Related O news O O O O May B-DATE 28 I-DATE , I-DATE 2020 I-DATE O government B-SECTOR O Israeli O official O confirms O attempted O cyberattack O on O water O systems O O Israeli O cyber O chief O Yigal O Unna O ( O ICT O ) O . O O Written O by O Sean O Lyngaas O O May B-DATE 28 I-DATE , I-DATE 2020 I-DATE | O CYBERSCOOP B-ORGANIZATION O Israel B-GEO_LOCATION last O month O thwarted O a O cyberattack O on O control O systems O at O water B-SECTOR facilities I-SECTOR , O a O O senior O government B-SECTOR official O said O Thursday O while O warning O of O the O dangers O of O escalating O conflicts O O in O cyberspace O . O O The O “ O synchronized O and O organized O attack O ” O on O civilian O infrastructure O was O aimed O at O disrupting O O the O industrial O computers O that O underpin O Israeli O water B-SECTOR facilities I-SECTOR , O said O Yigal O Unna O , O head O of O Israel B-GEO_LOCATION ’s O O National B-ORGANIZATION Cyber I-ORGANIZATION Directorate I-ORGANIZATION , O in O the O most O extensive O public O comments O from O an O Israeli O official O yet O O on O the O incident O . O Damage O could O have O been O done O to O those O systems O if O Israeli O authorities O had O n’t O O foiled O the O attack O , O Unna O claimed O . O O “ O We O ’re O now O in O the O middle O of O preparing O for O the O next O phase O [ O of O attacks O ] O to O come O — O because O it O O will O come O eventually O , O ” O he O said O in O a O speech O streamed O at O the O CybertechLive O Asia O conference O . O O 1/2 O O Public O details O on O the O attack O are O scarce O , O as O Israeli O officials O have O not O released O forensic O data O in O O connection O with O the O incident O . O The O Israeli O cyber O directorate O issued O a O terse O statement O in O late O O April O about O attempted O breaches O of O water O pumping O stations O and O treatment O plants O , O and O urged O O companies O in O the O sector O to O take O defensive O measures O . O O Multiple O media O reports O blamed O Iran B-THREAT_ACTOR for O the O malicious O activity O . O ( O CyberScoop B-ORGANIZATION could O not O O independently O confirm O this O attribution O . O ) O The O Iranian O government B-SECTOR has O denied O involvement O . O O Unna O acknowledged O the O suggestions O , O but O did O not O specifically O blame O Iran B-THREAT_ACTOR . O O “ O We O are O not O attributing O or O saying O anything O officially O about O who O ’s O behind O it O , O ” O he O said O . O “ O But O it O ’s O O not O a O gang O , O it O ’s O not O a O cybercrime O group O . O They O gain O nothing O from O it O . O ” O O In O retaliation O , O Israeli B-THREAT_ACTOR hackers I-THREAT_ACTOR breached O computers O at O an O Iranian O shipping O port O in O early O O May O , O according O to O a O Washington B-ORGANIZATION Post I-ORGANIZATION report O . O O After O mentioning O that O report O , O Unna O suggested O that O Israel B-GEO_LOCATION may O have O hit O back O at O Iran B-THREAT_ACTOR for O the O O cyberattack O . O “ O Maybe O and O maybe O not O , O ” O he O said O . O “ O It O seems O like O there O are O new O rules O of O O engagement O , O rules O of O war O ” O in O cyberspace O . O O Galina O Antova O , O co O - O founder O of O industrial O cybersecurity O company O Claroty B-ORGANIZATION , O said O the O O attempted O cyberattack O on O Israeli O water O systems O “ O highlights O that O while O water O infrastructure O O typically O eludes O the O public O ’s O attention O as O a O major O source O of O cyber O risk O , O it O remains O susceptible O O to O both O targeted O and O non O - O targeted O threats O . O ” O O Israel B-GEO_LOCATION and O Iran B-THREAT_ACTOR — O two O bitter O enemies O — O have O long O conducted O cyber O - O operations O against O each O O other O as O part O of O a O broader O regional O conflict O . O More O than O a O decade O ago O , O suspected O U.S. O and O O Israeli O intelligence O operatives O used O the O Stuxnet B-EXPLOIT_NAME computer O worm O to O sabotage O centrifuges O at O an O O Iranian O nuclear O facility O . O O The O coronavirus O pandemic O has O reaffirmed O that O hackers O are O unwilling O to O refrain O from O attacking O O critical O infrastructure O , O Unna O said O . O O Red O lines O will O continue O to O be O crossed O , O he O said O , O referring O to O recent O cyberattacks O on O the O Czech O O health O care O sector O . O “ O Cyber O winter O is O coming O and O coming O faster O than O even O I O suspected O . O ” O O 2/2 O