Suspected O Russian O Activity O Targeting O Government O and O O Business O Entities O Around O the O Globe O O O O Blog O O Luke O Jenkins O , O Sarah O Hawley O , O Parnian O Najafi O , O Doug O Bienstock O O Dec O 06 O , O 2021 O O 16 O min O read O O | O Last O updated O : O Nov O 29 O , O 2022 O O Uncategorized O Groups O ( O UNC O Groups O ) O O Cloud O O Threat O Research O O Malware O O Russia O O UPDATE O ( O May O 2022 O ): O We O have O merged O UNC2452 O with O APT29 O . O The O UNC2452 O activity O O described O in O this O post O is O now O attributed O to O APT29 O . O O 1/14 O O As O the O one O - O year O anniversary O of O the O discovery O of O the O SolarWinds O supply O chain O compromise O O passes O , O Mandiant O remains O committed O to O tracking O one O of O the O toughest O actors O we O have O O encountered O . O These O suspected O Russian O actors O practice O top O - O notch O operational O security O and O O advanced O tradecraft O . O However O , O they O are O fallible O , O and O we O continue O to O uncover O their O activity O and O O learn O from O their O mistakes O . O Ultimately O , O they O remain O an O adaptable O and O evolving O threat O that O must O O be O closely O studied O by O defenders O seeking O to O stay O one O step O ahead O . O O Summary O O Mandiant O continues O to O track O multiple O clusters O of O suspected O Russian O intrusion O activity O that O O have O targeted O business O and O government O entities O around O the O globe O . O Based O on O our O O assessment O of O these O activities O , O we O have O identified O two O distinct O clusters O of O activity O , O UNC3004 O O and O UNC2652 O . O We O associate O both O groups O with O UNC2452 O also O referred O to O as O Nobelium O by O O Microsoft O . O O Some O of O the O tactics O Mandiant O has O recently O observed O include O : O O Compromise O of O multiple O technology O solutions O , O services O , O and O reseller O companies O since O O 2020 O . O O Use O of O credentials O likely O obtained O from O an O info O - O stealer O malware O campaign O by O a O thirdparty O actor O to O gain O initial O access O to O organizations O . O O Use O of O accounts O with O Application O Impersonation O privileges O to O harvest O sensitive O mail O O data O since O Q1 O 2021 O . O O Use O of O both O residential O IP O proxy O services O and O newly O provisioned O geo O located O O infrastructure O to O communicate O with O compromised O victims O . O O Use O of O novel O TTPs O to O bypass O security O restrictions O within O environments O including O , O but O not O O limited O to O the O extraction O of O virtual O machines O to O determine O internal O routing O configurations O . O O Use O of O a O new O bespoke O downloader O we O call O CEELOADER O . O O Abuse O of O multi O - O factor O authentication O leveraging O “ O push O ” O notifications O on O smartphones O O In O most O instances O , O post O compromise O activity O included O theft O of O data O relevant O to O Russian O O interests O . O In O some O instances O , O the O data O theft O appears O to O be O obtained O primarily O to O create O new O O routes O to O access O other O victim O environments O . O The O threat O actors O continue O to O innovate O and O O identify O new O techniques O and O tradecraft O to O maintain O persistent O access O to O victim O environments O , O O hinder O detection O , O and O confuse O attribution O efforts O . O O The O following O sections O highlight O intrusion O activity O from O multiple O incident O response O efforts O that O O are O currently O tracked O as O multiple O uncategorized O clusters O . O Mandiant O suspects O the O multiple O O clusters O to O be O attributable O to O a O common O Russian O threat O . O The O information O covers O some O of O the O O tactics O , O techniques O , O and O procedures O ( O TTPs O ) O used O by O the O threat O actors O for O initial O compromise O , O O establishing O a O foothold O , O data O collection O , O and O lateral O movement O ; O how O the O threat O actors O O provision O infrastructure O ; O and O indicators O of O compromise O . O The O information O is O being O shared O to O O raise O awareness O and O allow O organizations O to O better O defend O themselves O . O O 2/14 O O Initial O Compromise O O Compromise O of O Cloud O Services O Providers O O Mandiant O has O identified O multiple O instances O where O the O threat O actor O compromised O service O O providers O and O used O the O privileged O access O and O credentials O belonging O to O these O providers O to O O compromise O downstream O customers O . O O In O at O least O one O instance O , O the O threat O actor O identified O and O compromised O a O local O VPN O account O O and O made O use O of O this O VPN O account O to O perform O reconnaissance O and O gain O further O access O to O O internal O resources O within O the O victim O CSP O ’s O environment O , O which O ultimately O led O to O the O O compromise O of O internal O domain O accounts O . O O Access O Obtained O from O Info O - O stealer O Malware O Campaign O O Mandiant O identified O a O campaign O where O the O threat O actors O gained O access O to O the O target O O organization O ’s O Microsoft O 365 O environment O using O a O stolen O session O token O . O Mandiant O analyzed O O the O workstations O belonging O to O the O end O user O and O discovered O that O some O systems O had O been O O infected O with O CRYPTBOT O , O an O info O - O stealer O malware O , O shortly O before O the O stolen O session O token O O was O generated O . O Mandiant O observed O that O in O some O cases O the O user O downloaded O the O malware O O after O browsing O to O low O reputation O websites O offering O free O , O or O “ O cracked O ” O , O software O . O O Mandiant O assesses O with O moderate O confidence O that O the O threat O actor O obtained O the O session O O token O from O the O operators O of O the O info O - O stealer O malware O . O These O tokens O were O used O by O the O actor O O via O public O VPN O providers O to O authenticate O to O the O target O ’s O Microsoft O 365 O environment O . O O Abuse O of O Repeated O MFA O Push O Notifications O O Mandiant O has O also O observed O the O threat O actor O executing O multiple O authentication O attempts O in O O short O succession O against O accounts O secured O with O multi O - O factor O authentication O ( O MFA O ) O . O In O these O O cases O , O the O threat O actor O had O a O valid O username O and O password O combination O . O Many O MFA O O providers O allow O for O users O to O accept O a O phone O app O push O notification O or O to O receive O a O phone O call O O and O press O a O key O as O a O second O factor O . O The O threat O actor O took O advantage O of O this O and O issued O O multiple O MFA O requests O to O the O end O user O ’s O legitimate O device O until O the O user O accepted O the O O authentication O , O allowing O the O threat O actor O to O eventually O gain O access O to O the O account O . O O Post O Compromise O Activity O Via O Cloud O Solution O Provider O Compromise O O Establish O Foothold O O In O at O least O one O case O , O the O threat O actor O compromised O a O Microsoft O Azure O AD O account O within O a O O Cloud O Service O Provider O ’s O ( O CSP O ) O tenant O . O The O account O held O a O specific O Azure O AD O role O that O O allowed O it O to O use O the O Admin O on O Behalf O Of O ( O AOBO O ) O feature O . O With O AOBO O , O users O with O a O specific O O role O in O the O CSP O tenant O have O Azure O Role O Based O Access O Control O ( O RBAC O ) O Owner O access O to O O 3/14 O O Azure O subscriptions O in O their O customer O ’s O tenants O that O were O created O through O the O reseller O O relationship O . O RBAC O Owner O access O gives O the O role O holder O complete O control O over O all O resources O O within O the O Azure O subscription O . O The O threat O actor O leveraged O the O compromised O csp O ’s O credentials O O and O the O AOBO O feature O to O gain O privileged O access O to O Azure O subscriptions O used O to O host O and O O manage O downstream O customer O systems O . O The O actor O executed O commands O with O NT O O AUTHORITY\SYSTEM O privileges O within O Azure O VMs O using O the O Azure O Run O Command O feature O . O O The O Azure O Run O Command O feature O allows O a O user O to O run O PowerShell O scripts O within O an O Azure O O VM O using O the O Azure O Portal O , O REST O API O , O or O PowerShell O without O knowledge O of O Windows O O credentials O that O are O valid O on O the O VM O itself O . O O Privilege O Escalation O O Mandiant O found O evidence O that O the O threat O actor O used O RDP O to O pivot O between O systems O that O had O O limited O internet O access O . O The O threat O actor O accessed O numerous O devices O using O RDP O and O O executed O several O native O Windows O commands O . O On O one O device O , O the O threat O actors O made O use O of O O the O Windows O Task O Manager O to O dump O the O process O memory O belonging O to O LSASS O . O The O threat O O actor O also O obtained O the O Azure O AD O Connect O configuration O , O the O associated O AD O service O account O , O O and O the O key O material O used O to O encrypt O the O service O account O credentials O . O The O Azure O AD O Connect O O account O is O used O to O replicate O the O on O - O premise O instance O of O Active O Directory O into O Azure O AD O . O In O O addition O to O this O , O the O threat O actor O obtained O the O Active O Directory O Federation O Services O ( O ADFS O ) O O signing O certificate O and O key O material O . O This O allowed O the O threat O actor O to O forge O a O SAML O token O O which O could O be O used O to O bypass O 2FA O and O conditional O access O policies O to O access O Microsoft O 365 O . O O The O actor O stopped O Sysmon O and O Splunk O logging O on O these O devices O and O cleared O Windows O O Event O Logs O . O O The O threat O actors O leveraged O compromised O privileged O accounts O and O used O SMB O , O remote O WMI O , O O remote O scheduled O tasks O registration O , O and O PowerShell O to O execute O commands O within O victim O O environments O . O The O threat O actor O used O the O protocols O mainly O to O perform O reconnaissance O O ( O notably O using O the O native O command O tasklist.exe O to O inspect O remote O systems O ) O , O distribute O O BEACON O around O the O network O , O as O well O as O run O native O Windows O commands O for O credential O O harvesting O . O In O some O cases O , O the O actors O passed O in O a O specific O Kerberos O ticket O during O the O WMIC O O execution O using O the O /authority O : O Kerberos O flag O to O authenticate O as O computer O accounts O . O Computer O O accounts O by O design O have O local O administrator O rights O over O the O computer O for O which O they O are O O named O . O O Lateral O Movement O Between O CSP O and O Downstream O Clients O O CSPs O have O network O filtering O layers O in O place O between O their O on O - O premises O environment O and O O downstream O customer O environments O as O an O added O security O layer O . O Mandiant O identified O that O the O O threat O actor O used O the O vSphere O PowerCLI O and O custom O PowerShell O scripts O configured O to O target O O the O vCenter O Web O endpoint O to O export O the O virtual O disk O image O of O a O specific O networking O device O O and O copy O it O off O the O service O provider O ’s O infrastructure O . O To O authenticate O to O vCenter O the O threat O O actor O used O a O stolen O session O cookie O for O a O Privileged O Access O Management O ( O PAM O ) O account O . O O 4/14 O O Mandiant O believes O the O threat O actor O was O able O to O analyze O this O virtual O machine O and O identify O O devices O within O the O CSP O ’s O network O that O were O specifically O allowed O to O communicate O with O O targeted O downstream O customers O . O O Using O this O knowledge O , O the O actor O compromised O the O authorized O source O jump O hosts O that O O circumvented O the O network O security O restrictions O of O the O service O provider O and O downstream O victim O O network O . O The O actor O compromised O a O customer O administration O account O from O one O of O the O O administration O jump O hosts O used O for O customer O administration O within O the O CSP O ’s O environment O . O O The O CSP O would O connect O via O these O jump O hosts O using O dedicated O customer O admin O accounts O to O O interact O with O a O downstream O customer O ’s O infrastructure O . O The O actor O then O performed O lateral O O movement O through O RDP O and O the O stolen O target O credentials O towards O the O victim O customer O O network O . O O In O another O case O , O the O threat O actor O used O Azure O ’s O built O - O in O Run O Command O feature O to O execute O O commands O on O numerous O downstream O devices O . O The O threat O actor O used O native O Windows O tools O O to O perform O initial O reconnaissance O , O credential O theft O and O deploy O Cobalt O Strike O BEACON O to O O devices O via O PowerShell O . O O The O actor O then O used O this O BEACON O implant O to O persistently O install O CEELOADER O as O a O O Scheduled O Task O that O ran O on O login O as O SYSTEM O on O specific O systems O . O CEELOADER O is O O downloader O that O decrypts O a O shellcode O payload O to O execute O in O memory O on O the O victim O device O . O O Data O Collection O O Mandiant O identified O multiple O attempts O by O the O threat O actor O to O dump O the O Active O Directory O O database O ( O ntds.dit O ) O using O the O built O - O in O ntdsutil.exe O command O . O There O was O also O evidence O that O the O O threat O actor O used O Sysinternals O ProcDump O to O dump O the O process O memory O of O the O LSASS O O process O . O In O addition O to O this O , O Mandiant O discovered O that O the O threat O actor O had O stolen O the O AD O FS O O token O signing O certificate O and O the O DKM O key O material O . O This O would O allow O the O threat O actor O to O O perform O Golden O SAML O attacks O and O authenticate O as O any O user O into O federated O environments O that O O used O AD O FS O for O authentication O , O such O as O Microsoft O 365 O . O O The O threat O actors O performed O data O theft O through O several O PowerShell O commands O , O uploading O O several O sequential O archive O files O ending O with O the O .7z O extension O . O The O threat O actor O uploaded O O these O files O to O a O webserver O they O presumably O controlled O . O O Mandiant O identified O binaries O that O were O configured O to O upload O data O to O the O Mega O cloud O storage O O provider O . O The O threat O actor O deployed O the O tool O in O the O % O TEMP%\d O folder O as O mt.exe O and O mtt.exe O . O O Owing O to O several O mistakes O made O by O the O threat O actor O , O Mandiant O was O able O to O identify O that O the O O execution O of O the O renamed O tool O failed O . O Upon O investigation O , O it O appears O that O the O Megatools O binary O O used O by O the O threat O actors O fails O to O execute O if O renamed O . O Due O to O this O it O is O unclear O whether O the O O actor O was O able O to O successfully O exfiltrate O data O to O Mega O using O this O method O . O O 5/14 O O Mandiant O also O observed O the O threat O actor O access O a O victim O ’s O on O - O premises O SharePoint O server O O looking O for O sensitive O technical O documentation O and O credentials O . O The O threat O actor O then O used O the O O gathered O credentials O to O move O laterally O around O the O network O . O O Application O Impersonation O O Microsoft O Exchange O and O Exchange O Online O provide O an O impersonation O role O ( O titled O O ApplicationImpersonation O ) O that O grants O an O account O the O ability O to O access O another O account O ’s O O mailbox O and O “ O act O as O ” O that O mailbox O owner O . O Mandiant O identified O that O the O threat O actor O was O able O to O O authenticate O to O an O existing O account O that O was O previously O granted O the O ApplicationImpersonation O O role O ; O it O is O unclear O how O the O actor O obtained O this O initial O access O . O O Through O this O account O , O Mandiant O witnessed O the O threat O actor O use O impersonation O to O access O O multiple O mailboxes O belonging O to O users O within O the O victim O organization O . O The O threat O actor O also O O created O a O new O account O within O the O Microsoft O 365 O environment O which O Mandiant O deems O was O for O O backup O access O in O the O event O of O detection O . O O Threat O Actor O Infrastructure O O Residential O Internet O Access O O In O some O campaigns O , O Mandiant O identified O that O the O threat O actor O was O using O residential O IP O O address O ranges O to O authenticate O to O victim O environments O . O Mandiant O believes O that O this O access O O was O obtained O through O residential O and O mobile O IP O address O proxy O providers O . O The O providers O proxy O O traffic O through O actual O mobile O devices O such O as O phones O and O tablets O by O legitimately O bundling O a O O proxy O application O in O return O for O free O applications O and/or O services O . O O The O actor O used O these O services O to O access O mailboxes O in O victim O Microsoft O 365 O tenants O . O By O doing O O so O , O the O source O logon O IP O address O belongs O to O a O major O Internet O Service O Provider O that O serves O O customers O in O the O same O country O as O the O victim O environment O . O These O tactics O showcase O the O O complexity O of O the O attacker O 's O operations O and O is O rarely O seen O executed O by O other O threat O actors O . O O Accomplishing O this O can O make O it O very O difficult O for O investigators O to O differentiate O between O normal O O user O activity O and O the O threat O actor O 's O activity O . O O Geo O - O located O Azure O Infrastructure O O In O another O campaign O , O the O threat O actor O provisioned O a O system O within O Microsoft O Azure O that O was O O within O close O proximity O to O a O legitimate O Azure O - O hosted O system O belonging O to O the O CSP O that O they O O used O to O access O their O customer O ’s O environment O . O This O allowed O the O actor O to O establish O geoproximity O with O the O victims O which O resulted O in O the O recorded O source O IP O address O for O the O activity O O originating O from O within O legitimate O Azure O IP O ranges O . O Similar O to O the O technique O of O using O O residential O IP O addresses O , O using O Azure O infrastructure O within O close O proximity O to O victim O networks O O makes O it O difficult O for O investigators O to O differentiate O between O normal O user O activity O and O the O threat O O actor O ’s O activity O . O O 6/14 O O Compromised O WordPress O Sites O Hosting O Second O Stage O Payloads O O In O several O campaigns O by O the O actor O , O Mandiant O and O our O partners O identified O that O the O actor O was O O hosting O second O stage O payloads O as O encrypted O blobs O on O legitimate O websites O running O O WordPress O . O Mandiant O observed O at O least O two O separate O malware O families O attributed O to O the O O threat O actor O hosted O on O compromised O WordPress O sites O . O O TOR O , O VPS O and O VPN O Providers O O In O multiple O campaigns O by O the O threat O actor O , O Mandiant O witnessed O the O actor O use O a O mixture O of O O TOR O , O Virtual O Private O Servers O ( O VPS O ) O and O public O Virtual O Private O Networks O ( O VPN O ) O to O access O O victim O environments O . O In O a O particular O campaign O , O Mandiant O identified O that O the O threat O actor O O performed O initial O reconnaissance O via O a O VPS O provider O located O in O the O same O region O as O the O victim O . O O Mandiant O believes O a O misconfiguration O by O the O threat O actor O meant O that O the O VPN O services O O running O on O the O VPS O stopped O functioning O after O 8 O hours O . O Mandiant O was O then O able O to O identify O O numerous O TOR O exit O nodes O that O the O threat O actor O used O based O on O new O authentication O events O . O O Operational O Security O and O Planning O O Mandiant O identified O attempts O to O compromise O multiple O accounts O within O an O environment O and O O kept O use O of O each O account O separated O by O function O . O This O reduced O the O likelihood O that O detecting O O one O activity O could O expose O the O entire O scope O of O the O intrusion O . O Mandiant O found O evidence O that O the O O actor O compromised O multiple O accounts O and O used O one O for O the O sole O purpose O of O reconnaissance O , O O while O the O others O were O reserved O for O lateral O movement O within O the O organization O . O Mandiant O O previously O observed O this O threat O actor O using O strict O operational O security O to O use O specific O accounts O O and O systems O in O victim O environments O for O activities O that O are O often O higher O risk O , O such O as O data O theft O O and O large O - O scale O reconnaissance O . O O Once O within O an O environment O , O the O threat O actor O was O able O to O quickly O pivot O to O on O - O premises O O servers O and O crawl O these O servers O for O technical O documentation O and O credentials O . O From O this O O documentation O , O the O actor O was O able O to O identify O a O route O to O gain O access O to O their O ultimate O target O ’s O O network O . O This O reconnaissance O shows O that O the O threat O actor O had O a O clear O end O goal O in O mind O and O O were O able O to O identify O and O exploit O an O opportunity O to O obtain O required O intelligence O to O further O their O O goals O . O O Mandiant O also O observed O efforts O to O avoid O detection O by O circumventing O or O deleting O system O O logging O within O the O victim O ’s O environment O . O Namely O , O Mandiant O identified O the O threat O actor O disabling O O SysInternals O Sysmon O and O Splunk O Forwarders O on O victim O machines O that O they O accessed O via O O Microsoft O Remote O Desktop O in O addition O to O clearing O Windows O Event O Logs O . O O Malware O Descriptions O O 7/14 O O Cobalt O Strike O BEACON O : O Backdoor O written O in O C O / O C++ O that O is O part O of O the O Cobalt O Strike O O framework O . O Supported O backdoor O commands O include O shell O command O execution O , O file O transfer O , O O file O execution O , O and O file O management O . O BEACON O can O also O capture O keystrokes O and O screenshots O O as O well O as O act O as O a O proxy O server O . O BEACON O may O also O be O tasked O with O harvesting O system O O credentials O , O port O scanning O , O and O enumerating O systems O on O a O network O . O BEACON O communicates O O with O a O command O and O control O ( O C2 O ) O server O via O HTTP(S O ) O or O DNS O . O O CEELOADER O : O Downloader O written O in O C O programing O language O . O It O supports O shellcode O O payloads O that O are O executed O in O memory O . O An O obfuscation O tool O has O been O used O to O hide O the O code O O in O CEELOADER O in O between O large O blocks O of O junk O code O with O meaningless O calls O to O the O Windows O O API O . O The O meaningful O calls O to O the O Windows O API O are O hidden O within O obfuscated O wrapper O O functions O that O decrypt O the O name O of O the O API O and O dynamically O resolve O it O before O calling O . O O CEELOADER O communicates O via O HTTP O and O the O C2 O response O is O decrypted O using O AES-256 O in O O CBC O mode O . O Additionally O , O the O HTTP O request O contains O a O statically O defined O i O d O that O may O vary O from O O sample O to O sample O . O CEELOADER O does O not O contain O a O persistence O mechanism O . O O Attribution O O Mandiant O assesses O that O some O of O this O activity O is O UNC2652 O , O a O cluster O of O activity O observed O O targeting O diplomatic O entities O with O phishing O emails O containing O HTML O attachments O with O O malicious O JavaScript O , O ultimately O dropping O a O BEACON O launcher O . O O Mandiant O also O assesses O that O some O of O this O activity O is O UNC3004 O , O a O cluster O of O activity O observed O O targeting O both O government O and O business O entities O through O gaining O access O to O Cloud O Solution O O Providers O / O Managed O Service O Providers O to O gain O access O to O downstream O customers O . O O Microsoft O has O previously O reported O on O both O UNC2652 O and O UNC3004 O activity O and O links O it O to O O UNC2452 O , O the O group O behind O the O SolarWinds O compromise O , O under O the O name O “ O Nobelium O ” O . O While O O it O is O plausible O that O they O are O the O same O group O , O currently O , O Mandiant O does O not O have O enough O O evidence O to O make O this O determination O with O high O confidence O . O O Outlook O and O Implications O O This O intrusion O activity O reflects O a O well O - O resourced O threat O actor O set O operating O with O a O high O level O of O O concern O for O operational O security O . O The O abuse O of O a O third O party O , O in O this O case O a O CSP O , O can O facilitate O O access O to O a O wide O scope O of O potential O victims O through O a O single O compromise O . O Though O Mandiant O O can O not O currently O attribute O this O activity O with O higher O confidence O , O the O operational O security O O associated O with O this O intrusion O and O exploitation O of O a O third O party O is O consistent O with O the O tactics O O employed O by O the O actors O behind O the O SolarWinds O compromise O and O highlights O the O effectiveness O O of O leveraging O third O parties O and O trusted O vendor O relationships O to O carry O out O nefarious O operations O . O O Acknowledgements O O 8/14 O O Hundreds O of O consultants O , O analysts O and O reverse O engineers O have O been O working O together O to O O understand O and O track O these O security O incidents O over O the O past O year O . O This O larger O group O has O built O O a O baseline O of O knowledge O that O enables O us O to O continue O tracking O this O actor O . O We O would O like O to O O specifically O thank O Luis O Rocha O , O Marius O Fodoreanu O , O Mitchell O Clarke O , O Manfred O Erjak O , O Josh O O Madeley O , O Ashraf O Abdalhalim O and O Juraj O Sucik O from O Mandiant O Consulting O and O Wojciech O O Ledzion O , O Gabriella O Roncone O , O Jonathan O Leathery O and O Ben O Read O from O Mandiant O Intelligence O O for O their O assistance O in O writing O and O reviewing O this O blog O post O . O O Also O special O thanks O to O the O Microsoft O DART O and O MSTIC O teams O for O their O ongoing O collaboration O . O O Remediation O O Mandiant O recommends O that O organizations O review O and O implement O the O changes O suggested O in O O the O following O Mandiant O white O paper O which O was O recently O updated O to O include O advice O around O the O O Application O Impersonation O role O and O trust O relationships O with O Cloud O Service O Providers O and O their O O customers O . O O Technical O Highlights O to O Aid O Investigations O or O Hunting O O Recent O Staging O Directories O : O O % O PROGRAMFILES%\Microsoft O SQL O Server\ms O O % O WINDIR%\Temp O O % O WINDIR%\Temp\d O O Recent O Staging O Names O : O O d.7z O O vcredist.ps1 O O fc.r O O out O O d.ps1 O O d.z O O megatools.exe O O mt.exe O O mtt.exe O O ntds.dit O O handle64.exe O O movefile.exe O O diagview.dll O O diag.ps1 O O diag.bat O O Recent O Scheduled O Task O Names O : O O 9/14 O O Microsoft O Diagnostics O O Microsoft O Azure O Diagnostics O O Google O Chrome O Update O O Recent O Administrative O or O Utility O Tools O : O O Azure O Run O Command O O Sysinternals O Handle O O Sysinternals O MoveFile O O ntdsutil O O netstat O O net O O tasklist O O RAR O / O 7zip O O AADInternals O O vSphere O PowerCLI O O Sysinternals O Procdump O O Windows O Task O Manager O O Indicators O of O Compromise O O Hashes O for O Known O Activity O : O O diag.ps1 O ( O MD5 O : O 1d3e2742e922641b7063db8cafed6531 O ) O O BEACON.SMB O malware O connecting O to O O \\.\pipe\chrome.5687.8051.183894933787788877a1 O O vcredist.ps1 O ( O MD5 O : O 273ce653c457c9220ce53d0dfd3c60f1 O ) O O BEACON O malware O connecting O via O HTTPS O to O nordicmademedia[.]com O O logo.png O ( O MD5 O : O 3304036ac3bbf6cb2205e30226c89a1a O ) O O Hosted O on O http://23.106.123[.]15 O / O logo.png O O BEACON O malware O connected O via O HTTPS O to O O O LocalData.dll O ( O MD5 O : O 3633203d9a93fecfa9d4d9c06fc7fe36 O ) O O CEELOADER O malware O that O obtains O a O payload O from O O http://theandersonco[.]com O / O wp_info.php O O Unknown O ( O MD5 O : O e5aacf3103af27f9aaafa0a74b296d50 O ) O O BEACON O malware O connecting O via O HTTPS O to O nordicmademedia[.]com O O DiagView.dll O ( O MD5 O : O f3962456f7fc8d10644bf051ddb7c7ef O ) O O CEELOADER O malware O that O obtains O a O payload O from O O http://tomasubiera[.]com O / O wp_getcontent.php O O IP O Addresses O Used O for O Authenticating O Through O Public O VPN O Providers O : O O 10/14 O O Note O : O Mandiant O have O removed O anonymized O addresses O from O this O list O , O the O remaining O addresses O O are O from O legitimate O hosting O providers O . O O 20.52.144[.]179 O O 20.52.156[.]76 O O 20.52.47[.]99 O O 51.140.220[.]157 O O 51.104.51[.]92 O O 176.67.86[.]130 O O 176.67.86[.]52 O O IP O Addresses O Used O for O Authenticating O From O the O Mobile O Proxy O Providers O : O O 216.155.158[.]133 O O 63.75.244[.]119 O O 63.162.179[.]166 O O 63.162.179[.]94 O O 63.75.245[.]144 O O 63.75.245[.]239 O O 63.75.247[.]114 O O IP O Addresses O Used O for O Command O and O Control O : O O 91.234.254[.]144 O O 23.106.123[.]15 O O URL O Addresses O Used O for O Command O and O Control O : O O nordicmademedia[.]com O O stonecrestnews[.]com O O URL O Addresses O of O Compromised O WordPress O Sites O Hosting O CEELOADER O Payloads O : O O Note O : O Mandiant O believes O the O actor O hosted O a O malicious O payload O on O the O following O domains O . O O tomasubiera[.]com O O theandersonco[.]com O O MITRE O ATT&CK O Techniques O Observed O O ATT&CK O Tactic O Category O O Techniques O O 11/14 O O Resource O Development O O Acquire O Infrastructure O ( O T1583 O ) O O Virtual O Private O Server O ( O T1583.003 O ) O O Compromise O Infrastructure O ( O T1584 O ) O O Stage O Capabilities O ( O T1608 O ) O O Link O Target O ( O T1608.005 O ) O O Obtain O Capabilities O ( O T1588 O ) O O Digital O Certificates O ( O T1588.004 O ) O O Initial O Access O O Phishing O ( O T1566 O ) O O Spearphishing O Attachment O ( O T1566.001 O ) O O Spearphishing O Link O ( O T1566.002 O ) O O External O Remote O Services O ( O T1133 O ) O O Valid O Accounts O ( O T1078 O ) O O Trusted O Relationship O ( O T1199 O ) O O Execution O O User O Execution O ( O T1204 O ) O O Malicious O Link O ( O T1204.001 O ) O O Malicious O File O ( O T1204.002 O ) O O Command O and O Scripting O Interpreter O ( O T1059 O ) O O PowerShell O ( O T1059.001 O ) O O Windows O Command O Shell O ( O T1059.003 O ) O O JavaScript O ( O T1059.007 O ) O O Scheduled O Task O / O Job O ( O T1053 O ) O O Scheduled O task O ( O T1053.005 O ) O O Windows O Management O Instrumentation O ( O T1047 O ) O O Persistence O O Boot O or O Logon O Autostart O Execution O ( O T1547 O ) O O Registry O Run O Keys O / O Startup O Folder O ( O T1547.001 O ) O O Shortcut O Modification O ( O T1547.009 O ) O O Scheduled O Task O / O Job O ( O T1053 O ) O O Scheduled O task O ( O T1053.005 O ) O O External O Remote O Services O ( O T1133 O ) O O Valid O Accounts O ( O T1078 O ) O O Privilege O Escalation O O Process O Injection O ( O T1055 O ) O O Access O Token O Manipulation O ( O T1134 O ) O O Token O Impersonation O / O Theft O ( O T1134.001 O ) O O Boot O or O Logon O Autostart O Execution O ( O T1547 O ) O O Shortcut O Modification O ( O T1547.009 O ) O O Valid O Accounts O ( O T1078 O ) O O Scheduled O Task O ( O T1053 O ) O O Scheduled O task O ( O T1053.005 O ) O O 12/14 O O Defence O Evasion O O Process O Injection O ( O T1055 O ) O O Access O Token O manipulation O ( O T1145 O ) O O Indicator O Removal O on O Host O ( O T1070 O ) O O Hide O Artifacts O ( O T1564 O ) O O Hidden O window O ( O T1564.003 O ) O O Indicator O Removal O on O Host O ( O T1070 O ) O O Clear O Windows O Event O Logs O ( O T1070.001 O ) O O File O Deletion O ( O T1070.004 O ) O O Timestomp O ( O T1070.006 O ) O O Obfuscated O Files O or O information O ( O T1027 O ) O O Indicator O Removal O from O Tools O ( O T1027.005 O ) O O Virtualization O / O Sandbox O Evasion O ( O T1497 O ) O O System O Checks O ( O T1497.004 O ) O O Modify O Registry O ( O T1112 O ) O O Deobfuscate O / O Decode O Files O or O Information O ( O T1140 O ) O O Reflective O Code O Loading O ( O T1620 O ) O O Valid O Accounts O ( O T1078 O ) O O Credential O Access O O OS O Credential O Dumping O ( O T1003 O ) O O NTDS O ( O T1003.003 O ) O O Keylogging O ( O T1003.001 O ) O O Discovery O O System O Information O Discovery O ( O T1082 O ) O O File O and O Directory O Discovery O ( O T1083 O ) O O Account O Discovery O ( O T1087 O ) O O Local O Account O ( O T1087.001 O ) O O Domain O Account O ( O T1087.002 O ) O O System O Network O Configuration O Discovery O ( O T1016 O ) O O Virtualization O / O Sandbox O Evasion O ( O T1497 O ) O O System O Checks O ( O T1497.001 O ) O O System O Owner O / O User O Discovery O ( O T1033 O ) O O System O network O Connections O Discovery O ( O T1049 O ) O O Network O Service O Scanning O ( O T1046 O ) O O Process O Discovery O ( O T1057 O ) O O System O Service O Discovery O ( O T1007 O ) O O Permission O Groups O Discovery O ( O T1069 O ) O O Software O Discovery O ( O T1518 O ) O O Query O Registry O ( O T1012 O ) O O Lateral O Movement O O Remote O Services O ( O T1021 O ) O O Remote O Desktop O Protocol O ( O T1021.001 O ) O O SSH O ( O T1021.004 O ) O O 13/14 O O Collection O O Archive O Collected O Data O ( O T1560 O ) O O Archive O via O Utility O ( O T1560.001 O ) O O Data O from O Information O Repositories O ( O T1213 O ) O O Sharepoint O ( O T1213.002 O ) O O Input O Capture O ( O T1056 O ) O O Keylogging O ( O T1056.001 O ) O O Command O and O Control O O Web O Service O ( O T1102 O ) O O Application O Layer O Protocol O ( O T1071 O ) O O Web O Protocols O ( O T1071.001 O ) O O DNS O ( O T1071.004 O ) O O Encrypted O Channel O ( O T1573 O ) O O Asymmetric O Cryptography O ( O T1573.002 O ) O O Non O - O Application O layer O Protocol O ( O T1095 O ) O O Non O - O Standard O Port O ( O T1571 O ) O O Ingress O Tool O Transfer O ( O T1105 O ) O O Exfiltration O O Data O Transfer O Size O Limits O ( O T1030 O ) O O Impact O O Service O Stop O ( O T1489 O ) O O Discovery O O System O Network O Configuration O Discovery O ( O T1016 O ) O O Have O questions O ? O Let O 's O talk O . O O Mandiant O experts O are O ready O to O answer O your O questions O . O O Contact O Us O O 14/14 O