Russian O APT29 O hackers O ' O stealthy O malware O undetected O for O years O By O Ionut O Ilascu O January O 27 O , O 2022 O 09:23 O AM O 0 O Cozy O Bear O Russian O hackers O camouflage O new O malware O as O legitimate O files O EXCLUSIVE O : O Hackers O associated O with O the O Russian B-ORGANIZATION Federation B-ORGANIZATION Foreign B-ORGANIZATION Intelligence B-ORGANIZATION Service B-ORGANIZATION ( O SVR B-ORGANIZATION ) O continued O their O incursions O on O networks O of O multiple O organizations O after B-CLASSIFICATION the O SolarWinds B-ORGANIZATION supply O - O chain O compromise O using O two O recently O discovered O sophisticated O threats O . O The O malicious O implants O are O a O variant O of O the O GoldMax O backdoor O for O Linux O systems O and O a O completely O new O malware O family O that O cybersecurity O company O CrowdStrike O now O tracks O as O TrailBlazer O . O Both O threats O have O been O used O in O StellarParticle O campaigns O since O at O least O mid-2019 O but O were O identified O only O two O years O later O , O during O incident O response O investigations O . O StellarParticle O attacks O have O been O attributed O to O the O APT29 B-THREAT_ACTOR hacking O group O has O been O running O cyber O espionage O campaigns O for O more O than O 12 O years O and O is O also O known O as O CozyBear B-THREAT_ACTOR , O The O Dukes O , O and O Yttrium O . O Stealing O cookies O for O MFA O bypass O In O a O report O shared O exclusively O with O BleepingComputer B-ORGANIZATION , O cybersecurity O company O CrowdStrike O today O describes O in O detail O the O latest O tactics O , O techniques O , O and O procedures O ( O TTPs O ) O observed O in O cyberattacks O from O the O Cozy O Bear O state O - O sponsored O hackers O . O While O some O of O the O techniques O are O somewhat O common O today O , O Cozy O Bear O has O been O using O them O long O before O they O became O popular O : O credential O hopping O hijacking O Office O 365 O ( O O365 O ) O Service O Principal O and O Application O bypassing O multi O - O factor O authentication O ( O MFA O ) O by O stealing O browser O cookies O stealing O credentials O using O Get O - O ADReplAccount O Credential O hopping O was O the O first O stage O of O the O attack O , O allowing O the O threat O actor O to O log O into O Office O 365 O from O an O internal O server O that O the O hackers O reached O through O a O compromised O public O - O facing O system O . O source O : O CrowdStrike O CrowdStrike O says O that O this O technique O is O hard O to O spot O in O environments O with O little O visibility O into O identity O usage O since O hackers O could O use O more O than O one O domain O administrator O account O . O Bypassing O MFA O to O access O cloud O resources O by O stealing O browser O cookies O has O been O used O since O before O 2020 O . O CrowdStrike O says O that O APT29 O kept O a O low O profile O after O decrypting O the O authentication O cookies O , O likely O offline O , O by O using O the O Cookie O Editor O extension O for O Chrome O to O replay O them O ; O they O deleted O the O extension O afterward O . O “ O This O extension O permitted O bypassing O MFA O requirements O , O as O the O cookies O , O replayed O through O the O Cookie O Editor O extension O , O allowed O the O threat O actor O to O hijack O the O already O MFA O - O approved O session O of O a O targeted O user O ” O - O CrowdStrike O This O allowed O them O to O move O laterally O on O the O network O and O reach O the O next O stage O of O the O attack O , O connecting O to O the O victim O ’s O O365 O tenant O for O the O next O stage O of O the O attack O . O CrowdStrike O ’s O report O describes O the O steps O that O APT29 O took O to O achieve O persistence O in O a O position O that O allowed O them O to O read O any O email O and O SharePoint O or O OneDrive O files O of O the O compromised O organization O . O GoldMax O for O Linux O and O TrailBlazer O During O their O incident O response O work O on O APT29 O StellarParticle O attacks O , O CrowdStrike O ’s O researchers O used O the O User O Access O Logging O ( O UAL O ) O database O to O identify O earlier O malicious O account O usage O , O which O led O to O finding O the O GoldMax O for O Linux O and O TrailBlazer O malware O . O CrowdStrike O says O that O TrailBlazer O is O a O completely O new O malware O family O , O while O GoldMax O for O Linux O backdoor O “ O is O almost O identical O in O functionality O and O implementation O to O the O previously O identified O May O 2020 O Windows O variant O . O ” O The O researchers O believe O that O the O little O differences O are O between O the O two O GoldMax O versions O are O due O to O the O continuous O improvements O from O the O developer O for O long O - O term O detection O evasion O . O GoldMax O was O likely O used O for O persistence O ( O a O crontab O with O a O “ O @reboot O ” O line O for O a O non O - O root O user O ) O over O long O periods O in O StellarParticle O campaigns O . O The O backdoor O stayed O undetected O by O posing O as O a O legitimate O file O in O a O hidden O directory O . O The O TrailBlazer O implant O also O hid O under O the O name O of O a O legitimate O file O and O it O was O configured O for O persistence O using O the O Windows O Management O Instrumentation O ( O WMI O ) O Event O Subscriptions O , O a O relatively O new O technique O in O 2019 O , O the O earliest O known O date O for O its O deployment O on O victim O systems O . O TrailBlazer O managed O to O keep O communication O with O the O command O and O control O ( O C2 O ) O server O covert O by O masking O it O as O legitimate O Google O Notifications O HTTP O requests O . O CrowdStrike O notes O that O the O implant O has O modular O functionality O and O “ O a O very O low O prevalence O ” O and O that O it O shares O similarities O with O other O malware O families O used O by O the O same O threat O actor O , O such O as O GoldMax O and O Sunburst O ( O both O used O in O the O SolarWinds O supply O - O chain O attack O ) O . O Tim O Parisi O , O Director O of O Professional O Services O at O CrowdStrike O , O told O BleepingComputer O that O the O covert O activity O of O the O two O malware O pieces O delayed O the O discovery O of O the O two O malware O pieces O , O as O the O researchers O found O them O in O mid-2021 O . O Recon O and O move O to O Office O 365 O After O gaining O access O to O a O target O organization O ’s O infrastructure O and O established O persistence O , O APT29 O hackers O took O every O opportunity O to O collect O intelligence O that O would O allow O them O to O further O the O attack O . O One O constant O tactic O was O to O draw O information O from O the O victim O ’s O internal O knowledge O repositories O , O the O so O - O called O wikis O . O These O documents O can O hold O sensitive O details O specific O to O various O services O and O products O in O the O organization O . O “ O This O information O included O items O such O as O product O / O service O architecture O and O design O documents O , O vulnerabilities O and O step O - O by O - O step O instructions O to O perform O various O tasks O . O Additionally O , O the O threat O actor O viewed O pages O related O to O internal O business O operations O such O as O development O schedules O and O points O of O contact O . O In O some O instances O these O points O of O contact O were O subsequently O targeted O for O further O data O collection O ” O - O CrowdStrike O Parisi O told O us O that O accessing O company O wikis O was O a O common O APT29 O reconnaissance O activity O in O the O investigated O StellarParticle O attacks O . O CrowdStrike O ’s O deep O dive O into O APT29 O ’s O StellarParticle O campaigns O offers O details O on O how O the O threat O actor O connected O to O the O victim O ’s O O365 O tenant O through O the O Windows O Azure O Active O Directory O PowerShell O Module O , O and O performed O enumeration O queries O for O roles O , O members O , O users O , O domains O , O accounts O , O or O a O service O principal O 's O credentials O . O When O analyzing O the O log O entries O , O the O researchers O noticed O that O the O threat O actor O also O executed O the O AddServicePrincipalCredentials O command O . O “ O CrowdStrike O analyzed O the O configuration O settings O in O the O victim O ’s O O365 O tenant O and O discovered O that O a O new O secret O had O been O added O to O a O built O - O in O Microsoft O Azure O AD O Enterprise O Application O , O Microsoft O StaffHub O Service O Principal O , O which O had O Application O level O permissions O ” O - O CrowdSrike O The O adversary O had O added O a O new O secret O to O the O application O and O set O its O validity O for O more O than O 10 O years O , O the O researchers O note O . O The O permission O level O obtained O this O way O let O hackers O access O all O mail O and O SharePoint O / O OneDrive O files O in O the O company O and O allowed O them O to O “ O create O new O accounts O and O assign O administrator O privileges O to O any O account O in O the O organization O . O ” O Maintaining O persistence O Once O Cozy O Bear O / O APT29 O established O persistence O in O a O target O organization O they O would O maintain O it O for O as O long O as O possible O , O sometimes O helped O by O the O poor O security O hygiene O of O the O compromised O organization O . O The O longest O time O the O threat O actor O spent O inside O an O organization O was O two O years O , O Parisi O told O BleepingComputer O . O Persisting O this O long O would O not O be O possible O without O some O effort O from O the O hackers O , O since O organizations O often O rotate O credentials O as O a O security O precaution O . O To O prevent O losing O access O , O Cozy O Bear O hackers O would O periodically O refresh O the O stolen O credentials O by O stealing O new O ones O , O oftentimes O via O Mimikatz O . O In O at O least O one O case O , O though O , O the O administrators O of O the O compromised O company O reset O their O passwords O to O the O same O ones O , O thus O defeating O the O purpose O of O credential O rotation O . O Cozy O Bear O hackers O are O some O of O the O most O sophisticated O threat O actors O in O the O cyber O espionage O world O , O with O top O skills O to O infiltrate O and O stay O undetected O on O a O company O 's O infrastructure O for O long O periods O . O During O the O StellarParticle O attacks O , O they O demonstrated O expert O knowledge O in O Azure O , O Office O 365 O , O and O Active O Directory O management O . O