Sophisticated O APT29 B-THREAT_ACTOR Campaign O Abuses O Notion B-EXPLOIT_NAME API I-EXPLOIT_NAME to O O Target O the O European B-ORGANIZATION Commission I-ORGANIZATION O O O Gianluca O Tiepolo O O March B-DATE 30 I-DATE , I-DATE 2023 I-DATE O Gianluca O Tiepolo O O 1/9 O O Mar O 9 O O · O O 12 O min O read O O Research O by O Gianluca O Tiepolo O O A O map O of O Russia O , O as O imagined O by O DALL·E O O APT29 B-THREAT_ACTOR is O a O highly O sophisticated O Advanced O Persistent O Threat O ( O APT O ) O group O that O has O been O O attributed O to O Russia O ’s O Foreign O Intelligence O Service O ( O SVR O ) O . O The O group O has O been O active O O since O at O least O 2008 O and O has O been O involved O in O a O wide O range O of O espionage O and O cyber O - O attack O O campaigns O targeting O governments O , O military O organizations O , O defense O contractors O , O and O O various O industries O in O the O United O States O , O Europe O , O and O Asia O . O O APT29 B-THREAT_ACTOR is O also O known O as O NOBELIUM B-THREAT_ACTOR ( O Microsoft B-ORGANIZATION ) O , O Cozy B-THREAT_ACTOR Bear B-THREAT_ACTOR ( O Crowdstrike B-ORGANIZATION ) O , O The B-THREAT_ACTOR Dukes B-THREAT_ACTOR O ( O Kaspersky B-ORGANIZATION ) O , O JACKMACKEREL B-THREAT_ACTOR ( O iDefense B-ORGANIZATION ) O , O BlueBravo B-THREAT_ACTOR ( O Recorded B-ORGANIZATION Future B-ORGANIZATION ) O and O UNC2452 B-THREAT_ACTOR O ( O FireEye B-ORGANIZATION ) O . O O The O group O is O known O for O its O subtle O and O sophisticated O tradecraft O in O stealing O geopolitical O O intelligence O : O unlike O other O Russian O state O - O sponsored O groups O such O as O APT28 B-THREAT_ACTOR or O Sandworm B-THREAT_ACTOR , O O APT29 B-THREAT_ACTOR has O not O been O linked O to O destructive O operations O and O operates O with O much O more O O discretion O . O O The O group O has O been O attributed O to O a O number O of O high O - O profile O cyberattacks O , O including O : O O APT29 B-THREAT_ACTOR was O one O of O the O two O Russian O groups O responsible O for O the O cyberattack O on O the O DNC B-ORGANIZATION O during O the O 2016 O U.S. O presidential O election O . O The O group O gained O access O to O the O DNC B-ORGANIZATION ’s O O email O system O and O stole O sensitive O information O , O which O was O subsequently O leaked O to O the O O public O . O O APT29 B-THREAT_ACTOR was O attributed O to O the O highly O sophisticated O supply O chain O attack O against O O SolarWinds O , O a O leading O IT O management O software O provider O . O The O attack O allowed O the O group O O to O gain O access O to O the O systems O of O several O U.S. O government O agencies O , O including O the O O Department O of O Justice O , O the O Department O of O State O , O and O the O Department O of O Homeland O O Security O . O O In O May O 2021 O , O it O was O revealed O that O APT29 B-THREAT_ACTOR was O responsible O for O a O large O - O scale O cyberattack O on O O multiple O U.S. O government O agencies O and O private O companies O , O including O Microsoft B-ORGANIZATION . O The O group O O used O a O compromised O email O marketing O system O to O send O spear O - O phishing O emails O to O over O 3,000 O O individual O accounts O , O resulting O in O the O installation O of O a O backdoor O that O allowed O the O attackers O to O O 2/9 O O gain O access O to O the O victims O ’ O networks O . O The O group O has O also O been O linked O to O other O significant O O cyberattacks O , O including O the O theft O of O COVID-19 O research O from O U.S.-based O pharmaceutical O O companies O . O O Overall O , O APT29 B-THREAT_ACTOR is O one O of O the O most O sophisticated O and O well O - O resourced O APT O groups O in O the O world O , O O and O its O TTPs O are O constantly O evolving O and O changing O . O O Tactics O , O Techniques O , O and O Procedures O O APT29 B-THREAT_ACTOR is O known O for O its O patient O and O persistent O targeting O of O its O victims O , O often O using O multi O - O stage O O attacks O that O take O weeks O or O even O months O to O complete O . O Following O is O a O list O of O the O group O ’s O most O O notable O TTPs O : O O the O group O uses O highly O targeted O and O convincing O spear O - O phishing O emails O to O gain O access O to O O a O target O ’s O system O . O These O emails O are O usually O tailored O to O the O recipient O ’s O interests O and O O appear O to O come O from O a O trusted O source O . O O APT29 B-THREAT_ACTOR has O also O been O known O to O use O watering O hole O attacks O , O where O the O group O O compromises O a O trusted O website O frequented O by O the O target O , O and O then O injects O malware O into O O the O site O to O infect O visitors O . O O APT29 B-THREAT_ACTOR uses O highly O customized O malware O , O such O as O “ O SeaDuke O ” O and O “ O CosmicDuke O , O ” O that O O are O designed O to O evade O detection O and O maintain O persistence O on O the O target O system O . O The O O group O is O also O known O to O use O well O - O known O tools O like O “ O Cobalt O Strike O ” O and O “ O PowerShell O O Empire O ” O . O O the O group O is O known O for O its O use O of O zero O - O day O exploits O to O gain O access O to O target O systems O . O For O O example O , O APT29 B-THREAT_ACTOR has O been O known O to O use O exploits O for O popular O software O like O Microsoft B-ORGANIZATION O Office O and O Adobe O Flash O . O O APT29 B-THREAT_ACTOR often O uses O “ O ” O tactics O , O where O the O group O uses O legitimate O tools O and O techniques O that O O are O already O present O on O the O target O system O to O evade O detection O . O This O can O include O tools O like O O , O , O and O . O O In O this O particular O research O , O I O focused O on O analyzing O APT29 B-THREAT_ACTOR ’s O command O - O and O - O control O O capabilities O . O O Command O & O Control O O This O threat O group O has O a O history O of O using O trusted O and O legitimate O cloud O services O ( O such O as O O social O media O services O and O Google O Drive O ) O for O their O cyber O attacks O in O an O attempt O to O blend O into O O normal O network O traffic O and O evade O detection O . O Malware O distributed O by O APT29 B-THREAT_ACTOR also O contains O O the O ability O to O exfiltrate O data O over O those O same O C2 O channels O . O For O example O : O O The O group O ’s O malware O searched O for O specific O that O contained O URLs O to O access O C2 O servers O . O O APT29 B-THREAT_ACTOR ’s O and O malware O also O have O the O ability O to O use O to O obtain O C2 O URLs O , O as O well O as O other O O social O media O services O like O and O O 3/9 O O APT29 B-THREAT_ACTOR ’s O backdoor O uses O , O , O and O for O C2 O communication O . O O APT29 B-THREAT_ACTOR has O also O utilized O custom O encryption O methods O , O such O as O those O found O in O the O group O ’s O O SeaDuke O malware O where O a O unique O fingerprint O was O generated O for O the O infected O host O and O O Base64 O encoding O and O RC4 O / O AES O encryption O was O used O to O layer O data O during O communications O O with O their O C2 O server O . O The O group O has O also O employed O techniques O such O as O “ O domain O fronting O ” O and O O TOR O obfuscation O plugins O to O create O encrypted O network O tunnels O . O O Using O social O networks O for O C2 O communications O is O not O an O entirely O new O technique O : O other O O Russian O groups O such O as O Turla O ( O Venomous O Bear O ) O leveraged O comments O posted O to O Instagram O O to O obtain O the O address O of O its O command O and O control O servers O . O O Source O : O FireEye O , O Stealthy O Tactics O Define O a O Russian O Cyber O Threat O Group O , O 2015 O O APT29 B-THREAT_ACTOR was O spotted O using O Twitter O to O control O infected O machines O as O early O as O 2015 O : O in O the O O HAMMERTOSS O campaign O , O the O group O was O able O to O receive O commands O and O send O stolen O data O O through O the O popular O social O network O , O which O allowed O them O to O evade O detection O by O security O O solutions O that O did O not O monitor O social O media O traffic O . O O EnvyScout O O In O a O more O recent O campaign O dating O back O to O June O 2021 O , O APT29 B-THREAT_ACTOR targeted O Italy O diplomatic O O organizations O with O a O spear O phishing O campaign O that O distributed O the O EnvyScout O backdoor O . O O C2 O communication O through O Slack O O The O backdoor O first O calls O a O function O to O create O a O custom O Slack O channel O , O adding O the O attacker O ’s O O user O ID O to O the O newly O created O channel O . O The O backdoor O gets O the O user O name O and O hostname O of O the O O victim O host O , O adds O 4 O random O numbers O to O form O the O name O of O the O channel O , O and O sends O an O HTTP O O request O with O an O authorization O token O to O the O Slack O API O . O After O the O channel O is O established O , O the O O backdoor O enters O an O infinite O loop O : O it O uses O the O “ O chat.postMessage O ” O API O request O to O send O a O O beacon O message O to O the O newly O created O channel O and O it O receives O a O response O with O a O list O of O O additional O files O and O payloads O that O are O downloaded O and O executed O on O the O target O machine O . O O Beatdrop O O In O mid O - O January O 2022 O , O APT29 B-THREAT_ACTOR launched O yet O another O spear O phishing O campaign O targeting O a O O diplomatic O entity O , O which O was O detected O and O responded O to O by O Mandiant O . O During O the O O investigation O , O Mandiant O discovered O that O the O malicious O emails O were O used O to O distribute O the O O BEATDROP O and O BOOMMIC O downloaders O . O O BEATDROP O is O a O downloader O written O in O C O that O leverages O Trello O for O Command O - O and O - O Control O O ( O C2 O ) O communication O . O Trello O is O a O web O - O based O project O management O application O that O allows O O users O to O organize O tasks O and O projects O using O customizable O boards O , O lists O , O and O cards O . O O 4/9 O O When O executed O , O BEATDROP O maps O its O own O copy O of O ntdll.dll O into O memory O to O execute O O shellcode O in O its O own O process O . O It O creates O a O suspended O thread O , O then O enumerates O the O system O for O O the O username O , O computer O name O , O and O IP O address O to O create O a O victim O ID O . O This O victim O ID O is O used O O by O BEATDROP O to O store O and O retrieve O victim O payloads O from O its O C2 O . O Once O the O victim O ID O is O O created O , O BEATDROP O sends O an O initial O request O to O Trello O to O determine O if O the O current O victim O has O O already O been O compromised O . O The O shellcode O payload O is O then O retrieved O from O Trello O and O is O O targeted O for O each O victim O . O Once O the O payload O has O been O retrieved O , O it O is O deleted O from O Trello O . O O Notion O for O C2 O Communication O O In O October O 2022 O , O ESET O Research O discovered O a O sample O uploaded O to O VirusTotal O that O closely O O resembled O what O APT29 B-THREAT_ACTOR had O used O a O few O months O ago O , O with O the O key O difference O being O that O it O O used O Notion O , O a O cloud O - O based O note O - O taking O software O platform O , O for O Command O - O and O - O Control O O ( O C&C O ) O communications O . O O Notion B-SOFTWARE API O can O be O abused O for O C2 O communications O by O embedding O the O commands O into O the O O Notion O workspace O , O which O is O accessed O by O the O malware O as O if O it O were O a O legitimate O user O . O This O O misuse O of O Notion O allows O the O threat O actors O to O evade O detection O and O bypass O security O O controls O , O as O the O traffic O between O the O malware O and O the O Notion O server O is O likely O to O be O perceived O O as O legitimate O traffic O . O O ESET O researchers O suspect O that O the O downloader O deployed O in O this O particular O campaign O was O O designed O to O gather O and O execute O additional O malicious O payloads O , O such O as O Cobalt O Strike O . O The O O campaign O has O been O analyzed O in O more O detail O by O researchers O at O Hive O Pro O and O Recorded O O Future O , O which O identify O the O sample O as O the O GraphicalNeutrino O malware O . O O According O to O Recorded O Future O , O APT29 B-THREAT_ACTOR utilized O a O compromised O website O with O a O lure O text O of O O “ O Ambassador O ’s O schedule O November O 2022 O ” O to O distribute O the O ZIP O file O “ O O ” O , O suggesting O O that O the O targets O of O the O campaign O are O related O to O embassy O staff O or O an O ambassador O . O O GraphicalNeutrino O , O the O malware O used O in O the O operation O , O serves O as O a O loader O with O basic O C2 O O capabilities O and O employs O various O anti O - O analysis O techniques O to O avoid O detection O , O including O API O O unhooking O and O sandbox O evasion O . O O GraphicalNeutrino O artifact O — O 140runtime.dll O O After O establishing O persistence O , O the O malware O decrypts O several O strings O , O including O a O Notion B-SOFTWARE API O O key O and O a O database O identifier O , O and O calculates O a O unique O ID O for O the O victim O based O on O their O O username O and O hostname O . O It O then O uses O Notion B-SOFTWARE ’s O API O for O C2 O communication O to O deliver O O additional O payloads O to O the O victim O ’s O machine O . O O For O each O request O to O the O C2 O , O GraphicalNeutrino O parses O the O JSON O - O formatted O response O and O O searches O for O a O “ O file O ” O array O ; O if O the O array O is O not O empty O , O then O the O malware O will O parse O out O the O URL O O field O , O download O the O file O and O decrypt O it O using O a O custom O cipher O . O Once O the O shellcode O is O O decrypted O , O it O is O indirectly O spawned O in O a O new O thread O . O O 5/9 O O A O sample O response O from O Notion O C2 O O The O use O of O diplomatic O lures O during O times O of O heightened O geopolitical O tensions O , O such O as O the O O ongoing O war O in O Ukraine O , O is O likely O to O be O effective O for O Russian O APT O groups O , O given O the O potential O O impact O of O information O gathered O from O compromised O entities O or O individuals O on O Russian O O foreign O policy O and O strategic O decision O - O making O processes O . O It O is O perhaps O for O this O reason O that O O APT29 B-THREAT_ACTOR adopted O the O same O tactics O — O in O particular O the O stealthy O C2 O communication O through O O Notion O — O for O its O next O big O campaign O , O this O time O targeting O the O European B-ORGANIZATION Commission I-ORGANIZATION . O O Attack O against O the O European B-ORGANIZATION Commission I-ORGANIZATION O In O this O final O section O of O the O blog O post O , O I O ’m O dissecting O a O previously O undisclosed O campaign O O attributed O to O APT29 B-THREAT_ACTOR which O targeted O the O European B-ORGANIZATION Commission I-ORGANIZATION . O The O previous O introduction O to O O the O group O ’s O TTPs O and O campaigns O will O hopefully O be O beneficial O to O the O reader O , O as O this O attack O O shares O quite O a O few O similarities O with O the O GraphicalNeutrino O campaign O that O was O exposed O by O O Recorded O Future O . O O Initial O Access O O Beginning O mid O - O February O 2023 O , O a O spear O phishing O campaign O targeted O a O number O of O email O O addresses O related O to O members O of O the O European B-ORGANIZATION Commission I-ORGANIZATION . O The O attack O involved O the O O distribution O of O a O malicious O .iso O image O that O contained O a O new O sample O of O the O VaporRage O O downloader O . O Once O executed O , O the O malware O was O observed O exploiting O the O Notion B-EXPLOIT_NAME API I-EXPLOIT_NAME to O deploy O O Cobalt O Strike O beacons O . O O Execution O flow O for O the O attack O targeting O the O European B-ORGANIZATION Commission I-ORGANIZATION O The O first O phishing O email O , O sent O on O the O 13th O February O 2023 O , O masqueraded O as O an O administrative O O notice O related O to O documents O available O to O download O from O eTrustEx O , O a O web O based O exchange O O platform O that O ensures O secure O transmission O of O documents O between O members O of O the O O Commission O . O The O decoy O emails O are O written O in O English O and O were O delivered O to O an O extremely O O targeted O number O of O key O people O that O use O the O eTrustEx O platform O . O O Lure O email O delivered O to O the O European B-ORGANIZATION Commission I-ORGANIZATION O In O addition O , O I O noticed O that O in O different O samples O of O the O email O , O the O senders O are O probably O O compromised O email O accounts O belonging O to O legitimate O government O organizations O . O This O could O O lead O victims O to O believe O that O the O emails O came O from O reliable O partners O , O making O it O more O likely O for O O recipients O to O click O on O the O links O . O O When O the O link O is O opened O , O the O victim O is O redirected O to O a O malicious O HTML O page O hosted O at O O hxxps://literaturaelsalvador[.]com O / O Instructions.html O which O makes O use O of O a O O technique O known O as O HTML O Smuggling O to O download O an O ISO O image O to O the O target O system O . O I O O believe O that O this O domain O is O not O actor O - O owned O but O has O been O compromised O , O which O aligns O with O O previous O APT29 B-THREAT_ACTOR activity O . O O 6/9 O O Lure O website O O The O ISO O file O is O set O to O auto O - O download O when O the O website O is O visited O by O the O victim O ; O this O is O O achieved O through O the O following O JavaScript O code O . O The O contents O of O Instructions.iso O is O stored O O in O the O d O variable O . O O JS O Code O which O downloads O the O first O - O stage O payload O O Execution O O Once O the O file O has O been O written O to O disk O , O when O a O user O double O - O clicks O on O it O in O Windows O 10 O or O later O , O O the O image O is O mounted O and O the O folder O contents O is O displayed O in O Windows O Explorer O . O The O ISO O O contains O two O files O — O a O Windows O shortcut O file O ( O Instructions.lnk O ) O and O a O malicious O DLL O O ( O BugSplatRc64.dll O ) O . O O If O the O user O clicks O on O the O LNK O file O , O the O following O command O runs O , O unintentionally O triggering O the O O execution O of O the O malicious O DLL O . O O Execution O of O the O malicious O DLL O O Using O LNK O shortcuts O to O execute O malicious O DLLs O is O a O technique O that O has O been O associated O to O O APT29 B-THREAT_ACTOR in O a O number O of O campaigns O . O In O this O particular O scenario O , O I O recognized O the O sample O as O O VaporRage O , O a O downloader O that O has O been O used O by O APT29 B-THREAT_ACTOR since O 2021 O . O O Persistence O O When O executed O with O the O InitiateDs O export O , O VaporRage O first O runs O a O few O reconnaissance O O commands O and O generates O a O host O - O id O by O hex O - O encoding O the O DNS O domain O and O username O . O Then O , O O it O creates O a O copy O of O itself O at O : O O C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\DsDiBacks\BugSplatRc64.dll O O VaporRage O creates O a O copy O of O itself O O VaporRage O then O establishes O persistence O on O the O compromised O system O by O creating O a O registry O O run O key O located O at O : O \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\DsDiBacks O . O O VaporRage O establishes O persistence O through O a O registry O key O O Command O and O Control O O As O I O anticipated O at O the O start O of O this O post O , O the O VaporRage O sample O delivered O in O the O execution O O chain O leverages O its O command O - O and O - O control O by O communicating O over O HTTPS O using O Notion O O APIs O . O Notion O ’s O database O feature O is O also O used O to O store O victim O information O and O stage O further O O payloads O for O download O . O O PCAP O collected O during O C2 O communication O O 7/9 O O Based O on O my O observations O , O this O VaporRage O sample O periodically O executes O a O POST O request O to O O the O Notion B-EXPLOIT_NAME API I-EXPLOIT_NAME to O check O the O availability O of O a O second O - O stage O malware O payload O , O which O is O then O O retrieved O and O executed O in O memory O . O In O this O particular O campaign O , O APT29 B-THREAT_ACTOR used O VaporRage O to O O distribute O Cobalt O Strike O beacons O to O further O establish O a O foothold O within O the O environment O . O O Following O is O a O sample O POST O request O towards O O ( O 104[.]18.42.99 O ): O O POST O /v1 O / O databases/37089abc0926463182bb5343bce252cc O / O query O HTTP/1.1 O O content O - O type O : O application O / O json O O accept O : O application O / O json O O notion O - O version O : O 2022 O - O 06 O - O 28 O O authorization O : O Bearer O secret_X92sXCVWoTk63aPgGKlPBBmHVmuKXJ2geugKa7Ogj7s O O User O - O Agent O : O Mozilla/5.0 O ( O Windows O NT O 6.3 O ; O WOW64 O ) O AppleWebKit/537.36 O ( O KHTML O , O like O O Gecko O ) O Chrome/35.0.1916.114 O Safari/537.36 O O Host O : O O O Content O - O Length O : O 79 O O Connection O : O Keep O - O Alive O O Cache O - O Control O : O no O - O cache O O { O " O filter":{"property":"Name","rich_text":{"equals":"VKoMr3830"}},"page_size":1 O } O O This O technique O exemplifies O APT29 B-THREAT_ACTOR ’s O ongoing O attempts O to O obscure O its O actions O and O maintain O O continuous O access O to O target O systems O . O This O has O been O documented O thoroughly O by O Mandiant O , O O who O have O described O APT29 B-THREAT_ACTOR using O a O variety O of O techniques O , O including O scheduled O tasks O , O run O O keys O , O malicious O certificates O , O and O in O - O memory O backdoors O , O sometimes O utilizing O multiple O O methods O for O each O target O . O O Overall O , O the O use O of O cloud O services O such O as O Trello O and O Notion O for O C2 O communications O not O O only O provides O a O threat O actor O with O increased O capabilities O for O evasion O of O network O security O O controls O , O but O also O increases O resilience O to O law O enforcement O takedowns O : O social O media O and O cloud O O services O are O often O hosted O on O multiple O servers O and O locations O , O making O it O more O difficult O for O O authorities O to O take O down O the O entire O platform O . O This O means O that O the O threat O actor O can O continue O to O O use O the O platform O for O C2 O communications O even O if O some O servers O are O taken O down O . O These O O advantages O make O it O an O attractive O option O for O threat O groups O such O as O APT29 B-THREAT_ACTOR to O conduct O their O O malicious O activities O . O O Conclusions O O The O range O of O tactics O , O techniques O , O and O procedures O ( O TTPs O ) O used O by O APT29 B-THREAT_ACTOR in O this O campaign O O supports O the O conclusion O that O their O objective O is O to O establish O numerous O means O of O long O - O term O O access O to O facilitate O espionage O - O related O intelligence O gathering O within O the O targeted O O government O entities O ’ O victim O networks O . O Nations O that O have O a O connection O to O the O Ukraine O crisis O , O O specifically O those O with O significant O geopolitical O , O economic O , O or O military O ties O to O Russia O or O Ukraine O , O O face O a O heightened O risk O of O being O targeted O by O APT29 B-THREAT_ACTOR . O O 8/9 O O This O threat O group O has O shown O an O impressive O ability O to O adapt O swiftly O during O their O operations O . O O They O use O innovative O and O unique O methods O to O circumvent O detection O and O authentication O O requirements O in O their O target O environments O . O In O their O recent O operations O , O the O group O has O O demonstrated O a O deep O understanding O of O operational O security O , O enabling O them O to O move O O seamlessly O between O on O - O premises O and O cloud O resources O with O minimal O use O of O malware O . O These O O factors O , O combined O with O their O advanced O malware O development O skills O , O long O history O of O O operations O , O and O extended O time O on O targets O , O indicate O that O APT29 B-THREAT_ACTOR is O a O well O - O funded O and O O exceptionally O sophisticated O actor O and O will O definitely O continue O to O be O a O threat O during O 2023 O . O O IOCs O O Following O is O a O list O of O indicators O associated O to O this O campaign O . O O Domains O hxxps://literaturaelsalvador[.]com O / O instructions.html O O hxxps://api[.]notion[.]com O / O v1 O / O databases/37089abc0926463182bb5343bce252cc O / O query O O IPs O O 108[.]167.180.186 O O 104[.]18.42.99 O O Files O — O SHA256 O O 21a0b617431850a9ea2698515c277cbd95de4e59c493d0d8f194f3808eb16354 O O ( O Instructions.iso O ) O O e957326b2167fa7ccd508cbf531779a28bfce75eb2635ab81826a522979aeb98 O O ( O BugSplatRc64.dll O ) O O About O the O Author O — O Gianluca O Tiepolo O O I O ’m O a O cybersecurity O researcher O who O specializes O in O digital O forensics O and O incident O response O for O O the O telecommunications O industry O . O Over O the O past O 12 O years O , O by O working O as O a O consultant O I O have O O performed O forensic O analysis O , O threat O hunting O , O incident O response O , O and O Cyber O Threat O Intelligence O O analysis O for O dozens O of O organizations O , O including O several O Fortune O ® O 100 O companies O . O In O 2013 O , O I O O co O - O founded O the O startup O Sixth O Sense O Solutions O , O which O developed O AI O - O based O antifraud O solutions O . O O Today O , O I O work O as O a O Cyber O Threat O Intelligence O ( O CTI O ) O Team O Lead O for O Accenture O Security O . O O I O love O writing O and O sharing O my O knowledge O : O in O 2016 O I O authored O the O book O “ O Getting O Started O with O O RethinkDB O ” O , O and O in O 2022 O I O wrote O “ O iOS O Forensics O for O Investigators O ” O , O both O published O by O Packt O O Publishing O . O O 9/9 O