40: Boolean& isCompleted) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Internal.ResourceInvoker.InvokeFilterPipelineAsync() at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Internal.ResourceInvoker.InvokeAsync() at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.RouterMiddleware.Invoke(HttpContext httpContext) at Microsoft.AspNetCore.StaticFiles.StaticFileMiddleware.Invoke(HttpContext context) at Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.SwaggerUI.SwaggerUIIndexMiddleware.Invoke(HttpContext httpContext) at Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.Swagger.SwaggerMiddleware.Invoke(HttpContext httpContext) at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Middleware.LoggingMiddleware.ControllerLoggingMiddleware.Invoke(HttpContext httpContext){code}\'"", \'Comment 41: \\\'LOG LOG WMSa{code:java}2023-03-31 20:31:38 (bff12ead-5bd7-4ba7-a19b-65fb990f62e5/Plant.WMS.BusinessLogic/VNPCT-TS01/39200/247) [Error] Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.ICommandRunEnvironment - Error during Void Run[RegisterUnitLoadStocktakingCommand](Plant.WMS.BusinessLogic.Application.Interfaces.WarehouseStocktaking.RegisterUnitLoadStocktakingCommand) methodRefit.ApiException: Response status code does not indicate success: 500 (Internal Server Error). at Refit.RequestBuilderImplementation.<>c__DisplayClass20_0.<b__0>d.MoveNext() in d:\\\\\\\\a\\\\\\\\1\\\\\\\\s\\\\\\\\Refit\\\\\\\\RequestBuilderImplementation.cs:line 773--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown --- at Plant.WMS.BusinessLogic.Infrastructure.ContextIntegration.ApiServices.StockEngine.StockEngineExternalApi.CompensateRegisterStockUnitStocktaking(Guid correlationId) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\f579cce2236e7995\\\\\\\\Plant.WMS.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Plant.WMS.BusinessLogic.Infrastructure.ContextIntegration\\\\\\\\ApiServices\\\\\\\\StockEngine\\\\\\\\StockEngineExternalApi.cs:line 91 at Castle.Proxies.Invocations.IStockEngineExternalApi_CompensateRegisterStockUnitStocktaking.InvokeMethodOnTarget() at Castle.DynamicProxy.AbstractInvocation.Proceed() at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Interceptors.ApiReferenceExceptionInterceptor.Intercept(IInvocation invocation) at Castle.DynamicProxy.AbstractInvocation.Proceed() at Plant.WMS.BusinessLogic.Application.WarehouseStocktaking.Handlers.RegisterUnitLoadStocktakingCommandHandler.<>c__DisplayClass6_0.b__2() in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\f579cce2236e7995\\\\\\\\Plant.WMS.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Plant.WMS.BusinessLogic.Application\\\\\\\\WarehouseStocktaking\\\\\\\\Handlers\\\\\\\\RegisterUnitLoadStocktakingCommandHandler.cs:line 52 at Plant.WMS.BusinessLogic.Application.Workflows.WorkflowRunner.Run(Workflow workflow) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\f579cce2236e7995\\\\\\\\Plant.WMS.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Plant.WMS.BusinessLogic.Application\\\\\\\\Workflows\\\\\\\\WorkflowRunner.cs:line 21 at Plant.WMS.BusinessLogic.Application.WarehouseStocktaking.Handlers.RegisterUnitLoadStocktakingCommandHandler.Handle(RegisterUnitLoadStocktakingCommand command) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\f579cce2236e7995\\\\\\\\Plant.WMS.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Plant.WMS.BusinessLogic.Application\\\\\\\\WarehouseStocktaking\\\\\\\\Handlers\\\\\\\\RegisterUnitLoadStocktakingCommandHandler.cs:line 60 at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Commands.CommandEnvironment.Run[TCommand](TCommand command) at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Commands.Decorators.IntercontextEventCommandRunEnvironmentDecorator.Run[TCommand](TCommand command) at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Commands.Decorators.EventCommandRunEnvironmentDecorator.Run[TCommand](TCommand command) at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Commands.Decorators.ValidationCommandEnvironmentDecorator.Run[TCommand](TCommand command) at Castle.DynamicProxy.AbstractInvocation.Proceed() at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Interceptors.LoggingInterceptor`1.Intercept(IInvocation invocation)2023-03-31 20:31:38 (null/Plant.WMS.BusinessLogic/VNPCT-TS01/39200/178) [Error] Serilog.AspNetCore.RequestLoggingMiddleware - HTTP ""POST"" ""/api/WarehouseStocktaking/registerUnitLoadStocktaking"" responded 500 in 58.6384 ms{code}\\\'\', ""Comment 42: \'!image-2023-03-31-16-31-26-661.png!!image-2023-03-31-16-32-16-068.png!!image-2023-03-31-16-32-34-850.png!\'"", ""Comment 43: \'[[DHP 3.0] Brak unit loadu"", ""Comment 44: na stocku jest|onenote:https://kotrak.sharepoint.com/sites/erpasysta/Shared%20Documents/Baza%20wiedzy/Baza%20Wiedzy%20-%20ERPSD/Klienci/DEHEUS/DEHEUS%20APPLICATIONS/Brazil/Baza%20wiedzy.one#%5bDHP%203.0%5d%20Brak%20unit%20loadu,%20na%20stocku%20jest§ion-id=\\\\\\\\{05DF1439-683C-45FE-8260-61E2EC66DC91}&page-id=\\\\\\\\{961E2282-2E7C-47A8-B946-33764D357518}&end] ([Widok sieci Web|https://kotrak.sharepoint.com/sites/erpasysta/_layouts/OneNote.aspx?id=%2Fsites%2Ferpasysta%2FShared%20Documents%2FBaza%20wiedzy%2FBaza%20Wiedzy%20-%20ERPSD&wd=target%28Klienci%2FDEHEUS%2FDEHEUS%20APPLICATIONS%2FBrazil%2FBaza%20wiedzy.one%7C05DF1439-683C-45FE-8260-61E2EC66DC91%2F%5BDHP%203.0%5D%20Brak%20unit%20loadu%2C%20na%20stocku%20jest%7C961E2282-2E7C-47A8-B946-33764D357518%2F%29])\'"", ""Comment 45: \'Please"", ""Comment 46: try to release now.Regards\'"", ""Comment 47: \'Hi,Today"", ""Comment 48: we are still facing this problem with the two lots below. So how to fix it?Lot number : 030223L00323-311223CHN-EPP and 070323L00523-230123CHN-EPP!image-1!\'"", ""Comment 49: \'437-W0023G!image-2023-04-03-07-36-20-333.png!437-W0020V!image-2023-04-03-07-37-52-645.png!\'"", ""Comment 50: \'!image-2023-04-03-07-48-37-070.png!!image-2023-04-03-07-49-09-330.png!\'"", ""Comment 51: \'8CD999E9-1565-4AC3-A772-93936E9F3B9A\'"", ""Comment 52: \'For barcode437-W0023G please try to release"", ""Comment 53: it should be fine now.\'"", ""Comment 54: \'Regarding production070323L00523-230123CHN-EPP"", \'Comment 55: barcode 437-W0020V\', \'Comment 56: I cannot recreate error\', ""Comment 57: could you please send a screenshot?Regards\'"", ""Comment 58: \'Hi.I tried to increase /or decrease this lot"", ""Comment 59: but the system gave an error!image-2!!image-3!\'"", ""Comment 60: \'!image-2023-04-03-10-08-21-755.png!\'"", \'Comment 61: \\\'2023-04-03 14:16:46 (null/Plant.WMS.BusinessLogic/VNPCT-TS01/24492/201) [Error] Serilog.AspNetCore.RequestLoggingMiddleware - HTTP ""POST"" ""/api/WarehouseStocktaking/registerUnitLoadStocktaking"" responded 500 in 37.4843 ms\\\'\', ""Comment 62: \'!image-2023-04-03-10-22-43-091.png!\'"", ""Comment 63: \'!image-2023-04-03-10-48-00-280.png!\'"", ""Comment 64: \'na stocku barcode jest do itema widocznego na delivery!image-2023-04-03-10-50-50-396.png!\'"", \'Comment 65: ""w wmsselect itemid,* from UnitLoads where barcode like \\\'437-W0020v\\\' and ItemId=\\\'DA4A7DD7-BE1A-4E66-AB93-4DAF680C29EC\\\'ten barcode jest przypisany do innegoitema niz jest na deliveryi inny niz dla barcode na stocku""\', ""Comment 66: \'Could you please provide more details barcode 437-w0020v on WMS module is linked to 91C5006-05/8-B40not for item3201050. ( in stock it is correct)Could you bring back infoamtion how it was proceed"", \'Comment 67: did you changed something from database\', ""Comment 68: if this barcode should be realeted to3201050 so what about this item91C5006-05/8-B40?\'"", ""Comment 69: \'prośba o pomoc w analizie"", ""Comment 70: po stand up - prośba też Macieja.Nie da się wydać stocka na zero - barcode 437-W0020v\'"", \'Comment 71: ""To był barcode \\\'437-W002{color:#de350b}O{color}V\\\' a nie \\\'437-W002{color:#de350b}0{color}V\\\'. I tak jak w przypadku poprzednich UL\', \'Comment 72: nie ma go w WMSie.!screenshot-1!{code:java}SELECT * FROM [DHPlantStockBusinessLogicMain].[dbo].[StockUnits] where barcode = \\\'437-W002OV\\\' SELECT * FROM [DHPlantWMSBusinessLogicMain].[dbo].[UnitLoads] where barcode = \\\'437-W002OV\\\' SELECT * FROM [DHPlantWMSBusinessLogicMain].[dbo].[Items] where id = \\\'DA4A7DD7-BE1A-4E66-AB93-4DAF680C29EC\\\'{code}""\', \'Comment 73: ""Good day\', ""Comment 74: regarding the code 437-W002OV\' I unintentionally misled you"", \'Comment 75: the data has been corrected please check.""\', \'Comment 76: ""HiIt\\\'s working.Please close the ticket . Thank you.""]\']\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +163,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8869\n\n### Instruction:\nwe need to create production order for medicated feed but system is showing exceeded quantity. I checked the system and we already created one PRO and PLR, we cancelled PLR but was not possible cancel PRO, and we need to create new PRO because they changed the recipe version.\r\n\r\nPRO-1046 - please cancel\r\nItem SUC6687-MD-S20\r\nOrder SO-638075442/23/PED\r\n\r\nCould you cancel PRO-1046 to be possible create new one?\r\n\r\nThank you\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'!MicrosoftTeams-image (60)!\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", \'Comment 3: "" !screenshot-1! Medicated production order\\\'s and production lots quantity cannot exceed the sum of all attached order element remaining quantities""\', ""Comment 4: \'Changing this options in the configuration it should be possible to generate a document despite the confirmed PrO. !screenshot-2! Another option is a new medicated production set up in DHC.As for PrO cancellation developers analysis is required - unfortunately analyzed in the morning.Please let me know whether to change the configuration or whether this ticket can be processed in the morning.\'"", ""Comment 5: \'klient nie odpisał na wczorajszy komentarz.\'"", ""Comment 6: \'PRO zostało usunięte. Sum of production requests na medicated production controls = 0.Mimo"", \'Comment 7: że użytkownik posiadał uprawnienie do usuwania potwierdzonych PRO\', \'Comment 8: to opcja była nieaktywna w przypadku\', ""Comment 9: gdy PLR został już utworzony i anulowany. DAP-13495 - zostanie to poprawione w werji 8.6.Żeby usunąć PRO należy:1. Tymczasowo usunąć ProductionOrderId z usuniętego PLRa w [dbo].[ProductionLots]2. W DHP usunąć PRO (po odpięciu PLRa z PRO opcja stanie się dostępna)3. Uzupełnić ProductionOrderId usuniętego PLRa w [dbo].[ProductionLots]!PRO_cancelled! !Medicated!\'"", ""Comment 10: \'Hello. PrO has been removed. In case a PLR has been created and canceled there will be a change in the application to make canceling the PrO available as well. For version 8.6.\'"", ""Comment 11: \'Hello Piotr,we checked and now we can create new PrO. Thank you.\'"", ""Comment 12: \'[[DHP 3.0] Usunięcie PrO"", ""Comment 13: productionorder.|onenote:https://kotrak.sharepoint.com/sites/erpasysta/Shared%20Documents/Baza%20wiedzy/Baza%20Wiedzy%20-%20ERPSD/Klienci/DEHEUS/DEHEUS%20APPLICATIONS/Brazil/Baza%20wiedzy.one#%5bDHP%203.0%5d%20Usuni%C4%99cie%20PrO,%20productionorder.§ion-id=\\\\\\\\{05DF1439-683C-45FE-8260-61E2EC66DC91}&page-id=\\\\\\\\{0A3DBF1B-FFDB-47DD-B672-6C10C1152EE7}&end] ([Widok sieci Web|https://kotrak.sharepoint.com/sites/erpasysta/_layouts/OneNote.aspx?id=%2Fsites%2Ferpasysta%2FShared%20Documents%2FBaza%20wiedzy%2FBaza%20Wiedzy%20-%20ERPSD&wd=target%28Klienci%2FDEHEUS%2FDEHEUS%20APPLICATIONS%2FBrazil%2FBaza%20wiedzy.one%7C05DF1439-683C-45FE-8260-61E2EC66DC91%2F%5BDHP%203.0%5D%20Usuni%C4%99cie%20PrO%2C%20productionorder.%7C0A3DBF1B-FFDB-47DD-B672-6C10C1152EE7%2F%29])\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[\'DGS-8887\', \'DAP-13495\']\n\n### End'}" +164,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8868\n\n### Instruction:\nDear !\r\n\r\nPlease help to check this issue. Can not create sample from PLRs with reason that recipes could not be found.\r\nPLR 4371290323005 item 91C5006-03 Ver 24\r\nPLR 4373290323005 item 91C5007A-05 Ver 32\r\n\r\n\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'!image!\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 3: \'!image-2023-03-29-18-48-15-493.png!!image-2023-03-29-18-48-48-361.png!\'"", ""Comment 4: \'Pomimo resenda"", ""Comment 5: technologia w module QAM dalej niedostępna!image-2023-03-29-18-53-04-851.png!\'"", ""Comment 6: \'!image-2023-03-29-19-08-32-089.png!\'"", ""Comment 7: \'!image-2023-03-29-19-23-27-592.png!!image-2023-03-29-19-24-07-544.png!\'"", ""Comment 8: \'!image-2023-03-29-19-34-46-628.png!\'"", \'Comment 9: ""{code:java}023-03-29 23:14:34 (489a5719-653f-4eca-9f66-578f2b95a81e/Plant.QAM.BusinessLogic/VNPCT-TS01/32984/198) [Error] Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.ICommandRunEnvironment - Error during Void Run[CreateInternalSampleForProductionLotReportPromiseCommand](Plant.QAM.BusinessLogic.Application.Interfaces.Samples.Internal.Commands.CreateInternalSampleForProductionLotReportPromiseCommand) methodKotrak.Common.Application.Exceptions.BusinessLogicException: Technology of ID \\\'5c0c7b1d-b9ae-48fe-b145-8be48f0d60da\\\' was not found ---> Kotrak.Common.Application.Exceptions.BusinessLogicException: TechnologyByIdNotFoundMessageTemplate at Plant.QAM.BusinessLogic.Application.Technologies.TechnologyRepositoryExtensions.GetOrThrow(ITechnologyRepository repository\', \'Comment 10: AggregateId id) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\b95b691ba186b1c9\\\\\\\\Plant.QAM.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Application\\\\\\\\Technologies\\\\\\\\TechnologyRespositoryExtensions.cs:line 10 at Plant.QAM.BusinessLogic.Application.Samples.InternalSampleService.<>c__DisplayClass19_0.b__3(AggregateId technologyId) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\b95b691ba186b1c9\\\\\\\\Plant.QAM.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Application\\\\\\\\Samples\\\\\\\\InternalSampleService.cs:line 169 at Plant.QAM.BusinessLogic.PublishedLanguage.ActionExtensions.<>c__DisplayClass3_0`1.b__0(T arg) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\b95b691ba186b1c9\\\\\\\\Plant.QAM.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\PublishedLanguage\\\\\\\\ActionExtensions.cs:line 29 at Plant.QAM.BusinessLogic.PublishedLanguage.Monads.EitherExtensions.<>c__DisplayClass5_0`4.b__0(Either`2 e) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\b95b691ba186b1c9\\\\\\\\Plant.QAM.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\PublishedLanguage\\\\\\\\Monads\\\\\\\\EitherExtensions.cs:line 50 at Plant.QAM.BusinessLogic.PublishedLanguage.Monads.Either`2.Match[T](Func`2 left\', \'Comment 11: Func`2 right) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\b95b691ba186b1c9\\\\\\\\Plant.QAM.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\PublishedLanguage\\\\\\\\Monads\\\\\\\\Either.cs:line 31 at Plant.QAM.BusinessLogic.PublishedLanguage.Monads.EitherExtensions.Match[TLeft,TMiddle,TRight,TResult](Either`2 either\', \'Comment 12: Func`2 left\', \'Comment 13: Func`2 middle\', \'Comment 14: Func`2 right) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\b95b691ba186b1c9\\\\\\\\Plant.QAM.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\PublishedLanguage\\\\\\\\Monads\\\\\\\\EitherExtensions.cs:line 49 at Plant.QAM.BusinessLogic.Application.Interfaces.Tolerances.ToleranceSource.<>c__DisplayClass2_0`1.b__1(Either`2 e) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\b95b691ba186b1c9\\\\\\\\Plant.QAM.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Application.Interfaces\\\\\\\\Tolerances\\\\\\\\ToleranceSource.cs:line 31 at Plant.QAM.BusinessLogic.PublishedLanguage.Monads.Either`2.Match[T](Func`2 left\', \'Comment 15: Func`2 right) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\b95b691ba186b1c9\\\\\\\\Plant.QAM.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\PublishedLanguage\\\\\\\\Monads\\\\\\\\Either.cs:line 31 at Plant.QAM.BusinessLogic.Application.Interfaces.Tolerances.ToleranceSource.Match[TResult](Func`2 itemQualityNorm\', \'Comment 16: Func`2 rawMaterialVersion\', \'Comment 17: Func`1 latestRawMaterial\', \'Comment 18: Func`2 technology\', \'Comment 19: Func`3 productVersion\', \'Comment 20: Func`1 latestProduct) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\b95b691ba186b1c9\\\\\\\\Plant.QAM.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Application.Interfaces\\\\\\\\Tolerances\\\\\\\\ToleranceSource.cs:line 26 at Plant.QAM.BusinessLogic.Application.Interfaces.Tolerances.ToleranceSource.Act(Action`1 itemQualityNorm\', \'Comment 21: Action`1 rawMaterialVersion\', \'Comment 22: Action latestRawMaterial\', \'Comment 23: Action`1 technology\', \'Comment 24: Action`2 productVersion\', \'Comment 25: Action latestProduct) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\b95b691ba186b1c9\\\\\\\\Plant.QAM.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Application.Interfaces\\\\\\\\Tolerances\\\\\\\\ToleranceSource.cs:line 43 at Plant.QAM.BusinessLogic.Application.Samples.InternalSampleService.<>c__DisplayClass19_0.b__0(ToleranceSource toleranceSource) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\b95b691ba186b1c9\\\\\\\\Plant.QAM.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Application\\\\\\\\Samples\\\\\\\\InternalSampleService.cs:line 156 at Plant.QAM.BusinessLogic.PublishedLanguage.ActionExtensions.<>c__DisplayClass3_0`1.b__0(T arg) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\b95b691ba186b1c9\\\\\\\\Plant.QAM.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\PublishedLanguage\\\\\\\\ActionExtensions.cs:line 29 at Plant.QAM.BusinessLogic.PublishedLanguage.DataStructures.EditableValue`1.Match[TResult](Func`2 update\', \'Comment 26: Func`1 noAction) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\b95b691ba186b1c9\\\\\\\\Plant.QAM.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\PublishedLanguage\\\\\\\\DataStructures\\\\\\\\EditableValue.cs:line 24 at Plant.QAM.BusinessLogic.Application.Samples.InternalSampleService.UpdateInternalSample(AggregateId id\', \'Comment 27: UpdateInternalSampleDataStructure updateData) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\b95b691ba186b1c9\\\\\\\\Plant.QAM.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Application\\\\\\\\Samples\\\\\\\\InternalSampleService.cs:line 155 at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Commands.CommandEnvironment.Run[TCommand](TCommand command) at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Commands.Decorators.IntercontextEventCommandRunEnvironmentDecorator.Run[TCommand](TCommand command) at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Commands.Decorators.EventCommandRunEnvironmentDecorator.Run[TCommand](TCommand command) at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Commands.Decorators.ValidationCommandEnvironmentDecorator.Run[TCommand](TCommand command) at Castle.DynamicProxy.AbstractInvocation.Proceed() at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Interceptors.LoggingInterceptor`1.Intercept(IInvocation invocation) --- End of inner exception stack trace ---{code}""\', \'Comment 28: ""wiszą messages dla QAM: tj wolno schodzą. !screenshot-1! {code:java}SELECT *update iset createdate=\\\'2023-03-29 21:00\\\',processdate=\\\'2023-03-29 21:00\\\' FROM [DHPlantQAMBusinessLogicIntercontext].[dbo].[InboundMessages] iwhere messagetype like \\\'%item%\\\'SELECT *update iset createdate=\\\'2023-03-29 21:00\\\',processdate=\\\'2023-03-29 21:00\\\' FROM [DHPlantQAMBusinessLogicIntercontext].[dbo].[InboundMessages] iwhere messagetype like \\\'%recipe%\\\'{code}!image-2023-03-29-20-39-39-468!""\', ""Comment 29: \'Please check again: !screenshot-2! there are still messages to be processed for the QAM module \\\\\'LecoResultRegisteredEvent\\\\\' so there may be delays - I will let you know when all messages will be processed.If there is still a lack of technology"", \'Comment 30: please let me know. !screenshot-3! {code:java}Deadlock dla modułu QAM.2023-03-29 14:08:33 (20cb75fc-c751-4230-8f3e-34957e4a670e/Plant.QAM.BusinessLogic/VNPCT-TS01/13904/12) [Error] Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Query - An exception occurred in the database while iterating the results of a query for context type \\\\\\\'""Plant.QAM.BusinessLogic.Infrastructure.EF.QamContext""\\\\\\\'.""""""System.InvalidOperationException: An exception has been raised that is likely due to a transient failure. Consider enabling transient error resiliency by adding \\\\\\\'EnableRetryOnFailure()\\\\\\\' to the \\\\\\\'UseSqlServer\\\\\\\' call. ---> System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Transaction (Process ID 121) was deadlocked on lock resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction. at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception\', \'Comment 31: Boolean breakConnection\', \'Comment 32: Action`1 wrapCloseInAction) at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj\', \'Comment 33: Boolean callerHasConnectionLock\', \'Comment 34: Boolean asyncClose) at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.TryRun(RunBehavior runBehavior\', \'Comment 35: SqlCommand cmdHandler\', \'Comment 36: SqlDataReader dataStream\', \'Comment 37: BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler\', \'Comment 38: TdsParserStateObject stateObj\', \'Comment 39: Boolean& dataReady) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.TryHasMoreRows(Boolean& moreRows) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.TryReadInternal(Boolean setTimeout\', \'Comment 40: Boolean& more) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.Read() at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Storage.RelationalDataReader.Read() at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Query.Internal.QueryingEnumerable`1.Enumerator.BufferlessMoveNext(DbContext _\', \'Comment 41: Boolean buffer) at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer.Storage.Internal.SqlServerExecutionStrategy.Execute[TState,TResult](TState state\', \'Comment 42: Func`3 operation\', \'Comment 43: Func`3 verifySucceeded) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer.Storage.Internal.SqlServerExecutionStrategy.Execute[TState,TResult](TState state\', \'Comment 44: Func`3 operation\', \'Comment 45: Func`3 verifySucceeded) at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Query.Internal.QueryingEnumerable`1.Enumerator.MoveNext() at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Query.Internal.QueryBuffer.IncludeCollection[TEntity,TRelated,TElement](Int32 includeId\', \'Comment 46: INavigation navigation\', \'Comment 47: INavigation inverseNavigation\', \'Comment 48: IEntityType targetEntityType\', \'Comment 49: IClrCollectionAccessor clrCollectionAccessor\', \'Comment 50: IClrPropertySetter inverseClrPropertySetter\', \'Comment 51: Boolean tracking\', \'Comment 52: TEntity entity\', \'Comment 53: Func`1 relatedEntitiesFactory\', \'Comment 54: Func`3 joinPredicate) at lambda_method(Closure \', \'Comment 55: QueryContext \', \'Comment 56: ProductionLotReportEntity \', \'Comment 57: Object[] ) at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Query.Internal.IncludeCompiler._Include[TEntity](QueryContext queryContext\', \'Comment 58: TEntity entity\', \'Comment 59: Object[] included\', \'Comment 60: Action`3 fixup) at lambda_method(Closure \', \'Comment 61: TransparentIdentifier`2 ) at System.Linq.Enumerable.SelectEnumerableIterator`2.MoveNext() at System.Linq.Enumerable.SingleOrDefault[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source) at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Query.Internal.LinqOperatorProvider.ResultEnumerable`1.GetEnumerator() at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Query.Internal.LinqOperatorProvider.ExceptionInterceptor`1.EnumeratorExceptionInterceptor.MoveNext()""{code}\\\'\', \'Comment 62: ""it\\\'s working.please close the ticket""]\']\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +165,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8867\n\n### Instruction:\nPlease remove/deactivate additional technology SN506247 from DHC Compound.\r\n\r\nKind regards,\r\nRob.\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", \'Comment 2: "" Can this ticket\\\'s priority be set to P1.They would like to send the recipe now because the feed needs to be produced today.Regards,Rob.""\', ""Comment 3: \'Hi Rob,Changing priority now.Regards\'"", ""Comment 4: \'Thank you"", ""Comment 5: on behalf of the Formulation team :)\'"", ""Comment 6: \'SN506247 has been deactivated. Please"", ""Comment 7: verify.Regards\'"", ""Comment 8: \'Thank you for the support"", ""Comment 9: the ticket can be closed.\'"", ""Comment 10: \'Thank you.\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +166,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8866\n\n### Instruction:\nSystem not allow to change expiry date of item ENWINC52A, internal serial number WI-203/1/23-1, correct expiry date 30/01/2024. We can change expiry date but when we click to save, system shows an error message.\r\nCould you check why we have this error?\r\n\r\nThank you\r\n\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'!image!\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", \'Comment 3: ""{code:java}2023-03-30 09:39:54 (8f1cebc5-9b69-46bc-a770-4dadb2025698/Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic/BR-8-SV-VM0102/2372/302) [Error] Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.ICommandRunEnvironment - Error during Void Run[UpdateDeliveryDetailsCommand](Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic.Application.Interfaces.Deliveries.Commands.UpdateDeliveryDetailsCommand) methodMicrosoft.EntityFrameworkCore.DbUpdateException: An error occurred while saving the entity changes. See the inner exception for details. ---> Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Cannot insert duplicate key row in object \\\'dbo.Deliveries\\\' with unique index \\\'IX_Deliveries_SourceDocumentId_SourceDocumentNo_ItemId_SerialNumber_ExpiryDate_BagSize\\\'. The duplicate key value is (389626ef-2700-4539-9c70-235451c6a247\', \'Comment 4: \', \'Comment 5: 603e3d81-5af9-45a9-b308-a7c7ec0695a2\', \'Comment 6: 118/23\', \'Comment 7: 2024-01-30 00:00:00.0000000\', \'Comment 8: 1.000000).The statement has been terminated.{code}""\', ""Comment 9: \'The error results from the limitation on the dbo.Deliveries table.There cannot be two entries with the same data for:SourceDocumentId,SourceDocumentNo,ItemId,SerialNumber,ExpiryDate,BagSizeI set it one day later and the change was saved.!image-2023-03-30-14-48-51-304.png!\'"", ""Comment 10: \'Hi Piotr,so do you mean that is not possible create 2 different internal serial number for the same VT intake with the same lot number and expiry date?What are the fields key to control the intake?\'"", ""Comment 11: \'For deliveries tabel is unigue index for columns:SourceDocumentId"", \'Comment 12: SourceDocumentNo\', \'Comment 13: ItemId\', \'Comment 14: SerialNumber\', \'Comment 15: ExpiryDate\', \'Comment 16: BagSize -if the second one is the same\', ""Comment 17: there will be a error in the application.\'"", \'Comment 18: ""Hi Piotr,it\\\'s clear\', \'Comment 19: you can close this task. Thank you.""\', ""Comment 20: \'Thank you.\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +167,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8865\n\n### Instruction:\nHi,\r\nPlease help check DHC. We can not open menu Recipes to accept recipes, event thought try with some filter\r\nNote: we already rebuild index system \n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'!image!!image-1!\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 3: \'!image-2023-03-29-16-30-02-551.png!\'"", ""Comment 4: \'_{color:#0747a6}Note: we already rebuild index system{color}_Aj dont tink soł:!image-2023-03-29-16-37-19-532.png!\'"", ""Comment 5: \'21 minut :D!image-2023-03-29-17-14-54-293.png!\'"", ""Comment 6: \'It works now:!image-2023-03-29-17-18-27-083.png!Please"", ""Comment 7: verify\'"", ""Comment 8: \'still error!image-2!\'"", ""Comment 9: \'I think this can be performance issue of the databse server that I cannot check:!image-2023-03-30-16-47-20-176.png|width=421,height=240!What I can advise for now is to filter Recipes"", \'Comment 10: for example\', ""Comment 11: you may filter by date or by Production area!image-2023-03-30-16-48-24-755.png|width=795,height=375!Regards\'"", ""Comment 12: \'!image-2023-03-30-16-49-02-328.png!\'"", ""Comment 13: \'please try\'"", \'Comment 14: ""Hi,Why don\\\'t you try to filter Recipes by Production area?!image-2023-04-03-12-33-50-803.png!""\', \'Comment 15: ""we have try with that: sometimes\\\'s ok sometime is not. i thinks it should be improve performnace by first defautl when login""\', ""Comment 16: \'hej [~przemyslaw.przybyszewski@kotrak.com] Przemku :)czy my coś jesteśmy w stanie z tym zrobić? tam co ok 3-4 dni fragmentacja sięga do 90 %. Wczoraj znowu na 70 paru rowach było 90% i więcej"", \'Comment 17: w sumie ok 170 rows było powyżej 30 % (wybacz\', ""Comment 18: nie śmieciłam screenem) plus używanie filtra podobno też nie zawsze jest rozwiązaniem dogodnym dla usera :P\'"", ""Comment 19: \'Please be informed that we have forwarded the issue to the development team in order to internal analysis.We are waiting for more details and will be back with further information as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 20: \'Hi,When the Recipes are synchronized in the background"", \'Comment 21: the filter may not work. However\', ""Comment 22: we have also noticed that fragmentation of DHC indexes becomes very high every 4 days. You need to solve it on your side.Regards\'"", ""Comment 23: \'hi,we have schedule for rebuild index but not daily because performance and database volume. but Fragment have still like that after rebuild"", ""Comment 24: so it not related to fragment but related to data for recipes to high\'"", ""Comment 25: \'Hi,Yes"", \'Comment 26: but data for recipes does not depend on Kotrak. The issue with Recipes list occurs also in other countries whe synchronization of recipes goes in the background.In that case\', ""Comment 27: can we close this task?Regards\'"", ""Comment 28: \'DHC is place to store data. if as you mentioned: how can we login and accept recipes if error orrcurs like that\'"", \'Comment 29: \\\'The best way is to filter by date for example start date: today and filter by production area. And check ""show the lates version"" This should help.!image-2023-04-05-08-00-06-970.png!\\\'\', ""Comment 30: \'Hi,Is there anything else we can do for you?Regards\'"", ""Comment 31: \'it not working well. still have isssue now\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +168,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8864\n\n### Instruction:\nHi\r\n\r\nWe are facing some delay on light scan on motorola scanners (MC93 model).\r\nWhen we open the own motorola application and test the light scan, we pull the trigger and instantly the scanner light turns on.\r\nHowever, inside the DHP app, no matter the screen, it takes more than 10 seconds to turn on the scanner light.\r\n\r\nThis is happening since go live in Itaberaí (sep/2021), however the time of delay is increasing every new version. I was 3s, then 5s, now is more than 10s.\r\n\r\nCould you please check this?\r\n\r\nThank you very much\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Maicon,Please be informed that we have forwarded the issue to the development team in order to internal analysis.We are waiting for more details and will be back with further information as soon as possible.Regards\'"", \'Comment 3: ""[~mberbert@deheus.com] we have checked on our server and we didn\\\'t have the issue with delay as you have described. But we are using: https://www.zebra.com/us/en/products/spec-sheets/mobile-computers/handheld/tc52-tc57.html""\', \'Comment 4: ""Hi [~marcin.kleszcz@kotrak.comI\\\'ll make a video for you next time I visit the factory.Maybe it can help you to identify what happens.Thank you very much""]\']\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +169,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8863\n\n### Instruction:\nWe would like to have two daily lists (one with PI’s and one with SI’s) that contain:\r\n * All regular and financed invoices that were archived the day before\r\n * With the following colunms:\r\n * Customer Full-name\r\n * Archive date\r\n * Number\r\n * ERP number\r\n * Sector\r\n * Creator\r\n * State\r\n\r\n\xa0\r\n\r\nAre you able to automate the creation of such a list?\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'!email_list_of_invoices!\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Due to issues with emails described in taskhttps://helpdesk.kotrak.com/servicedesk/customer/portal/56/DGS-7649 temporary it will be 2 actions available from Lightning button in Inbox for these 2 reports.\'"", ""Comment 3: \'A report of archival invoices has been prepared"", ""Comment 4: available in inbox for Peter Moeliker\'"", ""Comment 5: \'[~tomasz.zygon@kotrak.com]Dodałem uprawnienia dla Petera Moelikera"", ""Comment 6: bo nie były jednak dodane.Na Test nie mamy tych akcji?\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[\'DGS-7649\']\n\n### End'}" +170,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8862\n\n### Instruction:\nHi\r\n\r\nI\'d like to have the translation files for R8.6.\r\nThe untranslated and also *system_messages* files because it is being displayed in english, no matter the user\'s choice of language.\r\n\r\nThank you\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Maicon,Please be informed that we have forwarded the issue to the development team in order to internal analysis.We are waiting for more details and will be back with further information as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 3: \'* Web* Mobile* SystemMessages (Web + Mobile)\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +171,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8861\n\n### Instruction:\nHi\r\n\r\nWe need to fix translations for R8.5. Could you please send me the fixed merged translation file and untranslated file for this release?\r\n\r\nThank you very much!\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Maicon,Please be informed that we have forwarded the issue to the development team in order to internal analysis.We are waiting for more details and will be back with further information as soon as possible.Regards\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +172,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8860\n\n### Instruction:\nAfter restarting the virtual machine RSAPP06 ( I could not access DHP 3.0 Test through the browser. After that, I restarted ISS on RSAPP06, after that I can access the login page via a web browser, but it tells me that my username and password are incorrect. I am sure that my password is correct because I saved it and it worked until before the restart. Can you check what the problem is?\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'!image!\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 3: \' !screenshot-1! \'"", ""Comment 4: \'Hello,what was done when you used the test environment and when you used this environment before? We need the address data for the database server.Regards\'"", \'Comment 5: ""I used it a month ago\', \'Comment 6: I can\\\'t remember exactly what I needed. Colleagues use it occasionally when they need to test something.rsdb09.emea.corp.deheus.com []""\', ""Comment 7: \'Rabbit po uruchomieniu od razu sie stopujewpisy z eventa!image-2023-03-30-14-21-19-687.png!RabbitMQ: Erlang machine stopped instantly (distribution name conflict?). The service is not restarted"", \'Comment 8: ignoring OnFail option.A corruption was discovered in the file system structure on volume D:.A corruption was found in a file system index structure. The file reference number is 0xc000000098f22. The name of the file is ""\\\\\\\\Kotrak\\\\\\\\dhp30_IIS\\\\\\\\rabbitmq\\\\\\\\data\\\\\\\\db\\\\\\\\rabbit@RSAPP06-plugins-expand\\\\\\\\rabbitmq_web_stomp-3.8.5\\\\\\\\ebin"". The corrupted index attribute is "":$I30:$INDEX_ALLOCATION"".!image-2023-03-30-14-20-55-025.png!\\\'\', ""Comment 9: \'Good morning"", \'Comment 10: As part of the DGs project we do not handle requests related to the test environment\', \'Comment 11: here exceptionally we wanted to verify \', \'Comment 12: the operation of the application after restarting the pool. Actually\', \'Comment 13: the problem is not your login credentials. Please set up task DHITs\', ""Comment 14: the problem is related to the operation of IIs services and mainly rabbit problem.May we close the task.\'"", ""Comment 15: \'Hello,regarding to our last comment we are closing this issue.Regards\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +173,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8859\n\n### Instruction:\nwe have problem in report TT, it\'s showing wrong customer name in the release field. Production SUC1230-MD-S25, lot number 0891280223014, VT dispatch VT-1178, correct customer Marcelo Valles Bento, but is showing Marina Nogueira\r\n\r\nCould you fix the report for all units?\r\n\r\nThank you\r\n\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'[^TrackAndTraceReadyProductReport (4).pdf] _(258 kB)_!tt error!\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 3: \'Nie wiem"", \'Comment 4: co zmienili\', ""Comment 5: ale chyba nie wyszłohttps://helpdesk.kotrak.com/browse/DHITS-745\'"", ""Comment 6: \'Please be informed that we have forwarded the issue to the development team in order to internal analysis.We are waiting for more details and will be back with further information as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 7: \'[~marcin.kleszcz@kotrak.com]widziałam kilka DHITSów dla Rio Claro na wydruki TT"", \'Comment 8: tam zdaje się mieli coś sami zmieniać\', ""Comment 9: ale nie wyszło... dacie rade spojrzeć na to? :)z góry dzięks\'"", \'Comment 10: ""Dear Priscyla,Could ypu please clarify few things:>>{color:#0747a6}_in report TT\', ""Comment 11: it\'s showing wrong customer name in the release field -_ {color:#172b4d}does the issue occur for all Productions or only to thelot number 0891280223014?{color}{color}{color:#0747a6}{color:#172b4d}>>{color} _Could you fix the report for all units?_{color} - Do you mean all plants? If for all plants printout does not work correctly now"", \'Comment 12: and it worked few days ago\', \'Comment 13: could you please let us know if anything was changed on your side\', \'Comment 14: and\', \'Comment 15: if yes\', \'Comment 16: could you please let us know what was changed?Best regards""\', \'Comment 17: ""Aleksandra,we found this error till now only for this lot number. Do you know where is the error? If is in this production\', \'Comment 18: you need to fix only in this document\', ""Comment 19: but if it\'s in report"", \'Comment 20: you need to fix for this unit and how we have the same in all plants\', \'Comment 21: we need to have the correct report in all units.""\', ""Comment 22: \'!image-2023-03-31-18-55-12-022.png!\'"", ""Comment 23: \'!image-2023-03-31-18-55-41-202.png!\'"", ""Comment 24: \'!image-2023-03-31-18-56-18-932.png!\'"", \'Comment 25: ""{code:java}SELECT *SELECT * FROM [DHPlantStockBusinessLogicMain].[dbo].[Deliveries] where SourceDocumentNumber = \\\'0891280223014\\\' SELECT * FROM [DHPlantProdBusinessLogicMain].[dbo].[ProductionLots] where LotNumber = \\\'0891280223014\\\' SELECT * FROM [DHPlantProdBusinessLogicMain].[dbo].[ProductionOrders] where id = \\\'B477A8EA-3012-4651-A754-BF1DC6049527\\\' SELECT BP.Code\', ""Comment 26: BP.Name FROM [DHPlantProdBusinessLogicMain].dbo.ProductionLots PL INNER JOIN [DHPlantProdBusinessLogicMain].dbo.ProductionOrders PO ON PO.Id = PL.ProductionOrderId INNER JOIN [DHPlantProdBusinessLogicMain].dbo.BusinessPartners BP ON BP.Id = PO.BusinessPartnerId WHERE PL.ID = \'BEAE28C4-0E16-4970-AAF2-24D2901C519F\' SELECT R.ReleaseDate"", \'Comment 27: COALESCE(WOPD_Data.SourceDocumentNumber\', \'Comment 28: WD_Data.SourceDocumentNumber\', \'Comment 29: VC_Data.Document\', \'Comment 30: R.SourceDocumentNumber) AS Document\', \'Comment 31: COALESCE(WOPD_Data.Code\', \'Comment 32: WD_Data.Code\', \'Comment 33: VC_Data.Code\', \'Comment 34: PROD_Data.Code\', ""Comment 35: \'\') AS CustomerCode"", \'Comment 36: COALESCE(WOPD_Data.Name\', \'Comment 37: WD_Data.Name\', \'Comment 38: VC_Data.Name\', \'Comment 39: PROD_Data.Name\', ""Comment 40: \'\') AS CustomerName"", \'Comment 41: SUM(R.Quantity) AS ReleasedQuantity\', \'Comment 42: R.QuantityUnit AS ReleasedQuantityUnit\', \'Comment 43: COALESCE(WOPD_Data.ForeignDocumentInfo\', \'Comment 44: WD_Data.ForeignDocumentInfo\', \'Comment 45: VC_Data.ForeignDocumentInfo\', \'Comment 46: \\\'\\\') AS ForeignDocumentInfo FROM [DHPlantStockBusinessLogicMain].dbo.Deliveries D INNER JOIN [DHPlantStockBusinessLogicMain].dbo.StockUnits S ON S.DeliveryId = D.Id INNER JOIN [DHPlantStockBusinessLogicMain].dbo.StockUnitReleases R ON R.Id = S.Id where DeliveryId = \\\'6AF47AFF-6CB9-4DFC-9ED6-C23242245641\\\'{code}""\', ""Comment 47: \'!image-2023-03-31-19-00-57-691.png!\'"", \'Comment 48: ""{code:java}SELECT R.SourceDocumentId,WDE.Id\', \'Comment 49: BP.Code\', \'Comment 50: BP.Name\', \'Comment 51: WOE.SourceDocumentId\', \'Comment 52: WOE.SourceDocumentNo\', \'Comment 53: WOE.SourceDocumentNumber\', \'Comment 54: r.SourceDocumentId AS ReleaseSourceDocumentId\', \'Comment 55: VE.ForeignDocumentInfoSELECT R.SourceDocumentId,WDE.Id\', \'Comment 56: BP.Code\', \'Comment 57: BP.Name\', \'Comment 58: WOE.SourceDocumentId\', \'Comment 59: WOE.SourceDocumentNo\', \'Comment 60: WOE.SourceDocumentNumber\', \'Comment 61: r.SourceDocumentId AS ReleaseSourceDocumentId\', \'Comment 62: VE.ForeignDocumentInfo ,ve.Id,*,WOE.No,WDE.WarehouseOrderElementNo,VE.No,WOE.No FROM [DHPlantStockBusinessLogicMain].dbo.StockUnitReleases R left JOIN [DHPlantStockBusinessLogicMain].dbo.StockUnits S ON S.id =R.Id left JOIN [DHPlantWmsBusinessLogicMain].dbo.WarehouseDispatches WDE ON WDE.Id = R.SourceDocumentId left JOIN [DHPlantWmsBusinessLogicMain].dbo.WarehouseOrderElements WOE ON WOE.Id = WDE.WarehouseOrderId AND ISNULL(WOE.No\', \'Comment 63: 0) = ISNULL(WDE.WarehouseOrderElementNo\', \'Comment 64: 0) left JOIN [DHPlantVCBusinessLogicMain].dbo.VehicleTicketElements VE ON VE.Id = WOE.SourceDocumentId AND VE.No = WOE.No left JOIN [DHPlantProdBusinessLogicMain].dbo.BusinessPartners BP ON BP.Id = VE.MainBusinessPartnerId where R.SourceDocumentId = \\\'BD862CEE-A1AC-4E1E-AA3A-ADF502DC4C76\\\'{code}{code:java} --select MainBusinessPartnerId,* from [DHPlantVCBusinessLogicMain].dbo.VehicleTicketElements where id = \\\'17F0C1D5-559F-4F91-9E16-7B544CBCF205\\\' --select MainBusinessPartnerId,* from [DHPlantVCBusinessLogicMain].dbo.VehicleTicketElements where id = \\\'17F0C1D5-559F-4F91-9E16-7B544CBCF205\\\' --select * from [DHPlantVCBusinessLogicMain].dbo.VehicleTickets where id = \\\'17F0C1D5-559F-4F91-9E16-7B544CBCF205\\\'-- select * from Orders where id in (\\\'F611D5DF-C513-4FCE-AD95-12A84135925A\\\',\\\'33EFC4F0-A8CC-45B1-B22C-822C33308805\\\',\\\'B6290E56-A903-4BDF-AB77-578D9814D081\\\',--\\\'4F730F71-EDB3-4021-A62C-58CF4516593D\\\',\\\'5AB9A750-B44F-4DC7-8257-B5A1E19365DB\\\'){code}Zbiera dane z 16 elementu*!image-2023-04-03-15-04-24-858.png!*""\', ""Comment 65: \'Hej[~maciej.dobrzanski@kotrak.com]albo tu cos źle zbiera"", \'Comment 66: albo w danych jest coś nakopane. Dlaczego zbiera dane z 16 elementu? Kurde\', \'Comment 67: nie wiemy\', \'Comment 68: co dalej z tym fantem\', \'Comment 69: masz kogoś od wydruków? Ewentualnie podpowiedz\', ""Comment 70: co można jeszcze sprawdzić\'"", \'Comment 71: ""{code:java}select * from OrderElements where id in (\\\'F611D5DF-C513-4FCE-AD95-12A84135925A\\\',\\\'33EFC4F0-A8CC-45B1-B22C-822C33308805\\\',\\\'B6290E56-A903-4BDF-AB77-578D9814D081\\\',\\\'4F730F71-EDB3-4021-A62C-58CF4516593D\\\',\\\'5AB9A750-B44F-4DC7-8257-B5A1E19365DB\\\')--select * from BusinessPartners where id in (\\\'6094DA81-3573-4405-99FA-6239DD858C61\\\',\\\'8939635B-B045-434F-A248-B4F483F93EE0\\\',\\\'A7822B57-9072-4D49-BA83-0BE92C4C622A\\\')--select * from [DHPlantWmsBusinessLogicMain].dbo.WarehouseDispatches where id = \\\'BD862CEE-A1AC-4E1E-AA3A-ADF502DC4C76\\\'--select * from [DHPlantWmsBusinessLogicMain].dbo.WarehouseOrders where id = \\\'B35974F5-5F7C-48FB-B7F9-E299FEDA2F34\\\'{code}""\', ""Comment 72: \'[^KtrTrackAndTraceReadyProductReportReleases.sql]\'"", ""Comment 73: \'[~aleksandra.przybylek@kotrak.com] zmieniłem procedurę i podegrałem ją pod RC.Podegrajcie proszę nową wersję na wszystkie fabryki w BR.[~marcin.kleszcz@kotrak.com] wrzućcie sobie gdzieś do repozytorium tą procedurę. [^KtrTrackAndTraceReadyProductReportReleases.sql] \'"", ""Comment 74: \'[^TTReadyProductRelease_old.sql]\'"", ""Comment 75: \'[^TTReadyProductRelease_old.sql]\'"", ""Comment 76: \'Dear Priscyla,We have corrected the printout and deployed in all plants. But I can see"", \'Comment 77: inCaruaru it is not used.Please\', ""Comment 78: verify the printout and let me me know aboutCaruaru.Regards\'"", \'Comment 79: ""Dear Aleksandra,the report is correct. Could you add in Caruaru only for RM? Because we don\\\'t have production in this unit.Thank you""\', ""Comment 80: \'Dear Priscyla,For adding printout of raw material in Caruaru"", ""Comment 81: please raise a service request as this task concerns tt ready product release.Regards\'"", ""Comment 82: \'Hi Aleksandra,ok"", ""Comment 83: you can close this task. Thank you.\'"", ""Comment 84: \'Thank you\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[\'DAP-13515\']\n\n### End'}" +174,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8858\n\n### Instruction:\nCan you add user Manon Straatman in Intense? She works for Mineral and manures and needs the same rights as Freddy Westrik. She will get her own projects and will add hours to this projects.\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'In progress.\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Done.\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +175,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8857\n\n### Instruction:\nCould you give permission to all sectors for:\r\nHattum, Pascal van \r\nLinde, Arthur van der \r\nDat, Darwin (he has access to LAS, MAS NL & MAS BE)\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'Hello,\\\\rI will grant access.\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hi [~mbovene@deheus.com],The accounts have been set up.Regards,Tomasz\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +176,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8856\n\n### Instruction:\nProduction operator by manual mistake confirmed PLR but the food is not produced and raw materials are not consumed, they actually confirmed in DHP production but the sole JO-3480-03-23-S is not confirmed. So please cancel JO. Thank you.\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'!JO-3480-03-23-S!\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 3: \'Hi,JO-348-03-23-S has been deleted with related IR- and IR+ documents.\'"", ""Comment 4: \'Thank you for your help. You can close the ticket now.\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +177,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8855\n\n### Instruction:\nHi,\r\nPlease help check DHP Hai Phong 2 can not login and show error as screenshot\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'!image!!image-1!\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 3: \'hi,it working now. you no need to check now.thank you\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +178,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8854\n\n### Instruction:\nWe made inventory per location and when we tried to close, system shows an error message. We closed to continue the process, but we need to know why shows error message.\r\n\r\ncould you check it?\r\n\r\nThank you\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'!image (1)!\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", \'Comment 3: ""Hello\', ""Comment 4: can I get the error time?I don\'t see any errors for this inventory in the logs.Currently"", \'Comment 5: the inventory is executed.Have any other changes been made in the meantime?Thank you and best regards.""\', ""Comment 6: \'Hello Piotr,the user tried to settle 30min after create the document"", \'Comment 7: but how was not working and they needed to use\', \'Comment 8: they executed. But we need to do inventory again\', ""Comment 9: and I need to know what heppened to avoid the error again.\'"", ""Comment 10: \'{code:java}2023-03-21 21:36:12 (2fc1dcfe-2f4a-4299-b4be-f675eb22ffa0/Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic/BR-3-SV-VM0202/1472/308) [Error] Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.ICommandRunEnvironment - Error during Void Run[SettleStocktakingCommand](Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic.Application.Interfaces.Stocktaking.Commands.SettleStocktakingCommand) methodSystem.ArgumentException: Unit mismatch at Kotrak.Common.SharedKernel.Quantity.ToCommonUnit(Quantity x1"", \'Comment 11: Quantity x2) at Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic.Application.Stocktaking.StocktakingService.Settle(Stocktaking stocktaking\', ""Comment 12: IEnumerable`1 stockUnits) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\99f3ad74a1ed56c8\\\\\\\\Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Application\\\\\\\\Stocktaking\\\\\\\\StocktakingService.cs:line 443 at Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic.Application.Stocktaking.StocktakingService.SettleStocktaking(AggregateId stocktakingId) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\99f3ad74a1ed56c8\\\\\\\\Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Application\\\\\\\\Stocktaking\\\\\\\\StocktakingService.cs:line 171 at Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic.Application.Stocktaking.CommandHandlers.SettleStocktakingCommandHandler.Handle(SettleStocktakingCommand command) in C:\\\\\\\\BuildAgent\\\\\\\\work\\\\\\\\99f3ad74a1ed56c8\\\\\\\\Plant.Stock.BusinessLogic\\\\\\\\Application\\\\\\\\Stocktaking\\\\\\\\CommandHandlers\\\\\\\\SettleStocktakingCommandHandler.cs:line 26 at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Commands.CommandEnvironment.Run[TCommand](TCommand command) at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Commands.Decorators.IntercontextEventCommandRunEnvironmentDecorator.Run[TCommand](TCommand command) at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Commands.Decorators.EventCommandRunEnvironmentDecorator.Run[TCommand](TCommand command) at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Commands.Decorators.ValidationCommandEnvironmentDecorator.Run[TCommand](TCommand command) at Castle.DynamicProxy.AbstractInvocation.Proceed(){code}\'"", ""Comment 13: \'There was a unit mismatch for these items0000816SCAAZE03USCCAZD05USCCVED04USCDEST26VSCDVER26U. I corrected them in the database - currently there should be no error for the inventory.\'"", ""Comment 14: \'Hi Piotr,what was the unit mismatch? It was in pcs and should be Pcs? Or kg and should be Pcs?\'"", \'Comment 15: ""For StockUnitsthe given barcodes had different units from the others,that\\\'s exactly what the differences in units between pcs and kg were about.""\', \'Comment 16: ""Hello Piotr,ok\', \'Comment 17: it\\\'s clear. You can close this task. Thank you.""\', ""Comment 18: \'Thank you.\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +179,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8853\n\n### Instruction:\nThe system display wrong information about deviation, the calculation is done based on item, but display deviation considering truck weight.\r\nWe added configuration with 2%, and system show deviation lower than this but lock to close VT. \r\n\r\nExample on test database VT-83 , deviation is -1.73% and not allow to close. Deviation in weight -225kg, correct deviation 7,44%. The calculation is correct, but information displayed as deviation is wrong.\r\n\r\nCould you show the same and correct deviation that lock to close VT?\r\n\r\nThank you\r\n\r\n\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'!image!\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 3: \'Dear Priscyla,Could you please confirm if this issue relates only to test environment or Prod is impacted as well??Regards\'"", ""Comment 4: \'Hello,we have problem in both"", \'Comment 5: I used example from test because we can simulate some scenarios\', ""Comment 6: but users asked help everyday because they have problem on production.\'"", ""Comment 7: \'Hi,Could you please provide us with specific example from Production environment?Regards\'"", ""Comment 8: \'Yes,VT-1906 plant RC1 - dispatch weight 88900kg"", \'Comment 9: system shows 0,552% of deviation\', \'Comment 10: but not allow to close (and is correct because we have high deviation).The problem is the deviation that system display is based on truck weight\', \'Comment 11: and the deviation that lock close vt is based on the item weight\', ""Comment 12: we need to see correct deviation.!vt19062.JPG|thumbnail!!vt1906.JPG|thumbnail!\'"", ""Comment 13: \'VT-1906 Total weight loaded (item+carrier unit) 12972kg Difference 488kgDeviation correct 3,76%\'"", ""Comment 14: \'Hej,[~maciej.dobrzanski@kotrak.com]czy jest szansa"", ""Comment 15: żeby to sprawdzić? :)!image-2023-04-03-12-45-09-649.png|width=228,height=152!\'"", \'Comment 16: ""Hi [~Aleksandra.Przybylek@kotrak.com]Could you please check Priscyla\\\'s last comment? Do you need anything else?Thank you""\', ""Comment 17: \'Hi [~mberbert@deheus.com],This task has been forwarded to Dev team. We will let you know about the result as soon as possible.Best regards\'"", ""Comment 18: \'Hi [~mberbert@deheus.com],We plan for this task to be analyzed tomorrow.\'"", \'Comment 19: ""[~psilva@deheus.com]Hello,which configuration with 2% do you mean? Percentage packed dispatch deviation field? Because that one is used to calculate the total weight deviation.In VT-1906 entered departure weight is above the upper limit but in VT-83 the weight is below the lower limit and that\\\'s why the weight control modal appears.Lower and upper limits are calculated as follows (for dispatch):lower = arrival weight + packed weight - total weight deviationupper = arrival weight + packed weight + total weight deviationtotal weight deviation = bulkWeightDeviation + packedWeightDeviation + pieceWeightDeviation + weighbridgeAccuracypacked weight deviation = Percentage packed dispatch deviation * packed weightThe deviation field on VT document displays only the deviation between the predicted weight and entered departure weight. [^weight control.xlsx] !VT_deviations_2-1!""\', ""Comment 20: \'Hi,Any feedback?\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +180,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8852\n\n### Instruction:\nThe following additional technologies for plant Helmond are not correct and must be removed/disabled:\r\nHE303300\r\nHE303306\r\nHE303436\r\n\r\nTo avoid issues with production, we wish to send new recipes directly after the additional technology is removed/disabled. This is planned on Thursday 30-03-2023 at 12:45\r\n(if additional technology is removed/disabled earlier, incorrect recipes will be send to PCS).\r\n\r\nCan you confirm that the additional technologies will be removed from DHC at 30-03-2023 12:45?\r\n\n\n### Response:\n[\'Comment 1: [""Hello Bob,I confirm. I will hand in this task to Piotr Gaczorek\', \'Comment 2: as he\\\'s working tomorrow morning shift.Regards""\', ""Comment 3: \'Hi Aleksandra"", \'Comment 4: ok\', \'Comment 5: thank you. Just to be sure: request is for Thursday\', ""Comment 6: not tomorrow\'"", ""Comment 7: \'Yes"", ""Comment 8: right. But Piotr is working all week morning shift. :)I have already asked him to plan this task for 12:45 on Thursday.Regards\'"", ""Comment 9: \'Hello"", ""Comment 10: changes for three additional technologies have been made.\'"", ""Comment 11: \'We still these additional technologies in DHC. Can you check again if they were removed?!image!\'"", ""Comment 12: \'Yes"", \'Comment 13: setProductDefinition = 0 for these should be enought\', ""Comment 14: but I changed their status to blocked and renamed them with arch.\'"", ""Comment 15: \'Ok"", ""Comment 16: thank you. At 14.00 we will send new recipes for these codes and recipes should then be sent to PCS (because ProductDefinition = 0). Is that correct?\'"", \'Comment 17: ""Yes\', \'Comment 18: that\\\'s right.So I am waiting for final confirmation.Thank you.""\', ""Comment 19: \'Goodmorning,Yesterday at 16:22 a sales order for 303436 with special was sent. 303436 is a code for which you archived the additional technology.The one time recipe is generated on the correct code (303436"", \'Comment 20: version 136 subversion 1\', ""Comment 21: This recipe is sent to DHP but it is not sent to PCS.Did you also archive the three additional technologies in DHP? Otherwise recipe sending is still blocked.Plant needs the recipe for productionCan you please check /fix these recipes.\'"", ""Comment 22: \'Hellofor when you need that recipe - today ? If yes what hour?\'"", ""Comment 23: \'Plant needs the recipe now for production. I have created a new ticket for this: https://helpdesk.kotrak.com/servicedesk/customer/portal/56/DGS-8882\'"", ""Comment 24: \'It was procced at new task "", ""Comment 25: may we close this 1?\'"", ""Comment 26: \'Please perform same action for the other two codes as well (so that new recipes will be sent to PCS: 303300303306\'"", ""Comment 27: \'Sorry for the late reply"", ""Comment 28: I confirm that the changes have also been made for the others two.\'"", ""Comment 29: \'Thank you. This ticket can be closed.\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +181,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8851\n\n### Instruction:\nError closing PO - CDN : PO-4/08/2018/RMP \r\nCould this PO be closed.\r\n\r\n\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'!image!\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 3: \'Close:!image-2023-03-28-17-50-40-388.png!Yes:!image-2023-03-28-17-51-42-936.png!{code:java}Server stack trace: at Kotrak.XLInterface.Orders.NewServices.ContractsService.TerminateContract(Int32 gidNumer"", \'Comment 4: OrderCloseMode orderCloseMode) in E:\\\\\\\\BambooHome\\\\\\\\xml-data\\\\\\\\build-dir\\\\\\\\18317313\\\\\\\\DHGUI-DHCDN982-JOB1\\\\\\\\DH CDN\\\\\\\\Kotrak.XLInterface.Orders\\\\\\\\NewServices\\\\\\\\ContractsService.cs:line 3144Exception rethrown at [0]: at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.HandleReturnMessage(IMessage reqMsg\', \'Comment 5: IMessage retMsg) at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.PrivateInvoke(MessageData& msgData\', \'Comment 6: Int32 type) at Kotrak.XLInterface.Orders.Contracts.IContractsService.TerminateContract(Int32 gidNumer\', ""Comment 7: OrderCloseMode orderCloseMode) at Kotrak.XLInterface.Orders.Presentation.Forms.ContractsList.TerminateContract(OrderCloseMode orderCloseMode) in E:\\\\\\\\BambooHome\\\\\\\\xml-data\\\\\\\\build-dir\\\\\\\\18317313\\\\\\\\DHGUI-DHCDN982-JOB1\\\\\\\\DH CDN\\\\\\\\Kotrak.XLInterface.Orders.Presentation\\\\\\\\Contracts\\\\\\\\Forms\\\\\\\\ContractsList.cs:line 1669{code}!image-2023-03-28-17-51-42-936!\'"", ""Comment 8: \'Hi,PO is closed now.!image-2023-03-29-12-59-11-105.png!Regards\'"", ""Comment 9: \'I have asked if it is oke.\'"", ""Comment 10: \'Waiting for your feedback then.Regards\'"", ""Comment 11: \'Ticket can be closed\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +182,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8850\n\n### Instruction:\nProśba o uwzględnienie wznowienia naliczania amortyzacji dokumentu RN.\r\nŚrodek trwały do sprawdzenia MT/9126.\r\n\r\n(uzgodnione telefonicznie z Panią Moniką)\n\n### Response:\n[\'Comment 1: [\\\'Please verify after changes in two filters:""Bez dotacji"" and ""Bez dotacji grupa""\\\'\', ""Comment 2: \'Looks good - task to close :)\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +183,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8849\n\n### Instruction:\nFor item 140475, a new recipeversion was sent on 28-03-2023. Recipe is not arriving in PCS. Recipe is not available in recipe overview in DHP. It is available in masterdata overview. In DHC I found that item is linked, but on linking screen it does not show a base item (and DHC stops responding...). Can you check what is the issue with this item / relink it?\r\n\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'!image!!image-1!!image-3!\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hello,\\\\r\\\\rWe are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.\\\\r\\\\rRegards\\\\r\\\\r\'"", ""Comment 3: \'!image-2023-03-28-14-55-16-648.png!{code:java}2023-03-28 14:53:51 (/Plant.Prod.BusinessLogic/DHVD01AP175/3736/78) [Error] Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Integration.Filters.InboundMessagesProcessFilter - Error during process inbound messageKotrak.Common.Application.Exceptions.CommandValidationException`1[Plant.Prod.BusinessLogic.Application.Interfaces.Recipes.Commands.SynchronizeRecipeCommand]: Validation failed: -- RecipeNegativeElementQuantityMessage at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Gate.Filters.ValidateCommandFilter`1.Execute(CommandPipelineContext`1 input) at Kotrak.Extensions.Pipeline.Pipeline`1.Execute(T input) at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Gate.StandardGate.DispatchCommand[TCommand](TCommand command) at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Integration.Filters.InboundMessageHandlerFilter.Execute(InternalStorageProcessContext`1 input) at Kotrak.Extensions.Pipeline.Pipeline`1.Execute(T input) at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Integration.Filters.InboundMessagesProcessFilter.Execute(InternalStorageContext`1 input)2023-03-28 14:54:02 (/Plant.Prod.BusinessLogic/DHVD01AP175/3736/26) [Error] Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Integration.Filters.InboundMessagesProcessFilter - Error during process inbound messageKotrak.Common.Application.Exceptions.CommandValidationException`1[Plant.Prod.BusinessLogic.Application.Interfaces.Recipes.Commands.SynchronizeRecipeCommand]: Validation failed: -- RecipeNegativeElementQuantityMessage at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Gate.Filters.ValidateCommandFilter`1.Execute(CommandPipelineContext`1 input) at Kotrak.Extensions.Pipeline.Pipeline`1.Execute(T input) at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Gate.StandardGate.DispatchCommand[TCommand](TCommand command) at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Integration.Filters.InboundMessageHandlerFilter.Execute(InternalStorageProcessContext`1 input) at Kotrak.Extensions.Pipeline.Pipeline`1.Execute(T input) at Kotrak.Common.Infrastructure.Integration.Filters.InboundMessagesProcessFilter.Execute(InternalStorageContext`1 input){code}\'"", ""Comment 4: \'Hi,Recipe with invalid quantity arrived from DHH!image-2023-03-28-15-01-23-372.png!!image-2023-03-28-15-02-08-484.png!You need to ask Holding to create correct one.Best regards\'"", ""Comment 5: \'Ok"", ""Comment 6: Thank you. I will check this with formulation.\'"", ""Comment 7: \'Thank you. Waiting for your feedback thenRegards\'"", ""Comment 8: \'Recipe was not correctly created in Allix. Correct version was sent and is now in DHP and sent to PCS. Would be better if the recipe with invalid composition is not accepted at all in DHC. I will propose this for the change list.This ticket can be closed.\'"", ""Comment 9: \'Thank you.Best regards\']""]\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +184,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8848\n\n### Instruction:\nHi, form Wiola.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nRafał Boniecki\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'!image!\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Czy chodzi o weryfikację przesłania do systemy XL i zaksięgowania wskazanych dodatków?jeśli tak"", \'Comment 3: to najlepszym sposobem jest utworzenie testowej listy plac na której zostanie naliczony tego typu składnik i przesłanie jej do systemu XL a następnie wykonanie weryfikacji dekretacji po stronie księgowej.Czy są już jakieś wytyczne co do dekretu\', ""Comment 4: na jakie kona powinien być on wykonany? Jeśli tak to proszę o informację.\'"", \'Comment 5: ""It\\\'s ok\', \'Comment 6: task to close\', \'Comment 7: thanks.""]\']\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +185,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8847\n\n### Instruction:\nThe image below is a print screen (CDN > Accounting > Documents > Documents) with an IPOR that needs to be posted. As shaded yellow you see that there is an amount on the line. \r\nWhen opening the line with double click and choose: Scheme: POR Internal, an amount should normally be entered here (this may differ from the amount in the line above) and I can adjust the ledger account and make the entry (bottom image) . But now nothing appears and I tried with multiple lines.\r\nThe problem is with both the PORC and SOR. When Richard Gans selects one for both POR and SOR, he will see the amounts.\r\nWijnen sees the amount zero.\r\n\r\nThe authorization for both users is the same\r\n\r\n\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'[^Gans.docx] _(137 kB)_!image!!image-1!!image-2!!image-3![^Wijnen.docx] _(136 kB)_\'"", ""Comment 2: \'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", ""Comment 3: \'I do not repeat this kind of error on document even on exact permissions like user Wijnen . Document IPOR-28/01/2023/VIMP is already posted. Do you have any fresh unposted document with the same problem on user Wijnen where i can test?\'"", ""Comment 4: \'I do not repeat this kind of error on document even on exact permissions like user Wijnen . Document IPOR-28/01/2023/VIMP is already posted. Do you have any fresh unposted document with the same problem on user Wijnen where i can test?\'"", ""Comment 5: \'This is what user Wijnen does see.!image-4!\'"", ""Comment 6: \'User Wijnen has it with all IPOR files. User sees no values \\\\u200b\\\\u200bbut Richard Gans sees everything.For example number 4/04/2023/VIMP"", ""Comment 7: 71/03/2023/VIMP et cetera\'"", ""Comment 8: \'The first is Niels Wijnen and the second is Richard GansNiels see zero and Richard see !image-5!!image-6!\'"", ""Comment 9: \'Both user have the same parameters set in configuration"", \'Comment 10: Both are able to work in De Heus Premix B.V. and Headquaters.Bookkeeping permission center.!image-2023-04-06-15-54-12-359.png!There are some differences beetween those two contexts\', \'Comment 11: for example there are different add-ins running for those twopermission centers. !image-2023-04-06-15-56-40-388.png!Please check if when both operators are working in context of the same permission center\', ""Comment 12: results differs for IPOR-2/04/2023/VIMP document.IPOR-2/04/2023/VIMP document looks correct. There should be no difference when both operators work in context of the samepermission center.\'"", ""Comment 13: \'Both operators are working in context of the same permission center.!image-7!!image-8!\'"", ""Comment 14: \'Please check if both operators are working on the same database. Please ask operator Wijnen to log off and log on into the system and check if he can see values for IPOR documents.\'"", ""Comment 15: \'Please"", ""Comment 16: let me know if expect any additional actions from us regarding this issue? Can we close this ticket?\'"", ""Comment 17: \'Both users are not working with the same record at the same time. Niels calls up a record and sees the amount zero"", \'Comment 18: which he cannot use. If Richard calls it up\', \'Comment 19: he will see a number and can book it in. If Niels then calls up the record again\', ""Comment 20: he will see the numbers.IThey ara not working in the same time on the same record.\'"", ""Comment 21: \'We can not repeat this issue in any IPOR document. We need more informations.Please provide screenshot for full ERPXL module window for Accounting > Posting"", \'Comment 22: General and Header tab when this situations occurs.We need precise informations when (date and time) this happens for wich document.For test purpose plese check if\', \'Comment 23: when Ritchard Gans see ammount on IPOR document\', ""Comment 24: Niels Winjen can post it. Please ask Richard to witraw from posting such document and let Niels do this.\'"", ""Comment 25: \'When Richard consults the record he sees the ammount.When Niels consults the record he sees zeroes.\'"", ""Comment 26: \'Print screens of the differences have already been made and reported. This happens with all documents that Niels consults.!image-9!!image-10!\'"", \'Comment 27: ""If it\\\'s not clear yet\', \'Comment 28: maybe we should start a teams session so Richard and Niels can show the differences.""\', ""Comment 29: \'Provided print screen is cut that I cannot see all the details I need to check.Teams session would be a good idea.\'"", ""Comment 30: \'Here is a description of the authorization of the users\'"", ""Comment 31: \'[^Niels Wijnen.docx] _(192 kB)_[^Richard Gans.docx] _(183 kB)_\'"", \'Comment 32: ""Yes I\\\'ve seen that. Both users have the same configuration for theirs accounts in ERPXL.""\', ""Comment 33: \'Please try to connect to Richard Gans account on Niels Wijnen computer and toNiels Wijnen account onRichard Gans computer"", ""Comment 34: and verify if you are repeting this issue.\'"", \'Comment 35: ""According to information gathered from Niels Winjen\', \'Comment 36: this problem also occurs in his account on other computers.We would like to test one more thing. We will create an exact copy of Niels Winjen\\\'s ERPXL account with a modified ID. Then we will check if this problem still occurs. Please let me know if you accept this solution.""]\']\nRelated Issues:\n[]\n\n### End'}" +186,"{'prompt': 'Below is a description that describes an issue. Write a response that will help solve the problem.\n\n\n### Issue Key:\nDGS-8846\n\n### Instruction:\nWe are receiving the same labels (product, plant, version, language)\r\n3 or 4 times in MILAS from DHC.\r\nPlease check why this is happening. \r\n\r\nE.g today (28/3) we received a label for plant 9 recipes 111249 version 334 language nl 3 times withing the same minute.\n\n### Response:\n[""Comment 1: [\'Hello,We are investigating your issue. We will inform you about the solution as soon as possible.Regards\'"", \'Comment 2: \\\'W logu są trzy wpisy jeden po drugim DHERPServiceSendRequest.log.1{code:java}2023-03-28 08:17:17,689 [112] INFO WcfSendRequestLogger [C:\\\\\\\\Projects\\\\\\\\evolution.dhcerpservice\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService\\\\\\\\Evolution.DHCERPService.Service\\\\\\\\Logging\\\\\\\\LoggingInspectorBehavior.cs:53] - Request: unit01_dhc_adapter_ws_provider_wsd_webMethods_DHC_Provider_Binder_insertLabel
Milas DHC 29fabb38-ccfd-4427-ad77-f19fbf15fffe